4 values
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[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Musculoskeletal conditions are commonly seen in health care practices and have been identified as the leading cause of chronic health problems, long term disability and consultations with health professionals in Canada [##REF##2944216##1##, ####REF##17124551##2##, ##REF##7791173##3####7791173##3##]. Given the fact that many of these conditions are associated with aging (i.e. osteoporosis, osteoarthritis), this burden on society is estimated to increase in the future as the proportion of elderly individuals increases [##REF##1444632##4##]. A 2007 Statistics Canada report revealed that 13.7% of Canadians are 65 years of age or older with the fastest growing group being those between 55–64 years of age [##UREF##0##5##]. In 1998, it was estimated that musculoskeletal issues accounted for approximately 20% of the daily care administered by family practitioners [##REF##12730505##6##]. However, it is also known that signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal conditions may be under diagnosed by primary care physicians as it has been suggested that the examination of this system is often omitted from routine patient assessments [##REF##12730505##6##,##REF##8311541##7##]. This may be related to the notion that some primary care physicians may not feel that, for the most part, they can alter the clinical course by early detection, such as may be the case in osteoarthritis. Studies of medical students and practicing physicians have cited a lack of interest and/or a lack of perceived importance of the musculoskeletal system, time constraints and an overall lack of confidence in providing assessment as reasons for the discomfort with managing patient musculoskeletal conditions [##REF##12730505##6##,##REF##8882045##8##, ####REF##12421993##9##, ##REF##1586238##10##, ##REF##2352196##11##, ##REF##9632059##12####9632059##12##].</p>", "<p>Given the gap between the incidence and diagnosis of musculoskeletal diseases in the primary care population, a simple screening exam may enable practitioners to accurately identify abnormalities of this system. The GALS locomotor screening exam, an acronym that stands for Gait, Arms, Legs and Spine, has been developed by Doherty and colleagues in response to this need [##REF##1444632##4##]. This 3-minute examination consists of three questions about pain, difficulty dressing and difficulty with stairs, followed by assessment of the appearance and movement of the four regions. Although it cannot be considered a substitute for a more detailed locomotor exam, it may be useful as a diagnostic tool for the identification of musculoskeletal abnormalities and possible subsequent early intervention.</p>", "<p>To date, the GALS exam is primarily carried out by rheumatologists or musculoskeletal specialists as a teaching tool [##REF##12421993##9##,##REF##10976078##13##]. However, its introduction to the medical school curriculum in Britain and recently in Canada has proven to be beneficial. Medical students taught the GALS examination reported feeling more confident when assessing the locomotor system and, when evaluated by rheumatology consultants in an examination, performed the screen with the same degree of skill as other clinical areas (i.e. chest examination, blood pressure) [##REF##10976078##13##,##UREF##1##14##]. The GALS screening exam is ideally suited for the family physician who has the opportunity, as a first contact in the health care system, to identify musculoskeletal disorders since it can be easily incorporated into a routine physical exam. However, while the examination is proven to be both valid and reliable when conducted by specialists in rheumatology, its effectiveness in the primary care setting has not yet been determined [##REF##8311541##7##,##REF##17013854##15##]. The aims of this pilot study were 1) to evaluate the accuracy of the GALS examination by primary care physicians as compared to rheumatologists; 2) to test a sampling frame method for participant recruitment and 3) to determine if the instructional DVD is sufficient in teaching the GALS exam.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Participants</title>", "<p>Potential study participants from a local academic family practice clinic were selected through a database generated from the electronic medical record, Open Source Clinical Applications Resource (OSCAR) [##UREF##2##16##]. This is a large family practice centre which is representative of the general population. All patients 65 years of age and older who were capable of giving informed consent were considered eligible to participate, regardless of their medical history. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-9) codes were known for each potential study participant in the OSCAR database. The intention was to select approximately half of the subject population with no record of ICD-9 code between 710 and 739 (Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue) with the other half having such a record. A list of approximately 261 eligible patients was generated by the database manager and given to the study co-coordinator who was responsible for mailing information letters to all eligible participants. The first 50 patients with no known musculoskeletal disorders and the first 50 patients with known musculoskeletal disorders who positively responded to a follow-up telephone call inviting them to participate were to comprise the study population. Those willing to take part in the study were then scheduled for a one hour appointment on one of three study days.</p>", "<p>To estimate sample size we attempted to estimate the reliability coefficient with as much accuracy as possible to be certain that the true reliability coefficient was reasonably close to the estimate. We hypothesized that an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) between the two groups of physicians (family physicians and rheumatologists) was approximately 0.7. Based on the equation derived from Bonett, we determined that 100 subjects would be needed for an estimated ICC of 0.7 and precision ± 0.10 [##REF##12111881##17##]. Thus, recruitment was closed once the target convenience sample of 100 subjects was achieved. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Board at Hamilton Health Sciences and McMaster University.</p>", "<title>Physician Participation</title>", "<p>Four rheumatologists (AC, RB, PB, WK) agreed to participate in this validation study, all of whom had previous experience using the GALS exam in routine clinical practice. Three family physicians (IB, DC, IS), all members of the Canadian College of Family Physicians (CCFP), from the Stonechurch Family Health Centre also volunteered to participate in the study. Participating family physicians had never been previously exposed to or received training on the GALS examination. An instructional DVD of the GALS exam, endorsed by the Canadian Rheumatology Association, was used as the primary teaching method and was distributed to each family physician 2 months prior to conducting the study. This DVD, which takes approximately five minutes to review, demonstrates a rheumatologist performing the exam, as well as 3 case studies on adult patients with specific abnormalities. All of the family physicians received a call one week prior to the scheduled physical exam date to clarify any questions regarding the exam. No additional training was provided.</p>", "<title>Study Procedures</title>", "<p>Each study participant was assessed by one family physician and one rheumatologist, both of whom were blinded to the medical history of the patient. Family physicians and rheumatologists examined the patients immediately following one another on the same exam day. During the examination, physicians posed three questions to each participant and then proceeded to score each of the 7 components of the GALS examination as being either abnormal or normal as shown in Table ##TAB##0##1##. Details about what features of each of the GALS components were examined and assessed to yield a normal or abnormal appearance or movement are shown in Table ##TAB##1##2##. All examiners were blinded as to the assessments of the other physicians. Family physicians were asked to check the appropriate box in the record form (abnormality: yes or no) and document the observed abnormalities. They were not required to make a diagnosis. Rheumatologists, on the other hand, were also asked to state the presence of absence of abnormalities and, in the case where an abnormality was identified, perform a focused exam to assess the abnormality and make a diagnosis, if possible.</p>", "<p>Analyses were performed to assess the degree of overall agreement (P<sub>observed</sub>), as well as the degree of agreement on traits considered to be abnormal (P<sub>positive</sub>) and normal (P<sub>negative</sub>) between the family physicians' and rheumatologists' scores on the GALS assessment. Kappa statistics and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated as a composite of the overall GALS examination as well as for each component of the exam (Gait, Arms, Legs, and Spine).</p>", "<p>In order to assess the usefulness of the GALS examination in identifying abnormalities not previously detected in routine family practice, electronic charts (e-charts) including family physician and radiographic reports and referrals to physical therapy and tertiary care (i.e. rheumatologists), were retrospectively reviewed from the family practice clinic. Each chart was evaluated by two independent individuals. Physical abnormalities identified by the rheumatologists were sought in the chart history during the preceding 2 years; those that had not been previously documented were considered \"new\" abnormalities/diagnoses. Due to the difficulty in differentiating between acute and chronic pain during the examination, pain noted by rheumatologists on the GALS assessment form but not in the patient chart was not considered to be a new abnormality. In addition, all abnormalities recorded during the GALS examinations were reviewed by two rheumatologists (AC, RB). Those that could be investigated in further detail or treated, but not found in the patient charts, were considered to be previously undetected. All newly detected abnormalities were then grouped by trait, and further subdivided into affected region including: gait (antalgic, abnormal stride length), arms (fingers and hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder), legs (toes and feet, ankle, knee, hip, other), and spine (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, decreased range of motion, other). Analyses were performed to assess the total number of abnormalities in each region were considered to be new as compared to those that were not, as well as the relative contribution of new abnormalities from each of gait, arms, legs and spine to the total. Data were analyzed using SPSS 12.0 for Windows XP Professional (SPSS Inc; Chicago, IL).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Of 261 individuals who were mailed a letter informing them about the study, 221 were reached by phone and invited to participate. Unfortunately however, the database-generated list of eligible patients included very few potential participants with no previous musculoskeletal diagnosis (ICD-9 codes 710–739) thus supporting the evidence of high prevalence of MSK disorders in those over 65 years of age. Regardless of ICD-9 code selection, those who responded positively (N = 103) were scheduled to be seen on one of three study days. Of those 103 scheduled for examination, 99 individuals were seen in the clinic, 92 of whom were identified as having a previously diagnosed musculoskeletal condition. Two individuals who were scheduled but not seen were sick on the exam day while two others did not show for their appointments. Those who did not agree to participate gave various reasons for declining, including illness and unavailability on study days. Of those who consented to participate, 61 (62%) were women and 38 were men with a group mean age of 75.2 (SD = 6.1) years (min. to max.: 65 to 89 years). Of the 99 participants, 7 were assessed by their own family physician (7%) by chance alone. Because the names of study participants' family physicians were not known at the time the study was designed and conducted, this occurred purely by chance. However, it should be noted that family physicians had no advance knowledge of the names of the patients they would be assessing and had no access to the patients' medical charts at any time before, during or after the study.</p>", "<p>Overall, the observed agreement (P<sub>obs</sub>) of the GALS examination was 0.698 with a P<sub>pos </sub>of 0.614 and a P<sub>neg </sub>of 0.752. The composite GALS score had a coefficient of agreement (estimated Kappa) of 0.3675 (95% CI: 0.3009, 0.4342). Agreement was further subdivided into each component of the GALS exam as outlined in Table ##TAB##0##1##. The number of normal and abnormal features graded by each of the family practitioners and rheumatologists are displayed in Table ##TAB##2##3##. Comparisons between family physicians and rheumatologists are presented in Table ##TAB##3##4##. As shown in the table, agreement between physicians was highest in response to the three questions posed. It is intuitive that, when asked the same question by two different physicians, the patient would answer the same way the vast majority of the time since there is no bias or interpretation introduced by the physician.</p>", "<p>Electronic charts for retrospective review were available for 92 of the 99 participants. Ten (10%) participants were identified with a new gait abnormality, nine requiring further investigation/referral. One-third of participants (N = 30) were identified with ≥1 new arm abnormality, the majority (N = 84%) being in the fingers/hand. Of 31 arm abnormalities, 7 would require further investigation or referral and 23 would be treated if symptomatic. In the legs, 35 (38%) participants had 46 new abnormalities, 18 requiring further investigation and 24 requiring treatment if symptomatic. Of these, 52% (N = 24) were in the toes/foot, 7% (N = 3) in the ankle, 24% (N = 11) in the knee, 15% (N = 7) in the hip and 2% (N = 1) \"other\". The prevalence of new spinal abnormalities was 29% (N = 27), with a total of 40 identified, 14 of which would require further investigation/referral. Scoliosis accounted for 15% of abnormalities (N = 6), kyphosis for 30% (N = 12), loss of lordosis for 20% (N = 8), decreased cervical ROM for 23% (N = 9), DDD for 10% (N = 4) and \"other\" for 3% (N = 1). These results are shown in Table ##TAB##4##5##.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>While a few studies have investigated the reliability, sensitivity, and specificity of the GALS examination [##REF##8311541##7##,##REF##17013854##15##,##REF##11723316##18##,##REF##2066919##19##], we believe this to be the first study to investigate its use in primary care by comparing the results of the GALS exam between family physicians and rheumatologists. Results of this pilot study revealed a reasonable level of agreement between rheumatologists and family physicians recently taught to perform the GALS examination via an instructional DVD (estimated Kappa = 0.3675; 95% CI: 0.3009, 0.4342, P<sub>obs </sub>= 0.698). Upon further analysis of the individual components of the exam, assessments of gait and arm movement were found to have the greatest level of agreement, while the appearance of the legs and spine were identified as the sources of greatest disagreement. Gait is an extremely important component of the GALS exam since its assessment often contributes information with respect to a patients' propensity to falling [##REF##3205267##20##,##REF##15341555##21##,##REF##15341555##21##].</p>", "<p>To more accurately assess the source of disagreement, positive and negative agreement of all components of GALS were determined. Results revealed that family physicians were more likely to agree with rheumatologists when the trait being assessed was considered normal as opposed to abnormal, as shown in both Tables ##TAB##2##3## and ##TAB##3##4##. Similarly, Hood and colleagues reported greater negative predictive values in the assessment of 200 patients suffering from acute or chronic musculoskeletal conditions, also suggesting that negative or normal traits are more easily identified [##REF##11723316##18##].</p>", "<p>Despite the fact that few studies have examined the use of GALS by different health care professionals, a pattern that has previously emerged, and one that was also noted in the current study, is the variation in the assessment of the appearance of the spine. Plant et al. investigated the reliability of the GALS examination when conducted by senior house officers and registrars in rheumatology (N = 30) and reported the greatest disagreement when scoring of the appearance of the spine [##REF##8311541##7##]. Jones et al. also reported difficulties in the identification of other spinal abnormalities, particularly for lateral cervical flexion [##REF##2066919##19##]. It has been suggested that age-related changes affecting flexibility of the neck and back are the likely source of the difficulties encountered in differentiating normal from abnormal spinal appearance [##REF##8311541##7##,##REF##2066919##19##]. Thus, it is plausible that these and other age-related changes may also contribute to difficulties distinguishing normal from mildly abnormal traits in other components of the GALS examination.</p>", "<p>Further comparisons of our results with those of Plant et al. revealed a similar level of observed agreement; however, the reported reliability (estimated kappa) differed significantly. A well-known and frequently observed trend is that of the relation between reliability and degree of scale complexity (i.e. dichotomous scales, Likert scales etc.) where an increase in the number of possible outcomes (i.e. none, mild, moderate, or severe) results in increased reliability [##UREF##3##22##]. The decreased level of reliability as assessed by the kappa statistics (min = 0.13, max = 0.49) in this study may, in part, be attributable to the dichotomous nature of the scale employed where appearance and movement could be labeled only as normal or abnormal. In contrast, Plant et al. replaced the traditional dichotomous scale with one that allowed examiners to rate features as normal, mildly, moderately, or severely abnormal and subsequently reported higher kappa statistics varying from 0.49 to 0.74 [##REF##8311541##7##].</p>", "<p>Although the results of the current study appear to suggest that difficulties persist in the recognition of musculoskeletal abnormalities, one should be cautioned about making definitive conclusions without acknowledging factors which may have contributed to or limited the observed level of agreement. For instance, a review of patient scoring sheets completed by family physicians and rheumatologists revealed that while both examiners recognized similar patient characteristics, there was discrepancy between the comments recorded and the identification of these features as normal or abnormal. In a given patient, for example, some physicians recorded gait to be abnormal due to an observed limp, while others also noted the presence of a limp but incorrectly labeled this as normal. This observation helps to explain the trend observed in other features of the GALS exam where rheumatologists consistently labeled more features as abnormal than family practitioners as seen in Table ##TAB##2##3##. This may be another example of what some physicians may deem normal, age-related changes, thus assessing the feature as normal, while others would assess the feature as being abnormal relative to a healthy standard. This discrepancy may be linked to differences in the perception of abnormalities between family physicians and rheumatologists. However, given the fact that the recorded observations could not be objectively quantified or assessed as being mildly or moderately abnormal as in the study by Plant et al., these differences ultimately resulted in a decreased level of agreement. It is believed that agreement would have improved significantly had the newly trained family physicians been given an opportunity to directly observe the GALS examination as conducted by a rheumatologist and to meet with rheumatologists prior to the study to discuss characteristics that differentiate normal features from those that are abnormal. By coming to a consensus as to how to score certain features (i.e. the limp), it is anticipated that agreement would have been higher. In addition, variation in scoring between family physicians and between rheumatologists was not assessed. Characteristics of the cohort can also influence the measures of agreement, particularly the kappa statistic. For instance, the lack of symmetry in the study population (i.e. the majority have a musculoskeletal condition) will tend to produce lower kappa values [##REF##2189948##23##,##REF##15733050##24##]. One of the major limitations to this study was the asymmetry in the study population which consisted of only 7 participants who had never been identified with any musculoskeletal conditions by the ICD codes.</p>", "<p>The prevalence of MSK abnormalities in this ambulatory study population was also estimated for each anatomical region. These were further subdivided by the joints that were involved. It was apparent that the most common features assessed as being abnormal by the rheumatologists were those in the joints of the fingers/hands (20.8% of patients) and the toes/feet (19.2% of patients). The vast majority of these abnormalities were cases of osteoarthritis in the peripheral joints, none of which had previously been documented in the patients' family practice charts. Decreased cervical range of motion (9.6% of patients) and abnormal knees (8.8%) were also prevalent in this population and were regions that had not been documented as abnormal by the patients' family physicians. There may be a couple of reasons for these \"new\" abnormalities; a) lack of documentation by the family physician, b) the patient has experienced these problems but not expressed/reported them to his/her family physician. The majority of these newly identified abnormalities would require further investigation (i.e. kyphotic posture being assessed for osteoporosis) or treatment (swollen joint treated with medication). Only one other study has used the GALS exam to investigate the prevalence of MSK abnormalities. This study was conducted in acute and chronic medical in-patients [##REF##11723316##18##]. Here the GALS screening tool was positive (abnormality identified) in 53% of acute patients and 94% of chronic patients where osteoarthritis accounted for the majority of rheumatological conditions identified in the both study populations.</p>", "<p>A future study will include a wider variation in subject ages so as to obtain a sample population without any previous musculoskeletal diagnoses allowing the sensitivity and specificity of the GALS exam to be investigated. This study will also involve the analyses of subgroup of patients who are assessed by all family physicians and all rheumatologists to assess the inter-observer variation. In addition, these results also suggest that an instructional DVD alone may not be the most effective and consistent method of teaching the GALS exam but that the DVD should be accompanied by oral instruction/interaction. This may be more important when instructing physicians who have already developed their skill set or routine as compared to medical students who have little to no background in this area.</p>", "<p>Although the ability of family physicians to assess the MSK system prior to the introduction of the GALS examination was not assessed, our results suggest that family physicians can efficiently use the GALS examination to assess the MSK system, by integrating it into their routine physical exam. Nevertheless, previous studies of medical professionals whose ability to assess the MSK system before versus after learning the GALS examination was evaluated have revealed that physicians' confidence and efficiency in examining the system had increased significantly [##REF##10976078##13##,##UREF##1##14##]. These results suggest that the same may be true for the family physicians of the current study.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>A report from the Summit on Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care, a large multidisciplinary group including health care professionals and patients, clearly identified a need for a screening exam that could facilitate the identification of musculoskeletal diseases [##UREF##4##25##]. The results of this study support the notion that the GALS examination is a simple, reliable, and valid screening tool that may improve recognition of musculoskeletal abnormalities when used by specialists and family physicians alike. However, it also appears as though further validation needs should be considered by investigating different methods of training and scoring in a more diverse study population. This will be the focus of a future larger study. Although it cannot serve as a replacement for a focused rheumatological exam, it is believed that the use of the GALS exam in primary care settings may lead to increased detection of previously unrecognized abnormalities and early intervention in hopes of preventing further deterioration. For example, the early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is associated with better long term outcome [##REF##8546524##26##]. While detection of musculoskeletal conditions has significantly improved over the last decade, additional emphasis must be placed on educating primary care physicians to differentiate between normal age-related changes of the musculoskeletal system and early signs of deterioration that are mildly abnormal in nature as these are typically overlooked.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>As the proportion of the Canadian population ≥65 grows, so too does the prevalence of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. Approximately 20% of visits to family physicians occur as a result of MSK complaints. The GALS (Gait, Arms, Legs, and Spine) screening examination was developed to assist in the detection of MSK abnormalities. Although MSK exams are primarily performed by rheumatologists or other MSK specialists, expanding their use in primary health care may improve the detection of MSK conditions allowing for earlier treatment. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate the use of the GALS locomotor screen in primary care by comparing the results of assessments of family physicians with those of rheumatologists. The secondary goal was to examine the incidence of MSK disorders and assess the frequency with which new diagnoses not previously documented in patients' charts were identified.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Patients ≥65 years old recruited from an academic family health centre were examined by a rheumatologist and a family physician who recorded the appearance of each participant's gait and the appearance and movement of the arms, legs and spine by deeming them normal or abnormal. GALS scores were compared between physicians with the proportion of observed (P<sub>obs</sub>), positive (P<sub>pos</sub>) and negative (P<sub>neg</sub>) agreement being the primary outcomes. Kappa statistics were also calculated. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the number of \"new\" diagnoses by comparing rheumatologists' findings with each patient's family practice chart.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>A total of 99 patients consented to participate (92 with previously diagnosed MSK conditions). Results showed reasonable agreement between family physicians and rheumatologists; P<sub>obs </sub>= 0.698, P<sub>pos </sub>= 0.614 and P<sub>neg </sub>= 0.752. The coefficient of agreement (estimated Kappa) was 0.3675 for the composite GALS score. For individual components of the GALS exam, the highest agreement between family physicians and rheumatologists was in the assessment of gait and arm movement.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Previously reported increases in undiagnosed signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal conditions have highlighted the need for a simple yet sensitive screening exam for the identification of musculoskeletal abnormalities. Results of this study suggest that family physicians can efficiently use the GALS examination in the assessment of populations with a high proportion of musculoskeletal issues.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>KAB, AC, AP, DC and RB were responsible for the development and design of the study. AC, RB, PB and KW were the rheumatologists involved in the assessment of all patients. IB, DC, and IS were the family physicians involved in the assessment of all patients. GI was charged with all statistical analyses. KAB, JO and RMcC were involved in participant recruitment and organization of the study. All authors were involved in the writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The authors would like to thank the funding source for this project, the Institutional Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Pilot Project Grant: Injury Prevention Across the Lifespan (IPALS) (originally funded by CIHR), ICH 63069, and its Principal Investigator, Dr. Parminder Raina. We would also like to thank the Stonechurch Family Health Centre for their collaboration.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>GALS Recording Sheet Completed by Physicians</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Yes</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>No</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Do you have any pain or stiffness in your muscles, joints or back?</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Do you have any difficulty dressing yourself completely?</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Do you have difficulty walking up or down stairs?</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Gait</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Abnormal or Normal</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Appearance (✔ or ✘)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Movement (✔ or ✘)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Arms</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Legs</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Spine</bold></td><td/><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Individual features of the GALS exam which were examined (6)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>GAIT</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Symmetry &amp; smoothness of movement</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Stride length &amp; mechanics</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Ability to turn normally &amp; quickly</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>ARMS (Hands)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Wrist/finger swelling/deformity</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Squeeze across 2<sup>nd </sup>to 5<sup>th </sup>metacarpals for tenderness (indicates synovitis)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Turn hands over, inspect muscle wasting &amp; forearm pronation/supination</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>ARMS (Grip Strength)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Power grip (tight fist)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Precision grip (oppose each finger to thumb)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>ARMS (Elbows)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Full extension</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>ARMS (Shoulders)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Abduction &amp; external rotation of shoulders</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>LEGS (Feet)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Squeeze across metatarsals for tenderness (indicates synovitis)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Calluses</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>LEGS (Knees)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Knee swelling/deformity, effusion</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Quadriceps muscle bulk</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Crepitus during passive knee flexion</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>LEGS (Hips)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Check internal rotation of hips</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>SPINE (Inspection from behind)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Shoulders &amp; iliac crest height symmetry</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Scoliosis</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Paraspinal, shoulder, buttocks, thighs &amp; calves muscles normal</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Popliteal or hind foot swelling or deformity</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>SPINE (Inspection from front)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Quadriceps normal in bulk &amp; symmetry</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Swelling or at Varus or valgus deformity at knee</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Forefoot of midfoot deformity, action normal</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Ear against shoulder on either side to check lateral cervical spine flexion</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Hands behind head with elbows back (check rotator cuff muscles, acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular &amp; elbow joints)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>SPINE (Inspection from side)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Normal thoracic &amp; lumbar lordosis</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Normal cervical kyphosis</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Normal flexion (lumbosacral rhythm from lumbar lordosis to kyphosis) while touching toes</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>SPINE (Trigger point tenderness)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">• Supraspinatus muscle tenderness (exaggerated response)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Number of features graded normal and abnormal for each patient</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Primary Care Physician</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Rheumatologist</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Normal (N)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Abnormal (N)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Normal (N)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Abnormal (N)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Arms – Appearance</td><td align=\"center\">66</td><td align=\"center\">33</td><td align=\"center\">62</td><td align=\"center\">36*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Arms – Movement</td><td align=\"center\">62</td><td align=\"center\">36*</td><td align=\"center\">67</td><td align=\"center\">30*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Legs – Appearance</td><td align=\"center\">53</td><td align=\"center\">43*</td><td align=\"center\">45</td><td align=\"center\">53*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Legs – Movement</td><td align=\"center\">43</td><td align=\"center\">54*</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">52</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Spine – Appearance</td><td align=\"center\">73</td><td align=\"center\">25*</td><td align=\"center\">57</td><td align=\"center\">41*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Spine – Movement</td><td align=\"center\">62</td><td align=\"center\">36*</td><td align=\"center\">52</td><td align=\"center\">45*</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Agreement between Family Physician &amp; Rheumatologist GALS Scores</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>P<sub>POS</sub></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>P<sub>NEG</sub></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>P<sub>OBS</sub></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Estimated Kappa (95% CI)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Pain/Stiffness</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.944</td><td align=\"center\">0.758</td><td align=\"center\">0.910</td><td align=\"center\">0.704 (0.500, 0.908)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Difficulty Dressing</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.731</td><td align=\"center\">0.904</td><td align=\"center\">0.858</td><td align=\"center\">0.636 (0.444, 0.832)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Difficulty on Stairs</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.909</td><td align=\"center\">0.911</td><td align=\"center\">0.910</td><td align=\"center\">0.821 (0.694, 0.947)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Gait</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.676</td><td align=\"center\">0.813</td><td align=\"center\">0.784</td><td align=\"center\">0.490 (0.310, 0.670)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Arms – Appearance</td><td align=\"center\">0.617</td><td align=\"center\">0.793</td><td align=\"center\">0.742</td><td align=\"center\">0.412 (0.222, 0.601)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Arms – Movement</td><td align=\"center\">0.634</td><td align=\"center\">0.821</td><td align=\"center\">0.760</td><td align=\"center\">0.458 (0.271, 0.646)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Legs – Appearance</td><td align=\"center\">0.574</td><td align=\"center\">0.583</td><td align=\"center\">0.578</td><td align=\"center\">0.164 (0.000, 0.359)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Legs – Movement</td><td align=\"center\">0.711</td><td align=\"center\">0.666</td><td align=\"center\">0.690</td><td align=\"center\">0.379 (0.196, 0.563)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Spine – Appearance</td><td align=\"center\">0.400</td><td align=\"center\">0.697</td><td align=\"center\">0.597</td><td align=\"center\">0.128 (0.000, 0.314)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Spine – Movement</td><td align=\"center\">0.632</td><td align=\"center\">0.743</td><td align=\"center\">0.697</td><td align=\"center\">0.385 (0.204, 0.566)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Prevalence of newly detected abnormalities by subcategory</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Subcategory</td><td align=\"center\">Prevalence <break/>[% in category (% overall)]</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Gait</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Stride Length</td><td align=\"center\">90.0 (7.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Antalgic</td><td align=\"center\">10.0 (0.8)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Arms</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Fingers/hand</td><td align=\"center\">83.9 (20.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Wrist</td><td align=\"center\">3.2 (0.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Elbow</td><td align=\"center\">3.2 (0.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Shoulder</td><td align=\"center\">9.7 (2.4)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Legs</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Toes/foot</td><td align=\"center\">52.2 (19.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ankle</td><td align=\"center\">6.5 (2.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Knee</td><td align=\"center\">23.9 (8.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Hip</td><td align=\"center\">15.2 (5.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"center\">2.2 (0.8)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Spine</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Scoliosis</td><td align=\"center\">15.8 (4.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Kyphosis</td><td align=\"center\">26.3 (8.0)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Loss of lumbar lordosis</td><td align=\"center\">21.1 (6.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Decreased cervical ROM</td><td align=\"center\">31.6 (9.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Degenerative disk disease</td><td align=\"center\">2.6 (0.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"center\">2.6 (0.8)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>✔ = normal, ✘ = abnormal</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>*Please note that these features contain missing data (i.e. N(normal) + N(abnormal) ≠ 99).</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[{"surname": ["Martel", "Caron Malenfant"], "given-names": ["L", "E"], "source": ["Portrait of the Canadian Population in 2006, by Age and Sex: Findings"], "year": ["2007"], "publisher-name": ["Statistics Canada"]}, {"surname": ["Bostwick", "Beattie", "Cividino"], "given-names": ["J", "KA", "A"], "article-title": ["Impact of a Video on Learning the GALS Musculoskeletal Screening Exam in Medical Students"], "source": ["Presented at the Canadian Rheumatology Association Meeting"], "year": ["2008"]}, {"surname": ["Chan", "Gallagher"], "given-names": ["D", "J"], "article-title": ["Open Source Clinical Application Resource - Canada (OSCAR)."], "year": ["2007"]}, {"surname": ["Streiner", "Norman"], "given-names": ["D", "G"], "source": ["Health Measurement Scales: A practical guide to their development and use"], "year": ["2003"], "volume": ["8"], "edition": ["3rd Edition"], "publisher-name": ["Oxford University Press"]}, {"collab": ["Alliance for the Canadian Arthritis Program"], "article-title": ["Report for the Summit on Standards for Arthritis Prevention and Care"], "year": ["2005"], "fpage": ["1"], "lpage": ["69"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2008 Aug 27; 9:115
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Over the past decade, the treatment of cervical cancer has evolved registering a gradual abandonment of radical surgery in favor of more conservative approaches: this becomes even more relevant considering that approximately 15% of all cervical cancers, and 45% of surgically treated stage IB cervical cancers occur in women &lt; 40 years of age [##REF##14551007##1##]. These figures are expected to increase due to the widespread use of cervical cancer screening which results in overall younger age and an earlier stage of disease at diagnosis. In addition, more and more frequently women defer childbearing, so that an increasing number of women would be diagnosed cervical cancer before having started or completed their reproductive program. Among the uterus preserving techniques, radical vaginal trachelectomy (RVT) with laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy [##UREF##0##2##] has gained acceptance over the years by the gynecologic oncology community due to the favorable results in terms of oncological and obstetrical outcome [##REF##16739746##3##].</p>", "<p>Among the strict criteria employed in the selection of cases who can potentially be offered uterus preserving approaches, tumor histology <italic>per se </italic>seems not to be a relevant factor [##REF##12548192##4##], with the exception of rare histological types such as adenosquamous, neuroendocrine tumors or glassy cell carcinomas which have been generally associated with a higher risk of recurrence [##REF##14675676##5##,##REF##12831923##6##], and considered a contraindication to conservative treatment [##REF##17291273##7##,##REF##17534391##8##]. In particular, glassy cell carcinomas first described by Glücksmann and Cherry [##REF##13364884##9##] in the uterine cervix, are typically composed of malignant cells showing a moderate amount of cytoplasm with \"ground glass\" appearance, distinct cell membranes stained with eosin or periodic acid-Schiff, and large nuclei with prominent nucleoli. These tumors have been considered since the beginning as an uncommon variant of poorly differentiated adenosquamous carcinoma [##REF##13364884##9##], endowed with resistance to radiation therapy and unfavorable prognosis [##REF##1541437##10##].</p>", "<p>To our knowledge, only three cases of glassy cell carcinomas undergoing conservative treatment by laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy and radical vaginal trachelectomy have been reported [##REF##15350349##11##].</p>", "<p>Here, we report the case of a stage IB1 cervical glassy cell carcinoma patient, who was safely treated with cold knife conization plus laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>We report a case of early stage glassy cell cancer in a patient, who was conservatively treated by conization and laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy. Indeed, among the fertility preservation approaches to early stage cervical carcinoma, RVT has gained much attention because of the recognized oncologic efficacy and safety. Intra- and postoperative complications have been reported to be approximately 4% and 12% of cases, respectively [##REF##17534391##8##], and even less radical procedures such as conization plus laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy have been investigated in selected cases of stage IB1 squamous cell carcinoma &lt; 2 cm diameter [##REF##17291273##7##]. While the fertility preserving procedures are widely accepted for tumors with squamous histological type, and also adenocarcinomas, which <italic>per se </italic>should not be considered a contraindication to conservative treatment, some concerns have been raised for rare histological types such as adenosquamous, neuroendocrine or glassy cell carcinomas. In particular, conservatively treated neuroendocrine and adenosquamous tumors have been reported to carry out a very unfavorable prognosis [##REF##14675676##5##,##REF##12831923##6##]. On the other hand, very few data about early stage glassy cell cervical cancer have been reported: of 3 cases treated with laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy and RVT, all were reported as having no evidence of disease at time of publication [##REF##15350349##11##]. No case of early stage glassy cell carcinoma treated with conization plus laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy has been reported until now.</p>", "<p>Despite the extensive counseling about the possibility to perform trachelectomy or adjuvant treatment after final diagnosis, our patient decided only to undergo strict follow-up procedures, and is currently without evidence of disease after 38 months since initial diagnosis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We report a case of an early stage glassy cell cervical carcinoma patient, who was successfully treated with conization and laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy. Given the rarity of this tumor histological type, and the paucity of data about its natural history, which has been reported to be similar to other histological types only with the employment of multimodal treatment strategies [##REF##11972387##12##], caution should be taken to i) carefully evaluate the patients' fertility potential; ii) extensively counsel the patients about the risk/benefit of a conservative treatment; iii) investigate the patients' compliance to undergo strict follow-up procedures.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Very little data about the conservative treatment of early stage glassy cell cervical cancer have been reported.</p>", "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>A 30-year old patient, nulligravida was admitted to the Gynecologic Oncology Unit of the Catholic University of Campobasso for irregular post-coital vaginal bleeding. The patients was staged as having FIGO stage IB1 (tumor diameter = 2 cm) squamous cervical cancer. After extensive counseling of the patient and her family, laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy and cold knife conization were performed. The final diagnosis was FIGO Stage IB1 glassy cell carcinoma. Currently, after a follow-up of 38 months, she has no evidence of disease.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We reported a case of early stage glassy cell cancer patient, who was conservatively treated by conization and laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>A 30-year old patient, nulligravida was admitted in March 2005, to the Gynecologic Oncology Unit of the Catholic University of Campobasso, for irregular post-coital vaginal bleeding. Her medical history was unremarkable. Her gynecological history was negative with menarche at the age of 12 years, and regular menses until 6 months before the occurrence of the symptoms.</p>", "<p>Gynaecological examination revealed a normal size uterus, and no adnexal masses. A circumscribed, ulcerated lesion (maximum diameter = 2 cm) was documented in the posterior esocervix. Parametria and vagina appeared uninvolved. Colposcopy-guided biopsy and curettage of endocervical canal were performed revealing an invasive squamous cell cervical carcinoma with areas of poor differentiation. Transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound examination documented the presence of a normal size uterus showing normal echogenicity with the exception of a vascularized hypoechogenic area (18 × 14 × 11 mm) located in the cervix.</p>", "<p>Staging evaluation including chest X-ray, total body CT scan, and pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) documented the presence of a tumor mass (maximum diameter = 2 cm) located in the uterine cervix, and no enlarged lymph nodes. Examination under anesthesia revealed an ulcerated lesion of maximum diameter of 2 cm, without vaginal and parametrial involvement. Squamous cell carcinoma antigen levels were negative. The patient was staged as having FIGO stage IB1 cervical cancer.</p>", "<p>After extensive counseling of the patient and her family, she opted for a conservative approach. Open laparoscopy was carried out: peritoneal washing and a careful inspection of the adnexae and intra abdominal organs was performed. Systematic pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed up to internal iliac lymph nodes, and they returned as negative at frozen section examination. Several biopsies of the vaginal walls were obtained; these were negative for disease on frozen section. A cold knife conization was performed, and frozen section analysis showed that the lateral and deep margins of the tissue specimen were uninvolved. The biopsy of the endocervical canal also resulted negative at frozen section.</p>", "<p>At definitive pathological examination, a nodular lesion of maximum diameter of 2.0 cm (width extension) located in the cone (height = 2 cm, width = 3 cm), was detected. Microscopic examination revealed a tumor composed of nests of large cells with large eosinophilic cytoplasm presenting a ground-glass appearance (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). Cell membranes were easily recognizable, and tumor nuclei appeared large, presenting prominent nucleoli, and also areas of abundant eosinophil infiltration were present. The tumor showed a stromal invasion of 8 mm out of 1.7 stromal thickness. The lateral and deep margins of the cone were uninvolved for at least 9 mm. All peritoneal biopsies, as well as pelvic lymph nodes (n = 18) were negative. No lymphovascular space involvement was observed. The final diagnosis was FIGO Stage IB1 poorly differentiated carcinoma with &gt; 90% of the tumor represented by neoplastic cells with glassy cell features. A second pathologist, blinded to the first's impression confirmed the diagnosis. Given the rarity of this histological type and its prognostic features, therapeutic options including radical trachelectomy, hysterectomy, or adjuvant treatment were carefully discussed with the patient, who nevertheless decided to undergo only strict follow-up procedures. The patient was then followed with gynecological examination, pap smear, and colposcopy every 3 months for the first 2 years, and every 6 months thereafter, and was also requested to perform chest x-ray and pelvic MRI every year. Currently, after a follow up of 38 months, she has no evidence of disease.</p>", "<p>Cervical stenosis was documented after 21 months since surgery, and was easily managed by cannulation of the cervical canal under anesthesia.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>GF conceived of the study, participated in its design and drafting. VS participated in the design of the study and collected the clinical data. MP participated in the design of the study and collected the clinical data. AC carried out the histopathological evaluation. GS conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Consent</title>", "<p>Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Glassy cell carcinoma of the cervix: the undifferentiated, glassy cells display large nuclei with prominent nucleoli and granular cytoplasm.</bold> Areas of abundant eosinophils infiltration are present. (Hematoxylin &amp; Eosin, magnification: 200×).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-92-1\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Dargent", "Brun", "Roy", "Mathevet", "Remy"], "given-names": ["D", "JL", "M", "P", "I"], "article-title": ["La trachelectomie elargie (T.E.) une alternative a' l'hyster\u00e8ctomie radicale dans le traitement des cancers infiltrants d\u00e8veloppe\u00e8s sur la face externe du col ut\u00e8rin"], "source": ["J Obstet Gynecol"], "year": ["1994"], "volume": ["2"], "fpage": ["285"], "lpage": ["292"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
World J Surg Oncol. 2008 Aug 28; 6:92
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Total mesorectal excision (TME) is the standard surgical treatment used for patients with primary rectal cancer. TME involves removal of a distinct anatomic compartment, the mesorectum, containing the rectal tumor, all local draining nodes and the mesorectal fat, by means of sharp dissection along the mesorectal fascia [##REF##1365683##1##, ####REF##7489148##2##, ##REF##6751457##3####6751457##3##]. There is substantial evidence for efficacy of neoadjuvant therapy in combination with TME as being important to reduce local tumor recurrence rates [##REF##11884047##4##, ####REF##11547717##5##, ##REF##11550163##6##, ##REF##8094488##7####8094488##7##]. When performing TME, knowledge of the relationship of the tumor to the circumferential resection margin (CRM) is of importance. When CRM is involved by the tumor, the risk of local recurrence is high [##REF##11872058##8##, ####REF##11859207##9##, ##REF##11923599##10##, ##REF##9715152##11##, ##REF##8696739##12##, ##REF##7915774##13##, ##REF##8443747##14##, ##REF##1691810##15##, ##REF##2430152##16####2430152##16##]. The local prognostic factors assessed at preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of rectal cancer include the extent of extramural tumor spread, involvement of the lateral resection margin, involvement of neighboring organs in the pelvis, presence of local lymph node metastases, extramural lymphovascular infiltration and peritoneal involvement [##REF##1691810##15##,##REF##7995147##17##]. This information helps select patients who should receive neoadjuvant treatment. This applies especially to cases with locally advanced rectal cancer, in order to maximize the chances of a complete resection and survival [##REF##8665179##18##,##REF##7489174##19##], and at the same time, to minimize morbidity and loss of quality of life. It is therefore of paramount interest to provide detailed anatomic knowledge of tumor and tumor invasion toward neighboring organs before treatment.</p>", "<p>Although evaluated in several studies during the past two decades, it is only during recent years that MRI gained wide acceptance as a valuable method for assessment in patients with rectal cancer [##REF##15865021##20##, ####REF##14736677##21##, ##REF##12904995##22##, ##REF##15286305##23##, ##REF##11229667##24##, ##REF##10189474##25##, ##REF##10525811##26##, ##REF##9112909##27##, ##REF##9191437##28##, ##REF##8915293##29##, ##REF##8448394##30##, ##REF##2911656##31##, ##REF##3720456##32##, ##REF##3486559##33####3486559##33##].</p>", "<p>As a tertiary referral center responsible for patients with advanced rectal cancer, we assess magnetic resonance (MR) examinations from other institutions and hospitals at multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings. When demonstrating these examinations at MDT meetings, variations in imaging sequences among different centers are noted. These differences may be related to both different equipments and level of dedicated experience in pelvic MRI.</p>", "<p>To our knowledge, no study has reported the importance of the imaging protocol for assessment of tumor involvement of neighboring organs in locally advanced rectal cancer. The aim of the present study was to compare the equivalence between MRI and histopathology in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer based on the effects of using different MRI protocols.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Patients and methods</title>", "<p>Forty-one patients assessed as clinically suspicious for locally advanced primary rectal cancer by surgeons from 2000 to 2005, were included. 37 patients, 27 male and 10 female, with a mean age of 60.1 ± 9.8 (mean ± SD, range 28–79) who had available MRI of the pelvis were studied further. The surgeon's decision that a cancer might be advanced was based on findings at diagnostic laparotomy and/or by means of digital rectal examination.</p>", "<title>Radiological assessment</title>", "<p>All examinations were provided from ten different hospitals or institutions (two of which were university hospitals). Each MR examination (all done on 1.5 T) was assessed by two or three radiologists (C.T., M.R.T. and L.B.) in consensus without knowledge of the clinical and histopathological results prior to this study according to a standard evaluation looking specifically at which organs and/or structures had been involved. However, the radiologists were aware of the high suspicion for locally advanced tumors by the clinicians. Radiologists had evaluated the morphological characteristics of the primary tumor, local prognostic factors including threatening or involvement of the mesorectal fascia, and adjacent organs in each patient.</p>", "<p>For the part of this study, anterior organs were defined as those positioned ventral to the rectum and included the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland, the perineal body, uterus, vagina, ovaries, the small and large intestines, and the urinary bladder. Inferior and posterior organs had been defined as those that were located inferior and dorsal to the rectum, respectively, and included the levator ani muscles, obturator muscles, piriformis muscles and the sacral bone. Involvement of the abovementioned organs was defined as T4-tumor stage.</p>", "<p>The imaging protocol of each MR-examination was recorded by one author (C.T.). Those examinations that showed the following prerequisites were defined as compliant rectal imaging protocol vs. those that did not demonstrate the same sequences (called henceforth noncompliant):</p>", "<p>1. Sagittal and axial T2-weighted images of the pelvis performed,</p>", "<p>2. T2-weighted images with equal to or less than 3 mm slice thickness perpendicular to the rectal length at the level of the tumor with a 16–20 cm field of view and at least a 256 × 256 matrix, otherwise called 'high resolution imaging' [##REF##15865021##20##,##REF##14736677##21##,##REF##10189474##25##,##REF##15730990##34##].</p>", "<p>3. For low rectal tumors, coronal imaging obtained.</p>", "<p>If the patients underwent MR examinations twice but at two different institutions, with different protocols, one compliant and the other non compliant; these were noted separately as combination protocol but categorized with the compliant group regarding some aspects. The number of other sequences and different types of artifacts (if distinguishable) were also noted.</p>", "<p>The common denominators of all MR examinations, whether compliant or otherwise, were that they had to be performed on the request of a surgeon or oncologist for assessment of local extension of the rectal tumor preoperatively, and that the radiologist at the primary institution had not called the examination incomplete.</p>", "<title>Histopathological examination</title>", "<p>All evaluations were performed according to the protocol of Quirke, et al [##REF##2430152##16##,##REF##3045231##35##], by one pathologist (J.L.) with more than 10 years of experience in gastrointestinal pathology. The pathologist was blinded to the MRI study protocol. The tumor site was sliced transversely at 0.5–1.0-cm intervals. The extent of tumor spread into mesorectal fascia and other structures or organs was assessed both macroscopically and with high magnification. Tumor extension into the surrounding structures and organs at microscopical examination were used as the standard of reference against which MRI findings were compared. The extension of tumor cells into mesorectal fascia and other structures or organs was assessed from inspection of the histological macrosection by light microscopy at 20× – 200× magnification.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>All MRI findings including the size of tumor, the name and number of involved fascia(e) and organ(s), the pattern of tumor involvement according to MRI and histopathology as well as the MR imaging protocol were recorded using Microsoft Excel 2003 and Microsoft Access 2000. Sensitivity and specificity of MRI between different groups were compared and 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated with P-value &lt; 0.05 considered significant using Stat View J-5.0 (SAS Institute. Inc., Cary, NC).</p>", "<title>Ethical considerations</title>", "<p>The study was approved by the local ethical committee. No separate informed consent was obtained for this retrospective study.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Tumor staging according to MRI</title>", "<p>Nineteen patients were evaluated as T4 rectal tumors based on MRI. The remaining 18 were evaluated as T3 tumors without obvious invasion of neighboring organ.</p>", "<title>Assessment of imaging quality</title>", "<p>Eleven patients were assessed as having compliant (D) protocols and 13 patients as combination protocols (C) and 13 patients a noncompliant imaging (N).</p>", "<p>Regarding imaging parameters, compliant imaging protocols were used with smaller field of view (FOV) (D, 201.7 ± 77.0 mm; N, 263.5 ± 129.8 mm; mean ± SD, p = 0.03), thinner slice thickness (D, 3.8 ± 1.4 mm; N, 5.3 ± 1.9 mm; mean ± SD, p &lt; 0.01), smaller slice gap (D, 0.2 ± 0.9 mm; N 2.0 ± 2.4 mm; mean ± SD, p &lt; 0.01) and smaller voxel size (D, 1.3 ± 1.5 mm<sup>3</sup>; N, 6.7 ± 6.0 mm<sup>3</sup>; mean ± SD, p &lt; 0.01). The total number of MR sequences performed in each patient was also larger in the N group (N, 9.2 ± 3.2 sequences vs. D, 5.2 ± 0.7 sequences; mean ± SD, p &lt; 0.01 (table ##TAB##0##1##). One patient from the noncompliant group had some motion artifacts.</p>", "<title>Involvement of the anterior organs</title>", "<p>In the group with compliant protocols and the group with combination protocol, preoperative MRI indicated tumor involvement of anterior pelvic organs in seven out of the 24 patients. Compared to pathological examination, six cases were true positives and one was false positive. Among the remaining 17 patients without organ involvement on MRI, pathological examination revealed one false negative case and 16 true negatives (table ##TAB##1##2##). Figure ##FIG##0##1## demonstrates the false-negative case. In this case, there appears to be no continuity between the tumor and the uterus. However, histopathological examination showed tumor invasion along the fascia, reaching the posterior wall of the uterus and the left adnexa. The radiologist failed to ascertain the anterior extension of the tumor correctly.</p>", "<p>In the noncompliant imaging group, preoperative MRI was indicative of organ involvement in eight cases. Pathological examination revealed two as true positives and six as false positives (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Among the remaining five patients without organ involvement, pathological examination revealed two false negatives and three true negatives.</p>", "<p>Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) in the compliant and combination protocol group were 85.7%, 94.1%, 85.7%, and 94.1%, respectively. On the other hand, in the group with non-compliant protocol, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were 50.0%, 33.3%, 25.0%, and 60%, respectively. Statistically significant difference (p &lt; 0.05) was observed regarding measured specificity (95% CI; 7–70 for group N vs. 95% CI; 71–99 for the other two groups, D and C). The difference in sensitivity in the two groups did not reach statistical significance levels (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<title>Posterior or inferior organ involvement</title>", "<p>Only three out of the present 19 patients with locally advanced tumor, showed involvement of an inferior organ (levator ani muscle, piriformis muscle) or a posterior organ (Os sacrum) by the tumor, without simultaneous involvement of any anterior organ. Two of these patients used compliant imaging, and pathological examination revealed both to be true positives. In one patient with noncompliant imaging an inferior organ involvement was suspected but pathological examination proved no obvious tumor infiltration or fibrosis in that organ (false-positive). The number of cases was too few to make any meaningful statistical analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The results of this study indicate considerable differences in correlation between preoperative imaging and histopathology depending on the imaging protocol. Using compliant imaging, despite fewer imaging sequences, a considerably better prediction of tumor invasion towards anterior pelvic organs is seen. On the contrary, this study also indicates that MRI performed with noncompliant imaging protocol does not allow accurate prediction. One other observation is that the radiologist tends to over-stage when the imaging protocol is not optimal. This could be due to the fear of positive resection margins caused by a false negative assessment and partial volume effect observed with thick slices not obtained in the appropriate planes. This could of course be due to nature of the study as well. The radiologists assessing the MR exams were aware of the selection criteria and might have felt compelled to over-stage.</p>", "<p>The lack of compliant imaging, and as we suspect the lack of high resolution T2-weighted imaging, probably forced the radiologists to rely on images with considerable volume averaging. Compared to the compliant imaging, both slice thickness including gap and voxel size were significantly larger in the noncompliant imaging group (<italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.05). Larger slice thickness and gap yield more partial volume effect, thus leading the radiologists to make overestimation of tumor extent. In areas of the pelvis where there are small interfaces between tissues, such as in the anterior and low part of the rectum, this is probably of particular importance. In the compliant and combination groups, there was one false positive and one false negative finding of anterior organ involvement out of 24 cases.</p>", "<p>In the noncompliant imaging group, there were six false positive and two false negative cases out of 13 cases. This means that one patient out of 24 from D and C groups and six patients out of 13 from the N group might receive unnecessary extensive surgery and prolonged, preoperative chemoradiotherapy. Anterior pelvic organs are closely related to urinary and sexual function, and anterior organ surgery has great impact on the patient's quality of life after surgery. By contrast at least partially because of false negative assessments by radiologists, one out of 24 cases from D and C groups, and two out of 13 cases from the N group had involved resection margins.</p>", "<p>Although the low number of cases prohibits any meaningful analysis to be done regarding accuracy of MRI for assessment of organs inferior or dorsal to rectum, our findings suggest that compliant imaging might be superior to noncompliant imaging also for these patients. This low frequency could be due to less likelihood of involvement of posterior organs compared to anterior organs due to more distance between rectum and these neighboring organs [##REF##15906032##36##].</p>", "<p>The number of MR sequences was different between various groups with larger numbers observed in the noncompliant imaging group. It seems that whenever the compliant sequences were not employed, there was a tendency to conduct several other sequences. One of the most widely used sequences in the N group was the one with usage of gadolinium intravenous contrast. Recently, Vliegen and others have shown that gadolinium-enhanced MRI does not improve the diagnostic accuracy in local staging of rectal cancer [##REF##15550372##37##]. Unnecessary use of contrast agents might only lead to increased rate of adverse events and increased costs and time needed for examination, without any proven benefit for the patients.</p>", "<p>There are a number of other limitations in this study. First, we did not compare the same patients using different imaging protocols.</p>", "<p>Second, there was a difference in the sensitivity of MR examinations using different protocols when assessing detection of anterior organ involvement, however, the difference did not reach statistical significance which is probably due to the low power of the study and perhaps the nature of the study (i.e. the radiologists knew that these cases were more likely to be advanced cases).</p>", "<p>However, even with these limitations, the compliant imaging improves accuracy, especially in advanced and complicated cases. It is therefore of utmost importance that radiologists are made aware of pitfalls and the problems, and that radiologist are made up-to-date about recent developments in imaging. This current study reveals that there is a need for continued education in this field.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>For local staging of locally advanced rectal cancer, the correlation between MRI and histopathology was better when a predefined compliant rectal imaging protocol was used. It is possible that this also holds true for all patients assessed with rectal cancer and not only for anterior structures in the pelvis. However, this has to be assessed in further studies. Furthermore, this study indicates that continuous training of radiologists and radiology technicians, including work-shops and seminars seems to be an appropriate way to improve accuracy of MRI in patients with rectal cancer.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used for preoperative local staging in patients with rectal cancer. Our aim was to retrospectively study the effects of the imaging protocol on the staging accuracy.</p>", "<title>Patients and methods</title>", "<p>MR-examinations of 37 patients with locally advanced disease were divided into two groups; compliant and noncompliant, based on the imaging protocol, without knowledge of the histopathological results. A compliant rectal cancer imaging protocol was defined as including T2-weighted imaging in the sagittal and axial planes with supplementary coronal in low rectal tumors, alongside a high-resolution plane perpendicular to the rectum at the level of the primary tumor. Protocols not complying with these criteria were defined as noncompliant. Histopathological results were used as gold standard.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Compliant rectal imaging protocols showed significantly better correlation with histopathological results regarding assessment of anterior organ involvement (sensitivity and specificity rates in compliant group were 86% and 94%, respectively vs. 50% and 33% in the noncompliant group). Compliant imaging protocols also used statistically significantly smaller voxel sizes and fewer number of MR sequences than the noncompliant protocols</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Appropriate MR imaging protocols enable more accurate local staging of locally advanced rectal tumors with less number of sequences and without intravenous gadolinium contrast agents.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>MR(I): Magnetic resonance (imaging); TME: Total mesorectal excision; CRM: Circumferential resection margin; T2-w (image): T2 weighted (image); FOV: Field of view; MDT: Multidisciplinary team; PPV: Positive predictive value; NPV: Negative predictive value; TR: Repetition Time; TE: Echo Time; NEX: number of excitations.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>CS idea, data collection, radiological assessment, manuscript preparation. MT idea, data collection, radiological assessment, manuscript preparation. ST idea, data collection, surgical and clinical assessment, histopathological evaluation, manuscript preparation. GP idea, data collection, surgical and clinical assessment, manuscript preparation. TH idea, data collection, surgical and clinical assessment, histopathological evaluation, manuscript preparation. JL idea, data collection, histopathological evaluation, manuscript preparation. LB idea, supervision, manuscript preparation. All authors read and approved the final version</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The authors wish to thank Roberto Vargas, R.T. for his outstanding technical support and knowledge of MRI and all the colleagues the in Department of the Diagnostic Radiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna.</p>", "<p>This study is supported partially by ALF project funding, Stockholm County Council and Karolinska Institute.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>MR images of the 'false negative' case in the group with a compliant protocol</bold>. A-63-year-old female with rectal cancer involving the mesorectal fascia, peritoneal reflection and the parietal pelvic fascia. Imaging parameters: TR; 4056, TE; 130, NEX; 2, Thickness; 5 mm, Gap; 0 mm, FOV; 240 mm. (a) Sagittal T2-w image of the pelvis. Primary lesion is located at the rectosigmoid junction with an extramural component, extending dorsally toward the presacral fascia (arrowhead). The tumor seems to be very distant from the inner genitalia (arrow). b-e) Axial T2-w images demonstrated in a craniocaudal direction with b being the uppermost image. In b, the extramural component reaches and thickens the peritoneal fold (arrow), and more inferiorly even the pelvic side wall fascia (arrowheads in c). This fascial thickening continues (arrowheads in d, 15 mm below b), until it sweeps forward (arrow in e, 25 mm below b) and at this point the inner genitalia were involved. At the first glance, there appears to be no continuity between the tumor and the mesorectal fascia, however, histopathological examination proved tumor cells inside the fibrotic tissue and infiltrating the uterine parenchyma and the left adenxa (arrowhead in e).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>MRI of the false positive case in the group with a noncompliant protocol</bold>. A 76-year-old male with rectal cancer suspected of invasion to the urinary bladder. Imaging parameters: TR 7000; TE 132; NEX 2; thickness 5 mm; gap 1.5 mm; FOV 400 mm. (a) Sagittal T2-WI of the pelvis. The large primary lesion (asterisk) originating from the upper part of rectum with accompanying desmoplastic and edematous changes seems to be invading the muscular wall of the bladder dorsally (white arrows). The tumor appears to penetrate into the muscular layer of the urinary bladder which shows higher signal intensity compared to the normal part. (b) Sagittal contrast-enhanced T1-WI of the pelvis with fat-suppression. The posterior bladder wall is not distinguishable, yet the tumor is seen enriching ventrally (white arrowheads) and therefore, it is suspicious for penetrating into the bladder wall. (c-f) Corresponding axial images. c, e, and f are T2-WI and d is T1WI with contrast-enhancement and fat-suppression. T1-w images after Gadolinium contrast enhancement with fat saturation give the impression of the tumor (asterisk) growing into the dorsal wall of the urinary bladder (arrowheads). However, histopathological examination revealed no tumor involvement of the urinary bladder.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Comparison of various MR imaging parameters, average number of sequences in each group and imaging protocols.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Compliant protocol (D)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Noncompliant protocol (N)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>P</italic>-value</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Parameters on T2-WI*</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Field of view</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mean ± SD (mm)</td><td align=\"left\">201.7 ± 77.0</td><td align=\"left\">263.5 ± 129.8</td><td align=\"left\">0.03</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Slice thickness</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mean ± SD (mm)</td><td align=\"left\">3.8 ± 1.4</td><td align=\"left\">5.3 ± 1.9</td><td align=\"left\">&lt; 0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Gap</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mean ± SD (mm)</td><td align=\"left\">0.2 ± 0.9</td><td align=\"left\">2.0 ± 2.4</td><td align=\"left\">&lt; 0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Matrix size</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mean (mm × mm)</td><td align=\"left\">0.5 × 0.5</td><td align=\"left\">0.9 × 1.1</td><td align=\"left\">0.02</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Voxel size</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mean ± SD (mm<sup>3</sup>)</td><td align=\"left\">1.3 ± 1.5</td><td align=\"left\">6.7 ± 6.0</td><td align=\"left\">&lt; 0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">No. of sequence</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mean ± SD (mm)</td><td align=\"left\">5.2 ± 0.7</td><td align=\"left\">9.2 ± 3.2</td><td align=\"left\">&lt; 0.01</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Comparison of various MR protocols in terms of diagnostic accuracies regarding involvement anterior to rectum.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Compliant and</bold><break/><bold>combination</bold><break/><bold> protocol (D and C)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Noncompliant protocol (N)</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Imaging accuracies</bold></td><td/><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">True positive</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">True negative</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">False positive</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">False negative</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sensitivity (%) (95% CI)</td><td align=\"center\">85.7 (42–99)</td><td align=\"center\">50.0 (6–93)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Specificity (%) (95% CI)</td><td align=\"center\">94.1 (71–99)</td><td align=\"center\">33.3 (7–70)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Positive Predictive Value (%) (95% CI)</td><td align=\"center\">85.7 (42–99)</td><td align=\"center\">25.0 (3–65)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Negative Predictive Value (%) (95% CI)</td><td align=\"center\">94.1 (71–99)</td><td align=\"center\">60.0 (14–94)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>*T2 weighted image;</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-89-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-89-2\"/>" ]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
World J Surg Oncol. 2008 Aug 20; 6:89
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The occurrence of skin metastases are rare events in the course of a follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) and usually indicate advanced tumor stages. The scalp is the most affected area of these metastases [##REF##16121050##1##, ####REF##11072371##2##, ##REF##9848721##3##, ##REF##9092737##4##, ##REF##8935380##5##, ##REF##8257865##6####8257865##6##]. Operations are mostly performed with palliative intention. We present a case with extensive and symptomatic scalp metastases in a female patient. The tumors were resected under general anaesthesia. Mesh graft was successfully used to cover the skin defects.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Follicular thyroid carcinomas (FTC) often spread to bones and lung [##REF##16684830##7##]. The occurrence of cutaneous metastases is a rare event. Many different locations have been decribed as abdomen, back and front thigh [##REF##16208262##8##], but predominantely the skin of head and neck is affected [##REF##16121050##1##, ####REF##11072371##2##, ##REF##9848721##3##, ##REF##9092737##4##, ##REF##8935380##5##, ##REF##8257865##6####8257865##6##]. In a review of the literature Quinn and coworkers [##REF##16121050##1##] found scalp metastases in 9 of 14 patients with cutaneous metastases of FTC. In a study of Erickson and coworkers [##REF##17387744##9##] none of 5 FTC metastatic to the skin showed BRAF(V600E) mutation (T1799A).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We demonstrate another case with multicentric form. Because of its location and size a primary wound closure was not possible. A healing could be reached using vacuum therapy and mesh graft transplantation. The palliative long term cosmetic and functional result was excellent.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The occurrence of skin metastases are rare events in the course of a follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) and usually indicate advanced tumor stages. The scalp is the most affected area of these metastases.</p>", "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>We present a case of a 76 year old Woman with multiple giant scalp metastases of a follicular carcinoma. These metastases had been resected and wounds had been closed with mesh graft. The 14-months follow up is presented.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We demonstrate another case with multicentric form. Because of its location and size a primary wound closure was not possible. A healing could be reached using vacuum therapy and mesh graft transplantation.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>A 76-year old female patient had the initial diagnosis of FTC 18 years ago. She had total thyroidectomy with bilateral neck dissection and multiple reoperations for recurrent tumor. Because of an irresectable local recurrence with tracheal infiltration a tracheotomy was performed two years ago. Five sets of internal radiation therapy, had been performed one year ago with a cumulative activity of 55.400 MBq<sup>131</sup>I. She was admitted to our hospital because of four intensively vascularized scalp tumors, two of them of hen's egg size (Fig. ##FIG##0##1a, b##, and ##FIG##1##2##) which showed recurrent episodes of contact bleeding during hair dressing. Computed tomography revealed multiple pulmonary, hepatic and bone metastases. Thyreoglobulin level was highly elevated (6750 ng/ml) Nevertheless the patient was in a good general condition. We performed a resection of the scalp tumors under general anesthesia. Histopathology confirmed cutaneous metastases of FTC (Fig. ##FIG##2##3##). The places of resection were primary left for granulation. After achievement of a clean granulation area using vacuum therapy (<italic>V.A.C.<sup>®</sup>, KCI International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands</italic>) we performed a mesh graft skin transplant (Fig. ##FIG##3##4a, b##).</p>", "<p>A follow up examination fourteen months later showed a very good cosmetic result with nearly complete healing of the mesh graft transplant (Fig. ##FIG##4##5a, b##). Because the local neck tumor had continued to grow the patient was now convinced to accept external radiation therapy and was admitted to our department of radiation oncology.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>KC had idea to publish the case report and drafted the manuscript, UR was our pathologist and performed the immunohistochemistry, AR and MK helped to to search and analyse thoroughly the literature, AR and WTK performed the initial operation, mesh graft transplantation and follow up examination of the patient. They also initiated the temporary vaccum therapy. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Consent</title>", "<p>Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>a) and b) Two scalp tumors at admission of the patient, lateral view</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Giant parietal scalp tumor and to additional smaller tumors, intraoperative view</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>Operative specimen, Haematoxylin-Eosin and Thyreoglobulin staining.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Mesh Graft transplants</bold>. a) Retroauricular mesh graft transplant; b) Parietal mesh graft transplant.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>14 months follow up</bold>. a) view from on high; b) lateral view.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-82-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-82-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-82-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-82-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-82-5\"/>" ]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
World J Surg Oncol. 2008 Aug 11; 6:82
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common chronic diseases the world over, and the number of people with DM has risen sharply in recent years [##REF##15111519##1##]. In the United Kingdom (UK), DM affects almost 1.8 million people, representing 3% of the population. There are also up to a million people with undiagnosed (asymptomatic) DM [##UREF##0##2##]. Other European countries report similarly high figures [##REF##12502659##3##]. Individuals with DM are at high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Adequate treatment of DM and associated risk factors such as hypertension and dyslipidemia greatly reduces the risk of complications.</p>", "<p>While it is argued that there is no justification for universal screening for diabetes, there is strong support for screening and early treatment among population subgroups where DM is common and CVD risk is high [##REF##11312236##4##]. Glucose levels are likely to be elevated for 10 years before DM is diagnosed [##UREF##1##5##]. This has led to recommendations for selective screening for DM by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and Diabetes UK [##UREF##2##6##,##UREF##3##7##]. Current guidelines include questionnaires based on risk factors (e.g. age ≥ 45 years, BMI &gt; 25) or the use of more complex risk scores which require invasive specimen collection [##REF##12032103##8##, ####UREF##4##9##, ##REF##10333936##10##, ##REF##9096967##11##, ##REF##7555482##12####7555482##12##].</p>", "<p>These guidelines have been developed and tested particularly among populations of white European origin. This raises the question of whether they are valid for other ethnic groups as well, in particular populations of South Asian and African origin in Europe. As the prevalence of DM is higher in these groups, it may affect the efficiency of screening. For instance, while type 2 DM in white Europeans usually appears over the age of 40, it often appears before the age of 40 among South Asians and African origin populations [##UREF##0##2##,##REF##10097925##13##, ####REF##10417082##14##, ##REF##9470870##15##, ##REF##2492840##16####2492840##16##]. In addition, the association between DM and its determinants might vary between ethnic groups.</p>", "<p>The limited evidence indeed indicates that a risk score for DM developed for the white population is less efficient among South Asians and Africans [##REF##14693976##17##]. Because of this, some guidelines recognize the necessity of adapting screening programs to ethnicity. The ADA questionnaire includes a question about ethnicity, and suggests screening before the age of 45 among specific groups [##REF##15618112##18##]. However, to our knowledge, no tailored risk score for DM has been developed specifically for populations of South Asian or African origin. Moreover, it is not yet known at what age screening for DM should start, and which selection criteria are most efficient for these ethnic groups. Thus, the aim of our study was to provide information needed to optimize screening criteria for DM among different ethnic groups, e.g. Hindustani and African Surinamese migrants. Given the similarities in geographic and ethnic origin, it is expected that Hindustani Surinamese have much in common with South Asian migrants, and that African Surinamese are very similar to migrants of Afro-Caribbean ancestry in the United Kingdom (UK).</p>", "<p>First, we determined the prevalence of known and newly detected DM in Hindustani Surinamese, African Surinamese, and ethnic Dutch (Dutch) in the Netherlands in two age groups: 35 to 44 and 45 to 60 years. Second, we developed a new risk score, based on ethnicity and biomedical risk factors that do not require invasive specimen collection in clinical practice. Finally, we evaluated the performance of that risk score and compared it with the current criteria derived from guidelines.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The study population consisted of participants in the SUNSET study (Surinamese in the Netherlands: Study on health and Ethnicity) [##REF##16208137##19##]. In 1975, almost half the population of the former Dutch colony Surinam migrated to the Netherlands. Approximately 80% of these Surinamese immigrants in the Netherlands are Hindustani ('South Asian', originally from the Indian sub-continent) or African (mixed African, Indian and European, but predominantly of African origin). The SUNSET study is based on a random sample of 2975 individuals, aged 35 to 60 years of age, drawn from the approximately 389000 ethnic Dutch (Dutch) and 72000 Surinamese listed in the Amsterdam population register (figure ##FIG##0##1##). For the sampling procedure, persons who were born in the Netherlands and whose parents were both born in the Netherlands were presumed to be Dutch. Persons of whom both parents were born in Surinam and persons who were born in Surinam and who had at least one parent who was born in Surinam were presumed to be Surinamese participants.</p>", "<p>Between 2001 and 2003, all persons in the sample were approached for face-to-face, structured interviews by trained interviewers who had been matched by sex and presumed ethnicity. The interview included questions on self-identified ethnicity, migration history, demographic variables, lifestyle, and health status. If information on the self-identified ethnicity of the individual was lacking, the origin of the mother, the father and the mother's ancestors were used to classify participants.</p>", "<p>The overall response to the interview was 60% (figure ##FIG##0##1##). Participation rates were higher among women than among men. In addition, participants in the interview were more likely to be married and living with a partner and/or children, and to live in a less urban area (address density of 1500–2500 addresses/km2 vs. ≥ 2500) as compared to non-participants (both non-response and not eligible). However, the absolute and relative differences between participants and non-participants for these characteristics were small and reported trends were similar across ethnic groups (data not shown).</p>", "<p>Participants of Hindustani Surinamese, African Surinamese or Dutch origin were also invited for a physical examination at a local health care centre. During the examination, trained physicians recorded the following characteristics: weight in light clothing on a SECA mechanical scale to the nearest 200 grams and height to the nearest 0.01 meter by wall tape measure. Waist circumference midway between the lower rib margin and the iliac crest and hip circumference at the maximum point over the greater trochanters were determined to the nearest 0.01 meter by tape measure. After the subjects had emptied their bladder and had been seated for at least 5 minutes, blood pressure and resting heart rate measurements were obtained from each subject's arm at heart level using an OMRON-M4 semi-automatic sphygmomanometer with an appropriate-sized cuff. All anthropometric measurements were obtained twice and the means (rounded off to the nearest integer) were used for analysis. Fasting glucose (HK/Glucose-6-P dehydrogenase test; Roche Diagnostics, In), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL, Homogenous enzymatic colorimetric test; Roche Diagnostics, In) and triglyceride (GPO-PAP Enzymatic test; Roche Diagnostics, In) levels were determined in serum samples obtained at the time of the physical examination. DM was defined as fasting glucose ≥ 7.0 mmol/l and/or self-reported DM, excluding the self-reported diagnoses of gestational diabetes.</p>", "<p>The SUNSET-study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Academic Medical Centre of the University of Amsterdam, and carried out in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration. All participants provided a written informed consent.</p>", "<p>In the present analysis, we included participants who had participated in both the interview and the physical examination. Of all participants in the interview, 71 were excluded due to missing information on self-identified ethnicity, 182 persons were excluded because they had not undergone the physical exam and 10 persons because fasting glucose measurements were not available (non-response for blood sample). As compared to those who were left in the study, those excluded were similar with regard to gender, self-reported DM and self-rated health (data not shown).</p>", "<p>In total, 1434 participants remained in the study, divided into 339 Hindustani Surinamese, 605 African Surinamese, and 490 Dutch (figure ##FIG##0##1##). Of the Hindustani participants 98.8% were born in Surinam, 99.4 had two parents who were born in Surinam and 92.1% had two parents who were of Hindustani origin. Of the African Surinamese participants, 99.2% were born in Surinam and 99.5% had two parents who were born in Surinam. Moreover, 79.3% of the African Surinamese had two parents who were of African origin.</p>", "<p>Characteristics of the ethnic groups were described using means or proportions. In addition, the prevalence of determinants of DM was calculated, directly standardised to the age distribution of the total population. The association of determinants with DM was studied using univariate logistic regression analysis. All variables showing an association of p ≤ 0.25 for the Wald test were selected for the multivariate analyses. Stepwise multiple logistic regression was then performed to construct the optimal risk score for the occurrence of DM among Hindustani Surinamese, African Surinamese and Dutch. Criteria for entry into and exclusion from the model were a p-value for the likelihood ratio test of 0.05 and 0.10, respectively. A new risk score was developed to determine the probability of having DM with a logistic regression model using data that would be routinely available in general practice. Variables considered were ethnicity, biomedical parameters and disease history, e.g. age, BMI, waist circumference, resting heart rate, first-degree relative with DM, hypertension, history of CVD. The risk score is based on the sum of the score of the variables included in the full model (see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##: Risk score for DM SUNSET.pdf).</p>", "<p>Subsequently, we evaluated the performance of the risk score and compared it to the sets of screening criteria derived from current guidelines by calculating the area under the Receiver-Operator Characteristic curve (AUC) as a measure of diagnostic accuracy. Before analyzing the data, it was decided to consider an AUC of less than 0.60 to be poor, 0.60–0.75 to be moderate, and higher than 0.75 to be good.</p>", "<p>The cut-off for the risk scores at which fasting plasma glucose screening was indicated, was chosen such that the sensitivity was approximately 80%, but not over. Additionally, we determined the specificity, the total population selected for screening, the prevalence in the screened population (the positive predictive value), and the number needed to screen to detect a case of DM (NNS).</p>", "<p>Finally, we estimated the diagnostic accuracy of the risk scores for the detection of a new case of DM, to simulate a situation where persons with known DM are excluded from screening. This was done because, ideally, only previously unknown cases would have been used in the derivation of the risk score for screening for unknown DM. However, given issues of power to enable statistical modelling, it was decided to base the score on all cases and to then also estimate the diagnostic accuracy of the risk scores for newly detected DM.</p>", "<p>We assessed the ability of a simplified version of our risk score, with points corresponding to the calculated odds ratio, to detect new cases of DM by calculating the number needed to screen to identify a new case of newly detected DM (NNS<sub>new</sub>).</p>", "<p>To assess the validity of the risk scores, we used bootstrapping techniques to estimate a 'confidence interval' (bCI) around the estimated AUC of all risk scores in our population. We took 1000 random samples, with replacement, from the study population. At each step the parameters in the predictive models were calculated. We subsequently estimated the AUC for each of the models and calculated the 2.5 and 97.5th percentile to indicate the 'confidence interval'[##REF##11470385##20##].</p>", "<p>All analyses were performed using the the SAS package, version 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, USA.).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Characteristics of the population</title>", "<p>Table ##TAB##0##1## shows the characteristics of the study population by ethnic group. Compared to the Dutch, the Surinamese migrants tended to be congregated at the lower end of the socio-economic structure. People of Hindustani Surinamese origin had more abdominal obesity than the African Surinamese and Dutch.</p>", "<title>Prevalence and determinants of DM</title>", "<p>Overall, Hindustani Surinamese had the highest prevalence of DM 25.6%, followed by African Surinamese 12.7% and Dutch 6.8%. The age-standardised prevalence among these groups was 26,7, 14,2 and 5,5, respectively. The prevalence of known and newly detected DM by age-group is shown in table ##TAB##0##1##. In the age-group 35 to 44 years, the sex-adjusted odds ratio (OR) for DM was 4.6 [2.0–10.9] for Hindustani Surinamese and 1.9 [0.8–4.6] for African Surinamese as compared to the Dutch. In the age group 45 to 60 years, the OR was 6.1 [3.7–10.3] for Hindustani Surinamese and 2.7 [1.6–4.6] for African Surinamese. Hindustani Surinamese and African Surinamese with DM had a higher odds of being detected, i.e. having known diabetes, than the Dutch (Hindustani Surinamese OR: 2.6 [1.1–6.2], African Surinamese OR: 2.7 [1.1–6.7]).</p>", "<p>The determinants of DM in the risk score are shown in Table ##TAB##1##2##. History of CVD (OR 5.4 [2.9–10.3]) and waist circumference (OR 5.3 [3.2–8.6]) showed the strongest association with DM in the univariate analysis. In multivariate analysis, the strongest determinants were history of CVD (OR 3.0 [1.5–6.3]), a first-degree relative with DM (OR 2.7 [1.8–4.2]) and Hindustani Surinamese origin (OR 2.7 [1.7–4.5]).</p>", "<title>Performance of criteria for screening</title>", "<p>Table ##TAB##2##3## shows the performance of four sets of screening criteria in the three population subgroups. Selection based on age alone (set 1) showed the lowest diagnostic accuracy. Application of the risk score (set 4) resulted in a moderate to good diagnostic accuracy: the AUC was 0.74 (0.70–0.79) for the Hindustani Surinamese, 0.80 (0.75–0.85) for the African Surinamese, and 0.78 (0.73–0.85) for the Dutch, with a NNS of 3 among the Hindustani Surinamese, 5 among the African Surinamese, and 7 among the Dutch. Trends were similar when the analysis was restricted to persons with normoglycemia and newly detected DM (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>In Table ##TAB##4##5##, we listed the performance of the simplified version of the score (as specified in additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##: Risk score for DM SUNSET.pdf), among the population without a prior diagnosis of DM (known DM). The AUC varied between 0.58 among the Hindustani Surinamese to 0.79 among the African Surinamese. At a cut off of 8 points, 13 Hindustani Surinamese, 22 African Surinamese or 13 ethnic Dutch would have to be screened to detect a new case of DM.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>To our knowledge, this is the first European study outside the UK, to report on an evaluation of a risk score as a screening test for DM across different ethnic groups. The findings of our study confirm that DM varies strongly across ethnic groups; Hindustani Surinamese had the highest prevalence of DM, followed by African Surinamese and Dutch. Although the Hindustani Surinamese population seemed to have a higher proportion of known DM, the absolute prevalence of newly detected DM was still higher as compared to the other ethnic groups in both age categories. These results indicate that Hindustani Surinamese in particular, but also the African Surinamese, could benefit from screening starting before the age of 45 (i.e. the currently advised threshold).</p>", "<p>The high prevalence of DM among the Hindustani Surinamese and African Surinamese is consistent with studies among South Asian and Afro-Caribbean populations in the UK [##REF##10097925##13##, ####REF##10417082##14##, ##REF##9470870##15##, ##REF##2492840##16####2492840##16##]. Research in the 1990s suggested that for every known case there was another undiagnosed case of DM [##REF##11312236##4##,##REF##7712700##21##,##REF##8612442##22##]. The proportion of newly detected DM in our study was lower. The proportion among the Dutch in our sample (nearly one-third) is in agreement with the UK and the recent data in the USA [##REF##16433718##23##,##UREF##5##24##]. The proportion of newly detected DM among the Surinamese was lower. A higher awareness of the risk of diabetes among Hindustani Surinamese in Dutch clinical practice may contribute (at least in part) to this low proportion, particularly among those aged 45 years and older. The relatively low proportion of newly detected diabetes among African Surinamese has also been found in Afro-Caribbeans in the UK [##REF##9470870##25##]. This may be linked to the high prevalence of hypertension among African origin populations, as clinicians may be triggered to test for elevated (fasting) glucose levels during check-ups for hypertension.</p>", "<p>Despite the relatively small proportion of newly detected DM in Hindustani Surinamese persons, the absolute prevalence of newly detected DM is relatively high in Hindustani Surinamese, particularly among those aged 35 to 45 years. This emphasizes the importance and potential benefits of (selective) screening among young people of Hindustani Surinamese origin. More research is needed to find out whether screening below 35 years of age can be useful for Hindustani and African Surinamese and other South Asian and African origin people.</p>", "<p>The performance of the new risk score, that was developed in this study, appears to be at least as accurate or even more accurate as a screening test for DM than other sets of screening criteria derived from current guidelines. Compared to the criteria based on age and BMI alone, inclusion of a number of additional parameters significantly improved the performance for both the South Asian and African ethnic groups. The parameters included waist circumference and resting heart rate. In our analyses, we found that waist circumference appeared to be superior for predicting the risk of DM when compared to BMI, even if we used a lower cut-off (BMI ≥ 23) in South Asians as recommended by the WHO [##UREF##6##26##]. Moreover, an elevated heart rate is known to be a risk marker for CVD and associated with an increased risk of DM [##REF##15451917##27##,##REF##9369286##28##]. However, despite a broad range of specific determinants, South Asian ethnic origin in itself remained one of the most important predictors.</p>", "<p>The advantage of our risk score as compared to the extended ADA criteria is that it does not require invasive specimen collection. Previous prospective studies have also looked at diagnostic criteria based on non-invasive parameters and shown that the diagnostic accuracy was potentially good [##REF##12610029##29##, ####REF##16043747##30##, ##REF##17327313##31####17327313##31##]. However, only one of these studies incorporated ethnicity, only 'black' (African American), but did not specifically assess the performance of the score with only clinical parameters (i.e. non-invasive) by ethnic group [##REF##16043747##30##]. The two other studies did not include ethnicity as part of the risk score and were therefore not able to design and evaluate the criteria in a multi-ethnic population.</p>", "<p>Before drawing a conclusion, this study has some limitations which should be discussed. First, the performance of screening criteria in a study population in which the model is developed, is known to often be too optimistic. However, the sub-group analyses and the results of the bootstrapping procedure indicate that our estimate of the performance of our risk score was valid.</p>", "<p>Second, as in many surveys, the diagnosis of DM was based on a single fasting plasma glucose, which might have underestimated the true prevalence rates for DM as compared to a situation where an oral glucose tolerance test had been employed [##REF##9773731##32##]. Studies show that over 30% of persons with DM are missed if the diagnosis is based on fasting glucose alone, suggesting that the total prevalence of DM may be higher than reported in our analyses [##REF##10382583##33##, ####REF##10097924##34##, ##REF##11151755##35####11151755##35##].</p>", "<p>Moreover, these studies showed that the agreement between the two methods is dependent on determinants such as on age and BMI [##REF##10382583##33##,##REF##11151755##35##]. This may affect the validity of our risk score. The performance of the score for the identification of persons with DM diagnosed by means of the oral glucose tolerance test may be insufficient, as our score was solely based on determinants associated with DM persons identified by the fasting plasma glucose measurement. Further studies will have to explore the validity of the risk score for the identification of DM diagnosed by means of the oral glucose tolerance test.</p>", "<p>Third, our study is based on cross-sectional self-reported data. This could have biased the results of behavioural factors if, as part of treatment, persons with DM changed their lifestyle. This would imply an underestimation of how lifestyle-related determinants contribute to DM. In addition, the cross-sectional nature of the study prevented us from assessing the risk of incident DM.</p>", "<p>Fourth, the participation rate among those invited for the study was 60%. Although this is reasonable for this type of study, selective non-response may influence the representativeness of the results, i.e. the generalisability to the original sample. In our study, only small differences were found in participation in the interview by gender, marital status, household composition and urbanisation. Unfortunately, no data were available on determinants of DM in this population. Therefore, we could not determine whether participants and non-participants were comparable with regard to the determinants and risk of DM. However, further comparison of participants and non-participants in the physical examination revealed no differences with regard to self-reported DM and self-rated health between these groups. This suggests that the study population may be largely representative for the entire sample.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Management of DM – especially in ethnic groups at high risk – deserves a great deal of attention in the form of early detection and prompt treatment. In our study, the prevalence of DM was so high among Hindustani Surinamese and to a lesser extent among African Surinamese that universal rather than selective screening may be indicated. In any case, detection and treatment among these ethnic groups should not just focus on persons 45 years or older, as is advised in most guidelines, but also include persons under the age of 45 years. If a choice for selective screening is made, an ethnicity-specific approach is required. Our risk score, which includes ethnicity, may be relatively easy to use in clinical practice. We have shown that it is as accurate as or more accurate than screening criteria derived from current guidelines. However, we do recommend further validation of this new risk score in practice.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>While the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is high, tailored risk scores for screening among South Asian and African origin populations are lacking. The aim of this study was, first, to compare the prevalence of (known and newly detected) DM among Hindustani Surinamese, African Surinamese and ethnic Dutch (Dutch). Second, to develop a new risk score for DM. Third, to evaluate the performance of the risk score and to compare it to criteria derived from current guidelines.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>We conducted a cross-sectional population based study among 336 Hindustani Surinamese, 593 African Surinamese and 486 Dutch, aged 35–60 years, in Amsterdam. Logistic regressing analyses were used to derive a risk score based on non-invasively determined characteristics. The diagnostic accuracy was assessed by the area under the Receiver-Operator Characteristic curve (AUC).</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Hindustani Surinamese had the highest prevalence of DM, followed by African Surinamese and Dutch: 16.7, 8.1, 4.2% (age 35–44) and 35.0, 19.0, 8.2% (age 45–60), respectively. The risk score included ethnicity, body mass index, waist circumference, resting heart rate, first-degree relative with DM, hypertension and history of cardiovascular disease. Selection based on age alone showed the lowest AUC: between 0.57–0.62. The AUC of our score (0.74–0.80) was higher than that of criteria from guidelines based solely on age and BMI and as high as criteria that required invasive specimen collection.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In Hindustani Surinamese and African Surinamese populations, screening for DM should not be limited to those over 45 years, as is advocated in several guidelines. If selective screening is indicated, our ethnicity based risk score performs well as a screening test for DM among these groups, particularly compared to the criteria based on age and/or body mass index derived from current guidelines.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>NRB assisted in the design of the SUNSET study, carried out measurements, participated in the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. IGMV carried out the statistical analysis, drafted the manuscript and carried out the revisions. GM, carried out measurements and commented on the interpretation of the results and the drafts of the manuscript. RPK conceived and designed the SUNSET study and commented on the interpretation of the results and the drafts of the manuscript. FH, JBLH and RPJM contributed to the interpretation of the results and the drafts of the manuscript. KS conceived and designed the SUNSET study, contributed to the statistical analyses and participated in the writing and revisions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We are very grateful to Prof. Niek Klazinga for his comments on earlier drafts of this manuscript. Furthermore, we are endebted to Dr. Michael Tanck, statistician, for his assistance with the analysis, in particular the bootstrapping procedure.</p>", "<p>This study was funded by The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) and the Academic Medical Centre (AMC).</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Flow chart of the inclusion into the study</bold>. <sup>a </sup>Persons who had moved, were deceased or could not be reached at the registered address were not considered as potential participants. <sup>b </sup>Only persons of Hindustani Surinamese, African Surinamese or ethnic Dutch origin were invited for the physical examination (n = 1626). Javanese or Chinese Surinamese persons and persons with missing ethnicity were excluded (n = 71). <sup>c </sup>Persons without a fasting plasma sample (n = 10) or were excluded.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Characteristics of 35–60 year old Hindustani Surinamese, African Surinamese and ethnic Dutch participants</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Hindustani Surinamese</bold><break/><bold>(n = 336)</bold><break/>median (IQR) or n (%)</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>African Surinamese</bold><break/><bold>(n = 593)</bold><break/>median (IQR) or n (%)</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ethnic Dutch</bold><break/><bold>(n = 486)</bold><break/>median (IQR) or n (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Age</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(years)</td><td align=\"left\">44 (39–50)</td><td align=\"left\">43 (39–48)</td><td align=\"left\">48 (42–54)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Sex</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(female)</td><td align=\"left\">187 (55.6)</td><td align=\"left\">400 (67.5)</td><td align=\"left\">242 (49.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Level of education</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(high<sup>a</sup>)</td><td align=\"left\">34 (10.3)</td><td align=\"left\">116 (19.8)</td><td align=\"left\">175 (36.5)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Level of profession</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(high<sup>b</sup>)</td><td align=\"left\">98 (32.9)</td><td align=\"left\">257 (48.9)</td><td align=\"left\">279 (58.3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Physical activity</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(at least 30 minutes 5× per week<sup>c</sup>)</td><td align=\"left\">166 (52.2)</td><td align=\"left\">315 (56.2)</td><td align=\"left\">306 (63.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>History of CVD</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(myocardial infarction and/or stroke)</td><td align=\"left\">21 (6.3)</td><td align=\"left\">13 (2.2)</td><td align=\"left\">10 (2.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>First degree relative with DM</bold></td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">273 (81.3)</td><td align=\"left\">371 (62.7)</td><td align=\"left\">202 (41.7)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>BMI</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(kg/m2)</td><td align=\"left\">26.7 (23.8–29.6)</td><td align=\"left\">27.6 (24.5–31.5)</td><td align=\"left\">25.4 (22.9–28.3)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(&gt; 25 kg/m2, Hindustani Surinamese: &gt; 23 kg/m2)</td><td align=\"left\">276 (82.1)</td><td align=\"left\">420 (71.0)</td><td align=\"left\">253 (52.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Waist circumference</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(cm)</td><td align=\"left\">94.2 (85.9–101.0)</td><td align=\"left\">92.9 (83.1–102.1)</td><td align=\"left\">90.3 (81.5–100.3)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(increased waist circumference<sup>d</sup>)</td><td align=\"left\">261 (77.7)</td><td align=\"left\">398 (67.2)</td><td align=\"left\">280 (57.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Resting heart rate</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(resting heart rate in bpm)</td><td align=\"left\">72.5 (66.5–80.5)</td><td align=\"left\">72.0 (65.0–80.0)</td><td align=\"left\">68.5 (61.0–76.0)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(resting heart rate ≥ 90 bpm)</td><td align=\"left\">29 (8.8)</td><td align=\"left\">46 (7.9)</td><td align=\"left\">21 (4.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Dyslipidemia</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">HDL-cholesterol</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(mmol/l)</td><td align=\"left\">1.2 (1.0–1.5)</td><td align=\"left\">1.4 (1.2–1.7)</td><td align=\"left\">1.4 (1.2–1.7)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(&lt; 0.9 mmol/l (35 mg/dl) and/or treated)</td><td align=\"left\">63 (18.6)</td><td align=\"left\">21 (3.5)</td><td align=\"left\">31 (6.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Triglyceride</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(mmol/l)</td><td align=\"left\">1.2 (0.9–1.8)</td><td align=\"left\">0.8 (0.6–1.2)</td><td align=\"left\">1.1 (0.8–1.7)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(&gt; 2.8 mmol/l (250 mg/dl) and/or treated)</td><td align=\"left\">51 (15.2)</td><td align=\"left\">15 (2.5)</td><td align=\"left\">41 (8.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Blood pressure</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">SBP</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(mmHg)</td><td align=\"left\">124.0 (112.0–137.5)</td><td align=\"left\">125.0 (114.5–140.5)</td><td align=\"left\">121.5 (111.0–134.5)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBP</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(mmHg)</td><td align=\"left\">81.5 (75.0–89.0)</td><td align=\"left\">82.0 (75.5–91.0)</td><td align=\"left\">78.5 (71.0–86.0)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Hypertension</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(&gt; 140/90 mmHg and/or on anti-hypertensive therapy)</td><td align=\"left\">115 (35.9)</td><td align=\"left\">223 (38.0)</td><td align=\"left\">125 (25.7)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Diabetes mellitus</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">(fasting plasma glucose ≥ 7.0 mmol/l and/or self-reported)</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">in 35–44 years</td><td align=\"left\">known</td><td align=\"left\">17 (9.8)</td><td align=\"left\">21 (6.1)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (3.0)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">newly detected</td><td align=\"left\">12 (6.9)</td><td align=\"left\">7 (2.0)</td><td align=\"left\">2 (1.2)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">in 45–60 years</td><td align=\"left\">known</td><td align=\"left\">50 (30.7)</td><td align=\"left\">38 (15.4)</td><td align=\"left\">14 (4.4)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">newly detected</td><td align=\"left\">7 (4.3)</td><td align=\"left\">9 (3.6)</td><td align=\"left\">12 (3.8)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Age standardised<sup>e</sup></td><td align=\"left\">known</td><td align=\"left\">298 (21.1)</td><td align=\"left\">164 (11.6)</td><td align=\"left\">46 (3.2)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">newly detected</td><td align=\"left\">80 (5.7)</td><td align=\"left\">37 (2.6)</td><td align=\"left\">32 (2.2)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Determinants of diabetes mellitus among Hindustani Surinamese, African Surinamese and ethnic Dutch aged 35–60 years<sup>a</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Determinant</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>DM</italic></bold><break/><bold><italic>(n = 194)</italic></bold><break/><italic>Prevalence (%)</italic></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>no DM</italic></bold><break/><bold><italic>(n = 1221)</italic></bold><break/><italic>Prevalence (%)</italic></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Univariate </italic></bold><break/><italic>OR [95% CI]</italic></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Multivariate</italic><sup>b </sup></bold><break/><italic>OR [95% CI]</italic></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Age ≥ 45 years</td><td align=\"left\">67.0</td><td align=\"left\">49.0</td><td align=\"left\">2.2 [1.6–3.0]</td><td align=\"left\">1.8 [1.2–2.6]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">BMI &gt; 25 kg/m2<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"left\">89.1</td><td align=\"left\">63.6</td><td align=\"left\">4.8 [3.0–7.7]</td><td align=\"left\">1.9 [1.0–3.4]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Increased waist circumference<sup>d</sup></td><td align=\"left\">89.6</td><td align=\"left\">62.7</td><td align=\"left\">5.3 [3.2–8.6]</td><td align=\"left\">2.3 [1.3–4.1]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Resting heart rate ≥ 90 bpm</td><td align=\"left\">15.4</td><td align=\"left\">5.6</td><td align=\"left\">3.1 [1.9–4.9]</td><td align=\"left\">2.4 [1.4–4.0]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">First-degree relative with DM</td><td align=\"left\">82.9</td><td align=\"left\">56.2</td><td align=\"left\">3.8 [2.5–5.6]</td><td align=\"left\">2.7 [1.8–4.2]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Hypertension<sup>e</sup></td><td align=\"left\">59.0</td><td align=\"left\">28.9</td><td align=\"left\">3.6 [2.6–4.9]</td><td align=\"left\">2.4 [1.7–3.4]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">History of CVD</td><td align=\"left\">9.8</td><td align=\"left\">2.1</td><td align=\"left\">5.4 [2.9–10.3]</td><td align=\"left\">3.0 [1.5–6.3]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ethnic group:</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Hindustani Surinamese</td><td align=\"left\">44.3</td><td align=\"left\">20.5</td><td align=\"left\">4.8 [3.1–7.4]</td><td align=\"left\">2.7 [1.7–4.5]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> African Surinamese</td><td align=\"left\">38.7</td><td align=\"left\">42.4</td><td align=\"left\">2.0 [1.3–3.1]</td><td align=\"left\">1.5 [0.9–2.4]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Ethnic Dutch</td><td align=\"left\">17.0</td><td align=\"left\">37.1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Performance of sets of selective screening criteria for diabetes mellitus among participants in SUNSET</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Source</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>AUC (bCI)</italic><sup>c</sup></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Sens (%, CI)</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Spec (%, CI)</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Screen (%)</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Prev (%)</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>NNS</italic></bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"9\"><bold>Set criteria for Hindustani Surinamese</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"9\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"left\">age ≥ 45 years</td><td align=\"left\">DCGP</td><td align=\"left\">0.62<break/>(0.58–0.67)</td><td align=\"left\">66.3<break/>(55.2–75.9)</td><td align=\"left\">57.6<break/>(51.2–63.8)</td><td align=\"left\">48.5</td><td align=\"left\">35.0</td><td align=\"left\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">age ≥ 45 and BMI &gt; 25 kg/m2</td><td align=\"left\">ADA</td><td align=\"left\">0.65<break/>(0.61–0.71)</td><td align=\"left\">66.3<break/>(55.2–75.9)</td><td align=\"left\">57.6<break/>(51.2–63.8)</td><td align=\"left\">48.5</td><td align=\"left\">35.0</td><td align=\"left\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"left\">criteria 2, and have additional risk factors, as follows<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\">ADA extended</td><td align=\"left\">0.74<break/>(0.70–0.79)</td><td align=\"left\">79.5<break/>(69.0–87.3)</td><td align=\"left\">47.4<break/>(41.0–53.8)</td><td align=\"left\">56.4</td><td align=\"left\">35.5</td><td align=\"left\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"left\">tailored risk score<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"left\">present study</td><td align=\"left\">0.74<break/>(0.70–0.79)</td><td align=\"left\">75.9<break/>(65,.0–84.3)</td><td align=\"left\">54.1<break/>(47.6–60.4)</td><td align=\"left\">53.5</td><td align=\"left\">35.8</td><td align=\"left\">3</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"9\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"9\"><bold>Set criteria for African Surinamese</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"9\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"left\">age ≥ 45 years</td><td align=\"left\">DCGP</td><td align=\"left\">0.62<break/>(0.58–0.67)</td><td align=\"left\">62.7<break/>(50.7–73.3)</td><td align=\"left\">61.4<break/>(57.0–65.6)</td><td align=\"left\">41.7</td><td align=\"left\">19.0</td><td align=\"left\">6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">age ≥ 45 and BMI &gt; 25 kg/m2</td><td align=\"left\">ADA</td><td align=\"left\">0.68<break/>(0.65–0.75)</td><td align=\"left\">59.5<break/>(47.4–70.5)</td><td align=\"left\">72.6<break/>(68.5–76.3)</td><td align=\"left\">81.1</td><td align=\"left\">14.2</td><td align=\"left\">8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"left\">criteria 2, and have additional risk factors, as follows<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\">ADA extended</td><td align=\"left\">0.79<break/>(0.76–0.85)</td><td align=\"left\">78.1<break/>(66.6–86.6)</td><td align=\"left\">60.7<break/>(56.3–65.0)</td><td align=\"left\">44.1</td><td align=\"left\">22.1</td><td align=\"left\">5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"left\">tailored risk score<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"left\">present study</td><td align=\"left\">0.80<break/>(0.75–0.85)</td><td align=\"left\">79.2<break/>(67.7–87.5)</td><td align=\"left\">62.3<break/>(57.9–66.5)</td><td align=\"left\">42.8</td><td align=\"left\">23.0</td><td align=\"left\">5</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"9\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"9\"><bold>Set criteria for ethnic Dutch</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"9\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"left\">age ≥ 45 years</td><td align=\"left\">DCGP</td><td align=\"left\">0.57<break/>(0.51–0.63)</td><td align=\"left\">78.8<break/>(60.6–90.4)</td><td align=\"left\">35.6<break/>(31.2–40.2)</td><td align=\"left\">65.4</td><td align=\"left\">8.2</td><td align=\"left\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">age ≥ 45 and BMI &gt; 25 kg/m2</td><td align=\"left\">ADA</td><td align=\"left\">0.72<break/>(0.65–0.77)</td><td align=\"left\">72.7<break/>(54.2–86.1)</td><td align=\"left\">72.7<break/>(60.3–69.3)</td><td align=\"left\">79.8</td><td align=\"left\">8.0</td><td align=\"left\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"left\">criteria 2, and have additional risk factors, as follows<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\">ADA extended</td><td align=\"left\">0.79<break/>(0.75–0.87)</td><td align=\"left\">71.9<break/>(53.0–85.6)</td><td align=\"left\">71.2<break/>(66.7–75.3)</td><td align=\"left\">31.7</td><td align=\"left\">15.0</td><td align=\"left\">7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>4</bold></td><td align=\"left\">tailored risk score<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"left\">present study</td><td align=\"left\">0.78<break/>(0.73–0.85)</td><td align=\"left\">77.4<break/>(58.5–89.7)</td><td align=\"left\">68.8<break/>(64.2–73.1)</td><td align=\"left\">34.3</td><td align=\"left\">14.9</td><td align=\"left\">7</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Performance of sets of selective screening criteria for the identification of newly detected diabetes mellitus among participants in SUNSET<sup>c</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Source</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Hindustani Surinamese</bold><break/><bold><italic>N = 269</italic></bold><break/><bold>AUC (bCI)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>African Surinamese</bold><break/><bold><italic>N = 534</italic></bold><break/><bold>AUC (bCI)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>ethnic Dutch</bold><break/><bold>n = 467</bold><break/><bold>AUC (bCI)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">age ≥ 45 years</td><td align=\"left\">DCGP</td><td align=\"left\">0.53 (0.50–0.61)</td><td align=\"left\">0.59 (0.51–0.69)</td><td align=\"left\">0.61 (0.54–0.68)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">age ≥ 45 and BMI &gt; 25 kg/m2</td><td align=\"left\">ADA</td><td align=\"left\">0.61 (0.54–0.70)</td><td align=\"left\">0.69 (0.62–0.78)</td><td align=\"left\">0.72 (0.65–0.82)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">3</td><td align=\"left\">criteria 2, and have additional risk factors, as follows<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\">ADA extended</td><td align=\"left\">0.69 (0.64–0.83)</td><td align=\"left\">0.87 (0.83–0.95)</td><td align=\"left\">0.80 (0.74–0.91)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">4</td><td align=\"left\">tailored risk score<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"left\">present study</td><td align=\"left\">0.70 (0.66–0.83)</td><td align=\"left\">0.87 (0.83–0.93)</td><td align=\"left\">0.78 (0.73–0.90)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Performance of the simplified risk score for the identification of newly detected diabetes mellitus<sup>a</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>AUC (bCI)</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Sens (%)</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Screen (%)</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Prev (%)</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>NNS</italic><sub>new</sub></bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Hindustani Surinamese</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\">0.58 (0.49–0.70)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Total population</td><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">6.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 5 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">94.4</td><td align=\"left\">97.3</td><td align=\"left\">6.6</td><td align=\"left\">16</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 8 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">94.4</td><td align=\"left\">80.7</td><td align=\"left\">8.0</td><td align=\"left\">13</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 11 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">38.9</td><td align=\"left\">42.0</td><td align=\"left\">6.3</td><td align=\"left\">16</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>African Surinamese</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\">0.79 (0.70–0.89)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Total population</td><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">3.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 5 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">93.8</td><td align=\"left\">86.8</td><td align=\"left\">3.3</td><td align=\"left\">31</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 8 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">87.5</td><td align=\"left\">58.9</td><td align=\"left\">4.5</td><td align=\"left\">22</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 11 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">81.3</td><td align=\"left\">25.8</td><td align=\"left\">9.6</td><td align=\"left\">11</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Ethnic Dutch</bold></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\">0.77 (0.68–0.85)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Total population</td><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">3.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 5 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">100</td><td align=\"left\">56.2</td><td align=\"left\">5.5</td><td align=\"left\">19</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 8 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">64.3</td><td align=\"left\">24.9</td><td align=\"left\">8.0</td><td align=\"left\">13</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 11 points</td><td/><td align=\"left\">14.3</td><td align=\"left\">6.4</td><td align=\"left\">6.9</td><td align=\"left\">15</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional File 1</title><p>'Appendix: The risk score for DM from the population based SUNSET cohort'. Instructions on how to calculate the simplified risk score for diabetes mellitus from the population based SUNSET cohort.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>definition: higher vocational or more (i.e. primary, secondary or lower vocational versus higher vocational or more) <sup>b </sup>definition: grade of employment (as classified by the EGP scheme (routine non-manual employees or higher (high) vs. low) <sup>c </sup>Dutch physical activity guideline <sup>d </sup>waist circumference &gt; 80 cm for women and &gt; 94 cm for men <sup>e </sup>Directly standardised to the age distribution of the total population (in 5-year categories). Data represent expected number of cases (prevalence). BMI = body mass index, bpm = beats per minute, SBP = systolic blood pressure, DBP = diastolic blood pressure, CVD = cardiovascular disease, HDL = high density lipoprotein, DM= diabetes mellitus, IQR = interquartile range</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>only determinants selected for the multivariate analysis, based on a Waldtest for univariate association of p &lt; 0.25 are shown <sup>b </sup>mutually adjusted <sup>c </sup>&gt; 23 kg/m2 for Hindustani Surinamese <sup>d </sup>waist circumference &gt; 80 cm for all women, &gt; 94 cm for African Surinamese and ethnic Dutch men and &gt; 90 cm for Hindustani Surinamese men <sup>e </sup>blood pressure &gt; 140/90 mm Hg and/or being on anti-hypertensive therapy</p><p>DM = diabetes mellitus (fasting plasma glucose ≥ 7.0 mmol/l and/or self-reported), OR = odds ratio, CI = confidence interval, BMI = body mass index, bpm = beats per minute, CVD = cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction and/or stroke)</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>physically inactive or 1st-degree relative with DM or high risk ethnic group (Hindustani Surinamese, i.e. South Asian) or hypertensive or reduced HDL and/or elevated triglyceride or history of cardiovascular disease.</p><p><sup>b </sup>optimal screening criteria identified from multivariate analysis (ethnic groups, age, BMI, waist circumference, resting heart rate, first-degree relative with DM, hypertension, history of cardiovascular disease)</p><p><sup>c </sup>bCI: The 'Confidence interval' around the score was estimated via a bootstrapping procedure [##REF##11470385##20##], the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles are listed between brackets. The cut-off value for the SUNSET score was 0.200 for Hindustani Surinamese, 0.077 for African Surinamese and 0.055 for ethnic Dutch. DM = diabetes mellitus (fasting plasma glucose ≥ 7.0 mmol/l and/or self-reported), CI = 95%-confidence interval, DCPG = Dutch College of General Practitioners, ADA = American Diabetes Association, AUC = area under the curve, a measure of diagnostic accuracy, sens = sensitivity of the criteria (value closest to, but not over 80%), spec = specificity corresponding to the listed sensitivity, screen = percentage of the total population in this study that is screened, prev = prevalence in the screened population (the predictive value positive), NNS = number needed to screen to detect a case of DM in this study, BMI = body mass index</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>physically inactive or 1st-degree relative with DM or high risk ethnic group (Hindustani Surinamese, i.e. South Asian) or hypertensive or reduced high density lipoprotein and/or elevated triglyceride or history of cardiovascular disease.</p><p><sup>b </sup>optimal screening criteria identified from multivariate analysis (ethnic groups, age, BMI, waist circumference, resting heart rate, first-degree relative with DM, hypertension, history of cardiovascular disease)</p><p><sup>c </sup>Persons with known DM were excluded from the analysis. Data are area under the curve (AUC) and a 'confidence interval' (bCI), based on the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles estimated via a bootstrapping procedure [##REF##11470385##20##].</p><p>DM = diabetes mellitus (fasting plasma glucose ≥ 7.0 mmol/l and/or self-reported), DCPG = Dutch College of General Practitioners, ADA = American Diabetes Association</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>Persons with known DM were excluded from the analysis. Simplified score is presented in additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##: Risk score for DM SUNSET.pdf. Cut off values (number of points) chosen based on the 20–50–75 percentiles in the total population.</p><p>DM = diabetes mellitus (fasting plasma glucose ≥ 7.0 mmol/l and/or self-reported), sens = sensitivity of the criteria at the given cut-off, screen = percentage of the total population that is screened at the given cut-off, prev = prevalence in the screened population (the predictive value positive), NNS<sub>new </sub>= number needed to identify a case of newly detected DM, i.e. a <underline>previously undiagnosed</underline> case of DM in this study, AUC = area under the curve, a measure of diagnostic accuracy, bCI = 'confidence interval' estimated via a bootstrapping procedure [##REF##11470385##20##], the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles are listed between brackets.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-271-1\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-271-S1.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"article-title": ["Diabetes in the UK, october 2004"]}, {"collab": ["Health Council of the Netherlands"], "source": ["Screening for type 2 diabetes (publication no 2004/16)"], "year": ["2004"], "publisher-name": ["The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands"]}, {"collab": ["American Diabetes Association"], "article-title": ["Screening for Diabetes (Position Statement)"], "source": ["Diabetes Care"], "year": ["2001"], "volume": ["24"], "fpage": ["S21"], "lpage": ["4"]}, {"article-title": ["Early identification of people with type 2 diabetes"]}, {"surname": ["Griffin", "Little", "Hales", "Kinmonth", "Wareham"], "given-names": ["SJ", "PS", "CN", "AL", "NJ"], "article-title": ["Diabetes risk score: towards earlier detection of type 2 diabetes in general practice"], "source": ["Diabete Metab Res Rev"], "year": ["2000"], "volume": ["16"], "fpage": ["164"], "lpage": ["171"], "pub-id": ["10.1002/1520-7560(200005/06)16:3<164::AID-DMRR103>3.0.CO;2-R"]}, {"article-title": ["National Diabetes Factsheet: United States, 2005"]}, {"article-title": ["The Asia-Pacific Perspective: Redefining Obesity and its Treatment \u2013 Full Report"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Public Health. 2008 Aug 1; 8:271
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The north-east Indian states of Manipur and Nagaland are characterised by political instability, unemployment, and easy availability of heroin from across the Myanmar border. They are classified by the National AIDS Control Society [##UREF##0##1##] as high prevalence states for HIV, and intravenous drug use is an important route of HIV transmission [##UREF##0##1##,##UREF##1##2##]. The injecting drug user (IDU) population in these states constitutes 1.9–2.7% of the adult population [##UREF##1##2##]. In 2005, the HIV prevalence among IDUs in Manipur and Nagaland was reported to be 24% and 5% respectively, representing an increase in both states from the previous year [##UREF##0##1##]. However, much higher rates have also been reported: in a sample of IDUs from north-east India, 75% were found to be HIV positive [##UREF##1##2##]. Most IDUs in north-east India are men, an estimated 40% are married [##UREF##2##3##], and death rates have been high in the last five years, consequently the number of widows of IDUs has increased.</p>", "<p>Widows in India are socially and economically disadvantaged, and the situation for widows of IDUs is often worse. They are frequently stigmatised on three levels – for being a woman, being a widow, and being HIV positive [##UREF##3##4##]. In 2004, a situation assessment of widows of IDUs conducted in Manipur found that they were faced with a range of psycho-social, economic and health problems. Many IDU widows and their children were HIV-infected and experiencing poor health, social isolation, grief, loneliness, discrimination, and poverty; all factors likely to be compromising their mental health [##UREF##4##5##]. Some widows reported engaging in HIV risk behaviours including alcohol and drug misuse, sex work and unprotected sex. Accessing HIV prevention services was not a priority for these women who were predominantly concerned about livelihood and their children's future [##UREF##4##5##].</p>", "<p>Mental health is more than simply the absence of mental illness; it is the foundation for well-being and effective functioning for individuals and communities [##UREF##5##6##]. Mental illness is associated with indicators of poverty including low levels of education, poor housing and low income [##REF##14576893##7##], and with other illnesses such as HIV infection [##REF##15994563##8##]. Substance misuse, violence and health problems such as HIV and depression are more prevalent and more difficult to cope with in conditions of low income, limited education and unemployment [##UREF##6##9##].</p>", "<p>The nexus between gender and mental health is well recognised. Socio-cultural beliefs about gender roles often diminish women's control over their own lives and restrict their access to economic resources and power within the society, and this in turn has a significant effect on their mental health status and the risk of mental illness especially depression [##UREF##7##10##, ####UREF##8##11##, ##UREF##9##12####9##12##].</p>", "<p>The influence of gender on women's mental health is most evident in relation to depression. Globally, including in India, women are approximately twice as likely as men to experience depression and widows in India are more likely to suffer from mental illness than single or married women [##UREF##7##10##, ####UREF##8##11##, ##UREF##9##12####9##12##]. There is a need to promote the mental health of women in general and of widows in particular, both in India and further a field [##UREF##9##12##].</p>", "<p>Mental health is associated with HIV in a range of ways. In relation to engagement in HIV risk behaviours, individuals with poor mental health as a group and including those with untreated mental illness and substance misuse problems, have a greater chance of exposure to HIV related risk behaviours. Many have less control over their lives than other populations, are more likely to find themselves in situations of risk, and have diminished ability to negotiate safe behaviours [##REF##15817956##13##,##UREF##10##14##]. Interactions between drug and alcohol use and depression are common, and studies in India indicate that the former is associated with engagement in HIV risk behaviours, especially among those with mental health problems [##UREF##11##15##,##REF##12935383##16##]. People living with HIV and AIDS have an increased risk of developing mental health problems including depression and substance misuse [##REF##15817956##13##, ####UREF##10##14##, ##UREF##11##15####11##15##]. These conditions adversely affect HIV and AIDS treatment adherence, contribute to risk behaviours and exacerbate social difficulties associated with stigma and discrimination. These considerations raise the possibility that promoting the mental health of vulnerable groups may reduce the risk of engagement in HIV risk behaviours and thereby contribute to HIV prevention.</p>", "<p>Emerging evidence indicates that mental health can be promoted by public health actions with vulnerable groups [##UREF##5##6##]. Just as physical health can be promoted, so too can mental health. A recent WHO report draws on a public health framework proposed initially by the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation [##UREF##12##17##] that identifies three key social and economic determinants of community and individual mental health: (1) social inclusion; (2) freedom from discrimination and violence; and (3) access to economic resources. This framework recognises that psychosocial and economic factors influence (protect or negate) a number of health-related behaviours such as substance misuse and risky sexual behaviours, that in turn affect all areas of health, including mental health [##REF##12935383##16##,##UREF##12##17##].</p>", "<p>While the health benefits of community participation are well understood in development work, health policy does not always reflect this, partly because the published evidence related to this approach is limited. Our intervention drew on participatory action research (PAR) approaches to health development that seek to empower target communities to actively identify problems and develop solutions in relation to particular research questions. This enhances their self-confidence and leadership skills, and assists them to address their own health and social needs [##REF##11468849##18##,##REF##15988448##19##]. For example, a study in Nepal demonstrated that community based participatory action had a significant positive impact on maternal and infant mortality [##UREF##13##20##]. Studies such as these and the one described in this paper help to narrow the evidence gap on the effectiveness of community participation to contribute to changes in health status.</p>", "<p>This pilot intervention study began with the hypothesis that the implementation of structured and peer-facilitated participatory action groups (PAGs) among widows of IDUs in Manipur and Nagaland, with a focus on promoting mental health and well-being and informed by a strengths-based approach [##UREF##14##21##], would be associated with: (1) improved mental health; and (2) a reduced likelihood of engagement in HIV risk behaviours.</p>", "<p>The objectives of the study were to: (1) learn about the women's perspectives on mental health and well-being and the links between mental health and HIV; (2) assess changes in the women's quality of life and mental health during the course of the intervention; (3) assess changes in engagement in HIV risk behaviours; (4) describe the process and outcome of the intervention from the perspective of the women; (5) document the process of establishing and conducting the intervention so it can be repeated or adapted in the future. This paper reports on the findings in relation to objectives 2, 3 and 4. A full description of the background, the intervention and the methods for this study has been published elsewhere [##REF##17442121##22##], so the following methods section is brief.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Six groups of IDU widows were established (three in each state) in mid 2006, with 9–16 widows in each group. The women were recruited through partnerships with local non-government organisations (NGOs) working in the field of HIV prevention. The NGOs contacted IDU widow's known to them, and through these women's networks, contacted other widows. All interested widows attended a meeting where the nature of the study and intervention were explained, and those women interested in participating were recruited. The districts covered by the participating NGOs were Imphal and Churachandpur in Manipur and Dimapur and Kohima in Nagaland. The intervention is described elsewhere [##REF##17442121##22##] and more information is available from the authors on request. In brief, the intervention was based on the framework for mental health promotion [##UREF##12##17##], and consisted of ten peer-facilitated PAG meetings that were held every fortnight for half a day over a twenty week period. All meetings were participatory, strengths-based and comprised of a combination of structured activities and open discussion (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Two peer facilitators were trained and supported for each group, and were provided with flexible written guidelines for each session. The women's travel and childcare costs were covered, refreshments were provided, and the activities deliberately engendered fun and enjoyment for the women. Each group participated in an action planning process to develop strategies for promoting mental health and the sustainability of the groups. A range of quantitative and qualitative data was collected to assess the impact of the intervention on the lives of the women.</p>", "<title>Quality of life, mental health, somatic symptoms and HIV risk behaviours</title>", "<p>Three brief questionnaires were completed by the women during the first and last PAG meetings:</p>", "<p>1. The short version of the WHO Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF): Quality of life is a broad ranging concept and is assessed on a person's perceptions of various factors divided into four domains: (i) Physical health domain including pain and discomfort, energy and fatigue, mobility, sleep and work capacity; (ii) Psychological domain including spirituality, body image and appearance, thinking and learning and self-esteem; (iii) Social domain including personal relationships, sexual activity and social support; (iv) Environment domain including physical safety and security, physical environment (pollution, climate), financial resources, participation in recreation, home environment, transportation, and access and quality of health and social care [##UREF##15##23##,##REF##9626712##24##]. Cronbach alpha values for each of the domain scores in the WHOQOL range from 0.71 to 0.86, demonstrating good internal consistency [##UREF##16##25##].</p>", "<p>2. The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12): The GHQ12 is a screening instrument for common mental disorders suitable for use in community, primary care and medical settings. It is used in many different countries and although the original version consisted of 60 items; shorter versions have been subsequently developed and validated [##REF##9122299##26##]. The Cronbach's alpha for the GHQ12 is estimated to be between 0.82 – 0.86 [##REF##9122299##26##]. Analysis of the GHQ12 data used a cut-off of three points, greater than three indicating potential presence of a common mental disorder such as depression or anxiety. The selection of this cut-off was based on findings from an earlier study using the GHQ12 in an Indian setting [##REF##9483689##27##].</p>", "<p>3. A Health and Well-being Questionnaire; Women in India who experience mental health problems such as depression often express their distress as somatic symptoms [##REF##7894865##28##, ####REF##15104094##29##, ##REF##16585469##30####16585469##30##], so this questionnaire was adapted from an existing somatic symptom scale [##UREF##17##31##]. It asked participants to select how often they experience pain, various bodily sensations (e.g. weakness, trembling), disturbances of body functions (e.g. sleep, appetite), and reproductive symptoms (e.g. menstrual disturbance, vaginal discharge), as an indication of mental health. The second part of the questionnaire consisted of a small number of questions about sexual partners and drug and alcohol use adapted from a widely used Behavioural Surveillance Survey [##UREF##18##32##].</p>", "<p>The WHOQOL-BREF and the GHQ12 are usually self-administered but assisted administration is possible for people with low literacy. All questionnaires were translated into the local languages, back translated and piloted with literate and non-literate women. The research teams and peer facilitators assessed the sensitivity and appropriateness of all questions before they were included in the study. Special attention was given to the more sensitive questions seeking information about sexual and substance use behaviours.</p>", "<p>Data were analysed using SPSS 10. Individual assessment scores were summarised using frequency distributions and mean and standard deviations. Comparisons between baseline and follow up scores were done using paired t-test for continuous scores (WHOQOL-BREF and Health and Well-being Questionnaire) and McNamara Chi-square test for categorical variables (GHQ12). Data were analysed with the two states combined and separately.</p>", "<title>Value of the intervention from the participant and NGO perspectives</title>", "<p>The Most Significant Change (MSC) method was used to evaluate the intervention from the perspectives of the participants and the partnering NGOs. MSC is a qualitative, participatory approach to monitoring and evaluation used in development projects [##UREF##19##33##]. In this study, we collected 'stories of change' from participants during the eighth PAG meeting, and involved different stakeholders in systematic selection of the stories that best captured what they considered to be the 'most significant change'. Reasons for selecting particular stories were also documented. The point of MSC is that both the content of the selected stories and the reasons for choosing them make the values of the different stakeholders explicit, and this can be used to foster dialogue between potentially competing perspectives, in this case that of the IDU widows and the NGOs. As the MSC approach tends to elicit positive stories (in relation to the intervention), this method is not used as an evaluation tool in isolation.</p>", "<p>Initially, stories of change were collected from all participants who were willing and able to provide them. The stories were told to the state-based research officers (BD, TG) in private and were recorded and subsequently transcribed and translated. Two panels were convened in each state: one participant panel consisting of two peer facilitators, two widows, and an NGO liaison worker from each group (three groups in each state), and one NGO panel consisting of two senior staff from each of four NGOs connected to the project. The story selection process involved reading all of the stories from the relevant state to the panel members who were given time to reflect on each story and then, through a collective process, select the four stories that, in their view, best represented the 'most significant change'. The two panels met and made their selections independent of each other (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). Panel members were encouraged to discuss the reasons why they selected these particular stories and this discussion was recorded, transcribed and translated. We were interested in the similarities and the differences between the stories selected by the participant and NGO panels, as well as similarities and differences in their reasons for selection. Additionally all of the stories were thematically analysed. This is an inductive approach that involves systematically coding and recoding the data in order to identify and organise both explicit and implicit patterns embedded in the data.</p>", "<title>Ethics and funding</title>", "<p>This intervention study was funded by the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID) through the Research and Learning Fund. Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee (Australia) and the Emmanuel Hospital Association Institutional Review Board (India) in early 2006. Participation in the study was entirely voluntary, all participants provided informed consent and confidentiality was assured.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Participation and demographics</title>", "<p>Seventy-four women participated in the first PAG meeting, and 59 women completed the intervention (80% retention). The level of participation varied between NGOs (p = 0.04) and states (p = 0.002) (Table ##TAB##1##2##). The women were relatively young (mean age 32.5 years) and came from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The average length of widowhood was 4.3 years and the average number of children was 2.4. The majority of participants (81%) were not currently employed. Sources of income for those not formally employed included small businesses, support from family, sex work, and making handicrafts. Slightly more than half of the participants (53%) had completed secondary school and 30% had undergone some form of tertiary education. Nine percent of participants reported receiving no education. Although we did not systematically collect information regarding the participants' HIV status and drug use history, many of the women revealed their HIV positive status in the course of the intervention, and a small proportion had a history of injecting drug use.</p>", "<title>Changes in quality of life, mental health and somatic symptoms</title>", "<p>In both states, all four Quality of Life domain scores increased across the course of the intervention indicating a general trend towards improvement in their quality of life (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The women experienced significant improvements in their physical and psychological health, and their interaction with the environment was more positive after participating in the intervention (p ≤ 0.05). While there was an increase in the social domain score, this did not reach statistical significance. The Quality of Life results in Manipur mirrored those for the group as a whole, but those in Nagaland were somewhat different as even though they all improved, none reached statistical significance (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>The results from the GHQ12 indicate that almost three-quarters of the group (70%, 49/70) were possibly experiencing a common mental disorder such as depression or anxiety at baseline compared with 42% (24/57) at the end of the intervention (Table ##TAB##3##4##). This represents a significant decrease in the proportion likely to be experiencing a common mental disorder (p &lt; 0.01). Similar improvements were noted in both states. Those who dropped out of the intervention compared to those who remained were no different at baseline in relation to their GHQ12 scores and a range of demographic measures (ethnicity, religion, education, employment and marital status).</p>", "<p>In both states, the women experienced fewer somatic symptoms across the course of the intervention (as indicated by lower scores). However, pain was the only symptom that significantly decreased for the two states combined (p &lt; 0.01).</p>", "<p>In summary, these results indicate an overall improvement in several quality of life and mental health parameters across the course of the intervention, although the patterning of these improvements varied by state. Unfortunately, data were insufficient to conduct a complete analysis of the effect of the intervention on participants' engagement in HIV risk behaviours as too many of the respondents left the relevant questions blank. Only a handful of participants openly engaging in sex work responded adequately to these questions. This is discussed further in the Discussion section of the paper.</p>", "<title>Thematic analysis of the Most Significant Change stories</title>", "<p>Stories of change were collected from 33 participants in Manipur and 22 in Nagaland. Analysis of the stories uncovered a range of themes, most of which aligned with the socio-economic determinants of mental health i.e. social inclusion, freedom from discrimination, and economic participation. This is not surprising as the intervention was somewhat structured around these themes. Two additional themes were physical health and future orientation. A sample story from each state can be found in Figure ##FIG##1##2##.</p>", "<title>Social inclusion</title>", "<p>Many participants described how joining the group helped them overcome social isolation and provided them with a sense of belonging that was previously absent. The benefits of meeting and building relationships with other women in the same situation were frequently highlighted and the group became a source of nurturance and support for many of the women, and a stepping stone into the wider society for some.</p>", "<p>I felt that others discriminated against me as my husband died from drugs. This made me ashamed and I never wanted to attend any social gatherings. I didn't want to interact with others and this resulted in depression and stress and a feeling that life had no value. Since I attended this meeting, it has encouraged me to interact socially. I have even begun to attend the church and other social gatherings. It has been good meeting other widows like me, who I never knew before, but now they have become my friends with whom I can share my problems. (Manipur 11)</p>", "<p>A lot of participants gained confidence in their own abilities as a result of having to interact in a group setting.</p>", "<p>Before I attended this PAG, I could never stand in a group and speak but during the PAG sessions I had many opportunities to share my opinion and speak in the group, which has helped me to realise some of my potentials. (Manipur 33)</p>", "<p>Family conflict (mainly with in-laws) was one of the major sources of stress for the women. Many felt that the intervention had provided them with skills to better manage anger, thus enhancing their relationships with family.</p>", "<p>My relationship with my family and in-laws has improved. Earlier I used to fight with them because I have very negative thoughts about them. Now I understand that this will only increase our worries and affect my mental health. I have been able to handle my anger. After I stopped shouting, I have observed that even my children have stopped fighting amongst themselves. This has helped me to strengthen my relationship with my family and friends as well. (Nagaland 1)</p>", "<p>The PAG meetings deliberately incorporated activities that were fun such as games and singing, and this provided many of the women with a rare opportunity to experience joy and pleasure.</p>", "<p>The fun and laughter during the PAG has also helped me a lot. It is only here that I experience fun and laughter. (Nagaland 20)</p>", "<p>Finally, several of the participants said that they were inspired to help others.</p>", "<p>I have been able to meet other people like me and have started thinking of helping other people like me as well. I have been able to learn how to access resources and this is helping me to manage my plans and finances better. I have already started sharing my experiences and benefits with other widows. Now I have <bold>some peace of mind</bold>. (Nagaland 12)</p>", "<title>Discrimination</title>", "<p>The theme of discrimination against people with HIV and AIDS generally, and IDU widows in particular, was evident in many of the women's stories. They described intense feelings of anger in relation to perceived discrimination from both family and society. Several of the women reported that learning to manage their anger allowed them to better cope with this source of adversity.</p>", "<p>Prior to joining the PAG, I had a strong resentment fermenting inside me for a very long time. I would not be able to eat, sleep or do anything... nor take care of my children... People do not respect us because we were are widowed very young. They think that we do not have any other means of earning except by selling our body... Thinking about these things made my resentment grow from bad to worse. It has been about four months since I began attending this PAG meeting. I have realised that these problems will not go away... I can not hope nor expect any of them to change, but I can adjust with them. I need not brood over their attitude and let it affect my life and my relationship with my children. I can control my anger and seek my own course in life. Now I keep my priority concern on my children's welfare, so I've started attending the parents meetings at my children's school. (Manipur 20)</p>", "<title>Economic participation</title>", "<p>This theme was connected to both an appreciation of the allowance received as compensation for their travel and childcare costs, and a growing awareness of their collective ability to form self help groups for income generation.</p>", "<p>Our allowances are very helpful because most of us are income-less at home. It is no longer necessary to demand money from the family as we can meet some of our needs now. With this allowance I buy Raja [tobacco] and sell it to get some profit... and I spend that on my other essential needs. With this allowance we have a sense of ownership in the family. (Manipur 1)</p>", "<p>There are changes in my work also. I go to the agricultural field and forest to earn my livelihood. I was very shy and could not even think of doing something in the town. But now I have the confidence and I have started selling vegetables in the market and also go house to house. (Nagaland 9)</p>", "<p>We do not have a voice, so we can become strong if we come together... We can start income generation and share our problems. If we are able to generate income it will help us. (Nagaland 13)</p>", "<title>Improved physical health</title>", "<p>Many women reported feeling much better physically and several had initiated contact with service providers as a result of participation in the group. Additionally, the relationship between physical and mental health was recognised by some women.</p>", "<p>After coming to the meeting I realised that I am not alone and that has encouraged me to become more productive. I have also started accessing free medical services and medicines, which I never did even if I knew there were facilities available. I attended a free health camp for the first time last month. (Nagaland 11)</p>", "<p>Even my physical health has improved in the last two to three months. I used to have severe gastric problems but now that has reduced. Being able to share and discuss my problems with friends has lightened my mental worries. (Nagaland 9)</p>", "<title>Future orientation</title>", "<p>Many of the women commented that the intervention contributed to renewed feelings of hope for the future and several appreciated the opportunity to create personal goals.</p>", "<p>Before all my hope was gone but this meeting has given me new hope. I was like a dead soul, but now with this new hope I can carry on my life and my responsibility. This way it improves my mental health. (Manipur 11)</p>", "<title>Reasons for selecting stories</title>", "<p>All stories were considered by the participant and NGO panels in each state, and each panel selected the four stories that best represented the 'most significant change'. The participant and NGO panels selected stories that were similar in thematic content, although the emphasis given to the reasons for the significance of the stories varied. The reasons the participant and NGO panel members give for selecting particular stories make explicit the type of changes valued by the different stakeholders. The emphasis given to different types of changes was reflected by the number of times they were mentioned in the course of the discussion. From the perspective of the storytellers, changes took place within themselves, and in relation to their interactions with the group, their families, and the broader community. The changes in these four spheres are summarised in Figure ##FIG##2##3##.</p>", "<p>The participant panels particularly valued changes in the intra-personal, group and familial spheres, while the NGO panels tended to focus a lot more on the importance of changes located in the societal sphere.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>This participatory intervention study to promote the mental health of widows of IDUs apparently had a positive impact on the widows' quality of life and their mental health. However, the sustainability of the improvement and the links between this and their engagement in HIV risk behaviours remain to be demonstrated.</p>", "<p>While the physical, social and environmental domain scores of the quality of life measure improved significantly, the change in the social domain score did not. Qualitative findings, however, demonstrated improvements in social connectedness for the women. Had the sample sizes been larger, the change in the social domain scores may also have achieved statistical significance. For the women in Nagaland, the change in the scores for all four domains was not significant. The Quality of Life scores at baseline were higher among participants from Nagaland, and this together with the smaller sample size may account for the non-significant change observed in that state.</p>", "<p>While the intervention's positive impact on mental health as assessed by the GHQ12 is encouraging, identifying a high proportion of the group (70%) as potentially having a common mental disorder (anxiety or depression) is a matter for concern. An overestimation of this proportion is possible for technical reasons. The GHQ12 includes questions about the presence of physical symptoms; as some of the women were HIV positive and experiencing physical illness, their resulting higher scores may have resulted in some instances of (mis)classification as 'cases'. On the other hand, the level of distress among this vulnerable group is evident to those familiar with their situation, and this finding is not surprising.</p>", "<p>Given that women in India often express psychological distress as somatic symptoms [##REF##7894865##28##,##REF##15104094##29##], the observed reduction in the proportion of IDU widows reporting pain raises the possibility that this is connected to improved mental health, although the same improvements were not apparent in relation to the other somatic domains.</p>", "<p>During the MSC process the participant and NGO panels gave differing emphasis to the reasons for selecting particular stories as representing the 'most significant change'. The former tended to value changes in the intra-personal, group and familial spheres, while the latter gave more focus to changes in the broader community sphere, perhaps reflecting their focus on sustainability of programs. This has implications for the design and evaluation of interventions. These will ideally meet the needs of both program participants and implementers if the contribution to HIV prevention is to be valued at all levels. The funding organisation is another stakeholder that could be involved in the MSC process, and they may well have a different perspective again. The MSC approach facilitates organisational learning for all connected to programs that aim to create change for participants.</p>", "<p>The intervention generally, and the MSC process specifically, enhanced awareness among the NGO leadership of the struggles faced by IDU widows, especially those infected with HIV. Many of the NGOs providing HIV-related services in north-east India are male-dominated because the epidemic initially affected male IDUs predominantly. Prior to the intervention, IDU widows were isolated and powerless, and struggled to gain access to the few NGO programs relevant to them. Providing an opportunity for the widows to come together around the theme of mental health promotion has helped them to mobilise. Additionally, awareness of mental health as an important health issue for all people, including those with HIV infection, has increased.</p>", "<p>While the number of women participating in the intervention was relatively small and the intervention relatively brief, these findings contribute to knowledge and understanding about the use of participatory interventions to improve the mental health of vulnerable women, and demonstrate the potential of this approach to contribute to HIV prevention.</p>", "<p>The study has several limitations. As no control group met without receiving the structured program designed to promote mental health, we cannot know to what extent the observed improvements were related to the program content. The act of coming together may in itself have induced the changes. The attrition in some groups was disappointing but not unexpected given the stressful and at times unpredictable nature of the widows' lives, and an overall retention rate of 80% is high in this context. The linguistic and ethnic diversity and different literacy levels of the participants presented challenges during the intervention and data collection (see below). While most of these were overcome successfully with extra time, effort and research, we recommend that the participants in future groups be relatively homogenous. In relation to the intervention, we would also recommend that some HIV prevention education be included as even though these women's husbands had mostly died from AIDS, their level of HIV knowledge was poorer than expected. Extending the intervention to include training in advocacy and community mobilisation is also worth considering.</p>", "<p>A relatively generous allowance was paid to the women to cover travel and childcare costs. This was important in motivating and recruiting women to participate in the intervention at the outset. While we do not know the extent to which the allowance influenced participation, six months after the last PAG meeting most of the groups are still meeting and some have expanded their activities. No allowance is now paid to the women, but support for the meetings is being given by NGOs.</p>", "<p>Capturing sensitive information such as engagement in HIV risk behaviours proved to be challenging. North-east India is characterised by deeply felt conservative values, which are likely to have made it difficult for the widows to respond to questions about paid or unsafe sex, even though we had processes in place to assure confidentiality. The impact of improved mental health on engagement in HIV risk behaviours is therefore difficult to assess. Further work is required to develop sensitive and valid measures of sexual behaviour among groups such as these: including exploration of the women's perspectives on non-threatening methods for data collection about sexual behaviours, and trying other approaches such as participatory methods or individual narrative interviews with a trusted peer interviewer. Developing more effective methods for gathering information about sexual risk behaviours is essential for future research into the relationship between mental health and engagement in HIV risk behaviours.</p>", "<p>Finally, the data collection tools had to be translated into the local language and back-translated. The meaning of individual questions in questionnaires such as the WHOQOL-BREF are nuanced and therefore not easy to exactly translate into languages that do not have the spectrum of words to communicate subtle differences in meaning. Imphal and Churachandpur in Manipur are only two hours apart by vehicle, but they do not share a common language, and two different translations were required for that state. Some people are able to read Manipuri when it is written in Manipuri script, while others can only read it in Bengali or transliterated Roman script. Nagamese is a spoken language with no official written form. Accurate translation of the data collection tools was an arduous task and further refinement and validation is warranted. This is typical of the many challenges encountered when trying to undertake quality research in remote settings.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>This pilot intervention study used a range of innovative approaches to program design, implementation and evaluation in order to reach a vulnerable group of women in a complex development setting with high HIV prevalence. The findings demonstrate that a participatory approach to mental health promotion can have a positive impact on the health and quality of life of vulnerable women. The intervention would benefit from further trialling and refinement and could be made available to other groups such as women living with HIV, the wives of IDUs, and specific sub-groups of widows such as sex workers and IDUs. Further research to evaluate the impact of the intervention on the lives of vulnerable women and to investigate the role of mental health promotion as a strategy for HIV prevention is warranted.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>HIV prevalence in north-east India is high and injecting drug use (IDU) is common. Due to HIV-related deaths there are increasing numbers of IDU widows, many of whom are HIV infected, and experiencing poor health, social isolation, discrimination and poverty, all factors likely to be compromising their mental health. There is increasing recognition of the links between HIV and mental health.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The aim of this study was to pilot a peer-facilitated, participatory action group (PAG) process and assess the impact of the intervention on the mental health of participants. The intervention consisted of 10 PAG meetings involving 74 IDU widows. Changes in quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF), mental health (GHQ12) and somatic symptoms were assessed. The value of the intervention from the perspective of the participants was captured using a qualitative evaluation method (Most Significant Change).</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Participants' quality of life, mental health and experience of somatic symptoms improved significantly over the course of the intervention, and the women told stories reflecting a range of 'significant changes'.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>This pilot intervention study demonstrated that a participatory approach to mental health promotion can have a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable women, and the potential to contribute to HIV prevention. Further investigation is warranted.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; DFID: Department of International Development; GHQ12: General health Questionnaire 12; HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus; IDUs: Injecting Drug Use/Users; MSC: Most Significant Change; NGO: Non Governmental Organization; PAG: Participatory Action Group; PAR: Participatory Action Research; WHO: World health Organization; WHOQOL BREF: WHO Quality of Life Abbreviated tool.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>HH, AD and MK were involved in conception of the study. HH, AD, MK and PC were involved in design, implementation and data analysis of the study. BD and TG were involved in the implementation and data analysis of the study. MK drafted the paper with contributions from AD, HH and PC. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The study was funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) through the Research and Learning Fund. The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of the following north-east Indian organisations: Project ORCHID; Development Association of Nagaland (DAN), Guardian Angel (GA), Lamka Rehabilitation &amp; Research Centre Evangelical Baptist Convention (LRRC), Manipur Network of Positive People (MNP+), Naga Mothers Association HIV/AIDS Care and Support Hospice (NMA), Sneha Bhavan (SB) and the Emmanuel Hospital Association. We are also very grateful to the following people: Dr B Langkham, Dr Rebecca Sinate (Emmanuel Hospital Association); Mr Aviw-u Nienu (NMA); Mr Raphuba Paul Chawang (DAN); Ms Leishipem Shingnai (GA); Ms Kim and Ms Bina (MNP+); Ms Hatnu Simte (SB); Ms Biak Lun (LRRC); Ms Angela Rintoul (AIHI); and Ms N.Roopa (India). We thank Dr Jessica Dart (Clear Horizon) for her assistance with the Most Significant Change component of the study and Ms Suzanne O'Neill (Burnet Institute) for her contribution to the project design. Finally, we want to warmly acknowledge the contribution made by the peer facilitators and all the women who participated in the study. Without their courage and determination it would not have been possible.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Process of Most Significant Change story selection.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Two stories selected as representing the 'most significant change'.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>Categories of valued changes identified using the Most Significant Change method.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Outline of the ten PAG meetings for widows of IDUs</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Session</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Outline</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Data Collection</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Introduction to the PAG process</td><td align=\"left\"> • Baseline questionnaires:</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Identifying members' expectations</td><td align=\"left\">  - WHO QOL-BREF</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Highlighting individual strengths and skills</td><td align=\"left\">  - GHQ12</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">  - Health Risk Questionnaire</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Concepts and determinants of mental health for widows of IDUs</td><td align=\"left\"> • Focus Group Discussion</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Mental health and mental health promotion</td><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>4</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Envisioning a positive future</td><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Promoting social inclusion</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>5</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Addressing stigma and discrimination</td><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Relaxation techniques</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>6</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Improving access to work and resources</td><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Prioritising ideas for action plan development</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>7</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Developing action plans</td><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>8</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Developing action plans</td><td align=\"left\"> • Collection of MSC stories</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"> • MSC approach</td><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>9</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Mental health and HIV</td><td align=\"left\"> • Focus Group Discussion</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Feedback of MSC stories</td><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>10</bold></td><td align=\"left\"> • Finalising action plans</td><td align=\"left\"> • Post-intervention questionnaires:</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Celebration</td><td align=\"left\">  - WHO QOL-BREF</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">  - GHQ12</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">  - Health Risk Questionnaire</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"> • Meeting summary report</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Retention in the intervention and reasons for dropping out</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Group</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>No. started</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>No. finished</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Retention (%)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Reasons for attrition</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Manipur 1</bold></td><td align=\"left\">16</td><td align=\"left\">14</td><td align=\"left\">87.5</td><td align=\"left\">• Attending detoxification program</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">• Language barriers</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Manipur 2</bold></td><td align=\"left\">14</td><td align=\"left\">13</td><td align=\"left\">92.8</td><td align=\"left\">• Illness</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Manipur 3</bold></td><td align=\"left\">11</td><td align=\"left\">11</td><td align=\"left\">100</td><td align=\"left\">N/A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Nagaland 1</bold></td><td align=\"left\">12</td><td align=\"left\">7</td><td align=\"left\">58.3</td><td align=\"left\">• Returned to home village</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">• Death of participant</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">• Death of children</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">• Re-marriage</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">• Drug use</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Nagaland 2</bold></td><td align=\"left\">9</td><td align=\"left\">5</td><td align=\"left\">55.5</td><td align=\"left\">• Ineligibility (not a widow)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">• Decided not to participate</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">• Illness</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Nagaland 3</bold></td><td align=\"left\">12</td><td align=\"left\">9</td><td align=\"left\">75.0</td><td align=\"left\">• Childbirth</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">• Illness</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>TOTAL</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>74</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>59</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>79.7</bold></td><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Demographics of the participants attending first PAG meeting</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Variable</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Manipur n = 41</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Nagaland n = 33</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Total n = 74</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Average age (range)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">33 yrs (23–46)</td><td align=\"center\">32 yrs (20–52)</td><td align=\"center\">32.5 yrs (20–52)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Average length of widowhood (range)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">4.5 yrs (3 mth-12.8 yrs)</td><td align=\"center\">4.2 yrs (1 mth-11 yrs)</td><td align=\"center\">4.3 yrs (1 mth-12.8 yrs)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Average no. children (range)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">2.2 (1–4)</td><td align=\"center\">2.7 (0–7)</td><td align=\"center\">2.4 (0–7)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ethnicity – n (%)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Naga</td><td align=\"center\">2 (5)</td><td align=\"center\">26 (79)</td><td align=\"center\">28 (38)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Meitei</td><td align=\"center\">26 (63)</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">26 (35)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Other</td><td align=\"center\">11 (27)</td><td align=\"center\">7 (21)</td><td align=\"center\">18(24)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Missing</td><td align=\"center\">2 (5)</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">2 (3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Religion – n (%)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Christian</td><td align=\"center\">14 (34)</td><td align=\"center\">30 (91)</td><td align=\"center\">44 (59)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Hindu</td><td align=\"center\">25 (61)</td><td align=\"center\">2 (6)</td><td align=\"center\">27 (37)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Muslim</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">1 (3)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Missing</td><td align=\"center\">2 (5)</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">2 (3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Employment – n (%)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Employed</td><td align=\"center\">2 (5)</td><td align=\"center\">10 (30)</td><td align=\"center\">12 (16)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Unemployed</td><td align=\"center\">37 (90)</td><td align=\"center\">23 (70)</td><td align=\"center\">60 (81)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Missing</td><td align=\"center\">2 (5)</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">2 (3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Education – n (%)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> None</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">7 (21)</td><td align=\"center\">7 (9)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Primary</td><td align=\"center\">5 (12)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (3)</td><td align=\"center\">6 (8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Secondary</td><td align=\"center\">15 (37)</td><td align=\"center\">24 (73)</td><td align=\"center\">39 (53)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Tertiary</td><td align=\"center\">21 (51)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (3)</td><td align=\"center\">22 (30)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Mean scores (SD) for Quality of Life domains at the beginning and end of the intervention by state</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Domain</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Manipur (n = 38)</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Nagaland (n = 21)</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Total (n = 59)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Pre</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Post</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p value</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Pre</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Post</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p value</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Pre</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Post</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p value</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">42 (15.1)</td><td align=\"center\">58 (13.7)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.01</td><td align=\"center\">55 (16.1)</td><td align=\"center\">57 (11.4)</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td><td align=\"center\">47 (16.7)</td><td align=\"center\">57 (12.8)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychological</td><td align=\"center\">51 (18.5)</td><td align=\"center\">59 (15.5)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.01</td><td align=\"center\">53 (12.2)</td><td align=\"center\">57 (9.9)</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td><td align=\"center\">52 (16.5)</td><td align=\"center\">59 (13.7)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Social</td><td align=\"center\">43 (20.3)</td><td align=\"center\">49 (23.2)</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td><td align=\"center\">52 (12.8)</td><td align=\"center\">53 (17.2)</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td><td align=\"center\">46 (18.3)</td><td align=\"center\">51 (21.2)</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Environmental</td><td align=\"center\">34 (18.1)</td><td align=\"center\">45 (12.1)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.01</td><td align=\"center\">45 (14.0)</td><td align=\"center\">47 (13.5)</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td><td align=\"center\">38 (17.5)</td><td align=\"center\">46 (12.5)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.01</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Proportion of participants with a possible common mental disorder as assessed by GHQ12 (using 3/4 cut-off) at the beginning and end of the intervention by state</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Manipur</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Nagaland</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Total</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Pre</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Post</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p value</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Pre</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Post</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p value</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Pre</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Post</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p value</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"9\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">70%</td><td align=\"center\">49%</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td><td align=\"center\">70%</td><td align=\"center\">30%</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">70%</td><td align=\"center\">42%</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">26/37</td><td align=\"center\">18/37</td><td/><td align=\"center\">23/33</td><td align=\"center\">6/20</td><td/><td align=\"center\">49/70</td><td align=\"center\">24/57</td><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T6\"><label>Table 6</label><caption><p>Somatic complaints at the beginning and end of the intervention</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic><bold>Somatic symptom group</bold></italic></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><italic>Manipur</italic></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><italic>Nagaland</italic></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><italic>Total</italic></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Pre </bold><break/><bold>(SD)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Post </bold><break/><bold>(SD)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p value</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Pre </bold><break/><bold>(SD)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Post </bold><break/><bold>(SD)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p value</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Pre </bold><break/><bold>(SD)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Post </bold><break/><bold>(SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p value</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Pain</td><td align=\"left\">8.6 <break/>(2.9)</td><td align=\"left\">7.4 <break/>(3.2)</td><td align=\"left\">NS <break/>n = 26</td><td align=\"left\">10.0 <break/>(1.7)</td><td align=\"left\">8.7 <break/>(2.4)</td><td align=\"left\">= 0.04 <break/>n = 16</td><td align=\"left\">9.3 <break/>(2.5)</td><td align=\"left\">7.9 <break/>(3.0)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.01 <break/>n = 42</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sensory sensations</td><td align=\"left\">16.9 <break/>(6.1)</td><td align=\"left\">15.6 <break/>(5.4)</td><td align=\"left\">NS <break/>n = 16</td><td align=\"left\">16.0 <break/>(4.7)</td><td align=\"left\">12.0 <break/>(3.5)</td><td align=\"left\">= 0.01 <break/>n = 8</td><td align=\"left\">16.7 <break/>(5.6)</td><td align=\"left\">14.5 <break/>(5.1)</td><td align=\"center\">NS <break/>n = 24</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Bodily functions</td><td align=\"left\">7.0 <break/>(2.9)</td><td align=\"left\">6.2 <break/>(2.5)</td><td align=\"left\">NS <break/>n = 23</td><td align=\"left\">7.5 <break/>(3.6)</td><td align=\"left\">7.6 <break/>(1.9)</td><td align=\"left\">NS <break/>n = 8</td><td align=\"left\">7.1 <break/>(3.0)</td><td align=\"left\">6.6 <break/>(2.4)</td><td align=\"center\">NS <break/>n = 31</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Reproductive health</td><td align=\"left\">3.3 <break/>(2.4)</td><td align=\"left\">5.4 <break/>(4.1)</td><td align=\"left\">= 0.02 <break/>n = 27</td><td align=\"left\">4.4 <break/>(2.7)</td><td align=\"left\">3.0 <break/>(2.5)</td><td align=\"left\">NS <break/>n = 11</td><td align=\"left\">3.7 <break/>(2.5)</td><td align=\"left\">4.7 <break/>(3.8)</td><td align=\"center\">NS <break/>n = 35</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>NS = not significant at p &lt; 0.05.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-294-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-294-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-294-3\"/>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Public Health. 2008 Aug 22; 8:294
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The Spanish National Health Service (NHS) provides universal cover and is financed, essentially, by general taxes. The system is divided into primary and secondary care. Primary care (PC) is organized as a network of primary health care teams (PHCT) that behave as geographical and administrative units where PC services are planned, managed and provided for a population ranging from 5,000 to 25,000 citizens. The PHCT staff includes: general practitioners (GPs), paediatricians, nurses, social workers, dentists and ancillary staff. GPs care for individuals older than 14 years (except in rural areas where they look after all members of the local population) and paediatricians look after those between 0 and 14 or 16 years, depending on the region. These clinicians act as gate-keepers for the rest of the public health care system. The PHCT works usually in a single health care centre but in rural areas there may have other small offices.</p>", "<p>Secondary care includes out-patient and in-patient hospital care and out-patient care in multi-disciplinary clinics.</p>", "<p>The Spanish NHS has been strongly decentralized into 17 Autonomous Communities or regions that configure the Spanish State. Each of these regions has its own governmental structure which, among other responsibilities, provides health-care services to the population. There are minor differences between them with respect to structure and administration. For example, in Aragon and Navarra all services are provided by the State-funded regional service while in Catalonia, the provision of primary care services is offered by different providers (state and non-state funded) among which the Catalan Health Institute (ICS) manages almost 80% of all PHCT. According to latest census of the year 2002, Aragon had a population of 1,209,888 inhabitants while Navarra had 560,235 inhabitants and Catalonia 6,418,387.</p>", "<title>Preventive services in Primary Care</title>", "<p>PC is the most accessible health-care level to the general population. In Spain, more than 95% of the population visit their GP at least once in every 5 years. No other health-care level is in a better position to evaluate the global health status of the individual and to decide when to act and what are the ideal measures to take in each specific situation [##UREF##0##1##].</p>", "<p>There is an increasing evidence of the health benefits achieved from the implementation of preventive measures in normal clinical practice. In the last quarter of the century several groups of experts such as the Canadian Task Force on Periodic Health Examination in 1979 [##REF##115569##2##] and the US Task Force in 1980 [##REF##6827744##3##,##UREF##1##4##] have published evidence-based recommendations regarding the relevance and the outcomes of the implementation of preventive interventions. Prestigious institutions such as WHO and the Royal College of General Practitioners [##UREF##2##5##] have highlighted the valuable role of health-care professionals within PCHTs in developing these services.</p>", "<p>In Spain, the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine <italic>[Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria; semFYC] </italic>launched in 1988 the Preventive Activities and Health Promotion Program <italic>[Programa de Actividades Preventivas y de Promoción de la Salud; PAPPS] </italic>that have as main objective promoting the implementation of preventive and health promotion services in PC [##UREF##3##6##]. The EUROPREV (European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice) was created to extend and coordinate the experiences from this program and to promote preventive services at the European level.</p>", "<p>In the period between 1989 and 2003 PAPPS program carried out biennial evaluations of a representative sample of patients attending the PHCTs participating in the program (671 PHCT since the beginning of the program). These evaluations have been the only evaluations of preventive services carried out nation-wide and provide information on the progress and effectiveness of the program over its 15 years of existence [##REF##8732325##7##, ####UREF##4##8##, ##UREF##5##9####5##9##]. From the studies we know that the best-implemented group of preventive services is the minimum package of the adult sub-program which includes screening for hypertension, smoking status and alcohol consumption (done in 92.8% of patients), followed by a second group that includes anti-influenza vaccination, screening for hypercholesterolemia and obesity and anti-tetanus vaccination (done in more than 70% of patients) [##UREF##4##8##].</p>", "<p>However, the progressive implementation of systematic evaluations of primary care performance promoted by the Autonomous health administrations and the progressive computerization of clinical records has brought-about a re-thinking of this evaluation model. The computerization of clinical records provides rich information based on individual data (not centre aggregated data) on a wider and more representative sample that avoids manual and voluntary recording of data. This allows a better study of the clinical practice variability (CPV) and its determining factors.</p>", "<title>Clinical practice variability in preventive services in Primary Care</title>", "<p>In Spain, there have been few nation-wide population studies evaluating CPV in PC. This has been due, in part, to the lack of reliable information systems. These studies have often been performed at a hospital level because of the existence of minimum basic data sets (MBDS) provided on discharge from hospital. Nevertheless, from the existing evaluations, PAPPs studies [##UREF##4##8##,##UREF##5##9##] and other national [##REF##11162322##10##, ####REF##15766491##11##, ##REF##11333638##12##, ##REF##12622982##13####12622982##13##]and international [##REF##7769470##14##, ####REF##11434075##15##, ##REF##12399352##16####12399352##16##] studies it is clear that there are important difficulties with respect to the correct implementation of preventive services and health promotion interventions and there is a high variability in their implementation. There is extensive literature on factors related to prevention of specific diseases but less related to implementation of a combination of preventive services as routine clinical practice in PC that may have a profound effect on different diseases. These factors vary considerably, depending on the type of study, the country and type of preventable disease. There are different factors associated with the supply and demand of services that result in elevated variability between and within centres: patient-related factors (socio-demographic and clinical factors), health professional associated factors (specialty, training and professional competence, number of years working with the PHCT), team related factors (existence of specific registries, workload, frequency of doctors encounters, teaching centre) and other health-care provision system characteristics [##REF##11333638##12##].</p>", "<p>High CPV translates into problems of clinical effectiveness and social efficiency in health-care provision and, as such, is of concern to health-care providers and to Society in general [##REF##9567282##17##,##REF##12585825##18##]. An analysis of CPV is therefore essential in decision making in the health-care provision politics and prioritization in clinical management (e.g. to generate guidelines for implementation in those areas of high clinical variability).</p>", "<p>Hence, it is essential to have studies that include a territory-wide sampling in order to achieve greater representativeness and which take into account methods of design and statistical analysis (e.g. cluster-based analyses) to obtain valid estimates and to explore the influence of patient, health-care professional and PHCT characteristics on the CPV of preventive services in Spain.</p>", "<title>Sources of information in Primary Care: the computerization of clinical records</title>", "<p>Primary Care uses electronic clinical records (ECRs) to monitor health problems and to register preventive care services. Although information collection intends to be comprehensive, the ECR systems are different for each region.</p>", "<p>Routinely-collected data have undisputed advantages in the study of CPV; they are available almost instantaneously and provide information on a large number of patients. The creation of registries or databases of health-care interest in PC was given a considerable boost with the computerization of clinical records. Spain, contrary to other countries [##REF##15171985##19##, ####REF##15119513##20##, ##REF##11052168##21##, ##REF##10213569##22##, ##UREF##6##23####6##23##], has little experience in the use of nation-wide databases containing electronic clinical records in PC. Recently, projects such as the BIFAP project in pharmacoepidemiological research [##REF##12525343##24##]<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/> have been initiated in Spain.</p>", "<p>However, there are certain difficulties in their use: 1) The data was originally collected for a function different from current research requirements; 2) ECR systems are different in each region, with different standards and computer programs; 3) The heterogeneous degree of implementation in PHCTs; and 4) The degree of exhaustivity of data recorded (for example, some activities are carried out but are not registered). Nevertheless, the potential of this type of registry has been confirmed by different European experiences mentioned earlier [##REF##12829558##25##, ####REF##11238139##26##, ##REF##15073071##27####15073071##27##]. As such, the advantages associated to computerization of clinical records are beginning to be appreciated by the different regions and the richness of information provides enormous potential for the study of CPV in primary care.</p>", "<title>Intraclass correlation coefficient</title>", "<p>Reports of cluster randomised studies [##REF##15837446##28##] should include sample size calculations and statistical analyses that take clustering into account. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) is a measure of the relatedness of clustered data [##REF##15209195##29##]. Compared with individual randomisation, cluster randomisation may substantially increase the sample size required to maintain adequate statistical power [##REF##12509376##30##].</p>", "<p>One of the problems that needs to be faced in designing cluster-based studies (area or organization-based studies) is that estimates of ICC and components of variance for the outcomes of interest need to be obtained from previous studies in order to determine the required sample size for the cluster design [##REF##12509376##30##, ####REF##7315838##31##, ##REF##7573621##32####7573621##32##]. There have been repeated calls for publication of ICCs for these types of studies to help others who are planning cluster-based studies [##REF##15209195##29##,##REF##9794847##33##, ####REF##15115554##34##, ##REF##9572764##35####9572764##35##].</p>", "<p>The differences [##REF##12509376##30##] in ICCs among potential outcome variables, the paucity of appropriate information [##REF##15485730##36##] concerning components of variance or ICC and the lack of data obtained from PC settings reinforce the need for valid estimates that would ensure proper study design.</p>", "<title>Study objectives</title>", "<p>The planned objectives in the present study are:</p>", "<p>- To describe the variability in the performance of 7 preventive services (detection of smoking status and excessive alcohol consumption; screening for hypertension, obesity and hypercholesterolemia; anti-influenza and anti-tetanus immunization) in a population older than 16 years of age receiving attention in years 2006 or 2007 and to analyse factors related to their implementation.</p>", "<p>- To analyse the evolution of 5 identified health problems (decrease in consumption or abstention from tobacco and alcohol and degree of control of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and obesity) up to December 2008 in the population older than16 years of age attended by the reference PHCT at least once between 2006 and 2007 and followed up during 2008.</p>", "<p>- Estimate the ICC, together with the within-cluster and between-cluster components of variance for each of the outcome measures of interest at the PC level.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods/Design</title>", "<title>Design</title>", "<p>This is a multi-centered cross-sectional study of a randomised sample of PHCT stratified by region to describe the variability in the implementation of 7 preventive services and their related factors in the period of 2006 or 2007. In 2008, using another cross-sectional study, the evolution or degree of control of 5 of the identified health problems will be assessed, together with the determinants of variability. We use a longer period of study because we need more time to evaluate the impact on the degree of control of these health problems due to changes on life styles.</p>", "<title>Setting</title>", "<p>The study is set in PHCTs computerized prior to 1st of January 2005 in the regions of Aragón, Navarra, and Catalonia. So far computerization had occurred in 19% of 121 PHCTs in Aragón, 76% of 54 PHCTs in Navarra, and 97.5% of 278 PHCTs in Catalonia (at the Catalan Health Institute).</p>", "<title>Study population: PHCT and patients</title>", "<p>We performed random cluster sampling stratified by region with computerized PHCT used as unit of randomisation.</p>", "<p>The inclusion criteria of the PHCT are: 1) computerization of the clinical records before the 1st of January 2005 to ensure familiarity with the system's use; 2) wide use of ECR, and 3) agreement to participate in the study by most of the health-care professionals working in each PHCT (&gt; 80%).</p>", "<p>For each computerized PHCT we select the ECRs of all subjects older than16 years as the unit of data collection. For the assessment of variability, the ECR of subjects receiving attention at least once in each of the study years will be extracted from the database. It is estimated that the average number of subjects receiving attention per year is around 70%. Thus in a PHCT in Aragon this figure would be around 10,000 patients, in Navarra around 7,500 and in Catalonia around 12,000. For the analysis of the evolution of health problems and related factors, subjects visited at least on one occasion during the 2006–2007 period and on a further occasion in 2008 will be included.</p>", "<title>Sample size and randomisation</title>", "<p>To achieve the equivalent power of a patient-randomised design, in a cluster randomised design the effective sample size will need to be the standard sample size of a single random sampling multiplied by the design effect [##REF##7315838##31##,##REF##10982317##37##,##UREF##7##38##]. The design effect is a function of the average cluster (computerized PHCT) size and the (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the outcome:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where <italic>n </italic>is the average number of individuals sampled per cluster [##UREF##7##38##].</p>", "<p>sWith the cluster design we set an ICC of 0.05 on the assumption that the ICCs estimated for outcome variables from PC are less than 0.05 [##REF##15837446##28##,##REF##15485730##36##,##REF##11180309##39##] and that the average number of individuals sampled per centre is at least of 2,500. Therefore 20 computerized PHCTs are necessary from each region to guarantee a statistical power of 80%, assuming a 50% event rate with an alpha two-tailed significance level of 0.05. Finally, to allow any of the randomised computerized PHCTs declining our offer to participate, we increased the number of computerized PHCTs selected from each region to 22. As such, the total number of subjects included will be more than 300,000 in Aragón, 200,000 in Navarra and 350,000 in Catalunya i.e. more than 850,000 subjects in total. This volume of subjects ensures a good estimate of the different outcome measures in the sub-groups of each cluster.</p>", "<p>The selection of computerized PHCT to participate in the study is by a simple random sample within each region. Sample size calculation and computerized PHCT selection is performed with Epidat 3.1.</p>", "<title>Outcomes and others measures</title>", "<title>Primary outcome measures</title>", "<p>The <bold>primary outcome measures relating to objective 1 </bold>include the description of the implementation of preventive services according to the PAPPS criteria [##UREF##3##6##].</p>", "<p>Screening for smoking status: if there is information on the consumption of tobacco over the last two years in members of the population who previously were non-smokers.</p>", "<p>Screening for excessive alcohol consumption: if there is information on the consumption of alcohol over the last two years in members of the population who previously were not high consumers of alcohol.</p>", "<p>Screening for obesity: if there have been measurements of height and weight or body mass index (BMI) over the last 4 years in members of the population who previously were non-obese.</p>", "<p>Screening for hypertension: if there is information on systolic blood pressure (BPS) and diastolic blood pressure (BPD) during the last 4 years in members of the population aged between 16 and 40 years who previously did not have the diagnosis of hypertension; or over the past 2 years in members of the population older than 40 years who previously did not have the diagnosis of hypertension.</p>", "<p>Screening for hypercholesterolemia: if there is information on total blood cholesterol corresponding to the following criteria of age and gender: 1 measurement in males between 16–35 years old; 1 measurement in females between 16–45 years old; 1 measurement every 5 years in males between 35–75 years old; 1 measurement every 5 years in females between 45–75 years old; 1 measurement if there has not been a previous measurement in those older than 75; all of these performed in population that previously did not have the diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia.</p>", "<p>Anti-tetanus vaccination (ATV): if there is a registry of anti-tetanus vaccination over the previous 10 years.</p>", "<p>Anti-influenza vaccination (AIV): if there is a registry of annual anti-influenza vaccination in those older than 59 years of age.</p>", "<p>The <bold>primary outcome measures relating to objective 2 </bold>describes the clinical follow-up of the five health problems identified up to December 31<sup>st </sup>2007 and evaluated up to December 31<sup>st </sup>2008:</p>", "<p>Evolution of tobacco consumption: quit smoking or remaining an ex-smoker.</p>", "<p>Evolution of excessive alcohol consumption: cessation of consumption or decrease below the definition of excessive consumption (28 alcohol units/week in males and 17 alcohol units/week in females, where 1 alcohol unit = 10 grams of alcohol).</p>", "<p>Evolution of obesity: decrease in BMI to &lt;30 kg/m<sup>2 </sup>or change in the diagnosis to non-obese.</p>", "<p>Evolution of hypertension: mean of the last 2 determinations of systolic BP/diastolic BP registered as being ≤ 130/80 mmHg in patients of high risk (diagnosed with diabetes, renal or cardiac insufficiency) and ≤ 140/90 mmHg in the rest of the population.</p>", "<p>Evolution of hypercholesterolemia: last measurement of LDL cholesterol registered as being ≤ 100 mg/dL in high-risk patients (diagnosed with diabetes, ischaemic heart disease or cerebrovascular accident) and ≤ 130 mg/dL in the rest of the population.</p>", "<title>Secondary outcome measures</title>", "<p>Number of different preventive services (among the 7 of the study) registered for each individual during the 2006 and 2007 year periods.</p>", "<title>Other measures</title>", "<p>We assess the following factors related to the outcome measures according to the levels of analysis:</p>", "<p>Computerized PHCT: variables of structure and organization of the PHCT (number of GPs and nurses, presence of specialists), adherence to PAPPS, training centre for family doctors, ECR system and starting year, assigned population.</p>", "<p>Health-care professionals (GPs, nurses): gender, age, specialty, years of employment in PC and in the PHCT, workload (mean number of visits/day), years of experience with ECR.</p>", "<p>Subjects: gender, age, comorbidity according to the Adjusted Clinical Groups grouper [##REF##1902278##40##,##UREF##8##41##], frequency of consultations (visits/year).</p>", "<title>Information source</title>", "<p>The individual data will be extracted directly from the central computer servers of the ECRs of the subjects included in the study. In Navarra and Aragón the system used is OMI-AP and in Catalonia the eCAP system. The data related to health-care professionals and to PHCT will be obtained from an on-line database for health-care professionals and from a person responsible in each centre.</p>", "<title>Data extraction and processing</title>", "<p>Using the specific interface for each specific computer system (OMI-AP and eCAP), each region will extract the study data and transfer them to a central database where they will be homogenized and processed into a specially-constructed final database.</p>", "<title>Confidentiality of data</title>", "<p>Data confidentiality will be assured during and subsequent to the extraction using encryption and dissociation of the individual's identification, health-care professionals, and of PHCTs.</p>", "<title>Ethical aspects</title>", "<p>The study has been favourably evaluated by the Research Committee of the IDIAP Jordi Gol.</p>", "<title>Quality control</title>", "<p>Quality controls will be carried out in the 2 extractions of data comparing agreement between the central database and the original data of some centres as for: number of patient, visits and diagnoses as well as data of prevalence of certain diseases. It will also be checked if the population data is appropriate by comparing it with data from the census and other official sources. In the case of items related to clinical activities (for example blood pressure measurement), any register with missing values will be considered as not performed.</p>", "<title>Statistical analyses</title>", "<p>For the first two objectives all the analyses will be performed on a global level and each region separately. Cluster level analysis (computerized PHCT and health-care professional) will be performed using standard parametric or non-parametric analytical methods, with cluster means or proportions as observations [##REF##10982317##37##,##UREF##9##42##]. For the adjusted analysis we will perform regression analysis of individual level data using methods for clustered data, multilevel, hierarchical or random effects models [##REF##10982317##37##,##UREF##10##43##]. This methodology facilitates simultaneous analyses of the effects of individual and cluster variables in order to evaluate whether the relationship between variables at the individual level varies in accordance with the characteristics of the cluster and whether the individual and cluster variability can be attributed to factors of the cluster and/or to the factors related to the individual. Analysis will be performed at 3 levels: PHCT, health-care professional and individual subjects.</p>", "<p>Multilevel linear (for continuous outcome variables) or logistic (for dichotomous outcome variables) regression analyses will be performed for the first two objectives. The analyses will be adjusted for explanatory factors at individual, health-care professional and PHCT level and for other variables that are clinically relevant. We will also adjust for possible confounders checking whether they will affect the outcomes. A nested or hierarchical structure will be considered: the attended individuals are nested within the health-care professional and the health-care professional within PHCT. The PHCT and the health-care professional will be considered random effects.</p>", "<p>Multilevel Poisson regression models will be used to evaluate the number of preventive activities recorded for each individual.</p>", "<p>For the third objective, the ICCs, their standard errors and the components of variance [##REF##15485730##36##,##REF##10982317##37##,##UREF##9##42##,##UREF##10##43##] for the different outcome measures will be calculated using methods that enable adjustment for covariables, together with random effect methods (health-care professionals and PHCT). Initially, we will estimate the coefficients of variance and ICCs using the outcome as the dependent variable and the health-care professional/PHCT as random effects. Subsequently, we will perform an adjusted analysis for the characteristics of the individual, the health-care professional and the PHCT.</p>", "<p>We will study interactions and collinearity. The collinearity of the maximal models will be evaluated using the criteria proposed by Belsley [##UREF##11##44##]. We will set the significance level at 1% (two-tailed).</p>", "<p>Analysis will be carried out using the SPSS statistical package for Windows, version 15 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) and the SAS package 9.1.3 for Windows (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The project results will provide very useful information on the degree of registration and performance of the 7 preventive services selected. These 7 activities have been widely implemented and have a high impact on the health of our population [##REF##115569##2##, ####REF##6827744##3##, ##UREF##1##4##, ##UREF##2##5##, ##UREF##3##6####3##6##]. The large population database of the study, with more than 850,000 people recorded, will increase considerably the external validity of the results and will reflect usual clinical practice at the Primary Care settings in the Spanish NHS.</p>", "<p>This fact may help to overcome the current limitations and to investigate CPV and the factors that have an impact on the implementation of preventive services.</p>", "<p>Certainly the source of information used and the ECRs may have limitations. The heterogeneity of current computer systems may complicate the extraction of outcomes and of variables. However, the design of the data extraction interfaces and data transfer will minimize the problems. The lack of exhaustivity in data recording may introduce some distortions in the information. Nevertheless, stability of computer systems at the centres will help to minimize this problem and the quality control measures will help to identify the magnitude of the problem.</p>", "<p>Studies based on cluster sampling allow important reduction in costs and greater easiness in administration but require knowledge of the ICCs. For this study ICCs has been estimated from studies conducted in other countries. In our study we will provide information concerning the magnitude of the ICC, evaluate factors that influence their magnitude, estimate within-cluster and between-cluster components of variance for the outcome measures under consideration and determine the sample size; all of these factors will aid the design and statistical analysis of future cluster-based studies set in PC.</p>", "<p>In conclusion, the present study will provide new knowledge in:</p>", "<p>- The identification of factors related to the variability in the implementation of preventive services, which will facilitate the design of strategies for improvement in the planning and administration of services in PC.</p>", "<p>- The assessment of the evolution of the detected health problems will improve the degree of existent evidence taking into account the results of screening and the control of those problems. This will be very useful for the evaluation of the PAPPS and other studies based on this source of information.</p>", "<p>- The estimation of the ICC will be of considerable help in the design, calculation of sample size and analysis of future studies based on the randomisation of clusters in our environment.</p>", "<p>- Finally, although not being an aim of the project, information will be obtained on the characteristics of the different computer systems and this information will generate recommendations for the standardization of systems for future applications.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Preventive activities carried out in primary care have important variability that makes necessary to know which factors have an impact in order to establish future strategies for improvement. The present study has three objectives: 1) To describe the variability in the implementation of 7 preventive services (screening for smoking status, alcohol abuse, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, influenza and tetanus immunization) and to determine their related factors; 2) To describe the degree of control of 5 identified health problems (smoking, alcohol abuse, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and obesity); 3) To calculate intraclass correlation coefficients.</p>", "<title>Design</title>", "<p>Multi-centered cross-sectional study of a randomised sample of primary health care teams from 3 regions of Spain designed to analyse variability and related factors of 7 selected preventive services in years 2006 and 2007. At the end of 2008, we will perform a cross-sectional study of a cohort of patients attended in 2006 or 2007 to asses the degree of control of 5 identified health problems. All subjects older than16 years assigned to a randomised sample of 22 computerized primary health care teams and attended during the study period are included in each region providing a sample with more than 850.000 subjects. The main outcome measures will be implementation of 7 preventive services and control of 5 identified health problems. Furthermore, there will be 3 levels of data collection: 1) Patient level (age, gender, morbidity, preventive services, attendance); 2) Health-care professional level (professional characteristics, years working at the team, workload); 3) Team level (characteristics, electronic clinical record system). Data will be transferred from electronic clinical records to a central database with prior encryption and dissociation of subject, professional and team identity. Global and regional analysis will be performed including standard analysis for primary health care teams and health-care professional level. Linear and logistic regression multilevel analysis adjusted for individual and cluster variables will also be performed. Variability in the number of preventive services implemented will be calculated with Poisson multilevel models. Team and health-care professional will be considered random effects. Intraclass correlation coefficients, standard error and variance components for the different outcome measures will be calculated.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>BB and CP are the principal investigators responsible for the conception of the project and drafting the manuscript. TR was in charge of the design of sample calculation and statistical analyses. MPA, JM, MR, CV, MI, RM, SJ, JMP, and JA contributed to the description of the background, general design and definition of the different study variables and their adaptation to the different computerized clinical records systems.</p>", "<p>All authors have read and approved the final manuscript</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This study was carried out with financial help from the Network of Preventive Activities and Health Promotion in Primary Care <italic>[Red de Actividades Preventivas y Promoción de la Salud en Atención Primaria; redIAPP] </italic>granted by the Carlos III Health Institute <italic>[Instituto de Salud Carlos III] </italic>(RD06/0018) and from another project grant (PI061737) in 2006 also from the Carlos III Health Institute. Financial help for translation was provided by the IDIAP Jordi Gol and editorial assistance by Josep Vidal Alaball.</p>" ]
[ "<disp-formula>design effect = 1 + (n-1)*ICC</disp-formula>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Public Health. 2008 Aug 8; 8:281
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Using the Internet to seek health information is becoming more common in Europe [##UREF##0##1##] as well as in the USA [##UREF##1##2##]. In France little data is available on the proportion of people who have ever used the Internet to seek health information [##REF##16902386##3##] but this proportion seems to be increasing rapidly (from 15% in 2002 [##UREF##0##1##] to 37% in 2005 [##UREF##2##4##]).</p>", "<p>People use the Internet to seek health information because of its advantages. The Internet is widely available (home, work, libraries), convenient (24 h a day) and anonymous. A recent review highlighted the main reasons of using the Internet to seek health information: to gather additional information after a consultation, to access more complex information about a symptom, a disease or a treatment, to look for information about healthy lifestyles or healthcare services, to participate in an online support group and to be aware of other treatment alternatives [##REF##16406474##5##]. Specific surveys have been carried out in samples of parents looking for health information. Many studies asked parents attending a paediatric hospital whether and why they used the Internet to seek heath information. A high proportion of parents attending outpatient departments seek health information online (from 53% to 64% in the most recent articles) [##REF##17270540##6##, ####REF##16925539##7##, ##REF##12677566##8####12677566##8##]. This proportion is even higher for parents of children with a chronic disease or condition (from 58% to 89%) [##REF##17065946##9##, ####REF##16417861##10##, ##REF##11875135##11####11875135##11##]. The authors highlighted that health professionals should advise a few selected websites to parents. Population-based surveys pointed out that mothers are high information seekers [##UREF##3##12##], especially during pregnancy and during the first few years following delivery look to find parenting advice and online clinical health information [##UREF##3##12##, ####REF##15658965##13##, ##REF##15111273##14####15111273##14##].</p>", "<p>The widespread utilisation of the Internet raises some questions about its impact on health behaviour, health services utilisation and finally on health outcomes. Although some characteristics of Internet users who seek health information have been well identified [##REF##16902386##3##,##REF##15312915##15##, ####REF##12746364##16##, ##REF##16129659##17####16129659##17##], no sufficient data is available to answer the above questions, in particular on the relation between seeking health information on the Internet and health care utilisation.</p>", "<p>Some observers have suggested that use of the Internet might actually decrease the cost of primary care services in systems with universal health care [##REF##16876378##18##]. In that case, one might expect a negative relationship between use of the Internet and primary care utilisation. Others might speculate that Internet usage represents just another channel for activated, information-seeking behaviour, in which case the prediction might be for a positive relationship with primary care utilisation. Results from the studies about the impact of the Internet on health care utilisation are heterogeneous, showing a positive relationship between Internet use and service utilisation [##REF##16325137##19##], a negative relationship [##REF##16901253##20##,##REF##11468503##21##] or no relationship at all [##REF##12509660##22##,##REF##11468502##23##]. All these studies but one [##REF##11468503##21##] were carried out within an adult population and none have been conducted elsewhere than in the USA.</p>", "<p>Since the health of young children is of particular concern to parents, we assume that parental use of the Internet to seek health information would be related to primary care utilisation for their children. As we previously stated, results from studies available in the literature were heterogeneous [##REF##16325137##19##, ####REF##16901253##20##, ##REF##11468503##21##, ##REF##12509660##22##, ##REF##11468502##23####11468502##23##]. Thus, we did not initially presume a positive or negative association.</p>", "<p>To test this association, we designed a cross-sectional study in a population of parents of pre-school children. In this paper, we examined the relationship between parental use of the Internet to seek health information and self-reported primary care consultation frequency for their children.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Study design, study population and sample size</title>", "<p>We designed a cross-sectional survey carried out within a population of parents of pre-school children in the department of Vienne, France. In France, even if pre-school attendance is not compulsory, almost 100% of children aged 3 to 6 years attend pre-school (<italic>\"écoles maternelles\"</italic>). We defined 7 pre-school strata according to their private or public status and to their rural, semi-urban, urban or ZEP location [<italic>a ZEP school (Zone d'Education Prioritaire) is a school located in an underprivileged area. It benefits from additional resources to cope with academic and social problems. No ZEP private school exists in the Vienne area</italic>]. We selected certain schools in each of the 7 strata to ensure the representativeness of our sample according to the characteristics of the schools.</p>", "<p>To show a difference of at least one consultation in the last 12 months between those who use the Internet to seek health information (seekers) and those who do not (non-seekers), we needed 750 questionnaires (250 of seekers and 500 of non-seekers), expecting a proportion of one seeker for two non-seekers [##UREF##2##4##], to meet our objective (two-tailed hypothesis, 80% power, 5% alpha). Expecting a response rate of 35%, we sent out more than 2100 questionnaires. To meet the required sample size we selected 35 schools which represented a population of 2 197 children.</p>", "<title>Data collection</title>", "<p>In June 2007, with the help of pre-school principals, the parents of pre-school children were given a letter including an anonymous questionnaire, an explanatory note, and an envelope to return the questionnaire. Parents were asked to answer for their youngest schoolgoing child.</p>", "<p>The data collected was: parental characteristics, characteristics of their child, primary care consultation frequency for their child, and health information sources and methods used to seek health information on the Internet. The parental characteristics noted included age, household occupation according to the most advantaged occupation of either of the parents (disadvantaged (workers and unemployed), moderately advantaged (self-employed and employees) or advantaged (managers and executives)), parental education level according to the highest education level accomplished by either of the parents (elementary-secondary, high school diploma, lower tertiary or higher tertiary), annual family income (&lt;14 000 €, from 14 000 to 19 999 €, from 20 000 to 29 999 €, from 30 000 to 39 999 € and ≥ 40 000 €), single parent family, place of residence (urban, rural), stress level assessed with a 10-unit visual analogue rating scale (10 indicative of higher stress) and Internet access (home, work only, none). The characteristics of the child collected were school attended, age, birth order, gender, medical conditions if any (preterm infant, hospitalisation after birth, asthma, wearing of glasses, auditory disorders, allergy, behavioural disorder, surgical intervention and others), long-term use of medication if any, whether under homeopathic treatment, frequency of administration of over the counter drugs to their child without medical advice and whether the parents had taken advice from a pharmacist for their child within the last 12 months. We asked parents to self-report the number of primary care consultations for their child within the last 12 months (general practitioner, paediatrician or accidents and emergency department). For consultations and child's medical conditions, we asked parents to refer to their child's health record booklet if necessary. Parents were also asked about other health information sources that they had already used amongst the Internet, medical books, medical dictionaries, television, press, relatives working in the medical sector, and other relatives.</p>", "<p>The study as a whole had been previously approved by the consultative committee on the processing of information in medical research of CNIL, the French national commission on individual privacy (approval AR071193).</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>The dependant variable was the number of primary care consultations. The explanatory variables were child's age, child's birth order, child's medical condition and treatment, parental age, socio-economic position of the family, single parent family, parental stress level and health information sources. The main variable of interest was parental use of the Internet to seek health information.</p>", "<p>We assumed that the number of primary care consultations followed a negative binomial distribution – an extension of the Poisson distribution in case of over-dispersion [##REF##7501743##24##,##REF##12873651##25##]. We therefore used a negative binomial regression model to explain the variability of the number of consultations. We took the design effect (cluster effect) into account to avoid errors in the estimation of the parameters of the model [##REF##15209195##26##].</p>", "<p>To perform our analysis, we used the <italic>negbin </italic>function of STATA [##UREF##4##27##] along with the <italic>svy </italic>option to take the design effect into account. The variable \"parental use of the Internet to seek health information\" was forced into the model. Other variables were included in the initial regression model if they were associated with the number of consultations with a p-value &lt; 0.20 (using bivariate negative binomial regression). We then performed a multivariate analysis. From the initial regression model, variables were selected using a stepwise descending process. We tested the first-order interactions in the final model. Association between the number of consultations and variables of interest are rate ratios.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Response rate and characteristics of the study population</title>", "<p>Of the 2 197 questionnaires distributed, 1068 questionnaires were returned (49%). Characteristics of the population are presented in Table ##TAB##0##1##. The mean number of primary care consultations for a pre-school child within the last 12 months was 5.9 ± 4.6. Distribution of the self-reported number of primary care consultations is shown in Figure ##FIG##0##1##, which confirms the assumption of a negative binomial distribution. Data on the number of consultations were missing for 39 questionnaires (4%).</p>", "<p>The Internet was the most used health information source with 556 families (52%) who at least once had used it to seek health information. Relatives working in the medical sector and television were the second and third most common health information sources, with 518 (49%) and 397 (37%) families respectively having at least once used these sources (Figure ##FIG##1##2##).</p>", "<title>Use of the Internet to seek health information and number of primary care consultations for their child</title>", "<p>Mean numbers of consultations according to population characteristics together with results of the bivariate analysis are presented in Table ##TAB##1##2##. The multivariate analysis has been carried out on the 886 questionnaires (83%) for which no data was missing. Four variables were dropped due to the stepwise regression analysis (parental age, single parent family, allergy and television as health information source). None of the first-order interactions between explanatory variables of the final model were significant. Results of the multivariate analysis are presented in Table ##TAB##2##3##. No association was found between use of the Internet to seek health information and the number of consultations within the last 12 months (adjusted rate ratio 0.97; 95% CI 0.86 to 1.09). Seeking health information from relatives (whether they were from the medical sector or not) was associated with a slight increase in the number of consultations. The main variables related to the number of primary care consultations were child's age and medical condition. Number of consultations within the last 12 months decreased with child's age (with a decrease of 16%, 23% and 33% for children aged 4, 5 and 6 years respectively compared to children aged 2 or 3 years). Most of the children's medical conditions were positively related to the number of consultations. Some parental characteristics were related to a lower number of consultations: moderately advantaged occupation and annual income from 20 000€ and over. Parental stress was related to a higher number of consultations with a 3% increase in the number of consultations for every one-unit increase in the visual analogue rating scale.</p>", "<p>We also fitted a model without income on the 974 families (91%) for whom no data other than income was missing (data not shown). Results were very similar though associations of auditory disorders and homeopathic treatment with the number of consultations were not significant anymore.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>We did not find any relationship between parental use of the Internet to seek health information and the number of self-reported consultations for their child. This finding runs counter to our initial assumption that parental use of the Internet to seek health information would be related to primary care utilisation, either in a positive or in a negative way.</p>", "<p>To our knowledge, this is the first study carried out elsewhere than in the USA to assess this relationship. Our results are consistent with an interventional study on mental health services utilisation, which did not find any significant difference in the number of mental health visits between a group that had Web site access and the control group [##REF##12509660##22##]. A quasi-experimental study carried out by Wagner et al. found a null association for parents [##REF##11468502##23##] and a negative association for children [##REF##11468503##21##]. Data from this study are not fully comparable with our study because the intervention was complex and not entirely Internet-based (self-care books, telephone advice nurses and computers). Within a population of Internet users, Eastin and Guinsler found an interaction between anxiety and Internet use to seek health information [##REF##16901253##20##]. Anxious individuals who used the Internet to seek health information had fewer consultations than anxious non-users, whereas such a difference was not found for less anxious individuals. Our findings do not corroborate this interaction, since we did not find any interaction between stress levels and parental use of the Internet to seek health information. Another American study conducted in 1999–2000 found a positive association with an increase of 1.6 consultations for women using computer-based resources [##REF##16325137##19##]. Differences in time period (1999–2000), geographical area (Baltimore metropolitan area, USA) and potential selection bias in both studies are likely to explain the differences between these results and our findings. Finally, findings from a cross-sectional study in seven European countries that investigated patterns of health-related Internet use and its consequences support our results. Only 6% of the sample claimed that they had made, cancelled or changed a doctor's appointment based on health related Internet activity [##REF##17425798##28##]. Even if the number of consultations was not collected in this study, only 6% of the sample claimed that they have made, cancelled or changed a doctor's appointment based on health related Internet activity.</p>", "<p>The association that we found between primary care utilisation and the child's age [##REF##1729585##29##, ####REF##3931044##30##, ##REF##11076248##31####11076248##31##], child's medical condition [##REF##1729585##29##], familial socio-economic position [##REF##10066207##32##] and psychological factors [##REF##8366679##33##] are consistent with previous findings. However, in most studies performed in the USA [##REF##1729585##29##,##REF##3931044##30##,##REF##8545220##34##], lower socio-economic position was associated with less frequent primary care utilisation, which is contrary to our results. Explanations are likely to come from the differences between the French and the American health insurance coverage for children. In France, health insurance coverage is nearly universal [##REF##12511380##35##]. In the USA, most of the studies have been carried out in the 1990's or before, when the problem of uninsured children was raised [##REF##1729585##29##,##REF##3931044##30##,##REF##8545220##34##]. At that time, children from the poorest families were more likely to be uninsured resulting in a lower number of primary care consultations. A few new factors associated with the number of primary care consultations have been identified in our study. Taking advice from a pharmacist, using relatives or friends as a health information source or using homeopathy for one's child could be explained by increased parental consciousness of health issues. These findings might reflect the \"familial context\" mentioned by Cardol [##REF##15772114##36##] which would explain about 20% of the variability of the number of consultations in primary care.</p>", "<p>The first limitation of our study was the overall response rate of 49%. However, details of response rates of each school gave us information to identify the bias due to non-responses. We found that response rates were lower in schools with a higher proportion of families of low socio-economic position and with a higher proportion of non-French speaking families. We therefore probably over-estimated the proportion of families who used the Internet to seek health information, and possibly under-estimated the mean number of consultations. The second limitation was that data on race/ethnicity was not asked in the questionnaire. According to the French population statistics, less than five percent of the inhabitants of the department of Vienne are non native French. In this context, race/ethnicity is not so important even if it is well established in the American context that disparities in Internet use for health information exist according to race/ethnicity [##REF##12885689##37##,##REF##14581904##38##].</p>", "<p>Another limitation was that the number of consultations was self-reported by the parents. Many studies have shown a tendency for underestimation when people were asked to report the frequency of their health care utilisation. Since we found a mean of 5.9 consultations per child within the last 12 months, which is consistent with the data of health care utilisation from the provider [##UREF##5##39##], the bias may be small. Missing data for parental income was another limitation, with 119 (11%) parents who did not report their annual family income. This omission in reporting annual family incomes is information probably not missing at random because it is more likely to occur when the income level is relatively high [##REF##16980149##40##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Even if our study had some limitations, we demonstrated that there was no relationship between parental use of the Internet to seek health information and primary care consultation of their children. The Internet seems to be used as a supplement to health services for some rather than as a replacement. Individuals are increasingly involved in the management of their own health and using the Internet to seek health information is one way to be involved actively. Some authors suggested that this would lead to saving in health costs [##REF##16876378##18##]. According to our findings, this may not be true from a short-term perspective. In our opinion, what is more likely to occur is an improvement in the health of those who use the Internet to seek health information, which, from a long-term perspective, would eventually lead to saving in health costs.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Using the Internet to seek health information is becoming more common. Its consequences on health care utilisation are hardly known in the general population, in particular among children whose parents seek health information on the Internet. Our objective was to investigate the relationship between parental use of the Internet to seek health information and primary care utilisation for their child.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>This cross-sectional survey has been carried out in a population of parents of pre-school children in France. The main outcome measure was the self-reported number of primary care consultations for the child, according to parental use of the Internet to seek health information, adjusted for the characteristics of the parents and their child respectively, and parental use of other health information sources.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>A total of 1 068 out of 2 197 questionnaires were returned (response rate of 49%). No association was found between parental use of the Internet to seek health information and the number of consultations within the last 12 months for their child. Variables related to the number of primary care consultations were characteristics of the child (age, medical conditions, homeopathic treatment), parental characteristics (occupation, income, stress level) and consultation of other health information sources (advice from pharmacist, relatives).</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We did not find any relationship between parental use of the Internet to seek health information and primary care utilisation for children. The Internet seems to be used as a supplement to health services rather than as a replacement.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>GB designed the study, collected the data and had primary responsibility for data analysis and manuscript preparation. VM helped with the implementation of the study, validated the methodology and contributed to data analysis and manuscript preparation. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The authors would like to thank the school principals and parents who participated in the study, Dr Chantal Simmat who helped us for the study implementation in schools and Pr Pierre Ingrand for his support. We also wish to thank Dr Shivani Aguilera for the English revision.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Distribution of the self-reported number of primary care consultations for the child within the last 12 months.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Frequency (and 95% confidence intervals) of the different health information sources used by the 1 068 parents.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Characteristics of the 1068 pre-school children and their parents</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\">Characteristics</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Characteristics of the children</td><td/><td align=\"right\">N</td><td align=\"right\">%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age (n = 1067)</td><td align=\"left\">- 2 or 3 years old</td><td align=\"right\">227</td><td align=\"right\">21%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- 4 years old</td><td align=\"right\">335</td><td align=\"right\">31%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- 5 years old</td><td align=\"right\">328</td><td align=\"right\">31%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- 6 years old</td><td align=\"right\">177</td><td align=\"right\">17%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Girls (n = 1068)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">537</td><td align=\"right\">50%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">First in birth order (n = 1039)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">498</td><td align=\"right\">48%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medical conditions (n = 1068)</td><td align=\"left\">- Preterm infant</td><td align=\"right\">96</td><td align=\"right\">9%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Hospitalisation after birth</td><td align=\"right\">81</td><td align=\"right\">8%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Asthma</td><td align=\"right\">156</td><td align=\"right\">15%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Wearing of glasses</td><td align=\"right\">146</td><td align=\"right\">14%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Auditory disorders</td><td align=\"right\">63</td><td align=\"right\">6%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Allergy</td><td align=\"right\">214</td><td align=\"right\">20%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Behavioural disorder</td><td align=\"right\">44</td><td align=\"right\">4%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- At least one surgical intervention</td><td align=\"right\">225</td><td align=\"right\">21%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Other medical conditions</td><td align=\"right\">70</td><td align=\"right\">7%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Long term medication use (n = 1068)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">73</td><td align=\"right\">7%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Frequency of administrating over the counter drugs without medical advice (n = 1062)</td><td align=\"left\">- Never</td><td align=\"right\">168</td><td align=\"right\">16%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Rarely</td><td align=\"right\">311</td><td align=\"right\">29%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Often</td><td align=\"right\">509</td><td align=\"right\">48%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Almost every time my child is ill</td><td align=\"right\">74</td><td align=\"right\">7%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Under homeopathic treatment (n = 1043)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">549</td><td align=\"right\">53%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Advice from a pharmacist within the last 12 months (n = 1051)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">445</td><td align=\"right\">42%</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"right\">Mean</td><td align=\"right\">SD</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">N. of primary care consultations within the last 12 months (n = 1029)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">5.9</td><td align=\"right\">4.6</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Parental characteristics</td><td/><td align=\"right\">N</td><td align=\"right\">%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Single parent family (n = 1066)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">136</td><td align=\"right\">13%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rural place of residence (n = 1064)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">217</td><td align=\"right\">20%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Occupation (n = 1056)</td><td align=\"left\">- Disadvantaged (workers, unemployed)</td><td align=\"right\">151</td><td align=\"right\">14%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Moderately advantaged (self-employed, employees)</td><td align=\"right\">563</td><td align=\"right\">53%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Advantaged (managers and executives)</td><td align=\"right\">342</td><td align=\"right\">33%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Education level (n = 1037)</td><td align=\"left\">- Elementary and secondary</td><td align=\"right\">285</td><td align=\"right\">27%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- High school diploma (\"Baccalauréat\")</td><td align=\"right\">238</td><td align=\"right\">23%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Lower tertiary</td><td align=\"right\">235</td><td align=\"right\">23%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- Higher tertiary</td><td align=\"right\">279</td><td align=\"right\">27%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Annual family income (n = 949)</td><td align=\"left\">- &lt; 14 000 €</td><td align=\"right\">168</td><td align=\"right\">18%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- 14 000 to 19 999 €</td><td align=\"right\">203</td><td align=\"right\">21%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- 20 000 to 29 999 €</td><td align=\"right\">286</td><td align=\"right\">30%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- 30 000 to 39 999 €</td><td align=\"right\">170</td><td align=\"right\">18%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">- ≥ 40 000 €</td><td align=\"right\">122</td><td align=\"right\">13%</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mean</td><td align=\"center\">SD</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age of the respondent in year (n = 1058)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">34.0</td><td align=\"right\">5.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Parental stress level (n = 1040)</td><td/><td align=\"right\">4.9</td><td align=\"right\">2.3</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Relation between mean number of primary care consultations for the child and population characteristics – bivariate negative regression analysis.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Explanatory variables (n = 1029 unless otherwise indicated)</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mean</td><td align=\"center\">SD</td><td align=\"center\">P</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Health information sources</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medical dictionary</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 826</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.38</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 203</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Internet</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 490</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 539</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.5</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Press</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 753</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.20</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 276</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td><td align=\"center\">5.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medical books</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 809</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.21</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 220</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td><td align=\"center\">4.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Television</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 646</td><td align=\"center\">5.7</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 383</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td><td align=\"center\">5.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Relatives working in the medical sector</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 528</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.004</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 501</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other relatives</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 779</td><td align=\"center\">5.7</td><td align=\"center\">4.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.006</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 250</td><td align=\"center\">6.6</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Characteristics of the child</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age (n = 1028)</td><td align=\"left\">2–3 years old</td><td align=\"center\">n = 221</td><td align=\"center\">7.3</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.0001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">4 years</td><td align=\"center\">n = 319</td><td align=\"center\">6.0</td><td align=\"center\">3.8</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">5 years</td><td align=\"center\">n = 317</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">6 years</td><td align=\"center\">n = 171</td><td align=\"center\">4.7</td><td align=\"center\">3.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">First in birth order (n = 1002)</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 523</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.8</td><td align=\"center\">0.41</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 479</td><td align=\"center\">6.1</td><td align=\"center\">4.4</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Child gender</td><td align=\"left\">Boy</td><td align=\"center\">n = 514</td><td align=\"center\">6.0</td><td align=\"center\">4.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Girl</td><td align=\"center\">n = 515</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medical conditions</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Preterm infant (n = 1025)</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 933</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.21</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 92</td><td align=\"center\">6.6</td><td align=\"center\">5.4</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Hospitalisation after birth (n = 1023)</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 948</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.34</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 75</td><td align=\"center\">6.6</td><td align=\"center\">5.7</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Asthma</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 879</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">4.4</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.0001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 150</td><td align=\"center\">7.9</td><td align=\"center\">5.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Wearing of glasses</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 888</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 141</td><td align=\"center\">6.7</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Auditory disorders</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 967</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.006</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 62</td><td align=\"center\">7.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.6</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Allergy</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 825</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">4.6</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.0001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 404</td><td align=\"center\">7.3</td><td align=\"center\">4.4</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Behavioural disorder</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 987</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.88</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 42</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">At least one surgical intervention</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 817</td><td align=\"center\">5.7</td><td align=\"center\">4.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.0004</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 212</td><td align=\"center\">6.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.4</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other medical conditions</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 960</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 69</td><td align=\"center\">6.7</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Long term medication use</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 961</td><td align=\"center\">5.7</td><td align=\"center\">4.5</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.0001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 68</td><td align=\"center\">8.9</td><td align=\"center\">5.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Frequency of administrating over the counter drugs without medical advice (n = 1025)</td><td align=\"left\">Never</td><td align=\"center\">n = 158</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.63</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Rarely</td><td align=\"center\">n = 300</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Often</td><td align=\"center\">n = 494</td><td align=\"center\">6.1</td><td align=\"center\">4.7</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Almost every time my child is ill</td><td align=\"center\">n = 73</td><td align=\"center\">5.5</td><td align=\"center\">4.4</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Under homeopathic treatment (n = 1008)</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 474</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.08</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 534</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td><td align=\"center\">4.8</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Advice from a pharmacist within the last 12 months (n = 1027)</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 592</td><td align=\"center\">5.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.0003</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 435</td><td align=\"center\">6.6</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Parental characteristics</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Single parent family (n = 1028)</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 899</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 129</td><td align=\"center\">6.7</td><td align=\"center\">6.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Occupation (n = 1019)</td><td align=\"left\">Disadvantaged</td><td align=\"center\">n = 142</td><td align=\"center\">6.8</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Moderately advantaged</td><td align=\"center\">n = 542</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.6</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Advantaged</td><td align=\"center\">n = 335</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">3.6</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Education level (n = 1002)</td><td align=\"left\">Elementary and secondary</td><td align=\"center\">n = 268</td><td align=\"center\">6.6</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.20</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">High school diploma</td><td align=\"center\">n = 233</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Lower tertiary</td><td align=\"center\">n = 232</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">3.6</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Higher tertiary</td><td align=\"center\">n = 269</td><td align=\"center\">5.7</td><td align=\"center\">3.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Annual family income (n = 921)</td><td align=\"left\">&lt; 14 000 €</td><td align=\"center\">n = 159</td><td align=\"center\">7.2</td><td align=\"center\">7.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">14 000 to 19 999 €</td><td align=\"center\">n = 195</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">3.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">20 000 to 29 999 €</td><td align=\"center\">n = 279</td><td align=\"center\">5.5</td><td align=\"center\">3.5</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">30 000 to 39 999 €</td><td align=\"center\">n = 167</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">3.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 40 000 €</td><td align=\"center\">n = 121</td><td align=\"center\">5.4</td><td align=\"center\">3.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rural place of residence (n = 1025)</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"center\">n = 815</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.88</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">n = 210</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Rate Ratio</td><td/><td align=\"center\">95% CI</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age of the respondent (n = 1020)</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.98</td><td/><td align=\"center\">[0.97 – 0.99]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Parental stress level (n = 1005)</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">1.03</td><td/><td align=\"center\">[1.01 – 1.06]</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Relation between number of primary care consultations for the child and population characteristics – multivariate analysis.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Explanatory variables</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted Rate Ratio*</td><td align=\"center\">95% CI</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\">Health information sources</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Internet</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">0.97</td><td align=\"center\">[0.86–1.09]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Relatives working in the medical sector</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.08</td><td align=\"center\">[1.01–1.16]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other relatives</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.12</td><td align=\"center\">[1.01–1.25]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Characteristics of the child</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age</td><td align=\"left\">2–3 years old</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">4 years</td><td align=\"left\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">[0.73–0.96]</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">5 years</td><td align=\"left\">0.77</td><td align=\"center\">[0.65–0.90]</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">6 years</td><td align=\"left\">0.67</td><td align=\"center\">[0.56–0.80]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medical conditions</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Asthma</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.28</td><td align=\"center\">[1.13–1.46]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Wearing of glasses</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.19</td><td align=\"center\">[1.03–1.45]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Auditory disorders</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.23</td><td align=\"center\">[1.03–1.46]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">At least one surgical intervention</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.12</td><td align=\"center\">[1.02–1.22]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Long term medication use</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.26</td><td align=\"center\">[1.06–1.49]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Under homeopathic treatment</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.13</td><td align=\"center\">[1.03–1.23]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Advice from a pharmacist within the last 12 months</td><td align=\"left\">No</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Yes</td><td align=\"left\">1.14</td><td align=\"center\">[1.05–1.24]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Parental characteristics</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Occupation</td><td align=\"left\">Disadvantaged</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Moderately advantaged</td><td align=\"left\">0.85</td><td align=\"center\">[0.75–0.96]</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Advantaged</td><td align=\"left\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">[0.75–1.02]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Annual family income</td><td align=\"left\">&lt; 14 000 €</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">14 000 to 19 999 €</td><td align=\"left\">0.86</td><td align=\"center\">[0.73–1.01]</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">20 000 to 29 999 €</td><td align=\"left\">0.80</td><td align=\"center\">[0.68–0.94]</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">30 000 to 39 999 €</td><td align=\"left\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">[0.76–0.99]</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">≥ 40 000 €</td><td align=\"left\">0.80</td><td align=\"center\">[0.64–0.99]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Parental stress level</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.03</td><td align=\"center\">[1.01–1.05]</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* Adjusted on other health information sources (dictionary, press, books and television), characteristics of the child (birth order, gender, medical conditions – preterm infant, hospitalisation after birth, allergy, behavioral disorder – frequency of administrating over the counter drugs without medical advice) and parental characteristics (age, single parent, education level and place of residence).</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-300-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-300-2\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Spadaro"], "given-names": ["R"], "article-title": ["Eurobarometer 58.0. European Union, citizens and sources of information about health"], "source": ["The European Opinion Research Group (EORG)"], "year": ["2003"], "fpage": ["16"]}, {"surname": ["Fox"], "given-names": ["S"], "source": ["Online Health Search 2006"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Project"]}, {"surname": ["Renahy", "Parizot", "Chauvin"], "given-names": ["E", "I", "P"], "article-title": ["Internet uses for health information seeking: a new digital divide? A study on a representative sample of Paris metropolitan area, France, 2005 [abstract]"], "source": ["11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine (MedNet), October 13\u201320, 2006, Toronto"], "comment": ["abstract book: 100"]}, {"surname": ["Allen"], "given-names": ["K"], "source": ["Parents online"], "year": ["2000"], "publisher-name": ["Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Project"]}, {"collab": ["STATA"], "source": ["Version 90"], "year": ["2005"], "publisher-name": ["College Station: StataCorp LP"]}, {"collab": ["Caisse Nationale de l'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salari\u00e9s \u2013 Direction des Statistiques et des Etudes"], "article-title": ["La consommation de soins des enfants de moins de 3 ans"], "source": ["Point de conjoncture"], "year": ["2002"], "volume": ["7"], "fpage": ["18"], "lpage": ["26"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Public Health. 2008 Aug 28; 8:300
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The quality of medical care at the end of life has become of major importance in contemporary developed societies [##REF##10972435##1##, ####REF##11950744##2##, ##REF##12139768##3##, ##REF##17482035##4##, ##REF##12231124##5####12231124##5##]. In the past century there has been a significant shift in cause of death, away from acute deaths due to infectious disease towards deaths caused by chronic and degenerative illness such as cancer and cardiovascular disease [##REF##10972435##1##, ####REF##11950744##2##, ##REF##12139768##3####12139768##3##,##UREF##0##6##]. Combined with rising life expectancy and an ageing population, this epidemiological transition has resulted in an increased number of people experiencing a terminal illness phase at the end of life [##REF##10972435##1##,##UREF##0##6##].</p>", "<p>Parallel to these changes in the patterns of dying, advances in medical knowledge and technology have contributed considerably to the increase of treatment possibilities at the end of life. Physicians are now increasingly able to ensure effective treatment of pain and symptoms at the end of life, and to postpone a patient's death [##REF##10972435##1##,##REF##11950744##2##,##REF##17482035##4##,##UREF##0##6##]. However, in many cases a point is reached where those involved feel that prolonging life is no longer desirable as a certain minimal quality of life cannot always be maintained [##REF##10972435##1##,##REF##12231124##5##, ####UREF##0##6##, ##REF##10733450##7##, ##REF##14672110##8####14672110##8##]. This gives rise to decisions that possibly or certainly hasten the patient's death, i.e. end-of-life decisions (ELDs). These decisions include withholding or withdrawing potentially life-sustaining treatment, intensifying pain and/or symptom management with a possible life-shortening effect and administering drugs with the explicit intention of hastening death (i.e. physician-assisted suicide, life-ending without the patient's explicit request, and euthanasia).</p>", "<p>Past studies in different countries have revealed that these various end-of-life decisions are made in a significant proportion of deaths [##REF##14672110##8##, ####REF##1715962##9##, ##REF##8929370##10##, ##REF##9066548##11##, ##REF##9554861##12##, ##REF##11117913##13##, ##REF##12907005##14##, ##REF##12907015##15##, ##REF##12915432##16##, ##REF##15128690##17##, ##REF##16482752##18##, ##REF##17490798##19##, ##REF##17494928##20####17494928##20##], although incidence estimates vary somewhat across countries. According to the 2001 EURELD study in six European countries (Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland) the incidence of deaths preceded by an ELD ranges from 23% to 51% [##REF##12907005##14##]. In Belgium the incidence rate dropped slightly, although not statistically significantly, from 39,3% to 38,4% between 1998 and 2001 [##REF##17490798##19##]. These studies contributed to an ongoing ethical and legal debate concerning end-of-life decisions, culminating in Belgium in 2002 with the passing of the laws on palliative care, patients' rights and euthanasia (which permits euthanasia under strict conditions of prudent practice) [##UREF##1##21##, ####UREF##2##22##, ##UREF##3##23##, ##REF##14568754##24####14568754##24##].</p>", "<p>It is in this new legal context that a third ELD study in Belgium was undertaken. This study is part of the larger <bold>M</bold>onitoring quality of <bold>E</bold>nd-of-<bold>L</bold>ife <bold>C</bold>are (MELC) study in Flanders [##UREF##4##25##], and aims to obtain reliable incidence estimates of ELDs and their characteristics in Flanders for 2007, as well as to take a closer look at the decision-making process preceding ELDs and the treatment and care provided at the end of life. As a third measurement point for Flanders, one of the research aims is to permit a trend analysis of end-of-life decision making. Furthermore, the legalisation of euthanasia since the last ELD study in Flanders creates the opportunity of estimating the possible effects of the euthanasia law on the practice of euthanasia and other end-of-life practices [##REF##14568754##24##], and will shed light on the argument that legalising euthanasia will possibly lead to a slippery slope, e.g. a rise in life-ending acts without the patient's explicit request [##REF##17341228##26##,##REF##12882255##27##]. Comparison of the results of the Flemish study to the Dutch data from 2005 will put the findings in an international perspective [##REF##14568754##24##].</p>", "<p>To design an adequate methodology for a nationwide study of ELDs is not straightforward because of the sensitive nature of the issue and the specific difficulties involved in the organisation of such a survey. In this article we present the protocol of the 2007 Flemish ELD study, which was guided by four methodological questions: (1) which study design is most appropriate for obtaining reliable incidence estimates and descriptions of ELDs, even of rare ELDs, that are representative for all deaths in Flanders in 2007?; (2) how can comparability with earlier ELD studies in Flanders and other countries be ensured?; (3) how can strict anonymity of physicians and patients for ethical and judicial reasons be guaranteed?; and (4) how can a sufficient response rate for a survey on this sensitive subject be achieved?</p>", "<p>The study design we present in this article is based on a method, first developed in the Netherlands in 1990 [##REF##1715962##9##], that has been successfully used in several European countries to study the nationwide incidence and characteristics of ELDs [##REF##14672110##8##, ####REF##1715962##9##, ##REF##8929370##10####8929370##10##,##REF##11117913##13##, ####REF##12907005##14##, ##REF##12907015##15####12907015##15##,##REF##17490798##19##,##REF##17494928##20##]. However, this is the first time that this study design has been described in detail. We believe that presenting it will be useful to researchers in other countries who intend to embark on similar research. The methodology outlined in this article will also serve as a reference for future publications using data from this study.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Method design</title>", "<title>A retrospective survey based on death certificates</title>", "<p>Obtaining data from a representative sample of dying patients in a prospective study design is an impossible task, as this would entail following an excessively large number of patients in numerous care settings. Moreover, defining who is dying is never clear-cut, and the problems of patient burden and attrition or non-response of the sickest patients [##REF##16499468##28##,##REF##16484691##29##] rules out the option of a prospective study design. There is also a danger that a prospective study will influence the behaviour of physicians and other caregivers. A retrospective (post-mortem) study design was therefore the more favourable option for this study.</p>", "<p>Because the study aims to obtain reliable estimates of ELDs for all deaths in Flanders, it was desirable to take the death case as the unit of measurement as this evidently provides a clear epidemiological denominator for the entire population of deaths, as well as for the subpopulations of deaths, e.g. cancer deaths. This provides more reliable incidence estimates than incidence studies where the physician is the unit of measurement and a representative sample of physicians are asked to report on the last death under their supervision in e.g. the last 12 months [##REF##9066548##11##,##REF##9554861##12##,##REF##16482752##18##]. In these studies, the number of deaths per participating physician is often not taken into account, and ELD incidence rates on population level are estimated on the basis of physician characteristics. Also, recall bias can be considerable if the physician's last death occurred a long time before the study.</p>", "<p>Every death in Belgium must be registered via a death certificate issued by the civil registrar of the municipality where the death took place. The physician completes the first part of the death certificate, indicating the sex of the deceased, some medical information (such as causes of death), time and place of death and signs the certificate with full name and medical registration number. The second part of the death certificate (containing socio-demographic information about the residence, age, education, occupation, nationality, civil status and living situation of the deceased) is completed by the civil registrar of the municipality in which the death took place. The death certificates are first processed by the provinces where the death occurred before they are sent to the central administration authorities. For Flemish death certificates this is the Flemish Agency for Care and Health (part of the Flemish Ministry for Welfare, Public Health and Family). Death certificates are thus particularly suitable for a nationwide study of ELDs; because every death is represented by a death certificate, it is easy to draw a representative sample of deaths. Also, the certifying physician's identification details listed on the death certificates allow the physician to function as the observational unit for the study. Furthermore, the socio-demographic and morbidity data of the deceased are readily available on the certificates and can be included in the survey. We obtained permission from the Flemish Agency for Care and Health to conduct a cross-sectional postal survey among the certifying physicians of a representative sample of death certificates.</p>", "<title>Selection of deaths and sampling</title>", "<p>The selection of deaths and sampling procedure needed to provide a representative sample of all deaths in Flanders in 2007 and had to include a sufficient amount of deaths to yield reliable information on the characteristics of all types of ELDs. Inclusion criteria for the study were:</p>", "<p>- the death taking place in Flanders,</p>", "<p>- the deceased is a resident of Belgium at the time of death,</p>", "<p>- the deceased is aged one year or more at the time of death.</p>", "<p>The death must have occurred in Flanders as the aim of the study is to describe end-of-life practices in the Flemish region; the limited number of Flemish residents who died outside Flanders are thus not included. The criterion of residence in Belgium is necessary to exclude all deaths in Flanders of persons, with or without the Belgian nationality, who live abroad as their socio-demographic characteristics and medical history would not be available. The number of these deaths is very small anyway and the majority of them are caused by traffic accidents, indicating a low likelihood of an ELD preceding death. Deaths of neonates (under one year of age) are excluded because end-of-life decision making is a very different issue in this age group, requiring an adjusted questionnaire. ELD studies in neonates have been done in the past in Belgium and the Netherlands [##REF##14568754##24##,##REF##15124828##30##,##REF##17537009##31##], but were not necessary for the present study.</p>", "<p>We sampled a fraction of almost 25% in a six month period from June 1<sup>st </sup>until November 30<sup>th </sup>2007. This amounted to 6928 death cases, approximately 12% of all deaths in 2007 (percentages based on the mortality rate of Flemish deaths for 2006, the most recent reference year for which mortality statistics were available). The sample size and proportion are significantly larger than in the previous Flemish ELD studies [##REF##11117913##13##,##REF##12907005##14##,##REF##17490798##19##], ensuring the greater overall statistical power of the results. The sample size necessary to estimate accurately the incidence rates with a confidence level of 95% was calculated based on the response level of the previous Flemish ELD studies in 1998 (49%) in 2001 (59%) [##UREF##5##32##].</p>", "<p>The sample is proportioned for month of death and province of death (Flanders consists of five provinces). From the previous ELD studies we know that ELDs occur more frequently among patients with a certain cause of death [##REF##11117913##13##,##REF##12907005##14##]. We therefore adopted disproportionate sampling of deaths to include more patients with a cause of death known to have a higher likelihood of one or more ELDs. This should result in more cases in which an ELD preceded death, and should thus further increase the statistical power and reliability of the incidence estimates and descriptions, even for the less-prevalent ELDs. According to the underlying cause of death on the death certificates and the corresponding probability of an end-of-life decision being made (derived from the data of the Flemish 2001 ELD study) deaths are grouped into one of four strata and sampled disproportionately (see Table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<p>Because end-of-life decision making in minors (1–17 years of age at death) may differ from that in adults, we also integrated a fifth stratum. As there are relatively few deaths of minors annually, all deaths of minors in the period June-November 2007 are sampled to guarantee reliable incidence estimates for deaths in this age category.</p>", "<title>Questionnaire (see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##)</title>", "<p>In developing the questionnaire, attention was paid to issues of length, difficulty, clarity, term ambiguity and similarity of content to questionnaires in previous ELD studies. We developed a questionnaire which drew on those of the previous studies in Belgium, the Netherlands and other European countries, the first of which had been developed for the 1990 Dutch survey on ELDs [##REF##1715962##9##]. We used the same set of key questions to ask about the medical decisions that were made at the end of life, thereby making possible incidence estimates comparable to those in earlier studies. Secondary questions regarding the decision-making process preceding an ELD, treatments and care provided, pain and other symptoms present in the last 24 hours before death and the perceived quality of dying were altered or added. The questionnaire was thoroughly analysed and tested by several physicians to correct for any imperfections or ambiguities. Its length was limited to five pages and the difficulty of the questions was kept as low as possible, bearing in mind the complexity of the research subject. The original Flemish version of the questionnaire is provided as additional file ##SUPPL##0##1## to this manuscript.</p>", "<p>There are four sections to the questionnaire. In the first, general section the physicians fill in their occupation (general practitioner or specialist), whether they had contact with the patient before his or her death and whether or not the death was sudden and unexpected. The other sections are to be completed only if the treating physician had contact with the patient prior to death and death was not sudden and completely unexpected. The second section asks key questions concerning the medical decisions that were made at the end of the patient's life. Terms such as 'euthanasia' or 'physician-assisted suicide' are not used, as they are emotionally charged and subject to ambiguous and multidimensional definition. Instead, the types of ELDs are more validly determined by establishing (1) what act the physician initiated, (2) to which extent the physician intended life-shortening when initiating the act, and (3) if there had been an explicit request from the patient to initiate the act. Figure ##FIG##0##1## shows how a classification of ELDs is derived from the answers to the key questions. If more than one ELD was made, the decision with the most explicit intention of hastening death is given priority in the classification. And if there was more than one act with a similar intention to hasten death, the administering of drugs is chosen over the withholding or withdrawal of treatment. In the third section physicians can note the likely degree to which life was actually shortened and some characteristics of the decision-making process. We included additional questions also posed in the 2005 Dutch ELD study in this section: one about whether or not euthanasia cases were reported, as is required by the Euthanasia Law, and if not why they were not reported and another concerning the term physicians would use to describe their act. The fourth section comprises questions about the characteristics of care and treatment provided at the end of the patient's life, the symptoms observed in the last 24 hours as well as the perceived quality of the patient's death. Finally we integrated a set of questions in this section about palliative or terminal sedation (defined as continuous deep sedation until death). In addition to the types of drugs used for the sedation, the length of the sedation, and the withdrawal of food and fluids, the questionnaire asks about the presence of an explicit request by the patient or the family, possible alternatives to sedation and whether a life-shortening intention was present. Thus, the questionnaire can pursue the paramount question of whether sedation is performed as a treatment decision with no life-shortening intention whatsoever or as an ELD or even as an alternative to euthanasia, as suggested in the literature [##REF##10733450##7##,##REF##16606811##33##, ####REF##16636220##34##, ##REF##9019033##35####9019033##35##] and in recent research [##REF##17494928##20##].</p>", "<title>Mailing procedure and anonymity</title>", "<p>Safeguarding the anonymity of physicians and patients is not only necessary for obvious ethical reasons but also for judicial reasons. Some life-ending acts can be deemed unacceptable by the Belgian criminal law and if anonymity were not guaranteed physicians could risk criminal prosecution for end-of-life decisions reported in this study. Moreover, the response rate to the questionnaire as well as the reliability of the answers will only improve if physicians feel safe enough to answer. Therefore a rigorous procedure was implemented to guarantee that no completed questionnaire could be linked to a particular patient or physician and that both patients and physicians remained anonymous. This procedure has been used in past studies on ELDs, and has proved effective [##REF##1715962##9##,##REF##8929370##10##,##REF##11117913##13##,##REF##12907005##14##,##REF##17494928##20##]. To meet the requirement of anonymity, the different stages of the survey i.e. the sampling and mailing, receiving and processing of the questionnaires are spatially separated. Each stage is performed by different persons. Four parties are involved in the survey, each with specific functions. For a schematic overview of the procedure, see Figure ##FIG##1##2##.</p>", "<title>1. Flemish Agency for Care and Health (of the Flemish Ministry for Welfare, Public Health and Family)</title>", "<p>The Flemish Agency for Care and Health, the official department for processing death certificates, is responsible for the sampling of the death certificates, management of the sample database, and the mailing of the questionnaires. Each case is ascribed a unique sample number which is derived from the death certificate number using a fixed algorithm. These sample numbers are used at the end of the study to link the questionnaires to the patients' socio-demographic and morbidity data, derived from the death certificates, in a database provided by the Flemish Agency for Care and Health (cfr. infra). An accompanying letter is included with the questionnaire providing the physician with enough patient characteristics derived from the death certificates to identify the patient (i.e. sex, date of birth, date of death, and municipality of death). The researchers do not have access to the sample database as it contains identifying information of the patients and physicians.</p>", "<title>2. Physicians</title>", "<p>After identifying the patient by the patient characteristics in the accompanying letter, the physicians can fill out the questionnaires. They are advised to destroy the accompanying letter afterwards. No combination of answers given in the questionnaires can lead to identification of the patient or of the physician.</p>", "<p>In some cases, the certifying physician was not the treating physician for the patient in question. In such cases the physician is given a directive to transmit the questionnaire to the treating physician. If the identity of the treating physician is not known the case in question is discarded as being impossible to study. Also, some physicians no longer work at the hospital or practice where the patient died and can therefore not identify the patient or do not have access to the patient file. These cases are also removed from the sample.</p>", "<title>3. Lawyer</title>", "<p>The completed questionnaires are not returned to the Flemish Agency for Care and Health or to the researchers but instead to a sworn lawyer who is bound to professional confidentiality. The lawyer safeguards the anonymity of the questionnaires received by removing any possible identifying information from them such as notes, stamps and signatures. He also removes the sample numbers and reports them to the Flemish Agency for Care and Health. These cases are subsequently deleted from the sample database so that the certifying physician does not receive further reminders regarding this particular death.</p>", "<p>As removing the sample numbers from the questionnaires would make it impossible to link them to the corresponding patient's socio-demographic and morbidity data at the end of the study, the lawyer ascribes a new number to every questionnaire and keeps a database in which the original sample numbers and the corresponding numbers are linked to one another.</p>", "<p>The lawyer keeps the received questionnaires until the end of the survey. Afterwards, the Flemish Agency for Care and Health transmits the database of the patients' socio-demographic and morbidity characteristics to the lawyer. The lawyer links the cases in this database to their corresponding new numbers via the original sample numbers and then deletes the original sample numbers. When these sample numbers (derived from the death certificates) are deleted, the information in the database of patient characteristics and the information in the questionnaires can no longer be traced back to the corresponding death certificates.</p>", "<title>4. Research group</title>", "<p>After this complex procedure, the information in the database and questionnaires is strictly anonymous: the replacement of sample numbers by new numbers cuts the link between questionnaires and death certificates and neither the combination of patient characteristics nor the information provided in the questionnaires can lead to the identification of patients or physicians. The lawyer can thus transmit the questionnaires and the database with patient characteristics to the researchers, who combine the data from both (using the new numbers) into one database for analysis.</p>", "<title>Total Design Method (TDM)</title>", "<p>All efforts to attain a representative sample of deaths are ineffective if the response rate does not reach a minimal level, therefore some measures are taken to achieve this. We followed some prescriptions from Don A. Dillman's Total Design Method (TDM) for mail surveys [##UREF##6##36##]. Firstly, we established an intensive follow-up mailing. After the questionnaire is sent out, the physician receives a maximum of three reminders at an interval of 14 days until the questionnaire is returned. In the second reminder a new copy of the questionnaire is included, thus anticipating the possibility of the physician having lost the original.</p>", "<p>The TDM is based on the costs-benefits analysis of social action; in a social context a person only acts if there are advantages in that action. Given this principle, the probability of participating in a study will be greater if the study succeeds in keeping the costs (i.e. disadvantages, efforts, time) of participation as low as possible while at the same time maximising the gains for the respondent [##UREF##6##36##]. To minimise the costs of participation, the questionnaire was kept as short as possible, and the difficulty-level of the questions and answer options as low as possible considering the complexity of the study subject. A maximum of five death cases per physician was decided on to limit responder fatigue. A stamped return envelope was included with every questionnaire sent out. We feel that guaranteeing the anonymity of physicians and patients is also an important measure in minimising the potential costs of participation. To maximise the gains for the physicians, we stress the importance of the study for the medical field, as the results can contribute to better and more effective policies on end-of-life decisions in Belgium. Participation can thus ultimately result in better conditions for physicians to work in, as well as for patients at the end of their lives. We also deem it important to communicate the results of the study to the participants. All participating physicians are assured of an invitation to a seminar on the study after the data collection. As an extra incentive, a valuable artwork will be awarded to a randomly chosen participating physician. Due to the large number of participating physicians, the funds are not sufficient to reward every individual physician financially.</p>", "<p>Additionally to the involvement of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University in conducting the study, representatives of two other Flemish universities, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Universiteit Antwerpen, and the Scientific Institute of Public Health support the study to increase its visibility. Also, the positive recommendation of the Belgian National Disciplinary Board of Physicians (cfr. infra) is mentioned in the accompanying letter.</p>", "<title>Non-response survey</title>", "<p>After the data collection a one-page questionnaire is sent to all non-responding physicians, asking about their reasons for non-response. Besides providing interesting information on non-response in general, these reasons can warrant the removal of some cases from the sample because of the physician's inability to fill out the questionnaire (e.g. the patient cannot be identified with the information provided, the physician no longer has access to the medical file, the certifying physician is not the attending physician and can not identify him or her, or the physician never received the questionnaire).</p>", "<title>Data analysis</title>", "<p>The researchers will prepare an SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc.) database with coding scheme for a certified data management company which will enter the data. Range and skip checks will prevent key-punching errors, and the data quality will further be improved partly via double data-entry and partly through extensive random sample checks. The researchers will perform data cleaning via SPSS syntax operations.</p>", "<p>The data will be weighted to correct for the disproportionate stratification of underlying causes of death and the deaths of minors. The influence of non-response on the representativity of the data will subsequently be checked and weighted through a comparison of proportionality of underlying causes of death and other patient characteristics (i.e. sex, age, educational level, marital status, living situation, province of residence, month of death and place of death) between deaths where responses have been received and deaths within the general population in 2007.</p>", "<p>Data will be analysed with descriptive statistics (valid percentages and 95% confidence intervals), as well as bi- and multivariate association statistics using SPSS version 16.0.</p>", "<title>Recommendations</title>", "<p>Positive recommendations for the anonymity procedure and study protocol were obtained from the Ethical Review Board of the University Hospital of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Ghent University, the Belgian National Disciplinary Board of Physicians and the Belgian Federal Privacy Commission.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The 2007 Flemish ELD study aims to produce representative incidence estimates of end-of-life decisions in Flanders and to describe their characteristics as well as the circumstances under which they occur. A summary of the key characteristics of the study design is shown in Table ##TAB##1##2##.</p>", "<p>The four methodological challenges formulated at the outset of this article were addressed: (1) we opted for a retrospective study design based on death certificates, as this design provides the best chances of obtaining reliable incidence estimates of ELDs and their characteristics from a large and representative sample of deaths. Moreover, the disproportionate stratification based on the likelihood of an ELD preceding death further increases the statistical power of the results (2) comparability of the data to earlier studies is ensured by using the same set of key questions in the questionnaire, and by keeping the main characteristics of the study design constant (3) a rigorous procedure involving a lawyer as intermediary between physicians and researchers is employed to guarantee the anonymity of physicians and patients and (4) we use several measures from the Total Design Method to obtain a satisfactory response rate.</p>", "<p>The study has some strengths as well as weaknesses related to the use of death certificates and the study design in general.</p>", "<title>Strengths</title>", "<p>Most studies in end-of-life care research are limited with regard to sample size, care settings or illness types. This impedes the chances of obtaining representative population data in end-of-life care research. For example, one study examined end-of-life practices in a sample of dying patients but was set only in intensive care units [##REF##12915432##16##]. Using death certificates on the other hand facilitates the obtaining of robust data for the entire population, as a large sample of deaths can be drawn across care settings including all causes of death [##REF##16499468##28##,##REF##17922894##37##]. And, because of its nationwide scope, this study design is most suitable for international comparative research, as the EURELD six nations study has shown [##REF##12907005##14##]. Also, the retrospective nature of the study design does not encounter the problems of patient burden, attrition or non-response of the sickest patients found in prospective study designs [##REF##16499468##28##,##REF##16484691##29##], and it does not run the risk of influencing end-of-life practices, which is a realistic possibility in prospective studies.</p>", "<p>Because all deaths must be reported to the proper government authorities, death certificates also allow the use of the death as the unit of measurement, providing a clear denominator for reliable estimation of the incidence of ELDs [##REF##16499468##28##]. The reliability of these estimates is not guaranteed in studies based on the last deceased patient treated by a representative sample of physicians [##REF##9066548##11##,##REF##9554861##12##,##REF##16482752##18##], as the unit of measurement in these studies is the physician and the number of deaths preceded by an ELD is estimated on the basis of physician characteristics. Moreover, in contrast to the death certificate design, physicians in these studies are not guaranteed to have attended a death.</p>", "<p>Using death certificates also facilitates the anonymous linking of patient characteristics to the information provided in the questionnaires, allowing the study of associations between socio-demographic and morbidity characteristics of the patient on the one hand, and end-of-life decision making and provided care at the end of life on the other hand [##REF##18000128##38##].</p>", "<p>Another strength of the present study is that, whereas in other end-of-life research physicians can be inadvertently selected on the basis of their interest in or attitudes towards end-of-life practices, the use of death certificates excludes the possibility of a biased selection of physicians.</p>", "<title>Weaknesses</title>", "<p>The physician signing the death certificate is occasionally not the patient's treating physician, and therefore is not in a position to fill out the questionnaire. Despite the directive to transmit the questionnaire to the treating physician, some cases are impossible to study as the treating physician cannot be identified. In some instances not even the identity of the patient can be retrieved because the treating physician no longer has access to the patient file.</p>", "<p>Because death certificates have to be processed by the proper authorities before they can be made available for research, there can be a considerable delay between the patient's death and the study of that death [##REF##17922894##37##]. The delay in our study has reached as much as four months (there is variation across countries, ranging from two to six months). We can therefore not exclude some influence of recall bias. To address this issue, we encourage physicians to fill in their questionnaires using the patient files, which are mostly readily at their disposal.</p>", "<p>Given the death as the unit of measurement and the large number of deaths studied, one physician can receive several questionnaires. Despite a maximum of five cases for each physician, responder fatigue and diminishing response rates can result.</p>", "<p>A structured and semi-closed questionnaire can often overlook the intricacies of certain end-of-life decisions. Moreover, the questionnaire used in this study has, for reasons of response, been limited in length and time-consuming questions have been left out. There is a risk that in some cases vital information can be missed. To counter this problem, a section is provided at the end of the questionnaire in which the physician can comment or elaborate on the answers given.</p>", "<title>Opportunities for future research</title>", "<p>The present study is the third in a series of death certificate studies in Belgium. Keeping the study design and the questionnaire constant creates the opportunity for future studies to build on the comparable data obtained in the past and to identify accurately developments in the field of ELDs. The study design can be applied to research in other countries, so that data can be produced for international comparative research. Comparable data are already available in Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden [##REF##14672110##8##, ####REF##1715962##9##, ##REF##8929370##10####8929370##10##,##REF##11117913##13##, ####REF##12907005##14##, ##REF##12907015##15####12907015##15##,##REF##17490798##19##,##REF##17494928##20##]. Furthermore, the use of death certificates in end-of-life care research need not be limited to ELDs; they can also be applied in retrospective research on other issues in this field [##REF##17922894##37##].</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Reliable studies of the incidence and characteristics of medical end-of-life decisions with a certain or possible life shortening effect (ELDs) are indispensable for an evidence-based medical and societal debate on this issue. This article presents the protocol drafted for the 2007 ELD Study in Flanders, Belgium, and outlines how the main aims and challenges of the study (i.e. making reliable incidence estimates of end-of-life decisions, even rare ones, and describing their characteristics; allowing comparability with past ELD studies; guaranteeing strict anonymity given the sensitive nature of the research topic; and attaining a sufficient response rate) are addressed in a post-mortem survey using a representative sample of death certificates.</p>", "<title>Study design</title>", "<p>Reliable incidence estimates are achievable by using large at random samples of death certificates of deceased persons in Flanders (aged one year or older). This entails the cooperation of the appropriate administrative authorities. To further ensure the reliability of the estimates and descriptions, especially of less prevalent end-of-life decisions (e.g. euthanasia), a stratified sample is drawn. A questionnaire is sent out to the certifying physician of each death sampled. The questionnaire, tested thoroughly and avoiding emotionally charged terms is based largely on questions that have been validated in previous national and European ELD studies. Anonymity of both patient and physician is guaranteed through a rigorous procedure, involving a lawyer as intermediary between responding physicians and researchers. To increase response we follow the Total Design Method (TDM) with a maximum of three follow-up mailings. Also, a non-response survey is conducted to gain insight into the reasons for lack of response.</p>", "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The protocol of the 2007 ELD Study in Flanders, Belgium, is appropriate for achieving the objectives of the study; as past studies in Belgium, the Netherlands, and other European countries have shown, strictly anonymous and thorough surveys among physicians using a large, stratified, and representative death certificate sample are most suitable in nationwide studies of incidence and characteristics of end-of-life decisions. There are however also some limitations to the study design.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>(Medical) end-of-life decisions: ELDs; Total Design Method: TDM; Monitoring quality of End-of-Life Care: MELC study.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>All authors contributed to the design and conceptual framework of the protocol. The manuscript was drafted by KC, with further input from all other authors. LD and FM are the project supervisors. All authors read, revised and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The study is funded by the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology Flanders. We are deeply indebted to the Flemish Agency for Care and Health. We would also like to thank all physicians who participated in testing and validating the questionnaire and the lawyer and his personnel who were prepared to act as an intermediary between respondents and researchers.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Questions to determine end-of-life decisions.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Schematic overview of the mailing and anonymity procedure.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Four strata for disproportionate stratification based on cause of death*</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Stratum 0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cause of death implies that an ELD is certain</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Included causes of death: euthanasia**.</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Every death in this stratum is selected for the survey.</td></tr><tr><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Stratum 1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cause of death implies that an ELD is probable</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Included causes of death: neoplasms (ICD-10 codes: C, D00–D48).</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">One out of every two deaths in this stratum is selected for the survey.</td></tr><tr><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Stratum 2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cause of death implies that an ELD is possible</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Included causes of death: endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases; mental and behavioural disorders; diseases of the nervous system; diseases of the respiratory system; diseases of the digestive system; diseases of the genitourinary system (ICD-10 codes: E, F, G, J, K, N).</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">One out of every four deaths in this stratum is selected for the survey.</td></tr><tr><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Stratum 3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cause of death implies that an ELD is improbable</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">All remaining causes of death are included in this stratum (ICD-10 codes: A, D50–D99, H, I, L, M, Q, R, S, T, U, V, Y).</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">One out of every eight deaths in this stratum is selected for the survey.</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Summary of the study design</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">DEATH CERTIFICATE SURVEY</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ large sample of deaths</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ nationwide (over care settings and causes of death)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ stratified disproportionately based on cause of death</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">QUESTIONNAIRE</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ short and validated questionnaire</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ key questions of ELDs identical to those in earlier studies</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ emotionally charged terms absent in key questions</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MAILING PROCEDURE</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ guarantee of anonymity for physicians and patients</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ response-increasing measures</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ✓ intensive follow-up mailing</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Questionnaire of the 2007 Flemish ELD study.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* Causes of death were grouped into strata based on the probability of an ELD as observed in the Flemish part of the EURELD six nations study (2001) [##REF##12907005##14##].</p><p>** Although there is no box to specify euthanasia in the death certificate, it is occasionally written down by the certifying physician in the section 'immediate cause of death'.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-299-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-299-2\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-299-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Bilsen"], "given-names": ["J"], "article-title": ["Introduction"], "source": ["End-of-life decisions in medical practice in Flanders, Belgium"], "year": ["2005"], "publisher-name": ["Gent, Academia Press"], "fpage": ["7"], "lpage": ["24"]}, {"collab": ["Ministry of social affairs public health and environment"], "article-title": ["Law on palliative care, 14-06-2002"], "year": ["2002"], "fpage": ["2002022868"]}, {"collab": ["Ministry of social affairs public health and environment"], "article-title": ["Law on patient rights, 22-08-2002"], "year": ["2002"], "fpage": ["2002022737"]}, {"surname": ["Justice"], "given-names": ["M"], "article-title": ["Euthanasia Law, 28-05-2002"], "year": ["2002"], "fpage": ["2002009590"]}, {"article-title": ["The Monitoring quality of End-of-Life Care in Flanders (MELC) website"], "year": ["2008"]}, {"surname": ["Lemeshow", "Hosmer", "Klar", "Lwanga"], "given-names": ["S", "DW", "J", "SK"], "source": ["Adequacy of sample size in health studies"], "year": ["1992"], "publisher-name": ["Chichester, John Wiley & Sons"]}, {"surname": ["Dillmann"], "given-names": ["DA"], "source": ["Mail and telephone surveys: the Total Design Method"], "year": ["1978"], "publisher-name": ["New York, John Wiley & Son"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Public Health. 2008 Aug 27; 8:299
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Injuries constitute an important health problem worldwide and they are one of the major causes of death among people under 45 years old [##UREF##0##1##,##UREF##1##2##]. The majority of all injury-related deaths occur in low and middle-income countries [##UREF##0##1##, ####UREF##1##2##, ##REF##15623852##3##, ##UREF##2##4####2##4##] where knowledge is scarce regarding injury distribution, pattern and prevention [##UREF##3##5##]. Epidemiological studies have been conducted in some low and middle-income countries but, most often, traffic-related injuries and those occurring in urban settings have been in focus [##REF##9839745##6##, ####UREF##4##7##, ##REF##16147489##8####16147489##8##]. Yet, studies in rural areas have been conducted in countries in various continents, including Asia (Pakistan [##REF##17623066##9##], Bangladesh [##REF##10800153##10##,##REF##9490886##11##], India [##REF##17002729##12##], and Vietnam [##UREF##3##5##,##UREF##5##13##]), Africa (Kenya [##REF##17970004##14##], Ghana [##REF##10680242##15##], Uganda [##REF##11289535##16##] and Tanzania [##REF##15679887##17##]) and South America (Nicaragua [##REF##16260010##18##]). Those studies reveal that injuries constitute an important health problem in the rural areas.</p>", "<p>In Iran, where this research has been conducted, injury-related years of life lost are higher than for the worldwide average [##REF##17037707##19##,##UREF##6##20##]. Studies on injury epidemiology and prevention are limited and are mainly urban [##REF##11587698##21##, ####REF##18215528##22##, ##REF##9688197##23####9688197##23##]. Also people's experiences and opinions about injury prevention and control have rarely been addressed. Currently, approximately 33% of the total population live in rural areas [##UREF##7##24##], and people benefit from a well-established health network, consisting of village-based local \"health houses\", from which health workers (known as Behvarzes) work. The main function of the Behvarz is to offer primary health care services to the local population and to gather health information. Usually the Behvarzes are selected from their local community and can therefore establish a very close relationship with community members. This, in turn, can help to gather accurate data. Health house workers also contribute to the simple but well-integrated health information system [##REF##11794090##25##].</p>", "<p>In 2004, the Ministry of Health and Medical Education launched a program ultimately aiming at the reduction of injuries in rural areas. As a first step, an injury registration and surveillance system has been developed that forms part of the health information system and implies that the Behvarzes are responsible for the registration of all injuries leading to hospitalization (at least 6 hours as a standard criterion) or death. This data should provide information on the frequency of occurrence and characteristics of severe injuries and allow for the follow-up of future national and local interventions. Twiserkan district, where this study was conducted, is one of the districts selected for the pilot phase of the implementation of the surveillance system.</p>", "<p>In the current study, we take advantage of the reports gathered by the Behvarzes over a one year period to assess the incidence of rural injuries and, through interviews with injured people or their relatives, characterize those injuries' epidemiology and document the suggestions of people from affected families concerning injury prevention and control.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The Twiserkan district is located in the Hamadan province (over 19 000 square kilometers), in western Iran. In 2002, Hamadan had over 1.7 million inhabitants, of whom 44% lived in rural areas [##UREF##8##26##,##UREF##9##27##]. In 2006, when this study was conducted, Twiserkan district had a population of about 110 000 inhabitants, of which 58% was rural. The number of rural households was 14,789 and the number of inhabitants amounted to 62,857.</p>", "<p>All unintentional injuries leading to hospitalization (more than 6 hours) or death, occurring over a one-year period (June 1, 2005 – May 31, 2006), were considered. These were first identified in the files compiled at the local health houses (n = 62) in the Twiserkan district (see below). Thereafter the household of each injured person was visited by a trained and experienced interviewer. Before any interview, the aim of the study and main content of the interview were explained to the interviewee who was also guaranteed confidentiality. Once verbal consent was given, a short face-to-face interview was conducted (in June 2006; 134 injuries in 117 households) with the family member identified as responsible of caring for the household (response rate 100%). To ensure as complete answers as possible, the injured family member took part in the interview any time she or he was present at the time of visit. This was the most common situation, except of course for fatal injuries. It can be underlined that the recall period ranged from a few days to one year post injury. About two-thirds of the injuries had occurred between 6 to 12 months before the interview and the remaining occurred either 3 to 6 (13.4%) or less than 3 months (18.7%).</p>", "<p>Prior to data collection, a structured questionnaire including both closed and open questions was developed and pre-tested by the research team. It included information about both the injured person (and his/her household) and the injury (type, nature and circumstances of occurrence). Open-ended questions were included so as to find out how people regarded the role of the community, the Behvarzes, and the authorities (health and others) with regard to injury prevention. For each actor, people were asked to give their opinion as to what more could be done to help reduce injury for the village residents. In households with more than one injury during the reference period, all injuries sustained were considered at once when addressing the questions about household opinions concerning the roles of different actors in injury prevention and control.</p>", "<p>The study was approved by the Iranian National Ethics Committee in Medical Research, Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran.</p>", "<p>Data were entered, processed and analyzed in Excel (version 2003). Injury incidence rates were estimated globally and for fatal and non-fatal injuries respectively. Injury characteristics were coded and categorized according to the WHO guidelines for injury survey and surveillance [##UREF##10##28##,##UREF##11##29##]. Thereafter, using descriptive statistics, the characteristics of the injured people (sex, age group, education and occupation), of the injury events (place of injury and injury mechanism) and of their consequences (nature, body region and injury severity/recovery) were highlighted. When a person sustained several injuries during the same injurious event, the most severe one was considered. This was made possible as space was provided in the questionnaire to identify the most severe injury, following the WHO guidelines and after discussion and consensus between two members of the research team.</p>", "<p>People's opinions about injury prevention were first entered as free text. Thereafter, answers were read by two members of the research team and key ideas/phrases were identified and discussed at different sessions. Meaningful categories were identified that represented specific and homogeneous domains of potential intervention or action. Since some people had several suggestions and as they were not asked to prioritize or rank them, all opinions expressed by each respondent were taken into account.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Injury incidence of non-fatal and fatal injuries</title>", "<p>A total of 134 injuries were reported by the Behvarzes during the study period. These were identified among 117 households (of 14,789 in total) and consisted of 26 fatal and 108 non-fatal injuries. The corresponding incidence rates of injuries per 10 000 person-years are therefore 21.4 injuries in total (95% CI 17.7–24.9), 4.1 fatal injuries per 10 000 person-years (95% CI 2.5–5.7) and 17.2 non-fatal injuries (95% CI 13.9–20.4).</p>", "<p>Injury deaths occurred most often in traffic crashes (n = 10), followed by burns (n = 6), poisoning (n = 5), falls (n = 4), and electrocution (n = 1). Of the 134 injury cases identified, 22 were attributable to seven injurious events: three traffic-related and four in the home (see below). In the remainder of the text, all injured people, even those injured in the same event, are considered as individual cases.</p>", "<title>Injured people's characteristics</title>", "<p>Table ##TAB##0##1## presents the characteristics of the injured people. In total, about three-quarters were males; 21.6% were aged 15 or less and an additional 22.4%, 56 and over. The majority had not completed high school (85.8%) and 26.1% were farmers.</p>", "<title>Fatal and non-fatal unintentional injury characteristics</title>", "<p>Figures ##FIG##0##1## and Figure ##FIG##1##2## show the characteristics of the fatal and non-fatal unintentional injury circumstances (place of injury and injury mechanism). The injuries occurred in similar proportions in the home or on the road, outside the village. Traffic injury was by far the most common injury mechanism (44.8%), followed by falls (26.1%) and thereafter burns (fire/flame/heat; 11.2%). More details of these three injury mechanisms are given in the text below.</p>", "<title>Road Traffic Injuries (RTIs; 60 injuries from 56 households)</title>", "<p>Of 60 RTIs, 48 were sustained by males and the bulk of them were among people of working age, most often 16–35 years (28 cases). Only 10 cases were reported among children 15 years and less. The most common mode of transportation among the injured people was by motorcycle (43.3%), followed by car (26.7%) and on foot (20%); most injured people were drivers (60%). The number of people injuries as motor vehicle passenger was almost equal between males and females (5 and 4 respectively). Injuries occurred above all on roads outside the village (68.3%).</p>", "<p>As mentioned above, traffic crashes were the primary cause of fatal injuries (n = 10). Two pedestrians were killed and eight motor-vehicle riders: five drivers (1 car, 2 motorcycle and 2 tractor drivers) and three car passengers. Three crashes involved more than one injured person with the following consequences: (1) the first had four injured people, three recovered and one died; (2) the second had two injured people, one recovered and one was disabled; (3) the last one had two injured people and both recovered completely.</p>", "<title>Falls (35 injuries from 35 households)</title>", "<p>Of 35 fall injuries, 28 were among males and 29 among adults – one in three (12 cases) were among people aged 65 years and above. Falls on the same level and from a roof were the most common kinds of falls reported (8 cases each), followed by fall from tree (n = 7) and from stairs (n = 5). Among older people, fall on the same level and from stairs were most common (4 cases each). Falls from trees occurred among adults and during work activities. This is common in rural Twiserkan, especially during the walnut harvest. Four deaths were fall-related: three occurred close to the injurious event (a man fell from a walnut tree, an older one fell from a roof, a woman aged 78 years on the stairs), and one some days later (a man aged 80 years following a pelvis fracture sustained after a fall when walking).</p>", "<title>Burns (15 injuries from 8 households)</title>", "<p>As many as 11 out of 15 burns were among males and 6 cases were paediatric burns (0–15 years). All burns occurred at home. Contact with flame was the most common cause (n = 12), several injurious events occurred when manipulating gas equipment used for cooking or heating. Other burns resulted from contact with hot liquids, steam or other gas (n = 3). Three events had more than one injured person: the first had three (two recovered and one died), the second had two (one recovered and the other one disabled) and the third one led to as many as five casualties.</p>", "<p>Burns were the second cause of fatal injuries: six casualties resulting from two injurious events. The first occurred in the evening while the family members (5 persons) were sitting in a room and one of them was trying to unscrew a small gas capsule (picnic gas stove), to prevent a gas leak. According to the interviewee, the capsule came off suddenly, caught fire and all five persons received serious burn injuries. They were taken to the hospital but all five died after a few days. The second event occurred in the morning and involved three people. In circumstances similar to the preceding case – a gas leak from a gas capsule – the house caught fire suddenly. The three family members were also taken to the hospital but the family's one-year old child died after a few days.</p>", "<title>Fatal and non-fatal unintentional injury consequences</title>", "<p>Table ##TAB##1##2## shows the characteristics of consequences of the fatal and non-fatal unintentional injuries, all injuries aggregated and for three injury mechanisms: traffic, fall, and burn. Fracture was the most frequent nature of injury, encompassing about half of the all cases and 86% of fall-related injuries. The category \"organ system injury/internal injury\" refers to damage of some vital internal systems such as respiratory system, blood circulation system. In cases where more than one nature of injury was reported, focus was placed on the most serious one, according to WHO guidelines [##UREF##11##29##].</p>", "<p>For all injuries aggregated, the first most common injured single body region was the lower limb (20.1%), followed by the head/face (14.2%) and the upper limb (13.4% respectively). The most commonly injured single body region for traffic injuries was head/face (28.3%) followed by lower limb (25%) and for fall-related injuries was upper limb (22.9%) followed by lower limb and pelvis/hip equally (each 20%).</p>", "<p>Whenever an injured person had more than one injured body region, it was considered and coded as \"multiple regions\"; which occurred in nearly one in three injuries (31.3%). As for the injury severity, as mentioned above, almost one in five injuries was fatal. Twice as many injured people recovered completely and 23.1% recovered partially.</p>", "<title>Interviewees' suggestions for prevention</title>", "<p>Interviewees came up with quite a lot of suggestions concerning what more could be done to contribute to injury prevention and these suggestions varied considerably in kind depending on what actor they were asked to reflect upon: the authorities, the Behvarzes or the people themselves. The suggestions proposed were organized in a number of different categories and are presented in Table ##TAB##2##3##, shown in percentages both by number of suggestions and by number of households and also considering all injuries aggregated and traffic, fall and burn injuries separately.</p>", "<title>Authorities</title>", "<p>Almost one-third (31.1%) of the suggestions concerned changes in the living and commuting environment e.g., engineering and/or building (including infrastructure such as road construction and asphalting; signalization and product design). Proposals regarding the infrastructure and modernization of the traffic were most common, followed by suggestions concerning the provision of daily services (19.7 %), e.g., piped gas and even fire station for burns prevention, outdoor lighting for fall prevention and telephone for rapid contact with the health services at the time of injury event. People also mentioned the need for financial support for safety improvement in the village and even for better housing (12%). Law enforcement was also raised, in particular for traffic injury prevention (10.4%).</p>", "<title>Behvarzes</title>", "<p>For the Behvarzes, focus was placed largely on the provision of education to the people (about 60–69%), including various forms of continuous education in the population and informing upwards in the health system. They pointed to safety education in general and also to different aspects of safety educations such as road traffic safety education for the young (especially in relation to motorcycling) and home safety (targeting childcare and supervision). The latter was also considered as a way to promote the development of safe behaviour in children. The second important category of suggestions concerning the Behvarzes was about post trauma care, including both health house and home visits (16.5 %). Greater availability and accessibility to the Behvarzes and also to drugs and equipment (10.1%) came in third place.</p>", "<title>People themselves</title>", "<p>About one in three respondents considered that people themselves could behave in a safer manner to help control and prevent injuries. Thereafter, respondents raised the issue of cooperation between people (18.6%), including assisting each other in the event of injury, e.g., by transferring injured people to the health facilities. The third category of suggestions was about people's cooperation with the authorities to improve safety in the village-environment (17.8%). People also raised issues related to compliance, in-house engineering, and being good role-models for children, including teaching them safe behaviours and practices.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The study reveals that injuries among people in rural areas affect mainly males and also people of working age, which is in line with the injury distribution in other settings [##UREF##1##2##,##UREF##3##5##,##REF##17623066##9##,##REF##9490886##11##,##REF##17970004##14##,##REF##15679887##17##,##REF##11035469##30##,##REF##17875213##31##]. One finding is the relative importance of injuries on the road, not only because of their severity (10 out 26 deaths), but also because of their frequency. They are indeed as numerous as injuries in the home. Similar results were obtained in earlier studies from Vietnam [##UREF##3##5##] and Nicaragua [##REF##16260010##18##].</p>", "<p>Thus, traffic injuries are not only a concern among urban people in Iran but also among rural dwellers [##REF##10793781##32##]. As motorized commuting is on the increase even in rural Iran, it is important to pay attention to road safety [##UREF##2##4##,##REF##10793781##32##]. In particular, the safety of motorcyclists must be carefully considered as motorcycles are a popular means of transport [##REF##18215528##22##] – as is the case in many Asian countries [##UREF##4##7##,##REF##17071249##34##].</p>", "<p>According to the opinions of the people interviewed – coming from households that have been affected by a severe RTI during the past year -, various things can be done: roads can be better designed and maintained, individual protection legislation (e.g. compulsory safety belt and helmet wearing) could be enforced, people could comply with and adopt safer behaviours, Behvahzes could educate the population and convey information of relevance for injury control and prevention upwards in the health system. Interestingly, many of those suggestions find an echo in the recommendations found in the WHO report on road traffic injuries, in particular concerning making road safety a political priority, enacting and enforcing legislation, managing infrastructure to promote safety for all, and campaigning for greater attention to road safety [##UREF##2##4##].</p>", "<p>Injuries at home are also a concern in rural areas just as they are for instance in Pakistan, a neighbouring country, where they form the majority of injuries [##REF##17623066##9##]. In the district studied herein, burns may require special attention, if not because of their frequency, because of their severity (see also earlier Iranian studies [##REF##15939446##35##, ####REF##17333829##36##, ##REF##16529866##37##, ##REF##17544221##38####17544221##38##]). Burns also affect children to a greater extent, which is consistent with an earlier study from Bangladesh that showed that the incidence of burns among rural children was more than four times higher than among urban children [##REF##18242869##39##].</p>", "<p>In the Twiserkan district – and perhaps even in Iran as a whole – gas equipment used for cooking or heating may warrant special attention. Some villages still do not have gas mains and people use gas capsules and/or other heating equipment that is poorly adapted to in-house use. At present, fire stations are far from most villages and people did mention this as a matter of concern.</p>", "<p>For its part, the prevention of falls is undermined by the vast number of different situations leading up to them, which is a challenge for community-based education programs. Potentially more severe falls from a height, e.g. from a roof and falls from a tree may constitute important targets. The latter occur during work activities, mainly during the walnut harvest. This work is done in a traditional, non-technical manner and every year some people fall from large trees and are injured or killed. The results of one study on safety assessment of agricultural machinery in Iran showed that in 60% of cases agricultural injuries were severe [##REF##17892070##40##]. It ought to be emphasized that an important number of falls affect older people, which has been also observed in an earlier study showing that falls from standing height, falls during walking and falls on stairs were important risk factors for hip fracture for older patients [##REF##16510325##41##]. Fall-related injury prevention may require not only environmental improvements in and around the house but also, in the long run, changes in health behaviours (e.g. eating, smoking, and exercising) so as to reduce individual susceptibility to fall and also recovery after fall.</p>", "<p>Generally, people frequently mentioned that Behvarzes could play an important role in safety education matters on the local level. Behvarzes already have face-to-face meetings with community members as part of their traditional duties. Also, in recent years, the Ministry of Health and Medical Education has introduced a number of home safety program [##UREF##6##20##,##REF##15939446##35##,##REF##16260011##42##], and provided Behvarzes with educational packages, which is consistent with international literature.</p>", "<p>To our knowledge, there is a dearth of studies conducted thus far in Iran or in other rural settings that have collected people's opinions and suggestions about injury control and prevention. This study shows that rural people have a lot of ideas which can be considered for the conception and implementation of context-relevant measures for injury prevention in their community. In particular, people from households where injuries have occurred during the past year consider that not only a change in their own behaviour but also environmental changes and the provision of information and education are needed. We hope that the suggestions highlighted, though not fully representative of the whole rural population, will be taken into account in future developments of safety measures and programs, in both the Twiserkan district and other districts.</p>", "<p>Because of the routines in place [##REF##11794090##25##] and the relatively small size of the catchment areas, we have good reasons to believe that the study offers an accurate coverage of the severe injuries incurred in the population under study during the study period. It is indeed very likely that health houses do have a complete coverage of injuries leading to hospitalization and death in their community [##REF##11794090##25##]. In spite of the fact that collecting injury data was a relatively new procedure when the cases were identified, we regard the likelihood of missing cases as very unlikely given that the injuries covered are relatively severe, that the Behvarzes are well anchored in their community, and that those communities are relatively small.</p>", "<p>Before concluding, it ought to be underlined that the study covers one district only and is limited to one year of observation. Because of this, it is not possible to extrapolate our results to any other time period or district. Yet, some results can be regarded as a matter for investigation in other districts as well (e.g., traffic related injuries or burns).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Traffic injury is an important cause of severe and fatal injury among people from rural areas. Its prevention requires a variety of measures under the responsibility of different actors. Behvarzes may play an important role in both injury surveillance and in identifying context-relevant means of prevention.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Knowledge is sparse concerning injuries affecting rural populations in low and middle-income countries in general and in Iran in particular. This study documents the incidence and characteristics of severe injuries affecting rural people in the Iranian district of Twiserkan and it investigates these people's suggestions for injury prevention and control.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>An interview-based investigation was undertaken that comprised all unintentional injuries leading to hospitalization (more than 6 hours) or death that had occurred within a twelve month period and that were identified in the files of the 62 \"health houses\" of the Twiserkan district. For each case, semi-structured interviews were conducted at the households of the injured people (134 injuries affecting 117 households were identified).</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The incidence rates of fatal and non-fatal injuries were respectively 4.1 and 17.2 per 10 000 person-years and, as expected, men were more affected than women (77.6% of all injury cases). Traffic injuries (in particular among motorcyclists) were as common as home-related injuries but they were far more fatal. Among common suggestions for prevention, people mentioned that the authorities could work on the design and engineering of the infrastructure in and around the village, that the rural health workers could contribute more with local information and education and that the people themselves could consider behaving in a safer manner.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Not only domestic injuries but also those in traffic are an important cause of severe and fatal injury among rural people. Health workers may play an important role in injury surveillance and in identifying context-relevant means of prevention that they or other actors may then implement.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>FR-S has made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the study, took responsibility for and coordinated the acquisition of data, which she analyzed. She took part actively in the analysis of the data and in the writing up of the manuscript. LL, MN and MS contributed to the conception and design of the study. LL and MN were closely involved in the data collection process and took active part in the data analysis, result interpretation and manuscript writing. MS contributed to the study design, data acquisition and results interpretation. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This study was sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Islamic Republic of Iran.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Places of occurrence of fatal and non-fatal unintentional injury events (June 1, 2005 – May 31, 2006).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Mechanisms of fatal and non-fatal unintentional injuries (June 1, 2005 – May 31, 2006).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Characteristics of the fatal and non-fatal unintentional injured people (June 1, 2005-May 31, 2006)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Characteristics</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>Number</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>%</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Sex</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Male</td><td align=\"right\">104</td><td align=\"right\">77.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Female</td><td align=\"right\">30</td><td align=\"right\">22.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Age group (in years)</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">&lt; 1</td><td align=\"right\">1</td><td align=\"right\">0.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">1–5</td><td align=\"right\">8</td><td align=\"right\">6.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">6–15</td><td align=\"right\">20</td><td align=\"right\">14.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">16–25</td><td align=\"right\">25</td><td align=\"right\">18.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">26–35</td><td align=\"right\">17</td><td align=\"right\">12.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">36–45</td><td align=\"right\">17</td><td align=\"right\">12.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">46–55</td><td align=\"right\">16</td><td align=\"right\">11.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">56–65</td><td align=\"right\">13</td><td align=\"right\">9.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">66+</td><td align=\"right\">17</td><td align=\"right\">12.7</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Education*</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">High school graduate (high school is grades 9 to 12) or above</td><td align=\"right\">9</td><td align=\"right\">6.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Secondary school graduate (secondary school is grades 6 to 8) and/or some high school</td><td align=\"right\">24</td><td align=\"right\">17.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Completed primary school (primary school is up to grade 5) and/or some secondary school</td><td align=\"right\">34</td><td align=\"right\">25.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Primary school not completed</td><td align=\"right\">20</td><td align=\"right\">14.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">No schooling</td><td align=\"right\">37</td><td align=\"right\">27.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">N/A (children under 6 years old)</td><td align=\"right\">10</td><td align=\"right\">7.5</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Occupation</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Farmer</td><td align=\"right\">35</td><td align=\"right\">26.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other self employed</td><td align=\"right\">15</td><td align=\"right\">11.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Student</td><td align=\"right\">24</td><td align=\"right\">17.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Housewife</td><td align=\"right\">20</td><td align=\"right\">14.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Unemployed</td><td align=\"right\">14</td><td align=\"right\">10.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Labourer</td><td align=\"right\">13</td><td align=\"right\">9.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Retired</td><td align=\"right\">10</td><td align=\"right\">7.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other (governmental employee and conscript)</td><td align=\"right\">3</td><td align=\"right\">2.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">N/A (children under 10 years old)</td><td align=\"right\">10</td><td align=\"right\">7.5</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Consequences of the fatal and non-fatal unintentional injuries by mechanism (June 1, 2005-May 31, 2006)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Consequences</bold><break/><break/></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>All </bold><break/><bold>(n = 134)</bold><break/><bold>Number (%)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Traffic </bold><break/><bold>(n = 60)</bold><break/><bold>Number (%)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Fall </bold><break/><bold>(n = 35)</bold><break/><bold>Number (%)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Burn* </bold><break/><bold>(n = 15)</bold><break/><bold>Number</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Physical nature</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Fracture</td><td align=\"center\">66 (49.3)</td><td align=\"center\">32 (53.3)</td><td align=\"center\">30 (85.7)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Concussion</td><td align=\"center\">17 (12.7)</td><td align=\"center\">15 (25.0)</td><td align=\"center\">2 (5.7)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cut, bite or other open wound</td><td align=\"center\">15 (11.2)</td><td align=\"center\">4 (6.7)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (2.9)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Burn</td><td align=\"center\">15 (11.2)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Poisoning</td><td align=\"center\">7 (5.2)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Organ system injury/internal injury</td><td align=\"center\">6 (4.5)</td><td align=\"center\">3 (5.0)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Bruise or superficial injury</td><td align=\"center\">4 (3.0)</td><td align=\"center\">4 (6.7)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sprain/strain</td><td align=\"center\">3 (2.2)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (1.7)</td><td align=\"center\">2 (5.7)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Unspecified</td><td align=\"center\">1 (0.7)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (1.7)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Body region</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Head/face</td><td align=\"center\">19 (14.2)</td><td align=\"center\">17 (28.3)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (2.9)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Upper limb</td><td align=\"center\">18 (13.4)</td><td align=\"center\">5 (8.3)</td><td align=\"center\">8 (22.9)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Lower limb</td><td align=\"center\">27 (20.1)</td><td align=\"center\">15 (25.0)</td><td align=\"center\">7 (20.0)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Neck/shoulder/lower back/rib</td><td align=\"center\">10 (7.4)</td><td align=\"center\">4 (6.7)</td><td align=\"center\">3 (8.6)</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Pelvis/hip</td><td align=\"center\">8 (6.0)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (1.7)</td><td align=\"center\">7 (20.0)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Internal system</td><td align=\"center\">7 (5.2)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Multiple regions</td><td align=\"center\">42 (31.3)</td><td align=\"center\">16 (26.7)</td><td align=\"center\">9 (25.7)</td><td align=\"center\">10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Unspecified</td><td align=\"center\">3 (2.2)</td><td align=\"center\">2 (3.3)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Severity/recovery</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Complete recovery</td><td align=\"center\">54 (40.3)</td><td align=\"center\">25 (41.7)</td><td align=\"center\">16 (45.7)</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Partial recovery</td><td align=\"center\">31 (23.1)</td><td align=\"center\">14 (23.3)</td><td align=\"center\">10 (28.6)</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Disability</td><td align=\"center\">22 (16.4)</td><td align=\"center\">11 (18.3)</td><td align=\"center\">5 (14.3)</td><td align=\"center\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Death</td><td align=\"center\">26 (19.4)</td><td align=\"center\">10 (16.7)</td><td align=\"center\">4 (11.4)</td><td align=\"center\">6</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Household-based suggestions about activities that can be undertaken by various actors in order to control and prevent injuries</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>All</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Traffic</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Fall</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Burn</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">no. household=117</td><td align=\"center\">no. household=56</td><td align=\"center\">no. household=35</td><td align=\"center\">no. household=8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>People's opinions/suggestions</bold></td><td align=\"center\">% suggestions <break/><italic>(% households)</italic></td><td align=\"center\">% suggestions <break/><italic>(% households)</italic></td><td align=\"center\">% suggestions <break/><italic>(% households)</italic></td><td align=\"center\">Number<break/></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Authorities</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Engineering/building (infrastructure/signalization/product)</td><td align=\"center\">31.1 (48.7)</td><td align=\"center\">37.4 (60.7)</td><td align=\"center\">34.8 (45.7)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Provision of daily services (accessibility/availability)</td><td align=\"center\">19.7 (30.8)</td><td align=\"center\">19.8 (32.1)</td><td align=\"center\">19.6 (25.7)</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Financial support</td><td align=\"center\">12.0 (18.8)</td><td align=\"center\">7.7 (12.5)</td><td align=\"center\">23.9 (31.4)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Enforcement</td><td align=\"center\">10.4 (16.2)</td><td align=\"center\">12.1 (19.6)</td><td align=\"center\">6.5 (8.6)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Provision of emergency services (accessibility/availability)</td><td align=\"center\">8.7 (13.7)</td><td align=\"center\">5.5 (8.9)</td><td align=\"center\">6.5 (8.6)</td><td align=\"center\">5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Education</td><td align=\"center\">8.2 (12.8)</td><td align=\"center\">8.8 (14.3)</td><td align=\"center\">4.3 (5.7)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Maintenance/repair</td><td align=\"center\">7.7 (12.0)</td><td align=\"center\">8.8 (14.3)</td><td align=\"center\">2.2 (2.9)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"center\">2.2 (3.4)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">2.2 (2.9)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total number of suggestions</td><td align=\"center\">183</td><td align=\"center\">91</td><td align=\"center\">46</td><td align=\"center\">12</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Behvarzes</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Instruction/education/information</td><td align=\"center\">62.4 (58.1)</td><td align=\"center\">69.4 (60.7)</td><td align=\"center\">63.3 (54.3)</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Post trauma care (health house/home visit)</td><td align=\"center\">16.5 (15.4)</td><td align=\"center\">14.3 (12.5)</td><td align=\"center\">13.3 (11.4)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Availability/accessibility of Behvarz all day round/drug and equipment of health house</td><td align=\"center\">10.1 (9.4)</td><td align=\"center\">10.2 (8.9)</td><td align=\"center\">10.0 (8.6)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">As good as it can be</td><td align=\"center\">9.2 (8.5)</td><td align=\"center\">4.1 (3.6)</td><td align=\"center\">13.3 (11.4)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other (Insist on of financial support by authorities and pass people's problem to them)</td><td align=\"center\">1.8 (1.7)</td><td align=\"center\">2.0 (1.8)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total number of suggestions</td><td align=\"center\">109</td><td align=\"center\">49</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">7</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>People</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Behave in a safe manner</td><td align=\"center\">34.1 (37.6)</td><td align=\"center\">35 (37.5)</td><td align=\"center\">30.0 (34.3)</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cooperation together</td><td align=\"center\">18.6 (20.5)</td><td align=\"center\">13.3 (14.3)</td><td align=\"center\">20.0 (22.9)</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cooperation (with authorities)</td><td align=\"center\">17.8 (19.7)</td><td align=\"center\">20.0 (21.4)</td><td align=\"center\">20.0 (22.9)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Compliance</td><td align=\"center\">12.4 (13.7)</td><td align=\"center\">18.3 (19.6)</td><td align=\"center\">7.5 (8.6)</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Engineering/building</td><td align=\"center\">8.5 (9.4)</td><td align=\"center\">3.3 (3.6)</td><td align=\"center\">17.5 (20.0)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Education (pay attention to planned education for them and/or pass to their children)</td><td align=\"center\">8.5 (9.4)</td><td align=\"center\">10.0 (10.7)</td><td align=\"center\">5 (5.7)</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total number of suggestions</td><td align=\"center\">129</td><td align=\"center\">60</td><td align=\"center\">40</td><td align=\"center\">9</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>*In decreasing order according to the Iranian system.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>*As the number of burns amounted to 15, no percentages are presented.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-269-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-269-2\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Lopez", "Mathers", "Ezzati", "Jamison", "Murray"], "given-names": ["AD", "CD", "M", "DT", "CJL"], "source": ["Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["A co-publication of Oxford University Press and The World Bank"]}, {"surname": ["Peden", "McGee", "Sharma"], "given-names": ["M", "K", "G"], "source": ["The Injury Chart Book: A Graphical Overview of the Global Burden of Injuries"], "year": ["2002"], "publisher-name": ["Geneva, World Health Organization"]}, {"surname": ["Peden", "Scurfield", "Sleet", "Mohan", "Hyder", "Jarawan", "Mathers"], "given-names": ["M", "R", "D", "D", "AA", "E", "C"], "source": ["World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention"], "year": ["2004"], "publisher-name": ["Geneva, World Health Organization"]}, {"surname": ["Hang", "Ekman", "Bach", "Byass", "Svanstr\u00f6m"], "given-names": ["HM", "R", "TT", "P", "L"], "article-title": ["Community-based assessment of unintentional injuries: a pilot study in rural Vietnam"], "source": ["Scand J Public Health"], "year": ["2003"], "fpage": ["38"], "lpage": ["44"], "pub-id": ["10.1080/14034950310015095"]}, {"surname": ["Chang", "Yeh"], "given-names": ["HL", "TH"], "article-title": ["Motorcyclist accident involvement by age, gender, and risky behaviors in Taipei, Taiwan"], "source": ["Transp Res F Traffic Psychol Behav"], "year": ["2007"], "volume": ["10"], "fpage": ["109"], "lpage": ["22"], "pub-id": ["10.1016/j.trf.2006.08.001"]}, {"surname": ["Hang", "Byass", "Svanstr\u00f6m"], "given-names": ["HM", "P", "L"], "article-title": ["Incidence and seasonal variation of injury in rural Vietnam: a community-based survey"], "source": ["Saf Sci"], "year": ["2004"], "volume": ["42"], "fpage": ["691"], "lpage": ["701"], "pub-id": ["10.1016/j.ssci.2003.12.001"]}, {"collab": ["WHO Country Office in Islamic Republic of Iran"], "article-title": ["Programme areas. Accidents and injuries prevention"]}, {"collab": ["World Health Organization"], "article-title": ["World Health Statistics 2008"]}, {"collab": ["Bu-Ali Sina University"], "article-title": ["Hamadan city"], "comment": ["[Online]. [Accessed 5 July 2008]"]}, {"collab": ["Statistical Center of Iran"], "article-title": ["Population Data Sheet for Islamic Republic of Iran by Province 2001"], "comment": ["[Online]. [Accessed 24 July 2008]."]}, {"surname": ["Sethi", "Habibula", "McGee", "Peden", "Bennett", "Hyder", "Klevens", "Odero", "Suriyawongpaisal"], "given-names": ["D", "S", "K", "M", "S", "AA", "J", "W", "P"], "source": ["Guidelines for Conducting Community Surveys on Injuries and Violence"], "year": ["2004"], "publisher-name": ["Geneva, World Health Organization"]}, {"surname": ["Holder", "Peden", "Krug", "Lund", "Gururaj", "Kobusingye"], "given-names": ["Y", "M", "E", "J", "G", "O"], "source": ["Injury Surveillance Guidelines"], "year": ["2001"], "publisher-name": ["Geneva, World Health Organization"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Public Health. 2008 Jul 31; 8:269
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>It has been evident for decades that there is a strong association between alcohol use and risk of tuberculosis (TB). Prevalence of alcohol use disorders among TB patients have ranged from 10% to 50% in studies carried out in Australia, Canada, Russia, Switzerland, and the USA [##REF##14217248##1##, ####REF##5493339##2##, ##REF##982112##3##, ##REF##1928942##4##, ##REF##2786330##5##, ##REF##17398230##6##, ##REF##16704041##7####16704041##7##]. Similar evidence of a strong link emerges from studies in which population groups with high prevalence of alcohol use disorders have been screened for TB. Jones et al[##REF##13174381##8##] found that the prevalence of active pulmonary TB among social service clients (among whom alcohol use disorders was the main problem) in the USA in the 1950s was 55 times the prevalence of the general population (2,220/100,000 vs. 40/100,000). Friedman et al[##REF##3674581##9##] reported a 46 times higher prevalence among people with alcohol use disorders (who did not abuse other drugs) in New York in the early 1980s (1,500/100,000 vs. 32/100,000). In a cohort of persons with alcohol use disorders who were followed prospectively for 8 years, the TB incidence was 464/100,000 person-years, which was 9 times the age-matched incidence among the general population in New York[##REF##8596549##10##]. However, these studies did not control for potential confounders.</p>", "<p>Possible causal pathways include specific social mixing patterns among people with alcohol use disorders, leading to higher risk of infection [##REF##10325918##11##, ####REF##14723363##12##, ##REF##11825968##13####11825968##13##], or weakened immune system leading to higher risk of break down from infection to TB disease. The latter may be through direct toxic effects of alcohol on the immune system [##UREF##0##14##, ####REF##15706761##15##, ##UREF##1##16##, ##REF##15102763##17##, ##UREF##2##18####2##18##], or indirectly through micro- and macronutrient deficiency[##REF##15139466##19##], or other alcohol-related medical conditions such as malignancies[##UREF##3##20##] and depression[##UREF##4##21##,##REF##17804063##22##].</p>", "<p>This paper reviews analytical epidemiological studies with individual-level data on alcohol exposure and TB disease status, with the aim to determine if there is a likely causal association between alcohol use and risk of TB disease. The paper also attempts to estimate the strength of such an association.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Inclusion criteria</title>", "<p>The review included case-control and cohort studies that reported individual level data on alcohol exposure (amount of alcohol intake or a clinical diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder) and active TB disease, and which reported either crude or adjusted odds ratio, or crude data from which odds ratios could be calculated.</p>", "<title>Search strategy</title>", "<p>Initially, all 16,527 articles in a comprehensive private collection of scientific tuberculosis publications (compiled by Dr Hans Rieder) of which a copy is kept at the Stop TB Department at the World Health Organization, were screened using Reference Manager™, with the keywords \"alcohol\" or \"alcoholism\". Next, PubMed was searched using the keywords \"alcohol OR alcoholism AND tuberculosis\", which revealed a total of 2,007 abstracts. Titles were initially screened, followed by screening of abstracts. In addition, we screened a report of a systematic review of the association between smoking and tuberculosis[##UREF##5##23##], which included detailed information about all covariates that were analysed in 50 reviewed studies. All studies in which alcohol was a listed covariate were reviewed in detail. Finally, the reference list of all reviewed articles were screened.</p>", "<title>Study assessments and analysis</title>", "<p>A total of 21 studies [##REF##10490003##24##, ####UREF##6##25##, ##REF##15875929##26##, ##UREF##7##27##, ##REF##14044850##28##, ##REF##1546917##29##, ##REF##7977912##30##, ##REF##8844044##31##, ##REF##10206497##32##, ##UREF##8##33##, ##REF##12733370##34##, ##REF##11829102##35##, ##REF##12365575##36##, ##REF##15139448##37##, ##REF##15860066##38##, ##REF##15914505##39##, ##REF##15921928##40##, ##REF##15801638##41##, ##UREF##9##42##, ##REF##16466042##43##, ##REF##16339219##44##, ##REF##17705978##45####17705978##45##] fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were further assessed with regards to setting, inclusion criteria of study subjects, definition of exposure and outcome, mechanisms for ascertainment of exposure and outcome, and confounders controlled for (table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<p>The studies were initially grouped in three categories with regards to exposure level. The low-exposure category (4 studies) included those studies that defined exposure as alcohol use above a cut-off point that was set at a level below 40 g (or 50 ml) alcohol per day. This is the upper cut-off point for low-risk (for chronic harm) alcohol consumption for men [##UREF##10##46##]. The high-exposure category (5 studies) included studies that defined exposure as alcohol consumption above a cut-off set at a level above 40 g per day. The third category included 6 studies that had ascertained a diagnosis of alcohol use disorder from medical records. None of the studies included details about any ICD classification used for the diagnosis. Therefore, this categorization is imprecise and does not allow for further subgroup analysis with regard to alcohol use disorders. One study[##UREF##7##27##] included data which allowed calculation of crude odds ratio for both alcohol consumption above 40 g/day, and for consumption between 10 and 40 g/day. The data were included in the low- and high-exposure categories respectively (labelled Brown I and Brown II respectively). Seven studies that did not report how exposure had been defined were excluded from this categorization.</p>", "<p>Adjusted odds ratios for the odds of active TB disease among people with a particular level/type of alcohol exposure vs. no such exposure were extracted from the original papers. If no adjusted odds ratio (results reported from multivariate or stratified analyses) were reported, crude odds ratios were either extracted, or calculated from absolute numbers reported in the paper. Heterogeneity was assessed using Cochrane's Q statistic and the I<sup>2</sup> statistic which estimates the percentage of the total variation across studies that is due to heterogeneity rather than chance [##REF##12958120##47##]. Pooled effect sizes were calculated using both fixed and random effect models for each sub-category of studies.</p>", "<p>The pooled effect size across the five high-exposure category studies did not differ significantly from the pooled effect size across the six studies that had ascertained a diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder. Therefore, these two categories were combined into one high-exposure/alcohol use disorder category (herewith termed \"high-exposure category\") for the further analysis. Those 11 studies were further grouped with regards to which constellation of confounders had been controlled for (age, sex, HIV, smoking, socioeconomic status (SES), and infection status), and according to types of TB studied (table ##TAB##1##2##). None of the studies reported disaggregated analysis by type of TB. Therefore, further subgroup analyses with regards to type of TB was not possible. In Table ##TAB##1##2## we have reported the results of models with fixed and random effects but we will refer to the results of the random effects models in the following discussion. Although the random effects model gives slightly higher estimates of the effect sizes than does the fixed effects model it also gives wider confidence limits and the confidence limits for the latter are always contained within the confidence limits for the former.</p>", "<p>Funnel plots (log odds ratio plotted against the standard error of the log odds ratio for each study) were constructed to examine potential publication bias. Publication bias was suspected if relatively few studies with high standard errors and odds ratios close to one were identified[##UREF##11##48##]. Since publication bias was suggested by the funnel plots, we excluded the three studies with the highest standard errors for the analysis of pooled effect across studies in the high exposure category.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Among the 21 reviewed studies, three studies were cohort studies and 18 were case control studies. Table ##TAB##0##1## summarizes the characteristics of these studies. Figure ##FIG##0##1## displays effect sizes in the 21 studies.</p>", "<p>The pooled odds ratio across the 11 studies in the high-exposure category was 3.50 (95% CI: 2.01–5.93). The pooled odds ration across the four studies in the low-exposure category was (1.08, 95% CI: 0.82–1.40) (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>Funnel plots indicated that there was under-representation of small studies with weak or absent association, both for all studies combined, as well as for the studies in the high-exposure category (figure ##FIG##1##2##).</p>", "<p>After exclusion of the three studies that had the highest standard error, because of suspected publication bias, the pooled effect sizes for studies in the high-exposure category was 2.94 (95% CI 1.89–4.59). There was significant heterogeneity across these studies. When further excluding the two studies with the highest and lowest effect sizes respectively (Brown I and Kim), there was no heterogeneity and the pooled effect size was 2.76 (95% CI 2.09–3.64).</p>", "<p>Studies that included only pulmonary TB cases had higher pooled odds ratio than studies that included all types of TB. The difference was of borderline statistical significance (OR 4.16, 95% CI: 2.99–5.80 vs. 2.55, 95% CI: 2.02–3.23). After excluding the three smallest studies, the difference between the pooled odds ratio for these two categories decreased and was not statistically significant (3.67, 95% CI: 2.58–5.22, vs. 2.52, 95% CI: 1.98–3.19, table ##TAB##1##2##). Studies in the high-exposure category that had controlled for different sets of important confounders had similar or higher, but not significantly different, pooled effect size compared to all studies in this category combined (table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>This review suggest that low to moderate alcohol intake is not associated with increased risk of TB disease. However, there seem to be a substantial risk increase among people who drink more than 40 g alcohol per day, and/or have an alcohol use disorder. The pooled effect size across studies in the high-exposure category was 2.94 (95% CI 1.89–4.59) after excluding the three studies with largest standard errors in order to make a crude adjustment for the suspected publication bias. There was a tendency that studies that included only pulmonary TB cases reported higher odds ratios than studies that included all types of TB, but the difference was not statistically significant when small studies had been excluded to adjust for possible publication bias.</p>", "<p>The original heterogeneity across all 21 studies decreased after subdividing studies into low and high-exposure level studies. However, there was remaining significant heterogeneity in the high-exposure category, which we could not explain through further subgroup analysis. Varying degree of misclassification of exposure across the studies may explain some of the heterogeneity. However, there was insufficient information in the reviewed studies to explore this further. Underestimation of level of alcohol intake may have biased the results in several studies. It is reasonable to assume that underestimation of alcohol intake by study subjects was either non-differential, or more pronounced among the cases in the case-control studies. In either case this would have led to an underestimation of the risk increase.</p>", "<p>Bias caused by different approaches for the selection of controls in the case control studies may also have contributed to the heterogeneity. Several of the case control studies used hospital controls or controls recruited among other groups, such as prisoners and social service clients, that are likely to have higher alcohol intake levels than the general population. This may have biased, to various degrees across the studies, the odds ratios towards one.</p>", "<p>Studies that had controlled for potential confounding effects (either by design or in the analysis) of important factors such as age, sex, HIV, some measure of socioeconomic status, and smoking, had similar or somewhat higher, but not significantly different pooled effect sizes. The degree to which important confounders were controlled for varied considerably across studies. There might have been residual confounding that could have biased the pooled estimate across the studies. Socioeconomic status is difficult to measure and fully control for. Furthermore, there are some risk factors for TB disease that have not been assessed in most of the reviewed studies. For example, malnutrition[##REF##15139466##19##], diabetes[##REF##17822539##49##] and indoor air pollution[##REF##17227135##50##] respectively are associated with higher risk of TB disease. Mental health disorders may also be associated with higher risk of TB through impact on the immune system[##UREF##4##21##,##REF##17804063##22##]. However, confounding effect of these factors would have to be of considerable magnitude to offset the relatively strong association found in this review. Moreover, it may not be correct to control for some factors, since they may be on the causal pathway. For example, alcohol use disorders can lead to social downward drift and it can cause or contribute to malnutrition. Other known risk factors for TB such as silicosis, malignancies and immunosuppressant treatment are probably too rare to have influenced the results significantly.</p>", "<p>The pooled effect size across high-exposure studies that had controlled for infection status (OR 4.21, 95% CI: 2.73–6.48), suggest that one possible causal pathway through which alcohol operates as a risk factor for TB, is through increased risk of progression from infection to disease. It is somewhat surprising that this pooled effect size is larger than for the pooled effect size across all studies. However, the confidence interval is wide, and overlaps that of the pooled effect of the other studies. Furthermore, it is possible that part of the risk increase is due to increased risk of re-infection, since none of the studies was designed to distinguish re-infection from re-activation. Four studies in the high-exposure category were designed as cohort studies, or nested case control studies, in a way that allowed controlling for infection status. All four studies defined exposure as an alcohol use disorder noted in medical records in a way that allowed ascertaining the temporal sequence between exposure and outcome. All four studies reported adjusted risk ratios controlled for age, sex, some indicator of socioeconomic status. Three of these studies also controlled for smoking and three controlled for HIV. Two of the studies used recurrent TB as study outcome, and both controlled for type of treatment, treatment duration, and adherence.</p>", "<p>Alcohol may assert a direct toxic effects on the immune system rendering the host more susceptible to TB disease. Animal studies suggest that cell mediated immunity and macrophage functions (which are essential for the host response to <italic>M. tuberculosis </italic>infection) are directly impaired by chronic and acute alcohol consumption[##UREF##0##14##,##REF##15706761##15##]. One mechanisms may be through inhibited tumour necrosis factor (TNF) response[##UREF##2##18##]. Alcohol may also reduce the NO system response to mycobacterial infection, which may prevent the destruction of mycobacteria. Furthermore, at least in mice, alcohol can inhibit granuloma formation, IL-2 production, IFN-gamma production, and CD4<sup>+ </sup>proliferation[##REF##15102763##17##]. Alcohol use disorders may also cause impaired immunity indirectly through micro- and macronutrient deficiency, or through other alcohol-related disorders such as malignancies[##UREF##3##20##].</p>", "<p>The association between alcohol use and TB could also be explained by specific social mixing patterns, which may increase the risk of exposure to people with infectious TB disease in settings such as bars, shelters for homeless, prisons, and social institutions. This is supported by a few molecular-epidemiological studies. A study in a high incidence areas of Western Cape Province, South Africa, 1993–1996, suggested that most of the TB transmission took place outside the households, and found that 58% the identified contacts outside the household took place while drinking in social groups[##REF##10325918##11##]. Zolnir-Dovc[##REF##14723363##12##] demonstrated an increased risk of belonging to a TB cluster among people with alcohol use disorders, indicating increased risk of recent transmission. Diel et al[##REF##11825968##13##] investigated a TB outbreak in Hamburg, Germany during 1997–2002. They demonstrated that transmission between people who were socialising in a specific bar was an important factor behind the dissemination and perpetuation of the outbreak. The increased risk of TB transmission in prisons has been well established[##REF##15906874##51##]. The prevalence of TB among people in social service institutions have been found to be very high [##REF##13174381##8##, ####REF##3674581##9##, ##REF##8596549##10####8596549##10##].</p>", "<p>The strength of the association is likely to vary between settings, due to varied social context of alcohol use and different mix of other risk factors that could modify the effect of alcohol use. The random effect model for pooling effect sizes may be appropriate in this context, since it assumes an underlying variation of the true effect size across different settings. However, this variation may not be random, and we cannot draw conclusions about which factors might modify the effects in a systematic way. Therefore, generalization to a specific setting, even based on the confidence limits of the random effect model, should be done with caution.</p>", "<p>Nevertheless, the pooled effect size can be used to obtain an indicative estimate of population level importance of alcohol use as risk factors for TB disease. There is a huge variation in prevalence of drinking more than 40 gram alcohol per day (for men, and &gt; 20 g per day for women) across the world, ranging from 0.1% in parts of the Eastern Mediterranean Region to 18.6% in parts of Eastern Europe [##UREF##10##46##]. The population attributable fraction can be calculated from these prevalence estimates and from the odds ratio obtained in the present study (2.9, 95% CI: 1.9–4.6): It ranges from close to zero in parts of the Eastern Mediterranean Region to more than 30% in parts of Europe.</p>", "<p>Future research on the association between alcohol use and risk of TB should carefully assess both potential confounding effects and interaction between alcohol use and other TB risk factors. Possible difference in the risk of pulmonary vs. non-pulmonary TB should also be investigated. Furthermore, there is a need to better understand the possible causal pathways with regards to risk of infection and risk of break down from infection to disease.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>There is a three-fold risk increase of active TB associated with consumption of more than 40 g alcohol per day, and/or having an alcohol use disorder. This could be due to both increased risk of infection related to specific social mixing patterns associated with alcohol use, as well as influence on the immune system of alcohol itself and of alcohol related conditions. These findings have implications for TB control strategies globally, particularly in countries where a high proportion of TB can be attributed to alcohol use.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>It has long been evident that there is an association between alcohol use and risk of tuberculosis. It has not been established to what extent this association is confounded by social and other factors related to alcohol use. Nor has the strength of the association been established. The objective of this study was to systematically review the available evidence on the association between alcohol use and the risk of tuberculosis.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Based on a systematic literature review, we identified 3 cohort and 18 case control studies. These were further categorized according to definition of exposure, type of tuberculosis used as study outcome, and confounders controlled for. Pooled effect sizes were obtained for each sub-category of studies.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The pooled relative risk across all studies that used an exposure cut-off level set at 40 g alcohol per day or above, or defined exposure as a clinical diagnosis of an alcohol use disorder, was 3.50 (95% CI: 2.01–5.93). After exclusion of small studies, because of suspected publication bias, the pooled relative risk was 2.94 (95% CI: 1.89–4.59). Subgroup analyses of studies that had controlled for various sets of confounders did not give significantly different results and did not explain the significant heterogeneity that was found across the studies.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The risk of active tuberculosis is substantially elevated in people who drink more than 40 g alcohol per day, and/or have an alcohol use disorder. This may be due to both increased risk of infection related to specific social mixing patterns associated with alcohol use, as well as influence on the immune system of alcohol itself and of alcohol related conditions.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Four of the authors (KL, BW, EJ and CD) are staff members of the World Health Organization. The authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in this publication and they do not necessarily represent the decisions or policies of the World Health Organization. No external funding was provided for this research.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>All authors contributed to the conceptualisation of the paper. KL and SS did the initial review, the selection of abstracts, and the identification of papers to be included in the final review. All authors contributed to the assessment of papers. BGW and KL did the statistical analysis. All authors reviewed the results of the analysis. KL drafted the manuscript, and all authors contributed to its completion. KL is the guarantor.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We are grateful to Vladimir Poznyak and Dag Rekve for their comments on early drafts of the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Forest plot of all 21 studies.</bold> Bars indicate 95% confidence interval. Filled squares represent point estimate for studies in the high exposure/alcoholism category, white squares represent studies in the low exposure category, and grey circles studies that did not report a well-defined exposure level.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Funnel plot of the odds-ratio against the precision of the estimates.</bold> Points to the right of the dashed line are significant at the 5% level. The apex of the funnel gives the point estimate. Points outside the funnel differ from the point estimate at the 5% level and suggest heterogeneity in the estimates. If there is no bias in the selection of studies for publication, the points should be evenly scattered to the left and right. Squares represent the three studies with largest standard error that were excluded in the category \"Excluding three smallest studies\" in table 2 (Mori et al 1992, Spletter 2000, and Riekstina et al 2005). The two filled circles that are outside the funnel represent the two additional studies that were excluded in the category \"Excluding three smallest and Brown I and Kim\" in table 2</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Summary of study characteristics</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"14\"><bold><italic>Cohort studies</italic></bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>First Author, Year, setting</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cohort</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Outcome measure</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Exposure Measure</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Confounders Controlled for</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Effect size (95% confidence interval)</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Comments</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"14\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Hemilä et al, 1999, Finland, 198–1993</td><td/><td align=\"left\">26,975 male smokers participating in RCT on the effect of nutritional support with a-tocopherol, P-carotene, or a-tocopherol + P-carotene for cancer prevention</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Clinical diagnoses of TB ascertained from the discharge register of hospitals. 167 incident cases of TB registered from 1985 to 1993.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported at baseline. Alcohol use categorized as 30 gram alcohol per day or more.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Age, BMI, martial status, education, residential neighbourhood, smoking, nutritional intervention</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted relative risk: 1.03 (95% CI: 0.70–1.53)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Eight years follow up and change in drinking pattern not ascertained.<break/>Prevalence of exposure among controls: 20%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Moran-Mendoza, 2004, British Columbia, Canada, 1990–2000</td><td/><td align=\"left\">33,146 contacts of active TB cases recorded in division of disease control 1990–2000, who had a TST performed, excluding those with TB history and those with HIV, followed until 2001</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Any type of TB, registered in the division of TB control database. 228 active cases identified.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Alcoholism as noted in medical record</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Age, sex, Canadian-born, aboriginal, DM, malnutrition, malignancy, immunosuppressant treatment, BCG, no of contacts, type of contact, TST size, SES (geographical location), latent TB treatment, intravenous drug use, recent arrival from high TB incidence country</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted relative risk: 2.9 (1.3–6.5)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Entire study population are TB infected. RR reflect risk of progress to active disease.<break/>Prevalence of alcoholism among whole cohort: 0.8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Thomas et al 2005, Tiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu, India, 2000–2001</td><td/><td align=\"left\">503 cured new smear positive pulmonary patients as per TB district register, followed prospectively</td><td/><td align=\"left\">TB recurrence within 18 months (62 recurrencess recorded)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported during initial treatment. Exposure was \"Habitual drinking\", which was not defined in terms of amounts or frequency</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR from multivariate analysis not reported.<break/>Factors accounted for were sex, age, occupation, education, smoking, adherence, drug sensitivity, smear conversion, initial weight</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Crude relative risk: 2.3 (1.3–4.1)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Level of exposure not provided, but since the prevalence of exposure of \"habitual drinking\" in the cohort was 33% in this rural Indian district, it not likely to correspond to high level consumption.</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"14\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"14\"><bold><italic>Case control studies</italic></bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"14\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Author (Year), Setting</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cases and controls</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Exposure Measure</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Confounders Controlled for</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Effect size (95% confidence interval)</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Comments</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"14\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Brown and Campbell. 1961, Hospital for ex-servicemen, Victoria, Australia, 1950s</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (100): All consecutive new admissions<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (100): Randomly selected from surgical ward in same hospital (excluding orthopedic cases)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported daily consumption<break/>Moderate to heavy drinking defined as 26 ml alcohol per day or more. Crude numbers for different level of exposure were reported, allowing calculation of association also at the &gt; 50 ml (40 g) and other cut-off points.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Stratified by smoking status. All subjects were men. All ex-army staff in the age bracket 20–70. Age distribution very similar between cases and control. Pre- HIV era</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Crude OR of moderate to heavy alcohol vs. none/low: 4.88 (95% CI: 2.59–9.24)<break/>For &gt; 50 ml vs =&lt; 50 ml: OR 8.18 (4.05–16.53)<break/>For 1–50 ml vs. none: 1.98 (0.89–4.43)<break/>Significant (p &lt; 0.0001) dose response relationship:<break/><underline>OR</underline><break/>0 (reference) 1.00<break/>10–25 ml/day: 1.66<break/>26–50 ml/day: 2.38<break/>51–75 ml/day: 9.27<break/>76–100 ml/day: 8.50<break/>101–125 ml/day: 27.82<break/>126- ml/day: 43.27</td><td/><td align=\"left\">OR not analysed in original study. The ORs reported here are calculated based on crude data reported in the paper<break/>Smoking possibly effect modifier. Stratified for none smokers and smokers respectively (any alcohol vs. no alcohol):<break/>Non smokers: 2.25 (0.54–9.86)<break/>Smokers: 5.22 (1.83–15.61)<break/>Prevalence of \"moderate to heavy alcohol intake\" in controls: 39%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Lewis and Chamberlain, 1963, Hospital, London, 1962</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (100): Male, active cases of pulmonary TB<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (200): Matched for age and social class: A (100): From medical and surgical wards at the same hospital. B (100): From emergency department at another, general, hospital</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self-reported average daily consumption 6 months before symptoms started<break/>\"Regular drinking\" defined as the equivalent of 2 or more pints per day.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Only men, stratified by age, social class, marital status and smoking. Pre-HIV era.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Crude OR for regular drinkers vs. not regular drinker 2.64 (95% CI: 1.50-4-66)<break/>Did not change when stratified for smoking status: OR 2.68 and 2.61 in respective stratum</td><td/><td align=\"left\">OR not analysed in original study.<break/>Social class effect modifier? Stratified for SES:<break/>Class I-II: OR = 1.16 (0.42–3.22)<break/>Class III-V: OR = 4.07 (1.98–8.41)<break/>Prevalence of \"regular drinkers\" among controls: 19.5%<break/>UK pint = 568 ml. 2 pints of 5% beer contains about 45 g alcohol</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mori et al, 1992, Indian Health Service hospital, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, USA</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (46): All new, active, adult (18 years and above), cases registered between 1983–1989.<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (46). Randomly selected, matched for age and residence, from health care register in Reservation, where all residents are included</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Chart review: Alcohol abuse/alcoholism listed in medical record, or alcohol related admission within 10 years or outpatient visit within 5 years</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Matched by age and residence.<break/>OR adjusted for sex, isoniazid profylaxis, and diabetes<break/>All study subjects from same Indian community.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR (AOR) for alcohol abuse vs. no alcohol abuse: 3.8 (1.15–12.3)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Prevalence in control group: 32%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Buskin, et al, 1994, Seattle, King County Tuberculosis Clinic, Washington State, 1988–1990</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (151): Active TB cases, aged &gt; 17 registered at TB clinic 1988–1990<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (545): Individuals seeking care at the clinic, but no TB diagnosed</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported frequency of drinking and amount consumed.<break/>Heavy drinkers defined as 3 or more drinks/day or more than 5 drinks on average on each drinking occasion.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">OR adjusted for age and smoking.<break/>Sex, SES, BMI, and race were analysed, but did not influence result</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR heavy drinking vs. non-drinkers 2.0 (95% CI: 1.1; 3.7)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1 US standard drink is 14 gram, thus 3 standard drinks is 42 gram.<break/>Prevalence of heavy drinking in control group: 12.5%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rosenman et al,1996, New Jersey, USA, 1985–1987</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (148): All active male, HIV-negative, cases over age of 35, born in USA, notified 1985–87<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (290): From Medicade finance administration files, matched for age and race</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported. \"Heavy drinking\" defined as &gt; 22 alcohol equivalents/week</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Only HIV- men in study, controls matched for age and race. Alcohol association not controlled for other variables in study, since alcohol was treated purely as confounder</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Crude OR: 3.33 (</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Prevalence \"heavy drinkers\" among controls: 14% 1 US standard drink is 14 gram, thus &gt; 22 drinks per week = &gt; 44 grams per day</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Schluger et al, 1999, Social services agencies and chest clinic, NY, USA. 1994–1997</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (20): Persons screened positive for active TB among 3,828 individuals seeking social services<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (3,245): Those not screened positive for active TB</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported \"moderate to heavy alcohol use\". This was not defined further</td><td/><td align=\"left\">None, but all subjects are social service clients</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Crude OR 2.38 (0.88–6.58)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">The authors did analyse, the study as a case control study.<break/>Considering that the subjects were all social service clients and alcohol problem was common in this group, it can be assumed that \"moderate to heavy\" correspond to at least 40 g per day and/or alcohol abuse<break/>Prevalence among controls: 43%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Spletter, 2000, TB Control Clinic, Phoenix, Ariziona, USA, 1993–1999</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (43): active pulmonary TB, 25–64 years old, excluding refugees, HIV positive, and comorbidity such as gastrectomy, jejunuilial bypass, DM, silicosis, renal failure, immunosuppressive treatment, malignancies.<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (258): Patients infected with <italic>M.tuberculosis</italic>, but active disease ruled out.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Medical record review: Heavy drinking defined as those with chart entries indicating alcohol abuse or alcohol history recorded as \"heavy drinking\"</td><td/><td align=\"left\">See list of exclusion criteria. Controlled for age, sex, smoking, race, US born, high risk residence, illicit drug use.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for heavy alcohol use vs. no heavy alcohol use: 6.1 (1.4; 26.2):</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Entire study population are TB infected. OR reflect risk of progress to active disease.<break/>Prevalence of heavy alcohol consumption in controls: 2.3%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Dong et al, 2001, 12 communes in Chengdu, China, 1996–97</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (174): All active TB cases recorded between March 1996 and March 1997<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (174): Random sample from community (population registry), matched for age, sex, and place of residence</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported use.<break/>Definition of alcohol use or amounts not reported.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Matched for age and sex and district. Smoking, crowding, darkness in dwelling, air-pollution and BMI are reported variables, but not reported what was actually controlled for in the logistic regression</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR (alcohol vs no alcohol): 1.76 (0.90–3.42)</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Tocque et al 2001, Liverpool, UK, 1989–1996</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (112): All notified in the city<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (198): From Liverpool general practitioner database, matched for sex, age and residential area</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported, high consumption defined as &gt; 30 units per week (&gt; 4.3/day), both at time of interview and 2 years prior to diagnosis</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Matched for age, sex, and residence area<break/>Alcohol not included in multivariate analysis</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Crude OR for drinkers vs. non-drinkers: 1.01 (0.67–1.70, at 2 years before diagnosis</td><td/><td align=\"left\">One UK alcohol unit is 8 gram, thus 4.3 units/day = 34 gram</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Tekkel et al, 2002, Hospital, Tallinn, Estonia, 1999–2000</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (248): consecutive, incident pulmonary TB cases admitted to one hospital in Tallinn<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (248): From population registry, matched for age, sex, and country of residence.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported frequency of drinking during last year. Not defined in amounts of alcohol</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Age, sex, and country of residence matched for. OR adjusted for smoking, drug abuse, nutrition, weight loss, contact with TB, place of birth, marital status, and education</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for people who consumed alcohol several times a week/day vs. rarely: 13.63 (4.63–40.10);</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Prevalence of alcohol consumptions several times per week: 7.3%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Crampin et al, 2004, Karonga district, Malawi, 1996–2001</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (598):All new TB cases, aged &gt; 15, residing in district<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (992): Random sample from community register, matched for age, sex and areas of residence.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported as current (1/week or &lt; 1/week), past, or never</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Matched for age, sex, area of residence. Adjusted for SES, HIV, TB contacts, BCG</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for current 1/w vs. never: 0.9 (0.5–1.7)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Prevalence of drinking 1/week among controls: 11%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Kim and Crittenden, 2005, County Prison, USA, 1992–1998</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (441): All inmates screened positive for active TB 1992–1998<break/><underline>Control</underline> (478): Sex matched, random sample from prison pop.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Alcohol abuse as recorded in prison health record</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Sex, age, ethnicity, marital status, education, homelessness, IV drug use, HIV, length of stay in prison, type of crime.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for alcohol abuse vs. no alcohol abuse: 1.59 (p &lt; 0.01, no confidence interval reported)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Prevalence of alcohol abuse among controls: 40.2%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Lienhardt et al 2005, Multicenter, Guinée, Guniea Bissau, and The Gambia, 1999–2001</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (687): Newly detected smear positive TB<break/><underline>Controls</underline>: For each case: A (687): Age-matched household control, and: B (687): Residence area matched community control</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported as never/past/current</td><td/><td align=\"left\">A large set of host related and environmental factors</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Crude OR for current/past vs. never: 1.84 (1.28–2.66)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">When controlling for age, sex, family history of TB, HIV and smoking, this association was no longer significant. However, no adjusted OR is reported in paper.<break/>Prevalence of current/past use among controls: 19%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Selassie et al: 2005, South Carolina, USA, 1970–2002</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (437): All recurrent pulmonary TB cases, after at least 12 months from time of treatment completion between 1970 and 2001<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (442): Random sample of people who remained free of TB &gt; 12 months after completion, matched for year of initial diagnosis</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Medical records reviewed. \"Alcoholism\" as recorded in medical record</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Age, sex, race, treatment duration, adherence, regimen, HIV/AIDS, other chronic condition, country of residence, initial sputum, reported side effects.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for alcoholism vs. no alcoholism: 3.90 (2.49–6.12)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Entire study population are TB infected and previously successfully treated. OR reflect risk of recurrent TB.<break/>Prevalence of recorded alcoholism among controls: 12.4%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Riekstina, et al 2005, Latvia, 1996</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (48): New pulmonary cases who had early (within 4 years) recurrence after successful treatment, adults only, excluding those with any resistance to first line drugs, and prisoners<break/><underline>Control</underline> (96):successful treatment, no recurrence, matched for sex and bacteriological status</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Alcohol problem according to medical records</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Sex and bacteriological status matched for. Age, sex, unemployment, treatment facility, treatment interruption</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for alcohol problems vs. no alcohol problem: 16.63 (3.63–76.10)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Entire study population are TB infected. OR reflect risk of progress to active disease.<break/>Prevalence among controls (all TB patients): 23%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Shetty et al, 2006, Medical college hospital, Bangalore, India, 2001–2003</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (189): all consecutive new active pulmonary TB<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (189): age and sex matched relatives of non-TB patients in same hospital</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported as never, past (&gt; 6 months ago), or current use. Amounts not reported.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Age and sex matched. Education, income, crowding, religion, marital status, BMI, cooking fuel, smoking, chronic illness.</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for current vs.- never use 2.37 (0.95–5.93)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Prevalence of current alcohol use in control group: 11.1%</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Coker et al, 2006, TB clinic, Samara town, Russia, 2003</td><td/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (334): Culture confirmed pulmonary TB<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (334): Age and sex matched from population registry</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Self reported \"heavy drinking\" at least once per month during last year, but \"heavy drinking\" not further defined</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Age and sex matched. Adjusted for exposure (family contact and drinking unpasteurized milk)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for heavy drinking at least once a month vs. no drinking: 2.43 (1.22–4.85)</td><td/><td align=\"left\">Not clear if also smoking, illicit drug use, imprisonment, and household assets were controlled for. Alcohol not included in final multivariate analysis, reason not reported, alcohol listed as \"not appropriate\" in table.</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Kolappan et al, 2007, Prevalence survey 2001–2003, Rural district, Tamil Nadu, India</td><td align=\"center\"/><td align=\"left\"><underline>Cases</underline> (429): Bacteriologically positive cases, aged &gt; = 15, detected during prevalence survey<break/><underline>Controls</underline> (93,516): Those not diagnosed with TB in the prevalence survey, aged &gt; = 15</td><td align=\"center\"/><td align=\"left\">Self reported, alcohol intake in ml. Alcoholism not defined.</td><td align=\"center\"/><td align=\"left\">Age, sex, smoking</td><td align=\"center\"/><td align=\"left\">Adjusted OR for alcoholism vs. no alcoholism: 1.5 (1.2–2.0)</td><td align=\"center\"/><td align=\"left\">Prevalence among controls: 11%</td><td align=\"center\"/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Pooled effect sizes for different sub-categories of studies.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Study category</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>No of studies</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Hetero-geneity test </bold><break/>Cochrane's Q p-value (I<sup>2</sup>)</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Pooled, fixed effect assumption</bold><break/><bold>(95% confidence interval)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Pooled, random effect assumption</bold><break/><bold>(95% confidence interval)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Level of exposure</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">High exposure</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.01 (0.82)</td><td align=\"center\">2.90 (2.39–3.51)</td><td align=\"center\">3.50 (2.01–5.93)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Low exposure</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">0.46 (0.00)</td><td align=\"center\">1.08 (0.82–1.40)</td><td align=\"center\">1.08 (0.82–1.40)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>High-exposure studies</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Controlled* for HIV status</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">0.03 (0.57)</td><td align=\"center\">2.93 (2.37–3.61)</td><td align=\"center\">3.26 (2.26–4.70)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Controlled* age, sex, SES, smoking</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">0.04 (0.61)</td><td align=\"center\">3.27 (2.38–4.50)</td><td align=\"center\">3.49 (2.06–5.90)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Controlled* HIV, age, sex, SES, smoking</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">0.07 (0.42)</td><td align=\"center\">3.92 (2.70–5.71)</td><td align=\"center\">4.08 (2.49–6.68)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Controlled* infection, age, sex, SES</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">0.23 (0.30)</td><td align=\"center\">4.11 (2.84–5.94)</td><td align=\"center\">4.21 (2.73–6.48)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Excluding three smallest studies</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">0.03 (0.59)</td><td align=\"center\">2.75 (2.19–3.46)</td><td align=\"center\">2.94 (1.89–4.59)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Excluding three smallest and Brown I and Kim</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">0.32 (0.15)</td><td align=\"center\">2.76 (2.34–3.81)</td><td align=\"center\">2.96 (2.28–3.85)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Pulmonary TB cases only**</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0.49 (0.00)</td><td align=\"center\">3.67 (2.58–5.22)</td><td align=\"center\">3.67 (2.58–5.22)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">All types of TB**</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.01 (0.83)</td><td align=\"center\">2.52 (1.98–3.19)</td><td align=\"center\">2.87 (1.47–5.58)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>OR = Odds Ratio, DM = Diabetes Mellitus, BMI = Body Mass Index, TST = Tuberculin Skin Test, SES = Socioeconomic Status</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>*Controlled for respective covariates, either by design (e.g. through inclusion/exclusion criteria) or in the analysis (stratification or multivariate analysis)</p><p>**Excluding three smallest studies</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-289-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2458-8-289-2\"/>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Public Health. 2008 Aug 14; 8:289
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Messenger RNA (mRNA) sequences encode the amino acid sequence of the protein but may also bear additional information. For example, certain synonymous codons may improve translation [##REF##3916708##1##, ####REF##11675589##2##, ##REF##9159473##3####9159473##3##] and a variety of motifs may regulate expression at the level of translation, cellular localization, decay or splicing [##UREF##0##4##, ####REF##15572659##5##, ##REF##15601259##6##, ##REF##16213112##7##, ##UREF##1##8##, ##REF##12446149##9####12446149##9##]. Many of these motifs are secondary structures, and eukaryotic mRNAs contain regulatory structures in their 5' and 3' UTRs [##REF##16373489##10##, ####REF##3322328##11##, ##UREF##2##12##, ##UREF##3##13##, ##UREF##4##14##, ##REF##9927459##15####9927459##15##], or introns [##REF##7568070##16##,##REF##12972637##17##]. However, it remains unclear whether secondary structures in the coding regions are of functional importance. Laboratory studies suggest that local secondary structures within coding regions can interfere with translation [##REF##16554824##18##,##REF##1507219##19##], and one may therefore expect selection against structures that are too stable. Surprisingly, however, several bioinformatic studies find that RNA structures within the protein coding regions are more stable than expected by chance [##REF##10075987##20##, ####REF##12952875##21##, ##REF##16168082##22##, ##REF##16682450##23####16682450##23##] (but see [##REF##17263882##24##] for opposing result). These studies used various algorithms to predict the secondary structures of mRNA sequences, and then compared the free energy values of these structures to the values for randomized sequences.</p>", "<p>Here, I test for selection on mRNA secondary structure using another approach. Instead of testing for unexpected structural stabilities, I directly compare the selective constraint of sites that differ in their importance for the predicted secondary structure. I.e. I predict the secondary structure of coding yeast sequences using different algorithms, and for each nucleotide, I identify whether it is paired with another nucleotide, or unpaired. I assume paired sites are more important for the predicted secondary structure than unpaired sites. If there is selection for secondary structures, one might expect higher structural constraint at paired than at unpaired sites. Such constraint would affect synonymous codon use and substitution rates. In <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>a relationship between codon use, tRNA abundance and expression level indicates that codon use is affected by selection for translationally optimal codons [##REF##3916708##1##]. If there is selection for mRNA structure, structurally important sites may be under conflicting selection pressures: a codon might support the preferred mRNA structure that is translationally non-optimal. Under structural selection, one might expect lower numbers of optimal codons at paired than at unpaired sites. If mRNA structure is conserved across species, one might further expect lower numbers of synonymous substitutions at paired than at unpaired sites; possible compensatory substitutions however may make the latter test predictions less clear-cut. When a mutation occurs at a paired site and disrupts the pairing ability, a second compensatory mutation on the corresponding paired site may restore the pairing ability [##UREF##5##25##,##REF##10791023##26##]. Compensatory mutations may increase substitution numbers at paired sites. Innan and Stephan [##REF##11560913##27##] show however, that unless selection against deleterious intermediates is very small, substitutions should occur only very slowly in paired regions [##REF##11560913##27##].</p>", "<p>Accurate structure prediction is obviously crucial for these tests. In several studies [##REF##10075987##20##, ####REF##12952875##21##, ##REF##16168082##22####16168082##22##], mRNA structures are predicted by thermodynamic properties using the minimum free energy (MFE) algorithm [##REF##6163133##28##] only although taking the whole ensemble of possible structures and comparative information into account is known to increase predictive accuracy [##REF##15272118##29##, ####UREF##6##30##, ##REF##15458580##31##, ##UREF##7##32####7##32##]. I therefore predict the secondary structures by thermodynamic and comparative information (RNA- and ALIfold [##REF##12824340##33##]), using the minimum free energy (MFE) algorithm and McCaskill's partition function of the thermodynamic equilibrium [##REF##1695107##34##].</p>", "<p>Results of this study are consistent with selection upon mRNA structures: numbers of conserved optimal codons and synonymous substitutions are reduced at structurally important sites.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Choice of study organism &amp; data</title>", "<p>I focus on <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</italic>, as this model eukaryote is well studied, with genome sequences available for it and several related species. Importantly yeast allows using optimal codon numbers to investigate alternative selective constraints while controlling for effects of base composition. This is because (i) translational selection has been investigated extensively and supported in yeast [##REF##3916708##1##, ####REF##11675589##2##, ##REF##9159473##3####9159473##3##]: certain translationally \"optimal\" codons increase in frequency with expression level and correspond to the most abundant tRNAs in the cell or to the tRNA with which they form the strongest binding. (ii) Crucially, translationally optimal codons in yeast are not biased towards GC-ending codons, as in many other Eukaryotic organisms. In yeast 12 optimal codons end with G or C (-GC), 12 with A or T (-AT). To control for base composition is important as RNA secondary structure predictions are – at least partly- based on thermodynamic properties and will therefore be affected by GC content: GC nucleotides form the most stable binding with three hydrogen bonds and will consequently more likely be paired in the structure. From the yeast alignments provided by Kellis et al. [##REF##12748633##35##] comparing <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </italic>with <italic>S. paradoxus</italic>, <italic>S. mikatae </italic>and <italic>S. bayanus</italic>, I use 492 genes that have start and stop codons but no premature stop codons or frame-shifting indels in all four species.</p>", "<title>Secondary structure</title>", "<p>I predict the secondary structure of the coding sequences using the below methods and identify for each nucleotide whether it is paired with another nucleotide, or unpaired. I assume paired sites are more important for the predicted <italic>secondary </italic>structure than unpaired sites. Note however, that unpaired sites may well be important for maintaining the mRNA's <italic>tertiary </italic>structure.</p>", "<title>Secondary structure prediction methods</title>", "<p>The thermodynamic stability of a secondary structure is measured as the amount of free energy released or used by forming base pairs. Positive free energy requires work to form a structure, negative free energy releases stored work. Free energy parameters are estimated from chemical melting experiments. The widely used Minimum Free Energy (MFE) algorithm [##REF##6163133##28##] computes the one single structure with the most negative energy value, that thermodynamically is hence the most likely to be formed. The MFE algorithm seems fairly accurate for short RNA sequences, for which ~73% of paired sites are accurately predicted. mRNAs however are likely to be present in a population of structures [##UREF##8##36##,##REF##7929367##37##]. Often 5–10% of structures share very similar free energy values [##UREF##9##38##], and the predicted MFE structure might just be one out of many thermodynamically similar structures. Taking all possible secondary structures of the thermodynamic equilibrium into account, McCaskill's algorithm [##REF##1695107##34##] computes the most probable structure and calculates the probability that each site is paired. When taking base pairings with high probabilities, the accuracy of the prediction increases [##REF##15272118##29##]. Another benefit of McCaskill's algorithm is that it is less affected by small but reasonable variations in the underlying energy parameters – while the MFE prediction is very sensitive [##UREF##10##39##,##REF##15673712##40##]. I used the RNAfold (<underline>Vienna RNA Secondary Structure</underline>[##REF##12824340##33##,##UREF##11##41##]) package to predict structures of the four yeasts separately using the MFE and McCaskill's algorithms. When using McCaskill's algorithm, I consider sites to be paired that pair with high probability (&gt;2/3) across the structure ensemble; all other sites are considered as unpaired. With increasing sequence lengths predictive accuracy decreases presumably because of the enormous increase in the number of potential base pairings that can be made as sequence length increases [##REF##10329189##42##]. I therefore look at both the complete set of genes, and at the subset of genes shorter than 800 bp.</p>", "<p>To predict the secondary structure, one can also assume structural conservation, and compute the one consensus structure that allows the largest amount of structural conservation across homologous sequences. Especially supportive of structural conservation are sites that vary at the sequence level but retain potential of Watson-Crick pairings in the structure (co-variations). Structures predicted with the aid of comparative data appear to be more accurate than those based on thermodynamic properties alone [##UREF##6##30##, ####REF##15458580##31##, ##UREF##7##32####7##32##]. I use the ALIfold package [##REF##12824340##33##,##REF##12079347##43##] that integrates comparative information in the prediction made with either MFE or McCaskill's algorithm and predict the consensus structures of the four yeasts together using the ALIfold default settings for co-variation weight (Φ<sub>1 </sub>= 1, and Φ<sub>2 </sub>= 1).</p>", "<title>Optimal codon use</title>", "<p>Codon identification is based on the <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>sequence. Optimal codons are defined as in Kliman et al. (2003) [##REF##12962310##44##]. The relative frequency of optimal codons (F<sub>op</sub>[##REF##6175758##45##]) is the ratio of optimal codons to synonymous codons. I compute the relative frequency of optimal codons for each amino acid and gene separately. For amino acids with both one AT- as well as one GC-ending optimal codon (thr, val, ile, ser), I compute the relative optimal codon frequencies of the two optimal codons per amino acid separately. Throughout the paper, the terms \"optimal\" and \"suboptimal\" will refer to translational selection.</p>", "<title>Tests</title>", "<p>If there is selection for secondary structures, one may expect higher constraint at structurally important (paired) than at structurally less important (unpaired) sites.</p>", "<p>(1) Under translational selection one may expect lower numbers of translationally optimal codons at paired compared to unpaired sites. Note that the analysis is restricted to those codons that are conserved across the four yeast species and are likely to experience stronger selection pressures. Restricting the analysis to conserved sites is crucial for the ALIfold measure, as it incorporates substitutions in its prediction: ALIfold may tend to pair conserved sites, and under translational selection conserved sites tend to have higher optimal codon use than non-optimal sites. This could generate an artificial positive correlation between optimal codon numbers and structure when considering all codons. As GC-ending optimal codons are more likely to be paired, I look at GC- and AT-ending optimal codons separately. I do this for the four yeast species separately (using RNAfold) as well as for their consensus structure (using ALIfold), using MFE as well as McCaskill's algorithm for both methods.</p>", "<p>(2) If mRNA structures are conserved across species one may further expect lower numbers of substitutions at paired compared to unpaired sites. As ALIfold incorporates comparative information, this test is only meaningful for structures predicted by RNAfold. Codons experiencing non-synonymous substitutions are excluded from this analysis as one may expect possible selection on mRNA structure will mainly affect synonymous substitutions, while non-synonymous substitutions will be more constrained for other reasons. To check the structural similarity and potential conservation of predicted structures across species, I first compute the relative number of base pairings per gene that are consistently, i.e. unambiguously, predicted to be paired or unpaired across species. To estimate structural constraint at synonymous sites, I count for each synonymous optimal and non-optimal codon how often the respective third codon position is paired and unpaired in the <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>structure (RNAfold) and how often the codon is conserved or experiences a synonymous substitution compared to <italic>S. paravensis</italic>. Note that translational selection and structural selection may be counter-balancing with respect to synonymous substitution numbers. I.e. unpaired sites with high numbers of optimal codons may experience reduced synonymous substitution numbers due to translational selection while paired sites with high numbers of non-optimal codons may experience reduced synonymous substitution numbers due to structural selection. To disentangle structural selection from translational selection, I look at optimal and non-optimal codons separately as. I further look at GC- and AT-ending codons separately as mutational processes and gene conversion events may be compositionally biased [##REF##12082137##46##].</p>", "<title>Statistics</title>", "<p>Each of our analyses generates a set of 2 × 2 contingency tables per gene and per amino acid or codon. These are divided according to whether the site is paired or unpaired in the predicted secondary structure, and whether (1) the codon is optimal or non-optimal, and whether (2) the codon is conserved or synonymous polymorphic across the four species. To combine these independent 2 × 2 tables, I use the Mantel-Haenszel Z statistic according to Sokal and Rohlf [##UREF##12##47##]. I compute joint probabilities for all tables or certain subsets. To disentangle an effect of GC content on synonymous codon use at paired sites, I combine amino acids with AT-ending ending and amino acids with GC-ending optimal codons. I exclude contingency tables when expected values were zero, tested for homogeneity and computed the joint odds ratio (W<sub>MH</sub>) and its significance, including the continuity correction. I orient the odds ratio such that selection in favour of mRNA secondary structure is indicated by W<sub>MH </sub>&lt;1: i.e. lower numbers of optimal codons, and lower numbers of synonymous substitutions at paired sites.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>1) Conserved optimal codon numbers are significantly lower at paired compared to unpaired sites, irrespective of the method (RNA- and ALIfold) and algorithm (MFE and McCaskill's) used to predict secondary structure. Crucially, the tendency remains whether I consider amino acids with AT- or GC-ending optimal codons (Tables ##TAB##0##1##, ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>The tendency is true for most amino acids separately; even GC-ending optimal codons that are more likely to be paired for thermodynamic reasons tend to be less frequent at paired sites (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Notable exceptions however are leu, lys, ile, and for RNAfold additionally phe (Table ##TAB##1##2##). One explanation for these exceptions may be that selection strength for translationally optimal codons is stronger in these amino acids, for example translational errors may be more likely or more costly. Considering prediction accuracy may decrease with gene length, I first restricted the data to genes shorter than 800 bp; including all genes however does not change the result.</p>", "<p>(2) I first check the similarity and potential conservation of structures predicted by RNAfold. The major parts of mRNAs do not seem conserved in structure across species or prediction accuracy is low: 75% of sites are ambiguous, i.e. predicted to be paired in one or more species, but predicted to be unpaired in the remaining species (Table ##TAB##2##3##). When looking pairwise on average 41% of sites are ambiguous; number of ambiguous sites is only slightly lower for short genes. The ambiguity of predicted structural status will introduce considerable noise and may cause non-significant results. Despite high ambiguity in structure prediction the numbers of synonymous substitutions are consistently lower (W<sub>MH</sub>&lt;1) at paired sites (Table ##TAB##3##4##). The tendencies remain when restricting the data to genes shorter than 800 bp. Other species comparisons lead to similar results (data not presented). Results become significant for GC-ending (optimal and non-optimal) codons (when structure is predicted using McCaskill's algorithm). G and C nucleotides do not only form stronger bonds and are more likely to be paired and structurally important, they are also more likely to be unambiguously predicted paired than A and T nucleotides (means GC: 0.263, AT: 0.153, t = 29.8409, df = 866.05, ***). This could reduce the level of noise and cause the significance of results for GC-ending codons.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>I tested for evidence of selective constraint acting on mRNA secondary structures in protein coding yeast genes. Predicted secondary structures differ greatly according to the prediction method used and between species. Nevertheless, there are significantly fewer conserved optimal codons and consistently fewer synonymous substitutions at paired sites for all predicted secondary structures. The results of this study are consistent with purifying selection on mRNA secondary structures.</p>", "<p>Similar tendencies of codon use have been reported for Drosophila and humans: mRNA stability seems high when optimal codon use is low in Drosophila [##REF##11606539##48##] and paired sites contain an excess of rare codons in humans [##REF##16275783##49##]. Note that in this study, the comparison of optimal codon use is restricted to conserved sites. Besides the methodological need for ALIfold (see Material and Methods), the restriction to conserved sites restricts the analysis to sites potentially under considerable strong selection. For RNAfold structures, results become non-significant when not restricting the data to these conserved sites (data not presented). Strong conflicting selection pressures seem to act on certain sites while the remaining sites seem less constrained for structure. Selection on <italic>local </italic>and not <italic>global </italic>structures may explain these results and contribute to the low structural similarity across species. Selection on local mRNA structures in coding regions of eukaryotic genes has been suggested before [##REF##16275783##49##]. Beside the low structural similarity also compensatory substitutions may contribute to the non-significant results when comparing substitution numbers at paired and unpaired sites.</p>", "<p>Previous bioinformatic studies that focussed on whether or not the thermodynamic <italic>stability </italic>of mRNA structures of various organisms is selected for or against [##REF##10075987##20##, ####REF##12952875##21##, ##REF##16168082##22##, ##REF##16682450##23####16682450##23##,##REF##16275783##49##,##REF##10572183##55##] lead to partly inconsistent results and controversies about the accurate randomization procedure. In these studies, the observed MFE is compared to the expected MFE, which is estimated by taking the mean MFE of randomized versions of the same sequence, and a significant deviation is taken as evidence for selection for or against thermodynamic stability of the structure. The randomization of sequences can be performed in a number of different ways holding various properties of the sequence constant, while randomizing others. The properties are of biological importance; variables that are affected by forces other than selection for mRNA structure – for example the amino acid sequence – should be fixed. Which variables should remain free to vary however may not always be obvious, while the results are very sensitive to them. Di-nucleotide content for example might be selected for its effect on stability and should be allowed to vary for randomized sequences argue Chamary and Hurst [##REF##16168082##22##]. However, di-nucleotides might well be affected by mutation bias, or selected for some other reason [##REF##12952875##21##], in which case, di-nucleotide content should be kept fixed. The control of di-nucleotides in fact renders significant results non-significant [##REF##10075987##20##, ####REF##12952875##21##, ##REF##16168082##22##, ##REF##16682450##23####16682450##23##,##REF##10572183##55##].</p>", "<p>Note that in contrast to comparing observed and expected MFE values, the comparison of constraint at paired and unpaired sites does not indicate that selection acts for or against the thermodynamic <italic>stability </italic>of the structure, but that the very predicted <italic>structure </italic>is under selection. With respect to selection for or against <italic>stability </italic>of structures, ALIfold results indicate that the thermodynamically most stable global structure is not conserved across the four yeasts: ALIfold consensus energy value is much higher i.e. less stable compared to the average energy value of the single sequences [see also Washietl et al. [##REF##15665081##50##] for approach]. This is conform with results of Babak et al. [##REF##17263882##24##] which support selection against stability of structures in coding regions. It is reasonable to expect selection on mRNA structures may act against too stable structures because too stable and un-flexible mRNA structures may interfere for instance with translation [##REF##16554824##18##] and some mRNAs flexibility may allow their specific and dynamic complexes with other factors. mRNAs lead a complex life [##UREF##13##51##] and besides thermodynamic stability, selection on mRNA structure may also exist to maintain specific local or global mRNA structures that allow binding and interaction with other factors and thus effect biological functioning. Not only structural targets may be of effect, also accessibility of sequence targets may depend on global or local mRNA structures.</p>", "<p>While results of this study are consistent with selection upon mRNA structures in coding regions and support laboratory studies that report synonymous substitutions are functionally important with respect to mRNA structure and translation in humans [##REF##10393914##52##, ####UREF##14##53##, ##REF##17185601##54####17185601##54##], two considerations should be made. First, we do not know whether thermodynamic mRNA structure predictions predict the mRNA structures that are formed in the cell. mRNAs are generally associated with other factors [##UREF##13##51##], and effects of mRNA-associated microRNAs and proteins on the structure are hard to predict. Also, kinetics of mRNA folding and pseudo-knots are not considered here. Even with the comparative method, mRNA structures may remain at best approximations of the real mRNA structures in the cell. Secondly, the predicted and also the real structure will be affected by certain DNA patterns – however whether or not the respective DNA patterns are selected for mRNA structure or another reason may be hard to judge. There are several DNA patterns one may consider. (i) Di-nucleotide content of naturally occurring sequences leads to higher than expected thermodynamic stability [e.g. [##REF##12952875##21##,##REF##16682450##23##,##REF##10572183##55##]]. Di-nucleotide content may be selected for its effect on mRNA structure but it may also be affected by mutation bias, or selected for some other reason, for example for nucleosome positioning [##REF##16862119##56##, ####REF##17006463##57##, ##REF##8831784##58####8831784##58##] or transcription pause sites [##REF##16777599##59##]. (ii) Frequency of polypurine tracts is increased in exons and may affect thermodynamic structure. Again, polypurine tracts may be selected with respect to mRNA structure but also for other reasons such as enhancing splicing [##REF##17211550##60##]. (iii) Translational protein folding into alpha-helix and beta sheets may affect synonymous codon use [##REF##17185560##61##] and periodic DNA patterns may affect mRNA structure. If thermodynamic predictions correspond to any other force such as selection on nucleosome positioning and transcription or co-translational pause sites, the observed patterns may be a consequence of that and inference of selection acting directly upon on mRNA structure may be incorrect.</p>", "<p>Alternative selection upon mRNA structures (or any other selective target) may counterbalance translational selection and explain why the bias towards translationally optimal codon is never complete and even in highly expressed genes non-optimal codons are used. Alternative selection may also contribute to the discrepancy between expected and observed codon bias [##REF##8831784##58##], and may lead to systematic underestimates of selection strength for optimal codons. As selection for mRNA structures may be acting stronger on GC-ending codons, in organisms in which potential translationally optimal codons are biased towards GC, such as Drosophila, mammals, C. elegans, estimates of selective strength for optimal codons may also be overestimated. It will be worth considering effects of alternative selection and disentangling the different targets of selection.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>I tested for evidence of selective constraint acting on mRNA secondary structures in yeast. Predicted structures differ greatly according to the prediction method used and between species. Nevertheless, there are significantly fewer conserved optimal codons and consistently fewer synonymous substitutions at paired sites for all predicted secondary structures. These results are consistent with purifying selection on mRNA secondary structures in protein coding yeast sequences and suggest their biological importance. One should consider however that accuracy of structure prediction is unknown for mRNAs and interrelated selective forces may contribute. Selective pressures alternative to translational selection seem affect synonymous and optimal codon use in yeast. Depending on strength and direction of translational selection in an organism, such alternative selective forces may lead to under- or over-estimates of selective strength on optimal codon use.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Eukaryotic mRNAs often contain secondary structures in their untranslated regions that are involved in expression regulation. Whether secondary structures in the protein coding regions are of functional importance remains unclear: laboratory studies suggest stable secondary structures within the protein coding sequence interfere with translation, while several bioinformatic studies indicate stable mRNA structures are more frequent than expected.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>In contrast to several studies testing for unexpected structural stabilities, I directly compare the selective constraint of sites that differ in their structural importance. I.e. for each nucleotide, I identify whether it is paired with another nucleotide, or unpaired, in the predicted secondary structure. I assume paired sites are more important for the predicted secondary structure than unpaired sites. I look at protein coding yeast sequences and use optimal codons and synonymous substitutions to test for structural constraints. As expected under selection for secondary structures, paired sites experience higher constraint than unpaired sites, i.e. significantly lower numbers of conserved optimal codons and consistently lower numbers of synonymous substitutions. This is true for structures predicted by different algorithms.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The results of this study are consistent with purifying selection on mRNA secondary structures in yeast protein coding sequences and suggest their biological importance. One should be aware, however, that accuracy of structure prediction is unknown for mRNAs and interrelated selective forces may contribute as well. Note that if selection pressures alternative to translational selection affect synonymous (and optimal) codon use, this may lead to under- or over-estimates of selective strength on optimal codon use depending on strength and direction of translational selection.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>I first would like to thank Adam Eyre-Walker very much; he has provided plenty valuable advice, many helpful comments and suggestions at various stages of the manuscript; I am very grateful for his continuous presence for discussions and encouragement. I thank John Welch very much for an early helpful discussion and encouragement, as for many helpful comments later on the manuscript. I thank Wolfgang Stephan for friendly welcome me in his RNA discussion group, including Andreas Brunnert, Mihaela Martis and Sebastian Strempel who are all acknowledged for helpful discussions on RNA prediction methods and Perl codes. I am very grateful for support from Joachim Hermisson and his respect for my independent PhD projects. Finally, I thank both anonymous reviewers for heir helpful comments. NS was partly supported by an Emmy-Noether grant to J. Hermisson.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"T1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Comparison of conserved optimal codon numbers at paired and unpaired sites.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th align=\"left\">Method</th><th align=\"left\">Algorithm</th><th align=\"left\">ALL</th><th align=\"left\">GC-ending</th><th align=\"left\">AT-ending</th><th align=\"left\">GC leu &amp; lys</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"6\"><bold>Genes shorter than 800 bp</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNAfold <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.646 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.624 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.503 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.353 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.542 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.567 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.422 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.910 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNAfold <italic>S. paravensis</italic></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.667 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.608 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.542 NS</td><td align=\"left\">1.137 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.560 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.571 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.407 **</td><td align=\"left\">1.119 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNAfold <italic>S. mikitae</italic></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.653 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.590 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.544 *</td><td align=\"left\">1.172 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.572 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.623 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.411 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.131 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNAfold <italic>S. bayanus</italic></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.640 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.597 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.502 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.181 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.537 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.557 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.401 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.003 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ALIfold</td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.638 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.577 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.465 NS</td><td align=\"left\">1.499 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.468 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.444 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.326 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.997 ***</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"6\"><bold>All genes</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNAfold <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.920 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.863 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.751 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.584 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.841 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.866 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.676 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.436 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNAfold <italic>S. paravensis</italic></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.878 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.826 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.733 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.497 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.819 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.822 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.659 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.460 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNAfold <italic>S. mikitae</italic></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.912 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.814 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.790 NS</td><td align=\"left\">1.160 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.839 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.869 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.740 NS</td><td align=\"left\">1.404 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNAfold <italic>S. bayanus</italic></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.904 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.855 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.742 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.590 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.833 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.840 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.675 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.455 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ALIfold</td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">0.899 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.759 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.739 NS</td><td align=\"left\">1.937 ***</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">0.770 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.724 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.645 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.529 ***</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"T2\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Comparison of conserved optimal codon numbers at paired and unpaired sites.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th/><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RNAfold (<italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>)</th><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">ALIfold</th></tr><tr><th/><th colspan=\"2\"><hr/></th><th colspan=\"2\"><hr/></th></tr><tr><th/><th align=\"left\">MFE</th><th align=\"left\">Mc</th><th align=\"left\">MFE</th><th align=\"left\">Mc</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\"><bold>Amino acids with GC-ending optimal codons</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Leu</bold><sub><bold>TTG</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">1.380 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.273 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.811 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.456 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Lys</bold><sub><bold>AAG</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">1.772 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.654 ***</td><td align=\"left\">2.019 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.654 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Phe</bold><sub><bold>TTC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">1.075 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.120 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.786 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.864 **</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Tyr</bold><sub><bold>TAC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.809 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.720 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.741 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.631 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>His</bold><sub><bold>CAC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.707 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.600 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.568 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.657 *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Asp</bold><sub><bold>GAC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.813 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.838 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.656 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.746 **</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Asn</bold><sub><bold>AAC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.891 *</td><td align=\"left\">0.831 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.725 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.637 NS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\"><bold>Amino acids with one GC- and one AT-ending optimal codon</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ile</bold><sub><bold>ATC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">1.318 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.254 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.555 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.049 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ile</bold><sub><bold>ATT</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">1.272 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.978 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.561 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.009 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Val</bold><sub><bold>GTC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.585 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.852 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.734 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.560 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Val</bold><sub><bold>GTT</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.705 *</td><td align=\"left\">0.794 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.806 *</td><td align=\"left\">0.686 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Thr</bold><sub><bold>ACC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.838 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.921 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.811 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.750 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Thr</bold><sub><bold>ACT</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.940 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.876 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.932 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.655 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ser</bold><sub><bold>TCC</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.614 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.668 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.583 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.591 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ser</bold><sub><bold>TCT</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.794 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.816 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.816 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.985 ***</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\"><bold>Amino acids with AT-ending optimal codons</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ala</bold><sub><bold>GCT</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.968 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.904 ***</td><td align=\"left\">1.073 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.883 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Arg</bold><sub><bold>AGA,CGT</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.588 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.545 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.518 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.460 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Gly</bold><sub><bold>GGT</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.894 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.779 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.901 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.752 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Gln</bold><sub><bold>CAA</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.442 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.353 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.293 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.278 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Glu</bold><sub><bold>GAA</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.946 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.350 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.386 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.315 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Pro</bold><sub><bold>CCA</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.851 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.734 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.729 **</td><td align=\"left\">0.689 *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cys</bold><sub><bold>TGT</bold></sub></td><td align=\"left\">0.500 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.382 NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.755 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.403 NS</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"T3\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Similarity of predicted structures for species pairs.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th align=\"left\">Species comparison</th><th align=\"left\">Prediction Method</th><th align=\"left\">(P+U)/all</th><th align=\"left\">P/all</th><th align=\"left\">U/all</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\"><bold>Genes shorter than 800 bp</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Across all 4 yeasts</bold></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">27% ± 0.6</td><td align=\"left\">17% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">10% ± 0.5</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">27% ± 0.4</td><td align=\"left\">9% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">18% ± 0.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>S. cerevisiae – S. paravensis</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">63% ± 0.6</td><td align=\"left\">36% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">27% ± 0.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">64% ± 0.5</td><td align=\"left\">22% ± 0.4</td><td align=\"left\">42% ± 0.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>S. cerevisiae – S. mikitae</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">59% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">34% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">25% ± 0.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">61% ± 0.4</td><td align=\"left\">20% ± 0.4</td><td align=\"left\">41% ± 0.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>S. cerevisiae – S. bayanus</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">42% ± 0.4</td><td align=\"left\">23% ± 0.5</td><td align=\"left\">19% ± 0.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">59% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">20% ± 0.0</td><td align=\"left\">40% ± 0.5</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\"><bold>All genes</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Across all 4 yeasts</bold></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">25% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">8% ± 0.1</td><td align=\"left\">16% ± 0.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">25% ± 0.4</td><td align=\"left\">16% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">9% ± 0.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>S. cerevisiae – S. paravensis</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">61% ± 0.4</td><td align=\"left\">36% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">25% ± 0.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">63% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">22% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">41% ± 0.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>S. cerevisiae – S. mikitae</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">58% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">35% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">23% ± 0.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">60% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">20% ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">40% ± 0.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>S. cerevisiae – S. bayanus</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">MFE</td><td align=\"left\">57% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">34% ± 0.1</td><td align=\"left\">23% ± 0.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Mc</td><td align=\"left\">58% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">20% ± 0.2</td><td align=\"left\">39% ± 0.4</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"T4\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Comparison of synonymous substitution numbers at paired and unpaired sites.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th/><th/><th align=\"left\"><bold>AT</bold><sub><bold>Opt</bold></sub></th><th align=\"left\"><bold>AT</bold><sub><bold>Nopt</bold></sub></th><th align=\"left\">AT</th><th align=\"left\"><bold>GC</bold><sub><bold>Opt</bold></sub></th><th align=\"left\"><bold>GC</bold><sub><bold>Nopt</bold></sub></th><th align=\"left\">GC</th><th align=\"left\">All</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>(1)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>MFE</bold></td><td align=\"left\">0.511<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.542<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.600<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.488<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.296<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.414<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.481<break/>NS</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Mc</bold></td><td align=\"left\">0.567<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.528<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.546<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.544**</td><td align=\"left\">0.327*</td><td align=\"left\">0.458**</td><td align=\"left\">0.505<break/>NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>(2)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>MFE</bold></td><td align=\"left\">0.255<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.201<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.232<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.140<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.257<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.213<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.225<break/>NS</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Mc</bold></td><td align=\"left\">0.255<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.230<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.238<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.264<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.167<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.222<break/>NS</td><td align=\"left\">0.232<break/>NS</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>I combine contingency tables for all amino acids and genes (ALL) and subsets of amino acids with GC- and AT- ending optimal codons (leu and lys are treated separately, as these two GC-ending amino acids behave very opposing, see below Table 2). Mantel Haenzsel estimators and significances are presented, W<sub>MH </sub>&lt;1 = lower optimal codon use at paired than at unpaired sites.</p><p>* &lt; 0.05, ** &lt; 0.01, *** &lt; 0.005, NS = not significant. Structure prediction is based on ALIfold and RNAfold using MFE and McCaskill's (Mc) algorithm.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Separately for each amino acid, I combine contingency tables of the different genes. Mantel Haenzsel estimators and significances are presented, with W<sub>MH </sub>&lt;1 = lower optimal codon use at paired than at unpaired sites. Structure prediction is based on ALIfold and RNAfold using MFE and McCaskill's (Mc) algorithm.</p><p>* &lt; 0.05, ** &lt; 0.01, *** &lt; 0.005, NS = not significant</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>The average percentages of sites (± variances) unambiguously predicted to be paired (P/all) and/or unpaired ((P+U)/all, U/all) for the respective species comparison using RNAfold MFE and McCaskill's (Mc) algorithm are presented.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Looking at <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>and <italic>S. paravensis </italic>, I compare numbers of each codon in <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>being either synonymous non-conserved or conserved at paired or unpaired sites. Structure prediction is based on RNAfold upon the <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>sequence using MFE and McCaskill's (Mc) algorithm. Mantel Haenzsel estimators and significances are presented. W<sub>MH</sub>&lt;1 = lower numbers of synonymous substitutions at paired sites. (1) All genes, (2) Genes that are shorter than 800 bp.</p><p>* &lt; 0.05, ** &lt; 0.01, *** &lt; 0.005, NS = not significant</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
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2022-01-12 17:11:36
BMC Evol Biol. 2008 Jul 31; 8:224
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The TRIM gene family encodes proteins involved in a broad range of biological processes and characterized by the presence of the <underline>tri</underline>partite <underline>m</underline>otif (hence the name TRIM), which consists of a <underline>R</underline>ING domain, one or two <underline>B</underline>-box motifs and a <underline>C</underline>oiled-<underline>c</underline>oil region (RBCC) [##REF##11331580##1##,##REF##11428128##2##]. The tripartite motif is always present at the N-terminus of the TRIM proteins. The order of the domains that compose the motif is also conserved: a RING finger domain precedes the B-box motif(s), and a Coiled-coil (CC) region invariably follows. Even if one of the domains is missing, the order of the remaining ones is maintained. Different C-terminal domains are associated with the tripartite motif in the TRIM family [##REF##11331580##1##, ####REF##11428128##2##, ##REF##16175175##3##, ##REF##16434393##4####16434393##4##].</p>", "<p>Both RING and B-boxes are cysteine-rich zinc-binding domains. The RING finger domain is present, in combination with other domains, in hundreds of proteins and is defined by a linear series of conserved cysteine and histidine residues that represent zinc coordination sites [##REF##10662664##5##]. The B-boxes are the critical determinants of the TRIM family and can be present as B-box1 and B-box2, which share a similar but distinct pattern of cysteine and histidine residues [##REF##11331580##1##]. When both B-box domains are present, type 1 always precedes type 2; when only one B-box domain is present, it is always type 2 [##REF##11331580##1##]. While the tripartite motif is restricted to this protein family, the C-terminal domains are also found in unrelated proteins. A limited choice of C-terminal domains is found in association with the tripartite motif and determined the recent classification of the TRIM proteins in subfamilies [##REF##16434393##4##]. This conserved multi-domain structure appears to behave as an integrated module, rather than a collection of separate motifs, suggesting a possible common function [##REF##11331580##1##,##REF##16237670##6##].</p>", "<p>We previously classified 35 human RBCC-containing proteins as a gene-protein family and named it TRIM. We observed that these proteins have strong self-association ability, mainly mediated by their CC region, which results in the formation of large protein complexes. In most cases the TRIM proteins identify different discrete nuclear and/or cytoplasmic sub-cellular structures [##REF##11331580##1##].</p>", "<p>The presence of the RING domain and recent experimental evidence indicate that these proteins can act as E3 ubiquitin ligases, the proteins responsible for mediating the transfer of the ubiquitin moiety to the specific targets [##REF##11007473##7##, ####REF##12075357##8##, ##REF##11685209##9##, ##REF##12878161##10####12878161##10##]. Alteration of their activity within ubiquitylation processes might be responsible for the clinical manifestation observed in human diseases caused by mutations in TRIM genes [##REF##16175175##3##,##REF##16237670##6##]. <italic>PML</italic>, <italic>RFP</italic>, <italic>TIF</italic>, and <italic>EFP </italic>are implicated in tumor insurgence and progression [##REF##1652369##11##, ####REF##8753810##12##, ##REF##7744009##13##, ##REF##10781795##14####10781795##14##]. Other TRIM genes are involved in Mendelian inherited disorders: <italic>MID1 </italic>and <italic>MUL </italic>are altered in two developmental genetic diseases, Opitz Syndrome and Mulibrey nanism, respectively [##REF##9354791##15##,##REF##10888877##16##]. <italic>TRIM32 </italic>is involved in both a form of muscular dystrophy and a form of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS11), and <italic>MURF-1 </italic>is implicated in muscular atrophy [##REF##11822024##17##, ####REF##16606853##18##, ##REF##11679633##19####11679633##19##]. Ro52 is the target antigen of auto-antibodies in both Sjogren syndrome and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus [##REF##3485431##20##]. Finally, TRIM5α has been identified as the major factor restricting HIV-1 during the early phase of infection in Old World monkey cells [##REF##16175175##3##,##REF##14985764##21##].</p>", "<p>The TRIM family represents one of the largest classes of putative single protein RING-finger E3 ubiquitin ligases, strongly suggesting that the tripartite motif was selectively maintained to carry out a specialized basic common function within the ubiquitylation process. We used a genomic approach to complete the identification of all human TRIM genes and to study their evolutionary relationships in vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. We observed a general paradigm for the evolution of this family and propose a possible relationship between the evolution of TRIM genes and that of their function.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Gene searching</title>", "<p>Known mammalian TRIM and TRIM-like gene/protein sequences were retrieved from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and re-defined by searching against their respective genome assemblies using BLAT at the UCSC genome browser (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). All the 'corrected' sequences were then used as queries to search potential novel TRIM genes within the human, mouse, rat, cow, and dog genomes, using BLAT at UCSC and TBLASTN at NCBI [##UREF##1##67##] genome browsers, respectively. All searches have been performed in several iterations using default parameters. Human nr and EST databases were screened using the PHI-BLAST in several iterations using the patterns previously defined for B-box1 and B-box2 [##REF##11331580##1##]. We also searched the human, mouse, rat, cow, and dog proteomes using the B-box2 as a bait in five iterations of the PHI-BLAST program [##UREF##1##67##], which provides a highly sensitive analysis, taking advantage of the fact that the B-box2 is a peculiar constituent of TRIM proteins and does not produce a large amount of background noise in this analysis. The retrieved amino acid sequences were subsequently used to search the respective genomes for identifying their encoding loci. Representative B-box2 sequences were also used as queries for TBLASTN search of the five mammalian genomes to identify all the potential loci encoding TRIM and TRIM-like proteins. All the retrieved genomic sequences were aligned to the available cDNA/EST sequences to infer the gene architectures. For genes that lacked a transcript counterpart in public databases, we performed a careful manual examination of the genomic sequences BLAST-comparing them to the putative more closely related ortholog or paralog, looking for splicing donor and acceptor signals to define the exon-intron boundaries. Constructed open reading frames (ORFs) were conceptually translated into amino acid sequences and checked against their closest homologs. The original genome sequencing traces (Traces-WGS), which are available at the NCBI web site, were checked when the constructed coding sequences presented either stop codons or ORF frame-shifts. When a difference between WGS traces and the genomic assembly was evident, the constructed sequence was properly corrected. Comparison of human, mouse, rat, cow, and dog orthologous TRIM and TRIM-like genes showed that &gt;99% of splicing acceptor and donor sites were conserved at the same relative position in the coding sequence in all species, i.e. the gene structure of TRIM genes is identical among different mammals. To retrieve TRIM genes form ciona (<italic>Ciona intestinalis</italic>), chick (<italic>Gallus gallus</italic>), pufferfish (<italic>Tetraodon nigroviridis</italic>) and zebrafish (<italic>Danio rerio</italic>) we used a combination of PHI-BLAST and TBLASTN against nr protein and nucleotide databases at NCBI, respectively. The following genome releases have been used for this work: <italic>Homo sapiens</italic>, May 2004 assembly (NCBI Build 35); <italic>Mus musculus</italic>, February 2006 assembly (NCBI Build 36); <italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic>, June 2003 assembly (Baylor College of Medicine HGSC v.3.1); Bos taurus, March 2005 assembly (Baylor College of Medicine Btau_2.0); <italic>Canis familiaris</italic>, May 2005 assembly (Broad Intitute CanFam2.0). <italic>Drosophila melanogaster </italic>TRIM genes: <italic>CG1624</italic>, <italic>CG5206</italic>, <italic>CG12218</italic>, <italic>CG8419</italic>, <italic>CG5071</italic>, <italic>CG10719</italic>, <italic>CG31721</italic>. <italic>Caenorabditis elegans </italic>TRIM genes: arc1, B0281, ZK1240.1, F43C11.8, ZK1240.2, F43C11.7, ZK1240.9, ZK1240.3, ZK1240.8, ZK1240.6, C28G1.6, K09F6.7, lin41, C39F7, nhl-2, nhl-3, ncl-1, F47G9.</p>", "<title>Protein domain analyses</title>", "<p>To identify and analyze the domain composition of the TRIM and TRIM-like protein products we used the major alternative splicing isoforms, if more than one was available, and utilized different domain prediction programs. First, we submitted the TRIM amino acid sequences to the SMART tool [##UREF##2##68##] where we analyzed the sequence against contemporary the SMART and Pfam [##UREF##3##69##] domains databases. The denotation of the C-terminal domains found within the TRIM sequences are the following: MATH, SM00061; PHD, SM00249; BROMO, SM00297; IGFLMN, SM00557; EXOIII, SM00479; FN3, SM00060; PRY, SM00589; SPRY, SM00449; ARF, SM00177; NHL, PF01436 (Pfam). The tripartite motif domains were additionally analyzed as described below. Besides the SMART results, the RING and B-boxes domains were also defined in each TRIM and TRIM-like protein by hand using the previously published patterns [##REF##11331580##1##]. In order to obtain a new profiling, the sequences corresponding to each domain were then aligned using the PRATT 2.1 program [##UREF##4##70##] and the best scoring consensi were selected and integrated by hand. The order of the sequences in the alignment shown reflects their degree of sequence conservation. The region of each TRIM and TRIM-like protein immediately after the last Cys or His of the B-box2 domain was analyzed for Coiled-coil prediction with the Coil 2.2 program [##UREF##5##71##]. Analysis was performed with MTIDK and MTK matrices and both the weighted option, which takes into account the polarity of the residue within the predicted Coiled-coil heptad repeat, as well as the unweighted option. When differences of around 20–30% in Coiled-coil prediction were observed between the different methods utilized, the prediction was considered bad and not indicated in the list of Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##. Moreover, only percentages of prediction higher than 50% were considered using two residue windows, 21 and 28 amino acids.</p>", "<p>Plant B-box containing proteins (from <italic>A. thaliana</italic>, <italic>O. sativa</italic>, <italic>P. sativum</italic>, <italic>B. nigra</italic>) were retrieved from the SMART B-box database [##UREF##2##68##].</p>", "<title>Evolutionary analyses</title>", "<p>To perform phylogenetic analysis, TRIM and TRIM-like protein sequences were aligned using MultAlin [##REF##2849754##72##] in a multi-step process. Only proteins containing the complete module R-B1-B2-CC were aligned in a first step, eliminating from each sequence the portion downstream of the coiled-coil domain and all segments that caused a gap to interrupt the alignment. A first phylogenetic tree was produced starting from this multi-alignment. In a successive step, each of the remaining protein sequences was singularly added to the multi-alignment, edited for exceeding amino acids, and assigned to a TRIM subgroup after inspection of the topology of the resulting phylogenetic tree. Once all TRIM and TRIM-like protein sequences were assigned to a subgroup, phylogenetic analyses were performed independently for each subgroup. TRIM37 was not included in any subgroup and therefore was used as an outgroup in all final analyses. Nucleotide sequences of TRIM5/6/22/34 and related non-human sequences were also aligned using MultAlin [##REF##2849754##72##], but in this case a gap-removal step was not necessary due to the high similarity among all considered sequences. Neighbor-Joining and bootstrap analyses were performed with Phylo_win [##REF##9021275##73##], computing the distances among sequences with all the methods available in the package (protein analysis: observed divergence with and without Poisson correction; PAM distance. DNA analysis: observed divergence; Jukes and Cantor distance; Kimura distance; Tajima and Nei distance; HKY distance; Galtier and Gouy distance; and LogDet distance) [##REF##9021275##73##] (and references therein). Gap-removal was set as pairwise rather than global to minimize information loss. Bootstrap values were computed over 1000 repetitions. All tree topologies resulted to coincide in the different methods for branches with a bootstrap value &gt;50. Evaluation of Ka/Ks values for pairs of human-mouse TRIM- and TRIM-like-coding sequences was performed at the Norwegian bioinformatics platform [##UREF##6##74##].</p>", "<p>Comparison of the two groups quantitative parameters (gene lengths, exon number, amino acid identity and Ka/Ks ratios) were analyzed using the two samples t-test (two-tail test assuming unequal variances) by the Microsoft Excel statistical package. The comparison of the two groups Ka/Ks distribution has been analyzed using a two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Defining the complete set of TRIM genes in humans and other mammals</title>", "<p>To search for all TRIM genes in humans, mouse, rat, cow, and dog, we screened their genomic sequences, using all known mammalian TRIM sequences as queries, with the BLAST and BLAT algorithms at the NCBI and UCSC genome browsers. We also performed a Pattern-Hit Initiated-Blast (PHI-Blast) search against both redundant and non-redundant databases using the sequence patterns that we previously defined for the two B-box domains as query [##REF##11331580##1##]. In addition, we used representative B-box1 and B-box2 sequences to perform TBLASTN genome screening aimed at identifying all the potential loci encoding for B-box-containing proteins. Each retrieved genomic sequence was compared to available EST/cDNA sequences to infer gene architecture. For those genes that lacked a transcript counterpart, we performed a careful manual examination of the genomic sequences by aligning them to the most closely related TRIM of the same or other species to define exon boundaries.</p>", "<p>By combining these methods in several iterations, we retrieved the entire set of human TRIM genes. While most of these have been recently reported in the context of other studies, we also report some novel TRIM genes [##REF##16175175##3##,##REF##16434393##4##,##REF##18213395##22##] (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). Some of the genes we found are present as perfect or almost perfect multiple duplications in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 11 and it is difficult in these cases to establish whether they represent expressed genes (see also below). We also annotated the TRIM complement in mouse, rat, cow, and dog. The inventory of these sets and their comparisons are available at (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>).</p>", "<title>Domain composition of human TRIM proteins</title>", "<p>The majority of the human proteins reported in <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link> fulfill the TRIM rule of domain order and composition (RING, B-box(es), CC, C-terminal domain(s)). During our searches, we also found genes encoding 'incomplete' TRIM proteins, i.e. lacking one of the domains present within the tripartite motif (RING, B-box, or CC). Differently from the RING and CC domains, our analysis clearly indicated that B-box domains are virtually always present within the tripartite motif in metazoans. However, there are a few exceptions in which the B-box(es) domain is associated with only one of the domains belonging to the tripartite motif: in humans 6 proteins that possess B-box(es) lack the RING domain (B-box and CC) and 2 have a very short sequence after the B-box and almost entirely lack the CC region (RING and B-box).</p>", "<p>In the evolutionary analyses reported in this study we included the 68 genes listed in Table ##TAB##0##1##: the 'orthodox' TRIM genes and the 8 'incomplete' TRIM genes or TRIM-like genes (possessing the B-box domain associated with either the CC or the RING domains). The 'incomplete' TRIM-like genes are included in Table ##TAB##0##1## and mentioned within the text with their non-TRIM names to remark their non full adherence to the strict definition of TRIM member; within the databases they are also annotated with a TRIM name, which is reported (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Moreover, of the chromosome 11 pericentromeric clusters we included in the analyses only representative members.</p>", "<p>With the identification of the entire complement of the human TRIM and TRIM-like family, we confirmed and extended the domain composition features of these proteins. Within the TRIM modular structure we found that the spacing between adjacent domains is conserved. In fact, the distance between the RING domain and the first B-box, either type 1 or type 2, ranges from 35 to 55 residues; the distance between the two B-box domains ranges from 13 to 20 amino acids; and the spacing, partly occupied by the CC region, between the B-box2 and the C-terminal domain is usually 170–220 residue-long. The maintenance of the domain scaffold, order and spacing clearly indicates that the TRIM structure is a functional module.</p>", "<title>The Tripartite Motif</title>", "<p>We aligned the sequences of the RING finger domain of all human TRIM proteins to define a general TRIM-specific RING pattern (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). Besides the cysteine and histidine residues, which coordinate the two zinc atoms, we found clear preferences for specific residues in positions that are probably required to maintain the cross-brace structure of the RING domain [##REF##7729428##23##]. The loop delimited by the second and third Cys residues has a tighter length range within the TRIM family (on average 11 residues) than within other RING-containing proteins [##REF##10662664##5##]. The second loop, bounded by Cys6 and Cys7, is frequently longer than the 48 residues of the general RING consensus [##REF##10662664##5##]. The RING domain has been associated with the ubiquitylation process and is mainly responsible for the interaction with the ubiquitin conjugating enzymes (E2) in the ubiquitylation cascade process [##REF##11007473##7##]. The different length and composition of the intervening sequences of the RING loops may underlie the binding specificity towards the different E2 enzymes.</p>", "<p>The comparison of the B-box domains from all TRIM and TRIM-like sequences confirmed that the pattern of Cys and His is similar, although clearly distinct, in the two types of B-boxes (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##) [##REF##11331580##1##,##REF##11428128##2##]. The B-box1 has a short and tight consensus in which, besides the Cys and His that coordinate two atoms of zinc [##UREF##0##24##], only two positions show a clear preference for a limited choice of residues. B-box2 sequences are longer than type 1 and their consensus is looser. The cysteine and histidine residues at all 8 possible coordination positions are highly conserved consistent with the recently reported B-box2 structure definition that revealed the coordination of 2 zinc atoms [##REF##17428496##25##] in contrast with previous data [##REF##8846787##26##]. Moreover, additional non-polar or hydrophobic residues are also maintained in defined positions. Twenty-two out of 60 TRIM and 8 TRIM-like proteins possess both B-boxes, with B-box1 always preceding B-box2, whilst the remaining proteins have a single type 2 B-box domain (Table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<p>We observed that the third component of the tripartite motif, the Coiled-coil (CC) region, follows the B-box2 in all bona fide human TRIM proteins as well as in six of the eight TRIM-like proteins. Only RNF101/TRIM48* and RNF102/TRIM52* do not possess this Coiled-coil region as they are truncated immediately after the B-box2. In all other cases, the CC region is always confined within 120 amino acids from the end of the B-box2 domain and in approximately 50% of the human TRIM proteins is bipartite (Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##).</p>", "<title>TRIM C-terminal domains</title>", "<p>The C-terminal domains found in the TRIM and TRIM-like family members are not an exclusive property of this family but are also present in otherwise unrelated proteins [##REF##11331580##1##,##REF##16434393##4##]. The definition of the full complement of human TRIM and TRIM-like proteins allowed us to update the occurrence of C-terminal domains displayed by these proteins (Table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<p>The majority of the human TRIM and TRIM-like proteins (40 members) possess either the SPRY domain or the association of PRY and SPRY domain, also known as B30.2 or RFP-like domain. Table ##TAB##0##1## reports the presence of the PRY and SPRY domains that we found using the domain detection tools described in Methods and detailed in the legend but, due to the complicated and still debated relationship between PRY-SPRY and B30.2 domains, we will herein simply refer to them as SPRY [##REF##9204703##27##, ####REF##16313355##28##, ##REF##16498413##29####16498413##29##]. The SPRY domain in turn can be associated with Fibronectin type III repeat (FN3) [##REF##8548820##30##] and COS microtubule binding domain in different combinations [##REF##16434393##4##]. Five TRIM proteins display NHL and IGFLMN domains, either in association or alone [##REF##9868369##31##,##REF##10518939##32##]. TRIM56 C-terminal region shares sequence similarity with this domain although no clear NHL repeats are detected. Three TRIM and one TRIM-like proteins contain a PHD associated with a BROMO domain, a combination that was demonstrated to cooperate in nucleosome binding [##REF##15033350##33##]. Other domains are present in only one member of the TRIM family: the MATH domain in TRIM37; the ARF domain in TRIM23; and the EXOIII domain in TRIM19/PML [##REF##10888877##16##,##REF##8700863##34##,##REF##16460575##35##]. Fifteen TRIM and TRIM-like proteins do not possess a defined C-terminal domain. In these cases, either their coding region is limited to the tripartite motif or the C-terminal portion is not similar to any other known domains (Table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<p>This comprehensive review of TRIM and TRIM-like associated C-terminal domains confirmed that a discrete number of motifs have been selected downstream of the tripartite motif in humans.</p>", "<title>The TRIM modular structure is metazoan-specific</title>", "<p>To trace back in evolution the origin of the TRIM family, we used human B-box1 and B-box2 sequences as queries to investigate the occurrence of these domains in the genomes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic representative species. We did not find any sequences similar to the B-box domains in prokaryotes. B-box sequences are present in plants with a consensus that is more similar to B-box1 than B-box2 (Fig. ##FIG##0##1A##). We examined 50 B-box containing proteins from 4 plant species (<italic>A. thaliana</italic>, <italic>O. sativa</italic>, <italic>P. sativum</italic>, <italic>B. nigra</italic>): the B-box is found alone or associated with a second B-box, with the CCT (<underline>C</underline>ONSTANS, <underline>C</underline>O-like, and <underline>T</underline>OC1) domain [##REF##10926537##36##], or with both. Differently from mammals, proximal and distal plant B-boxes (we analyzed a total of 60 B-box sequences) are very similar to each other and, consistently, do not separate in distinct branches in phylogenetic analysis (data not shown). No association with RING or Coiled-coil domains was detected in all the plant proteins analyzed.</p>", "<p>Besides plants and metazoans, we found B-box domains in some unicellular eukaryotes (unpublished observation). These protist species possess B-box domains that resemble either the plant or metazoan consensi, but the difficulty in attributing these lineages to specific clades compounds the tracing of the evolution of their B-box domain. In addition, since many of these protists are parasites of metazoans, we cannot rule out the possibility that horizontal gene transfer might have occurred [##REF##16344004##37##].</p>", "<p>Among the metazoans we also searched the genomes of two invertebrate species, <italic>Drosophila melanogaster </italic>and <italic>Caenorhabditis elegans</italic>, for the presence of B-box domains. Distinct proximal (B-box1) and distal (B-box2) domains are found in these species, sharing with mammals the same B-box1 pattern and a similar B-box2 consensus (Fig. ##FIG##0##1A##). The B-box domains in these species associate with a RING domain and a Coiled-coil region in a tripartite motif as in mammals. The tripartite motif is therefore exclusive to metazoans, despite the fact that its constitutive elements are not.</p>", "<p>However, these invertebrate organisms have TRIM complements that differ significantly from mammals: the fruitfly has 7 TRIM genes and the worm 18, 12 of which code only for a Tripartite motif (Fig. ##FIG##0##1B##). Fruitfly and worm TRIM proteins share many of the C-terminal domains found in humans, however, their proportion varies among these species, highlighting lineage-specific expansions, e.g. SPRY in humans (Fig. ##FIG##0##1B##).</p>", "<title>The human TRIM family can be subdivided in two distinct groups: group 1 and group 2</title>", "<p>Given the numerical and structural complexity of TRIM genes in humans, we sought to characterize the relatedness among members of the family. The presence of different combinations of domains characterized by spaced cysteine and histidine residues rendered a global and reliable alignment of all TRIM and TRIM-like proteins along their entire length difficult. We therefore performed an initial alignment using the B-box2 and Coiled-coil portion. The unrooted phylogenetic tree generated from this alignment supports a recent expansion of the genes that contain the SPRY domain and suggests a preliminary separation of the human TRIM proteins in two main groups based on domain composition and branch topology (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). Group 1, composed of 34 proteins (29 TRIM and 5 TRIM-like proteins), includes a high proportion of members with a RING-B1-B2-CC module in combination with all the C-terminal domains found in TRIM proteins. Group 2 is composed of the remaining 34 proteins (31 TRIM and 3 TRIM-like proteins), which possess only the B-box2 domain and are mostly organized as RING-B2-CC-SPRY; the 5 proteins of this group that lack the SPRY domain consist of the tripartite motif alone (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##).</p>", "<p>The alignment of either single or combination of domains that compose the tripartite motif produces similar tree topologies (Additional file ##SUPPL##2##3##). This suggests that co-evolution of the domains present within the tripartite motif has occurred, i. e. this module mainly evolved as a single block, with no evidence of large rearrangements leading to domain acquisition or swapping among different TRIM family members; the only exceptions are the incomplete TRIM proteins that have lost one of the tripartite motif domain.</p>", "<p>We investigated whether the two groups show differences at the level of their genomic organization. Considering solely the coding region, group 2 genes span on average 10.3 kbp split in 5.7 coding exons compared to the 45.4 kbp and 8.3 exons of the genes that belong to group 1, differences that are statistically significant (<italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.01 for gene length and exon number). Besides the average values, the homogeneity of group 2 with respect to these two parameters is striking. In fact, group 2 gene lengths range from 1.4 to 27 kbp, with only 2 genes larger than 20 kbp, whereas group 1 genes are distributed within a larger range, 1.2 to 143 kbp. Homogeneity of group 2 is also observed for the distribution of the number of coding exons: about two thirds of group 2 TRIM genes are composed of 6 or 7 exons and only in one case they span over 10 exons; again the distribution for group 1 is broader, ranging from 1 to 20 exons.</p>", "<p>Taken together, group 2 genes are smaller and less complex than group 1. Interestingly, several group 2 genes are clustered in small chromosomal regions, especially within the Major Histocompatibilty Complex region in 6p21.33 (Table ##TAB##0##1## and Additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##) [##REF##9196055##38##,##REF##12622776##39##]. The high homogeneity of group 2 genes and their organization in clusters suggest a more recent origin of this group.</p>", "<title>Group 2 TRIM genes evolve more rapidly than group 1</title>", "<p>To investigate whether group 1 and 2 have different evolutionary dynamics, we compared the members of the human TRIM and TRIM-like set to their mouse counterparts (see <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link> and below for the definition of orthologous pairs). Ten out of 60 human TRIM and 8 TRIM-like genes (<italic>TRIM4</italic>, <italic>5</italic>, <italic>22</italic>, <italic>43</italic>, <italic>48*</italic>, <italic>49</italic>, <italic>52*</italic>, <italic>64</italic>, <italic>73</italic>, <italic>74</italic>) do not have a murine ortholog, whereas TRIM31, 15, 20, and 61 are divergent at the level of entire domains compared to the mouse. Interestingly, these 14 non-conserved or divergent genes fall within group 2 and represent an important proportion of this group (41%). Conversely, all human group 1 genes have a mouse ortholog.</p>", "<p>The degree of conservation of the remaining 54 human/mouse pairs is highly variable, ranging from 49% to more than 99% amino acid identity (peptide comparisons are available at <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). Group 2 pairs present on average 78% amino acid identity versus 89.2% of group 1 (<italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.01). Furthermore, the majority of group 1 proteins show 90–100% amino acid identity against 50–90% of most group 2 proteins (Fig. ##FIG##2##3A##).</p>", "<p>Fast-evolving genes tend to have a higher ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site (Ka) to synonymous substitutions per synonymous site (Ks) than the slow-evolving ones. The average Ka/Ks ratio between human and rodent coding sequences is 0.18 [##REF##9689093##40##]. We analyzed the Ka/Ks ratio in human-mouse TRIM and TRIM-like orthologous pairs and found that group 1 genes present on average a ratio of 0.13 versus 0.29 of group 2 (<italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.01). The Ka/Ks distribution is also significantly different (<italic>P </italic>= 0.01091) between the two groups: the majority of group 1 genes display values below 0.1 while most of group 2 show values above 0.1 (Fig. ##FIG##2##3B##). Furthermore, only members of group 2 (TRIM38, 40, 60, 75) exceed a Ka/Ks ratio value of 0.5 (Fig. ##FIG##2##3B##).</p>", "<p>Taken together, our analyses indicate that group 2 genes evolve more rapidly compared to group 1. This suggests that the two groups may be subject to different evolutionary constraints, likely underlying species-specific adaptations.</p>", "<title>Group 2 is absent in invertebrates and includes species-specific genes in mammals</title>", "<p>Preliminary rounds of sequence alignment and evolutionary analyses allowed us to divide the TRIM and TRIM-like family members into major classes and subsequently generate their phylogenetic trees separately using the full-length protein sequences from man, mouse, fruitfly and worm (see Methods for details). The results show that these proteins are evolutionarily organized in two groups that coincide with group 1 and group 2 (Fig. ##FIG##3##4## and ##FIG##4##5##). The only discrepancy with the previous subdivision is TRIM62, which segregates with group 2 proteins in the evolutionary analysis. Within group 1, TRIM37 did not segregate with any subgroups in preliminary studies and therefore it was used as an outgroup in all phylogenetic analyses.</p>", "<p>Group 1 is further divided into subgroups that grossly match with the domains downstream of the tripartite motif (Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). This analysis confirms that members of group 1 are present in both human and mouse with a strict 1:1 orthologous correspondence and are represented in invertebrates (Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). By means of this phylogenetic analysis we could appreciate better the mammals-invertebrates TRIM relationship and, since the worm and the fruitfly possess many of the C-terminal domains present in mammals, we could follow the late evolution of the TRIM modular structure as discussed below. Interestingly, no invertebrate sequences are found to be homologous to members of group 1 subgroup E, which includes TRIM and TRIM-like proteins with B1, B2, and SPRY in various combinations (Fig. ##FIG##3##4E## and Table ##TAB##0##1##). Group 2 proteins are not represented in invertebrate species as well, and have either a complete or a truncated RING-B2-CC-SPRY domain composition (Fig. ##FIG##4##5## and Table ##TAB##0##1##). The major structural difference between subgroup E and group 2 is the presence of the B-box1, which indicates that group 2 proteins could have derived from a subgroup E member upon loss of B-box1.</p>", "<p>Interestingly, the evolutionary analysis of group 2 proteins showed, in addition to 24 pairs of orthologs, the presence of species-specific TRIM and TRIM-like proteins, not only in humans (see above) but also in mouse (Fig. ##FIG##4##5##), indicating high dynamicity in the evolution of this group compared to group 1.</p>", "<p>The analysis of the TRIM and TRIM-like complements of rat, cow, and dog showed that these species have the same set of group 1 genes as humans and mouse. Conversely, the sets of group 2 genes are different and specific to each species, including closely related ones such as mouse and rat, with only 17 genes (50–70% of group 2 genes) shared among all species (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). These differences are due to events of gene duplication, deletion, or degeneration that likely occurred during the evolution of each single lineage. Remarkably, in three cases the same gene has undergone degeneration or deletion independently in different lineages: human <italic>TRIM38 </italic>orthologs, found in mouse and cow, are pseudogenes in rat and dog; human <italic>TRIM60 </italic>has orthologous loci in all the examined mammals but has become pseudogenes in rat, cow, and dog; human <italic>TRIM61 </italic>orthologs are found to be pseudogenes or absent in all organisms but mouse. Furthermore, two TRIM genes are present in the five species in three different states: <italic>TRIM15 </italic>is intact in human and cow, presents premature stop codons in mouse and rat, and is a pseudogene in dog; similarly, <italic>TRIM31 </italic>is intact in mouse and rat, has distal frameshifts in humans and cow, and is absent in dog. Both premature stop codons and frameshifts result in truncated proteins that have lost the SPRY domain. These losses may represent a degenerative step towards the complete inactivation of these genes.</p>", "<p>Of note, massive gene duplications and rearrangements had occurred at the level of several genes of group 2 that cluster in the same chromosomal location (Table ##TAB##0##1##). A thorough characterization of the TRIM-rich 6p21.33 locus is reported in human and chicken [##REF##12622776##39##,##REF##15744538##41##,##REF##9866204##42##]. Indeed, in addition to the human genes here presented, extra-copies of group 2 genes <italic>TRIM43</italic>, <italic>48*</italic>, <italic>49</italic>, and <italic>64 </italic>are clustered at 2q11.1, 11q11.1, and 11q14.3 for a total of 11 predicted genes and 14 pseudogenes. These clustered loci have paralogs, but not orthologs, in some of the other examined mammalian species (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>).</p>", "<p>A further example of recent gene evolution is the genomic cluster at 11p15.4 containing <italic>TRIM5</italic>, a gene involved in HIV-1 viral restriction in some primates [##REF##14985764##21##]. This cluster includes <italic>TRIM5 </italic>and <italic>22</italic>, which are currently considered primate-specific, in addition to <italic>TRIM6 </italic>and <italic>34</italic>, which are not [##REF##16648259##43##,##REF##15857996##44##]. By means of comparative and evolutionary analyses (Additional file ##SUPPL##4##5##) we found that the entire cluster, including <italic>TRIM5 </italic>and <italic>22</italic>, was present in the last common ancestor of humans, cow, and dog, supporting a common origin for <italic>TRIM5 </italic>and its cow functional ortholog <italic>LOC516599 </italic>rather than evolutionary convergence as previously proposed [##REF##16648259##43##].</p>", "<title>TRIM genes in other vertebrate species</title>", "<p>Given the situation in mammals, we asked whether the TRIM complements evolved likewise in other vertebrate species. We searched the databases for TRIM and TRIM-like sequences in representative aves and fish species, chick (<italic>Gallus gallus</italic>) and a pufferfish (<italic>Tetraodon nigroviridis</italic>), respectively. In addition, we included in our analysis the urochordata <italic>Ciona intestinalis</italic>, a representative of the early chordate lineage from which the vertebrates originated. The searches were performed combining different iterations of PHI-BLAST (using the B-box2 pattern) and TBLASTN and BLASTP against nr protein and nucleotide databases at NCBI, starting from both human TRIM proteins and TRIM sequences found in the above species. We found 10 TRIM sequences in ciona, 37 in chick and 58 in pufferfish; all the sequences we retrieved were present in the databases as assessed or predicted genes and only some of them (especially in chicken) were already annotated as TRIM genes (the sequences retrieved for these species are reported at <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). These novel TRIM complements should not necessarily be regarded as complete since in these species there are still regions not yet sequenced or unequivocally assembled. We compared these additional vertebrate sequences to the human sequences using multiple protein alignments and phylogenetic tree constructions using as a paradigm the subdivision into groups and subgroups of Figure ##FIG##3##4## and ##FIG##4##5##. Detailed analyses of these novel genes, at the level of transcript, protein and genomic locus, are required and will be addressed elsewhere, therefore the phylogenetic analyses we present show relationships and are not intended to represent precise evolutionary distances.</p>", "<p>In all species analyzed, we found clear orthologs for TRIM23 and TRIM37 (Fig. ##FIG##5##6A##). With respect to subgroup C, there is one representative of this subgroup in ciona, closely related to the fruitfly member. All the known mammalian members of this subgroup are found in chick with recognizable orthologous relationships (Fig. ##FIG##5##6B##). This is not completely true for tetraodon in which 3 members belonging to this group have been found: one orthologous to TRIM33 and the others representing fish-specific duplications related to the TRIM33-24 clade. Genes strictly related to KIAA0298/TRIM66* and TRIM19 have not been found in tetraodon (Fig. ##FIG##5##6B##). In ciona there are 5 representative members of subgroup A, 3 representing the ancestors of different subclades (TRIM9-67; TRIM1-18; TRIM54-55-63) and 2 apparently more ancestral genes. DIBP/TRIM44* appears to be uniquely represented in mammals. All the other members are present in chick and fish although orthology is clear only for TRIM9, 67, 1, 18, and 36. TRIM46, if truly absent, may have been lost in chick while of the MURF group (TRIM54, 55, 63) 2 orthologues are present in chick while 4 members with no direct orthologous relationship are present in fish (Fig. ##FIG##5##6C##). An analogous situation is observed for subgroup D. In fact, ciona has two representative members; orthologous relationship with human is observed for both chick and fish for four members (TRIM2, 3, 45, 71). TRIM32 might have been lost in chick and TRIM56 in both chick and fish (Fig. ##FIG##5##6D##). For the above group 1 subgroups, we therefore found that most of the mammalian components are present in chick often with clearly recognizable orthologous relationship. Although the number of members within these subgroups is similar also in tetraodon, the TRIM and TRIM-like genes in this species, consistent with a larger evolutionary distance, have duplicated and diverged more extensively, sometimes obscuring orthologies.</p>", "<p>A different situation is observed with the group 1 subgroup E and, as expected, with group 2. As for the other invertebrates, ciona genes are not represented in this subgroup and in group 2. Orthologous relationship among mammals, chick and fish is observed only for two genes of subgroup E (ATDC/TRIM29* and TRIM65). The other genes within the subgroup are more conserved in chicken while in tetraodon many independent duplication events occurred (Fig. ##FIG##5##6E##). Even more extensive duplication events and independent divergences are observed for group 2 genes. In this case, close homology among the three species is only recognizable for TRIM35 and 62. A couple of other mammalian TRIM genes are conserved in chick (TRIM7 and 41) but the remaining genes in the three species have been subjected to independent duplications and evolution (Fig. ##FIG##5##6F##).</p>", "<p>To confirm in fish the presence of so many TRIM sequences poorly related to the human TRIM genes, we search TRIM and TRIM-like genes also in zebrafish (<italic>Danio rerio</italic>) using the same criteria and methods described for the chick and tetraodon. Differently from tetraodon, zebrafish presents an elevated number of TRIM and TRIM-like genes; we found 240 entries corresponding to independent genes (the list of zebrafish genes is reported at <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). Also in this case, the number of genes encoding for group 1 TRIM (excluding subgroup E) is comparable to the number in mammals, chick and pufferfish (1 subgroup B; 5 subgroup C; 16 subgroup A; 12 subgroup D) although in many cases clear duplication events occurred. However, the great expansion of the TRIM genes in the zebrafish is associated with members belonging to the group 1 subgroup E and group 2 genes (data not shown).</p>", "<p>Analyses of TRIM complements in aves and fish corroborate the high conservation of group 1 genes during evolution and highlight the generation of unique sets of group 2 genes in each vertebrate species analyzed. Moreover, the data in non-mammalian vertebrates, especially in tetraodon, confirm that members of the group 1 subgroup E very likely gave rise to group 2 genes.</p>", "<p>In conclusion, our study indicates the presence of two distinct TRIM gene groups. Group 1 is evolutionary more ancient than group 2 and is likely to contain basic functions that are essential to both vertebrate and invertebrate species. On the other hand, group 2 is younger and more dynamic, possibly acting as a sort of TRIM genes \"reservoir\" to develop novel species-specific functions.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Here, we report the identification and genomic characterization of the full complement of the human TRIM family examined from an evolutionary perspective by comparison with several vertebrate and invertebrate species.</p>", "<p>We definitively assessed that the B-box domain is only present within the tripartite module in metazoans, with the few exceptions mentioned above and discussed below, and is therefore the defining domain of the TRIM family. We redefined the B-box1 and B-box2 consensi as well as the TRIM specific RING finger pattern using all human sequences. Within these domains we found conservation not only of the residues putatively involved in metal coordination, but also of other amino acids that compose the novel consensi. It will be interesting to model the RING, B-box1 and B-box2 sequences of the TRIM proteins on these structures to study the possible role of the conserved residues in relation to the ubiquitylation cascade [##REF##11007473##7##, ####REF##12075357##8##, ##REF##11685209##9####11685209##9##,##UREF##0##24##,##REF##17428496##25##].</p>", "<p>Based on our analyses, we propose a general model of TRIM structure evolution (Fig. ##FIG##6##7##). Our studies suggest that the origin of the B-box domain is quite ancient and probably dates back to a common ancestor of plants and metazoans. The plants maintained either one or two B-boxes without apparent sequence differentiation into proximal and distal. Conversely, metazoans differentiated a pair of B-boxes into a proximal and a distal type. In an early step of metazoan evolution, a RING domain and a Coiled-coil region associated with the B-box(es) to generate a solid tripartite module that has been maintained from invertebrates to mammals. From then onward, the tripartite motif has evolved as a unique block and it is frequently encoded by a single exon. Interestingly, we found different mammalian and invertebrate B-box2 patterns. This may underlie functional coupling with specific interactors in each lineage, which would have forced convergence at specific sites. A similar species-specific evolutionary convergence was recently described for sulfatase enzymes and their common post-translational modification factor [##REF##16174644##45##].</p>", "<p>Before invertebrate-vertebrate lineage split, the tripartite module has been associated with a discrete number of C-terminal domains. Addition and loss of C-terminal domains and structure remodeling have then occurred in the various evolutionary lineages (Fig. ##FIG##6##7##). In at least one case the same domain acquisition has occurred independently in primates and arthropods. In fact, in some species of New World monkeys (<italic>Aoutus </italic>genus), Cyclophilin A (CypA) is fused with the tripartite motif of TRIM5 [##REF##15243629##46##]. TRIM5 confers a potent block to HIV-1 infection in Old World primates, while Cyclophilin A (CypA) enhances infection by direct interaction with the HIV capsid [##REF##14985764##21##,##REF##12897779##47##]. HIV-1 blockage in <italic>Aoutus </italic>cells was explained by the exclusive presence of the <italic>TRIM5-CypA </italic>chimeric gene [##REF##15243629##46##,##REF##16203999##48##,##REF##16282502##49##]. Interestingly, we found that a tripartite motif is associated with a Cyclophilin domain also in fruitfly CG5071 indicating evolutionary convergence. Independent events of gene fusion are considered a hallmark of functional coupling that can be also present in those species in which a similar gene fusion is not observed [##REF##10573422##50##]. Similar processes of fusion between functionally associated domains may have been one of the mechanisms underlying the selection of C-terminal domains during TRIM evolution.</p>", "<p>The early association of the B-box modules with the RING finger, a domain linked to the ubiquitylation process, has eventually brought the proteins possessing a tripartite motif to exert a common basic biochemical function, i.e. ubiquitin ligase [##REF##16237670##6##]. The large number of proteins belonging to this family in mammals highlights the success of this module to undertake its task. Since the TRIM family represents one of the largest RING finger classes, it is tempting to speculate that, among the myriads of cellular E3 substrates, a large proportion is demanding the unique tripartite structure for reasons yet to be discovered. Whereas the tripartite motif may provide the catalytic E3 activity and the ability to form the scaffold of the TRIM-defined sub-cellular compartments [##REF##11331580##1##], the C-terminal region may contribute to select the specific substrate and/or direct the tagged substrate towards downstream pathways. The PHD-BROMO domain, for example, determines the association with chromatin, and the TRIM and TRIM-like proteins containing the PHD-BROMO domain are consistently involved in chromatin remodeling [##REF##12096914##51##,##REF##15820681##52##]. Along the same way, MID1/TRIM18 and the related TRIM proteins that possess a COS microtubule-binding domain exert their role on the cytoskeleton [##REF##16434393##4##].</p>", "<p>It should be reaffirmed that not all the proteins we included in our study retain an entire tripartite motif. As mentioned in the 'Results section', we decided to include all the genes encoding for proteins with B-box motifs and that in human correspond to the 'complete' TRIM proteins (with RING, B-box and CC) and few 'incomplete' TRIM proteins (or TRIM-like) presenting only two of the three tripartite motif composing domains (with either 'RING and B-box' or 'B-box and CC'). This might pose a formal problem on what should be classified as a TRIM protein. In the classic definition, a protein family is composed of proteins that have a common phylogenetic origin and share a degree of amino acid identity/similarity above an established threshold. In the case of the TRIM family, the initial definition of family was based on the observation that most members of this protein family share the tripartite arrangement at their N-terminal portion [##REF##11331580##1##]. What was not clear was whether the TRIM proteins had a common origin or rather they were the result of domain swapping from evolutionarily unrelated proteins. Our analyses demonstrate that all the proteins with a RING-B-box-CC module actually have a common evolutionary origin. Therefore, what was raised as an 'operative' definition is now demonstrated to be perfectly adherent to the classic definition of a gene/protein family. Our data allow the same conclusion to be drawn for the 'incomplete' TRIM proteins which possess the B-box motif and which we found evolutionarily belonging to the TRIM family. In support of that, some of the 'incomplete' TRIM proteins also present C-terminal domains characteristic of the 'complete' TRIM proteins. This parallel cannot be used for other domains present within the tripartite motif, e.g. the RING domain has been 'used' to build many different protein families in association with several TRIM unrelated domains [##REF##18213395##22##]. On the other hand, we think that a strict definition of TRIM family based only on function is not feasible at present. As discussed above, the presence of the RING domain suggests a role as E3 ubiquitin ligases for the TRIM proteins. Experimentally, this has been proven for some TRIM proteins and we cannot exclude that some of them, although containing the RING domain in the proper tripartite motif, might have a different biochemical role. What is the role of the 6 RING-less proteins we included in our study? They may be involved in ubiquitylation as well by, for example, acting as regulators of orthodox TRIM proteins through hetero-interaction. Given that the recent solution of the B-box1 and B-box2 domains revealed a strong structural similarity with the RING domain [##UREF##0##24##,##REF##17428496##25##], it is tempting to speculate that these domains may interact with components of the ubiquitylation machinery and attribute these RING-less proteins the role of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Coherently with these observations, we propose to include within the TRIM family all the proteins that are phylogenetically related to established TRIM members and that have a tripartite motif at their N-terminus, including the few examples in which part of this motif has been lost.</p>", "<p>The relatively small number of TRIM genes in lower eukaryotes compared to mammals suggests rapid and recent changes of the TRIM family. Our study revealed the presence of two main groups of mammalian TRIM genes that show distinct evolutionary features and that we named group 1 and group 2. Group 1, that is in turn subdivided in several subgroups, is composed of genes that are present in human, mouse, rat, dog, and cow with a one to one relationship. Although orthology with mammals is not always recognizable, this group of genes is highly conserved also in other vertebrates (chick and fish) in number and structure. Our data on the Ka/Ks ratio of human and mouse group 1 genes suggest that they are subject to purifying selection aimed at conserving their function. It is conceivable that group 1 consists of diversified and essential TRIM and TRIM-like functions for which little or no redundancy is present. Consistently, many group 1 genes are involved in basic cellular processes, such as cell cycle progression and transcriptional regulation, and result, when mutated, in developmental disorders, muscular phenotypes, cancer insurgence, etc. [##REF##11428128##2##,##REF##16237670##6##]. Some group 1 TRIM genes have also been found to be involved in viral response, namely <italic>TRIM1 </italic>[##REF##15249690##53##], <italic>TRIM19/PML </italic>[##REF##16175175##3##,##REF##11704856##54##,##REF##8277273##55##] and <italic>TRIM32 </italic>[##REF##7778269##56##]. TRIM19/PML, besides its involvement in acute promyelocytic leukemia, has been shown to interfere with the replicative cycle of many DNA and RNA viruses and evidence indicate that it may represent a broad-spectrum cellular defence factor [##REF##16175175##3##].</p>", "<p>The important increase of TRIM number in vertebrates is primarily due to the buildup of the genes that constitute group 2. Group 2 is in fact evolutionarily more recent than group 1, is not represented in invertebrates, and evolves at a faster rate. Interestingly, many TRIM proteins that belong to group 2 have been recently associated with cellular innate immunity towards viral infection. In addition to <italic>TRIM5α</italic>, other members are being investigated as potential retrovirus restriction factors. Among them, <italic>TRIM21</italic>, <italic>22 </italic>and <italic>34 </italic>are regulated by interferons, a family of secreted proteins that exert antiviral and immunomodulatory activities [##REF##16289103##57##]. Moreover, other group 2 genes, <italic>PYRIN</italic>/<italic>TRIM20* </italic>and <italic>TRIM21 </italic>are involved in immuno-related diseases [##REF##3485431##20##,##REF##9288758##58##,##REF##9288094##59##]. Interestingly, group 2 proteins share the same C-terminal motif, the SPRY domain. In the case of TRIM5α, this domain is responsible for the species-specific HIV-1 restriction and is subject to positive selection in primates, underlying its possible role in directing and specifying capsid recognition [##REF##15857996##44##,##REF##15689398##60##]. Of note, the SPRY domain is also present in SOCS proteins, involved in cytokine signaling and innate immunity, and in the BTN family of lymphoid expressed proteins, possibly involved in immune regulation [##REF##16313355##28##,##REF##9419338##61##,##REF##15259006##62##]. It has been proposed that the sharing of the SPRY domain between the TRIM and BTN family members located within the MHC locus is somewhat linked to their immunological function [##REF##15744538##41##]. The SPRY domain might therefore confer to group 2 proteins the ability to specifically recognize viral capsids and interfere with early steps of viral infection. Differently from anti-viral group 2 proteins, group 1 TRIM19/PML interferes with general mechanisms of viral replication common to various viruses and consistently is not subject to positive selection [##REF##16460575##35##].</p>", "<p>Our comparative analysis in five mammalian species shows that subsets of group 2 TRIM and TRIM-like genes are different and specific in each examined lineage. This is more evident in the three non-mammalian vertebrates analyzed, where large numbers of newly identified group 2 genes mainly lie on species-specific evolutionary clades. This observation might underlie dispensability/redundancy of some group 2 genes, which could have provided the basis for novel species-specific roles during evolution. The presence of clusters composed of massively duplicated group 2 genes, in mammals but also in chick, suggests that they may be hot-spots for TRIM gene production and remodeling. In the case of the teleost fish species some of the duplications may be the remnants of the whole genome duplication event early in the teleost lineage. Global duplication is not however enough to explain the large and independent expansion of subgroup E and group 2 genes in the teleosts and a different cause must underlie these expansions. It is interesting to note that similar to the Group 2 TRIM and TRIM-like genes, other families of genes involved in innate immune response and in particular the components that interact with pathogens have been subject to similar large lineage specific expansions in the teleost fish [##REF##18039395##63##]. Moreover, since we observed that group 2 genes tend to have a human/mouse Ka/Ks ratio higher than group 1 genes, it is tempting to speculate that some group 2 genes other than <italic>TRIM5α </italic>may be subject in some species to positive selection at specific sites to counteract species-specific battles against viral infections, as it has been shown for other family of genes involved in innate cellular immunity [##REF##2283951##64##, ####REF##15578175##65##, ##REF##15728394##66####15728394##66##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We found that the TRIM domain structure is an innovation of metazoans. The growing evidence for a common biochemical function of the TRIM proteins as ubiquitin ligases justifies the maintenance of their basic modular structure throughout evolution. Our studies indicate the presence of two distinct TRIM gene groups. Group 1 is evolutionary more ancient than group 2 and is likely to contain basic functions that are essential to both vertebrate and invertebrate species. On the other hand, group 2 is younger and more dynamic, possibly acting as a sort of TRIM genes \"reservoir\" to develop novel functions. Since some of the TRIM genes that belong to this group are implicated in innate immune response, we propose that the different selection we observed for this group of genes underlies pressure towards rapid changes necessary to counteract species-specific battles against viral infection.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The TRIM family is composed of multi-domain proteins that display the Tripartite Motif (RING, B-box and Coiled-coil) that can be associated with a C-terminal domain. TRIM genes are involved in ubiquitylation and are implicated in a variety of human pathologies, from Mendelian inherited disorders to cancer, and are also involved in cellular response to viral infection.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Here we defined the entire human TRIM family and also identified the TRIM sets of other vertebrate (mouse, rat, dog, cow, chicken, tetraodon, and zebrafish) and invertebrate species (fruitfly, worm, and ciona). By means of comparative analyses we found that, after assembly of the tripartite motif in an early metazoan ancestor, few types of C-terminal domains have been associated with this module during evolution and that an important increase in TRIM number occurred in vertebrate species concomitantly with the addition of the SPRY domain. We showed that the human TRIM family is split into two groups that differ in domain structure, genomic organization and evolutionary properties. Group 1 members present a variety of C-terminal domains, are highly conserved among vertebrate species, and are represented in invertebrates. Conversely, group 2 is absent in invertebrates, is characterized by the presence of a C-terminal SPRY domain and presents unique sets of genes in each mammal examined. The generation of independent sets of group 2 genes is also evident in the other vertebrate species. Comparing the murine and human TRIM sets, we found that group 1 and 2 genes evolve at different speeds and are subject to different selective pressures.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We found that the TRIM family is composed of two groups of genes with distinct evolutionary properties. Group 2 is younger, highly dynamic, and might act as a <italic>reservoir </italic>to develop novel TRIM functions. Since some group 2 genes are implicated in innate immune response, their evolutionary features may account for species-specific battles against viral infection.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MS carried out the evolutionary studies and contributed to the identification of TRIM genes in different species; he contributed to the design of the experiments and to the writing of the manuscript. SC identified the entire set of TRIM genes in human and performed the single domains alignments. BF collected all the data in the database and performed statistical analyses. AB contributed to the interpretation of the data and to the drafting the manuscript. GM conceived, designed and coordinated the study and wrote the manuscript.</p>", "<title>Additional files</title>", "<p>The complete sets of human, mouse, rat, dog and cow TRIM and TRIM-like genes and pseudogenes as well as their sequence comparisons are available at <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>. At the same site are the TRIM related sequences from ciona, chick, tetraodon, and a list with the accession numbers of the zebrafish TRIM-like genes. See Additional files ##SUPPL##0##1## to ##SUPPL##4##5##.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank Mario Traditi and Angelo Raggioli for informatic assistance and Luciana Esposito and Adriana Zagari for helpful discussion; we are grateful to Graciana Diez-Roux, Anna Savoia, Elena I. Rugarli, and Henrik Kaessmann for critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by the 'Italian Telethon Foundation' (TGMP4.2 to GM).</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"F1\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>TRIM domains in evolution. <bold>A</bold>) Logo representation of the sequences of Plant B-box (60 B-box sequences; representative species: <italic>A. thaliana</italic>, <italic>O. sativa</italic>, <italic>P. sativum</italic>, <italic>B. nigra</italic>); Metazoan B-box1 (all the B-box1 sequences in representative species: <italic>H. sapiens</italic>, <italic>D. melanogaster</italic>, and <italic>C. elegans</italic>); Mammalian B-box2 (all B-box2 sequences in representative species: <italic>H. sapiens</italic>) and Invertebrate B-box2 (all B-box2 sequences in representative species: <italic>D. melanogaster</italic>, and <italic>C. elegans</italic>). The overall height of each position is proportional to its information content and, within a given position, the conservation of each residue is represented as the relative height of amino acid symbols. Shaded columns indicate the residues involved in the coordination of zinc atoms. Blue bars represent amino acid segments of variable length; the mean value for each segment is reported. Red bars represent segments of fixed amino acid length that are present only in a proportion (indicated in red above the bar) of proteins. <bold>B) </bold>TRIM complements of humans, fruitfly (<italic>D. melanogaster</italic>) and worm (<italic>C. elegans</italic>). The total number of TRIM and TRIM-like genes in each species is indicated (top). The presence of the TRIM associated C-terminal domains is indicated with the same color code (bottom). The length of each bar in the bottom part is proportional to the number (also indicated) of the relative TRIM C-terminal domains found in each species.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F2\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Relatedness of the human TRIM and TRIM-like proteins. <bold>A</bold>) Unrooted phylogenetic tree generated upon alignment of the B-box2 and Coiled-coil region of human TRIM and TRIM-like proteins. The numbers indicate the TRIM family members; numbers with an asterisk indicate the 'incomplete' TRIM proteins named with their alternative TRIM name (see Table 1); light blue circles indicate the presence of the B-box1 domain; the colored open circles represent the different C-terminal domains as indicated in the figure. Partition in groups 1 and group 2 is indicated. <bold>B</bold>) Representative protein structures of the two groups obtained in A); dashed parentheses indicate that B-box 1 may not be present.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F3\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>Group 1 and group 2 TRIM gene conservation in human and mouse. <bold>A</bold>) Distribution of the percentage of amino acid identity between human TRIM and TRIM-like proteins and their murine counterparts. Group 2 (yellow) and group 1 (grey). The bars represent the number of human TRIM genes (Y axis) for each percentage of identity interval (X axis); NO indicates absence of a murine counterpart. <bold>B</bold>) Distribution of the Ka/Ks ratios observed in human-mouse orthologous TRIM pairs considering the two groups separately. The bars represent the number of TRIM pairs (Y axis) for each Ka/Ks value interval (X axis).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F4\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p>Phylogenetic analysis of human (h, blue), mouse (m, blue), fruitfly (CGs, red), and worm (green) group 1 TRIM and TRIM-like proteins. Human and mouse TRIM proteins are indicated with their TRIM numbers; 'incomplete' TRIM proteins are indicated with their alternative TRIM number with an asterisk (see Table 1); fruitfly and worm sequences are indicated with GenBank accession numbers. Bootstrap support values above 50% based on 1000 replicates are shown. The main domain distal to the tripartite motif is indicated on the right; ND indicates no known domain detected. Panels A-E show the evolutionary relationships among the members of TRIM subgroups that belong to group 1; the worm TRIM genes composed of the R-B2-CC motif only (Figure 2B) represent a separate group related to group 1 and are not shown in the figure. TRIM37 (C-terminal domain: MATH) did not segregated within any subgroups in preliminary analyses and was therefore used as an outgroup in all phylogenetic analyses. The trees were drawn to the scale of amino acid sequence divergence indicated at the bottom right corner. A) Subgroup A includes FN3 and FN3-related TRIM sequences. Fruitfly CG31721 and its worm ortholog C39F7 are the only invertebrate proteins present in the FN3 subgroup and segregate with mammalian TRIM9 and 67. B) Subgroup B includes ARF-related TRIM sequences. Genes encoding a protein homologous to TRIM23 are found in worm and in the honeybee <italic>Apis mellifera </italic>(ENS10667 = ENSAPMT00000010667) but not in <italic>D. melanogaster</italic>, suggesting that the ARF domain has been acquired by a tripartite-gene precursor before vertebrate-invertebrate lineage separation, and has occasionally been lost in some species. C) Subgroup C includes PHD-BROMO and PHD-BROMO-related TRIM sequences. Fruitfly <italic>CG5206 </italic>behaves as an outgroup for all human and mouse PHD-BROMO proteins, suggesting that it may be regarded as an ortholog of their protein ancestor. D) Subgroup D includes IGFLMN-related TRIM sequences. This subgroup is the only example of TRIM expansion in invertebrates, because it includes worm and fly genes that do not have any direct correspondent in mammals. E) Subgroup E includes TRIM proteins with B1, B2, and SPRY in various combinations (see Table 1). No invertebrate sequences are found within this subgroup.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F5\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p>Phylogenetic analysis of human (h) and mouse (m) TRIM and TRIM-like proteins from Group 2. TRIM proteins are indicated with their TRIM number ('incomplete' TRIM proteins are indicated with their alternative TRIM number with an asterisk, see Table 1). No invertebrate TRIM proteins are represented in this group. Bootstrap support values above 50% based on 1000 replicates are shown. Group 1 TRIM37 sequences are used as outgroup. The scale of amino acid sequence divergence is indicated at the bottom right corner. Twenty-four pairs of orthologs can be identified (gray-shadowed branches). The remaining proteins can be subdivided in three different types, based on the phylogenetic relationship with their neighbors: (i) Proteins that are present only in one species and apparently started to diverge from their paralogs before human-mouse split (green clades); (ii) Clades of paralogous proteins that are present only in human and share a single homologous counterpart in mouse (red-shadowed branches); (iii) Clades of paralogous proteins that are present only in mouse and do not have any obvious homologous counterpart in humans (blue-shadowed branches).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F6\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p>Phylogenetic analysis of TRIM and TRIM-like proteins of representative species of mammals, aves, and fish. Human (Hs, dark blue), chicken (Gg, dark green), tetraodon (Tn, light blue); ciona (Ci, orange), fruitfly (red) and worm (light green) are included. Bootstrap support values based on 1000 replicates are shown. Group 1 TRIM37 sequences are used as outgroups. The scale of amino acid sequence divergence is indicated at the bottom right corner.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F7\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 7</label><caption><p>Proposed model for TRIM structure evolution (see text). The C-terminal domains probably derived from a single ancestor domain are indicated with the same color.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"T1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Human TRIM genes included in our study<sup>a</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th/><th align=\"left\">DOMAINS<sup>b</sup></th><th align=\"left\">ACC. No.</th><th align=\"left\">MAPPING</th><th align=\"left\">Alternative names</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM1</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-COS-FN3-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_052817</td><td align=\"left\">Xq22.3</td><td align=\"left\">MID2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM2</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-IGFLMN-NHL(6)</td><td align=\"left\">NM_015271</td><td align=\"left\">4q31.3</td><td align=\"left\">RNF86, KIAA0517, Narf</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM3</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-IGFLMN-NHL(6)</td><td align=\"left\">NM_006458</td><td align=\"left\">11p15.4</td><td align=\"left\">BERP, HAC1, RNF22, RNF97</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM4</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_033091</td><td align=\"left\">7q22.1</td><td align=\"left\">RNF87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM5</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_033034</td><td align=\"left\">11p15.4</td><td align=\"left\">RNF88</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM6</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_001003818</td><td align=\"left\">11p15.4</td><td align=\"left\">RNF89</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM7</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_203293</td><td align=\"left\">5q35.3</td><td align=\"left\">GNIP, RNF90</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM8</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-nd</td><td align=\"left\">NM_030912</td><td align=\"left\">10q24.32</td><td align=\"left\">GERP, RNF27</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM9</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-COS-FN3-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_015163</td><td align=\"left\">14q22.1</td><td align=\"left\">RNF91, SPRING, KIAA0282</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM10</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_006778</td><td align=\"left\">6p21.33</td><td align=\"left\">RNF9, HERF1, RFB30</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM11</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_145214</td><td align=\"left\">1q42.13</td><td align=\"left\">BIA1, RNF92</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM13</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-TM</td><td align=\"left\">NM_005798</td><td align=\"left\">13q14.2</td><td align=\"left\">CAR, LEU5, RNF77, RFP2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM15</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_033229</td><td align=\"left\">6p21.33</td><td align=\"left\">RNF93, ZNFB7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM17</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_016102</td><td align=\"left\">1q42.13</td><td align=\"left\">RBCC, terf, RNF16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM18</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-COS-FN3-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_000381</td><td align=\"left\">Xp22.22</td><td align=\"left\">MID1, FXY, OSX, XPRF, GBBB1, RNF59, ZNFXY,</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM19</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-EXOIII</td><td align=\"left\">NM_033238</td><td align=\"left\">15q24.1</td><td align=\"left\">PML, MYL, RNF71</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM21</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_003141</td><td align=\"left\">11p15.4</td><td align=\"left\">RO/SSA, SSA, RO52, RNF81</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM22</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_006074</td><td align=\"left\">11p15.4</td><td align=\"left\">STAF50, RNF94</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM23</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-ARF</td><td align=\"left\">NM_001656</td><td align=\"left\">5q12.3</td><td align=\"left\">ARD1, RNF46</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM24</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-PHD-BROMO</td><td align=\"left\">NM_015905</td><td align=\"left\">7q33-q34</td><td align=\"left\">PTC6, TF1A, RNF82, TIF1A, hTIF1, TIF1ALPHA</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM25</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_005082</td><td align=\"left\">17q23.2</td><td align=\"left\">EFP, Z147, RNF147</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM26</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_003449</td><td align=\"left\">6p21.33</td><td align=\"left\">AFP, RNF95, ZNF173</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM27</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_006510</td><td align=\"left\">6p22.1</td><td align=\"left\">RFP, RNF76</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM28</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-PHD-BROMO</td><td align=\"left\">NM_005762</td><td align=\"left\">19q13.43</td><td align=\"left\">KAP1, TF1B, RNF96, TIF1B</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM31</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-nd</td><td align=\"left\">NM_007028</td><td align=\"left\">6p22.1</td><td align=\"left\">RING, RNF, HCG1, HCGI, C6orf13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM32</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-NHL(5)</td><td align=\"left\">NM_012210</td><td align=\"left\">9q33.1</td><td align=\"left\">HT2A, TATIP, LGMD2H</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM33</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-PHD-BROMO</td><td align=\"left\">NM_015906</td><td align=\"left\">1p13.2</td><td align=\"left\">TIF1g, PTC7, RFG7, TIF1G, FLJ11429, KIAA1113</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM34</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_021616</td><td align=\"left\">11p15.4</td><td align=\"left\">IFP1, RNF21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM35</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_015066</td><td align=\"left\">8p21.2</td><td align=\"left\">HLS5, MAIR, KIAA1098, MGC17233</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM36</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-COS-FN3-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_018700</td><td align=\"left\">5q22.3</td><td align=\"left\">RNF98, RBCC728, haprin</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM37</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-MATH</td><td align=\"left\">NM_015294</td><td align=\"left\">17q23.2</td><td align=\"left\">MUL, TEF3, KIAA0898</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM38</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_006355</td><td align=\"left\">6p22.2</td><td align=\"left\">RNF15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM39</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_021253</td><td align=\"left\">6p21.33</td><td align=\"left\">RNF23</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM40</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC</td><td align=\"left\">NM_138700</td><td align=\"left\">6p21.33</td><td align=\"left\">RNF35</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM41</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_033549</td><td align=\"left\">5q35.3</td><td align=\"left\">MGC1127, MGC31991</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM42</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-COS-FN3</td><td align=\"left\">NM_152616</td><td align=\"left\">3q23</td><td align=\"left\">FLJ40097</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM43</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_138800</td><td align=\"left\">2q11.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM45</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-IGFLMN</td><td align=\"left\">NM_025188</td><td align=\"left\">1p13.1</td><td align=\"left\">RNF99, FLJ13181</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM46</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-COS-FN3-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_025058</td><td align=\"left\">1q22</td><td align=\"left\">FLJ23229, TRIFIC</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM47</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_033452</td><td align=\"left\">17q25.1</td><td align=\"left\">GOA, RNF100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM49</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_020358</td><td align=\"left\">11q14.3</td><td align=\"left\">RNF18</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM50</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_178125</td><td align=\"left\">7q11.23</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM54</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-COS</td><td align=\"left\">NM_032546</td><td align=\"left\">2p23.3</td><td align=\"left\">RNF30, MURF1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM55</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-COS</td><td align=\"left\">NM_184085</td><td align=\"left\">8q13.1</td><td align=\"left\">RNF29</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM56</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-nd</td><td align=\"left\">NM_030961</td><td align=\"left\">7q22.1</td><td align=\"left\">RNF109, DKFZP667O116</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM58</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_015431</td><td align=\"left\">1q44</td><td align=\"left\">BIA2, FLJ38869, DKFZp434c091</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM59</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-TM</td><td align=\"left\">NM_173084</td><td align=\"left\">3q25.33</td><td align=\"left\">RNF104, TSBF1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM60</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_152620</td><td align=\"left\">4q32.3</td><td align=\"left\">RNF129, FLJ35882</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM61</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_001012414</td><td align=\"left\">4q32.3</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM62</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_018207</td><td align=\"left\">1p35.1</td><td align=\"left\">FLJ16558</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM63</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-COS</td><td align=\"left\">NM_032588</td><td align=\"left\">1p36.11</td><td align=\"left\">RNF28, MURF2, IRIS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM64</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">XM_061890</td><td align=\"left\">11q14.3</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM65</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_173547</td><td align=\"left\">17q25.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM67</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-COS-FN3-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_001004342</td><td align=\"left\">1q42.2</td><td align=\"left\">TNL</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM68</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_018073</td><td align=\"left\">11p15.4</td><td align=\"left\">SS-56, DKFZp686D0513, RNF137, FLJ10369</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM71</td><td align=\"left\">R-B1-B2-CC-IGFLMN-NHL(6)</td><td align=\"left\">DQ232881</td><td align=\"left\">3p23</td><td align=\"left\">hLIN41</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM72</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-Spry</td><td align=\"left\">NM_001008274</td><td align=\"left\">16p11.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM73</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC</td><td align=\"left\">XM_353628</td><td align=\"left\">7q11.23</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM50B</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM74</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC</td><td align=\"left\">NM_198853</td><td align=\"left\">7q11.23</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM50C</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRIM75</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">XM_939332</td><td align=\"left\">4q32.3</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">KIAA0129</td><td align=\"left\">B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_033220</td><td align=\"left\">9q22.33</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM14, Pub</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">EBBP</td><td align=\"left\">B1-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_006470</td><td align=\"left\">17p12</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">PYRIN</td><td align=\"left\">PAAD-B2-CC-PRY-SPRY</td><td align=\"left\">NM_000243</td><td align=\"left\">16p13.3</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM20, MARENOSTRIN, FMF, MEFV</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ATDC</td><td align=\"left\">B1-B2-CC-nd</td><td align=\"left\">NM_012101</td><td align=\"left\">11q23.3</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM29</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DIPB</td><td align=\"left\">B1-B2-CC</td><td align=\"left\">NM_017583</td><td align=\"left\">11p13</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM44</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">KIAA0298</td><td align=\"left\">B1-B2-CC-PHD-BROMO</td><td align=\"left\">XM_084529</td><td align=\"left\">11p15.4</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM66</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNF101</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2</td><td align=\"left\">NM_024114</td><td align=\"left\">11q11</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM48, MGC4827</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RNF102</td><td align=\"left\">R-B2</td><td align=\"left\">NM_032765</td><td align=\"left\">5q35.3</td><td align=\"left\">TRIM52, MGC16175</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Includes the alignments of the RING, B-box1 and B-box2 domains of all the human TRIM and TRIM-like proteins, alignments from which the consensi for these domains have been generated.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p>Reports the values of Coiled-coil predictions for all the human TRIM and TRIM-like proteins.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S3\"><caption><title>Additional file 3</title><p>Shows the unrooted phylogenetic trees generated from the alignments of single domains of the tripartite motif.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S4\"><caption><title>Additional file 4</title><p>Shows a schematic representation of the human TRIM genomic clusters.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S5\"><caption><title>Additional file 5</title><p>Shows comparative and evolutionary analyses of the cluster of <italic>TRIM5</italic>, <italic>6</italic>, <italic>22</italic>, and <italic>34 </italic>in mammals.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>The 68 genes listed include 60 TRIM genes and the 8 genes with an incomplete tripartite motif (see text).</p><p><sup>b </sup>R, RING finger; B1, B-box1 domain; B2, B-box2 domain; CC, Coiled-coil; FNIII, Fibronectin type III repeat; PRY, PRY domain; SPRY domain; Spry, SPRY domain detected only by PFAM; NHL, NHL repeats; IGFLMN, Filamin type immunoglobulin domain; MATH, MATH domain; PHD, Plant Homeodomain; BROMO, BROMO domain; ARF, ARF domain; PAAD, PAAD domain; COS, COS-box; ExoIII, Exonuclease III motif; nd, no known domain detected.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-6\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-7\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-S1.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-S2.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-S3.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-S4.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-225-S5.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Massiah", "Simmons", "Short", "Cox"], "given-names": ["MA", "BN", "KM", "TC"], "article-title": ["Solution Structure of the RBCC/TRIM B-box1 Domain of Human MID1: B-box with a RING"], "source": ["J Mol Biol"], "year": ["2006"]}, {"article-title": ["NCBI BLAST"], "ext-link": [""]}, {"article-title": ["SMART"], "ext-link": [""]}, {"article-title": ["PFAM"], "ext-link": [""]}, {"article-title": ["Pratt"], "ext-link": [""]}, {"article-title": ["Coils server"], "ext-link": [""]}, {"article-title": ["Norwegian bioinformatics platform"], "ext-link": [""]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 17:11:36
BMC Evol Biol. 2008 Aug 1; 8:225
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The regulatory factor X (RFX) gene family transcription factors (TFs) were first detected in mammals as the regulatory factor that binds to a conserved <italic>cis</italic>-regulatory element called the X-box motif about 20 years ago [##REF##3133120##1##]. The X-box motifs, which are typically 14-mer DNA sequences, were initially identified as a result of alignment and inspection of the promoter regions of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes for conserved DNA elements [##REF##3114745##2##,##REF##3495805##3##]. Further investigations revealed that the X-box motif is highly conserved in the promoter regions of various MHC class II genes [##REF##2054109##4##]. The first RFX gene (RFX1) was later characterized as a candidate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II promoter binding protein [##REF##2498880##5##]. RFX1 was later found to function also as a transactivator of the hepatitis B virus enhancer [##REF##8413236##6##]. Subsequent studies revealed that RFX1 is not alone. Instead, it became the founding member of a novel family of homodimeric and heterodimeric DNA-binding proteins, which also includes RFX2 and RFX3 [##REF##8289803##7##]. More members of this gene family were subsequently identified. A fourth RFX gene (RFX4) was discovered in a human breast tumor tissue [##REF##1603086##8##] and the fifth, RFX5, was identified as a DNA-binding regulatory factor that is mutated in primary MHC class II deficiency (bare lymphocyte syndrome, BLS) [##REF##7744245##9##]. The identification of RFX1-5 and RFX genes in other genomes including the genomes of lower eukaryote species <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </italic>[##REF##9741624##10##] and <italic>Schizosaccharomyces pombe </italic>[##REF##7862141##11##], and higher eukaryote species the nematode <italic>Caenorhabdits elegans </italic>[##REF##10882127##12##] helped understand both the evolution of the RFX gene family and the DNA binding domains [##REF##8600444##13##]. Notably, while previous studies reported five RFX genes (RFX1-5) in human, only one RFX gene has been identified in most invertebrate animals and yeast. In contrast, the fruit fly (<italic>Drosophila melanogaster</italic>) genome has been found to have two RFX genes, dRFX [##REF##12403718##14##] and dRFX2 [##REF##15494451##15##]. All of these RFX genes are transcription factors possessing a novel and highly conserved DNA binding domain (DBD) called RFX DNA binding domain [##REF##8600444##13##], the defining feature of all members belonging to the RFX gene family, suggesting that these RFX TFs all bind to the X-box motifs.</p>", "<p>In addition to the defining DBD domains in all of these RFX genes, most of these previously identified RFX genes also contain other conserved domains including B, C, and D domains [##REF##8600444##13##]. The D domain is also called the dimerization domain [##REF##8600444##13##]. The B and C domains also play a role in dimerization and are thus called the extended dimerization domains [##REF##9733744##16##]. Another important domain found in many members of the RFX family is the RFX activation domain (AD). For instance, RFX1 contains a well defined AD [##REF##9733744##16##]. However, AD is not found in many other members of the RFX family including the human RFX5 and <italic>C. elegans </italic>DAF-19 [##REF##8600444##13##]. Outside of these conserved domains, RFX genes from different species or even from same species show little similarity in other regions, which is quite consistent with their diverse functions and distinct expression profiles.</p>", "<p>In humans, RFX1 is primarily found in the brain with high expression in cerebral cortex and Purkinje cells [##REF##16723357##17##]. RFX2 [##REF##16676351##18##] and RFX4 [##REF##11682486##19##] are found to be heavily expressed in the testis. RFX4 is also expressed in the brain [##REF##12925582##20##]. RFX3 is expressed in ciliated cells and is required for growth and function of cilia including pancreatic endocrine cells [##REF##17229940##21##], ependymal cells [##REF##16930429##22##], and neuronal cells [##REF##15121860##23##]. RFX3-deficient mice show left-right (L-R) asymmetry defects [##REF##15121860##23##], developmental defect, diabetes [##REF##17229940##21##], and congenital hydrocephalus in mice [##REF##16930429##22##]. RFX5 is the most extensively studied RFX gene so far primarily since it serves as a transcription activator of the clinically important MHC II genes [##REF##10779326##24##] and mediates a enhanceosome formation, which results in a complex containing RFXANK (also known as RFX-B), RFXAP, CREB, and CIITA [##REF##11244040##25##]. Mutation in any one of these complex members leads to bare lymphocyte syndrome (BLS) [##REF##11244040##25##]. In <italic>C.elegans </italic>and <italic>S.cerevisae </italic>only one copy of the RFX gene exists. In <italic>C. elegans </italic>it is called DAF-19 and in <italic>S.cerevisae </italic>it is called Crt1. DAF-19 is involved in regulation of sensory neuron cilium whereas Crt-1 is involved in regulating DNA replication and damage checkpoint pathways [##REF##9741624##10##,##REF##10882127##12##]. In <italic>D.melanogaster</italic>, two of RFX genes have been identified, one is called dRFX and the other is called dRFX2. dRFX is expressed in the spermatid and brain and is necessary for ciliated sensory neuron differentiation [##REF##12403718##14##,##REF##11335126##26##]. dRFX2 has not been studied extensively and as such its function in Drosophila still remains unclear; however, there is evidence suggesting that dRFX2 plays a role in cell-cycle of the eye imaginal discs [##REF##15494451##15##].</p>", "<p>In this project, we have identified and characterized two novel RFX genes in genomes of human and many other mammals, which have now been sequenced, annotated, and analyzed.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Data source and data mining</title>", "<p>Gene sets were obtained from the FTP site of the ENSEMBL database <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>[##UREF##1##42##]. In this project, the genomes of six mammals were analyzed. They are human (<italic>Homo sapiens</italic>, NCBI36.44), chimpanzee (<italic>Pan troglodytes</italic>, CHIMP2.1.44), dog (<italic>Canis familiaris</italic>, BROADD2.44), monkey (<italic>Macaca mulatta</italic>, MMUL_1.44), mouse (<italic>Mus musculus</italic>, NCBIM36.44), and rat (<italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic>, RGSC3.4.44). DBD sequences in human RFX1-5 were manually identified and extracted to a file. The sequences were aligned using ClustalW [##REF##12824352##43##]. The alignment was used as input to the profile building program hmmbuild, which is a program in the HMMER package <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>[##UREF##0##29##]. The resulting profile was used for searching curated proteomes of the six mammals described above using hmmsearch, another program in the HMMER package.</p>", "<title>Gene model improvement</title>", "<p>All RFX genes except one–dog (Cfa) RFX7–show good alignment with their corresponding orthologs. Dog RFX7 gene is truncated at the N-terminus, missing 37 residues compared to other RFX7 genes. We attempted to use GeneWise <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>[##REF##15123596##44##,##REF##10779496##45##] to remodel this RFX gene. Using human (Hsa) RFX7 as the reference protein sequence and GeneWise, we recovered the missing residues. However, the first codon so identified was not the typical Met. Extending the coding sequence upstream did not help. This is likely due to a sequencing error.</p>", "<title>Protein domain analysis</title>", "<p>We retrieved DBDs and ADs from RFX genes using InterProScan (version 4.3.1) [##REF##18025686##32##]. To identify B, C, D domains, we used the HMMER program [##UREF##0##29##] as described above. Briefly, for HMMER searches, we used sequences of B, C, and D domains from known RFX genes (RFX1-3) to generate profiles for these domains respectively. We then searched for candidate B, C, and D domains in RFX6 and RFX7 using these profiles.</p>", "<title>RFX interactome network analysis</title>", "<p>Data were obtained at the HiMAP <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link> database [##REF##16082366##46##] following online search instructions. All types of interactions were selected for searching. All seven interactions between RFX6 and other genes (DAT1, DTX2, FHL3, SS18L1, CCNK, RFX2, and RFX3) were previously reported by Rual <italic>et al</italic>[##REF##16189514##34##].</p>", "<title>Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis</title>", "<p>Multiple-sequence alignment was carried out using the program ClustalW (version 1.83) [##REF##12824352##43##]. Phylogenetic tree construction was performed using PHYLIP <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link> (Version 3.66). Briefly, sequence alignment in PHYLIP format was first created using ClustalW (Version1.83) [##REF##12824352##43##]. The alignment was used as input for PHYLIP. Programs utilized in the PHYLIP, in their respective order, were seqboot, protdist, neighbor, and consense. The phylogenetic tree file was visualized using Tree View <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>.</p>", "<title>Expression profile of mammalian RFX genes using</title>", "<title>ESTs and SAGE libraries</title>", "<p>The EST database from NCBI was used to perform tblastn. The queries used for this tblastn were RFX1-7 of <italic>H. sapiens, M. musculus</italic>, and <italic>R. norvegicus</italic>. Hits with identity greater than or equal to 95% were selected.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and discussions</title>", "<p>With the current version of the human genome [##REF##11237011##27##,##REF##11181995##28##], we explored whether additional members of the RFX TF family could be identified and characterized in the human genome. We applied a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based search method [##UREF##0##29##] and used DBD domain sequences of known human RFX TFs to search the entire human proteome. In addition to retrieving all known human RFX genes–RFX1-5, we identified two additional genes in the human genome that contain well conserved RFX DBDs. These two genes were previously assigned as RFXDC1 and RFXDC2 by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>); this nomenclature was based solely on an initial bioinformatic analyses. There are no previous publications describing these two genes. Here, we demonstrate that these two genes are also RFX gene family members closely related to RFX1-5, and our phylogenetic analysis suggests two separate recent gene duplications leading to the generation of these two genes. Thus, we proposed new gene nomenclature of RFX6 and RFX7 (Table ##TAB##0##1##), respectively. Our proposal has been accepted by the HGNC.</p>", "<p>Because all known human RFX genes–RFX1-5–are well conserved and have been identified in other mammalian genomes, we hypothesized that orthologs of RFX6 and RFX7 also exist in other mammalian genomes. As expected, we have retrieved all seven RFX genes in the genomes of five other mammalian species including chimpanzee (<italic>Pan troglodytes</italic>), monkey (<italic>Macaca mulatta</italic>), dog (<italic>Canis familiaris</italic>), mouse (<italic>Mus musculus</italic>), and rat (<italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic>) with only one exception. In the rat genome, all except RFX2 were found despite extensive searches (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). Most identified RFX genes are expressed and their transcripts can be found in existing EST libraries. Interestingly, existing EST evidence suggests that RFX6 and RFX7 have no or very few alternative isoforms similar to RFX1. In contrast, RFX2-4 usually have more alternative isoforms (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##).</p>", "<p>To confirm that the two novel human RFX genes–RFX6 and RFX7 are indeed RFX TFs, we further examined their DBDs by aligning them with DBDs from RFX1-5 protein sequences. As expected, the DBDs of RFX6 and RFX7 align well with those of RFX1-5 (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). RFX TFs belong to the winged-helix family of DNA binding proteins because their DBDs are related in structure and function to the helix-turn-helix bacterial transcriptional regulatory proteins [##REF##10742162##30##]. DBDs from RFX6 and RFX7 each contain one wing (W1), which is the same as DBDs from RFX1-5. W1 interacts with the major groove and another conserved fold H3 (helix 3) interacts with the minor groove of DNA. In particular, the nine residues in DBDs (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, indicated with arrow heads) that make direct or water-mediated DNA contacts [##REF##10706293##31##] are almost entirely conserved in RFX6 and RFX7 (Figure ##FIG##0##1##) with a couple of minor exceptions. Of the nine residues, the human RFX7 DBD has two residues different from most of the other RFX DBDs. The first different residue is the first of the nine indicated residues. It is Lys in RFX7 DBD and RFX5 DBD, compared to Arg in DBDs of other RFX genes. Thus this difference is shared with the RFX5 DBD. The other different residue is the third of the nine residues. It is Lys in RFX7, compared to Arg at this site for DBDs of all other RFX genes. Because both Lys and Arg are basic amino acids, such substitutions are not expected to have dramatic impacts on the binding between the DBDs and their cognate binding sites. This high degree of conservation suggests that RFX6 and RFX7 may bind to similar if not identical <italic>cis</italic>-regulatory elements, i.e., the X-box motif [##REF##3133120##1##]. Hence RFX6 and RFX7 are new members of the human RFX gene family with conserved DBDs.</p>", "<p>In addition to the highly conserved DBDs, other domains including ADs, B, C, and D domains (also known as dimerization domain) [##REF##8600444##13##] have been described in human RFX1-3 (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Among these functional domains, ADs have been identified in RFX1-3. However, ADs have not been identified RFX4-5. The B and C domains, which are usually called extended dimerization domains, play supporting roles in dimerization [##REF##9733744##16##]. B, C, and D domains have also been identified in RFX4 but are missing from RFX5. Using InterProScan [##REF##18025686##32##] and HMMER [##UREF##0##29##], we have found that RFX6 possesses B, C, and D domains, but not AD (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). The motif composition of RFX6 is similar to RFX4, which also has B, C, and D domains but lacks AD. In contrast, we failed to identify B, C, and D domains or AD in RFX7. None of these domains can be found in RFX5 as well. Because these C-terminal domains–B, C, and D domains–have been shown to mediate dimerization as well as transcriptional repression [##REF##10556033##33##], RFX6, which contains B, C, D domain, and RFX7, which does not possess B, C, or D domains, may therefore play different role in transcriptional regulation.</p>", "<p>Characterization of the functional domain composition of RFX genes will provide insights into how different RFX TFs function. In particular, how do RFX6 and RFX7, as well as RFX4 and RFX5, function in transcription considering that they do not have identified ADs? There are two possible mechanisms. First, because RFX TFs are known to form dimers and bind to same or similar binding sites (the X-box motifs) in DNA [##REF##10706293##31##], they may function together with RFX genes (RFX1-3) that do have ADs. Examination of a recently available proteome-scale map of the human protein-protein interaction network [##REF##16189514##34##], which was constructed using yeast-two-hybrid technique, has shown that RFX6 and RFX1-4 interact with each other and also interact with many other genes (Figure ##FIG##2##3##). RFX6 interacts directly with RFX2 and RFX3, the latter of which has been shown to be expressed and to function in the pancreas [##REF##17229940##21##], as well as many other tissues. The interaction between RFX6 and other RFX TFs provides further supporting evidence that RFX6 is indeed a member of the RFX gene family. Interactions between RFX7 and other genes were not observed, which is likely due to the incomplete coverage of the human protein-protein interactions analyzed in this study. Second, RFX TFs may function by interacting with many other non-RFX TFs. For example, it has been demonstrated that mammalian RFX 5 forms a complex (\"enhanceosome\") with RFXANK (also known as RFX-B), RFXAP, CREB, and CIITA to regulate expression of MHC class II genes [##REF##11244040##25##]. Notably, all of the five genes shown to interact with RFX6 (DTX1, DTX2, FHL3, CCNK, and SS18L1) (Figure ##FIG##2##3##) except only one–SS18L1–are also putative TFs.</p>", "<p>To explore the relationship between RFX6 and RFX7 and the known RFX family members RFX1-5, we have constructed a phylogenetic tree that contains all mammalian RFX genes described above (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##, Figure ##FIG##0##1##), as well as <italic>C. elegans </italic>RFX gene <italic>daf-19 </italic>product DAF-19 [##REF##10882127##12##], which has been extensively studied, for comparison. We used the DBD sequence of the yeast <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </italic>RFX gene Crt-1[##REF##9741624##10##] as an out group in the phylogenetic tree construction. From the phylogenetic tree (Figure ##FIG##3##4##), all seven genes show perfect one-to-one orthologous relationships between different mammalian genomes. It is clear that the seven mammalian RFX genes fall into three subgroups (Figure ##FIG##3##4##). The first subgroup contains RFX1-3; the second RFX4 and RFX6; while the third RFX5 and RFX7. It is likely that RFX4 and RFX6 resulted from one gene duplication that predated the split of these mammalian species, while RFX5 and RFX7 resulted from another similar independent duplication. This hypothesis is generally consistent with the gene models of these RFX genes (Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). RFX6 has 19 exons, which is similar to the number of exons contained in RFX4 (18 exons); while RFX7 has 6 exons, which is similar to the number of exons contained in RFX5 (9 exons). The <italic>C. elegans </italic>RFX gene, DAF-19 clusters together with RFX1-3 genes, supporting a previously proposed hypothesis that the divergence of the subgroup RFX1-3 from other two subgroups likely predated the divergence between mammals and the nematodes [##REF##8600444##13##]. This hypothesis predicts that <italic>C. elegans </italic>should have orthologous RFX TFs to RFX4-7 [##REF##8754849##35##]. However, only one <italic>C. elegans </italic>RFX gene–<italic>daf-19</italic>–has been reported so far and our extensive search has concluded that <italic>daf-19 </italic>is the only RFX TF in <italic>C. elegans</italic>. One possible explanation is that additional RFX TFs were lost in evolution. Alternatively, RFX4-7 may have undergone positive selection in mammals to accommodate additional functional complexity in mammalian gene regulation, while RFX1-3 and <italic>daf-19 </italic>remained highly conserved due to purifying evolution. Interestingly, although the phylogenetic tree was constructed based only on DBDs, the grouping of these mammalian RFX genes is also consistent with the composition of other conserved domains. In particular, RFX1-3 all contain DBDs, ADs, Bs, Cs and Ds, while RFX4 and RFX6 have all of these domains except ADs, and RFX5 and RFX7 have only DBDs (Figures ##FIG##1##2## and ##FIG##3##4##).</p>", "<p>To gain insight into the function of these two newly identified RFX genes, we explored the expression profiles of RFX6 and RFX7 and compared them to those of RFX1-5. We analyzed two independent datasets. First, we searched the dbEST database in genBank <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>[##REF##9116859##36##] to examine which EST libraries express transcripts of these RFX genes. The results indicate that the expression profile of RFX1-5 matches well with previously published data (see INTRODUCTION): RFX1 is found in many different tissue types including white blood cells, heart, eye, testis, and cancerous cell; RFX2 appears to be expressed in testis and brain; RFX3 appears to be expressed in the placenta and brain (<italic>i.e</italic>., medulla); RFX4 is found in the brain, as well as in testis as RFX2; and RFX5 expression has been observed in various different tissues including thymus, T-cells, kidney, brain, and lymph. The consistency of expression for RFX1-5 obtained from the dbEST database with previous observations suggests that dbEST provides good estimations of RFX genes' expression profiles. Using the same method, we found that RFX6 is primarily expressed in pancreas, with minor expression in liver, while RFX7 is widely and heavily expressed in many different tissue types including kidney (tumor tissues), thymus, brain, and placenta.</p>", "<p>Second, to gain a quantitative understanding of the expression of RFX genes, we took advantage of the recent availability of serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) libraries constructed by the Mouse Atlas of Gene Expression Project <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>[##REF##16352711##37##]. To start with, we tested the hypothesis that the expression of mouse RFX TFs approximates the expression of human RFX TFs. We analyzed 196 mouse SAGE libraries, each of which was produced by using a RNA library prepared from different tissue types (some of which are duplicates). Different SAGE libraries contain slightly different number of total SAGE tags. To ensure that SAGE tags and tag counts were comparable between different SAGE libraries all the libraries were normalized to 1,000,000 SAGE tags. Qualitatively, expression profiles of mouse RFX genes obtained from SAGE analysis are consistent with the expression profiles of human RFX genes obtained from the dbEST database analysis, as well as previous publications about human RFX gene expressions (Figure ##FIG##4##5##). In contrast to all other RFX genes–RFX1-5 and RFX7, which are heavily expressed in the brain, RFX6 is clearly absent from all types of brain tissues (Figure ##FIG##4##5##). RFX6 is primarily found in the pancreas (Figure ##FIG##4##5##) which is consistent with results obtained from analyzing dbEST. Low level expression of RFX6 is found in liver (also detected in dbEST) and heart. In addition to the high tissue-specificity, RFX6 has the lowest overall expression level among all seven RFX genes, suggesting that RFX6 may be under tighter regulatory control. In contrast, RFX7 has the highest relative expression level among all seven mouse RFX genes. Similar to RFX1 and RFX5, RFX7 is found in essentially all types of tissues that were examined (Figure ##FIG##4##5##).</p>", "<p>Examining additional gene expression databases, including publicly available Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF) Gene Expression Database <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>, revealed very similar results.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and discussions</title>", "<p>With the current version of the human genome [##REF##11237011##27##,##REF##11181995##28##], we explored whether additional members of the RFX TF family could be identified and characterized in the human genome. We applied a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based search method [##UREF##0##29##] and used DBD domain sequences of known human RFX TFs to search the entire human proteome. In addition to retrieving all known human RFX genes–RFX1-5, we identified two additional genes in the human genome that contain well conserved RFX DBDs. These two genes were previously assigned as RFXDC1 and RFXDC2 by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>); this nomenclature was based solely on an initial bioinformatic analyses. There are no previous publications describing these two genes. Here, we demonstrate that these two genes are also RFX gene family members closely related to RFX1-5, and our phylogenetic analysis suggests two separate recent gene duplications leading to the generation of these two genes. Thus, we proposed new gene nomenclature of RFX6 and RFX7 (Table ##TAB##0##1##), respectively. Our proposal has been accepted by the HGNC.</p>", "<p>Because all known human RFX genes–RFX1-5–are well conserved and have been identified in other mammalian genomes, we hypothesized that orthologs of RFX6 and RFX7 also exist in other mammalian genomes. As expected, we have retrieved all seven RFX genes in the genomes of five other mammalian species including chimpanzee (<italic>Pan troglodytes</italic>), monkey (<italic>Macaca mulatta</italic>), dog (<italic>Canis familiaris</italic>), mouse (<italic>Mus musculus</italic>), and rat (<italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic>) with only one exception. In the rat genome, all except RFX2 were found despite extensive searches (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). Most identified RFX genes are expressed and their transcripts can be found in existing EST libraries. Interestingly, existing EST evidence suggests that RFX6 and RFX7 have no or very few alternative isoforms similar to RFX1. In contrast, RFX2-4 usually have more alternative isoforms (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##).</p>", "<p>To confirm that the two novel human RFX genes–RFX6 and RFX7 are indeed RFX TFs, we further examined their DBDs by aligning them with DBDs from RFX1-5 protein sequences. As expected, the DBDs of RFX6 and RFX7 align well with those of RFX1-5 (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). RFX TFs belong to the winged-helix family of DNA binding proteins because their DBDs are related in structure and function to the helix-turn-helix bacterial transcriptional regulatory proteins [##REF##10742162##30##]. DBDs from RFX6 and RFX7 each contain one wing (W1), which is the same as DBDs from RFX1-5. W1 interacts with the major groove and another conserved fold H3 (helix 3) interacts with the minor groove of DNA. In particular, the nine residues in DBDs (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, indicated with arrow heads) that make direct or water-mediated DNA contacts [##REF##10706293##31##] are almost entirely conserved in RFX6 and RFX7 (Figure ##FIG##0##1##) with a couple of minor exceptions. Of the nine residues, the human RFX7 DBD has two residues different from most of the other RFX DBDs. The first different residue is the first of the nine indicated residues. It is Lys in RFX7 DBD and RFX5 DBD, compared to Arg in DBDs of other RFX genes. Thus this difference is shared with the RFX5 DBD. The other different residue is the third of the nine residues. It is Lys in RFX7, compared to Arg at this site for DBDs of all other RFX genes. Because both Lys and Arg are basic amino acids, such substitutions are not expected to have dramatic impacts on the binding between the DBDs and their cognate binding sites. This high degree of conservation suggests that RFX6 and RFX7 may bind to similar if not identical <italic>cis</italic>-regulatory elements, i.e., the X-box motif [##REF##3133120##1##]. Hence RFX6 and RFX7 are new members of the human RFX gene family with conserved DBDs.</p>", "<p>In addition to the highly conserved DBDs, other domains including ADs, B, C, and D domains (also known as dimerization domain) [##REF##8600444##13##] have been described in human RFX1-3 (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Among these functional domains, ADs have been identified in RFX1-3. However, ADs have not been identified RFX4-5. The B and C domains, which are usually called extended dimerization domains, play supporting roles in dimerization [##REF##9733744##16##]. B, C, and D domains have also been identified in RFX4 but are missing from RFX5. Using InterProScan [##REF##18025686##32##] and HMMER [##UREF##0##29##], we have found that RFX6 possesses B, C, and D domains, but not AD (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). The motif composition of RFX6 is similar to RFX4, which also has B, C, and D domains but lacks AD. In contrast, we failed to identify B, C, and D domains or AD in RFX7. None of these domains can be found in RFX5 as well. Because these C-terminal domains–B, C, and D domains–have been shown to mediate dimerization as well as transcriptional repression [##REF##10556033##33##], RFX6, which contains B, C, D domain, and RFX7, which does not possess B, C, or D domains, may therefore play different role in transcriptional regulation.</p>", "<p>Characterization of the functional domain composition of RFX genes will provide insights into how different RFX TFs function. In particular, how do RFX6 and RFX7, as well as RFX4 and RFX5, function in transcription considering that they do not have identified ADs? There are two possible mechanisms. First, because RFX TFs are known to form dimers and bind to same or similar binding sites (the X-box motifs) in DNA [##REF##10706293##31##], they may function together with RFX genes (RFX1-3) that do have ADs. Examination of a recently available proteome-scale map of the human protein-protein interaction network [##REF##16189514##34##], which was constructed using yeast-two-hybrid technique, has shown that RFX6 and RFX1-4 interact with each other and also interact with many other genes (Figure ##FIG##2##3##). RFX6 interacts directly with RFX2 and RFX3, the latter of which has been shown to be expressed and to function in the pancreas [##REF##17229940##21##], as well as many other tissues. The interaction between RFX6 and other RFX TFs provides further supporting evidence that RFX6 is indeed a member of the RFX gene family. Interactions between RFX7 and other genes were not observed, which is likely due to the incomplete coverage of the human protein-protein interactions analyzed in this study. Second, RFX TFs may function by interacting with many other non-RFX TFs. For example, it has been demonstrated that mammalian RFX 5 forms a complex (\"enhanceosome\") with RFXANK (also known as RFX-B), RFXAP, CREB, and CIITA to regulate expression of MHC class II genes [##REF##11244040##25##]. Notably, all of the five genes shown to interact with RFX6 (DTX1, DTX2, FHL3, CCNK, and SS18L1) (Figure ##FIG##2##3##) except only one–SS18L1–are also putative TFs.</p>", "<p>To explore the relationship between RFX6 and RFX7 and the known RFX family members RFX1-5, we have constructed a phylogenetic tree that contains all mammalian RFX genes described above (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##, Figure ##FIG##0##1##), as well as <italic>C. elegans </italic>RFX gene <italic>daf-19 </italic>product DAF-19 [##REF##10882127##12##], which has been extensively studied, for comparison. We used the DBD sequence of the yeast <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </italic>RFX gene Crt-1[##REF##9741624##10##] as an out group in the phylogenetic tree construction. From the phylogenetic tree (Figure ##FIG##3##4##), all seven genes show perfect one-to-one orthologous relationships between different mammalian genomes. It is clear that the seven mammalian RFX genes fall into three subgroups (Figure ##FIG##3##4##). The first subgroup contains RFX1-3; the second RFX4 and RFX6; while the third RFX5 and RFX7. It is likely that RFX4 and RFX6 resulted from one gene duplication that predated the split of these mammalian species, while RFX5 and RFX7 resulted from another similar independent duplication. This hypothesis is generally consistent with the gene models of these RFX genes (Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). RFX6 has 19 exons, which is similar to the number of exons contained in RFX4 (18 exons); while RFX7 has 6 exons, which is similar to the number of exons contained in RFX5 (9 exons). The <italic>C. elegans </italic>RFX gene, DAF-19 clusters together with RFX1-3 genes, supporting a previously proposed hypothesis that the divergence of the subgroup RFX1-3 from other two subgroups likely predated the divergence between mammals and the nematodes [##REF##8600444##13##]. This hypothesis predicts that <italic>C. elegans </italic>should have orthologous RFX TFs to RFX4-7 [##REF##8754849##35##]. However, only one <italic>C. elegans </italic>RFX gene–<italic>daf-19</italic>–has been reported so far and our extensive search has concluded that <italic>daf-19 </italic>is the only RFX TF in <italic>C. elegans</italic>. One possible explanation is that additional RFX TFs were lost in evolution. Alternatively, RFX4-7 may have undergone positive selection in mammals to accommodate additional functional complexity in mammalian gene regulation, while RFX1-3 and <italic>daf-19 </italic>remained highly conserved due to purifying evolution. Interestingly, although the phylogenetic tree was constructed based only on DBDs, the grouping of these mammalian RFX genes is also consistent with the composition of other conserved domains. In particular, RFX1-3 all contain DBDs, ADs, Bs, Cs and Ds, while RFX4 and RFX6 have all of these domains except ADs, and RFX5 and RFX7 have only DBDs (Figures ##FIG##1##2## and ##FIG##3##4##).</p>", "<p>To gain insight into the function of these two newly identified RFX genes, we explored the expression profiles of RFX6 and RFX7 and compared them to those of RFX1-5. We analyzed two independent datasets. First, we searched the dbEST database in genBank <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>[##REF##9116859##36##] to examine which EST libraries express transcripts of these RFX genes. The results indicate that the expression profile of RFX1-5 matches well with previously published data (see INTRODUCTION): RFX1 is found in many different tissue types including white blood cells, heart, eye, testis, and cancerous cell; RFX2 appears to be expressed in testis and brain; RFX3 appears to be expressed in the placenta and brain (<italic>i.e</italic>., medulla); RFX4 is found in the brain, as well as in testis as RFX2; and RFX5 expression has been observed in various different tissues including thymus, T-cells, kidney, brain, and lymph. The consistency of expression for RFX1-5 obtained from the dbEST database with previous observations suggests that dbEST provides good estimations of RFX genes' expression profiles. Using the same method, we found that RFX6 is primarily expressed in pancreas, with minor expression in liver, while RFX7 is widely and heavily expressed in many different tissue types including kidney (tumor tissues), thymus, brain, and placenta.</p>", "<p>Second, to gain a quantitative understanding of the expression of RFX genes, we took advantage of the recent availability of serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) libraries constructed by the Mouse Atlas of Gene Expression Project <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>[##REF##16352711##37##]. To start with, we tested the hypothesis that the expression of mouse RFX TFs approximates the expression of human RFX TFs. We analyzed 196 mouse SAGE libraries, each of which was produced by using a RNA library prepared from different tissue types (some of which are duplicates). Different SAGE libraries contain slightly different number of total SAGE tags. To ensure that SAGE tags and tag counts were comparable between different SAGE libraries all the libraries were normalized to 1,000,000 SAGE tags. Qualitatively, expression profiles of mouse RFX genes obtained from SAGE analysis are consistent with the expression profiles of human RFX genes obtained from the dbEST database analysis, as well as previous publications about human RFX gene expressions (Figure ##FIG##4##5##). In contrast to all other RFX genes–RFX1-5 and RFX7, which are heavily expressed in the brain, RFX6 is clearly absent from all types of brain tissues (Figure ##FIG##4##5##). RFX6 is primarily found in the pancreas (Figure ##FIG##4##5##) which is consistent with results obtained from analyzing dbEST. Low level expression of RFX6 is found in liver (also detected in dbEST) and heart. In addition to the high tissue-specificity, RFX6 has the lowest overall expression level among all seven RFX genes, suggesting that RFX6 may be under tighter regulatory control. In contrast, RFX7 has the highest relative expression level among all seven mouse RFX genes. Similar to RFX1 and RFX5, RFX7 is found in essentially all types of tissues that were examined (Figure ##FIG##4##5##).</p>", "<p>Examining additional gene expression databases, including publicly available Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation (GNF) Gene Expression Database <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>, revealed very similar results.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Our results show that we have identified two novel RFX genes in the human genome, RFX6 and RFX7, thus expanding the human RFX gene family from five members (RFX1-5) to seven members (RFX1-7). In addition to their possession of highly conserved DBDs, RFX6 and RFX7 show similarity to known human RFX TFs in their functional domains. In particular, RFX6 and RFX4 all have B, C, and D domains, while RFX7 and RFX5 only have DBDs. Studies carried out over the past 20 years have demonstrated that RFX1-5 are critical for development and many additional biological processes and play an important role in various devastating disease conditions. For example, RFX3-deficient mice show left-right (L-R) asymmetry defects [##REF##15121860##23##], developmental defects, diabetes [##REF##17229940##21##], and congenital hydrocephalus [##REF##16930429##22##]. RFX3 may regulate the transcription of many genes that, when mutated, cause cilia defects and many disease conditions collectively called ciliopathies [##REF##16722803##38##]. Many known ciliopathy genes, including Bardet-Biedle syndrome (BBS) genes, are well conserved and the transcription of their <italic>C. elegans </italic>orthologs are regulated by the only RFX gene in <italic>C. elegans</italic>–DAF-19 [##REF##10882127##12##,##REF##15916950##39##, ####REF##17187676##40##, ##REF##15790967##41####15790967##41##]. Mutation in any one of the RFX5 enhanceosome members–RFXANK, RFXAP, CREB, and CIITA–leads to bare lymphocyte syndrome (BLS) [##REF##11244040##25##]. We hypothesize that RFX6 and RFX7 are equally important as RFX1-5. The fact that RFX6 is primarily expressed in pancreatic tissues and is expressed at a low level compared to all other RFX genes (Figure ##FIG##4##5##) is particularly interesting. RFX6 may function as a key component of a transcriptional regulatory complex that regulates pancreas development and function.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Five regulatory factor X (RFX) transcription factors (TFs)–RFX1-5–have been previously characterized in the human genome, which have been demonstrated to be critical for development and are associated with an expanding list of serious human disease conditions including major histocompatibility (MHC) class II deficiency and ciliaophathies.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>In this study, we have identified two additional RFX genes–RFX6 and RFX7–in the current human genome sequences. Both RFX6 and RFX7 are demonstrated to be winged-helix TFs and have well conserved RFX DNA binding domains (DBDs), which are also found in winged-helix TFs RFX1-5. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the RFX family in the human genome has undergone at least three gene duplications in evolution and the seven human RFX genes can be clearly categorized into three subgroups: (1) RFX1-3, (2) RFX4 and RFX6, and (3) RFX5 and RFX7. Our functional genomics analysis suggests that RFX6 and RFX7 have distinct expression profiles. RFX6 is expressed almost exclusively in the pancreatic islets, while RFX7 has high ubiquitous expression in nearly all tissues examined, particularly in various brain tissues.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The identification and further characterization of these two novel RFX genes hold promise for gaining critical insight into development and many disease conditions in mammals, potentially leading to identification of disease genes and biomarkers.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>NS conceived of the study, participated in experimental design. SA, LS and JSCC carried out the analysis. SA and NS wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This project was supported by an NSERC Discovery Award to NC. SA is supported by a NSERC USRA. LS is a Pacific Century Graduate Scholar. JSCC is supported by a Hemingway Nelson Architects Graduate Scholarship and a Weyerhaeuser Molecular Biology Graduate Scholarship. NC is also a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Scholar. We thank Drs. Robert Johnsen and Maja Tarailo for critical reading of the manuscript and insightful suggestions.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"F1\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Mammalian RFX DBDs are highly conserved</bold>. DBDs from six mammalian RFX genes were aligned using ClustalW. The conservation of amino acid is depicted by a color gradient from the color yellow, which indicates low conservation, to red, which indicates high conservation. Nine residues that make direct or water-mediated DNA contacts are indicated with arrow heads. The species names included in this figure are abbreviated. They are: Mus–mouse (<italic>Mus musculus</italic>); Rno–Rat (<italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic>); Cfa–dog (<italic>Canis familiaris</italic>); Ptr–chimpanzee (<italic>Pan troglodytes</italic>); Mmu–monkey (<italic>Macaca mulatta</italic>) and Hsa–human (<italic>Homo sapiens</italic>).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F2\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Functional domains in the known and novel human RFX genes</bold>. The functional domains, AD, DBD, B, C, and D are indicated using color-coded boxes. Genes are represented using horizontal lines, which are proportional to the protein lengths. The domain lengths and positions are also proportional to their actual lengths. The graphs are aligned based on the position of the DBDs.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F3\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>RFX interactome</bold>. Circles depict gene products and lines depict protein-protein interactions. The interactions between RFX6 and its direct interactors were obtained using yeast-two-hybrid method in a large-scale human protein-protein interaction study [##REF##16189514##34##]. Additional interactions were constructed by Rhodes <italic>et al</italic>[##REF##16082366##46##]. The network was generated using program available at the HiMap website <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>[##REF##16082366##46##].</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F4\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Phylogenetic analysis of mammalian RFX genes</bold>. This phylogenetic tree was constructed based on DBDs of RFX genes for six mammalian species and <italic>C. elegans </italic>using yeast RFX gene product Crt1 as the out-group. The phylogenetic tree was bootstrapped for 100 times with the numbers at each internal node being the bootstrap values. Each ortholog group is colored differently. The species names included in this figure are abbreviated. They are: Mus–mouse (<italic>Mus musculus</italic>); Rno–Rat (<italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic>); Cfa–dog (<italic>Canis familiaris</italic>); Ptr–chimpanzee (<italic>Pan troglodytes</italic>); Mmu–monkey (<italic>Macaca mulatta</italic>) and Hsa–human (<italic>Homo sapiens</italic>).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F5\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>Relative expression of human RFX genes revealed by SAGE</bold>. Original SAGE libraries were generated by the Mouse Atlas Project [##REF##16352711##37##]. X-axis shows different tissue types, while Y-axis shows relative SAGE tag frequency.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"T1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Names and Protein ID of Representative RFX genes.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th align=\"left\">Gene names</th><th align=\"left\">Accession Number (RefSeq)</th><th align=\"left\">ESEMBL protein ID</th><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\">Genomic coordinates</th><th align=\"right\">Protein lengths</th><th align=\"right\">Number of exons</th><th align=\"right\">Number of isoforms</th></tr><tr><th/><th/><th/><th colspan=\"4\"><hr/></th><th/><th/><th/></tr><tr><th/><th/><th/><th align=\"left\">chromosome</th><th align=\"right\">start</th><th align=\"right\">end</th><th align=\"right\">strand</th><th/><th/><th/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">RFX1</td><td align=\"left\">NM_002918</td><td align=\"left\">ENSP00000254325</td><td align=\"left\">19</td><td align=\"right\">13933353</td><td align=\"right\">13978097</td><td align=\"right\">-1</td><td align=\"right\">979</td><td align=\"right\">21</td><td align=\"right\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RFX2</td><td align=\"left\">NM_000635</td><td align=\"left\">ENSP00000306335</td><td align=\"left\">19</td><td align=\"right\">5944175</td><td align=\"right\">6061554</td><td align=\"right\">-1</td><td align=\"right\">723</td><td align=\"right\">18</td><td align=\"right\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RFX3</td><td align=\"left\">NM_134428</td><td align=\"left\">ENSP00000371434</td><td align=\"left\">9</td><td align=\"right\">3208297</td><td align=\"right\">3515983</td><td align=\"right\">-1</td><td align=\"right\">749</td><td align=\"right\">18</td><td align=\"right\">8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RFX4</td><td align=\"left\">NM_213594</td><td align=\"left\">ENSP00000350552</td><td align=\"left\">12</td><td align=\"right\">105501163</td><td align=\"right\">105680710</td><td align=\"right\">1</td><td align=\"right\">744</td><td align=\"right\">18</td><td align=\"right\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RFX5</td><td align=\"left\">NM_000449</td><td align=\"left\">ENSP00000357864</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"right\">149581060</td><td align=\"right\">149586457</td><td align=\"right\">-1</td><td align=\"right\">616</td><td align=\"right\">11</td><td align=\"right\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RFX6</td><td align=\"left\">NM_173560</td><td align=\"left\">ENSP00000332208</td><td align=\"left\">6</td><td align=\"right\">117305068</td><td align=\"right\">117351384</td><td align=\"right\">1</td><td align=\"right\">928</td><td align=\"right\">19</td><td align=\"right\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RFX7</td><td align=\"left\">NM_022841</td><td align=\"left\">ENSP00000373793</td><td align=\"left\">15</td><td align=\"right\">54166958</td><td align=\"right\">54222377</td><td align=\"right\">-1</td><td align=\"right\">1281</td><td align=\"right\">7</td><td align=\"right\">1</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional File 1</title><p>Gene names and Protein ID of mammalian RFX genes.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional File 2</title><p>Gene models of human RFX genes, including RFX1-5 and newly identified RFX6-7. (a) Exon-intron structures of human RFX genes. Exons are represented using boxes, while introns are represented using lines. Both exons and introns shown in this panel are proportional to their real lengths. (b) Illustration of exon-intron structures of human RFX-genes. In this panel, while exons are proportional to their real lengths, for better visualization, introns are represented using lines of same lengths, regardless of their real lengths.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-226-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-226-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-226-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-226-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-226-5\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-226-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-226-S2.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Durbin", "Eddy", "Krogh", "Mitchison"], "given-names": ["R", "S", "A", "G"], "article-title": ["Biological sequence analysis"], "source": ["probabilistic models of proteins and nucleic acids"], "year": ["1998"], "publisher-name": ["Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press"], "fpage": ["356"]}, {"surname": ["Flicek", "Aken", "Beal", "Ballester", "Caccamo", "Chen", "Clarke", "Coates", "Cunningham", "Cutts"], "given-names": ["P", "BL", "K", "B", "M", "Y", "L", "G", "F", "T"], "article-title": ["Ensembl 2008"], "source": ["Nucleic Acids Res"], "year": ["2007"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 17:11:36
BMC Evol Biol. 2008 Aug 1; 8:226
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Cooperation is central to transitions in individuality [##UREF##0##1##, ####UREF##1##2##, ##UREF##2##3##, ##REF##12689724##4####12689724##4##]. Full individuality is achieved when components cooperate and relinquish their autonomy to the larger whole. Depending on the type of transition, this may necessitate the division of labor in growth, reproduction, development, feeding, movement, and protection against external aggression and internal conflict [##UREF##3##5##,##UREF##4##6##]. In the evolution of multicellularity, the chain of events from autonomous individuals at one level to the incorporation of these individuals into a more complex entity remains unclear [##UREF##3##5##]. However, some of the putative forces are likely to be general, since multicellularity has arisen many different times in evolutionary history [##UREF##5##7##,##UREF##6##8##]. Moreover, that many groupings do not show sophisticated specialization and are characterized by substantial levels of internal conflict [##REF##15714559##9##,##REF##11127911##10##], suggests that incomplete multicellularity may be a frequent outcome. What mechanisms are essential to generate individuality? We believe that a general theory needs to explain both full and incomplete transitions towards multicellular individuals.</p>", "<p>Previous work highlights group and kin selection [##UREF##3##5##,##REF##11127911##10##,##REF##1054490##11##], organism size [##UREF##7##12##,##REF##12547910##13##], and the reorganization of fitness and specialization tradeoffs [##REF##16751277##14##] as playing roles in the evolution of multicellularity. A feature common to these mechanisms is the establishment and maintenance of cooperative behaviors amongst subunits through, for example, conflict mediation (e.g. [##UREF##8##15##,##UREF##9##16##]). Based on a recent literature review, Grosberg and Strathmann [##UREF##6##8##] argued that for cooperation to emerge and favor the specialization of subunits, groups of cells need to reduce genetic conflicts arising in cell lineages [##REF##11127911##10##]. They conclude that several mechanisms can limit such conflicts, perhaps the most important being development from a single cell (e.g., [##UREF##3##5##,##UREF##9##16##]).</p>", "<p>A key type of subunit specialization in multicellular organisms is the separation of germ and soma [##UREF##0##1##,##UREF##3##5##,##REF##11127911##10##,##REF##2402151##17##,##UREF##10##18##]. Separating germ and somatic functions amongst individual cells or cell lineages requires that each sacrifice autonomy. Theory predicts that such specialization is promoted by non-mutually exclusive mechanisms such as cooperation and relatedness amongst cell lineages [##REF##11127911##10##], cheater control [##UREF##0##1##,##REF##9766963##19##,##UREF##11##20##] and adaptive responses to tradeoffs between survival and reproductive functions, i.e. a covariance effect augmenting the fitness of the group over the average fitness of its members [##REF##16751277##14##]. It is not known whether the alignment of fitness interests in emerging soma and germ lines tends to occur before, during or after other types of specialization characteristic of multicellular organisms [##UREF##7##12##].</p>", "<p>A pervasive feature in a diverse array of social systems is that individuals not contributing to the common good either act as dispersers, or are either rewarded for, or coerced into, cooperating. Examples range from bacteria (e.g. <italic>Pseudomonas fluorescens</italic>) through protozoa (e.g. <italic>Volvox carteri</italic>) to metazoans, like eusocial insects and mammals (see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). For example, in naturally occurring <italic>Dictyostelium </italic>slime molds prespores secrete a chlorinated hexaphenone (DIF-1) inhibiting redifferentiation of prestalk cells into prespores, which would transpose them from \"cooperative\" stalk building to \"cheating\" spore production (i.e. a transition into the dispersing and perennial germ line; [##REF##7601348##21##,##REF##18707497##22##]). Cheating is further curtailed by pleiotropic effects of a gene required to permit receipt of this signal, which affects also the probability of spore formation [##REF##15470429##23##]. In tunicates such as <italic>Botryllus schlosseri</italic>, natural chimeras consisting of genetically nonhomogenous organisms often show reproducible germ cell parasitism that is sexually inherited, with \"parasitic forms\" being expressed only in the germ line, i.e. in the dispersing entities [##UREF##12##24##]. In the cooperatively breeding cichlid fish <italic>Neolamprologus pulcher</italic>, brood care helpers of both sexes are forced to pay rent for being tolerated in a safe territory [##UREF##13##25##,##UREF##14##26##]. To avoid being punished they preemptively appease dominants by cooperative and submissive behavior [##UREF##15##27##]. Typically, in these cichlids and in cooparatively breeding meerkats <italic>Suricata suricatta</italic>, subordinates preparing for dispersal reduce helping [##UREF##16##28##,##UREF##17##29##], which might be explained by reduced costs of potential punishment by eviction [##REF##15038984##30##,##REF##15729644##31##]. In eusocial mole rats (<italic>Heterocephalus glaber </italic>and <italic>Cryptomys damarensis</italic>) non-reproductive helpers and hardly helping dispersers coexist [##REF##8602260##32##, ####REF##11087866##33##, ##REF##16598257##34####16598257##34##]. Policing of subordinates by dominant breeders may simultaneously maintain social order and stimulate cooperative behaviors [##UREF##18##35##,##UREF##19##36##]. This distinction of roles between individuals is particularly obvious in the separation between soma and germ that has apparently evolved many times independently [##UREF##5##7##]. Nevertheless, there are examples where cooperative behaviors are associated with enhanced group dispersal (see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). For example, in the soil-dwelling social bacterium <italic>Myxococcus xanthus</italic>, individualistic cell movement ('A-motility') promotes swarming on hard surfaces, whereas swarming on soft surfaces is a group function driven primarily by individually costly S-motility [##REF##12955143##37##].</p>", "<p>These empirical patterns merit explanation, and we take a first step by employing optimization techniques to evaluate the conditions leading to associations between dispersal and social strategy. Sociality in our models takes the form of cooperation in the production of a public good. Previous study of public goods has shown how cheating, if left unchecked, potentially leads to a \"tragedy of the commons\" [##REF##5699198##38##,##REF##17981363##39##], whereby individual selection tends to favor exploitation of the public good at some concurrent or future detriment of the group. Several non-mutually exclusive mechanisms may promote cooperation and group persistence, including kin selection (e.g., [##UREF##20##40##, ####UREF##21##41##, ##UREF##22##42####22##42##]), rewards and sanctions (e.g., [##UREF##23##43##,##REF##12778541##44##]), spatial and network structure (e.g., [##REF##9750181##45##, ####REF##11935015##46##, ##UREF##24##47####24##47##]), and signals involving kin or non-kin (e.g., [##UREF##25##48##, ####REF##12643576##49##, ##REF##15446434##50####15446434##50##]). Recent reviews and perspectives can be found in Crespi [##REF##11245940##51##], Sachs and colleagues [##REF##15232949##52##], Lehmann and Keller [##REF##16910958##53##], and West and coworkers [##REF##17714660##54##].</p>", "<p>We develop a model based on kin selection that incorporates dispersal specialization, as suggested by the case studies in Table S1 (see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). We employ the terms \"soma\" and \"germ\" to represent the functions of within-group growth and dispersal leading to the founding of new groups, respectively. Our use of the terms \"cooperators\" and \"cheaters\" refers to social behaviors within the commons (e.g., soma), and this should be distinguished from the frequent usage of \"cheaters\" as cooperative somatic lineages trying to gain access to germ line (e.g., [##UREF##0##1##,##UREF##3##5##,##UREF##6##8##,##REF##11127911##10##,##REF##18707497##22##]). Specifically, cooperators contribute to the public good within a distinct group at an individual cost, and cheaters exploit the public good. Cooperators and/or cheaters may be selected to either remain in a group, or to disperse (potentially founding new groups). Our theory proposes a mechanism leading to high overall cooperation, based on dispersal specialization. In addition to increasing our understanding of cooperative and dispersal behaviors, it could apply to the evolution of multicellularity in a range of contexts, including physiologically integrated organisms [##REF##10322523##55##,##REF##21680404##56##], organisms with both solitary and integrated life-styles (e.g., [##UREF##26##57##]), and complex societies [##REF##2811397##58##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>We formalize our verbal arguments given above by developing and analyzing a model of coevolution between exploitation of the commons and dispersal. From the outset, we stress that our model is a highly simplified representation of this process, and not aimed to make quantitative predictions for any given system. Rather, our goal is to identify the qualitatively important drivers in the coevolution of individual strategies and the evolution of multicellularity.</p>", "<p>In our model the focal units of selection are individuals themselves, rather than the higher-level unit. A transition to multicellularity is favored when the interests of the individual and the higher-level (the group) are aligned [##UREF##3##5##,##UREF##6##8##,##UREF##8##15##]. Previous models investigating the transition to multicellularity invoke a framework where the group is the focal unit of selection (see, for example [##UREF##8##15##]). However, focusing on the higher-level as the focal unit does not easily allow the investigation of optimization at the lower level [##REF##17211805##59##], and the individually-selected conditions leading to a major transition [##UREF##27##60##]. Grosberg and Strathmann [##UREF##6##8##] have argued that many of the requirements for transitions to multicellularity exist in unicellular organisms (for social groups, see [##UREF##28##61##]). Once a transition is in progress, and the \"group\" begins to behave as an individual entity, one can begin to treat this unit as an evolving individual in itself.</p>", "<p>We analyze an optimization model that takes into account the effect of both the phenotype of the focal individual and the average phenotype of the group in which it lives, on the fitness of the focal individual (see Table ##TAB##0##1## for descriptions of parameters and variables). The approach is based on the direct fitness method [##UREF##22##42##,##REF##8763356##62##] in that, by considering the effects of both individual and average group phenotypes on the fitness of a focal individual, we can apply the Price Equation to partition these effects as weighted by the relatedness of the focal individual to other members of the group [##UREF##22##42##]. We can then assess the relative impacts of (1) costs and benefits of individual behaviors and (2) kin structure, on associations between exploitative strategy within a group, and dispersal to found new groups. Nevertheless, our model oversimplifies the complexity of social behavior and dispersal decisions (for review, see [##UREF##29##63##]), and should thus be viewed as a preliminary attempt to identify patterns.</p>", "<p>Our model makes several assumptions. First, we do not explicitly consider dynamics, such as group founding, group numbers, individual emigration and immigration, and competition for limiting resources within or between groups. Rather, we assume negligible variation in inter-group competition. Second, our model does not explicitly incorporate genetic polymorphisms, meaning that the heritable traits are probabilities to adopt alternatives of each strategy (disperse or stay; cooperate or cheat) depending on environmental and/or social conditions [##UREF##0##1##,##REF##11127911##10##,##REF##8602260##32##,##UREF##30##64##, ####UREF##31##65##, ##UREF##32##66####32##66##]. Third, there is a simple direct tradeoff between an individual's viability (growth, survival and reproduction) within the group and its ability to disperse and found new groups. This is based on the well established life-history trade-off between reproduction and dispersal (see [##UREF##33##67##]), probably best studied in insects (on the physiological scale e.g. [##UREF##34##68##, ####UREF##35##69##, ##REF##16609924##70####16609924##70##]; on the ecological scale e.g. [##UREF##36##71##,##UREF##37##72##]). Whereas growth and reproduction within the group impacts the production and consumption of the public good, the tendency to disperse reduces these impacts because of the limited presence of dispersers in the source group.</p>", "<title>Life cycle and fitness equations</title>", "<p>We assume that a group's life-cycle has three sequential stages: colonization, growth, reproduction and survival of individuals within the group; exhaustion of resources; and the dispersal of survivors. Some of the survivors may stay at the same site of the source group, and others disperse as colonists to other sites.</p>", "<p>The model tracks the fitness contribution of a mutant individual <italic>i</italic>, within group <italic>j </italic>[##UREF##22##42##,##REF##8763356##62##]. Fitness effects are partitioned between cooperators and cheats–who have positive and negative impacts on the public good, respectively–and amongst dispersal strategies. Thus four strategies are possible: (1) cooperate and remain in group, (2) cooperate and disperse, (3) cheat and remain in group, and (4) cheat and disperse. Only the first and third strategies affect the public good.</p>", "<p>The proportion of cooperators in the group is <italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>(for simplicity, hereafter we denote individual <italic>i </italic>within group <italic>j </italic>using the subscript <italic>i </italic>only), which can take continuous values between 0 and 1. Moreover, our model incorporates two dispersal strategies based on whether the dispersing individual is a cooperator or a cheater. We define <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>as the investment of a cooperator in dispersal and <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>as the investment of a given cheater in dispersal. Both of these quantities take on continuous values between zero and one. The mean proportions of dispersing cooperators and cheaters in group <italic>j</italic> are <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub><italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>and <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>(1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>), respectively and overall investment in dispersal is <italic>d</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>= <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub><italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>+ <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>(1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>).</p>", "<p>The fitness equation takes the form</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where the functions <italic>D </italic>and <italic>E</italic>, respectively, represent the contribution of selection on dispersal and the exploitation of the public good of individual <italic>i </italic>in group <italic>j </italic>to its own fitness. Function <italic>G </italic>is the overall investment in the public good in group <italic>j</italic>.</p>", "<p>Dispersal is modeled by considering the fitness contributions of both individuals that stay at the site previously occupied by the group and others that disperse [##UREF##38##73##]. We assume that the costs of dispersal may differ between cooperators (<italic>c</italic>) and cheaters (<italic>e</italic>). Small costs would indicate abundant new sites for group establishment and high disperser survival. Although we consider different cases in the analysis, our general expectation is that the costs of cooperation will extend to dispersal, such that <italic>c </italic>&gt; <italic>e</italic>.</p>", "<p>The function, <italic>D</italic>, takes the form</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>The first term in square brackets describes the fitness of a non-disperser (1 - <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>(1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) - <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub><italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) relative to the average non-disperser (1 - <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>(1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>) - <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub><italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>) and immigrants ((1-<italic>e</italic>) <italic>z </italic>(1-<italic>n</italic>) + (1-<italic>c</italic>)<italic>y n</italic>). The second term describes the fitness of a disperser ((1-<italic>e</italic>) <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>(1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) + (1-<italic>c</italic>)<italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub><italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) given the competition it faces with residents (1 - <italic>z </italic>(1-<italic>n</italic>) - <italic>y n</italic>) and migrants ((1-<italic>e</italic>) <italic>z </italic>(1-<italic>n</italic>) + (1-<italic>c</italic>)<italic>y n</italic>) in another group. The terms <italic>n</italic>, <italic>z </italic>and <italic>y </italic>(i.e., without subscripts) are population-wide means. The denominator in both terms represents the amount of competition faced either in the original group, in the case of a non-disperser, or in a new group, in the case of the disperser. Note that in the limit of no dispersal, individual fitness can still be positive under the assumption that groups survive indefinitely.</p>", "<p>All non-dispersing individuals are selected to exploit, but given our assumption that there is a cost of cooperation (<italic>s</italic>), this will weight selection to favoring cheaters, all else being equal. The function, <italic>E</italic>, describes the contribution of individual <italic>i </italic>to its own fitness through exploitation of the public good and is given by</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where the subscript <italic>j </italic>indicates mean group levels, and the constant <italic>s </italic>measures the cost to individual cooperators in producing the public good.</p>", "<p>The overall effect of group investment in the public good on individual fitness is described by</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where it is assumed that non-dispersing cooperators have a positive effect on the public good (scaled by P) as their frequency, <italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>, increases [##REF##15278839##74##,##REF##11935014##75##], whereas cheaters have a net negative effect on the public good (scaled by Q) as their frequency, 1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>, increases. Note that in the absence of cooperators, cheats can persist as long as their impact on the commons is sufficiently low (<italic>z </italic>Q&lt; 1). Alternatively, when group effects are nil (i.e. P = Q = 0), the notion of a group is a collection of autonomous individuals.</p>", "<title>Relatedness and numerical simulation methods</title>", "<p>We analyze the model by employing the Price Equation, which enables us to express possible fitness maxima as a function of constant parameters and variables, and the relatedness, <italic>r</italic>, between individuals. Taylor and Frank [##REF##8763356##62##] give methods for finding the equilibrium, such that for any trait <italic>v </italic>we have</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>from which we can find a steady state(s) when d<italic>w</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>/d<italic>v</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>= 0 to find any or all <italic>v* </italic>= <italic>y</italic>*, <italic>z</italic>*, <italic>n*</italic>.</p>", "<p>In our model, <italic>r </italic>can either be a parameter (referred to as an \"open model\" by Gardner and West [##REF##16911000##76##]) or can emerge from the underlying structure of the population (referred to as a \"closed\" model in [##REF##16911000##76##]). In the latter case, we may derive <italic>r </italic>from the dispersal of individuals in the population with the recursion relation (e.g., [##REF##17981363##39##,##REF##16911000##76##])</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>This recursion tracks the probability that a given focal individual is identical by descent to another randomly picked individual at time <italic>t</italic>. The parameter <italic>k </italic>is the effective number of individuals in the group, and can be viewed as a measure of genetic diversity due to individual aggregation in group founding and habitat structure. [Note however that our model does not explicitly track the actual number of individuals in the group]. Low <italic>k </italic>is indicative of group founding by single individuals, group resistance to immigration, and abundant open sites for group founding [##REF##11127911##10##,##UREF##39##77##].</p>", "<p>In the recursion above, the term 1/<italic>k </italic>represents the probability that the randomly picked individual is the focal individual itself. The second term represents the probability that the randomly picked individual is different to the focal individual, and that neither have dispersed (represented by (1-<italic>d</italic>)<sup>2</sup>). This is multiplied by the relatedness from the previous round. Solving this recursion relation yields the equilibrium relatedness, which is</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>As we assume weak selection, the probability that a given individual disperses depends on the probability that it is a cooperator and disperses, plus the probability that it is a cheater and disperses, so <italic>d </italic>= <italic>yn</italic>+<italic>z</italic>(1-<italic>n</italic>) in this case. Under the assumptions of weak selection, we evaluate this recursion for the case when <italic>v</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>= <italic>v</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>= <italic>v</italic>, where <italic>v </italic>is the trait in question.</p>", "<p>Optimal strategies were solved numerically. This consisted of iterating equation (5) with steps of 0.05 or smaller for a total of 100,000 steps, which was sufficient to identify the steady state in all cases. We found that whereas initial levels of evolving variables did not affect the optimal solution when only dispersal frequencies <italic>y </italic>and <italic>z </italic>evolved, initial conditions could indeed affect the optimal solution when all three variables evolved. Closer examination showed that alternative stable states were possible, one with either all cheaters (<italic>n</italic>* = 0) or all cooperators (<italic>n</italic>* = 1), and a second with both strategies persisting (0 &lt;<italic>n* </italic>&lt; 1). Although we cannot exclude the existence of alternative interior equilibria, our numerical studies always yielded at most a single interior solution.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>We consider two scenarios. In the first (Model 1) only dispersal in cooperators (<italic>y</italic>) and cheaters (<italic>z</italic>) evolves, but not cooperation (<italic>n</italic>). This situation would be obtained if mechanisms not explicitly included in the model (e.g., policing, [##REF##12778541##44##]) controlled the level of cooperation, or if the frequencies of cooperative behaviors were either not subject to evolution, or labile to it over much longer time scales than dispersal. More generally however, empirical study suggests that cooperative behaviors are subject to selection [##UREF##40##78##, ####REF##12955142##79##, ##REF##17055982##80####17055982##80##] and we consider the case (Model 2) in which dispersal and the frequency of cooperators (<italic>n</italic>) and cheaters (1-<italic>n</italic>) co-evolve.</p>", "<p>In addition to optimal levels of dispersal (Model 1), and of cooperation and dispersal (Model 2), we examine the effects of model parameters on dispersal specialization σ = <italic>y</italic>*/(<italic>y</italic>*+<italic>z*</italic>), and for Model 2 only, overall cooperation Φ = <italic>n</italic>*(1-<italic>y</italic>*)+(1-<italic>n</italic>*)<italic>z</italic>* (i.e., the sum of cooperators not dispersing and of cheaters dispersing). Note that when σ = 0 (or σ = 1), although all cooperators (cheats for σ = 1) are sedentary it is not necessarily true that all cheats (cooperators for σ = 1) disperse.</p>", "<title>Model 1</title>", "<p>Optimal solutions always yielded partial or complete specialization, with cooperators tending to disperse more than cheaters (i.e., σ &gt; 0.5) for high costs of cooperation (<italic>s</italic>) compared to public good's effect (<italic>P</italic>), and low cooperator frequencies (<italic>n</italic>) (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). The reverse trends promote relative cheater dispersal (σ &lt; 0.5; Fig. ##FIG##0##1##). The impact of effective group size (<italic>k</italic>) is more complex. Higher <italic>k </italic>tends to polarize dispersal to either cooperators (<italic>y* </italic>&gt; 0, <italic>z</italic>* = 0) or cheaters (<italic>y</italic>* = 0, <italic>z</italic>* &gt; 0), and increases the parameter space in which cooperators dominate dispersal (areas with σ * = 1; Fig. ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<p>Low effective group size (low <italic>k</italic>) should positively associate with kin competition, and in agreement with previous work [##UREF##41##81##,##REF##3626575##82##], we find that low <italic>k </italic>is associated with higher overall dispersal, <italic>d* </italic>(Figure ##FIG##1##2a##). Not surprisingly, <italic>d* </italic>increases with lower cooperator frequencies (<italic>n</italic>) and public good effects (<italic>P</italic>) (Fig. ##FIG##1##2a##). However, the effects of <italic>k </italic>and <italic>n </italic>on the separate cooperator (<italic>y*</italic>) and cheater (<italic>z*</italic>) dispersal frequencies are more complex (Figs. ##FIG##1##2b, c##). In particular, low <italic>k </italic>was always found to drive cheaters to disperse (Fig. ##FIG##1##2c##), whereas the effect on cooperators depended strongly on cooperator frequency (<italic>n</italic>) and public good productivity (<italic>P</italic>) (Fig. ##FIG##1##2b##).</p>", "<p>Cheater and cooperator dispersal can be understood as follows. When the group is dominated by cheaters (low <italic>n</italic>) and production of the public good (<italic>P</italic>) is small, increasing cooperator sedentariness (1-<italic>y*</italic>) has little beneficial effect on fitness (<italic>w</italic>), due to insufficient marginal gains via both individual exploitation (<italic>E</italic>; eqn. 3) and the group effects (<italic>G</italic>; eqn. 4). As a consequence, cooperators are selected to disperse more, relative to cheaters. Cheaters may disperse at high levels nonetheless (e.g., case of <italic>n </italic>= 0.1, <italic>k </italic>= 1.2 in Fig. ##FIG##1##2c##), because in so doing, they lessen the effects of the tragedy of the commons on individual fitness of their kin. In contrast, when the group is dominated by cooperators (high <italic>n</italic>) and public good production is high (<italic>P</italic>), marginal fitness increases with cooperator sedentariness and, due to kin competition (<italic>k</italic>), cheaters are selected to disperse more, relative to cooperators.</p>", "<title>Model 2</title>", "<p>Permitting social evolution introduces the possibility that the frequency of cooperators or cheaters fixes to zero or one, in which case associations (σ) between dispersal and social strategies are irrelevant. We find that depending on parameter combinations, either only a single global optimum is obtained, or two alternative local optima are possible. In the latter case, which state is obtained depends on initial levels of <italic>y, z </italic>and <italic>n </italic>in the numerical simulations. Figure ##FIG##2##3## shows the fraction of simulations with random initial levels of <italic>n</italic>, <italic>y </italic>and <italic>z</italic>, achieving either an internal equilibrium (0 &lt;<italic>n* </italic>&lt; 1), or one with all cooperators (<italic>n* </italic>= 1), or one with all cheaters (<italic>n</italic>* = 0) for different costs of cooperator dispersal (<italic>c</italic>; Fig. ##FIG##2##3a##) and effective group sizes (<italic>k</italic>, Fig. ##FIG##2##3b##). For simplicity in the analyses below, we employ a single arbitrary starting condition (<italic>n </italic>= <italic>y </italic>= <italic>z </italic>= 0.5).</p>", "<p>We observed four basic outcomes (Fig. ##FIG##3##4##): (1) fixation of cooperators (<italic>n* </italic>= 1), (2) fixation of cheaters (<italic>n* </italic>= 0), or coexistence of cooperators and cheaters with (3) the former only being sedentary (σ * = 0), or (4) the latter only being sedentary (σ * = 1). When σ * = 0 or σ * = 1 (i.e., all cooperators or cheaters sedentary, respectively), we further found outcomes in which all cheaters dispersed (<italic>z</italic>* = 1) or all cooperators dispersed (<italic>y* </italic>= 1), respectively. Parameter effects are generally similar to Model 1, but with some notable contrasts.</p>", "<p>Whereas in Model 1, the relative cost of cooperator (<italic>c</italic>) and cheater (<italic>e</italic>) dispersal did not yield a simple threshold condition for optimal outcomes (not shown), it did so for Model 2. We found that when cooperators and cheaters coexisted and <italic>e </italic>&gt; <italic>c</italic>, cooperators dispersed and cheaters did not (i.e., σ * = 1) (Figs. ##FIG##3##4a, b##). The reverse held when <italic>c </italic>&gt; <italic>e </italic>(Figs. ##FIG##3##4c, d##). Low effective group size (<italic>k</italic>) increases cooperator persistence (i.e., smaller areas in which <italic>n* </italic>= 0 in Fig. ##FIG##3##4##), with the effects on cheater persistence contingent on other parameters (i.e., differences in areas with <italic>n* </italic>= 0 in Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). More interestingly, whereas when <italic>e </italic>&gt; <italic>c</italic>, lower <italic>k </italic>shifts the parameter space permitting cooperators and cheaters to coexist and has little effect on the area in which all cooperators disperse (<italic>y</italic>* = 1), when <italic>c </italic>&gt; <italic>e</italic>, it expands the area of coexistence and that in which all cheaters disperse (<italic>z</italic>* = 1) (Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). Finally, relatedness (<italic>r</italic>*) generally increases with high <italic>P</italic>:<italic>s </italic>ratios, low <italic>k</italic>, and high costs to cooperator dispersal, <italic>c</italic>, with respect to cheater dispersal, <italic>e </italic>(Fig. ##FIG##4##5##). Interestingly, specialization in dispersal by cheaters and in sedentariness by cooperators tends to associate with high, but not the highest levels of relatedness (cf Figs. ##FIG##3##4c##, ##FIG##4##5c##).</p>", "<p>If we define the functional role of a cooperator as contributing to the public good, and that well functioning groups minimize the impact of cheats on the public good, then, trivially, specialization resulting in mobile cooperators and sedentary cheaters corresponds to a non-social, individualistic scenario, and cannot be considered a group related phenomenon. There are however two ways in which the impact of cheaters on the commons can be reduced: either 1-<italic>n* </italic>decreases and/or <italic>z* </italic>increases. Figure ##FIG##5##6## presents the effects of model processes on overall cooperation, defined as Φ = <italic>n</italic>* (1-<italic>y*</italic>) + (1-<italic>n*</italic>) <italic>z*</italic>. We see that although high levels of Φ are generally promoted for high <italic>P</italic>:<italic>s </italic>ratios, perfect overall cooperation (Φ = 1) is most readily obtained at low <italic>k </italic>and intermediate <italic>P</italic>:<italic>s </italic>ratios (e.g. Fig. ##FIG##5##6c##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Our results are in broad agreement with the tenets of kin selection theory for explaining dispersal [##REF##9750181##45##,##UREF##41##81##,##REF##3626575##82##] and the maintenance of cooperative behaviors [##REF##5875341##83##, ####REF##17416674##84##, ##UREF##42##85####42##85##]. Specifically, we found that dispersal specialization leading to high levels of overall cooperation (Φ) is promoted by sufficient benefit to cost ratios (<italic>P </italic>: <italic>s</italic>) of cooperation and by kin selection (low <italic>k</italic>). The one apparent discrepancy to previous theory is, whereas higher benefit (<italic>P</italic>) to cost (<italic>s</italic>) ratios promote cooperation, higher kin selection (low <italic>k</italic>) was sometimes observed to reduce the relative frequency of cooperators (<italic>n*</italic>) (cf. Figs. ##FIG##3##4c, d##). This can be explained if we consider cheaters dispersing from the group as a type of cooperative behavior. Dispersing cheaters are effectively 'cooperative' because of the incurred individual cost of dispersal (<italic>e</italic>), and the benefits to the group in having less negative impact on the commons (<italic>Q</italic>) (cf. Figs ##FIG##3##4c, d## with Figs. ##FIG##5##6c, d##). Moreover, we found that partial or total specialization of otherwise somatic cheats as dispersing germ line occurred without the need for costly modifiers [##UREF##43##86##] or the repression of cheaters [[##UREF##44##87##,##UREF##45##88##], but see [##REF##18707497##22##]], suggesting that the mechanism identified here is applicable to a wider range of organisms where these mechanisms do not sufficiently reduce somatic cheating, or cannot evolve. Conversely, control mechanisms such as rewarding and punishment, which might be operating in many systems (see examples in Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##), do not preclude the functionality of the mechanism demonstrated in this study (cf. Model 1).</p>", "<p>The examples presented in Table S1 (see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##) and our theoretical findings suggest a common conceptual and mechanistic foundation for the evolution of cooperation and individual functional specialization within groups (e.g., multicellularity). Most of the empirical examples share the feature that cooperators are less dispersive than more competitive individuals. For instance, low dispersal coincides with physical binding in bacteria that generate biofilms as a public good by polymer production [##REF##12955142##79##,##UREF##46##89##] (but see ref. [##REF##17210916##90##] for an alternative interpretation), with alloparental care of offspring in cooperative breeding [##UREF##47##91##], or with complete genetic altruism in certain eusocial insects [##UREF##48##92##]. It is worth noting that a consistent differentiation of roles regarding sedentariness and dispersal in relation to cooperation and cheating may be much more common in nature than currently believed (e.g. [##REF##17683620##93##]). Because there is no prior formal theory predicting such a relationship, empirical research on this issue is rare and suitable data are therefore scant. We stress that our theory does not elucidate the precise evolutionary pathway leading to complete multicellularity [##UREF##9##16##,##UREF##39##77##], but rather assesses the forces promoting or forestalling different levels of specialization of cooperators and cheaters as functional germ line and soma. As such, the observations of biased dispersal in Table S1 (see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##) have alternative explanations, including forced eviction [##UREF##49##94##] and individual-based habitat selection [##UREF##50##95##]. Experimental (e.g., [##REF##12955142##79##,##REF##17055982##80##,##REF##9770494##96##, ####REF##11140681##97##, ##UREF##51##98####51##98##]), phylogenetic (e.g., [##UREF##4##6##]), and theoretical (e.g., [##REF##12547910##13##,##REF##18707497##22##] and see discussion below) approaches are fruitful avenues to explore alternative explanations and pathways.</p>", "<p>Transitions in individuality and social complexity are generally thought to require some form of reduction in genetic variance during the reproductive process [##UREF##11##20##,##UREF##39##77##]. Genetic heterogeneity can emerge from many sources [##REF##15525396##99##], and the recursive equation 6 in our framework greatly simplifies these, only explicitly including the effects of dispersal. Our results confirm the importance of relatedness in achieving multicellularity, but also show that the highest levels of relatedness did not necessarily yield full specialization of cooperators or cheaters as dispersers, and that complete specialization could occur at relatedness levels as low as 0.7 (Fig. ##FIG##3##4d##). As such, our findings could extend to some systems in which groups are formed by the initial aggregation of non-kin [##REF##11127911##10##,##REF##15278839##74##,##UREF##44##87##,##REF##15525396##99##]. Further study is needed to explore this prediction in detail, since our model did not explicitly account for different lineages, and as such we do not know how spatial heterogeneities in relatedness might influence our results [##UREF##52##100##].</p>", "<p>Our findings have precedent, both in the study of symbiotic associations, and investigations of cooperation within species. With regard to host-parasite and symbiotic interactions, previous research has considered how parasite virulence (which is analogous to cheaters exploiting cooperative groups) may evolve spatially (e.g., [##UREF##53##101##]; for reviews see [##UREF##54##102##,##REF##8919665##103##]). In the case of horizontal transmission in parasites, which is analogous to the level of dispersal in our model (see also [##UREF##38##73##]), theory generally predicts that increased horizontal transmission (<italic>z </italic>in our model) associates with higher parasite virulence (Q (1-<italic>n</italic>) in our model) [##REF##8919665##103##]. Despite allowing for relatedness between potential cooperators and cheats we have a comparable finding, whereby an increasing tragedy of the commons pushes cheating individuals to disperse; this is both because of increased individual fitness opportunities through dispersal (<italic>z</italic>) and increased inclusive fitness through lowered group effects for those related individuals that do not disperse (Q(1-<italic>n</italic>) (1-<italic>z</italic>)).</p>", "<p>In a model investigating cooperation in spatially viscous environments, van Baalen and Rand [##REF##9750181##45##] suggested that non-altruists should disperse more readily than altruists and hypothesized that this could be viewed as a transition towards multicellularity. Koella [##UREF##55##104##] studied the independent dispersal of altruists and of cheaters in a spatially explicit setting and found that a polymorphism could arise in which altruists dispersed and interacted locally, whereas cheaters evolved longer dispersal distances and exploited altruistic clusters. Hamilton and Taborsky [##UREF##50##95##] showed that when the propensities to cooperate by generalized reciprocity and to disperse evolve independently, under a wide range of conditions either cooperation or defection is associated with dispersal, depending on the probability of finding new groups and on the costs of being alone. Over most of the range of mobility costs examined, cooperation was negatively correlated with mobility, while defection was not. Ultimately, this leads to assortment between altruists and defectors in the population (see also [##REF##18707487##105##]), which secondarily can generate group selection effects [##UREF##56##106##,##REF##15380389##107##]. Hamilton and Taborsky [##UREF##50##95##] did not check for linkage effects, however. In another study of the joint evolution of altruism and mobility, Le Galliard and coworkers [##REF##15729651##108##] found that more altruism enhancing local aggregation can select for increased mobility. The synergistic selective interaction between altruism and mobility may cause dispersal to be considerably higher than that predicted in a purely selfish population, if altruism costs accelerate slowly and mobility costs are moderate. However, their model did not reveal a polymorphism to occur between selfish-mobile and altruistic-sessile phenotypes as found so often in nature, from microbes and unicellular algae to mammals (e.g. [##UREF##10##18##,##REF##8602260##32##,##REF##21680429##109##]; Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). Queller [##REF##11127911##10##] argued that the resolution of within-organism conflicts could occur if an altruism allele is expressed conditional on the environment, the altruistic act being an individual removing itself from the germ line in order to perform an enhanced somatic activity. Rainey [##REF##17410161##110##] verbally proposed an idea similar in some respects to these studies, in which group selection acts to promote the functional separation of germ and soma in bacterial biofilms through the dispersal of cheats (see also [##REF##12955142##79##]). Finally, Michod [##REF##16751277##14##] showed how the specialization of lower level units into germ and soma could be associated with the transfer of fitness from lower units to the new higher individual. A critical feature of his model is the tradeoff between the viability and fecundity of lower level units, which, for convex relationships, creates disruptive selection for cooperative germ and soma. Our study, whilst generating congruent results, is to our knowledge the first to demonstrate that the evolution of lower level units based on their effects on the commons can yield dispersal specialization, one of the precursors for selection at the group level and the evolution of full multicellularity.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Our results suggest that the establishment of trait linkage between dispersal and the propensity of within-group cheating may be a general phenomenon promoting complex social organization and multicellularity. Importantly, we cautiously suggest this should be operative regardless of whether groups ever achieve higher levels of individuality, because selection on individual components will always tend to increase exploitation, and stronger group structure will tend to increase overall cooperation through kin selected benefits [##UREF##22##42##,##REF##17416674##84##]. Partial or full reduction in the negative effects of cheaters on the commons through their specialization as dispersers offers partial solutions to two problems: the evolution of cooperation in social groups and the origin of the specialization of germ and soma in multicellular organisms. Our model is, nevertheless, a highly simplified caricature of real systems and future theoretical and empirical study is needed to explore its robustness.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Recent work on the complexity of life highlights the roles played by evolutionary forces at different levels of individuality. One of the central puzzles in explaining transitions in individuality for entities ranging from complex cells, to multicellular organisms and societies, is how different autonomous units relinquish control over their functions to others in the group. In addition to the necessity of reducing conflict over effecting specialized tasks, differentiating groups must control the exploitation of the commons, or else be out-competed by more fit groups.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>We propose that two forms of conflict – access to resources within groups and representation in germ line – may be resolved in tandem through individual and group-level selective effects. Specifically, we employ an optimization model to show the conditions under which different within-group social behaviors (cooperators producing a public good or cheaters exploiting the public good) may be selected to disperse, thereby not affecting the commons and functioning as germ line. We find that partial or complete dispersal specialization of cheaters is a general outcome. The propensity for cheaters to disperse is highest with intermediate benefit:cost ratios of cooperative acts and with high relatedness. An examination of a range of real biological systems tends to support our theory, although additional study is required to provide robust tests.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We suggest that trait linkage between dispersal and cheating should be operative regardless of whether groups ever achieve higher levels of individuality, because individual selection will always tend to increase exploitation, and stronger group structure will tend to increase overall cooperation through kin selected benefits. Cheater specialization as dispersers offers simultaneous solutions to the evolution of cooperation in social groups and the origin of specialization of germ and soma in multicellular organisms.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MEH conceived the study, developed and analyzed the model and wrote the manuscript. DJR participated in the design of the study, developed the model and participated in writing the manuscript. MT participated in the design of the study, constructed Table S1, and participated in writing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank Daniel Blumstein, Ross Crozier, Steve Frank, Toby Kiers, Barbara Taborsky, Peter Taylor and Don Waller for helpful discussions, and Steve Frank, Andy Gardner, Paul Rainey, Stuart West and two anonymous reviewers for comments on earlier drafts. MEH acknowledges the Santa Fe Institute (2005), the National Center of Ecological Analysis and Research (2006–2007), and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique for financial support. MT and DJR acknowledge the Swiss National Science Foundation for support (SNF-grant 3100A0-105626).</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"F1\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Globally optimal associations in dispersal and exploitation strategy for Model 1</bold>. Axes: <italic>P </italic>measures the impact of the public good on individual fitness, and <italic>s </italic>is the individual cost to cooperators in contributing to the public good. σ * = <italic>y*</italic>/(<italic>z* </italic>+ <italic>y</italic>*) indexes the tendency of cooperators to disperse (σ* &gt; 0.5) or cheats to disperse (σ* &lt; 0.5). Thick curves demarcate areas of parameter space yielding different levels of σ, whereas thin lines show areas in with either <italic>y</italic>* = 1 or <italic>z</italic>* = 1. Caption <italic>a</italic>: <italic>k </italic>= 1.2, <italic>n </italic>= 0.1; caption <italic>b</italic>: <italic>k </italic>= 10, <italic>n </italic>= 0.1; caption <italic>c</italic>: <italic>k </italic>= 1.2, <italic>n </italic>= 0.9; caption <italic>d</italic>: <italic>k </italic>= 10, <italic>n </italic>= 0.9. Note that for legibility, very thin areas parallel to thick lines are omitted, in which 0.5 &lt; σ* &lt; 1 for caption <italic>c</italic>, and 0 &lt; σ* &lt; 1 for caption <italic>d</italic>. Unless otherwise noted, dispersal rates are greater than zero and less than unity. Other parameters: <italic>c </italic>= <italic>e </italic>= 0.2, <italic>Q </italic>= 0.2. See main text for numerical methods.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F2\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Effects of parameters on optimal dispersal levels for Model 1</bold>. Effects of public good production (<italic>P</italic>), frequency of cooperators (<italic>n</italic>) and effective group size (<italic>k</italic>). Caption <italic>a</italic>: overall dispersal <italic>d*</italic>; Caption <italic>b</italic>: investment in cooperator dispersal <italic>y*</italic>; Caption <italic>c </italic>investment in cheater dispersal <italic>z</italic>*. Thin line: <italic>k </italic>= 1.2, <italic>n </italic>= 0.1; dashed line: <italic>k </italic>= 10, <italic>n </italic>= 0.1; thick line: <italic>k </italic>= 1.2, <italic>n </italic>= 0.9; thick dashed line: <italic>k </italic>= 10, <italic>n </italic>= 0.9. Other parameters: <italic>c </italic>= <italic>e </italic>= 0.2, <italic>Q </italic>= 0.2, <italic>s </italic>= 0.6.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F3\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>The fraction of simulations in Model 2 leading to different local optima</bold>. Results based on 100 simulations in which initial levels of <italic>n</italic>, <italic>y</italic>, and <italic>z </italic>are each set to a random number between zero and one, inclusive. These simulations produced one of three equilibria: <italic>n</italic>* = 0, 0 &lt;<italic>n* </italic>&lt; 1 or <italic>n* </italic>= 1. Caption <italic>a </italic>effect of the cost of cooperator dispersal (<italic>c</italic>) with <italic>P </italic>= <italic>Q </italic>= 0.3, <italic>s </italic>= 0.5, <italic>k </italic>= 2, <italic>e </italic>= 0.2; caption <italic>b </italic>effect of effective group size (<italic>k</italic>) with <italic>P </italic>= <italic>Q </italic>= 0.2, <italic>s </italic>= 0.6, <italic>e </italic>= 0.2, <italic>c </italic>= 0.3.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F4\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Locally optimal associations between dispersal and exploitation strategy</bold>. The frequency of dispersal in cooperators (<italic>y</italic>) and cheaters (<italic>z</italic>) evolves, and the frequency of cooperators (<italic>n</italic>) and cheaters (1-<italic>n</italic>) evolves. Initial frequencies in numerical studies: <italic>y </italic>= <italic>z </italic>= <italic>n </italic>= 0.5. As for Figure 1 except caption <italic>a</italic>: <italic>k </italic>= 1.2, <italic>c </italic>= 0.1; caption <italic>b</italic>: <italic>k </italic>= 10, <italic>c </italic>= 0.1; caption <italic>c</italic>: <italic>k </italic>= 1.2, <italic>c </italic>= 0.3; caption <italic>d</italic>: <italic>k </italic>= 10, <italic>c </italic>= 0.3.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F5\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p>Relatedness, <italic>r*</italic>, associated with simulations in Figure 4.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F6\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p>Overall cooperation, Φ = <italic>n </italic>*(1 - <italic>y</italic>*)+(1-<italic>n</italic>*)<italic>z</italic>*, associated with simulations in Figure 4.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"T1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Parameters and variables used in this study.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">w</td><td align=\"left\">Individual fitness</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">r</td><td align=\"left\">Relatedness between any two randomly selected individuals in the group</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">s</td><td align=\"left\">Individual cost to cooperator growth in the group</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">k</td><td align=\"left\">Number of individuals in a group (an inverse measure of kin selection)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">c</td><td align=\"left\">Individual cost to cooperator dispersal</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">e</td><td align=\"left\">Individual cost to cheater dispersal</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Q</td><td align=\"left\">Impact of sedentary cheaters on the individual fitness of group members (via consumption of the public good)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P</td><td align=\"left\">Impact of sedentary cooperators on the individual fitness of group members (via production of the public good)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">n</td><td align=\"left\">Relative frequency of cooperators in the group (1-n is the proportion of cheaters)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">z</td><td align=\"left\">Relative frequency of cheaters dispersing</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">y</td><td align=\"left\">Relative frequency of cooperators dispersing</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">d</td><td align=\"left\">Overall investment in dispersal. d = yn + z(1-n)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Φ</td><td align=\"left\">Overall cooperation with respect to the public good. Φ = n*(1-y*)+(1-n*)z*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">σ</td><td align=\"left\">Association between dispersal and cooperation. σ = y/(y+z)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM1\"><label>(1)</label><italic>w</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>= <italic>D</italic>(<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) <italic>E</italic>(<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) <italic>G</italic>(<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>),</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM2\"><label>(2)</label><italic>D</italic>(<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) = [(1 - <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>(1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) - <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub><italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>)/(1 - <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>(1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>) - <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub><italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>+ (1-<italic>e</italic>) <italic>z </italic>(1-<italic>n</italic>) + (1-<italic>c</italic>)<italic>y n</italic>)] + [((1-<italic>e</italic>) <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>(1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) + (1-<italic>c</italic>)<italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub><italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>)/(1 - <italic>e z </italic>(1-<italic>n</italic>) - <italic>c y n</italic>)].</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM3\"><label>(3)</label><italic>E</italic>(<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) = [(1-<italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) (1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) + (1-s) (1-<italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) <italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>]/[(1-<italic>z</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>) (1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>) + (1-s) (1-<italic>y</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>) <italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>],</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM4\"><label>(4)</label><italic>G</italic>(<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, <italic>z</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>) = 1 + P (1-<italic>y</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>) <italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>- Q (1-<italic>z</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>) (1-<italic>n</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>),</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM5\"><label>(5)</label>d<italic>w</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>/d<italic>v</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>= ∂<italic>w</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>/∂<italic>v</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>+ <italic>r </italic>∂<italic>w</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>/∂<italic>v</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM6\"><label>(6)</label><italic>r</italic>(t+1) = 1/<italic>k </italic>+ (<italic>k </italic>- 1)/<italic>k </italic>(1 - <italic>d</italic>)<sup>2 </sup><italic>r</italic>(t).</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM7\"><label>(7)</label><italic>r </italic>= 1/(<italic>k </italic>- (<italic>k </italic>- 1) (1 - <italic>d</italic>)<sup>2</sup>).</disp-formula>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p><bold>(Table S1)</bold>. Examples of group formation for which there is some information on dispersal, relatedness and punishment/policing.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-238-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-238-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-238-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-238-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-238-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-238-6\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-238-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 17:11:36
BMC Evol Biol. 2008 Aug 19; 8:238
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Faba bean (<italic>Vicia faba </italic>L.) is currently the third most important cool-season food legume in the world. Faba bean provides an important source of dietary protein in human diet, edible oil and animal feeds. Like other grain legumes, faba bean contributes to sustainable agriculture in the management of soil fertility and plays an essential role in crop rotation. Faba bean is a diploid with 2n = 2x = 12 chromosomes [##UREF##0##1##,##UREF##1##2##], is partially cross-pollinated ranging from 4 to 84% [##UREF##2##3##], and possesses one of the largest genomes among crop legumes (~13000 Mb). The development of saturated linkage maps as well as the identification and map-based isolation of important qualitative traits or quantitative trait loci is therefore complex and expensive.</p>", "<p>A saturated genetic linkage map provides an invaluable tool in plant genetic studies and practical breeding. One of the first genetic linkage maps of faba bean was constructed by Van de Ven <italic>et al</italic>. [##UREF##3##4##] with only 17 markers; followed by successively more detailed genetic maps by Torres <italic>et al</italic>. [##UREF##4##5##] with 51 markers, Satovic <italic>et al</italic>. [##UREF##5##6##] with 157 markers, Vaz Patto <italic>et al</italic>. [##UREF##6##7##] with 116 markers, Roman <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##12502250##8##] with 121 markers, Roman <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##15067394##9##] with 192 markers and Avila <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##15067393##10##] with 103 markers. To date, faba bean genetic maps have been restricted to morphological, isozyme, RFLP, RAPD, a few seed protein genes and four SSR markers. These markers have been limited either in number, transferability or in their ability to provide syntenic information with other legume species.</p>", "<p>The recent generation of abundant genomic and genetic resources focussed around the model species <italic>Medicago truncatula </italic>and <italic>Lotus Japonicus </italic>has opened up abundant opportunities for creating gene-based molecular markers that are ideal for genetic mapping in general and comparative mapping in particular [##REF##15082563##11##, ####REF##15489274##12##, ##REF##16791689##13##, ##REF##17526914##14##, ##REF##17119911##15##, ##REF##15824281##16####15824281##16##]. In this approach, oligonucleotide primers were designed from sequences of conserved regions in gene exons that flank polymorphic regions such as introns or microsatellites. This PCR-based, codominant marker system has remarkably increased the efficiency of transferring genetic information across species. Examples include the comparison of <italic>M. truncatula </italic>with alfalfa, pea, chickpea, soybean, mung bean, lentil and lupins [##REF##15489274##12##, ####REF##16791689##13##, ##REF##17526914##14##, ##REF##17119911##15##, ##REF##15824281##16##, ##REF##16416153##17##, ##REF##16642337##18####16642337##18##].</p>", "<p>Comparative genomic studies can expose and confirm phylogenetic relationships among species and determine patterns of chromosomal evolution and syntenic relationships. More importantly, comprehensive comparative genomics can facilitate back-and-forth use of genomic resources between different legumes species, and help to reduce cost and increase efficiency in genetic research as well as crop breeding. The use of conserved genome structure to assist in transferring knowledge among related plant species is well established in grasses [##REF##10899971##19##,##REF##10810140##20##] where synteny greatly assists in gene identification among related species.</p>", "<p>In this paper we report: (1) the application of gene-based markers in faba bean; (2) the development of the first exclusively gene-based genetic and comparative map for the species; (3) analysis of syntenic relationship between faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula</italic>; and (4) the levels of homology existing between faba bean, <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and lentil, a closely related species to faba bean.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Genetic mapping population</title>", "<p>A gene-based genetic map of faba bean genome was constructed using a population of 94 F<sub>6 </sub>RILs generated from a cross between faba bean line Vf6 (<italic>equina </italic>type) as the pollen recipient and line Vf27 as pollen donor (<italic>paucijuga </italic>type). These accessions have been widely used in previous genetic studies [##UREF##6##7##,##REF##15067394##9##,##UREF##7##21##] and the population was developed at IFAPA, Centro Alameda del Obispo, in Córdoba, Spain, using diploid parental individuals. Total genomic DNA was isolated from each parent and F<sub>6 </sub>individual as previously described [##REF##16402186##22##].</p>", "<title>Primer design</title>", "<p>A total of 796 intron-targeted amplified polymorphic markers (ITAPs) were used for this study. These were composed of four sets of ITAPs; 340 ML and Lup primers developed from alignment of <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>Lupinus </italic>spp. database EST sequences; 160 MLG primers based on alignments between <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, <italic>Lupinus albus</italic>, and <italic>Glycine max </italic>([##REF##17119911##15##], with a subset of these denoted AtMtL-); 143 cross-species makers (MP) developed by the Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis, USA [##REF##15489274##12##]; and 140 GLIP markers created by the European Grain Legumes Integrated Project (GLIP) based on primarily on <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and pea (Andrea Seres, pers. comm.). The majority of the ITAPs markers could be positioned to a physical location in the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>psuedogenome since most primers were designed from genes in characterized chromosomal regions.</p>", "<title>Polymorphism detection</title>", "<p>Each primer pair was screened on <italic>V. faba </italic>parental DNA. PCR conditions were optimised to produce clear single amplicons, and single PCR products of the same size were purified and directly sequenced. Different detection methods were used to genotype the F<sub>6 </sub>population dependent on the type of polymorphism [##REF##17119911##15##]. Details of each marker are given in Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##.</p>", "<title>Map construction</title>", "<p>Chi-squared analysis (P &lt; 0.05) was applied to test the segregation of the mapped markers against the expected Mendelian segregation ratio for co-dominant inheritance in the faba bean F<sub>6 </sub>RIL population. Genetic linkage mapping was conducted with MultiPoint v 1.2 software [##UREF##8##23##], with a recombination fraction (rf) of 0.29 (LOD = 9.0) using 5000 bootstraps. Map distances were calculated in cM by applying the \"Kosambi\" function. Groups of linked markers that were similarly distorted were accepted for linkage mapping. Independent markers showing significant segregation distortion and markers with missing data (&gt; 10%) were rejected for linkage to avoid bias and false linkages. Genetic maps were drawn with the software program MapChart v 2.1 [##UREF##9##24##].</p>", "<title>Establishment of macrosyntenic relationships between faba bean, lentil and <italic>M. truncatula</italic></title>", "<p>Markers mapped in faba bean were located on the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>map by aligning the ESTs originally used to design the ITAPs primers with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>BACs in the Medicago pseudogenome Mt2.0 build 8/10/2007. Alignments with a BLAST E values &lt; 1e<sup>-20</sup>, hsp identity ≥ 60%, and hsp length &gt; 50 nt were retained. Precise positions of markers were obtained by aligning the ITAP primer sequences with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>BACs using BLASTN with an expected value &lt; 1e<sup>-4 </sup>(primer length varied from 18bp to 28bp). Approximate positions of markers that had been genetically mapped in <italic>M. truncatula </italic>but not yet positioned on the physical map were obtained from the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genetic map [##UREF##10##25##].</p>", "<title>Loci dot plot created via Grid Map</title>", "<p>Grid Map [##UREF##11##26##] was used to compare the genetic maps of faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula</italic>. Ordered loci from faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>linkage groups were listed vertically and horizontally, respectively, and dots were positioned on the diagram at the intersection of the locations of the corresponding markers in the two genetic maps.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Gene-based marker development</title>", "<p>Of the 796 markers screened for amplification in genomic faba bean DNA, 19% produced two or more amplicons of different sizes. Five hundred and seven were selected and optimised for single-locus amplification. Fifty percent (254) of these produced clear single band amplicons (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Seven markers that produced two amplicons (AIGP, GLIP172, GLIP429, GLIP621, GLIP651, Lup226 and MMK1) and one that produced three amplicons (LG34) were also mapped as they exhibited convenient length polymorphisms. One hundred and sixty-five polymorphic markers were identified (Table ##TAB##0##1##), of which 151 markers were used to genotype the 94 individuals of the F<sub>6 </sub>RIL population (supplementary Table ##TAB##0##1##). Apart from the GLIP markers which were selected for their ability to amplify faba bean genomic DNA before this study, 'MLG' and 'MP' markers worked equally well in faba bean (83% and 84%, respectively) but 'MP' markers produced fewer polymorphic amplicons. Amplification rate of the 'ML' markers was the poorest (34%), less than half the rate of the 'MLG' and 'MP' groups (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Likewise, the polymorphism level of the 'ML' markers was the lowest. Both 'MLG' and 'GLIP' markers produced very high levels of polymorphism in the mapping parents (70%; Table ##TAB##0##1##). DNA sequences of markers have been submitted to Genbank under accession codes <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"FH893713\">FH893713</ext-link> – <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"FH937528\">FH937528</ext-link>.</p>", "<p>Nineteen mapped markers (&gt; 12%) deviated significantly (P &lt; 0.05) from the expected Mendelian inheritance ratio of 1:1. About half of these markers (9) were highly distorted (P &lt; 0.01). Fifty percent of the distorted markers segregated in favour of the Vf6 parent and fifty percent in favour of Vf27. Nine of the 12 faba bean LGs contained one to four of these distorted markers, which tended to be scattered throughout the faba bean genome. However, it is noteworthy that distorted markers grouped together in chromosomes FB-1, 7 and 8 (Figure ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<title>The first gene-based and comparative map of Faba bean</title>", "<p>A total of 151 genic markers were used to generate the first gene-based and comparative map of faba bean. This map was constructed with a recombination fraction of 0.29 [LOD = 9.0, 27]. The map consists of seven main linkage groups (FB-1 to FB-7) and 5 fragments (FB-8 to FB-12), which varied in length from 23.6 to 324.8 cM, and spans a total of nearly 1686 cM (Figure ##FIG##0##1## and Table ##TAB##1##2##). The number of markers per LG ranged from three to 30 markers. In addition, there was one pair and thirteen unlinked markers. Eight markers co-segregated at four loci, (three loci in FB-1, one in FB-3; Figure ##FIG##0##1## and Table ##TAB##1##2##). The maximum distances between markers ranged from 13.8 cM in FB-12 to 40.2 cM in FB-3 with an overall mean gap distance of 14.6 cM (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>Of the 135 genic markers that mapped to the 12 faba bean LGs in Figure ##FIG##0##1##, 127 were assigned to the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genetic or physical maps [##UREF##10##25##]. One hundred and four of these (82%) were in syntenic regions. Clear evidence of a simple and direct macrosyntenic relationship between the <italic>V. faba </italic>and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>is presented in the dot matrix in Figure ##FIG##1##2##. The formation of clear isoclinic diagonal lines along the linkage groups provides a strong indication of the conservation of gene order in the two legume genomes. The extensive colinearity was particularly prevailing between FB LG 1, 2, 3, 4 and Mt LG 8, 1, 4, 5 where syntenic regions accounted for 90%, 86%, 50% and 47% of the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>pseudogenome, respectively (Table ##TAB##2##3##).</p>", "<p>However, chromosomal rearrangements were also evident at a moderate level. For example, <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosomes 1 and 7 together with 5 and 2 merged to form the faba bean LGs 2 and 4, respectively. Similarly, <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 2 splits into FB- 4 and 8 and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 3 into FB-5 and 9 (Table ##TAB##2##3## and Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Inversions and translocations were also notable among the orthologous markers within each syntenic pair of faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>LGs (Figure ##FIG##1##2##).</p>", "<title>Evidence of macrosynteny among faba bean, lentil and Medicago truncatula</title>", "<p>A high level of co-linearity was found between the faba bean, lentil and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genomes based on the macro-synteny established between faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>(this study) or lentil and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>[##REF##17119911##15##] using only common orthologous markers which mapped in all three species (Figures ##FIG##2##3## and ##FIG##3##4##). The pattern of homology between faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>was similar to that between lentil and <italic>M. truncatula</italic>: for example, two linkage groups FB-1 and Len-II were exclusively syntenic to <italic>M. truncatula </italic>LG_8 and shared seven markers in common. Common markers were evenly distributed in all the three corresponding LGs suggesting that FB-1 and Len-II are essentially co-linear (Figure ##FIG##2##3A##). Likewise, FB-2 and Len-III were both syntenic to Mt-1 and orthologous to each other with nine markers in common (Figure ##FIG##2##3B##). Other examples are FB-3, Len-I and Mt-4; and FB-4, Len-V and Mt-5 (Figure ##FIG##1##2##, ##FIG##3##4A## and Phan et al., 2007 [##REF##17119911##15##]). FB-5 and FB-9 were co-linear with lentil Len-VII and LenVI, respectively, and both pairs of these linkage groups were colinear with Mt-3 (Figure ##FIG##3##4B##). This suggests shared ancestral chromosomal changes in faba bean and lentil compared to <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and confirms their phylogenetically closer relationship.</p>", "<title>Evidence of fine scale macrosynteny on individual BACs between faba bean, lentil and Medicago truncatula</title>", "<p>Several ITAP markers used in this study were designed from different genes on the same <italic>M. truncatula </italic>BACs. These markers often mapped in clusters in two or more species and in common syntenic regions of corresponding linkage groups. An example is shown in Figure ##FIG##2##3A## with markers LG89-LG98 designed from <italic>M. truncatula </italic>BAC AC140032 and LG83-LG88 from <italic>M. truncatula </italic>BAC AC138131 in <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 8. Similarly, with the exception of LG34c, markers LG31-LG43 designed from <italic>M. truncatula </italic>BAC AC152751 in Mt chromosome 1 were located in one area of FB-2 and Len-III as shown in Figure ##FIG##2##3B##; markers AnMtL6-AnMtL8 and LG102-LG112 from <italic>M. truncatula </italic>BAC AC147712 and AC135800 in Mt chromosome 3 were grouped together on corresponding pairs of LGs i.e. FB-5 and Len-VII and FB-9 and Len-VI; respectively (Figure ##FIG##3##4B##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion and conclusion</title>", "<p>The first genetic map of faba bean composed exclusively with gene-based co-dominant molecular markers was constructed using a F<sub>6 </sub>RIL population between lines Vf6 and Vf27. The map is also the first to enable the establishment of syntenic relationships between faba bean and the model legume <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, comparison with other legume species, and integration with genetic maps available in faba bean.</p>", "<p>The map is composed of 12 linkage groups and 151 genetic markers. Although the number of chromosomes in faba bean has been reported as 2n = 12 [##UREF##1##2##], the number of linkage groups in recent genetic maps in the species range from 13 to 18 [##UREF##6##7##, ####REF##12502250##8##, ##REF##15067394##9##, ##REF##15067393##10####15067393##10##] and previously as many as 48 have been reported [##UREF##5##6##]. The high number of linkage groups compared to the number of chromosomes may be due to the fact that faba bean possesses one of the largest genomes among cultivated legumes (~13000 Mb). This compares with other well-characterised species such as <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, chickpea, soybean, lentil and pea which have genomes of ~450 Mb, ~740 Mb, ~1200 Mb, ~4000 Mb and ~4000 Mb respectively [##UREF##13##28##].</p>", "<p>Of the 24 non-orthologous markers found in this study, eight were from primer pairs where more than one PCR gel band was present and where two or more such amplicons were mapped. In each case, at least one amplicon mapped syntenically. The percentages of markers sequenced in faba bean were lower compared to lentil (63%, 26% and 55% compared to 93%, 69% and 65% for MP, ML and MLG markers respectively, Table ##TAB##0##1##). This was due to higher proportion of markers amplifying multiple bands in faba bean compared to lentil (data not shown), which may imply duplication. Differences in amplification, sequencing and polymorphism rates among different types of markers used for this study reflect the mode of design of the markers. Since 'MP' and 'MLG' markers were often based on the homology of more than two phylogenetically distant species, they are more likely to work in different legume lineages. The same observation was reported for these primer sets in lentil [##REF##17119911##15##].</p>", "<p>Despite the large differences in genome sizes between <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>V. faba</italic>, a simple and direct relationship between the two genomes was identified in this study. Given the number of markers used (151), the syntenic regions cover a large proportion of <italic>M. truncatula </italic>pseudogenome with 90%, 87%, 66%, 62% and 47% for <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosomes 8, 1, 3, 4 and 5, respectively (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The appearance of clear isoclinic diagonal lines along the linkage groups in Figure ##FIG##1##2## also demonstrates strong evidence for the extensive co-linearity between linkage group pairs of the two species. Similar high levels of conservation have also been reported between <italic>L. culinaris </italic>ssp. <italic>culinaris </italic>and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>[##REF##17119911##15##] and other closely related legumes such as <italic>L. culinaris </italic>ssp. <italic>culinaris </italic>and <italic>P. sativum </italic>[##UREF##14##29##], <italic>M. sativa </italic>and <italic>P. sativum </italic>[##REF##15340836##30##], <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>P. sativum </italic>[##REF##16416153##17##], <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>M. sativa </italic>[##REF##15082563##11##]. This study also shows markers originally designed from genes on the same BAC clustered in corresponding syntenic areas in lentil and faba bean. The mapping populations were too small to resolve marker order in lentil and faba bean but extensive conservation of gene order,(and microsynteny) has been shown in previous studies between other legume species at similar or greater phylogenetic distances [##REF##15489274##12##,##REF##12175015##31##, ####REF##14557858##32##, ##REF##16102170##33##, ##REF##17003129##34####17003129##34##], and to some extent between <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>[##REF##16102170##33##, ####REF##17003129##34##, ##REF##12644654##35####12644654##35##].</p>", "<p>A higher level of homology between <italic>V. faba </italic>and <italic>L. culinaris </italic>ssp. <italic>culinaris </italic>compared to that between <italic>V. faba </italic>and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>could be inferred from this study based on the common markers mapped in the two genomes, common homology with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and similar pattern of rearrangements (Figures ##FIG##2##3##, ##FIG##3##4## and Phan <italic>et al</italic>., 2007 [##REF##17119911##15##]). This finding agrees with phylogenetic studies that place the genera <italic>Vicia</italic>, <italic>Lens </italic>and <italic>Pisum </italic>within the tribe Viceae while <italic>Medicago </italic>and <italic>Melilotus </italic>form a parallel tribe Trifolieae within the Galegoid or cool season legumes [##REF##12644643##36##], and is consistent with different levels of macrosynteny observed between <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, <italic>P. sativum</italic>, <italic>V. radiata</italic>, <italic>G. max</italic>, and <italic>Phaceolus vulgaris </italic>dependent on phylogenetic distance [##REF##15489274##12##]. However, chromosomal rearrangements were evident (Figures ##FIG##1##2## and ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<p>Rearrangements involving Mt6 and Mt3 in particular may explain the differences in chromosome number between the two species (<italic>M. truncatula</italic>: n = 8; <italic>V. faba</italic>: n = 6). Mt6 might be considered unusual and is largely composed of heterochromatic DNA [##REF##11489182##37##], contains few transcribed genes [##REF##15082563##11##] and a large proportion of resistance gene analogues [##REF##12059101##38##]. In this study no corresponding linkage group was detected in faba bean, as found previously in pea [##REF##15489274##12##] and lupin [##REF##16791689##13##,##REF##17526914##14##], together with less than five percent estimated coverage by the <italic>L. japonicus </italic>genome [##REF##17003129##34##]. In faba bean FB5 and FB9 appear to correspond to Mt3. This configuration is supported by a similar pattern in lentil (Figure ##FIG##3##4B## and Phan <italic>et al</italic>., 2007 [##REF##17119911##15##]), although a larger number of markers are needed to confirm this.</p>", "<p>The faba bean comparative map constructed here is consistent with the pattern of chromosome conservation previously observed, where different levels of conservation were found to be relatively consistent between <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and other legume species i.e. high conservation of <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosomes 1, 5 and 8; moderate conservation in the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosomes 2, 3, 4 and 7 and lowest conservation in the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 6 (Figures ##FIG##2##3##, ##FIG##3##4## and [##UREF##15##39##]). As described above, no homology was identified with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 6 in this study. The alignment of this faba bean map with lentil and the current <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genome based on <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genome assembly Mt2.0 is slightly different to that based on an earlier assembly [##REF##17119911##15##]. The changes can be observed in Figure ##FIG##2##3B## where orthologous markers which were syntenic to <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 6 in lentil are now co-linear with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 1 in common with faba bean.</p>", "<p>Genome studies have demonstrated different factors are responsible for genome size variation and speciation. These include ancient polyploidisation events in the case of the Brassicas [##REF##8978073##40##]; segmental or region-specific duplication [##REF##14615182##41##]; and genetic rearrangements, transposable element amplification, or combination of different genome modifications [##REF##17291821##42##]. Large scale rearrangements, duplications, or polyploidisation were not apparent in this study, possibly as a result of the focus on single locus markers, however differences in non-coding repetitive DNA or transposable elements provide a possible explanation for the large differences in genome size. Retroelements are known to account for substantial proportions of these Viceae genomes as shown by extensive studies in pea, for example [##REF##18031571##43##,##UREF##16##44##], and more recently <italic>Vicia </italic>[##REF##16585134##45##,##REF##8602145##46##]. Local genic rearrangements similar to that in found in the grasses (duplications, translocations, and insertions or deletions) may explain multiple PCR amplicons [##REF##10899971##19##,##REF##10810140##20##].</p>", "<p>The shared macrosynteny among the three species demonstrated here and even higher level of homology between <italic>L. culinaris </italic>and <italic>V. faba </italic>will undoubtedly facilitate the identification of markers closely linked to traits of interest in <italic>V. faba</italic>. Alignment of this map with existing faba bean maps containing important traits with polymorphic SSR markers and/or markers developed in this study, coupled with cross-reference to the abundant genetic information from the Medicago genome sequencing and extensive EST libraries available for the model legume species, will undoubtedly assist this process. As the parental line Vf6 has been used in a number of genetic and QTL mapping projects [##UREF##5##6##,##UREF##6##7##,##REF##15067394##9##], this map can serve as a central reference map. This study has provided a number of significant outcomes for faba bean genomics and legume genomics in general.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion and conclusion</title>", "<p>The first genetic map of faba bean composed exclusively with gene-based co-dominant molecular markers was constructed using a F<sub>6 </sub>RIL population between lines Vf6 and Vf27. The map is also the first to enable the establishment of syntenic relationships between faba bean and the model legume <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, comparison with other legume species, and integration with genetic maps available in faba bean.</p>", "<p>The map is composed of 12 linkage groups and 151 genetic markers. Although the number of chromosomes in faba bean has been reported as 2n = 12 [##UREF##1##2##], the number of linkage groups in recent genetic maps in the species range from 13 to 18 [##UREF##6##7##, ####REF##12502250##8##, ##REF##15067394##9##, ##REF##15067393##10####15067393##10##] and previously as many as 48 have been reported [##UREF##5##6##]. The high number of linkage groups compared to the number of chromosomes may be due to the fact that faba bean possesses one of the largest genomes among cultivated legumes (~13000 Mb). This compares with other well-characterised species such as <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, chickpea, soybean, lentil and pea which have genomes of ~450 Mb, ~740 Mb, ~1200 Mb, ~4000 Mb and ~4000 Mb respectively [##UREF##13##28##].</p>", "<p>Of the 24 non-orthologous markers found in this study, eight were from primer pairs where more than one PCR gel band was present and where two or more such amplicons were mapped. In each case, at least one amplicon mapped syntenically. The percentages of markers sequenced in faba bean were lower compared to lentil (63%, 26% and 55% compared to 93%, 69% and 65% for MP, ML and MLG markers respectively, Table ##TAB##0##1##). This was due to higher proportion of markers amplifying multiple bands in faba bean compared to lentil (data not shown), which may imply duplication. Differences in amplification, sequencing and polymorphism rates among different types of markers used for this study reflect the mode of design of the markers. Since 'MP' and 'MLG' markers were often based on the homology of more than two phylogenetically distant species, they are more likely to work in different legume lineages. The same observation was reported for these primer sets in lentil [##REF##17119911##15##].</p>", "<p>Despite the large differences in genome sizes between <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>V. faba</italic>, a simple and direct relationship between the two genomes was identified in this study. Given the number of markers used (151), the syntenic regions cover a large proportion of <italic>M. truncatula </italic>pseudogenome with 90%, 87%, 66%, 62% and 47% for <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosomes 8, 1, 3, 4 and 5, respectively (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The appearance of clear isoclinic diagonal lines along the linkage groups in Figure ##FIG##1##2## also demonstrates strong evidence for the extensive co-linearity between linkage group pairs of the two species. Similar high levels of conservation have also been reported between <italic>L. culinaris </italic>ssp. <italic>culinaris </italic>and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>[##REF##17119911##15##] and other closely related legumes such as <italic>L. culinaris </italic>ssp. <italic>culinaris </italic>and <italic>P. sativum </italic>[##UREF##14##29##], <italic>M. sativa </italic>and <italic>P. sativum </italic>[##REF##15340836##30##], <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>P. sativum </italic>[##REF##16416153##17##], <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>M. sativa </italic>[##REF##15082563##11##]. This study also shows markers originally designed from genes on the same BAC clustered in corresponding syntenic areas in lentil and faba bean. The mapping populations were too small to resolve marker order in lentil and faba bean but extensive conservation of gene order,(and microsynteny) has been shown in previous studies between other legume species at similar or greater phylogenetic distances [##REF##15489274##12##,##REF##12175015##31##, ####REF##14557858##32##, ##REF##16102170##33##, ##REF##17003129##34####17003129##34##], and to some extent between <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>[##REF##16102170##33##, ####REF##17003129##34##, ##REF##12644654##35####12644654##35##].</p>", "<p>A higher level of homology between <italic>V. faba </italic>and <italic>L. culinaris </italic>ssp. <italic>culinaris </italic>compared to that between <italic>V. faba </italic>and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>could be inferred from this study based on the common markers mapped in the two genomes, common homology with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and similar pattern of rearrangements (Figures ##FIG##2##3##, ##FIG##3##4## and Phan <italic>et al</italic>., 2007 [##REF##17119911##15##]). This finding agrees with phylogenetic studies that place the genera <italic>Vicia</italic>, <italic>Lens </italic>and <italic>Pisum </italic>within the tribe Viceae while <italic>Medicago </italic>and <italic>Melilotus </italic>form a parallel tribe Trifolieae within the Galegoid or cool season legumes [##REF##12644643##36##], and is consistent with different levels of macrosynteny observed between <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, <italic>P. sativum</italic>, <italic>V. radiata</italic>, <italic>G. max</italic>, and <italic>Phaceolus vulgaris </italic>dependent on phylogenetic distance [##REF##15489274##12##]. However, chromosomal rearrangements were evident (Figures ##FIG##1##2## and ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<p>Rearrangements involving Mt6 and Mt3 in particular may explain the differences in chromosome number between the two species (<italic>M. truncatula</italic>: n = 8; <italic>V. faba</italic>: n = 6). Mt6 might be considered unusual and is largely composed of heterochromatic DNA [##REF##11489182##37##], contains few transcribed genes [##REF##15082563##11##] and a large proportion of resistance gene analogues [##REF##12059101##38##]. In this study no corresponding linkage group was detected in faba bean, as found previously in pea [##REF##15489274##12##] and lupin [##REF##16791689##13##,##REF##17526914##14##], together with less than five percent estimated coverage by the <italic>L. japonicus </italic>genome [##REF##17003129##34##]. In faba bean FB5 and FB9 appear to correspond to Mt3. This configuration is supported by a similar pattern in lentil (Figure ##FIG##3##4B## and Phan <italic>et al</italic>., 2007 [##REF##17119911##15##]), although a larger number of markers are needed to confirm this.</p>", "<p>The faba bean comparative map constructed here is consistent with the pattern of chromosome conservation previously observed, where different levels of conservation were found to be relatively consistent between <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and other legume species i.e. high conservation of <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosomes 1, 5 and 8; moderate conservation in the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosomes 2, 3, 4 and 7 and lowest conservation in the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 6 (Figures ##FIG##2##3##, ##FIG##3##4## and [##UREF##15##39##]). As described above, no homology was identified with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 6 in this study. The alignment of this faba bean map with lentil and the current <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genome based on <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genome assembly Mt2.0 is slightly different to that based on an earlier assembly [##REF##17119911##15##]. The changes can be observed in Figure ##FIG##2##3B## where orthologous markers which were syntenic to <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 6 in lentil are now co-linear with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 1 in common with faba bean.</p>", "<p>Genome studies have demonstrated different factors are responsible for genome size variation and speciation. These include ancient polyploidisation events in the case of the Brassicas [##REF##8978073##40##]; segmental or region-specific duplication [##REF##14615182##41##]; and genetic rearrangements, transposable element amplification, or combination of different genome modifications [##REF##17291821##42##]. Large scale rearrangements, duplications, or polyploidisation were not apparent in this study, possibly as a result of the focus on single locus markers, however differences in non-coding repetitive DNA or transposable elements provide a possible explanation for the large differences in genome size. Retroelements are known to account for substantial proportions of these Viceae genomes as shown by extensive studies in pea, for example [##REF##18031571##43##,##UREF##16##44##], and more recently <italic>Vicia </italic>[##REF##16585134##45##,##REF##8602145##46##]. Local genic rearrangements similar to that in found in the grasses (duplications, translocations, and insertions or deletions) may explain multiple PCR amplicons [##REF##10899971##19##,##REF##10810140##20##].</p>", "<p>The shared macrosynteny among the three species demonstrated here and even higher level of homology between <italic>L. culinaris </italic>and <italic>V. faba </italic>will undoubtedly facilitate the identification of markers closely linked to traits of interest in <italic>V. faba</italic>. Alignment of this map with existing faba bean maps containing important traits with polymorphic SSR markers and/or markers developed in this study, coupled with cross-reference to the abundant genetic information from the Medicago genome sequencing and extensive EST libraries available for the model legume species, will undoubtedly assist this process. As the parental line Vf6 has been used in a number of genetic and QTL mapping projects [##UREF##5##6##,##UREF##6##7##,##REF##15067394##9##], this map can serve as a central reference map. This study has provided a number of significant outcomes for faba bean genomics and legume genomics in general.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The development of genetic markers is complex and costly in species with little pre-existing genomic information. Faba bean possesses one of the largest and least studied genomes among cultivated crop plants and no gene-based genetic maps exist. Gene-based orthologous markers allow chromosomal regions and levels of synteny to be characterised between species, reveal phylogenetic relationships and chromosomal evolution, and enable targeted identification of markers for crop breeding. In this study orthologous codominant cross-species markers have been deployed to produce the first exclusively gene-based genetic linkage map of faba bean (<italic>Vicia faba</italic>), using an F<sub>6 </sub>population developed from a cross between the lines Vf6 (<italic>equina </italic>type) and Vf27 (<italic>paucijuga </italic>type).</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Of 796 intron-targeted amplified polymorphic (ITAP) markers screened, 151 markers could be used to construct a comparative genetic map. Linkage analysis revealed seven major and five small linkage groups (LGs), one pair and 12 unlinked markers. Each LG was comprised of three to 30 markers and varied in length from 23.6 cM to 324.8 cM. The map spanned a total length of 1685.8 cM. A simple and direct macrosyntenic relationship between faba bean and <italic>Medicago truncatula </italic>was evident, while faba bean and lentil shared a common rearrangement relative to <italic>M. truncatula</italic>. One hundred and four of the 127 mapped markers in the 12 LGs, which were previously assigned to <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genetic and physical maps, were found in regions syntenic between the faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genomes. However chromosomal rearrangements were observed that could explain the difference in chromosome numbers between these three legume species. These rearrangements suggested high conservation of <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosomes 1, 5 and 8; moderate conservation of chromosomes 2, 3, 4 and 7 and no conservation with <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome 6. Multiple PCR amplicons and comparative mapping were suggestive of small-scale duplication events in faba bean. This study also provides a preliminary indication for finer scale macrosynteny between <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, lentil and faba bean. Markers originally designed from genes on the same <italic>M. truncatula </italic>BACs were found to be grouped together in corresponding syntenic areas in lentil and faba bean.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Despite the large size of the faba bean genome, comparative mapping did not reveal evidence for polyploidisation, segmental duplication, or significant rearrangements compared to <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, although a bias in the use of single locus markers may have limited the detection of duplications. Non-coding repetitive DNA or transposable element content provides a possible explanation for the difference in genome sizes. Similar patterns of rearrangements in faba bean and lentil compared to <italic>M. truncatula </italic>support phylogenetic studies dividing these species into the tribes Viceae and Trifoliae. However, substantial macrosynteny was apparent between faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, with the exception of chromosome 6 where no orthologous markers were found, confirming previous investigations suggesting chromosome 6 is atypical. The composite map, anchored with orthologous markers mapped in <italic>M. truncatula</italic>, provides a central reference map for future use of genomic and genetic information in faba bean genetic analysis and breeding.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>SE and RPO designed the research. HTTP and SE wrote the manuscript. HTTP, SE and MG performed marker polymorphism discovery and population genotyping in Perth. JH assisted with informatics procedures. AMT, CMA and SC-I were involved in developing recombinant inbred lines and marker polymorphism discovery of GLIP markers in Córdoba. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This research was supported by an ARC Linkage project LP0454871, the New South Wales Departments of Primary Industry and the GLIP project FP6-2002-FOOD-1-506223.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>A gene-based genetic linkage map of faba bean (<italic>Vicia faba </italic>L)</bold>. Marker distance is given in cM. *indicates markers with distorted segregation.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Matrix plot of common gene-based markers mapped in faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula</italic></bold>. The faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>loci are listed vertically and horizontally, respectively, according to their linkage group order.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Evidence of shared macrosynteny between <italic>V. faba </italic>chromosomes FB-1 and FB-2, <italic>L. culinaris </italic>and <italic>M. truncatula</italic></bold>. Common orthologous markers are depicted by dashed lines and marker distances are provided in centi-Morgans for <italic>M. truncatula </italic>only. The figures exclude markers that could not be positioned in the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>psuedogenome. A ~ indicates markers that map distally in the corresponding <italic>M. truncatula </italic>chromosome relative to faba bean, and markers suffixed a, b or c denotes derivation from primer pairs that produced multiple PCR products.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Evidence of shared macrosynteny between <italic>V. faba </italic>chromosomes FB-3 and FB-5, <italic>L. culinaris </italic>and <italic>M. truncatula</italic></bold>. Common orthologous markers are depicted by dashed lines and marker distances are provided in centi-Morgans for <italic>M. truncatula </italic>only. The figures exclude markers that could not be positioned in the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>psuedogenome. Markers highlighted * were previously mapped [##REF##16642337##18##] but not positioned in the <italic>M. truncatula </italic>psuedogenome. # indicates markers orthologous between lentil and faba bean but unmapped in <italic>M. truncatula </italic>and markers suffixed a, b or c denotes derivation from primer pairs that produced multiple PCR products.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Efficiency of gene-based markers used to construct the comparative genetic linkage map of faba bean</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Marker type</td><td align=\"left\">Screened</td><td align=\"left\">Amplification<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\">Length polymorphism</td><td align=\"left\">Sequenced<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"left\">CAPS/SNP<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"left\">Mapped</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">MP</td><td align=\"left\">143</td><td align=\"left\">120 (84%)</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"left\">75 (63%)</td><td align=\"left\">45 (60%)</td><td align=\"left\">36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ML</td><td align=\"left\">340</td><td align=\"left\">115 (34%)</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"left\">30 (26%)</td><td align=\"left\">16 (53%)</td><td align=\"left\">25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MLG</td><td align=\"left\">160</td><td align=\"left\">132 (83%)</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"left\">73 (55%)</td><td align=\"left\">50 (70%)</td><td align=\"left\">42</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">GLIP</td><td align=\"left\">140</td><td align=\"left\">140</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"left\">76 (54%)</td><td align=\"left\">54 (71%)</td><td align=\"left\">48</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total</td><td align=\"left\">796</td><td align=\"left\">507</td><td align=\"center\">26</td><td align=\"left\">254</td><td align=\"left\">165</td><td align=\"left\">151</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Properties of the faba bean comparative map</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Linkage group</td><td align=\"left\">Length of LGs (cM)</td><td align=\"left\">No of markers</td><td align=\"left\">No of loci</td><td align=\"left\">Average marker spacing<sup>a </sup>(cM)</td><td align=\"left\">Largest distance between markers (cM)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-1</td><td align=\"center\">324.8</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">27</td><td align=\"center\">12.5</td><td align=\"center\">32.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-2</td><td align=\"center\">313.1</td><td align=\"center\">27</td><td align=\"center\">27</td><td align=\"center\">12.0</td><td align=\"center\">31.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-3</td><td align=\"center\">238.5</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">14.9</td><td align=\"center\">40.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-4</td><td align=\"center\">210.7</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">17.6</td><td align=\"center\">29.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-5</td><td align=\"center\">151.9</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">13.8</td><td align=\"center\">26.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-6</td><td align=\"center\">120.7</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">17.2</td><td align=\"center\">36.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-7</td><td align=\"center\">119.2</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">19.9</td><td align=\"center\">35.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-8</td><td align=\"center\">49.9</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">10.0</td><td align=\"center\">29.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-9</td><td align=\"center\">64.1</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">16.0</td><td align=\"center\">22.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-10</td><td align=\"center\">41.8</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">15.4</td><td align=\"center\">30.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG-11</td><td align=\"center\">27.5</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">13.8</td><td align=\"center\">19.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">LG12</td><td align=\"center\">23.6</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">11.8</td><td align=\"center\">13.8</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">1685.8</td><td align=\"center\">135</td><td align=\"center\">131</td><td/><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Colinearity between the faba bean and <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genomes</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">FB LG</td><td align=\"center\">No. of markers</td><td align=\"left\">No. of non-orthologous markers</td><td align=\"left\">No. of unassigned markers</td><td align=\"left\">Current Mt genetic coverage (LG: cM, No. colinear markers)<sup>1,2</sup></td><td align=\"left\">Current Mt pseudogenome coverage (bp)<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">Current faba bean genetic coverage (cM)<sup>2</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-1</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">8: 0 – 68.2, 11</td><td align=\"left\">8: 736241 – 32433863 (90%)</td><td align=\"left\">0 – 324.8 (100%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-2</td><td align=\"center\">27</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1: 0 – 58.5, 9 7: 58.4 – 60, 3</td><td align=\"left\">1: 59849 – 26963044 (86%) 7: 25725918 – 26383168 (2%)</td><td align=\"left\">152.6 – 313.1 (51.3%) 157.1 – 210.7 (25.4%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-3</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"left\">4: 48.1 – 59, 11</td><td align=\"left\">4: 14544831 – 34128326 (50%)</td><td align=\"left\">0 – 238.5 (100%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-4</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"left\">5: 0 – 32, 6 2: 12.7 – 37.9, 3</td><td align=\"left\">5: 594897 – 17960204 (47%) 2: 8491236 – 15201671 (24%)</td><td align=\"left\">0 – 142 (67%) 250.5 – 256.3 (1.9%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-5</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"left\">3: 28 – 70.3, 9</td><td align=\"left\">3: 10888141 – 28213807 (46%)</td><td align=\"left\">0 – 140.3 (92%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB6</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"left\">1: 2 – 2.2, NA</td><td align=\"left\">1: 4942324 – 5151182 (0.7%)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-7</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"left\">7: 22.6 – 52.8, 4</td><td align=\"left\">7: 9999559 – 22150020 (38%)</td><td align=\"left\">0 – 58.9 (49%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-8</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"left\">2: 48 – 57.8, 5</td><td align=\"left\">2: 17523205 – 20646361 (11%)</td><td align=\"left\">0 – 49.9 (100%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-9</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"left\">3: 62 – 72.5, 5</td><td align=\"left\">3: 19000000* – 30712150 (31%)</td><td align=\"left\">0 – 64.1 (100%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-10</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"left\">4: 0 – 7.4, NA</td><td align=\"left\">4: 537530 – 3489843 (8%)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-11</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"left\">NA</td><td align=\"left\">NA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">FB-12</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"left\">4: 60.4 – 61.1, NA</td><td align=\"left\">4: 36664007 – 38186081 (4%)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Supplementary table 1. Orthologous PCR markers developed in this study and genetically mapped in a F<sub>6 </sub>faba bean population between lines Vf6 and Vf27.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a</sup>Figures in parentheses are percentages of amplified markers of the total markers screened.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Figures in parentheses are percentages of sequenced markers of the total amplified markers.</p><p><sup>c</sup>Figures in parentheses are percentages of polymorphic markers of the total sequenced markers.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a</sup>Calculated by dividing the length of the chromosome (cM) by the number of space/distance between markers/loci.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>NA: not applicable</p><p><sup>1</sup>Data was either based on information from <italic>M. truncatula </italic>genome sequencing website [##UREF##10##25##] or from Choi <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##15489274##12##].</p><p><sup>2</sup>Data is provided for three or more colinear markers and excludes markers on the same chromosome rearranged relative to the order in <italic>M. truncatula</italic>.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-380-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-380-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-380-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-380-4\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-380-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Genomics. 2008 Aug 9; 9:380
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) transporting system is essential for uptake of specific nutrients by bacteria [##REF##8336670##1##]. ABC transporters are usually made up of a soluble-binding protein, a transmembrane protein, and an ATP-binding protein. The soluble-binding protein, also known as bacterial periplasmic-binding protein (bPBP), resides in the periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria. It selectively binds small molecules (i.e., amino acids, inorganic phosphate, or sugars), and carries them to the transmembrane component. As the loaded bPBP docks to the transmembrane unit, its conformation changes such that the substrate can be transferred to the transmembrane protein, and the bPBP is functionally recycled [##REF##9711542##2##].</p>", "<p>A large number of resolved x-ray crystal structures indicate that bPBP is composed of two domains connected by a flexible polypeptide linker that allows the protein to cycle between open and closed conformations. At equilibrium, the apo structure fluctuates between both conformations. Introduction of ligand stabilizes the closed conformation and thus concomitantly shifts the equilibrium. The ubiquitous bPBP hinge-bending motion makes them attractive targets for many practical applications, including drug delivery [##REF##10835100##3##] and biosensors [##REF##12381848##4##]. They are attractive drug delivery agents because the equilibrium between open and closed is sensitive to local environment (i.e., pH, temperature, or presence of interacting enzymes). Thus, it is feasible to engineer bPBP to bind to a drug of interest and then release it when the complex reaches a desired cell or compartment where conventional drug delivery methods fail to reach [##REF##10835100##3##]. The ligand-mediated hinge-bending motion in bPBPs can also be used to design fluorescent biosensors by covalently attaching fluorphore molecules so that fluorescence intensity and/or wavelength changes as a result of hinge-bending motion [##REF##12381848##4##]. In this way, the high specificity of binding and ligand-mediated conformational changes in bPBPs can be exploited to monitor for the presence of a specific ligand.</p>", "<p>A complete understanding of bPBP requires both mechanical and thermodynamic descriptions. Mechanical descriptions are necessary in order to detail changes in flexibility and mechanical couplings upon ligand binding, whereas thermodynamic descriptions are necessary to account for an ensemble of conformations associated with the apo and ligated states. Most computational methods focus only on one of the two phenomena. There are several common methods to explore protein thermodynamics (i.e., Monte Carlo sampling [##REF##15197271##5##], a variety of Ising-like models [##UREF##0##6##,##REF##10500173##7##] such as COREX [##REF##8876652##8##], and free energy decomposition schemes [##REF##12646369##9##, ####REF##8393940##10##, ##REF##8393941##11####8393941##11##]). Unfortunately, these methods generally fail to reproduce experimental thermodynamic response (i.e., excess heat capacity profiles). In addition, while most of these methods do consider an ensemble of conformations, they lack descriptions of mechanical couplings between sites within the protein. On the other hand, mechanical models (i.e., FIRST [##REF##11391777##12##] and Elastic Network Models (ENMs) [##REF##16280623##13##]) do provide detailed flexibility information, yet they completely lack any thermodynamic considerations. In principle, all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations could be used to predict any mechanical and thermodynamic property of a protein. However, in practice, MD is much too computationally expensive to explore the thermodynamic limit [##REF##10322213##14##]. Consequently, Go-like models have been the mainstay approach that employs molecular dynamics simulation in conjunction with simplified molecular mechanics potentials tuned to the native state (or multiple states) [##REF##15740352##15##,##REF##16006532##16##].</p>", "<p>In this report, we employ a minimal Distance Constraint Model (mDCM) to investigate stability/flexibility relationships of four homologous bPBPs. We choose to use the mDCM among the available methods because; (<italic>i</italic>.) it uniquely synthesizes mechanical and thermodynamic descriptions, (<italic>ii</italic>.) its predictions compared to experiment have consistently achieved overall good agreement across a diverse population of proteins [##REF##8995351##18##,##REF##15740352##15##,##UREF##1##17##], and (<italic>iii</italic>.) it is a tractable modeling paradigm requiring just ~10 minutes of compute time for a 300 residue protein per thermodynamic condition.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>The bacterial periplasmic binding protein family</title>", "<p>Within the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database [##REF##7723011##31##], there are 29 different binding protein classes within the bPBP family, which SCOP calls the phosphate binding protein-like family. Several classes within the family include multiple species orthologs, and within each ortholog, many binding proteins have been crystallized within different states (i.e., presence/absence of ligand, wild-type vs. mutant, etc.). Fig. ##FIG##1##2a## shows the neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree built from the Probalign [##REF##17485479##32##,##REF##16954142##33##] multiple sequence alignment of 29 representative structures. Ideally, we would like to perform a comparative QSFR analysis across all 29 binding protein classes; however, pragmatic considerations make this impractical for manual manipulations. Since a large scale comparison will need automation based on prior experience, we extend our previous comparative QSFR analysis of a mesophilic/thermophilic RNase H pair [##REF##16287093##22##] to four different binding proteins. There is experimental <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>data for only one member of the family, the histidine binding protein (HBP). Three of the homologs, which include lysine/arginine/ornithine binding protein (LAOBP) [##REF##8496186##34##], glutamine binding protein (GBP) [##REF##9571045##35##] and HBP [##REF##8161536##36##], represent a closely related subfamily of amino acid binding proteins. Juxtaposed to this close-knit group is the distantly related phosphate binding protein (PhBP) [##REF##9228942##37##], the namesake of the SCOP family, which provides a point of reference over larger evolutionary distances. In order to circumvent parameterization issues, we apply the HBP parameterization to all four homologs, which we have previously demonstrated to be a satisfactory option [##REF##16287093##22##], especially when considering mechanical response. Two of the binding proteins have been crystallized in both the presence and absence of ligand, whereas the other two have only been crystallized in the presence of ligand. Table ##TAB##1##2## lists the PDB ID's and other relevant information of the six structures investigated herein.</p>", "<p>As expected from the phylogeny, structural superposition of all four ligated binding proteins (see Fig. ##FIG##1##2b##) confirms that the three amino acid binding proteins are much more structurally similar to each other than to PhBP. In Fig. ##FIG##1##2c##, PhBP is removed to highlight the similarity within the amino acid binding proteins. Table ##TAB##2##3## provides a more quantifiable description of (dis)similarity across the four binding proteins. Therein, pairwise root mean square deviation (RMSD) are computed using the combinatorial extension algorithm [##REF##9796821##38##], and percent sequence identities are computed from the pairwise global alignment using a dynamic programming algorithm [##UREF##5##39##]. Secondary structure topologies are mostly conserved across the four binding proteins considered here. However, across the entire bPBP family, several members have noncanonical secondary structure topologies, which indicates that a structure alignment of the complete family would be even less conserved.</p>", "<p>From the superposition of the apo and ligated LAOBP conformations (Fig. ##FIG##2##3a##), it is clear that there is pronounced conformational changes on ligand binding. In fact, the RMSD between the two LAOBP conformations is 3.5 Å. Similarly, the pairwise RMSD between the GBP pair is 4.0 Å. Although the RMSD values reported in Table ##TAB##2##3## represent overall dissimilarity between pairs, this does not properly describe local similarities because members of the bPBP family are composed of two domains connected by a flexible linker that allows the protein to transition from apo and ligated conformations. SCOP does not discriminate between the two domains; nevertheless, common domain identification algorithms (i.e., PDP [##REF##12584135##40##] and DomainParser [##REF##12560490##41##,##REF##11159328##42##]) do identify the two domains. In Table ##TAB##1##2##, the PDP domain boundaries are indicated. Note that the large domain is interrupted by insertion of the small one, resulting in two linkers across the domain boundary. The calculated pairwise RMSD between the large and small LAOBP domains individually is 0.4 Å and 0.6 Å, respectively (see Fig. ##FIG##2##3b–c##). (The corresponding RMSDs between the GBP domains are 0.6 Å and 0.8 Å.) These strong domain-specific similarities indicate that the large and small domains move more or less intact upon ligand binding, which is indicative of a hinge-like motion at the domain boundaries [##REF##17587456##43##].</p>", "<title>Differences within the H-bond networks</title>", "<p>Since the mDCM is primarily based on H-bond networks, understanding how they vary is critical to a proper understanding of the model predictions. Initially, we compared H-bond networks by simply counting pairwise topological differences within the networks of two structures. Table ##TAB##1##2## describes global H-bond statistics showing the number of H-bonds and average total energy across the four bPBP. The number of H-bonds observed within the four ligated bPBP homologs varies from 327 to 504, which is trivially explained by protein size. The correlation coefficient between H-bond numbers and protein size (number of residues) is 0.99. Surprisingly, in the two examples of ligated and apo structural pairs, the number of H-bonds within the ligated complex is smaller than the number within the apo structure. On average, there are 6.8 H-bonds between bPBP homolog and substrate. Despite the reduction in number of H-bonds on complex formation, the average H-bond strength is significantly increased. In fact, the total H-bond energies for the complex structures are much greater than their corresponding apo structures. These global differences within the H-bond networks will be used below to explain how differences within the model predictions arise.</p>", "<p>We found that the above global comparisons failed to provide accurate descriptions of the differences within other QSFR metrics. This failure is likely due to two key issues. First, the employed H-bond energy function [##REF##9194194##26##] is extremely liberal. For example, the energy function frequently identifies very weak H-bonds, such as those between residues <italic>i </italic>and <italic>i+3 </italic>within α-helices (results not shown). They have no pronounced effect on mDCM results as their energies are very small and they rarely contribute anything to the conformational entropy (since they are redundant to other constraints). Nevertheless, the large number of these feeble H-bonds inappropriately skews a distance metric that is based on global statistics. These feeble H-bonds could be filtered out using an energy cut-off, but then we would have to determine this cut-off. Second, due to the nonadditive nature of the mDCM, local topological considerations, which are lost in global metrics, have a considerable effect on output.</p>", "<p>We opted to employ a simpler but effective approach; where we compare H-bond networks by plotting a H-bond contact map (for example, see Fig. ##FIG##3##4##) to visualize essential differences. The liberal nature of the H-bond potential, which is primarily manifest within secondary structure elements, can be (visually) ignored because these feeble H-bonds are clustered within a high density of the stabilizing H-bonds. Moreover, the approach straightforwardly highlights where local hydrogen bond topology differences occur. Whether comparisons are made between any two of the four ligated bPBP homologs or between the apo/ligated pairs, key differences in H-bonding mainly occur between non-secondary structure residues. As discussed below, this result has substantial affect on the observed mechanical linkage properties.</p>", "<title>Thermodynamic descriptions</title>", "<p>Employing the HBP best-fit parameters (Table ##TAB##0##1##) for each of the four ligated structures, their predicted <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>curves as a function of temperature, relative to their predicted melting temperature (i.e. <italic>T – T</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub>), (see Fig. ##FIG##4##5a##) shows a high degree of diversity. For example, the maximal <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>ranges from 26.4 kcal/(mol·K) for GBP to 174.1 kcal/(mol·K) for PhBP. These differences are not particularly surprising, and, moreover, the underlying H-bond networks explain the variation within the heat capacities. For example, greater H-bond numbers is strongly correlated with <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>(<italic>R </italic>= 0.90). Similarly, <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>is also strongly correlated to the number of residues within the protein (<italic>R </italic>= 0.87), which occurs because the number of H-bonds and the number of residues are almost perfectly correlated (<italic>R </italic>= 0.99). Across the four structures, the average number of H-bonds per residue is 1.47 (standard deviation = 0.08). Based on Eq. (4), the effect of H-bond numbers and total H-bond energy on <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>can be conceptualized. Greater H-bond numbers provide more opportunities for enthalpic fluctuations to occur, thus increasing the <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub>. In the same manner, the total H-bond energies, <italic>U</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><sup><italic>max</italic></sup>, are even more strongly correlated to <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>(<italic>R </italic>= -0.97). A large part of this relationship is explained by the fact the number of H-bonds is, of course, strongly related to the total H-bond energy (<italic>R </italic>= -0.97). However, the increased correlation to <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>is due to the greater effect upon the total enthalpy when a stronger H-bond is removed.</p>", "<p>The number of H-bonds in each structure is much less strongly correlated to <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>(<italic>R </italic>= 0.69); melting points are included in Table ##TAB##3##4##. The reduced correlation is primarily due to the nontrivial way entropies depend on the distribution of H-bonds, not just simple total numbers. The free energy landscapes, <italic>G</italic>(<italic>θ</italic>) = -<italic>RT</italic>ln<italic>Z</italic>(<italic>θ</italic>), of each of the four structures are plotted at their respective <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>in Fig. ##FIG##4##5b##. Each landscape contains two minima separated by an intervening transition state barrier, indicative of first order (2-state) kinetics. The locations of key free energy landscape features, θ<sub><italic>nat</italic></sub>, θ<sub><italic>TS</italic></sub>, and θ<sub><italic>unf</italic></sub>, are also provided in Table ##TAB##3##4##. These values are within the range established previously over a structurally diverse set of globular proteins [##REF##15498582##21##]. The heights of the free energy barriers shown in Fig. ##FIG##4##5b## are strongly correlated to <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>(<italic>R </italic>= 0.92). The mDCM recapitulates commonly found correlation between barrier height and <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>when there is two-state kinetics [##UREF##6##44##]. However, this correlation is not absolutely necessary (neither theoretically nor experimentally). For example, proteins with pronounced <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>curves can be barrier free [##REF##15591110##45##], and need not demonstrate cooperative folding/unfolding transitions (e.g., myoglobin [##REF##9521125##46##]).</p>", "<p>In addition to the bPBP-ligand complex structures, LAOBP [##REF##8496186##34##] and GBP [##REF##8831790##47##] have been crystallized in the open (apo) forms. Differences within the apo vs. ligated LAOBP hydrogen bond networks are plotted in Fig. ##FIG##5##6##. Juxtaposed to the variability in <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>discussed above, comparison of the ligated and apo structures reveals several clear trends. First, in both cases the <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>of the apo structure is reduced compared to its ligated counterpart (Fig. ##FIG##4##5c##). This predicted down shift for <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>when LAOBP and GBP is ligated is fully consistent with experimental observations [##REF##10866829##27##]. The mDCM also predicts <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>to be substantially lowered upon ligand binding, which arises due to the reduced likelihood of enthalpic fluctuations. This effect is shown in Fig. ##FIG##6##7a##, where <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>is plotted versus total H-bond energy for the four bPBP-ligand complexes. The values of the apo structures are superimposed onto the plot of the four complexes, which confirms that the observed changes within <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>upon ligand removal are strongly associated with the loss of H-bonds. Of course, addition/removal of the ligand is also associated with hydrophobic interactions, free ligand entropy and its chemical potential, all of which are absent within the mDCM. Nevertheless, the importance of the H-bond network as a dominate factor has been pointed out by Cooper [##REF##10885396##48##], showing how the observed <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>changes between folded and unfolded protein conformations arise through fluctuations within the H-bond network. Consistent with our results, the same <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>reduction within the apo form of HBP is observed within the experimental DSC curves [##REF##10866829##27##]. The reduction of <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>is accompanied by a lower energy barrier (see Fig. ##FIG##4##5d##). Interestingly, the mDCM predicts a linear relationship between <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>and free energy barrier height over the six cases studied (Fig. ##FIG##6##7b##). In fact, the mDCM predicts an unfolding transition with virtually no barrier for apo GBP, suggesting that unfolding/folding is a continuous transition (second order transition). It will be quite interesting to know if future experiments are consistent with this prediction.</p>", "<title>Flexibility along the backbone</title>", "<p>Compared to the large differences within the thermodynamic predictions, predictions of backbone flexibility are more conserved. Fig. ##FIG##7##8## color-codes the flexibility index onto the structural alignment of the four bPBP homologs. Regions corresponding to α-helices are predicted to be very rigid, and are the most conserved. Flexibility and rigidity predictions for β-strands are less conserved than found for α-helices. There is large variation in the flexibility index within coil regions, and, as expected, highly flexible regions uniquely occur within the coils. The observed conservation of the backbone flexibility is attributed to the similar H-bond networks within the secondary structure elements. This result is not unexpected as a strong correlation between secondary structure and H/D exchange experiments is well established [##REF##15581564##49##]. It is worth mentioning that our backbone flexibility measures are consistent with those from Elastic Network Models, which are sensitive to fold, but not sequence. Specifically, (the flexible component of the flexibility index) nearly perfectly correlates to the hinge sites predicted by Bahar et al. [##REF##10733987##50##]. These results show that the fold of the protein primarily determines backbone flexibility. Moreover, backbone flexibility is well conserved because of the underlying H-bond sub-network involving secondary structure elements, which are well conserved within a family. As described above, the H-bond network is significantly altered upon complex formation. Consistent with the hinge motion inferred from Fig. ##FIG##2##3b–c##, differences within the H-bond network between the apo/ligated pair primarily occur within non-secondary structure elements (refer back to Fig. ##FIG##5##6##). Consequently, backbone flexibility is not significantly affected outside the binding site region, which can be seen in Fig. ##FIG##8##9##.</p>", "<title>Cooperativity correlation</title>", "<p>In previous work [##REF##16287093##22##], we demonstrated that cooperativity correlation is moderately conserved across an orthologous RNase H pair. However, this is clearly not the case here; juxtaposed to the flexibility conservation along the backbone, there is immense variation within cooperativity correlation (see Fig. ##FIG##9##10##). In all cases, the large domain is primarily composed of one large rigid cluster, which results in rigidity correlation in each of the four corners (because the domain is interrupted) of the cooperativity correlation plots. Conversely, the small domain demonstrates much variability within its cooperativity correlation. The small domain generally contains flexibly and rigidly correlated regions within itself and extending into the larger domain. However, the small domain in LAOBP is mostly rigidly correlated with itself and the rest of the protein, indicating that it is primarily composed on one larger rigid cluster. These differences will be discussed again below.</p>", "<p>Differences between the apo/ligated pairs are inline with expectations. In the case of LAOBP, each domain appears as rigidly correlated with itself, whereas the couplings between the two domains are a mix of both <italic>weak </italic>flexible and rigid correlations (Fig. ##FIG##10##11##). This result is exactly consistent with the inferred hinge motion from the structural analyses discussed above and demonstrated in Fig. ##FIG##2##3##. In the case of GBP, the apo structure is significantly destabilized (<italic>Δ T</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub><italic>= </italic>39 K). This fact, coupled with the continuous transition observed within apo GBP, results in a cooperativity correlation plot that, as might be expected, is primarily flexibly correlated.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The QSFR results presented demonstrate considerable variability in both mechanical and thermodynamic descriptions of the bPBP family. This observed variability is explained by differences within the underlying H-bond networks. Most notably, variability of thermodynamic quantities correlate well to overall statistical characteristics of H-bond networks, which is consistent with the arguments made by Cooper [##REF##10885396##48##]. Moreover, the predicted reduction of <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>upon ligand binding for LAOBP and GBP are qualitatively consistent with the same effect that is experimentally observed for HBP. The observed differences in the thermodynamic response is not particularly unexpected, except, we were initially surprised by the low barrier height found in the free energy landscape for GBP. However, within the context of the mDCM predictions, the total H-bond energy is an excellent indicator for predicting <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max</italic></sup>, and this in return correlates well with barrier height. In the context of this simple extensive H-bond network property (i.e. total energy) over the structures studied, the dramatic deviation from two-state behavior in GBP is not an exceptional case.</p>", "<p>The predicted conservation of backbone flexibility is consistent with natural expectations. On the other hand, variability found within cooperativity correlation measures is, at first, somewhat surprising. In prior work we compared mesophilic and thermophilic RNase H orthologs, and the substantial differences in the cooperativity correlation plots (at their respective <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub>) was contributed to different thermodynamic stability requirements of these two proteins. Nevertheless, after coarse-graining the flexibly correlated regions into contiguous stretches, we identified conserved features presumably needed to support common functional requirements of these two proteins. Our hypothesis that flexibility and rigidity properties of the native state would be conserved across proteins at their corresponding <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>within the same family was inconclusive to that study. Starting this work, we maintained the hypothesis that the dominant features in the cooperativity correlations important for function would be markedly conserved. Although general features indicative of the overall fold are indeed conserved, it is the variation that most stands out. Although we can expand the number of proteins to analyze within a family, this report clearly shows that cooperativity correlations are very sensitive to the H-bond network, and the variance in these measures will be the dominate feature. Moreover, other recent results (unpublished) involving nine thioredoxin homologs, also conclude that variability in cooperativity correlation is significant, and sensitive to non-secondary structure elements within the H-bond network.</p>", "<p>Clearly, the mDCM, by construction, must have some degree of sensitivity to the characteristics of the H-bond network due to the heavy emphasis it places on H-bonds and the properties of network rigidity. To address the relative importance of H-bond interactions, in ongoing work, we have modified the DCM to deemphasize the affects of native and disordered torsions, and demonstrated that the H-bond interactions within the mDCM account for the bulk of the properties characterizing the thermodynamic transition. It is quite remarkable that despite the simplicity of the mDCM, it captures the essential elements of protein thermodynamics and mechanical linkage mechanisms. However, consider what may happen when more complexity is modeled to explicitly account for solvent effects that include the hydrophobic effect (also work in progress). The likelihood that adding nonspecific interactions will decrease variance in mechanical response is remote. The hydrophobic interactions are of entropic nature related to transfer of water from the interior of a protein to aqueous solution. Based on this simple argument, and having observed no indication to the contrary in alternative model explorations, the H-bond network is expected to remain the key determinant for rigidity and flexibility properties of a protein. Keeping this in mind, we come full circle in understanding why the mDCM flexibility/rigidity predictions are robust despite a greater variance in predicted melting temperatures and other thermodynamic quantities. The nonspecific interactions will be important to modify and perturb protein thermodynamic stability, but the native H-bond network (as determined by X-ray crystallography) will be present in the exact same way as currently modeled in mDCM. We therefore take the view that the mDCM is capturing the most essential element for understanding cooperativity within proteins important for their function.</p>", "<p>The H-bond network explains the dichotomy between conservation within backbone flexibility and the lack of conservation within cooperativity correlation. For the most part, pairwise differences within the H-bond networks occur within non-secondary structure (primarily sidechain) H-bonds, meaning that the secondary structure H-bonds are mostly conserved. The conservation within these secondary structure H-bonds is what leads to conserved flexibility along the backbone. Note that backbone flexibility is not exactly conserved; in fact there are many local differences within Fig. ##FIG##7##8##. These differences presumably arise due to the observed differences elsewhere and the long-range nature of network rigidity [##REF##11391777##12##]. Furthermore, while the secondary structure H-bonds may be conserved within the contact map analysis, this does not mean their energies are equivalent, which also affects the flexibility predictions. Nevertheless, in spite of these nuanced effects, the qualitative conservation within backbone flexibility is a result of the conserved nature of the secondary structure H-bonds.</p>", "<p>Compared to local secondary structure H-bonds, differences within sidechain-sidechain H-bonds are expected to result in key differences within the topology of the H-bond networks due to their ability to span across long stretches of sequence. Meaning, a change in just a handful of critically placed non-secondary structure H-bonds can drastically alter mechanical linkage properties. These changes would be most pronounced within the cooperativity correlation plots that explicitly rely on the linkage information. As with the variability within the thermodynamic quantities, the differences between the apo/ligated pairs is used to bolster the argument that the predicted differences are real. In both cases (LAOBP and GBP), the changes upon complex formation are consistent with intuition. Moreover, as we have discussed in previous works [##REF##15542549##19##, ####REF##16542678##20##, ##REF##15498582##21##, ##REF##16287093##22####16287093##22##], cooperativity correlation can be interpreted in terms of allostery, and it is a well-known that allosteric response can vary significantly across a family [##REF##14998571##51##, ####REF##4985590##52##, ##REF##11343922##53####11343922##53##].</p>", "<p>While the arguments above do not prove that trends within the observed predictions are real, they do strongly suggest that this is the case. And, if certain predictions within the current mDCM remain suspect, the above results clearly indicate that future, more sophisticated DCMs should be able to accurately describe trends within mechanical and thermodynamic properties. The results presented here clearly demonstrate how subtle differences within the H-bond networks can lead to unexpected and pronounced complexity. These results are very exciting because it suggests that the paradigm of the DCM is effective in elucidating consequences of altered H-bond networks, for which the computation design of H-bond networks has precedence [##REF##16831445##54##]. More generally, the results presented here suggest that monitoring QSFR will be important to protein design with targeted mechanical and thermodynamic properties, and should be feasible in the near future.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Gram-negative bacteria use periplasmic-binding proteins (bPBP) to transport nutrients through the periplasm. Despite immense diversity within the recognized substrates, all members of the family share a common fold that includes two domains that are separated by a conserved hinge. The hinge allows the protein to cycle between open (apo) and closed (ligated) conformations. Conformational changes within the proteins depend on a complex interplay of mechanical and thermodynamic response, which is manifested as an increase in thermal stability and decrease of flexibility upon ligand binding.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>We use a distance constraint model (DCM) to quantify the give and take between thermodynamic stability and mechanical flexibility across the bPBP family. Quantitative stability/flexibility relationships (QSFR) are readily evaluated because the DCM links mechanical and thermodynamic properties. We have previously demonstrated that QSFR is moderately conserved across a mesophilic/thermophilic RNase H pair, whereas the observed variance indicated that different enthalpy-entropy mechanisms allow similar mechanical response at their respective melting temperatures. Our predictions of heat capacity and free energy show marked diversity across the bPBP family. While backbone flexibility metrics are mostly conserved, cooperativity correlation (long-range couplings) also demonstrate considerable amount of variation. Upon ligand removal, heat capacity, melting point, and mechanical rigidity are, as expected, lowered. Nevertheless, significant differences are found in molecular cooperativity correlations that can be explained by the detailed nature of the hydrogen bond network.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Non-trivial mechanical and thermodynamic variation across the family is explained by differences within the underlying H-bond networks. The mechanism is simple; variation within the H-bond networks result in altered mechanical linkage properties that directly affect intrinsic flexibility. Moreover, varying numbers of H-bonds and their strengths control the likelihood for energetic fluctuations as H-bonds break and reform, thus directly affecting thermodynamic properties. Consequently, these results demonstrate how unexpected large differences, especially within cooperativity correlation, emerge from subtle differences within the underlying H-bond network. This inference is consistent with well-known results that show allosteric response within a family generally varies significantly. Identifying the hydrogen bond network as a critical determining factor for these large variances may lead to new methods that can predict such effects.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Experimental</title>", "<title>The distance constraint model</title>", "<p>The DCM is based on a free energy decomposition scheme combined with constraint theory, such that microscopic interactions are represented as mechanical distance constraints. Each distance constraint is associated with an enthalpic and entropic contribution [##UREF##1##17##]. A Gibbs ensemble of accessible microstates is defined by a set of topologically distinct mechanical frameworks. A single mechanical framework encompasses an ensemble of all accessible molecular conformations that are consistent with a specified set of distance constraints. As a result, each framework is defined by the topology of constraint placement, and the enthalpy of the framework is calculated as a linear sum of enthalpy components over all constraints present. While preserving a specified distance constraint topology, the protein will sweep over its accessible phase space as it changes shape (geometry). As the model is quite simple, it is assumed that as long as the constraint topology does not change, different geometries consistent with the specified constraints are degenerate in enthalpy. As a result, the conformational entropy of each mechanical framework is meaningful. It has been a major problem that conformational entropy is generally a nonadditive property of free energy decompositions [##REF##8995351##18##]. As explained below, we account for this nonadditive property using network rigidity to obtain a good upper bound estimate of conformational entropy by summing entropy components over a preferential set of independent constraints.</p>", "<p>Specifically, the DCM decomposes the Gibbs free energy of a single framework into sums of different types of microscopic interactions also modeled as one (or more) distance constraint(s). Each interaction type, <italic>t</italic>, is assigned enthalpic and entropic values (<italic>H</italic><sub><italic>t </italic></sub>and <italic>S</italic><sub><italic>t</italic></sub>, respectively). Enthalpic contributions are linearly summed, whereas entropic contributions are only summed over independent constraints, which are identified by a network rigidity algorithm. Key to this rigidity algorithm is to recursively build up a mechanical framework one constraint at a time and, during this process, to identify which constraints are independent. Interestingly, the set of independent constraints that this recursive process identifies is not unique, because the identification of redundancy depends on the specific ordering of constraint placement. Recalling that only independent constraints will contribute to the total conformational entropy, it is clear that any order provides an upper bound estimate to the true conformational entropy. Due to the recursive nature of the rigidity algorithm, a rigorous lowest upper bound estimate is achieved by placing the lowest entropy constraints preferentially before any other constraints with higher entropy values.</p>", "<p>Regarding the long-range nature of network rigidity as an underlying mechanical interaction captures the nonadditive nature of conformational entropy. The free energy for a given framework, <italic>F</italic>, is calculated by:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>t </italic></sub>is the total number of interactions of type <italic>t</italic>, and <italic>I</italic><sub><italic>t </italic></sub>is the total number of <italic>independent constraints </italic>of type <italic>t</italic>, which is uniquely identified because of the preferential ordering. Subsequently, the partition function can be constructed from all possible frameworks. Detailed descriptions of how to calculate the Gibbs free energy, free energy landscapes, and partition functions using the DCM can be found in several publications [##REF##15542549##19##, ####REF##16542678##20##, ##REF##15498582##21##, ##REF##16287093##22####16287093##22##]. Solving the DCM can be done using a number of different techniques. For example, transfer matrix methods have been applied to the helix to coil transition [##REF##14754182##23##,##REF##15307195##24##]. Additionally, we recently developed an <italic>ab initio </italic>method based on analytical solutions of the configuration integral that model distance constraints as delta functions (unpublished). Here we employ a novel non-homogenous mean field approximation that we previously developed [##REF##15542549##19##,##UREF##2##25##].</p>", "<title>Free energy decomposition</title>", "<p>Within the mDCM, the microscopic interactions explicitly modeled are covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds (H-bonds), and torsional-forces; note that salt bridges represent a special case of H-bonds. The covalent bonds within a protein do not break/form due to thermal fluctuations, and are therefore quenched constraints (ever present). Quenched constraints require no parameterization for their enthalpy and entropy contributions because they only shift the free energy of a protein by a constant. The mDCM is based on three types of fluctuating interactions that need parameterization (H-bonds and two types of torsion-forces). An enthalpic and entropic value is associated with each interaction (see Table ##TAB##0##1##). Intramolecular H-bond enthalpies are described using a common multi-atom empirical potential [##REF##9194194##26##] that depends on quantum mechanical hybridization, and on the local environment defined by all atom positions. The H-bond potential energy function ensures that the enthalpy of an intramolecular H-bond ranges from -8 to 0 kcal/mol.</p>", "<p>Different interaction types are modeled by a different number of distance constraints. The two torsion-force interactions are each modeled as one distance constraint, while the multi-particle H-bond and covalent bond interactions are each modeled as five constraints [##REF##11391777##12##]. The entropic cost, <italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>env</italic></sub>, for each independent constraint representing the H-bond is modeled as a linear relationship to the H-bond enthalpy by <italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>env </italic></sub>= <italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>max </italic></sub>(1+E/8), where <italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>max </italic></sub>is a fitting parameter. It follows that 0 ≤ <italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>env </italic></sub>≤ <italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>max </italic></sub>is the allowed entropy range per H-bond distance constraint. Each of the five distance constraints modeling a single H-bond are assigned the same entropy value. Sigma covalent bonds are free to rotate and are partitioned into native-like or disordered conformational states that represent an Ising-like (binary) discrimination of torsion-forces. The (native, disordered) conformation includes all dihedral angles that are (similar to, substantially differing from) those defined in the native three-dimensional structure. Table ##TAB##0##1## lists enthalpies and entropies for the torsion-force constraints.</p>", "<title>Free energy landscape</title>", "<p>The free energy landscape is defined using two order parameters: the number of native torsion-force constraints, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, and the number of H-bond constraints, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb </italic></sub>(see Fig. ##FIG##0##1a##). The free energy of each macrostate, <italic>G(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>)</italic>, is calculated using a mean-field approximation [##REF##15542549##19##] by Monte Carlo sampling over frameworks satisfying the two order parameters; as few as 200 samples are needed for good statistics. Using the enthalpic and entropic parameters in Table ##TAB##0##1##, the free energy of a given macrostate is calculated by:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where <italic>U</italic><sub><italic>hb </italic></sub>is the intramolecular H-bond energy, <italic>u </italic>is an average H-bond energy to solvent, <italic>v </italic>is the energy of a native-like torsion angle, <italic>S</italic><sub><italic>c</italic></sub><italic>(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>) </italic>is the conformational entropy, and <italic>S</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub><italic>(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>) </italic>is the mixing entropy of the macrostate associated with the number of ways of distributing <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt </italic></sub>native-torsions and <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb </italic></sub>H-bonds within the protein. While not specified here, <italic>S</italic><sub><italic>c</italic></sub><italic>(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>) </italic>is a linear function of <italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>env</italic></sub>, <italic>δ</italic><sub><italic>nat</italic></sub>, <italic>δ</italic><sub><italic>dis</italic></sub>, and <italic>I</italic><sub><italic>t</italic></sub>, where <italic>t </italic>denotes each of the three fluctuating constraint types (see Table ##TAB##0##1##) [##REF##15542549##19##]. In most systems investigated previously [##REF##15542549##19##, ####REF##16542678##20##, ##REF##15498582##21##, ##REF##16287093##22####16287093##22##], hysteresis is observed near the melting temperature, <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub>, meaning there are two minima within the free energy landscape corresponding to the native and unfolded ensembles. These two free energy basins are schematically shown in Fig. ##FIG##0##1a## and will appear when the protein exhibits two-state folding characteristics.</p>", "<p>Values of the three free parameters {<italic>u</italic>, <italic>v</italic>, <italic>δ</italic><sub><italic>nat</italic></sub>} are determined by fitting to experimental heat capacity (<italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub>) curves from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) [##REF##15498582##21##]. To the best of our knowledge, the DCM is the only microscopic computational modeling scheme that can quantitatively reproduce experimental protein heat capacity curves. <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>is directly computed from the enthalpic fluctuations, ⟨Δ<italic>H</italic><sup>2</sup>⟩, across the ensemble using the following relationship:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>The fluctuations are computed from the enthalpic portions of Eq. (2) using:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>Simulated annealing is used to search through the parameter-space to find the best-fit solution(s) to the experimental <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>data. In previous works [##REF##15542549##19##,##REF##15498582##21##], two of the parameters (<italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>max </italic></sub>and <italic>δ</italic><sub><italic>dis</italic></sub>) listed in Table ##TAB##0##1## have been fixed, and are now treated as transferable. For a given thermodynamic condition, the entire free energy landscape and many thermodynamic response functions are calculated in a matter of ~10 minutes for a 300-residue protein on a desktop computer using one CPU. A workflow diagram for the mDCM is provided in Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##.</p>", "<title>Ensemble averaging network rigidity</title>", "<p>In addition to the thermodynamic descriptions, the DCM also computes mechanical properties of a protein. The mechanical and thermodynamic aspects to the problem are actually intertwined such that one cannot be calculated without the other. In virtually instantaneous compute times, graph rigidity algorithms identify rigid and flexible regions, independent constraints, redundant constraints, and correlated motions. FIRST is capable of doing these calculations in a fraction of a second for a 300-residue protein. In contrast, the DCM runs in matter of minutes, because these rigidity calculations are repeated millions of times using Monte Carlo sampling throughout the various nodes in the free energy landscape. A large number of quantities that describe the mechanical nature of the protein can be derived (see below), and these properties are averaged over many accessible frameworks. Randomly perturbing the constraint topology initially defined by the native template structure generates the ensemble of these accessible frameworks.</p>", "<p>The rigidity information from distinct constraint topologies is appropriately averaged using Boltzmann weights, given as exp(-<italic>G</italic>(<italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>), within the free energy landscape node of interest. It is worth noting that the program FIRST [##REF##11391777##12##], a popular implementation of network rigidity for proteins, uses an <italic>ad hoc </italic>sliding energetic cut-off threshold, <italic>E</italic><sub><italic>c</italic></sub>, to determine when H-bond constraints are present or not. FIRST is an athermal model where each constraint is either present or not; meaning, it does not allow for fluctuations. When a constraint is present, regardless of what it is being used to model (i.e., covalent vs. noncovalent bond), it is treated as equivalent. In the DCM, large numbers of accessible constraint topologies are sampled, their associated free energies calculated, and then the native free energy basin is identified. As such, the most probable states (free energy basins) are determined, which eliminates the arbitrariness of <italic>E</italic><sub><italic>c</italic></sub>.</p>", "<p>Once mDCM parameterization is achieved, a complete set of mechanical and thermodynamic quantities can be calculated. A large number of mechanical quantities (including: rigid cluster decomposition, independent and redundant constraints, rigid cluster susceptibility, global flexibility, local flexibility index, and flexibility propagation) are evaluated in a thermodynamically meaningful way. Moreover, averages of local mechanical properties can be used to identify long-range couplings between sites (i.e., allosteric communication). As such, the DCM provides a natural mechanism to evaluate Quantitative Stability/Flexibility Relationships (QSFR) [##REF##16287093##22##].</p>", "<title>Selection of DCM parameters</title>", "<p>Remarkably, backbone flexibility predicted by FIRST with suitable <italic>E</italic><sub><italic>c</italic></sub>, applied to a single constraint topology (i.e. derived from the native state template structure), is usually similar to the result from the DCM [##REF##15498582##21##]. This is an indication that there is a most probable state that is sharply peaked around typical backbone flexibility characteristics. Ensemble averaging makes rigidity/flexibility predictions robust, while eliminating the arbitrariness in <italic>E</italic><sub><italic>c</italic></sub>. Nevertheless, the DCM has three free parameters {<italic>u</italic>, <italic>v</italic>, <italic>δ</italic><sub><italic>nat</italic></sub>} that are obtained by fitting to heat capacity, for example. From previous [##REF##16287093##22##] and unpublished work, we find that rigidity/flexibility properties are largely insensitive to a ± 15% deviation in these three free parameters, and there is a corresponding variance of about ± 10% in the predicted <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>(corresponding to ± 35 K). Given these sensitivity levels, the fitting parameters determined from one reference protein structure (based on its measured <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub>) is then applied on all similar proteins, such as those from the same family. In this work, the three fitting parameters {<italic>u</italic>, <italic>v</italic>, <italic>δ</italic><sub><italic>nat</italic></sub>} are taken from previous work [##REF##15542549##19##], where they were determined by fitting Histidine Binding Protein (HBP) to the <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>data as reported in reference [##REF##10866829##27##]. As such, we are able to characterize emergent mechanical and thermodynamic properties across a series of proteins in a consistent way. Similarities and differences in both mechanical and thermodynamic properties will therefore reflect structural differences found in these proteins.</p>", "<title>Relating thermodynamic and mechanical quantities</title>", "<p>As described above, an ensemble of mechanical frameworks is needed to obtain thermodynamic information from a statistical mechanics description of the system, and mechanical quantities are averaged over this ensemble. Moreover, correlation functions describing detailed rigidity/flexibility properties within a protein can be calculated based on probability measures over the ensemble of constraint topologies. We generically refer to all thermodynamic and mechanical information taken together as QSFR. The QSFR measures employed in this work are now described.</p>", "<p>The free energy landscape is described, as defined in Eq. 2, by the function <italic>G(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>)</italic>. The macrostate of the protein is specified by <italic>(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>)</italic>, which defines a node within Fig. ##FIG##0##1a##. Besides free energy, other physical properties are expressed as a function of the macrostate. For each node, consider a physical property given by <italic>x(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>)</italic>, which is already an average over the sub-ensemble of all constraint topologies associated with the macrostate. One such property of particular importance is the global flexibility of a protein, which is the number of independent degrees of freedom per residue. We call this quantity the global flexibility order parameter, defined by <italic>θ</italic>' (<italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>) ≡ ⟨<italic>I</italic><sub><italic>dis </italic></sub>(<italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>)⟩/<italic>n</italic>, where <italic>n </italic>is the number of residues in the protein. The quantity ⟨<italic>I</italic><sub><italic>dis</italic></sub>(<italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>)⟩ is the average number of independent disordered torsion constraints over a sub-ensemble of constraint topologies of the macrostate.</p>", "<p>Collapsing the free energy landscape in constraint space onto the global flexibility order parameter makes a direct connection between free energy of a protein and its flexibility. The process entails calculating a partition function, <italic>Z(θ)</italic>, given by:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where <italic>B(θ, N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>) </italic>is a binning function. The binning function is 1 whenever <italic>-Δθ &lt; |θ-θ '(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>)| </italic>≤ <italic>Δθ</italic>, and 0 otherwise. Note that <italic>Δθ </italic>is a tolerance used for bin size, which has been set to 0.005 because we plot functions of <italic>θ </italic>in increments of 0.01. Thus, all nodes of the original two-dimensional landscape must fall into one, and only one, <italic>θ </italic>bin. The free energy of the protein as a function of its global flexibility is given as <italic>G</italic>(<italic>θ</italic>, <italic>T</italic>) = -<italic>RT</italic>ln<italic>Z</italic>(<italic>θ</italic>). Consequently, this mapping straightforwardly results in a simple one dimensional free energy landscape.</p>", "<p>At the <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub>, proteins that fold via two-state kinetics will have a free energy landscape that looks like a \"W\". That is, <italic>G(θ, T</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub><italic>) </italic>will have two minimum and an intervening barrier that separates the two minima. In general, it is difficult to interpret an order parameter as a reaction coordinate. We have suggested that the <italic>θ </italic>may be a good reaction coordinate, but have not studied kinetics to confirm this. However, it is instructive to explain features about <italic>θ </italic>that would be required if it did indeed serve as a reaction coordinate. Within the mDCM, there are two types of fluctuating constraints, which define the two-dimensional free energy landscape shown in Fig. ##FIG##0##1a##. Proceeding from left to right, <italic>θ </italic>will decrease since the protein rigidifies as more native torsion force constraints are added. Similarly, progressing from bottom to top, <italic>θ </italic>will decrease in the same manner as more H-bonds are added. Consequently, the locus of points along any one of the light grey lines will have nearly constant <italic>θ </italic>because a reduction of rigidity in one direction is offset by an increase in the other. The lower left-hand side of the plot coincides to small values of <italic>θ</italic>, whereas the upper-right coincides with larger values. The red line demonstrates the most direct route between the two free energy basins, over a single saddle. The saddle (Fig. ##FIG##0##1b##) reflects a state with a mixture of rigid and flexible regions coexisting, which involved a nucleation process of either forming rigid regions upon folding, or breaking apart rigid regions upon unfolding.</p>", "<p>From simple geometric considerations, and the construct of the mDCM, the path along the global flexibility order parameter must always cross the saddle. This motivates calculating other physical quantities in terms of <italic>θ</italic>. We calculate the average properties of a physical property, <italic>x(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>)</italic>, over a restricted ensemble based on the protein's global flexibility, given by:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>For example, it is of interest to select <italic>θ </italic>to be one of the following: <italic>θ</italic><sub><italic>nat</italic></sub>, <italic>θ</italic><sub><italic>TS</italic></sub>, or <italic>θ</italic><sub><italic>unf</italic></sub>, which identifies the native basin, the assumed transition state maximum, and the unfolded minimum, respectively, in the function <italic>G(θ,T</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub><italic>)</italic>. Selecting <italic>θ</italic><sub><italic>nat </italic></sub>allows us to compare mechanical properties that are averaged over a native state ensemble. Note, in the results presented herein, the native state ensemble is extended slightly to include a range over <italic>θ </italic>near <italic>θ</italic><sub><italic>nat </italic></sub>(equation not shown), which increases statistics and accounts for all variance within the entire free energy basin. Nevertheless, expanding the range of <italic>θ </italic>does not lead to any qualitative differences within QSFR.</p>", "<p>The value of <italic>θ</italic><sub><italic>nat </italic></sub>gives the average number of independent degrees of freedom per residue that is available to the protein in its native state. We also probe where these degrees of freedom are localized, and quantify the flexible and rigid parts of the protein. To do so, we define a flexibility index [##REF##11391777##12##,##REF##15542549##19##,##REF##15498582##21##] to describe the extent of flexibility/rigidity along the protein backbone. The flexibility index of residue <italic>i</italic>, <italic>f</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub>, is defined by Eq. 6 with X → <italic>f</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>and . The quantities and are functions of the macrostate, <italic>(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>) </italic>and <italic>(N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub><italic>)</italic>, where they are the average densities of independent degrees of freedom and redundant constraints, respectively, at residue <italic>i</italic>. These quantities have the same definition as used in FIRST [##REF##11391777##12##], except here they are averaged uniformly over a sub-ensemble of constraint topologies that have <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt </italic></sub>native torsion constraints, and <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb </italic></sub>intramolecular H-bonds in the network. After the second averaging procedure, we obtain the flexibility index for the native sate of the protein as a function of temperature. The range of <italic>f</italic><sub><italic>i</italic></sub><italic>(T) </italic>over all residues in a protein is always less than 1, and almost always greater than -1. A negative flexibility index indicates that the region is over-constrained, meaning it is rigid with more constraints than necessary to be rigid. A more negative value implies a greater density of redundant constraints. A positive flexibility index indicates that the region is flexible, meaning it is capable of motion involving a certain number of degrees of freedom. A more positive value implies a greater density of degrees of freedom to describe the motion. A flexibility index near 0 indicates a marginally rigid region having neither excess constraints nor degrees of freedom. However, due to the ensemble averaging, these marginal regions are often split between being slightly over-constrained and slightly flexible. Marginal regions are particularly interesting, as they have a high degree of susceptibility to perturbations in the network.</p>", "<p>While <italic>f</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>is a measure of flexibility along the backbone, cooperativity correlations are defined to describe intramolecular couplings between sites within the protein. These couplings are both thermodynamic and mechanical in nature. Cooperativity correlation between two residues <italic>i </italic>and <italic>j</italic>, <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>ij</italic></sub>, describes both rigid and flexible couplings. Flexibility correlation quantifies the extent that two residues, across the thermodynamic ensemble, are simultaneously flexible and connected by a path in which flexibility can propagate. Conversely, rigidity correlation quantifies the extent that two residues are simultaneously within the same rigid cluster. Zero cooperatively correlation indicates that two sites are neither flexibly nor rigidly coupled. Frequently, the most flexible portions of a protein (e.g., the N- or C-termini) have no correlation to the rest of the protein due to the fact that the mechanical aspect of the definition (meaning that two sites must be connected by a path in which flexibility can propagate) is not satisfied. The correlation matrices are functions of temperature and global flexibility too. Since mechanical response will be temperature dependent, we need to address at what temperature should be used when comparing mechanical response of different proteins, but are part of the same family. In general, we work at <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>because, first, there is weak temperature dependence in any of the native ensemble averaged mechanical properties. Second, and more importantly, the <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>of each considered protein establishes a corresponding location along the folding transition, which is in contrast to a set absolute temperature, of say 320 K. Due to weak temperature dependence, the exact value of <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>is not that important as far as the mechanical properties are of concern. Therefore, the error in predicting <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>is not of much concern for making QSFR comparisons across similar proteins.</p>", "<title>Protein structure preparation</title>", "<p>The employed H-bond potential [##REF##9194194##26##] requires explicit hydrogen atoms. Most methods of adding hydrogen atoms assume pH = 7 and do not account for changes in residue-specific titration profiles based on electrostatic interactions or solvent conditions. Here, the pH of the <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>data used to parameterize the mDCM is 8.3. Consequently, we use the <italic>pK</italic><sub><italic>a </italic></sub>calculation implemented within the University of Houston Brownian Dynamics suite of programs [##UREF##3##28##] to calculate whether or not a titratable residue should be protonated or not at a specific pH (see [##UREF##4##29##,##REF##14581189##30##] for details of the calculation). Hydrogen atoms are (kept, removed) if their probability for protonation is (greater, lesser) than 50 percent.</p>", "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>ABC – ATP-Binding Cassette; bPBP – bacterial Periplasmic Binding Proteins; ENM – Elastic Network Model; MD – Molecular Dynamics; DCM – Distance Constraint Model; QSFR – Quantitative Stability/Flexibility Relationships; mDCM – minimal Distance Constraint Model; DSC – Differential Scanning Calorimetry; HBP – Histidine Binding Protein; LAOBP – Lysine/Arginine/Ornithine Binding Protein; GBP – Glutamine Binding Protein; PhBP – Phosphate Binding Protein; RMSD – Root Mean Square Deviation</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>All authors contributed to execution of the presented work. DRL and DJJ planned and oversaw the executed research. DRL, SD, and DJJ wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank Dr. Jim Mottonen for proofreading this paper and for stimulating discussions of the results. Key to the DCM is the use of graph-rigidity algorithms. This algorithm is claimed in U.S. Patent Number 6,014,449, which has been assigned to the Board of Trustees Michigan State University. Used with permission. This work is supported by NIH grant R01 GM073082 to DJJ and DRL.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>(a) </bold>Cartoon of the free energy landscape in two-dimensional constraint space. Each point on the two-dimensional grid defines a macrostate, <italic>(N<sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, N<sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>)</italic>, where the free energy, <italic>G(N<sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, N<sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>)</italic>, is calculated. The green shading is meant to describe the native (lower-right) and unfolded (upper-left) basins within the free energy landscape. (Notice that the axes are decreasing from bottom to top and left to right.) At times it is convenient to express the free energy as a function of a one-dimensional flexibility order parameter, <italic>θ(N<sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, N<sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>)</italic>. Grey dashed lines represent (approximate) fronts of constant global flexibility due to tradeoff between two constraints types. The red line denotes the shortest path crossing a single saddle from the unfolded to folded basins. <bold>(b) </bold>An example one-dimensional free energy landscape highlights the straddling barrier that must be crossed as the protein transitions between folded and unfolded.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>(a) </bold>Phylogenetic tree of representatives from the 29 protein classes within the bPBP family. The four proteins investigated herein are highlighted (Blue = LAOBP, Green = HBP, Purple = GBP, and Red = PhBP). <bold>(b) </bold>Structure superposition of the four binding proteins (color-coding the same). PhBP has been removed in <bold>(c) </bold>to highlight the conservation within the three amino acid binding proteins.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>(a) </bold>Structure superposition of the ligated (blue) and apo (red) LAOBP conformations as calculated by the combinatorial extension algorithm. The overall RMSD between the two conformations is 3.5 Å. Structure superposition of the <bold>(b) </bold>large and <bold>(c) </bold>small domains is also provided. The domain specific RMSDs are 0.6 Å and 0.4 Å, respectively.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p>H-bond contact maps of ligated LAOBP (green squares) and HBP (blue x's). Each point on the plot indicates that a H-bond is present between the corresponding residues. Most differences occur between non-secondary structure H-bonds, which primarily involve sidechain interactions and within coil regions.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>(a) </bold>Heat capacity curves and <bold>(b) </bold>free energy landscapes of the four ligated bPBP homologs. In <bold>(c) </bold>and <bold>(d) </bold>the heat capacity curves and free energy landscapes, respectively, of the apo structures (dashed lines) are compared to the ligated counterparts. Color coding is conserved throughout.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p>H-bond contact maps of ligated LAOBP (green squares) and apo LAOBP (green x's). Most differences occur between non-secondary structure H-bonds, which primarily involve sidechain interactions and within coil regions.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F7\"><label>Figure 7</label><caption><p><bold>(a) </bold>Maximal heat capacity vs. total H-bond energy and <bold>(b) </bold>maximal heat capacity vs. free energy barrier height. In both cases, the regression lines, whose equations are provided, and correlation coefficients are computed on the four ligated bPBP homologs (colored blue). The values for the two apo-structures (colored red) are superimposed onto the plot to demonstrate they fit the observed trend.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F8\"><label>Figure 8</label><caption><p>Structural alignment of the four ligated bPBP homologs color-coded by flexibility index. Flexible regions (positive flexibility index) are colored red, whereas rigid regions (negative flexibility index) are colored blue.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F9\"><label>Figure 9</label><caption><p><bold>(a) </bold>Flexibility index of the ligated (blue) and apo (blue) LAOBP. In <bold>(b) </bold>and <bold>(c)</bold>, the flexibility index of the apo and ligated structures, respectively, is mapped to structure. The most pronounced changes occur within the ligand-binding pocket at the hinge between the two domains.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F10\"><label>Figure 10</label><caption><p>Cooperativity correlation plots of the ligated <bold>(a) </bold>LAOBP, <bold>(b) </bold>HBP, <bold>(c) </bold>GBP, and <bold>(d) </bold>PhBP structures. Red indicates flexibly correlated regions, blue indicates rigidly correlated regions, and white indicates regions of no correlation.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F11\"><label>Figure 11</label><caption><p>Cooperativity correlation plots of the <bold>(a) </bold>ligated and <bold>(b) </bold>apo LAOBP structures. Note that the color-coding is the same as in Fig. 9, and that panel <bold>(a) </bold>is exactly the same as Fig. 9a.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Parameterization of the mDCM.<sup>1</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">Parameter</td><td align=\"center\">Value<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Treatment</td><td align=\"left\">Description</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>U<sub><italic>hb</italic></sub></italic></td><td align=\"center\">Context dependent</td><td align=\"center\">Empirical potential [##REF##9194194##26##]</td><td align=\"left\">Intramolecular H-bond energy</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>γ</italic><sub><italic>max</italic></sub></td><td align=\"center\">1.99</td><td align=\"center\">Constant</td><td align=\"left\">Linearly relates H-bond pure entropy to its energy</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>u</italic></td><td align=\"center\">-1.91</td><td align=\"center\">Fitting</td><td align=\"left\">H-bond to solvent energy upon breaking of intramolecular H-bond</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>v</italic></td><td align=\"center\">-0.64</td><td align=\"center\">Fitting</td><td align=\"left\">Native torsional constraint energy</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>δ<sub><italic>nat</italic></sub></italic></td><td align=\"center\">1.42</td><td align=\"center\">Fitting</td><td align=\"left\">Native torsional constraint pure entropy</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>δ<sub><italic>dis</italic></sub></italic></td><td align=\"center\">2.56</td><td align=\"center\">Constant</td><td align=\"left\">Disordered torsional constraint pure entropy</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Descriptions of the structures used in this report.<sup>1</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">LAOBP</td><td align=\"center\">HBP</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">GBP</td><td align=\"center\">PhBP</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">Source</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><italic>S. typhimurium</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>E. coli</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>E. coli</italic></td><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>E. coli</italic></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">PDB ID</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1LST\">1LST</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"2LAO\">2LAO</ext-link>*</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1HSL\">1HSL</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1WDN\">1WDN</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1GGG\">1GGG</ext-link>*</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1IXH\">1IXH</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Bound ligand<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Lysine</td><td align=\"center\">n/a</td><td align=\"center\">histidine</td><td align=\"center\">glutamine</td><td align=\"center\">n/a</td><td align=\"center\">phosphate</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Number of residues</td><td align=\"center\">238</td><td align=\"center\">238</td><td align=\"center\">238</td><td align=\"center\">223</td><td align=\"center\">220</td><td align=\"center\">321</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Large domain<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">1–90, 191–240</td><td align=\"center\">1–90,191–238</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">4–88, 182–226</td><td align=\"center\">1–75,255–321</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Small domain</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">91–190</td><td align=\"center\">91–190</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">89–181</td><td align=\"center\">76–254</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Resolution (Å)</td><td align=\"center\">1.80</td><td align=\"center\">1.90</td><td align=\"center\">1.89</td><td align=\"center\">1.94</td><td align=\"center\">2.30</td><td align=\"center\">0.98</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Number of H-bonds</td><td align=\"center\">352</td><td align=\"center\">357</td><td align=\"center\">327</td><td align=\"center\">327</td><td align=\"center\">293</td><td align=\"center\">504</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Number of H-bonds to substrate</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">n/a</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">n/a</td><td align=\"center\">7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Total H-bond energy (Kcal/mol)<sup>4</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-942.11</td><td align=\"center\">-875.20</td><td align=\"center\">-714.00</td><td align=\"center\">-757.28</td><td align=\"center\">-633.40</td><td align=\"center\">-1274.28</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Avg. H-bond energy (kcal/mol)</td><td align=\"center\">-2.68</td><td align=\"center\">-2.45</td><td align=\"center\">-2.18</td><td align=\"center\">-2.32</td><td align=\"center\">-2.16</td><td align=\"center\">-2.53</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Std. dev. H-bond energy (kcal/mol)</td><td align=\"center\">2.34</td><td align=\"center\">2.27</td><td align=\"center\">2.12</td><td align=\"center\">2.22</td><td align=\"center\">2.05</td><td align=\"center\">2.30</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>All to all pairwise comparisons of the four ligated bPBP structures.<sup>1</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">LAOBP</td><td align=\"center\">HBP</td><td align=\"center\">GBP</td><td align=\"center\">PhBP</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">LAOBP</td><td align=\"center\">---</td><td align=\"center\">1.1 Å</td><td align=\"center\">1.5 Å</td><td align=\"center\">4.2 Å</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">HBP</td><td align=\"center\">69.9%</td><td align=\"center\">---</td><td align=\"center\">1.9 Å</td><td align=\"center\">4.4 Å</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">GBP</td><td align=\"center\">30.3%</td><td align=\"center\">29.3%</td><td align=\"center\">---</td><td align=\"center\">4.1 Å</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">PhBP</td><td align=\"center\">16.6%</td><td align=\"center\">17.5%</td><td align=\"center\">17.1%</td><td align=\"center\">---</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Thermodynamic descriptions of the bPBPs.<sup>1</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">LAOBP</td><td align=\"center\">HBP</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">GBP</td><td align=\"center\">PhBP</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">PDB ID</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1LST\">1LST</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"2LAO\">2LAO</ext-link>*</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1HSL\">1HSL</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1WDN\">1WDN</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1GGG\">1GGG</ext-link>*</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1IXH\">1IXH</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>T</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>(K)</td><td align=\"center\">385</td><td align=\"center\">376</td><td align=\"center\">336</td><td align=\"center\">336</td><td align=\"center\">297</td><td align=\"center\">386</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p</italic></sub><sup><italic>max </italic></sup>(kcal/mol·K)</td><td align=\"center\">113.6</td><td align=\"center\">70.8</td><td align=\"center\">38.5</td><td align=\"center\">26.4</td><td align=\"center\">8.7</td><td align=\"center\">174.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Barrier (kcal/mol)</td><td align=\"center\">13.6</td><td align=\"center\">8.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td align=\"center\">2.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.0</td><td align=\"center\">13.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">θ<sub>nat</sub></td><td align=\"center\">0.8</td><td align=\"center\">0.9</td><td align=\"center\">1.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.8</td><td align=\"center\">n/a<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">0.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">θ<sub>TS</sub></td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td><td align=\"center\">1.1</td><td align=\"center\">n/a</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">θ<sub>unf</sub></td><td align=\"center\">2.1</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td><td align=\"center\">1.6</td><td align=\"center\">n/a</td><td align=\"center\">2.0</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM1\"><label>(1)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M1\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>F</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munder><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:munder><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>H</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munder><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:munder><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM2\"><label>(2)</label><italic>G</italic>(<italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>) = <italic>U</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>(<italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>) - <italic>uN</italic><sub><italic>hb </italic></sub>+ <italic>vN</italic><sub><italic>nt </italic></sub>- <italic>T </italic>[<italic>S</italic><sub><italic>c</italic></sub>(<italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>) + <italic>S</italic><sub><italic>m</italic></sub>(<italic>N</italic><sub><italic>nt</italic></sub>, <italic>N</italic><sub><italic>hb</italic></sub>)]</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM3\"><label>(3)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M2\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i2\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>H</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>〈</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Δ</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mi>H</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mo>〉</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM4\"><label>(4)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M3\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i3\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>〈</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Δ</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mi>H</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mo>〉</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munder><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:munder><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>H</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo>〈</mml:mo><mml:mi>H</mml:mi><mml:mo>〉</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM5\"><label>(5)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M4\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i4\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munder><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:munder><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM6\"><label>(6)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M5\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i5\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munder><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:munder><mml:mrow><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>⋅</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>h</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>R</mml:mi><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Z</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M6\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mo>→</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M7\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i7\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M8\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i8\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M9\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i7\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M10\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i8\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M11\" name=\"1752-153X-2-17-i7\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mi>f</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Supplementary Figure 1. Workflow diagram describing normal usage of the mDCM.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>Note that the disordered torsional constraint energy is the reference energy and is equal to 0.00. The mDCM ignores potential entropic contributions on the formation of H-bonds to solvent. <sup>2 </sup>The values of the three fitting parameters were determined by fitting HBP to experimental <italic>C</italic><sub><italic>p </italic></sub>curves [##REF##10866829##27##].</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>All four bPBP homologs have been crystallized in the ligated conformation. Additionally, two bPBP homologs (marked with asterisks) have been crystallized in the open apo conformation. <sup>2 </sup>Non-biologically relevant co-crystallized solutes (i.e., metal ions) are ignored. <sup>3 </sup>Domain boundaries are identified from the ligated structures using PDP [##REF##12584135##40##]. <sup>4 </sup>Total H-bond energy is simply the sum of the energies for each H-bond observed within the structure.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>Numbers above the diagonal represent pairwise RMSD (Å) between each structure (calculated using the combinatorial extension algorithm [##REF##9796821##38##]), whereas numbers below the diagonal represent percent residue identity, as calculated from each global pairwise alignment.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>All four bPBP homologs have been crystallized in the ligated conformation. Additionally, two bPBP homologs (marked with asterisks) have been crystallized in the open apo conformation. <sup>2 </sup>The apo GBP structure is predicted to have a continuous transition between folded and unfolded.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-6\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-7\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-8\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-9\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-10\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-11\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1752-153X-2-17-S1.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Henry", "Eaton"], "given-names": ["ER", "WA"], "article-title": ["Combinatorial modeling of protein folding kinetics: free energy profiles and rates"], "source": ["Chem Phys"], "year": ["2004"], "volume": ["307"], "fpage": ["163"], "lpage": ["185"]}, {"surname": ["Jacobs", "Mottonen", "Vorov", "Istomin", "Livesay"], "given-names": ["DJ", "JM", "OK", "AY", "DR"], "article-title": ["Essential background for modeling protein thermodynamics using network rigidity"], "source": ["Progress in Biolpolymer Res"], "year": ["2007"], "publisher-name": ["Hauppauge NY: Nova Science Publishers"], "comment": ["To appear"]}, {"surname": ["Jacobs"], "given-names": ["DJ"], "article-title": ["Predicting protein flexibility and stability using network rigidity: a new modeling paradigm"], "source": ["Recent Research Developments in Biophysics"], "year": ["2006"], "volume": ["5"], "publisher-name": ["Transworld Research Network"], "fpage": ["71"], "lpage": ["131"]}, {"surname": ["Madura", "Briggs", "Wade", "Davis", "Luty", "Ilin", "Antosiewicz", "Gilson", "Bagheri", "Scott", "McCammon"], "given-names": ["JD", "JM", "RC", "ME", "BA", "A", "J", "MK", "B", "LR", "JA"], "article-title": ["Electrostatics and diffusion of molecules in solution: simulations with the University of Houston Brownian Dynamics program"], "source": ["Comput Phys Comm"], "year": ["1995"], "volume": ["91"], "fpage": ["57"], "lpage": ["95"]}, {"surname": ["Livesay", "Jacobs", "Kanjanapangka", "Chea", "Cortez", "Garcia", "Kidd", "Marquez", "Pande", "Yang"], "given-names": ["DR", "DJ", "J", "E", "H", "J", "P", "MP", "S", "D"], "article-title": ["Probing the conformational dependence of calculated pKa values"], "source": ["J Chem Theor Comp"], "year": ["2006"], "volume": ["2"], "fpage": ["927"], "lpage": ["938"]}, {"surname": ["Myers", "Miller"], "given-names": ["EW", "W"], "article-title": ["Optimal alignments in linear space"], "source": ["CABIOS"], "year": ["1988"], "volume": ["4"]}, {"surname": ["Henry", "Eaton"], "given-names": ["ER", "WA"], "article-title": ["Combinatorial modeling of protein folding kinetics: free energy profiles and rates"], "source": ["Chem Phys"], "year": ["2004"], "volume": ["307"], "fpage": ["163"], "lpage": ["185"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
Chem Cent J. 2008 Aug 12; 2:17
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Complementary therapies, such as massage, are increasingly used by health professionals to manage a wide range of symptoms, including pain [##REF##9439258##1##]. A literature search revealed a paucity of well-designed randomised controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of massage for chronic pain. This study aims to determine whether a single session of massage reduces short term pain and anxiety in patients with chronic pain.</p>", "<p>The use of complementary therapies is steadily growing, both in Europe and in the US [##REF##10812758##2##, ####REF##9820257##3##, ##UREF##0##4####0##4##]. Health care practitioners are increasingly incorporating such therapies within their care [##UREF##1##5##]. This increased used is despite lack of evidence of effectiveness [##UREF##2##6##]. Health professionals' desire to deliver best practice is coupled with government initiatives to ensure an evidence based approach to care. For example, in the UK the National Institute for Clinical Excellence and NHS Quality Improvement Scotland have been set up; in the US the Agency for Health Care Research &amp; Quality, and in Australia the National Institute for Clinical Studies all to try and ensure the health care delivered is based on what is known to be effective [##UREF##3##7##, ####UREF##4##8##, ##UREF##5##9##, ##UREF##6##10####6##10##].</p>", "<p>The holistic nature of nursing means massage is an attractive intervention for nurses to be able to offer patients. In addition to any direct therapeutic benefit, it allows nurses time with patients. It may be particularly relevant in settings where patients need immediate relief. Many nurses have undertaken courses in massage, however there is little robust evidence of its effectiveness. In today's evidence driven health care environment, if nurses are to justify the resources involved in training and delivery, they need evidence that massage is an effective treatment.</p>", "<p>A literature search of Medline, EmBase, Cinahl and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was undertaken, using free text and MeSH terms. Studies were sought which were randomised controlled trials, of manual massage therapies with or without oils, and which compared massage to at least one other treatment group (including usual care) in patients with chronic non malignant pain. Studies were excluded if they used non-manual massage or where massage was administered as part of a combination of therapies or was used for acute pain. Twenty eight studies were identified, of which eight met the criteria for inclusion.</p>", "<p>After the RCT described in this paper was completed, a systematic review of massage for low back pain was published [##REF##12076429##11##]. Outcomes considered in this review were pain, return to work, subjective change in symptoms and functional status. This superseded the literature review carried out prior to the conduct of the RCT reported in this paper. The systematic review concluded that massage might be beneficial for subacute and chronic non-specific low back pain, but that more studies were needed to confirm these conclusions [##REF##12076429##11##]. Two of the RCTs included in review [##REF##12076429##11##] found patients had less anxiety after massage [##REF##10906914##12##,##REF##11264915##13##]. Studies of chronic pain other than low back pain have found less anxiety and less pain [##UREF##7##14##, ####REF##9622469##15##, ##REF##9383925##16####9383925##16##].</p>", "<p>In summary, despite the widespread and increasing use of massage for chronic pain, evidence of effectiveness is lacking, studies tend to be small and properly controlled studies are needed. An RCT to assess the effectiveness of massage for chronic pain was thus designed to add to the knowledge base in this area.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Aim</title>", "<p>The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of a single session of nurse-administered massage for the short term relief of chronic non-malignant pain and anxiety.</p>", "<title>Design</title>", "<p>A randomised controlled trial design was utilised, in which the patients were assigned to two groups by simple block randomisation, using blocks of 10. Randomisation was carried out by use of a computerised random number generator and provided from a central office unconnected with the study. After obtaining informed consent from the patient, the allocation was obtained by telephone from the central office, thus allocation was concealed.</p>", "<title>Sample and Setting</title>", "<p>Patients aged 18 and over and attending a regional pain relief unit in England as in or out patients, who had experienced pain for three months or longer, whose pain was described as moderate or severe on the four point verbal rating pain intensity scale were eligible for the study. Patients were excluded if they did not speak English, did not consent or if they had taken any analgesics in the two hours prior to treatment. Outpatients were being followed up for the management of their chronic pain, and inpatients were admitted to the pain unit where patients stayed for one or more days in order to investigated ways of controlling their pain. The participants were a consecutive series of eligible patients and data collection took place between 1998 and 2000.</p>", "<title>Interventions</title>", "<p>The experimental group received a 15 minute manual massage of their back, neck and shoulders using sweet almond oil. The control group received a 15 minute visit to talk about pain clinic treatment. The treatment for both the experimental and control groups was carried out by two registered nurses qualified in massage (ITEC diploma). Each therapist (JM, KC) performed a sequence of the same massage techniques with the patients in the massage treatment group. This involved effleurage, petrissage and kneading techniques. For patients in the control group the therapist visited the patient for 15 minutes and encouraged them to talk about their pain and pain treatment. This is representative of usual care in this pain clinic, where health care staff talk to patients about their pain and its management, and no massage was performed for the control group. Patients in both groups were asked to try and complete at least one full hour after the intervention before requesting analgesics, but could request analgesics at any time after the intervention. If they received an analgesic, they were then excluded from any further follow-up assessments.</p>", "<title>Outcomes</title>", "<p>An independent nurse observer (DC), blind to the patients' treatment group, carried out assessments of the patient. These were carried out immediately before treatment (baseline), immediately after treatment (post treatment) and at 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours after treatment. The observer also recorded whether or not the patient had broken the blinding by inadvertently revealing their group allocation (for example, by referring to \"my massage\"). Once blinding was broken, it was considered unblinded for all subsequent assessments for that patient.</p>", "<p>Pain intensity was assessed using a 0–100 mm visual analogue scale (VAS), the four point verbal rating pain intensity scale with descriptors of none = 0, mild = 1, moderate = 2 and severe = 3, both have been shown to be reliable, valid and appropriate for clinical use [##REF##16000093##17##], and The McGill Pain Questionnaire Pain Rating Index [##REF##1235985##18##]. Pain Relief was assessed using five point verbal rating scale with descriptors of none = 0, slight = 1, moderate = 2, good = 3 and complete relief = 4. Anxiety was assessed with the six item Spielberger short form State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, [##REF##1393159##19##]. At the end of the study period patients made an overall rating of the study treatment using a five point scale (poor = 0, fair = 1, good = 2, very good = 3 or excellent = 4). They also rated whether they had achieved 50% pain relief [##REF##9483161##20##].</p>", "<title>Sample Size</title>", "<p>The sample size was calculated for comparing mean difference in pain score and for the study to have a power of 90% [##UREF##8##21##]. The results of a study of pain relief through relaxation in elderly hip fracture patients suggests that when using a pain scale rating pain from 1 to 10 that the standard deviation for patients with chronic pain on this scale is 2.5 [##REF##6374586##22##]. On this scale a mean difference of 1.5 in pain scores between the treatment groups could be considered clinically worthwhile. Since in the current study a 100 mm VAS pain scale will be used a standard deviation of 25 mm and a mean difference of 15 mm are consistent with the earlier study [##REF##6374586##22##]. With type I error set at 0.05, then the study would require 60 patients per group. If a difference as large as 20 mm between the pain scores was attained this could be demonstrated with 34 patients per group. In the current study it was decided, based on the difference found in the previous study of elderly hip fracture patients, recruit 60 to each group: a total of 120 patients.</p>", "<title>Ethical considerations</title>", "<p>The study received ethical approval from the Local Research Ethics Committee (Study Code NAPREC 97.053). All participants recruited to the study had received a verbal explanation of the study and were provided with a written information sheet. All potential participants had at least 24 hours between receiving information and deciding whether or not they wished to take part in the study. All participants gave written consent.</p>", "<title>Data analysis</title>", "<p>In the analysis baseline pain and anxiety scores are compared for the two treatment groups using t-tests. To investigate the treatment effect, for each patient their pain scores after treatment are compared to their baseline pain score (pre-treatment). The mean difference in change in pain score for the two treatment groups is compared using a 2 sample t-test. Similarly changes in anxiety between baseline and post treatment are compared for the two groups sample t-test. Box plots are used to show graphically the differences between groups. The box includes the 25<sup>th</sup>, 50<sup>th </sup>and 75<sup>th </sup>percentiles; the whiskers indicate the range of the data, with asterisks indicating outliers. Statistical significance was set at the 5% level. The data were analysed using SPSS version 12 and MINITAB version 13.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>In total 103 patients participated in the study of whom 52 were randomly allocated to the massage group and 51 to the control group. Two patients allocated to the massage group withdrew at baseline, one because they received morphine just prior to starting the study and the other because they were unable to understand the assessment scales, thus the analysis reports results for the 101 patients who completed the baseline assessments. The patients were aged between 21 and 81 years, with mean age 53.4 years (SD 13.3 years) and 58.4% were female. The mean time that the patients had experienced chronic pain was 10.4 years (SD 8.94 years). 87% of the patients had a diagnosis which included back pain and 58% had more than one pain site. At baseline, 60.4% had moderate and 39.6% had severe pain as recorded on the verbal rating scale.</p>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##0##1## shows the number of patients still taking part in the study at each assessment point. After the first hour the drop out from both groups, but particularly from the control group was rapid. By the 2 hour post-treatment assessment only 23% of patients in the control group remained in the study and by the 3 hour assessment only 10% of the control group were available for assessment. In comparison for the massage group 72% of patients remained in the study at 2 hours post-treatment, 54% at 3 hours and 36% at 4 hours post treatment. Because of the very high withdrawal rate at 2, 3 and 4 hours after treatment, the results from these time periods are impossible to interpret and are therefore not presented.</p>", "<p>The assessment of the patients at all time points was by an observer who was blind to the treatment that the patient received (DC). Occasionally the patient would break the blinding by comments that they made to the observer. For 89 of the 100 patients in which a record of blinding was made, the observer remained blind throughout the assessment, so blinding was maintained in 89% of patients.</p>", "<p>The demographic characteristics and baseline scores for the massage and control groups are compared in Table ##TAB##0##1##. Comparisons between massage and control groups were tested using chi-squared or two sample t-tests as appropriate. There are no significant differences in the age, gender mix or duration of pain for the two treatment groups.</p>", "<p>The pain verbal rating scale scores are \"moderate\" or \"severe\" for all patients, with 40% of the massage group and 39% of the control group recording severe pain at baseline. The similarity of the distribution of pain scores between the two groups is shown in the boxplot in Figure ##FIG##1##2##.</p>", "<p>Comparisons post-treatment of pain VAS scores are shown in Figure ##FIG##2##3## and Table ##TAB##1##2##. Figure ##FIG##2##3## illustrates that the 95% confidence intervals for mean pain VAS for the massage and control groups overlap at baseline, the means are not significantly different. However, the confidence intervals are clearly distinct both immediately post treatment and at 1 hour post treatment, consistent with the massage group having significantly lower mean pain VAS. For the control group mean pain VAS for those who continue beyond 1 hour (the minority) is 36.4, but mean pain VAS for those in the control group who withdraw at 1 hour (the majority) is 74.7, a significantly higher mean (p &lt; 0.001).</p>", "<p>Table ##TAB##1##2## compares the baseline score to that immediately post treatment, the massage group experience a statistically significant (p &lt; 0.001 using paired t-test) mean reduction in pain of 16.7 mm (SD 21.2). For the control group the mean change in pain score is -0.04 mm (SD 16.0) which is not significant (p = 0.985 using paired t-test). For those in the massage group there is a significantly greater reduction in pain score both immediately post treatment and at 1 hour post treatment than in the control group. The 95% confidence interval for the difference in mean pain reduction at one hour post treatment between the massage and control groups is 5.47 mm to 24.70 mm, that is the massage group can expect on average to benefit by between 5.47 mm and 24.70 mm greater reduction than the control group up to one hour post treatment.</p>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##3##4## illustrates the reduction in pain VAS score for the massage group and the negligible change in pain VAS score for the majority of members of the control group. For both groups the median is central in the box of the boxplot, thus supporting the assumption that the data is normally distributed and that a t-test can be used to compare these changes.</p>", "<p>The results from the four point verbal rating pain, the four point pain distress scale and the McGill Pain Questionnaire produce the same findings as the pain VAS scale. That is, statistically significant differences between massage and control groups immediately and one hour post treatment.</p>", "<p>An example of these similarities is shown in comparisons of McGill Pain Questionnaire scores from baseline to immediately post treatment. The massage group experience a statistically significant (p &lt; 0.001 using paired t-test) mean reduction in McGill pain score of 11.5 (SD 9.93). For the control group the mean change in McGill pain score is 1.22 (SD 7.16) which is not statistically significant (p = 0.237 using paired t-test).</p>", "<p>Table ##TAB##2##3## showed, using a chi-squared test, a significant association between treatment group and whether the patient gets 50% pain relief, with only one person in the control group but 18/31 and 18/32 patients in the massage group reporting 50% pain relief immediately post and 1 hour post treatment.</p>", "<p>Table ##TAB##3##4## illustrates results from the Spielberger short-form anxiety scale. It shows that comparing the baseline score to that immediately post treatment, the massage group experience a statistically significant (p &lt; 0.001 using paired t-test) mean reduction in STAI score of 3.57 (SD 3.02). For the control group the mean change in STAI score is 0.00 (SD 3.39) which is not statistically significant (p = 1.00 using paired t-test). For those in the massage group there is a statistically significantly greater reduction in anxiety score both immediately post treatment and at 1 hour post treatment than in the control group. The 95% confidence interval for the difference in mean anxiety score reduction at one hour post treatment between the massage and control groups is 1.67 to 4.36 that is the massage group can expect on average to benefit by between 1.67 and 4.36 greater reduction in anxiety score than the control group up to one hour post treatment.</p>", "<p>At the final assessment for the patient, either at 4 hours post treatment or at the point that they requested an analgesic and thus withdrew from the study the patient was asked to assess whether the treatment they had received was poor, fair, good, very good or excellent. In the massage group, 34 rated the treatment as good, very good or excellent, 12 as fair and 4 as poor. In the control group, 4 rated it as good, very good or excellent, 14 as fair and 33 as poor. A chi-squared test for the patients' assessment of the treatment demonstrates that those receiving the massage rate this treatment statistically significantly better than the control group (X<sup>2 </sup>= 46.6, df = 2, p &lt; 0.001).</p>", "<p>At the final assessment the patient was asked whether they would like to have the treatment again. A significantly higher proportion of those in the massage group (X<sup>2 </sup>= 24.4, df = 1, p &lt; 0.001) said they would like the treatment again. Of the 49 patients in the massage group who were asked this question all 49 (100%) said yes they would like the treatment again. Of the 42 patients in the control group asked this question, 25 (60%) said yes they would like the treatment again.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>This study showed that, compared to baseline, massage reduced pain and anxiety for up to one hour. There were no such differences for the control group. This suggests that massage could be a useful short term intervention, to reduce both pain and anxiety. Although an hour's pain relief after a massage may seem a short duration, this could be very worthwhile if, for example, the patient is anxious or fearful about a procedure they are about to undergo, or they are waiting for an analgesic to take effect, or to give them some short term respite from pain during the day and thus a sense of a degree of control over the pain.</p>", "<p>The results showed that these patients with moderate to severe chronic pain are used to taking analgesics, with 77% of patients in the control group dropping out to take an analgesic after one hour post intervention, and 92% control patients had dropped out by 4 hours post intervention.</p>", "<p>One of the problems of demonstrating any statistically significant effect of massage over time was the large drop out rate. Once the patient had taken an analgesic, the effects due to the massage could no longer be reliably elicited and they had to be excluded. The differential drop out rate between the groups is interesting. At 2 hours post treatment 72% of patients having massage compared to only 23% of those in the control group remained in the study. At 3 hours post treatment 53% of massage patients compared to only 10% of control patients remained. At the final assessment after 4 hours, over a third (36%) of massage patients remained compared to only 8% of those in the control group. This gives at least an indication that because patients who dropped out did so because they requested an analgesic, those in the massage group who stayed in the study did so because they had less pain.</p>", "<p>The study had aimed to recruit 120 patients, 60 in each group. In the event, 101 were included in the study. This was based on a previous study of relaxation in hip fracture patients which had a standard deviation of 25 mm and a mean difference of 15 mm [##REF##1235985##18##]. If we take the actual VAS pain scores comparing baseline to immediately post treatment, there is a mean difference of 16 mm and a standard deviation of 21 mm. For a mean difference and standard deviation of this size a sample size of 45 per group, gives power of 95%. So, looking at this outcome, the study is adequately powered.</p>", "<p>The extent of a statistically significant reduction of pain and whether it is clinically significant is important to consider. Compared to baseline, those in the massage group had a mean reduction in pain of 16.7 mm on a 0–100 scale immediately after treatment. If 50% pain relief is taken as clinically important, 36% of the massage group reported at least this level of relief immediately post treatment, compared to 0% of the control group. This provides some evidence that the massage can have quite a large effect in just over a third of patients. Although a benefit of reduced pain for one hour may seem a limited effect, it does provide something of a break from pain.</p>", "<p>It is then a clinical question whether the 15 minute investment of time in doing the massage is worth the benefits outlined in the paper. When patients either completed the study or withdrew, 68% of massage patients compared to only 8% of control patients said the intervention had been good, very good or excellent, so it would seem over two-thirds of patients did find the treatment beneficial. This could be one area where carers may be able to take on this role, although anecdotally, we are aware that some clinicians may be reluctant to make this suggestion to carers, fearing litigation if there are any adverse effects. Health professionals wishing to integrate massage into their practice need to consider professional training, and the requirements of the regulatory bodies of their own country. For example, in the UK, the Royal College of Nursing produced guidance on integrating complementary therapies into clinical care [##UREF##9##23##]. It would also be sensible to liaise with the appropriate committees within their own hospital or community setting regarding the level of training required to practice (for example, the formal structures addressing risk management, quality assurance and professional development).</p>", "<p>This study adds to the international knowledge base about the effectiveness of massage for chronic pain. It has demonstrated that massage can produce short term reductions in pain and anxiety, and improvements in pain relief which are valued by patients. These are important potential benefits for people in whom the management of pain is often a challenge.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Massage is effective in the short term for chronic pain of moderate to severe intensity, and has a small anxiety reducing effect. It could be a useful addition to techniques offered to patients as part of their care. Nurses are well placed to be trained in and to deliver massage. More research is needed to explore the benefits of repeated treatments of massage in patients with chronic pain.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Massage is increasingly used to manage chronic pain but its benefit has not been clearly established. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of a single session of nurse-administered massage for the short term relief of chronic non-malignant pain and anxiety.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>A randomised controlled trial design was used, in which the patients were assigned to a massage or control group. The massage group received a 15 minute manual massage and the control group a 15 minute visit to talk about their pain. Adult patients attending a pain relief unit with a diagnosis of chronic pain whose pain was described as moderate or severe were eligible for the study. An observer blind to the patients' treatment group carried out assessments immediately before (baseline), after treatment and 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours later. Pain was assessed using 100 mm visual analogue scale and the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Pain Relief was assessed using a five point verbal rating scale. Anxiety was assessed with the Spielberger short form State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>101 patients were randomised and evaluated, 50 in the massage and 51 in the control group. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups at baseline interview. Patients in the massage but not the control group had significantly less pain compared to baseline immediately after and one hour post treatment. 95% confidence interval for the difference in mean pain reduction at one hour post treatment between the massage and control groups is 5.47 mm to 24.70 mm. Patients in the massage but not the control group had a statistically significant reduction in anxiety compared to baseline immediately after and at 1 hour post treatment.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Massage is effective in the short term for chronic pain of moderate to severe intensity.</p>", "<title>Trial Registration</title>", "<p>[ISRCTN98406653]</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>KS conceived the study and participated in its design and coordination and drafted the manuscript. NC participated in the design, conducted the statistical analysis and helped to draft the manuscript, JM and KC were involved in the data collection, delivering the intervention and helped draft the manuscript, DC participated in the design of the study and the data collection and helped draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This study was funded by the Oxfordshire Health Services Research Fund. The funder was not involved in the design, conduct or interpretation of the study. Thank-you to all patients and staff involved in this study for their time and support.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Participant Flow at each stage of study.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Baseline (pre-treatment) pain VAS scores for the massage and control groups.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>Mean and 95% confidence interval for the mean pain VAS scores for the massage group (- - - - -) and the control group (―) at three time points.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Change in pain VAS score between baseline and immediately post treatment for both the massage group and the control group.</bold> The change is calculated as baseline – post-treatment, so positive values indicate pain has been reduced by treatment.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Comparison of the characteristics of the massage and control groups at baseline (pre-treatment)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Characteristic</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Massage group</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Control Group</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Number in group</td><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">51</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Gender (male:female)</td><td align=\"center\">22:28</td><td align=\"center\">20:31</td><td align=\"center\">0.626 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age in years Mean (SD)</td><td align=\"center\">51.5 (13.4)</td><td align=\"center\">55.2 (12.9)</td><td align=\"center\">0.171 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Duration of pain in years. Mean (SD)</td><td align=\"center\">9.86 (7.47)</td><td align=\"center\">11.0 (10.2)</td><td align=\"center\">0.540 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Therapist (A:B)</td><td align=\"center\">27:23</td><td align=\"center\">27:24</td><td align=\"center\">0.915 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Pain VAS. Range 0–100. Mean (SD)</td><td align=\"center\">57.7 (18.0)</td><td align=\"center\">62.3 (16.6)</td><td align=\"center\">0.200 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">McGill Pain Q'aire Pain Rating Index Range 0–78 Mean (SD)</td><td align=\"center\">27.3 (11.5)</td><td align=\"center\">25.1 (14.4)</td><td align=\"center\">0.390 NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Spielberger <italic>SF </italic>STAI Range 6–24 Mean (SD)</td><td align=\"center\">13.3 (4.16)</td><td align=\"center\">12.0 (4.15)</td><td align=\"center\">0.139 NS</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Comparison of massage group and control group for both pain VAS scores and changes in pain VAS score from baseline, at post treatment assessments*.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Time point</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Massage group</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Control group</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p-value (2 sample t-test)</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Mean</td><td align=\"center\">SD</td><td align=\"center\">N#</td><td align=\"center\">Mean</td><td align=\"center\">SD</td><td align=\"center\">N#</td><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Baseline score</td><td align=\"center\">57.7</td><td align=\"center\">18.0</td><td align=\"center\">49</td><td align=\"center\">62.3</td><td align=\"center\">16.6</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">0.200 NS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"8\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Immediately post treatment score</td><td align=\"center\">41.1</td><td align=\"center\">20.2</td><td align=\"center\">49</td><td align=\"center\">62.8</td><td align=\"center\">20.9</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Change from baseline</td><td align=\"center\">16.7</td><td align=\"center\">21.2</td><td align=\"center\">48</td><td align=\"center\">-0.04</td><td align=\"center\">16.0</td><td align=\"center\">45</td><td align=\"center\">0.000</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"8\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">1 hour post treatment score</td><td align=\"center\">44.8</td><td align=\"center\">23.5</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">64.9</td><td align=\"center\">26.7</td><td align=\"center\">43</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Change from baseline</td><td align=\"center\">12.4</td><td align=\"center\">21.3</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">-2.66</td><td align=\"center\">24.0</td><td align=\"center\">41</td><td align=\"center\">0.002</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Comparison of massage group and control group for 50% pain relief at post treatment assessment.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Time point</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Massage group 50% pain relief</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Control group 50% pain relief</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">No</td><td align=\"center\">Yes</td><td align=\"center\">No</td><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Immediately post treatment <break/>Change from baseline</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">31</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">51</td><td align=\"center\">0.000</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">1 hour post treatment <break/>change from baseline</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">32</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">49</td><td align=\"center\">0.000</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Comparison of massage group and control group for both Spielberger STAI scores and changes in STAI score from baseline, at post treatment assessments.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Time point</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Massage group</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Control group</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Mean</td><td align=\"center\">sd</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">Mean</td><td align=\"center\">Sd</td><td align=\"center\">N</td><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Baseline score</td><td align=\"center\">13.3</td><td align=\"center\">4.16</td><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">12.0</td><td align=\"center\">4.15</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">0.139 NS</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"8\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Immediately post treatment score</td><td align=\"center\">9.72</td><td align=\"center\">3.43</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">12.2</td><td align=\"center\">5.15</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Change from baseline</td><td align=\"center\">3.57</td><td align=\"center\">3.02</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">0.00</td><td align=\"center\">3.39</td><td align=\"center\">44</td><td align=\"center\">0.000</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"8\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">1 hour post treatment score</td><td align=\"center\">10.5</td><td align=\"center\">3.90</td><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">12.8</td><td align=\"center\">5.06</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Change from baseline</td><td align=\"center\">2.74</td><td align=\"center\">3.10</td><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">-0.28</td><td align=\"center\">3.43</td><td align=\"center\">43</td><td align=\"center\">0.000</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* Note that at each time point adding the change from baseline scores to the post treatment scores will not necessarily equal the baseline scores, because some patients have dropped out after the baseline</p><p>SD = Standard Deviation</p><p>NS = Not significant</p><p># the table has some missing data on VAS scores at baseline, but data available on other outcomes. One participant in the massage group and 3 in control group did not complete VAS pain scores, and thus were not included in the later comparisons to baseline.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1472-6955-7-10-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1472-6955-7-10-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1472-6955-7-10-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1472-6955-7-10-4\"/>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Nurs. 2008 Jul 4; 7:10
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Molecular studies of ovarian granulosa cells have determined that the granulosa cells of various species express potassium, calcium, sodium, and chloride channels. These channels have electrical activity and generate action potentials. Porcine granulosa cells express a potassium current (I<sub>A</sub>), a delayed rectifier K<sup>+ </sup>current (I<sub>K</sub>) and Ca<sup>2+ </sup>currents [##REF##8394746##1##,##REF##11752222##2##]. Ion channels such as Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.3, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv1.6, KCNQ1, KCNE1 have been identified in porcine granulosa cells [##REF##11752222##2##]. Kir6.1 and Kv4.2 are expressed in human granulosa cells [##REF##16478818##3##,##REF##15991246##4##]. Ca<sup>2+ </sup>subunits Cav1.2 and Cav3.2 are expressed in human granulosa cells and calcium type currents are also found in human granulosa cells [##REF##15356055##5##,##REF##15671094##6##]. Human granulosa cells express a Ca<sup>2+ </sup>activated K<sup>+ </sup>current (BK<sub>Ca</sub>), a transient outward K<sup>+ </sup>current and an ATP-sensitive potassium channel [##REF##16478818##3##,##REF##15991246##4##,##REF##12466354##7##]. In hen granulosa cells, chloride channels are activated by cAMP during LH-stimulated progesterone production [##UREF##0##8##].</p>", "<p>During aging, potassium, calcium and sodium channels activities and levels are altered. For the potassium and calcium channels, the channels in the cells in the brain, heart, liver, and pancreas all change during the process of aging [##REF##12040053##9##, ####REF##10993747##10##, ##REF##16621391##11##, ##REF##15611028##12####15611028##12##]. Cumulatively, these changes include a decrease in the total number of ion channels present and alterations in the distribution and activity of the channels. For the sodium channels, the changes associated with developmental aging in retinal ganglion cells, myocardium and in kidney epithelium cells include shifts in the number and alterations in conduction activity [##REF##9607716##13##, ####REF##16476705##14##, ##REF##9950962##15####9950962##15##]. These reports suggest that there are specific age-related patterns in the expression and physiological activity of ion channels.</p>", "<p>Hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated (HCN) channels generate a pacemaker current (I<sub>h</sub>) that controls spontaneous pacemaker activity in the heart and brain [##REF##15975637##16##, ####REF##12471170##17##, ##REF##16460277##18##, ##REF##15963351##19####15963351##19##]. There are four members of the HCN gene family and they belong to the voltage-gated K+ superfamily. The four forms of HCN genes (HCN1-4) have highly conserved core transmembrane and cyclic nucleotide binding regions, with each of the four proteins having a six transmembrane region. The four HCN genes have different distributions in the heart and brain, suggesting that they have different functions. HCN channels have been in found in neurosecretory neurons of the hypothalamus, retinal rod photoreceptors, hair cells of the auditory system, olfactory neurons, spinal cord dorsal root ganglion neurons, and the enteric nervous system [##REF##15975637##16##, ####REF##12471170##17##, ##REF##16460277##18##, ##REF##15963351##19##, ##REF##10228147##20##, ##REF##11459060##21##, ##REF##12514127##22##, ##REF##16882011##23##, ##REF##16648453##24##, ##REF##16879992##25####16879992##25##]. The wide distribution of the HCN channels suggests that they have roles in a number of different physiological conditions. In addition to the wide distribution of these channels, it has been previously reported that HCN4 expression in the hippocampus is related to developmental age, suggesting that these channels also have aging-related changes [##REF##16882011##23##,##REF##16648453##24##].</p>", "<p>To our knowledge, no prior studies have investigated the HCN channels in the ovary. Given the important roles of HCN in other organs and given the aging-related changes found in potassium, calcium, sodium and HCN channels, it was hypothesized that HCN channels play vital roles in the ovary and that alterations of their expression would be found during reproductive aging. In this study, we analyzed the expression and localization of HCN1-4 in the rat ovary to assess this postulate.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Animals and treatment</title>", "<p>Sprague-Dawley rats (Harlan, Indianapolis, IN) of three age groups were studied: 1.) \"young\", 26 days old, immature control females; 2.) \"adult\", 65–75 day old, adult control females and; 3.) \"reproductive aging\", 8–9 month old retired breeders, experimental females with declining fertility [##REF##17636211##26##]. The animals were maintained under standard housing conditions with a 12 h:12 h light cycle. They were provided access to standard rat chow (Harlan, Indianapolis, IN) and water ad libitum. The animals were euthanized by an overdose of carbon dioxide. Subsequently, both ovaries were dissected out from each animal; one ovary was snap frozen and stored at -80°C while the other one was fixed in 10% formalin and stored at 4°C for paraffin sectioning. All procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University at Buffalo (GYN07042N).</p>", "<title>RNA isolation and RT-PCR</title>", "<p>Rat ovarian total RNA was isolated using Trizol (GibcoBRL, Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY). RT-PCR was performed as previously described by our laboratory [##REF##16879992##25##], using a Promega Access RT-PCR kit (Access RT-PCR System, Promega, Madison, WI). PCR primers were designed to amplify rat HCN1-4 mRNA (Table ##TAB##0##1##) and were slightly modified from mouse primers used previously [##REF##16879992##25##]. Positive control for HCN1-4 was brain RNA and the negative control was running the PCR reaction without the cDNA template. PCR conditions were as follows: 45°C for 45 min, 94°C for 2 min, and then 40 cycles of 94°C for 30 sec, 60°C for 1 min, 68°C for 2 min, and a final extension of one cycle at 68°C for 7 min. The analysis of the RT-PCR reaction products was by agarose gel electrophoresis.</p>", "<title>Western blotting</title>", "<p>Total protein was isolated by procedures used previously [##REF##16879992##25##,##REF##17636211##26##]. In brief, rat tissues were lysed in RIPA buffer, containing 50 mM Tris-HCl, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 1% NP-40, 1 mM phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and 0.5% N, N'-dicyclohexylcabodiimide (DCC) [##REF##16879992##25##,##REF##17636211##26##], along with protease inhibitors (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, 1:100). The protein concentrations were determined by the Bradford method (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). Fifty micrograms of protein from rat tissues under reducing conditions were loaded onto a 10% (HCN2 and HCN3) or an 8% (HCN1 and HCN4) Tris-Glycine SDS-polyacrylamide gel (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). After electrophoresis, the proteins were electrically transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane (VWR International, West Chester, PA), blocked with 5% skim milk in TTBS (TBS with 0.1% Tween 20), and then incubated overnight at 4°C with rabbit polyclonal antibodies against HCN1-4 (anti-HCN 1, 2, 3 or 4; product # APC-056, APC-030, APC-057, APC-052, respectively; Alomone Labs Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel) [##REF##17636211##26##] at a dilution of 1:200. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:2500; Amersham Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ) was used to identify the protein bands and they were amplified using SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate Kit (Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL). Visualization of the protein bands was by CL-Xposure film (Pierce Biotechnology).</p>", "<title>Immunohistochemistry and H score semiquantitative analysis</title>", "<p>After fixation, ovaries were embedded in paraffin and cut at 4 μm thick sections that were placed on Starfrost Adhesive positively charged microscope slides (Mercedes Medical, Germany) and the procedures used were as previously described [##REF##16875679##27##]. Sections were deparaffinized using xylene and rehydrated using graded alcohol series. Sections were rinsed in distilled water then incubated for 30 minutes in 4N HCl at 37°C for antigen retrieval. Slides were cooled to room temperature, and then washed in PBS for 5 minutes. The slides were then placed in sodium borohydride diluted in PBS at a concentration of 1 mg/ml. The slides were then rinsed three times in PBS. The tissue sections were then blocked for 1 hour at room temperature using 5% goat serum and 5% BSA. The slides were transferred to a humidified chamber, and a rabbit polyclonal primary antibody against one of the HCN channels described in Western blotting. The HCN2 and HCN3 anitibodies were applied at dilutions of 1:200, and HCN1 and HCN4 were at dilutions of 1:50. As negative control, the primary antibodies were omitted. To confirm specificity of immunostaining, an additional negative control was performed for each of the channels. The anti-HCN1-4 antibodies were pre-incubated with the appropriate antibody control antigen as follows: HCN 1 <sub>6–24 </sub>Peptide, HCN 2 <sub>147–161 </sub>Peptide, HCN 3 <sub>727–744 </sub>Peptide, and HCN4-GST fusion protein (provided by Alomone labs). For the HCN1-3 preadsorption control solution, 1 μg of peptide was incubated with 1 μg of antibody and for HCN 4 preadsorption control solution, 3 μg of fusion protein was incubated with 1 μg of antibody for one hour at 37°C, centrifuged at 12,000 rpm, and then applied to the tissue sections. The slides were incubated with primary antibodies overnight at 4°C. The following morning, slides were washed 3 times in PBS for 5 minutes each. To visualize the primary antibody, Alexa Fluor goat anti-rabbit 594 (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) were applied to the tissue sections for 30 minutes at room temperature in the dark. To visualize HCN1, 2, and 3, the Alexa Fluor was applied at a dilution of 1:1000. To visualize HCN4, the secondary antibody was applied at a dilution of 1:500. Slides were air dried for 1 hour and cover-slipped using ProLong Antifade (Molecular Probes). The sections were then viewed on a Nikon Eclipse E400 fluorescent Microscope (Micro Video Instruments, Avon, MA) using the appropriate filters.</p>", "<p>A modified H score system was used to analyze the HCN channels 1 to 4 staining [##REF##16875679##27##,##REF##16260272##28##]. This scoring system was based on two criteria: the distribution of the staining, and the intensity of the staining. The following scale was used to determine the distribution of the stain in a structure: less than 50% of the structure stained was scored as 1, greater than or equal to 50% of the structure stained was scored as 2. To determine the intensity of the stain the following scale was used: no stain = 0, weak staining = 1, moderate staining = 2, and intense staining = 3. The numbers obtained for the distribution and intensity were then multiplied together for a combined score. A total score of 6 was the maximum for any structure. Two independent observers scored the sections for H score analysis. The results from each reviewer were compared and any discrepancy greater than 10% resulted in a reevaluation with both reviewers. Follicles were divided into classes based on the criteria of Oktay et al [##REF##7492681##29##]. Primordial, primary, preantral, and antral follicles were included in the H score analysis, as well as thecal cells, oocytes, and corpora lutea.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>Three separate rats in each age group were used for the RT-PCR and western blot experiments. Data for the ovarian immunofluorescence H score analysis are presented as mean +/- standard error and represent results from experiments repeated in triplicate. Statistical analyses of the ovarian H scores for HCN1-4 were performed using a one-way ANOVA followed by a linear contrast (SPSS version 11). P &lt; 0.05 was considered statistically significant.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Gene expression and western blot analysis of HCN1-4</title>", "<p>HCN1-4 mRNA expression in the rat ovary was determined by RT-PCR (Figure ##FIG##0##1A##). For all four HCN channels, RT-PCR demonstrated the presence of these mRNA in the ovaries in all reproductive stages studied. Western blot analysis showed protein bands for HCN1-3 in rat ovaries of the three reproductive stages studied (Figure ##FIG##0##1B##). For HCN4, no protein was detected in the rat ovarian tissue by our whole ovarian extract western blot analysis. However, a 150 kDa protein band was found for rat brain and heart, two positive controls.</p>", "<title>Immunohistochemistry of ovarian HCN1-4</title>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##1##2## depicts ovarian follicles and the staining patterns found using immunofluorescence to analyze for the localization of HCN1-4 in young, adult and reproductively aged rat ovaries. By H score analysis (Figure ##FIG##1##2##), differences were detected in the spatial and temporal localization of HCN1-4 in the rat ovary. All four HCN proteins were detected in ovaries of all three reproductive ages. However, there were specific spatial protein differences in the distribution of HCN1-4. For HCN1, HCN2, and HCN3, the proteins were found in oocytes and in the granulosa cells of primary, preantral, and antral follicles. In addition, all three proteins were found in thecal cells. Furthermore, all three proteins were localized to corpora lutea. For HCN4 experimental tissue sections, HCN4 protein expression was localized only to the oocytes. In the HCN1-4 negative control experiments, both types of negative control experiments, the preabsorbed control experiments and the omission of the primary antibody experiments, were appropriately negative.</p>", "<p>In addition to the spatial findings above, there were age-related findings related to the reproductive age of the ovaries for the specific ovarian structures studied (Figure ##FIG##2##3##). For the following structures, there were differences in the H scores for the HCN proteins for the three reproductive ages studied: 1.) oocytes: HCN1 (decline in H score with increasing reproductive age; p &lt; 0.05), HCN3 (decline in H score with increasing reproductive age; p &lt; 0.01) and HCN4 (decline in H score with increasing reproductive age; p &lt; 0.01); 2.) preantral follicle granulosa cells: HCN3 (decline in H score with increasing reproductive age; p &lt; 0.05); 3.) primary follicle granulosa cells: HCN3 (decline in H score with increasing reproductive age; p &lt; 0.01); 4.) thecal cells: HCN3 (decline in H score with increasing reproductive age; p &lt; 0.01).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>All four types of HCN channels are expressed in the ovary as evidenced by RT-PCR, western blot, and immunohistochemical results presented in this report. To our knowledge, this is the first description of the changes in distribution of the HCN channels in ovarian structures in the reproductive life-cycle. These channels have specific patterns in the different ovarian cell types. HCN channels 1–3 are expressed in oocytes, granulosa cells of primary, preantral, and antral follicles, the thecal cells, and in luteal cells, while HCN4 is only expressed in oocytes. This suggests that different ovarian structures use different combinations of HCN channels for normal physiological function. Furthermore, HCN4 appears to be oocyte specific and, thus, this protein may be useful to define the physiological status of an oocyte.</p>", "<p>Ion channels are involved in ovarian steroidogenesis. Potassium channels mediate gonadotropin regulated progesterone secretion in human granulosa cells [##REF##16478818##3##,##REF##15991246##4##,##REF##12466354##7##,##REF##12080003##30##]. L- and T-type Ca<sup>2+ </sup>channels mediate hCG stimulated progesterone secretion in human granulosa cells [##REF##15356055##5##]. Sodium channels down regulate progesterone production in primate granulosa cells [##REF##10894155##31##]. Potassium channels and cAMP are involved in FSH-stimulated progesterone production in pig granulosa cells [##UREF##1##32##]. Given that HCN channels are located in all the cell types which are involved in steroidogenesis, the granulosa, theca and corpora lutea cells, it would not be unreasonable to hypothesize that the HCN channels also participate in this important ovarian activity. HCN channels have been identified in secretory cells including GnRH neurons, pancreatic β-cells, and pituitary lactotrophs [##REF##15975637##16##, ####REF##12471170##17##, ##REF##16460277##18##, ##REF##15963351##19####15963351##19##,##REF##16879992##25##]. Several studies have described membrane hyperpolarization in granulosa cells. Activation of BK<sub>Ca </sub>channels resulting in membrane hyperpolarization is required for steroidogenesis in human luteinized granulosa cells [##REF##12466354##7##]. Thus, membrane hyperpolarization may be a mechanism controlling steroid production in the granulosa cells of the ovary. In contrast to most voltage gated channels, HCN channels are activated by membrane hyperpolarization [##REF##15975637##16##, ####REF##12471170##17##, ##REF##16460277##18##, ##REF##15963351##19####15963351##19##]. In granulosa cells it is possible that hyperpolarization of the cell membrane could activate HCN channels, thereby resulting in membrane depolarization. Depolarization could activate calcium and cAMP signaling, thus resulting in activation of steroidogenic enzymes and thereby increasing steroid production. This hypothesis would be supported by demonstration of functional HCN channels in granulosa cells.</p>", "<p>There are age related changes in potassium, calcium and sodium channel expression [##REF##12040053##9##, ####REF##10993747##10##, ##REF##16621391##11##, ##REF##15611028##12##, ##REF##9607716##13##, ##REF##16476705##14##, ##REF##9950962##15####9950962##15##]. In the data presented in this report, HCN1 and HCN2 had minimal variation through the aging process, with HCN1 only exhibiting declining levels in the oocytes during reproductive aging. This suggests that the expression of these two channels remains relatively constant throughout granulosa and thecal cell reproductive aging and may have minor or unchanging roles in ovarian physiologic functions such as steroidogenesis or peptide hormone production. HCN3 has different expression patterns in the granulosa cells and theca cells during the aging process, indicating that there is an age-dependent expression of HCN3 in ovarian structures, suggesting that the changes in steroidogenesis during aging might be modulated through this protein. HCN3 expression decreases during aging in oocytes, granulosa cells of preantral follicles, and in theca cells, suggesting a possible function in the decrease of ovarian function in advancing reproductive age. The mechanism of this decline is not yet known and understanding of the mechanism could lead to further insights into the overall aging-related reduction of ovarian function. To date, the physiologic processes in reproductive aging are not yet fully understood. HCN channels may play a role in ovarian aging and, in addition, they could serve as immunohistochemical biomarkers for reproductive aging.</p>", "<p>HCN4 is an oocyte specific channel and may be an indicator of oocyte quality. There is a linear decrease in the expression of HCN4 throughout the reproductive aging process in the female rat. Brewster et al. and Surges et al. showed a steady decrease in HCN4 expression throughout the maturation process of the rat hippocampus [##REF##16882011##23##,##REF##16648453##24##]. In the ovary, growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF-9) has been found to be oocyte specific [##REF##10379900##33##, ####REF##10067849##34##, ##REF##16384866##35####16384866##35##]. GDF-9 has been demonstrated to be essential to the growth and differentiation of early ovarian follicles. In cultured bovine granulosa cells, GDF-9 stimulated the proliferation of granulosa cells from small and large antral follicles and can disrupt the production of progesterone and estradiol [##REF##16648300##36##]. The functions of HCN4 in the oocyte have not been determined to date, but it is possible that the channel may also be necessary for growth and differentiation of ovarian follicles or for steroid production.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In conclusion, HCN1-4 channels are expressed in the ovary and there are differential expression patterns for the channels. HCN1-3 are expressed in ovarian structures including oocytes, granulosa and thecal cells, and in luteal cells, while HCN 4 is only expressed in the oocytes. There are decreases in the expression of HCN1, 3, and 4 in the oocytes during reproductive aging, with the decrease in HCN4 being the most pronounced. HCN3 expression are also decreased in the granulosa cells of preantral follicles and theca cells in reproductive aging. Future studies need to be conducted to determine the specific roles of HCN channels in the ovaries and the physiological reasons for the changes in the expression of the channels through the aging process.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that levels of hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated channels 1 to 4 (HCN1-4) are linked to the reproductive age of the ovary.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Young, adult, and reproductively aged ovaries were collected from Sprague-Dawley rats. RT-PCR and western blot analysis of ovaries was performed to investigate the presence of mRNA and total protein for HCN1-4. Immunohistochemistry with semiquantitative H score analysis was performed using whole ovarian histologic sections.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>RT-PCR analysis showed the presence of mRNA for HCN1-4. Western blot analysis revealed HCN1-3 proteins in all ages of ovarian tissues. Immunohistochemistry with H score analysis demonstrated distinct age-related changes in patterns of HCN1-3 in the oocytes, granulosa cells, theca cells, and corpora lutea. HCN4 was present only in the oocytes, with declining levels during the reproduction lifespan.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The evidence presented here demonstrates cell-type and developmental age patterns of HCN1-4 channel expression in rat ovaries. Based on this, we hypothesize that HCN channels have functional significance in rat ovaries and may have changing roles in reproductive aging.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>HCN: hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated channel; RT-PCR: reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; mRNA: messenger ribonucleic acid; Kv1.1 – 1.6: potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, members 1–6; KCNQ1: potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 1; KCNE1: potassium voltage-gated channel, Isk-related family, member 1; Kir6.1: potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 8; Kv4.2: potassium voltage-gated channel, Shal-related family, member 2; I<sub>A:</sub> potassium current; I<sub>K:</sub> delayed rectifier potassium current; Cav1.2: calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, alpha 1C subunit; Cav3.2: calcium channel, voltage-dependent, T type, alpha 1 H subunit; Ca<sup>2+:</sup> calcium; K<sup>+:</sup> potassium; BK<sub>ca:</sub> calcium activated potassium current; ATP: adenosine tri-phosphate; cAMP: cyclic adenosine mono-phosphate; LH: luteinizig hormone; I<sub>h </sub>: pacemaker current, hyperpolarization-activated current, hyperpolarization-activated cation current; RNA: ribonucleic acid; cDNA: complimentary deoxyribonucleic acid; SDS: sodium dodecyl sulfate; PMSF: phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride; DCC: dicyclohexlcabodiimide; TTBS: tris buffered saline with 0.1% Tween 20; HRP: horseradish peroxidase; HCl: hydrochloric acid; PBS: phosphate buffered saline; hCG: human chorionic gonadotropin; FSH: follicle stimulating hormone; GnRH: gonadotropin releasing hormone; β: beta</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>JY conceived of the study along with AA, and participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. BSK is responsible for the Western blots and RT-PCR, data and statistical analysis, and manuscript preparation. LG carried out the immunohistochemistry and baseline research articles for the initial research. JP carried out the immunohistochemistry, baseline research articles, data and statistical analysis, and manuscript preparation. CP carried out the immunohistochemistry as well as data analysis. AA conceived of the study along with JY, and participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This work was presented, in part, at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting as Abstract #2226 in San Diego, CA in 2006.</p>", "<p>We would like to thank Charles Wu for his financial gift and the Walter Mazol fund.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>(A) </bold>RT-PCR analysis of ovarian HCN1-4 gene expression. <bold>(a) </bold>A 248 bp HCN1 RT-PCR band in all three developmental ages studied. <bold>(b) </bold>A 377 bp HCN2 RT-PCR band was evident in all three developmental ages studied. <bold>(c) </bold>A 364 bp HCN3 RT-PCR band was expressed in all three developmental stages studied. <bold>(d) </bold>A 219 HCN4 RT-PCR band was present in all three developmental stages studied. n = 3 animals studied per gene per reproductive stage. M = marker; B = brain; Y = young; A = adult; RA = reproductive aging; N = negative; H = heart. <bold>B</bold>. Western blot analysis of ovarian lysates for HCN1-4 protein expression of young, adult and reproductively aged rats. <bold>(a) </bold>Western blot analysis for HCN1 in ovaries. <bold>(b) </bold>Western blot analysis for HCN2 in ovaries. <bold>(c) </bold>Western blot analysis for HCN3 in ovaries. <bold>(d) </bold>Western blot analysis for HCN4 in ovaries. n = 3 animals studied per protein per reproductive stage.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Immunofluorescence localization of HCN1-4 in young, adult and reproductively aged rat ovaries. Experimental and negative control studies are presented from consecutive ovarian sections for each HCN protein for each reproductive state. <bold>(A) </bold>Localization of HCN1-4 channels in the young ovary. <bold>(B) </bold>Localization of HCN1-4 channels in the adult ovary. <bold>(C) </bold>Localization of HCN1-4 channels in the reproductive aging ovary. n = 3–9 animals studied per protein per reproductive stage.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>H Score analysis of HCN1-4 channels in the different ovarian structures throughout the aging process. <bold>(A) </bold>The H scores of HCN1 (a), HCN2 (b), HCN3 (c), and HCN4 (d) channels in the oocytes during the reproductive aging process. <bold>(B) </bold>H score analysis of granulosa cells in different follicle classes. (a-d) H scores of HCN1-4 channels in primary follicles. (e-h) Results of H score analysis of HCN1-4 channels in preantral follicle granulosa cells. (i-l) H scores for HCN1-4 channels in the granulosa cells of antral follicles. <bold>(C) </bold>H score analysis of HCN1 (a), HCN2 (b), HCN3 (c), and HCN4 (d) expression in theca cells. <bold>(D) </bold>H score analysis of HCN1-4 channels (a-d respectively) in the corpora lutea. N/A – not applicable, as the young rats do not yet have corpora lutea. n = 3–9 animals studied per protein per reproductive stage.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Primers for RT-PCR reactions</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Gene</td><td align=\"left\">GenBank Accession No.</td><td align=\"left\">Forward primer (5'-3')</td><td align=\"left\">Reverse primer (3'-5')</td><td align=\"left\">Size of product (bp)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">HCN1</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"NM_053375\">NM_053375</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">TTCATGCAGAGGCAGTTCAC</td><td align=\"left\">CACGGTGTTGTTGTTTGCTC</td><td align=\"left\">248</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">HCN2</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"NM_053684\">NM_053684</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">CCATGCTGACAAAGCTCAAA</td><td align=\"left\">CGAGCTGAGATCATGCTGAA</td><td align=\"left\">377</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">HCN3</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"NM_053685\">NM_053685</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">TCGGACACTTTCTTCCTGCT</td><td align=\"left\">GGTTGAAGATGCGAACCACT</td><td align=\"left\">364</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">HCN4</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"NM_021658\">NM_021658</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">GGGCTTCTCCTGTAGCCTTT</td><td align=\"left\">TGAGCTTCAGGTCCTGTGTG</td><td align=\"left\">219</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7827-6-35-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7827-6-35-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7827-6-35-3\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Chiang", "Strong", "Asem"], "given-names": ["M", "JA", "EK"], "article-title": ["Luteinizing hormone activates chloride currents in hen ovarian granulosa cells"], "source": ["Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A Physiology"], "year": ["1997"], "volume": ["116"], "fpage": ["361"], "lpage": ["368"], "pub-id": ["10.1016/S0300-9629(96)00375-1"]}, {"surname": ["Li", "Ganta", "von Stein", "Mason", "Mitchell", "Freeman"], "given-names": ["Y", "S", "FB", "DE", "BM", "LC"], "article-title": ["4-aminopyridine decreases progesterone production by porcine granulosa cells"], "source": ["Reprod Biol Endocrin"], "year": ["2003"], "volume": ["1"], "fpage": ["31"], "lpage": ["44"], "pub-id": ["10.1186/1477-7827-1-31"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2008 Aug 18; 6:35
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Malaria is a major public health problem in sub-Saharan Africa and <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>infection is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality inflicting a huge economic burden in countries where the disease is endemic [##REF##15759000##1##]. It is estimated that death toll of malaria exceeds one million people each year, and the victims are primarily children under the age of five [##REF##11832956##2##]. Until the early 1980s, the African highlands (generally referred to areas of &gt;1,500 m above sea level) were either free of malaria or had very low incidences of the disease; however, since the late 1980s a series of malaria epidemics has occurred [##UREF##0##3##, ####UREF##1##4##, ##REF##2894515##5##, ##REF##8055757##6##, ##REF##9615495##7##, ##REF##9866748##8##, ##REF##11859368##9####11859368##9##]. Among the many factors that may contribute to the highland malaria epidemics, resistance of the parasites to multiple antimalarials has not been extensively investigated. Resistance to antimalarial drugs is one of the major obstacles for effective malaria control. The first case of chloroquine (CQ) resistance in Kenya was reported in 1977 [##REF##382468##10##]. In 1993, resistance levels had reached 70% [##REF##8698011##11##]. In 1998, the Ministry of Health of Kenya changed the first line of treatment from chloroquine to sulfadoxine – pyrimethamine (SP; Fansidar<sup>®</sup>) [##REF##11123822##12##]. In 2004, the Ministry of Health of Kenya officially changed the first-line drug to artemether/lumefantrin (Coartem™) [##UREF##2##13##].</p>", "<p>Drug resistance in malaria parasites is associated with genetic mutations in target genes and can be monitored using molecular methods. CQ resistance is determined by the major point mutation at codon 76 of the <italic>P. falciparum </italic>CQ resistance transporter (<italic>pfcrt</italic>) gene [##REF##11517439##14##], which is highly correlated with increased clinical CQ tolerance and treatment failure [##REF##11517439##14##, ####REF##15085184##15##, ##REF##11937421##16####11937421##16##]. In addition, point mutations in <italic>P. falciparum </italic>multi-drug resistance gene 1 (<italic>pfmdr1</italic>) (e.g., N86Y, Y183F, S1034C, N1042D, and D1246Y) have been shown to modulate CQ resistance [##REF##15032630##17##] and possibly lumefantrine resistance [##REF##15717281##18##]. Resistance to antifolates is associated with point mutations in the dihydrofolate reductase (<italic>pfdhfr</italic>) and dihydropteroate synthetase (<italic>pfdhps</italic>) genes [##REF##11703841##19##]. Pyrimethamine (PY) resistance is conferred by the key mutation at codon 108 in the <italic>pfdhfr </italic>gene, while additional mutations at positions 51 and 59 increase the levels of resistance [##REF##2183222##20##]. The 164L mutation common in Southeast Asia has been shown to confer PY resistance. Although this mutation is not common in Africa, a recent study by McCollin et al detected the 164L mutation in western Kenya [##REF##16779725##21##]. Similarly, sulfadoxine (SD) resistance is conferred by a key mutation at codon 437 in the <italic>pfdhps </italic>gene and modulated by additional mutations at codons 436, 540, 581, and 613 [##UREF##3##22##]. Multiple mutations in these two genes result in antifolate treatment failure [##REF##9364963##23##]. Molecular methods have been developed to detect point mutations in genes responsible for drug resistance [##REF##9015515##24##, ####REF##11172152##25##, ##REF##11807721##26####11807721##26##], and have been widely used to monitor drug resistance in epidemiological surveys [##REF##11937421##16##]. In this study, we have analyzed the mutations of antimalarial drug resistance genes for CQ (<italic>pfcrt </italic>and <italic>pfmdr1</italic>) and antifolates (<italic>pfdhps </italic>and <italic>pfdhfr</italic>) in samples from patients with acute malaria infections and school children with asymptomatic infections at one lowland and two highland locations in western Kenya.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Sample collection</title>", "<p>Sampling in two highland sites (Kisii, elevation ~1600 m above sea level; and Kakamega, elevation 1,480–1,560 m) and one neighboring lowland site (Kombewa, elevation ~1200 m) from June through August 2005 were conducted as a part of malaria surveillance activities. Average annual malaria prevalence among primary school children during the sampling period was 10.3%, 42.7% and 75% in Kisii, Kakamega and Kombewa, respectively. Malaria transmission intensity, measured by entomological inoculation rate (EIR), was 0.4, 16.6 and 31.1 infectious bites per person per year in Kisii, Kakamega and Kombewa, respectively [##REF##16619599##27##]. At each site, 100 samples were collected from patients admitted with acute <italic>P. falciparum</italic> infection at a local hospital and 100 samples from primary school children (age 6–14 years old) with asymptomatic <italic>P. falciparum</italic> infections diagnosed by microscopy. Symptomatic malaria patients were treated by clinicians in the hospital with antimalarial drug, Coartem which achieved cure rates of up to 95%, even in areas of multi-drug resistance. Each sample consisted of ~200 μl of finger-prick blood spotted on filter papers. Filter papers were dried and stored at -20°C until parasite DNA extraction. The human subject protocol involved in this study has been approved by University of California, Irvine (UCI) and Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). Informed consent was provided by the parents/guardians of the children and assent from the children was obtained prior to the sample collection.</p>", "<title>Parasite DNA extraction and species identification</title>", "<p>DNA was extracted from the blood filters using the Saponin/Chelex method [##REF##15463789##28##]. Parasite DNA was extracted from one quarter of a blood spot of about 1 cm in diameter and dissolved in 200 μl of distilled water. Three microliters of the parasite DNA were used as the template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To avoid complications from mixed parasite species infections, a nested PCR method was used to verify <italic>P. falciparum </italic>infections and exclude the presence of other <italic>Plasmodium </italic>species in each sample [##REF##10348249##29##]. Approximately 3–5% of samples containing mixed parasite species or other parasite species were identified in all the study sites. Samples containing only <italic>P. falciparum </italic>DNA were used for genotyping analysis.</p>", "<title>Molecular detection of mutations in drug targets</title>", "<p>Mutations in the <italic>pfcrt </italic>(K76T) and <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>genes were detected using a PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method. The fragment encompassing <italic>pfcrt </italic>codon 76 was amplified and digested with <italic>Apo</italic>I, which cleaves the wild type into 111 and 34 bp fragments [##REF##12798014##30##]. Similarly, fragments containing codons 86, 184, 1034, 1042, and 1246 of the <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>gene were separately amplified by PCR and digested with respective restrictive enzymes as described previously [##REF##12798014##30##, ####REF##10747279##31##, ##REF##10802315##32##, ##REF##17550470##33####17550470##33##]. Screening for mutations associated with antifolate resistance at codons 16, 50, 51, 59, 108, and 164 of the pfdhfr gene and codons 436, 437, 540, 581, and 613 of the pfdhps gene was performed by nested PCR and mutation-specific restriction enzyme digestions [##REF##7611566##34##, ####REF##9603482##35##, ##REF##14628939##36####14628939##36##].</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>The difference in frequencies of point mutations in the four aforementioned genes between highland and lowland parasite populations was determined by using the χ<sup>2 </sup>tests or Fisher's exact test for datasets with sample size less than 5. Yates' correction was applied for the chi-square value, resulting in corrected <italic>P </italic>values. Statistical significance was taken at the <italic>P </italic>= 0.05 level. Association between the different mutations was tested using Fisher's exact test.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>A total of 600 <italic>P. falciparum </italic>samples were analyzed for <italic>pfcrt, pfmdr1, pfdhfr</italic>, and <italic>pfdhps </italic>genes. Over 90% of samples were successfully amplified at the 17 test codons, and polymorphisms were detected at 10 of 17 codons screened (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Consistent with the hyperendemic settings in the study areas, we detected infections by mixed strains at seven of the 17 studied codons, which included codon 76 of <italic>pfcrt</italic>, codons 86, 184 and 1246 of <italic>pfmdr1</italic>, codon 59 of <italic>pfdhfr</italic>, and codons 437 and 540 of <italic>pfdhps </italic>(Table ##TAB##0##1##). The frequencies of mutant codons at the four genes varied slightly between the study sites, but the differences were not significant (Fig. ##FIG##0##1##). Mixed-genotype infections at <italic>pfdhfr </italic>codon 59, 437, and 540 of the antifolate target genes were low (&lt;10%) in all samples. Similarly, mixed-genotype infections at codon 76 of the <italic>pfcrt </italic>gene were low (&lt;15%). In contrast, mixed-genotype infections at codons 86, 184 and 1246 of the <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>gene were more frequent (18 – 45%) (Table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<title>Mutations in CQ resistance genes</title>", "<p>Consistent with the past extensive use of CQ in this area, the <italic>pfcrt </italic>76T mutant allele was present in = 80% (including mixed infections with wild type and mutant alleles) of all samples from the three locations (Fig. ##FIG##0##1A## and ##FIG##0##1B##). In comparison, mutations at alleles 86Y, 184F and 1246Y of <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>gene were present at lower frequencies, ranging from 30 to 76% (including mixed infections) (Fig. ##FIG##0##1C## and ##FIG##0##1D##), whereas no mutation was found at codons 1034 and 1042, which was associated with CQ resistance in South America. The frequencies of mutations were generally not significantly different between the three study sites except <italic>pfcrt </italic>76T and <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>86Y between Kombewa and Kisii (<italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.05), and <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>184F between Kombewa and Kakamega (<italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.01) (Fig. ##FIG##0##1E## and ##FIG##0##1F##). Consequently, the genotype 86Y/184Y/1246Y (wildtype at codon 184) was present at a significantly higher frequency in highland than in lowland parasites (<italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.05), whereas the genotype 86Y/184F/1246Y (triple mutations) was significantly more frequent in lowland than in highland parasites (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Since certain <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>alleles were found associated with CQ resistance, we compared the association between <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>mutations and the major CQ-resistance determinant <italic>pfcrt </italic>76T. When all parasite samples were taken into account, significant associations were found between the <italic>pfcrt </italic>76T and two <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>alleles (184F and 1246Y) (<italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.01). However, <italic>pfcrt </italic>76T was not significantly associated with <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>86Y (<italic>P </italic>= 0.174), the mutation found associated with CQ-resistant field isolates in Asia and Africa.</p>", "<title>Mutations in antifolate drug resistance genes</title>", "<p>Despite relatively recent deployment of antifolate drugs for controlling malaria in western Kenya, parasites with mutations in the drug target genes, <italic>pfdhfr </italic>and <italic>pfdhps</italic>, were highly prevalent. The mutation at codon 108 (allele 108N) of the <italic>pfdhfr </italic>gene, a major determinant of PY resistance, was ubiquitously present in all samples (Table ##TAB##0##1##). In addition, mutant alleles at codons 51 and 59 were also detected at high frequencies (85% – 98%). No mutation was detected at codons 16, 50, and 164 of <italic>pfdhfr</italic>. Most samples (90% – 100%) contained the key SD-resistance determinant mutation A437G and K540E in <italic>pfdhps</italic>. In contrast, the mutant 436F allele was rare (&lt; 5%), and mutant 436A allele was not detected in any locations. Further, no mutation was detected at codons 581 and 613 of <italic>pfdhps</italic>.</p>", "<p>Increased numbers of mutations at the two antifolate target genes are associated with increased resistance to SD-PY. In the studied samples, single or double mutations were rarely encountered, whereas triple mutations in the <italic>pfdhfr </italic>gene were the most common. When the two genes were combined, quintuple mutations (51I/59R/108N of <italic>pfdhfr </italic>and 437G/540E of <italic>pfdhps</italic>) were found with a high prevalence (80–87%) at the three sites (Fig. ##FIG##0##1E## and ##FIG##0##1F##), followed by quadruple mutations (51I/59C/108N/437G/540E, 51N/59R/108N/437G/540E, 51I/59R/108N/437G/540K, 51I/59R/108N/437A/540E) (8% – 16%) (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<title>Mutation frequency difference between asymptomatic and symptomatic samples</title>", "<p>The <italic>pfcrt </italic>K76T mutation frequencies were not significantly different in the asymptomatic and symptomatic samples in the lowland Kombewa site (96% vs. 94%; Fisher's exact test, <italic>P </italic>= 0.537) and two highland sites (86% vs. 92% in Kakamega, χ<sup>2 </sup>= 1.41, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.235; 80% vs. 83% in Kisii, χ<sup>2 </sup>0.03, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.863). Similarly, there was no significantly difference in mutation frequencies of <italic>pdmdr1 </italic>gene at test codons between asymptomatic and symptomatic samples in the lowland (Kombewa: χ<sup>2 </sup>= 1.44, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.230 at codon N86Y; χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.33, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.566 at codon Y184F; χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 1.000 at codon D1246Y) and two highland sites (Kakamega: χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.07, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.791 at codon N86Y; χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.01, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.920 at codon Y184F; χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.26, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.610 at codon D1246Y. Kisii: χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.87, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.351 at codon N86Y; χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 1.000 at codon Y184F; χ<sup>2 </sup>= 1.40, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.237 at codon D1246Y). Similarly, for the <italic>pfdhfr</italic>/<italic>pfdhps </italic>quintuple mutation frequencies, no significantly difference was found in the asymptomatic and symptomatic samples in both lowland site (Kombewa: χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.16, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.689) and highland sites (Kakamega: χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.20, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.655. Kisii: χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.32, df = 1, <italic>P </italic>= 0.572).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>In the present study, we analyzed the mutations of four known drug resistance genes in both highland and lowland parasite populations of western Kenya. We showed that the frequencies of key mutations in the <italic>pfcrt</italic>, <italic>pfmdr1</italic>, <italic>pfdhps</italic>, and <italic>pfdhfr </italic>genes that were implicated in resistance to CQ and SP were very high. We further demonstrated that there was no difference in the frequencies of key mutations between symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria volunteers. Our experiment design did not allow us to test clinical or parasitological efficacy in symptomatic infections after treatment; nor was the mutation prevalence/in vivo resistance before 1998 when the national policies of treating uncomplicated malaria were changed to SP was examined. Nevertheless, the big sample size in this study coupled to lack of differences in the frequency of resistant parasite genotypes in the two highland areas and the low land area clearly demonstrates a high frequency of drug resistant mutants circulating in the study areas.</p>", "<p>Resistance to CQ is largely determined by the K76T mutation in the <italic>pfcrt </italic>gene, and enhanced by mutations at other sites of this gene and mutations in the <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>gene. Since resistant phenotypes often have fitness costs [##UREF##4##37##], their prevalence is expected to decline after removal of the selective pressure. For example, the prevalence of mutant alleles of <italic>pfcrt </italic>76T decreased from 64.5% in 2002 to 16% in 2004 and that of mutant <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>86Y alleles decreased from 46.6% to 2.7% two and half year after CQ withdrawal in coastal Tanzania [##REF##17172390##38##]. Kublin et al. reported that the prevalence of the chloroquine-resistant <italic>pfcrt </italic>76T genotype decreased from 85% in 1992 to 13% in 2000. In 2001, chloroquine cleared 100% of 63 asymptomatic <italic>P. falciparum </italic>infections, no isolates were resistant to chloroquine in vitro, and no infections with the chloroquine-resistant <italic>pfcrt </italic>76T genotype were detected [##REF##12792863##39##]. Similarly, Laufer et al. demonstrated that chloroquine was again an efficacious treatment for malaria, 12 years after it was withdrawn from use in Malawi [##REF##17093247##40##]. Although Kenya had a similar drug policy, the <italic>pfcrt </italic>K76T mutation in western Kenya was still predominant. Consistent with the observation of high <italic>pfcrt </italic>K76T mutation frequency in the study sites, <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>mutations that enhance CQ resistance (e.g., 86Y) were also present at relatively high frequencies (37.2 – 45.2%) in western Kenya. This may be partly caused by wide availability and consumption of CQ after it was replaced as first-line antimalarial drug by antifolate drug (SP) in 1998 [##REF##11123822##12##,##UREF##2##13##]. Our results indicated that parasite populations in western Kenya were still highly resistant to 4-aminoquinoline drugs.</p>", "<p>Several years after introduction of SP as the first-line antimalarial drug in Kenya, mutant genotypes have already become common. We found that mutations at codon 108 of the <italic>pfdhfr </italic>gene and codon 437 of the <italic>pfdhps </italic>gene, which are the major determinants for sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine resistance, respectively, were highly prevalent in our study sites. Furthermore, increased resistance to antifolate drugs was correlated with mutations at additional sites, which were also detected in our present study. In Kenya, Nzila et al. [##REF##10722502##41##] reported that the <italic>pfdhfr </italic>triple mutant (codons 108, 51 and 59) was associated with seven-day treatment failure using Fansidar, and this association was strengthened by the presence of double mutations of the <italic>pfdhps </italic>gene at codons 437 and 540. Such \"quintuple\" mutants were also strongly correlated with Fansidar treatment failure in Malawi [##REF##11807721##26##]. These quintuple mutants have already reached 80–87% prevalence in the parasite populations in western Kenya. This is consistent with the observation in another highland site in Chogoria, near Mount Kenya [##REF##11784419##42##]. Since mutations at different sites of the <italic>pfdhfr </italic>and <italic>pfdhps </italic>genes might be a stepwise process, two mutations at codon 59 of <italic>pfdhfr </italic>and codon 540 of <italic>pfdhps </italic>can accurately predict the presence of this quintuple mutant [##REF##11807721##26##]. The molecular method for monitoring antifolate resistance in <italic>P. falciparum </italic>can thus be simplified to detect the presence of these two mutations. This method has been shown to provide the best means of predicting clinical treatment outcomes in the patient population, which consists primarily of children from endemic areas of Africa [##REF##14628939##36##]. In our study, either of these two mutations has exceeded 75% prevalence in the parasite populations, suggesting that at least 50% of the parasites carry these double mutations. Consistent with other genotype studies of <italic>pfdhfr </italic>from Kenyan isolates, we did not observe mutations at codon 164 [##REF##9364963##23##,##REF##10722502##41##,##UREF##5##43##], although McCollum et al. identified 164L mutation in several samples in western Kenya [##REF##16779725##21##].</p>", "<p>The causes of the malaria epidemics in the East African highlands are complex and could be the result of interactions between environmental changes, vectors and parasites. Antimalarial drug resistance has been invoked as a major factor [##REF##11859368##9##], however the molecular epidemiology of drug resistance in these highlands is unknown. Mbaisi et al. [##UREF##5##43##] reported a significantly lower prevalence of mutations at codon 437 of the <italic>pfdhps </italic>gene and codons 86 and 1246 of the <italic>pfmdr </italic>gene in lowland (Kisumu) samples than in highland (Kericho, Magadi, and Entosopia) samples in western Kenya, whereas this trend was the opposite for the mutation at codon 436 of the <italic>pfdhps </italic>gene. In contrast, our study did not detect significant differences in frequency of mutations at 14 codons in four drug resistant genes between samples from lowland and highland areas in western Kenya, although the prevalence of mutations at codons 86 and 1246 of the <italic>pfmdr </italic>gene was higher in samples from the lowlands (Kombewa) than in those from the highlands (Kakamega and Kisii). This result suggests either a similar drug selection pressure or significant gene flow between lowland and highland parasite populations aided by human travel [##REF##16229773##44##], as detected by microsatellite and merozoite surface protein 1 and 2 (<italic>msp</italic>-1 and <italic>msp</italic>-2) [##REF##18165519##45##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Together with the evidence that there was no significance difference in the frequencies of key resistance-conferring mutations in <italic>pfcrt</italic>, <italic>pfmdr1</italic>, <italic>pfdhps</italic>, and <italic>pfdhfr </italic>genes between symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria infections in western Kenya highland, high frequencies of these mutations in symptomatic and asymptomatic infections suggest that drug resistance of malaria parasites may be an important contributor to malaria-induced morbidity and mortality. However, the role of drug resistance as a driving force for malaria outbreaks in the highlands has not been established. If drug resistance were the main driving force, the lowland and highland sites should expect similar epidemic pattern of malaria incidence. Moreover, drug resistance level should increase over time until a new antimalarial drug is adopted. Thus, the number of malaria patients would be expected to increase gradually over time, but malaria incidence should not exhibit a large inter-annual variation. In contrast, dramatic fluctuations in malaria incidence in the African highlands were observed [##REF##11859368##9##,##REF##10516785##46##,##REF##14983017##47##]. Significant association between climate variability and malaria incidence suggests that climate factors may play an important role in the East African highlands [##REF##14983017##47##]. Further studies are required to examine the interactions between climate factors and drug resistance on malaria incidence in African highlands.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Since the late 1980s a series of malaria epidemics has occurred in western Kenya highlands. Among the possible factors that may contribute to the highland malaria epidemics, parasite resistance to antimalarials has not been well investigated.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Using parasites from highland and lowland areas of western Kenya, we examined key mutations associated with <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>resistance to sulfadoxine – pyrimethamine and chloroquine, including dihydrofolate reductase (<italic>pfdhfr</italic>) and dihydropteroate synthetase (<italic>pfdhps</italic>), chloroquine resistance transporter gene (<italic>pfcrt</italic>), and multi-drug resistance gene 1 (<italic>pfmdr1</italic>).</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>We found that &gt;70% of samples harbored 76T <italic>pfcrt </italic>mutations and over 80% of samples harbored quintuple mutations (51I/59R/108N <italic>pfdhfr </italic>and 437G/540E <italic>pfdhps</italic>) in both highland and lowland samples. Further, we did not detect significant difference in the frequencies of these mutations between symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria volunteers, and between highland and lowland samples.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>These findings suggest that drug resistance of malaria parasites in the highlands could be contributed by the mutations and their high frequencies as found in the lowland. The results are discussed in terms of the role of drug resistance as a driving force for malaria outbreaks in the highlands.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>DZ: Participated in the design of the study, conducted data collection, statistical analysis and drafting of the manuscript. YA: Conducted sample collection and helped with writing the manuscript. AG: Faciliated and conducted field sample collection. LC: Participated in the design of the study, interpretation of data and revising the manuscript. DM: Participated in experimental work and revising of the manuscript. GY: Conceived the study, participated in collection of samples, and participated in manuscript preparation. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The authors thank Hong Chen, Emmanuel A. Temu, Thomas Loescher, David Warhurst and two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments on the manuscript. The work was supported by NIH grants R01 A150243, D43 TW01505, and R03 TW007360.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Frequency of mutations in <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>chloroquine resistance transporter gene (<italic>pfcrt</italic>) (A and B), multi-drug resistance gene (<italic>pfmdr1</italic>) (C and D) and quintuple mutations in dihydrofolate reductase (<italic>pfdhfr</italic>)/dihydropteroate synthetase (<italic>pfdhps</italic>) (E and F) genes in symptomatic and asymptomatic volunteers in highland (Kakamega and Kisii) and lowland (Kombewa) sites of western Kenya. The <italic>pfdhfr/pfdhps </italic>quintuple mutation refers to 51<underline>I</underline>/59<underline>R</underline>/108<underline>N</underline>/437<underline>G</underline>/540<underline>E</underline>. No mutations were detected at the following codons: <italic>pfdhfr </italic>(A16V, C50R, I164L and S436A), <italic>pfdhps </italic>(A581G and A613S), and <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>(S1034 and N1042D).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Frequencies of mutations in genes associated with resistance to chloroquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in <italic>P. falciparum </italic>parasites from symptomatic and asymptomatic volunteers in western Kenya.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">Gene</td><td align=\"center\">Mutation</td><td align=\"center\">Polymorphism</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Kombewa</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Kakamega</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Kisii</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">S*</td><td align=\"center\">A*</td><td align=\"center\">S</td><td align=\"center\">A</td><td align=\"center\">S</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>pfcrt</italic></td><td align=\"center\">K76T</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">87</td><td align=\"center\">81</td><td align=\"center\">86</td><td align=\"center\">77</td><td align=\"center\">75</td><td align=\"center\">70</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">10</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>Pfmdr1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">N86Y</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">28</td><td align=\"center\">41</td><td align=\"center\">28</td><td align=\"center\">39</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">23</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">44</td><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">45</td><td align=\"center\">37</td><td align=\"center\">40</td><td align=\"center\">18</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">28</td><td align=\"center\">37</td><td align=\"center\">27</td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">59</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Y184F</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">26</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">26</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">23</td><td align=\"center\">26</td><td align=\"center\">33</td><td align=\"center\">19</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">55</td><td align=\"center\">70</td><td align=\"center\">69</td><td align=\"center\">56</td><td align=\"center\">55</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">D1246Y</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">37</td><td align=\"center\">40</td><td align=\"center\">28</td><td align=\"center\">42</td><td align=\"center\">24</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">42</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">36</td><td align=\"center\">44</td><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"center\">29</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">34</td><td align=\"center\">33</td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">28</td><td align=\"center\">37</td><td align=\"center\">47</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>pfdhfr</italic></td><td align=\"center\">N51I</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">98</td><td align=\"center\">96</td><td align=\"center\">98</td><td align=\"center\">98</td><td align=\"center\">96</td><td align=\"center\">95</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">5</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">C59R</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">81</td><td align=\"center\">75</td><td align=\"center\">88</td><td align=\"center\">79</td><td align=\"center\">90</td><td align=\"center\">86</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">14</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">S108N</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">100</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><italic>pfdhps</italic></td><td align=\"center\">S436F</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">96</td><td align=\"center\">98</td><td align=\"center\">96</td><td align=\"center\">96</td><td align=\"center\">98</td><td align=\"center\">98</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">A437G</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">94</td><td align=\"center\">95</td><td align=\"center\">92</td><td align=\"center\">93</td><td align=\"center\">88</td><td align=\"center\">93</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">7</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">K540E</td><td align=\"center\">Mutant</td><td align=\"center\">88</td><td align=\"center\">95</td><td align=\"center\">92</td><td align=\"center\">91</td><td align=\"center\">88</td><td align=\"center\">93</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mixed</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Wild-type</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">7</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Percentage of haplotypes of <italic>P. falciparum </italic>parasites collected from symptomatic and asymptomatic volunteers in western Kenya.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Haplotypes</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Kombewa</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Kakamega</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Kisis</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">S*</td><td align=\"center\">A*</td><td align=\"center\">S</td><td align=\"center\">A</td><td align=\"center\">S</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Pfmdr1</italic></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  86<underline>Y</underline>/184Y/1246<underline>Y</underline></td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">26</td><td align=\"center\">44</td><td align=\"center\">46</td><td align=\"center\">38</td><td align=\"center\">36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  86<underline>Y</underline>/184<underline>F</underline>/1246<underline>Y</underline></td><td align=\"center\">32</td><td align=\"center\">34</td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">23</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  86N/184<underline>F</underline>/1246D</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">25</td><td align=\"center\">27</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  86<underline>Y</underline>/184<underline>F</underline>/1246D</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  86<underline>Y</underline>/184Y/1246D</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  86N/184Y/1246D</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">12</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  86N/184<underline>F</underline>/1246<underline>Y</underline></td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  86N/184Y/1246<underline>Y</underline></td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">4</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Pfdhfr/pfdhps</italic></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Quintuple</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  51<underline>I</underline>/59<underline>R</underline>/108<underline>N</underline>/437<underline>G</underline>/540<underline>E</underline></td><td align=\"center\">87</td><td align=\"center\">84</td><td align=\"center\">86</td><td align=\"center\">83</td><td align=\"center\">85</td><td align=\"center\">80</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Quadruple</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  51<underline>I</underline>/59C/108<underline>N</underline>/437<underline>G</underline>/540<underline>E</underline></td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  51N/59<underline>R</underline>/108<underline>N</underline>/437<underline>G</underline>/540<underline>E</underline></td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  51<underline>I</underline>/59<underline>R</underline>/108<underline>N</underline>/437<underline>G</underline>/540K</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  51<underline>I</underline>/59<underline>R</underline>/108<underline>N</underline>/437A/540<underline>E</underline></td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Triple</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  51<underline>I</underline>/59<underline>R</underline>/108<underline>N</underline>/437A/540K</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Double</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  51<underline>I</underline>/59C/108<underline>N</underline>/437A/540K</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* S – symptomatic; A – asymptomatic.</p><p>Note: No mutations were detected at the following codons: <italic>pfdhfr </italic>(A16V, C50R and I164L); <italic>pfdhps </italic>(S436A, A581G and A613S); and <italic>pfmdr1 </italic>(S1034 and N1042D).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>* S – symptomatic; A – asymptomatic; The mutation amino acids are underlined.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2334-8-105-1\"/>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Infect Dis. 2008 Jul 31; 8:105
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>In the USA, more people die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer [##UREF##0##1##]. This is true for both men and women. In 2004, lung cancer accounted for more deaths than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined [##UREF##1##2##].</p>", "<p>Lung cancer can metastasize to virtually any bone, although the axial skeleton and proximal long bones are most commonly involved [##REF##12527569##3##]. The primary symptom resulting from bone involvement is pain, which may have a pleuritic component when the ribs are involved. Bone pain is present in up to 25% of all patients at presentation [##REF##12527569##3##].</p>", "<p>Patients commonly seek chiropractic care with musculoskeletal complaints [##REF##10714540##4##,##REF##12391720##5##]. Through history and examination, chiropractic physicians have an opportunity to assess patients and determine whether serious conditions are present that may necessitate medical referrals.</p>", "<p>Patients with previously identified or yet to be identified cancer may seek care with chiropractic physicians. This case report demonstrates previously undiagnosed lung cancer with widespread metastatic foci.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<title>Chiropractic considerations</title>", "<p>The identification of primary or secondary metastatic cancer requires careful consideration with regard to history and physical examination. A key objective for the chiropractic physician is to identify \"red flags\" as quickly as possible. This is especially true for any disease process that may weaken bone.</p>", "<p>The application of directed force into spinal or osseous structures inherent to the chiropractic adjustment mandate careful evaluative procedure. Janse defined the adjustment as a specific form of articular manipulation using long or short lever techniques with specific contacts and is characterized by a dynamic thrust of controlled velocity, amplitude and direction [##UREF##2##6##].</p>", "<p>While chiropractic physicians are challenged with the responsibility of attempting to identify relative and absolute contraindications to spinal adjustments, sometimes early onset, insidious and seemingly innocuous symptoms may delay early identification [##REF##1402413##7##,##UREF##3##8##].</p>", "<title>Clinical considerations</title>", "<p>When primary cancer is not yet identified, metastatic extension to skeletal structures can at times be difficult to detect [##REF##1402413##7##,##UREF##3##8##]. As was illustrated in this case, clinical considerations that may assist or delay the identification of metastatic bone disease include:</p>", "<p>1. Early in the course of the disease progression, important red flag identifiers may not initially be present and can delay early identification.</p>", "<p>2. Initial pain presentations may be suggestive of common clinical conditions that are less aggressive.</p>", "<p>3. Patients may or not be aware of, or report, the existence of a primary cancer.</p>", "<p>4. Pain can be initially mild to severe and is often progressive in nature and unremitting despite therapeutic interventions.</p>", "<p>5. It is sometimes extremely difficult to positively identify metastatic disease due to complex clinical factors [##REF##1402413##7##,##UREF##3##8##].</p>", "<p>Red flag indicators for metastatic bone disease include: age over 50 or under 20 years, a history of cancer, constitutional symptoms including unexplained weight loss, pain worse at night or in atypical areas, no significant improvement after &gt; 1 month of conservative (non-invasive) care, pain that has no mechanical exacerbating or remitting factors, and severe disabling pain affecting a child or adolescent [##UREF##4##9##].</p>", "<title>Diagnostic imaging considerations</title>", "<p>Humphrey reported that about 25% of people with lung cancer do not have symptoms from advanced cancer when their lung cancer is found [##REF##15126259##10##]. Maghfoor reported that 7–10% of patients with lung cancer are asymptomatic and their cancers are diagnosed incidentally after a CXR was performed for other reasons [##UREF##5##11##]. Numerous studies have shown that the chest radiograph lacks sensitivity in detecting mediastinal lymph node metastases and in detecting chest wall and mediastinal invasion [##REF##8284352##12##].</p>", "<p>CT has become the major imaging modality of choice in the evaluation of patients with bronchogenic carcinoma [##UREF##6##13##]. Traditionally, chest CT for staging of lung cancer is extended into the abdomen to include the adrenal glands. Whether this requires intravenous contrast material is debatable [##UREF##6##13##]. Patz et al. [##REF##10405720##14##] concluded that contrast-enhanced CT extended to include the liver rarely adds to routine nonenhanced CT through the adrenal glands and does not influence management decisions.</p>", "<p>The evaluation of the mediastinum with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is approximately equal to that of CT with regard to the staging of bronchogenic carcinoma and MRI is significantly more accurate for detecting direct mediastinal invasion [##REF##1847239##15##]. Other studies have confirmed the usefulness of MRI, particularly in the evaluation of chest wall invasion and the local staging of superior sulcus tumors [##REF##2916014##16##,##REF##8451432##17##]. The general conclusion of these studies is that MRI has advantages in the assessment of both chest wall and mediastinal invasion [##UREF##6##13##].</p>", "<p>Indications for the use of whole body positron emission tomography imaging in lung cancer using 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG-PET) in patients with non-small cell lung cancer include high clinical index of suspicion of high grade malignancy and radiographic evidence of nodal enlargement [##UREF##6##13##]. In addition, PET scans may be helpful in centers where mediastinoscopy is not readily available and in patients with significant comorbid conditions who are borderline candidates for surgery, with locally advanced disease, solitary brain metastasis, and cases of local recurrence that might qualify for reoperation [##REF##9768946##18##,##REF##15189955##19##].</p>", "<p>Bone scintigraphy in the detection of metastatic disease has significant limitations. Although it has high sensitivity, it is noted for having very low specificity that ranges from 50%–60% [##UREF##6##13##]. Bone scintigraphy should probably be limited to cases in which patients have specified clinical indicators of bone metastasis [##REF##1652164##20##].</p>", "<p>When evaluating suspected pulmonary metastasis, CXR and CT of the chest are rated by the American College of Radiology (ACR) scale as: \"9 – most appropriate\" (Rating Scale: 1-Least appropriate, 9-Most appropriate) [##UREF##7##21##]. It is generally accepted that chest radiography, with posteroanterior (PA) and lateral views, should be the initial imaging test in patients without known or suspected thoracic metastatic disease [##REF##2052672##22##, ####REF##9515171##23##, ##REF##8934121##24####8934121##24##]. Compared with chest radiography, CT is much more sensitive for detecting pulmonary nodules, because of its lack of superimposition and its high contrast resolution [##REF##2052672##22##, ####REF##9515171##23##, ##REF##8934121##24####8934121##24##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Lung cancer is a significant and aggressive primary cancer with a predilection for skeletal metastasis. When primary lung cancer is not previously identified, metastatic disease to skeletal structures may initially manifest as musculoskeletal complaints. Careful diagnostic evaluation and decision making may allow for earlier diagnosis.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The objective of this case report is to describe the clinical presentation of a patient who complained of shoulder pain and was diagnosed with carcinoma of the scapula and spine that metastasized from the lung.</p>", "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>A 76-year-old man without a history of cancer sought chiropractic care for right shoulder pain. Careful evaluation, radiographs, and subsequent imaging revealed primary and metastatic lung cancer. The patient was referred to his primary care physician for immediate medical care. Diagnostic images are included in this case to provide a comprehensive depiction of the scope of the patient's disease.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Musculoskeletal symptoms are commonly encountered in chiropractic practice. It is important to recognize that primary lung cancer may be unidentified, and musculoskeletal symptoms may reflect the first sign of primary or metastatic pulmonary disease. Thoughtful evaluative procedure and clinical decision making, combined with the use of appropriate diagnostic tests may allow timely identification of primary or metastatic disease.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<title>Case report</title>", "<p>A 76-year-old male sought chiropractic care for complaints of right shoulder pain and mild right arm weakness. The onset of pain was insidious and of one week's duration. Pain was rated 8/10 on a visual analogue scale (0 = no pain, 10 = the worst pain of one's life). The pain was described as severe and worsened with movement. Additional symptoms included mild shortness of breath and posterior thoracic pain on respiration.</p>", "<p>The patient's past medical history included headache, degenerative joint disease affecting the cervical spine, and a benign thyroid nodule. The patient reportedly smoked tobacco products for 50 years. He was a retired electrician.</p>", "<p>The patient was afebrile. Vital signs were normal. Respirations were 18 cycles per minute. The lungs were clear to auscultation. The patient reported upper thoracic pain on inspiration.</p>", "<p>A non-tender, mild decrease in active range of motion of the cervical spine was noted in all planes. No tenderness was elicited on palpation of the cervical spine. Cervical compression and Soto-Hall tests were negative. Valsalva maneuver was negative. Neurologic examination revealed no focal deficits.</p>", "<p>Examination of the right shoulder revealed exquisite tenderness on palpation of the lateral border of the scapula with muscle spasm affecting the ipsilateral infraspinatus, teres major, and teres minor muscles. Active ranges of shoulder motion were restricted and painful in abduction, internal, and external rotation.</p>", "<p>Plain film radiographs of the right shoulder (AP with internal and external rotation views) and thoracic spine (AP and lateral views) were performed. Disruption of the cortical margin of the lateral border of the right scapula was noted as evidenced by an indistinct lucency (see Figure ##FIG##0##1##). In addition, a suspicious mass was noted in the hilar region of the right lung. Complete loss of the right hilar vascular detail secondary to the tumor mass effect were noted with visualized subsegmental infiltrate densities. No evidence of pleural effusion was noted.</p>", "<p>The initial diagnostic impression included: suspicious right lung pathology and apparent lytic process affecting the scapula of an unknown origin. The patient was referred for imaging evaluations that included chest x-ray (CXR) and computed tomographic (CT) evaluation of the chest. He was referred to his primary care medical physician.</p>", "<p>The CXR and CT examination of the chest, abdomen and pelvis revealed:</p>", "<p>1. A large mass in the right upper lobe of the lung with associated mediastinal and hilar adenopathy (see Figures ##FIG##1##2## and ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<p>2. Metastatic disease of the scapula (see Figure ##FIG##3##4##).</p>", "<p>3. Metastatic liver disease.</p>", "<p>Subsequent bone scintigraphy revealed abnormal increased accumulation of radiopharmaceutical along the lateral aspect of the right scapula (see Figure ##FIG##4##5##). MRI evaluation revealed additional metastatic foci including the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal regions as evidenced by multiple regions of decreased signal intensity are visualized on T1 weighted images (see Figures ##FIG##5##6## and ##FIG##6##7##). Biopsy confirmed a primary lung carcinoma origin. Unfortunately, the patient succumbed to the disease within 3 months of its diagnosis.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>JD conceived the study and drafted the manuscript. GJD participated in the care of the patient and provided data related to the case. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>Written informed consent was obtained from the decedent's wife for publication of this case report and accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.</p>", "<p>The authors wish to thank Anthony V. D'Antoni, DC, MS, PhD(c) and Steven Yeomans, DC, FACO for their thorough editorial assistance.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>AP radiograph of the right scapula reveals a focal indistinct lucency and lytic destruction of the lateral scapular cortical margin</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>PA chest radiograph reveals a right hilar mass</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>CT of the chest reveals a large mass in the right upper lobe of the lung with associated mediastinal and hilar adenopathy.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>CT of the chest reveals cortical lucency, expansile destruction, and medullary invasion due to metastatic lung carcinoma affecting the right scapula</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>Bone scintigraphy of the right scapula reveals increased uptake where metastatic lung carcinoma is present</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p>MRI sagittal T1WI reveals scattered foci of decreased signal intensity reflective of metastatic disease affecting the cervical and thoracic spine regions.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F7\"><label>Figure 7</label><caption><p><bold>MRI sagittal T1WI reveals scattered foci of decreased signal intensity reflective of metastatic disease affecting the thoraco-lumbar spine</bold>.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1746-1340-16-8-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1746-1340-16-8-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1746-1340-16-8-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1746-1340-16-8-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1746-1340-16-8-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1746-1340-16-8-6\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1746-1340-16-8-7\"/>" ]
[{"collab": ["American Cancer Society"], "source": ["Cancer Facts and Figures Atlanta"], "year": ["2007"]}, {"collab": ["U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group"], "source": ["United States Cancer Statistics: 2004 Incidence and Mortality"], "year": ["2007"], "publisher-name": ["Atlanta (GA): Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Cancer Institute"]}, {"surname": ["Haldeman", "Haldeman S"], "given-names": ["S"], "article-title": ["Appendix B \u2013 Chiropractic glossary of commonly used terms"], "source": ["Prinicples and Practice of Chiropractic"], "year": ["1992"], "edition": ["2"], "publisher-name": ["Connecticut: Appleton & Lange"], "fpage": ["621"], "lpage": ["628"]}, {"surname": ["Demetrious"], "given-names": ["J"], "article-title": ["Renal cell carcinoma of the sternum and spine that mimicked costochondritis"], "source": ["Journal of the Neuromusculoskeletal System"], "year": ["1995"], "volume": ["3"], "fpage": ["16"], "lpage": ["19"]}, {"surname": ["Murphy", "Letz", "Morris", "Morris CE"], "given-names": ["DR", "G", "CE"], "article-title": ["Red flags for serious disease in low back syndromes"], "source": ["Low Back Syndromes: Integrated Clinical Management"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["United States of America: McGraw-Hill"], "fpage": ["277"], "lpage": ["286"]}, {"article-title": ["Lung Cancer, Non-Small Cell. Maghfoor I"], "comment": ["Accessed June 21, 2008"]}, {"collab": ["American College of Radiology"], "source": ["ACR Appropriateness Criteria\u00ae screening for staging of bronchogenic carcinoma Virginia;"], "year": ["2005"]}, {"collab": ["American College of Radiology"], "source": ["ACR Appropriateness Criteria\u00ae Screening for Pulmonary Metastases Primary malignancy: head and neck carcinoma Virginia;"], "year": ["2006"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
Chiropr Osteopat. 2008 Aug 12; 16:8
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Chromosome location is often used as a scaffold to organize genomic information in both the living cell and molecular biological research. Thus, ever-increasing amounts of data about genomic features are stored in public databases and can be readily visualized by genome browsers. To perform <italic>in silico </italic>experimentation conveniently with this genomics data, biologists need tools to process and compare datasets routinely and explore the obtained results interactively. The complexity of such experimentation requires these tools to be based on an e-Science approach, hence generic, modular, and reusable. A virtual laboratory environment with workflows, workflow management systems, and Grid computation are therefore essential.</p>", "<title>Findings</title>", "<p>Here we apply an e-Science approach to develop SigWin-detector, a workflow-based tool that can detect significantly enriched windows of (genomic) features in a (DNA) sequence in a fast and reproducible way. For proof-of-principle, we utilize a biological use case to detect regions of increased and decreased gene expression (RIDGEs and anti-RIDGEs) in human transcriptome maps. We improved the original method for RIDGE detection by replacing the costly step of estimation by random sampling with a faster analytical formula for computing the distribution of the null hypothesis being tested and by developing a new algorithm for computing moving medians. SigWin-detector was developed using the WS-VLAM workflow management system and consists of several reusable modules that are linked together in a basic workflow. The configuration of this basic workflow can be adapted to satisfy the requirements of the specific <italic>in silico </italic>experiment.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>As we show with the results from analyses in the biological use case on RIDGEs, SigWin-detector is an efficient and reusable Grid-based tool for discovering windows enriched for features of a particular type in any sequence of values. Thus, SigWin-detector provides the proof-of-principle for the modular e-Science based concept of integrative bioinformatics experimentation.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Findings</title>", "<p>Genomic information is encoded in DNA and as such retained in a fairly steady configuration. In contrast to RNA, proteins, and metabolites, DNA is organized by a limited number of large chromosomes with relatively stable DNA sequences. Therefore, position in the DNA sequence, i.e., chromosome location, provides a convenient and essential scaffold for both the living cell and molecular biological research. In cells, for example, chromosomal organization is important for gene-transcription processes. Expression-profiling studies showed that gene expression is not only controlled at the level of individual genes, but also via autonomous regulation of chromosomal domains [##REF##12144710##1##, ####REF##12478293##2##, ##REF##12214599##3##, ##REF##12915492##4##, ##REF##16791208##5####16791208##5##]. This suggests the existence of higher-order transcriptional regulatory mechanisms related to DNA organization or structures. The use of chromosomal organization in the life sciences is exemplified by the popularity of genome browsers that use chromosome location to map many genomic features, such as genes and their products, regulatory elements, gene expression, and epigenetic markers. The search for connections between genomic features is important in unraveling cellular mechanisms.</p>", "<p>The pace at which omics experiments continuously keep producing large amounts of data about genomic features for an increasing number of sequenced genomes, creates a need for new high-throughput methods for identification of correlations between DNA related features [##REF##17571346##6##, ####REF##17072317##7##, ##REF##15920525##8##, ##REF##10471496##9##, ##REF##11904358##10##, ##REF##15388519##11##, ##REF##16859498##12####16859498##12##]. Therefore, biologists would benefit from tools that could quickly identify enriched regions of genomic features. This would allow extensive, yet convenient <italic>in silico </italic>experimentation based on routinely processing and comparing multiple datasets. However, this requires these tools to be implemented in such a way that they deal with the many steps involved in this kind of experimentation. These include: acquiring the data from local or remote data repositories, converting it to the desired format, using it with the actual application that searches for the desired enrichment (possibly using Grid computation), visualizing the results, and comparing and/or integrating multiple datasets. Therefore, such a tool should be developed applying an e-Science approach [##REF##16580600##13##, ####REF##18628864##14##, ##UREF##0##15##, ##UREF##1##16##, ##REF##17881406##17####17881406##17##]: it should be generic with respect to which data it can analyze, easy to adapt, and its parts should be reusable.</p>", "<p>In an e-Science approach, a computational environment that provides transparent access to distributed data, adequate computational resources, as well as the necessary interfacing tools, is called a <italic>virtual laboratory </italic>(<italic>VL</italic>). <italic>Workflow management systems </italic>(<italic>WMSs</italic>, [##UREF##2##18##, ####REF##16845108##19##, ##UREF##3##20##, ##UREF##4##21####4##21##]) are an example of interfacing tooling that takes care of scheduling, keeps track of task executions, and provides the management framework necessary to develop applications inside a VL. WMSs can be used to design scientific workflows that automate <italic>in silico </italic>experimentation by providing a pipeline for streaming large quantities of data through various algorithms, applications and services.</p>", "<p>This paper describes an e-Science based data integration and analysis tool: SigWin-detector. This application can detect clusters with increased (or decreased) density of a genomic feature in a DNA-related sequence in a fast and reproducible way. In the context of the development of a VL, our tool was implemented as a workflow running under WS-VLAM[##UREF##3##20##,##UREF##4##21##], a Grid-enabled WMS. A biological use case shows its relevance for biological research. SigWin-detector is based on a method previously used by Versteeg and coworkers [##REF##12915492##4##] to detect <italic>regions of increased and decreased gene expression </italic>(<italic>RIDGEs and anti-RIDGES</italic>) in human transcriptome maps (HTM). We improved the original method by i) deriving an analytical formula for computing the new hypothesis probability distribution, which replaces the costly step of estimation by random sampling and ii) developing a new algorithm for computing moving medians. While these improvements radically increase the intrinsic efficiency of the method, implementing SigWin-detector using a generic e-Science approach with access to Grid resources broadens its applicability and makes it amenable to a wide spectrum of experiments on genomic features or in fact on any sequence of values.</p>", "<title>Significant windows and the mmFDR procedure</title>", "<p>Versteeg et al. [##REF##12915492##4##] identified clusters where the median expression level of the genes involved is significantly higher than expected (RIDGEs), using a <italic>moving median false discovery rate (mmFDR) </italic>procedure (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). The mmFDR procedure identifies RIDGEs by testing the input gene-expression against the null hypothesis that the position of the genes on the chromosomes does not affect their expression levels. This same procedure can be used to identify <italic>significant windows </italic>(i.e., windows in the input sequence that have a median value that deviates significantly from expected, if assumed that the ordering of the numbers in the input sequence is random) related to any genomic feature mapped to DNA sequences. In an even wider scope, it can also be used to identify significant windows in any sequence of numbers.</p>", "<title>Avoiding permutations in the mmFDR procedure</title>", "<p>Computationally, the most expensive step in the original mmFDR procedure is the repeated determination of medians over sliding windows of permutations of the input data to estimate the probability function corresponding to the null hypothesis. Our first improvement to the original method was to derive an exact formula for this distribution (see definitions and derivation in Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##):</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>This exact formula reduces the number of cycles of computing moving medians of an input sequence of approximately 25,000 entries from at least 5,000 to 1, giving SigWin-detector the efficiency it needs to be used routinely and for processing and comparing multiple datasets within minutes to hours, instead of days. This efficiency could not be if <italic>f</italic>(<italic>m</italic>) was estimated by sampling the permutation space <bold>E</bold><sub><italic>π</italic></sub>, and counting the number of times <italic>m </italic>was the median value in any sliding window of size <italic>S</italic>.</p>", "<title>Speeding up the computation of moving medians</title>", "<p>Although we removed the need for computing moving medians over permutations of the input sequence, we still need to compute medians of windows sliding over the input sequence. We developed a new algorithm to compute those moving medians efficiently by exploiting the fact that moving medians for many window sizes must be computed simultaneously (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). This new algorithm is also suitable for computing any other order-statistics.</p>", "<p>Additional Figure A1 (Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##) shows a graph comparing our moving medians algorithm with the commonly used Hardle and Steiger's algorithm [##UREF##5##22##]. While the execution time of their algorithm increases with window size (for a fixed sequence size), the execution time of our algorithm decreases with window size (Figure A1, upper panel). Because SigWin-detector needs to compute moving medians for many window sizes, our algorithm has a clear advantage over Hardle and Steiger's algorithm. In Figure A1, the break-even point of the cumulative computation is for <italic>S</italic><sub><italic>max </italic></sub>around 400. The efficiency of our method can be further improved by using a mixed algorithm that uses Hardle and Steiger's algorithm for small window sizes and our algorithm for large window sizes, or by employing a divide-and-conquer approach. For example, a two-phase algorithm would start by dividing the input sequence into chunks of size 2<italic>M</italic>, with <italic>M </italic>≥ 2<italic>S</italic><sub><italic>max</italic></sub>, and applying the original algorithm to each chunk separately. Similarly, the second phase computes the medians for the missing sliding windows by dividing the sequence into chunks of the same size, but now using an offset <italic>M</italic>. This two-phase algorithm is also suitable for parallelization.</p>", "<title>Designing a Grid-enabled generic workflow</title>", "<p>To broaden the applicability of the mmFDR procedure, we implemented SigWin-detector using an e-Science approach by implementing a general, reusable, and adaptable tool with access to Grid resources using the WS-VLAM workflow management system[##UREF##3##20##,##UREF##4##21##].</p>", "<p>First we split the procedure into a collection of workflow components (called modules), each module performing a specific task that may be fine-tuned using parameters. The modules exchange data with each other by means of input and output ports. We then can choose the appropriate modules and compose a workflow suited to our specific needs [##UREF##1##16##]. Figure ##FIG##2##3## describes a basic workflow configuration of SigWin-detector.</p>", "<p>The SigWin-detector Config-Basic1 workflow was tested on a Grid computer cluster composed of geographically distributed computational nodes: <italic>Distributed ASCI Supercomputer 3 </italic>(<italic>DAS-3</italic>, [##UREF##6##23##]). Additional Figure A2 (Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##) presents wall clock execution times of the SigWin-detector Config-Basic1 workflow (Figure ##FIG##2##3##) for input sequences of various sizes.</p>", "<p>The basic workflow can be altered by substituting, deleting, or adding modules. For example, we can extend the workflow to get the input sequence from a remote <italic>uniform resource identifier </italic>(<italic>URI</italic>)and then put the resulting SigWin-map back into it. We can modify the workflow to generate one SigWin-map per logical subsequence of the input sequence, instead of a single SigWin-map for the complete sequence [##UREF##1##16##]. We can also expand our workflow by computing significant windows for high median values (e.g., RIDGEs) and significant windows for low median values (e.g., anti-RIDGEs) simultaneously. The SigWin-detector workflow itself can be made into a \"composite module\" for more complex workflows. Furthermore, interconnection of WS-VLAM with the TAVERNA workbench [##REF##16845108##19##] will permit the use of the existing TAVERNA components in connection with SigWin-detector. At the moment, Grid authentication prevents WS-VLAM workflows being used outside the Grid without the extra step of Grid certification. However, we are working on a Taverna workflow that encapsulates the SigWin detector, to be made available through the myExperiment webpage [##UREF##7##24##].</p>", "<title>Biological application: finding RIDGES in a human transcriptome map</title>", "<p>Once we finished our basic SigWin-detector, we modified it (Additional file ##SUPPL##2##3##) for application in our biological use case that aims to find (anti-)RIDGES in transcriptome maps. Figures ##FIG##3##4## and ##FIG##4##5## show a series of RIDGEOGRAMS for gene expression data for a recent version of the human transcriptome map (HTM) based on the UCSC release hg18 [##REF##12915492##4##], and Table ##TAB##0##1## summarizes some RIDGE statistics. Each RIDGEOGRAM displays both RIDGEs (red-shades) and anti-RIDGEs (blue-shades), the different color shades representing different mmFDR threshold levels. The size of the resulting RIDGEOGRAMS is proportional to the number of genes on a chromosome. We determined i) genome-wide (anti-)RIDGEs, i.e., windows for which the median expression is significantly higher (lower) than expected by considering the whole genome gene expression profile in the mmFDR procedure (Figure ##FIG##3##4##), and ii) chromosome specific (anti-)RIDGEs, i.e., the same analysis, but considering only the specific chromosome gene expression profile (Figure ##FIG##4##5##). This distinction has a major effect on the outcome. If the expression values of the genes on a certain chromosome are typically significantly higher than the genome-wide values, then there are less chromosome specific than genome-wide RIDGEs (e.g., chromosome 19 in Figures ##FIG##3##4## and ##FIG##4##5## and Table ##TAB##0##1##). Conversely, if the expression values of the genes on a chromosome are typically significantly smaller than the genome-wide values, then there are more chromosome specific RIDGEs (e.g., chromosome 6 in Table ##TAB##0##1## and Figures ##FIG##3##4## and ##FIG##4##5##). In the case of anti-RIDGEs the opposite holds (e.g., chromosomes 17 in Table ##TAB##0##1## and Figures ##FIG##3##4## and ##FIG##4##5##). This example shows the importance of choosing the right sequence to compute the null hypothesis distribution. Based on the fact that chromosomes are separate molecules in a cell, one may favor the results from the individual chromosome SigWin-detector analysis to investigate potential higher-order gene expression regulatory mechanisms.</p>", "<p>The RIDGEOGRAMS shown in Figures ##FIG##3##4## and ##FIG##4##5## only take the ordering of the genes into account, and not their actual physical position in the chromosome. However, from a biological perspective it is likely that the higher order gene-expression mechanisms that underlie RIDGEs relate to an actual section of the chromosome rather than a cluster of genes just ordered by their chromosome location. So we used our SigWin-detector to take the physical gene position into account by subdividing the chromosomes in stretches of constant value (250 kb). If a stretch contains the beginning of one or more genes, their average expression value is assigned to that stretch of DNA. For this analysis we used the SigWin-detector Config-Sub2 with preprocessed HTM data and adapted parameters. The resulting RIDGEOGRAMS are proportional to the chromosome's size (Additional Figure A3, Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). The anti-RIDGEs show a lower cut-off caused by the many 0 values in the HTM. The results from the SigWin-detector analysis using chromosome position are substantially different to those using chromosome ordering. This application demonstrated that SigWin-detector is an e-Science tool that allows convenient in-silico experimentation. To prove that this tool is generic, we used our workflow to examine a simple sequential data set: an extended time series of hourly ground level ozone concentration measurements (Additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##).</p>", "<title>Availability and requirements</title>", "<p>• <bold>Project name</bold>: SigWin-detector</p>", "<p>• <bold>Project home page: </bold><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<p>• <bold>Programming language: </bold>C++</p>", "<p>• <bold>Other requirements: </bold>SigWin-detector needs the WS-VLAM workflow management system. WS-VLAM has a client distribution and site distribution.</p>", "<p><italic>i. WS-VLAM client distribution: </italic>The WS-VLAM composer, a graphical interface used for creating, modifying, and submitting workflows. Needs Java virtual machine (version1.5 or higher).</p>", "<p><italic>ii. WS-VLAM site distribution: </italic>The WS-VLAM engine, which is needed for running the workflows in a Grid. The WS-VLAM engine needs a GLOBUS GT4 (4.0.3) installation.</p>", "<p>To download these WS-VLAM distributions (Additional file ##SUPPL##4##5##) go to <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>, click the \"Distributions\" tab and follow the instructions in it.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MAI carried out the entire research project and wrote the manuscript. MFvB participated in development of the statistical methods. MR was involved in the conceptualization of the analytical formula, in the e-Science approach, and in the coordination of the project. ASZB, DV, and WA worked on the development and support of WS-VLAM. AHvK developed the methods for the genomic mapping of expression data and was involved in the development of the statistical methods. TMB conceived the study, participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank R. Monajemi for assistance with the HTM data sets, R. H. Bisseling for checking the mathematics, L. O. Hertzberger for his constant support, and J. Batson for proofreading the paper. This work was carried out in the context of the Virtual Laboratory e-Science project <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/> and BioRange program of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC). VL-e is supported by a BSIK grant from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OC&amp;W) and the ICT innovation program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ). BioRange is supported by a BSIK grant through the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI).</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Using a mmFDR method to detect RIDGEs in a human transcriptome map</bold>. Schematic representation of the moving median false discovery rate (mmFDR) procedure identifying regions of high and low density of gene expression (RIDGEs and anti-RIDGEs, respectively) [##REF##12915492##4##]. (A) Input sequence, a human transcriptome map (HTM), i.e., expression values of genes ordered by their chromosome location (cyan; chromosome 6). (B) <italic>mm</italic>(<italic>w</italic>), moving medians of the HTM for a given window size <italic>S</italic>. (C) Determination of the high and low mmFDR thresholds at a given level <italic>α</italic>: The high threshold <italic>m</italic><sub><italic>k </italic></sub>is the smallest gene expression value for which the , here <italic>f</italic>(<italic>m</italic>) is the theoretical probability distribution of <italic>mm</italic>(<italic>w</italic>), and <italic>g</italic>(<italic>m</italic>) is the observed distribution of <italic>mm</italic>(<italic>w</italic>). (In [##REF##12915492##4##], <italic>f</italic>(<italic>m</italic>) is estimated by simple sampling). Similarly, the low threshold <italic>m</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>is the largest gene expression value for which . (D) Selection of significant windows in chromosome 6: RIDGEs (in red) all windows for which the median gene expression is higher than or equal to <italic>m</italic><sub><italic>k</italic></sub>; anti-RIDGEs (in blue) all windows for which the median gene expression is lower than or equal to <italic>m</italic><sub><italic>j</italic></sub>. (E) Output RIDGEOGRAM of chromosome 6. Each row (y-axis) in the RIDGEOGRAM represents a window size, ranging from <italic>S </italic>= 3 to <italic>S </italic>= <italic>M </italic>(the number of genes on the chromosome). Each column (x-axis) represents a sliding window number, ranging from <italic>w </italic>= S/2 to <italic>w </italic>= <italic>M</italic>-<italic>S</italic>/2 (hence the triangular form). Color is used to mark window medians significantly above (red) or below (blue) the genome-wide median. The scheme shows median expression data for window size <italic>S </italic>= 69 and FDR thresholds level <italic>α </italic>= 5%.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Computing moving medians for many window sizes</bold>. Description of our moving medians algorithm and data structures used. The figure illustrates a computation with input sequence size <italic>N </italic>= 7, and window sizes <italic>S </italic>= 3, 5, 7. (A) <italic>Rank </italic>data structure: used to store the input sequence. The Rank data structure gives access to the input sequence in its original and ranked order. It also allows fetching elements according to their rank. (B) <italic>Marker </italic>data structure: helps navigation through the sliding windows while keeping track of the median (or any other desired order-statistics). The Marker data structure is a Boolean array used to keep track of the elements that are inside a sliding window by means of crossing out the elements that are outside it. It also has a pointer that keeps track of the <italic>i</italic>th remaining element. This pointer is used to track the median. The Marker structure assumes the sequence is in ranked order. For example, if a sliding window of size 3 of a sequence of size 7 contains elements ranked 5, 1, and 6, the corresponding Marker structure has elements ranked 2, 3, 4, and 7 crossed out, and its median pointer points to element ranked 5. (C) Moving median algorithm for window size S. Our algorithm computes the moving medians for window sizes <italic>S </italic>= <italic>Smin</italic>, <italic>Smin+</italic>d<italic>S,..., Smin+n</italic>·d<italic>S</italic>, starting at <italic>S </italic>= <italic>S</italic><sub><italic>min</italic></sub>. When the last sliding window of size <italic>S </italic>is reached, the algorithm proceeds to the next window size (<italic>S</italic>+d<italic>S</italic>) by inserting the elements that are in the first sliding window of size <italic>S</italic>+d<italic>S </italic>and crossing out the elements that were in the last sliding window of size <italic>S </italic>and setting the new position for the median pointer (which is element <italic>mm</italic>(<italic>S+</italic>d<italic>S</italic>) = (<italic>S</italic>+d<italic>S</italic>+1)/2). The algorithm stops after computing the medians for the largest window size.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>SigWin-Detector basic workflow using the WS-VLAM workflow composer</bold>. Upper: A snapshot of the workflow. Lower: Short description of the functionality of each module, port connections, and output ports. The ports are named by an abbreviation of the module name followed by 'i' or 'o' (input or output respectively) and the port number. Input ports are colored in blue and output ports in red. The ports are numbered in the same order they appear in the workflow.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Genome-wide RIDGES in a human transcriptome map (HTM)</bold>. Genome-wide RIDGEOGRAMS per chromosome for the HTM based on the UCSC release hg18 [##REF##12915492##4##]. The expression levels are mapped to gene number. Each RIDGEOGRAM displays a composite of both RIDGES (red-shades) and anti-RIDGEs (blue-shades) for different mmFDR rate levels: 10% (lighter shade), 5%, 1%, and 0.5% (darker shade). All the different window sizes are depicted because they give different specific results. In general, small windows suffer from noise and large windows suffer from lack of detail.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>Chromosome-specific RIDGES in a human transcriptome map (HTM)</bold>. Chromosome-specific RIDGEOGRAMS per chromosome for the HTM based on the UCSC release hg18 [##REF##12915492##4##]. The expression levels are mapped to gene number. Each RIDGEOGRAM displays a composite of both RIDGES (red-shades) and anti-RIDGEs (blue-shades) for different mmFDR rate levels: 10% (lighter shade), 5%, 1%, and 0.5% (darker shade).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>HTM statistical data</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>RIDGEs</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>anti-RIDGEs</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>all window sizes</bold></td><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>window sizes 19–59</bold></td><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>all window sizes</bold></td><td align=\"right\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>window sizes 19–59</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\"><bold>chr</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>median</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>size</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>gw-R</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>chr-R</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>gw-R</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>chr-R</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>gw-aR</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>chr-aR</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>gw-aR</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>chr-aR</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Y</td><td align=\"right\">11</td><td align=\"right\">57772954</td><td align=\"right\">96</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">28</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">9</td><td align=\"right\">212</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">54</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">21</td><td align=\"right\">15</td><td align=\"right\">46944323</td><td align=\"right\">318</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">6957</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">266</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">18</td><td align=\"right\">16</td><td align=\"right\">76117153</td><td align=\"right\">488</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">8</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">23329</td><td align=\"right\">27</td><td align=\"right\">521</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">13</td><td align=\"right\">19</td><td align=\"right\">114142980</td><td align=\"right\">553</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">2</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">32667</td><td align=\"right\">10123</td><td align=\"right\">853</td><td align=\"right\">190</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">4</td><td align=\"right\">23</td><td align=\"right\">191273063</td><td align=\"right\">1172</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">323</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">121113</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">5</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">6</td><td align=\"right\">26</td><td align=\"right\">170899992</td><td align=\"right\">1406</td><td align=\"right\">28327</td><td align=\"right\">175351</td><td align=\"right\">873</td><td align=\"right\">1803</td><td align=\"right\">73404</td><td align=\"right\">12884</td><td align=\"right\">223</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">8</td><td align=\"right\">26</td><td align=\"right\">146274826</td><td align=\"right\">1067</td><td align=\"right\">213</td><td align=\"right\">61</td><td align=\"right\">32</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">83720</td><td align=\"right\">3110</td><td align=\"right\">176</td><td align=\"right\">20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">10</td><td align=\"right\">26</td><td align=\"right\">135374737</td><td align=\"right\">1123</td><td align=\"right\">165</td><td align=\"right\">36813</td><td align=\"right\">9</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">9239</td><td align=\"right\">611</td><td align=\"right\">453</td><td align=\"right\">379</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">20</td><td align=\"right\">26.5</td><td align=\"right\">62435964</td><td align=\"right\">738</td><td align=\"right\">978</td><td align=\"right\">1350</td><td align=\"right\">292</td><td align=\"right\">538</td><td align=\"right\">4171</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">7</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">2</td><td align=\"right\">29</td><td align=\"right\">242951149</td><td align=\"right\">1908</td><td align=\"right\">1801</td><td align=\"right\">22546</td><td align=\"right\">247</td><td align=\"right\">52</td><td align=\"right\">2871</td><td align=\"right\">376</td><td align=\"right\">34</td><td align=\"right\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">5</td><td align=\"right\">29</td><td align=\"right\">180857866</td><td align=\"right\">1276</td><td align=\"right\">722</td><td align=\"right\">8875</td><td align=\"right\">146</td><td align=\"right\">303</td><td align=\"right\">35406</td><td align=\"right\">10231</td><td align=\"right\">298</td><td align=\"right\">234</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">3</td><td align=\"right\">30</td><td align=\"right\">199501827</td><td align=\"right\">1581</td><td align=\"right\">47644</td><td align=\"right\">97097</td><td align=\"right\">806</td><td align=\"right\">1491</td><td align=\"right\">77920</td><td align=\"right\">85262</td><td align=\"right\">123</td><td align=\"right\">89</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">X</td><td align=\"right\">30</td><td align=\"right\">154913754</td><td align=\"right\">893</td><td align=\"right\">141</td><td align=\"right\">946</td><td align=\"right\">106</td><td align=\"right\">694</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">3667</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\"><italic>genome</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>33</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>3080419480</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>26740</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>1115947</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>767239</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>2511</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>9406</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>545680</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>554438</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>4832</italic></td><td align=\"right\"><italic>6844</italic></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">1</td><td align=\"right\">34</td><td align=\"right\">247249719</td><td align=\"right\">2659</td><td align=\"right\">165349</td><td align=\"right\">154517</td><td align=\"right\">1611</td><td align=\"right\">1734</td><td align=\"right\">68461</td><td align=\"right\">271099</td><td align=\"right\">75</td><td align=\"right\">88</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">12</td><td align=\"right\">34</td><td align=\"right\">132349534</td><td align=\"right\">1382</td><td align=\"right\">1161</td><td align=\"right\">541</td><td align=\"right\">348</td><td align=\"right\">492</td><td align=\"right\">853</td><td align=\"right\">1262</td><td align=\"right\">530</td><td align=\"right\">661</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">7</td><td align=\"right\">35</td><td align=\"right\">158821424</td><td align=\"right\">1273</td><td align=\"right\">10549</td><td align=\"right\">19690</td><td align=\"right\">615</td><td align=\"right\">693</td><td align=\"right\">3614</td><td align=\"right\">5125</td><td align=\"right\">388</td><td align=\"right\">479</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">15</td><td align=\"right\">36</td><td align=\"right\">100338915</td><td align=\"right\">859</td><td align=\"right\">232</td><td align=\"right\">29110</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">11</td><td align=\"right\">38</td><td align=\"right\">134452384</td><td align=\"right\">1472</td><td align=\"right\">225772</td><td align=\"right\">150844</td><td align=\"right\">1508</td><td align=\"right\">814</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">14777</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">9</td><td align=\"right\">39</td><td align=\"right\">140273252</td><td align=\"right\">1103</td><td align=\"right\">62730</td><td align=\"right\">50105</td><td align=\"right\">214</td><td align=\"right\">571</td><td align=\"right\">7</td><td align=\"right\">27055</td><td align=\"right\">7</td><td align=\"right\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">14</td><td align=\"right\">39</td><td align=\"right\">106368585</td><td align=\"right\">834</td><td align=\"right\">817</td><td align=\"right\">102</td><td align=\"right\">170</td><td align=\"right\">75</td><td align=\"right\">210</td><td align=\"right\">5968</td><td align=\"right\">186</td><td align=\"right\">489</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">17</td><td align=\"right\">44</td><td align=\"right\">78774742</td><td align=\"right\">1439</td><td align=\"right\">67267</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">1236</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">841</td><td align=\"right\">72325</td><td align=\"right\">434</td><td align=\"right\">1405</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">16</td><td align=\"right\">47</td><td align=\"right\">88827254</td><td align=\"right\">1075</td><td align=\"right\">107253</td><td align=\"right\">1388</td><td align=\"right\">1293</td><td align=\"right\">82</td><td align=\"right\">504</td><td align=\"right\">15676</td><td align=\"right\">63</td><td align=\"right\">1248</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">22</td><td align=\"right\">48</td><td align=\"right\">49691432</td><td align=\"right\">580</td><td align=\"right\">34220</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">255</td><td align=\"right\">0</td><td align=\"right\">12</td><td align=\"right\">242</td><td align=\"right\">12</td><td align=\"right\">219</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">19</td><td align=\"right\">52</td><td align=\"right\">63811651</td><td align=\"right\">1445</td><td align=\"right\">360606</td><td align=\"right\">17542</td><td align=\"right\">2748</td><td align=\"right\">55</td><td align=\"right\">169</td><td align=\"right\">14618</td><td align=\"right\">124</td><td align=\"right\">1338</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M1\" name=\"1756-0500-1-63-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo>≥</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo>≥</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>g</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>≤</mml:mo><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M2\" name=\"1756-0500-1-63-i2\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo>≤</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo>≤</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>g</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>≤</mml:mo><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M3\" name=\"1756-0500-1-63-i3\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>K</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mfrac><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>.</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Derivation of the exact formula for the probability function <italic>f</italic>(<italic>m</italic>), and detailed description of the mmFDR-procedure.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p>Additional Figures.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S3\"><caption><title>Additional file 3</title><p>Description of alternative SigWin-detector workflow configurations.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S4\"><caption><title>Additional file 4</title><p>Applicability of SigWin-detector: periodic time series of air quality data.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S5\"><caption><title>Additional file 5</title><p>This tar file contains the source files of the WS-VLAM modules needed to run the SigWin-detector workflow, and some examples. To uncompress use. ▪ tar -xvzf SigWin-VLAM.v1.1.tar.gz (Linux users). ▪ WinZip or a similar tool.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>chr: chromosome, median: median expression of all genes on a chromosome, size: chromosome size in base pairs, N: number of genes in chromosome, gw-R: number of genome-wide RIDGEs in a chromosome, chr-R: number of chromosome-specific RIDGEs in a chromosome, gw-aR: number of genome-wide anti-RIDGEs in a chromosome, chr-aR: number of chromosome-specific anti-RIDGEs in a chromosome.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-5\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-S1.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-S2.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-S3.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-S4.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1756-0500-1-63-S5.gz\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"x-zip-compressed\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Oehmen", "Straatsma", "Anderson", "Orr", "Webb-Robertson", "Taylor", "Mooney", "Baxter", "Jones", "Dixon"], "given-names": ["CS", "TP", "GA", "G", "BJM", "RC", "RW", "DJ", "DR", "DA"], "article-title": ["New challenges facing integrative biological science in the post-genomic era"], "source": ["Journal of Biological Systems"], "year": ["2006"], "volume": ["14"], "fpage": ["275"], "lpage": ["293"], "pub-id": ["10.1142/S0218339006001805"]}, {"surname": ["Inda", "Belloum", "Roos", "Vasunin", "de Laat", "Hertzberger", "Breit"], "given-names": ["MA", "ASZ", "M", "D", "C", "LO", "TM"], "article-title": ["Interactive Workflows in a Virtual Laboratory for e-Bioscience: the SigWin-Detector Tool for Gene Expression Analysis"], "source": ["Proceedings of the e-Science 2006; Amsterdam"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["IEEE CS Press"]}, {"surname": ["Ludascher", "Altintas", "Berkley", "Higgins", "Jaeger", "Jones", "Lee", "Tao", "Zhao"], "given-names": ["B", "I", "C", "D", "E", "M", "EA", "J", "Y"], "article-title": ["Scientific workflow management and the Kepler system"], "source": ["Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience"], "year": ["2006"], "volume": ["18"], "fpage": ["1039"], "lpage": ["1065"], "pub-id": ["10.1002/cpe.994"]}, {"surname": ["Korkhov", "Vasunin", "Wibisono", "Belloum", "Inda", "Roos", "Breit", "Hertzberger"], "given-names": ["V", "D", "A", "ASZ", "MA", "M", "T", "BLO"], "article-title": ["VLAM-G: Interactive Dataflow Driven Engine for Grid-enabled Resources"], "source": ["Scientific Programming"], "year": ["2007"], "volume": ["15"], "fpage": ["173"], "lpage": ["188"]}, {"article-title": ["WS-VLAM"]}, {"surname": ["Hardle", "Steiger"], "given-names": ["W", "W"], "article-title": ["Optimal Median Smoothing"], "source": ["Applied Statistics-Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C"], "year": ["1995"], "volume": ["44"], "fpage": ["258"], "lpage": ["264"]}, {"article-title": ["DAS3, The Distributed ASCI Supercomputer 3"]}, {"surname": ["Goble", "Roure"], "given-names": ["C", "DCD"], "article-title": ["myExperiment: social networking for workflow-using e-scientists"], "source": ["Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Workflows in support of large-scale science; June 25, 2007; Monterey, California, USA"], "year": ["2007"], "publisher-name": ["ACM Press"], "fpage": ["1"], "lpage": ["2"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Res Notes. 2008 Aug 8; 1:63
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The introduction of PSA testing in Austria led to a steep increase of the incidence of prostate cancer. We want to present the course of the number of newly diagnosed cases of prostate cancer in Austria since 1997, and set these numbers in relation to the total of radical prostatectomies (with resection of lymph nodes) in the same time period. All numbers were retrieved from health statistics of Statistics Austria. The report period of cancer cases and of RPE comprises the years 1997–2004. All calculations were performed for totals as well as for 5-year age groups (40–89 years of age).</p>", "<title>Findings</title>", "<p>The number of prostate cancer cases rose from 1997 to 2004 by 35%, while the number of RPE rose by 94% in the same time period. The proportion of RPE in relation to new cases rose from 41% in 1997 to 59% in 2004.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>A slight decrease of prostate cancer mortality can already be observed in Austria, but the question of over-treatment still awaits analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Findings</title>", "<p>Opportunistic Prostate-Specific-Antigen testing (PSA) of healthy men started at the beginning of the 1990s and led to a steep increase of prostate cancer incidence [##REF##11711757##1##, ####REF##16091872##2##, ##UREF##0##3####0##3##]. In Austria data on surgical treatment of prostate cancer are available since 1997. The purpose of this paper is to present the correlation between the number of newly detected cases and the number of radical prostatectomies with resection of lymph nodes (RPE) by 5 year age group.</p>", "<p>Data on the number of newly detected cases and number of prostatectomies where obtained from Statistics Austria. The data on radical prostatectomies by age group are available since 1997 only. The data set covers the age group 40 to 89 years comprising a population of 1.738,655 men in the year 2000. Since cases are anonymized it is indeterminable whether newly detected cases are operated in the year of diagnosis or in the following year, if ever.</p>", "<p>Cases treated by perineal cryosurgery were excluded, due to the small total number (0 to 2 cases per year).</p>", "<p>The number of newly detected cases and of RPE (1997 through 2004) as well as the calculated percentage per year by 5 year age group are given in table ##TAB##0##1##. The absolute number of prostate cancer cases rose from 3999 in 1997 to 5416 in 2004 (+35.4%, all age groups). The absolute number of RPE rose from 1648 in 1997 to 3200 in 2004 (+94.2%, all age groups). The percentage of RPE in relation to the number of newly detected cases rises from 41% in 1997 to 59% in 2004 (all age groups). The increase of this percentage is observed in all age groups younger than 70 years but not in older age groups, the linear trend over time is significant for all age groups and for totals, except for age group 40–44 years.</p>", "<p>The increase of the incidence of prostate cancer is well documented for Austria [##REF##11711757##1##,##REF##16091872##2##], however the absolute numbers are for the first time set in relation to the number of RPE nationwide. Within 8 years, the total number of RPE increased by 94.2%, thus nearly doubled, with the increase mainly occurring in the age group 55–69 years. Starting at age 70 years the percentage of RPE remains more or less stable on a substantially lower level.</p>", "<p>The number of RPE we used in our calculations represents the official hospital discharge statistics of Austria comprising of the collected data of all hospitals (including private hospitals), but excludes a very small number of self-pay patients. Thus our results negligibly may underestimate the relation of RPE to the number of newly detected cases. A further limitation of our analyses is caused by legal constrains: due to data protection laws we are limited to the use of depersonalized data.</p>", "<p>The increase of RPE in Austria can be explained by at least three factors: a) operation technique meliorated significantly, now is a standard procedure, perioperative mortality is low and the risk of postoperative morbidity such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction decreased in Austria [##REF##16688458##4##,##REF##16835007##5##], consequently acceptance of RPE in patients increased. b) By the introduction of PSA testing the target group of prostate cancer screening shifted towards younger age groups, meaning that carcinoma more frequently is sought in younger men [##UREF##0##3##]. c) Because of the slow progression of most cases, RPE only makes sense when health status permits RPE and patients have a life expectancy of at least 10 years [##REF##15888698##6##].</p>", "<p>The high percentage of RPE in men younger than 70 years surely also is influenced by the fact that counselling (towards RPE or radiation therapy) in Austria is performed by urologists. In this context, it is worth mentioning, that the primary intention of this manuscript is to provide the data which can serve as a basis for a constructive discussion about counselling and the provision of the most adequate therapeutic regimes.</p>", "<p>The reason for the more or less stable percentage in men aged 70 years or older may lie in the fact that therapy of prostate cancer in these patients more often relies on watchful waiting, active surveillance, external beam radiation, brachytherapy or hormonal treatment. Detailed data for these therapies are not available.</p>", "<p>In conclusion, currently 59% of prostate cancer cases detected are treated by RPE, a percentage steadily rising from 1997 on. On one hand, the dramatic increase of RPE already leads to a slight reduction of prostate cancer mortality in Austria [##UREF##0##3##,##REF##11549491##7##], on the other hand the question of over-testing and over-treatment, and added morbidity remains unanswered and analyses are still pending for Austria.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>GH and CV planned the study and drafted the manuscript. CV obtained the data, GH and CV performed the statistical analysis. SM and GS contributed in preparing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Number of newly detected cases of prostate cancer in Austria, and number of radical prostatectomies 1997–2004, as well as proportion of RPE/incidence, and P value for linear time trend, totals and 5-year age groups of men aged 40–89.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">Age</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">1997</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">1998</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">1999</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">2000</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">2001</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">2002</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">2003</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">2004</td><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Nndc</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RPE</td><td align=\"center\">Nndc</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RPE</td><td align=\"center\">Nndc</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RPE</td><td align=\"center\">Nndc</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RPE</td><td align=\"center\">Nndc</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RPE</td><td align=\"center\">Nndc</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RPE</td><td align=\"center\">Nndc</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RPE</td><td align=\"center\">Nndc</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">RPE</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"26\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">%</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">%</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">%</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">%</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">%</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">%</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">%</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">n</td><td align=\"center\">%</td><td align=\"center\">P-value</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"26\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">40–44</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">&gt;100</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">80</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">80</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">87</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">83</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">&gt;100</td><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">77</td><td align=\"center\">25</td><td align=\"center\">25</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">0.338</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">45–49</td><td align=\"center\">26</td><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"center\">81</td><td align=\"center\">40</td><td align=\"center\">37</td><td align=\"center\">92</td><td align=\"center\">44</td><td align=\"center\">35</td><td align=\"center\">80</td><td align=\"center\">74</td><td align=\"center\">71</td><td align=\"center\">96</td><td align=\"center\">85</td><td align=\"center\">81</td><td align=\"center\">95</td><td align=\"center\">95</td><td align=\"center\">87</td><td align=\"center\">92</td><td align=\"center\">125</td><td align=\"center\">123</td><td align=\"center\">98</td><td align=\"center\">109</td><td align=\"center\">118</td><td align=\"center\">&gt;100</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">50–54</td><td align=\"center\">127</td><td align=\"center\">99</td><td align=\"center\">78</td><td align=\"center\">149</td><td align=\"center\">118</td><td align=\"center\">79</td><td align=\"center\">166</td><td align=\"center\">157</td><td align=\"center\">95</td><td align=\"center\">199</td><td align=\"center\">171</td><td align=\"center\">86</td><td align=\"center\">256</td><td align=\"center\">240</td><td align=\"center\">94</td><td align=\"center\">266</td><td align=\"center\">259</td><td align=\"center\">97</td><td align=\"center\">267</td><td align=\"center\">279</td><td align=\"center\">&gt;100</td><td align=\"center\">254</td><td align=\"center\">258</td><td align=\"center\">&gt;100</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">55–59</td><td align=\"center\">371</td><td align=\"center\">300</td><td align=\"center\">61</td><td align=\"center\">440</td><td align=\"center\">382</td><td align=\"center\">87</td><td align=\"center\">496</td><td align=\"center\">433</td><td align=\"center\">87</td><td align=\"center\">522</td><td align=\"center\">482</td><td align=\"center\">92</td><td align=\"center\">541</td><td align=\"center\">518</td><td align=\"center\">96</td><td align=\"center\">559</td><td align=\"center\">492</td><td align=\"center\">88</td><td align=\"center\">597</td><td align=\"center\">552</td><td align=\"center\">92</td><td align=\"center\">585</td><td align=\"center\">612</td><td align=\"center\">&gt;100</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">60–64</td><td align=\"center\">490</td><td align=\"center\">369</td><td align=\"center\">75</td><td align=\"center\">528</td><td align=\"center\">359</td><td align=\"center\">68</td><td align=\"center\">589</td><td align=\"center\">454</td><td align=\"center\">77</td><td align=\"center\">784</td><td align=\"center\">688</td><td align=\"center\">88</td><td align=\"center\">907</td><td align=\"center\">798</td><td align=\"center\">88</td><td align=\"center\">995</td><td align=\"center\">884</td><td align=\"center\">89</td><td align=\"center\">1158</td><td align=\"center\">1067</td><td align=\"center\">92</td><td align=\"center\">1105</td><td align=\"center\">980</td><td align=\"center\">89</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">65–69</td><td align=\"center\">841</td><td align=\"center\">515</td><td align=\"center\">61</td><td align=\"center\">880</td><td align=\"center\">568</td><td align=\"center\">65</td><td align=\"center\">924</td><td align=\"center\">560</td><td align=\"center\">61</td><td align=\"center\">938</td><td align=\"center\">666</td><td align=\"center\">71</td><td align=\"center\">962</td><td align=\"center\">685</td><td align=\"center\">71</td><td align=\"center\">910</td><td align=\"center\">651</td><td align=\"center\">72</td><td align=\"center\">1065</td><td align=\"center\">842</td><td align=\"center\">79</td><td align=\"center\">1011</td><td align=\"center\">789</td><td align=\"center\">78</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">70–74</td><td align=\"center\">837</td><td align=\"center\">299</td><td align=\"center\">36</td><td align=\"center\">873</td><td align=\"center\">288</td><td align=\"center\">33</td><td align=\"center\">976</td><td align=\"center\">288</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">1042</td><td align=\"center\">355</td><td align=\"center\">34</td><td align=\"center\">1035</td><td align=\"center\">390</td><td align=\"center\">38</td><td align=\"center\">998</td><td align=\"center\">370</td><td align=\"center\">37</td><td align=\"center\">1074</td><td align=\"center\">500</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">1001</td><td align=\"center\">377</td><td align=\"center\">38</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">75–79</td><td align=\"center\">554</td><td align=\"center\">34</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">655</td><td align=\"center\">31</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">737</td><td align=\"center\">38</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">698</td><td align=\"center\">40</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">674</td><td align=\"center\">42</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">644</td><td align=\"center\">26</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">732</td><td align=\"center\">119</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">718</td><td align=\"center\">36</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">80–84</td><td align=\"center\">383</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">300</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;1</td><td align=\"center\">316</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">333</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;1</td><td align=\"center\">328</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;1</td><td align=\"center\">339</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">403</td><td align=\"center\">38</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">367</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;1</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">85–89</td><td align=\"center\">367</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">348</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">340</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">317</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;1</td><td align=\"center\">322</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;1</td><td align=\"center\">258</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">284</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">325</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;1</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"26\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">3999</td><td align=\"center\">1648</td><td align=\"center\">41</td><td align=\"center\">4218</td><td align=\"center\">1826</td><td align=\"center\">43</td><td align=\"center\">4593</td><td align=\"center\">1969</td><td align=\"center\">43</td><td align=\"center\">4923</td><td align=\"center\">2489</td><td align=\"center\">51</td><td align=\"center\">5128</td><td align=\"center\">2774</td><td align=\"center\">54</td><td align=\"center\">5081</td><td align=\"center\">2791</td><td align=\"center\">55</td><td align=\"center\">5727</td><td align=\"center\">3167</td><td align=\"center\">55</td><td align=\"center\">5416</td><td align=\"center\">3200</td><td align=\"center\">59</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Nndc ... Number of newly detected cases.</p><p>RPE ... Radical Prostatectomy (with resection of lymph nodes).</p><p>P-value ... P value for linear time trend.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[{"surname": ["Vutuc", "Waldhoer", "Sevelda", "Micksche", "Haidinger"], "given-names": ["C", "T", "P", "M", "G"], "article-title": ["Self-reported prostate cancer screening in Austria"], "source": ["J Med Screening"], "year": ["2006"], "volume": ["13"], "fpage": ["148"], "lpage": ["151"], "pub-id": ["10.1258/096914106778440680"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Res Notes. 2008 Jul 21; 1:48
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Bladder cancer represents a global health problem. It ranks ninth in worldwide cancer incidence. It is the 4th commonest cancer in men and the 12<sup>th </sup>in women in the USA. It is estimated that about 67,160 Americans were diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2007 and 13,750 died of the disease [##UREF##0##1##].</p>", "<p>In Egypt, carcinoma of the bladder is the most prevalent cancer, accounting for as many as 31% of all cancer cases [##REF##8313484##2##]. Currently, it ranks first in males representing 16.2% of male cancer [##REF##16892094##3##]. The estimated incidence in males in rural areas in Egypt is about 32 per 100.000 [##UREF##1##4##].</p>", "<p>The exact etiology of bladder cancer is still unknown. Several risk factors have been accused as being involved in its pathogenesis such as cigarette smoking [##UREF##2##5##], synthetic nitrogen fertilizers [##REF##14579546##6##], organophosphate-based pesticides [##REF##11943336##7##], aromatic amines [##REF##17971596##8##], pelvic irradiation, A cyclophosphamide, chronic cystitis, schistosomiasis [##UREF##2##5##], human papilloma virus [##REF##9816001##9##], genetic predisposition, and some occupations [##UREF##2##5##]. The relative importance of such risk factors in the pathogenesis of the disease differs in different populations.</p>", "<p>The aim of this study is to identify and rank the risk factors of muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) in Upper Egypt and to describe the peculiarities of the disease presentation and histopathology in this specific population.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>This study is an analytical, hospital based, case control study comparing MIBC cases with matched control group in age, sex and residence for the presence of risk factors of bladder cancer.</p>", "<p>The study was carried out in Upper Egypt which is a narrow strip of land that extends from the cataract boundaries of modern-day Aswan to the area between El-Aiyat and Zawyet Dahshur, south of modern-day Cairo, Figure ##FIG##0##1##.</p>", "<p>The study group were residents of upper Egypt with newly diagnosed histologically proven MIBC admitted to South Egypt Cancer Institute in 2005 (n = 130).</p>", "<p>Controls were chosen from the healthy visitors of the institute. They were matched to cases for age, sex and residence and were compared to them as regards risk factors. Two controls were matched with each case (n = 260). Full medical history, clinical examination, urinalysis and abdominal ultrasonography were done for controls to exclude the presence of any bladder lesion.</p>", "<p>Personal interview was conducted to collect socio-demographic data (age, sex, occupation and residence), history suggestive of risk factors (bilharziasis, smoking, chronic cystitis, bladder stones, family history of cancer, parents consanguinity, exposure to chemicals, pelvic radiation and cyclophosphamide chemotherapy), and mode of presentation. History of bilharziasis is defined as finding of ovae on previous urinalysis and history of medical treatment for it. Histopathological pattern of the tumor after cystectomy was recorded.</p>", "<p>SPSS program (version 13) was used for data analysis, which included descriptive analysis and logistic regression for calculation of risk factors.</p>", "<p>Approval was obtained from the ethical committee of Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University. An informed written consent was obtained from all the participants, security and confidentiality of all the information obtained was guaranteed.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>None of the controls had any suspicious symptom or sign of MIBC, also no suspicious lesions were found during investigating the controls.</p>", "<p>The mean age of our patients was 58.34 ± 12.13. Males constituted 83.8% of the patients and 83.1% of controls. Residents of the rural areas were 93.8% of both patients and controls.</p>", "<p>There was a highly significant statistical difference between cases and controls as regards the exposure to bilharziasis, fertilizer, pesticides, recurrent cystitis, bladder stones, smoking, and positive family history of bladder cancer (p &lt; 0.001). Yet, the type of fertilizer, mode of exposure to it, the type of pesticide, mode of exposure to it, the type of smoking and the degree of relative with bladder cancer were not statistically significantly different between cases and controls.</p>", "<p>Patients' characteristics are shown in table ##TAB##0##1##. 73.8% of cases were farmers, 86.2% were married and 91.5% were illiterates.</p>", "<p>Risk factors of MIBC as calculated by risk estimate analysis are shown in table ##TAB##1##2##. The adjusted odds ratio (AOR) as estimated by stepwise logistic regression is shown in table ##TAB##2##3##. The most important risk factor was the positive family history of the disease (AOR 7.7, CI = 2.1–28.4, p &lt; 0.01) followed by exposure to pesticides (AOR 6.2, CI = 3.5–11.3, p &lt; 0.001).</p>", "<p>The results of imaging (ultrasound, IVU and CT) and cystoscopy are shown in table ##TAB##3##4##; 77% of the patients had an obstructed kidney, 100% of them had a filling defect in IVU. CT showed single bladder lesion in 90% and multiple lesions in 10% of cases.</p>", "<p>Table ##TAB##3##4## also shows some important clinical and histopathological criteria of our patients. Burning micturition was the first complaint in 73.8% of cases while hematuria was the presenting symptom in only 20.8%. Digital rectal examination revealed a palpable mass in 95.4% of the cases. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) constituted 67.6% of cases; 47.7% of cases had a T2b tumor at the time of first presentation. Positive lymph node affection was found in 13.3% of the patients.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The mean age of cases in this study was 58.34 ± 12.13 years which agrees with another recent report from Egypt that found that the mean age of bladder cancer cases was 56.24 ± 11 [##UREF##3##10##]. This age is less than reported in the literature for other parts of the world; Lynch and Cohen, (1995) reported that the median ages at diagnosis for urothelial carcinoma is 69 years in males and 71 years in females [##REF##8001003##11##].</p>", "<p>The male to female ratio in this study was 5.5: 1. Residents of rural areas constituted 93.8% of cases while only 6.2% of cases lived in urban areas. This difference in male to female ratio than the international ratio of 3:1 might be explained by the fact that women in Upper Egypt aren't equally involved in farming activities with men, hence they are less exposed to the risk factors of the disease that are linked to this occupation (pesticides, fertilizers and bilharziasis) [##REF##11301380##12##].</p>", "<p>Positive family history of bladder cancer was confirmed in 13.8% of cases. Many studies reported that family history plays a major rule in developing bladder cancer and familial clusters of bladder cancer have been reported in transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) [##REF##2294255##13##]. Moreover, we found that parents' consanguinity is an important risk factor for the development of bladder cancer in offspring, history of consanguinity between parents was found in 50.8% of cases (AOR = 3.9, 95%CI = 2.2–6.9, P &lt; 0.001).</p>", "<p>Among our patients 73.8% were farmers. In Upper Egypt, cancer risk in this occupational group is considered an important public health problem. Farmers are exposed to several hazardous substances such as fertilizers and pesticides. Moreover, the prevalence and severity of schistosomiasis tend to rise sharply with opportunities for exposure. In Egypt, the disease prevalence increased dramatically after installation of the High Dam, which created perennial irrigation instead of the basin one with subsequent higher exposure to bilharzial infestations [##REF##9880476##14##]. A positive past history of bilharzial infestations was obtained from 87.7% of our cases (OR = 5.8, 95% CI = 3.3–10.4, P &lt; 0.001). Due to the nature of the patients' work as farmers (frequently in contact with water), it is practically very difficult, if not impossible, to define the number of episodes of infestation or the time lag before each treatment course is given, also, the number of treatment courses given doesn't frequently reflect the real number of infestation episodes. Moreover, the heaviness of infestation which is believed to be an important factor in development of bladder cancer can never be practically measured. So an absolute history of exposure to bilharzial infestation was used in this study.</p>", "<p>There is a plethora of literature incriminating <italic>Schistosoma haematobium </italic>infestation as a risk factor for bladder cancer, but explanation for this association remains speculative [##REF##209198##15##]. Evidence that supports the association between schistosomiasis and bladder cancer includes the geographical correlation between the 2 conditions, the distinctive patterns of sex and age at diagnosis, the clinicopathological identity of schistosome-associated bladder cancer, and extensive evidence in experimentally infected animals [##REF##7728097##16##]. The relatively high frequency of bladder cancer in Egypt supports the etiological relationship to urinary schistosomiasis. Despite the marked decrease in prevalence of endemic schistosomiasis over the last 2 decades (decreased from 35% in 1983 to 1.7% in 2003, with complete eradication in certain districts.), Egypt is still paying the toll of the previously high prevalence of the disease. Comparison of the frequency of active urinary schistosomiasis previously reported during the era of high prevalence of the disease and the age-specific incidence rate indicates a strong cohort effect, figure ##FIG##1##2##. It could be anticipated that in the near future, there will be a marked decrease in bilharziasis associated bladder cancer in Egypt as a sequel to schistosomiasis control. The potential risk is the rise in incidence of bladder cancer related to other risk factors [##UREF##4##17##].</p>", "<p>History of exposure to pesticides was obtained in 82.3% of our patients (AOR 6.2, CI = 3.5–11.3, p &lt; 0.001). It is well known that persons exposed to pesticides are at greater risk of developing bladder cancer than persons with no exposure to them [##REF##2294255##13##].</p>", "<p>El-Mawla et al (2001) stated that urinary bladder stones and chronic cystitis increase the risk of developing bladder cancer and particularly SCC [##REF##11301380##12##]. History of bladder stones was found in 25.4% of our cases (AOR = 5, 95% CI = 2.2–11.4, P &lt; 0.001), while 33.1% of cases had history of recurrent cystitis (AOR = 3.1, 95% CI = 1.5–6.1, P &lt; 0.01).</p>", "<p>Some authors have claimed that bladder carcinogenesis is related to bacterial infections, which are commonly associated with bilharzial infestation, rather than the parasite itself. Urinary bacteria have a double action: (i) the production of carcinogenic nitrosamines from their precursors in urine, e.g., nitrates and secondary amines, and (ii) the secretion of the enzyme β-glucuronidase, which may clear conjugated carcinogens, yielding free carcinogenic products [##REF##36278##18##].</p>", "<p>Among the patients of this study, 80% were current or ex smokers (OR = 5.3, 95% CI = 3.2–8.7, P &lt; 0.001). Cigarette smokers are reported to have up to a fourfold higher incidence of bladder cancer than do people who have never smoked [##REF##2793235##19##]. Radosavljevic et al., (2003) stated that although smoking is still recognized as a major risk factor of cancers including bladder cancer, the increasing incidence of bladder cancer despite the reduction in smoking in the United States suggests that other environmental factors may be playing an increasing role in the development of bladder cancer [##REF##12852163##20##]. This is in accordance with the results of this study where smoking failed to be an independent risk factor for MIBC when adjusted to other environmental factors (pesticides, fertilizers and bilharziasis).</p>", "<p>The present data contradicts the common belief in Egypt about the major role bilharziasis plays in bladder cancer development. A larger role for the exposure to pesticides and fertilizers is evident in this study. Also the role of family history and consanguinity between parents seems to be higher than ever recognized. The risk factor profile of Egyptian bladder cancer has changed over the last 26 years as exposure to chemical carcinogens play a major role for the development of bladder cancer in Egypt [##REF##18188671##21##].</p>", "<p>Histopathological examination showed that 67.6% of cases had SCC, 15.4% TCC, 8.5% anaplastic carcinoma and 8.5% had other pathological types (table ##TAB##3##4##). This seams like a shift from what was previously reported regarding the percentage of SCC which exceeded 75% in Bilharzial bladders [##UREF##5##22##]. According to many Egyptian authors, the pattern of histopathology of bladder cancer showed a marked change over the previous years, where SCC constituted less than 60% of bladder cancer [##REF##11301380##12##,##REF##18188671##21##,##REF##18485392##23##]. This change might be explained by the introduction of mass treatment of bilharziasis in recent years in contrast to the increased exposure to pesticides and fertilizers.</p>", "<p>As regards the mode of presentation, globally, the most common presenting symptom of bladder cancer is painless hematuria, which occurs in about 90% of cases [##UREF##6##24##]. In this study the main presenting complaint was burning micturition, which was the presenting symptom in 73.8% of cases while hematuria was the 1st complaint in only 20.8%. This different mode of presentation might be due to the different tumor configuration which was found to be solid in 91.5% of patients. Unlike the papillary configuration which can bleed easily on shedding of the tumor cells, the solid tumor configuration delays the occurrence of hematuria. This mode of presentation complicates the picture of bladder cancer in Egypt as the patients who are usually accustomed to some kind of burning micturition due to bilharziasis, bladder stones and cystitis don't ask for medical advice until their tumors are already invasive [##REF##15729596##25##]. This was reflected on the result of digital rectal examination where bladder mass was detected in 95.4% of cases.</p>", "<p>Lymph node affection was found in only 13.3% of the patients. This might be explained by the fibrosis that affects the lymphatics in bilharzial patients. This is in agreement with the findings of other reports from Egypt [##REF##9224310##26##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>MIBC in Upper Egypt is peculiar in that it is usually of the SCC type (although its percentage is decreasing), occurs at a younger age and presents with burning micturition rather than hematuria.</p>", "<p>Unlike the common belief, risk factors such as positive family history, parents' consanguinity, exposure to pesticides and chronic cystitis seem to play now more important roles than bilharziasis and smoking in the development of this disease in this area, yet reports on larger numbers of patients are needed to support this conclusion.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>In Egypt, where bilharziasis is endemic, bladder cancer is the commonest cancer in males and the 2<sup>nd </sup>in females; squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the commonest type found, with a peculiar mode of presentation. The aim of this study is to identify and rank the risk factors of muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) in Upper Egypt and describe its specific criteria of presentation and histopathology.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>This is an analytical, hospital based, case controlled study conducted in south Egypt cancer institute through comparing MIBC cases (n = 130) with age, sex and residence matched controls (n = 260) for the presence of risk factors of MIBC. Data was collected by personal interview using a well designed questionnaire. Patients' records were reviewed for histopathology and Radiologic findings.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The risk factors of MIBC were positive family history [Adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 7.7], exposure to pesticides [AOR = 6.2], bladder stones [AOR = 5], consanguinity [AOR = 3.9], recurrent cystitis [AOR = 3.1], bilharziasis [odds ratio (OR) = 5.8] and smoking [OR = 5.3]. SCC represented 67.6% of cases with burning micturition being the presenting symptom in 73.8%.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>MIBC in Upper Egypt is usually of the SCC type (although its percentage is decreasing), occurs at a younger age and presents with burning micturition rather than hematuria. Unlike the common belief, positive family history, parents' consanguinity, exposure to pesticides and chronic cystitis seem to play now more important roles than bilharziasis and smoking in the development of this disease in this area.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>AHZ supervised the work and gave important suggestions, MS supervised the work, participated in data analysis and manuscript writing and directed the clinical assessment, AAA-E carried out the field work, interviewing cases and controls, clinical assessment of cases and controls, data management and analysis and writing the final manuscript, DAH participated in writing the drafts, writing the final manuscript and gave very important clinical suggestions, MAA supervised the work, participated in the clinical assessment of cases and controls, directed the clinical investigations, gave very important suggestions and participated in the manuscript writing.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Map of Egypt.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Bladder Cancer: Prevalence of Active Schistosomiasis (AS) by Age and Age Distribution of Bladder Cancer (BC) in Egypt. Ibrahim and Khaled (2006) <sup>17</sup>.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Patients' characteristics:</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Patients' Characteristics</td><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Occupation</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Farmer</td><td align=\"center\">96 (73.8%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Trader</td><td align=\"center\">4 (3.1%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Employee</td><td align=\"center\">4(3.1%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • House wife</td><td align=\"center\">22 (16.9%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Manual worker</td><td align=\"center\">4 (3.1%)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Marital status</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Single</td><td align=\"center\">2 (1.5%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Married</td><td align=\"center\">112 (86.2%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Divorced</td><td align=\"center\">1 (0.8%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Widowed</td><td align=\"center\">15 (11.5%)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Education</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Illiterate</td><td align=\"center\">119 (91.5%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Read and write</td><td align=\"center\">5 (3.8%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Primary school graduate</td><td align=\"center\">2 (1.6%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Preparatory school graduate</td><td align=\"center\">1 (0.8%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Secondary school graduate</td><td align=\"center\">1 (0.8%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Intermediate education graduate</td><td align=\"center\">2(1.5%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • University graduate</td><td align=\"center\">0 (0%)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Risk factors of MIBC as calculated by risk estimate analysis.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">p-value</td><td align=\"center\">OR</td><td align=\"center\">(95%CI)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Positive family history of bladder cancer</td><td align=\"left\">p &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">13.8</td><td align=\"center\">(4–47.7)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Exposure to pesticides</td><td align=\"left\">p &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">9.4</td><td align=\"center\">(5.6–15.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Exposure to fertilizers</td><td align=\"left\">p &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">7.5</td><td align=\"center\">(4.4–12.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Bladder stones</td><td align=\"left\">p &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">7.0</td><td align=\"center\">(3.5–14.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Parents' consanguinity</td><td align=\"left\">p &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td><td align=\"center\">(3.9–10.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Recurrent cystitis</td><td align=\"left\">p &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">6.1</td><td align=\"center\">(3.4–11.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Bilharziasis</td><td align=\"left\">p &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">(3.3–10.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Smoking</td><td align=\"left\">p &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">5.3</td><td align=\"center\">(3.2–8.7)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Risk factors of MIBC calculated by stepwise logistic regression:</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">P-value</td><td align=\"center\">AOR</td><td align=\"center\">(95% CI)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Positive family history of bladder cancer</td><td align=\"left\">P &lt; 0.01</td><td align=\"center\">7.7</td><td align=\"center\">(2.1–28.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Exposure to pesticides</td><td align=\"left\">P &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td><td align=\"center\">(3.5–11.3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Bladder stones</td><td align=\"left\">P &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">(2.2–11.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Parents' consanguinity</td><td align=\"left\">P &lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">3.9</td><td align=\"center\">(2.2–6.7)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chronic cystitis</td><td align=\"left\">P &lt; 0.01</td><td align=\"center\">3.1</td><td align=\"center\">(1.5–6.1)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Patients' clinical, radiological, cystoscopic, and histopathological criteria.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"/><td align=\"center\">(n = 130)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><bold>First complaint</bold></td><td align=\"center\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Burning micturition</td><td align=\"center\">73.8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Haematuria</td><td align=\"center\">20.8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Loin pain</td><td align=\"center\">3.8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Frequency</td><td align=\"center\">1.6%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ultrasound findings</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Visible growth</td><td align=\"center\">99.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Bladder stones</td><td align=\"center\">8.9%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Obstructed kidney</td><td align=\"center\">77%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>IVU findings</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Visible filling defect</td><td align=\"center\">100%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Obstructed kidney</td><td align=\"center\">77.3%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Normal contrast secretion</td><td align=\"center\">82.7%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>CT</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Liver cirrhosisBack pressure on kidneys</td><td align=\"center\">20%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Back pressure on kidneys</td><td align=\"center\">80%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Bladder</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Single lesion</td><td align=\"center\">90%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Multiple lesion</td><td align=\"center\">10%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cystoscopy findings</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Involved urethra</td><td align=\"center\">0%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Involved bladder neck</td><td align=\"center\">6.6%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Involved ureteral orifice Tumor configuration</td><td align=\"center\">13.1%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Solid</td><td align=\"center\">91.5%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Papillary</td><td align=\"center\">8.5%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Pathological type</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Well differentiated SCC</td><td align=\"center\">43.8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Moderately differentiated SCC</td><td align=\"center\">20%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Transitional cell carcinoma</td><td align=\"center\">15.4%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Anaplastic carcinoma</td><td align=\"center\">8.5%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Spindle cell carcinoma</td><td align=\"center\">5.4%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Poorly differentiated SCC</td><td align=\"center\">3.8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Adenocarcinoma</td><td align=\"center\">3.1%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Stage of the tumor</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> T2a</td><td align=\"center\">8.6%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> T2b</td><td align=\"center\">47.7%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> T3a</td><td align=\"center\">7.8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> T3b</td><td align=\"center\">3.1%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> T4a</td><td align=\"center\">28.1%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> T4b</td><td align=\"center\">4.7%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Lymph node affection</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Positive</td><td align=\"center\">13.3%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Negative</td><td align=\"center\">86.7%</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>OR = odds ratio, CI = confidence interval.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>AOR = adjusted odds ratio, CI = confidence interval.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2407-8-250-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2407-8-250-2\"/>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Cancer. 2008 Aug 29; 8:250
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The latest advancements in translational medicine directed the path towards highly demanded biomarker validation studies that focused on the identification of new cancer biomarkers for cancer research community. These studies lead toward the development of biobanks that are capable of providing well annotated high quality tissue samples that can meet the current demands of cancer research community. This objective is achieved successfully by employing a well designed informatics architecture that balances and supports the routine activities of a biobank [##UREF##0##1##]. Tissue Banking Informatics is relatively novel area of biomedical informatics that deals with collecting and storage of biospecimens with associated clinicopathology annotation. The importance of the development of tissue banks has been realized for the last decade with the advent of advanced computer technology that is utilized in the development of tissue bank informatics infrastructure. These systems have the capability to include the managing aspects of biobank that can function as central role in the development of translational research initiatives [##UREF##1##2##, ####UREF##2##3##, ##UREF##3##4##, ##UREF##4##5##, ##UREF##5##6####5##6##].</p>", "<p>National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank (NMVB), funded by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in association with National Institutes of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH), is an example of an exceptional and progressive tissue banking effort. The main objective of this resource is to provide mesothelioma pleural, pericardial and peritoneal tissue samples along with blood and DNA samples with associated cancer registry, clinicopathology, recurrence and therapy related data on a web based interface to meet the growing need of cancer research community. The multimodal data is integrated from various hospital systems into a web-based architecture which is built upon a set of common data elements (CDEs) that provide semantic and syntactic interoperability across multiple institutions to facilitate translation research. During the development of this resource we applied the lessons learnt from the earlier collaborative projects: fundamental components and standards were employed from Cooperative Breast Cancer Tissue Resource (CBCTR), Pennsylvania Cancer Alliance Bioinformatics Consortium (PCABC), Cooperative Prostate Cancer Tissue Resource (CPCTR), and the cancer Data Standard Repository (caDSR) model of caBIG [##UREF##5##6##, ####UREF##6##7##, ##UREF##7##8##, ##UREF##8##9##, ##UREF##9##10##, ##UREF##10##11####10##11##].</p>", "<p>The manuscript highlights the infrastructure components that were used to build this virtual biobank allowing it to collect clinically annotated tissues from various clinical settings which meet with statutory and best practice guidelines. This resource provides a web-based publicly accessible database that organizes the data by CDE standards and allows the end users to query on de-identified information within the warehouse through a controlled \"point and click\" interface.</p>", "<p>The resource also allows web-based requests for tissues, provides a fair review process, delivers tissues to scientists, permits growth and continual updates and integration with other ongoing efforts, and markets the whole process. Here we describe all the components that make up this comprehensive NMVB informatics architecture, discuss the use of standards, and outline the previous collaborative biorepository experiences of the team at the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Biomedical Informatics [##REF##16677389##12##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Collaborative Institutions</title>", "<p>The resource currently has three participating institutions: University of Pennsylvania (U. Penn), University of Pittsburgh (U. Pitt) and New York University (NYU). The other participants supporting this effort are the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation (MARF), University of Hawaii, University of Vermont, and Fox Chase Cancer Center. The collaborative efforts make this resource capable of providing diverse biospecimens including fresh frozen tissues, paraffin blocks, tissue microarrays (TMAs), blood and DNA samples with clinicopathologic and follow-up data from a wide variety of medical care settings spread across rural and urban regions.</p>", "<title>Inclusions/Exclusion Criteria of Cases into the Resource</title>", "<title>Prospective Collection Criteria</title>", "<p>The criteria for participation in the NMVB prospective study is that the individuals are receiving or seeking medical care for mesothelioma are 18 years old or older and can provide informed consent. This is usually obtained at either a doctor's office, clinic visits or upon hospital admission.</p>", "<p>The only exclusion criteria are patients younger than 18 years old and prisoner-patients, who are excluded based on federal limitations. As very few patients are likely to not be eligible for inclusion based on these criteria, the racial, gender and ethnic characteristics of the individuals approached for participation in this NMVB Registry reflect the demographics of patients receiving or seeking medical care at the mesothelioma clinics at the member institutions of the consortium. No individuals are excluded from participation in the NMVB Registry on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender or HIV status.</p>", "<title>Retrospective collection Criteria</title>", "<p>The NMVB registry utilizes an honest broker system for identifying and enrolling eligible retrospective cases into the NMVB database. The honest broker system is also utilized by the Tissue bank with Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for collecting excess tissue and biological materials. The retrieval of samples from archived residual biospecimens that have previously been removed for clinical treatment and pathology diagnosis as well as retrospective review of associated medical records for annotation purposes fall within the IRB's exempt category [##UREF##11##13##].</p>", "<title>Patient Health Information Protection and De-Identification Process</title>", "<p>The NMVB has designed its procedures to protect the confidentiality and privacy of human subjects and IRB approval has been obtained for all activities. NMVB uses a decentralized system for specimen and data collection and storage. Each case is assigned a de-identified NMVB number. The only link to patient identity is held in reserve locally within the institution and there are no links directly connecting specimens or data to patients.</p>", "<p>The NMVB database is available to the research community on a public web site but it has been designed to produce only de-identified datasets upon query. This is possible because only de-identified data sets exist which are compliant with the 'safe harbour' approach to HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) [##UREF##12##14##]. The \"safe-harbor\" approach entails removal of all 18 identifiers enumerated at section 164.514(b) [##UREF##1##2##] of the regulations. Thus for example, a participant's age is presented as age rage, rather than the date of birth, an approach which protects the identity while still providing sufficient information for research purposes. All data requests are tracked in the secure NMVB web-based data query tool regardless of whether the purpose is clinical or research related.</p>", "<p>The Honest Broker acts as a barrier between fully identified confidential clinical patient information and the completely de-identified data made available to the research community. An honest broker is an individual, organization or system acting for or on behalf of the covered entity to collect and provide health information to the investigators in such a manner whereby it would not be reasonably possible for the investigators or others to identify the corresponding patients-subjects directly or indirectly. The honest broker cannot be one of the investigators or researcher. A researcher may use the services of an honest broker service to obtain the Protected Health Informations in a de-identified manner. De-identification means that the patient-subjects cannot be identified by researchers or others directly or indirectly through identifiers link to the patient-subject. This honest broker service will de-identify medical record information by automated or manual methods. All honest broker services are approved in advance by both the IRB of record and UPMC. If an honest broker service is not part of the UPMC covered entity, a valid business associate agreement with UPMC is executed with UPMC in order to access UPMC-held Protected Health Informations for de-identification. If an honest broker system/service is to be used to obtain de-identified Protected Health Informations, this fact must be identified in the study's IRB submission. The honest brokers are individuals who have clinical responsibilities as tissue bankers in the Health Sciences Tissue Bank (HSTB), postdoctoral fellows to manage the pathology data or as cancer registry specialists in the UPMC Network Cancer Registry. Based on their clinical job duties, their educational backgrounds and experiences vary. Depending on the nature of the projects, these bankers can work autonomously or collaboratively to meet biospecimen and/or data needs (please refer to additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##) [##UREF##11##13##].</p>", "<title>Development of the Common Data Elements</title>", "<p>Common Data Elements were developed to allow annotation of cases and accomplish characterization of biospecimens collected from different collaborating sites. The development of CDEs for the resource has recently been described in detail in a related publication from our group [##REF##18397527##15##]. In summary, the CDE development was by joint consensus of participants (including domain experts from various subcommittees) under the leadership supervision of the NMVB Coordinating Committee. The CDEs include cancer registry data (demographic, epidemiology and follow-up) at the patient level, pathology data at the specimen level including data elements to elaborate TNM staging and tumor grading, along with block level annotation and genotype data [##REF##16111498##16##]. In this process the CDE sub-committee used the experiences gained from previous projects like the PCABC [##UREF##7##8##], CPCTR [##UREF##8##9##], caBIG [##UREF##10##11##], Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) [##UREF##13##17##] and Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) [##UREF##14##18##]. The major standards used to develop the CDEs include the NAACCR Data Standards for Cancer Registries [##UREF##15##19##], CAP Cancer Protocol and Checklist [##UREF##16##20##], the ADASP – Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology (ADASP) [##REF##17145632##21##] and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Cancer Staging Manual [##UREF##17##22##]. The utilization of all the above mentioned standards facilitates the development of CDEs that provides an informatics support which is quite ample to achieve both syntactic and semantic interoperability across various systems [##REF##18397527##15##].</p>", "<title>Data Collection and Method of Data Transmission</title>", "<title>Retrospective Collection</title>", "<p>Each collaborative site collects data and tissue samples. Once a case becomes available the pathologists at each site review the surgical pathology report and all histological sections of the tissue facilitating the selection of the mesothelioma case. Then the pathologist selects key slides, referred to as matrix slides, according to a standardized protocol with specific features of the case which is likely to be of interest for scientific investigators. Afterwards the detailed data elements are collected on these slides, and the slides are used to obtain the corresponding matrix blocks which represent the core specimen components of the Resource. This results in block-level annotation of the case with recording of important information about the case such as the size and type of tumor present in each block of interest. Overall, this process increases the utility of the resource many fold as the block level annotation leads to finding cases queried by specific criteria at a later point. This review up front also facilitates the retrieval of such blocks when a request is received at a later point. After the review of pathology data, the data managers and certified tumor registrars retrieve the clinical and follow-up data for cases enrolled in the study. The data are derived in part from the tumor registries of the various hospitals and institutions, which include the Anatomic Pathology Laboratory Information system (APLIS) (b) Cancer Registry Information System (CRIS), and (c) Tissue Banking Inventory System (TBIS).</p>", "<title>Prospective Collection</title>", "<p>To collect mesothelioma cases prospectively, patient are being consented at the physician office or hospitals at each collaborative site. At the time of patient enrollment in the study prospectively a NMVB Health Assessment Questionnaire is handed over to the patient. The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect patient demographic, epidemiology and past medical history data. Additionally, detailed clinical information is obtained by direct review of and extraction of information from patient charts, from consultation with outpatient referring physicians, and from direct patient interviews performed by cancer registrars and clinical nurses. Data is collected and annotated using common data entry paper forms that are correlated with the CDEs developed by the Resource [##REF##16677389##12##]. Finally, collaborative sites transfer de-identified data to the central database either manually using the web-based data entry tool or electronically in spreadsheets.</p>", "<title>Quality Assurance and Check of NMVB Datasets</title>", "<p>The transmitted data from collaborative sites is reviewed at the NMVB coordinating (database) site, which processes the data according to quality assurance (QA) and quality check (QC) protocols every four months that has been established by the resource. The process of QA/QC is performed to locate any missing datasets and errors performed during data recording. The value of each data set is matched with the CDE dictionary to make certain the standards are being followed during data recording. Only the standardized data is uploaded into the database at regular basis, and data with errors is sent back to the corresponding sites along with explanations of rejection. The correction of the data is responsibility of each collaborative site. To ensure the quality of data an audit review process has been established.</p>", "<p>The resource selects 20% of the newly entered cases to be reevaluated by honest brokers, cancer registrars and data managers. After completion of their review, the audit reviewers submit a report of their findings and recommendations to the resource. The resource members discuss their findings in the next general meeting of the NMVB Coordinating Committee and make plans to implement the proposed recommendations [##REF##16677389##12##].</p>", "<p>The NMVB resource has periodic QA/QC of pathology data by assessing inter-observer concordance for the resource pathologists. These consist of two methods which include 1) the joint review of cases at meetings and 2) independent review of cases circulated among sites. For joint QA review during meetings, resource pathologists review up to 5 cases from each site, with emphasis on the 5 \"matrix slides\" selected by each pathologist at each site to include areas of difficulty or likely diagnostic differences. Joint review of cases is performed on a multi-headed microscope that permits pathologists to discuss diagnostic differences and set thresholds.</p>", "<p>Independent review of cases is performed by individual pathologist at each site on cases sent from the other collaborative sites at regular intervals. The data mangers at each site will randomly select the cases for QA review from those added to the Resource within certain cut-off dates. The review will be documented by completing the \"matrix\" fields and select \"histology\" fields of the NMVB database. Any areas that show a high level of discrepancy will be determined by data mangers and communicated to resource pathologists. The Pathology Subcommittee will then discuss their findings in the subsequent general meeting of the Coordinating Committee and provide a report with recommendations as indicated by their findings [##REF##16677389##12##].</p>", "<title>Mesothelioma Virtual Bank Central Data Warehouse</title>", "<p>The NMVB database is based on an informatics model that aids in achieving semantic and syntectic interoperability by describing the common data elements in the form of metadata or data descriptors and by using a controlled vocabulary in order to make the data understandable and sharable for end-users. The system architecture is designed to provide query speed and high security as well as expansion capabilities for incorporating new data elements or integrating existing systems at participating institutions. Emphasis has been placed to provide user access at three levels (a) NMVB statistical data for public view (b) approved investigator database query that allows seeing individual patient de-identified clinical data and (c) data manger access to query and edit the stored data. Patient privacy is of utmost importance at all levels of user's access.</p>", "<p>The NMVB data warehouse is constructed using information models captured as UML class diagrams. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a non-proprietary language for constructing, visualizing, and documenting the artifacts of software engineering. The information model for CDEs was created to establish a structurally aligned generalized relationship [##UREF##18##23##]. Enterprise Architect (EA) software has been utilized to develop the UML class diagrams [##UREF##19##24##].</p>", "<p>The NMVB web based query tool is based on the caTISSUE Clinical Annotation Engine (CAE) application. CAE was originally developed by the University of Pittsburgh as part of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) program [##UREF##20##25##]. The NMVB database allows researches to search clinically annotated Mesothelioma biospecimens via a web interface in real time. The database is made available through a publicly available website [##UREF##21##26##]. The database warehouse facilitates standardized clinical annotation structure and incorporates variety of data sets from different data sources. Two methods of annotation have been adopted manually using web based data entry tool and data imported electronically through XML files [##UREF##22##27##].</p>", "<title>Marketing of Resource Specimens</title>", "<p>Various types of media resources are being utilized for the advertisement of the NMVB biospecimens and services to the research community as follow:</p>", "<p><bold>1</bold>. <italic>The NMVB web site </italic>has been developed and maintained at Department of Biomedical Informatics at University of Pittsburgh [##UREF##23##28##]. The web site includes general information about the resource and different type of specimens available to the research community.</p>", "<p><bold>2</bold>. <italic>Mass E- mailings to Investigator</italic>: Announcement letters of invitation to utilize the resource are sent via e-mail to investigators that have published articles in tissue- based mesothelioma research. Additional names were provided by investigators who visited the NMVB booth at scientific meetings. A mechanism is provided for any email subscriber to \"opt out\" from the mailing list at the time any mass mailing is distributed.</p>", "<p><bold>3</bold>. <italic>Advertisements </italic>are placed in specialty scientific journals, research society newsletters, fliers at research meetings, and through free listings in journals and websites.</p>", "<p><bold>4</bold>. <italic>Posters and podium presentations </italic>regarding the practical use and the Resource specimens at research meetings.</p>", "<p><bold>5</bold>. <italic>Marketing booths </italic>at scientific research meetings, in collaboration to CDC and NIOSH or as individual standalone booths. Marketing surveys were conducted at scientific research meetings as well as with well-known mesothelioma researchers to estimate what resources the NMVB should focus on providing to the research investigators.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>NMVB Biospecimens Collection</title>", "<p>The NMVB resources hold over 650 archived mesothelioma cases and prospective cases. The resource provides more than 775 biospecimes that are accrued from surgical resections and biopsies and also includes whole blood and DNA samples.</p>", "<p>This collection is made possible by the collaborative efforts of University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh and New York University. At the end of second quarter of 2008 we project the resource to have over 700 annotated cases of pleural, peritoneal and pericardial mesothelioma specimens along with blood and DNA samples available to the mesothelioma research community. The majority of these cases consist of archival paraffin blocks from surgically treated patients. In addition the first Tissue Microarray (TMA) has been made available to investigators along with de-identified clinicopathology and follow-up data. IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations [##UREF##24##29##] are implemented for the special handling and safe shipping of biospecimen to investigators. All major courier companies acknowledge IATA measures of shipping biohazardous supplies by air.</p>", "<p>The NMVB common data elements (CDE) are developed on NAACCR Data Standards for Cancer Registries [##UREF##15##19##], CAP Cancer Protocol and Checklist [##UREF##16##20##], the ADASP [##REF##17145632##21##] and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Cancer Staging Manual [##UREF##17##22##] standards to build mesothelioma CDE datasets. The NMVB web based Query Tool is based upon CAE version 2.0. The query tool is secure password protected and only investigator by approved IRB and Scientific Review Committee are capable to access the database. It permits end-users to develop their own case lists for their applications and quarry the data related to the specimen cases they have received from the resource for their approved studies. The query results shows only de-identified datasets associated with each approved case through disease and specimen pre-defined views of the data set (Figure ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<p>The NMVB Statistical Database for Public View is open to the general public. The statistical data base for public query provides summary information on all the mesothelioma cases and their associated biospecimens stored into biorespoitory. The result page shows the number of cases, specimens and blocks in the database that match with query criteria of the investigator and general statistics on a limited number of data elements. By utilizing this public view database the investigator could be able to gain enough information to decide if the resource has sufficient biospecimens to fulfill his experimental requirements (Figure ##FIG##1##2##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The growing importance of cross-institutional translational research and advancement in the development of informatics tools that are capable of analyzing clinical tissue sample has increased the need of research community for high quality and well annotated biospecimens. To fulfill research community's requirements the NMVB has established an integrated mesothelioma biobank and web base database query tool. This system is built on an underlying architect of common data elements for characterization of tissue samples and clinical follow-up data, supported by an essential quality assurance process. By the development and implementation of NMVB database, the resource developed a web based query tool to make investigators knowledgeable of the resource biospecimens. Finally, the NMVB resource has developed efforts to market the specimens, and a process for requesting samples and data by investigators that involves an independent research evaluation panel (REP) of professionals on mesothelioma, biostatistics, and pathology that are not part of resource.</p>", "<title>Clinical Annotation and development of federated Model NMVB datasets</title>", "<p>The data mangers at each collaborative site are responsible for clinical annotation of biospecimen and collect related information manually from variety of data sources. The collected data is then integrated, de-identified and standardized according to approved study protocols. The integration is a process in which a selected patient data is collected from multiple clinical sources which includes pathology data from the APLIS, tumor marker data from the Clinical Pathology Lab Information System (CPLIS), and clinical staging and treatment data from CRIS.</p>", "<p>The challenges pertained to this process are identifying the same patient across various hospital sources and collecting the accurate data in precise context. These barriers are overcome by common linking patient identifiers and information and this helps in tracking the same patient information across multiple sources. This also reduces the chances of errors in data recording. The resource employs this solution to address the challenges that are largely due to a manual data collection and recording by the data manger. This helps in keeping the focus only on data quality. The next challenge is to collect data that requires to be monitored for context before it can be incorporated into the database. This is important for the data that has temporal relationship. The potential solutions to these challenges are automated data retrieval through electronic queries of existing systems for example electronic medical record (EMR) and cancer registry.</p>", "<p>De-identification is the process which includes isolation of patient clinical identified data sets that are kept in the medical records from the research de-identified data sets. This process is done by honest brokers who act as a barricade between clinical identified data sets and totally de-identified research data sets. The honest broker collects clinical data, identifies the patient identifiers, separates them by assigning the research de-identified number and finally made de-identified data set available to research community. The NMVB resources assign each case a 4-digit de-identified case identification number and linkage to the patient health information is kept by the honest brokers. The NMVB database at no point in time present any linkages to the patient identifiers (medical record number, data of birth, social security number) to end users.</p>", "<p>To facilitate the standardized clinical annotation process of biospecimens and to automate the process of annotation, the NMVB project team incorporated the NAACCR standard [##UREF##15##19##], CAP cancer protocol [##UREF##16##20##] and ADASP [##REF##17145632##21##] guidelines for mesothelioma as a well recognized, significant and standardized sets of data elements in their respective domain. These standards include a series of reporting guidelines for diagnostic pathology reports and outcome related descriptors for the vast majority of human malignancies. Each CAP guideline is comprised of checklists with the data elements to describe the gross as well as microscopic attributes of the neoplasm including pathological staging and perifocal reactions such as margins, angio- as well as perineural invasion with specified valid values for each data element that are important for clinical decision-making and prognostication of individual cases.</p>", "<p>The process of developing the CDEs for the NMVB has authenticated this initiative that can successfully direct to the implementation of strong human mesothelioma-related CDEs that assist in the collection of high quality data for the research community. The CDE are developed by NMVB CDE subcommittee that included experts from various clinical and research fields e.g. pathologists, thoracic surgeons, epidemiologists, bioinformaticians, biostatisticians, data managers, cancer registrars, and research scientists.</p>", "<p>Finally the purpose was to create datasets that should provide value to the end users in future. Furthermore, the definitions of the CDEs and their associated descriptors need to be clearly understandable to all those who collects data. Through the use of ISO compliance and accepted data standards the goal of collecting annotation data of high quality was achievable. The only way in which information from multiple databases can truly be shared and made useful is through the careful use of unequivocal, well defined, consistent and structured metadata. Informaticians and database developers provided the structural link that brought the CDEs together in the database, addressed technical issues, and provided guidance related to implementation of the CDEs at local institutions.</p>", "<title>Presentation of NMVB Web Base Query Tool</title>", "<p>The CAE model enables standards-based manual annotation of biospecimens with associated well-characterized clinical information. It supports importing structured data from various clinical information systems such as APLIS, CPLIS and cancer tumor registries allowing the integration of multimodal annotations within the cancer centers, providing a complete picture of a patient's disease [##REF##16677389##12##]. Additionally, the CAE is based on such a model that aids in developing and conveying the semantic interoperability of the data system by describing the common data elements in the form of metadata or data descriptors (about the content, quality, condition, and other characteristics of the data) and by using controlled vocabulary and ontology, in order to make the data understandable and sharable for end-users and flexible for the system. Hence, the overall advantage of this suite over the legacy biospecimen annotation systems includes the shared responsibilities of individual institutions for services and implementation of the required standards and vocabulary that fosters data sharing effortlessly.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The NMVB stands as a nation wide largest resource for mesothelioma archived and prospective biosepcimens with associated clinical, pathology, recurrence, follow-up and treatment data and act as a central resource for investigators using experimental methods in translational, histopathology, validation and outcomes measures. This resource is built upon a robust and efficient informatics architecture that facilitates well organized management, standardized collection and detailed clinical annotation of cases across multiple collaborative sites. This set-up provides a manual of operation, a histopathology guide, and a database with common data elements for characterization of mesothelioma biospecimens, multimodal datasets and a quality assurance and control process.</p>", "<p>The NMVB web based query tool acts as a central source that provides a mechanism for researchers to efficiently search clinically annotated datasets and biospecimens that are pertinent to their research areas. The web-based query tool ensures patient health information protection by disclosing only de-identified data with Institutional Review Board (IRB) and scientific review committee approved standards and protocols. Additionally NMVB web site facilitates an online process of requesting mesothelioma biospecimen, acces statistical query tool for public view and access to approved investigator query tool to potential investigator. The biospecimens disbursement and database access to patient de-identified clinical data is granted after Research Evaluation Panel (REP) approval that includes experts on mesothelioma, biostatics and pathology. Different methods are adopted to market the resource that includes brochures, a website, and a booth that is being used to market the resource at scientific meetings. In fact NMVB presents as a fundamental platform for the development and implementation of an integrated tissue banking program and facilitates other tissue banking efforts through the members of the collaborative resource and their associated publications.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Advances in translational research have led to the need for well characterized biospecimens for research. The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank is an initiative which collects annotated datasets relevant to human mesothelioma to develop an enterprising biospecimen resource to fulfill researchers' need.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank architecture is based on three major components: (a) common data elements (based on College of American Pathologists protocol and National North American Association of Central Cancer Registries standards), (b) clinical and epidemiologic data annotation, and (c) data query tools. These tools work interoperably to standardize the entire process of annotation. The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank tool is based upon the caTISSUE Clinical Annotation Engine, developed by the University of Pittsburgh in cooperation with the Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid™ (caBIG™, see <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>). This application provides a web-based system for annotating, importing and searching mesothelioma cases. The underlying information model is constructed utilizing Unified Modeling Language class diagrams, hierarchical relationships and Enterprise Architect software.</p>", "<title>Result</title>", "<p>The database provides researchers real-time access to richly annotated specimens and integral information related to mesothelioma. The data disclosed is tightly regulated depending upon users' authorization and depending on the participating institute that is amenable to the local Institutional Review Board and regulation committee reviews.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank currently has over 600 annotated cases available for researchers that include paraffin embedded tissues, tissue microarrays, serum and genomic DNA. The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank is a virtual biospecimen registry with robust translational biomedical informatics support to facilitate basic science, clinical, and translational research. Furthermore, it protects patient privacy by disclosing only de-identified datasets to assure that biospecimens can be made accessible to researchers.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>ADASP: Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology; AJCC: American Joint Committee on Cancer; APLIS: Anatomic Pathology Lab Information System; caBIG: cancer Bioinformatics Grid; caDSR: cancer Data Standards Repository; CAE: Clinical Annotation Engine; CRIS: Cancer Registry Information System; CAP: College of American Pathologist; CBCTR: Cooperative Breast Cancer Tissue Resource; CDC: Center for Disease Control and Prevention; CDE: Common data element; CPCTR: Cooperative Prostate Cancer Tissue Resource; CPLIS: Clinical Pathology Lab Information System; EA: Enterprise Architect; EDRN: Early Detection Research Network; EMR: Electronic Medical Record; HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; IATA: International Air Transport Association; IRB: Institutional Review Board; ISO: International Organization for Standardization; MARF: Mesothelioma Allied Research Foundation; NAACR: North American Association of Central Cancer Registries; NCI: National Cancer Institutes; NIOSH: National Institutes of Occupational health and Safety; NMVB: National Mesothelioma Virtual bank; NYU: New York University; PCABC: Pennsylvania Cancer Alliance Bioinformatics Consortium; PHI: Protected Health Information; QA: Quality assurance; QC: Quality control; REP: Research Evaluation Panel; SPORE: Specialized Programs of Research Excellence; TBIS: Tissue Bank Information System; TMA: Tissue microarray; TNM: Tumor/Node/Metastasis; UML: Unified Medical Language; UPENN: University of Pennsylvania; UPITT: University of Pittsburgh; UPMC: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MJB, WA, SKM, LS, GF, JM and AVP contributed equally to the first draft of this manuscript. MJB, the chair for the Coordinating Committee, is responsible for leading the efforts of developing the requirements for the central database. MJB, WA, SKM, AVP, RD, JM, MF and HIP have contributed in study design, implementation and quality assurance of the database and tool. LS and AKP have contributed in the development and implementation of software tools for the data annotation and query engine in the web based interface, and incorporation of other existing standards. SBW, AS and GF have played an important role in implementation of Cancer registry data standards into the database and collection and quality assurance of follow-up and epidemiological data. NBW is the overall Project coordinator for this project. All authors have reviewed and commented on successive drafts of the manuscript and have provided the first author with approval of the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This work is funded and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Grant 1U19OH009077-01 (IRB #0608194).</p>", "<p>We acknowledge all the following contributors to the development of the resource (in alphabetical order by last name):</p>", "<p><bold>Research Evaluation Panel: </bold>Dr. James Luketich, M.D, Dr. Michele Carbone, Dr. Margaret R. Karagas, Dr. Rodney Landreneau, MD, Dr. Brooke T. Mossman, Dr. Joseph R. Testa and Dr. Paolo Toniolo.</p>", "<p><bold>University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Department of Pathology: </bold>Lisa Miranda.</p>", "<p><bold>New York University School of Medicine: </bold>Amanda Beck, Kenneth Choi, Samantha Lincoln, Jacinta Small. Audrey Sorensen.</p>", "<p><bold>University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine: </bold>Michelle Bisceglia, Amelia M. Hensler, Linda Mignogna, Amita T. Mistry, Thomas Harper and William Shirey.</p>", "<p>Translating Research Across Community: Paula Kim</p>", "<p>We are thankful to the Department of Pathology at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA. for their help.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Presents the NMVB approved investigator query tool.</bold> This view provides de-identified data sets upon end-user query.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Presents the NMVB statistical summary for public view.</bold> This view provides overall statistics on all the cases and biospecimens stored into the resource.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional File 1</title><p>Honest Broker services for Tissue Banks and Clinical data.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2407-8-236-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2407-8-236-2\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2407-8-236-S1.docx\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Qualman", "Bowen", "Brewer-Swartz", "France", "Ladanyi M, Gerald WL"], "given-names": ["SJ", "J", "S", "M"], "article-title": ["The Role of Tumor Banking and Related Informatics"], "source": ["Expression profiling of human tumors: diagnostic and research applications"], "year": ["2003"], "volume": ["7"], "publisher-name": ["Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press"], "fpage": ["103"], "lpage": ["117"]}, {"collab": ["The NCRI Cancer Tissue Resource"], "article-title": ["Developing an Operational Framework, National Translational Cancer Research Network"]}, {"collab": ["ISBER"], "article-title": ["Best Practices for Repositories I: Collection, Storage, and Retrieval of Human Biological Material for Research by International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER)"], "source": ["Cell Preservation Technology"], "year": ["2005"], "volume": ["3"], "fpage": ["5"], "lpage": ["48"]}, {"surname": ["Eiseman"], "given-names": ["E"], "collab": ["Rand Corporation"], "source": ["Case studies of existing human tissue repositories: \"best practices\" for a biospecimen resource for the genomic and proteomic era"], "year": ["2003"], "volume": ["XXX viii"], "publisher-name": ["Santa Monica, CA: RAND"], "fpage": ["208"]}, {"article-title": ["The National Biospecimen Network (NBN) blueprint"]}, {"collab": ["The NCRI National Cancer Tissue Resource"], "article-title": ["a potential future world-class resource integrating research and health service information systems and bioinformatics for cancer diagnosis and treatment"]}, {"article-title": ["The Cooperative Breast Cancer Tissue Resource"]}, {"article-title": ["Pennsylvania Cancer Alliance Bioinformatics Consortium"]}, {"article-title": ["The Cooperative Prostate cancer Tissue resource"]}, {"article-title": ["The NCICB's Cancer Data Standards Repository (caDSR)"]}, {"article-title": ["The Cancer Biomedical Informatics grid (caBIG)"]}, {"article-title": ["Mesothelioma Virtual Bank for Translational Research Protocol"]}, {"collab": ["Department of Health and Human Services"], "article-title": ["45 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations), 164.514(6) (2) (i.). Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (final)"]}, {"article-title": ["The NCI's Early Detection Research Network website (EDRN)"]}, {"article-title": ["The NCI's Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs)"]}, {"article-title": ["North American Association of Central Cancer Registry Data Standards for Cancer Registries"]}, {"article-title": ["The College of American Pathologists Cancer protocols"]}, {"surname": ["Fleming"], "given-names": ["ID"], "article-title": ["American Joint Committee on Cancer, American Cancer Society, American College of Surgeons"], "source": ["AJCC Cancer Staging Manual"], "year": ["2002"], "edition": ["6"]}, {"article-title": ["Unified Modeling Language"]}, {"article-title": ["Enterprise Architect"]}, {"article-title": ["The Clinical Annotation Engine"]}, {"article-title": ["National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank"]}, {"article-title": ["XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)"]}, {"article-title": ["The Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA"]}, {"article-title": ["The ISO/IEC 11179 specification developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Cancer. 2008 Aug 13; 8:236
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Gastrointestinal cancers are major causes of cancer death throughout the world [##REF##15661684##1##,##REF##16368871##2##]. Recent advances of multimodal treatments have been improving the prognosis. Chemotherapy with combinations of new drugs including fluoropyrimidine, irrinotecan, and oxaliplatin, has greatly contributed to the prolonged prognosis [##REF##11006366##3##, ####REF##10744089##4##, ##REF##14665611##5##, ##REF##10944126##6##, ##UREF##0##7##, ##REF##15864716##8####15864716##8##].</p>", "<p>5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a key drug in combination chemotherapy and an evaluation of the predictability of 5-FU sensitivity is important to exclude those patients who would experience adverse effects. Among the molecular markers of 5-FU activity, thymidylate synthase (TS), dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD), orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (OPRT), and thymidine phosphorylase (TP) are reported to be highly predictive of 5-FU sensitivity [##REF##145246##9##, ####REF##7577040##10##, ##REF##10778957##11##, ##REF##12576451##12##, ##UREF##1##13##, ##REF##10202277##14##, ##REF##9563897##15##, ##REF##2522792##16##, ##REF##14716816##17##, ##REF##15330198##18##, ##REF##10744051##19##, ##REF##14562021##20##, ##REF##16425285##21##, ##REF##11902527##22##, ##REF##12494248##23####12494248##23##]. 5-FU is catabolized to dihydrofluorouracil and inactivated by DPD. Thymidylate synthase is an essential DNA synthetic enzyme that is suppressed by 5-fluoro-deoxyuridine-monophosphate (FdUMP), an active metabolite of fluorouracil [##REF##145246##9##]. FdUMP and TS form covalent ternary complexes with 5, 10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate that subsequently inhibit DNA synthases [##REF##145246##9##,##REF##7577040##10##]. Colorectal cancer with both low DPD and low TS mRNA expressions has been reported to show greater antitumor effects in 5-FU-based chemotherapy [##REF##10778957##11##,##REF##12576451##12##]. Fluorouracil is converted to active metabolites by phosphorylation through three different pathways, and TP and OPRT are the key enzymes in two of these pathways [##UREF##1##13##]. Thymidine phosphorylase is an enzyme that activates 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine to 5-FU and then 5-FU to 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine. Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase is an enzyme that converts 5-FU to 5-fluorouridine-5'-monophosphate (FUMP) and is considered to predominantly inhibit RNA synthesis. High expression of TP in a tumor is correlated with a high response rate to 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine [##REF##10202277##14##,##REF##9563897##15##] and high expression of OPRT in a tumor is correlated with sensitivity to 5-FU [##UREF##1##13##,##REF##2522792##16##]. For these reasons, many studies have reported that the activities of these enzymes have been associated with sensitivity to 5-FU-based chemotherapy in gastric cancer [##REF##14716816##17##, ####REF##15330198##18##, ##REF##10744051##19####10744051##19##] and colorectal cancer [##REF##10778957##11##,##REF##12576451##12##,##REF##14562021##20##, ####REF##16425285##21##, ##REF##11902527##22##, ##REF##12494248##23####12494248##23##].</p>", "<p>These observations were based on gene expressions evaluated by using fresh frozen materials, which were composed of cancer cells, stromal cells in the cancer tissues, and even normal tissues. Because gastric and breast cancers contain large amounts of stromal cells in the cancer tissues, gene expression evaluated by ordinary methods reflects that of the cancer tissues, but not cancer cells. To evaluate gene expression of the cancer cells alone, it is essential to isolate the cancer cells from the stromal cells. To achieve this, we used a laser capture microdissection plus the real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method (LCM+RT-PCR) on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples. In our previous report, in which TS, DPD, and TP gene expressions in breast cancers were evaluated by this method, we disclosed that the gene expressions in cancer cells were significantly different from those in stromal cells [##REF##15890242##24##]. Gastric cancer, which contains large amounts of stromal cells in the cancer tissues, may show different gene expression between cancer cells and stromal cells as in breast cancers. In this study, gene expression levels of TS, DPD, TP, and OPRT in cancer cells of gastric cancer tissues were separately quantified from those in stromal cells by using the LCM+RT-PCR method. We also investigated those genes in colorectal cancer, which contains small amounts of stromal cells.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Patient and samples</title>", "<p>Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples from 47 patients with gastric cancers and 43 with colorectal cancers who underwent surgery were studied. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Tokyo Medical Dental University and all patients gave written consent.</p>", "<title>Laser capture microdissection</title>", "<p>A representative FFPE tumor was selected by a pathologist after examination of the hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides. 10 μm thick sections were stained with nuclear fast red to enable visualization of histology for LCM (P.A.L.M. Microlaser Technologies AG, Munich, Germany). Caner cells (Ca), cancerous stroma (Str) of the sample were dissected using the LCM technique.</p>", "<p>Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor specimens and adjacent normal tissues were cut into serial sections with a thickness of 10 μm. For the pathological diagnosis, one slide was stained with H&amp;E and evaluated by pathologist (Figure ##FIG##0##1A##). Other sections were stained with nuclear fast red (NFR, American MasterTech Scientific Inc., Lodi, CA) to enable visualization of histology (Figure ##FIG##0##1B##). Laser capture microdissection (P.A.L.M. Microlaser Technologies AG, Munich, Germany) was performed in all the tumor samples to ensure that only tumor cells were dissected (Figure ##FIG##0##1C##). At least 25 mm<sup>2 </sup>of tumor tissue or stromal tissue are collected from each FFPE block. Depending on the percentage of tumor tissue in the specimen, this generally can require from one to four 10 μm sections.</p>", "<title>Real-time quantitative RT-PCR</title>", "<p>RNA was isolated from these using a novel, proprietary procedure (Response Genetics, Los Angels, CA: United States Patent Number 6,248,535). After RNA isolation, cDNA was derived from each sample according to a previously described procedure [##REF##10675236##25##].</p>", "<p>Target cDNA sequence were amplified by quantitative PCR using a fluorescence-based real-time detection method(ABI PRISM 7900 Sequence Detection System [Taqman]; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA)as previously described [##UREF##2##26##,##UREF##3##27##]. The 25 μl PCR reaction mixture contained 600 nmol/l of each primer (Table ##TAB##0##1##), 200 nmol/l each of dATP, dCTP, and 1× Taqman buffer A containing a reference dye (all reagents were supplied by Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). The PCR conditions were 50°C for 10 s and 95°C for 10 min, followed by 42 cycles at 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for 1 min. TS, DPD, TP and OPRT gene expressions in each part of the tumors were quantified as ratios between two absolute measurements (gene of interest/beta-actin).</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>Comparison of mRNA levels between matched cancer cells and cancerous stroma was made with the Wilcoxon's rank test.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Gene expressions in cancer cells (Ca) and cancerous stroma (Str) in gastric cancer</title>", "<p>As shown in Figure ##FIG##1##2##, the median TS mRNA level was 2.4 in Ca and 0.47 in Str. The TS gene expression levels were significantly higher in Ca than in Str (p &lt; 0.0001). The median DPD mRNA level was 0.92 in Ca and 1.1 in Str. The DPD gene expression levels were significantly lower in Ca than in Str (p = 0.0136). The median TP mRNA level was 8.0 in Ca and 4.3 in Str. The TP gene expression levels were significantly higher in Ca than in Str (p &lt; 0.0001). The median OPRT mRNA level was 1.1 in Ca and 0.37 in Str. The OPRT gene expression levels were significantly higher in Ca than in Str (p &lt; 0.0001).</p>", "<title>Gene expressions in cancer cells (Ca) and cancerous stroma (Str) in colon cancer</title>", "<p>As shown in Figure ##FIG##2##3##, the median TS mRNA level was 1.4 in Ca and 0.44 in Str. The TS gene expression levels were significantly higher in Ca than in Str (p = 0.0002). The median DPD mRNA level was 0.30 in Ca and 0.93 in Str. The DPD gene expression levels were significantly lower in Ca than in Str (p &lt; 0.0001). The median TP mRNA was 2.4 in Ca and 3.8 in Str. The TP gene expression levels were significantly lower in Ca than in Str (p = 0.0055). The median OPRT mRNA level was 1.0 in Ca and 0.37 in Str. The OPRT gene expression levels were significantly higher in Ca than in Str (p &lt; 0.0001).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>In this study, all the gene expressions were successfully estimated separately in cancer cells and cancerous stroma of human gastric and colon cancers using the LCM+RT-PCR technique. All of them showed significantly different expression levels between cancer cells and cancerous stroma.</p>", "<p>In both gastric and colon cancers, higher gene expression levels of TS and OPRT were observed in cancer cells than in cancerous stroma and a lower gene expression level of DPD was observed in cancer cells than in cancerous stroma. These gene expressions might be controlled by a common regulatory mechanism in gastric and colon cancers. In our previous study, these genes showed the same tendency in breast cancer [##REF##15890242##24##]. TS is the enzyme for DNA synthesis and cell proliferation and because cancer cells grow more rapidly than normal cells, TS gene expression is thought to be up-regulated in cancer cells. Several studies have revealed that the expression of OPRT is increased in several types of carcinoma, including gastric and colorectal carcinomas [##REF##16012756##28##, ####REF##15993511##29##, ##REF##16211289##30####16211289##30##]. OPRT is a nucleotide metabolic enzyme that is essential for cell proliferation. Thus, OPRT gene expression is thought to be up-regulated in cancer cells, like TS gene expression [##REF##1717130##31##,##REF##2162241##32##]. Evaluations of comparisons of the expression levels of DPD in cancer cells and in normal tissues are controversial. Differing results might be affected by the use of tumor tissue samples with various amounts of stromal tissue. However, in the recent study, the amount of stromal cells was taken into consideration, and the results agreed with those of previous reports that DPD expression in cancer cells was lower than in normal tissues and in stromal cells [##REF##15316940##33##,##REF##16132996##34##]. McLead <italic>et al. </italic>reported that the down-regulation of DPD expression may create a favorable environment for tumor growth. Low expression levels of DPD and decreased catabolism of uracil in cancer cells suggest that pyrimidine nucleotide pools increase [##REF##10499634##35##]. On the other hand, regarding the gene expression level of TP, the opposite result was observed. Although the gene expression level of TP was higher in cancer cells than in cancerous stroma in gastric cancer, it was lower in cancer cells than in cancerous stroma in colon cancer. It has been reported that certain solid tumors, including gastric and breast cancers, expressed elevated levels of TP as compared with stromal tissues [##REF##8758258##36##, ####REF##9355979##37##, ##REF##10353748##38##, ##REF##8757190##39####8757190##39##]. In colon cancer, several immunohistochemical studies reported that cancer cells had TP expression [##REF##8757190##39##,##REF##9570376##40##], while other studies reported that most cells expressing TP were stromal cells, especially macrophages and lymphocytes [##REF##9464495##41##,##REF##9652793##42##]. It was shown by analyzing the expression level of TP in cancer cells and cancerous stroma separately that cancer cells had TP expression, although stromal cells had higher TP expression than cancer cells. These current results regarding the expression of TS, DPD, OPRT, and TP agree with the previous data.</p>", "<p>In previous studies, biochemical assays, immunohistochemistry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) have been used to evaluate the protein expression related to enzymes catabolizing 5-FU. Biochemical assays are often impossible to perform with minimal clinical samples. Many institutions have stored tissue samples as paraffin-embedded specimens after surgical resection, so immunohistochemical assays are convenient and inexpensive when performed on paraffin-embedded specimens. However, this method does not yield quantified results. Amplification by PCR may be performed on fresh frozen samples from resected cancer specimens to study gene expressions. However, the results are dependent on how promptly the samples were collected and stored. This method is not practical for the purpose of retrospective studies. In fresh frozen samples of cancer tissues, contamination with cancerous stroma and even normal tissue cannot be avoided. It is known that gastric and breast cancers contain large amounts of stromal tissue. We thought that the contaminations might influence the results of PCR, so we adopted LCM+RT-PCR. Laser capture microdissection provides selective isolation of defined cell populations from heterogeneous tissue sections [##REF##8875945##43##]. Moreover, the availability of real-time RT-PCR technology combined with the extraction of RNA from paraffin-embedded specimens allows quantitative and accurate measurement of gene expressions [##REF##10675236##25##,##REF##12576452##44##]. This novel method made it possible to analyze only cancer cells, so in spite of amounts of cancerous stroma, we could analyze intratumoral gene expressions equally. Furthermore, this method has another advantage. Because cancer cells and cancerous stroma are extracted separately within the same paraffin section, we can perform the analysis from a small amount of resected specimen.</p>", "<p>The time when various chemotherapies, including monoclonal antibody therapy has come, but the chemotherapy with 5-FU-based regimen has still played an important role as the treatment for many cancers. Accordingly it is thought to be useful to estimate gene expressions of enzymes, that are related to catabolism of 5-FU, in Ca and Str separately by LCM+RT-PCR. Though we need further investigate the relationship between those gene expressions and 5-FU sensitivity in clinical setting, we believe that with this technique it may be possible to predict the sensitivity of the agents before treatment using a small amount of a biopsy specimen and it leads to establish a tailor-made treatment for cancer patients.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In this study, by using LCM+RT-PCR, we could analyze gene expressions in cancer cells and stromal tissues separately in FFPE gastric and colon cancer specimens. This method may make it possible to accurately analyze gene expressions in cancer cells from a small amount of a biopsy specimen in spite of the amount of stromal tissue and intratumoral heterogeneity.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Thymidylate synthase, dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, thymidine phosphorylase, and orotate phosphoribosyltransferase gene expressions are reported to be valid predictive markers for 5-fluorouracil sensitivity to gastrointestinal cancer. For more reliable predictability, their expressions in cancer cells and stromal cells in the cancerous tissue (cancerous stroma) have been separately investigated using laser capture microdissection.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Thymidylate synthase, dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, thymidine phosphorylase, and orotate phosphoribosyltransferase mRNA in cancer cells and cancerous stroma from samples of 47 gastric and 43 colon cancers were separately quantified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction after laser capture microdissection.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>In both gastric and colon cancers, thymidylate synthase and orotate phosphoribosyltransferase mRNA expressions were higher (p &lt; 0.0001, p &lt;0.0001 respectively in gastric cancer and P = 0.0002, p &lt; 0.0001 respectively in colon cancer) and dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase mRNA expressions were lower in cancer cells than in cancerous stroma (P = 0.0136 in gastric cancer and p &lt; 0.0001 in colon cancer). In contrast, thymidine phosphorylase mRNA was higher in cancer cells than in cancerous stroma in gastric cancer (p &lt; 0.0001) and lower in cancer cells than in cancerous stroma in colon cancer (P = 0.0055).</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>By using this method, we could estimate gene expressions separately in cancer cells and stromal cells from colon and gastric cancers, in spite of the amount of stromal tissue. Our method is thought to be useful for accurately evaluating intratumoral gene expressions.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>HM prepared the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples and drafted the manuscript. KD and PVD performed the LCM+RT-PCR. HU performed the statistical analysis. KS oversaw this study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>1A: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples were stained with H &amp; E.</bold> 1B: Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples were stained with nuclear fast red. 1C: By laser capture microdissection , only tumor cells were dissected.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Gene expressions in cancer cells and cancerous stroma in gastric cancer</bold>. Expression levels of thymidylate synthase, orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, and thymidine phosphorylase mRNA in cancer cells (Ca) and cancerous stroma (Str) were evaluated by laser capture microdissection plus reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Thymidylate synthase, orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, and thymidine phosphorylase expression levels were higher in Ca than in Str. The dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase expression level was higher in Str than in Ca.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Gene expressions in cancer cells and cancerous stroma in colon cancer</bold>. Expression levels of thymidylate synthase, orotate phosphoribosyltransferase, dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, and thymidine phosphorylase mRNA in cancer cells (Ca) and cancerous stroma (Str)were evaluated by laser capture microdissection plus reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Thymidylate synthase and orotate phosphoribosyltransferase expression levels were higher in Ca than in Str. Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase and thymidine phosphorylase expression levels were higher in Str than in Ca.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Polymerase chain reaction primers and probes</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Primers/probes</td><td align=\"left\">Sequence</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">TS2-764F(18 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">GCCTCGGTGTGCCTTTCA</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TS2-830R(17 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">CCCGTGATGTGCGCAAT</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Probe TS2-785T(21 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">6FAM-TCGCCAGC-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DPD3a-51F(19 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">AGGACGCAAGGAGGGTTTG</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DPD3a-134R(20 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">GTCCGCCGAGTCCTTACTGA</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Probe DPD3a-71T(29 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">6FAM-CAGTGCCTACAGTCTC-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TP3-700F(17 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">CCTGCGGACGGAATCCT</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TP3-770ZR(20 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">GCTGTGATGAGTGGCAGGCT</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Probe TP3-722T(25 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">6FAM-CAGCCAGAGATGTGA-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">β-actin-592F(18 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">TGAGCGCGGCTACAGCTT</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">β-actin-651R(22 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">TCCTTAATGTCACGCACGATTT</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Probe β-actin-611T(18 bp)</td><td align=\"left\">6FAM-ACCACCACGGCCGAGCGG</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>bp, base pairs</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2407-8-210-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2407-8-210-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2407-8-210-3\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Grothey", "Deschler", "Kroening"], "given-names": ["A", "B", "H"], "article-title": ["Phase III study of bolus 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)/folinic acid (FA) (Mayo) vs weekly high-dose 24 h 5-FU infusion/FA + oxaliplatin in advanced colorectalcancer"], "source": ["Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol"], "year": ["2002"], "volume": ["21"], "fpage": ["129a"], "comment": ["(abstr 512)"]}, {"surname": ["Peters", "Laurensse", "Leyva", "Lankelma", "Pinedo"], "given-names": ["GJ", "E", "A", "J", "HM"], "article-title": ["Sensitivity of human, murine, and rat cells to 5-fluorouraci and 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouracil in relation to drug-metabolizing enzymes"], "source": ["Caner Res"], "year": ["1986"], "volume": ["46"], "fpage": ["20"], "lpage": ["28"]}, {"surname": ["Heid", "Stevens", "Livak", "Williams"], "given-names": ["CA", "J", "KJ", "PM"], "article-title": ["Real time quantitative RT-PCR"], "source": ["Gemome Res"], "year": ["1996"], "volume": ["10"], "fpage": ["986"], "lpage": ["994"]}, {"surname": ["Gibson", "Heid", "Williams"], "given-names": ["UE", "CA", "PM"], "article-title": ["A novel method for real time quantitative RT-PCR"], "source": ["Gemome Res"], "year": ["1996"], "volume": ["10"], "fpage": ["995"], "lpage": ["1011"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Cancer. 2008 Jul 25; 8:210
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>HIV/AIDS continues to be major public health threat with new infections on the rise. Current therapies do not completely cure the disease and there is no effective vaccine available [##REF##12835707##1##,##REF##12835704##2##]. A potentially rewarding approach is intracellular immunization using gene therapy strategies that protect viral susceptible cells from the infecting virus [##REF##15922953##3##]. Thus far, a number of promising intracellular immunization strategies have been employed using different anti-HIV molecules that act by a variety of mechanisms. Among these, nucleic acid-based approaches using ribozymes, antisense constructs, and siRNAs have received considerable attention due to their ease of expression and their non-immunological nature [##REF##15922953##3##,##REF##18066041##4##]. Some of these have entered clinical trials and safety testing with encouraging results [##REF##15922953##3##,##REF##18066041##4##]. In these studies either conventional retroviral vectors or lentiviral vectors were used for gene transfer. Although highly efficient for stable gene transfer, use of retroviral derived vectors poses a degree of risk in terms of viral mediated oncogenesis [##REF##16009045##5##]. Because of this potential risk, non-retroviral mediated gene delivery systems are being currently investigated. In this regard, Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system shows considerable promise [##REF##17164769##6##]. This system consists of a synthetic transposon and an associated transposase which functions by a cut and paste mechanism. Gene transposition is mediated by the transposase in a two step process in which the enzyme first recognizes the short inverted/direct (IR/DR) sequences in the transposon followed by the excision of the transposon and later integration of the transposon sequences into a target DNA region with a TA-dinucleotide sequence. The SB system can be deployed either as trans-delivery system in which the transposon and transposase are delivered by independent plasmids or a cis-delivery system in which both the components are incorporated into the same plasmid [##REF##16189271##7##]. Continued progress in this area has resulted in the derivation of more efficient transposases and more efficient gene delivery [##REF##17344320##8##]. Many mammalian cell types have been shown to be substrates for efficient SB mediated gene transfer including mouse embryonic stem cells [##REF##16084771##9##]. Thus, SB system offers a novel way of gene delivery for HIV gene therapy purposes.</p>", "<p>With regard to effective anti-HIV genes for gene therapy, siRNAs constitute highly effective gene silencing molecules due to their target specificity and improved potency [##REF##16716105##10##]. The siRNAs trigger an innate endogenous RNAi pathway for target recognition and gene silencing. Thus far, siRNAs targeted to a number of HIV genes have shown impressive gene down regulation and consequent viral inhibition both in vitro and in vivo [##REF##17726454##11##, ####REF##17145937##12##, ##REF##12907142##13##, ##REF##17406343##14####17406343##14##]. Due to their high target specificity however, a high possibility exists for siRNA viral escape mutants to arise during prolonged treatment. Indeed, such generation of viral escape mutants against specific siRNAs has already been documented [##REF##15687388##15##]. This possibility can be much reduced by targeting essential cellular molecules that aid in viral replication. Among the many cellular molecules shown to be involved in HIV infection and replication, the cell surface coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 are essential for viral entry by macrophage tropic R5 and T-cell tropic-X4 HIV respectively [##REF##16570858##16##,##REF##10358771##17##]. The primary HIV infection is established by R5 virus and during the later stages of disease, T-cell tropic X4 virus predominates [##REF##10358771##17##,##REF##15516706##18##]. In nature, a segment of the human population containing a 32-base pair deletion in the CCR5 gene, but apparently physiologically normal, was found to be resistant to infection by R5 tropic HIV-1 [##REF##10358771##17##,##REF##8756719##19##]. Therefore, CCR5 coreceptor is an ideal cellular target to suppress HIV infection. A number of previous studies including ours have successfully targeted both the HIV coreceptors by siRNA mediated gene silencing [##REF##17145937##12##,##REF##17670939##20##, ####REF##15813990##21##, ##REF##15306840##22####15306840##22##]. Down regulation of either of these coreceptors resulted in effective viral inhibition. However, retroviral derived vectors were used in these studies.</p>", "<p>With a long range goal of developing a non-viral gene delivery of anti-HIV genes for gene therapy, here we evaluated the utility of SB transposon system to deliver siRNA genes for stable gene transfer. Two previously well characterized siRNAs against CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors were introduced into SB transposon. Our results show that stable cell lines can be derived that harbor and express siRNA genes with concommittent HIV resistance.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Construction of CCR5 and CXCR4 shRNA expressing SB constructs</title>", "<p>The Sleeping Beauty transposon vector pT/BH plasmid was obtained from Dr. Perry Hackett (University of Minnesota). The vector plasmid contains a multiple cloning site (MCS) flanked by a left and right inverted/direct repeat (IR/DR) elements [##REF##12842434##27##,##REF##16096013##28##]. Based on our previous data two well characterized and effective CCR5 and CXCR4 shRNAs were chosen for incorporating into the SB system plasmid [##REF##17597795##29##]. The CCR5 siRNA target sequence is 5'-GUGUCAAGUCCAAUCUAUG-3' whereas the CXCR4 siRNA target sequence is 5'-GAGUCUGAGUCUUCAAGUU-3'. The CXCR4 or CCR5 shRNA DNA cassette was generated by PCR using published protocol [##REF##12458798##30##]. In brief, PCR was done using U6 or H1 forward primer and a reverse primer containing 3'end homologous region of U6 or H1 promoter fused with CXCR4 or CCR5 shRNA sequence. The resulting PCR product was cloned into a Topo vector pCR8GW (Invitrogen, CA). A BglII site was engineered at the 5'end of forward and reverse primers. pT/BH was the transposon vector plasmid used into which a CMV driven RFP, IRES driven neomycin resistance gene and a SV40 polyadenylation signal containing cassette was cloned at the EcoRV site to derive the control RFP SB plasmid. To generate this pIRESneoRFP cassette, RFP gene was cloned as a BamHI – NotI fragment from pDsRed-N2 (Clontech, CA) into pIRESneo3 (Clontech, CA). A U6 promoter driven CXCR4 shRNA or H1 promoter driven CCR5 shRNA DNA cassette was cloned in parallel as a BglII-BglII fragment in the pT/BH plasmid at BamHI site to get pT/BH-U6CXCR4 or pT/BH-H1CCR5. The CMV-RFP-IRES-neo-SV40pA cassette was released as NruI-BstZ17I fragment and cloned at EcoRV site of pT/BH-U6CXCR4 or pT/BH-H1CCR5 plasmid to get pT/BH-U6CXCR4-CMV-RFP-IRES-neo or pT/BH-H1CCR5-CMV-RFP-IRES-neo. A hyperactive transposase expressing plasmid pHSB5, obtained from Dr. Mark Kay (Stanford University) was used to transpose the SB constructs [##REF##17344320##8##]. A schematic representation of SB constructs and transposase plasmid are shown in Figure ##FIG##0##1##.</p>", "<title>Cell culture and transfection</title>", "<p>Respective coreceptor expressing MAGI-CCR5 and MAGI-CXCR4 cell lines were obtained from the NIH AIDS Reagent Program and maintained in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% FBS, 500 μg/ml G418, 100 μg/ml hygromycin and 1 μg/ml puromycin. Similar culturing conditions were used for GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells with G418 concentration being 200 μg/ml [##REF##9971817##23##, ####REF##9201229##24##, ##REF##8649511##25####8649511##25##]. Cells were transfected with respective SB plasmids using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen, CA) as we previously described [##REF##15000821##31##].</p>", "<title>FACS analysis and sorting</title>", "<p>To enrich for transgenic cells, the SB transfected cells were subjected to FACS sorting based on RFP expression. The sorted cells were cultured for 4 weeks and analyzed by FACS to determine the cell surface down regulation by the respective siRNAs as described [##REF##16109172##32##]. Briefly, the transfected or untransfected control cells were washed in PBS and resuspended in FACS buffer. FITC conjugated anti-CXCR4 or anti-CCR5 antibody was added to the cells and incubated for 30 minutes at 4°C. Cells were then washed and resuspended in PBS for FACS which was done using a Coulter EPICS-XL MCL (Coulter Corporation, FL) machine and analysed with EXPO32 ADC software.</p>", "<title>HIV-1 challenge of siRNA transposed cells</title>", "<p>To determine viral resistance conferred by the down regulation of CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors, siRNA transposed or non-transposed cells were subjected to viral challenge with HIV-1 BaL (CCR5-tropic), HIV-1 NL4.3 (CXCR4-tropic) or HIV-1 89.6 (Dual-tropic) viral strains. The HIV-1 viral strains were obtained from the AIDS Research and Reference Reagent program, Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Briefly, 0.5 × 10<sup>6 </sup>transgenic GHOST-X4/R3/R5, MAGI-CXCR4 or MAGI-CCR5 cells in 6 well plates were washed and exposed to virus at an MOI of 0.01 in the presence of polybrene (4 μg/ml). Virus was allowed to adsorb for 2 hours at 37°C. Cells were then washed twice with PBS and 2 ml of complete DMEM was added [##REF##15813990##21##,##REF##15813986##33##]. Culture supernatants collected at different days post-challenge were assayed for p24 antigen by ELISA (Beckman-Coulter, CA).</p>", "<title>Transposed gene integration analysis</title>", "<p>To verify the stable transposition of the siRNA containing genes in the RFP expressing cell lines, the genomic DNA was isolated and subjected to Splinkerette PCR using a published protocol [##REF##11416868##26##]. Transposed cell genomic DNA was digested with Sau3AI (for left IR/DR junctional analysis) or NlaIII (for right IR/DR junction analysis). Splinkerretes were generated by heating equimolar amounts of long primerette (5'-CCTCCACTACGACTCACTGAAGGGCAAGCAGTCCTAACAACCATG-3') with the respective splink to 80°C and cooling it to room temperature. Splink BglII (5'-GATCCATGGTTGTTAGGACCTGGAGGGGAAATCAATCCCCT-3', 5'-phosphate) was used for left IR/DR and splink SphI (5'-GTTGTTAGGACTGCTTGGAGGGGAAAATCAATCAATCCCCT-3', 5'-phosphate) was used for right IR/DR. The splinkerretes were then ligated to the respective digested genomic DNA ends. Ligation was performed with 7.5 μM of splinkerette and 25 ng/μl of genomic DNA with T4 DNA ligase (Fermentas Inc, MD). Primary PCR was done using the ligation reaction as template with primerette short (5'-CCTCCACTACGACTCACTGAAGGGC-3') in conjunction with either long IR/DR (L2) (5'-CTGGAATTTTCCCAAGCTGTTTAAAGGCACAGTCAAC-3') for IR/DR (L) or long IR/DR (R) (5'-GCTTGTGGAGGCTACTCGAAATGTTTGACC-3') for IR/DR (R). Primary PCR was done with 10 cycles of 95°C for 5 sec and 70°C (-0.5°C per cycle) for 2 min followed by 20 cycles of 95°C for 5 sec and 65°C for 2 min. Nested PCR was done by using 1/250 dilution of primary PCR product within the secondary PCR reaction. The second PCR was done using primerette-nested (5'-GGGCAAGCAGTCCTAACAACCATG-3') in conjunction with new L1 (5'-GACTTGTGTCATGCACAAAGTAGATGTCC-3') for IR/DR (L) or IR/DR (R) KJC1 (5'-CCACTGGGAATGTGATGAAAGAAATAAAAGC-3') for IR/DR (R). Nested PCR was done with 30 cycles of 95°C for 5 sec, 61°C for 30 sec and 70°C for 90 sec. Both primary and nested PCR included a hot-start at 95°C for 1 min and a final extension of 70°C for 10 min. Oligonucleotides used for this assay were obtained from IDT (San Jose, CA). The PCR products were cloned using a Topo cloning kit (Invitrogen, CA) and sequenced for the junctional region. The sequencing was done by Laragen (Los Angeles).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Stable gene transfer of CXCR4 and CCR5 shRNAs by SB transposon system</title>", "<p>To investigate the utility of SB mediated gene transfer of anti-HIV-1 coreceptor siRNAs against CCR5 and CXCR4 we used the cell lines MAGI-CCR5 and MAGI-CXCR4 that constitutively express the respective individual coreceptors in addition to a GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cell line that constitutively expresses both [##REF##9971817##23##, ####REF##9201229##24##, ##REF##8649511##25####8649511##25##]. As described in the methods, the cells were transfected with the respective plasmid SB constructs. Expression of the transposed constructs was monitored by the presence of RFP fluorescence. The gene transposed cells were enriched by FACS sorting and were maintained in culture for six months to confirm stable expression of the transgenes. Expression of RFP was observed throughout the time of culture. We also evaluated cells transfected with SB constructs alone in the absence of the transposase. The RFP expression in these cells was lost within a week post transfection. In a separate set of drug selection experiments to determine the levels of gene transfer using SB system in HeLa cells, it was found that the levels of transposition were 19.5% for the RFP control (above the background 0.6% gene transfer without the transposase). The gene transfer levels for the CXCR4 siRNA and the CCR5 siRNA constructs were 10.5% and 12% respectively. To further confirm transposition mediated transgene integration in stably gene transposed cells, we analysed the genomic DNA for the presence of the respective constructs. This was achieved by PCR amplifying and sequencing the junctional region of transposon and chromosomal DNA [##REF##11416868##26##]. The typical hallmark of transposition is indicated by the presence of the dinucleotide 'TA' which was found at every insertion site analysed. To determine the transposed gene location, both left and right invert/direct repeats were sequenced at the chromosomal junctions. Sequences obtained were analysed using BLASTn software. Multiple integration events were recorded which spanned a range of chromosomal regions. The integration of representative individual SB transposons into the chromosomal DNA is summarized in Table ##TAB##0##1##. GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells transposed with the control RFP transposon showed integration in Ch 5 and 17. Cells containing CCR5 siRNA showed Ch 5 and 20 regions at the transposon integration junction, while those transgenic for CXCR4 siRNA were found in Ch 17. In case of MAGI-CCR5 cells, control RFP transposon integrated into Ch 10 and 15. The CCR5 siRNA transposed cells showed integration in Ch 12 and 20. The integration sites for MAGI-CXCR4 cells were in Ch 6 and 12 for control RFP while those for CXCR4 siRNA transposon were in Ch 5 and 7. We also analyzed the copy numbers of integrated genes in GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells using real time PCR. Our results showed 14.3, 6.5 and 10.8 copies per cell of the RFP control, CXCR4 siRNA and CCR5 siRNA constructs (data not shown).</p>", "<title>Down regulation of HIV-1 coreceptors CXCR4 and CCR5 in SB transposed siRNA transgenic cells</title>", "<p>The above data showed that SB transposed siRNAs are stably integrated into respective cells. We next evaluated if the stably gene modified cells show the effect of siRNA mediated gene silencing. Accordingly, the transposed cells were analysed for CXCR4 or CCR5 surface expression by FACS (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Our results showed about 94% down-regulation of CXCR4 expression and a 97% down-regulation of CCR5 in GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells transposed with CXCR4 or CCR5 siRNAs respectively. In the MAGI-CXCR4 cell line, the CXCR4 expression was reduced by 98% by the respective siRNA, while MAGI-CCR5 cells showed a 99% reduction in CCR5 levels as a result of respective transposon mediated siRNA expression (data not shown). Cells transposed with control SB construct without siRNA insert showed no decrease in coreceptor expression with levels similar to that shown by control unmanipulated cells. The levels of coreceptor down regulation obtained with these siRNAs in SB system are similar to that seen with that delivered via lentiviral vectors (data not shown). These results confirmed the efficacy of the respective siRNAs in mediating gene silencing of the HIV-1 coreceptors.</p>", "<title>SB transposed anti-CCR5 and CXCR4 siRNAs confer HIV-1 resistance</title>", "<p>To determine if down regulation of CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors conferred viral resistance, siRNA transgenic GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells were challenged with X4-tropic (NL4-3), R5-tropic (BaL-1) and dual coreceptor tropic HIV-1 89.6 strain. Antigen ELISAs to detect viral p24 in culture supernatants were performed on various days post-infection up to three weeks (Figure ##FIG##2##3##). When challenged with X4-tropic HIV-1 NL4.3, GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells expressing CXCR4 siRNA showed a 10 fold decrease in virus production as compared to control non-transgenic cells on day 10 post-infection. The level of viral inhibition reached upto 14 fold through day 21 post-infection. In contrast CCR5 siRNA expressing GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells failed to show any inhibition of virus production against X4 tropic HIV-1 NL4.3. Viral challenge of GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells expressing CCR5 siRNA with the R5-tropic HIV-1 BaL resulted in an 8 fold reduction in virus production on day 10 post-infection, which doubled to 16 fold on days 14 and 21 post-infection. GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells expressing CXCR4 siRNA served as a negative control as they showed similar levels of infection seen in control non-transgenic cells with the R5-tropic virus challenge. In dual-tropic HIV-1 89.6 viral challenges, neither of the individual CXCR4 siRNA or CCR5 siRNA expressing GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells showed significant protection as expected since the challenge virus could use either of the coreceptors. However there was a moderate decrease in the virus production on day 21 as compared to unmanipulated cells. Cells transposed with SB control construct without anti-HIV transgenes showed similar levels of infection as the unmanipulated cells for all three HIV-1 strains. We also challenged SB transposed MAGI-CCR5 and MAGI-CXCR4 cells with R5 or X4 tropic viral strains respectively and found similar levels of resistance (data not shown). These data collectively showed that the respective SB system delivered siRNAs are functional and mediate viral resistance.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>As a first step towards exploiting a non-viral gene transfer system for HIV gene therapy, here we have shown that SB transposon system can be utilized for deriving stably gene modified cells that display HIV resistance. To achieve this goal, we employed siRNAs with proven efficacy to down regulate expression of the essential HIV-1 coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 with a consequent viral resistance phenotype. To our knowledge this is the first report describing gene transfer for viral resistance using a transposon system.</p>", "<p>GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells constitutively expressing both CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors were used for SB mediated siRNA gene transfer in these proofs of concept studies. Since the general gene transfer efficiency is low relative to that typically obtained with lentiviral vectors [##REF##16189271##7##,##REF##15813986##33##,##REF##17005721##34##], transfected cells were enriched by FACS sorting to evaluate the effectiveness of the stably integrated siRNA transgenes. Our results have shown that transgenic cells could be cultured indefinitely with stable expression of the transposed genes. FACS analysis of the siRNA modified cells showed consistent down regulation of the respective receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 amounting up to a 94% down regulation whereas cells transposed with control SB construct lacking siRNA transgenes showed normal levels of coreceptor expression similar to unmanipulated cells. Thus, down regulation of the respective targeted coreceptors established that siRNA transgenes are functional in a SB transposon system. As determined in the viral challenge experiments, siRNA transgenic cells also showed HIV resistance. With regard to individual siRNAs, GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells transposed with CCR5 siRNA were found to be resistant to R5 HIV-1 viral challenge, whereas the cells transposed with CXCR4 siRNA were resistant to X4 HIV-1 viral challenge thus confirming the specificity of the respective siRNAs in mediating viral resistance. As expected, no significant protection could be seen from a dual tropic viral challenge of either of the individual siRNA gene modified cells since this viral strain could use either of the coreceptors for cellular entry.</p>", "<p>To further confirm stable gene transposition of the siRNA genes, we also mapped the integration sites of the SB transposon in respective transfected cells and found that these representative cell clones harbored the transgenes in different chromosomes namely 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20. Previous studies mapped numerous SB-mediated integration sites in cultured and primary cells and found no chromosomal preference for insertion [##REF##15743807##35##,##REF##18047689##36##]. Consistent with this observation, the above clones transposed with siRNAs also represent random transposition events.</p>", "<p>The non-viral nature of the SB system offers some advantages over the more common retro and lentiviral mediated gene transfer [##REF##17073604##37##]. Among these are that no viral sequences are involved thus minimizing insertion transcriptional activation of cellular genes and risk of generation of replication competent viruses during vector production. However, the gene transfer efficiency with the SB system remains sub-optimal compared to the viral vector systems [##REF##16084771##9##]. Future improvements in the SB system are necessary to achieve higher gene transfer efficiency to be clinically practical [##REF##17164769##6##,##REF##16084771##9##].</p>", "<p>Although shown to be effective in conferring HIV resistance to cultured cells, the present SB system needs to be further evaluated in a hematopoietic stem cell setting using CD34 progenitor cells with a high efficiency of gene transfer to be clinically useful as shown with lentivirus vectors [##REF##15922953##3##,##REF##18066041##4##]. Even if high enough efficiency gene transfer is not achievable with this system in the near future, other innovative approaches are possible that may show clinical utility. For example, currently human embryonic stem (hESC) cells show great promise in developing novel therapies [##REF##18024604##38##,##REF##17016468##39##]. The hESC have already been shown to be amenable to gene transfer with SB transposon system, and it is now routine to derive hematopoietic CD34 cells from hESC as shown by us and others [##REF##17673526##40##, ####REF##16623949##41##, ##REF##18215326##42##, ##REF##16844782##43##, ##REF##18032700##44####18032700##44##]. One can envisage that hESC can be transposed with anti-HIV siRNAs using SB system and high expressing cell clones could be derived. From these transgenic hESC clones, unlimited numbers of siRNA expressing CD34 cells could be derived for HIV gene and cell therapies. Such experiments are currently underway in our laboratory.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>SB gene transposon system can be used to deliver siRNA genes against HIV-1 coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 for stable gene expression. The siRNA genes are able to downregulate the respective coreceptor expression on the cell surface and thus confer resistance against HIV-1 infection by restricting viral entry. These studies have demonstrated for the first time the utility of the non-viral SB system to derive viral resistant cells and paved the way for the use of this system for HIV gene therapy studies.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Thus far gene therapy strategies for HIV/AIDS have used either conventional retroviral vectors or lentiviral vectors for gene transfer. Although highly efficient, their use poses a certain degree of risk in terms of viral mediated oncogenesis. Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system offers a non-viral method of gene transfer to avoid this possible risk. With respect to conferring HIV resistance, stable knock down of HIV-1 coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 by the use of lentiviral vector delivered siRNAs has proved to be a promising strategy to protect cells from HIV-1 infection. In the current studies our aim is to evaluate the utility of SB system for stable gene transfer of CCR5 and CXCR4 siRNA genes to derive HIV resistant cells as a first step towards using this system for gene therapy.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Two well characterized siRNAs against the HIV-1 coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 were chosen based on their previous efficacy for the SB transposon gene delivery. The siRNA transgenes were incorporated individually into a modified SB transfer plasmid containing a FACS sortable red fluorescence protein (RFP) reporter and a drug selectable neomycin resistance gene. Gene transfer was achieved by co-delivery with a construct expressing a hyperactive transposase (HSB5) into the GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cell line, which expresses the major HIV receptor CD4 and and the co-receptors CCR5 and CXCR4. SB constructs expressing CCR5 or CXCR4 siRNAs were also transfected into MAGI-CCR5 or MAGI-CXCR4 cell lines, respectively. Near complete downregulation of CCR5 and CXCR4 surface expression was observed in transfected cells. During viral challenge with X4-tropic (NL4.3) or R5-tropic (BaL) HIV-1 strains, the respective transposed cells showed marked viral resistance.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>SB transposon system can be used to deliver siRNA genes for stable gene transfer. The siRNA genes against HIV-1 coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 are able to downregulate the respective cell surface proteins and thus confer resistance against viral infection by restricting viral entry. These studies have demonstrated for the first time the utility of the non-viral SB system in conferring stable resistance against HIV infection and paved the way for the use of this system for HIV gene therapy studies.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MT derived the experimental data and RA was responsible for the conception and overall implementation of the project. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>Work reported here was supported by NIH RO1 grants AI50492 and AI057066 to R.A. We thank Perry Hackett for the SB transposon plasmid, Mark Kay for the hyperactive SB transposase, Karen Helms and Leslie Armstrong for help with FACS sorting. We thank the NIH AIDS Research and Reference Reagents Program for HIV-1 related reagents used in this work.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Schematic representation of siRNA SB constructs</bold>. A) Control SB transposon plasmid construct with Neo resistance and RFP reporter genes. RFP is driven by a CMV promoter whereas the Neo resistance is expressed via IRES. B) SB transposon construct incorporating anti-CXCR4 siRNA driven by Pol III U6 promoter. C) SB transposon construct incorporating anti-CCR5 siRNA driven by Pol III H1 promoter. D) Plasmid construct encoding the hyperactive transposase under CMV promoter.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Cell surface down regulation of CCR5 or CXCR4 coreceptors in siRNA transfected GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells</bold>. GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells that constitutively express CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors were transfected with control RFP, CCR5 or CXCR4 siRNA constructs. RFP expressing transgenic cells were FACS sorted and cultured. To determine the down regulation of respective coreceptors, the cells were stained with respective FITC tagged antibodies and FACS analyzed. The down regulation of CCR5 coreceptor (Panel A) <italic>was determined </italic>by comparing CCR5 levels in untransfected (A1), control RFP transfected (A2) and CCR5 siRNA transfected (A3) cells. The CXCR4 coreceptor down regulation is shown by comparing CXCR4 levels in untransfected (B1), control RFP transfected (B2) and CXCR4 siRNA transfected (B3) cells. The percent down regulation of CCR5 (A4) or CXCR4 (B4) coreceptors is also indicated.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>HIV-1 challenge of siRNA transposed GHOST-R3/X4/R5 cells</bold>. To determine viral resistance, siRNA transposed transgenic cells were challenged with HIV-1 NL4.3 (CXCR4 tropic virus), HIV-1 BaL (CCR5 tropic virus) or HIV-1 89.6 (dual tropic virus) viruses at an MOI of 0.01. On various days post-infection, cell culture supernatants were collected and analyzed for p24 antigen levels by ELISA to determine the levels of viral inhibition. Untransposed (◆), control RFP transposed (■), CXCR4 siRNA transposed (×) or CCR5 siRNA transposed (○). Panel A – NL4.3, Panel B – BaL, Panel C – 89.6.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Chromosomal integration of different SB constructs.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Cell Line</td><td align=\"left\">SB Construct</td><td align=\"left\">Chromosomal Location</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">GHOST-R3/X4/R5</td><td align=\"left\">RFP control</td><td align=\"left\">Ch 5q34-q35, Ch 17q25.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">CXCR4 siRNA</td><td align=\"left\">Ch 17q23.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">CCR5 siRNA</td><td align=\"left\">Ch 5q34-q35.1, Ch 20q13.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MAGI-CXCR4</td><td align=\"left\">RFP control</td><td align=\"left\">Ch 6p22.3, Ch 12q14.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">CXCR4 siRNA</td><td align=\"left\">Ch 5q33.1, Ch 7q31.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MAGI-CCR5</td><td align=\"left\">RFP control</td><td align=\"left\">Ch 10p12.31, Ch 15q11</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">CCR5 siRNA</td><td align=\"left\">Ch 12p11.2, Ch 20q13.3</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-6405-5-16-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-6405-5-16-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-6405-5-16-3\"/>" ]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
AIDS Res Ther. 2008 Jul 30; 5:16
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Cutaneous malignant melanomas are highly aggressive tumors with unpredictable biological behavior [##REF##16405570##1##]. Metastases in brain, bones and viscera with subsequent ascites development, are frequent [##REF##16405570##1##]. The progression of a transformed melanocyte to malignant melanoma is accompanied by gradual acquisition of multiple genetic alterations that lead to losses of onco-suppressor genes and increased tumor hypermutability [##REF##15280398##2##]. Malignant melanomas display both types of known genomic instability in neoplasia; chromosomal instability (CIN) and microsatellite instability (MIN) [##REF##15280398##2##,##REF##9872311##3##]. MIN has been observed in 30% of cutaneous malignant melanomas [##REF##11437939##4##]. However, the great majority of malignant melanomas examined by various cytogenetic methods, exhibit increased karyotypic complexity, extended aneuploidy and heteroploidy [##REF##7553595##5##, ####REF##11943340##6##, ##REF##14618616##7####14618616##7##]. Recurrent chromosomal imbalances in skin melanomas include losses of chromosomes 1p, 6q and 9p [##REF##15280398##2##,##REF##14578177##8##]. Tumor progression and aggressive behavior have been associated with imbalances of chromosomes 7, 10 and 17 [##REF##15280398##2##,##REF##14618616##7##].</p>", "<p>Most human tumors including melanomas maintain sufficient telomere length for continuous growth by expressing telomerase [##REF##7605428##9##,##REF##16920589##10##], the remainder are thought to utilize a variety of telomere recombination mechanisms termed alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) [##REF##15548547##11##]. Observations on transformed and tumor cell lines that lack telomerase, linked ALT phenotype to highly increased structural chromosomal instability and extreme telomeric length deviation ranging from very long to extremely short telomeres [##REF##15548547##11##]. We report a MIN, CIN, and TRAP negative (Telomere Repeat Amplification Protocol), highly aggressive melanoma metastasis to the peritoneal cavity, with unusually stable abnormal pseudodiploid karyotype, and relatively short but not dysfunctional telomeres.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Immunochemistry-Cytopathology</title>", "<p>Cell material from the peritoneal aspirations was subjected to routine diagnostic cytopathology protocols including Giemsa, Papanicolaou, Hematoxylin-Eosin (BDH-Chemicals) stains and immunocytochemistry using the melanocyte specific antibody S-100 (Dako). Immunocytochemical staining against S-100 was performed using Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP) (Dako). Cell smears were re-hydrated, treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 15 minutes and rinsed with Tris Buffered Saline with 0.05% Tween 20 (Dako). After cooling for 20 min, sections were incubated with the primary antibody (rabbit antihuman monoclonal S-100 antibody, 1:400 dilution, Dako) for 1 hour at room temperature and then incubated for 45 min with an anti-mouse HRP labelled polymer (EnVision+System-HRP, Dako). Finally slides were treated with a diaminobenzidine (DAB) chromogenic substrate (Dako) for 10 min, counterstained with hematoxylin, dehydrated and coverslipped.</p>", "<title>Short term cultures/Cytogenetic analysis</title>", "<p>Malignant cells from two peritoneal aspirations were collected by centrifugation (10 min/1500 rpm/25°C). They were subsequently cultured in eight 25 cm<sup>2 </sup>T-flasks at 37°C and 5% CO<sub>2</sub>, in Dulbecco's Minimum Essential Medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 0.08 mg/ml amphotericin, 25 units/ml penicillin, and 25 pg/ml of streptomycin (Invitrogen). When high mitotic index was reached, cells were exposed to colcemid (0.1 μg/ml) (Invitrogen) for 30 min, in 37°C, and harvested using trypsine (Invitrogen), after 0.075 KCL hypotonic treatment and Methanol/Acetic acid (BDH-Chemicals) fixation. For the construction of the representative karyotype, we combined G-Banding after Trypsine and Giemsa (GTG-Banding), inverted 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-banding, subtelomeric FISH (TeloVysion-Vysis) and telomeric FISH (Dako), in a total of 400 metaphases from 8 short term monolayer cell cultures. For dual-color interphase or metaphase FISH we used satellite probes specific for chromosomes 7 and 17 (Cytocell). In brief, our general FISH protocol was based on pepsin pre-treatment, formamide or NaOH target denaturation, over-night hybridization and high stringency post hybridization washes. Telomere-specific Peptide Nucleic acid Analog (PNA) hybridizations were performed using a Cy3-(Indocarbocyanine)- conjugated (CCCTAA)<sub>3 </sub>probe (Dako), according to manufacturer's instructions. All FISH preparations were mounted and counterstained with VectaShield antifade medium (Vector), containing 0.1 μg/ml DAPI (Sigma). GTG-Banding was performed after trypsine denaturation (Invitrogen) and Giemsa (BDH-Chemicals) staining. Digital images were captured in a Perceptive Systems Imaging, a Metasystems or an Applied Imaging molecular cytogenetics workstations equipped with fluorescent Zeiss, or Nikon microscopes. Quantification of telomeric PNA fluorescence was performed in 500 chromatids on DAPI counterstained metaphase preparations in a single hybridization experiment using the Isis software (Metasystems).</p>", "<title>Microsatellite instability assay</title>", "<p>Two mononucleotide markers, BAT-25 and BAT-26 were tested for microsatellite instability by radioactive PCR after Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PCR-PAGE) assay, using the following primers: BAT25.1 (5'-TCGCCTCCAAGAATGTAAGT-3'), BAT25.2 (5'-TCTGCATTTTAACTATGGCTC-3'), BAT26.1 (5'-TGACTACTTTTGACTTCAGCC-3') and BAT26.2 (5'-AACCATTCAACATTTTTAACCC-3'). Experiment was monitored by controls for human microsatellite stability (normal genomic and MIN DNA from a patient with human Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer – HNPCC-).</p>", "<title>TRAP assay</title>", "<p>Telomerase activity of cell lysates was analyzed by the telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay with a TRAPeze Telomerase Detection kit (Intergen) according to manufacturer's instructions. Approximately 10<sup>6 </sup>cells were harvested and lysed in 400 μl of 1× CHAPS (3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]propanesulfonic acid, 3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate) lysis buffer [Tris-HCl 10 mM, pH 7.5; 1 mM EGTA (ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid), 1 mM MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 0.5% CHAPS 10% glycerol, DEPC (Diethylpyrocarbonate) treated water on ice for 30 min. Cell debris were spun down for 20 minutes at 12,000 r.p.m at 4°C. Each reaction was carried out by using 2 μl of supernatant, 1 μl of each primer, 0.5 μl of Taq-Polymerase (TAKARA), 10 μl of solution-Q (Qiagen), 5 μl of 10× buffer, 2 μl of dNTPs, in DEPC treated water in final volume of 50 μl. The primers used for the TRAP-assay PCR, were TS-5'-AATCCGTCGAGCAGAGTT-3' and Cxa-5'-GTGTAACCCTAACCCTAACCC-3'. The PCR program consisted first of an incubation at 30°C for 30 min and then in a thermocycler, 94°C for 2 min; 94°C for 30 s, 50°C for 25 s, 72°C for 30 s (33×); 72°C for 1 min. PCR products were electrophoresed in a 10% 19:1 acrylamide gel (Sigma)/0.5× TBE (Tris/Borate/EDTA) buffer using the mini protean II gel system (Biorad). Gels were stained with 2 μl of SYBR Green (Sigma) for 15 min at room temperature in 50 ml of TBE 0.5× buffer, and then exposed to UV light and visualized by a Kodak image acquisition station.</p>", "<title>Flow FISH</title>", "<p>To measure cellular telomere length, short term cultured cells were hybridized in situ with a fluorescent telomere-specific peptide nucleic acid probe, according to manufacturer's protocol. Briefly, cells were washed in PBS, and re-suspended to 10<sup>5 </sup>cells/100 μl of a hybridization mixture (Dako) containing 70% formamide and a telomere-specific FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate)-conjugated PNA probe. Control samples were re-suspended in hybridization solution without probe to obtain background fluorescence values. After hybridization, cells were spun down and washed twice with 4 ml PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) at 40°C for 10 min and finally re-suspended in PBS containing 0.1% Bovine Serum Albumin, 10 μg/ml RNase A (Roche) and 0.1 μg/ml propidium iodide (Calbiochem-Novabiochem). Cells were analyzed on a FACScan flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson) or stored at 4°C before analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Patient history and ascitic fluid samples</title>", "<p>Peritoneal fluid samples were obtained by two subsequent paracenteses (within a 12-day interval) of a 38-year-old woman, presented at the Department of Gynecology, Laikon Hospital, with ascites and solid structures at her ovaries as revealed by CT-scan. Two years ago the patient had a less than 1.5 cm large, cutaneous nevus excised from the anterior surface of her left hip. The primary tumor was characterized as a nodular melanoma, Clark's level 3, Breslow's depth 2.0 mm. One out of 14 inguinal nodes, excised in a subsequent operation, was found to be invaded. She received 6 cycles of chemotherapy (cis-platin-dacarbazine) and remained disease-free for 15 months. The cytologic examination of the ascitic aspiration confirmed the presence of malignant cells positive for the melanocyte specific antibody S-100 (Figure. ##FIG##0##1##). The patient refused to be operated, gave her written consent for further research on the specimens obtained, and expired 40 days after presentation.</p>", "<title>Cytogenetic analysis</title>", "<p>G-Banding analysis (according to ISCN 1995) [##UREF##0##12##] from 8 short-term cell cultures of two peritoneal aspirations taken in an interval of 12 days, showed a 46,XX,del(6)(q23?qter),del(9)(p10pter),der(10)t(7;10)(q31.3qter::p13)del(10)(p14?pter),der(11)t(5;11)(q22.3qter;q23)del(11)(q24?qter),i(17q) pseudodiploid karyotype, in 94–96% of 200 mitoses examined (Figure. ##FIG##1##2A##). Endoreduplication was observed in 4–6% of the malignant cells leading to a 92,XXXX,idemx2 karyotype. Subtelomeric FISH specific for all human telomeres except for chromosomes 16, 19, 20 and the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes, was used to assist in the description of marker chromosomes identified by G-Banding (Figure. ##FIG##1##2A##), and to verify deletions spanning up to the end of rearranged chromosomes. To examine if this remarkable karyotypic stability was not confined only to dividing mitotic cells, we performed dual color interphase FISH with probes specific for centromeres 7 and 17, in 200 interphase nuclei obtained from 2 short-term cell cultures from both aspirations. Centromeres 7 and 17 showed notable numerical stability in these populations. The rates of whole genome endoreduplication were similar to those of the karyotyped mitotic cells (Figure. ##FIG##1##2B##).</p>", "<title>Examination of factors related to chromosome stability</title>", "<p>In an attempt to attribute the karyotypic stability of this metastatic melanoma to measurable parameters related to chromosome stability in the context of neoplastic continuous growth, we examined microsatellite instability (MIN) and telomerase activity. Microsatellite unstable tumors show a significantly lower rate of chromosomal instability as compared to the MIN negative [##REF##9872311##3##]. To rule out underlying microsatellite genomic instability in this metastatic melanoma, we tested by PCR-PAGE the robust mononucleotide repeat markers BAT-25 and BAT-26. Both loci have been shown to be sensitive markers of MIN [##REF##7604266##13##]. Compared to positive and negative controls, this metastatic melanoma displayed no micro-satellite instability (Figure. ##FIG##2##3A##). Ectopic expression of telomerase in normal fibroblasts has been connected to karyotypic stability [##REF##9916803##14##]. We conducted a TRAP assay to test telomerase activity in cultured cells from 2 sub-cultures from both peritoneal aspirations. In both samples this assay was negative (Figure. ##FIG##2##3B##). To examine if these melanoma cells followed the ALT-pathway of telomere maintenance [##REF##15548547##11##] we compared the relative telomeric length of our specimen by Quantitative-PNA-Flow-FISH [##REF##11813198##15##] with the pseudodiploid human acute T cell leukemia JURKAT cell line, normal human fibroblasts and an ALT-positive cell line [##REF##11439347##16##]. Cell material for this test was obtained from a short-term subculture that was previously karyotyped and found to be composed exclusively from chromosomally abnormal mitotic cells. This comparison revealed that the melanoma cells had relatively short telomeres (Figure. ##FIG##2##3C##). PNA-telomeric FISH on 500 chromatids from 10 randomly picked metaphase spreads showed that most of the 46 chromosomes of this metastatic melanoma were uniformly capped with telomeric repeats (Figure. ##FIG##2##3D##) and no signs of structural chromosome instability attributed to telomere dysfunction such as end-to-end fusions and dicentric chromosomes were evident.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Metastatic transition in most human tumors is accompanied by a series of complex recurrent and stochastic chromosomal anomalies. These changes reflect the evolutionary pressure held by the cancer cells to bypass natural barriers and re-establish continuous growth into unrelated histopathologic environments [##REF##959840##17##,##REF##15743675##18##]. In this report, the karyotype of the primary tumor is not available, therefore the relative simplicity of genomic imbalances encountered in metastasis, permits only a hypothetical reconstruction of the chromosomal evolution of the disease. It has been proposed that melanomas develop through a mode of karyotypic evolution, common to both low and high complexity karyotypes [##REF##15280398##2##]. To become malignant, an apparently normal melanocyte of this patient underwent multiple karyotypic alterations involving breakpoints in at least 7 different chromosomes as well as chromosomal losses and non-disjunctions. Although we cannot define the temporal order of the recorded rearrangements, we postulate that the hemizygous deletions 6q23qter and 9p- might be early events in the chromosomal evolution of this melanoma. Translocations and deletions involving the q-arm of human chromosome 6 have been found in more than 80% of melanomas [##REF##7553595##5##]. According to Hoglund et al (2005) [##REF##15645488##19##], deletions of the distal 6q should be considered early chromosomal lesions in melanomas. Moreover, the short arm of chromosome 9 is the site of several cell cycle regulators that have been linked with familial disease, or associated to melanoma progression and aggressive behavior [##REF##15280398##2##]. The gains of genomic material and the additional deletions involving 10p, 11q and 17p, were by-products of unbalanced chromatid separation of balanced translocations and the isochromosome formation. These more complex alterations might represent later events in the process of the karyotypic evolution of the disease. Chromosomes 10 and 11 are frequently lost in metastatic melanomas whereas chromosome 7 is frequently gained [##REF##15280398##2##,##REF##7553595##5##,##REF##14618616##7##,##REF##12112321##20##,##REF##17363583##21##].</p>", "<p>Rearrangements affecting the short arm of chromosome 17, where the p53 gene is located, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of malignant melanoma [##REF##15280398##2##]. It is interesting that although p53 deficiency has been related to increased rates of numerical chromosome instability or polyploidy [##REF##14702042##22##], in this melanoma hemizygosity of p53 was not associated with continuous genomic instability. MIN tumors display extremely low rates of CIN [##REF##9872311##3##]. We ruled-out the possibility that this melanoma belonged to this type of tumors. We also ruled-out CIN in our specimens, since this metastatic pseudodiploid tumor was highly cytogenetically stable by all means examined. These results are compatible with those of Abdel-Rahman et al. 2001 and Fabarius et al. 2003, who observed that chromosomes of near-diploid cells are structurally much more stable than those of highly aneuploid counterparts [##REF##11226274##23##,##REF##12742157##24##]. Perhaps, the rare, melanoma described here, is unusually stable, because it is near-diploid, in contrast to the majority of highly aneuploid genomically unstable melanomas.</p>", "<p>The majority of human malignant melanomas and melanoma cell lines studied with the TRAP assay were found to express telomerase activity [##REF##16920589##10##,##REF##10408692##25##]. Furthermore, telomerase activity has been connected to aggressiveness of melanomas [##REF##10195394##26##]. In continuous neoplastic growth, insufficiently protected telomeres tend to undergo end-to-end fusions and to produce numerous complex chromosome rearrangements such as dicentric chromosomes and inverted duplications [##REF##7957062##27##, ####REF##10805796##28##, ##REF##16166375##29####16166375##29##]. No evidence of such lesions was found in our specimens. The transient stage of structural chromosomal instability in this case, equally involved subtelomeric, centromeric and genomic regions, and gave rise to translocations with canonical orientation. Surprisingly, this metastatic tumor was negative for telomerase activity. Moreover, no signs of recombinatorial telomere elongation were present [##REF##15548547##11##] since flow FISH showed relatively short telomeres and PNA FISH displayed a uniform terminal capping of virtually all chromosomes of this melanoma with TTAGGG repeats.</p>", "<p>The remarkable stability, and telomeric integrity of the metastatic tumor presented here, can be attributed either to transient telomerase activation, or the action of an unknown but efficient telomere restoration mechanism. However, we can not exclude the possibility that adequate telomeric length for clonal expansion and metastasis was already acquired by the cancer progenitor melanocyte. This assumption might correlate with the relatively young age of the patient. A thorough examination of a series of human osteosarcomas revealed a category of tumors that do not express telomerase activity and do not display any ALT-pathway characteristics [##REF##17909028##30##]. Interestingly these tumors showed low rates of CIN [##REF##17909028##30##]. A similar sub-category might be also encountered in melanomas. The exceptional case reported here, suggests that metastatic progression in this melanoma, was not accompanied by genomic instability, telomerase activity, or the engagement of the classical alternative recombinatorial telomere lengthening (ALT) pathway.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<p>Malignant melanomas are characterized by increased karyotypic complexity, extended aneuploidy and heteroploidy. We report a melanoma metastasis to the peritoneal cavity with an exceptionally stable, abnormal pseudodiploid karyotype as verified by G-Banding, subtelomeric, centromeric and quantitative Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH). Interestingly this tumor had no detectable telomerase activity as indicated by the Telomere Repeat Amplification Protocol. Telomeric Flow-FISH and quantitative telomeric FISH on mitotic preparations showed that malignant cells had relatively short telomeres. Microsatellite instability was ruled out by the allelic pattern of two major mononucleotide repeats. Our data suggest that a combination of melanoma specific genomic imbalances were sufficient and enough for this fatal tumor progression, that was not accompanied by genomic instability, telomerase activity, or the engagement of the alternative recombinatorial telomere lengthening pathway.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>SG conceived and coordinated the study, carried out the analysis of the results and wrote the manuscript. GP collected the samples, acquired informed consent and took part in the analysis of results and manuscript preparation. MC carried out conventional and FISH cytogenetics. SM-L carried out subtelomeric FISH. C-EJ performed the TRAP and Flow-FISH assays. PM and AL carried out and analyzed the cytopathology assays. II-F participated in the design of the study. J-LB performed and analyzed the microsatellite instability assays. SD participated in coordination of the study and analysis of results. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank M. Morris for providing reagents. This work was supported by the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens Greece (BRFAA), in a starting intramural funding and the Grant#05NON-EU-449 of the Greek Secretariat of Research of the Greek Ministry of Development to SG.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>The cytologic examination of the ascitic fluid showed malignant cells with high mitotic index (Giemsa × 400) (A). </bold>Immunocytochemistry against the melanocyte specific antibody S-100 confirmed the presence of malignant melanocytes (Hematoxylin and DAB × 400).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>A GTG-Banding and sub-telomere specific FISH composite representative karyotype of the reported melanoma.</bold> Subtelomeric FISH verified structural integrity of most chromosomes, canonical orientation of both translocations, the deletions 6q, 10p, and 11q, as well as the isochromosome i(17q). The depicted partial dual or triple color subtelomeric FISH karyotypes derive from 23 independent pseudodiploid metaphases; each black box represents a single mitotic nucleus (Red = Spectrum Orange, Green = FITC, Purple = Spectrum Aqua ×1000) (A). Dual color interphase FISH for centromeres 7 (yellow), and 17 (green), shows remarkable numerical stability in 200 nuclei (error-bars represent the standard error of the mean) (B).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>Microsatellite instability in neoplasia (MIN) was excluded in this tumor since the microsatellite markers BAT-25 and BAT-26, showed no instability as compared to MIN positive and negative controls (A). The TRAP assay was negative for telomerase activity in cell culture material obtained from both peritoneal aspirations as compared to two well known telomerase positive human cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and HeLa) (B). Telomere length in this melanoma is relatively low as compared to the ALT U2-OS cell line, leukemic JURKAT cells and human embryonic fibroblasts (error bars represent standard error of the mean between 3 independent experiments) (C). Telomeric PNA FISH indicated uniform terminal capping with TTAGGG repeats on virtually all chromosomes in both pseudodiploid and endoreduplicated clones and low deviation of telomeric length in 500 chromatids as compared to the ALT U2-OS cell line (inverted DAPIx1000) (error bars represent standard deviation)(D).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1755-8166-1-20-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1755-8166-1-20-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1755-8166-1-20-3\"/>" ]
[{"collab": ["ISCN"], "surname": ["Mitelman F"], "source": ["An international system for human cytogenetic nomenclature"], "year": ["1995"], "publisher-name": ["Basel: S. Karger"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
Mol Cytogenet. 2008 Aug 22; 1:20
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumor of the growing skeleton representing approximately 10% of all benign bone neoplasias [##UREF##0##1##]. It usually affects children and young adults [##UREF##0##1##]. Heine in 1927 [##UREF##1##2##], Bergstrand in 1930 [##UREF##2##3##], and Jaffe in 1935 [##UREF##3##4##] identified osteoid osteoma as a clinical entity. Pain is often the only symptom of the disease and is typically described as mild and intermittent at first, becoming more constant and severe at night [##REF##8272884##5##]. When the lesions appear in the hand, diagnosis is challenging for three reasons: first, the typical pain pattern may be absent; second, lesions in the hand may have unusual clinical signs and radiographic presentations; and third, histologic features may differ from classic osteoid osteomas, which occur in the long bones [##REF##15552158##6##]. The metacarpals in particular are not a common site for osteoid osteoma and the diagnosis is often missed in the initial examination. We report a case of an osteoid osteoma in the third metacarpal, and describe the clinical presentation, radiological findings and successful outcome after surgical excision of the lesion.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumor of the growing skeleton representing approximately 10% of all benign bone neoplasias. It usually affects children and young adults. Normally the tumor does not exceed 1 cm in diameter [##REF##7597885##7##]. The radiographic characteristic of osteoid osteoma is the central nidus, a 2 to 10 mm focus of osteoid nested in a more radiolucent fibrous stroma, surrounded by marginal sclerosis.</p>", "<p>Osteoid osteoma usually occurs in the second and third decade of life. Male patients are more often affected than female patients by a ratio of 2:1, and the tumor is rare in the African-American population. It has a predilection for the lower extremity, with half or more of the lesions occurring in the femur and tibia, near the end of the shaft. Of the remaining lesions, approximately 30% are equally distributed among the spine, hand and foot [##REF##1887121##8##].</p>", "<p>Localization in the hand occurs with an incidence of only about 8% of all reported cases. Nevertheless, osteoid osteoma of the hand is well described in the literature. Allieu and Lussiez [##REF##3233040##9##] and Ambrosia <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##3655246##10##] reported the largest series of hand osteoid osteomas. The phalanges are the most frequent sites for osteoid osteoma in the hand [##REF##13108890##11##, ####REF##2012734##12##, ##REF##7887006##13####7887006##13##], followed by the carpal bones. The metacarpals are the least common sites for osteoid osteoma [##REF##12427001##14##, ####REF##10190628##15##, ##REF##14089277##16####14089277##16##].</p>", "<p>Trauma has been considered to be a contributing factor, although for others the correlation between injury and the onset of osteoid osteoma remains unclear [##REF##13108890##11##]. Carroll [##REF##13108890##11##] asserted that there is no direct correlation between them, but many cases have been reported in which an injury precedes the onset of the lesion. Kendrick and Evarts [##REF##5589607##17##] reported that 15 out of their 36 cases had had an episode of initial trauma, and the incidence reported by Bednar <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##8294734##18##] was 11 out of 46 cases. Baron <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##1496275##19##] described 15 patients with post-traumatic osteoid osteoma. Uda <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##12427001##14##] reported a case of an osteoid osteoma of the metacarpal bone presenting after an injury.</p>", "<p>Clinically, patients usually present with pain and swelling. The pain, which occurs in about 80% of patients, is more severe at night and is often relieved with salicylates or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents that inhibit the production of prostaglandins by the lesion [##REF##3956019##20##]. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the intensity of pain. Nerve endings might be stimulated by the high pressure owing to the increased blood flow within the tumor [##REF##13163104##21##]. Nerve fibers, which are presumed to be components of the autonomic nervous system, are identified in the fibrous zone around the nidus [##REF##14246937##22##]. Prostaglandins may directly stimulate free nerve endings inside or close to the tumor by lowering the nociceptive threshold [##REF##2071279##23##]. A painless osteoid osteoma in a metacarpal has been reported by Basu <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##10190628##15##], nevertheless, all other metacarpal osteoid osteomas reported to date have presented with pain [##REF##7597885##7##,##REF##3233040##9##,##REF##3655246##10##,##REF##2012734##12##,##REF##7887006##13##,##REF##2071279##23##], as in our patient.</p>", "<p>The diagnosis of an osteoid osteoma in the metacarpals may be difficult and is usually based on clinical and radiographic findings. Conventional radiographs can show the nidus as a small lytic spot surrounded by a radiolucent ring. However, about a quarter of osteoid osteomas are not detected on plain radiographs alone. In such cases, CT, bone scintigraphy, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography are useful in making the correct diagnosis [##REF##3956019##20##]. Surgical treatment including excision of the nidus is usually curative [##REF##7597885##7##], and is the treatment of choice. Recently, minimally invasive techniques, such as percutaneous trephine or drill resection [##REF##7726054##24##,##REF##8504605##25##], with or without the subsequent injection of ethanol [##REF##11387077##26##,##REF##9162624##27##] and thermal destruction with laser photocoagulation [##REF##9874556##28##] or radiofrequency ablation [##REF##7623534##29##], have been used for the removal or destruction of the nidus.</p>", "<p>Recurrence of an osteoid osteoma is likely due to incomplete excision [##REF##639399##30##,##REF##2358492##31##]. Usually, such recurrences have been recorded after curettage or drilling and rarely after an en bloc excision. Carroll [##REF##13108890##11##] has stressed the need for careful radiological and microscopic control at the time of operation. Patients may experience a symptom-free interval after unsuccessful surgery. Recurrence of symptoms may indicate the presence of a second osteoid osteoma. Although such cases are rare, lesions with as many as three distinct nidi have been reported [##REF##4283763##32##]. Most recurrences occur in the first 7 months after primary treatment [##REF##12091665##33##] and have been associated with a nidus diameter of 1.0 to 1.5 cm [##REF##11341426##34##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Osteoid osteomas of the hand are challenging to diagnose for several reasons. First, the typical pain pattern may be absent. Second, lesions in the hand may have unusual clinical signs and radiographic presentations. Third, histologic features may differ from classic osteoid osteomas, which occur in the long bones.</p>", "<p>Osteoid osteomas of the metacarpal bones, although unusual, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic pain in the hand of a young patient, presenting with or without a history of previous injury.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Osteoid osteoma is a benign tumor of the growing skeleton. It presents with pain, which is usually worse at night. The radiographic features consist of a central oval or round nidus surrounded first by a radiolucent area followed by another area of sclerotic bone. In the hand, osteoid osteoma is more commonly located in the phalanges and carpal bones. The metacarpals are the least common sites for osteoid osteoma.</p>", "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>We present a case of an osteoid osteoma of the left third metacarpal bone in a 36-year-old woman. The clinical and radiographic findings along with the surgical management of the lesion are presented. The pain disappeared immediately after the operation. At the 2-year follow-up, the patient was pain-free and there was no evidence of recurrence.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Physicians should be aware of the unusual presence and the atypical clinical presentation of this benign lesion in the metacarpal bones of the hand.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>A 36-year-old woman was referred to our clinic in May 2005 with a 1-year history of pain in her left hand. The pain was constant but increased at night and after manual labor, and was reduced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. There was no history of injury.</p>", "<p>There was a tender swelling of the head of the third metacarpal bone in the dorsum of the left hand at physical examination. The range of motion was not limited and there were no sensory disturbances. The grip strength of the left hand was slightly reduced, mainly due to pain.</p>", "<p>Blood count and biochemical profile were within the reference ranges. The radiograph showed an oval nidus surrounded by a radiolucent ring (Fig. ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<p>Computed tomography (CT) of the left hand clearly showed an oval radiolucent zone at the head of the third metacarpal bone and marked sclerosis around the lesion (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). The history and clinical and radiographic findings pointed to the diagnosis of an osteoid osteoma of the head of the third metacarpal bone in the left hand. The patient was operated on 30 days later, by a dorsal approach (Fig. ##FIG##2##3a##), under a brachial plexus block. An en bloc excision of the nidus was performed using a small curette. A high-speed burr was also used to remove the sclerotic bone inside the lesion (Fig. ##FIG##2##3b##). The defect was filled with an autogenous cancellous bone graft (Fig. ##FIG##2##3c##). The hand was immobilized postoperatively with a splint.</p>", "<p>Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of osteoid osteoma. The pain disappeared immediately after the operation. At the 2-year follow-up, the patient was pain-free and there was no evidence of recurrence (Fig. ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>CT: Computed tomography.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>EC carried out the operation and conceived of the idea of presenting the case report. FNX assisted at the operation and in the preparation and drafting of the manuscript. VSN and NE assisted in the drafting of the manuscript. DK made the final check and approval of the submitted manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Consent</title>", "<p>Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.</p>" ]
[ "<title/>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Plain radiography of the left hand</bold>. A small, oval, radiolucent lesion partially surrounded by sclerotic bone (left). No signs of recurrence at the 2-year follow-up (right).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Computed tomography showing the radiolucent zone and the marked sclerosis around the lesion (arrow).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Surgical procedure</bold>. (a) Dorsal approach at the third metacarpal head. (b) Resection of the dorsal sclerotic bone. (c) The defect filled with an autogenous cancellous bone graft.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-1947-2-285-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-1947-2-285-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1752-1947-2-285-3\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Resnick", "Niwayama"], "given-names": ["D", "G"], "article-title": ["Tumors and tumor like diseases"], "source": ["Diagnosis of Bone Joint Disorders"], "year": ["1988"], "publisher-name": ["Philadelphia, PA: Saunders"], "fpage": ["3621"], "lpage": ["3635"]}, {"surname": ["Heine"], "given-names": ["J"], "article-title": ["Einheilender Knochensequester und der Grundphalanx des Ringfingers"], "source": ["Arch Klin Chir"], "year": ["1927"], "volume": ["146"], "fpage": ["737"]}, {"surname": ["Bergstrand"], "given-names": ["H"], "article-title": ["\u00dcber eine eigenartige, wahrscheinlich bisher nicht beschriebene osteoblastische Krankheit in den langen Knochen der Hand und des Fusses"], "source": ["Acta Radiol"], "year": ["1930"], "volume": ["11"], "fpage": ["596"], "pub-id": ["10.3109/00016923009132949"]}, {"surname": ["Jaffe"], "given-names": ["H"], "article-title": ["A benign osteoblastic tumor composed of osteoid and atypical bone"], "source": ["Arch Surg"], "year": ["1935"], "fpage": ["709"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
J Med Case Reports. 2008 Aug 27; 2:285
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Acquired partial lipodystrophy (APL) or Barraquer-Simons syndrome is a rare form of progressive lipodystrophy (OMIM 60879). Patients show a progressive and symmetrical lipoatrophy of subcutaneous adipose tissue starting from the face and spreading to the upper part of the body. Other alterations, such as nephropathy or central nervous system abnormalities, are often, but not always, present [##REF##14170857##1##]. Patients without any associated anomalies or medical complications have also been reported [##REF##15098243##2##]. Women are more often affected than men and most of the reported cases appear to be sporadic [##REF##122289##3##]. However, the appearance of similarly affected relatives in the families of several patients has suggested autosomal dominant inheritance [##REF##14170857##1##,##REF##2385743##4##]. Recently, through a study of 35 cases and extensive review of the literature, Garg and collaborators established a major diagnostic criterion for APL as being gradual onset of bilaterally symmetrical loss of subcutaneous fat from the face, neck, upper extremities and abdomen sparing the lower extremities [##REF##14747765##5##]. It has been reported recently that some cases of APL are associated with mutations in the <italic>lamin B </italic>gene [##REF##16826530##6##], which is reminiscent of other lipodystrophies, such as Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodystrophy type 2, which are associated with <italic>lamin A </italic>mutations [##REF##16364671##7##]. However, the precise mechanisms leading to adipose tissue atrophy in the syndrome remain unknown. Here we present a patient with typical APL and, to obtain insight into the potential etiopathogenic events leading to lipoatrophy in the disease, a gene expression analysis of subcutaneous adipose tissue is reported. The profile of gene expression is compared to the gene expression pattern in subcutaneous fat from healthy control individuals. This study focused on the analysis of the expression of genes characteristic of the adipocyte phenotype, as well as of genes involved in mitochondrial function and local inflammation status in adipose tissue, whose expression is known to be disturbed in experimental models of lipoatrophy as well as in lipodystrophy associated with antiretroviral treatment in patients with HIV.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The present study constitutes the first gene expression analysis in adipose tissue from a patient with APL lipodystrophy syndrome and, to our knowledge, the first gene expression analysis of any lipodystrophy disease other than that in highly active antiretroviral-treated (HAART) patients infected with HIV. A clear limitation of the present type of study is that cause-and-effect relationships cannot be established and the observed changes in gene expression could be either a cause or consequence of the alteration in adipose tissue. However, identification of the genes showing altered expression may provide clues for further research into the etiopathogenesis of the disease.</p>", "<p>The results indicated that adipose tissue of the patient with APL showed impaired expression of genes associated with the adipocyte differentiation process and this involves genes related to adipose tissue metabolism and <italic>PPARγ</italic>, a master regulatory gene of adipogenesis. The down-regulation of <italic>PPARγ </italic>may be the main causative event of the coordinate impairment in the expression of genes encoding components of adipocyte metabolism or adipokines, as genes such as <italic>GLUT4</italic>, <italic>LPL</italic>, and the adiponectin gene are known targets of <italic>PPARγ</italic>-dependent regulation [##REF##8463205##11##]. PPARγ deficiency due to either haploinsufficiency or to dominant negative activity elicits familial partial lipodystrophy (Dunnigan) type 3 [##REF##15711581##12##] whereas reduced <italic>PPARγ </italic>expression has been observed in fat from patients with HAART-associated lipodystrophy [##REF##11937183##13##,##REF##17310817##14##]. It appears therefore that lowered PPARγ activity, regardless of its origin, may be common to multiple types of lipodystrophy. However, it cannot be excluded that PPARγ down-regulation is an effect, and not a primary cause of the APL syndrome, just as lowered PPARγ gene expression is commonly found in adipose tissue from patients with distinct pathologies leading to lipoatrophy. On the other hand, the absence of a reduction in mRNA for C/EBPα, another master regulator of adipogenesis, does not support an overall impairment of adipogenesis in patients with APL. Unaltered leptin gene expression is consistent with previous observations in patients with APL showing that most of these patients have unaltered circulating levels of leptin [##REF##14747765##5##].</p>", "<p>A major difference in the alterations observed in adipose tissue from our patient with respect to subcutaneous fat from lipodystrophic HAART patients concerns marker genes of inflammation. Whereas in HAART patients, the expression of genes related to inflammatory processes are systematically up-regulated [##REF##11937183##13##, ####REF##17310817##14##, ##REF##14532165##15####14532165##15##], gene expression for the four markers of inflammation analyzed here is completely normal in our patient. This result does not indicate a major involvement of an inflammatory environment in adipose tissue as causative of lipoatrophy in APL syndrome. However, a wider analysis of markers of inflammation covering the distinct manifestations of the inflammatory process would be required for unequivocal evaluation of the role of inflammation in adipose tissue of patients with APL.</p>", "<p>A remarkable finding in this study is the identification of reduced expression of genes for mitochondrial respiratory chain components in adipose tissue from our patient with APL. Mitochondrial impairment has been previously identified in HAART-associated lipodystrophy and it was first attributed to the toxicity of some antiretroviral drugs which cause mitochondrial DNA depletion [##REF##15681026##16##]. However, recent data have established that mitochondrial impairment is a more general phenomenon associated with HAART lipoatrophy, which also involves causative events other than mtDNA depletion [##REF##17310817##14##,##REF##16284533##17##]. The present findings identify for the first time mitochondrial disturbances in adipose tissue from a form of lipoatrophy unrelated to viral infection or antiretroviral treatment, and not associated with mtDNA depletion. This indicates that altered mitochondrial function might be a potential common disturbance in lipoatrophy regardless of its origin, a possibility which deserves further research. Recent findings have indicated a previously unrecognized role of mitochondrial biogenesis in the adipocyte differentiation process [##REF##15520860##18##], and the present observations would fit with mitochondrial impairment as being causative of lipoatrophic phenomena. However, other events related to mitochondrial disturbances, such as mutations in the tRNALys gene of mitochondrial DNA, cause lipomatosis rather than peripheral lipoatrophy [##REF##16603396##8##] and therefore a simple defective mitochondrial activity model cannot solely account for eliciting atrophy in adipose tissue.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In summary, this is the first gene expression analysis in adipose tissue from a patient with APL. It reveals impaired gene expression for marker genes of adipogenesis, including the master regulator <italic>PPARγ</italic>, and mitochondrial function without signs of altered expression of inflammation-related genes.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Acquired partial lipodystrophy or Barraquer-Simons syndrome is a rare form of progressive lipodystrophy. The etiopathogenesis of adipose tissue atrophy in these patients is unknown.</p>", "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>This is a case report of a 44-year-old woman with acquired partial lipodystrophy. To obtain insight into the molecular basis of lipoatrophy in acquired partial lipodystrophy, we examined gene expression in adipose tissue from this patient newly diagnosed with acquired partial lipodystrophy. A biopsy of subcutaneous adipose tissue was obtained from the patient, and DNA and RNA were extracted in order to evaluate mitochondrial DNA abundance and mRNA expression levels.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The expression of marker genes of adipogenesis and adipocyte metabolism, including the master regulator <italic>PPARγ</italic>, was down-regulated in subcutaneous adipose tissue from this patient. Adiponectin mRNA expression was also reduced but leptin mRNA levels were unaltered. Markers of local inflammatory status were unaltered. Expression of genes related to mitochondrial function was reduced despite unaltered levels of mitochondrial DNA. It is concluded that adipogenic and mitochondrial gene expression is impaired in adipose tissue in this patient with acquired partial lipodystrophy.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Case presentation</title>", "<p>The patient was a Caucasian woman from Spain, and who was the first child of non-consanguineous, healthy parents. The neonatal period and her psychomotor development were normal. She had her first menstruation at the age of 13 years, and regularly since then. She has one child following a normal pregnancy history. At age 8 years, she noted that her subcutaneous adipose facial tissue gradually began to decrease and she complained of generalized muscle pain, predominantly in her lower legs, after exercise. The patient was first seen at age 44 years, this being the time at which adipose tissue biopsy was conducted (see below). A physical examination revealed generalized and symmetrical loss of subcutaneous fatty tissue, predominantly in her face and the upper part of her body. The facial lipoatrophy gave an impression of ageing, and a male aspect was noted. However, testosterone levels were normal (0.34 ng/ml, normal range from 0.3 to 1.2 ng/ml). Blood examination showed normal levels of glucose (98 mg/dl, normal range 45 to 135 mg/dl), whereas levels of triglycerides were higher than normal (252 mg/dl, normal range 35 to 150 mg/dl) and levels of cholesterol slightly higher than normal (234 mg/dl, normal range 100 to 220 mg/dl). However, unaltered levels of HDL-cholesterol (47 mg/dl, normal range 35 to 80 mg/dl) and LDL-cholesterol (137 mg/dl, normal range 60 to 150 mg/dl) were found. The blood examination also revealed normal muscular enzyme levels. A neurological examination indicated that deep tendon reflexes were normal and no myotonic phenomena were observed. Nerve conduction studies showed normal values in all tested nerves. A concentric needle examination showed complex repetitive discharges in all tested muscles with no spontaneous activity. Renal and liver function were, as inferred from serum enzyme levels, also normal (ALT/GPT 34 U/liter, normal range 2 to 41 U/liter; AST 27 U/liter, normal range 1 to 40 U/liter; GGT 24 U/liter, normal range 5 to 49 U/liter). Ultrasonic examination of the abdomen indicated hepatic steatosis with normal liver size and morphology, and the kidneys and spleen were normal. Cytogenetic studies revealed a normal karyotype (46XX) without evidence of chromosome breakage. Serum C3 levels were 45 mg/dL, which was abnormally low with respect to normal values (range from 85 to 180 mg/dl). Results were positive for the presence of serum complement 3 nephritic factor. Thus, the overall clinical and biochemical features of the patient led to the diagnosis of APL. The pattern of progressive loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue in the face and the upper part of the body was in accordance with the major criterion established by Misra <italic>et al. </italic>(2004) [##REF##14747765##5##] and supportive criteria were also met: onset during childhood, low serum levels of complement 3 and the presence of serum complement 3 nephritic factor.</p>", "<p>A biopsy sample of subcutaneous adipose tissue was taken from the arm. Control values of gene expression in adipose tissue were obtained from the analysis of biopsies of subcutaneous adipose tissue taken from the arms of 10 healthy control individuals (mean age 38.5 ± 9.0 years, 4/6 female/male). The patient and the individual controls gave their consent to participate in the study and the protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain. Separate analysis of gene expression markers in men and women did not show any significant difference and therefore reference values of gene expression in healthy men and women were shown together. After homogenization in RLT buffer (Qiagen, Hilden. Germany), an aliquot was used for isolation of DNA, which was performed using a standard phenol/chloroform extraction methodology. Another aliquot of the homogenate was used for RNA extraction using a column-affinity based methodology (RNEasy, Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). For mRNA analysis TaqMan Reverse Transcription and -RT-PCR reagents were used (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). One microgram of RNA was transcribed into cDNA using random-hexamer primers and real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed on an ABI PRISM 7700HT sequence detection system. The TaqMan RT-PCR was performed in a final volume of 25 μl using TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix, NoAmpErase UNG reagent and the specific gene expression primer probes. The TaqManGene Expression assays used were: COX4I1 (subunit IV of cytochrome c oxidase, <italic>COIV</italic>), Hs00266371_m1; ATPase5J (subunit F6 of F0-ATPsynthase) Hs0036588_m1; PPARGC1 (<italic>PGC-1α</italic>), Hs0013304_m1; CEBPA (CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-α, <italic>C/EBBP-α</italic>), Hs00269972_s1; PPARG (peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor-γ, <italic>PPAR-γ</italic>), Hs00234592_m1; RB1 (retinoblastoma protein, <italic>pRB</italic>), Hs00153108_m1; DLK1 (<italic>Pref-1</italic>), Hs00171584_m1; UCP2 (uncoupling protein-2, <italic>UCP-2</italic>), Hs00163349_m1; UCP3 (uncoupling protein-3, <italic>UCP-3</italic>), Hs00243297_m1; NRF1 (nuclear respiratory factor-1, <italic>NRF-1</italic>) Hs00192316_m1; LPL (lipoprotein lipase, <italic>LPL</italic>), Hs00173425_m1; LEP (leptin, <italic>LEP</italic>), Hs00174877_m1; Complement precursor-3, Hs00163811_m1; TNF (tumor necrosis factor-α, <italic>TNF-α</italic>), Hs00174128_m1; SLC2A4 (glucose transporter, <italic>GLUT4</italic>), Hs00168966_m1; APM1 (adiponectin), Hs00605917_m1; β2-microglobulin, Hs9999907_m1; MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, <italic>MCP-1</italic>), Hs00234140_m1; CD68 antigen, Hs00154355. Primers and probe for the detection of cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (<italic>COII</italic>) mRNA and mtDNA abundance were designed as previously reported [##REF##16603396##8##]. Controls with no RNA, primers, or reverse transcriptase were included in each set of experiments. Each sample was run in duplicate and the amount of mRNA for the gene of interest in each sample was normalized to that of the reference control using the comparative (2<sup>-ΔCT</sup>) method. Data for gene transcripts are expressed as the ratio of relative abundance of the mRNA of the gene of interest respect to 18S rRNA (Hs99999901_s1).</p>", "<p>Examination of gene expression for master regulatory factors associated with the promotion of adipogenesis indicated that peroxisome proliferator-activated-γ (<italic>PPARγ</italic>) mRNA was the only mRNA significantly down-regulated in the patient with APL with respect to controls (Table ##TAB##0##1##). The expression of mRNA for another positive regulator of adipogenesis, CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-α (<italic>C/EBPα</italic>) mRNA was not significantly altered. The mRNA levels of retinoblastoma protein pRb, a protein that may have negative effects on adipogenesis [##REF##12479814##9##], and of <italic>Pref-1</italic>, a known negative regulator of adipogenesis [##REF##17116701##10##] were also unchanged. Among adipokines, leptin mRNA levels were unaltered in the patient whereas adiponectin mRNA was down-regulated. The mRNA for two marker genes of adipose tissue metabolism, insulin-sensitive glucose transporter-4 (<italic>GLUT4</italic>) and lipoprotein lipase (<italic>LPL</italic>), were also down-regulated in the patient with respect to controls. In contrast, the mRNA levels for three marker genes of inflammation (tumor necrosis factor-α, <italic>TNFα</italic>; <italic>MCP-1</italic>; and β2-microglobulin) as well as the marker of macrophage infiltration CD68 were unaltered in the patient, with values almost identical to those of controls. Complement component-3 gene expression was also unchanged.</p>", "<p>Levels of transcripts corresponding to components of the respiratory chain system (OXPHOS), either mtDNA-encoded (<italic>COII</italic>) or nuclear DNA-encoded (<italic>COIV </italic>and <italic>ATP synthase F0 subunit 6</italic>) were reduced in adipose tissue from the patient with respect to healthy controls. No significant changes were observed for mtDNA abundance in adipose tissue from the patient with respect to reference control values (1.08-fold change with respect to the mean control values). Neither <italic>UCP2 </italic>mRNA levels nor <italic>UCP3 </italic>mRNA levels were altered in the patient relative to controls. Likewise, transcript levels for PPARγ-coactivator-1α <italic>(PGC-1α</italic>) and nuclear respiratory factor-1 (<italic>NRF-1</italic>), regulatory factors of mitochondrial biogenesis, were also unaltered in the patient with respect to controls.</p>", "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>18S rRNA: 18S ribosomal RNA; APL: Acquired partial lipodystrophy (Barraquer-Simons syndrome); C/EBP-α: CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-α; COIV: subunit IV of cytochrome c oxidase; COII: subunit II of cytochrome c oxidase; <italic>GLUT4</italic>: Glucose transporter-4; HAART: Highly active antiretroviral-treatment; LPL: Lipoprotein lipase; MCP-1: Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1; mtDNA: Mitochondrial DNA; NRF1: Nuclear respiratory factor-1; PGC-1α: peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor-γ co-activator-1α; <italic>PPAR-γ</italic>: Peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor-γ; pRB: retinoblastoma protein; Pref-1: Preadipocyte factor-1; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α; UCP2: Uncoupling protein-2; UCP3: Uncoupling protein-3.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>PD and II analyzed and interpreted the data from the physical examination of the patient and PD was a major contributor in writing the manuscript. RRG, EG and II performed the analysis and interpretation of data in relation to renal and liver function, cytogenetic analysis and blood analysis. EGA and ALA carried out muscle analysis. JCD performed the analysis and interpretation of mitochondrial DNA data and JG and MG analyzed the mRNA. FV designed and coordinated the study and was responsible for final writing of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Consent</title>", "<p>Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>Supported by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (grant SAF2005-01722) and Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (grant PI052336), Spain.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>mRNA expression of genes involved in adipogenesis, metabolism, inflammation and mitochondrial function in adipose tissue from our patient with APL</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Healthy controls</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>APL</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Change</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adipogenesis (+)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>PPARγ </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">2.78 (1.81–3.74) × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">1.35 × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">↓</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>C/EBPα </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">1.55 (0.93–2.03) × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">1.66 × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adipogenesis (-)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>pRb </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">7.52 (3.47–11.57) × 10<sup>-6</sup></td><td align=\"left\">3.84 × 10<sup>-6</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Pref-1 </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">0.44 (0.03–0.84) × 10<sup>-9</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.04 × 10<sup>-9</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adipokines</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Leptin </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">0.73 (0.41–1.02) × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.85 × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Adiponectin </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">1.05 (0.69–1.39) × 10<sup>-3</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.49 × 10<sup>-3</sup></td><td align=\"left\">↓</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Metabolism</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>GLUT4 </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">0.96 (0.43–1.47) × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.13 × 10<sup>-6</sup></td><td align=\"left\">↓</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>LPL </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">2.88 (2.15–3.47) × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.73 × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">↓</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Inflammation</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>TNFα </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">5.18 (2.74–7.63) × 10<sup>-7</sup></td><td align=\"left\">4.56 × 10<sup>-7</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>MCP-1 </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">0.24 (0.07–0.40) × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.19 × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">β<italic>2-microglobulin </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">2.85 (2.06–3.49) × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">3.12 × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>CD68 </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">0.75 (0.26–1.24) × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">1.01 × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Complement system</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Component 3 mRNA</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1.99 (0.91–3.07) × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">2.08 × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>OXPHOS</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>COII </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">1.17 (0.74–1.51) × 10<sup>-2</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.35 × 10<sup>-2</sup></td><td align=\"left\">↓</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>COIV </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">4.24 (3.42–4.81) × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">1.55 × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">↓</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>ATPsynthase F0-6 mRNA</italic></td><td align=\"left\">6.77 (4.85–8.69) × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">2.10 × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">↓</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>UCPs</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>UCP2 </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">4.05 (2.74–5.77) × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">5.72 × 10<sup>-5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>UCP3 </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">4.13 (1.67–6.50) × 10<sup>-7</sup></td><td align=\"left\">2.56 × 10<sup>-7</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Mitochondriogenesis regulators</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>PGC-1α </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">1.12 (0.71–1.51) × 10<sup>-6</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.82 × 10<sup>-6</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>NRF-1 </italic>mRNA</td><td align=\"left\">4.06 (2.96–5.26) × 10<sup>-6</sup></td><td align=\"left\">3.37 × 10<sup>-6</sup></td><td align=\"left\">=</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>APL, Acquired partial lipodystrophy. Values of mRNA expression in adipose tissue from healthy controls are shown as means (95% confidence interval in parentheses), expressed as the ratio of relative abundance of the mRNA of the gene of interest relative to 18S rRNA. Reduced mRNA expression values in APL below confidence intervals are shown as ↓.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
J Med Case Reports. 2008 Aug 27; 2:284
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>It is known that vitamin D and especially its activated metabolite 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>(<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>), are involved in controlling the normal function of the endocrine pancreas, and particularly insulin secretion [##REF##6323527##1##,##REF##16563471##2##]. Vitamin D deficiency inhibits rat pancreatic secretion and turnover of insulin, leading to impaired glucose tolerance, while replacement therapy with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>, is able to reverse these abnormalities [##REF##6250216##3##,##REF##9854180##4##]. <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>also affects the insulin receptor (IR), the protein to which insulin must bind to carry out its multiple biological actions in the cells. In this respect, our group has reported the first demonstration that <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>increased human IR mRNA levels, the IR number, and the insulin response in U-937 human promonocytic cells through mechanisms that involve direct transcriptional activation of the human IR gene [##REF##7698218##5##, ####REF##11075718##6##, ##REF##12125099##7####12125099##7##].</p>", "<p>In non-obese diabetic mice, vitamin D deficiency accelerates type 1 diabetes [##REF##14758446##8##], while chronic administration of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>reduces the incidence of diabetes in these mice, principally by modulating immune mechanisms [##REF##1397723##9##, ####REF##7926338##10##, ##REF##15971062##11####15971062##11##]. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes is another animal model of diabetes that comprises both toxic and inflammatory mechanisms [##REF##9231661##12##]. Mononuclear infiltration and the altered morphology of islets coupled with the disappearance of beta cells are among the histological changes reported in the pancreas of these animals [##REF##9231661##12##,##REF##4926377##13##]. Indeed, hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia, have also been described in this experimental model [##REF##137248##14##,##REF##150797##15##]. This hypoinsulinemia was associated with increased insulin binding in the kidney [##REF##6749631##16##,##REF##3537445##17##] and liver [##REF##137248##14##,##REF##6389544##18##] and with somewhat controversial insulin binding results in adipose tissue [##REF##150797##15##,##REF##154427##19##,##REF##6802695##20##]. The increases in renal and hepatic IRs, were accompanied by elevated IR mRNA expression in both tissues, and it could be reversed by treatment with insulin [##REF##1280238##21##, ####REF##1386819##22##, ##REF##7556957##23####7556957##23##]. Despite the different alterations in IR mRNA levels and insulin binding, streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats characteristically display insulin resistance [##REF##150797##15##,##REF##6389544##18##,##REF##154427##19##]. In this diabetic model, the administration of 1,25D<sub>3 </sub>for 8 weeks was reported to improve diabetes attenuating pancreatic islet damage and decreasing the insulin requirements [##REF##9231661##12##].</p>", "<p><italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>acts in its genomic effects as a ligand for the vitamin D receptor (VDR, NR1I1) [##REF##10219237##24##]. This receptor is a member of the superfamily of nuclear receptors that regulates gene expression as a vitamin D-dependent transcription factor. It exerts this action by binding, preferentially as a heterodimer with the retinoid × receptor (RXR), to vitamin D response elements (VDREs) in the promoter regions of target genes [##REF##16946007##25##]. A VDRE generally consists of two direct imperfect repeats of six nucleotides separated by a three-nucleotide spacer. The VDR occupies the 3' half-site, while the RXR binds to the 5' half-site [##REF##9525333##26##]. Sequence variations have been detected in the 3' half-element, the 5' half-element, the spacer, and in the sequences flanking the VDREs and these variations appear to be important in receptor-binding efficiency [##REF##8674817##27##,##REF##10775803##28##]. The identification of VDREs has only been possible in a very limited number of vitamin D-regulated genes [##REF##9525333##26##,##REF##8674817##27##]. Our group has reported the first identification of a functional VDRE overlapped by a downstream AP-2-like site that specifically binds VDR in the human IR gene promoter [##REF##12711007##29##]. This VDRE accounted for the transcriptional induction of this gene by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in U-937 human cells [##REF##12125099##7##,##REF##12711007##29##].</p>", "<p>With these antecedents, the aim of the present investigation was to study the effects of the treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>[150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] to non-diabetic and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The results indicated that while treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>had practically no effect on non-diabetic rats, the same treatment in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats corrected in part the over-expression of the IR gene in liver and adipose tissue, although it did not revert the hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, glycosuria or ketonemia of these diabetic animals. At the same time, it produced normalization of the IR number without alterations in the receptor affinity and with an improvement of the insulin response in terms of glucose transport in isolated adipocytes of these diabetic animals. In addition, a computer search in the rat insulin receptor gene promoter revealed the existence of two DNA sequences: -256/-219 bp and -653/-620 bp, the first overlapped by three and the second by four AP-2-like sites. These sequences represent two candidate VDREs that could respond to <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>via activation of VDR, although this remains to be further investigated.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Animals and sampling</title>", "<p>Four groups of male Wistar rats weighing 200–220 g at the onset were used in this study. They were kept under standard conditions of light and temperature and given free access to tap water and standard laboratory chow (Panlab, A04) containing 8.8 mg/g of calcium, 5.9 mg/g of phosphorus and 1.5 IU/g of vitamin D. The first group comprised of non-diabetic rats receiving sham-treatments during the 15 days of the experimental period (<italic>Control-rats</italic>). The second group included non-diabetic rats i.<italic>p</italic>. injected with 1,25D<sub>3 </sub>(Calcijex, Abbot) [150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] (<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>-<italic>rats</italic>). The third group consisted of rats rendered diabetic by a single injection of streptozotocin (Sigma) [65 mg/kg] on the 8th day of the 15-day period (<italic>STZ-rats</italic>). Finally, the fourth group comprised of rats rendered diabetic by streptozotocin on the 8th day, and i.p. injected with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>[150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] (<italic>STZ</italic>+<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>-<italic>rats</italic>). The National Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals was strictly followed during this study.</p>", "<p>Urine samples were collected before decapitation without anaesthesia and trunk blood samples were recovered for plasma measurements. On sacrifice, the kidney, liver and epididymal adipose tissue were immediately removed, individually packed and frozen in liquid nitrogen for nucleic acid and protein determinations. Isolated adipocytes were obtained from fresh epididymal adipose tissue for insulin binding and insulin activity assays.</p>", "<title>Analytical methods</title>", "<p>Different parameters in urine were measured using the Combur Test (Roche). Plasma insulin levels were determined by radioimmunoassay using rat insulin as standard. Plasma concentrations of glucose, 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3</sub>, calcium, phosphorus and proteins were estimated using commercially available techniques. The total DNA and RNA contents of the homogenates from individual tissues were estimated by spectrofluorometry. The protein content was determined by the Bradford method.</p>", "<title>RNA blot assays</title>", "<p>For Northern blot assays, RNA samples (40 μg) of kidney, liver and epididymal adipose tissue, were denatured, electrophoresed in 1.1% agarose-formaldehyde gels and blotted onto nylon membranes [##REF##9089644##36##]. Ethidium bromide staining of the 28S and 18S ribosomal RNAs was routinely checked before blotting as a control of sample loading and after blotting as a control of RNA transfer. RNA blots were prehybridized, hybridized with excess [<sup>32</sup>P]-labelled probe (the 0.98-Kb rat IR specific EcoR1 fragment of the p16 clone, gift from Prof. Goldstein), washed under stringent conditions and finally autoradiographed, as described previously [##REF##9089644##36##]. The autoradiographs were scanned with a laser densitometer and the readings normalized with the respective amounts of 28S rRNA, as revealed by ethidium bromide.</p>", "<title>Insulin binding assays</title>", "<p>Binding assays were carried out as described previously [##REF##3061857##48##]. In brief, isolated adipocytes (0.25 × 10<sup>6 </sup>cells/ml) were incubated at 30°C for 30 min in 400 μl Krebs-Hepes buffer pH 7.6 with mono-[<sup>125</sup>I]-insulin (0.2 × 10<sup>-9 </sup>M) (NEN Life Sciences), in the presence or absence of increasing concentrations (0.2 × 10<sup>-10 </sup>to 0.5 × 10<sup>-7 </sup>M) of unlabelled insulin (Sigma). Non-specific binding was determined in the presence of 1 × 10<sup>-7 </sup>M unlabelled insulin and subtracted from each point. The adipocyte number was determined with a Neubauer-type hemocytometer and cell viability (assessed by 0.2% trypan blue exclusion) was greater than 90%. Measurements of the cell diameter were also performed. The data were analysed by the Scatchard method using the LIGAND program of Munson and Rodbard [##REF##6254391##49##].</p>", "<title>Glucose transport determinations</title>", "<p>Glucose transport was measured in isolated adipocytes by determining the uptake of D-[<sup>14</sup>C(U)]-glucose (NEN Life Sciences) at trace concentrations using our modification of the method of Kashiwagi et al. [##REF##6355180##50##]. This method is based on the premise that glucose uptake provides a measure of glucose transport when studies are carried out at very low glucose concentrations. In brief, 0.25 × 10<sup>6 </sup>adipocytes/ml were incubated with 5 × 10<sup>-7 </sup>M D-[<sup>14</sup>C(U)]-glucose for 1 h at 37°C in the presence and absence of a concentration of insulin (10<sup>-8 </sup>M) that gave maximal glucose transport in earlier experiments [##REF##11075718##6##]. Assays were stopped by washing the cells with ice-cold PBS. The cells were solubilized in 0.5% SDS and 0.1 N NaOH and the associated radioactivity was counted.</p>", "<title>Computer analysis of DNA sequences in the rat IR gene promoter</title>", "<p>The identification of virtual VDRE sequences in the <italic>Rattus norvegicus </italic>partial IR promoter [GenBank:<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"AJ006071\">AJ006071</ext-link>] was carried out by homology with two <italic>consensus </italic>VDRE sequences using the SEQFIND programme developed in our laboratory and previously employed in the computer analysis of various DNA sequences including VDREs [##REF##12711007##29##]. The first <italic>consensus </italic>(5'<bold>GGGTCA</bold>NNG<bold>GGGGCA</bold>3') had been compiled and reported by us from a series of described functional VDRE sequences in various 1,25D<sub>3</sub>-stimulated promoters [##REF##12711007##29##]. The second <italic>consensus </italic>VDRE sequence (5'<bold>PuGGTCA</bold>NNPu<bold>PuGTTCA</bold>3') had been proposed by Colnot <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##8674817##27##], and Haussler <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##9525333##26##]. The presence of AP-1 and AP-2 sites flanking or overlapping the potential VDREs were identified by their homology with the AP-1 site <italic>consensus </italic>(5'TGAC/GTCA3') [##REF##3034433##31##] and the AP-2 site <italic>consensus </italic>(5'GCCN3GGG3') [##REF##11137286##32##] respectively, also using the SEQFIND programme.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>Unless otherwise indicated, the data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. A comparison between the groups was carried out using the two-tailed, unpaired Student <italic>t</italic>-test and/or ANOVA comparison, as appropriate. Differences were considered statistically significant when p &lt; 0.05.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Body weights and plasma values of glucose, insulin, 25-hidroxyvitamin D<sub>3</sub>, calcium, phosphorus and proteins</title>", "<p>Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats increased the rat body weights but did not affect any parameter in the plasma of these animals (Table ##TAB##0##1##). The injection of streptozotocin reduced body weights and induced hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats increased body weights but did not revert the hyperglycemia and the hypoinsulinemia induced by the diabetes, while calcium and phosphorus plasma levels were increased and plasma levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>were maintained in the normal range [##REF##3838933##30##] (Table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<title>Values of specific gravity, pH, leukocytes, nitrite, protein, glucose, ketones, urobilinogen, bilirubin and blood in urine</title>", "<p>Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats did not affect any of the above cited urine parameters under study. Streptozotocin injection induced glycosuria (&gt; 500 mg/dl) and the appearance of leukocytes, ketones and blood in the urine of these animals. Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats did not modify the glycosuria and the ketonuria of the diabetes, but partially decreased the number of leukocytes in urine (from 10–25 to 5–10 leukocytes/μl).</p>", "<title>Total DNA, RNA and protein content of the kidney, liver and epididymal adipose tissue</title>", "<p>Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats increased both the protein content and the indicator of cell size (protein/DNA) in the kidney, liver and adipose tissue of these animals while the DNA and RNA content remained unaltered (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Streptozotocin injection incremented the protein content in these three tissues, accompanied in the case of kidney with an increment of the protein/DNA ratio and in the case of the liver with an increment of the DNA content. Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats practically did not modify neither the high values of protein induced by the diabetes in the three tissues nor the increases in the DNA content in kidney and liver. In addition, this treatment did not alter the RNA content in any of these three tissues (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<title>Insulin receptor mRNA levels in the kidney, liver and epididymal adipose tissue</title>", "<p>Northern blot assays of kidney (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panels A and B), liver (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panels C and D) and epididymal adipose tissue (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panels E and F) from control animals revealed two major IR mRNA species of approximately 9.5 and 7.5 Kb in size. The relative amounts of the two IR mRNA species measured as 9.5 Kb/7.5 Kb ratio were: 2.2 ± 0.2 in kidney, 1.2 ± 0.2 in liver and 1.1 ± 0.03 in adipose tissue. Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats did not affect any of the two IR mRNA species in any of the three tissues studied (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panels A to F). IR mRNA species were expressed per unit of RNA in view of the observation (Table ##TAB##1##2##) that treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to both non-diabetic and diabetic rats did not alter RNA content per gram of tissue in any of the three tissues. The induction of diabetes by streptozotocin produced important increments in the levels of both IR mRNA species in liver and adipose tissue but not in kidney. In particular, 78% increase corresponding to the 9.5 Kb and 69% to the 7.5 Kb species in liver (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panel D), and 58% increase corresponding to the 9.5 Kb and 92% increase to the 7.5 Kb species in the adipose tissue (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panel F). Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to diabetic rats partially prevented the over-expression of the IR mRNA in the liver (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panels C and D) and adipose tissue (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panels E and F) of these animals. The 9.5 Kb species was particularly decreased in liver and the 7.5 kb species in the adipose tissue. However, treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to diabetic rats did not affect IR expression in kidney (Figure ##FIG##0##1##, panels A and B).</p>", "<title>Insulin binding in isolated adipocytes</title>", "<p>Insulin binding studies showed that treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats did not alter IR number or IR affinity as reflected by the ED:50 value in adipocytes of these animals (Figure ##FIG##1##2## and Table ##TAB##2##3##). Streptozotocin injection produced a 64% decrease in the number of IRs without altering IR affinity. Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats inverted the decrease in the IR number induced by the diabetes to values not significantly different from those observed in control adipocytes and without altering IR affinity (Figure ##FIG##1##2## and Table ##TAB##2##3##).</p>", "<p>Given that both the weight of the adipose tissue and the diameter of the adipocytes were markedly decreased by the diabetes (Table ##TAB##2##3##), we also calculated the IR number per cell surface area (μm<sup>2</sup>). In these conditions, although the effect of the diabetes decreasing IR number was somewhat minor (44%), the tendency of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to normalize the IR number was also evident (Table ##TAB##2##3##).</p>", "<title>Glucose transport in isolated adipocytes</title>", "<p>Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats did not alter basal or insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes from these animals (Figure ##FIG##2##3##). The injection of streptozotocin clearly decreased both basal and insulin-stimulated glucose transport. The treatment with 1,25D<sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, improved by 107% the decreased basal glucose transport and by 71% the insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes from these diabetic animals (Figure ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<title>Computer analysis of DNA sequences in the rat IR gene promoter</title>", "<p>We performed a computer search of virtual VDRE sequences in the rat IR gene promoter by homology with two <italic>consensus </italic>VDRE sequences. The first <italic>consensus </italic>(5'<bold>GGGTCA</bold>NNG<bold>GGGGCA</bold>3') was previously compiled and reported by us from a series of described functional VDRE sequences in various 1,25D<sub>3</sub>-stimulated promoters [##REF##12711007##29##]. The search with this first <italic>consensus </italic>indicated no sequence identical to this VDRE sequence, and neither was any sequence found to show 1, 2, or 3 base variations. Nevertheless, we detected three virtual VDRE sequences showing a difference of four bases from this <italic>consensus</italic>: -249/-235, -637/-623 and -916/-902 (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel A). Comparison of the 3' half-element of each of these sequences with the 3' half-element of this first VDRE <italic>consensus</italic>, indicated complete homology only in the case of the -916/-902 sequence, and two base variations in the other two (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel A).</p>", "<p>The second computer search of virtual VDREs, now by homology with the second <italic>consensus </italic>VDRE sequence (5'<bold>PuGGTCA</bold>NNPu<bold>PuGTTCA</bold>3'), was also performed. Our <italic>consensus </italic>and the latter proposed by Colnot <italic>et al. </italic>[##REF##8674817##27##], and Haussler <italic>et al. </italic>[##REF##9525333##26##] have identical 5' half-elements, but ours contains two GG instead of two TT, in the 3' half-element. The spacers are identical, with a G or Pu at position 3, which appears to be important in VDR binding. The results of this computer search by homology with this second <italic>consensus </italic>indicated no sequence identical to this VDRE, and neither was any sequence found to show 1, 2, or 3 base variations. Nevertheless, we detected three virtual VDRE sequences showing a difference of four bases from this second <italic>consensus</italic>: -25/-11, -247/-233 and -881/-867 (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel A). Of these, the -247/-233 sequence was in part the same as that of the -249/-235 sequence detected with the first <italic>consensus </italic>(Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel A). However, the 3' half-element of this second sequence has only one base variation instead of two that the first sequence had (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel A). Therefore, in principle there were six virtual VDRE sequences (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel A).</p>", "<p>The next step was to check for the possibility of cis-elements related to these virtual VDRE sequences in the rat IR gene promoter. Thus, a computer search of AP-1 and AP-2 sites by homology with the AP-1 site consensus (5'TGAC/GTCA3') [##REF##3034433##31##], and the AP-2 site consensus (5'GCCN3GGG3') [##REF##11137286##32##], respectively, was performed.</p>", "<p>Exploring the AP-1 sites, we detected two AP-1-like sites showing a difference of only one base from this consensus: the -374/-368 (5'TGTCTCA3') and the -963/-957 (5'TGAGCCA3'). However, these two sites are neither adjacent nor overlapped in any of our virtual VDRE sequences. Nevertheless, as far as we know, this is the first mention of these AP-1-like sites in the rat IR gene promoter. With respect to the AP-2 sites, we detected seventeen AP-2-like sites showing a difference of only one base from this <italic>consensus</italic>: -71/-63, -79/-71, -171/-163, -195/-187, -230/-222, -245/-237, -253/-245, -405/-397, -465/-457, -480/-472, -545/-537, -634/-626, -635/-627, -642/-634, -650/-642, -1087/-1079, -1088/-1080. Of these AP-2-like sites, only seven are included in panel B of the Figure ##FIG##3##4##. These were those flanking or overlapping some of the potential VDRE sequences indicated in panel A of the Figure ##FIG##3##4##. Of them, the -230/-222 (1) was located downstream, and the -245/-237 (2) and the -253/-245 (3) were overlapping the virtual VDRE sequences: -249/-235 and -247/-233, as shown in Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel C. Moreover, the AP-2-like sites: -634/-626 (4) and -635/-627 (5) (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel B) were overlapping the virtual VDRE sequence: -637/-623 (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel C), and the AP-2-like sites: -642/-634 (6) and -650/-642 (7) (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel B) were located <italic>in tandem </italic>upstream of this last virtual VDRE sequence: -637/-623 (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel C).</p>", "<p>Therefore, we postulate as candidate VDRE sequences overlapped by AP-2-like sites those represented in Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel C. One, located between -256 and -219 bp with three AP-2-like sites, and the other extending from -653 and -620 bp of the rat IR gene promoter with four AP-2-like sites. Separately or together, these VDRE sequences could form a locus that may respond to 1,25D3 via activation of VDR.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<title>Effects of treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats</title>", "<p>Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats increased body weights but it did not affect any parameter measured in the plasma or urine of these animals, including the plasma levels of calcium, phosphorus and 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3</sub>. Indeed, we did not detect significant differences in calcium and phosphorus, despite the increases of approximately 30%. In relation to 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>a number of studies [##UREF##0##33##] has shown that human serum values of 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>were maintained within a normal range across vitamin D supplies from 80 to 1000 IU daily, indicating the existence of an important homeostatic control system regulating human 25(OH)D<sub>3 </sub>serum concentration. Considering this, in the present study we hypothesize the existence of a similar counter regulatory mechanism in the rat. This mechanism could maintain rat plasma values of 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>within the observed normal range of 15–19 ng/ml, with vitamin D supplies of 150 IU daily administered by injection plus the vitamin D consumed in the diet.</p>", "<p>Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>increased the protein content and the indicator of cell size (protein/DNA) in the kidney, liver, and adipose tissue of non-diabetic rats, although the DNA and RNA content remained unaltered. These increments might indicate hypertrophy. However, although treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>increased rat body weights, it did not particularly augment the weight of these tissues. Another explanation is that <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>might cause hyperplasia. Regarding this, conflicting results have been reported [##REF##1966737##34##,##REF##8612483##35##].</p>", "<p>We also observed that treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats did not affect the expression of any of the two 9.5 and 7.5 Kb IR mRNA species present in kidney, liver, and adipose tissue. Our group and others have previously reported the presence of these species and their relative proportions in rat tissues [##REF##1280238##21##,##REF##9089644##36##]. Since there is only one rat IR gene, variation in transcript length may reflect alternative RNA processing events, such as polyadenylation at different 3' end sites in the final untranslated exon [##REF##2072925##37##].</p>", "<p>In addition, we detected that treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats affected neither the IR number nor the insulin response in terms of glucose transport in isolated adipocytes from these animals.</p>", "<p>The lack of effects of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>on IR expression and insulin activity in tissues of non-diabetic rats could be related to the absence of VDR in these tissues. However, both the VDR protein and VDR mRNA have been detected in the rat kidney [##UREF##1##38##,##REF##9528970##39##] and liver [##UREF##2##40##,##REF##9156521##41##], and while a VDR-like protein was identified in 3T3-L1 adipose cells [##REF##2840436##42##] VDR mRNA has been found in rat perirenal adipose tissue and 3T3-L1 adipose cells [##UREF##3##43##]. Another possibility could be the absence of regulation of VDR by its ligand in these tissues. Such lack of regulation has been described in the kidney [##REF##9528970##39##]. In the liver there are no previous data, while in adipose cells treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>led to an increase in VDR mRNA levels [##UREF##3##43##] and a decrease in VDR protein [##REF##8612483##35##]. Regarding this and given our previous experience in determining both VDR protein and VDR mRNA expression and their regulation by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in human cells [##REF##11075718##6##,##REF##12125099##7##], we determined the expression of this receptor and its regulation by 1,25D<sub>3 </sub>at the protein level in the kidney, liver and adipose tissue of non-diabetic rats. Our results showed a VDR protein only in the kidney (data not shown). More experiments are necessary to confirm this.</p>", "<title>Effects of treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats</title>", "<p>Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats increased their body weight, but it did not revert the hyperglycemia and the hypoinsulinemia provoked by the streptozotocin. We also detected normal levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats in accordance with other authors [##REF##3838933##30##]. These unchanged levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats neither were altered by the treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>, possibly due to the postulated plasma homeostatic control system that could regulate 25-hydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>plasma levels also in the absence of insulin in both groups of diabetic rats. In addition, we observed increased plasma levels of calcium and phosphorus after the treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>. With regard to these last parameters, it is known that calcium <italic>per se </italic>is important for insulin secretion, as well as for correction of glucose intolerance [##REF##6283897##44##,##REF##8380563##45##]. Moreover, calcium and phosphorus have been described as regulators of VDR in renal and intestinal tissues [##REF##9528970##39##,##REF##7754807##46##].</p>", "<p>Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-diabetic rats did not modify the glycosuria and the ketonuria induced by the diabetes, but partially decreased the number of leukocytes in urine. This latter effect could be due to the broadly reported anti-inflammatory effects of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>and/or to a possible anti-proliferative effect of this hormone, as observed by our group and others in cell culture [##REF##11075718##6##,##UREF##0##33##].</p>", "<p>With respect to tissue effects of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, we observed the permanence of high protein and DNA content values induced by the diabetes, accompanied by slight increases of the protein/DNA ratio values in the kidney and liver, but not in the adipose tissue. This suggests a certain hypertrophy produced by the action of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in these two tissues. However, although treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-diabetic rats increased rat body weights, it did not increase the weight of the kidney, liver or adipose tissue. The other explanation, hyperplasia, has conflicting results [##UREF##0##33##,##REF##1966737##34##].</p>", "<p>The induction of diabetes by streptozotocin did not affect IR mRNA species in the kidney. This finding was not in accord with previous results of increased renal IR mRNA levels, quantified by slot blot, in a similar rat model [##REF##1386819##22##]. This may reflect the failure to alter VDR number in the kidney of streptozotocin-diabetic rats [##REF##1966737##34##]. The treatment with 1,25D<sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats neither affected IR mRNA species in the kidney.</p>", "<p>Contrarily, streptozotocin produced an important increment in the levels of both IR mRNA species in liver. These findings agree with previous results of increased IR mRNA levels quantified by slot blot [##REF##1386819##22##], Northern blot analysis [##REF##1280238##21##,##REF##10037256##47##] and increased IR gene transcription [##REF##1280238##21##] in the liver of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Streptozotocin also increased the levels of both IR mRNA species in the adipose tissue. This increment represents the first demonstration of an <italic>in vivo </italic>regulation of IR mRNA levels in the adipose tissue of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.</p>", "<p>In addition, we observed that the treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats partially prevented the over-expression of IR mRNA induced by the diabetes in the liver and adipose tissue of these animals. The 9.5 Kb IR mRNA species was particularly decreased by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in the liver, and the 7.5 Kb species in the adipose tissue. Therefore, these results provide the first demonstration of an <italic>in vivo </italic>tissue-specific regulation of rat IR mRNA levels by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.</p>", "<p>A role for VDR in such genomic actions of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in liver and adipose tissue is possible, although to our knowledge the regulation of VDR by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>has not yet been studied in these tissues of streptozotocin-diabetic rats.</p>", "<p>The correction by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>of the over-expression of IR expression at the RNA level in the liver and adipose tissue of streptozotocin-diabetic animals could represent a beneficial fact of amelioration of the diabetes. In this sense, other facts of amelioration of diabetes were the almost normalization of the number of IRs in adipocytes of streptozotocin-diabetic animals treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>, without alterations in receptor affinity, and the improvement of both basal and insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes of these diabetic animals treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>.</p>", "<p>The present <italic>in vivo </italic>results do not allow to determine whether the prevention by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>of the over-expression of IR mRNA induced by the diabetes in liver and adipose tissue of streptozotocin-diabetic animals is due to transcriptional and/or post-transcriptional regulation. Nevertheless, our previous <italic>in vitro </italic>results demonstrated that <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>increased IR mRNA levels via mechanisms involving direct transcriptional activation of the human IR gene [##REF##7698218##5##, ####REF##11075718##6##, ##REF##12125099##7####12125099##7##]. Moreover, we identified an active VDRE in the human IR gene promoter that accounted for the transcriptional induction of this gene by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in U-937 cells [##REF##12711007##29##].</p>", "<p>Therefore, in support of the possible participation of a transcriptional regulation by <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>in the present in vivo processes, we have detected by computer search in the rat IR gene promoter two candidate VDREs overlapped by various AP-2-like sites. One VDRE is located between -256 and -219 bp, while the other extends from -653 and -620 bp of the rat IR gene promoter (Figure ##FIG##3##4##, panel C). Individually or in conjunction, these potential VDREs could form a locus that may respond to <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>via activation of VDR. This locus may mediate the cross-talk between vitamin D and insulin signalling, although this remains to be determined.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The present results indicate that while treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>had practically no effect on non-diabetic rats, the same treatment in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats corrected in part the over-expression of the IR gene in liver and adipose tissue, although it did not revert the hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, glycosuria or ketonemia of these diabetic animals. At the same time, it produced normalization of the IR number without alterations in the receptor affinity, but with an improvement of the insulin response in terms of glucose transport in adipocytes of these diabetic animals. These genomic actions of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>could represent beneficial facts of amelioration of diabetes via mechanisms, possibly involving direct transcriptional activation of the rat IR gene. A computer search in the rat IR promoter revealed the existence of two candidate vitamin D response element (VDRE) sequences, located at -256/-219 bp and -653/-620 bp and overlapped by three and four AP-2-like sites respectively. These candidate VDREs may respond to <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>via activation of the vitamin D receptor, although this remains to be investigated.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>this study set out to examine the effects of the treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D<sub>3 </sub>(<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>) [150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] to non-diabetic rats and in rats rendered diabetic by a single injection of streptozotocin [65 mg/kg].</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to non-diabetic rats did not affect the biochemical parameters measured in the plasma and urine of these animals. Likewise, insulin receptor expression in the kidney, liver, or adipose tissue and insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes from these animals were not affected either. Treatment with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats did not correct the hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, glycosuria or ketonemia induced by the diabetes, although it partially reversed the over-expression of the insulin receptor gene in the liver and adipose tissue, without altering the normal expression of this gene in the kidney. These effects were accompanied by a normalization of the number of insulin receptors without altering receptor affinity but improving the insulin response to glucose transport in adipocytes from these diabetic animals. Moreover, a computer search in the rat insulin receptor promoter revealed the existence of two candidate vitamin D response element (VDRE) sequences located at -256/-219 bp and -653/-620 bp, the first overlapped by three and the second by four AP-2-like sites.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>these genomic actions of <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>could represent beneficial effects associated with the amelioration of diabetes via mechanisms that possibly involve direct transcriptional activation of the rat insulin receptor gene. The candidate VDREs identified may respond to <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>via activation of the vitamin D receptor, although this remains to be investigated.</p>" ]
[ "<title>List of abbreviations</title>", "<p>1,25D<sub>3</sub>: 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D<sub>3</sub>; IR: insulin receptor; VDR: vitamin D receptor; RXR: retinoid × receptor; VDRE: vitamin D response element; STZ: streptozotocin.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>CC conceived the concept and design of the study, carried out the binding and activity studies, analyzed the computer data of DNA sequences and provided drafting of the article. BM carried out the rat models and the determinations in plasma and urine of these animals and performed the RNA blot assays. She also supplied statistical expertise, collected and assembled the data. MG-A participated in the identification by computer analysis of potential VDRE sequences and provided computer support. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We are most grateful to Prof. B. J. Goldstein, for providing the rat IR cDNA probe. This work was supported by Funds from the Comunidad de Madrid/Universidad Complutense (14134/2005) and the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (P1061744/2006).</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Renal, hepatic and adipose IR mRNA levels</bold>. Insulin receptor (IR) mRNA levels in the kidney (A, B), liver (C, D) and epididymal adipose tissue (E, F) of sham-treated rats (<italic>Control</italic>), rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>[150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days](<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>), streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (<italic>STZ</italic>) and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>(<italic>STZ</italic>+<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>). On the right, the autoradiograph of a representative Northern blot experiment using the kidney (B), liver (D) and adipose tissue (F) of two rats. The sizes of the two major IR mRNA species are shown in the margin. On the left, densitometric analysis of three independent Northern blot experiments on kidney (A), liver (C), and adipose tissue (E). IR mRNA species were quantified separately, normalized to the respective 28S rRNA values and expressed per unit of RNA as a percentage of the values obtained in <italic>Control</italic>-rats (mean ± SEM). <sup>a </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>Control</italic>-rats; <sup>b </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>-rats; and <sup>c </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>STZ</italic>-rats.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Insulin receptor number per cell</bold>. Insulin receptor number in epididymal adipocytes from sham-treated rats (<italic>Control</italic>), rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>[150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] (<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>), streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (<italic>STZ</italic>) and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>(<italic>STZ</italic>+<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>). Values are the mean ± SEM of 3–9 determinations in each group. <sup>a </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>Control</italic>-rats; <sup>b </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>-rats; and <sup>c </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>STZ</italic>-rats.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Basal and insulin stimulated glucose transport</bold>. Basal and insulin stimulated glucose transport in epididymal adipocytes from sham-treated rats (<italic>Control</italic>), rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>[150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] (<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>), streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (<italic>STZ</italic>) and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>(<italic>STZ</italic>+<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>). Values are the mean ± SEM of 6–7 determinations within each group. <sup>a </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>Control</italic>-rats; <sup>b </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>-rats; and <sup>c </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>STZ</italic>-rats.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Panel A: Computer search of vitamin D response elements (VDREs) in the rat insulin receptor (IR) gene promoter</bold>. Potential VDRE sequences in the rat IR gene promoter were identified by their homology with two <italic>consensus </italic>VDRE sequences using the SEQFIND programme developed in our laboratory. Nucleotides identical to the first VDRE <italic>consensus </italic>are labelled by filled circles (●) and nucleotides identical to the second VDRE <italic>consensus </italic>are labelled by empty circles (○). Panel B: Computer search of AP-2-like sites in the rat insulin receptor (IR) gene promoter. Potential AP-2-like sites in the rat IR gene promoter were identified by their homology with the AP-2 <italic>consensus </italic>(5'GCCN3GGG3') [##REF##11137286##32##] using the SEQFIND programme. We detected 17 AP-2-like sites showing a difference of only 1 base from this <italic>consensus</italic>. Of these, only 7 AP-2-like sites flanking or overlapping the potential VDRE sequences in panel A are shown. Nucleotides identical to the AP-2 <italic>consensus </italic>are labelled by stars (⋆). Panel C: Candidate VDRE sequences overlapped by AP-2-like sites in the rat insulin receptor gene promoter. Nucleotides identical to the first VDRE <italic>consensus </italic>are labelled by filled circles (●) and nucleotides identical to the second VDRE <italic>consensus </italic>are labelled by empty circles (○)</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Body weights and plasma values of the four groups of rats under study</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>Control</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>1,25D</italic></bold><sub>3</sub></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>STZ</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>STZ + 1,25D</italic></bold><sub>3</sub></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Final weight (g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">283 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">290 ± 2<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">242 ± 6<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">254 ± 3<sup>abc</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Glucose (mg/dl)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">125 ± 7</td><td align=\"center\">130 ± 2</td><td align=\"center\">420 ± 36<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">459 ± 16<sup>ab</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Insulin (ng/ml)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">1.6 ± 0.3</td><td align=\"center\">1.5 ± 0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.7 ± 0.3<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">0.5 ± 0.1<sup>ab</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>25-Hydroxy-vitamin D<sub>3 </sub>(ng/ml)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">19 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">15 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">15 ± 3</td><td align=\"center\">17 ± 3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Calcium (mg/dl)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">7.5 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">10 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">10 ± 0.4</td><td align=\"center\">11 ± 1<sup>a</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Phosphorus (mg/dl)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">6.8 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">8.7 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">7.2 ± 0.5</td><td align=\"center\">11 ± 0.7<sup>ac</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Proteins (mg/dl)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">65 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">66 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">63 ± 0.9</td><td align=\"center\">64 ± 1</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Total DNA, RNA and protein content in different tissues from the four groups of rats</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>Control</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>1,25D</italic></bold><sub>3</sub></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>STZ</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>STZ + 1,25D</italic></bold><sub>3</sub></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><underline>Kidney</underline></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>DNA (mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">3.0 ± 0.1</td><td align=\"center\">2.8 ± 0.2</td><td align=\"center\">3.3 ± 0.5</td><td align=\"center\">3.4 ± 0.1<sup>ab</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>Protein(mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">69 ± 2</td><td align=\"center\">120 ± 5<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">134 ± 33<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">153 ± 29<sup>ab</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>Prot/DNA (mg/mg)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">18 ± 5</td><td align=\"center\">43 ± 2<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">41 ± 10<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">45 ± 10<sup>a</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>RNA (mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">1.3 ± 0.1</td><td align=\"center\">1.6 ± 0.2</td><td align=\"center\">1.3 ± 0.3</td><td align=\"center\">1.7 ± 0.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><underline>Liver</underline></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>DNA (mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">1.9 ± 0.2</td><td align=\"center\">1.5 ± 0.2</td><td align=\"center\">2.9 ± 0.6<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">2.4 ± 0.2<sup>ab</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>Protein(mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">105 ± 19</td><td align=\"center\">146 ± 17<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">203 ± 27<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">182 ± 15<sup>a</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>Prot/DNA (mg/mg)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">52 ± 9</td><td align=\"center\">99 ± 11<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">67 ± 5</td><td align=\"center\">76 ± 3<sup>a</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>RNA (mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">3.9 ± 0.3</td><td align=\"center\">3.2 ± 0.4</td><td align=\"center\">3.5 ± 0.4</td><td align=\"center\">3.8 ± 0.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><underline>Adipose tissue</underline></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>DNA (mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.2 ± 0.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.2 ± 0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.3 ± 0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.3 ± 0.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>Protein(mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">5.1 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">8.2 ± 0.8<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">7.9 ± 0.5<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">6.1 ± 1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>Prot/DNA (mg/mg)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">24 ± 5</td><td align=\"center\">47 ± 6<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">25 ± 1<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">20 ± 3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">   <bold>RNA (mg/g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.1 ± 0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.1 ± 0.01</td><td align=\"center\">0.1 ± 0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.1 ± 0.04</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Insulin binding parameters in epididymal adipocytes from the four groups of rats</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>Control</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>1,25D</italic></bold><sub>3</sub></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>STZ</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>STZ + 1,25D</italic></bold><sub>3</sub></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Insulin receptor number</bold></td><td align=\"center\">122000 ± 23000</td><td align=\"center\">153000 ± 39000</td><td align=\"center\">44000 ± 6000<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">115000 ± 42000<sup>c</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>ED:50 value</bold></td><td align=\"center\">3.0 ± 0.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.2 ± 1.4</td><td align=\"center\">3.7 ± 1.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.8 ± 0.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Adipose tissue weight (g)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">3.2 ± 0.2</td><td align=\"center\">3.0 ± 0.3</td><td align=\"center\">1.6 ± 0.2<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">2.0 ± 0.2<sup>a</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Adipocyte diameter (μm)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">50 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">51 ± 1</td><td align=\"center\">39 ± 3<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">40 ± 1<sup>ab</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Insulin receptor number/μm</bold><sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">16 ± 3</td><td align=\"center\">19 ± 5</td><td align=\"center\">9 ± 1<sup>ab</sup></td><td align=\"center\">23 ± 8</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Sham-treated rats (<italic>Control</italic>), rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>[150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] (<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>), streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (<italic>STZ</italic>) and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>(<italic>STZ+1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>).</p><p>Values are the mean ± SEM of 6–12 determinations in each group.</p><p><sup>a </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>Control</italic>-rats; <sup>b </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>-rats; <sup>c </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>STZ</italic>-rats.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Sham-treated rats (<italic>Control</italic>), rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>[150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] (<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>), streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (<italic>STZ</italic>) and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>(<italic>STZ+1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>).</p><p>Values are the mean ± SEM of 4–6 determinations in each group.</p><p><sup>a </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>Control</italic>-rats; <sup>b </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>-rats; <sup>c </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>STZ</italic>-rats.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Sham-treated rats (<italic>Control</italic>), rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>[150 IU/Kg (3.75 μg/Kg) one a day, for 15 days] (<italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>), streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (<italic>STZ</italic>) and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3 </sub>(<italic>STZ+1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>).</p><p>Values are the mean ± SEM of 3–9 determinations in each group.</p><p><sup>a </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>Control</italic>-rats; <sup>b </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>1,25D</italic><sub>3</sub>-rats; <sup>c </sup>p &lt; 0.05 vs. <italic>STZ</italic>-rats.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2199-9-65-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2199-9-65-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2199-9-65-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2199-9-65-4\"/>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Mol Biol. 2008 Jul 18; 9:65
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death among women and men. About 13 million Americans have CVD and approximately 450,000 people die each year in the US from CVD [##UREF##0##1##]. Risk factors for CVD in women include post-menopausal status, age, hypertension, smoking, and diabetes [##REF##11815309##2##]. The onset of menopause coincides with elevated serum lipids such as total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides and decreased HDL-cholesterol [##REF##2488072##3##]. Elevated serum lipids in post-menopausal women are partly due to the loss of estrogen [##REF##3675308##4##]. Hormone therapy showed a reduction in LDL-cholesterol and an increase in HDL-cholesterol [##REF##7517831##5##]. It also frequently increased triglycerides by increasing the production of triglyceride-rich VLDLs [##UREF##1##6##]. Additionally, hormone therapy increased the risk for stroke, breast cancer, and cholecystitis [##REF##12186605##7##]. Hormone replacement therapy is not for all post-menopausal women [##REF##8213496##8##].</p>", "<p>Generally, relative to drug therapy, dietary intervention is less expensive and cost effective for primary intervention of heart diseases [##REF##8609317##9##]. Consumption of foods containing dietary fiber, may improve the long-term maintenance of low atherogenic LDL-cholesterol [##REF##9497178##10##]. Psyllium (<italic>Plantago ovata</italic>) seed husk fiber, a widely used soluble fiber, has been known to reduce serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol [##REF##8925793##11##, ####REF##9925120##12##, ##REF##10648260##13####10648260##13##]. Additionally, psyllium fiber supplementation with 10 mg of simvastatin (hypocholesterolemic drug) was as effective as 20 mg of simvastatin alone [##REF##15911730##14##]. This suggests that psyllium fiber is an effective adjuvant hypocholesterolemic agent.</p>", "<p>There is a paucity of data on how fiber therapy modulates the risk for CVD in women. Previous studies conducted in women indicated that dietary therapy for lowering serum lipids differs according to menopausal status [##REF##11912561##15##]. In men compared to post-menopausal women, a greater decrease was observed in total cholesterol after 4 months of high fiber diet [##UREF##2##16##] suggesting that gender differences exist in hypocholesterolemic effect of dietary fiber. Limited studies were conducted comparing lipid responses to psyllium fiber intervention in pre- and post-menopausal women. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis of whether serum lipid responses to psyllium fiber intake in post-menopausal, hypercholesterolemic women differ from pre-menopausal, hypercholesterolemic women.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Subjects</title>", "<p>A total of 25 hypercholesterolemic women (13 pre-menopausal and 12 post-menopausal) were recruited for the study. Hypercholesterolemia was defined as having serum cholesterol &gt;200 mg/dL. Subjects were recruited from San Francisco and surrounding communities through posting of flyers. Participants lived in their homes during the study. The exclusion criteria were smoking, diabetes, pregnancy, breast feeding, allergic to psyllium fiber, and blood cholesterol ≤200 mg/dL. Individuals with thyroid and gastrointestinal diseases, CVD, chronic alcohol and drug abuse, individuals who were taking lipid-lowering and/or anti-hypertensive medications, and individuals who were on estrogen replacement therapy were excluded from the study. Also, strict vegetarians (vegans) were excluded from the study because their habitual fiber intake is generally higher than non-vegetarians. Post-menopausal status was defined as women who were into menopause at least one year from their last menstruation at the beginning of the study. Subjects were asked to continue their habitual diet and to maintain their pre-study physical activities and body weights. Study protocol and informed consent were approved by the Human Subjects Protection Committee at San Francisco State University.</p>", "<title>Administration of psyllium fiber</title>", "<p>Subjects were asked to consume psyllium fiber enriched cookies for 6 weeks. We incorporated 15 g of psyllium fiber into cookies (≈5 g/cookie). Subjects consumed 3 cookies/d (one in each meal). Psyllium fiber enriched cookies were made in the departmental food laboratory, according to the formulation given in Table ##TAB##0##1##. Previous studies documented that 4–6 week feeding period was adequate to observe changes in serum lipids with psyllium fiber intake [##REF##1319110##17##,##UREF##3##18##]. The reason that psyllium fiber was incorporated into cookies rather than administering as supplements because fiber has shown to produce maximum cholesterol-lowering effect when it is taken mixed with foods [##REF##8172091##19##]. Numerous products (muffins and powdered drink mixes) incorporating psyllium were tested for palatability and cookies yielded the most appetizing product. Cookies were individually supplied to subject's home in a fresh or frozen form on a weekly basis. The rationale for the amount of fiber used (15 g/d) was based on the recommendation of 25–35 g/d of fiber intake for adults [##UREF##4##20##]. Since Americans consume about 15 g/d of fiber [##REF##8925793##11##], by adding 15 g/d subjects would meet the recommendations for fiber. During the study, subjects were asked to refrain from consuming fiber supplements. If a subject was a social drinker that subject was asked to maintain her usual alcohol intake level.</p>", "<title>Serum lipid analysis</title>", "<p>Twelve-hour overnight fasting blood samples were obtained from venipuncture in the arm at the beginning and at the end of the 6-week period by a certified phlebotomist. Blood samples were centrifuged and serum was separated before lipid analysis. Serum samples were analyzed for total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein A-1, and apolipoprotein B using an automatic analyzer (Quest Diagnostic Laboratories, Dublin, CA).</p>", "<title>Data analysis</title>", "<p>Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation. Paired t-test was used to determine the significant difference between the baseline and the post-fiber treatment values in pre- and post-menopausal women (Microsoft Excel for Windows, 1999). Statistical significance was set at P &lt; 0.05.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Of 25 subjects, 19 (8 pre- and 11 post-menopausal) women completed the study. Reasons for discontinuation of participation included gastrointestinal discomfort, increased frequency of bowel movements, softer stools, and personal travel and time conflicts. Subjects' characteristics were summarized in Table ##TAB##1##2##. As expected, the post-menopausal women were significantly older compared to pre-menopausal women (p &lt; 0.05). Body mass index (BMI) at baseline between pre- and post-menopausal women was not significantly different. BMI for all subjects were within the desirable low health risk range. There were no significant differences in body weight between baseline to post-study measurements in both pre- and post-menopausal women (data are not shown).</p>", "<p>The baseline and post-study serum lipid concentrations for pre- and post-menopausal women are presented in Table ##TAB##2##3##. Mean serum total cholesterol concentration with psyllium fiber intake was significantly lower compared to baseline values in post-menopausal women (218.7 mg/dL vs. 230.8 mg/dL; p &lt; 0.05) but not in pre-menopausal women (240.5 mg/dL vs. 243.6 mg/dL). The decrease in post-menopausal women with respect to total serum cholesterol was ≈5.2%.</p>", "<p>Mean HDL cholesterol was significantly lower in post-menopausal women with fiber intake (65 mg/dL to 58.4 mg/dL) (p &lt; 0.05). In contrast, no change was observed in HDL-cholesterol concentrations in pre-menopausal women with psyllium. Changes in LDL-cholesterol in pre- and post-menopausal women from baseline to post-study were not significant although there was a slight decline in values with psyllium fiber intake. The decline was ≈4.6% in post-menopausal women and was ≈3.2% in pre-menopausal women.</p>", "<p>There was a ≈7.6% and ≈18.6% increase in serum triglycerides in pre- and post-menopausal women, respectively, with psyllium fiber supplementation. However, these changes were not statistically significant. Similarly, there were no significant changes in response to psyllium fiber intake in serum apolipoprotein A-1 and apolipoprotein B concentrations in both pre- and post-menopausal women.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>We investigated the effect of psyllium fiber intake at 15 g/d dosage level for 6 weeks on serum lipids in free-living, pre- and post-menopausal, hypercholesterolemic women. Psyllium fiber significantly lowered serum total cholesterol in post-menopausal women. Decreased total serum cholesterol was primarily due to changes in the HDL-cholesterol. Although LDL-cholesterol was lower (≈4.6%) with fiber intake, the decrease was not statistically significant when compared to baseline values in post-menopausal women. Concentrations of serum triglycerides, apolipoprotein A-1, and apolipoprotein B were not affected by psyllium fiber intake in post-menopausal women. Also, psyllium fiber intake had no effect on serum total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein A-1, and apolipoprotein B in pre-menopausal, hypercholesterolemic women.</p>", "<p>Previously, we documented cholesterol-lowering effect of psyllium in normocholesterolemic humans [##UREF##3##18##]. Other studies have shown that consumption of psyllium fiber reduced serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic subjects [##REF##9925120##12##,##REF##10648260##13##]. Several other investigators reported a 3–17% reduction of serum total cholesterol and a 4–20% reduction of LDL-cholesterol with psyllium fiber [##REF##9925120##12##,##REF##8172091##19##,##REF##9311953##21##,##REF##10837282##22##]. In a meta-analysis, Anderson et al. (2000b) reported that consumption of 10.2 g psyllium/d lowered total cholesterol by 4%. Whereas, in our study, we achieved a ≈5.2% decrease in total serum cholesterol concentrations at a dosage level of 15 g psyllium/d. Most of the psyllium fiber used in previous studies was either in the form of ready-to-eat cereal or as fiber supplement. In our study, we administered psyllium fiber in cookies. Thus, the method of administration of psyllium might account for some differences in cholesterol-lowering property of psyllium fiber in various studies.</p>", "<p>Davidson et al. [##REF##9497178##10##] reported that consumption of psyllium fiber lowered total cholesterol without modifying HDL-cholesterol concentrations. In contrast, our study did not reveal that psyllium fiber reduced serum total cholesterol without lowering HDL-cholesterol. The discrepancy in results between this study and other studies may likely be due to differences in characteristics of subjects. Also, our subjects consumed self-selected diets during the study. Thus, the diet intake might have some influence on the study outcomes.</p>", "<p>In this study, we found the hypocholesterolemic effect of psyllium fiber in post-menopausal women but not in pre-menopausal women indicating that pre- and post-menopausal women responded differently to psyllium fiber. Lack of significant hypocholesterolemic effect of psyllium fiber in pre-menopausal women suggests that the elevated cholesterol concentrations in those subjects might be due to genetic causes and thus are unresponsive to dietary modification. On the other hand, elevated cholesterol in post-menopausal women is often due to deranged lipid metabolism (non-genetic causes) arising from loss of estrogen function and thus is responsive to psyllium fiber intervention. In post-menopausal women with established CVD, higher intake of fiber has been associated with less progression of coronary atherosclerosis [##REF##16084154##23##]. Also, psyllium fiber significantly reduced post-prandial concentrations of serum triglycerides, glucose, and insulin in persons with diabetes [##REF##9747644##24##] suggesting a role for psyllium fiber in the management of diabetes.</p>", "<p>Previous studies on the effect of psyllium fiber on triglycerides yielded equivocal results [##REF##10837282##22##,##REF##2724486##25##,##REF##11566640##26##]. Psyllium fiber intake significantly reduced plasma triglycerides in men, but in post-menopausal women, it resulted in a significant increase with no change in pre-menopausal women [##REF##11566640##26##]. In our study, we found no significant effect of psyllium fiber intake on serum triglycerides in both pre- and post-menopausal women, although there was a trend towards increased serum triglycerides.</p>", "<p>The lack of effect of psyllium fiber intake on serum lipids in pre-menopausal women might be due insufficient number of subjects recruited to observe statistically significant differences. Large sample size might reveal significant total cholesterol and/or LDL-cholesterol reduction. Therefore, the results of this study must be used with caution. Although, we have instructed the subjects not to alter their dietary habits during the study, it is possible that our results may have confounded by the fiber from unintended food sources. Because psyllium fiber was incorporated into cookies, consumption of psyllium enriched cookies lead to an additional intake of ≈30 g/d fat. This may have blunted the hypocholesterolemic effect of psyllium in both pre- and post-menopausal women. Additionally, all subjects in the post-menopausal group were Asians. It is not known how this has affected the cholesterol-lowering effect of psyllium.</p>", "<p>In conclusion, post- and pre-menopausal women differed with regard to lipid responses to psyllium fiber. Serum total cholesterol was responsive to psyllium fiber in post-menopausal women. Post-menopausal women would likely benefit from addition of psyllium fiber to their diets in reducing the risk of heart diseases because every 1% reduction in serum total cholesterol concentration results in 2% reduction in risk for heart diseases [##UREF##5##27##]. Differences in cholesterol-lowering response to psyllium intake may be related to the differences in hormonal status between pre- and post-menopausal women [##REF##11912561##15##,##REF##11566640##26##]. Additionally, consumption of psyllium fiber provides a low-cost adjunct to the National Cholesterol Education Program diets for hypercholesterolemia.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women and men. Psyllium, a soluble fiber has been known to reduce serum lipids. In this pilot study, we evaluated whether menopausal status would affect the serum lipid responses to psyllium fiber in women.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Eleven post-menopausal and eight pre-menopausal women with serum total cholesterol &gt;200 mg/dL were included in the study. Subjects consumed their habitual diet and 15 g psyllium/d for 6 weeks. Psyllium was incorporated into cookies. Each cookie contained ≈5 g of psyllium fiber. Subjects ate one cookie in each meal.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>With psyllium fiber, total cholesterol concentration was significantly lower (≈5.2%, P &lt; 0.05) in post-menopausal women but not in pre-menopausal women (≈1.3%). Also, there was a significant decrease in HDL-cholesterol in post-menopausal women (≈10.2%, P &lt; 0.05). There were no significant changes observed in concentrations of LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein A1, and apolipoprotein B in both pre- and post-menopausal women with psyllium.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In this pilot study, post- and pre-menopausal, hypercholesterolemic women responded differently to psyllium fiber supplementation. Post-menopausal women would benefit from addition of psyllium to their diets in reducing the risk for heart diseases. The results of this study should be used with caution because the study was based on a small sample size.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>VG and JK directed the research. VG was responsible for getting the support for the project. Both authors are responsible for collecting the data, analysis of data, and drafting the manuscript. All authors read and approved the manuscript before submission.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The study was supported by the Zellemer Grant program from the California Dietetic Association.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Composition of psyllium fiber-enriched cookies*</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Ingredients</td><td align=\"center\">Amount<sup>#</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Psyllium fiber, g</td><td align=\"center\">250</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">All purpose flour, g</td><td align=\"center\">252</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sugar, g</td><td align=\"center\">294</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Brown sugar, g</td><td align=\"center\">316.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Shortening, g</td><td align=\"center\">484</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Eggs, g</td><td align=\"center\">200</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Baking soda, g</td><td align=\"center\">4.68</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Vanilla extract, mg</td><td align=\"center\">3.5</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Characteristics of subjects*</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Variable</td><td align=\"center\">Pre-menopausal women</td><td align=\"center\">Post-menopausal women</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Race-ethnicity</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> White/Hispanic/Asian, n</td><td align=\"center\">1/1/6</td><td align=\"center\">0/0/11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age, y</td><td align=\"center\">34.6 ± 11.5</td><td align=\"center\">52.9 ± 2.8<sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Weight, kg</td><td align=\"center\">63.2 ± 9.3</td><td align=\"center\">57.6 ± 5.6<sup>@</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Height, m</td><td align=\"center\">1.6 ± 0.1</td><td align=\"center\">1.6 ± 0.04<sup>@</sup></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">BMI, kg/m<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">24.2 ± 4.2</td><td align=\"center\">22.6 ± 2.2<sup>@</sup></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Serum lipid responses to psyllium fiber intake in pre- and post-menopausal women*</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Serum lipid</td><td align=\"center\">Pre-menopausal women (n = 8)</td><td align=\"center\">Post-menopausal women (n = 11)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Total cholesterol</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Baseline, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">243.6 ± 40.3</td><td align=\"center\">230.8 ± 24.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Post-fiber, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">240.5 ± 41.2</td><td align=\"center\">218.7 ± 17.0<sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LDL-cholesterol</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Baseline, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">156.0 ± 46.0</td><td align=\"center\">133.4 ± 32.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Post-fiber, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">151.0 ± 42.0</td><td align=\"center\">127.3 ± 14.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">HDL-cholesterol</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Baseline, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">61.8 ± 12.2</td><td align=\"center\">65.0 ± 17.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Post-fiber, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">61.4 ± 24.1</td><td align=\"center\">58.4 ± 14.8<sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Triglycerides</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Baseline, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">129.5 ± 52.1</td><td align=\"center\">139.5 ± 72.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Post-fiber, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">139.4 ± 77.4</td><td align=\"center\">165.4 ± 85.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Apolipoprotein A-1</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Baseline, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">152.5 ± 30.3</td><td align=\"center\">150.6 ± 21.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Post-fiber, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">154.4 ± 39.2</td><td align=\"center\">152.3 ± 23.8</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Apolipoprotein B</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Baseline, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">122.3 ± 34.7</td><td align=\"center\">110.6 ± 19.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Post-fiber, mg/dL</td><td align=\"center\">117.1 ± 31.5</td><td align=\"center\">106.3 ± 16.5</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* = Procedures: Mixed dry and wet ingredients well. Weighed the dough and divided by 50. Baked at 330°F for 11–14 minutes until cookies became light golden brown. # = Made 50 cookies. Each cookie contained approximately 5 g of psyllium fiber.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>* = Mean ± standard deviation. <sup># </sup>= Significant difference from pre-menopausal women (p &lt; 0.05).</p><p><sup>@ </sup>= No significant difference from pre-menopausal women.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>* = Mean ± standard deviation. # = Significantly different from pre-menopausal women, paired t-test (p &lt; 0.05).</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:34
Nutr J. 2008 Aug 26; 7:22
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Dissecting the specific effect of a drug on a defined biological process is often complicated by the plethora of secondary effects that arise during extended exposure. This is highlighted by the anti-cancer drug rapamycin whose principle, although not exclusive, target is the rate limiting initiation step of protein translation [##REF##18215105##1##]. Techniques designed to analyse the effect of the drug on mRNA-ribosome association are hampered by the long exposure times required to observe changes in the polysomal mRNA populations. Translation initiation is frequently regulated via the <italic>e</italic>ukaryotic <italic>i</italic>nitiation <italic>f</italic>actor 4E (eIF4E). It can be sequestered into an inactive complex by a family of 4E-binding proteins (4E-BP1/2/3). The affinity of these proteins for eIF4E is modulated by phosphorylation via the mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) kinase [##REF##10364159##2##]. Rapamycin arrests many cells in G<sub>1 </sub>[##REF##11057898##3##], and is a potent immunosuppressant [##REF##8717522##4##]. It exerts its action by binding and inactivating the mTORC1 [##REF##14536067##5##]. Previous studies have shown that extended exposure to rapamycin also alters transcription. Among the mRNAs regulated, a number impact directly on translation (e.g. eIF2α) [##REF##12101249##6##]. These changes were minor after short drug exposure times (&lt; 60 mins), but increased markedly after 2 hrs. Translational profiling studies (which examine the mRNAs associated with ribosomes) have also been reported [##REF##14576155##7##, ####REF##11943782##8##, ##REF##17311107##9##, ##REF##17562867##10####17562867##10##]. One study, performed on the Jurkat T cell clone E6-1, revealed that after an extended exposure to rapamycin (minimum 4 hrs) almost all transcripts analysed were inhibited, and 136 of those (representing ~5% of the total) were strongly inhibited (at least 10 fold). This latter group included a number of mRNAs whose products impact directly on translation (e.g. eIF5A, eIF4A1, eEF1, eEFTu) [##REF##11943782##8##]. This would predict that lengthy exposure to the drug will influence translation by modifying the levels of initiation and elongation factors. We therefore sought to develop a technique that would permit a specific analysis on how the drug alters transcript recruitment onto free ribosomes under conditions that eliminated the secondary effects associated with extended exposure. The approach has been coupled to a high-throughput microarray screen to examine how rapamycin exposure impacts on the re-seeding of the polysomal transcript populations. Results from the array have also been validated by quantitative RT-PCR.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Cell culture</title>", "<p>MRC-5 cells (Coriell Cell Repository) were cultured in Minimal Essential Medium (Gibco) supplemented with 1 mM sodium pyruvate (Sigma), 0.1 mM non-essential amino acids, 10% foetal calf serum (Brunschwig), 1% penicillin/streptomycin, in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO<sub>2</sub>. For polysome analysis, cells in the growing phase (60% confluence) were hypertonically shocked by shifting to medium containing 300 mM NaCl for 50 min. They were then placed in normal isotonic medium for 30 min. When rapamycin was used, 100 nM rapamycin (LC laboratories) or 0.01% DMSO (the negative control) was added during the hypertonic shock, 20 min before the transfer back to isotonic conditions. Rapamycin and DMSO were kept on the cells throughout the 30 mins recovery period (total time of exposure to rapamycin was 50 mins). These conditions were based upon previously published work [##REF##15292274##11##], although we have independently confirmed that they can be used on a range of cell lines including 293T [##REF##17591614##12##], HeLa S3 and SK-NA5 (data not shown).</p>", "<title>Polysome gradient/RNA extraction</title>", "<p>After treatment, cells were scraped into the culture medium and pelleted for 4 min at 100 g. The pellets, consisting of 5 × 10<sup>6 </sup>cells, were lysed for 15 min on ice in 400 μL of 100 mM KCl, 50 mM Tris-Cl pH 7.4, 1.5 mM MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 1 mM DTT, 1 mg/mL heparin, 1.5 % NP40, 100 μM cycloheximide, 1% aprotinin, 1 mM AEBSF and 100 U/mL of RNasin. Nuclei were pelleted by centrifugation in a microfuge, 10 min at 12000 rpm. The supernatant was loaded onto a 20–60% sucrose gradient (in 100 mM KCL, 5 mM MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 20 mM HEPES pH 7.4 and 2 mM DTT). Extracts were fractionated for 3 h 30 min at 35,000 rpm at 4°C in a Beckman SW41 rotor, and the gradients were recovered in 3 fractions [monosome, light polysome (2 to 5 ribosomes) and heavy polysome (&gt; 5 ribosomes)] using a Brandel gradient fractionator equipped with an ISCO UA-6 flow cell set to 254 nm. RNA was isolated from the light and heavy polysome fractions by adding an equal volume of TriZol (Invitrogen). Samples were mixed and incubate for 15 min. on ice, then 0.3 volumes of chloroform was added. After centrifugation, the upper phase was collected and the RNA precipitated with 0.7 volumes of isopropanol. The pellet of RNA was re-suspended in water. Prior to microarray analysis the pooled RNA fractions were further purified using the Qiagen RNeasy kit. The total yield of RNA in each pooled fraction was ~2 μg. RNA quality was checked on an Agilent 2100 bioanalyser.</p>", "<title>Microarray</title>", "<p>Total RNA (100 ng from each fraction) was first amplified using the two step amplification protocol of Affymetrix. cRNA (17.5 μg) was then used to probe the Gene Chip U133 Plus 2.0 with 54,675 probe sets, covering more than 47,000 transcripts. Three biological replicates were hybridised for each condition (light and heavy polysomes +/- rapamycin). Data were analysed using the GCOS normalisation of Affymetrix. After normalisation, we filtered out probe sets that were assayed \"absent\" in all the 12 arrays. For this, the expression levels in each control experiment (DMSO) were arbitrarily fixed to one, and the fold change of the corresponding probe in the treated samples was normalised to this. The variation was then tested using the Mann and Witney U statistical test. Using this approach 24,105 of the probe sets (44%) were flagged as absent. The data was further analysed using two approaches. Firstly, probe set intensity values below 100 were removed prior to GCOS normalisation, and fold changes ≥ 1.5 relative to the DMSO control were scored (the smallest score in the three independent experiments had to show at least a 20% change relative to the DMSO control i.e. a 1.2 fold increase or a 0.8 fold decrease). In a second approach, commencing with the entire data set, points were only scored if the mean of the fold difference was ≥ 2.5 (once again the smallest score in the three independent experiments had to show at least a 20% change relative to the DMSO control). The data from both screens were plotted onto biological networks using the GO onthology (Affymetrix) and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis Software packages <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>.</p>", "<p>The microarray data are available at ArrayExpress (Accession N° E-TABM-205).</p>", "<title>Real-Time PCR</title>", "<p>One μg of total RNA from a fourth independent experiment was reverse transcribed using random hexamers (Gibco). A 1/10 dilution of the cDNA was used to perform the PCR with the SYBR Green Reagent (Roche).</p>", "<p>Primers used were:</p>", "<p><bold>QKI </bold>AGCATCACAGTCAGAGGTCAGC, GCAGTGGCATATTAAACCAAAGC;</p>", "<p><bold>RBM7 </bold>GTTGGAAATTCAAGCCCTACCT, AATCCTGATTGATCCAGAGGTG;</p>", "<p><bold>ORMDL1 </bold>GTCTGGCAGAAACAACGTCTC, CAATGTGGTTGCTGTTCTGG;</p>", "<p><bold>FAS </bold>GATGGCGAATGAGGTTCAG, CAATCCCATATCTCCCATTAAC;</p>", "<p><bold>RBM17 </bold>GTCATCTCCGGTGATCCTTAAA, CAACCAGAGAGGCACACAGAT;</p>", "<p><bold>PAPPA </bold>GCATCAGTTTCTCTAGCTGCAA, TATCAAACAAGCACTCCCTGTC;</p>", "<p><bold>Actin </bold>CTGACGGCCAGGTCATCACCATTG, GCCGGACTCGTCATACTCCTGCTTG;</p>", "<p><bold>L27 </bold>GTGACAGCTGCCATGGGCAAG, TCAAACTTGACCTTGGCCTCCCG,</p>", "<p><bold>Cyclin D1 </bold>AAGCAGGACTTTGAGGCA AG, CCTCTGAGGTCCCTACTTTCAA.</p>", "<p>Primer sets were designed to amplify regions within the 3' UTR of each transcript since this generally corresponded to the site of the probe sets used on the Affymetrix chip. The specificity of each primer set was confirmed by standard RT-PCR on total cell RNA, followed by analysis of the DNA products by agarose gel electrophoresis (data not shown).</p>", "<title>Western blot analysis</title>", "<p>Cells were lysed in CSH buffer (50 mM Tris-Cl pH 7.5, 250 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.1% Triton X-100) and the nuclei were pelleted by centrifugation at 12,000 rpm for 5 mins. Twenty μgs of protein was resolved on a 15% polyacrylamide-SDS gel and electrotransfered to a PVDF membrane. Antibodies used in this study were the anti-4EBP1 (Cell Signalling), the anti-phosho4EBPI (Thr37/46) (Cell Signalling), the anti-p70 S6 kinase (Cell Signalling), the anti-phospho-p70 S6 kinase (Thr389) (Cell Signalling) and mouse anti-actin (Chemicon). Blots were developed using the Super Signal Substrate (Thermo Scientific).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Rapamycin delays mRNA recruitment onto polysomes</title>", "<p>To directly examine the effect of rapamycin on mRNA recruitment we decided to exploit a novel approach, an approach that analyses the ability of cellular mRNAs to compete for free ribosomes in-vivo. Hypertonic shock provokes a rapid inhibition of protein synthesis, disaggregation of polysomes (Figure ##FIG##0##1A##), dephosphorylation of eIF4E, 4E-BP1, S6 and an increased association of eIF4E and 4E-BP1 [##REF##15292274##11##,##REF##12138083##13##]. Upon restoration of isotonic conditions the polysomal fraction is rapidly reconstituted (Figure ##FIG##0##1B## and [##REF##15292274##11##]). Using this methodology it was possible to examine what effect rapamycin had on the recruitment of mRNA populations onto free ribosomes following very short drug exposure times. It was in substance an in-vivo competition assay performed under two defined physiological conditions. Drug treatment appeared to delay recruitment as evidenced by the reduction in the heavy polysome peak (≥ 6 ribosomes: compare Figure ##FIG##0##1B## and ##FIG##0##1C##), and this effect was correlated with a modification of the downstream signalling targets of mTOR, including 4E-BP1 and S6 kinase. (Figure ##FIG##0##1D##, compare the second and third lanes). This confirmed that despite the relatively short time of exposure to rapamycin, the recruitment assay monitored transcript:ribosome re-association under two conditions in which eIF4E availability was altered.</p>", "<title>A profiling screen identifies changes in the light and heavy polysomal mRNA populations</title>", "<p>Equal amounts of RNA isolated from the light (2 to 5 ribosomes) and heavy (&gt; 5 ribosomes) polysomal fractions were used to probe the Affymetrix Gene Chip U133 Plus 2. Triplicate independent gradients under each experimental condition were examined. After data analysis, two subpopulations of transcripts were clearly discriminated: those dominant in the light polysomal fraction and those dominant in the heavy polysomal fraction, an important criterion since it validated the initial experimental approach (Figure ##FIG##1##2A##). Despite the fact that the polysomal peaks were smaller in the presence of rapamycin, consistent with a global repression, the two sub-populations were essentially conserved (i.e. no major movement of mRNA populations between the two fractions as a consequence of the treatment was evident). To analyse the data we used two approaches. Firstly, we filtered out all transcripts giving low probe set intensity values on the chip using the default settings of the Agilent analysis software package (values &lt; 100). We then scored for mRNAs whose polysomal occupancy was altered by greater than ×1.5 fold (listed in Additional File ##SUPPL##0##1##). This produced 437 transcripts within which was found the majority of the repressed TOP mRNAs (see below). Curiously, within this group of transcripts almost equal proportions were up and down-regulated (46% and 54%, respectively) (Figure ##FIG##1##2B##).</p>", "<p>As a second approach to analyse the data we applied a ×2.5 fold change cut-off point to the entire data set. The rationale for this alternative analysis is based upon the fact that many of the genes that are regulated at the level of translation are frequently transcribed at low levels. This includes proto-oncogenes and other factors that regulate cell growth [##REF##10216945##14##]. The majority of these transcripts are found within the lower intensity range and we therefore tested if meaningful information could be extracted from this region by applying a more stringent selection. We observed that 1160 mRNAs (3.8%) showed increased or decreased polysomal distribution in the presence of rapamycin, suggesting that in this small fraction of transcripts the affinity for the cap binding complex was changed (Figure ##FIG##1##2C## and Additional File ##SUPPL##1##2##). Over 2/3 of the mRNAs responding to the drug were down-regulated, whereas 1/3 showed increased polysomal occupancy relevant to the non-treated control. Only a few transcripts were regulated in both the heavy and the light polysomes (55 mRNAs) (Figure ##FIG##1##2C##). These results are not unlike those reported in a translational profiling study performed on the two tumoural cell lines, LAPC-4 (prostrate cancer) and U87 (glioblastoma). Applying the 2.5 fold cut-off point, ca. 6% of the 3,000 transcripts screened showed altered polysomal occupancy, and amongst these, 60% were down-regulated and 40% up-regulated [##REF##14576155##7##].</p>", "<p>Those mRNAs showing significant redistributions (both increased and decreased: as listed in Additional Files ##SUPPL##0##1## and ##SUPPL##1##2##) were then plotted onto cellular networks using the GO onthology (Affymetrix) software package. Results revealed that transcripts up- or down-regulated affected more or less the same biological processes (Figure ##FIG##1##2D## and ##FIG##1##2E##). However, using the Ingenuity pathway analysis a number of features were immediately evident in the rapamycin treated cells: (a) A group of mRNAs involved in the inflammatory response were regulated, consistent with the immunosuppressive activity of rapamycin. Interestingly, we also observed down-regulation of several transcripts linked to phagocytosis. It has recently been reported that rapamycin down-regulates phagocytosis in a murine macrophage cell line (Table ##TAB##0##1##) [##REF##15485887##15##]. (b) We observed a number of mRNAs involved in cell growth and proliferation. Among them, a number of anti-apoptotic mRNAs were up-regulated (e.g. relA and mdm2), whereas pro-apoptotic ones were down-regulated (e.g. fas, faslg and faf1) (Table ##TAB##0##1##). This is consistent with the observation that rapamycin did not induce apoptosis in MRC-5 cells even after extended exposure (unpublished observations), and corroborated recent studies showing the anti-apoptotic properties of rapamycin [##REF##16497721##16##,##REF##14871980##17##].</p>", "<p>Rapamycin is known to have a marked effect on the expression of a subset of transcripts referred to as terminal oligopyrimidine (TOP) mRNAs [##REF##16246169##18##]. This includes ribosomal protein mRNAs (estimated to be ~15% of the total cellular mRNA) and translation elongation factors. In previous translational profiling studies, a number of TOP mRNAs were clearly repressed. We also observed repression of ribosomal transcripts, although the effects were less extensive than in the earlier reports. This may reflect both the shorter drug exposure times and the experimental approach that was employed (i.e. mRNA re-recruitment onto free ribosomes). With the cut-off threshold at ×2.5 fold we observed down regulation of rpl14 and rpl21 in the light polysomes and rplp0 in the heavy polysomes (<italic>r</italic>ibosomal <italic>p</italic>rotein <italic>l</italic>arge). However, if the threshold was reduced to ×1.5 fold the number of hits significantly increased. Most significantly, ribosomal transcripts were only ever observed down-regulated (Table ##TAB##1##2## and Additional File ##SUPPL##0##1##).</p>", "<title>Independent confirmation of the array results by RT-PCR</title>", "<p>With the aim of validating the microarray we performed real-time RT-PCR on selected transcripts across the spectrum of probe set intensities (Figure ##FIG##2##3A##). We were particularly interested in those transcripts that gave low probe set values. For the RT-PCR, RNA was extracted from a fourth independent experiment. Nine mRNAs were initially selected (Transcripts up-regulated = qki, rbm7, ormdl1. Transcripts down-regulated = fas, rbm17, pappa, Transcripts not regulated = β-actin, L27, cyclin D1: see Additional Files ##SUPPL##0##1## and ##SUPPL##1##2##). Transcripts from the lower values of the data set (see Additional File ##SUPPL##1##2## and Figure ##FIG##2##3A##) were selected because of the large fold difference between the rapamycin and DMSO control (&gt; 2.5 fold). The results, with the exception of those obtained with the pappa transcript, largely confirmed the micro-array data (Figure ##FIG##2##3B##). This was particularly encouraging for transcripts such as those coding for QKI and FAS, indicating that application of the ×2.5 fold cut-off approach permitted the extraction of useful hits even in the lower end of the probe intensity set (Figure ##FIG##2##3A##). Note that the absence of a light RT-PCR value for RBM17 simply reflected its low levels in this fraction (Ct &gt; 35 cycles). The microarray study also indicated that this transcript was regulated only within the heavy polysomal fraction, a result confirmed by the RT-PCR. In addition, these studies also demonstrated that no significant changes in total mRNA levels had occurred within the selected transcripts as a consequence of drug exposure (Figure ##FIG##2##3B##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>In this technical report, we have outlined a novel approach to translational profiling that follows the impact of a drug on the de-novo re-association of mRNAs and ribosomes in living cells in culture. An intracellular pool of free ribosomes was generated by a short hypertonic shock. Although this undoubtedly induced a stress response, previous work has demonstrated that the translation initiation machinery recovers very rapidly after the cells are transferred back to isotonic conditions as monitored by the reconstitution of the polysomal fraction [##REF##15292274##11##,##REF##12138083##13##]. The rapidity at which the polysomes are reformed has permitted us to examine the effect of a drug on this process using a short time window of exposure. This has the effect of limiting undesirable secondary effects that arise upon extended exposure, an effect highlighted by the drug selected for this study, namely rapamycin (see Introduction). The short exposure time warranted a drug concentration higher than that generally used in animal studies [##REF##8900311##19##], however, some studies in cell culture systems have employed rapamycin concentrations as high as 15–20 μM before observing an impact on cell growth [##REF##18026138##20##]. The selection was also dictated too by the fact that rapamycins' effect on translation initiation has been extensively studied. We have demonstrated that this approach can be coupled to a high-throughput analysis of the polysomal transcript populations.</p>", "<p>Treatment with rapamycin limits the availability of eIF4E via its sequestration into an inactive complex with the hypophosphorylated 4E-BPs. Such a scenario represses global translation rates but with an effect more marked on those mRNAs containing structured 5' UTRs and those containing TOP elements. Indeed, when TOP containing transcripts were identified in our array they were always down-regulated (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Additionally, although the polysome profiles demonstrated an overall translational repression, the position of the vast majority of mRNAs on the gradient (i.e. the transcript populations in both the heavy and light polysomes) was largely unperturbed by the drug (i.e. there was little movement of transcripts from heavy to light polysomes, a somewhat unanticipated response), indicating that the affinity of re-recruitment of ribosomes onto these mRNAs (as reflected by the number of ribosomes per transcript) was largely unchanged.</p>", "<p>A number of translational profiling studies examining the effect of rapamycin in mammalian cells have already been reported. In one of these, the effect of rapamycin on the polysomal distribution of mRNAs was demonstrated to be coupled to the activity of AKT [##REF##14576155##7##], a result that demonstrates the extent to which a drugs effect can be modulated by the physiological status of the cell. This interpretation has become even more convoluted following the observation that prolonged rapamycin treatment may inhibit AKT signalling by interfering with the assembly of the second mTOR complex, mTORC2 [##REF##15718470##21##]. However, with regards to the two transcripts characterised in this work as strongly up-regulated, namely cyclin D1 and c-myc, the former was down-regulated in our screen (×1.5 fold), and the latter gave values that were not considered statistically significant. Other studies have also failed to observe changes in the polysomal occupancy of the cyclin D1 mRNA in the presence of rapamycin [##REF##17311107##9##,##REF##17562867##10##,##REF##16936314##22##]. These differences may reflect the cell lines and/or the experimental procedures employed. Both cyclin D1 and c-myc were proposed to carry IRESes within the 5' UTR, and IRES activity has been reported to show cell type specificity linked to the availability of ITAFs (<italic>I</italic>RES <italic>T</italic>rans-<italic>A</italic>cting <italic>F</italic>actors) [##REF##10950867##23##]. Furthermore, the responsiveness of these IRESes to rapamycin was shown to be tightly coupled to the cellular activity of the AKT and RAF/MEK/ERK signalling cascades, features that may also show cell-type variation [##REF##15634685##24##]. However, the slight reduction that we observed in the polysomal levels of the cyclin D1 mRNA would be consistent with other reports indicating that its expression was sensitive to the levels of eIF4E [##REF##7673150##25##,##REF##8577715##26##]. Finally, the earlier profiling study followed changes in the steady-state polysomal populations after extended exposure to the drug, whilst in the current work we have followed a competitive re-association. These processes may have altered initiation factor requirements, which could impact on the mRNA populations that respond. Indeed, it has been proposed that eIF4GII but not eIF4GI is required for re-initiation subsequent to a hypertonic shock [##REF##16959778##27##]. Nonetheless, a listing of transcripts detected in both studies demonstrated that the majority behaved similarly (see Additional File ##SUPPL##2##3##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In summary, a major effort is underway to use high density microarray profiles to study how different drug regimes impact on the polysomal mRNA populations. These studies provide insights into how cellular gene expression is regulated at the level of translation initiation, the rate limiting step in protein expression. Changes in this read-out are a very rapid cellular response to physiological perturbations. The method that we have outlined permits a specific analysis of how a drug impacts on transcript-ribosome association. This early response almost certainly conditions subsequent cell behaviour during extended exposure. The choice of rapamycin for this \"proof-of-principle\" work was not arbitrary since the impact of this drug on translation initiation has been extensively studied. The technique offers the possibility of establishing molecular fingerprints for different tumour derived cell types and drug regimes [##REF##17057710##28##]. In addition, it provides a very powerful technique to analyse the early events in translational control at the level of mRNA:ribosome association.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Recent work, using both cell culture model systems and tumour derived cell lines, suggests that the differential recruitment into polysomes of mRNA populations may be sufficient to initiate and maintain tumour formation. Consequently, a major effort is underway to use high density microarray profiles to establish molecular fingerprints for cells exposed to defined drug regimes. The aim of these pharmacogenomic approaches is to provide new information on how drugs can impact on the translational read-out within a defined cellular background.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>We describe an approach that permits the analysis of de-novo mRNA-ribosome association in-vivo during short drug exposures. It combines hypertonic shock, polysome fractionation and high-throughput analysis to provide a molecular phenotype of translationally responsive transcripts. Compared to previous translational profiling studies, the procedure offers increased specificity due to the elimination of the drugs secondary effects (e.g. on the transcriptional read-out). For this pilot \"proof-of-principle\" assay we selected the drug rapamycin because of its extensively studied impact on translation initiation.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>High throughput analysis on both the light and heavy polysomal fractions has identified mRNAs whose re-recruitment onto free ribosomes responded to short exposure to the drug rapamycin. The results of the microarray have been confirmed using real-time RT-PCR. The selective down-regulation of TOP transcripts is also consistent with previous translational profiling studies using this drug.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The technical advance outlined in this manuscript offers the possibility of new insights into mRNA features that impact on translation initiation and provides a molecular fingerprint for transcript-ribosome association in any cell type and in the presence of a range of drugs of interest. Such molecular phenotypes defined pre-clinically may ultimately impact on the evaluation of a particular drug in a living cell.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>RG and PJ-G prepared the polysomal RNA for the microarray analysis. RG and TA were involved in the analysis of the microarray data. RG and LM performed the RT-PCR control. JC prepared the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The work was supported by grants from the \"La Ligue Genevoise Contre le Cancer\" and the \"Fonds National Suisse\". We thank Dr. Jean-Dominique Vassalli and Dr. Beatrice Conne for use of the gradient apparatus, and the input of Dr. Bernadino Conrad. Finally, we thank Dr Patrick Descombe, Dr Olivier Schaad and Didier Chollet from the Genomics Platform of the NCCR program \"Frontiers in Genetics\" <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/> for their invaluable help in performing and analyzing the microarray experiments.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Ribosomal re-recruitment in the presence of rapamycin</bold>. (A). High salt provokes a rapid disaggregation of polysomes. (B). Upon restoration of isotonic conditions the polysomal fraction is reconstituted (C). Pre-treatment with rapamycin delays the re-recruitment of ribosomes. The position of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP), the monosomal (Mono) and polysomal (Poly) fractions are indicated. (D) Western blot analysis of phospho-4EBP-1, 4EBP-1, phospho-S6K, S6K, and actin was performed on extracts isolated under the different conditions depicted in panels (A); (B) and (C).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Microarray analysis</bold>. (A). Hierarchical clustering of relative expression. Each column represents the different conditions. On the right the vertical bar indicates probe set intensity values (indicated as Expression) in arbitrary units. The zero value indicates absence, with blue indicating a low level and red a high level of expression (the maximum value being fixed as 5). The vertical brackets on the right indicate that transcripts have been grouped into those over-represented in the light polysomes (lower) or in the heavy polysomes (upper). (B). After removal of probe set intensity values &lt; 100, and the application of a ×1.5 fold cut-off, the regulated genes were classified into four groups. The values indicate the number of transcripts in each group. (C). In a second approach, a ×2.5 fold cut-off was applied. (D) and (E). Functional classification using Gene Ontology of the genes either up-regulated or down-regulated (as depicted in panel b and in Additional File ##SUPPL##0##1##, and panel c and in Additional File ##SUPPL##1##2##, respectively). The unknown fraction represents genes not annotated in the Gene Ontology database.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Real-Time RT-PCR analysis</bold>. (A). A schematic representation of the intensity values of transcripts selected for the RT-PCR validation. In the upper panel, the horizontal bars represented the value range for each mRNA on the array. The lower panel plots the distribution of regulated genes (×2.5 fold cut-off selection) relative to the probe set values. (B). RT-PCR values were normalised to those obtained from two housekeeping genes and the fold change indicates the difference in the DMSO and rapamycin values after normalisation. The DMSO value was arbitrarily set at 1. The results are compared with those obtained from the microarray. The variation in the total mRNA extracted is also represented. The 2.5 fold difference used for the screening is represented by the dotted lines (2.5 and 0.4). Each bar is representative of 2 independent RT-PCR assays performed in triplicate. Bars indicate the SEM.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>List of transcripts regulated by rapamycin (Ingenuity classification)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"7\"><bold>Inflammation</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Upregulated</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\"><bold>Downregulated</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">apobec3f</td><td align=\"center\">lst1</td><td align=\"center\">adra1a</td><td align=\"center\">epha4</td><td align=\"center\">il1rn</td><td align=\"center\">ptpn22</td><td align=\"center\">tlr7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">blnk</td><td align=\"center\">mdm2</td><td align=\"center\">adra2c</td><td align=\"center\">f9</td><td align=\"center\">irf2</td><td align=\"center\">ptprc</td><td align=\"center\">zeb1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cald1</td><td align=\"center\">oas1</td><td align=\"center\">alpp</td><td align=\"center\">fas</td><td align=\"center\">itgb3</td><td align=\"center\">ptprz1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cmklr1</td><td align=\"center\">parvg</td><td align=\"center\">bcl11a</td><td align=\"center\">faslg</td><td align=\"center\">klf2</td><td align=\"center\">rbl2</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">ctla4</td><td align=\"center\">pdgfc</td><td align=\"center\">bcl2l1</td><td align=\"center\">fcgr2a</td><td align=\"center\">lama3</td><td align=\"center\">rbm15</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cxcr4</td><td align=\"center\">rag2</td><td align=\"center\">cast</td><td align=\"center\">folr1</td><td align=\"center\">lilra2</td><td align=\"center\">rbpj</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cyp3a4</td><td align=\"center\">rela</td><td align=\"center\">cd28</td><td align=\"center\">fyb</td><td align=\"center\">mll</td><td align=\"center\">rel</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">fyn</td><td align=\"center\">sat1</td><td align=\"center\">cd36</td><td align=\"center\">gal</td><td align=\"center\">mpo</td><td align=\"center\">satb1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">hla-g</td><td align=\"center\">tcf12</td><td align=\"center\">clec1b</td><td align=\"center\">gap43</td><td align=\"center\">pcgf2</td><td align=\"center\">siglec8</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">ifih1</td><td align=\"center\">tfap4</td><td align=\"center\">cul4a</td><td align=\"center\">gnrh1</td><td align=\"center\">pla2g6</td><td align=\"center\">smpd1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">ifna2</td><td align=\"center\">thbs1</td><td align=\"center\">cxcl11</td><td align=\"center\">gnrhr</td><td align=\"center\">plcg1</td><td align=\"center\">spn</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">il16</td><td align=\"center\">tlr7</td><td align=\"center\">cyp3a4</td><td align=\"center\">hal-dqb1</td><td align=\"center\">prdm16</td><td align=\"center\">syk</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">il28b</td><td align=\"center\">unc119</td><td align=\"center\">ddl1</td><td align=\"center\">hck</td><td align=\"center\">pscdbp</td><td align=\"center\">thra</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">itga4</td><td align=\"center\">vtcn1</td><td align=\"center\">dok2</td><td align=\"center\">ifne1</td><td align=\"center\">ptgs2</td><td align=\"center\">thrb</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"7\"><bold>Cell growth and proliferation</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Upregulated</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\"><bold>Downregulated</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">adam12</td><td align=\"center\">mdm2</td><td align=\"center\">adra1a</td><td align=\"center\">dok2</td><td align=\"center\">gnrh1</td><td align=\"center\">olig2</td><td align=\"center\">rffl</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">blnk</td><td align=\"center\">pappa</td><td align=\"center\">bcl2l1</td><td align=\"center\">f12</td><td align=\"center\">hck</td><td align=\"center\">p53aip1</td><td align=\"center\">sec14l2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cdc2l5</td><td align=\"center\">rag2</td><td align=\"center\">ccl27</td><td align=\"center\">fas</td><td align=\"center\">hmga2</td><td align=\"center\">pcgf2</td><td align=\"center\">syk</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">ctla4</td><td align=\"center\">rela</td><td align=\"center\">cd28</td><td align=\"center\">faslg</td><td align=\"center\">irf2</td><td align=\"center\">pdgfa</td><td align=\"center\">tfr2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cxcr4</td><td align=\"center\">s100b</td><td align=\"center\">cdca7</td><td align=\"center\">fbxo2</td><td align=\"center\">itgb3</td><td align=\"center\">piwil1</td><td align=\"center\">tgif1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">erbb3</td><td align=\"center\">ss18</td><td align=\"center\">clca2</td><td align=\"center\">fcer2</td><td align=\"center\">klf2</td><td align=\"center\">pla2g6</td><td align=\"center\">thra</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">fyn</td><td align=\"center\">tcf12</td><td align=\"center\">cltc</td><td align=\"center\">fgf18</td><td align=\"center\">lzts1</td><td align=\"center\">ptgs2</td><td align=\"center\">thrb</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">hla-g</td><td align=\"center\">thbs1</td><td align=\"center\">csh2</td><td align=\"center\">folr1</td><td align=\"center\">mdm4</td><td align=\"center\">ptk2</td><td align=\"center\">tnfsf15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">igf1r</td><td align=\"center\">unc119</td><td align=\"center\">cyp2c9</td><td align=\"center\">foxo1</td><td align=\"center\">mll</td><td align=\"center\">ptpn22</td><td align=\"center\">zfn10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">il28b</td><td align=\"center\">vtcn1</td><td align=\"center\">dcc</td><td align=\"center\">gal</td><td align=\"center\">nab2</td><td align=\"center\">ptpra</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">itga4</td><td/><td align=\"center\">ddx17</td><td align=\"center\">gap43</td><td align=\"center\">nos1</td><td align=\"center\">ptprc</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">lst1</td><td/><td align=\"center\">dll1</td><td align=\"center\">glmn</td><td align=\"center\">nov</td><td align=\"center\">rbl2</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"7\"><bold>Cell death</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Upregulated</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\"><bold>Downregulated</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">blnk</td><td align=\"center\">itga2</td><td align=\"center\">abcd2</td><td align=\"center\">dll1</td><td align=\"center\">hmga2</td><td align=\"center\">p53aip1</td><td align=\"center\">rbm17</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cdk6</td><td align=\"center\">mdm2</td><td align=\"center\">acvr1b</td><td align=\"center\">eraf</td><td align=\"center\">ifne1</td><td align=\"center\">pigt</td><td align=\"center\">rel</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">ctla4</td><td align=\"center\">rag2</td><td align=\"center\">adora2a</td><td align=\"center\">faf1</td><td align=\"center\">il1rn</td><td align=\"center\">piwil1</td><td align=\"center\">satb1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cul3</td><td align=\"center\">rela</td><td align=\"center\">atrx</td><td align=\"center\">fas</td><td align=\"center\">irf2</td><td align=\"center\">pla2g6</td><td align=\"center\">serpinb4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cxcr4</td><td align=\"center\">rnase1</td><td align=\"center\">atxn3</td><td align=\"center\">faslg</td><td align=\"center\">itgb3</td><td align=\"center\">pou4f1</td><td align=\"center\">siglec8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cyp2e1</td><td align=\"center\">sgpp1</td><td align=\"center\">bcl2l1</td><td align=\"center\">fcer2</td><td align=\"center\">klf2</td><td align=\"center\">ppp1r9b</td><td align=\"center\">smpd1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">cyp3a4</td><td align=\"center\">tfap4</td><td align=\"center\">bircabp</td><td align=\"center\">foxo1</td><td align=\"center\">klra1</td><td align=\"center\">ppp2r1b</td><td align=\"center\">spn</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">erbb3</td><td align=\"center\">thbs1</td><td align=\"center\">cast</td><td align=\"center\">gal</td><td align=\"center\">lrp5</td><td align=\"center\">prdm2</td><td align=\"center\">stk4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">erg</td><td align=\"center\">traf4</td><td align=\"center\">ccl27</td><td align=\"center\">gimap5</td><td align=\"center\">mdm4</td><td align=\"center\">ptgs2</td><td align=\"center\">syk</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">fyn</td><td align=\"center\">zmym2</td><td align=\"center\">cd28</td><td align=\"center\">gng2</td><td align=\"center\">mll</td><td align=\"center\">ptk2</td><td align=\"center\">thra</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">hla-g</td><td/><td align=\"center\">cdk6</td><td align=\"center\">gria2</td><td align=\"center\">mpo</td><td align=\"center\">ptpn22</td><td align=\"center\">tnfsf15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">ifih1</td><td/><td align=\"center\">cyp2e1</td><td align=\"center\">grik2</td><td align=\"center\">nol3</td><td align=\"center\">ptprc</td><td align=\"center\">traf5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">ifna2</td><td/><td align=\"center\">cyp3a4</td><td align=\"center\">grm1</td><td align=\"center\">nos1</td><td align=\"center\">ptprz1</td><td align=\"center\">trps1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">igf1r</td><td/><td align=\"center\">dcc</td><td align=\"center\">hint1</td><td align=\"center\">nrtn</td><td align=\"center\">rbl2</td><td align=\"center\">znf10</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"7\"><bold>Phagocytosis</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Upregulated</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Downregulated</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"3\"/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">cd36</td><td align=\"center\">klf2</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">fas</td><td align=\"center\">mpo</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">fcgr2a</td><td align=\"center\">pla2g6</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">hck</td><td align=\"center\">syk</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">itgb3</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>List of TOP mRNAs detected in the array.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>LIGHT POLYSOME UP</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>LIGHT POLYSOME DOWN</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>HEAVY POLYSOME DOWN</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">(NONE)</td><td align=\"center\">rpl5 (-1.5)</td><td align=\"center\">rplP0 (-2.7)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">rpl14 (-2.5)</td><td align=\"center\">rpl36 (-1.5)</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">rpl21 (-5.1)</td><td align=\"center\">eef2 (-1.5)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>HEAVY POLYSOME UP</bold></td><td align=\"center\">rpl38 (-1.5)</td><td align=\"center\">(translation elongation factor)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">(NONE)</td><td align=\"center\">rps11 (-2.1)</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">rps19 (-1.5)</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">rps21 (-2.1)</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">rps28 (-1.6)</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">eftuD1 (-5.5)</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">(translation elongation factor)</td><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional File 1</title><p>List of transcripts from filtered data set. Transcripts with probe set values &lt; 100 were removed from the data set. After GCOS normalisation a ×1.5 fold selection cut-off was applied to those that remained.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional File 2</title><p>Complete list of polysomal transcripts regulated by rapamycin. After GCOS normalisation a ×2.5 fold selection cut-off was applied to all the regulated transcripts independent of probe set intensity values.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S3\"><caption><title>Additional File 3</title><p>Comparison with the array of Gera and co-workers (7). Transcripts detected in both screens are listed with the fold change. Values are indicated in red when they differ between the two studies.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>The 1160 mRNAs identified in the microarray screen (as listed in Additional File ##SUPPL##1##2##) were plotted onto biological networks using the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis Software package. Those whose protein products are involved in inflammation, phagocytosis, cell growth/proliferation and cell death are listed.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1755-8794-1-33-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1755-8794-1-33-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1755-8794-1-33-3\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1755-8794-1-33-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1755-8794-1-33-S2.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1755-8794-1-33-S3.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Med Genomics. 2008 Aug 1; 1:33
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Many observational studies have demonstrated an inverse association between birth weight and blood pressure (BP), raising the intriguing possibility that lifelong hypertension might be programmed <italic>in utero </italic>[##REF##10930178##1##]. The mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear.</p>", "<p>One plausible hypothesis, based on animal data, proposes that a low protein diet during pregnancy leads to increased fetal glucocorticoid exposure, permanently programming both lower birth weight and elevated BP in offspring [##REF##8730887##2##]. Studies in humans have not found a consistent association between maternal protein intake and offspring blood pressure [##REF##15576466##3##, ####REF##11204301##4##, ##REF##11524398##5##, ##REF##11751704##6####11751704##6##], but few studies have examined whether fetal glucocorticoid exposure might program offspring BP.</p>", "<p>Experiments in rats have shown that maternal treatment during pregnancy with the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone, which freely crosses the placenta, is associated with lower birth weight and raised BP in the offspring [##REF##11738795##7##]. Protection from exposure to maternal physiological glucocorticoids is mediated by a placental enzyme, 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2), which converts active glucocorticoid (corticosterone in rats, cortisol in humans) into inert 11-keto forms [##REF##11738795##7##]. The 'placental barrier' function of 11β-HSD2 is important because circulating maternal cortisol freely crosses the placenta.</p>", "<p>A relative deficiency of placental 11β-HSD2 might allow increased access of maternal glucocorticoids to the fetus, retarding growth and programming responses leading to later hypertension, as suggested by studies in rats and mice [##REF##11738795##7##, ####REF##8641724##8##, ##REF##10074485##9####10074485##9##]. Humans who are homozygous for the gene encoding 11β-HSD2, resulting in little or no enzyme activity, show much lower birth weight than their unaffected (mainly heterozygous) siblings [##REF##9661590##10##]. Limited data suggest that heterozygous carriers may have a milder phenotype indistinguishable from essential hypertension, though dissecting placental from offspring renal effects is problematic [##REF##12860834##11##].</p>", "<p>We hypothesized that a higher ratio of cortisol to cortisone in umbilical venous cord blood, reflecting decreased 11β-HSD2 activity, would be associated with lower birth weight and raised blood pressure in childhood. We examined this hypothesis within Project Viva, a longitudinal cohort of pregnant women and their offspring.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Subjects</title>", "<p>We recruited women with a singleton pregnancy from April 1999 to July 2002 at eight obstetric offices in the Boston, Massachusetts, USA area [##REF##14760269##12##]. Women were study-eligible if they entered prenatal care before 22 weeks of gestation, planned ongoing obstetric care at an enrollment site, and were able to answer questionnaires in English. We collected sociodemographic and medical data through in-person interviews, self-administered questionnaires and hospital and ambulatory medical records. Human Subjects Committees of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center approved study protocols. All participants gave informed consent [##REF##14760269##12##].</p>", "<p>We previously described study population, enrollment and follow up procedures [##REF##14760269##12##]. Of 657 infants with cord blood stored at 4°C for less than 30 hours, 362 infants were eligible for this analysis (mothers consented to enroll their infants into the study and completed a research visit including blood pressure at age 6 months). Of the 362 eligible infants, 286 (79%) returned for a 3-year blood pressure measurement. Therefore, we based our analyses on 286 children with 3-year blood pressure.</p>", "<title>Umbilical cord blood glucocorticoids</title>", "<p>At the time of delivery, using a needle and syringe technique, a midwife or obstetrician collected cord venous blood. Because research technicians were unable to be present at every delivery, delivery room staff refrigerated the specimen immediately after collection for a period of up to 30 hours (median: 13 hours). A research technician then separated the specimen into aliquots of serum, red blood cells, and white blood cells for storage at -70°C until analysis. We performed a small validation study to ensure that refrigeration of samples for less than 30 hours did not lead to degradation of glucocorticoid levels. We collected blood samples from 11 pregnant women and used three different methods of storage and processing. In method A (the gold standard), blood was drawn into room temperature heparinized glass tubes, spun at room temperature immediately, and the plasma was frozen at -20°C for 24 hours before being transported to a storage site and stored at -80°C for 1–6 months. In method B, blood was treated similarly except that after being drawn it was refrigerated at 4°C for 4 hours, and in method C for 24 hours. We found that within-person cortisol levels did not significantly differ by cortisol processing protocol. Comparing methods A and B, the mean within-person difference in cortisol was 22.1 nmol/liter (95%CI -129.7 to 173.8, <italic>p </italic>= 0.76). Comparing methods A and C, the mean within-person difference in cortisol was 60.7 nmol/liter (95% CI -80.0 to 204.2, <italic>p </italic>= 0.36).</p>", "<p>Cortisol and cortisone were quantified in duplicate in venous cord plasma by validated direct radioimmunoassay techniques [##UREF##0##13##,##REF##2620465##14##]. Concentrations of cortisol and cortisone were determined using a radioimmunoassay kit for cortisol (MP Biomedicals, UK) and cortisone (Immunovation Ltd, Southampton, UK) [##REF##15943831##15##]. The intra-assay coefficients of variation were 5.6% and 5.2% for cortisol and cortisone respectively.</p>", "<p>We used the mean of duplicate cortisol and cortisone assays to calculate our primary exposure, the ratio of cortisol/cortisone in umbilical venous blood, which correlates well (<italic>r </italic>= 0.5) with direct measures of 11β-HSD2 activity using placental tissue homogenates [##REF##9619527##16##].</p>", "<title>Blood pressure and anthropometric measurements</title>", "<p>At the 3-year visit, trained research assistants measured each child's blood pressure (BP) up to five times, at 1-minute intervals, using a Dinamap Pro 100 or Pro 200 (Critikon Inc., Tampa, FL, USA) automated blood pressure monitor. We recorded the conditions of measurement as previously described [##REF##15576466##3##], including room temperature, activity state of the child (crying, quiet awake, active awake), cuff size (infant, child, small adult), appendage used for BP measurement (left arm, right arm, calf), and child position (semi-reclining, seated, standing). The majority of children, 255 out of 286 (89%), had five blood pressure measurements (mean 4.8), and 87% of measurements were taken when the child was in a quiet, awake state. We defined our primary endpoint to be child systolic BP, because of its validity of measurement with an automated device [##REF##7641339##17##]. We examined diastolic BP as a secondary outcome.</p>", "<p>We measured child weight with a digital scale, and height using a stadiometer (Shorr Productions, Olney, MD, USA). We calculated a continuous measure of sex-specific birth weight for gestational age <italic>z</italic>-score (fetal growth) based on published US reference standards [##REF##12848901##18##]. We computed gestational age at birth as the number of days between the first day of last menstrual period and the delivery date and confirmed by ultrasound fetal measurements at 16–20 weeks. For date discrepancies of more than 10 days, we used the ultrasound-based gestational age.</p>", "<title>Statistical methods</title>", "<p>To assess multivariable associations between cord glucocorticoids and offspring BP, we used mixed effect regression models, incorporating each of the up to five BP measurements per child as repeated outcome measures [##REF##7168798##19##]. In contrast to standard ordinary least squares analysis, mixed effect models weight subjects based on the number of measurements and their variability, and thus result in appropriate standard errors. In our baseline crude model, we included only BP measurement conditions to reduce measurement error in child BP. Crude models stratified by gender showed similar associations among males and females; therefore we combined males and females in our models, adjusting for gender. In our multivariable model, we added gestational age at birth, child age, gender, attained length and weight, and maternal race and income [##REF##12848901##18##]. Potential confounders that did not change our effect estimates included maternal age, pre-pregnancy body mass index, maternal height, gravidity, pregnancy weight gain, third-trimester BP, induced delivery, Caesarean section, Apgar score, smoking status prior to pregnancy, education level, and marital status. Therefore, we excluded these variables from our final models. We conducted all data analyses using SAS version 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Participant characteristics are shown in Table ##TAB##0##1##. Most mothers had a relatively high level of income and education. Mean venous cord cortisol was 343.9 nmol/liter (74.5–1042.9, 1st to 99th percentile). Mean venous cord cortisone was 242.7 nmol/liter (106.3–484.0, 1st to 99th percentile). Mean <italic>F/E </italic>ratio was 1.4 (0.5–3.8, 1st to 99th percentile). The Pearson correlation of the <italic>F/E </italic>ratio with cortisol was 0.8, and with cortisone was -0.1. The correlation of <italic>F/E </italic>ratio with birth weight for gestational age <italic>z</italic>-score was 0.02, and with gestational age at birth was 0.1. Mean systolic blood pressure was 93.3 mm Hg at age 3 years. Mean diastolic blood pressure was 58.9 mm Hg.</p>", "<p>Compared with the 657 mother-offspring pairs with cord blood, mothers included in our analyses had a slightly higher level of education (69% vs 62% completed a college or graduate degree) and had a higher household income (60% vs 54% reported income of more than $70,000 per year). Mean birth weight was similar among infants included in our analyses compared with all eligible infants (3545 g vs 3529 g). Child systolic and diastolic blood pressure, length and weight were similar among included and eligible children.</p>", "<p>Bivariate analyses showing systolic BP as a function of <italic>F/E </italic>ratio are shown in Figure ##FIG##0##1##. In multivariable analyses, each one unit increment in <italic>F/E </italic>ratio was associated with a 1.6 mm Hg (95% CI 0.0 to 3.1, <italic>p </italic>= 0.05) increment in systolic BP at age 3 years (Table ##TAB##1##2##). The direction of this effect estimate at age 3 years was consistent with our hypothesis that higher <italic>F/E </italic>ratio, reflecting lower 11β-HSD2 activity, would be associated with higher blood pressure. The effect estimate for diastolic BP at 3 years was 0.8 mm Hg (95% CI -0.4 to 2.0), adjusted for other covariates.</p>", "<p>In unadjusted analyses, the <italic>F/E </italic>ratio was not associated with birth weight; the effect estimate for birth weight was 47.1 g per one unit increment in the <italic>F/E </italic>ratio estimating placental 11β-HSD2 activity (95% CI -42.9 to 137.1). After adjustment for gestational age and sex, there was no association between <italic>F/E </italic>ratio and birth weight (-0.2 g for each one unit increment in <italic>F/E </italic>ratio, 95% CI -76.1 to 75.7). After additional adjustment for maternal age, BMI, race, income, and smoking status, the effect estimate was -12.1 g per unit increment in <italic>F/E </italic>ratio (95% CI -87.0 to 62.8). In unadjusted analyses, the effect estimate for the association between <italic>F/E </italic>ratio and gestational age at birth was 0.2 weeks per one unit increment in the <italic>F/E </italic>ratio (95% CI -0.0 to 0.5, <italic>p </italic>= 0.05). Additional adjustment for maternal age, BMI, race, income, and smoking status did not materially change the effect estimate (0.2 weeks, 95% CI -0.05 to 0.5, <italic>p </italic>= 0.11).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Our study is the first in humans to examine the relationship between umbilical cord concentrations of glucocorticoids and offspring blood pressure. We found that a one unit increment in <italic>F/E </italic>ratio, a proxy for reduced placental 11β-HSD2 activity, was associated with a 1.6 mm Hg higher systolic BP at 3 years of age. Although this effect estimate may appear to be small, a shift of this magnitude in the mean population blood pressure could result in a clinically meaningful difference in the prevalence of hypertension. A meta-analysis of 1 million adults estimated that a 2 mm Hg reduction in systolic blood pressure could result in a 10% decrease in mortality from stroke, and a 7% decrease in mortality from ischemic heart disease [##REF##12493255##20##]. We did not find an association between <italic>F/E </italic>ratio and fetal growth, suggesting that lower activity levels of 11β-HSD2 might program higher offspring blood pressure without restricting overall fetal growth.</p>", "<p>Our finding is consistent with data in animals showing that decreased placental 11β-HSD2 activity programs higher offspring blood pressure. Rats and sheep treated during pregnancy with the glucocorticoid dexamethasone, a relatively poor substrate for 11β-HSD2, have offspring with reduced birth weight and elevated blood pressure in offspring [##REF##11738795##7##]. Pregnant rats given an 11β-HSD2 inhibitor (carbenoxolone) have offspring with lower birth weight and raised blood pressure [##REF##8641724##8##]. In addition, pregnant rats fed a low protein diet have been shown to have both decreased placental 11β-HSD2 activity and higher offspring BP [##REF##8730887##2##]. Within Project Viva, we did not find a relationship either between protein intake and infant BP [##REF##15576466##3##] or between protein intake and <italic>F/E </italic>ratio (data not shown).</p>", "<p>No human studies have directly examined the relationship of placental 11β-HSD2 activity or cord glucocorticoid levels with later blood pressure. A few studies in humans have examined the effect of prenatal exogenous steroid administration on later blood pressure. In one observational study, preterm infants exposed to antenatal betamethasone had higher systolic BP and diastolic BP in adolescence than unexposed infants [##REF##10657267##21##]. However, follow-up data from two randomized controlled trials using two doses of prenatal betamethasone found that prenatal betamethasone use either did not affect offspring blood pressure [##REF##15342900##22##,##REF##15924982##23##], or was associated with a lower systolic blood pressure in offspring [##REF##10835090##24##]. It is possible that the effects of 11β-HSD2 activity could differ among preterm and term infants. Several [##REF##9619527##16##,##REF##11454515##25##,##REF##9363218##26##], but not all [##REF##7132352##27##, ####REF##3465674##28##, ##REF##12852864##29####12852864##29##], studies suggest that human placental 11β-HSD2 expression or activity rises with increasing gestational age until term; our data suggested a direct correlation between <italic>F/E </italic>ratio and gestational age at birth, although the effect estimates did not reach statistical significance. Preterm infants may also be predisposed to higher blood pressures in later life for other reasons [##REF##11149114##30##]. Our study excluded infants with a gestational age of less than 33 weeks and may therefore be more generalizable than prior studies focusing on preterm infants.</p>", "<p>In animals, lower placental 11β-HSD2 activity is associated with lower birth weight [##REF##8641724##8##]. In humans, similar associations have been shown in preterm infants [##REF##9619527##16##,##REF##12519895##31##]. Among term infants, two studies did not find an association between 11β-HSD2 activity and birth weight [##REF##9140081##32##,##REF##11234613##33##]. One study found that among asthmatic pregnant women with a female fetus, lower birth weight was associated with reduced placental 11β-HSD2 activity [##REF##14500261##34##]; this association was not present among women pregnant with a male fetus [##REF##14500261##34##], suggesting that there may be sex-specific differences in regulation of 11β-HSD2 activity. Our data (mean gestational age 39.7 weeks) showed little association between the <italic>F/E </italic>ratio and fetal growth, suggesting that a relative deficiency in placental 11β-HSD2 activity might program higher offspring blood pressure without affecting birth weight. Stratification by child gender made no difference to our analyses. Because birth weight has many determinants, it is not surprising that physiologic programming of blood pressure might occur without affecting birth weight [##REF##11980782##35##].</p>", "<p>Our results must be interpreted with caution, because we used <italic>F/E </italic>ratio in venous cord blood as a proxy for placental 11β-HSD2 activity rather than directly measuring enzyme activity. Glucocorticoids in the human fetal circulation may originate from the fetal adrenal gland, or from maternal cortisol, which freely crosses the placenta. Data show that 75–100% of cord blood cortisone originates from placental metabolism of maternal cortisol [##REF##4704743##36##]. Cortisol levels in venous umbilical cord blood may be affected by increased production of cortisol by fetal adrenal glands at term, as well as maternal or fetal stress and other factors [##REF##6345146##37##]. Adjustment for mode of delivery and induction of labor made no difference to our estimates; other variables relating to labor and delivery, such as duration of labor, or the use of instrumentation were not available for these analyses. Prior studies have not found an effect of labor on 11β-HSD2 mRNA or activity levels [##REF##12852864##29##,##REF##6951829##38##].</p>", "<p>Among healthy term infants, the ratio of cortisol/cortisone in umbilical venous cord blood appears to correlate well with direct measures of placental 11β-HSD2 activity using placental tissue homogenates [##REF##9619527##16##]. A study that measured placental cortisol metabolism using a similar venous cord ratio, <italic>E</italic>/(<italic>E</italic>+<italic>F</italic>), was not improved by creation of an 11β-HSD2 activity index incorporating arterial cord glucocorticoid measurements [##REF##7621576##39##], which presumably reflect the fetal adrenal contribution (Pearson correlation between <italic>E</italic>/(<italic>E</italic>+<italic>F</italic>) and <italic>F/E </italic>was 0.9 using our data). The cord <italic>F/E </italic>ratio could also be affected by the activity of either placental 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 enzyme (11β-HSD1) or fetal 11β-HSD2. 11β-HSD1, an enzyme isoform that can convert cortisone to cortisol, has been detected in human perfused placenta [##REF##9950140##40##], and placental 11β-HSD1 activity levels may increase during gestation [##REF##14557491##41##]. However, studies suggest that type 2 enzymatic activity predominates during pregnancy [##REF##7132352##27##,##REF##9408088##42##], with one study reporting no detectable 11β-HSD1 activity [##REF##9135697##43##]. Several fetal tissues express 11β-HSD2 until mid-gestation [##REF##8200959##44##]. Dy <italic>et al</italic>. recently reported that among term infants born with intrauterine growth restriction, the ratio of cortisone to cortisol in the umbilical artery was lower than in the umbilical vein, suggesting either attenuated fetal 11β-HSD2 activity, or reduced fetal glucocorticoid clearance [##REF##18061258##45##]. Term infants with a birth weight appropriate for gestational age showed no difference in cortisone to cortisol ratio between the umbilical artery and vein [##REF##18061258##45##]. Since most 11β-HSD2 expression is lost from the fetus by term (at least in rodents and probably in humans) we think this is unlikely to have contributed to levels of cortisol and cortisone in cord blood, emphasizing the placental contribution.</p>", "<p>Among infants born preterm or small for gestational age, the <italic>F/E </italic>ratio may not be a valid proxy for placental 11β-HSD2 activity. A study of preterm infants born at less than 32 weeks gestational age was unable to detect a correlation between venous cord blood glucocorticoid concentrations and placental 11β-HSD2 activity [##REF##12519895##31##]. A recent study reported that compared with term infants with a birth weight appropriate for gestational age, infants with intrauterine growth restriction had reduced placental homogenate 11β-HSD2 activity, but similar umbilical cord venous cortisone to cortisol ratio [##REF##18061258##45##]. The reasons underlying the lack of correlation between the venous cord <italic>F/E </italic>ratio and placental 11β-HSD2 activity among preterm and small for gestational age infants are unclear, but might be explained by a greater contribution of placental 11β-HSD1 activity to circulating glucocorticoid levels, or decreased glucocorticoid clearance by the placenta or fetal tissues [##REF##18061258##45##]. Our study included only infants born later than 33 weeks gestation (mean 39.7 weeks), and the majority of our participants were healthy term infants with a birth weight appropriate for gestational age (mean birth weight 3545 g), supporting the use of <italic>F/E </italic>as a valid proxy for placental 11β-HSD2 activity in our study.</p>", "<p>Strengths of our study include our adjustment for multiple relevant confounders and careful blood pressure measurements. Our study has several limitations. One limitation is that we measured glucocorticoids only at a single time point (delivery), and thus were unable to measure the potential impact of presumed fetal glucocorticoid exposure at earlier time windows during pregnancy. By definition, use of a proxy for enzymatic activity results in some misclassification of the exposure. A non-differential misclassification should have biased our findings toward the null; therefore, our data may actually underestimate the association between fetal glucocorticoid exposure and child BP. Our study did have some loss to follow-up, and therefore may be subject to selection bias. However, child BP among participants excluded from our analyses was similar to those included in our analyses. It seems unlikely that placental 11β-HSD2 activity would systematically differ in participants excluded from our analyses, although we cannot exclude this possibility.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In conclusion, our data show for the first time that a higher <italic>F/E </italic>ratio in venous cord blood is associated with higher offspring systolic blood pressure in humans. The higher <italic>F/E </italic>ratio may reflect reduced placental 11β-HSD2 activity, resulting in increased fetal glucocorticoid exposure and higher offspring systolic blood pressure. Our study goes beyond previous data focusing on the birth weight-blood pressure relationship to explore a potential prenatal mechanism for the programming of later blood pressure, but our findings are limited by the use of an indirect measure of enzyme activity. Additional studies using direct measures of enzymatic activity are needed to definitively determine whether placental 11β-HSD2 activity does program blood pressure in childhood.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Animal data show that decreased activity of placental 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2), which potently inactivates glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol) to inert forms (cortisone), allows increased access of maternal glucocorticoids to the fetus and 'programs' hypertension. Data in humans are limited. We examined in humans the association between venous umbilical cord blood glucocorticoids, a potential marker for placental 11β-HSD2 enzyme activity, and blood pressure at age 3 years.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Among 286 newborns in Project Viva, a prospective pre-birth cohort study based in eastern Massachusetts, we measured cortisol (<italic>F</italic>) and cortisone (<italic>E</italic>) in venous cord blood and used the ratio of <italic>F/E </italic>as a marker for placental 11β-HSD2 activity. We measured blood pressure (BP) when the offspring reached age 3 years. Using mixed effects regression models to control for BP measurement conditions, maternal and child characteristics, we examined the association between the <italic>F/E </italic>ratio and child BP.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>At age 3 years, each unit increase in the <italic>F/E </italic>ratio was associated with a 1.6 mm Hg increase in systolic BP (95% CI 0.0 to 3.1). The <italic>F/E </italic>ratio was not associated with diastolic blood pressure or birth weight for gestational age <italic>z</italic>-score.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>A higher <italic>F/E </italic>ratio in umbilical venous cord blood, likely reflecting reduced placental 11β-HSD2 activity, was associated with higher systolic blood pressure at age 3 years. Our data suggest that increased fetal exposure to active maternal glucocorticoids may program later systolic blood pressure.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>SYH designed research question, led data analysis, and drafted the manuscript. RA directed glucocorticoid assays, assisted in study design and data analysis, and contributed to the manuscript. KPK designed the statistical analysis and contributed to the manuscript. JWR–E obtained funding, helped direct study operations, and contributed to the manuscript. JRS participated in the study design and contributed to the manuscript. MWG participated in the study design, obtained funding, directed study operations, and contributed to the manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank the participants and staff of Project Viva, and Scott Denham for excellent laboratory support. This work was supported by grants from the US National Institutes of Health (HD34568, HL64925, HL68041), and by Harvard Medical School, the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation, and a program grant from the Wellcome Trust. Susanna Huh was an American Academy of Pediatrics, American Pediatric Society and Hospital for Sick Children Fellow of the Pediatric Scientist Development Program (NICHD Grant Award K12-HD00850-17) when she completed this work. This work was presented in part at the Third World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Toronto, Canada, 2005.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Systolic blood pressure (BP) at age 3 years as a function of cortisol/cortisone (<italic>F/E</italic>) ratio</bold>. Bivariable regression line (solid line), unadjusted for covariates, and its 95% confidence limits (dotted lines) are shown.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Cord blood glucocorticoids and other characteristics of 286 participants with 3-year blood pressure.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>n</italic></td><td align=\"center\">Mean (SD) or %</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Maternal characteristics at enrollment</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Age (years)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">32.2 (4.9)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Pre-pregnancy BMI (kg/m<sup>2</sup>)</td><td align=\"center\">284</td><td align=\"center\">24.6 (5.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Race/ethnicity (%)</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  White</td><td align=\"center\">204</td><td align=\"center\">71%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Black</td><td align=\"center\">31</td><td align=\"center\">11%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Hispanic</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">7%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Asian</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">5%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Other</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">6%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Marital status (%)</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Married</td><td align=\"center\">238</td><td align=\"center\">83%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Partner</td><td align=\"center\">26</td><td align=\"center\">9%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Other</td><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Education (%)</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  High school or less</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">6%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Less than 4 years of college</td><td align=\"center\">73</td><td align=\"center\">26%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  4 years of college</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">35%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Graduate degree</td><td align=\"center\">96</td><td align=\"center\">34%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Annual household income (%)</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  &lt;$20 000</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">1%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  $20 000–$40 000</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">10%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  $40 000–$70 000</td><td align=\"center\">65</td><td align=\"center\">23%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  &gt;$70 000</td><td align=\"center\">173</td><td align=\"center\">61%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Missing</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">5%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Smoked 3 months prior to pregnancy (%)</td><td align=\"center\">23</td><td align=\"center\">8%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Pregnancy weight gain (kg)</td><td align=\"center\">283</td><td align=\"center\">15.6 (5.5)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> 3<sup>rd </sup>trimester systolic BP (mm Hg)</td><td align=\"center\">285</td><td align=\"center\">110.9 (8.3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Spontaneous delivery (vs induced)</td><td align=\"center\">186</td><td align=\"center\">65%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Caesarean section (vs vaginal delivery)</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">16%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Child characteristics</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Male (%)</td><td align=\"center\">146</td><td align=\"center\">51%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Birth weight (g)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">3545 (501)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Birth weight for gestational age <italic>z</italic>-value (units)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">0.2 (0.9)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Gestational age (weeks)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">39.7 (1.3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Cortisol (nmol/liter)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">343.9 (209.3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Cortisone (nmol/liter)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">242.7 (81.3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Cortisol/cortisone ratio (units)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">1.4 (0.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Systolic BP at age 3 years (mm Hg)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">93.3 (10.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Diastolic BP at age 3 years (mm Hg)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">58.9 (8.0)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Weight at age 3 years (kg)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">15.8 (2.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Height at age 3 years (cm)</td><td align=\"center\">286</td><td align=\"center\">97.6 (4.6)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Multivariable mixed effect models showing change in 3-year child BP per unit increment in venous cord <italic>F/E </italic>ratio.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">Change in child BP (mm Hg) per one unit increment in <italic>F/E </italic>ratio (95% CI)</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Models*</td><td align=\"center\">Systolic BP</td><td align=\"center\">Diastolic BP</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Model 1: <italic>F/E </italic>ratio (unit increment)</td><td align=\"center\">1.2 (-0.4 to 2.7)<break/><italic>p </italic>= 0.14</td><td align=\"center\">0.7 (-0.5, 1.8)<break/><italic>p </italic>= 0.27</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Model 2: Model 1 + infant sex, gestational age at birth, age, 3 year weight, length, maternal race/ethnicity, income</td><td align=\"center\">1.6 (0.0 to 3.1)<break/><italic>p </italic>= 0.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.8 (-0.4, 2.0)<break/><italic>p </italic>= 0.20</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>BP, blood pressure.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Data from 286 mother-offspring pairs within Project Viva.</p><p>*All models were adjusted for blood pressure measurement order, cuff size, appendage, position, state, and machine model. BP, blood pressure; <italic>F</italic>/<italic>E</italic>, cortisol/cortisone ratio in venous cord blood.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1741-7015-6-25-1\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Wood", "Glen", "Donovan"], "given-names": ["PE", "C", "SJ"], "article-title": ["A simple RIA for serum cortisone without preliminary steroid chromatography"], "source": ["J Endocrinol"], "year": ["1996"], "volume": ["148S"], "fpage": ["317"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Med. 2008 Aug 28; 6:25
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Linkage analysis of family data have been extensively used in the past in the search for genetic determinants. Nowadays, investigators favor large epidemiological studies of unrelated individuals, however several family datasets are currently being re-analyzed and/or pooled (e.g. [##REF##16691188##1##]). The persistance of interest for linkage is partly triggered by the advent of single-nucleotide-polymorphisms (SNP) array genotyping technology in the field, indeed SNP arrays hold the promise of more reliable linkage maps [##REF##15311375##2##,##REF##15514889##3##]. Although less prone to genotyping error than microsatellites when viewed as singlepoint markers, SNP arrays heavily rely on multipoint algorithms for accurate determination of the identical by descent (IBD) status of alleles. The gain in singlepoint reliability might therefore be annihilated by the propagation of errors across the many SNPs required to infer IBD status.</p>", "<p>In the search for genetic determinants of complex traits by linkage, the use of selective designs appears to be an efficient way to gain adequate power for detection of typically small gene effects. A few authors have shown by simulation that the impact of genotyping error on evidence for linkage could be particularly severe in affected sib-pair (ASP) designs [##REF##10739757##4##, ####REF##11313746##5##, ##REF##16059746##6####16059746##6##], virtually masking most of the evidence for linkage. The impact of error on quantitative traits appears to be less dramatic in random samples, however it is unclear whether the same dramatic power losses hold in selected samples.</p>", "<p>A method of choice is now emerging for the analysis of quantitative traits arising from selected sib pairs. This method is essentially a regression through the origin of excess identical by descent (IBD) sharing on a function of the trait value, whose slope is an estimate of the linkage parameter. It was first proposed by Sham et al. [##REF##11353401##7##] and turns out to be equivalent to a score test [##REF##12933546##8##]. In a numerical comparison of methods for selected samples, Skatkiewicz et al. [##REF##12970846##9##] and Cuenco et al. [##REF##12970847##10##] showed that this method had good properties in finite samples for extreme proband ascertained sib-pair and discordant sib-pair designs. By use of simple genotyping error models (<italic>population frequency error model </italic>and <italic>false homozygosity model</italic>), we show analytically what effects such error generating processes (occurring at rate ϵ per sib pair) induce for an idealized fully informative marker. It is shown that it results in a reduction of the slope estimate (i.e. of the estimated linkage parameter) by a factor 1 - whether sib pairs are selected or not. Since the genotyping error rate ϵ is typically small, the previous effect on the linkage test is minimal. In addition to this slope effect, the regression's intercept is modified and this may have a much more sizable effect on the test for linkage depending on the sampling scheme used to select sib pairs. Surprisingly, this simple result allows us to predict that in extremely concordant (EC) sib pairs designs and in ASP designs, the effect of genotyping error will be milder as the selection becomes more extreme. In extreme discordant (ED) designs, the effect can in theory be either increased type I error or decreased power depending on the definition of discordance, the genotyping error rate and the true linkage effect; in practice however, for small quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects, the result will be an increased type I error. We argue that the basic error generating mechanisms assumed provide reasonable approximations of real-life situations. In the next section, we first describe some common error-generating processes and quantify their effect on IBD sharing in an idealized situation where marker information is complete. We then briefly sketch the inverse regression approach to linkage, we show analytically what the effect of genotyping error is on this regression and quantify the subsequent bias, power and type I error in common selective designs. We argue that under certain assumptions regarding the error model, one can easily implement a linkage test that incorporates a genomic control for genotyping error. Finally, we discuss some assumptions made in our study and the practical relevance of our findings. In particular, we argue that our results generalize to situations where marker information is incomplete and that the smaller error rates observed in SNP chip array compared to microsatellites offer no protection against bias in analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Genotyping error models</title>", "<p>We consider two mechanisms for the generation of errors in marker data, namely the <italic>population frequency error model </italic>and the <italic>false homozygosity model</italic>. In those two models, we consider a single marker with <italic>m </italic>alleles and further assume that a maximum of one allelic error per sib pair can be made and that this happens with probability ϵ. This restriction to 'one error per sib pair' is just a first order approximation, for small ϵ, of a process where all four alleles would be allowed to be independently erroneous and does not restrict the generalizability of our results.</p>", "<p>The <italic>population frequency error model </italic>re-assigns the erroneous allele (chosen at random among the four forming the sib-pair genotype) to one of the possible <italic>m </italic>alleles with probability equal to population allele frequency. One mathematical advantage of this model is that the marginal distribution of alleles and genotypes is unaltered. The <italic>false homozygosity model </italic>keeps homozygotes unchanged but re-assigns heterozygotes to homozygotes with alleles equal to one of the two original alleles chosen according to probabilities proportional to population allele frequencies.</p>", "<p>To our knowledge, <italic>false homozygosity </italic>is a common type of error: fairly rare alleles go un-reported in samples. The <italic>population frequency error model </italic>provides an approximation to a process whereby alleles are misread. Errors at the two alleles of a marker's genotype might be correlated, we do not consider this type of process in details here although the effect on linkage will be qualitatively the same as in the two other models. We refer the reader to Sobel et al. [##REF##11791215##11##] for a detailed exposé on genotyping error mechanisms. Note that the two models that we have chosen have been used in the past in order to identify potential genotyping errors [##REF##10739757##4##,##REF##11791215##11##].</p>", "<title>Impact on IBD sharing</title>", "<p>Let's denote by <italic>π </italic>the proportion of alleles shared identical by descent (IBD) at a certain locus by two siblings. Tests for linkage are based on the IBD sharing distribution and although errors as described earlier are made at the genotype level (<italic>G </italic>is read as <italic>G</italic><sup>ϵ</sup>), the effect of errors on linkage will be entirely mediated via the distortion of the IBD distribution (the true IBD status <italic>π </italic>of two siblings may be incorrectly inferred as <italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ</sup>). We are therefore interested in deriving the probability distribution <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ</sup>|<italic>π</italic>), this is done by conditioning on both the true and observed genotypes as follows:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>Let us consider the case of complete information. This can be conceptualized by means of an idealized marker whose number of alleles is infinite, in particular identity by state (IBS) status is equivalent to IBD status. The unordered genotypes of a sib pair can be partitioned into seven exclusive classes denoted <italic>ii</italic>/<italic>ii</italic>, <italic>ii</italic>/<italic>ij</italic>, <italic>ii</italic>/<italic>jj</italic>, <italic>ii</italic>/<italic>jk</italic>, <italic>ij</italic>/<italic>ij</italic>, <italic>ij</italic>/<italic>ik </italic>and <italic>ij</italic>/<italic>kl </italic>depending on the number of homozygous sibs in the pair and the number of distinct alleles in the sib-pair genotype. Sharing 0 alleles IBD corresponds to a sib-pair genotype of the <italic>ij</italic>/<italic>kl </italic>class, should an error occur according to the <italic>population frequency error model </italic>then one of the four alleles would be transformed into yet another type (since the number of alleles is infinite, the probability that the new allele is read as one of <italic>i</italic>, <italic>j</italic>, <italic>k </italic>or <italic>l </italic>tends to 0), therefore the sib pair genotype will remain in the <italic>ij</italic>/<italic>kl </italic>class and the observed IBD status <italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ </sup>will still be 0. For the same starting genotype, an error according to the <italic>false homozygosity model </italic>produces an <italic>ii</italic>/<italic>jk </italic>class and <italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ </sup>also equals 0 therefore <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ </sup>= 0|<italic>π </italic>= 0) = 1 whatever the genotyping error mechanism considered previously. The same line of reasoning leads to <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ </sup>= 0.5|<italic>π </italic>= 0.5) = 1 - , <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ </sup>= 0|<italic>π </italic>= 0.5) = , <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ </sup>= 1.0|<italic>π </italic>= 1.0) = 1 - ϵ, <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ </sup>= 0.5|<italic>π </italic>= 1.0) = ϵ. Those results can be summarized by the transition matrix below, where the (<italic>i</italic>, <italic>j</italic>) element is equal to <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ </sup>= (<italic>j </italic>- 1)/2|<italic>π </italic>= (<italic>i </italic>- 1)/2)</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>The overall effect of genotyping error is thus to reduce the observed IBD sharing, indeed <bold>E</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ</sup>|<italic>π</italic>) = (1 - ϵ/2)<italic>π </italic>and <bold>E</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ</sup>) = - ϵ/4 while the variance is practically unchanged since . In selected samples of extremely concordant sib pairs (EC) where linkage is evidenced by an excess in IBD sharing, it therefore seems logical to expect a decrease in power. Conversely, in selected samples of extremely discordant sib pairs (ED) where linkage is evidenced by a reduction in IBD sharing, the test might lead to increased type I error. In the next subsection, we formally quantify this bias in selective samples schemes for quantitative traits under the usual assumption of a normal variance components model.</p>", "<title>Impact on linkage testing</title>", "<title>Regression-based linkage testing</title>", "<p>We assume that the sib pair phenotypic data <bold>x </bold>= (<italic>x</italic><sub>1</sub>, <italic>x</italic><sub>2</sub>)<italic>' </italic>have been adjusted for any relevant covariates (e.g. sex, age, country, ...) and have been standardized so that the (known) population mean, variance and sib-sib correlation are 0, 1 and <italic>ρ </italic>respectively. Under the additive variance components model, <bold>x </bold>given IBD information <italic>p </italic>follows a bivariate normal distribution with zero mean and variance-covariance matrix given by</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where <italic>γ </italic>≥ 0 denotes the proportion of total variance explained by the putative locus. Under this model, an optimal testing strategy first advocated in [##REF##11353401##7##] (and sometimes referred to as the optimal Haseman-Elston regression) is to regress (through the origin) excess IBD sharing <italic>π </italic>- on the following <italic>C </italic>function of the trait values:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>This test turns out to be a score test for the linkage parameter <italic>γ </italic>[##REF##12933546##8##] and is based upon the following approximate relation which is valid for small locus effects [##REF##14624721##12##]:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where = var<sub>0</sub>(<italic>π</italic>). In a set of sibships indexed by <italic>i</italic>, an efficient estimate of the linkage parameter <italic>γ </italic>is . It is approximately unbiased <bold>E</bold>() = <italic>γ </italic>and has variance var<sub>0</sub>() = 1/ where is the corresponding Fisher's information. The test statistic is given by , it is one-sided, only positive values being regarded as evidence for linkage. For small QTL effects, power of this test can be computed as Φ (Φ<sup>-1</sup>(<italic>α</italic>) + <italic>γ</italic><sup>1/2</sup>). Fisher's information , which depends on sample size and study design, therefore controls power. In the design phase of a study, should be used as a criterion to differentiate between alternative designs rather than sample size only [##REF##14624721##12##,##REF##15305326##13##].</p>", "<title>Impact of genotyping error on regression</title>", "<p>By conditioning on the true IBD sharing values, we can compute <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ</sup>|<bold>x</bold>, <italic>γ</italic>, ϵ) = ∑<sub><italic>π</italic></sub><bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ</sup>|<italic>π</italic>) <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic>|<bold>x</bold>, <italic>γ</italic>), using the transition probabilities <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic><sup>ϵ</sup>|<italic>π</italic>) derived earlier, while the <bold>P</bold>(<italic>π</italic>|<bold>x</bold>, <italic>γ</italic>)'s are given in [##REF##14624721##12##]. This permits computation of the new regression line in presence of genotyping error as</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>As mentioned earlier, the corresponding variance under the null hypothesis is only slightly altered. The effect of genotyping error is thus to shrink the regression line by a factor 1 - and to shift the intercept by -. If we ignore genotyping error i.e. we estimate <italic>γ </italic>using , this results in a biased estimator with . The resulting testing statistic would then have power equal to</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>Note that taking <italic>γ </italic>= 0 in this formula gives the type I error rate. Since increases with sample size, the impact of genotyping error on both power and type I error will be larger as the sample size increases. In terms of Y versus X regression, the intuition is that the regression through the origin is not affected by a general shift in the Y-variable (IBD sharing) if the X-variable (<italic>C </italic>variable) has average 0, or takes values far away from 0. The further away the X-variable <italic>C </italic>is from 0, the smaller <italic>A</italic>, hence the smaller the bias.</p>", "<title>Bias and impact on power and type I error</title>", "<p>Since and <italic>γ </italic>is typically small, the distortion of the usual linkage test in presence of genotyping error heavily depends on the design-specific quantity . Unfortunately, there is little intuition about the distribution of <italic>C </italic>(hence about the distribution of <italic>A</italic>) in the whole population or in a selected sample. Nevertheless, Monte Carlo simulations can be used to determine the characteristics of the <italic>C </italic>and <italic>A </italic>distributions in the whole population or for a specific ascertainment scheme. In random samples and under the variance components model, <italic>C </italic>is a score function hence <bold>E</bold>(<italic>C</italic>) = 0 therefore its sample estimate will be close to 0; one can also check that its distribution is negatively skewed (unless <italic>ρ </italic>= 0). The result is that the bias will be small for random samples. The same finding would hold for any ascertainment scheme where = 0. An optimal selection scheme [##REF##14624721##12##] that would select sib pairs based on Fisher's information (i.e. such that |<italic>C</italic>| ≥ <italic>C</italic><sub>0</sub>) does not warrant that = 0 because of the skewness of <italic>C</italic>. In EC designs (both siblings have trait values either larger than a positive threshold or smaller than a negative threshold), tends to be positive while it tends to be negative in ED designs (one sibling's trait value is larger than a positive threshold while the other sibling's trait value is smaller than a negative threshold), the linkage test will therefore have reduced power in EC designs and increased type I error in ED designs.</p>", "<p>In the left-hand side of Table ##TAB##0##1##, we have computed the values of <italic>A </italic>and for the three selective schemes considered. The designs are indexed by the sib-sib correlation <italic>ρ </italic>and the degree of selection. One obvious way to correct for the shift in the intercept induced by genotyping error would be to leave the regression unconstrained, this would correct for most of the bias. Unfortunately, in selected designs where the variance of <italic>C </italic>is reduced, this results in a very inefficient estimator of the linkage parameter <italic>γ</italic>. The right-hand side of Table ##TAB##0##1## displays the variance of the linkage parameter estimates in constrained () and unconstrained () regressions. Efficiency losses of unconstrained versus constrained regressions in EC and ED designs are unacceptably large even for moderately extreme selection schemes.</p>", "<p>In Table ##TAB##1##2##, we report the power and type I error for realistic genotyping error rates [##REF##10924406##14##] equal to 0.005 and 0.01 for the same designs as in Table ##TAB##1##2##. The equivalent sample size used corresponds to samples with Fisher's information equal to 2500 which provides 90% power to detect a QTL explaining 10% of the total variance in absence of genotyping error (pointwise nominal error rate = 10<sup>-4</sup>). The most visible impact is on type I error rates in ED design which is up to 7 times its nominal value. The design that combines EC and ED sib pairs appears to be fairly immune to genotyping error while EC designs do not incur power losses greater than 20%. Finally, those computations confirm the intuition expressed earlier that the effect of genotyping error is less severe in more extreme selection schemes.</p>", "<title>Genomic control for genotyping error</title>", "<p>As we have seen in previous sections, the main effect of genotyping error is to modify the intercept in the regression used to test for linkage. Although an unconstrained regression would correct most of the bias due to genotyping error, the inefficiency of this strategy makes it impractical. In order to obtain an efficient and robust inference, it therefore seems natural to try and constrain the regression through its correct origin <italic>a</italic>. In this section, we propose a completely data-driven strategy for doing this.</p>", "<p>At any position, the sample mean IBD sharing has variance 1/8<italic>n </italic>where <italic>n </italic>is the number of sib pairs available. If we knew that the position is unlinked or if the sample of sib pairs was random then the deviation of this mean from would provide an estimate of the intercept <italic>a </italic>in the linkage regression.</p>", "<p>Unfortunately, detection of a position-specific intercept corresponding to typical error rates would require a sample size of order 10<sup>4</sup>, a number that is almost never reached in linkage studies. In order to obtain an intercept estimate with sufficient precision, it is therefore essential to combine information across positions. The value of IBD sharing at positions outside of the neighborhood of influencing loci (those positions are subsequently referred to as unlinked) across the genome may serve as control in the test for linkage, this concept of genomic control has been used to make the analysis of association studies more robust [##REF##11315092##15##].</p>", "<p>Let's assume that the proportions of alleles shared IBD <italic>π </italic>is computed at a series of approximately regular positions indexed by <italic>t </italic>across the whole genome. Let <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>t </italic></sub>be the sample mean (among families) excess IBD at position <italic>t </italic>i.e. . Under the variance components model and for small QTL effect <italic>γ</italic>, equation (3) implies that</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>In random samples or in any sample where ≃ 0, taking the average of <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>t </italic></sub>across positions provides an estimate of <italic>a</italic>. In selected samples, we can use a trimmed version of the mean of <italic>y</italic>, for example a 20%-trimmed mean of the (<italic>y</italic><sub><italic>t</italic></sub>)<sub><italic>t </italic></sub>series (i.e. the mean of the <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>t </italic></sub>values after removing the 20% lowest and and 20% highest values) will provide a robust genomic estimate of <italic>a</italic>. Because <italic>a </italic>≤ 0 and is positive and negative in EC designs and ED designs respectively, could be refined by trimming off only the 20% highest and lowest <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>t </italic></sub>values respectively before taking the mean. Of course, how much we trim is arbitrary but 20% can safely be taken as a conservative value for oligogenic traits (Indeed, a 3500 cM genome contains approximately 70 quasi-independent loci, so a 20% trimming of <italic>y</italic><sub><italic>t </italic></sub>values discards 14 positions (including all active gene positions if less than 14 genes) from the sample used to estimate intercept <italic>a</italic>.). An ad-hoc implementation of the concept of genomic control is then to plug in the estimate of the intercept into the linkage regression (3). Since most of the bias in the inference is due to the intercept mis-specification, the precise estimate obtained by pooling across the genome will eliminate it. The implicit assumption that we make in this genomic control approach is that the regression intercept is the same at all positions, this will be challenged in the next section.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Under two basic error models, we were able to predict quantitatively the consequences of genotyping error on inference in linkage analysis. In the idealized situation of complete IBD information, both error models have the same impact on linkage analysis. As we have seen, the effect is due to a decrease in IBD sharing. A contrario, an error process which would increase IBD sharing would produce opposite results. The true error processes involved in practice are complicated mixtures of the models alluded to here. In our experience however, it seems that processes which lower IBD sharing are predominant. Because genotyping error tends to decrease the estimated number of alleles shared IBD, the effect on evidence for linkage is opposite in EC (reduced power) and ED (increased type I error) designs, it can be dramatic in typical designs and paradoxically less severe for more extreme ascertainment schemes. By analogy, for a dichotomous trait, this means that the effect of genotyping error is less severe in ASP designs for rare diseases than for common diseases. Remarkably, in designs combining both ED and EC pairs like the (or EDAC designs), the competing effects of genotyping error tend to cancel each other out. We have considered here only three types of basic selection schemes however the approach can be straightforwardly applied to any arbitrary selection scheme. Under the widely accepted variance components model, the important quantity which determines bias, type I error and power is and it can be easily estimated by Monte Carlo simulations. Note that the bias is proportional to the error rate so that Equation (4) can easily be adapted to different error rates than those considered in Table ##TAB##1##2##.</p>", "<p>Our study used an idealized model where IBD information is assumed to be complete. In practice, IBD is uncertain and it is inferred using marker data and multipoint algorithms as implemented in publicly available software [##REF##8651312##16##,##REF##11731797##17##], the general effect is to shrink the IBD estimate towards 0.5. The linkage regression (2) is changed into where can be either estimated from the data or by simulations. The effect of genotyping error is again mediated via the shift of the intercept in this regression but no general formula can be obtained because it depends in a very complex manner on the whole marker map configuration. Nevertheless, we can quantify this shift under realistic scenarios and compare it to its theoretical value when IBD information is complete. We simulated two different marker maps in 1 million sib pairs without parents and quantified by how much IBD sharing was reduced on average under the <italic>population frequency error model </italic>(error rate = 0.01). The microsatellites map (MS) had 13 equi-frequent ten-allele markers (heterozygozity = 90%) located 10 cM apart (spanning the 0–120 cM chromosomal region) and the SNP map had 41 equi-frequent SNPs (heterozygozity = 50%) spanning the 50–70 cM chromosomal region (this smaller region was chosen to keep simulation time acceptable). The resulting average reduction in IBD sharing for an error rate of 0.01 was measured every 2 cM in the 50–70 cM region, it ranged from 0.4974 to 0.4976 in the MS map and from 0.4945 to 0.4955 in the SNP map. For these two maps which mimic the two most widespread genotyping paradigms nowadays, those simulations confirm results derived under the complete marker information assumption with a reduction in IBD sharing from 0.5 to 0.5 – 0.01/4 = 0.4975. Our results therefore appear to be applicable to real-life situations where IBD information is incomplete.</p>", "<p>The genomic-control strategy that we have proposed, although triggered by the specific issue of genotyping error, potentially offers a general robust method for carrying out linkage analysis. It is nonetheless important to recognize its limitations. Firstly, if the trait is highly polygenic with contributing genes scattered across the genome, the high correlation between linkage positions will make it impossible to estimate the IBD sharing at null positions. The genomic control strategy should therefore only be considered with oligogenic traits. Secondly, the concept of genomic control relies on the assumption that the genotyping error rates are similar across markers. For markers with a similar degree of polymorphism (number of alleles and frequencies), this assumption might be acceptable. In a multipoint setting, an additional assumption required to ensure the validity of a genomic control strategy is that inter-marker distances be approximately equal. With microsatellite markers, both these assumptions might fail resulting in differences in the IBD sharing reduction across markers. The 'regression-based linkage testing' view allows one to qualitatively assess how deviation from these assumptions will impact linkage testing. For example, in ASP or EC designs, wrongly assuming that IBD is uniformly reduced across markers will result in inflated type I error at marker positions with low genotyping error rate compared to other markers. The advent of SNP chips in linkage mapping holds the promise of regular marker maps with less variable information content than in classical microsatellites maps [##REF##15311375##2##,##REF##15514889##3##]. The many SNPs used are likely to be subject to similar genotyping error processes, this makes the critical assumption of the genomic control strategy all the more plausible. Alternatives to this genomic-control strategy are possible and they also consist in constraining the linkage regression through a new origin as in the ad-hoc method, the estimation procedure can be adapted to suit particular circumstances. Firstly, in random samples, the assumption regarding exchangeability of positions might be relaxed. Indeed, the reduction in IBD sharing at each position may be used as estimates of the position-specific intercepts (a study sufficiently powered to detect linkage in random samples should have a huge sample size which would ensure sufficient precision of the position-specific intercepts). However, it must be stressed that the advantage of using a genomic control in random samples is limited because the impact of genotyping error is small in such designs. Secondly, one could use previous lab data to estimate by how much IBD sharing deviates from its expected value, this could also be done at each position separately provided sufficient data are available. In practice, such data might not be available or they might not trustfully reflect current error mechanisms.</p>", "<p>Elston et al. [##REF##15540158##18##] have pointed out that the implicit assumption made in ASP designs, that randomly sampled sib pairs share half of their alleles IBD, might not hold in practice and have argued for including discordant pairs in such studies. The genomic control approach suggested here may be an alternative solution to this issue. Finally we note that, although we have only considered designs involving sib pairs, the approach naturally extends to other types of relative pairs.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Under realistic genotyping error scenarios, power losses observed in extremely concordant designs are modest but the effect on type I error in extremely discordant designs can be dramatic. Our analytic approach provides some understanding of the differences in influence of genotyping errors across study designs. The advent of SNP arrays does not eliminate the impact of genotyping errors but it makes genomic control a feasible option with the potential to deliver more robust inference in linkage analysis data subject to genotyping errors or other mechanisms distorting the IBD signal.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Despite the current trend towards large epidemiological studies of unrelated individuals, linkage studies in families are still thoroughly being utilized as tools for disease gene mapping. The use of the single-nucleotide-polymorphisms (SNP) array technology in genotyping of family data has the potential to provide more informative linkage data. Nevertheless, SNP array data are not immune to genotyping error which, as has been suggested in the past, could dramatically affect the evidence for linkage especially in selective designs such as affected sib pair (ASP) designs. The influence of genotyping error on selective designs for continuous traits has not been assessed yet.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>We use the identity-by-descent (IBD) regression-based paradigm for linkage testing to analytically quantify the effect of simple genotyping error models under specific selection schemes for sibling pairs. We show, for example, that in extremely concordant (EC) designs, genotyping error leads to decreased power whereas it leads to increased type I error in extremely discordant (ED) designs. Perhaps surprisingly, the effect of genotyping error on inference is most severe in designs where selection is least extreme. We suggest a genomic control for genotyping errors via a simple modification of the intercept in the regression for linkage.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>This study extends earlier findings: genotyping error can substantially affect type I error and power in selective designs for continuous traits. Designs involving both EC and ED sib pairs are fairly immune to genotyping error. When those designs are not feasible the simple genomic control strategy that we suggest offers the potential to deliver more robust inference, especially if genotyping is carried out by SNP array technology.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>ASP: affected sib pair; EC: extremely concordant; ED: extremely discordant; EDAC: extremely concordant and extremely discordant; IBD: identical-by-descent; QTL: quantitative trait locus; SNP: single-nucleotide-polymorphism.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>JJPL participated in the method development, carried out the simulations summarized in Table ##TAB##0##1##, drafted and finalized the manuscript. HP participated in method development and in drafting the manuscript. JJH-D and HCvH both participated in method development. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This paper originates from the GENOMEUTWIN project which is supported by the European Union Contract No. QLG2-CT-2002-01254. We are grateful to Dr. Bas Heijmans from the section Molecular Epidemiology, Dept. of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics, Leiden University Medical Center for discussions on genotyping error mechanisms.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Bias in selective designs</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><italic>A</italic></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">var<sub>con</sub></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">var<sub>uncon</sub></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td colspan=\"3\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"3\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"3\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"3\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Selection</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>ρ</italic></td><td align=\"center\">EC</td><td align=\"center\">ED</td><td align=\"center\"></td><td align=\"center\">EC</td><td align=\"center\">ED</td><td align=\"center\"></td><td align=\"center\">EC</td><td align=\"center\">ED</td><td align=\"center\"></td><td align=\"center\">EC</td><td align=\"center\">ED</td><td align=\"center\"></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">1%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.27</td><td align=\"center\">-0.23</td><td align=\"center\">-0.07</td><td align=\"center\">3.45</td><td align=\"center\">-3.93</td><td align=\"center\">-1.61</td><td align=\"center\">0.08</td><td align=\"center\">0.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">1.13</td><td align=\"center\">0.68</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.29</td><td align=\"center\">-0.21</td><td align=\"center\">-0.13</td><td align=\"center\">3.28</td><td align=\"center\">-4.25</td><td align=\"center\">-3.19</td><td align=\"center\">0.09</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">1.46</td><td align=\"center\">0.52</td><td align=\"center\">0.07</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.30</td><td align=\"center\">-0.19</td><td align=\"center\">-0.15</td><td align=\"center\">3.15</td><td align=\"center\">-4.72</td><td align=\"center\">-4.63</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td><td align=\"center\">1.82</td><td align=\"center\">0.38</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.31</td><td align=\"center\">-0.17</td><td align=\"center\">-0.14</td><td align=\"center\">3.06</td><td align=\"center\">-5.29</td><td align=\"center\">-6.00</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"center\">2.27</td><td align=\"center\">0.27</td><td align=\"center\">0.17</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.32</td><td align=\"center\">-0.14</td><td align=\"center\">-0.12</td><td align=\"center\">3.01</td><td align=\"center\">-6.10</td><td align=\"center\">-7.44</td><td align=\"center\">0.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"center\">2.38</td><td align=\"center\">0.18</td><td align=\"center\">0.23</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.31</td><td align=\"center\">-0.12</td><td align=\"center\">-0.10</td><td align=\"center\">3.02</td><td align=\"center\">-7.33</td><td align=\"center\">-9.33</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.01</td><td align=\"center\">1.92</td><td align=\"center\">0.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.19</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">10%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.47</td><td align=\"center\">-0.40</td><td align=\"center\">-0.06</td><td align=\"center\">1.71</td><td align=\"center\">-1.87</td><td align=\"center\">-0.40</td><td align=\"center\">0.28</td><td align=\"center\">0.22</td><td align=\"center\">0.14</td><td align=\"center\">1.48</td><td align=\"center\">0.88</td><td align=\"center\">0.14</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.50</td><td align=\"center\">-0.36</td><td align=\"center\">-0.11</td><td align=\"center\">1.66</td><td align=\"center\">-1.99</td><td align=\"center\">-0.81</td><td align=\"center\">0.30</td><td align=\"center\">0.18</td><td align=\"center\">0.13</td><td align=\"center\">1.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.66</td><td align=\"center\">0.14</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.52</td><td align=\"center\">-0.32</td><td align=\"center\">-0.14</td><td align=\"center\">1.64</td><td align=\"center\">-2.14</td><td align=\"center\">-1.30</td><td align=\"center\">0.32</td><td align=\"center\">0.15</td><td align=\"center\">0.11</td><td align=\"center\">2.20</td><td align=\"center\">0.48</td><td align=\"center\">0.13</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.53</td><td align=\"center\">-0.28</td><td align=\"center\">-0.16</td><td align=\"center\">1.63</td><td align=\"center\">-2.35</td><td align=\"center\">-1.86</td><td align=\"center\">0.32</td><td align=\"center\">0.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.09</td><td align=\"center\">2.37</td><td align=\"center\">0.35</td><td align=\"center\">0.12</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.52</td><td align=\"center\">-0.24</td><td align=\"center\">-0.17</td><td align=\"center\">1.64</td><td align=\"center\">-2.61</td><td align=\"center\">-2.61</td><td align=\"center\">0.31</td><td align=\"center\">0.09</td><td align=\"center\">0.06</td><td align=\"center\">2.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.23</td><td align=\"center\">0.11</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.47</td><td align=\"center\">-0.19</td><td align=\"center\">-0.15</td><td align=\"center\">1.68</td><td align=\"center\">-3.01</td><td align=\"center\">-3.64</td><td align=\"center\">0.28</td><td align=\"center\">0.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">1.33</td><td align=\"center\">0.15</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">30%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">-0.53</td><td align=\"center\">-0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.96</td><td align=\"center\">-1.01</td><td align=\"center\">-0.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.68</td><td align=\"center\">0.52</td><td align=\"center\">0.31</td><td align=\"center\">1.80</td><td align=\"center\">1.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.32</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.69</td><td align=\"center\">-0.46</td><td align=\"center\">-0.07</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">-1.03</td><td align=\"center\">-0.23</td><td align=\"center\">0.73</td><td align=\"center\">0.44</td><td align=\"center\">0.29</td><td align=\"center\">2.15</td><td align=\"center\">0.85</td><td align=\"center\">0.29</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td><td align=\"center\">-0.39</td><td align=\"center\">-0.09</td><td align=\"center\">0.96</td><td align=\"center\">-1.06</td><td align=\"center\">-0.36</td><td align=\"center\">0.74</td><td align=\"center\">0.37</td><td align=\"center\">0.25</td><td align=\"center\">2.33</td><td align=\"center\">0.63</td><td align=\"center\">0.26</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.69</td><td align=\"center\">-0.32</td><td align=\"center\">-0.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.97</td><td align=\"center\">-1.13</td><td align=\"center\">-0.52</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td><td align=\"center\">0.28</td><td align=\"center\">0.20</td><td align=\"center\">2.17</td><td align=\"center\">0.45</td><td align=\"center\">0.21</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">-0.25</td><td align=\"center\">-0.11</td><td align=\"center\">1.00</td><td align=\"center\">-1.22</td><td align=\"center\">-0.73</td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">0.21</td><td align=\"center\">0.15</td><td align=\"center\">1.64</td><td align=\"center\">0.30</td><td align=\"center\">0.16</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.50</td><td align=\"center\">-0.19</td><td align=\"center\">-0.10</td><td align=\"center\">1.05</td><td align=\"center\">-1.35</td><td align=\"center\">-1.01</td><td align=\"center\">0.47</td><td align=\"center\">0.14</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.98</td><td align=\"center\">0.19</td><td align=\"center\">0.11</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Impact of genotyping error (rate = ϵ) on type I error and power</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">Error rate ϵ</td><td align=\"center\">Selection</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>ρ</italic></td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">EC</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">ED</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\"></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Power</td><td align=\"center\">Type I Error × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Power</td><td align=\"center\">Type I Error × 10<sup>-4</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Power</td><td align=\"center\">Type I Error × 10<sup>-4</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">0.005</td><td align=\"center\">1%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.90</td><td align=\"center\">1.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">10%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.85</td><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.90</td><td align=\"center\">1.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.85</td><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.85</td><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">30%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.94</td><td align=\"center\">2.8</td><td align=\"center\">0.90</td><td align=\"center\">1.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.82</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.90</td><td align=\"center\">1.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.82</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.82</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.85</td><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">0.01</td><td align=\"center\">1%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.6</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">10%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.78</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">4.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.78</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">3.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.77</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.94</td><td align=\"center\">3.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.77</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.94</td><td align=\"center\">2.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.77</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.78</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">30%</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.73</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.96</td><td align=\"center\">7.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.90</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.96</td><td align=\"center\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td><td align=\"center\">0.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">4.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.94</td><td align=\"center\">3.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.74</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.78</td><td align=\"center\">0.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">2.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M1\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M2\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i2\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munder><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:munder><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munder><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>G</mml:mi></mml:munder><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>G</mml:mi><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>.</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M3\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M4\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M5\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i3\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mo>.</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M6\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i4\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M7\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i5\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>var</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mrow><mml:mn>16</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:msup><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M8\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mo>,</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M9\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i4\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM1\"><label>(1)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M10\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i7\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>.</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM2\"><label>(2)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M11\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i8\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>E</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>,</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M12\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i9\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M13\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i10\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>8</mml:mn><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M14\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i11\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M15\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i11\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M16\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M17\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i13\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M18\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i14\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:msqrt><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:msqrt></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M19\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M20\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M21\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM3\"><label>(3)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M22\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i15\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>E</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>.</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M23\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M24\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i16\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M25\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i17\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>8</mml:mn><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M26\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i18\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>bias</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>E</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mi>A</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M27\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i19\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>C</mml:mi></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M28\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i20\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM4\"><label>(4)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M29\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i21\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Φ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>Φ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mtext>bias</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mo>.</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M30\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M31\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i22\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>bias</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mi>A</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M32\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i23\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M33\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M34\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M35\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M36\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M37\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M38\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M39\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i25\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>var</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>con</mml:mtext></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M40\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i26\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>var</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>uncon</mml:mtext></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M41\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M42\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M43\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M44\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M45\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M46\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M47\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M48\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M49\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M50\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i4\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M51\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i27\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M52\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i28\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>y</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>≡</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mn>0.5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M53\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i29\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>E</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>y</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>≃</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo>{</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mtable columnalign=\"left\"><mml:mtr columnalign=\"left\"><mml:mtd columnalign=\"left\"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mtd><mml:mtd columnalign=\"left\"><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>if position </mml:mtext><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mtext> is unlinked</mml:mtext><mml:mo>,</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr><mml:mtr columnalign=\"left\"><mml:mtd columnalign=\"left\"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>b</mml:mi><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:mfrac><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>,</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mtd><mml:mtd columnalign=\"left\"><mml:mrow><mml:mtext>if position </mml:mtext><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mtext> is linked</mml:mtext><mml:mo>.</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M54\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M55\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i27\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M56\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i24\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M57\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i27\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M58\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i27\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>a</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M59\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">I</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M60\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i23\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mover 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mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>ϵ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>≃</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>var</mml:mi><mml:mo>⁡</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mi>γ</mml:mi><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mstyle mathsize=\"normal\" mathvariant=\"bold\"><mml:mi>x</mml:mi></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>,</mml:mo><mml:mi>ρ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M63\" name=\"1471-2156-9-57-i32\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>var</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>π</mml:mi><mml:mo>ˆ</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>&lt;</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mn>8</mml:mn></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Left-hand side: Values of <italic>A</italic>, quantities influencing the effect of genotyping error for a variety of selective designs indexed by degree of Selection and sib-sib trait correlation <italic>ρ</italic>) – Right-hand side: Comparison of efficiency in constrained and unconstrained regressions – See text for definitions of <italic>A</italic>, , var<sub>con </sub>and var<sub>uncon</sub></p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Impact of genotyping error (rate = ϵ) on power and type I error of linkage test in selective designs (indexed by degree of Selection and sib-sib trait correlation <italic>ρ</italic>) – Nominal error rate = 10<sup>-4</sup>, QTL effect <italic>γ </italic>= 0.1 and sample size equivalent to a Fisher's information = 2500 in each design (provides 90% power in absence of genotyping error)</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
BMC Genet. 2008 Aug 25; 9:57
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Two crises dominate the health sectors of sub-Saharan countries: those of human resources and of HIV. In principle, both these crises magnify each other. HIV places a significant additional load on the health workforce and contributes to attrition from it through illness, caring for family members who have developed AIDS and death. And the impact of the HIV crisis is accentuated because health workers are unavailable to implement anti-HIV interventions.</p>", "<p>A particular source of recent concern has been the impact on workforce distribution of increased levels of support for HIV/AIDS programmes and especially treatment. This paper seeks to explore this interaction in more detail. It reviews the continent-wide distribution of the two phenomena and initial evidence of the impact of expanded treatment programmes, before looking in depth at the case of Malawi, a country with one of the lowest densities of human resources for health and one of the highest prevalence rates of HIV.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>This paper is based on data derived from published literature; the global atlas of the health workforce, a database compiled by the World Health Organisation (WHO); and grey literature, particularly concerning Malawi. In addition, one of the authors (DM) was part of a nine member external team established by the Government of Malawi and the UK Department for International Development to evaluate the country's antiretroviral therapy (ART) programme in September 2006. During the evaluation a number of health facilities were visited and informal interviews and discussions with service providers, managers and policy makers were conducted.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Malawi is one of a few countries in extreme crisis in relation to both human resources and HIV. Despite this, it is making remarkable progress both in tackling the causes of human resource problems and in providing antiretroviral therapy. The case highlights how both synergies and conflicts between the two strategies have been realised in this context out of the many possible configurations that could be theoretically predicted.</p>", "<p>Among the evident synergies is the contribution of the EHRP to increasing the availability of staff for the expanding ART programme both in total and in underserved areas. This is consistent with the growing acknowledgement that the basic human infrastructure of health systems in SSA must be strengthened if global ART coverage targets are to be met.</p>", "<p>However, while Malawi has been fortunate enough to receive donor support for its EHRP, it is clear that more needs to be done. Donors and the government still need to secure additional resources to increase staff recruitment and training, and to improve retention if WHO's minimum HRH standards are to be met. In addition greater attention will need to be paid to the dynamics of the domestic labour market and the disparities between private and public sector remuneration if Malawi is to ensure a more rational and needs-based deployment of health workers across the country.</p>", "<p>The impact of external project funding on workforce balance has been suggested to lead to the need for health workforce impact assessments as part of project appraisal: 'It could be envisaged that at country level, public and private health services, NGOs and international agencies that would like to start up a new programme or activity would have to demonstrate the impact of their plan on the current health workforce to the Ministry of Health. Similarly, organizations applying for funding at international donor agencies would be asked the same' [##UREF##32##38##].</p>", "<p>The adoption of a low-resource model of ART provision, underscored by task shifting and the use of clinical officers and nurses to diagnose and treat AIDS patients is also consistent with protecting staff availability to also meet other demands on the health system. Moreover, the effective delivery of ART should reduce demands on the health care system for the treatment of opportunistic infections and end-of-life care, although this may only be a short term impact. As the ART programme matures, the number of treatment failures to first-line regimens will grow and unless there is the capacity to fund and supervise the use of second-line treatment, the health care system could see a 'rebound effect' of returning AIDS patients.</p>", "<p>Another notable achievement of the Malawi ART programme has been its ability to incorporate private sector providers into the national ART programme. This has been achieved through a quid pro quo arrangement whereby private sector providers agree to adopt national treatment and monitoring policies in exchange for medicines that are mainly paid for by the public purse.</p>", "<p>The potential for synergy in the strengthening of drug supply systems has not yet been realised. The procurement and supply system for ARVs described earlier operates in isolation from the procurement and supply system for other medicines and commodities, which includes a number of other stand-alone, vertical systems.</p>", "<p>Among the evident conflicts are the demands placed on service delivery by additional in-service training activities and the conflicts between dedicating resources to ensuring the excellence of the antiretroviral therapy programme, and ensuring excellence in prevention – especially of mother-to-child transmission which could reduce the demands for a paediatric antiretroviral therapy programme. There is perhaps a more important tension between the patient-centred focus required for ART, and the community centred approach required for prevention programmes that target the broader determinants of HIV infection and other health problems. This may prove more difficult to resolve.</p>", "<p>Planning for the rapid scale-up of antiretroviral therapy whilst simultaneously strengthening health systems and delivering the broader EHP will require prioritizing amongst the different health care needs and careful consideration of coverage targets and timeframes set by the antiretroviral therapy programme because it takes time (not just resources) to develop positive synergies between antiretroviral therapy scale-up and health systems strengthening. It will also require the right balance between the use of 'dedicated' antiretroviral therapy cadres of health workers and an antiretroviral therapy programme operated through 'generalist' health workers capable of providing comprehensive care. The former may result in faster and more effective antiretroviral therapy coverage, but the latter may be more sustainable and be less harmful to other health care services.</p>", "<p>A greater emphasis on sustainability and health systems strengthening may compromise the speed of up-scaling in the short-term but could derive greater benefits in the long-term by, for example, ensuring a high level of treatment adherence, keeping patients on first line treatment for longer and deferring the use of more expensive second-line treatments.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<p>Two crises dominate the health sectors of sub-Saharan African countries: those of human resources and of HIV. Nevertheless, there is considerable variation in the extent to which these two phenomena affect sub-Saharan countries, with a few facing extreme levels of both: Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, the Central African Republic and Malawi.</p>", "<p>This paper reviews the continent-wide situation with respect to this double burden before considering the case of Malawi in more detail. In Malawi, there has been significant concurrent investment in both an Emergency Human Resource Programme and an antiretroviral therapy programme which was treating 60,000 people by the end of 2006. Both areas of synergy and conflict have arisen, as the two programmes have been implemented. These highlight important issues for programme planners and managers to address and emphasize that planning for the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy while simultaneously strengthening health systems and the human resource situation requires prioritization among compelling cases for support, and time (not just resources).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Findings</title>", "<title>The twin human resource and HIV burden</title>", "<p>The 2006 World Health Report (WHR) defined health workers as 'the people whose job it is to protect and improve the health of their communities' [##REF##17178522##1##]. While recognising the important role of unpaid carers such as mothers and voluntary health workers, its analysis is restricted to people engaged in paid activities. Among those, two categories are identified: 'health service providers' who deliver services; and 'health management and support workers' who are not engaged in any direct provision of services. Table ##TAB##0##1##, reproduced from the WHR, summarises data on the availability of health workers by region and by the categories mentioned above. It suggests that regions with more health workers have proportionately more managerial and support workers. However, better data are required before any conclusions can be made about the number and relative availability of 'health management and support workers'.</p>", "<p>The WHR also identified those countries with a 'critical shortage' of health workers (see Figure ##FIG##0##1##). Critical shortage was defined as having less than 2.28 doctors, nurses and midwives per 1000 population, a threshold derived from an analysis of workforce density associated with key public health outcomes by the Joint Learning Initiative [##UREF##0##2##] (see Table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<p>The WHR suggest that there are critical shortages of health workers in many countries. The absolute shortage is greatest in Asia, where there is a shortfall of 1.16 million doctors, nurses and midwives and perhaps 2.1 million of all types of health workers, dominated by the shortages in Bangladesh, India and Indonesia. The relative shortage is greatest in sub-Saharan Africa where an increase of 139% is required [##REF##17178522##1##]. The countries with the lowest ratios of health workers per 1000 population are mainly in sub-Saharan Africa but some others such as Indonesia and Papua New Guinea also have densities below one half of the proposed critical shortage threshold.</p>", "<p>The focus on doctors, nurses and midwives reflects the greater reliability of estimated numbers of these cadres. In practice, the contribution of other cadres such as pharmacists, laboratory technicians and 'non-physician clinicians', is just as critical. Indeed, 'non-physician clinicians' (often known as 'clinical officers' or 'medical assistants') have been trained in some countries to compensate for the lack of doctors and are active in 25 of 47 sub-Saharan African countries included in a recent study [##UREF##1##3##]. In nine countries there are more non-physician clinicians than physicians and they are reported to play prominent roles in primary health care and HIV/AIDS treatment in five of the worst affected sub-Saharan countries. However, in no country do they add more than 0.2 to the health worker per thousand population ratio, so they do not significantly alter the relative position of different countries from WHO's analyses.</p>", "<p>Further analysis of data from WHO's global atlas of the health workforce identifies the countries in Table ##TAB##1##2## as having ratios of doctors, nurses and midwives lower than 0.5 per 1000 population. All of these are in sub-Saharan Africa. Malawi has a slightly higher overall health worker density than these countries at 0.61 per thousand population, but a physician density level as low as the least well served of these countries (Niger) at 0.02 per thousand population [##UREF##1##3##] (see Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>The focus on nurses, doctors and midwives also runs the risk of neglecting the importance of 'health management and support workers'. Clinical workers require management and administrative systems to work if they are to be effective. And ART programmes require, in particular, effective drug procurement and supply systems, laboratory support and information management.</p>", "<p>When countries with low HR levels are assessed in terms of HIV prevalence, all the non-African countries with a critical human resource shortage are found to have relatively low adult HIV prevalence rates. According to UNAIDS [##UREF##2##4##], adult HIV prevalence ranges from less than 0.1 to 1.6% in these countries except Haiti, where prevalence is 3.8%. The twin burden of HRH crisis and HIV/AIDS crisis is therefore an African phenomenon. Figure ##FIG##1##2## plots total numbers of doctors, nurses and midwives against adult HIV prevalence across all African countries for which both statistics are available. It identifies 6 countries with an HRH crisis as defined by WHO and with adult HIV prevalence rates greater than 10%. These are Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, the Central African Republic and Malawi (see Figure ##FIG##1##2##).</p>", "<p>Hirschhorn et al. [##REF##16438710##5##] estimated that the additional health workforce required to deliver ART to 1000 patients amounted to 1–2 physicians, 2–7 nurses, &lt;1 to 3 pharmacy staff and an unquantified number of counsellors and treatment supporters. On this basis, Mozambique, which needs to provide ART to about 200,000 patients, would require 200–400 doctors from its' total stock of 514, and 400–1400 nurses from its total stock of 3947.</p>", "<p>Other estimates of the workforce required to scale up ART suggest even more stark results. Smith [##UREF##3##6##] calculated that seven out of fourteen countries included in his study would be unable to meet needs even if they used 100% of their current workforce. Figure ##FIG##2##3## shows Smith's estimates of human resource requirements for full coverage of population with antiretroviral therapy. Only two of the 'twin burden' countries are considered in Smith's analysis – Mozambique and Zambia (Malawi was not included). Both are among the three countries whose current medical personnel situation appears least adequate for antiretroviral therapy expansion according to Smith. The third is Rwanda, one of the most human resource constrained countries (see Table ##TAB##1##2##), but with a relatively low estimated HIV prevalence rate. This estimate has recently fallen from a reported rate of 8.9% to 3.1% following the expansion of sentinel HIV surveillance to rural sites [##UREF##4##7##]; it is possible, but not clear, if Smith used the higher rate in his calculation (see Figure ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<p>In part, these stark estimates reflect the clinical complexity and chronic nature of treating patients with AIDS. Even in the absence of antiretroviral therapy, HIV increases the needs for skilled human intervention in the health system, particularly due to the incidence of opportunistic infections. For example, one study in Rwanda estimated that 60% of hospital beds were occupied by AIDS patients being treated for opportunistic infections [##UREF##5##8##].</p>", "<p>A comprehensive HIV/AIDS programme also includes a range of interventions unrelated to the treatment of people with AIDS such as HIV prevention strategies, including the comprehensive management of patients with other sexually transmitted infections, voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services and the prevention of vertical transmission. All these interventions also require skilled health workers.</p>", "<p>The HR requirements of ART programmes therefore have to be met within a severely limited pool of human resources. It is therefore unsurprising that the volume of additional funding and energy directed at HIV/AIDS programmes should threaten less well supported activities. Furthermore, the delivery of HIV/AIDS interventions through non-government organisations (NGOs) and private providers that are able to offer better pay and working conditions to health workers can lead to attrition from the public sector and other areas of health care [##UREF##6##9##,##UREF##7##10##].</p>", "<title>A case study of Malawi</title>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>With an estimated GDP per head of US$646 in 2004, Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa [##UREF##8##11##]. Over half the 12 million population is food insecure and 65.3% were unable to meet their daily consumption needs in 1998 [##UREF##9##12##]. Life expectancy at birth is 39.8 years. HIV prevalence in Malawi was 14.1% (CI: 6.9 – 21.4) in 2005 [##UREF##10##13##]. The country is heavily dependent on aid which contributed 31.2% of Gross National Income in 2003, a higher proportion than most other countries in sub-Saharan Africa [##UREF##11##14##].</p>", "<p>Malawi's health care indicators are poor [##UREF##12##15##, ####UREF##13##16##, ##UREF##14##17####14##17##]:</p>", "<p>• Only 10% of health facilities were able in 2002 to deliver a basic minimum standard of care, with many being in poor condition, lacking an operational water source, electricity or a working telecommunications system.</p>", "<p>• Full immunisation coverage has fallen from a rate of 81.8% in 1990 to 64.4% in 2004.</p>", "<p>• The maternal mortality ratio is one of the highest in the world, standing at 984 per 100 000 live births in 2004.</p>", "<p>• Only 46% of the population live within 5 km of a formal health facility and only 20% live within 25 km of a hospital</p>", "<p>• 73% of households lacked an insecticide-treated bednet in 2004. According to one survey, more than 50% of malaria cases do not get treatment at health facilities.</p>", "<p>There are however some notable achievements. Neonatal tetanus and polio have been eliminated through immunisation programmes and TB cure rates are over 70% [##UREF##15##18##]. And, as discussed later, there has been a great increase in the number of people living with AIDS receiving anti-retroviral therapy.</p>", "<p>Malawi's health system is severely under-financed. In 2001, total health expenditure was US$ 12.4 per person [##UREF##16##19##]. At that time, the cost of delivering an 'essential health package' (EHP) of eleven cost-effective health services was estimated at $17.53 per capita, nearly 50% more than existing total health spending [##UREF##17##20##]. Furthermore, the cost estimate of this EHP was based on only 67% coverage for some services and did not include the costs of central level management and supervision, central hospital activity, or the provision of antiretroviral therapy.</p>", "<p>According to WHO's National Health Accounts database, per capita total health expenditure in 2005 had risen to US$ 23. The government accounted for 24.3% of total health spending; donors/external funding for 51.5%; and private expenditure for 24.2% [##UREF##18##21##]. The organization of health care finances in Malawi has improved since 2005 as a consequence of a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) which several donors, particularly DFID (UK), have agreed to support. Under the SWAp, a six-year programme of work was established, with the delivery of the EHP being at the core. However, not all external funding is channelled through the SWAp. USAID and PEPFAR are notable bilateral donors operating outside the SWAp framework.</p>", "<p>In line with the focused international attention on HIV/AIDS, Malawi established a separate National AIDS Commission (NAC) to manage the significant amount of dedicated HIV/AIDS funding (including grants from the Global Fund) and to provide oversight over the country's HIV/AIDS plan. When first established, tension existed between the NAC and the Ministry of Health, partly because the NAC employed staff at higher salaries than the Ministry and because of the Ministry's loss of direct control over HIV/AIDS funding. According to a draft copy of Malawi's 2004/05 National Health Accounts, the Ministry of Health's share of public finance has decreased between 2002/03 and 2004/05 while that of the NAC increased (see Table ##TAB##2##3##).</p>", "<p>Health services are provided by a multiplicity of providers. Of 'formal' health facilities, 60% are government-run; and 26% are mission facilities (mainly found in the rural areas). There is a small private-for-profit health sector (including three private hospitals) limited mainly to urban areas, as well as services provided by private companies for their employees. There is also a substantial traditional health sector. Nearly a quarter of deliveries are attended by a traditional birth attendant.</p>", "<p>Mission facilities tend to operate independently of each other but within a loose association called the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM). A formal agreement exists with the Ministry of Health whereby most of the CHAM workforce is paid from the government payroll. Other providers include islamic health facilities, NGOs, grocery stores, pharmacies and community-based distribution agents for contraception. The share of total health care expenditure in 1998/9 amongst different providers is shown in Figure ##FIG##3##4##. Since then, NGO health care provision has expanded, particularly NGOs providing HIV/AIDS services. There are also a number of clinical research projects, particularly related to HIV/AIDS in the health care system – these provide services to research subjects but also consume a significant number of the country's scarce skilled health workforce (see Figure ##FIG##3##4##).</p>", "<p>In theory, health care providers in Malawi are organized according to a system of five 'zones' and 28 'health districts'. Each district is supposed to have an integrated health plan that incorporates the public sector, CHAM facilities and NGO providers. In practice, this does not always happen. Zonal offices which are supposed to provide support and supervision to district level services are relatively new and do not yet have the capacity to effectively support health districts. And in many districts, public, CHAM, NGO and private providers operate independently of each other.</p>", "<p>Presently, local government assemblies provide a small amount of health services. However, there are plans to devolve primary health care provision to local assemblies, including the transfer of budgets and human resource employment responsibilities.</p>", "<title>Human resources</title>", "<p>As noted in the introduction, the total density of doctors and nurses (including midwives) in Malawi is 0.61 per thousand population, a shade higher than the threshold of 0.5 that defines the 10 worst served sub-Saharan African countries. As in other countries, the national average masks extreme inequities of provision within the country. In November 2004, 15 out of Malawi's 26 districts had less than 1.5 nurses per facility, and five had less than one. Only 13% of all health facilities had 24-hour midwifery coverage. Of 28 600 health worker posts in Ministry of Health (MoH) and CHAM facilities in 2005, about 38% were vacant [##UREF##19##22##]. Half of Malawi's doctors work at one of four central hospitals (although this partly due to deployment of newly qualified doctors to the central hospitals for the period of internship).</p>", "<p>The HRH situation was described in April 2004 by the MoH as \"dangerously close to collapse\" and as a \"major, persistent and deepening crisis\" [##UREF##20##23##]. An independent review of a safe motherhood project concluded that in spite of \"extensive staff training and support\" to midwives, problems with staff retention would remain an important obstacle to increasing coverage of births by skilled attendants [##UREF##21##24##].</p>", "<p>Three notable features of the health workforce in Malawi are the extensive use of clinical officers, medical assistants and about 4500 community-based health surveillance assistants (HSAs). Clinical officers receive four years of training and provide a range of medical services, including diagnosis and treatment, surgery and anaesthesia, and mending fractures. They form the cornerstone of hospital care in many rural areas. Medical assistants receive two years of training and mainly provide medical care in health centres and the outpatient departments of district hospitals. HSAs receive 10 weeks of training and are responsible for a variety of different tasks ranging from health promotion activities to TB defaulter tracing.</p>", "<p>There are several reasons for Malawi's health worker crisis. One is its low resource base which has made it difficult for the government to adequately fund the training, employment and retention of health staff. Even after establishing a medical school in 1991, Malawi produced only 20 doctors per year until 2005. Although it produced about 40–60 registered nurses and 300–350 enrolled nurses annually in the early 2000s [##UREF##22##25##], this is small compared to an establishment of 8,963 public sector nurses (including CHAM) [##UREF##20##23##].</p>", "<p>Another reason is HIV/AIDS. A 2002 study showed annual death rates of 2% among hospital health care workers [##REF##11925986##26##]. Fear of exposure to HIV, particularly as shortages of gloves and other supplies hampers adherence to universal precautions, is also said to have contributed to staff leaving the sector [##UREF##23##27##]. Staff time is also lost to funeral attendance, care of sick family members and prolonged periods of illness. The increased workload caused by HIV/AIDS has also contributed to further demotivation, although according to local informants, the ability to treat patients with antiretroviral therapy is said to have improved staff morale.</p>", "<p>Staffing problems are more acute in the public sector. Whereas 20 years ago, public sector health worker salaries were considered attractive, wages for civil servants in Malawi have not kept up with rising consumer prices [##UREF##24##28##]. Job opportunities in the better-paid private sector (including NGOs and research institutions) and abroad, particularly in the UK, have been another potent 'pull factor'.</p>", "<p>Other reasons staff leave the public sector include poor working conditions; infrequent supervision and support; the lack of essential drugs, supplies and equipment; limited career progression opportunities; unequal access to training; an unclear deployment policy; and poor housing [##UREF##25##29##]. A study conducted in early 2006 identified up to 740 'inactive' professional health workers, including 469 nurses and 164 Clinical Officers, who had either resigned or retired from the health sector [##UREF##26##30##].</p>", "<title>The Emergency Human Resources Programme</title>", "<p>Malawi has implemented a variety of initiatives to solve its health worker shortages over the years. However, it was only after Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS, and Suma Chakrabarti, Permanent Secretary of the UK Department for International Development (DfID), visited Malawi in 2004 and witnessed first hand the hopeless staffing situation of many facilities that a substantial human resources plan was pulled together. The result was a shift from piecemeal donor support to a comprehensive six-year \"Emergency Human Resources Programme\" (EHRP).</p>", "<p>Costed at US$272 million, with major funding from DFID and some from the Global Fund, the EHRP aims to raise Malawi's staffing levels (see Table ##TAB##3##4##) to a point where it could deliver the EHP (the planned targets do not therefore cater for the additional staff needed to provide antiretroviral therapy services). Although the EHRP would significantly boost staffing levels, the targets still fall short of the WHO-recommended minimum (on a rough estimate the EHRP would increase the total doctor and nurse density to 1.51 compared to the 2.28 threshold used by the 2006 WHR to define a 'critical shortage') (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>The EHRP takes a five-pronged approach:</p>", "<p>• Improving incentives for recruitment and retention of public sector and CHAM staff through a 52% salary top-up for 11 professional and technical cadres, coupled with a major initiative to recruit and re-engage qualified Malawian staff.</p>", "<p>• Expanding domestic training capacity, including doubling the number of nurses and tripling the number of doctors in training.</p>", "<p>• Using international volunteer doctors and nurse tutors as a short-term measure to fill critical posts while Malawians are being trained.</p>", "<p>• Providing technical assistance to bolster Ministry of Health (MoH) capacity in human resources planning, management and development.</p>", "<p>• Establishing robust human resources monitoring and evaluation capacity.</p>", "<p>In addition, the programme explicitly recognises the importance of improving policies on postings and promotions; training and career development; and incentives for deploying staff to underserved areas (which includes a major effort to improve staff housing). Technical assistance to the MoH in the form of human resources experts was therefore arranged. The government has also introduced a period of compulsory public health service for enrolled nurses trained at public expense.</p>", "<p>Contrary to initial fears, other public servants did not protest at the improved pay for health workers partly because of the careful way in which the government and others had made the case for higher pay for health workers [##REF##16713877##31##]. However, any further improvements to the pay and working conditions of health workers are likely to be resisted without improvements for other civil servants.</p>", "<p>Since its implementation, anecdotal reports indicate that the salary rise had helped stem the flow of staff, particularly nurses, out of the public sector [##REF##16713877##31##]. In addition, by the last quarter of 2005, 591 'inactive' staff had been recruited and more than 1,100 staff had been promoted (mostly nurses whose promotions had been blocked by civil service rules following a change to the nursing curriculum).</p>", "<p>The number of health professionals trained annually increased from 400/year in 2004 to over 1000/year in 2006. The College of Medicine increased its first-year Medical Doctor intake for 2005 to 60 students [##UREF##19##22##]. By mid-2006, health-training institutions were running at full capacity, albeit with a need to improve tutor: student ratios. To further increase the output of nurse training institutions, proposals exist to reduce the length of time required for basic nurse training from four to three years (longer than in most other African countries). In 2006, 51 expatriate doctors and 15 nurse tutors were scheduled to be in post [##REF##16713877##31##].</p>", "<p>However, a recent evaluation of the EHRP in 2006 concluded that there were still difficulties in attracting tutors, doctors and nurses and that the EHP would not succeed if \"radical action is not taken to dramatically improve retention rates\", particularly in rural areas [##UREF##27##32##]. Another illustration of on-going problems was the observation that although expatriate doctors had been recruited successfully through the UN Volunteer Programme, in 2004/05 and 2005/06 less than eight medical graduates had joined the MoH whilst several other junior doctors had resigned [##UREF##28##33##].</p>", "<p>According to Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), in Chiradzulu district, there were 50 nurses working at the district hospital in 2006; that number had dropped to 28 by 2007 [##UREF##29##34##]. MSF also noted the experience of retired nurses who had been attracted to return to the workforce having trouble getting contracts and payment due to administrative delays.</p>", "<p>One problem was that the promised 52% salary top-up was not translated into a 52% increase in take-home pay because of changes to the tax and allowance structure of public sector health workers. Furthermore, in spite of the salary top-ups, non-government employers still offer much better rates of pay, particularly for scarce health worker cadres such as doctors, laboratory technicians and pharmacists.</p>", "<p>The fragmented and competitive provider market, coupled with the pressure on funders and policy makers to achieve ambitious coverage targets, has caused the labour market to become extremely uneven. Scarce skills appear to be concentrated in urban areas and in NGO/research projects that are able to offer higher remuneration. According to MSF, external financing is also associated with workshops and training programmes which public health workers are paid with per diems and stipends to attend. A five-day training workshop can increase a nurse's basic monthly salary by 25–40% [##UREF##29##34##]. Although training workshops are necessary, the competition for stipends can disrupt service delivery and increase absence from facilities.</p>", "<title>HIV/AIDS and the provision of antiretroviral therapy</title>", "<p>In spite of its significant health systems constraints, Malawi has made exceptional progress in expanding access to ART. At the end of 2006, there were about 60 000 people on treatment in the country, with plans to expand coverage to 245 000 people by 2010.</p>", "<p>This progress is argued to have been achieved because of several factors [##UREF##30##35##]:</p>", "<p> A strong rights-based international advocacy movement</p>", "<p> Earmarked funding for antiretroviral therapy services from a range of donors.</p>", "<p> Support from international NGOs and research organisations to deliver ART services</p>", "<p> Strong technical leadership and management within the Ministry of Health</p>", "<p> A vertical management and delivery system which has included:</p>", "<p>◦ dedicated ART training programmes for various cadres of health workers (see below)</p>", "<p>◦ A stand-alone system for financing, procuring and distributing antiretroviral therapy drugs. This involves drugs procured by UNICEF from India being flown to Copenhagen where they are individually packed for each ART clinic, and then flown to Malawi where they are couriered to each ART clinic.</p>", "<p>◦ A stand-alone information system to enable high-quality monitoring and evaluation</p>", "<p>◦ Quarterly supervision and support visits to all ART clinics</p>", "<p> A 'low-resource approach' which includes using a single first-line and second-line regimen for all patients and providers; using clinical staging to determine eligibility for treatment (not CD4 counts); using fixed-dose combination tablets; and using clinical signs only to monitor treatment response.</p>", "<p>Under the direction of the HIV/AIDS unit within the MoH, an agreement has been reached that ART providers will be supplied with government-procured drugs, whether in the public or private sector, provided they attend a 5-day training course and formal assessment. In the private sector, in addition to paying private consultation fees, patients pay a fee of MK 500 (at time of writing, US$ 1 = MK 140) per month for the medicines, of which MK 200 is retained by the private provider and MK 300 is paid into a revolving fund managed by the Malawi Business Coalition Against HIV/AIDS which is then remitted to the National AIDS Council. The cost of ART on the government procurement scheme is approximately MK 1820 per month, although this excludes the costs of supply and distribution logistics [##UREF##31##36##].</p>", "<p>Before new ART sites are established, those responsible for establishing the sites and providing care must also spend two weeks attached to one of the specialist HIV centres within Malawi after completing the 5-day training course. Through the provision of subsidised medicines and using this model of structured training, the government has been able to harness the private sector to support the national ART programme.</p>", "<p>Human resource plans to further expand ART coverage involve four main strategies [##UREF##30##35##]:</p>", "<p>1) minimizing the health worker: patient ratio by changing the requirement for all patients to be seen by a clinician when they come for repeat prescriptions.</p>", "<p>2) 'task-shifting' to enable nurses to diagnose and prescribe ART and 'lower' cadres of health workers (in particular HSAs) to dispense ART. Plans exist to overcome legal and professional restrictions on prescribing and dispensing, and to train and equip HSAs with the competencies to provide ART drugs; keep accurate patient records; and question carers and patients so that an appropriate treatment regime and referral pattern can be established. [However, it should be noted that this is being resisted by the Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board]</p>", "<p>3) increasing the number of health workers involved in the ART programme by including volunteers/unpaid workers.</p>", "<p>4) decentralizing management and supervision to zonal and district health management structures.</p>", "<p>In Thyolo district, MSF has been working with the government to provide more than 10 000 people with ART by the end of 2007. One of its strategies has been to support 600 volunteer community home-based caregivers to assist community nurses with the management of common HIV-related conditions, support people on ART, and trace defaulters [##REF##16962622##37##]. Nurses are also being used to manage 'stable patients' (defined as non-pregnant adults who have been on first-line treatment for at least one year with no complications or adherence problems).</p>", "<p>However, as Malawi contemplates the further expansion of antiretroviral therapy (whilst sustaining its current gains) within the context of limited resources and many shortfalls in the provision of other essential health services, there are concerns that these other services could be harmed. In addition, the intention to decentralize new responsibilities to zonal and district offices might compromise this management capacity which is already struggling to oversee and support other health programmes.</p>", "<p>The external evaluation of Malawi's ART programme in 2006 noted concerns that antiretroviral services resembled 'islands of excellence in a sea of problems' [##UREF##30##35##]. While the ART programme's achievements were impressive, other services (including the prevention of vertical transmission) showed signs of stagnation. One contrast was the excellent supply of ART drugs compared with the abysmal supply of other essential health commodities; another was the plans to up-scale paediatric ART when it was clear that the country's programme to reduce vertical transmission had stalled. It was also noted that the ART programme's focus on individual treatment had under-emphasised the potential for treatment services to act as an engine for HIV prevention.</p>", "<p>However, the ART programme could also impact positively on the health system by, for example, helping keep HIV-positive health workers healthy and preventing facilities from being overwhelmed by the needs of people dying from AIDS. In addition, the political and civic energy and additional resources directed at the scale up of ART provides an opportunity to strengthen health systems. For example, the impetus to reduce vertical HIV transmission can be harnessed to improve the quality of ante-natal and obstetric care as a whole.</p>", "<p>The recent introduction of eight paediatricians from the United States to help increase coverage of paediatric ART is another example of how the current international focus on AIDS treatment could be harnessed to strengthen the health system as a whole. As well as increasing paediatric ART coverage, these physicians could be deployed to support the improvement and expansion of other child health services.</p>", "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>ART: antiretroviral therapy; CHAM: Christian Hospital Association of Malawi; EHP: essential health package; EHRP: Emergency Human Resources Programme; GDP: gross domestic product; HSA: health surveillance assistants; MSF: Medecins Sans Frontieres; NAC: National AIDS Commission; NGO: non-government organisations; VCT: voluntary counselling and testing; WHO: World Health Organisation; WHR: World Health Report; SWAp: Sector Wide Approach.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>DM and BM drafted the paper on the basis of two separate papers they had individually authored. VM made significant contributions to the original draft with particular reference to the Malawi case study.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This paper is derived from two background papers prepared for meeting of the UNAIDS/World Bank Economics Reference Group, 3 &amp; 4 May 2007. The case study of Malawi is partly derived from the participation of one author (DM) in an external evaluation of the country's ART programme which was funded and supported by the Government of Malawi, the UK Department for International Development, USAID, the World Health Organisation and UNICEF.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Countries with a critical shortage of health service providers (doctors, nurses and midwives)</bold>. (Source: World Health Report (2006), Working Together for Health, Geneva: WHO [##REF##17178522##1##]).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Total numbers of doctors, nurses and midwives against adult HIV prevalence across African countries for which both statistics are available</bold>. (Source: Authors' analysis based on HRH global atlas and UNAIDS data).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Percentage of existing doctor workforce required for full coverage in 10 years</bold>. (Source: Smith 2005 [##UREF##3##6##]).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Health expenditure in Malawi by provider sector, 1998/9 FY</bold>. (Source: Government of Malawi, Ministry of Health and Population: Malawi National Health Accounts: a broader perspective of the Malawian Health Sector, 2001).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Global health workforce, by density</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>WHO Region</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Total health workforce</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Health service providers</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Health management and support workers</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Number</bold><break/></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Density </bold><break/><bold>(per 1000 population)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Number</bold><break/></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>% of total health </bold><break/><bold>workforce</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Number</bold><break/></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>% of total health </bold><break/><bold>workforce</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Africa</bold></td><td align=\"center\">1 640 000</td><td align=\"center\">2.3</td><td align=\"center\">1 360 000</td><td align=\"center\">83</td><td align=\"center\">280 000</td><td align=\"center\">17</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Eastern Mediterranean</bold></td><td align=\"center\">2 100 000</td><td align=\"center\">4.0</td><td align=\"center\">1 580 000</td><td align=\"center\">75</td><td align=\"center\">520 000</td><td align=\"center\">25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>South-East Asia</bold></td><td align=\"center\">7 040 000</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td align=\"center\">4 730 000</td><td align=\"center\">67</td><td align=\"center\">2 300 000</td><td align=\"center\">33</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Western Pacific</bold></td><td align=\"center\">10 070 000</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">7 810 000</td><td align=\"center\">78</td><td align=\"center\">2 260 000</td><td align=\"center\">23</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Europe</bold></td><td align=\"center\">16 630 000</td><td align=\"center\">18.9</td><td align=\"center\">11 540 000</td><td align=\"center\">69</td><td align=\"center\">5 090 000</td><td align=\"center\">31</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Americas</bold></td><td align=\"center\">21 740 000</td><td align=\"center\">24.8</td><td align=\"center\">12 460 000</td><td align=\"center\">57</td><td align=\"center\">9 280 000</td><td align=\"center\">43</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>World</bold></td><td align=\"center\">59 220 000</td><td align=\"center\">9.3</td><td align=\"center\">39 470 000</td><td align=\"center\">67</td><td align=\"center\">19 750 000</td><td align=\"center\">33</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Countries in the deepest human resource crisis according to their numbers of doctors, nurses and midwives: ratios per thousand population.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Physicians</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Nurses</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Midwives</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>TOTAL</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Burundi</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.19</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"right\">0.22</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Ethiopia</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"right\">0.25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Niger</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td><td align=\"right\">0.25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Chad</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.24</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"right\">0.32</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Liberia</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.17</td><td align=\"center\">0.13</td><td align=\"right\">0.33</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Mozambique</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.21</td><td align=\"center\">0.12</td><td align=\"right\">0.36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Senegal</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.25</td><td align=\"center\">0.07</td><td align=\"right\">0.38</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>United Republic of Tanzania</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.07</td><td align=\"right\">0.39</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Togo</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.33</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"right\">0.42</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rwanda</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.42</td><td align=\"center\">0.01</td><td align=\"right\">0.48</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Central African Republic</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.08</td><td align=\"center\">0.23</td><td align=\"center\">0.18</td><td align=\"right\">0.49</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Share of public finance managed by different segments of the health system</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Budget management</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Year</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"3\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>2002/03</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>2003/04</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>2004/05</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>%</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>%</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>%</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ministry of Health</td><td align=\"center\">60.2</td><td align=\"center\">49.5</td><td align=\"center\">51.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">National AIDS Commission</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td><td align=\"center\">3.5</td><td align=\"center\">11.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CHAM</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td><td align=\"center\">2.9</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other NGOs</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td align=\"center\">7.9</td><td align=\"center\">6.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Donors</td><td align=\"center\">10.6</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">10.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"center\">18.9</td><td align=\"center\">16.2</td><td align=\"center\">15</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Selected EHRP staffing targets (F/Y 2005–2006 Stock Indicator)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Category</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Combined Ministry of Health &amp; CHAM</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"3\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>EHRP Target</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Filled</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Vacancy Rate (%)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Physician/Specialist</td><td align=\"center\">433</td><td align=\"center\">162</td><td align=\"center\">63%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Nurse (all categories)</td><td align=\"center\">8,440</td><td align=\"center\">3,416</td><td align=\"center\">60%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Clinical Officer</td><td align=\"center\">1,405</td><td align=\"center\">1,033</td><td align=\"center\">26%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medical Assistant</td><td align=\"center\">1,500</td><td align=\"center\">491</td><td align=\"center\">67%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Radiography/Technician</td><td align=\"center\">270</td><td align=\"center\">58</td><td align=\"center\">79%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Pharmacy/Technician</td><td align=\"center\">269</td><td align=\"center\">134</td><td align=\"center\">50%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medical Laboratory Technician</td><td align=\"center\">507</td><td align=\"center\">182</td><td align=\"center\">64%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Environmental Health Officer</td><td align=\"center\">1,662</td><td align=\"center\">223</td><td align=\"center\">87%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Dental Technician/Therapist</td><td align=\"center\">470</td><td align=\"center\">138</td><td align=\"center\">71%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physiotherapy</td><td align=\"center\">168</td><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">87%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medical Engineering</td><td align=\"center\">60</td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">60%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Health Surveillance Assistant</td><td align=\"center\">11,000</td><td align=\"center\">4,664</td><td align=\"center\">58%</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Note: All data for latest available year. For countries where data on the number of health management and support workers were not available, estimates have been made based on regional averages for countries with complete data.</p><p>Data sources: World Health Organization. <italic>Global Atlas of the Health Workforce </italic><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Source: Author's analysis of HRH global atlas, latest year available <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>(Source: Malawi 2004/05 National Health Accounts – draft copy (September 2006). Lilongwe: Malawi Ministry of Health)</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>(Source: Government of Malawi, Ministry of Health (July 2006). Strategic human resources for health framework for the health sector)</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-4\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-i1.gif\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-i1.gif\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-i1.gif\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-i1.gif\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-i1.gif\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"1478-4491-6-16-i1.gif\"/>" ]
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Unpublished data on student enrolments. Quoted in [31]"]}, {"surname": ["Kemp", "Aitken", "LeGrand", "Mwale"], "given-names": ["J", "J-M", "S", "B"], "article-title": ["Equity in Health Sector Responses to HIV/AIDS in Malawi"], "source": ["Equinet Discussion Paper No5, EQUINET/Oxfam GB, Lilongwe"], "year": ["2003"]}, {"surname": ["Valentine"], "given-names": ["TR"], "article-title": ["Towards a medium-term pay policy for the Malawi civil service: Final Report"], "source": ["Presented to Department of Human Resource Management and Development and Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Malawi, Government of Malawi, Lilongwe"], "year": ["2003"]}, {"surname": ["Aitken", "Kemp"], "given-names": ["JM", "J"], "article-title": ["HIV/AIDS, equity and health sector personnel in southern Africa"], "source": ["EQUINET discussion paper number 12"], "year": ["2003"]}, {"collab": ["Health Services Commission of Malawi"], "article-title": ["Tracing Employable Ex-Ministry of Health Nursing and Clinical Employees Residing Inside and Outside Malawi"], "source": ["Lilongwe"], "year": ["2006"]}, {"surname": ["Carpenter"], "given-names": ["B"], "article-title": ["A comprehensive workload analysis framework and implementation plan"], "source": ["Report for DfID"], "year": ["2006"]}, {"collab": ["Government of Malawi, Ministry Of Health"], "article-title": ["Report for the joint mid-year review of the health sector, 2005\u20132006"], "source": ["Lilongwe"], "year": ["2006"]}, {"collab": ["Medecins Sans Frontieres"], "article-title": ["Health wanted. Confronting the health worker crisis to expand access to HIV/AIDS treatment"], "source": ["Medecins Sans Frontieres experience in southern Africa"], "year": ["2007"], "publisher-name": ["Johanneburg: Medecins Sans Frontieres"]}, {"surname": ["Gilks", "Blose", "Carpenter", "Coutinho", "Filler", "Granich", "Luo", "McCoy", "Pazvakavambwa"], "given-names": ["C", "S", "B", "A", "S", "R", "C", "D", "B"], "article-title": ["Report of the Malawi antiretroviral therapy Programme External Review Team. 4th \u2013 15th September 2006"]}, {"article-title": ["Personal communication to VM from official of the National AIDS Commission"]}, {"surname": ["Marchal", "Kegels"], "given-names": ["B", "G"], "article-title": ["Making Sense: Aids and the health workforce in Africa"], "source": ["Department of Public Health, Institute of Tropical Medicine; Antwerp"], "year": ["2005"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
Hum Resour Health. 2008 Aug 12; 6:16
[ "<title>1 Introduction</title>", "<p>Human T-lymphotropic viruses (HTLV-1 to -4) belong to the <italic>Deltaretrovirus </italic>genera of the Orthoretrovirinae subfamily. HTLV-1 was the first discovered human retrovirus in the early eighties [##REF##6261256##1##]. HTLV-2 was described two years later [##REF##2992932##2##] whereas HTLV-3 and -4 subtypes were isolated only recently [##REF##15882466##3##,##REF##15911757##4##]. HTLV-1 is the etiological agent of an aggressive leukemia called adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) and a neurodegenerative disease, tropical spastic paraparesis/HTLV associated myelopathy (TSP/HAM). Isolated from a case of hairy-cell leukemia, HTLV-2 is by far less pathogenic although its involvement in the development of TSP has been reported [##REF##16155606##5##,##REF##15236397##6##]. HTLV-3 and -4 have not yet been associated to any pathology, likely due to their recent identification and to the low number of isolates. Three HTLV subtypes have closely related simian viruses (named STLV-1, -2 and -3) while a STLV-5 strain is presently still devoid of a human counterpart [##REF##17976676##7##]. Another related deltaretrovirus, bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is the etiological agent of enzootic bovine leukemia. BLV infection of sheep has been used as an animal model for HTLV [##REF##17362524##8##].</p>", "<p>The genome of the HTLV viruses contain typical structural and enzymatic genes (<italic>gag</italic>, <italic>prt</italic>, <italic>pol </italic>and <italic>env</italic>) flanked by two long terminal repeats (LTRs) but also harbors an additional region called pX located between the <italic>env </italic>gene and the 3'-LTR. This region contains at least four partially overlapping reading frames (ORFs) encoding accessory proteins (p12<sup>I</sup>, p13/p30<sup>II</sup>), the Rex post-transcriptional regulator (ORF III) and the Tax protein (ORF IV). The complementary strand of the HTLV-1 proviral genome is also transcribed, yielding spliced isoforms of the Hbz factor [##REF##12438606##9##, ####REF##16512901##10##, ##REF##17384582##11####17384582##11##]. Hbz interacts with factors JunB, JunD, CREB and CBP/p300 to modulate gene transcription [##REF##17306025##12##, ####REF##18078517##13##, ##REF##18599479##14####18599479##14##]. There is an inverse relantionship between high Hbz and low Tax expresssion in primary ATL [##REF##18426605##15##].</p>", "<p>Among proteins encoded by HTLV-1, Tax1 exerts an essential role in viral transcription as well as in cell transformation [##REF##17384582##11##,##REF##16155604##16##, ####REF##2888190##17##, ##REF##2403646##18####2403646##18##]. These pleiotropic functions are directed by a very wide spectrum of interactions with cellular proteins. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge pertaining to the Tax1 interactome and focus more particularly on its impact on transcription, viral persistence and transformation.</p>" ]
[ "<title>8 Conclusion</title>", "<p>The most intriguing point relating to the Tax1 interactome is the very high number of cellular proteins to which this viral oncogene is able to interact. Today, about 100 Tax1-binding proteins are identified (Table ##TAB##0##1##) and this number is permanently growing (see <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/> for regular updates). Is it possible that a single protein modulates such a wide variety of functions? Are these interactions all relevant for the viral life cycle or pathogenesis? As schematized on Figure ##FIG##4##5##, the vast majority of these interactions contributes to viral or cellular gene expression and promotes infected cell proliferation or survival, required for maintaining viral load <italic>in vivo </italic>[##REF##17483473##231##,##REF##18042431##305##]. On the other hand, checkpoint abrogation allows proliferation of cells with DNA lesions and progressive accumulation of chromosomal abnormalities as frequently observed in ATL [##REF##16155605##220##]. Even if one might entertain doubts about the biological relevance of some Tax1 partners, the Tax1 interactome as a whole likely contributes to the viral life cycle as well as to development of pathogenesis.</p>", "<p>Other viral oncogenes such as Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded LANA and adenovirus E1A also interact with numbers of cellular proteins (e.g. more than 40 for E1A and 100 for LANA) [##REF##17434559##306##,##REF##16299528##307##]. Interestingly, some of these proteins are targeted both by Tax1 and E1A (such as ATF, CBP, p300 or Smad), indicating that similar signaling pathways are involved in distinct viral systems to achieve cell transformation. In particular, Tax1 and E1A share common properties that include regulation of transcriptional activation, chromatin remodeling, interference with p53 activity, regulation of proteasome function and cooperation with Ras in cell transformation [##REF##11753665##308##].</p>", "<p>How are these different activities controlled temporarily and spatially? Additional studies are definitely required to address this point. Currently, Tax1 is known to shuttle between cytoplasm and nucleus, to form intranuclear speckles along with a series of cellular proteins (e.g. NF-κB factors [##REF##9094620##309##], sc35 [##REF##8709263##141##] and chk2 [##REF##12842897##239##]) and to target specialized structures such as the centrosome [##REF##16365316##249##,##REF##16767081##250##]. Moreover, Tax1 localisation and protein interactions are altered under stress conditions [##REF##16775353##291##,##REF##18081936##292##].</p>", "<p>Despite numbers of attempts, Tax1 3-D crystallographic structure is intriguingly still unsolved suggesting that Tax1 adopts a rather undefined conformation. In this context, the concept of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) has recently emerged [##REF##17158572##310##]. IDPs contrast to \"ordered\" proteins that fold into a unique and structured state, which represents a kinetically accessible and energetically favorable conformation. IDP proteins contain one or multiple disordered regions that exist as dynamic ensembles in which atom positions and backbone Ramachandran angles vary significantly with no specific equilibrium values [##REF##17158572##310##]. The presence of short (&lt; 30 residues) and long (&gt; 30 residues) ID regions confer conformationnal flexibility thereby facilitating post-translational modifications and enabling a protein to functionally interact with many cellular partners [##REF##17158572##310##,##REF##16218947##311##]. Consistently, IDPs are frequently highly connected 'hubs' in the protein-protein networks [##REF##16218947##311##, ####REF##18364713##312##, ##REF##15190252##313####15190252##313##]. In fact, Tax1 contains many proline (n = 40), serine (n = 25) and glycine (n = 25) residues that are known to promote disorder [##REF##17158572##310##]. According to the VSL1 prediction programme (PONDR<sup>®</sup>, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), Tax1 contains multiple ID regions (n = 6) (Figure ##FIG##5##6##). In particular, Tax1 contains a long disordered region (spanning amino-acids 76 to 121), in contrast to the well structured capsid (p24), transmembrane (gp21) and surface (gp46) proteins (data not shown). Interestingly, other viral oncogenes such as HPV E6 and E7 are also predicted to contain significant intrinsic disorder [##REF##16889404##314##].</p>", "<p>On the other hand, Tax1 is modified by phosphorylation, ubiquitination and sumoylation that potentially modulate its functions, localisation and interactions [##REF##16287853##76##,##REF##16923801##315##]. Tax1 also contains 8 cysteines that may form disulfite bonds or coordinate zinc ions and 48 leucines that are considered as order-promoting residues [##REF##17158572##310##]. Tax1 thus appears as a flexible structure formed by a series of small modular domains that are relatively independent of surrounding sequences and that permits wide conformational changes depending upon its subcellular environment.</p>", "<p>We propose that, similarly to the hubs, the ID-based structure of Tax1 allows a wide variety of conformational changes enabling binding diversity and recognition of differently shaped protein partners. Flexible accommodation at various binding interfaces would then allow interaction of more structured domains such as the Tax1 zinc finger and leucine containing helices. This hypothetical model provides a rationale to the very broad range of Tax1 interacting proteins identified so far.</p>", "<p>In conclusion, the Tax1 interactome network with the associated biochemical studies reported here provides a molecular basis for understanding viral persistence and pathogenesis, paving the way for the design of compounds to antagonize its ability to mediate cell transformation.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<p>The Tax1 oncoprotein encoded by Human T-lymphotropic virus type I is a major determinant of viral persistence and pathogenesis. Tax1 affects a wide variety of cellular signalling pathways leading to transcriptional activation, proliferation and ultimately transformation. To carry out these functions, Tax1 interacts with and modulates activity of a number of cellular proteins. In this review, we summarize the present knowledge of the Tax1 interactome and propose a rationale for the broad range of cellular proteins identified so far.</p>" ]
[ "<title>2 Interaction of Tax1 with transcription factors and post-transcriptional regulators</title>", "<p>In eukaryotes, initiation and elongation of gene transcription requires decondensation of the locus, nucleosome remodeling, histone modifications, binding of transcriptional activators and coactivators to enhancers and promoters and recruitment of the basal transcription machinery to the core promoter [##REF##11092823##19##,##REF##12651739##20##]. Tax1 is a pleiotropic transcription factor that interferes with several of these mechanisms and modulates transcription of a wide range of cellular genes. In fact, Tax1 deregulates expression of more than one hundred genes [##REF##11494144##21##] through interactions with transcriptional activators, basal transcription factors and proteins involved in chromatin remodeling. Moreover, Tax1 associates with proteins involved post-transcriptionnal control of mRNAs and further modulates gene expression.</p>", "<title>2.1 Transcriptional activators and repressors</title>", "<title>2.1.1 CREB/ATF factors</title>", "<p>Tax1 was initially described as an activator of LTR-directed transcription [##REF##2992082##22##]. Three imperfectly conserved 21-base-pair (bp) repeat sequences called (TxRE) located in the U<sub>3 </sub>region of the LTR are required and sufficient to confer Tax1 responsiveness [##REF##3035218##23##]. The TxRE element contains an octamer motif TGACG(T/A)(C/G)(T/A) that is flanked by a G stretch and a C stretch at the 5' and 3' sides, respectively [##REF##3263510##24##]. Interestingly this octamer shares homology with the consensus cAMP-responsive element (CRE) 5'-TGACGTCA-3' [##REF##3263510##24##]. Nevertheless, Tax1 exhibits poor affinity for DNA and does not bind directly to the TxRE element [##REF##2768259##25##] but interacts with CRE-binding/activating transcription factors (CREB/ATF). In fact, Tax1 interacts <italic>in vitro </italic>with a number of proteins of the CREB/ATF family of transcription factors: CREB, CREM, ATF1, ATF2, ATF3, ATF4 (CREB2) and XBP1 (X-box-binding protein 1) [##REF##1386673##26##, ####REF##8007991##27##, ##REF##8628284##28##, ##REF##9190894##29##, ##REF##8407959##30##, ##REF##18287238##31####18287238##31##]. These proteins share a common cluster of basic residues allowing DNA binding and a leucine zipper (b-Zip) domain involved in homo- and heterodimerization. Dimer formation modulates their DNA binding specificity and transcriptional activity [##REF##11483355##32##]. Biochemical studies revealed that Tax1 promotes formation of a Tax1-CREB/ATF-TxRE ternary complex <italic>in vitro </italic>by interacting with the b-Zip domain of CREB/ATF factors. Mechanistically, Tax1 enhances the dimerization of CREB/ATF factors, increases their affinity for the viral CRE [##REF##7637811##33##, ####REF##8211160##34##, ##REF##8065935##35##, ##REF##8950264##36####8950264##36##] and further stabilizes the ternary complex through direct contact of the GC-rich flanking sequences [##REF##9593719##37##,##REF##9668114##38##]. Tax1 then recruits co-activators (CBP/p300 and P/CAF) to facilitate transcriptional initiation (see 2.3.1). The ability of Tax1 to dimerize is required for efficient ternary complex formation and for optimal transactivation [##REF##9016568##39##,##REF##8970957##40##]. Interaction of Tax1-CREB/ATF with the LTR promoter DNA was further explored by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) [##REF##12386157##41##]. In HTLV-1 infected human T-cells (SLB-1), Tax1 and a plethora of CREB/ATF factors as well as other b-Zip proteins bind to the LTR promoter, further confirming interaction <italic>in vivo</italic>. The fact that Tax1 interacts with ATFx adds another level of complexity since this factor represses Tax1-mediated LTR activation [##REF##15890932##42##]. Tax1 is thus able to interact with positive as well as with negative CREB/ATF factors to modulate LTR promoter-directed activity.</p>", "<p>Tax1 also binds to CREB co-activator proteins called transducers of regulated CREB activity (TORCs). In fact, Tax1 interacts with the three members of this family (TORC1, TORC2 and TORC3) [##REF##15466468##43##,##REF##16809310##44##] and TORCs cooperate with Tax1 to activate the LTR in a CREB and p300-dependent manner. Thus, TORCs are thought to associate with the Tax1 ternary complex and participate to transcriptional activation.</p>", "<p>CREB/ATF members play a role in cell growth, survival and apoptosis by regulating CRE-directed gene transcription in response to environmental signals such as growth factors or stress [##REF##11483355##32##,##REF##12766482##45##]. Furthermore, CREB/ATF proteins also have significant impact on cancer development [##REF##12766482##45##]. Depending on the cell type, Tax1 mutants deficient for CREB activation are incompetent for transformation or induction of aneuploidy [##REF##9160887##46##, ####REF##10233947##47##, ##REF##9506967##48##, ##REF##9151835##49##, ##REF##16822311##50####16822311##50##]. Tax1 activates a variety of cellular genes through its interactions with CREB/ATF proteins, for example those encoding interleukin 17 or c-fos [##REF##15218177##51##,##REF##1827666##52##]. Conversely, Tax1 also represses expression of genes like cyclin A, p53 and c-myb by targeting CREB/ATF factors [##REF##11160720##53##, ####REF##9765430##54##, ##REF##11080802##55####11080802##55##]. Transcriptomic profiling of cells expressing either a wild-type or a CREB-deficient Tax1 protein revealed several cellular genes controlled by CRE elements activated by Tax1 [##REF##16822311##50##]. Among these, Sgt1 (suppressor of G2 allele of SKP1) and p97(Vcp) (valosin containing protein) have functions in spindle formation and disassembly, respectively.</p>", "<p>Together, these reports thus demonstrate that Tax1 interacts with a series of CREB/ATF factors and modulates expression of viral and cellular genes through CRE elements. The specific contribution of each CREB/ATF member in Tax1-mediated gene transcription remains unclear.</p>", "<title>2.1.2 Serum responsive factor and members of the ternary complex factor</title>", "<p>HTLV-1 infected T-cell lines expressing Tax1 display increased expression of AP1 (activator protein 1), a homo- or heterodimeric complex of Fos (c-Fos, FosB, Fra1 and Fra2) and Jun (c-Jun, JunB and JunD) [##REF##1906155##56##,##REF##11080798##57##]. Fos and Jun are under the transcriptional control of the serum responsive factor (SRF) in response to various stimuli such as cytokines, growth factors, stress signals and oncogenes. SRF binds to the SRF responsive element (SRE) located in the Fos/Jun promoters which contains two binding sites: a CarG box (CC(A/T)<sub>6</sub>GG) and an upstream Ets box (GGA(A/T)). Once SRF occupies the CArG box, the ternary complex factor (TCF) establishes protein interaction with SRF and subsequently binds the upstream Ets site. This complex then recruits the co-activators P/CAF and CBP/p300 to activate transcription.</p>", "<p>In reporter assays, Tax1 activates transcription of promoters under the control of SRE motifs [##REF##1827666##52##,##REF##1906155##56##,##REF##1833716##58##] without direct binding to the DNA but through interactions with transcription factors associated with the SRF pathway. Tax1 has been shown to bind directly to SRF [##REF##1427072##59##, ####REF##7624133##60##, ##REF##8361755##61####8361755##61##] and to various members of the TCF complex such as Sap1 (SRF accessory protein 1), Elk1, Spi1 (spleen focus forming virus (SFFV) proviral integration oncogene 1) and Ets1 [##REF##9151835##49##,##REF##9030555##62##,##REF##11070040##63##]. Tax1 interaction with SRF results in increased binding of SRF to the SRE and altered site selection [##REF##17376895##64##]. Once the complexes are stabilized, Tax1 recruits the co-activators CBP/p300 and P/CAF (see 2.3.1) and mediates transactivation [##REF##11070040##63##].</p>", "<p>It thus appears that Tax1 activates transcription from CREB- and SRF-responsive sites through a similar mechanism which involves its interaction with transcription factors resulting in enhanced DNA binding, altered site selection and coactivator recruitment [##REF##16155604##16##].</p>", "<title>2.1.3 Nuclear factors κB (NF-κB)</title>", "<p>HTLV-1 infected cells display increased expression of various cytokines and cytokine receptors such as interleukin 2 (IL2) and the α-subunit of its high-affinity receptor complex (IL2Rα) [##REF##3024966##65##, ####REF##3030566##66##, ##REF##3026643##67##, ##REF##3037548##68####3037548##68##]. Induction of IL2 and IL2Rα expression is mediated by Tax1 activation of the NF-κB/Rel family of transcription factors [##REF##2843985##69##,##REF##8455941##70##]. By modulating expression of a wide range of genes involved in apoptosis, proliferation, immune response and inflammation, NF-κB is thought playing a central role in Tax1-mediated cell transformation [##REF##16155604##16##].</p>", "<p>In mammals, the NF-κB family of transcription factors is composed of five structurally related members, RelA, RelB (p65), c-Rel, NF-κB1 (p50/p105) and NF-κB2 (p52/p100) which form various dimeric complexes that transactivate or repress target genes bearing a κB enhancer [##REF##7888182##71##,##REF##17183360##72##]. p105 and p100 are precursor proteins that are processed proteolytically to the mature p50 and p52 forms, respectively. These factors share a common Rel-homology domain (RHD) mediating their dimerization, DNA binding and nuclear localization. In non-activated cells, NF-κB dimers are trapped in the cytoplasm by inhibitory proteins called IκBs such as p105, p100, IκBα, IκBβ and IκBγ (C-terminal region of p105), that mask the nuclear localization signal of NF-κB factors through physical interaction [##REF##7888182##71##,##REF##17183360##72##]. NF-κB activation involves phosphorylation of IκB inhibitors by the IκB kinase (IKK), which triggers their ubiquitination and subsequent proteasomal degradation, resulting in nuclear translocation of NF-κB dimers [##REF##17183360##72##,##REF##10837071##73##].</p>", "<p>Tax1 associates with RelA, c-Rel, p50 and p52 after their translocation in the nucleus [##REF##8361755##61##,##REF##7856081##74##,##REF##7936632##75##] but also directly recruits RelA from the cytoplasm [##REF##16287853##76##,##REF##15806143##77##]. After interaction with these NF-κB factors, Tax1 increases their dimerization which is essential for binding to target promoters [##REF##8361755##61##,##REF##7936632##75##,##REF##8918533##78##]. When the complex is bound to the promoter, Tax1 recruits the CBP/p300 and PCAF co-activators [##REF##9528808##79##,##REF##9774518##80##], leading to transcriptional activation</p>", "<title>2.1.4 Other transcription factors</title>", "<p>Tax1 has been shown to associate with CCAAT binding proteins such as NF-YB (nuclear factor YB subunit) and C/EBPβ (CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β) [##REF##9376596##81##, ####REF##9032250##82##, ##REF##14972524##83####14972524##83##]. Through its binding to NF-YB, Tax1 activates the major histocompatibility complex class II promoter [##REF##9032250##82##]. Besides, C/EBPβ acts as a transcriptional repressor by preventing Tax1 binding to the LTR [##REF##14972524##83##]. On the other hand, Tax1 increases binding of C/EBPβ to and activates the IL-1β promoter [##REF##9376596##81##]. It is noteworthy that C/EBP factors have been implicated in regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation but also in tumor formation and leukemia development [##REF##17658261##84##].</p>", "<p>Tax1 forms ternary complexes <italic>in vitro </italic>with Sp1 (specificity protein 1)/Egr1 (early growth response 1) [##REF##9341193##85##] and Sp1/Ets1 [##REF##9030555##62##], thereby participating directly in transcriptional activation of the c-sis/PDGF-B (platelet-derived growth factor B) proto-oncogene and PTHrP (parathyroid hormone-related protein) P2 promoters, respectively. Of note, PTHrP is up-regulated during immortalization of T-lymphocytes by HTLV-1 and plays a primary role in the development of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy that occurs in the majority of patients with ATL [##REF##11395400##86##,##REF##18541021##87##].</p>", "<p>Tax1 further associates with nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF1) and activates the CXCR4 chemokine receptor promoter [##REF##10381170##88##].</p>", "<p>Finally, the transcriptional repressor MSX2 (msh homeobox homolog 2) impairs Tax1 mediated transactivation through direct binding [##REF##15970589##89##].</p>", "<title>2.2 Basal transcription factors</title>", "<p>Tax1 interacts with TF<sub>II</sub>A (transcription factor II A) and with two subunits of TF<sub>II</sub>D: TBP (TATAA-binding protein) and TAF<sub>II</sub>28 (TBP-associated factor II 28) [##REF##8223437##90##, ####REF##9108034##91##, ##REF##8756622##92####8756622##92##]. These basal transcription factors compose the preinitiation transcription complex responsible for the recruitment of RNA polymerase II. Owing to this interaction, Tax1 increases the binding of TBP to the TATAA site and further stimulates transcription initiation from the LTR [##REF##15285791##93##].</p>", "<title>2.3 Chromatin modifying enzymes</title>", "<p>Structural variations of chromatin range from condensed heterochromatin to more open euchromatin, a process that depends on antagonistic effects between multiple protein complexes. Among the complexes affecting chromatin structure, there are those who are capable of altering the histones themselves, the histone deacetylases (HDAC), acetyltransferases (HAT), demethylases (HDM) and methyltransferases (HMT), and those that use the energy of ATP to change the structure of the nucleosome as the SWI/SNF complex [##REF##11943761##94##, ####REF##11937040##95##, ##REF##18037899##96####18037899##96##]. Tax1 expression and HTLV-1 infection both reduce histone levels in T cells [##REF##18237376##97##]. Moreover, Tax1 interacts directly and recruits several proteins involved in chromatin remodeling to modulate gene transcription. The involvement of Tax1-binding proteins in transcriptional activation has been primarily described in the context of the viral LTR. Nevertheless, similar mechanisms are also likely to participate in the activation of cellular promoters.</p>", "<title>2.3.1 HATs</title>", "<p>Acetylation of lysine residues located in the N-terminal tails of histone proteins by HATs is a crucial step for activation of gene transcription. Tax1 interacts with several HATs: p300, its homologous CREB binding protein (CBP) and p300/CBP associated factor (P/CAF) [##REF##9271393##98##, ####REF##9447968##99##, ##REF##8602268##100##, ##REF##10567539##101##, ##REF##10766811##102####10766811##102##]. Tax1 recruits the CBP/p300 and P/CAF once the Tax1-CREB-TxRE complex is stabilized (see 2.1.1), each of which being able to enhance Tax1-mediated transactivation of a transiently transfected LTR reporter. CBP/p300 and P/CAF bind independently on different regions of Tax1 and interaction of Tax1 with these two cofactors is required for optimal transcriptional activity from transiently transfected but also stably integrated LTR reporters [##REF##10567539##101##, ####REF##10766811##102##, ##REF##12438582##103####12438582##103##]. Surprisingly, P/CAF but not CBP/p300 is able to enhance transcription from the LTR independently of its HAT activity [##REF##10567539##101##,##REF##12438582##103##]. Tax1 mediates recruitment of CBP/p300 on reconstituted chromatin templates and facilitates transactivation in a HAT-activity dependent manner [##REF##11739728##104##,##REF##12052856##105##]. CBP/p300 presence at the LTR template correlates with histone H3 and H4 acetylation as well as increased binding of basal transcription factors and RNA polymerase II. ChIP analyses with HTLV-1 infected T cell lines indicate that Tax1, CBP/p300 and acetylated histone H3 and H4 are indeed associated with the LTR promoter [##REF##12386157##41##,##REF##12052856##105##].</p>", "<p>There is a long lasting debate about how Tax1 recruits CBP/p300 at the Tax1-CREB/ATF-TxRE complex. Phosphorylation of CREB at serine 133 by protein kinases A or C is required for CBP/p300 recruitment via physical interaction with the KIX domain [##REF##8552098##106##, ####REF##9413984##107##, ##REF##15337521##108####15337521##108##]. It has long been suggested that Tax1 bypasses the requirement for CREB phosphorylation to recruit coactivators [##REF##9271393##98##,##REF##8602268##100##]. Nevertheless, recent reports indicate that Tax1 rather cooperates with phosphorylated CREB (pCREB) to induce transactivation [##REF##15302573##109##,##REF##17449469##110##]. High levels of pCREB are detected in Tax1 expressing cells and in HTLV-1-infected human T-lymphocytes [##REF##17449469##110##]. Tax1 and pCREB interact simultaneously at two distinct binding sites on the KIX domain forming a very stable complex with the viral CRE [##REF##17449469##110##,##REF##17707401##111##]. Both CREB phosphorylation and Tax1 binding are needed for efficient interaction of full-length CBP to pCREB and subsequent transcriptional activation [##REF##18070920##112##].</p>", "<p>Finally, Tax1 is able to repress the activity of some transcription factors by competitive usage of CBP, p300 and P/CAF. As mentionned above, stable complex formation between Tax1, a transcription factor (e.g. CREB or SRF) and CBP/p300 contributes to transcriptional activation. On the contrary, when Tax1 has poor affinity for a transcription factor (e.g. p53, MyoD or STAT2), it interferes with co-activator recruitment and prevents their activition [##REF##11782467##113##, ####REF##10744749##114##, ##REF##11244044##115##, ##UREF##0##116####0##116##]. Although controversial, this mechanism termed trans-repression could partipate to p53 inactivation in Tax1 expressing cells and HTLV-1 infected lymphocytes (for a review see [##REF##16308315##117##]).</p>", "<title>2.3.2 HDACs</title>", "<p>Among three HDACs (-1, -2 and -3) interacting with the viral LTR in HTLV infected cell lines [##REF##15226416##118##], Tax1 binds directly to HDAC1. HDAC1 overexpression represses Tax1-mediated transactivation owing to its HDAC activity [##REF##12370815##119##]. Nevertheless, the presence of Tax1 and HDAC1 on the viral promoter is mutually exclusive [##REF##15226416##118##,##REF##15194748##120##]. HDAC1 binds to the non-activated LTR and is released from the promoter through physical interaction with Tax1 allowing recruitment of co-activators and transcription initiation. Tax1 is also able to tether HDAC1 to the tyrosine phosphatase SHP1 promoter and selectively down-regulate gene expression [##REF##17540846##121##].</p>", "<p>HDACs form multiprotein complexes together with DNA-histone binding proteins such as SMRT (silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptor) and MBD2 (methyl-CpG-binding domain 2) that both interact with Tax1 and are involved in Tax1 transcriptional activities [##REF##12642864##122##,##REF##15674330##123##]. It thus seems that Tax1, through direct association with HDACs and HDAC-containing complexes is able to selectively activate or repress viral and cellular genes expression.</p>", "<title>2.3.3 HMTs and HDMs</title>", "<p>Mono-, di- and tri-methylation of histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9) play a crucial role in structural modification of chromatin. Tax1 associates with two enzymes involved in regulation of H3K9 methylation: SUV39H1 (suppressor of variegation 3–9 homologue 1), a HMT and JMJD2A (Jumonji containing domain 2A), a HDM [##REF##16409643##124##,##REF##15927959##125##]. Methylated H3K9 is a hallmark of transcriptionally inactive chromatin whereas demethylation rather promotes transcriptional activation [##REF##17320507##126##]. SUV39H1 interacts with Tax1 and represses Tax1-mediated transactivation of the LTR [##REF##16409643##124##]. JMJD2A is highly expressed in HTLV-1 infected cell lines but its role on Tax1-mediated transcription is currently unknown [##REF##15927959##125##].</p>", "<p>Methylation of histone H3 at arginine residues is another important regulatory mechanism of transcriptionnal regulation. Tax1 associates with coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase (CARM1), which preferentially induces methylation at residues R2, R17 and R26 of histone H3 [##REF##17005681##127##]. CARM1 is recruited by Tax1 to the LTR and increases Tax1-mediated transactivation of the LTR. Consistently, silencing of CARM1 impairs Tax1 transcriptional activation, R2-, R17- and R26-methylated histone H3 proteins being present on the LTR promoter in HTLV-1 infected cells.</p>", "<p>Tax1 thus interacts with different histone methyltranferases and demethylases to modulate histone methylation and regulate gene expression.</p>", "<title>2.3.4 The SWI/SNF complex</title>", "<p>The SWI/SNF (Switch/Sucrose Non Fermentable) complex utilizes the energy of ATP hydrolysis to remodel chromatin structures, thereby allowing transcription factors to gain access to DNA during initiation and elongation steps of transcription [##REF##17320508##128##,##REF##12596907##129##]. Tax1 interacts with different components of SWI/SNF: BRG1, BAFs 53, 57 and 155 [##REF##14530271##130##]. Overexpression and silencing of BRG1 increments and impedes Tax1 transactivation of the LTR, respectively [##REF##14530271##130##]. It was first suggested that Tax1 targets BRG1/BRM downstream of RNA polymerase II in order to prevent stalling of transcription. This model was apparently contradicted by the capacity of Tax1 to efficiently activate transcription from chromosomally integrated LTR and NF-κB promoter in a BRG1/BRM deficient cell line [##REF##16840326##131##]. Nevertheless, this observation does not exclude that factors of the SWI/SNF complex cooperate with Tax1 to promote gene transcription. Consistent with this idea, Tax1 cooperates with SWI/SNF complex and RNA polymerase II to promote nucleosome eviction during transactivation [##REF##16547351##132##]. Histone eviction increases accessibility of DNA to transcription factors and requires activity of SWI/SNF and RNA polymerase II [##REF##17320508##128##,##REF##16882978##133##]. Of note, Tax1 may also impact indirectly on SWI/SNF function [##REF##11172715##134##] by interaction with DNA topoisomerase I [##REF##10792988##135##].</p>", "<p>Tax1 is thus able to target SWI/SNF complex components to promote nucleosome displacement and participate to transcriptional activation.</p>", "<title>2.4 Positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) and sc35</title>", "<p>The switch from initiation of transcription to elongation requires promoter clearance and phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase II carboxyl-terminal domain (CTD) [##REF##11092823##19##]. Phosphorylaton of CTD on serine 5 (S5) and 2 (S2) requires the kinase activities of the basal transcription factor TF<sub>II</sub>H and CDK9, respectively. In the cell, CDK9 together with regulatory subunits cyclin T1, -T2, or -K compose the positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) that ensures the elongation phase of transcription by RNA polymerase II [##REF##16885020##136##,##REF##10733565##137##]. Tax1 recruits P-TEFb to the viral promoter by interacting with cyclin T1 and CDK9 silencing or depletion inhibits Tax1-mediated transactivation [##REF##17686863##138##,##REF##16641271##139##]. In fact, recruitment of P-TEFb activity to the LTR promoter increases CTD phosphorylation at serine S2 (but not S5) and allows transcriptional activation [##REF##17686863##138##].</p>", "<p>Recent data suggest that the splicing factor sc35 has a critical role in P-TEFb recruitment and positively impacts on transcription [##REF##18641664##140##]. Tax1 binds and colocalizes with sc35 and P-TEFb in nuclear transcriptional hot spots termed speckled structures [##REF##8709263##141##].</p>", "<title>2.5 Nuclear receptors</title>", "<p>Nuclear receptors (NR) belong to a large family of ligand-activated transcription factors that regulate gene expression in response to steroids, retinoids, and other signaling molecules [##REF##15520817##142##]. Tax1 functions as a general transcriptional repressor of nuclear receptors such as glucocorticoid receptors (GR) [##REF##10077562##143##]. A Tax1-binding protein referred to as Tax1BP1 and identified in a yeast two hybrid screen acts as a transcriptional co-activator for NR. Tax1 represses GR signaling by dissociating Tax1BP1 from the receptor-protein containing complex. Consistently, Tax1BP1 overexpression restores GR signaling in Tax1-expressing cells [##REF##17283140##144##].</p>", "<title>2.6 Post-transcriptional and translational regulators</title>", "<p>Tax1-directed gene expression is further regulated at the post-transcriptional and translational levels through protein-protein interactions. Among these, Tax1 associates with TTP, Int6 and TRBP.</p>", "<title>2.6.1 Tristetraprolin (TTP)</title>", "<p>TTP belongs to a family of adenine/uridine-rich element (ARE)-binding proteins that contain tandem CCCH zinc finger RNA-binding domains [##REF##12440952##145##]. TTP is therefore an important player in posttranscriptional regulation of mRNA containing ARE elements. Indeed, TTP delivers ARE-containing mRNAs in discrete cytoplasmic regions, called RNA granules, involved in regulation of translation or decay of these transcripts [##REF##16520386##146##]. The repertoire of ARE-containing genes includes Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα) and Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony-Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) [##REF##12440952##145##] involved in cell signaling, metabolism, cell proliferation, immune response, death, differentiation and morphogenesis [##REF##16381826##147##].</p>", "<p>Tax1 interacts with TTP and redirects TTP from the cytoplasm to the nuclear compartment as well as in a region surrounding the nucleus [##REF##14679154##148##]. Through its interactions with TTP, Tax1 stabilizes TNFα mRNA and indirectly increases TNFα protein expression. This observation is of importance for the cell transformation process induced by HTLV-1, because TNFα overexpression plays a central role in pathogenesis.</p>", "<title>2.6.2 Int6 and TRBP</title>", "<p>Tax also binds Int6 (Integration site 6) and TRBP (TAR binding protein) that regulate translation and RNA interference, respectively. In fact, Int6 is a subunit of translation initiation factor eIF3, which regulates mRNA binding to the ribosome [##REF##8688078##149##] while TRBP (TAR binding protein) is a componant of RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex) that mediates RNA interference [##REF##9060615##150##]. Currently, the role of these interactions remains unclear.</p>", "<title>2.7 A global model of Tax1 transactivation</title>", "<p>Most of the data summarized in the former paragraphs relate to transcriptional activation of the LTR by Tax1 although it is likely that similar mechanisms also pertain to cellular promoters. Figure ##FIG##0##1## recapitulates the mechanisms of transactivation: Tax1 relieves transcriptional repression through direct interaction with HDAC (i.e. HDAC1) and/or HMT (panel A). Tax1 interacts with CREB/ATF factors (CA) and enhances their binding to the LTR (panel B). When complexes are stabilized on the promoter, Tax1 recruits histone modifying enzymes and chromatin remodelers. This step affects chromatin structure and allows binding of basal transcription factors on the TATA box that is further stabilized by Tax1 interaction with TF<sub>II</sub>A, TF<sub>II</sub>D and TBP (panel C). Once the initiation complex is formed, Tax1 recruits the P-TEFb factor, leading to CTD phosphorylation and processive elongation (panel D). Finally, interaction of Tax1 with SWI/SNF prevents stalling of transcription elongation.</p>", "<title>3 Tax1 interaction with proteins involved in cell signaling</title>", "<title>3.1 NF-κB signaling</title>", "<p>NF-κB can be activated by a series of stimuli such as antigens or cytokines that trigger two alternative pathways (so-called canonical and non-canonical). The canonical pathway is engaged in response to inflammatory stimuli (such as TNF-α and interleukin 1 IL-1), T-cell receptor activation or exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). This pathway begins with the phosphorylation of IκB inhibitors by the IκB kinase (IKK), a complex of IKKα, IKKβ and IKKγ/NEMO (NF-κB Essential Modulator). IKK is activated by a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAP3K) that phosphorylates the IKKα and IKKβ subunits. Phosphorylation of IκB inhibitors triggers their ubiquitination and subsequent degradation by the 26S proteasome, resulting in nuclear translocation of NF-κB dimers (e.g. p50/relA) [##REF##17183360##72##,##REF##10837071##73##]. The non-canonical pathway, which can be induced by stimuli such as CD40 ligand, involves IKKα activation upon phosphorylation by NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK). IKKα then phosphorylates the C-terminal region of p100 leading to subsequent processing of the p100/RelB complex into p52/RelB and its translocation into the nucleus [##REF##16970925##151##]. Interestingly, p52/RelB and p50/RelA dimers target distinct κβ enhancers thereby activating different gene subsets.</p>", "<p>Tax1 stimulates both canonical and non-canonical pathways and constitutively activates NF-κB in HTLV-1 infected cells [##REF##17715223##152##, ####REF##16155602##153##, ##REF##11726516##154####11726516##154##]. The above mentionned interactions of Tax1 with NF-κB transcription factors (see 2.1.3) only explains part of Tax1-mediated NF-κB activation since this completion of this process also requires cytoplamic events. In the canonical pathway, Tax1 associates with the IKKγ/NEMO subunit [##REF##10438454##155##,##REF##10364167##156##] as well as with activating upstream kinases such as MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 1 (MEKK1) and TGF-β activating kinase 1 (TAK1) [##REF##9630230##157##,##REF##17363973##158##] (see 3.2). Tax1 thus connects activated kinases to the IKK complex and forces the phosphorylation of IKKα and IKKβ leading to degradation of IκBα and IκBβ [##REF##10438454##155##,##REF##10364167##156##]. In addition, Tax1 binds directly to the IKKα and IKKβ subunits and activates their kinase activity independently of the upstream kinases [##REF##9632633##159##]. Consistently, silencing of MEKK1 and TAK1 does not impair Tax1-induced NF-κB activation [##REF##17418100##160##]. A third level of Tax1 interference with the canonical pathway is its direct binding to IκBs and their degradation independently of IKK phosphorylation [##REF##8170951##161##,##REF##7700645##162##]. Tax1 further interacts two subunits of the 20S proteasome (HsN3 and HC9), favors anchorage of p105 and accelerates its proteolysis [##REF##8692272##163##]. Tax1 thus leads to IκB degradation at multiple levels, thereby allowing nuclear translocation of NF-κB independently of external stimuli. Besides, activation of the non-canonical pathway by Tax1 requires its interaction with IKKγ and p100 [##REF##17715223##152##,##REF##11726516##154##]. Through these interactions, Tax1 targets IKKα to p100, induces p100 processing and nuclear translocation of the p52/RelB dimer. It thus appears that IKKγ is an important Tax1 docking site for activation of both pathways.</p>", "<p>Post-translationnal modifications of IKKγ such as phosphorylation and K63 ubiquitination fine-tune NF-κB signaling [##REF##16056267##164##,##REF##17072324##165##] and are modulated by Tax1 through complex formation. In fact, PP2A activates the IKK complex by promoting dephosphorylation of IKKγ serine 68 [##REF##16126728##166##,##REF##17977820##167##]. Tax1 complexes with PP2A and IKKγ, maintaining the IKK complex in an active state that is required for activating NF-κB [##REF##12419799##168##,##REF##17314097##169##]. Ubiquitination is targeted by Tax1 through interaction with Ubc13 and Tax1BP1 [##REF##17942533##170##,##REF##18246070##171##]. Ubc13, an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, is required for Tax1 interaction with IKKγ and subsequent NF-κB activation. Tax1BP1 participates to the formation of an ubiquitin-editing complex together with the deubiquitin enzyme (DUB) A20 and plays a pivotal role in termination of NF-κB and JNK signaling by regulating the activity of A20 [##REF##18246070##171##, ####REF##17703191##172##, ##REF##18239685##173####18239685##173##]. A20 inhibits IKK activation by cleaving K63 linked polyubiquitin chains on tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) signaling-associated factor 6 (TRAF6), receptor interacting protein 1 (RIP1) and IKKγ [##REF##15653317##174##]. By disruption of complex A20-Tax1BP1, Tax1 inactivates DUB function of A20 and prevents downregulation of IKKγ ubiquitination. Consistent with this model, IKKγ is ubiquitinated in Tax1-expressing cells and in a series of HTLV-1 infected cell lines [##REF##17418100##160##,##REF##18246070##171##] providing a rationale for the constitutive activation of NF-κB pathway.</p>", "<title>3.2 Mitogen-activated kinases (MAPKs)</title>", "<p>MAPKs are serine/threonine-specific protein kinases that respond to external mitogen stimuli such as growth factors, cytokines or physical stress. MAPK signaling relies on a sequential phosphorylation cascade that goes through MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAP3K) to MAP kinase kinase (MAP2K) and finally to MAPK. The MAPK family includes the extracellular signal-regulated kinase protein homologues 1 and 2 (ERK1/2), ERK5, the c-Jun N-terminal Kinase 1, 2 and 3 (JNK1/2/3) also known as stress-activated protein kinase-1 (SAPK-1), the p38 isoforms (p38α/β/δ), ERK6, ERK3/4 and ERK7/8 [##REF##17957138##175##]. Tax1 interacts with two MAP3Ks: MEKK1 and TAK1 [##REF##9630230##157##,##REF##17363973##158##].</p>", "<title>3.2.1 MEKK1</title>", "<p>MEKK1 primarily regulates JNK and ERK1/2 but also contributes to the NF-κB pathway [##REF##9836645##176##,##REF##10852963##177##]. Tax1 binds to the amino terminus of MEKK1 and stimulates MEKK1 kinase activity [##REF##9630230##157##]. As a result, Tax1 expression increases IKKβ activity, leading to phosphorylation and degradation of IκBα. Dominant negative mutants of both IKKβ and MEKK1 prevent Tax1 activation of the NFκB pathway but, intriguingly, silencing of MEKK1 does not affect Tax1-induced NF-κB activation [##REF##17418100##160##].</p>", "<title>3.2.2 TAK1</title>", "<p>TAK1 is involved in JNK, TGF-β and NF-κB dependent signaling pathways [##REF##17218788##178##]. TAK1 acts in concert with TAK1 binding proteins (TABs) which link TAK1 to the upstream activating TNF receptor associated factor (TRAFs) proteins. TAK1 phosphorylates IKKβ and MKK6, thereby activating NF-κB and JNK [##REF##17496917##179##].</p>", "<p>TAK1 is constitutively activated in Tax1-expressing cells and in HTLV-1 infected lymphocytes [##REF##17363973##158##,##REF##17418100##160##,##REF##17626013##180##]. Tax1 activates TAK1 through complexation with TAK1 and TAB2 and connects TAK1 onto the IKK complex thereby stimulating IKK activity [##REF##17626013##180##,##REF##17986383##181##]. Consistently, overexpression of TAK1 or TAB2 increases Tax1 transactivation of a NF-κB reporter [##REF##17626013##180##,##REF##17986383##181##]. However, RNA interference of TAK1 suppresses activation of JNK and p38 but not NF-κB. Constitutive activation of TAK1 is thus not absolutely required for NF-κB activation [##REF##17418100##160##,##REF##17626013##180##]. TAK1 rather participates to JNK signaling, which is constitutively activated in Tax1-expressing cells, in Tax1-transformed murine fibroblasts and in human lymphocytes transformed with HTLV-1 [##REF##8700539##182##, ####REF##9325311##183##, ##REF##12393612##184##, ##REF##15169569##185####15169569##185##].</p>", "<title>3.3 GPS-2</title>", "<p>By linking the nuclear co-receptor (NCoR)-HDAC3 complex to intracellular JNK signaling, G protein pathway suppressor 2 (GPS2) suppresses Ras/MAPK signaling and JNK1 activation [##REF##9325311##183##,##REF##8943324##186##,##REF##11931768##187##]. Indeed, the NCoR-HDAC3 deacetylase activity represses transcription of genes involved in JNK signaling [##REF##11931768##187##]. Through interaction with GPS2, Tax1 potently inhibits GPS2-mediated inactivation of JNK signaling [##REF##9325311##183##]. Tax1 thus targets multiple proteins (i.e. TAK1 and GPS2) to constitutively activate JNK signaling.</p>", "<title>3.4 GTP-binding proteins</title>", "<p>The guanine nucleotide-binding proteins GTPases are molecular switches that cycle between active (GTP-bound) and inactive (GDP-bound) states. The G protein family includes Ras-related GTPases (or small GTPases) and heterotrimeric G proteins (α, β and γ subunits) that are activated by G protein-coupled receptors.</p>", "<title>3.4.1 Rho GTPases and the cytoskeleton proteins</title>", "<p>Tax1 complexes with several members of the small GTPase Rho family such as RhoA, Rac, Gap1m and Cdc42 [##REF##14530271##130##]. Rho GTPases are activated in response to external stimuli (e.g. growth factor, stress, cytokines) and exert a wide range of biochemical functions like cytoskeleton organization, regulation of enzymatic activities as well as gene expression [##REF##16212495##188##]. Notably, Tax1 binds to proteins involved in cytoskeleton structure and dynamics: α-internexin, cytokeratin, actin, gelsolin, annexin and γ-tubulin [##REF##14530271##130##,##REF##9435256##189##, ####REF##11725133##190##, ##REF##17891179##191####17891179##191##]. Through these interactions, Tax1 might thus connect Rho GTPases to their targets and affect cytoskeleton organization. Consistent with this idea, Tax1 localizes around the microtubule organization center (MTOC) and in the cell-cell contact region [##REF##15975923##192##]. Thereby, Tax1 provides an intracellular signal that synergizes with ICAM1 engagement to cause the T-cell microtubule polarization and formation of the virological synapse. Through the formation of complexes with both Rho GTPases and their targets, Tax1 could thus favor HTLV-1 cell-to-cell transmission.</p>", "<p>Since Rho GTPases modulate a wide range of signaling networks (SRF, JNK, p38 and NF-kB) [##REF##16212495##188##], complex formation with Tax1 is also likely to modulate transcription.</p>", "<title>3.4.2 Heterotrimeric Gβ subunit</title>", "<p>Heterotrimeric G proteins are the molecular switches that turn on intracellular signaling cascades in response to activation of G protein coupled receptor (GPCR). After binding of an agonist, the activated GPCR induces an exchange of GDP to GTP on the Gα subunit and facilitates the dissociation of GTP-bound Gβγ and Gα subunits [##REF##18043707##193##]. Through its interaction with Gβ, Tax1 affects SDF-1 dependent activation of the CXCR4 GPCR chemokine receptor. Tax1 enhances response to SDF-1 resulting in MAPK pathway over-activation and increased cell chemotaxis. The HTLV-1 associated pathologies (ATL, HAM/TSP and dermatitis) are characterized by invasion and accumulation of infected T-cells in organs such as lymph nodes, central nervous system or dermis [##REF##17388788##194##]. These results thus provide a rationale for the mechanisms of cell migration observed in HTLV-1 associated pathologies.</p>", "<title>3.5 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and AP-1</title>", "<p>Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and its downstream effector Akt play a pivotal role in regulation of nutrient metabolism, cell survival, motility, proliferation and apoptosis. The PI3K family comprises eight members divided into three classes according to their sequence homology and substrate preference [##REF##9759495##195##,##REF##10579926##196##]. PI3K activation results in phosphorylation of Akt at Ser<sup>473 </sup>which in turn triggers a broad range of regulatory proteins and transcription factors like AP1 [##REF##17979625##197##].</p>", "<p>PI3K-Akt is activated in Tax1-transformed murine fibroblasts and is required for cell transformation [##REF##11420661##198##]. Tax1 complexes with the p85α regulatory subunit of PI3K [##REF##16436385##199##] and inhibits activity of the p110α catalytic protein. p85α/p110α belong to the class IA PI3Ks and are activated by receptor tyrosine kinases, by Ras and Rho family GTPases and by Gβγ subunits from heterotrimeric G-proteins [##REF##12613196##200##]. Since monomeric p110 is unstable and is rapidly degraded, activation of p85α/p110α does not involve the complex dissociation but would rather depend on conformational changes [##REF##9804776##201##,##REF##9488453##202##]. Tax1 targets p85α and disrupts the p85α/p110α complex leading to increased PI3K activity [##REF##11784871##203##], Akt Ser<sup>473 </sup>phosphorylation, AP1 activation and ultimately cell proliferation. Consistent with this model, ATL cells display constitutive activation of AP1 [##REF##16436385##199##,##REF##10845928##204##,##REF##11145887##205##].</p>", "<title>3.6 Smad proteins</title>", "<p>Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) inhibits T cell growth in mid-G1 but can also promote tumorigenesis [##REF##17906455##206##]. TGFβ binds to a heterodimeric complex composed of type I (TβRI) and type II (TβRII) serine/threonine kinase receptors [##REF##18000526##207##]. Upon binding of a TGFβ ligand, TβRII recruits and activates TβRI, which, in turn, phosphorylates downstream targets such as Smad proteins (Smad1-2-3-5-8, receptor activated R-Smad). Common mediator Co-Smad (Smad4) containing complexes then translocate to the nucleus and activate transcription of genes under the control of a Smad-binding element. Signal termination is further mediated by inhibitory Smad (I-Smad) Smad6 and Smad7 [##REF##18000526##207##].</p>", "<p>Due to constitutive AP1 activation, ATL cells produce high levels of TGFβ in the sera of HTLV-1 infected patients [##REF##2358774##208##]. TGFβ does not inhibit growth of HTLV-1 infected CD4+ cells but affects CD8-dependent response a mechanism that may impact on immune surveillance [##REF##7586743##209##]. Furthermore, TGFβ stimulates cell surface expression of proteins involved in HTLV binding and fusion (Glut1), leading to enhanced virus transmission and production [##REF##12116037##210##,##REF##15778389##211##].</p>", "<p>Tax1 inhibits Smad-dependent signaling, thereby promoting resistance of HTLV-1 infected cells to TGFβ [##REF##12393612##184##,##REF##12097320##212##,##REF##11264182##213##]. This inhibition is mediated by Tax1 interaction with the aminoterminus of Smad2, Smad3, and Smad4 [##REF##12097320##212##]. Through these interactions, Tax1 inhibits complexation and DNA binding of Smad3-Smad4 [##REF##12393612##184##,##REF##12097320##212##]. Furthermore, Tax1 may compete with Smads for the recruitment of CBP/p300 [##REF##11264182##213##].</p>", "<title>3.7 Cas-L and p130Cas</title>", "<p>Proteins belonging to Crk-associated substrate (Cas) family are multiadaptator and scaffold molecules that spatially and temporally control signal transduction downstream of integrins, receptors protein tyrosine kinase, estrogen receptors and GPCRs. Upon binding of a ligand to these receptors, Cas proteins are tyrosine phosphorylated and recruit adaptors and effectors (such as small GTPase) to activate downstream targets such as JNK and ERK. As a result, Cas proteins regulate cell survival, apoptosis and migration. Furthermore, deregulation of Cas functions has been linked to cell transformation, invasion and cancer [##REF##16581250##214##].</p>", "<p>Among Cas proteins, Tax1 associates with p130Cas and CasL (lymphocyte type) [##REF##15592516##215##]. CasL, which is preferentially expressed in lymphocytes [##REF##8879209##216##], is phosphorylated and over-expressed in Tax1-expressing cells, in Tax1-transgenic mice as well as in primary lymphocytes isolated from ATL patients [##REF##15592516##215##,##REF##12847683##217##]. The Tax1 and CasL interplay results in enhanced motility of Tax1-expressing lymphocytes in response to fibronectin and CD3 [##REF##15592516##215##]. Since CasL also participates in RhoGTPase activation, Tax1 could interconnect cytoskeleton proteins, stimulate cytoskeleton rearrangement and enhance the motility of leukemic cells.</p>", "<title>3.8 Global effects of Tax1-mediated deregulation of cell signaling pathways</title>", "<p>As schematized on figure ##FIG##1##2##, Tax1 interactions with a series of components of several signaling pathways (MAPK, JNK, NF-κB, G proteins, AP1 and TGFβ) affect multiple cellular processes among which cellular activation, proliferation, cytoskeleton rearrangement, cell migration and formation of the virological synapse.</p>", "<title>4 Interaction of Tax1 with cell cycle associated proteins</title>", "<title>4.1 Cyclin D-CDK4/6 complexes, Rb and CDK inhibitors</title>", "<p>Cell cycle progression is a tightly regulated process controlled by cyclins associated with cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK). Cyclins D and E cooperate with CDK4/6 and CDK2 to mediate passage through G1 phase and G1/S transition, respectively [##REF##15576929##218##]. Cyclin D-CDK4/6 and Cyclin E-CDK2 complexes target the Rb retinoblastoma protein (Figure ##FIG##2##3##). In its hypophosphorylated form, Rb is bound to the transcription factor E2F1, and upon phosphorylation, Rb frees E2F1, which activates transcription of genes required for transition from G1 to S. G1/S progression can be inhibited by CDK inhibitors (CDKI) such as p15<sup>INK4b</sup>, p16<sup>INK4a</sup>, p18<sup>INK4c </sup>and p19<sup>INK4d </sup>by preventing cyclin D/CDK4/6 complex formation. Tax1 reprograms cell cycle progression, particularly at G1/S transition, through different mechanisms pertaining to transcriptional activation or repression, post-translational modifications and protein-protein interactions [##REF##15090550##219##,##REF##16155605##220##].</p>", "<p>Tax1 is able to interact with cyclins-D1, -D2 and -D3 as well as with CDK4 and CDK6 but not with CDK1 or CDK2 [##REF##11971966##221##, ####REF##11080810##222##, ##REF##16164752##223##, ##REF##9584203##224####9584203##224##]. Through these interactions, Tax1 stabilizes the cyclin D2/CDK4 complex and enhances its kinase activity, leading to hyperphosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (Rb). Tax1 also associates with p15<sup>INK4b </sup>and p16<sup>INK4a </sup>and counteracts their inhibitory activity of CDK4 [##REF##8612584##225##, ####REF##9209282##226##, ##REF##9032327##227##, ##REF##10388662##228####10388662##228##]. Finally, Tax1 binds to and targets Rb for proteosomal degradation [##REF##15580311##229##]. Consistently, HTLV-1 infected cell lines and freshly isolated ATL cells display decreased levels of Rb protein.</p>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##2##3A## illustrates Tax1 interactions with components of the cyclin D/CDK complexes and provides a mechanistic model for increased G1-S phase transition efficiency as well as the accelerated cell proliferation measured <italic>in vivo </italic>[##REF##11435441##230##,##REF##17483473##231##].</p>", "<title>4.2 DNA repair pathway associated proteins</title>", "<p>DNA insults and replication stress activate the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway in S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Activation of the DDR pathway leads to cell cycle delay or even apoptosis of severely damaged cells, and activates the DNA repair pathway. ATM (Ataxiatelangiectasia mutated) and ATR (ATM-Rad3) proteins and their respective downstream targets Chk2 (checkpoint kinase 2) and Chk1 (checkpoint kinase 1) proteins play a central role in the DDR pathway [##REF##11100718##232##]. In mammals, Chk1 and Chk2 regulate Cdc25, Wee1 and p53 that ultimately inactivate CDKs which inhibit cell-cycle progression. Double-strand breaks usually activate the ATM/Chk2-dependent pathway whereas ATR/Chk1 responds to a wide variety of lesions and replication blocks [##REF##14508077##233##,##REF##16314342##234##].</p>", "<p>Tax1-expressing and ATL cells display DNA damages suggesting that Tax1 abrogates cellular checkpoint and DNA repair [##REF##12145525##235##, ####REF##10969065##236##, ##REF##16014171##237####16014171##237##]. Tax1 binds Rad51 [##REF##14530271##130##] and DNA Topoisomerase 1 [##REF##10792988##135##] that are both directly involved in DNA repair processes [##REF##11100718##232##,##REF##18285803##238##]. Moreover, Tax1 associates and colocalizes with Chk1 and Chk2 proteins [##REF##12842897##239##, ####REF##15107832##240##, ##REF##16158050##241##, ##REF##17698850##242####17698850##242##]. <italic>De novo </italic>Tax1 expression causes phosphorylation of Chk2 resulting in accumulation of cells in S-G2/M [##REF##12842897##239##,##REF##11907241##243##]. However, upon gamma irradiation, Tax1 inhibits Chk1 and Chk2 kinase activities and attenuates G2/M arrest and apoptosis, respectively [##REF##15107832##240##,##REF##16158050##241##]. Tax1 thus activates and represses checkpoint controls depending on the experimental conditions (figure ##FIG##2##3B##). In fact, Tax1 sequesters phosphorylated Chk2 within chromatin after gamma irradiation-induced DNA-damage [##REF##17698850##242##]. Tax1 thereby impedes phosphorylated Chk2 chromatin egress, a mechanism required for further signal amplification and transmission [##REF##16150728##244##]. Tax1 thus targets multiple components of DNA damage repair pathway and promotes DNA abnormalities.</p>", "<title>4.3 Centrosome associated proteins and spindle assembly checkpoint</title>", "<p>One of the hallmarks of Tax1-expressing cells particularly in ATL is chromosomal instability and severe aneuploidy [##REF##12145525##235##], suggesting that mechanisms monitoring chromosomal segregation during mitosis are subverted by Tax1. Tax1 interacts with 4 proteins involved in centrosome amplification or in mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) (Figure ##FIG##2##3C##).</p>", "<title>4.3.1 RanBP1 and Tax1BP2</title>", "<p>The presence of two centrosomes at mitosis is crucial for formation of bipolar mitotic spindles and correct chromosome segregation. Multipolar mitosis which happens when more than two centrosomes emerge in one cell is a possible cause of aneuploidy in solid tumors and leukemias [##REF##12415252##245##]. Supernumerary centrosomes are observed in approximately 30% of ATL cells [##REF##16805820##246##, ####REF##11986936##247##, ##REF##18004399##248####18004399##248##]. Tax1 colocalizes with the centrosome during mitosis and causes centrosome amplification through physical interaction with Ran/Ran Binding protein 1 (RanBP1) and Tax1BP2 [##REF##16365316##249##,##REF##16767081##250##]. RanBP1 is involved in the Ran GTP cycle that controls microtubule nucleation and/or stabilization and centrosome cohesion during mitosis [##REF##10965850##251##,##REF##12840069##252##]. Centrosome fragmentation requires direct Tax1/RanBP1 interaction and Tax1's ability to transactivate NF-κB. Tax1BP2 is thought to act as an intrinsic block to centrosome overreplication [##REF##12766773##253##]. Consistently, overexpression of Tax1BP2 abolishes Tax1-induced centrosome amplification. On the other hand, a Tax1 mutant unable to bind to Tax1BP2 is impaired in centrosome overreplication [##REF##16767081##250##].</p>", "<title>4.3.2 Mad1 and cdc20</title>", "<p>In eukaryotes, the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) monitors the fidelity of chromosome segregation [##REF##16631173##254##]. SAC functioning requires complex formation between Mad1-2-3 and Bub1-2-3 proteins that arrest mitosis in response to microtubule damage [##REF##14699129##255##]. At the molecular level, SAC activation involves formation of inhibitory complexes between Mad2 and/or Mad3/BubR1 and Cdc20, preventing Cdc20 from activating the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). APC/C is active during mitosis where it mediates ubiquitination and degradation of an inhibitory chaperone of separase called securin. Once liberated from its inhibitor, separase triggers anaphase by hydrolysing cohesin leading to subsequent separation of sister chromatin. Furthermore, APC/C regulates the degradation of mitotic cyclin, activates CDK1 and, ultimately, promotes mitotic exit [##REF##17612486##256##].</p>", "<p>Through physical interactions with Mad1 and Cdc20, Tax1 subverts activation of SAC and APC/C. Tax1 inhibits Mad1 homodimerization, a process that is required for formation of a inhibitory complex between Mad2 and Cdc20 [##REF##11729202##257##, ####REF##9546394##258##, ##REF##16636141##259####16636141##259##]. Consistently, ATL cells exhibit a defect in the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint [##REF##11729202##257##]. On the other hand, Tax1 associates with and activates Cdc20-associated APC/C leading to unscheduled degradation of securin and cyclin B1, a delay or failure in mitotic entry and progression, and faulty chromosome transmission [##REF##15623561##260##,##REF##12861013##261##]. Tax1-induced premature activation of APC/C provokes permanent G1 arrest and senescence [##REF##16601696##262##,##REF##17535428##263##]. Finally, coexpression of Tax1 and securin enhances chromosomal instability and favors cell transformation <italic>in vitro </italic>and <italic>in vivo </italic>[##REF##17507465##264##].</p>", "<title>5 Interaction of Tax1 with PDZ-containing proteins</title>", "<p>The PSD-95/<italic>Drosophila </italic>Discs Large/Zona Occludens-I (PDZ) domain containing proteins form signaling complexes at the inner surface of the cell membrane and are involved in a very broad range of functions like cell signaling, adhesion, tight-junction integrity, molecular scaffolding for protein complexes and tumor suppression [##REF##9604925##265##, ####REF##10449334##266##, ##REF##10079096##267####10079096##267##]. Numerous PDZ proteins have been shown to form a complex with Tax1 owing to its PDZ binding motif (PBM) located in the C-terminus (ETEV) [##REF##9482110##268##]: Pro-IL16 (precursor of interleukin 16) [##REF##12620798##269##], hDLG (<italic>Drosophila </italic>Discs Large) [##REF##9192623##270##,##REF##10557085##271##], PSD-95, beta-syntrophin, lin-7 [##REF##9482110##268##], Tip1 (Tax1 Interaction protein 1) [##REF##10940294##272##], MAGI3 (Membrane Associated Guanylate kinase with inverted orientation 3) [##REF##15003862##273##], hTid1 [##REF##11719219##274##] and hScrib [##REF##17855372##275##]. Interaction of Tax1 with these PDZ proteins frequently leads to their delocalization [##REF##15003862##273##,##REF##17855372##275##,##REF##14972558##276##]. Functionally, PDZ proteins such as hTid1 and hScrib participate to Tax1-mediated activation of NF-κB and NFAT pathways, respectively [##REF##11719219##274##,##REF##17855372##275##].</p>", "<p>A Tax1-binding protein, hDLG, has been particularly studied owing to its ability to act as a tumor suppressor. hDLG acts downstream of the Wnt/frizzled pathway and binds to the adenomatous polyposis complex (APC) which mediates cell cycle progression [##REF##10656683##277##,##REF##16158975##278##]. APC-hDLG complex formation negatively regulates G1 to S transition and plays an important role in transducing the APC cell cycle blocking signal [##REF##10656683##277##]. Besides, hDLG is also involved in maintenance and modulation of T cell polarity [##REF##17053799##279##]. Through PBM/PDZ domain interaction, Tax1 induces hyperphosphorylation of hDLG, affects its localization [##REF##14972558##276##] and prevents its binding to APC [##REF##10557085##271##]. Interestingly, hDLG inactivation increases the ability of Tax1 to transform a mouse T-cell line [##REF##17042961##280##].</p>", "<p>The Tax1 PBM is critically involved in transformation of rat fibroblasts and IL2 independent growth of mouse lymphocytes [##REF##14972558##276##,##REF##16042787##281##] and to promote virus-mediated T-cell proliferation <italic>in vitro </italic>and persistence <italic>in vivo </italic>[##REF##16263794##282##]. In contrast, HTLV-2 Tax2 protein which does not harbor a PBM has a lower transforming activity than Tax1 [##REF##11861831##283##].</p>", "<title>6 Tax1 interaction with nuclear pore and secretory pathway proteins</title>", "<p>Tax1 shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus by virtue of a nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and a nuclear export signal (NES) [##REF##1736534##284##, ####REF##10666266##285##, ##REF##12670929##286####12670929##286##]. In the nucleus, Tax1 is primarily located in interchromatin granules or spliceosomal speckles [##REF##8709263##141##]. In the cytoplasm, Tax1 localizes to organelles associated with the cellular secretory process including the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex [##REF##15975923##192##,##REF##15659397##287##]. Tax1 is also secreted in the supernatant of HTLV-1 infected cells isolated from HAM-TSP patients [##REF##15659397##287##, ####REF##1751450##288##, ##REF##17897946##289####17897946##289##] and may behave as an extracellular cytokine. Tax1 shuttling is mediated through interaction with proteins involved in nuclear import, cytoplasmic export and secretory pathways [##REF##17897946##289##, ####REF##17344183##290##, ##REF##16775353##291##, ##REF##18081936##292##, ##REF##17395420##293####17395420##293##].</p>", "<title>6.1 Nucleoporins</title>", "<p>Nucleoporins of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) form a channel spanning the double lipid bilayer of the nuclear envelope. Nuclear pore complexes allow passive diffusion of ions and small proteins but translocation of cargoes larger than 40 kDa generally requires specific transport proteins [##REF##14504656##294##]. Import of cargo proteins containing a classical NLS is mediated by the importin α/β dimer and requires metabolic energy which is provided by Ran GTP [##REF##18048681##295##]. In contrast, carrier-independent translocation of proteins into the nucleus is energy independent and requires direct interactions with nucleoporins [##REF##18048681##295##].</p>", "<p>Nuclear import and export of Tax1 are both carrier and energy independent but relies on the interaction between Tax1 and the p62 nucleoporin [##REF##17344183##290##]. This interaction is mediated by the aminoterminal zinc-finger motif of Tax1. Consistently, mutations within this motif abolishes Tax1 interaction with p62 and nuclear import [##REF##17344183##290##].</p>", "<title>6.2 Proteins involved in Tax1 nuclear export and secretion</title>", "<p>Proteins containing a NES domain like Tax1 are expected to interact with the chromosome region maintenance 1 protein (CRM1), a member of the importin β family [##REF##17317185##296##]. Under stress conditions (i.e. UV irradiation), Tax1 interacts with CRM1 and is exported outside of the nucleus, a mechanism that is inhibited by leptomycin B [##REF##16775353##291##,##REF##18081936##292##]. In the absence of stress however, leptomycin B does not alter subcellular distribution of Tax1 [##REF##12670929##286##], suggesting that Tax1 is not exclusively exported through the CRM1 pathway.</p>", "<p>Tax1 nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling and secretion is directed by associations with proteins involved in nuclear export (calreticulin, RanBP2, p97), in ER to Golgi transport (the coat proteins (COP) βCOP and COPII) and in movement from Golgi to plasma membrane (secretory carrier membrane protein 23 (SNAP23), secretory carrier membrane protein 1 and 2 (SCAMP1, SCAMP2)) [##REF##17897946##289##,##REF##17395420##293##,##REF##16228291##297##]. Calreticulin, which is overexpressed in HTLV-1 infected cells, functions similarly to CRM1 by transporting proteins via NES interactions [##REF##17395420##293##,##REF##11149926##298##]. Tax1 secretion involves a secretory signal located in the C-terminal domain and requires interaction with SNAP23, SCAMP1 and COPII [##REF##17897946##289##].</p>", "<p>Tax1 thus targets different cellular factors involved in protein transport to shuttle between nucleus, cytoplasm and extracellular environment.</p>", "<title>7 Binding domains in Tax1</title>", "<p>To interact with such a broad range of cellular targets, Tax1 contains multiple protein-binding domains (Figure ##FIG##3##4##). Among these, the N-terminal zinc finger motif associates with transcription factors (CREB/ATF [##REF##7637025##299##], TBP [##REF##8223437##90##], Ets1 [##REF##9030555##62##], NF-YB [##REF##9032250##82##], Egr1 [##REF##9341193##85##]), cyclins [##REF##11971966##221##], nucleoproteins (p62) [##REF##17344183##290##], proteasome subunits [##REF##8692272##163##] and phosphatase PP2A [##REF##12419799##168##]. Mutations within this zinc finger affects Tax1-mediated CREB transactivation as well as subcellular localization due to the presence of a NLS [##REF##1736534##284##]. A domain encompassing residues 55 to 95 regulate interaction of Tax1 with CBP/p300, Chk2 and Gβ2 [##REF##10766811##102##,##REF##16158050##241##,##REF##16990599##300##]. The middle of Tax1 harbors a region required for dimerization, two leucine zipper-like motifs (aa 116–145 and 213–248) [##REF##9016568##39##,##REF##10906125##301##,##REF##14645559##302##] and a NES sequence [##REF##16775353##291##]. Substitutions within the first leucine zipper (such as T130A and L131S in mutant M22) affect Tax1 interactions with NF-κB [##REF##9630230##157##,##REF##10906125##301##], proteasome subunits [##REF##8692272##163##] and PP2A [##REF##12419799##168##]. Another mutation (S132A) abolishes Tax1 binding to coil-coiled domain containing proteins [##REF##11080811##303##] (i.e. Mad1, Tax1BP1, Tax1BP2 and GPS2). A region located between the two leucine zippers is required for interaction with CARM-1, Chk2 and Gβ2 [##REF##17005681##127##,##REF##16158050##241##,##REF##16990599##300##]. Amino acids 233–246, located within the second leucine zipper regulates Tax1 association with p15<sup>INK4b </sup>[##REF##10388662##228##], p16<sup>INK4a </sup>[##REF##9209282##226##], DNA topoisomerase [##REF##10792988##135##] and IκBγ [##REF##8170951##161##]. Consistently, the central region of Tax1 is indeed involved in NF-κB activation. Finally, the carboxyterminal region of Tax1 contains an activation domain (residues 289–332) [##REF##7853523##304##] as well as motifs required for Tax1 localization within the Golgi (residues 312–315) and secretion (residues 330–332) [##REF##16228291##297##]. The carboxyterminal domain is involved in Tax1 binding to Rb [##REF##15580311##229##], PI3K [##REF##16436385##199##], P/CAF [##REF##10766811##102##], P-TEFb [##REF##17686863##138##] and PDZ containing-proteins [##REF##9482110##268##]. In particular, Tax1 mutant M47 (L319R, L320S) is impaired for interaction with P/CAF[##REF##10766811##102##].</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MB and LW collected data from the literature and wrote the paper, JT, SL and RK suggested comments, FD provided technical help. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This work was supported by the Sixth Research Framework Programme of the European Union (project INCA LSHC-CT-2005-018704), the Belgian Foundation against Cancer, the Bekales Foundation, and the \"Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique\" (FRS-FNRS and Télévie). MB (\"FRIA\" fellow), SL (\"FRIA\" fellow), RK (Research Director), LW (Research Director), JCT (Post-doctoral fellow) and JFD (Technician) are members of the FNRS. We thank Françoise Bex for comments and suggestions.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Global model of Tax1 mediated transactivation</bold>. Tax1 relieves transcriptional repression of the LTR through direct interaction with HDAC (i.e. HDAC1) and/or HMT (panel A). Tax1 recruits CREB/ATF transcription factors (CA in panel B), histone modifying enzymes and chromatin remodelers (SWI/SNF, P/CAF and CBP/p300). Tax1 then allows binding of basal transcription factors on the TATA box (panel C). Once the initiation complex is formed, Tax1 recruits the P-TEFb factor, leading to CTD phosphorylation and processive elongation (panel D). Finally, interaction of Tax1 with SWI/SNF prevents stalling of transcription elongation. Adapted from [##REF##15194748##120##,##REF##16547351##132##,##REF##17686863##138##,##REF##16155601##316##].</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Overview of cell signaling proteins targeted by Tax1</bold>. Tax1 interacts with components of several signaling pathways (MAPK, JNK, NF-κB, AP-1 and TGF-β) and promotes cellular activation, proliferation, cytoskeleton rearrangement, cell migration and formation of the virological synapse.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Effect of Tax1 on cell cycle progression</bold>. Through a series of interactions with cell-cycle associated proteins, Tax1 accelerates G1/S transition (<bold>A</bold>), attenuates Chk1/2 activity (<bold>B</bold>), induces supernumerary centrosomes and impedes SAC (spindle assembly checkpoint) activity (<bold>C</bold>).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Functional regions of Tax1 and interaction domains</bold>. NLS (nuclear localization sequence), NES (nuclear export sequence), G (Golgi localization motif), S (secretion motif), LZR (leucine-zipper-like region), P (PDZ binding domain). Adapted from [##REF##14530271##130##].</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p>Overview of the Tax1 interactome.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p><bold>Identification of disordered regions in Tax1 according to the VSL1 algorithm</bold>. (PONDR<sup>®</sup>, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>). A domain encompassing residues 76 to 121 (black bar) corresponds to a long disordered region within Tax1.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Cellular proteins interacting with Tax1</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Transcription and translation</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cell signaling</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ATF1 [##REF##8628284##28##]</td><td align=\"left\">CasL [##REF##15592516##215##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ATF2 [##REF##8407959##30##]</td><td align=\"left\">Cdc42 [##REF##14530271##130##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ATF3 [##REF##8007991##27##]</td><td align=\"left\">Gap1m [##REF##14530271##130##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ATF4 [##REF##9190894##29##]</td><td align=\"left\">GPS2 [##REF##9325311##183##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ATFx [##REF##15890932##42##]</td><td align=\"left\">Gβ2 [##REF##16990599##300##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">BAF155 [##REF##14530271##130##]</td><td align=\"left\">IKKα [##REF##9632633##159##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">BAF53 [##REF##14530271##130##]</td><td align=\"left\">IKKβ [##REF##9632633##159##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">BAF57 [##REF##14530271##130##]</td><td align=\"left\">IKKγ [##REF##10364167##156##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">BRG1 [##REF##14530271##130##]</td><td align=\"left\">IκBα [##REF##7700645##162##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">C/EBPβ [##REF##9376596##81##]</td><td align=\"left\">IκBγ [##REF##8170951##161##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CARM1 [##REF##17005681##127##]</td><td align=\"left\">MEKK1 [##REF##9630230##157##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CREB [##REF##1386673##26##]</td><td align=\"left\">p100 [##REF##8289813##317##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">c-Rel [##REF##7936632##75##]</td><td align=\"left\">p105 [##REF##8692272##163##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CREM [##REF##8628284##28##]</td><td align=\"left\">p130Cas [##REF##15592516##215##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cyclin T1 [##REF##17686863##138##]</td><td align=\"left\">p85α [##REF##16436385##199##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DNA topoisomerase I [##REF##10792988##135##]</td><td align=\"left\">PP2A [##REF##12419799##168##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Egr1 [##REF##9341193##85##]</td><td align=\"left\">Rac [##REF##14530271##130##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Elk1 [##REF##11070040##63##]</td><td align=\"left\">RhoA [##REF##14530271##130##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ets1 [##REF##9030555##62##]</td><td align=\"left\">Smad2 [##REF##11264182##213##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">HDAC1 [##REF##12370815##119##]</td><td align=\"left\">Smad3 [##REF##11264182##213##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Int6 [##REF##8688078##149##]</td><td align=\"left\">Smad4 [##REF##11264182##213##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">JMJD2A [##REF##15927959##125##]</td><td align=\"left\">TAB2 [##REF##17986383##181##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MBD2 [##REF##15674330##123##]</td><td align=\"left\">TAK1 [##REF##17363973##158##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MSX2 [##REF##15970589##89##]</td><td align=\"left\">Tax1BP1 [##REF##18246070##171##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">NF-YB [##REF##9032250##82##]</td><td align=\"left\">Ubc13 [##REF##17942533##170##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">NRF1 [##REF##10381170##88##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">p/CAF [##REF##10567539##101##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">p300/CBP [##REF##8602268##100##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">p50 [##REF##8361755##61##]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>PDZ proteins</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">p52 [##REF##7856081##74##]</td><td align=\"left\">beta-syntrophin [##REF##9482110##268##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RelA [##REF##7936632##75##]</td><td align=\"left\">hDLG [##REF##9192623##270##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RPL6 [##REF##12007002##318##]</td><td align=\"left\">hScrib [##REF##17855372##275##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sap1 [##REF##11070040##63##]</td><td align=\"left\">hTid1 [##REF##11719219##274##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sc35 [##REF##8709263##141##]</td><td align=\"left\">lin7 [##REF##9482110##268##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">SMRT [##REF##12642864##122##]</td><td align=\"left\">MAGI3 [##REF##15003862##273##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sp1 [##REF##9030555##62##]</td><td align=\"left\">Pro-IL16 [##REF##12620798##269##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Spi-1 [##REF##9376596##81##]</td><td align=\"left\">PSD95 [##REF##9482110##268##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">SRF [##REF##1427072##59##]</td><td align=\"left\">Tip1 [##REF##10940294##272##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">SUV39H1 [##REF##16409643##124##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TAF<sub>II</sub>28 [##REF##9108034##91##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Tax1BP1 [##REF##17283140##144##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TBP [##REF##8223437##90##]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Transport</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TF<sub>II</sub>A [##REF##8756622##92##]</td><td align=\"left\">Calreticulin [##REF##17897946##289##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TORC1 [##REF##16809310##44##]</td><td align=\"left\">COPII [##REF##17897946##289##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TORC2 [##REF##16809310##44##]</td><td align=\"left\">CRM1 [##REF##16775353##291##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TORC3 [##REF##15466468##43##]</td><td align=\"left\">p62 [##REF##17344183##290##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TRBP [##REF##9060615##150##]</td><td align=\"left\">p97 [##REF##17897946##289##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TTP [##REF##14679154##148##]</td><td align=\"left\">RanBP2 [##REF##17897946##289##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">XBP1 [##REF##18287238##31##]</td><td align=\"left\">SCAMP1 [##REF##17897946##289##]</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">SCAMP2 [##REF##17897946##289##]</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">SNAP23 [##REF##17897946##289##]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cell cycle and DNA repair</bold></td><td align=\"left\">βCOP [##REF##17897946##289##]</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CDC20 [##REF##15623561##260##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CDK4[##REF##11971966##221##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CDK6 [##REF##11971966##221##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chk1 [##REF##15107832##240##]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cytoskeleton</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chk2 [##REF##12842897##239##]</td><td align=\"left\">Actin [##REF##14530271##130##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cyclin D1 [##REF##9584203##224##]</td><td align=\"left\">Annexin [##REF##14530271##130##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cyclin D2 [##REF##11971966##221##]</td><td align=\"left\">Cytokeratin [##REF##11725133##190##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cyclin D3 [##REF##9584203##224##]</td><td align=\"left\">Gelsolin [##REF##14530271##130##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mad1 [##REF##9546394##258##]</td><td align=\"left\">α-internexin [##REF##9190894##29##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">p15<sup>INK4b </sup>[##REF##10388662##228##]</td><td align=\"left\">γ-tubulin [##REF##17891179##191##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">p16<sup>INK4a </sup>[##REF##8612584##225##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rad51 [##REF##14530271##130##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RanBP1 [##REF##16365316##249##]</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rb [##REF##15580311##229##]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Proteasome</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Tax1BP2 [##REF##16767081##250##]</td><td align=\"left\">HC9 [##REF##8692272##163##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Topoisomerase 1 [##REF##10792988##135##]</td><td align=\"left\">HSN3 [##REF##8692272##163##]</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-76-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-76-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-76-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-76-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-76-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-76-6\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Zhang", "Yamada", "Kawagishi", "Araki", "Yamaoka", "Hattori", "Shimotohno"], "given-names": ["J", "O", "K", "H", "S", "T", "K"], "article-title": ["Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 Tax modulates interferon-alpha signal transduction through competitive usage of the coactivator CBP/p300"], "source": ["Virology"], "year": ["2008"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
Retrovirology. 2008 Aug 14; 5:76
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) and Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type-1 (HTLV-1) are closely related deltaretroviruses that cause aggressive lymphoproliferative disorders in a small percentage of infected individuals [##UREF##0##1##, ####UREF##1##2##, ##REF##17362524##3####17362524##3##]. In order to efficiently enter cells, both viruses are dependent on a fusion event between viral and cell membranes. As with other retroviruses, fusion is catalyzed by the virally encoded Env complex, which is synthesized as a polyprotein precursor and is subsequently cleaved to yield the surface glycoprotein (SU) and transmembrane glycoprotein (TM) subunits. On the surface of the virus or infected cell, Env is displayed as a trimer, with three SU subunits linked by disulphide bonds to a spike of three TM subunits.</p>", "<p>The amino-acid sequences of the HTLV-1 and BLV envelope glycoproteins are strikingly similar [##REF##12368329##4##] and, in common with other oncoretroviruses, share a characteristic modular structure [##REF##12368329##4##, ####REF##7742034##5##, ##REF##10851227##6##, ##REF##12134000##7##, ##REF##14972546##8####14972546##8##]. A receptor-binding domain is located at the amino-terminal end of SU and is connected to a C-terminal domain by a proline-rich linker [##REF##12368329##4##,##REF##10851227##6##,##REF##15575958##9##]. The C-terminal domain includes a conserved CXCC sequence and is required for interactions with TM [##REF##10684314##10##, ####REF##14685283##11##, ##REF##15650193##12####15650193##12##]. The modular nature of envelope extends into TM, and it is here that the homology between retroviruses and phylogenetically diverse viral isolates is most apparent. The functional regions of TM include a hydrophobic fusion peptide linked to an isoleucine/leucine heptad repeat, a membrane spanning segment and a cytoplasmic tail of variable length. These conserved modules identify retroviral TM proteins as members of a diverse family of virally expressed class 1 membrane fusion proteins.</p>", "<p>Accumulating evidence advocates a conserved mechanism of retroviral envelope-mediated membrane fusion [##REF##10332732##13##, ####REF##11395423##14##, ##REF##14595397##15####14595397##15##]. SU binds to the cellular receptor, which is accompanied by isomerisation of the disulphide linkages between SU and TM [##REF##14685283##11##,##REF##15650193##12##], and triggers a conformational change in TM. The N-terminal hydrophobic fusion peptide of TM is then inserted into the target cell membrane, while the C-terminus remains anchored in the viral or host cell membrane. This transient rod-like conformation, referred to as a \"pre-hairpin\" intermediate, is stabilized by the assembly of a trimeric coiled coil composed of one alpha helix from each of the three adjacent TM monomers. A more C-terminal region of the TM ecto-domain, which in HTLV-1 includes an extended non-helical leash and short α-helix [##REF##10200260##16##], then folds onto the coiled coil to generate a six-helix bundle or trimer-of-hairpins [##REF##10200260##16##, ####REF##9108481##17##, ##REF##9689046##18##, ##REF##11447278##19####11447278##19##]. These dramatic conformational changes draw the opposing membranes together, destabilise the lipid bilayers, promote lipid mixing and culminate in membrane fusion [##REF##10332732##13##,##REF##11395423##14##].</p>", "<p>Despite the sequence homology and conserved modular structure, there are notable differences in primary sequence, size, and function of the HTLV-1 and BLV envelope proteins. It is likely that these differences contribute in a substantial way to the species-specificity, and the distinctive patterns of tissue tropism and pathogenesis that are observed for these viruses [##UREF##1##2##,##REF##17362524##3##]. Consequently, comparative analysis of the envelope glycoproteins will provide significant insight into the determinants of species- and tissue-specific tropism, the strategies for immune modulation, and the mechanisms of membrane fusion that are adopted by these viruses. Information derived from such studies will aid the development of effective vaccines and small-molecule inhibitors of viral entry and cell-to-cell viral transfer.</p>", "<p>Significantly, our laboratory [##REF##12584351##20##, ####REF##17251585##21##, ##REF##18305034##22####18305034##22##], and others [##REF##8627675##23##], have demonstrated that synthetic peptides that mimic the C-terminal non-helical <underline>l</underline>eash and α-<underline>h</underline>elical <underline>r</underline>egion (LHR) of HTLV-1 TM are inhibitory to envelope-mediated membrane fusion. Prototypic α-helical TM-mimetic inhibitory peptides have also been characterized for a number of highly divergent enveloped viruses, including HIV and paramyxoviruses [##REF##1438243##24##, ####REF##8312047##25##, ##REF##8700906##26##, ##REF##8521809##27####8521809##27##]. The HTLV-derived peptide binds to the coiled coil of TM and, in a <italic>trans</italic>-dominant negative manner, blocks resolution of the pre-hairpin intermediate to the trimer-of-hairpins, thus impairing the fusogenic activity of TM. The potency of these inhibitors makes them attractive leads for antiviral therapeutics.</p>", "<p>Although the HTLV-1 peptide inhibitor also blocks viral entry of the divergent HTLV-2 it is inactive against a variety of heterologous viral envelope proteins [##REF##12584351##20##,##REF##8627675##23##]. However, the molecular features that determine the target specificity, activity, and potency of these peptide inhibitors is only beginning to be understood [##REF##12584351##20##, ####REF##17251585##21##, ##REF##18305034##22####18305034##22##]. In this study, we examine the target specificity and activity of peptide inhibitors derived from the conserved C-terminal leash and α-helical region (LHR) of the HTLV-1 and BLV trans-membrane glycoproteins. We demonstrate that a synthetic peptide that mimics the BLV LHR is a potent antagonist of BLV envelope-mediated membrane fusion. Surprisingly, despite the high level of identity between the HTLV-1 and BLV derived peptides, the inhibitory activity of the peptides is limited exclusively to the virus from which they were derived. While the peptides display remarkable target specificity, the activity of each peptide is nevertheless dependent upon the interaction of conserved amino acid side chains with their respective targets. An amino acid substitution analysis reveals that several conserved residues within the BLV LHR play a critical role in determining peptide potency and identifies a single amino acid substitution within the BLV peptide that yields a more potent inhibitor. Finally, based on homology with HTLV-1 TM, the inhibition data and amino acid substitution analysis support a model for the BLV trimer-of-hairpins.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and methods</title>", "<title>Cells</title>", "<p>HeLa and BLV-FLK (a kind gift of Dr Arsène Burny and Dr Luc Willems; Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux, Belgium) cells were maintained in Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS).</p>", "<title>Plasmids</title>", "<p>The Plasmid HTE-1 [##REF##2677310##28##] and pRSV-Rev [##REF##2120472##29##] have been described. The plasmid pCMV-BLV<italic>env</italic>-RRE was constructed by replacing a fragment of the HIV-1 envelope open reading frame in pCMVgp160ΔSA [##REF##8709194##30##] with a genomic fragment spanning the entire BLV envelope. In brief, pCMVgp160ΔSA was digested with EcoR I, which cuts the recipient vector after the CMV early promoter but prior to the initiating ATG of the HIV-1 <italic>env </italic>sequences. The vector was subsequently digested with BglII, which removes the HIV-1 SU region but retains the HIV RRE. A fragment encompassing the entire BLV envelope open reading frame between a 5' Xho I site and a 3' BamH I site (nucleotides 4347–6997 of NC_001414) was ligated into the vector backbone using an EcoR I-Xho I linker. The resulting plasmid encodes BLV <italic>env </italic>including the natural BLV <italic>env </italic>stop codon placed upstream of the HIV RRE; the transcription unit is terminated by the SV40 poly A site and is expressed from the CMV early promoter.</p>", "<title>Peptides</title>", "<p>Peptides (Table ##TAB##0##1##) were synthesized using standard solid-phase Fmoc chemistry and unless stated otherwise have acetylated N-termini and amidated C-termini. The peptides were purified by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography and verified for purity by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. All peptides were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), the concentration of peptide stock solutions was confirmed where possible by absorbance at 280 nm in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride and peptides were used at the final concentrations indicated. For the peptide P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔN, peptide concentration was estimated by Bradford assay at 5 two-fold serial dilutions from a stock solution using the P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔC peptide in concentrations verified by absorbance at 280 nm in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride to plot a standard curve. The HTLV-1-derived peptides are based on the sequence of HTLV-1 strain CR and conform closely to the consensus sequence for HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 strains, the BLV peptides conform to the consensus sequence for most BLV isolates.</p>", "<title>Peptide biotinylation</title>", "<p>Peptides to be biotinylated were reduced using immobilized Tris [2-carboxyethyl] phosphine (TCEP) reducing agent (Pierce), and subsequent biotinylation was carried out with EZ-Link<sup>® </sup>Iodoacetyl-PEO<sub>2</sub>-Biotin (Pierce), in both cases according to the manufacturer's protocols. The biotinylation reaction was quenched with cysteine. The biotinylated peptide was incubated for 30 mins at room temperature with either streptavidin-agarose (Gibco-BRL) or amylose-agarose (New England Biolabs) in a spin-column. Unbound peptide was recovered by centrifugation, the flow-through was re-applied to the column, and the incubation and centrifugation was repeated. The flow-through from the second centrifugation was used in syncytium interference assays; the peptide concentration of the amylose-agarose flow through was established by UV spectrometry as described above, and added to tissue culture medium to produce the final assay concentrations as indicated. In the case of the flow-through from the streptavidin-agarose column, volumes equivalent to those used with the amylose-agarose flow-through were added to the wells.</p>", "<title>Determination of relative peptide solubility</title>", "<p>A two-fold serial dilution of peptide in DMSO was performed, and added in duplicate to 96-well microplates. Filtered PBS was added to give a total volume of 200 μl and a final DMSO concentration of 1.5 % in all wells. The plates were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr and the relative solubility of peptides was established by measuring forward scattered light using a NEPHELOstar laser-based microplate nephelometer (BMG LABTECH). Wells containing PBS and 1.5 % DMSO only were used as blanks. Data analysis was carried out using ActivityBase, and peptides giving readings up to and including 3-fold higher than the average reading for the DMSO control were considered to be in solution at the concentrations specified.</p>", "<title>Syncytium Interference Assays</title>", "<p>Syncytium interference assays were performed by standard methods [##REF##12584351##20##,##REF##11520577##31##]. Briefly, HeLa cells for use as effector cells were transfected with the envelope expression vector pHTE-1 or with equal amounts of pCMV-BLV<italic>env</italic>-RRE and pRSV-Rev using the Genejuice™ transfection reagent (Novagen) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 24 h later, 3 × 10<sup>5 </sup>effector cells were added to 7 × 10<sup>5 </sup>untransfected HeLa target cells in six-well dishes (Nunc). Where appropriate, the co-culture was incubated in the presence of peptides at the concentrations specified. To assess the ability of the peptides to inhibit fusion induced by virally expressed BLV envelope, 2 × 10<sup>5 </sup>BLV-infected FLK cells were used as effectors and added to 8 × 10<sup>5 </sup>uninfected HeLa cells. After incubation at 37°C for 16 h, cells were washed twice with PBS and fixed in PBS + 3% paraformaldehyde. Assays were performed in triplicate and the number of syncytia (defined as multinucleated cells with 4 or more nuclei) from 10 low-power fields (LPF) per replicate was scored by light microscopy; some assays were stained using Giemsa. A syncytium formation value of 100% is defined as the number of syncytia formed in the absence of peptide but in the presence of 1.5% DMSO. The peptide concentration required to give 50% inhibition (IC<sub>50</sub>) of syncytium formation was calculated using GraphPad Prism 4.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Amino acid residues conserved between the HTLV-1 and BLV TM ectodomains map to the interacting surfaces of the LHR and coiled-coil</title>", "<p>Although there are considerable differences in the amino acid sequence of class-1 fusion proteins from diverse viral groups there is exceptional conservation of secondary and tertiary structure. To compare the class-1 fusion proteins from the related retroviruses BLV and HTLV-1, the predicted coiled-coil regions of the BLV TM were identified using the program LearnCoil-VMF [##REF##10438601##32##] and the BLV and HTLV-1 amino acid sequences were aligned using Clustal-W [##REF##7984417##33##] (Figure ##FIG##0##1A##). The alignment revealed that for the TM 33% of the residues are identical and a further 10% are conservative substitutions. The homology is particularly evident in the predicted coiled-coil region incorporating the heptad repeat and in the LHR of the TM ectodomain (Figure ##FIG##0##1A##), the LHR lies distal to a CX<sub>6</sub>CC motif common to oncoretroviral fusion proteins. The crystal structure of the HTLV-1 six-helix-bundle has been solved and the structure spans these regions of homology [##REF##10200260##16##].</p>", "<p>Using the crystal structure of the HTLV-1 TM as a template, we mapped on the coiled coil and LHR the location of amino acid residues that are conserved between the ectodomain of HTLV-1 and BLV TM (Figure ##FIG##0##1B##). Using this approach, we observed that for the core coiled-coil the majority of conserved residues map along the grooves formed by the interface of each pair of interacting N helices. Importantly, these grooves act as docking sites for the LHR as TM folds from the pre-hairpin intermediate to the trimer-of-hairpins. Moreover, many of the conserved amino acids of the LHR are located on the face of the LHR that interacts with the grooves on the coiled coil. By examining the location of substituted residues on the HTLV-1 TM it becomes clear that where there are amino acid substitutions on the BLV LHR there are complimentary or accommodating amino acid changes within the hydrophobic grooves of the core coiled coil (Figure ##FIG##0##1C##). For example, leucines 413 and 419 in the HTLV-1 LHR are conserved in BLV, and these leucines interact with eight coiled coil residues of which seven are identical in BLV and one is a conservative substitution (Figure ##FIG##0##1C##). In contrast, HTLV-1 LHR residues H409 and R416 interact with the side chains of six residues of the coiled coil, but H409 and R416 are not conserved in BLV and of the six interacting coiled coil residues four have diverged and only one residue is semi-conserved (Figure ##FIG##0##1C##). Overall, the analysis indicates that the majority of the conserved residues occupy positions that form the interacting surfaces of the trimer-of-hairpins. In agreement with these observations, those residues that do not involve the interacting surfaces of the TM are invariably solvent exposed on the trimer-of-hairpins and are subject to the highest degree of variation between the two viruses.</p>", "<p>A synthetic peptide, P<sup>cr</sup>-400, which mimics the LHR of the HTLV-1 TM is a potent inhibitor of envelope-catalysed membrane fusion [##REF##12584351##20##]. This peptide interacts directly and specifically with a recombinant coiled coil derived from HTLV-1 TM and substitution of critical amino acid residues within the peptide disrupts coiled coil binding and impairs the biological activity of the peptide [##REF##12584351##20##, ####REF##17251585##21##, ##REF##18305034##22####18305034##22##]. These findings are consistent with the view that the peptide blocks membrane fusion by binding to the coiled coil of fusion-active envelope. As illustrated above, there are remarkable similarities in the interacting surfaces of the coiled coil and LHR between HTLV-1 and BLV (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). Considering the noted differences, it was not clear if the HTLV-1-derived synthetic peptide could inhibit membrane fusion mediated by BLV envelope. The HTLV-1 peptide inhibits viral entry by the divergent HTLV-2 but does not inhibit membrane fusion catalysed by a number of heterologous viral envelopes including HIV-1, feline immunodeficiency virus and vesicular stomatitis virus G protein [##REF##12584351##20##,##REF##8627675##23##] (our unpublished results). Moreover, the HTLV-1 inhibitory peptide is unusual among C helix-based fusion inhibitors in that it includes both α-helical and extended non-helical peptide segments. It was therefore uncertain if peptides based on the LHR of BLV would, like the HTLV-mimetic peptide, display anti-fusogenic activity. We therefore compared the fusogenic activity of HTLV-1 and BLV envelope and examined the sensitivity of BLV envelope to inhibition by peptide inhibitors.</p>", "<title>A robust BLV Env-mediated membrane fusion assay</title>", "<p>Preliminary experiments with a variety of BLV envelope expression constructs produced only low levels of BLV envelope expression and little fusogenic activity in syncytium formation assays (data not shown); this may, in part, be due to the nuclear retention of the envelope transcripts as observed for HIV-1 and HTLV-1. Therefore, we developed an envelope expression vector whereby BLV <italic>env </italic>was inserted downstream of the strong cytomegalovirus (CMV) early promoter, and immediately upstream of the human immunodeficiency virus Rev-response element (RRE). The RRE forms a region of extensive secondary structure in the mRNA that is recognized by Rev and the resulting ribonucleoprotein complex is subsequently exported out of the nucleus. The BLV envelope expression construct was examined for envelope-induced membrane fusion in syncytium formation assays. Briefly, HeLa cells were either transfected with pCMV-BLV<italic>env</italic>-RRE or pRSV-Rev individually, or cotransfected with equal amounts of both vectors. These cells were then used as effector cells to induce syncytia when co-cultured with non-transfected cells. Neither vector induced syncytium formation when transfected alone, but cotransfection of effector cells with pCMV-BLV<italic>env</italic>-RRE and pRSV-Rev resulted in the widespread formation of large syncytia (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Furthermore, BLV envelope expressed in this system produced levels of syncytia that were comparable to that of HTLV-1 envelope expressed from pHTE-1 and consequently this approach was used to express BLV envelope for these studies.</p>", "<title>Inhibition of envelope-mediated membrane fusion by LHR-mimetic peptides is limited to the parental virus</title>", "<p>To compare the inhibitory properties and specificity of LHR-based synthetic peptides from HTLV-1 and BLV a peptide based on the LHR of BLV was generated. The synthetic peptide designated P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 includes residues Cys391 to Gln419 of BLV Env and spans a region that is equivalent to the HTLV-1 LHR-derived peptide P<sup>cr</sup>-400 (Table ##TAB##0##1##). To aid comparison with TM, we refer to the residues of each peptide using the co-ordinates for the full-length envelope precursor (thus for the BLV-derived peptide residue 1 is referred to as Cys391). The BLV and HTLV-1 peptides share 45 % identity (Figure ##FIG##0##1A, B##), but it should be noted that only a fragment of the HTLV-1 LHR that is mimicked by P<sup>cr</sup>-400 is resolved in the available HTLV-1 TM crystal structure (Table ##TAB##0##1##, Figure ##FIG##0##1##) [##REF##12584351##20##].</p>", "<p>Both HTLV-1 and BLV envelope induced widespread syncytium formation in cultures incubated in the absence of peptide inhibitors or in the presence of inactive control peptides (Figure ##FIG##2##3A, B##). However, in keeping with previous studies [##REF##12584351##20##, ####REF##17251585##21##, ##REF##18305034##22####18305034##22##], HTLV envelope-mediated syncytium formation was robustly blocked in a dose-dependent manner by P<sup>cr</sup>-400 with an IC<sub>50 </sub>of 0.28 ± 0.01 μM (Figure ##FIG##2##3A##). However, despite the marked conservation of amino acid sequence between the LHRs and coiled coils of HTLV-1 and BLV, P<sup>cr</sup>-400 failed to inhibit membrane fusion induced by BLV envelope even at concentrations up to 15 μM (Figure ##FIG##2##3B##) and above (data not shown). Also, like the inactive control peptides, the BLV LHR-mimetic peptide at concentrations up to 20 μM (Figure ##FIG##2##3A##) and above (data not shown) failed to inhibit membrane fusion induced by HTLV-1 envelope. By contrast, the peptide P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 specifically antagonized BLV envelope-mediated membrane fusion (Figure ##FIG##2##3B##) with a calculated IC<sub>50 </sub>of 3.49 ± 0.03 μM; control peptides including C34 and P<sup>cr</sup>-400 L/A did not interfere with BLV Env-induced membrane fusion (Figure ##FIG##2##3B##). In addition, P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 robustly antagonized membrane fusion induced by virally expressed envelope as shown by the inhibition of syncytium formation between chronically BLV infected FLK cells and target cells (Figure ##FIG##2##3C##); whereas, the HTLV-1 peptide inhibitor did not block BLV-induced membrane fusion. Thus, it appears that the inhibitory properties of the LHR-mimetic peptides are highly specific to the virus from which they were derived.</p>", "<title>The C- and N-terminal regions of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 are necessary but not individually sufficient to block membrane fusion</title>", "<p>Our group recently demonstrated that truncations at the N- or C-terminal end of P<sup>cr</sup>-400 abolished fusion-inhibitory function [##REF##2120472##29##]. To test whether or not the N- and C-terminal leash regions are required for the activity of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391, we synthesized two peptides, P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔN and P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔC, which lack nine amino acid residues at the N-terminus or C-terminus respectively (Table ##TAB##0##1##). The peptides retain an eleven-residue overlap, and have solubility profiles comparable to the parental peptide P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Unlike the parental peptide, the peptide derivatives P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔN and P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔC lacked detectable inhibitory activity in syncytium interference assays (Figure ##FIG##3##4A##). These data illustrate that amino acid residues contained within the regions Cys391 to Asp399, and Ser411 to Gln419, are critical to the activity of the mimetic peptide, and that both the amino-terminal and C-terminal regions are necessary but not sufficient for antagonism of membrane fusion. Importantly, the data also demonstrate that the central 11-residue region of the BLV peptide, equivalent to Ser400-Leu410 and homologous to the short C-terminal α-helix of the HTLV-1 trimer-of-hairpins is not sufficient for inhibition of syncytium formation.</p>", "<p>Moreover, the BLV peptide was remarkably intolerant of even relatively small deletions. For example, a peptide, P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔCCF, in which only 3 amino acids were deleted from the N-terminus exhibited dramatically reduced ability to inhibit membrane fusion (Figure ##FIG##3##4B##). The P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔCCF peptide blocked syncytium formation by only 30% at 20 μM (Figure ##FIG##3##4B##), compared to &gt; 95% for the parental peptide, and even at a concentration of 30 μM peptide P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔCCF achieved only 40% inhibition (data not shown). These results can be explained only in part by the decrease in peptide solubility at concentrations above 11 μM that is associated with the loss of the three N-terminal amino acid residues (Table ##TAB##0##1##). At peptide concentrations below 11 μM, P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔCCF is soluble under the conditions used in the syncytium interference assays and yet fails to inhibit membrane fusion (Figure ##FIG##3##4B##). It should be noted that disulphide formation between the peptide and envelope is not required for inhibitory activity, as reduction of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 and subsequent modification of the cysteine residues with the sulfhydryl reactive agent Iodoacetyl-PEO<sub>2</sub>-Biotin failed to disrupt the inhibitory properties of the peptide (Figure ##FIG##3##4C##). Moreover, the activity of the biotinylated peptide was indistinguishable from that of the unmodified P<sup>BLV</sup>-391, indicating that potential dimerization of the peptide through inter-molecular disulphide bonding does not influence peptide potency (Figure ##FIG##3##4C##). The first 3 amino acids of the BLV peptide, which includes the two cysteine residues and an adjacent phenylalanine, are conserved between HTLV-1 and BLV. Given the data obtained for the BLV peptide it is surprising to note that substitution of the cysteines with alanine did not affect the activity of the HTLV-1 inhibitor P<sup>cr</sup>-400 [##REF##18305034##22##]. Thus it seems that, at least for the BLV peptide, the first 3 amino acids aid peptide solubility and contribute in an important but, as yet, ill-defined way to the binding or orientation of the peptide within the target-binding site on TM.</p>", "<title>Two conserved leucines are essential for the inhibitory activity of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391</title>", "<p>Leucine residues in P<sup>cr</sup>-400 play a key functional role in peptide activity [##REF##12584351##20##]. The crystal structure of the HTLV-1 TM [##REF##10200260##16##] reveals that within the LHR several leucine and isoleucine residues reach down into deep pockets within the groove of the coiled coil. It appears that the LHR-derived peptide P<sup>cr</sup>-400 makes similar contacts with the coiled coil and that these contacts are necessary for stable binding of the peptide to the coiled coil and thus are critical to the inhibitory activity of the peptide [##REF##18305034##22##]. Intriguingly, some but not all of these leucine and isoleucine residues are conserved between the LHRs of HTLV-1 and BLV. We therefore sought to determine the importance of these conserved residues to the inhibitory properties of the BLV LHR-mimetic peptide. Two peptides were synthesized, P<sup>BLV</sup>-L/A in which all leucines were substituted with alanine, and P<sup>BLV</sup>-L404/410A in which the Leu404 and Leu410 of BLV envelope were replaced by alanine (Table ##TAB##0##1##) these particular leucines are equivalent to the well-conserved Leu413 and Leu419 of HTLV-1 isolates. Syncytium interference assays revealed that compared to the parental peptide (P<sup>BLV</sup>-391) the alanine-substituted peptides were severely compromised in their ability to inhibit membrane fusion (Figure ##FIG##3##4D##); in particular, P<sup>BLV</sup>-L/A did not exhibit any discernible inhibition up to 20 μM (Figure ##FIG##3##4D##) or above (data not shown). Hence, the leucine residues are important to peptide function. Moreover, although P<sup>BLV</sup>-L404/410A was just as soluble as the parental peptide (Table ##TAB##0##1##), P<sup>BLV</sup>-L404/410A also failed to display any fusion-blocking activity up to 20 μM (Figure ##FIG##3##4D##); indicating that the leucines equivalent to BLV envelope residues 404 and 410 are particularly important to the inhibitory properties of the LHR-mimetic peptide.</p>", "<title>A model for the BLV trimer-of-hairpins</title>", "<p>Our analysis reveals that for the ectodomain of the TM the majority of the amino acid residues that are conserved between HTLV-1 and BLV map to the interacting surfaces of the trimer-of-hairpins. Moreover, a BLV homologue of the HTLV-1 LHR-derived peptide inhibitor also exhibits robust but highly specific inhibitory activity against BLV-induced membrane fusion. Significantly, conserved leucine residues are critical to the inhibitory activity of both peptides. Encouraged by these results and to gain greater insight into the mechanism of fusion and the likely contacts made by P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 with the coiled coil, we constructed a homology model of the BLV trimer-of-hairpins that is based on the crystal structure of the HTLV-1 TM (Figure ##FIG##0##1B##) [##REF##10200260##16##].</p>", "<p>Having identified the predicted BLV coiled-coil (Figure ##FIG##0##1A##), the Clustal-W alignment of the TM ectodomain sequences of BLV and HTLV-1 (Figure ##FIG##0##1A##) permitted the substitution of the BLV residues onto the HTLV-1-derived scaffold, consisting of the complete trimer of N-helices and a single LHR. The geometry of the crude model was improved by simulated annealing and energy minimisation in explicit solvent with the GROMACS (Groningen Machine for Chemical Simulations) package using the GROMOS96 43a1 force field [##UREF##2##34##]. It should be noted that, compared to the HTLV-1 trimer of hairpins, there are two additional residues in the predicted BLV chain-reversal region at positions 380 and 381 of BLV envelope. Since these residues are within a flexible loop there is insufficient information to model these residues with any degree of accuracy therefore these residues are omitted in the current model. Nonetheless, the restraint provided by the disulphide bond between Cys384 and Cys391 coupled with a high level of sequence conservation within the heptad repeat region and within the LHR suggests that the model is likely to be a reasonably accurate representation of the interaction between the LHR and the coiled coil. The model for the BLV coiled coil and LHR is presented in Figure ##FIG##4##5A##.</p>", "<p>Consistent with the sequence alignment and the structure of the HTLV-1 TM ectodomain (Figure ##FIG##0##1##), the BLV TM model indicates that Leu394 and Ile396 likely project into a hydrophobic pocket at the membrane-distal end of the core coiled-coil (Figure ##FIG##4##5B##). It also implies that Ile401, Leu404 and Leu407, which all lie on the same side of the putative α-helix of the LHR, are oriented such that they project into the groove of the coiled coil. Notably, Leu410 is predicted to make a significant contact with a deep pocket situated towards the membrane-proximal end of the core coiled-coil. Therefore, the BLV coiled coil and LHR model is highly consistent with the experimental data and provides a molecular explanation for the loss of activity associated with substitutions in the BLV LHR-derived peptide.</p>", "<title>Substituting an arginine residue for an alanine in P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 results in a more potent peptide inhibitor</title>", "<p>The accumulated experimental data correlate well with the structural model, implying that predications based on the BLV trimer-of-hairpins model are likely to be informative. The homology model of the BLV TM ectodomain (Figure ##FIG##5##6##) suggests that Arg403, a residue within the predicted α-helix of the LHR and mimicked by P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 peptide, may be electrostatically unfavourable for efficient binding of the C-terminal LHR into the groove of the core coiled-coil. We predicted that removing this unfavourable charge interaction would improve the binding of the peptide to the BLV coiled coil and thereby improve the inhibitory activity of the peptide. We therefore synthesized a peptide, P<sup>BLV</sup>-R403A, which incorporated an alanine residue in place of the arginine equivalent to Arg403 of Env (Table ##TAB##0##1##). As anticipated, substitution of the arginine residue resulted in a modest but highly consistent and significant (<italic>p </italic>&lt; 0.0001, Student's <italic>t</italic>-test) improvement in peptide potency when compared to P<sup>BLV</sup>-391. The peptide P<sup>BLV</sup>-R403A is more than twice as potent as P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 in syncytium interference assays, with a calculated IC<sub>50 </sub>of 1.56 ± 0.05 μM compared to 3.49 μM ± 0.03 μM for P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 (Figure ##FIG##5##6##). The data show that a single amino-acid substitution in the predicted short α-helix of the LHR-mimetic peptide increases the ability of the peptide to block membrane fusion and provides further support for the utility of the model of the BLV TM core.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Experimental evidence points towards a remarkably conserved mechanism by which virally encoded envelope glycoproteins catalyse membrane fusion and facilitate delivery of the viral core into the target cell [##REF##10332732##13##,##REF##11395423##14##]. The structures of several class 1 fusion proteins reveal a characteristic \"trimer-of-hairpins\" motif believed to represent a late or post-fusion conformation [##REF##10200260##16##, ####REF##9108481##17##, ##REF##9689046##18##, ##REF##11447278##19####11447278##19##,##REF##9844633##35##, ####REF##10077567##36##, ##REF##11038187##37####11038187##37##]. Investigating the way in which envelope proteins fold from a rod-like, pre-hairpin intermediate into the trimer-of-hairpins to pull the viral and cellular membranes together is important not only for our understanding of viral entry but also for the development of therapeutically relevant inhibitors of this process.</p>", "<p>The protein sequences of the TM ectodomains of BLV and HTLV-1 display a striking level of conservation. By scrutinizing the position of conserved residues in the context of the HTLV-1 six-helix-bundle structure, we have found that the majority of the conserved residues map to the interacting surfaces of the LHR and core coiled-coil. It is interesting to note that there are several non-conserved residues within the LHR of each virus; significantly, these modifications are mirrored by compensating substitutions within the specific area of the core coiled-coil with which the variant residue interacts (Figure ##FIG##0##1C##) and consequently, the association with the coiled coil is maintained. It appears that in order to support variation and speciation but to maintain biological function complementary regions of the fusion proteins have evolved in parallel. The greatest functional constraint and therefore most highly conserved regions map along the interacting surfaces of the trimer-of-hairpins. Conversely, regions of the TM that are likely exposed to the aqueous environment both during and after fusion exhibit considerable divergence and display relatively few amino acids in common. Such changes may reflect strong selective pressures exerted on the virus, perhaps due to the need for particular regions of the TM to interact functionally with the relatively divergent surface glycoproteins of the respective viruses. Alternatively, the selective pressure may be due to the differing immunological environments of the respective hosts. It is worth noting, that the TM and the trimer-of-hairpins of HTLV-1 are immunogenic [##REF##9223472##38##,##REF##17376912##39##], that antibodies targeting TM often recognise non-neutralizing conformational epitopes [##REF##17376912##39##,##REF##17940280##40##], and that trimer-of-hairpin structures are frequently displayed on the surface of infected cells [##REF##17940280##40##]. Whether or not these features of the TM contribute to the pathogenesis or immune evasion of leukaemia viruses remains to be determined.</p>", "<p>The HTLV-1-derived LHR-based peptide is able to inhibit membrane fusion mediated by the divergent envelope of HTLV-2 and, given the level of conservation between the HTLV-1 and BLV TM ectodomain, we anticipated that the HTLV-1-derived peptide P<sup>cr</sup>-400 would also inhibit the fusogenic activity of BLV envelope. Surprisingly, although P<sup>cr</sup>-400 is an extremely effective inhibitor of HTLV-1-mediated fusion, the peptide had no detectable activity in BLV syncytium interference assays. Moreover, the BLV LHR-based peptide P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 does not inhibit HTLV-1 envelope-catalysed syncytium formation. Sequence alignment and homology modelling (Figures ##FIG##0##1## and ##FIG##4##5##) indicate that within the first eight residues only two residues differ between the HTLV-1 and BLV peptides and these residues are likely to be solvent exposed and unable to contribute to the interaction with the core coiled-coil. The residues that determine the specificity of inhibition are therefore located within or overlapping the short α-helix or C-terminal leash segments of the peptide. In terms of peptide function, it is clear that the putative α-helix within the central region of these peptides is important for inhibitory activity. Nonetheless, both the N- and to the C-terminal leash residues contribute to the inhibitory properties of the peptide as deletion of these regions severely attenuates inhibitory activity. The structure of residues C-terminal of Asn421 in the HTLV-1 TM (equivalent to Gln412 of BLV Env) has not been resolved [##REF##10200260##16##]. Consequently, it is not yet possible to account in molecular terms for the conserved interactions beyond this point. However, our data highlight a number of features that play a key role in the biological activity of the BLV-derived peptide. The first three N-terminal amino acid residues appear to be critical to activity. Given the orientation of the phenylalanine residue in the BLV TM model and the equivalent Phe402 in the crystal structure of HTLV-1 TM, it is unlikely that this side chain directly contributes to the interaction with the coiled coil. Consistent with this view, Maerz et al. [##REF##10864675##41##] have demonstrated that Phe402 likely plays a structural role in pre-fusogenic envelope and is required for envelope processing, but likely becomes solvent exposed during assembly of the fusion-associated trimer-of-hairpins structure [##REF##10864675##41##]. Furthermore, although disulphide bonding regulates TM function [##REF##14685283##11##,##REF##15650193##12##] and association with the SU subunit [##REF##10684314##10##], the adjacent cysteines at the N-terminus of P<sup>cr</sup>-400 are not required for disulphide formation, for binding to the coiled-coil, or for inhibitory activity [##REF##18305034##22##]. Similarly, modification of the adjacent cysteine residues in the BLV-derived peptide reveals that disulphide formation is not required for coiled coil binding or inhibition of membrane fusion. The apparent requirement for the cysteine residues for functional activity of the BLV-derived peptide may reflect an intrinsic difference between BLV and HTLV-1 peptide target interactions. Currently, our preferred view is that the N-terminus of the BLV peptide aids alignment of the adjacent peptide sequences relative to the target-binding site on the coiled coil.</p>", "<p>A recurring theme in the interaction of the C-terminal helix of the trimer-of-hairpins with the coiled coil of viral fusion proteins is the interaction of non-polar side chains with deep pockets on the coiled coil [##REF##10200260##16##, ####REF##9108481##17##, ##REF##9689046##18####9689046##18##,##REF##9844633##35##,##REF##10077567##36##,##REF##10430879##42##]. The model for the BLV trimer-of-hairpins suggests that this is also the case for BLV and this interpretation is supported by the peptide inhibition data. The model suggests that a series of leucine residues, which include L404, L407 and L410, make contact with the coiled coil. Moreover, the inhibitory activity of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 is completely abrogated following substitution of all the leucine residues with alanine. Similar results have been observed for the P<sup>cr</sup>-400 inhibitor of HTLV-1 [##REF##12584351##20##]. In particular, two leucines, Leu413 and Leu419, are important for the inhibitory activity of P<sup>cr</sup>-400 [##REF##18305034##22##]. Leucine 413 is situated within the short α-helix, whereas Leu419 is situated within the C-terminal leash-like domain. Significantly, both of these leucine residues are conserved in BLV, at positions 404 and 410 respectively, and the model for the BLV trimer-of-hairpins suggests that they are located in areas of similar structure. Importantly, substitution of these residues in P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 results in a non-functional peptide. This is a significantly more dramatic outcome than is observed for specific substitutions at each of these residues in P<sup>cr</sup>-400 [##REF##18305034##22##] and suggests that disruption of both of the potential contacts made with the coiled coil has a profound cumulative effect on loss of peptide activity. Given that these leucines are critical to the inhibitory properties of the LHR-mimetic we suspect, and are currently testing the view, that within envelope such substitutions would severely impair envelope-mediated membrane fusion. Our data also reveal that P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 is significantly less potent against BLV than the comparable peptide (P<sup>cr</sup>-400) against HTLV-1. The structure and model of the HTLV-1 and BLV TM suggests a plausible explanation for this observation in that, relative to the HTLV-derived peptide, the BLV peptide displays a smaller surface area available for interaction with the core coiled-coil. In addition, non-conserved residues within the HTLV-1 peptide may contribute disproportionately to the stability of the interaction between the HTLV-1 peptide and the core coiled-coil. The model and accumulated data also underscore the importance of a deep pocket that is situated towards the membrane-proximal end of the trimer-of-hairpins and is conserved between leukaemia viruses. The peptide inhibitors engage this pocket and this interaction appears to contribute substantially to the stability of peptide association with the coiled coil and is required for optimal inhibitory activity. The data provides further validation of the BLV coiled coil and LHR model and reveals that conserved hydrophobic amino acid side-chains within the helical and non-helical regions mediate interaction of the peptide inhibitors with their target.</p>", "<p>An intriguing finding of this study is that, directed by analysis of the model structure, an improved inhibitor of BLV envelope-mediated membrane fusion can be generated by the substitution of a single amino acid residue, Arg403, with alanine. A similar observation has been made for the Ile412 residue of the HTLV-1 fusion inhibitors [##REF##18305034##22##]. Interestingly, the relative location of these beneficial substitutions is conserved: the BLV residue Arg403 and the HTLV-1 residue Ile412 are immediately N-terminal of an important coiled-coil contact mediated by a conserved leucine residue. It is likely that the substitutions relieve a steric and/or electrostatic clash between the peptides and the relevant viral core coiled-coil, and thereby allow the adjacent leucine residue to dock more effectively with the coiled coil. For BLV, the clash between Arg403 and the coiled coil is highlighted in the model of the trimer-of-hairpins (Figure ##FIG##4##5B##), and this structure is validated by the collected experimental data. Surprisingly, the data derived from the peptide inhibitors identifies a conserved position at which a residue impedes assembly of the trimer-of-hairpins. It appears that during evolution two related but diverging viruses have maintained non-optimal residues within the LHR and that the LHR has not been selected for the best possible fit with the coiled coil. It seems strange not only that such clashes occur, but that they occur in ostensibly the same place. Perhaps, these non-optimal residues act to modulate the fusogenic activity of the TM. It is worth noting that highly fusogenic or readily activated fusion proteins have been described for a number of viruses and these proteins display an array of mutations or deletions, implying that fusogenic activity is modulated by multiple regions of envelope [##REF##12502812##43##, ####REF##9499049##44##, ##REF##11711617##45##, ##REF##15914218##46####15914218##46##]. Of course, it is also possible that the non-optimal residues for LHR association with the coiled coil modulate envelope activity at an earlier pre-fusogenic stage of envelope assembly. Studies are currently underway to test these ideas. Importantly, the ability to remove residues that hinder LHR:coiled coil interaction provides an opportunity to design peptides with \"super-binding\" characteristics and thereby pave the way towards more drug-like HTLV-1 entry inhibitors.</p>", "<p>BLV is prevalent among cattle throughout many regions of the world [##REF##17362524##3##]. The combined effect of decreased milk production, mortality due to lymphoma, reduced productive lifespan and increased susceptibility of infected cattle to opportunistic pathogens has significant economic ramifications [##REF##17362524##3##]. Our data indicate that the core coiled-coil of gp30 is exposed at least transiently during the fusion process and is accessible to a small inhibitory peptide and that inhibitory peptides will be of significant utillity in the analysis of BLV entry into cells. Moreover, it will be interesting to determine if the BLV coiled coil is also accessible to neutralising antibodies and whether coiled-coil-based immunogens could be of value as components of a subunit vaccine to prevent BLV transmission between animals. Although retroviral TM displays significant resistance to neutralisation by coiled-coil-specific antibodies [##REF##14760422##47##,##REF##17940280##40##] recent efforts indicate that such hurdles can be successfully overcome [##REF##16203977##48##]. Moreover, attenuated BLV strains provide long-term protection against experimental BLV infection of cattle [##REF##10725421##49##]; and an HTLV-1 envelope-derived subunit vaccine candidate provides significant protection against virus challenge in primate models [##REF##9010298##50##]. The accumulating evidence therefore suggests that a subunit vaccine based on viral envelope may be an achievable objective for prophylactic treatment against leukaemia virus infections.</p>", "<p>Our data further define a membrane-proximal region of TM that is conserved between BLV and HTLV-1, which has potential as an anti-HTLV-1 drug target. This study demonstrates that comparative analysis of BLV and HTLV-1 induced membrane fusion will provide significant insight into envelope function and ultimately will be of value in the quest for compounds that block HTLV-1 entry into cells.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Human T-cell leukaemia virus (HTLV-1) and bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) entry into cells is mediated by envelope glycoprotein catalyzed membrane fusion and is achieved by folding of the transmembrane glycoprotein (TM) from a rod-like pre-hairpin intermediate to a trimer-of-hairpins. For HTLV-1 and for several virus groups this process is sensitive to inhibition by peptides that mimic the C-terminal α-helical region of the trimer-of-hairpins.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>We now show that amino acids that are conserved between BLV and HTLV-1 TM tend to map to the hydrophobic groove of the central triple-stranded coiled coil and to the leash and C-terminal α-helical region (LHR) of the trimer-of-hairpins. Remarkably, despite this conservation, BLV envelope was profoundly resistant to inhibition by HTLV-1-derived LHR-mimetics. Conversely, a BLV LHR-mimetic peptide antagonized BLV envelope-mediated membrane fusion but failed to inhibit HTLV-1-induced fusion. Notably, conserved leucine residues are critical to the inhibitory activity of the BLV LHR-based peptides. Homology modeling indicated that hydrophobic residues in the BLV LHR likely make direct contact with a pocket at the membrane-proximal end of the core coiled-coil and disruption of these interactions severely impaired the activity of the BLV inhibitor. Finally, the structural predictions assisted the design of a more potent antagonist of BLV membrane fusion.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>A conserved region of the HTLV-1 and BLV coiled coil is a target for peptide inhibitors of envelope-mediated membrane fusion and HTLV-1 entry. Nevertheless, the LHR-based inhibitors are highly specific to the virus from which the peptide was derived. We provide a model structure for the BLV LHR and coiled coil, which will facilitate comparative analysis of leukaemia virus TM function and may provide information of value in the development of improved, therapeutically relevant, antagonists of HTLV-1 entry into cells.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>DL performed the experiments and helped to draft the manuscript, AS provided technical expertise in molecular modeling, DvA provided assistance and technical expertise in structural analysis, DWB designed the experiments and wrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank Dr Arsène Burny and Dr Luc Willems for kindly supplying reagents. The Leukaemia Research Fund generously supported this work through a project grant (LRF-354) to D.W.B. D.L. is the recipient of a Medical Research Council studentship. D.v.A. is supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship. We thank Clare Connolly, Dr Daniella Zheleva and Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for assistance with laser nephelometry.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Analysis of the conserved regions of BLV and HTLV-1 TM</bold>. (A) Alignment of the BLV and HTLV-1 TM sequences, the predicted coiled coil of BLV TM is indicated between the arrow heads; the LHR is in bold; the helical regions of the HTLV-1 TM are boxed; the limits of the HTLV-1 crystal structure are marked by asters; and the membrane spanning region is underlined. (B) The HTLV-1 core coiled-coil and, on the right, the leash and α-helical region that is mimicked by the HTLV-1 inhibitory peptide (from PDB <ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1MG1\">1MG1</ext-link>). The face of the peptide that interacts with the coiled coil is shown. For the sequence alignment and structural renderings, residues identical between BLV and HTLV-1 are shown in red, conservative substitutions are blue, and non-conserved are rendered white. Amino acid coordinates refer to the full-length envelope precursor. (C) Detail of the predicted interaction of the HTLV-1 LHR-mimetic peptide (ribbon structure) with the surface of the coiled coil (space filling form) based on the structure of Kobe <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##10200260##16##]; shading as above.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>BLV Env-induced syncytia</bold>. Mock transfected HeLa cells (Mock) or HeLa cells transfected with pRSV-Rev alone (<italic>rev</italic>), pCMV-BLVenv-RRE alone (<italic>env</italic>), or both pRSV-Rev and pCMV-BLVenv-RRE (<italic>rev </italic>+ <italic>env</italic>) were co-cultured with target untransfected HeLa cells. Cells were stained with Giemsa and typical syncytia profiles are shown.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>The specificity of peptide inhibitors of Envelope-mediated membrane fusion is limited to the parental virus</bold>. HeLa cells expressing HTLV-1 (A) or BLV (B) envelope were used as effector cells and co-cultured with untransfected HeLa cells. Cells were incubated in the presence of the peptides P<sup>cr</sup>-400, P<sup>BLV</sup>-391, P<sup>cr</sup>-400 L/A a non-functional derivative of P<sup>cr</sup>-400 [##REF##12584351##20##], or the control HIV C helix mimetic peptide C34 [##REF##9861018##51##]. (C) Syncytia formation between BLV infected FLK cells and non-infected HeLa cells. Syncytia were counted in 10 low-power light microscope fields. Data points show the mean ± SD of triplicate assays.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Deletions or substitutions of specific amino acids in P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 have a detrimental effect on inhibitory activity</bold>. Syncytium interference assays using BLV envelope-expressing HeLa cells as effectors. (A) The inhibitory properties of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391, P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔN, P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔC and the P<sup>cr</sup>-400 control were examined. (B) The activity of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391, the derivative P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔCCF, and the control peptide P<sup>cr</sup>-400 were compared. (C) The activity of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 was compared to Bio-P<sup>BLV</sup>-391<sup>Ar </sup>a biotinylated peptide recovered from the flow-through of an amylose column (see methods), Bio-P<sup>BLV</sup>-391<sup>Sd </sup>the same peptide depleted over a streptavidin column (volumes of column buffer equal to those required to give the specified concentrations of Bio-P<sup>BLV</sup>-391<sup>Ar </sup>were used), and the control peptide C34. (D) The inhibitory properties of P<sup>BLV</sup>-391, P<sup>BLV</sup>-L/A, P<sup>BLV</sup>-L404/410A and the control P<sup>cr</sup>-400 were compared. Syncytia were counted in 10 low-power light microscope fields. Data points show the mean ± SD of triplicate assays.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>Homology model of the BLV core coiled-coil and the interacting LHR</bold>. The protein sequence of BLV TM was modelled onto the HTLV-1 TM ectodomain structure (PDB ID <ext-link ext-link-type=\"pdb\" xlink:href=\"1MG1\">1MG1</ext-link>). (A) The predicted BLV core coiled-coil is shown as a space-filling model in grey with the LHR in green. (B) Detail of the coiled coil in blue, grey and red, with the C-terminal section mimicked by P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 shown as a green ribbon, the predicted position of relevant side chains are shown as sticks. The membrane proximal region is uppermost. The arrowhead marks the position of Leu404.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p><bold>Substitution of a single arginine residue with alanine yields an improved inhibitor</bold>. The syncytium inhibition activity of the peptides P<sup>cr</sup>-400, P<sup>BLV</sup>-391 and the derivative peptide P<sup>BLV</sup>-R403A was examined. The percentage syncytium inhibition following co-incubation of cells with the peptides is shown. Syncytia were counted in 10 low-power light microscope fields. Data points show the mean ± SD of triplicate assays. The asters show the data points for which the <italic>p </italic>values were calculated (see main text).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Peptides used in this study.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">Peptide</td><td align=\"center\">Amino Acid Position</td><td align=\"center\">Sequence</td><td align=\"left\">MW</td><td align=\"center\">Maximum Solubility (μM)*</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>cr</sup>-400</td><td align=\"center\">gp21 400–429</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>CCFLNITNSHVSILQERPPLENRVLTGWGL       </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">3,411</td><td align=\"center\">&gt; 90.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>cr</sup>-400 L/A</td><td align=\"center\">gp21 400–429</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>---A---------A-----A----A----A       </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">3,200</td><td align=\"center\">45.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>BLV</sup>-391</td><td align=\"center\">gp30 391–419</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>CCFLRIQNDSIIRLGDLQPLSQRVSTDWQ        </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">3,447</td><td align=\"center\">&gt; 90.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔN</td><td align=\"center\">gp30 400–419</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>         S-------------------        </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">2,312</td><td align=\"center\">&gt; 90.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔC</td><td align=\"center\">gp30 391–410</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>-------------------L                </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">2,317</td><td align=\"center\">&gt; 90.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>BLV</sup>-L/A</td><td align=\"center\">gp30 391–419</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>---A---------A--A--A---------       </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">3,236</td><td align=\"center\">45.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>BLV</sup>-L404/410A</td><td align=\"center\">gp30 391–419</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>-------------A-----A---------       </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">3,321</td><td align=\"center\">&gt; 90.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>BLV</sup>-ΔCCF</td><td align=\"center\">gp30 394–419</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>   L-------------------------       </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">3,052</td><td align=\"center\">11.25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">P<sup>BLV</sup>-R403A</td><td align=\"center\">gp30 391–419</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>------------A----------------       </monospace></td><td align=\"left\">3,321</td><td align=\"center\">22.50</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">C34</td><td align=\"center\">gp41 627–661</td><td align=\"left\"><monospace>GWMEWDREINNYTSLLIHSLIEESQNQQEKNEQELL</monospace></td><td align=\"left\">4,418</td><td align=\"center\">&gt; 90.00</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* Maximum solubility in aqueous solution determined by laser nephelometry.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-70-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-70-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-70-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-70-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-70-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1742-4690-5-70-6\"/>" ]
[{"collab": ["Anonymous"], "article-title": ["Human T-cell Lymphotropic viruses"], "source": ["Human Immunodeficiency viruses and human T-cell lymphotropic viruses"], "year": ["1996"], "volume": ["67"], "publisher-name": ["Group IW: IARC Monographs"], "fpage": ["261"], "lpage": ["390"]}, {"surname": ["Cann", "Chen"], "given-names": ["AJ", "ISY"], "article-title": ["Human T-cell Leukaemia virus types I and II"], "source": ["Fields Virology"], "year": ["1996"], "volume": ["2"], "edition": ["3"], "publisher-name": ["Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven"], "fpage": ["1849"], "lpage": ["1880"], "comment": ["[Fields BN, Knipe, D.M., Howley, P.M., Channock, R.M., Melnick, J.L., Monath, T.P., Roizman, B. and Straus, S.E. (Series Editor)"]}, {"surname": ["Lindahl EaH", "Spoel"], "given-names": ["B", "D van der"], "article-title": ["Gromacs 3.0: a package for molecular simulation and trajectory analysis"], "source": ["J Mol Mod"], "year": ["2001"], "volume": ["7"], "fpage": ["306"], "lpage": ["317"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:34
Retrovirology. 2008 Aug 4; 5:70
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Langerhans cells (LC) are specialized dendritic cells (DC) normally found in the epidermis and mucosal stratified epithelia ##REF##10837075##[1]##–##REF##9561375##[5]##. Contrary to myeloid and plasmacytoid DC, LC express the C-type lectin CD207 (Langerin), the major constituent of Birbeck granules, which represent the hallmark of LC ##REF##3534103##[6]##–##REF##10661407##[8]##. LC also express a characteristic set of cell-surface molecules, such as cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLA), E-cadherin and the CC chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6) ##REF##9294137##[9]##–##REF##8867763##[13]##. As immature cells, their primary function is to sense the environment for danger signals and capture antigens; then LC undergo a process of functional and phenotypic maturation and migrate to the regional lymph nodes ##REF##9561375##[5]##; ##REF##15963754##[10]##; ##UREF##0##[14]##; ##REF##17048704##[15]##.</p>", "<p>Several evidences suggest that LC are of myeloid origin and can differentiate from monocytes or CD34<sup>+</sup> precursors ##REF##1279441##[16]##–##REF##8759731##[20]##. While the generation of DC from monocytes requires GM-CSF and IL-4 only, the additional presence of TGFβ1 in the cytokine milieu appears to be essential for the development of LC ##REF##10725716##[17]##; ##REF##9500798##[18]##. Accordingly, TGFβ1-deficient mice display a severe defect in LC, but not in DC, development ##REF##8976197##[21]##. IL-15 is the only other cytokine known until now to skew monocyte differentiation toward LC-type DC; though, IL-15-derived LC are Langerin<sup>+</sup> but lack Birbeck granules ##REF##11581322##[22]##.</p>", "<p>According to the current model of LC differentiation, in steady-state conditions LC are maintained locally by a stable renewable population present in the skin ##REF##12415265##[23]##–##REF##17170756##[25]##. The existence of skin-resident LC precursors was postulated by Lareggina et al who described dermal CD14<sup>+</sup> cells that express Langerin and CCR6 and are able to acquire LC features when cultured in the presence of TGFβ1 ##REF##11702065##[26]##. When the skin is exposed to inflammatory stimuli (UV rays, infections, allergens) LC increase their expression of class II MHC and costimulatory molecules and migrate to regional lymph nodes. In this situation of accelerated turnover, LC are replaced by blood-borne precursors such as inflammatory Gr-1<sup>+</sup> monocytes recruited through a CCR2-dependent mechanism ##REF##12415265##[23]##; ##REF##16444257##[27]##; ##REF##16482165##[28]##.</p>", "<p>The epidermal environment can contribute to the attraction of precursors and to their differentiation into LC. Keratinocyte production of MIP-3α/CCL20 and TGF may direct CCR6<sup>+</sup> LC precursors to the epidermis and induce their entry into the LC pathway, respectively ##REF##9294137##[9]##; ##REF##9500798##[18]##; ##REF##8976197##[21]##. However, LC differentiation could also depend on the dermal cytokine environment once LC precursors have entered the skin to colonize the dermis, or are trafficking through the dermis to the overlying epidermis. Indeed, emerging evidence support the concept that in certain skin pathological conditions a conspicuous expansion of the LC population occurs within the dermis ##REF##17514517##[29]##–##REF##15714455##[32]## suggesting, that LC differentiation factors might also be produced within the dermal compartment.</p>", "<p>Activin A is a member of the TGFβ1 family initially identified for its ability to control the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone. Activin A is presently also known for its activity on growth and differentiation of various cell types during organogenesis, and for its role in wound healing, inflammation and tumor progression ##REF##11815670##[33]##–##REF##15451577##[36]##. Activin A binds to specific transmembrane serine/threonine kinase receptors (ActRIB and ActRII) and to follistatin, a secreted protein that inhibits protein functions by sequestration ##REF##8622651##[37]##–##REF##8340384##[39]##. Activin A is strongly induced after skin injury, probably by serum growth factors released upon haemorrhage and by macrophage-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines ##REF##8606007##[40]##; ##REF##8892977##[41]##. Transgenic mice overexpressing Activin A in the epidermis show strong hyperthickened epidermis, accelerated wound healing and enhanced scarring ##REF##16127153##[42]##; ##REF##10508154##[43]##. Conversely, in transgenic mice overexpressing the antagonist follistatin, skin wound closure is delayed and scar formation reduced ##REF##11574468##[44]##. Curiously, LC are strongly reduced in the skin of follistatin transgenic mice, suggesting a role of Activin A in LC biology ##REF##16180311##[45]##.</p>", "<p>This study shows that Activin A induces the differentiation of LC in vitro and ex-vivo and candidates Activin A as a new differentiation pathway that might be relevant in conditions characterized by the local production of Activin A and accumulation of LC.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<p>The study was conducted in accordance with a protocol approved by the Spedali Civili of Brescia Institutional Ethical Board (Brescia, Italy) and the Board of the CTO Hospital (Turin, Italy); written informed consent was obtained from all patients.</p>", "<title>Cell cultures</title>", "<p>CD14<sup>+</sup> monocytes were isolated from buffy coats (Centro Trasfusionale Brescia, Italy) by positive magnetic separation using CD14 immunomagnetic beads (Miltenyi Biotec, Auburn, CA) ##REF##16189275##[60]##. To generate LC, monocytes were cultured for 6 days in 6 wells tissue culture plates (Costar, Corning, Cambridge, MA) in 10% heat-inactivated FCS RPMI 1640 (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) supplemented with 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin, 2 mM L-glutamine. GM-CSF 100ng/ml and IL-4 10 ng/ml were added at day 0. 10ng/ml TGFβ1 or 100 ng/ml Activin A were also added at day 0. All cytokines were from Peprotech, Rocky Hill, NJ. Half the culture medium was replaced with fresh medium containing cytokines on day 2 and 4. LC maturation was induced by incubation with CD40L-transfected J558 cells (1∶4 ratio) for 24 hrs.</p>", "<title>Flow cytometric analysis</title>", "<p>Surface phenotype analysis was performed using the following antibodies: phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated anti-CD1a (anti-CD1a-PE), anti-Langerin (CD207)-PE, anti-E-cadherin, and anti-CD83-PE (Immunotech, Marseille, France); anti-human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-ABC-PE and FITC-conjugated anti-CD1a (anti-CD1a-FITC; Dako, Glostrup, Denmark); anti-HLA-DR-PE, anti-CD80-PE, (BD PharMingen, San Diego, CA); anti-CD86-PE, anti-CD14-PE, anti-CC chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7)-PE, and anti-CCR6-FITC (R&amp;D Systems). Anti-CLA-FITC rat mAb (BD PharMingen) was also used. Mouse immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1)-PE, mouse IgG1-FITC, rat anti-mouse IgG1-FITC, and rat IgG2a-PE were from BD Pharmingen. Purified mouse IgG1 (R&amp;D Systems), rat IgM-FITC, mouse IgG2b-PE, mouse IgG2a-PE (BD PharMingen), or mouse IgG2b-FITC (Beckman Coulter, Hialeah, FL) were used as an isotype control. Cells were analyzed with a FACScan flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA) using CellQuest software.</p>", "<title>Transmission electron microscopy</title>", "<p>10<sup>6</sup> cells were fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4) and postfixed with 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4). Next, cells were dehydrated through a graded series of ethanol and embedded in araldite (Poersch, Frankfurt, Germany). Ultrathin sections were counterstained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and were examined with a Zeiss electron microscope (EM 906, Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany).</p>", "<title>Evaluation of DC functions</title>", "<p>Irradiated immature and CD40L-stimulated LC were added in triplicate in graded doses to 2×10<sup>5</sup> purified allogeneic T cells in 96-well round-bottom plates. [<sup>3</sup>H]Thymidine incorporation was measured on day 5 after a 16-h pulse (5 Ci/µmol; Amersham Biosciences, Freiburg, Germany). Human IL-12p70, Activin A, TGFβ1, MDC/CCL22, TARC/CCL17, MIP-3α/CCL20 protein levels in the culture supernatants were measured by sandwich ELISA (R&amp;D Systems, Minneapolis, MN). DC migration was evaluated using a 48-well microchemotaxis chamber (Neuroprobe, Pleasanton, CA) with 5-µm pore size polyvinylpyrrolidone polycarbonate filters (Neuroprobe) as previously described ##REF##12646652##[61]##.</p>", "<title>RNA purification and real time RT-PCR analysis</title>", "<p>RNA samples, extracted by using TRIzol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), were treated with DNase (Invitrogen) and single-stranded complementary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized by reverse transcription of 2 µg total RNA using random hexamers and the Superscript First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR (Invitrogen). The cDNAs were then amplified in duplicate by real-time PCR using the Platinum SYBR Green (Invitrogen) in a final volume of 25 µl and quantitative analysis was carried out as previously described ##REF##17576240##[47]##. The sequences of primers were as follows: Activin A (sense <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-GCA GAA ATG AAT GAA CTT ATG GA-3′</named-content>; antisense <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-GTC TTC CTG GCT GTT CCT GAC T-3′</named-content>), TGFβ1 (sense <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-GCG TGC TAA TGG TGG AAA-3′</named-content>; antisense <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-CGG TGA CAT CAA AGA TAA CCA C-3′</named-content>), β-actin (sense, <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-GTT GCT ATC CAG GCT GTG-3′</named-content>; antisense, <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-TGT CCA CGT CAC ACT TCA-3′</named-content>).</p>", "<title>Skin explant cultures</title>", "<p>Skin specimens were obtained from patients undergoing corrective breast or abdominal plastic surgery. Cytokines were injected into the dermis with a MicroFine insulin syringe (29 gauge needle) in the indicated amounts and in a total volume of 20 µl. At the site of injection, a ∼5-mm wheal appeared and a 6 mm punch biopsy was taken. For immunohistochemistry, skin biopsies were cultured at air-medium interface with the epidermis side up in a six-well culture plate (Costar) on sterilized stainless steel grids covered with a filter (Millipore, Bedford, MA; 45 µm), at 37° C in 5% CO<sub>2</sub> humidified air ##REF##16751366##[46]##; ##REF##12391253##[62]##. At the indicated times, the explants were harvested, snap frozen, and stored in liquid nitrogen. To study phenotypic development of epidermal and dermal DC separately, the epidermal and dermal layers were separated by dispase digestion for 1 h at 37°C (Dispase grade II, 50mg/ml; Roche). To obtain emigrated skin cells, the epidermal and dermal layers were placed directly in 1 ml culture medium (floating with epidermis side up) in a 48-well culture plate (Costar) with 100 ng/ml Activin A. After 7 h, migratory cells were collected, counted in hemocytometers using trypan blue exclusion and cultured in the presence of GM-CSF and Activin A for 6 days.</p>", "<title>Tissue specimens and staining procedures</title>", "<p>Paraffin embedded tissue blocks were taken from the archive of the Department of Pathology of the University of Brescia/Spedali Civili di Brescia; tissues included normal skin, oral (13 cases) and cutaneous (21 cases) lichen planus and granulosa cell tumors (3 cases). Four micron tissue sections were used for immunohistochemical staining using primary Abs to the following antigens: human Activin A (clone E4, dilution 1∶50, Serotec, Oxford, UK), human Langerin (clone 12D6, 1∶200, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA), human Factor VIII-related antigen (rabbit polyclonal, 1∶100, Neomarkers, Westnghouse, CA). Upon antigen retrieval with microwave treatment (3 cycles of 5 min×750 W) or thermostatic bath (40′ at 89°) in EDTA buffer solution, reactivity was revealed using Real EnVision Mouse/Rabbit-HRP (DakoCytomation, Glostrup, Denmark) or SuperSensitive IHC Detection System (BioGenex, San Ramon, CA). For double-immunofluorescence staining anti-human Langerin and Factor VIII-related antigen were revealed respectively using a goat anti-mouse IgG2b (1∶75, Southern Biotek, Birmingham, AL) followed by Streptavidin Texas Red (1∶75, Southern Biotek) and a FITC-conjugated swine anti-rabbit (1∶30, Dako Cytomation). For immunohistochemical staining of Activin A, positive tissue control was represented by granulosa cell tumors that strongly expressed this protein ##REF##9196439##[63]##; no reactivity was observed when omission of primary Ab and irrelevant isotype matched primary antibody were used. Immunostained sections were independently examined by two pathologists (WV and FF); digital images taken using the Olympus BX60 microscope and a DP-70 Olympus digital camera were processed using Analysis Image Processing software.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Activin A induces the differentiation of circulating monocytes into DC with phenotypic and ultrastructural features of LC</title>", "<p>Highly purified monocytes were cultured for 6 days with Activin A in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4, two cytokines that were shown to cooperate with TGFβ1 in the differentiation of monocytes to LC ##REF##1279441##[16]##; ##REF##9500798##[18]##. These cells (thereafter called Act A-LC to differentiate them from TGFβ1-LC) were CD14<sup>−</sup> and expressed typical LC markers, such as CD1a, Langerin, E-caderin, CLA and CCR6. At day 6, Act A-LC presented an immature phenotype with a modest expression of CD80, CCR7 and CD83 (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A##). The presence of Birbeck granules, the hallmark of epidermal LC ##REF##11809842##[7]## was assessed by transmission electron microscopy on ultrathin-sections of Act A-LC cells (##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##). These cells displayed dendritic morphology with slightly off centred indented nuclei. The cytoplasm contained Birbeck granules, cytoplasmic organelles with rod like profile, electron-opaque central lamella and rounded ends. More open-ended tennis-racket shaped granules were also observed. Taken together this set of data indicates that Activin A, in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4, induces the differentiation of circulating monocytes into LC. The possibility that the effect of Activin A could be due to the secondary induction of TGFβ, was investigated by real-time PCR. As shown in ##FIG##0##Figure 1C##, TGFβ1 mRNA was barely detectable in Act A-LC cultures and similar results were obtained for TGFβ2 and TGFβ3 (data not shown); TGFβ1 was also weakly induced in TGFβ1-LC. On the contrary, Activin A mRNA was strongly upregulated by both Activin A and TGFβ1, suggesting the existence of an amplificatory loop. In agreement with mRNA levels, TGFβ1 concentration was below the detection limits (sensitivity 4.61 pg/ml) in Act A-LC supernatants, whereas Activin A was induced at 1.05 ng/10<sup>6</sup> cells (n = 5, n = 6) in TGFβ1-LC. Furthermore, Act A-LC generation was not blocked by the addition of anti-TGFβ1 (data not shown), supporting a TGFβ1-independent differentiation of Act A-LC. Finally, it was tested whether bone morphogenetic protein (BMP-6), another TGF family member protein, could also induce LC differentiation. ##FIG##0##Figure 1D## shows that BMP-6 did not sustain phenotypic LC differentiation, indicating that the ability to induce LC differentiation is not a general feature shared by all TGFβ family member proteins.</p>", "<title>Phenotypical and functional characterization of Act A-LC</title>", "<p>Membrane phenotype and functions were tested in immature and CD40L-mature Act A-LC. As shown in ##FIG##1##Figure 2A## CD40L-activated Act A-LC showed increased surface expression of CD80 and CD83 as well as the expression of CXCR4 and CCR7, two maturation-associated chemokine receptors; these data are consistent with the acquisition of a mature phenotype. Immature Act A-LC efficiently stimulated T cell proliferation and their allostimulatory capacity was further enhanced upon maturation (##FIG##1##Fig. 2B##). In agreement with the expression of CCR6 (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A## and data not shown), immature, but not mature Act A-LC migrated in response to CCL20 (##FIG##1##Fig. 2C##). On the contrary, CD40L-mature cells migrated in response to CCL19, one of the CCR7 ligands (data not shown). Finally, CD40L-activated Act A-DC secreted IL-12p70, TNF, CCL22 and CCL20 in a similar manner to TGFβ1-LC, with the exception of IL-12 which was consistently produced at higher levels by Act A-LC (##FIG##1##Fig. 2D##). Therefore, LC generated in the presence of Activin A have the capacity to undergo a full maturation process based on membrane phenotype, migration and functional properties.</p>", "<title>Activin A induces the generation of Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells ex-vivo in human skin explants</title>", "<p>To investigate the ability of Activin A to induce LC differentiation within the skin milieu, skin explants were intradermally injected with Activin A and subsequently cultured in six-well culture plates at the air-medium interface with the epidermis side up ##REF##16751366##[46]##. Explants were subsequently removed and examined by immunohistochemistry. As expected, fresh, untreated skin explants revealed several Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells within the epidermis (##FIG##2##Fig. 3##) and a similar picture was observed following the injection of medium. Instead, the inoculation of 100 ng Activin A led to a profound increase in the number of Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells both in the epidermis and in the dermal layer, with a maximal induction observed 72 hrs after the injection. The increase of the number of Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells was of about 2-fold and 10-fold (n = 6) in the epidermis and dermis, respectively, and was statistically significant with respect to control skin (p&lt;0.05, by Student's t-test; ##FIG##2##Fig. 3##). The number of CD1a<sup>+</sup> cells also increased in parallel to Langerin expression (data not shown). These results show that Activin A is able to induce the differentiation of LC precursors resident within normal skin.</p>", "<title>Activin A promotes LC differentiation from precursors cells present in the dermal layer</title>", "<p>To exclude that the increased number of LC observed in the dermis following Activin A injection could be due to migration of LC from the epidermis, the dermis was separated by dispase digestion and thereafter injected with Activin A. Also under these experimental conditions, Activin A inoculation strongly increased the number of Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells (##FIG##3##Fig. 4##). To better address the potential of dermal precursors to differentiate into LC under the influence of Activin A, skin migratory cells were recovered from dermal layers and subsequently cultured in the presence of Activin A. At day 6 of culture, a consistent number of cells, 15% and 20% were positive for CD1a and Langerin, respectively. Conversely, no Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells could be detected in the absence of Activin A. Altogether, these data show that skin precursors, present within the dermis, can be induced to differentiate into LC by Activin A.</p>", "<title>Dermal accumulation of Langerhans cells in lichen planus is associated with abundant production of Activin A</title>", "<p>Although LC are predominantly confined to the epidermis, we and others have recently documented that in certain pathological conditions, such as lichen planus, LC are also abundantly found in the stromal compartment ##REF##17514517##[29]##; ##REF##11696204##[30]##; ##REF##15714455##[32]##. As shown in ##FIG##4##Fig. 5## (panel a), in normal skin and mucosa LC are regularly distributed within the epithelium in the basal and suprabasal layers and are easily recognized based on their dendritic morphology and expression of Langerin ##REF##11809842##[7]##. On the contrary, in the large majority of the lichen planus cases investigated (32/34) variable numbers of Langerin<sup>+</sup> dendritic cells were identifiable in the stromal compartment (##FIG##4##Fig. 5##, panel b), distributed as sparse cells or clusters within the mononuclear infiltrate (##FIG##4##Fig. 5##, panel c). Of interest, many of these Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells were detected in close proximity to blood vessels, as shown by double immunofluorescence for Langerin and Factor VIII-related antigen (##FIG##4##Fig. 5##, panel c, inset). In normal skin a weak reactivity for Activin A was detected in epidermal keratinocytes and rare spindle cells (likely representing dermal macrophages or dendritic cells); a stronger positivity was also observed in scattered mast cell ##REF##17576240##[47]## (##FIG##4##Fig. 5##, panel d). Compared to normal skin, lesional skin and mucosa from lichen planus biopsies showed strong induction of Activin A in the upper layers of the epidermis and, particularly, in the stromal compartment (##FIG##4##Figure 5##, panel panel e). In the latter, Activin A was mostly produced by non-lymphoid mononuclear cells, endothelial cells and mast cells (##FIG##4##Figure 5##, panel f)</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>This study reports that Activin A, a protein abundantly produced in the skin during normal and pathological wound healing ##REF##8606007##[40]##; ##REF##17576240##[47]## and inflammatory/autoimmune diseases (this study), induces the differentiation of human CD14<sup>+</sup> monocytes in Langerin<sup>+</sup>, Birbeck granules<sup>+</sup>, E-cadherin<sup>+</sup>, CLA<sup>+</sup> and CCR6<sup>+</sup> cells. LC originate in vitro from CD34<sup>+</sup> bone marrow precursors ##REF##1279441##[16]##; ##REF##10725716##[17]##; ##REF##8839846##[19]##; ##REF##8759731##[20]##. Monocytes also represent LC blood precursor cells in vitro and in vivo ##REF##9500798##[18]##; ##REF##11581322##[22]##; ##REF##16444257##[27]##; ##REF##16482165##[28]##. Indeed, CD14<sup>+</sup> cells can be induced to differentiate into LC by a cytokine combination including GM-CSF, IL-4 and TGFβ1 ##REF##9500798##[18]##. The crucial role of TGFβ in LC differentiation has been clearly documented by the observation that TGFβ1 null mice are devoid of LC ##REF##8976197##[21]##. More recently, it was shown that the cytokine milieu present at the inflammatory site may favour LC differentiation through an alternative pathway ##REF##11581322##[22]##; ##REF##16482165##[28]##. Indeed, in vitro experiments have shown that IL-15, in cooperation with GM-CSF, induces the differentiation of monocytes into cells that express LC markers, such as E-cadherin, CCR6 and Langerin but lacking the expression of conventional Birbeck granules ##REF##11581322##[22]##. The present study adds Activin A to the limited list of cytokines that possess the potential to promote LC differentiation. Activin A is a member of the TGFβ family and shares some of the intra-cellular signalling pathways with this cytokine ##REF##10593858##[48]##. However, the ability to induce LC differentiation is not a general feature shared by all TGFβ family member proteins, as documented by the lack of activity of BMP-6 in our assay conditions. The selective action of Activin A versus BMP-6 is likely to be due to the usage of specific transmembrane receptors and the activation of different signalling pathways ##REF##14746809##[49]##; ##REF##9529613##[50]##.</p>", "<p>LC form a cellular network in the epidermis that constitutes the first immunological barrier against pathogens and dangerous insults. Following antigen capture, LC leave the epidermis by a mechanism that depends on the expression of chemotactic receptors, adhesion molecules and proteases ##REF##15963754##[10]##; ##UREF##0##[14]##; ##REF##8393477##[51]##. Emigrating skin cells enter lymphatic vessels located in the superficial dermis to finally reach draining lymph nodes where they present processed antigens to naïve T cells ##REF##2230654##[52]##. During this migratory process, LC acquire a mature phenotype that is associated with the expression of homing receptors, co-stimulatory molecules and the ability to release several cytokines ##REF##15963754##[10]##; ##REF##2230654##[52]##; ##REF##11012599##[53]##. The results presented in this study show that LC generated in the presence of Activin A are fully competent to undergo a maturation process, as evaluated by the expression of CCR7 and the downregulation of CCR6, the expression of CD80 and CD83, the ability to induce T cell proliferation and to secrete high levels of chemokines (i.e. CCL20 and CCL22) and cytokines (TNF-α, IL-12p70).</p>", "<p>LC are normally confined to the basal and suprabasal layer of the epidermis and stratified epithelia of mucosal surfaces. These cells are clearly distinct from dermal/interstitial DC which lack Birbeck granules and Langerin expression, but express DC-SIGN, Factor XIIIa and more rarely CD1a ##REF##2576222##[54]##–##REF##12352970##[58]##. The current view proposes that under steady-state conditions, dermal-resident CD14<sup>+</sup> precursor cells have the potential to migrate to the epidermis in response to CCL20 and there, in the presence of keratinocyte-derived TGFβ, differentiate into immature resident LC characterized by a weak T cell stimulatory activity. In the presence of the cytokine rich milieu that characterizes many pathological conditions, migratory CD14<sup>+</sup> cells further differentiate into more mature LC which possess a higher antigen presenting activity ##REF##17170756##[25]##; ##REF##11702065##[26]##; ##REF##16482165##[28]##. In order to evaluate the potential of skin resident precursor cells to differentiate into LC in response to Activin A, we performed experiments in which skin biopsies were inoculated ex-vivo with Activin A and further incubated in vitro ##REF##16751366##[46]##. The immunohistochemical evaluation of these skin explants clearly show that the injection of Activin A induced a strong increase in the number of Langerin<sup>+</sup>/CD1a<sup>+</sup> cells in both the epidermal and dermal compartments in a time-dependent manner. Due to the experimental conditions employed, Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells must have originated from skin-resident precursor cells. Further we show that Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells can be induced to differentiate by Activin A within the dermis in the absence of epidermis. In agreement with these results, cells emigrated from skin explants could also be induced to differentiate into Langerin<sup>+</sup>/CD1a<sup>+</sup> cells by the presence of Activin A in vitro. These findings are compatible with the description of CD14<sup>+</sup>, Langerin<sup>+</sup> LC precursors located in the superficial and deep dermis, predominantly in perivascular areas ##REF##7504023##[24]##; ##REF##11702065##[26]##. Although the precise characterization of Activin A-responsive dermal LC precursors is beyond the aim of the present study, these results clearly document that Activin A can induce the local differentiation of dermal LC precursors. In this contest it is interesting to note that Stoitzner et al. reported that in mice overexpressing in the follistatin, the natural Activin A antagonist, the number of LC is reduced ##REF##16180311##[45]##.</p>", "<p>Although Activin A is very weakly expressed in normal skin, its expression was dramatically increased in lichen planus biopsies. In this condition, Activin A was expressed both in the superficial epidermis and in the dermis by stromal cells, infiltrating leukocytes, including mast cells and some blood vessels. As expected on the basis of previous work ##REF##17514517##[29]##–##REF##15714455##[32]##, lichen planus biopsies show a prominent increase in the number of LC which were present in the deep and superficial derma and in the epidermis. Of note, LC were often present in clusters localized around Factor VIII<sup>+</sup> blood vessels, suggesting the involvement of newly vascular-recruited precursor cells. Although these data generated in a human disease do not allow formal conclusions, it is tempting to speculate that during certain pathological conditions characterized by the local expression of Activin A and inflammatory cytokines (such as GM-CSF and IL-4), dermal LC precursors, or newly recruited blood elements, can be induced to differentiate to LC within the stromal compartment. This model may help to explain the origin of LC localized in the deep dermal layers, away from the epidermis and from superficial lymphatic vessels.</p>", "<p>Lichen planus is an autoimmune disease characterized by a prominent cellular infiltrate mainly composed of DC, LC, cytotoxic T lymphocytes and NK cells, localized in close proximity of apoptotic keratinocytes ##REF##17514517##[29]##–##REF##15714455##[32]##. The involvement of the TGFβ family members in this pathology is suggested by several observations. First, BMP-4 is upregulated in the epithelium of lichen planus ##REF##12191961##[59]##. Second, several lines of evidence suggest that the TGFβ activation and/or signal transduction pathway might be defective in this disease. Indeed, lichen planus is associated with epithelial hyperproliferation, a situation that is usually negatively controlled by TGFβ, and this is consistent with the identification of TGFβ positive T cells in the sub-epithelial lymphocytic infiltrate but not within the epithelium itself. It is therefore of interest to note that this defective TGFβ pathway is associated with a high expression of Activin A (this study). In this context it is likely that Activin A may have a prominent role in LC differentiation in lichen planus. Furthermore, Activin A may contribute to the pathogenesis of lichen planus by favouring epithelial hyperplasia.</p>", "<p>In summary, this study presents a new model in which Activin A induces the differentiation of circulating CD14<sup>+</sup> cells into LC. Since Activin A is abundantly produced during certain inflammatory conditions, we propose that this cytokine represents a new pathway, alternative to TGFβ, responsible for LC differentiation during inflammatory/autoimmune conditions.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: TM SS. Performed the experiments: TM SS RD MF CC DA IC MR LS. Analyzed the data: TM SS WV CC FF GG SS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: WV ARE MG GG. Wrote the paper: FF SS.</p>", "<p>Langerhans cells (LC) represent a well characterized subset of dendritic cells located in the epidermis of skin and mucosae. In vivo, they originate from resident and blood-borne precursors in the presence of keratinocyte-derived TGFβ. Ιn vitro, LC can be generated from monocytes in the presence of GM-CSF, IL-4 and TGFβ. However, the signals that induce LC during an inflammatory reaction are not fully investigated. Here we report that Activin A, a TGFβ family member induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines and involved in skin morphogenesis and wound healing, induces the differentiation of human monocytes into LC in the absence of TGFβ. Activin A-induced LC are Langerin<sup>+</sup>, Birbeck granules<sup>+</sup>, E-cadherin<sup>+</sup>, CLA<sup>+</sup> and CCR6<sup>+</sup> and possess typical APC functions. In human skin explants, intradermal injection of Activin A increased the number of CD1a<sup>+</sup> and Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells in both the epidermis and dermis by promoting the differentiation of resident precursor cells. High levels of Activin A were present in the upper epidermal layers and in the dermis of Lichen Planus biopsies in association with a marked infiltration of CD1a<sup>+</sup> and Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells. This study reports that Activin A induces the differentiation of circulating CD14<sup>+</sup> cells into LC. Since Activin A is abundantly produced during inflammatory conditions which are also characterized by increased numbers of LC, we propose that this cytokine represents a new pathway, alternative to TGFβ, responsible for LC differentiation during inflammatory/autoimmune conditions.</p>" ]
[ "<p>The authors are in debt with Drs. Bonetti, Marocolo and Ungari (Department of Pathology, Spedali Civili di Brescia, Dermatopathology Section) for their valuable work in the characterization of tissue biopsies. We greatly appreciate the contribution of Dr. Gavazzoni (Dermatologia, Clinica Città di Brescia), Dr. Majorana (Clinica Odontoiatrica, Spedali Civili di Brescia), Dr. Calzavara-Pinton (Dermatologia, Spedali Civili di Brescia) and Dr. Santoro (Chirurgia Plastica, Spedali Civili di Brescia) for their clinical expertise and help in the characterization of the patients.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003271-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003271.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Activin A promotes Langerhans cell differentiation from human CD14<sup>+</sup> monocytes.</title><p>(A) Phenotypic analysis of monocytes cultured for 6 days with GM-CSF and IL-4 in the presence of Activin A (Act A-LC) or TGFβ1 (TGFβ1-LC). Cells were stained with the indicated moAbs (filled histograms) or isotype-matched negative control moAbs (open histograms). Percentages of positive cells are shown in the upper right corner of each histogram. The figure shows one experiment representative of at least five independent cultures. (B) Electron microscopy analysis of Act A-LC. Act A-LC exhibited abundant dendritic membrane protrusions and lobulated or indented nuclei (left panel, 3,000X, bar 40 µm). Cytoplasm presented a rough endoplasmic reticulum, many multilamellar organelles and numerous electron-dense structures reminiscent of Birbeck granules (right panel, 12,000X, bar 1 µm). The inset shows rod-shaped Birbeck granules (200,000X, bar 20 µm). (C) TGFβ1 and Activin A mRNA expression in Act A-LC and TGFβ1-LC cultures. Monocytes were cultured in the presence of Act A or TGFβ1 for the indicated time and the expression of TGFβ1 and Activin A mRNA was determined by real-time PCR, relative to GAPDH mRNA used as internal control. The expression level in freshly isolated monocytes was assumed as the 1.0 value. Similar results were obtained in three different donors. (D) Effects of different TGF family members on LC differentiation. Monocytes were cultured for 6 days with GM-CSF in the presence of 10 ng/ml TGFβ1, 100 ng/ml Activin A, or 100 ng/ml BMP6 and analyzed for Langerin, E-caderin and CCR6 expression by flow cytometry analysis. Data are representative of at least four independent cultures.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003271-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003271.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Phenotypical and functional characterization of CD40L-activated Act A-LC</title><p>(A) Expression of maturation markers by Act A-LC. Act A-LC were incubated with CD40L-transfected fibroblasts for 40 hrs and stained with anti-CD80, CD83, CCR7 and CXCR4 moAbs (filled histograms) or isotype-matched negative control Abs (open histograms). Results obtained with TGFβ1-LC are also shown for comparison. The percentage of positive cells is reported in each panel. Data shown are representative of three independent experiments. (B) Allostimulatory capacity of Act A-LC. Irradiated immature or CD40L-matured Act A-LC (or TGFβ1-LC) were cultured with 2×10<sup>5</sup> allogeneic purified T cells. Proliferation was assayed as uptake of [H<sup>3</sup>]thymidine added in the last 16 hrs of a 6-day culture assay. Results are expressed as mean counts per minute (cpm)±SD of one representative experiment performed in triplicate. Values are at the net of T cell proliferation in the absence of DC (3250±250 cpm). (C) Act A-LC migrate in response to CCL20. Immature or CD40L-mature Act A-LC or TGFβ1-LC were applied to the upper wells of the chemotaxis chamber. CCL20 was added to the lower level of the chamber. The number of cells migrated to the lower chamber was counted. Each assay was performed in triplicate and the results are expressed as the mean±SD number of migrated cells (representative of three experiments). (D) Cytokine release by Act A-LC. Immature or CD40L-mature Act A-LC or TGFβ1-LC were assessed for their ability to release the indicated cytokines by ELISA. Results are the average determination (±SD) of four independent experiments.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003271-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003271.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Intradermal injection of Activin A induces the differentiation of dermal and epidermal Langerhans cells in human skin explants.</title><p>Langerin expression was evaluated in the epidermis and dermis (full thickness skin explants) of skin explants, untreated and 72 hrs after i.d. injection of medium or 100 ng Activin A (magnification 100X, inset 400X) The number of Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells were quantified in skin explants by evaluating six different skin sections (0.05 mm<sup>2</sup>/field; means±SD). * p&lt;0.05 by Student's t test vs. medium (lower right panel).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003271-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003271.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Activin A induces Langerhans cells differentiation in epidermis-depleted skin explants.</title><p>Langerin expression was evaluated in the dermal layer, separated from skin explants by dispase digestion and subsequently treated for 72 hrs after i.d. injection with 100 ng Activin A (magnification 100X, inset 400X.).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003271-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003271.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>Dermal accumulation of Langerhans cells in lichen planus is associated to abundant production of Activin A.</title><p>Sections from normal skin (NS) (<italic>a</italic> and <italic>d</italic>) and lichen planus (LP) (<italic>b, c, e, f</italic>) biopsies were stained for Langerin (<italic>a</italic>–<italic>c</italic>) and Activin A (<italic>d–f</italic>). In normal skin, Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells are regularly distributed in basal and suprabasal layers and show multiple fine dendrites; no positive cells are detectable in the dermis (panel <italic>a</italic>). In LP biopsies, in addition to intraepidermal LC, accumulation of Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells is observed in the dermis within the dense monuclear cell infiltrate (panel <italic>b</italic>). At high power view, Langerin<sup>+</sup> cells show an ovoidal/dendritic shape (panel <italic>c</italic>) and are found surrounding Factor VIII<sup>+</sup> dermal blood vessels (arrow head, inset in <italic>c</italic>). Serial sections from the same tissue blocks were stained for Activin A. Normal skin (panel <italic>d</italic>) showed weak intraepithelial reactivity (red arrow head); in the dermis, mast cells and occasional spindle cells were positive for Activin A (black arrow heads). In LP, Activin A was strongly induced in the superficial layers of epidermis; in the dermis, a diffuse reactivity can be observed in numerous cells within the inflammatory infiltrate (panel <italic>e</italic>). This cell population includes endothelial cells and a mixture of non-lymphoid mononuclear cells (panel <italic>f</italic>). Magnification 100x (<italic>a, b, d, e</italic>; scale bar 200 micron) and 400x (<italic>c, f</italic>; scale bar 50 micron).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>This work was supported by AIRC (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro); MIUR (Ministero dell'Istruzione Università e Ricerca; Cofin); Istituto Superiore di Sanità; NOBEL Project Cariplo “Genetic and functional genomics of myelomonocytic cells”; Fondazione Piemontese per gli Studi e le Ricerche sulle Ustioni; Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRT; Ricerca Sanitaria Finalizzata Regione Piemonte.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003271.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003271.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003271.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003271.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003271.g005\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["14"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Randolph", "Ochando", "Partida"], "given-names": ["GJ", "J", "SNS"], "year": ["2007"], "article-title": ["Migration of Dendritic Cell Subsets and their Precursors."], "source": ["Annu Rev Immunol"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 07:14:34
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 24; 3(9):e3271
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>“Microbes run the world. It's that simple” ##UREF##0##[1]##. If that statement is true then it should be readily apparent that since viruses often control the microbes, perhaps it could also be said that viruses run the world. One undisputed fact is that viruses are the most abundant biological entities on the planet, with bacteriophages alone at an estimated total abundance of 10<sup>30</sup> viruses ##REF##16163346##[2]##.</p>", "<p>A great deal of study has gone into the investigation of viruses in aquatic systems since the discovery of their extraordinary abundance only 20 years ago ##REF##2755508##[3]##. In recent years there has been a growing appreciation of the diversity, complexity and importance of viral communities to ecosystem function [reviewed in ##REF##16163346##[2]##, ##REF##17853907##[4]##–##REF##10704475##[7]##]. However, most of this investigation has been focused on lytic viruses. In aquatic systems many viruses have the capability of forming a stable symbiosis with their host bacterium, otherwise known as lysogeny. During lysogeny, temperate phage genomes are maintained in their hosts as prophages, principally through integration into one of the cellular replicons or as an autonomous plasmid ##REF##12798228##[8]##. Compared to lytic viruses there is a paucity of information concerning lysogeny in the environment. Understanding lysogeny is imperative because of its impacts on host phenotype, community composition and perhaps most importantly, gene transfer processes [reviewed in ##UREF##2##[9]##]. It is becoming clear that viruses are vital repositories and vectors of not only viral genes, but host metabolic genes as well ##REF##18337718##[10]##–##REF##18213365##[12]##.</p>", "<p>Prophages are most commonly detected in natural environments and bacterial isolates by prophage induction. Many prophages maintain the ability to initiate a lytic cycle in response to physical or chemical manipulation, allowing them to exist as free bacteriophages and infect new hosts. This lytic cycle can often be artificially activated by metabolic or DNA damage to the host bacterium, commonly with a toxic substance such as Mitomycin C or ultraviolet radiation (UV). Using this or similar methodology, it has been estimated that roughly half of bacterial isolates contain prophages ##UREF##3##[13]##–##UREF##7##[17]##. In marine environments the calculated lysogenic fraction of the population can range from 0 to 100%. This frequency varies spatially and temporally with the reproducible trend of higher frequencies of lysogeny in less productive environments and extreme environments [reviewed in ##UREF##2##[9]##]. Seasonal cycles of lysogeny have also been documented in environments as divergent as sub-tropical Tampa Bay and saline Antarctic lakes ##UREF##8##[18]##, ##UREF##9##[19]##.</p>", "<p>Currently, analysis of environmental metagenomic samples is greatly expanding our understanding of the incredibly complex environmental bacterial and viral communities. The analysis of metagenomic sequence data for community structure and the taxonomic distribution of identified genes is an important first step, analogous to answering the question “who's there?” A seminal, early metagenomic work demonstrated that certain genes and metabolic pathways appear to be depth specific. This suggested depth-specific communities and metabolism ##REF##16439655##[20]##. This same work also observed large numbers of lytic viral sequences in the photic zone and a prevalence of prophage and transposase sequences at depth. This result provided support for the contention that lysogeny is more prevalent in deep marine environments.</p>", "<p>Deciphering ecosystem functioning, or “what are they doing,” by sequence analysis alone is inherently limited. Despite this limitation certain metagenomic studies have attempted to connect metagenomic sequence information to putative ecosystem functions ##REF##16439655##[20]##, ##REF##18223640##[21]##. Some recent metagenomic studies have also begun to examine the functioning of viral communities specifically. Bench <italic>et al</italic>. utilized a viral metagenome library to conclude that cyanophages were very important components of the Chesapeake Bay virioplankton and that the photosynthesis core gene <italic>psbA</italic> may be nearly universal in these cyanophage populations ##UREF##10##[22]##. Another recent metagenomic study went one step further and verified that viral <italic>psbA</italic> genes are not only present, but transcribed ##REF##18043651##[23]##.</p>", "<p>Metagenomic analysis has also begun to demonstrate that differing biogeochemical environments appear to select for specific metabolic functions. A recent large-scale comparative analysis of 42 microbial and 45 viral metagenomes, including the viral metagenome from this study, indicated that the metabolic profiles of the microbial communities were diagnostic of the environment of isolation ##REF##18337718##[10]##.</p>", "<p>This study presents a more fine-scale analysis of the induced viral metagenome representing two important milestones. Firstly, it provides an ecological context by connecting an important physiological parameter to expression of a gene function inferred from metagenomic sequence data. In addition, it is the first metagenomic study focused on lysogeny. We used a viral metagenome prepared from an induced natural microbial population to further our understanding of the functioning of lysogeny in natural systems. For this work our hypothesis was that genes specific to the process of lysogeny would be identifiable in the Tampa Bay viral metagenome and that expression of these genes would be detectable and concurrent with prophage induction in natural samples.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<p>To construct the induced viral metagenome a 200 liter sample of seawater was obtained from Tampa Bay on December 13, 2005. The sample was pre-filtered with 5 µm mesh to remove zooplankton and large phytoplankton. The microbial fraction in the sample was then concentrated using a Pro-Flux model M-12 tangential flow filtration device (Millipore, Bedford MA, U.S.A.) using a spiral-wound filter with a 30 kDa cutoff. The volume was reduced to 1160 ml. 1000 ml was treated with 1 µg ml<sup>−1</sup> Mitomycin C to stimulate prophage induction and 160 ml was left untreated as a control. After a 24 hour incubation in the dark, the number of viral particles was enumerated in both the treatment and control samples using SYBR Gold staining. The treatment concentrate contained 3.5×10<sup>9</sup> virus-like particles (VLP's) ml<sup>−1</sup>, which was a statistically significant 3-fold increase in virus abundance in comparison to the non-amended control. The treatment sample was centrifuged and 0.2 µm filtered to separate most of the remaining bacterial cells and debris from the viruses. The viruses were then concentrated by polyethylene glycol precipitation and purified by cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation ##UREF##14##[31]##. The viral capsids were disrupted by formamide and the nucleic acids precipitated with ethanol and purified by CTAB extraction ##UREF##14##[31]##. The nucleic acid from the purified viral particles was amplified using the GenomiPhi DNA amplification kit (G.E./Amersham Biosciences, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). The resulting purified, phi29 amplified DNA from four separate reactions was pooled and sequenced using pyrosequencing technology by 454 Life Sciences ##REF##16056220##[32]##.</p>", "<p>This metagenome was included in a large-scale comparative analysis by Dinsdale et al, which encompassed all of the currently available microbial and viral metagenomes ##REF##18337718##[10]##. The sequences from this metagenome are freely available on the SEED platform (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>), under the accession number 4440102.3. The sequences are also being made accessible from the CAMERA database (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) and from NCBI (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>), deposited in the short read archive under the genome project ID number 28619.</p>", "<p>The resulting sequences were then compared against the Gen Bank non-redundant database using the BLASTX algorithm. Batch blasts were performed using the Code Quest system (TimeLogic, Carlsbad CA, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). Sequences were considered “known” if they had a BLASTX similarity with an e-value ≤0.001. Completed blasts were interrogated for the presence of lysogeny related genes using a word search for related gene names or functions. Genes of interest were examined and re-blasted against the non-redundant database individually. Primers and probes for real-time PCR were designed based on the 4 specific selected integrase sequences (##SUPPL##0##Table S1##).</p>", "<p>Comparison of the viral metagenome hits to P-SSM2 was performed by extracting all sequences with top blast hits to P-SSM2. The stated nucleotide position of each hit was converted to amino-acid position. The reads were then sorted in ascending order and graphed in comparison to the complete nucleotide sequence of P-SSM2. Areas of high coverage are observed as high slope due to the density of sorted points in that area along the genome of P-SSM2. Gaps larger than 500 bp were examined on the fully sequenced genome of P-SSM2 in GenBank for determination of gene content. Attempts to assemble these sequences using P-SSM2 as the reference genome at the nucleotide level were unsuccessful.</p>", "<p>To estimate viral diversity and community structure in the library contig spectrum analysis was performed using mathematical rank abundance modeling with the online PHAge Communities from Contig Spectra (PHACCS) tool (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) ##REF##15743531##[33]##. Average contig spectra were calculated using 20 assemblies of 20,000 randomly selected sequences from the library as performed using Circonspect (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) with a 98% minimal match percentage and a 35 bp overlap. PHACCS modeling parameters included an average genome size of 50,000 bp. The diversity estimates were determined based on best-fit mathematical modeling, in this case to a logarithmic model.</p>", "<p>High-stringency assemblies of the viral metagenome were performed using the SeqMan program in the Lasergene software suite (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) with a minimum overlap of 30 and minimum match percentage of 95%. There were 132 assembled contigs ≥400 bp which were batch-blasted against the GenBank non-redundant database. Forty-two percent of the consensus contig sequences had a significant match to the non-redundant database. Once the size of the contigs dropped below 400 bp the percentage of positive hits decreased precipitously and most of the contigs were observed to be trivial (i.e. containing only two or three sequences), so these contigs were not considered further. The assemblies were performed in order to more accurately assess the community composition since it has been observed that smaller read lengths are much less likely to be identified ##REF##18192407##[26]##.</p>", "<p>Phage proteomic tree analysis was performed on both the unassembled and assembled sequences from the metagenome ##REF##12142423##[27]##. The sequences were compared to the phage and prophage genome database using tBLASTx (E-value cutoff &lt;10<sup>−3</sup>). This database contains sequences from 510 completely sequenced prophage and phage genomes. A comparative phage proteomic tree was constructed using Phage Proteomic Tree version 4 (PPT, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). The significant blast hits of both the assembled and unassembled sequences were then mapped on the tree using Bio-Metamapper, an online tool for metagenomic tree analysis (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>).</p>", "<p>Samples for the seasonal study of lysogenic gene expression and all other environmental parameters were collected from the same site as the metagenome sample, the St. Petersburg Pier. Two liter samples were collected bi-weekly from January 31, 2006 through January 24, 2007. Parameters measured included temperature, salinity, total monthly precipitation, bacterial and viral direct counts, ambient <italic>Synechococcus</italic>, and infectious cyanophage abundance, total primary productivity, secondary productivity and prophage induction with the total bacteria and <italic>Synechococcus</italic> populations.</p>", "<p>Bacterial and viral direct counts were performed using SYBR Gold staining as previously described ##REF##11157214##[34]##. <italic>Synechococcus</italic> cells were enumerated using their natural auto fluorescence and infectious cyanophage abundance was estimated using the MPN technique as previously described ##REF##15691939##[35]##. Ambient cell abundances and counts for prophage induction experimental samples were measured using the same methods.</p>", "<p>Primary productivity was estimated using the <sup>14</sup>C-HCO<sub>3</sub> incorporation method ##UREF##15##[36]##. In brief, 100 ml<sup>−1</sup> samples were placed in duplicate 500ml acid washed sterilized, polycarbonate bottles and approximately 50 µCi of <sup>14</sup>C-HCO<sub>3</sub> was added to each sample. Light and dark incubations were prepared for determination of the light dependent rate of carbon fixation. Sample bottles were incubated at ambient water temperature in a flowing ambient water incubator, covered with two layers of neutral density screening. Samples were filtered at T = 0 and T = 2 hours Radioactive counts were corrected for efficiency by use of a <sup>14</sup>C and were counted in a scintillation counter as previously described ##UREF##15##[36]##.</p>", "<p>Bacterial productivity was measured by the method of Kirchman et al. ##REF##3994368##[37]##. Briefly, ambient water samples from each sample were split in two, a treatment and control. The control flask contained 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to kill the bacteria. 4,5-<sup>3</sup>H-leucine was added to both flasks to a final concentration of 8 nM. Treatment and control flasks were wrapped in aluminum foil and incubated as for primary productivity. Sub-samples were taken at 60 and 120 minutes after T<sub> = </sub>0 and were filtered as previously described.</p>", "<p>Real time PCR (qPCR) was initially performed on samples of the DNA extracted from the microbial fraction of Tampa Bay seawater to determine if the integrases from the viral metagenome were still present. The microbial fraction was collected by first passing the sample through 5 µm mesh to remove macro organisms. The microbes were then collected on a 0.2 µm polycarbonate cartridge filter (Sterivex, Millipore, Bedford MA, U.S.A.). The DNA was extracted using phenol chloroform extraction according to standard protocols ##UREF##14##[31]##. Real-time PCR was performed using PCR primers and FAM™/TAMRA™-labeled probes designed for each specific integrase sequence (##SUPPL##0##Table S1##). Reactions were prepared in 50 µl volumes using 1X TaqMan one-step PCR master mix (Applied Biosystems, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>), 500 nm concentration of each primer and 125 nm concentration of probe. Reactions were analyzed in an Applied Biosystems 7700 Real-Time PCR system and quantified in comparison to a known copy number of artificially synthesized positive control DNA. Two of each type of initial positive amplicon (4 total) from this integrase assay were sequenced and found to be identical to the sequences of interest.</p>", "<p>Microbial fraction RNA samples were collected by filtering 200 ml of sample seawater onto 0.45 µm durapore filters (Millipore, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>), placed in a 2 ml screw-cap tube with 750 µl of the first step lysis buffer from the RNeasy kit (RLT buffer, Qiagen, Valencia CA) with β-mercaptoethanol added as per manufacturers instructions and frozen at -80°C until sample extraction and processing. RNA extraction was continued utilizing the RNeasy kit protocol (Qiagen, Valencia CA) including on-column DNase digestion according to the manufacturer's instructions. The resulting RNA was purified using the Ambion MegaClear kit to provide the highly purified RNA recommended for amplification (Ambion Inc., Austin TX) and then amplified using the Ambion MessageAmp II RNA amplification kit (Ambion Inc., Austin TX). RNA was quantified and quality assessed using a NanoDrop ND1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>).</p>", "<p>Real-time RT-PCR was performed on amplified microbial fraction RNA collected on all samples as for the real-time PCR (as described above) with the addition of reverse transcriptase enzyme and a reverse transcription cycle of 45°C for 30 minutes. Positive control curves were prepared from in-vitro transcribed RNA prepared from the synthetic DNA positive controls.</p>", "<p>Standard statistical analyses including paired t-test to determine significance of prophage induction events and multiple correlations of all measured parameters were performed using MiniTab release 13.1. Multivariate statistical analyses were performed using Primer v.5.2.9 software (Primer-E Ltd., Plymouth Marine Laboratory, U.K. <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). This method is based on multidimensional scaling of complex data sets in order to determine relationships with no assumptions of normal distribution. Initially, separate similarity matrices were constructed of all measured environmental variables, including prophage inductions in comparison to the expression pattern of both integrase genes. The sample obtained on 2/28/06 was excluded from the analysis because of loss of the prophage induction experiments. These similarity matrices were compared using the RELATE test (sample statistic ρ) to determine if the two matrices were significantly related. The matrix of gene expression was then transformed to presence/absence because of the uncertainty involved in the copy number calculation due to the amplification step. This was then compared to the distribution of all measured environmental parameters using the BIO-ENV test to determine which variables best explained the pattern of integrase gene expression.</p>", "<p>The number of genome equivalents in each microbial sample included in the Global Ocean Sampling series in the CAMERA database was determined by BLASTX searching each sample using the <italic>Escherichia coli recA</italic> gene as a query. For all searches the e-value cutoff for determining a significant hit was 10<sup>−3</sup>. This gene has been used to estimate the number of bacterial genotypes in metagenomic libraries because it is a well-conserved, known single-copy, core metabolic gene ##REF##18223640##[21]##. The sequences of both detected integrases were then used as a query in the same fashion and the observed frequencies of both used to calculate an environmental frequency distribution of the integrase genes. For estimation of the frequency of gene occurrence in the four viral metagenomes the number of gene hits was compared to the estimated genotype abundance previously calculated using contig spectrum analysis ##UREF##11##[24]##. This is a minimum estimate of prevalence since not all of those genotypes would be adequately sampled through metagenome sequencing.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<title>Metagenome characteristics</title>", "<p>The induced viral metagenome from Tampa Bay produced 294,068 reads with an average length of 104 bp for total of 29.1 Mb of sequence information. Initial BLAST (teraBLASTx) analysis of the metagenome demonstrated a percentage of significant (e-value &lt;10<sup>−3</sup>) blast hits to known sequences of 6.6%, which is comparable to other viral metagenomes prepared and analyzed in a similar fashion ##UREF##11##[24]##. Contig spectrum analysis of the community structure of the metagenome indicated that there were approximately 15,400 viral genotypes in the library with the most abundant genotype estimated at 4.43% of the community. For this library the best-fit model was the logarithmic model, consistent with other aquatic viral libraries prepared similarly ##REF##18311127##[25]##. The diversity measured by the Shannon-Wiener index was high at 9.13 nats. These values are in the median range of four other viral metagenomes analyzed similarly ##UREF##11##[24]##. Sequences were considered viral if the top blast hit was below the pre-determined e-value cutoff and was to a sequence annotated as viral. Interestingly, this metagenome was markedly higher in the percentage of recognizable viral sequences at 30.5% in comparison to an average of 6.6% for 13 other marine bacterial and viral metagenomes isolated from similar environments ##REF##18337718##[10]##. This result suggested that the Mitomycin C treatment of the original bacterial concentrate may have caused a shift in the composition of the viral community, presumably due to induction of prophages. However, this could only be demonstrated conclusively by comparison to a non-induced library from the same sample. Similar high frequencies of viral hits have also been observed in viral metagenomes from dissimilar environments such as hypersaline or coral-associated libraries ##REF##18337718##[10]##.</p>", "<p>The top fifteen most frequent virus identifications using BLASTx analysis from the GenBank nr database of unassembled sequences from the library are listed in ##TAB##0##Table 1##. Seven of the top 15 most frequent hits were to cyanophages, with the cyanophage P-SSM2 being the top contributor. This elevated occurrence of cyanophages has been observed in other metagenomic libraries and underscores the apparent importance of cyanophages in marine ecosystems ##REF##18213365##[12]##, ##REF##16439655##[20]##, ##UREF##10##[22]##, ##UREF##11##[24]##. A closer examination of the sequences similar to P-SSM2 demonstrated that this phage type appears to be important in this estuarine environment despite the fact that its <italic>Prochlorococcus</italic> host is found in oligotrophic oceanic environments, not estuaries like Tampa Bay. A comparison of the distribution of the amino acid sequences similar to P-SSM2 to the amino acid position on the complete P-SSM2 genome demonstrated high over all coverage of the putative viral functions (##FIG##0##Figure 1##). A similar analysis was performed on the Chesapeake Bay viral metagenome ##UREF##10##[22]##, however that analysis demonstrated a dissimilar pattern of P-SSM2 genome coverage. In contrast to the Chesapeake Bay sample which showed a high level of coverage in the areas of phage structural genes, the Tampa Bay viral metagenome showed an almost opposite pattern, with high coverage in the area of genes involved in replication and nucleotide metabolism and complete gaps in coverage in the area of known phage structural genes. These gaps were the most pronounced in areas of P-SSM2 containing identified tail fiber genes, which are likely involved in host specificity. We hypothesize that this is due to a high number of genetically distinct but functionally similar groups or consortia of cyanophages in Tampa Bay. This hypothesis is supported by the inability to assemble the same sequences to the P-SSM2 reference sequence on the nucleotide level. However, it should be noted that these differences may not be solely due to the fact that the Chesapeake Bay is a dissimilar environment to Tampa Bay. In addition to the contrasting environment, the Chesapeake viral library had a longer average read length. The longer read lengths have been demonstrated to yield higher detection of viral and microbial genes as well as recognition of more distal homologs ##REF##18192407##[26]##.</p>", "<p>The next level of analysis involved a high stringency assembly of the metagenome sequences. A low number of the total sequences were placed in non-trivial assemblies (greater than 2–3 sequences assembling). However, once the sequences in the metagenome were assembled and re-analyzed, a different picture of the viral community emerged (##TAB##1##Table 2##). In this case, the analysis was based on the contig size and number of sequences that were placed in assemblies. The contigs were grouped according to decreasing size and the top virus hit for each contig is shown in ##TAB##1##Table 2##. For the assembled sequences nine of the top 15 hits were to experimentally verified prophage or temperate phages. This analysis supported our hypothesis that the induced viral metagenome was enriched in prophages. The assembly process is only able to piece together portions of genomes present in relatively high abundances. The high number of prophages in the assembled sequences may have been due to a higher number of same sequences caused by the induction of a large number of phages with identical or similar genomes.</p>", "<p>An additional two top hits were to bacterial whole genomes, suggesting viral carriage of host genes or possibly unidentified prophage (##TAB##1##Table 2##). The first was to <italic>Pelobacter carbinolicus</italic>, a Fe(III) reducing, anaerobic aquatic sediment species. The second was <italic>Roseobacter</italic> sp. MED 193 from the Mediterranean sea. An examination of these genes indicated that they were found in prophage-like elements (i.e., were surrounded by phage genes and/or lysogeny genes; data not shown).</p>", "<p>The lytic cyanophage P-SSM2 was still present as the 15<sup>th</sup> largest contig to be assembled, suggesting this virus was also in very high abundance in this sample. The assembly not only changed the observed distribution of top phage hits, but markedly decreased the e-values obtained because of the increased sequence length.</p>", "<p>Phage proteomic tree analysis was also performed and provided a visual representation of this shift in types of phage hits between the raw and unassembled sequences as shown in ##SUPPL##1##Figure S1##\n##REF##12142423##[27]##. However, it is important to note that the analysis of the assembled sequences was performed with a smaller data set, including only the non-trivial assemblies.</p>", "<title>Induced viral metagenome integrase genes</title>", "<p>The primary objective for obtaining the induced viral metagenome was to identify viral genes involved in lysogeny that were present in Tampa Bay lysogens. Initial searches of the data attempted to locate cI-type repressors. This was the initial target because repressors are known to be expressed constitutively, and were hypothesized to be more readily detectable in RNA-based gene expression experiments. However, no repressor-like genes were identified.</p>", "<p>Another gene known to be involved in the functioning of the lysogenic switch is the enzyme integrase, which catalyzes the integration of the temperate phage into the host genome. Interrogation of the known blast hits revealed 103 (de-replicated) phage integrase-like sequences from the metagenome. Of these sequences, each was examined individually and four were chosen with the lowest e-values (ranging from 10<sup>−4</sup>–10<sup>−9</sup>) as well as a full-length hit of the query sequence to a known phage-like integrase (i.e., greater than 30 amino acids in length). The four integrases were identified as a <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like phage integrase, <italic>Clostridium-</italic>like phage integrase, <italic>Roseovarius/Oceanicola</italic>-like phage integrase and <italic>Alkalimnicola</italic>-like phage integrase. General properties and the sequences of the four identified integrases are listed in ##SUPPL##0##Table S1##.</p>", "<p>The real-time PCR integrase assay was initially tested on a sample of concentrated bacterial fraction DNA from the same environment sampled for the metagenome. The total microbial fraction was used in order to detect putative integrated prophage rather than free phage. Two of the four integrases were detected in this initial screening. The <italic>Vibrio-</italic>like integrase was detected at an abundance of 1.1×10<sup>5</sup> gene copies L<sup>−1</sup> of bay water. Based on ambient bacterial abundance at the time of sampling, this gene was present in 0.005% of the ambient population. The <italic>Oceanicola</italic>-like integrase was also detected in this sample, but just at the detection limit. In this case the estimated gene copy number was 1300 copies L<sup>−1</sup>, or an estimated 0.00008% of the ambient population. The other two integrases were not detected in this initial trial. These results indicated that at least some of the genes identified by the metagenome sequencing were not ephemeral and if active, should be detectable as transcripts throughout the annual cycle.</p>", "<title>Seasonal sampling and integrase gene expression in environmental samples</title>", "<p>For the gene expression study all parameters were measured over an entire annual cycle at the same sampling site in Tampa Bay. The ambient parameters showed a similar pattern to previous seasonal observations in this environment ##UREF##9##[19]##. This estuary is typified by a spring and fall bloom in primary productivity and <italic>Synechococcus</italic> abundance (##SUPPL##2##Figure S2##). The total heterotrophic bacterial populations show a more subtle seasonal oscillation typified by high summer and low winter abundances (##SUPPL##2##Figure S2##).</p>", "<p>Prophage induction experiments were also performed on each sampling date for the total heterotrophic bacterial populations as well as the sub-population of <italic>Synechococcus</italic>. ##FIG##1##Figure 2## depicts the distribution of prophage induction events over the annual cycle. In the <italic>Synechococcus</italic> experiments positive prophage inductions are clustered in the winter samples, with no induction observed during the summer months. This is consistent with previous observations of seasonal patterns of <italic>Synechococcus</italic> prophage induction in Tampa Bay. For the total bacterial inductions, statistically significant inductions were more frequent throughout the annual cycle and only showed a period of no inductions during the autumn season. Interestingly, in this study the heterotrophic and <italic>Synechococcus</italic> inductions were somewhat temporally separated, with the <italic>Synechococcus</italic> inductions occurring earlier. In the 1999–2000 seasonal study the inductions temporally co-occurred ##UREF##9##[19]##, ##REF##12200280##[28]##.</p>", "<p>The most important observation was the distribution of the positive integrase gene expression depicted by the shading in ##FIG##1##Figure 2##. Expression of the <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase was observed on six of the sampling dates and the <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase was detected on three of the sampling dates, overlapping with positive <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like expression. The estimated copy numbers the <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like and <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrases were estimated as ranging from 2.4–1280 L<sup>−1</sup> and 37 to 265 L<sup>−1</sup>, respectively. In all cases a detection of integrase gene expression was present in conjunction with statistically significant prophage induction. On no occasion was integrase expression present without prophage induction. In addition the detections of integrase expression were clustered in the “lysogenic season” with none in the “lytic season.” These findings supported our initial hypothesis.</p>", "<p>Multivariate statistical analysis of the distribution of integrase gene expression in comparison to all measured environmental variables indicated that the two parameters most correlated with gene expression were the combined parameters of cyanophage induction and light incubated total prophage induction (ρ = 0.608, p = 0.1). This is statistically significant at the 90% confidence interval, which is a good correlation considering the low number of data points available for comparison. One sampling date was excluded from the analysis due to the loss of the prophage induction experiments, leaving five sample dates with integrase gene expression for statistical analysis.</p>", "<title>Distribution of integrase genes in global environmental samples</title>", "<p>Our next investigation was to determine the frequency of both expressed integrases in diverse global environments by investigating their frequency within environmental microbial and viral metagenome libraries. Examination of the integrase gene frequency in microbial samples gives a first estimate of the distribution of similar genes as putative prophage. The frequency of the same genes in viral metagenomes gives a rough estimate of their prevalence in the free virus fraction.</p>", "<p>To query environmental microbial samples we estimated the integrase gene frequency in the microbial fraction samples from the global ocean sampling expedition by comparison to the frequency of the single-copy gene <italic>recA</italic> as a proxy for estimation of total genome equivalents ##UREF##12##[29]##. The <italic>recA</italic> gene was identified in 50 of the 56 samples listed on the CAMERA database with an average copy number of 149. The <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase was observed in 39 of the 56 sites with an estimated average of 3.14% of the microbial population carrying a similar gene. In contrast, the <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase was only found in 17 of the 56 sites with an estimated average frequency of 0.58%. There was no clear trend in the type of environment in which the genes were observed.</p>", "<p>In four viral metagenomes from widely separated geographical environments ##UREF##11##[24]##, genes significantly similar to the <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase were not found. However, the <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase was found in all four viromes with a varying frequency. There were two similar genes in the 416,456 sequence library from British Columbia, containing an estimated 129,000 viral genotypes. One similar gene was detected in both the Gulf of Mexico and Sargasso Sea libraries with 263,908 and 399,343 sequences in each and estimated viral genotype abundances of 15,400 and 5140, respectively. In contrast, in the Arctic library of 188,590 sequences, eleven similar genes were observed with a modeled population estimate of 532 genotypes. This is consistent with the previous finding of high numbers of identifiable prophage genes in this metagenome of Arctic free viruses ##UREF##11##[24]##. Both findings provide support for the contention that lysogeny is prevalent in environments less favorable to bacterial host growth ##UREF##8##[18]##, ##UREF##13##[30]##. It is important to note here that the estimated number viral of genotypes presented for each library are theoretical “best guesses” and may vary depending on the assembly criteria used for modeling.</p>", "<title>Concluding Remarks</title>", "<p>We have demonstrated the capacity of metagenomic sequence information to provide useful and relevant clues to environmental functions of interest. This study represents an important first connection between viral metagenomic sequence data and an ecologically relevant function within a natural environment. We have demonstrated that viral integrase genes are present and can be stable in the population over periods of time and that expression of these genes was detectable in natural samples. Expression was observed to be temporally variable and most importantly to co-occur with prophage induction. This provided strong experimental support for our initial hypothesis.</p>", "<p>Besides demonstrating temporal variability in expression, it appears that similar integrase genes vary in global distribution as well. Integrase-like genes were more frequently observed in microbial samples than free virus samples, which is not surprising since the main function of integrase is to integrate into a host's DNA. In the microbial fraction there was no observable association with a particular environment, but in the virus fraction libraries the gene was much more prevalent in the sample from the Arctic, suggesting greater activity of temperate viruses in colder environments.</p>", "<p>Metagenomics may also allow a new perspective on microbes at an ecosystem scale, particularly by highlighting the importance of a specific organism type to overall ecosystem function. This was illustrated in this study by the high functional coverage of the cyanophage P-SSM2. The amino-acid level genome analysis indicated an important functional role being performed in the Tampa Bay estuary by a diverse assemblage of similar phage. Once the raw sequences were assembled, blast hits of the large contigs did not demonstrate the same dominance of cyanophages, leading to the hypothesis that this may have been due to high prevalence of similar but not identical cyanophages in this sample.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<title>Metagenome characteristics</title>", "<p>The induced viral metagenome from Tampa Bay produced 294,068 reads with an average length of 104 bp for total of 29.1 Mb of sequence information. Initial BLAST (teraBLASTx) analysis of the metagenome demonstrated a percentage of significant (e-value &lt;10<sup>−3</sup>) blast hits to known sequences of 6.6%, which is comparable to other viral metagenomes prepared and analyzed in a similar fashion ##UREF##11##[24]##. Contig spectrum analysis of the community structure of the metagenome indicated that there were approximately 15,400 viral genotypes in the library with the most abundant genotype estimated at 4.43% of the community. For this library the best-fit model was the logarithmic model, consistent with other aquatic viral libraries prepared similarly ##REF##18311127##[25]##. The diversity measured by the Shannon-Wiener index was high at 9.13 nats. These values are in the median range of four other viral metagenomes analyzed similarly ##UREF##11##[24]##. Sequences were considered viral if the top blast hit was below the pre-determined e-value cutoff and was to a sequence annotated as viral. Interestingly, this metagenome was markedly higher in the percentage of recognizable viral sequences at 30.5% in comparison to an average of 6.6% for 13 other marine bacterial and viral metagenomes isolated from similar environments ##REF##18337718##[10]##. This result suggested that the Mitomycin C treatment of the original bacterial concentrate may have caused a shift in the composition of the viral community, presumably due to induction of prophages. However, this could only be demonstrated conclusively by comparison to a non-induced library from the same sample. Similar high frequencies of viral hits have also been observed in viral metagenomes from dissimilar environments such as hypersaline or coral-associated libraries ##REF##18337718##[10]##.</p>", "<p>The top fifteen most frequent virus identifications using BLASTx analysis from the GenBank nr database of unassembled sequences from the library are listed in ##TAB##0##Table 1##. Seven of the top 15 most frequent hits were to cyanophages, with the cyanophage P-SSM2 being the top contributor. This elevated occurrence of cyanophages has been observed in other metagenomic libraries and underscores the apparent importance of cyanophages in marine ecosystems ##REF##18213365##[12]##, ##REF##16439655##[20]##, ##UREF##10##[22]##, ##UREF##11##[24]##. A closer examination of the sequences similar to P-SSM2 demonstrated that this phage type appears to be important in this estuarine environment despite the fact that its <italic>Prochlorococcus</italic> host is found in oligotrophic oceanic environments, not estuaries like Tampa Bay. A comparison of the distribution of the amino acid sequences similar to P-SSM2 to the amino acid position on the complete P-SSM2 genome demonstrated high over all coverage of the putative viral functions (##FIG##0##Figure 1##). A similar analysis was performed on the Chesapeake Bay viral metagenome ##UREF##10##[22]##, however that analysis demonstrated a dissimilar pattern of P-SSM2 genome coverage. In contrast to the Chesapeake Bay sample which showed a high level of coverage in the areas of phage structural genes, the Tampa Bay viral metagenome showed an almost opposite pattern, with high coverage in the area of genes involved in replication and nucleotide metabolism and complete gaps in coverage in the area of known phage structural genes. These gaps were the most pronounced in areas of P-SSM2 containing identified tail fiber genes, which are likely involved in host specificity. We hypothesize that this is due to a high number of genetically distinct but functionally similar groups or consortia of cyanophages in Tampa Bay. This hypothesis is supported by the inability to assemble the same sequences to the P-SSM2 reference sequence on the nucleotide level. However, it should be noted that these differences may not be solely due to the fact that the Chesapeake Bay is a dissimilar environment to Tampa Bay. In addition to the contrasting environment, the Chesapeake viral library had a longer average read length. The longer read lengths have been demonstrated to yield higher detection of viral and microbial genes as well as recognition of more distal homologs ##REF##18192407##[26]##.</p>", "<p>The next level of analysis involved a high stringency assembly of the metagenome sequences. A low number of the total sequences were placed in non-trivial assemblies (greater than 2–3 sequences assembling). However, once the sequences in the metagenome were assembled and re-analyzed, a different picture of the viral community emerged (##TAB##1##Table 2##). In this case, the analysis was based on the contig size and number of sequences that were placed in assemblies. The contigs were grouped according to decreasing size and the top virus hit for each contig is shown in ##TAB##1##Table 2##. For the assembled sequences nine of the top 15 hits were to experimentally verified prophage or temperate phages. This analysis supported our hypothesis that the induced viral metagenome was enriched in prophages. The assembly process is only able to piece together portions of genomes present in relatively high abundances. The high number of prophages in the assembled sequences may have been due to a higher number of same sequences caused by the induction of a large number of phages with identical or similar genomes.</p>", "<p>An additional two top hits were to bacterial whole genomes, suggesting viral carriage of host genes or possibly unidentified prophage (##TAB##1##Table 2##). The first was to <italic>Pelobacter carbinolicus</italic>, a Fe(III) reducing, anaerobic aquatic sediment species. The second was <italic>Roseobacter</italic> sp. MED 193 from the Mediterranean sea. An examination of these genes indicated that they were found in prophage-like elements (i.e., were surrounded by phage genes and/or lysogeny genes; data not shown).</p>", "<p>The lytic cyanophage P-SSM2 was still present as the 15<sup>th</sup> largest contig to be assembled, suggesting this virus was also in very high abundance in this sample. The assembly not only changed the observed distribution of top phage hits, but markedly decreased the e-values obtained because of the increased sequence length.</p>", "<p>Phage proteomic tree analysis was also performed and provided a visual representation of this shift in types of phage hits between the raw and unassembled sequences as shown in ##SUPPL##1##Figure S1##\n##REF##12142423##[27]##. However, it is important to note that the analysis of the assembled sequences was performed with a smaller data set, including only the non-trivial assemblies.</p>", "<title>Induced viral metagenome integrase genes</title>", "<p>The primary objective for obtaining the induced viral metagenome was to identify viral genes involved in lysogeny that were present in Tampa Bay lysogens. Initial searches of the data attempted to locate cI-type repressors. This was the initial target because repressors are known to be expressed constitutively, and were hypothesized to be more readily detectable in RNA-based gene expression experiments. However, no repressor-like genes were identified.</p>", "<p>Another gene known to be involved in the functioning of the lysogenic switch is the enzyme integrase, which catalyzes the integration of the temperate phage into the host genome. Interrogation of the known blast hits revealed 103 (de-replicated) phage integrase-like sequences from the metagenome. Of these sequences, each was examined individually and four were chosen with the lowest e-values (ranging from 10<sup>−4</sup>–10<sup>−9</sup>) as well as a full-length hit of the query sequence to a known phage-like integrase (i.e., greater than 30 amino acids in length). The four integrases were identified as a <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like phage integrase, <italic>Clostridium-</italic>like phage integrase, <italic>Roseovarius/Oceanicola</italic>-like phage integrase and <italic>Alkalimnicola</italic>-like phage integrase. General properties and the sequences of the four identified integrases are listed in ##SUPPL##0##Table S1##.</p>", "<p>The real-time PCR integrase assay was initially tested on a sample of concentrated bacterial fraction DNA from the same environment sampled for the metagenome. The total microbial fraction was used in order to detect putative integrated prophage rather than free phage. Two of the four integrases were detected in this initial screening. The <italic>Vibrio-</italic>like integrase was detected at an abundance of 1.1×10<sup>5</sup> gene copies L<sup>−1</sup> of bay water. Based on ambient bacterial abundance at the time of sampling, this gene was present in 0.005% of the ambient population. The <italic>Oceanicola</italic>-like integrase was also detected in this sample, but just at the detection limit. In this case the estimated gene copy number was 1300 copies L<sup>−1</sup>, or an estimated 0.00008% of the ambient population. The other two integrases were not detected in this initial trial. These results indicated that at least some of the genes identified by the metagenome sequencing were not ephemeral and if active, should be detectable as transcripts throughout the annual cycle.</p>", "<title>Seasonal sampling and integrase gene expression in environmental samples</title>", "<p>For the gene expression study all parameters were measured over an entire annual cycle at the same sampling site in Tampa Bay. The ambient parameters showed a similar pattern to previous seasonal observations in this environment ##UREF##9##[19]##. This estuary is typified by a spring and fall bloom in primary productivity and <italic>Synechococcus</italic> abundance (##SUPPL##2##Figure S2##). The total heterotrophic bacterial populations show a more subtle seasonal oscillation typified by high summer and low winter abundances (##SUPPL##2##Figure S2##).</p>", "<p>Prophage induction experiments were also performed on each sampling date for the total heterotrophic bacterial populations as well as the sub-population of <italic>Synechococcus</italic>. ##FIG##1##Figure 2## depicts the distribution of prophage induction events over the annual cycle. In the <italic>Synechococcus</italic> experiments positive prophage inductions are clustered in the winter samples, with no induction observed during the summer months. This is consistent with previous observations of seasonal patterns of <italic>Synechococcus</italic> prophage induction in Tampa Bay. For the total bacterial inductions, statistically significant inductions were more frequent throughout the annual cycle and only showed a period of no inductions during the autumn season. Interestingly, in this study the heterotrophic and <italic>Synechococcus</italic> inductions were somewhat temporally separated, with the <italic>Synechococcus</italic> inductions occurring earlier. In the 1999–2000 seasonal study the inductions temporally co-occurred ##UREF##9##[19]##, ##REF##12200280##[28]##.</p>", "<p>The most important observation was the distribution of the positive integrase gene expression depicted by the shading in ##FIG##1##Figure 2##. Expression of the <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase was observed on six of the sampling dates and the <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase was detected on three of the sampling dates, overlapping with positive <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like expression. The estimated copy numbers the <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like and <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrases were estimated as ranging from 2.4–1280 L<sup>−1</sup> and 37 to 265 L<sup>−1</sup>, respectively. In all cases a detection of integrase gene expression was present in conjunction with statistically significant prophage induction. On no occasion was integrase expression present without prophage induction. In addition the detections of integrase expression were clustered in the “lysogenic season” with none in the “lytic season.” These findings supported our initial hypothesis.</p>", "<p>Multivariate statistical analysis of the distribution of integrase gene expression in comparison to all measured environmental variables indicated that the two parameters most correlated with gene expression were the combined parameters of cyanophage induction and light incubated total prophage induction (ρ = 0.608, p = 0.1). This is statistically significant at the 90% confidence interval, which is a good correlation considering the low number of data points available for comparison. One sampling date was excluded from the analysis due to the loss of the prophage induction experiments, leaving five sample dates with integrase gene expression for statistical analysis.</p>", "<title>Distribution of integrase genes in global environmental samples</title>", "<p>Our next investigation was to determine the frequency of both expressed integrases in diverse global environments by investigating their frequency within environmental microbial and viral metagenome libraries. Examination of the integrase gene frequency in microbial samples gives a first estimate of the distribution of similar genes as putative prophage. The frequency of the same genes in viral metagenomes gives a rough estimate of their prevalence in the free virus fraction.</p>", "<p>To query environmental microbial samples we estimated the integrase gene frequency in the microbial fraction samples from the global ocean sampling expedition by comparison to the frequency of the single-copy gene <italic>recA</italic> as a proxy for estimation of total genome equivalents ##UREF##12##[29]##. The <italic>recA</italic> gene was identified in 50 of the 56 samples listed on the CAMERA database with an average copy number of 149. The <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase was observed in 39 of the 56 sites with an estimated average of 3.14% of the microbial population carrying a similar gene. In contrast, the <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase was only found in 17 of the 56 sites with an estimated average frequency of 0.58%. There was no clear trend in the type of environment in which the genes were observed.</p>", "<p>In four viral metagenomes from widely separated geographical environments ##UREF##11##[24]##, genes significantly similar to the <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase were not found. However, the <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase was found in all four viromes with a varying frequency. There were two similar genes in the 416,456 sequence library from British Columbia, containing an estimated 129,000 viral genotypes. One similar gene was detected in both the Gulf of Mexico and Sargasso Sea libraries with 263,908 and 399,343 sequences in each and estimated viral genotype abundances of 15,400 and 5140, respectively. In contrast, in the Arctic library of 188,590 sequences, eleven similar genes were observed with a modeled population estimate of 532 genotypes. This is consistent with the previous finding of high numbers of identifiable prophage genes in this metagenome of Arctic free viruses ##UREF##11##[24]##. Both findings provide support for the contention that lysogeny is prevalent in environments less favorable to bacterial host growth ##UREF##8##[18]##, ##UREF##13##[30]##. It is important to note here that the estimated number viral of genotypes presented for each library are theoretical “best guesses” and may vary depending on the assembly criteria used for modeling.</p>", "<title>Concluding Remarks</title>", "<p>We have demonstrated the capacity of metagenomic sequence information to provide useful and relevant clues to environmental functions of interest. This study represents an important first connection between viral metagenomic sequence data and an ecologically relevant function within a natural environment. We have demonstrated that viral integrase genes are present and can be stable in the population over periods of time and that expression of these genes was detectable in natural samples. Expression was observed to be temporally variable and most importantly to co-occur with prophage induction. This provided strong experimental support for our initial hypothesis.</p>", "<p>Besides demonstrating temporal variability in expression, it appears that similar integrase genes vary in global distribution as well. Integrase-like genes were more frequently observed in microbial samples than free virus samples, which is not surprising since the main function of integrase is to integrate into a host's DNA. In the microbial fraction there was no observable association with a particular environment, but in the virus fraction libraries the gene was much more prevalent in the sample from the Arctic, suggesting greater activity of temperate viruses in colder environments.</p>", "<p>Metagenomics may also allow a new perspective on microbes at an ecosystem scale, particularly by highlighting the importance of a specific organism type to overall ecosystem function. This was illustrated in this study by the high functional coverage of the cyanophage P-SSM2. The amino-acid level genome analysis indicated an important functional role being performed in the Tampa Bay estuary by a diverse assemblage of similar phage. Once the raw sequences were assembled, blast hits of the large contigs did not demonstrate the same dominance of cyanophages, leading to the hypothesis that this may have been due to high prevalence of similar but not identical cyanophages in this sample.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: LDM FR JHP. Performed the experiments: LDM JM AL MH. Analyzed the data: LDM MB FR JHP. Wrote the paper: LDM.</p>", "<p>Phage integrase genes often play a role in the establishment of lysogeny in temperate phage by catalyzing the integration of the phage into one of the host's replicons. To investigate temperate phage gene expression, an induced viral metagenome from Tampa Bay was sequenced by 454/Pyrosequencing. The sequencing yielded 294,068 reads with 6.6% identifiable. One hundred-three sequences had significant similarity to integrases by BLASTX analysis (e≤0.001). Four sequences with strongest amino-acid level similarity to integrases were selected and real-time PCR primers and probes were designed. Initial testing with microbial fraction DNA from Tampa Bay revealed 1.9×10<sup>7</sup>, and 1300 gene copies of <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase and <italic>Oceanicola</italic>-like integrase L<sup>−1</sup> respectively. The other two integrases were not detected. The integrase assay was then tested on microbial fraction RNA extracted from 200 ml of Tampa Bay water sampled biweekly over a 12 month time series. <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase gene expression was detected in three samples, with estimated copy numbers of 2.4-1280 L<sup>−1</sup>. <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase gene expression was detected in 6 samples, with estimated copy numbers of 37 to 265 L<sup>−1</sup>. In all cases, detection of integrase gene expression corresponded to the occurrence of lysogeny as detected by prophage induction. Investigation of the environmental distribution of the two expressed integrases in the Global Ocean Survey Database found the <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrase was present in genome equivalents of 3.14% of microbial libraries and all four viral metagenomes. There were two similar genes in the library from British Columbia and one similar gene was detected in both the Gulf of Mexico and Sargasso Sea libraries. In contrast, in the Arctic library eleven similar genes were observed. The <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase was less prevalent, being found in 0.58% of the microbial and none of the viral libraries. These results underscore the value of metagenomic data in discovering signature genes that play important roles in the environment through their expression, as demonstrated by integrases in lysogeny.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>We are very grateful to Florent Angly for assistance with the contig spectrum analysis and Rob Edwards for assistance with some of the bioinformatic analyses. Many thanks also to Dana Hall for assistance with the Phage Proteomic Tree analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003263-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003263.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Amino acid coverage of cyanophage P-SSM2 genome by sequences from the Tampa Bay viral metagenome.</title><p>The slope of the line indicates the genome coverage with high slope indicating high coverage. Arrows identify gaps in coverage and the bracket indicates the area of highest coverage.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003263-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003263.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Prophage Induction and Integrase Gene Expression over an annual cycle.</title><p>The top panel depicts <italic>Synechococcus</italic> cyanophage induction (♦ = temperature, gray columns = cyanophage induction); the bottom panel shows heterotrophic prophage induction (white columns = heterotrophic light incubation, black columns = heterotrophic dark incubation). Light gray shading indicates expression of <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like integrase. Dark gray shading indicates expression of both <italic>Clostridium</italic>-like and <italic>Vibrio</italic>-like integrases. Asterisks denote statistically significant prophage induction. Note the breaks in the y axis in both panels denoted by breaks in the axis line and in the figure column.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003263-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003263.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Top 15 Hits for Unassembled Tampa Bay Induced Viral Metagenome.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">number of hits</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Virus Identification</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Target Accession</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Category</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Virus/Organism Type</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2572</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Cyanophage P-SSM2, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AY939844.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">T4-like <italic>Prochlorococcus</italic> cyanophage</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1184</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Cyanophage P-SSM4, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AY940168.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">T4-like <italic>Prochlorococcus</italic> cyanophage</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">901</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bacteriophage S-PM2, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AJ630128.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">T4-like “photosynthetic” <italic>Synechococcus</italic> cyanophage</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">524</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Roseophage SIO1, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AF189021.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Lytic bacteriophage of <italic>Roseobacter</italic>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">201</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Cyanophage P-SSP7, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AY939843.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">T7-like <italic>Prochlorococcus</italic> cyanophage, possibly temperate</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">174</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bacteriophage M6, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">DQ163916.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</italic> bacteriophage, siphovirus NOS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">170</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bacteriophage PA11, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">DQ163915.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</italic> bacteriophage NOS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">93</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bacteriophage Phi JL001, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AY576273.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">temperate phage associated with sponge bacterium</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">89</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage PaP3, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AY078382.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</italic> bacteriophage NOS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">81</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bacteriophage S-RSM2, incomplete</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AJ628768.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Infective <italic>Synechococcus</italic> myovirus, genes ORF1, omp1 gene, psbA gene, psbD gene and tal gene</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">74</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Cyanophage P60, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AF338467.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Lytic cyanophage</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bacteriophage KVP40</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AY283928.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Marine broad host-range T4-like vibriophage</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Chlamydia phage PhiCPG1, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">U41758.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Microvirus (ssDNA bacteriophage)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bordetella phage BPP-1, complete genome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AY029185.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Podovirus, P22-T7 hybrid. Related to temperate <italic>Yersinia</italic> phage PY54</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">58</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Uncultured cyanophage clone BAC9D04</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AY456121.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">cyanophage sequence from environmental clone NOS. Genes include hypothetical protein, head-tail connector protein, capsid assembly protein, and PSII D1 protein (psbA) genes, complete cds; and unknown genes</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003263-t002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003263.t002</object-id><label>Table 2</label><caption><title>Top 15 Assembled Contigs with BLASTX hits, Tampa Bay Induced Viral Metagenome.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig number</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig size (bp)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Number of Sequences in Contig</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Top BLASTX Hit</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Target Accession</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">e-value</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Category</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Virus/Organism Type</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_13758</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3097</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">248</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">putative prophage terminase large subunit</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">NP 455525.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">e-112</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Prophage [Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. CT18]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_15615</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3004</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">290</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">orf13 [Haemophilus phage HP1], putative adenine-specific methylase</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">NP 043482.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.00E-13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">temperate phage HP1 of Haemophilis influenzae</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_13453</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">307</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">gp6 [Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophage ES18]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">YP 224144.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8.00E-18</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">temperate, generalized transducing phage (dsDNA)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_18645</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1744</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">189</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">tail protein [Yersinia phage PY54]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">NP 892067.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8.00E-14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">temperate phage of Yersinia enterolytica</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_16978</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1631</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">138</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">gp9 [Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophage ES18]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">YP 224147.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7.00E-22</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">temperate, generalized transducing phage (dsDNA)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_18692</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1596</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">195</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">phage protein [Pseudomonas entomophila L48]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">YP 609639.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.00E-10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">prophage (phage protein in bacterial genome)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_14529</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1429</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">205</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Hypothetical protein CBG24242 [Caenorhabditis briggsae]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CAE56519.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.00E-07</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">eukaryote</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_14768</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1400</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">98</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">putative DNA primase [Pelobacter carbinolicus DSM 2380]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">YP 357233.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.00E-29</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">bacterial whole genome</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_14399</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1205</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">replication initiation protein [Banana bunchy top virus]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AAG44003.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.00E-06</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">lytic plant virus, multicomponent ssDNA</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_18753</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1128</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">89</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">hypothetical protein MED193_12573 [Roseobacter sp. MED193]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ZP 01058432.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4.00E-07</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">bacterial whole genome</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_18853</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">932</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">70</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">viral A-type inclusion protein, putative [Trichomonas vaginalis G3]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">XP 001330650</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.00E-04</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">viral protein in Trichomonad (eukaryotic pathogen)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_16209</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">923</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">hypothetical protein PputGB1DRAFT_4712 [Pseudomonas putida GB-1]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ZP 01715014.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.00E-27</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">prophage (Phage-like protein in bacterial genome)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_18743</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">881</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">gp14 [Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophage ES18]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">YP 224152.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.00E-05</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">temperate, generalized transducing phage (dsDNA)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_18669</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">800</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">hypothetical protein ph57 [Staphylococcus phage PH15]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">YP 950719.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.00E-10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">temperate phage of Staphylococcus epidermidis</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Contig_14647</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">737</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">38</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">conserved hypothetical protein [Cyanophage P-SSM2]</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">YP 214416.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8.00E-04</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">lytic T4-like cyanophage</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003263.s001\"><label>Table S1</label><caption><p>Integrase sequences from Tampa Bay Metagenome.</p><p>(0.03 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003263.s002\"><label>Figure S1</label><caption><p>Phage Proteomic Tree Analysis of Unassembled and Assembled Sequences From Induced Viral Metagenome. The left side of the figure (y-axis) is the tree constructed based on the phage and prophage database. The x-axis represents the abundance (number of blast hits) of each phage type normalized to the must abundant type, which is set at 1. The left column (blue) is the relative distribution of phage hits in the raw sequences. The right column (red) indicates the relative distribution of phage hits in the assembled sequences. The most abundant phage identifications in each column are labeled in the figure.</p><p>(5.90 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003263.s003\"><label>Figure S2</label><caption><p>Ambient parameters in Tampa Bay throughout the annual cycle. The top panel depicts primary productivity (green) and bacterial productivity (blue). The center panel depicts total viral abundance (black) and total bacterial abundance (brown). The bottom panel depicts the ambient Synechococcus abundance (red) and infectious cyanophage abundance (gray). Error bars indicate the standard deviation.</p><p>(11.10 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><p>Category: C = cyanophage, P = prophage, - = other</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt102\"><p>Category: C = cyanophage, P = prophage, - = other</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>L.M. and J.P. were supported by grants OCE-0221763 and EF-0801593 from the National Science Foundation. M.B. was supported by grant MCB-0701984 from the National Science Foundation. M.B. also received grant support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (BR-4772).</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003263.g001\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003263-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003263.t001\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003263-t002-2\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003263.t002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003263.g002\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003263.s001.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003263.s002.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003263.s003.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 07:14:34
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 23; 3(9):e3263
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH, a.k.a. histiocytosis X), is a rare disease that affects mainly young children, and features granulomas consisting of Langerhans-like cells (LC), mixed with macrophages, eosinophiles, multinucleated giant cells, and lymphocytes, that can be found within various tissues ##REF##13057466##[1]##, ##REF##8813865##[2]##.</p>", "<p>The presence of LC in granuloma is a key diagnostic feature of LCH. LC are members of the dendritic cell (DC) family, that trigger and shape immune responses, and the pathophysiology of LCH is likely to involve immune mechanisms (reviewed in ##REF##9515204##[3]##, ##REF##12697451##[4]##). We have previously reported that LC found in LCH granuloma were phenotypically and functionally immature/semi-mature LC ##REF##11222366##[5]##. Immature/semi-mature DCs are believed to be prone to induce regulatory T cells, that inhibit polyclonal T cell responses and promote tolerance ##REF##11208869##[6]##, ##REF##14644138##[7]##, ##REF##11560993##[8]##, ##REF##11773639##[9]##. The accumulation of immature LC in LCH granulomas was associated with the expansion of FoxP3<sup>+</sup> CD25 + CD4<sup>+</sup> regulatory T cells both in granuloma and in the blood of patients ##REF##17696642##[10]##. Therefore local and general immunosuppression, which favors reactivation of herpes-virus infection, may be a feature of LCH.</p>", "<p>Environmental agents and viruses, in particular Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), or vaccination, have been proposed to trigger, or to play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease ##REF##15243808##[11]##, ##UREF##0##[12]##. Herpesviruses are DNA viruses responsible for persistent infection. EBV is the etiological agent of several malignancies ##REF##6101750##[13]##, ##REF##15510157##[14]##, and EBV &amp; Cytomegalovirus (CMV) are responsible for hemophagocytic syndromes in human with several inherited immunodeficiencies ##REF##15661029##[15]##, ##REF##17080092##[16]##. EBV has been reported to infect monocytes and Langerhans cells (LC), during the natural course of infection in human ##REF##17376918##[17]##, ##REF##17376908##[18]##. Infection with EBV has been reported to be associated with LCH, to represent a possible etiology, and/or to contribute to its pathophysiology in some studies ##REF##15243808##[11]##, ##UREF##0##[12]##, ##REF##15257550##[19]##. However, other studies failed to replicate these findings, and the possible causative role of EBV in LCH is debated ##REF##8042610##[20]##, ##REF##17027063##[21]##, ##UREF##1##[22]##. CMV can also infect DC and LC ##REF##12805456##[23]##, ##REF##16951359##[24]##, ##REF##14962896##[25]##, and one single study reported CMV detection in lesional LC in one third of 29 patients by immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, and PCR ##REF##10071244##[26]##. HHV-6 infects mainly T cells, but is also reported to infect myeloid cells ##REF##1646280##[27]##, ##REF##12116029##[28]## and HHV-6 DNA or immunoreactivity was detected in lesions of 50% to 75% of patient with LCH ##REF##8228322##[29]##, ##REF##14676546##[30]##, however, control studies performed by the same group concluded that the prevalence of HHV-6 in the tissue of LCH patients is the same as that found in tissue from individuals without disease ##REF##16479562##[31]##.</p>", "<p>Sero-epidemiological studies have been useful to demonstrate the role of EBV in Burkitt lymphoma and Hodgkin disease, when high antibody titers to EBV structural antigens (VCA) have been associated to the risk of developing Burkitt's lymphoma and Hodgkin diseases ##REF##210392##[32]##, ##REF##2537928##[33]##. However, to our knowledge no sero-epidemiological study have been conducted in LCH. The present study was therefore designed to investigate the role of EBV, CMV, and HHV-6 using two methods. First, we performed a case-controlled sero-epidemiological study to investigate a relationship between the onset of LCH in young children and the antibody response to infection with EBV, CMV, or HHV-6, and second we searched for the presence of viruses in the serum of patients, and in Langerhans cells in tumor samples, by PCR and, when positive, we investigated the cellular target of the viruses by immunolabeling and in situ hybridization. Results ruled out an epidemiological association between these herpes-virus and LCH.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Patients &amp; controls</title>", "<p>The diagnostic and inclusion criteria as well as the definition of the organs involvement for the French nationwide LCH survey have been described elsewhere ##REF##8813865##[2]##. Briefly, the extension of the diseases has been classified in three groups according to histiocyte society criteria: group 1: single organ extension, without risk organs group 2 mulsystem organ without risk organs and group 3 patients with risk organs i.e. lung and/or liver and/or spleen and/or hematological dysfunction. According to French bioethics laws, informed consent was signed if the patients participated and the database was approved by the French computer watchdog commission (CNIL certificate n° 99.087). Clinical information, radiological findings and extension were recorded, together with treatments received. Data monitoring, based on medical charts, was done by a clinical research associate who visited each center. Involvement of at least one new organ, as described elsewhere 2, was considered to define an LCH episode. Serum specimens were obtained, after written witnessed informed consent was obtained from the parents of all patients, from 83 pediatric patients with LCH included in the French LCH registry, following a research protocol approved by the ethics committee of the Nantes University Hospital (France, EU). Biopsies samples were also obtained from 19 patients with LCH included in the French LCH registry after written witnessed informed consent was obtained. Control serum samples were obtained from the children admitted to the outpatient unit of the Grenoble University Hospital (France, EU), according to institutional guidelines, and were matched for age with patient samples for statistical analysis.</p>", "<title>Serology</title>", "<p>Qualitative and quantitative analysis of specific Ig against EBV, CMV and HHV-6 were performed on serum samples from 83 patients and 235 controls using microplate ELISA kits: IgG anti-VCA (ETI-VCA-G, DiaSorin®), IgG anti-EBNA (ETI-EBNA-G, DiaSorin®), IgM anti-VCA (DiaSorin®,ETI-EBV-M), IgG anti-CMV(ETI-CYTOK-G PLUS, DiaSorin®) and IgG anti-HHV-6 (HHV-6 IgG EIA, Biotrin®). Patients and controls were classified in three categories according to the detection of specific IgG i/above the upper limit of the grey zone for “infected” status, ii/in the grey zone for “unknown” status, iii/below the lower limit of the grey zone for “uninfected” status.</p>", "<title>DNA extraction from frozen biopsies and serum</title>", "<p>DNA was extracted from sliced frozen biopsies using ALLPrep DNA/RNA minikit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Total DNA was eluted with 200 ul of water and amplification of the beta-globin gene by real time PCR was used to evaluate total cell number per sample (Beta-globine PCR Kit, Roche Diagnostics®). DNA was extracted from 200ul of serum using Blood DNA mini kit and eluted in a volume of 100ul.</p>", "<title>Quantitative PCR for the detection of EBV, CMV and HHV-6</title>", "<p>ten ul of DNA extract were used to detect and quantify viral genomes by real time PCR assays. All positive PCR were run a second time for confirmation.</p>", "<p>EBV tyrosine kinase gene (TK) was amplified from biopsies DNA with T1 (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-GGGGCAAAATACTGTGTTAG-3′</named-content>)+T2 (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-CGGGGGACACCATAGT-3′</named-content>) primers and LC1 (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-ATGTTTCCTCCCTCGCTTCTTCAG-fluo-3′</named-content>)+LC2 (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-ATGTTTCCTCCCTCGCTTCTTCAG-fluo-3′</named-content>) probes. PCR were run on a Light Cycler. The EBV-negative DG75 cell line was used as a negative control. The EBV-positive Burkitt's lymphoma cell line “Namalwa” ##REF##6300885##[45]## harboring 2 copies of viral genome per cell is used as a standard for quantification. Detection limit is 2 copies of viral genome per amplification ##REF##11793388##[46]##.</p>", "<p>CMV immediate early-1 gene (IE1) was amplified using forward <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-GCAGACTCTCAGAGGAT-3′</named-content>+reverse <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-AGCGCCGCATTGAGGA-3′</named-content> primers and a 6-carboxyfluoresceine (FAM) -<named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ ATCTGCATGAAGGTCTTTGCCCAGTACATT-3′</named-content> carboxytetramethyl rhodamine (TAMRA) probe. PCR were run on a ABI 7300 real time PCR system (Applied Biosystem).Quantification was obtained using a plasmid and the detection limit is 20 copies of viral genome per amplification ##REF##12734246##[35]##.</p>", "<p>HHV-6 U65-U66 gene was amplified using forward <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′- GACAATCACATGCCTGGATAATG-3′</named-content>+reverse <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-TGTAAGCGTGTGGTAATGGACTAA -3′</named-content> primers and a 6-carboxyfluoresceine (FAM) -<named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ AGCAGCTGGCGAAAAGTGCTGTGC-3′</named-content> carboxytetramethyl rhodamine (TAMRA) probe. PCR were run on a ABI 7300 real time PCR system (Applied Biosystem).Quantification was obtained using a plasmid and detection limit is 25 copies of viral genome per amplification ##REF##11742650##[47]##.</p>", "<p>PCR results were expressed as the number of viral genome copies per million cells for biopsies and as the number of viral genome copies per ml of serum from peripheral blood.</p>", "<title>In situ hybridization &amp; immunohistochemistry</title>", "<p>Detection of EBV EBERs RNA by in situ hybridization was performed first and was followed by immunohistochemistry with antibodies against B-cell, T-cell and Langerhans cell antigens. Five micrometers paraffin-embedded sections were mounted onto glass slides and pretreated in 0.4% pepsine HCl 0.2M, then hybridized with EBER PNA probes (DAKO), following the manufacturer's instructions, and revealed with NBT/BCIP after APAAP amplification. Immunohistochemistry was then performed using a streptavidin-biotin peroxidase method (LSAB2, DAKO) after microwave heating, revealed with AEC or DAB. Antibodies used were directed against the following antigens : CD20 (L26, 1∶200, Dako,), CD79a (JCB117, 1∶50, Dako), CD3 (UCHT1, 1∶50 Dako), CD1a (MTB1, 1∶25,Novocastra), CD68 (KP1, 1∶200, Dako).</p>", "<title>Statistical methods</title>", "<p>Stata Software® version 8 was used for all statistical analyses. Categorical data were compared by using Fisher's exact test, and quantitative data (titer if seropositivity) by using Kruskal-Wallis non parametric test. All tests were two-tailed. P values of less than 0.05 were considered to indicate statistical significance unless otherwise stated.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Prevalence of EBV, CMV, and HHV-6 infection as a function of age and of clinical presentation of disease. The presence of antibodies against EBV, CMV and HHV-6 was investigated by ELISA in the serum of 78 children diagnosed with LCH and 206 age matched controls. To avoid contamination by maternal IgG, only children six month-old and older where studied for the presence of specific antibodies in serum. Twenty six children with LCH (33.3%) and 94 controls (47.1%) tested seropositive for EBV. No significant difference was observed between patient and control groups when matched for age (##TAB##0##Table 1##). Similarly, no significant difference was observed with the control group when patients were grouped by disease stage/clinical presentation (##TAB##1##Table 2##). Similar results were observed for CMV and HHV-6, and the prevalence of both infections in children with LCH were comparable to their prevalence among age-matched controls (##TAB##1##Tables 2##,and ##TAB##2##3##).</p>", "<p>Serum IgG titers directed against EBV, as well as CMV and HHV-6, did not differ between patients and controls. Titers of EBV antibodies have been shown to differ from controls in several diseases linked to EBV ##REF##15510157##[14]##, ##REF##16390946##[34]##. IgG VCA titers, and in some cases anti-Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen (EBNA)1 antibody, are consistently higher in patients with nasopharynx carcinoma or Hodgkin disease than in control populations ##REF##15510157##[14]##. Lower EBNA1-IgG antibody titer is also considered as a possible serological sign for a defective control of the persistent latent EBV carrier state. In the present study, both VCA IgG and EBNA IgG titers were found to be similar in patients with LCH in comparison with controls, when matched for age, or when grouped by disease stage/clinical presentation (##FIG##0##Figure 1A–E##). Anti HHV-6 or anti CMV IgG titers were also not different between patients and the control group (data not shown)</p>", "<p>Prevalence of detectable serum viral load for EBV, CMV, and HHV-6. Defective control of infection by Herpesviruses such as EBV, CMV and HHV-6 ultimately results in replicative infection and viremia ##REF##12734246##[35]##. Serum viral load during CMV infection is a sensitive technique, but in the present study, out of 83 patients and 236 age-matched controls, 0% of patient and 3% of controls (n = 7) had detectable CMV serum viral load (##TAB##3##table 4##) indicating the very low indidence of active infection. Serum viral load during EBV infection is considered to be less sensitive than during CMV infection ##REF##16206064##[36]##, nevertheless we found that only 1.2% of patients (n = 1) and a similar percentage (0.9% of controls, n = 2) had a detectable EBV viral load in serum (##TAB##3##Table 4##). These results are consistent with anti-VCA IgG titers, which were found similar in patients and controls (see ##FIG##0##figure 1##), since EBV viral load was shown to be correlated with anti-VCA IgG titer ##REF##16390946##[34]##. The significance of the detection of HHV-6 in the serum is still discussed ##REF##17229866##[37]##, ##REF##17339132##[38]##, but again only 3.6% of patients (n = 3) and 2.5% of controls (n = 6) had a detectable HHV-6 serum viral load, and there was no difference between groups as per fischer exact's test (##TAB##3##Table 4##).</p>", "<p>Detection of EBV, CMV, and HHV-6 DNA in biopsy samples from LCH granuloma. We then investigated whether Herpesviruses were present in LCH granuloma, in the absence of overt viremia. As shown in ##TAB##4##table 5##, EBV DNA was found in 15% of biopsy samples examined (3/19 patients, #1, 9, &amp; 15), and HHV-6 DNA in 26% of biopsy samples examined (5/19 patients). CMV DNA was not detected in this series. EBV and HHV-6 viral loads were low with a median of 400 copies/10<sup>6</sup> cells except for patient #5. Patient #5 display a very high HHV-6 load in the biopsy and in the blood over time (data not shown) compatible with the detection of a chromosomally integrated HHV-6 DNA ##REF##17133548##[39]##.</p>", "<p>Therefore, our data support previous results showing the presence of EBV or HHV-6 in a subset of LCH granuloma. However, since HHV-6 and EBV are responsible for persistent infection of T cells and B cells respectively, the detection of virus DNA in LCH samples could be attributed to infection of bystander cells ##REF##17027063##[21]##.</p>", "<p>We therefore investigated whether EBV infects bystanders lymphocytes, macrophages, and Langerhans cells in samples from patients #1, 9, &amp; 15, which tested positive by PCR, using in situ hybridisation with a probe against EBV EBERs RNA on paraffin sections of LCH granuloma, followed by immunohistochemistry with antibodies against B-cells (CD20 &amp; CD79a), T-cells (CD3), macrophages (CD68), or Langerhans cell (CD1a) antigens on the same tissue sections. EBV positive cells were always found in areas rich in B cells, and were labeled with either CD20, or CD79a antibodies (##FIG##1##Figure 2##), while no EBER+ cell labelled with CD1a, CD3, or CD68 cell was observed. These data indicate that EBV infects bystander B cells, which are present in a subsets of LCH granuloma ##UREF##0##[12]##. Although positive controls were obtained, we did not observed immunoreactivity against HHV-6 in samples positive for HHV-6 DNA by PCR (data not shown), therefore the cellular target of HHV6 in LCH granuloma was not identified.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The present study is the largest case-controlled sero-epidemiological study performed in this disease. The results argue against an epidemiological association between LCH and EBV, CMV, or HHV-6 infection.</p>", "<p>Further investigation of the cellular localization of the viruses in LCH tissue samples from 19 patients indicated that, when present, EBV infected bystander lymphocytes and not Langerhans cells. We think that our results therefore resolve the much debated issue of the role of EBV in the pathogenesis of LCH ##REF##15257550##[19]##, ##REF##17027063##[21]##, ##UREF##1##[22]##, ##REF##14676546##[30]##, ##REF##16479562##[31]##. Because EBV infected B cells are present in the blood of healthy seropositive individuals ##REF##3030940##[40]## at a low frequency in the order of 10-<sup>6</sup>\n##REF##1333480##[41]## it is not unexpected to find a small number of EBV infected B cells in LCH granuloma, which contains B cells. In addition, because the growth of EBV infected B cells is under the control of CD8 cytotoxic T cells in healthy individuals ##REF##7565411##[42]##, the regulatory T cell-rich environment of the LCH granuloma ##REF##17696642##[10]##, may represent a sanctuary for such EBV infected B cells.</p>", "<p>Anti CMV IgG titers in patients and controls, and absence of detection of the virus by PCR in the serum and in biopsy samples strongly suggest that CMV is not associated with LCH.</p>", "<p>The case of HHV6 is more complicated. HHV-6 was detected by PCR in the serum of 3.8% of patients and 2.5% of controls with viral loads above 10<sup>4</sup> copies/ml in 5 out of 9 detected (data not shown). The prevalence of HHV-6 in patients and controls were similar to the reported prevalence of chromosomally integrated HHV6 among blood donors ##REF##17133548##[39]##. Therefore HHV6 detection may be related to the presence of chromosomally integrated HHV-6. HHV6 DNA was also detected by PCR in biopsies from 5/19 patients (26%), suggesting that HHV6, like EBV can be found in LCH granuloma. However the viral load was very low, and the virus was not detectable by immunochemistry suggesting that HHV-6 infection is quiescent. Together with our serological data and serum PCR, and in the light of the study of Glotzbecker et al, ##REF##16479562##[31]## who found a similar frequency PCR positive samples in LCH granuloma and control tissues, we hypothetize that HHV6 do not productivey infect LC in vivo and may be carried by bystander lymphocytes which are present in the granuloma.</p>", "<p>Our study did not identify a subset of patients with ‘herpes-viruses associated’ LCH. We did not found an association between EBV, CMV, or HHV-6 infection and patients when they were stratified by age, or by clinical stage.</p>", "<p>Among other herpes viruses, HHV-1 (HSV-1), HHV-2 (HSV-2), HHV-3 (VZV) and HHV-7 infections were never reported to be associated with LCH, and were not investigated in this study. Among herpesviruses, HHV-8 has been initially reported to infect dendritic cells, but several studies have excluded its association with LCH ##REF##12210448##[43]##, ##REF##10911374##[44]##.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: BS TM JD FG. Performed the experiments: EJ BS FD MLV. Analyzed the data: EJ BS TM MLV IJ JD FG. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: TM PM CG LM JG MD FJ JMS CT IJ. Wrote the paper: BS JD FG.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease that affects mainly young children, and which features granulomas containing Langerhans-type dendritic cells. The role of several human herpesviruses (HHV) in the pathogenesis of LCH was suggested by numerous reports but remains debated. Epstein-barr virus (EBV, HHV-4), &amp; Cytomegalovirus (CMV, HHV-5) can infect Langerhans cells, and EBV, CMV and HHV-6 have been proposed to be associated with LCH based on the detection of these viruses in clinical samples.</p>", "<title>Methodology</title>", "<p>We have investigated the prevalence of EBV, CMV and HHV-6 infection, the characters of antibody response and the plasma viral load in a cohort of 83 patients and 236 age-matched controls, and the presence and cellular localization of the viruses in LCH tissue samples from 19 patients.</p>", "<title>Principal Findings</title>", "<p>The results show that prevalence, serological titers, and viral load for EBV, CMV and HHV-6 did not differ between patients and controls. EBV was found by PCR in tumoral sample from 3/19 patients, however, EBV small RNAs EBERs –when positive-, were detected by in situ double staining in bystander B CD20<sup>+</sup> CD79a<sup>+</sup> lymphocytes and not in CD1a<sup>+</sup> LC. HHV-6 genome was detected in the biopsies of 5/19 patients with low copy number and viral Ag could not be detected in biopsies. CMV was not detected by PCR in this series.</p>", "<title>Conclusions/Significance</title>", "<p>Therefore, our findings do not support the hypothesis of a role of EBV, CMV, or HHV-6 in the pathogenesis of LCH, and indicate that the frequent detection of Epstein-barr virus (EBV) in Langerhans cell histiocytosis is accounted for by the infection of bystander B lymphocytes in LCH granuloma. The latter observation can be attributed to the immunosuppressive micro environment found in LCH granuloma.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003262-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003262.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>VCA-IgG and EBNA-IgG titers (UA/ml) in patients and controls with past EBV infection.</title><p>VCA-IgG (A, B, C) and EBNA-IgG titers (D, E, F) (UA/ml) were determined as indicated in <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">methods</xref>, and patients were compared to controls without stratification (A, D), and after stratification based on age (B, E), or disease extension (C, F).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003262-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003262.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Detection of EBV-infected B cells by in situ hybridization combined with immunohistochemistry.</title><p>Granuloma serial sections were stained for CD1a (upper left) or for CD20 (middle left) by immunohistochemistry or for EBERs by in situ hybridisation (upper right, arrows indicate EBER positive cells). Combined detection of CD20 or CD79a with EBERs shows that EBV-infected cells are B cells (arrows).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003262-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003262.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Prevalence of EBV, CMV, and HHV-6 infection in LCH patients</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH3</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"7\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">EBV</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Non-infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">109</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">52</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">28</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">52.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">66.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">63.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">75</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">36.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">206</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">78</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Fisher's exact</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.475</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">CMV</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Non-infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">131</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">58</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">32</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">75.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">76.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">81.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">35.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">23.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">Unknown*</xref>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">204</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">77</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">42</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Fisher's exact</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.282</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">HHV-6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Non-infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">161</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">62</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">37</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">80.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">80.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">88.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">Unknown*</xref>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">201</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">77</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">42</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Fisher's exact</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.424</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003262-t002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003262.t002</object-id><label>Table 2</label><caption><title>Prevalence of EBV, CMV, and HHV-6 infection as a function of age</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Age 0.5 to 5</td><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Age 5 to 10</td><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Age 10 to 20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"8\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">EBV</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Non-infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">79</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">35</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">71.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">85.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">35.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">45.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">25.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">46.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">32</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">28.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">74.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">53.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">110</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">53</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Fisher's exact</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.093</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.577</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.378</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"8\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">CMV</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Non-infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">74</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">29</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">27</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">69.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">85</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">62.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">84.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">23</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">30.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">37.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Unknown*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">107</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">40</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">53</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Fisher's exact</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.062</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.82</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.186</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"8\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">HHV-6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Non-infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">35</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">23.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">84</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">47</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">30</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">79.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">88.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">71.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">92.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Unknown*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">106</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">40</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">53</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">42</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Fisher's exact</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.037</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.217</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.356</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003262-t003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003262.t003</object-id><label>Table 3</label><caption><title>Prevalence of HHV-6 infection in children before the age of 5 years</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Age 0.5 to 1</td><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Age 1 to 1.5</td><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Age 1.5 to 2</td><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Age 2 to 5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Non-infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">35.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">66.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">30.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Infected</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">49</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">95.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">66.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">69.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">80.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">79</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Unknown*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Fisher's exact</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.238</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.054</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.529</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.663</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003262-t004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003262.t004</object-id><label>Table 4</label><caption><title>Prevalence of detectable serum viral load for EBV, CMV, and HHV-6</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Patients</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Controls</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">EBV</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Negative</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">82</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">234</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">316</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">98.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Positive</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">236</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">319</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Fisher's exact = 1.000</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">1-sided Fisher's exact = 0.596</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">CMV</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Negative</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">229</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">312</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97.</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Positive</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">236</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">319</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Fisher's exact = 0.197</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">1-sided Fisher's exact = 0.118</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">HHV-6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Negative</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">80</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">230</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">310</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">96.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Positive</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">236</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">319</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">%</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Fisher's exact = 0.701</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">1-sided Fisher's exact = 0.428</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003262-t005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003262.t005</object-id><label>Table 5</label><caption><title>Detection of EBV, CMV, and HHV-6 DNA in biopsy samples from LCH granuloma.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Patient</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">stage</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">sex</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HHV-6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">EBV</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CMV</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">F</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6 10<sup>3</sup>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8 10<sup>2</sup>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">F</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6 10<sup>1</sup>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2 10<sup>6</sup>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">F</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">F</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">F</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.7 10<sup>5</sup>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">F</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">F</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4 10<sup>2</sup>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4 10<sup>2</sup>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LCH3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">M</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4 10<sup>2</sup>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><p>Unknown<sup>*</sup>: IgG value are in the ‘grey zone’ (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">methods</xref>)</p></fn><fn id=\"nt102\"><p>LCH1: single system, no risk organs</p></fn><fn id=\"nt103\"><p>LCH2: multisystem, no risk organs</p></fn><fn id=\"nt104\"><p>LCH3: risk organs</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt105\"><p>Positive results are expressed as the number of viral genome copies per million cells.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>EJ was supported by the Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale (FRM). BS was the recipient of a PhD fellowship from INSERM. Work was supported by a grant from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (EPILCH 2005) to JD, IJ and FG, by grants from the FRM, the City of Paris, and an EURopean Young Investigator (EURYI) award to FG. Sponsors or funders did not have any role in the design and conduct of the study, collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data, and in the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic id=\"pone-0003262-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003262.t001\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003262-t002-2\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003262.t002\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003262-t003-3\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003262.t003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003262.g001\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003262-t004-4\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003262.t004\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003262-t005-5\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003262.t005\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003262.g002\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["12"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Sakata", "Toguchi", "Kimura", "Nakayama", "Kawa"], "given-names": ["N", "N", "M", "M", "K"], "year": ["2007"], "article-title": ["Development of Langerhans cell histiocytosis associated with chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection."], "source": ["Pediatr Blood Cancer"]}, {"label": ["22"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Brousset"], "given-names": ["P"], "year": ["2004"], "article-title": ["Epstein-Barr virus and Langerhans cell histiocytosis."], "source": ["Hum Pathol"], "volume": ["35"], "fpage": ["1573"], "lpage": ["1574; author reply 1574"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 07:14:34
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 23; 3(9):e3262
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>The rapid development of genomic databases, bioinformatics tools, laboratory robotics and enabling technologies such as cDNA and oligonucleotide microarrays have provided new insights and understanding into biological and disease processes thru the global analysis of gene expression patterns. Continued development of high-throughput platforms, such as protein microarray technologies, are essential to furthering our understanding of protein function, quantitative proteomics, molecular interactions and protein profiling ##REF##10866210##[1]##–##REF##15253650##[3]##. Unfortunately, inherent cost and technical limitations, including the required production of large libraries of purified proteins and long-term maintenance of array stability and integrity, have caused protein microarray development to lag behind that of DNA microarrays ##UREF##0##[2]##, ##REF##10606671##[4]##. Nevertheless, despite these limitations, several groups have demonstrated proof-of-concept and the potential of protein microarray technology ##REF##10606671##[4]##–##UREF##1##[9]##.</p>", "<p>In an effort to address these issues, Nord et al. developed an alternative platform, termed protein microbead display, wherein proteins are captured <italic>via</italic> antigen-antibody binding as they are synthesized ##REF##15232106##[10]##. This technology utilizes a biotin labeled PCR product (containing a T7 promoter and a FLAG epitope in-frame with two IgG binding domains) anchored onto microbeads through streptavidin-biotin affinity binding. Anti-FLAG antibody is then immobilized onto the same microbead. The beads are incubated in a coupled cell-free transcription-translation extract to produce the targeted protein. Newly synthesized proteins are trapped via Flag peptide (antigen)-Flag antibody interaction. More recently, Ramachandran et al. ##REF##9334221##[11]## applied a similar antibody mediated protein anchoring technology to a microarray format. This platform employs purified expression construct DNAs arrayed onto a microscope slide <italic>via</italic> biotin-avidin interaction. The encoded inserts are fused with GST protein to produce GST-fusion proteins. The slides are simultaneously printed with polyclonal GST antibody to capture the newly synthesized GST fusion-proteins following coupled cell-free transcription-translation on the surface of the microarray. In both cases, newly synthesized proteins are captured through protein-protein (antigen-antibody) interactions. Although both technologies have been successfully employed, they also have their limitations. First, both platforms require a second protein, the antibody, to capture the synthesized fusion-protein. This antibody needs to be purified which adds to both labor and cost. Second, given that proteins (i.e. the capture antibody) need to be arrayed with the expression construct, maintaining the stability and integrity of the microarrays for extended periods of time remains an issue. We have addressed both of these issues by eliminating the need for antibody or other capture reagent to immobilize the newly synthesized proteins onto the microarray surface. In our system, the expression vector DNA not only directs the synthesis of each protein, but also serves to capture the protein at it's designated location on the microarray surface. Since only plasmid DNA is printed, array fabrication is simple and array stability is not an issue. To accomplish this we have exploited the high-affinity binding (∼3–7×10 <sup>−13</sup> M) of <italic>E. coli</italic> Tus protein to Ter, a 20 bp DNA sequence involved in the regulation of <italic>E. coli</italic> DNA replication ##REF##11523786##[12]##, ##UREF##2##[13]##. In our system, each protein of interest is synthesized as a Tus fusion protein and each expression construct directing the protein synthesis contains embedded Ter DNA sequence. The embedded Ter sequence functions as a capture reagent for the newly synthesized Tus fusion protein.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>A. Construction of base microarray plasmid</title>", "<p>For convenience, a recombinational cloning system was used (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). First, a destination vector was made using Tus as the carboxy fusion partner. A modified, Tus (E47Q) with higher affinity for the Ter DNA sequence ##REF##11523786##[12]## was amplified from plasmid DNA by standard procedure. Oligos used for Tus amplifications were:</p>", "<p>Forward- <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-ATT TTA <bold><underline>GCT AGC</underline></bold> GGA GGT GCG CGT TAC GAT CTC GTA GAC CGA CTC-3′</named-content> and Reverse <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′-TATATT <bold><underline>CAA TTG</underline></bold> TTA atg atg gtg atg atg gtg ATC TGC AAC ATA CAG GTG CAG CCG TGG 3′</named-content>.</p>", "<p>Restriction sites NheI and MunI are indicated as bold and underlined. A six-histidine tag (small letters) was incorporated in reverse oligo so that Tus will be his-tagged for downstream identification.</p>", "<p>The PCR product was purified, digested with NheI and MunI, run on an agarose gel, and the fragment excised. The fragment was then cloned into a derivative pDest47 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) termed pDest472 that had been digested with the same enzymes to create pDest 472-Tus. Correct clones were selected by digestion and verified by sequencing.</p>", "<p>A Ter site (bold) was synthesized by annealing two complementary oligos:</p>", "<p>\n<named-content content-type=\"gene\">CCGGC <bold>CACTTTAGTTACAACATACTTATT</bold>AT</named-content>\n</p>", "<p>\n<named-content content-type=\"gene\">CGA<bold>TAATAAGTATGTTGTAACTAAAGTG</bold>G</named-content>\n</p>", "<p>Following annealing, these oligos form a double stranded Ter site with ClaI and NgoMIV overhangs. The annealed oligo was cloned in pDest 472-Tus digested with NgoMIV and ClaI to create pDest Microarray TT-1. The clone was verified by sequencing. This is the base plasmid to clone any protein of interest by recombinational cloning.</p>", "<p>In addition to a wild type Ter site, a mutant Ter site was also tested for Tus fusion capture. The mutant Ter site was obtained during the course of cloning the wild-type Ter site. The sequence of the mutant was found to be:</p>", "<p>\n<bold><named-content content-type=\"gene\">CACTTTAGTTACAACATA<underline>T</underline>TTATT</named-content></bold>\n</p>", "<p>The site of the mutation is underlined. It has been shown that mutation at this particular site will reduce binding affinity by almost 4-fold ##REF##9334221##[11]##. This position is equivalent to position 6 according to the nomenclature in the manuscript. The Ter sequence has been presented in reverse orientation ##REF##9334221##[11]##.</p>", "<title>B. Construction of GFP fusion plasmid</title>", "<p>As a proof-of-concept, we cloned GFP as a fusion with Tus. pEL100 contains eGFP gene in pDonr223 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). It contains a Kozak sequence upstream of ATG and no stop codon at the C-terminus. Thus, upon recombinational cloning into pDest Microarray TT-1, GFP will be fused in frame with Tus. Recombinational cloning was performed as per manufacturer's (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) directions. Finally, the clone was sequenced to confirm correct insertion.</p>", "<title>C. Microarray Fabrication</title>", "<p>Microarray protein expression vectors were prepared in 3× standard saline citrate (SSC) in a 384-well plate (Genetix, Boston, MA) and arrayed on nitrocellulose coated “Fast Slides” (Schleicher &amp; Schuell BioScience, Keene, NH) using a Microgrid II microarray robot at 50% humidity. Microarray features were printed at a spacing of 0.55mm (center to center) with 1.2mm spacing between each sub array. After printing, microarrays were baked at 80°C for 30 min. Slides were blocked with 0.1% PVP/0.05% Tween 20 for 1 h prior to expression.</p>", "<p>To confirm uniform DNA spotting, a sample slide from each print set was stained for DNA content using the IDT (Coralville, IA) Cy3-SpotQC detector oligo (9mers) diluted in 0.1% PVP/0.05% Tween 20 buffer. Following incubation, slides were washed 1× for 3 minutes in 10×SSC, 0.2% Sarkosyl, followed by a second wash in 10×SSC for one minute. After a third wash in 2×SSC, slides were dried and scanned with an Axon GenePix 4000 scanner (##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##).</p>", "<title>D. <italic>In situ</italic> Expression of Proteins</title>", "<p>\n<italic>In situ</italic> expression was performed using a cell-free expression system (TNT Quick coupled transcription/translation system (Promega, Madison, WI)). In brief, 30 µl of rabbit reticulocyte lysate, supplemented with methionine, was added directly to the slide and incubated in a water bath. Expression and immobilization were carried out at 30°C for 1.5 hours followed by a 2 hour incubation at 15°C.</p>", "<title>E. Confirmation of Expression and Immobilization of Expressed Proteins</title>", "<p>Expression of GFP-Tus protein was confirmed with a Cy3–Cy5 labeled antibody to the poly-histidine (poly-his) tag. Prior to incubation with labeled antibody, slides were blocked for 1 hr with 0.1% PVP/0.05% Tween 20. Monoclonal antibodies to poly-his, GFP (Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO), and beta-globin (Novus, Littleton, CO) were labeled with fluorescent dye N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester-linked Cyanine 3 (Cy3) and Cyanine 5 (Cy5) (Amersham, Piscataway, NJ). In brief, 90 µl of antibody diluted to the concentration of 0.55 mg/ml in 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate/carbonate buffer pH 9.0 was mixed with 20 µl of 60 µM of Cy3 or Cy5 in sodium bicarbonate/carbonate buffer and incubated on ice. After reaction had proceeded for 90 minutes, 8 µl of Blocking Buffer (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA) was added to the solution to quench the reactions and the solutions were allowed to sit for another 30 min with additional mixing approximately every 10 min. Unbound dye was removed by passing each sample through a size-exclusion chromatography spin column (sephadex G-15 (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Molar concentration for labeled protein and dye were calculated. The Cy5- labeled anti-his was mixed with equal amount of the Cy3-labeled anti-his and diluted in microarray hybridization buffer (0.1% PVP/0.1% Tween 20). Hybridization to the array was performed in an incubation chamber at 4°C with gentle rocking for at least 12 h. After incubation, slides were washed 3× for 5 minutes each in 10× PBS/0.05% Tween 20, followed by one wash in 10× PBS for one minute. All washes were performed at 4°C. Slides were dried and scanned on an Axon GenePix 4000 scanner (Union City, CA), and fluorescence data were collected and evaluated with the GenePix Pro 5.0 software. For the microarray imaging, the Axon GenePix 4000 scanner was set at 100% laser power and 350 PMT gain.</p>", "<title>System Design</title>", "<p>a) Plasmid DNA encoding protein of interest (POI) was constructed such that the protein of interest (POI) is fused with an <italic>E. coli</italic> protein called Tus. b) The plasmid also contains one or more Tus binding sites termed Ter. Tus protein binds the Ter DNA sequence as a monomer with very high affinity, ∼3–7×10 <sup>−13</sup> M ##REF##9334221##[11]##. c) Plasmids are arrayed by a commercially available microarray printing robot. d) The POI-Tus fusion protein is synthesized on the microarray by coupled cell-free protein synthesis (either mammalian or prokaryotic). If the cocktail is derived from <italic>E. coli</italic>, it is made from a Tus minus strain. e) Affinity of the expressed POI-Tus fusion protein for the Ter sequence is significantly greater than the antigen-antibody affinity described by either Nord et al.##UREF##1##[9]## or Ramachandran et al ##REF##15232106##[10]##.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The design of the expression construct (pDest-Microarray TT-1) and basic concept of the array platform are shown in ##FIG##0##Figure 1## and ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##. The basic expression vector is based on the Gateway (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) recombinational cloning system making it easier to generate libraries of constructs. To validate the Tus-Ter DNA-binding protein system for the development of an <italic>in situ</italic> self assembling protein array, as well as demonstrate the specificity of Tus-Ter binding, we printed a microarray containing a set of clones in pDest-Microarray TT-1 encoding a GFP-Tus-His6 fusion-protein and a Ter site, an identical vector with a point mutation in the Ter site, and a third construct without a Ter site.</p>", "<p>Anti-his antibody was labeled with Cy3 and Cy5, mixed in equimolar amounts, and hybridized to this microarray. The results are shown in ##FIG##1##Figure 2##. We observed significant signal intensities (arbitrary units of 14000 and 20574 from Cy5 and Cy3 respectively) corresponding to the vector containing a wild-type Ter site (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##), confirming the expression and binding of the GFP-Tus fusion protein. In contrast for the vector without any Ter site, no significant signal was observed (arbitrary units of 0 and 2463 from Cy5 and Cy3 respectively; ##FIG##1##Fig. 2##). The no-Ter/wild-type Ter signal ratio (−TER/+TER) is 0 for Cy5 and 0.12 for Cy3, consistent with significantly higher binding of the fusion protein to plasmid containing wild-type Ter as compared to plasmid without any Ter. Similarly, the vector containing a point mutation in the Ter site showed low to moderate signal (arbitrary units of 4738 and 10920 from Cy5 and Cy3 respectively; ##FIG##1##Fig. 2##). The mutated-Ter/wild-type Ter signal ratio (mTER/+TER) is 0.34 for Cy5 and 0.53 for Cy3, indicating that a mutation in the Ter site results in reduced binding efficiency to the fusion protein. These data are in complete agreement with previous reports that Tus binds to the same mutated Ter with 4–6 fold lower efficiency \n##UREF##2##[12. 13]## as well as our own calculations of Tus: Ter and Tus: mutant Ter binding efficiencies and off rates (##SUPPL##2##Table S1##). These data demonstrate that an intact Ter sequence is necessary and sufficient for optimal binding to the Tus protein, allowing the effective binding of Tus-fusion proteins to Ter site(s) present in the vector and supporting the application of the Tus-Ter system for protein microarray fabrication.</p>", "<p>In a parallel set of experiments, we have extended these findings to another DNA-binding protein system (lacI/LacO) and demonstrate that they can also function to mediate protein microarray fabrication in a similar manner (DC, CB, KS, JH, and DM; data not shown).</p>", "<p>As a more direct test of this platform, expression plasmids encoding 14 different proteins were immobilized onto the surface of a microarray. Expression from each of the constructs was confirmed by probing with a labeled antibody directed against the His-tag engineered into each construct (##FIG##2##Fig. 3A##). As expected, although an equal amount of DNA was printed for each feature, the relative amount of protein produced and retained by each construct varied modestly, presumably due to characteristic differential transcription/translation efficiencies (##FIG##2##Fig. 3A## and ##SUPPL##1##Figure S2##). To validate that the individual targeted proteins were indeed expressed and captured at their designated location on the microarray, replicate arrays were probed with antibodies directed against the unique fusion partners specific for each construct (##FIG##2##Fig. 3B and 3C##). As shown, each of the target proteins was expressed and captured at a specific and designated location that was pre-determined by the insert encoded in the expression construct printed.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>We have developed a simple and cost effective strategy for the rapid generation of protein microarrays. Because only DNA expression constructs are printed, the inherent cost, stability, and technical limitations most commonly associated with other protein microarray strategies are eliminated. As, shown in ##FIG##0##Figure 1## and ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##, the microarray is fabricated by the printing of DNA expression constructs that function to not only direct the synthesis of the desired protein, but also as the ‘capture reagent’ for immobilization of the encoded protein onto the microarray surface. The ‘capture reagent’ function of the printed DNA expression constructs is mediated by the specific and high-affinity binding (∼3–7×10 <sup>−13</sup> M) of <italic>E. coli</italic> Tus protein to Ter, a 20 bp DNA sequence. In ##SUPPL##2##Table S1## we show that both the specificity and the high-affinity binding, characteristic of wild-type Tus protein for Ter, is also true for the cloned versions of Tus:Ter interaction is maintained in a coupled in vitro transcription/translation system within a microarray environment. Finally, in ##FIG##2##Figure 3## we demonstrate that not only are the designated proteins specifically expressed, but that the individual expression constructs encoding each individual protein exclusively captures it's encoded protein without detectable diffusion or ‘bleeding’ to adjacent features on the microarray.</p>", "<p>These data support the utility and effectiveness of this platform as a method for the high-throughput production of low-cost protein microarrays for the study of protein-protein, protein-nucleic acid, or protein-small molecule interaction. The open format of these arrays, together with their long ‘shelf-life’ and simple low-cost printing scheme, make this a cost-effective, versatile, production friendly platform amendable to a wide variety of uses and applications.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: DKC. Performed the experiments: KS CB TH. Analyzed the data: DKC JH TH DJM. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: DKC TH DJM. Wrote the paper: DKC DJM. Designed the experiments: JH TH DJM.</p>", "<p>We describe a novel, simple and low-cost protein microarray strategy wherein the microarrays are generated by printing expression ready plasmid DNAs onto slides that can be converted into protein arrays on-demand. The printed expression plasmids serve dual purposes as they not only direct the synthesis of the protein of interest; they also serve to capture the newly synthesized proteins through a high affinity DNA-protein interaction. To accomplish this we have exploited the high-affinity binding (∼3–7×10 <sup>−13</sup> M) of <italic>E. coli</italic> Tus protein to Ter, a 20 bp DNA sequence involved in the regulation of <italic>E. coli</italic> DNA replication. In our system, each protein of interest is synthesized as a Tus fusion protein and each expression construct directing the protein synthesis contains embedded Ter DNA sequence. The embedded Ter sequence functions as a capture reagent for the newly synthesized Tus fusion protein. This “all DNA” microarray can be converted to a protein microarray on-demand without need for any additional capture reagent..</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003265-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003265.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Concept of protein microarray on demand.</title></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003265-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003265.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Exploiting the specificity of Tus:Ter interaction.</title><p>Plasmid vectors encoding a green florescent protein (GFP)- TUS - poly-histidine fusion protein and a Ter sequence containing a point mutation (pMUT), a wild-type Ter sequence (pNOMut), and no Ter sequence were immobilized on the surface of a microarray, incubated in a cell-free rabbit reticulocyte transcription/translation extract, and hybridized with Cy-labeled anti-histidine antibody.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003265-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003265.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Microarray feature expression and capture specificity.</title><p>pNOMut variants encoding different proteins fused to TUS - poly-histidine were immobilized on the surface of a microarray and incubated in a cell-free rabbit reticulocyte transcription/translation extract. Duplicate microarrays were then hybridized with cy-labeled monoclonal antibodies specific for A) His, B) GFP, and C) human <italic>B</italic>-globin.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003265.s001\"><label>Figure S1</label><caption><p>Design of expression construct and basic microarray fabrication schema</p><p>(0.67 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003265.s002\"><label>Figure S2</label><caption><p>Validation of microarray printing. Different proteins fused to TUS - poly-histidine were immobilized on the surface of a microarray and stained for DNA content as described in <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s2\">Materials and Methods</xref>.</p><p>(9.91 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003265.s003\"><label>Table S1</label><caption><p>(0.03 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, under contract N01-CO-12400. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003265.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003265.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003265.g003\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003265.s001.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003265.s002.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003265.s003.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"label": ["2"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["MacBeath"], "given-names": ["G"], "year": ["2002"], "article-title": ["Protein microarrays and proteomics."], "source": ["Nature Gen."], "volume": ["32"], "fpage": ["526"], "lpage": ["532"]}, {"label": ["9"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Nord", "Uhl\u00e9n", "Nygren"], "given-names": ["O", "M", "PA"], "year": ["2003"], "article-title": ["Microbead display of proteins by cell-free expression of anchored DNA."], "source": ["J. Biotech."], "volume": ["106"], "fpage": ["1"], "lpage": ["13"]}, {"label": ["13"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Baptista", "Munroe", "Veenstra", "Yates"], "given-names": ["C", "D", "T", "J"], "year": ["2006"], "article-title": ["\u201cProtein microarrays\u201d"], "source": ["Proteomics for Biological Discovery"], "publisher-name": ["John Wiley & Sons, Inc"], "fpage": ["189"], "lpage": ["204"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 07:14:34
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 24; 3(9):e3265
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Depression in older populations can differ from depression in younger adult individuals and is often associated with chronic medical illness, disability, and cognitive impairment. It is also associated with aging-related brain changes including the presence of hyperintense lesions, bright areas occurring in the brain parenchyma as seen on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These changes are primarily ischemic in origin ##REF##12215077##[1]##, and although are observed in normal aging, are often more severe in older depressed individuals ##REF##15927454##[2]##.</p>", "<p>The relationship between these hyperintense lesions and antidepressant treatment outcomes is unclear. Several studies have concluded that greater hyperintense lesion severity is associated with poorer response to antidepressants ##REF##16297603##[3]##–##REF##14971633##[7]##. Greater hyperintensity severity is additionally associated with significantly more adverse drug reactions ##REF##8898812##[8]##, which may result in early drug discontinuation or inability to increase doses to therapeutic levels. In contrast, other studies have not found a relationship between cross-sectional lesion severity and acute antidepressant outcomes ##REF##9209723##[9]##–##REF##17586780##[16]##, although relationships may exist between longitudinal change in lesion severity and longer-term course of depression ##REF##14609884##[11]##.</p>", "<p>More recent work investigating late-life depression has utilized diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). DTI can quantify water diffusion, which in living tissue is constrained by neuronal integrity and modulated by myelin ##REF##12489094##[17]##. DTI measures include the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), a general measure of diffusion which may serve as a surrogate marker for fiber density ##REF##14643084##[18]##, and anisotropy, which measures the direction of water diffusion and has been proposed to be a surrogate marker for white matter orientation and organization. Similar to what is observed in old stroke regions, white matter hyperintense lesions increase ADC and decrease anisotropy ##REF##11513816##[19]##, and greater hyperintense lesion severity is associated with more widespread alterations in DTI measures even in normal appearing white matter ##REF##17515396##[20]##. Although several studies have reported that depressed elders exhibit reduced frontal and temporal anisotropy ##REF##16876144##[21]##–##REF##17346365##[24]##, this technique has not been used as extensively to study treatment response. One group has examined the relationship between DTI measures and antidepressant response in geriatric depression, associating failure to achieve remission with reduced fractional anisotropy in multiple regions, including the cingulate gyrus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ##REF##12411231##[25]##, ##REF##18172016##[26]##.</p>", "<p>The purpose of this study was to use DTI to examine if measures of frontal white matter microstructure were associated with acute 12-week response to sertraline. We hypothesized that lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and higher diffusivity (measured as ADC), a pattern of findings associated with both chronic stroke and hyperintense lesions ##REF##11513816##[19]##, ##REF##17515396##[20]##, would be associated with failure to achieve remission. In turn, we hypothesized that individuals who remitted would exhibit higher frontal FA measures.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The protocol for this trial and supporting CONSORT checklist are available as supporting information; see ##SUPPL##0##Checklist S1## and ##SUPPL##1##Protocol S1##.</p>", "<title>Sample</title>", "<p>Subjects were recruited from advertisements and outpatient clinical referrals at Duke University Medical Center. To be eligible, subjects had to be age 60 years or older, meet DSM-IV criteria for Major Depressive Disorder without psychosis as assessed through clinical evaluation and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) ##REF##1637252##[27]##, and exhibit a baseline Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale ##REF##444788##[28]## score of 18 or greater. Exclusion criteria included: 1) any MRI contraindications; 2) comorbid Axis I diagnosis, including current substance abuse or bipolar disorder; 3) active suicidality; 4) current psychotic symptoms, 5) severe or unstable medical conditions; 6) primary neurological disorders including dementia or stroke; 7) Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) ##REF##1202204##[29]## score&lt;24; 8) current depressive episode that failed to respond to adequate trials of two prior antidepressants administered for at least 6 weeks at therapeutic doses, or had failed an adequate trial of sertraline; 9) current psychotherapy.</p>", "<p>All study procedures were explained to each participant, and those who provided written informed consent were enrolled. The study was approved by the Duke University Health System Institutional Review Board.</p>", "<title>Study Design and Clinical Measures</title>", "<p>Baseline data acquisition included assessing demographic data, depression severity using the MADRS, and severity of medical burden using the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS) modified for geriatric populations ##REF##1594710##[30]##. Age of depression onset was ascertained through the SCID and review of medical records.</p>", "<p>After screening, subjects taking antidepressant medications at doses approved to treat depression underwent a washout period of up to two weeks, while those taking lower doses had the antidepressant stopped without a washout. Eleven subjects had antidepressants discontinued after enrollment, while two had St. John's Wort discontinued. The study protocol allowed limited use of zolpidem or zaleplon for sleep, or lorazepam for anxiety. Subjects on other concomitant medications for medical indications, sleep, or anxiety could continue them provided doses remained stable. Eleven subjects required hypnotics for sleep, seven required benzodiazepines for anxiety, and seven subjects were on anticonvulsants or benzodiazepines for medical indications such as neuropathy or restless legs syndrome.</p>", "<p>After completing any needed washout, subjects received sertraline for twelve weeks. They were generally started at 25 mg for a few days to rule out drug sensitivity, and then increased to 50 mg daily. Subjects were assessed at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 weeks. A dose increase of 50 mg was allowed at each visit, up to a possible maximum dose of 200 mg daily, and the decision to titrate the dose was guided by the Clinical Global Impression – Severity scale (CGI-S) ##UREF##1##[31]##. Subjects with a CGI-S of 3 or greater had a dose increase unless there was a concern for tolerability. Subjects with a CGI-S of 2 could be titrated at investigator discretion, and a CGI-S of 1 was considered to be in remission. If a dose increase resulted in intolerable side effects, the dose could be reduced to the previously tolerated level. Depression severity was assessed at each visit using the MADRS.</p>", "<title>MRI Acquisition and Processing</title>", "<p>Subjects were imaged with a 1.5 T whole-body, research-dedicated MRI (Signa, GE Healthcare) using a standard head (volumetric) radiofrequency coil. The scanner alignment light was used to adjust head tilt and rotation so the axial plane light passed across the canthomeatal line and the sagittal lines were aligned with the center of the nose. A rapid sagittal localizer scan was acquired to confirm alignment. MRI was obtained within the first two weeks of study participation, typically at the first follow-up visit after initiating study drug.</p>", "<p>The diffusion tensor images were acquired using a single shot 2D diffusion tensor echo planar pulse sequence in the axial plane with a 32 cm field-of-view, 3 mm slice thickness (no gaps between slices), relaxation time (Tr) = 6000, excitation time (Te) = 100, 128 (phase)×128 (frequency), full imaging bandwidth = 180 KHz, 4 signal averages, 6 diffusion directions, each with a b-value of 1000 sec/mm<sup>2</sup> plus an acquisition with b = 0 using the Basser scheme ##REF##9621916##[32]##.</p>", "<p>Diffusion tensor images were processed using custom programs run on MATLAB software (version 7, The MathWorks, Natick, MA) that calculated the diffusion tensor eigenvalues in each voxel ##REF##8661285##[33]##. FA and ADC images were calculated, and regions-of-interest (ROIs) were placed by a single analyst (WDT) using Analyze software (version 6.5, Mayo Clinic). Scans were coded with no identifiable information, and the analyst was blinded to subject identity and treatment outcome.</p>", "<p>Oval ROIs of identical size (45.7 mm<sup>2</sup>) were used to measure FA and ADC values. The same ROI was used for both measures, and all ROIs were placed on axial slices. Hyperintense lesions were avoided for all ROI placements. This decision was made based on the observation that hyperintensities can have strong effects on DTI measures that is not representative of the DTI measures of surrounding white matter ##REF##11513816##[19]##. There were no cases where the presence of hyperintense lesions prevented appropriate ROI placement according to ROI placement procedures.</p>", "<p>ROI placement procedures have been previously described ##REF##17515396##[20]##, ##REF##16876144##[21]##. The superior (SFG) and middle frontal gyri (MFG) ROIs were placed halfway between the precentral sulcus and anterior boundary of the brain, on the most inferior slice where both gyri were visible as separate structures. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) ROIs were placed in the white matter lateral to the cingulated gyrus, on the most inferior slice where the anterior horns of the lateral ventricle were still visible. For the corpus callosum, two ROIs were placed to either side of midline, on the slice ventral to the slice where it was divided by the longitudinal fissure. Results from these two separate corpus callosum ROIs were averaged together to create a composite measure. We used the corpus callosum as a control region that we did not expect to be associated with antidepressant outcomes as it is a region of high anisotropy that was not different between depressed and nondepressed elders in previous studies ##REF##16876144##[21]##.</p>", "<p>Reliability was established by repeated measurements on multiple DTI scans. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of FA measures were: left ACC, 0.910; right ACC, 0.992; left SFG, 0.991; right SFG, 0.985; left MFG, 0.975; right MFG, 0.983; left corpus callosum, 0.971; right corpus callosum, 0.934. ICCs for ADC measures (using the same ROIs as the FA measures) were: left ACC, 0.945; right ACC, 0.957; left SFG, 0.978; right SFG, 0.987; left MFG, 0.931; right MFG, 0.893; left corpus callosum, 0.751; right corpus callosum, 0.799.</p>", "<title>Statistical Analysis</title>", "<p>SAS software (version 9.1, SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was used for all statistical analyses. Remission was defined as achieving a MADRS of 10 or less at any assessment, as this cutoff has been shown to provide a valid definition ##REF##12200208##[34]##. Bivariate analyses of demographic and neuroimaging data were conducted between remitted and nonremitted groups, using the chi-square test for categorical variables and two-tailed t-test for continuous variables, or the Satterthwaite t-test if variances were not equal. Normality of neuroimaging data was assessed both graphically and by Wilks test.</p>", "<p>Primary analyses used the GENMOD procedure in SAS to develop generalized estimating equation (GEE) models ##UREF##2##[35]## using an exchangeable correlation structure which examined the relationship between the repeated outcome measure of failure to remit at each assessment point and the independent variables. For missing data, the GEE models assume missing completely at random (MCAR). The dependent measure was the repeated measure dichotomous variable of remitted or not remitted, and we modeled the probability of failing to remit. Independent variables included the DTI measure, baseline depression severity measured with the MADRS, age, sex, medical comorbidity measured using the CIRS, and a variable accounting for which assessment period was being evaluated (baseline, 2-, 4-, 6-, 8- or 12-week). These covariates were selected for the model as they were either significantly different between the remitting and non-remitting groups (age, baseline MADRS) or have been previously associated with antidepressant outcomes in late-life depression (medical comorbidity, ##REF##12028167##[36]##; sex, ##REF##15948303##[37]##). In an exploratory step, we also tested for a DTI measure – age interaction and a DTI measure – baseline MADRS interaction effect on remission. Multicolinearity between covariates was assessed in models by examining variance inflation factors (VIF); all VIFs were less than 30. Separate models were created to examine each DTI measure. We did not control for multiple comparisons.</p>", "<p>In secondary analyses, we sought to examine if DTI measures were associated with time to remission, an approach used by others ##REF##12411231##[25]##. This survival model used the PHREG procedures in SAS ##UREF##3##[38]##, examining the time to first remission or last assessment, at which point subjects were censored. Independent variables included DTI measures, age, baseline MADRS score, sex, and CIRS score.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>101 depressed subjects signed consent and enrolled in the study between January 2002 and March 2006; 74 of those subjects are included in this analysis (##FIG##0##Figure 1##). 35 subjects were female and 39 were male, with a mean age of 68.1 years (range 60–95 years, standard deviation = SD = 7.3 years). The group's mean initial MADRS score was 25.4 (SD = 4.2, range 18–37); at study completion, the mean final MADRS score was 11.5 (SD = 7.9, range 0–42), with a mean sertraline daily dose of 102.0 mg (SD = 37.6 mg, range 25 mg–200 mg).</p>", "<p>Over the course of the twelve-week study, 37 subjects achieved a MADRS score of 10 or less and achieved remission, while 37 subjects did not. 67 subjects completed all 12 weeks of the study. Four subjects completed only 4 weeks, 1 completed only 6 weeks, and 2 completed only 8 weeks. All of the subjects who withdrew early were classified as not achieving remission, except one of the subjects who completed only 8 weeks who did remit. Remitted subjects were younger and less severely depressed at baseline (##TAB##0##Table 1##). We next tested for bivariate differences in unadjusted FA and ADC measures between subjects who did and did not remit (##TAB##1##Table 2##). In these analyses, the only measure significantly different between remitted and nonremitted groups was the FA value of the right anterior cingulate cortex.</p>", "<p>\n##TAB##2##Table 3## details the results of models examining the relationship between failure to remit and regional FA, while also controlling for baseline depression severity, age, sex, and medical comorbidity as measured with the CIRS. In these models, higher anisotropy of the white matter of the superior frontal gyri bilaterally and anterior cingulate cortices bilaterally was significantly associated with failure to remit. In these models where FA was significantly associated with lack of remission, higher baseline MADRS (<italic>p</italic>&lt;0.01 all models) and greater age (<italic>p</italic>&lt;0.05 all models) were also associated with nonremission, while neither gender nor CIRS score reached a level of statistical significance in any model. Similar models were created examining the relationship between ADC values and nonremission; however ADC was not associated with nonremission in any model (data not shown). When DTI-age and DTI-MADRS interactions were included, these terms did not reach statistical significance in any model.</p>", "<p>Finally, we used an approach similar to that found in a previous report ##REF##12411231##[25]## to determine if these DTI measures were associated with a time to first remission. The 37 subjects who remitted has a mean time to remission of 6.8 weeks (SD = 2.8 weeks, median = 6 weeks). In models controlling for baseline MADRS score, age, sex, and CIRS score, no DTI measure was significantly associated with time to remission (data not shown).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Contrary to our hypothesis, we found that higher FA measures, not lower, were associated with a failure to achieve remission. These measures were of the anterior cingulate and superior frontal gyrus, regions previously identified as exhibiting depression-related differences on DTI ##REF##16876144##[21]## and associated with antidepressant response in functional imaging studies ##REF##15110034##[39]##. These relationships were statistically significant after controlling for age, sex, baseline depression severity, and medical comorbidity. We found no association between ADC and remission.</p>", "<p>These results are discrepant with the two other published studies examining the relationship between antidepressant outcomes and white matter anisotropy ##REF##12411231##[25]##, ##REF##18172016##[26]##. These studies, conducted by the same group, found that individuals who failed to achieve remission exhibited lower anisotropy in multiple regions, including the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. In contrast, we found lower likelihood of remission to be associated with increased frontal anisotropy. Despite examining smaller samples (the larger study included 48 evaluable subjects, while we examined 78), those studies had a similar 12-week study design using serotonin reuptake inhibitors and comparable demographic characteristics. One methodological difference is the use of a voxel-based analysis of the anisotropy data, while this study used a region-of-interest approach. The difference in conclusions with these studies may be related to the differences in sample size or methodology, but may also reflect heterogeneity in the pathophysiology of depression in older subjects.</p>", "<p>This discrepancy across studies raises questions about what biological factors most strongly contribute to DTI measures. ADC is an overall measure of water diffusion, and given the size of imaging voxels relative to the microstructural environment, includes intracellular and extracellular spaces ##REF##8108392##[40]##. The relationship between brain microstructure and FA values are likely multifactorial. Current hypotheses of what factors contribute to anisotropy posit that myelination and axonal sheaths may restrict diffusion perpendicular to the direction of the fiber, while integrity of axonal structures such as microtubules may be associated with diffusion parallel to the fiber ##REF##11352623##[41]##–##REF##15862213##[43]##, both of which contribute to the overall FA value. Additionally, there appears to be significant heterogeneity in white matter fiber tract location and shape ##REF##16236527##[44]##.</p>", "<p>Another methodological difference between the studies is that our analysis method avoided hyperintense lesions. Hyperintense lesions are associated with anisotropy changes within their boundaries ##REF##11513816##[19]##, but also are associated with widespread changes in normal appearing white matter ##REF##17515396##[20]##. Thus the differences in anisotropy observed in previous studies ##REF##18172016##[26]## may be related to clusters of hyperintensities, which would result in focal reductions in anisotropy. The same cannot be said of our current study, although the more widespread relationship between hyperintensity volume and DTI measures of normal appearing white matter ##REF##17515396##[20]## would be expected to be observed here.</p>", "<p>However, hyperintensities did not likely contribute to our current findings. As greater hyperintensity severity is associated with lower FA ##REF##11513816##[19]##, ##REF##17515396##[20]##, this would imply that greater hyperintensity severity is associated with remission. This conclusion does not appear likely as those published studies which did find a significant relationship between hyperintensity volume and treatment outcomes have all concluded that greater hyperintensity severity is associated with lower likelihood of remission ##REF##16297603##[3]##–##REF##14971633##[7]##.</p>", "<p>Other neuropathological differences may contribute to our findings. Reductions in FA may be related to multiple factors at the cellular level, including reduced axonal integrity or thinning myelin, although myelin may play only a modulatory role in anisotropy measures ##REF##12489094##[17]##, ##REF##16950152##[45]##. Depression has been associated with deficits in neuronal size and density in frontal regions ##REF##11386983##[46]##, ##REF##15953590##[47]##, which would hypothetically be related to axonal integrity. This implies that older individuals who respond more favorably to antidepressants may have neuronal loss and impaired axonal integrity in frontal regions, which could result in reduced anisotropy. This leads to the hypothesis that those who experience this neuronal loss and altered neural connectivity may be more responsive to antidepressant medication, either by the effect antidepressants have on neurotransmitters or through antidepresants' neurotrophic effects. In contrast, individuals with no structural connectivity deficits may be more likely to exhibit a poor response. Functional MRI studies have demonstrated that depression is characterized by impaired functional connectivity between cortical and limbic regions, while antidepressant response is accompanied by improved functional connectivity ##REF##15856081##[48]##, ##REF##11063978##[49]##. In some older individuals, this deficit in functional connectivity may be secondary to structural changes, and these individuals may respond to antidepressants better than individuals with functional connectivity deficits with intact structural connections. This is only a hypothesis, which can best be examined in the future by combining DTI and functional neuroimaging with an antidepressant trial.</p>", "<p>One study limitation is that we could have added further covariates to the model as antidepressant remission is associated with additional factors such as disability, depression history or length of current depressive episode, and subjective social support. However, we were also limited by the sample size in the number of covariates we could include. An additional statistical concern was that we did not control for multiple comparisons, which increases the risk of a Type I error. Had we adjusted for multiple comparisons, the observed differences would not have reached statistical significance. Finally, neuroimaging limitations include that neuroimaging was not obtained until after sertraline had been started. This approach is less optimal than completing MRI before administering any drug, but one would not expect to see any changes on structural neuroimaging within a two week time frame, although such studies have not been done to confirm this. Additionally, other image analysis techniques such as voxel-based morphometry could have been used. Although this method has the advantage of examining the entire brain, it may miss critical regions of interest and does not necessarily replace a region-of-interest approach ##REF##15721994##[50]##.</p>", "<p>Our finding that failure to remit to antidepressant treatment is associated with higher anisotropy in the anterior cingulate cortex and superior frontal gyrus is contrary to our hypothesis and to previously published studies. However, the finding appears robust despite the study's limitations. The discrepancy across studies may reflect limitations of DTI, but may also reflect population heterogeneity – either in the depressed geriatric population, or heterogeneity in white matter structure more broadly. As such, it requires replication and emphasizes the need for larger-scale studies examining neuroanatomic correlates of antidepressant response which are linked to functional imaging studies examining functional connectivity between frontal and limbic brain regions.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: WDT MEP JRM YIS KRK PMD. Performed the experiments: PMD. Analyzed the data: WDT MK. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MEP JRM. Wrote the paper: WDT.</p>", "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Neuroanatomic features associated with antidepressant treatment outcomes in older depressed individuals are not well established. This study used diffusion tensor imaging to examine frontal white matter structure in depressed subjects undergoing a 12-week trial of sertraline. We hypothesized that remission would be associated with higher frontal anisotropy measures, and failure to remit with lower anisotropy.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>74 subjects with Major Depressive Disorder and age 60 years or older were enrolled in a twelve-week open-label trial of sertraline and completed clinical assessments and 1.5T magnetic resonance brain imaging. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) were measured in regions of interest placed in the white matter of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and corpus callosum. Differences in ADC and FA values between subjects who did and did not remit to treatment over the study period were assessed using generalized estimating equations, controlling for age, sex, medical comorbidity and baseline depression severity.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Subjects who did not remit to sertraline exhibited higher FA values in the superior frontal gyri and anterior cingulate cortices bilaterally. There were no statistically significant associations between ADC measures and remission.</p>", "<title>Conclusions</title>", "<p>Failure to remit to sertraline is associated with higher frontal FA values. Functional imaging studies demonstrate that depression is characterized by functional disconnection between frontal and limbic regions. Those individuals where this disconnection is related to structural changes as detected by DTI may be more likely to respond to antidepressants.</p>", "<title>Trial Registration</title>", "<p> <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\">NCT00339066</ext-link>\n</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>We would like to acknowledge Brian D. Boyd B.S. and Cynthia R. Key for assistance in image preparation.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003267-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003267.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Subject flow.</title><p>Details of subject enrollment and why excluded from the present study.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003267-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003267.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Demographic characteristics between subjects who did and did not remit.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Remitted (N = 37)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Nonremitted (N = 37)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Result</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>df</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>p</italic> value</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Age</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65.8 (5.7)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">70.5 (8.0)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">t = 2.94</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0045</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Sex (% Female)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43.2% (16/37)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">48.6% (18/37)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">χ<sup>2</sup> = 0.49</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.4849</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Race (% Caucasian)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">94.6% (35/37)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">94.6% (35/37)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.0000</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Age of Onset</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">55.0 (15.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">55.0 (16.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">t = 0.00</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.0000</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CIRS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.5 (2.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7.4 (3.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">t = 1.26</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2133</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">MMSE</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">28.3 (1.7)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">27.6 (1.7)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">t = 1.74</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0857</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">MADRS, baseline</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24.4 (3.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26.4 (4.5)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">t = 2.05</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0438</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">MADRS, final</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.4 (2.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17.6 (6.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">t = 10.51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">&lt;0.0001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Final Sertraline Dose</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97.8 (36.5)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">106.1 (38.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">t = 0.93</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.3578</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003267-t002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003267.t002</object-id><label>Table 2</label><caption><title>Unadjusted differences in DTI measures between subjects who did and did not remit.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Remitted (N = 37)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Nonremitted (N = 37)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">t value</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>df</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>p</italic> value</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"6\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">FA values</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• SFG, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.408 (0.080)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.421 (0.082)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.80</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.4284</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• SFG, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.392 (0.069)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.402 (0.080)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.53</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6007</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• MFG, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.283 (0.064)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.262 (0.046)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.54</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.1284</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• MFG, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.268 (0.052)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.264 (0.049)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.34</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.7351</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• ACC, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.365 (0.063)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.374 (0.076)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.56</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.5802</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• ACC, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.332 (0.055)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.368 (0.072)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.44</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0170</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• CC, genu</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.423 (0.070)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.454 (0.101)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">63.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.1343</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">ADC values</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• SFG, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">76.1 (5.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">77.4 (11.2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.63</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">53.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.5308</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• SFG, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">76.2 (5.2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">77.2 (11.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.48</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6344</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• MFG, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">77.5 (7.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">79.0 (6.1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.91</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.3643</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• MFG, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">79.6 (6.2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">80.1 (5.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.30</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.7636</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• ACC, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83.2 (5.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83.4 (5.0)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.21</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.8348</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• ACC, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">82.6 (4.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">84.0 (6.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.97</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.3342</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">• CC, genu</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">104.6 (14.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">101.7 (15.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.82</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.4122</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003267-t003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003267.t003</object-id><label>Table 3</label><caption><title>Relationship between FA values and remission in multivariate models.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Regional FA value</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Estimate</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SE</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Test Result (Z-score)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>p</italic> value</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SFG, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0099</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.72</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0064</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SFG, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0068</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0030</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.25</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0244</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">MFG, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0007</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0032</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.20</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.8405</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">MFG, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0050</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0043</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.16</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2476</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ACC, left</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0079</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.18</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0290</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ACC, right</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0088</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.42</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0156</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CC, genu</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0035</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0028</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.26</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2080</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003267.s001\"><label>Checklist S1</label><caption><p>CONSORT Checklist</p><p>(0.06 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003267.s002\"><label>Protocol S1</label><caption><p>Trial Protocol</p><p>(0.21 MB PDF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><p>\n<italic>Age and age of onset presented in years. Final of sertraline is in milligrams. Continuous variables presented as mean (standard deviation). Two-tailed pooled t-tests used for continuous variables (Satterthwaite t-test for unequal variances), chi-square test for sex, and Fisher's exact test for race. CIRS = Cumulative Illness Rating Scale; MADRS = Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale.</italic>\n</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt102\"><p>\n<italic>FA = fractional anisotropy, ADC = apparent diffusion coefficient, SFG = superior frontal gyrus, MFG = middle frontal gyrus, ACC = anterior cingulate cortex, CC = corpus callosum. All results presented as mean (standard deviation). All tests reported using two-tailed pooled t-tests, except when unequal variances were present, in which case a Satterthwaite t-test was used.</italic>\n</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt103\"><p>\n<italic>FA = fractional anisotropy; SFG = superior frontal gyrus; MFG = middle frontal gyrus; ACC = anterior cingulate cortex; CC = corpus callosum. Models examined remission of depression as the dependent variable, with FA, age, sex, baseline depression severity and medical comorbidity as independent variables.</italic>\n</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>Drs. Taylor, Kuchibhatla, Payne and MacFall report no conflicts of interest. Dr. Sheline reports serving on the advisory board for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Cyberonics and serving on the Eli-Lilly Speakers Bureau. Dr. Krishnan reports serving as a consultant for Amgen, Bristol-Myer Squibb, CeNeRx, Corcept, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson &amp; Johnson, Lundbeck, Merck, Organon, Pfizer, Sepracor, and Wyeth. Dr. Doraiswamy has received research grants and honoraria for consulting or speaking from several pharmaceutical companies and antidepressant manufacturers, and stock in Sonexa Therapeutics.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>The study was supported by NIMH grants K23 MH 65939, R01 MH 62158, and R01 MH 078216. Sertraline was provided by Pfizer. These funding sources had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003267.g001\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003267-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003267.t001\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003267-t002-2\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003267.t002\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003267-t003-3\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003267.t003\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003267.s001.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003267.s002.pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"label": ["10"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Salloway", "Correia", "Boyle", "Malloy", "Schneider"], "given-names": ["S", "S", "P", "P", "L"], "year": ["2002"], "article-title": ["MRI subcortical hyperintensities in old and very old depressed outpatients: the important role of age in late-life depression."], "source": ["J Neurol Sci"], "volume": ["203\u2013204"], "fpage": ["227"], "lpage": ["233"]}, {"label": ["31"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Guy"], "given-names": ["W"], "year": ["1976"], "source": ["Clinical global impressions. ECDEU Assessment Manual for Psychopharmacology, Revised"], "publisher-loc": ["Rockville, MD"], "publisher-name": ["U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. National Institute of Mental Health"], "fpage": ["217"], "lpage": ["222"]}, {"label": ["35"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Liang", "Zeger"], "given-names": ["K", "S"], "year": ["1986"], "article-title": ["Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models."], "source": ["Biometrika"], "volume": ["73"], "fpage": ["13"], "lpage": ["22"]}, {"label": ["38"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Kleinbaum"], "given-names": ["DG"], "year": ["1996"], "source": ["Survival analysis: a self-learning text"], "publisher-loc": ["New York, NY"], "publisher-name": ["Springer"]}]
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2022-01-13 07:14:35
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 24; 3(9):e3267
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Modern instrumental methods have been generating a significant advancement in biology research. Especially in the field of functional genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics measurements have provided fundamental insight in many biological processes. The missing link between these measurements and the phenotype is called metabolomics ##UREF##0##[1]##. This new field concerns the measurement of small biomolecules in body fluids, cells, tissues, etc. The type of data being generated in metabolomics studies is characterized by a very broad acquisition of semi-quantitative data of a large number of metabolites ##UREF##0##[1]##–##UREF##2##[4]##. This results in data sets of a very complex nature. Not only are these data sets high-dimensional, they also exhibit mixtures of types of variation introduced by the specific experimental setup ##REF##16762068##[5]##.</p>", "<p>Traditionally, a set of measurements is analyzed by postulating a model describing systematic variation and assuming the left-overs (residuals) as being random. Due to the complexity of metabolomics data, this concept breaks down. There are many sources of variation in the data <italic>non-informative</italic> for the underlying biological question. An example of this type of variation are metabolites which are not under tight regulatory control and are thus allowed to vary almost independently across the experiments ##UREF##3##[6]##. Such non-informative variation affects the data in a structured way and infiltrates the systematic or modeled part of the data. This results in poor interpretability and the failure to unearth subtle <italic>informative</italic> variation. In this paper, we propose a new conceptual framework for analyzing metabolomics data based on the idea to separate informative from non-informative variation. The informative variation should describe the systematic biological variation in relevant metabolites induced by underlying biological phenomena. What we are ultimately aiming for is to discover these biological phenomena.</p>", "<p>Our assumption is that the studied biological phenomena are not represented by all measured metabolites, but that simple structures (subsets of related metabolites) in (parts of) the data exist, each simple structure or component describing an underlying biological phenomenon. In the development of our discovery tool we are aiming for a method that fulfills the following requirements: i) being able to identify simple structures, in which just a limited number of metabolites are represented by the structure; ii) representing each simple structure by a model, the type of model depending on the data collected and driven by <italic>a priori</italic> biological knowledge; iii) assuming that a (large) part of the data will most probably not be informative. The last assumption is reasonable given the holistic nature of metabolomics, where the aim is to measure all metabolites present.</p>", "<p>We have called this new approach <italic>simplivariate</italic> models since they are in-between univariate and multivariate models and use simple building blocks (see ##FIG##0##Figure 1##). Univariate models look at one-metabolite-at-a-time; they are easy to interpret but lack an overall view on the data since no correlations between metabolite values are used. On the other extreme are multivariate models; they provide a full view but often lack good interpretation especially in high-dimensional data cases. Simplivariate models try to have the best of both worlds: simplicity, comprehensiveness and correlation.</p>", "<p>Although the simplivariate framework is general and can be used in exploratory analysis, regression analysis and discriminant analysis, in this paper we will focus on explorative methods. Usually in exploratory data analysis for metabolomics data, use is made of either of two types of techniques: projection (dimension reduction) methods or clustering methods. The first type of techniques (with Principal Components Analysis (PCA) as an example) searches for structures consisting of highly co-varying metabolites to construct new representations of the data ##UREF##4##[7]##. Clustering techniques can roughly be divided into two categories: hierarchical clustering (based on linking objects or variables on dissimilarity measures), leading to a set of nested clusterings, and partitioning algorithms, where the result is just one partitioning, and a model is defined to represent the clusters. Both types of techniques do not fulfill the criteria i) to iii) of simplivariate models explained above, e.g., both PCA and hierarchical clustering do not look for components using a limited set of metabolites.</p>", "<p>First, the simplivariate modeling framework will be presented in its full generality. Next, two techniques that fit into that framework will be discussed using real-life metabolomics data. Finally, shortcomings of these methods will be discussed and suggestions of improvement will be given.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Simplivariate models</title>", "<p>A flexible framework is built by defining a <italic>simplivariate</italic> model that describes the partitioning of a data matrix <bold>X</bold> (<italic>I</italic> objects (e.g. experiments)×<italic>J</italic> variables (e.g. metabolites)) in components containing subsets of related variables (e.g. metabolites):\n</p>", "<p>In which every element <italic>x<sub>ij</sub></italic> of matrix <bold>X</bold> can be written as a sum of contributions from different components. These components <italic>ϕ<sub>ijk</sub></italic> describe the <italic>informative</italic> parts of the data and can be very diverse in nature. The variation of <italic>x<sub>ij</sub></italic> that is not included in factors <italic>ϕ<sub>ijk</sub></italic>- <italic>non-informative variation</italic> - is indicated by <italic>e<sub>ij</sub></italic>. Although the symbol <italic>e<sub>ij</sub></italic> is commonly used to indicate random variation, it has a very different meaning here. The non-informative part is certainly non-random in the strict senses of randomness. To introduce the concept of simplicity not all variables are included in the factors <italic>ϕ<sub>ijk</sub></italic>.\n</p>", "<p>Here <italic>δ<sub>jk</sub></italic> indicates the presence of variable <italic>j</italic> in component <italic>k</italic> and <italic>γ<sub>ik</sub></italic> indicates the presence of an object <italic>i</italic> in component <italic>k</italic> (δ<sub>jk</sub> = 1 if variable <italic>j</italic> is present in group <italic>k</italic>, 0 otherwise and γ<sub>ik</sub> = 1 if object <italic>i</italic> is present in group <italic>k</italic>, 0 otherwise).</p>", "<p>For simplicity we have used the same symbol <italic>ϕ<sub>ijk</sub></italic> in equations (1) and (2), but their difference is clear from those equations.</p>", "<p>When decomposing <bold>X</bold> into simple components, the idea is that interpretation will be easier, since not all original variables are included in those components. Only variables that are closely related will be used. In the case of metabolomics data, metabolites that are functionally related (e.g. part of the same pathway) may form a simple model.</p>", "<title>Simple structures</title>", "<p>The components <italic>ϕ<sub>ijk</sub></italic> can be very diverse in nature, and represent the relations between objects and variables in each of the subsets. Three examples of such component <italic>ϕ<sub>ijk</sub></italic> are:representing simple component <italic>k</italic> by a constant. If this would be an exhaustive partitioning of all variables and objects this would resemble two-mode clustering ##UREF##5##[8]##. Another simple model iswhich is a purely additive model for simple component <italic>k</italic>, that resembles a two-way ANOVA decomposition of a data matrix ##UREF##5##[8]##. The next model to consider iswhich is a purely multiplicative simple component <italic>k</italic>, equivalent to a rank-one component PCA decomposition of a data matrix.</p>", "<p>Combinations of representations Eq. 4 and 5 are also possible resulting in mixed models:The choice for one of these types of models should be based on information on the structure of the data and on <italic>a priori</italic> biological knowledge.</p>", "<p>In equation (2) <italic>δ<sub>jk</sub></italic> and <italic>γ<sub>ik</sub></italic> indicate the presence of element <italic>ϕ<sub>ijk</sub></italic> in factor <italic>k</italic>. For illustrative purposes, for the moment we will assume that all objects are present in every factor <italic>k</italic>, so γ<sub>ik</sub> is always 1:\n</p>", "<title>Influence of preprocessing</title>", "<p>The type of preprocessing applied to the data is influencing the outcome of an analysis ##REF##16762068##[5]##, ##UREF##6##[9]##. In the case of only searching for structures in the variables (so all objects are a member of all substructures, as is the case in for instance PCA), it is well-known ##UREF##6##[9]## that the mixed models as mentioned in equation (6) can be treated as pure multiplicative models by first removing any sample or variable means by column or row centering. Apart from centring the data, also scaling can be applied to assure that less abundant metabolites (variables) have the same <italic>a priori</italic> chance to be important in the final model as more abundant metabolites. In our case, we do not partition in the sample direction. Hence, centering across the samples and scaling each variable to standard deviation one seems reasonable.</p>", "<title>Existing algorithms for simple models</title>", "<p>There are several algorithms described in literature that can create simple models according to our definition in the previous sections. In this paper, we have chosen two algorithms, both representing both the multiplicative and additive model classes. In the following section, a short explanation of both methods will be given.</p>", "<title>Interpretable dimension reduction (IDR)</title>", "<p>IDR ##UREF##7##[10]## uses the PCA solution as starting point for creating simple models. By reducing and summarizing the number of non-zero elements of the loading vector, the loadings are simpler to interpret. IDR uses two constraints for obtaining simpler loadings of which the homogeneity constraint is used and discussed in this paper. This homogeneity constraint is applied to a loading that is obtained by PCA. Each loading value is rounded off to the nearest ±1. To increase the interpretability, zeros are introduced into the loadings, starting by replacing the absolute smallest loading values with zeros and continuing until the largest loading value is left over. Modified loadings are normalized. Each time after introducing another zero in the loadings, the angle to the original loadings is determined. The optimal number of inserted zeros is given by the lowest angle to the original variables and this one will be chosen. This method can either be used on a complete set of (PCA) loadings or in an iterative way simplifying one loading at a time. We use this method in a iterative way, deflating one simple component before starting with the next one. Step 1 to 8 of IDR with the homogeneity is as follows:</p>", "<p>Set the <italic>k</italic> values of PCA loading vector <italic>α</italic> to , matching the sign with the original value.</p>", "<p>Look for the absolute lowest non zero value of <italic>α</italic>, and set it to zero.</p>", "<p>Calculate the inner product the original loadings vector <italic>α</italic> and the simplified <italic>α</italic>.</p>", "<p>Convert the inner product to an angle with the inverse cosine.</p>", "<p>Repeat steps 2–5 until only the largest absolute value is left over.</p>", "<p>The simplified <italic>α</italic> that has the lowest angle is the optimal new IDR component.</p>", "<p>Calculate scores () with optimal IDR component (): Subtract the IDR component from the original data: \n</p>", "<p>Repeat this procedure of all IDR components.</p>", "<p>The final IDR model has the form:Here <italic>t<sub>ik</sub></italic> are the scores and <italic>p<sub>jk</sub></italic> the loadings originating from PCA for component <italic>k</italic>. Many values of <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>jk</sub> are zero. This can be made explicit by writingwhere the symbol <italic>δ<sub>jk</sub></italic> is the same as before and the nonzero values of <italic>p<sub>jk</sub></italic> are either 1 or −1. Clearly, eq (9) is a special case of eqns (2) and (5) showing that IDR fits into the simplivariate framework.</p>", "<title>Plaid models</title>", "<p>Plaid ##UREF##8##[11]##–##UREF##10##[13]## is a form of two mode clustering that allows for overlapping clusters. By iteratively searching the data, plaid tries to find patches in the data that can be modeled by an ANOVA##UREF##4##[7]## decomposition. Objects or variables can be in more than one cluster or in no cluster at all. Plaid has originally been devised for micro-array data, but can be extended to other types of data.</p>", "<p>The plaid model consists of a series of additive layers intended to capture the underlying structure of matrix <bold>X</bold>. The plaid model also includes the possibility of a background layer containing all variables and objects. Plaid models each cluster with standard 2-way Anova decomposition for each layer <italic>k</italic>:where a <italic>μ</italic>\n<sub>k</sub> is introduced to serve as a general mean (model (4) is essentially the same as model (10) ##UREF##5##[8]##). This gives Eq. 11: the decomposition of matrix <bold>X</bold> into <italic>K</italic>+<italic>1</italic> plaid models assuming that all samples contribute to the plaid (as before):\n</p>", "<p>Here, <italic>ϕ<sub>ijk</sub></italic> is the plaid contribution for element x<italic><sub>ij</sub></italic> from plaid model <italic>k</italic> and <italic>ϕ<sub>ij</sub></italic>\n<sub>0</sub> is the background layer model for entire the entire data matrix <bold>X</bold> (<italic>I</italic>×<italic>J</italic>). It can be seen that Eq. (11) is a special case of Eq. <bold>(7)</bold>. The background layer is especially important when dealing with micro-array data and can be used to model the background signal. This layer will be omitted from our analysis, because it has no meaning for metabolomics data. Instead the proper preprocessing will be used to correct for offsets and scale differences. An algorithmic overview of the plaid algorithm is shown below:</p>", "<p>Choose starting values for and (indicating cluster membership)</p>", "<p>Update layer effects using plaid cluster estimate <italic>X<sub>k</sub></italic> using ANOVA decomposition. s indicates iteration number.\n</p>", "<p>Update cluster membership\n</p>", "<p>repeat step 2–3 for s iterations</p>", "<p>Compute final layer effects as in step 2</p>", "<p>Prune plaid cluster to remove ill fitting metabolites.</p>", "<p>Test <italic>X<sub>k</sub></italic> for significance, stop procedure if <italic>X<sub>k</sub></italic> is not significant otherwise accept</p>", "<p>Subtract <italic>X<sub>k</sub></italic> from X</p>", "<p>Apply backfitting for each obtained plaid cluster</p>", "<p>Apply pruning to remove ill fitting metabolites and continue at step 2</p>", "<p>The above algorithm is the original Plaid algorithm. We used it with some adaptations to our circumstances:</p>", "<p>we did not apply significance testing but selected 6 plaids for illustration.</p>", "<p>we applied a one step backfitting procedure</p>", "<p>we did used γ<sub>j</sub> = 1 throughout and, hence, did not have to optimize those values.</p>", "<p>When residuals of selected metabolites after the plaid fit are larger than the prune fraction (0.70, see ##TAB##0##Table 1##), metabolites will be excluded from that plaid cluster. This mechanism ensures small and tight clusters in which the feature of the plaid cluster is clear in all members of the plaid cluster ##UREF##9##[12]##.</p>", "<title>Background of the dataset</title>", "<p>\n<italic>E. coli</italic> NST 74, a phenylalanine overproducing strain and <italic>E. coli</italic> W3110, a wild type strain were grown in batch fermentations at 30°C in a Bioflow II (New Brunswick Scientific) bioreactor as previously described ##REF##16223263##[14]##. In short, samples were grown on MMT12 medium with glucose as carbon source, a constant pH and a constant oxygen tension of 30%. Samples were taken at 16, 24, 40 and 48 hours and analyzed by GC-MS and LC-MS. Peaks related to the substrates used for growth (glucose and succinate) were removed from the data. Deliberate variations in the default protocol resulted in the experimental design that can be found in ##REF##16223263##[14]##. The resulting data set consisted of 28 measurements and 188 metabolites. Extensive details on experimental setup, GC-MS and LC-MS analysis and subsequent preprocessing can be found in ##REF##16223263##[14]##.</p>", "<p>Plaid and IDR were programmed in Matlab 7.1 ##UREF##11##[15]## and are available on the internet at <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>. All computations were performed on an Intel Xeon 3.4 GHz computer with 3.25 GB of memory.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>Metabolomics data is highly dynamic in range. Metabolites can have very different and very large concentration ranges. Some metabolites will be zero since their concentrations will be too low to detect under some experimental conditions. This indicates that metabolomics data is not pure multiplicative in nature and can benefit from removing column means.</p>", "<p>For illustrative purposes, some metabolite measurements are plotted in ##FIG##1##Figure 2##. The upper part of ##FIG##1##Figure 2## shows the concentration range of 10 metabolites (dotted black line; left) together with an additive fit (red line; middle) and the multiplicative fit (dashed blue line; right) for this set of 10 metabolites. The lower part of ##FIG##1##Figure 2## shows the same fit, but after auto scaling the data. It can be seen from ##FIG##1##Figure 2## that the range of an additive fit is the same for all metabolites and is given by the range of the α<sub>i</sub>'s values. It is clear that an additive model has large difficulties modeling data with highly varying ranges for the metabolites. This justifies scaling of the data. The offsets of these ranges are determined by the values of the β<sub>j</sub>'s. The range of a multiplicative fit can be more dynamic since it is determined by a multiplication of the values α<sub>i</sub>'s and β<sub>j</sub>'s. Additive and multiplicative simple components have clearly a different behavior.</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##2##Figure 3## shows the percentage of the original data set captured by PCA and IDR components. As expected, the PCA components explain a larger part of the data, since IDR components are constrained PCA components and thus explain less variance. IDR components &gt;18 explain more than the original PCA components. This is easily explained, since the first 18 PCA components have almost explained the total variation in the data set, while the IDR components still capture variance that was left out by earlier IDR components. For the remainder of this paper we will focus on the first six components. They describe the largest effects in the data set and give us a clear understanding of IDR and plaid.</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##3##Figure 4## shows the loadings of the PCA solution for six components in a gray-scale fashion. This figure clearly shows the problem of PCA for interpreting the solution: all components have contributions from all metabolites. This point exactly illustrates the reason for developing simplivariate models.</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##4##Figure 5## shows the determination of the optimal number of zeros in the first IDR simple component loading. The minimum is indicated by the dotted line and an asterisk. Each IDR component has a different number of zeros that results in a minimal angle between simple IDR component and original loadings. For the first IDR component, the optimal angle is 26.4 degrees and a total of 110 zeros is introduced in this simple component loading, while 78 loadings are non-zero.</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##5##Figure 6## shows the IDR simple loading vectors for the first six loadings. There is a clear distinct pattern of metabolite concentrations entering the loading (either 1 or −1, indicated by black and grey and metabolite concentrations not entering the loading (being zero, indicated by white). ##FIG##6##Figure 7## shows the first six plaid models. In ##FIG##3##Figure 4##, ##FIG##5##6## and ##FIG##6##7## all metabolites have been ordered in such a way that metabolites are grouped as much as possible according to the different plaid clusters. Since the plaid models are only created in the variable mode (which is always the case for IDR), the object mode is not shown. One difference between plaid clusters and IDR components is striking: plaid clusters contain less metabolites and are easier to interpret. The intrinsic mechanism to lower the number of selected metabolites in IDR is automatic and cannot be intervened with. The number of zeros introduced in IDR is regulated by the optimization criterion (see step 6 of IDR algorithm) and artificially lowering the number of metabolites would yield a threshold PCA, which basically cuts of loadings values above a certain value. Hence, the interpretability can therefore not be increased. Initially, plaid also selects (too) many metabolites, however the pruning mechanism (present in the original algorithm; see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s2\">Materials and Methods</xref>) is able to remove ill-fitting metabolites (see ##TAB##0##Table 1## for the settings that have been used in the plaid algorithm).</p>", "<p>Although IDR and plaid have different underlying models, multiplicative or additive, there are similarities between the IDR components in ##FIG##5##Figure 6## and the plaid models in ##FIG##6##Figure 7##. Many of the metabolites that are selected by IDR are also selected by the plaid models. One phenomenon is strikingly present in ##FIG##5##Figures 6## and ##FIG##6##7##. In plaid component 1, only metabolites are present that have a positive IDR value (black in ##FIG##6##Figure 7##). In plaid component 2 only metabolites are present that show an IDR value of −1 in IDR component 2. Plaid components 3 and 4 are even more illustrative, since they are both represented by IDR component 3: plaid component 3 corresponds to IDR values of −1 and plaid component 4 corresponds to IDR values of +1. The reason for this phenomenon is that the additive plaid models can only represent positively correlated metabolites, missing an important part of the relationships in the data. This idea is illustrated by ##FIG##7##Figure 8## where the correlations are shown between the metabolites in IDR component 1 and between the metabolites in plaid cluster 1. What we clearly see, also in the distributions of the correlation coefficients, is that the plaid cluster contains (almost) no negatively correlated metabolites, while metabolites in IDR component 1 can be positively and negatively correlated. The differences between IDR and plaid become larger for higher components/plaid models.</p>", "<title>Biological interpretation</title>", "<p>There are too many metabolites present in each IDR components to come to a meaningful analysis of the IDR results. However, the plaid clusters are relatively simple and contain biological meaningful metabolite clusters. For instance, the first plaid cluster contains all intermediates of the Krebs cycle whose concentration is above the detection limit in this data set, i.e. fumarate, malate; 2-ketoglutarate, and citrate (##FIG##6##Fig. 7##). Moreover, three metabolites which are just one enzymatic step removed from these TCA cycle intermediates, i.e. 2-hydroxyglutarate, glutamate and aspartate are also present in this first plaid cluster.</p>", "<p>Another example is plaid cluster 4 that contains many intermediates of the phenylalanine biosynthesis pathway, i.e. erythrose-4-phosphate, 3-dehydroquinate, shikimate-3-phosphate, chorismate, phenylpyruvate, and phenylalanine itself, and several compounds which are side routes of this pathway, i.e. 3-phenyllactate, and tyrosine. Interestingly, prephenate, an intermediate at the splitting point of the phenylalanine and tyrosine biosynthesis routes, is not clustered in plaid cluster 4 but in plaid cluster 3. In contrast, when analyzing this data set by IDR, all the phenylalanine-related intermediates described above, including prephenate, end up in the same IDR component, i.e. IDR component 3 (##FIG##5##Fig. 6##). However, prephenate shows a negative loading while all other intermediates have a positive loading. One of the enzymes catalyzing the formation of prephenate (chorismate mutase encoded by pheA) is controlled by feedback inhibition by phenylalanine and also the two enzymes catalyzing its conversion (prephenate dehydratase and prephenate dehydrogenase) are controlled by feedback inhibition by phenylalanine and tyrosine, respectively. This might very well explain why this intermediate (prephenate) shows a negative correlation with the other phenylalanine intermediates (IDR analysis) and thus ends up in a different plaid cluster. Remarkably, shikimate, another phenylalanine biosynthesis intermediate, is neither clustered in plaid cluster 4 (##FIG##6##Fig. 7##) nor in IDR component 3 (##FIG##5##Fig. 6##). Interestingly, ppGpp, a major regulator of cellular metabolism, is present in plaid cluster 4/IDR component 3 indicating a link between phenylalanine biosynthesis and the stringent response in <italic>E. coli</italic>.</p>", "<p>The most useful results are obtained with plaid which models (patches of) data with an additive model while IDR uses a multiplicative model. It is possible to mix both models to obtain a mixed model representation (see section on simple structures, model number 4). Mixed models might also help to further strengthen the plaid clusters. Additive plaid models can only contain positively correlated metabolite concentrations, while metabolites that are negatively correlated can still be part of the same biochemical process.</p>", "<title>Conclusions</title>", "<p>The presented framework provides a good basis for simplivariate data analysis models. The two presented methods IDR and Plaid fit well in this framework. IDR suffers from too many selected metabolites which makes it rather ineffective for creating more interpretable models. This selection is intrinsic for the method and cannot be tuned. Plaid, on the other hand, was shown to be very effective in creating clusters with distinct biochemical meanings. This shows that the concept of simplivariate models is valuable.</p>", "<p>The Plaid models also have shortcomings, notably, their inability to model metabolites belonging to the same processes having either positive or negative correlations. This can possibly be overcome by using simple components with a mixed-model structure. Moreover, the pruning mechanism present in plaid that prevents that too many metabolites are selected in a plaid cluster, remains a crude way of cleaning up a solution. It is inefficient to first create large plaid clusters (at a certain computational cost) and decreasing them after they are finished. By more carefully optimizing a plaid cluster this should be prevented. This will be subject of further research.</p>", "<p>The framework allows for any simple component structure to include in the simplivariate model. When some of the metabolites are known to be linked in certain experiments by interlinked pathways and/or co-regulation, then these can be forced in one simple component with a structure reflecting these pathways/ this co-regulation. Also metabolic network information can be used to choose simple component structures. All these extensions are the subject of a follow-up paper.</p>", "<title>Notation</title>", "<p>Matrix <bold>X</bold> (boldface), vector <bold>x</bold> (boldface), scalar <italic>x</italic> (italic).</p>", "<p>Sizes: <bold>X</bold> (<italic>I</italic> objects×<italic>J</italic> variables), objects, <italic>i</italic> = 1,…,<italic>I</italic>; variables <italic>j</italic> = 1,…,<italic>J</italic>; groups <italic>k</italic> = 1,…,<italic>K</italic>; Each <italic>k</italic> represents a simple component that are used to described the data.</p>", "<p>Group memberships: δ<sub>jk</sub> = indicator for group membership of variable <italic>j</italic> in group <italic>k</italic> (δ<sub>jk</sub> = 1 if variable <italic>j</italic> is present in group <italic>k</italic>, 0 otherwise); γ<sub>ik</sub> = indicator for group membership of object <italic>i</italic> in group <italic>k</italic> (γ<sub>ik</sub> = 1 if object <italic>i</italic> is present in group <italic>k</italic>, 0 otherwise).</p>", "<p>PCA-scores: <bold>T</bold> (<italic>I</italic>×<italic>R</italic>), <bold>t</bold>\n<sub>r</sub> (<italic>r</italic> = 1,…<italic>R</italic>), <italic>t</italic>\n<sub>ir</sub>. (<italic>R</italic> = number of principal components used)</p>", "<p>PCA-loadings: <bold>P</bold> (<italic>J</italic>×<italic>R</italic>), <bold>p</bold>\n<sub>r</sub>, <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>jr</sub>.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>Metabolomics data is highly dynamic in range. Metabolites can have very different and very large concentration ranges. Some metabolites will be zero since their concentrations will be too low to detect under some experimental conditions. This indicates that metabolomics data is not pure multiplicative in nature and can benefit from removing column means.</p>", "<p>For illustrative purposes, some metabolite measurements are plotted in ##FIG##1##Figure 2##. The upper part of ##FIG##1##Figure 2## shows the concentration range of 10 metabolites (dotted black line; left) together with an additive fit (red line; middle) and the multiplicative fit (dashed blue line; right) for this set of 10 metabolites. The lower part of ##FIG##1##Figure 2## shows the same fit, but after auto scaling the data. It can be seen from ##FIG##1##Figure 2## that the range of an additive fit is the same for all metabolites and is given by the range of the α<sub>i</sub>'s values. It is clear that an additive model has large difficulties modeling data with highly varying ranges for the metabolites. This justifies scaling of the data. The offsets of these ranges are determined by the values of the β<sub>j</sub>'s. The range of a multiplicative fit can be more dynamic since it is determined by a multiplication of the values α<sub>i</sub>'s and β<sub>j</sub>'s. Additive and multiplicative simple components have clearly a different behavior.</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##2##Figure 3## shows the percentage of the original data set captured by PCA and IDR components. As expected, the PCA components explain a larger part of the data, since IDR components are constrained PCA components and thus explain less variance. IDR components &gt;18 explain more than the original PCA components. This is easily explained, since the first 18 PCA components have almost explained the total variation in the data set, while the IDR components still capture variance that was left out by earlier IDR components. For the remainder of this paper we will focus on the first six components. They describe the largest effects in the data set and give us a clear understanding of IDR and plaid.</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##3##Figure 4## shows the loadings of the PCA solution for six components in a gray-scale fashion. This figure clearly shows the problem of PCA for interpreting the solution: all components have contributions from all metabolites. This point exactly illustrates the reason for developing simplivariate models.</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##4##Figure 5## shows the determination of the optimal number of zeros in the first IDR simple component loading. The minimum is indicated by the dotted line and an asterisk. Each IDR component has a different number of zeros that results in a minimal angle between simple IDR component and original loadings. For the first IDR component, the optimal angle is 26.4 degrees and a total of 110 zeros is introduced in this simple component loading, while 78 loadings are non-zero.</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##5##Figure 6## shows the IDR simple loading vectors for the first six loadings. There is a clear distinct pattern of metabolite concentrations entering the loading (either 1 or −1, indicated by black and grey and metabolite concentrations not entering the loading (being zero, indicated by white). ##FIG##6##Figure 7## shows the first six plaid models. In ##FIG##3##Figure 4##, ##FIG##5##6## and ##FIG##6##7## all metabolites have been ordered in such a way that metabolites are grouped as much as possible according to the different plaid clusters. Since the plaid models are only created in the variable mode (which is always the case for IDR), the object mode is not shown. One difference between plaid clusters and IDR components is striking: plaid clusters contain less metabolites and are easier to interpret. The intrinsic mechanism to lower the number of selected metabolites in IDR is automatic and cannot be intervened with. The number of zeros introduced in IDR is regulated by the optimization criterion (see step 6 of IDR algorithm) and artificially lowering the number of metabolites would yield a threshold PCA, which basically cuts of loadings values above a certain value. Hence, the interpretability can therefore not be increased. Initially, plaid also selects (too) many metabolites, however the pruning mechanism (present in the original algorithm; see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s2\">Materials and Methods</xref>) is able to remove ill-fitting metabolites (see ##TAB##0##Table 1## for the settings that have been used in the plaid algorithm).</p>", "<p>Although IDR and plaid have different underlying models, multiplicative or additive, there are similarities between the IDR components in ##FIG##5##Figure 6## and the plaid models in ##FIG##6##Figure 7##. Many of the metabolites that are selected by IDR are also selected by the plaid models. One phenomenon is strikingly present in ##FIG##5##Figures 6## and ##FIG##6##7##. In plaid component 1, only metabolites are present that have a positive IDR value (black in ##FIG##6##Figure 7##). In plaid component 2 only metabolites are present that show an IDR value of −1 in IDR component 2. Plaid components 3 and 4 are even more illustrative, since they are both represented by IDR component 3: plaid component 3 corresponds to IDR values of −1 and plaid component 4 corresponds to IDR values of +1. The reason for this phenomenon is that the additive plaid models can only represent positively correlated metabolites, missing an important part of the relationships in the data. This idea is illustrated by ##FIG##7##Figure 8## where the correlations are shown between the metabolites in IDR component 1 and between the metabolites in plaid cluster 1. What we clearly see, also in the distributions of the correlation coefficients, is that the plaid cluster contains (almost) no negatively correlated metabolites, while metabolites in IDR component 1 can be positively and negatively correlated. The differences between IDR and plaid become larger for higher components/plaid models.</p>", "<title>Biological interpretation</title>", "<p>There are too many metabolites present in each IDR components to come to a meaningful analysis of the IDR results. However, the plaid clusters are relatively simple and contain biological meaningful metabolite clusters. For instance, the first plaid cluster contains all intermediates of the Krebs cycle whose concentration is above the detection limit in this data set, i.e. fumarate, malate; 2-ketoglutarate, and citrate (##FIG##6##Fig. 7##). Moreover, three metabolites which are just one enzymatic step removed from these TCA cycle intermediates, i.e. 2-hydroxyglutarate, glutamate and aspartate are also present in this first plaid cluster.</p>", "<p>Another example is plaid cluster 4 that contains many intermediates of the phenylalanine biosynthesis pathway, i.e. erythrose-4-phosphate, 3-dehydroquinate, shikimate-3-phosphate, chorismate, phenylpyruvate, and phenylalanine itself, and several compounds which are side routes of this pathway, i.e. 3-phenyllactate, and tyrosine. Interestingly, prephenate, an intermediate at the splitting point of the phenylalanine and tyrosine biosynthesis routes, is not clustered in plaid cluster 4 but in plaid cluster 3. In contrast, when analyzing this data set by IDR, all the phenylalanine-related intermediates described above, including prephenate, end up in the same IDR component, i.e. IDR component 3 (##FIG##5##Fig. 6##). However, prephenate shows a negative loading while all other intermediates have a positive loading. One of the enzymes catalyzing the formation of prephenate (chorismate mutase encoded by pheA) is controlled by feedback inhibition by phenylalanine and also the two enzymes catalyzing its conversion (prephenate dehydratase and prephenate dehydrogenase) are controlled by feedback inhibition by phenylalanine and tyrosine, respectively. This might very well explain why this intermediate (prephenate) shows a negative correlation with the other phenylalanine intermediates (IDR analysis) and thus ends up in a different plaid cluster. Remarkably, shikimate, another phenylalanine biosynthesis intermediate, is neither clustered in plaid cluster 4 (##FIG##6##Fig. 7##) nor in IDR component 3 (##FIG##5##Fig. 6##). Interestingly, ppGpp, a major regulator of cellular metabolism, is present in plaid cluster 4/IDR component 3 indicating a link between phenylalanine biosynthesis and the stringent response in <italic>E. coli</italic>.</p>", "<p>The most useful results are obtained with plaid which models (patches of) data with an additive model while IDR uses a multiplicative model. It is possible to mix both models to obtain a mixed model representation (see section on simple structures, model number 4). Mixed models might also help to further strengthen the plaid clusters. Additive plaid models can only contain positively correlated metabolite concentrations, while metabolites that are negatively correlated can still be part of the same biochemical process.</p>", "<title>Conclusions</title>", "<p>The presented framework provides a good basis for simplivariate data analysis models. The two presented methods IDR and Plaid fit well in this framework. IDR suffers from too many selected metabolites which makes it rather ineffective for creating more interpretable models. This selection is intrinsic for the method and cannot be tuned. Plaid, on the other hand, was shown to be very effective in creating clusters with distinct biochemical meanings. This shows that the concept of simplivariate models is valuable.</p>", "<p>The Plaid models also have shortcomings, notably, their inability to model metabolites belonging to the same processes having either positive or negative correlations. This can possibly be overcome by using simple components with a mixed-model structure. Moreover, the pruning mechanism present in plaid that prevents that too many metabolites are selected in a plaid cluster, remains a crude way of cleaning up a solution. It is inefficient to first create large plaid clusters (at a certain computational cost) and decreasing them after they are finished. By more carefully optimizing a plaid cluster this should be prevented. This will be subject of further research.</p>", "<p>The framework allows for any simple component structure to include in the simplivariate model. When some of the metabolites are known to be linked in certain experiments by interlinked pathways and/or co-regulation, then these can be forced in one simple component with a structure reflecting these pathways/ this co-regulation. Also metabolic network information can be used to choose simple component structures. All these extensions are the subject of a follow-up paper.</p>", "<title>Notation</title>", "<p>Matrix <bold>X</bold> (boldface), vector <bold>x</bold> (boldface), scalar <italic>x</italic> (italic).</p>", "<p>Sizes: <bold>X</bold> (<italic>I</italic> objects×<italic>J</italic> variables), objects, <italic>i</italic> = 1,…,<italic>I</italic>; variables <italic>j</italic> = 1,…,<italic>J</italic>; groups <italic>k</italic> = 1,…,<italic>K</italic>; Each <italic>k</italic> represents a simple component that are used to described the data.</p>", "<p>Group memberships: δ<sub>jk</sub> = indicator for group membership of variable <italic>j</italic> in group <italic>k</italic> (δ<sub>jk</sub> = 1 if variable <italic>j</italic> is present in group <italic>k</italic>, 0 otherwise); γ<sub>ik</sub> = indicator for group membership of object <italic>i</italic> in group <italic>k</italic> (γ<sub>ik</sub> = 1 if object <italic>i</italic> is present in group <italic>k</italic>, 0 otherwise).</p>", "<p>PCA-scores: <bold>T</bold> (<italic>I</italic>×<italic>R</italic>), <bold>t</bold>\n<sub>r</sub> (<italic>r</italic> = 1,…<italic>R</italic>), <italic>t</italic>\n<sub>ir</sub>. (<italic>R</italic> = number of principal components used)</p>", "<p>PCA-loadings: <bold>P</bold> (<italic>J</italic>×<italic>R</italic>), <bold>p</bold>\n<sub>r</sub>, <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>jr</sub>.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusions</title>", "<p>The presented framework provides a good basis for simplivariate data analysis models. The two presented methods IDR and Plaid fit well in this framework. IDR suffers from too many selected metabolites which makes it rather ineffective for creating more interpretable models. This selection is intrinsic for the method and cannot be tuned. Plaid, on the other hand, was shown to be very effective in creating clusters with distinct biochemical meanings. This shows that the concept of simplivariate models is valuable.</p>", "<p>The Plaid models also have shortcomings, notably, their inability to model metabolites belonging to the same processes having either positive or negative correlations. This can possibly be overcome by using simple components with a mixed-model structure. Moreover, the pruning mechanism present in plaid that prevents that too many metabolites are selected in a plaid cluster, remains a crude way of cleaning up a solution. It is inefficient to first create large plaid clusters (at a certain computational cost) and decreasing them after they are finished. By more carefully optimizing a plaid cluster this should be prevented. This will be subject of further research.</p>", "<p>The framework allows for any simple component structure to include in the simplivariate model. When some of the metabolites are known to be linked in certain experiments by interlinked pathways and/or co-regulation, then these can be forced in one simple component with a structure reflecting these pathways/ this co-regulation. Also metabolic network information can be used to choose simple component structures. All these extensions are the subject of a follow-up paper.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: JAH MMWBH JAW AS. Performed the experiments: MJvdW. Analyzed the data: JAH. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MJvdW. Wrote the paper: JAH MMWBH JAW AS. Group Leader: AS RB MJvdW.</p>", "<p>Current address: Biometris, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands</p>", "<p>One of the new expanding areas in functional genomics is metabolomics: measuring the metabolome of an organism. Data being generated in metabolomics studies are very diverse in nature depending on the design underlying the experiment. Traditionally, variation in measurements is conceptually broken down in systematic variation and noise where the latter contains, e.g. technical variation. There is increasing evidence that this distinction does not hold (or is too simple) for metabolomics data. A more useful distinction is in terms of informative and non-informative variation where informative relates to the problem being studied. In most common methods for analyzing metabolomics (or any other high-dimensional x-omics) data this distinction is ignored thereby severely hampering the results of the analysis. This leads to poorly interpretable models and may even obscure the relevant biological information. We developed a framework from first data analysis principles by explicitly formulating the problem of analyzing metabolomics data in terms of informative and non-informative parts. This framework allows for flexible interactions with the biologists involved in formulating prior knowledge of underlying structures. The basic idea is that the informative parts of the complex metabolomics data are approximated by simple components with a biological meaning, e.g. in terms of metabolic pathways or their regulation. Hence, we termed the framework ‘simplivariate models’ which constitutes a new way of looking at metabolomics data. The framework is given in its full generality and exemplified with two methods, IDR analysis and plaid modeling, that fit into the framework. Using this strategy of ‘divide and conquer’, we show that meaningful simplivariate models can be obtained using a real-life microbial metabolomics data set. For instance, one of the simple components contained all the measured intermediates of the Krebs cycle of <italic>E. coli</italic>. Moreover, these simplivariate models were able to uncover regulatory mechanisms present in the phenylalanine biosynthesis route of <italic>E. coli</italic>.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003259-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Graphical representation of the three different approaches to the analysis of multivariate data.</title><p>From left to right: the univariate, simplivariate and multivariate approach.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003259-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Concentration ranges for 10 metabolites before (top figure) and after (lower figure) autoscaling.</title><p>Data is taken from E. Coli data as used in the remained of this paper. The whiskers indicate the total concentration range for each of the 10 metabolites. Each metabolite is represented three times. The left black lines for each metabolite are the actual concentrations. The middle red line indicates the fit/model with an additive model. The right blue lines indicate the fit/model with a blue multiplicative model.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003259-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Percentage explained of original dataset given a certain number of components.</title><p>Solid line represents IDR components, dotted line represents PCA components. See text for explanation.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003259-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>PCA solution.</title><p>The values of the loadings are indicated by a grayscale color as indicated by the colorbar. The grouping of metabolites is identical to the grouping of the plaid solution for clarity.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003259-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>Determination of the optimal number of zeros for the first IDR component.</title><p>The optimum is chosen where the angle between the simple component and principal components is minimal. This is indicated by a dotted line and an asterisk.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003259-g006\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.g006</object-id><label>Figure 6</label><caption><title>The first 6 IDR components obtained with deflation.</title><p>Black squares indicate a +1, white indicates a zero, grey indicates a −1. The grouping of metabolites is identical to the grouping of the plaid solution for clarity.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003259-g007\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.g007</object-id><label>Figure 7</label><caption><title>The first 6 plaid components.</title><p>Black squares indicate a +1, white indicates a zero. Results have been grouped as much as possible for clarity.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003259-g008\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.g008</object-id><label>Figure 8</label><caption><title>Correlations between metabolites present in IDR component 1 (top part) and plaid component 1 (bottom part).</title><p>Positive correlations are indicated by a white square, negative correlations are indicated by a black square.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003259-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003259.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Settings for the plaid algorithm.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Setting</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Value</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Maximum iterations</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Number of permutation in significant testing</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Backfitting</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">one step</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Maximum number of layers</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Prunefraction<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">*</xref>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.7</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<disp-formula><label>(1)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(2)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(3)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(4)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(5)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(6)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(7)</label></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(8)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(9)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(10)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(11)</label></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><label>*</label><p>Minimum of proportional reduction in residual sum of squares required for cluster membership.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>This work was part of the BioRange programme of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC), which is supported by a BSIK grant through the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI). The manuscript was reviewed by all members of the SP2.2.3 project group of NBIC.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
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2022-01-13 07:14:34
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 23; 3(9):e3259
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>T-cells epitopes are short linear peptides generated by cleavage of antigenic proteins. The identification of T-cell epitopes in protein sequences is important for understanding disease pathogenesis, identifying potential autoantigens, and designing vaccines and immune-based cancer therapies. A major step in identifying potential T-cell epitopes involves identifying the peptides that bind to a target major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Because of the high cost of experimental identification of such peptides, there is an urgent need for reliable computational methods for predicting MHC binding peptides ##REF##16846250##[1]##.</p>", "<p>There are two major classes of MHC molecules: MHC class I (MHC-I) molecules characterized by short binding peptides, usually consisting of nine residues; and MHC class II (MHC-II) molecules with binding peptides that range from 11 to 30 residues in length, although shorter and longer peptide lengths are not uncommon ##REF##7890324##[2]##. The binding groove of MHC-II molecules is open at both ends, allowing peptides longer than 9-mers to bind. However, it has been reported that a 9-mer core region is essential for MHC-II binding ##REF##7890324##[2]##, ##REF##7612235##[3]##. Because the precise location of the 9-mer core region of MHC-II binding peptides is unknown, predicting MHC-II binding peptides tends to be more challenging than predicting MHC-I binding peptides.</p>", "<p>Despite the high degree of variability in the length of MHC-II binding peptides, most existing computational methods for predicting MHC-II binding peptides focus on identifying a 9-mer core peptide. Computational approaches available for predicting MHC-II binding peptides from amino acid sequences include: (i) Motif-based methods such as methods that use a position weight matrix (PWM) to model an ungapped multiple sequence alignment of MHC binding peptides ##REF##11751237##[4]##–##REF##18031584##[8]##, and a statistical approach based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) ##REF##9849933##[9]##, ##REF##16233301##[10]##; (ii) Machine learning methods based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) ##REF##14962912##[6]##, ##REF##12717023##[11]##–##UREF##0##[13]## and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) ##REF##16844990##[14]##–##REF##17105666##[17]##; (iii) Semi-supervised machine learning methods ##REF##16351712##[18]##, ##UREF##1##[19]##.</p>", "<p>The choice of one method over another for MHC-II binding peptide prediction requires reliable assessment of their performance relative to each other. Such assessments usually rely on estimates of their performance on standard benchmark datasets (typically obtained using cross-validation). Several studies ##REF##15349703##[5]##, ##REF##14960470##[15]##–##REF##17105666##[17]##, ##UREF##1##[19]## have reported the performance of MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods using datasets of <italic>unique</italic> peptides. Such datasets can in fact contain peptide sequences that share a high degree of sequence similarity with other peptide sequences in the dataset. Hence, several authors ##REF##14962912##[6]##, ##REF##17608956##[7]##, ##REF##16233301##[10]##, ##UREF##2##[20]## have proposed methods for eliminating <italic>redundant</italic> sequences. However, because MHC-II peptides have lengths that vary over a broad range, similarity reduction of MHC-II peptides is not a straightforward task ##REF##17608956##[7]##. Consequently, standard cross-validation based estimates of performance obtained using such datasets are likely to be overly optimistic because the test set is likely to contain sequences that share significant sequence similarity with one or more sequences in the training set.</p>", "<p>In order to obtain more realistic estimates of performance of MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods, we explored several methods for constructing <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> MHC-II datasets. We constructed <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> MHC-II benchmark datasets, derived from MHCPEP ##UREF##3##[21]##, MHCBN ##REF##12651731##[22]##, and IEDB ##REF##15760272##[23]## databases, using several approaches to reduce the degree of pair-wise sequence similarity shared by sequences in the resulting datasets. The similarity reduction procedures were applied separately to binders and non-binders. Details of the similarity reduction methods are provided in the Materials and <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Methods</xref> Section. Specifically, we generated:</p>", "<p>Datasets of unique peptides MHCPEP-UPDS, MHCBN-UPDS, and IEDB-UPDS extracted from MHCPEP, MHCBN, and IEDB, respectively.</p>", "<p>Datasets of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> peptides, MHCPEP-SRDS1, MHCBN-SRDS1, and IEDB-SRDS1 derived from the corresponding UPDS datasets using a similarity reduction procedure which ensures that no two peptides in the resulting dataset share a 9-mer subsequence.</p>", "<p>Datasets of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> peptides, MHCPEP-SRDS2, MHCBN-SRDS2, and IEDB-SRDS2, extracted MHCPEP-SRDS1, MHCBN-SRDS1, and IEDB-SRDS1 respectively by filtering the binders and non-binders in SRDS1 such that the sequence identity between any pair of peptides is less than 80%.</p>", "<p>Datasets of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> peptides, MHCPEP-SRDS3, MHCBN-SRDS3, and IEDB-SRDS3, derived from the corresponding UPDS datasets using the similarity reduction procedure introduced by Raghava and previously used to construct the MHCBench dataset ##UREF##2##[20]##.</p>", "<p>Datasets of <italic>weighted</italic> unique peptides, MHCPEP-WUPDS, MHCBN-WUPDS, and IEDB-WUPDS, derived from the corresponding UPDS datasets (where the weight assigned to a peptide is inversely proportional to the number of peptides that are similar to it).</p>", "<p>We then used the resulting <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> benchmark datasets to explore the effect of similarity reduction on the performance of different MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods and, more importantly, to rigorously compare the performance of the different prediction methods.</p>", "<p>Our experiments focused on two state-of-the-art methods for training MHC-II binding peptide predictors using variable-length MHC-II peptides and a third method that is designed to exploit the sequence similarity between a test peptide sequence and the peptide sequences in the training set (and is hence likely to perform well on <italic>non similarity-reduced</italic> datasets but poorly on the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets).</p>", "<p>Specifically, we compared: (i) An approach ##REF##16806474##[16]## that maps each variable-length peptide into a fixed-length feature vector (the so-called composition-transition distribution or CTD) consisting of sequence-derived structural features and physicochemical properties of the input peptide sequence; (ii) An approach ##REF##17105666##[17]## that uses a local alignment (LA) kernel that defines the similarity between two variable-length peptides as the average of all possible local alignments between the two peptides; (iii) An approach that uses the k-spectrum kernel ##UREF##4##[24]## with <italic>k</italic> = 5.</p>", "<p>Because neither the programs used to calculate secondary structure and solvent accessibility of peptides used for generating the CTD representation ##REF##16806474##[16]## nor the precise choices of parameters used for training the LA kernel based classifier ##REF##17105666##[17]## were available to us, we used in our experiments, our own implementations of the corresponding methods. Hence, the results of our experiments should not be viewed as providing direct assessment of performance of the exact implementations of the CTD and LA methods developed by the original authors and used in studies reported in ##REF##16806474##[16]##, ##REF##17105666##[17]##. However, it is worth noting that, the broad conclusions of our study are largely independent of the specific machine learning methods or data transformations.</p>", "<p>Our results demonstrate that, regardless of the similarity reduction method employed, a substantial drop in performance of classifiers is observed compared to their reported performance on benchmark datasets of <italic>unique</italic> peptide sequences. Our results also demonstrate that conclusions regarding the superiority of one prediction method over another can be misleading when they are based on evaluations using benchmark datasets with a high degree of sequence similarity (e.g., the benchmark dataset of <italic>unique</italic> peptide sequences). These results underscore the importance of using <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets in evaluating and comparing alternative MHC-II peptide prediction methods.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<p>The datasets used in this study are derived from MHCPEP ##UREF##3##[21]##, MHCBN ##REF##12651731##[22]##, and IEDB ##REF##15760272##[23]##, which are manually curated repositories of MHC binding peptides reported in the literature.</p>", "<p>We extracted 22 MHC-II allele datasets (each with at least 100 binders) from the MHCPEP database. Because MHCPEP contains only MHC-II binding peptides (“positive examples”), for each allele, we generated an equal number of non-binders (“negative examples”) by randomly extracting protein fragments from SwissProt ##REF##10592178##[35]## protein sequences such that: (i) The length distribution of negative examples is identical to that of the positive examples; (ii) None of the non-binding peptides appear in the set of binders.</p>", "<p>Unlike MHCPEP, MHCBN is a database of binding and non-binding MHC peptides. MHCBN version 4.0 has 35 MHC-II alleles with at least 100 binders. Out of these 35 alleles, only eight alleles have at least 100 non-binders. We extracted the MHCBN benchmark dataset used in this study from the alleles for which at least 100 binders and non-binders peptides are available in MHCBN.</p>", "<p>The Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource (IEDB) ##REF##15760272##[23]## is a rich resource of MHC binding data curated from the literature or submitted by immunologists. For each reported peptide, IEDB provides qualitative (i.e., Negative or Positive) and quantitative (i.e., IC50) measurements whenever available. We used both qualitative and quantitative measurements for constructing 12 HLA binary labeled datasets as follows:</p>", "<p>Peptides with no reported quantitative measurements are discarded.</p>", "<p>Peptides with “Positive” qualitative measurement and quantitative measurement less than 500 nM are classified as binders.</p>", "<p>Peptides with “Positive” qualitative measurement and quantitative measurement greater than or equal 500 nM are classified as non-binders.</p>", "<p>Peptides with “Negative” qualitative measurement and quantitative measurement greater than or equal 500 nM are classified as non-binders.</p>", "<p>Peptides with “Negative” qualitative measurement and quantitative measurement less than 500 nM are discarded.</p>", "<p>The reported MHC binding sites are typically identified using truncation, substitution, or mutations in a base peptide ##REF##1704034##[36]##. Because different reported MHC-II binding peptides might actually correspond to experimental manipulation of the same MHC-II binding region using different experimental techniques or different choices of amino acids targeted for truncation, substitution, or mutation, it is not surprising that that MHC databases contain a significant number of highly similar peptides. Hence, we used several similarity reduction methods to extract several different versions of the dataset from each set of sequences.</p>", "<p>It should be noted that the existence of highly similar peptides belonging to the same category may result in an over-optimistic estimation of the classifier performance. Therefore, we applied the similarity reduction procedures separately to the set of binders and non-binders in each dataset. The following sections describe the similarity reduction procedures and the resulting <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets.</p>", "<title>Similarity reduction procedures</title>", "<p>An example of two different types of similar peptides that frequently occur in MHC peptides databases is shown in ##FIG##4##Figure 5##. In type I, two peptides differ from each other in terms of only one or two amino acids (see ##FIG##4##Figure 5A##). Such highly similar peptides are likely to have come from different mutation experiments targeting different sites of the same MHC-II binding peptide. For example, Garcia et al. ##REF##17306766##[37]## report an HLA-DRB1*0401 binding peptide (WGENDTDVFVLNNTR) and 12 additional binding peptides derived from that peptide by replacing one of the amino acid in (WGENDTDVFVLNNTR) sequence with Glycine and experimentally determining the binding affinity of the new peptide. In type II, we find that a shorter peptide in one allele dataset corresponds to a sub-sequence of a longer one that is also in the allele dataset (see ##FIG##4##Figure 5B##).</p>", "<p>Standard approaches to identifying similar peptide sequences rely on the use of a sequence similarity threshold. Sequences that are within a certain predetermined similarity threshold relative to a target sequence are eliminated from the dataset. However, the use of such a simple approach to obtaining a similarity reduced dataset is complicated by the high degree of variability in the length of MHC-II peptides. Using a single fixed similarity cutoff value (e.g. 80%) might not be effective in eliminating type II similar peptides. On the other hand, an attempt to eliminate one of the two such similar sequences by using of a more stringent similarity threshold could result in elimination of most of the dataset.</p>", "<p>To address this problem, we used a two-step similarity reduction procedure to eliminate similar peptides of types I and II:</p>", "<p>Step 1 eliminates similar peptides based on a criterion proposed by Nielsen et al. ##REF##17608956##[7]##. Two peptides are considered similar if they share a 9-mer subsequence. This step will eliminate all similar peptides of type II but is not guaranteed to remove all similar peptides of Type I. For example, this method will not eliminate one of the two peptides in ##FIG##4##Figure 5A## although they share 84.6% sequence similarity.</p>", "<p>Step 2 filters the dataset using an 80% similarity threshold to eliminate any sequence that has a similarity of 80% or greater with one or more sequences in the dataset.</p>", "<p>In addition, we also used a procedure proposed by Raghava ##UREF##2##[20]## for similarity reduction of MHCBench benchmark datasets. Briefly, given two peptides <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>1</sub> and <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>2</sub> of lengths <italic>l</italic>\n<sub>1</sub> and <italic>l</italic>\n<sub>2</sub> such that <italic>l</italic>\n<sub>1</sub>≤<italic>l</italic>\n<sub>2</sub>, we compare <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>1</sub> with each <italic>l</italic>\n<sub>1</sub>-length subpeptide in <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>2</sub>. If the percent identity (PID) between <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>1</sub> and any subpeptide in <italic>p</italic>\n<sub>2</sub> is greater than 80%, then the two peptides are deemed to be similar. For example, to compute the PID between (ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRST) and (DEFGGIKLMN), we compare (DEFGGIKLMN) with (ACDEFGHIKL), (CDEFGHIKLM), …, (IKLMNPQRST). The PID between (DEFGGIKLMN) and (DEFGHIKLMN) is 90% since nine out of 10 residues are identical.</p>", "<p>Finally, we explored a method for assigning weights to similar peptides as opposed to eliminating similar peptides from the dataset. Specifically, the peptides within the binders category that are similar to each other (i.e., share a 9-mer subsequence or have sequence similarity of 80% or greater) are clustered together. Each peptide that is assigned to a cluster is similar to at least one other peptide within the cluster, and no two similar peptides are assigned to different clusters. Each peptide in a cluster is assigned a weight of , where <italic>n</italic> is the number of peptides assigned to the cluster. The process is repeated with peptides in the non-binders category. The result is a dataset of <italic>weighted</italic> instances.</p>", "<p>Thus, from each MHC-II benchmark dataset, we generated five versions summarized below:</p>", "<p>Three datasets of <italic>unique</italic> peptides, MHCPEP-UPDS, MHCBN-UPDS, and IEDB-UPDS extracted from MHCPEP, MHCBN, and IEDB, respectively after eliminating short peptides consisting of fewer than 9 residues, unnatural peptides, peptides with greater than 75% Alanine residues, and duplicated peptides.</p>", "<p>Three datasets of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> peptides, MHCPEP-SRDS1, MHCBN-SRDS1, and IEDB-SRDS1 derived from the corresponding UPDS datasets described above using only step 1 of the two-step similarity reduction procedure described above which ensures that no two peptides in the resulting datasets of binders or non binders share a 9-mer subsequence.</p>", "<p>Three datasets of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> peptides, MHCPEP-SRDS2, MHCBN-SRDS2, and IEDB-SRDS2, extracted MHCPEP-SRDS1, MHCBN-SRDS1, and IEDB-SRDS1 respectively by filtering the binders and non-binders in SRDS1 such that the sequence identity between any pair of peptides in the binders category or in the non-binders category is less than 80%.</p>", "<p>Three datasets of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> peptides, MHCPEP-SRDS3, MHCBN-SRDS3, and IEDB-SRDS3, derived from the corresponding UPDS datasets by applying the similarity reduction procedure introduced by Raghava which has been used to construct the MHCBench dataset ##UREF##2##[20]##.</p>", "<p>Three <italic>weighted</italic> unique peptide datasets, MHCPEP-WUPDS, MHCBN-WUPDS, and IEDB-WUPDS, derived from the corresponding UPDS datasets by applying the peptide weighting method described above.</p>", "<p>The procedure used to generate the five different versions of each allele-specific dataset using the different similarity reduction methods and the peptide weighting method described above is shown in ##FIG##5##Figure 6##. Note that UPDS can contain similar peptides of both types I and II; SRDS1 can contain similar peptides of type I; SRDS2 is free from both type I and type II similar peptides; SRDS3 simulates <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets using the method employed with MHCBench; WUPDS is a <italic>weighted</italic> version of the UPDS dataset where similar peptides are grouped into disjoint clusters and the weight of each peptide is set to one over the size of its cluster.</p>", "<title>Summary of the datasets</title>", "<title>Datasets derived from MHCPEP</title>", "<p>\n##TAB##0##Table 1## summarizes the number of binders in each <italic>unique</italic> peptides dataset, MHCPEP-UPDS, and the corresponding three <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets, MHCPEP-SRDS1, MHCPEP-SRDS2, and MHCPEP-SRDS3. Note that on average, the number of binders in the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets, MHCPEP-SRDS1, MHCPEP-SRDS2, and MHCPEP-SRDS3, is reduced to 48%, 33%, and 39%, respectively, of the number of binders in MHCPEP-UPDS datasets.</p>", "<title>Datasets derived from MHCBN</title>", "<p>\n##TAB##1##Table 2## summarizes the number of binders and non-binders in MHCBN-UPDS, MHCBN-SRDS1, MHCBN-SRDS2 and MHCBN-SRDS3 datasets derived for each of the eight MHCBN alleles satisfying our selection criteria. Note that the average number of binders in <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets, MHCBN-SRDS1, MHCBN-SRDS2, and MHCBN-SRDS3, is reduced to 55.48%, 45.46%, and 61.39%, respectively, of the number of binders in MHCBN-UPDS datasets. Similarly, the average number of non-binders in <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets, MHCBN-SRDS1, MHCBN-SRDS2, and MHCBN-SRDS3, is reduced to 67.55%, 64.24%, and 87.47%, respectively, of the number of non-binders in MHCBN-UPDS datasets.</p>", "<title>Datasets derived from IEDB</title>", "<p>\n##TAB##2##Table 3## summarizes the number of binders and non-binders in IEDB-UPDS, IEDB-SRDS1, IEDB-SRDS2, and IEDB-SRDS3 datasets derived for 12 HLA alleles. We observed that the average number of binders in <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets, IEDB-SRDS1, IEDB-SRDS2, and IEDB-SRDS3, is reduced to 51.17%, 47.66%, and 63.5%, respectively, of the number of binders in MHCBN-UPDS datasets. Similarly, the average number of non-binders in <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets, IEDB-SRDS1, IEDB-SRDS2, and IEDB-SRDS3, is reduced to 60.86%, 59.38%, and 82.9%, respectively, of the number of non-binders in MHCBN-UPDS datasets.</p>", "<title>Independent blind set</title>", "<p>Recently, Wang et al. ##UREF##9##[30]## introduced a comprehensive dataset of previously unpublished MHC-II peptide binding affinities and utilized it to assessing the performance of nine publicly available MHC-II prediction methods. The dataset covers 14 HLA alleles and two Mouse alleles. Out of the 14 HLA allele-specific datasets, five datasets are used in our experiments as independent blind test data to evaluate the performance of the classifiers trained using the corresponding MHCBN allele-specific datasets. ##TAB##18##Table 19## shows the number of test peptides in each allele-specific dataset and the number of binders and non-binders obtained using an IC50 cutoff of 500 nM employed to categorize peptides into binders and non-binders ##REF##17608956##[7]##.</p>", "<title>Prediction methods</title>", "<p>Our experiments focused on two approaches for training MHC-II binding peptide predictors from variable-length MHC-II peptides have been recently proposed in ##REF##16806474##[16]##, ##REF##17105666##[17]## and a method based on <italic>k</italic>-spectrum kernel ##UREF##4##[24]## that is designed to rely on the presence of high degree of sequence similarity between training and test peptides (and hence is expected to perform well on redundant datasets but poorly on <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets). We implemented the three methods in java using Weka machine learning workbench ##UREF##11##[38]##. Brief descriptions of each of the three prediction methods are included below.</p>", "<title>Composition-Transition-Distribution (CTD)</title>", "<p>The basic idea of this approach is to map each variable-length peptide into a fixed-length feature vector such that standard machine learning algorithms are applicable. This method was used and explained in details in ##REF##16806474##[16]##, ##REF##12824396##[39]##. 21 features are extracted from each peptide sequence as follows:</p>", "<p>First, each peptide sequence <italic>p</italic> is mapped into a string <italic>s<sub>p</sub></italic> defined over an alphabet of three symbols, {1,2,3}. The mapping is performed by grouping amino acids into three groups using a physico-chemical property of amino acids (see ##TAB##19##Table 20##). For example the peptide (AIRHIPRRIR) is mapped into (2312321131) using the hydrophobicity division of amino acids into three groups (see ##TAB##19##Table 20##).</p>", "<p>Second, for each peptide string <italic>s<sub>p</sub></italic>, three descriptors are derived as follows:</p>", "<p>Composition (C): three features representing the percent frequency of the symbols, {1, 2, 3}, in the mapped peptide sequence.</p>", "<p>Transition (T): three features representing the percent frequency of <italic>i</italic> followed by <italic>j</italic> or <italic>j</italic> followed by <italic>i</italic>, for <italic>i</italic>, <italic>j</italic>∈{1,2,3}.</p>", "<p>Distribution (D): five features per symbol representing the fractions of the entire sequence where the first, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the candidate symbol are contained in <italic>s<sub>p</sub></italic>. A total of 15 features are derived from each peptide.</p>", "<p>\n##TAB##19##Table 20## shows division of the 20 amino acids into three groups based on hydrophobicity, polarizability, polarity, and Van der Waal's volume properties. Using these four properties, we derived 84 CTD features from each peptide sequence. In our experiments, we trained SVM classifiers using RBF kernel and peptide sequences represented using their amino acid sequence composition (20 features) and CTD descriptors (84 features).</p>", "<title>Local alignment (LA) kernel</title>", "<p>Local alignment (LA) kernel ##REF##14988126##[40]## is a string kernel designed for biological sequence classification problems. The LA kernel measures the similarity between two sequences by adding up the scores obtained from local alignments with gaps of the sequences. This kernel has several parameters: the gap opening and extension penalty parameters <italic>d</italic> and <italic>e</italic>, the amino acid mutation matrix <italic>s</italic>, and the factor <italic>β</italic> which controls the influence of suboptimal alignments in the kernel value. Saigo et al. ##REF##14988126##[40]## used the BLOSUM62 substitution matrix, gap opening and extending parameters equal 11 and 1, respectively, and <italic>β</italic> ranges from 0.2 to 0.5. In our experiments, we tried a range of values for gap opening/extension and <italic>β</italic> parameters and got the best performance out of LA kernel using BLOSUM62 substitution matrix, gap opening and extending parameters equal 10 and 1, respectively, and <italic>β</italic> = 0.5. Detailed formulation of the LA kernel and a dynamic programming implementation of the kernel are provided in ##REF##14988126##[40]##.</p>", "<title>\n<italic>k</italic>-spectrum kernel</title>", "<p>Intuitively, a <italic>k</italic>-spectrum kernel ##UREF##4##[24]## captures a simple notion of string similarity: two strings are deemed similar (i.e., have a high <italic>k</italic>-spectrum kernel value) if they share many of the same <italic>k</italic>-mer substrings. We used the <italic>k</italic>-spectrum with relatively large <italic>k</italic> value, <italic>k</italic> = 5. As noted earlier, the choice of a relatively large value for <italic>k</italic> was motivated by the desire to construct a predictor that is expected to perform well in settings where the peptides in the test set share significant similarity with one or more peptides in the training set.</p>", "<title>Performance evaluation</title>", "<p>The prediction accuracy (ACC), sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp), and correlation coefficient (CC) are often used to evaluate prediction algorithms ##REF##10871264##[26]##. The CC measure has a value in the range from −1 to +1 and the closer the value to +1, the better the predictor. The Sn and Sp summarize the accuracies of the positive and negative predictions respectively. ACC, Sn, Sp, and CC are defined as follows:where <italic>TP</italic>, <italic>FP</italic>, <italic>TN</italic>, <italic>and FN</italic> are the numbers of true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives respectively.</p>", "<p>Although these metrics are widely used to assess the performance of machine learning methods, they all suffer from an important limitation of being threshold-dependent. Threshold-dependent metrics describe the classifier performance at a specific threshold value. It is often possible to increase the number of true positives (equivalently, the sensitivity) of the classifier at the expense of an increase in false positives (equivalently, the false alarm rate). The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve shows the performance of the classifier over all possible thresholds. The ROC curve is obtained by plotting the true positive rate as a function of the false positive rate or, equivalently, sensitivity versus (1-specificity) as the discrimination threshold of the binary classifier is varied. Each point on the ROC curve describes the classifier at a certain threshold value and, hence, a particular choice of tradeoff between true positive rate and false negative rate. The area under ROC curve (AUC) is a useful summary statistic for comparing two ROC curves. The AUC is defined as the probability that a randomly chosen positive example will be ranked higher than a randomly chosen negative example. An ideal classifier will have an AUC = 1, while a classifier performs no better than random will have an AUC = 0.5, any classifier performing better than random will have an AUC value that lies between these two extremes.</p>", "<title>Implementation and SVM parameter optimization</title>", "<p>We used the Weka machine learning workbench ##UREF##11##[38]## for implementing the spectrum, and LA kernels (RBF kernel is already implemented in Weka). For the SVM classifier, we used the weka implementation of the SMO algorithm ##UREF##12##[41]##. For <italic>k</italic>-spectrum and LA kernels, the default value of the cost parameter, <italic>C</italic> = 1, was used for the SMO classifier. For the RBF kernel, we found that tuning the SMO cost parameter <italic>C</italic> and the RBF kernel parameter <italic>γ</italic> is necessary to obtain satisfactory performance. We tuned these parameters using a two dimensional grid search over the range <italic>C</italic> = 2<sup>−5</sup>,2<sup>−3</sup>,…,2<sup>3</sup>, <italic>γ</italic> = 2<sup>−15</sup>,2<sup>−13</sup>,…,2<sup>3</sup>.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Limitations of the <italic>unique</italic> peptides MHC-II data</title>", "<p>\n##TAB##0##Tables 1##–\n##TAB##2##3## show that MHC-II datasets derived from MHCPEP, MHCBN, and IEDB databases have a large number of highly similar peptides: the number of peptides in the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> versions in the three benchmark datasets is ≈50% of the original number. In each case, the estimated performance of the prediction methods evaluated on <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets is substantially worse than that estimated using the datasets of unique peptides. This finding is especially significant in light of the fact that MHCPEP and MHCBN datasets have been used for comparing alternative MHC-II peptide prediction methods in most of the published studies ##REF##15349703##[5]##, ##REF##14962912##[6]##, ##REF##14960470##[15]##–##UREF##1##[19]##, ##UREF##5##[25]##.</p>", "<p>For the sake of brevity, we focus discussion here on the results of two representative examples of datasets extracted from the MHCPEP and MHCBN benchmarks and provide the complete set of results in the supplementary materials (##SUPPL##0##Data S1##).</p>", "<p>As shown in ##TAB##3##Table 4##, for the MHCPEP benchmark, we focus on the results on the data for HLA-DR4, which has the largest number of <italic>unique</italic> binders. On the MHCPEP-UPDS version of the HLA-DR4 dataset, the 5-spectrum kernel outperforms the other two prediction methods and CTD outperforms the LA kernel. We notice a substantial drop in the observed performance of the three prediction methods on the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> and <italic>weighted</italic> datasets relative to that on their UPDS counterpart.</p>", "<p>In the case of the MHCBN benchmark, we focus on the results on the HLA-DRB1*0301 data (##TAB##4##Table 5##) because it has been used in a number of recent studies of MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods ##REF##16806474##[16]##, ##REF##17105666##[17]##, ##UREF##5##[25]##. Most MHCBN allele-specific datasets are unbalanced, i.e., the numbers of binding peptides in the datasets are larger (typically by a factor of 2 to 4) than the corresponding numbers of non-binding peptides (see ##TAB##1##Table 2##). On such unbalanced datasets, classification accuracy can be misleading in terms of providing a reliable and useful assessment of the performance of the classifier. A classifier that simply returns the label of the majority class as the predicted label for each instance to be classified can achieve a rather high accuracy; However such a classifier is rather useless in reliably identifying members of the minority class. Hence, in the case of unbalanced datasets, the correlation coefficient (CC) or the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) provide more useful measures than accuracy in assessing the performance of the classifiers ##REF##10871264##[26]##. As shown in ##TAB##4##Table 5##, the observed performance of the three prediction methods on HLA-DRB1*0301 MHCBN-UPDS version of this dataset appears to be overly optimistic relative to that on its <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> and <italic>weighted</italic> counterparts. Interestingly, the 5-spectrum kernel is competitive with CTD and LA on the MHCBN-UPDS dataset, whereas its performance on MHCBN-SRDS1 and MHCBN-SRDS2 is much worse than that of the CTD and the LA classifiers.</p>", "<p>Our results also demonstrate that conclusions of superior performance of one method relative to another that are based on estimates of performance obtained using UPDS versions of MHC-II benchmark datasets can be misleading. For example, from results shown in ##TAB##3##Tables 4## and ##TAB##4##5##, one might be tempted to conclude that predictors that use the 5-spectrum kernel are competitive with those that use CTD representation and the LA kernel. However, the 5-spectrum kernel is outperformed by CTD and LA on the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets. Similarly, conclusions drawn from experiments using the UPDS datasets (##TAB##3##Tables 4## and ##TAB##4##5##) regarding the performance of the CTD and the LA kernel classifiers are contradicted by the their observed performance on the corresponding <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets SRDS1 and SRDS2.</p>", "<title>Limitations of the MHCBench benchmark data</title>", "<p>Comparison of SRDS1, SRDS2, and SRDS3 versions of the datasets used in this study reveals an important limitation of the MHCBench dataset which is a widely used benchmark for comparing MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods.</p>", "<p>Recall that the SRDS3 versions of our datasets are derived using the same procedure that was used in MHCBench to generate <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets. It is clear from the data summarized in ##TAB##0##Tables 1##–\n##TAB##2##3## that the size of a SRDS3 version of a dataset is: often larger than the size of its SRDS2 counterpart, and sometimes larger than the size of its SRDS1 counterpart. Closer examination of the peptides in SRDS3 datasets reveals that SRDS3 datasets may contain several highly similar peptides (e.g., peptides with more than 80% sequence similarity). This is illustrated by the example shown in ##FIG##0##Figure 1##: the two peptides in the SRDS3 version of the HLA-DRB1*0301 dataset share overall sequence similarity of 85.71%. However, the procedure used to construct <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> MHCBench dataset will keep both of these peptides in the resulting dataset because the computed percent identity (PID) between the two peptides is only 7.7%, well below the threshold of 80% PID used to identify similar peptides in MHCBench ##UREF##2##[20]##. Thus, the similarity reduction procedure used in MHCBench dataset (which relies on a strict gapless alignment) may not eliminate all highly similar peptides.</p>", "<p>The preceding observation explains why the number of peptides in the SRDS3 versions of the datasets is usually greater than that in SRDS1 and SRDS2 datasets (see ##TAB##0##Tables 1##–\n##TAB##2##3##). More importantly, because of the presence of a number of highly similar peptides in some SRDS3 datasets, the observed performance of the three prediction methods on the SRDS3 datasets may be overly optimistic relative to that estimated from their SRDS1 and SRDS2 counterparts. Because the classifier using the 5-spectrum kernel in fact relies on the degree of (gapless) match between a sequence pattern present in one or more training sequences and a test sequence, it benefits from the presence of a high degree of similarity between a test sequence and one or more training sequences in ways that the other two classifiers do not. Consequently classifiers that use the 5-spectrum kernel can appear to be competitive with, and perhaps even outperform those that use the CTD representation or the LA kernel when their performance is compared using SRDS3 datasets (and for similar reasons, the MHCBench benchmark data).</p>", "<title>Comparison of the CTD, LA, and the k-spectrum kernel methods</title>", "<p>In machine learning and bioinformatics literature, claims of superiority of one method over another are often based on the outcome of suitable statistical tests. Hence it is interesting to examine the differences in the conclusions obtained when statistical tests are used to compare the performance of prediction methods based on the empirical estimates of their performance on the UPDS, SRDS1, SRDS2, SRDS3, and WPDS versions of the datasets.</p>", "<p>Several non-parametric statistical tests ##UREF##6##[27]##, ##UREF##7##[28]## have been recently recommended for comparing different classifiers on multiple datasets (accounting for the effects of multiple comparisons) ##UREF##8##[29]##. In our analysis, we apply a three-step procedure proposed by Demšar ##UREF##8##[29]##. First, the classifiers to be compared are ranked on the basis of their observed performance (e.g., AUC) on each dataset. Second, the Friedman test is applied to determine whether the measured average ranks are significantly different from the mean rank under the null hypothesis. Third, if the null hypothesis can be rejected at a significance level of 0.05, the Nemenyi test is used to determine whether significant differences exist between any given pair of classifiers.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis of results on the MHCPEP datasets</title>", "<p>\n##TAB##5##Tables 6##–\n\n\n##TAB##9##10## compare the AUC of the three prediction methods on the five versions of the MHCPEP datasets. For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses. The last row in each table summarizes the average AUC and rank for each classifier. Demšar ##UREF##8##[29]## has suggested that the average ranks by themselves provide a reasonably fair comparison of classifiers. Interestingly, the LA kernel has the <italic>worst</italic> rank among the three methods when the comparison is based on the observed performance on the UPDS datasets, whereas it has the <italic>best</italic> rank among the three methods when the comparison is based on the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> or the <italic>weighted</italic> datasets. ##TAB##5##Tables 6##–\n\n\n##TAB##9##10## also show that the rank of the 5-spectrum kernel is competitive with that of CTD on UPDS and SRDS3. This observation is consistent with the presence of a number of highly similar sequences in SRDS3 datasets.</p>", "<p>To determine whether the differences in average ranks are statistically significant, we applied the Friedman test ##UREF##8##[29]## to the rank data in ##TAB##5##Tables 6##–\n\n\n##TAB##9##10##. At significance level of 0.05, the Friedman test did not indicate a statistically significant difference between the methods on the UPDS and WUPDS datasets. However, in the case of the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets, the Friedman test indicated statistically significant differences between the methods being compared. Thus, we conclude that the three methods are competitive with each other on the UPDS and WUPDS datasets, and that there is at least one pair of classifiers with significant difference in performance on the three versions of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets. Furthermore, for each version of MHCPEP <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets, the Nemenyi test was applied to determine whether significant differences exist between any given pair of classifiers. ##FIG##1##Figure 2## summarizes the results of the pair-wise comparisons performed using the Nemenyi test. We find that on the SRDS1 versions of the datasets, both the LA and the CTD methods significantly outperform the 5-spectrum kernel and that there are no statistically significant differences between the LA kernel and the CTD classifier. On SRDS2 datasets, we find that, the performance of each of the three methods is significantly different from that of the other two methods, with the LA and the CTD methods ranked first and second, respectively. On SRDS3 datasets, we observe that the performance of the LA kernel is significantly better than that of the CTD and the 5-spectrum classifiers, with no significant differences between the CTD and the 5-spectrum classifiers.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis of results on the MHCBN and the IEDB datasets</title>", "<p>We summarize the results of applying Demšar's three-step procedure to the results obtained on the five versions of MHCBN and IEDB datasets, respectively. In the case of the MHCBN datasets, ##TAB##10##Tables 11##–\n\n\n##TAB##14##15## show the estimated AUC and rank of each classifier on each dataset. The results of the Freidman test (at a significance level of 0.05) applied to the results in each table did not indicate significant differences in performance among the CTD, the LA, and the 5-spectrum kernel classifiers on the UPDS dataset. However, the test indicated statistically significant differences among the methods in the case of the SRDS1, SRDS2, SRDS3, and the WUPDS datasets. ##FIG##2##Figure 3## summarizes the results of the pair-wise comparisons using the Nemenyi test. In the case of the SRDS1 and the SRDS2 datasets, we find that the performance of both the LA kernel and the CTD classifiers is significantly better than that of the 5-spectrum kernel classifier and that there are no significant differences between the LA kernel and the CTD classifiers. In the case of the SRDS3 datasets, we find that the performance of the LA kernel classifier is significantly better than that of the CTD and the 5-spectrum classifiers, and that no significant differences exist between the CTD and the 5-spectrum classifiers. In the case of the WUPDS datasets, we find that the LA kernel classifier significantly outperforms the 5-spectrun kernel and that there are no significant differences between the LA and the CTD and between the CTD and the 5-spectrum classifiers.</p>", "<p>Results of Demšar's statistical test applied to the IEDB datasets are shown in Tables S46–S50 (##SUPPL##0##Data S1## in supporting information) and ##FIG##3##Figure 4##. As in the case of MHCPEP and MHCBN, we see no significant differences in the performance of different classifiers on IEDB-UPDS datasets. However, in the case of the other datasets, we find at least one pair of classifiers with significant differences in performance. As shown in ##FIG##3##Figure 4##, both the LA and the CTD classifiers significantly outperform the 5-spectrum classifier on the SRDS1 and the SRDS2 versions of the IEDB datasets. However, no significant differences are observed between the CTD and the 5-spectrum methods on the SRDS3 and WUPDS versions of the IEDB datasets.</p>", "<title>Performance on the blind test set</title>", "<p>The results summarized above underscore the importance of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> MHC-II datasets for obtaining a realistic estimation of the classifier performance and avoiding misleading conclusions. However, one might argue that in practice, when developers of MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods make an implementation of their methods publicly available (e.g., as an online web server or as a web service), it might be better to utilize as much of the available data as possible to train the predictor. Hence, it is interesting to explore whether the UPDS datasets should be preferred over the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> counterparts to avoid any potential loss of useful information due to the elimination of highly similar peptides in a setting where the goal is to optimize the predictive performance of the classifier on novel peptides. In what follows, we attempt to answer this question using five allele-specific blind test sets ##UREF##9##[30]## to evaluate the performance of the three prediction methods trained on the <italic>unique</italic>, <italic>similarity-reduced</italic>, and <italic>weighted</italic> versions of the MHCBN data for the corresponding alleles.</p>", "<p>\n##TAB##15##Table 16## shows that the 5-spectrum kernel classifier consistently performs poorly (<italic>AUC</italic>≈0.5) on the allele-specific blind test sets regardless of the version of the MHCBN dataset used for training the classifier. This finding is consistent with the cross-validation performance estimates obtained on the MHCBN SRDS1 and SRDS2 datasets (see ##TAB##11##Tables 12## and ##TAB##12##13##).</p>", "<p>\n##TAB##16##Table 17## shows the performance on the blind test sets of the CTD classifiers trained on different versions of MHCBN datasets. Interestingly, the CTD classifiers appear to be relatively insensitive to the choice of the specific version of the MHCBN dataset on which they were trained, with an average AUC≈0.66 in each case.</p>", "<p>Finally, ##TAB##17##Table 18## summarizes the performance on the blind test sets of the LA classifiers trained on the different versions of MHCBN datasets. Interestingly, the best performance (on four out of the five allele-specific blind test sets) is observed in the case of the LA classifiers trained on the SRDS2 versions of the corresponding allele-specific datasets.</p>", "<p>In summary, our results show that MHC-II predictors trained on the similarity reduced versions of the dataset generally outperform those trained on the UPDS dataset. This suggests that similarity reduction contributes to improved generalization on blind dataset.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<title>Related work</title>", "<p>Several previous studies have considered the importance of similarity reduction in datasets of MHC-II peptides. MHCBench ##UREF##2##[20]## is a benchmark of eight HLA-DRB1*0401 datasets representing a set of <italic>unique</italic> peptides (Set1), a dataset of natural peptides (Set2, derived from Set1 by removing peptides with &gt;75% Alanine residues), two non-redundant datasets (Set3a and Set3b derived from Set1 and Set2, respectively), two balanced datasets (Set4a and Set4b derived from Set1 and Set2 by randomly selecting equal numbers of binding and non-binding peptides), and two recent datasets of ligands (Set5a and Set5b, derived from Set1 and Set2 by considering only the most recently reported peptides). However, this benchmark considers only a single MHC-II allele, namely, HLA-DR4 (B1*0401). More importantly, as shown by our analysis of SRDS3 datasets, the similarity reduction procedure used in MHCBench is not stringent enough to ensure elimination of highly similar peptides.</p>", "<p>Nielsen et al. ##REF##14962912##[6]## and Murugan et al. ##REF##16351712##[18]## trained their classifiers using data extracted from MHCPEP and SYFPETHI databases and evaluated the classifiers using ten test sets, from which peptides similar to peptides in the training datasets had been removed. Recently, Nielsen et al. ##REF##17608956##[7]## presented an MHC-II benchmarking dataset for regression tasks: each peptide is labeled with a real value indicating the binding affinity of the peptide. In this benchmark dataset, each set of allele-specific data had been partitioned into five subsets with minimal sequence overlap. However, neither of these studies explicitly examined the limitations of widely used benchmark datasets or the full implications of using MHC-II datasets of unique peptides in evaluating alternative methods.</p>", "<p>Mallios ##REF##12941539##[31]## compared three HLA-DRB1*0101 and HLA-DRB1*0401 prediction tools using an independent test set of two proteins. A consensus approach combining the predictions of the three methods was shown to be superior to the three methods. However, the significance of this result is limited by the small dataset utilized in this study.</p>", "<p>Two recent studies ##UREF##9##[30]##, ##REF##18034454##[32]## have pointed out some of the limitations of existing MHC-II prediction methods in identifying potential MHC-II binding peptides. Gowthaman et al. ##REF##18034454##[32]## used 179 peptides derived from eight antigens and covering seven MHC-II alleles to evaluate the performance of six commonly used MHC-II prediction methods and concluded that none of these methods can reliably identify potential MHC-II binding peptides. Wang et al. ##UREF##9##[30]## introduced a large benchmark dataset of previously unpublished peptides and used it to assess the performance of nine publicly available MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods. Both studies showed that the predictive performance of existing MHC-II prediction tools on independent blind test sets is substantially worse than the performance of these tools reported by their developers. Our work complements these studies by providing a plausible explanation of this result.</p>", "<p>We have shown that the previously reported similarity reduction methods may not eliminate highly similar peptides, i.e., peptides that share &gt;80% sequence identity still <italic>pass</italic> the similarity test. We have proposed a two-step similarity reduction procedure that is much more stringent than those currently in use for similarity reduction with MHC-II benchmark datasets. We have used the similarity reduction method used in MHCBench, as well as our proposed 2-stage method to derive <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> MHC-II benchmark datasets based on peptides retrieved from MHCPEP and MHCBN databases. Comparison of the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> versions of MHCPEP, MHCBN, and IEDB datasets with their original UPDS counterparts showed that nearly 50% of the peptides in the UPDS datasets are, in fact, highly similar.</p>", "<title>Extensions to multi-class and multi-label prediction problems</title>", "<p>Our description of the proposed similarity reduction procedure assumes a 2-class prediction problem. However, our proposed approach can easily be adapted to multi-class prediction (wherein an instance has associated with one of several mutually exclusive labels). One can simply apply the similarity reduction procedure separately to data from each class.</p>", "<p>A more interesting setting is that of multi-label prediction (wherein each instance is associated with a subset of a set of candidate labels). Consider for example, the problem of predicting promiscuous MHC binding peptides ##REF##17303158##[33]##, where each peptide can bind to multiple HLA molecules. Current methods for multi-label prediction typically reduce the multi-label prediction task to a collection of binary prediction tasks ##UREF##10##[34]##. Hence, the similarity reduction methods proposed in this paper can be directly applied to the binary labeled datasets resulting from such a reduction.</p>", "<title>Implications for rigorous assessment of MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods</title>", "<p>The results of our study show that the observed performance of some of the methods (e.g., the CTD and the LA kernels) on benchmark datasets of <italic>unique</italic> peptides can be rather optimistic relative to the performance of the same methods on <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> counterparts of the same datasets or on blind test sets. This suggests that the performance of existing MHC-II prediction methods, when applied to novel peptide sequences, may turn out to be less satisfactory than one might have been led to believe based on the reported performance of such methods on some of the widely used benchmark. Moreover, the conclusions based on observed performance on datasets of <italic>unique</italic> peptides regarding the superior performance of one method relative to another can be highly unreliable in more realistic settings e.g., predictions of novel peptides.</p>", "<p>These results underscore the importance of rigorous comparative evaluation of a broad range of existing methods for MHC-II binding peptides prediction methods using <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets. We expect that such studies are likely to show much greater room for improvement over the state-of-the-art MHC-II prediction tools than one might be led to believe based on reported performance on the widely-used benchmark datasets and motivate the research community to develop improved methods for this important task. We hope that such comparisons will be facilitated by the availability of the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> versions of MHCPEP, MHCBN, and IEDB datasets used in our experiments. These datasets (##SUPPL##1##Datasets S1##, ##SUPPL##2##S2## and ##SUPPL##3##S3##), Java source code implementation of the similarity reduction and weighting procedures (##SUPPL##4##Code S1##), and the supplementary materials (##SUPPL##0##Data S1##) have been made freely available (see Supporting Information).</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: YEM. Performed the experiments: YEM. Analyzed the data: YEM DD VH. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: YEM DD VH. Wrote the paper: YEM DD VH.</p>", "<p>Choice of one method over another for MHC-II binding peptide prediction is typically based on published reports of their estimated performance on standard benchmark datasets. We show that several standard benchmark datasets of <italic>unique peptides</italic> used in such studies contain a substantial number of peptides that share a high degree of sequence identity with one or more other peptide sequences in the same dataset. Thus, in a standard cross-validation setup, the test set and the training set are likely to contain sequences that share a high degree of sequence identity with each other, leading to overly optimistic estimates of performance. Hence, to more rigorously assess the relative performance of different prediction methods, we explore the use of <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets. We introduce three <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> MHC-II benchmark datasets derived from MHCPEP, MHCBN, and IEDB databases. The results of our comparison of the performance of three MHC-II binding peptide prediction methods estimated using datasets of <italic>unique</italic> peptides with that obtained using their <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> counterparts shows that the former can be rather optimistic relative to the performance of the same methods on <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> counterparts of the same datasets. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that conclusions regarding the superiority of one method over another drawn on the basis of performance estimates obtained using commonly used datasets of <italic>unique</italic> peptides are often contradicted by the observed performance of the methods on the <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> versions of the same datasets. These results underscore the importance of using <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets in rigorously comparing the performance of alternative MHC-II peptide prediction methods.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>We thank anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive reviews. We thank Fadi Towfic for helpful comments on the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003268-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Example of two peptides from MHCBN-SRDS3 HLA-DRB1*0301 dataset.</title><p>Although the two peptides share 85.71% sequence similarity, the computed percent identity (PID) used to define the similarity between these two peptides in MHCBench benchmark is only 7.7%.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003268-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Pair-wise comparisons of classifiers with the Nemenyi test applied to results on a) MHCPEP-SRDS1, b) MHCPEP-SRDS2, and c) MHCPEP-SRDS3.</title><p>Classifiers that are not significantly different (at p-value = 0.05) are connected.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003268-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Pair-wise comparisons of classifiers with the Nemenyi test applied to results on a) MHCBN-SRDS1, b) MHCBN-SRDS2, c) MHCBN-SRDS3, and d) MHCBN-WUPDS.</title><p>Classifiers that are not significantly different (at p-value = 0.05) are connected.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003268-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Pair-wise comparisons of classifiers with the Nemenyi test applied to results on a) IEDB-SRDS1, b) IEDB-SRDS2, c) IEDB-SRDS3, and d) IEDB-WUPDS.</title><p>Classifiers that are not significantly different (at p-value = 0.05) are connected.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003268-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>Two types of similar peptides that frequently appear in MHC databases.</title></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003268-g006\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.g006</object-id><label>Figure 6</label><caption><title>An overview of the process used for generating five different versions of each allele dataset using the different similarity-reduction methods described in the text.</title></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Number of binding peptides in MHCPEP benchmark dataset.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">UPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS3</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">113</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">67</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">32</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">39</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">84</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">79</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">82</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">135</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">73</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">75</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">703</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">336</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">242</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">278</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">315</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">148</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">104</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">134</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">192</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">81</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">69</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">73</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1085</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">439</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">298</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">353</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">189</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">92</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">75</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">341</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">137</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">87</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">101</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">125</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">47</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">46</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">94</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">37</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">473</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">160</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">103</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">121</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">121</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">48</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">36</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">49</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">158</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">82</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">40</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">45</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">115</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">45</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">39</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">55</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ab</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">136</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">62</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ad</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">415</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">168</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">135</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ag7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">157</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">62</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">53</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">81</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ak</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">254</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">96</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">67</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">85</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">294</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">188</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">76</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ek</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">334</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">204</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">78</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t002</object-id><label>Table 2</label><caption><title>Number of binding/non-binding peptides in MHCBN benchmark dataset.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">UPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS3</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">636/180</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">328/111</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">223/106</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">259/130</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">416/168</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">197/124</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">153/123</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">232/149</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">218/173</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">111/131</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">80/129</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100/154</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">531/127</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">325/88</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">279/76</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">390/112</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">261/230</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">137/150</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">127/145</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">175/215</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">805/201</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">471/136</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">404/119</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">543/174</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">292/107</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">179/68</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">152/66</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">213/92</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB11101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">352/137</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">213/87</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">182/87</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">239/131</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t003</object-id><label>Table 3</label><caption><title>Number of binding/non-binding peptides in IEDB benchmark dataset.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">UPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS3</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1105/432</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">645/268</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">623/261</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">938/365</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">135/556</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">78/292</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">69/276</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">81/396</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">317/412</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">197/262</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">176/255</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">215/340</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0404</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">113/132</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">69/100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">62/98</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">74/109</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0405</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">113/119</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">74/85</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">70/84</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">81/89</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">228/302</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">147/203</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">137/202</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">173/274</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0802</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65/120</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">46/101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">46/100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">49/108</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-1101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">197/411</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">122/218</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">111/212</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">139/328</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-1302</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">152/103</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">105/81</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97/81</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">110/92</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-1501</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">269/283</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">165/176</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">142/174</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">185/260</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB4-0101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">92/215</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64/120</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">63/119</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">85/200</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB5-0101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">215/377</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">123/201</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">113/194</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">147/309</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t004</object-id><label>Table 4</label><caption><title>Performance of prediction methods on MHCPEP HLA-DR4 <italic>unique</italic>, <italic>similarity-reduced</italic>, and <italic>weighted</italic> datasets using 5-fold cross-validation test.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Dataset</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Method</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ACC</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Sn</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Sp</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CC</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AUC</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">UPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">86.59</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">73.36</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99.82</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.759</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.906</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">77.10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">71.71</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">82.49</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.545</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.862</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">90.55</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">81.29</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99.82</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.825</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.917</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">69.93</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">66.06</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">73.80</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.400</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.723</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68.56</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">63.78</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">73.35</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.373</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.751</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">70.96</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43.28</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">98.63</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.503</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.710</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.77</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">60.40</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">69.13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.296</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.692</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.43</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65.10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">63.76</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.289</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.711</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">56.04</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33.22</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">78.86</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.136</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.578</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65.01</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61.47</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68.56</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.695</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.02</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">62.89</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65.16</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.281</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.717</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68.56</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">38.81</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">98.30</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.462</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.679</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">WUPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">85.41</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.98</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99.91</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.516</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.730</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">79.38</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">22.50</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">94.81</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.249</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.723</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">87.14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">42.14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99.35</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.580</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.723</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t005</object-id><label>Table 5</label><caption><title>Performance of prediction methods on MHCBN HLA-DRB1*0301 <italic>unique</italic>, <italic>similarity-reduced</italic>, and <italic>weighted</italic> datasets using 5-fold cross-validation test.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Dataset</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Method</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ACC</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Sn</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Sp</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CC</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">AUC</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">UPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72.51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">73.95</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">70.87</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.448</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.787</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">71.89</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">73.56</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">70.00</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.436</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.795</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">70.26</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">82.76</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">56.09</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.405</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.770</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">63.41</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.23</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">62.67</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.269</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.661</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">58.54</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">59.85</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">57.33</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.172</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.617</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">42.16</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">63.50</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">22.67</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">−0.152</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.323</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">59.93</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">59.06</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">60.69</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.197</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.628</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">55.88</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54.33</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">57.24</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.116</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.563</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">35.29</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">37.01</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33.79</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">−0.292</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.273</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.62</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">60.57</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">67.91</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.285</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.675</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">67.18</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61.14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">72.09</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.334</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.736</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">63.08</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">49.71</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">73.95</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.244</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.678</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">WUPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65.27</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61.04</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68.88</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.300</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.678</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">66.66</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.47</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">68.53</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.330</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.710</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">59.97</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">58.70</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61.04</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.197</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.648</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t006\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t006</object-id><label>Table 6</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCPEP-UPDS datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.908(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.905(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.939(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.628(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.903(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.934(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.856(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.860(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.853(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.883(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.872(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.863(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.884(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.866(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.829(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.854(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.869(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.862(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.917(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.862(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.906(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.905(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.864(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.887(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.916(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.858(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.904(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.894(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.896(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.903(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.836(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.880(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.913(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.910(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.938(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.958(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.875(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.905(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.920(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.887(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.829(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.867(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.907(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.907(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.934(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.924(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.891(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.886(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ab</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.865(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.855(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.875(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ad</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.942(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.898(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.902(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ag7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.916(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.896(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.887(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ak</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.909(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.872(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.881(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.918(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.921(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.936(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ek</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.934(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.940(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.951(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.885(1.91)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.886(2.27)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.900(1.77)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t007\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t007</object-id><label>Table 7</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCPEP-SRDS1 datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.789(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.852(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.853(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.544(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.854(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.881(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.677(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.799(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.726(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.662(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.801(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.744(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.694(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.795(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.781(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.603(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.678(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.572(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.710(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.751(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.723(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.691(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.776(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.784(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.721(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.702(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.732(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.552(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.625(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.694(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.620(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.746(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.721(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.703(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.912(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.890(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.746(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.827(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.837(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.711(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.718(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.667(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.789(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.806(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.876(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.651(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.788(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.603(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ab</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.620(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.705(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.680(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ad</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.787(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.818(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.804(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ag7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.718(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.778(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.702(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ak</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.761(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.800(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.796(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.826(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.903(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.932(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ek</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.874(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.913(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.941(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.702(2.77)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.789(1.45)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.770(1.77)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t008\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t008</object-id><label>Table 8</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCPEP-SRDS2 datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.566(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.678(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.573(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.590(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.954(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.817(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.616(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.713(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.709(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.562(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.715(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.711(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.548(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.633(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.614(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.514(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.602(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.572(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.578(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.711(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.692(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.583(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.622(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.625(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.562(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.622(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.599(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.526(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.717(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.680(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.488(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.754(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.690(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.528(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.810(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.792(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.518(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.827(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.587(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.592(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.698(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.689(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.568(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.612(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.550(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.578(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.664(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.595(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ab</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.570(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.624(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.638(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ad</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.623(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.700(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.618(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ag7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.713(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.756(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.632(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ak</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.586(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.664(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.661(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.645(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.760(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.744(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ek</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.606(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.756(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.703(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.575(2.86)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.709(1.09)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.659(2.05)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t009\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t009</object-id><label>Table 9</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCPEP-SRDS3 datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.663(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.655(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.754(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.608(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.900(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.900(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.699(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.757(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.706(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.676(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.747(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.720(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.724(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.736(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.686(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.623(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.657(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.532(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.679(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.717(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.695(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.719(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.723(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.617(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.631(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.765(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.613(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.608(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.732(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.714(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.520(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.779(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.792(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.544(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.854(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.850(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.563(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.623(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.630(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.805(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.713(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.663(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.629(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.769(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.682(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.800(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.780(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.672(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ab</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.606(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.611(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.618(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ad</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.821(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.785(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.676(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ag7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.823(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.804(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.757(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ak</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.768(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.766(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.691(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.828(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.852(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.787(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ek</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.714(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.789(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.699(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.684(2.23)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.751(1.45)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.702(2.27)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t010\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t010</object-id><label>Table 10</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCPEP-WUPDS datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.717(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.738(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.772(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.543(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.882(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.925(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DQ7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.716(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.786(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.812(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.696(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.710(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.699(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.682(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.688(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.617(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.612(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.678(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.614(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.723(2.5)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.723(2.5)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.730(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.765(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.709(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.733(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.714(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.599(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.632(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.796(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.810(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.802(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.806(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.819(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.738(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.612(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.798(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.830(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.620(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.714(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.605(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.760(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.627(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.587(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.747(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.760(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.679(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR51</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.838(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.786(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.718(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ab</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.650(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.669(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.636(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ad</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.815(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.740(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.707(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ag7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.820(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.797(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.700(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ak</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.778(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.684(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.680(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.742(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.760(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.805(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I-Ek</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.734(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.824(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.805(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.722(2.11)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.741(1.7)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.719(2.18)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t011\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t011</object-id><label>Table 11</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCBN-UPDS datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.747(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.768(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.789(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.806(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.771(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.786(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.743(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.748(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.752(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.758(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.799(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.804(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.770(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.795(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.787(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.705(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.780(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.721(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.778(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.842(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.732(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB11101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.754(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.874(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.832(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.758(2.63)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.797(1.63)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.775(1.75)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t012\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t012</object-id><label>Table 12</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCBN-SRDS1 datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.545(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.784(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.738(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.456(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.707(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.750(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.533(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.657(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.692(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.456(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.690(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.748(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.323(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.617(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.661(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.381(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.676(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.655(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.424(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.665(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.748(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB11101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.493(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.776(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.759(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.451(3.00)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.697(1.63)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.719(1.38)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t013\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t013</object-id><label>Table 13</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCBN-SRDS2 datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.448(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.717(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.698(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.374(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.665(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.716(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.369(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.459(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.588(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.351(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.705(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.683(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.273(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.563(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.628(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.261(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.658(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.620(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.414(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.617(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.696(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB11101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.386(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.705(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.757(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.360(3.00)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.636(1.63)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.673(1.38)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t014\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t014</object-id><label>Table 14</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCBN-SRDS3 datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.685(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.768(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.743(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.709(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.741(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.719(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.557(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.616(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.608(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.691(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.819(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.725(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.678(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.736(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.675(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.624(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.760(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.710(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.737(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.794(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.671(3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB11101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.755(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.816(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.775(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.680(2.75)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.756(1.00)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.703(2.25)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t015\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t015</object-id><label>Table 15</label><caption><title>AUC values for the three methods evaluated on MHCBN-WUPDS datasets.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5-spectrum</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CTD</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.655(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.747(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.732(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.636(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.717(2)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.740(1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DR5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.518(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.594(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.543(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.535(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.672(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.666(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.648(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.710(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.678(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.536(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.757(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.701(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB10701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.667(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.724(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.702(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB11101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.676(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.820(1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.789(2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.609(3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.718(1.13)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.694(1.88)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t016\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t016</object-id><label>Table 16</label><caption><title>AUC values for 5-spectrum based classifiers trained using MHCBN- UPDS, SRDS1, SRDS2, SRDS3, and WUPDS datasets and evaluated on the blind test sets of Wang et al. ##UREF##9##[30]##.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">UPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">WUPDS</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.505</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.503</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.504</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.506</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.505</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.518</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.515</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.515</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.516</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.518</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.504</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.501</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.487</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.496</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-1101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.496</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.505</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.504</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.504</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.505</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.500</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t017\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t017</object-id><label>Table 17</label><caption><title>AUC values for CTD classifiers trained using MHCBN- UPDS, SRDS1, SRDS2, SRDS3, and WUPDS datasets and evaluated on the blind test sets of Wang et al. ##UREF##9##[30]##.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">UPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">WUPDS</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.689</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.707</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.684</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.714</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.629</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.595</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.589</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.597</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.596</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.585</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.605</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.584</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.611</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.633</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.601</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.675</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.711</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.699</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.684</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.694</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-1101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.732</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.719</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.713</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.735</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.659</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.658</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.662</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.668</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.649</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t018\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t018</object-id><label>Table 18</label><caption><title>AUC values for LA classifiers trained using MHCBN- UPDS, SRDS1, SRDS2, SRDS3, and WUPDS datasets and evaluated on the blind test sets of Wang et al. ##UREF##9##[30]##.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">UPDS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">SRDS3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">WUPDS</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.675</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.650</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.756</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.736</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.703</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.604</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.647</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.651</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.637</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.604</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.554</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.548</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.610</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.595</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.573</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.627</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.692</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.692</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.677</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.627</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-1101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.775</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.722</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.730</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.775</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.647</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.652</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.682</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.675</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.656</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t019\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t019</object-id><label>Table 19</label><caption><title>Five allele-specific blind test set obtained ##UREF##9##[30]##.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Allele</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">peptides</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">binders</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">non-binders</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3882</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2579</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1303</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0301</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">502</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">209</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">293</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0401</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">512</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">286</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">226</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-0701</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">505</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">358</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">147</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HLA-DRB1-1101</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">520</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">317</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">203</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003268-t020\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003268.t020</object-id><label>Table 20</label><caption><title>Categorization of amino acids into three groups for a number of physicochemical properties ##UREF##13##[42]##.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Property</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Group 1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Group 2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Group 3</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Hydrophobicity</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">RKEDQN</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">GASTPHY</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CVLIMFW</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Polarizability</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">GASCTPD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">NVEQIL</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">MHKFRYW</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Polarity</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">LIFWCMVY</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">PATGS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">HQRKNED</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Van der Waal's volume</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">GASDT</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CPNVEQIL</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">KMHFRYW</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003268.s001\"><label>Data S1</label><caption><p>Detailed results on MHCPEP, MHCBN, and IEDB datasets</p><p>(0.12 MB PDF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003268.s002\"><label>Dataset S1</label><caption><p>Datasets derived from MHCPEP database</p><p>(0.36 MB ZIP)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003268.s003\"><label>Dataset S2</label><caption><p>Datasets derived from MHCBN database</p><p>(0.17 MB ZIP)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003268.s004\"><label>Dataset S3</label><caption><p>Datasets derived from IEDB database</p><p>(0.26 MB ZIP)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003268.s005\"><label>Code S1</label><caption><p>Java programs implementing the similarity-reduction and peptide weighting methods</p><p>(0.01 MB ZIP)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><p>UPDS refers to datasets of non-redundant peptides. The last three columns refer to <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets (see text for details).</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt102\"><p>UPDS refers to datasets of non-redundant peptides. The last three columns refer to <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets (see text for details).</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt103\"><p>UPDS refers to datasets of non-redundant peptides. The last three columns refer to <italic>similarity-reduced</italic> datasets (see text for details).</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt104\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt105\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt106\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt107\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt108\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt109\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt110\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt111\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt112\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt113\"><p>For each dataset, the rank of each classifier is shown in parentheses.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt114\"><p>Peptides are categorized into binders and non-binders using an IC50 cutoff 500 nM.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>This research was supported in part by a doctoral fellowship from the Egyptian Government to Yasser EL-Manzalawy and a grant from the National Institutes of Health (GM066387) to Vasant Honavar.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
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[ "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003268.s001.pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
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2022-01-13 07:14:35
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 24; 3(9):e3268
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Jevons found that he could estimate the number of beans in a box without error when there were four or fewer, but became increasingly inaccurate as the number of beans increased beyond four ##UREF##0##[1]##. Subsequent studies have confirmed his findings, and it is now generally assumed that the immediate and accurate apprehension of the numerosity of collections of four or fewer objects uses a process separate from enumerating larger collections ##REF##8473843##[2]##–##UREF##1##[6]##. Following Kaufman and colleagues, this process is called “subitizing” ##REF##15392567##[7]##.</p>", "<p>The current basis for this distinction has come from a discontinuity in the slope of the curve that relates enumeration time to the number of items to be enumerated. Enumeration in the “subitizing range” (1 to 3 or 4 items) typically yields a shallow slope whereas the slope for 5 items and above (the “counting range”) is considerable steeper. This pattern has traditionally been fitted with a bilinear function and two functionally separate enumeration mechanisms have been inferred (see ##REF##8473843##[2]## for a review). Furthermore, by analogy with classical studies of visual search ##REF##7351125##[8]##, a parallel and pre-attentive process has been inferred from the shallow slope for subitizing (equivalent to pop-out search) and a serial and attentive process from the steeper slope (equivalent to conjunction search) for counting ##REF##8768186##[3]##, ##REF##6535985##[9]##.</p>", "<p>Support for this distinction has come from brain imaging studies that show quantitative differences in parietal lobe activity for the counting range as compared with the subitizing range ##REF##9950713##[4]##, ##UREF##1##[6]##. More specific evidence for a pre-attentive subitizing mechanism has come from a neuropsychological study of neglect patients ##REF##10825363##[10]##. Neglect patients with extinction, who cannot report items in the contra-lesional field due to their inability to attend to this side of space, can nevertheless enumerate up to four objects when two of them are in the neglected field ##REF##10825363##[10]##.</p>", "<p>However, one brain-imaging study has failed to distinguish between the neural substrates of subitizing and counting, and found instead that human parietal cortex activation increased linearly with the number of items ##REF##11798277##[11]##. Balakrishnan and Ashby questioned the basis of the initial inference of two mechanisms from the performance data by demonstrating that a bilinear fit is unjustified and a continuous model of enumeration is equally supported by the performance data ##REF##1780203##[12]##, ##REF##1620801##[13]##.</p>", "<p>Moreover, the strong notion of pre-attentive/attentive dichotomy has been regarded as an oversimplified account in the attention literature (e.g. ##REF##2756067##[14]##, ##REF##11245840##[15]##) and particularly the hypothesis of attention-free perceptual processing has been questioned ##REF##11561922##[16]##, ##UREF##2##[17]##. Indeed there is evidence that even the simplest forms of feature detection (e.g. orientation detection), which had previously been thought of as occurring pre-attentively, depend on the availability of attentional resources in a dual-task situation ##REF##9194560##[18]##.</p>", "<p>In this study, we investigated how the judgement of both small and large numerosities is affected by a withdrawal of attentional resources, and more specifically, we tested the hypothesis that subitizing is a pre-attentive process. We reasoned that if subitizing is pre-attentive, it should be unaffected by experimental manipulations such as dual-task paradigms that reduce the availability of attentional resources ##REF##11561922##[16]##, ##REF##9194560##[18]##. In addition to imposing an additional task onto a numerosity judgement task, we employed the framework of load theory ##REF##7790827##[19]##, ##REF##15668100##[20]##. Load theory states that in a dual task situation, processing of secondary task stimuli depends on the attentional requirements of the primary task. Under high attentional load, processing capacity is entirely dedicated to the primary task leading to reduced (and sometimes eliminated) processing of the secondary task. Under low attentional load, however, the capacity limit is not reached and attentional resources “spill over” to perform the secondary task.</p>", "<p>In this experiment, we combined a secondary numerosity judgement task with a primary task with two levels of attentional load (low and high load). We predicted that if subitizing is a pre-attentive process, it should not be affected by dual versus single task manipulations and, more importantly, subitizing should not be affected by attentional load. However, if subitizing is constrained by attentional capacity, it should be compromised by both experimental manipulations.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Subjects</title>", "<p>14 subjects (mean age: 23.1, 10 females) with normal or corrected-to-normal vision participated. All gave written informed consent and were paid for their participation. The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Dept. of Psychology at UCL.</p>", "<title>Visual stimulus</title>", "<p>The visual stimulus consisted of: (i) a central diamond shape (4° of visual angle) comprising 4 coloured triangles and (ii) a circle of gabor patches (10°) on a grey background (see example stimulus in ##FIG##0##Fig. 1a##). Eight different colour combinations were used for the central diamond shape (##FIG##0##Fig. 1b##). The gabor patches (2° each) in the circle were either vertically oriented high-contrast (100%) targets or horizontally orientated low-contrast (50%) distractors. The distance between patches was equal, patches occupied a different position in the circle in each trial and positions of targets and distractors within the circle were randomly assigned. The grey value of the background was adjusted to mid-grey and gamma corrected for output luminance (as was the gabor value). Stimuli were generated using the Cogent toolbox (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) for MATLAB (Mathworks, Inc).</p>", "<title>Task and experimental procedure</title>", "<p>We employed a dual task paradigm. The primary task was a speeded target detection task at fovea which implemented the manipulation of attentional load. Under low load, subjects detected a simple feature (the colour red, independent of spatial arrangement), whereas under high load, subjects detected specific conjunctions of colour and spatial arrangement: either two green triangles aligned along the right-tilted diagonal or two yellow triangles aligned along the left-tilted diagonal (see ##FIG##0##Fig 1b##). Importantly, subjects were instructed not to respond to the opposite combinations. Both low and high load condition consisted of the same set of stimuli, only the task instructions changed.</p>", "<p>As a secondary task, subjects judged the number of targets ranging from 1 to 8. Total number of items in the circle ranged from 9 to13, counterbalanced for each target number and load condition. Distractors were used to de-correlate task difficulty from the overall processing effort required for multiple stimuli. The number of distractors did not co-vary with the number of targets. Therefore, numerosity judgement could be made neither on the basis of the total number of items present nor on the basis of the number of distractors. As distractors were equally luminous than targets, numerosity could not be judged based on overall luminance either.</p>", "<p>After a fixation cross (1s), the stimulus was displayed for 200 ms, followed by a mask which stayed on the screen until subjects responded (##FIG##0##Fig. 1c##). Inter-trial intervals varied randomly between 1 and 2 seconds. Note that short stimulus durations prevented verbal counting.</p>", "<p>Subjects always responded first to the primary task and subsequently to the secondary task, ensuring that attentional resources were manipulated by the processing requirements of the primary task and not by the number of items in the secondary task. Subjects responded with their right hand on two adjacent keys to the primary task and with their left hand to the secondary task using number keys 1–8.</p>", "<p>Overall, accuracy was emphasised over speed. Subjects were given practice trials before each block and had the opportunity to take breaks. The testing session lasted 1h.</p>", "<title>Experimental design</title>", "<p>Each colour combination of the primary task was combined once with each target numerosity of the secondary task, resulting in 64 trials per block.</p>", "<p>Subjects first performed 2 blocks of each task under single task condition (1 block low load, 1 block high load). Subjects were therefore well trained in each of the two tasks before being tested under dual task conditions. 4 blocks of dual task were performed (2 low and 2 high load in the order ABBA or BAAB, counterbalanced across subjects). Each subject performed 16 trials per target number per experimental condition (512 trials for the whole experiment).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Primary task–Load manipulation (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##)</title>", "<p>Reaction time and accuracy data of the primary task were compared using a repeated measures ANOVA with within subject factors “load condition” (low load vs. high load) and “task” (single task vs. dual task). As expected, subjects responded more slowly under high attentional load compared to low attentional load (<italic>F</italic> (1,13) = 114.57, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001) and significantly less accurately (<italic>F</italic> (1,13) = 20.26, <italic>p</italic> = .001 ). Subjects were also slower under dual-task conditions (<italic>F</italic>(1,13) = 97.77, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001) and less accurate (<italic>F</italic>(1,13) = 37.01, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001) compared to single task conditions. These results confirm that our manipulation of attentional load was effective.</p>", "<title>Secondary task–Numerosity judgement</title>", "<title>Accuracy (##FIG##2##Fig. 3a##)</title>", "<p>Due to the sequential key responses to the primary and secondary task, reaction time data of the secondary (numerosity) task was not very meaningful and is not reported here.</p>", "<p>Overall, enumeration accuracy declined steadily with increasing numerosity forming a sigmoidal performance curve (##FIG##2##Fig. 3a##). We employed a repeated measures ANOVA with within-subject factors “experimental condition” (3 levels: single task, low load, high load) and “target number” (8 levels). There was a significant main effect of condition (<italic>F</italic>(2,26) = 42.49, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001), with post-hoc comparisons (Bonferroni corrected) showing all three experimental conditions differing significantly from each other. Enumeration accuracy under both dual task conditions was reduced compared to single task condition (single task versus low load: <italic>p</italic> = .004, single task versus high load: <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001). More importantly, enumeration accuracy under high load was more severely impaired than under low load ( <italic>p</italic> = .002).</p>", "<p>As expected, enumeration accuracy decreased with increasing target number (<italic>F</italic>(7,91) = 92.65, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001). There was also a significant interaction between target number and condition (<italic>F</italic>(14,182) = 5.62, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001), indicating that our attentional manipulation affected subitizing and estimation ranges differently. Therefore, we conducted separate analyses on the subitizing (target number 1–4) and estimation range (target number 5–8). As this study was designed to prevent verbal counting, we refer to larger numerosity judgement as estimation rather than counting.</p>", "<title>Subitizing range</title>", "<p>The main effect of condition was particularly pronounced in the subitizing range. Accuracy dropped from single task conditions to dual task conditions and particularly between low load and high load conditions (main effect: <italic>F</italic>(2,26) = 58.88, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001; post-hoc comparisons: single task versus low load: <italic>p</italic> = .003, single task versus high load: <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001, low load versus high load: <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001). There was a main effect of target number (<italic>F</italic>(3,39) = 15.94, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001), but no interaction of target number with condition (<italic>F</italic> (6,78) = 1.29, <italic>p</italic>&gt;.05).</p>", "<title>Estimation range</title>", "<p>Overall, accuracy was low in the estimation range and differences between experimental conditions were less pronounced. Nevertheless, there was a main effect of condition (<italic>F</italic>(2,26) = 5.55, <italic>p</italic> = .010), mainly due to a significant difference between single task and high load condition (post-hoc comparison <italic>p</italic> = .007, all other comparisons: <italic>p</italic>&gt;.05.). As performance reached chance level (12.5%) for numerosities 7 and 8, we repeated the analysis with numerosity range 5–6. There was still a main effect of condition (<italic>F</italic>(2,26) = 3.55, <italic>p = </italic>.043) but post-hoc comparisons did not reach significance.</p>", "<title>Mean responses, response standard deviation and Weber fraction</title>", "<p>Accuracy reflects subject's behaviour only in a binary manner (whether subjects hit exactly the right numerosity or not), but does not consider trials with near misses. We therefore analysed the mean responses given for each target number and their standard deviation as a measure of deviation from the correct response and the distribution of responses. As a measure of discriminability, we adopted the notion of Weber fraction which we define as response standard deviation divided by target number.</p>", "<title>Mean responses (##FIG##2##Fig. 3b##)</title>", "<p>Comparison of the mean responses to the respective correct target number in each experimental condition (using one-sample t-tests) showed that subjects overestimated the small numerosities (numerosity 1: single task: <italic>t</italic>(13) = 2.48, <italic>p</italic> = .028, low load: <italic>t</italic>(13) = 3.51, <italic>p</italic> = .004, high load: <italic>t</italic>(13) = 4.71, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001, numerosity 2: high load: <italic>t</italic>(13) = 3.23, <italic>p</italic> = .007, other conditions <italic>p</italic>&gt;.05) and underestimated the larger numerosities from 4 onwards (<italic>t</italic>(13)≤−2.7, <italic>p</italic>≤.018 in all experimental conditions).</p>", "<p>A repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant main effect of condition (<italic>F</italic>(2,26) = 9.59, <italic>p</italic> = .001), due to a difference between the single task and the high load condition (post-hoc comparison: <italic>p</italic> = .003, other comparisons: <italic>p</italic>&gt;.05). There was also a significant interaction of condition with target number (<italic>F</italic>(14,182) = 26.67, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001). Thus, overestimation in the low numerosities and underestimation in the high numerosities occurred more strongly in the high load condition than in all other conditions.</p>", "<title>Response standard deviation (##FIG##2##Fig. 3c##)</title>", "<p>Response standard deviation increased significantly from single task to low load to high load conditions (main effect: <italic>F</italic>(2,26) = 98.43, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001, all post-hoc comparisons: <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001). Standard deviations also increased with numerosity (<italic>F</italic>(7,91) = 24.57, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001) and this effect interacted with the effect of condition (<italic>F</italic>(14,182) = 4.57, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001).</p>", "<title>Weber fraction (##FIG##2##Fig. 3d##)</title>", "<p>Weber fraction was consistently higher under dual than under single task conditions, and again higher under high than under low attentional load (main effect: <italic>F</italic>(2,26) = 84.48, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001; all post-hoc comparisons <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001). All effects replicated when subitizing and estimation ranges were analysed separately (all <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001).</p>", "<p>In the single task condition, Weber fraction did not differ across numerosities (<italic>F</italic>(7,91) = 1.46, <italic>p</italic>&gt;.05) consistent with the findings of Ross ##REF##12974571##[25]##. Under dual task conditions, however, Weber fraction was highest in the low numerosities and decreased towards higher numerosities (<italic>F</italic>(7,91) = 30.14, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001). Considering all three conditions, the effect of target number interacted with condition (<italic>F</italic>(14,182) 27.01, <italic>p</italic>&lt;.001). This result confirmed the detrimental effect of attentional load, particularly in the subitizing range, as observed in the accuracy data.</p>", "<p>Taken together, these additional analyses showed a clear effect of attentional load also in the higher numerosities. High attentional load resulted in an increase of underestimation, response standard deviation and Weber fraction in the estimation range.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The idea of pre-attentive processing implies that some features of a visual scene are analysed in a privileged manner: unconstrained by a perceptual capacity limit, independent of the number of items to be processed and with the ability to consider the entire visual scene at once ##REF##7351125##[8]##, ##UREF##3##[21]##. Sagi and Julesz proposed such privileged processing stage for the case of subitizing ##REF##6535985##[9]##. Based on this approach, we tested subitizing ability under conditions of reduced attentional resources. We predicted that subitizing should not be affected by dual-task conditions nor by attentional load if it was a truly pre-attentive task. Our results clearly fail to support this prediction. Subitizing accuracy was impaired under dual-task conditions compared to single task conditions, even if the additional task comprised only the detection of a single salient feature (the colour red). More crucially, however, subitizing was even more severely impaired when the additional task required a judgement of high attentional load (a conjunction detection). Thus, the more attentional processing resources were taken away from the numerosity judgement task, the more subitizing ability deteriorated. Weber fractions strikingly mirror the accuracy data, indicating that discrimination ability decreased dramatically under high attentional load particularly in the subitizing range. These results challenge the traditional notion of a pre-attentive subitizing mechanism as proposed by many previous studies ##REF##8768186##[3]##, ##REF##9950713##[4]##, ##UREF##1##[6]##, ##REF##6535985##[9]##.</p>", "<p>Our results are in line with recent works demonstrating an impairment of subitizing performance in the attentional blink ##UREF##4##[22]##, ##UREF##5##[23]## and under conditions of inattentional blindness ##REF##17923120##[24]##. In addition to these studies, however, we demonstrate a differential effect on subitizing performance depending on the amount of attentional resources that are drawn away from the enumeration task.</p>", "<p>Furthermore, we also found a clear effect of dual task conditions and attentional load in the estimation range (numerosities 5–8), apparent as an increase in the degree of underestimation and response standard deviation. These findings suggest that the withdrawal of attentional resources affect numerosity judgement in a systematic manner: the more processing resources are taken away and the more difficult numerosity judgement becomes at higher numerosities, the more performance deviates from an unaffected distribution.</p>", "<p>The fact that both the enumeration of small and large quantities is equally affected by the manipulation of attentional resources (in proportion to their respective difficulty) could be interpreted as evidence against a functional dichotomy between subitizing and counting. Our results suggest that both small and large numerosity judgment reflect stages on a single, continuous enumeration mechanism. However, this study was not designed to investigate the nature of these mechanisms, and more specific studies are needed to address this issue. Nevertheless, our results render one of the main arguments for such a dichotomy unlikely: that subitizing is parallel and pre-attentive and might therefore be different from an attentive counting or estimation stage. In support of a continuous enumeration mechanism, Ross showed that Weber fractions are consistently around 25% across a wide range of numerosities, which implies that numerosity judgements in the subitizing range always fall within the performance limit set by this Weber fraction ##REF##12974571##[25]##. This finding provides a simple explanation for why subitizing appears relatively effortless and further strengthens the idea that numerosity judgement is subserved by a single mechanism rather than two functionally separate ones. Our results confirm those of Ross: in the single task condition, Weber fraction was constant across all numerosities and attentional load affected Weber fractions without any sharp discontinuity between the subitizing and the estimation range. Thus, our findings and those of Ross ##REF##12974571##[25]## raise the possibility that previous reports of preserved subitizing ability in neglect patients ##REF##10825363##[10]## as well as differential brain activations in healthy subjects ##REF##9950713##[4]##, ##UREF##1##[6]## might reflect a quantitative rather than qualitative difference between enumerating small and large numerosities.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: PV BB. Performed the experiments: PV. Analyzed the data: PV. Wrote the paper: PV BB BB.</p>", "<p>Traditionally, the visual enumeration of a small number of items (1 to about 4), referred to as subitizing, has been thought of as a parallel and pre-attentive process and functionally different from the serial attentive enumeration of larger numerosities. We tested this hypothesis by employing a dual task paradigm that systematically manipulated the attentional resources available to an enumeration task. Enumeration accuracy for small numerosities was severely decreased as more attentional resources were taken away from the numerical task, challenging the traditionally held notion of subitizing as a pre-attentive, capacity-independent process. Judgement of larger numerosities was also affected by dual task conditions and attentional load. These results challenge the proposal that small numerosities are enumerated by a mechanism separate from large numerosities and support the idea of a single, attention-demanding enumeration mechanism.</p>" ]
[ "<p>We thank Silvia Pagano for excellent help with testing subjects and Marco Zorzi for provision of facilities.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003269-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003269.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Stimuli and Experimental Procedure.</title><p>(a) Stimulus example. As primary task, subjects detected a certain colour target at fovea. As secondary task, subjects judged the numerosity of high-contrast gabor patches (1 up to 8) amongst low-contrast distractors. (b) Colour combinations of the primary task. Under low attentional load, detection of a single feature was required (the colour red). Under high attentional load, subjects detected specific conjunctions of colour and spatial arrangement (either green triangles aligned along the right-tilted diagonal or yellow triangles along the left-tilted diagonal). (c) Experimental procedure. Under dual task conditions, subjects responded first to the primary task and subsequently to the secondary task. Under single task conditions, subjects responded only to one of the tasks and ignored the stimuli of the other task.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003269-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003269.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Results of the Colour Detection Task.</title><p>(a) Mean accuracy (proportion correct) and (b) mean reaction times (ms) of the primary (colour detection) task under single task and dual task conditions (low load: green bars, high load: yellow bars). Error bars indicate one standard error of the mean.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003269-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003269.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Results of the Numerosity Task.</title><p>Performance of the numerosity task under the three experimental conditions (single task (black), low load (blue) and high load (red)). Error bars indicate one standard error of the mean. (a) Mean accuracy (proportion correct). (b) Mean responses. The dotted diagonal indicates perfect performance, values above the line represent overestimation, values below underestimation. (c) Response standard deviation. (d) Weber fraction (response STD/target number).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>This work was supported by a European Marie Curie Research Training Network grant to Butterworth, a Marie Curie Early Stage Research Fellowship to Vetter and a UCL Graduate School Research Scholarship and an Overseas Research Scholarship to Bahrami.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003269.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003269.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003269.g003\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["1"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Jevons"], "given-names": ["WS"], "year": ["1871"], "article-title": ["The power of numerical discrimination."], "source": ["Nature"], "volume": ["3"], "fpage": ["363"], "lpage": ["372"]}, {"label": ["6"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Piazza", "Giacomini", "Le Bihan", "Dehaene"], "given-names": ["M", "E", "D", "S"], "year": ["2003"], "article-title": ["Single-trial classification of parallel pre-attentive and serial attentive processes using functional magnetic resonance imaging."], "source": ["Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci"], "volume": ["270"], "fpage": ["1237"], "lpage": ["45"]}, {"label": ["17"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Nakayama", "Joseph", "Parasuraman"], "given-names": ["K", "JS", "R"], "year": ["1998"], "article-title": ["Attention, pattern recognition, and pop-out in visual search."], "source": ["The attentive brain"], "publisher-loc": ["Cambridge, MA"], "publisher-name": ["MIT Press"], "fpage": ["279"], "lpage": ["298"]}, {"label": ["21"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Julesz", "Edelman", "Gall", "Cowan"], "given-names": ["B", "G", "W", "W"], "year": ["1984"], "article-title": ["Towards an axiomatic theory of preattentive vision."], "source": ["Dynamic aspects of neocortical function"], "publisher-loc": ["Toronto, Ontario, Canada"], "publisher-name": ["Wiley"], "fpage": ["585"], "lpage": ["612"]}, {"label": ["22"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Egeth", "Leonard", "Palomares"], "given-names": ["HE", "CJ", "M"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["The role of attention in subitizing: Is the magical number 1?"], "source": ["Visual Cognition"], "volume": ["16"], "fpage": ["463"], "lpage": ["473"]}, {"label": ["23"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Olivers", "Watson"], "given-names": ["CNL", "DG"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["Subitizing requires attention."], "source": ["Visual Cognition"], "volume": ["16"], "fpage": ["439"], "lpage": ["463"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 07:14:35
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 24; 3(9):e3269
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Infectious diseases are the result of a dynamic interplay between the pathogen and the host. The host responds to an infection by activating diverse innate and adaptive immune defence mechanisms, whereas the disease causing pathogen produces an arsenal of virulence factors and evades the activated immune system by a great variety of adaptive responses. Today, the treatment of infectious diseases poses not only problems due to multiresistance but also problems due to the emergence of persisting bacteria that survive within biofilm structures in the human host ##REF##14527295##[1]##.</p>", "<p>Free-floating bacteria usually adapt to distinct environmental conditions with a characteristic change in their gene expression pattern. Different stresses may induce diverse but often overlapping stress responses. However, although many of adaptation strategies operate at the individual cell level, others operate at the population level. In the last decade, proof of bacterial interactiveness has accumulated from the observation of complex multicellular development phenomena in fruiting bodies, sporulation and biofilm formation ##REF##12073654##[2]##–##REF##12448714##[6]##. Living in populations provides a species with additional mechanisms of adaptation. Collectively and coordinately, bacteria act far more efficiently than they could as single cells. Thus, multicellularity was proposed as a general bacterial trait that has been increasingly witnessed and that affects multiple phenotypes. The social multicellular behavior in prokaryotes is supported by the identification of signaling molecules that mediate cooperative traits and coordinated behavior ##REF##15639629##[7]##. A coordinated expression of genes involved in virulence and persistence is crucial in host-pathogen interactions. During chronic infections many bacteria adopt a biofilm mode of growth with bacteria embedded in an exopolymeric matrix. This mode of growth acts as a protective niche and helps the bacteria to evade the host immune response and to withstand antimicrobial therapy ##REF##18001153##[8]##. In <italic>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</italic>, biofilm formation and the production of various virulence determinants are regulated via the action of a hierarchical quorum-sensing system mediated by the two chemically distinct classes of signal molecules, the <italic>N</italic>-acylhomoserine lactones ##REF##8288518##[9]## and the 4-quinolones ##REF##11724939##[10]##–##REF##10500159##[14]##. The latter group consists of more than 50 compounds ##REF##14739337##[15]## and includes the most active signal molecule 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4-quinolone which is commonly referred to as the pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) ##REF##10500159##[14]##. PQS regulates its own production by controlling the expression of the 4-quinolone biosynthetic genes ##REF##15968046##[16]## and its own package into membrane vesicles that deliver antimicrobials and toxins ##REF##16163359##[17]##, transport DNA and might be involved in enhanced survival upon challenge with stressing agents ##REF##17163978##[18]##.</p>", "<p>Stress responses involve considerable investment of cellular resources, often under conditions when cellular resources are limiting and diminishing, a process that may be unsustainable. Thus, a mechanism of uneven distribution of resources in the population, to the benefit of the fittest, may become inevitable. Phenotypically, this would mean that perception of the same stress by the different cells of a population would have very different outcomes, either cell damage, or an increase in tolerance of the stress and an increased fitness and probability of survival. In this study we provide evidence that, although PQS sensitizes the bacteria towards exogenous stresses, PQS also catalyses an efficient bacterial anti-stress response. Our findings add a new dimension to bacterial multicellular behaviour and identifies PQS as an essential factor to shape the population structure and to aid bacterial population adaptation to conditions of increased stress that may significantly contribute to bacterial persistence during chronic infectious diseases.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Bacterial strains and culture conditions</title>", "<p>PAO1 and isogenic transposon mutants with an insertion within the <italic>pqsA, pqsH</italic> and <italic>pqsL</italic> genes were obtained from the Washington Genome Center. The <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> strains were routinely cultured at 37°C on Luria-Bertani (LB) agar or LB broth. To restore 4-quinolone production in the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant the bacteria were transformed with the plasmid pLG10 (kindly provided by Colin Manoil) harboring the <italic>pqsA-E</italic> operon. To monitor a decrease in bioluminescence after exposure to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, a <italic>luxCDABE</italic> operon was introduced in trans into the <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> strains. Plasmid containing bacteria were cultured in LB under the addition of 500 µg/ml carbenicillin.</p>", "<title>Killing curves</title>", "<p>To monitor viability after antibiotic exposure, the <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> PAO1 wild-type and the respective mutants were grown in LB broth to the same OD<sub>600</sub> in mid logarithmic phase before the bacteriocidal agents were added. Ciprofloxacin was used at a concentration of 5 µg/ml, imipenem and gentamicin at a concentration of 7.5 µg/ml. OD<sub>600</sub> values were obtained at the indicated time intervals and CFU counts were determined by plating appropriate dilutions of the bacterial suspension on LB agar plates.</p>", "<title>Determination of extracellular DNA</title>", "<p>For the determination of the release of DNA by <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> cultures, the bacteria were grown in LB medium for up to 36 h, the cultures were centrifuged at 13.000 rpm for 10 min and the supernatant was mixed with loading buffer. The probes were subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis using a 1% agarose gel stained with GelStar Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (Lonza, USA) and photographed over UV-light.</p>", "<title>Growth curves</title>", "<p>To monitor the dependency of bacterial growth on PQS we exposed <italic>pqsA</italic> PAO1 mutant cultures to different concentrations of synthesized PQS ##REF##16872396##[21]##. Synthesized 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) and 2,2′-dipyridyl served as controls. As opposed to the PAO1 wild-type, the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant did not form clumps nor did the mutant produce pyocyanin so that the optical density could be monitored for prolonged incubation periods. Bacteria were cultured in LB medium in flasks shaken at 180 rmp.</p>", "<title>Flow cytometry</title>", "<p>Fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) cytometry analysis was performed using the H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>-activated green fluorescent dye redox dye dihydro-dichloro-fluorescein diacetate (H<sub>2</sub>DCFDA, Molecular Probes). This dye is readily taken up by cells, cleaved by cellular esterases to produce non-cell permeant H<sub>2</sub>DCF, which can be activated by ROS giving green fluorescent DCF as an indication of intracellular levels of oxidative stress.</p>", "<p>The bacteria were cultured overnight in LB, diluted to an OD<sub>600</sub> of 0.05 and grown to mid-exponential phase with and without the addition of various PQS concentrations. The 4-quinolone 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) at equimolar concentrations and the iron chelator dipyridyl served as controls. Cells suspensions were adjusted to an OD<sub>600</sub> of 0.5, pelleted by centrifugation, and resuspended in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) containing 20 µM H<sub>2</sub>DCFDA. The suspension was incubated for 4 h, diluted 1∶100 in PBS and the fluorescence levels of 50,000 cells were recorded using a FACScalibur cytometer (BD Biosciences). Summit software (Dako Colorado) was used for data analysis.</p>", "<title>Antioxidant activity</title>", "<p>To measure the radical-scavenging activity of PQS we utilized the stable 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. The odd electron in the DPPH free radical gives a strong absorption maximum at 517 nm and is purple in color. The color turns from purple to yellow as the molar adsorptivity of the DPPH radical at 517 nm reduces from 9660 to 1640 when the odd electron of DPPH radical becomes paired with a hydrogen from a free radical scavenging antioxidant to form the reduced DPPH-H. 1 mg/ml DPPH in methanol/water (90/10; vol/vol) was incubated for 15 min at room temperature and the absorbance changes were measured at 517 nm. The 4-quinolone HHQ and ascorbate served as controls.</p>", "<title>H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> sensitivity assay</title>", "<p>The H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> sensitivity disk assay was adapted from Hassett and colleagues ##REF##10594832##[39]##. Briefly, PAO1 strains were grown at 37°C in BHI medium. One hundred micoliters of the bacterial culture was suspended in 3 ml of LB soft agar at 40°C (0.6% (w/v) agar) mixed and poured on LB agar plates. Sterile filter paper disks were placed on the soft solid agar and the disks were spotted with 8 µl of 30% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>. Plates were incubated for 24 h and the diameter of the zone of growth inhibition was measured. All experiments were performed at least in triplicates.</p>", "<title>UV irradiation sensitivity assay</title>", "<p>200 µl of overnight LB-grown bacteria were diluted 1∶10 in LB medium, grown for another 4 h, with or without the addition of 100 µM PQS, and finally diluted 1∶10 in DeMoss medium ##REF##13664660##[40]##. The bacterial suspension was transferred into a glass petri dish at room temperature. Irradiation was performed with a UV lamp (LTF Labortechnik, VL-208G) placed 11 cm above the cells. Samples were removed at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 sec of UV irradiation, serially diluted and spotted on LB agar to determine the CFU counts after overnight incubation.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>The pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) increases bacterial sensitivity to stressful conditions</title>", "<p>Considering the finding that autolysis in aging <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> colonies has been observed to correlate with the level of PQS produced by the bacteria ##REF##12426335##[19]##, we hypothesized that PQS may act as an endogenous stress factor, and that this endogenous stressor may be deleterious above a threshold level (such as in PQS over-producing colonies that develop an autolytic phenotype) or if the cells encounter additional exogenous stresses.</p>", "<p>In order to further elucidate PQS specific effects and to differentiate them from the effects of other 4-quinolones, we measured the sensitivity of wild-type <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> PAO1, an isogenic 4-quinolone non-producing <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant, a 4-quinolone positive but PQS negative <italic>pqsH</italic> mutant ##REF##12426334##[20]##, and a PQS overproducing <italic>pqsL</italic> mutant ##REF##12426335##[19]## towards the activity of ciprofloxacin and hydrogen peroxide. Whereas the PAO1 wild-type exhibited a steep fall in viability, measured as a decrease in optical density (##FIG##0##Figure 1A##) and colony forming units (##FIG##0##Figure 1B##) following exposure to ciprofloxacin, the <italic>pqsA</italic> and the <italic>pqsH</italic> mutant exhibited measurably increased tolerance as the fall in optical density and surviving bacteria exhibited a significant delay. The <italic>pqsL</italic> mutant was found to be most sensitive against the activity of ciproflocxacin. Growth of the wild-type, the mutants and the complemented strain without the addition of the antibiotic was shown to be comparable (##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##). Complementation of the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant, through provision of the <italic>pqsA-E</italic> operon <italic>in trans</italic> (on plasmid pLG10 ##REF##12426334##[20]##, kindly provided by Colin Manoil), eliminated this tolerance (##SUPPL##1##Figure S2A##). The <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant strain also exhibited an enhanced antibiotic tolerance towards imipenem and gentamicin (##SUPPL##1##Figures S2B and C##).</p>", "<p>We have previously shown that the addition of exogenous PQS enhanced the susceptibility of <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> towards the bactericidal activity of hydrogen peroxide ##REF##16872396##[21]##. In agreement with this observation, we demonstrate here that both the <italic>pqsH</italic> and the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant exhibited an increased resistance towards the activity of hydrogen peroxide as compared to the PAO1 wild-type, whereas the complemented <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant as well as the PQS overproducing <italic>pqsL</italic> mutant exhibited an increased sensitivity (##FIG##1##Figure 2##). These results clearly demonstrate that the 4-quinolone PQS sensitizes the bacteria towards the bactericidal activity of antibiotics and oxidative stress.</p>", "<p>If the mediation of an endogenous stress that predisposes the bacteria to developing exogenous stresses is a significant contribution of endogenously-produced PQS, what is the situation for exogenously produced PQS, since a key role of PQS is thought to be interbacterial signaling?</p>", "<p>To test this, we added synthetic PQS and the biologically less active PQS precursor 4-quinolone 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) to the PAO1 wild-type harboring a <italic>luxCDABE</italic> operon <italic>in trans</italic>, and measured the decrease in bioluminescence after exposure to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin. In contrast to the addition of HHQ, killing by cirpofloxacin was significantly enhanced by the simultaneous addition of PQS (##FIG##2##Figure 3##). These results implicate that PQS but not HHQ increases bacterial sensitivity to exogenous stresses.</p>", "<title>PQS synchronizes the entry of the whole bacterial population into stationary phase</title>", "<p>We furthermore noticed that PQS affects bacterial growth. To rule out that PQS induced the production of extracellular factors that might impede on bacterial growth, we added increasing concentrations of PQS to exponentially-growing cultures of a 4-quinolone non-producing and non-responding <italic>pqsA</italic> PAO1 transposon mutant. As depicted in ##FIG##3##Figure 4##, the addition of increasing PQS concentrations led to decreasing growth rates and decreasing maximum OD<sub>600</sub> values (##FIG##3##Figure 4## and ##REF##14507361##[11]##), whereas the addition of equimolar concentrations of HHQ or the iron chelator dipyridyl (PQS has been demonstrated to be an iron chelator ##REF##16872396##[21]##,##REF##17254955##[22]##) had no effect. This result led us to consider the possibility that, although PQS exhibits an inhibitory activity, its principal physiological role may be to elicit an efficient adaptive response.</p>", "<title>PQS reduces the intracellular level of reactive oxygen species</title>", "<p>Since PQS obviously sensitized the bacteria towards oxidative stress, albeit it was previously shown to induce the transcription of oxidative stress response genes ##REF##16872396##[21]##, we decided to monitor the intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mid-exponential phase grown cultures by employing the redox dye dihydro-dichloro-fluorescein diacetate (H<sub>2</sub>DCFDA). As shown in ##FIG##4##Figure 5##, exogenous addition of PQS reduced ROS levels in both wild-type and <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant cells in mid-log phase cultures in a dose-dependent manner. The anti-oxidative effect of PQS was even observed when PQS was added immediately prior to FACS analysis (data not shown). In contrast to PQS, the addition of at least equimolar concentrations of HHQ or the iron chelator dipyridyl did not show a clear reduction of the ROS levels (data not shown).</p>", "<title>PQS is a primary anti-oxidant</title>", "<p>To determine whether PQS is a primary anti-oxidant, we measured the absorbance changes of the stable 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical in the presence of PQS. HHQ and ascorbate served as controls. As depicted in ##FIG##5##Figure 6##, PQS is an anti-oxidant that exhibited an anti-oxidant activity comparable to that of ascorbate, whereas the HHQ molecule did not show any antioxidant activity. This observation is explicable by the much stronger electron-donating potential of PQS as compared to HHQ. From a structural perspective, this is due to the bisoxygenated aromatic system of PQS, which may readily be oxidized to the corresponding ortho-quinoid system. On the contrary, this process is much less pronounced for HHQ, which lacks the 3-OH group and may therefore not form directly a quinoid system (##FIG##6##Figure 7##).</p>", "<title>PQS is a pro-oxidant</title>", "<p>Antioxidants, such as vitamin C may also initiate pro-oxidative processes. For example, while the primary effect of vitamin C is an antioxidant activity by reduction of metal ions, this may lead to the generation of free radicals through the Fenton reaction, which themselves cause oxidative stress. Thus, molecules can act as either antioxidants, or pro-oxidants, depending on the specific set of conditions. Some of the conditions that are important include the concentration of the chemical and if oxygen or transition metals are present. Since PQS was shown to exhibit an antioxidant activity, but at the same time enhanced the susceptibility of the bacteria against external stresses, we wondered whether PQS also exhibits a pro-oxidant activity. We therefore tested the potential of PQS to enhance oxidative DNA damage. As depicted in ##FIG##7##Figure 8## the addition of PQS or ascorbate but not HHQ significantly enhanced DNA fragmentation in a cell free assay under the presence of iron ions. To demonstrate that this PQS induced oxidative DNA damage also plays a role <italic>in vivo</italic>, we monitored DNA release and fragmentation in growing <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> cultures. We found that DNA was released to a significantly lower extent in the <italic>pqsA</italic> and a <italic>pqsH</italic> mutant as compared to the wild-type and the <italic>pqsL</italic> mutant cultures grown to stationary phase. Expression of the PQS biosynthetic operon <italic>in trans</italic> restored DNA release in the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant (##FIG##8##Figure 9##).</p>", "<p>Accordingly, PQS has a very similar effect as vitamin C, i.e. a primary antioxidant effect by its strong reducing potential forming a quinoid system, and an indirect second pro-oxidative effect, by initiation of radical mediated processes, presumably in a similar fashion as vitamin C by Fe(III)/Fe(II) mediated radical initiated oxidative processes (##FIG##6##Figure 7##). However, it is expected that this tendency may be even more pronounced for PQS due its strong tendency to coordinate Fe(III). This renders the further evaluation and study of this interesting system a potentially rewarding research goal.</p>", "<title>PQS is involved in resistance to UV irradiation</title>", "<p>Since we could show in this study that PQS can induce oxidative DNA damage we wondered whether this DNA damage may trigger DNA repair and thus induce UV-tolerance. Therefore we applied UV-stress and monitored bacterial survival (##FIG##9##Figure 10##). Wild-type cells showed killing patterns, characterized by roughly 7 log units of killing over 60 s of UV irradiation. The <italic>pqsH</italic> and the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant were hypersensitive to UV and were killed almost completely within 20–30 s of irradiation. The exogenous addition of 100 µM PQS and the expression of the <italic>pqsA-E</italic> operon <italic>in trans</italic> partially restored UV tolerance in the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Cellular autolytic systems are well known to participate in a drug-induced lyses of gram-positive bacteria ##REF##11165930##[23]##–##REF##3732271##[25]## and mutants that lack these systems have been shown to become antibiotic tolerant ##REF##4393335##[26]##. Autolysis might be viewed as a maladaptive disbalance caused by the inhibition of cell growth, however it has also been speculated that autolysis represents a programmed response to stressful conditions ##REF##15870304##[27]##–##REF##10974124##[29]##. Programmed cell death is defined as an active process that results in cell suicide and is recognized as an essential mechanism in multicellular organisms where it is required for eliminating damaged or potentially harmful cells, and may have evolved to aid the development of structured populations for the benefit of the population as a whole ##REF##10974124##[29]##,##REF##14617136##[30]##. In this study we provide evidence that a participation of a self-induced cell death in the drug-induced disintegration applies also to the gram-negative organism <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic>. We demonstrate that PQS mediates an endogenous stress that predisposes bacteria to developing exogenous stresses, compliant with the previous finding that overproduction of PQS leads to a highly autolytic phenotype that can be reversed by mutations in the PQS biosynthetic genes ##REF##12426335##[19]##. Most importantly, simultaneously, PQS induces the entry of undamaged bacteria into a less metabolically active, less susceptible state and is shown to be a potent antioxidant capable to reduce the intrabacterial ROS levels.</p>", "<p>One of the most challenging adaptive responses in bacteria is to provide an oxidative stress response that allows the bacteria to optimally cope with reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are unavoidably generated during aerobic metabolism and to respond rapidly to exogenous ROS. Polymorphonuclear cells are the major effector cells responsible for the clearance of <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> from the site of infection and an essential bacterial defence strategy of <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> is the ability to withstand the oxidative stress that is induced during phagocytosis, when the bacteria are confronted with very high levels of reactive oxygen intermediates from the respiratory burst of human phagocytes.</p>", "<p>The anti-oxidant activity of PQS is very similar to that of vitamin C which has previously been shown to exhibit both anti-oxidant as well as pro-oxidant activities ##REF##8619018##[31]##–##REF##10336883##[33]##. The latter is due to the fact that ascorbate can reduce metal ions which leads to the generation of free radicals through the Fenton reaction. Addition of vitamin C to purified DNA in the presence of redox active metal ions has been shown to result in single-strand brakes and base modifications ##REF##8855437##[34]##–##REF##9212351##[36]##. This is thought to be due to binding of the metal ion to the DNA and resultant site-specific hydroxyl radical production and oxidative damage ##REF##8855437##[34]##. In the absence of added metal ions, however, vitamin C inhibits the formation of base modifications in purified DNA exposed to peroxynitrite or UV light ##REF##1516838##[35]##,##REF##8841522##[37]##,##REF##9667739##[38]##. In this study we have clearly demonstrated that not only ascorbate but also PQS strongly enhances DNA fragmentation in the presence of oxygen and metal ions <italic>in vitro</italic>, and monitoring of DNA release in stationary <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> cultures <italic>in vivo</italic> revealed that PQS significantly enhanced DNA release and fragmentation. However, most importantly, at the same time PQS provides the bacteria with an increased fitness under UV radiation. It seems that damaged DNA may serve as a sensor for stressful conditions and thus may trigger DNA repair systems essential for the development of UV tolerance.</p>", "<p>We suggest that the identification of the interbacterial <italic>Pseudomonas</italic> signaling molecule, PQS, as a factor that exhibits both pro- and anti-oxidant activities points to PQS as a cellular “trainer” whose role is to mediate selection of the fittest through a “make or break” mechanism. PQS seems to issue decisions on life and death in <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> populations, and thereby might be essential to shape the population structure, contribute to multi-cellular development processes in bacterial biofilms, and thus help to maintain discrete, ordered spatial structures. It is interesting to speculate that fragmentation of cellular populations may be a widespread stratagem for clonal survival under stressful conditions; it further raises the prospect that the factors involved in this process might ultimately be exploited as novel targets for anti-bacterial interventions that may even be effective in the treatment of chronic biofilm infections.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: SH. Performed the experiments: TB. Analyzed the data: SH TB. Wrote the paper: SH.</p>", "<p>When environmental conditions deteriorate and become inhospitable, generic survival strategies for populations of bacteria may be to enter a dormant state that slows down metabolism, to develop a general tolerance to hostile parameters that characterize the habitat, and to impose a regime to eliminate damaged members. Here, we provide evidence that the pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) mediates induction of all of these phenotypes. For individual cells, PQS, an interbacterial signaling molecule of <italic>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</italic>, has both deleterious and beneficial activities: on the one hand, it acts as a pro-oxidant and sensitizes the bacteria towards oxidative and other stresses and, on the other, it efficiently induces a protective anti-oxidative stress response. We propose that this dual function fragments populations into less and more stress tolerant members which respond differentially to developing stresses in deteriorating habitats. This suggests that a little poison may be generically beneficial to populations, in promoting survival of the fittest, and in contributing to bacterial multi-cellular behavior. It further identifies PQS as an essential mediator of the shaping of the population structure of <italic>Pseudomonas</italic> and of its response to and survival in hostile environmental conditions.</p>", "<title>Author Summary</title>", "<p>A little poison may be generically beneficial to bacterial populations. By eliminating damaged members and by promoting survival of the fittest, selective poisoning may significantly contribute to multi-cellular bacterial behavior. Here, we report that the pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) exhibits both beneficial and deleterious activities and propose that pro- and anti-oxidant effects fragment the population into less and more stress tolerant members. We suggest our findings point to PQS as a cellular “trainer” whose role is to mediate selection of the fittest through a “make or break” mechanism. PQS thereby issues decisions on life and death in <italic>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</italic> populations, and may be essential in shaping the population structure, contributing to multi-cellular development processes in bacterial biofilms, and helping to maintain discrete, ordered spatial structures.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>I am very grateful to Ken Timmis, Florian Bredenbruch, Dirk Menche and colleagues of the Chronic Pseudomonas Infection group at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research for providing comments that have improved the presentation.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Antibiotic tolerance in the absence of PQS production.</title><p>Killing curves of log phase grown <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> PAO1 cultures treated with 5 µg/ml ciprofloxacin were recorded. Killing was significantly delayed in the <italic>pqsA</italic> and <italic>pqsH</italic> mutant compared to the wild-type and the <italic>pqsL</italic> mutant as determined by OD<sub>600</sub> determinations (A) and CFU counts after 3 h of exposure (B). Error bars mark the standard deviation of three independent experiments. CFU counts of the PAO1 wild-type and the <italic>pqsL</italic> mutant were significantly different (p&lt;0.05, as determined by t-test) as compared to the <italic>pqsA</italic> and <italic>pqsH</italic> mutants.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Growth inhibition by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> as determined by agar diffusion assays.</title><p>PQS non-producing strains (<italic>pqsA</italic> and <italic>pqsH</italic> mutant) exhibited an increased resistance towards H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> as compared to the wild-type (paired t-test; p-value &lt;0.005). The diameter of the inhibition zone is given as the mean+SD of a triplicate.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Loss of bioluminescence of <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> PAO1 wild-type after exposure to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.</title><p>Killing of the bacteria by 5 µg/ml ciprofloxacin was significantly enhanced under the addition of PQS as opposed to HHQ (paired t-test; p value &lt;0.05).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>PQS induces bacteriostasis in a concentration dependent manner.</title><p>The addition of PQS to bacterial cultures of a <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant is characterized by a slope reduction in log phase of growth and lower maximum OD<sub>600</sub> values as compared to the cultures grown without added PQS. Bacteriostasis seems to be a PQS-specific effect because both the addition of equimolar concentrations of the biologically less active PQS precursor heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) or the iron chelator dipyridyl did not have the same effect. This is a representative experiment for at least three independent measurements.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>PQS reduces the intracellular ROI levels.</title><p>The median of fluorescence intensity (MFI) of 50,000 log phase grown cells treated with 20 µM H<sub>2</sub>DCFDA is given. PQS was added to log phase grown PAO1 wild-type and <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant cultures at concentrations of 0, 50 and 100 µM PQS, respectively followed by an 1 h incubation period prior to FACS analysis. In contrast to PQS addition, the addition of at least equimolar concentrations of the biologically less active PQS precursor heptyl-4-hydroxy-quinoline (HHQ) or the iron chelator dipyridyl did not show a clear reduction of the ROI levels (data not shown). The assays were performed three times with independent cultures, the addition of PQS reduced the MFI significantly as determined by t-test (p&lt;0.05).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g006\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g006</object-id><label>Figure 6</label><caption><title>PQS is a primary anti-oxidant.</title><p>The absorbance changes of the stable 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical was measured in three independent experiments at the OD of 517 nm in the presence of PQS, HHQ and ascorbate. Error bars mark the standard deviation of three independent experiments. The decolorization is stoichiometric with respect to the number of electrons captured.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g007\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g007</object-id><label>Figure 7</label><caption><title>Proposed mechanism of the primary anti-oxidant effect and the secondary pro-oxidant effect of PQS.</title></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g008\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g008</object-id><label>Figure 8</label><caption><title>PQS exhibits pro-oxidants activities.</title><p>The Fe2<sup>+</sup> mediated DNA fragmentation process is strongly enhanced by the addition of PQS or vitamin C but not by the addition of the biological inactive precursor substance HHQ. Lane 1: chromosomal <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> DNA under the addition of vitamin C and Fe2<sup>+</sup>, lane 2: DNA+vitamin C, lane 3: DNA , Fe2<sup>+</sup> and PQS, lane 4: DNA and PQS, lane 5: DNA, Fe2<sup>+</sup> and HHQ, lane 6: DNA and HHQ. The DNA was pre-incubated with PQS, HHQ or vitamin C, respectively, at room temperature for 45 min before exposure of the probes to 2.5 mM Fe2<sup>+</sup> for 15 min and separation on an agarose gel.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g009\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g009</object-id><label>Figure 9</label><caption><title>PQS dependent release of extracellular DNA.</title><p>PAO1 wild-type, the <italic>pqsA</italic>, the <italic>pqsH</italic> and the <italic>pqsL</italic> mutant were grown in LB medium. Supernatant samples were collected after 8 h (lane 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) and 36 h (lane 2, 4, 6, 8, 10), respectively. Increasing amounts of fragmented DNA were found in the supernatant of the PAO1 wild-type cultures under prolonged incubation (lanes 1, 2). DNA release and fragmentation was delayed in the PAO1 <italic>pqsA</italic> and <italic>pqsH</italic> mutants (lane 3, 4 and lane 7, 8). The DNA release and fragmentation pattern was most pronounced in the <italic>pqsL</italic> mutant (lanes 5, 6) and the complemented <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant (<italic>pqsA-E</italic> operon on plasmid pLG10) (lanes 9, 10).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000166-g010\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000166.g010</object-id><label>Figure 10</label><caption><title>Killing curves upon exposure to UV irradiation.</title><p>Wild-type PAO1, the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant, the <italic>pqsH</italic> mutant and the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant complemented with pLG10 were grown overnight in LB, and diluted in DeMoss medium ##REF##13664660##[40]##. The cells were UV irradiated while shaking, and aliquots were removed at 10s intervals. The exogenous addition of 100 µM PQS to the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant cultures 4 h before exposure to UV radiation restored UV tolerance, whereas PQS addition immediately before the UV stress did not show any effect. Serial dilutions were plated on LB agar to determine the viable cell count. The UV killing assays were performed three times with independent cultures, and the outcome of one representative experiment is shown.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"ppat.1000166.s001\"><label>Figure S1</label><caption><p>Growth behavior of PAO1 wild-type and mutant strains. Growth of the PAO1 wild-type, the <italic>pqsA</italic>, <italic>pqsH</italic>, <italic>pqsL</italic> mutants and the complemented <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant were comparable.</p><p>(0.08 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"ppat.1000166.s002\"><label>Figure S2</label><caption><p>Antibiotic tolerance in the absence of PQS production. Killing curves of log phase grown <italic>P. aeruginosa</italic> PAO1 cultures treated with 5 µg/ml ciprofloxacin (A). Killing was significantly delayed in the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant compared to the wild-type as determined by OD<sub>600</sub> determinations and CFU counts after 3 h of exposure and could be reversed by the introduction of the <italic>pqsA-E</italic> operon <italic>in trans</italic>. Killing curves of bacterial cultures treated with 7.5 µg/ml gentamicin (B), and 7.5 µg/ml imipenem (C) were also recorded. Error bars mark the standard deviation of three independent experiments. CFU counts of the PAO1 wild-type and the <italic>pqsA</italic> mutant were significantly different (p&lt;0.05, as determined by t-test).</p><p>(0.24 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>Funding from the Helmholtz Gemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g005\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g006\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g007\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g008\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g009\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.g010\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.s001.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"ppat.1000166.s002.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
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2022-01-13 03:40:35
PLoS Pathog. 2008 Sep 26; 4(9):e1000166
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Newly introduced T cell based interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) are of a great diagnostic importance in distinguishing with high specificity the persons who are infected with <italic>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</italic>\n##REF##17339619##[1]##. These assays, however, do not discriminate between disease and latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) ##REF##15818179##[2]##. This limitation lowers their clinical utility e.g. in aging persons originating from a country with a previously high tuberculosis burden who present with pulmonary infiltrates or other manifestations suggestive of tuberculosis reactivation. Therefore, more promising antigens or diagnostic algorithms are continuously being searched to improve the current armament for tuberculosis (TB) immunodiagnostics. <italic>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</italic> heparin binding hemagglutinin (HBHA) is a virulence factor that promotes bacterial aggregation, adhesion to the heparan sulphate proteoglycans of nonphagocytic cells, and dissemination of tubercle bacilli from the lungs to other tissues in patients suffering from tuberculosis ##REF##16510310##[3]##, ##REF##11449276##[4]##. Locht et al. ##REF##16510310##[3]## found that latently infected humans mount a strong Th1-type immune response to HBHA, whereas patients with active disease do not. Moreover, patients with active tuberculosis may develop a strong humoral response to native methylated HBHA ##REF##11865404##[5]##, ##REF##16148186##[6]##. The diagnostic utility of HBHA-based interferon gamma release assays (IGRAs) has been further evaluated in Belgium ##UREF##0##[7]##, a country with low tuberculosis (TB) incidence where bacille Calmette et Guérin (BCG) vaccinations are rarely used. In that work, HBHA-based IGRA was not influenced by prior BCG vaccination and was significantly more sensitive than Early Secretory Antigen Target-6 (ESAT-6)-based IGRA.</p>", "<p>Because some earlier studies ##REF##11865404##[5]##, ##UREF##0##[7]## concluded that previous BCG vaccination does not influence the assay performance we wondered whether HBHA-based methods would retain their diagnostic potential also in Finland. Our country currently has a low incidence of TB (6,1/100 000 ##UREF##1##[8]##) but our population bore a high TB burden as recently as four decades ago. Moreover, since early fifties till September 2006, 98% of the Finnish population have been vaccinated. The rationale for this exploratory investigation was to compare immunological responses to the recombinant methylated HBHA produced in <italic>Mycobacterium smegmatis</italic>\n##REF##15451098##[9]##, methylated synthetic peptides from HBHA, Purified Protein Derivative (PPD), and the proteins with the documented high specificity for <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> infection ie. ESAT-6 and Culture Filtrate Protein Derivative (CFP-10). For this pilot study we enrolled a few tuberculosis (TB) patients with a variable degree of disease activity and healthy young and middle-age Finnish vaccinees who were practically free from any previous contact with <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> and thus served as a valid control group.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Human subjects and disease definitions</title>", "<p>For this study we enrolled the subjects as follows:</p>", "<title>a) Active TB group</title>", "<p>Those subjects in whom the symptoms of the disease started within one month, who were hospitalized, anti-tuberculosis treatment was commenced within 2–3 weeks and who had a recent positive bacteriological verification. In this group four presented with pulmonary tuberculosis, one with tuberculosis of gastrointestinal tract and one patient had tuberculosis of cervical vertebra. In these subjects the blood samples were obtained within the routine laboratory investigation.</p>", "<title>b) Inactive TB group</title>", "<p>This group consisted of outpatients who presented with no or mild symptoms and who were either partially treated for TB with PAS, streptomycin, and INH or thoracotomy in forties and fifties, in whom chest X-ray findings indicated lack of an active process. Patients with vertebral TB had destructive processes of their vertebra at early childhood. At adulthood their TB was confirmed by radiology and the thick needle aspiration biopsy that ruled out other diseases. At the time of investigation these patients did not receive anti-tuberculosis treatment. Culture or nucleic acid amplification analysis (NAA) were either negative or bacteriological analysis was not performed.</p>", "<title>c) Disease control group</title>", "<p>Four patients with pulmonary manifestations in whom non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infection was diagnosed by a positive culture isolation. At the time of investigation these subjects were outpatients and their symptoms were mild (mainly cough).</p>", "<title>d) Healthy control group</title>", "<p>Finnish-born University students (mean age 25 years) who on the interview did not admit any previous contact with a TB patient and thus served as an ideal negative control, and Finnish-born laboratory personnel (mean age 50 years), were enrolled. All subjects of this group were born after the routine BCG vaccination campaign was implemented in Finland. Repeated vaccinations were discontunued in Finland in 1990.</p>", "<title>Ethical considerations</title>", "<p>From the subjects of the group <italic>a)</italic> a verbal informed consent was obtained. The verbal informed consent was sufficient because the patient–doctor relationship was earlier established (Dr. Pusa), the patients attended medical care for the routine doctor's check-up and venipuncture was a part of their current medical treatment. From the groups <italic>b)</italic>, <italic>c)</italic> and <italic>d)</italic> a written informed consent was obtained before venipuncture. This study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the University Hospital of Helsinki, Internal Disease Department (Drno. 232/E5/07).</p>", "<title>Sample processing</title>", "<p>Whole blood was withdrawn and divided into portions. From one portion sera were prepared by conventional methods and frozen at −20°C until use. From another portion peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated by Ficoll Paque gradient (Amersham Biosciences Inc., Piscataway, USA) and frozen in the CTL (Cellular Technology Ltd., Cleveland, USA) media in a liquid nitrogen until use. The characteristics of the individuals enrolled in this study are presented in ##TAB##0##Table 1##.</p>", "<title>Synthetic peptides</title>", "<p>Twenty three 15-mer sequential peptides overlapping by nine amino acids and spanning the genomic sequence of the <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> (H37Rv) HBHA-protein starting from 37th amino acid were synthesized (Proimmune, Oxford, UK; Alta Bioscience, Birmingham, UK). The average purity of the peptides was ∼73%. Three peptides from the protein C-terminus were chemically methylated at their lysine residues (see Legend of ##FIG##2##Fig. 3##). The methylation was done on the PEPscreen synthesis platform. Fmoc-Lys(Me,Boc)-OH were pre-dissolved at a 0.5 M concentration, placed on the deck, coupled and deprotected in the same way as standard amino acids. Additionally, the peptides for serology were biotinylated at their N-terminus. The quality control for all peptides was accomplished by mass spectrometry analysis. The peptides were dissolved in sterile asetonitrile and stored at −20°C in aliquots of 1–4 mg/ml with ∼30% glycerol for serology and in PBS for the T-cell assays.</p>", "<title>Recombinant HBHA antigen</title>", "<p>Recombinant methylated HBHA was expressed in <italic>M. smegmatis</italic> (rMtb-HBHA). The pMV3-38 plasmid that contained the full-length HBHA open reading frame was kindly provided by Dr.G. Delogu (University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy) ##REF##15451098##[9]##. The protein from the bacterial extract was primarily purified by phosphocellulose chromatography, i.e., cation exchange, because most mycobacterial proteins do not bind to this resin at pH 7.0, and then further purified by Ni-NTA chromatography ##REF##16893986##[10]##. This two-step purification of rMtb-HBHA was highly effective. Contaminating bands on PAGE gels stained with Coomassie blue were not observed when 5–10 µg of the purified protein was loaded. The purified protein was stored at −20°C in aliquots until use in serology and T cell analysis.</p>", "<title>T ELISPOT analysis</title>", "<p>T-cell reactivity to ESAT-6, CFP-10 (the synthetic peptides were from T-SPOT ®-<italic>TB</italic> kit, Oxford Immunotec, Oxford, UK), PPD (Statens Seruminstitut, Copenhagen, Denmark) and rMtb-HBHA was assessed by Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSpot assay (Mabtech Inc. Cincinnati, USA). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were purified from fresh blood samples by density gradient centrifugation and stored with CryoABC Kit Freezing media (Cellular Technology Ltd.) in liquid nitrogen until use. After cells were washed with RPMI (HaartBio, Helsinki, Finland) and resuspensed in the CTL Test Media (Cellular Technology Ltd.), the cell count was performed by blood count-analyzer (ADVIA-60 Closed Tube Automated Haematology System, Bayer, Germany). The cells were diluted at 2.5×10<sup>6</sup> PBMC/ml in CTL Test Media (Cellular Technology Ltd.). 250 000 PBMCs/well were stimulated in ELISPOT-plates in the presence of synthetic peptide-pool (10 µg/ml each), PPD (10 µg/ml), rMtb-HBHA (25 µg/ml). For viability test 50 000 PBMC/well were stimulated with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) (Oxford Immunotech). CTL Test Media was used as a negative control. The plates were incubated at +37°C with 5% CO<sub>2</sub> for 48 h. Thereafter the plates were washed and the analysis was performed according to the manufacturer's instruction. The spots were counted the ELISPOT-reader (Biosys, Lyngby, Denmark) and the net values were calculated by subtracting the readings of the media control. Spot-sizes and the cytokine values were examined with the ELISPOT-reader, AID EliSpot Software Version 4.0 (AID GmbH, Strasburg, Germany). The viability control test for the HBHA synthetic peptides was performed by exposing PBMC to the CFP-10 peptide mixture with asetonitrile added at concentrations of 15% and 30% (vs. only 2.5% in the final peptide solution). The addition of asetonitrile did not violate the reactivity to the CFP-10 antigen (data not shown).</p>", "<title>IgG and IgM determinations</title>", "<p>The presence of IgG- and IgM-class antibodies to synthetic peptides, rMtb-HBHA and PPD were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Synthetic peptides from <italic>Borrelia burgdorferi</italic> VlsE-protein IR6 region and positive serum samples from Lyme disease patients were used as the method control ##REF##17234451##[11]##. 96-well microplates (Microlon high binding, Greiner, Frickenhausen, Germany) were coated either with streptavidin (Roche, Mannheim, Germany) in PBS, pH 7.5 (100 ng/well), or PPD in PBS, pH 7.5 (1 mg/well), or with rMtb-HBHA in 0.1 M bicarbonate buffer, pH 9.5 (250 ng/well) overnight at +4°C. The plates were blocked with 0.25% Human serum albumin (HSA) (Finnish Red Cross, Helsinki, Finland) in PBS for 1 h at +37°C and washed four times with PBS containing 0.05% Tween20. Biotinylated synthetic peptides (500 ng/well) and IR6 (200 ng/well) in PBS, pH 7.5 were incubated for 2 h at room temperature. Plates were washed as above and the human sera diluted 1∶100 in PBS containing 0.5% HSA, 10% FCS and 0.1% Tween20 and were incubated for 2 h at room temperature. After wash Alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-Human IgG or IgM antibody (Jackson ImmunoResearch, W. Baltimore, USA) was added at 1∶5 000 dilution in PBS containing 0.5% HSA and 0.1% Tween20. After 2 h of incubation at room temperature the plates were washed four times. 4-nitrophenylphosphate (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany), 1 mg/ml in 0.1 M diethanolamine-0.5 mM MgCl<sub>2</sub> was added to each well and the reaction was stopped after 15 minutes with 0.1 M NaOH. The plates were read at 405 nm with iEMS Reader MF (Labsystems, Helsinki, Finland). IgM rheumatoid factor was controlled for all serum samples by immunonephelometric method at the HUSLAB, Unit of Immunology.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>The correlation was analyzed by the non-parametric Spearman test. The Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and the Area under the curve (AUC) with respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) for each antigen were calculated with the GraphPad Prism version 4.0 (GraphPad Software, Inc. San Diego, CA).</p>", "<p>The amino acid sequences of the HBHA from <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> and <italic>M. bovis</italic> were searched with the Entrez Protein search engine and then the sequences were aligned with the Needle program, EBLOSUM62-Matrix (EMBOSS, ##UREF##2##[12]##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Cell-mediated immunity</title>", "<p>Employing both techniques for immune reactivity study of rMtb-HBHA, we observed considerable interindividual variation in all studied groups (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A–C## and ##FIG##2##Fig. 3 A–B; D–F##). These observations hold true irrespective of the measured parameters of immunoreactivity; neither the numbers of reactive cells, nor the amount of the IFNγ released, nor the optical densities in the IgG and IgM EIAs were discriminatory when comparing the groups. For example, the highest values of 430, 387, and 360 reactive cells/10<sup>6</sup> lymphocytes were observed in the groups of active TB, inactive TB and healthy vaccinees, respectively. Strikingly, half of the vaccinated persons reacted strongly against rMtb-HBHA and the reactivities were equally high as those of the TB-patients (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A##). When the comparisons between the groups were done by semiquantitative calculation of the amount of the produced cytokine, ie. the size and the intensity of the spot, the highest median value of the cytokine production was found in the vaccinated group (##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##). Persons with positive environmental mycobacteria culture result reacted similarly as the persons from other groups with a high interindividual variation (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A and B##). Positive correlation was observed then the reactivities to rMtb-HBHA and PPD, an indicator of vaccination or infection, were compared for all the tested samples (##FIG##0##Fig. 1D##). One healthy 60-year-old individual who was not vaccinated in his childhood showed humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to rMtb-HBHA as measured by both EIAs and ELISPOT assay, indicating immunization with so-called atypical mycobacteria. Noteworthy, this person had a negative tuberculin skin test and his lymphocytes did not recognise ESAT-6 and CFP-10 peptide mixtures in ELISPOT (data not shown). Furthermore, the obtained reactivities were reproducible and the measurements did not exceed the expected between-run imprecisions of CV% ≤15 and ≤40% for EIAs and ELISPOT, respectively. When the frequencies of reactive cells were compared between persons of different ages, no differences were noticed either (##FIG##0##Fig. 1C##), indicating that there was no waning of immunological memory towards HBHA with age. In other words, ELISPOT analysis produced similar patterns of reactivities between the studied groups with 2 out of 5; 3 out of 6; and 7 out of 15 being strong reactors in the groups of inactive TB, active TB, and vaccinees, respectively (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A##).</p>", "<p>As expected, when tested concurrently with a mixture of specific peptides derived from ESAT-6 and CFP-10 of <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic>, samples from patients with active and inactive TB did react in the ELISPOT assay, whereas samples from all healthy individuals, did not (##FIG##1##Fig. 2 A and B##).</p>", "<title>Humoral immunity to HBHA</title>", "<p>High interindividual variations were observed in serology, ie. 3 out of 9 (Inactive TB) and 2 out of 4 (Active TB) were strong reactors in the IgG and IgM EIA whereas almost all vaccinees showed moderate to high reactivities in IgG and IgM EIAs (##FIG##2##Fig. 3A–B, D–F##). Noteworthy, the median value of IgM antibodies to rMtb-HBHA was the highest in the group of healthy BCG-vaccinated individuals. Synthetic peptides were not recognised by any of the tested sera in the IgG EIA (data not shown). When tested for IgM rheumatoid factor it was detectable only in one person in the TB-patients group. Interestingly, IgM-class antibodies were detectable in almost all of the individuals in the study, with an exception of two non-vaccinated infants (data not shown). The IgM-class antibodies recognised not only rMtb-HBHA but also the three 15-mer linear methylated peptides from the HBHA C-terminus (##FIG##2##Fig. 3D–F##). We believe that IgM-class antibodies alone reacting to the C-terminal peptides of HBHA probably indicate a non-specific reaction arising from heterophilic antibodies, for example, or immunological cross-reactivity with conserved sequences of environmental bacteria (e.g., <italic>rhodococcus</italic>, <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>).</p>", "<title>Comparison of the discriminatory power of rMtb-HBHA, PPD, ESAT-6 and CFP-10</title>", "<p>ROC curves were constructed for all tested antigens and the AUCs with respective 95% CI were compared for each tested antigen (##FIG##3##Fig. 4A–D##). As expected, ESAT-6 and CFP-10 produced ROC curves acceptable for diagnostics with AUCs ranging from 0.947 to 0.972 and a narrow 95% CI (0.84–1.052) (##FIG##3##Fig. 4C–D##). On the contrary, the AUC for rMtb-HBHA (0.636; 95% CI 0.391–0.886) was comparable to the one for PPD (0.736; 95%CI 0.531–0.941) (##FIG##3##Fig. 4A–B##) indicating in practice no discriminatory power between healthy vaccinees and persons with a TB infection. As a consequence of high interindividual variation in rMtb-HBHA immunoassays, the confidence interval for the respective AUC was wide.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The potential of HBHA for diagnostics have been recently reported ##REF##16510310##[3]##, ##REF##11865404##[5]##, ##REF##16148186##[6]##, ##UREF##0##[7]##, ##REF##16893986##[10]##, ##UREF##3##[13]##. In this pilot investigation we attempted to have an insight into the usefulness of this antigen for diagnostics in our fully vaccinated population. We aimed to compare immunoreactivity to rMtb-HBHA and HBHA methylated synthetic peptides with the immunoreactivity to the conventional PPD that have been used for decades with poor success because of inability to discriminate TB infection from immunity caused by vaccination. For comparison, we used two other secreted antigens, namely ESAT-6 and CFP-10. These antigens have been proven highly immunogenic and specific for <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> infection and are absent from the majority of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and BCG substrain ##REF##17339619##[for review see 1]##. The major objective was to investigate whether immunological responses in persons with a proven contact with <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> (Active and Inactive TB groups) would be quantitatively and qualitatively different from vaccinated individuals. In other words, we were interested to study the specificity of immune response to HBHA as a nominator of infection. The minor objective was to see whether immunological responses would differ in TB patients with a different degree of disease severity. We did not enrol a group of patients with a proven LTBI which may be considered as a limitation of our study. On the contrary, we enrolled young Finnish vaccinees that were unambiguously interpreted as free from LTBI and some patients with proven NTM infection. In our opinion, these two groups is a strength of our investigation. For analysis we used ELISPOT and EIA techniques.</p>", "<p>The rMtb-HBHA antigen used in this study was prepared as described by Delogu et al ##REF##15451098##[9]##. Using a limited clinical material we were not able to affirm the discriminatory power of rMtb-HBHA in serology. Zanetti et al ##REF##16148186##[6]## who referred to the same method of the recombinant HBHA expressed in <italic>M. smegmatis</italic>\n##REF##15451098##[9]##, showed that only forty-four out of 111 sera with active TB produced optical densities over the presumed cut-off level of 0.5 OD<sub>(405nm)</sub>. In their study, surprisingly, the combined group of vaccinated people and patients with presumed latent tuberculosis infection did not produce IgG reactivities above the cut-off level. Using a larger cohort size than we did, Zanetti et al. ##REF##16148186##[6]## demonstrated a trend towards higher frequencies of responders in IgG serology in patients with active TB, however only 1/3 of the tested subjects were classified as serology positive. It seems however, that this frequency of positive results would not satisfy diagnostic needs. In our investigation we were able to detect IgM antibodies that recognized rMtb-HBHA and synthetic peptides of the C-terminus practically from all the tested individuals and also from one 60-year-old person who has never been vaccinated nor has a LTBI (data not shown). In the study of Shin et al. ##REF##16893986##[10]## who used immunoblot and EIA techniques to investigate IgM reactivity to rMtb-HBHA, the antibodies were detectable in early and chronic TB patients whereas healthy students, the controls, were non-responders. In their study, however, the vaccination status of the controls was not reported, therefore we are left with uncertainty how would this antigen be recognised in BCG vaccinees.</p>", "<p>Masungi et al. ##REF##11865404##[5]## used HBHA that was purified from a BCG substrain. As others, they also reported that negative control subjects and the BCG vaccinees did not produce anti-HBHA antibodies at detectable level and the reactivity towards HBHA in lymphocyte stimulation assay was non-significant. On the contrary, when lymphocytes were stimulated with PPD, the controls and the BCG vaccinees reacted strongly ##REF##11865404##[5]##. In the most recent study of Hougardy et al. ##UREF##0##[7]## HBHA was also purified from a BCG substrain and the cell-mediated immunity was studied as Masungi et al. by lymphocyte stimulation and a subsequent measurement of secreted interferon gamma (IFNγ). In their study the authors used control subjects who had no history of a TB contact but in whom half were BCG vaccinated. Quite opposite to our findings they observed the steepest ROC when lymphocytes were stimulated with HBHA while the stimulation with ESAT-6 produced the least discriminatory ROC.</p>", "<p>Methylation of HBHA is crucial for effective T-cell immunity. Thus, native HBHA purified from BCG or <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> H37Ra evoked a much stronger CD8+ and CD4+ mediated immune responses than the recombinant non-methylated HBHA produced in <italic>E. coli</italic>\n##UREF##3##[13]##. However, as indicated, recombinant <italic>M. smegmatis</italic> expression host was able to produce HBHA with a methylation pattern very similar to that of the native HBHA, as was evidenced by mass spectrometry analysis, amino acid sequencing, electrophoresis and recognition by the same monoclonal antibody ##REF##12149464##[14]##. There is however a possibility that folding of native HBHA produced by BCG or <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> and of recombinant HBHA produced in <italic>M. smegmatis</italic> may be different which would cause minor differences in their immunoreactivities. The protein used in our study, rMtb-HBHA, was expressed in <italic>M. smegmatis</italic> and all attempts were made to avoid potential contamination that might have blurred the results. While it could be argued that minor <italic>M. smegmatis</italic> genome coded contaminant antigens might have caused the observed T cell responses in our study, the antibody responses (IgM) to the synthetic peptides support the view of weak specificity of the rMtb-HBHA responses in BCG vaccinated persons. In view of a longevity of immunological memory even without boosting ##UREF##4##[15]##, ##REF##12208874##[16]## it is not unexpected that our healthy vaccinees recognised rMtb-HBHA that has a 95.5% amino acid sequence homology to BCG HBHA ##UREF##2##[12]##.</p>", "<p>Results of immunological studies with a battery of synthetic peptides comprising mono- and dimethylated peptides of the C- terminus of HBHA were very disappointing. In this study IgM-class reactivities were detectable but in a very unpredictable fashion while IgG-class antibodies did not recognize peptides even methylated ones in any of the patient groups. The peptides did not evoke any T cell mediated response. Noteworthy, our study protocol confirmed that the non-responsiveness to the peptides was not attributed to the toxicity of asetonitrile used in the peptides solution. Temmerman et al ##UREF##3##[13]## studied T cell immunity with a peptide scan analysis first with non-methylated peptides and then probing a methylated peptide. Only one non-methylated peptide produced some IFNγ in a portion of LTBI patients. The reproducibility of this finding was not, however, reported. In their hands the methylated peptide induced also some IFNγ production but only in combination with the recombinant protein. The authors speculated that the methylated peptide might need a protein carrier. We too have no solid explanation why synthetic peptides behaved so differently in cell mediated and humoral immunity studies compared to the recombinant protein. In fact, we know yet little about how the HBHA is chopped in the lysosome and how the methylated antigens are presented by MHC II molecules.</p>", "<p>Because our cohorts were too small to be able to pick-up minor differences in reactivity between the studied subjects we chose to use ELISPOT, the most sensitive and functional technique to study cell-mediated immunity. We assessed not only the frequencies of reactive lymphocytes (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A##) but the production of IFNγ as well (##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##). In this way we tried to do the analysis as close as feasible to that of Masungi et al. and Hougardy et al. However, in neither of the analyses could we prove HBHA superiority over the well-established antigens for diagnostics, namely ESAT-6 and CFP-10. As expected, these latter antigens possessed sufficient discriminatory power to separate infected individuals from vaccinated persons (##FIG##1##Fig. 2A–B##). The ROC analysis with a narrow 95% CI confirmed this conclusion (##FIG##3##Fig. 4A–D##). In fact, recent study by Chee et al. ##UREF##5##[17]## showed that the two commercial methods for TB immunodiagnostics produced a poor agreement (κ = 0.257) when testing 270 patients with pulmonary TB. One was an ELISPOT- and the other was an EIA-based method. The authors speculated that the differences in results may be attributed to heterophilic antibody effects, non-specific IFNγ in the blood samples and lack of standardised lymphocyte counts in EIA-based technology compared to ELISPOT. The factors mentioned by Chee et al. ##UREF##5##[17]## may also contribute to controversy between our pilot study and earlier studies ##REF##11865404##[5]##, ##UREF##0##[7]## where EIA-based methods have been applied.</p>", "<p>This pilot study casts some concerns about the possibility to generalize about diagnostic potential of HBHA. We have observed that samples from healthy individuals in a country with almost complete vaccination coverage and even from individuals who have never been vaccinated may exhibit immune reactivities to HBHA, indicating that natural immunization to this protein or to cross-reactive peptides may occur. Therefore, on the basis of <italic>i)</italic> the presence of closely related antigen in a BCG substrain; <italic>ii)</italic> observed good correlation with PPD in serology and cell-mediated assays, <italic>iii)</italic> comparable ROC analysis for HBHA and PPD; <italic>iv)</italic> evidence of reactivities of vaccinees without any previous risk of contraction of <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> infection, HBHA by no means is superior to ESAT-6 and CFP-10. In our environment HBHA practically does not add to tuberculosis immunodiagnostics. In conclusion, our results emphasize that the search for new more promising antigens for TB diagnostics should continue.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Designed the study: TT IS. Drafted the article and revised it critically: TT IS LS. Carried out EIA and ELISPOT analysis and data processing: LS. Enrolled all the TB patients and studied and collected data from the medical records: LP. Produced recombinant HBHA: HJK. Designed synthetic peptides and processed clinical specimens: HS.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>In recent years T cell based interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) have been developed for immunodiagnosis of <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> infection. At present these assays do not discriminate between disease and latency. Therefore, more promising antigens and diagnostic tools are continuously being searched for tuberculosis immunodiagnostics. The heparin binding hemagglutinin (HBHA) is a surface protein of <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic> which promotes bacterial aggregation and adhesion to non-phagocytic cells. It has been previously assumed that native, methylated form of this protein would be a promising antigen to discriminate latent from active infection.</p>", "<title>Methodology and Principal Findings</title>", "<p>We performed a pilot investigation to study humoral and T-cell mediated immunological responses to recombinant HBHA produced in <italic>M. smegmatis</italic> or to synthetic peptides in patients with recent or past tuberculosis, with atypical mycobacteriosis, or in healthy vaccinated individuals. The T cell reactivities to HBHA were compared to the respective reactivities towards Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) and two surface secreted proteins, ie. Early Secretory Antigen Target-6 (ESAT-6) and Culture Filtrate Protein-10 (CFP-10). Our pilot results indicate that methylated recombinant HBHA induced a strong T cell mediated immune response and the production of IgG and IgM-class antibodies in all patient groups, most surprisingly in young Finnish vaccinees, as well. We observed a positive correlation between the reactivities to HBHA and non-specific PPD among all studied subjects. As expected, ESAT-6 and CFP-10 were the most powerful antigens to discriminate disease from immunity caused by vaccination.</p>", "<title>Conclusions</title>", "<p>On the basis of results of this exploratory investigation we raise concerns that in countries like Finland, where BCG vaccination was routinely used, HBHA utility might not be sufficient for diagnostics because of inability to explicitly discriminate tuberculosis infection from immunoreactivity caused by previous BCG vaccination.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003272-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003272.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>The ability of rMtb-HBHA and PPD to induce the production of IFNγ was tested in the ELISPOT technique.</title><p>The groups of patients with inactive TB (n = 5); active TB (n = 6), healthy young (n = 7) and middle-age (n = 8) vaccinated subjects and patients with isolation of so-called atypical mycobacteria (n = 4) and were enrolled. Comparison of the cell-mediated immunological responses to rMtb-HBHA was performed as the determination of the number of reactive cells per10<sup>6</sup> lymphocytes (A) and as the measurement of IFNγ production activities expressed as arbitrary units (B). Cell-mediated immunological responses in healthy vaccinated individuals was studied by division by age into two groups (C). The correlation of rMtb-HBHA with the PPD ELISPOT reactivities expressed as the frequencies of reactive cells per10<sup>6</sup> is presented in (D). Data are shown as individual reactivities; the horizontal bars represent arithmetic median values.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003272-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003272.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Production of IFNγ by lymphocytes stimulated with ESAT-6 (Panel A) and CFP-10 (Panel B) was tested in the ELISPOT technique.</title><p>The groups of patients with inactive TB (n = 5), active TB (n = 6) and healthy vaccinated subjects (n = 13) were tested. Cell-mediated immunological responses were determined as the number of reactive cells per 10<sup>6</sup> lymphocytes. The lower dotted line is the level of positivity suggested by the manufacturer, the upper dotted line is the level of positivity adopted at the HUSLAB diagnostic laboratory. The area between the two dotted lines represents the so-called grey-zone, an area of uncertainty for interpretation that was calculated based on assay imprecision (data not published).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003272-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003272.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>The serological reactivities to synthetic peptides, rMtb-HBHA and PPD were tested in IgG and IgM ELISAs.</title><p>The groups of patients with inactive TB (n = 9), active TB (n = 4) and healthy vaccinated individuals (n = 4) were enrolled. Serological responses to rMtb-HBHA measured by the IgG EIA (A), IgM EIA (B), and IgG correlation in the PPD and rMtb-HBHA ELISAs (C). IgM responses to methylated 15-mer linear peptides from the C terminus of HBHA: IELPKKAAPA[KMe]KAAP (D), AAPAKKAAPA[KMe]KAAA (E), and AAPAKKAAPA[KMe][KMe]AAA (F). Individual responses are presented as optical densities (OD<sub>405</sub>). The horizontal bars represent arithmetic median values.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003272-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003272.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>ROC curves were constructed to compare ELISPOT results when the cells were stimulated with rMtb-HBHA (A), PPD (B), and peptide mixtures of ESAT-6 and CFP-10 (C–D).</title><p>The curves were established for infected (Active and Inactive TB) and the healthy control group. The calculated AUC and the respective confidence intervals (in brackets) are shown for each tested antigen.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003272-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003272.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Characteristics of the individuals enrolled in the study.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Patient groups</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ELISPOT (n)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">EIA (n)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Ethnicity</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Age range (yrs)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Gender</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bacteriology</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Diagnosis</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Active TB</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Finns, n = 3 Persons from endemic area, n = 3 (2 with extrap. TB)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31–82</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Female 2/6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">All bacterilogically confirmed: culture+ n = 5, of those, acid faststaining+ n = 3 NAA+ n = 1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Tuberculosis: Pulmonary n = 4 GI channel n = 1 Cervical vertebra n = 1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Inactive TB</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Finns, n = 8 One person from an endemic area (extrap. TB)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41–83</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Female 4/9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">At the time of examination culture and NAA negative or bacteriological analysis was not performed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Partially treated for pulmonary TB n = 7 Partially treated/untreated TB of lumbar vertebra diagnosed radiologically n = 2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Atypical mycobacteria</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">All Finns</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">66–75</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">All Female</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>M. avium</italic> n = 2 <italic>M. intracellulare</italic> n = 1 <italic>M. abscessus</italic> n = 1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">co-morbidity with asthma, COPD</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Vaccinated subjects students laboratory personnel</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7 8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">All Finns</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">22–59 mean 25 mean 50</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Female 6/7 8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>We wish to thank the following private Finnish foundations for financial support: Finnish Lung Health Association (Filha ry), Pulmonary Association Heli, and the Tuberculosis Association of the University of Tampere. MD Raimo Tuuminen is acknowledged for help in data analysis.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic id=\"pone-0003272-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003272.t001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003272.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003272.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003272.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003272.g004\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["7"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Hougardy", "Schepers", "Place", "Drowart", "Lechevin"], "given-names": ["J-M", "K", "S", "A", "V"], "year": ["2007"], "article-title": ["Heparin-binding-hemagglutinin-induced IFN-\u03b3 release as a diagnostic tool for latent tuberculosis."], "source": ["PLoSone"], "volume": ["10"], "fpage": ["e926"]}, {"label": ["8"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "collab": ["National Public Health Institute"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["Infectious diseases in Finland 2007. Publications of the National Public Health Institute B9 ISBN 978-951-740-812-7."], "ext-link": [""]}, {"label": ["12"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Labarga", "Valentin", "Andersson", "Lopez"], "given-names": ["A", "F", "M", "R"], "year": ["2007"], "article-title": ["Web Service at the European Bioinformatics Institute."], "source": ["Nucleic Acids Research Web Service Issue 2007"]}, {"label": ["13"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Temmerman", "Pethe", "Parra", "Alonso", "Rounet"], "given-names": ["S", "K", "M", "S", "C"], "year": ["2004"], "article-title": ["Methylation-dependent T cell immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis heparin-binding hemagglutinin."], "source": ["Nature medicine"], "volume": ["10"], "fpage": ["935"], "lpage": ["941"]}, {"label": ["15"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Tuuminen", "Kek\u00e4l\u00e4inen", "M\u00e4kel\u00e4", "Ala-Houhala", "Ennis"], "given-names": ["T", "E", "S", "I", "FA"], "year": ["2007"], "article-title": ["Human CD8+ T cell memory generation in Puumala hantavirus infection occurs after the acute phase and is associated with boosting of EBV-specific CD8+ memory T cells."], "source": ["J Immunol"], "volume": ["3"], "fpage": ["1988"], "lpage": ["95"]}, {"label": ["17"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Chee", "Gan", "KhinMar", "Barkham", "Koh"], "given-names": ["CBE", "SH", "KV", "TM", "CK"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["Comparison of sensitivities of two commercial gamma interferon release assays for pulmonary tuberculosis."], "source": ["J Clin Microb"], "volume": ["46"], "fpage": ["1935"], "lpage": ["40"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 07:14:35
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 25; 3(9):e3272
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>The discovery that cells produce small RNAs called interfering RNAs (iRNAs) that are able to inhibit in a sequence-specific way gene expression at a post-transcriptional level, a phenomenon called RNA interference, is a recent breakthrough in biology. This discovery has already had and will have many consequences on our knowledge of cell physiology and pathology, on our ability to regulate protein production at the laboratory, using tailored small iRNAs (siRNAs), and soon in medicine. Cohabitation of iRNAs physiologically produced by human cells, called microRNAs (miRNAs), and viral RNAs in the same cell results in interactions that may have an impact on virus replication, host cell physiology, and anti-microbial immune response. In this article, we will describe briefly the miRNA machinery, review the various connections existing between iRNAs and HIV RNAs, evaluate their consequences for both actors, and consider how we could interfere with these connections in order to regulate virus infection.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The miRNA pathway appears to be a new branch of natural antiviral immunity. Understanding the complex relationship that exists between the miRNA pathway and HIV will enlighten the physiopathology of the infection and offer new therapeutic strategies. As miRNA might be involved in HIV replication and latency, pathogenicity, and immune response, manipulating miRNA might enable us to modulate all of these aspects of the infection. Much remains to be discovered with surprises on the way. For instance, the eventuality that miRNA might also regulate DNA transcription in mammal cells ##REF##15297624##[49]## by inducing DNA methylation ##REF##15963934##[50]## and/or other mechanisms ##UREF##2##[51]##,##REF##12193640##[52]## could offer additional means to inhibit HIV replication, as suggested by recent data ##REF##17663774##[23]##,##REF##19771207##[53]##.</p>" ]
[ "<p>In this review, a quick presentation of what interfering RNA (iRNA) are—small RNA able to exert an inhibition on gene expression at a posttranscriptional level, based on sequence homology between the iRNA and the mRNA—will be given. The many faces of the interrelations between iRNA and viruses, particularly HIV, will be reviewed. Four kinds of interactions have been described: i) iRNA of viral origin blocking viral RNA, ii) iRNA of viral origin downregulating cellular mRNA, iii) iRNA of cellular origin (microRNA) targeting viral RNA, and iv) microRNA downregulating cellular mRNA encoding cell proteins used by the virus for its replication. Next, HIV strategies to manipulate these interrelations will be considered: suppression of iRNA biosynthesis by Tat, trapping by the HIV TAR sequence of a cell component, TRBP, necessary for iRNA production and action, and induction by the virus of some microRNA together with suppression of others. Then, we will discuss the putative effects of these mutual influences on viral replication as well as on viral latency, immune response, and viral cytopathogenicity. Finally, the potential consequences on the human infection of genetic polymorphisms in microRNA genes and the therapeutic potential of iRNA will be presented.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Human Cellular miRNAs</title>", "<p>miRNAs are transcribed by intergene regions, introns, and even exons, either as polycistronic transcripts if they are clustered or as monocistronic transcripts if they are not ##UREF##0##[1]##–##REF##12624257##[3]##. These transcripts, called pri-miRNAs, are imperfect RNA hairpins of hundreds to thousands of base pairs ##REF##12198168##[4]##. They are processed in the nucleus by the Rnase III endonuclease Drosha to a stem loop structure of about 60 base pairs, the pre-miRNA (##FIG##0##Figure 1##) ##REF##14508493##[5]##. The transfer of pre-miRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasma is mediated by the nuclear export factor exportin 5 ##REF##14681208##[6]##. There, pre-miRNAs are cleaved by another Rnase III endonuclease, Dicer ##REF##11452083##[7]##. Dicer delivers an approximately 22–base pair duplex. One strand of this duplex, the mature miRNA, still bound to Dicer, is driven towards ribosome-free compartments of the cytoplasma called P-bodies (processing bodies) by an association of molecules called RISC (RNA-induced silencing complex), which includes the endonuclease Argonaute-2 (Ago-2) ##REF##15284456##[8]##. The targets of the miRNA-loaded RISC are the RNAs presenting with sequence homology with nucleotides 2–7 in the 5′ portion of the miRNA. Most of the time, the consequence is an inhibition of translation of the mRNA, and sometimes, particularly if the match between the mRNA and the miRNA is perfect, the mRNA is cleaved. Of note, TAR RNA–binding protein (TRBP), a cell protein initially discovered for its capacity to bind to the TAR sequence of HIV RNA, also binds to Dicer and Ago-2, and is necessary for the maturation of pre-miRNA into miRNA as well as for interfering RNA function ##REF##15973356##[9]##,##REF##16142218##[10]##.</p>", "<p>A single miRNA targets at least 100 transcripts from various genes, and one mRNA may be targeted, at its 3′ end, by different miRNAs ##UREF##1##[11]##. Thus, miRNAs, whose number has been estimated to be 340 ##REF##17604727##[12]##, and more recently over 600 (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>), could regulate at least one-third of all human genes ##REF##15652477##[13]##.</p>", "<p>Researchers have taken advantage of this pathway to induce the specific destruction of mRNAs in order to silence genes of choice. They do so either by directly transfecting siRNAs of approximately 21 base pairs, or by delivering transgenes encoding hairpin RNAs, small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) processed by Dicer to siRNAs, with a stretch perfectly complementary with the target mRNA. Now, it happens that some viral RNAs adopt a stem loop conformation recognized by Drosha or Dicer as a suitable substrate and are processed to iRNAs, and we will call these viral iRNAs (viRNAs) to distinguish them from the endogenous cellular miRNAs. As the characteristics of Drosha and Dicer substrates are not fully defined, the fact that a viral RNA will or will not be processed to an iRNA cannot at present be accurately predicted. Likewise, the characteristics that make an mRNA a target for a given iRNA, including its own structure ##REF##15687388##[14]##,##REF##14762201##[15]##, its accessibility, i.e., its localization in the cell and its association with other components of the cell ##REF##12915586##[16]##, are not absolutely established. Consequently, any bioinformatic study predicting that a viral RNA will be processed into viRNA or that an mRNA will be silenced by an iRNA has to be confirmed experimentally. It must also be kept in mind that many studies analyze the effect on viral RNA of iRNAs at high concentrations obtained after transfection, and that such results must be confirmed in the course of the infection at physiological concentrations of iRNAs.</p>", "<title>RNA Interferences in the Cell/Virus Complex</title>", "<p>Viral RNAs and the miRNA machinery may interfere in various ways (##FIG##1##Figure 2##). First, the viRNAs generated by the cell from virus RNAs may target back viral RNAs (pathway 1), but also cell mRNAs that happen to share some sequence homology with them (pathway 2). Second, cellular miRNAs may recognize viral RNAs and silence them (pathway 3). Finally, the cell may produce miRNAs that control the expression of a cellular protein necessary for the virus life cycle (pathway 4). We will review these various possibilities, comparing examples of what is already known for other viruses with what is known for HIV.</p>", "<title/>", "<title>Autosilencing: viRNA against viral RNA (pathway 1)</title>", "<p>Obviously, some viRNAs will match exactly with some viral RNAs issued from the same genomic sequence, and induce their destruction. This is the case, for instance, in the course of simian virus 40 (SV40) infection. The virus encodes two RNAs with a stem loop structure that are transformed by the host cell into miR-S1s that are complementary to mRNA coding for the viral T antigen. Consequently, T antigen mRNA is degraded ##REF##15931223##[17]##. In this scenario, host miRNA machinery turns viral RNA against viral RNA. The same phenomenon has been looked for in HIV infection. A precursor ##REF##15782219##[18]## and a recent ##REF##17855543##[19]## study by two major groups in the field failed to identify iRNA of HIV origin in infected cells. Yet, a nef- and LTR-specific HIV miRNA able to inhibit LTR-driven transcription has been evidenced by another group ##REF##15601474##[20]##,##REF##15722536##[21]##. Moreover, a fourth group has reported that a stem loop HIV RNA can be processed by Dicer to a viRNA able to target env mRNA and that transfection of the corresponding shRNA inhibited over 80% of env mRNA production ##REF##15894278##[22]##, a result that was challenged later ##REF##17855543##[19]##. Finally, Klase et al. ##REF##17663774##[23]## and Ouellet et al. ##REF##18299284##[24]## have shown that TAR is a source of viRNAs: Dicer interacts with TAR, and cleaves it to produce TAR-derived viRNAs able to exert gene downregulatory effects. The level of anti-HIV activity of this pathway, which is controversial, remains to be evaluated in the context of the infection. Anyway, the antiviral effect of HIV viRNAs is at best partial.</p>", "<title>viRNA against cell mRNA (pathway 2)</title>", "<p>It may happen that the host cell transforms a viral RNA into a viRNA with some degree of homology with a cell mRNA. In this case, the viRNA will inhibit the expression of the corresponding cellular gene. Such a possibility has been recently described during human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection. HCMV encodes an RNA transformed by the infected cell into a viRNA, hcmv-miR-UL112, that blocks the translation of major histocompatibility complex class I–related chain B (MICB). Of note, MICB is a stress-induced molecule expressed on HCMV-infected cells that is recognized by the natural killer (NK) cell activating receptor NKG2D ##REF##17641203##[25]##. Likewise, are there viRNAs of HIV origin able to target cell mRNAs? Computer-directed analyses have evidenced regions of base complementarity between HIV-1 sequences and human genes involved in HIV infection, e.g., <italic>CD4, CD28, CD40L, IL-2, IL-3, IL-12,</italic> and <italic>TNFβ</italic>\n##REF##15862587##[26]##. Moreover, Bennasser et al. have predicted the existence of five HIV RNAs that could be transformed by Dicer into five viRNAs able to target various cellular mRNAs ##REF##15601472##[27]##. If these predictions are experimentally confirmed, HIV could also manipulate cellular biology and host immune response via viRNAs that were produced by the infected cell.</p>", "<title>Cellular miRNA against virus RNA (pathway 3)</title>", "<p>Sometimes the cell does not borrow viral RNAs to produce viRNAs with antiviral activity, but rather uses its own miRNAs. A striking example of this strategy is represented by the cell miR-32 that targets the open reading frame 2 of the primate foamy virus type 1, thereby inhibiting virus translation ##REF##15845854##[28]##. In this way, a cellular miRNA may directly target a virus RNA and block virus production. Interestingly, the same process results in the opposite effect for hepatits C virus (HCV). The endogenous miR-122, which is specifically produced by liver cells, binds to the 5′ noncoding region of HCV, but, unusually, this results in an increase in viral RNA replication through a mechanism that remains to be unraveled ##REF##16141076##[29]##. Interactions between cellular miRNAs and HIV RNAs may also exist, in so far as an in silico study predicted that five human miRNAs, expressed in T cells, might target nef, vpr, vif, and env RNAs ##REF##16236258##[30]##. Recently, Huang et al. have shown that miR-28, -125b, -150, -223, and -382, cellular miRNAs that are overexpressed in quiescent T4 lymphocytes, target sequences in the 3′ end of HIV-1 RNA, silencing thus almost all viral messengers ##REF##17906637##[31]##. Neutralizing these cellular miRNAs by transfecting specific antagonists into nonactivated T4 cells from patients with HIV under highly active antiretroviral therapy increased by 10-fold the in vitro efficiency of virus isolation. These observations strongly argue for a role of cellular miRNAs in HIV latency. This hypothesis, together with the suppression exerted by HIV on miRNA biosynthesis, might partly explain why HIV has not mutated to escape from the inhibitory effect of iRNAs of viral or cellular origin.</p>", "<title>Cellular miRNA targeting cell mRNA encoding proteins involved in virus replication (pathway 4)</title>", "<p>Finally, a fourth situation, where host miRNAs limit viral proliferation by acting on cellular mRNA, has been recently proposed for HIV ##REF##17322031##[32]##. Triboulet et al. have shown that the cellular miRNAs miR-17-5p and miR-20 silence the mRNA encoding the histone acetylase PCAF. PCAF has been previously presented as a host cofactor for Tat transactivation of HIV LTR, and as being recruited by Tat and remodeling the histone architecture in the vicinity of the LTR, promoting thereby HIV gene expression (##FIG##2##Figure 3A##). This is to say that human cells seem to permanently downregulate HIV-1 replication by depriving the infected cell of an endogenous enzyme that could be necessary for virus gene expression.</p>", "<title>Regulation of the miRNA Pathway by the Virus</title>", "<p>The few examples we have just reviewed suggest that, most of the time, the miRNA machinery works against the virus. It is not surprising then, that many viruses have elaborated strategies to subvert this machinery. And HIV is not the last one.</p>", "<title/>", "<title>Inhibition of miRNA production: viral suppressors of RNA silencing</title>", "<p>A strategy adopted by many viruses involves binding to a component of the miRNA machinery in order to block it. For instance, the adenoviral protein VA1 inhibits the nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of pre-miRNA by forming a complex with exportin 5 ##REF##15542639##[33]##. HIV seems to target two other factors of RNA silencing, Dicer and TRBP (##FIG##3##Figure 4##). Bennasser et al. have shown that purified Tat protein inhibits the capacity of Dicer to process double-stranded RNA to short iRNAs in vitro ##REF##15894278##[22]##. Moreover, the TAR and RRE sequences of HIV RNA, by recruiting TRBP, could competitively inhibit the effect of TRBP on pre-miRNA processing and on miRNA function ##REF##16253139##[34]##,##REF##17360756##[35]##. Yet, the capacity of Tat to hinder miRNA biogenesis has been recently challenged ##REF##17855543##[19]##, and the impact on HIV infection of these inhibitions of miRNA expression remains to be quantified. Anyhow, if HIV encodes suppressors of RNA silencing, their effect is obviously incomplete.</p>", "<p>This double mechanism of suppression of RNA silencing strongly suggests that the interest of HIV is to counteract RNA interference; that is to say, the effect of the miRNA machinery is globally harmful for the virus. In support of this notion, a point mutation in Tat, which abrogates its inhibitory effect on Dicer, but not its transactivation effect on HIV LTR, results in a reduction in virus replication ##REF##15894278##[22]##. Likewise, Haasnoot et al. have shown that a Tat protein able to block Dicer activity is necessary for efficient HIV production ##REF##17590081##[36]##. Moreover, Triboulet et al. have reported that the inhibition of Drosha or Dicer using specific siRNA increases HIV replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from individuals with HIV ##REF##17322031##[32]##.</p>", "<title>Viral up- and downregulation of miRNA concentrations</title>", "<p>In addition to globally diminishing miRNA production, viruses may also specifically regulate, positively or negatively, the level of expression of some miRNAs. This is the case for tobacco mosaic virus, where infection results in an increase in miR-156, -160, -164, -166, -169, and -171 in <italic>Nicotiana tabacum</italic>\n##REF##17615233##[37]##. HIV infection also results in such a phenomenon. Triboulet et al. have reported that the infection of a lymphoid cell line by HIV-1 downregulates six miRNAs, including miR-17-5p and miR-20, and upregulates eleven others, including miR-122, -297, -370, and -373 ##REF##17322031##[32]##. The mechanism responsible for this selective regulation by HIV remains to be unveiled. During tobacco mosaic virus infection, it is the accumulation of two viral proteins, the movement protein and the coat protein, that is responsible for the change in miRNAs concentrations ##REF##17615233##[37]##. Of note, two of the miRNAs downregulated during HIV infection are precisely miR-17-5p and miR-20, which target the Tat cofactor PCAF. Thus, by reducing the amount of miR-17-5p and miR-20 available, the virus alleviates the negative control exerted by the cell on PCAF, thereby facilitating its own transcription (##FIG##2##Figure 3B##).</p>", "<title>Consequences of the Interactions between iRNAs and the Other RNAs during Infection</title>", "<p>Thus, viruses and the miRNA machinery of the host cell interact in various ways. These interactions may have consequences on the replication and the pathogenicity of the virus, but also on the immune response of the host.</p>", "<title/>", "<title>Consequences for virus replication/latency</title>", "<p>Interactions between iRNAs and other RNAs in the infected cell may have consequences on the virus life cycle, mostly negative, with one exception, HCV. For HIV, viRNA complementary to env, nef, and/or LTR sequences ##REF##15601474##[20]##–##REF##15894278##[22]## and cellular miRNAs targeting the 3′ end of HIV RNAs ##REF##17906637##[31]## could inhibit virus replication. Moreover, the cellular miR-17-5p and miR-20, through their repression of PCAF expression (##FIG##2##Figure 3B##), seem to exert the same effect ##REF##17322031##[32]##. In these various ways, RNA interference might downregulate HIV production. Logically, the virus tries to counter this effect by blocking Dicer activity and by hijacking TRBP.</p>", "<p>The global impact on in vivo infection of the interplay between virus and cell RNAs, and the relative importance of each interaction, remain to be determined. This interplay could influence the efficiency of HIV replication, and thereby the rate of disease progression, but it could also be involved in HIV latency and in the constitution of the viral reservoir. Finally, differences in the anti-HIV efficiency of RNA inteference could exist between individuals. These differences might be due to genetic polymorphisms in sequences regulating miRNA gene transcription or stability, as well as polymorphisms in cellular miRNA sequences resulting in variations in processing or targeting as already described for miR-138-2 and miR-30c-2 ##REF##15883035##[38]##.</p>", "<title>Consequences on the immune response</title>", "<p>Inhibition of virus gene expression by RNA interference may downregulate virus replication in vitro, but in vivo, this downregulation might help the virus to escape from the immune response. This is the case for the above-mentioned inhibition exerted by the SV40 miRNAs miR-S1s on the T antigen (see “Autosilencing: viRNA against virus RNA (pathway 1)”). This inhibition occurs late enough in the virus life cycle not to hinder SV40 replication, but early enough to reduce T lymphocyte cytotoxicity and interferon-γ production triggered by the presence of the viral T antigen ##REF##15931223##[17]##. The targeting of cell mRNA by viRNA (pathway 2) may also result in the reduction of immune response. This possibility is illustrated by the inhibition of MICB, a ligand for NK cell activating receptor, by an HCMV miRNA (“viRNA against cell mRNA (pathway 2)”). This targeting is not innocent, since it results in a decrease in antiviral NK activity. Some cellular miRNAs are involved in innate immunity, e.g., miR-155 induced by Toll-like receptor ligands or interferon-β (IFN-β) ##REF##17242365##[39]## and miRNA let-7a mediating IL-6-induced cell survival ##REF##17220301##[40]##. Some cellular miRNAs are involved in specific immunity, e.g., miR-155 regulating genes driving functions of lymphocytes ##REF##17463290##[41]##,##REF##17463289##[42]##, miR-150 controlling the differenciation of B cells via c-Myb ##REF##17923094##[43]##, and miR-181a modulating the antigen sensitivity of T cells ##REF##17382377##[44]##. A striking example of the role played by miRNAs in immunity has been lately given by Pedersen et al. This group has reported that some of the anti-HCV effect of IFN-β is mediated by five cellular miRNAs, induced by IFN-β, that target HCV RNA ##REF##17943132##[45]##. Consequently, changes in miRNA expression induced by HIV might also alter the immune response.</p>", "<title>Consequences on the pathogenicity</title>", "<p>These virus/cell, iRNA/RNA interactions could also have consequences on the pathogenicity of the infection. Because cellular miRNAs regulate major mechanisms of cell physiology, such as proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, or tumorogenicity ##REF##15372042##[46]##, targeting of cell mRNAs by viRNAs (pathway 2) and/or specific or global virus-induced disturbance of the cellular miRNA production might have pathogenic effects. The extent to which the modifications of host biology observed in individuals with HIV are mediated by RNA interference remains to be addressed, however.</p>", "<title>Therapeutic Opportunities</title>", "<p>Besides strategies using synthetic interfering RNAs (siRNAs or shRNAs) to target mRNA encoding cell proteins necessary for virus replication or directly target HIV RNA, the knowledge of HIV RNA/RNA silencing connections might pave the way for new therapeutic approaches. The fact that siRNAs or siRNAs antagonists modified chemically for stability and conjugated to cholesterol or liposomes have a specific, long-lasting, and ubiquitous effect when administrated intravenously ##REF##16258535##[47]##,##REF##16565705##[48]## is particularly encouraging for this kind of approach.</p>", "<p>As interfering RNAs disturb HIV replication, the possibility to act on the viral infection through miRNAs must be considered. At least two opposite strategies may be proposed. First, the miRNA machinery could be manipulated in order to hinder virus replication. Second, because of the involvement of miRNA in HIV latency, the miRNA machinery could be manipulated in order to provoke virus replication in the reservoir cells with the aim of lysing them. This second approach has the advantage of only requiring a brief treatment that is sufficient to induce HIV expression in infected, non-productive quiescent cells. To reach this goal, a possibility is to target host miRNA. For instance, the neutralization of miR-17 and miR-20 by specific inhibitors should release the inhibition exerted by these miRNAs on PCAF and hopefully trigger HIV replication in reservoir cells, resulting in the eradication of this population. A drawback of such a strategy is that the inhibition of a given miRNA will increase the level of expression of all of its mRNA targets with possible side effects. As our knowledge on the impact of the disturbance induced by HIV on host immunity and cell physiology increases, new therapeutic strategies may arise.</p>", "<p>Last, the manipulation of miRNAs in order to boost HIV production in vitro may ameliorate the efficiency of virus recovery from patients' cells ##REF##17906637##[31]##,##REF##17322031##[32]##, and of virus mass production.</p>" ]
[ "<p>I am grateful to Kuan-Teh Jeang and Eamonn Fahy for critical reading of the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"ppat-1000162-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000162.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Biosynthesis and Activity of iRNAs</title></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000162-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000162.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Interactions between iRNAs, Cellular mRNAs, and HIV RNAs</title></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000162-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000162.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Inhibition of HIV Expression by the Silencing Exerted by miR-17-5p and miR-20 on PCAF (A), and Downregulation of This Inhibition by HIV (B)</title></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000162-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000162.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Regulation of the miRNA Machinery by HIV</title></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p>The author has declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>The author received no specific funding for this work.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000162.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000162.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000162.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000162.g004\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["1"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Lagos-Quintana", "Rauhut", "Meyer", "Borkhardt", "Tuschl"], "given-names": ["M", "R", "J", "A", "T"], "year": ["2001"], "article-title": ["New microRNAs from mouse and human."], "source": ["RNA"], "volume": ["9"], "fpage": ["175"], "lpage": ["179"]}, {"label": ["11"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Krek", "Grun", "Poy", "Wolf", "Rosenberg"], "given-names": ["A", "D", "MN", "R", "L"], "year": ["2005"], "article-title": ["Combinatorial microRNA target predictions."], "source": ["Nat Gen"], "volume": ["37"], "fpage": ["495"], "lpage": ["500"]}, {"label": ["51"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Ting", "Schuebel", "Herman", "Baylin"], "given-names": ["AH", "KE", "JG", "SB"], "year": ["2005"], "article-title": ["Short double-stranded RNA induces transcriptional gene silencing in human cancer cells in the absence of DNA methylation."], "source": ["Nat Gen"], "volume": ["37"], "fpage": ["906"], "lpage": ["910"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 03:40:35
PLoS Pathog. 2008 Sep 26; 4(9):e1000162
[ "<p>The behavior of chromosomes during meiosis has been likened to a middle school dance, where partners find one another, form couples that move about and trade information, and then separate to opposite sides of the dance hall. With chromosomes, as with the dancers, forming exclusive couples often is difficult—individuals can be attracted to more than one partner or find themselves trapped behind or between other couples—and, failing to form a couple effectively, end up on the wrong side of the dance hall. For chromosomes, this failure of pairing and segregation leads to an unbalanced chromosome complement (aneuploidy), with its attendant problems of sterility and genetic disease. Two papers in this issue of <italic>PLoS Genetics</italic>\n##REF##18818742##[1]##,##REF##18818741##[2]## demonstrate that telomere-promoted movements influence nearly every step in chromosome pairing and meiotic recombination, opening a new avenue to address questions that have intrigued biologists and vexed clinicians for over a hundred years.</p>", "<p>Chromosome movement is implicit in the classically recognized stages of meiotic prophase, but descriptions of directly visualized movements have been rare (see ##REF##9928494##[3]##). Early in prophase, chromosomes transition from having their centromeres clustered near the spindle pole (the Rabl orientation) to having their telomeres clustered at the nuclear periphery adjacent to the spindle pole (the bouquet orientation; see ##FIG##0##Figure 1##). The bouquet stage ends with dispersal of telomeres across the inner nuclear envelope as chromosomes finalize their intimate pairing by forming synaptonemal complexes (SCs) that link chromosome pairs closely along their lengths. The formation of these intimate, exclusive partnerships would seem to finish the task at hand and to end the need for active, whole-chromosome movements, but this turns out not to be the case.</p>", "<p>Movements that persist throughout meiotic prophase were first described by Hiraoka's group in the fission yeast <italic>Schizosaccharomyces pombe</italic> where, following bouquet formation, telomeres remain at the spindle pole while it leads the nucleus along microtubules, back and forth through the cell, until just before the first meiotic division ##REF##8146661##[4]##. Meiotic prophase is noncanonical in <italic>S. pombe</italic> in that synaptonemal complexes are not formed and recombination is not regulated to avoid forming crossovers near one another (i.e., there is no positive crossover interference). This has led some to question the generality of persistent movements. Recently, however, similarly persistent rapid prophase movements (RPMs) have been described in the budding yeast <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</italic>\n##REF##16027219##[5]##–##REF##18585353##[7]##. Although these movements are of individual chromosomes rather than of the whole genomic complement, and although they appear to be promoted by actin rather than by microtubules, each system involves SUN domain–containing proteins that are known to mediate transnuclear envelope linkages, in the present case tethering telomeres to the cytoskeleton ##REF##18585352##[8]##–##REF##17495028##[10]##. Such linkages also are present in mammalian meiotic nuclei ##REF##17452644##[11]##,##REF##17543860##[12]##, indicating a widely conserved mechanism and suggesting conserved function(s).</p>", "<p>Before its role in these movements was recognized, the budding yeast Ndj1 protein was known to promote bouquet formation, the normal kinetics of SC formation, and the usual pattern of meiotic recombination; to maintain low levels of ectopic recombination (genetic exchanges between homologous DNA sequences in nonallelic locations); and, ultimately, to reduce the frequency of aneuploidy ##REF##9242487##[13]##–##REF##16648465##[17]##. Ndj1 also plays a role in anchoring telomeres to the inner nuclear envelope ##REF##11018056##[15]##, apparently by stabilizing the association of telomeres with the transmembrane SUN protein, Mps3 ##REF##17495028##[10]##. Reports that the meiosis-specific budding yeast protein Csm4 is similar to Ndj1 in being required to prevent aneuploidy ##REF##11470404##[18]## led the authors of the two current papers to ask, in remarkable molecular detail, whether the meiotic requirements for Csm4 are similar to those for Mps3 and Ndj1. The simple answer is “Yes,” but the angel is in the details.</p>", "<p>The authors find that Csm4, unlike Mps3 and Ndj1, is <italic>not</italic> required to anchor telomeres to the nuclear envelope but is required for telomeres to engage in the RPMs (see ##REF##18585353##[7]##,##REF##18585352##[8]##). Nevertheless, the impact on the progress of recombination, in all its currently understood molecular intricacies, is similar—delays in the appearances of recombination intermediates begin very early in prophase and persist or lengthen as prophase progresses. The implication of these observations is that the RPMs are the critical factor rather than telomere tethering to the nuclear envelope per se. So then, what is the role of the RPMs? Here, the authors diverge somewhat in their answers. The paper from the Shinohara lab proposes that RPMs promote the biochemistry of recombination more or less directly, perhaps by affecting chromosome structure ##REF##18818742##[1]##. The paper from the Alani and Kleckner labs proposes that RPMs function during an early phase when the cell determines which early recombination intermediates will become crossovers. They suggest that delays in this phase, perhaps due to a requirement for Ndj1 and Csm4 to resolve chromosome interlocks (at zygotene, see ##FIG##0##Figure 1##), generates the subsequent defects ##REF##18818741##[2]##. Tests of these hypotheses will require considerable ingenuity in experimental design.</p>", "<p>A simple and striking conclusion from these papers is that mechanical energy, pumped into the nucleus via the telomeres, contributes critically to the work of genetic recombination. Identification of the MNC complex (Mps3, Ndj1, Csm4) in <italic>Sa. cerevisiae</italic> and of related structures and pathways in other organisms is only the beginning to understanding how these transnuclear envelope tethers are constructed and regulated. Understanding how these connections and the movements they foster contribute to the faithful segregation of chromosomes in meiosis will be challenging and rewarding, like the middle school dance.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pgen-1000210-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000210.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Chromosomes Pass through Distinct Organizational Phases as They Negotiate Meiotic Prophase.</title><p>The Rabl orientation is established in the prior division, where centromeres (green balls) are pulled to the spindle pole (dark blue structure with emanating microtubules, anchored in the nuclear membrane), with the telomeres (red balls) trailing. Early in prophase, centromeres move away from the pole while telomeres attach to the nuclear membrane and move to a small area adjacent to the spindle pole, forming the bouquet. Chromosomes move out of the bouquet as the synaptonemal complex forms (red ladder-like structure), marking entry into zygotene and generating interlocks, where chromosomes are trapped between synapsing pairs. Completion of synapsis and resolution of interlocks marks pachytene, where chromosome pairs appear well separated.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000210.g001\"/>" ]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 23:38:07
PLoS Genet. 2008 Sep 26; 4(9):e1000210
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Understanding an organism's metabolism at a system level and obtaining quantitative predictions for the different metabolic variables requires the identification and modeling of the physicochemical and regulatory constraints that are relevant at physiological growth conditions. Recently, there has been a surge of interest on how macromolecular crowding, i.e., the crowding of the cytoplasm by various molecular components, affects cellular function, including cell metabolism ##REF##11590012##[1]##,##REF##16825427##[2]##.</p>", "<p>At the local scale it is well known that molecular crowding affects the rate of biochemical reactions, diffusion, protein folding and protein-protein association/dissociation ##REF##16825427##[2]##,##REF##16740119##[3]##. More recently, we have shown that macromolecular crowding acts also at a global scale by imposing a limited solvent capacity. Specifically, we have shown that a flux balance modeling framework that incorporates the limited solvent capacity is successful in predicting the maximum growth rate, the sequence of substrate uptake from a complex medium and, to an extent, the changes in intracellular flux rates upon varying growth rate of the bacterium, <italic>Escherichia coli</italic>\n##REF##17652176##[4]##,##UREF##0##[5]##. Yet, these studies were limited by the absence of a full kinetic model of <italic>E. coli</italic> cell metabolism, hindering our ability to investigate the impact of the solvent capacity constraint on in vivo metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities.</p>", "<p>During cellular metabolism the concentration of enzymes and metabolites are continuously adjusted in order to achieve specific metabolic demands. It is highly likely that during evolution global metabolic regulation has evolved such as to achieve a given metabolic demand with an optimal use of intracellular resources. However, the size of enzymes and intermediate metabolites are dramatically different. Enzymes are macromolecules that occupy a relatively large amount of space within a cell's crowded cytoplasm, while metabolites are much smaller. This implies that metabolite concentrations are likely to be adjusted to minimize the overall “enzymatic cost” (in terms of space cost).</p>", "<p>Here we study the validity of this hypothesis by focusing on the glycolysis pathway of the yeast, <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</italic>, for which a kinetic model is available. We show that the maximum glycolysis rate determined by the limited solvent capacity is close to the values measured in vivo. Furthermore, the measured concentration of intermediate metabolites and enzyme activities of glycolysis are in agreement with the predicted values necessary to achieve this maximum glycolysis rate. Taken together these results indicate that the limited solvent capacity constraint is relevant for <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> at physiological conditions. From the modeling point of view, this work demonstrates that a full kinetic model together with the limited solvent capacity constraint can be used to predict not only the metabolite concentrations, but in vivo enzyme activities as well.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Kinetic Model of Glycolysis</title>", "<p>We use the <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> glycolysis model reported in ##REF##11744196##[7]## (see ##SUPPL##0##Protocol S1## for details). The only modification is the extension of the phsophofructokinase (<italic>pfk</italic>) kinetic model from an irreversible to a reversible model.</p>", "<title>Catalytic Constants, Cell Density, Specific Volume</title>", "<p>The catalytic constants were obtained from experimental estimates for <italic>Saccharomyces carlsbergensis</italic>\n##REF##6115423##[16]##, except for glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase that was obtained from an estimate for <italic>Eidolon helvum</italic>\n##REF##11752250##[17]##. For the cell density we use an estimate reported for <italic>E. coli</italic>, <italic>ρ</italic> = 0.34 g/ml ##REF##1748995##[18]##. The specific volume was estimated for several proteins using the molar volumes and masses reported in ##REF##6572909##[6]##, resulting in average of 0.73 ml/g and standard deviation of 0.02 ml/g. See ##SUPPL##0##Protocol S1## for details.</p>", "<title>Optimal Metabolite Concentrations</title>", "<p>The optimal metabolite concentrations are obtained maximizing Equation 4 with respect to the free metabolite concentrations. In the case of ##FIG##1##Figure 2B–2D##, all metabolite concentrations are fixed to their experimental values, except for the metabolite indicated by the X-axis. In the case of ##FIG##2##Figure 3A and 3B##, all intermediate metabolite concentrations are optimized, keeping fixed the concentration of external glucose and cofactors (ATP, ADP, AMP, NADH, NAD). In both cases the reaction rates relative to the glycolysis rate (<italic>r<sub>i</sub></italic>) were taken as input parameters, using the values reported in ##REF##11744196##[7]##. The maximization was performed using simulated annealing ##UREF##6##[19]##.</p>", "<title>Parameter Sensitivity</title>", "<p>To analyze the sensitivity of our predictions to the model parameters we have generated random sets of kinetic parameters, assuming a 10% variation of the fixed metabolite concentrations and all kinetic constants except for the catalytic activities. For the latter we assumed a larger variation of 50%, because they were estimated from a different organism. For each set of parameters we make predictions for the metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities. ##FIG##2##Figure 3## reports the mean values and standard deviations.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Limited Solvent Capacity Constraint</title>", "<p>The cell's cytoplasm is characterized by a high concentration of macromolecules ##REF##11590012##[1]##,##REF##16825427##[2]## resulting in a limited solvent capacity for the allocation of metabolic enzymes. More precisely, given that enzyme molecules have a finite molar volume <italic>v<sub>i</sub></italic> only a finite number of them fit in a given cell volume <italic>V</italic>. Indeed, if <italic>n<sub>i</sub></italic> is the number of moles of the <italic>i</italic>\n<sup>th</sup> enzyme, thenwhere <italic>V</italic>\n<sub>0</sub> accounts for the volume of other cell components and the free volume necessary for cellular transport as well. Equation 1 can be also rewritten aswhere <italic>ρ<sub>i</sub></italic> = <italic>n<sub>i</sub>m<sub>i</sub></italic>/<italic>V</italic> is the enzyme density (enzyme mass/volume), <italic>μ<sub>i</sub></italic> is the molar mass <italic>v</italic>\n<sub>spec</sub> is the specific volume, and <italic>φ</italic> = <italic>V</italic>\n<sub>0</sub>/<italic>V</italic> is the fraction of cell volume occupied by cell components other than the enzymes catalyzing the reactions of the pathway under consideration, including the free volume necessary for diffusion. The specific volume has been assumed to be constant for all enzymes, an approximation that has been shown to be realistic at least for globular proteins ##REF##6572909##[6]##. In this new form we can clearly identify the enzyme density (or mass, given that the volume is constant) as the enzyme associated variable contributing to the solvent capacity constraint. This choice is more appropriate than the enzyme concentration <italic>C<sub>i</sub></italic> = <italic>n<sub>i</sub></italic>/<italic>V</italic> (moles/volume) because the specific volume is approximately constant across enzymes, while the molar volume can exhibit significant variations. For example, according to experimental data for several globular proteins ##REF##6572909##[6]##, the molar volume exhibits a 70% variation while the specific volume is almost constant, with a small 2% variation.</p>", "<p>The solvent capacity constraint (Equations 1 and 2) thus imposes a limit to the amount of catalytic units (i.e., enzymes) that can be allocated in the cell cytoplasm. In the following we show that this in turn leads to a constraint for the maximum metabolic rate. The rate of the <italic>i</italic>\n<sup>th</sup> reaction per unit of cell dry weight (mol/time/mass) is given bywhere <italic>A<sub>i</sub></italic> is the specific enzyme activity, <italic>C<sub>i</sub></italic> is the enzyme concentration in molar units, <italic>k<sub>i</sub></italic> is the catalytic constant and <italic>M</italic> is the cell mass. The coefficient <italic>x<sub>i</sub></italic> is determined by the specific kinetic model: it takes values in the range of 0≤<italic>x<sub>i</sub></italic>≤1, and it is a function of metabolite concentrations. For example, if the <italic>i</italic>\n<sup>th</sup> reaction is described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics with one substrate then <italic>x<sub>i</sub></italic> = <italic>S<sub>i</sub></italic>/(<italic>K<sub>i</sub></italic>+<italic>S<sub>i</sub></italic>), where <italic>S<sub>i</sub></italic> is the substrate concentration and <italic>K<sub>i</sub></italic> is the equilibrium constant. More generally, <italic>x<sub>i</sub></italic> is a function of the concentration of substrates, products and other metabolites regulating the enzyme activity. The fact that the reaction rates are proportional to the enzyme densities (Equation 3) suggests that the limited solvent capacity constraint (Equation 2) has an impact on the reaction rates as well. Indeed, from Equations 2 and 3 we obtainwhere <italic>R</italic> is the cell metabolic rate (or pathway rate), <italic>r<sub>i</sub></italic> = <italic>R<sub>i</sub></italic>/<italic>R</italic> is the rate of reaction <italic>i</italic> relative to the metabolic rate, andwhere <italic>ρ</italic> = <italic>M</italic>/<italic>V</italic> is the cell density. We refer to <italic>a<sub>i</sub></italic> as the crowding coefficients ##REF##17652176##[4]##,##UREF##0##[5]##, because they quantify the contribution of each reaction rate to molecular crowding. The crowding coefficient of a reaction <italic>i</italic> increases with increasing the enzyme's molar mass <italic>μ<sub>i</sub></italic> and decreases with increasing catalytic activity <italic>k<sub>i</sub></italic>. It is also a function of the metabolite concentrations through <italic>x<sub>i</sub></italic>.</p>", "<title>Hypothetical Three Metabolites Pathway</title>", "<p>To illustrate the impact of the limited solvent capacity constraint, we first analyze a hypothetical example, in which we use the relative reaction rates as input parameters, and the metabolite concentrations are the variables to be optimized. Given the reaction rates and the “optimal” metabolite concentrations, the enzyme activities are determined by Equation 3. Finally, the maximum metabolic rate is computed using Equation 4.</p>", "<p>Consider a metabolic pathway consisting of two reversible reactions converting metabolite M<sub>1</sub> into M<sub>2</sub> (reaction 1) and M<sub>2</sub> into M<sub>3</sub> (reaction 2), catalyzed by enzymes <italic>e</italic>\n<sub>1</sub> and <italic>e</italic>\n<sub>2</sub>, respectively (##FIG##0##Figure 1, inset##). The reaction rates per unit of cell mass, <italic>R</italic>\n<sub>1</sub> and <italic>R</italic>\n<sub>2</sub>, are modeled by reversible Michaelis-Menten rate equations, using Equation 3 with\nwhere <italic>K</italic>\n<sub>1eq</sub> and <italic>K</italic>\n<sub>2eq</sub> are the equilibrium constants of reaction 1 and 2, respectively, <italic>K<sub>im</sub></italic> is the Michaelis-Menten constant of metabolite <italic>m</italic> in reaction <italic>i</italic>. From Equations 4 to 7 we finally obtainFor the purpose of illustration, we assume 1−<italic>ϕ</italic> = 0.01, (mmol/h/min)<sup>−1</sup> (as suggested by typical values reported in ##UREF##0##[5]##), all Michaelis constants equal to 1 mM, and fixed pathway ends metabolite concentrations [M<sub>1</sub>] = 3 mM and [M<sub>2</sub>] = 1 mM. Furthermore, mass conservation for M<sub>2</sub> implies that <italic>R</italic>\n<sub>1</sub> = <italic>R</italic>\n<sub>2</sub> = <italic>R</italic> (<italic>r</italic>\n<sub>1</sub> = <italic>r</italic>\n<sub>2</sub> = 1) in the steady state, where <italic>R</italic> is the pathway rate. When reaction 1 is close to equilibrium [M<sub>2</sub>]≈[M<sub>1</sub>]<italic>K</italic>\n<sub>1eq</sub> = 3 mM, the first term in the right hand side becomes very large, resulting in a small pathway rate (##FIG##0##Figure 1##). When reaction 2 is close to equilibrium [M<sub>2</sub>]≈[M<sub>3</sub>]/<italic>K</italic>\n<sub>2eq</sub> = 1 mM, the second term in the right hand side becomes very large, again resulting in a small pathway rate (##FIG##0##Figure 1##). At an intermediate [M<sub>2</sub>]<sup>*</sup> between these two extremes the pathway rate achieves its maximum. Therefore, given the solvent capacity constraint, there is an optimal metabolite concentration resulting in a maximum pathway rate.</p>", "<title>\n<italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> Glycolysis</title>", "<p>Next, we investigate whether the observation of an optimal metabolite concentration for maximum pathway rate extrapolates to a more realistic scenario. For this purpose we use the glycolysis pathway of the yeast <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##) as a case study. Glycolysis represents a universal pathway for energy production in all domains of life. In <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> it has been studied extensively resulting in the description of a rate equation model for each of its reactions ##REF##11744196##[7]##,##REF##10951190##[8]##. In particular, we consider the kinetic model developed in ##REF##11744196##[7]## (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Methods</xref>). To compare our predictions with experimentally determined values we consider the glycolysis reaction rates and metabolite concentrations reported in ##REF##11744196##[7]## and the enzyme activities reported in ##REF##10951190##[8]##.</p>", "<p>In analogy with the three metabolites case study (##FIG##0##Figure 1##), first we investigate the dependency of the glycolysis rate <italic>R</italic>, represented by the glucose uptake, on the concentration of a given metabolite. In this case we fix all other metabolite concentrations and all relative reaction rates (reaction rate/glycolysis rate) to their experimentally determined values. By doing so the predicted glycolysis rate is an implicit function of the free metabolite concentration alone, through Equation 4. For example, ##FIG##1##Figure 2B## displays the maximum metabolic rate <italic>R</italic> as a function of the concentration of fructose-6-phosphate (F6P). <italic>R</italic> is predicted to achieve a maximum around a F6P concentration of 0.4 mM, close to its experimentally determined value of 0.5 mM ##REF##11744196##[7]## (red triangle in ##FIG##1##Figure 2B##). Similar conclusions are obtained for D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP) (##FIG##1##Figure 2C##) and glycerone-phosphate (DHAP) (##FIG##1##Figure 2D##). This analysis corroborates that there is an optimal metabolite concentration maximizing <italic>R</italic> and, more importantly, that this concentration is very close to the experimentally determined metabolite concentrations. In all cases the measured metabolite concentrations are within the range of 50% or more of the maximum glycolysis rate.</p>", "<p>To further test the optimal metabolite concentration hypothesis, we perform a global optimization and simultaneously compute the optimal concentrations of the glycolysis intermediate metabolites. In this case we fix the concentrations of external glucose and co-factors and all relative reaction rates to their experimentally determined values. By doing so the predicted glycolysis rate is an implicit function of the glycolysis intermediate metabolite concentrations, through Equation 4. The optimal intermediate metabolite concentrations are those maximizing Equation 4. ##FIG##2##Figure 3A## displays the predicted optimal metabolite concentrations as a function of their experimentally determined values (black symbols), the line representing a perfect match. The agreement is remarkably good given the wide range of metabolite concentrations. For phospho-enol-pyruvate (PEP), the predicted value is very sensitive to the model parameters, as indicated by the wide error bars. For fructose 1,6-biphosphate (FBP) the predicted value is smaller by a factor of five than the experimental value, but it is still within range. Taken together, these results indicate that the measured concentrations of intermediate metabolites in the <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> glycolysis are close to the predicted optimal values maximizing the glycolysis rate given the limited solvent capacity constraint.</p>", "<p>Using the optimal intermediate metabolite concentrations we can make predictions for the enzyme activities as well. Indeed, from the first equality in Equation 3 it follows thatThe reaction rates relative to the glycolysis rate <italic>r<sub>i</sub></italic> are obtained from experimental data, while <italic>x<sub>i</sub></italic> are obtained after substituting the predicted optimal metabolite concentrations on the reaction's kinetic models. ##FIG##2##Figure 3B## displays the predicted enzyme activities (in units of the glycolysis rate) as a function of the experimentally determined values (black symbols), the line representing a perfect match. In most cases we obtain a relatively good agreement between experimentally measured and predicted values, with the exception of phosphofructokinase (<italic>pfk</italic>), for which the measured enzyme activities are significantly overestimated. Of note, for pyruvate kinase (<italic>pk</italic>) the predictions are significantly affected by the model parameters, as indicated by the wide error bars.</p>", "<p>The preceding analysis does not exclude the possibility that other constraints could result in a good agreement as well. To address this point we consider the more general optimization objective <italic>R</italic> = (1−<italic>ϕ</italic>)/Σ<sup><italic>N</italic></sup>\n<sub><italic>i</italic> = 1</sub> (<italic>a<sub>i</sub>r<sub>i</sub></italic>)<italic><sup>H</sup></italic>, parametrized by the exponent <italic>H</italic>. Although this objective is not inspired by a biological intuition, it allows us to explore other possibilities beyond the original case <italic>H</italic> = 1. ##FIG##2##Figure 3## show our predictions for the case <italic>H</italic> = 0.1 (red symbols) and <italic>H</italic> = 10 (blue symbols), representing a milder and a stronger dependency with the crowding coefficients <italic>a<sub>i</sub></italic>, respectively. For <italic>H</italic> = 0.1, 1.0 and 10 the predicted metabolite concentrations are in good agreement with the experimental values. Furthermore, when we allow sub-optimal metabolite concentrations resulting in a glycolysis rate below it s maximum our predictions are also in the range of the experimental values (see ##SUPPL##0##Protocol S1##, Table IV). These results indicate that it is sufficient that the optimization objective is a monotonic decreasing function of the crowding coefficients. When the latter is satisfied the metabolite concentrations are up to a great extent constrained by the kinetic model.</p>", "<p>This is not, however, the case for the enzyme activities. For <italic>H</italic> = 0.1 and the enzymes <italic>pfk</italic>, <italic>tpi</italic> and <italic>pk</italic>, there is a large deviation from the perfect match line. For <italic>H</italic> = 10 and the enzymes <italic>tpi</italic> and <italic>pk</italic>, there is a large deviation from the perfect match line as well. Overall, <italic>H</italic> = 1 gives the better agreement between enzyme activity predictions and their measured values. In addition, it provides a clear biophysical interpretation of the solvent capacity constraint (<italic>H</italic> = 1).</p>", "<p>Finally, we use Equation 4 to compute the maximum glycolysis rate as determined by the limited solvent capacity constraint. The global optimization predicts the glycolysis rate <italic>R</italic> = (1−<italic>ϕ</italic>)×12.5 mmol/min/g dry weight. Taking into account that about 30% ##UREF##1##[9]## of the cell is occupied by cell components excluding water, that proteins account for ∼45% of the dry weight ##UREF##2##[10]##, and that of these glycolytic enzymes account for ∼22% ##UREF##3##[11]## of the protein mass we obtain 1−<italic>ϕ</italic>∼0.03. Therefore, given that glycolysis enzymes occupy only 3% of the cell volume, we obtain <italic>R</italic>∼0.38 mmol/min/g dry weight. This prediction is in very good agreement with the experimentally determined glycolysis rate of <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, ranging between 0.1 to 0.4 mmol/min/g dry weight ##REF##10951190##[8]##,##UREF##4##[12]##.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The successful modeling of cell metabolism requires the understanding of the physicochemical constraints that are relevant at physiological growth conditions. In our previous work focusing on <italic>E. coli</italic> we have reported results indicating that the limited solvent capacity is an important constraint on cell metabolism, especially under nutrient-rich growth conditions ##REF##17652176##[4]##,##UREF##0##[5]##. Using a flux balance approach that incorporates this constraint we predicted the maximum growth rate in different carbon sources ##REF##17652176##[4]##, the sequence and mode of substrate uptake and utilization from a complex medium ##REF##17652176##[4]##, and the changes in intracellular flux rates upon varying <italic>E. coli</italic> cells' growth rate ##UREF##0##[5]##. More importantly, these predictions were in good agreement with experimentally determined values.</p>", "<p>Here we have extended the study of the impact of the limited solvent capacity by (i) considering a different organism (<italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>), and (ii) a full kinetic model of glycolysis. Using the full kinetic model of <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> glycolysis, we have demonstrated that the predicted optimal intermediate metabolite concentrations and enzyme activites are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental values. Discrepancies were only observed in association with two different steps in the glycolysis pathway, namely the reaction catalyzed by <italic>pfk</italic> and the reactions between BPG and PEP. The experimental values measurements from cell extracts ##REF##10951190##[8]## and, except for potential experimental caveats, they represent phyiological conditions. We thus we believe that the larger deviations for these enzymes are determined by inconsistencies in the kinetic model equations and/or kinetic model parameters. Finally, the glycolysis rate achieved at the optimal metabolite concentrations is in the range of the experimentally measured values.</p>", "<p>From the quantitative modeling point of view our results indicate that a full kinetic model together with the solvent capacity constraint can be used to make predictions for the metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities. Thus, we propose the simultaneous optimization of intermediate metabolite concentrations, maximizing the metabolic rate given the solvent capacity, as a method to computationally predict the concentrations of a metabolic pathway's intermediate metabolites and enzyme activities. We have demonstrated the applicability of this method by computing the concentration of <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> glycolysis intermediate metabolites, resulting in a good agreement with published data.</p>", "<p>The hypothesis that high concentration of macromolecules in the cell's cytoplasm imposes a global constraint on the metabolic capacity of an organism has been studied in the past ##REF##1787736##[13]##,##UREF##5##[14]##,##REF##12423338##[15]##. In most cases ##UREF##5##[14]##,##REF##12423338##[15]## it has been postulated that there is a bound to the total enzyme concentration (moles/volume). Yet, -to our knowledge-, no clear explanation has been provided to support that choice. In contrast, our starting postulate is an undeniable physical constraint, the total cell volume (Equation 1). Under this constraint, the enzyme molar volumes are the primary magnitude quantifying the enzymatic cost. In turn, since the enzyme-specific volumes are approximately constant, we can use the enzyme density (mass/volume) as an alternative measure of enzymatic cost.</p>", "<p>This modeling framework has advantages and disadvantages with respect to more traditional approaches based on dynamical systems modeling. As an advantage, our method does not require as input parameters the enzyme activities but rather make quantitative predictions for them. On the other hand, our method is based on a steady-state approximation. Therefore, in its present form, it cannot be used to understand dynamical processes, such as the observed metabolite concentration oscillations in <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> cells when growing at high glucose concentrations ##REF##11744196##[7]##.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Analyzed the data: AV. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: AV MAdM ALB ZNO. Wrote the paper: AV ZNO.</p>", "<p>The cell's cytoplasm is crowded by its various molecular components, resulting in a limited solvent capacity for the allocation of new proteins, thus constraining various cellular processes such as metabolism. Here we study the impact of the limited solvent capacity constraint on the metabolic rate, enzyme activities, and metabolite concentrations using a computational model of <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</italic> glycolysis as a case study. We show that given the limited solvent capacity constraint, the optimal enzyme activities and the metabolite concentrations necessary to achieve a maximum rate of glycolysis are in agreement with their experimentally measured values. Furthermore, the predicted maximum glycolytic rate determined by the solvent capacity constraint is close to that measured in vivo. These results indicate that the limited solvent capacity is a relevant constraint acting on <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> at physiological growth conditions, and that a full kinetic model together with the limited solvent capacity constraint can be used to predict both metabolite concentrations and enzyme activities in vivo.</p>", "<title>Author Summary</title>", "<p>The concentration of enzymes and metabolites is continuously adjusted in order to achieve specific metabolic demands. It is highly likely that during evolution global metabolic regulation has evolved such as to achieve a given metabolic demand with an optimal use of intracellular resources. However, the size of enzymes and intermediate metabolites is dramatically different. Enzymes are macromolecules that occupy a relatively large amount of space within a cell's crowded cytoplasm, while metabolites are much smaller. This implies that metabolite concentrations are likely to be adjusted to minimize the overall “enzymatic cost” (in terms of space cost). In this work, we explore this hypothesis using <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</italic> glycolysis as a case study. Our results indicate that metabolite concentrations attain optimal values, minimizing the intracellular space occupied by metabolic enzymes. And, at these optimal concentrations, glycolysis achieves the maximum rate given the intracellular volume fraction occupied by glycolysis enzymes. Taken together with previous studies for <italic>Escherichia coli</italic>, our results indicate that macromolecular crowding is a general constraint on cell metabolism.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pcbi-1000195-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000195.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Hypothetical three metabolite pathway.</title><p>The inset shows a hypothetical three metabolite-containing pathway with two reactions. The main panel displays the pathway rate as a function of the concentration of the intermediate metabolite. Of note, at an intermediate metabolite concentration [M<sub>2</sub>]<sup>*</sup>, the pathway rate achieves a maximum. The plot was obtained using the kinetic parameters indicated in the text.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pcbi-1000195-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000195.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>\n<italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> glycolysis.</title><p>(A) Schematic representation of glycolysis in <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>. Metabolites: GLCx, external glucose; GLC, glucose; G6P, glucose 6-phosphate; F6P, fructose 6-phosphate; FBP, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate; DHAP, glycerone phosphate; GAP, D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; BPG, 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate; and PEP, phospho-enol-pyruvate. Reactions: <italic>hxt</italic>, glucose transport; <italic>hk</italic>, hexokinase; <italic>pgi</italic>, phosphogluco isomerase; <italic>pfk</italic>, phospho-fructokinase; <italic>ald</italic>, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase; <italic>tpi</italic>, triosephosphate isomerase; <italic>gapdh</italic>, D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; <italic>lpPEP</italic>, reactions from BGP to PEP; <italic>pk</italic>, pyruvate kinase; and <italic>g3pdh</italic>, glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. (B,C,D) Predicted glycolysis rate as a function of the concentrations of intermediary metabolites in the <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> glycolysis pathway (in mM). The experimentally determined metabolite levels (from ##REF##11744196##[7]##) are indicated by the red triangles. The dashed lines indicate the concentration intervals resulting in 50% or more of the maximum rate.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pcbi-1000195-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000195.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Correlation between predictions vs. experimental data.</title><p>(A) The predicted metabolite concentrations are plotted as a function of the experimentally determined values (black symbols). The error bars represent the standard deviations, upon generating 100 random sets of kinetic parameters. The solid line corresponds with the coincidence of measured and predicted values, indicating a strong correlation between them. (B) The predicted enzyme activities are plotted as a function of the experimentally determined values, measured in units of the glycolysis rate (black symbols). The error bars represent the standard deviations, upon generating 100 random sets of kinetic parameters. The solid line corresponds with the coincidence of measured and predicted values, indicating a strong correlation between them. In both cases, the red and blue symbols were obtained using the more general optimization objective <italic>R</italic> = (1−<italic>ϕ</italic>)/Σ<sup><italic>N</italic></sup>\n<sub><italic>i</italic> = 1</sub> (<italic>a<sub>i</sub>r<sub>i</sub></italic>)<italic><sup>H</sup></italic>, with <italic>H</italic> = 0.1 and 10, respectively.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<disp-formula><label>(1)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(2)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(3)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(4)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(5)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(6)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(7)</label></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(8)</label></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><label>(9)</label></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pcbi.1000195.s001\"><label>Protocol S1</label><caption><p>Details on the rate equation model used, the utilized model parameters, and the glycolysis rate and optimal metabolite concentrations.</p><p>(0.10 MB PDF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>Research at the Institute of Advanced Study was supported by the Leon Levy Foundation and the Simons Foundation. Research at Northeastern University and at the University of Pittsburgh was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant U01AI070499.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e001.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e002.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e003.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e004.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e005.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e006.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e007.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e008.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e009.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.e010.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"pcbi.1000195.s001.pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
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2022-01-13 00:54:34
PLoS Comput Biol. 2008 Oct 10; 4(10):e1000195
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>\n<italic>Capnocytophaga canimorsus</italic> (formerly Centers for Disease Control group DF-2) has been rarely but regularly isolated from dog or cat bite infections since its discovery in 1976 ##REF##1266816##[1]##,##REF##2915017##[2]##. <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> is a thin Gram-negative rod, found in the normal oral flora of dogs and cats. Clinical infections by <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> generally appear as fulminant septicemia, peripheral gangrene or meningitis ##REF##8816132##[3]##,##REF##12539089##[4]##. Splenectomy, alcohol abuse and immunosuppression have been associated with a number of cases, but more than 40% of the patients have no obvious risk factor ##REF##8905316##[5]##. <italic>Capnocytophaga</italic> belongs to the family of <italic>Flavobacteriaceae</italic> in the phylum of <italic>Bacteroidetes,</italic> which is taxonomically remote from Proteobacteria. The family of <italic>Bacteroidaceae</italic> contains many commensals of the mammalian intestinal system such as <italic>Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron</italic> and <italic>Bacteroides fragilis</italic>\n##REF##17993536##[6]##. The family of <italic>Flavobacteriaceae</italic> includes a variety of environmental and marine bacteria, among which <italic>Flavobacterium johnsoniae</italic> is a common soil and freshwater bacterium studied for its gliding motility ##REF##15170404##[7]##. There are only a few examples of pathogenic bacteria belonging to this family. These are <italic>Flavobacterium psychrophilum,</italic> the causative agent of cold water disease in salmonid fish ##REF##17592475##[8]##, <italic>Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale,</italic> a bacterial pathogen known for causing respiratory disease in poultry ##REF##16177359##[9]##, and <italic>Riemerella anatipestifer</italic> which causes “duckling disease” in waterfowl and turkeys ##REF##8240957##[10]##,##REF##10702488##[11]##. The genus <italic>Capnocytophaga</italic> includes seven species found in normal human oral flora and <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> found in the normal flora of dogs and cats. More than 160 cases of <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> infections have been reported so far ##REF##16455937##[12]## but very few studies have addressed the molecular mechanisms of <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> pathogenesis. Recently, we showed that <italic>C. canimorsus 5 (Cc5</italic>) resists phagocytosis by macrophage cell line ##REF##17205476##[13]##,##UREF##0##[14]##. We also showed that although <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> does not affect the viability of murine or human macrophages, it does not elicit proinflammatory cytokines and it even blocks the proinflammatory response to the LPS from enterobacteria ##REF##17205476##[13]##. In the course of such experiments, <italic>Cc5</italic> exhibited robust growth, although it is usually considered fastidious for growth. In the present study, we show that a surface-localized sialidase plays a key role in initiating an extensive deglycosylation process of host cell glycan structures and that this feeding mechanism serves as a basis for growth and persistence of <italic>C. canimorsus in vivo</italic>.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Bacterial strains and growth conditions</title>", "<p>\n<italic>C. canimorsus 5</italic> was routinely grown on Heart Infusion Agar (HIA; Difco) supplemented with 5% sheep blood (Oxoid) for 2 days at 37°C in presence of 5% CO<sub>2</sub>. Bacteria were harvested by gently scraping colonies off the agar surface, washed and resuspended in PBS. <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> was also grown in Heart Infusion Broth (Difco) supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (FBS; Invitrogen) for approximately 24 h without shaking in an 37°C incubator with 5% CO<sub>2</sub>. Selective agents were added at the following concentrations: erythromycin, 10 µg/ml; cefoxitin, 10 µg/ml; gentamicin, 20 µg/ml; ampicillin, 100 µg/ml.</p>", "<title>Cell Culture and Infection</title>", "<p>Murine monocyte-macrophage J774A.1 cells (ATCC TIB-67) were cultured in RPMI 1640 (Invitrogen) supplemented with 10% (v/v) FBS (Invitrogen), 2 mM L-glutamine and 1 mM sodium pyruvate. Human epithelial HeLa cells (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATCC CCL-2</named-content>) and canine epithelial MDCK kidney cells (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATCC CCL-34</named-content>) were grown in DMEM (Invitrogen) with 10% (v/v) FBS. Cells were seeded in medium without antibiotics at a density of 10<sup>5</sup>/cm<sup>2</sup> and cultured at 37°C in humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO<sub>2</sub>. Unless otherwise indicated, infection was performed after 15 h at a moi of 20 representing 2×10<sup>6</sup> bacteria per ml in each well at 37°C.</p>", "<p>Monosaccharides and disaccharides (Sigma Aldrich) were added to 0.1% (w/v) final concentration. Neu5Ac and CMP- Neu5Ac were added to 0.01% final concentration.</p>", "<p>\n<italic>Cc5</italic> was pretreated with 1mM Neu5Ac2en at 37°C for 30 min. Subsequently, infection of J774.1 was carried out in presence of 1 mM Neu5Ac2en during 24 h.</p>", "<title>Arbitrarily Primed PCR</title>", "<p>Primers specific to the ends of the transposon and primers of random sequence that may anneal to chromosomal DNA sequences in close proximity to the transposon insertions were used in two rounds of PCR before sequencing. The first round of amplification was carried out in 50 µl containing 100 ng of genomic DNA, 1.5 mM MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 200 µM of primers <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ CAGAATTCTGTTGCATTTGCAAGTTG 3′</named-content> complementary to Tn<italic>4351</italic> and <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ggccacgcgtcgactagtacNNNNNNNNNNacgcc3′</named-content>, 2.5 U of DNA polymerase (DyNAzymeII, Finnzymes), 200 µM of each dNTP, in 10 mM Tris HCl (pH 8.3) for 6 cycles (94°C for 1 min, 30°C for 1 min, 72°C for 2 min) and 30 cycles (94°C for 1 min, 45°C for 1 min, 72°C for 2 min) and final 10 min at 72°C. 10 µl of PCR product containing random fragments was used as template in a second round of 30 cycles of amplification (94°C for 30 sec, 45°C for 30 sec, 72°C for 1 min) using primers <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ CAGAATTCTGTTGCATTTGCAAGTTG 3′</named-content> and <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ GGCCACGCGTCGACTAGTAC 3′</named-content>, from the 5′ of the random primer. PCR products were purified using NucleoSpin® from Machery Nagel. 20- 50 ng of random sized products were sequenced using an ABI sequencer. The Tn integration site was further confirmed by using primers on chromosomal DNA by sequencing towards the Tn integration site. Primers used were <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ AATTGTTGTAACGATTGTCG 3′</named-content> or <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ GCGAAGCGTTATCCCAAAGC 3′</named-content> complementary to the <italic>siaC</italic> sequence in a sequencing reaction containing 2 µg genomic DNA of <italic>siaC</italic>, betaine 0.25 M and BigDye Terminator Ready Reaction (PE Biosystems) with an initial denaturation step for 5 min and subsequent 99 cycles (95°C for 30 sec, 50°C for 20 sec, 60°C for 4 min).</p>", "<title>RNA isolation and reverse transcription (RT) PCR</title>", "<p>\n<italic>Cc5</italic> were grown for 2 days on HIA blood plates. RNA was isolated from 5×10<sup>8</sup> bacteria by a hot phenol/chloroform extraction method followed by DNase I (Amersham Pharmacia) treatment (0.5 U/µg RNA) for 2 h at 37°C. RNA was further cleaned by using a RNeasy kit (Quiagen) and stored at −80°C until use. An additional DNase I digest was introduced with 0.25 U/µg RNA for 15 min at 37°C and stopped by addition of final 2.5 mM EDTA and heat inactivation at 75°C for 10 min. Subsequent reverse transcription was performed with 50 U Superscript II/µg RNA in RT buffer (Invitrogen), 10 mM DTT and 50 µM specific primer (5129: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ GGGTAATCCGCACTTGTCGGG3′</named-content> or 5132: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ GTTTAGTTCTTGATAAATTCC 3′</named-content>) for 60 min at 42°C and stopped at 70°C for 10 min. 10% of cDNA preparation or of a preparation made without addition of reverse transcriptase was subjected to PCR using following primer combinations: 4130 (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ GGGTAACAACAAAAACCACTG 3′</named-content>)+5129; 4132 (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ TATAAGAATAATTGGTGGGC 3′</named-content>)+5129; 4130+5132. 100 ng of genomic DNA from <italic>Cc5</italic> was used as a positive control of the PCR reactions.</p>", "<title>Construction of complementation and expression plasmids</title>", "<p>Full length <italic>siaC</italic> was amplified with <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ CATA<underline>CCATGG</underline>GAAATCGAATTTTTTATCTT 3′</named-content> and <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ GT<underline>TCTAGA</underline>GAGTTCTTGATAAATTCCTCAACTG 3′</named-content> primers and cloned into the <italic>E. coli- C. canimorsus</italic> shuttle vector pMM47.A ##UREF##1##[16]## with <italic>Nco</italic>I and <italic>Xba</italic>I, leading to the insertion of a glycine at position 2 and a C- terminal histidine 6× tag in plasmid pMM52 (<italic>siaC</italic>\n<sub>FL</sub>). Forward primer <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ AAAG<underline>CCATGG</underline>GAAACGTAATCGGCGGAGGCG 3′</named-content> was used with the same reverse primer to construct pMM50 (<italic>siaC</italic>\n<sub>Δ1–21</sub>), deleting the first 63 bp of <italic>siaC</italic>, but still including methionine and glycine at position 1 and 2, respectively, and using a C-terminal His 6× tag. The catalytic mutation in <italic>siaC</italic> of was introduced by site directed mutagenesis with an inverse PCR on pMM52, using primers <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ GAAGGATTTGGGTGTTCGTGTATGTCG 3′</named-content> and <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ CGACATACACGAACACCCAAATCCTTC 3′</named-content> leading to pMM59 (<italic>siaC</italic>\n<sub>Y488C</sub>). Plasmids derived from pMM47.A contained the <italic>cfxA</italic> gene originating from <italic>Bacteroides sp.</italic> and could be selected in <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> with 10 µg/ml cefoxitin ##UREF##1##[16]##. The beta-lactamase also present on pMM47.A was used as a selection marker in <italic>E. coli</italic>.</p>", "<p>The cDNAs encoding SiaC<sub>Δ1–21</sub> (pHS2) were subsequently amplified using <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ GGAATTCCATATGAACGTAATCGGCGGAGGC 3′</named-content> plus <named-content content-type=\"gene\">5′ CGCGGATCCCTAGTTCTTGATAAATTCCTC 3′</named-content> and cloned into the expression vector pET15b(+) (Novagen). Plasmid pHS3 encoding SiaC<sub>Δ1–21,Y488C</sub> was constructed by site directed mutagenesis on template pHS2 using the same primers as described for pMM59. All constructs were sequenced with an ABI sequencer. The sequence of SiaC was deposited at GenBank (accession number: EU329392).</p>", "<title>Purification of recombinant SiaC and immunoblotting</title>", "<p>Expression of <italic>siaC</italic> constructs in <italic>E. coli</italic> BL21(DE3) was induced with 0.5 mM isopropyl-β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside at A<sub>600</sub> = 0.5 for 3 h. Proteins were purified by affinity chromatography using chelating Sepharose (Pharmacia) charged with NiSO<sub>4</sub> according to the manufacturer's instructions. Samples were analyzed by SDS-PAGE by the system of Laemmli, and immunoblotted. Polyclonal serum from rabbit was generated against recombinant SiaC<sub>Δ1–21</sub>. The antigen was injected at days 0, 14, 28, and 56 with a final bleeding at day 80 (Laboratoire d'Hormonologie, Marloie, Belgium).</p>", "<title>MUAN hydrolysis</title>", "<p>10<sup>7</sup> bacteria were incubated with 0.006% 2′-(4-Methylumbelliferyl)-α-D-N-acetylneuraminic acid (MUAN) in 0.25 M sodium acetate pH 7.5 at 37°C for 3 min. Reactions were stopped with 50 mM Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> pH 9.6 and fluorescence was determined at 445 nm with a Wallac Victor<sup>2</sup> 1420 Multilabel counter (Perkin Elmer).</p>", "<title>Outer Membrane Preparation</title>", "<p>Bacterial cells resuspended in PBS containing DNase and RNase (10 µg/ml), were sonicated on ice. Unbroken cells were removed at 3000× g for 15 min, and total membranes were collected at 20 000× g for 30 min at 4°C. The membranes were suspended in PBS and sarcosyl (N-Lauroylsarcosine sodium salt, Sigma) was added to a final concentration of 1% (v/v). After incubation on ice for 1 h, membranes were collected at 20 000× <italic>g</italic> for 30 min and resuspended in electrophoresis sample buffer and analyzed by SDS-PAGE by the system of Laemmli.</p>", "<title>Immunofluorescence of bacteria</title>", "<p>10<sup>7</sup> bacteria were incubated on poly-D-lysine (BD) coated glass slides for 1 h at 37°C and subsequently fixed with 3% paraformaldehyde for 15 min. Anti- SiaC polyclonal serum (1∶500) and a FITC conjugated secondary antibody (Goat Anti- Rabbit IgG, Southern Biotech) was used at 1 µg/ml and fluorescence was measured with a Leica DMIRE2 microscope. Pictures were taken with a digital camera (Hamamatsu Photonics) and analyzed with OpenLab software (version 3.1.2) and Adobe Photoshop CS3 (version 10.0.1).</p>", "<title>Lectin Staining</title>", "<p>10<sup>5</sup> J774.1 macrophages or HeLa epithelial cells were seeded on poly-D-lysine coated slides. Infection was carried out with 4×10<sup>7</sup> bacteria for 2 h. Uninfected cells were alternatively treated with purified recombinant SiaC at 100 ng/ml. Cells were fixed with 3% paraformaldehyde for 15 min. Biotinylated lectins SNA and PNA (Vector Laboratories) were incubated with cells at 2 µg/ml and 2.5 µg/ml, respectively, for 1 h. After washing with PBS, cells were treated with 1 µg/ml fluorescein conjugated streptavidin (Vector Laboratories) and fluorescence was determined on mounted slides (Vectashield, Vector Laboratories).</p>", "<title>Mice and tissue cage infection model</title>", "<p>12 week-old male C57BL/6 mice were maintained under pathogen-free conditions in the Animal Facility of the Department of Research, University Hospital Basel. Animal experiments were performed in accordance with the guidelines of the Swiss veterinary law. Teflon tissue cages were implanted subcutaneously in the back of anesthetized mice as previously described ##REF##12870123##[19]##. The cages consisted of closed Teflon cylinders (10 mm diameter, 30 mm length, internal volume 1.84 ml) with 130 regularly spaced 0.2 mm holes. 2 weeks after surgery, 200 µl of bacterial suspension was injected percutaneously into the cage. Prior to infection, sterility of the tissue cage was verified. Tissue cage fluid (TCF) was sampled at day 2, 5, 9, 14 and 27 and examined for leukocytes and bacterial viable counts. Leukocytes from TCF were quantified with a Coulter counter (Coulter Electronics) and differentiated by Diff-Quick (Medion Diagnostics) Wright staining of cytospins and examined under light microscopy. The percentage of viable leukocytes was assessed by trypan blue exclusion.</p>", "<p>The survival of <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria in the competition experiment was compared directly with wt <italic>Cc5</italic> in individual animals giving a 1∶1 ratio of wt to mutant bacteria. The number of mutant (erythromycin resistant) and wt bacteria recovered from the TCF of animals was established by plating to media with and without erythromycin. The competitive index was calculated as the (number of mutant/wild-type bacteria recovered from animals)/(number of mutant/wild-type bacteria in the inoculum).</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>For growth experiments, means and standard deviation (s.d.) were calculated and statistical significance was evaluated by using a two- tailed, unpaired Student's <italic>t</italic> test. Differences were determined to be significant when p&lt;0.05. For <italic>in vivo</italic> experiments, individual mouse values are shown including the median value of each group. Mann Whitney test with the <italic>post hoc</italic> Bonferroni correction was used for comparison between <italic>Cc5</italic> and <italic>siaC</italic> cfu numbers during infection.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Growth of <italic>C. canimorsus 5</italic> requires direct contact with cells</title>", "<p>When inoculated at a multiplicity of infection (moi) of 20 to J774.1 murine macrophages cultured in complete RPMI (cRPMI), which includes 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), <italic>Cc5</italic> multiplied about 100-fold during the 24 h of infection (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A##). This observation could be repeated with non-phagocytic human epithelial HeLa cells and with canine epithelial MDCK kidney cells (##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##). Surprisingly, growth was abolished when J774.1 macrophages were omitted and moreover, <italic>Cc5</italic> was unable to grow in a transwell system, indicating that direct contact is required for bacterial growth (##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##). This implies that <italic>Cc5</italic> may take advantage of some nutrient that is present on the host cell surface. Notably, <italic>Cc5</italic> did not adhere tightly to cells and was not internalized (data not shown). We generated a transposon (Tn) mutant library using Tn<italic>4351</italic> from <italic>B. fragilis</italic>\n##REF##9335266##[15]##,##UREF##1##[16]## and isolated a clone that was unable to grow in the presence of J774.1 cells, but grew normally on blood agar plates. Wild type (wt) and mutant bacteria grew equally well in serum enriched heart infusion medium (##FIG##0##Fig. 1C##). Impaired growth of this Tn mutant was not due to an increased phagocytic uptake by J774.1 since addition of cytochalasin D had little effect on bacterial growth (##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##).</p>", "<title>Surface-localized sialidase is required for the growth of <italic>Cc5</italic> in contact with cells</title>", "<p>The transposon inserted at codon 77 within a gene encoding a protein with similarity to bacterial sialidase, glycosylhydrolase that cleaves terminal sialic acid from glycoconjugates (##FIG##1##Fig. 2A##). The mutated gene, designated <italic>siaC,</italic> was found to be located downstream of genes encoding a predicted transcriptional regulator and a putative N-acyl-glucosamine epimerase (accession number: EU329392). The first gene downstream was found to start 148 bp further from the <italic>siaC</italic> stop codon (##FIG##1##Fig. 2B##). To exclude any polar effects of the Tn integration, we tested whether the downstream gene was transcriptionally linked to <italic>siaC</italic>. Total RNA was isolated from wt <italic>Cc5,</italic> reverse transcribed using two different primers annealing either at the end of <italic>siaC</italic> (5132) or at the end of the downstream gene (5129) and the cDNA was amplified by PCR. As shown in ##FIG##1##Fig 2C##, even though transcripts were present for both genes separately, no transcript spanned <italic>siaC</italic> and the downstream gene. This result indicates that <italic>siaC</italic> is not transcriptionally linked to the downstream gene.</p>", "<p>While intact <italic>Cc5</italic> bacteria cleaved 2′-(4-Methylumbelliferyl)-α-D-N-acetylneuraminic acid (MUAN), the Tn mutant could not, indicating that the mutated gene does indeed encode a sialidase (##FIG##2##Fig. 3A##). We engineered an expression shuttle vector by taking advantage of a cryptic plasmid isolated from another strain of <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> and the promoter of an insertion sequence from <italic>B. fragilis</italic>\n##UREF##1##[16]##. We constructed plasmids encoding full length (FL) SiaC, a variant deprived of the 21 N-terminal residues, predicted to be a signal peptide (Δ1–21), and a catalytic mutant (Y488C). Sialidase activity (##FIG##2##Fig. 3A##) and growth in the presence of J774.1 cells (##FIG##2##Fig. 3B##) was restored by introducing <italic>in trans siaC</italic>\n<sub>FL</sub>, but not <italic>siaC</italic>\n<sub>Δ1–21</sub>. Sialidase activity was not restored to wt levels by <italic>siaC</italic>\n<sub>Y488C</sub>, but it was still significant (##FIG##2##Fig. 3A##), suggesting that this residual activity might account for elevated growth in comparison to the <italic>siaC</italic> mutant (##FIG##2##Fig. 3B##). Using a sarcosyl extraction method, SiaC<sub>FL</sub> and SiaC<sub>Y488C</sub> were found to be associated with the outer membrane (##FIG##2##Fig. 3C##), whereas SiaC<sub>Δ1–21</sub> was only detected in total cells (##FIG##2##Fig. 3B##). Indirect immunofluorescence using polyclonal anti-SiaC serum on paraformaldehyde fixed but unpermeabilized bacteria confirmed that SiaC is exposed on the bacterial surface unless the signal peptide is removed (##FIG##2##Fig. 3D##). Although it is surface exposed, no SiaC could be detected in the supernatant of infected J774.1 cultures, indicating that it is tightly associated with the outer membrane (##FIG##2##Fig. 3C##). Hence, surface-localized sialidase is required for growth of <italic>Cc5</italic> at the expense of mammalian cells.</p>", "<title>Growth is sustained by N-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc) and N-acetyl galactosamine (GalNAc) but not by sialic acids</title>", "<p>Since sialidases cleave terminal sialic acid from glycoconjugates, we first tested whether the addition of sialic acids could restore growth of <italic>siaC</italic>. Addition of neither sialic acid (Neu5Ac, N-Acetyl-2,3-dehydro-2-deoxyneuraminic acid) nor its activated form (CMP-Neu5Ac, Cytidine-5′-monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid) restored growth of <italic>siaC</italic> in presence of J774.1. In contrast, growth could be restored by the addition of purified recombinant SiaC or neuraminidase/sialidase NanH from <italic>Clostridium perfringens</italic> to the culture medium, but not by the addition of the catalytically inactive SiaC<sub>Y488C</sub> (##FIG##3##Fig. 4A##). This suggested that removal of terminal sialic acids from glycoconjugates is required to make other carbohydrates accessible. Indeed, N-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc) and N-acetyl galactosamine (GalNAc), common carbohydrate moieties of glycoconjugates, allowed growth of <italic>siaC</italic> in the presence of macrophages (##FIG##3##Fig. 4B##). Notably, addition of glucose (Glc), galactose (Gal), mannose (Man) or sialyl-lactose (N-acetylneuraminosyl-D-lactose) could not restore growth of <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria (##FIG##3##Fig. 4C##). As galactose (Gal) is a common sugar preceding GlcNAc in glycan molecules, we next tested addition of N-acetyl lactosamine (LacNAc), a disaccharide consisting of β-D-Gal β(1→4) GlcNAc. LacNAc also restored the growth defect of <italic>siaC</italic> indicating the presence of an active β-galactosidase releasing monosaccharides Gal and GlcNAc in wt and <italic>siaC Cc5</italic> (##FIG##3##Fig. 4B##).</p>", "<title>Sialidase desialylates macrophage and epithelial cell surfaces</title>", "<p>J774.1 macrophages were incubated with either wt or <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria and thereafter analyzed for lectin binding to investigate desialyation process on the macrophage cell surface. We used <italic>Sambucus nigra</italic> agglutinin (SNA), which recognizes terminal sialic acids (2- 6 or 2- 3) linked to Gal or to GalNAc, and peanut agglutinin (PNA), a lectin specific for Gal (β 1–3) GalNAc, a disaccharide often forming the core unit of O-linked glycoconjugates (##FIG##4##Fig. 5A##). As shown in ##FIG##4##Fig. 5B##, wt bacteria greatly reduced the amount of sialic acids (SNA panel) and Gal (β 1–3) GalNAc (PNA panel) at the cell surface, while <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria had no effect on glycans masked by sialic acids. When cells were treated simultaneously with purified SiaC and <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria, neither sialic acid nor Gal (β 1–3) GalNAc were detected, indicating that <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria are still proficient in extensive deglycosylation of exposed glycans chains. The same deglycosylation of cell surfaces was observed when HeLa epithelial cells were used (##FIG##4##Fig. 5C##).</p>", "<title>Sialidase inhibitor N-Acetyl-2,3-dehydro-2-deoxyneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac2en) can inhibit growth of <italic>Cc5</italic>\n</title>", "<p>As bacterial and viral sialidases can share common ASP boxes that interact with sialic acid, we postulated that common sialidase inhibitor might have sufficient specificity for the active site in SiaC to inhibit growth of <italic>Cc5</italic> wt bacteria in presence of cells. We tested the anhydro sialate derivative Neu5Ac2en, which is known to inhibit many viral and bacterial neuraminidases ##REF##1797392##[17]##,##REF##1769974##[18]##. Approximately 150 cfu/ml of wt <italic>Cc5</italic> were inoculated to a culture of J774.1 macrophages in the presence of 1mM Neu5Ac2en and growth was monitored after 2, 6, 10 and 24 h (##FIG##5##Fig. 6A##). Between 2 and 24 h post infection, counts of wt <italic>Cc5</italic> were significantly reduced to values close to the <italic>siaC</italic> mutant (##FIG##5##Fig. 6B##). These data indicate that Neu5Ac2en has affinity for the active site of SiaC and restricts the growth of <italic>Cc5</italic> in the presence of J774.1 cells.</p>", "<title>\n<italic>Cc5</italic> but not <italic>siaC</italic> is able to persist in murine tissue cages</title>", "<p>To test whether sialidase could play a role during <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> systemic infection, we selected a murine tissue cage infection model ##REF##12870123##[19]##. Around 10<sup>7</sup> cfu of wt or <italic>siaC Cc5</italic> bacteria were injected directly into Teflon cages, which had been subcutaneously implanted in C57BL/6 mice. Colony forming units (cfu) counts of wt decreased on day 2 and 5. However, on day 9 they increased by 1 to 3 logs in 4 out of 5 mice, and were able to persist in 3 of 5 mice after 27 days post infection with more than 10<sup>7</sup> bacteria per ml fluid. The <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria were undetectable after the second day in 5 out of 5 infected mice (##FIG##6##Fig. 7A##). After infection, the total number of leukocytes in tissue cage fluid (1.8×10<sup>4</sup> +/− 1.3×10<sup>4</sup> leukocytes/µl, mean +/− standard deviation, s.d.) did not significantly increase and was not related to the bacterial load, suggesting that <italic>Cc5</italic> infection did not lead to strong leukocyte recruitment. This was in agreement with the suppression of inflammation, which we previously reported ##REF##17205476##[13]##. In mixed infections, the competitive index of <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria was 9.7×10<sup>−4</sup>, 5.8×10<sup>−7</sup> and 4.7×10<sup>−7</sup> on day 5, 9 and 14, respectively. As observed during infection with wt <italic>Cc5</italic> alone, 3 mice out of 5 that were infected by both strains developed a persistent infection (##FIG##6##Fig. 7B##).</p>", "<p>The fluid from uninfected control cages was collected and the leukocytes and liquid were tested separately for their capacity to sustain growth of <italic>Cc5.</italic> Interestingly, wt <italic>Cc5</italic> did not grow in the presence of the cell-free liquid (data not shown) but they grew in presence of leukocytes whereas <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria did not (##FIG##6##Fig. 7C##). Both strains grew equally well in heart infusion broth supplemented with 10% FBS, indicating a similar fitness <italic>in vitro</italic> (##FIG##0##Fig. 1C##). Mixed cultures in heart infusion broth supplemented with 10% FBS showed comparable growth of wt and <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria. Both strains reached 10<sup>6</sup> cfu/ml after 24 h (##FIG##6##Fig. 7D##).</p>", "<p>Our data from mixed infection in mice suggest that there is no cross-feeding of nutrients between wt and <italic>siaC Cc5</italic> (##FIG##6##Fig. 7B##). We thus tested whether there would be cross-feeding between wt and <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria when inoculated to J774.1 cultures. When wt and <italic>siaC</italic> were inoculated together at 1∶1 ratio to J774.1 cells, wt <italic>Cc5</italic> reached 10<sup>8</sup> cfu/ml while <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria only reached 3×10<sup>6</sup> cfu/ml 24 h post infection (##FIG##6##Fig. 7E##).</p>", "<p>Taken together, these results demonstrate that SiaC plays an essential role in allowing persistence of wt <italic>Cc5</italic> in this tissue cage model and that clearance of <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria is not due to a growth defect per se but to an altered interaction of the mutant with the host. Since sialidase is surface-exposed, one could consider the possibility that it alters the susceptibility to complement. Hence, we checked the susceptibility of wt and <italic>siaC Cc5</italic> to mouse complement and found no difference (data not shown). It is also very unlikely that <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria have an increased sensitivity to killing by mouse leukocytes. Indeed, we tested phagocytosis and killing by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes and found no difference between wt and <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria (Manuscript in preparation). Hence, we conclude that the role of sialidase in infected mice is essentially nutritional.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Sialic acids are a family of nine carbon acid sugars among which Neu5Ac is one of the most widespread variants. Sialic acids are predominantly found at the terminal position of cell-surface and secreted eukaryotic glycan structures and are involved in many physiological processes including binding to microbes and down-regulation of innate immunity ##REF##11421344##[20]##–##REF##17632542##[22]##. Therefore it is not surprising that sialic acids play a role in a variety of host microbe interactions. Several pathogens have evolved ways to expose sialic acid on their surface and hence to escape complement killing and opsonization by mimicry. Sialic acids are incorporated into capsules by <italic>E. coli</italic> K1 ##UREF##2##[23]##, Group B <italic>Streptococci</italic>\n##REF##2554337##[24]##, Serogroups B, C, W135 and Y <italic>Neisseria meningitidis</italic>\n##REF##163259##[25]##. The lipooligosaccharide of <italic>Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis</italic> and <italic>Haemophilus influenzae</italic> are also sialylated ##REF##8330904##[26]##. In this case, a bacterial sialyltransferase uses CMP-Neu5Ac from the host as a substrate ##REF##8330904##[26]##. Sialic acids can also be synthesized from lactate by <italic>Neisseria</italic> itself, demonstrating a close link between metabolism and evasion of innate immune defenses ##REF##15897277##[27]##.</p>", "<p>Besides molecular mimicry, many microbes can utilize sialic acids as a source of carbon and nitrogen like <italic>E. coli</italic> K1, <italic>H. influenzae</italic> or <italic>C. perfringens</italic>\n##REF##15007099##[28]##. Their metabolism comprises a permease for uptake and a neuraminiate lyase for conversion to N-acetyl mannosamine, which is either degraded or used in sialic acid biosynthesis. A number of commensal and pathogenic bacteria are also endowed with a sialidase, a glycosylhydrolase that cleaves sialic acid from sialo-glycoconjugates. Bacterial sialidases have been thought since a long time to contribute to virulence in bacteria that colonize mucosal surfaces such as <italic>Vibrio cholerae, Streptococcus pneumoniae,</italic> group B <italic>streptococci</italic>, <italic>C. perfringens</italic> and <italic>B. fragilis</italic> but the exact role of sialidase on virulence remains controversial ##REF##1472757##[29]##. Recently, it was shown that a sialidase is involved in the formation of <italic>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</italic> biofilms and hence contributes to colonization of the lungs during the initial stages of infection in cystic fibrosis patients ##REF##16862214##[30]##. In <italic>S. pneumoniae,</italic> a sialidase initiates an extensive deglycosylation of different host proteins, including IgA1 and human secretory component ##REF##16420364##[31]##. Furthermore, the sequential action of exoglycosidases sustains growth of <italic>S. pneumoniae</italic> on human α-1 acid glycoprotein, though growth is not as robust as on sucrose and lactose. Although the genetic analysis suggests that sugars from the glycan chain would sustain growth, this has not been shown directly ##UREF##3##[32]##.</p>", "<p>In the present study, which is among the very first on the pathogenesis mechanisms of <italic>C. canimorsus,</italic> we demonstrate that a sialidase allows <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> to feed on glycan chains from glycoproteins. The role of sialidase is not to supply sialic acid since growth of the sialidase-deficient mutant could not be restored by adding sialic acid to the culture medium. Thus, we have a situation similar to that of <italic>S. pneumoniae</italic>: the role of sialidase is to provide access to masked sugars of surface-exposed glycoproteins. Growth of the sialidase-deficient mutant could be restored by amino sugars like GalNAc, GlcNAc and LacNAc but not by glucose, galactose, mannose or sialyl-lactose, indicating that the nutritional requirements of <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> are very different from those of <italic>S. pneumoniae.</italic>\n</p>", "<p>Our study thus confirms the importance of a sialidase to initiate a deglycosylation process for bacterial metabolism. Moreover, in comparison with <italic>S. pneumoniae, C. canimorsus</italic> uses sialidase to feed on glycoproteins exposed at the surface of epithelial cells or even of macrophages, in spite of the fact that they do not adhere to these cells. The observation of extracellular bacteria specifically feeding on the surface of epithelial cells is not unprecedented. It has been described for <italic>B. thetaiotaomicron</italic>, a major commensal from the intestine, which feeds on fucosylated intestinal cells. Colonization by <italic>B. thetaiotaomicron</italic> even triggers the appearance of fucosyltransferase and fucosylated glycan expression ##REF##8703071##[33]##. Recent studies showed that host acquired fucose is incorporated by <italic>B. fragilis</italic> into capsular polysaccharide or glycoproteins, which in turn provides a survival advantage in the mammalian intestinal ecosystem ##REF##15774760##[34]##. As for <italic>C. canimorsus</italic>, it is likely that the capacity to feed on HeLa cells reflects the adaptation to feed on buccal epithelial cells.</p>", "<p>Sialidase, which is pivotal in this feeding process, is surface localized and this surface localization is a prerequisite for unmasking glycan structures. It is not common to find enzymes anchored into the outer membrane, facing the outside of Gram-negative bacteria but there are examples like pullulanase a 116-kDa isoamylase of <italic>Klebsiella oxytoca</italic>\n##REF##2181241##[35]##. Not surprisingly, SiaC is endowed with an N-terminal signal sequence, which turned out to be critical for its targeting. Sialidase thus crosses the cytoplasmic membrane via the Sec pathway but we have at present no explanation on how it crosses the outer membrane and remains anchored. It is probably not by a <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> specific mechanism since sialidase appeared to be also surface-exposed when expressed in <italic>E. coli</italic> (unpublished data). Sialidase could be a lipoprotein, like pullulanase. Alternatively, sialidase could be a surface-anchored auto-transporter protein like the <italic>Y. enterocolitica</italic> YadA ##REF##16675268##[36]##. However, the fact that the C-terminus of sialidase is not involved in the surface localization (unpublished data) argues against this hypothesis. Work in progress tries to address the question of how sialidase is anchored in the outer membrane.</p>", "<p>Unlike what is observed with pullulanase, our data indicate that extremely little sialidase is released from <italic>C. canimorsus.</italic> This observation is in perfect agreement with the fact that <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> needs to be in direct contact with cells to feed on them. It also makes sense in the context of the mouth commensal microflora. Indeed, the oral cavity is occupied by some 500 different bacterial strains ##REF##10588742##[37]##,##REF##11371542##[38]##, creating a fierce competition for nutrition. The fact that <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> does not release this enzyme suggests that <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> maximizes the benefit of sialidase by not sharing this fitness factor with competing bacteria. In agreement with this hypothesis, there is no cross-feeding when wt and <italic>siaC Cc5</italic> bacteria are inoculated together in the presence of macrophages. This implies that wt <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> must be extremely efficient in capturing the aminosugars that it extracts from the surface of cells and we hypothesize that <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> has dedicated high affinity transporters for these in its outer membrane.</p>", "<p>Extracellular <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> replicated very efficiently not only when they were in direct contact with HeLa cells but also with J774.1 macrophages. Thus, <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> not only resists phagocytosis by cultured macrophages ##REF##17205476##[13]##,##UREF##0##[14]##, but they even take advantage of macrophages whose normal function is to engulf and kill microbes. To our knowledge, this is the very first report of a pathogen that can feed on phagocytic cells. This observation suggests that sialidase could contribute to virulence. We used a mouse tissue cage model in which the readout is bacterial persistence and we observed a dramatic difference in persistence between wt and sialidase-deficient <italic>C. canimorsus</italic>. Even more, we gained evidence that <italic>in vivo, C. canimorsus</italic> also feeds on phagocytes. These observations confirm our hypothesis that sialidase contributes to virulence, at least in the mouse model. It seems reasonable to extrapolate that it also plays a critical role during human infections. We would however be reluctant to call sialidase a virulence factor since it most probably evolved as a fitness factor for commensalism in the dog's mouth. Nevertheless, the mouse experiment shows that it may become a persistence factor if <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> is introduced in the tissues from another host. Our study thus shows once again the link between metabolism and virulence, as already well documented in studies on <italic>Salmonella</italic>\n##REF##16541065##[39]##, <italic>Listeria</italic>\n##REF##11572936##[40]## and <italic>Neisseria</italic>\n##REF##15897277##[27]##. However, unlike what was seen with <italic>Salmonella</italic>, there seem to be no or very little redundancy in the <italic>in vivo</italic> metabolism of <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> since the loss of sialidase had dramatic consequences on growth. It is interesting to observe that nutrition <italic>in vivo</italic> may be quite specific in spite of a very rich nutritional environment. Indeed, only GlcNAc and GalNAc could rescue growth while glucose had no effect and galactose was even deleterious. This difference could result from the fact that unlike <italic>Salmonella</italic>, <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> is a commensal highly adapted to its niche and only exceptionally a pathogen. Specialization is probably the hallmark of a bacterium that is primarily a commensal and only rarely a pathogen. Finally, <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> represents one more example illustrating that the distinction between commensals and pathogens is illusive. Commensalism and pathogenesis are two faces of the same coin.</p>", "<p>Influenza neuraminidases have been successfully targeted with chemotherapeutic inhibitors for prophylaxis and treatment ##REF##18049471##[41]##. Given the wide prevalence and important role of sialidases in microbial infections, inhibition of bacterial sialidases could also provide a mechanism to prevent bacterial spreading during infections. Here, we observed a significant inhibition of the growth of <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> in the presence of macrophages by Neu5Ac2en. These preliminary data indicate that microbial sialidases could indeed serve as an attractive drug target to prevent bacterial dissemination.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: MM HS RL GRC. Performed the experiments: MM HS CP. Analyzed the data: MM HS RL GRC. Wrote the paper: MM HS RL GRC.</p>", "<p>\n<italic>Capnocytophaga canimorsus</italic>, a commensal bacterium of the canine oral flora, has been repeatedly isolated since 1976 from severe human infections transmitted by dog bites. Here, we show that <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> exhibits robust growth when it is in direct contact with mammalian cells, including phagocytes. This property was found to be dependent on a surface-exposed sialidase allowing <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> to utilize internal aminosugars of glycan chains from host cell glycoproteins. Although sialidase probably evolved to sustain commensalism, by releasing carbohydrates from mucosal surfaces, it also contributed to bacterial persistence in a murine infection model: the wild type, but not the sialidase-deficient mutant, grew and persisted, both when infected singly or in competition. This study reveals an example of pathogenic bacteria feeding on mammalian cells, including phagocytes by deglycosylation of host glycans, and it illustrates how the adaptation of a commensal to its ecological niche in the host, here the dog's oral cavity, contributes to being a potential pathogen.</p>", "<title>Author Summary</title>", "<p>\n<italic>Capnocytophaga canimorsus</italic> is a commensal bacterium of dogs/cats oral flora, which causes rare but severe infections in humans that have been bitten or simply licked by a dog/cat. Fulminant septicemia and peripheral gangrene are most common symptoms. Although splenectomy has been identified as a predisposing factor, some 40% of the patients have no immunosuppression history. <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> belongs to the phylum <italic>Bacteroidetes,</italic> which includes many commensals of the human gut flora but few pathogens. <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> has been shown previously to be immunosuppressive and to resist phagocytosis by macrophages. Here, we show that this bacterium feeds on surface-exposed glycoproteins from cultured mammalian cells. This property, which was found to depend on a bacterial surface-exposed sialidase, suggests that in its natural niche—the dog's oral cavity—<italic>C. canimorsus</italic> may feed on the dog's mucosal cells. Moreover, we found that <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> also feeds on phagocytes and that sialidase contributes to persistence and virulence in a mouse infection model. Thus, by adapting to its ecological niche, <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> also developed the potential to persist within the tissues of an infected host. This observation nicely illustrates how commensalism and pathogenesis are two faces of the same coin.</p>" ]
[ "<p>We thank Z Rajacic, N Jann and M Schmaler for assistance during the <italic>in vivo</italic> studies.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"ppat-1000164-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000164.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Growth of <italic>C. canimorsus 5</italic> is dependent on cell contact.</title><p>(A) Viable counts of 2×10<sup>6</sup>\n<italic>Cc5</italic> after 24 h in presence of J774.1 macrophages in RPMI supplemented with 10% FBS (moi = 20) (black) or in RPMI with FBS without cells (grey) and in a transwell system preventing physical contact between bacteria and macrophages in RPMI with FBS (white). (B) Viable counts of <italic>Cc5</italic> and Tn mutant after 24 h culture with macrophages in RPMI and FBS (black), with macrophages in RPMI and FBS in addition of cytochalasin D (grey), with HeLa cells (light grey) and MDCK cells in DMEM and FBS (white). The grey dotted line represents the bacterial number inoculated. The difference is statistically significant between <italic>Cc5</italic> and Tn mutant (2-tailed unpaired Student's t test p&lt;0.05) in 3 or more experiments. (C) Growth curve of wt <italic>Cc5</italic> (triangles) and Tn mutant (squares) in heart infusion broth (HIB) supplemented with 10% FBS, represented as the mean of 3 or more experiments with the error bars showing the s.d.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000164-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000164.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Identification of the Tn integration site and analysis of mRNA present in wt <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> 5.</title><p>(A) Amino acid sequence of the <italic>C. canimorsus</italic> sialidase showing the signal peptide (italics) and the BNR/asp repeats (Ser/Thr-X-Asp-X-Gly-X-Thr-Trp/Phe) of bacterial sialidases (boxed). Domain predictions were analyzed by InterProScan ##REF##15980438##[42]##. The residues conserved in sialidases at the C-terminus are underlined and the tyrosine 488 is bold ##REF##2562507##[43]##. The Tn<italic>4351</italic> integration site in SiaC at amino acid 77 is indicated, boxed in grey and bold. (B) Genetic locus of the sialidase gene (<italic>siaC</italic>) including its upstream genes, <italic>gntR</italic>-like gene (CAPCA_MM1) and putative N-acyl-glucosamine epimerase encoding gene (CAPCA_MM2); and downstream coding sequence (CAPCA_MM3). (C) Reverse transcription performed on total RNA with specific primers (5129 or 5132) followed by PCR to identify transcripts present in wt <italic>Cc5</italic> (cDNA). PCR reactions were also performed using genomic DNA (gDNA) as template instead of cDNA as a positive control. As a control, reverse transcription was performed without reverse transcriptase in a parallel assay and used as template for the subsequent PCR reaction (-RT).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000164-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000164.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Surface localized sialidase is required for growth.</title><p>(A) Sialidase activity of intact bacteria, measured with the substrate MUAN as the mean of triplicate measurements and s.d. of a representative experiment. (B) Viable counts after challenge with 2×10<sup>6</sup>\n<italic>Cc5</italic> (black), <italic>siaC</italic> (light grey) or <italic>siaC</italic> complemented with plasmids containing <italic>siaC</italic>\n<sub>FL</sub>, <italic>siaC</italic>\n<sub>Δ1–21</sub> and <italic>siaC</italic>\n<sub>Y488C</sub> after 24 h in presence of J774.1 with the grey dotted line indicating the bacterial number inoculated. Sialidase was detected by immunoblotting with a polyclonal antibody against SiaC in total cells (TC). (C) Outer membrane protein fractions (OMP), cell free supernatants (SN) of the J774.1 cultures shown in (B) including as control TC of <italic>Cc5</italic> were analyzed by immunoblotting for the presence of SiaC. (D) Surface localization of SiaC was tested by immunofluorescence on paraformaldehyde fixed but not permeabilized bacteria using anti-SiaC followed by anti- rabbit IgG conjugated to FITC.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000164-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000164.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Aminosugars but not sialic acids sustain growth of <italic>C. canimorsus.</italic>\n</title><p>Viable counts after challenge with 2×10<sup>6</sup> wt <italic>Cc5</italic> (black) or <italic>siaC</italic> (grey) grown for 24 h with J774.1 in cRPMI (control) or in the same condition with the addition of Neu5Ac, Neu5Ac- CMP, 12.5 ng/ml enzyme SiaC<sub>FL</sub>, SiaC<sub>Y488C</sub> or NanH from <italic>C. perfringens</italic> (A) or with the addition of GalNAc, GlcNAc or LacNAc (B) or with the addition of mannose, galactose, glucose or sialyl-lactose (C). Mean values from 3 or more experiments and s.d. are shown including statistical difference between wt <italic>Cc5</italic> and <italic>siaC</italic> with * p&lt;0.05, ** p&lt;0.01 and *** p&lt;0.001 for each pair of columns (2-tailed unpaired Student's t test). The grey dotted line indicates the bacterial number inoculated.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000164-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000164.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>\n<italic>C. canimorsus</italic> desialylates macrophage and epithelial cell surfaces.</title><p>(A) The targets of the lectins used in this study are schematically represented (adapted from ##REF##17460663##[44]##). Surface carbohydrates of J774.1 macrophages (B) or HeLa epithelial cells (C) were analyzed by lectin binding after 2 h of infection with 4×10<sup>7</sup> wt (<italic>Cc5</italic>) or <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria. Cells were fixed with paraformaldehyde and incubated for 1 h with lectin SNA, which recognizes terminal sialic acids (2- 6 or 2- 3) linked to Gal or to GalNAc or PNA that binds to the disaccharide Gal 1–3 GalNAc only after removal of terminal sialic acids. SiaC was added to cells alone or with <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria at 100 ng/ml. Biotinylated lectins were visualized by FITC conjugated streptavidin.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000164-g006\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000164.g006</object-id><label>Figure 6</label><caption><title>The sialidase inhibitor Neu5Ac2en decreases growth of wt <italic>C. canimorsus 5</italic> in presence of macrophages.</title><p>(A) Viable counts of approximately 150 bacteria grown in cRPMI in the presence of J774.1 cells for 2, 6, 10 and 24 h: <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria (light grey); wt <italic>Cc5</italic> bacteria with 1mM Neu5Ac2en (grey, dotted line); wt <italic>Cc5</italic> in the absence of inhibitor (black). Mean values from 4 experiments and s.d. are shown including statistical difference between <italic>Cc5</italic> and <italic>siaC</italic> in grey or between <italic>Cc5</italic> and <italic>Cc5</italic> treated with Neu5Ac2en in black with * p&lt;0.05, ** p&lt;0.01 and *** p&lt;0.001 (2-tailed unpaired Student's t test). (B) Data from viable counts (mean) shown in (A) is represented as the fold difference compared to wt <italic>Cc5.</italic> The statistical difference is depicted from (a) with * p&lt;0.05, ** p&lt;0.01 and *** p&lt;0.001.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000164-g007\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000164.g007</object-id><label>Figure 7</label><caption><title>The sialidase mutant is hypo-virulent in a tissue cage mouse infection model.</title><p>Tissue cages were implanted in C57BL/6 mice and infected with 10<sup>7</sup>\n<italic>Cc5</italic> wt and <italic>siaC</italic> bacteria (n = 5) singly (A) or in competition (B). Bacteria were counted in tissue cage fluid (TCF) during 27 days (<italic>Cc5 = </italic>black circles; <italic>siaC</italic> = open circles). Individual values are shown; horizontal lines indicate the median value of each group. The black dotted line is the detection limit of 20 bacteria per ml TCF. (A) Cfu numbers between groups were significantly different on days 2, 5 and 9 with p&lt;0.01 and on days 14 and 27 with p&lt;0.05 (Mann Whitney test). (B) 10<sup>7</sup> cfu <italic>Cc5</italic> and erythromycin resistant <italic>siaC</italic> were inoculated at a 1∶1 ratio. Bacterial numbers were analyzed for 27 days (n = 5). Viable counts between wt and <italic>siaC</italic> were significantly different on day 2, 5 and 9 with p&lt;0.01 and on day 14 with p&lt;0.05. (C) <italic>Ex vivo</italic> isolated leukocytes were resuspended in serum free RPMI and inoculated at a moi of 20 (2×10<sup>6</sup> bacteria) or 0.2 (2×10<sup>4</sup> bacteria) indicated with grey dotted lines and bacterial viable count was monitored after 24 h. Values represent the mean using TCF cells from 3 uninfected mice. TCF leukocytes consist of 68% +/− 4.8% polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs), 18% +/− 3.2% monocytes and 9.1% +/− 3.7% macrophages. Wt and <italic>siaC</italic> numbers were significantly different with p&lt;0.05 (*) and p&lt;0.001 (**) using 2-tailed unpaired student's t test. (D) <italic>In vitro</italic>, <italic>Cc5</italic> and <italic>siaC</italic> were tested in heart infusion broth with FBS inoculated at a 1∶1 ratio with approximately 100 bacteria total and bacterial growth was monitored for 2, 6, 10 and 24 h. (E) Viable counts after challenge with 2×10<sup>6</sup> (grey dotted line) <italic>Cc5</italic> (black) or <italic>siaC</italic> (grey) grown for 24 h with J774.1 in cRPMI singly (control) or at a 1∶1 ratio (cross-feeding).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>This work was funded by Swiss National Science Foundation grant Nr 32-65393.01.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000164.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000164.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000164.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000164.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000164.g005\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000164.g006\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000164.g007\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["14"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Meyer", "Shin", "Cornelis"], "given-names": ["S", "H", "GR"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["\n"], "italic": ["Capnocytophaga canimorsus"], "source": ["Immunobiology: in press"]}, {"label": ["16"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Mally", "Cornelis"], "given-names": ["M", "GR"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["Genetic tools for "], "italic": ["Capnocytophaga canimorsus"], "source": ["Appl Environ Microbiol: in press"]}, {"label": ["23"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Barry"], "given-names": ["GT"], "year": ["1959"], "article-title": ["Detection of sialic acid in various "], "italic": ["Escherichia coli"], "source": ["Nature"], "volume": ["183"], "fpage": ["117"], "lpage": ["118"]}, {"label": ["32"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Burnaugh", "Frantz", "King"], "given-names": ["AM", "LJ", "SJ"], "year": ["2007"], "article-title": ["Growth of "], "italic": ["Streptococcus pneumoniae"], "source": ["J Bacteriol"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 03:40:35
PLoS Pathog. 2008 Sep 26; 4(9):e1000164
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Phase-vanishing reactions, introduced by Ryu [##REF##12405811##1##], Curran [##REF##12405811##1##–##REF##15012090##2##] and Verkade [##REF##14535710##3##], are triphasic reactions, which involve a reagent, a substrate and a liquid perfluoroalkane. A more recent improvement of phase-vanishing brominations is addition of water as the fourth phase to act as an acid scavenger [##UREF##0##4##]. The perfluoroalkane does not dissolve the reactants and is used as a phase screen to separate them. In this procedure, the halogen reagent is of a higher density while the substrate is of a lower density than the perfluoroalkane phase screen. As the reagent in the lower layer diffuses through the perfluoroalkane layer, it reaches the top layer and reacts with it. Since the rate of diffusion is relatively low, the reaction proceeds at a moderate rate, instead of a vigorous, often violent, reaction that would occur if the two reactants were mixed without a phase screen. In the course of the reaction, the reagent disappears (“vanishes”) and the product is mechanically separated from perfluoroalkane, which can be reused.</p>", "<p>Halolactonization and halocyclizations are important reactions in organic synthesis and structure determination [##UREF##1##5##–##UREF##2##6##]. Traditionally, a halolactonization is done in a mixture of aqueous solvent and an organic co-solvent in the presence of a base, such as sodium bicarbonate [##UREF##3##7##–##UREF##4##8##]. Reagents commonly used in halolactonization are I<sub>2</sub>/NaHCO<sub>3</sub> [##UREF##5##9##], Br<sub>2</sub> [##UREF##6##10##], IBr [##UREF##7##11##]and ICl [##REF##17979295##12##]. We investigated phase-vanishing reaction conditions as a more efficient and an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional halolactonizations. Reactions were done on neat reagents, which avoided use of any solvent other then a phase screen – perfluorohexane (FC-72), simplified the work up and improved the yields.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>Bromolactonization worked very well and was easy to monitor as it was a true “phase-vanishing” reaction. The bromine layer disappeared at the end of the reaction and the products were obtained in good to excellent yields. However, sometimes dibromo derivatives, resulting from addition of bromine to a double bond, were by-products. The reaction mechanism of halolactonization in basic aqueous medium is believed to involve formation of a halonium ion followed by attack of an oxygen nucleophile [##UREF##8##13##].</p>", "<p>Reaction times ranged from 20–60 minutes when Br<sub>2</sub> or ICl were used to several days when I<sub>2</sub> was used. Reaction rates can be controlled by the amount of FC-72 and the rate of stirring – a larger amount (greater depth) of FC-72 resulted in a slower reaction, while increased rate of stirring resulted in a faster reaction. If a very slow rate is desired, the reaction can be done without any stirring. Very fast stirring is not recommended as it may lead to direct mixing of the top and bottom phases and a violent reaction. When a reaction is done with stirring, it is recommended that a vial be clamped and not just placed on the top of a magnetic stirrer. Sometimes dense, solid products form, which encase the stirring bar. A result is that, if not clamped, the entire vial may begin to rotate and it may flip over. Usually, solubility of the reaction products in FC-72 is negligible and it can be reused. However, one should always check the fluorous phase for presence of the product. Finally, due to a low boiling point of FC-72, a considerable amount of it may evaporate in the course of longer reactions unless the reaction vessel is capped. Capping a vial is not always feasible as the reaction byproduct is a gas. In our hands, on ~5 g scale, there were no problems when reaction was done in a capped 20 mL vial.</p>", "<p>In the case of bromination of 4-pentenoic acid (<bold>1</bold>), under phase-vanishing conditions there was competing formation of 4,5-dibromopentenoic acid (<bold>3</bold>). Formation of the dibromo derivative as a minor product in the course of bromolactonization of 4-pentenoic acid has been reported along with the observation that it readily cyclizes to give the corresponding bromolactone [##UREF##9##14##–##UREF##10##15##]. For comparison, the reaction was done in dichloromethane and directly on neat reagents under solvent-free conditions (SFC) (<bold><italic>caution: an extremely violent reaction!</italic></bold>). In dichloromethane as a solvent, bromolactone <bold>2</bold> was produced in a slight excess. Under SFC, the reaction was surprisingly clean in that it gave only a mixture of the bromolactone <bold>2</bold> and dibromoacid <bold>3</bold>. The ratios of the two varied between different runs with the dibromide <bold>3</bold> predominating. Outcome of the reaction under phase-vanishing conditions on neat reactants closely resembled an SFC reaction (##FIG##0##Scheme 1##, see ##SUPPL##0##Supporting Information File 1## and ##SUPPL##1##Supporting Information File 2## for full experimental data). 4,5-Dibromopentanoic acid was identified based on its mass spectrum and was not isolated. Instead, the crude reaction mixture was treated with aqueous sodium bicarbonate and the resulting bromolactone <bold>2</bold> was isolated. Thus, unlike other substrates in this study, 4-pentenoic acid required basic reaction conditions for successful bromolactonization. As bromolactonization of methyl esters <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold> worked very well (<italic>vide infra</italic>), bromolactonization of methyl 4-pentenoate was attempted. The major product was methyl 4,5-dibromopentanoate (~80%) and the bromolactone was only a minor product (~20%).</p>", "<p>Interestingly, when the reaction was done in ethyl acetate, or ethyl acetate was used in a work up, the major isolated product was ethyl 4,5-dibromopentanoate (<bold>4</bold>) (##FIG##1##Scheme 2##). Apparently, 4,5-dibromopentanoic acid underwent hydrogen bromide-catalyzed transesterification with ethyl acetate. In a control experiment, 4-pentenoic acid was transesterified by dissolving it in ethyl acetate and adding a catalytic amount of HBr in acetic acid. The best results, and the best yields of bromolactone, were obtained under phase-vanishing conditions when, upon consumption of bromine, FC-72 was removed and the residue was treated with aqueous NaHCO<sub>3</sub>, followed by extraction with ethyl acetate. It should be pointed out that this was the only bromolactonization where we encountered problems. Bromolactonization of other compounds (<bold>7</bold>, <bold>14</bold>, <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold>) worked well.</p>", "<p>While reaction of 4-pentenoic acid with bromine gave the corresponding bromolactone in a high yield, a reaction with iodine did not give good results (##FIG##2##Scheme 3##). The reaction was slow and the product was apparently unstable. Thus, the corresponding iodolactone <bold>5</bold>, along with a number of unidentified byproducts, was observed in GC-MS analysis of the reaction mixture. Isolation of the reaction product was not attempted. When iodine monochloride was used in place of iodine, the reaction was fast and the corresponding iodolactone <bold>5</bold> was obtained cleanly and in a high yield. The only byproduct (&lt;2% according to GC-MS), which was not isolated and was not characterized, had a mass that corresponded to chlorolactone <bold>6</bold>. When iodolactonization of 4-pentenoic acid was done in dichloromethane, the same byproduct formed in a larger amount (8–10%).</p>", "<p>Treatment of 5-norbornene-2-carboxylic acid (<bold>7</bold>) (3:1 mixture of <italic>endo</italic> and <italic>exo</italic> isomers) gave the expected bromolactone <bold>8</bold> along with four byproducts (##FIG##3##Scheme 4##). GC analysis showed the four byproducts as two pairs of closely spaced peaks (retention times of 8.1 and 8.3 min for one pair and 12.5 and 12.6 min for the other pair). Furthermore, GC-MS analysis indicated that the byproducts were the corresponding dibromo compounds. They were tentatively assigned structures <bold>9</bold>–<bold>12</bold>. It was expected that one pair of the dibromo compounds (<bold>11</bold> and <bold>12</bold>) would form as <italic>exo</italic>-5-norbornene-2-carboxylic acid cannot cyclize and, indeed, a pair of dibromo compounds formed in the amount that approximately corresponded to the amount of the starting <italic>exo</italic>-5-norbornene carboxylic acid. Another pair of dibromo compounds (assumed to have structures <bold>9</bold> and <bold>10</bold>) formed in a combined yield of ~10% (according to GC-MS analysis). Thus, formation of dibromo products decreased compared to 4-pentenoic acid. Interestingly, no dibromo derivatives at all were observed in bromolactonizations of diacid <bold>14</bold> and diesters <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold> (##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 3, 6 and 8).</p>", "<p>Iodine monochloride also worked very well on the same substrates (##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 2, 4, 7 and 9). However, the reaction was more difficult to monitor. As commercially available iodine monochloride contains an excess of iodine, one has to use an excess of the reagent and, at the end of the reaction, there was some unreacted iodine left over. Thus, one cannot tell when the reaction is over and reaction times were more difficult to determine. Reaction times provided in the ##TAB##0##Table 1## are the times when the reaction was definitively completed. The actual reaction times were probably shorter. As in the case of 4-pentenoic acid, iodolactonization of compounds <bold>7</bold>, <bold>14</bold> and <bold>17</bold> was accompanied by formation of a small amount of a byproduct (&lt;2% according to GC-MS), which were not isolated. Mass spectra of the byproducts were consistent with the corresponding chlorolactones. Under the phase vanishing conditions, the amounts of chlorolactones were relatively small. In dichloromethane the amounts increased to as much as 10% (GC-MS). Interestingly, in both bromolactonization and iodolactonization, diester <bold>17</bold> gave cleaner products and better yields compared to the corresponding diacid <bold>14</bold>. <italic>trans</italic>-Diester <bold>20</bold> gave the best yields in both bromo- and iodolactonization reactions. Neither dibromo compounds (in a reaction with bromine) nor chlorolactone (in a reaction with iodine monochloride) were observed and the corresponding crude products gave single peaks when analyzed by GC and were &gt;95% pure by <sup>1</sup>H NMR.</p>", "<p>It has been reported that iodolatonization of the diacid <bold>14</bold> with iodine failed, while iodolactonization of the corresponding disodium salt gave a mixture of γ- and δ-lactones [##UREF##11##16##]. However, no experimental details were given. Under phase-vanishing conditions, treatment of <bold>14</bold> with iodine gave the corresponding γ-lactone <bold>16</bold> in a moderate yield. The yield was inferior compared to iodolactonization with iodine monochloride. On the other hand, iodine is a safer reagent and one may consider using it under certain circumstances (e.g., a large scale reaction, or need for an inexpensive reagent rather than a high yield).</p>", "<p>Halolactonization reaction worked well both on neat liquid and solid substrates. Although the diesters <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold> are solids, their reactions proceeded through formation of melts [##REF##11535074##17##] and gave the corresponding halolactones in high yields (##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 6–9). However, stirring was necessary as the respective products were also solids and sometimes they solidified at the interface of FC-72 and ester layers, preventing further reaction. Good stirring prevented formation of a solid layer. Alternatively, the solid layer was occasionally stirred with a small glass rod (a sealed capillary melting point tube) to break the clumps. Solid acid <bold>14</bold> reacted without an apparent formation of a melt and that may explain why the yields were somewhat lower compared to the corresponding diester <bold>17</bold>.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>Bromolactonization worked very well and was easy to monitor as it was a true “phase-vanishing” reaction. The bromine layer disappeared at the end of the reaction and the products were obtained in good to excellent yields. However, sometimes dibromo derivatives, resulting from addition of bromine to a double bond, were by-products. The reaction mechanism of halolactonization in basic aqueous medium is believed to involve formation of a halonium ion followed by attack of an oxygen nucleophile [##UREF##8##13##].</p>", "<p>Reaction times ranged from 20–60 minutes when Br<sub>2</sub> or ICl were used to several days when I<sub>2</sub> was used. Reaction rates can be controlled by the amount of FC-72 and the rate of stirring – a larger amount (greater depth) of FC-72 resulted in a slower reaction, while increased rate of stirring resulted in a faster reaction. If a very slow rate is desired, the reaction can be done without any stirring. Very fast stirring is not recommended as it may lead to direct mixing of the top and bottom phases and a violent reaction. When a reaction is done with stirring, it is recommended that a vial be clamped and not just placed on the top of a magnetic stirrer. Sometimes dense, solid products form, which encase the stirring bar. A result is that, if not clamped, the entire vial may begin to rotate and it may flip over. Usually, solubility of the reaction products in FC-72 is negligible and it can be reused. However, one should always check the fluorous phase for presence of the product. Finally, due to a low boiling point of FC-72, a considerable amount of it may evaporate in the course of longer reactions unless the reaction vessel is capped. Capping a vial is not always feasible as the reaction byproduct is a gas. In our hands, on ~5 g scale, there were no problems when reaction was done in a capped 20 mL vial.</p>", "<p>In the case of bromination of 4-pentenoic acid (<bold>1</bold>), under phase-vanishing conditions there was competing formation of 4,5-dibromopentenoic acid (<bold>3</bold>). Formation of the dibromo derivative as a minor product in the course of bromolactonization of 4-pentenoic acid has been reported along with the observation that it readily cyclizes to give the corresponding bromolactone [##UREF##9##14##–##UREF##10##15##]. For comparison, the reaction was done in dichloromethane and directly on neat reagents under solvent-free conditions (SFC) (<bold><italic>caution: an extremely violent reaction!</italic></bold>). In dichloromethane as a solvent, bromolactone <bold>2</bold> was produced in a slight excess. Under SFC, the reaction was surprisingly clean in that it gave only a mixture of the bromolactone <bold>2</bold> and dibromoacid <bold>3</bold>. The ratios of the two varied between different runs with the dibromide <bold>3</bold> predominating. Outcome of the reaction under phase-vanishing conditions on neat reactants closely resembled an SFC reaction (##FIG##0##Scheme 1##, see ##SUPPL##0##Supporting Information File 1## and ##SUPPL##1##Supporting Information File 2## for full experimental data). 4,5-Dibromopentanoic acid was identified based on its mass spectrum and was not isolated. Instead, the crude reaction mixture was treated with aqueous sodium bicarbonate and the resulting bromolactone <bold>2</bold> was isolated. Thus, unlike other substrates in this study, 4-pentenoic acid required basic reaction conditions for successful bromolactonization. As bromolactonization of methyl esters <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold> worked very well (<italic>vide infra</italic>), bromolactonization of methyl 4-pentenoate was attempted. The major product was methyl 4,5-dibromopentanoate (~80%) and the bromolactone was only a minor product (~20%).</p>", "<p>Interestingly, when the reaction was done in ethyl acetate, or ethyl acetate was used in a work up, the major isolated product was ethyl 4,5-dibromopentanoate (<bold>4</bold>) (##FIG##1##Scheme 2##). Apparently, 4,5-dibromopentanoic acid underwent hydrogen bromide-catalyzed transesterification with ethyl acetate. In a control experiment, 4-pentenoic acid was transesterified by dissolving it in ethyl acetate and adding a catalytic amount of HBr in acetic acid. The best results, and the best yields of bromolactone, were obtained under phase-vanishing conditions when, upon consumption of bromine, FC-72 was removed and the residue was treated with aqueous NaHCO<sub>3</sub>, followed by extraction with ethyl acetate. It should be pointed out that this was the only bromolactonization where we encountered problems. Bromolactonization of other compounds (<bold>7</bold>, <bold>14</bold>, <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold>) worked well.</p>", "<p>While reaction of 4-pentenoic acid with bromine gave the corresponding bromolactone in a high yield, a reaction with iodine did not give good results (##FIG##2##Scheme 3##). The reaction was slow and the product was apparently unstable. Thus, the corresponding iodolactone <bold>5</bold>, along with a number of unidentified byproducts, was observed in GC-MS analysis of the reaction mixture. Isolation of the reaction product was not attempted. When iodine monochloride was used in place of iodine, the reaction was fast and the corresponding iodolactone <bold>5</bold> was obtained cleanly and in a high yield. The only byproduct (&lt;2% according to GC-MS), which was not isolated and was not characterized, had a mass that corresponded to chlorolactone <bold>6</bold>. When iodolactonization of 4-pentenoic acid was done in dichloromethane, the same byproduct formed in a larger amount (8–10%).</p>", "<p>Treatment of 5-norbornene-2-carboxylic acid (<bold>7</bold>) (3:1 mixture of <italic>endo</italic> and <italic>exo</italic> isomers) gave the expected bromolactone <bold>8</bold> along with four byproducts (##FIG##3##Scheme 4##). GC analysis showed the four byproducts as two pairs of closely spaced peaks (retention times of 8.1 and 8.3 min for one pair and 12.5 and 12.6 min for the other pair). Furthermore, GC-MS analysis indicated that the byproducts were the corresponding dibromo compounds. They were tentatively assigned structures <bold>9</bold>–<bold>12</bold>. It was expected that one pair of the dibromo compounds (<bold>11</bold> and <bold>12</bold>) would form as <italic>exo</italic>-5-norbornene-2-carboxylic acid cannot cyclize and, indeed, a pair of dibromo compounds formed in the amount that approximately corresponded to the amount of the starting <italic>exo</italic>-5-norbornene carboxylic acid. Another pair of dibromo compounds (assumed to have structures <bold>9</bold> and <bold>10</bold>) formed in a combined yield of ~10% (according to GC-MS analysis). Thus, formation of dibromo products decreased compared to 4-pentenoic acid. Interestingly, no dibromo derivatives at all were observed in bromolactonizations of diacid <bold>14</bold> and diesters <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold> (##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 3, 6 and 8).</p>", "<p>Iodine monochloride also worked very well on the same substrates (##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 2, 4, 7 and 9). However, the reaction was more difficult to monitor. As commercially available iodine monochloride contains an excess of iodine, one has to use an excess of the reagent and, at the end of the reaction, there was some unreacted iodine left over. Thus, one cannot tell when the reaction is over and reaction times were more difficult to determine. Reaction times provided in the ##TAB##0##Table 1## are the times when the reaction was definitively completed. The actual reaction times were probably shorter. As in the case of 4-pentenoic acid, iodolactonization of compounds <bold>7</bold>, <bold>14</bold> and <bold>17</bold> was accompanied by formation of a small amount of a byproduct (&lt;2% according to GC-MS), which were not isolated. Mass spectra of the byproducts were consistent with the corresponding chlorolactones. Under the phase vanishing conditions, the amounts of chlorolactones were relatively small. In dichloromethane the amounts increased to as much as 10% (GC-MS). Interestingly, in both bromolactonization and iodolactonization, diester <bold>17</bold> gave cleaner products and better yields compared to the corresponding diacid <bold>14</bold>. <italic>trans</italic>-Diester <bold>20</bold> gave the best yields in both bromo- and iodolactonization reactions. Neither dibromo compounds (in a reaction with bromine) nor chlorolactone (in a reaction with iodine monochloride) were observed and the corresponding crude products gave single peaks when analyzed by GC and were &gt;95% pure by <sup>1</sup>H NMR.</p>", "<p>It has been reported that iodolatonization of the diacid <bold>14</bold> with iodine failed, while iodolactonization of the corresponding disodium salt gave a mixture of γ- and δ-lactones [##UREF##11##16##]. However, no experimental details were given. Under phase-vanishing conditions, treatment of <bold>14</bold> with iodine gave the corresponding γ-lactone <bold>16</bold> in a moderate yield. The yield was inferior compared to iodolactonization with iodine monochloride. On the other hand, iodine is a safer reagent and one may consider using it under certain circumstances (e.g., a large scale reaction, or need for an inexpensive reagent rather than a high yield).</p>", "<p>Halolactonization reaction worked well both on neat liquid and solid substrates. Although the diesters <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold> are solids, their reactions proceeded through formation of melts [##REF##11535074##17##] and gave the corresponding halolactones in high yields (##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 6–9). However, stirring was necessary as the respective products were also solids and sometimes they solidified at the interface of FC-72 and ester layers, preventing further reaction. Good stirring prevented formation of a solid layer. Alternatively, the solid layer was occasionally stirred with a small glass rod (a sealed capillary melting point tube) to break the clumps. Solid acid <bold>14</bold> reacted without an apparent formation of a melt and that may explain why the yields were somewhat lower compared to the corresponding diester <bold>17</bold>.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In conclusion, a halolactonization of both solid and liquid neat reactants under phase-vanishing conditions is a simple and efficient approach to various halolactones. While a number of methods to prepare those compounds in high yields have been reported, the methodology described avoids use of any solvent other than the phase screen, the reaction was done under neutral reaction conditions, and work-up consisted of mechanical separation of the product from the phase screen. An exception was bromolactonizaiton of 4-pentenoic acid, which required a basic workup. The products were isolated in high yields and require little or no purification. The best electrophiles were Br<sub>2</sub> and ICl while I<sub>2</sub> gave somewhat inferior results. The procedure worked particularly well on methyl esters of the γ,δ-alkenoic acids.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Phase-vanishing reactions are triphasic reactions which involve a reagent, a liquid perfluoroalkane as a phase screen and a substrate. The perfluoroalkane does not dissolve any of the reactants and is used to separate them. Halolactonization of neat substrates under phase-vanishing conditions avoids use of both solvents and basic reaction conditions. Both γ,δ-alkenoic acids as well as the corresponding methyl esters are suitable substrates for phase-vanishing halolactonizations. The reaction works well both on solid and liquid substrates and the products are obtained in good to excellent yields, particularly in the case of rigid bicyclic systems. Bromine (Br<sub>2</sub>) and iodine monochloride (ICl) are suitable electrophiles for bromolactonization and iodolactonization, respectively. Although in some cases iodine gave satisfactory yields of the corresponding iodolactone, it is generally inferior to iodine monochloride.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Experimental</title>", "<p>All of the commercially available reagents (bromine, iodine, iodine monochloride, FC-72, 4-pentenoic acid, dicyclopentadiene, acrylic acid, maleic anhydride, dimethyl maleate and dimethyl fumarate) were used as supplied without further purification. Compounds <bold>7</bold>, <bold>17</bold> and <bold>20</bold> were prepared in Diels-Alder reactions between cyclopentadiene and the corresponding dienophiles. Diacid <bold>14</bold> was prepared in a reaction between cyclopentadiene and maleic anhydride followed by aqueous hydrolysis. Those compounds gave satisfactory GC-MS and <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectra.</p>", "<p>Reactions were done in glass vials of various sizes (4–20 mL). Halogen (2.2–30.0 mmol) was added first, followed by of FC-72 (0.5–5 mL) and finally 2.0–25.0 mmol of an alkene. After stirring for 20 min – 3 days, the product was isolated by separating it from the fluorous phase either by filtration (solid products) or by removing the fluorous phase with a pipette.</p>", "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>We thank Salvatore Lepore (Department of Chemistry, Florida Atlantic University) for use of his facilities and helpful discussions. Partial financial support in a form of Florida Atlantic University's New Project Development Award (#331006) is gratefully acknowledged.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"C1\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 1</label><caption><p>Bromolactonization of 4-pentenoic acid.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"C2\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 2</label><caption><p>Bromolactonization of 4-pentenoic acid in ethyl acetate.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"C3\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 3</label><caption><p>Iodolactonization of 4-pentenoic acid.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"C4\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 4</label><caption><p>Bromolactonization of 5-norbornene-2-carboxylic acid.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"T1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Phase-vanishing halolactonization.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Entry</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Starting Material</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Reagent (equiv)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Product (isolated yield, %)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Reaction time</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>7</bold> (3:1 <italic>endo</italic>/<italic>exo</italic>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Br<sub>2</sub> (1.05)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>8</bold> (48%, 64% with respect to <italic>endo</italic>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1 h</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>7</bold> (3:1 <italic>endo</italic>/<italic>exo</italic>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ICl (1.15)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>13</bold> (65%, 87% with respect to <italic>endo</italic>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1 h</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>14</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Br<sub>2</sub> (1.05)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>15</bold> (72%)<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1 h</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>14</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ICl (1.15)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>16</bold> (75%)<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1 h</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>14</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">I<sub>2</sub> (1.20)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>16</bold> (54%)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3 days</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>17</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Br<sub>2</sub> (1.05)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>18</bold> (83%)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1 h</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>17</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ICl (1.15)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>19</bold> (86%)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1 h</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>20</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Br<sub>2</sub> (1.05)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>21</bold> (92%)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">30 min</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>20</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ICl (1.15)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>22</bold> (94%)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1 h</td></tr></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"SD1\"><label>File 1</label><caption><p>Experimental part</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"SD2\"><label>File 2</label><caption><p>GC-MS and NMR spectra</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"TFN1\"><p><sup>a</sup>Isolated as the corresponding methyl esters.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-g005\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i001.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i002.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i003.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i004.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i005.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i006.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i007.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i008.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i009.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i010.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i011.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-i012.jpg\"/>" ]
[ "<media mime-subtype=\"msword\" mimetype=\"application\" xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-s001.doc\" xlink:type=\"simple\" id=\"d39e707\" position=\"anchor\"/>", "<media mime-subtype=\"pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-29-s002.pdf\" xlink:type=\"simple\" id=\"d39e714\" position=\"anchor\"/>" ]
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2022-01-14 21:40:05
Beilstein J Org Chem. 2008 Aug 11; 4:29
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Our ongoing interest in constructing combinatorial libraries of highly glycosylated beta-peptides that can mimic specific oligosaccharide-protein interactions prompted us to further search for efficient routes toward glycosylated amino acid building blocks derived from asparaginic acid in which the glycon is bound to C-1 of the asparaginic acid through variable spacers (##FIG##0##Figure 1##). Previously, we have prepared a series of glycosylated asparaginic acid building blocks containing as spacers either simple alkyl chains [##UREF##0##1##], or amino alcohols [##UREF##1##2##–##UREF##2##3##]. Such building blocks have been shown to be well suited for combinatorial solid phase or spot synthesis of libraries of highly glycosylated peptides, some members of which were indeed shown to behave like oligosaccharide mimics capable to specifically bind lectins [##UREF##0##1##,##REF##17487187##4##].</p>", "<p>In order to increase the structural diversity of the aforementioned building blocks, we contemplated using as the spacer entity 1,2,3-triazoles which are known to be easily generated through a copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of an organic azide and an alkynyl derivative (Click Reaction) [##UREF##3##5##–##REF##11975567##7##]. For review articles on copper-catalyzed Click Reactions see references [##UREF##5##8##–##REF##17721589##11##]. Recently, we applied this approach to a series of 1,2,3-triazole containing per-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-glycosides which were prepared by copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition either between fully acetylated propargyl 1-thio-glycosides and <italic>t</italic>-butyl (<italic>S</italic>)-4-azido-3-fluorenylmethyloxycarbamido-butyrate or between Fmoc-L-Asp(O<italic><sup>t</sup></italic>Bu)-propargyl amide and 2,3,4,6-tetra-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-glycosyl azides and ethyl 2,3,4-tri-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-6-azido-6-deoxy-1-thio-glycosides, respectively [##UREF##7##12##]. In order to increase the structural diversity of glycosyl amino acid building blocks containing 1,2,3-triazole spacers even more, we next looked at the possibility to use glycosides bearing both, azido and alkynyl groups in copper-catalyzed 1,3-cycloadditions. The results are presented here.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>First, 2-propynyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranoside (<bold>4a</bold>) was prepared by the following sequence. 2-Propynyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranoside (<bold>1a</bold>) [##UREF##8##13##] was Zemplén-deacetylated with a catalytic amount of sodium methanolate in methanol. Next, thus obtained crude 2-propynyl β-D-glucopyranoside was regioselectively tosylated at position 6 [##UREF##9##14##] followed by chromatographic purification to afford 6-<italic>O</italic>-<italic>p</italic>-tolylsulfonyl-glucoside <bold>2a</bold> in 66% yield. Acetylation of the latter with acetic anhydride in pyridine gave crude tri-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-6-<italic>O</italic>-<italic>p</italic>-tolylsulfonyl-glucoside <bold>3a</bold> which was sufficiently pure for the next step. Treatment of <bold>3a</bold> with NaN<sub>3</sub> in DMF finally afforded 6-azido-6-deoxy-glucoside <bold>4a</bold> in 38% yield. When glucoside <bold>4a</bold> was reacted with asparaginic propargyl amide derivative <bold>5</bold> [##UREF##7##12##] in the presence of (EtO)<sub>3</sub>PCuI as catalyst and with or without microwave irradiation [##REF##12762694##15##], the induced 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between the alkynyl and azide moieties (Click Reaction) afforded compound <bold>6</bold> in variable medium yields of approximately 60%. The yield depended on the reaction conditions under which the cycloaddition was carried out. Several byproducts were formed during this cycloaddition reaction which, however, could not be separated and characterized. The amount of these byproducts increased at higher reaction temperatures or upon irradiation with microwave. It was anticipated that the byproducts which lowered the yield of compound <bold>6</bold> might be decomposition products of the starting material <bold>4a</bold>. Therefore, the more stable benzoylated glucoside <bold>3a'</bold> was prepared from <bold>2a</bold>, and converted into the azide <bold>4a'</bold> in 89% and 84% yield, respectively. Treatment of <bold>4a'</bold> with <bold>5</bold> under Cu(I)-catalysis, however, only resulted in a complex mixture of reaction products from which no uniform product could be isolated. Therefore, it was concluded that <bold>4a</bold> and <bold>4a'</bold> may have reacted with themselves resulting in products of oligomerization. Indeed, when <bold>4a</bold> was treated with a catalytic amount of (EtO)<sub>3</sub>PCuI , TLC (ethyl acetate/<italic>n</italic>-hexane 1:1) revealed the formation of one faster moving product along with a complex mixture of slower moving products with mobility similar to those previously observed. Careful inspection of the products revealed that dimerisation of <bold>4a</bold> occurred, affording the dimeric glycoside <bold>7a</bold> beside products of oligomerization (##FIG##1##Scheme 1##). The reaction proceeded significantly slower than the coupling of <bold>4a</bold> and <bold>5</bold>. A faster reaction occurred upon irradiation with microwave, which also gave a higher yield (54%) of <bold>7a</bold>. Benzoylated glycoside <bold>4a'</bold> did not give any product of dimerization though. Only oligomers <bold>8</bold> were observed in this case (for details see ##SUPPL##0##Supporting Information File 1##).</p>", "<p>At first, it was unclear whether <bold>7a</bold> was formed by an intramolecular cyclization or a dimerization of <bold>4a</bold> since its concentration-dependent ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF-MS spectra both showed peaks corresponding to the molecular mass of <bold>4a</bold> and <bold>7a</bold>, respectively. However, the dimeric structure of compound <bold>7a</bold> was finally unambiguously assigned by NMR spectroscopy and field desorption (FD) mass spectrometry. The NMR spectra of <bold>7a</bold> showed no conformative anomalies of the pyranose ring what would have been expected if <bold>7a</bold> would have been the product of intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of the azido group and the 2-propynyl aglycon in the starting material <bold>4a</bold>.</p>", "<p>The oligomerization of glycosides containing both, an azido and an alkynyl group upon copper-catalyzed Click-Reaction had been observed previously in two instances. Gin and coworker recently found that 2,3,6-tri-<italic>O</italic>-benzyl-4-<italic>O</italic>-(2-propynyl)-α-D-mannopyranosyl azide affords a cyclic trimer upon 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of its azido moiety to its propynyl moiety while the corresponding α-1,4-linked manno-disaccharide afforded a cyclic dimer similar to compound <bold>7a</bold> [##REF##16178563##16##]. Jarosz et al. also recently reported about the copper catalyzed reaction of 6-azido-1',2,3,3',4,4'-hexa-<italic>O</italic>-benzyl-6-deoxy-6'-propargyl-sucrose to afford either a product of intramolecular cyclization or a dimeric product, depending on the reaction conditions [##UREF##10##17##]. Likewise, Vasella reported the thermal intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of protected 2-azidoethyl 4<sup>5</sup>-<italic>O</italic>-(2-propynyl)-malto-hexaoside, giving the corresponding isomeric macrocyclic derivatives [##UREF##11##18##]. In the light of Gin's and Jarosz's results and our own unexpected finding that <bold>4a</bold> can form cyclic dimers upon copper-catalyzed Click-Reaction, we investigated several other 2-propynyl and 3-butynyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-glycosides <bold>4</bold> in order to probe their ability to form similar cyclic dimers <bold>7</bold>.</p>", "<p>First, an alternative route to 2-propynyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-glucoside <bold>4a</bold> was attempted (##FIG##2##Scheme 2##). Compound <bold>1a</bold> was deacetylated and treated with <italic>N</italic>-bromosuccinimide and triphenylphosphine in DMF according to Hanessian's procedure [##UREF##12##19##] followed by reacetylation of the OH-groups with acetic anhydride in pyridine to afford 2-propynyl 6-bromo-6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranoside (<bold>3a''</bold>) in 60% yield. Next, the latter was stirred with NaN<sub>3</sub> in DMF (48 h, 65 °C) to afford <bold>4a</bold> in 44% yield. The preparation of compound <bold>4a</bold>\n<italic>via</italic> the corresponding tosylate <bold>3a</bold> was somewhat more convenient than the synthesis <italic>via</italic> the 6-bromo-6-deoxy counterpart <bold>3a''</bold> and resulted in a similar overall yield. Therefore, all other 6-azido-6-deoxy-glycosides <bold>4</bold> were prepared via the corresponding tosylates <bold>3</bold> as described above. ##FIG##2##Scheme 2## summarizes the yields for the preparation of the tosylates <bold>3</bold> and 6-azido-6-deoxy-glycosides <bold>4</bold>. Starting materials <bold>1</bold> were prepared following known procedures for <bold>1a</bold> [##UREF##8##13##,##UREF##13##20##], <bold>1b</bold> [##UREF##14##21##], <bold>1d</bold> [##UREF##8##13##], <bold>1f</bold> [##UREF##13##20##,##UREF##15##22##] and <bold>1g</bold> [##UREF##14##21##]. 2-Propynyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-α-D-glycopyranosides <bold>1c</bold> and <bold>1e</bold> have not been described previously. They were prepared from D-glucose and D-galactose in 20% and 22% yield, respectively via classical Fischer-Glycosylation in 2-propynol as the solvent under acidic conditions followed by acetylation of the intermediate glycosides and chromatographic separation of the anomeric acetates.</p>", "<p>Next, glycosides <bold>4a</bold>–<bold>g</bold> were submitted to dimerization by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction. As the catalyst, 10 mol% (EtO)<sub>3</sub>PCuI was applied and used along with three equivalents diisopropyl ethylamine in toluene [##REF##12762694##15##]. Microwave irradiation [##UREF##16##23##] reduced the reaction time significantly but also resulted in decomposition of the starting material in some cases. ##TAB##0##Table 1## summarizes the results for the dimerization of <bold>4a</bold>–<bold>g</bold> to <bold>7a</bold>–<bold>g</bold>.</p>", "<p>Yields of the copper-catalyzed dimerizations were low to medium (14–54%) and depended on the sugar moiety, the anomeric configuration and the ring size which was formed during the Click-Reaction. In general, no other cyclization product could be isolated from the reaction mixtures although significant amounts of byproducts were formed. These byproducts were slower moving compounds on TLC (ethyl acetate/<italic>n</italic>-hexane 1:1) and appeared to be products of oligomerization of the starting material <bold>4</bold>. In the case of benzoylated glycoside <bold>4a'</bold> where no cyclic dimer could be isolated from the complex reaction mixture, FAB MS of the purified mixture indeed revealed the presence of linear dimers, trimers and tetramers.</p>", "<p>α-Galactoside <bold>4e</bold> did not give any isolable dimer <bold>7e</bold> at all (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entry 5). Similarly, α-glucoside <bold>4c</bold> resulted in a lower yield of the corresponding dimer compared to β-glucoside <bold>4a</bold> (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 1 and 3). This may be attributed to a significant ring-strain in the α-linked dimers. For example, the <sup>1</sup>H NMR of compound <bold>7c</bold> showed an unusually small coupling constant between H-1 and H-2 (&lt;1.0 Hz) and H-2 and H-3 (3.1 Hz) which is indicative that the sugar moieties in <bold>7c</bold> are no longer in a chair conformation (see Table 1 in the ##SUPPL##0##Supporting Information File 1##). No such effects were observed in the manno series though (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 6 and 7). Here, the corresponding dimers <bold>7f</bold> and <bold>7g</bold> showed regular coupling constants in their NMR spectra.</p>", "<p>The effect of microwave irradiation on the outcome of the dimerization is somewhat confusing. In general, microwave irradiation resulted in a faster reaction, <italic>i.e.</italic> faster disappearance of the starting material (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entry 1). Similar accelerations of Click-Reactions upon microwave irradiation had been observed previously as well [##REF##12762694##15##]. However, the higher temperature associated with the microwave irradiation also resulted in a more pronounced decomposition of the starting material, and thus resulted in a lower yield of the dimers (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 1, 3 and 4) while heating of the reaction mixture alone resulted in complex product mixtures from which no dimerization products could be isolated. In the case of compounds <bold>4b</bold> and <bold>4e</bold>–<bold>g</bold>, no reaction occurred at room temperature (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 2 and 5–7).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>First, 2-propynyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranoside (<bold>4a</bold>) was prepared by the following sequence. 2-Propynyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranoside (<bold>1a</bold>) [##UREF##8##13##] was Zemplén-deacetylated with a catalytic amount of sodium methanolate in methanol. Next, thus obtained crude 2-propynyl β-D-glucopyranoside was regioselectively tosylated at position 6 [##UREF##9##14##] followed by chromatographic purification to afford 6-<italic>O</italic>-<italic>p</italic>-tolylsulfonyl-glucoside <bold>2a</bold> in 66% yield. Acetylation of the latter with acetic anhydride in pyridine gave crude tri-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-6-<italic>O</italic>-<italic>p</italic>-tolylsulfonyl-glucoside <bold>3a</bold> which was sufficiently pure for the next step. Treatment of <bold>3a</bold> with NaN<sub>3</sub> in DMF finally afforded 6-azido-6-deoxy-glucoside <bold>4a</bold> in 38% yield. When glucoside <bold>4a</bold> was reacted with asparaginic propargyl amide derivative <bold>5</bold> [##UREF##7##12##] in the presence of (EtO)<sub>3</sub>PCuI as catalyst and with or without microwave irradiation [##REF##12762694##15##], the induced 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between the alkynyl and azide moieties (Click Reaction) afforded compound <bold>6</bold> in variable medium yields of approximately 60%. The yield depended on the reaction conditions under which the cycloaddition was carried out. Several byproducts were formed during this cycloaddition reaction which, however, could not be separated and characterized. The amount of these byproducts increased at higher reaction temperatures or upon irradiation with microwave. It was anticipated that the byproducts which lowered the yield of compound <bold>6</bold> might be decomposition products of the starting material <bold>4a</bold>. Therefore, the more stable benzoylated glucoside <bold>3a'</bold> was prepared from <bold>2a</bold>, and converted into the azide <bold>4a'</bold> in 89% and 84% yield, respectively. Treatment of <bold>4a'</bold> with <bold>5</bold> under Cu(I)-catalysis, however, only resulted in a complex mixture of reaction products from which no uniform product could be isolated. Therefore, it was concluded that <bold>4a</bold> and <bold>4a'</bold> may have reacted with themselves resulting in products of oligomerization. Indeed, when <bold>4a</bold> was treated with a catalytic amount of (EtO)<sub>3</sub>PCuI , TLC (ethyl acetate/<italic>n</italic>-hexane 1:1) revealed the formation of one faster moving product along with a complex mixture of slower moving products with mobility similar to those previously observed. Careful inspection of the products revealed that dimerisation of <bold>4a</bold> occurred, affording the dimeric glycoside <bold>7a</bold> beside products of oligomerization (##FIG##1##Scheme 1##). The reaction proceeded significantly slower than the coupling of <bold>4a</bold> and <bold>5</bold>. A faster reaction occurred upon irradiation with microwave, which also gave a higher yield (54%) of <bold>7a</bold>. Benzoylated glycoside <bold>4a'</bold> did not give any product of dimerization though. Only oligomers <bold>8</bold> were observed in this case (for details see ##SUPPL##0##Supporting Information File 1##).</p>", "<p>At first, it was unclear whether <bold>7a</bold> was formed by an intramolecular cyclization or a dimerization of <bold>4a</bold> since its concentration-dependent ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF-MS spectra both showed peaks corresponding to the molecular mass of <bold>4a</bold> and <bold>7a</bold>, respectively. However, the dimeric structure of compound <bold>7a</bold> was finally unambiguously assigned by NMR spectroscopy and field desorption (FD) mass spectrometry. The NMR spectra of <bold>7a</bold> showed no conformative anomalies of the pyranose ring what would have been expected if <bold>7a</bold> would have been the product of intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of the azido group and the 2-propynyl aglycon in the starting material <bold>4a</bold>.</p>", "<p>The oligomerization of glycosides containing both, an azido and an alkynyl group upon copper-catalyzed Click-Reaction had been observed previously in two instances. Gin and coworker recently found that 2,3,6-tri-<italic>O</italic>-benzyl-4-<italic>O</italic>-(2-propynyl)-α-D-mannopyranosyl azide affords a cyclic trimer upon 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of its azido moiety to its propynyl moiety while the corresponding α-1,4-linked manno-disaccharide afforded a cyclic dimer similar to compound <bold>7a</bold> [##REF##16178563##16##]. Jarosz et al. also recently reported about the copper catalyzed reaction of 6-azido-1',2,3,3',4,4'-hexa-<italic>O</italic>-benzyl-6-deoxy-6'-propargyl-sucrose to afford either a product of intramolecular cyclization or a dimeric product, depending on the reaction conditions [##UREF##10##17##]. Likewise, Vasella reported the thermal intramolecular 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of protected 2-azidoethyl 4<sup>5</sup>-<italic>O</italic>-(2-propynyl)-malto-hexaoside, giving the corresponding isomeric macrocyclic derivatives [##UREF##11##18##]. In the light of Gin's and Jarosz's results and our own unexpected finding that <bold>4a</bold> can form cyclic dimers upon copper-catalyzed Click-Reaction, we investigated several other 2-propynyl and 3-butynyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-glycosides <bold>4</bold> in order to probe their ability to form similar cyclic dimers <bold>7</bold>.</p>", "<p>First, an alternative route to 2-propynyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-glucoside <bold>4a</bold> was attempted (##FIG##2##Scheme 2##). Compound <bold>1a</bold> was deacetylated and treated with <italic>N</italic>-bromosuccinimide and triphenylphosphine in DMF according to Hanessian's procedure [##UREF##12##19##] followed by reacetylation of the OH-groups with acetic anhydride in pyridine to afford 2-propynyl 6-bromo-6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranoside (<bold>3a''</bold>) in 60% yield. Next, the latter was stirred with NaN<sub>3</sub> in DMF (48 h, 65 °C) to afford <bold>4a</bold> in 44% yield. The preparation of compound <bold>4a</bold>\n<italic>via</italic> the corresponding tosylate <bold>3a</bold> was somewhat more convenient than the synthesis <italic>via</italic> the 6-bromo-6-deoxy counterpart <bold>3a''</bold> and resulted in a similar overall yield. Therefore, all other 6-azido-6-deoxy-glycosides <bold>4</bold> were prepared via the corresponding tosylates <bold>3</bold> as described above. ##FIG##2##Scheme 2## summarizes the yields for the preparation of the tosylates <bold>3</bold> and 6-azido-6-deoxy-glycosides <bold>4</bold>. Starting materials <bold>1</bold> were prepared following known procedures for <bold>1a</bold> [##UREF##8##13##,##UREF##13##20##], <bold>1b</bold> [##UREF##14##21##], <bold>1d</bold> [##UREF##8##13##], <bold>1f</bold> [##UREF##13##20##,##UREF##15##22##] and <bold>1g</bold> [##UREF##14##21##]. 2-Propynyl 2,3,4,6-tetra-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-α-D-glycopyranosides <bold>1c</bold> and <bold>1e</bold> have not been described previously. They were prepared from D-glucose and D-galactose in 20% and 22% yield, respectively via classical Fischer-Glycosylation in 2-propynol as the solvent under acidic conditions followed by acetylation of the intermediate glycosides and chromatographic separation of the anomeric acetates.</p>", "<p>Next, glycosides <bold>4a</bold>–<bold>g</bold> were submitted to dimerization by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction. As the catalyst, 10 mol% (EtO)<sub>3</sub>PCuI was applied and used along with three equivalents diisopropyl ethylamine in toluene [##REF##12762694##15##]. Microwave irradiation [##UREF##16##23##] reduced the reaction time significantly but also resulted in decomposition of the starting material in some cases. ##TAB##0##Table 1## summarizes the results for the dimerization of <bold>4a</bold>–<bold>g</bold> to <bold>7a</bold>–<bold>g</bold>.</p>", "<p>Yields of the copper-catalyzed dimerizations were low to medium (14–54%) and depended on the sugar moiety, the anomeric configuration and the ring size which was formed during the Click-Reaction. In general, no other cyclization product could be isolated from the reaction mixtures although significant amounts of byproducts were formed. These byproducts were slower moving compounds on TLC (ethyl acetate/<italic>n</italic>-hexane 1:1) and appeared to be products of oligomerization of the starting material <bold>4</bold>. In the case of benzoylated glycoside <bold>4a'</bold> where no cyclic dimer could be isolated from the complex reaction mixture, FAB MS of the purified mixture indeed revealed the presence of linear dimers, trimers and tetramers.</p>", "<p>α-Galactoside <bold>4e</bold> did not give any isolable dimer <bold>7e</bold> at all (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entry 5). Similarly, α-glucoside <bold>4c</bold> resulted in a lower yield of the corresponding dimer compared to β-glucoside <bold>4a</bold> (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 1 and 3). This may be attributed to a significant ring-strain in the α-linked dimers. For example, the <sup>1</sup>H NMR of compound <bold>7c</bold> showed an unusually small coupling constant between H-1 and H-2 (&lt;1.0 Hz) and H-2 and H-3 (3.1 Hz) which is indicative that the sugar moieties in <bold>7c</bold> are no longer in a chair conformation (see Table 1 in the ##SUPPL##0##Supporting Information File 1##). No such effects were observed in the manno series though (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 6 and 7). Here, the corresponding dimers <bold>7f</bold> and <bold>7g</bold> showed regular coupling constants in their NMR spectra.</p>", "<p>The effect of microwave irradiation on the outcome of the dimerization is somewhat confusing. In general, microwave irradiation resulted in a faster reaction, <italic>i.e.</italic> faster disappearance of the starting material (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entry 1). Similar accelerations of Click-Reactions upon microwave irradiation had been observed previously as well [##REF##12762694##15##]. However, the higher temperature associated with the microwave irradiation also resulted in a more pronounced decomposition of the starting material, and thus resulted in a lower yield of the dimers (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 1, 3 and 4) while heating of the reaction mixture alone resulted in complex product mixtures from which no dimerization products could be isolated. In the case of compounds <bold>4b</bold> and <bold>4e</bold>–<bold>g</bold>, no reaction occurred at room temperature (<italic>cf.</italic>\n##TAB##0##Table 1##, entries 2 and 5–7).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We describe for the first time the copper-catalyzed dimerization of simple acetylated 2-propynyl and 3-butynyl 6-azido-6-deoxy-glycosides in the gluco, galacto and manno series leading to macrocyclic rings containing two sugar moieties and two 1,2,3-triazole moieties. For instance, such compounds may function as novel ligands for the preparation of metal complexes [##UREF##17##24##]. Further examples for cyclizations of other azido-alkynyl-glycosides are under investigation.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Copper-catalyzed, thermal or microwave promoted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (Click Reaction) of 2-propynyl and 3-butynyl 2,3,4-tri-<italic>O</italic>-acetyl-6-azido-6-deoxy-glycopyranosides in the D-gluco, D-galacto and D-manno series afford the corresponding dimeric cycloaddition products.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>This work was financially supported by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie. We thank the groups of Professor Albert and Professor Zeller for measuring the NMR and MS spectra.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"F1\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Schematic representation of glycosylated building blocks for the combinatorial synthesis of glycopeptides.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"C1\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 1</label><caption><p>Synthesis and reaction of compounds <bold>4a</bold> and <bold>4a</bold>'.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"C2\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 2</label><caption><p>Preparation of compounds <bold>4a</bold>–<bold>g</bold>.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"T1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Dimerization of Glycosides <bold>4a</bold>–<bold>g</bold> under Cu-Catalysis.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Entry</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Glycoside <bold>4</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Product <bold>7</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Conditions</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Yield</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>4a</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<bold>7a</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12 h rt<break/>1 h 80 °C, 20 W MW</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54%<break/>20%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>4b</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<bold>7b</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12 h rt<break/>1 h 80 °C, 20 W MW</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-<break/>32%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>4c</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<bold>7c</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12 h rt<break/>1 h 80 °C, 20 W MW</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14%<break/>-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>4d</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<bold>7d</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12 h rt<break/>1 h 80 °C, 20 W MW</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">28%<break/>-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>4e</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<bold>7e</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12 h rt<break/>1 h 80 °C, 20 W MW</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-<break/>-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>4f</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<bold>7f</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12 h rt<break/>1 h 80 °C, 20 W MW</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-<break/>30%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><break/><bold>4g</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<bold>7g</bold></td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12 h rt<break/>1 h 80 °C, 20 W MW</td><td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">-<break/>53%</td></tr></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"SD1\"><label>File 1</label><caption><p>Experimental Data</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-14 21:40:04
Beilstein J Org Chem. 2008 Aug 13; 4:30
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>The cycloadditions of anthrones <bold>1</bold> and <italic>N</italic>-substituted maleimides <bold>2</bold> are prominent examples of asymmetric catalysis exerted by chiral Brønsted bases. Moderate to excellent stereoselectivities of products <bold>3</bold> have been reported using pyrrolidines <bold>4</bold> [##UREF##0##1##–##UREF##1##2##], cyclic guanidine <bold>5</bold> [##REF##17044689##3##], or cinchona alkaloids <bold>6</bold> [##UREF##2##4##] as catalysts. Recently, we could promote this type of cycloaddition by metal-free bisoxazolines <bold>7</bold> in up to 70% <italic>ee</italic>, in spite of their limited Brønsted-basicity [##UREF##3##5##] (##FIG##0##Scheme 1##).</p>", "<p>Our study was motivated by the structural similarity of bisoxazolines <bold>7</bold> and bisamidines <bold>8</bold>. Bisamidines <bold>8</bold>, readily accessible from malonodinitrile in two steps, prefer the conjugated tautomeric form (enamine-imine) in the monoprotonated state, which is characterised by an almost planar structure [##REF##17585816##6##] (##FIG##1##Scheme 2##).</p>", "<p>The aqueous p<italic>K</italic><sub>a</sub> of <bold>8</bold>·H<sup>+</sup> is approximately 11, sufficient to allow deprotonation of anthrones <bold>1</bold> (p<italic>K</italic><sub>a</sub> around 10, [##UREF##4##7##–##UREF##5##8##]) by bisamidines to a significant extent. Here we report on the use of neutral bisamidines <bold>8</bold> as asymmetric Brønsted base catalysts in the cycloaddition of anthrones <bold>1</bold> and maleimides <bold>2</bold>.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>Analogous to the synthesis of compound <bold>8a</bold> [##REF##17585816##6##], the other bisamidines were prepared as hydrochlorides in 60–79% yield from the corresponding chiral diamines <bold>9</bold> and bisimidate <bold>10</bold> in refluxing ethanol. Simple extraction in the presence of Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> afforded the neutral bases <bold>8b</bold>–<bold>c</bold> and <italic>ent-</italic><bold>8d</bold> in almost quantitative yield. The <italic>S</italic>,<italic>S</italic> configurated diamines <bold>9b</bold> and <bold>9c</bold> were prepared from L-(+)-tartaric acid (<italic>R,R</italic>) via the vicinal diazide using Saalfrank's procedure [##UREF##6##9##]. <bold>9d</bold> was purchased as the dihydrochloride salt and then deprotonated by aqueous sodium hydroxide. As an “artefact” of the sequence rule, the <italic>S</italic>,<italic>S</italic> configurated diamine <bold>9d</bold> leads to bisamidine <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>8d</bold> (##FIG##2##Scheme 3##).</p>", "<p>The anthrones <bold>1b</bold> (R<sup>1</sup>: H; R<sup>2</sup>: Cl) and <bold>1c</bold> (R<sup>1</sup>: Cl; R<sup>2</sup>: H) resulted from regioselective reductions of 1,8-dichloroanthraquinone [##UREF##7##10##–##REF##11667122##11##]. Aliphatic side chains of compounds <bold>2</bold> could be introduced by a Mitsunobu alkylation of maleimide [##UREF##8##12##]. Alternatively, substituted maleimides were prepared by reaction of maleic anhydride with the corresponding amines followed by ring closure [##UREF##9##13##–##UREF##10##14##].</p>", "<p>Cycloaddition kinetics of <bold>1a</bold> and <bold>2a</bold> was examined first by <sup>1</sup>H NMR in CD<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub> at room temperature. In the absence of catalyst, no product could be observed after 4 days. 5 mol% of the bisamidinium salt <bold>8a</bold>·H<sup>+</sup> with tetrakis(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)borate (TFPB<sup>-</sup>) as weakly coordinating anion resulted in 7% yield of <bold>3a</bold> after 4 h. In contrast, only 1 mol% of the free Brønsted base <bold>8a</bold> led to a high rate increase in the first 30 min. After 90 min no further conversion was observed indicating product inhibition (##FIG##3##Figure 1##). Accordingly, the reaction runs best in the base-catalyzed mode. Compared to the bisoxazolines <bold>7</bold>, bisamidines <bold>8</bold> as stronger Brønsted bases induced much higher rates in all subsequent experiments.</p>", "<p>In the next series of experiments, bisamidines <bold>8a</bold>–<bold>c</bold> and <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>8d</bold> were compared as catalysts of the cycloaddition forming <bold>3a</bold> from <italic>N</italic>-phenylmaleimide (<bold>2a</bold>) and anthrone (<bold>1a</bold>). Using 0.25 equiv of catalyst at room temperature, isolated yields between 71% and 86% were obtained after 30 min. The best enantioselectivity, albeit low, was induced by amidine <bold>8c</bold> (24% <italic>ee</italic>). As expected, in the presence of catalyst <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>8d</bold> product <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>3a</bold> was formed preferentially (##TAB##0##Table 1##).</p>", "<p>In a solvent screening using 10 mol% of TBDPS-protected bisamidine <bold>8c</bold>, best results were obtained in dichloromethane (84% yield; 30% <italic>ee</italic>). Even higher yields were accessible in aromatic solvents, however, at the price of reduced stereoselectivity (##TAB##1##Table 2##).</p>", "<p>Lowering the reaction temperature from 23 to −20 °C (<bold>8c</bold>, dichloromethane) retarded the cycloaddition but did not change enantioselectivities. After extended reaction times, excellent yields were still observed. Up to 39% <italic>ee</italic> was finally obtained at −70 °C. However, such conditions resulted in lower yields, even with increased catalyst loads and further extended reaction times. Best results, 96% yield and 36% <italic>ee</italic> with only 10 mol% of catalyst, were found at −40 °C (##TAB##2##Table 3##).</p>", "<p>Having identified suitable experimental conditions, we explored the scope of the bisamidine-catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction. The results are summarized in ##TAB##3##Table 4##. Both electron-donating and electron-withdrawing substituents were tolerated and furnished products in good to excellent yields and with moderate values of <italic>ee</italic>. A remarkable increase in enantioselectivity was observed using maleimide <bold>2i</bold>. The steric hindrance imposed by the large 2,6-diisopropylphenyl moiety of <bold>2i</bold> resulted in 76% <italic>ee</italic> at −70 °C but also lowered reaction rates.</p>", "<p>Only 13% yield could be obtained under such conditions. Yields rose to 65% at room temperature (51% <italic>ee</italic>; entries 11 and 12). With other sterically hindered dienophiles such as <italic>N</italic>-<italic>tert</italic>-butylmaleimide (<bold>2c</bold>), the level of <italic>ee</italic> remained low (entry 4). The halogen-substituted anthrones <bold>1b</bold>–<bold>c</bold> did not react with <bold>2i</bold> at −70 °C. At room temperature, however, <bold>1b</bold> and <bold>2i</bold> were efficiently transformed into <bold>3m</bold> by catalyst <bold>8a</bold> with 76% yield and 54% <italic>ee</italic>. A single recrystallisation step afforded an almost enantiopure product (96% <italic>ee</italic>). The <italic>R</italic>,<italic>R</italic> configuration of compound <bold>3m</bold> was determined by anomalous X-ray diffraction using a single crystal of <bold>3m</bold> with 96% <italic>ee</italic> (##FIG##4##Figure 2##).</p>", "<p>A mechanistic rationalisation is proposed in ##FIG##5##Scheme 4##. The catalyst deprotonates the anthrone in the initial step. This assumption is supported by the p<italic>K</italic><sub>a</sub> values of compounds <bold>2a</bold> (10, [##UREF##4##7##–##UREF##5##8##]) and <bold>8</bold>·H<sup>+</sup> (~11, [##REF##17585816##6##]). Furthermore, the appearance of the yellow color of enolates (<bold>1</bold>·H<sup>+</sup>) shows significant proton transfer when bisamidine <bold>8a</bold> is added to anthrones <bold>1a</bold>, <bold>1b</bold>, or <bold>1c</bold>. A chiral contact ion pair <bold>A</bold> is formed and controls the stereochemical course of the Diels-Alder reaction with maleimides. In the last step, the catalyst-product-complex <bold>B</bold> dissociates and regenerates the unprotonated bisamidine.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>Analogous to the synthesis of compound <bold>8a</bold> [##REF##17585816##6##], the other bisamidines were prepared as hydrochlorides in 60–79% yield from the corresponding chiral diamines <bold>9</bold> and bisimidate <bold>10</bold> in refluxing ethanol. Simple extraction in the presence of Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> afforded the neutral bases <bold>8b</bold>–<bold>c</bold> and <italic>ent-</italic><bold>8d</bold> in almost quantitative yield. The <italic>S</italic>,<italic>S</italic> configurated diamines <bold>9b</bold> and <bold>9c</bold> were prepared from L-(+)-tartaric acid (<italic>R,R</italic>) via the vicinal diazide using Saalfrank's procedure [##UREF##6##9##]. <bold>9d</bold> was purchased as the dihydrochloride salt and then deprotonated by aqueous sodium hydroxide. As an “artefact” of the sequence rule, the <italic>S</italic>,<italic>S</italic> configurated diamine <bold>9d</bold> leads to bisamidine <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>8d</bold> (##FIG##2##Scheme 3##).</p>", "<p>The anthrones <bold>1b</bold> (R<sup>1</sup>: H; R<sup>2</sup>: Cl) and <bold>1c</bold> (R<sup>1</sup>: Cl; R<sup>2</sup>: H) resulted from regioselective reductions of 1,8-dichloroanthraquinone [##UREF##7##10##–##REF##11667122##11##]. Aliphatic side chains of compounds <bold>2</bold> could be introduced by a Mitsunobu alkylation of maleimide [##UREF##8##12##]. Alternatively, substituted maleimides were prepared by reaction of maleic anhydride with the corresponding amines followed by ring closure [##UREF##9##13##–##UREF##10##14##].</p>", "<p>Cycloaddition kinetics of <bold>1a</bold> and <bold>2a</bold> was examined first by <sup>1</sup>H NMR in CD<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub> at room temperature. In the absence of catalyst, no product could be observed after 4 days. 5 mol% of the bisamidinium salt <bold>8a</bold>·H<sup>+</sup> with tetrakis(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)borate (TFPB<sup>-</sup>) as weakly coordinating anion resulted in 7% yield of <bold>3a</bold> after 4 h. In contrast, only 1 mol% of the free Brønsted base <bold>8a</bold> led to a high rate increase in the first 30 min. After 90 min no further conversion was observed indicating product inhibition (##FIG##3##Figure 1##). Accordingly, the reaction runs best in the base-catalyzed mode. Compared to the bisoxazolines <bold>7</bold>, bisamidines <bold>8</bold> as stronger Brønsted bases induced much higher rates in all subsequent experiments.</p>", "<p>In the next series of experiments, bisamidines <bold>8a</bold>–<bold>c</bold> and <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>8d</bold> were compared as catalysts of the cycloaddition forming <bold>3a</bold> from <italic>N</italic>-phenylmaleimide (<bold>2a</bold>) and anthrone (<bold>1a</bold>). Using 0.25 equiv of catalyst at room temperature, isolated yields between 71% and 86% were obtained after 30 min. The best enantioselectivity, albeit low, was induced by amidine <bold>8c</bold> (24% <italic>ee</italic>). As expected, in the presence of catalyst <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>8d</bold> product <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>3a</bold> was formed preferentially (##TAB##0##Table 1##).</p>", "<p>In a solvent screening using 10 mol% of TBDPS-protected bisamidine <bold>8c</bold>, best results were obtained in dichloromethane (84% yield; 30% <italic>ee</italic>). Even higher yields were accessible in aromatic solvents, however, at the price of reduced stereoselectivity (##TAB##1##Table 2##).</p>", "<p>Lowering the reaction temperature from 23 to −20 °C (<bold>8c</bold>, dichloromethane) retarded the cycloaddition but did not change enantioselectivities. After extended reaction times, excellent yields were still observed. Up to 39% <italic>ee</italic> was finally obtained at −70 °C. However, such conditions resulted in lower yields, even with increased catalyst loads and further extended reaction times. Best results, 96% yield and 36% <italic>ee</italic> with only 10 mol% of catalyst, were found at −40 °C (##TAB##2##Table 3##).</p>", "<p>Having identified suitable experimental conditions, we explored the scope of the bisamidine-catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction. The results are summarized in ##TAB##3##Table 4##. Both electron-donating and electron-withdrawing substituents were tolerated and furnished products in good to excellent yields and with moderate values of <italic>ee</italic>. A remarkable increase in enantioselectivity was observed using maleimide <bold>2i</bold>. The steric hindrance imposed by the large 2,6-diisopropylphenyl moiety of <bold>2i</bold> resulted in 76% <italic>ee</italic> at −70 °C but also lowered reaction rates.</p>", "<p>Only 13% yield could be obtained under such conditions. Yields rose to 65% at room temperature (51% <italic>ee</italic>; entries 11 and 12). With other sterically hindered dienophiles such as <italic>N</italic>-<italic>tert</italic>-butylmaleimide (<bold>2c</bold>), the level of <italic>ee</italic> remained low (entry 4). The halogen-substituted anthrones <bold>1b</bold>–<bold>c</bold> did not react with <bold>2i</bold> at −70 °C. At room temperature, however, <bold>1b</bold> and <bold>2i</bold> were efficiently transformed into <bold>3m</bold> by catalyst <bold>8a</bold> with 76% yield and 54% <italic>ee</italic>. A single recrystallisation step afforded an almost enantiopure product (96% <italic>ee</italic>). The <italic>R</italic>,<italic>R</italic> configuration of compound <bold>3m</bold> was determined by anomalous X-ray diffraction using a single crystal of <bold>3m</bold> with 96% <italic>ee</italic> (##FIG##4##Figure 2##).</p>", "<p>A mechanistic rationalisation is proposed in ##FIG##5##Scheme 4##. The catalyst deprotonates the anthrone in the initial step. This assumption is supported by the p<italic>K</italic><sub>a</sub> values of compounds <bold>2a</bold> (10, [##UREF##4##7##–##UREF##5##8##]) and <bold>8</bold>·H<sup>+</sup> (~11, [##REF##17585816##6##]). Furthermore, the appearance of the yellow color of enolates (<bold>1</bold>·H<sup>+</sup>) shows significant proton transfer when bisamidine <bold>8a</bold> is added to anthrones <bold>1a</bold>, <bold>1b</bold>, or <bold>1c</bold>. A chiral contact ion pair <bold>A</bold> is formed and controls the stereochemical course of the Diels-Alder reaction with maleimides. In the last step, the catalyst-product-complex <bold>B</bold> dissociates and regenerates the unprotonated bisamidine.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p><italic>C</italic><sub>2</sub>-symmetric bisamidines were shown to be potent chiral Brønsted base catalysts for the Diels-Alder reaction of <italic>N</italic>-substituted maleimides and anthrones. Compared to bisoxazolines <bold>7</bold>, much shorter reaction times under comparable conditions were sufficient with the more basic bisamidine catalysts <bold>8</bold> (~50-fold [##UREF##3##5##]). The higher intrinsic reactivity of the bisamidines allowed to run the reactions at lower temperatures. In both groups of catalysts, the phenyl substituted species induced the lowest enantioselectivities. Bisamidine <bold>8a</bold> performed better than the corresponding bisoxazoline. Increasing the size of substituents in catalysts <bold>8b</bold>–<bold>d</bold> also improved stereoselectivities, but not to high levels. This may be due to the flexible nature of the substituents present in bisamidines <bold>8b</bold> and <bold>8c</bold>. It is instructive, therefore, to compare with the bisoxazolines <bold>7</bold>. By far the best enantioselectivities were observed in this series with the <italic>t</italic>-Bu derivative (47% <italic>ee</italic> versus 3% for the phenyl analogue in the reaction of <bold>1a</bold> and <bold>2a</bold>). Keeping in mind that even the less selective bisamidine <bold>8a</bold> could induce up to 76% <italic>ee</italic> in favorable cases, replacing the phenyl moieties of <bold>8a</bold> by <italic>t</italic>-Bu is an attractive option for future studies on bisamidine-mediated organocatalytic transformations.</p>" ]
[ "<p><italic>C</italic><sub>2</sub>-symmetric bisamidines <bold>8</bold> have been tested as chiral Brønsted bases in the Diels-Alder reaction of anthrones and <italic>N</italic>-substituted maleimides. High yields of cycloadducts and significant asymmetric inductions up to 76% <italic>ee</italic> are accessible. The proposed mechanism involves proton transfer between anthrone and bisamidine, association of the resulting ions and finally a cycloaddition step stereoselectively controlled by the chiral ion pair.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>Financial support provided by the DFG (Priority Program “Organocatalysis” SPP1179) and by the FAZIT STIFTUNG is gratefully acknowledged.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"C1\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 1</label><caption><p>Diels-Alder reaction of anthrones <bold>1</bold> and maleimides <bold>2</bold> catalyzed by chiral Brønsted bases <bold>4</bold>–<bold>8</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"C2\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 2</label><caption><p>Protonation states and tautomerism of <italic>C</italic><sub>2</sub>-symmetric bisamidine <bold>8a</bold> [##REF##17585816##6##].</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"C3\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 3</label><caption><p>Synthesis of <italic>C</italic><sub>2</sub>-symmetric bisamidines <bold>8b</bold>–<bold>c</bold> and <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>8d</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F1\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Kinetic measurements of <bold>1a</bold> with <bold>2a</bold> catalyzed by 5 mol% of <bold>8a</bold>·H<sup>+</sup>·TFPB<sup>-</sup> (black line) and 1 mol% <bold>8a</bold> (free base; red line).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F2\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Molecular structure of <bold>3m</bold> (C: black; N: blue; O: red; Cl: green; hydrogen atoms are omitted for the sake of clarity).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"C4\" position=\"float\"><label>Scheme 4</label><caption><p>Proposed mechanism of the Diels-Alder reaction.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"T1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>First evaluation step of chiral bisamidine catalysts.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\"></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">entry<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">catalyst</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">yield [%]<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><italic>ee</italic> [%]<sup>c</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>8a</bold></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">86</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>8b</bold></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">78</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>8c</bold></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">85</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><italic>ent</italic>-<bold>8d</bold></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">71</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">−17<sup>d</sup></td></tr></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"T2\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Influence of the solvent on the bisamidine catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">entry<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">solvent</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">yield [%]<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><italic>ee</italic> [%]<sup>c</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">dichloromethane</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">84</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">30</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">chloroform</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">86</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">benzene</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">98</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">toluene</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">α,α,α-trifluorotoluene</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">dibutyl ether</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">89</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td></tr></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"T3\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Influence of temperature on the Diels-Alder reaction.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">entry<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">reaction temperature [°C]</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">reaction time [h]</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">yield [%]<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><italic>ee</italic> [%]<sup>c</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">23</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">84</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">30</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">96</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">29</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">−20</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">98</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">−40</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">48</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">96</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">−70</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">96</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">71</td><td align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">39</td></tr></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"T4\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Scope of the Diels-Alder-reaction.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"7\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\"></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">entry<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1</bold> [R<sup>1</sup>, R<sup>2</sup>]</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">R<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">condition<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">yield [%]<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><italic>ee</italic> [%]<sup>d</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"7\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold> [H, H,]</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Ph (<bold>2a</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">A</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">96</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1b</bold> [H, Cl]</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>2a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">A</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3b</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">95</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">iPr (<bold>2b</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">B</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3c</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">74</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><italic>t</italic>-Bu (<bold>2c</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">B</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3d</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">45</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">30</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Cy (<bold>2d</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">B</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3e</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">42</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1c</bold> [Cl, H]</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>2d</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">B</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3f</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">90</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bn (<bold>2e</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">A</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3g</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">95</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CHPh<sub>2</sub> (<bold>2f</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">A</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3h</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">85</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4-Br-(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)- (<bold>2g</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">B</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3i</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">70</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4-MeO-(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>4</sub>)- (<bold>2h</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">A</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3j</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">82</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">32</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2,6-iPr<sub>2</sub>-(C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>)- (<bold>2i</bold>)</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">B</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3k</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>76</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1a</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>2i</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3k</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">51</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1c</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>2i</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3l</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">77</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>1b</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>2i</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">C</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"><bold>3m</bold></td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">76</td><td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54 (<bold>96</bold>)<sup>e</sup></td></tr></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"SD1\"><label>File 1</label><caption><p>Supporting information features characterisation data and copies of <sup>1</sup>H- and <sup>13</sup>C-NMR spectra of anthrones <bold>1</bold>, maleimides <bold>2</bold>, Diels-Alder adducts <bold>3</bold>, bisamidine hydrochlorides <bold>8b</bold>–<bold>d</bold>·H<sup>+</sup>·Cl<sup>-</sup>, neutral bisamidines <bold>8b</bold>–<bold>d</bold> and diamines <bold>9b</bold>–<bold>c</bold>, plus copies of chromatograms obtained with chiral columns.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"SD2\"><label>File 2</label><caption><p>X-Ray data of compound <bold>3k</bold></p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"SD3\"><label>File 3</label><caption><p>X-Ray data of compound <bold>3m</bold></p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"TFN1\"><p><sup>a</sup>All reactions were carried out using 0.1 mmol maleimide <bold>2a</bold>, 1.1 equiv anthrone (<bold>1a</bold>) and 0.25 equiv of catalyst in 1 mL abs. dichloromethane at room temperature for 30 minutes. <sup>b</sup>Isolated yield after column chromatography. <sup>c</sup>The enantiomeric excess was determined by HPLC using a Chiralpak IA column. <sup>d</sup>A negative <italic>ee</italic> stands for an excess of <italic>ent</italic>-<bold>3a</bold>.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"TFN2\"><p><sup>a</sup>All reactions were carried out using 0.1 mmol maleimide <bold>2a</bold>, 1.1 equiv anthrone (<bold>1a</bold>) and 0.1 equiv of <bold>8c</bold> in 1 mL abs. solvent at room temperature for 60 minutes. <sup>b</sup>Isolated yield after column chromatography. <sup>c</sup>The enantiomeric excess was determined by HPLC using a Chiralpak IA column.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"TFN3\"><p><sup>a</sup>All reactions were carried out using 0.1 mmol maleimide <bold>2a</bold>, 1.1 equiv anthrone (<bold>1a</bold>) and 0.1 (entry 1–4) or 0.25 equiv (entry 5) of <bold>8c</bold> in 1 mL abs. dichloromethane. <sup>b</sup>Isolated yield after column chromatography. <sup>c</sup>Enantiomeric excess was determined by HPLC using Chiralpak IA column.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"TFN4\"><p><sup>a</sup>All reactions were carried out using 0.1 mmol maleimide, 1.1 equiv anthrone in 1 mL abs. CH<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>. <sup>b</sup>A = 10 mol% <bold>8c</bold>, −40 °C, 48 h; B = 25 mol% <bold>8a</bold>, −70 °C, 96 h; C = 25 mol% <bold>8a</bold>, r.t., 3 h. <sup>c</sup>Isolated yield after column chromatography. <sup>d</sup>The enantiomeric excess was determined by HPLC using a Chiralpak IA column. <sup>e</sup>Recrystallized from 2-propanol/<italic>n</italic>-hexane.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-g005\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-g006\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-g002\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-i001.jpg\"/>", "<inline-graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-i002.jpg\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-g007\"/>" ]
[ "<media mime-subtype=\"msword\" mimetype=\"application\" xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-s001.doc\" xlink:type=\"simple\" id=\"d39e1561\" position=\"anchor\"/>", "<media mime-subtype=\"x-cif\" mimetype=\"chemical\" xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-s002.cif\" xlink:type=\"simple\" id=\"d39e1570\" position=\"anchor\"/>", "<media mime-subtype=\"x-cif\" mimetype=\"chemical\" xlink:href=\"Beilstein_J_Org_Chem-04-28-s003.cif\" xlink:type=\"simple\" id=\"d39e1579\" position=\"anchor\"/>" ]
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2022-01-14 21:40:04
Beilstein J Org Chem. 2008 Aug 7; 4:28
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>The Mediterranean diet, representing the dietary pattern usually consumed among the populations bordering the Mediterranean sea, has been widely reported to be a model of healthy eating for its contribution to a favourable health status and a better quality of life.##UREF##0##1##\n##REF##16532897##2## Since the first data from the seven countries study,##UREF##1##3## several studies in different populations have established a beneficial role for the main components of the Mediterranean diet on the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and chronic degenerative diseases.##REF##16532897##2##\n##UREF##2##4## However, research interest in this field over the past years has been focused on estimating adherence to the whole Mediterranean diet rather than analysing the individual components of the dietary pattern in relation to the health status of the population.##REF##11790957##5## This because the analyses of single nutrients ignore important interactions between components of a diet and, more importantly, because people do not eat isolated nutrients. Hence, dietary scores estimating adherence to a Mediterranean diet, devised a priori on the basis of the characteristic components of the traditional diet of the Mediterranean area, have been found to be associated with a reduction of overall mortality and mortality from cardiovascular diseases and cancer.##REF##16512961##6## The aim of this study was to do a systematic review with meta-analysis of all the available prospective cohort studies that have assessed the association between adherence to a Mediterranean diet and adverse outcomes, in order to establish the role of adherence to a Mediterranean diet in primary prevention.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Data sources</title>", "<p>We focused on prospective studies investigating the association between adherence to a Mediterranean diet and health outcomes. We searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases up to 30 June 2008, using a search strategy that included both truncated free text and exploded MeSH terms. MeSH headings included “Mediterranean”, “diet”, “dietary pattern”, “disease”, “health”, “cardiovascular disease”, “cerebrovascular disease”, “coronary heart disease”, “degenerative diseases”, “cancer”, “neoplasm”, “prospective”, “follow-up”, or “cohort”, and their variants. The search strategy had no language restrictions. We also consulted references from the extracted articles and reviews to complete the data bank. When multiple articles for a single study were present, we used the latest publication and supplemented it, if necessary, with data from the most complete or updated publication. We assessed the relevance of studies by using a hierarchical approach based on title, abstract, and the full manuscript.</p>", "<title>Study selection</title>", "<p>We identified studies that prospectively evaluated the association of an a priori score used for assessing adherence to a Mediterranean diet and adverse clinical outcomes. We excluded the studies if they had a cross sectional or case-control design, if they analysed adherence to a non-specific dietary pattern or to a recommended dietary guideline and not to a Mediterranean diet, if they evaluated a cohort of patients with a previous clinical event (that is, secondary prevention), if they did not adjust for potential confounders, and if they did not report an adequate statistical analysis.</p>", "<p>Figure 1 shows the process of study selection. Our initial search yielded 62 reports, of which we excluded 20 on the basis of the title or abstract. Of the remaining 42 articles, we excluded 26 for the following reasons: a non-specific dietary pattern, instead of a Mediterranean diet, was evaluated (n=3); cross sectional or case-control design was used (n=18); and the study population was in secondary prevention (n=5). We excluded four additional articles because they represented duplicate studies, so we included only the latest or the more complete paper in the final analysis. Finally, 12 articles fulfilled our inclusion criteria.<sup>w1-w12</sup></p>", "<title>Data extraction</title>", "<p>We extracted the following baseline characteristics from the original reports by using a standardised data extraction form and included them in the meta-analysis: lead author, year of publication, cohort name, country of origin of the cohort, sample size of the cohort and number of outcomes, duration of follow-up, age at entry, sex, outcome, components of the score for adherence to a Mediterranean diet, and variables that entered into the multivariable model as potential confounders (table 1). Two investigators (FS and FC) collected the data, and disagreements were solved by consensus and by the opinion of a third author (AC), if necessary. Outcomes of interest were overall mortality, mortality from cardiovascular diseases, incidence of or mortality from cancer, as well as occurrence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.</p>", "<p>We assessed the quality of the studies according to the number of participants, the duration of follow-up, and adjustment for potential confounders. We considered studies with a high number of participants; long duration of follow-up; and adjustment for confounders including demographic, anthropometric, and traditional risk factors to be of high quality.</p>", "<title>Definition of adherence to Mediterranean diet</title>", "<p>Adherence to a Mediterranean diet was defined through scores that estimated the conformity of the dietary pattern of the studied population with the traditional Mediterranean dietary pattern. Values of zero or one were assigned to each dietary component by using as cut offs the overall sex specific medians among the study participants. Specifically, people whose consumption of components considered to be part of a Mediterranean diet (vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, fish, and a moderate intake of red wine during meals) was above the median consumption of the population were assigned a value of one, whereas a value of zero was given to those with consumptions below the median. By contrast, people whose consumption of components presumed not to form part of a Mediterranean diet (red and processed meats, dairy products) was above the median consumption of the population had a value of zero assigned, and the others had a value of one. However, some differences among the studies existed, especially in relation to the food category of vegetables (grouped with potatoes in one study<sup>w5</sup>), meat and meat products (grouped with poultry in some studies<sup>w4 w6</sup>), and nuts and seeds (grouped with fruits in some studies,<sup>w4 w6 w7 w12</sup> with legumes in one study,<sup>w5</sup> and considered a group by themselves in some others<sup>w8 w10 w11</sup>), as well as milk and dairy products (not present in some studies<sup>w8 w10 w11</sup>) and fish (present only in more recent studies<sup>w4-w12</sup>). Thus, the total adherence scores (estimated as the sum of the above indicated scores of zero and one) varied from a minimum of 0 points indicating low adherence to a maximum of 7-9 points reflecting high adherence to a Mediterranean diet.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>We used RevMan, version 4.2 for Windows by the Cochrane Collaboration to analyse data. We used the results of the original studies from multivariable models with the most complete adjustment for potential confounders; table 1 shows the confounding variables included in this analysis. We used a random effects model that accounts for interstudy variation and provides a more conservative effect than a fixed model. We calculated random summary relative risks with 95% confidence intervals by using an inverse variance method. </p>", "<p>We grouped the studies according to the different clinical outcomes (mortality from all causes, mortality from cardiovascular diseases, incidence of or mortality from cancer, and incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease). We assessed the potential sources of heterogeneity by using the standard χ<sup>2</sup> test. In addition, we used the I<sup>2</sup> statistic to investigate heterogeneity by examining the extent of inconsistency across the study results. To examine the potential source of heterogeneity across studies evaluating overall mortality, we did sensitivity analyses according to some characteristics of the studies—sex (male, female), country of origin (European countries, United States, other countries), follow-up time (below or above the median follow-up time of the studies: 8 years), and the quality of the studies (low, high). To assess the presence of publication bias, we computed the “failsafe N” for each of the main outcomes; this value is an estimate of the number of studies with null results that would need to be added to the meta-analysis to reduce the overall observed significant result to non-significance.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Characteristics of study cohorts</title>", "<p>Sample sizes varied between 161 and 214 284, with a follow-up time ranging from 3.7 to 18 years. Outcomes of interest were overall mortality, cardiovascular mortality, incidence of or mortality from neoplastic disease, and incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. Only six out of 12 studies were done in Mediterranean populations.<sup>w1 w3-w6 w12</sup> The remaining cohorts comprised US populations,<sup>w8-w11</sup> northern Europeans,<sup>w5-w7</sup> and a cohort of Europeans living in Australia.<sup>w3</sup> The total number of subjects in the included studies was 1 574 299.</p>", "<title>Main outcomes</title>", "<p>According to the different clinical outcomes, overall mortality was evaluated in eight cohorts (nine studies) for a total of 514 816 subjects and 33 576 deaths, cardiovascular mortality in three cohorts (four studies) including a total of 404 491 subjects and 3876 fatal events, cancer incidence/mortality in five cohorts (six studies) comprising 521 366 subjects and 10 929 events, and incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease in two cohorts (three studies) for a total of 133 626 subjects and 783 cases.</p>", "<p>Figure 2 shows the cumulative analysis for studies that analysed overall mortality as the primary clinical outcome. Using a random effects model, we found that a two point increase in score for adherence to a Mediterranean diet was significantly associated with a reduced risk of mortality from any cause (relative risk 0.91, 95% confidence interval 0.89 to 0.94; P&lt;0.0001). Significant heterogeneity was present among the studies (I<sub>2</sub>=48.8%; P=0.05). However, after exclusion of the paper by Trichopoulou et al 2003 that analysed the same cohort as Trichopoulou et al 2005,<sup>w4 w6</sup> the significant association with overall mortality remained (relative risk 0.92, 0.91 to 0.94; P&lt;0.0001), showing no significant heterogeneity (I<sub>2</sub>=18.3%; P=0.3).</p>", "<p>Similarly figure 3 shows that a greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet significantly reduced the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases (relative risk 0.91, 0.87 to 0.95; P&lt;0.0001) with non-significant heterogeneity (I<sub>2</sub>=32.6%; P=0.2). Furthermore, greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet significantly reduced the occurrence of and mortality from neoplasm (relative risk 0.94, 0.92 to 0.96; P&lt;0.0001) (I<sub>2</sub>=0%; P=0.5) (fig 4). Finally, the overall analysis showed a significant reduction in incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease associated with a higher score of adherence to a Mediterranean diet (relative risk 0.87, 0.80 to 0.96; P=0.004), with no heterogeneity among the studies (I<sub>2</sub>=0%; P=0.5) (fig 5).</p>", "<title>Sensitivity analyses</title>", "<p>Studies included in this meta-analysis varied in some characteristics. Because such heterogeneity of studies is likely to produce heterogeneity of effect sizes across studies, we did some sensitivity analyses. Table 2 shows the different subgroup analyses on studies evaluating overall mortality as clinical outcome. These analyses showed no significant influence of any variable (country of origin of the study, sex, follow-up time, quality of the studies) on the overall results of the meta-analysis.</p>", "<title>Publication bias</title>", "<p>To assess the presence of publication bias, we computed the failsafe N for each of the main outcomes. Each failsafe N (580 for studies evaluating overall mortality as main outcome, 68 for studies with cardiovascular mortality as main outcome, 72 for incidence of or mortality from cancer, and 43 for incidence of degenerative diseases) far exceeded Rosenthal’s recommendation (failsafe N&gt;5k+10, where k is the number of studies included in the analysis) for a robust effect of the overall analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>This meta-analysis shows, in an overall analysis comprising more than 1.5 million healthy subjects and 40 000 fatal and non-fatal events, that greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet is significantly associated with a reduced risk of overall mortality, cardiovascular mortality, cancer incidence and mortality, and incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The cumulative analysis of 12 cohort studies shows that a two point increase in the score for adherence to a Mediterranean diet determines a 9% reduction in overall mortality, a 9% reduction in mortality from cardiovascular diseases, a 6% reduction in incidence of or mortality from neoplasm, and a 13% reduction in incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that has systematically assessed, through meta-analysis, the possible association between adherence to a Mediterranean diet, mortality, and the occurrence of chronic diseases in the general population.</p>", "<title>Diet and disease</title>", "<p>The effect of diet on human health has been amply reported in many epidemiological, population based, and randomised clinical trials, providing evidence that a dietary pattern rich in some beneficial food groups such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and fish can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases.##REF##16512956##7## However, until now, the vast majority of studies followed the approach of assessing single nutrients or food groups in relation to the occurrence of disease.##UREF##2##4##\n##REF##3990713##8##\n##REF##18076281##9## This approach seems to have several conceptual and methodological limitations, because food components of diet present synergistic and antagonist interactions and because people eat a complex of nutrients.##REF##11790957##5## Therefore, over the past few years, researchers have shifted their attention from the evaluation of single nutrients to the analysis of dietary pattern as a whole.##REF##16512961##6##\n<sup>w1-w10</sup> As a result, an increasing number of studies have been done by summing foods considered to be important for health to provide an overall measure of dietary quality—that is, a quality diet score.##REF##16512961##6##</p>", "<p>In this context, a prominent position has been occupied by studies evaluating adherence to a Mediterranean diet, because of its well known and evidence based beneficial effects on human health. Indeed, since the early 1970s many investigators have reported the beneficial role of the Mediterranean diet, as originally reported by Keys in the pioneering seven countries study.##UREF##1##3## A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cereals, with olive oil as the only source of fat, moderate consumption of red wine especially during meals, and low consumption of red meat has been shown to be beneficial for all cause and cardiovascular mortality, lipid metabolism, blood pressure, and several different disease states such as endothelial dysfunction and overweight.##REF##16512956##7##</p>", "<title>Practical implications</title>", "<p>In this study we aimed to systematically analyse all the prospective cohort studies that evaluated the effect of a computational score estimating adherence to a Mediterranean diet on health status. From the overall analysis of 11 cohort studies, of which eight assessed the risk of overall mortality, four assessed cardiovascular mortality, six assessed incidence of or mortality from neoplasm, and three assessed incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, we report a significant reduction in risk of all the main clinical outcomes with an increasing score for adherence to a Mediterranean diet. This observation seems to show that a score based on a theoretically defined Mediterranean diet is an effective preventive tool for measuring the risk of mortality and morbidity in the general population.</p>", "<p>A Mediterranean diet has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the occurrence of diseases in industrialised and non-industrialised countries. All the major scientific associations, in fact, strongly encourage people to consume a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern to reduce their risk of disease.##UREF##3##10##\n##REF##16785338##11##\n##UREF##4##12## Unfortunately, despite this worldwide promotion of the Mediterranean diet, a progressive shift to a non-Mediterranean dietary pattern, even in countries bordering the Mediterranean sea, has progressively developed.##REF##15741987##13## It thus seems urgent to identify an effective preventive strategy to decrease the risk burden related to dietary habits in the general population; the use of such a tool could be important in increasing the implementation of dietary guidelines.</p>", "<title>Limitations</title>", "<p>Some limitations of this study can be identified. The Mediterranean diet is not a homogeneous pattern of eating, and heterogeneity on the score items exists. How to group some food categories such as legumes, nuts, and milk and dairy products; the real importance of different types of meat; and the establishment of the moderate amount of alcohol intake are still matters of dispute among researchers and can differ among the selected studies. None the less, the key characteristics of a Mediterranean diet were present in all the studies, and the overall analysis seemed not to be significantly influenced by these differences. In addition, the use of a score for estimating a dietary pattern is limited by subjectivity, conditioned by the available data and the main objectives of the study, and so possibly determining a great variability in the interpretation of the results.</p>", "<p>Finally, a further limitation exists in the different adjustment for potential confounders seen among the included studies. This difference could have determined a residual confounding within the studies, especially for the non-Mediterranean cohorts. However, the sensitivity analysis according to the quality of the studies, which also included the presence or not of adjustment factors, showed no significant influence of residual confounding on the overall findings of our meta-analysis.</p>", "<title>Conclusions</title>", "<p>This meta-analysis shows that adherence to a Mediterranean diet can significantly decrease the risk of overall mortality, mortality from cardiovascular diseases, incidence of or mortality from cancer, and incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. These results seem to be clinically relevant in terms of public health, particularly for reducing the risk of premature death in the general population, and are strictly concordant with current guidelines and recommendations from all the major scientific associations that strongly encourage a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern for primary and secondary prevention of major chronic diseases.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusions</title>", "<p>This meta-analysis shows that adherence to a Mediterranean diet can significantly decrease the risk of overall mortality, mortality from cardiovascular diseases, incidence of or mortality from cancer, and incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. These results seem to be clinically relevant in terms of public health, particularly for reducing the risk of premature death in the general population, and are strictly concordant with current guidelines and recommendations from all the major scientific associations that strongly encourage a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern for primary and secondary prevention of major chronic diseases.</p>" ]
[ "<p><bold>Objective</bold> To systematically review all the prospective cohort studies that have analysed the relation between adherence to a Mediterranean diet, mortality, and incidence of chronic diseases in a primary prevention setting. </p>", "<p><bold>Design</bold> Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.</p>", "<p><bold>Data sources</bold> English and non-English publications in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from 1966 to 30 June 2008. </p>", "<p><bold>Studies reviewed</bold> Studies that analysed prospectively the association between adherence to a Mediterranean diet, mortality, and incidence of diseases; 12 studies, with a total of 1 574 299 subjects followed for a time ranging from three to 18 years were included.</p>", "<p><bold>Results</bold> The cumulative analysis among eight cohorts (514 816 subjects and 33 576 deaths) evaluating overall mortality in relation to adherence to a Mediterranean diet showed that a two point increase in the adherence score was significantly associated with a reduced risk of mortality (pooled relative risk 0.91, 95% confidence interval 0.89 to 0.94). Likewise, the analyses showed a beneficial role for greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular mortality (pooled relative risk 0.91, 0.87 to 0.95), incidence of or mortality from cancer (0.94, 0.92 to 0.96), and incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease (0.87, 0.80 to 0.96).</p>", "<p><bold>Conclusions</bold> Greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet is associated with a significant improvement in health status, as seen by a significant reduction in overall mortality (9%), mortality from cardiovascular diseases (9%), incidence of or mortality from cancer (6%), and incidence of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease (13%). These results seem to be clinically relevant for public health, in particular for encouraging a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern for primary prevention of major chronic diseases.</p>" ]
[ "<p><bold>Cite this as:</bold>\n<italic>BMJ</italic> 2008;337:a1344</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"fig1\" position=\"float\"><caption><p><bold>Fig 1</bold> Process of study selection</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"fig2\" position=\"float\"><caption><p><bold>Fig 2</bold> Risk of all cause mortality associated with two point increase in adherence score for Mediterranean diet. Squares represent effect size; extended lines show 95% confidence intervals; diamond represents total effect size</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"fig3\" position=\"float\"><caption><p><bold>Fig 3</bold> Risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases associated with two point increase in adherence score for Mediterranean diet. Squares represent effect size; extended lines show 95% confidence intervals; diamond represents total effect size</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"fig4\" position=\"float\"><caption><p><bold>Fig 4</bold> Risk of occurrence of or mortality from cancer associated with two point increase in adherence score for Mediterranean diet. Squares represent effect size; extended lines show 95% confidence intervals; diamond represents total effect size</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"fig5\" position=\"float\"><caption><p><bold>Fig 5</bold> Risk of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease associated with two point increase in adherence score for Mediterranean diet. Squares represent effect size; extended lines show 95% confidence intervals; diamond represents total effect size</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"tbl1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p> Study characteristics</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Author, year</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Country</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">No of outcomes/No in cohort</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Outcome</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">Follow-up (years)</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">Age at entry (years)</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Sex</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Components of score</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Adjustment</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Trichopoulou et al, 1995<sup>w1</sup></td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Greece</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">53/182</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">4-5</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">&gt;70 (mean 75.4)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M/F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High cereals; 3. High fruits; 4. High vegetables; 5. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 6. Moderate alcohol; 7. Low meat and meat products; 8. Low milk and dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, sex, smoking habit, total diet score</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Kouris-Blazos et al, 1999<sup>w2</sup></td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Australia</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">36/330</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">4-6</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">≥70</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M/F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High cereals<break/>3. High fruits; 4. High vegetables; 5. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 6. Moderate alcohol; 7. Low meat and meat products; 8. Low milk and dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, sex, smoking habit, ethnic origin</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Lasheras et al, 2000<sup>w3</sup></td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Spain</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">96/161</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">9.5</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">65-80</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M/F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High cereals; 3. High fruits; 4. High vegetables; 5. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 6. Moderate alcohol; 7. Low meat and meat products; 8. Low milk and dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, sex, total diet score, albumin, dieting in response to chronic conditions, BMI, self assessment of health, physical activity</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Trichopoulou et al, 2003<sup>w4</sup> (EPIC)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Greece</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">275/22 043; 54/22 04</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality; CHD mortality</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">3.7</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">20-86</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M/F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High cereals; 3. High fruits/nuts; 4. High vegetables; 5. High fish; 6. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 7. Moderate alcohol; 8. Low meat and poultry; 9. Low dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, sex, smoking habit, years of education, BMI, waist to hip ratio, energy expenditure score, energy intake, consumption of potatoes and eggs</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Knoops et al, 2004<sup>w5</sup> (HALE project: SENECA and FINE)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">935/2339; 122/2152; 371/2152; 233/2152</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality; CHD mortality; CVD mortality; cancer mortality</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">10</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">70-90</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M/F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes/nuts/seeds; 2. High cereals; 3. High fruits; 4. High vegetables/potatoes; 5. High fish; 6. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 7. Low meat and meat products; 8. Low dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, sex, smoking habit, physical activity, BMI, dietary habits, alcohol, years of education, study population</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Trichopoulou et al, 2005<sup>w6</sup> (EPIC-elderly)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, UK</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">3810/67 228 (after exclusion of Greek patients)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">7.4</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">&gt;60</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M/F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High cereals; 3. High fruits/nuts; 4. High vegetables; 5. High fish; 6. High MUFA+PUFA:SFA ratio; 7. Moderate alcohol; 8. Low meat and poultry; 9. Low dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age; sex; smoking habit; diabetes; education; BMI; waist to hip ratio; physical activity; energy; consumption of potatoes, eggs, sugar, and confectionery</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Lagiou et al, 2006<sup>w7</sup></td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Sweden</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">572/42 237; 280/42 237</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality; cancer mortality</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">12</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">30-49</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High cereals; 3. High fruits/nuts; 4. High vegetables; 5. High fish; 6. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 7. Moderate alcohol; 8. Low meat and meat products; 9. Low dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age; height; BMI; smoking habit; physical activity; education; energy; consumption of potatoes, eggs, PUFA, sweets, and non-alcoholic beverages</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Fung et al, 2006<sup>w8</sup> (nurses’ health study)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">USA</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">3580/71 058</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Breast cancer</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">18</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">30-55</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High wholegrain products; 3. High fruits; 4. High nuts; 5. High vegetables; 6. High fish; 7. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 8. Moderate alcohol; 9. Low red and processed meats</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, smoking habit, BMI, multivitamins, energy, physical activity, family history of breast cancer and of benign breast disease, menopause, HRT, weight change since age 18 years</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Scarmeas et al, 2006<sup>w9</sup></td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">USA</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">85/2258</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Alzheimer’s disease</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">4</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">Mean 77.2</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M/F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High cereals; 3. High fruits; 4. High vegetables; 5. High fish; 6. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 7. Moderate alcohol; 8. Low meat; 9. Low dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, sex, cohort, ethnicity, smoking habit, BMI, education, energy, ApoE genotype, comorbidity index</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Gao et al, 2007<sup>w10</sup> (health professionals and nurses’ health studies)—men</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">USA</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">508/49 692</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Parkinson’s disease</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">16</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">40-75</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High wholegrain products; 3. High fruits; 4. High nuts; 5. High vegetables; 6. High fish; 7. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 8. Moderate alcohol; 9. Low red and processed meat</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, smoking habit, BMI, use of NSAIDs, energy, caffeine intake</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Gao et al, 2007<sup>w10</sup> (health professionals and nurses’ health studies)—women</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">USA</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">190/81 676</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Parkinson’s disease</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">16</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">40-75</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High wholegrain products; 3. High fruits; 4. High nuts; 5. High vegetables; 6. High fish; 7. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 8. Moderate alcohol; 9. Low red and processed meat</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, smoking habit, BMI, use of NSAIDs, energy, caffeine intake</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Mitrou et al, 2007<sup>w11</sup> (National Institutes of Health diet and health study)—men</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">USA</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">18 126/214 284; 2425/214 284; 3717/214 284</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality; CVD deaths; cancer deaths</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">10</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">50-71</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High wholegrain products; 3. High fruits; 4. High nuts; 5. High vegetables; 6. High fish; 7. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 8. Moderate alcohol; 9. Low red and processed meat</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, race, smoking habit, energy, BMI, education, physical activity</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Mitrou et al, 2007<sup>w11</sup> (National Institutes of Health diet and health study)—women</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">USA</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">9673/166 012; 1026/166 012; 2268/166 012</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Overall mortality; CVD deaths; cancer deaths</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">10</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">50-71</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High wholegrain products; 3. High fruits; 4. High nuts; 5. High vegetables; 6. High fish; 7. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 8. Moderate alcohol; 9. Low red and processed meat</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age, race, smoking habit, energy, BMI, education, physical activity, HRT</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Benetou et al, 2008<sup>w12</sup> (EPIC)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Greece</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">851/25 623</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Incident cancers (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">7.9</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">20-86</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">M/F</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">1. High legumes; 2. High cereals; 3. High fruits/nuts; 4. High vegetables; 5. High fish; 6. High MUFA:SFA ratio; 7. Moderate alcohol; 8. Low meat and poultry; 9. Low dairy products</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age; sex; smoking habit; years of education; BMI; height; physical activity; total energy; consumption of potatoes, eggs, confectionery, and non-alcoholic beverages</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"tbl2\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p> Sensitivity analysis</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Variable (No of studies)</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">Relative risk (95% CI)</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Sex:</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Male (7)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">0.89 (0.85 to 0.94)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Female (8)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">0.90 (0.86 to 0.94)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Country of origin:</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Europe (6)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">0.87 (0.81 to 0.94)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> United States/Australia (3)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">0.93 (0.91 to 0.94)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Follow-up time:</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> &lt;8 years (4)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">0.82 (0.69 to 0.97)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> &gt;8 years (5)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">0.92 (0.91 to 0.94)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Study quality:</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Low (3)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">0.89 (0.83 to 0.99)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> High (6)</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">0.92 (0.90 to 0.94)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<boxed-text position=\"float\" content-type=\"style3\"><sec><title>What is already known on this topic</title><list list-type=\"simple\"><list-item><p>The Mediterranean diet is a well known model of diet for primary and secondary prevention of major chronic diseases</p></list-item><list-item><p>An adherence score can be used to assess the adherence of a specific population to the rules of a traditional Mediterranean diet</p></list-item></list></sec><sec><title>What this study adds</title><list list-type=\"simple\"><list-item><p>Greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet confers a significant protection for overall mortality, as well as cardiovascular disease mortality and incidence of cancer and degenerative diseases</p></list-item><list-item><p>The adherence score based on a theoretically defined Mediterranean diet could be an effective preventive tool for reducing the risk of mortality and morbidity in the general population</p></list-item></list></sec></boxed-text>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>ApoE=apolipoprotein E; BMI=body mass index; CHD=coronary heart disease; CVD=cardiovascular disease; HRT=hormone replacement therapy; MUFA=mono-unsaturated fatty acids; NSAIDs=non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; PUFA=polyunsaturated fatty acids; SFA=saturated fatty acids.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"participating-researchers\"><p>Contributors: FS and AC contributed to conception and design. All authors were involved in analysis and interpretation of the data. FS and FC drafted the manuscript, which was critically revised for important intellectual content by RA, GFG, and AC. All authors approved the final version. FS provided statistical expertise and is the guarantor.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>Funding: None.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"conflict\"><p>Competing interests: None declared.</p></fn><fn><p>Ethical approval: Not needed.</p></fn><fn><p>Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"soff557223.f1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"soff557223.f2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"soff557223.f3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"soff557223.f4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"soff557223.f5\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["1"], "mixed-citation": ["Willett WC, Sacks F, Trichopoulou A, Drescher G, Ferro-Luzzi A, Helsing E, et al. Mediterranean diet pyramid: a cultural model for healthy eating. "], "source": ["Am J Clin Nutr"], "year": ["1995"], "volume": ["61"], "fpage": ["1402"]}, {"label": ["3"], "mixed-citation": ["Keys A. "], "source": ["Seven countries: a multivariate analysis of death and coronary heart disease"], "year": ["1980"]}, {"label": ["4"], "mixed-citation": ["De Lorgeril M, Salen P, Martin J, Monjaud I, Delaye J, Mamelle N. Mediterranean diet, traditional risk factors and the rate of cardiovascular complications after myocardial infarction: final report of the Lyon diet heart study. "], "source": ["Circulation"], "year": ["1999"], "volume": ["99"], "fpage": ["799"]}, {"label": ["10"], "mixed-citation": ["WHO Study Group. "], "source": ["Diet, nutrition, and the prevention of chronic diseases"], "year": ["2003"]}, {"label": ["12"], "mixed-citation": ["US Department of Health and Human Services, US Department of Agriculture. "], "source": ["Dietary guidelines for Americans 2005"], "year": ["2005"], "ext-link": [""]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 21:41:45
BMJ. 2008 Sep 11; 337:a1344
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Food advertising of non-nutritious products targets children throughout the world, not only in developed and wealthy countries.##REF##15829531##1##\n##REF##9612782##2##\n##REF##16775233##3## Children in Lao Popular Democratic Republic (Laos) are targets of food advertising that contributes to poor nutrition, overweight, and underweight. Markets and school playgrounds are full of attractively labelled, non-nutritious foods such as crisps, fizzy drinks, and sweets.</p>", "<p>Of particular concern is the breaching of the international code of marketing of breast milk substitutes, which has been repeatedly advocated in recent years in developing ##REF##12531842##4##\n##REF##18450233##5## and industrialised countries.##REF##16925828##6## The code is intended as a minimum requirement by all governments and aims to protect infant health by preventing inappropriate marketing of breast milk substitutes. “The code applies to the marketing of breast-milk substitutes . . . including bottle-fed complementary foods, when marketed or otherwise represented to be suitable for use as a partial or total replacement of breast milk.”##REF##7279477##7## Product labels are often the only source of information available to consumers regarding the content and uses of a product, and public interest groups have documented multiple instances of formula companies providing misleading information on infant formula labels.##UREF##0##8##</p>", "<p>In Laos a popular coffee creamer is marketed with an illustration of a mother bear holding a baby bear in the breastfeeding position (figure). The first listed ingredient is sugar and it contains 3.6% of calories as protein and 27.3% as fat. For infant formulas the recommended content is 7.2-12.0% protein and 40-54% fat.##REF##16254515##9## The coffee creamer is sold in many rural roadside shops. The company uses the same Bear Brand logo on its canned sterilised cows’ milk product and on infant formula products for infants from 6 months. A warning on the can states “This product is not to be used as breast milk substitute” in English, Thai, and Lao. There is also an illustration of a feeding bottle with a cross through it.</p>", "<p>We have encountered infants and children admitted to hospital with protein-calorie malnutrition who were fed this product exclusively. We conducted two surveys to determine whether or not the practice of feeding this coffee creamer to infants is widespread in Laos. We also explored the impact of the cartoon logo on people’s perception of the product’s appropriateness for infants.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Study site</title>", "<p>Laos is one of the poorest countries in southeast Asia, 135th out of 177 countries evaluated according to the human development index.##REF##16501731##10##\n##UREF##1##11## It is a multiethnic and multilingual country with more than 45 languages spoken. The average official literacy rate in Laos (73%) does not reflect the disparity between the rate in urban areas (89%) and that in rural areas (54%), which can be assumed to be overestimated in remote areas.##UREF##2##12## The documented high prevalence of stunting (41%) and wasting (15%) among children (0-5 years) has not improved over recent decades.##REF##8820613##13##\n##UREF##3##14## Stunting rates reach up to 65% in children aged 12-23 months and in some ethnic groups.##REF##17445054##15## Up to 74% of children aged over 5 in northern rural areas are stunted.##REF##15915154##16## In Laos, 95% of the mothers breast feed their newborn children but the rate of exclusive breast feeding is below 28%.##UREF##4##17## Food taboos during the postpartum period and inappropriate early supplementary feeding in infants are common nationwide.##UREF##5##18##\n##REF##17704036##19## Inadequate breast feeding and weaning practices contribute to high rates of malnutrition and infant and child mortality.##UREF##6##20##\n##REF##16925871##21## Micronutrient deficiency, beri-beri (clinical vitamin B-1 deficiency), and a high incidence of children with bladder stones have been associated with a diet with low diversity and consumption of glutinous rice.##REF##15906634##22##\n##REF##14567833##23##</p>", "<title>Study procedure</title>", "<p>In Laos in 2006, 26 paediatricians had completed paediatric residency training and were working in eight of the 17 provinces. One author (LMS) interviewed these paediatricians to collect information on parents’ use of the Bear Brand coffee creamer as a substitute for breast milk.</p>", "<p>In 2007 we conducted a sample survey in Laos. Of 18 provinces, we chose five as representative of the geographical strata of south (Attapeu, Savannakhet provinces), central (Vientiane Capital and Vientiane provinces), and northern Laos (Luang Nam Tha province). In one district we applied a two stage random sample procedure. At the first stage we randomly selected a village and at the second stage, households. Random numbers were used to select the villages from the list of villages per district and households from the list of households in the villages. We randomly chose one adult per household to be interviewed in the Lao language from among all present household members aged over 18. We randomly selected and enrolled 84 villages and an average of 14 households with one adult from each. A semistructured questionnaire examined knowledge and use of the coffee creamer with the Bear Brand logo.</p>", "<p>Participants gave their informed consent to participate in the survey.</p>", "<title>Sample size estimation, definitions, and analysis</title>", "<p>We calculated that we needed a sample size of 983 people, based on an estimated use of coffee creamer of 20%, a 4% precision with α=0.05, and 90% power, and we added 10% more people to account for incomplete data, resulting in a sample of 1080.</p>", "<p>Data were double entered with Epidata (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>, Odense, Denmark) and Stata, version 8 (Stata Cooperation, College Station, TX). We performed analyses only in people who recognised the coffee creamer can. We used χ<sup>2</sup> and Fisher’s exact tests for categorical variables and Student’s <italic>t</italic> test and analysis of variance (<italic>F</italic> test) for normally distributed continuous data. We considered P&lt;0.05 as significant.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Of the 26 paediatricians interviewed, 13 reported that parents “often” feed the Bear Brand coffee creamer to infants as a substitute for breast milk. Eleven reported that parents “sometimes” feed the product to infants. Paediatricians in Vientiane reported that mothers use the product when they return to work. In the countryside poor families use the product as a breast milk substitute when the mother is ill or dies.</p>", "<p>Paediatricians have encountered infants and children admitted to hospital with protein calorie malnutrition who had been fed this product exclusively and often reported similar stories (see box).</p>", "<p>Table 1 provides the main characteristics of the population surveyed. Of 1098 respondents, 570 (51%) lived in remote rural area, 364 (33%) lived in a semirural area (&lt;30 km from an urban centre), and 164 (15%) lived in an urban area (Vientiane or Savannakhet). Of the adults interviewed, 1031/1098 (94%) recognised the can; 994/1031 (96%) believed that it contained milk; and only 21/1031 (2%) identified the contents correctly as coffee creamer. In total, 191 (19%) reported giving the coffee creamer with the Bear Brand logo to infants at a mean age of 4.7 months (95% confidence interval 4.1 to 5.3). The main reasons given were that they thought it complemented breast feeding (40%), was good for infants’ growth (19%), was a substitute for breast milk (17%), and was cheap (11%).</p>", "<p>Of 1031 people, 824 (80%) said they had not read the text warning on the can. Tables 2 and 3 describe the respondents’ understanding of the Bear Brand logo and the feeding bottle with a cross through it.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Bear Brand coffee creamer is a recognised and well distributed product in diverse parts of Laos. Nearly half of surveyed adults believe that the cartoon logo on the can means that the product is “good for infants” or “a replacement for breast milk.” Nearly a fifth of parents had given the product to their young infants. Paediatricians confirmed that parents use this product as a substitute for breast feeding.</p>", "<p>Nearly half of respondents did not notice the written warning on the label or the picture of a baby’s bottle with a cross through it. Some (12%) did not understand the meaning of the cross through the bottle. The cartoon bear and her cub seem to provide the most salient misinformation, and the warnings on the label are inadequate to ensure safe and appropriate use of this product. The data suggest that the image of the Bear Brand misleads parents, who believe the coffee creamer is a suitable food for babies.</p>", "<p>Protection of breast feeding by limiting the active promotion of the use of breast milk substitutes by formula companies is the central goal of the international code of marketing of breast milk substitutes.##REF##12531842##4##\n##REF##12531818##24##\n##REF##9552947##25## The sugar based coffee creamer, according to its label, is “not . . . a breast-milk substitute.” The logo on the label of the bear holding a cub in the breastfeeding position, however, conveys quite the opposite message, making this a somewhat different type of code violation.</p>", "<title>Strengths and limitations</title>", "<p>Our study was limited by quota samples in four diverse Lao provinces. We interviewed the families at home during the day and therefore interviewed more women. The included villages had to have road access, which excluded more remote villages and limited ethnic diversity. As our sample was more literate than the national average (90% <italic>v</italic> 70%), we might have underestimated the level of misconceptions and the nationwide use of the coffee creamer as a substitute for breast milk because secondary education was associated with a lower risk of giving the coffee creamer to infants (unpublished data).</p>", "<p>Formula companies have been shown to provide misleading information on infant formula labels.##UREF##0##8## We have shown further misconceptions associated with the use of the Bear Brand logo for a coffee creamer. Because of its ease of misinterpretation, this logo should not be permitted on products that are not infant formula.</p>", "<p>Our research was limited to Laos, so the relevance to other southeast Asian countries is not known. Future research is required to determine the distribution of this logo in developing countries throughout the world.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The Bear Brand logo’s non-verbal message implies that the product contained is intended for infants. The powerful visual message is not mitigated by the addition of warning text or by the confusing symbol of the feeding bottle with a cross through it. The sale of coffee creamer with this logo places the health of infants and children at risk in a developing nation that already has extreme levels of malnutrition. </p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The Bear Brand logo’s non-verbal message implies that the product contained is intended for infants. The powerful visual message is not mitigated by the addition of warning text or by the confusing symbol of the feeding bottle with a cross through it. The sale of coffee creamer with this logo places the health of infants and children at risk in a developing nation that already has extreme levels of malnutrition. </p>" ]
[ "<p><bold>Objective</bold> To investigate the use of Bear Brand coffee creamer as a food for infants and the impact on consumers of the logo of a cartoon baby bear held by its mother in the breastfeeding position.</p>", "<p><bold>Design</bold> Interviews with paediatricians throughout the country and a national survey of potential consumers regarding their perceptions and use of the Bear Brand coffee creamer.</p>", "<p><bold>Setting</bold> 84 randomised villages in south, central, and northern Laos.</p>", "<p><bold>Participants</bold> 26 Lao paediatricians and 1098 adults in households in a cluster sampling.</p>", "<p><bold>Results</bold> Of the 26 paediatricians, 24 said that parents “often” or “sometimes” fed this product to infants as a substitute for breast milk. In the capital city, paediatricians said that mothers used the product when they returned to work. In the countryside, they reported that poor families used it when the mother was ill or died. Of 1098 adults surveyed, 96% believed that the can contains milk; 46% believed the Bear Brand logo indicates that the product is formulated for feeding to infants or to replace breast milk; 80% had not read the written warning on the can; and over 18% reported giving the product to their infant at a mean age of 4.7 months (95% confidence interval 4.1 to 5.3).</p>", "<p><bold>Conclusion</bold> The Bear Brand coffee creamer is used as a breast milk substitute in Laos. The cartoon logo influences people’s perception of the product that belies the written warning “This product is not to be used as a breast milk substitute.” Use of this logo on coffee creamer is misleading to the local population and places the health of infants at risk.</p>" ]
[ "<p><bold>Cite this as:</bold>\n<italic>BMJ</italic> 2008;337:a1379</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"fig1\" position=\"float\"><caption><p>Label from Bear Brand coffee creamer</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"tbl1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p> Characteristics of 1098 adult respondents to survey about use of Bear Brand coffee creamer in Laos</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\"/><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">No (%) or mean (95% CI)</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Women</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">612 (63.6)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Age (years)*</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">42.0 (41.2 to 42.7)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Illiterate</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">110 (10.0)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Secondary education or above</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">559 (50.0)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Ethnic group:</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Lao Loum</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">1010 (91.9)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Lao Theung</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">70 (6.4)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Lao Soum</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">18 (1.6)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Family size*</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">5.9 (5.7 to 6.0)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Households with no children</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">132 (12.0)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Households with TV or radio</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">847 (83.6)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Occupation:</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Farmer</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">388 (35.1)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Shopkeeper or craftsman</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">260 (23.6)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> No job/housewife/retired</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">219 (20.0)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Civil servant</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">129 (11.7)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Worker</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">33 (3.0)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"> Other</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">69 (6.3)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"tbl2\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p> Responses of 1023 adults when asked “What does this logo mean?” (respondents shown Bear Brand logo, see figure)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Response</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">No (%)</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product is good for infants</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">402 (39.3)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product is good for children</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">115 (11.2)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Advertising</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">110 (10.7)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product is replacement for breast milk</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">66 (6.5)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product is for adults</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">13 (1.3)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product is made from animals</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">6 (0.6)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Bears love their children</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">4 (0.4)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product is for everyone</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">3 (0.3)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Not sure</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">242 (23.7)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Other response</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">2 (0.2)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"tbl3\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p> Responses of 1018 adults when asked “What does this picture mean” (respondents shown picture of feeding bottle with cross through it, see figure)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"bottom\">Response</th><th colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"bottom\">No (%)</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Never noticed it/don’t know</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">557 (49.7)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product not for infants</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">319 (31.3)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product should not be given by bottle</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">98 (9.6)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product is dangerous</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">16 (1.6)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">Product is good for babies</td><td colspan=\"1\" rowspan=\"1\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">10 (1.0)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<boxed-text position=\"float\" content-type=\"style4\"><sec><title>Examples of cases</title><p>In the remote countryside of Luang Nam Tha Province an 18 month old boy who weighed 6 kg was admitted to hospital with evidence of kwashiorkor. His grandparents had fed him Bear Brand coffee creamer since the age of 2 months, when his mother had died. The family was of the ethnic group Lenten and did not read the Lao language. They believed the can contained cows’ milk. The child had never grown well and had never moved on to solid foods, but his condition improved rapidly with nutritional support and family education in the hospital.</p><p>In the capital city, Vientiane, a 3 month old infant with the oedema and skin changes of kwashiorkor died in hospital from complications of severe malnutrition and pneumonia. Her mother had been concerned that the infant was vomiting with breast feeding shortly after birth. She stopped breast feeding and bought the coffee creamer with the Bear Brand logo. The mother stated that she read the label and understood the creamer was not for use instead of breast milk, but noted that the can had a mother bear with a baby bear on its label, and that people in her village consider this an acceptable infant food.</p></sec></boxed-text>", "<boxed-text position=\"float\" content-type=\"style3\"><sec><title>What is already known on this topic</title><list list-type=\"simple\"><list-item><p>Exclusive breast feeding protects infant health and is recommended for the first 6 months of life</p></list-item><list-item><p>The international code on marketing of breast milk substitutes aims to protect infant health by preventing inappropriate promotion of breast milk substitutes and is considered the minimum requirement to be adopted by all governments</p></list-item><list-item><p>Violations have been reported and addressed</p></list-item></list></sec><sec><title>What this study adds</title><list list-type=\"simple\"><list-item><p>A cartoon bear holding a cub in the breastfeeding position pictured on cans of coffee creamer implies that the product is suitable for young infants, despite a written warning to the contrary</p></list-item><list-item><p>This product is widely available in the country of Laos and is commonly given to young infants</p></list-item><list-item><p>Use of this logo on coffee creamer is misleading to the local population and places the health of infants at risk</p></list-item></list></sec></boxed-text>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* Mean (95% confidence interval).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn><p>We thank the P8 Masters’ students of the Institut de la Francophonie pour la Médecine Tropicale (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie), J P René, and Bryan Watt; the Lao paediatricians and the staff of Health Frontier, Vientiane; and the families and health authorities of Vientiane Municipality, Savannakhet, Hinheup, Atapeu, and Luang Nam Tha.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"participating-researchers\"><p>Contributors: HB was responsible for the overall coordination of the study and contributed to the study design, enrolment, field supervision, and data analysis; he is also guarantor. TA and VL enrolled and followed up the children and collected and analysed the data. MA and LMS were responsible for the first survey and contributed to the interpretation of the data. All authors contributed to the writing of the paper.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>Funding: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF).</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"conflict\"><p>Competing interests: None declared.</p></fn><fn><p>Ethical approval: National ethical review board of Laos.</p></fn><fn><p>Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"barh579086.f1\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["8"], "mixed-citation": ["Mayor S. Report warns of continuing violations of code on breast milk substitute marketing. "], "source": ["BMJ"], "year": ["2004"], "volume": ["328"], "fpage": ["1218"]}, {"label": ["11"], "mixed-citation": ["United Nations Development Program. "], "source": ["Human development report 2004: cultural liberty in today\u2019s diverse world"], "year": ["2004"], "ext-link": [""]}, {"label": ["12"], "mixed-citation": ["National Statistics Centre. "], "source": ["Population census 2005"], "ext-link": [""]}, {"label": ["14"], "source": ["Lao PDR: comprehensive food security and vulnerability analysis (CFSVA). World Food Programme"], "year": ["2007"], "ext-link": [""]}, {"label": ["17"], "mixed-citation": ["Ministry of Health Lao PDR, National Institute of Public Health, State Planning Committee, and National Statistic Center. "], "source": ["Health status of the people in Lao PDR"], "year": ["2001"]}, {"label": ["18"], "mixed-citation": ["Barennes H, Simmala C, Odermatt P, Thaybouavone T, Vallee J, Martinez-Ussel B, et al. Postpartum traditions and nutrition practices among urban Lao women and their infants in Vientiane, Lao PDR. "], "source": ["Eur J Clin Nutr"], "year": ["2007"]}, {"label": ["20"], "mixed-citation": ["Kaufmann S, Marchesich R, Dop MC. "], "source": ["FAO nutrition country Laos", "FAO nutrition country profiles."], "year": ["2003"], "ext-link": [""]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 21:41:47
BMJ. 2008 Sep 9; 337:a1379
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The majority of DNA microarrays in use today are created from single genomes that do not reflect the genetic diversity of a group of heterogeneous entities. Mixed-DNA microarrays offer an alternative for \"capturing\" genetic diversity and can be used for classification purposes such as identifying pathogens or determining genetic relationships for epidemiology studies [##REF##17209070##1##, ####REF##12554104##2##, ##REF##12574259##3##, ##REF##16405681##4####16405681##4##]. DNA from one or more reference strains or plasmids is shotgun-cloned, and a mixed-genome or mixed-plasmid microarray is generated from randomly selected, PCR-amplified clone inserts [##REF##12554104##2##,##REF##12574259##3##]. Unlike most fingerprinting tools, the mixed-array format permits identification of informative probes that can be retrieved from the clone library for sequencing [##REF##16517630##5##]. However, redundant sequences and limited representation of diversity can limit the application of these tools [##REF##12574259##3##,##REF##16405681##4##]. Fortunately, a growing public database of genomes offers a new opportunity to incorporate non-redundant and diverse sequences into a mixed-microarray format. These arrays can be used to quickly assess the distribution of genetic diversity across multiple species and niches.</p>", "<p>This work focuses on the optimal design of classification arrays. By optimal we mean minimizing the complexity and cost of an array by using as few probes as possible while still rendering sufficient information to discriminate between strains or groups of organisms and to avoid bias; the goal is to remove irrelevant probes (probes that contain no useful information) and reduce the number of redundant probes (probes that contain the same information) in such a way that the chosen probes will allow us to perform the desired classification task accurately. Selection of an optimal set of probes is a key factor in designing a successful mixed microarray to suit a particular need. The effects of probe length and the number of probes per gene have been discussed in [##REF##15243142##6##]. A method for finding unique and valid oligonucleotides or probes was proposed in [##REF##16049019##7##], which tries to identify probes for a gene such that there is no similar occurrence in other locations of a genome. A tool for choosing optimal DNA oligos is reported in [##REF##12824409##8##], which identifies oligo sequences that occur in members of the target group but not in the non-target group. However, these methods are used for genome-wide probe selection and are not intended to identify minimum probe sets for classification problems.</p>", "<p>A number of methods have been introduced for designing optimal probe sets. Pre-filtering methods [##REF##12603017##9##] use clustering of all probes to find similar probe groups. Similar probes are discarded; the remaining probes are ranked, and top-ranked probes are kept for further analysis. A similar method [##UREF##0##10##] uses K-means to cluster all genes, and the means of different gene clusters are used as prototype genes. The limitation of these methods is that the number of clusters must be specified. A hybrid approach [##REF##15585531##11##] ranks the probes first and selects a set of top-ranked probes. Hierarchical clustering is then used on these probes to generate a dendrogram. The optimal probes are selected by collapsing dense clusters. In this manner a small set of probes is identified that has a similar prediction accuracy to one that uses more probes.</p>", "<p>The methods described above identify optimal probes using training data when the structure of the data is given. Such information, however, is usually unavailable for microarray data sets. A tool is still needed to help design mixed microarrays when prior knowledge of a microarray data set is unavailable. The focus of this paper is a software program, PLASMID, used for selecting an optimal set of probe sequences without a <italic>priori </italic>knowledge that will enable correct classification of groups of plasmids or bacteria. Data used to identify probe candidates can be either existing microarray data (or similar hybridization data) or sequence data from a public database such as GenBank. The latter are converted to \"probe\" sequences, and virtual hybridization is used to generate data for probe selection [##REF##17209070##1##]. To demonstrate the generality of PLASMID, we include an example whereby the program can also be applied to develop a minimum probe set to distinguish between two classes of leukemia using data from an expression array.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Finding meaningful clusters in hybridization data</title>", "<p>Finding meaningful clusters of samples (e.g., plasmids) from a given set of hybridization or sequence data is the starting point for the design of an optimal microarray; our tool provides several clustering options. Clustering methods can be divided into two general groups: distance-based methods and model-based methods. Distance-based methods are either non-hierarchical or hierarchical, and each method has its particular strengths and weaknesses. Currently our tool includes the K-means non-hierarchical clustering algorithm and hierarchical clustering by means of Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA), neighbor joining, or Ward's minimum variance method, all of which are widely used in microarray data analysis [##UREF##1##12##]. Two distance metrics have been implemented, Euclidean distance and Pearson's correlation coefficient, from which users can choose. The distance-based methods listed above are standard clustering techniques. In addition to these, we have also implemented the model-based clustering method described below.</p>", "<title>Model-based genetic clustering</title>", "<p>Distance-based methods are simple to use, and the clustering results are easy to explain. However, it is hard to obtain information about the number of clusters, the confidence level of the clustering results, and so on, from these methods. To avoid some of these issues, model-based clustering methods can be used as an alternative. Model-based clustering methods assume that the data can be clustered according to a set of underlying distributions. These underlying distributions can be modeled, and finding a suitable model can be construed as an optimization problem. We assume that <italic>M </italic>is the underlying model for a data set represented by a matrix X where each row of the matrix represents the data for a given sample (e.g., plasmid). The best clustering result is represented by partition <italic>P </italic>of X. A measure is used to determine which <italic>P </italic>is most likely for X. In our tool the measure is the likelihood of all possible partitions <italic>P</italic>. A number of different optimization methods can be used to find the solution for <italic>P</italic>. In our tool, we have chosen to use a genetic algorithm because of its simplicity and efficiency in addition to its ability to find the optimal solution. Usually model-based clustering methods are based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) method. However, EM algorithms tend to break down for microarray data because an inversion of the covariance matrix must be performed. In genetic algorithms, a search method is used to circumvent the need for this computation, thereby making genetic model-based methods more stable.</p>", "<p>To find the best partition <italic>P </italic>we want to maximize the posterior probability <italic>f</italic>(<italic>P</italic>|X). According to Bayes' theorem, where <italic>f</italic>(<italic>P</italic>) is the prior probability. Recasting Bayes' theorem in terms of the likelihood ℒ(X|<italic>P</italic>) gives <italic>f</italic>(<italic>P</italic>|X) ∝ ℒ(X|<italic>P</italic>) <italic>f </italic>(<italic>P</italic>)–that is, the posterior probability is proportional to the product of the likelihood and prior probability. Now if we assume a uniform distribution for <italic>P</italic>, then <italic>f</italic>(<italic>P</italic>) is constant and maximizing the posterior probability <italic>f</italic>(<italic>P</italic>|X) is equivalent to maximizing the likelihood ℒ(X|<italic>P</italic>).</p>", "<p>If we assume the rows of the matrix X in each cluster of the partition are independent and identically distributed, we can compute the likelihood of a partition. For this work, we assume the rows in each cluster are normally distributed with mean <italic>μ</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>and variance , and we assume a normal distribution for all <italic>μ</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>and an inverse-Γ distribution for all . This leads to:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where <italic>k </italic>is the index of clusters, <italic>j </italic>is the index of probes, <italic>n</italic><sub><italic>k </italic></sub>is the number of samples in the <italic>k</italic>th cluster, <italic>k</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>is the index of samples in the <italic>k</italic>th cluster, and <italic>μ</italic><sub>0 </sub>and are the overall mean and variance of all the data [##REF##16766561##13##].</p>", "<p>Using this as a measure, the genetic algorithm is used to find the partition that maximizes the likelihood. The steps of the genetic algorithm are summarized as follows:</p>", "<p>1. Generate <italic>N </italic>random partitions. Each partition is represented by a vector [1 2 1 ⋯] where each term is the index of a cluster.</p>", "<p>2. Prior knowledge of pairs of samples highly unlikely to be in the same cluster can be incorporated into the partition likelihood by creating a text file with each pair of samples, together with a small weighting factor, on one line. The weighting factor must be smaller than 1, but how much smaller has to be determined empirically based on the end result. A weighting factor of zero indicates that the pair cannot be in the same cluster.</p>", "<p>3. Compute the likelihood ℒ for all partitions.</p>", "<p>4. Repeat the following steps until the the maximum iterations (<italic>Max</italic>) has been reached or the difference between the likelihood of two successive iterations is less than <italic>ε</italic>, where <italic>Max </italic>and <italic>ε </italic>are given.</p>", "<p>(a) Select the two partitions with the highest scores.</p>", "<p>(b) Do crossover and mutation on these two partitions to generate new partitions. Crossover is accomplished by randomly selecting sections of equal length from each partition and exchanging them. Mutation is performed following crossover and is accomplished by randomly selecting one term in each of the partitions and changing it to a different value.</p>", "<p>(c) Compute the likelihood ℒ for these two new partitions (offspring).</p>", "<p>(d) Replace the two lowest-ranked partitions with the offspring.</p>", "<p>Other measures can be used including Bayesian Information Criteria and minimum description length. These measures will be included in future versions of PLASMID.</p>", "<title>Probe ranking for classification</title>", "<p>In a DNA microarray data set there are usually many more probes than the number of samples (e.g., plasmids) to be classified, and often some probes either convey no useful information or convey the same information. Thus, in the design of an optimal probe set for sample classification, one objective is to identify and remove irrelevant and redundant probes. In this section, we describe our method for removing irrelevant probes; in the next section redundancy reduction is described.</p>", "<p>Irrelevant probes are removed using probe ranking on the clusters of samples obtained in the previous step. There are two basic approaches to probe ranking: filter techniques and wrapper techniques. Because of their simplicity, filter procedures are used most commonly for DNA microarrays. The filter procedure ranks each probe using a metric based on its classification relevance. Top-ranked probes are then selected to perform classification. Numerous filter metrics are described in the literature [##REF##12912841##14##]: probabilistic and distance metrics, dependence measures, scores based on information theory, etc. In our tool, filter metrics are determined using two different statistical tests, the ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>and Brown-Forsythe tests. Other tests considered were the Welch, adjusted Welch, Cochran, and Kruskal-Wallis test statistics [##REF##16046818##15##].</p>", "<p>The test statistic is used as a metric to evaluate the discriminating power of a probe. Higher values represent more discriminating probes. For some applications, clusters may include an insufficient number of samples for meaningful statistical analysis. Such cases can be handled by generating random samples that differ only slightly from the original samples. These samples can be included in the statistical analysis and then discarded without compromising the probe ranking procedure. The purpose of adding these samples is for computational convenience only; they do not add more information.</p>", "<p>The end result of the probe ranking function is a list of all probes ranked by their classification relevance. At this point, the user can either stop and use some chosen number of the top-ranked probes for the array probe set or continue with probe reduction and stepwise discriminant analysis to remove redundant probes and assign weights to the probes.</p>", "<title>Stepwise discriminant analysis</title>", "<p>Probe ranking is used to remove irrelevant probes that convey little or no information. Nevertheless, while the top-ranked probes are informative, at least some of them are likely to convey redundant information. The next task is to remove this unnecessary redundancy. K-means clustering is usually used to cluster samples (e.g., plasmids) as described in an earlier section, but here we use it in a novel way to cluster probes. A set of top-ranked probes is clustered into <italic>κ </italic>groups where the value of <italic>κ </italic>is evaluated empirically to maximize classification accuracy; probes in the same group are highly correlated with each other but uncorrelated or loosely correlated with probes in other groups. The probe closest to the center of a group is chosen to be representative of that group, and the <italic>κ </italic>representative probes are used with stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA) [##UREF##2##16##] which identifies the optimal probe set from the <italic>κ </italic>probes. At each step of the SDA, an statistic is computed for each probe; this value is used to determine whether including the probe or excluding the probe from will significantly improve sample differentiation. The SDA process starts with an empty probe set , and an iterative process of adding a probe to or removing a probe from continues until no probes can be added or removed. is used for the probes in , and is used for the probes not in . The probe in with the smallest value of less than a chosen threshold value, usually 1.0, is removed; the probe not in with the largest value of greater than the threshold value is added to . The formulas used to compute are:</p>", "<p> values:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p></p>", "<p>Wilks' Λ:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>Within-group covariance matrix:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>Among-group covariance matrix:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where <italic>q </italic>is the number of clusters, <italic>n</italic><sub><italic>m </italic></sub>is the number of samples in the cluster <italic>m</italic>, <italic>x</italic><sub><italic>mki </italic></sub>is the value of the <italic>i</italic>th probe for the <italic>k</italic>th sample in the <italic>m</italic>th cluster, <italic>n </italic>is the total number of samples, <italic>r </italic>is the number of probes currently included in , |<italic>p </italic>denotes a new group of probes which is obtained by adding the probe <italic>p </italic>to , and \\<italic>p </italic>denotes a new group of probes which is obtained by removing the probe <italic>p </italic>from .</p>", "<p>At the conclusion of SDA, the optimal probe set is determined based on the prediction accuracy of the selected probes. Because there are typically a small number of samples associated with microarray data, prediction accuracy is computed using the leave-one-out (LOO) cross validation method [##REF##15585531##11##,##REF##16046818##15##]. The set of probes associated with the highest LOO predication accuracy is written to a file together with its associated weights. It is important to note that when SDA is used to obtain the final probe set, the weights associated with the probes must be used for classification of new empirical data obtained using the probes. The probes should not be treated with equal weight.</p>", "<title>Probe selection for a classification microarray</title>", "<p>In summary, the steps in our design of an optimal probe set are:</p>", "<p>1. Cluster the samples (e.g., plasmids) using microarray or sequence data and select clusters of interest using a hierarchical, non-hierarchical, and/or model-based method. <italic>A priori </italic>clustering is also permitted.</p>", "<p>2. Use the probe ranking procedure with the sample clusters to rank the probes for relevance.</p>", "<p>3. Repeat K-means clustering of probes for probe reduction until satisfied:</p>", "<p>(a) Select <italic>j </italic>top-ranked probes.</p>", "<p>(b) Repeat for <italic>κ </italic>in a chosen range:</p>", "<p>i. Cluster the <italic>j </italic>top-ranked probes into <italic>κ </italic>clusters.</p>", "<p>ii. Choose <italic>κ </italic>representative probes, one from each cluster.</p>", "<p>iii. Use SDA to find a set of probes from the <italic>κ </italic>representative probes and compute the LOO prediction accuracy.</p>", "<p>4. Save the set of probes associated with the highest LOO prediction accuracy together with its weights. After constructing the optimized microarray, a set of independent control samples should be hybridized to empirically assess the accuracy of the microarray results.</p>", "<p>A flowchart of the process is shown in Fig. ##FIG##0##1##. It should be pointed out that the optimal number of probes computed by this process does not take into account the effects of noise and other random experimental effects. The sample-to-feature (SFR) ratio gives the minimum number of probes that should be used to create a microarray. The rule of thumb is given by [##REF##12912828##17##]:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>In this paper we refer to features as probes. The SFR should be used in conjunction with the results to choose the optimal probe set.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>In this section we present results obtained using PLASMID to analyze a mixed-plasmid microarray data set [##REF##16405681##4##] and a simulated mixed-genome microarray data set [##REF##17209070##1##]. We also present results for publically-available leukemia expression array data [##REF##10521349##18##]. For this latter data set, clusters (i.e., types of leukemia) are pre-assigned so only probe ranking, reduction of probe redundancy, and stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA) are used to determine the optimal probe set. PLASMID's performance in probe selection is evaluated using the leave-one-out (LOO) approach for which one sample is excluded and the remaining samples are used to obtain the discriminant functions. Each sample is, in turn, excluded and a corresponding set of discriminant functions is used to classify it. The prediction accuracy, the percentage of times the withheld samples are correctly classified, is used as the performance metric.</p>", "<title>Mixed-plasmid microarray data</title>", "<p>A mixed-plasmid microarray has been used to compare the genetic composition of plasmids [##REF##16405681##4##]. The microarray consists of 576 probes composed of randomly selected fragments of plasmid DNA, and the data were obtained from hybridization experiments with 43 plasmids. The data are composed of hybridization signal intensities for each microarray probe [see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##].</p>", "<p>First we used the Ward's minimim variance hierarchical clustering algorithm to create a dendrogram. To test the two-class problem, we divided the dendrogram into two clusters. One cluster consisted of 15 plasmids which, with one exception (the <italic>peSSuTet </italic>plasmid), have the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>antibiotic resistance gene; the other cluster consisted of 28 plasmids. We then used the probe ranking function, choosing the ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>test statistic, and generated a scatter plot (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). The scatter plot shows that the majority of the probes have statistical values close to zero and, thus, that ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>test statistics can be used to distinguish between informative (<italic>F </italic>&gt; 0) and uninformative (<italic>F </italic>≈ 0) probes. This result also serves to highlight the need for optimization algorithms, as the majority of probes provide limited discrimination.</p>", "<p>For the two-cluster case, we chose 1, 20, and 200 top-ranked probes for comparison. Using reduction of probe redundancy and SDA, we found that a single probe (5-E3, a transposase gene associated with the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>element [##REF##16569893##19##]) correctly classified all but two of the plasmids [##REF##16405681##4##]. Interestingly, in the original study one of these two plasmids (<italic>pe1171sT</italic>) was classified with plasmids that harbor the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>gene even though it does not carry this gene. Analysis with PLASMID separated <italic>pe1171sT </italic>from the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY -2 </sub>plasmids. In addition, a different plasmid (<italic>pe7594T</italic>) that harbors the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>gene was classified with other <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>positive plasmids. Thus, analysis using PLASMID more accurately reflects the phenotypic properties of the plasmids included in the study. The one exception was the <italic>peSSuT </italic>plasmid that was consistently classified with <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>plasmids while not harboring this gene [##REF##12824409##8##].</p>", "<p>Next we divided the original dendrogram into five plasmid clusters and ranked probes as before. As expected, the number of probe clusters <italic>κ </italic>specified for the reduction of probe redundancy affects the prediction accuracy (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Small values of <italic>κ </italic>certainly reduce redundancy, but they also reduce specificity. The optimal set of probes is identified using SDA with the LOO method to determine the highest prediction accuracy. In this case, the smallest number of probes from the top-most ranked probes with the highest prediction accuracy is 10. Thus, PLASMID analysis reduced the original data set of 576 probes to 10 probes that are needed to accurately classify plasmids into one of five groups. Non-hierarchical clustering followed by probe ranking, probe reduction, and SDA gave similar results (data not shown).</p>", "<p>In addition to hierarchical and non-hiearchical clustering methods, we can obtain classification results using our model-based method, which is based on a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm predicted that the most likely number of plasmid clusters is five (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Comparison of Tables ##TAB##0##1## and ##TAB##1##2## shows that prediction accuracies depend on the initial clustering method used. For this case, the prediction accuracies for the model-based clustering method are larger for a given number of probe clusters than those obtained via the hierarchical method. Furthermore, the variance in prediction accuracies is lower as a function of the number of top-ranked probes when clusters are initially assigned using the model-based method. For other data sets, however, another clustering model might give the best results.</p>", "<p>Based on the sample-to-feature ratio (SFR), at least 9 probes (features) are required for classifying 43 plasmids (samples). Tables ##TAB##0##1## and ##TAB##1##2## show several choices for 10 probes with equivalent performance. When additional information is available, it should be used to assist with the choice of a final set.</p>", "<title>Virtual Streptococcus mixed-genome microarray data</title>", "<p>A virtual <italic>Streptococcus </italic>mixed-genome microarray was constructed by Wan <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##17209070##1##]. To create the equally-represented, 4000-probe virtual array, 800 gene segments each 600-bp long were randomly selected from genomes of fifteen strains of five bacterial species–that is, each species was represented by 800 different probes. Virtual hybridization was accomplished using BLAST scores as proxies for array probe intensities [see Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##], and PLASMID was used to analyze the data. In the initial analysis one bacterial species was excluded from the study because it was represented by only a single strain (<italic>S. mutans </italic>UA159). Because we knew a <italic>priori </italic>that the samples belonged to four different species, the goal was to find an optimal set of probes to classify these four. ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>tests were used to rank the 4000 probes, and LOO analysis was performed on different numbers of the highest ranked probes. In fact, we found the LOO prediction accuracy to be 100% for differentiating the four different species using only the single top-ranked probe. On examination we found that the hybridization values (BLAST scores) for this probe for strains from different groups were well separated (<italic>i.e</italic>., different from each other), while the hybridization values for strains from the same group were very similar. While it appears that successful classification can be achieved with a single probe when classification relies on differences in hybridization signal, given inherent sources of variation in microarray hybridization, it would be prudent to include additional probes to increase classification confidence for empirical data. For example, the minimum recommended probe set in this case would be 3 according to the SFR.</p>", "<p>In the second analysis, our model-based clustering method identified two clusters, one with the two <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>strains and the other with the remaining 13 strains. After probe ranking, reduction of probe redundancy, and SDA, a single probe could be used to differentiate these two groups. We also used non-hierarchical clustering of the samples followed by probe ranking, probe reduction, and SDA. When the number of clusters was chosen to be <italic>k </italic>= 2, the result was identical to the result obtained using our model-based cluster method. When the number of clusters was chosen to be <italic>k </italic>= 3 or <italic>k </italic>= 4, the two <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>genomes were placed into different groups. A dendrogram constructed using the neighbor joining method shows a clear distinction between the two <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>samples and the remaining bacteria (Fig. ##FIG##2##3##). When these two samples are excluded, PLASMID groups the remaining thirteen samples correctly into four species clusters. The results shown in Table ##TAB##2##3## are obtained using non-hierarchical clustering, probe ranking, probe reduction, and SDA. As this table illustrates, only 2 probes are needed to obtain 100% prediction accuracy by species. These 2 probes are from the genomes of <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>TIGR4 and either <italic>S. pyogenes </italic>M1 GAS or <italic>S. pyogenes </italic>MGAS5005. Based on the SFR rule of thumb, at least 3 probes are needed. Several choices exist that suffice for this condition.</p>", "<p>For virtual microarrays, BLAST scores are used to obtain hybridization intensities, and the accuracy of the scores will affect the choice of an optimal probe set. While error could be modeled from real data, the best measure of reliability will be obtained using actual hybridization experiments.</p>", "<title>Public ALL/AML leukemia data</title>", "<p>The ALL/AML leukemia data set, obtained from expression arrays, has been widely used in the literature. It consists of two classes of leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML), and there are 72 samples (47 ALL and 25 AML) and 7129 probes. Table ##TAB##3##4## shows prediction accuracy results after probe ranking, probe redundancy reduction, and SDA have been performed. When the top 50 probes were selected, the highest accuracy was achieved when probes were clustered into 10 groups. A set of 10 probes was identifed with a prediction accuracy of 97.22%. Using additional probes does not lead to improvement. According to the SFR rule of thumb, at least 20 probes should be used in the actual microarray design; several choices of 20 probes exist and all produce robust prediction results (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<p>In this section we present results obtained using PLASMID to analyze a mixed-plasmid microarray data set [##REF##16405681##4##] and a simulated mixed-genome microarray data set [##REF##17209070##1##]. We also present results for publically-available leukemia expression array data [##REF##10521349##18##]. For this latter data set, clusters (i.e., types of leukemia) are pre-assigned so only probe ranking, reduction of probe redundancy, and stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA) are used to determine the optimal probe set. PLASMID's performance in probe selection is evaluated using the leave-one-out (LOO) approach for which one sample is excluded and the remaining samples are used to obtain the discriminant functions. Each sample is, in turn, excluded and a corresponding set of discriminant functions is used to classify it. The prediction accuracy, the percentage of times the withheld samples are correctly classified, is used as the performance metric.</p>", "<title>Mixed-plasmid microarray data</title>", "<p>A mixed-plasmid microarray has been used to compare the genetic composition of plasmids [##REF##16405681##4##]. The microarray consists of 576 probes composed of randomly selected fragments of plasmid DNA, and the data were obtained from hybridization experiments with 43 plasmids. The data are composed of hybridization signal intensities for each microarray probe [see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##].</p>", "<p>First we used the Ward's minimim variance hierarchical clustering algorithm to create a dendrogram. To test the two-class problem, we divided the dendrogram into two clusters. One cluster consisted of 15 plasmids which, with one exception (the <italic>peSSuTet </italic>plasmid), have the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>antibiotic resistance gene; the other cluster consisted of 28 plasmids. We then used the probe ranking function, choosing the ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>test statistic, and generated a scatter plot (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). The scatter plot shows that the majority of the probes have statistical values close to zero and, thus, that ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>test statistics can be used to distinguish between informative (<italic>F </italic>&gt; 0) and uninformative (<italic>F </italic>≈ 0) probes. This result also serves to highlight the need for optimization algorithms, as the majority of probes provide limited discrimination.</p>", "<p>For the two-cluster case, we chose 1, 20, and 200 top-ranked probes for comparison. Using reduction of probe redundancy and SDA, we found that a single probe (5-E3, a transposase gene associated with the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>element [##REF##16569893##19##]) correctly classified all but two of the plasmids [##REF##16405681##4##]. Interestingly, in the original study one of these two plasmids (<italic>pe1171sT</italic>) was classified with plasmids that harbor the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>gene even though it does not carry this gene. Analysis with PLASMID separated <italic>pe1171sT </italic>from the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY -2 </sub>plasmids. In addition, a different plasmid (<italic>pe7594T</italic>) that harbors the <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>gene was classified with other <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>positive plasmids. Thus, analysis using PLASMID more accurately reflects the phenotypic properties of the plasmids included in the study. The one exception was the <italic>peSSuT </italic>plasmid that was consistently classified with <italic>bla</italic><sub>CMY-2 </sub>plasmids while not harboring this gene [##REF##12824409##8##].</p>", "<p>Next we divided the original dendrogram into five plasmid clusters and ranked probes as before. As expected, the number of probe clusters <italic>κ </italic>specified for the reduction of probe redundancy affects the prediction accuracy (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Small values of <italic>κ </italic>certainly reduce redundancy, but they also reduce specificity. The optimal set of probes is identified using SDA with the LOO method to determine the highest prediction accuracy. In this case, the smallest number of probes from the top-most ranked probes with the highest prediction accuracy is 10. Thus, PLASMID analysis reduced the original data set of 576 probes to 10 probes that are needed to accurately classify plasmids into one of five groups. Non-hierarchical clustering followed by probe ranking, probe reduction, and SDA gave similar results (data not shown).</p>", "<p>In addition to hierarchical and non-hiearchical clustering methods, we can obtain classification results using our model-based method, which is based on a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm predicted that the most likely number of plasmid clusters is five (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Comparison of Tables ##TAB##0##1## and ##TAB##1##2## shows that prediction accuracies depend on the initial clustering method used. For this case, the prediction accuracies for the model-based clustering method are larger for a given number of probe clusters than those obtained via the hierarchical method. Furthermore, the variance in prediction accuracies is lower as a function of the number of top-ranked probes when clusters are initially assigned using the model-based method. For other data sets, however, another clustering model might give the best results.</p>", "<p>Based on the sample-to-feature ratio (SFR), at least 9 probes (features) are required for classifying 43 plasmids (samples). Tables ##TAB##0##1## and ##TAB##1##2## show several choices for 10 probes with equivalent performance. When additional information is available, it should be used to assist with the choice of a final set.</p>", "<title>Virtual Streptococcus mixed-genome microarray data</title>", "<p>A virtual <italic>Streptococcus </italic>mixed-genome microarray was constructed by Wan <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##17209070##1##]. To create the equally-represented, 4000-probe virtual array, 800 gene segments each 600-bp long were randomly selected from genomes of fifteen strains of five bacterial species–that is, each species was represented by 800 different probes. Virtual hybridization was accomplished using BLAST scores as proxies for array probe intensities [see Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##], and PLASMID was used to analyze the data. In the initial analysis one bacterial species was excluded from the study because it was represented by only a single strain (<italic>S. mutans </italic>UA159). Because we knew a <italic>priori </italic>that the samples belonged to four different species, the goal was to find an optimal set of probes to classify these four. ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>tests were used to rank the 4000 probes, and LOO analysis was performed on different numbers of the highest ranked probes. In fact, we found the LOO prediction accuracy to be 100% for differentiating the four different species using only the single top-ranked probe. On examination we found that the hybridization values (BLAST scores) for this probe for strains from different groups were well separated (<italic>i.e</italic>., different from each other), while the hybridization values for strains from the same group were very similar. While it appears that successful classification can be achieved with a single probe when classification relies on differences in hybridization signal, given inherent sources of variation in microarray hybridization, it would be prudent to include additional probes to increase classification confidence for empirical data. For example, the minimum recommended probe set in this case would be 3 according to the SFR.</p>", "<p>In the second analysis, our model-based clustering method identified two clusters, one with the two <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>strains and the other with the remaining 13 strains. After probe ranking, reduction of probe redundancy, and SDA, a single probe could be used to differentiate these two groups. We also used non-hierarchical clustering of the samples followed by probe ranking, probe reduction, and SDA. When the number of clusters was chosen to be <italic>k </italic>= 2, the result was identical to the result obtained using our model-based cluster method. When the number of clusters was chosen to be <italic>k </italic>= 3 or <italic>k </italic>= 4, the two <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>genomes were placed into different groups. A dendrogram constructed using the neighbor joining method shows a clear distinction between the two <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>samples and the remaining bacteria (Fig. ##FIG##2##3##). When these two samples are excluded, PLASMID groups the remaining thirteen samples correctly into four species clusters. The results shown in Table ##TAB##2##3## are obtained using non-hierarchical clustering, probe ranking, probe reduction, and SDA. As this table illustrates, only 2 probes are needed to obtain 100% prediction accuracy by species. These 2 probes are from the genomes of <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>TIGR4 and either <italic>S. pyogenes </italic>M1 GAS or <italic>S. pyogenes </italic>MGAS5005. Based on the SFR rule of thumb, at least 3 probes are needed. Several choices exist that suffice for this condition.</p>", "<p>For virtual microarrays, BLAST scores are used to obtain hybridization intensities, and the accuracy of the scores will affect the choice of an optimal probe set. While error could be modeled from real data, the best measure of reliability will be obtained using actual hybridization experiments.</p>", "<title>Public ALL/AML leukemia data</title>", "<p>The ALL/AML leukemia data set, obtained from expression arrays, has been widely used in the literature. It consists of two classes of leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML), and there are 72 samples (47 ALL and 25 AML) and 7129 probes. Table ##TAB##3##4## shows prediction accuracy results after probe ranking, probe redundancy reduction, and SDA have been performed. When the top 50 probes were selected, the highest accuracy was achieved when probes were clustered into 10 groups. A set of 10 probes was identifed with a prediction accuracy of 97.22%. Using additional probes does not lead to improvement. According to the SFR rule of thumb, at least 20 probes should be used in the actual microarray design; several choices of 20 probes exist and all produce robust prediction results (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In this paper we describe a new software tool, PLASMID, for selecting an optimal set of probes for the design of a classification microarray. The tool provides the user with several clustering methods, a probe ranking method, probe redundancy reduction, and probe selection using stepwise discriminant analysis. Images can be saved in several different formats, and weights generated using SDA can be stored for use in analysis of experimental data. In addition, PLASMID can be used to construct virtual microarrays with genomes from public databases; these can then be used to determine an optimal probe set for use in actual microarray experiments. The software package has been applied to data from a mixed-plasmid microarray, a virtual mixed-genome microarray, and an expression microarray. Robust results have been obtained for all three sets of data.</p>", "<p>Although many methods are available for determining a set of probes for a given microarray data set, these methods require the classification information to be known in advance. PLASMID was designed to be used prior to implementation of a microarray when no such information is available, although the program can also be used when clusters are known a <italic>priori</italic>.</p>", "<p>PLASMID can be obtained by following the link from <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Classification microarrays are used for purposes such as identifying strains of bacteria and determining genetic relationships to understand the epidemiology of an infectious disease. For these cases, mixed microarrays, which are composed of DNA from more than one organism, are more effective than conventional microarrays composed of DNA from a single organism. Selection of probes is a key factor in designing successful mixed microarrays because redundant sequences are inefficient and limited representation of diversity can restrict application of the microarray. We have developed a Java-based software tool, called PLASMID, for use in selecting the minimum set of probe sequences needed to classify different groups of plasmids or bacteria.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The software program was successfully applied to several different sets of data. The utility of PLASMID was illustrated using existing mixed-plasmid microarray data as well as data from a virtual mixed-genome microarray constructed from different strains of <italic>Streptococcus</italic>. Moreover, use of data from expression microarray experiments demonstrated the generality of PLASMID.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In this paper we describe a new software tool for selecting a set of probes for a classification microarray. While the tool was developed for the design of mixed microarrays–and mixed-plasmid microarrays in particular–it can also be used to design expression arrays. The user can choose from several clustering methods (including hierarchical, non-hierarchical, and a model-based genetic algorithm), several probe ranking methods, and several different display methods. A novel approach is used for probe redundancy reduction, and probe selection is accomplished via stepwise discriminant analysis. Data can be entered in different formats (including Excel and comma-delimited text), and dendrogram, heat map, and scatter plot images can be saved in several different formats (including jpeg and tiff). Weights generated using stepwise discriminant analysis can be stored for analysis of subsequent experimental data. Additionally, PLASMID can be used to construct virtual microarrays with genomes from public databases, which can then be used to identify an optimal set of probes.</p>" ]
[ "<title>System Overview and Implementation</title>", "<p>Our software tool PLASMID is implemented as a Java application. The NetBeans platform was chosen for development because addition of new functions is easily implemented. Also, many of the tasks common to desktop applications are provided by NetBeans. These include user interface management (e.g., menus and toolbars), user settings management, storage management (saving and loading any kind of data), window management, and wizard framework (supporting step-by-step dialogs). Each function is implemented as a NetBeans module and can be installed or removed easily without affecting existing functions. Java is a platform-independent programming language, so although PLASMID has been developed using the Windows operating system, it will be relatively easy to adapt it to other operating systems. We intend to extend PLASMID to both the Linux and Mac OS X operating systems. In addition to Java, PLASMID uses code written using the C++ programming language. C++ is needed for computationally intensive tasks that require greater speed and efficiency. The use of two different programming languages is transparent to the user.</p>", "<p>PLASMID provides an integrated environment for designing an optimal classification microarray. As such, PLASMID v0.91 includes the following services:</p>", "<p>1. Loading and management of different kinds of input data, including plasmid sequence data, hybridization data, virtual hybridization data, and probe sequences. Data may be in tab-delimited or comma-delimited text format or in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format.</p>", "<p>2. Different methods for processing hybridization data. The tool provides several data preprocessing methods, including normalization and noise filtering. It also provides hierarchical, non-hierarchical, and model-based methods for clustering samples; two different statistical tests for ranking probes; use of K-means clustering for reduction of probe redundancy; and stepwise discriminant analysis with assignment of weights to probes.</p>", "<p>3. Design of mixed arrays using existing hybridization data or virtual hybridization data. An optimal set of probes is identified, and weights associated with each probe are stored for analysis of experimental results.</p>", "<p>4. Construction of virtual microarrays to obtain virtual hybridization data using genomes from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. Genomes for probes can be chosen by accession number or by gene sequence.</p>", "<p>5. Visualization of microarray data and data processing results, including dendrograms, heat maps, and scatter plots. Plots can be saved in different image formats.</p>", "<p>6. Automatic probe design after the user has specified the parameters. A step-by-step wizard guides the user through the various steps.</p>", "<p>Experimental data obtained from microarrays designed using PLASMID can be used as input data and analyzed using the weighted classification function obtained in 3.</p>", "<title>Availability and requirements</title>", "<p>• Project name: PLASMID</p>", "<p>• Project home page: <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<p>• Operating system: Windows but to be ported to Linux and Mac OS X</p>", "<p>• Programming languages: Java and C++ (with gcc compiler)</p>", "<p>• Other requirements: Java Runtime Environment</p>", "<p>• License: Free to academic and nonprofit organizations</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>DM and SLB developed PLASMID, DM was responsible for programming PLASMID, and DRC provided the necessary microbiology expertise. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This project has been funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. NO-1-AI-30055; by the Agricultural Animal Health Program, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman, WA; and by the Carl M. Hansen Foundation.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Flowchart of PLASMID</bold>. Flowchart of the probe selection process using PLASMID.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Scatter plot of ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>test statistics for the mixed-plasmid microarray probes</bold>. The scatter plot shows that the majority of the probes have statistical values close to zero and, thus, that ANOVA-<italic>F </italic>test statistics can be used to distinguish between informative (<italic>F </italic>&gt; 0) and uninformative (<italic>F </italic>≈ 0) probes.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Dendrogram for <italic>Streptococcus </italic>MGM data</bold>. The dendrogram constructed using the neighbor joining method shows a clear distinction between the two <italic>S. pneumoniae </italic>samples and the remaining bacteria.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Classification accuracy of mixed-plasmid data using hierachical clustering with five sample (plasmid) clusters. PA is the prediction accuracy.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"12\">Number of clusters of probes, <italic>κ</italic></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">2</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">5</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">10</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">20</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">30</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">40</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Number of top-ranked probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">72.09</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">72.09</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">72.09</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">69.77</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">69.77</td><td align=\"center\">29</td><td align=\"center\">69.77</td><td align=\"center\">32</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">150</td><td align=\"center\">86.05</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">29</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">200</td><td align=\"center\">74.42</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">90.70</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">35</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">250</td><td align=\"center\">76.74</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">90.70</td><td align=\"center\">34</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">300</td><td align=\"center\">46.51</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">88.37</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">90.70</td><td align=\"center\">35</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">350</td><td align=\"center\">76.74</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">33</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">400</td><td align=\"center\">69.77</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">90.70</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">90.70</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">35</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Classification accuracy of mixed-plasmid data with model-based clustering. PA is the prediction accuracy.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"12\">Number of clusters of probes, <italic>κ</italic></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">2</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">5</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">10</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">20</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">30</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">40</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Number of top-ranked probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">83.72</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">36</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">33</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">150</td><td align=\"center\">53.49</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">90.70</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">36</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">28</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">200</td><td align=\"center\">79.07</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">36</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">35</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">250</td><td align=\"center\">76.74</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">35</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">32</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">300</td><td align=\"center\">69.77</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">34</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">35</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">350</td><td align=\"center\">67.44</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">35</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">35</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">400</td><td align=\"center\">69.77</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">93.02</td><td align=\"center\">37</td><td align=\"center\">95.35</td><td align=\"center\">35</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Classification accuracy using mixed-genome array data with non-hierarchical clustering for four sample (bacterial species) clusters. PA is the prediction accuracy.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"12\">Number of clusters of probes, <italic>κ</italic></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">2</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">5</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">10</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">20</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">30</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">40</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Number of top-ranked probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">75</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Classification accuracy using ALL/AML leukemia data. PA is the prediction accuracy.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"12\">Number of clusters of probes, <italic>κ</italic></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">2</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">5</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">10</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">20</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">30</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">40</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"12\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Number of top-ranked probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td><td align=\"center\">PA (%)</td><td align=\"center\">No. of probes</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">94.44</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">94.44</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">39</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">88.89</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">95.83</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">94.44</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">40</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">150</td><td align=\"center\">83.33</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">95.83</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">39</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">200</td><td align=\"center\">79.17</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">80.56</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">39</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">250</td><td align=\"center\">79.17</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">79.17</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">30</td><td align=\"center\">97.22</td><td align=\"center\">39</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M1\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>P</mml:mi><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mtext>X</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mtext>X</mml:mtext><mml:mo>|</mml:mo><mml:mi>P</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>P</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>f</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mtext>X</mml:mtext><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M2\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i3\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M3\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i3\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM1\"><label>(1)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M4\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i4\" overflow=\"scroll\">\n <mml:semantics>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>ℒ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mtext>X</mml:mtext>\n <mml:mo>|</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>P</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\">\n <mml:munder>\n <mml:mo>∏</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n </mml:munder>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\">\n <mml:munder>\n <mml:mo>∏</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>j</mml:mi>\n </mml:munder>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n <mml:msubsup>\n <mml:mi>σ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mn>0</mml:mn>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n </mml:msubsup>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>Γ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msup>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n <mml:mi>π</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>/</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msup>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msqrt>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>+</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msqrt>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>Γ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>/</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n <mml:mo>+</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msup>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n <mml:msubsup>\n <mml:mi>σ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mn>0</mml:mn>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n </mml:msubsup>\n <mml:mo>+</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>0.5</mml:mn>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\">\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>∑</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>i</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msubsup>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>i</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>j</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n </mml:msubsup>\n <mml:mo>+</mml:mo>\n <mml:msubsup>\n <mml:mi>μ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mn>0</mml:mn>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n </mml:msubsup>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mstyle>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\">\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>∑</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>i</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msup>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>i</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>j</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>+</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>μ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mn>0</mml:mn>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n </mml:msup>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mstyle>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>+</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>/</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>2</mml:mn>\n <mml:mo>+</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msup>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mstyle>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mstyle>\n </mml:mrow>\n \n </mml:semantics>\n </mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M5\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i5\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>σ</mml:mi><mml:mn>0</mml:mn><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M6\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M7\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i7\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M8\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M9\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M10\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M11\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M12\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i8\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mi>o</mml:mi><mml:mi>v</mml:mi><mml:mi>e</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M13\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M14\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i9\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M15\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M16\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M17\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i8\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mi>m</mml:mi><mml:mi>o</mml:mi><mml:mi>v</mml:mi><mml:mi>e</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M18\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M19\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i9\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mi>n</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M20\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M21\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i7\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M22\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i7\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM2\"><label>(2)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M23\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i10\" overflow=\"scroll\">\n <mml:semantics>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>r</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>o</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>v</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>r</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>q</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>+</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>q</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>\\</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>p</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n </mml:mrow>\n \n </mml:semantics>\n </mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM3\"><label>(3)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M24\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i11\" overflow=\"scroll\">\n <mml:semantics>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">F</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>t</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>r</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>r</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>q</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>q</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>|</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>p</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>|</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>p</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n </mml:mrow>\n \n </mml:semantics>\n </mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM4\"><label>(4)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M25\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i12\" overflow=\"scroll\">\n <mml:semantics>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>Λ</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>det</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>⁡</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>W</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>det</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>⁡</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi>T</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n </mml:mrow>\n \n </mml:semantics>\n </mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM5\"><label>(5)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M26\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i13\" overflow=\"scroll\">\n <mml:semantics>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>W</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\">\n <mml:munderover>\n <mml:mo>∑</mml:mo>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>q</mml:mi>\n </mml:munderover>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\">\n <mml:munderover>\n <mml:mo>∑</mml:mo>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:munderover>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>i</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>i</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>.</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>j</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>j</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>.</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mstyle>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mstyle>\n </mml:mrow>\n \n </mml:semantics>\n </mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM6\"><label>(6)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M27\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i14\" overflow=\"scroll\">\n <mml:semantics>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>T</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\">\n <mml:munderover>\n <mml:mo>∑</mml:mo>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>q</mml:mi>\n </mml:munderover>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\">\n <mml:munderover>\n <mml:mo>∑</mml:mo>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n </mml:msub>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:munderover>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>i</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>i</mml:mi>\n <mml:mn>..</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>k</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>j</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo>−</mml:mo>\n <mml:msub>\n <mml:mi>x</mml:mi>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>j</mml:mi>\n <mml:mn>..</mml:mn>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:msub>\n <mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mstyle>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mstyle>\n </mml:mrow>\n \n </mml:semantics>\n </mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M28\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M29\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M30\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M31\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M32\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mi mathvariant=\"script\">G</mml:mi></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M33\" name=\"1471-2105-9-328-i15\" overflow=\"scroll\">\n <mml:semantics>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>S</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>F</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>R</mml:mi>\n <mml:mo>=</mml:mo>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>u</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>b</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>r</mml:mi>\n <mml:mtext> </mml:mtext>\n <mml:mi>o</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>f</mml:mi>\n <mml:mtext> </mml:mtext>\n <mml:mi>s</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>a</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>p</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>l</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>s</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n <mml:mrow>\n <mml:mi>n</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>u</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>m</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>b</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>r</mml:mi>\n <mml:mtext> </mml:mtext>\n <mml:mi>o</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>f</mml:mi>\n <mml:mtext> </mml:mtext>\n <mml:mi>f</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>a</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>t</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>u</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>r</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>e</mml:mi>\n <mml:mi>s</mml:mi>\n </mml:mrow>\n </mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mo>≤</mml:mo>\n <mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mn>1</mml:mn>\n <mml:mn>5</mml:mn>\n </mml:mfrac>\n <mml:mo>.</mml:mo>\n </mml:mrow>\n \n </mml:semantics>\n </mml:math></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p><bold>MPM</bold>. This file contains the information for the mixed-plasmid microarray in the form of a 44-row × 577-column matrix. The first row gives the 576 probe names, and the first column gives the 43 plasmid names. The remaining rows and columns contain the hybridization intensity data.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p><bold>MGM</bold>. This file contains the information for the mixed-genome virtual microarray in the form of a 15-row × 4001-column matrix where the first column gives the 15 names of the streptococcus strains. The probes were not given specific names. All remaining columns contain the virtual hybridization intensity data.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2105-9-328-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2105-9-328-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2105-9-328-3\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2105-9-328-S1.txt\" mimetype=\"text\" mime-subtype=\"plain\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2105-9-328-S2.txt\" mimetype=\"text\" mime-subtype=\"plain\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Hanczar", "Courtine", "Benis", "Hennegar", "Cl\u00e9ment", "Zucker"], "given-names": ["B", "M", "A", "C", "K", "JD"], "article-title": ["Improving classification of microarray data using prototype-based feature selection"], "source": ["SIGKDD Explor Newsl"], "year": ["2003"], "volume": ["5"], "fpage": ["23"], "lpage": ["30"], "pub-id": ["10.1145/980972.980977"]}, {"surname": ["Jagota"], "given-names": ["A"], "source": ["Microarray Data Analysis and Visualization"], "year": ["2001"], "publisher-name": ["Bioinformatics By The Bay Press"]}, {"surname": ["Jennrich", "Enslein K"], "given-names": ["RI"], "article-title": ["Stepwise discriminant analysis"], "source": ["Statistical Methods for Digital Computers"], "year": ["1977"], "volume": ["III"], "publisher-name": ["John Wiley & Sons Inc"], "fpage": ["76"], "lpage": ["95"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Bioinformatics. 2008 Aug 4; 9:328
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is increasing all over the world [##REF##15735191##1##,##REF##15339790##2##]. In Australia the recent prevalence estimates for GDM ranged from 5.2% to 8.8% [##REF##12832303##3##]. The risks for both mothers with GDM and their infants are well-documented. For the infants, these include an increased risk of macrosomia, birth injuries such as shoulder dystocia, bone fracture and nerve palsies, hypoglycaemia, and hyperbilirubinaemia [##REF##4069477##4##, ####REF##15846171##5##, ##REF##8166187##6##, ##REF##729447##7####729447##7##]. Women with GDM are at increased risk of developing pre-eclampsia and have an increased chance of need for induction of labour and caesarean section. Gestational diabetes is also a strong risk factor for later development of type 2 diabetes [##REF##12351492##8##].</p>", "<p>Although the risks associated with GDM are well recognised, the impact on maternal and infant health outcomes is less clear for borderline gestational diabetes mellitus (BGDM), which is characterised by values of glucose tolerance intermediate between normal and gestational diabetes. A recent 10 year audit examining the influence of different levels of glucose tolerance on pregnancy complications, [##REF##17627686##9##] revealed a significantly increased risk of pre-eclampsia, caesarean section, neonatal hypoglycaemia and hyperbilirubinaemia for women with BGDM compared with women with normal glucose tolerance. The results are consistent with other literature reports, which identified an increasing risk of adverse maternal and infant outcomes with increasing plasma glucose values [##REF##7631672##10##, ####REF##9704225##11##, ##REF##15547538##12####15547538##12##].</p>", "<p>It is estimated that 6.6% of pregnant women or approximately 16,500 women have BGDM each year in Australia [##REF##17627686##9##]. Given the uncertainty surrounding BGDM, we assessed data from participants in the Australian Collaborative Trial of Supplements with antioxidants Vitamin C and Vitamin E to pregnant women for the prevention of pre-eclampsia (ACTS) [##REF##16641396##13##] to compare the maternal demographic, pregnancy and infant health outcomes of women who had BGDM (screened positive for GDM on oral glucose challenge test (OGCT) but their subsequent oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was normal) with women who screened negative on OGCT for GDM.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The study population included women participating in the ACTS trial [##REF##16641396##13##], a multi-centre randomised placebo controlled trial of antioxidant (vitamins C and E) supplements for the prevention of perinatal complications, who had an OGCT as screening for gestational diabetes. The methods and results of this trial have been reported previously [##REF##16641396##13##]. Briefly, eligible women were: nulliparous, with a singleton pregnancy between 14 and 22 weeks of gestation with a normal blood pressure at the time of recruitment and who gave informed consent. Women with any of the following were ineligible: known multiple pregnancy, known lethal fetal anomaly, known thrombophilia, chronic renal failure, antihypertensive therapy or contraindication to vitamin C or E therapy including haemochromatosis or anticoagulant therapy. Randomisation was performed through a central telephone randomisation service. Women assigned to the vitamin group were provided a daily dose of 1000 mg vitamin C and 400 IU vitamin E until birth, and women in the control group were provided a matching placebo. An OGTT was offered between 24–30 weeks gestation, for those women who screened positive on OGCT test. The study protocol was approved by the research and ethics committees at the nine collaboration hospitals around Australia.</p>", "<p>We compared demographic, obstetric and neonatal outcomes between women with BGDM and those who screened normal on OGCT. As the ACTS found no significant differences between the antioxidant and placebo groups for the risk of pre-eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction or other serious outcomes for the infant, the analyses include the combined populations of women who received either antioxidant or placebo supplements.</p>", "<title>Data collection</title>", "<p>Pregnancy outcome data including OGCT and OGTT results were collected prospectively from women's medical records. Sociodemographic variables were collected either from women's medical records or self-completed questionnaires at trial entry and included: maternal age, ethnicity, body mass index (BMI), social-economic status as measured by socio-economic index for area (SEIFA) score [##UREF##0##14##], maternal education, smoking status, blood pressure at trial entry, and family history of pre-eclampsia. Complete outcome data were available for all 1877 women randomised.</p>", "<title>Outcome variables</title>", "<p>BGDM was defined as a positive OGCT (blood glucose ≥7.8 mmol/L 1 hour after a 50 g glucose load) and normal 75 g OGTT (fasting blood glucose &lt;5.5 mmol/L and 2 hour blood glucose &lt;7.8 mmol/L). Pregnancy outcomes assessed included: maternal adverse outcomes (a composite outcome defined as any of the following until six weeks postpartum: death, pulmonary oedema, eclampsia, stroke, thrombocytopenia, renal insufficiency, respiratory arrest, placental abruption, abnormal liver function, preterm prelabour rupture of membranes, major postpartum haemorrhage, postpartum pyrexia, pneumonia, deep-vein thrombosis, or pulmonary embolus requiring anticoagulant therapy) [##REF##16641396##13##]; pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH); pre-eclampsia (defined as systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure [Korokoff V] ≥90 mmHg on at least two occasions four or more hours apart, or both arising after 20 weeks' gestation and one or more of the following: proteinuria, renal insufficiency, liver disease, neurological problems, haematologic disturbances, or fetal growth restriction) [##REF##10925900##15##]; antenatal hospitalisation; preterm prelabour rupture of the membranes; induction of labour; mode of birth; postnatal complications such as postpartum haemorrhage and infection; and length of hospital stay.</p>", "<p>Neonatal outcomes included a composite outcome of death or infant adverse outcome defined as: stillbirth or death of a liveborn infant before hospital discharge, birthweight &lt;3<sup>rd </sup>centile for gestational age, severe respiratory distress syndrome, chronic lung disease, intraventricular haemorrhage grade 3 or 4, cystic periventricular leukomalacia, retinopathy of prematurity grade 3 or 4, necrotizing enterocolitis, 5 minute Apgar score &lt;4, seizures before 24 hours of age or requiring 2 or more drugs to control, hypotonia for ≥2 hours, stupor, decreased response to pain or coma, tube feeding for ≥4 days, care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) &gt;4 days, or use of ventilation for ≥24 hours [##REF##16641396##13##]; gestational age at birth; preterm birth (&lt;37 weeks); 5 minute Apgar score &lt;7, infant body size at birth (weight, length and head circumference), small and large-for-gestational age (defined as a birth weight below the 10<sup>th </sup>percentile or above 90<sup>th </sup>percentile for gestation according to fetal sex on standardized birth-weight charts, respectively), macrosomia (defined as birthweight ≥4.5 kg), admission to NICU or neonatal nursery, respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, antibiotics use after birth, encephalopathy (Sarnat 2 or 3 score) and length of hospital stay.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>Statistical analysis was carried out using SAS software, version 9.1. Dichotomous variables were analysed using log-binomial regression and presented as relative risks, with 95% confidence intervals; and continuous variables, if normally distributed, were analysed using Student's t-test and presented as mean differences, with 95% confidence intervals; non-parametric tests were used for skewed data. Analyses were then adjusted for maternal age and BMI given the strong association of these factors with GDM. A p value of 0.05 or less was considered to indicate statistical significance.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Of the 1877 women enrolled in the ACTS trial, 1804 (96%) did not have a fetal loss and underwent screening using a 50 g oral glucose challenge test for gestational diabetes. Of the women screened 1596 (88%) had a normal OGCT screening result, 68 (4%) had an abnormal OGTT and 140 (8%) had BGDM (screened positive on OGCT, normal OGTT).</p>", "<p>Overall, women with BGDM and women with a normal OGCT had similar characteristics at entry to the study including ethnicity, socio-economic status and educational attainment (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Compared with women with a normal OGCT, women with BGDM were older (mean difference 1.3 years, [95%CI 0.3, 2.2], p = 0.01), less likely to have a normal BMI (RR 0.82, [95%CI 0.67, 0.99], p = 0.04) and almost twice as likely to be obese (RR 1.92, [95%CI 1.41, 2.62], p &lt; 0.0001) (Table ##TAB##0##1##). There was no statistically significant difference found between these groups in the number of women who smoked or in their mean systolic or diastolic blood pressure at study entry.</p>", "<p>In unadjusted analyses women with BGDM were more likely to experience a maternal adverse outcome (RR 1.59, [95%CI 1.00, 2.52], p = 0.05) and to develop pregnancy induced hypertension (RR 1.51, [95%CI 1.03, 2.20], p = 0.03) compared with women with a normal OGCT. These differences were not seen when adjustment was made for maternal age and BMI. There was no significant difference in the rate of pre-eclampsia between the two comparison groups (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>The rate of induction of labour was similar and the overall caesarean section rate did not differ between groups. In the unadjusted analyses significantly more women with BGDM gave birth by caesarean section for fetal distress (RR 1.63, [95%CI 1.10, 2.41], p = 0.01) compared with women with a normal OGCT although this was not significant in the adjusted analyses. The length of postnatal hospital stay was significantly longer (mean difference 0.4 days, [95%CI 0.1, 0.7], p = 0.01) for women with BGDM compared to women with normal OGCT in the unadjusted analyses but not when adjusted for maternal age and BMI (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>Overall there was no difference in the risk of death or infant adverse outcome between the two groups (Table ##TAB##2##3##). In unadjusted analyses infants born to women with BGDM were at increased risk of being born preterm (RR 1.68, [95%CI 1.00, 2.80], p = 0.05) and were also significantly more likely to be macrosomic (birthweight ≥4.5 kg) (RR 2.53, [95%CI 1.06, 6.03], p = 0.04) compared with infants born to women with a normal OGCT. When adjusted for maternal age and BMI the association with an earlier gestational age at birth and the risk of being macrosomic remained for infants born to women with BGDM compared with infants born to women with a normal OGCT (Table ##TAB##2##3##).</p>", "<p>The hospital stay was significantly longer (unadjusted p = 0.001, adjusted p = 0.01) for infants born to BGDM mothers compared with infants born to mothers with a normal OGCT (Table ##TAB##2##3##). Infants born to BGDM mothers were more than twice as likely to be admitted to NICU (unadjusted p = 0.03, adjusted p = 0.04) and more likely to be admitted to the neonatal nursery (unadjusted p = 0.002, adjusted p = 0.01). Antibiotic use less than 48 hours after birth was significantly greater among infants born to BGDM mothers (unadjusted and adjusted p = 0.01) and more infants born to the BGDM women had Sarnat stage 2 or 3 encephalopathy (unadjusted and adjusted p = 0.03) compared with infants born to women with a normal OGCT (Table ##TAB##2##3##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>In this cohort of primiparous women in Australia, 8% were found to have BGDM. In this study, associations with BGDM were identified for maternal obesity and increasing maternal age, similar to those identified for gestational diabetes in other literature [##REF##12020334##16##, ####REF##3996763##17##, ##REF##11284643##18####11284643##18##].</p>", "<p>In our study, women with BGDM had a higher risk of adverse health outcomes overall, and were more likely to develop pregnancy induced hypertension, require a caesarean section for fetal distress and have a longer postnatal hospital stay. However, we did not detect a statistically significant increase in the risk of pre-eclampsia or caesarean section overall among women with BGDM, which has been reported by previous studies [##REF##17627686##9##, ####REF##7631672##10##, ##REF##9704225##11####9704225##11##]. Increasing maternal age and BMI are strongly associated with adverse maternal health outcomes. When these factors were adjusted for, no differences were seen for health outcomes between women with BGDM and normal women.</p>", "<p>We identified an increased risk of preterm birth amongst BGDM mothers. The reason for this is not readily apparent, given that there is no difference in the rate of induction of labour between the two groups. Infants of BGDM mothers were more likely to require a NICU and/or nursery admission and longer hospital stays. This may be explained by the higher rate of pregnancy induced hypertension, caesarean section for fetal distress, preterm birth and encephalopathy (Sarnat stage 2 or 3) in this group. Infants born to BGDM mothers in both unadjusted analyses and when adjusted for maternal age and maternal BMI were also at higher risk of macrosomia, which is consistent with previous studies [##REF##7631672##10##,##REF##9704225##11##].</p>", "<p>Our study has identified increased risks of maternal adverse health outcomes overall and a range of infant adverse health outcomes associated with BGDM. In Australia, there are over 250,000 births annually [##UREF##1##19##]. Our data suggest that a substantial number of Australian pregnant women, over 20,000 each year, will have BGDM and therefore maternal and infant adverse health outcomes that are directly or indirectly attributable to BGDM. Evidence from the Australian Carbohydrate Study in Pregnant Women (ACHOIS) trial [##REF##15951574##20##] confirmed that untreated mild GDM is associated with relatively rare but nonetheless significant adverse perinatal outcomes. The trial demonstrated that the risk of these outcomes can be reduced with standard treatment consisting of individual dietary and lifestyle advice during pregnancy. There is, however, insufficient evidence regarding the benefits and harms of similar intervention for women with BGDM, with only one small clinical trial identifying a significantly reduced risk of large-for-gestational age infants with dietary advice and regular blood glucose monitoring for women with borderline glucose intolerance [##REF##16241919##21##]. Data from our analysis highlight the need for well-designed large randomised clinical trials to investigate the benefits and harms of such treatment for women with BGDM.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The impact of borderline gestational diabetes mellitus (BGDM), defined as a positive oral glucose challenge test (OGCT) and normal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), on maternal and infant health is unclear. We assessed maternal and infant health outcomes in women with BGDM and compared these to women who had a normal OGCT screen for gestational diabetes.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>We compared demographic, obstetric and neonatal outcomes between women participating in the Australian Collaborative Trial of Supplements with antioxidants Vitamin C and Vitamin E to pregnant women for the prevention of pre-eclampsia (ACTS) who had BGDM and who screened negative on OGCT.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Women who had BGDM were older (mean difference 1.3 years, [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.3, 2.2], p = 0.01) and more likely to be obese (27.1% vs 14.1%, relative risk (RR) 1.92, [95% CI 1.41, 2.62], p &lt; 0.0001) than women who screened negative on OGCT. The risk of adverse maternal outcome overall was higher (12.9% vs 8.1%, RR 1.59, [95% CI 1.00, 2.52], p = 0.05) in women with BGDM compared with women with a normal OGCT. Women with BGDM were more likely to develop pregnancy induced hypertension (17.9% vs 11.8%, RR 1.51, [95% CI 1.03, 2.20], p = 0.03), have a caesarean for fetal distress (17.1% vs 10.5%, RR 1.63, [95% CI 1.10, 2.41], p = 0.01), and require a longer postnatal hospital stay (mean difference 0.4 day, [95% CI 0.1, 0.7], p = 0.01) than those with a normal glucose tolerance.</p>", "<p>Infants born to BGDM mothers were more likely to be born preterm (10.7% vs 6.4%, RR 1.68, [95% CI 1.00, 2.80], p = 0.05), have macrosomia (birthweight ≥4.5 kg) (4.3% vs 1.7%, RR 2.53, [95% CI 1.06, 6.03], p = 0.04), be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (6.5% vs 3.0%, RR 2.18, [95% CI 1.09, 4.36], p = 0.03) or the neonatal nursery (40.3% vs 28.4%, RR 1.42, [95% CI 1.14, 1.76], p = 0.002), and have a longer hospital stay (p = 0.001). More infants in the BGDM group had Sarnat stage 2 or 3 neonatal encephalopathy (12.9% vs 7.8%, RR 1.65, [95% CI 1.04, 2.63], p = 0.03).</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Women with BGDM and their infants had an increased risk of adverse health outcomes compared with women with a negative OGCT. Intervention strategies to reduce the risks for these women and their infants need evaluation.</p>", "<title>Trial registration</title>", "<p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN00416244</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>All authors contributed to the study design, interpretation of the data and preparation of the drafts of the manuscript. In addition CAC and ARR coordinated the study and the collection of data. KJW performed the data analyses. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We are indebted to the women and their children who participated in the ACTS study, the ACTS Study Group [##REF##16641396##13##], Helena Oakey for statistical support and Melissa Ewens for administration in support for this paper.</p>", "<p>The ACTS trial was funded by grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia and the Channel 7 Research Foundation, South Australia.</p>", "<p>Ethics</p>", "<p>Children, Youth and Women's Health Service (CYWHS) Human Research and Ethics Committee (HREC)</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Demographics of women with borderline GDM compared with women with a normal OGCT</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Characteristics</bold><break/></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Borderline GDM </bold><break/>n = 140 (%)</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Normal OGCT </bold><break/>n = 1596 (%)</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Relative risk </bold><break/>[95% CI]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p value</bold><break/></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Age</bold><sup><bold>a </bold></sup>(years)</td><td align=\"left\">27.5 ± 5.4</td><td align=\"left\">26.3 ± 5.8</td><td align=\"left\">1.3 [0.3, 2.2]</td><td align=\"left\">0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Race</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Caucasian</td><td align=\"left\">129 (92.1)</td><td align=\"left\">1517 (95.1)</td><td align=\"left\">0.97 [0.92, 1.02]</td><td align=\"left\">0.22</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Asian</td><td align=\"left\">5 (3.6)</td><td align=\"left\">47 (2.9)</td><td align=\"left\">1.21 [0.49, 3.00]</td><td align=\"left\">0.68</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Other</td><td align=\"left\">6 (4.3)</td><td align=\"left\">32 (2.0)</td><td align=\"left\">2.14 [0.91, 5.02]</td><td align=\"left\">0.08</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>BMI</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Underweight (&lt;18.5)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (2.3)</td><td align=\"left\">59 (4.0)</td><td align=\"left\">0.59 [0.19, 1.80]</td><td align=\"left\">0.34</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Normal (18.5 – &lt;25)</td><td align=\"left\">59 (45.7)</td><td align=\"left\">818 (55.9)</td><td align=\"left\">0.82 [0.67, 0.99]</td><td align=\"left\">0.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Overweight (25 – &lt;30)</td><td align=\"left\">32 (24.8)</td><td align=\"left\">380 (26.0)</td><td align=\"left\">0.96 [0.70, 1.31]</td><td align=\"left\">0.78</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Obese (≥30)</td><td align=\"left\">35 (27.1)</td><td align=\"left\">207 (14.1)</td><td align=\"left\">1.92 [1.41, 2.62]</td><td align=\"left\">&lt;0.0001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>SEIFA</bold><sup><bold>b</bold></sup></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Low</td><td align=\"left\">40 (28.6)</td><td align=\"left\">429 (26.9)</td><td align=\"left\">1.06 [0.81, 1.40]</td><td align=\"left\">0.66</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Low-Mid</td><td align=\"left\">25 (17.9)</td><td align=\"left\">288 (17.9)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00 [0.69, 1.44]</td><td align=\"left\">0.99</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mid-High</td><td align=\"left\">37 (26.4)</td><td align=\"left\">391 (24.5)</td><td align=\"left\">1.08 [0.81, 1.44]</td><td align=\"left\">0.61</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> High</td><td align=\"left\">38 (27.1)</td><td align=\"left\">490 (30.7)</td><td align=\"left\">0.88 [0.67, 1.17]</td><td align=\"left\">0.39</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Education</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Secondary or lower</td><td align=\"left\">54 (39.7)</td><td align=\"left\">704 (45.0)</td><td align=\"left\">0.88 [0.71, 1.09]</td><td align=\"left\">0.25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> TAFE or equivalent</td><td align=\"left\">38 (27.9)</td><td align=\"left\">361 (23.1)</td><td align=\"left\">1.21 [0.91, 1.61]</td><td align=\"left\">0.19</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> University</td><td align=\"left\">44 (32.4)</td><td align=\"left\">498 (31.9)</td><td align=\"left\">1.02 [0.79, 1.31]</td><td align=\"left\">0.91</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Smoking</bold></td><td align=\"left\">37 (26.4)</td><td align=\"left\">340 (21.3)</td><td align=\"left\">1.24 [0.93, 1.66]</td><td align=\"left\">0.15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>BP at trial entry</bold><sup><bold>a </bold></sup>(mmHg)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Systolic BP</td><td align=\"left\">110.7 ± 11.2</td><td align=\"left\">110.1 ± 10.5</td><td align=\"left\">0.6 [-1.3, 2.4]</td><td align=\"left\">0.55</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Diastolic BP</td><td align=\"left\">66.4 ± 9.0</td><td align=\"left\">65.3 ± 8.0</td><td align=\"left\">1.1 [-0.3, 2.5]</td><td align=\"left\">0.12</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Clinical outcomes among women with borderline GDM compared with women with a normal OGCT</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Outcome</bold><break/></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Borderline GDM </bold><break/>n = 140 (%)</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Normal OGCT </bold><break/>n = 1596 (%)</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Unadjusted relative risk </bold><break/>[95% CI]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p value</bold><break/></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adjusted relative risk </bold><break/>[95% CI]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p value</bold><break/></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Maternal adverse outcome</bold></td><td align=\"left\">18 (12.9)</td><td align=\"left\">129 (8.1)</td><td align=\"left\">1.59 [1.00, 2.52]</td><td align=\"left\">0.05</td><td align=\"left\">1.47 [0.92, 2.34]</td><td align=\"left\">0.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Pregnancy induced hypertension</bold></td><td align=\"left\">25 (17.9)</td><td align=\"left\">189 (11.8)</td><td align=\"left\">1.51 [1.03, 2.20]</td><td align=\"left\">0.03</td><td align=\"left\">1.31 [0.90, 1.90]</td><td align=\"left\">0.16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Pre-eclampsia</bold></td><td align=\"left\">9 (6.4)</td><td align=\"left\">86 (5.4)</td><td align=\"left\">1.19 [0.61, 2.32]</td><td align=\"left\">0.60</td><td align=\"left\">1.08 [0.56. 2.10]</td><td align=\"left\">0.82</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Antenatal hospitalisation</bold></td><td align=\"left\">29 (20.7)</td><td align=\"left\">287 (18.0)</td><td align=\"left\">1.15 [0.82, 1.62]</td><td align=\"left\">0.42</td><td align=\"left\">1.17 [0.83, 1.65]</td><td align=\"left\">0.36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>PPROM</bold></td><td align=\"left\">6 (4.3)</td><td align=\"left\">41 (2.6)</td><td align=\"left\">1.67 [0.72, 3.86]</td><td align=\"left\">0.23</td><td align=\"left\">1.54 [0.66, 3.57]</td><td align=\"left\">0.32</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Induction of labour</bold></td><td align=\"left\">49 (35.0)</td><td align=\"left\">498 (31.2)</td><td align=\"left\">1.12 [0.88, 1.42]</td><td align=\"left\">0.34</td><td align=\"left\">1.06 [0.84. 1.34]</td><td align=\"left\">0.62</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Vaginal birth</bold></td><td align=\"left\">94 (67.1)</td><td align=\"left\">1184 (74.2)</td><td align=\"left\">0.90 [0.80, 1.02]</td><td align=\"left\">0.10</td><td align=\"left\">0.96 [0.86, 1.08]</td><td align=\"left\">0.48</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Normal vaginal birth</td><td align=\"left\">70 (50.0)</td><td align=\"left\">865 (54.2)</td><td align=\"left\">0.92 [0.78, 1.10]</td><td align=\"left\">0.36</td><td align=\"left\">1.00 [0.85. 1.17]</td><td align=\"left\">1.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Instrumental vaginal birth</td><td align=\"left\">24 (17.1)</td><td align=\"left\">319 (20.0)</td><td align=\"left\">0.86 [0.59, 1.25]</td><td align=\"left\">0.42</td><td align=\"left\">0.87 [0.60, 1.27]</td><td align=\"left\">0.48</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Caesarean section</bold></td><td align=\"left\">46 (32.9)</td><td align=\"left\">412 (25.8)</td><td align=\"left\">1.27 [0.99, 1.64]</td><td align=\"left\">0.06</td><td align=\"left\">1.13 [0.89. 1.43]</td><td align=\"left\">0.33</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Elective</td><td align=\"left\">10 (7.1)</td><td align=\"left\">101 (6.3)</td><td align=\"left\">1.13 [0.60, 2.11]</td><td align=\"left\">0.70</td><td align=\"left\">1.01 [0.54, 1.88]</td><td align=\"left\">0.98</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Emergency</td><td align=\"left\">36 (25.7)</td><td align=\"left\">311 (19.5)</td><td align=\"left\">1.32 [0.98, 1.78]</td><td align=\"left\">0.07</td><td align=\"left\">1.17 [0.87, 1.56]</td><td align=\"left\">0.30</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Caesarean section for fetal distress</bold></td><td align=\"left\">24 (17.1)</td><td align=\"left\">168 (10.5)</td><td align=\"left\">1.63 [1.10, 2.41]</td><td align=\"left\">0.01</td><td align=\"left\">1.43 [0.97, 2.11]</td><td align=\"left\">0.07</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Major postpartum haemorrhage</bold></td><td align=\"left\">4 (2.9)</td><td align=\"left\">42 (2.6)</td><td align=\"left\">1.09 [0.40, 2.98]</td><td align=\"left\">0.87</td><td align=\"left\">0.96 [0.35, 2.66]</td><td align=\"left\">0.94</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Postpartum pyrexia</bold></td><td align=\"left\">3 (2.1)</td><td align=\"left\">13 (0.8)</td><td align=\"left\">2.63 [0.76, 9.12]</td><td align=\"left\">0.13</td><td align=\"left\">2.33 [0.66, 8.17]</td><td align=\"left\">0.19</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Maternal length of stay</bold><sup>a </sup>(days)</td><td align=\"left\">3.5 ± 2.0</td><td align=\"left\">3.1 ± 1.7</td><td align=\"left\">0.4 [0.1, 0.7]</td><td align=\"left\">0.01</td><td align=\"left\">0.3 [-0.0. 0.6]</td><td align=\"left\">0.06</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Clinical outcomes among babies born to women with borderline GDM compared with women with a normal OGCT</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Outcome</bold><break/></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Borderline GDM</bold><break/></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Normal OGCT</bold><break/></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Unadjusted relative risk </bold><break/>[95% CI]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p value</bold><break/></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adjusted relative risk </bold><break/>[95% CI]</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p value</bold><break/></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Births</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">n = 140 (%)</td><td align=\"left\">n = 1596 (%)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Infant death or adverse outcome</bold></td><td align=\"left\">18 (12.9)</td><td align=\"left\">162 (10.2)</td><td align=\"left\">1.27 [0.80, 2.00]</td><td align=\"left\">0.31</td><td align=\"left\">1.25 [0.79. 1.98]</td><td align=\"left\">0.34</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Stillbirth</bold></td><td align=\"left\">1 (0.7)</td><td align=\"left\">13 (0.8)</td><td align=\"left\">0.88 [0.12, 6.65]</td><td align=\"left\">0.90</td><td align=\"left\">0.79 [0.10, 6.08]</td><td align=\"left\">0.82</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Neonatal death</bold></td><td align=\"left\">0</td><td align=\"left\">5 (0.3)</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Perinatal death</bold></td><td align=\"left\">1 (0.7)</td><td align=\"left\">18 (1.1)</td><td align=\"left\">0.63 [0.09, 4.71]</td><td align=\"left\">0.66</td><td align=\"left\">0.56 [0.07, 4.21]</td><td align=\"left\">0.57</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>GA at birth</bold><sup>a </sup>(weeks)</td><td align=\"left\">39.7 (38.5–40.9)</td><td align=\"left\">40.1 (39.0–41.0)</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">0.004</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">0.003</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Preterm birth </bold>(GA &lt;37 weeks)</td><td align=\"left\">15 (10.7)</td><td align=\"left\">102 (6.4)</td><td align=\"left\">1.68 [1.00, 2.80]</td><td align=\"left\">0.05</td><td align=\"left\">1.64 [0.97, 2.75]</td><td align=\"left\">0.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Very preterm birth </bold>(GA &lt;34 weeks)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (2.9)</td><td align=\"left\">33 (2.1)</td><td align=\"left\">1.38 [0.50, 3.84]</td><td align=\"left\">0.54</td><td align=\"left\">1.40 [0.50, 3.91]</td><td align=\"left\">0.53</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Extremely preterm birth </bold>(GA &lt;28 weeks)</td><td align=\"left\">0</td><td align=\"left\">12 (0.8)</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Apgar 5 minute &lt;7</bold></td><td align=\"left\">3 (2.1)</td><td align=\"left\">33 (2.1)</td><td align=\"left\">1.04 [0.32, 3.33]</td><td align=\"left\">0.95</td><td align=\"left\">1.05 [0.32, 3.40]</td><td align=\"left\">0.94</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Birthweight</bold><sup>b </sup>(g)</td><td align=\"left\">3375 ± 626.3</td><td align=\"left\">3388 ± 593.4</td><td align=\"left\">-13.0 [-116, 89.5]</td><td align=\"left\">0.80</td><td align=\"left\">-28.8 [-132, 73.9]</td><td align=\"left\">0.58</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Birth length</bold><sup>b </sup>(cm)</td><td align=\"left\">50.2 ± 2.5</td><td align=\"left\">50.3 ± 3.3</td><td align=\"left\">-0.06 [-0.6, 0.5]</td><td align=\"left\">0.82</td><td align=\"left\">-0.09 [-0.7, 0.5]</td><td align=\"left\">0.75</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Birth head circumference</bold><sup>b </sup>(cm)</td><td align=\"left\">34.3 ± 1.8</td><td align=\"left\">34.4 ± 1.9</td><td align=\"left\">-0.10 [-0.4, 0.2]</td><td align=\"left\">0.55</td><td align=\"left\">-0.17 [-0.5, 0.2]</td><td align=\"left\">0.34</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Liveborns</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">n = 139 (%)</td><td align=\"left\">n = 1583 (%)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>SFGA </bold>(Birthweight &lt;10<sup>th </sup>percentile)</td><td align=\"left\">10 (7.2)</td><td align=\"left\">153 (9.7)</td><td align=\"left\">0.74 [0.40, 1.38]</td><td align=\"left\">0.35</td><td align=\"left\">0.76 [0.41. 1.42]</td><td align=\"left\">0.39</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>LFGA </bold>(Birthweight ≥90<sup>th </sup>percentile)</td><td align=\"left\">19 (13.7)</td><td align=\"left\">153 (9.7)</td><td align=\"left\">1.41 [0.91, 2.20]</td><td align=\"left\">0.13</td><td align=\"left\">1.29 [0.83, 2.00]</td><td align=\"left\">0.27</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Macrosomia </bold>(Birthweight ≥4.5 kg)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (4.3)</td><td align=\"left\">27 (1.7)</td><td align=\"left\">2.53 [1.06, 6.03]</td><td align=\"left\">0.04</td><td align=\"left\">2.27 [0.97, 5.34]</td><td align=\"left\">0.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Length of stay</bold><sup>a </sup>(days)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (3–5)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (2–4)</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">0.001</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Admission to nursery</bold></td><td align=\"left\">56 (40.3)</td><td align=\"left\">450 (28.4)</td><td align=\"left\">1.42 [1.14, 1.76]</td><td align=\"left\">0.002</td><td align=\"left\">1.35 [1.09, 1.68]</td><td align=\"left\">0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Admission to NICU</bold></td><td align=\"left\">9 (6.5)</td><td align=\"left\">47 (3.0)</td><td align=\"left\">2.18 [1.09, 4.36]</td><td align=\"left\">0.03</td><td align=\"left\">2.05 [1.02, 4.13]</td><td align=\"left\">0.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>RDS</bold></td><td align=\"left\">0</td><td align=\"left\">14 (0.9)</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td><td align=\"left\">--</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Mechanical ventilation</bold></td><td align=\"left\">2 (1.4)</td><td align=\"left\">33 (2.1)</td><td align=\"left\">0.69 [0.17, 2.85]</td><td align=\"left\">0.61</td><td align=\"left\">0.65 [0.16, 2.71]</td><td align=\"left\">0.56</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Antibiotics &lt;48 hours</bold></td><td align=\"left\">14 (10.1)</td><td align=\"left\">78 (4.9)</td><td align=\"left\">2.04 [1.19, 3.51]</td><td align=\"left\">0.01</td><td align=\"left\">2.14 [1.24, 3.68]</td><td align=\"left\">0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Sarnat stage 2 or 3 encephalopathy</bold></td><td align=\"left\">18 (12.9)</td><td align=\"left\">124 (7.8)</td><td align=\"left\">1.65 [1.04, 2.63]</td><td align=\"left\">0.03</td><td align=\"left\">1.69 [1.06, 2.69]</td><td align=\"left\">0.03</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>Values are mean ± standard deviation, and the comparisons are mean difference (95% CI)</p><p><sup>b </sup>Lower scores indicate lower socioeconomic status</p><p>BMI, Body mass index; BP, Blood pressure; SEIFA, Socio-economic index for area</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>Value is mean ± standard deviation, and the comparison is mean difference (95% CI).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a </sup>Values are median (IR range). <sup>b </sup>Value is mean ± standard deviation, and the comparison is mean difference (95% CI). GA, gestational age; SFGA, small for gestational age; LFGA, large for gestational age; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[{"collab": ["ABS"], "article-title": ["Census of Population and Housing: Socio-economic Indexes for Areas (SEFIA)"], "source": ["Cat no 2033055001"], "year": ["2001"], "publisher-name": ["Canberra: ABS"]}, {"surname": ["Laws", "Abeywardana", "Walker", "Sullivan"], "given-names": ["PJ", "S", "J", "EA"], "article-title": ["Australia's mothers and babies 2005"], "source": ["Perinatal statistics series no 20 Cat No PER 40"], "year": ["2007"], "publisher-name": ["Sydney: AIHW National Perinatal Statistics Unit"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2008 Jul 30; 8:31
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the entire gut, but mostly the terminal ileum of the small bowel is involved. Due to the chronic inflammation the affected bowel segment is scarred and may become stenotic. Although medical treatment aims to reduce the inflammation, many patients eventually will have surgery because of obstructive complaints [##REF##16378007##1##].</p>", "<p>Primary medical treatment is still considered the preferred treatment because of the potential morbidity associated with surgery. Furthermore, medical treatment might avert surgery. Medical therapy consists of remission induction by a short course of steroids most often followed by maintenance therapy with immunomodulating agents. Recurrence of disease activity is primarily treated with steroids. Frequent disease exacerbations and steroid dependency are an indication for treatment with infliximab. Infliximab is a chimeric anti-TNF monoclonal antibody against tumor necrosis factor, an important proinflammatory cytokine in Crohn's disease. Treatment with this biological is effective in inducing and maintaining response and remission in patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease.</p>", "<p>Infliximab therapy once initiated is best continued at 8 weeks intervals, although interval therapy is often used to reduce costs and to avoid the risks of long-term immune suppression. Major drawbacks of medical therapy are long-term use of medication with associated impairment of quality of life, morbidity and high costs. Furthermore, infliximab treatment is an open-ended medical treatment: it is unclear for how long therapy should be continued. Interrupting the treatment is undesirable since it is associated with loss of response due to anti-infliximab antibody formation [##REF##12584368##2##, ####REF##15168370##3##, ##REF##16481629##4####16481629##4##]. It remains unclear in how many patients with recurrent Crohn's disease surgery can eventually be avoided [##REF##16378007##1##] Thus, patients with recurrent Crohn's disease encompass a heterogeneous group of patients some of which will respond to (long-term) medical treatment whereas in others surgery cannot be averted by medical treatment.</p>", "<p>It is well established that an ileocolic resection is an effective and low morbidity operation resulting in a quick relieve of complaints and fast restoration of quality of life. Most frequent complications requiring reoperation are anastomotic dehiscence and intra-abdominal abscess. In several publications analyzing safety of laparoscopic ileocolic resection, the percentage of complications requiring reoperation varied from 0 to 7.6% [##REF##16481628##5##]. After ileocolic resection, medication can be stopped or limited to prophylactic medication when indicated [##REF##18266036##6##]. The length of loss of small bowel is generally limited and averages 20–25 cm in patients who had surgery for obstructive symptoms refractory to medical treatment. Long-term surgical recurrence occurs in 20–25% over an 8–9 years period in patients refractory to medication [##REF##16328612##7##,##REF##16148548##8##].</p>", "<p>Patients are generally young and in the middle of building their socioeconomic life. Disease activity with its associated complaints and long-term therapy have a pronounced effect on quality of life characterized by sick leave and non-attendance of social activities [##REF##1556402##9##,##REF##12742203##10##]. Patients that have a clinical recurrence after medical treatment can be considered as patients having a more severe type of the disease. To date consensus statements offer either treatment with infliximab or surgical resection in limited disease, because no comparative studies on the two alternatives exist. It can be hypothesized that surgery may avoid long-term or ineffective medical treatment improving quality of life and reducing costs. With the implementation of the laparoscopic approach, morbidity and overall costs are further reduced, and body image and cosmesis are maintained [##REF##16481628##5##,##REF##12004208##11##, ####REF##9788857##12##, ##REF##16432345##13##, ##REF##17164582##14##, ##REF##11353959##15####11353959##15##]. For these reasons time has come to compare laparoscopic ileocolic resection with infliximab treatment in terms of quality of life, sick leave and costs.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods/design</title>", "<title>Study objectives</title>", "<p>To compare, in a prospective randomized setting, the short-term and medium-term effectiveness and costs of ileocolic resection versus infliximab therapy in patients with recurrent Crohn's disease of the distal ileum. Two research questions can be defined:</p>", "<p><italic>1. </italic>How does infliximab treatment of patients with recurrent Crohn's disease of the distal ileum compare with laparoscopic ileocolic resection in terms of quality of life, hospital stay, morbidity, sick leave and surgical (re)interventions?</p>", "<p><italic>2. </italic>What are the 12 months cumulative total costs of infliximab treatment versus laparoscopic ileocolic resection in patients with recurrent Crohn's disease of the distal ileum?</p>", "<title>Study design</title>", "<p>The LIR!C-study is a randomized multicenter trial with participation of at least five academic and 20 regional hospitals. Patients presenting with recurrent or resistant Crohn's disease of the distal ileum will be counseled and asked for informed consent if the inclusion and exclusion criteria are met. Randomization will take place after informed consent has been obtained. Patients will be randomized to either a laparoscopic ileocolic resection or to treatment with infliximab (see Figure ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<p>Randomization is performed by an Internet randomization module prepared by the Department of Clinical Research and Data management. Biased-coin randomization is used and the randomization is stratified for the randomizing centers and the presence or absence of peri-anal fistulas.</p>", "<title>Primary and secondary endpoints</title>", "<p>The primary endpoints of the LIR!C trial are the disease-specific quality of life as measured by the IBDQ [##REF##9817123##16##,##REF##10109801##17##] and the costs per QALY.</p>", "<p>Secondary outcome parameters are general quality of life, as measured by the SF-36 [##REF##2644154##18##] and EQ 5D [##REF##12439115##19##,##REF##15290922##20##] questionnaires; number of days on sick leave; morbidity (due to either surgery or medical treatment), total in and out hospital medical and non-medical costs and body image and cosmesis as measured by the body image questionnaire (BIQ) [##REF##16432345##13##].</p>", "<title>Study population</title>", "<p>The study population consists of patients with recurrent or resistant Crohn's disease of the distal ileum, not responding to immunomodulating therapy.</p>", "<p>Inclusion criteria are: age in between 18 and 80 years, recurrent Crohn's disease of the distal ileum, a completed IBDQ, SF-36 and EQ-5D and BIQ before randomization, informed consent.</p>", "<p>Exclusion criteria are: prior ileocolic resection for Crohn's disease, obstructive Crohn's disease of the distal ileum requiring surgery, diseased small bowel segment longer than 40 cm, abdominal abscesses and abdominal fluid collections, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) III en IV, insufficient understanding of the Dutch language or cognitively inability to complete Dutch questionnaires.</p>", "<title>Participating centers</title>", "<p>Twenty-seven centers will enroll patients. Five of these hospitals are academic hospitals.</p>", "<title>Ethics</title>", "<p>The study is conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and 'good clinical practice' guidelines. The protocol has been approved by the Medical Ethical Committee of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam and the local Ethical Committees of the participating centers. Prior to randomization informed consent will be obtained from patients.</p>", "<title>Study Outline</title>", "<title>Recruitment</title>", "<p>Patients will be recruited in the outpatients IBD clinics of the participating medical centers. Patients may not want to participate in the study because they reject the principle of randomization, especially since the randomization of this trial will result in two very divergent treatment strategies. A small pilot study in the AMC IBD clinic learned that most patients would participate as long as careful and clear explanation of the study is offered. In a prior study comparing laparoscopic with open ileocolic resection performed by our institute only 2 out of 62 patient refused participation or randomization [##REF##17164582##14##].</p>", "<title>Infliximab</title>", "<p>Patients randomly allocated to infliximab treatment arm will undergo remission induction consisting of three subsequent infusions at week 0, 2 and 6 in a dose of 5 mg/kg. Infliximab maintenance therapy, consisting of infusions of 5 mg/kg at 8 to 12 weeks intervals, will be given to patients with active disease after an episode of disease activity that was treated with infliximab remission induction. In case of disease recurrence during infliximab treatment intervals will be shortened to 6 weeks and/or the dose level increased to 10 mg/kg. Infusion reactions will be treated with 25 mg prednisolone and 2 mg clemastine intravenously prior to subsequent infusions. Infliximab therapy will be combined with azathioprine immunomodulation in a dose of 2,5 mg/kg daily or 6-mercaptopurine 1,5 mg/kg daily. In the case of intolerance to these immunomodulating agents methotrexate will be given in an intramuscular dose of 15 mg once a week. Infliximab will be given without any co-medication in case of intolerance to abovementioned immunomodulating drugs or in case of contra-indications for the use of these drugs. Patients total blood counts and liver enzymes will be monitored 2 and 4 weeks after initiation of therapy and subsequently at 3 months intervals.</p>", "<title>(Laparoscopic) ileocolic resection</title>", "<p>Patients randomly allocated to surgery receive a short course of steroids to reduce the inflammation, consisting of prednisolone 40 mg oral dose (OD) for one week, 30 mg OD during one week, 20 mg OD for 1 week, followed by a dose of 10 mg. Once steroid therapy has been tapered to a dose of 20 mg/day ileocolic resection can be performed.</p>", "<p>Surgery will be performed under general anesthesia. Patients will receive antibiotics for 24 hours. Ileocolic resection is done preferably laparoscopically. A variety of techniques can be applied performing a laparoscopic ileocolic resection ranging from a facilitated (laparoscopic mobilization of the right colon followed by extracorporeal vascular ligation, bowel transsection and reanastomosing) to a total laparoscopic procedure (all steps are done intracorporeally including anastomosis making). Generally, 3 or 4 trocarts suffice. The minilaparotomy preferably is done as an up and down transumbilical incision or in case of a large specimen as a Pfannenstiehl incision.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<title>Intention to treat</title>", "<p>The analysis will be performed in accordance with the intention to treat principle.</p>", "<title>Sample size calculation</title>", "<p>The primary outcome of the study is a difference in IBDQ total score between the two randomized groups at one year. In order to assess the sample size for this study, a 0.5 between-group effect size on the IBDQ total score at week 48 was considered to be relevant. A modest effect size of 0.50 is generally considered to be clinically relevant. With a 5% two-sided significance level, 65 patients per study arm will be needed to achieve an 80% power to detect such a difference with a two-sided t-test [##UREF##0##21##]. Additional mixed-models repeated measures analysis of variance will be used to investigate whether there is a different pattern of change over time between the two study arms in the four IBDQ dimensions and the EQ 5D [##REF##12719681##22##].</p>", "<title>Data collection and monitoring</title>", "<p>Patients will be followed for a period of 12 months. Seven times during this follow-up period patients will complete a set of questionnaires (the IBDQ, EQ 5D, SF-36 and BIQ): patients will complete the first set of questionnaires before randomization, the next set at week 2 of their therapy, the third set at week 6 and after that every 3 months (3, 6, 9 and 12 months after start of therapy). The questionnaires will be sent to the patients by post accompanied by a return envelop provided with postage stamps and the address of the hospital. Collection of the questionnaires will be safeguarded by the trial coordinator.</p>", "<p>Additional to the questionnaires, disease activity will be assessed by calculating the CDAI. For this calculation patients will be asked to keep a diary for seven days. In total, patients will fill in 7 diaries. During a visit to the gastro-enterologist or trial-nurse, hematocrit, presence or absence of an abdominal mass and number of complications will be assessed. CDAI can be calculated from these data combined with data from the CDAI-diaries. These visits will coincide with visits to the outpatient department for conventional patient care. At the end of the study period, after 12 months, patients will undergo an endoscopy to measure the extent of inflammation 12 months after therapy. Patients that received an ileocolic resection will be scored using the Rutgeerts endoscopic score.</p>", "<p>Patients will be contacted by telephone every month by a trial nurse to assess complications, additional interventions, re-admissions, duration of hospital and intensive care stay and visits to the outpatient clinic, number of days of sick leave and of social in attendance and to ensure completions of the questionnaires.</p>", "<p>An electronic Case Record Form (CRF) will include general patient's data (sex, age, medical history etc), patient's response to the questionnaires and data concerning type of intervention, complications, mortality, duration of hospital and intensive care stay.</p>", "<p>An independent trial monitor from the IBD trial-department will monitor the study procedure and the data of included patients.</p>", "<title>Data analysis</title>", "<p>As we do not expect a difference in mortality, data on quality of life will be the key outcome measure in the comparison. Differences in quality of life and morbidity will be analyzed using mixed-models analysis of variance for repeated measures, accounting for differences in survival between groups. Mortality will be compared using Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank statistics.</p>", "<p>To analyze the secondary outcomes (general quality of life, number of days on sick leave, morbidity (due to either surgery or medical treatment) and results of the body image questionnaire) the two groups will be compared using the statistical program SPSS 14.0<sup>®</sup>.</p>", "<p>A data and safety monitoring committee will safeguard trial continuation based on safety and effectiveness data. They will perform an interim analysis after 60 included patients have reached a one month follow up.</p>", "<title>Economic evaluation</title>", "<p>The marginal direct medical, non-medical and time cost, costs per QALY and cost-utility ratio will be calculated for the surgical and medical treatment strategies. Cost items will include costs of hospital admissions and readmissions (operation, nursing days, outpatient visits), institutional care (nursing homes, hospice), home care, medication and other health care providers as well as direct non-medical costs (travel expenses). Costs will be calculated by counting resource use in the diaries, questionnaires and additional 3 month interviews and multiplying these with unit prices. Standard unit prices will be used when available, complemented by results from cost calculations where needed.</p>", "<p>The cumulative total costs will be calculated for the 12 month study period. In addition, the cumulative costs for each cost category will be calculated.</p>", "<p>The EQ-5D score profiles will be transposed to health utility values following scoring algorithms based on time trade-off elicitation techniques applied in the general population. Both the UK and the Dutch scoring algorithms will be applied and compared in sensitivity analyses. QALY's are calculated as the product-sum of health utilities and the lengths of the preceding period in-between measurements during follow-up. In the final analysis, a 12 month difference in average QALY's will be calculated.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>In the Netherlands infliximab treatment is indicated for patients with Crohn's disease that are either steroid refractory or steroid dependent following treatment with steroids alone or in combination with immunomodulatory drugs such as azathioprine or methotrexate [##REF##16929083##23##]. These guidelines are in concert with the European consensus on infliximab treatment [##REF##16481629##4##]. However, the ECCO also recommends in its consensus statement the need for trials comparing infliximab and surgery stating that 'infliximab should be considered for steroid or immunomodulatory disease or intolerance, although surgical options should be considered and discussed.' The LIR!C-trial aims to diminish this discussion and to provide an evidence-based best treatment strategy.</p>", "<p>Besides infliximab (Remicade<sup>®</sup>), new biologic agents have been introduced in the past few years. Adalimumab (Humira<sup>®</sup>), a human anti-TNF monoclonal antibody, has possible advantages over infliximab in administration route and costs. In the future, therefore, adalimumab might become the preferred biological treatment. Nevertheless, at this moment adalimumab as therapy for Crohn's disease is relatively young and still proving itself. Four placebo-controlled trials assessing efficacy in Crohn's disease have been conducted so far, analyzing 1400 patients. Conclusions were that adalimumab is more effective than placebo for remission-induction and maintaining remission [##REF##17241859##24##, ####REF##16472588##25##, ##REF##17470824##26##, ##REF##17299059##27####17299059##27##]. No trials comparing adalimumab and infliximab head to head have been published yet. Because of lack of sufficient long-term data we chose to not use adalimumab in this study. Certoluzimab Pegol (Cimzia<sup>®</sup>), a polyethylene glycolated anti-TNFα antibody fragment was associated with a modest improvement in response rates but with no significant improvements in remission rates if compared to placebo [##REF##17634458##28##]. As maintenance therapy outcomes on response and remission were better compared to placebo-therapy [##REF##17634459##29##]. However, it has not been registered in Europe yet for the therapy of Crohn's disease and therefore it is not included in this trial either.</p>", "<p>This trial compares medical therapy with (minimal invasive) surgery for Crohn's disease of the distal ileum. The first analysis will provide short- and medium-term results up to one year of follow-up. However, since long-term data of this cohort are especially of importance, we aim to develop a follow-up study to continue follow-up after the first year.</p>", "<p>Considering the drawbacks of infliximab treatment, ileocolic resection can be an equivalent alternative treatment, in spite of a small risk on serious surgical complications. Both strategies have not been compared in a clinical trial so far [##REF##16481629##4##]. Infliximab treatment may be less cost-effective when compared to laparoscopic ileocolic resection and may show less effective when assessed by means of quality of life. Therefore this study aims to answer the question which treatment is to be preferred for recurrent distal ileitis: medical therapy or early surgery.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>With the availability of infliximab, nowadays recurrent Crohn's disease, defined as disease refractory to immunomodulatory agents that has been treated with steroids, is generally treated with infliximab. Infliximab is an effective but expensive treatment and once started it is unclear when therapy can be discontinued. Surgical resection has been the golden standard in recurrent Crohn's disease. Laparoscopic ileocolic resection proved to be safe and is characterized by a quick symptom reduction.</p>", "<p>The objective of this study is to compare infliximab treatment with laparoscopic ileocolic resection in patients with recurrent Crohn's disease of the distal ileum with respect to quality of life and costs.</p>", "<title>Methods/design</title>", "<p>The study is designed as a multicenter randomized clinical trial including patients with Crohn's disease located in the terminal ileum that require infliximab treatment following recent consensus statements on inflammatory bowel disease treatment: moderate to severe disease activity in patients that fail to respond to steroid therapy or immunomodulatory therapy. Patients will be randomized to receive either infliximab or undergo a laparoscopic ileocolic resection. Primary outcomes are quality of life and costs. Secondary outcomes are hospital stay, early and late morbidity, sick leave and surgical recurrence. In order to detect an effect size of 0.5 on the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire at a 5% two sided significance level with a power of 80%, a sample size of 65 patients per treatment group can be calculated. An economic evaluation will be performed by assessing the marginal direct medical, non-medical and time costs and the costs per Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) will be calculated. For both treatment strategies a cost-utility ratio will be calculated. Patients will be included from December 2007.</p>", "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The LIR!C-trial is a randomized multicenter trial that will provide evidence whether infliximab treatment or surgery is the best treatment for recurrent distal ileitis in Crohn's disease.</p>", "<title>Trial registration</title>", "<p>Nederlands Trial Register NTR1150</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>EJE drafted the manuscript. WAB and PCFS co-authored the writing of the manuscript. PCFS and WAB are the principal investigators. All other authors participated in the design of the study during several meetings and are local investigators at the participating centers. All authors edited the manuscript and read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>ZonMw, grant number 10788.2201</p>", "<p>All authors are member of the LIR!C-study group.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>LIR!C-trial flowchart.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2482-8-15-1\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Cohen", "Associates NJIE"], "given-names": ["J"], "source": ["Statitical Power Anlyses for the Behavioral Sciences"], "year": ["1988"], "publisher-name": ["Mahwah"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Surg. 2008 Aug 22; 8:15
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Homocysteine is a key metabolite of the one carbone metabolism, at the cross point between the remethylation pathway that produces methionine and the transulfuration pathway that produces cysteine [##REF##15189131##1##]. Plasma homocysteine (t-Hcys) is influenced by genetic polymorphisms of the key enzymes of the remethylation pathway, <italic>methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase </italic>(<italic>MTHFR C677T</italic>) [##REF##7647779##2##,##REF##9545395##3##], <italic>methionine synthase </italic>(<italic>MTR A2756G</italic>) [##REF##11257268##4##] and <italic>methionine synthase reductase </italic>(<italic>MTRR A66G</italic>) [##REF##9501215##5##]. MTHFR catalyses the synthesis of methyletetrahydrofolate, the methyl donor of homocysteine and MTR and MTRR are the two key enzymes of the synthesis of methionine by remethylation of homocysteine. The <italic>C677T </italic>genetic polymorphism in the <italic>MTHFR </italic>gene is found to be associated with a thermo-labile variant enzyme that shows a reduced activity [##REF##7647779##2##]. A genetic polymorphism in the <italic>transcobalamin </italic>gene (<italic>TCN2 C776G</italic>) is another genetic trait that may influence the vitamin B12 cellular delivery and consequently, homocysteine metabolism [##REF##11159542##6##]. Transcobalamin is a specific plasma transporter of cobalamin (vitamin B12) and facilitates the cellular uptake of the vitamin by receptor-mediated endocytosis [##REF##11159542##6##].</p>", "<p>Hyperhomocysteinemia is recognized as a risk factor for both venous and arterial thrombosis in the general population [##REF##9869152##7##,##REF##7475822##8##]. In this regard, genetic determinants of homocysteine metabolism have received increasing attention over the past decade as potential contributors to the greater risk of thrombosis in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) subjects [##UREF##0##9##]. Homocysteine has also a crucial role in cellular stress, epigenetic events, inflammatory processes and host-microbial interactions. Hyperhomocysteinemia might therefore influence the clinical history of IBD, including disease severity [##UREF##0##9##]. Mahmud and colleagues were the first to report a higher prevalence of MTHFR <italic>677T </italic>allele in IBD patients, compared to controls [##REF##10446107##10##]. Nevertheless a number of subsequent studies have produced conflicting results, possibly related with complex interactions between environmental and genetic factors [##REF##11569694##11##, ####REF##11467646##12##, ##UREF##1##13##, ##REF##11374681##14##, ##REF##10961731##15##, ##REF##15831933##16##, ##REF##14560147##17####14560147##17##]. Ethnic and geographical variations in the distribution and phenotypic influence of <italic>MTHFR </italic>variants may explain, at least in part, discrepancies between case control studies on the association between <italic>MTHFR </italic>polymorphism and IBD [##REF##16522920##18##,##REF##17220211##19##]. Polymorphisms of other homocysteine metabolism-related enzymes may also contribute to the link between homocysteine metabolism and IBD patients. The influence of <italic>MTHFR, MTR, MTRR </italic>and <italic>TCN2 </italic>polymorphisms on the primary and secondary risk of ulcerative colitis have never been evaluated in a same sample population. Most of the case-control studies have evaluated Caucasian populations from North America and Europe, where the prevalence of Crohn disease is predominant, in contrast with populations from Asia, where UC is the most frequent form of IBD. In contrast to <italic>MTHFR 677T </italic>allele, the G allele frequency of <italic>TCN2 </italic>polymorphism is dramatically higher in Central China, compared with that reported in Caucasian populations [##REF##15831933##16##,##REF##16522920##18##,##REF##17220211##19##].</p>", "<p>The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the influence of genetic determinants of homocysteine metabolism, <italic>MTHFR</italic>, <italic>MTR</italic>, <italic>MTRR </italic>and <italic>TCN2 </italic>with the primary risk and the clinical manifestations of UC, in a case control study of a sample population from Central China.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Study subjects</title>", "<p>Eligible patients were males or females with established ulcerative colitis UC. 168 patients who were recruited from one single department (Department of Gastroenterology and Reseach center of Digestive diseases, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan, province of Hubei, RP China) were prospectively enrolled in a case-control study, during a 2-years period. Information regarding concomitant medications was collected at study entry. Extent of UC was defined according to Montreal Classification [##REF##16698746##20##]. The term \"Pancolitis\" means \"ulcerative colitis that involves the entire colon.\" The UC subjects were compared to 219 healthy volunteers from a blood donor Center of Wuhan, who presented without anemia, abdominal pain, inflammation, diarrhea nor blood in the stools. The controls were extracted from a larger cohort and were matched for age and sex with UC patients. All individuals belonged to Han ethnicity and originated from the Hubei province, in Central China. This study was approved by the local ethic committee, and the subjects included gave informed consent, according to the Helsinki declaration.</p>", "<title>Assays and DNA genotyping procedures</title>", "<p>Fasting venous blood was collected in EDTA-containing tubes, immediately centrifuged, and stored at -20°C until analysis. DNA was isolated from a lymphocyte-enriched fraction of whole blood with NUCLEON BACC3 for extraction of genomic DNA kit (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Milan, Italy). The procedures for detecting the <italic>C677T </italic>and <italic>A1298C </italic>polymorphisms of <italic>MTHFR</italic>, as well as the <italic>A2756G MTR </italic>and the <italic>A66G MTRR </italic>polymorphisms, were based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, restriction cleavage and separation of the DNA fragments by 15% non denaturant polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), as previously described [##REF##16522920##18##,##REF##17220211##19##]. Genotyping of the <italic>TCN2 C776G </italic>polymorphism was performed by the amplification-refractory mutation system, as described recently by us [##REF##11159542##6##]. DNA samples corresponding to amplified DNA of the <italic>MTHFR</italic>, <italic>MTR </italic>and <italic>MTRR </italic>genotypes were sequenced and subsequently used as controls in all series of genotype determination. Five % of the samples were re-genotyped to check for genotype calling consistency, with a genotyping success rate higher than 98%.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>The tested <italic>a priori </italic>hypotheses were the association of the genetic determinants of homocysteine metabolism with the primary risk and the clinical characteristics of the disease, respectively. Categorical variables were reported as counts, percentages and 95% confidence interval, and continuous variables as means ± SD. For categorical variables, continuity-corrected chi-square test or exact Fisher test (when variables were stratified in function of clinical characteristics) were used to assess differences. For continuous variables, a Mann-Whitney U-test was employed. The significance, odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval of independent determinants regarding the risk of IBD were determined by logistic regression analysis using a model that included age, sex and the genetic and clinical variables. The residual model of logistic regression multivariate analysis considered only the variables with P-value &lt; 0.10 in the univariate analysis. The minimal size of our sample was estimated at 150 patients, with a study power 1-β = 0.8 and α = 0.05, assuming a 1.5-fold difference in the less frequent alleles between controls and patients. P-value lower than 0.05 indicated statistical significance and Bonferroni correction for multiple testing was used as described previously, when several dependent or independent statistical tests were being performed simultaneously [##REF##16522920##18##]. (Data were prospectively collected and analyzed using the Statview 5 software for Windows (SAS Institute, Berkley, California, USA) and the SPSS 10.0 software for Windows (SPSS, Paris, France). HWE was tested using the chi-square two-tailed calculation of Knud Christensen, population genetics,</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Clinical characteristics of UC patients</title>", "<p>There were no significant difference in sex ratio between controls and UC patients, with respectively 38% and 42% of females (P = 0.3660); the age was respectively 41 ± 15 and 41 ± 12 years (P = 0.7428). The age onset was 38 ± 15, without difference among gender. The main clinical characteristic of the UC patients are summarized in table ##TAB##0##1##. A quarter presented with an extensive form of colitis and about 57% with lesions limited to rectum and/or sigmoid. None of the cases presented with a reported thromboembolic episode.</p>", "<title>Comparison of the genetic characteristics of UC patients and controls</title>", "<p>There was no linkage desequilibrium among different genotypes. The genotype of <italic>MTHFR C677T, A1298C</italic>, <italic>MTR</italic>, <italic>MTRR</italic>, and <italic>TCN </italic>could be determined in respectively 215, 213, 218, 219, 216 of the 219 DNA samples from controls and in respectively 168, 160, 156, 164, 146 of the 168 DNA samples from UC cases. The genotype distributions of <italic>MTHFR</italic>, <italic>MTR</italic>, <italic>MTRR</italic>, and <italic>TCN </italic>polymorphisms of patients were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P-values of two tailed chi-square 0.5071, 0.8231, 0.3055, 0.7184, 0.4237, respectively) and were not influenced by gender (data not shown). <italic>MTHFR 677T </italic>and <italic>1298C </italic>alleles were in complete disequlibrium, as previously reported in other populations [##REF##9545395##3##].</p>", "<p>The genotype distributions of <italic>MTHFR</italic>, <italic>MTRR </italic>and <italic>TCN </italic>polymorphisms did not differ between controls and UC patients (table ##TAB##1##2##). The same observation was made for allele frequencies (table ##TAB##1##2##). In contrast, the carriers of <italic>MTR 2756AG/GG </italic>genotypes were more frequent in UC than in the control group, with respective percentages of 26.3 (95% C.I. 20.0–33.7) and 16.5 (12.2–22.0) (P = 0.0212). The same observation was made with the <italic>MTR 2756G </italic>allele frequency, with a difference even more significant (table ##TAB##1##2##). In logistic regression, carriage of <italic>MTR 2756G </italic>allele was an independent predictor of UC, with an Odds ratio estimated at 1.8 (table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<title>Association of genetic polymorphisms with clinical characteristics of UC patients</title>", "<p>We next examined the association of polymorphisms of homocysteine metabolism-related enzymes with the clinical characteristics. None of the polymorphisms influenced the age onset of the disease. In univariate analysis, <italic>MTR</italic>, <italic>MTRR </italic>and <italic>TCN </italic>polymorphisms were not associated with location and extent of UC while <italic>MTHFR 677TT </italic>genotype was associated with pancolitis. The frequency of the <italic>TT </italic>genotype of <italic>MTHFR C677T </italic>polymorphism was 2.7-fold higher in UC individuals with pancolitis than in other UC cases, with respective percentages of 27.3 (95% C.I.16.4–42.0) and 10.5 (95% C.I. 6.3–17.1) (P = 0.0123). The frequency of subjects who presented with either <italic>677TT </italic>or the double heterozygous <italic>677CT/1298AC </italic>genotype was also significantly different between subjects with pancolitis and those with left colitis or proctitis, with respective percentages of 43.2 (95% C.I. 29.6–43.2) and 20.2 (95% C.I. 14.1–28.1) (P = 0.0048).</p>", "<p>Finally, the association of gene polymorphisms of genes of the remethylation pathway with the risk of pancolitis was estimated by logistic regression analysis using a model that included age, sex, medications and genetic polymorphisms. We confirmed that the only significant independent gene predictor of extensive lesions was <italic>MTHFR</italic>. The sex and age adjusted odds ratio of the association between pancolitis and <italic>MTHFR 677 TT </italic>was estimated to 3.82 (95% C.I. 1.3–11.7, P = 0.0179). When the age and sex adjusted analysis was performed by considering the carriers of <italic>677TT </italic>or <italic>C677CT/1298AC </italic>genotypes of <italic>MTHFR </italic>instead of <italic>MTHFR 677TT </italic>only, the same conclusion was reached, with an Odds ratio at 3.3 (95% C.I. 1.4–7.9, P = 0.0084).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Genetic factors possibly associated with ulcerative colitis remain poorly known. This is the first study that evaluated the association of genes of the remethylation pathway of homocysteine, <italic>MTHFR</italic>, <italic>MTR</italic>, <italic>MTRR </italic>and <italic>TCN2</italic>, in a case population restricted to UC, in China. It evidenced a significant association of <italic>MTR </italic>and <italic>MTHFR </italic>variants with the primary risk and the extent of the disease, respectively; <italic>677TT </italic>and <italic>C677CT</italic>/<italic>1298AC </italic>genotypes of <italic>MTHFR </italic>were predictors of extensive colitis, while no association was found with the primary risk of UC. In contrast, <italic>MTR 2756G </italic>allele was associated with an increased risk of UC and had no influence on the extent of the disease. MTR and MTFHR have a complementary role in this pathway. During the remethylation of homocysteine into methionine, a methyl group provided by 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-methylTHF) is transferred to homocysteine by MTR. In this remethylation pathway, cobalamin (vitamin B12) is involved as an intermediate carrier of the methyl group while the 5-methylTHF is synthesized by MTHFR. The phenotypic influence of the 2756G allele on the activity of MTR has not been clearly evidenced [##REF##11257268##4##]. In contrast, both <italic>677TT </italic>and <italic>1298AC/677CT </italic>genotypes are known to produce a decreased catalytic enzyme activity of MTHFR [##REF##7647779##2##]. Notably, the <italic>677TT </italic>genotype of <italic>MTHFR </italic>is encoding a thermolabile variant characterized by an alanine to valine substitution at position 222, and a 50% reduction in enzyme activity [##REF##7647779##2##]. As a consequence, <italic>MTHFR C677T </italic>polymorphism produces a decreased cellular level of methyl-THF and a cellular accumulation of homocysteine, particularly in patients with insufficient folate supply [##REF##11282420##21##]. Interestingly, recent experimental findings raise the possibility that homocysteine-induced cellular and vascular stress may contribute to the maintenance of a chronic mucosal inflammatory state in IBD [##UREF##0##9##,##REF##15866230##22##].</p>", "<p>Clinical implications of the <italic>MTHFR C677T </italic>polymorphism include increased risk for several diseases, such as vascular, neurological and for birth defects [##REF##11282420##21##,##REF##14656028##23##]. Its phenotypic influence on homocysteine metabolism is neutral in subjects with sufficient folate supply, as in South Europe [##REF##16522920##18##]. Similarly, the association of <italic>MTHFR </italic>with other diseases than IBD seems to be neutral in South European countries, where the status of populations in folate is better than in North Europe, while some studies have showed association with <italic>MTR </italic>and <italic>MTRR </italic>in these countries [##REF##14656028##23##,##UREF##2##24##]. This could explain some of the discrepant results produced on association studies with IBD in populations with contrasted status in folate. Indeed, two studies performed in Northern Europe reported a significant increased frequency of the <italic>MTHFR TT </italic>genotype [##REF##10446107##10##,##REF##11843038##25##], whereas four studies in Southern Europe (two Italian, one French, one Portuguese) and one Chinese study showed no difference [##REF##11569694##11##,##REF##11374681##14##, ####REF##10961731##15##, ##REF##15831933##16##, ##REF##14560147##17####14560147##17##]. In contrast, we found a higher frequency of <italic>MTRR 66A </italic>allele in patients with Crohn's disease compared with controls, and we observed an influence of this gene variant on the extent of the disease [##REF##17925002##26##]. We also evidenced that vitamin B12 was a nutritional determinant of homocysteinemia, that was under the influence of oxidative stress [##REF##17925002##26##]. Consistently, a recent report showed that folate deficiency was not a predictor of homocysteine level in case of increased oxidative stress, underscoring the implication of other nutritional determinants, such as vitamin B12, under pathological conditions [##REF##17652662##27##]. Taken together, these results are in agreement with our findings indicating that <italic>methionine synthase A2756G </italic>polymorphism, a vitamin B12-dependent enzyme, may predict ulcerative colitis. The data are also difficult to compare among contrasted populations since the frequency of these gene polymorphisms and their influence on homocysteine fluctuate greatly, worldwide [##REF##16522920##18##,##REF##17220211##19##]. The prevalence of the homozygous <italic>T </italic>allele seems to be influenced by folate status, the prevalence being the highest in Mexicans, Chinese and Italians and the lowest in West Africans [##REF##16522920##18##,##REF##17220211##19##]. It would be therefore useful to revisit the studies on IBD and <italic>MTHFR </italic>that have been published in Europe by evaluating also the association with the other gene variants related with the remethylation pathway. Finally, the discrepancies observed in previous studies on association between <italic>MTHFR </italic>and IBD may also correspond in part to differences in the proportion of cases with extensive colitis, as suggested by our observation that MTFHR is a predictor of pancolitis, at least in UC. This observation was in agreement with our previous study of a smaller series of UC patients [##REF##15831933##16##]. In addition, the association with severity of the disease may be related with a deficit in folate and vitamin B12, as previously observed by us in Caucasians with Crohn's disease [##REF##17925002##26##]. Vitamin B12 metabolism influenced Crohn's disease activity by modulating oxidative stress, measured by superoxide dismutase activity [##REF##17925002##26##]. Homocysteine levels were recently correlated with activity, number of flares and duration of the disease [##REF##16677162##28##]. Unfortunately, we could not determine the blood level of these determinants in the present series as no serum or plasma sample was available. Furthermore, we recently found that azathioprine therapy decreased plasma homocysteine level [##REF##17925002##26##], suggesting interactions between azathioprine and homocysteine metabolisms. Genetic variation in the <italic>MTHFR </italic>gene may result in reduced S-adenosylmethionine concentations, leading to enhanced TPMT enzyme degradation and possibly modulating azathioprine efficacy [##REF##16306100##29##].</p>", "<p>Over the past decade, hyperhomocysteinemia and <italic>MTHFR C677T </italic>polymorphism have been regarded solely as potential contributors to the greater risk of thrombosis in IBD [##REF##11374681##14##,##REF##10961731##15##,##REF##9798965##30##, ####REF##11051355##31##, ##REF##17100967##32####17100967##32##]. Our data indicated clearly that it influenced the severity of UC, independently of the risk of thrombosis, as none of the case from our series underwent a thrombosis episode.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p><italic>MTR and MTHFR </italic>are two genes of vitamin B12 and folate cellular metabolism associated respectively with the primary risk and the severity of UC, at least in central China. These findings might open new insights into the pathogenesis and assessment of UC, particularly for the potential interest in treating the patients presenting with the <italic>677TT MTHFR </italic>genetic trait and a deficit in folate. However, our results await confirmation in a large cohort of patients with UC.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The association of genetic polymorphisms related to metabolism of homocysteine with inflammatory bowel disease has been evidenced in Crohn disease and remains an open question in ulcerative colitis. We evaluated the association of the polymorphisms of MTHFR, MTR, MTRR and TCN2 genes with ulcerative colitis in Central China.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>168 patients were genotyped for these polymorphisms and compared to 219 matched controls.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p><italic>Methionine synthase </italic>2756G allele frequency was higher in ulcerative colitis than in controls 0.15 (95% C.I. 0.11–0.19) vs 0.09 (95% C.I. 0.07 – 0.12), (P = 0.0137) and predicted ulcerative colitis risk in logistic regression, with an Odds ratio at 1.8 (95% C.I. 1.15–2.84). <italic>Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase</italic> 677TT genotype was 2.7-fold more prevalent in individuals with pancolitis than in those with left colitis or proctitis, with respective percentages of 27.3 (95% C.I.16.4–42.0) and 10.5 (95% C.I. 6.3–17.1) (P = 0.0123). The carriage of 677TT or 677CT/1298AC genotypes of <italic>methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase</italic> was more frequent in cases with pancolitis than in subjects with left colitis or proctitis (P = 0.0048), with an Odds ratio adjusted by age and sex at 3.3 (95% C.I. 1.4–7.9), P = 0.0084) in logistic regression.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p><italic>Methionine synthase </italic>and <italic>methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase</italic> are genes of vitamin B12 and folate cellular metabolism associated respectively with risk and extent of ulcerative colitis, at least in Central China. This finding may open new insights, particularly for the potential interest in treating patients carrying the 677TT MTHFR genetic trait and a deficit in folate.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>J–LG was the guarantor and supervisor of the study. MC, LP–B, BX and J–LG contributed to conception and design, recruitment of patients, analysis and interpretation of data and drafting of the manuscript. R–MG–R carried out the biological and genetics analyses, interpretation of data, statistical analyses, revising of the manuscript. BX and MC recruited the patients and M–AB and J–PB contributed in interpretating the data. LP–B and J–LG revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>Institutional funding was received from Region Lorraine and Inserm (France) and a grant of international collaboration was supported from China Hubei provincial science &amp; technology department (2007CA003). No private sponsor was involved in the study. Min Chen was recipient of a fellowship grant from Chinese service center for scholarly exchange, PR of China, and from Region Lorraine, France.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Categorical clinical characteristics of the 168 patients with ulcerative colitis.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Characteristic</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Number of cases</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Percentage (95% confidence interval)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Male sex</td><td align=\"center\">97</td><td align=\"center\">57.7 (50.2-57.7)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Past smoking</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">8.3 (5.1–13.5)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Current smoker</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">7.1 (4.2–12.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Concomitant medications:</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Steroids</td><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">29.8 (23.4–29.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Sulfasalazine</td><td align=\"center\">98</td><td align=\"center\">58.3 (50.8–65.5)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> 5-aminosalicylate</td><td align=\"center\">69</td><td align=\"center\">41.1 (33.9–48.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Antibiotics</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">8.9 (5.5–14.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Disease location:</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Rectum</td><td align=\"center\">78</td><td align=\"center\">46.4 (39.0–54.0)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Left colon</td><td align=\"center\">46</td><td align=\"center\">27.4 (21.2–34.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Pancolitis</td><td align=\"center\">44</td><td align=\"center\">26.2 (20.1–33.3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Personal history of surgery:</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Colectomy</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">1.2 (0.4–4.2)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Genotype frequencies and minor allele frequencies of genetic polymorphisms in ulcerative colitis patients and controls.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Controls</bold><break/>Frequencies (%)</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>UC patients</bold><break/>Frequencies (%)</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>P-value</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>OR (95% CI)*</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>MTHFR 677</italic></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>CC</italic><sup>#</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">40.9</td><td align=\"center\">38.1</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>CT</italic><sup>#</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">43.3</td><td align=\"center\">45.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.6053<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1.12 (0.72–1.75)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>TT</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">15.8</td><td align=\"center\">16.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.6821<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1.13 (0.62–2.05)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total number of patients analysed</bold></td><td align=\"center\">215</td><td align=\"center\">168</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Allele <italic>T</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.37</td><td align=\"center\">0.39</td><td align=\"center\">0.6027</td><td align=\"center\">1.09 (0.81–1.46)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>MTHFR 1298</italic></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>AA</italic><sup>#</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">66.2</td><td align=\"center\">69.4</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>AC</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">29.1</td><td align=\"center\">28.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.7277<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">0.92 (0.58–1.46)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>CC</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">4.7</td><td align=\"center\">2.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.2631<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">0.51 (0.15–1.66)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total number of patients analysed</bold></td><td align=\"center\">213</td><td align=\"center\">160</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Allele <italic>C</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.19</td><td align=\"center\">0.17</td><td align=\"center\">0.3455</td><td align=\"center\">0.86 (0.59–1.26)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>MTR 2756</italic></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>AA</italic><sup>#</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">83.5</td><td align=\"center\">73.7</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>AG</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">15.1</td><td align=\"center\">23.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.0422<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1.72 (1.02–2.92)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>GG</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">1.4</td><td align=\"center\">3.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.1899<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">2.64 (0.62–11.25)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total number of patients analysed</bold></td><td align=\"center\">218</td><td align=\"center\">156</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Allele <italic>G</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.09</td><td align=\"center\">0.15</td><td align=\"center\">0.0137</td><td align=\"center\">1.81 (1.15–2.84)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>MTRR 66</italic></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>AA</italic><sup>#</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">58.0</td><td align=\"center\">53.7</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>AG</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">35.6</td><td align=\"center\">38.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.4839<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1.17 (0.76–1.79)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>GG</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">6.4</td><td align=\"center\">7.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.4746<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1.34 (0.60–2.99)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total number of patients analysed</bold></td><td align=\"center\">219</td><td align=\"center\">164</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Allele <italic>G</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.24</td><td align=\"center\">0.27</td><td align=\"center\">0.2401</td><td align=\"center\">1.18 (0.85–1.64)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>TCN2 776</italic></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>CC</italic><sup>#</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">21.8</td><td align=\"center\">18.5</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>CG</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">38.9</td><td align=\"center\">45.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.3358<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1.26 (0.79–2.01)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>GG</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">39.3</td><td align=\"center\">36.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.7835<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1.09 (0.61–1.95)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total number of patients analysed</bold></td><td align=\"center\">216</td><td align=\"center\">146</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Allele <italic>G</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.58</td><td align=\"center\">0.59</td><td align=\"center\">0.9447</td><td align=\"center\">1.0 (0.74–1.35)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>*(OR: unadjusted odds ratio; 95 CI%: 95% confidence interval)</p><p>Abbreviations :<italic>methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase </italic>(<italic>MTHFR</italic>), <italic>methionine synthase </italic>(<italic>MTR</italic>), <italic>methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase </italic>(<italic>MTRR</italic>) and <italic>transcobalamin </italic>(<italic>TCN2</italic>)</p><p><sup># </sup>Dominant genotype. <sup>a </sup>Comparison with dominant genotype.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[{"surname": ["Peyrin-Biroulet", "Rodriguez-Gu\u00e9ant", "Chamaillard", "Desreumaux", "Xia", "Bronowicki", "Bigard", "Gu\u00e9ant"], "given-names": ["L", "RM", "M", "P", "B", "JP", "MA", "JL"], "article-title": ["Vascular and Cellular Stress in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Revisiting the Role of Homocysteine"], "source": ["Am J Gastroenterol"], "year": ["2007"], "volume": ["102"], "fpage": ["1"], "lpage": ["8"], "pub-id": ["10.1111/j.1572-0241.2007.01170.x"]}, {"surname": ["Portela", "Lerias", "Palmeiro"], "given-names": ["E", "C", "A"], "article-title": ["Homocysteine and MTHFR C677T variant in inflammatory bowel disease"], "source": ["Gut"], "year": ["1999"], "volume": ["45"], "fpage": ["A15"]}, {"surname": ["Lewis", "Ebrahim", "Smith"], "given-names": ["SJ", "S", "GD"], "article-title": ["Meta-analysis of MTHFR 677C\u2192T polymorphism and coronary heart disease: does totality of evidence support causal role for homocysteine and preventive potential of folate?"], "source": ["Br Med J"], "year": ["2005"], "volume": ["10"], "fpage": ["1136"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Med Genet. 2008 Aug 13; 9:78
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Approximately 85% of the 2.3 million HIV-infected children under 15 years worldwide live in sub-Saharan Africa.[##UREF##0##1##] While antiretroviral therapy (ART) of children in Africa has resulted in dramatically improved survival, clinical, immunological and virological status, less than 15% of children needing ART on the continent currently receive it. [##REF##15352588##2##, ####REF##15353976##3##, ##REF##17099313##4##, ##REF##17407046##5##, ##REF##17367540##6##, ##REF##17117017##7##, ##REF##17077930##8##, ##REF##16988517##9##, ##UREF##1##10##, ##UREF##2##11####2##11##] Excellent adherence is one of the most important factors in determining treatment success and preventing viral resistance, and the need for near-perfect adherence to lifelong therapy from an early age has been identified as a major challenge in the administration of ART to HIV-infected children.[##UREF##1##10##,##REF##10877736##12##, ####REF##10462336##13##, ##REF##17469726##14##, ##UREF##3##15####3##15##] There is concern about the extent to which this is achievable for children in resource-limited settings, particularly in the context of the rapid scale-up of pediatric treatment programs required to address the HIV burden on children in Africa.[##REF##17469726##14##,##REF##16343374##16##]</p>", "<p>Research from rich countries suggests that adherence may be more complex in children compared to adults due to many factors including reliance on caregivers who may themselves be ill or may not be the child's parent, complex dosing regimens, lack of availability of pediatric fixed-dose combinations, poor drug palatability, difficulty with taking tablets/capsules and interference with daily routines. [##REF##10462336##13##,##UREF##4##17##, ####REF##12544410##18##, ##UREF##5##19##, ##UREF##6##20##, ##UREF##7##21##, ##REF##11927734##22##, ##REF##12794557##23####12794557##23##] Adherence estimates of 50 to 75% have been reported, well below the required 90 to 95% to achieve optimal viral suppression.[##REF##10877736##12##,##REF##10462336##13##,##UREF##4##17##, ####REF##12544410##18##, ##UREF##5##19##, ##UREF##6##20##, ##UREF##7##21##, ##REF##11927734##22##, ##REF##12794557##23####12794557##23##]</p>", "<p>While African adult studies show that good adherence to ART is possible despite poor social circumstances, there are limited studies in African children.[##REF##16343374##16##,##REF##15322481##24##, ####REF##12799558##25##, ##REF##16896111##26##, ##REF##17121449##27####17121449##27##] Health service challenges as well as individual factors such as poor socio-economic circumstances, poor literacy and the prohibitive cost of liquid drug formulations necessitating tablet/capsule administration to very young children are additional potential barriers to adherence in African children.[##UREF##1##10##,##UREF##3##15##] In Kampala, Uganda, 72% of children aged 2–18 years had adherence ≥ 95% measured with home-based unannounced pill counts, compared to 89% using 3-day self-reported adherence and 94% using clinic-based pill counts.[##REF##17565809##28##] Muller et al. similarly found discrepant results using different measures of adherence in young children (median age 38 months) in South Africa.[##UREF##8##29##] Using electronic means (Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS)) to monitor adherence, only 36% of patients achieved ≥ 95% adherence, in comparison to 91% of caregivers reporting excellent adherence on a visual analogue scale.[##UREF##8##29##] The only other published adherence studies of African children include only older children and measure self-reported adherence only, with varying results. In Côte d'Ivoire and Uganda, approximately one third of caregiver-child pairs reported missing doses and in South Africa, Reddi et al. describe 10% of children missing ≥ 3 doses during the previous month.[##REF##17367540##6##,##REF##16280708##30##,##REF##16791525##31##] African studies thus concur with international literature that more objective measures of adherence (e.g. unannounced pill counts and MEMS) tend to be more sensitive to lapses in adherence.[##UREF##7##21##,##REF##11352698##32##] However, such measures are not feasible in resource-limited settings with large-scale programs, and there is a need to determine the utility of simpler measures of adherence such as clinic-based pill-counts and self-report in predicting virological response in the African context. Furthermore, all published African studies have been conducted over short periods (≤ 3 months), mostly in older chidren, and may not reflect longer term adherence patterns in very young children.</p>", "<p>We therefore aimed to measure the level of adherence to ART in infants and young children during the first year of treatment using both medication returned as measured at the clinic and caregiver self-report, to assess the extent to which such measured adherence predicts viral and immunological outcomes and to identify factors associated with good adherence.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Study design, setting and population</title>", "<p>This was a prospective cohort study. All HIV infected children commenced on antiretroviral triple therapy between July 2002 and January 2004 (n = 122) as part of the ART program of the Red Cross Children's Hospital, a tertiary care institution in Cape Town, South Africa, were eligible and agreed to participate in the study. The ART program at the hospital began prior to the official national government ART program and was donor funded during this time. Selection criteria for commencement of ART have been described elsewhere.[##REF##15352588##2##] Briefly, clinical and immunological criteria as recommended by the 2001 European treatment guidelines were followed.[##REF##12139662##33##] In addition, the following limited social criteria needed to be met: having an identifiable caregiver to administer medication and attend clinic appointments; resident in Cape Town for at least 3 months; caregiver compliance with last 3 clinic appointments and caregiver willingness to comply with ongoing regular clinic attendance and monitoring. The majority of children were commenced on stavudine (d4T), lamivudine (3TC) and efavirenz (EFV – children &gt;10 kg or &gt;3 years) or ritonavir (RTV – children &lt;10 kg or &lt;3 years) as no other protease inhibitor was readily available in suitable formulation and dosage in South Africa at the time. Children were followed up with monthly clinical visits for the first year. Viral load, CD4 cell count and percentage were determined using standard laboratory methods at commencement of ART and after 1 year of treatment. The definition of undetectable viral load was &lt;400 copies/ml. The study was approved by the University of Cape Town Research Ethics Committee [Ref: 261/2002], and all parents provided written informed consent for their and their children's participation.</p>", "<title>Measurements of adherence and associated factors</title>", "<p>Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics at commencement of ART were determined by the clinician treating each child and recorded on standardized data collection forms. Children were retrospectively re-staged according to medical record information using the WHO 4-stage clinical classification for the purpose of this analysis.[##UREF##3##15##] Weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height z-scores were calculated with EpiInfo 2000, version 1.0 (Division of Surveillance and Epidemiology, CDC, Atlanta, Georgia).</p>", "<title>Measurement of adherence by medication return (MR)</title>", "<p>At every monthly visit for one year, caregivers were requested to return all empty medicine containers and unused medication. A dedicated program pharmacist measured the amount of unused medication volumetrically for syrups/solutions and by pill count for tablets/capsules. The percentage adherence for each antiretroviral medication was calculated by dividing actual use (determined from returned containers and unused medication) by expected use (determined from the previous month's script).</p>", "<p>A composite measure of annual average percentage adherence by MR was calculated by determining the arithmetic mean of the percentage adherence for each drug at each monthly visit. For caregiver-child pairs who did not return medication at every visit as requested, the annual average percentage adherence was calculated using the number of months for which medication was actually returned as the denominator when determining the arithmetic mean (per protocol analysis). Sensitivity analysis was additionally performed assigning adherence &lt;90% for months in which medication was not returned and recalculating annual average percentage adherence for children with missing medication returns. A small amount of extra medication (in excess of what was prescribed) was issued at each visit so that patients would not be without medication if drugs were spilled or additional doses required due to vomiting or spitting out. For a number of medication returns, therefore, more drug was used than prescribed (i.e. adherence &gt;100%) so adherence was capped at 100% per return when calculating annual average adherence. An uncapped annual average MR adherence was also calculated for some of the analyses.</p>", "<title>Measurement of adherence by questionnaire</title>", "<p>A standardized interview was administered by the treating clinician to each caregiver after the child had completed 3 months of ART. The interview script was based on Pediatric Aids Clinical Trials Group (PACTG) adherence questionnaires modules 1 and 2 and assessed caregiver's ability to accurately describe the ART regimen, recall of missed doses in the past 3 days, difficulties experienced with giving medication and beliefs about ART.[##UREF##9##34##,##UREF##10##35##] Based on reported missed doses, children were classified as not fully adherent (NFA) if ≥ 1 dose was missed in the previous 3 days. Interpreters were used so that interviews were conducted in the language of the caregiver's choice.</p>", "<title>Analysis</title>", "<p>All statistical analysis was done using Stata (version 10) (Stata Corporation, College Station, Texas, USA). The effects of low annual average (capped) MR adherence, average (capped) MR adherence in the month immediately preceding viral load measurement and reported NFA on viral load suppression and immunological response were determined using logistic regression models adjusted for other determinants of outcome. MR adherence was dichotomized as ≥ 90% or &lt;90% as this threshold explained the largest amount of variability in the outcome. Univariate and multivariate analysis of the association between demographic, social and clinical factors as well as experiencing problems with giving medication and annual average MR adherence ≥ 90% were examined using Wilcoxon rank sum (Mann-Whitney), Student's t-test, chi<sup>2 </sup>or Fisher's exact tests and logistic regression models as indicated. Agreement between MR adherence &lt;90% and caregiver reported NFA was calculated using the kappa statistic.</p>", "<p>All multivariate models were built by sequentially adding the next most significant predictor variable from the univariate analysis, and variables with a p-value &lt;0.1 after adjustment for those already included in the model, or that changed the OR for variables included in the model by more than 10%, were retained. Since variables reflecting severity of illness (WHO stage, weight-for-height z-score, CD4 percent and absolute count and log viral load) were highly correlated with one another, only the single most predictive variable, i.e. weight-for-height z-score, was included in the multivariate models for virological and immunological outcome. Similarly, only one measure of socio-economic status (formal housing, access to water and electricity, access to a refrigerator and employment) was used at a time in each model, i.e. access to water and electricity. Only socio-demographic factors and regimen were included in building the multivariate model of MR adherence ≥ 90% as the sample size did not allow for inclusion of clinical factors as well. P-values for all statistical analyses are reported exactly with no particular cut-off used to define significance.[##REF##11159626##36##]</p>", "<p>At the time that the study was designed, few data on paediatric adherence from resource-constrained countries were available on which to base sample size calculations. The change from donor-funded ART to the government ART program necessitated ending of the study as the government program did not fund adherence monitoring. By this stage the accumulated sample size was sufficient to detect a 50% reduction in proportion with viral suppression in those with MR adherence &lt;90% with 90% power, assuming that 75% of children had MR adherence ≥ 90%.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Medication was returned on at least one occasion for 115/122 (94%) children who commenced ART with the remaining children deceased (n = 6) or lost to follow-up (n = 1) before their first follow-up visit (figure ##FIG##0##1##). After 1 year, 88 children were alive and remained in care on ART. Table ##TAB##0##1## shows the demographic and clinical characteristics and ART drugs prescribed at baseline. Children were young with a median age (IQR) of 37 (16 – 61) months. Although overall socio-economic status was poor with high levels of caregiver unemployment (73%) and informal housing (49%), most caregivers (88%) had at least secondary education and the majority of children (80%) were from households with access to water and electricity.</p>", "<title>Annual average MR adherence</title>", "<p>A total of 91/115 (79%) children achieved annual average MR adherence ≥ 90% with 73% of these having adherence ≥ 95% (figure ##FIG##1##2##). Only 9 (8%) children had average adherence for the full year below 80%. These percentages did not change substantially if adherence &lt;90% was assigned for missing returns in children not returning medication on all possible occasions. The number of children remaining in care at each month and the proportion returning medication as requested is shown in figure ##FIG##2##3##. There was no change in the proportion of children returning medication over time (p = 0.17). Among only those children who remained alive and in care for the entire first year of treatment (excluding those deceased and LFU; n = 88), the proportion with adherence &lt;90% decreased over time with an OR for having low adherence of 0.91 (95% CI: 0.87 – 0.96; p = 0.000) for each additional month (figure ##FIG##3##4##). Annual average MR adherence &lt;90% was more likely among the 34/115 (30%) child-caregiver pairs who failed to return empty medication containers/unused medication at more than one follow-up visit (OR = 4.97; 95% CI:1.92 – 12.87; p = 0.001).</p>", "<title>Relationship between MR adherence and viral/immunological outcomes</title>", "<p>Undetectable viral load was achieved in 62/80 (78%) children with annual average MR adherence ≥ 90% compared to 2/8 (25%) of children with lower adherence (OR = 10.3; 95% CI: 1.92 – 55.7; p = 0.005). In univariate analysis, other factors significantly associated with viral suppression were less wasting as reflected in higher weight-for-height z-score, less severe disease (WHO stage 2 or 3 vs WHO stage 4) and being on a non-ritonavir containing regimen (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Since nutritional status is an important determinant of WHO stage, only weight-for-height z-score and regimen were included in building an adjusted logistic regression model for the relationship between adherence and viral suppression. After adjustment for wasting, regimen was no longer associated with viral load outcome, however adherence ≥ 90% remained an important covariate associated with viral suppression (Adjusted OR = 5.5 [95%CI: 0.8–35.6], p = 0.075). Sensitivity analysis was performed by recalculating average annual adherence for caregiver-child pairs who did not return medication for one or more months by assigning adherence &lt;90% for months in which medication was not returned, and there remained a significant univariate association between MR adherence ≥ 90% and undetectable viral load, and a strong trend towards an association after adjustment for baseline weight-for-height z-score. There was no association between MR adherence in the month or 2 months preceding viral load measurement and viral suppression in either univariate analysis or after adjustment for baseline weight-for-height z-score. Similarly no association was found between the proportion of visits in which caregivers failed to return medication and viral suppression in either univariate or adjusted analyses.</p>", "<p>The median (IQR) changes in CD4 percent and absolute count were 10.1% (5.7% – 15.2%) and 393 cells/μl (113 – 654) respectively. There was no association between annual average MR adherence ≥ 90% and either CD4 percent at 1 year, or change from baseline CD4 percent or absolute count over 1 year in either univariate analysis or models adjusted for other determinants of immunological response.</p>", "<title>Excess MR Adherence</title>", "<p>Using the uncapped annual average MR adherence, 47/115 (40.9%) of children had adherence &gt;100%. This was more common among children taking ritonavir (30/50 [60%]) compared to those on efavirenz (17/65 [26%]; p = 0.000). Adherence &gt;100% was also more common in those 2 years of age or less (28/37 [75.7%]) compared to older children (19/78 [24.4%]; p = 0.000). This age-related difference in excess adherence was maintained after stratifying for ritonavir-based regimen (p = 0.02 and 0.05 for those with ritonavir-based and efavirenz-based regimens respectively).</p>", "<title>Questionnaire responses</title>", "<p>Of 98 children alive and in care after 3 months of ART, 87 (90%) completed adherence questionnaires (figure ##FIG##0##1##). Annual average MR adherence ≥ 90% was more common in those who completed questionnaires (59/87 [68%] vs 4/11 [36%]; p = 0.051).</p>", "<title>Reported missed doses</title>", "<p>NFA (missing ≥ 1 dose in the previous 3 days) was present in 12/87 (13.8%) children, and was more common in those whose MR adherence for that month was &lt;90% (7/22 [31.8%]) vs 5/62 [8.1%]; p = 0.006). Nevertheless, the sensitivity of NFA for poor MR adherence in the preceding month was only 31.8% (95% CI: 10.7% – 53.0%) and agreement between the two measures was only slightly better than that expected by chance (κ = 0.278; p = 0.003). There was no association between NFA and viral response at 1 year (p = 0.965). Although 38/87 (43.7%) of caregivers were unable to describe how to give their child's ART regimen exactly, this was not associated with either NFA or MR adherence &lt;90% (p = 0.88 and p = 0.68 respectively).</p>", "<title>Experience with giving medication</title>", "<p>A notable number of caregivers (33/87 [38.4%]) experienced problems with giving ART medication. Poor palatability of medication was the most common problem (21.8% of caregivers), with 68% of these being attributed to ritonavir. Change in daily routine was a problem for 12.6% of caregivers. Experiencing problems with giving medication did not affect reported (OR = 2.13; 95%CI: 0.59 – 7.65; p = 0.32) or MR adherence (OR = 0.61; 95%CI: 0.22 – 1.65; p = 0.32) in the month in which problems were reported, but was associated with annual average MR adherence &lt;90% (OR = 3.07; 95% CI: 0.91 – 10.38; p = 0.06).</p>", "<p>Most (65/87 [74.7%]) caregivers used at least one method to assist with remembering and giving medication. The most commonly used aids were activities of daily living reminders (35 [40%]) and treatment partners (23 [26%]). While the vast majority of caregivers (81 [93%]) believed that ART medication was improving their child's health, a significant number (24 [28%]) were unsure or believed that their children would not deteriorate if ART was stopped. Caregiver beliefs did not influence adherence by any measure.</p>", "<title>Determinants of annual average MR adherence ≥ 90%</title>", "<p>Socio-demographic variables most strongly associated with annual average MR adherence ≥ 90% on univariate analysis were caregivers having secondary education and household access to water and electricity as well as a refrigerator (tables ##TAB##0##1## and ##TAB##2##3##). Having secondary education was not significantly associated with any of the indicators of socio-economic status. Being on an efavirenz-based regimen was less strongly associated with good adherence. Secondary education of the caregiver and household access to water and electricity were both independent socio-demographic predictors of annual MR adherence ≥ 90%, while taking ritonavir was negatively associated with MR adherence ≥ 90%.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>This study extends to infants and young children the finding that good adherence to ART in Africa is achievable with nearly 80% of children obtaining average MR adherence ≥ 90% over the first year of ART. [##REF##16343374##16##,##REF##12799558##25##,##REF##16896111##26##,##REF##17565809##28##] This is at least as good as pediatric adherence in rich countries.[##REF##10462336##13##,##UREF##4##17##, ####REF##12544410##18##, ##UREF##5##19##, ##UREF##6##20##, ##UREF##7##21##, ##REF##11927734##22####11927734##22##] This excellent adherence occurred despite nearly 40% of caregivers experiencing subjective difficulty with administering medication. Secondary education, access to water and electricity and a non-ritonavir based regimen were all independently associated with better adherence. This study demonstrates that although clinic-based medication measures may not be as sensitive as unannounced home-based measures or MEMS monitoring to detect poor adherence, they are still strongly predictive of virologic response. Annual average MR adherence ≥ 90% was associated with a greater than 5 fold increased likelihood of suppressing viral load at the end of the year.</p>", "<p>The excellent adherence seen in our study may, however, not be representative of current pediatric adherence in Africa as ART is scaled up. These were the first children to receive ART at our tertiary care institution and many were well-known to the HIV service as adherent with other medications and clinic visits. In addition, the social criteria used to determine ART eligibility may have further selected those patients more likely to be adherent. Furthermore, treatment was donor-funded in the context of no access to ART through government health services so caregivers may have felt that ART was a privilege. Moreover, regular adherence monitoring may have enhanced adherence. While the halving of the proportion of children with MR adherence &lt;90% during the year supports this, it is a problem inherent to all adherence studies. In addition, the actual estimate of adherence may be inflated by use of clinic-based medication measures. The finding by Muller et al.[##UREF##8##29##] of much lower adherence using MEMS caps in a recent post-national ART roll-out study in a similar setting to ours supports the likelihood of both particularly good adherence in our cohort, and of adherence being over-estimated by our method of measurement. Nevertheless, the strong association with viral suppression in our study indicates at least reasonable accuracy of adherence measurement.</p>", "<p>In contrast, reported NFA showed no relationship to viral outcome and was only 32% sensitive for MR adherence &lt;90%. While the failure to find an association with viral suppression may well be due to the fact that reported adherence was only measured once long before viral load measurement, the tendency for caregivers and patients to over-estimate adherence is well established.[##UREF##3##15##,##REF##12794557##23##,##REF##17565809##28##,##UREF##8##29##,##REF##11352698##32##] In our study, this may have been exacerbated by interviews being conducted by clinicians to whom caregivers might be reluctant to admit to missing doses, particularly in the context of limited access to ART. This, however, reflects clinical practice.[##UREF##3##15##], and any attempts to develop a screening tool for poor adherence in busy roll-out clinics must take into account under-reporting of non-adherence to clinicians. In this study, the additional measuring of adherence by medication return should have, at least in part, mitigated against under-reporting.</p>", "<p>Interestingly we found no association between MR adherence in the month or 2 months immediately prior to viral load measurement, in contrast to the strong association with average MR adherence over the whole year. Other studies have found strong associations between short-term adherence and viral suppression immediately thereafter. [##REF##10877736##12##,##UREF##8##29##] Having a single viral load measurement only after a full year on treatment made it impossible to examine the effect of short-term fluctuations in adherence on viral outcome. The small sample in this study may also have reduced its power to show such an association particularly as a far smaller number of children than expected had poor adherence. In addition, the sample size limited the number of predictor variables that could be used in analytic models. We were only able to include a single indicator of disease severity in the model of viral suppression and only able to include socio-demographic and regimen factors as predictors of MR adherence ≥ 90%.</p>", "<p>It is notable that nearly 40% of caregivers experienced problems with giving ART, and that this adversely affected adherence over the whole year. Poor palatability of medication was the most common problem reported, especially in those taking ritonavir. This problem is unique to infants and very young children taking liquid formulations of drugs, and concurs with international studies.[##REF##12544410##18##,##REF##11927734##22##] A limitation of our study is that drug formulation was not recorded so its effect on adherence could not be examined. However, the finding that a greater proportion of children under 2 years of age (who would all be taking liquid formulations) had adherence &gt;100% suggests that repeat dosing of syrups/solutions is frequently necessary, placing an additional burden on caregivers.</p>", "<p>It is further noteworthy that MR adherence results in the ritonavir group appear paradoxical: taking ritonavir was both negatively associated with (capped) MR adherence ≥ 90%, and positively associated with (uncapped) MR adherence &gt;100%. The excess adherence is explained by frequent need for repeat dosing. However poor adherence in the ritonavir group when measures are capped indicates that there is not always compliance with frequent dosing with an unpalatable drug ultimately impacting negatively on adherence. Indeed the poor adherence in the ritonavir group was attributable to poor adherence to ritonavir alone, with adherence to the other two drugs in the regimen being acceptable (data not shown). Although ritonavir is no longer used as a single third agent in ART regimens, Kaletra<sup>® </sup>(lopinavir/ritonavir) is also unpalatable and is recommended in the South African national guidelines as part of the first-line regimen in children under 3 years of age.[##UREF##11##37##] Moreover, drugs other than ritonavir accounted for nearly a third of palatability problems. The need for pediatric-friendly formulations of ART cannot be over-emphasized.</p>", "<p>While some studies have suggested that older children are more likely to be non-adherent, we found no relationship between age and adherence.[##UREF##6##20##,##REF##16280708##30##] However, in our study the median age was young (36 months) with few children approaching adolescence, so its potential negative effect could not be determined. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the age of children commencing ART at our institution has decreased since this initial program, with the majority of children now being less than 2 year old.[##REF##17077930##8##] Our findings may therefore not be applicable to our current patient cohort, and there is a need for further research into adherence in very young infants in Africa.</p>", "<p>While previous research in Africa has found little impact of socio-economic status on adherence, our study suggests that better caregiver education and socio-economic status are both strongly independently associated with better adherence. [##REF##16343374##16##,##REF##12799558##25##,##REF##17121449##27##,##UREF##8##29##] Caregivers with secondary education and those with access to water and electricity are 4.5 times and 2.7 times more likely to have adherence ≥ 90% respectively. The lack of association between caregiver education and any of the indicators of socio-economic status emphasizes that these both impact on adherence and one is not simply a surrogate marker of the other. Compared to adult ART, administering medication to children, particularly infants, is more complex and requires exact measurement of dosages, often to a fraction of a milliliter, and compliance with stringent storage requirements. In addition, unlike adults where dosage remains constant over a long period, dosages for children change frequently due to their rapid growth. Although we did not examine the effect of complex dosages and dosage changes on MR adherence, the positive impact on adherence in children of better education and socio-economic status of their caregivers is not surprising. However, the failure to find an association with caregiver's ability to describe a regimen and adherence suggests that it is the caregiver's overall education that impacts more on treatment adherence than treatment literacy per se.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>This study demonstrates the potential for caregivers of African young children to achieve adherence comparable with that of wealthier countries. The association between MR adherence and viral response attests to the value of a relatively simple low technology tool for measuring adherence i.e. clinic-based medication return for detecting lapses in adherence. Nevertheless, repeated measurements of medication returned, particularly of syrups/solutions, are not feasible in most large program scale-up settings and the poor sensitivity of low reported adherence for low MR adherence highlights the need to develop practical easy-to-use reliable screening tools to detect children in whom more intensive adherence monitoring is indicated. [##REF##16280708##30##] The negative impact of problems experienced with giving ART, unpalatable drugs, poor caregiver education and socio-economic status on adherence in this study underscores the need for more pediatric-friendly drug formulations as well as the importance of supporting caregivers in providing ART to children.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Antiretroviral therapy (ART) dramatically improves outcomes for children in Africa; however excellent adherence is required for treatment success. This study describes the utility of different measures of adherence in detecting lapses in infants and young children in Cape Town, South Africa.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>In a prospective cohort of 122 HIV-infected children commenced on ART, adherence was measured monthly during the first year of treatment by medication return (MR) for both syrups and tablets/capsules. A questionnaire was administered to caregivers after 3 months of treatment to assess experience with giving medication and self-reported adherence. Viral and immune response to treatment were assessed at the end of one year and associations with measured adherence determined.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Medication was returned for 115/122 (94%) children with median age (IQR) of 37 (16 – 61) months. Ninety-one (79%) children achieved annual average MR adherence ≥ 90%. This was an important covariate associated with viral suppression after adjustment for disease severity (OR = 5.5 [95%CI: 0.8–35.6], p = 0.075), however was not associated with immunological response to ART. By 3 months on ART, 13 (10%) children had deceased and 11 (10%) were lost to follow-up. Questionnaires were completed by 87/98 (90%) of caregivers of those who remained in care. Sensitivity of poor reported adherence (missing ≥ 1 dose in the previous 3 days) for MR adherence &lt;90% was only 31.8% (95% CI: 10.7% – 53.0%). Caregivers of 33/87 (38.4%) children reported difficulties with giving medication, most commonly poor palatability (21.8%). Independent socio-demographic predictors of MR adherence ≥ 90% were secondary education of caregivers (OR = 4.49; 95%CI: 1.10 – 18.24) and access to water and electricity (OR = 2.65; 95%CI: 0.93 – 7.55). Taking ritonavir was negatively associated with MR adherence ≥ 90% (OR = 0.37; 95%CI: 0.13 – 1.02).</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Excellent adherence to ART is possible in African infants and young children and the relatively simple low technology measure of adherence by MR strongly predicts viral response. Better socio-economic status and more palatable regimens are associated with better adherence.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MD conceived of the study, participated in its design and co-ordination, performed statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. BE participated in the design and co-ordination of the study and advised on analysis. AB provided advice on statistical analysis. JN participated in the design and co-ordination of the study. TF carried out all medication measurements. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We would like to thank staff members of the Infectious Diseases Clinic and Immunology Laboratory of Red Cross Children's Hospital who provided clinical care to the patients and laboratory services respectively. Donations to fund the program were received from Syfrets Trust Ltd, Merck (Pty) Ltd, Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Durbanville High School and the University of Cape Town. Mary-Ann Davies and Andrew Boulle receive support from the International Epidemiological Databases to Evaluate AIDS in Southern Africa (IeDEASA) collaboration which is funded by the National Institutes for Health (NIH; U01 AI069924-01)</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Profile of study.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Annual average MR adherence (n = 115).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Number of children in care at the end of each month on ART</bold>. Total number of children in care at the end of each month divided into those returning and not returning medication</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Changes in proportion with MR adherence &lt;90% during the first year on ART</bold>. Only children who remained alive and in care for entire first year of treatment (excludes children deceased or LFU; n = 88).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Social, demographic and clinical characteristics at start of ART according to annual average MR adherence.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Variable</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>All children (n = 122)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adherence ≥ 90% (n = 91) (79%)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adherence&lt;90% (n = 24) (21%)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Median age (months) (IQR)</td><td align=\"left\">37 (16 – 61)</td><td align=\"left\">37 (16 – 57)</td><td align=\"left\">49 (20 – 72)</td><td align=\"left\">0.49*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Gender</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Female (%)</td><td align=\"left\">52 (43)</td><td align=\"left\">39 (43)</td><td align=\"left\">12 (50)</td><td align=\"left\">0.53<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">WHO stage</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> 4 (%)</td><td align=\"left\">54 (44)</td><td align=\"left\">34 (37)</td><td align=\"left\">14 (58%)</td><td align=\"left\">0.06<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mean weight-for-age z-score (sd)</td><td align=\"left\">-2.02 (1.54)</td><td align=\"left\">-1.82 (1.55)</td><td align=\"left\">-2.41 (1.37)</td><td align=\"left\">0.09‡</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mean height-for-age z-score (sd)</td><td align=\"left\">-2.71 (1.36)</td><td align=\"left\">-2.66 (1.36)</td><td align=\"left\">-2.74 (1.33)</td><td align=\"left\">0.78‡</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mean weight-for-height z-score (sd)</td><td align=\"left\">-0.56 (1.44)</td><td align=\"left\">-0.31 (1.34)</td><td align=\"left\">-1.08 (1.42)</td><td align=\"left\">0.02‡</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Median CD4 percent (IQR)</td><td align=\"left\">11.1 (6.9 – 15.0)</td><td align=\"left\">11.4 (8.0 – 15.1)</td><td align=\"left\">10.1 (4.2 – 14.3)</td><td align=\"left\">0.18*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Median CD4 count (IQR)</td><td align=\"left\">556 (242 – 908)</td><td align=\"left\">592 (273 – 938)</td><td align=\"left\">518 (105 – 758)</td><td align=\"left\">0.23*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Median Log Viral load (IQR)</td><td align=\"left\">5.57 (5.15 – 6.08)</td><td align=\"left\">5.44 (5.11 – 6.08)</td><td align=\"left\">5.77 (5.30 – 6.06)</td><td align=\"left\">0.55*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Primary caregiver</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mother (%)</td><td align=\"left\">107 (88)</td><td align=\"left\">79 (87)</td><td align=\"left\">21 (88)</td><td align=\"left\">0.72<sup>§</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Not mother (%)</td><td align=\"left\">12 (10)</td><td align=\"left\">9 (10)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (13)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Unknown (%)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (2)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">0 (0)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Median age of caregiver (IQR)</td><td align=\"left\">29 (26 – 32)</td><td align=\"left\">30 (26 – 32)</td><td align=\"left\">28 (25 – 35)</td><td align=\"left\">0.58*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Father provides financial support</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes (%)</td><td align=\"left\">48 (39)</td><td align=\"left\">37 (41)</td><td align=\"left\">9 (38)</td><td align=\"left\">0.8<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No (%)</td><td align=\"left\">70 (57)</td><td align=\"left\">51 (56)</td><td align=\"left\">14 (58)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Unknown (%)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (4)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Caregiver has secondary education</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes (%)</td><td align=\"left\">107 (88)</td><td align=\"left\">83 (91)</td><td align=\"left\">18 (75)</td><td align=\"left\">0.03<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No (%)</td><td align=\"left\">11 (9)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (7)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (21)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Unknown (%)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">2 (2)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (4)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Caregiver employed</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes (%)</td><td align=\"left\">27 (22)</td><td align=\"left\">23 (25)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">0.37<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No (%)</td><td align=\"left\">89 (73)</td><td align=\"left\">64 (70)</td><td align=\"left\">19 (79)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Unknown (%)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (5)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (4)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (4)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Caregiver/child receives social grant</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes (%)</td><td align=\"left\">69 (57)</td><td align=\"left\">55 (60)</td><td align=\"left\">11 (46)</td><td align=\"left\">0.16<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No (%)</td><td align=\"left\">51 (42)</td><td align=\"left\">34 (37)</td><td align=\"left\">13 (54)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Unknown (%)</td><td align=\"left\">2 (2)</td><td align=\"left\">2 (2)</td><td align=\"left\">0 (0)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Formal housing</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes (%)</td><td align=\"left\">62 (51)</td><td align=\"left\">50 (55)</td><td align=\"left\">8 (33)</td><td align=\"left\">0.06<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No (%)</td><td align=\"left\">60 (49)</td><td align=\"left\">41 (45)</td><td align=\"left\">16 (67)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Access to water and electricity</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes (%)</td><td align=\"left\">97 (80)</td><td align=\"left\">76 (84)</td><td align=\"left\">15 (63)</td><td align=\"left\">0.024<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No (%)</td><td align=\"left\">25 (20)</td><td align=\"left\">15 (16)</td><td align=\"left\">9 (38)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Access to working refrigerator</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes (%)</td><td align=\"left\">85 (70)</td><td align=\"left\">66 (73)</td><td align=\"left\">12 (50)</td><td align=\"left\">0.036<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No (%)</td><td align=\"left\">37 (30)</td><td align=\"left\">15 (16)</td><td align=\"left\">12 (50)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medication</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> d4T (%)</td><td align=\"left\">110 (90)</td><td align=\"left\">81 (89)</td><td align=\"left\">22 (92)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> AZT (%)</td><td align=\"left\">11 (9)</td><td align=\"left\">8 (9)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (13)</td><td align=\"left\">0.70*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> 3TC (%)</td><td align=\"left\">117 (96)</td><td align=\"left\">88 (97)</td><td align=\"left\">22 (92)</td><td align=\"left\">0.28*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> ddI (%)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (4)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Efavirenz (%)</td><td align=\"left\">67(55)</td><td align=\"left\">55 (60)</td><td align=\"left\">10 (42)</td><td align=\"left\">0.08<sup>†</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Ritonavir (%)</td><td align=\"left\">55 (45)</td><td align=\"left\">36 (40)</td><td align=\"left\">14 (58)</td><td align=\"left\">0.10<sup>†</sup></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Univariate and multivariate factors associated with undetectable viral load (n = 88)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Variable</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Unadjusted OR</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>95%CI</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p-value</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adjusted OR</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>95%CI</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Female gender</td><td align=\"left\">0.91</td><td align=\"left\">0.36 – 2.35</td><td align=\"left\">0.86</td><td align=\"left\"><sup>†</sup></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age at treatment start (months)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td align=\"left\">0.99 – 1.01</td><td align=\"left\">0.81</td><td align=\"left\"><sup>†</sup></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">WHO stage 2&amp;3 (vs WHO stage 4)</td><td align=\"left\">2.80</td><td align=\"left\">1.07 – 7.35</td><td align=\"left\">0.04</td><td align=\"left\">*</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Weight-for-age z-score</td><td align=\"left\">1.29</td><td align=\"left\">0.94 – 1.77</td><td align=\"left\">0.12</td><td align=\"left\">*</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Height-for-age z-score</td><td align=\"left\">1.07</td><td align=\"left\">0.74 – 1.54</td><td align=\"left\">0.71</td><td align=\"left\">*</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Weight-for-height z-score</td><td align=\"left\">1.94</td><td align=\"left\">1.27 – 2.96</td><td align=\"left\">0.002</td><td align=\"left\">1.8</td><td align=\"left\">1.15 – 2.80</td><td align=\"left\">0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CD4 percent</td><td align=\"left\">1.04</td><td align=\"left\">0.97 – 1.12</td><td align=\"left\">0.27</td><td align=\"left\">*</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CD4 absolute (cells/l)</td><td align=\"left\">1.44</td><td align=\"left\">0.54 – 3.84</td><td align=\"left\">0.47</td><td align=\"left\">*</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Log viral load</td><td align=\"left\">0.87</td><td align=\"left\">0.48 – 1.60</td><td align=\"left\">0.66</td><td align=\"left\">*</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ritonavir-containing regimen</td><td align=\"left\">0.33</td><td align=\"left\">0.13 – 0.87</td><td align=\"left\">0.03</td><td align=\"left\"><sup>†</sup></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Annual average MR adherence ≥ 90%</td><td align=\"left\">10.30</td><td align=\"left\">1.92 – 55.67</td><td align=\"left\">0.005</td><td align=\"left\">5.48</td><td align=\"left\">0.84 – 35.58</td><td align=\"left\">0.075</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Factors associated with annual average MR adherence ≥ 90%. (n = 115)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Variable</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Unadjusted OR</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>95% CI</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p-value</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Adjusted OR</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>95% CI</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Access to water and electricity</td><td align=\"left\">3.04</td><td align=\"left\">1.12 – 8.22</td><td align=\"left\">0.028</td><td align=\"left\">2.65</td><td align=\"left\">0.93 – 7.55</td><td align=\"left\">0.069</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Formal housing</td><td align=\"left\">2.44</td><td align=\"left\">0.95 – 6.27</td><td align=\"left\">0.064</td><td align=\"left\">*</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Access to working refrigerator</td><td align=\"left\">2.64</td><td align=\"left\">1.04 – 6.65</td><td align=\"left\">0.039</td><td align=\"left\">*</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Secondary education (&gt;Std 5/Grade 7)</td><td align=\"left\">3.84</td><td align=\"left\">1.06 – 13.98</td><td align=\"left\">0.041</td><td align=\"left\">4.49</td><td align=\"left\">1.10 – 18.24</td><td align=\"left\">0.035</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Taking ritonavir</td><td align=\"left\">0.44</td><td align=\"left\">0.18 – 1.11</td><td align=\"left\">0.084</td><td align=\"left\">0.37</td><td align=\"left\">0.13 – 1.02</td><td align=\"left\">0.054</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>*Wilcoxon rank sum test</p><p>‡Student's t-test</p><p><sup>†</sup>Chi<sup>2 </sup>test</p><p><sup>§</sup>Fisher's exact test</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>*Not included in building multivariate model</p><p><sup>†</sup>Not significantly associated with viral suppression after adjustment for weight-for-height z-score</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>*Not included in multivariate model as only one measure of socio-economic status (access to water and electricity) used.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2431-8-34-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2431-8-34-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2431-8-34-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2431-8-34-4\"/>" ]
[{"collab": ["UNAIDS"], "article-title": ["AIDS epidemic update: special report on HIV/AIDS: December 2006"], "year": ["2006"]}, {"collab": ["UNICEF"], "source": ["A call to action: Children The missing face of AIDS"], "year": ["2005"], "publisher-name": ["UNAIDS"]}, {"collab": ["UNAIDS"], "source": ["Access to HIV therapy grew significantly in 2006, but significant obstacles remain to approaching universal access to HIV services"], "year": ["2007"], "publisher-name": ["Geneva, UNAIDS"]}, {"collab": ["WHO"], "source": ["Antiretroviral therapy of HIV infection in infants and children: towards universal access"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["Switzerland, WHO"]}, {"surname": ["Boni", "Pontali", "De Gol", "Pedemonte", "Bassetti"], "given-names": ["S", "E", "P", "P", "D"], "article-title": ["Compliance to combination antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1 infected children"], "source": ["International Journal of Anitmicrobial Agents"], "year": ["2000"], "volume": ["16"], "fpage": ["371"], "lpage": ["372"], "pub-id": ["10.1016/S0924-8579(00)00256-9"]}, {"surname": ["Katko", "Johnson", "Fowler", "Turner"], "given-names": ["E", "G", "S", "RB"], "article-title": ["Assessment of Adherence with Medications in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Children"], "source": ["Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal"], "year": ["2001"], "volume": ["20"], "fpage": ["1174"], "lpage": ["1175"], "pub-id": ["10.1097/00006454-200112000-00017"]}, {"surname": ["Reddington", "Cohen", "Baldillo", "Toye", "Smith", "Kneut", "Demaria", "Bertolli", "Hsu"], "given-names": ["C", "J", "A", "M", "D", "C", "A", "J", "HW"], "article-title": ["Adherence to medication regimens among children with human immunodeficiency virus infection"], "source": ["Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal"], "year": ["2000"], "volume": ["19"], "fpage": ["1148"], "lpage": ["1153"], "pub-id": ["10.1097/00006454-200012000-00005"]}, {"surname": ["Steele", "Grauer"], "given-names": ["RG", "D"], "article-title": ["Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy for Pediatric HIV Infection: Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Research"], "source": ["Clinical and Child and Family Psychology Review"], "year": ["2003"], "volume": ["6"], "fpage": ["17"], "lpage": ["30"], "pub-id": ["10.1023/A:1022261905640"]}, {"surname": ["Muller", "Jaspan", "Bode", "Myer", "Roux", "von Steinbuchel"], "given-names": ["AD", "H", "S", "L", "P", "N"], "article-title": ["Paediatric adherence in South Africa measured by MEMS and its effect on treatment efficacy: ; New Jersey City."], "source": ["Paediatric adherence in south africa measured by MEMS and its effect on treatment efficacy"], "year": ["2007"]}, {"collab": ["NIAID Pediatric Aids Clinical Trials Group"], "article-title": ["Pediatric Adherence Questionnaire Module 1"], "year": ["2001"]}, {"collab": ["NIAID Pediatric Aids Clinical Trials Group"], "article-title": ["Pediatric Adherence Questionnaire Module 2"], "year": ["2001"]}, {"collab": ["National Department of Health South Africa"], "source": ["Guidelines for the management of HIV-infected children"], "year": ["2005"], "publisher-name": ["Jacana Media"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Pediatr. 2008 Sep 4; 8:34
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The shift to family/patient-centered models of care has increased the need for patient reported outcomes. Valid and reliable health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments are therefore expected to be in the armamentarium of clinicians and health service researchers [##REF##15264945##1##,##REF##16464429##2##].</p>", "<p>The only HRQOL instrument that has been validated in Argentinean children is the Child's Health Questionnaire (CHQ) in children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis [##REF##11510309##3##,##REF##11510308##4##]. One of the limitations of this instrument however, is that it does not include the child's perspective for children younger than 10 years of age.</p>", "<p>The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ (PedsQL™) 4.0 Generic Core Scales is a generic HRQOL instrument for children and adolescents, originally developed by Varni et al. in U.S. English and U.S Spanish [##REF##10024117##5##]. It measures four domains (physical, emotional, social, and school functioning) and has age and respondent specific versions for child self-report ages 5–18 and parent proxy-report for ages 2–18. The PedsQL™ has shown good internal consistency (α = 0.88 child, and α = 0.90 parent report)[##REF##11468499##6##,##REF##11977437##7##] and has been widely used for group comparisons. The construct validity of PedsQL is supported by results from large samples of children from the US [##REF##11977437##7##, ####REF##16468077##8##, ##REF##17201920##9##, ##REF##12777555##10####12777555##10##]and several other countries [##REF##18362824##11##, ####REF##18080786##12##, ##REF##17681083##13##, ##REF##16972987##14##, ##REF##16756527##15##, ##REF##15804349##16####15804349##16##] where the instrument has been translated using accepted cross cultural language adaptation methods[##REF##8263569##17##]. These studies have given support to the instrument's ability to discriminate between healthy children and those with chronic conditions[##REF##11977437##7##,##REF##18362824##11##,##REF##18080786##12##,##REF##16756527##15##,##REF##15804349##16##,##REF##17616837##18##] and among different chronic conditions[##REF##15804349##16##,##REF##17634123##19##, ####REF##18205028##20##, ##REF##15632338##21####15632338##21##]. Responsiveness, i.e. score change after an intervention, has been reported for specific conditions such as rheumatic diseases[##REF##11920407##22##], headaches[##REF##16107544##23##], and cancer[##REF##18391698##24##,##REF##11932914##25##] and sensitivity, i.e. ability to distinguish among severity groups, for heart disease[##REF##11977437##7##], obesity[##REF##15632338##21##] and cancer[##REF##18391698##24##,##REF##11932914##25##] has also been described. In addition, the PedsQL is able to discriminate among children from lower socioeconomic strata[##REF##16468077##8##,##REF##18362824##11##] and predict variation in health care utilization and costs[##REF##15361252##26##,##REF##14616041##27##].</p>", "<p>The aim of this study was to validate the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 in children and adolescents with chronic conditions. Given that families who receive care at public health settings in Argentina come from low income sectors, usually have low literacy skills, and are not used to self-reporting their health status, we specially focused on the impact of socio-demographic characteristics on overall comprehensibility and acceptability.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Subjects</title>", "<p>Patients were considered eligible if they were: (1) 2–18 years old, (2) receiving outpatient care at Hospital Nacional de Pediatria Juan P Garrahan, and (3) had one of the following conditions: Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease requiring domiciliary oxygen (COPD), Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), Cancer, End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) requiring dialysis or transplant, or a Complex Congenital Cardiopathy (CCC). Patients were excluded if they had not been clinically stable in the last month (i.e., deterioration and/or acute complication related or not to their preexisting condition), had comorbidities, or were not cognitively able to complete the questionnaire. Data were collected from July 2004 to June 2005.</p>", "<p>An additional convenience sample of healthy children and adolescents was gathered to assess comprehensibility and test discriminant validity. Eligibility criteria for this sample were: (1) 2–18 years old, (2.a) attending the \"Healthy Children Outpatient Clinic\" at one of the three pediatric hospitals in the city or (2.b) students at one elementary school in the outskirts of Buenos Aires. These recruitment sources were selected because the socio-demographic characteristics of children were similar to those of the chronically ill children cared for at Hospital Garrahan. The study was approved by Hospital Garrahan's IRB. Parents or legal guardians granted written permission and children 10 years old and above were asked for assent.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Among 296 eligible families of children with chronic conditions 287 (96%) enrolled. Figure ##FIG##1##2## presents the study flowchart and diagnosis of the enrolled families. In Table ##TAB##0##1## their clinical and socio-demographic characteristics are presented.</p>", "<p>The distribution of socio-demographic characteristics across the different age groups was homogenous, with slight predominance of males in all of them. Twenty-five percent of children were below the appropriate school level for their age, and 6% were not attending school; 11% of adult respondents had not completed elementary school and 3.2 % were functional illiterates. Most surveyed families lived below the poverty line (66%) and 54% had no health insurance.</p>", "<p>Out of 107 eligible families of healthy children, 105 (98%) enrolled. Healthy children were comparable to those with chronic conditions, except for gender and socioeconomic status. Healthy children were more likely to be females (55% vs. 42%, p = 0.023), have no medical insurance (74% vs. 54%, p = 0.001), and less likely to live below the poverty line (54% vs. 66%, p = 0.046).</p>", "<title>Feasibility</title>", "<p>In Table ##TAB##1##2##, we present feasibility of administering the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0. Overall, the instrument was well understood. Median time to completion was 6 minutes for children (range 2–28') and 5 minutes for adults (range 1–16'). In 54% of the cases the age-appropriate questionnaire was completed without help and in 27.5% with minimal help. The need for help decreased with age. Among the 217 children with chronic conditions surveyed, 9 (4.1%), all aged 5 to 7 years, were not able to understand and complete the questionnaire and 7 (3.5%), all aged 8 to 12 years, needed to use the young child version for 5–7 year olds. An additional 7%, mostly 8–12 year-olds, required the PedsQL™ to be administered by the interviewer. No health condition was associated with not being able to answer. No adult questionnaire was unanswered. Main difficulty for adults was with format, 12.5% forgot to complete an item or more and needed to be prompted by the interviewer in order to complete it adequately.</p>", "<p>Poverty and a low education level were significantly associated with requiring more help to complete the PedsQL™ 4.0 for both children and parents (Table ##TAB##2##3##). When both poverty and low education level were present, 30% of children and 19% of parents required significant help whereas only 15% of children and 4% of parents required significant help if they were not in this category (p = 0.049 for children and 0.001 for parents). All but one of the children who could not complete the questionnaire lived below the poverty line.</p>", "<p>There were few missing items. Children only left 2.4% (115/4784) items unanswered whereas adults left 4.3% (218/6461). Five items from the school dimension were responsible for 78% of children's and 90% of adult's missing items, and corresponded to children that were not going to school.</p>", "<p>Almost all children (95%) and parents (96%) considered the questions relevant, a large proportion found them easy to answer (81% of children and 91% of parents), and most said the paper format was friendly (91% of children and 98% of parents).</p>", "<title>Scores Distribution</title>", "<p>In Table ##TAB##3##4##, average summary and scales scores, standard deviations and range, as well as ceiling and floor effects are presented. Children and adults used the complete range of response options for all 23 items with a slight deviation towards the uppermost end. Ceiling and floor effects were negligible for all dimensions but the social domain, where a moderate ceiling effect (20.2%) was observed in proxy respondents.</p>", "<p>Older children had significantly higher scores than younger children (Table ##TAB##4##5##), except for the emotional dimension. In contrast, parent proxy-report scores for the 2–4 year-olds were significantly higher than proxy-report scores of older children.</p>", "<title>Reliability</title>", "<p>Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the summary and scale scores for all children with chronic conditions are presented in Table ##TAB##3##4##. Table ##TAB##4##5## presents results by age group. The internal consistency of the total scores, and the physical and psychosocial subscale scores exceeded the 0.70 minimum usually accepted for group comparison for all age groups except for the 2–4 year-olds proxy-report, and the physical functioning and psychosocial subscales of the 5–7 year-olds self-report (α = 0.57 and α = 0.65 respectively). In the 2–4 year-old group, educational items were missing for 51 (72.9%) patients. When these three items were excluded, internal consistency increased markedly (total α = 0.83 and psychosocial α = 0.76)). Emotional, social, and school subscales had overall lower reliability although the proxy-reports of the 5–7, 8–12, and 13–18 year-olds, and the 13–18 year-olds self-report were close or superior to the 0.70 mark (except for the emotional subscale of the 8–12 year-old proxy-reports with an α = 0.62) and below 0.65 for the other groups (the 5–7 year-old self-reports being the lowest). Among child self-reports, internal consistency increased with age.</p>", "<title>Construct Validity</title>", "<p>As hypothesized, there was a significant and negative correlation between the primary physician's assessment of health impairment status (VASphys) and both self-report and proxy total PedsQL™ 4.0 scores (Table ##TAB##5##6##). Correlation between total PedsQL™ scores and overall self-reported/proxy health status evaluation was significant and positive in both children and adults. Total self-report and proxy-report scores were also significantly correlated. Of note, self-report global scores were significantly lower than proxy-report global scores. All correlations were in the moderate range (&lt;&gt; 0.20–0.50).</p>", "<title>Discriminant Validity</title>", "<p>As expected, child self-report and parent proxy-report total, physical, and psychosocial scores for healthy children were on average significantly higher than those of children with chronic conditions (Table ##TAB##6##7##) except for the emotional and school self-report subscales. PedsQL™ 4.0 total scores also varied significantly across health conditions for both self-reports and proxy-reports (Table ##TAB##6##7##). Patients with COPD, ESRD, or cancer reported the lowest scores.</p>", "<p>Children living below the poverty line were more likely to have lower total PedsQL™ scores (65.38 vs 70.29 respectively, p = 0.035) than their counterparts. These were mainly due to significantly lower emotional and school functioning scores. No statistically significant differences were found between PedsQL™ scores and gender.</p>", "<title>Comparison with other cross-cultural adaptations</title>", "<p>Table ##TAB##7##8## presents how results from our study compare to the original validation study and other published cross-cultural validations of PedsQL™. For most cross-cultural validation studies population characteristics differed from ours. Target population was commonly restricted to school children, and thus children were older and healthier. In addition, because of country characteristics, socioeconomic status tended to be higher compared to the Argentinean families we recruited. Our scores were overall lower than most of the other validation studies, including those that included similar age ranges and conditions. Reliability was reported in different ways across these studies, but the lower bound of internal consistencies found by our study was lower than the ones reported for most of the other validation studies. Types of validity tested and findings were similar to those reported by the other cross-cultural adaptations.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Our study results provide initial evidence towards the reliability and validity of the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales in the public health research setting. The Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 has good feasibility. It was easy to administer, completed without or with minimum help by most children and parents, required a short administration time (not more than 5–6 minutes on average), and only 4.1% of children (all 5–7 year-olds) could not complete the instrument. However, our results suggest that some sort of help, albeit small, is needed for many, especially for children and parents from lower socioeconomic strata and low literacy levels. Internal consistency approached or exceeded that required for group comparisons for children over 8 years old and parents of children over 5 years old. The Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 showed good construct and discriminant validity properties in this low-income setting, making this instrument suitable for research use. In order to expand the use of the PedsQL™ 4.0 in Argentinean children, an alternative approach to scoring for the 2–4 year-olds should be considered along with further understanding of how to increase reliability for the 5–7 year-old self-report and assessment of other instrument characteristics such as responsiveness and sensitivity to change.</p>", "<p>Our initial concern that socioeconomic status and literacy may influence people's ability to use PedsQL™ 4.0 seems to be supported by our data, although to a lesser extent than was expected. As a matter of fact, all children that could not complete PedsQL™ 4.0 lived below the poverty line and both children and parents who were poor and had low literacy levels were more likely to require help with the instrument. Nevertheless, the 14.5% of 5–7 year-olds who could not complete PedsQL™ was lower than the 38% observed in the German validation of the PedsQL™[##REF##15058802##38##], and was also within our a priori requirement of &lt; 20% unanswered questionnaires. Importantly, all the parents were able to complete the questionnaire, albeit with assistance, even those that had not completed elementary school or were functional illiterates. The main implications of these findings are that in order to use PedsQL™ in our public health setting, availability of trained interviewers during questionnaire administration needs to be assured, especially for children and parents who are poor and have low literacy levels. In addition, carefully thought training guidelines for children and parents should be developed and tested.</p>", "<p>The Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ version had lower reliability compared to other validation studies[##REF##18362824##11##, ####REF##18080786##12##, ##REF##17681083##13####17681083##13##,##REF##16756527##15##,##REF##15804349##16##,##REF##17616837##18##,##REF##18205028##20##,##REF##15058802##38##,##REF##17569714##39##]. Given the low prevalence of school attendance among the 2–4 year olds with chronic conditions, this version of the Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ may work better if school items are not taken into consideration for scoring purposes in this group. In addition, although Cronbach alpha represents the lower bound of the reliability of a measurement instrument, and is a conservative estimate of actual reliability[##REF##5232569##40##], scales that did not approach or meet the 0.70 standard should be used only for descriptive analyses. Self-report scores of 5–7 year-olds presented the lowest internal consistency values. Of note, these children had the most difficulty with completing PedsQL™, which may be indicating that results of the Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ version for this age group may not be as reliable as for the older groups. Although these results are somewhat comparable to the German validation[##REF##15058802##38##], other studies in this age group [##REF##17201920##9##,##REF##18205028##20##] have showed higher alpha coefficients and less problem with instrument completion. HRQOL measurement in young children is still challenging and our results warrant further research including larger samples[##REF##10998003##41##,##REF##15264962##42##].</p>", "<p>Construct validity was assessed in a similar fashion to other validation studies[##REF##11468499##6##,##REF##18080786##12##, ####REF##17681083##13##, ##REF##16972987##14####16972987##14##,##REF##15804349##16##,##REF##18205028##20##,##REF##15058802##38##,##REF##16046915##43##] and supported by our data. The self-reported health status VAS scales had not been used before in our setting, but there is substantial evidence that VAS scales are reliable and valid tools to assess general health status [##REF##14713317##44##]. Of note, all correlations were in the moderate range which indicates that although statistically significant they are not highly predictive of one another.</p>", "<p>Our results also indicate that the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 has good discriminant validity. The Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ was able to distinguish between healthy and chronically ill children and between those with different chronic health conditions, as previously reported for the U.S. English version[##REF##17634123##19##]. As was found in previous studies[##REF##16468077##8##,##REF##18362824##11##], the Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ was also able to discriminate between SES levels. Interestingly, the Total Scale Score and scale scores of the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ were consistently lower than those reported in the original publication[##REF##11468499##6##] and almost all published cross-cultural adaptations[##REF##18362824##11##, ####REF##18080786##12##, ##REF##17681083##13##, ##REF##16972987##14##, ##REF##16756527##15##, ##REF##15804349##16####15804349##16##,##REF##17616837##18##,##REF##15058802##38##,##REF##17569714##39##,##REF##18215706##45##] for both the chronically ill and healthy samples. Our results could be reflecting the socioeconomic characteristics of our sample. Compared to the general population, our sample was poorer. National statistics for Argentina [##UREF##2##34##] indicate that 46% of children ages 0–13 and 40% of children 13 and older live below the poverty line, which is lower than the 66% found in our sample. Even more, our healthy sample was purposely selected from sources that assured a higher prevalence of poverty, and in fact these children were more likely to be poorer than the general population although significantly less poor than our ill children sample. Varni et al[##REF##16468077##8##], in a recent population study in schools found that Hispanics, compared to white and other ethnic origins, and those with lower SES, compared to higher SES, reported overall significantly lower PedsQL™ scores. Thus, the lower quality of life reported by the families interviewed in our study may be reflecting a combination of cultural (Hispanic culture may be associated with reports of lower quality of life independent of socioeconomic reasons) and socioeconomic determinants. To corroborate our hypothesis, future studies should include people from higher SE strata and results should then be compared locally and internationally.</p>", "<title>Strengths and Limitations</title>", "<p>Our study provides innovative data regarding the use of a HRQOL instrument in the Argentinean public health setting. Our very high enrollment rate (&gt; 90%) seems to indicate that the sample would be representative of the study base population. Further, we took special interest in trying to unveil potential difficulties in PedsQL™ use as we worried that our population's lower socioeconomic status and literacy would impair their ability to use such an instrument. Reports of the impact of lower socioeconomic status and literacy on pediatric HRQOL are not common despite its argued value[##REF##11530898##46##]. Our results are encouraging and show that research on quality of life topics is not only possible in low socioeconomic settings but also relevant: surveyed families showed great enthusiasm about our paying attention to aspects of their lives that seem to be neglected frequently.</p>", "<p>One of the main limitations of our study is that our sample size does not allow us to conduct thorough evaluations across illnesses and age groups. In addition, two important features of patient reported outcome instruments, test-retest reliability and sensitivity to change, were not assessed and are warranted to fully understand the applicability of PedsQL™ 4.0 in Argentinean children. However, generic instruments are better suited to compare across conditions than to assess specific interventions for a given condition[##REF##11207164##47##] and in this context, responsiveness and sensitivity to change may be less relevant characteristics. Validation of specific HRQOL modules or instruments may be more appropriate to evaluate such changes[##REF##8054098##48##]. Finally, it is also important to bear in mind that instrument validity is a concept that builds upon repeated instrument use[##REF##8452328##49##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Overall, the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales version proved to be understandable and feasible to use. It showed good reliability for children over 8 years old and parents of children over 5 years old and good construct and discriminant validity properties in this low-income setting, making this instrument suitable for research use. Steps to expand the use of this tool should include an alternative approach to scoring for the 2–4 year-olds, further understanding of how to increase reliability for the 5–7 year-old self-report, and confirmation of other aspects of validity. Having a HRQOL instrument with demonstrated reliability and validity in the Argentinean culture will allow us to start addressing the impact of chronic illness on the quality of life of children and adolescents, including those in poor districts.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>To validate the Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales in Argentinean children and adolescents with chronic conditions and to assess the impact of socio-demographic characteristics on the instrument's comprehensibility and acceptability. Reliability, and known-groups, and convergent validity were tested.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Consecutive sample of 287 children with chronic conditions and 105 healthy children, ages 2–18, and their parents. Chronically ill children were: (1) attending outpatient clinics and (2) had one of the following diagnoses: stem cell transplant, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, HIV/AIDS, cancer, end stage renal disease, complex congenital cardiopathy. Patients and adult proxies completed the PedsQL™ 4.0 and an overall health status assessment. Physicians were asked to rate degree of health status impairment.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The PedsQL™ 4.0 was feasible (only 9 children, all 5 to 7 year-olds, could not complete the instrument), easy to administer, completed without, or with minimal, help by most children and parents, and required a brief administration time (average 5–6 minutes). People living below the poverty line and/or low literacy needed more help to complete the instrument. Cronbach Alpha's internal consistency values for the total and subscale scores exceeded 0.70 for self-reports of children over 8 years-old and parent-reports of children over 5 years of age. Reliability of proxy-reports of 2–4 year-olds was low but improved when school items were excluded. Internal consistency for 5–7 year-olds was low (α range = 0.28–0.76). Construct validity was good. Child self-report and parent proxy-report PedsQL™ 4.0 scores were moderately but significantly correlated (ρ = 0.39, p &lt; 0.0001) and both significantly correlated with physician's assessment of health impairment and with child self-reported overall health status. The PedsQL™ 4.0 discriminated between healthy and chronically ill children (72.72 and 66.87, for healthy and ill children, respectively, p = 0.01), between different chronic health conditions, and children from lower socioeconomic status.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Results suggest that the Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ 4.0 is suitable for research purposes in the public health setting for children over 8 years old and parents of children over 5 years old. People with low income and low literacy need help to complete the instrument. Steps to expand the use of the Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ 4.0 include an alternative approach to scoring for the 2–4 year-olds, further understanding of how to increase reliability for the 5–7 year-olds self-report, and confirmation of other aspects of validity.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Instruments</title>", "<title>The PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales</title>", "<p>The 23-item PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales encompass: 1) Physical Functioning (8 items), 2) Emotional Functioning (5 items), 3) Social Functioning (5 items), and 4) School Functioning (5 items), and were developed through focus groups, cognitive interviews, pre-testing, and field testing measurement development protocols[##REF##10024117##5##,##REF##11468499##6##] The instrument takes approximately 5 minutes to complete[##REF##10024117##5##,##REF##11468499##6##] The PedsQL™ Scales are comprised of parallel child self-report and parent proxy-report formats. Child self-report includes ages 5–7, 8–12, and 13–18 years. Parent proxy-report includes ages 2–4 (toddler), 5–7 (young child), 8–12 (child), and 13–18 (adolescent), and assesses parent's perceptions of their child's HRQOL. The items for each of the forms are essentially identical, differing in developmentally appropriate language, or first or third person tense. The instructions ask how much of a problem each item has been during the past one month. A 5-point Likert response scale is utilized across child self-report for ages 8–18 and parent proxy-report (0 = never a problem; 1 = almost never a problem; 2 = sometimes a problem; 3 = often a problem; 4 = almost always a problem). To further increase the ease of use for the young child self-report (ages 5–7), the response scale is reworded and simplified to a 3-point scale (0 = not at all a problem; 2 = sometimes a problem; 4 = a lot of a problem), with each response choice anchored to a happy to sad faces scale[##REF##3822493##28##,##REF##8895242##29##].</p>", "<p>Items are reverse-scored and linearly transformed to a 0–100 scale (0 = 100, 1 = 75, 2 = 50, 3 = 25, 4 = 0), so that higher scores indicate better HRQOL. Scale Scores are computed as the sum of the items divided by the number of items answered (this accounts for missing data). If more than 50% of the items in the scale are missing, the Scale Score is not computed. This accounts for the differences in sample sizes for scales reported in the Tables. Although there are other strategies for imputing missing values, this computation is consistent with the previous PedsQL™ peer-reviewed publications, as well as other well-established HRQOL measures [##REF##11468499##6##,##REF##8277801##30##,##REF##8763800##31##]. The Physical Health Summary Score (8 items) is the same as the Physical Functioning Scale. To create the Psychosocial Health Summary Score (15 items), the mean is computed as the sum of the items divided by the number of items answered in the Emotional, Social, and School Functioning Scales.</p>", "<p>The adaptation of the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales into Argentinean Spanish was conducted following internationally accepted guidelines for cross-cultural adaptation of patient reported outcome instruments[##REF##8263569##17##,##UREF##0##32##,##UREF##1##33##]. The forward translation into Spanish of all the PedsQL™ corresponding versions was conducted by two of the authors (VD, GM), a paediatrician and a child psychologist who are fluent in English. This first draft was reviewed by a multidisciplinary team that included the two authors, a child oncologist, and a health services researcher/clinician. After extensive discussion we ended up with a reconciled first Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ version. The back translation was done by a native English speaker fluent in Spanish not familiar with the instrument. Some items were slightly modified to ensure semantic and conceptual equivalence of the second Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ version. Cognitive debriefing interviews were carried out in two waves, first with 15 children and their parents. This pretest prompted changes that essentially involved spelling out both the main question and answer options more thoroughly (e.g. \"problems with running\" instead of \"running\" and \"never was a problem\" instead of \"never\") to increase comprehensibility. The second wave of cognitive interviews was carried out in 30 children and parents and confirmed that the final Argentinean Spanish PedsQL™ was understandable and conceptually equivalent to the original instrument. All changes and revisions were reviewed and accepted by JV.</p>", "<title>Overall Health Status Ratings</title>", "<p>Overall health status ratings were developed for this study (see Figure ##FIG##0##1##). Physicians were prompted to assess the child's degree of health impairment due to their disease over the past month using a 0–10 visual analogue scale (VAS) where 0 was \"no impairment at all\" and 10 \"maximum impairment\". Children 5 years old and above and their proxies were asked to independently score how they considered the child was feeling over the last month. Children 8 years old and above and adults used a 0–10 VAS, where 0 was \"very bad\" and 10 \"very well\", whereas 5 to 7 year-olds used a three-point faces scale (very bad, more or less, very well) similar to the faces scale used in the corresponding PedsQL™ version.</p>", "<title>Cognitive Debriefing/Feasibility</title>", "<p>Children and proxy's impressions about the Argentinean Spanish version of PedsQL™, including difficulty with format and understanding, easiness, and comprehensibility were asked with a semi-structured cognitive interview.</p>", "<title>Clinical and Socio-demographic variables</title>", "<p>Clinical information such as diagnosis, disease severity, and duration of disease was abstracted from the patients' medical records and, when not available, was collected from the patients' primary physicians.</p>", "<p>Age, gender, education level of the child and adult proxy, and socioeconomic status were collected from adult proxies. Socioeconomic status variables included health insurance (union health insurance/private insurance/disability allowances/uninsured), and poverty level, which was dichotomized as above or below the poverty line according to the ratio income/basic family living costs[##UREF##2##34##].</p>", "<title>Design</title>", "<p>This is a cross-sectional descriptive study. One interviewer (MR, not related to patient care) administered the PedsQL™ 4.0 and the validation questionnaire to all enrolled families.</p>", "<p>Construct validity was assessed by testing the following hypothesis: (1) PedsQL™ 4.0 scores would correlate negatively with physician's assessed impairment of health status; (2) PedsQL™ 4.0 scores would correlate positively with self/proxy-reported overall health status; (3) Child self-reported and parent proxy-reported PedsQL™ 4.0 scores would correlate significantly in the medium effect size range. In addition, we used the known-groups approach to test discriminant validity by comparing PedsQL™ 4.0 scores of healthy children with those of children with chronic health conditions, as well as scores across different chronic conditions groups. It was anticipated that children with chronic health conditions would report significantly lower PedsQL™ scores overall in comparison to healthy children[##REF##17634123##19##].</p>", "<title>Procedures</title>", "<p>For the field test, outpatient clinic rosters were reviewed with primary physicians who identified subjects that met inclusion criteria. Families were then approached in the clinic before seeing their doctor and invited to enroll in the study. After enrolling, children and proxies were asked to independently complete the PedsQL™ followed by the cognitive debriefing interview. Overall health status assessment was carried out after the PedsQL™ administration to avoid cuing. Proxies provided socio-demographic information at the end. Primary physicians were asked to report the child's overall health impairment after they saw the patient.</p>", "<p>The following variables were collected by the interviewer as patients completed the instruments: (1) mode of administration (self-administered, required interviewer-administration), (2) version used (as per PedsQL™ guidelines when a patient did not understand their age-specific version they were offered the next younger age version), (3) completion time, (4) need for help (classified in 3 categories: no help, minimal help: &lt; 4 times, and significant help: ≥ 4 times during questionnaire administration), and (5) missing items.</p>", "<title>Statistical Analysis</title>", "<p>To assess the appropriateness of the PedsQL™ administration in the Argentinean public health setting we set an <italic>a priori </italic>condition indicating that at least 80% of the questionnaires should be answered based on an empirical consideration that if more than 20% of the targeted sample was not able to complete the questionnaire, the tool would not serve the purpose of generating valid, representative data[##REF##11113959##35##]. Questionnaires were considered unanswered if they took more than 30 minutes to complete (this was considered a reasonable time for research purposes given that not everyone was expected to take so long) or if more than 50% of items were not understood despite interviewer's assistance (following the author's guidelines[##UREF##3##36##] of not scoring questionnaires with more than 50% of missing items[##REF##8763800##31##]). In addition, the association between comprehensibility and sociodemographic covariates was analyzed using T-test for independent samples and Chi Square or Fisher's exact test as appropriate. A p-value &lt; 0.05 was considered significant.</p>", "<p>Descriptive statistics of the items, average scores, as well as ceiling and floor effects are reported. Ceiling and floor effects were considered present if &gt; 15% of respondents used the extreme values[##REF##17161752##37##]. Scores were stratified by respondent, age group, and type of chronic condition. Scale reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's coefficient alpha. Construct validity was tested using Pearson's correlation coefficient. Discriminant validity was evaluated by testing differences among chronic and healthy children scores, disease subgroups, gender, and SES using t-test or ANOVA for binary and categorical variables respectively. Data analysis was conducted with SPSS 10.0 for Windows.</p>", "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>HRQOL: Health-related quality of life; PedsQL™: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™; VAS: Visual Analogue Scale; SCT: Allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with indication of home oxigenotherapy; ESRD: End Stage Renal Disease; CCC: Complex Congenital Cardiopathies.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>Dr. Varni holds the copyright and the trademark for the PedsQL™ and receives financial compensation from the Mapi Research Trust, which is a nonprofit research institute that charges distribution fees to for-profit companies that use the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™. The PedsQL™ is available at the PedsQL™ Website[##UREF##4##50##]. The rest of the authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>All authors collaborated in the study design, MR collected the data, MR, SR, GB, and VD conducted the analysis and drafted the paper, and all authors reviewed and approved the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We express our appreciation to the children, parents, and physicians that participated in this study, to Dr. Sonia Iorcansky for her mentoring (MR), and to the members of the Committee on Quality of Life at Hospital de Pediatria Garrahan Drs. Julia Redondo, Carlos Figueroa, Alejandra Bordato, María Magdalena Contreras, Virginia Fano, Lidia Fraquelli, Graciela Massanti, Isabel Maza, Luis Novali, Marcela Palladino, Mercedes Pico, Lucía Salvia, Griselda Splivalo, and Rodolfo Verna for their input during the study design and help with its implementation.</p>", "<p>MR is the recipient of a fellowship from the Buenos Aires Secretary of Heath (Decreto N° 2.244). VD is the recipient of a fellowship from the Agency for Health Research and Quality (T32HP10018).</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Visual analogue scales used to measure overall health status</bold>. Visual analogue scales (VAS) used to measure overall health status. Upper panel shows the VAS presented to physician's to assess degree of heath impairment in the past month. Middle panel shows VAS presented to older children and parents to assess overall health status in the past month. Lower panel shows faces scale used to assess self-reported overall health status in children aged 5 to 7 years old.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Flowchart and Patient Diagnosis for the Argentinean Spanish Validation of PedsQL™ 4.0 in children with chronic conditions</bold>. <sup>1</sup>Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant <sup>2</sup>Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease <sup>3</sup>Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome <sup>4</sup>End Stage Renal Disease <sup>5</sup>Complex Congenital Cardiopathies.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Characteristics of children with chronic health conditions. Argentinean Spanish Validation of the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>Age Group</bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>2–4</bold><break/><bold> years old</bold><break/><bold> n = 70</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>5–7</bold><break/><bold> years old</bold><break/><bold> n = 62</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>8–12</bold><break/><bold> years old</bold><break/><bold> n = 90</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>13–18</bold><break/><bold> years old</bold><break/><bold> n = 65</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>TOTAL</bold><break/><bold> N = 287</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Patient gender</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Female</td><td align=\"center\">41.5%</td><td align=\"center\">39%</td><td align=\"center\">42%</td><td align=\"center\">46%</td><td align=\"center\">42%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Male</td><td align=\"center\">58.5%</td><td align=\"center\">61%</td><td align=\"center\">58%</td><td align=\"center\">54%</td><td align=\"center\">58%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Proxy respondent</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Mother</td><td align=\"center\">80%</td><td align=\"center\">76%</td><td align=\"center\">70%</td><td align=\"center\">61.5%</td><td align=\"center\">72%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Father</td><td align=\"center\">14%</td><td align=\"center\">14.5%</td><td align=\"center\">20%</td><td align=\"center\">9.5%</td><td align=\"center\">15%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Other</td><td align=\"center\">6%</td><td align=\"center\">9.5%</td><td align=\"center\">10%</td><td align=\"center\">29%</td><td align=\"center\">13%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Chronic condition</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">SCT<sup>1</sup>(n = 40)</td><td align=\"center\">7%</td><td align=\"center\">8%</td><td align=\"center\">16%</td><td align=\"center\">25%</td><td align=\"center\">14%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">COPD<sup>2 </sup>(n = 53)</td><td align=\"center\">24%</td><td align=\"center\">29%</td><td align=\"center\">14%</td><td align=\"center\">8%</td><td align=\"center\">18%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">HIV/AIDS<sup>3</sup>(n = 57)</td><td align=\"center\">19%</td><td align=\"center\">24%</td><td align=\"center\">19%</td><td align=\"center\">18%</td><td align=\"center\">20%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Cancer (n = 56)</td><td align=\"center\">21%</td><td align=\"center\">20%</td><td align=\"center\">18%</td><td align=\"center\">20%</td><td align=\"center\">20%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">ESRD<sup>4</sup>(n = 31)</td><td align=\"center\">3%</td><td align=\"center\">3%</td><td align=\"center\">18%</td><td align=\"center\">17%</td><td align=\"center\">11%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">CCC<sup>5</sup>(n = 50)</td><td align=\"center\">26%</td><td align=\"center\">16%</td><td align=\"center\">15%</td><td align=\"center\">12%</td><td align=\"center\">17%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Time since diagnosis in months, median (range)</td><td align=\"center\">28 (1–60)</td><td align=\"center\">63 (1–84)</td><td align=\"center\">89 (1–148)</td><td align=\"center\">95 (2–204)</td><td align=\"center\">48 (1–204)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Socio-Demographics</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Education</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Child below appropriate for age</td><td align=\"center\">-------</td><td align=\"center\">11%</td><td align=\"center\">29%</td><td align=\"center\">34%</td><td align=\"center\">25%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Proxy did not complete elementary school</td><td align=\"center\">3%</td><td align=\"center\">11%</td><td align=\"center\">4.5%</td><td align=\"center\">15.5%</td><td align=\"center\">11%</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Below the poverty line<sup>6</sup></td><td align=\"center\">67%</td><td align=\"center\">71%</td><td align=\"center\">65%</td><td align=\"center\">60%</td><td align=\"center\">66%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">No health Insurance</td><td align=\"center\">67%</td><td align=\"center\">61%</td><td align=\"center\">44.5%</td><td align=\"center\">46%</td><td align=\"center\">54%</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>PedsQL 4.0 Argentinean Spanish Administration: Difficulties, help, and time to completion in children with chronic conditions</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>Children </bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Adults</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>5–7 yo</bold><break/><bold> n = 62<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>8–12 yo</bold><break/><bold> n = 90</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>13–18 yo</bold><break/><bold> n = 65</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>TOTAL</bold><break/><bold> n = 217</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Total</bold><break/><bold> n = 287</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Time to completion, minutes</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Median (range)</td><td align=\"center\">5'(3–20)</td><td align=\"center\">7'(2–28)</td><td align=\"center\">5'(2–12)</td><td align=\"center\">6'(2–28)</td><td align=\"center\">5'(1–16)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Required Help<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">No</td><td align=\"center\">42%</td><td align=\"center\">46.5%</td><td align=\"center\">77%</td><td align=\"center\">54.5%</td><td align=\"center\">69%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Minimal</td><td align=\"center\">32%</td><td align=\"center\">29%</td><td align=\"center\">21.5%</td><td align=\"center\">27.5%</td><td align=\"center\">26%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Significant</td><td align=\"center\">11.5%</td><td align=\"center\">24.5%</td><td align=\"center\">1.5%</td><td align=\"center\">14%</td><td align=\"center\">5%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Form of Administration</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Adequate</td><td align=\"center\">100%</td><td align=\"center\">78%</td><td align=\"center\">97%</td><td align=\"center\">89,5%</td><td align=\"center\">95,5%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Administered by interviewer</td><td align=\"center\">N/A<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">14.5%</td><td align=\"center\">3%</td><td align=\"center\">7%</td><td align=\"center\">4,5%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Previous version</td><td align=\"center\">N/A<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"center\">7.5%</td><td align=\"center\">0%</td><td align=\"center\">3.5%</td><td align=\"center\">N/A<sup>4</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Difficulties with the format</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Forgot</td><td align=\"center\">N/A<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">10%</td><td align=\"center\">3%</td><td align=\"center\">5.5%</td><td align=\"center\">12.5%</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Wrote over other item</td><td align=\"center\">N/A<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">11%</td><td align=\"center\">4.5%</td><td align=\"center\">6.5%</td><td align=\"center\">4%</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>PedsQL 4.0 Argentinean Spanish Administration: Socioeconomic status, education and requirement of help to complete PedsQL in children with chronic conditions and their parents</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>Required Help<sup>1</sup></bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>No help</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Minimal </bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Significant </bold></td><td align=\"center\">p-value<sup>2</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Living below poverty line</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Children</td><td align=\"center\">69 (47%)</td><td align=\"center\">41 (29%)</td><td align=\"center\">32 (23%)</td><td align=\"center\">0.025</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Parents</td><td align=\"center\">122 (65%)</td><td align=\"center\">53(28%)</td><td align=\"center\">14 (7%)</td><td align=\"center\">0.026</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Low education</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Children (lower than expected)</td><td align=\"center\">22 (40%)</td><td align=\"center\">16 (29%)</td><td align=\"center\">17 (31%)</td><td align=\"center\">0.008</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Parents (incomplete elementary school)</td><td align=\"center\">17 (53%)</td><td align=\"center\">10 (31%)</td><td align=\"center\">5 (16%)</td><td align=\"center\">0.030</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Low income and low education</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Children</td><td align=\"center\">18 (42%)</td><td align=\"center\">12 (28%)</td><td align=\"center\">13 (30%)</td><td align=\"center\">0.049</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Parents</td><td align=\"center\">12 (44%)</td><td align=\"center\">10 (37%)</td><td align=\"center\">5 (19%)</td><td align=\"center\">0.001</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Scale Descriptives for Argentinean Spanish version of the PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales Child Self-Report and Proxy-Report</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Scale</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"6\"><bold>Scale Descriptives</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean ± SD<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Range</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Floor Effect<sup>2</sup></bold><break/><bold>(%)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Ceiling Effect<sup>2 </sup></bold><break/><bold>(%)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>α<sup>3</sup></bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"7\"><bold>Self-Report</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">66.87 ± 16.74</td><td align=\"center\">26–99</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">177</td><td align=\"center\">0.86</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">67.76 ± 19.6</td><td align=\"center\">0–100</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">4.8</td><td align=\"center\">196</td><td align=\"center\">0.69</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychosocial</td><td align=\"center\">66.36 ± 17.49</td><td align=\"center\">27–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">186</td><td align=\"center\">0.80</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Emotional</td><td align=\"center\">65 ± 21.31</td><td align=\"center\">0–100</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">5.3</td><td align=\"center\">208</td><td align=\"center\">0.59</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Social</td><td align=\"center\">69.1 ± 21.67</td><td align=\"center\">10–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">11.1</td><td align=\"center\">203</td><td align=\"center\">0.59</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">School</td><td align=\"center\">65.6 ± 21.3</td><td align=\"center\">10–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">5.2</td><td align=\"center\">189</td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"7\"><bold>Proxy-Report</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">73.36 ± 16.09</td><td align=\"center\">14–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td><td align=\"center\">183</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">74.67 ± 20.06</td><td align=\"center\">4–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">10.1</td><td align=\"center\">272</td><td align=\"center\">0.78</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychosocial</td><td align=\"center\">72.41 ± 16.45</td><td align=\"center\">18–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">2.4</td><td align=\"center\">189</td><td align=\"center\">0.81</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Emotional</td><td align=\"center\">69.16 ± 19.6</td><td align=\"center\">5–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td><td align=\"center\">285</td><td align=\"center\">0.66</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Social</td><td align=\"center\">77.78 ± 20.73</td><td align=\"center\">5–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">20.2</td><td align=\"center\">283</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">School</td><td align=\"center\">68.74 ± 24</td><td align=\"center\">5–100</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td><td align=\"center\">192</td><td align=\"center\">0.68</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>PedsQL 4.0 Argentinean Spanish Scores and internal consistency by age group. (Analysis of Variance – ANOVA)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>2–4 yo</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>5–7 yo</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>8–12 yo</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>13–18 yo</bold></td><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Score/Dimension</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean</bold><break/><bold>Total</bold><break/><bold>Score</bold><break/><bold> (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>α<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean</bold><break/><bold>Total</bold><break/><bold>Score</bold><break/><bold> (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>α<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean</bold><break/><bold>Total</bold><break/><bold>Score</bold><break/><bold> (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>α<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean </bold><break/><bold>Total </bold><break/><bold>Score</bold><break/><bold> (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>α<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Differences<sup>2</sup></bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"14\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"14\"><bold>Self-Report </bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"14\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">43</td><td align=\"center\">60.03<break/> (15.86)</td><td align=\"center\">0.76</td><td align=\"center\">76</td><td align=\"center\">66.75<break/> (16.8)</td><td align=\"center\">0.86</td><td align=\"center\">58</td><td align=\"center\">72.6<break/> (15.41)</td><td align=\"center\">0.89</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">49</td><td align=\"center\">62.20<break/> (20.40)</td><td align=\"center\">0.57</td><td align=\"center\">85</td><td align=\"center\">66.36<break/> (20.24)</td><td align=\"center\">0.73</td><td align=\"center\">72</td><td align=\"center\">74.24<break/> (16.24)</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td><td align=\"center\">13–18yo &gt; 5–7yo***<break/> 13–18yo &gt; 8–12yo*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychosocial</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">45</td><td align=\"center\">58.81<break/> (16.13)</td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">80</td><td align=\"center\">66.98<break/> (17.34)</td><td align=\"center\">0.81</td><td align=\"center\">61</td><td align=\"center\">71.67 <break/>(16.83)</td><td align=\"center\">0.86</td><td align=\"center\">8–12yo &gt; 5–7yo**<break/> 13–18yo &gt; 5–7yo***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Emotional</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">53</td><td align=\"center\">62.07<break/> (23.56)</td><td align=\"center\">0.45</td><td align=\"center\">90</td><td align=\"center\">63.47<break/> (21.03)</td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">65</td><td align=\"center\">69.54<break/> (19.3)</td><td align=\"center\">0.72</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Social</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">49</td><td align=\"center\">57.23<break/> (20.64)</td><td align=\"center\">0.28</td><td align=\"center\">89</td><td align=\"center\">70.05<break/> (20.68)</td><td align=\"center\">0.59</td><td align=\"center\">65</td><td align=\"center\">77.61<break/> (19.64)</td><td align=\"center\">0.73</td><td align=\"center\">8–12,13–18yo &gt; 5–7yo***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">School</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">N/A</td><td align=\"center\">47</td><td align=\"center\">56.80<break/> (20.86)</td><td align=\"center\">0.44</td><td align=\"center\">81</td><td align=\"center\">68.47<break/> (21.69)</td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">61</td><td align=\"center\">68.47<break/> (19.53)</td><td align=\"center\">0.69</td><td align=\"center\">8–12yo &gt; 5–7yo***<break/> 13–18yo &gt; 5–7yo**</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"14\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"14\"><bold>Proxy-Report</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"14\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">66</td><td align=\"center\">80.15 <break/>(13.19)</td><td align=\"center\">0.62<sup>4</sup></td><td align=\"center\">50</td><td align=\"center\">73.88<break/> (16.26)</td><td align=\"center\">0.89</td><td align=\"center\">80</td><td align=\"center\">69 <break/>(21.24)</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">53</td><td align=\"center\">71.25<break/> (17.18)</td><td align=\"center\">0.89</td><td align=\"center\">2–4yo &gt; 8–12,13–18yo***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">66</td><td align=\"center\">82.34<break/> (14.94)</td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">58</td><td align=\"center\">74.78<break/> (21.3)</td><td align=\"center\">0.86</td><td align=\"center\">87</td><td align=\"center\">70.12<break/> (21.24)</td><td align=\"center\">0.77</td><td align=\"center\">61</td><td align=\"center\">72.59<break/> (20)</td><td align=\"center\">0.78</td><td align=\"center\">2–4yo &gt; 8–12*** <break/>2–4yo &gt; 13–18yo*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychosocial</td><td align=\"center\">69</td><td align=\"center\">78.41<break/> (14.29)</td><td align=\"center\">0.30<sup>5</sup></td><td align=\"center\">53</td><td align=\"center\">73.33<break/> (16.5)</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">81</td><td align=\"center\">68.4<break/> (15.62)</td><td align=\"center\">0.77</td><td align=\"center\">55</td><td align=\"center\">70.62<break/> (18.01)</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">2–4yo &gt; 8–12***<break/> 2–4yo &gt; 13–18yo*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Emotional</td><td align=\"center\">70</td><td align=\"center\">75.46<break/> (15.4)</td><td align=\"center\">0.54</td><td align=\"center\">62</td><td align=\"center\">69.68 <break/>(19.97)</td><td align=\"center\">0.73</td><td align=\"center\">90</td><td align=\"center\">66.05<break/> (19.04)</td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">63</td><td align=\"center\">66.17<break/> (22.58)</td><td align=\"center\">0.75</td><td align=\"center\">2–4yo &gt; <break/>8–12,13–18yo*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Social</td><td align=\"center\">69</td><td align=\"center\">83.86<break/> (17.65)</td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">61</td><td align=\"center\">77.38<break/> (20.10)</td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">90</td><td align=\"center\">73.67<break/> (21.95)</td><td align=\"center\">0.72</td><td align=\"center\">63</td><td align=\"center\">77.30<break/> (21.54)</td><td align=\"center\">0.79</td><td align=\"center\">2–4yo &gt; 8–12yo*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">School</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">73.68<break/> (13.96)</td><td align=\"center\">0.47</td><td align=\"center\">54</td><td align=\"center\">71.76<break/> (22.06)</td><td align=\"center\">0.74</td><td align=\"center\">81</td><td align=\"center\">65.72<break/> (22.4)</td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">57</td><td align=\"center\">68.65<break/> (20.55)</td><td align=\"center\">0.64</td><td align=\"center\">NS</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T6\"><label>Table 6</label><caption><p>Construct validity of the PedsQL 4.0 Argentinean Spanish Version</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\"><bold><underline>1<sup>st </sup>Hypothesis</underline>: Correlation between PedsQL scores and overall health impairment<sup>1</sup></bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>PedsQL</bold><break/><bold> mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Physician VAS</bold><break/><bold> mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>r<sup>3</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Self-Report</td><td align=\"center\">66.87 (16.74)</td><td align=\"center\">4.01(2.42)</td><td align=\"center\">-0.23</td><td align=\"center\">0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Proxy-Report</td><td align=\"center\">73.36 (16.09)</td><td align=\"center\">4.01(2.42)</td><td align=\"center\">-0.32</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"5\"><bold><underline>2nd Hypothesis</underline>: Correlation between PedsQL scores and self-reported overall health status<sup>2</sup></bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>PedsQL</bold><break/><bold> mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Self-report VAS</bold><break/><bold> mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>r<sup>3</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Self-Report</td><td align=\"center\">66.87 (16.74)</td><td align=\"center\">8.32 (1.82)</td><td align=\"center\">0.34</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Proxy-Report</td><td align=\"center\">73.36(16.09)</td><td align=\"center\">8.38 (1.51)</td><td align=\"center\">0.33</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><underline>3<sup>rd </sup>Hypothesis</underline>: Correlation between Self-report and Proxy-report PedsQL scores<sup>2</sup></bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Self-Report</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Proxy-Report</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>R<sup>3</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p-value</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">PedsQL, mean (SD)</td><td align=\"center\">66.87 (16.74)</td><td align=\"center\">73.36 (16.09)</td><td align=\"center\">0.39</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T7\"><label>Table 7</label><caption><p>Comparison of PedsQL 4.0 Argentinean Spanish scores of healthy children and children with chronic conditions</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Healthy children</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>All Chronic conditions</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>p-value<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"7\"><bold>Scores by illness group</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>SCT<sup>2</sup></bold><break/><bold>Mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>COPD<sup>3</sup></bold><break/><bold>Mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>HIV/AIDS<sup>4 </sup></bold><break/><bold>Mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Cancer</bold><break/><bold> Mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>ESRD<sup>5</sup></bold><break/><bold>Mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>CCC<sup>6</sup></bold><break/><bold>Mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Differences<sup>7</sup></bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"11\"><bold>Self-Report </bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"11\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">72.72<break/> (14.21)</td><td align=\"center\">66.87<break/> (16.74)</td><td align=\"center\">0.011</td><td align=\"center\">71.64<break/> (17.13)</td><td align=\"center\">58.54<break/> (15.8)</td><td align=\"center\">71.31<break/> (17.07)</td><td align=\"center\">65.16<break/> (15.45)</td><td align=\"center\">65.29<break/> (19.96)</td><td align=\"center\">68.98<break/> (15.22)</td><td align=\"center\">SCT, HIV &gt; COPD*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">75.42<break/> (15.93)</td><td align=\"center\">67.76<break/> (19.60)</td><td align=\"center\">0.004</td><td align=\"center\">74.24<break/> (17.08)</td><td align=\"center\">58.16 <break/>(19.84)</td><td align=\"center\">74.58<break/> (18.05)</td><td align=\"center\">60.98<break/> (19.44)</td><td align=\"center\">67.17<break/> (1.32)</td><td align=\"center\">72.03<break/> (15.84)</td><td align=\"center\">SCT, HIV &gt; Cancer* SCT &gt; COPD** HIV &gt; COPD***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychosocial</td><td align=\"center\">71.20<break/> (14.84)</td><td align=\"center\">66.36<break/> (17.49)</td><td align=\"center\">0.028</td><td align=\"center\">70.10<break/> (18.51)</td><td align=\"center\">58.76<break/> (16.43)</td><td align=\"center\">69.52<break/> (17.69)</td><td align=\"center\">67.57<break/> (6.46)</td><td align=\"center\">64.07<break/> (7.45)</td><td align=\"center\">67.32<break/>(7.04)</td><td align=\"center\">NS<sup>8</sup></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"11\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"11\"><bold>Proxy-Report*</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">82.19<break/> (12.97)</td><td align=\"center\">73.36<break/> (16.09)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">75.46<break/> (15.99)</td><td align=\"center\">69.61<break/> (18.29)</td><td align=\"center\">79.32<break/> (13.3)</td><td align=\"center\">71.39<break/> (14.79)</td><td align=\"center\">66.92<break/> (18.8)</td><td align=\"center\">74.61<break/> (13.52)</td><td align=\"center\">HIV &gt; COPD, ESRD*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">86.20<break/> (12.27)</td><td align=\"center\">74.67<break/> (20.06)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">77.13<break/> (17.44)</td><td align=\"center\">67.85<break/> (23)</td><td align=\"center\">83.98<break/> (14.23)</td><td align=\"center\">69.92<break/> (18.82)</td><td align=\"center\">66.83<break/> (26.28)</td><td align=\"center\">79.49<break/> (15.78)</td><td align=\"center\">HIV &gt; COPD, Cancer, ESRD*** CCC &gt; COPD*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychosocial</td><td align=\"center\">79.91<break/> (14.96)</td><td align=\"center\">72.41<break/> (16.45)</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.001</td><td align=\"center\">74.46 <break/>(17.89)</td><td align=\"center\">70.38<break/> (18.47)</td><td align=\"center\">76.74<break/> (14.77)</td><td align=\"center\">72.24 <break/>(16.34)</td><td align=\"center\">66.93<break/> (16.53)</td><td align=\"center\">71.57<break/> (14.02)</td><td align=\"center\">NS<sup>7</sup></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T8\"><label>Table 8</label><caption><p>PedsQL 4.0 cross-cultural adaptation's reliability and validity. Comparison of published studies.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"6\"><bold>Scores</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Study</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Sample characteristics</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Age groups</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Self-Report</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold>Proxy Report</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Reliability range</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Type of Validity tested</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">Psychosocial</td><td align=\"center\">Total</td><td align=\"center\">Physical</td><td align=\"center\">Psychosocial</td><td/><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Our Study</bold></td><td align=\"center\">Healthy Children</td><td align=\"center\">105</td><td align=\"center\">2–18 yo</td><td align=\"center\">72.72</td><td align=\"center\">75.42</td><td align=\"center\">71.20</td><td align=\"center\">82.19</td><td align=\"center\">86.20</td><td align=\"center\">79.91</td><td/><td align=\"center\">Known groups validity Convergent validity Self-report/Proxy correlations</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Chronic conditions</td><td align=\"center\">287</td><td align=\"center\">2–18 yo</td><td align=\"center\">66.87</td><td align=\"center\">67.76</td><td align=\"center\">66.36</td><td align=\"center\">73.36</td><td align=\"center\">74.67</td><td align=\"center\">72.41</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>US Original<sup>1</sup>‡</bold></td><td align=\"center\">Well-child visits, clinic visits, children who had an admission</td><td align=\"center\">1645</td><td align=\"center\">2–18 yo</td><td align=\"center\">79.62</td><td align=\"center\">80.19</td><td align=\"center\">79.37</td><td align=\"center\">80.87</td><td align=\"center\">81.38</td><td align=\"center\">80.58</td><td align=\"center\">0.68–0.90</td><td align=\"center\">Known groups validity Predictive validity Factor analysis</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Austria<sup>2</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">School children</td><td align=\"center\">1412</td><td align=\"center\">8–12 yo</td><td align=\"center\">81.9</td><td align=\"center\">87.8</td><td align=\"center\">79.9</td><td align=\"center\">84.9</td><td align=\"center\">90.6</td><td align=\"center\">83.1</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">Construct validity Predictive validity</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Finland<sup>3</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">School children</td><td align=\"center\">1097</td><td align=\"center\">8–12 yo</td><td align=\"center\">81.54</td><td align=\"center\">85.57</td><td align=\"center\">78.68</td><td align=\"center\">77.61</td><td align=\"center\">79.20</td><td align=\"center\">76.26</td><td align=\"center\">0.69–0.91</td><td align=\"center\">Compared to US study results</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Germany<sup>4</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">Chronic conditions</td><td align=\"center\">41 (epilepsy)</td><td align=\"center\">2–17 yo</td><td align=\"center\">78.0</td><td align=\"center\">87.3</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">76.7</td><td align=\"center\">84.1</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">0.72–0.91</td><td align=\"center\">Known groups validity Self-report/Proxy correlations</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">126 (cancer)</td><td/><td align=\"center\">82.6</td><td align=\"center\">86.7</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">80.4</td><td align=\"center\">85.0</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">0.60–0.84</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Greece<sup>5</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">School children</td><td align=\"center\">645</td><td align=\"center\">8–12 yo</td><td align=\"center\">82.10</td><td align=\"center\">84.27</td><td align=\"center\">80.94</td><td align=\"center\">83.11</td><td align=\"center\">87.75</td><td align=\"center\">80.67</td><td align=\"center\">0.65–0.84</td><td align=\"center\">Factor analysis Self-report/Proxy correlations</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Iceland<sup>6</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">School children</td><td align=\"center\">480</td><td align=\"center\">10–12 yo</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"6\">Not reported summarized</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">Predictive validity Known groups validity</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Norway<sup>7</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">School children</td><td align=\"center\">425</td><td align=\"center\">13–15 yo</td><td align=\"center\">85.29</td><td align=\"center\">91.12</td><td align=\"center\">82.16</td><td align=\"center\">86.10</td><td align=\"center\">88.83</td><td align=\"center\">84.66</td><td align=\"center\">0.73–0.88</td><td align=\"center\">Factor analysis Convergent correlation Self-report/Proxy correlations</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>UK<sup>8</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">School children</td><td align=\"center\">1399</td><td align=\"center\">2–18 yo</td><td align=\"center\">83.89</td><td align=\"center\">88.51</td><td align=\"center\">81.84</td><td align=\"center\">84.61</td><td align=\"center\">89.06</td><td align=\"center\">82.21</td><td align=\"center\">&gt; 0.70</td><td align=\"center\">Known groups validity Self-report/Proxy correlations</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Chronic conditions</td><td align=\"center\">365</td><td align=\"center\">2–18 yo</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"6\">Scores were reported for each condition but not summarized</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Turkey<sup>9</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">Healthy children, children with acute and chronic conditions</td><td align=\"center\">223</td><td align=\"center\">2–4 yo</td><td align=\"center\">NA</td><td align=\"center\">NA</td><td align=\"center\">NA</td><td align=\"center\">78.17</td><td align=\"center\">79.40</td><td align=\"center\">77.25</td><td align=\"center\">0.66–0.85</td><td align=\"center\">Known groups validity Self-report/Proxy correlations</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">198</td><td align=\"center\">5–7 yo</td><td align=\"center\">71.56</td><td align=\"center\">72.66</td><td align=\"center\">70.82</td><td align=\"center\">72.92</td><td align=\"center\">69.96</td><td align=\"center\">74.76</td><td align=\"center\">0.57–0.86</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Japan<sup>10</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">School children</td><td align=\"center\">229</td><td align=\"center\">6–13</td><td align=\"center\">76.7</td><td align=\"center\">83.4</td><td align=\"center\">73.3</td><td align=\"center\">81.4</td><td align=\"center\">92.6</td><td align=\"center\">75.8</td><td align=\"center\">0.71–0.86</td><td align=\"center\">Known groups validity Self-report/Proxy correlations Factor analysis</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Chronic conditions</td><td align=\"center\">100</td><td align=\"center\">5–18</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td align=\"center\">NR</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Catalunya<sup>11</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\">School children</td><td align=\"center\">511</td><td align=\"center\">9–17 yo</td><td align=\"center\">81.53</td><td align=\"center\">88.26</td><td align=\"center\">79.23</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">0.76–0.80</td><td align=\"center\">Known groups Convergent validity (compared with KINDL scores) Predictive validity</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>Stem Cell Transplant <sup>2</sup>Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease <sup>3</sup>Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome <sup>4</sup>End Stage Renal Disease <sup>5</sup>Complex Congenital Cardiopathies <sup>6</sup>Poverty line is calculated according to total income, and number and age of people in the household, <italic>as per </italic>National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC) guidelines.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>Minimal help: &lt; 4 times, Significant: ≥ 4 times during questionnaire administration.</p><p><sup>2</sup>N/A: not applicable, always administered by interviewer</p><p><sup>3</sup>N/A: not applicable, No existence of previous versions</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>Minimal help: &lt; 4 times, Significant: ≥ 4 times during questionnaire administration or could not complete questionnaire. <sup>2</sup>Chi-square test</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1 </sup>Higher mean values indicate better HRQOL (range 0–100).</p><p><sup>2</sup>Floor and ceiling effects are considered present if &gt; 15% of extreme values were used</p><p><sup>3</sup>Cronbach α Coefficient.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1 </sup>Cronbach α Coefficient <sup>2</sup>p values based on analysis of variance (ANOVA) comparing the mean scores across age groups *p &lt; .05 **p &lt; 0.01 ***p &lt; .005 with Bonferroni correction for the number of comparisons, p &lt; .005 values should be considered statistically significant. NS: non significant, p &gt; 0.05. <sup>3</sup>N/A: not applicable <sup>4</sup>If school items are excluded, α = 0.83. <sup>5 </sup>If school items are excluded, α = 0.76.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>VASphys: 0 (none) to 10 (maximum) impairment of health status</p><p><sup>2</sup>VASc or VASp: 0 (very bad) to 10 (very well) overall feeling during the past month.</p><p><sup>3</sup>r = Pearson's correlation coefficient interpreted as low (&lt; 0.10), moderate (0.11–0.30) and high (&gt; 0.30).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1 </sup>Student's t test <sup>2</sup>Stem Cell Transplant <sup>3</sup>Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease <sup>4</sup>Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome <sup>5</sup>End Stage Renal Disease <sup>6</sup>Complex Congenital Cardiopathies <sup>7</sup>p values based on analysis of variance (ANOVA) * p &lt; .05 **p &lt; .01 ***p &lt; .005 With a Bonferroni correction for the number of comparisons, p &lt; 0.005 should be considered statistically significant. Higher values equal better health-related quality of life. <sup>8</sup>NS: non-significant</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>‡ PedsQL 4.0 has undergone multiple validation studies in the US. A summary of the results and citations is provided in the introduction.</p><p>NR: Not reported</p><p>1. Varni JW, Seid M, Kurtin PS. PedsQL 4.0: reliability and validity of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory version 4.0 generic core scales in healthy and patient populations. <italic>Med Care </italic>2001;<bold>39</bold>(8)<bold>:</bold>800–12.</p><p>2. Felder-Puig R, Baumgartner M, Topf R, Gadner H, Formann AK. Health-Related Quality of Life in Austrian Elementary School Children. <italic>Med Care </italic>2008;<bold>46</bold>(4)<bold>:</bold>432–439.</p><p>3. Laaksonen C, Aromaa M, Heinonen OJ, Suominen S, Salantera S. Paediatric health-related quality of life instrument for primary school children: cross-cultural validation. <italic>J Adv Nurs </italic>2007;<bold>59</bold>(5)<bold>:</bold>542–50.</p><p>4. Felder-Puig R, Frey E, Proksch K, Varni JW, Gadner H, Topf R. Validation of the German version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) in childhood cancer patients off treatment and children with epilepsy. <italic>Qual Life Res </italic>2004;<bold>13</bold>(1)<bold>:</bold>223–34.</p><p>5. Gkoltsiou K, Dimitrakaki C, Tzavara C, Papaevangelou V, Varni JW, Tountas Y. Measuring health-related quality of life in Greek children: psychometric properties of the Greek version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory(TM) 4.0 Generic Core Scales. <italic>Qual Life Res </italic>2008;<bold>17</bold>(2)<bold>:</bold>299–305.</p><p>6. Svavarsdottir EK, Orlygsdottir B. Health-related quality of life in Icelandic school children. <italic>Scand J Caring Sci </italic>2006;<bold>20</bold>(2)<bold>:</bold>209–15.</p><p>7. Reinfjell T, Diseth TH, Veenstra M, Vikan A. Measuring health-related quality of life in young adolescents: reliability and validity in the Norwegian version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 (PedsQL) generic core scales. <italic>Health Qual Life Outcomes </italic>2006;<bold>4:</bold>61.</p><p>8. Upton P, Eiser C, Cheung I, et al. Measurement properties of the UK-English version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory 4.0 (PedsQL) generic core scales. <italic>Health Qual Life Outcomes </italic>2005;<bold>3:</bold>22.</p><p>9. Uneri OS, Agaoglu B, Coskun A, Memik NC. Validity and reliability of Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory for 2- to 4-year-old and 5- to 7-year-old Turkish children. <italic>Qual Life Res </italic>2008;<bold>17</bold>(2)<bold>:</bold>307–15.</p><p>10. Chen X, Origasa H, Ichida F, Kamibeppu K, Varni JW. Reliability and validity of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) Short Form 15 Generic Core Scales in Japan. <italic>Qual Life Res </italic>2007;<bold>16</bold>(7)<bold>:</bold>1239–49.</p><p>11. Huguet A, Miro J. Development and psychometric evaluation of a Catalan self- and interviewer-administered version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory version 4.0. <italic>J Pediatr Psychol </italic>2008;<bold>33</bold>(1)<bold>:</bold>63–79.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7525-6-59-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7525-6-59-2\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Acquadro"], "given-names": ["C"], "suffix": ["Conray, K., Giroudet, C., Mear, I."], "source": ["Linguistic validation manual for patient reported outcomes (PRO) instruments."], "year": ["2004"], "publisher-name": ["Lyon , Mapi Research Institute"]}, {"article-title": ["Hospital Garrahan's Committee on Quality of Life. Calidad de vida relacionada a la Salud"], "source": ["Medicina Infantil"], "year": ["2004"], "volume": ["IX"], "fpage": ["301"], "lpage": ["305"]}, {"collab": ["INDEC"], "source": ["Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos (National Institute of Statistics and Census)"], "publisher-name": [""]}, {"surname": ["Varni"], "given-names": ["JW"], "article-title": ["PedsQL(TM). Scoring Instructions."], "source": ["http://wwwpedsqlorg/scorehtml"]}, {"article-title": ["PedsQL\u2122 Website []"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2008 Aug 7; 6:59
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease is the most common hereditary renal disorder with a prevalence of at least 1:1000 and accounts for 8%–10% for all end-stage renal failure [##REF##8321262##1##]. The disease is characterized by the formation of large fluid-containing renal cysts that grow over time and destroy the renal parenchyma.</p>", "<p>It is believed that cysts originate from tubular epithelial cells that exhibit increased proliferation and reduced differentiation. This may happen after a second somatic hit occurs that inactivates the <italic>PKD1 </italic>or the <italic>PKD2 </italic>allele inherited from the healthy parent [##REF##10655555##2##, ####REF##9949210##3##, ##REF##7614844##4####7614844##4##]. Microdissection of cystic kidneys revealed that cyst growth is due to an increase in cell number and not to the stretching of the cyst wall. In addition, tubular epithelial cells cultured from ADPKD cysts display augmented levels of proliferation and upregulation of proliferation-associated genes such as c-Myc, Ki-67 and PCNA [##REF##3599654##5##, ####REF##9407432##6##, ##REF##9422539##7##, ##REF##9621276##8####9621276##8##]. The role of polycystin-1 (PC-1), the protein product of <italic>PKD1</italic>, in the proliferation of tubular epithelium has been documented. Polycystin-1 has been implicated in a variety of pathways tied to proliferation, including G-protein signaling, Wnt signaling and AP-1. [##REF##11786542##9##, ####REF##10339594##10##, ##REF##9988738##11##, ##REF##11912216##12####11912216##12##]. Direct evidence about the involvement of PC-1 in cell cycle regulation was demonstrated by the observation that PC-1 overexpression activates the JAK2/STAT-1 pathway, thereby up regulating p21<sup>waf1 </sup>and inducing cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 in a process requiring functional polycystin-2 (PC-2). Based on these results it was postulated that mutations in either gene could result in deregulated growth [##REF##12007403##13##].</p>", "<p>Polycystin-2 has been implicated in cell cycle regulation mainly through its calcium channel activity and its ability to activate transcription factor AP-1 [##REF##11991947##14##, ####REF##10207066##15##, ##REF##12640140##16####12640140##16##]. However, there was little direct evidence linking polycystin-2 to cellular proliferation. Recently, PC-2 was directly tied to cell cycle regulation through direct interaction with Id2, a member of the helix-loop-helix (HLH) proteins that are known to regulate cell proliferation and differentiation. Overexpression of wild-type PC-2 in kidney cell lines induced cell cycle arrest at G0/G1, through upregulation of p21 and subsequent inhibition of Cdk2 kinase activity. This process was dependent on both PC-2-Id2 interaction and PC-1-dependent phosphorylation of PC-2. Although inhibition of Id2 expression corrected the hyperproliferative phenotype of mutant cells, the contribution of p21/Cdk2 pathway on the abnormal cell proliferation was not clearly addressed [##REF##16311606##17##]. In an independent study, PC-2 was shown to regulate proliferation and differentiation of kidney epithelial cells and suggested that its calcium channel activity may play an important role in this process [##REF##16278216##18##].</p>", "<p>In this study, we examined the contribution of the JAK2/STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway on PC-2-dependent kidney epithelial cell proliferation. We utilized cell lines HEK293 and NRK-52E expressing wild-type and mutant PC-2 as well as primary tubular epithelial cells from a <italic>PKD2</italic>-mutant transgenic rat [##REF##16943309##19##]. Interestingly, expression of mutant PC-2 had an effect on the aforementioned pathway only in the primary epithelial cells expressing mutant <italic>PKD2</italic>, but this was independent of p21. On the contrary multiple approaches provided unequivocal evidence that a different cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p57, is reduced in these cells. These results suggest that p57 might be the end-point of an alternative pathway that regulates PC-2-induced proliferation in ADPKD.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Cell culture and isolation of renal primary epithelial cells</title>", "<p>Human embryonic kidney 293 cells, PC-2 overexpressing cells and the rat epithelial cell line NRK-52E were maintained in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% (HEK293) or 5% (NRK-52E) fetal bovine serum (FBS).</p>", "<p>Renal primary epithelial cells were isolated from a 7.5 week-old <italic>PKD2 </italic>mutant trangenic rat (TGR (CMV-h<italic>PKD2</italic>/1–703)), abbreviated in the text as: <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703) [##REF##16943309##19##]. There were two transgenic rat lines created initially, 111 and 247, expressing a truncated PC-2, owing to a STOP codon at postion 704. Of the two models 247 was chosen for further work owing to a more severe phenotype. Line 111 is not maintained at the moment [##REF##16943309##19##]. The primary cells were isolated by a sequential filtration method as follows: Normal Spraque-Dawley rats and <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703) rats were sacrificed following standard procedures; kidneys were extracted and minced under sterile conditions. The cell mixture was passed through a 180 μm metal sieve (Retsch, Germany) followed by filtration through a 40 μm nylon cell strainer (BD Biosciences). The retained cells were collected and passed through a second 100 μm cell strainer. The filtrate of this step comprises the tubular epithelial fraction of the kidney homogenate. Tubular epithelial cells were cultured on laminin-coated tissue culture plates and maintained in Endothelial Cell Growth Medium (PromoCell, Germany) supplemented with 5%FBS, ECGS, EGF, Hydrocortison, Amphotericin B and Gentamycin. Under these conditions the cells maintained their epithelial phenotype for at least 4 passages.</p>", "<title>Antibodies</title>", "<p>The following antibodies were used in this study: mouse anti-HA, goat anti-p21, goat anti-Cdk2 (Santa Cruz, Biotechnology), rabbit-anti phospho STAT1 (Cell Signaling), rabbit anti-p57 (Santa Cruz). The rabbit polyclonal anti-PC2 (epitope corresponds to amino acids 679–742 of PC2) was previously described[##REF##16135816##20##]</p>", "<title>Plasmids</title>", "<p>HA-<italic>PKD2 </italic>(WT) was generated by cloning wild-type human <italic>PKD2 </italic>in pcDNA 3 (Invitrogen) plasmid. HA-<italic>PKD2</italic>/1–702 contains almost the entire of <italic>PKD2 </italic>(aa 1–702) and was constructed by the addition of a stop linker in the <italic>PKD2 </italic>sequence. Finally, HA-<italic>PKD2</italic>/R742X contains amino acids 1–742 of <italic>PKD2</italic>. Both, HA-<italic>PKD2</italic>/1–702 and HA-<italic>PKD2</italic>/R742X were cloned in pcDNA3 vector.</p>", "<title>Transient transfection and Western blot analysis</title>", "<p>Plasmids were transfected into HEK293 and NRK-52E cells using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) reagent according to the manufacture's instructions. Western blot analysis was performed as mentioned before [##REF##15671247##21##]. Briefly, cells were lysed in Nonipet P-40 (NP40) buffer (0.1% NP40, 200 mM NaCl, 50 mM TrisCl (pH 7.4) and protease inhibitors). After centrifugation at 14,000 rpm for 5 minutes, the supernatants were collected. Total amount of protein was determined using the BCA kit (Pierce). Equal amount of protein was denatured by addition of equal volume of 2 × SDS loading buffer and heating for 30 min at 50°C. Proteins were separated on an SDS-PAGE gel. After transfer to a PVDF membrane, Western blots were developed by ECL following the vendor's protocol (Amersham).</p>", "<title>Cdk2 Kinase Assay</title>", "<p>Cdk2 assay was performed as previously described [##REF##14711830##22##]. Briefly, 250–500 μg of the total cellular protein was immunoprecipitated with 1 μg of Cdk2 antibody for 2 hours at 4°C. After extensive washing, the precipitate was subjected to the kinase assay in the presence of 50 mM HEPES, 7.5 mM MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 0.5 mM EDTA, 20 mM β-glycerophosphate, 1 mM NaF, 5 mM dithiothreitol, 100 μM ATP and 10 μCi of [γ-<sup>32</sup>P] ATP in a total volume of 30 μl. As a substrate, 2 μg of histone H1 (Calbiochem) were added to the reaction. The reaction was carried out at 30°C for 30 min. After elution, the supernatant was fractionated by SDS-PAGE, transferred onto a PVDF membrane and autoradiographed.</p>", "<title>Electrophysiology</title>", "<p>The conventional whole-cell voltage-clamp configuration was used to measure transmembrane currents in single cells as described previously [##REF##16135816##20##]. Briefly, patch-clamp recordings were obtained from single cells at room temperature using a Warner PC-505B amplifier (Warner Instrument Corp., Hamden, CT) and pClamp 8 software (Axon Instrument, Foster City, CA). Glass pipettes (plain, Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA) with resistances of 5–8 MΩ were prepared with a pipette puller and polisher (PP-830 and MF-830, respectively, Narishige, Tokyo, Japan). After the whole-cell configuration was achieved, cell capacitance and series resistance were compensated (~70%) before each recording period. From a holding potential of -60 mV, voltage steps were applied from -100 to 100 mV in 20 mV increments with 200 ms duration at 3 s intervals. Current traces were filtered at 1 kHz and analyzed off-line with pClamp 8. The pipette solution contained (in mM): 100 K-aspartate, 30 KCl, 0.3 Mg-ATP, 10 HEPES, 10 EGTA, and 0.03 GTP (pH 7.2). The extracellular solution contained (in mM): 135 NaCl, 5.4 KCl, 0.33 NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>, 1 MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 1.8 CaCl<sub>2</sub>, 5 HEPES, 5.5 glucose (pH 7.4) or 130 KCl, 1 MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 10 HEPES, 0.1 CaCl<sub>2</sub>, and 5 glucose (pH 7.4).</p>", "<title>Cell Cycle Analysis</title>", "<p>Cells were seeded in six-well plates in triplicates. Upon attachment, cells were synchronized by serum starvation for 24 h followed by addition of 10% serum-containing medium for the HEK293 or 2% serum-containing medium for the primary cells, for 24 hours. Cells were harvested, fixed with 80% cold ethanol followed by treatment with 25 μg/ml Ribonuclease A (SIGMA) and 50 μg/ml propidium iodide (SIGMA) for 30 min at 37°C. After incubation the cells were analyzed by FACS.</p>", "<title>Gene Expression Profiling with Microarrays</title>", "<p>Gene expression profiles of primary tubular epithelial cells (TECs) isolated from PKD2(1–703) rats and SD rats were compared. RNA isolation, cDNA and cRNA synthesis and hybridization to arrays of type Rae230A from Affymetrix (Santa Clara, CA, USA) were performed according to the recommendations of the manufacturer. Microarray data was analysed based on a mixed model analysis using JMP Genomics, version 3.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Standard settings were used, except the following specifications[##REF##17620128##23##]: log-linear mixed models [##REF##11867082##24##], were fitted for values of perfect-matches, with probe and rat group considered to be constant and the array-id random. Custom CDF, [##REF##16284200##25##] with Unigene based gene/transcript definitions different from the original Affymetrix probe set definitions was used to annotate the arrays. Microarray data were submitted to NCBI GEO <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>, sample number [GSE11500].</p>", "<title>Quantitative RT-PCR</title>", "<p>Total RNA (1 μg) was isolated from cultured cells using the Rneasy Mini kit (Qiagen) and was reverse transcribed with the Protoscript reverse transcription kit (New England Biolabs) using the VN(dT)<sub>23 </sub>primer as recommended by the manufacturer. As a standard for relative RNA quantification (Calibrator), 1 μg of all sample RNAs was pooled together and reverse transcribed as mentioned above. Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) amplifications were performed with a LightCycler (Roche Molecular Biochemicals) using the same starting amount and LightCycler<sup>® </sup>FastStart DNA MasterPLUS SYBR Green I reagents in a standard volume of 20 μl. Real-time detection of fluorimetric intensity of SYBR Green I, indicating the amount of PCR product formed, was measured at the end of each elongation phase. Fluorescence values measured in the log-linear phase of amplification were considered using the second-derivative-maximum method of the LightCycler Data Analysis software (Roche Molecular Biochemicals). Relative quantification was performed using serial dilutions of the Calibrator cDNA to provide a standard curve for each run. For all experiments, the standard curve had an error of below 5% and extended over the relative quantities of all individual samples.</p>", "<p>Genes whose differential expression was tested by gene-specific qRT-PCR analysis were rat p57 (forward primer: TGATGAGCTGGGAGCTGAG and reverse primer: TGGCGAAGAAGTCAGAGATG) and Cdk2 (forward primer: TGTGGCGCTTAAGAAAATCC and reverse primer: CCAGCAGCTTGACGATGTTA). Differences in the quantity of starting material were compensated by normalization with the housekeeping genes HPRT (forward primer: CTCATGGACTGATTATGGACAGGAC and reverse primer: GCAGGTCAGCAAAGAACTTATAGCC) and GAPDH (forward primer: GTATTGGGCGCCTGGTCACC and reverse primer: CGCTCCTGGAAGATGGTGATGG). Normalized fold-changes between mutant and normal samples were calculated by the REST XL software.</p>", "<title>Data Analysis and Statistics</title>", "<p>Data are reported as means ± SEM. Comparisons between multiple groups were performed using single-factor ANOVA, and secondary comparisons were performed using the Tukey test. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical software package. For electrophysiology experiments, statistical analysis was employed with the SigmaStat (Chicago, IL) software. Data were reported as means ± SEM. Due to high variability in cells transfected with wild type <italic>PKD2</italic>, statistical significance was determined by the Mann-Whitey Rank Sum test. Differences were considered significant at p &lt; 0.05 if not stated otherwise (patch clamp and gene expression profiling. Gene expression statistical analysis is described above.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Generation of stable clones expressing wild-type and mutant PKD2 in HEK293 cells</title>", "<p>To test the role of <italic>PKD2 </italic>in renal cell proliferation and specifically on the p21/Cdk2 pathway, we generated a series of HEK293 cell lines with stable expression of hemaglutinin (HA)-tagged wild-type human <italic>PKD2 </italic>(WT <italic>PKD2</italic>), HA-tagged mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>(R742X <italic>PKD2</italic>) and a selectable marker (Vector). The R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>encodes for a truncated PC-2 lacking the polycystin-1 (PC-1) interacting region at the carboxy-terminal of the protein. R742X, is a disease-causing PC-2 mutant firstly identified in a Greek-Cypriot family with Polycystic Kidney Disease type 2 [##REF##8650545##26##, ####REF##12407099##27##, ##REF##11302751##28####11302751##28##]. Three individual clones were isolated from each transfectant and used for further experimentation. Immunoblotting of whole cell lysates from the selected clones with an HA antibody, showed good expression of HA-tagged WT <italic>PKD2 </italic>and HA-tagged R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>(Figure ##FIG##0##1A##). The same lysates were immunoblotted with anti-PC-2 antibody to demonstrate that we indeed have PC-2 overexpression in these clones. As seen in figure ##FIG##0##1A##, endogenous PC-2 is barely detectable by Western blot analysis in vector-only and R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>transfectants. The lower molecular weight band detected most likely represents a non-specific band detected with the anti-PC-2 antibody, since it is detected on vector-only transfectants and untransfected cells (Figure ##FIG##0##1A## and data not shown).</p>", "<p>We used these tools to test the effect of wild-type and mutant PC-2 expression on the JAK2/STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway, as it was previously implicated in its regulation by showing that overexpression of wild type <italic>PKD1 </italic>activates JAK2 kinase, which in turn phosphorylates STAT-1 [##REF##12007403##13##]. Lysates from synchronized clones were immunoblotted with an anti-phospho-STAT-1 antibody, which detects the expression of serine phosphorylated STAT-1, and an anti-p21 to detect endogenous p21 expression. As shown in figure ##FIG##0##1A##, p21 levels and STAT-1 phosphorylation were unaffected by wild-type or mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>expression. Equal loading was confirmed by re-probing the same membrane with anti-β-tubulin.</p>", "<p>Similarly, endogenous Cdk2 activity was equivalent among the different clones as judged by the kinase assay performed on Cdk2 immunoprecipitates from two selected clones of each transfectant. Western blot analysis demonstrated that similar amount of Cdk2 was precipitated from each clone (Figure ##FIG##0##1B##). Cell cycle analysis performed by propidium iodide (PI) staining revealed that expression of wild-type or mutant PC-2 does not alter the cell cycle profile of these cells (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Furthermore, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) levels were equal among the different clones (Figure ##FIG##0##1A##). Collectively, the results suggest that expression of wild-type and mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>has no effect on the proliferation of HEK293 cells.</p>", "<p>To determine whether mislocalization of exogenous WT and R742X PC-2 is responsible for their inability to regulate cellular proliferation, we compared the sub-cellular localization of HA-tagged WT or R742X PC-2 with endogenous PC-2 by immunofluoresence. Both HA-tagged WT and R742X PC-2 were detected at the same subcellular compartments (endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane) as the endogenous PC-2 (data not shown).</p>", "<p>ER-localized PC-2 is known to function as a Ca<sup>2+</sup>-activated intracellular Ca<sup>2+ </sup>release channel while plasma membrane-associated PC-2 is believed to function as a nonselective cation channel [##REF##11854751##29##, ####REF##11252306##30##, ##REF##11140688##31####11140688##31##]. Previous work has demonstrated that <italic>PKD2 </italic>overexpression augmented the amplitude of whole cell currents in renal epithelial cells [##REF##16135816##20##]. To test the effectiveness of the expressed WT <italic>PKD2 </italic>in HEK293 cells we performed whole cell current measurements in vector-only, WT <italic>PKD2 </italic>and R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>clones. Functional expression of transfected wild type <italic>PKD2 </italic>in HEK cells has been shown [##REF##12514735##32##]. Figure ##FIG##2##3## shows that stable expression of wild type <italic>PKD2 </italic>in HEK cells resulted in a significant increase in the current amplitude of whole cell inward currents recorded either in normal extracellular tyrode solution or symmetrical K<sup>+ </sup>(Figure ##FIG##2##3##). Outward currents were larger in WT <italic>PKD2 </italic>expressing cells compared to untransfected, mock-transfected, or R742X <italic>PKD2</italic>-transfected cells in symmetrical K<sup>+</sup>. <italic>PKD2</italic>-mediated K<sup>+ </sup>currents were larger compared to Na<sup>+</sup>/Ca<sup>2+ </sup>currents as was expected for <italic>PKD2 </italic>which shows higher permeability to K<sup>+ </sup>compared to Na<sup>+ </sup>or Ca<sup>2+ </sup>[##REF##12640140##16##,##REF##16135816##20##]. Overexpression of R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>did not have a significant effect on whole cell inward or outward currents in HEK293. Collectively, the electrophysiology data show that transfection of wild type <italic>PKD2 </italic>resulted in functional expression in HEK293 cells. However, <italic>PKD2 </italic>has no effect on the STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway or on the proliferation status of these cells.</p>", "<title>Examination of the effect of wild-type and mutant PKD2 on the JAK2/STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway in NRK-52E cells</title>", "<p>HEK293 cells were generated by transformation of human embryonic kidney cell cultures with sheared adenovirus 5 DNA [##REF##886304##33##]. The cell line has an epithelial morphology and is widely used as a kidney epithelial model. Nevertheless, there is controversy as to whether these cells are of true kidney origin, since expression studies have demonstrated that HEK293 cells have an unexpected relationship with neurons [##REF##11967234##34##]. For these reasons we decided to perform the same experiments in a different cell line system more closely resembling mature kidney epithelial cells, NRK-52E.</p>", "<p>The rat kidney epithelial cell line, NRK-52E was transiently transfected with vector-only (CT), WT <italic>PKD2</italic>, R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>and 1–702 <italic>PKD2 </italic>(a <italic>PKD2 </italic>mutant lacking the entire carboxy-terminal region of the protein). At 48 hours after transfection, cells were synchronized by serum starvation. Whole cell lysates were immunoblotted with anti-p21 and anti-phospho-STAT-1 antibodies. Neither p21 levels nor STAT-1 phosphorylation is affected by expression of wild-type or mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>(Figure ##FIG##3##4A##). Similarly, the levels of active Cdk2 were comparable among the four transfectants. In addition to the JAK2/STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway, the proliferation capacity of NRK-52E transfected with WT, R742X and 1–702 <italic>PKD2 </italic>appeared unaltered compared to vector only transfectants as judged by PCNA Western blot analysis. Good expression of the wild-type PC-2 and of the two truncated proteins was achieved as judged by anti-HA and anti-PC2 blotting. In summary, these results duplicate the observation in HEK293 that wild-type or mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>expression do not modify the activity of the JAK2/STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway.</p>", "<title>Renal tubular epithelial cells from PKD2(1–703) transgenic rat display augmented proliferation independent of the JAK2/STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway</title>", "<p>The unexpected but significant results above, prompted us to utilize primary renal epithelial cells obtained from a 7.5 week-old mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>transgenic rat (1–703) [abbreviated <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703)], expressing a truncated form of PC-2 lacking the C-terminal region of the protein. The transgenic animals manifest a cystic phenotype characterized by the formation of multiple cysts in the kidneys [##REF##16943309##19##]. Tubular renal epithelial cells were isolated by sequential filtration of renal cells and cultured in low serum-containing medium. The epithelial character of the isolated cells and the absence of contaminating fibroblasts were confirmed by cadherin and vimentin expression respectively (Figure ##FIG##4##5A##).</p>", "<p>In contrast to the cell lines examined, primary tubular epithelial cells (TECs) isolated from <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703) transgenic rat, demonstrated an increase in cellular proliferation compared with their normal counterparts. Specifically, Western blot analysis on whole cell lysates demonstrated that TECs isolated from the <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703) rat have significantly higher levels of PCNA than TECs isolated from normal Sprague-Dawley rats (Figure ##FIG##4##5A##). In addition, the percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle was lower in the mutant cells than in normal cells as judged by cell cycle analysis (90.6 ± 0.93 to 84.1 ± 1.28). In concert, the percentage of G2/M-phase mutant cells was higher than G2/M-phase normal cells (5.06 ± 0.31 to 12.9 ± 1.37) (Figure ##FIG##4##5B##). Despite the higher proliferative activity of mutant cells, p21 levels and STAT-1 phosphorylation remain unaltered (Figure ##FIG##4##5A##), suggesting that <italic>PKD2</italic>-induced proliferation is STAT-1/p21-independent.</p>", "<p>We then hypothesized that alternative pathways might be responsible for <italic>PKD2</italic>-induced proliferation in this system. To this end, we performed a genome-wide gene expression analysis on TECs isolated from two normal Sprague Dawley rats and three <italic>PKD2 </italic>(1–703) rats. Differentially expressed genes were identified with ANOVA. We concentrated only on genes involved in the cell cycle regulation (Figure ##FIG##5##6A##). From all the cell cycle genes listed in figure ##FIG##5##6A##, only two differ significantly in expression between normal and mutant cells, those being Cdk2 and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C or p57<sup>KIP2</sup>. On the contrary, p21 did not show any significant difference, confirming the Western blot results (Figure ##FIG##5##6A## and ##FIG##4##5A##).</p>", "<p>The chip data were verified by quantitative real-time PCR analysis after normalization using two housekeeping genes, HPRT and GAPDH. In agreement with the chip data, p57 mRNA levels were downregulated in the mutant animals as compared with their normal counterparts (normalized fold change 4.7 ± 0.19). Similarly, Cdk2 mRNA levels were augmented in the mutant cells (normalized fold change 1.2 ± 0.015) (Figure ##FIG##6##7A##). Cdk2 protein upregulation and p57 protein downregulation were also verified by immunoblotting. Consistent with the microarray data, Cdk2 protein levels were significantly elevated in mutant primary cultures (normalized fold change 2.2 ± 0.06). Similarly, p57 levels were downregulated in mutant TECs (normalized fold change 1.9 ± 0.2) (Figure ##FIG##6##7B##). On the contrary, Western blot analysis demonstrated, as expected, that p57 protein levels remain unchanged in HEK293 stable clones and NRK-52E transfectants (Figure ##FIG##6##7C##). It should be noted that p57 levels in the cell lines examined is expressed at very low levels and it was barely detectable by Western blot. Given that in the <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703) transgenic rat the cysts originate predominantly from the proximal tubule segment of the nephron, we wanted to exclude the possibility that proximal tubule cells are overrepresented in the primary mutant TECs culture, thus confounding the interpretation of the results. In order to do that, lysates from normal and mutant TECs were immunobloted with anti-Megalin antibody, a proximal tubule marker [##REF##16652363##35##]. As shown on figure ##FIG##4##5A##, Megalin protein levels were equivalent among normal and mutant TECs suggesting that the proportion of cells of proximal origin was comparable among the different cultures and did not create a sampling bias.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Various studies on renal cystic tissues and cell lines demonstrated that altered regulation of tubular epithelial cell proliferation is a key factor in the pathogenesis of ADPKD. What remains unclear is the timing of the misregulated growth as well as the pathways involved. Recently, in an attempt to answer these questions a number of groups provided evidence for the involvement of Cdk2 in the process of cystogenesis. Progression through the cell cycle is regulated by a family of cyclin-dependent kinases (CKs) whose activities are controlled by the relative ratio of cyclins and Cdk inhibitors (CKIs) [##REF##8791491##36##,##REF##8939849##37##]. There are two classes of CKIs in mammals, the p21<sup>CIP1 </sup>and p16<sup>INK4 </sup>families. Members of the p16<sup>NK4 </sup>family bind and inhibit only Cdk4 and Cdk6 kinases [##REF##8620534##38##]. In contrast, members of the p21<sup>CIP1 </sup>family (p21<sup>CIP1</sup>, p27<sup>KIP1 </sup>and p57<sup>KIP2</sup>) inhibit all G1/S phase CDKs. The transition of cells from the G0/G1 into the S phase of the cell cycle involves the activities of Cdk2, Cdk4 and Cdk6 [##REF##8939849##37##].</p>", "<p>Bhunia et. al. were the first to address the role of CDKs in PKD-induced proliferation. Specifically, they demonstrated that one of the functions of the polycystin-1/2 complex is to regulate the JAK/STAT pathway and consequently control cellular proliferation. They showed that overexpression of wild-type polycystin-1 can activate JAK2/STAT-1, a process that resulted in upregulation of the CKI p21<sup>waf1</sup>. As expected, increase in p21 levels led to inhibition of Cdk2 and cell cycle arrest. The ability of polycystin-1 to modulate Cdk2 activity was dependent on polycystin-2. These results implied that compromised polycystin-1 activity is expected to have the opposite effect, thus explaining the abnormal proliferation observed in ADPKD cystic cells.</p>", "<p>An independent study addressed directly the role of PC2 in cell cycle regulation and Cdk2 activity. It was demonstrated that PC2 could directly interact with Id2, a member of the HLH family that is known to control cell proliferation and differentiation. The direct association of PC2 with Id2 was shown to regulate the nuclear translocation of Id2 and thus modulate the cell cycle through the Id2/p21/Cdk2 pathway [##REF##16311606##17##]. Based on these results a model was proposed according to which PC1 can increase PC2 phosphorylation leading to enhanced Id2/PC2 interaction and reduced Id2 nuclear import. This in turn, prevents Id2 repression of E-box-dependent activation of transcription of genes such as p21. Increased p21 will inhibit Cdk2 activity and arrest the cells at G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle. At the same time PC1 can lead to Cdk2 inhibition independent of Id2 through the JAK/STAT pathway. Based on this model mutations in either PC1 or PC2 can disrupt these pathways leading to abnormal cell proliferation [##REF##16311606##17##]. A recent report also demonstrated reduced levels of p21 in human and animal PKD tissues as well as in affected cell lines implying a role of p21/Cdk2 in cystogenesis [##REF##17714589##39##].</p>", "<p>In this study we attempted to examine further this hypothesis. We generated stable clones expressing either wild-type or mutant R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>in HEK293. To our surprise, overexpression of wild-type PC2 did not affect proliferation of these cells. Cell cycle profile analysis, PCNA, p21 expression levels and Cdk2 activity remained unchanged among different transfectants. The reason for this discrepancy remains unclear given that the same cell line and similar experimental conditions were used in the previous studies [##REF##12007403##13##,##REF##16311606##17##]. In order to eliminate the possibility that the exogenously expressed wild-type <italic>PKD2 </italic>was not functional, we performed whole cell current measurements in vector-only, WT <italic>PKD2 </italic>and R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>clones. As expected, HEK293 clones expressing wild-type <italic>PKD2 </italic>displayed an increase in the current amplitude of whole cell inward and outward currents recorded either in normal extracellular tyrode solution or symmetrical K<sup>+</sup>. Such result excludes the possibility that an inactive PC-2 was expressed in HEK293 cells. In addition, absence of phenotype could not be attributed to the mislocalization of the expressed protein as determined by immunofluorescent analysis.</p>", "<p>In an attempt to clarify these contradictory results we utilized a different cell line system. The NRK-52E cells are \"normal\" rat tubular epithelial cells, thus we hypothesized that this is a more appropriate system to study PC-2-induced proliferation and STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 activation. Nevertheless, similar results were obtained with the NRK-52E cells (Figure ##FIG##3##4##). The disparity of our results compared to previous studies is puzzling. Li et. al [##REF##16311606##17##], observed cell cycle arrest and Cdk2 inhibition in HEK293T cells after expression of wild-type PC-2, and not in HEK293 cells used in our study. HEK293T cell line is a derivative of HEK293 that stably expresses the large T-antigen of SV40. In these cells transfected plasmids that contain the SV40 origin are replicated to a copy number of 400–1000 plasmids/cell and therefore express the transgene at higher levels. However, this is unlikely to be the reason for the discrepancy given that high expression of wild-type and mutated PC-2 was achieved in our HEK293 clones (Figure ##FIG##0##1##) and in NRK-52E cells (Figure ##FIG##3##4##) after transient transfection.</p>", "<p>One of the unwanted side effects of cellular immortalization might be the alteration of basal proliferation rate in cells. This can be highly significant in proliferation studies. As a result we decided to switch to a primary cell culture system. We examined the ability of mutated PC-2 (1–703) to activate the STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway in primary renal epithelial cells isolated from <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703) transgenic rat [##REF##16943309##19##].</p>", "<p>Isolation of TECs from the transgenic animals was performed using a sequential filtration method. Using this method we avoided any potential activation of surface receptors taking place during antibody-based isolation techniques. Purified tubular epithelial cells were cultured in low serum medium and on laminin-coated plates to avoid differentiation. The epithelial character of the cells was regularly evaluated by measuring epithelial (cadherin) and fibroblastic (vimentin) markers. TECs isolated from different animals showed augmented PCNA levels, a decrease of the G0/G1 phase cells and increase of the G2/M phase cells. This was the first time in our hands that we observed a higher proliferation activity in cells overexpressing a mutated PC-2. These results indicated that indeed PC-2 can alter cellular proliferation in renal epithelial cells, but it also suggests that such process is complicated and possibly multifactorial and can not be easily recapitulated in <italic>in vitro </italic>cell line systems [##REF##17084592##40##]. In support of this, a recent report focused on the dynamics of cyst formation by utilizing an inducible <italic>Pkd1 </italic>mouse model, demonstrated that proliferation was not appreciably higher in cystic specimens than in aged matched controls. Based on their results, the authors suggested that the relationship between cellular proliferation and cyst formation may be indirect [##REF##17965720##41##]. Similar data were obtained from Zebrafish studies where it was shown that increased cell number in cyctic phenotype is a secondary consequence of tubule dilation rather than the leading cause of cyst formation [##REF##18178183##42##]. In our study, it appears that mutated PC-2-induced proliferation in primary cells proceeds independently of the STAT-1/p21 pathway since there is no change in the levels of p21 or on STAT-1 phosphorylation. Based on these results it is clear that in the rat system we investigated, PC-2-induced proliferation proceeds through an alternative pathway other than STAT-1/p21.</p>", "<p>Using gene expression profiling we were able to identify a candidate that may mediate the PC2-induced proliferation in <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703) rat. Among all the cell cycle related genes, only two showed misregulation in TECs isolated from diseased rats, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C (p57kip2) and Cdk2. The p57 kip2 belongs to the p21<sup>WAF/Cip1 </sup>family. Studies have shown that p57 binds tightly to the G1 and S phase kinases, cyclin E/Cdk2, cyclin D2/Cdk4, cyclin A/Cdk2 and to a lesser extent to cyclin B/Cdc2 and effectively inhibits their activity [##REF##7729683##43##]. An important difference between p57 and the other members of the family, is that p57 is not regulated by p53 but by p73 [##REF##7729684##44##, ####REF##11891335##45##, ##REF##15985436##46####15985436##46##].</p>", "<p>We observed a downregulation of p57 at both mRNA and protein levels in mutant cells with the absence of any change in p21 levels. This possibly signifies that PC-2 might alter cellular proliferation through p57/Cdk2 in these cells. It is possible that expression of mutant PC-2 can result in p57 downregulation by augmenting Id2 nuclear import and subsequent inhibition of p57 transcription [##REF##16311606##17##]. This hypothesis is in agreement with experiments in neural cells where it was shown that Id2 could regulate cell cycle through p57 [##REF##16705184##47##].</p>", "<p>In addition to p57 downregulation, we observed an increase in Cdk2 protein level. This is interesting since it appears that Cdk2 activity might be augmented simultaneously in two different ways (downregulation of the inhibitor and upregulation of the kinase). Whether Cdk2 increase is part of a positive feedback loop is still not known. Nevertheless, this simultaneous alteration in p57 and Cdk2 levels might result in a rapid increase in Cdk2 activity and subsequently to higher proliferation rate. A concern regarding our results might arise from the possibility that the isolated TECs are not equally representative of the various nephron segments in healthy and mutant rats, a concern however that cannot easily be addressed within the scope of this work. More specifically though, we addressed the issue of over-representation of the TECs from the proximal cysts by showing similar levels of a proximal tubule marker, megalin expression in normal and mutant TECs (Fig. ##FIG##4##5A##).</p>", "<p>In conclusion, the level of p57 contribution in the PC-2-induced proliferation in renal epithelial cells is still unclear. Future experiments will focus on identifying the pathways leading to p57 reduction and whether this decrease is necessary for PC-2-induced proliferation in renal tubular epithelial cells. We consider it of particular significance that no matter how these experiments pan-out, our study introduces a new pathway in ADPKD, through which PC-2 might lead to Cdk2 activation and increase in cellular proliferation, which is independent of STAT-1/p21. Also, once again it should be emphasized that biological systems are unpredictably complex and may exert similar effects and end results through more than one pathway. Finally a word of caution should be expressed as regards the interpretation of experiments performed on genetically grossly modified established cells lines, which are far from representing the complexity of whole organs or organisms.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We have shown that p57<sup>KIP2</sup>, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor is downregulated and cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) is upregulated in primary tubular epithelial cells isolated from a <italic>PKD2 </italic>transgenic rat. In addition, primary cells expressing mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>exhibit increased proliferation compared to their normal counterparts. On the contrary, expression of mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>in two kidney cell lines failed to alter cellular proliferation and p57<sup>KIP2 </sup>protein levels. Most importantly, although exogenous expression of mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>ablated current activity, compared to wild-type, however in cell lines or primary TECs had no effect on the STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 pathway. In conclusion this report highlights the probable involvement of p57<sup>KIP2 </sup>on epithelial cell proliferation in ADPKD implicating a new mechanism for mutant polycystin-2 induced proliferation.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is characterized by the formation of multiple fluid-filled cysts that destroy the kidney architecture resulting in end-stage renal failure. Mutations in genes <italic>PKD1 </italic>and <italic>PKD2 </italic>account for nearly all cases of ADPKD. Increased cell proliferation is one of the key features of the disease. Several studies indicated that polycystin-1 regulates cellular proliferation through various signaling pathways, but little is known about the role played by polycystin-2, the product of <italic>PKD2</italic>. Recently, it was reported that as with polycystin-1, polycystin-2 can act as a negative regulator of cell growth by modulating the levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21 and the activity of the cyclin-dependent kinase 2, Cdk2.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Here we utilized different kidney cell-lines expressing wild-type and mutant <italic>PKD2 </italic>as well as primary tubular epithelial cells isolated from a PKD transgenic rat to further explore the contribution of the p21/Cdk2 pathway in ADPKD proliferation.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Surprisingly, over-expression of wild-type <italic>PKD2 </italic>in renal cell lines failed to inactivate Cdk2 and consequently had no effect on cell proliferation. On the other hand, expression of mutated <italic>PKD2 </italic>augmented proliferation only in the primary tubular epithelial cells of a rat model but this was independent of the STAT-1/p21 pathway. On the contrary, multiple approaches revealed unequivocally that expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p57<sup>KIP2</sup>, is downregulated, while p21 remains unchanged. This p57 reduction is accompanied by an increase in Cdk2 levels.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Our results indicate the probable involvement of p57<sup>KIP2 </sup>on epithelial cell proliferation in ADPKD implicating a new mechanism for mutant polycystin-2 induced proliferation. Most importantly, contrary to previous studies, abnormal proliferation in cells expressing mutant polycystin-2 appears to be independent of STAT-1/p21.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>All authors have read and approved the manuscript. KNF and PK performed most of the experiments. KNF also helped in the conception of the experimental plan and in the writing of this manuscript. EK helped in the establishment of HEK293 stable clones. RW and NG created and maintained the transgenic PKD rat. NG provided the PKD transgenic rats. LT and C–XB provided the cDNA constructs and performed the electrophysiology experiments. NG and LL designed and performed the microarray experiments. Finally CD conceived the study, supervised the work and helped in the writing of this manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank Dr Bettina Kränzlin and Dr Sigrid Hoffmann for their assistance with the transgenic rats and Maria Saile for the microarray experiments. We thank Dr Petros Petrou for critical discussions and suggestions during the course of this work. This work was funded mainly through an internal competitive grant from the University of Cyprus and a grant from the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation ENISX/0504/12.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Expression of wild-type or mutant PC-2 does not affect proliferation or STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 activity in HEK293 cells</bold>. (A) Whole cell lysates containing equal amounts of protein from three stable individual clones of each transfectant (Vector-only, HA-WT <italic>PKD2 </italic>and HA-R742X <italic>PKD2</italic>) were analyzed by Western blotting for expression of p21, phosphorylated STAT-1, PCNA, β-tubulin, HA and PC-2. (B) Cdk2 immunoprecipitates from two clones of each transfectant were subjected into an in vitro Cdk2 kinase assay using Histone 1A as substrate. Equal amount of Cdk2 was confirmed by immunoblotting the precipitates with anti-Cdk2 antibody. Data are representative of five independent experiments.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Cell cycle profile of HEK293 clones is unaffected by expression of wild-type or mutant PC-2</bold>. Three different clones of each transfectant were synchronized and subjected to propidium iodide cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry. The percentage of cells in each phase of the cell cycle was determined. The results are presented as mean of triplicate counts for each clone ± SEM. No statistically significant difference was detected. Analysis of serum-starved cells demonstrated that more than 90% of the live cells were arrested at G0/G1 phase confirming successful synchronization of the cells cultured (data not shown).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Functional expression of <italic>PKD2 </italic>in HEK293 cells</bold>. Whole cell step currents in vector-only (A and F), wild type <italic>PKD2</italic>- (B and G), or <italic>PKD2</italic>(742X)-stably transfected HEK293 cells (C and H) in normal extracellular tyrode solution (130K<sup>+</sup>:135Na<sup>+</sup>/2 Ca<sup>2+</sup>/5.4 K<sup>+</sup>) (A-C) or symmetrical K<sup>+ </sup>(130K<sup>+</sup>:130K<sup>+</sup>) (F-H). Current-voltage (I–V) curves derived from a step protocol in untransfected (black squares), mock-transfected (vector control) (black circles), WT <italic>PKD2</italic>- (red circles), or <italic>PKD2 </italic>(R742X)-stably transfected HEK293 cells (green circles) in normal extracellular tyrode solution (D) or symmetrical K<sup>+ </sup>(I). ''*'': p &lt; 0.05.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Expression of wild-type or mutant PC-2 does not affect proliferation or STAT-1/p21/Cdk2 activity in NRK-52E cells</bold>. <bold>(A)</bold>. Whole cell lysates containing equal amounts of protein from NRK-52E cells trasnsiently transfected with vector-only, HA-WT <italic>PKD2</italic>, HA-R742X <italic>PKD2 </italic>and HA-1–702 <italic>PKD2 </italic>were analyzed by Western blotting for expression of p21, phosphorylated STAT-1, PCNA, tubulin, HA and PC-2. A non-specific band is detected in vector-only and WT PKD2 lanes in the HA blot and co-migrates with mutated PC-2 in this cell line. (B) Cdk2 immunoprecipitates from each transfectant were subjected into an in vitro Cdk2 kinase assay using Histone 1A as substrate. Equal amount of Cdk2 was confirmed by immunoblotting the precipitates with anti-Cdk2 antibody. Data are representative of three independent experiments performed. No statistically significant difference was detected.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>Primary tubular epithelial cells (TECs) isolated from the kidneys of a PKD transgenic rat expressing a truncated PC-2 (<italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703)) display higher proliferative activity compared with TECs isolated from normal Sprague-Dawley rats</bold>. (A). Whole cell lysates containing equal amounts of protein from TECs isolated from normal Sprague-Dawley rat (SD) and TECs isolated from PKD transgenic rat (Mut) were analyzed by Western blotting for expression of p21, phosphorylated STAT-1, PCNA, tubulin, PC-2, cadherin, vimentin and megalin. All blots are representative of experiments performed on at least two different transgenic animals. Endogenous PC-2 can be seen on long exposures that also bring out high background (not shown) (B). Cell cycle profile of normal (SD) or mutants (Mut) TECs. The results are presented as mean of triplicate counts (three independent cultures) for each animal. ± SEM (ANOVA p &lt; 0.01. * = significant difference). The data are representative of two experiments performed using two different pairs of animals.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p><bold>Genome-wide expression analysis reveals differential expression of Cdk2 and p57 in TECs isolated from transgenic rat (<italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703))</bold>. (A). List of cell cycle-related genes examined by microarray analysis. The (*) denotes statistical significance after Bonferroni correction. (B). Each data point on the volcano plot stands for one gene. The cutoff of p-value after Bonferroni correction is shown by the red line. Only the two significantly differentially expressed genes are labeled with their gene symbol.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F7\"><label>Figure 7</label><caption><p><bold>Tubular epithelial cells (TECs) isolated from the <italic>PKD2</italic>(1–703) rat (Mut) have reduced p57 and augmented Cdk2 mRNA and protein compared with TECs isolated from normal rat (SD)</bold>. (A). Real-time PCR of p57 and Cdk2 in isolated TECs. Data represent the mean of normalized fold change from three independent samples ± SEM (ANOVA p &lt; 0.01. * = significant difference). Data were normalized using two housekeeping genes, HPRT and GAPDH. (B). Protein levels of p57 and Cdk2 represented as the mean of normalized fold change of two independent Western blot experiments ± SEM (ANOVA p &lt; 0.05. * = significant difference). Data were normalized by β-tubulin expression. (C). p57 protein levels were determined by western blot analysis in HEK293 stable clones and in NRK-52E transfectants. As expected, protein level of p57 is not perceptibly altered.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2369-9-10-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2369-9-10-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2369-9-10-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2369-9-10-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2369-9-10-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2369-9-10-6\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2369-9-10-7\"/>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Nephrol. 2008 Aug 25; 9:10
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Schizophrenia is among the most costly of all mental illnesses, with an estimated annual per person direct treatment cost that is approximately 2-fold higher than the cost of major depression and more than 4-fold higher than any anxiety disorder [##REF##15877774##1##]. In addition to genetic factors [##REF##16199828##2##] and medication adherence [##REF##7481573##3##, ####REF##15056516##4##, ##REF##15172945##5####15172945##5##], various clinical and demographic factors are associated with higher risk of relapse and hospitalization, events that are predictive of higher costs [##REF##14720128##6##]. These factors include male gender, lower educational level, unemployment, higher illness chronicity, higher frequency of alcohol consumption, co-occurring alcohol and substance abuse, a history of depression and/or suicide attempts, a history of violence and/or arrests, and recent hospitalization [##REF##15172946##7##, ####REF##15056580##8##, ##REF##17110813##9##, ##REF##17194273##10####17194273##10##]. The positive association of these factors with mental health treatment costs suggests that persons who are more vulnerable to crises (i.e., personal life events typically associated with an acute societal intervention) have higher treatment costs than persons who are less vulnerable to these events.</p>", "<p>The relationship between crisis events and treatment costs has not been well-studied. Most prior studies of costs are based on administrative data that provide relatively little information about vulnerabilities and recent crises [##REF##14552502##11##]. Information about the relationship of crises to costs is essential for accurate risk adjustment, the process of assigning capitation rates for enrollees of public and private health insurance plans. Capitation rates that are set too low provide plans and HMOs insufficient incentive to treat high-risk, high cost patients [##REF##11508640##12##, ####REF##10170344##13##, ##REF##8669521##14####8669521##14##]. Information on the effect of crisis events is particularly valuable at a time when there are concerted efforts to decrease patient hospitalization and manage various types of psychiatric crises in the community. In the United States, for example, the length of hospital stay has gradually declined in the past 10 years [##REF##15994711##15##], attesting to economic and policy-driven pressures to reduce psychiatric hospitalizations. Information about crisis events has also clinical utility in usual care settings, where it may help identify more vulnerable patients with more complex illness trajectories who require specialized interventions and better coordination with other social agencies, including the criminal justice system.</p>", "<p>Most prospective longitudinal data do not enable the study of whether patients diagnosed with schizophrenia who have experienced a recent crisis incur higher direct mental health costs compared to patients who have not experienced a crisis. However, the availability of comprehensive clinical, functional and economic data from a large 3-year prospective non-interventional observational study of persons treated for schizophrenia in the United States provided the opportunity to address this topic in some detail. The objective of the current investigation was to assess the relationship between recent crisis events and direct annual mental health costs in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders in clinical practice settings. The crisis events examined included (1) suicide attempt, (2) psychiatric hospitalization, (3) arrest, (4) violent behavior, and (5) substance use disorder. Five separate propensity score analyses were performed (one for each crisis event) to evaluate the relationship between each crisis event and cost when compared to the group of individuals who did not experience that specific crisis event.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Study design</title>", "<p>Data used in the current analysis are from the U.S. Schizophrenia Care and Assessment Program (US-SCAP), a prospective, non-interventional, non-randomized, 3-year observational study of more than 2300 persons with schizophrenia. The data used in the current analysis consist of the first full year of data available for each patient in the study. The goal of the US-SCAP was to examine the relationship of clinical and treatment variables with outcomes of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders who were receiving mental health care in outpatient and inpatient settings at 6 treatment sites. The study, conducted between July 1997 and September 2003, enrolled a total of 2327 patients at 6 health care sites chosen to provide a diverse patient sample in terms of geography, ethnicity, and clinical setting (e.g., university and community mental health centers, Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals, and community and state hospitals). Sites were only included in the study if they offered open and unrestricted formulary access to all available antipsychotics and were not relying on any algorithms for treatment decision-making. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at each site prior to study initiation, and written informed consent was obtained from all participants.</p>", "<p>A detailed description of study design and methods are provided in previous publications [##REF##15175112##16##, ####UREF##0##17##, ##REF##14770056##18####14770056##18##]. Briefly, US-SCAP study enrollment was offered to all patients who were 18 years or older who had a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective, or schizophreniform disorder. Patients were enrolled regardless of psychiatric or medical comorbidity, use of concomitant medications, or presence of behavioral problems (criminal or otherwise). The goal was to obtain the broadest and most representative sample of schizophrenia-spectrum patients seen in clinical practice settings.</p>", "<p>For the purposes of the current cost analysis, a subgroup of US-SCAP enrollees (n = 1557; 67%) was identified who had a full year of information available on mental health resource utilization. If patients had &gt;1 year of mental health resource information, the patient's earliest year was used in the current analysis.</p>", "<p>Five crisis subgroups were defined based on the presence of any one of the following events at the start of the 1-year observation period: (1) a suicide attempt in 4 weeks prior to the baseline assessment per patient self report; (2) a psychiatric hospitalization in the 6 months prior to baseline per medical records; (3) an arrest in the 6 months prior to baseline per patient self report; (4) violent behavior in the 4 weeks prior to baseline per patient self report; and (5) a diagnosis of substance use disorder, based on medical record, which occurred at any time during the study period.</p>", "<title>Measures</title>", "<p>At study entry, patients completed a semi-structured interview, during which information about psychiatric history and background characteristics was collected. Patients' medical records were systematically abstracted every 6 months by examiners, trained and certified by the contract research organization, using a medical record abstraction form developed for this study that summarized mental health resource utilization during the preceding 6 months. Patients were queried about use of medical and psychiatric services outside of their usual treatment site. Study staff members regularly obtained medical records from treatment sites mentioned by patients. At 6-month intervals, patients also completed the SCAP-Health Questionnaire (SCAP-HQ [##REF##14552500##19##]), a personal interview that includes questions on recent drug and alcohol use (in the past 12 months), suicide attempt (in the past 4 weeks), arrests (in the past 6 months), and violent behavior (in the past 4 weeks). At 1-year intervals, clinical assessments of psychiatric symptoms, medication side-effects, and functioning were completed by trained clinicians.</p>", "<title>Assessment of costs</title>", "<p>The total annual direct costs were calculated as the sum of the following component charges: medication costs, including antipsychotics and other psychotropics (the cost of antipsychotics was based on Average Wholesale Price discounted by 15% for atypical antipsychotics); costs of psychiatric hospitalization (based on the actual charges); and costs of other mental health services (based on Relative Value Units [RVUs; 20,21] developed from management information systems (MIS) data at each site to help address variations across sites in available information about resource types, costs, and durations). The costs of other mental health services included the following cost components: emergency services, day treatment, outpatient medication management by a physician, individual outpatient therapy, outpatient psychosocial group interventions, and case management.</p>", "<title>Statistical analyses</title>", "<p>For comparisons of baseline characteristics, t-tests were used for continuous variables and Mantel-Haenszel chi-square tests for categorical variables. In order to correct for potential bias not attributable to membership in a crisis event subgroup, the propensity score method was used to balance the crisis event versus non-crisis event subgroups. The variables selected <italic>a priori </italic>for calculating the logit score using the propensity method were: age at enrollment, gender, race, illness duration, comorbid affective disorder, comorbid substance use, comorbid personality disorder, diagnosis of mental retardation, insurance status, inpatient status at the beginning of the 1-year observation period, site, and days from July 1 1997 to the beginning of the study. Substance use was not used in the propensity score model when substance use was being analyzed as the crisis event, and inpatient status was not used in the propensity score model when costs associated with recent psychiatric hospitalizations were estimated.</p>", "<p>The propensity score-adjusted bootstrapping method analyzed mean differences of costs between each crisis event and non-crisis event group by first calculating the logit score for each patient based on the above adjustments. Five bins of logit scores were then created for each crisis event group. The bootstrap resampling method was performed by randomly selecting an equal size of sample from each of the 10 bins (5 bins for each treatment) into 1 group and calculating the total cost difference between the 2 treatment groups. The above steps were then repeated 1000 times, generating a total of 1000 data points' distribution for testing the null hypothesis using 2-tailed p-values [##UREF##1##22##]. The propensity score-adjusted bootstrapping method was also used to test the mean differences of costs for the 2 high level crisis event groups: patients with 2 or more crisis-event variables and patients with 3 or more crisis-event variables. This method accommodates the distributional and correlational properties of the data [##UREF##2##23##]. In addition to mean total cost and cost of psychiatric hospitalization per patient for the index year, we also calculated the mean annual length of psychiatric hospital stay and the mean number of psychiatric hospital admissions per crisis event category. This information aimed at clarifying which type of crisis made a significant and unique contribution to increased costs due to hospitalization, the costliest component in the treatment of schizophrenia. SAS version 8 was used to perform all statistical analyses, with all effects tested at a 2-sided α level of 0.05 [##UREF##3##24##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The total sample used in the cost analysis consisted of the 1557 patients (Table ##TAB##0##1##) for whom there were at least 1 year of complete medical information during the 3-year study period. For the cost analysis sample, the typical patient was between 30 and 50 years of age, with at least a 10-year history of illness. Almost all (94.9%) of patients were taking an antipsychotic drug at the time of enrollment; 38.3% were also taking an antidepressant, and 31.0% were also taking a mood stabilizer.</p>", "<p>Participants who had incomplete medical information for the purpose of costs calculations (N = 770) were excluded from this study. The excluded patients were similar to the analysis sample (N = 1557) in terms of gender (male: 63% vs. 60%; p = .489), but were significantly younger (40.8 ± 11.4 vs. 42.4 ± 11.1 years; p &lt; .01) and were less likely to be African-American (32% vs. 38%), but more likely to be Hispanic (17% vs. 13%) or Caucasian (51% or 49%; overall p = .013). Compared to the 1557 retained subjects, the excluded group was also more likely to have been hospitalized in the prior 6 months (15.4% vs 25.2%, respectively), to be arrested in the prior 6 months (3.8% vs 10.1%), to manifest violent behaviors in the past 4 weeks (4.2% vs 8.4%) and attempt suicide in the past 4 weeks (1.2% vs 3.8%), but had a similar proportion of persons with substance abuse diagnosis (36.1% vs 29.5%). The excluded group may have experienced a greater interface with the criminal justice system (e.g., jails), thus less likely to have complete mental health information in the present study.</p>", "<p>The mean 1-year mental health treatment costs per patient totaled $16,098 (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Te two largest costs were psychotropic medication (30%) and hospitalization (29%; Figure ##FIG##0##1##). The remaining 6 cost component categories comprised 48% of the total cost, with none contributing more than 10% (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). Among the hospitalized participants, the correlation between hospitalization costs and total mental health treatment costs during the index year was high (r = .987, p &lt; .001), reflecting the fact that hospitalization is the core driver of total costs.</p>", "<p>Sorting patients into crisis event categories yielded 5 overlapping subgroups. The largest subgroups were co-occurring substance use disorder (n = 413) and hospitalized in the past 6 months (n = 240), followed by violent in the past 4 weeks (n = 62), arrested in the past 6 months (n = 56), and attempted suicide in the past 4 weeks (n = 18). Prior to formal matching, each of the crisis event subgroups was not substantially different from each other on most baseline demographic and clinical characteristics (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The typical patient was most likely to be a male (~61%) between the ages of 30 and 50 years. As expected, the proportion of males was somewhat higher in the subgroup who had been arrested in the past 6 months (80%) and the subgroup with comorbid substance abuse (74%). Though the sample size was small (N = 18), the subgroup who had recently attempted suicide was younger (mean age, 34 years), more likely to be female (61%), and more likely to have a depressive component, with a mean MADRS score of 31, and a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder (50%; Table ##TAB##2##3##).</p>", "<p>The five crisis event categories were not mutually exclusive (Table ##TAB##3##4##), with highest levels of overlap between substance use disorder, arrest, suicide attempt and violent behavior. A substantial proportion (46.4%) of those with arrest, with suicide attempt (44.4%), and with violent behaviors (41.9%) had also a diagnosis of substance abuse. While 21.1% of those with substance abuse diagnosis were hospitalized, about a third (36.3%) of the hospitalized had co-occurring diagnosis of substance abuse. Furthermore, participants with substance use disorders had the lowest mean annual number of hospitalization days (25.5) and a relatively low mean annual number of psychiatric admissions (0.7).</p>", "<p>The 1-year hospitalization and total 1-year mental health treatment costs were calculated for each crisis event subgroup, and compared, using a propensity score adjusted bootstrap re-sampling method (repeated 1000 times), to the non-crisis event subgroup. The results of this analysis (summarized in Table ##TAB##4##5##) found significantly higher mean 1-year hospitalization costs, and total mental health costs, for each crisis event subgroup except comorbid substance abuse. The mean total annual mental health cost for the subgroup who had experienced no crisis event was $11,739 per patient. The mean total mental health cost for patients with at least 1 crisis event was $22,704 per patient, with the highest cost observed in the subgroup of patients who attempted suicide, followed by patients with a recent psychiatric hospitalization, arrest, violent behavior, and those with comorbid substance use disorder (Table ##TAB##4##5##). Of the patients (n = 619) who qualified for inclusion in at least 1 crisis event subgroup, 30.9% had experienced only one crisis event, 8.9% had experienced 2 or more crisis events, and 1.9% had experienced 3 or more events. The presence of ≥2 and ≥3 crisis events was associated with a significant and step-wise increase in both 1-year hospitalization and total 1-year mental health costs compared to the costs in the non-crisis event subgroup, reflecting a high mean number of hospitalization days (72.7 and 101.1 days, respectively) and a high mean number of hospital admissions (1.7 and 2.7, respectively) (Table ##TAB##5##6##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Previous research has identified various clinical variables as significant predictors of relapse and hospitalization in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. The current study extends these findings by providing, for the first time, information on the annual mental health costs associated with experiencing specific crisis events. The use of comprehensive assessments in a prospective naturalistic study with valid and reliable instruments enabled the identification of individuals who had experienced specific crisis events, and the systematic collection of resource utilization data for different types of mental health services. Given the large and diverse sample of schizophrenia patients analyzed and the prospective, naturalistic design, the findings of the study are likely to be applicable to patients with schizophrenia treated in large systems of care across the United States.</p>", "<p>Although 60.2% of the participants did not report experiencing a crisis event, 39.8% of the patients did, with 30.9% of all participants meeting only one crisis event criterion, 8.9% meeting 2 or more criteria, and about 2% meeting three or more criteria. Thus, the base rate for experiencing a crisis event was not low.</p>", "<p>As hypothesized, patients experiencing a crisis event that took place (or at least started) before the 1-year observation period accounted for a preponderance of the total mental health costs during that period. Furthermore, a disproportionate contribution to increased mental health costs was made by the subgroup who reported experiencing 2 or more crisis events. The per patient mean total annual mental health cost for the non-crisis event subgroup was $11,739, while patients who reported at least 1 crisis event had a per patient mean of $22,704. (Note that the mean total costs shown in Table ##TAB##4##5## for each crisis event subgroup are higher, because some of the individuals in each group may have experienced 1 or more additional crisis events.)</p>", "<p>The highest annual per patient total mental health cost was in the subgroup of patients who attempted suicide, followed by patients with a recent psychiatric hospitalization. In the current investigation, patients with a concurrent substance use disorder did not appear to have significantly higher total mental health costs compared to those without a substance use disorder. This is an unexpected finding since substance abuse has previously been reported to be a predictor of medication nonadherence [##REF##12416599##25##,##REF##16889456##26##], which, in turn, is often reported to be a highly significant predictor of future relapse and hospitalization [##REF##11376229##27##, ####REF##12187177##28##, ##REF##16649833##29####16649833##29##]. One possible explanation is suggested by recent data from the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials in Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) study which found that substance abuse was a marker for higher psychosocial functioning in schizophrenia [##REF##16870961##30##]. Another possibility is that some of the substance abusing participants – especially those with prior arrests and violent behaviors- had more extensive interface with the criminal justice system (e.g., jails), thus some of their costs may have shifted from the mental health to the criminal justice system. In addition, nonadherence with medication may also underlie the higher costs incurred by patients in the other crisis event categories, since nonadherence with antipsychotic medication was previously found to be associated not only with psychiatric hospitalizations but also with a higher risk of violent behaviors, arrests and suicide attempts [##REF##16649833##29##]. While detecting ongoing medication nonadherence may be difficult and challenging in usual care settings, the occurrence of a crisis event is apt to be more readily identifiable, thus serve as a clinical marker of patients' greater vulnerability from a clinical and functional perspective. This may turn out to be a convenient way of targeting subsets of patients with different illness profiles (e.g., with different diagnostic characteristics, illness trajectories, or vulnerability factors) and effectively treating individuals who experience crisis events.</p>", "<p>Cost differences among patients who experience a crisis event appeared to be primarily driven by the cost of psychiatric hospitalization, with a strong and significant correlation (r = .99) between hospitalization cost and total annual mental health costs. In the current analysis, hospitalization comprised, however, only 29% of the total annual mental health costs, while antipsychotic medication comprised 23%. This finding is inconsistent with prior research in which the cost attributed to hospitalization was of larger proportion- about 50%–80% – of the total cost [##REF##17828655##31##,##REF##16675759##32##]. The reason for the inconsistency is unclear. The relatively low percentage attributed to hospitalization may reflect the way that costs were calculated in the present study. Specifically, the cost of psychiatric hospitalization was based on actual charges while the cost of antipsychotics was based on Average Wholesale Price discounted by 15% and the cost of other non-hospitalization mental health services was based on Relative Value Units. It is possible, therefore, that the methods of estimating non-hospitalization costs led to their overestimation relative to hospitalization cost. Furthermore, the relative cost contribution of hospitalization and antipsychotic medication to overall total direct costs would be substantially lower in the current study if non-psychiatric medical costs and direct non-health care costs had been available for analysis.</p>", "<title>Study limitations</title>", "<p>The study has important limitations which deserve to be highlighted. First, the criteria for several of the crisis event subgroups (attempted suicide, arrested, violent) were based on a patient-reported measure, not on objective data. It should also be noted that substance abuse is not, strictly speaking, a discrete event, but an ongoing condition. Second, the sample sizes for several of the crisis event subgroups were small, most notably for the \"attempted suicide\" group. The appropriateness of the propensity score adjusted bootstrap re-sampling method with such small sample sizes may be questionable. Third, some hospitalizations may have been underreported since stays in state psychiatric hospitals may not have been reported by all patients, and such hospitalizations would have been missed by most of the MIS systems. Fourth, emergency department visits may have also be significantly underreported, since they would not have been captured by MIS or by medical record in most cases. This might help to explain why the estimate of emergency department costs was negligible in the current study. Fifth, an estimation bias may have occurred in the calculation of medication costs using average wholesale price (AWP; discounted by 15% for atypical antipsychotics). The AWP may not reflect variations in medication costs and greater discount rates across different health care systems. A final limitation is that the estimates reported in this paper are for mental health costs only and do not include non-psychiatric medical costs or direct non-health care costs (e.g., patient involvement in the criminal justice system, use of homeless shelters) – the latter alone have been estimated at $9.3 billion per year [##REF##16199828##2##]. The omission of these cost categories has likely resulted, in the current analysis, in an overestimate of the relative contribution of some cost categories. Future cost studies should include data on direct non-health care costs, especially since the mental health cost burden is being increasingly shifted to the criminal justice system.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Mental health costs of treating patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and related disorders are highly heterogeneous. Patients who experience crisis events, particularly those with a recent suicide attempt or psychiatric hospitalization, tend to incur the highest annual mental health costs, driven primarily by the cost of psychiatric hospitalization. Patients involved in the criminal justice system (with prior arrest) also accrue relatively high costs within the mental health delivery system. More prospective research, in usual care settings, is needed to identify high risk patients and to determine which interventions are the most cost effective.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Relatively little is known about the relationship between psychosocial crises and treatment costs for persons with schizophrenia. This naturalistic prospective study assessed the association of recent crises with mental health treatment costs among persons receiving treatment for schizophrenia.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Data were drawn from a large multi-site, non-interventional study of schizophrenia patients in the United States, conducted between 1997 and 2003. Participants were treated at mental health treatment systems, including the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals, community mental health centers, community and state hospitals, and university health care service systems. Total costs over a 1-year period for mental health services and component costs (psychiatric hospitalizations, antipsychotic medications, other psychotropic medications, day treatment, emergency psychiatric services, psychosocial/rehabilitation group therapy, individual therapy, medication management, and case management) were calculated for 1557 patients with complete medical information. Direct mental health treatment costs for patients who had experienced 1 or more of 5 recent crisis events were compared to propensity-matched samples of persons who had not experienced a crisis event. The 5 non-mutually exclusive crisis event subgroups were: suicide attempt in the past 4 weeks (n = 18), psychiatric hospitalization in the past 6 months (n = 240), arrest in the past 6 months (n = 56), violent behaviors in the past 4 weeks (n = 62), and diagnosis of a co-occurring substance use disorder (n = 413).</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Across all 5 categories of crisis events, patients who had a recent crisis had higher average annual mental health treatment costs than patients in propensity-score matched comparison samples. Average annual mental health treatment costs were significantly higher for persons who attempted suicide ($46,024), followed by persons with psychiatric hospitalization in the past 6 months ($37,329), persons with prior arrests ($31,081), and persons with violent behaviors ($18,778). Total cost was not significantly higher for those with co-occurring substance use disorder ($19,034).</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Recent crises, particularly suicide attempts, psychiatric hospitalizations, and criminal arrests, are predictive of higher mental health treatment costs in schizophrenia patients.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>AWP: average wholesale price; CATIE: Clinical Antipsychotic Trials in Intervention Effectiveness; MADRS: Montgomery-Åsburg Depression Rating Scale; MIS: management information system; PANSS: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; RVUs: Relative Value Units; SCAP-HQ: SCAP-Health Questionnaire; TD: tardive dyskinesia; US-SCAP: U.S. Schizophrenia Care and Assessment Program; VA: Veterans Affairs.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>Baojin Zhu, Haya Ascher-Svanum, Douglas Faries and Xiaomei Peng are full-time employees and minor stockholders of Eli Lilly and Company, the sponsor of the study.</p>", "<p>David Salkever and Eric P. Slade have no competing financial or non-financial interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>BZ performed the statistical analyses, participated in the design of the study, the analytical plan, the interpretation of the results, and assisted in drafting the manuscript. HA–S conceived of the study, participated in its design, the analytical plan, the interpretation of the results, and helped draft the manuscript. DEF participated in the design of the study, the analytical plan, the interpretation of the results, and assisted in drafting the manuscript. XP performed additional statistical analyses. DS and EPS participated in the design of the study, the analytical plan, the interpretation of the results, and assisted in drafting the manuscript. DS and EPS were also involved in preparing the resource utilization costing data of US-SCAP.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>Financial support for this research was provided by a grant from Eli Lilly and company. The authors also wish to thank the US-SCAP site investigators and others who collaborated in the research. By site, they include Maryland: A. F. Lehman, M.D., M.S.P.H., University of Maryland School of Medicine, and G. Gallucci, M.D., M.H.S., Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (previously); Colorado: C. Harding, Ph.D., University of Colorado (previously); Florida: D. Shern, Ph.D., Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida (previously), and T. Saunders, M.S., Florida Mental Health Institute (previously); North Carolina: J. Swanson, Ph.D., L. A. Dunn, M.D., and M. Swartz, M.D., Duke University Medical School; California: R. L. Hough, Ph.D., and C. Barrio, Ph.D., Child and Adolescent Services Research Center and San Diego State University; Connecticut: R. A. Rosenheck, M.D., and R. Desai, Ph.D., VA Connecticut Health Care System; Medstat Group: P. Russo, Ph.D., M.S.W., R.N., (previously), L. Palmer, Ph.D., L. Torres, M.B.A., and B. Cuffel, Ph.D. (previously); Eli Lilly and Co.: D. Buesching, Ph.D., Bryan M. Johnstone, Ph.D., and T. Croghan, M.D. (previously); Consultants: D. Salkever, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University (previously), E. Slade, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University (previously), and W. Hargreaves, Ph.D., and M. Shumway, Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco. The authors wish to thank Paul Crits-Christoph, PhD, who was compensated by Eli Lilly and Company, for his valuable assistance with the preparation of the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Mental health cost components as a proportion of total annual mental health costs</bold>. Of the 1-year per patient total mental health treatment cost of $16,098, the largest single contributor was the cost of hospitalization (29%), followed by antipsychotic medication (23%). Each of the remaining 6 cost component categories contributed less than 10% to the total.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients at enrollment</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Characteristic</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>N = 1557</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>%</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Male</td><td align=\"center\">948</td><td align=\"center\">60.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Single, never married</td><td align=\"center\">938</td><td align=\"center\">60.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ethnicity</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> White</td><td align=\"center\">762</td><td align=\"center\">48.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Black</td><td align=\"center\">589</td><td align=\"center\">37.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Other</td><td align=\"center\">206</td><td align=\"center\">13.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Health insurance</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Medicaid/Medicare</td><td align=\"center\">1243</td><td align=\"center\">81.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Department of Veteran Affairs</td><td align=\"center\">97</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Private insurance</td><td align=\"center\">70</td><td align=\"center\">4.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Other coverage</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">1.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No health insurance</td><td align=\"center\">104</td><td align=\"center\">6.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Educational attainment, high school or less</td><td align=\"center\">1047</td><td align=\"center\">67.9</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>SD</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age, years</td><td align=\"center\">42.4</td><td align=\"center\">11.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age at illness onset, years</td><td align=\"center\">20.7</td><td align=\"center\">8.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MADRS total score</td><td align=\"center\">13.6</td><td align=\"center\">10.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">PANSS total score</td><td align=\"center\">69.1</td><td align=\"center\">18.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medication days in the 6 months prior to enrollment</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Atypical antipsychotic</td><td align=\"center\">96.5</td><td align=\"center\">87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Typical antipsychotic</td><td align=\"center\">90.1</td><td align=\"center\">87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Antidepressant</td><td align=\"center\">59.1</td><td align=\"center\">81.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mood stabilizer</td><td align=\"center\">46.7</td><td align=\"center\">77.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Other psychotropic</td><td align=\"center\">75.5</td><td align=\"center\">84.9</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Mean 1-year per patient total cost and cost components (n = 1557)</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cost component</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean Cost ($) </bold><break/><bold>(standard deviation)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Total annual cost</td><td align=\"center\">16,098 (24,791)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medications</td><td align=\"center\">4,817 (3,858)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Antipsychotics</td><td align=\"center\">3,770 (3,244)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Other psychotropics</td><td align=\"center\">1,047 (1,313)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychiatric hospitalizations</td><td align=\"center\">4,687 (23,536)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Day Treatment</td><td align=\"center\">1,571 (3,734)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Emergency Services</td><td align=\"center\">84 (196)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Psychosocial group therapy</td><td align=\"center\">1,478 (3,126)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medication management</td><td align=\"center\">1,187 (1,331)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Individual therapy</td><td align=\"center\">1,267 (1,826)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Case management</td><td align=\"center\">1,006 (958)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Characteristics of patients in each crisis event subgroup prior to propensity score matching</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"6\"><bold>Crisis events</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Characteristic</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Hospitalized in past 6 months</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Arrested in past 6 months</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Violent in past 4 weeks</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Concurrent substance abuse</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Attempted suicide in past 4 weeks</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Non-crisis event subgroup</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"7\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sample sizes</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">240</td><td align=\"center\">56</td><td align=\"center\">62</td><td align=\"center\">413</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">938</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">1317</td><td align=\"center\">1469</td><td align=\"center\">1463</td><td align=\"center\">1144</td><td align=\"center\">1507</td><td align=\"center\">619</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age, years</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">39 (10.3)</td><td align=\"center\">38.9 (9.7)</td><td align=\"center\">40.7 (10.0)</td><td align=\"center\">39.9 (9.8)</td><td align=\"center\">33.8 (11.0)</td><td align=\"center\">43.9 (11.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">43 (11.2)</td><td align=\"center\">42.6 (11.1)</td><td align=\"center\">42.5 (11.1)</td><td align=\"center\">43.2 (11.4)</td><td align=\"center\">42.6 (11.0)</td><td align=\"center\">40 (10.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age of Illness onset, yrs</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">19.8 (8.6)</td><td align=\"center\">19.4 (6.3)</td><td align=\"center\">18.9 (7.8)</td><td align=\"center\">19.4 (8.3)</td><td align=\"center\">16.4 (5.8)</td><td align=\"center\">21.4 (9.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">20.8 (8.9)</td><td align=\"center\">20.8 (9.0)</td><td align=\"center\">20.8 (9.0)</td><td align=\"center\">21.1 (9.0)</td><td align=\"center\">20.8 (9.0)</td><td align=\"center\">19.6 (8.5)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MADRS total score</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">15.6 (11.0)</td><td align=\"center\">14.0 (10.5)</td><td align=\"center\">19.9 (12.0)</td><td align=\"center\">13.5 (10.8)</td><td align=\"center\">30.9 (12.5)</td><td align=\"center\">13.1 (9.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">13.2 (10.0)</td><td align=\"center\">13.5 (10.1)</td><td align=\"center\">13.3 (10.0)</td><td align=\"center\">13.6 (10.0)</td><td align=\"center\">13.4 (10.0)</td><td align=\"center\">14.3 (10.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">PANSS total score</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">73.9 (18.4)</td><td align=\"center\">71.1 (15.7)</td><td align=\"center\">72.0 (18.8)</td><td align=\"center\">69.6 (19.1)</td><td align=\"center\">86.7 (16.9)</td><td align=\"center\">68.0 (17.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">68.2 (18.2)</td><td align=\"center\">69.1 (18.5)</td><td align=\"center\">69.0 (18.4)</td><td align=\"center\">68.9 (18.0)</td><td align=\"center\">69.0 (18.3)</td><td align=\"center\">70.8 (19.0)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Medication days in 6 mos. prior to enrollment</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Atypicals</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">96.2 (82.9)</td><td align=\"center\">61.7 (81.1)</td><td align=\"center\">71.2 (84.4)</td><td align=\"center\">91.0 (87.0)</td><td align=\"center\">89.3 (82.2)</td><td align=\"center\">98.6 (87.5)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">96.6 (87.7)</td><td align=\"center\">97.7 (86.9)</td><td align=\"center\">97.4 (86.9)</td><td align=\"center\">98.5 (86.9)</td><td align=\"center\">96.5 (87.0)</td><td align=\"center\">93.4 (86.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Typicals</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">72.2 (82.0)</td><td align=\"center\">95.9 (82.9)</td><td align=\"center\">98.4 (88.8)</td><td align=\"center\">98.1 (86.5)</td><td align=\"center\">60.9 (80.8)</td><td align=\"center\">90.3 (87.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">93. 4 (87.4)</td><td align=\"center\">89.8 (87.1)</td><td align=\"center\">89.7 (86.9)</td><td align=\"center\">87.2 (86.9)</td><td align=\"center\">90.4 (87.0)</td><td align=\"center\">89.7 (85.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Antidepressant</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">54.2 (78.9)</td><td align=\"center\">55.1 (81.0)</td><td align=\"center\">71.2 (84.4)</td><td align=\"center\">53.1 (80.0)</td><td align=\"center\">74.7 (86.6)</td><td align=\"center\">61.3 (82.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">60(82.3)</td><td align=\"center\">59.6 (82.0)</td><td align=\"center\">58.9 (81.8)</td><td align=\"center\">61.3 (82.4)</td><td align=\"center\">59.2 (81.9)</td><td align=\"center\">55.9 (80.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Mood stabilizer</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">64.1 (82.0)</td><td align=\"center\">41.3 (74.3)</td><td align=\"center\">46.4 (77.1)</td><td align=\"center\">38.7 (71.7)</td><td align=\"center\">61.0 (84.1)</td><td align=\"center\">45.5 (77.3)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">43.5 (76.0)</td><td align=\"center\">47.0 (77.5)</td><td align=\"center\">46.8 (77.4)</td><td align=\"center\">49.6 (79.1)</td><td align=\"center\">46.6 (77.3)</td><td align=\"center\">48.6 (77.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Other psychotropic</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">71.0 (80.5)</td><td align=\"center\">63.8 (79.9)</td><td align=\"center\">99.1 (82.5)</td><td align=\"center\">79.3 (85.4)</td><td align=\"center\">36.1 (63.3)</td><td align=\"center\">74.1 (85.5)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">76.4 (85.7)</td><td align=\"center\">75.7 (85.0)</td><td align=\"center\">74.3 (84.8)</td><td align=\"center\">74.2 (84.8)</td><td align=\"center\">75.7 (85.0)</td><td align=\"center\">77.7 (84.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Male, N (%)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">142 (59.2)</td><td align=\"center\">45 (80.4)</td><td align=\"center\">38 (61.3)</td><td align=\"center\">304 (73.6)</td><td align=\"center\">7 (38.9)</td><td align=\"center\">527 (56.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">806 (61.2)</td><td align=\"center\">882 (60.0)</td><td align=\"center\">889 (60.8)</td><td align=\"center\">644 (56.3)</td><td align=\"center\">920 (61.0)</td><td align=\"center\">421 (68.0)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Single, N (%)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">149 (62.3)</td><td align=\"center\">46 (82.0)</td><td align=\"center\">26 (41.9)</td><td align=\"center\">262 (63.8)</td><td align=\"center\">11 (61.1)</td><td align=\"center\">549 (58.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">789 (60.2)</td><td align=\"center\">871 (59.6)</td><td align=\"center\">891 (61.2)</td><td align=\"center\">676 (59.4)</td><td align=\"center\">906 (60.4)</td><td align=\"center\">389 (63.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Diagnosis, N (%)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Schizophrenia</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">119 (49.6)</td><td align=\"center\">33 (58.9)</td><td align=\"center\">32 (51.6)</td><td align=\"center\">257 (62.2)</td><td align=\"center\">9 (50.0)</td><td align=\"center\">620 (66.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">861 (65.4)</td><td align=\"center\">926 (63.0)</td><td align=\"center\">927 (63.4)</td><td align=\"center\">723 (63.2)</td><td align=\"center\">950 (63.0)</td><td align=\"center\">360 (58.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Schizoaffective</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">103 (42.9)</td><td align=\"center\">17 (30.4)</td><td align=\"center\">28 (45.2)</td><td align=\"center\">125 (30.3)</td><td align=\"center\">9 (50.0)</td><td align=\"center\">282 (30.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">393 (29.8)</td><td align=\"center\">469 (31.9)</td><td align=\"center\">458 (31.3)</td><td align=\"center\">371 (32.4)</td><td align=\"center\">477 (31.7)</td><td align=\"center\">214 (34.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Other psychotic</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  Yes</td><td align=\"center\">19 (7.9)</td><td align=\"center\">6 (10.7)</td><td align=\"center\">2 (3.2)</td><td align=\"center\">31 (7.5)</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">38 (4.1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">  No</td><td align=\"center\">65 (4.9)</td><td align=\"center\">77 (5.2)</td><td align=\"center\">81 (5.5)</td><td align=\"center\">53 (4.6)</td><td align=\"center\">83 (5.5)</td><td align=\"center\">46 (7.4)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Proportion of participants in each crisis event category and degree of overlap between categories</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Hospitalized in prior 6 months</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Arrested in previous 6 months</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Violent behavior in previous 4 weeks</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Concurrent substance abuse diagnosis</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Attempted suicide in past 4 weeks</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Hospitalized in prior 6 months </bold><break/><bold>(N = 240)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">__</td><td align=\"center\">22 (9.2%)</td><td align=\"center\">17 (7.1%)</td><td align=\"center\">87 (36.3%)</td><td align=\"center\">11 (4.6%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Arrested in previous 6 months </bold><break/><bold>(N = 56)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">22 (39.3%)</td><td align=\"center\">__</td><td align=\"center\">5 (8.9%)</td><td align=\"center\">26 (46.4%)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (1.8%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Violent behavior in previous 4 weeks </bold><break/><bold>(N = 62)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">17 (27.4%)</td><td align=\"center\">5 (8.1%)</td><td align=\"center\">__</td><td align=\"center\">26 (41.9%)</td><td align=\"center\">2 (3.2%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Concurrent substance abuse diagnosis </bold><break/><bold>(N = 413)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">87 (21.1%)</td><td align=\"center\">26 (6.6%)</td><td align=\"center\">26 (6.6%)</td><td align=\"center\">__</td><td align=\"center\">8 (2.0%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Attempted suicide in past 4 weeks </bold><break/><bold>(N = 18)</bold></td><td align=\"center\">11 (61.1%)</td><td align=\"center\">1 (5.6%)</td><td align=\"center\">2 (11.1%)</td><td align=\"center\">8 (44.4%)</td><td align=\"center\">__</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Mean 1-year total costs, hospitalization costs and hospitalization parameters for patients with and without specific crisis event categories</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Patients with event</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean 1-year total mental health cost per patient</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean 1-year cost of psych hospitalization per patient</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean number of days hospitalized</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean number of hospital admissions</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>%</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Hospitalization in previous 6 months</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes</td><td align=\"center\">240</td><td align=\"center\">15.4</td><td align=\"center\">$37,329 **</td><td align=\"center\">$23,962 **</td><td align=\"center\">73.3</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No</td><td align=\"center\">1317</td><td align=\"center\">84.6</td><td align=\"center\">$12,229</td><td align=\"center\">$1,175</td><td align=\"center\">4.8</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Arrested in previous 6 months</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes</td><td align=\"center\">56</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td><td align=\"center\">$31,081 *</td><td align=\"center\">$20,334 *</td><td align=\"center\">55.8</td><td align=\"center\">1.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No</td><td align=\"center\">1469</td><td align=\"center\">96.3</td><td align=\"center\">$15,654</td><td align=\"center\">$4,180</td><td align=\"center\">14.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Violent behavior in previous 4 weeks</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes</td><td align=\"center\">62</td><td align=\"center\">4.1</td><td align=\"center\">$18,778 **</td><td align=\"center\">$7,416 **</td><td align=\"center\">29.6</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No</td><td align=\"center\">1463</td><td align=\"center\">95.9</td><td align=\"center\">$16,113</td><td align=\"center\">$4,661</td><td align=\"center\">15.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Concurrent substance abuse disorder</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes</td><td align=\"center\">413</td><td align=\"center\">26.5</td><td align=\"center\">$19,034</td><td align=\"center\">$7,455</td><td align=\"center\">25.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No</td><td align=\"center\">1144</td><td align=\"center\">73.5</td><td align=\"center\">$15,038</td><td align=\"center\">$3,688</td><td align=\"center\">11.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Attempted suicide in past 4 weeks</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Yes</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td><td align=\"center\">$46,024 **</td><td align=\"center\">$30,080 **</td><td align=\"center\">61.8</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> No</td><td align=\"center\">1507</td><td align=\"center\">98.8</td><td align=\"center\">$15,865</td><td align=\"center\">$4,471</td><td align=\"center\">15.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T6\"><label>Table 6</label><caption><p>Mean 1-year costs for patients with and without specific number of crisis event categories</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>Number of types of crisis events</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>None</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>One only</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Two or more</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Three or more</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Patients with event, N (%)</td><td align=\"center\">938 (60.2%)</td><td align=\"center\">481 (30.9%)</td><td align=\"center\">138 (8.9%)</td><td align=\"center\">29 (1.9%)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mean 1-year cost of hospitalization per patient</td><td align=\"center\">$830</td><td align=\"center\">$6,912 *</td><td align=\"center\">$23,149 *</td><td align=\"center\">$33,199 *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mean 1-year total mental health cost per patient</td><td align=\"center\">$11,739</td><td align=\"center\">$19,066 *</td><td align=\"center\">$35,385 *</td><td align=\"center\">$44,599 *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mean number of days hospitalized</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td><td align=\"center\">21.8</td><td align=\"center\">72.7</td><td align=\"center\">101.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mean number of hospital admissions</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.8</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td><td align=\"center\">2.7</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>PANSS, Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia scale</p><p>MADRS, Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Means (standard deviations) unless otherwise specified. Patients may belong to more than one subgroup. Yes = with event; No = without event.</p><p>PANSS, Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia scale</p><p>MADRS, Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale</p><p>Atypicals = atypical antipsychotics</p><p>Typicals = typical antipsychotics</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>* P &lt; .05; ** P &lt; .01; P values compare non-crisis event group cost (\"no\") vs. crisis event group cost (\"yes\") for each event.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>* P &lt; .01; P values based on non-crisis event group vs. each category: patients with only one type of crisis event, two or more types of events, and three of more types of crisis events.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-72-1\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Salkever", "Slade"], "given-names": ["DS", "EP"], "article-title": ["Employment retention by persons with schizophrenia employed in non-assisted jobs"], "source": ["Journal of Rehabilitation"], "year": ["2003"], "volume": ["69"], "fpage": ["18"], "lpage": ["25"]}, {"surname": ["Good"], "given-names": ["P"], "source": ["Permutation tests: a practical guide to resampling methods of testing hypotheses"], "year": ["2000"], "publisher-name": ["New York (NY): Spring-Verlag"]}, {"surname": ["Altman"], "given-names": ["D"], "source": ["Practical statistics for medical research"], "year": ["1999"], "publisher-name": ["New York: Chapman & Hall/CRC"], "fpage": ["126"], "lpage": ["130"]}, {"collab": ["SAS Institute Inc"], "source": ["SAS/STAT user's guide, version 8"], "year": ["1999"], "volume": ["1"], "publisher-name": ["Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Psychiatry. 2008 Aug 26; 8:72
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people appear to be at greater risk than heterosexual people of mental disorders and suicidal behaviour [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##12956539##2##]. LGB people are subject to institutionalised prejudice, social stress, social exclusion (even within families) and anti-homosexual hatred and violence and often internalise a sense of shame about their sexuality [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##12956539##2##]. Lifestyle factors such as alcohol and drugs misuse also increase the risk of morbidity [##REF##14645028##1##] as well as suicide attempts [##UREF##0##3##]. Deliberate self harm (DSH) is intentional self poisoning or injury, irrespective of the apparent purpose of the act. DSH is one of the leading causes of acute medical admissions in the UK. Incidence rose steadily from the mid 1980s to the late 1990s with a peak incidence rate of 400 per 100,000 per annum [##UREF##1##4##], one of the highest in Europe. However there is evidence of a steady drop in suicide in England (and other developed countries) since 2000 [##UREF##2##5##]. The evidence on mental health of LGB people is inconclusive partly because of the difficulty of defining or recruiting samples that are representative of all non-heterosexual people. Specific methodological obstacles include variation in the definition of sexual orientation, DSH and mental illness; difficulty in achieving random samples; reliance on participants' recall; unwillingness of people to be open about their sexual orientation; lack of information on sexuality in suicide victims who are part of psychological post mortem studies; the complexity of choosing appropriate comparison groups and poor or absent adjustment for confounding influences such as substance use and personality factors.</p>", "<p>There is an urgent need to quantify the risk for mental disorder, DSH and suicide in LGB people, to understand the precipitants and to examine the efficacy of prevention efforts. There is also a need to make a judgement about the quality of the evidence available. We undertook a systematic review of the world literature on risk of mental disorder, substance misuse, DSH, suicidal ideation and suicide in LGB people. These parameters are the main ones reported in the literature and provide a comprehensive picture of mental health and well being.</p>", "<title>Hypothesis</title>", "<p>Gay, lesbian and bisexual people have higher risks than heterosexual people of mental disorder, substance misuse and dependence, suicide, suicidal ideation and DSH.</p>", "<title>Objective</title>", "<p>To undertake a systematic review of the international research literature to establish whether LGB people are at higher risk of mental disorder, substance misuse, suicide, suicidal ideation and DSH than heterosexual people and to quantify this risk.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Method</title>", "<p>We searched for studies of mental disorder, drug and alcohol misuse and dependence, DSH, suicidal ideation and/or suicide in general (community) or selected (e.g. student) populations in which sexual orientation was reported. We use the following abbreviations: GB (gay and bisexual men); LB (lesbians and bisexual women) and LGB (lesbians, gay men and bisexual men and women).</p>", "<title>Data sources</title>", "<p>We searched Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, Cinahl, the Cochrane Library Database, the Web of Knowledge, the Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Sociological Abstracts, the Campbell Collaboration and grey literature databases for articles published between January 1966 and April 2005. We searched all terms related to homosexual, lesbian and bisexual people and all terms related to mental disorders, suicide, and deliberate self harm. No language limits were imposed. A full internet search was also carried out using Google and Google Scholar and authors were contacted where necessary. We also searched the reference lists of relevant papers.</p>", "<title>Study selection</title>", "<title>Eligibility</title>", "<p>We included papers that provided valid definition of sexual orientation and mental health outcomes. Random sampling is hampered by participants' reluctance to disclose their sexual orientation and the small numbers of LGB people recruited. Thus other methods such as snowball sampling (initial LGB participants recruit other LGB people in successive waves) were regarded as acceptable if the study met other inclusion criteria. We included studies in which people defined themselves as: gay, lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and/or in which they reported levels of same sex attraction or behaviour. We excluded studies based in clinical or psychological services. We only included studies in which there was a concurrent heterosexual comparison group within either a cohort, case-control or cross sectional study. Outcomes were defined as: a) a psychiatric disorder according to the International Classification of Diseases or the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (including substance misuse disorders); b) scores or a recognised threshold for psychiatric morbidity on standardised scales (including alcohol or drug dependence); c) alcohol misuse: consumption above UK Government recommended maximum weekly limits (21 units men, 14 units women); d) suicide (the intentional taking one's own life) e) suicidal ideation (i.e. thoughts of taking one's life without acting on them); f) DSH: intentional self poisoning or injury irrespective of the apparent purpose of the act [##UREF##2##5##]. These outcomes were extracted for both the LGB and heterosexual comparison groups as cumulative incidence rates in prospective cohort studies or period prevalence rates in cross sectional studies.</p>", "<title>Screening process and assessment of eligibility</title>", "<p>The titles and abstracts of citations were screened by JS and DP and those not meeting eligibility criteria, unpublished dissertation theses, case reports, letters, commentaries, or review papers were excluded. Decisions on papers included in the final review were made by pairs of authors and disagreements discussed at steering group meetings involving all authors.</p>", "<title>Data extraction</title>", "<p>At least two of the authors extracted data from each paper on study setting, study design, population and sampling details, attrition and response rate. We recorded the definition of LGB sexual orientation (same sex attraction; same sex behaviour; self identification as lesbian gay or bisexual; a score above zero on the Kinsey scale [##UREF##3##6##]) and outcome (mental disorder, substance misuse, DSH, suicidal ideation and suicide). Where appropriate we extracted prevalence estimates and/or odds ratios; for continuous data we extracted means and standard deviations. In instances of disagreement, each case was discussed by all authors.</p>", "<title>Quality of studies reviewed</title>", "<p>We used the Cochrane Handbook's general guidance on non-experimental studies to inform our choice of quality indicators (2 indicating higher quality than 1). We examined for: <italic>sampling</italic>: non random = 1, random = 2; <italic>representativeness</italic>: response rates: &lt;60% = 1, 60% or more = 2; <italic>population definition</italic>: selected sample (e.g. school students) = 1; general population = 2 and <italic>sample size</italic>: &lt;100 LB or GB people = 1, &gt;100 LB or GB people = 2.</p>", "<title>Data synthesis</title>", "<p>Studies were grouped according to lifetime or 12 month prevalence and where possible we analysed outcomes for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people separately and collectively. We calculated risk ratios and attributable risks (differences between rates in LGB and non LGB people) from extracted prevalence data. We examined suicide attempts when reported instead of or in addition to DSH. For continuous outcomes we calculated the effect size as standardised mean difference in scores between LGB people and controls.</p>", "<title>Meta-analytic approach</title>", "<p>We adopted standard methods for conducting meta-analyses where there were two or more studies with useable outcome data. We used a random effects model which used inverse variance methods to calculate the pooled effect estimate in which the weight given to each study is the inverse of the variance of the study estimate together with the common heterogeneity variance. We quantified the effect of heterogeneity [##REF##9462324##7##] by using <italic>I</italic><sup>2 </sup>which describes the percentage of total variation across studies that can be attributed to heterogeneity rather than chance [##REF##12958120##8##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>From 13706 citations identified, 476 papers were retrieved of which 429 were excluded (figure ##FIG##0##1##). Eighty-three of those excluded were controlled studies [##REF##11920991##36##, ####REF##11777125##37##, ##REF##11197924##38##, ##REF##9565422##39##, ##REF##10323629##40##, ##REF##15322415##41##, ##REF##10745751##42##, ##REF##8261890##43##, ##REF##12810141##44##, ##REF##15607842##45##, ##REF##15231053##46##, ##REF##12639368##47##, ##REF##15451703##48##, ##UREF##6##49##, ##REF##14499515##50##, ##REF##14651501##51##, ##REF##8932550##52##, ##REF##2051150##53##, ##UREF##7##54##, ##REF##12964921##55##, ##UREF##8##56##, ##REF##10087691##57##, ##REF##11244906##58##, ##REF##11262511##59##, ##REF##12949929##60##, ##REF##8897107##61##, ##REF##9850116##62##, ##UREF##9##63##, ##REF##11818291##64##, ##REF##12084692##65##, ##UREF##10##66##, ##REF##12243487##67##, ##REF##8201061##68##, ##REF##2734426##69##, ##REF##10641358##70##, ##REF##3266145##71##, ##UREF##11##72##, ##REF##11404525##73##, ##REF##15000974##74##, ##REF##11392949##75##, ##UREF##12##76##, ##REF##15086222##77##, ##REF##15774420##78##, ##REF##9247400##79##, ##REF##1190349##80##, ##REF##8387422##81##, ##REF##12222848##82##, ##UREF##13##83##, ##UREF##14##84##, ##UREF##15##85##, ##REF##5358533##86##, ##REF##14582576##87##, ##REF##1772888##88##, ##REF##11845647##89##, ##REF##7085588##90##, ##REF##9259045##91##, ##REF##3966852##92##, ##UREF##16##93##, ##REF##11429303##94##, ##UREF##17##95##, ##UREF##18##96##, ##UREF##19##97##, ##REF##12144160##98##, ##REF##10596508##99##, ##REF##5411361##100##, ##REF##5473144##101##, ##UREF##20##102##, ##REF##6481605##103##, ##REF##4668541##104##, ##REF##10402685##105##, ##UREF##21##106##, ##UREF##22##107##, ##REF##2681278##108##, ##UREF##23##109##, ##UREF##24##110##, ##REF##15765273##111##, ##UREF##25##112##, ##REF##3591995##113##, ##REF##15311980##114##, ##REF##9672522##115##, ##UREF##26##116##, ##REF##7825557##117##, ##REF##3798521##118##, ##REF##8553430##119##, ##REF##10530627##120####10530627##120##], 122–123]; two [##REF##9565422##39##,##REF##10323629##40##] were excluded because the data were repeated elsewhere [##REF##11929369##29##]; seven did not meet sampling criteria [##REF##11920991##36##, ####REF##11777125##37##, ##REF##11197924##38####11197924##38##,##REF##11392949##75##,##UREF##12##76##,##REF##3798521##118##,##REF##8553430##119##]; 34 did not report suicide, DSH or diagnostic outcomes [##REF##15322415##41##, ####REF##10745751##42##, ##REF##8261890##43##, ##REF##12810141##44##, ##REF##15607842##45##, ##REF##15231053##46##, ##REF##12639368##47##, ##REF##15451703##48##, ##UREF##6##49##, ##REF##14499515##50##, ##REF##14651501##51##, ##REF##8932550##52##, ##REF##2051150##53##, ##UREF##7##54##, ##REF##12964921##55##, ##UREF##8##56##, ##REF##10087691##57##, ##REF##11244906##58##, ##REF##11262511##59##, ##REF##12949929##60##, ##REF##8897107##61##, ##REF##9850116##62##, ##UREF##9##63##, ##REF##11818291##64##, ##REF##12084692##65##, ##UREF##10##66##, ##REF##12243487##67##, ##REF##8201061##68##, ##REF##2734426##69##, ##REF##10641358##70##, ##REF##3266145##71##, ##UREF##11##72##, ##REF##11404525##73##, ##REF##15000974##74####15000974##74##]; 37 involved unrepresentative populations [##REF##15086222##77##, ####REF##15774420##78##, ##REF##9247400##79##, ##REF##1190349##80##, ##REF##8387422##81##, ##REF##12222848##82##, ##UREF##13##83##, ##UREF##14##84##, ##UREF##15##85##, ##REF##5358533##86##, ##REF##14582576##87##, ##REF##1772888##88##, ##REF##11845647##89##, ##REF##7085588##90##, ##REF##9259045##91##, ##REF##3966852##92##, ##UREF##16##93##, ##REF##11429303##94##, ##UREF##17##95##, ##UREF##18##96##, ##UREF##19##97##, ##REF##12144160##98##, ##REF##10596508##99##, ##REF##5411361##100##, ##REF##5473144##101##, ##UREF##20##102##, ##REF##6481605##103##, ##REF##4668541##104##, ##REF##10402685##105##, ##UREF##21##106##, ##UREF##22##107##, ##REF##2681278##108##, ##UREF##23##109##, ##UREF##24##110##, ##REF##15765273##111##, ##UREF##25##112##, ##REF##3591995##113####3591995##113##] and three on closer inspection did not concern LGB people [##REF##15311980##114##, ####REF##9672522##115##, ##UREF##26##116####26##116##]. There were insufficient data in three studies on completed suicide to include it as an outcome in the review. One that involved suicide in a cohort of bisexual and gay men was excluded because it was uncontrolled [##REF##7825557##117##]; one study comparing clinical characteristics of a subpopulation of gay and non-gay male suicides was excluded because of sampling concerns [##REF##3798521##118##] and a psychological autopsy study carried out in 1995 [##REF##8553430##119##] was excluded as it contained only three gay male suicides.</p>", "<title>Study characteristics</title>", "<p>Twenty-eight papers [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##9141776##9##, ####REF##11996785##10##, ##REF##15665660##11##, ##REF##10707921##12##, ##REF##15265096##13##, ##REF##10754972##14##, ##REF##12602425##15##, ##REF##11684618##16##, ##REF##9491018##17##, ##REF##10530626##18##, ##REF##11392937##19##, ##REF##11392944##20##, ##REF##10530625##21##, ##REF##11983639##22##, ##UREF##4##23##, ##REF##12084697##24##, ##REF##12766375##25##, ##REF##15369203##26##, ##REF##11026127##27##, ##REF##9584034##28##, ##REF##11929369##29##, ##REF##11499118##30##, ##REF##11146762##31##, ##UREF##5##32##, ##REF##12611836##33##, ##REF##12653422##34##, ##REF##15830911##35####15830911##35##] reporting on 25 studies [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##9141776##9##, ####REF##11996785##10##, ##REF##15665660##11##, ##REF##10707921##12####10707921##12##,##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##9491018##17##, ####REF##10530626##18##, ##REF##11392937##19##, ##REF##11392944##20##, ##REF##10530625##21##, ##REF##11983639##22##, ##UREF##4##23##, ##REF##12084697##24##, ##REF##12766375##25##, ##REF##15369203##26##, ##REF##11026127##27##, ##REF##9584034##28##, ##REF##11929369##29##, ##REF##11499118##30##, ##REF##11146762##31####11146762##31##,##REF##12611836##33##, ####REF##12653422##34##, ##REF##15830911##35####15830911##35##] met our inclusion criteria (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##); six papers [##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##15265096##13##,##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##11684618##16##,##REF##11146762##31##,##UREF##5##32##] reported data on three studies. Five studies could not be included in a meta-analysis because the data were not extractable or in a format that allowed comparison [##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##15665660##11##,##REF##11983639##22##,##REF##11026127##27##,##REF##12653422##34##]. Three of the four longitudinal cohorts [##REF##15665660##11##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##12611836##33##] presented nested cross-sectional data on sexual orientation and mental health at one time point. One cohort study, however, conducted a longitudinal analysis of cumulative incidence of suicidal attempts but did not provide extractable data [##REF##12653422##34##]. No case-control studies were identified. The studies were conducted in seven countries in North America, Europe and Australasia, with most based in the USA (17/25, 67%). The papers were published between 1997 and 2004, with two thirds published between 2000 and 2003. Participation rates ranged from 25% [##UREF##4##23##] to 95% [##REF##9584034##28##].</p>", "<title>Population</title>", "<p>The papers contained data on 214,344 heterosexual and 11,971 non heterosexual people aged 12 and over. Four studies involved people aged under 18 [##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##9491018##17##,##REF##11929369##29##,##REF##11499118##30##] and 18 involved people under 25 years. Four studies included only women [##REF##15665660##11##,##REF##11392944##20##,##REF##12084697##24##,##REF##15369203##26##], three only men [##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##10530625##21##] and 18 both sexes. Eight studies [##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##9491018##17##,##REF##10530625##21##,##REF##12766375##25##,##REF##15369203##26##,##REF##9584034##28##, ####REF##11929369##29##, ##REF##11499118##30####11499118##30##,##REF##12653422##34##] concerned high school and college students. Of the 21 cross sectional studies, nine used random sampling [##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##11392937##19##,##REF##11392944##20##,##REF##11983639##22##,##REF##12766375##25##,##REF##15369203##26##,##REF##11146762##31##,##REF##15830911##35##]; two multi-stage sampling [##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##10754972##14##]; two snowball sampling [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##12084697##24##]; one systematic sampling (i.e. 26 years follow up data on a birth cohort) [##UREF##4##23##]; and seven did not specify their sampling method [##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##9491018##17##,##REF##10530625##21##,##REF##11026127##27##, ####REF##9584034##28##, ##REF##11929369##29##, ##REF##11499118##30####11499118##30##].</p>", "<title>Definition of sexuality</title>", "<p>Sexuality was defined in a number of ways even within the same study: four studies used same sex attraction [##REF##12084697##24##,##REF##11499118##30##,##REF##12611836##33##,##REF##12653422##34##]; 13 used same sex behaviour [##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##9491018##17##, ####REF##10530626##18##, ##REF##11392937##19####11392937##19##,##REF##10530625##21##,##REF##12084697##24##,##REF##11929369##29##, ####REF##11499118##30##, ##REF##11146762##31####11146762##31##,##REF##12653422##34##,##REF##15830911##35##]; 15 used participant self identification [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##9141776##9##, ####REF##11996785##10##, ##REF##15665660##11####15665660##11##,##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##11392944##20##,##REF##11983639##22##,##UREF##4##23##,##REF##12766375##25##, ####REF##15369203##26##, ##REF##11026127##27##, ##REF##9584034##28##, ##REF##11929369##29####11929369##29##]; and three used a score above zero on the Kinsey scale [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##9584034##28##,##REF##12653422##34##] (see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). Nine studies used two definitions of sexual orientation [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##12084697##24##,##REF##9584034##28##, ####REF##11929369##29##, ##REF##11499118##30####11499118##30##,##REF##15830911##35##] and one used three definitions [##REF##12653422##34##]. Self-identified sexuality was based on the categories heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual [##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##11392944##20##,##REF##11983639##22##,##UREF##4##23##,##REF##9584034##28##] or included the choices gay or lesbian [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##15665660##11##,##REF##12766375##25##, ####REF##15369203##26##, ##REF##11026127##27####11026127##27##,##REF##11929369##29##]. Eighteen studies used a specific time frame to assess sexuality. Lifetime same sex attraction was assessed in two studies [##REF##11499118##30##,##REF##12611836##33##]; current same sex attraction assessed in four [##REF##12084697##24##,##REF##12611836##33##, ####REF##12653422##34##, ##REF##15830911##35####15830911##35##] and in one study both were assessed [##REF##12611836##33##]. Same sex behaviour was assessed as occurring 'in the last year' in two studies [##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##12084697##24##], 'in the last five years' in one study [##REF##11392937##19##] or 'ever' in nine studies [##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##9491018##17##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##10530625##21##,##REF##11929369##29##,##REF##11499118##30##,##REF##12653422##34##].</p>", "<title>Outcomes of interest</title>", "<p>Fifteen studies assessed suicide attempts or DSH [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##11996785##10##,##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##9491018##17##, ####REF##10530626##18##, ##REF##11392937##19####11392937##19##,##REF##10530625##21##,##UREF##4##23##,##REF##12084697##24##,##REF##9584034##28##, ####REF##11929369##29##, ##REF##11499118##30####11499118##30##,##REF##12611836##33##,##REF##12653422##34##] and 12 assessed suicidal ideation [##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##9491018##17##, ####REF##10530626##18##, ##REF##11392937##19####11392937##19##,##REF##10530625##21##, ####REF##11983639##22##, ##UREF##4##23##, ##REF##12084697##24####12084697##24##,##REF##15369203##26##,##REF##9584034##28##,##REF##11499118##30##,##REF##12611836##33##]. Data on mental disorder were assessed in 10 studies [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##15665660##11##,##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##11392937##19##,##REF##11983639##22##,##REF##11146762##31##], substance dependence in six studies [##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##11392937##19##,##REF##11146762##31##,##REF##15830911##35##] and substance misuse in nine studies [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##11392937##19##,##REF##11392944##20##,##REF##11983639##22##,##REF##12766375##25##, ####REF##15369203##26##, ##REF##11026127##27####11026127##27##,##REF##11146762##31##,##REF##15830911##35##]. Eighteen studies assessed more than one of these outcomes [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##9491018##17##, ####REF##10530626##18##, ##REF##11392937##19####11392937##19##,##REF##10530625##21##, ####REF##11983639##22##, ##UREF##4##23##, ##REF##12084697##24####12084697##24##,##REF##15369203##26##,##REF##9584034##28##,##REF##11499118##30##,##REF##11146762##31##,##REF##12611836##33##,##REF##15830911##35##] and one study assessed all [##REF##11392937##19##]. Risk ratios and attributable risks were calculated for all outcomes of interest (figures ##FIG##1##2##, ##FIG##2##3##, ##FIG##3##4##, ##FIG##4##5##, ##FIG##5##6##, ##FIG##6##7##, ##FIG##7##8##, ##FIG##8##9##).</p>", "<title>Quality of cross sectional studies</title>", "<p>Nine studies were based on random populations but only seven of these were sampled from the community rather than from specific groups (e.g. schools). Only four of these reported responses of at least 60% and of these only one [##REF##11392937##19##] sampled 100 or more LGB people (table ##TAB##0##1##).</p>", "<title>Data syntheses</title>", "<title>Suicide attempts and DSH</title>", "<p>Only one cohort study [##REF##12653422##34##] reported cumulative incidence of suicide attempts over two years in 2924 Norwegian school youths. They reported an odds ratio of 4.69 (95% CI 2.29, 10.62) for LB girls after adjustment but no significant differential for BG boys.</p>", "<p>Meta-analyses of cross-sectional studies of lifetime suicide attempts demonstrated increased risk in all groups when compared to heterosexuals but there was substantial heterogeneity when these data were combined for both sexes and for men only (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Attributable risk ranged from 0.03 to 0.25 and was higher in men than women. Studies in this analysis were limited by small samples [##REF##9141776##9##,##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##12611836##33##] or selection bias [##REF##10530626##18##,##UREF##4##23##,##REF##9584034##28##,##REF##12611836##33##] (Table ##TAB##0##1##). One small study that met all but one quality criteria showed a high risk of suicide attempts in men (Figure ##FIG##1##2##) [##REF##9141776##9##]. Meta-analysis in women demonstrated 1.82 times increased risk of lifetime suicide attempts in lesbians and bisexuals compared to controls and showed little heterogeneity (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). However, all the studies failed to meet several of our quality indicators.</p>", "<p>Risk ratios for 12 month prevalence of suicide attempts ranged from 1.96 to 2.76 (men 2.23 to 2.53; women 1.94 to 2.46), while attributable risk ranged from 0.01 to 0.14 (men 0.01 to 0.03; women 0.01 to 0.07). The pooled estimate for men and women was 2.56 (Figure ##FIG##1##2##) with similar values for LB and GB people and all showed little or no heterogeneity. The highest quality study [##REF##11392937##19##], however, showed a non significant risk ratio for all groups.</p>", "<p>Only two studies reported lifetime prevalence of DSH [##REF##14645028##1##,##REF##12611836##33##] (Figure ##FIG##2##3##) and meta-analyses of these data produced equivocal results. One further study that met all but one of our quality criteria reported elevated risk of lifetime prevalence of DSH and/or suicide attempts [##REF##9141776##9##] in gay rather than bisexual men (RR: Gay = 3.61, CI 1.86, 7.01; Bisexual men = 1.95, CI 0.73, 5.19).</p>", "<title>Suicidal ideation</title>", "<p>Meta-analyses of lifetime prevalence of suicidal ideation revealed risk ratios of 2.04 for both sexes (range: both sexes 1.72 to 2.42; men 2.0 to 4.10; women 1.75 to 2.10) with considerable heterogeneity. Attributable risk ranged from 0.10 to 0.40 (Figure ##FIG##3##4##). All studies included in this analysis were limited by selection bias [##UREF##4##23##,##REF##12084697##24##] and small samples [##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##9491018##17##].</p>", "<p>The combined meta-analysis of 12 month prevalence of suicidal ideation contained some heterogeneity in both sexes and in women, but none in men. The risk ratio in both sexes was 1.71 (men 1.64; women 2.31) while attributable risk ranged from 0.02 to 0.21 (men 0.02 to 0.13; women 0.02 to 0.21). One study that met all four quality criteria [##REF##11392937##19##] demonstrated over three times the risk in women but not in men. The other studies were limited by selection of very young populations [##REF##9491018##17##,##REF##9584034##28##,##REF##11499118##30##,##REF##12611836##33##,##REF##15369203##26##] or low participation rates [##REF##15369203##26##].</p>", "<p>In summary, there were elevated risks for suicide attempts and ideation in LGB people but quality of studies was limited. Data from higher quality studies showed higher cumulative incidence of suicide in LB school girls, increased lifetime risk of suicide attempts in GB men and increased 12 months risk of suicidal ideation in LB women.</p>", "<title>Mental disorders – depression</title>", "<p>Three studies reported lifetime prevalence of depression [##REF##10754972##14##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##11146762##31##]. Increased risk of lifetime depression was observed in both sexes and men with little heterogeneity in the analyses (Figure ##FIG##4##5##). One of the two studies that met all but one quality criteria demonstrated a risk ratio of 2.2 in both sexes; 2.68 in men (Figure ##FIG##4##5##); and 2.21 (CI 1.57, 3.12) in women [##REF##11146762##31##].</p>", "<p>The risk of 12 months prevalence of depression in LGB people on meta-analysis was at least twice that of heterosexual controls with little heterogeneity (Figure ##FIG##4##5##). All studies in this analysis were of good quality based on general population samples with high participation rates. Risk ratios ranged from 1.57 to 3.74 (men 1.57 to 3.74; women 1.67 to 3.69) and attributable risk from two studies ranged from 0.04 to 0.20 (men 0.04 to 0.20; women 0.04 to 0.22). The only study that met the highest standard on the four quality criteria demonstrated significantly higher risk ratios and attributable risk for women but not men [##REF##11392937##19##]. Lastly, a study of 45 gay and 37 bisexual men that recorded depression on a standardised scale and met all but one of our quality criteria showed a small but positive effect size indicating more depression in gay or bisexual men (standardised mean difference in depression score 0.16) [##REF##9141776##9##].</p>", "<title>Mental disorders – anxiety</title>", "<p>Two studies reported lifetime prevalence of any anxiety disorder and both met all but one of the quality criteria [##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##11146762##31##]. Although their data could not be combined in a meta-analysis, increased risk was reported in both sexes (RR 2.28 CI 1.25, 4.21) [##REF##10530626##18##] and in men (RR 2.40, CI 1.72, 3.35) [##REF##11146762##31##], but not in women (RR 1.02, CI 0.61, 1.70) [##REF##11146762##31##]. The meta-analyses of data on 12 month prevalence of any anxiety disorder (Figure ##FIG##5##6##) resulted in a pooled RR of 1.54 for both sexes and 1.88 in men with little heterogeneity. Attributable risk ranged from 0.00 to 0.17 (men 0.01 to 0.12; women 0.00 to 0.17). The result in women was less convincing because of heterogeneity. The only study of the four in this analysis that met the highest of all four of our quality criteria demonstrated an elevated risk of 1.75 in women [##REF##11392937##19##]. All the studies were based on general population samples and were of reasonable quality.</p>", "<p>In summary, on the basis of studies of relatively good quality, there was an elevated risk of lifetime and 12 month prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders in all LGB groups compared to heterosexual controls.</p>", "<title>Alcohol misuse</title>", "<p>Data from a single study that met all but one of our highest quality criteria showed increased risk of lifetime prevalence of alcohol dependence in both sexes (RR 2.59 CI 1.62, 4.15) and women (RR 6.51, CI 2.74, 15.44) but not in men (RR 1.60, CI 0.91, 2.80) [##REF##11146762##31##]. All the studies in this analysis met at least three of our four quality criteria. Risk ratios for alcohol dependence in the previous 12 months in both sexes ranged from 1.76 to 3.05 and were higher in women (Figure ##FIG##7##8##). Attributable risk for alcohol dependence over 12 months was higher in women (Figure ##FIG##7##8##). Two studies presented data in accordance with our definition of alcohol misuse within the previous 12 months. McCabe et al (2003) [##REF##12766375##25##] reported little difference between LGB people and controls, but Gruskin et al (2001) [##REF##11392944##20##] reported higher risk of alcohol misuse (RR 3.52, CI 1.97, 6.26) in LB than heterosexual women, with an attributable risk of 7%.</p>", "<title>Drug misuse or any substance misuse disorder</title>", "<p>One study reported higher risks of lifetime prevalence of drug dependence in both sexes (RR 4.32, CI 2.14, 8.72), men (RR 2.71, CI 1.01, 7.37) and in women (RR 7.74, CI 2.88, 20.75) [##REF##11146762##31##]. Meta-analyses of data on drug dependence over the previous 12 months showed 2.73 times greater risk in both sexes, 3.5 times greater in women and 2.41 times greater in men than controls (Figure ##FIG##8##9##). Attributable risk for drug dependence in the previous 12 months ranged from 0.002 to 0.05 in both sexes, in men 0.03 to 0.05 and women 0.02 to 0.04 (Figure ##FIG##8##9##).</p>", "<p>One good quality study [##REF##11146762##31##] of lifetime prevalence of any substance use disorder showed elevated risk in women (RR 3.61 CI 2.13, 6.11, attributable risk 0.11 to 0.26) but not men (RR 1.05, CI 0.76, 1.47; attributable risk -0.08 to 0.11). Similar findings arose in the meta-analyses of data from two good quality studies on 12 months prevalence of any substance use disorder (figure ##FIG##8##9##).</p>", "<p>In summary, there was an increased lifetime and 12 month risk of alcohol and drug dependency in all groups compared with heterosexuals with markedly higher risk in lesbian and bisexual women.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>LGB people are at higher risk of suicidal behaviour, mental disorder and substance misuse and dependence than heterosexual people. The results of the meta-analyses demonstrate a two fold excess in risk of suicide attempts in the preceding year in men and women, and a four fold excess in risk in gay and bisexual men over a lifetime. Similarly, depression, anxiety, alcohol and substance misuse were at least 1.5 times more common in LGB people. Findings were similar in men and women but LB women were at particular risk of substance dependence, while lifetime risk of suicide attempts was especially high in GB men.</p>", "<title>Strengths and limitations of the review</title>", "<p>We found 25 studies that met our inclusion criteria for epidemiological rather than clinical studies. Our search terms included all possible subcategories of mental disorder and substance dependence. We identified a wide range of study methods but excluded designs that provided biased or erroneous estimates. We included studies with consistent definitions of sexual orientation and with contemporaneous comparison groups. However, the lower than expected prevalence of LGB people in several of the population surveys [##REF##11026127##27##,##REF##11146762##31##,##UREF##5##32##] indicates that many studies were unable to recruit a representative sample. Thus, it is likely that a proportion of LGB people are reluctant to participate in research for all sorts of reasons, but most likely for fear of disclosure. Until it becomes less risky to identify oneself as LGB for the purposes of research we shall know little about this hidden population or how it influences the conclusions we can make here. All studies used well-described and potentially replicable mental health outcomes. However, only one study met all four of our quality criteria, while seven met all but one of our quality markers. The number of studies in each meta-analysis was relatively small and thus we were unable to interpret funnel plots to investigate sources of bias or run a meta-regression analysis to account for the variable quality of the studies identified in this review.</p>", "<p>Given the range of study design and definitions of exposure and outcome, we encountered significant heterogeneity in our meta-analyses. However, these estimates did not deviate markedly from data reported in the better quality studies. Although, in some studies reported data were weighted or shown as percentages, our calculated risk ratios were similar to unadjusted ratios reported in these papers making it unlikely that we have extrapolated beyond the studies' findings. The distinction between suicide attempt and DSH was often unclear. We followed authors' definitions of the acts and did not judge the life threatening nature of the behaviour. Finally, uncertainties inherent in defining and recruiting a representative sample of LGB people cannot be overcome in a systematic review. For example, participants may be asked about their sexuality in ways that are unfamiliar to them or it may be assumed that sexual orientation is a fixed life-time characteristic. Despite these reservations about our review, the consistent direction of our findings suggests that mental health is poorer in LGB people.</p>", "<title>Selection of studies</title>", "<p>We had to exclude otherwise well conducted research that was based in specialised populations or in health services or that selected LGB people in a particular way. We wish to highlight three studies that we eventually excluded on grounds of selection of the LGB population [##REF##11920991##36##, ####REF##11777125##37##, ##REF##11197924##38####11197924##38##]; but whose results were broadly in the direction of our findings. Russell &amp; Keel (2002) [##REF##11920991##36##] reported data on depression using the Beck Depression Inventory; van Heeringen &amp; Vincke (2000) [##REF##11197924##38##] reported data on suicide attempts and ideation and Savin-Williams (2001) [##REF##11777125##37##] reported data on suicide attempts.</p>", "<title>Explanations for our findings</title>", "<p>Our study aimed to determine whether there was unequivocal evidence for a preponderance of mental health problems in LGB people relative to heterosexuals. Thus, circumspection is required when discussing possible mechanisms which generate them [##REF##10530627##120##]. Although our evidence does not specify the nature of such mechanisms, there is no evidence to suggest that homosexuality is itself a disorder that is thereby subject to a higher co-morbidity than is found in heterosexuals [##REF##10530627##120##]. This review was strictly limited to documenting whether or not there was an excess of mental health problems in LGB people. It will take other, prospective research to investigate the components of this vulnerability. Unfortunately prospective studies were unusual among the 25 reviewed here and thus we cannot say much with certainty about the risk factors for mental disorder in LGB people. Nevertheless, it is likely that the social hostility, stigma and discrimination that most LGB people experience is at least part of the reason for the higher rates of psychological morbidity observed. This may be aggravated by easy access to alcohol and drugs in gay venues that LGB people frequent both to find the company of others who will accept them less critically and to meet potential partners. However, why LB women are at greater risk of substance misuse than GB men is not clear as most LGB commercial venues provide alcohol.</p>", "<title>Implications of our findings</title>", "<p>It is of considerable concern that sexual minorities such as LGB people suffer so many disadvantages in terms of mental health. Our findings need consideration in planning public health and clinical services, as well as in terms of international human rights. Although we cannot report on whether or not LGB people are at greater risk than heterosexuals for completed suicide, the elevated risks for all forms of mental disorder, DSH and substance misuse would suggest very strongly that this is the case. Thus, national suicide strategies need to include LGB people as a high risk group now rather than await more evidence on suicide. The hidden nature of sexual orientation makes it very unlikely that we shall be able to show definitely in post-mortem psychological studies that LGB are over-represented among suicide victims.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion and further research</title>", "<p>Besides more qualitative and case-control research, we need prospective studies as these are most likely to reveal the mechanisms involved. Although, in this review we identified four cohorts [##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##10530626##18##,##REF##12611836##33##,##REF##12653422##34##] only one collected prospective data on suicidal risk in lesbian, gay and bisexual people [##REF##12653422##34##]. Prospective studies, however, are difficult to undertake as many people cannot or will not identify themselves as LGB until late adolescence or even young adulthood when the emotional damage may already have occurred. Nevertheless, a cohort of young LGB people who are followed through as they complete education and career training and start relationships and families, would begin to address this difficult issue. We also need to address the complexities of defining sexual orientation. Most modern conceptions of sexual orientation consider personal identification, sexual behaviour and sexual fantasy [##UREF##27##121##]. Thus, we chose these parameters as the most pragmatic and commonly used definitions for this review. However, we need more detailed study of the development of sexuality across the spectrum of partner preference, its stability over time and its relationship to other preferences and behaviour.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people may be at higher risk of mental disorders than heterosexual people.</p>", "<title>Method</title>", "<p>We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of mental disorder, substance misuse, suicide, suicidal ideation and deliberate self harm in LGB people. We searched Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, Cinahl, the Cochrane Library Database, the Web of Knowledge, the Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Sociological Abstracts, the Campbell Collaboration and grey literature databases for articles published January 1966 to April 2005. We also used Google and Google Scholar and contacted authors where necessary. We searched all terms related to homosexual, lesbian and bisexual people and all terms related to mental disorders, suicide, and deliberate self harm. We included papers on population based studies which contained concurrent heterosexual comparison groups and valid definition of sexual orientation and mental health outcomes.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Of 13706 papers identified, 476 were initially selected and 28 (25 studies) met inclusion criteria. Only one study met all our four quality criteria and seven met three of these criteria. Data was extracted on 214,344 heterosexual and 11,971 non heterosexual people. Meta-analyses revealed a two fold excess in suicide attempts in lesbian, gay and bisexual people [pooled risk ratio for lifetime risk 2.47 (CI 1.87, 3.28)]. The risk for depression and anxiety disorders (over a period of 12 months or a lifetime) on meta-analyses were at least 1.5 times higher in lesbian, gay and bisexual people (RR range 1.54–2.58) and alcohol and other substance dependence over 12 months was also 1.5 times higher (RR range 1.51–4.00). Results were similar in both sexes but meta analyses revealed that lesbian and bisexual women were particularly at risk of substance dependence (alcohol 12 months: RR 4.00, CI 2.85, 5.61; drug dependence: RR 3.50, CI 1.87, 6.53; any substance use disorder RR 3.42, CI 1.97–5.92), while lifetime prevalence of suicide attempt was especially high in gay and bisexual men (RR 4.28, CI 2.32, 7.88).</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>LGB people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse, and deliberate self harm than heterosexual people.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MK, HK, DO, IN and SST obtained funding for the study. JS and DP conducted the literature search, obtained papers and extracted data. JS, MK, HK, DO, IN and DP scanned abstracts and read papers. SST conducted the meta-analysis with input from IN and MK. MK drafted the paper and all authors contributed to the final version. All authors read and approved the final version.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The study was funded by a grant from the National Institute for Mental Health England. The funder had no involvement in the conduct of the research. We thank Rosalind Lai M Lib, Medical Librarian, for constructing the search strategy.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Study inclusion process.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Forest plots for lifetime and 12 month prevalence of suicide attempts.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>Forest plots for lifetime prevalence of deliberate self harm.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p>Forest plots for lifetime and 12 month prevalence of suicide ideation.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p>Forest plots for lifetime and 12 month prevalence of depression.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p>Forest plots for 12 month prevalence of anxiety.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F7\"><label>Figure 7</label><caption><p>Forest plots for 12 month prevalence of alcohol dependence.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F8\"><label>Figure 8</label><caption><p>Forest plots for 12 month prevalence of drug dependence.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F9\"><label>Figure 9</label><caption><p>Forest plots for lifetime and 12 month prevalence of any substance use disorder.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Classification of quality indicators of studies included in the review</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Sampling</td><td align=\"left\">Participation rate</td><td align=\"left\">Population</td><td align=\"left\">Sample size</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">1 = Non-random</td><td align=\"left\">1&lt;60%</td><td align=\"left\">1 = Selected</td><td align=\"left\">1&lt;100</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">2 = Random</td><td align=\"left\">2 ≥ 60%</td><td align=\"left\">2 = General</td><td align=\"left\">2 ≥ 100</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Bagley 1997 [##REF##9141776##9##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Bontempo &amp; D'Augelli 2002 [##REF##11996785##10##]</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Case et al. 2004 [##REF##15665660##11##]*</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cochran &amp; Mays (2000a) &amp; Mays, Ross (2004) [##REF##10707921##12##,##REF##15265096##13##]</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cochran &amp; Mays (2000b) [##REF##10754972##14##]</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cochran et al. 2003 &amp; Mays &amp; Cochran (2001) [##REF##12602425##15##,##REF##11684618##16##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Faulkner et al. (1998) [##REF##9491018##17##]</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Fergusson et al 1999 [##REF##10530626##18##]*</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Gilman et al. 2001 [##REF##11392937##19##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Gruskin et al. 2001 [##REF##11392944##20##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Herrell et al. 1999 [##REF##10530625##21##]</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Jorm et al. 2002 [##REF##11983639##22##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">King et al. 2003 [##REF##14645028##1##]</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">NA</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mathy 2002 [##UREF##4##23##]</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mathews et al. 2002 [##REF##12084697##24##]</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">McCabe et al. 2003 [##REF##12766375##25##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Mc Cabe et al. 2004 [##REF##15369203##26##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Nawyn et al. 2000 [##REF##11026127##27##]</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Remafedi et al. 1998 [##REF##9584034##28##]</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Robin et al. 2002 [##REF##11929369##29##]</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Russell &amp; Joyner 2001 [##REF##11499118##30##]</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sandfort et al. 2001 &amp; Sandfort, de Graf, Bijl (2003) [##REF##11146762##31##,##UREF##5##32##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Skegg et al. 2003 [##REF##12611836##33##]*</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Wichstrom &amp; Hegna 2003 [##REF##12653422##34##]*</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Drabble et al. 2005 [##REF##15830911##35##]</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">Not known</td><td align=\"left\">2</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional File 1</title><p>Table 1: review studies.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Key: * Longitudinal studies; 2 suggests higher quality and than 1</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-6\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-7\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-8\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-9\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-244X-8-70-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Psychiatry. 2008 Aug 18; 8:70
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium, <italic>Mycobacterium leprae</italic>, which can affect all ages and both sexes. Over the last two decades, prevalence of leprosy has come down substantially at the global level. Introduction and expansion of Multi drug therapy (MDT) in leprosy control programmes have dramatically lowered the prevalence level in almost all the endemic countries. For instance, in India leprosy prevalence has come down from 51 per 10,000 in 1981 to around 2.4 per 10,000 in March 2004 [##UREF##0##1##] and further below 1 per 10,000 by December 2005 [##UREF##1##2##].</p>", "<p>In disease epidemiology, many of the infectious disease events do not occur randomly in geographical context but occur in clusters. In fact, leprosy epidemiology shows such uneven distribution between different geographic areas of the country, e.g. in China [##REF##11357209##3##] and in Indonesia where in the leprosy endemic was high, the cases were extensively clustered and not equally distributed [##REF##12225510##4##]. Hence, data analyses and interpretation should not ignore spatial dependence [##UREF##2##5##]. In India, we have observed that distribution of leprosy is uneven [##REF##17343215##6##] even within the smallest community groups such as villages, right up to the family level [##UREF##3##7##].</p>", "<p>Geographical or spatial analysis comes into play due to the existence of spatial dependence in data. Bayesian method lends itself for representing the spatial dependence during the estimation of model parameters. Application of Bayesian analysis in the field of leprosy is very limited [##REF##15840546##8##]. A large controlled, double blind, randomized, prophylactic leprosy vaccine trial was conducted in South India to assess the prophylactic efficacies of four different candidate vaccines [##REF##10189587##9##]. Within the trial area, we observed that leprosy was not randomly distributed and showed significant spatial dependence confirmed by using various measures of spatial autocorrelation like Moran's I, Geary's C and Kulldorff's SATSCAN statistics [##UREF##4##10##]. Hence, our main objective was to examine the variation in the prevalence of leprosy using four Bayesian models described by Arbyn etal [##UREF##5##11##] which was earlier proposed by Lagazio et al [##UREF##6##12##] and to explore possible factors that might have influenced these variations in the study area.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<p>Leprosy prevalence data from an endemic area, covering 148 panchayats (rural administrative units) comprising of 264 contiguous villages from Chingleput district, Tamil Nadu, South India was studied. This area was specifically identified for a leprosy vaccine trial [##REF##10189587##9##] because of the high endemicity of leprosy. The entire population of about 300,000 people was screened by house to house examinations for leprosy and cases were identified at four time schedules between January 1991 and March 2003. Few socio- economic factors like population density and economic status were also collected.</p>", "<title>Definition of leprosy</title>", "<p>A case of leprosy was defined as a person, having one or more of the following manifestations and who needed antileprosy treatment: hypopigmented or reddish skin lesion(s) with definite loss of sensation; damage to the peripheral nerves, as demonstrated by loss of sensation and or weakness of the muscles in parts supplied by these nerves; skin smear positive for acid fast bacilli.</p>", "<p>The entire population in this area was screened for leprosy before vaccination. First, paramedical workers, trained in leprosy detection, screened the population. A proportion (5%) of this population was randomly allotted to \"blinded\" senior persons – either medical officers or senior paramedical officers for quality control. All cases and suspects detected by the junior paramedical workers were examined for diagnosis by two senior persons and by a third independent examiner in case of disagreement. Skin smear examination for detecting acid fast bacilli was done for all suspects and definite cases by the senior workers. A team of independent clinicians visited the field at frequent intervals to monitor the procedures for diagnosis of leprosy [##REF##10189587##9##].</p>", "<p>The data collected was also validated in many ways with the earlier surveys [##UREF##3##7##]. Hence the quality of data collected was remarkable and comparable to world standard as certified by the independent assessment committee consisting of national and international experts.</p>", "<title>Data analysis</title>", "<p>Leprosy cases and population for each panchayat were cross-classified into 20 age groups (1–4,5–9,...,90–94,95–99) (there were no cases of leprosy under one year age) and four survey time periods (1991–93,1993–95,1997–98 &amp;1999–2003). Since the time schedule for each of the survey was of varying length (January 1991 to March 2003) the mid-point of the four surveys (1992, 1994, 1997 &amp; 2001) was considered for the time period. Cohorts were computed on the basis of survey time period and age. There were 20 overlapping or rolling birth cohorts like moving averages defined in this model, considering the mid-point, the cohorts were labeled as 1902, 1907,...,1997. The variation of prevalence of leprosy over space and time was modeled from January 1991 to March 2003 over 148 panchayats, after controlling for age. The term cohort effect refers to population born during a particular survey period identified by period of birth so that its characteristics can be ascertained as it enters successive and age strata [##UREF##7##13##].</p>", "<p>Four Bayesian models, namely</p>", "<p>(i) Space-Cohort (SC) with interactions,</p>", "<p>(ii) Space-Cohort (SC) without interactions,</p>", "<p>(iii) Space-Period (SP) with interactions and</p>", "<p>(iv) Space-Period (SP) without interactions were fitted.</p>", "<p>Models with and without interaction terms were compared using the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) [##UREF##8##14##], being a generalization of the Akaike's Information Criterion in the Bayesian framework, i.e., lower the DIC values better the model. Posterior distributions (using the priors and the available data) of the parameters of interest were obtained using Gibbs sampling in WinBUGS [##UREF##9##15##]. The data for the SC model (observed and expected cases) were obtained by aggregating the data over the four time periods. The data for the SP model (observed and expected cases) were obtained by aggregating the data over the age groups. For the SC model the average of all the cohorts and for SP model the average of all periods was used as the reference.</p>", "<p>The spatial effects were measured using each of the models. These smoothed effects were compared using the raw standardized morbidity rate (SMR) [unsmoothed].</p>", "<p>We have dealt with subgroups like panchayats hence we used prevalence instead of incidence to get sufficiently larger number of cases to draw meaningful conclusions. Moreover if we use incidence rather than prevalence, we will have only three survey data leaving the baseline survey. Generally the second survey incidence (a mixed bag of old prevalence- missed and new cases) is not considered for vaccine efficacy and also for trend analysis. Hence we would be left with the third and fourth survey and ultimately this exercise of Bayesian model would not be possible to examine the trend over years. Hence as a pragmatic measure, we considered prevalence cases for this study.</p>", "<p>In the study area majority of leprosy cases belonged to paucibacillary variety and the multibacillary cases constituted a smaller proportion (17.4%, 3.3%, 5.4% and 1.4% in the four surveys respectively). Fixed duration of MDT for six months was practiced all through the study period. For the purpose of analysis in this paper we restricted it only for paucibacillary variety. Hence, prevalence trends also indicate trends in leprosy incidence and both go hand-in-hand. Any change in beneficial effect that happens during the survey period decreases incidence as well as prevalence. Since we had limited data collected specifically by panchayat on socio-economic factors and there could be other important factors apart from the two mentioned above, we did not include any of these factors directly in the model. Though the period of study was very short, in the region, major remarkable changes have taken place both in the leprosy control programme and improvement in the socio-economic status. According to the World Development Indicators 2005 [##UREF##10##16##] the rural poverty in India declined from 53% to 27% between 1977–78 and 1999–2000 and the Indian social structure was transformed between 1991 and 2001 like increased literacy rate, urbanization, industrialization, new economic liberalization etc.</p>", "<p>The formulae used are described in Appendix-1</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>There were 6,601 cases, 4,731 cases 3,342 cases and 2,098 cases of leprosy respectively at the four time periods. The DIC value for the space cohort model with and without interaction were compared. Since the models with the interaction term out- performed with smaller DIC values (Table ##TAB##0##1## and Table ##TAB##1##2##). Further analyses were carried out with interaction term included into the SC and SP model. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation (MCMC) scalar parameters and their 95% credible intervals for the SC and SP models with interactions are shown in Table ##TAB##2##3## and Table ##TAB##3##4## respectively.</p>", "<title>Cohort effect using the SC model with interaction</title>", "<p>The median cohort effects declined from 1.86 to 0.08 over the successive cohorts. The cohort effect using SC model (Table ##TAB##4##5##) measured in terms of relative risk, was significantly higher than the average in the older cohorts C ≤ 11, i.e. persons born before 1957. The cohort effect steadily decreased up to 1922–1931 (C ≤ 6) and increased substantially during 1927–1936,1932–1941 (C = 7 &amp; C = 8) and again significantly declined to a higher risk of 36% at C = 11 and finally reached to a lower risk of 92% (C = 20) than the average for persons born after 1996. There were four major jumps (difference between a cohort and the preceding one) observed in the risk pattern of the cohorts i.e. 1927–1936 (higher risk of 45%), 1942–51(reduced risk of 31%), 1987–1996 (reduced risk of 33%) and 1992–2001(reduced risk of 40%).</p>", "<title>Period effect using the SP model with interaction</title>", "<p>The period effect over four time points using SP model showed a significantly higher risk of 1.032 than the average, i.e. 3.2% to a lower risk 1.8% (Table ##TAB##5##6##).</p>", "<title>Space effect using SC and SP model with interaction</title>", "<p>The spatial effect values (smoothed Bayesian) using SC and SP models using interaction terms were similar as observed in the Belgium study [##UREF##5##11##]. The spatial effects of different panchayats are listed in Table ##TAB##6##7## and it can be further visualized in the choropleth map (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). The spatial effects varied between 0.59 and 2. Bayesian model identified 26 panchayats that had a significantly higher risk of leprosy. There was a higher risk of leprosy (50% or more) found in 10 panchayats and most of them lay close to each other towards the North-Eastern end of the study area. The lowest risk (relative risk 0.59) was observed in two panchayats. Raw SMR identified 43 panchayats at a higher risk, which was statistically significant (Figure ##FIG##1##2##); whereas it was 26 panchayats by the Bayesian models.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>We examined variation in prevalence of leprosy using Bayesian methods over 20 rolling cohorts and four time periods from a meticulously collected dataset of a vaccine trial conducted in South India. Observing the cohort effects it neither showed a steady decreasing nor an increasing effect. It showed an intricate effect, whereas leprosy prevalence trends in period effects has decreased continuously over four time points.</p>", "<p>The steady decreasing period effect reflects that the control programme had reached all the target population whereas the intricate cohort effects showed that the effects captured were not similar in all the cohorts.</p>", "<p>The higher difference in the risk in successive <bold>cohorts </bold>could be attributable to persons coming forward for seeking treatment, gradual awareness in the community that leprosy is curable, slowly combating the social stigma, early screening programmes, better case detection methods, availability of therapies and elimination programmes. This is particularly true in the vaccine trial setting where health systems operations and leprosy programme have been implemented in total [##REF##17343215##6##].</p>", "<p>The turning point in the risk pattern (from high risk to low risk) occurred during the cohort 1952–1961 (C = 12). This change could be due to the impact of Dapsone based National Leprosy Control Programme introduced during 1955. Gradual reduction of risk in the latter cohorts (C = 13, C = 14) may be due to continuing effect of programs and possibly improvement in socio-economic conditions the transition that has been taking place in India. Further reduction in risk (C = 19) could be due to more effective and intensified treatment programmes like Multi-Drug Therapy in 1991, that has changed the face of leprosy [##REF##9401483##17##] and introduction of effective prophylactic vaccines through the leprosy vaccine trial [##REF##10189587##9##].</p>", "<p>Our data indicate 92% reduction in the leprosy prevalence for persons born after 1996 (C = 20). The case detection and treatment activity in the community has brought down the new infection rate in the younger age group as a secondary effect of MDT in addition to the primary effect of prophylactic vaccines. The older age group might have been infected in the past i.e. before the introduction of Dapsone and MDT as well as before the introduction of the vaccination programme. They might already be harbouring the infection and the break down could result in fresh disease. This is similar to the endogenous reactivation observed in tuberculosis [##REF##823803##18##].</p>", "<p>We observed slow decline in the estimated <bold>period effects </bold>of leprosy in the study area. It agrees with the fact that the prevalence of leprosy has come down over years globally as well as in India [##UREF##11##19##]. Leprosy being a chronic disease, temporal changes within endemic regions are slow [##UREF##3##7##]. This phenomenon is observed in the study area. Moreover, the decline in the risk of leprosy over the time periods in the study area could be due to better understanding on nutrition, hygiene, and increased public understanding of the disease (socio-economic factors) which limit the spread of leprosy or increased resistance to leprosy.</p>", "<p>The <bold>spatial effect </bold>using Bayesian model was compared with the raw SMR gives the variation in the geographical distribution of the leprosy prevalence. The use of Bayesian smoothing approach accounts for the variability in the population at risk and clustering effect. Observing the spatial Bayesian effect, there was a strong pattern of clustering towards the North-Eastern region of the study area. Though the effects obtained through the models showed the reduction in the risk of prevalence of leprosy still a few pockets of high prevalence exist. The situation was similar in Tuscany [##UREF##5##11##] where the epidemic of lung cancer when analyzed using birth cohorts showed a decline but the spatial pattern was evident and strong towards the north-west/south-east gradient.</p>", "<p>In the state of Ceara North- East Brazil [##REF##15654421##20##], the spatial pattern of the leprosy disease was heterogeneous and municipalities with very high prevalence were clustered towards the North-South axis. Surprisingly the region with the highest incidences were most urbanized and economically developed. According to the authors the reasons for spatial clustering of disease rates might be related to a heterogeneous distribution of the factors such as crowding, social inequality and environmental characteristics which by themselves determine the transmission of Mycobacterium leprae. It could also be due to more efficient health system present in these regions to detect new cases of leprosy more efficiently. We tried to explore the authors' above perception and observed that the pockets identified by the Bayesian model had a population density of about 1,427 per sq km which is two times higher than the district and three times higher than the state population density [##UREF##12##21##]. Hence, possibly as result of this, environmental factors, such as urbanization and overcrowding due to inadequate housing, could have led to more frequent close contact with the source of infection and favoured the spread of leprosy. We also observed that nearly 37% of the people from this pocket belong to the economically poorer strata. Generally people from economically poorer strata are more prone to infectious diseases like leprosy as they live in close proximity to one another resulting in higher risk of contracting the disease [##UREF##13##22##]. Dharmendra [##UREF##14##23##] emphasizes that one cannot control, eliminate or eradicate leprosy without improving the socio-economic status or changing the in sanitary habits of the common people. Hence these few pockets or strata need greater care to bring down the leprosy prevalence to much greater extent and to make the study area free from leprosy.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>In leprosy endemic areas, patients are usually spatially clustered and not randomly distributed. Classical statistical techniques fail to address the problem of spatial clustering in the regression model. Bayesian method is one which allows itself to incorporate spatial dependence in the model. However little is explored in the field of leprosy. The Bayesian approach may improve our understanding about the variation of the disease prevalence of leprosy over space and time.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Data from an endemic area of leprosy, covering 148 panchayats from two taluks in South India for four time points between January 1991 and March 2003 was used. Four Bayesian models, namely, space-cohort and space-period models with and without interactions were compared using the Deviance Information Criterion. Cohort effect, period effect over four time points and spatial effect (smoothed) were obtained using WinBUGS. The spatial or panchayat effect thus estimated was compared with the raw standardized morbidity (leprosy prevalence) rate (SMR) using a choropleth map. The possible factors that might have influenced the variations of prevalence of leprosy were explored.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Bayesian models with the interaction term were found to be the best fitted model. Leprosy prevalence was higher than average in the older cohorts. The last two cohorts 1987–1996 and 1992–2001 showed a notable decline in leprosy prevalence. Period effect over 4 time points varied from a high of 3.2% to a low of 1.8%. Spatial effect varied between 0.59 and 2. Twenty-six panchayats showed significantly higher prevalence of leprosy than the average when Bayesian method was used and it was 40 panchayats with the raw SMR.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Reduction of prevalence of leprosy was 92% for persons born after 1996, which could be attributed to various intervention and treatment programmes like vaccine trial and MDT. The estimated period effects showed a gradual decline in the risk of leprosy which could be due to better nutrition, hygiene and increased awareness about the disease. Comparison of the maps of the relative risk using the Bayesian smoothing and the raw SMR showed the variation of the geographical distribution of the leprosy prevalence in the study area. Panchayat or spatial effects using Bayesian showed clustersing of leprosy cases towards the northeastern end of the study area which was overcrowded and population belonging to poor economic status.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Appendix-1</title>", "<p>The step by step algorithms and winbug codes can be downloaded from annexes of Arbyn etal [##UREF##5##11##].</p>", "<p>Let <italic>O</italic><sub><italic>ijt </italic></sub>denote the observed count of leprosy cases in panchayat i (i = 1, 2,...,148) in the j<sup>th </sup>cohort (j = 1, 2 ..... 20) and during the time point t (t = 1, 2, 3 &amp; 4);</p>", "<p> be the observed number of leprosy cases in the i<sup>th </sup>panchayat and j<sup>th </sup>cohort;</p>", "<p> be the expected number of leprosy cases in the i<sup>th </sup>panchayat and j<sup>th </sup>cohort;</p>", "<p><italic>O</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>~ Poisson (<italic>α</italic><sub><italic>ij</italic></sub>),</p>", "<p>with <italic>α</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>= <italic>rr</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>. X<sub><italic>ij</italic></sub>, where i = 1, 2,...,148 panchayats,</p>", "<p>j = 1, 2 ..... 20 cohorts,</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where</p>", "<p><italic>ξ</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>is a linear predictor,</p>", "<p><italic>rr</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>is the relative risk of the i<sup>th </sup>panchayat and the j<sup>th </sup>cohort.</p>", "<p> is the estimated cohort effects and similar to the standardized cohort morbidity ratios described by Beral [##REF##4133714##24##].</p>", "<p><italic>ξ</italic><sub>ij</sub>, the linear predictor can be specified in two ways.</p>", "<p>Model without interactions: <italic>ξ</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>= a + <italic>β</italic><sub>i</sub><sup>str </sup>+ <italic>β</italic><sub>i</sub><sup>unstr </sup>+ <italic>β</italic><sub>j</sub><sup>coh</sup>,</p>", "<p>Model with interactions: <italic>ξ</italic><sub>ij </sub>= a + <italic>β</italic><sub>i</sub><sup>str </sup>+ <italic>β</italic><sub>i</sub><sup>unstr </sup>+ <italic>β</italic><sub>j</sub><sup>coh </sup>+ SS<sub>ij</sub><sup>ac</sup>,</p>", "<p>Where SS<sub>ij</sub><sup>ac </sup>= S<sub>ij</sub><sup>ac </sup>- S<sub>1j</sub><sup>ac </sup>- S<sub>i1</sub><sup>ac </sup>+ S<sub>11</sub><sup>ac </sup>and</p>", "<p>The first term S<sub>ij</sub><sup>ac </sup>represents the interaction term of panchayat and cohort and SS<sub>ij</sub><sup>ac </sup>is the centering used to improve a convergence of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation (MCMC) same as discussed in detail by Arbyn et al [##UREF##5##11##].</p>", "<p>Where <italic>β</italic><sub>i</sub><sup>str </sup>represents structured spatial variability;</p>", "<p><italic>β</italic><sub>i</sub><sup>unstr </sup>represents unstructured spatial variability;</p>", "<p><italic>β</italic><sub>j</sub><sup>coh </sup>represents the effect of the j<sup>th </sup>cohort;</p>", "<p>Prior distribution for the model</p>", "<p></p>", "<p></p>", "<p></p>", "<p></p>", "<p>The priors are multivariate normals.</p>", "<p></p>", "<p></p>", "<p></p>", "<p></p>", "<p>The structured spatial term <italic>β</italic><sup>str </sup>and cohort effect <italic>β</italic><sup>coh </sup>are assigned the Gaussian Conditional Autoregression (CAR) prior distribution. They followed the closer specification of matrices <italic>σ</italic><sub><italic>str</italic></sub>, <italic>σ</italic><sub><italic>coh </italic></sub>and <italic>σ</italic><sub><italic>ac </italic></sub>as mentioned by Lagazio [##UREF##6##12##]. They are implemented using WinBUGS' function car.normal().</p>", "<p>The above function constraints, the random effects to add up to zero, so that the following constraints are satisfied in the model.</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>The prior for the interaction vector S<sup>ac </sup>is a Markov random field.</p>", "<p>The intercept term 'a' was given a flat prior through WinBUGS function dflat().</p>", "<p>The precision terms <italic>μ</italic><sub><italic>str </italic></sub><italic>and μ</italic><sub><italic>coh </italic></sub>and <italic>μ</italic><sub><italic>unstr </italic></sub>were given Gamma priors.</p>", "<p>The interaction precision parameter <italic>μ</italic><sup>ac </sup>discussed in detail [##UREF##5##11##] was also given the gamma prior closely to Lagazio [##UREF##6##12##].</p>", "<p>The space period model is similar as above instead of cohorts, periods used (t = 4). The algorithmic steps for the four models using WINBUGS with and without interactions similar to the space cohort model are discussed in detail elsewhere [##UREF##5##11##].</p>", "<p>Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) is defined as</p>", "<p> where</p>", "<p> – the posterior expectation of the deviance and summarizes the fit of the model,</p>", "<p> – the deviance evaluated at the posterior expectations of parameters.</p>", "<p> – the effective number of parameters.</p>", "<p>In the model the spatial effect (autocorrelation) depends on</p>", "<p>(i) whether any two panchayats share a common boundary and</p>", "<p>(ii) the number of shared neighbours (panchayats).</p>", "<p>For fitting the models with and without interactions, two chains, with 1:10 thinning was used to obtain a sample of 10 000 values.</p>", "<p>In case of the model without interactions a burn-in of 50,000 iterations and an additional 50,000 iterations were used. For fitting the models with interactions, a burn-in of 100 000 iterations and an additional 50,000 were used.</p>", "<p>Convergence was checked using procedures mentioned by Gelman and Geweke [##UREF##15##25##,##UREF##16##26##] test and partial correlation plots to check for achieved convergence, of relative risks and hyper-parameters.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>VJ conceived the ideas, performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. MDG conceived the study, coordinated and participated in the trial, gave critical and intellectual comments for the improvement of the manuscript. MB contributed to data analysis and gave critical comments for the improvement of the manuscript. All the authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank Dr. P Manickam<sup>@ </sup>and Dr. V Selvaraj<sup>@ </sup>for their critical comments and reading the manuscript. We thank Mr. A Elangovan<sup>@ </sup>for digitizing the map.</p>", "<p><sup>@</sup>National Institute of Epidemiology.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>The median relative risk of leprosy prevalence across 148 panchayats estimated using the Bayesian model in two taluks of Tamil Nadu, South India (1991–2003).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Geographical distribution of raw SMR across 148 panchayats in two taluks of Tamil Nadu, South India (1991–2003).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Space-cohort model in two taluks of Tamil Nadu, South India.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Model without interactions</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Model with interactions</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"></td><td align=\"center\">12097.8</td><td align=\"center\">10605.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"></td><td align=\"center\">11954.7</td><td align=\"center\">10474.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">DIC</td><td align=\"center\">12240.9</td><td align=\"center\">10737.2</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Space-period model in two taluks of Tamil Nadu, South India.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>Model without interactions</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Model with interactions</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"></td><td align=\"center\">3880.5</td><td align=\"center\">3774.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"></td><td align=\"center\">3757.4</td><td align=\"center\">3649.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">DIC</td><td align=\"center\">4003.7</td><td align=\"center\">3899.4</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Summary of Markov Chain Monte Carlo scalar parameters. Space Cohort Bayesian model with interactions.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>node</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>mean</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>sd</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>MC error</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Median RR</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>95% CI</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>α</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.004</td><td align=\"center\">0.056</td><td align=\"center\">0.004</td><td align=\"center\">0.011</td><td align=\"center\">-0.139, 0.096</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>τ</italic></bold><sup><italic>struct</italic></sup></td><td align=\"center\">19.21</td><td align=\"center\">10.14</td><td align=\"center\">0.55</td><td align=\"center\">16.86</td><td align=\"center\">6.74,46.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>τ</italic></bold><sup><italic>unstruct</italic></sup></td><td align=\"center\">24.49</td><td align=\"center\">8.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.44</td><td align=\"center\">22.70</td><td align=\"center\">14.29,46.33</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>τ</italic></bold><sup><italic>cohort</italic></sup></td><td align=\"center\">4.53</td><td align=\"center\">1.53</td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"center\">4.35</td><td align=\"center\">2.06, 8.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>τ</italic></bold><sup><italic>ac</italic></sup></td><td align=\"center\">5926</td><td align=\"center\">1746</td><td align=\"center\">131</td><td align=\"center\">6352</td><td align=\"center\">1651, 8460</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Summary of Markov Chain Monte Carlo scalar parameters. Space period Bayesian models with interactions.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>node</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>sd</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>MC error</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Median RR</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>95% CI</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>α</italic></bold></td><td align=\"center\">-0.136</td><td align=\"center\">0.029</td><td align=\"center\">0.001</td><td align=\"center\">-0.136</td><td align=\"center\">-0.194, -0.081</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>τ</italic></bold><sup><italic>struct</italic></sup></td><td align=\"center\">26.45</td><td align=\"center\">19.11</td><td align=\"center\">1.01</td><td align=\"center\">21.35</td><td align=\"center\">6.78, 78.25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>τ</italic></bold><sup><italic>unstruct</italic></sup></td><td align=\"center\">25.38</td><td align=\"center\">28.45</td><td align=\"center\">1.61</td><td align=\"center\">21.46</td><td align=\"center\">13.91, 48.71</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>τ</italic></bold><sup><italic>period</italic></sup></td><td align=\"center\">1490</td><td align=\"center\">1382</td><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"center\">1084</td><td align=\"center\">125, 5282</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>τ</italic></bold><sup><italic>ac</italic></sup></td><td align=\"center\">5563</td><td align=\"center\">810</td><td align=\"center\">35</td><td align=\"center\">5513</td><td align=\"center\">4128, 7274</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Median Relative risk (cohort effects) and 95% credible intervals in two taluks of Tamil Nadu, South India.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Rolling Cohort</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mid year</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Index (C)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Median RR</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>95% CI</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">-1906</td><td align=\"center\">1902</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1.86</td><td align=\"center\">1.01, 4.22</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1902–1911</td><td align=\"center\">1907</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">1.71</td><td align=\"center\">1.08, 2.98</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1907–1916</td><td align=\"center\">1912</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">1.65</td><td align=\"center\">1.10, 2.41</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1912–1921</td><td align=\"center\">1917</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">1.51</td><td align=\"center\">1.14, 1.97</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1917–1926</td><td align=\"center\">1922</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">1.34</td><td align=\"center\">1.09, 1.63</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1922–1931</td><td align=\"center\">1927</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">1.28</td><td align=\"center\">1.10, 1.49</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1927–1936</td><td align=\"center\">1932</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">1.73</td><td align=\"center\">1.51, 1.96</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1932–1941</td><td align=\"center\">1937</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">1.74</td><td align=\"center\">1.54, 1.96</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1937–1946</td><td align=\"center\">1942</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">1.66</td><td align=\"center\">1.48, 1.87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1942–1951</td><td align=\"center\">1947</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">1.35</td><td align=\"center\">1.20, 1.51</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1947–1956</td><td align=\"center\">1952</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">1.36</td><td align=\"center\">1.21, 1.52</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>1952–1961</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1957</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>12</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.99</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.88, 1.11</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1957–1966</td><td align=\"center\">1962</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">0.97</td><td align=\"center\">0.87, 1.09</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1962–1971</td><td align=\"center\">1967</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">0.76</td><td align=\"center\">0.67, 0.85</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1967–1976</td><td align=\"center\">1972</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">0.81</td><td align=\"center\">0.72, 0.91</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1972–1981</td><td align=\"center\">1977</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">0.66</td><td align=\"center\">0.59, 0.74</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1977–1986</td><td align=\"center\">1982</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td><td align=\"center\">0.64, 0.80</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1982–1991</td><td align=\"center\">1987</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">0.81</td><td align=\"center\">0.73, 0.91</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1987–1996</td><td align=\"center\">1992</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">0.48</td><td align=\"center\">0.42, 0.55</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1992–2001</td><td align=\"center\">1997</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">0.08</td><td align=\"center\">0.06, 0.10</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T6\"><label>Table 6</label><caption><p>Median period effects and 95% credible intervals using Bayesian models in two taluks of Tamil Nadu, South India.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Period</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Median RR</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>95% CI</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">April 1992</td><td align=\"center\">1.032</td><td align=\"center\">1.010, 1.070</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">May 1994</td><td align=\"center\">1.002</td><td align=\"center\">1.001, 1.026</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">November 1997</td><td align=\"center\">0.985</td><td align=\"center\">0.959, 1.007</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">March 2001</td><td align=\"center\">0.982</td><td align=\"center\">0.949, 1.013</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T7\"><label>Table 7</label><caption><p>Panchayat effect and 95% credible intervals of prevalence of leprosy in two taluks of Tamil Nadu, South India.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Panch. No.</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Median RR</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>95% CI</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Panch. No.</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Median RR</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>95% CI</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>072</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>2.00</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.64, 2.41</bold></td><td align=\"center\">140</td><td align=\"center\">1.00</td><td align=\"center\">0.85, 1.18</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>006</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.88</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.71, 2.07</bold></td><td align=\"center\">142</td><td align=\"center\">0.98</td><td align=\"center\">0.80, 1.19</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>010</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.73</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.46, 2.05</bold></td><td align=\"center\">050</td><td align=\"center\">0.97</td><td align=\"center\">0.75, 1.24</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>009</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.66</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.48, 1.86</bold></td><td align=\"center\">043</td><td align=\"center\">0.97</td><td align=\"center\">0.85, 1.10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>015</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.55</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.35, 1.78</bold></td><td align=\"center\">105</td><td align=\"center\">0.97</td><td align=\"center\">0.77, 1.20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>012</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.54</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.38, 1.72</bold></td><td align=\"center\">055</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">0.72, 1.23</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>017</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.54</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.37, 1.73</bold></td><td align=\"center\">057</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">0.76, 1.18</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>077</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.54</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.23, 1.91</bold></td><td align=\"center\">085</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">0.75, 1.19</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>088</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.51</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.23, 1.85</bold></td><td align=\"center\">021</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">0.77, 1.15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>045</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.50</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.20, 1.86</bold></td><td align=\"center\">005</td><td align=\"center\">0.95</td><td align=\"center\">0.81, 1.10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>053</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.49</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.26, 1.76</bold></td><td align=\"center\">137</td><td align=\"center\">0.94</td><td align=\"center\">0.83, 1.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>014</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.48</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.26, 1.72</bold></td><td align=\"center\">099</td><td align=\"center\">0.94</td><td align=\"center\">0.77, 1.13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>013</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.47</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.27, 1.71</bold></td><td align=\"center\">135</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">0.76, 1.13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>087</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.47</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.25, 1.73</bold></td><td align=\"center\">119</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">0.76, 1.12</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>016</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.44</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.29, 1.61</bold></td><td align=\"center\">066</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">0.69, 1.21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>100</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.44</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.18, 1.73</bold></td><td align=\"center\">027</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">0.73, 1.15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>007</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.43</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.25, 1.62</bold></td><td align=\"center\">102</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">0.75, 1.12</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>122</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.42</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.18, 1.69</bold></td><td align=\"center\">123</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">0.70, 1.18</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>011</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.41</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.21, 1.63</bold></td><td align=\"center\">097</td><td align=\"center\">0.92</td><td align=\"center\">0.65, 1.27</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>138</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.38</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.25, 1.54</bold></td><td align=\"center\">033</td><td align=\"center\">0.91</td><td align=\"center\">0.74, 1.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">065</td><td align=\"center\">1.35</td><td align=\"center\">0.98, 1.86</td><td align=\"center\">134</td><td align=\"center\">0.90</td><td align=\"center\">0.76, 1.07</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>091</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.34</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.09, 1.64</bold></td><td align=\"center\">039</td><td align=\"center\">0.89</td><td align=\"center\">0.63, 1.22</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">094</td><td align=\"center\">1.33</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.60</td><td align=\"center\">038</td><td align=\"center\">0.89</td><td align=\"center\">0.70, 1.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>075</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.32</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.15, 1.51</bold></td><td align=\"center\">067</td><td align=\"center\">0.89</td><td align=\"center\">0.67, 1.14</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>081</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.32</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.14, 1.52</bold></td><td align=\"center\">062</td><td align=\"center\">0.88</td><td align=\"center\">0.70, 1.09</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>145</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.29</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.16, 1.44</bold></td><td align=\"center\">144</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.73, 1.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>069</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.29</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.13, 1.47</bold></td><td align=\"center\">133</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.70, 1.08</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">056</td><td align=\"center\">1.29</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.56</td><td align=\"center\">052</td><td align=\"center\">0.87</td><td align=\"center\">0.68, 1.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">058</td><td align=\"center\">1.25</td><td align=\"center\">0.97, 1.59</td><td align=\"center\">048</td><td align=\"center\">0.86</td><td align=\"center\">0.63, 1.17</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>030</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.24</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1.12, 1.38</bold></td><td align=\"center\">115</td><td align=\"center\">0.86</td><td align=\"center\">0.64, 1.14</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">071</td><td align=\"center\">1.23</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.47</td><td align=\"center\">136</td><td align=\"center\">0.86</td><td align=\"center\">0.68, 1.07</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">008</td><td align=\"center\">1.23</td><td align=\"center\">0.95, 1.57</td><td align=\"center\">084</td><td align=\"center\">0.85</td><td align=\"center\">0.69, 1.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">018</td><td align=\"center\">1.23</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.48</td><td align=\"center\">131</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.67, 1.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">042</td><td align=\"center\">1.22</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.40</td><td align=\"center\">037</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.68, 1.03</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">029</td><td align=\"center\">1.21</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.34</td><td align=\"center\">034</td><td align=\"center\">0.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.67, 1.03</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">061</td><td align=\"center\">1.20</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.43</td><td align=\"center\">022</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.65, 1.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">107</td><td align=\"center\">1.20</td><td align=\"center\">0.96, 1.49</td><td align=\"center\">120</td><td align=\"center\">0.83</td><td align=\"center\">0.63,1.07</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">049</td><td align=\"center\">1.18</td><td align=\"center\">0.93, 1.49</td><td align=\"center\">139</td><td align=\"center\">0.82</td><td align=\"center\">0.67, 1.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">092</td><td align=\"center\">1.18</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.35</td><td align=\"center\">124</td><td align=\"center\">0.81</td><td align=\"center\">0.65, 1.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">004</td><td align=\"center\">1.18</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.38</td><td align=\"center\">026</td><td align=\"center\">0.81</td><td align=\"center\">0.64, 1.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">003</td><td align=\"center\">1.17</td><td align=\"center\">1.00, 1.36</td><td align=\"center\">093</td><td align=\"center\">0.80</td><td align=\"center\">0.60, 1.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">078</td><td align=\"center\">1.17</td><td align=\"center\">0.91, 1.47</td><td align=\"center\">023</td><td align=\"center\">0.80</td><td align=\"center\">0.60, 1.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">089</td><td align=\"center\">1.16</td><td align=\"center\">0.99, 1.36</td><td align=\"center\">060</td><td align=\"center\">0.80</td><td align=\"center\">0.58, 1.09</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">096</td><td align=\"center\">1.16</td><td align=\"center\">0.91, 1.45</td><td align=\"center\">082</td><td align=\"center\">0.80</td><td align=\"center\">0.64, 0.98</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">070</td><td align=\"center\">1.15</td><td align=\"center\">1.01, 1.31</td><td align=\"center\">147</td><td align=\"center\">0.80</td><td align=\"center\">0.64, 0.98</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">098</td><td align=\"center\">1.15</td><td align=\"center\">0.91, 1.44</td><td align=\"center\">148</td><td align=\"center\">0.79</td><td align=\"center\">0.62, 1.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">146</td><td align=\"center\">1.14</td><td align=\"center\">0.99, 1.30</td><td align=\"center\">032</td><td align=\"center\">0.79</td><td align=\"center\">0.63, 0.99</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">054</td><td align=\"center\">1.14</td><td align=\"center\">0.94, 1.36</td><td align=\"center\">127</td><td align=\"center\">0.79</td><td align=\"center\">0.62, 1.00</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">025</td><td align=\"center\">1.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.91, 1.38</td><td align=\"center\">129</td><td align=\"center\">0.78</td><td align=\"center\">0.60, 1.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">118</td><td align=\"center\">1.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.91, 1.36</td><td align=\"center\">080</td><td align=\"center\">0.78</td><td align=\"center\">0.64, 0.95</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">111</td><td align=\"center\">1.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.90, 1.37</td><td align=\"center\">116</td><td align=\"center\">0.77</td><td align=\"center\">0.58, 1.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">141</td><td align=\"center\">1.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.86, 1.43</td><td align=\"center\">035</td><td align=\"center\">0.77</td><td align=\"center\">0.59, 0.98</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">040</td><td align=\"center\">1.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.88, 1.39</td><td align=\"center\">020</td><td align=\"center\">0.76</td><td align=\"center\">0.61, 0.94</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">002</td><td align=\"center\">1.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.90, 1.35</td><td align=\"center\">019</td><td align=\"center\">0.75</td><td align=\"center\">0.59, 0.95</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">068</td><td align=\"center\">1.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.94, 1.31</td><td align=\"center\">126</td><td align=\"center\">0.75</td><td align=\"center\">0.62, 0.89</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">106</td><td align=\"center\">1.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.82, 1.46</td><td align=\"center\">112</td><td align=\"center\">0.74</td><td align=\"center\">0.55, 0.97</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">044</td><td align=\"center\">1.09</td><td align=\"center\">0.94, 1.26</td><td align=\"center\">117</td><td align=\"center\">0.73</td><td align=\"center\">0.62, 0.85</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">024</td><td align=\"center\">1.09</td><td align=\"center\">0.90, 1.31</td><td align=\"center\">114</td><td align=\"center\">0.73</td><td align=\"center\">0.55, 0.96</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">083</td><td align=\"center\">1.08</td><td align=\"center\">0.93, 1.25</td><td align=\"center\">128</td><td align=\"center\">0.70</td><td align=\"center\">0.57, 0.86</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">001</td><td align=\"center\">1.07</td><td align=\"center\">0.92, 1.24</td><td align=\"center\">130</td><td align=\"center\">0.70</td><td align=\"center\">0.54, 0.89</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">073</td><td align=\"center\">1.07</td><td align=\"center\">0.87, 1.30</td><td align=\"center\">121</td><td align=\"center\">0.70</td><td align=\"center\">0.53, 0.90</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">095</td><td align=\"center\">1.07</td><td align=\"center\">0.88, 1.28</td><td align=\"center\">047</td><td align=\"center\">0.70</td><td align=\"center\">0.55, 0.87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">051</td><td align=\"center\">1.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.85, 1.31</td><td align=\"center\">113</td><td align=\"center\">0.69</td><td align=\"center\">0.54, 0.88</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">031</td><td align=\"center\">1.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.87, 1.29</td><td align=\"center\">109</td><td align=\"center\">0.69</td><td align=\"center\">0.54, 0.87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">074</td><td align=\"center\">1.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.91, 1.22</td><td align=\"center\">059</td><td align=\"center\">0.67</td><td align=\"center\">0.52, 0.86</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">108</td><td align=\"center\">1.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.85,1.29</td><td align=\"center\">103</td><td align=\"center\">0.64</td><td align=\"center\">0.52, 0.79</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">104</td><td align=\"center\">1.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.83, 1.30</td><td align=\"center\">090</td><td align=\"center\">0.64</td><td align=\"center\">0.49, 0.83</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">046</td><td align=\"center\">1.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.87, 1.24</td><td align=\"center\">125</td><td align=\"center\">0.64</td><td align=\"center\">0.50, 0.81</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">110</td><td align=\"center\">1.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.89, 1.20</td><td align=\"center\">086</td><td align=\"center\">0.63</td><td align=\"center\">0.51, 0.76</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">041</td><td align=\"center\">1.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.83, 1.30</td><td align=\"center\">063</td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">0.46, 0.82</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">132</td><td align=\"center\">1.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.91, 1.17</td><td align=\"center\">079</td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">0.51, 0.74</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">064</td><td align=\"center\">1.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.82, 1.26</td><td align=\"center\">076</td><td align=\"center\">0.60</td><td align=\"center\">0.46, 0.77</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">101</td><td align=\"center\">1.00</td><td align=\"center\">0.80, 1.25</td><td align=\"center\">143</td><td align=\"center\">0.59</td><td align=\"center\">0.47, 0.74</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">028</td><td align=\"center\">1.00</td><td align=\"center\">0.83, 1.21</td><td align=\"center\">036</td><td align=\"center\">0.59</td><td align=\"center\">0.39, 0.85</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M1\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M2\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i2\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M3\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M4\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i2\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M5\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i3\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>O</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munderover><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:munderover><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>O</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M6\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i4\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mtext>X</mml:mtext><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munderover><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:munderover><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mtext>X</mml:mtext><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M7\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i5\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>log</mml:mi><mml:mo>⁡</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>α</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>log</mml:mi><mml:mo>⁡</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>ξ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>,</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M8\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i6\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mi>r</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mi>e</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>ξ</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<disp-formula><italic>β</italic><sup>str </sup>= (<italic>β</italic><sub>1</sub><sup>str</sup>,......, <italic>β</italic><sub>148</sub><sup>str</sup>)<sup>T</sup>,</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><italic>β</italic><sup>unstr </sup>= (<italic>β</italic><sub>1</sub><sup>unstr</sup>,......, <italic>β</italic><sub>148</sub><sup>unstr</sup>)<sup>T</sup>,</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><italic>β</italic><sup>coh </sup>= (<italic>β</italic><sub>1</sub><sup>coh</sup>,......, <italic>β</italic><sub>20</sub><sup>coh</sup>)<sup>T</sup>,</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula>S<sup>ac </sup>= (S<sup>ac</sup><sub>1,1</sub>,......, S<sup>ac</sup><sub>148,20</sub>)<sup>T</sup>.</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><italic>β</italic><sup>str</sup>~<italic>N</italic>(0,(<italic>μ</italic><sub><italic>str</italic></sub><italic>σ</italic><sub><italic>str</italic></sub>)<sup>-1</sup>),</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><italic>β</italic><sup>unstr</sup>~<italic>N</italic>(0,(<italic>μ</italic><sub><italic>unstr</italic></sub><italic>I</italic><sub>148</sub>)<sup>-1</sup>),</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><italic>β</italic><sup>coh</sup>~<italic>N</italic>(0,(<italic>μ</italic><sub><italic>coh</italic></sub><italic>σ</italic><sub><italic>coh</italic></sub>)<sup>-1</sup>),</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula>S<sup>ac</sup>~<italic>N</italic>(0,(<italic>μ</italic><sub><italic>ac</italic></sub><italic>σ</italic><sub><italic>ac</italic></sub>)<sup>-1</sup>).</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M9\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i7\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mtable><mml:mtr><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munderover><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>148</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:munderover><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>β</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>s</mml:mi><mml:mi>t</mml:mi><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn><mml:mo>,</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mtd><mml:mtd><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munderover><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>j</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>20</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:munderover><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mi>β</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi><mml:mi>o</mml:mi><mml:mi>h</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>0.</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mtd></mml:mtr></mml:mtable></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M10\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i8\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M11\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M12\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i2\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>", "<inline-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M13\" name=\"1476-072X-7-40-i9\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">[</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"true\">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:mover accent=\"true\"><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi><mml:mo>¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">]</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Panchayats are arranged in descending order of median RR values for sake of comparison. Significant panchayats and RR greater than one are highlighted.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-40-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-40-2\"/>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
Int J Health Geogr. 2008 Jul 21; 7:40
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Cholera has claimed many lives throughout history and it continues to be a global threat [##REF##9583431##1##], especially in countries in Africa. Between 1999 and 2005, there were over 1 million reported cholera cases and over 28,000 reported deaths worldwide. Africa alone accounted for about 90% of the cases and 96% of the deaths worldwide [##UREF##0##2##, ####UREF##1##3##, ##UREF##2##4##, ##UREF##3##5##, ##UREF##4##6##, ##UREF##5##7##, ##UREF##6##8####6##8##]. Cholera has gained both global and public health attention due to its mode of transmission and severity. For instance it has become one of the most researched communicable diseases. The disease is also listed as one of three internationally quarantinable diseases by the World Health organization (WHO), along with plague and yellow fever [##UREF##7##9##]. In addition to human suffering and lives loss, cholera outbreak causes panic, disrupts the social and economic structure and can impede development in the affected communities [##UREF##4##6##].</p>", "<p>Cholera reached West Africa and Ghana during the seventh pandemic [##REF##5083668##10##, ####REF##4561957##11##, ##REF##1235746##12##, ##REF##7256448##13####7256448##13##]. The disease has been endemic in Ghana since its introduction in the 1970's [##UREF##8##14##]. From 1999 to 2005, a total of 26,924 cases and 620 deaths were officially reported to the WHO [##UREF##0##2##, ####UREF##1##3##, ##UREF##2##4##, ##UREF##3##5##, ##UREF##4##6##, ##UREF##5##7##, ##UREF##6##8####6##8##]. Although the disease is transmitted mainly through contaminated water and food, several demographic and geographic factors can predispose an individual or groups of individuals to infection. For example, increase in population density can strain existing sanitation systems, thus putting people at increased risk of contracting cholera [##REF##9004375##15##,##REF##1500643##16##]. Once the bacterial, <italic>V. cholerae</italic>, are present in water in sufficient dose, an outbreak can trigger and propagate depending on demographic factors such as population density [##REF##12135643##17##,##REF##12220086##18##], urbanization, and overcrowding [##UREF##9##19##]. In developing countries like Ghana, high incidence of cholera seems to predominate in the urban communities, and this is primarily due to high overcrowding and unsanitary living conditions in urban communities. While cholera is prevalent in low urban communities in certain geographical areas like Mexico [##UREF##9##19##], the disease has predominated in urban and overcrowded communities in Ghana. Intermittent water supply coupled with indiscriminate sanitation practices in urban communities in Ghana puts inhabitants at risk of contracting cholera.</p>", "<p>Studies on diarrhea related diseases in Ghana [##UREF##10##20##] so far have focused solely on the biological factors and characteristics of the individuals affected. Although such studies are very useful, they omit the spatial and regional variations of the critical risk factors. Such studies also fail to define territories at high risk. Since health levels vary substantially between different regions, it is essential to characterize these regional variations and identify areas with an accumulation of health problems for epidemiological research, and to allow appropriate public health policy decisions [##UREF##11##21##,##REF##10098991##22##]. Advances in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology provide new opportunities for environmental epidemiologist to study associations between demographic and environmental exposures and the spatial distribution of diseases [##UREF##12##23##]. GIS has been used in the surveillance and monitoring of vector-borne diseases [##REF##7943544##24##,##REF##7604918##25##], water-borne diseases [##UREF##13##26##], in environmental health [##REF##8017545##27##, ####UREF##14##28##, ##UREF##15##29####15##29##], analysis of disease policy and planning [##REF##8098147##30##]. Several cholera studies [##REF##12135643##17##, ####REF##12220086##18##, ##UREF##9##19####9##19##,##UREF##16##31##, ####UREF##17##32##, ##UREF##18##33##, ##UREF##19##34####19##34##] have also employed GIS technologies. This study focuses on the application of a GIS based spatial analyses and statistical technology to study the spatial patterns of cholera, identify territories of high risk, and determine demographic risk factors that contribute to high rates of cholera. No study so far has looked at the spatial patterns of cholera in Ghana. There is therefore no information and/or knowledge about its spatial patterns and demographic correlates in Ghana. Studying the spatial and demographic patterns of cholera in Ghana will prove useful for health officials and policymakers to make appropriate planning and resource allocation.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and methods</title>", "<title>Research methodology</title>", "<p>An important part of health-needs assessment is the identification of high risk areas for a disease because understanding the characteristics of high risk areas may indicate what is needed to improve health care provision [##UREF##20##35##]. Several disease clustering techniques have been developed to define territories of high risk [##UREF##21##36##, ####REF##7644860##37##, ##UREF##22##38####22##38##]. However, using clustering detection technique to define high risk territories is only an exploratory technique to locate clusters, but does not establish a relation between the disease and risk factors. In this study, Moran's I for spatial autocorrelation was computed to ascertain evidence of cholera clustering. A global Bayesian smoothing technique was employed to smooth the crude rates of cholera, and then mapped to determine the spatial distribution of cholera. The districts in the region were classified into strata of districts based on demographic indicators. Population-based incidence rate ratios were then computed for each stratum to determine territories of high risk. The Extended Mantel-Haenszel <italic>Chi Square </italic>for trend analyses and associated <italic>P values </italic>(one degree of freedom) were also computed to determine the trend between the demographic factors and <italic>V. cholerae </italic>infection [##UREF##23##39##].</p>", "<title>The study area</title>", "<title>History of Cholera in Ghana</title>", "<p>On 1<sup>st </sup>September, 1970 a Togolese national in transit at the Kotoka International Airport from Conakry, Guinea, collapsed and was found to have cholera [##UREF##8##14##]. This was the announcement of the arrival of the seventh pandemic of cholera in Ghana. However, an outbreak did not begin from then until it was smuggled into the country through fishing [##UREF##24##40##]. At that time, some Ghanaians went for fishing in the waters of Togo, Liberia and Guinea. One of the fishermen died and although a sanitary cordon had been placed on our borders, his family smuggled the corpse into his home town, and the usual burial rites were performed. It was after this that cholera began to spread along the shores of Ghana. The disease swept through many coastal villages in epidemic proportions. It kept on spreading and by July 1971, Ashanti region began to report cases, indicating that cholera was spreading across the country [##UREF##24##40##]. During those periods, reported outbreaks were investigated, treatment camps were set, people were vaccinated against cholera, and the population was also educated on measures to prevent the spread of the disease. However, all these attempts to prevent cholera from taking root in Ghana failed. Since then cholera has existed in both epidemic and endemic forms in Ghana.</p>", "<title>Location and demography of the study area</title>", "<p>The Ashanti Region is centrally located in the middle belt of Ghana. It lies between longitudes 0° 9'W and 2° 15'W, and latitudes 5° 30'N and 7° 27'N. The region shares boundaries with four of the ten political regions, Brong-Ahafo region in the north, Eastern region in the east, Central region in the south and Western region in the South-west (See Figure ##FIG##1##1##). Ashanti region occupies a total land area of 24,389 km<sup>2 </sup>representing 10.2% of the total land area of Ghana. Ashanti region has a population density of 148.1 persons per km<sup>2</sup>, compared with a national average of about 80 persons per km<sup>2</sup>. The region consists of 18 administrative districts. Kumasi, which is the capital, is the most populous district, and the only district that has gained a metropolitan status in the region. The 2000 census recorded the region's population as about 3.5 million people, representing 19.1 per cent of the country's population. The urban population (51.3%) in the region exceeds that of the rural population (48.7%). The region is currently the second most urbanized in the country after Greater Accra (87.7%), the national capital. The housing stock in the region is 329,478, of which about 37% are in urban areas and 63% in rural areas. This is in contrast to the 17.4% of houses in urban, and 82.6% in rural areas in 1970. The total stock also represents an increase of 86.8% over the stock in 1984. The relative increase in the proportion of urban housing is a reflection of the increase in urbanization, and perhaps overcrowding. Due to the high housing cost within the urban districts in the region, lots of slummy and/or squatter settlements are created. However, such areas have poor sanitation systems, and perceived to be niches where cholera outbreaks begin.</p>", "<title>Case definition of cholera</title>", "<p>In Ghana, a case definition of cholera is based on the WHO's definition which depends on whether or not the presence of cholera has been demonstrated in the area. According to the WHO [##UREF##25##41##] guidance on formulation of national policy on the control of cholera, in an area where the disease is not known to be present a case of cholera should be suspected, when a patient, 5 years of age or older develops severe dehydration or dies from acute watery diarrhea, or where an epidemic is occurring, a patient, 5 years of age or older develops acute watery diarrhea, with or without vomiting. The first case of cholera however was confirmed by bacteriological tests (personal communication with KMHD director). In this study, only cholera cases made known to the Disease Control Unit (DCU) through reporting facilities such as community volunteers, community clinics, and hospitals were used. In Ghana it is mandatory for all reporting facilities (i.e. hospitals, clinics, and community volunteers) to report weekly cholera cases to the DCU. Although hospitals are scarcely found in many communities in the districts, almost all communities in the districts have access to clinics, and community volunteers who monitor all communicable diseases. The communicable diseases surveillance network is purposely established from community level to district level to ensure effective surveillance of all communicable diseases (personal communication with head of DCU, Ashanti region).</p>", "<title>Spatial data preparation and cartographic display of cholera</title>", "<p>Topographic map of the study area at a scale of 1:2500 obtained from the planning unit of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly was digitized using ArcGis version 9.2. This software was developed by Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI). Before digitizing, the map was georeferenced (by defining the X and Y coordinates of corner points of the map) into a UTM coordinates system. The main boundary and the 18 districts within the study area were digitized as polygon features. Reported cases of cholera over the period 1997–2001, obtained from the DCU, Ashanti region, were entered as attributes of the districts. The cumulative incidence rates of cholera were calculated for each of the 18 districts by including all cases over the period 1997–2001. The population database was obtained from the 2000 Population and Housing Census of Ghana [##UREF##26##42##]. This census was conducted by the National Statistical Service of Ghana.</p>", "<p>Disease mapping is useful for initial exploration of relationships between exposure and the disease. The raw cumulative incidence rates were smoothed using global Empirical Bayesian Smoothing (EBS) technique. This was to get rid of variance instability as result of heterogeneity in cholera cases and population data (small number problem). The EBS technique consists of computing a weighted average between the raw rate for each district and the regional average, with weights proportional to the underlying population at risk [##UREF##27##43##]. In effect, districts with relatively small population will tend to have their rates adjusted considerably, whereas for districts with relatively large population the rates will barely change. The resulting smoothed rates were then mapped using GIS. The cutoff points for classification were based on the Jenk's classification technique as employed in ArcGis version 9.2.</p>", "<title>Statistical analyses</title>", "<p>In this study, spatial autocorrelation statistic was used to measure the correlation among neighboring observations in a pattern and the levels of spatial clustering among neighboring districts [##UREF##28##44##,##UREF##29##45##].</p>", "<p>Global Moran's I statistic, which is similar to the Pearson correlation coefficient [##UREF##30##46##], was calculated as:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>where <italic>N </italic>is the number of districts, <italic>w</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>is the element in the spatial weights matrix corresponding to the observation pair <italic>i</italic>, <italic>j</italic>,. Also <italic>x</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>and <italic>x</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>are observations for areas <italic>i </italic>and <italic>j </italic>with mean u.</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>Since the weights were row-standardized ∑<italic>w</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>= 1. The first step in the analysis of spatial autocorrelation is to construct a spatial weights file that contains information on the neighborhood structure for each location. A first order rook continuity weight file was constructed according to districts who share common boundaries. All spatial autocorrelation analyses were computed using GeoDa 0.9.5-i software [##UREF##31##47##,##UREF##27##43##]. A significance test against the null hypothesis of no spatial autocorrelation through a permutation procedure of 999 Monte Carlo replications was used to test for the significance of the statistic. Spatial autocorrelation was calculated for the years 1998, 1999, 2001 and 1997–2001. Because very few cholera cases were reported in 1997 and 2000, autocorrelation was not calculated for these years.</p>", "<p>Population based rate ratios were computed for strata of districts grouped by the following variables;</p>", "<title>Proximity to Kumasi, the most urbanized city</title>", "<p>Proximity to Kumasi Metropolis (the most urbanized district in Ashanti region) was categorized into three strata based on the order of spatial neighborhood and/or adjacency. First order neighbors were defined as districts sharing common boundaries with the Kumasi Metropolis. Second order neighbors were defined as districts sharing common boundaries with the first order neighbors, whereas third order neighbors were defined as district sharing common boundaries with the second order neighbors. All spatial neighbors were defined using ArcGIS version 9.2. Population based rate ratios were computed for each strata by taken the stratum of third order neighbors as reference (baseline).</p>", "<title>Urbanization level</title>", "<p>The indicator for urbanization was population based. Each district within the region is made up of localities and/or communities. A locality with a population of 5,000 or more was classified as urban, and less than 5,000 as rural. This is the criteria given by the Ghana Statistical Service [##UREF##26##42##]. The urbanization level for each district was then computed as the proportion of a district's population residing in localities and/or communities of ≥ 5,000 people in the year 2000. Three urbanization strata were determined, each representing a quartile of districts. Each quartile was composed of six districts. Population-based incidence rate ratios were calculated for each stratum by taking that of lower urbanization as reference.</p>", "<title>Overcrowding</title>", "<p>The indicator for overcrowding was based on four variables: (1) Population density; (2) population per house; (3) single room occupancy (i.e., percentage of households living in single rooms) and; (4) households per house. A household was defined as \"a person or group of persons who live together in the same house or compound, sharing the same house-keeping arrangements and are catered for as one unit\". Each variable was standardized to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. The variables were combined to form a single index of risk, called overcrowding index (OI). The OI for each district was computed as the mean of the algebraic sum of the standardized values of the four variables. The assumption was that the variables carry equal weights. The Jenk's method of classification was used to classify OI into three strata of districts. Population-based incidence rate ratios were calculated for each stratum by taking that of lower OI as reference (baseline).</p>", "<p>Taking into account urbanization stratum and overcrowding level, neighborhood population-based double stratification analyses were performed to explore whether cholera incidence rate was associated with the order of neighborhood with Kumasi Metropolis.</p>", "<p>The Extended Mantel-Haenszel <italic>Chi Square </italic>(<italic>χ</italic><sup>2</sup>) for trend analysis and 95% confidence intervals for rate ratios were computed to explore the relationship between cholera incidence rates and the variables under study [##UREF##22##38##]. Given a series of proportions representing increasing or decreasing exposure (risk factor) and numbers of affected and non affected people in each stratum (group), the Mantel-Haenszel's extension tests whether the rates in successive groups increase or decrease when compared to the baseline (reference). The results of such test include the rate ratios of successive exposure levels, and <italic>χ</italic><sup>2 </sup>and <italic>P</italic>-value (one degree of freedom). A <italic>P</italic>-value less than 0.05 may be taken as reasonable indication of trend in the rates of successive levels compared with the baseline (reference) [EpiInfo version 6.03 help manual]. EpiInfo version 6.03 was used for the computation of the rate ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and the <italic>χ</italic><sup>2 </sup>for trend analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and analyses</title>", "<p>The extent to which neighboring values are correlated was measured using Global Moran's index. A significance assessment through a permutation procedure was implemented to determine the significance of the computed Moran's index. There is a positive and statistically significant spatial autocorrelation for cumulative incidence rate of cholera from 1997 to 2001 (Moran's I = 0.271, <italic>P-value </italic>= 0.0009). Moreover, a spatial autocorrelation statistic computed for each of the periods 1998, 1999 and 2001 were statistically significant (<italic>P-value </italic>&lt; 0.05) for Moran's I (See Table ##TAB##0##1##). This reflects clustering of high rates of cholera at the central part of the region (See Figure ##FIG##0##2##).</p>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##0##2## also shows the Empirical Bayesian smoothed rates of cholera. A visual inspection reflects clustering of high rates of cholera at areas surrounding Kumasi Metropolis and its adjoining neighbors (See Figure ##FIG##0##2d##). Moreover, clustering of high rates of cholera was persistent at Kumasi Metropolis and its adjoining neighbors in the years 1998, 1999, and 2001 (See Figures ##FIG##0##2a, 2b, 2c##).</p>", "<p>The rate ratio within each stratum was computed using EpiInfo, and the results shown in Tables ##TAB##1##2##, ##TAB##2##3##, ##TAB##3##4##, ##TAB##4##5##, ##TAB##5##6##. The cumulative incidence rate of cholera was 22 times higher in the first order neighborhood stratum than the third order neighborhood stratum. The cumulative incidence rate in the second order neighborhood (with Kumasi Metropolis) was not very high (1.4 times) compared to the third order neighborhood (See Table ##TAB##1##2##). Cholera incidence rate in the most urban stratum was about 20 times higher than the least urban stratum (Table ##TAB##2##3##), while the incidence rate in the most overcrowded stratum was about 30 times higher than the less overcrowded stratum (Table ##TAB##3##4##). A <italic>Chi square </italic>for trend analysis reflected a direct spatial relationship between cholera and urbanization (Table ##TAB##2##3##: <italic>χ</italic><sup>2 </sup>= 2995.5, <italic>P </italic>= 0.000001), overcrowding (Table ##TAB##3##4##: <italic>χ</italic><sup>2 </sup>= 1757.2, <italic>P </italic>= 0.000001), and an inverse relationship between cholera and order of neighborhood (Table ##TAB##1##2##: <italic>χ</italic><sup>2 </sup>= 831.38, <italic>P </italic>= 0.000001).</p>", "<p>The cumulative incidence rate of cholera was higher in the adjoining (first order neighborhood) stratum than in the non-adjoining stratum (second and third order neighborhoods) within each urbanization stratum (Table ##TAB##4##5##). Similar pattern was observed in the high and medium overcrowding strata (Table ##TAB##5##6##). No adjoining district was within the least overcrowded stratum.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>This study takes advantage of the advancements in Geographic information system such as spatial disease mapping and smoothing, exploratory spatial data analysis such as spatial autocorrelation, and spatial statistical techniques to identify demographic risk factors of cholera. The extent to which neighboring values are correlated was measured using Global Moran's index for spatial autocorrelation. All autocorrelation analyses suggest significant spatial clustering of cholera with positive Moran's index (see Table ##TAB##0##1##). This non random distribution also suggests spatial clustering of high rates of cholera incidence at the central part of the region, and low rates at the peripheries (See Figure ##FIG##0##2##). This is also shown by the high rate ratio of 22 times in the first order neighborhood stratum (i.e. direct neighbors with Kumasi Metropolis, See Table ##TAB##1##2##). Visual inspections of the EBS maps also suggest possible sustained transmission of cholera at districts within the central part of the region (see Figures ##FIG##0##2a, 2b, 2c, 2d##). These patterns are plausible largely because of two main reasons. (1) <italic>Demographic status</italic>: Kumasi is the most urbanized and highly commercialized district in Ashanti region, and therefore there is always a high daily influx of traders and civil workers from neighboring districts to Kumasi Metropolis. Such a high daily influx strain existing sanitation systems, thereby putting people at increased risk of cholera transmission. Also, the rural poor most often migrate to city centers with the hope of better life. However, due to the high cost of housing, such migrants settle at slummy and/or squatter areas where environmental sanitation is poor. This largely explains the high <italic>northern population </italic>(inhabitants from the northern sector of Ghana; which is the most deprived sector) within Kumasi Metropolis (2) <italic>Geographic location</italic>: Kumasi Metropolis is the central nodal district of Ghana, and therefore, all road networks linking the northern sector and the southern sector of Ghana pass through Kumasi. There is the high probability of stoppage and transit by travelers, resulting in a high daily population increase and overcrowding at city centers.</p>", "<p>This study has also shown that high urbanization and overcrowding are the most important predictors of cholera in Ashanti region, Ghana (See Tables ##TAB##2##3##, ##TAB##3##4##, ##TAB##4##5##, ##TAB##5##6##). Although cholera is transmitted mainly through contaminated water or food, sanitary conditions in the environment play an important role since the <italic>V. cholerae </italic>bacterium survives and multiplies outside the human body and can spread rapidly where living conditions are overcrowded and water sources unprotected and where there is no safe disposal of solid waste, liquid waste, and human faces [##UREF##7##9##]. These conditions are met in highly urbanized communities in Ashanti Region. The high rate of urbanization has led to the high level of overcrowding, which necessarily results in shorter disease transmission path. This is shown by the very high rate ratios within the high urban (RR = 19.86) and high OI (RR = 31.11) stratum (See Tables ##TAB##2##3## and ##TAB##3##4##). In fact, the DCU has attributed outbreaks of cholera in urban communities to poor waste management and sanitation systems. In Ghana, urban population growth rate of about 4.3% has outstripped the overall national population growth rate of about 2.7%. The proportion of the population residing in urban areas rose from 32% in 1984 to 43.8% in 2000 [##UREF##32##48##]. Such high urbanization rate strain existing resources meant for providing better sanitation systems and potable water. Inadequate sanitation systems coupled with intermittent supply of pipe borne water in urban communities puts the population at risk of cholera. Surface water pollution is particularly found to be worse where rivers pass through urban and overcrowded cities, and the commonest contamination is from human excreta and sewage [##UREF##26##42##]. Due to the cosmopolitan (multi-ethnic) nature of the urban cities in Ghana [##UREF##33##49##], the traditional laws which were used to protect water bodies form fecal pollution are no longer adhered (Traditionally, it is a taboo to defecate or dispose waste in a water body). Therefore, defecating and dumping of waste in and at the banks of surface water bodies has become a common practice in most urban communities. However, urban inhabitants resort to such polluted water bodies for various household activities like cooking and washing during periods of water shortages.</p>", "<p>Further, the rate of slums and/or squatter formation in urban communities is high due to the high rate of migration and population redistribution. Inhabitants living at slums and/or squatter settlements are generally poor, and face problems including access to potable water and sanitation. The urban poor (slums and squatter settlers), are worse off than their rural counterparts in terms of access and affordability to safe drinking water and sanitation. In many cases public utilities providers (e.g. Water distribution) legally fail to serve the urban poor living in slums due to factors regarding land tenure system, technical and service regulations, and city development plans. Most slums and/or squatter settlements are also located at low lying areas susceptible to flooding. Unfavorable topography, soil, and hydro-geological conditions make it difficult to achieve and maintain high sanitation standards among populations living in these territories [##UREF##9##19##].</p>", "<p>This study has shown the capabilities of spatial analysis and GIS in analyzing geographically referenced health data in Ghana. Moreover, the study has also proven that the demographic risk factors of cholera may not be the same in every geographical area or country. For example, Barroto and Martnez-Piedra [##UREF##9##19##] identified low urbanization as one of the most important ecologic predictors of cholera in Mexico, a Latin American country. However, the results of this study show that high urbanization positively correlates with high cholera incidence.</p>", "<p>Although some findings of this research reaffirms the already known hypothesis of cholera, we present the possibility of using GIS and spatial statistical tools for health research in this study area where GIS application in the health sector has not been extensively utilized.</p>", "<title>Limitations of this research</title>", "<p>The results of the Extended Mantel-Haenszel <italic>Chi Square </italic>for trend analyses should be interpreted with caution. The number of cholera cases reported to the DCU may only be a fraction of cases that actually occurred, especially in lowly urbanized districts (or rural areas) of the country where level of education is extremely low. It has been suggested that educational level indirectly determines a person's healthcare seeking behavior [##REF##12220086##18##].</p>", "<p>The spatial scale of the data may invariably affect the results of the spatial analysis. The areas identified as high risk of cholera are generally large areas defined by administrative boundaries. In such a large spatial scale, it is difficult to demonstrate the actual risk of cholera within a smaller group of people. A more detailed study at a smaller spatial scale is therefore required to assess the accurate individual or smaller groups of individuals' exposure levels. The spatial autocorrelation analysis should be interpreted with caution due the different shapes and sizes of the districts [##UREF##30##46##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>This study has demonstrated the use of spatial statistical analysis and GIS to map hotspots, and the spatial dependency of cholera distribution within a population. Through spatial statistical procedures, non-randomness in the distribution of cholera and the identification of unusual concentration of cholera incidence has been defined. This therefore prompts health planners in the country to take a critical look at these risk areas, and make appropriate health planning and resource allocation. In conclusion, the results of this research suggest that high urbanization, high overcrowding, and neighborhood with Kumasi Metropolis are the most important predictors of cholera in Ashanti region-Ghana. It is therefore necessary that health officials and policy makers reasonably improve their surveillance systems to prepare for the possibility of sustained transmission should an infection be introduced. Since this research is the first of its kind in Ghana, a more detailed research is required to consider factors like access to safe drinking water, and availability of waste disposal systems to thoroughly evaluate the risk of cholera in the region.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Cholera has claimed many lives throughout history and it continues to be a global threat, especially in countries in Africa. The disease is listed as one of three internationally quarantinable diseases by the World Health organization, along with plague and yellow fever. Between 1999 and 2005, Africa alone accounted for about 90% of over 1 million reported cholera cases worldwide. In Ghana, there have been over 27000 reported cases since 1999. In one of the affected regions in Ghana, Ashanti region, massive outbreaks and high incidences of cholera have predominated in urban and overcrowded communities.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>A GIS based spatial analysis and statistical analysis, carried out to determine clustering of cholera, showed that high cholera rates are clustered around Kumasi Metropolis (the central part of the region), with Moran's Index = 0.271 and <italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.001. Furthermore, A Mantel-Haenszel <italic>Chi square </italic>for trend analysis reflected a direct spatial relationship between cholera and urbanization (<italic>χ</italic><sup>2 </sup>= 2995.5, <italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.0001), overcrowding (<italic>χ</italic><sup>2 </sup>= 1757.2, <italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.0001), and an inverse relationship between cholera and order of neighborhood with Kumasi Metropolis (<italic>χ</italic><sup>2 </sup>= 831.38, <italic>P </italic>&lt; 0.0001).</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The results suggest that high urbanization, high overcrowding, and neighborhood with Kumasi Metropolis are the most important predictors of cholera in Ashanti region.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>FBO carried out the research and drafted the manuscript. AAD guided the research and reviewed the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We extend our sincere appreciation to Mr. Douglas Brenya, from the Disease Control Unit-Ashanti Region, for providing all the necessary data and background information for this research.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>EBS Smoothed Rates of Cholera for 1998 (2a), 1999(2b), 2001(2c), and 1997–2001(2d)</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>District Map of Ashanti region, Ghana.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Moran's I for spatial autocorrelation computed for cumulative incidence of cholera (1997–2001), and the specific years of cholera outbreaks (1998, 1999, and 2001).</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Year</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Moran's I</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>P</italic></bold><bold>-value</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">1997–2001</td><td align=\"center\">0.271</td><td align=\"center\">0.0001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1998</td><td align=\"center\">0.331</td><td align=\"center\">0.004</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1999</td><td align=\"center\">0.181</td><td align=\"center\">0.040</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">2001</td><td align=\"center\">0.240</td><td align=\"center\">0.010</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Cholera incidence rate and population-based rate ratios by strata of districts classified according to order of neighborhood and/or adjacency to Kumasi Metropolis, 1997–2001.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Order of neighborhood</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cholera</bold><break/><bold> cases</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Sub</bold><break/><bold> Population</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate (per 10000)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate ratio (95%CI)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>First order</bold></td><td align=\"left\">562</td><td align=\"left\">672482</td><td align=\"left\">8.357101008</td><td align=\"left\">22 (14.14–35.27)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Second order</bold></td><td align=\"left\">69</td><td align=\"left\">1307843</td><td align=\"left\">0.527586262</td><td align=\"left\">1.4 (0.84–2.36)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Third order</bold></td><td align=\"left\">21</td><td align=\"left\">558356</td><td align=\"left\">0.376104134</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Cholera incidence rate and population-based rate ratios by strata of districts classified according to level of urbanization, 1997–2001.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Urbanization (%)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cholera</bold><break/><bold> cases</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Sub</bold><break/><bold> Population</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate (per 10000)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate ratio(95%CI)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Low</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">0.0–16.5</td><td align=\"left\">126</td><td align=\"left\">1065586</td><td align=\"left\">1.182447968</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Medium</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">19.2–35.6</td><td align=\"left\">357</td><td align=\"left\">848903</td><td align=\"left\">4.205427475</td><td align=\"left\">3.56 (2.89–4.38)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>High</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">38.9–100</td><td align=\"left\">2748</td><td align=\"left\">1170270</td><td align=\"left\">23.48176062</td><td align=\"left\">19.86 (16.55–23.840</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Cholera incidence rate and population-based rate ratios by strata of districts classified according to level of overcrowding, 1997–2001.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Overcrowding index</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cholera</bold><break/><bold> cases</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Sub</bold><break/><bold> Population</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate (per 10000)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate ratio(95%CI)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Low</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(-4.5 &lt; OI &lt; -1.66)</td><td align=\"left\">51</td><td align=\"left\">1048225</td><td align=\"left\">0.49</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Medium</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(-0.73 &lt; OI &lt; -0.37)</td><td align=\"left\">310</td><td align=\"left\">764556</td><td align=\"left\">4.05</td><td align=\"left\">8.33 (6.14–11.34)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>High</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(-0.25 &lt; OI &lt; 3.20)</td><td align=\"left\">2870</td><td align=\"left\">1896170</td><td align=\"left\">15.14</td><td align=\"left\">31.11 (23.40–41.46)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Cholera incidence rate and population-based rate ratios by strata of districts classified according to urbanization level and order of neighborhood and/or adjacency to Kumasi Metropolis, 1997–2001.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Urbanization (%)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Neighborhood</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cholera cases</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Population</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate(per10000)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate ratio(95% CI)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Low</bold></td><td align=\"left\">Adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">84</td><td align=\"left\">146028</td><td align=\"left\">5.75</td><td align=\"left\">12.59 (8.57–18.55)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">0.0–16.5</td><td align=\"left\">Non-adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">42</td><td align=\"left\">919558</td><td align=\"left\">0.46</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Medium</bold></td><td align=\"left\">Adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">330</td><td align=\"left\">361786</td><td align=\"left\">9.12</td><td align=\"left\">16.46 (10.96–24.88)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">19.2–35.6</td><td align=\"left\">Non-adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">27</td><td align=\"left\">487117</td><td align=\"left\">0.55</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>High</bold></td><td align=\"left\">Adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">148</td><td align=\"left\">164668</td><td align=\"left\">8.99</td><td align=\"left\">19.67 (12.22–31.95)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">38.9–100</td><td align=\"left\">Non-adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">21</td><td align=\"left\">459524</td><td align=\"left\">0.46</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T6\"><label>Table 6</label><caption><p>Cholera incidence rate and population-based rate ratios by strata of districts classified according to overcrowding level and order of neighborhood and/or adjacency to Kumasi Metropolis, 1997–2001.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Overcrowding</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Neighborhood</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cholera cases</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Population</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate(per 10,000)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Rate ratio(95% CI)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Low</bold></td><td align=\"left\">Adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">0</td><td align=\"left\">0</td><td align=\"left\">0.00</td><td align=\"left\">0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(-4.5 &lt; OI &lt; -1.66)</td><td align=\"left\">Non-adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">51</td><td align=\"left\">1048225</td><td align=\"left\">0.49</td><td align=\"left\">*</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Medium</bold></td><td align=\"left\">Adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">286</td><td align=\"left\">237610</td><td align=\"left\">12.04</td><td align=\"left\">26.43 (17.16–41.05)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(-0.73 &lt; OI &lt; -0.37)</td><td align=\"left\">Non-adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">24</td><td align=\"left\">526946</td><td align=\"left\">0.46</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>High</bold></td><td align=\"left\">Adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">276</td><td align=\"left\">434872</td><td align=\"left\">6.35</td><td align=\"left\">12.31 (7.17–21.51)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(-0.25 &lt; OI &lt; 3.20)</td><td align=\"left\">Non-adjoining</td><td align=\"left\">15</td><td align=\"left\">291028</td><td align=\"left\">0.52</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<disp-formula><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M1\" name=\"1476-072X-7-44-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:mi>I</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mfrac><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mi>o</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>w</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mfrac><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>u</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>u</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:msub><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">(</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>x</mml:mi><mml:mi>i</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mi>u</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy=\"false\">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac><mml:mo>,</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>", "<disp-formula>S<sub><italic>o </italic></sub>= ∑<sub><italic>i</italic></sub>∑<sub><italic>j </italic></sub><italic>w</italic><sub><italic>ij</italic></sub></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Chi-square for linear trend = 831.375, P-value = 0.000001</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Chi-square for linear trend = 2995.5, P-value = 0.000001</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Chi-square for linear trend = 1757.2, P-value = 0.000001</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>*undefined</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-44-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-44-1\"/>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:35
Int J Health Geogr. 2008 Aug 12; 7:44
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Residential areas are proximal to everyday life and are therefore likely to influence health of local populations through the possibility they provide for leading healthy lives [##UREF##0##1##,##REF##12137182##2##]. An accumulating body of research shows evidence for variation in health across residential areas and the significance of area context for explaining this variation, independently of the characteristics of individuals [##UREF##1##3##, ####REF##11154250##4##, ##REF##17873220##5####17873220##5##].</p>", "<p>Different scales, or spatial units, may be relevant to specific contextual conditions and to specific heath outcomes [##REF##17590377##6##,##REF##11684601##7##], as illustrated by studies reporting varying strength and magnitude of area effects on health according to the operational definition of areas [##REF##11820682##8##, ####REF##15820583##9##, ##REF##14499510##10##, ##REF##15652687##11##, ##REF##12196317##12##, ##REF##10827914##13##, ##UREF##2##14##, ##REF##18177988##15####18177988##15##] or to contextual conditions [##REF##12908718##16##, ####REF##15230507##17##, ##REF##15965140##18##, ##REF##15571894##19####15571894##19##]. Nonetheless current approaches for delimiting areas mostly rely on spatial units \"of convenience\" such as census tracts, boroughs, or wards [##UREF##1##3##,##REF##17873220##5##]. These spatial units are certainly useful because they can easily be linked to data from censuses and other surveys that can be used for measuring contextual conditions. Also, they are often designed to be homogeneous along socioeconomic conditions of populations, thus being appropriate spatial units to operationalise the socioeconomic context of areas [##REF##15246176##20##] (this may not hold for other administrative units, e.g. postal code areas which are design for postal delivery purposes and may be very heterogeneous in terms of population composition). However it is to be considered that through time, the composition of the units may change leading to modification of the socioeconomic conditions which may become more heterogeneous.</p>", "<p>Yet, other contextual dimensions relevant for health may not be optimally defined within administrative spatial units. For example, conduciveness of areas to physical activity or geographic accessibility to health services may operate on different scales than socioeconomic factors. Operationalising relevant spatial units for studying area effects on health remains a conceptual and methodological challenge [##REF##11154250##4##,##REF##17873220##5##,##REF##11684601##7##,##REF##11446289##21##, ####REF##10884951##22##, ##UREF##3##23##, ##REF##12505885##24##, ##UREF##4##25##, ##REF##15020011##26####15020011##26##] giving rise to issues of validity and soundness of areal units as units of analysis [##UREF##5##27##].</p>", "<title>Operationalising small areas: issues of validity and soundness units of analysis</title>", "<p>Construct validity refers to whether or not the measurement instrument operationalises the concept of interest. In area effects on health research, construct validity is a matter of establishing 1) the soundness of units of analysis, i.e., whether or not area boundaries are aetiologically meaningful for studying the association between area characteristics and a given health indicator, and 2) whether or not data constitute appropriate operationalisations of exposure variables, i.e. the characteristics of areas [##UREF##5##27##]. Ideally, definitions of areas, the characteristics of these areas, and the health outcome(s) being studied should be coherent with one another [##REF##11684601##7##].</p>", "<p>Measures of area characteristics derived from population censuses and other surveys, e.g. socioeconomic position, although easily accessible, provide only partial information on the context of areas and may in fact be endogenous to the composition of the areas as they are determined by individual characteristics of residents [##REF##15774331##28##]. Collecting and measuring \"true\" or \"integral\" area data, i.e. data only measurable at the area level through procedures such as ecometrics and spatial analyses has been underscored as critical for measuring unbiased area-level variables [##REF##12137182##2##,##REF##11684601##7##,##REF##15774331##28##,##REF##15694520##29##]. Likewise, defining aetiologically meaningful areas in coherence with the specific purposes of the study, either in terms of health outcomes, characteristics of environment, or associations between the two [##UREF##3##23##,##REF##15774331##28##,##REF##16452106##30##,##REF##16707654##31##] is important for understanding the significance of residential areas for health. Measurement errors can result if the spatial patterning of environmental characteristics does not correspond to the spatial units chosen for operationalising areas and their context [##UREF##5##27##].</p>", "<p>Defining relevant geographic areas becomes salient in light of the modifiable areal unit problem, i.e. the fact that analytical results are sensitive to the definition of spatial units at which data are aggregated [##UREF##6##32##,##UREF##7##33##]. In other words, area effects may be observed only at certain scales, i.e. scales at which data are collected and aggregated and may vary or be absent when observed at other scales. Imposing arbitrary spatial units on a continuous spatial process, e.g. characteristics of environments, may lead to the delineation of artificial spatial patterns. In such cases, environment characteristics may be measured with error. As a result the internal validity of the study, i.e. whether or not observed associations are unbiased, may be threatened.</p>", "<p>In addition, as per spatial autocorrelation, areas will share similar contextual conditions as a function of their proximity in space [##UREF##8##34##]. By using spatial units of convenience, it is assumed that contextual conditions within one area are different and influence health independently of conditions in neighbouring areas [##REF##11154250##4##,##REF##17873220##5##,##REF##11446289##21##,##REF##10884951##22##,##REF##12505885##24##, ####UREF##4##25##, ##REF##15020011##26####15020011##26##,##REF##17706331##35##], when in fact these conditions are clustered in space. Furthermore, for any area effects to be detected there must be variation in the exposure being studied [##UREF##9##36##]. Yet the variation of environment characteristics may be smoothed out by the definition of area units used to measure them. For example, if spatial units encompass environments that are both conducive to walking and others that are less so, averaging values of conduciveness over census tracts could potentially lead to mismeasurment of exposures. Within area homogeneity along the contextual conditions under examination is thus required for minimising measurement error. Correspondingly, for inferring about area effects on health, between area differences must be maximised: if data are collected in contiguous and heterogeneous areas, variations in both characteristics of environments and health outcomes, and their association, may be misestimated. As area effects on health have been observed to be stronger in more homogeneous areas [##REF##17369075##37##,##REF##10984584##38##], homogeneity of areas may thus influence the estimation of area effects and therefore the validity of conclusion.</p>", "<p>In Figure ##FIG##0##1##, we propose a template that could be useful for establishing the soundness of spatial units \"of convenience\" to operationally define areas for specific research questions. For example, the template could be used to guide the decision as to whether or not census tracts are the most appropriate spatial units of analysis for measuring associations between area-level socioeconomic position (SEP) and obesity. That is, if they allow for measuring indicators of SEP without bias (and ultimately for estimating non-biased association with health outcomes) by showing homogeneity in the distribution of indicators and optimising their spatial patterning. In the methods section, we propose an approach for achieving this end. Intuitively, it can be expected that census tracts are appropriate units for undertaking such a study as they are, as mentioned above, initially designed to be homogeneous along socioeconomic conditions. But across time, the socioeconomic composition of census tracts may change as people migrate in and out of areas, potentially introducing heterogeneity in the socioeconomic make-up of the area. This could result in a \"dilution\" of the true level of deprivation. Averaging indicators of SEP over census tracts thus may mask \"pockets\" of poverty. The exercise of establishing the soundness of census tracts as units of analysis would be important here, as it would allow to measure with less error indicators of SEP and their association with health outcomes. In multilevel studies, mismeasurement of environment characteristics may influence the strength of the observed association between environment characteristics and health indicators [##UREF##10##39##]. As such, associations may not be detected or may be spurious, therefore limiting the precision of research findings for informing public health and public policy actions to tackle social and geographical inequalities in health.</p>", "<p>Establishing the soundness of spatial units of analysis chosen for operationalising area boundaries and measuring area context is an important methodological consideration, but it is often overlooked. Alternatively, designing spatial units of analysis maximising homogeneity of selected environment characteristics may prove to be a viable strategy for advancing the understanding of processes linking place to health [##REF##11684601##7##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The methodology section includes two parts. First, we present criteria and methods for designing homogeneous areas (henceforth designated as \"zones\"). Second, we present analyses undertaken to assess the soundness of census tracts as units of analysis for measuring the active living potential of residential areas.</p>", "<title>Designing optimal, homogeneous zones</title>", "<p>Zone design refers to the placement of areal unit boundaries [##REF##15820583##9##]. It can be achieved discursively (manually) by grouping basic spatial units into larger ones [##REF##15038149##57##, ####REF##12639596##58##, ##REF##10077280##59####10077280##59##], by combining social, statistical, and spatial analysis methods [##REF##15886144##60##,##REF##17615065##61##], and automatically through computationally intensive automated zoning software [##REF##15820583##9##,##REF##18177988##15##,##REF##17369075##37##,##UREF##16##62##, ####UREF##17##63##, ##UREF##18##64##, ##REF##12346252##65####12346252##65##].</p>", "<p>Three criteria guided the choice of the method for zone design. First, we wanted to design zones based on the spatial distribution of environmental characteristics related to active living potential, namely population density, land use mix, and geographic accessibility to selected proximity services. We had no requirement regarding population and area sizes as zones were defined on the basis of the spatial distribution of these characteristics. Second, the method for zone design had to be optimal, i.e. to maximize variation between zones and to minimize variation within zones in the selected characteristics. In other words, the aim was to design zones that were internally homogeneous on the three indicators of active living potential, but different (heterogeneous) amongst themselves. Finally, we wanted a method that was rigorous but comprehensible and easy to implement. We opted for an approach that combined a statistical classification method, <italic>K</italic>-means clustering, to mapping applications in geographic information system. This three-step approach is described in greater details in the following sections.</p>", "<title>Step 1: Measuring environment characteristics at the smallest area level</title>", "<p>The study area is the Island of Montreal, Canada, an urban centre with 1 812 723 residents. As of January 2006, on the Island of Montreal, there are 15 municipalities, in addition to the municipality of Montreal which includes 19 boroughs [##UREF##19##66##]. The Island of Montreal is further divided into 521 census tracts and 3222 dissemination areas. Dissemination areas (DAs) were used as basic spatial units for designing zones because they are the smallest standard geographic areas for which Canadian census data are available (population size between 400 and 700 residents) [##UREF##11##40##]. On the Island of Montreal, their average size is 0.15 km<sup>2 </sup>(ranging between 364 m<sup>2 </sup>and 18 km<sup>2</sup>) with an average population of 562 individuals (ranging between 44 and 2138 residents). DA values for population density, land use mix, and accessibility to services were computed in a geographical information system (ArcGIS 9.2) [##UREF##20##67##].</p>", "<p><italic>Population density </italic>refers to number of individuals per unit area. It was computed by dividing the total number of residents of a DA by its area size (km<sup>2</sup>) [##UREF##21##68##].</p>", "<p><italic>Land use mix </italic>relates to the diversity or variety of land uses within an area. It was computed using an entropy index [##REF##15694519##47##,##UREF##22##69##,##UREF##23##70##] which measures the homogeneity or diversity of land uses within a spatial unit. The index is defined as follow:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>Where A<sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>is the surface area of land use <italic>i </italic>in dissemination area <italic>j</italic>, D<sub><italic>j </italic></sub>is the surface area of dissemination area <italic>j</italic>, and <italic>n </italic>is the total number of possible land uses which in the current case corresponds to 16, the number of different land uses characterising the Island of Montreal [##UREF##24##71##]. The index values range between 0 and 1, where 1 corresponds to a highly mixed area, and 0 to a homogeneous area, that is an area characterised by only one type of land use (e.g. low density housing). This index has been used in many studies to measure land use mix [##REF##15694519##47##,##UREF##25##72##].</p>", "<p><italic>Geographic accessibility to proximity services </italic>refers to geographic distance to or from destinations, here to supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, and libraries. These services were selected because they are most likely to be used on a regular basis, conveying the idea of proximity services potentially accessible through walking. There are many measures of geographic accessibility [##UREF##26##73##,##UREF##27##74##]. In this study, geographic accessibility was defined in terms of the number of the selected services within an area, conferring the notion of the offer of services provided by the immediate surroundings. Supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, and libraries were geocoded at the parcel level [##UREF##28##75##]. In order to minimise aggregation errors [##UREF##26##73##,##REF##18282284##76##], accessibility was measured by computing distances of services located within a one kilometre (network distance) radius [##UREF##29##77##] from the centroid of census blocks (n = 14 527) comprised within any one DA; the distances were than averaged and weighted by the total population of each census blocks.</p>", "<p>Characterisation of DAs along the three indicators resulted in a sample of 3206 DAs. Measures of land use mix and accessibility to services were normally distributed; population density was normalized using a LOG10 transformation [##REF##16705786##78##]. Population density was significantly and positively correlated to accessibility to services (r = 0.45, p &lt; 0.001), and negatively to land use mix (r = -0.32, p &lt; 0.001). Land use mix and accessibility to services were not significantly correlated (r = 0.03, p &gt; 0.500). Prior to cluster analyses, these variables were standardized to a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1, higher values representing greater levels of population density, land use mix, and accessibility to services.</p>", "<title>Step 2: Classifying smallest areas into clusters, e.g. \"types of environments\", using K-means clustering</title>", "<p><italic>K</italic>-means statistical clustering techniques using SAS (version 9.1) for Windows [##UREF##30##79##] was applied to classify DAs into <italic>k </italic>number of optimal clusters homogeneous in terms of active living potential. In social sciences, notably in geography, <italic>K</italic>-means is largely employed to classify areas (e.g. geodemographics [##UREF##31##80##]). The method uses an allocation/re-allocation algorithm to optimally reassign objects, here DAs, to the nearest cluster centroid [##UREF##32##81##, ####UREF##33##82##, ##UREF##34##83####34##83##]. The goal is to maximize between cluster variations and to minimize within cluster variations. The aim of this second step was to group DAs with similar values of population density, land use mix, and accessibility to services into <italic>k </italic>types of environments that are internally homogeneous but different among them. These types of environments correspond to different levels of active living potential. For <italic>K</italic>-means clustering, the number of clusters (<italic>k</italic>) must be determined at the onset of analyses; as we had no a priori for such number, we conducted analyses for <italic>k </italic>= 4 to <italic>k </italic>= 20.</p>", "<title>Step 3: Mapping the clusters to create optimal and homogeneous zones</title>", "<p>In a final step, the <italic>k </italic>types of environments were imported into ArcGIS 9.2 and mapped out. This lead to the delineation of <italic>n </italic>homogeneous zones i.e., units of analysis, characterised by one of <italic>k </italic>active living potential.</p>", "<title>Statistical analyses: Assessing the soundness of census tracts as units of analysis for operationalising active living potential</title>", "<p>The soundness of census tracts for operationalising indicators of active living potential was assessed through three series of analyses.</p>", "<p>First, to assess the homogeneity of census tracts, variation in indicators of active living potential was estimated and decomposed between and within areas. Population density, land use mix, and accessibility of services were measured continuously at the DAs level (level 1: n = 3206). In separate two-level multilevel models, DAs were nested into zones (n = 898) and into census tracts (n = 506 with valid population and socioeconomic data). Between-area variation in indicators of active living potential was estimated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) from unconditional (null) multilevel models using HLM software Version 6.04 [##UREF##35##84##]. The ICC indicates the proportion of variation in a dependent variable that is attributable to differences between area units. Greater ICC values indicate that variation of a variable is greater between units than within, i.e. units are different among them but internally homogeneous. Using the same analytical approach, homogeneity of zones and census tracts along indicators of socioeconomic position was assessed and compared. DA-level data on the proportion of low-income households, of people with less than high school education, and of people with a university degree were obtained from the 2001 Canadian census.</p>", "<p>Second, analysis of variance was performed to examine the proportion of variation across zones in socioeconomic variables explained by the <italic>k </italic>types of environment. Indicators of SEP at the DA-level were aggregated (weighted by population) at the zone-level. These analyses were performed to examine whether or not socioeconomic and active living indicators follow a similar spatial distribution as is implicitly assumed when measured within the same area unit of analysis.</p>", "<p>Finally, descriptive statistics were employed to assess the extent to which the spatial distribution of the different types of environment coincides with the boundaries of census tracts. These analyses were conducted to examine if census tracts encompassed environments with differing levels of active living potential. The numbers of zones straddling over one or more census tracts, and the number of types of environment encompassed within census tracts were computed. To examine whether or not the spatial distribution of more mixed or more homogeneous census tracts (i.e. the number of types of environments encompassed within census tracts) was structured in space, global values of spatial autocorrelation were computed using Moran <italic>I </italic>with a first-order contiguity matrix [##UREF##36##85##,##UREF##37##86##]. Values for Moran <italic>I </italic>vary between -1 and 1, where negative values indicate negative spatial autocorrelation, i.e. neighbouring spatial units have different values, and positive values indicate positive spatial autocorrelation, i.e. neighbouring units have similar values. The covariance in Moran <italic>I </italic>is the covariance over space for neighbouring spatial units, and will not be computed unless two units are contiguous (first order); also, only one variable is considered [##UREF##36##85##], here the number of types of environments included in census tracts.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Description of types of environment and zones</title>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##1##2## illustrates results of the <italic>K</italic>-means clustering, which show that the 3206 DAs were optimally classified into 7 clusters or \"types of environments\" as indicated by peaks [##UREF##38##87##] in both the Pseudo-F statistic [##UREF##39##88##] and the Cubic clustering criterion [##UREF##40##89##]. These clusters explain 72.8% of the total variation in the three indicators of active living potential. Thus, differences among the seven clusters and similarity of DAs comprised within the same cluster, i.e. within-cluster homogeneity, were both maximized. The seven types of environments correspond to seven different levels of active living potential. They encompassed more suburban to more central urban types of environments defined by different values of population density, land use mix, and accessibility to services. The types of environments are described in Figure ##FIG##1##2## and Figure ##FIG##2##3##.</p>", "<p>Low-density and mid-density suburban areas are characterised by lower values of population density and accessibility to services. Diverse central urban areas and central urban areas with high accessibility are more densely populated and have greater access to services than any other types of environment. Although population density and accessibility to services follow to some extent an increasing gradient from more suburban to more urban areas, the pattern of land use mix is more complex: there are low values in urban areas and high values in suburban areas. Dissemination areas are designed to be similar in population size (among other characteristics); thus the area size required to reach the set population threshold (i.e. between 400 to 700 residents [##UREF##11##40##]) will be larger in less densely populated areas and smaller in more urban areas. As a consequence, larger dissemination areas are more likely to encompass different land use than are smaller dissemination areas located in urban areas.</p>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##1##2## also presents the statistical proximity (Euclidian distance) of the centroids of clusters (cluster mean values), i.e. types of environment, in a three dimensional graph where the axes correspond to the three indicators of active living potential. With respect to their spatial distribution, the types of environment are positively correlated in space indicating that contiguous zones were characterised by similar types of environment.</p>", "<p>Mapping of the clusters into the GIS led to the delineation of 898 zones or units of analysis characterised by one of the seven types of environments, i.e. active living potential, as illustrated in Figure ##FIG##2##3##. Zones are significantly smaller than census tracts, an average of 0.54 km<sup>2 </sup>(SD = 3.50) compared to 0.96 km<sup>2 </sup>(SD = 1.98) (t = -2.46; p &lt; 0.05), but the variation of their area size is not statistically different (F = 0.68; p = 0.409). Zones are significantly smaller than census tracts in population size, an average of 1960 (SD = 3867) residents compared to 3554 (SD = 1647) (t = -10.73; p &lt; 0.001), and there is significantly greater variability in population size across zones than across census tracts (F = 11.40; p &lt; 0.01). Zones characterised by more suburban contexts are on average larger and have relatively smaller population counts than urban zones.</p>", "<title>Soundness of census tracts as units of analysis for measuring active living potential</title>", "<title>Homogeneity of census tracts along active living potential indicators</title>", "<p>Results of homogeneity of zones and census tracts along active living indicators appear in Figure ##FIG##3##4##. The variation in indicators is not uniform across census tracts. A greater proportion (83%) of variation in accessibility to services is attributable to differences between census tracts, as indicated by a higher ICC value, suggesting within census tract homogeneity along this indicator. Yet about half of the variation in population density is between census tracts (52%), whereas there is greater variation in land use mix within census tracts (85%), indicating greater heterogeneity of tracts along these indicators. The degree of homogeneity of tracts therefore varies according to the indicator examined. For population density and land-use mix, but not for accessibility of services, variation between zones is greater than variation between census tracts. This shows that the method was successful in designing areas or units of analysis that were more homogeneous than census tracts along dimensions of active living potential.</p>", "<p>The degree of homogeneity of census tracts and zones along socioeconomic indicators shows that for the selected variables, variability is larger between census tracts than between zones (Figure ##FIG##3##4##). Census tracts are relatively homogeneous areas in terms of the socioeconomic environment, especially for proportion of population with a university education.</p>", "<title>Spatial distribution of active living potential and socioeconomic indicators</title>", "<p>Examining variation in socioeconomic indicators across zones shows that they follow a different spatial distribution than that of active living potential indicators. Results of analyses of variance (results not shown) revealed that 15.2% of the variation in the proportion of low-income households was explained by the seven types of environment whereas these proportions were 5.2% for the proportion of people with less than high school and 3.8% for the proportion of people with a university education.</p>", "<title>Types of environments encompassed within census tracts boundaries</title>", "<p>Overall, zones are not well contained within census tracts. As shown in Figure ##FIG##4##5##, only 30.5% of zones are completely located within the boundaries of one census tract. Forty-eight percent of zones straddle two or three census tracts whereas, 21.5% spread over more than four tracts. Correspondingly, there is considerable variability in types of environment within census tracts.</p>", "<p>As illustrated in Figure ##FIG##5##6##, 11.2% of census tracts encompass only one type of environment and 34.3% encompass two types. About 28% of census tracts are characterised by three different types of environment, whereas 26.3% comprise 4 or more different types. Among census tracts encompassing two types of environment (n = 175), about two-thirds (66.3%) comprise types that are statistically similar as indicated by distances between their centroids (two or less distance lag as indicated in the distance matrix in Figure ##FIG##1##2##; results not shown). For example, census tracts often comprise a combination of low-density suburban and suburban/urban axial zones (26.3%), or a grouping of diverse and high accessibility central urban areas (35.4%). Globally, the number of types of environment encompass within census tracts is positively correlated in space (Moran <italic>I </italic>= 0.26; p &lt; 0.001), suggesting that more homogeneous or more mixed census tracts are often contiguous in space (Figure ##FIG##5##6##). More heterogeneous census tracts are located mainly on the periphery of central urban areas and in the eastern part of the Island of Montreal, and to a lesser extend in the west-end suburbs.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The objective of this study was to assess the soundness of census tracts as units of analysis, i.e. their degree of homogeneity in terms of the active living potential of residential environments associated with walking. In order to do so, homogeneous zones that optimised the spatial patterning of active living potential indicators hypothesised to be associated with greater involvement in walking, namely population density, land-mix use, and accessibility to services, were successfully designed. This was done through the application of an easy-to-use method combining a classification method called <italic>K</italic>-means clustering with basic mapping applications of geographical information systems. The degree of soundness of census tracts as units of analysis was established through a series of analyses comparing them to the newly-designed zones.</p>", "<p>First the distribution of the three active living indicators between and within census tracts was assessed. Although census tracts were homogeneous in terms of accessibility to services, they were less homogenous in population density; for this indicator within and between census tracts variations were about equal. Census tracts were clearly not homogeneous in terms of land use mix as the variability within tracts largely exceeded the variability between tracts. In contrast, census tracts were homogeneous along socioeconomic variables. These results suggest that the spatial patterning of the active living potential of environments do not neatly follow in the delineation of census tracts, which may be more suitable as units of analysis for operationalising socioeconomic contexts.</p>", "<p>Then, findings revealed that the spatial distribution of active living and socioeconomic indicators followed different spatial distribution. At the zone-level, types of environment explained a small proportion of variation of socioeconomic variables. This indicates that processes underlying the distribution of active living and SEP indicators, although potentially linked [##REF##12137182##2##,##REF##17590377##6##], operate at different scales and thus require different units of analysis.</p>", "<p>In the final set of analyses, within tract variability in terms of what we labelled \"types of environment\" was examined. This allowed for the assessment of whether or not census tracts encompassed environments that were substantively different among them in terms of their active living potential. Census tracts comprising two different types of environments (34.3%) were not considered necessarily as problematic, given that some types of environment were more similar than others and were often contiguous in space. For example, diverse and high accessibility central urban zones were often contiguous in space and were statistically most similar (as indicated by statistical distances between clusters; Figure ##FIG##1##2##). However, census tracts comprising three or more types of environment raised concerns; such a situation was observed in more than half of census tracts. These tracts encompass environments that are simultaneously most conducive to walking and others that are least so. Averaging values of conduciveness to walking could potentially lead to significant errors when measuring active living potential at the census tract-level.</p>", "<p>The approach for defining areas or units of analysis differs from those involving the definition of strictly \"ecologically meaningful\" or \"natural\" neighbourhoods, i.e. neighbourhoods imbued with meaning for residents [##REF##11446289##21##] or as consisting of a group of homes sharing a commonly defined residential area often having name [##REF##15246176##20##]. Defining such units of analysis is important when the notion of commonly shared territory is related to the contextual condition of interest, for example social capital or collective efficacy [##REF##11684601##7##,##UREF##5##27##]; this notion is not conjured up by active living potential. Designing zones based on the spatial distribution of active living indicators empirically linked to greater involvement in walking leads to the definition of areas that are more appropriate units of analysis and increases the internal validity of study design examining the environmental determinants of walking.</p>", "<p>Future studies are needed to assess the impact of the choice of other environmental characteristics for designing zones relevant to other health indicators, and to other geographical areas. For example, areas relevant for studying the social and environmental determinants of overweight and obesity may be delimited according to the distribution of active living variables and food provision (accessibility of both healthy and non-healthy food). For studying mental health outcomes, social dimensions of area context such as social support and opportunities for social participation, may be more relevant. It is to be expected that designing zones using other indicators of contextual conditions associated with other health outcomes will lead to different spatial configuration of area units of analysis.</p>", "<p>Homogeneous zones are designed with the aim of optimising the study of a phenomenon or for the purpose of uncovering the aetiology underlying associations between area context and health. As such, the configuration of zones should not be viewed as other \"spaces\" of actions for public health and policy interventions. Rather, they may be useful for informing on viable interventions and policy strategies that may be health promoting.</p>", "<title>Limitations</title>", "<p>Results of this study should be considered in light of some limitations. First, there is a seven year time lag (2000 to 2006) between the dates of creation of the different datasets used to characterise dissemination areas in terms of their active living potential and socioeconomic position. Although changes in the built environment may have taken place during this period, the speed at which changes occur is not well documented; however over a seven-year period, changes in the built environment can be expected to be modest.</p>", "<p>Other indicators of active living potential could be examined in designing homogeneous areas, such as street connectivity, safety, and accessibility to other services or resources such as parks. In this study, the measurement of land use mix was dependent on the size of disseminations areas which are defined in part by a population size threshold: because of lower population density in suburban areas, DAs are likely to span a greater territory and therefore encompass more types of land use. Other scales for measuring land use mix could be considered [##REF##15694519##47##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>For studies concerned with the social and environmental determinants of health and more specifically of physical activity, results of this study have several implications. Delimiting areas is a key conceptual and methodological challenge in research on health and place. In this paper, we developed an easy-to-use method for establishing homogeneous units of analysis in terms of specific environmental characteristics hypothesised to be linked to a specific health indicator. The focus was on active living potential of areas and walking behaviours. Using these homogeneous zones as comparison, the objective was to assess the soundness of spatial units \"of convenience\", i.e. census tracts, to operationalise contexts for which they were not purposely developed. The methods developed in this study add to the growing literature on alternative ways to conceptualise and define the boundaries of area units for studying the determinants of health.</p>", "<p>Findings showed that although census tracts may be homogeneous along independent indicators of active living potential, they were most often characterised by a combination of types of environment that were substantively different in terms of their active living potential. For this reason, census tracts should be used with caution as units of analysis when operationalising active living potential for studying determinants of walking. But census tracts or other administratively defined areas may be appropriate area units, i.e. may be homogeneous enough, when processes hypothesised to be operating on health are linked to the socioeconomic context of an area, for example affluence or poverty.</p>", "<p>In this study, zones were delimited for methodological and aetiological purposes with the aim of minimising measurement errors of environmental characteristics and increasing internal validity of study design for measuring area effects on health. As can be expected, the zones are context-specific and cannot be exported to other geographic areas. Rather they are representations of the local realities of processes relating environmental characteristics to health. As suggested by others, the geographical aspects of the study design should be considered prior to conducting analyses [##REF##18177988##15##]. Establishing the soundness of spatial units \"of convenience\" for representing the environmental and spatial processes under investigation should be part of the empirical approach for conceptualising, operationalising, and measuring area effects on health.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>In health and place research, definitions of areas, area characteristics, and health outcomes should ideally be coherent with one another. Yet current approaches for delimiting areas mostly rely on spatial units \"of convenience\" such as census tracts. These areas may be homogeneous along socioeconomic conditions but heterogeneous along other environmental characteristics. This heterogeneity can lead to biased measurement of environment characteristics and misestimation of area effects on health. The objective of this study was to assess the soundness of census tracts as units of analysis for measuring the active living potential of environments, hypothesised to be associated with walking.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Starting with data at the smallest census area level available, zones homogeneous along three indicators of active living potential, i.e. population density, land use mix, and accessibility to services were designed. Delimitation of zones ensued from statistical clustering of the smallest areas into seven clusters or \"types of environment\". Mapping of clusters into a GIS led to the delineation of 898 zones characterised by one of seven types of environment, corresponding to different levels of active living potential. Homogeneity of census tracts along indicators of active living potential varied. A greater proportion (83%) of variation in accessibility to services was attributable to differences between census tracts suggesting within-tract homogeneity along this variable. However, census tracts were heterogeneous with respect to population density and land use mix where a greater proportion of the variation was attributable to within-tract differences. About 55% of tracts were characterised by a combination of three or more \"types of environment\" suggesting substantial within-tract heterogeneity in the active living potential of environments.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Soundness of census tracts for measuring active living potential may be limited. Measuring active living potential with error may lead to misestimation of associations with walking, therefore limiting the correctness of inference about area effects on walking. Future studies should aim to determine homogeneity of spatial units \"of convenience\" along environment characteristics of interest prior to examining their association with health. Further evidence is needed to assess the extent of this methodological issue with other indicators of environment context relevant to other health indicators.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Objectives</title>", "<p>The aim of this investigation is to assess the soundness of census tracts as units of analysis for studying associations between a specific exposure and a specific health outcome, namely the active living potential of residential environments and walking behaviours. Active living potential refers to the conditions of areas that encourage the likelihood of integrating physical activity into daily routines [##REF##15694520##29##]. Census tracts were selected as spatial units \"of convenience\" because of extensive use of this spatial unit of analysis in current research on health and place [##REF##11154250##4##,##REF##17873220##5##]. In Canada, census tracts are small and relatively stable geographic areas with populations ranging in size between 2500 and 8000 inhabitants; at the time of their creation, census tracts were homogeneous in terms of socioeconomic characteristics, e.g. economic status and social living conditions [##UREF##11##40##].</p>", "<p>To establish the soundness of census tracts as a unit of analysis, we developed and tested a comprehensible method for designing optimal and homogeneous spatial units espousing the spatial distribution of selected environment characteristics linked to the concept of density of destinations that is the physical and social characteristics of residential areas related to land use pattern [##REF##15694520##29##]. Three indicators were used to operationalise the construct of active living potential: population density, land use mix, and geographic accessibility to proximity services. The specific objectives of the study are to examine whether or not: 1) census tracts are homogeneous units of analysis along indicators of active living potential; 2) active living potential and socioeconomic indicators follow a similar spatial distribution; and 3) census tracts encompass smaller areas with different (or similar) levels of active living potential.</p>", "<p>Active living potential was chosen because of increasing research reporting associations between this environmental construct and walking [##REF##15571894##19##,##REF##18227097##41##, ####UREF##12##42##, ##REF##13677966##43##, ##REF##13677962##44##, ##REF##15211020##45##, ##UREF##13##46##, ##REF##15694519##47##, ##REF##15694525##48##, ##REF##12460528##49##, ##REF##12948984##50##, ##UREF##14##51##, ##REF##16679987##52##, ##REF##12704009##53####12704009##53##], an important public health indicator [##REF##12972873##54##, ####REF##12165679##55##, ##UREF##15##56####15##56##]. This choice was also motivated by availability of spatial datasets allowing for the operationalisation of integral measures of land use mix and geographic accessibility to services in geographical information systems, and by the availability of individual-level data on walking behaviours (to be examined in future analyses).</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MR conceptualised the study. She carried out spatial and statistical analyses, mapping of results, and drafted the manuscript. PA, LG and JMB participated in the conceptualisation the study, and in data analyses. All authors critically revised the paper, and read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>At the time of data analyses and write-up, MR was the recipient of a Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (grant # CGD-76386). Data collection was supported in part by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research grant 200203 MOP 57805. LG holds a Canadian Institute for Health Research / Centre de Recherche en Prévention de l'Obésité Applied Public Health Chair in Neighborhoods, Lifestyle, and Healthy Body Weight. The GRIS receives infrastructure funding from the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ), the Léa-Roback Research Center is funded through a Research Center development initiative by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and AnÉIS receives funding from Canadian Institutes of Health Research. </p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Template for deciding upon the soundness of \"spatial units of convenience\" to operationally define small area units of analysis</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Statistical proximity of the seven types of environment (clusters)</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Description of types of environment (clusters) and zones</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p>Decomposition of variation in indicators of active living potential and socioeconomic position across zones and across census tracts.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>Proportion of zones straddling different numbers of census tracts across the Island of Montreal</bold>.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p>Number of types of environment encompassed within census tract boundaries.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<disp-formula id=\"bmcM1\"><label>(1)</label><mml:math xmlns:mml=\"\" id=\"M1\" name=\"1476-072X-7-43-i1\" overflow=\"scroll\"><mml:semantics><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>E</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:msub><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mo>−</mml:mo><mml:mstyle displaystyle=\"true\"><mml:munderover><mml:mo>∑</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:munderover><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>[</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow><mml:mi>ln</mml:mi><mml:mo>⁡</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mo>(</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>i</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:msub><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mi>j</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mo>]</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mrow></mml:mstyle><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>ln</mml:mi><mml:mo>⁡</mml:mo><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:semantics></mml:math></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-43-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-43-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-43-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-43-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-43-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-43-6\"/>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
Int J Health Geogr. 2008 Jul 31; 7:43
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Diseases of the cardiovascular system play an important role in health care. They have a great impact on the burden of disease. This burden of disease is defined as the impact of a health care problem in an area measured by financial cost, mortality, morbidity, or other indicators. Quantification is often performed using Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) [##REF##7923545##1##] or Quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) [##REF##10304223##2##,##REF##3149143##3##]. These measures combine the burden due to both death and morbidity into one index. With regard to the different disorders listed in global and national burden of disease rankings, also diseases of the respiratory play a prominent role [##REF##12477209##4##]. In this respect, four out of the ten most common causes of death are respiratory diseases [##REF##16731270##5##]. In view of the enormous socio-economic burden, it should be anticipated that a large proportion of health research funding is allocated to this field of medicine.</p>", "<p>In contrast to these features, health system resources and research funding policy are often debated as being disproportional. Numerous publications discussed this issue i.e. in the field of neurosciences [##REF##15332083##6##], cardiovascular medicine [##REF##9751669##7##], gastroenterology [##REF##11454809##8##], genetics [##REF##10604449##9##] or stem cell research [##REF##15895815##10##, ####REF##15199940##11##, ##REF##16279757##12####16279757##12##]. These areas are heavily funded by governmental and non-governmental sources and there are various statements concerning policy guidelines available [##REF##1957164##13##, ####REF##11659431##14##, ##REF##11651693##15##, ##REF##10120435##16##, ##REF##10300296##17##, ##REF##1367092##18####1367092##18##].</p>", "<p>For the high income country Germany, especially the fields of respiratory medicine and cardiology are interesting areas for health and research funding allocation policy. In this respect, the present study aimed to 1) identify and compare different output figures 2) relate these figures to selected input figures 3) provide data in relation to geographical information.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Output benchmarking data source</title>", "<p>Data for output benchmarking (published items and citations) was retrieved from the biomedical database Web of Science (Thomson Institute for Scientific Information, ISI) [##REF##15253331##19##,##REF##15719884##20##].</p>", "<title>Search strategies</title>", "<p>For the different searches, phrases joined together with Boolean operators, i.e. AND, OR and NOT were used.</p>", "<title>Time frame</title>", "<p>A time frame was set and all entries between the years 2002 and 2006 were analysed.</p>", "<title>Input benchmarking data source</title>", "<p>Data for input benchmarking was retrieved from internet searches and the German Lung White Book [##UREF##0##21##]. All full professorships/chairs (W3/C4 salary level) of medical school departments of cardiology and respiratory medicine were identified (begin of analysis 2007-08-01, last update 2008-4-30) and related to the respective German states. In this respect, the numbers of full professorships/chairs were calculated for each of the 16 German states (i.e. 3 chairs for cardiology in the state of Berlin and 0 for the state of Brandenburg) and density equalizing mapping performed. The numbers were related to each German state since German medical schools are financed directly by the single states and not by the Federal Republic of Germany. Using the calculation for each state, an input analysis was possible for cardiology and respiratory medicine.</p>", "<title>Output quantity analysis: Comparison of number and origin of publications in relation to the field</title>", "<p>To perform a comparison between respiratory medicine and cardiology, published items were screened. All full professors/chairmen of medical school departments of cardiology and respiratory medicine were identified by name and their publications between 2002 and 2006 were recorded (begin of analysis 2007-08-01, last update 2008-4-30). For density equalizing procedures, only the publication type \"article\" was used. The entries of all full professors/chairmen for each of the 16 German states were added in order to establish a formula for each of the 16 German states for geographical distribution.</p>", "<title>Output quality analysis: Comparison of citations in relation to the field</title>", "<p>To perform a qualitative comparison between respiratory medicine and cardiology, published items were related to their citations. Parallel to the quantity analysis, all full professors/chairmen of medical school departments of cardiology and respiratory medicine were identified by name and the numbers of citations of their publications between 2002 and 2006 were recorded (begin of analysis 2007-08-01, last update 2008-4-30). For density equalizing procedures, only the publication type \"article\" was used. The citations of all full professors/chairmen of each state were added in order to establish a formula for each of the 16 German states for geographical distribution.</p>", "<title>Density-equalizing mapping</title>", "<p>The method of density-equalizing mapping was used following a recently described method [##REF##18315838##22##] basing on Gastner and Newman's algorithm [##REF##15136719##23##]. In brief, territories were re-sized from the original size (additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##) according to a particular variable, i.e. the number of published items or the citations. For the re-sizing procedure the area of each state was scaled in proportion to its total number of published items or citations.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Input benchmarking: Spatial distribution of full professorships/chairs</title>", "<p>Large differences were found in the input benchmark \"number of full professorships/chairs\" (highest level – W3/C4) of cardiology versus respiratory medicine. For cardiology, it was found that the total number of 34 medical school/faculties in Germany have established 36 full professorships/chairs (W3/C4 salary level) of cardiology. In this respect, the medical faculty of the Charité in Berlin has three independent departments of cardiology that are directed by three separate full professorships/chairs of cardiology. Also, Munich has two full professorships/chairs of cardiology which belong to two separate medical faculties. Every other university has an own department of cardiology (Fig. ##FIG##0##1a##). Density equalizing mapping calculations visualizes the geographical distribution. Every state apart from Brandenburg and Bremen has financed a medical school department for cardiology. In these states, there are no medical schools (Fig. ##FIG##0##1a##).</p>", "<p>In contrast to these input figures, the area of respiratory medicine is represented by only 8 independent clinical full professorships/chairs (W3/C4 level) of respiratory medicine (fig. ##FIG##0##1b##). Two out of the eight are situated in Hesse at the same faculty of medicine (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen). The following states do not finance an independent full clinical professorship/chair of respiratory medicine: Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Bavaria, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia which leads to a major distortion in the density equalizing map (fig. ##FIG##0##1b##).</p>", "<title>Quantity output benchmarking: Total numbers and spatial distribution of published items per state</title>", "<p>The comparison of respiratory medicine and cardiology concerning the benchmark of total numbers of published items of full professors of each German state demonstrated large quantitative differences between the two fields of medicine and the different states.</p>", "<p>For the German full professorship of clinical cardiology, an overall number of 2708 published items was found. The ranking was headed by North Rhine-Westfalia (#1 with 610 published items), followed by Bavaria (#2 with 413), Baden-Württemberg (#3 with 369), Berlin (#4 with 292), Saxony (#5 with 219), Lower Saxony (#6 with 163), Hesse (#7 with 134), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (#8 with 122), Hamburg (#9 with 88), Rhineland-Palatinate (#10 with 86), Schleswig-Holstein (#11 with 72), Thuringia (#12 with 69), Saxony-Anhalt (#13 with 60) and Saarland (#14 with 11). The states Brandenburg and Bremen do not have a medical faculty. Density equalizing mapping approaches were used to analyse the distribution and it was found that the states Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Bremen and Brandenburg were distorted (Fig. ##FIG##1##2a##) in comparison to their natural shape (additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##).</p>", "<p>For respiratory medicine, lower numbers were recorded in general with an overall number of 453 published items for all 8 chairs. In this field, Hesse led the field with a total number of 255, followed by Lower Saxony (66), North Rhine-Westfalia (52), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (36), Baden-Württemberg (25), and Schleswig-Holstein (19). The states Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxonia, Saxonia-Anhalt and Thuringia do not have an independent full professorship at the C4/W3 salary level despite having cardiology professorships. Bremen and Brandenburg do not have medical faculties and therefore neither cardiology nor respiratory full professorships. Density equalizing mapping calculations led to a strong distortion with Hesse and Lower Saxony dominating the map (Fig. ##FIG##1##2b##) in comparison to the natural shape (additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##).</p>", "<title>Quality output benchmarking: Citation numbers and spatial distribution of published items per state</title>", "<p>Large differences were also present between the two fields with regard to output quality benchmarking. In this respect, the total number of citations of cardiology articles was 48337 versus 7290 citations of respiratory medicine articles. The average citation per item also differed with 17.85 for cardiology articles and 4.34 for respiratory articles.</p>", "<p>To perform a detailed spatial comparison between respiratory medicine and cardiology, citations were related to the states of origin.</p>", "<p>In the field of cardiology, the citation ranking was partly different from the publication number ranking: Parallel to the publication number ranking, North Rhine-Westfalia headed this analysis with 10825 citations, followed by Saxony (#2 with 8078 citations), Bavaria (#3 with 6003), Baden-Württemberg (#4 with 5499), Lower Saxony (#5 with 4486), Berlin (#6 with 4351), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (#7 with 1826), Rhineland-Palatinate (#8 with 1695), Hesse (#9 with 1653), Schleswig-Holstein (#10 with 1585), Hamburg (#11 with 1066), Saxony-Anhalt (#12 with 469), Thuringia (#13 with 464) and Saarland (#14 with 337). The states Brandenburg and Bremen do not have a medical faculty.</p>", "<p>Density equalizing mapping calculations to led slight distortions of the map (Fig. ##FIG##2##3a##) in comparison to the natural shape (additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##).</p>", "<p>For respiratory medicine, lower numbers of citations were recorded in general with an overall number of 7290 citations for all 8 chairs.</p>", "<p>In specific, Hesse ranked #1 with 5442 citations, followed by Lower Saxony (#2 with 682), North Rhine-Westfalia (#3 with 357 citations), Baden-Württemberg (#3 with 335), and Schleswig-Holstein (#4 with 172). The other states Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxonia, Saxonia-Anhalt and Thuringia do not have an independent full professorship at the C4/W3 salary level despite having cardiology professorships. Density equalizing mapping calculations again led to strong distortions in the map with Hesse dominating (Fig. ##FIG##2##3b##) in comparison to the natural shape (additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##) and to the shape in the cardiology citation density-equalizing map (Fig. ##FIG##2##3a##).</p>", "<title>Quality output benchmarking: Spatial distribution of average citations per item</title>", "<p>Density equalizing mapping approaches were also used to assess differences in the spatial distribution of average citations per item in both fields. These calculations based on the number of publications and citations in relation to the states of origin.</p>", "<p>In the field of cardiology, the calculations led to stronger distortions in the density-equalizing map than in the publication and citation number analysis (Fig. ##FIG##3##4a##). In this respect, the average citation per item analysis listed Saxony at the first position (36.89 citations per published item) followed by Saarland (30.64), Lower Saxony (27.52), Schleswig-Holstein (22.01), Rhineland-Palatinate (19.71), North Rhine-Westfalia (17.75), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (14.97), Berlin (14.9), Baden-Württemberg (14.9), Bavaria (14.54), Hesse (12.34), Hamburg (12.11), Saxony-Anhalt (7.82), Thuringia (6.72). Thus, the density equalizing map was dominated by Saxony and Saarland (Fig. ##FIG##3##4a##) in comparison to the natural shape (additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##).</p>", "<p>For respiratory medicine, Hesse was also ranked on first position in this analysis (Fig. ##FIG##3##4b##) with an average citation per published item of 21.34. Hesse was followed by Baden-Württemberg (#2 with 13.4 citations per item), Lower Saxony (#3 with 10.33), Schleswig-Holstein (#4 with 9.05), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (#5 with 8.39) and North Rhine-Westfalia (#6 with 6.87).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Numerous publications indicate that current settings for health system and research funding need review. Reasons are potential imbalances in the existing policy for funding allocation. The present study addressed this issue using Germany as a model high income country and the two socio-economic important fields of cardiovascular and respiratory medicine.</p>", "<p>Methodologically, we used both output and input benchmarking. Output benchmarking was divided into the quantitative measure of total number of published items (publications type \"article\") and the qualitative measure of citations. The later feature is partly debated as not being a very good tool to assess research quality [##REF##18469571##24##,##REF##18202622##25##] but other tools such as the H-index also bear limitations [##REF##18367289##26##].</p>", "<p>In terms of input parameters, the present study is limited to the number of full professorships/chairs for cardiology vs. respiratory medicine per state. For Germany, this can be used as an indicator for governmental funding since the states are responsible for the financial support of the medical schools. In this respect, the state ministers for research and education are usually also responsible to establish full professorships/chairs. A further useful figure would have been to assess the funding for the two fields by federal funding institutions such as the German Research Council (DFG), the federal ministry for Education and research (BMBF) or the European Union and the industry [##REF##12370198##27##,##REF##16300096##28##]. However, the precise funding from these sources is not accessible since some institutions and departments do not uncover these figures. In specific, industry funding is often not published as demonstrated by the tobacco industry funding policies [##REF##17523993##29##,##REF##17565125##30##]. Therefore, the present study was limited to monitor only the state financial input in terms of established independent full professorships/chairs at medical faculties.</p>", "<p>A further potential bias within the methodology of the present study is related to the issue of linguistic differences as previously discussed [##REF##18554379##31##]. In this respect, the present analyses encompassed all languages included in the data bases. The majority of publications is published in English and it is difficult for non-English journals to get included in the data bases. Therefore, numerous scientific publications in languages other than English are not accessible. However, the major German cardiovascular (Z Kardiol – Clinical Research in Cardiology) and respiratory journals (Pneumologie) are included in the data base. Also, it is generally accepted that German scientists publish their high quality research in scientific journals that use English as language.</p>", "<p>Large differences were present between the two fields: All medical faculties had chairs for cardiology. At the Berlin medical faculty, three cardiology chairs were present but not an independent single chair for respiratory medicine. This field was subordinated and headed by a full professorship for cardiology and a full professorship for infectious diseases. The presence of three independent cardiology chairs in Berlin is most probably due to historical reasons since this faculty was divided into two faculties during period of the Berlin wall and reunified in 2002/2003 [##UREF##1##32##].</p>", "<p>In striking contrast to the high number of cardiology chairs, only 8 chairs for respiratory medicine were present in Germany. The regional distribution as assessed by density equalizing mapping demonstrated a focus in North Rhine-Westfalia and Hesse. The largest state Bavaria did not have a chair of respiratory medicine.</p>", "<p>After the demonstration of an imbalance in the financial input (36 cardiology versus 8 respiratory medicine state-financed clinical university departments), the present study aimed to analyze potential imbalances in output figures. Therefore, the quantitative measure \"number of publications\" and the qualitative measures of \"overall numbers of citations\" and \"average citations per published item\" were used. In general, the imbalance in financial input is paralleled by an imbalance in overall quantitative output figures. I.e. the 36 cardiology full professorships published 2708 articles in comparison to 453 articles published by the 8 respiratory medicine full professorships. This is a ratio of 75.2 articles per cardiology chair and 56.62 articles per respiratory medicine chair. A similar trend is also present in the qualitative measures. Here, the 2708 cardiology professorship publications were cited 48337 times which is an average citation of 17.85 per publication. The average number of citations per cardiology chair was 1342.69. For respiratory medicine, the 453 publications were cited 7290 times. This is an average citation number of 16.09 per publication and a ratio of 911.25 citations per respiratory medicine chair.</p>", "<p>Interestingly, the citations per state and the number of publications per state varied to a large extend between the different states and the two fields of internal medicine. For respiratory medicine, the maximal number of publications per state was 255 for the 2 chairs in Hesse. These 255 publications were cited 5442 times which is an average citation per published item of 21.34. This is a ratio of 127.5 publications per professorship in Hesse and a ratio of 2721 citations per professorship in Hesse. By contrast, the best ratios in the field of cardiology were found for Saxony. Here, the ratio of publications per professorship was 109.5 and the ratio of citations per professorship was 4039.</p>", "<p>Closer analysis revealed that the most cited publications for the Saxony cardiology professorships were articles in which the full professor was co-author [##REF##12050336##33##] whereas the most cited publications for the Hesse respiratory medicine professorships were senior authorships [##REF##12151469##34##, ####REF##12354470##35##, ##REF##11926786##36####11926786##36##].</p>", "<p>The reasons for the presently analyzed imbalances are numerous: I.e. the high income country Germany is known to have an extremely low ratio of respiratory physicians in comparison to other European countries (as indicated in the European Lung White Book [##UREF##2##37##]. Therefore, a lower number of respiratory specialists may lead to a lower research activity. 2) The number of full professorships and department chairs for respiratory medicine at the highest level (C4/W3) is disproportional in Germany in comparison to other countries since there are 36 chairs for cardiology but only 8 for respiratory medicine. This imbalance leads to a lower research activity with a lower number of publication entries in the database.</p>", "<p>An important issue is related to the reason for this difference of 8 vs. 36 university chairs at German medical schools. Two major reasons may account for the imbalance: 1) History: in the times of tuberculosis at the beginning of the 20<sup>th </sup>century, respiratory disorders were treated in remote hospitals but not in university medical schools. When the faculties started to create new chairs for internal medicine after the second world war, respiratory medicine capacities was not present at the medical faculties but in remote hospitals and the denomination of the chairs was directed towards cardiology. As a result, respiratory medicine is now underrepresented at German faculties in comparison to i.e. the UK. 2) Economics: Interventional and diagnostic procedures in cardiology such as left heart catheter offer a larger financial benefit to the faculties than respiratory interventional and diagnostic procedures [##REF##12053682##38##,##REF##12076573##39##]. Therefore, economic features may direct the faculties to the direction of cardiology professorships. Future studies should analyse these imbalances in closer detail.</p>", "<p>It is difficult to interpret how input imbalance affects on the output ratios. I.e. the allocation of public and private funding to a specific field such as cardiology and the consecutive concentration of financial resources in specific fields may lead to an increase of research actors or promotion of networking between outside institutes in this area. This may then lead to increased research activities resulting in production of higher-impact publications, eventually, obtaining more funding. Eventually a circle structure may appear that leads to the phenomenon that the rich areas automatically get richer [##REF##15244892##40##].</p>", "<p>In conclusion, the present study used input and output benchmarking in combination with density equalizing mapping to assess differences in the two important fields of cardiovascular and respiratory medicine. Germany was used a model high income country. A major imbalance in the state financial input was present with 8 respiratory medicine versus 36 cardiovascular state-financed full clinical university departments at the C4/W3 salary level. This difference in the state financial input was paralleled by large differences in overall quantitative output figures with 2708 published cardiology articles in comparison to 453 respiratory medicine in the period between 2002 and 2006. However, there was also a difference between the two fields in the qualitative citation analysis. Here, cardiology publications had an average citation of 17.85 per publication whereas the respiratory medicine publication had an average citation of 16.09 per publication. This small difference might be due to the fact that a larger number of professorships lead to a larger number of networking collaborations and citations. Despite a high significance of both cardiovascular and respiratory diseases for the burden of disease, large differences are present in Germany. This should be realized for health policy and research funding allocation.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Historical, social and economic reasons can lead to major differences in the allocation of health system resources and research funding. These differences might endanger the progress in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches of socio-economic important diseases. The present study aimed to assess different benchmarking approaches that might be used to analyse these disproportions. Research in two categories was analysed for various output parameters and compared to input parameters. Germany was used as a high income model country. For the areas of cardiovascular and respiratory medicine density equalizing mapping procedures visualized major geographical differences in both input and output markers.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>An imbalance in the state financial input was present with 36 cardiovascular versus 8 respiratory medicine state-financed full clinical university departments at the C4/W3 salary level. The imbalance in financial input is paralleled by an imbalance in overall quantitative output figures: The 36 cardiology chairs published 2708 articles in comparison to 453 articles published by the 8 respiratory medicine chairs in the period between 2002 and 2006. This is a ratio of 75.2 articles per cardiology chair and 56.63 articles per respiratory medicine chair. A similar trend is also present in the qualitative measures. Here, the 2708 cardiology publications were cited 48337 times (7290 times for respiratory medicine) which is an average citation of 17.85 per publication vs. 16.09 for respiratory medicine. The average number of citations per cardiology chair was 1342.69 in contrast to 911.25 citations per respiratory medicine chair. Further comparison of the contribution of the 16 different German states revealed major geographical differences concerning numbers of chairs, published items, total number of citations and average citations.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Despite similar significances of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases for the global burden of disease, large input and output imbalances have been revealed in the present study which point to a need for changes in funding policies. The present study supplies data that could be used for decision making in the field of health systems funding.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>BGK, AF, TW, DQ, and CS contributed to the conception and design of the study, BGK and CK performed the analysis, BGK and CS prepared the first draft and all authors contributed to the writing of the manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Density equalizing mapping of full professorships/chairs in relation to single German states in 2008. </bold>Cardiology (A) vs. Respiratory Medicine (B). Greyscales encode number of professorships per state.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Density equalizing mapping of total numbers of published items of the full professorships (C4/W3) per German state between 2002 and 2006.</bold> Cardiology (A) vs. Respiratory Medicine (B). Greyscales encode total numbers of published items per state in the publication category \"article\".</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Density equalizing mapping of citation numbers of the full professorships (C4/W3) per German state between 2002 and 2006.</bold> Cardiology (A) vs. Respiratory Medicine (B). Greyscales encode total numbers of citations per state in the publication category \"article\".</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Density equalizing mapping of average citations per published item of the full professorships (C4/W3) per German state between 2002 and 2006.</bold> Cardiology (A) vs. Respiratory Medicine (B). Greyscales encode average citations per article per state in the publication category \"article\".</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Map of the 16 German states. This geographic map of the 16 German states and their geographical position in Europe can be used as a matrix for the comparison with the density equalizing mappings in figures ##FIG##0##1##, ##FIG##1##2##, ##FIG##2##3##, ##FIG##3##4##.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-48-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-48-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-48-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-48-4\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1476-072X-7-48-S1.jpeg\" mimetype=\"image\" mime-subtype=\"jpeg\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Fabel", "Konietzko"], "given-names": ["H", "K"], "source": ["Wei\u00dfbuch Lunge"], "year": ["2005"], "publisher-name": ["Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag"]}, {}, {"surname": ["Loddenkemper", "Gibson", "Sibille"], "given-names": ["R", "GJ", "Y"], "source": ["European Lung White Book 2003"], "year": ["2003"], "publisher-name": ["Sheffield: European Respiratory Society"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
Int J Health Geogr. 2008 Aug 25; 7:48
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>In the past fifteen years enormous progress has been made in monitoring quality of care in the United States and several European countries. Monitoring may serve several purposes. It is often considered a prerequisite for organizational learning and a driver for ongoing development. The Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) techniques that were introduced into health care in the 1980s, for instance, fit within this line of reasoning, as does the 'Breakthrough Series', launched in 1995 by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) [##REF##12389804##1##,##REF##9537939##2##]. Both CQI and Breakthrough offer a baseline for realizing changes, but where the first one emphasizes that most quality problems are a result of system failures, the second approach regards them as problems with individual practitioners. In the Breakthrough view, change processes depend greatly on the role of individual professionals within the complex system of their working environment. The core technology of the approach involves the identification of deficiencies in quality, repeated implementation of small-scale interventions and measuring of changes, followed by refinement and expansion of the interventions to improve care processes [##REF##9537939##2##].</p>", "<p>Breakthrough is an example of a quality improvement collaborative (QIC). It is a means to stimulate improvement and an intentional spread strategy. A QIC brings together groups of practitioners from different healthcare organizations to work in a structured way to improve one aspect of the quality of their service. It involves them in a series of meetings to learn about best practice in the area chosen, about quality methods and change ideas, and to share their experiences of making changes in their own local setting [##REF##12468695##3##]. Given the popularity of collaboratives, Øvretveit <italic>et al</italic>. urged for more research into the different types of QICs and their effectiveness, as well as linking QIC-practices explicitly to organizational and change management theory. Indeed, further study of processes and outcomes of QICs is desirable. QICs are complex, time consuming interventions and hard evidence on their effectiveness is limited [##REF##15172903##4##, ####REF##15172904##5##, ##UREF##0##6####0##6##]. The current study is conducted to contribute to a theory driven understanding of the process and effects of QIC implementation. Our purpose is to develop and test a measuring instrument for three central elements of QIC-implementation: 1) the organization of teams who join a QIC, 2) the degree of support these teams get from their own organization, and 3) the support given by the external consultants or change agents facilitating the QIC and its meetings.</p>", "<p>The study is part of an independent evaluation of a national improvement and dissemination programme for hospitals in the Netherlands. Objectives of the programme are to enhance patient safety and logistics in 24 hospitals. Three groups of eight hospitals receive programme support for two years. In the first year multidisciplinary teams implement projects that are to be disseminated throughout their hospitals in later years [##UREF##1##7##,##UREF##2##8##]. The programme is a combination of six types of QICs, each with their own topic, programme targets and specific interventions (table ##TAB##0##1##). Implementation of each project type is supported by an external change agency staffed by change experts and consultants.</p>", "<p>Besides the scientific goal, this study serves a more practical purpose. Knowledge on team organization and supportive conditions is of considerable value for parties involved in QIC-efforts. Hospital managers, project teams, change agents and public stakeholders may benefit from gathering tangible information for real-time adjustments. Furthermore, anticipating on future events, it is important to guarantee the applicability of the instrument for evaluation purposes in other collaborative programmes. This requires measuring the instrument's basic psychometric properties, such as reliability and validity, by testing it in a representative sample of project leaders of the multidisciplinary hospital teams.</p>", "<p>The measuring instrument in the current study is based on team organization and internal and external support. Before going deeper into the methods we will elaborate some more on the nature of the three dimensions.</p>", "<title>Three dimensions and their characteristics</title>", "<p><italic>Team organization </italic>affects the teams joining a QIC. Cohen and Bailey defined a team as 'a collection of individuals who are interdependent in their tasks, who share responsibility for outcomes, who see themselves and who are seen by others as an intact social entity embedded in one or more larger social systems (for example, business unit or corporation), and who manage their relationships across organizational boundaries' (p. 241).[##UREF##3##9##] There is a general consensus in the literature that a team consists of two or more individuals, who have specific roles, perform interdependent tasks, are adaptable, and share a common goal.[##UREF##4##10##] To increase the effectiveness of teams it is important to establish timely, open and accurate communication among team members.[##UREF##5##11##] The notion that QIC-teams are responsible and in charge of the progress of the project [##REF##12468695##3##] is in line with literature suggesting that operational decision making during implementation processes should be devolved to teams.[##UREF##6##12##]</p>", "<title>Internal support</title>", "<p>Other imperatives for team success are strong organizational support and integration with the organization's key values.[##REF##15032072##13##] Within QICs internal or organizational support has to do with leadership, support and active involvement by top management.[##UREF##6##12##,##REF##10351215##14##,##REF##12785571##15##] There should be regular contact between team and organization leaders, and the innovation must fit within the goals of the management.[##REF##12785571##15##] Øvretveit <italic>et al</italic>. even state that the topic should be of strategic importance to the organization.[##REF##12468695##3##] Besides the presence of necessary means and instruments [##REF##11522135##16##] many of the internal support tasks are to be executed by the strategic management in particular. Executives have to communicate a vision, or at least key values, throughout the organization. [##REF##9327815##17##,##UREF##7##18##] They must also stimulate the organization's and employee's willingness to change.[##UREF##8##19##] Tasks such as these fall within the priority setting areas as defined by Reeleeder <italic>et al</italic>. i.e. foster vision, create alignment, develop relationships, live values and establish process.[##REF##16377023##20##]</p>", "<title>External support</title>", "<p>The involvement of external change agents, arranging group meetings for teams of different organizations, is a typical QIC feature. Team training is a success factor for team based implementation.[##REF##15032072##13##] Team training can be more effective than individual training especially when the learning is about a complex technology.[##UREF##9##21##] The purpose of a QIC is that teams are empowered and motivated to implement new working methods in order to alter a quality aspect of their care delivery. External change agents should provide teams with an applicable model together with high performance expectations.[##UREF##10##22##] This implies and requires a gap between a perceived and an actual situation, as well as outlining the potential added value of the innovation to the teams.[##REF##12468695##3##] A second prerequisite is that teams joining the QIC have to gain information and skills that are new to them, otherwise an important argument for joining the QIC is void. The external support dimension is connected to the other two dimensions. The central topics of the collaboratives organized by the external change agents can be seen as the innovations that will determine team focus during the implementation process. The nature of these innovations should be congruent with the organizational key values as mentioned before. Although highly simplified, this is the mechanism by which new working methods are brought into the home organizations of the QIC-teams via the external change agents.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Instrument development</title>", "<p>The study goal is to design an efficient instrument to gather information on the three dimensions. The instrument is designed to be filled out by the project leader of the multidisciplinary team joining the QIC in the middle or at the end of the project. The project leader is most likely to be confronted with internal and external support aspects. Furthermore, the project leader is acquainted with the functioning of the multidisciplinary team running the project.</p>", "<p>Item content is based on the three dimensions and their characteristics. To enhance content validity, nine experts in human resource management, organizational psychology, patient safety, logistics and operations management, social medicine and health care management reviewed the first draft of the instrument. They were asked to judge the questions for appropriateness, clarity, completeness, question sequence, completion time and overall appearance. Questions with potential overlap in construct, others that were vague, ambiguous and redundant and some, which appeared irrelevant to the objectives of the study, were removed, resulting in a 15 item instrument. Questions are displayed in table ##TAB##1##2##, divided into team organization (TO), external change agency (EX), hospital organization (HO).</p>", "<p>Items were designed based on a 7-point Likert scale in which 1 corresponds to 'strongly disagree', 2 to 'disagree', 3 to 'slightly disagree', 4 to 'neutral', 5 to 'slightly agree', 6 to 'agree' and 7 to 'strongly agree'. The choice for a 7-point scale is based on the notion that this scale offers maximum information, discriminates well between respondent perceptions and is easy to interpret.</p>", "<p>After the draft version was tested by five researchers it showed that the instrument was simple and straightforward to complete and not time consuming (approximately 10 minutes). The instrument also contains a standard set of socio demographic and job related questions addressing age, sex, education, position, date of birth. Extra background information was added in the form of two questions, addressing the number of team members and meetings since the start of the project.</p>", "<title>Sample and data collection</title>", "<p>To investigate the suitability of the instrument in a QIC in Dutch hospital care, all the project leaders of the teams participating in the improvement programme were included as participants in the study. The testing fields were 24 hospitals spread all over the country. The central change agency granted permission to approach the project leaders in the programme hospitals. The project leaders of one hospital decided not to participate in the study because of the expected time burden.</p>", "<p>All questionnaires were assigned a unique code to distinguish between organizations, project types and respondents. In the first group, comprised of eight hospitals, the study was conducted between July and September 2005, 77 questionnaires were sent by mail to the project leaders. In the second group, consisting of seven hospitals, the study was conducted between December 2006 and February 2007 and this time 71 questionnaires were sent by mail to the project leaders. The third group filled out the questionnaire between September 2007 and December 2007 89 questionnaires. The overall response rate was 71%, (168 out of 237 questionnaires). Instructions were provided via an accompanying letter describing the purpose of the study and stating that the participation was anonymous.</p>", "<title>Analyses</title>", "<p>The sample was analyzed as a whole. Descriptive statistics and the response distribution for each item were calculated, in order to examine central tendency, variability and symmetry. Reliability and validity were investigated as main psychometric properties. Reliability i.e. how well items reflecting the same construct yield similar results, was tested via Cronbach's alpha coefficient. This is the most frequently used estimate of internal consistency. The higher the score, the more reliable the generated scale is. A minimum score of 0.70 is preferred.[##UREF##11##23##]</p>", "<p>Content validity was addressed in the development stage to enlarge confidence that the instrument measures the aspects it was designed for. To support construct validity, principal component analysis was used to determine the underlying constructs, which explain significant portions of the variance. The factor loadings, i.e. the correlation coefficients between the items and the factors, were examined in order to explain the meaning of each construct. Tests of scaling assumptions, according to the multi trait/multi-item matrix [##REF##3363047##37##], were used to confirm the structure found. This approach extends the logic of the multi-trait-multi-method technique [##REF##13634291##24##] from the level of traits to the level of items.[##REF##11126230##25##] To test item-internal consistency items were correlated with their scale corrected for overlap (a correlation corrected for overlap is the correlation of an item with the sum of the other items in the same scale; the bias of correlating an item with itself is thus removed). High item convergent validity was indicated if the item correlated considerably with the relevant scale. A threshold of 0.40 was used, proposed by Karlsson <italic>et al</italic>.[##REF##11126230##25##] Low item divergent validity was indicated if an item correlated higher with any other scale than with the own scale. A matrix was computed with item-scale correlations and correlations were thereafter compared across scales. The criterion for significant difference was two standard errors.[##REF##9817107##26##] All analyses were performed using SPSS 14.0.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Nearly half of the respondents (48%) consisted of medical professionals (mostly physicians, nursing staff and paramedics). Two other dominant function groups in the sample are: managers, department heads or team leaders (29%) and a third group of advisors, policy makers and administrative and quality personnel (23%). The majority was female (60%) and the mean age was 43 years. The projects are divided into pressure ulcers 17% (n = 28), medication safety 23% (n = 38), postoperative wound infections 7.9% (n = 16), operation theatre productivity 7.9% (n = 16), process redesign 21.2% (n = 35) and waiting lists 19.4% (n = 32). Response information is provided in table ##TAB##1##2##, which displays the items descriptive statistics.</p>", "<p>Valid responses are high for all items, providing evidence that items and response choices are clear and unambiguous. Three respondents had filled in less than half of the total number of items and were excluded from further analyses. When a respondent had given more than one option, this item was marked \"missing\". There were no items with 80% of the answers falling in one category. No items were excluded based on the percentage of missing responses.</p>", "<p>The suitability of the data for component analysis was tested via the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy, which tests the partial correlations among the items. Its value should be higher than 0.5 for a satisfactory analysis to proceed [##UREF##12##27##]. The KMO measure in this study was 0.82. Next, Bartlett's test of sphericity verified that the inter-item correlations were sufficient (X<sup>2 </sup>= 1211.8; df = 105; P &lt; 0.001). The correlation matrix is thus not an identity matrix, which would indicate that the factor model is inappropriate because variables only correlate with themselves and all other correlation coefficients are close to zero.[##UREF##13##28##] Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was chosen as the approach to establish which linear components exist within the data and how particular variables contribute to that component.</p>", "<p>A decision to be made is the number of linear components or factors. A typical approach is the Kaiser-Guttman rule which states that an eigenvalue (i.e. the variance accounted for by each underlying factor) must be greater than one. However this approach usually produces many factors along with the inherent difficulty of properly interpreting them. Another eigenvalue-based approach is to examine Cattell's scree plot; a two dimensional graph with factors on the x-axis and eigenvalues on the y-axis. Based on the scree plot in figure ##FIG##0##1## and the Kaiser-Guttman rule three factors can be identified.</p>", "<p>Rotation maximizes the loading of each variable on one of the extracted components whilst minimizing the loading on all other components. The exact choice of rotation depends on the answer to the question whether or not underlying factors are related. When on theoretical grounds the components should be independent an orthogonal rotation like varimax is recommended. However, if theory suggests that factors might be correlated, then an oblique rotation is to be selected. DeVellis provides specific guidance for when an orthogonal rotation should be used. He suggests that when the correlations among the factors are less than .15, the orthogonal approach is best, but otherwise the oblique rotation is a better option.[##UREF##14##29##] Since we assume that the three dimensions in our study are related to each other, we prefer an oblique promax rotation over an orthogonal rotation. PCA demonstrated three factors cumulatively accounting for 65% of variation in all components. The first accounts for 37% of the variance, the second for 15% and the third for 13%.</p>", "<p>Oblique rotation generates a pattern matrix with factor loadings and a structure matrix with correlations between items and components in a structure matrix. Table ##TAB##2##3## contains both matrices. The structure matrix differs from the pattern matrix in the sense that shared variance between components is not ignored. The pattern matrix contains standardized regression coefficients (weights) which reflect the relative and independent contribution of each factor to the variance of the item on which it loads.[##UREF##15##30##] The structure matrix loading is a measure of the association (Pearson's correlation coefficient) between each item and the factor on which it loads, when the factors are correlated there is overlap among the loadings, which make structure matrix loadings biased estimates of the independent relationship between item and factor.[##UREF##15##30##] It is for this reason that our interpretation of the factors is based on the pattern matrix coefficients rather than the structure matrix loadings.</p>", "<p>A cut-off point of 0.50 for factor loadings was adopted, i.e. only those items scoring higher than this threshold were retained for further analyses [##REF##12930049##31##]. Item 6 \"<italic>team is properly trained</italic>\" was dropped based on this criterion. It was not necessary to apply a second criterion; none of the remaining items loaded higher than 0.4 on more than one factor.[##UREF##13##28##]</p>", "<p>In table ##TAB##3##4## the pattern and the structure matrix following from the component analysis are presented again, this time without item 6 and values &lt; .40. The three components are labelled 'organizational support', 'team organization' and 'external change agent support'. For each component the reliability is assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Coefficients range from 0.77 to 0.91, higher than the preferred 0.70 level. In the right column the alpha value is shown for each component per item if that item would be deleted. Removing items does not lead to an improvement of the scale reliability of the components. In table ##TAB##1##2## item 6 was distributed into external change agent support. Cronbach's alpha of the third component incorporating item 6 is 0.74. Adding item 6 does not improve scale reliability.</p>", "<p>The 14 items were used to create the multi trait/multi-item matrix shown in table ##TAB##4##5##. The matrix helps to examine the relationship of each item with its own scale, as well as its correlations with other scales. Item-scale convergent validity is tested by checking the range of item-scale correlations. Item-internal consistency is satisfactory and the inclusive criterion of a correlation of 0.40 or higher is met for all items. The multi trait/multi-item correlation matrix also allows examination of the assumption that items are stronger measures of their constructs than of the other constructs. In order to be significant the item-scale correlation for a scale should be at least two standard errors higher. The standard error of the correlation coefficient is approximately equal to 1 divided by the square root of the sample size. In our case two standard errors is equal to: 2(1/√165) = 0.16. For all three factors the divergent validity test demonstrated significant success.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Before going deeper into the interpretation and implication of the components found, the steps taken so far will be summarized. The theoretical framework of this study is built on literature about QICs, team based implementation and the dissemination of innovations within health service organizations. Appropriateness, clarity and completeness of the items in a draft version of the instrument was revised by experts who also judged the appearance, question sequence and completion time. This step was an important exercise for supporting content validity and resulted in a 15 item questionnaire that was administered by project leaders of a national hospital care improvement programme, 165 of the returned questionnaires (70%) were included in the study. Principal component analysis was performed and three components were extracted, accounting for 65% of the variance of the items. Item-scale criterion was not satisfied in the case of one item, which was eventually excluded from the instrument. Construct validity was supported by the overall success of the convergent and discriminant validity tests of item-scale correlations, according to the multi trait/multi-item correlation matrix approach. Reliability of the three components was addressed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which was well above the recommended minimum value for each individual construct.</p>", "<p>The first factor contains five organizational support items. The second factor also consists of five items, now affecting the organization of the project team. The four items of the third factor relate to the support given by external change agents. The factor structure found in the data is almost identical to the three subcategories in table ##TAB##1##2## (left column). However, instead of what we expected 'proper team training' loaded on organizational and not on external change agent support.</p>", "<p>A few remarks must be made with regards to the sample size. In the literature different standards are applied for the number of items-number of cases ratio for a factor or principal component analysis. Kass and Tinsley recommend five to ten cases for each item.[##UREF##16##32##] Nunnally is more restrictive and recommends at least ten, a threshold met in this study.[##UREF##17##33##] A second point is the total sample size. There is no real consensus in the literature on this criterion. Several authors consider 300 cases as comforting [##UREF##18##34##,##UREF##19##35##], 100 as poor and 1000 as excellent [##UREF##19##35##]. Nevertheless, according to MacCallum <italic>et al</italic>. samples between 100 and 200 can be good enough provided that communalities are higher than .5 and there are relatively few factors each with only a small number of indicator variables.[##UREF##20##36##] The lowest communality in this study was .52 with a minimum factor size of four. Guadagnoli and Velicer state that the most important issues in determining reliable factor solutions are the absolute sample size and the absolute magnitude of factor loadings. In short, they argue that if a factor has four or more loadings greater than .6 then it is reliable regardless of sample size.[##REF##3363047##37##]</p>", "<p>A limitation of this study is that we could not assess Test-Retest Reliability due to an agreement made between the funding organization, hospitals, programme makers that the questionnaire burden for hospital staff was to be minimized. Another possible limitation is that the instrument was tested for its overall psychometric properties using the combined sample of project leaders. The respondents differ in position, type of project, hospital organization and time period – the first year of the first group, took place a year before the first year of the second group and two year before the first year of the third group. Despite these differences, it is likely that the instrument is suitable for the evaluation of other collaborative health care improvement programmes. The instrument was tested for its overall psychometric properties using the combined sample of project leaders. Notwithstanding functional and other differences the study results show that the respondents could very well make a distinction between the three dimensions. The three components form a basic measuring instrument and a promising step towards a better understanding of QIC-implementation. Combined with the qualitative methods that are indispensable for a programme evaluation, the quantitative data gathered using the instrument can potentially add more detailed information on the relations between the components and narrative data collected by interviews or observations.</p>", "<p>This study reported on the development and psychometric testing of a measuring instrument. A short term benefit from measuring the conditions during the implementation is that it may be helpful in identifying those project teams with deficiencies in the areas measured by the instrument, in order to provide them with additional resources and support. Yet, more fundamental questions may be answered using data from this questionnaire. Insight into team organization and support during the implementation may help in understanding how process features affect the actual or perceived amount of success. There is, nonetheless, something to gain by adding supplementary questions, i.e. on the complexity, relative advantage and the nature of the specific interventions that are implemented by the teams, as well as the indicators used to monitor the project targets. Other relevant questions affect scales measuring the learning climate within the implementation area, activities taken on behalf of sustaining new working methods, the quantitative spread of the projects throughout the organization and so on. Extensions like these can be rewarding in an a priori fashion, since they potentially illuminate the complexity and advantage brought by a project in relation to the types of interventions and the measuring efforts that are part of applying rapid cycle improvement. At this moment knowledge on these matters is limited but very welcome.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>This study resulted in the development of a measuring instrument for team organization and supportive conditions for the implementation of QIC projects. After psychometric testing it demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency reliability and content and construct validity. This evidence warrants application of the instrument for the evaluation in the hospital improvement programme and similar QICs in health care. Linking outcome data on performance indicators to the state of the conditions during the implementation may be helpful in explaining, perhaps even predicting, the amount of success.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>In quality improvement collaboratives (QICs) teams of practitioners from different health care organizations are brought together to systematically improve an aspect of patient care. Teams take part in a series of meetings to learn about relevant best practices, quality methods and change ideas, and share experiences in making changes in their own local setting. The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for measuring team organization, external change agent support and support from the team's home institution in a Dutch national improvement and dissemination programme for hospitals based on several QICs.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The exploratory methodological design included two phases: a) content development and assessment, resulting in an instrument with 15 items, and b) field testing (N = 165). Internal consistency reliability was tested via Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Principal component analyses were used to identify underlying constructs. Tests of scaling assumptions according to the multi trait/multi-item matrix, were used to confirm the component structure.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Three components were revealed, explaining 65% of the variability. The components were labelled 'organizational support', 'team organization' and 'external change agent support'. One item not meeting item-scale criteria was removed. This resulted in a 14 item instrument. Scale reliability ranged from 0.77 to 0.91. Internal item consistency and divergent validity were satisfactory.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>On the whole, the instrument appears to be a promising tool for assessing team organization and internal and external support during QIC implementation. The psychometric properties were good and warrant application of the instrument for the evaluation of the national programme and similar improvement programmes.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MLAD was responsible for designing the study, conducting the literature review, developing the questionnaire, acquiring, analyzing and interpreting the data and drafting the manuscript. As research manager of the independent evaluation study of the hospital improvement programme CW was responsible for designing the study and developing the questionnaire. CW and PPG assisted in interpreting the results and revising the manuscript for intellectual content. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The authors owe their thanks to Monique de Bruijn, Martine de Bruyne, Susanne Hempel, Rob de Leeuw, Frits van Merode, Hanneke Merten, Dimitris Niakas, Karin Sanders, Cor Spreeuwenberg and Gerrit van der Wal for their valuable suggestions and advice on draft versions of the measuring instrument and the manuscript. The willingness of the testers and respondents to participate in this study is truly appreciated. This study was funded by ZonMw, the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Cattell's scree plot; a two dimensional graph with factors on the x-axis and eigenvalues on the y-axis.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>QIC-projects and programme targets</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Quality domain</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>QIC-project</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>Programme targets</italic></bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Patient logistics</italic></td><td align=\"left\">working without waiting lists (WWW)</td><td align=\"left\">- Access time for clinical consultation is less than a week</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">operating theatre (OT)</td><td align=\"left\">- Increasing the productivity of operation theatres by 30%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">process redesign (PRD)</td><td align=\"left\">- Decreasing the total duration of diagnostics and treatment by 40–90%</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">- Reducing length of in-hospital stay by 30%</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Patient safety</italic></td><td align=\"left\">medication safety (MS)</td><td align=\"left\">- Decreasing the number of medication errors by 50%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">pressure wounds (PW)</td><td align=\"left\">- The percentage of pressure wounds is lower than 5%</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">postoperative wound infections (POWI)</td><td align=\"left\">- Decreasing postoperative wound infections by 50%</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Item descriptive statistics</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Item</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Description*</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Valid (%)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean (SD)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Median</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"7\"><bold><underline>Distribution of valid responses (%)</underline></bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>Team organization (TO)</italic></td><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>4</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>5</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>6</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>7</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"left\">there is good communication and coordination</td><td align=\"center\">100.0</td><td align=\"center\">5.55 (1.09)</td><td align=\"center\">6.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.0</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td><td align=\"center\">3.0</td><td align=\"center\">10.9</td><td align=\"center\">22.4</td><td align=\"center\">46.7</td><td align=\"center\">15.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">the division of tasks is perfectly clear</td><td align=\"center\">100.0</td><td align=\"center\">5.31 (1.07)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">5.5</td><td align=\"center\">13.9</td><td align=\"center\">34.5</td><td align=\"center\">33.3</td><td align=\"center\">12.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"left\">everyone is doing what he or she should do</td><td align=\"center\">99.4</td><td align=\"center\">5.05 (1.35)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td><td align=\"center\">14.0</td><td align=\"center\">14.0</td><td align=\"center\">26.2</td><td align=\"center\">30.9</td><td align=\"center\">12.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"left\">is responsible for progress of project</td><td align=\"center\">99.4</td><td align=\"center\">5.30 (1.23)</td><td align=\"center\">6.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td><td align=\"center\">7.3</td><td align=\"center\">12.8</td><td align=\"center\">23.8</td><td align=\"center\">41.5</td><td align=\"center\">12.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"left\">is in charge of project implementation</td><td align=\"center\">100.0</td><td align=\"center\">5.37 (1.23)</td><td align=\"center\">6.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td><td align=\"center\">7.9</td><td align=\"center\">7.9</td><td align=\"center\">27.9</td><td align=\"center\">39.4</td><td align=\"center\">14.5</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>External change agent support (EX)</italic></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"left\">is properly trained</td><td align=\"center\">99.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.32 (1.38)</td><td align=\"center\">4.0</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td><td align=\"center\">9.8</td><td align=\"center\">16.5</td><td align=\"center\">28.0</td><td align=\"center\">21.3</td><td align=\"center\">19.5</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"left\">at collaborative meetings I always gain valuable insights</td><td align=\"center\">99.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.24 (1.48)</td><td align=\"center\">4.0</td><td align=\"center\">2.4</td><td align=\"center\">11.6</td><td align=\"center\">20.1</td><td align=\"center\">17.1</td><td align=\"center\">26.2</td><td align=\"center\">18.9</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"left\">external change agents provide sufficient support and instruments</td><td align=\"center\">99.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.52 (1.27)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">6.7</td><td align=\"center\">12.8</td><td align=\"center\">26.8</td><td align=\"center\">29.3</td><td align=\"center\">20.1</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"left\">external change agents raised high expectations about performance and improvement potential</td><td align=\"center\">98.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.83 (1.25)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td><td align=\"center\">10.4</td><td align=\"center\">22.7</td><td align=\"center\">27.6</td><td align=\"center\">30.1</td><td align=\"center\">4.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"left\">external change agents made clear from the beginning what the goal of the project is and the best way to achieve it</td><td align=\"center\">99.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.76 (1.24)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td><td align=\"center\">9.8</td><td align=\"center\">23.8</td><td align=\"center\">31.1</td><td align=\"center\">26.2</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>Support from hospital organization (HO)</italic></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"left\">we see that the project is important to the strategic management</td><td align=\"center\">97.6</td><td align=\"center\">5.08 (1.49)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.0</td><td align=\"center\">6.8</td><td align=\"center\">11.2</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">24.2</td><td align=\"center\">25.5</td><td align=\"center\">19.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"left\">we see that the strategic management supports the project actively</td><td align=\"center\">98.2</td><td align=\"center\">4.75 (1.60)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td><td align=\"center\">9.3</td><td align=\"center\">21.0</td><td align=\"center\">22.8</td><td align=\"center\">22.8</td><td align=\"center\">13.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"left\">the hospital gives the support we need in the department(s) to make the project a success</td><td align=\"center\">99.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.36 (1.49)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">5.5</td><td align=\"center\">7.3</td><td align=\"center\">11.6</td><td align=\"center\">25.6</td><td align=\"center\">25.0</td><td align=\"center\">21.3</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"left\">does everything in its power to increase the willingness to change</td><td align=\"center\">99.4</td><td align=\"center\">4.18 (1.55)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">5.5</td><td align=\"center\">10.4</td><td align=\"center\">16.5</td><td align=\"center\">23.2</td><td align=\"center\">22.0</td><td align=\"center\">18.3</td><td align=\"center\">4.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"left\">the board pays attention to the activities of the project team</td><td align=\"center\">95.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.66 (1.67)</td><td align=\"center\">5.0</td><td align=\"center\">4.4</td><td align=\"center\">9.5</td><td align=\"center\">10.8</td><td align=\"center\">17.7</td><td align=\"center\">15.8</td><td align=\"center\">31.6</td><td align=\"center\">10.1</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Rotated component matrices: 15 items</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Item</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Description</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold><underline>Pattern matrix</underline></bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold><underline>Structure matrix</underline></bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>3</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"left\">strategic management supports project actively</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.935</bold></td><td align=\"center\">-0.086</td><td align=\"center\">-0.022</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.898</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.240</td><td align=\"center\">0.230</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"left\">does everything to increase willingness to change</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.911</bold></td><td align=\"center\">-0.050</td><td align=\"center\">0.023</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.900</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.282</td><td align=\"center\">0.279</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"left\">project is important to strategic management</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.843</bold></td><td align=\"center\">-0.081</td><td align=\"center\">0.092</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.841</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.248</td><td align=\"center\">0.318</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"left\">hospital gives the support needed in department(s) to make project successful</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.834</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.058</td><td align=\"center\">-0.019</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.849</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.350</td><td align=\"center\">0.247</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"left\">pays attention to team activities</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.732</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.140</td><td align=\"center\">-0.092</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.754</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.372</td><td align=\"center\">0.169</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"left\">proper team training</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.466</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.276</td><td align=\"center\">0.103</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.595</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.474</td><td align=\"center\">0.328</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"left\">responsible for progress</td><td align=\"center\">0.023</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.808</bold></td><td align=\"center\">-0.073</td><td align=\"center\">0.290</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.794</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.185</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">clear division of tasks</td><td align=\"center\">-0.036</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.786</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.166</td><td align=\"center\">0.294</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.825</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.399</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"left\">good communication and coordination</td><td align=\"center\">-0.115</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.779</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.101</td><td align=\"center\">0.193</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.769</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.308</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"left\">everyone is doing what he or she should do</td><td align=\"center\">0.091</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.776</bold></td><td align=\"center\">-0.050</td><td align=\"center\">0.353</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.793</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.218</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"left\">in charge of implementation</td><td align=\"center\">0.061</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.768</bold></td><td align=\"center\">-0.155</td><td align=\"center\">0.288</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.741</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.101</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"left\">sufficient support and instruments external change agents</td><td align=\"center\">-0.101</td><td align=\"center\">0.048</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.845</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.168</td><td align=\"center\">0.274</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.830</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"left\">gain valuable insights at collaborative meetings</td><td align=\"center\">-0.028</td><td align=\"center\">0.001</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.799</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.210</td><td align=\"center\">0.239</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.791</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"left\">external change agents made goal and clarified way to achieve it</td><td align=\"center\">0.035</td><td align=\"center\">0.123</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.715</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.292</td><td align=\"center\">0.357</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.763</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"left\">external change agents raised high expectations about performance and improvement potential</td><td align=\"center\">0.151</td><td align=\"center\">-0.204</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.708</bold></td><td align=\"center\">0.289</td><td align=\"center\">0.069</td><td align=\"center\"><bold>0.690</bold></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Rotated component matrices and Cronbach's alpha: 14 items</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Item</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Description</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold><underline>Pattern matrix</underline></bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><bold><underline>Structure matrix</underline></bold></td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Scale if item removed</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>1<sup>st </sup>FACTOR: organizational support (5 items; alpha = 0.91)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"left\">strategic management supports project actively</td><td align=\"center\">0.932</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.910</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"left\">does everything to increase willingness to change</td><td align=\"center\">0.897</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.897</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"left\">project is important to strategic management</td><td align=\"center\">0.840</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.850</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.89</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"left\">hospital gives the support needed in department(s) to make project successful</td><td align=\"center\">0.821</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.844</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.89</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"left\">pays attention to team activities</td><td align=\"center\">0.726</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.755</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.91</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>2<sup>nd </sup>FACTOR: team organization (5 items; alpha = 0.84)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"left\">responsible for progress</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.811</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.805</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.81</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">clear division of tasks</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.780</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.819</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.80</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"left\">everyone is doing what he or she should do</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.776</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.795</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.81</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"left\">good communication and coordination</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.773</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.769</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.81</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"left\">in charge of implementation</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.767</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.747</td><td/><td align=\"center\">0.82</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>3<sup>d </sup>FACTOR: external change agent support (4 items; alpha = 0.77)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"left\">sufficient support and instruments external change agents</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.842</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.830</td><td align=\"center\">0.67</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"left\">gain valuable insights at collaborative meetings</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.797</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.791</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"left\">external change agents made goal and clarified way to achieve it</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.714</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.762</td><td align=\"center\">0.72</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"left\">external change agents raised high expectations about performance and improvement potential</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.704</td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">0.694</td><td align=\"center\">0.76</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Summary of results of multi-trait/multi-item scaling</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Item-scale convergent validity Criterion 1 (inclusive criterion)</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Item-scale divergent validity Criterion 2 (exclusive criterion)</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Scaling fulfilment</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Scale</bold></td><td align=\"center\">Range of item-scale correlations<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Number of item-scale correlations<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Range of correlations with other scales<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Number of items higher correlation with other scale<sup>4</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Number of items that meet criterion 1 but not 2</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">1. Organizational support</td><td align=\"center\">0.646–0.833</td><td align=\"center\">5/5</td><td align=\"center\">0.165–0.371</td><td align=\"center\">0/5</td><td align=\"center\">0/5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">2. Team organization</td><td align=\"center\">0.601–0.701</td><td align=\"center\">5/5</td><td align=\"center\">0.096–0.392</td><td align=\"center\">0/5</td><td align=\"center\">0/5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">3. External change agent support</td><td align=\"center\">0.471–0.657</td><td align=\"center\">4/4</td><td align=\"center\">0.070–0.350</td><td align=\"center\">0/4</td><td align=\"center\">0/5</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* 1–6: '(In) the project team...' 11–12: 'In the department(s) where the project is implemented...'</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><italic>Notes: </italic>Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation method: Promax with Kaiser normalization. Rotation converged in five iterations.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><italic>Notes: </italic>Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation method: Promax with Kaiser normalization. Rotation converged in five iterations.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>1 Pearson correlations between items and hypothesized scale (corrected for overlap).</p><p>2 Number of item-scale correlations that meet minimum standard for convergent validity (≤ 0.40).</p><p>3 Pearson correlations between items and other scales.</p><p>4 Correlations higher between items and other scales in comparison with hypothesized scale (by two standard errors or more; ≤ 0.16)</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1472-6963-8-172-1\"/>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Health Serv Res. 2008 Aug 11; 8:172
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Physical therapy services are essential components of health services delivery systems around the world, and physical therapy is one of the health care professions involved in the management of patients with limitations in physical functioning, which is a universal experience for all people. One aim of physical therapists is to identify and maximize human movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, in partnership with their patients [##UREF##0##1##]. In order to achieve scientific credibility and validate practice, research involving the practice of physical therapy has increased worldwide in the last decades [##REF##7899489##2##, ####REF##15225083##3##, ##REF##16442966##4####16442966##4##]. Many people assume that evaluations of the number of visits per treatment episode, therapy duration and clinical outcomes from physical therapy studies in one country can be generalized to other countries. However, to date no well designed studies have been conducted comparing patient characteristics, treatment process characteristics, and outcomes in physical therapy among countries. According to the World Confederation of Physical Therapy, such comparisons are valuable for the development of the profession [##UREF##1##5##] as they allow countries to learn from each other.</p>", "<p>International comparisons of physical therapy care can be performed by comparing data from clinical databases, i.e. collections of information from (electronic) medical records from many providers. In a previous study, our research team identified seven clinical databases in three different countries [##REF##17558879##6##]. Data from these databases located in the United States, Israel and the Netherlands were used to initiate an international comparison of patient demographic characteristics and treatment process characteristics in outpatient physical therapy practice. The organization of physical therapy in these three countries is described below. To advance our research findings. we formulated the following research questions related to patients receiving outpatient physical therapy in the United States, Israel and the Netherlands:</p>", "<p>- What were the patient demographic and health related characteristics?</p>", "<p>- Which treatment processes were received?</p>", "<p>- What were the relationships between the patient demographic and health related characteristics and the number of visits per episodes in the three datasets examined?</p>", "<p>We formulated these questions for all patients in the databases. We replicated the analyses for patients with lumbar spine syndromes separately because, according to the data analyzed, patients with lumbar spine syndromes represent the most frequently treated group of patients in outpatient therapy in each of the three countries. Patients treated for lumbar spine impairments are a heterogeneous patient population [##REF##16540864##7##]. Therefore, we decided to ask the questions as well for patients with ankle sprain, which we considered a more homogeneous patient population and an acceptable prevalence in all three databases.</p>", "<title>Descriptions of the organization of physical therapy in the USA, Israel and the Netherlands</title>", "<title>USA</title>", "<p>The health care delivery system in the United States is a mix of many different types of payers who are responsible for covering the expense of care delivery. For example, citizens or their employers commonly purchase health care benefits from private insurance companies that offer several different plans of coverage for the citizens/employees. Federal payers also exist that cover health care benefits to specific groups of people, like those individuals older than 65 years or who are impoverished. Employees of companies also are covered by state mandated workers' compensation plans in case the employee is injured while performing work-related tasks. In addition, people who do not want or cannot afford coverage from the private insurance companies, or their employers do not cover the cost of health care and the individual does not qualify for Federal programs, could pay for the health care benefits themselves. Therefore, the norm is a wide variety of plans of coverage for therapy services. Each plan has different rules governing coverage of physical therapy, so therapists or the companies for which they work must understand the rules in order for the successful billing of clinical services. Although there is increasing interest in value-based purchasing of health care in private insurance companies [##UREF##2##8##] and Federal programs [##UREF##3##9##] where clinicians would be reimbursed dependent on good outcomes delivered efficiently [##UREF##4##10##], few plans pay therapists on the value of the outcome provided for the therapy services. Currently, plans for clinical therapy services encourage higher delivery of procedures (because the therapy services are commonly reimbursed by procedural code) and volume of patients treated per time frame (because the amount of reimbursement has decreased by insurance companies in an attempt to control costs of services) [##UREF##2##8##,##UREF##3##9##]. Although some insurance plans will 'listen' to therapists if more or different than customary treatment is requested, there is no or limited incentive for therapists to provide evidence-based practice or to improve the outcomes of treatment. The percent of patients referred to therapy as evidenced in the FOTO database attests to the flexibility of the referral process to therapy. Although most states currently have state laws that allow therapists to practice without a referral from a physician, i.e., direct access, tradition and health care practices continue to encourage physician referral of patients to therapy. Therapists can be employed by large to small businesses, insurance companies, or practices privately held by therapists or physicians. Other business arrangements are possible. Most therapists are salaried, but some have bonus systems commonly based on productivity. Therapists were required to successfully complete an undergraduate program before becoming licensed to practice physical therapy, but most educational programs have changed or are changing to a post-graduate doctoral program, which will allow therapists to take the licensing examination.</p>", "<title>Israel</title>", "<p>Maccabi Healthcare Services is a public Health plan responsible for the healthcare of approximately 1.7 million people in Israel, which consists about 25% of the total population. In Israel, all citizens must be insured by one of the 4 public health plans, and payment is done by taxation relative to income. Health services coverage is defined by a general national health \"basket\" governmental law. However, some additional coverage may be chosen to be included in the basic health \"basket\" by each health plan. Referral to physical therapy is done by physicians and there is no direct access. All physical therapy is provided by over 400 employed therapists. Their salary is a fixed salary, except a bonus payment that is given within a range of average visits per hours. Additionally, each new patient is counted as two visits for the bonus payment. Although the national health coverage for PT has defined a maximum of 12 visits per episode of care per incident, the Maccabi PT management has decided that there would be no limit to the amount of episodes or number of visits per episodes for which a patient can be covered, as long as the therapists can provide clinical support for their decision to continue care. The fact that the average number of visits per episode of care is below the maximum number defined within the national health coverage, has facilitated this decision. Education of physical therapist includes a minimum of four years of academic education leading to a Bachelor in Physical Therapy.</p>", "<title>The Netherlands</title>", "<p>The Dutch health care system is a publicly funded health care system where general practitioners act as gatekeepers, controlling and coordinating access to specialty services. In the Dutch health care system in 2005, physical therapists were only accessible after referral by a physician. Over 90% of patients attending a physical therapist had been directly referred by their GP. The remaining 10% were referred by a medical specialist. People in the Netherlands had in 2005 either public or private health insurance, depending on their level of income. About 66% of the population was publicly insured. Public insurance cover for physical therapy was nationally regulated and in 2005 this meant that physical therapy was covered only when patients were suffering from a chronic condition, as specified on a list (about 12% of the patient population) and this coverage started at the tenth visit. People with public insurance were able to obtain additional private insurance that covered them also for the first nine visits and for physical therapy when they were not suffering from a chronic condition. Private insurance cover for physical therapy was not regulated at national level. The Dutch situation has changed in 2006. Currently, differentiation between public and private health care insurances has disappeared and physical therapy is accessible without a referral. In the Netherlands, 16% of the population contacted a physical therapist per year. Every physical therapy visit lasts about 25 minutes, and physical therapists are paid per visit, irrespective of the type of diagnosis and intervention. Nearly all therapists working in primary care are organised in private practices. Education of physical therapist consists of four years higher vocational education leading to a Bachelor in Health. In 2005, there were about 1,200 inhabitants per physical therapist.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>We analyzed data were used from three clinical databases: Focus On Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc. (USA), Maccabi Healthcare Services (Israel), and the National Information Service for Allied Health Care (the Netherlands). Data were selected for patients aged 18 years or older who started an episode of physical therapy care between January 1<sup>st </sup>and December 31<sup>st </sup>2005. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects of FOTO and Maccabi. In the Netherlands, ethical approval was not obliged as patients were not subjected to treatment other than usual, nor were required to behave in a certain manner.</p>", "<title>Clinical databases</title>", "<p>Focus On Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc. (FOTO) is a proprietary international medical-rehabilitation data management company from the United States that has been in existence since 1992 [##REF##17558879##6##,##UREF##5##11##]. The FOTO network was developed for the purpose of generating an outcome-oriented, standardized information management system for use in outpatient physical therapy settings [##REF##9037215##12##]. The company's purpose has been defined as: to provide reliable, valid and responsive outcomes measures and aggregate data management services to enable real-time information that empowers clinicians, patients, payers, and policy makers, and facilitates choice, delivery and payment based on the most effective rehabilitation therapy. In the current study, data of 1,004 physical therapists, working in 187 outpatient practices in 28 different states (U.S.) were used. More than 60% of outcomes data were entered via computer software employing computerized adaptive testing (CAT) methods [##REF##15878477##13##, ####REF##16488360##14##, ##REF##16895818##15##, ##REF##18619788##16####18619788##16##], but paper and pencil data entry were available for clinics without computer availability. FOTO is the largest CAT generated outcomes data collection process for outpatient therapy in the world with over 2.4 million patient episodes and 700,000 CATs administered as of December 2007. Outcomes data are supplemented by process information and used by therapists to manage their patients in real time. Administrators use the data to manage the clinics and clinicians.</p>", "<p>Maccabi Healthcare Services (Maccabi) is the second largest public Healthcare plan in Israel. Maccabi collects physical therapy data from over 70 outpatient clinics using several parallel informatics systems, which makes Maccabi the first health care service internationally to fully integrate electronic functional status outcomes assessment with an electronic medical record [##REF##18042656##17##]: 1) electronic central medical file system; 2) electronic appointment management system; 3) central computer with the ability of querying the first two systems; and 4) computerized adaptive testing for functional outcomes measurement and data collecting. In the current study, data from 73 physical therapy clinics including over 400 therapists were used. Therapists use the outcomes, process and administrative data to manage their patients in real time, and both clinicians and physical therapy service managers use the data to improve patient management.</p>", "<p>The National Information Service for Allied Health Care (LiPZ) is a computerized registration network in which about 100 Dutch physical therapists working in outpatient practices participate [##REF##17558879##6##,##REF##16787681##18##, ####REF##15748123##19##, ##REF##16307679##20####16307679##20##]. LiPZ was implemented in order to provide up-to-date information about the care provided by allied health care professionals in the Netherlands. LiPZ has been collecting health care related information since 2001. Participants use computer software to register their patients and treatments. In this software a special LiPZ-application is included, making it possible to register additional data and to make an export file every month. The data contain demographic information about patients visiting physical therapists, as well as information about the patient's condition and subsequent treatments. In the current study, data from 94 physical therapists, working in 43 practices were analyzed. LiPZ data are used for research purposes and administrators can use benchmark data to manage the clinics.</p>", "<title>Data set</title>", "<p>None of the three data sets collected precisely the same information. However, there were similarities in data elements among all three databases, as the collection of data on patients' date of birth and gender, and on the profession of referring physicians. Furthermore, in all databases, the number of visits per episode, i.e. the number of times the patient had a face-to-face patient-therapist encounter, was collected. Data that needed recoding, because of differences between the datasets, were symptom episode duration, the patients' complaints and interventions. The recoding procedures are explained in the following paragraphs. These procedures were based on choices established on the basis of a consensus procedure among the authors.</p>", "<p>Data on episode duration of the health problem, defined as the number of days between the date of onset of the condition and the date of therapy initial evaluation, was collected in all three networks as well, but the codes varied. In FOTO, the data were coded as '0 – 7 days', '8 – 14 days', '15 – 21 days', '22 – 90 days', '91 days – 6 months', '&gt; 6 months'. In Maccabi, the data were coded as '0 – 21 days', '21 – 90 days', '&gt; 90 days'. In LiPZ, the categories were '0 – 2 days', '3 – 7 days', '1 week – 1 month', '1 – 3 months', '3 – 6 months', '6 months – 1 year', '1 – 2 years', '&gt; 2 years'. For our purposes, episode duration was recoded in 'acute' (less than 3 weeks in FOTO and Maccabi, less than 1 month in LiPZ), chronic (more than 3 months or 90 days) and sub acute (the category in between).</p>", "<p>In all databases, information about the patients' complaints, e.g. reason for treatment, was collected. However, different classifications, with different levels of detail were used. As in all classifications the body part treated could be deducted, this was used as indication of the health problem of the patient. In FOTO, the patient, the front office staff or the therapist could select the body part treated. In Maccabi, the primary physical therapists' diagnoses were collected, using ICD-9 [##UREF##6##21##]. For the current study, these ICD-9 codes were recoded into the body part treated. In LiPZ, the reasons for referral as given by letter by the referring physician were coded by researchers using the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) [##UREF##7##22##]. These ICPC-codes were also recoded into the body part treated. Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1## provides an overview of the response options in each database and the way they were summarized into the body part treated.</p>", "<p>Interventions were collected in all databases, but time span of registration and classification differed. In FOTO, entry of interventions was optional for the therapist. When entered, each intervention is recorded for being applied at least once in the treatment episode or not at all. In Maccabi, the registration of intervention codes during the episode of care is mandatory, therefore the number of times each code was used during the overall episode of care is known. In LiPZ, at most three interventions applied in at least half of the treatment visits are registered at the end of the treatment episode. The different classifications are summarized into the following categories, deducted from the American Physical Therapy Association's (APTA) Guide to Physical Therapist Practice [##REF##11175682##23##]: therapeutic exercises; functional training in work; manual therapy techniques; prescription, application, fabrication of devices; electrotherapeutic modalities; physical agents and mechanical modalities; and other. Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2## gives for each database an overview of the response options and how they were summarized into the APTA categories.</p>", "<p>The selection of patients with lumbar syndromes was based on the information about the reason for treatment, which was summarized into the body part treated as described above. The selection of patients with ankle sprain was based on the medical diagnoses, coded with ICD-9 in FOTO and Maccabi, and with ICPC in LiPZ, both using the same inclusion criteria.</p>", "<title>Statistical analyses</title>", "<p>Descriptive statistics were calculated for the patient demographic and health characteristics and treatment processes characteristics. In the FOTO database there were over 25% missing cases for the profession of referring physicians variable. Therefore, for this variable the FOTO-data were not used. In all other variables and databases less than 25% missing cases were found. Differences in data were tested using χ<sup>2</sup>-tests for categorical variables and ANOVA for continuous variables. Differences in the number of treatment visits and treatment duration were tested using linear regression techniques controlling for gender, age and episode duration. To answer the questions about the number of visits and use of interventions, only data of patients for whom the treatment episode was closed were used.</p>", "<p>For reasons of readability we used country names instead of database names in the results section.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Patient demographic characteristics</title>", "<p>There were subtle significant differences in gender and age of patients among the databases, but because the data sets are large and the differences were small from a practical sense, it appears that the demographic data are quite similar (Table ##TAB##0##1##). In the USA, more patients with lumbar spine syndromes tended to be female compared to patients in Israel or the Netherlands(p &lt; 0.001). Patients in the USA or Israel tended to be older than patients in the Netherlands (p &lt; 0.001). In patients with ankle sprain, similar differences were found for gender, but mean age of patients tended to be similar in all three databases (p = 0.391).</p>", "<title>Patient health characteristics</title>", "<p>In the Netherlands, 38.0% of the patients had acute symptoms (&lt; 1 month) (Table ##TAB##1##2##). In the USA and Israel, these percentages were lower, 18.4% and 14.3% respectively. A majority of the patients in the USA and Israel had chronic symptoms (&gt; 3 months), while in the Netherlands, 35.2% of the patients had chronic symptoms. Similar results were found for patients treated for lumbar spine impairments. Compared to the total population, patients treated for ankle sprain more often had acute symptoms. But again, in the Netherlands this percentage was considerably higher than in the USA and Israel: 74.5%, 33.9% and 31.2% respectively.</p>", "<p>In all three databases, the lumbar spine was the body part that was treated most frequently (Table ##TAB##2##3##), with percentages varying from 21.9% in the Netherlands to 30.6% in the USA. In all three networks, the neck, knee and shoulder are body parts that are treated frequently as well. In the Netherlands, over 55% of the patients were treated for spinal impairments. In the USA and Israel, this percentage was somewhat lower, 46.6% and 47.5% respectively.</p>", "<title>Treatment process</title>", "<p>The type of physicians referring patients to physical therapy differed between Israel and the Netherlands (Table ##TAB##3##4##). In Israel, 20.9% of the patients were referred by a general practitioner (GP), and about two third of the patients were referred by an orthopaedist. In the Netherlands, 89.9% of the patients were referred by a GP, while only 3.4% were referred by an orthopaedist. Differences were similar among all patient populations studied (p &lt; 0.001). In the USA, patients in whom the type of referring physicians was known were mostly referred by a GP, an orthopaedist, a physiatrist, i.e. a physician specialised in physical medicine and rehabilitation, or an occupational medicine physician.</p>", "<p>In all three networks, therapeutic exercises were applied most frequently: in 78.0% of all patients in the USA, 79.4% of all patients in Israel and 84.5% of all patients in the Netherlands (Table ##TAB##4##5##). In the USA and Israel, physical agents or mechanical modalities were the second most frequently applied treatments (43.3% and 55.4% respectively), followed by manual therapy (31.8% and 54.7%, respectively). In the Netherlands, manual therapy was applied more often (67.2%), while physical agents or mechanical modalities were applied only in 5% of the patients. Results were comparable for patients with lumbar spinal impairments. In patients with ankle sprain, therapeutic exercises were applied more often compared to the total patient population. Furthermore, in the Netherlands, also the application of devices was a frequently applied treatment procedure, while in the USA and Israel physical agents or mechanical modalities and electrotherapeutic modalities and manual therapy were important treatment procedures.</p>", "<p>Uncorrected mean numbers of visits per treatment episode in the total patient population were: 10.2 in the USA, 6.4 in Israel and 12.5 in the Netherlands. Corrected for age, gender and episode duration, mean numbers were 10.0 in the USA, 6.5 in Israel and 10.0 in the Netherlands. Patients with lumbar spine impairments from Israel had, corrected for age, gender and episode duration, on average 2.7 visits less than patients from the USA and on average 3.4 visits less than patients from the Netherlands. In patients with ankle sprain, differences in the corrected mean number of visits per treatment episode in the Netherlands and Israel were small (5.3 and 5.5, respectively). However, patients in the USA were treated more often (corrected mean number of treatment visits was 8.7).</p>", "<p>Table ##TAB##5##6## shows the effect of patient characteristics on the number of treatment visits in the three countries. Most regression coefficients are very small (less than 1, or in the case of age less than 0.10), meaning that the number of treatment visits deviates less than 1 (for age less than 0.1 treatment visit per year) from the reference group (male, 50 years, acute complaints). Only for patients with sub acute and chronic complaints we see considerably more treatment visits in the Netherlands (compared to the reference group 1.78 and 4.84 more respectively in the total population and somewhat less more for lumbar spine and ankle sprain). For patients in Israel the number of treatment visits varies hardly with patient characteristics. The USA takes an intermediate position with clearly more treatment visits for patients with chronic complaints treated for lumbar spine and ankle sprain but much less deviation from the reference group for the total population.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The current study is the first to make comparisons of patient characteristics and treatment process characteristics in outpatient physical therapy practice in the United States, Israel and the Netherlands. These comparisons showed the data in three databases were remarkably similar in patient characteristics, like age, gender and body part treated. However, large differences were found in the episode duration of the health problems, the treatment procedures used and the number of treatment visits provided among countries.</p>", "<title>Patient demographic and patient health characteristics</title>", "<p>The similarity in the body parts treated by physical therapists among countries implies that physical therapy practice is a definable area of clinical work. Apparently, the range of health problems is not highly influenced by the main sources of referring physicians, which did differ across the countries. However, large differences in the episode duration levels of the patients were found. The cause of this difference needs further investigation, but disparities in episode duration might be due to differences referral systems, with more patients referred by a general practitioner in the Netherlands than in the United States or Israel, or differences in waiting lists, which are short in the Netherlands and long in Israel, cultural factors, or use of other health professionals or medical agents. More rigorous designs would be needed to assess these differences. It would be interesting to include research into the consequences of these differences for the outcome of care in these designs as well.</p>", "<title>Treatment processes</title>", "<p>Substantial differences were found in the interventions that were applied across the three countries. In general, Dutch physical therapists seem to have a more active approach and were more manual oriented, while in Israel and the United States, physical agents and mechanical modalities and electrotherapeutic modalities are frequently applied. Use of these agents and modalities has been decreasing since the 1990s in the Netherlands [##REF##16787681##18##,##UREF##8##24##], which might be related to recommendations of the Health Council of the Netherlands which advised against the use of physical agents and modalities in many conditions [##UREF##9##25##].</p>", "<p>Even within a homogeneous patient population, like patients with ankle sprain, large differences were found for interventions delivered among the countries studied. These disparities may be explained by differences in registration, i.e. the procedure of registration including the time span and the number of response options, and classification, i.e., the exact definitions of the response options. However, other explanations are possible as well. In patients with ankle sprain, considerable differences were found in the prescription, application and/or fabrication of devices, which may be explained by differences in the episode duration of the problems across countries. In the Netherlands, three-quarters of the patients with ankle sprain had acute complaints. In these patients, taping in combination with functional training appeared to be the favourable strategy when compared with immobilisation [##REF##12137710##26##], what is also recommended in the Dutch clinical guidelines for the treatment of these patients [##REF##17519040##27##]. In Israel and the United States, most patients had sub-acute or chronic complaints, in whom taping is only recommended as prevention for recurrent injury [##UREF##10##28##]. Therefore, it seems reasonable that devices are more often prescribed or applied in the Netherlands than in the United States or Israel. The higher use of physical agents and mechanical or electrotherapeutic modalities in the United States and Israel compared to the Netherlands, might be caused by cultural differences, but further research is needed into the exact reasons for these differences and into their effects on the outcome of care.</p>", "<p>The mean number of visits per treatment episode differed among the three databases. In the total patient population and in patients treated for their lumbar spine, the number of visits per episode was higher in the United States and the Netherlands compared to Israel. In patients with ankle sprain, the number of treatment visits in the United States was higher than the number of treatment visits in Israel and the Netherlands. A remarkable finding is the narrow range of the mean number of treatment visits across different patient populations in Israel, while in the United States and especially in the Netherlands, the mean number of treatment visits differs extensively across patient populations. One explanation for the narrow range found in the population of Israel may be understaffing along with long waiting lists. Throughout the years, the Israeli database shows a continuous decrease in number of visits per episode of care along with a continuous increase in number of new patients per available clinical working hour. These circumstances narrow the flexibility of physical therapists in Israel and encourage fewer visits per episode, although it must be emphasised that from an administrative perspective, the Israeli system allows the therapist to provide any amount of visits per episodes as they feel is needed to achieve best possible outcomes. In comparison, patients receive more visits per episode in the United States and especially the Netherlands compared to Israel. We do not have the data nor were the data collected using a design that could elucidate why these differences in visits occurred, and therefore this finding awaits future research. Additionally, it is noteworthy that the direction of the regression parameters differed among the three databases. In the United States and in the Netherlands, patients with chronic complaints received more treatment visits than patients with acute complaints, while in Israel patients with chronic complaints received less treatment visits than patients with acute complaints. One hypothesis is understaffing in Israel resulting in long waiting lists might influence therapists' decisions to give less treatment visits to patients with chronic complaints as their predicted improvement is less than patients with more acute symptoms [##UREF##4##10##]. All these findings and hypothesis await sophisticated research designs, multivariate modelling and standardized operational definitions of all terms before the findings can be interpreted in a meaningful manner. Furthermore, research into the relation between the number of treatment visits and the outcome of care is needed in order to study the influence of treatment visits on outcomes.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The current study shows that clinical databases can be used for comparing similarities and differences in demographic and health related patient characteristics. However, for in-depth comparisons of diagnoses, interventions and outcomes, variables and measures need to be standardized among countries. Given the limitations in the databases and our comparisons, our results suggest that the number of treatment visits differs among the countries studied. If this finding can be confirmed, the finding has implications for the generalizability of physical therapy outcome research from one country to another.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Many assume that outcomes from physical therapy research in one country can be generalized to other countries. However, no well designed studies comparing outcomes among countries have been conducted. In this exploratory study, our goal was to compare patient demographics and treatment processes in outpatient physical therapy practice in the United States, Israel and the Netherlands.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Cross-sectional data from three different clinical databases were examined. Data were selected for patients aged 18 years and older and started an episode of outpatient therapy between January 1<sup>st </sup>2005 and December 31<sup>st </sup>2005. Results are based on data from approximately 63,000 patients from the United States, 100,000 from Israel and 12,000 from the Netherlands.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Age, gender and the body part treated were similar in the three countries. Differences existed in episode duration of the health problem, with more patients with chronic complaints treated in the United States and Israel compared to the Netherlands. In the United States and Israel, physical agents and mechanical modalities were applied more often than in the Netherlands. The mean number of visits per treatment episode, adjusted for age, gender, and episode duration, varied from 8 in Israel to 11 in the United States and the Netherlands.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The current study showed that clinical databases can be used for comparing patient demographic characteristics and for identifying similarities and differences among countries in physical therapy practice. However, terminology used to describe treatment processes and classify patients was different among databases. More standardisation is required to enable more detailed comparisons. Nevertheless the differences found in number of treatment visits per episode imply that one has to be careful to generalize outcomes from physical therapy research from one country to another.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Limitations</title>", "<p>This is the first study in which comparisons of patient characteristics and treatment process characteristics across different clinical databases of three countries have been made. Although this method has a number of advantages, it also has some limitations. First, the generalizability of our study is limited: we looked at only three countries and the representativeness of the three databases is debatable. Generalizability of the FOTO database is unknown, but the large size of the sample supports the potential that the data set could be representative of the type of patient treated in a typical outpatient therapy clinic in the United States. The Maccabi database was designed to examine physical therapy practice in one health maintenance organization (HMO) in Israel, and over 90% of patients covered by Maccabi Health Care System receiving therapy are included in the database. The Maccabi database probably comes closest to being representative of physical therapy practice in Israel because it is the second largest HMO in Israel and covers 25% of the population in Israel. The Dutch database is relatively small, but aimed at representativeness for the whole country. Practice and therapist characteristics of the LiPZ participants were compared to the characteristics of all Dutch physical therapists and practices as listed in a national register [##UREF##11##29##] showing no large differences on gender, age, practice size and urbanization rate [##REF##16307679##20##]. Second, the databases differed in the variables included and when the same variables were assessed in each database, how the questions were asked and coded were different among the databases. This lack of standardization of data collection and operational definitions among the databases restricted the number of comparisons that could be made and eroded validity of the comparisons. In addition, it was not possible to compare outcomes among the databases because Israel used the same outcome measures as FOTO, but the Dutch outcome data were not comparable to the these measures. This lack of standardization of outcomes made it impossible to compare outcomes and the association between outcome and other process measures or patient demographic characteristics. Third, the reliability and validity of the medical and physical therapists' diagnoses and treatment procedures, which were not collected in a standardized way among the databases, are unknown. In an attempt to standardize terminology used in and related to physical therapy practice, APTA has written the Guide to Physical Therapists Practice [##REF##11175682##23##]. This document includes an overview of physical therapy procedures. However, in the databases used for the current study, implementation of the APTA descriptions was not evident, although in the FOTO database therapists could enter APTA practice patterns. Nevertheless, we were able to use the language in the Guide to reorganize the classifications of treatments, so general comparisons could be made.</p>", "<title>Recommendations</title>", "<p>The authors would encourage international discussions on the desirability of standardizing and implementing operational definitions for data collected in these databases. As long no standardization takes place it is important to report in physical therapy outcome research on characteristics of patients and treatment processes in order to enable international readers to interprete the results in their own context. Finally, we advocate more international comparative research into physical therapy practice, both by involving more countries and by digging deeper in the causes of differences in for example number of treatment visits per episode.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>ICSS participated in the design of the study, performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. DLH, DD and CHMvdE participated in the design of the study and helped to draft the manuscript. WJHvdB helped to draft the manuscript. JD and DHdB contributed to interpretation of data and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We are grateful to the physical therapists that participated in the three databases.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Demographic characteristics of patients treated by a physical therapist in 2005 for the United States (FOTO), Israel (Maccabi) and the Netherlands (LiPZ), for the total patient population, patients treated for their lumbar spine and patients with ankle sprain</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>Total population</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>FOTO</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>Maccabi</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>LiPZ</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>P</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Gender<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">% male</td><td align=\"right\">37.2</td><td align=\"right\">39.6</td><td align=\"right\">42.0</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% female</td><td align=\"right\">62.8</td><td align=\"right\">60.4</td><td align=\"right\">58.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"left\">% 18–44 years</td><td align=\"right\">33.8</td><td align=\"right\">35.0</td><td align=\"right\">40.7</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% 45–64 years</td><td align=\"right\">42.7</td><td align=\"right\">39.3</td><td align=\"right\">37.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% 65–74 years</td><td align=\"right\">13.7</td><td align=\"right\">15.0</td><td align=\"right\">11.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% &gt; 75 years</td><td align=\"right\">9.7</td><td align=\"right\">10.7</td><td align=\"right\">10.3</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">mean age (sd)</td><td align=\"right\">51.8 (16.2)</td><td align=\"right\">52.0 (17.0)</td><td align=\"right\">50.1 (17.2)</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">median age</td><td align=\"right\">52</td><td align=\"right\">52</td><td align=\"right\">49</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients</td><td/><td align=\"right\">62,798</td><td align=\"right\">99,541</td><td align=\"right\">12,193</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"6\"><bold>Lumbar spine treated</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Gender<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"left\">% male</td><td align=\"right\">38.5</td><td align=\"right\">41.3</td><td align=\"right\">47.0</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% female</td><td align=\"right\">61.5</td><td align=\"right\">58.7</td><td align=\"right\">53.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age<sup>4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">% 18–44 years</td><td align=\"right\">37.5</td><td align=\"right\">37.8</td><td align=\"right\">44.4</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% 45–64 years</td><td align=\"right\">39.2</td><td align=\"right\">38.3</td><td align=\"right\">38.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% 65–74 years</td><td align=\"right\">13.1</td><td align=\"right\">14.4</td><td align=\"right\">9.7</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% &gt; 75 years</td><td align=\"right\">10.2</td><td align=\"right\">9.5</td><td align=\"right\">7.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">mean age (sd)</td><td align=\"right\">51.0 (16.6)</td><td align=\"right\">51.1 (16.6)</td><td align=\"right\">48.7 (15.7)</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">median age</td><td align=\"right\">50</td><td align=\"right\">51</td><td align=\"right\">47</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients</td><td/><td align=\"right\">18,878</td><td align=\"right\">22,166</td><td align=\"right\">2,057</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"6\"><bold>Treated for ankle sprain</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Gender</td><td align=\"left\">% male</td><td align=\"right\">40.3</td><td align=\"right\">43.8</td><td align=\"right\">52.9</td><td align=\"right\">0.022</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% female</td><td align=\"right\">59.7</td><td align=\"right\">56.2</td><td align=\"right\">47.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age<sup>5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">% 18–44 years</td><td align=\"right\">58.3</td><td align=\"right\">64.4</td><td align=\"right\">64.5</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% 45–64 years</td><td align=\"right\">36.1</td><td align=\"right\">27.5</td><td align=\"right\">24.5</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% 65–74 years</td><td align=\"right\">3.2</td><td align=\"right\">5.8</td><td align=\"right\">7.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">% &gt; 75 years</td><td align=\"right\">2.4</td><td align=\"right\">2.3</td><td align=\"right\">3.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">mean age (sd)</td><td align=\"right\">41.5 (14.1)</td><td align=\"right\">40.4 (15.3)</td><td align=\"right\">40.6 (16.5)</td><td align=\"right\">0.391</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Median age</td><td align=\"right\">41</td><td align=\"right\">38</td><td align=\"right\">39</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients</td><td/><td align=\"right\">472</td><td align=\"right\">1,463</td><td align=\"right\">155</td><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Percentage distribution of episode duration of health problem for patients treated by a physical therapist in 2005, for the United States (FOTO), Israel (Maccabi) and the Netherlands (LiPZ), for the total patient population, patients treated for their lumbar spine and patients with ankle sprain</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total population</bold><sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>FOTO</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Maccabi</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>LiPZ</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>P</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Acute (0 – 21 days/1 month)<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">18.4</td><td align=\"center\">14.3</td><td align=\"center\">38.0</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sub acute (21 days/1 month – 3 months)<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"center\">28.4</td><td align=\"center\">31.2</td><td align=\"center\">26.7</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chronic (&gt;3 months)</td><td align=\"center\">53.2</td><td align=\"center\">54.5</td><td align=\"center\">35.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients (abs.)</td><td align=\"center\">62,713</td><td align=\"center\">84,523</td><td align=\"center\">10,793</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Lumbar spine treated</bold><sup>4</sup></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Acute (0 – 21 days/1 month)</td><td align=\"center\">20.4</td><td align=\"center\">11.2</td><td align=\"center\">49.9</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sub acute (21 days/1 month – 3 months)<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"center\">24.4</td><td align=\"center\">25.5</td><td align=\"center\">23.9</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chronic (&gt;3 months)</td><td align=\"center\">55.2</td><td align=\"center\">63.3</td><td align=\"center\">26.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients (abs.)</td><td align=\"center\">18,873</td><td align=\"center\">19,809</td><td align=\"center\">1,950</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Treated for ankle sprain</bold><sup>5</sup></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Acute (0 – 21 days/1 month)</td><td align=\"center\">33.9</td><td align=\"center\">31.2</td><td align=\"center\">74.5</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sub acute (21 days/1 month – 3 months)<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"center\">41.3</td><td align=\"center\">41.6</td><td align=\"center\">16.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chronic (&gt;3 months)</td><td align=\"center\">24.8</td><td align=\"center\">27.2</td><td align=\"center\">9.4</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients (abs.)</td><td align=\"center\">472</td><td align=\"center\">1,361</td><td align=\"center\">149</td><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Percentage distribution of treated body part for patients treated by a physical therapist in 2005, for the United States (FOTO), Israel (Maccabi) and the Netherlands (LiPZ)*</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>FOTO</bold><sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Maccabi</bold><sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>LiPZ</bold><sup>3</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Upper extremities</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Shoulder</td><td align=\"center\">19.0</td><td align=\"center\">11.7</td><td align=\"center\">11.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Arm (upper and/or forearm)</td><td align=\"center\">0.9</td><td align=\"center\">2.0</td><td align=\"center\">2.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Elbow</td><td align=\"center\">1.4</td><td align=\"center\">3.0</td><td align=\"center\">2.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Wrist/hand</td><td align=\"center\">1.4</td><td align=\"center\">7.4</td><td align=\"center\">1.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Total upper extremities</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>22.7</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>24.1</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>18.6</italic></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Lower extremities</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Pelvis/hip</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.7</td><td align=\"center\">5.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Leg (upper and/or lower)</td><td align=\"center\">3.1</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td><td align=\"center\">4.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Knee</td><td align=\"center\">14.3</td><td align=\"center\">14.5</td><td align=\"center\">11.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ankle/foot</td><td align=\"center\">7.4</td><td align=\"center\">7.8</td><td align=\"center\">3.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Total lower extremities</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>30.6</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>28.5</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>24.8</italic></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Spinal impairments</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Craniofacial</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">1.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Neck</td><td align=\"center\">13.6</td><td align=\"center\">18.2</td><td align=\"center\">20.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ribs/trunk</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.7</td><td align=\"center\">1.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Thoracic spine</td><td align=\"center\">2.0</td><td align=\"center\">4.2</td><td align=\"center\">11.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Lumbar spine</td><td align=\"center\">30.6</td><td align=\"center\">24.2</td><td align=\"center\">21.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Total spinal impairments</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>46.6</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>47.5</italic></td><td align=\"center\"><italic>56.7</italic></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients (abs.)</td><td align=\"center\">61,672</td><td align=\"center\">91,565</td><td align=\"center\">9,413</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Unknown (abs.)</td><td align=\"center\">1,126</td><td align=\"center\">7,974</td><td align=\"center\">2,780</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Percentage distribution of profession of referring physicians for patients treated by a physical therapist in 2005, for Israel (Maccabi) and the Netherlands (LiPZ), for the total patient population, patients treated for their lumbar spine and patients with ankle sprain</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total population</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>Maccabi</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>LiPZ</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>p</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">GP</td><td align=\"right\">20.9</td><td align=\"right\">89.8</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Orthopaedist</td><td align=\"right\">67.4</td><td align=\"right\">3.8</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Neurologist</td><td align=\"right\">1.5</td><td align=\"right\">0.6</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rheumatologist</td><td align=\"right\">0.4</td><td align=\"right\">0.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"right\">9.9</td><td align=\"right\">5.6</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients (abs.)</td><td align=\"right\">99,541</td><td align=\"right\">12,193</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Lumbar spine treated</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">GP</td><td align=\"right\">19.2</td><td align=\"right\">93.8</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Orthopaedist</td><td align=\"right\">73.3</td><td align=\"right\">0.4</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Neurologist</td><td align=\"right\">0.6</td><td align=\"right\">0.6</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rheumatologist</td><td align=\"right\">0.2</td><td align=\"right\">0.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"right\">6.7</td><td align=\"right\">5.1</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients (abs.)</td><td align=\"right\">22,166</td><td align=\"right\">2,057</td><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Treated for ankle sprain</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">GP</td><td align=\"right\">8.7</td><td align=\"right\">95.5</td><td align=\"right\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Orthopaedist</td><td align=\"right\">85.0</td><td align=\"right\">1.3</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Neurologist</td><td align=\"right\">0.0</td><td align=\"right\">0.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rheumatologist</td><td align=\"right\">0.1</td><td align=\"right\">0.0</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"right\">6.2</td><td align=\"right\">3.2</td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients (abs.)</td><td align=\"right\">1,463</td><td align=\"right\">155</td><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Percentage of interventions applied in patients treated by a physical therapist in 2005, for the United States (FOTO), Israel (Maccabi) and the Netherlands (LiPZ), for the total patient population, patients treated for their lumbar spine and patients with ankle sprain*</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total population</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>FOTO</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>Maccabi</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>LiPZ</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Therapeutic exercise/advice</td><td align=\"right\">78.0</td><td align=\"right\">79.4</td><td align=\"right\">84.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Manual therapy</td><td align=\"right\">31.8</td><td align=\"right\">54.7</td><td align=\"right\">67.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Prescription, application and/or fabrication of devices</td><td align=\"right\">2.2</td><td align=\"right\">2.9</td><td align=\"right\">1.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Electrotherapeutic modalities</td><td align=\"right\">22.5</td><td align=\"right\">41.7</td><td align=\"right\">4.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical agents and mechanical modalities</td><td align=\"right\">43.3</td><td align=\"right\">55.4</td><td align=\"right\">5.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"right\">3.2</td><td align=\"right\">7.6</td><td align=\"right\">2.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients – treatment closed (abs.)</td><td align=\"right\">36,076</td><td align=\"right\">96,568</td><td align=\"right\">8,869</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Lumbar spine treated</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Therapeutic exercise/advice</td><td align=\"right\">86.0</td><td align=\"right\">81.2</td><td align=\"right\">82.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Manual therapy</td><td align=\"right\">28.2</td><td align=\"right\">58.8</td><td align=\"right\">50.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Prescription, application and/or fabrication of devices</td><td align=\"right\">1.2</td><td align=\"right\">1.2</td><td align=\"right\">0.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Electrotherapeutic modalities</td><td align=\"right\">22.3</td><td align=\"right\">51.0</td><td align=\"right\">6.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical agents and mechanical modalities</td><td align=\"right\">42.1</td><td align=\"right\">56.1</td><td align=\"right\">2.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"right\">4.6</td><td align=\"right\">5.0</td><td align=\"right\">1.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients – treatment closed (abs.)</td><td align=\"right\">6,756</td><td align=\"right\">15,493</td><td align=\"right\">1,895</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Treated for ankle sprain</bold></td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Therapeutic exercise/advice</td><td align=\"right\">89.0</td><td align=\"right\">91.9</td><td align=\"right\">87.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Manual therapy</td><td align=\"right\">22.6</td><td align=\"right\">43.9</td><td align=\"right\">15.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Prescription, application and/or fabrication of devices</td><td align=\"right\">4.9</td><td align=\"right\">4.5</td><td align=\"right\">41.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Electrotherapeutic modalities</td><td align=\"right\">27.8</td><td align=\"right\">34.0</td><td align=\"right\">0.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical agents and mechanical modalities</td><td align=\"right\">56.0</td><td align=\"right\">58.8</td><td align=\"right\">1.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td align=\"right\">6.1</td><td align=\"right\">2.6</td><td align=\"right\">2.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Number of patients – treatment closed (abs.)</td><td align=\"right\">327</td><td align=\"right\">1,411</td><td align=\"right\">123</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T6\"><label>Table 6</label><caption><p>Regression models for number of treatment visits in patients treated by a physical therapist in 2005, for the United States (FOTO), Israel (Maccabi) and the Netherlands (LiPZ), for the total patient population, patients treated for their lumbar spine and patients with ankle sprain</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">FOTO</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">Maccabi</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">LiPZ</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Total population</bold><sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"center\">b</td><td align=\"center\">SE</td><td align=\"center\">p</td><td align=\"center\">b</td><td align=\"center\">SE</td><td align=\"center\">p</td><td align=\"center\">b</td><td align=\"center\">SE</td><td align=\"center\">p</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Constant (male, 50 years, acute complaints)</td><td align=\"center\">9.95</td><td align=\"center\">0.099</td><td/><td align=\"center\">6.52</td><td align=\"center\">0.043</td><td/><td align=\"center\">9.98</td><td align=\"center\">0.279</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Female</td><td align=\"center\">-0.32</td><td align=\"center\">0.079</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td><td align=\"center\">0.32</td><td align=\"center\">0.039</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td><td align=\"center\">0.82</td><td align=\"center\">0.304</td><td align=\"center\">0.007</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age (in years)</td><td align=\"center\">0.01</td><td align=\"center\">0.002</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.001</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td><td align=\"center\">0.13</td><td align=\"center\">0.009</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sub acute complaints (reference = acute)</td><td align=\"center\">0.33</td><td align=\"center\">0.113</td><td align=\"center\">0.003</td><td align=\"center\">-0.01</td><td align=\"center\">0.052</td><td align=\"center\">0.953</td><td align=\"center\">1.78</td><td align=\"center\">0.378</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chronic complaints (reference = acute)</td><td align=\"center\">0.60</td><td align=\"center\">0.103</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td><td align=\"center\">-0.80</td><td align=\"center\">0.046</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td><td align=\"center\">4.84</td><td align=\"center\">0.349</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Lumbar spine treated</bold><sup>2</sup></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Constant (male, 50 years, acute complaints)</td><td align=\"center\">8.09</td><td align=\"center\">0.143</td><td/><td align=\"center\">5.44</td><td align=\"center\">0.102</td><td/><td align=\"center\">8.85</td><td align=\"center\">0.409</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Female</td><td align=\"center\">-0.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.120</td><td align=\"center\">0.345</td><td align=\"center\">0.57</td><td align=\"center\">0.066</td><td align=\"center\">0.062</td><td align=\"center\">0.75</td><td align=\"center\">0.487</td><td align=\"center\">0.126</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age (in years)</td><td align=\"center\">0.003</td><td align=\"center\">0.002</td><td align=\"center\">0.173</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.002</td><td align=\"center\">0.158</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.015</td><td align=\"center\">0.003</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sub acute complaints</td><td align=\"center\">0.81</td><td align=\"center\">0.172</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td><td align=\"center\">0.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.115</td><td align=\"center\">0.005</td><td align=\"center\">1.57</td><td align=\"center\">0.607</td><td align=\"center\">0.010</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chronic complaints (reference = acute)</td><td align=\"center\">1.248</td><td align=\"center\">0.149</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td><td align=\"center\">-0.25</td><td align=\"center\">0.104</td><td align=\"center\">-0.026</td><td align=\"center\">2.25</td><td align=\"center\">0.583</td><td align=\"center\">&lt;0.001</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Treated for ankle sprain</bold><sup>3</sup></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Constant (male, 50 years, acute complaints)</td><td align=\"center\">8.74</td><td align=\"center\">0.666</td><td/><td align=\"center\">5.48</td><td align=\"center\">0.302</td><td/><td align=\"center\">5.26</td><td align=\"center\">0.681</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Female</td><td align=\"center\">-0.37</td><td align=\"center\">0.617</td><td align=\"center\">0.547</td><td align=\"center\">0.82</td><td align=\"center\">0.276</td><td align=\"center\">0.003</td><td align=\"center\">0.55</td><td align=\"center\">0.890</td><td align=\"center\">0.535</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age (in years)</td><td align=\"center\">0.01</td><td align=\"center\">0.021</td><td align=\"center\">0.759</td><td align=\"center\">0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.009</td><td align=\"center\">0.001</td><td align=\"center\">0.01</td><td align=\"center\">0.027</td><td align=\"center\">0.597</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sub acute complaints</td><td align=\"center\">0.16</td><td align=\"center\">0.712</td><td align=\"center\">0.822</td><td align=\"center\">-0.35</td><td align=\"center\">0.307</td><td align=\"center\">0.251</td><td align=\"center\">1.56</td><td align=\"center\">1.181</td><td align=\"center\">0.188</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Chronic complaints</td><td align=\"center\">2.59</td><td align=\"center\">0.783</td><td align=\"center\">0.001</td><td align=\"center\">0.64</td><td align=\"center\">0.340</td><td align=\"center\">0.058</td><td align=\"center\">3.09</td><td align=\"center\">1.394</td><td align=\"center\">0.028</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Recode reason for treatment. Overview of the recode procedure of the reason for treatment into bodypart treated.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p>Classification answer options applied interventions. Overview of the answer options for the applied interventions per database and the classification in which they were summarized.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1 </sup>Missing values FOTO n = 26, Maccabi = 0, LiPZ = 0</p><p><sup>2 </sup>Missing values FOTO n = 265, Maccabi = 0, LiPZ = 0</p><p><sup>3 </sup>Missing values FOTO n = 8, Maccabi = 1, LiPZ = 0</p><p><sup>4 </sup>Missing values FOTO n = 1, Maccabi = 0, LiPZ = 0</p><p><sup>5 </sup>Missing values FOTO n = 4, Maccabi = 0, LiPZ = 0</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1 </sup>Missing values FOTO: 85; Maccabi: 15,016, LiPZ: 1,400</p><p><sup>2 </sup>Within FOTO and Maccabi: 0 to 21 days; within LiPZ 0 days to 1 month</p><p><sup>3 </sup>Within FOTO and Maccabi 21 days to 3 months; within LiPZ 1 to 3 months</p><p><sup>4 </sup>Missing values FOTO: 5; Maccabi: 2,357, LiPZ: 107</p><p><sup>5 </sup>Missing values FOTO: 0; Maccabi: 102, LiPZ: 6</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>* Statistical analyses were not performed as the body parts were deducted from different classifications</p><p><sup>1 </sup>According to physical therapist, front office staff or patient</p><p><sup>2 </sup>Physical therapists' diagnosis recoded into treated body part</p><p><sup>3 </sup>Medical diagnosis recoded into treated body part</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>* because of the differences in classifications no statistical tests were conducted</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1 </sup>Number of patients FOTO n = 35, 129, Maccabi n = 96,562, LiPZ n = 10,348</p><p><sup>2 </sup>Number of patients FOTO n = 10,024, Maccabi n = 21,587, LiPZ n = 1,667</p><p><sup>3 </sup>Number of patients FOTO n = 324, Maccabi n = 1,411, LiPZ n = 146</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1472-6963-8-163-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1472-6963-8-163-S2.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"collab": ["WCPT"], "source": ["Declarations of principle and position statements"], "year": ["2005"], "publisher-name": ["London, World Confederation for Physical Therapy"]}, {"surname": ["Moore"], "given-names": ["SM"], "article-title": ["World Confederation for Physical Therapy"], "year": ["2005"]}, {"surname": ["Porter", "Teisberg"], "given-names": ["ME", "EO"], "source": ["Redefining health care Creating value-based competition on results"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["Boston, MA, Harvard Business School Press"]}, {"surname": ["Medicine"], "given-names": ["I"], "source": ["Rewarding provider performance Aligning incentives in medicare"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["Washington, DC, The National Academics Press"]}, {"surname": ["Hart", "Connolly"], "given-names": ["DL", "B"], "source": ["Pay-for-performance for physical therapy and occupational therapy: medicare part B services Final report Grant #18-P-93066/9-01"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["Knoxville, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services"]}, {"surname": ["Dobrzykowski", "Nance"], "given-names": ["EA", "T"], "article-title": ["The Focus On Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO) outpatient orthopedic rehabilitation database: results of 1994-1996"], "source": ["Journal of Rehabilitation Outcomes Measurement"], "year": ["1997"], "volume": ["1"], "fpage": ["56"], "lpage": ["60"]}, {"surname": ["Hart", "Hopkins"], "given-names": ["AC", "CA"], "source": ["ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians Volumes 1 & 2"], "year": ["2003"], "edition": ["9th Revision, 6th"], "publisher-name": ["Reston, VA, Ingenix (St. Anthony Publishing/Medicode)"]}, {"surname": ["Lamberts", "Woods", "Hofmans-Okkes"], "given-names": ["H", "M", "I"], "source": ["The international classification of primary care in the European community"], "year": ["1993"], "publisher-name": ["Oxford, Oxford University Press"]}, {"surname": ["Swinkels", "Leemrijse", "de Bakker", "Veenhof"], "given-names": ["ICS", "CJ", "D", "C"], "source": ["Landelijke Informatievoorziening Paramedische Zorg. <National Information Service for Allied Health Care>"], "year": ["2008"], "publisher-name": ["NIVEL"]}, {"surname": ["Netherlands"], "source": ["Effectiveness of physical therapy; electrotherapy, lasertherapy, ultrasound therapy"], "year": ["1999"], "volume": ["1999/20"], "publisher-name": ["The Hague, Health counsel of the Netherlands"]}, {"surname": ["Handoll", "Rowe", "Quinn", "de Bie"], "given-names": ["HHG", "BH", "KM", "R"], "article-title": ["Interventions for preventing ankle ligament injuries (Review)"], "source": ["Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews"], "year": ["2001"], "fpage": ["CD000018"]}, {"surname": ["Kenens", "Hingstman"], "given-names": ["RJ", "L"], "source": ["Cijfers uit de registratie van fysiotherapeuten - peiling 2005. (Data on the registration of physical therapists - 2005)"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["Utrecht: NIVEL"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Health Serv Res. 2008 Jul 30; 8:163
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Musculoskeletal conditions are without doubt a major burden on individuals, health systems and social care systems, where low back pain is the most prevalent musculoskeletal condition [##REF##14710506##1##]. Systematic reviews of musculoskeletal disorders such as low back and neck pain show that this pain is rarely a symptom of serious disease but that most people will be affected by it at some point in life [##UREF##0##2##]. Since recurrences are to be expected, patients can benefit from a plan for managing flare-ups [##REF##15160702##3##]. As the health care system often provides symptomatic alleviation but rarely cures, handling of musculoskeletal problems needs to be based on a better integration of perspectives, including those of the patient [##REF##12914263##4##]. Results of a randomized trial of a cognitive-behavioural program for enhancing back pain self-care point to the potential for patients to assume greater responsibility for managing back pain than is often expected by health care professionals [##REF##11050369##5##]. This was also discussed by Jamison in an Australian case study of perceptions of responsibility for \"getting well\" which showed congruence within patient-chiropractor dyads in only 29%. The discrepancy in the perceptions of responsibility was largely attributable to patients believing they should take greater responsibility than was expected by their chiropractors. Practitioners who underestimate the willingness of patients to take substantial personal responsibility for their health may overlook an opportunity to promote health [##REF##10951311##6##]. A British study showed that the problem of managing back pain might be reduced by closing the gap between the public's expectations and what is recommended in guidelines [##REF##11281925##7##]. According to Harter (1995), the most important objective of therapeutic and health promotion measures should be to teach patients to assume responsibility for their own health [##REF##7659624##8##]. As musculoskeletal disorders affect so many people at some point in life, it would be of interest and importance to study a general population's attitudes in the matter of responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders. Are people prepared to assume responsibility for prevention, treatment and management of these disorders, or do they feel that the management of musculoskeletal disorders is chiefly the responsibility of medical professionals or employers or that there is nothing they themselves can do? Could information of the general population's attitudes be helpful when discussion where and for whom it would be most effective to work with preventative or promotion activities? Can associations be found with background variables that could be of interest when planning preventive care as well as treatment of musculoskeletal disorders?</p>", "<p>We believe that, for better management of musculoskeletal disorders and possibilities of increased self-care interventions, it is imperative to be acquainted with attitudes towards the responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders. People have different ways of ascribing responsibility and causality (locus of control) in their lives. Those with an internal locus of control see themselves responsible for the outcomes of their own actions. Someone with an external locus of control sees environmental causes and situational factors as being more important than internal ones. This concept was originally developed by Julian Rotter in the 1960s [##REF##5340840##9##] but has been used widely in health-specific instruments such as the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales (MHLC) [##REF##689890##10##].</p>", "<p>Attitudes are thought to influence feelings and behaviour [##UREF##1##11##]. Many studies with demonstrated effectiveness in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders or disability, often include a cognitive-behavioural component aiming at increasing self-efficacy [##REF##15674889##12##,##REF##17350550##13##], and according to the theory of planned behaviour [##UREF##2##14##], attitude regarding the behaviour is one of the determinations of intention, which in turn can predict behaviour in relation to the object of concern.</p>", "<p>Larsson and Nordholm developed an instrument called \"Attitudes regarding responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders\" (ARM) [##UREF##3##15##]. Although the ARM instrument was inspired from the MHLC [##REF##689890##10##], the ARM instrument specifically measures attitudes towards responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders and not control of general health as the MHLC. With the ARM instrument, on four dimensions, people attribute responsibility internally, as a self-active process, or externally as \"out of their hands\", to be a matter for employers or (medical) professionals. If people's attitudes were better known, health planners and care providers could obtain a better opportunity to plan for preventive actions or treatment and make more efficient plans for managing these problems. Attitudes towards responsibility for managing musculoskeletal disorders have not yet been investigated in a general population.</p>", "<p>The aim of this study was to describe a population's general attitudes towards responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders. A further aim was to explore the associations between attitudes regarding responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders and the background variables age, sex, education, physical activity, presence of musculoskeletal disorders, sick leave and visits to care providers.</p>", "<p>This article reports information on who people feel bear the greatest responsibility for prevention, treatment and management of musculoskeletal disorders and which of the studied background variables are associated with increased odds of placing responsibility on someone or something else but the person him or herself.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Method</title>", "<p>The study was carried out as a cross-sectional postal survey. The SPSS statistical program (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Chicago IL) version 13.0 for Microsoft Windows was used to extract a random sample of one percent (1770 persons) of the adult population (18 years or older) from the population register of each of the eight municipalities belonging to the Primary Care district of south Bohuslän, in the vicinity of the city of Gothenburg (Sweden).</p>", "<p>Participants were mailed written information, a questionnaire and a stamped self-addressed envelope. Part one of the questionnaire contained the \"Attitudes regarding Responsibility for Musculoskeletal disorders\" (ARM) instrument [##UREF##3##15##]. Part two included questions on background variables; <italic>age, sex </italic>and <italic>education </italic>categorised as university, high school, compulsory school or \"other\" level that included adult education programs and vocational training. <italic>Physical activity </italic>was assessed on a four-graded scale from none/very little to at least three times a week. <italic>Musculoskeletal disorders </italic>during the last three months were stated using check boxes for nine locations of the body. <italic>Sick leave </italic>implied more than seven days during the most recent 12 months that required a doctor's certificate (yes/no format) with additional check boxes for the reason of sick leave and <italic>visits to care providers </italic>were reported for the last three months also using check boxes providing six different care providers.</p>", "<p>The questionnaires were uncoded, and thus answered anonymously, and one reminder including the full questionnaire was sent to all the participants after seven weeks. Respondents consented to participate by returning the completed questionnaire. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of University of Gothenburg.</p>", "<p>The ARM instrument consists of 15 items on four dimensions, six items attribute responsibility to myself; the dimension is called \"responsibility self-active\", three items attribute \"responsibility to be out of my hands\", three items attribute \"responsibility to employers\" and three items attribute \"responsibility to (medical) professionals\" (see also Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). Each item is rated on a six-point Likert-type scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). Internal attitude regarding responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders implies that the individual takes an active part in the prevention, treatment or management of musculoskeletal disorders. External attitude implies that individuals turn over responsibility to someone or something without regarding themselves as active in the prevention, treatment or management of musculoskeletal disorders [##UREF##3##15##]. In calculating scores, internal items (the items of the \"responsibility self active\" dimension) were reversed, thus expressing degrees of externality by increasing scores (possible range of \"responsibility self-active\" 6–36, of \"responsibility out of my hands\", \"responsibility employer\" and \"responsibility (medical) professionals\" 3–18) [##UREF##3##15##]. Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) for ARM have been reported to range from .69 to .85 on the four dimensions, acceptable stability was reported and construct and content validity were supported [##UREF##3##15##].</p>", "<p>Data were analysed using the SPSS. Descriptive statistics were used to describe participants' general attitudes towards responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders in the four dimensions of \"responsibility self-active\", \"responsibility out of my hands\", \"responsibility employer\" and \"responsibility (medical) professionals\". Multiple logistic regression analyses with stepwise, backward removal of covariates (Wald) on the .10 level were used to analyse the association between attitudes towards musculoskeletal disorders (as measured with ARM) and background variables; <italic>age, sex, education, physical activity, musculoskeletal disorders, sick leave </italic>and <italic>visits to care providers</italic>. Associations were expressed as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Separate analyses were made for each of the four dimensions as the dependent variable. The sample's upper quartile for the dimension was chosen as the cut-off score: \"responsibility self-active\" ≥ 17 p, \"responsibility out of my hands\" ≥ 8 p, \"responsibility employer\" ≥ 9 p and \"responsibility (medical) professionals\" ≥ 14 p. Thus outcome was determined by the 25% with the most external attitude.</p>", "<p>The models were thereafter controlled for interaction effects between the musculoskeletal disorders variable and each of the other background variables in all four dimensions.</p>", "<p>Comparisons between two groups for internal missing analyses were made with t-test for numerical data, Mann-Whitney U-test for data on ordinal level and with chi-square test for categorical data on nominal or ordinal level.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Questionnaires were received from 1082 persons (61%) of the sample. Age ranged from 18 to 99 years old, with a mean of 50 years (sd 16). Table ##TAB##0##1## shows a presentation of the background variables in the present sample and comparative statistics of South Bohuslän and Swedish national data.</p>", "<p>Approximately 10% of the respondents answered the reminder; these did not differ significantly on any of the variables included in the questionnaire.</p>", "<title>Generalized attitudes regarding responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders</title>", "<p>As shown in Figures ##FIG##0##1##, ##FIG##1##2##, ##FIG##2##3##, each of the dimensions \"responsibility self-active\", \"responsibility out of my hands\" and \"responsibility employer\" had a positively skewed distribution, implying that a majority of the participants showed an internal view of responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders and did not place responsibility to be out of their hands or on employers to any great extent.</p>", "<p>A more equal distribution was seen in the dimension of \"responsibility (medical) professionals\", which implied shared responsibility between the individual and medical professionals (Figure ##FIG##3##4##).</p>", "<p>The correlation coefficients between the four dimensions ranged from r<sub>s </sub>.177 to .377 (p &lt; 0.001)</p>", "<title>External missing</title>", "<p>As the respondents were anonymous, no description and comparison of non-respondents (external missing analysis) could be made, although the collected sample was compared to municipal and national data for <italic>sex, age </italic>and <italic>education </italic>[Statistics Sweden], <italic>sick leave </italic>[Swedish social insurance agency], <italic>presence of musculoskeletal disorders </italic>and <italic>physical</italic><italic> activity </italic>[Life and Health 2003, Region Västra Götaland] (see Table ##TAB##0##1##). The collected sample was somewhat over-represented in the \"middle-aged\" group.</p>", "<title>Associations between attitudes towards responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders and background variables</title>", "<p>Multiple logistic regression handles only completed forms. If data were missing in any variable, the individual was excluded. As can be seen in Table ##TAB##0##1##, the background variables <italic>visited care provider </italic>and <italic>presence of musculoskeletal disorders </italic>had many internal missing data and thereby dramatically reduced the number of individuals leaving approximately 690 cases for analyses of associations.</p>", "<p>Table ##TAB##1##2## shows the results of the multiple logistic regression of association of background variables with the four dimensions in ARM.</p>", "<p>Having musculoskeletal disorders, being physically inactive and musculoskeletal disorder related sick leave were all strongly associated with the <underline>most external</underline> attitude in the \"responsibility self-active\" dimension, implying that individuals did not consider themselves to have an active role in the prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders. External attitude associated with being physically inactive and musculoskeletal disorder related sick leave were also reflected by the \"responsibility to be out of my hands\" dimension, compulsory schooling was also associated to the most external attitude in this dimension.</p>", "<p>Being female, having a compulsory school education and musculoskeletal disorder related sick leave were associated with placing responsibility on the employer. Being middle-aged, on the other hand, had a negative association with placing responsibility on the employer.</p>", "<p>Those who had reached retirement age, people who stated that they visited a care provider and having less than university education at least doubled the odds of placing responsibility externally on medical professionals. Presence of musculoskeletal disorders and on the other hand, decreased the odds of being amongst those with the most external attitudes.</p>", "<p>One significant interaction effect with musculoskeletal disorder was found. In the \"responsibility out of my hands\" dimension we found that a lower level of education showed a strong positive association with externality among those with musculoskeletal disorders in contrast to those without musculoskeletal disorders. A stratified analysis showed that in the group with musculoskeletal disorders (n = 552) OR's for being amongst those with the most external attitude equalled to 5.57, 1.38 and 2.46 for compulsory, high school and other education compared to university education (p &lt; .001, .27, .03). The corresponding OR's for those without musculoskeletal disorders (n = 141) are given by .76, .84, .55 (p &gt; 0.5).</p>", "<p>Medians and quartiles for the background variables <italic>presence of musculoskeletal disorders </italic>and <italic>sick leave </italic>are provided in Table ##TAB##2##3##.</p>", "<title>Internal missing analyses</title>", "<p>The two background factors <italic>presence of musculoskeletal disorders </italic>and <italic>visited care provider </italic>were responsible for 28% out of the 36% respondents that were missing in the analyses of associations. If these two variables were excluded from the multiple logistic regressions, giving rise to a larger sample (n = 994), the remaining variables still showed similar associations with the outcome.</p>", "<p>There were no statistically significant differences in overall presence of musculoskeletal disorders and visited care provider between those included in the regression analyses, (complete respondents, n = 693) and those not included in the analyses, partial respondents, (presence of musculoskeletal disorders, n = 96, p = .37; visited care provider n = 173, p = .72)</p>", "<p>More women were among the partial (missing) respondents (p = .003). The partial respondents were somewhat older (p &lt; .001), were lower educated (p &lt; .001), were less physical active (p = .01), and more likely to been on sick leave (p &lt; .001). They also had more external attitudes wrt. \"responsibility out of my hands\", \"responsibility employer\" and \"responsibility medical professionals\" (p &lt; .001).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<title>Generalized attitudes regarding responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders</title>", "<p>The issue of responsibility for an individual's health or illness has no definite answers but many viewpoints. Many patients and most physicians behave as though doctors have the primary responsibility. Others strongly believe that the ultimate responsibility for health lies or should lie firmly with the individual. Still others believe that no one is ultimately responsible for health or illness [##UREF##4##16##].</p>", "<p>A majority of the participants in the present study had internal views regarding responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders, i.e. they thought that they themselves should take responsibility and not place responsibility in the hands of employers or consider the matter to be out of their hands. As the dimensions provide information on separate but closely related constructs an overlap could be expected. An individual who shows internal view regarding out of my hands probably also does so in the other externally directed dimensions as well, but as the dimensions were not highly correlated we found it valuable to report results for the dimensions separately.</p>", "<p>That the investigated sample showed internal views could be seen as a positive result, encouraging for public musculoskeletal health interventions. The findings are also consistent with those of Jamison (2000) [##REF##10951311##6##]. That many people expressed the attitude of shared responsibility between themselves and medical professionals can also be considered positive, as individuals who express the belief that their health is controllable are possibly the most adaptive. This belief could be particularly beneficial to those who must cope with a chronic illness [##UREF##4##16##].</p>", "<p>The investigated population probably would benefit from the treatments currently available for musculoskeletal disorders, as these usually include medical professionals involvement but also some degree of self-responsibility [##REF##12804427##17##, ####REF##15867409##18##, ##REF##18254037##19####18254037##19##]. Support has been found for the definition of compliance as an active, responsible process in which the patient works to maintain health in close collaboration with health care personnel [##REF##10969500##20##]. Internal scores in the \"responsibility self-active\" dimension and intermediate scores in the \"responsibility (medical) professionals\" dimension in the present study show that chances are good for such a process.</p>", "<p>However, previous studies have shown that patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain with high agency orientation benefited more from a group learning program with regard to pain reduction and improved pain coping than did those patients with low agency orientation [##REF##11153782##21##]. Studies has also shown that people with weak beliefs in the controllability of their back problem were more likely to have poor clinical outcomes six months after they consulted their doctor [##REF##18313853##22##]. So, there still could be a need of identifying and better targeting psychosocial interventions at those who are at high risk of persistent pain, and are likely to respond better to interventions with a more cognitive-behavioural focus [##REF##18165752##23##].</p>", "<p>Also in other fields relationships of attitudes and response to treatment have been found. Galgut and co-workers showed that subjects who perceived their susceptibility to disease as being influenced by powerful external factors or who believed that susceptibility could be controlled by their own actions responded more positively to a plaque control regime than those who considered susceptibility to disease an event of chance [##REF##3470322##24##].</p>", "<title>Associations between attitudes towards responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders and background variables</title>", "<p>The choice of using logistic regression was based on the fact that data were mainly on categorical level and the original scaling included too many levels for ordinal regression. A clinical interest in those with most external attitudes and as studies in other fields show that external attitude have associations to poorer health led to the decision of using the upper quartile as cut-off.</p>", "<p>The main associations found were that physical inactivity, musculoskeletal disorder related sick leave and no education beyond compulsory level increased the odds of placing responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders externally.</p>", "<p>That those with lower socio-economic status tend to have higher external scores, while people with higher socio-economic status and/or beneficial health behaviour, such as regular exercise, tend to have higher internal scores agrees with closely related research areas, such as health locus of control and coping [##REF##4047893##25##, ####REF##12019582##26##, ##REF##15185970##27##, ##REF##16931462##28####16931462##28##]. Since physical activity has been shown to be associated to low prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders [##REF##17601352##29##], one might expect people to be physically active to prevent disorders. However, the association between external attitude and physical inactivity as found in the present study suggests that ARM is a mediating variable. In other words, people who do not think they can influence their musculoskeletal disorders (external attitudes) might not bother to exercise.</p>", "<p>An interesting finding in the present study was that people who had musculoskeletal disorder related sick leave had two to three times higher odds of scores in the most external group. This may to some degree be consistent with the work of Haldorsen et al. [##REF##9636972##30##] who found low scores on Internal Health Locus of Control Scale to be a dominant variable for those who did not return to work in a 12-month follow-up study. Millet and Sandberg [##REF##12671206##31##] also found that unemployed individuals with an internal orientation (locus of control) had much shorter periods of sick leave than individuals with an external orientation. What could be the rationale for this? Does sick leave lead to a more external approach to musculoskeletal disorders, or is there a higher probability to be on sick leave because of an external attitude? Do the disorder and its consequences force the individual towards externality? The present study can not answer these questions because no cause and effect relationships were studied. They are however of interest for future studies.</p>", "<p>Association with gender was found only in the \"responsibility employer\" dimension. As the ARM instrument is quite new, it remains to be seen whether this result can be replicated. The results agree with those in the multidimensional health locus of control among New Zealand adolescents [##REF##7865267##32##], a Japanese cohort [##REF##15185970##27##] and in people at risk for coronary heart disease in Scotland [##REF##10426012##33##], but are contrary to patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, where gender related differences were not found [##REF##7931750##34##].</p>", "<p>In the present study, elderly people most frequently attributed responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders to medical professionals. On the other hand, there was a negative association to scoring externally in the \"responsibility self-active\" dimension. This could be interpreted such that people place responsibility both on the medical professionals and on themselves. Healthy elderly people have been characterized by an internal health locus of control and high general self-efficacy, which somewhat supports our results [##REF##10148754##35##]. The combination of an external view of medical professionals' responsibility and internal view of self-active responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders might be the most responsive to health advice and education, similar to \"believers in control\" [##UREF##4##16##].</p>", "<p>The present study has provided some insight in where a general population place responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders. Previous studies have shown that attitudes and beliefs about how to manage musculoskeletal disorders, as for example low back pain, differ from stated official guidelines [##REF##11281925##7##,##REF##16094280##36##] but there has been limited information about people's attitudes regarding the <italic>responsibility </italic>of management of musculoskeletal disorders. Attitudes and behaviour in the matter of management [##REF##18297564##37##,##REF##18242932##38##] are not easily changed but maybe associated background variables found in the present study can be helpful for more directed interventions in the population.</p>", "<p>Although the number of respondents (61%) was not completely satisfying, the sample could be seen as fairly socio-demographically representative according to official municipal and national statistics. However, the category \"middle-aged\" was slightly over-represented. In this group musculoskeletal disorders are quite common, which may have led to a stronger interest in responding.</p>", "<p>Even though the questionnaire had a simple yes/no format in questions about presence of musculoskeletal disorders and visits to care-providers, many of the respondents failed to answer these questions resulting in a large number of internal missing cases. However, comparisons between partial and full respondents showed significant differences in some of the background variables but since female sex, low education, inactivity and sick leave have been found to be associated with higher externality in the full analysis, we conclude that the partial respondents show similar associations (even though they can be shown on group level only).</p>", "<p>How then, with knowledge of people's attitudes, can we best avoid or decrease the suffering and burden of musculoskeletal disorders? Payton and associates [##UREF##5##39##] found that the general public needed much more information about what to expect of physical therapy. Patients need an individualised analysis of how they view their role in health care and instruction on how to assume greater responsibility for their care [##UREF##5##39##]. Von Korff et al. (1997) presented a model where patients and care providers share goals, a sustained working relationship, mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities and requisite skills for carrying out these roles [##REF##9412313##40##]. A randomised trial of a cognitive-behavioural program for enhancing back pain self-care in a primary care setting showed that the self-care intervention led to significantly greater reductions in back-related worry and fear-avoidance beliefs than controls [##REF##11050369##5##]. Further research is needed to study timing and inclusion criteria for interventions that enhance self-care and affect patient outcomes.</p>", "<p>Furthermore, we believe that information on perceptions of responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders could help in the development of personalized action plans to manage pain and to make them more specific in preventive care. Where attitudes differ between care providers and the general population, the options are to either go along with common attitudes or challenge them.</p>", "<p>Horneij (2001) and co-workers explained their non significantly different results between two interventions such that, as the aetiology of musculoskeletal disorders is multifactorial, a combination of the two programs might be preferable [##REF##11506215##41##]. Perhaps a sub-categorisation, for example on the grounds of attitude, also could have improved the outcome. Haldorsen (2002) and co-workers questioned whether there is a right treatment for a particular patient group when they evaluated comparisons of ordinary treatment, light multidisciplinary treatment and extensive multidisciplinary treatment for long-term sick listed employees with musculoskeletal pain. Their conclusion was that multidisciplinary treatment was effective when given to those most likely to benefit from that treatment and that a simple screening instrument could be a useful clinical tool for allocating patients to the appropriate level of treatment [##REF##11790467##42##]. Another study showed that patients allocated to the intervention that they had expressed a preference for, had clinically important reductions in pain and disability [##REF##17621203##43##]. Smeets and co-workers found significant differences when they compared patients on waiting list with patients who received treatment (either cognitive-behavioural or physical rehabilitation or both) for chronic low back pain. However, no clinically relevant differences between the treatment groups were found [##REF##16426449##44##]. Would they have found a difference if they had screened for sub-groups? Would a screening instrument as the one described in Haldorsen's study [##REF##11790467##42##] or could perhaps the use of ARM and the information this study provides give guidance to who might benefit better from what?</p>", "<p>It might be useful to further investigate who would take responsibility and benefit from, for example, community based musculoskeletal health interventions or self-care programs provided by a physiotherapist. Might it be that those with an external attitude towards responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders would be more likely to benefit from a structured and controlled intervention?</p>", "<p>Research on beliefs about responsibility is needed, as there is little information on the benefits of different approaches in preventive care and treatment for musculoskeletal disorders. Beliefs about responsibility could possibly influence clinical practice, policy and funding in both treatment and research, which has been discussed previously in the area of substance use disorders [##REF##12364690##45##].</p>", "<p>Future research should explore attitudes towards the responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders of health care providers, where Toombs (1987) described physicians and patients encountering the experience of illness from different \"worlds\" [##REF##3668399##46##]. Parental high concerns about illness and inadequate beliefs in antibiotics led to more physician consultations and prescriptions for children who had respiratory tract infections [##REF##17545203##47##]. Negative illness attitudes were also independently associated to more consultations in primary care over a 5-year period [##REF##15099425##48##]. A mismatch between professional and patient beliefs may be a partial explanation for the generally poor management of chronic musculoskeletal pain [##REF##12914263##4##]. Can intervention studies with an active approach towards agreement between the provider and patient as to the responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders affect rehabilitation outcome or reduce recurrences? Could an active cognitive approach towards a more internal attitude have such an effect? Future research should also address the need for a deeper understanding of how attitudes towards responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders are formed. How do people reason their allocation of responsibility for management of musculoskeletal disorders?</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In conclusion, a majority of the studied population showed attitudes towards responsibility for the management of musculoskeletal disorders that indicate that these disorders are a matter to be addressed by the individual and also to some extent a responsibility that should be shared by medical professionals.</p>", "<p>Associated background variables were mainly physical inactivity, musculoskeletal disorder related sick leave and no education beyond the compulsory level, which increased the odds of attributing responsibility externally, i.e. placing responsibility on someone or something else. These variables may be of interest and should be considered when planning the prevention, treatment and management of musculoskeletal disorders. Attitudes have implications for behaviour. If people believe themselves to be active in the management of musculoskeletal disorders, they may be more responsive to suggestions about self-care, which in turn might have implications for the society's health care costs.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Musculoskeletal disorders are a major burden on individuals, health systems and social care systems and rehabilitation efforts in these disorders are considerable. Self-care is often considered a cost effective treatment alternative owing to limited health care resources. But what are the expectations and attitudes in this question in the general population? The purpose of this study was to describe general attitudes to responsibility for the management of musculoskeletal disorders and to explore associations between attitudes and background variables.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>A cross-sectional, postal questionnaire survey was carried out with a random sample of a general adult Swedish population of 1770 persons. Sixty-one percent (n = 1082) responded to the questionnaire and was included for the description of general attitudes towards responsibility for the management of musculoskeletal disorders. For the further analyses of associations to background variables 683–693 individuals could be included. Attitudes were measured by the \"Attitudes regarding Responsibility for Musculoskeletal disorders\" (ARM) instrument, where responsibility is attributed on four dimensions; to myself, as being out of my hands, to employers or to (medical) professionals. Multiple logistic regression was used to explore associations between attitudes to musculoskeletal disorders and the background variables age, sex, education, physical activity, presence of musculoskeletal disorders, sick leave and whether the person had visited a care provider.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>A majority of participants had internal views, i.e. showed an attitude of taking personal responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders, and did not place responsibility for the management out of their own hands or to employers. However, attributing shared responsibility between self and medical professionals was also found.</p>", "<p>The main associations found between attitude towards responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders and investigated background variables were that physical inactivity (OR 2.92–9.20), musculoskeletal disorder related sick leave (OR 2.31–3.07) and no education beyond the compulsory level (OR 3.12–4.76) increased the odds of attributing responsibility externally, i.e placing responsibility on someone or something else.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Respondents in this study mainly saw themselves as responsible for managing musculoskeletal disorders. The associated background variables refined this finding and one conclusion is that, to optimise outcome when planning the prevention, treatment and management of these disorders, people's attitudes should be taken into account.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MEHL involved in conception and design, obtaining grants, development of questionnaire, acquisition, preparation of dataset, statistical analyses and interpretation of data, drafting the article. LAN involved in conception and design, development of questionnaire, statistical analyses and interpretation of data, substantial contribution in revising the article for important intellectual content. Both authors have read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This study was financially supported by the Vårdal institute, University of Gothenburg and the local research council of Gothenburg and South Bohuslän. The authors wish to thank Associate Professor Margareta Kreuter for her helpful comments on the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Distribution of participants' scores in the \"responsibility self-active\" dimension given in percent (n = 1045).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Distribution of participants' scores in the \"responsibility out of my hands\" dimension given in percent (n = 1050).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>Distribution of participants' scores in the \"responsibility employer\" dimension given in percent (n = 1022).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p>Distribution of participants' scores in the \"responsibility (medical) professionals\" dimension given in percent (n = 1043).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Descriptives of the present sample's background variables and comparative statistics of South Bohuslän and Swedish national data (n = 1082).</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Present sample</td><td align=\"left\">South Bohuslän</td><td align=\"left\">National</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Sex</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Women</td><td align=\"left\">51%</td><td align=\"left\">50%<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">50.5%<sup>1</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Men</td><td align=\"left\">49%</td><td align=\"left\">50%<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">49.5%<sup>1</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age (year)</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • 18–44</td><td align=\"left\">38%</td><td align=\"left\">46%<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">45%<sup>1</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • 45–64</td><td align=\"left\">43%</td><td align=\"left\">35%<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">33%<sup>1</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • 65+</td><td align=\"left\">19%</td><td align=\"left\">19%<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">22%<sup>1</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Education</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Compulsory</td><td align=\"left\">20%</td><td align=\"left\">18%<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">19%<sup>1</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • High school + other</td><td align=\"left\">47%</td><td align=\"left\">49%<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">48%<sup>1</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • University</td><td align=\"left\">32%</td><td align=\"left\">32%<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">31%<sup>1</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Missing</td><td align=\"left\">1%</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Physical activity</td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Perform at least 3 times/week</td><td align=\"left\">33%</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Perform 1–2 times/week</td><td align=\"left\">31%</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Perform now and then</td><td align=\"left\">24%</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>30%<sup>a</sup></italic></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Perform none or very little</td><td align=\"left\">10%</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>30%<sup>a</sup></italic></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Missing</td><td align=\"left\">2%</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sick-leave</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Sick-leave total</td><td align=\"left\">17%</td><td align=\"left\">13–17%, mean 15%<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"left\">15%<sup>2</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • MSD related sick-leave</td><td align=\"left\">7%</td><td align=\"left\">* <sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"left\">* <sup>3</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Missing</td><td align=\"left\">4%</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Presence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD)</td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • No musculoskeletal disorders</td><td align=\"left\">15%</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Suffered from musculoskeletal disorders</td><td align=\"left\">59%</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>47–56% (7 out of 8 municipalities)</italic><sup>a</sup></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Missing</td><td align=\"left\">26%</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Visits to care provider</td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • No visits</td><td align=\"left\">53%</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Visited</td><td align=\"left\">28%</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>39–46%(7 out of 8 municipalities)</italic><sup>a</sup></td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> • Missing</td><td align=\"left\">19%</td><td/><td/></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Multiple logistic regressions of associations of background variables with each of the four dimensions of Attitudes regarding responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders (ARM).</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Variable</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"8\">Dimension</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\"Responsibility Self Active\" <break/>≥ 17 p <break/>Included in analysis n = 693, <break/>above cut-off n = 176</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\"Responsibility Out of my hands\" <break/>≥ 8 p <break/>Included in analysis n = 693, <break/>above cut-off n = 156</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\"Responsibility Employer\" <break/>≥ 9 p <break/>Included in analysis n = 683, <break/>above cut-off n = 174</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\"Responsibility (Medical) Professionals\" <break/>≥ 14 p <break/>Included in analysis n = 692, <break/>above cut-off n = 182</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"9\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">OR</td><td align=\"left\">CI (95%)</td><td align=\"left\">OR</td><td align=\"left\">CI (95%)</td><td align=\"left\">OR</td><td align=\"left\">CI (95%)</td><td align=\"left\">OR</td><td align=\"left\">CI (95%)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Age </bold>(years old)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18–40 (ref)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">41–64</td><td align=\"left\">.73</td><td align=\"left\">.49; 1.08</td><td align=\"left\">.73</td><td align=\"left\">.47; 1.14</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>.49</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>.32; .74</bold></td><td align=\"left\">1.09</td><td align=\"left\">.71; 1.69</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">&gt;65</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>. 43</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>.22; .83</bold></td><td align=\"left\">1.26</td><td align=\"left\">.69; 2.28</td><td align=\"left\">.80</td><td align=\"left\">.44; 1.44</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.49</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.41; 4.40</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Gender</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Male (ref)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Female</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.49</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.03; 2.16</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Education</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">University (ref)</td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>1.00</italic></td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">High school</td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>1.30</italic></td><td align=\"left\"><italic>.81; 2.11</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1.25</td><td align=\"left\">.81; 1.95</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.15</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.34; 3.47</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Compulsory school</td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>4.10</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>2.35; 7.15</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>3.12</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.81; 5.40</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>4.76</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.73; 8.29</bold></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Other</td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>1.93</italic></td><td align=\"left\"><italic>.93; 3.98</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1.94</td><td align=\"left\">.98; 3.88</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>3.30</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.67; 6.55</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Physical activity</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Perform at least 3 times/week (ref)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Perform 1–2 times/week</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.66</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.58; 4.49</bold></td><td align=\"left\">1.13</td><td align=\"left\">.70; 1.82</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Perform now and then</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>6.44</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>3.81; 10.89</bold></td><td align=\"left\">1.57</td><td align=\"left\">.96; 2.57</td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Perform none or very little</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>9.20</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>4.58; 18.50</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.92</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.50; 5.69</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Presence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">No musculoskeletal disorders (ref)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Suffered from musculoskeletal disorders</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.78</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.58; 4.89</bold></td><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">.66</td><td align=\"left\">.43; 1.01</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>.42</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>.27; .65</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Sick-leave</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">No sick-leave (ref)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sick-leave but not for MSD</td><td align=\"left\">1.44</td><td align=\"left\">.78; 2.65</td><td align=\"left\">1.27</td><td align=\"left\">.66; 2.43</td><td align=\"left\">1.78</td><td align=\"left\">.99; 3.22</td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MSD related sick-leave</td><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.55</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.18; 5.48</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.31</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.08; 4.91</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>3.07</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.48; 6.39</bold></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Visits to care provider</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">No visits (ref)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">1.00</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Visited</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>2.07</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>1.40; 3.05</bold></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Medians (Md) and quartiles (Q1;Q3) for the background variables <italic>Presence of musculoskeletal disorders </italic>and <italic>Sick-leave </italic>for those included in the regression analyses.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\"Responsibility Self Active\"</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\"Responsibility Out of my hands\"</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\"Responsibility Employer\"</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">\"Responsibility Medical Professionals\"</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Md</td><td align=\"left\">Q1; Q3</td><td align=\"left\">Md</td><td align=\"left\">Q1; Q3</td><td align=\"left\">Md</td><td align=\"left\">Q1; Q3</td><td align=\"left\">Md</td><td align=\"left\">Q1; Q3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Presence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD)</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">- No musculoskeletal disorders</td><td align=\"left\">11</td><td align=\"left\">7; 14</td><td align=\"left\">5</td><td align=\"left\">3; 7.5</td><td align=\"left\">7</td><td align=\"left\">5; 9</td><td align=\"left\">13</td><td align=\"left\">9; 16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">- Suffered from musculoskeletal disorders</td><td align=\"left\">13</td><td align=\"left\">9.25; 17</td><td align=\"left\">5</td><td align=\"left\">3; 7</td><td align=\"left\">6</td><td align=\"left\">5; 8</td><td align=\"left\">10</td><td align=\"left\">7; 13</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Sick-leave</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">- No sick-leave</td><td align=\"left\">12</td><td align=\"left\">9; 16</td><td align=\"left\">5</td><td align=\"left\">3; 7</td><td align=\"left\">6</td><td align=\"left\">4; 8</td><td align=\"left\">11</td><td align=\"left\">7, 14</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">- Sick-leave but not for MSD</td><td align=\"left\">14.5</td><td align=\"left\">10; 18</td><td align=\"left\">5</td><td align=\"left\">3; 7</td><td align=\"left\">7</td><td align=\"left\">5; 9</td><td align=\"left\">11</td><td align=\"left\">8, 13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">- MSD related sick-leave</td><td align=\"left\">15</td><td align=\"left\">8; 19</td><td align=\"left\">7</td><td align=\"left\">3; 10</td><td align=\"left\">8</td><td align=\"left\">6; 11</td><td align=\"left\">11</td><td align=\"left\">7.5; 15</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Appendix. Items of \"Attitudes regarding Responsibility for Musculoskeletal disorders\" (ARM) clustered by subscales (English translation).</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>[Statistics Sweden]</p><p><sup>2 </sup>[Swedish social insurance agency]</p><p><sup>3 </sup>[Swedish social insurance agency] Diagnosis was not registered the investigated period.</p><p><sup>a </sup>[Life and Health 2003, Region Västra Götaland] <italic>Regional survey report, not statistics</italic></p><p>*no comparative data available</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Italics: Interaction effect with MSD</p><p>The dependant value was scoring in the upper quartile of the population, thus belonging to the group of people (25%) with the most external attitude. Significant associations are in bold type.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2474-9-110-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2474-9-110-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2474-9-110-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2474-9-110-4\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2474-9-110-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Gustafson"], "given-names": ["R"], "collab": ["Statens beredning f\u00f6r medicinsk utv\u00e4rdering"], "source": ["Back pain, neck pain: an evidence based review: summary and conclusions approved by the SBU Board of directors and Scientific advisory commitee"], "year": ["2000"], "publisher-name": ["Stockholm: SBU The Swedish council on technology assessment in health care"]}, {"surname": ["Fishbein", "Ajzen"], "given-names": ["M", "I"], "source": ["Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: an introduction to theory and research"], "year": ["1975"], "publisher-name": ["Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley"]}, {"surname": ["Ajzen", "Kuhl J, Beckman J"], "given-names": ["I"], "article-title": ["From intensions to action: A theory of planned behavior"], "source": ["Action control: From cognition to behavior"], "year": ["1985"], "publisher-name": ["New York: Springer Verlag"], "fpage": ["11"], "lpage": ["39"]}, {"surname": ["Larsson", "Nordholm"], "given-names": ["MEH", "LA"], "article-title": ["Attitudes regarding responsibility for musculoskeletal disorders \u2013 Instrument development"], "source": ["Physiotherapy Theory and Practice"], "year": ["2004"], "volume": ["20"], "fpage": ["187"], "lpage": ["199"], "pub-id": ["10.1080/09593980490487447"]}, {"surname": ["Wallston", "Wallston", "Glenn Sm Sanders JS"], "given-names": ["KA", "BS"], "article-title": ["Who is responsible for your health? The construct of health locus of control"], "source": ["Social psychology of health and illness"], "year": ["1982"], "publisher-name": ["Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum"], "fpage": ["65"], "lpage": ["66"], "comment": ["70\u201371"]}, {"surname": ["Payton", "Nelson", "St. Claire Hobbs"], "given-names": ["OD", "CE", "M"], "article-title": ["Physical therapy patients' perceptions of their relationships with health care professionals"], "source": ["Physiotherapy Theory and Practice"], "year": ["1998"], "volume": ["14"], "fpage": ["211"], "lpage": ["221"], "pub-id": ["10.3109/09593989809057167"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2008 Aug 5; 9:110
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Fracture of the wrist is a common injury and is especially prevalent in older post-menopausal women. Wrist fracture is associated with variable outcome, for example, approximately 50% of cases fail to recover pre-operative function [##UREF##0##1##] and 20% of patients report moderate to severe pain at 6 month post-fracture [##REF##14588078##2##]. A recent series of Cochrane reviews of the effectiveness of commonly applied interventions for wrist fracture have highlighted the continued unsatisfactory outcome for many patients [##REF##14641927##3##]. Further, there is an association between wrist fracture and long-term disability and increased risk of dependency [##REF##11443022##4##]. Any measure of outcome from wrist fracture needs to be able to index the impact of fracture, not only on the impairment itself but also on the level of associated disability.</p>", "<p>The WHO identifies three health outcomes in its International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) taxonomy of the consequences of disease, namely, impairments (I), activity limitations (A) and restrictions in social participation (P) [##UREF##1##5##] (see Table ##TAB##0##1## for definitions). In accordance with the ICF, a complete assessment of outcome for any health condition or intervention requires an evaluation of each health outcome domain. Whilst, the reliability and construct validity of six patient self-report instruments for the assessment of the upper extremity following trauma were recently reviewed [##REF##15755426##6##], the review did not examine the content validity of each instrument relative to the outcomes identified in the ICF. This may be an important omission because the application of the ICF to aid rehabilitation requires that each health outcome be measurable. Whilst new measures specifically designed to assess each ICF outcome could be developed, the development and validation of new measures is a time consuming and expensive process. A preferable approach might be to examine the compatibility between the ICF and outcome measures currently in use [##REF##12959337##7##].</p>", "<p>The development of core measurement sets for patients with musculoskeletal conditions or for acute hospital and early post-acute rehabilitation are available [##REF##16040537##8##, ####REF##16040543##9##, ##REF##16040540##10####16040540##10##], and these may be relevant to patients with wrist fracture. Whilst, the core measurement sets detail the categories within each health outcome that need to be assessed for a given health condition, they do not identify the actual items to be used to measure each category. The ability of existing health outcome measures to operationalise the ICF is an area of active research [##REF##12392234##11##, ####REF##15370745##12##, ##REF##16358368##13####16358368##13##] and it is possible that existing wrist fracture outcome measures may contain items that measure each ICF outcome. That said, in order for the ICF to be tested as a model of the outcomes from wrist fracture it is not only necessary to have measures of each ICF outcome but those measures need to show discriminant validity. Such pure measures are necessary to ensure that any observed relationship between the three outcomes is not simply due to measurement confound.</p>", "<p>The method of Discriminant Content Validity (DCV) is able to establish the discriminant validity of measurement items [##REF##16358368##13##,##REF##17257751##14##]. DCV examines the relationship between individual measurement items and all constructs within a theoretical model thereby establishing the content validity of a measurement item against all constructs within a given theory. Rather than judge items against a single theoretical construct, the DCV method establishes whether each theoretical construct can be measured discriminately because the method asks judges to indicate the extent to which an item matches each theoretical construct of interest, in this case the three main outcomes identified by the ICF. This method has been used to establish the content validity of items within existing orthopaedic and chronic pain measures [##REF##16358368##13##,##REF##17257751##14##]. In this study we used DCV to identify ICF outcomes measured by the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire (DASH) [##REF##8773720##15##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Method</title>", "<title>Design</title>", "<p>Participants acted as judges and matched the thirty-eight items from the DASH to the definitions of the impairment, activity limitations and participation restrictions constructs from the ICF model.</p>", "<title>Participants</title>", "<p>Twenty-four academics (one clinical, five industrial and thirteen health psychologists and five health service researchers) from the Applied Psychology Research Group at the University of Aberdeen took part in the study as part of a seminar on the DCV method. The precise number of judges required for judgement tasks is yet to be established but between 2–20 is regarded as adequate [##UREF##2##16##, ####REF##3640358##17##, ##UREF##3##18####3##18##].</p>", "<title>Materials</title>", "<p>The definitions of the three ICF constructs, namely: impairment, activity limitations, and participation restrictions were taken from the WHO and are given in Table ##TAB##0##1##. All 38-measurement items from the DASH were assessed. The DASH is a self-administered region-specific outcome instrument developed as a measure of self-rated upper-extremity disability and symptoms and has been identified as the most validated and easy to use measure of upper extremity function [##REF##15755426##6##]. The DASH consists of 30 core items, and 8 optional items, which generate a disability score, scaled 0 (no disability) to 100.</p>", "<title>Procedure</title>", "<p>The detailed procedure for a DCV study has been published previously [##REF##16358368##13##,##REF##17257751##14##,##UREF##4##19##]. Briefly, for each DASH item, participants provided a Yes/No judgement of whether the item was a match to the theoretical definition of each ICF construct. Consequently, each participant provided 3 judgements for each of the 38 items, i.e. 114 judgements in total. In addition, participants gave a confidence rating for each judgement on an 11-point scale ranging from 0% to 100%, rising in 10% increments.</p>", "<title>Statistical Analysis</title>", "<title>Classification of items</title>", "<p>Judgements were coded 1 for a match and -1 for a no match. Each judgement was multiplied by its accompanying confidence rating, expressed as a proportion. Consequently, the weighted judgements ranged from -1 to +1. One-sample t-tests were used to classify each item to one of the 7 possible combination of constructs, namely: I, A, P, IA, IP, AP or IAP. An item was classified as being related to a construct if its weighted judgement against that construct was significantly greater than zero. Missing data, either a missing judgement or a missing confidence rating were coded zero. The weighted judgement of that item by that judge, therefore, was zero and was entered as such into the one sample t-test. Hochberg's correction was used to correct for multiple tests [##UREF##5##20##]. Application of the Hochberg's correction identified statistical significance was achieved with t-values that corresponded to a p value of ≤ 0.001.</p>", "<title>Inter-rater reliability</title>", "<p>Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and their 95% confidence intervals (95%C.I.), were used to assess agreement between judges across all 38 items and for each construct, i.e. I, A and P judgements. The weighted judgements were used to calculate the ICC using the two-way mixed model with measure of consistency.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Reliability of participant performance</title>", "<p>The ICC for all judgements across all 38 items was 0.96 (95% C.I. 0.94–0.97). The ICC for each construct was as follows, 0.96 (95% C.I. 0.96–0.99) for I judgements, 0.96 (95% C.I. 0.94–0.97) for A judgements and 0.94 (95% C.I. 0.86–0.98) for P judgements. Examination of the contribution of each participant to the ICC, for all judgements and for each construct revealed all participants to be performing equally well; therefore, all 24 participants were included in the subsequent analyses.</p>", "<title>DCV Analyses</title>", "<p>Thirty-four of the 38 items were classified to one or more of the ICF constructs (see Table ##TAB##1##2##). Twenty-seven items were identified as pure construct measures being related to a single ICF construct only. Five items were uniquely related to the impairment construct; all five items were from the main section of the DASH. Nineteen items were uniquely related to the activity limitations construct; 15 items from the main section of the DASH and two from each optional section. Three items were identified as pure measures of the participation restriction construct; two from the main section, one from the optional work section. Seven items were matched to both the activity limitations and participations constructs; this was the only form of mixed item within the questionnaire; five mixed items were from the main section of the questionnaire and two from the sport/music section. Judges failed to agree on the classification of 4 items; these were items 10, 29 and 30 from the main section of the questionnaire and item three from the optional work module.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The DASH contained 27 pure construct measures and can, therefore, be used to measure each ICF construct without measurement confound.</p>", "<p>A recently published study used 4 judges to link the ICF to the DASH items [##REF##17954354##21##]. In this study the ICF coding taxonomy was employed and individual DASH items were assigned one or more ICF code. This strategy enables the identification of I items but does not enable A to be distinguished from P because the ICF coding taxonomy fails to discriminate between these two theoretically distinct constructs. Nonetheless, these findings were consistent with the DCV analysis; with the exception of one item, all items identified as measuring I in the current study were assigned to ICF codes within the body functions category in the linkage study. The exception was item 29 which was not classified in the current study due to a lack of agreement between judges; in the Drummond et al study item 29, which concerns sleeping difficulties, received a body function coding. The I items within the DASH primarily focus on pain and muscle stiffness or weakness, previous studies have identified pain items as measures of the impairment construct [##REF##16358368##13##].</p>", "<p>All other items (except item 30) were coded as \"activities <bold>and </bold>participation\" by Drummond et al. In the current study these items were also coded as A or P or AP. However, the current data enables A and P items to be distinguished and enables mixed items to be clearly identified. This has the advantage of enabling the discriminant measurement of each type of outcome.</p>", "<p>The availability of discriminant outcome measures is especially important in assessing outcomes in intervention studies. Being able to assess the impact of an intervention on I, A and P outcomes, in a manner that is free of measurement confound, provides the means to assess the success of an intervention within each outcome domain. For example, in the case of wrist fracture, x-ray may indicate the fracture (I) to be healed but the patient may not have regained full function (A) and may remain afraid of going outside (P). Measurement of outcome in this patient would be over positive if only the impairment outcome were measured. The DASH produces a single score; consequently it does not distinguish between the three ICF health outcomes as it is currently used. However, its content is capable of producing an impairment score; an activity limitations score and a participation restriction score as well as the standard single score. The standard method of scoring the DASH generates a simple mean score across all items and converts this mean score to a 0–100 scale. The standard method of scoring the questionnaire could be applied to the items measuring each health outcome, such that, a respondent would generate a score between 0–100 for each health outcome [see Additional files ##SUPPL##0##1## and ##SUPPL##1##2##]. We do not advocate the standard method of scoring the DASH be replaced. Rather, the availability of the DCV analysis of the DASH for clinicians and researchers enables the instrument to be individualised to the requirements of a given situation, be that the particular needs of an individual patient or the requirements of a specific research question. Consequently, it enables the existing evidence base to be developed cumulatively.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>This study adds to previous research in identifying pure measurement items for each of the three ICF outcomes. It provides a means to generate three distinct outcome measures for arm, shoulder and hand trauma, namely impairment, activity limitations and participation restrictions. As a consequence, the impact of interventions, such as surgery, on each health outcome can be identified.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) model of the consequences of disease identifies three health outcomes, impairment, activity limitations and participation restrictions. However, few orthopaedic health outcome measures were developed with reference to the ICF. This study examined the ability of a valid and frequently used measure of upper limb function, namely the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire (DASH), to operationalise the ICF.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Twenty-four judges used the method of Discriminant Content Validation to allocate the 38 items of the DASH to the theoretical definition of one or more ICF outcome. One-sample <italic>t</italic>-tests classified each item as measuring, impairment, activity limitations, participation restrictions, or a combination thereof.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The DASH contains items able to measure each of the three ICF outcomes with discriminant validity. The DASH contains five pure impairment items, 19 pure activity limitations items and three participation restriction items. In addition, seven items measured both activity limitations and participation restrictions.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The DASH can measure the three health outcomes identified by the ICF. Consequently the DASH could be used to examine the impact of trauma and subsequent interventions on each health outcome in the absence of measurement confound.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>DD collected and analysed the data and is the principle author of the paper. MJ, MMcQ and CC-B provided a critical review of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The Medical Research Council Health Services Research Collaboration funded this work.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Definitions of the three constructs from the ICF Model [##UREF##1##5##]</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Variable</td><td align=\"left\">Definition</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Impairments (I)</td><td align=\"left\">Problems in body function or structures such as significant deviation or loss</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Body Functions are the physiological functions of the body systems (including psychological functions)<break/>Body Structures are anatomical parts of the body such as organs, limbs and their components</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Activity limitations (A)</td><td align=\"left\">Difficulties an individual may have in executing activities</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Activity is the execution of a task or action by an individual</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Participation restrictions (P)</td><td align=\"left\">Problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Participation is the involvement in a life situation</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Classification of each DASH item</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\">t-values (df = 23) for the weighted judgements against the three ICF constructs</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DASH item</td><td align=\"center\">Impairment</td><td align=\"center\">Activity Limitations</td><td align=\"center\">Participation Restrictions</td><td align=\"center\">Designation</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\">Core items</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\">Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response.</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">1. Open a tight or new jar.</td><td align=\"center\">-3.0</td><td align=\"center\">16.6*</td><td align=\"center\">-1.1</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">2. Write.</td><td align=\"center\">-1.9</td><td align=\"center\">26.3*</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">3. Turn a key.</td><td align=\"center\">-2.1*<sup>i</sup></td><td align=\"center\">10.3*</td><td align=\"center\">-0.7</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">4. Prepare a meal.</td><td align=\"center\">-4.4</td><td align=\"center\">8.6*</td><td align=\"center\">2.9</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">5. Push open a heavy door.</td><td align=\"center\">-2.8</td><td align=\"center\">36.7*</td><td align=\"center\">-0.9</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">6. Place an object on a shelf above your head.</td><td align=\"center\">-1.6</td><td align=\"center\">11.9*</td><td align=\"center\">-2.8</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">7. Do heavy household chores (e.g., wash walls, wash floors).</td><td align=\"center\">-3.9</td><td align=\"center\">8.7*</td><td align=\"center\">0.5</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">8. Garden or do yard work.</td><td align=\"center\">-4.0</td><td align=\"center\">4.7*</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">9. Make a bed.</td><td align=\"center\">-4.3*<sup>i</sup></td><td align=\"center\">32.9*</td><td align=\"center\">0.2</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">10. Carry a shopping bag or briefcase.</td><td align=\"center\">-2.1</td><td align=\"center\">3.5</td><td align=\"center\">-0.4</td><td align=\"center\">NONE</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">11. Carry a heavy object (over 10 lbs).</td><td align=\"center\">-2.5</td><td align=\"center\">29.1*</td><td align=\"center\">-1.5</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">12. Change a lightbulb overhead.</td><td align=\"center\">-4.3*<sup>i</sup></td><td align=\"center\">10.1*</td><td align=\"center\">-0.9</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">13. Wash or blow dry your hair.</td><td align=\"center\">-2.8</td><td align=\"center\">26.8*</td><td align=\"center\">-0.2</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">14. Wash your back.</td><td align=\"center\">-2.9</td><td align=\"center\">25.8*</td><td align=\"center\">-1.7</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">15. Put on a pullover sweater.</td><td align=\"center\">-1.8</td><td align=\"center\">31.8*</td><td align=\"center\">-2.4</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">16. Use a knife to cut food.</td><td align=\"center\">-2.0</td><td align=\"center\">26.8*</td><td align=\"center\">0.8</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">17. Recreational activities which require little effort (e.g., cardplaying, knitting, etc.).</td><td align=\"center\">-5.3*<sup>i</sup></td><td align=\"center\">5.2*</td><td align=\"center\">10.5*</td><td align=\"center\">AP</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18. Recreational activities in which you take some force or impact through your arm, shoulder or hand (e.g., golf, hammering, tennis, etc.).</td><td align=\"center\">-0.8</td><td align=\"center\">4.5*</td><td align=\"center\">4.8*</td><td align=\"center\">AP</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">19. Recreational activities in which you move your arm freely (e.g., playing frisbee, badminton, etc.).</td><td align=\"center\">-1.1</td><td align=\"center\">5.7*</td><td align=\"center\">9.6*</td><td align=\"center\">AP</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">20. Manage transportation needs (getting from one place to another).</td><td align=\"center\">-6.4*<sup>i</sup></td><td align=\"center\">3.2</td><td align=\"center\">4.8*</td><td align=\"center\">P</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">21. Sexual activities.</td><td align=\"center\">-1.8</td><td align=\"center\">7.9*</td><td align=\"center\">10.3*</td><td align=\"center\">AP</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">22. During the past week, <italic>to what extent </italic>has your arm, shoulder or hand problem interfered with your normal social activities with family, friends, neighbours or groups?</td><td align=\"center\">-1.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.3</td><td align=\"center\">32.7*</td><td align=\"center\">P</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">23. During the past week, were you limited in your work or other regular daily activities as a result of your arm, shoulder or hand problem?</td><td align=\"center\">-1.5</td><td align=\"center\">7.3*</td><td align=\"center\">4.8*</td><td align=\"center\">AP</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">24. Arm, shoulder or hand pain.</td><td align=\"center\">7.0*</td><td align=\"center\">-9.1*<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-8.3*<sup>p</sup></td><td align=\"center\">I</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">25. Arm, shoulder or hand pain when you performed any specific activity.</td><td align=\"center\">9.8*</td><td align=\"center\">2.1</td><td align=\"center\">-2.2</td><td align=\"center\">I</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">26. Tingling (pins and needles) in your arm, shoulder or hand.</td><td align=\"center\">5.8*</td><td align=\"center\">-8.9*<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-8.9*<sup>p</sup></td><td align=\"center\">I</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">27. Weakness in your arm, shoulder or hand.</td><td align=\"center\">11.2*</td><td align=\"center\">-5.3*<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-6.3*<sup>p</sup></td><td align=\"center\">I</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">28. Stiffness in your arm, shoulder or hand.</td><td align=\"center\">11.1*</td><td align=\"center\">-6.0*<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-6.8*<sup>p</sup></td><td align=\"center\">I</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">29. During the past week, how much difficulty have you had sleeping because of the pain in your arm, shoulder or hand?</td><td align=\"center\">0.9</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td><td align=\"center\">-0.1</td><td align=\"center\">NONE</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">30. I feel less capable, less confident or less useful because of my arm, shoulder or hand problem.</td><td align=\"center\">-0.6</td><td align=\"center\">-2.1</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td><td align=\"center\">NONE</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\">Work module (optional)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\">Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty:</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">1. using your usual technique for your work?</td><td align=\"center\">-1.1</td><td align=\"center\">7.2*</td><td align=\"center\">2.1</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">2. doing your usual work because of arm, shoulder or hand pain?</td><td align=\"center\">-0.5</td><td align=\"center\">3.6</td><td align=\"center\">4.3*</td><td align=\"center\">P</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">3. doing your work as well as you would like?</td><td align=\"center\">-5.1*<sup>i</sup></td><td align=\"center\">3.9</td><td align=\"center\">3.0</td><td align=\"center\">NONE</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">4. spending your usual amount of time doing your work?</td><td align=\"center\">-4.6*<sup>i</sup></td><td align=\"center\">5.1*</td><td align=\"center\">3.6</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\">Sports/performing arts module (optional)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"5\">Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty:</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">1. using your usual technique for playing your instrument or sport?</td><td align=\"center\">-1.8</td><td align=\"center\">17.9*</td><td align=\"center\">3.2</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">2. playing your musical instrument or sport because of arm, shoulder or hand pain?</td><td align=\"center\">0.0</td><td align=\"center\">10.6*</td><td align=\"center\">6.2*</td><td align=\"center\">AP</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">3. playing your musical instrument or sport as well as you would like?</td><td align=\"center\">-3.3</td><td align=\"center\">5.3*</td><td align=\"center\">3.7</td><td align=\"center\">A</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">4. spending your usual amount of time practising or playing your instrument or sport?</td><td align=\"center\">-4.9*<sup>i</sup></td><td align=\"center\">5.4*</td><td align=\"center\">5.6*</td><td align=\"center\">AP</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>DASH ICF SYNTAX. Syntax for use with SPSS analysis software. This syntax will calculate pure I, A and P scores and a mixed AP score from the DASH questionnaire, measured at up to two time points. The syntax should be applied to an SPSS data file formatted as described in additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p>DASH ICF SPSS datafile. An empty SPSS data file formatted to support the syntax provided in additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>*p &lt; 0.001, item is a significant match to the theoretical construct; * <sup>i</sup>p &lt; 0.001, item is a significant NO match to the definition of impairment; *<sup>a</sup>p &lt; 0.001, item is a significant NO match to the definition of activity limitations; *<sup>p</sup>p &lt; 0.001, item is a significant NO match to the definition of participation restrictions. NONE = items for which there was no significant agreement between the judges.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2474-9-114-S1.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2474-9-114-S2.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["De Bruin"], "given-names": ["HP"], "article-title": ["The Colles' fracture, review of literature"], "source": ["Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica"], "year": ["1987"], "volume": ["58"], "fpage": ["7"], "lpage": ["25"]}, {"collab": ["World Health Organisation"], "source": ["International classification of functioning, disability and health: ICF"], "year": ["2001"], "publisher-name": ["Geneva: World Health Organisation"]}, {"surname": ["Waltz", "Strickland", "Lenz"], "given-names": ["CW", "OL", "ER"], "source": ["Measurement in nursing research"], "year": ["1991"], "publisher-name": ["Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co"]}, {"surname": ["Rubio", "Berg-Weber", "Tebb", "Lee", "Rauch"], "given-names": ["DM", "M", "SS", "ES", "S"], "article-title": ["Objectifying content validity: conducting a content validity study in social work research"], "source": ["Social Work Research"], "year": ["2003"], "volume": ["27"], "fpage": ["94"], "lpage": ["104"]}, {"surname": ["Pollard", "Johnston"], "given-names": ["B", "M"], "article-title": ["Operationalisation of constructs within theoretical models using existing measures: a method to establish content validity of health status measures [abstract]"], "source": ["Proceedings of the British Psychological Society"], "year": ["2005"], "volume": ["13"], "fpage": ["87"]}, {"surname": ["Hochberg"], "given-names": ["Y"], "article-title": ["A sharper Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of significance"], "source": ["Biometrika"], "year": ["1988"], "volume": ["75"], "fpage": ["800"], "lpage": ["803"], "pub-id": ["10.1093/biomet/75.4.800"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2008 Aug 20; 9:114
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Leaflet escape from a prosthetic valve is a rare but life-threatening event. Treatment is by emergency replacement of the prosthesis and retrieval of the escaped leaflet. Reported literatures till date suggest that failure to retrieve the embolised leaflet will lead to arterial or hemodynamic complications that may have dire consequences for the patient [##REF##1788845##1##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Leaflet escape from a prosthetic valve has been reported following both mitral and aortic valve replacement surgery at variable intervals of time ranging from days to several years after the date of operation [##REF##12732611##2##]. The causes for leaflet escape have been ascribed mainly to pivot system fracture [##REF##12732611##2##,##REF##6196867##3##] or disc fracture [##REF##10431873##4##] though rarely it can follow interventional cardiological maneuvers as in our case.</p>", "<p>The usual mode of presentation is with acute severe shortness of breath, often after a period of activity. Clinically, the picture is of acute left ventricular failure and pulmonary edema with cardiogenic shock, due to severe valvular incompetence [##REF##1788845##1##, ####REF##12732611##2##, ##REF##6196867##3##, ##REF##10431873##4####10431873##4##]. Possible differential diagnosis that needs to be ruled out are myocardial infarction, para prosthetic valvular leak, malignant arrhythmia and pulmonary embolism.</p>", "<p>Echocardiography is not always diagnostic of the leaflet escape and may be interpreted as showing obstructed closure of the prosthetic valve or a paravalvular leak. The picture can be confusing and misinterpreted as showing valve thrombosis resulting in anticoagulant therapy causing delay in life-saving surgery and death of patient [##REF##2718682##5##].</p>", "<p>Timely diagnosis and emergency surgical replacement of the damaged prosthetic valve is indicated. Delay in diagnosis or treatment may prove to be detrimental [##REF##12732611##2##,##REF##2718682##5##]. It is sometimes difficult to locate the missing leaflet which may have embolised more distally in the aorta [##REF##6196867##3##,##REF##2718682##5##] or iliac artery [##REF##1788845##1##]. Plain radiographs often fail to visualize the disc as they are not sufficiently radio opaque. Ultrasound and CT scan are more accurate at localizing the dislodged leaflet [##REF##15018159##6##,##REF##14980857##7##] in most reported cases. Fluoroscopy [##REF##2718682##5##] has also been used in some cases to localize the leaflet.</p>", "<p>In the reported literature, it has been considered mandatory to retrieve the embolised disc at the same time or shortly after valve replacement [##REF##1788845##1##]. Rarely the leaflets eluded all attempts at localization and were discovered only at autopsy [##REF##2718682##5##].</p>", "<p>There are only few reports of patient achieving long term survival, without complications, with a mechanical valve leaflet lodged in thoracic aorta. This we believe is the case with the longest survival. Previous authors have emphasized that it is mandatory to remove the foreign body due to risk of thrombosis, migration, erosion and infection at the site of lodgment. The critical condition of our patient at presentation along with absence of hemodynamic obstruction prompted us to follow a wait and watch policy against this recommendation, which proved a successful strategy.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Following emergency surgery for prosthetic valve leaflet escape, there may be a place for watchful observation of the escaped disc if it is not causing haemodynamic compromise and the patient's condition or wishes prevents surgical removal.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<p>We report the case of a patient who underwent a redo surgery for a leaflet escape from a Bjork-Shiley tilting disc mitral prosthesis inserted 18 years previously. The escaped disc remained lodged in the thoracic aorta without any complication. She ultimately died of terminal heart failure 13 years after the second operation. We believe this to be the longest survival with a dislodged leaflet from a mechanical valve. Removal of dislodged disc is recommended in literature but there may be a place for watchful observation in exceptional cases with no haemodynamic compromise.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Case report</title>", "<p>A 52 year old lady underwent mitral valve replacement with a 23 mm Björk-Shiley prosthesis18 years previously for rheumatic mitral stenosis. Latterly she had suffered with refractory supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and a transeptal AV node ablation was attempted. Unfortunately she became acutely unwell during the procedure, with cardiogenic shock and pulmonary oedema, which proved to be due to escape of the disc-occluder from the valve prosthesis during the cardiological maneuver. She underwent emergency surgery to replace the damaged valve with a bileaflet device, but the escaped disc could not be found. It was later localized by trans-esophageal echocardiography to the descending thoracic aorta, with its long axis parallel to the long axis of aorta, thus not interrupting the flow.</p>", "<p>Postoperatively, she had a protracted intensive care stay with multi-system failure, and was not considered to be well enough to contemplate removal of the embolised leaflet. After discussion among the treating clinicians and family members a decision to \"wait and watch\" was adopted, with the question of further surgery being postponed until the patient's condition improved. She was eventually discharged from hospital after two months. By that time it was established that the patient did not want to pursue further intervention to remove the disc. She had been attending annual reviews for thirteen years and has had no problems referable to the embolised disc. She ultimately died of terminal heart failure. Post mortem examination was declined by the relatives.</p>", "<title>Consent</title>", "<p>The patient has been deceased for several years and the relatives were not contactable at this time. Please contact the editor for further details.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MD designed the paper and prepared the manuscript, EW revised the manuscript, TH performed the operation and revised the contents of the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We would like to thank Ms Julie Reed, cardiothoracic secretary who helped us collect all the materials going back more than a decade.</p>" ]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008 May 30; 3:34
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Retinol–binding protein 4 (RBP4) is a 21 kDa plasma protein, which is mainly secreted from the liver and adipose tissue and is known to transport retinol (ROH) in the blood. The binding of ROH to RBP4 guarantees the homeostatic regulation of plasma ROH levels, which are an essential aspect for a variety of physiological processes [##REF##16251603##1##, ####UREF##0##2##, ##REF##8202278##3####8202278##3##]. Recently, RBP4 levels have been reported to be elevated in insulin resistant subjects as well as in subjects with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) [##REF##16034410##4##]. These diseases involve liver and kidney disorders in late stages [##REF##16344856##5##,##REF##15696462##6##].</p>", "<p>In healthy individuals RBP4 is mainly synthesized in the liver and secreted into the circulation in a 1:1:1 complex with ROH (holo-RBP4) and transthyretin (TTR) [##REF##10052934##7##,##REF##6682115##8##]. The binding with TTR increases the molecular weight of RBP4 and thus prevents its glomerular filtration and catabolism in the kidney [##REF##16010524##9##, ####REF##4760057##10##, ##REF##12237133##11##, ##UREF##1##12##, ##REF##6994566##13####6994566##13##]. After releasing ROH into the target cells the remaining apo-RBP4 (unbound ROH) is rapidly filtered through the glomeruli and subsequently reabsorbed in the proximal tubular cells via the megalin-cubulin receptor complex and catabolized [##REF##16251603##1##,##REF##5541768##14##,##REF##4100686##15##]. Importantly, dysfunctions of both, the liver and kidneys, are known to influence RBP4 homeostasis [##REF##6994566##13##,##REF##5096525##16##, ####REF##7666002##17##, ##REF##3280169##18####3280169##18##]: chronic kidney diseases (CKD) and chronic liver diseases (CLD) interfere with RBP4 metabolism through their action on RBP4 synthesis and catabolism [##REF##6994566##13##,##REF##6539619##19##].</p>", "<p>RBP4 has been reported to occur in different isoforms in serum, namely holo-RBP4 (RBP4 bound to ROH) and apo-RBP4, which remains after the release of ROH into the target cell. In addition, little is known about RBP4 isoforms resulting from the truncation of RBP4: RBP4-L, which is truncated at one C-terminal leucine molecule (Leu-183), and RBP4-LL, which is truncated at a second leucine molecule (Leu-182 and Leu-183). The relative amounts of apo-RBP4 are increased in rats during acute renal failure and RBP4-L and RBP4-LL have been shown to be increased in hemo-dialysis patients [##REF##7666002##17##,##REF##8664978##20##,##REF##2066679##21##]. It is assumed that renal dysfunction is closely linked to an increased occurrence of apo-RBP4 as well as RBP4-L and RBP4-LL in serum. However, sufficient data in these patients are lacking. In addition, it is unknown whether the liver, as site of RBP4 synthesis, may also contribute to the occurrence of RBP4 isoforms [##REF##2634036##22##,##REF##810274##23##]. Thus, we examined RBP4 levels and isoforms in plasma of patients suffering from various CLD, as well as in patients with CKD, and compared the results with those obtained from healthy controls.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Subjects</title>", "<p>Sera of 50 healthy subjects were obtained from the Department of Clinical Nutrition, German Institute of Human Nutrition, Potsdam-Rehbrücke, Germany. The inclusion criteria for healthy subjects were no known diagnosis of any kidney, liver or metabolic disease, such as obesity/adiposity, diabetes or hypertension, and no drug intake.</p>", "<p>Sera of 45 patients with CKD were obtained from the Department of Medicine IV, Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany. Subjects were characterized according to their estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) which was calculated according to the MDRD formula [##REF##17568782##40##]. In the CKD group patients with moderately decreased (30 – 60 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2</sup>) and severely decreased (&lt; 30 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2</sup>) eGFR were included [##REF##15542927##41##].</p>", "<p>Sera of 63 patients with CLD were obtained from the Department of Medicine IV, Charité Campus Virchow, Berlin, Germany. Of these patients, 10 were diagnosed with fibrosis METAVIR stage 0 – 1.5, 12 with fibrosis METAVIR stage 2 – 2.5, 9 with METAVIR stage 3, 7 with fibrosis METAVIR stage 4, 10 with hepato-cellular cancer and 7 with c2 cirrhosis. Cirrhosis diagnosis was made depending on histopathologic, clinical and laboratory findings. Staging was differentiated according to fibrosis: Stage 1 = zone 3 perisinusoidal/pericellular fibrosis, focal or diffuse; stage 2 = focal of diffuse periportal fibrosis together with zone 3 perisinusoidal/pericellular fibrosis; stage 3 = focal and diffuse bridging necrosis together with perisinusoidal/pericellular fibrosis and portal fibrosis; stage 4 = Cirrhosis. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated by the formula: weight (kg)/height(m<sup>2</sup>).</p>", "<title>Laboratory analyses</title>", "<p>Blood samples were collected by the attending physician after an overnight fast. Serum was stored at -80°C until processing. The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committees of the Universities of Charité Berlin and Potsdam. Informed consent was obtained from each subject. AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, total protein, albumin, serum creatinine, serum albumin, bilirubin, glucose levels were measured by routine laboratory methods.</p>", "<title>Determination of ROH, RBP4, TTR and CRP</title>", "<p>For separation and quantification of ROH a gradient reversed-phase HPLC system was used as previously described [##REF##12773456##39##]. Briefly, 200 μl of ethanol were added to 100 μl plasma (1:1 diluted with water). Afterwards, plasma was extracted twice with n-hexane, stabilized with 0.05% butylated hydroxyluene (BHT), vortexed and centrifuged for 10 min at 1500 <italic>g</italic>. The supernatants were removed and evaporated under nitrogen and reconstituted in 200 μl isopropanol and injected into the HPLC system (C30 carotenoid columm, 5 μm, 250 × 4,6 mm, in line with C18 pre-columm, solvent A methanol:water (90:10 v:v, with 0,4 g/l ammonium acetate in water), solvent B methanol:methyl-tert-butyl-ether:water (8:90:2 v:v:v, with 0,1 g/l ammonium acetate in water).</p>", "<p>Serum levels of RBP4 and TTR were measured by ELISA using polyclonal rabbit anti-human antibodies for RBP4 and Prealbumin (Dako, Hamburg, Germany) as previously described [##REF##17568782##40##,##REF##15542927##41##]. Determination of CRP was performed by ABX Pentra CRP CP, a latex-enhanced immunoturbidimetric assay (ABX Diagnostics, Monpellier, France).</p>", "<title>Immunoprecipitation of RBP4 and subsequent analysis by MALDI-TOF-MS</title>", "<p>For immunoprecipitation 10 μl of serum sample was incubated with an equal amount of Sephadex G 15 and 5 μl polyclonal rabbit anti-human RBP4 (Dako, Hamburg, Germany) at room temperature for 18 hours, centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 20 min at room temperature. After removing the supernatant, the protein-antibody complex was washed twice with PBS and once with HEPES. The samples were then applied on the MALDI target using 2 μl of sample. Afterwards, 2 μl saturated sinapinic acid solution was placed on a serum drop and dried. The matrix solution contained 1 mg sinapinic acid and an equal amount of 1% trifluoroacetic acid and acetonitrile. MALDI mass spectra were obtained using a Reflex II MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer (Bruker-Daltronik, Bremen, Germany) which was performed in a linear mode at 20 k acceleration voltage. For ionisation, a nitrogen laser (337 nm, 3 ns pulse width, 3 Hz) was used. For optimisation of the mass spectra, the laser was aimed either at the central area of the sample or at the outmost edge of the crystal rim. All spectra were measured using external calibration. As the ionization efficiencies of non-truncated RBP4, RBP4-L and RBP4-LL are similar, the peaks in the mass spectra reflect the relative amounts of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL [##REF##7666002##17##]. Therefore peaks were analysed \"valley-to-valley\" and are expressed as percentage of non-truncated RBP4 (nRBP4).</p>", "<title>Determination of relative amounts of apo- and holo-RBP4</title>", "<p>Relative amounts of holo-RBP4 and apo-RBP4 in serum were assessed by using nondenaturating polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) with subsequent immunoblotting analysis. Under these conditions retinol remains bound to RBP4 and due to the higher molecular weight of holo-RBP4 (+ 286 Da), two bands may be detected. The PAGE was performed according to Siegenthaler and Saurat with slight modifications [##REF##7666002##17##]. Briefly, the resolving gel was prepared using 12% acrylamide/bisacrylamide and 0.05% ammoniumpersulfate (APS) and 0.075% N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) as crosslinker in 0.375 Tris/HCl, pH 8.8. The stacking gel (4% acrylamide/bisacrylamide, 0.05% APS, 0.1% TEMED) was prepared in 0.125 M Tris/HCl, pH 6.8. 10 μl of serum diluted 1:20 in sample buffer (0.125 Tris/HCl, 2.74 M glycerol, 0.1 mM bromphenol blue, pH 6.8) was applied to each slot, with 12 samples per gel. The electrophoresis conditions were 25 mA per gel for 30 to 45 min at room temperature. The proteins were separated according to their electrophoretic mobilities and subsequently transferred onto a polyvinyl difluoride (PVDF) sheet. Immunoreactive bands were visualized by using rabbit anti-human RBP4 (Dako) and peroxidase-coupled swine anti-rabbit immunoglobulins (Dako). Antibody binding was visualized using the Luminol reaction (BM Chemiluminescence Blotting Substrate, Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). Since the binding of ROH persists under nondenaturating conditions two bands are obtained per lane, apo- and holo-RBP4. Band intensity of both RBP4 isoforms was read with an imager (Bio-Rad, Munich, Germany) and with the Quantity One<sup>® </sup>software (Bio-Rad). The relative amounts of apo- and holo-RBP4 per lane are expressed as per cent of total intensity of each lane. However, since apo- and holo-RBP4 are the only visible bands, the sum of the relative quantities of both isoforms equals 100% per lane.</p>", "<title>Statistical procedures</title>", "<p>Results are shown as medians and interquartile ranges. Statistic calculations were performed using SPSS 14.0 (SPSS statistical package, SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to test for significant differences in continuous variables between the groups. If there was a significant effect, Mann-Whitney U-rank test was performed to describe differences in proportions between cases and controls. Spearman rank correlation coefficients were used to test the association between laboratory parameters and variables of ROH-RBP4 transport complex. Values of P &lt; 0.05 were regarded as significant.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Anthropometric and clinical parameters</title>", "<p>Anthropometric and clinical characteristics of controls, CLD patients and CKD patients are shown in Table ##TAB##0##1##. There were no differences in age and BMI. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were higher in CLD and CKD patients compared to controls (P &lt; 0.001, both), and CRP was elevated in CKD patients compared to CLD (P &lt; 0.001). Serum creatinine, a parameter of kidney function, was elevated in CKD compared to controls and CLD (P &lt; 0.001, both).</p>", "<p>Standard tests of liver function such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) concentrations showed increased levels in the CLD group compared to the values in the controls (P &lt; 0.001). The levels of ALT, GGT and ALP were also increased in the CKD group compared to controls (P &lt; 0.01). However, AST and ALT were markedly lower in the CKD compared to the CLD group (P &lt; 0.001).</p>", "<title>Biochemical variables of the RBP4-complex</title>", "<p>Compared to controls, RBP4 levels were lower in CLD (P &lt; 0.001), but highly elevated in patients with CKD (P &lt; 0.001, Table ##TAB##1##2##). Among CLD patients those with c2-cirrhosis (ethanol-induced) showed lowest RBP4 values compared to CLD patients with fibrosis or hepatic cancer (P &lt; 0.001, Table ##TAB##2##3##). Serum ROH levels were increased in CKD patients compared to CLD patients (P &lt; 0.001) and in controls compared to CLD (P &lt; 0.001). In patients with fibrosis, ROH levels were elevated compared to CLD patients with HCC and c2-cirrhosis (P &lt; 0.01). The highest TTR levels were observed in controls compared to CLD and CKD (P &lt; 0.001, Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>The molar ratio of RBP4 to ROH was significantly decreased in the CLD group compared to controls (P &lt; 0.001) as well as to CKD (P &lt; 0.001). The CKD group showed the highest value of the RBP4 to ROH ratio compared to controls as well as to the CLD group (P &lt; 0.001). An excess of RBP4 over ROH indicates an elevation in free RBP4 and thus apo-RBP4 (unbound ROH). This is supported by the significant correlation of apo-RBP4 and the RBP4-ROH ratio (Spearman Rho r = 0.565, P &lt; 0.01). The molar ratio of RBP4 to TTR was increased in CLD and CKD compared to controls (P &lt; 0.001, both, Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<title>Relative amounts of apo- and holo-RBP4</title>", "<p>Analysis of band area after non-denaturating PAGE immunoblotting was used to calculate the relative amount of apo- and holo-RBP4. The relative amount of holo-RBP4 was higher in plasma of controls as well as in CLD compared to CKD (P &lt; 0.001, both). Conversely, apo-RBP4 was detected in higher quantities in CKD compared to controls and CLD patients (P &lt; 0.001, Figure ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<title>Relative amounts of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL (by MALDI-TOF-MS)</title>", "<p>RBP4 immunoprecipitation and subsequent MALDI-TOF-MS analysis was used to detect RBP4-L and RBP4-LL (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). In controls, non-truncated RBP4 (nRBP4) was the most abundant form and was set to 100%. RBP4-L and RBP4-LL were analysed in a \"valley-to-valley\" procedure and expressed as per cent of nRBP4. RBP4-L occurred in relative amounts of nRBP4 with a median of 45% and RBP4-LL with 0%. In CKD patients both, RBP4-L (87%) and RBP4-LL (18%), were significantly elevated compared to CLD and controls (P &lt; 0.001, both, Table ##TAB##1##2## and Figure ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<title>Correlations among RBP4 levels as well as RBP4 isoforms and parameters of liver and kidney function</title>", "<p>With regards to liver function, plasma RBP4 and ROH levels were inversely correlated with AST (r = -0.659, r = -0.494), ALT (r = -0.510, r = -0.314), ALP (r = -0.187, r = -0.288) and GGT (r = -0.312, r = -0.203, respectively, P &lt; 0.05, all). AST was correlated with holo-RBP4 (r = 0.330) and inversely with apo-RBP4 (r = 0.317, P &lt; 0.05, both). In addition, AST levels were inversely correlated with RBP4-L (r = -0.421) and RBP4-LL (r = -0.297, P &lt; 0.01, both). ALP was inversely correlated with RBP4-L (r = -0.248, P &lt; 0.01).</p>", "<p>With regards to kidney function, there was a correlation between serum creatinine and RBP4 levels (r = 0.633), apo-RBP4 (r = 0.674), RBP4-L (r = 0.494) and RBP4-LL (r = 0.438) as well as ROH (r = 0.396, P &lt; 0.01, all). Holo-RBP4, in contrast, was inversely correlated with serum creatinine (r = -0.678, P &lt; 0.01). In CLD, serum creatinine was correlated with RBP4 (r = 0.535), RBP4-L (r = 0.421, P &lt; 0.01, both) and ROH levels (r = 0.381, P &lt; 0.05).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>This study was designed to investigate the effect of CLD and CKD on RBP4 isoforms and to identify factors influencing and/or generating RBP4 isoforms. We were able to show that the relative amount of RBP4 isoforms (apo-RBP4, RBP4-L, RBP4-LL) was increased in CKD patients, but not in CLD patients, in comparison to controls. Our results also show that RBP4 levels were significantly elevated in serum of CKD patients compared to both, CLD patients and controls. In contrast, RBP4, TTR and ROH levels were significantly decreased in CLD patients, as compared to CKD patients and controls.</p>", "<p><italic>Jaconi et al. </italic>[##REF##8664978##20##] investigated RBP4-L and RBP4-LL in the serum of hemo-dialysis patients and regarded the occurrence of RBP4 isoforms to be specific for CKD [##REF##12237133##11##,##REF##7666002##17##]. To date, RBP4 isoforms have been investigated exclusively in a small number of patients ([##REF##16251603##1##] and [##REF##4760057##10##], respectively) suffering from CKD [##REF##12237133##11##,##REF##7666002##17##] and not in CLD patients. Our data show that RBP4-L and RBP4-LL, which are truncated at the C-terminal end of the molecule, were increased in CKD (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). In contrast to that, in CLD patients – irrespective of the kind of liver disease – there were no increased amounts of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL, thus supporting the relation between RBP4 isoforms and kidney function. The increased survival and retention of RBP4 in the circulation during CKD may contribute to the increased truncation of RBP4. Although there is evidence that a specific carboxypeptidase is responsible for the truncation [##REF##7666002##17##,##REF##8664978##20##], the physiological impact of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL is not known. However, RBP4-L and RBP4-LL isolated from CKD serum, inhibit chemotaxis and oxidative metabolism of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. These alterations in leucocytes activity may disturb immune defense in these patients [##REF##15530151##24##]. In addition, the C-terminal end of RBP4 is involved in ROH binding, and therefore, RBP4 modifications may also influence the interaction with TTR [##REF##10052934##7##,##REF##15196886##25##].</p>", "<p>Additionally, we confirmed that RBP4, TTR and ROH levels in various liver diseases were markedly depressed, particularly in patients with c2-cirrhosis or hepato-cellular carcinoma, which is in accordance with results of previously published studies [##REF##5096525##16##,##REF##16595784##26##, ####REF##11012474##27##, ##REF##18466349##28####18466349##28##]. This decrease is due to a loss of functional hepatic tissue resulting in decreased synthesis of RBP4 and TTR and decreased release of the ROH-transport complex into the circulation [##REF##810274##23##,##REF##11012474##27##].</p>", "<p>In patients with CKD, the levels of RBP4 were markedly elevated and therefore the molar ratio of RBP4 to TTR was increased. In healthy states, TTR is present in a 3–5 fold molar excess in plasma and the serum RBP4/TTR ratio is approximately 0.4 whereas in CKD patients an increase in the RBP4/TTR molar ratio up to 1.06 has been reported [##REF##5096525##16##,##REF##3280169##18##,##REF##3354492##29##,##REF##12553436##30##]. This is consistent with the 3-fold elevated RBP4/TTR ratio from 0.36 in controls to 0.96 in CKD in our study. Due to the increase of RBP4 and the simultaneous fall in TTR levels in CKD, almost one molecule of TTR and one molecule of RBP4 are present in the circulation [##REF##5096525##16##,##REF##3280169##18##,##REF##6354560##31##]. The decrease in TTR levels in CKD may be due to malnutrition and/or infectious disease [##REF##5096525##16##,##REF##3354492##29##].</p>", "<p>The kidneys play an important role in the recycling of RBP4 since RBP4 catabolism is disturbed in CKD patients [##REF##5096525##16##,##REF##6354560##31##]. According to previous studies elevated serum creatinine levels, a marker for kidney dysfunction, are associated with high serum concentrations of RBP4 [##REF##5096525##16##,##REF##7201081##32##]. This is due to the loss of functional tissue and/or the entire nephron in kidney failure, which leads to decreased filtration of creatinine and abnormal survival of small serum proteins resulting in an increase of their serum levels [##REF##4760057##10##,##REF##5054468##33##]. This might explain the increased RBP4 levels in CKD (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Under physiological conditions 98% of RBP4 is bound to ROH (holo-RBP4) and 2% circulate ROH free as apo-RBP4 [##REF##3280169##18##,##REF##3566730##34##]. In this study we show that the percentage of plasma apo-RBP4 is highly increased in CKD patients compared to controls and CLD patients, thus supporting early findings [##REF##8664978##20##,##REF##1991596##35##]. Nearly all of the apo-RBP4 is normally glomerularly filtered and reabsorbed by the kidney proximal convoluted tubules. The increase in the molar ratio of RBP4 to ROH in our CKD patients indicates an excess of RBP4 over ROH, leading to an increase in RBP4 unbound to ROH, which is consistent with the increase in apo-RBP4. The altered holo- to apo-RBP4-ratio in CKD complies also with previous results indicating that impaired kidney function compromises sufficient metabolisation of apo-RBP4 from serum [##REF##5541768##14##,##REF##8664978##20##,##REF##6354560##31##,##REF##8710893##36##]. This finding is confirmed by the correlation of apo-RBP4 and serum creatinine in our study.</p>", "<p>The alterations in RBP4 metabolism during CKD are of interest in relation to T2DM since T2DM patients are exposed to increased oxidative stress which has been reported to be linked to endothelial dysfunction [##REF##11194213##37##]. It is known that T2DM patients often suffer from kidney dysfunction [##REF##18359403##38##] and therefore the RBP4-L and RBP4-LL may further enhance oxidative stress through their action on polymorphonuclear leucocytes [##REF##15530151##24##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The results of the study show that the disturbed catabolism of RBP4 in CKD results in an increase in RBP4 isoforms including apo-RBP4, RBP4-L and RBP4-LL – whereas the generation of RBP4 isoforms is not influenced by liver function. However, both CKD and CLD do influence serum RBP4 levels. Since the increase in RBP4 isoforms was not observed in patients suffering from various CLD, the important physiological function of the kidneys in that context is emphasized and it may be suggested that impaired catabolism of RBP4 in the kidneys leads to an accumulation of RBP4 isoforms in serum. These results support the hypothesis that the C-terminal truncation of RBP4 may be specific during CKD.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The levels of retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) – the carrier protein for Vitamin A in plasma – are tightly regulated under healthy circumstances. The kidney, the main site of RBP4 catabolism, contributes to an elevation of RBP4 levels during chronic kidney disease (CKD) whereas during chronic liver disease (CLD) RBP4 levels decrease. Little is known about RBP4 isoforms including apo-RBP4, holo-RBP4 as well as RBP4 truncated at the C-terminus (RBP4-L and RBP4-LL) except that RBP4 isoforms have been reported to be increased in hemodialysis patients. Since it is not known whether CLD influence RBP4 isoforms, we investigated RBP4 levels, apo- and holo-RBP4 as well as RBP4-L and RBP4-LL in plasma of 36 patients suffering from CKD, in 55 CLD patients and in 50 control subjects. RBP4 was determined by ELISA and apo- and holo-RBP4 by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). RBP4-L and RBP4-LL were analyzed after immunoprecipitation by mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS).</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>RBP4 isoforms and levels were highly increased in CKD patients compared to controls (P &lt; 0.05) whereas in CLD patients RBP4 isoforms were not different from controls. In addition, in hepatic dysfunction RBP4 levels were decreased whereas the amount of isoforms was not affected.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The occurrence of RBP4 isoforms is not influenced by liver function but seems to be strongly related to kidney function and may therefore be important in investigating kidney function and related disorders.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>CKD: Chronic kidney disease; CLD: Chronic liver disease; MALDI-TOF-MS: Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry; RBP4: Retinol-binding protein 4; T2DM: type 2 diabetes.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>SKF and BN carried out sample analysis and prepared the manuscript. MOW and AHFP recruited blood samples of the control group. TB, BS, MT and WZ recruited blood samples of patients. AH, JR reviewed the manuscript and FJS created the study design. All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank Lydia Häußler, Andrea Hurtienne, and Elisabeth Pilz for their excellent technical assistance and Diana D'Ambrosio for reading critically the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Representative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-immunoblotting of apo- and holo-RBP4 bands in serum of controls, patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD)</bold>. Relative amounts were calculated by comparing the intensity of the apo-band to the holo-RBP4 bands of each lane and are displayed as percentage of total intensity per lane.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Representative MALDI spectra of RBP4 in a healthy control, a chronic liver disease (CLD) patient and a chronic kidney disease (CKD) patient.</bold> Control and CLD patient show the non-truncated RBP4 (1 = 21.065 Da) and the RBP4-L peak (2 = 20.950 Da) whereas the RBP4-LL peak (3 = 20.837 Da) is solely present in the CKD patient.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Relative amounts of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL in controls, patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD).</bold> The intensities of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL in the sera of the CLD group, the CKD and the control group were calculated in relation to the peak height of the non-truncated RBP4 peak (21.065 Da), which was set 100%. The peak heights of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL are expressed as percentage of the non-truncated RBP4. All peak heights were determined in a \"valley-to-valley\" procedure. Boxes represent interquartile range with median (white bar); black dots represent single values of each subject.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Clinical and biochemical characteristics of controls, patients with CLD and CKD.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Controls</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>CLD</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>CKD</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">N (m/f)</td><td align=\"left\">50 (27/23)</td><td align=\"left\">55 (30/25)</td><td align=\"left\">36 (26/10)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Age (years)</td><td align=\"left\">55.0 (48.2 – 60.0)</td><td align=\"left\">50.0 (44.0 – 58.0)</td><td align=\"left\">59.0 (45.3 – 68.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">BMI (kg/m<sup>2</sup>)</td><td align=\"left\">24.4 (22.5 – 26.2)</td><td align=\"left\">24.0 (21.3 – 25.9)</td><td align=\"left\">25.3 (22.2 – 27.7)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Glucose (mmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">4.73 (4.45 – 5.17)</td><td align=\"left\">5.27 (4.82 – 5.94) *</td><td align=\"left\">5.24 (4.63 – 5.94) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CRP (nmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">0.0 (0.0 – 0.0)</td><td align=\"left\">43.5 (39.3 – 52.1) *</td><td align=\"left\">342.9 (104.8 – 800.0) * <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Creatinine (μmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">68.8 (63.5 – 75.5)</td><td align=\"left\">63.3 (55.7 – 73.9) *</td><td align=\"left\">239.4 (180.0 – 528.4) * <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Protein (g/L)</td><td align=\"left\">66.5 (63.5 – 70.2)</td><td align=\"left\">50.7 (45.2 – 57.1) *</td><td align=\"left\">65.0 (59.0 – 70.0) <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AST [μkat/L]</td><td align=\"left\">0.35 (0.28 – 0.40)</td><td align=\"left\">0.89 (0.36 – 1.51) *</td><td align=\"left\">0.30 (0.24 – 0.43)<sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ALT [μkat/L]</td><td align=\"left\">0.17 (0.12 – 0.24)</td><td align=\"left\">0.82 (0.55 – 1.39) *</td><td align=\"left\">0.37 (0.21 – 0.52) * <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ALP [μkat/L]</td><td align=\"left\">1.06 (0.79 – 1.31)</td><td align=\"left\">1.73 (0.99 – 2.48) *</td><td align=\"left\">1.32 (0.97 – 1.62) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">GGT [μkat/L]</td><td align=\"left\">0.30 (0.21 – 0.43)</td><td align=\"left\">1.03 (0.44 – 2.21) *</td><td align=\"left\">0.53 (0.32 – 1.41) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Haemotocrit</td><td align=\"left\">0.41 (0.38 – 0.44)</td><td align=\"left\">0.42 (0.38 – 0.46)</td><td align=\"left\">0.32 (0.29 – 0.37) * <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Haemoglobin (g/L)</td><td align=\"left\">138.5 (130.0 – 149.8)</td><td align=\"left\">145.0 (126.8 – 155.3)</td><td align=\"left\">107.5 (97.5 – 125.0) * <sup>#</sup></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Biochemical variables of the ROH-RBP4-complex in plasma of controls, patients with CLD and CKD.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Controls</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>CLD</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>CKD</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4 (μmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">2.17 (1.78 – 2.52)</td><td align=\"left\">0.97 (0.61 – 1.27) *</td><td align=\"left\">3.75 (2.63 – 5.21) * <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">ROH (μmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">1.46 (1.29 – 1.66)</td><td align=\"left\">0.94 (0.62 – 1.22) *</td><td align=\"left\">1.62 (1.03 – 2.69)<sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TTR (μmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">6.14 (5.22 – 7.01)</td><td align=\"left\">1.16 (0.91 – 1.83) *</td><td align=\"left\">4.22 (2.66 – 6.02) * <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4/ROH ratio<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">1.39 (1.15 – 1.78)</td><td align=\"left\">1.04 (0.90 – 1.32) *</td><td align=\"left\">1.88 (1.51 – 3.04) * <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4/TTR ratio <sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.36 (0.30 – 0.41)</td><td align=\"left\">0.67 (0.41 – 1.13) *</td><td align=\"left\">0.76 (0.61 – 1.49) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Holo-RBP4 (%)</td><td align=\"left\">86.4 (80.7 – 88.8)</td><td align=\"left\">85.0 (77.9 – 93.4)</td><td align=\"left\">67.0 (54.0 – 76.3) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Apo-RBP4 (%)</td><td align=\"left\">13.6 (11.2 – 19.3)</td><td align=\"left\">15.0 (6.3 – 22.0)</td><td align=\"left\">32.5 (23.8 – 42.0) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4-L (%)<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"left\">45.0 (24.5 – 73.0)</td><td align=\"left\">33.0 (17.5 – 48.0) *</td><td align=\"left\">86.5 (39.0 – 143.0) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4-LL (%)<sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.0 (0.0 – 5.5)</td><td align=\"left\">0.0 (0.0 – 6.0)</td><td align=\"left\">18.0 (5.75 – 55.8) *</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Biochemical variables of the ROH-RBP4-TTR complex in plasma of CLD patients classified for individual liver diseases.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Fibrosis<sup>1 </sup>(n = 38)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>HCC<sup>2 </sup>(n = 10)</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Cirrhosis (n = 7)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">ROH (μmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">1.15 (0.87 – 1.40)</td><td align=\"left\">0.68 (0.55 – 0.85) *</td><td align=\"left\">0.51 (0.38 – 0.72) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4 (μmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">0.98 (0.64 – 1.36)</td><td align=\"left\">1.02 (0.76 – 1.02)</td><td align=\"left\">0.53 (0.41 – 0.82) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TTR (μmoL/L)</td><td align=\"left\">1.44 (1.86 – 3.09)</td><td align=\"left\">1.02 (0.91 – 1.26)</td><td align=\"left\">1.00 (0.93 – 1.40)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4/ROH ratio <sup>3</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.97 (0.83 – 2.17)</td><td align=\"left\">1.53 (1.00 – 2.13)</td><td align=\"left\">1.07 (0.97 – 1.26) *</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4/TTR ratio <sup>4</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.71(0.38 – 1.13)</td><td align=\"left\">1.05 (0.55 – 1.36)</td><td align=\"left\">0.51 (0.41 – 0.61) <sup>#</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4-L (%)<sup>5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">33.00 (17.00 – 46.00)</td><td align=\"left\">31.00 (16.50 – 56.00)</td><td align=\"left\">44.00 (20.00 – 58.00)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">RBP4-LL (%) <sup>5</sup></td><td align=\"left\">0.00 (0.00 – 6.00)</td><td align=\"left\">6.00 (0.00 – 8.00)</td><td align=\"left\">0.0 (0.0 – 0.0)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Data are expressed as median with 25th and 75th percentiles. BMI, body mass index; CRP, C-reactive protein; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; GGT, gamma glutamyl transferase.</p><p>* = significantly different from controls (p &lt; 0.05). # = significantly different from CLD (p &lt; 0.05).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Data are expressed as median with 25th and 75th percentiles. RBP4, retinol binding protein 4; ROH, retinol; TTR, transthyretin.</p><p>* = significantly different from controls (p &lt; 0.05). # = significantly different from CLD (p &lt; 0.05).</p><p><sup>1 </sup>The RBP4/ROH ratio is the molar ratio of serum RBP4 to serum ROH.</p><p><sup>2 </sup>The RBP4/TTR ratio is the molar ratio of serum RBP4 to serum TTR.</p><p><sup>3 </sup>The intensity of the non-truncated RBP4 (nRBP4) was set 100% and intensities of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL were expressed in % of nRBP4.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Data are expressed as median with 25th and 75th percentiles.</p><p><sup>1 </sup>Fibrosis stage 0–4, <sup>2 </sup>HCC = Hepato-cellular carcinoma;</p><p><sup>3 </sup>The RBP4/ROH ratio is the molar ratio of serum RBP4 to serum ROH.</p><p><sup>4 </sup>The RBP4/TTR ratio is the molar ratio of serum RBP4 to serum TTR.</p><p><sup>5 </sup>The intensity of the non-truncated RBP4 (nRBP4) was set 100% and intensities of RBP4-L and RBP4-LL were expressed in % of nRBP4.</p><p>* = significantly different from Fibrosis patients &lt; (p &lt; 0.05). # = significantly different from HCC patients (p &lt; 0.05).</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-511X-7-29-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-511X-7-29-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1476-511X-7-29-3\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Soprano", "Blaner", "Sporn MB, Roberts AB and Goodman DS"], "given-names": ["DR", "WS"], "article-title": ["Plasma retinol-binding protein."], "source": ["The Retinoids: Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine"], "year": ["1994"], "publisher-name": ["New York, Raven Press"], "fpage": ["257"], "lpage": ["281"]}, {"surname": ["Goodman", "Sporn MB, Roberts AB and Goodman DS"], "given-names": ["DS"], "article-title": ["Plasma Retinol-Binding Protein"], "source": ["The Retinoids"], "year": ["1984"], "volume": ["2"], "publisher-name": ["Orlando, Florida, Academic Press, Inc."], "fpage": ["41"], "lpage": ["88"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
Lipids Health Dis. 2008 Aug 27; 7:29
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Milk and dairy products have long traditions in human nutrition, but for some decades milk fat has been associated with negative health effects. However, the association between milk fat and plasma lipids is ambiguous, and a paradox. Several studies show no convincing evidence that dairy products increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and that milk is harmful [##REF##1313761##1##, ####REF##15116074##2##, ##REF##15761214##3##, ##REF##15047684##4####15047684##4##]. Some studies indicate that a moderate intake of milk fat may reduce the risk of cardiac diseases, possibly through reduced formation of small dense low density lipoprotein particles (sdLDL) [##REF##15226461##5##]. The sdLDL are thought to undergo oxidation more readily, or to be harder bound to the arterial endothelia surface [##REF##1998647##6##]. Dairy milk fat contains numerous fatty acids that might affect formation of sdLDL, such as saturated fatty acids, c9,t11-CLA isomer and VA [##REF##15159247##7##,##REF##15321800##8##]. Evidence for hypolipidemic properties of c9,t11-CLA has been given, and administration of CLA has been shown to modulate plasma lipid concentration in both human and animal models, and to reduce markers associated with atherogenic risk [##REF##15321800##8##, ####REF##16600923##9##, ##REF##14756904##10####14756904##10##]. These findings have led to considerable interest in methods for naturally increasing the c9,t11-CLA content in milk, and milk products that are naturally enriched in CLA has been advocated. CLA is a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids found naturally in beef, lamb and dairy products, and c9,t11-CLA is the main form of CLA (18:2 c9,t11). It can be produced in ruminants by bacterial isomerisation of linoleic acid (18:2 c9,c12) in the rumen. In ruminants and non-ruminants it can be produced in most tissues by delta-9 desaturation of VA (18:1 t11) [##REF##12197992##11##,##REF##18042812##12##]. The concentration of c9,t11-CLA and VA in milk fat is highly dependent on the feed composition; VA is an intermediate product of biohydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids in the rumen, and feedstuff rich in linoleic or α-linolenic acids enhance CLA and VA in milk [##REF##17235178##13##]. Since c9,t11-CLA in milk fat is associated with VA, milk rich in c9,t11-CLA is also rich in VA, its precursor [##REF##18042812##12##]. In general, trans fatty acids are associated with increased plasma cholesterol and risk for coronary heart disease. Therefore the concentration of VA in milk has been of concern. However, VA's effect on plasma cholesterol has not been entirely understood since epidemiological studies have shown that trans fatty acids from animal sources did not increase risk for coronary artery disease [##REF##8094827##14##].</p>", "<p>The objective of the study presented here was to compare effects on plasma lipid- and fatty acid profile in growing pigs that had been given diets containing regular butter (REG) or butter naturally enriched in CLA plus VA.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Animal care</title>", "<p>The experimental research on animals followed internationally recognized guidelines. All animals were cared for according to laws and regulations controlling experiments with live animals in Norway (The Animal Protection Act of December 20th, 1974, and the Animal Protection Ordinance Concerning Experiments with Animals of January 15th, 1996); according to the rules given by Norwegian Animal Research Authority.</p>", "<title>Animals and diets</title>", "<p>Twelve growing female pigs (initial weight were 43.4 ± 1.5 kg) of a commercial Norwegian crossbreed ((Landrace × Yorkshire) × (Landrace × Duroc)) were selected for the study. The pigs were reared indoors, and fed two times per day in accordance to NRC requirements for nutrients for growing pigs [##UREF##1##25##]. A veterinarian examined the pigs every week.</p>", "<p>Feed ingredients and fatty acid composition of the two experimental diets are shown in Table ##TAB##0##1## and ##TAB##3##4##, respectively. The dietary treatment (diets produced at Borgen Aktiemolle, Andebu, Norway) was identical except for fat source; regular butter (Tine butter, Oslo, Norway) or CLA+VA rich butter (Table ##TAB##3##4##). The CLA+VA butter was specially produced for this experiment from milk from dairy cows that were receiving a cereal based commercial feed concentrate (8 kg per day), grass dominated pasture with white clover and supplemented with sunflower oil (500 ml per day, containing 60% 18:2, Karlshamn AB, Karlshamn, Sweden). The CLA+VA rich butter contained 2.1 g c9,t11-CLA and and 6.3 g VA per 100 g fat. The regular butter contained 0.6 g c9,t11-CLA and 1.5 g VA per 100 g fat. The average daily intake of c9,t11-CLA and VA in the CLA+VA treatment group was 5.0 g c9,t11-CLA, 15.1 g VA and in the REG group: 1.3 g c9,t11-CLA, 3.6 g VA.</p>", "<title>Study designs</title>", "<p>The experimental period lasted for three weeks. Twelve pigs were randomized into two groups (n = 6) and individually fed one of two diets; CLA+VA or REG. The pigs were weighed once every week and amount of feed was adjusted according to body weight. At feeding time, pigs were restrained in an individual feeding stall for about 1/2 h, and feed intake was recorded.</p>", "<p>Blood samples were obtained by vena cava puncture at the start and at the end of the experiment. Blood samples were taken after an overnight fasting in Na-heparin-, EDTA- and empty vacuum tubes. Blood samples were immediately chilled on ice. Plasma and serum were obtained by low speed centrifugation for 20 min at 1700 g. Plasma, serum and whole blood (heparin blood) were frozen and kept at -80°C until analyzed.</p>", "<title>Fatty acid analyses</title>", "<p>Fatty acid composition in serum, feed concentrate, palm oil and butter were determined by gas chromatography. Lipids were extracted according to Folch et al. [##REF##13428781##26##]. For lipid extraction from serum a modified method was used: 0.2 ml serum was mixed with 0.3 ml 0.5 M KH<sub>2 </sub>PO<sub>4</sub>, 1.5 ml chloroform and 0.5 ml methanol. After centrifugation at 1700 g for 10 minutes, the lower phase was transferred to new tubes, the solvents were evaporated by N<sub>2</sub>, and lipids resolved in heptane. Fat from serum and diet were methylated by the method described by Kramer et al. [##REF##9397408##27##], using both sodium methoxide and methanolic HCl 3N (Supelco, PA, USA). Subsequently, the fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed using a Finnigan Focus gas chromatograph with a 100 m capillary column (CP Sil 88 WCOT, 100-m × 0.25 mm, Chrompack, Middelburg, Netherland). Peak areas of fatty acids were used to calculate the amount of fatty acids (g/100 g fat) by theoretical response factors [##REF##14245463##28##]. Standard fatty acids of known composition were run to identify the fatty acids in the samples. Plasma control samples were extracted, methylated and analysed by every 10<sup>th </sup>sample.</p>", "<title>Plasma analyses</title>", "<p>The heparin-plasma analyses were carried out on a Cobas Mira autoanalyzer using the following kits: nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) (NEFA C ACS-ACOD method. Wako Chemicals, VA, USA), triacylglycerol (Triglycerides 100, ABX diagnostics, Montpellier, France), total cholesterol (Cholesterol 100–250, ABX diagnostics, Montpellier, France), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol direct, ABX diagnostics, Montpellier, France) and glucose (Glucose HK 125 kit, ABX diagnostics, Montpellier, France). Low density lipoptotein-(LDL) cholesterol was calculated using the Friedewald equation [##REF##4337382##29##]. The interassay coefficients of variation were the following: total cholesterol 2%, HDL-cholesterol 5%, triacylglycerols 3%, NEFA 2.5%.</p>", "<p>LDL particle size distribution was determined by gradient gel electrophoresis as described by Sjogren et al. [##REF##15226461##5##]. Briefly, a lipoprotein-rich fraction (containing very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) to LDL) was isolated from freshly thawed EDTA-plasma by adjusting the density to 1.070 kg/L and subsequent ultracentrifugation (142500 g for 22 h, 4°C). Recovery of total plasma apoB was 77 ± 12% (n = 8). The lipoprotein-rich fraction was applied to a 3–7.5% polyacrylamide gel together with standard lipoproteins (isolated human Lp(a) and LDL) and proteins (thyroglobulin mono- and dimer, Pharmacia, LKB, Stockholm, Sweden) of known size and run for 20 h at 80 V. Gels were stained for protein (0.04% Coomassie Brilliant Blue, Serva, Heidelberg, Germany) and analyzed using a Fuji LAS-1000 system and Image Gauge software to give peak particle size of LDL and relative distribution of LDL in predefined subfractions with cut-offs: LDL-I (27.0–25.0 nm), LDL-II (25.0–23.5 nm), LDL-III (23.5–22.5 nm) and LDL-IV (22.5–21.0 nm), corresponding to densities of 1.006–1.030, 1.030–1.040, 1.040–1.050 and 1.050–1.063 kg/L, respectively. A density of 1.040 kg/L is a classic boundary for dividing LDL into large and small particles [##REF##10521372##30##] rendering LDL subclasses III and IV as small dense LDL with this method.</p>", "<title>Statistical methods</title>", "<p>The results of the plasma and serum analyses are presented as mean values, and standard deviation and p-values are given. Data were analyzed by using the statistical package in Microsoft Office Excel, 2003, using TTEST, two-tailed distribution and two-sample equal variance.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and discussion</title>", "<title>Feed intake and weight gain</title>", "<p>In the present study, there were no significant differences in the feed intake (in average 1.65 kg and 1.67 kg per day), weight gain (17.9 kg and 18.4 kg) and final body weight (61.2 kg and 61.9 kg) in the REG and CLA+VA treatment groups, respectively (data not shown). The CLA isomer involved in decreasing body fat is the t10,c12-CLA isomer, but there are no concluding evidence of such effects of the c9,t11-CLA isomer [##REF##10230717##15##,##REF##15159259##16##].</p>", "<title>Fatty acid (FA) composition of diets</title>", "<p>The CLA+VA rich butter diet differed from the regular butter diet with a higher concentrations of c9,t11-CLA, VA, oleic acid (18:1,9c), linoleic (18:2) and α-linolenic acid (18:3), and less 10:0, 12:0, myristic acid and palmitic acid (Table ##TAB##0##1##). This diet provided daily 5.0 g CLA and 15.1 g VA, and the intake of these two fatty acids was about four times higher in the CLA+VA dietary treatment compared to the REG dietary treatment. Intake of CLA+VA as percent of average body weight was about 0.04% in the CLA+VA treatment group, and 0.01% in the REG group. Alpha-linolenic acid was about 30% higher and palmitic and myristic acid about 25% lower in the CLA+VA diet compared to REG.</p>", "<p>To provide a high intake of natural CLA and VA, the experimental diets were rich in fat; 19% fat in both diets, giving as much as 46% of the energy (E%) from fat. The pigs liked the diets, and in accordance to others [##UREF##0##17##] pigs tolerated well a high fat diet.</p>", "<title>Serum fatty acids</title>", "<p>At the start of the experiment there were no differences between the two experimental groups in the concentration of different FA in serum (data not shown). In contrast, at the end of the study it was significant differences between the diet groups in concentration of several serum FA (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>The main FA in serum are palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid, together accounting for about 70% of total FA (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Pigs fed the CLA+VA diet had a 3.4 fold higher serum concentrations of c9,t11-CLA plus VA compared to the REG diet group. Alpha-linolenic acid was 25% higher, and myristic and palmitic acid was 25% and 15% lower in the serum of CLA+VA compared to the REG dietary treatment (Table ##TAB##1##2##). The mirroring effect of dietary FA on serum FA is in accordance to several studies [##REF##15226461##5##,##REF##8869887##18##,##REF##9925119##19##]. The favourable increased serum concentrations of the omega-3 fatty acid α-linolenic acid and the decrease in the saturated palmitic and myristic acids may indicate that the CLA+VA rich butter can have a positive role in the western diet.</p>", "<title>Plasma cholesterol, triacylglycerol and lipoproteins</title>", "<p>At the start of the study, no differences between the groups were observed for plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, sdLDL subclass particle diameter, the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol, free fatty acids and triacylglycerol.</p>", "<p>The dietary fatty acids in the CLA+VA treatment were more favourable than in the REG diet; i.e. more oleic acid (18:1c9), linoleic acid (18:2 n-6), and α-linolenic acid (18:3 n-3), c9,t11-CLA and less myrisitc acid (14:0) and palmitic acid (16:0) [##REF##12915326##20##] (Table ##TAB##0##1##). In spite of intake of the more favourable fatty acids in the CLA+VA treatment group, the plasma concentration of recognized risk markers for atherosclerosis such as total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, sdLDL, the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol did not decrease, and HDL-cholesterol was not increased (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The lack of response of CLA+VA enriched butter on lipoprotein profiles is in accordance to a human study [##REF##16600923##9##]. It is also shown no response on plasma lipoproteins in growing pigs fed diets containing unsaturated plant fatty acids compared to saturated animal fat [##REF##1729460##21##]. In the present experiment the two types of butter differed in several fatty acids. Butter contains numerous fatty acids in minor amounts that may have potential bioactive effects on lipid metabolism. The CLA+VA butter contained a high concentration of VA. The intake of VA was considerable in the CLA+VA group; 15.1 g per day compared to 3.6 g per day in REG treatment group. Vaccenic acid is a substrate for c9,t11-CLA in the animals own tissue, and in this way it is desirable [##REF##12197992##11##], but trans fatty acids in general has been attributed to increased plasma cholesterol and also other pathogenetic factors [##REF##12915326##20##,##REF##16713394##22##]. Given the high dosage of VA supplied daily in the CLA+VA diet, it can not be excluded that VA might have had opposite effects on plasma lipoproteins than CLA and other desirable fatty acids. It has been reported by others that the natural combination of CLA and VA had no detrimental effect on the blood lipid profile in humans [##REF##16600923##9##]. The fact that the high intake (about 20 g per day for pigs weighing in average about 50 kg) of CLA+VA in combination improved serum fatty acid profile and did not have an unfavorable effect of plasma lipoproteins can stimulate to new strategies to develop natural CLA+VA rich dairy products.</p>", "<p>Milk products have been shown to have an apparently beneficial effect on LDL particle size distribution (giving less of the sdLDL) [##REF##15226461##5##]. From the Framingham Offspring Study [##REF##1450174##23##] it has been shown that subjects with a high intake of certain saturated fatty acids (4:0–10:0 and myristic acid) abundantly found in milk products, have lowered levels of sdLDL. Other has shown that saturated fatty acids (especially myristic- and palmitic acid) may affect the distribution of the LDL particles, giving more of the large LDLs [##REF##9583838##24##]. The REG diet contained more 10:0, myrisitic and palmitic acid, but no improvement in LDL particle size was observed in the REG diet group.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and discussion</title>", "<title>Feed intake and weight gain</title>", "<p>In the present study, there were no significant differences in the feed intake (in average 1.65 kg and 1.67 kg per day), weight gain (17.9 kg and 18.4 kg) and final body weight (61.2 kg and 61.9 kg) in the REG and CLA+VA treatment groups, respectively (data not shown). The CLA isomer involved in decreasing body fat is the t10,c12-CLA isomer, but there are no concluding evidence of such effects of the c9,t11-CLA isomer [##REF##10230717##15##,##REF##15159259##16##].</p>", "<title>Fatty acid (FA) composition of diets</title>", "<p>The CLA+VA rich butter diet differed from the regular butter diet with a higher concentrations of c9,t11-CLA, VA, oleic acid (18:1,9c), linoleic (18:2) and α-linolenic acid (18:3), and less 10:0, 12:0, myristic acid and palmitic acid (Table ##TAB##0##1##). This diet provided daily 5.0 g CLA and 15.1 g VA, and the intake of these two fatty acids was about four times higher in the CLA+VA dietary treatment compared to the REG dietary treatment. Intake of CLA+VA as percent of average body weight was about 0.04% in the CLA+VA treatment group, and 0.01% in the REG group. Alpha-linolenic acid was about 30% higher and palmitic and myristic acid about 25% lower in the CLA+VA diet compared to REG.</p>", "<p>To provide a high intake of natural CLA and VA, the experimental diets were rich in fat; 19% fat in both diets, giving as much as 46% of the energy (E%) from fat. The pigs liked the diets, and in accordance to others [##UREF##0##17##] pigs tolerated well a high fat diet.</p>", "<title>Serum fatty acids</title>", "<p>At the start of the experiment there were no differences between the two experimental groups in the concentration of different FA in serum (data not shown). In contrast, at the end of the study it was significant differences between the diet groups in concentration of several serum FA (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>The main FA in serum are palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid, together accounting for about 70% of total FA (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Pigs fed the CLA+VA diet had a 3.4 fold higher serum concentrations of c9,t11-CLA plus VA compared to the REG diet group. Alpha-linolenic acid was 25% higher, and myristic and palmitic acid was 25% and 15% lower in the serum of CLA+VA compared to the REG dietary treatment (Table ##TAB##1##2##). The mirroring effect of dietary FA on serum FA is in accordance to several studies [##REF##15226461##5##,##REF##8869887##18##,##REF##9925119##19##]. The favourable increased serum concentrations of the omega-3 fatty acid α-linolenic acid and the decrease in the saturated palmitic and myristic acids may indicate that the CLA+VA rich butter can have a positive role in the western diet.</p>", "<title>Plasma cholesterol, triacylglycerol and lipoproteins</title>", "<p>At the start of the study, no differences between the groups were observed for plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol, sdLDL subclass particle diameter, the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol, free fatty acids and triacylglycerol.</p>", "<p>The dietary fatty acids in the CLA+VA treatment were more favourable than in the REG diet; i.e. more oleic acid (18:1c9), linoleic acid (18:2 n-6), and α-linolenic acid (18:3 n-3), c9,t11-CLA and less myrisitc acid (14:0) and palmitic acid (16:0) [##REF##12915326##20##] (Table ##TAB##0##1##). In spite of intake of the more favourable fatty acids in the CLA+VA treatment group, the plasma concentration of recognized risk markers for atherosclerosis such as total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, sdLDL, the ratio between total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol did not decrease, and HDL-cholesterol was not increased (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The lack of response of CLA+VA enriched butter on lipoprotein profiles is in accordance to a human study [##REF##16600923##9##]. It is also shown no response on plasma lipoproteins in growing pigs fed diets containing unsaturated plant fatty acids compared to saturated animal fat [##REF##1729460##21##]. In the present experiment the two types of butter differed in several fatty acids. Butter contains numerous fatty acids in minor amounts that may have potential bioactive effects on lipid metabolism. The CLA+VA butter contained a high concentration of VA. The intake of VA was considerable in the CLA+VA group; 15.1 g per day compared to 3.6 g per day in REG treatment group. Vaccenic acid is a substrate for c9,t11-CLA in the animals own tissue, and in this way it is desirable [##REF##12197992##11##], but trans fatty acids in general has been attributed to increased plasma cholesterol and also other pathogenetic factors [##REF##12915326##20##,##REF##16713394##22##]. Given the high dosage of VA supplied daily in the CLA+VA diet, it can not be excluded that VA might have had opposite effects on plasma lipoproteins than CLA and other desirable fatty acids. It has been reported by others that the natural combination of CLA and VA had no detrimental effect on the blood lipid profile in humans [##REF##16600923##9##]. The fact that the high intake (about 20 g per day for pigs weighing in average about 50 kg) of CLA+VA in combination improved serum fatty acid profile and did not have an unfavorable effect of plasma lipoproteins can stimulate to new strategies to develop natural CLA+VA rich dairy products.</p>", "<p>Milk products have been shown to have an apparently beneficial effect on LDL particle size distribution (giving less of the sdLDL) [##REF##15226461##5##]. From the Framingham Offspring Study [##REF##1450174##23##] it has been shown that subjects with a high intake of certain saturated fatty acids (4:0–10:0 and myristic acid) abundantly found in milk products, have lowered levels of sdLDL. Other has shown that saturated fatty acids (especially myristic- and palmitic acid) may affect the distribution of the LDL particles, giving more of the large LDLs [##REF##9583838##24##]. The REG diet contained more 10:0, myrisitic and palmitic acid, but no improvement in LDL particle size was observed in the REG diet group.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>A diet containing natural CLA+VA enriched butter resulted in increased serum concentrations of CLA, vaccenic acid and α-linolenic acid, and reduced concentration of myristic and palmitic acid in pigs compared to a diet containing regular butter, indicating a potential health benefit of the CLA+VA rich butter. However, no differences in plasma lipoproteins and LDL particle sizes were observed among the two dietary treatment groups following three weeks feeding. It is worth noting that a relatively high intake of the trans fatty acid VA did not result in a detrimental effect on the lipoprotein profile when it was in combination with c9,t11-CLA. Perhaps is the combination of fatty acids in milk fat one reason to the milk fat paradox?</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Cow milk is a natural source of the cis 9, trans 11 isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (c9,t11-CLA) and trans vaccenic acid (VA). These fatty acids may be considered as functional foods, and the concentration in milk can be increased by e.g. sunflower oil supplementation to the dairy cow feed.</p>", "<p>The objective of this study was to compare the effects of regular butter with a special butter naturally enriched in c9,t11-CLA and VA on plasma lipids in female growing pigs. The experimental period lasted for three weeks and the two diets provided daily either 5.0 g c9,t11-CLA plus 15.1 g VA or 1.3 g c9,t11-CLA plus 3.6 g VA.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>The serum concentrations of c9,t11-CLA, VA and alpha-linolenic acid were increased and myristic (14:0) and palmitic acid (16:0) were reduced in the pigs fed the CLA+VA-rich butter-diet compared to regular butter, but no differences in plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, LDL particle size distribution or total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol were observed among the two dietary treatment groups.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Growing pigs fed diets containing butter naturally enriched in about 20 g c9,t11-CLA plus VA daily for three weeks, had increased serum concentrations of alpha-linolenic acid and decreased myristic and palmitic acid compared to pigs fed regular butter, implying a potential benefit of the CLA+VA butter on serum fatty acid composition. Butter enriched in CLA+VA does not appear to have significant effect on the plasma lipoprotein profile in pigs.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>AH, PS, NH, NPK, OT, NF, HM, ASB, ES–O and OMH have made substantive intellectual contributions to the study concerning conception and design, acquisition of data and analyses and interpretation of the data.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We are grateful to Tine BA, Oslo, Norway for support and providing the butter and funds for the laboratory analyses in this study, several researchers at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences for spending time working with the study and writing the manuscript, personnel working at the animal unit (SHF) for conducting the feeding experiments, staff at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway for taking blood samples, the staff working at the laboratories at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences for blood analyses and the research staff at Karolinske Institutet, Sweden for providing the LDL particle size analyses.</p>", "<p>The sources of funding in study design and practical work, manuscript preparation and interpretation of data for each author in the study: AH, NH, NPK, HM, OT, OMH: Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway, PS: Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, ASB and ESO; Tine AB, Norway.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Fatty acid composition of the diets, (g/100 g fatty acid methyl ester).</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Fatty acid</td><td align=\"right\">REG<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"right\">CLA+VA<sup>b</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">10:0</td><td align=\"right\">2.43</td><td align=\"right\">1.61</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">12:0</td><td align=\"right\">2.88</td><td align=\"right\">2.13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">14:0</td><td align=\"right\">10.32</td><td align=\"right\">8.02</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">14:1</td><td align=\"right\">0.93</td><td align=\"right\">0.79</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">16:0</td><td align=\"right\">28.09</td><td align=\"right\">20.84</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">16:1</td><td align=\"right\">1.65</td><td align=\"right\">1.13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:0</td><td align=\"right\">11.09</td><td align=\"right\">10.75</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:1 t11</td><td align=\"right\">1.36</td><td align=\"right\">5.62</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:1 9c</td><td align=\"right\">22.03</td><td align=\"right\">25.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:2 n-6</td><td align=\"right\">7.09</td><td align=\"right\">9.21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:3 n-3</td><td align=\"right\">1.13</td><td align=\"right\">1.51</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">c9,t11-CLA</td><td align=\"right\">0.53</td><td align=\"right\">1.85</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">20:4 n-6</td><td align=\"right\">0.07</td><td align=\"right\">0.09</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">20:5 n-3</td><td align=\"right\">0.07</td><td align=\"right\">0.10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">22:5 n-3</td><td align=\"right\">0.07</td><td align=\"right\">0.07</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">22:6 n-3</td><td align=\"right\">0.02</td><td align=\"right\">0.05</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sum<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"right\">89.80</td><td align=\"right\">88.88</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Overall means in serum fatty acid concentration (g/100 g fatty acid methyl ester)<sup>a</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Fatty acid</td><td align=\"center\">REG<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">CLA+VA<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"left\"><italic>p</italic></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">10:0</td><td align=\"center\">0.17 ± 0.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.12 ± 0.03</td><td align=\"left\">0.08</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">12:0</td><td align=\"center\">0.67 ± 0.44</td><td align=\"center\">0.54 ± 0.13</td><td align=\"left\">0.52</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">14:0</td><td align=\"center\">1.36 ± 0.31</td><td align=\"center\">1.03 ± 0.12</td><td align=\"left\">0.04*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">14:1</td><td align=\"center\">0.32 ± 0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.28 ± 0.05</td><td align=\"left\">0.18</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">16:0</td><td align=\"center\">20.1 ± 0.90</td><td align=\"center\">17.1 ± 0.75</td><td align=\"left\">&lt;0.01*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">16:1</td><td align=\"center\">1.02 ± 0.17</td><td align=\"center\">0.89 ± 0.13</td><td align=\"left\">0.16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:0</td><td align=\"center\">16.3 ± 1.6</td><td align=\"center\">14.6 ± 0.9</td><td align=\"left\">0.054</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:1 9c</td><td align=\"center\">16.2 ± 1.7</td><td align=\"center\">16.2 ± 0.3</td><td align=\"left\">0.98</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:2 n-6</td><td align=\"center\">20.0 ± 1.3</td><td align=\"center\">21.6 ± 2.4</td><td align=\"left\">0.20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:3 n-3</td><td align=\"center\">0.81 ± 0.13</td><td align=\"center\">1.02 ± 0.09</td><td align=\"left\">0.01*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">18:1 t11</td><td align=\"center\">0.27 ± 0.05</td><td align=\"center\">1.09 ± 0.18</td><td align=\"left\">&lt;0.01*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">c9,t11-CLA</td><td align=\"center\">0.28 ± 0.08</td><td align=\"center\">0.80 ± 0.07</td><td align=\"left\">&lt;0.01*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">20:4 n-6</td><td align=\"center\">8.2 ± 1.0</td><td align=\"center\">8.1 ± 0.4</td><td align=\"left\">0.89</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">20:5 n-3</td><td align=\"center\">1.49 ± 0.19</td><td align=\"center\">1.46 ± 0.06</td><td align=\"left\">0.65</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">22:5 n-3</td><td align=\"center\">1.41 ± 0.15</td><td align=\"center\">1.47 ± 0.19</td><td align=\"left\">0.57</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">22:6 n-3</td><td align=\"center\">1.74 ± 0.34</td><td align=\"center\">1.46 ± 0.17</td><td align=\"left\">0.10</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Plasma lipids, lipoproteins and percent distribution of LDL-particles LDL-I, LDL-II, LDL-III and LDL-IV<sup>a</sup></p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">REG<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">CLA+VA<sup>c</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Triglyceride</td><td align=\"center\">0.43 ± 0.07</td><td align=\"center\">0.46 ± 0.13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total cholesterol mmol/l</td><td align=\"center\">3.61 ± 0.5</td><td align=\"center\">3.50 ± 0.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">HDL cholesterol mmol/l</td><td align=\"center\">1.44 ± 0.17</td><td align=\"center\">1.32 ± 0.21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LDL cholesterol (calculated)</td><td align=\"center\">1.98 ± 0.37</td><td align=\"center\">1.97 ± 0.33</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol</td><td align=\"center\">2.51 ± 0.15</td><td align=\"center\">2.65 ± 0.28</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LDL cholesterol/HDL cholesterol</td><td align=\"center\">1.38 ± 0.15</td><td align=\"center\">1.49 ± 0.28</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LDL peak size (Å)</td><td align=\"center\">243 ± 3.6</td><td align=\"center\">243 ± 3.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Percent distribution<sup>d</sup></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LDL-I (%)</td><td align=\"center\">21.7 ± 7.1</td><td align=\"center\">25.0 ± 4.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LDL-II (%)</td><td align=\"center\">47.5 ± 3.4</td><td align=\"center\">44.9 ± 1.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LDL-III (%)</td><td align=\"center\">20.5 ± 4.2</td><td align=\"center\">18.5 ± 3.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LDL-IV (%)</td><td align=\"center\">8.0 ± 1.8</td><td align=\"center\">9.2 ± 1.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Nonesterified fatty acids mmol/l</td><td align=\"center\">0.48 ± 0.18</td><td align=\"center\">0.41 ± 0.09</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Composition of experimental diets, (g per 100 g dry feed).</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">REG<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">CLA+VA<sup>b</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Ingredients</italic></td><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Regular butter-fat</td><td align=\"center\">16.16</td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CLA rich butter-fat</td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">16.16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Oat</td><td align=\"center\">6.04</td><td align=\"center\">6.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Wheat bran</td><td align=\"center\">39.7</td><td align=\"center\">39.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Soybean meal</td><td align=\"center\">19.15</td><td align=\"center\">19.15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rapeseed meal</td><td align=\"center\">3.97</td><td align=\"center\">3.97</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sugarbeet pulp</td><td align=\"center\">10.3</td><td align=\"center\">10.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ground limestone</td><td align=\"center\">1.36</td><td align=\"center\">1.36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Monocalciumphosphate</td><td align=\"center\">1.20</td><td align=\"center\">1.20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Sodium chloride</td><td align=\"center\">0.46</td><td align=\"center\">0.46</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">SoftAcid</td><td align=\"center\">0.88</td><td align=\"center\">0.88</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Microminerals, swine<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">0.08</td><td align=\"center\">0.08</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">L-lysine</td><td align=\"center\">0.27</td><td align=\"center\">0.27</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DL-methionine</td><td align=\"center\">0.16</td><td align=\"center\">0.16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">L-threonine</td><td align=\"center\">0.115</td><td align=\"center\">0.115</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">D-cholinechloride</td><td align=\"center\">0.063</td><td align=\"center\">0.063</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Vitaminpremix swine<sup>d</sup></td><td align=\"center\">0.053</td><td align=\"center\">0.053</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a</sup>Diet with regular butter as fat supplement</p><p><sup>b</sup>Diet with CLA+VA rich butter as fat supplement</p><p><sup>c </sup>Butter contains several unidentified fatty acids in small amounts (areal percent less than 0.5%).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a</sup>Values given as mean ± SD, and p-values, n = 6.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Diet containing regular butter as fat supplement</p><p><sup>c</sup>Diet containing CLA+VA rich butter as fat supplement</p><p>* p &lt; 0.05.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a</sup>Values given as mean ± SD, n = 6.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Diet containing regular butter as fat supplement</p><p><sup>c</sup>Diet containing CLA+VA rich butter as fat supplement</p><p><sup>d </sup>Represents the proportions of LDL-I, 27.0–25.0 nm; LDL-II, 25.0–23.5 nm; LDL-III, 23.5–22.5 nm; LDL-IV, 22.5–21.0 nm.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a</sup>Diet with regular butter as fat supplement</p><p><sup>b</sup>Diet with a special CLA+VA rich butter as fat supplement</p><p><sup>c</sup>Vitamins,: Providing the following amounts per kg of feed: Vitamin A 9000 IU; Vitamin D<sub>3 </sub>1100 IU; Vitamin E 110 mg; Vitamin K<sub>3 </sub>2 mg; Thiamin 2 mg; Riboflavin 5 mg; Vitamin B<sub>6 </sub>3 mg; Vitamin B<sub>12 </sub>22 ug; Pantothenic acid 18 mg; Niacin 22 mg; Biotin 0.2 mg; Folate 1.5 mg.</p><p><sup>d</sup>Microminerals: Providing the following amounts per kg of feed: Zn 112 mg; Fe 80 mg; Mn 60 mg; Cu 16 mg; I 1 mg; Se 0.4 mg.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[{"surname": ["Leibbrandt", "Ewan", "Speer", "Zimmerman"], "given-names": ["VD", "RC", "VC", "DR"], "article-title": ["Effect of age and calorie: Protein ratio on performance and body composition of baby pigs"], "source": ["J Animal Sci"], "year": ["1975"], "volume": ["40"], "fpage": ["1070"], "lpage": ["76"]}, {"collab": ["NRC"], "source": ["Nutrient requirements of swine"], "year": ["1988"], "edition": ["9"], "publisher-name": ["National Academy Press, Washington, D.C"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
Lipids Health Dis. 2008 Aug 29; 7:31
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by slowly progressive degeneration of DA neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta, with subsequent damage of nerve terminals accompanied by dopamine (DA) depletion in the striatum [##REF##15894425##1##]. Although the neuropathological hallmarks of PD are well described, the etiology remains still undefined. However, accumulative evidences revealed many biochemical processes and molecular mechanisms as mediators of neuronal cell death in PD. Notably oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction might be an important pillar of pathogenesis of PD [##REF##11403877##2##].</p>", "<p>6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is widely used for experimental models of PD [##REF##3086766##3##]. It damages cells with dopaminergic neuronal attribute, including human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y [##REF##11462787##4##], PC12 cells derived from rat pheochromocytoma [##REF##11747313##5##] and rat ventral mesencephalic neurons [##REF##15526553##6##]. Furthermore, it is also a specific neurotoxin for DA neurons <italic>in vivo </italic>[##REF##11403877##2##,##REF##7623159##7##]. Intracellular lipids, proteins or DNA are damaged with consequent impairment of cell function induced by 6-OHDA. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation with subsequent energy deprivation and excrement of 6-OHDA-auto-oxidation, including quinones and hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) are deeply involved in the cytotoxic processes [##REF##3139267##8##]. As above described, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress might play important roles in the pathogenesis of PD [##REF##11403877##2##], thus indicating that the experimental model using 6-OHDA might have essential mechanisms in common with PD. Furthermore, anti-oxidant agents, such as catalase, vitamin E, N-acetyl cysteine, ascorbic acid and pyruvate might exert neuroprotection for 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons [##REF##12603830##9##].</p>", "<p>Edaravone (3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one) is a potent scavenger of hydroxyl radicals, and is useful for patients suffering from ischemic stroke [##REF##9152402##10##,##REF##15542075##11##], with the involvement of peroxidation leading to neuronal cell death [##REF##11848682##12##]. Neuroprotective effects of edaravone are explored using head trauma [##REF##17115943##13##] and spinal cord ischemia [##REF##15276530##14##]. Recent study demonstrated that edaravone suppress the production of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species by activated microglia [##REF##15695167##15##]. In both cerebral ischemia and PD, free radicals might be one of the critical pathogenesis which accelerates progression of disease. These results suggest that edaravone might have neuroprotective effects on 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons and might on slowly degenerated DA neurons in PD patients through anti-oxidative mechanisms.</p>", "<p>In this study, first we explored the neuroprotective effects of edaravone on 6-OHDA-induced toxicity against murine ventral mesencephalic (VM) cell cultures and the underlying mechanisms. After confirming the effects <italic>in vitro</italic>, edaravone was intravenously administered to 6-OHDA-lesioned PD model of rats and evaluated behaviorally and immunohistochemically.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title><italic>In vitro </italic>model of Parkinson's disease</title>", "<title>Cell preparation</title>", "<p>Murine DA neurons were cultured as described previously with minor modifications [##REF##15066146##16##]. Tissue blocks of the ventral mesencephalon containing DA neurons were dissected from murine embryo (C57/B6) on day 14 of gestation after cervical dislocation with consequent trituration into single cell suspension. Cells were plated in mixed hormone MEM (MHM) supplemented with 1% fetal bovine serum at a density of 1 × 10<sup>5 </sup>cells/well on poly-<sc>D</sc>-ornithine and fibronectin-coated glass slides in 24-well plates (Nunc, Frankfurt, FRG). Cultures were maintained at 37 degrees C in an atmosphere of 5% CO<sub>2 </sub>plus 95% air and with 100% relative humidity. Forty-eight hours after initial plating, the medium was exchanged and the cells were used for the further experiments. The average number of mesencephalic neurons was 0.42 ± 0.07 × 10<sup>5 </sup>cells/well at the beginning of the experiment with TH-immunoreactivity in 37 ± 12% of total cells.</p>", "<title>Administration of 6-OHDA and edaravone</title>", "<p>Edaravone (MCI-186, 3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one) was kindly provided from Mitsubishi Pharma (Japan). It was dissolved in 0.5 ml of 1 N NaOH and 8 ml of distilled water, and adjusted to pH 7 by addition of 1 N HCl. At 48 hours after the initial plating, the cultured cells were exposed to 40 μ<sc>M</sc> 6-OHDA (Sigma) or PBS for 30 minutes, and then added 10<sup>-6</sup>, 10<sup>-5</sup>, 10<sup>-4 </sup>or 10<sup>-3 </sup>M edaravone, or saline as a control at 37 degrees C. The cells were incubated for 18 hours and developed to immunocytochemical investigations.</p>", "<title>Immunocytochemistry</title>", "<p>Cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) for 30 minutes and then washed three times for 5 minutes in PBS. They were incubated overnight at 4 degrees C with an antibody directed against tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, rabbit polyclonal IgG, 1: 500, Chemicon) with 10% normal goat serum (Vector). After several rinses in PBS, cells were incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes in sheep anti-rabbit IgG FITC conjugate (1: 500, Sigma) and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dilactate (DAPI, 1: 500, Molecular Probes). The cells were then washed three times in PBS and mounted on albumin-coated slides and embedded with cover glass. After photographically captured, immunoreactive neurons were counted per high power field view selected at random (n = 3 in each well, 10,000 μm<sup>2</sup>). Six wells were assigned to each group for statistical analyses. Control studies involved exclusion of primary antibody substituted with 10% normal goat serum in PBS. No immunoreactivity was observed in these controls.</p>", "<title>TUNEL staining and HEt staining</title>", "<p>In order to explore the involvement of apoptosis in this study, a modified method for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated biotinylated UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL, Roche) and DAPI staining was also used. After edaravone (10<sup>-6</sup>-10<sup>-3 </sup>M) or saline were administered into separate series of 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons, cells were fixed at 18 hours as described in the previous section. TUNEL staining was performed according to the manufacturer's instruction.</p>", "<p>In order to detect the early production of superoxide anions after 6-OHDA addition, hydroethidine (HEt), selectively oxidized to ehidium by superoxide anions, was used. HEt (1 mg/ml in PBS) was administered to 6-OHDA-treated DA neuronal cell culture at 0, 10, 20 or 30 minutes after edaravone- or saline- administration. After 5-minute incubation with HEt, the cells were washed 3 times in PBS, fixed with PFA, washed with PBS containing DAPI and finally embedded with cover glass. The cells were observed using a fluorescent microscope at an excitation of 355 nm and an emission of 450 nm for HEt and stained cells were counted as described above [##REF##16624953##17##].</p>", "<title><italic>In vivo </italic>model of Parkinson's disease</title>", "<title>Subjects</title>", "<p>We used adult female Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River, Japan) weighing 250–300 g at the beginning of the experiment, according to approved guidelines of the institutional animal care and use committee of Okayama University. They were housed two per cage in a temperature and humidity controlled room, maintained on a 12-hour light/dark cycle, and they had free access to food and water.</p>", "<title>Surgical procedures</title>", "<p>Seventy eight rats were deeply anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg, i.p.) and placed in a stereotaxic instrument (Narishige, Japan). After pre-treatment of desipramine (25 mg/kg, i,p., Sigma), 20 μg of 6-OHDA (4 μl of 5 μg/μl dissolved in saline containing 0.2 mg/ml ascorbic acid; Sigma) was injected into the right striatum with a 28-gauge Hamilton syringe into the following coordinates: 1.0 mm anterior to the bregma, 3.0 mm lateral to the sagittal suture, and 5.0 mm ventral to the surface of the brain with tooth-bar set at 0 mm [##UREF##0##18##]. The injection rate was 1 μl/minute, and the syringe was left in place for an additional 5 minutes before being retracted slowly (1 mm/minute). At 30 minutes or 24 hours after 6-OHDA lesion, 30, 100, or 250 mg/kg of edaravone or saline (2 ml) were intravenously administered slowly from the right femoral vein.</p>", "<title>Behavioral testing</title>", "<p>All rats were tested with amphetamine (2.5 mg/kg, Dainippon-Seiyaku, Japan) at 1 and 2 weeks after 6-OHDA lesion, and rotational behaviors were assessed for 60 minutes with a video camera. Full 360 degrees turns in the direction ipsilateral to the lesion were counted.</p>", "<title>Fixation and Sectioning</title>", "<p>At 2 weeks after 6-OHDA lesion, rats were deeply anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (100 mg/kg), perfused from the ascending aorta with 200 ml of cold PBS, followed by 100 ml of 4% PFA in PBS. Brains were removed and post-fixed in the same fixative for 2 days followed by 30% sucrose in phosphate buffer (PB) until to be sunk completely. Six series of coronal sections were cut at a thickness of 40 μm with a freezing microtome and stored at -20 degrees C.</p>", "<title>Immunohistochemistry</title>", "<p>Free floating sections for TH immunohistochemistry were blocked by 0.3% hydroxygen peroxide in methanol for 3 minutes with subsequent incubation in 1.5% normal goat serum (Vector). Sections were then incubated overnight at 4 degrees C with rabbit anti-TH (1: 1,000; Chemicon) antibody with 10% normal goat serum. After several rinses in PBS, sections were incubated for 30 minutes in biotinylated donkey anti-rabbit IgG (1: 1,000, Jackson) then for 30 minutes in avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (1: 200, Vector). Subsequently the sections were treated with 3, 4-diaminobenzidine (DAB, Sigma) and hydroxygen peroxide, mounted on albumin-coated slides and embedded with cover glass.</p>", "<p>TUNEL and HEt staining were also performed to investigate the involvement of anti-apoptotic effects and radical scavenging activity of edaravone using 14 rats receiving saline or 250 mg/kg of edaravone-administration at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesioning and sacrificed at 5 days after 6-OHDA lesioning. Furthermore, in order to reveal the effects of edaravone on the inflammation induced by 6-OHDA-administration, immunofluorescent Iba-1 staining was also performed. Rabbit anti-Iba-1 antibody (1: 100, Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan) was used as the primary antibody and Alexa Fluor 594 (Molecular Probes) as the secondary antibody.</p>", "<title>Morphological analysis</title>", "<p>The density of TH-positive fibers and Iba-1-positive microglia in the striatum of rats receiving edaravone- or saline-infusion was determined and analyzed as described previously with a computerized analysis system (Olympus Sp-1000, Japan) [##REF##15066146##16##,##REF##2307201##19##] using 3 serial coronal section at the bregma level. Two areas adjacent to the needle tract of lesioned side and symmetrical contralateral side were analyzed, respectively. For counting the number of TH-positive neurons, every fifth 40 μm-thick coronal tissue section through the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) was explored using 3 coronal sections respectively at -4.8 and -5.3 mm to the bregma. The number of TH-positive cell bodies in the SNc was counted and used for the statistical analyses.</p>", "<title>Statistical Analysis</title>", "<p>The data obtained were evaluated statistically using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and subsequent post hoc Scheffe's <italic>F</italic>-test or Mann-Whitney's U test. Statistical significance was preset at p &lt; 0.05.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Edaravone promotes the survival of DA neurons <italic>in vitro</italic></title>", "<p>We began our investigations into the neuroprotective capacity of edaravone on 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons <italic>in vitro</italic>. Exposure of 40 μM 6-OHDA resulted in a significant loss of TH-positive neurons to 30.2 ± 2.5% relative to the unexposed control (Fig. ##FIG##0##1##). Edaravone-administration (10<sup>-4 </sup>and 10<sup>-3 </sup>M) significantly reduced the loss of DA neurons induced by 6-OHDA (81.1 ± 3.5 and 73.6 ± 2.4%), compared to the 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons with 0, 10<sup>-6 </sup>and 10<sup>-5 </sup>M edaravone, although 10<sup>-6 </sup>and 10<sup>-5 </sup>M edaravone did not exert significant reduction of the cell loss (35.4 ± 1.9 and 35.8 ± 1.7%, One way ANOVA, F<sub>5, 102 </sub>= 125, p &lt; 0.0001, Fig. ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<p>In order to determine that edaravone suppressed cell death through apoptosis, DA neurons were exposed to 40 μM 6-OHDA and then added 10<sup>-6</sup>, 10<sup>-5</sup>, 10<sup>-4 </sup>or 10<sup>-3 </sup>M edaravone with subsequent counting the number of swelling apoptotic cells exhibiting agglutinated and fragmented TUNEL-positive nuclei. Edaravone treatment (10<sup>-3 </sup>M) significantly reduced the number of TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells to 60.9 ± 1.7 and 82.1 ± 0.8% relative to that of 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons without edaravone treatment, although 10<sup>-6 </sup>and 10<sup>-5 </sup>M did not suppress apoptosis (96.2 ± 0.7 and 97.3 ± 0.8%). 10<sup>-4 </sup>M edaravone significantly suppressed apoptosis of DA neurons, compared to 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons without edaravone treatment (One way ANOVA, F<sub>4, 45 </sub>= 48, p &lt; 0.0001, Fig. ##FIG##1##2##).</p>", "<p>In order to demonstrate the production of superoxide anions, HEt staining was performed. Edaravone treatment (10<sup>-3 </sup>M) significantly reduced the number of HEt-positive cells (21.5 ± 0.9, 29 ± 1.1, 31 ± 2.0, and 34 ± 1.7 cells/10,000 μm<sup>2 </sup>at 0, 10, 20, and 30 minutes after edaravone administration), compared to the untreated 6-OHDA-exposed cells (24.3 ± 1.7, 35.7 ± 1.7, 45.7 ± 3.3, and 62.5 ± 0.9 cells/10,000 μm<sup>2 </sup>at 0, 10, 20, and 30 minutes, Repeated Measures of ANOVA, F<sub>3, 18 </sub>= 21, p &lt; 0.0001 and posthoc t-tests of p's &lt; 0.01 for 10, 20, and 30 minutes after edaravone-administration, Fig. ##FIG##2##3##)</p>", "<title>Behavioral analyses <italic>in vivo</italic></title>", "<p>Next, we proceeded to the <italic>in vivo </italic>study using PD model of rats. There were no significant changes in the spontaneous behavior of rats receiving edaravone-administration at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion (30 mg/kg: determined by the dose for ischemic stroke) or saline (data not shown). As shown in Fig. ##FIG##3##4##, in PD model of rats receiving intravenous saline-infusion, the number of amphetamine-induced rotations increased over time at 1 and 2 weeks (9.8 ± 1.1 and 11.1 ± 0.6 turns/hour). However, rats receiving 250 mg/kg of edaravone-administration at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion showed a significant reduction of the rotational number (3.8 ± 0.9 and 2.3 ± 0.7 turns/hour at 1 and 2 weeks), although 30 and 100 mg/kg of edaravone did not exert significant effects (30 mg/kg: 9.9 ± 1.8 and 10.4 ± 1.9 turns/hour, 100 mg/kg: 6.5 ± 1.5 and 7.0 ± 1.4 turns/hour at 1 and 2 weeks, Repeated Measures of ANOVA, F<sub>3, 24 </sub>= 8.8, p &lt; 0.0001 and posthoc t-tests of p's &lt; 0.01 for both time periods, Fig. ##FIG##3##4##).</p>", "<p>After confirmation of neuroprotective effects of intravenous administration of edaravone (250 mg/kg) at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion on 6-OHDA-treated rats behaviorally, edaravone-administration at 24 hours were explored. Edaravone-administration (250 and 100 mg/kg) at 24 hours after 6-OHDA lesion significantly suppressed the rotational behavior (250 mg/kg: 5.5 ± 0.4 and 4.3 ± 0.6 turns/hour, 100 mg/kg: 6.0 ± 1.9 and 6.3 ± 2.4 turns/hour at 1 and 2 weeks), compared to rats receiving saline (10.2 ± 0.8 and 12.2 ± 0.4 turns/hour at 1 and 2 weeks, Repeated Measures of ANOVA, F<sub>3, 22 </sub>= 9.0, p = 0.0005 and posthoc t-tests of p's &lt; 0.01 for both time periods, Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). Edaravone-administration (250 mg/kg) at 30 minutes significantly ameliorated rotational behavior, compared to that at 24 hours after 6-OHDA lesion (Repeated Measures of ANOVA, F<sub>1, 12 </sub>= 4.5, p = 0.04 and posthoc t-tests of p's = 0.04 for both time periods). Thus, edaravone significantly ameliorated the rotational behavior when it was administered earlier and in higher concentration.</p>", "<title>TH immunohistochemistry in the striatum and the SNc</title>", "<p>At 2 weeks after edaravone-()administration, TH staining was performed to evaluate the preserved DA fibers in the striatum and DA neurons in the SNc (Fig. ##FIG##4##5##). The density of TH-positive fibers in the 6-OHDA-lesioned striatum was compared with the contralateral side using a modified method of computerized image analysis system [##REF##2307201##19##]. The preservation of TH-positive fibers in the striatum of rats receiving edaravone was significantly greater (30 minutes: 23.3 ± 1.5, 41 ± 1.2 and 65.2 ± 1.6%; 24 hours: 20.2 ± 0.9, 38.2 ± 1.7 and 51.4 ± 1.1% relative to the intact side at the dose of 30, 100 and 250 mg/kg, respectively) than those receiving the saline (30 minutes: 12.1 ± 0.5, 24 hours: 8.9 ± 0.3%, Repeated Measures of ANOVA, F<sub>3, 16 </sub>= 425, p &lt; 0.0001 and posthoc t-tests of p's &lt; 0.01 for all groups, Fig. ##FIG##5##6##).</p>", "<p>The number of TH-positive neurons in the ipsilateral SNc of rats was analyzed as percentages relative to the number of counted DA neurons in the intact side. The preservation of TH-positive neurons in the SNc of rats receiving edaravone (100 and 250 mg/kg) was significantly greater (30 minutes: 18.5 ± 1.4, 33.5 ± 1.4 and 53.9 ± 1.4%; 24 hours: 16.4 ± 0.9, 31.8 ± 1.0 and 48.3 ± 2.3% relative to the intact side at the dose of 30, 100 and 250 mg/kg, respectively) than those receiving the saline (30 minutes: 12.8 ± 1.6, 24 hours: 15 ± 0.8%, Repeated Measures of ANOVA, F<sub>3, 16 </sub>= 324, p &lt; 0.0001 and posthoc t-tests of p's &lt; 0.01, Fig. ##FIG##5##6##). DA fibers in the striatum of rats receiving edaravone at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion was significantly preserved, compared to those with edaravone-administration at 24 hours (p's &lt; 0.001), although DA neurons in the SNc of both time periods were not significantly different (p's = 0.11).</p>", "<title>TUNEL and HEt staining for anti-apoptotic and anti-oxidative effects</title>", "<p>The percentages of TUNEL positive cells in the SNc of rats receiving 250 mg/kg of edaravone at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion significantly decreased (9.6 ± 1.0%), compared to those of rats without edaravone treatment (26.7 ± 5.7%, Repeated Measures of ANOVA, F<sub>1, 12 </sub>= 3.4, p = 0.034 and posthoc t-tests of p's &lt; 0.05, Fig. ##FIG##6##7##). The percentages of TH and HEt double positive cells per TH positive cells of rats receiving 250 mg/kg of edaravone at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion significantly decreased (12.9 ± 1.5%), compared to those of rats without edaravone treatment (37.7 ± 3.4%, Repeated Measures of ANOVA, F<sub>1, 12 </sub>= 32, p &lt; 0.001 and posthoc t-tests of p's &lt; 0.05, Fig. ##FIG##6##7##).</p>", "<title>Iba-1 immunohistochemistry for the affected inflammation</title>", "<p>Iba-1 staining was performed to evaluate anti-inflammatory effects of edaravone through the microglia. Edaravone administration (250 mg/kg) at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion significantly suppressed the number of Iba-1-positive cells (178 ± 4.2 cells/10,000 μm<sup>2</sup>; non-edaravone-administered group: 252 ± 14 cells/10,000 μm<sup>2</sup>), thus indicating that edaravone suppressed inflammation induced by 6-OHDA with the decrease of activated microglia (p &lt; 0.05, Mann-Whitney's U test, Fig. ##FIG##7##8##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>In this study, neuroprotective effects of edaravone on 6-OHDA-treated murine ventral mesencephalic DA neurons were clarified <italic>in vitro</italic>. Anti-apoptotic effects through scavenging radicals might play an important role in the underlying mechanisms of neuroprotective effects of edaravone. In parallel, neuroprotective effects of edaravone on 6-OHDA-lesioned PD model of rats were demonstrated behaviorally and immunohistochemically. Edaravone might exert the neuroprotective effects on DA neurons. TUNEL, HEt and Iba-1 staining suggested the involvement of anti-apoptotic, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of edaravone.</p>", "<title>Anti-apoptotic effects of edaravone</title>", "<p>Neuroprotective effects of edaravone might be mediated by anti-apoptotic effects. Against ischemic reperfusion, edaravone prevents cell death and the release of cytochrome c with subsequent pathological apoptosis through Bcl-2 upregulation by inhibiting the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transposition pore [##REF##12816747##20##,##REF##17409627##21##]. In parallel, edaravone might reduce Fas-associated death domain protein and subsequently suppress apoptotic cell death in cerebral infarct [##REF##17967739##22##]. Furthermore, edaravone might alleviate dysfunction of endoplasmic reticulum with subsequent cell death in cerebral ischemia [##REF##15178695##23##]. Edaravone also reduces nitric oxide-induced apoptosis by inhibiting activation of MAP kinase in astroctes [##REF##17626263##24##]. Related to 6-OHDA-toxicity, apoptosis is induced by down-regulation of Bcl-2 with activation of caspases in thymocytes [##REF##12907839##25##], which might be suppressed by edaravone. Activated microglia damages surrounding cells by the paracrine of various cytokines. Using co-culture of neuronal cells and microglia, neuronal cell death by the peroxynitrite donor, SIN-1 (N-morpholinosydnonimine) is significantly suppressed by 10<sup>-4 </sup>M edaravone [##REF##15695167##15##]. In our study, the number of TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells and HEt-positive cells decreased using both <italic>in vitro </italic>and <italic>in vivo </italic>model of PD. The number of activated microglia of rats receiving 250 mg/kg of edaravone decreased, suggesting that the reduced cytotoxic cytokines might suppress apoptosis synergistically. The underlying mechanisms of the neuroprotection of edaravone might be involved in the hypothesis above described.</p>", "<title>Characteristics of our study</title>", "<p>Recently, the similar study was reported using 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-treated mice [##REF##17429058##26##]. MPTP activated microglial activation both in the striatum and SNc with the increase of 3-nitrotyrosine, a biomarker of peroxynitrite production, in the SNc, but not in the striatum. Intraperitoneal 3 mg/kg of edaravone significantly ameliorate the behavioral scores, however the neuroprotective effects might be limited in the SNc. Using the animal model of cerebral infarct and head trauma, Dohi and colleagues also demonstrated the neuroprotective effects of low dose of edaravone [##REF##17115943##13##]. In our study, the neuroprotective effects of edaravone (100 and 250 mg/kg) was demonstrated both in the striatum and SNc, although 30 mg/kg did not exert any neuroprotective effects, except for the histological amelioration in the striatum. Additionally, the behavioral amelioration by 100 mg/kg of edaravone-administered at 30 minutes and 24 hours after 6-OHDA lesioning did not show time-dependency. Furthermore, the lower dosage of edaravone (3 and 10 mg/kg) exerted no neuroprotective effects in our pilot study (data not shown). These discrepancies of the results might be due to the alteration of edaravone-activity and affinity over time after lesioning, the characteristics of the behavioral test, or the differences of the toxin (MPTP vs. 6-OHDA), of the administration route (i.p. vs. i.v.), of the animal species (mice vs. rat), and of the detailed regimen. For the safe clinical application, some amelioration of the drug, including the enhanced action for neurons specifically, because edaravone-administration even at clinical dosage might result in severe side effects [##REF##17498008##27##].</p>", "<p>Until now several studies demonstrated neuroprotective effects of pre-treatment of edaravone against metamphetamine-toxicity on striatal dopaminergic degeneration [##REF##16784740##28##] and post-ischemic dopaminergic dysfunctions [##REF##17452805##29##]. One of the remarkable characteristics of our study also lie in the time-dependent effects of edaravone, that is, the earlier (at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion) administration might exert significantly stronger neuroprotective effects than the later one (at 24 hours), mimicking the clinical settings, although the later administration still displayed the behavioral and histological amelioration. In the future, the effects of repeated administration of edaravone on PD model should be clarified.</p>", "<title>Therapy for PD in the future including edaravone-administration</title>", "<p>The established therapy for PD is medication using L-DOPA (dihydroxyphenylalanine), DA agonist and various drugs of different mechanisms, surgeries including electrical stimulation and ablation [##REF##9748038##30##]. Fetal cell transplantation and GDNF infusion [##REF##15668979##31##] are also hopeful, although the recent double-blinded randomized controlled trials questioned us the efficacy of these therapy [##REF##11236774##32##,##REF##12953276##33##]. In the nearest preceding years, neural transplantation might be a hopeful therapeutic option for PD [##REF##10319932##34##] with recent development in the stem cell biology [##REF##15199405##35##, ####REF##15630449##36##, ##REF##17135412##37##, ##REF##16904174##38##, ##REF##17586681##39##, ##REF##18173325##40####18173325##40##]. When edaravone is used for PD patients, several advantages might be recognized in combination with other therapeutic options. As edaravone extends the therapeutic time window for ischemic patients in combination with tissue plasminogen activator [##REF##15142331##41##], edaravone might ameliorate the survival of transplanted cells [##REF##15862708##42##] as well as scavenge free radicals in PD. Edaravone might also suppress inflammatory reaction induced by surgical procedures including electrical stimulation and cell transplantation.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Neuroprotective effects of edaravone on 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons were clarified <italic>in vitro</italic>. Anti-apoptotic effects and radical scavenging activity might be involved in the underlying mechanisms of neuroprotective effects of edaravone. Neuroprotective effects of edaravone were then demonstrated using animal model of PD. Edaravone might be a hopeful therapeutic option for PD, although several critical issues remain to be solved, including high therapeutic dosage of edaravone for the safe clinical application in the future.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurological disorder characterized by the degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic systems. Free radicals induced by oxidative stress are involved in the mechanisms of cell death in PD. This study clarifies the neuroprotective effects of edaravone (MCI-186, 3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one), which has already been used for the treatment of cerebral ischemia in Japan, on TH-positive dopaminergic neurons using PD model both <italic>in vitro </italic>and <italic>in vivo</italic>. 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), a neurotoxin for dopaminergic neurons, was added to cultured dopaminergic neurons derived from murine embryonal ventral mesencephalon with subsequet administration of edaravone or saline. The number of surviving TH-positive neurons and the degree of cell damage induced by free radicals were analyzed. In parallel, edaravone or saline was intravenously administered for PD model of rats receiving intrastriatal 6-OHDA lesion with subsequent behavioral and histological analyses.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p><italic>In vitro </italic>study showed that edaravone significantly ameliorated the survival of TH-positive neurons in a dose-responsive manner. The number of apoptotic cells and HEt-positive cells significantly decreased, thus indicating that the neuroprotective effects of edaravone might be mediated by anti-apoptotic effects through the suppression of free radicals by edaravone. <italic>In vivo </italic>study demonstrated that edaravone-administration at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion reduced the number of amphetamine-induced rotations significantly than edaravone-administration at 24 hours. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) staining of the striatum and substantia nigra pars compacta revealed that edaravone might exert neuroprotective effects on nigrostriatal dopaminergic systems. The neuroprotective effects were prominent when edaravone was administered early and in high concentration. TUNEL, HEt and Iba-1 staining <italic>in vivo </italic>might demonstrate the involvement of anti-apoptotic, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of edaravone-administration.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Edaravone exerts neuroprotective effects on PD model both <italic>in vitro and in vivo</italic>. The underlying mechanisms might be involved in the anti-apoptotic effects, anti-oxidative effects, and/or anti-inflammatory effects of edaravone. Edaravone might be a hopeful therapeutic option for PD, although the high therapeutic dosage remains to be solved for the clinical application.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>WJY is involved in acquisition of data and drafting the manuscript. TS, TY, TA and ID designed the study, analyzed the data and revised the manuscript. KM, MK and YM performed <italic>in vivo </italic>experiments including surgeries and animal care. TU, TM and MJ performed in vitro experiments including immunocytochemical investigations. NT and TB performed immunohistochemical investigations. FW and LH performed additional experiments in the revised manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research and by the grant from the Project for realization of regenerative medicine from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Neuroprotective effects of edaravone on 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons <italic>in vitro</italic></bold>. Left column: TH staining of DA neurons (a: non-6-OHDA-treated DA neurons) demonstrates that the number of surviving 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons significantly increased by the treatment with 10<sup>-4 </sup>and 10<sup>-3 </sup>M edaravone (e and f), compared to that with 10<sup>-6 </sup>and 10<sup>-5 </sup>M (c and d) edaravone as well as control without edaravone-administration (b). Scale bar: 30 μm. Right column: The graph demonstrates the number of surviving DA neurons by edaravone-administration. Data are shown as mean percentages of the cell number relative to the number of DA neurons without 6-OHDA-treatment +S.E. *p &lt; 0.01 vs. 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons without edaravone-administration and those with low dose edaravone (10<sup>-6 </sup>and 10<sup>-5 </sup>M) by ANOVA.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Reduced TUNEL-positive apoptotic 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons with edaravone-administration <italic>in vitro</italic></bold>. Upper column: TUNEL-positive 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons with 10<sup>-3 </sup>M edaravone (b) significantly decreased, compared to those without edaravone-administration (a). Scale bar: 60 μm. Lower column: The graph demonstrates that TUNEL-positive 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons decreased by 10<sup>-4 </sup>and 10<sup>-3 </sup>M edaravone-administration. Data are shown as mean percentages of the cell number relative to the 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons without edaravone-administration +S.E. *p &lt; 0.01 vs. 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons without edaravone-administration and those with low dose edaravone (10<sup>-6 </sup>and 10<sup>-5 </sup>M) by ANOVA. **p &lt; 0.01 vs. 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons without edaravone-administration.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Reduced number of HEt-positive cells by edaravone-treatment <italic>in vitro</italic></bold>. Left column: Edaravone treatment (10<sup>-3 </sup>M) significantly reduced the number of HEt-positive cells at 10, 20, 30 minutes after edaravone-administration, compared to the untreated 6-OHDA-exposed cells. (untreated 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons at 0 and 30 minutes (a and b); 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons with 10<sup>-3 </sup>M edaravone at 0 and 30 minutes (c and d). Scale bar: 30 μm. Right column: The graph demonstrates that HEt-positive cells significantly decreased by edaravone-administration. Data are shown as the mean cell number ± S.E. Dotted line: HEt-positive cells without edaravone, Full line: HEt-positive cells with 10<sup>-3 </sup>M edaravone. *p &lt; 0.05 vs. 6-OHDA-treated DA neurons without edaravone-administration by ANOVA.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Edaravone ameliorated the amphetamine-induced rotational behavior of PD model of rats</bold>. Left graph: Rats receiving 250 mg/kg of edaravone infusion at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion showed a significant reduction of the rotational number, although 30 and 100 mg/kg of edaravone did not exert significant effects. Data are shown as the mean rotational number per minute ± S.E. *p &lt; 0.05 vs. rats receiving 30 mg/kg of edaravone and those without edaravone-administration. Right column: Edaravone administration (250 and 100 mg/kg) at 24 hours after 6-OHDA lesion significantly suppressed the rotational behavior, compared to rats receiving saline. Data are shown as the mean rotational number per minute ± S.E. *p &lt; 0.05 vs. rats receiving 30 mg/kg of edaravone and those without edaravone-administration.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>Preserved TH-positive fibers in the striatum and neurons in the SNc of rats receiving edaravone-administration</bold>. Photomicrographs demonstrate that 100 and 250 mg/kg of edaravone preserved TH immunoreactivity in the striatum and SNc (edaravone-administration at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion, 30 mg/kg: c and i, 100 mg/kg: d and J, 250 mg/kg: e and k, edaravone administration at 24 hours after 6-OHDA lesion, 250 mg/kg: f and l), compared to the untreated 6-OHDA-lesioned rats (b and h). TH staining of the intact side of the striatum and SNc: a and h, TH staining of the striatum: a-f, and the SNc: g-l. Scale bar: 120 μm in a-f, 480 μm in g-l.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p><bold>Edaravone-administration exerted neuroprotective effects in a dose-responsive manner immunohistochemically <italic>in vivo</italic></bold>. Left graph: TH staining of the striatum demonstrates neuroprotective effects of edaravone on 6-OHDA-lesioned striatal DA fibers in a dose-responsive manner. Data are shown as the percentages of TH-positive fibers relative to the intact side ± S.E. *p &lt; 0.05 vs. rats in all other groups, **p &lt; 0.05 vs. rats receiving 30 mg/kg of edaravone and those without edaravone-administration, ***p &lt; 0.05 vs. rats without edaravone-administration, ****p &lt; 0.05 (rats receiving edaravone at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion (30 min group) vs. rats with edaravone at 24 hours (24 h group)). Right graph: TH staining of the SNc demonstrates neuroprotective effects of edaravone on 6-OHDA-lesioned striatal DA fibers in a dose-responsive manner. Data are shown as the percentages of TH-positive neurons relative to the intact side ± S.E. *p &lt; 0.05 vs. rats in all other groups, **p &lt; 0.05 vs. rats receiving 30 mg/kg of edaravone and those without edaravone-administration.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F7\"><label>Figure 7</label><caption><p><bold>Anti-apoptotic and anti-oxidative effects of edaravone</bold>. Upper column: TUNEL staining revealed that edaravone administration (250 mg/kg) at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion significantly decreased the percentages of TUNEL positive cells in the SNc (b), compared to rats without edaravone-administration (a). Scale bar: 60 μm The graph demonstrates the significant differences (c). Data are shown as the percentages of TUNEL positive cells +S.E. *p &lt; 0.05 vs. the lesion side of edaravone-administered rats and the intact side. Lower column: TH and HEt double staining revealed that edaravone administration (250 mg/kg) at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion significantly decreased the percentages of TH and HEt double positive cells (e), compared to rats without edaravone-administration (d; green: TH, red: HEt; Scale bar: 60 μm). The graph demonstrates the significant differences (f). Data are shown as the percentages of HEt positive cells +S.E. *p &lt; 0.05 vs. the lesion side of edaravone-administered rats and the intact side.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F8\"><label>Figure 8</label><caption><p><bold>Anti-inflammatory effects of edaravone</bold>. Upper column: Iba-1 staining revealed that edaravone administration (250 mg/kg) at 30 minutes after 6-OHDA lesion significantly suppressed the number of Iba-1-positive cells (b), compared to rats without edaravone-administration (a), thus indicating anti-inflammatory effects of edaravone. Scale bar: 60 μm. Lower column: The graph demonstrates that 250 mg/kg of edaravone significantly suppressed the microglial proliferation, compared to rats without edaravone-administration. Data are shown as the cell number of Iba-1-positive cells +S.E. *p &lt; 0.05 vs. rats without edaravone administration.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2202-9-75-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2202-9-75-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2202-9-75-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2202-9-75-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2202-9-75-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2202-9-75-6\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2202-9-75-7\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2202-9-75-8\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Paxinos"], "given-names": ["GWG"], "source": ["The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates"], "year": ["1998"], "edition": ["4"], "publisher-name": ["San Diego: Academic Press"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Neurosci. 2008 Aug 1; 9:75
[ "<title>1. Background</title>", "<p>Despite substantial data documenting the health benefits of physical activity [##REF##9842378##1##, ####REF##1599603##2##, ##REF##9496984##3##, ##REF##9571714##4##, ##REF##9929085##5##, ##REF##7594152##6##, ##REF##9562157##7##, ##REF##10198663##8##, ##REF##18425653##9##, ##REF##10493287##10##, ##REF##8178208##11##, ##REF##11818183##12##, ##REF##10737689##13##, ##UREF##0##14##, ##UREF##1##15##, ##REF##3812836##16##, ##REF##2010779##17##, ##REF##8426621##18####8426621##18##], sedentary behavior remains a significant public health problem that is particularly prevalent among older adults. The 2005 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) documents that among adults age 45–54, more than half (52%) were obtaining less than recommended levels of physical activity, with the same being true for 55% of adults age 55–64 [##UREF##2##19##]. With a few exceptions [##REF##11714186##20##,##REF##17500625##21##], most intervention efforts have remained focused on PA initiation [##REF##16242586##22##, ####REF##16049630##23##, ##REF##15837437##24##, ##REF##11487597##25##, ##REF##15673353##26##, ##REF##15780323##27##, ##REF##15214599##28##, ##REF##9777899##29##, ##REF##9706362##30##, ##REF##15564275##31##, ##REF##16274377##32####16274377##32##]. However, since ongoing participation in PA is necessary to sustain health benefits, complementary strategies to increase the number of sedentary individuals who <italic>initiate </italic>PA and efforts to increase the number of physically active individuals who successfully <italic>maintain </italic>beneficial levels of PA for a substantial length of time are needed. The importance of focusing attentions specifically on maintaining PA, is underscored by reports that roughly half of older adults who initiate a program of PA discontinue within three months [##REF##8178208##11##]. These data, coupled with the observation that prevalence of sedentary behavior increases with age [##UREF##2##19##] suggests that population levels of PA may be substantially increased by preventing currently active individuals from falling below recommended levels of physical activity. More programs are needed for older adults that focus on maintenance, incorporate moderate intensity PA and are simple, convenient to engage in, relatively inexpensive, and noncompetitive [##REF##10737689##13##].</p>", "<p>Lack of data on the efficacy of low-cost interventions that have high penetration into target populations remains a hurdle to widespread dissemination of population-based interventions to increase levels of PA. The Keep Active Minnesota project addresses this need. Several aspects of our intervention should increase its efficiency and credibility, relative to other interventions, making it uniquely suited for widespread dissemination. First, by employing a phone- and mail-based strategy of intervention outside of the clinical setting, we do not add a burden to primary care providers. Second, by focusing on the older adult population, we target those at ages where maintenance of physical activity may yield particularly large benefits in terms of disease prevention and health improvement. Third, by supporting PA maintenance among recently active older adults, we are targeting individuals during a life-course stage where they are at increased risk for becoming sedentary. Fourth, those who have self-initiated a recent increase in physical activity have signaled their willingness and interest in maintaining healthy behaviors, which may make them more adherent to behavioral recommendations. Finally, because maintenance efforts may require fewer resources than interventions promoting initiation, the overall resource demands and per-unit costs of delivering our program should be lower than comparable initiation programs.</p>", "<p>We address this research gap by evaluating the efficacy of a population-based approach to promoting PA <italic>maintenance </italic>among 50–70 year old adults who recently increased their physical activity level. The primary goal of the Keep Active Minnesota study is to assess the extent to which an interactive phone- and mail-based intervention helps participants maintain the level of activity they reported at baseline, over a period of two years in comparison to usual care. This paper describes the design and baseline data of the ongoing Keep Active Minnesota physical activity maintenance trial.</p>" ]
[ "<title>2. Methods</title>", "<title>2.1 General design</title>", "<p>The goal of Keep Active Minnesota was to recruit members of a large managed care organization (HealthPartners, hereafter HP) who had recently increased their physical activity level outside of a formal research study, and randomize them to one of two study groups: a telephone- and mail-based intervention designed to promote physical activity maintenance and a usual care control group who will not receive any physical activity intervention or advice beyond what is typically provided to health plan members. Absolute level of physical activity and maintenance of physical activity, defined as physical activity level relative to baseline, are the primary study outcomes. Figure ##FIG##0##1## depicts the CONSORT diagram for the trial.</p>", "<title>2.2 Recruitment and screening</title>", "<p>The goal of recruitment was to obtain baseline data from 1,000 male and female HP members ages 50–70 who were eligible and interested in participating in the intervention study. A two-phase recruitment process was used. In the first phase, a sampling frame of 104,000 HP members was identified using administrative data and the eligibility criteria described below in the eligibility section. In mid July 2004, a screening survey was administered by mail to a random sample of 4,000 age-eligible individuals, to provide data to characterize the population from which the intervention sample was being recruited. These individuals received a letter describing the study and a six page survey which we use elsewhere (manuscript in preparation) to assess similarities and differences between study enrollees and the sampling frame from which they were recruited. This survey also included a brief set of eligibility screening questions. Participants who completed the survey and met eligibility based on PA criteria were called, received information on the second phase of the study and were asked if they were interested in participating.</p>", "<p>In the second phase, recruitment proceeded both via direct mail recruitment starting in December 2004, and via self-referral, starting in March 2005. For the direct mail recruitment efforts, a cover letter similar to that used in the first recruitment phase was sent; no survey was included, however, the back of the cover letters contained several brief screening questions to determine eligibility and interest. Recipients were asked to answer these questions and return them. Upon receipt of these screeners, eligible participants who indicated interest in the study were contacted by phone. Two strategies were implemented to increase representation of racial/ethnic minorities in the study population. First, direct mailings of invitation letters and eligibility screeners were sent to all age-eligible health plan members who were identified as racial/ethnic minorities in the HP administrative database. Because collection of information on race/ethnicity had only recently started in the health plan, the number of potentially eligible individuals so identified was only about 2,100 out of an age eligible pool of roughly 104,000. Second, geographically targeted direct mailings were conducted to more than 2,000 age-eligible health plan members who reside in census tracts in which minority individuals are over-represented (&gt;= 40% racial/ethnic minorities, based on Census 2000 counts). These strategies were completed in the first four direct mail waves, ending in March of 2005.</p>", "<p>The final two waves of direct mailings were targeted to eligible health plan members who had engaged in one of two health plan programs that promote physical activity. In May, mailings were sent to participants in a program that pays a rebate to health plan members who visit participating health clubs a minimum of eight times per month. In July, mailings were sent to health plan members who participate in a mail and web based physical activity program that uses a pedometer.</p>", "<p>As a third method of recruitment, inexpensive forms of advertising were used to generate \"self-referrals\" to intervention staff who conducted phone-based, real-time eligibility screening of interested individuals. Brief descriptions of the study and eligibility criteria were placed in a variety of print, email and web media. Venues included a health newsletter that is sent to all HP members; the HP and HealthPartners Research Foundation (HPRF) web sites; an electronic newsletter to HP employees; posters and brochures at all metropolitan YWCA's and YMCA's; a targeted email from a large employer to all age eligible employees with HP insurance; and two other large employers included the descriptions of the study in electronic newsletters to employees.</p>", "<p>To be eligible, participants had to be between the ages of 50–70 years old, enrolled in the health plan for at least 11 of the 12 months prior to screening for study eligibility, and have increased their physical activity level either on their own or with the support of a program during the past year to a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous PA a day at least 2 days per week on average over the past four weeks. The minimum of two days per week of moderate intensity PA is a clinically relevant cutoff, since regular PA at this level has been shown to generate significant improvements in functional capacity, fasting insulin levels, and other health-related variables [##UREF##3##33##, ####REF##10857933##34##, ##UREF##4##35####4##35##] and to reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes in women [##REF##10535433##36##]. Participants were excluded if they had a modified Charlson comorbidity score &gt; 3 (a standard index of comorbidity calculated using prior year diagnoses of a broad range of serious medical conditions) [##REF##7722560##37##,##REF##3339381##38##], or had diagnoses of coronary heart disease (CHD), congestive heart failure (CHF), atrial or ventricular arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, or had an implantable defribillator.</p>", "<p>Regardless of recruitment method, all potential participants were contacted by telephone to confirm their interest in study participation and to conduct an initial consent discussion. Following this discussion, consent forms were mailed to interested individuals who were asked to read, sign, and return a consent form. The consent form was reviewed and approved by the Regions Hospital Human Subjects Review Board. When completed consent forms were received a baseline telephone interview (see Section 2.7 below) was scheduled with the participant.</p>", "<title>2.3 Randomization</title>", "<p>Upon completion of the baseline telephone interview, participants were randomized by the study coordinator as they enrolled according to a schedule pre-determined by the study statistician and unobservable to the staff conducting randomization, based on a random number table embedded in the backend of the recruitment tracking database. Blocks of 20 were used to maintain study arm balance throughout the recruitment period. 1,049 subjects were randomized either the PA treatment condition (KAM) or a usual care control group (UC).</p>", "<title>2.4 Intervention background</title>", "<p>PA is a complex behavior with multiple determinants and pathways to change [##REF##10940325##39##,##REF##11730236##40##]. Historically, behavior change theory, research and intervention have primarily focused on initiation as opposed to maintenance. However, the importance of behavior change maintenance and the recognition that mechanisms underlying maintenance likely differ from those underlying initiation have been receiving increased attention in recent years. Three perspectives relevant to PA maintenance that inform our intervention include the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) [##UREF##5##41##, ####UREF##6##42##, ##REF##10170434##43####10170434##43##], Rothman's theory regarding differential decision criteria for initiation versus maintenance [##REF##10709949##44##], and the relapse prevention model [##UREF##7##45##]. We also look to the extensive literature on behavioral determinants of PA and activity maintenance to develop our intervention focus. Finally, since no single theory encompasses all factors related to PA maintenance [##REF##11817925##46##] we use social cognitive theory (SCT) [##UREF##8##47##] as an organizing framework. Given its multidimensional emphasis on personal, behavioral and environmental factors, SCT provides a useful framework for accommodating the complexity of factors thought to influence PA maintenance.</p>", "<p>Key constructs relevant to PA maintenance, depicted in Figure ##FIG##1##2##, include self-efficacy, perceived benefits of PA, coping skills for dealing with lapses, social support, and access-availability of PA opportunities. These measures provide an opportunity to gain insight into mediating factors associated with PA maintenance, an important, but understudied component of behavior change research [##REF##11394557##48##,##REF##9838973##49##].</p>", "<title>2.5 KAM intervention description</title>", "<p>Participants randomized into the intervention were offered an interactive telephone and mail-based physical activity support program. After randomization, participants assigned to the intervention arm were invited to attend an in-person orientation to the study. Sessions started in October of 2004 and ended in November of 2005. There were a total of 13 sessions and attendance ranged from approximately 10 to 50 participants per session. During the orientation participants were introduced to the study staff, received information on the study's goals and procedures, picked up their study materials and, when possible, made an appointment for their first session with the phone coach. Approximately two-thirds of intervention study participants attended the in-person orientation. Those unable to attend in person were received their study materials via mail and took part in a phone based orientation with one of the activity coaches.</p>", "<p>The core component of the intervention was a seven session course delivered over the phone by activity coaches with a background in exercise science and training in behavior change theory. Each course workbook session included topics to be covered during the phone coaching session, instructional material, assignments for participants to work through on their own and goal setting. Participants were encouraged to use their pedometer to monitor their physical activity, however, they could also choose to self-monitor their physical activity in whatever way would be useful to them (e.g., minutes, miles). Course session topics included: the benefits of physical activity; goal setting and the development of an action plan; a discussion of types of physical activity and exercise; overcoming barriers to physical activity, problem solving and enhancing self-efficacy; social support; healthy eating; relapse prevention; and developing an action plan for long term maintenance.</p>", "<p>The sessions were scheduled at the participant's convenience, designed to last about 20 minutes, to take place about twice a month and to be tailored for individual participants.</p>", "<p>The course sessions were set up so that goals from the last session were initially reviewed along with any questions or concerns about previous topics. Then the topic of the session along with the accompanying homework was discussed. Activity coaches provided feedback and encouragement, helped with problem solving and encouraged the participant to revise their physical activity goals, if needed.</p>", "<p>Following completion of the course, participants receive monthly follow-up calls for the remainder of the first year of study participation and then bi-monthly calls for the second year. Additional intervention components include motivational challenges, group sessions, and a lending library of physical activity resources.</p>", "<p>Intervention participants were invited to engage in three motivational challenges during the course of their time in KAM. The challenges were designed to support the course objectives and timed to occur at six month intervals, with the first challenge starting soon after the subject finished the bi-weekly phone course. At the start of the challenge, participants were sent a flyer describing the challenge and a tracking form to document contest participation that could be mailed in a provided envelope before the contest deadline. Participants were also encouraged to share a story about lifestyle behavior changes they had made related to the challenge. The challenge topics were cross-training, tracking healthy eating and stress reduction strategies and taking a virtual walk to a popular and well-known Minnesota destination, via pedometer or minutes walked; the numbers of participants who engaged in each challenge were 91, 118 and 156, respectively.</p>", "<p>Small prizes were offered for individual participation, for the \"wave\" (defined by the month the participant completed their in-person or phone orientation) with the most participants and for the individual submitting the most engaging story. At the end of each challenge time period, a newsletter was sent that announced the winners in each category. The newsletter also contained the winning story, a profile of a KAM participant as well as a profile of a KAM study team member and a list of physical activity opportunities in the Twin Cities metro area for the next six months.</p>", "<p>If subjects wanted to try a new type of exercise or were in need of motivation, they were offered resources from a physical activity toolbox, a lending library of books, videos and DVD's. During the course of the study more than 70 items were mailed to subjects.</p>", "<p>Four different group sessions featuring outside guest-speakers were offered during the second year of the study. A majority of study participants were still active in the study at that time. The sessions were designed to offer advice and support in a different venue than the course. Session topics included sports medicine, healthy eating, staying active in the winter and bicycling. Attendance varied with the topic and season, but approximately 50 subjects, on average, attended each group session.</p>", "<title>2.6 Usual care description</title>", "<p>Participants randomized into the Usual Care (UC) condition received information about the 10,000 steps physical activity program offered by the healthplan after their baseline phone survey and 4 newsletters focused on general health and wellness during their two years of study participation.</p>", "<title>2.7 Measurement</title>", "<p>All primary and secondary outcome measures were collected during a 45 minute telephone interview scheduled at a participant's convenience and administered prior to randomization, and 6, 12, and 24 months later. Participant responses were recorded by the interviewer onto an optically scan-able form that was scanned following administration, so that data were immediately available in the main study database.</p>", "<title>2.8 Primary and secondary physical activity outcomes</title>", "<p>The primary outcome measures for this study are kilocalories expended per week on a range of activities (total kcal/wk) and kilocalories expended per week on a subset of moderate and vigorous activities (moderate kcal/wk). Both kcal expenditure measures are computed using the CHAMPS instrument, designed for use in adult populations such as this one to assess the self-reported frequency and duration of a range of common activities and convert these reports into weekly kcal expenditure [##UREF##9##50##]. The CHAMPS instrument has demonstrated acceptable reliability with ICCs for moderate intensity activities of 0.67, 0.76, and 0.81–0.88 at six months, two weeks, and one week, respectively. Higher intensity activities demonstrate more modest ICCs of 0.66, 0.62, and 0.34–0.45 at six months, two weeks, and one week, respectively [##REF##16621699##51##,##REF##11445760##52##]. The instrument has also demonstrated adequate discriminate and construct validity, correlates well with other measures of physical activity and is sensitive to change [##REF##11445760##52##].</p>", "<p>Sample size was based on that which would be needed to detect a time (24 month vs. baseline observation) by treatment (KAM vs. UC) interaction at .80 power (two-tailed, alpha = 0.05) on the total kcal/wk variable in a two group repeated measures ANOVA. We assumed a common standard deviation of 1500 kcals/wk at each of 4 time points and a first order autoregressive residual covariance structure. These parameters suggested that N = 349 per study arm would be needed to detect the interaction of primary interest. Assuming non-differential 70% retention across study groups, we recruited N = 500 per arm.</p>", "<p>Additional PA outcomes assessed include whether participants maintained PA at the follow-up measurement points, defined as moderate kcal expenditure at least 1500 kcal/wk and at least 80% of that expended at baseline and whether participants met CDC/ACSM physical activity recommendations of 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 or more days per week (moderate); 20 minutes of vigorous activity at least 3 days per week (vigorous); and moderate or vigorous activity recommendations [##REF##7823386##53##]. A randomly selected sub-sample of enrolled study participants (50 from each treatment group) had their PA monitored via the MTI Actigraph (Manufacturing Technologies, Inc. Fort Walton Beach, previously referred to as the Computer Science and Applications (CSA) Monitor) at baseline and 24 month follow-up. Body mass index (BMI; kg/m<sup>2</sup>) was calculated from baseline and 6 month self-reported weight and baseline height.</p>", "<title>2.9 Demographic characteristics</title>", "<p>At baseline, participants provided information about their age, sex, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, household income, employment status and marital status.</p>", "<title>2.10 Physical activity mediators and moderators</title>", "<p>Hypothesized mediators and moderators of physical activity measured included: 1) a 4-item measure of Physical Activity Enjoyment adapted from a previous measure by Motl et al [##REF##16049630##23##], 2) a 5-item measure of <italic>Physical Activity Self-Concept </italic>adapted from the Athletic Identity Measurement Scale [##UREF##10##54##], 3) the The 10-item Social Support for Exercise Behavior Questionnaire [##REF##3432232##55##], 4) a 12-item version of the <italic>Barriers Self-Efficacy Scale </italic>[##REF##1583674##56##], 5) a 13-item scale measuring the perceived benefits of physical activity adapted from [##REF##9152707##57##], and 6) the 11-item short-form of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression symptoms scale [##REF##10125443##58##].</p>", "<title>2.11 Analyses</title>", "<p>Mixed model regression (time within participant, unstructured covariance structure, restricted maximum likelihood estimation) will be used to test the hypothesis that KAM participants maintained kcal expenditure from baseline to 6,12, and 24 months, relative to a drop in kcal expenditure among the UC participants. Total and moderate kcal will be separately predicted from the time at which kcal was measured, which varies within participants, and randomized treatment group (KAM, UC), which varies across participants. This intent to treat approach will ensure that all available kcal observations, excluding those greater than 5 SD above median, from all randomized participants will be used to estimate model parameters.</p>", "<p>For this report, 2-sided t-test, and chi-square statistics were used to compare the baseline characteristics of: 1) participants recruited for the study through direct mail versus self-referral; and 2) participants randomized to the intervention and control groups.</p>" ]
[ "<title>3. Results</title>", "<p>Table ##TAB##0##1## shows participant characteristics and physical activity level according to recruitment source; direct mail and self-referral. Participants who responded to a direct mailing about the study were less likely to be female and more likely to report \"fair\" or \"poor\" health status compared to those who self-referred themselves into the study after learning about the study through print, email or web media advertisement. No other statistically significant demographic or baseline physical activity characteristics differentiated direct mail and self-referral participants.</p>", "<p>As documented in Table ##TAB##1##2##, at baseline the typical participant was about 57 years old, female, White, overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), working full time, and college educated. Few participants reported fair or poor functional health status. Randomization successfully resulted in study groups that were similar on most demographic, physical activity, and psychosocial characteristics. The only observed demographic difference between the groups was that fewer KAM participants self-identified as White (95.6 vs. 92.4%, p &lt; .05). Participants assigned to the KAM group were less likely to report engaging in moderate physical activity a minimum of five times per week, but reported higher levels of social support for physical activity from family members.</p>" ]
[ "<title>4. Discussion</title>", "<p>This paper describes the design of the Keep Active Minnesota (KAM) trial and the baseline characteristics of the KAM intervention and usual care groups. This randomized controlled trial will evaluate the efficacy of a relatively low intensity phone and mail-based intervention designed to promote <italic>maintenance </italic>of physical activity among 50–70 year old adults who have recently increased their physical activity level. It may seem counterintuitive to expend effort to help those who have already initiated greater physical activity on their own maintain those efforts. However, just as smoking cessation is frequently not accomplished with a first attempt, so too, attempts to sustain a healthy level of PA may require multiple attempts. Moreover, even highly active individuals experience lapses in the face of high risk situations [##REF##9386996##59##] and those who have recently increased their physical activity level may be particularly vulnerable during the period of time that it takes for them to move from initiating a new behavior to it becoming a well-established behavior or habit. Providing a modest level of effort to assist such individuals may well yield benefits that are more than commensurate with the effort expended. For some, it may be additional information or help in problem solving that will help to take them through this period. For others, it may simply be having an external agent who they know is working on their behalf, and to whom they feel a sense of connection or accountability that may do the trick – sustaining them in their efforts while they develop the skills to problem solve and overcome the inevitable barriers to physical activity.</p>", "<p>To enroll in the trial, participants had to have increased their physical activity level during the past year to a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous PA a day at least 2 days per week. Maintenance of this relatively modest physical activity level has the potential to yield important health benefits. Including improvements in functional capacity, fasting insulin levels, and reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes [##UREF##3##33##, ####REF##10857933##34##, ##UREF##4##35####4##35##]. Although all KAM participants were required to meet the two day per week threshold, there was considerable variability in the frequency and intensity of reported physical activity. Subgroup analyses will examine whether the KAM intervention is differentially effective based on baseline physical activity level and physical activity history; secondary analyses will also be informative with respect to the dose of physical activity necessary for weight maintenance in this population.</p>", "<p>Since most randomized trials of physical activity interventions focus primarily on initiation, with attention paid to maintenance when the novelty of the intervention may have worn off and adherence may be declining, recruitment to a maintenance-focused intervention provides an opportunity to engage people during the time period when they may be otherwise vulnerable to lapses in physical activity. Both the content and delivery of the KAM intervention were tailored for addressing maintenance. Telephone-based counseling has an increasing evidence base [##REF##17478269##60##] and may be particularly suitable for a maintenance-focused intervention given that it is a flexible and relatively lower intensity intervention. The KAM intervention is also based on a theoretical model specifically developed to address issues related to PA maintenance which integrates principles of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) [##UREF##8##47##] and relapse prevention theory [##REF##3998247##61##]. Intervention strategies were weighted heavily toward self-management, including cognitive (goal setting, identification of barriers and problem solving), behavioral (self-monitoring through use of pedometers &amp; log-books, use of environmental cues), and environmental (phone coach support, development and leverage of social support) strategies.</p>", "<p>Strengths of the KAM trial are its unique focus on maintenance, implementation of theory-based intervention and the use of phone- and mail-based delivery mechanism which due to its relatively low cost may lead to a high potential for dissemination if the intervention is shown to be efficacious over the long term. Limitations of the KAM study include the ability to generalize to a broad population of adults given the focus on 50–70 year olds and limited racial/ethnic diversity of the study sample. Although the intervention appealed to a large number of those eligible to enroll in the study, multiple strategies are needed to assure the broad population penetration needed to increase overall population levels of PA. Despite these limitations, the KAM study offers an innovative approach to the perennial problem of physical activity relapse. By focusing explicitly on physical activity maintenance, the KAM intervention holds considerable promise for modifying the typical relapse curve.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Since many individuals who initiate physical activity programs are highly likely to return to a sedentary lifestyle, innovative strategies to efforts to increase the number of physically active older adults who successfully <italic>maintain </italic>beneficial levels of PA for a substantial length of time are needed.</p>", "<title>Methods/Design</title>", "<p>The Keep Active Minnesota Trial is a randomized controlled trial of an interactive phone- and mail-based intervention to help 50–70 year old adults who have recently increased their physical activity level, maintain that activity level over a 24-month period in comparison to usual care. Baseline, 6, 12, and 24 month measurement occurred via phone surveys with kilocalories expended per week in total and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (CHAMPS Questionnaire) as the primary outcome measures. Secondary outcomes include hypothesized mediators of physical activity change (e.g., physical activity enjoyment, self-efficacy, physical activity self-concept), body mass index, and depression. Seven day accelerometry data were collected on a sub-sample of participants at baseline and 24-month follow-up.</p>", "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The Keep Active Minnesota study offers an innovative approach to the perennial problem of physical activity relapse; by focusing explicitly on physical activity maintenance, the intervention holds considerable promise for modifying the typical relapse curve. Moreover, if shown to be efficacious, the use of phone- and mail-based intervention delivery offers potential for widespread dissemination.</p>", "<title>Trial registration</title>", "<p> Identifier: NCT00283452.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>NES drafted the manuscript, directed the intervention, and assisted with conceptualization and implementation of all aspects of the study. BCM, as Principal Investigator, led the project team and the development and implementation of the study and assisted with the writing of the manuscript. ALC assisted with conceptualization and implementation of all aspects of the study and conducted the analyses for the manuscript. MGH assisted with implementation of all aspects of the study and assisted with the writing of the manuscript. NPP assisted with the conceptualization of the study. PJO'C assisted with the conceptualization and implementation of the study and edited the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This study was supported by a grant from the National Institute on Aging (R01 AG023410).</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>CONSORT diagram to describing flow of participants through the trial.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>SCT-based Conceptual Model for PA Maintenance.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Participant Characteristics and PA as Mean and Standard Error or Percent by Source of Recruitment</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Direct Mail</td><td align=\"center\">Self-Refer</td><td align=\"center\">All</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"right\">N</td><td align=\"center\">824</td><td align=\"center\">225</td><td align=\"center\">1049</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">age at baseline</td><td align=\"center\">57.1(.18)</td><td align=\"center\">57.2(.34)</td><td align=\"center\">57.1(.16)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">female</td><td align=\"center\">69.5</td><td align=\"center\">82.7***</td><td align=\"center\">72.4</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">BMI, kg/m<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">27.6(.19)</td><td align=\"center\">27.5(.38)</td><td align=\"center\">27.6(.17)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">White</td><td align=\"center\">94.2</td><td align=\"center\">97.3</td><td align=\"center\">94.9</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Hispanic/Latino</td><td align=\"center\">1.9</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">employed full time</td><td align=\"center\">76.2</td><td align=\"center\">79.1</td><td align=\"center\">76.8</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">4 year degree or more</td><td align=\"center\">66.3</td><td align=\"center\">68.4</td><td align=\"center\">66.7</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">functional health status fair or poor</td><td align=\"center\">7.0</td><td align=\"center\">3.1*</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">kcal/wk,</td><td align=\"center\">4721</td><td align=\"center\">4679</td><td align=\"center\">4712</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">total</td><td align=\"center\">(91)</td><td align=\"center\">(155)</td><td align=\"center\">(79)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">kcal/wk,</td><td align=\"center\">2837</td><td align=\"center\">2731</td><td align=\"center\">2815</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">moderate or vigorous</td><td align=\"center\">(72)</td><td align=\"center\">(125)</td><td align=\"center\">(63)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">moderate activity</td><td align=\"center\">23.5</td><td align=\"center\">28.4</td><td align=\"center\">24.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">30 minutes, 5/week</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">vigorous activity</td><td align=\"center\">35.7</td><td align=\"center\">36.4</td><td align=\"center\">35.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">20 minutes, 3/week</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">moderate or vigorous</td><td align=\"center\">48.8</td><td align=\"center\">55.1</td><td align=\"center\">50.1</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Participant Characteristics and PA as Mean and Standard Error or Percent by KAM and Usual Care Groups</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">UC</td><td align=\"center\">KAM</td><td align=\"center\">All</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"right\">N</td><td align=\"center\">526</td><td align=\"center\">523</td><td align=\"center\">1049</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">age at baseline</td><td align=\"center\">57.1(.22)</td><td align=\"center\">57.1(.22)</td><td align=\"center\">57.1(.16)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">female</td><td align=\"center\">71.8</td><td align=\"center\">72.9</td><td align=\"center\">72.4</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">BMI, kg/m<sup>2</sup></td><td align=\"center\">27.7(.24)</td><td align=\"center\">27.5(.23)</td><td align=\"center\">27.6(.17)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">White</td><td align=\"center\">96.2</td><td align=\"center\">93.5*</td><td align=\"center\">94.9</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">Hispanic/Latino</td><td align=\"center\">1.2</td><td align=\"center\">2.5</td><td align=\"center\">1.8</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">employed full time</td><td align=\"center\">76.6</td><td align=\"center\">77.1</td><td align=\"center\">76.8</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">4 year degree or more</td><td align=\"center\">65.8</td><td align=\"center\">67.7</td><td align=\"center\">66.7</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">functional health status fair or poor</td><td align=\"center\">5.7</td><td align=\"center\">6.7</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">kcal/wk,</td><td align=\"center\">4781</td><td align=\"center\">4643</td><td align=\"center\">4712</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">total</td><td align=\"center\">(114)</td><td align=\"center\">(109)</td><td align=\"center\">(79)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">kcal/wk,</td><td align=\"center\">2898</td><td align=\"center\">2730</td><td align=\"center\">2815</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">moderate or vigorous</td><td align=\"center\">(94)</td><td align=\"center\">(83)</td><td align=\"center\">(63)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">moderate activity</td><td align=\"center\">27.8</td><td align=\"center\">21.4*</td><td align=\"center\">24.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">30 minutes, 5/week</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">vigorous activity</td><td align=\"center\">35.0</td><td align=\"center\">36.7</td><td align=\"center\">35.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">20 minutes, 3/week</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">exercise efficacy</td><td align=\"center\">4.59</td><td align=\"center\">4.59</td><td align=\"center\">4.59</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">all items</td><td align=\"center\">(.02)</td><td align=\"center\">(.02)</td><td align=\"center\">(.01)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">support: family</td><td align=\"center\">2.73</td><td align=\"center\">2.82*</td><td align=\"center\">2.78</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">all items</td><td align=\"center\">(.03)</td><td align=\"center\">(.03)</td><td align=\"center\">(.02)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">support: friends</td><td align=\"center\">2.60</td><td align=\"center\">2.65</td><td align=\"center\">2.63</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">all items</td><td align=\"center\">(.03)</td><td align=\"center\">(.03)</td><td align=\"center\">(.02)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">enjoyment</td><td align=\"center\">4.12</td><td align=\"center\">4.08</td><td align=\"center\">4.10</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">(.03)</td><td align=\"center\">(.04)</td><td align=\"center\">(.03)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">PA Self-concept</td><td align=\"center\">3.86</td><td align=\"center\">3.84</td><td align=\"center\">3.85</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">(.04)</td><td align=\"center\">(.03)</td><td align=\"center\">(.02)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">PA self-efficacy</td><td align=\"center\">55.9</td><td align=\"center\">56.0</td><td align=\"center\">56.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">(1–100 scale)</td><td align=\"center\">(.79)</td><td align=\"center\">(.76)</td><td align=\"center\">(.55)</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">depression</td><td align=\"center\">0.35</td><td align=\"center\">0.38</td><td align=\"center\">0.36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"right\">mean of items</td><td align=\"center\">(.01)</td><td align=\"center\">(.01)</td><td align=\"center\">(.01)</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* self-refer vs. mail, p &lt; .05</p><p>*** self-refer vs. mail, p &lt; .001</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>* KAM vs. UC, p &lt; .05</p><p>*** KAM vs. UC, p &lt; .001</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2318-8-17-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2318-8-17-2\"/>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Geriatr. 2008 Jul 25; 8:17
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Approximately 20% of patients present physical symptoms in primary care which general practitioners (GPs) are unable to explain by physical disease [##REF##9130181##1##,##REF##12809320##2##]. These patients frequently receive extensive investigation, referral and treatment for medically unexplained symptoms (MUS). However such interventions are often ineffective [##REF##9718260##3##, ####REF##12269594##4##, ##REF##15922499##5##, ##REF##16061768##6####16061768##6##] and these clinical encounters can lead to dissatisfaction on the part of both doctors and patients [##REF##9933202##7##]. For patients it may create a frustrating dependence on primary care consultations which generates ambivalence, alienation and unhappiness with medical contact [##REF##16135395##8##].</p>", "<p>Reattribution is a structured intervention, designed to provide a simple explanation of the mechanism of a patient's MUS, through negotiation and other features of patient-centred communication, and to be delivered during routine consultations [##REF##11668137##9##]. It has four stages: enabling the patient to feel understood; broadening the agenda beyond physical symptoms; making the link with psychosocial issues; and negotiating further treatment [##REF##16814635##10##] (See Figure ##FIG##0##1##).</p>", "<p>Early studies suggested reattribution had promise as a simple and effective intervention that GPs could employ on a routine basis for patients with MUS [##REF##9613478##11##, ####REF##10736901##12##, ##REF##12297608##13##, ##UREF##0##14####0##14##]. However the results of recent randomised trials indicate that, whilst the techniques of reattribution can successfully be taught to GPs, and do have a measurable impact on practitioner behaviour in consultations about MUS, it is more difficult to identify tangible or lasting benefits in terms of improved outcomes for patients [##REF##15596155##15##, ####REF##17591514##16##, ##UREF##1##17####1##17##].</p>", "<p>The reasons for the apparently limited efficacy of reattribution in routine clinical practice are complex. They include: the impact of contextual factors within the organisation and delivery of primary care [##REF##11668137##9##]; and the expectations of patients with MUS about the type of care they should receive from GPs. Patients may have concerns that their needs for treatment, explanation and support will not adequately be met by doctors who appear to be looking for psychosocial rather than medical explanations for their symptoms [##REF##16223629##18##].</p>", "<p>The attitudes, experiences and expectations of GPs themselves are also important, since they are essential to the successful implementation of any new method for managing MUS in primary care. It is therefore necessary to ascertain what GPs value about reattribution as an intervention for MUS, and the feasibility of implementing it in everyday clinical practice. In order to explore these issues, we conducted a questionnaire survey and undertook qualitative interviews with GPs who were taking part in an exploratory RCT of reattribution training in north-west England [##REF##16814635##10##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The setting for this study was 16 practices in the north-west of England. The study sample was composed of the practitioners (73 GPs and one nurse prescriber (NP)) taking part in an exploratory randomised control trial of the effects of reattribution training on GP communication behaviour with patients presenting with persistent MUS. The six hour (two session) training programme was delivered by a health facilitator to all members of the practice team [##REF##16814635##10##]. The study was approved by the North West multi-centre research ethics committee.</p>", "<p>Practices had a median of four (range two to 10) GPs. Three practices served inner city populations, one a rural population and 12 practices urban populations that included some inner city areas. The GPs were mostly aged 35 to 50 (n = 45, 60%), with 10 (13%) under the age of 35 years and 19 (25%) over the age of 50 years. Thirty-eight (51%) were male. There were no differences between the training groups in terms of GP or practice characteristics.</p>", "<p>All 74 practitioners were invited to participate in an attitudinal survey. Practitioners who had received reattribution training (RT) were asked for their views on: patients with persistent MUS (three statements); managing patients with MUS (four statements); the process of RT (five statements); and putting RT into practice (six statements). Practitioners who had not received RT were given only the first two sets of statements. Ten statements were framed negatively, and seven positively. Responses were in the form of a 5 point Likert scale. Responses were analysed using SPSS version 15.0, first generically and then to identify significant differences between practitioners who had or had not received RT.</p>", "<p>Qualitative interviewees were purposively selected by MT and JGH (with advice from JAH, SP, LG and CD) from questionnaire respondents, in order to generate as wide a variation of views as possible. The sampling criteria included: respondents from each practice (to ensure all participating practices were represented); the practice setting (rural, suburban; inner city); the number of patients recruited by GPs into the trial; entry into training or control arm of the trial; gender and age of the GP; and participants' responses to two attitudinal questions about patients with MUS: '<italic>I think patients with MUS take up too much time, which I could use more productively with other patients'</italic>; and '<italic>There's a lot of patients for whom reattribution does not work'</italic>.</p>", "<p>Twenty four interviews were conducted, by MT and JGH, between August 2005 and May 2006, up to 31 months after practitioners were recruited into the study. Sixteen interviewees were women. Three were aged under 35, 14 were between 35 and 50, and seven were over 50. Nine worked in inner city practices, 14 in suburban practices, and one was from a rural practice. They had recruited between 0 and 11 patients to the trial (mean 3.3; median 3). Twelve were in the training arm of the trial and 12 were in the control arm. The selected sample represented the full range of responses to the two identified survey questions.</p>", "<p>A topic guide invited participants' views on patients with persistent MUS and their management of MUS. For those who had been trained in reattribution, further prompts invited views on the value and benefits of reattribution, and also on any barriers to its implementation in practice. Interviews were held in person, in the respondents' place of work at a time of their choosing. Respondents were remunerated for taking part.</p>", "<p>Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. Transcripts were read and re-read by JGH, CD and SP to familiarize and immerse the researchers in the data. Patterns and themes within the transcripts were identified and notes made within the margins of transcripts. Following principles of grounded theory research, meetings were held with the whole research team to discuss and identify key issues, concepts and themes arising from the data, and to group them thematically to construct a conceptual framework [##UREF##2##19##]. The thematic framework was applied systematically to the data. When devising the conceptual framework the research team were mindful of the aims of the research. All transcripts were indexed by JGH and then collated together within each code. The range and dimensions of each category and sub-category were identified. Conceptual connectors were sought to understand how categories and subcategories were linked at the level of properties and dimensions.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Attitudinal Survey</title>", "<p>Seventy (95%) of the 74 practitioners in the sample responded to the survey. Of these, half had received RT. The attitudinal statements, and range of responses, are presented in Table ##TAB##0##1##.</p>", "<p>Respondents tended not to enjoy consultations with patients with persistent MUS. Although most did not think these patients took up too much of their time, a substantial majority reported that they often caused them considerable stress. They thought these patients are worth trying to help, and that they present interesting diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. However, most respondents reported that they often do not know how to help these patients.</p>", "<p>There were two significant differences in responses between practitioners who had received RT and those who had not, when analysed using one way ANOVA. Practitioners who had received RT were more likely to report that patients with MUS take up too much time (mean scores 3.26 vs. 3.83, F = 4.062, p = 0.048). However they were less likely to report that they often did not know how to help these patients (mean scores 3.11 vs. 2.29, F = 9.188, p = 0.003).</p>", "<p>Amongst respondents who had received RT, most reported that they found the training enjoyable, and disagreed that it had not taught them anything new. However most thought it was not easy to find time to concentrate on RT. Few thought that lectures or payment would have improved their experience of or engagement with RT.</p>", "<p>Trained respondents reported that putting RT into practice was fairly easy, and that it generally made consultations with MUS patients more enjoyable, although not quicker. However, most agreed that they had already forgotten some of the reattribution stages. Almost all considered that it often needed several consultations to complete all stages of reattribution, and very few disagreed with the statement that there are lots of patients for whom reattribution does not work.</p>", "<title>Qualitative Interviews</title>", "<p>In this section of the paper we focus on the responses of twelve GPs who had received training in reattribution to questions about: a) limitations and benefits of reattribution; and b) barriers to its implementation in routine clinical practice.</p>", "<title>Limitations and benefits of reattribution</title>", "<p>Participants voiced some criticisms of the training in reattribution. Some thought they were already doing it: '<italic>it didn't give me anything new</italic>' [PGP11]. Concerns were also expressed about the time commitment, aspects of the format and content of the training programme and – commonly – the lack of reinforcement: '<italic>supervision would have been nice</italic>' [PGP12]. However, they described both direct and indirect benefits from learning about reattribution (see Figure ##FIG##1##2##).</p>", "<p>Many indicated that training in reattribution increased their awareness and altered their perception of patients with MUS:</p>", "<p><italic>It er, helped one to sort of spot the situations perhaps a bit, bit better, increased one's awareness, and you know, increased perhaps just really the, the trying to explain to patients the, the way the symptoms developed if you like from, well often from anxiety or other causes</italic> [PGP23]</p>", "<p><italic>altered my perception a bit, its easy to get stale and view that group of patients as difficult or troublesome or irksome at times because we're not always at our best every time</italic> [PGP11]</p>", "<p>Some found that reattribution training had a positive impact on their consultations, increasing their confidence in discussing MUS, and enabling them to reflect on their management decisions:</p>", "<p><italic>I'd like to think that I do go a little bit more into other agendas, other issues that might be fuelling the symptoms that they've got and try and approach those other problems rather than just focusing on a prescription for something for pain</italic> [PGP13]</p>", "<p><italic>It's made me stop and think why I am referring this person yet again. I think there are not an awful lot of examples, since we've been doing the training come to mind referring here there and everywhere, but just in general because of the training I've thought lets just stop and look, what are we actually achieving</italic> [PGP02]</p>", "<p>Some GPs valued the additional structure provided by reattribution:</p>", "<p><italic>I think it did, it did formalise it but I think it wasn't something that I would have been embarrassed about or found it difficult to do to discuss the physiology of anxiety and how it might produce physical symptoms</italic> [PGP09]</p>", "<p>Respondents also reported indirect benefits from reattribution training, which were unrelated to their management of MUS. As well as '<italic>recharging the batteries</italic>' (PGP11) and doing something new '<italic>to put on the CV</italic>' (PGP18), the training programme was seen as a valuable opportunity for GPs to compare consultation skills with colleagues within their own practice. Some respondents had also used reattribution in their consultations with non-MUS patients:</p>", "<p><italic>The emphasis it puts on explanation and so on, I think that, you can carry across into other areas....I think some of the chronic diseases most probably been some cross-over</italic> [PGP23]</p>", "<title>Barriers to implementing reattribution</title>", "<p>Respondents described many barriers to implementing reattribution in routine general practice. We categorise these as arising from the patient, the doctor, the consultation, the diagnosis, and the context of care (see Figure ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<title>Patient barriers</title>", "<p>The attitudes of patients with MUS were seen as important barriers by many GPs. They frequently described how patients may have entrenched views that their symptoms have an organic basis:</p>", "<p><italic>Well it's their mindset isn't it? It's their belief that there is a physical cause</italic> [PGP18]</p>", "<p>Respondents expressed various and occasionally contradictory opinions about the impact of gender, intelligence, class and ethnicity on the likelihood of patients' holding fixed beliefs in physical causation of MUS. However they all considered the presence of such beliefs to be a fundamental barrier to successful reattribution.</p>", "<p>Many GPs considered that patients' belief in organic causes of MUS could be perpetuated by family members since childhood, becoming a learnt behaviour or a strategy for coping with unhappiness.</p>", "<p><italic>These are patients who've learnt to present their unhappiness in physical ways and they may have been in a family where they went to the doctor with every little bit of pain so their mothers might have been frequent attenders and its been a sort of learnt behaviour....I think they must have learnt that some behaviour is advantageous</italic> [PGP01]</p>", "<p>Respondents thought patients could derive benefit from their symptoms, in relation to work, state benefits or family support:</p>", "<p><italic>The patient might have gains from their, from their symptoms as well. So they might have, there might be gains about getting benefits or support from the university or support from key people in their lives</italic> [PGP22]</p>", "<title>Doctor barriers</title>", "<p>Respondents were aware of variations in communication skills and the ability to deliver the stages of reattribution in routine clinical settings:</p>", "<p><italic>It's like basic training. Sort of communication skills, history taking.....some people are better than others</italic> [PGP18]</p>", "<p>They were aware that their prior expectations of the patient could influence how likely they were to attempt reattribution.</p>", "<p><italic>With certain people, before they've come in, you've already perceived it's going to be difficult because that's your prior expectation, your prior knowledge of them.....I mean and they could be coming with something totally different, but your initial reaction is \"oh my god\"</italic> [PGP16]</p>", "<p>GPs expressed concern that getting involved with reattribution may lead to the patient becoming dependent on them:</p>", "<p><italic>Not that the relationship has broken down but you don't want to have such a close relationship with them that they're relying on you</italic> [PGP09]</p>", "<p>Two respondents acknowledged that their own emotional state or mood affected the likelihood of using reattribution.</p>", "<p><italic>[it depends] how you're feeling that day</italic> [PGP04]</p>", "<p><italic>I try [to reattribute] on a good day. On a bad day I just try and give the least damaging medication and do the least number of referrals</italic> [PGP08]</p>", "<title>Consultation barriers</title>", "<p>Respondents considered that patients' consulting behaviour can make it difficult to apply reattribution, particularly if they choose to consult with different GPs within a practice.</p>", "<p><italic>If they're at the more difficult end of the spectrum they will often deliberately pick off a locum doctor or a registrar to get what they want, they have an agenda</italic> [PGP11]</p>", "<p>However, GPs were not always critical of their patients' unwillingness or inability to communicate with their doctor sufficiently to allow them to broaden the agenda.</p>", "<p><italic>[There are] occasions where you do have a very good relationship but something is too, either too painful or too private to share with you</italic> [PGP16]</p>", "<p><italic>Its difficult because sometimes you can see..., I've got one patient that all her symptoms started after the break up of her marriage and she can't see the link, and because of the type of person she is, she's extremely proud and you don't want to keep banging on about it</italic> [PGP04]</p>", "<p>Some GPs acknowledged that their own responses to patients during consultations could impede reattribution:</p>", "<p><italic>I find some patients quite easy to get a rapport with, and it's the ones that you really have little in common with, or not even, you can get on with people that you have nothing in common with but when there's just something that brushes you up the wrong way and I find that quite hard to turn around</italic> [PGP04]</p>", "<title>Diagnostic barriers</title>", "<p>Many GPs commented that patients do not present solely with MUS, but rather have numerous symptoms, some with an organic basis and some with a psychological underpinning. The presence of organic and medically unexplained symptoms can make it harder for GPs and patients to disentangle the causes of their symptoms.</p>", "<p><italic>Most patients I find have medically unexplained and medically explainable symptoms, its very complicated and in my experience its very rare to have somebody just coming in with unexplained symptoms because nowadays if we're diagnosing more people with hypertension than diabetes and whatever, so we are giving people labels for certain conditions anyway</italic> [PGP09]</p>", "<p>The difficulty of labelling patients as 'definitely' having MUS was also seen as a potential barrier in deciding who and when to use reattribution:</p>", "<p><italic>This is a bit more nebulous, you've got to think more deeply about it and it's not as though the patient is coming in and you catch the MUS and label the MUS and that maybe why its higgilty piggilty cos I can't label it and say right that's your MUS and this is what we are going to do. And that makes it more difficult, you know whom we will we start to reattribute, whom wants to get to think, to think what causes their symptoms and how early we do it</italic> [PGP02]</p>", "<title>Barriers in the healthcare context</title>", "<p>Respondents commonly reported insufficient time to deal effectively with MUS patients, with busy surgeries and brief appointments pushing them away from reattribution and towards short-term solutions.</p>", "<p><italic>Time pressure is such that you're looking at certain quick fixes, you may not be consciously looking outside the box</italic> [PGP02]</p>", "<p>Some GPs thought that the Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) compounded these time pressures, and detracted from their ability to reattribute.</p>", "<p><italic>It's probably impacted on every consultation in the fact that you need to collect data. So often it's difficult to spend the time pursuing things that you might have pursued before, because actually you've got to record their height, weight, body mass, or whether they smoke and all practical stuff, and that detracts from being able to pick up problems. ...So I think it does actually alter consultations in those situations</italic> [PGP22]</p>", "<p>There was a common view that contact with secondary care was unhelpful, with an increase in inappropriate physical diagnoses, and greater entrenchment in symptoms.</p>", "<p><italic>It does tend to be that if, if they are often in secondary care that they are given a physical diagnosis whether there is one or not....That can support their belief in a physical problem</italic> [PGP21]</p>", "<p>Some respondents saw it as their role to protect patients from this potential source of harm:</p>", "<p><italic>You see these people getting referred to the hospital with back pain and the next thing you know some bright spark is going to operate on them and you think 'What!' ....Maybe we're here in a way as a gateway to try and prevent harm as well as anything else</italic> [PGP06]</p>", "<p>However others were aware of the potentially punitive medico-legal framework within which they operate, which pushes them towards an over-emphasis on the identification or exclusion of physical illness</p>", "<p><italic>You're never criticised for over-diagnosing and inappropriately over-treating patients but you can lose your job for missing a diagnosis, so the whole thing tips completely the wrong way, and not in the patients favour in that sense</italic> [PGP08]</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<title>Summary of findings</title>", "<p>Responses to the questionnaire survey indicated that these practitioners were generally sympathetic to patients with MUS, but often found them a source of stress and difficult to help. Although respondents who had received RT tended to be less positive in their views about patients with MUS, they were more confident that they knew how to help them. Respondents generally enjoyed the process of training, but often forgot key elements of reattribution, and presented mixed views about the ease and practicality of its implementation in practice.</p>", "<p>The participants in the qualitative study who had received RT described direct benefits from reattribution, including a greater sense of confidence and coherence when consulting with patients with MUS, and also indirect benefits including sharing consultation skills and application of new skills in the management of chronic disease. However they also reported multiple interlinking barriers to the successful implementation of reattribution in routine practice. Barriers at the patient level included the perception of entrenched views about physical causes of symptoms that were not amenable to change, compounded by learned behaviours and secondary gains. Doctor barriers included lack of skill, negative expectations of the patient, concern about encouraging dependence and personal emotional states. Barriers within the consultation included patients choosing not to consult with a regular doctor or being unwilling to share private information, and GPs' responses to particular patients. Diagnostic barriers were the frequent combination of explained and unexplained symptoms, and the nebulous definitions of MUS. Barriers in the healthcare context included time, organisational requirements, concerns about the negative impact of secondary care and the fear of the medico-legal consequences of missing physical diagnoses. Additionally, they report the complexity of working with degrees of uncertainty which are difficult to resolve.</p>", "<title>Strengths and limitations</title>", "<p>We have previously demonstrated that this group of GPs is more sympathetic towards patients presenting with MUS, and places greater value on their own psychosocial skills in relation to such patients, than GPs who do not wish to take part in research of this kind [##REF##17443362##20##]. Furthermore, we have shown in this study that they see substantial direct and indirect benefits of reattribution. They may therefore be taken as a group of doctors who tend to be well disposed towards the implementation of reattribution within routine clinical practice in primary care. For these reasons, the many and various concerns they express about the limited scope for implementing reattribution deserve serious consideration – coming from a group of 'critical friends' rather than from neutral or even hostile observers. We see this as a major strength of this study.</p>", "<p>By definition, therefore, a limitation of this study is that the views of these GPs cannot be assumed to be representative of their discipline: the relatively high proportion of female participants in the qualitative survey, compared to the proportion of female GPs in England as a whole also indicates unrepresentativeness. Secondly, while most of the barriers they discuss are common across all healthcare settings, there are several organisational constraints that are specific to healthcare in the UK, such as ten minute consultations and the Quality and Outcomes Framework [##UREF##3##21##], and may not be generalisable elsewhere. We also acknowledge that the metaphor of 'barriers' used by the research team is based on the assumed ability of participants to implement change, while operating within a highly complex set of diagnostic and organisational contexts [##REF##17407659##22##].</p>", "<title>Comparisons with existing literature</title>", "<p>This is the first study to describe the views of GPs about the benefits and barriers to implementing reattribution in routine clinical practice. Our methods, combining structured attitudinal responses with semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of GPs, were chosen to allow as wide a range of perspectives as possible to emerge. This paper is therefore takes forward previous research in this field, which has demonstrated changes in GPs' attitudes to patients with MUS following reattribution by quantitative means [##REF##9613478##11##,##REF##15596155##15##,##REF##15897211##23##], but has not combined this with qualitative methods to gather their detailed views about reattribution and how it may work in practice. In apparent contrast to our quantitative finding, Danish GPs who had been trained in reattribution reported less concern about time spent with MUS patients [##REF##15897211##23##]: however this study reported within-subject differences over time, whereas we compared attitudes of trained and non-trained respondents.</p>", "<p>These GPs described a complex and interlinking set of barriers to the implementation of reattribution. Some of these observations could be regarded as stereotypical and partial: the frequent tendency to blame time constraints for difficulties in applying reattribution in practice can be seen as an example of a 'culturally honourable' excuse, a means of mitigating responsibilities when behaviour is questioned [##REF##15006121##24##].</p>", "<p>Most of the barriers described by these GPs, however, indicate a more nuanced and reflective response to the problems of managing patients with MUS, including a ready acknowledgement not only of the difficult diagnostic and organisational context within which they have to operate, but also of the significance of their own attitudes and personal responses. Although they value the use of reattribution for patients with MUS, they do not always feel able to take on the work involved, or to shoulder the burden of responsibility that may ensue [##REF##17136921##25##]. In this sense at least, the barriers they describe may not merely be obstacles to success, but may sometimes have a protective function for doctors acting within a difficult arena.</p>", "<p>There are important differences and synergies between GP and patient perspectives. GPs considered patients with MUS to have fixed physical attributions. However this view is not supported by recent evidence from primary care [##REF##17504773##26##]. Rather, patients choose to present physical attributions to their GP whilst withholding psychological components of their illness beliefs [##UREF##4##27##], which is a further barrier to GPs attempts to reattribute. It appears that both GPs and patients consider the problem to be complex, while believing that the other party holds a more simplistic view than their own. Despite recognising the value in preventing further contact with secondary resources, GPs admitted reluctance in abandoning pathology investigations. A driving force for this, from GPs' perspectives, is the medico-legal framework within which they work. Elsewhere patients describe pursuing a similar agenda; also out of fear of missing disease, either now or if presenting with future problems [##UREF##4##27##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>It is important to recognise that both patients with MUS, and the GPs they encounter are heterogeneous groups, with competing attributions on one side [##REF##15518672##28##], and varying degrees of empathy and skill on the other. A key question, therefore, is how to establish a common understanding of illness and treatment expectations. Our findings indicate the need for greater specificity, with regard to the patients and circumstances in which the techniques of reattribution may successfully be applied. This is of relevance both to future research and to current practice.</p>", "<p>Some of the barriers to reattribution reported by GP respondents were seen as immutable, such as the coexistence of unexplained and explained symptoms and (perhaps) the fixed beliefs of patients. It may therefore be useful for educators to focus on addressing those barriers to psycho-social interventions which appear more amenable to change, such as the need for increased skill, or for different medical attitudes towards patients with MUS. A stepped care approach, assuming only a basic level of knowledge, interest and skill amongst the majority of GPs, may also address the diagnostic and organisational barriers reported by our respondents [##REF##12823656##29##].</p>", "<p>One way forward would be to take the ideal type of circumstances for the delivery of reattribution as described by these practitioners: patients whose MUS are associated with fluid causative beliefs, have no family expectations of illness and see nothing to gain from their symptoms; in consultations with regular GPs who feel well disposed towards their patients and comfortable in themselves, are confident in their consultation skills, can tolerate diagnostic uncertainty, and feel concerned neither about time pressures nor punitive organisational or medico-legal constraints. These appear to be the circumstances in which reattribution is most likely to prove successful. It may therefore be wise to demonstrate efficacy in relatively calm conditions first, before braving the elements and exploring more troubled waters.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The successful introduction of new methods for managing medically unexplained symptoms in primary care is dependent to a large degree on the attitudes, experiences and expectations of practitioners. As part of an exploratory randomised controlled trial of reattribution training, we sought the views of participating practitioners on patients with medically unexplained symptoms, and on the value of and barriers to the implementation of reattribution in practice.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>A nested attitudinal survey and qualitative study in sixteen primary care teams in north-west England. All practitioners participating in the trial (n = 74) were invited to complete a structured survey. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with a purposive sub-sample of survey respondents, using a structured topic guide. Interview transcripts were used to identify key issues, concepts and themes, which were grouped to construct a conceptual framework: this framework was applied systematically to the data.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Seventy (95%) of study participants responded to the survey. Survey respondents often found it stressful to work with patients with medically unexplained symptoms, though those who had received reattribution training were more optimistic about their ability to help them. Interview participants trained in reattribution (n = 12) reported that reattribution increased their confidence to practice in a difficult area, with heightened awareness, altered perceptions of these patients, improved opportunities for team-building and transferable skills. However general practitioners also reported potential barriers to the implementation of reattribution in routine clinical practice, at the level of the patient, the doctor, the consultation, diagnosis and the healthcare context.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Reattribution training increases practitioners' sense of competence in managing patients with medically unexplained symptoms. However, barriers to its implementation are considerable, and frequently lie outside the control of a group of practitioners generally sympathetic to patients with medically unexplained symptoms and the purpose of reattribution. These findings add further to the evidence of the difficulty of implementing reattribution in routine general practice.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>CD designed and analysed the questionnaire and drafted the manuscript. JAH organised and collated the attitudinal survey. JGH undertook qualitative interviews and initiated the qualitative analysis. CD, JGH and SP completed the qualitative analysis. RKM, LG, CD, PS, SP and ARR conceived the study, and participated in its design and coordination. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Funding</title>", "<p>Medical Research Council (Grant reference number G0100809), Mersey Care NHS Trust and Mersey Primary Care R&amp;D Consortium.</p>", "<p><italic>Ethical approval</italic>: This study was approved by the North West multi-centre research ethics committee.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank the following practices and their patients that took part in the study: Bousfield Health Centre; Brownhill Surgery; Brownlow Group Practice; Ellesmere Medical Centre; Heaton Medical Centre; Manor Health Centre; Moore Street Surgery; Pendleside Medical Practice; Primrose Bank Medical Centre; Roe Lee Surgery; Somerville Group Practice; Stonehill Medical Centre; Unsworth Medical Centre; Victoria Park Health Centre; Villa Medical Centre; Westmoreland General Practice.</p>", "<p>We also thank Nigel Crompton, Marie Evans, Elaine McVeigh and Victoria Wilson, who undertook reattribution training; Maria Towey (MT) who undertook some of the qualitative interviews; and Francis Creed who helped to develop the protocol and was a grantholder.</p>", "<p>Finally, we thank Kurt Fritzsche and Marianne Rosendal for their reviews of a previous version of this paper.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Content of the Reattribution Intervention.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>GPs views of benefits of reattribution training.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>GPs' views of barriers to implementation of reattribution for patients with MUS.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Attitudinal survey of practitioners participating in MUST</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Statement</td><td align=\"left\">Agree completely</td><td align=\"left\">Agree partly</td><td align=\"left\">Unsure</td><td align=\"left\">Disagree partly</td><td align=\"left\">Disagree completely</td><td align=\"left\">missing</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">about patients with PMUS* N = 70</td><td align=\"left\">N (%)</td><td align=\"left\">N (%)</td><td align=\"left\">N (%)</td><td align=\"left\">N (%)</td><td align=\"left\">N (%)</td><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I enjoy consultations with patients who have PMUS</td><td align=\"left\">3 (4)</td><td align=\"left\">17 (24)</td><td align=\"left\">14 (20)</td><td align=\"left\">30 (43)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (9)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I think patients with PMUS take up too much of my time, which I could use more productively with other patients</td><td align=\"left\">4 (6)</td><td align=\"left\">15 (21)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (7)</td><td align=\"left\">31 (44)</td><td align=\"left\">15 (21)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I find that patients with PMUS often cause me considerable stress</td><td align=\"left\">8 (11)</td><td align=\"left\">43 (61)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (4)</td><td align=\"left\">11(16)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (7)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I don't think it's worth trying to do much with patients who have PMUS</td><td align=\"left\">0 (0)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (4)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (7)</td><td align=\"left\">28 (40)</td><td align=\"left\">33 (47)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I find that patients with PMUS present me with interesting diagnostic challenges</td><td align=\"left\">13 (19)</td><td align=\"left\">38 (54)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (7)</td><td align=\"left\">12 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (1)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I find that patients with PMUS present me with interesting therapeutic challenges</td><td align=\"left\">18 (26)</td><td align=\"left\">40 (57)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (4)</td><td align=\"left\">7 (10)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (1)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (1)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I often don't know how to help patients who have PMUS</td><td align=\"left\">8 (11)</td><td align=\"left\">33 (47)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (4)</td><td align=\"left\">21 (30)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (6)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (1)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">about reattribution training N = 35</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">The reattribution training programme did not really teach me anything new</td><td align=\"left\">2 (6)</td><td align=\"left\">11 (31)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (11)</td><td align=\"left\">12 (34)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">It was easy to find time to concentrate on the training programme, despite the pressure of clinical work in my practice</td><td align=\"left\">4 (11)</td><td align=\"left\">10 (29)</td><td align=\"left\">1(3)</td><td align=\"left\">14 (40)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">The training programme would have been better if it included more formal lectures</td><td align=\"left\">0 (0)</td><td align=\"left\">2 (6)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">8 (23)</td><td align=\"left\">19 (54)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I would have been more inclined to engage with the training programme if I'd been paid to attend the sessions</td><td align=\"left\">3 (9)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (14)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">11 (31)</td><td align=\"left\">10 (29)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">In general, I enjoyed the training programme</td><td align=\"left\">15 (43)</td><td align=\"left\">15 (43)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (9)</td><td align=\"left\">2 (6)</td><td align=\"left\">0 (0)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I have found it easy to put reattribution into practice</td><td align=\"left\">6 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">20 (57)</td><td align=\"left\">3 (6)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">0 (0)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I have already forgotten some of the reattribution stages</td><td align=\"left\">4 (11)</td><td align=\"left\">20 (57)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (14)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (14)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">I often need several consultations with patients to achieve all the reattribution stages</td><td align=\"left\">18 (51)</td><td align=\"left\">14 (40)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">2 (6)</td><td align=\"left\">0 (0)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">There are lots of patients with whom reattribution does not work</td><td align=\"left\">5 (14)</td><td align=\"left\">12 (34)</td><td align=\"left\">13 (37)</td><td align=\"left\">4 (11)</td><td align=\"left\">1 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">In general, putting reattribution into practice makes my consultations with these patients more enjoyable</td><td align=\"left\">7 (20)</td><td align=\"left\">13 (37)</td><td align=\"left\">9 (26)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">0 (0)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">In general, putting reattribution into practice makes my consultations with these patients quicker</td><td align=\"left\">1 (3)</td><td align=\"left\">6 (17)</td><td align=\"left\">10 (29)</td><td align=\"left\">13 (37)</td><td align=\"left\">5 (14)</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2296-9-46-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2296-9-46-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2296-9-46-3\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Blankenstein"], "given-names": ["AH"], "article-title": ["Somatising patients in general practice reattribution, a promising approach"], "source": ["PhD thesis"], "year": ["2001"], "publisher-name": ["Netherlands: Vrije Universiteit"]}, {"surname": ["Morriss", "Dowrick", "Salmon", "Peters", "Dunn", "Rogers", "Lewis", "Charles-Jones", "Hogg", "Clifford", "Gask"], "given-names": ["R", "C", "P", "S", "G", "A", "B", "H", "J", "R", "L"], "article-title": ["Cluster randomised controlled trial of training practices in reattribution for medically unexplained symptoms"], "source": ["British Journal of Psychiatry"], "year": ["2007"], "volume": ["191"], "fpage": ["531"], "lpage": ["542"], "pub-id": ["10.1192/bjp.bp.107.040683"]}, {"surname": ["Corbin", "Strauss"], "given-names": ["J", "A"], "article-title": ["Grounded theory research: Procedures, canons, and evaluative criteria"], "source": ["Qualitative Sociology"], "year": ["1990"], "volume": ["13"], "fpage": ["3"], "lpage": ["21"], "pub-id": ["10.1007/BF00988593"]}, {"collab": ["BMA and NHS Confederation"], "source": ["The Blue Book: Investing in General Practice. The New General Medical Services Contract"], "year": ["2003"], "publisher-name": ["London"]}, {"surname": ["Peters", "Rogers", "Salmon", "Gask", "Towey", "Clifford", "Dowrick", "Morriss"], "given-names": ["S", "A", "P", "L", "M", "R", "C", "R"], "article-title": ["Qualitative analysis of patient experiences of GP attempts to manage medically unexplained symptoms: why did improvement in doctor communication by reattribution training not translate into patient improvement?"], "source": ["Journal of General Internal Medicine"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Fam Pract. 2008 Aug 19; 9:46
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma continues to increase in the United States [##REF##14623619##1##,##REF##11668511##2##] resulting in increased patient encounters for management decisions. Furthermore, the continued underutilization of recommended cancer screening strategies [##REF##18270348##3##] results in patients diagnosed with advanced stages of cancer [##REF##8474513##4##] which can include liver metastases. Several novel medical and surgical approaches are available to treat these tumors when unresectable. One such treatment strategy is radioembolotherapy also known as radiomicrosphere therapy (RT) with <sup>90</sup>Y microsphere radioembolization.</p>", "<p>This radioembolization technique consists of glass (TheraSpheres<sup>®</sup>, MDS Nordion Inc., Ottawa, ON) or resin (SIR-Spheres<sup>®</sup>, Sirtex Medical Inc., Wilmington, MA) microspheres 20–40 micrometers in size which are embedded with radioactive <sup>90</sup>Y [##REF##16923973##5##]. Such regional therapy takes advantage of the dual blood supply of the liver. Whereas normal liver parenchyma is supplied principally by the portal system [##REF##16904840##6##], the majority of hepatic tumors derive their blood supply from the hepatic artery [##REF##14874125##7##]. As such, the microspheres are selectively injected into the hepatic artery circulation and on to the tumor's microsvasculature where they embolize. As <sup>90</sup>Y degrades, the microspheres emit beta-radiation (mean energy 0.93 MeV, maximum energy 2.27 MeV) to an average depth of 2.4 mm localized at the tumor site [##REF##17355414##8##] so as to minimize damage to the surrounding parenchyma. The half life of <sup>90</sup>Y is 64.1 hours.</p>", "<p>While the overall complication rate of the procedure is low [##REF##16990462##9##], gastric and duodenal ulceration after <sup>90</sup>Y radioembolization has been described [##REF##17355414##8##,##REF##14748889##10##, ####REF##16225697##11##, ##REF##17446547##12##, ##REF##17159545##13####17159545##13##]. Gastrointestinal ulceration is most commonly a result of arterioarterial non-target flow of the microspheres through an aberrant hepatic arterial vasculature supplying the stomach and duodenum [##REF##17446547##12##] with resultant radiation damage to the affected mucosa [##REF##17355414##8##].</p>", "<p>We sought to determine the frequency of clinically relevant gastrointestinal ulceration as a complication of <sup>90</sup>Y radioembolization at our institution. Furthermore, we sought to describe each patient's clinical course in an attempt to establish common presenting signs and symptoms, as well as best treatment approaches.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Our experience with RT began in mid-2004. Since then, we have utilized RT for primary and secondary hepatic malignancies not amenable to curative resection and/or refractory to systemic chemotherapy. We reviewed the charts of all patients undergoing RT in our early experience from 2004 through 2007. All patients underwent pretreatment celiac angiography to detect the hepatic arterial distribution of the tumor. The gastroduodenal artery was not empirically embolized as patients were to have selective right or left hepatic arterial delivery of the <sup>90</sup>Y microspheres (SIR-Spheres<sup>®</sup>, Sirtex Medical Inc., Wilmington MA) However, if angiography demonstrated vessels at high risk for non-target flow, these were embolized prior to RT. Extrahepatic shunting was evaluated using infusion of Technetium-99 labeled macroagreggated albumin (MAA) at the precise site chosen for future RT. A catheter was placed in the right or left hepatic artery. 4 mCi of Technetium-99 labeled macroaggregated albumin were instilled via the implanted catheter. Planar images were then obtained of the lungs and abdomen to quantify the degree of extrahepatic activity i.e. shunting away from the liver lesion. Patients with less than ten percent pulmonary shunting were considered good candidates for RT using full dose of <sup>90</sup>Y by dosimetry according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Those with 10–20% pulmonary shunting underwent RT with decreased <sup>90</sup>Y dosing. Patients with greater than 20% percent pulmonary shunting were considered unsuitable for RT. Within four weeks, <sup>90</sup>Y microspheres were infused at the exact location as the MAA study. All patients underwent immediate single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging to determine the distribution of <sup>90</sup>Y. Patients were monitored for six hours and discharged the following day on a steroid taper and proton pump inhibitor.</p>", "<p>A retrospective chart review of all patients presenting for upper endoscopy after RT utilizing <sup>90</sup>Y microspheres was performed. The need for an endoscopic evaluation was determined by the treating physician. If a patient was determined to have undergone an upper endoscopy after RT their chart was reviewed further for clinical information. We specifically sought to determine presenting signs and symptoms, endoscopic findings, pathology specimen reports, and clinical outcomes. The study was approved by the cancer IRB of Ohio State University.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Twenty-seven patients underwent 33 treatments with RT for colorectal metastases (N = 15), hepatocellular carcinoma (N = 4), cholangiocarcinoma metastases (N = 2), neuroendocrine metastases (N = 2), unknown primary metastases (N = 2), prostate carcinoma metastases (N = 1), and melanoma metastases (N = 1). The median follow-up from time of RT was 6 months (mean 9.7 months; range 1–48 months). One patient was lost to follow-up after the procedure. Three patients presented with gastrointestinal ulceration.</p>", "<p>The first patient had moderately differentiated rectal adenocarcinoma metastatic to the liver. Despite aggressive cytotoxic chemotherapy his cancer progressed and the liver lesions became increasingly symptomatic with partial biliary obstruction. RT utilizing <sup>90</sup>Y microspheres was determined to be the optimal treatment modality based on local expertise. Pre-RT Technetium-99 MAA showed less than 10% shunting to the lung. Pre-procedural angiography showed normal caliber vessels with the common hepatic artery trifurcating into the right hepatic artery, the left hepatic artery, and the gastroduodenal artery. The left gastric artery did not communicate with the hepatic circulation. However, the left hepatic artery trunk aberrantly arose from the common hepatic artery five millimeters proximal to the takeoff of the gastroduodenal artery and bifurcated one centimeter distal to its origin. The patient then received 1.5 GBq of <sup>90</sup>Y microspheres via the right hepatic artery. Due to successful treatment with RT in the right hepatic lobe, this modality was employed for the left liver lobe lesions four months later. Normal vascular anatomy was confirmed with repeat angiography. 1.5 GBq of <sup>90</sup>Y microspheres were placed in the left hepatic artery with angiographic evidence of decrease in antegrade flow. After each RT session, no evidence of extrahepatic <sup>90</sup>Y deposition was seen on post-RT SPECT imaging. The patient presented 16 weeks later with a three day history of abdominal pain, nausea, and melena. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy was undertaken demonstrating erythema of the duodenal bulb and a large gastric body ulcer with a clean base (figure ##FIG##0##1##). The patient was not taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and <italic>Helicobacter pylori </italic>infection was not suspected although this was not specifically tested for. Biopsies were not obtained but given the lack of concomitant risk factors, complication of RT was suspected. Despite aggressive ongoing therapy with proton pump inhibitors the patient had ongoing blood loss. Gastrectomy was recommended but the patient refused further medical and surgical intervention and expired.</p>", "<p>The second patient had moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon originally treated by right hemicolectomy in 1994. Three years after the original diagnosis he was found to have multiple hepatic metastases and was treated with a course of 5-FU based chemotherapy. Despite aggressive medical therapy, re-staging imaging studies showed a remaining lesion in segment six. He underwent margin-negative non-anatomic resection of the solitary tumor and no other lesions were observed on intraoperative ultrasound. In 2000 he was again found to have recurrent disease in regions of margin-negative non-anatomic resection hepatic segments 4, 5, and 8. He was treated with a combination of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and surgical resection of all disease. He again had intraoperative RFA to new lesions in the right liver in 2003. Right and left hepatic artery bland embolization was subsequently completed two months after his last operation. The patient again had cancer recurrence in his liver in 2005 and was recommended for RT. At the time of pretreatment angiography, a replaced left hepatic artery arising from the left gastric artery and several areas of narrowing in the intra-hepatic portion of the hepatic artery was seen. Prophylactic embolization of the gastroduodenal artery was completed as collateral flow to the liver supplied from this vessel was also identified angiographically. His MAA study confirmed that he had no extrahepatic shunting. One month later 1.61 GBq of <sup>90</sup>Y microspheres was administered via the right hepatic artery. Post-treatment SPECT showed no extrahepatic uptake. The patient developed epigastric pain which was evaluated by upper endoscopy one month after RT. The patient was found to have a cratered gastric ulceration without bleeding at the pylorus (figure ##FIG##1##2##). No biopsies were obtained as the patient was on anticoagulant therapy. The patient was discharged on proton pump inhibitor therapy twice daily. The patient continued to have abdominal pain not relieved by acid suppressant medications and repeat endoscopy was undertaken six weeks later. Endoscopy showed a persistent non-healing ulcer in the pylorus and an additional cratered ulcer in the antrum. The patient was instructed to hold anticoagulants and biopsies of the non-healing ulcers were obtained on two separate occasions over the ensuing three months. Pathology from both specimens showed foreign material and microscopic spherules (figure ##FIG##2##3##) consistent with the patient's known history of <sup>90</sup>Y therapy. The withdrawal of anti-coagulation and the continued acid suppression resulted in stabilization of the patient's hemoglobin and his symptoms resolved. The patient ultimately developed extrahepatic recurrence and expired from complications of metastatic disease.</p>", "<p>The third patient had adenocarcinoma from an unknown primary metastatic to the right lobe of the liver. She subsequently underwent mesenteric angiography to evaluate her candidacy for <sup>90</sup>Y RT. The patient demonstrated normal hepatic arterial anatomy including the right hepatic arterial target. There was no abnormal communication of the left gastric artery with the hepatic circulation. Technetium-99 MAA demonstrated a 5% shunt fraction to the lungs. In a second procedure, she received 1.9 GBq <sup>90</sup>Y RT delivered selectively to the right hepatic artery. Stagnation of blood flow was witnessed at the conclusion of the procedure. Post-infusion scintigraphy demonstrated no radiopharmaceutical uptake outside the liver. The patient subsequently developed melena five months after RT. Upper endoscopy demonstrated friability and granularity in the duodenal bulb as well as the second portion of the duodenum and the gastric antrum (figure ##FIG##3##4##). There was a sharp demarcation of abnormal to normal mucosa in the second portion of the duodenum. Biopsies were obtained and demonstrated foreign body spherules in the gastric as well as the duodenal specimens consistent with <sup>90</sup>Y therapy. <italic>Helicobacter pylori </italic>was not demonstrated on antral biopsies. Despite continued therapy with proton pump inhibitors, the patient continued to demonstrate gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The patient ultimately underwent empiric embolization of her gastroduodenal artery (GDA) starting at the proximal gastroepiploic artery. A combination of coils and gel foam was used to achieve successful embolization. Despite embolization of her GDA, the patient continued to have gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Consequently, she underwent repeat angiography with embolization of two small antral branches off of the left gastric artery resulting in hemostasis. However, repeat endoscopy seven months after <sup>90</sup>Y radiotherapy demonstrated active bleeding from the duodenal erythema requiring epinephrine injection and argon plasma coagulation for hemostasis. Despite aggressive endoscopic therapy the patient continued to have transfusion requiring mucosal hemorrhage. Selective bland embolization of multiple left gastric artery branches was completed and her hemoglobin remained stable thereafter. The patient subsequently developed rapid progression of her cancer and expired shortly thereafter from complications of her metastatic disease. At the time of her death she did not have evidence of gastrointestinal hemorrhage.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>In our experience, three of twenty-seven (11.1%) patients presented with endoscopically confirmed gastrointestinal ulceration/mucosal disruption. These all occurred in our first twelve cases and no changes occurred in our procedural technique during the time period studied to account for these complications. Although we have not seen any further incidents of gastrointestinal ulceration as we have gained more experience, this is possibly an underestimation as patients frequently present with non-specific abdominal complaints that may be indicative of gastrointestinal tract ulceration similar to our patients. All three of our patients presented with abdominal pain and nausea. Two of the three presented with melena. As such, clinicians should employ a low threshold for endoscopic evaluation and treatment in a patient following RT therapy with abdominal complaints or unexplained anemia.</p>", "<p>A detailed history of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory use and history of <italic>Helicobacter pylori </italic>infection should be obtained prior to RT to assess risk factors for gastrointestinal ulceration. Based upon the review of our patients' records, we did not identify such risk factors, however. In patients found to be at increased risk, we recommend prolonged acid suppression and eradication of <italic>Helicobacter pylori </italic>if found. When corticosteroids are administered in the early post-RT period, aggressive acid suppression should be undertaken as well. Furthermore, biopsies should be obtained at the time of endoscopy to rule out an infectious etiology and to determine if foreign body spherules or radiation changes are present.</p>", "<p>Previous experiences [##REF##17355414##8##] have shown a lower (3.8%) and much higher (20%) [##REF##2766018##14##] incidence of symptomatic gastroduodenal ulcerations. This lower complication rate was reported to be a result of empiric coil embolization of the gastroduodenal artery and all other collateral vessels communicating with the gastrointestinal tract at the time of angiography. In the first patient the short segment between the left hepatic artery and the GDA may have resulted in an easier retrograde reflux of microspheres into the GDA resulting in shunting of microspheres to the gastrointestinal tract. The second patient had previously received hepatic artery embolization resulting in small sclerotic hepatic artery vasculature that may have contributed to impedance of forward flow of the microspheres despite empiric GDA embolization. The anatomic variant of the left hepatic artery arising from the left gastric artery also may put the patient at risk for retrograde flow of the microspheres. No risk factor for non-target flow was identified angiographically in the third patient pre-RT. Stagnation of blood flow peri-procedurally likely contributed to retrograde flow of the microspheres through the GDA. While the routine embolization of the gastroduodenal artery was not advocated by all at the time of our study period, it has become common practice presently. Our current practice is to selectively embolize the gastroduodenal artery and any vessel at risk for shunting to the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, we periodically re-verify patency of the target vessel throughout the <sup>90</sup>Y injection process as stagnation of flow may result in redirection of microspheres away from the hepatic circulation.</p>", "<p>Furthermore, if <sup>90</sup>Y microspheres are detected in biopsy specimens, medical treatment including high dose proton pump inhibitor therapy should be employed. Interventional radiologic techniques are often successful, but the optimal management strategy to treat gastrointestinal hemorrhage as a complication of RT is unknown and an early aggressive surgical approach to remove affected areas should be considered if other methods have failed.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Gastrointestinal ulceration is a known and relatively common complication that is not often reported following <sup>90</sup>Y microsphere embolization with potentially life-threatening consequences. Since vague upper abdominal discomfort is common after RT and often not thoroughly evaluated, the true incidence of occult ulceration is not known but occurs in at least 11% of patients despite comprehensive pre-treatment angiographic evaluation when empiric gastroduodenal artery embolization is not performed.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Radiomicrosphere therapy (RT) utilizing yttrium-90 (<sup>90</sup>Y) microspheres has been shown to be an effective regional treatment for primary and secondary hepatic malignancies. We sought to determine a large academic institution's experience regarding the extent and frequency of gastrointestinal complications.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Between 2004 and 2007, 27 patients underwent RT for primary or secondary hepatic malignancies. Charts were subsequently reviewed to determine the incidence and severity of GI ulceration.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Three patients presented with gastrointestinal bleeding and underwent upper endoscopy. Review of the pretreatment angiograms showed normal vascular anatomy in one patient, sclerosed hepatic vasculature in a patient who had undergone prior chemoembolization in a second, and an aberrant left hepatic artery in a third. None had undergone prophylactic gastroduodenal artery embolization. Endoscopic findings included erythema, mucosal erosions, and large gastric ulcers. Microspheres were visible on endoscopic biopsy. In two patients, gastric ulcers were persistent at the time of repeat endoscopy 1–4 months later despite proton pump inhibitor therapy. One elderly patient who refused surgical intervention died from recurrent hemorrhage.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Gastrointestinal ulceration is a known yet rarely reported complication of <sup>90</sup>Y microsphere embolization with potentially life-threatening consequences. Once diagnosed, refractory ulcers should be considered for aggressive surgical management.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>CDS assisted in chart review and drafted the manuscript. MMM, and GM assisted in chart review and helped to draft the manuscript. EYK, AAR, and HK assisted in interpretation of radiologic procedures and revision of the manuscript. FBT participated in the design of the study and revision of the manuscript. MB conceived of the study, participated in its design and coordination, helped to draft the manuscript, and has given final approval of the version to be published. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This paper was originally presented as part of SSAT/AGA/ASGE Poster Presentation at the SSAT 49th Annual Meeting, May 2008, in San Diego, CA.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Endoscopic view of a large gastric body ulcer.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>Endoscopic view of a pyloric channel ulcer.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Hematoxylin and Eosin stain of gastric biopsy specimen (400×).</bold> Note microspheres in gastric mucosa.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p>Endoscopic view of antral erosions and erythema.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-93-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-93-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-93-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1477-7819-6-93-4\"/>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:35
World J Surg Oncol. 2008 Sep 2; 6:93
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>There is an increasing need for complex health service changes to be evaluated in general practice. This is in recognition of the critical role of general practice in the health system and the need for it to respond to new challenges such as the rise of chronic disease and the pressure faced by other sections of the health system such as hospitals. In the 1990s, the majority of funded research in Australian general practice was descriptive [##REF##11432027##1##]. More recently there has been an increased emphasis on conducting randomised trials to produce the high level evidence needed to underpin quality primary health care policy and practice [##UREF##0##2##]. This has resulted in an increasing number of complex intervention studies commencing in Australian general practice over the past five years.</p>", "<p>It is established that such trials need a methodology capable of answering the questions they ask. This includes controlling for other changes which may be occurring and an adequate sample size to adjust for clustering of patients by practices and for loss to follow up [##REF##15031246##3##]. Complex health interventions are built up of several components that may include organisational structures and delivery methods. The UK Medical Research Council framework on evaluating complex interventions emphasises the importance of a stepwise approach to developing and evaluating a complex intervention involving theory, modelling, piloting, and following the trial with an implementation phase [##UREF##1##4##]. Campbell et al have stressed the importance of the context in which the research is undertaken including health service systems; population characteristics and how these change over time; understanding the problem including the pathways by which problems are caused; the potential for improvement; reviewing barriers to the intervention; optimising components of the intervention and refining the target group to take into account its likelihood of responding to the intervention [##REF##17332585##5##].</p>", "<p>There has been little empirical examination of these issues in general practice in Australia. This paper seeks to explore some of the issues related to the recruitment and retention of general practices in such trials using our own experience with a health services trial conducted over the past three years.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>The trial grew from our previous research on the capacity of general practices to provide quality care for patients with chronic disease that showed a relationship between teamwork within the practice and quality of care [##UREF##2##6##,##UREF##3##7##]. Following this, we designed a study to examine the effects of an intervention to increase the team roles of non-GP staff in management of patients with chronic disease. This began with a qualitative study to identify the interventions appropriate for Australian general practice [##REF##17392949##8##]. Focus groups were used to collect data from groups of practice staff: practice nurses, practices managers and receptionists. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by phone with key informants and Chief Executive Officers of Divisions of General Practice (Australian primary care organisations). This research highlighted the importance of key characteristics including leadership, communication protocols, team meetings, information systems and procedures, role definitions and training within the practice.</p>", "<p>The intervention consisted of a six month \"Teamwork for Chronic Disease Care\" program. Based on published evidence, the programme assisted practices to define roles and procedures for practice staff to support GPs in the care of patients with type-2 diabetes, ischaemic heart disease, or hypertension. The program included four elements:</p>", "<p>• Practices nominated a non-GP members of staff as chronic disease management (CDM) leader for the program</p>", "<p>• The researchers provided education and briefing sessions for GPs and CDM leaders on chronic disease care support, guidelines for structured care for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and practice systems which asses quality and cost effective teamwork in chronic disease care</p>", "<p>• Practice visits by a teamwork facilitator to help practices assess their existing systems, set targets for change, explore barriers and enablers to team working and quality improvement activities using non-GP staff, and addressing processes for improving practice income through providing quality care</p>", "<p>• Providing ongoing support through telephone calls and follow-up visits.</p>", "<p>The intervention was piloted in one practice before the project began. However, although the same data collection methods and instruments had been used in our previous study, there was no piloting of the full recruitment, data collection and intervention prior to commencing the study. The University of New South Wales Human Research Ethics Committee approval required arms-length recruitment of both practices and, in particular, patients. Practices could only be approached by Divisions of General Practice to participate and patients could only be approached by their practices. This meant that the researchers could not directly approach either practices or patients. The researchers asked Divisions of General Practice to seek expressions of interest from practices in their territory that passed these to the researchers. Patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly identified by the practice and approached by mail for their consent. Only when consent was received did the researchers contact patients directly. The study protocol is summarised in figure ##FIG##0##1##. [see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##]</p>", "<title>Methodology for this paper</title>", "<p>Project evaluation staff conducted telephone interviews with practices that initially expressed interest but did not participate and with those who did participate. We asked about their reasons for participation or non-participation. Practices that agreed to participate but subsequently withdrew after baseline data collection were also asked to give a reason for withdrawing which was recorded. These responses were analysed thematically.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>The recruitment</title>", "<p>Divisions of General Practice were relatively easy to recruit. Initially 20 Divisions expressed interest and 16 participated in the study. For them the main attraction was an interest in the subject matter as this fitted with their core activities of practice support and promoting the use of chronic disease and multidisciplinary care planning. These activities were included in national Division performance indicators. However, Divisions only recruited between one and seven practices each that went on to participate in the study not the larger numbers hoped for.</p>", "<title>Withdrawal after expressing interest</title>", "<p>155 practices expressed interest in the study. Of these 87 went on to participate by consenting to take part and providing baseline data. Explanations for not participating after expressing interest were surprisingly diverse. Patient demand and practice workload were the most frequent reasons given and often associated with loss of clinical or administrative staff. This caused practices to refocus on their core business (clinical care) with participation in research being a secondary priority.</p>", "<p>Delays between the practice expressing interest and being visited by the research team occurred for a variety of reasons – communication difficulties between Divisions, the research team and practices; logistical difficulties arranging visits; and staff turnover both in practices and the research team. These delays caused a number of practices to lose interest or to become caught up in other developments or activities.</p>", "<p>In some cases individual GPs, practice managers or nurses expressed initial interest but could not convince the rest of practice that they should participate. Some larger practices could not secure the agreement of the majority of GPs to take part. Practices faced competing demands from other activities especially preparing practice accreditation or participating in the more generously funded Primary Care Collaboratives Program.</p>", "<title>Withdrawal from the trial after providing baseline data</title>", "<p>Of the 87 practices who participated in the initial data collection, 30 subsequently withdrew. Since the research design required completion of baseline data collection before block randomisation by Division, there were long delays for some practices between recruitment, completion of baseline data collection, block randomisation and the start of the intervention. Practices found this frustrating and it led to several withdrawals by practices that had provided baseline data.</p>", "<p>Some practices withdrew during the trial when they understood more clearly the extent of data collection required. Since the trial took place over an extended period circumstances changed within particular practices including the dissolution of one practice partnership and the loss of key supporting staff including a practice manager.</p>", "<title>Practices that remained in the trial</title>", "<p>57 practices remained in the study and provided data throughout the trial. This provided sufficient power to detect differences in the outcomes between intervention and control groups although it was less than originally hoped for. However the difficulty in recruitment and retention led to a delay in the study by 12 months markedly increasing the costs of the study.</p>", "<p>Practices remaining in the trial were more likely than those who did not participate or withdrew to see an opportunity to improve the way in which the practice managed chronic disease, to have a straightforward method of decision making within the practice, and to perceive research as important in improving the quality of care in their practice.</p>", "<p>The incentives for practices to participate were largely intrinsic and related to the opportunity to assess the quality of care in their own practice and take steps to improve teamwork. Funding was not a primary consideration and was provided only to defer the costs of practice staff time in data collection and recruitment.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The aim of this paper was to examine the key issues experienced in recruiting and retaining practice involvement in a large complex intervention trial in Australian General Practice and draw out the lessons for the conduct of such studies.</p>", "<p>We have learnt some practical lessons for the successful conduct of research in general practice. The requirement of arms-length recruitment of practices through Divisions of General Practice contributed significantly to the difficulties of recruiting general practices and retaining them throughout the trial. This was because we only had an opportunity to explain the study directly to practices after they had been briefed by the Divisions and had expressed interest. In some cases this meant that practices did not have realistic expectations of what was involved in the study and they withdrew either before or after data collection had begun.</p>", "<p>We believe that while arms-length recruitment of patients is very appropriate, arms length recruitment of practices interferes with the early establishment of an appropriate relationship between researchers and practitioners. We, as researchers, must be more directly involved in explaining the study to potential participant practices within Divisions especially in explaining the rationale, process, extent of necessary commitments and potential benefits. It is difficult for Divisions to provide this information to practices since they are not primarily research agencies but it is crucial for recruitment and continued engagement. Providing feedback to practices through direct contact, newsletters, and local presentations within their Division were important.</p>", "<p>Partnerships with Divisions of General Practice are necessary in the Australian context because of their recognition as gatekeepers to general practice and because direct recruitment of practices is discouraged by most institutional ethics committees. If Divisions are to assist in recruitment (and possibly in the conduct of research) they need to see the research as central to their needs and those of their members. However in our experience, and that of other Australian researchers, engagement of Divisions and successful recruitment is likely to be enhanced if they are formally recognised as research partners and not simply used as a means to obtain practices [##UREF##4##9##]. We have sought to develop this partnership through better communication of findings of previous research with them and involvement of the Divisions as partners early and throughout the research development process. For intervention research, there may be particular benefits in involving Divisions in the implementation of the intervention (and of course funding them to do so). This is because they are experienced in working with their members, visiting practices, providing training and education and other practice support [##REF##17760919##10##]. It may also allow research studies to more clearly separate the intervention and evaluation arms of their research.</p>", "<p>In most research trials, the engagement of practices also needs to be maintained over time. While funding may never be sufficient to act as an incentive on its own, it can reduce the costs of participation. The Australian Association for Academic General Practice has called for similar levels of remuneration to that provided to teaching practices for practices participating in research. Apart from financial measures, more rapid feedback and recognition for their involvement may make it more attractive to GPs. While attaining Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points is an important recognition for some GPs at some points in the CPD cycle, recognition of their continuing involvement in research may also be encouraged by other measures such as invitations to presentations of the findings, formal appointments as research collaborators or as research network members [##REF##16842071##11##,##UREF##5##12##].</p>", "<p>We found it vitally important to minimise the time intervals between expression of interest and practice visits and between recruitment and initiating the intervention within each practice. This required a change in our research protocol to allow earlier contact with the practices and to minimise the delays due to block randomisation. We have also recognised the burden of research participation for general practice and have learnt to minimise the amount of time required of all practice staff, including GPs.</p>", "<p>We anticipate that practice recruitment to research will become more, not less, difficult in the medium term due to increasing work pressures, shortage of GPs and other primary care staff and competition for practice involvement from other initiatives and programs.</p>", "<p>Those designing and evaluating complex interventions in Australian general practice face very real constraints in recruiting and retaining sufficient practices. This is particularly so for health service intervention studies, such as our study of teamwork, that some GPs may find less attractive than specific therapeutic interventions. Research methodology must respond flexibly to the needs of and demands on practices. Random allocation of practices has methodological advantages to randomisation of individual patients or non-random allocation. However this may act as a significant barrier to engagement of practices even where delayed intervention is offered to the control group of practices. Other designs (such as quasi-experimental designs) are likely to be more acceptable and may need to be considered where they can answer the research questions.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In this paper we have described some pragmatic and more serious obstacles to conducting intervention research studies in Australian general practices. Overcoming these obstacles is important for the following reasons. In the face of an increased burden of chronic diseases, we need to know if care is most effectively and efficiently organised. In a period of international workforce shortage, both medical, allied health and nursing we need to know how teams with an appropriate skill-mix are able to work together to provide the best possible care. The first challenge in trying to answer these questions is to engage general practice in the research process. Meeting this challenge requires all our creativity and ingenuity.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The paper examines the key issues experienced in recruiting and retaining practice involvement in a large complex intervention trial in Australian General Practice.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Reflective notes made by research staff and telephone interviews with staff from general practices which expressed interest, took part or withdrew from a trial of a complex general practice intervention.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Recruitment and retention difficulties were due to factors inherent in the demands and context of general practice, the degree of engagement of primary care organisations (Divisions of General Practice), perceived benefits by practices, the design of the trial and the timing and complexity of data collection.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>There needs to be clearer articulation to practices of the benefits of the research to participants and streamlining of the design and processes of data collection and intervention to fit in with their work practices. Ultimately deeper engagement may require additional funding and ongoing participation through practice research networks.</p>", "<title>Trial Registration</title>", "<p><bold>Current Controlled Trials </bold>ACTRN12605000788673</p>" ]
[ "<title>Abbreviations</title>", "<p>GP: general practitioner; CDM: Chronic disease management; Division: Division of General Practice; CPD: Continuous Professional Development.</p>", "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>DP drafted the paper. JoT, BC, JaT, and MF undertook the underpinning research and MFH substantially revised the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Pre-publication history</title>", "<p>The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:</p>", "<p><ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/></p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The authors would like to acknowledge the other investigators on the Teamwork study including Judy Proudfoot, Justin Beilby, Patrick Crookes, Geoffrey Meredith, Deborah Black, Elizabeth Patterson, Gawaine Powell Davies, Matt Hanrahan and Barbara Booth. We would also like to especially acknowledge the contribution of the field research officers Linda Greer, Pauline van Dort, Corinne Opt Hoog, and the study administrator Sunny Bustamante. We would also like to thank the GPs and other staff of the participating practices and Divisions.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>Summary of the \"Teamwork\" study protocol.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Why this paper is important.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2288-8-55-1\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2288-8-55-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"collab": ["Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing"], "article-title": ["Primary health care research, evaluation and development strategy, Phase 2 (2006\u20132009) Strategic plan"], "year": ["2005"]}, {"collab": ["Medical Research Council"], "source": ["A framework for development and evaluation of RCT's for complex interventions to improve health"], "year": ["2000"], "publisher-name": ["London: Medical Research Council"]}, {"surname": ["Proudfoot", "Swan", "Amoroso", "Grimm", "Jayasinghe", "Powell Davies", "Bubner", "Holton", "Barton", "Beilby", "Harris"], "given-names": ["J", "E", "C", "J", "U", "G", "T", "C", "C", "J", "M"], "article-title": ["Measuring the capacity of Australian general practices to conduct quality chronic disease care"], "source": ["Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian Conference on Safety and Quality in Health Care Canberra"], "year": ["2004"]}, {"surname": ["Proudfoot", "Jayasinghe", "Holton", "Grimm", "Bubner", "Amoroso", "Beilby", "Harris"], "given-names": ["J", "U", "C", "J", "T", "C", "J", "MF"], "article-title": ["Team Climate for Innovation in Australian General Practices"], "source": ["Int J of Quality in Health Care"], "year": ["2007"]}, {"surname": ["Del Mar", "McAvoy", "Lyle", "Askew", "Pegram R, Daniel J, Harris M, Humphries J, Kalucy L, MacIsaac P, Mott K, Saunders R"], "given-names": ["C", "BR", "D", "D"], "article-title": ["Ch5 General Practice Research"], "source": ["General Practice in Australia 2004"], "year": ["2005"], "publisher-name": ["Department of Health and Ageing: Canberra"]}, {"surname": ["Perkins", "Powell Davies"], "given-names": ["D", "PG"], "source": ["A network of general practices to monitor changes in chronic disease care?"], "year": ["2006"], "publisher-name": ["Commissioned scoping paper for Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, UNSW Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Med Res Methodol. 2008 Aug 13; 8:55
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The complex, interactive communities displayed by highly social insects represent an important and highly successful evolutionary innovation [##UREF##0##1##,##UREF##1##2##]. The success of social insects arises largely from their extraordinary cooperative and helping behaviors [##UREF##1##2##, ####UREF##2##3##, ##UREF##3##4##, ##UREF##4##5####4##5##]. However, the intricate social organization displayed by social insects may also be exploited and manipulated. For instance, many social insects are subject to social parasitism [##REF##21227369##6##,##UREF##5##7##]. Social parasites benefit from brood care or other resources at the expense of the society of a social host species [##UREF##6##8##].</p>", "<p>In hymenopteran social insects (ants, some bees, and some wasps), social parasitism may take several forms [##UREF##2##3##,##UREF##5##7##, ####UREF##6##8##, ##UREF##7##9##, ##UREF##8##10####8##10##]. The most extreme social parasites are completely dependent on their host taxa. Queens of these obligate parasites enter active host colonies, kill the resident queen, and use the remaining worker force of the host to rear their own parasitic offspring. These obligate parasites do not produce their own workers, and are completely reliant on the workers of the host to complete their life cycle. Alternatively, some social parasites display facultatively parasitic behavior. Queens of these species may usurp colonies of their hosts in some cases, but may also reproduce independently under other conditions. These facultative social parasites are of particular interest, because they may represent an intermediate stage in the evolution of socially parasitic behavior [##UREF##9##11##,##UREF##10##12##].</p>", "<p>The social wasp <italic>Vespula squamosa</italic>, commonly known as the southern yellowjacket, is a facultative social parasite [##UREF##9##11##,##UREF##11##13##, ####UREF##12##14##, ##UREF##13##15####13##15##]. <italic>Vespula squamosa </italic>is found throughout the eastern part of the United States extending south to Honduras (Fig. ##FIG##0##1##) [##UREF##14##16##,##UREF##15##17##]. It is thought that <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens can found colonies independently under some circumstances [##UREF##9##11##], because no known hosts live in the southern part of the range of <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. However, throughout most of its range, <italic>V. squamosa </italic>is considered to be parasitic [##UREF##11##13##].</p>", "<p><italic>Vespula squamosa </italic>queens parasitize host taxa by usurping active nests established by other queens [##UREF##9##11##,##UREF##10##12##,##UREF##12##14##,##UREF##13##15##,##UREF##16##18##]. <italic>Vespula squamosa </italic>queens are known to primarily parasitize species in their own genus. However, there are reports of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens usurping colonies of distantly related taxa, such as the hornet <italic>Vespa crabro </italic>[##UREF##16##18##]. Where parasitism occurs, <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens emerge relatively late in the season and seek out already established host colonies to usurp [##UREF##10##12##, ####UREF##11##13##, ##UREF##12##14####12##14##]. Once host colonies are located, the <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queen kills the resident queen and assumes possession of the colony. The remaining host workers help the <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queen rear her own worker and sexual offspring. Eventually the usurped workers die and the entire colony comes to be inhabited by <italic>V. squamosa </italic>individuals.</p>", "<p>In the southeastern part of the United States, the principal host of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>is the eastern yellowjacket, <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>(Fig. ##FIG##0##1##) [##UREF##12##14##,##UREF##13##15##]. In some areas, 40% of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>colonies fall victim to <italic>V. squamosa </italic>parasitism [##UREF##17##19##]. Moreover, 80% of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>colonies show clear evidence of having originated by parasitism of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>colonies in this part of the country. In fact, the frequency of parasitism is likely higher, because usurped nests can only be detected if nest take-over occurs subsequent to significant cell construction by the host [##UREF##13##15##].</p>", "<p>Social parasitism may play an important role in determining the levels of genetic variation and structure of the two interacting taxa [##UREF##5##7##,##REF##11308089##20##, ####REF##11308088##21##, ##UREF##18##22####18##22##]. For example, <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens represent a significant mortality factor for <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>, owing to the relatively high rate of nest takeover. Nest parasitism may thereby potentially depress the amount of genetic variation in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>populations by limiting <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>population size. Moreover, the number of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>nesting sites is potentially constrained by the presence of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>colonies in the population, because <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens primarily found nests by usurping those already initiated by <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>. Evolutionary interactions of social parasites are also known to be influenced by rates of migration for a parasite and its host [##UREF##5##7##]. The interaction between migration and local adaptation may lead to a coevolutionary arms race between parasites and their hosts with gene flow as the primary currency [##UREF##19##23##]. In sum, parasite range and effective population size are related to the degree of population structure of its host. However, the degree that this will influence demography and genetic structure is currently unknown in a facultative social parasite. Thus, our aim was to understand the genetic structure and levels of genetic variation in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>to determine if the parasitic lifestyle differentially affected gene flow and population size in the two taxa.</p>", "<p>The relationship between a social parasite and its host also likely affects the breeding systems of both taxa. For instance, signaling systems between hosts and parasites provide an interesting paradox associated with genetic diversity generated by the breeding system of the host [##UREF##8##10##]. Increased within-colony genetic diversity of a host species arising as a result of multiple queens within colonies or multiple mating by queens may lead to a superior defense against pathogens or enhanced division-of-labor (e.g., [##REF##15218093##24##, ####UREF##20##25##, ##UREF##21##26##, ##UREF##22##27####22##27##]). However, high levels of within-colony genetic diversity may also enhance the ability of social parasites to invade host colonies, because it leads to a greater diversity of recognition cues [##UREF##23##28##,##UREF##24##29##]. In addition, the breeding system of the parasite may also be affected by the host-parasite interaction. Specifically, Sumner <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##14999273##30##] recently found that parasitism may affect mate number of the parasitic queen. They discovered that queens of a socially parasitic ant mated singly, whereas queens of the closely-related host species mated multiply. These results suggested that benefits to multiple mating were only accrued in a free-living lifestyle. In contrast, the obligate parasite reverted to single mating, because multiple mating apparently did not provide benefits to the parasitic lifestyle.</p>", "<p>In <italic>Vespula </italic>species, within colony genetic diversity is directly related to queen mate number because annual <italic>Vespula </italic>colonies are always headed by a single queen. Indeed, queens of all <italic>Vespula </italic>taxa mate with multiple males [##UREF##25##31##, ####UREF##26##32##, ##REF##11412365##33##, ##REF##16050107##34##, ##UREF##27##35##, ##REF##17561915##36##, ##REF##17767595##37####17767595##37##]. We thus aimed to investigate if the host-parasite relationship between <italic>V. squamosa </italic>and <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>altered mate number of the parasite <italic>V. squamosa </italic>relative to its host <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>. In this system, however, because <italic>V. squamosa </italic>colonies exist as free-living entities for most of their life cycle (i.e., after usurpation and colony takeover is complete), we predicted that <italic>V. squamosa </italic>would not have reverted to a mating system with reduced number of mates, as has been found in other obligate social parasites.</p>", "<p>Overall, the primary objectives of this study were to compare levels of genetic structure and breeding systems of a social wasp and its social parasite. We expected that the parasitic interaction would lead to differences in the genetic structures, but not the breeding systems, of the two species. We conclude this study by discussing how the observed patterns of genetic variation provide insight into how parasitic interactions affect genetic structure within and between species.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Samples</title>", "<p>We collected 37 <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and 13 <italic>V. squamosa </italic>colonies in and around the city of Atlanta, GA, USA (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). Colonies were anesthetized with ether, extracted from the ground, and brought back to the lab. Several workers from each colony were then placed in 95% ethanol for subsequent genetic analysis. Colony collection occurred late in the season (September – November), when usurpation would have been complete, so we did not find mixed colonies containing workers of both species. In addition, most colonies had initiated the reproductive phase of their development and were already producing new queens and males.</p>", "<title>Microsatellite loci</title>", "<p>We determined the utility of several previously developed microsatellite loci in providing genetic information in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. Specifically, we investigated if the loci cloned by Thorèn <italic>et al. </italic>[##REF##11348506##38##] in <italic>V. rufa</italic>, Hasegawa and Takahashi [##UREF##28##39##] in <italic>Vespa mandarinia</italic>, and Daly <italic>et al. </italic>[##UREF##29##40##] in <italic>V. vulgaris </italic>were genetically informative in our study taxa. For these assays, we determined if each locus would PCR amplify in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. If a locus amplified, we then used agarose gel electrophoresis to determine if the locus displayed size variation in a subset of individuals. In the end, we obtained the genotype of all sampled workers of both species at the eight loci, LIST2003, LIST2004, LIST2013, LIST2019, LIST2020, Rufa 5, VMA-3, and VMA-6, which amplified and were polymorphic in both taxa.</p>", "<title>Estimates of variability</title>", "<p>Members of social insect colonies do not represent independent genetic samples because they are related. Consequently, it is necessary to remove the effects of relatedness among colony members to effectively analyze population level data. We avoided the problem of genetic nonindependence of colonymates by inferring the genotypes of the queen and male(s) that produced workers from each colony. Paternity analyses in hymenopteran taxa, such as <italic>Vespula</italic>, are particularly straightforward because males are haploid and full siblings always display the same multilocus haplotype derived from their father. Our analyses thus resulted in a set of diploid (queen) and haploid (male) individuals that were genetically independent. We used the genotypes of these inferred parental individuals to obtain estimates of genetic variability.</p>", "<p>Based on the reconstructed male and queen genotypes, we calculated the allelic richness at the eight loci in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. In addition, we used the rarefaction method of Petit <italic>et al. </italic>[##UREF##30##41##] to correct for the difference in the number of genes sampled in the two species. This method estimates the number of alleles that would be observed in an equal sample of genes from multiple groups based on the number of alleles observed in the actual unequal samples obtained. The use of the standardized allele richness allows for comparisons in the diversity of samples of different sizes. We then calculated the effective number of alleles and gene diversity of each locus to obtain general measures of the overall variability for the markers.</p>", "<title>Population structure</title>", "<p>To avoid problems caused by nonindependence of workers sampled from the same colony, we used a resampling technique that yielded unbiased measures of population genetic structure [##REF##11412365##33##]. Specifically, we used reduced data sets that included only one individual per colony for population analyses. Briefly, a computer program was written to randomly select a single individual's multilocus genotype from each colony, yielding a new data set with the number of individuals sampled equal to the number of colonies. This procedure was repeated 25 times to produce 25 such data sets. Each of these data sets was then used to calculate the population statistic of interest, and the median of the 25 values was taken as the unbiased estimate. Probability tests implemented by the program GENEPOP 3.4 [##UREF##31##42##] were used in conjunction with this resampling procedure to determine the significance of genotypic disequilibrium between microsatellite markers and deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.</p>", "<p>We next determined if <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>or <italic>V. squamosa </italic>populations showed evidence of isolation by distance over the geographical scale considered. We first calculated estimates of <italic>F</italic><sub>ST </sub>between all pairs of colonies for each species using GENEPOP. Thus, colonies, which consisted of groups of sampled workers, were considered as 'populations' for these analyses. Significance of the correlation between geographical and genetic distance was assessed with a Mantel test. The relationship was deemed to be significant if the observed correlation was greater than 5% of the 10,000 randomly generated values. Spearman's rank order correlation coefficient (<italic>r</italic><sub>S</sub>) was used to quantify the association between the genetic distances between nests and the geographical distances that separated them.</p>", "<title>Mating system</title>", "<p>We used the molecular genetic data derived from the worker genotypes to investigate how the breeding systems of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>differed. Because annual <italic>Vespula </italic>colonies are headed by single queens, within colony genetic diversity provides insight into the queen's mating history. We thus used the genetic data to determine the number of males to which queens were mated. We then compared mate number in the two taxa via a Kruskal-Wallis test. We next calculated the effective paternity (<italic>k</italic><sub><italic>e</italic>3</sub>) for workers using the method of Nielsen <italic>et al. </italic>[##REF##14629394##43##]. The metric <italic>k</italic><sub><italic>e</italic>3 </sub>includes information on the number of times a queen mates and the unequal contributions of a queen's male mates to offspring. We also tested if the estimates of <italic>k</italic><sub><italic>e</italic>3 </sub>obtained for <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>differed using a Kruskal-Wallis test.</p>", "<p>Additionally, we investigated if the distribution of mate number in the two species matched known distributions, as might be expected if particular biological processes (such as constant mate search time or equal probability of mating with particular numbers of males) affected the mating behavior of queens [##UREF##32##44##]. Specifically, we fitted a Gaussian distribution to queen mate number. We expected that mate number would match this distribution if number of mates were a random function of time and mating opportunity. In contrast, deviations of mate number from the Gaussian distribution might indicate the action of selection operating in these species.</p>", "<p>We calculated the magnitude of reproductive skew of males mated to queens using the metric <italic>B </italic>of Nonacs [##UREF##33##45##]. The 95% confidence intervals for each estimate of <italic>B </italic>were estimated to determine the significance of skew. Values of <italic>B </italic>were considered to be significant if the 95% confidence intervals failed to overlap 0. Both the skew and significance of skew were calculated using the program Skew Calculator [##UREF##33##45##]. As was the case with our estimates of <italic>k</italic><sub><italic>e</italic>3</sub>, we tested if estimates of <italic>B </italic>differed between species via a Kruskal-Wallis test.</p>", "<p>We calculated the relatedness of workers belonging to the same colony using the program RELATEDNESS [##UREF##34##46##]. We then estimated the relatedness of the queens to their male mates and the relatedness of males mated to single queens to determine if inbreeding occurred or if related males mated the same queen. Standard errors for all estimates were obtained by jackknifing over loci. Finally, we compared our relatedness estimates with similar data collected over two decades ago to determine how the parasitic relationship may have changed mating structure over time.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Samples</title>", "<p>We sampled 40.56 ± 23.51 (mean ± SD) and 45.62 ± 8.31 workers from each of 37 <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and 13 <italic>V. squamosa </italic>colonies, respectively (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). Our total sample size thus consisted of 1501 and 463 workers from the two taxa. The maximum distance between colonies in this study spanned approximately 120 km. Moreover, the sampling locations of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>showed considerable overlap with those of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>(Fig. ##FIG##1##2##).</p>", "<title>Microsatellite loci</title>", "<p>We determined if the 43 microsatellite loci developed in related species within the Vespidae were informative in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>or <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. Overall, we found that 16 loci amplified and were variable in both species (Appendix). We used eight of these 16 loci for our study (see Methods). We analyzed reduced data sets consisting of only one individual per colony to determine if loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the two species. We found no evidence of disequilibrium among workers in either <italic>Vespula </italic>taxon (<italic>P </italic>&gt; 0.1 for all loci in both species; overall combined <italic>P </italic>= 0.2388 in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>P </italic>= 0.5304 in <italic>V. squamosa</italic>). In addition, there was no evidence of linkage disequilibrium between any pair of loci (<italic>P </italic>&gt; 0.3 for all pairs of loci in both species). The eight loci that we ultimately utilized for this study showed substantial variability in the two taxa, with gene diversities (<italic>h</italic>) often exceeding 0.7 (Table ##TAB##0##1##). The exceptions were the loci Rufa-5 in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and LIST2019 in <italic>V. squamosa</italic>, where the variability was somewhat less. Regardless, the variability of the loci was high enough such that the probability of any two males having the same multilocus genotype (nondetection error) was extremely low (&lt;&lt; 0.0001).</p>", "<title>Estimates of variability</title>", "<p>The standardized number of alleles (<italic>A</italic><sub>50</sub>, defined as the number of alleles expected to be observed if only 50 genes had been sampled from a given population; Table ##TAB##0##1##; [##UREF##30##41##]) did not differ significantly between the taxa [12.8 ± 6.3 (mean ± SD) for <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and 11.5 ± 4.45 for <italic>V. squamosa</italic>; paired <italic>t</italic>-test, <italic>t </italic>= 0.74, <italic>P </italic>= 0.48] suggesting that genetic variability was not substantially different between the parasite and its host. In addition, the effective number of alleles did not show strong differences between species (9.2 ± 5.90 for <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and 7.0 ± 3.31 for <italic>V. squamosa</italic>; paired <italic>t</italic>-test, <italic>t </italic>= 1.27, <italic>P </italic>= 0.24). Moreover, the variability at particular loci was similar in the two species. Specifically, the estimates of <italic>A</italic><sub>50 </sub>and expected heterozygosity (<italic>h</italic>) were significantly correlated across loci in the two taxa (Spearman's correlation coefficient; <italic>A</italic><sub>50</sub>, <italic>r</italic><sub>S </sub>= 0.738, <italic>P </italic>= 0.0366; <italic>h</italic>, <italic>r</italic><sub>S </sub>= 0.762, <italic>P </italic>= 0.0280).</p>", "<title>Population structure</title>", "<p>The overall estimates of genetic differentiation between colonies in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>were <italic>F</italic><sub>ST </sub>= 0.1953 and 0.1914, respectively. We found no evidence of genetic isolation by distance among colonies in either species (Fig. ##FIG##2##3##). The correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance was low and nonsignificant in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>(<italic>F</italic><sub>ST</sub>, <italic>r</italic><sub>S </sub>= 0.0176, <italic>P </italic>= 0.4694) and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>(<italic>F</italic><sub>ST</sub>, <italic>r</italic><sub>S </sub>= 0.0036, <italic>P </italic>= 0.4748). Thus, both of these <italic>Vespula </italic>species are apparently able to mate at random over the range in which sampling occurred.</p>", "<title>Mating system</title>", "<p>As expected, we found that the genotype distributions of workers within colonies always were consistent with the presence of a single queen mated to multiple males. <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>queens mated with 5.64 ± 1.27 males (mean ± SD; range of 3 – 8, Fig. ##FIG##3##4##), whereas <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens mated with 7.25 ± 1.86 males (range of 5 – 12; Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). The mate number of queens in the two taxa differed significantly from each other (Kruskal Wallis <italic>S </italic>= 412.5, <italic>P </italic>= 0.0037). The estimates of effective mate number (<italic>k</italic><sub><italic>e</italic>3</sub>) in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>were 4.96 ± 1.40 and 5.58 ± 1.66, respectively (range in <italic>k</italic><sub><italic>e</italic>3 </sub>of 2.61 – 8.82 in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and 3.75 – 10.15 in <italic>V. squamosa</italic>; Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). In contrast to the actual mate number, the estimates of effective mate number did not differ significantly between species (<italic>S </italic>= 343, <italic>P </italic>= 0.2482).</p>", "<p>We then turned our attention to the reproductive skew of males mated to the same queen. The mean magnitude of skew was <italic>B </italic>= 0.0273 ± 0.0409 in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>B </italic>= 0.0433 ± 0.0411 in <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. These values were not significantly different from each other (S = 371, <italic>P </italic>= 0.0685). However, the estimates of skew were significantly greater than zero in only 13 of the 36 <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>colonies, whereas the estimates of skew were significant in 10 of the 12 <italic>V. squamosa </italic>colonies. Thus, the proportions of colonies in which the skew was significant in the two taxa differed (<italic>G</italic><sub>1 </sub>= 8.553, <italic>P </italic>= 0.0034). Nevertheless, although paternity skew was statistically significant in many colonies, the overall magnitude of <italic>B </italic>was low and the actual mate numbers were similar to the effective mate numbers in both species.</p>", "<p>We investigated if the distribution of queen mate number in the two species fit known distributions to determine if simple biological processes could explain patterns of queen mating behavior [##UREF##32##44##]. We found that the distribution of mate number in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>differed significantly from that expected under a Gaussian distribution (Shapiro-Wilk test; <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>, <italic>W </italic>= 0.920, <italic>P </italic>= 0.0125; <italic>V. squamosa</italic>, <italic>W </italic>= 0.852, <italic>P </italic>= 0.039). The failure of these distributions to fit the data arose from an observed excess of queens that mated with an intermediate number of males (Fig. ##FIG##3##4##).</p>", "<p>Nestmate <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>workers had relatedness values significantly greater than zero (Table ##TAB##1##2##). However, the relatedness of queens to their male mates did not differ significantly from zero (Table ##TAB##1##2##), as judged by the fact that the 95% confidence intervals (<italic>r </italic>± 1.96 * SEM) overlapped zero. This indicated that inbreeding does not usually occur in either of these species. Furthermore, we found that relatedness of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>males mated to single queens was not significantly different from zero (Table ##TAB##1##2##). But we did find weak evidence that relatedness among <italic>V. squamosa </italic>males mated to single females was significantly greater than zero. Much of this signal, however, was due to a single colony in which the relatedness among male mates was surprisingly high (<italic>r </italic>= 0.312).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The interaction between a parasite and its host may lead to an evolutionary arms race between the taxa. Microparasites often have large population sizes and fast generation times, and may be able to win the evolutionary arms race with their hosts [##REF##15969711##47##]. In contrast, social parasites may have reduced effective population sizes owing to their dependence on host colonies and the 1:1 ratio of parasite to host colony replacement. Moreover, the difference between the level of local adaptation between a host and its parasite is determined by the rates of gene flow within host and parasite populations [##UREF##19##23##]. Limited gene flow may lead to local coadaptation between hosts and parasites [##UREF##19##23##,##UREF##35##48##,##REF##12969483##49##]. In contrast, theoretical models predict that increasing rates of gene flow among host populations can influence parasite population demography such that population densities are reduced, potentially leading to the extinction of the parasite [##UREF##5##7##,##REF##12778544##50##].</p>", "<p>This study represents one of the first joint analyses of levels of genetic variation and breeding system in a parasitic social wasp and its primary host. The main focus of this study was to understand if the parasite <italic>V. squamosa </italic>displayed significant differences in its mating system, levels of genetic variation, and population genetic structure from its host <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>. Subsequently, our investigation led us to more closely compare and contrast the mating system of the two species in order to understand what factors might affect mating behavior. Overall, we found strong similarities in the genetic structure and mating system of the host, <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>, and its parasite, <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. In addition, our investigation of mating biology uncovered patterns consistent with the effects of selection operating on mate number in both taxa.</p>", "<title>Population genetic variation and structure</title>", "<p>One of the more striking results arising from our investigation of levels of genetic variation was that measures of allelic diversity were not appreciably different between <italic>V. squamosa </italic>and <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>. Population genetics theory suggests that the amount of genetic variation maintained within a population is related to the effective population size [##UREF##36##51##]. Therefore, the shared patterns of diversity among these species suggest that long-term effective population size is not substantially different in the two taxa.</p>", "<p>Furthermore, we failed to find evidence for genetic isolation by distance in either <italic>Vespula </italic>species. The absence of isolation by distance within both taxa suggests that these <italic>Vespula </italic>wasps exhibit substantial levels of gene flow within the sampling range of this study. This finding is consistent with the high flight capacity of <italic>Vespula </italic>wasps, which are naturally capable of dispersing over considerable distances [##UREF##37##52##,##UREF##38##53##]. In addition, hibernating <italic>Vespula </italic>queens may readily be moved via accidental human transportation thereby increasing their effective migratory abilities [##UREF##39##54##,##UREF##40##55##].</p>", "<p>However, our finding of a lack of geographic structure in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>differs somewhat from that found in a previous study of the congener <italic>V. germanica </italic>in Australia [##REF##11412365##33##]. In that investigation, <italic>V. germanica </italic>was found to display genetic isolation by distance on approximately the same scale investigated in this study. We note, however, that <italic>V. germanica </italic>is a recent invader to Australia [##UREF##41##56##]. Thus, the population dynamics of <italic>V. germanica </italic>in Australia likely differ from those of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>in their native range in the United States. In particular, the observed isolation by distance in <italic>V. germanica </italic>populations in Australia may reflect non-equilibrium conditions that will ultimately fade as gene flow swamps local genetic differentiation [##UREF##15##17##].</p>", "<p>The overall similarity of levels of genetic variation and low levels of structure in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>stand in contrast to expectations derived from other studies of social hymenopteran parasites. For example, ant social parasites often have low population sizes and dispersal capabilities [##UREF##5##7##]. In accord with these predictions, Trontti et al. [##UREF##42##57##] found that an inquiline parasite species exhibited much greater genetic substructuring than was found in its host. Brandt et al. [##REF##17498232##58##] also found substantial genetic structure in two species of parasitic ants, although the magnitude of structuring did not differ substantially from that of the host species. Thus our findings indicate that social parasites need not show levels of variation distinctly different from their hosts.</p>", "<title>Queen mate number and mating behavior</title>", "<p>We compared the mating system of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>in order to investigate if there were differences between the two species that might be associated with parasitic behaviors. As expected, we found that all colonies of both species were headed by only a single queen, and that all queens of both species were polyandrous [##UREF##27##35##, ####REF##17561915##36##, ##REF##17767595##37####17767595##37##]. Our estimates of worker relatedness for <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>(0.373 and 0.357, respectively; Table ##TAB##1##2##) did not differ significantly from earlier estimates obtained for these species (0.320 and 0.403; [##UREF##27##35##]). Thus, we found no evidence for temporal variation in the mating systems of these two taxa from samples obtained some 23 years apart. Although only tangential to this study, this result is noteworthy. Few studies have investigated temporal stability of mating structure. Here, we found that structure did not change over a 23 generation time-span. This stability in general mating structure suggests that selective factors affecting mating behavior have remained constant over that time.</p>", "<p>We also did not find any convincing evidence of inbreeding between queens and males of both the parasite and its host. In addition, the relatedness of males mated to the same queen tended to be low in both taxa (Table ##TAB##1##2##). These data are consistent with our understanding of the mating system of <italic>Vespula </italic>wasps. Namely, although inbreeding is possible under laboratory conditions [##UREF##43##59##], matings in natural settings tend to take place away from the nest and result in outbreeding [##UREF##16##18##,##UREF##26##32##,##UREF##44##60##]. Thus, the parasitic behavior of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>has not led to a cycle of inbreeding as occurs in some socially parasitic ants [##UREF##5##7##,##UREF##45##61##].</p>", "<p>Our primary interest in studying queen mate number was to test hypotheses related to how mate number should evolve in social parasites. We predicted that mate number would be similar in the two taxa, because <italic>V. squamosa </italic>colonies exist as free-living entities for a substantial part of their life cycle. Therefore, they should retain benefits of multiple mating [##REF##17767595##37##], such as superior task performance of parasite defense associated with increased within-colony genetic diversity, unlike obligate social parasites that are more intimately associated with their hosts [##REF##14999273##30##]. Interestingly, we found that queen mate number differed significantly between the species, with parasitic queens tending to have more mates than host queens. This finding may result from a regime of strong selection of parasites on hosts. In this case, hosts of social parasites might be selected to develop less genetically diverse colonies to increase colony uniformity [##UREF##5##7##] and hence increase parasite recognition. However, this is not likely to be the case in this system, as levels of within-colony genetic diversity, the currency of multiple mating, did not differ substantially between the species. Thus, overall, our results suggest that <italic>V. squamosa </italic>does indeed bear the benefits of multiple mating likely as a result of the free-living portion of its life cycle [##REF##14999273##30##].</p>", "<p>We also found that effective mating frequency of queens was similar between the species. This suggests that unequal use of sperm reduces the effective mate numbers to approximately equal levels in both species, despite the fact that actual queen mate number differed significantly in the two taxa. Although the magnitude of paternity skew was similar between species, such skew was significant more frequently in <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. Male skew has important implications for the reproductive success of males and, potentially, for how colony members allocate resources to the production of sexuals [##UREF##46##62##]. The underlying mechanisms resulting in the variation of male reproductive skew between the two species remain unclear at this time, but may result from female choice of male sperm or male-male competition occurring among sperm within the female reproductive tract.</p>", "<p>Finally, one striking feature of our data was the similarity in the shape of the distribution of mate number in both species. In particular, the distribution of the number of male mates (Fig. ##FIG##3##4##) indicated that the extremes at both ends of the distribution had been somewhat truncated. This suggests that the number of mates observed does not simply result from random interactions between queens and males. One explanation for the observed pattern is that mate number is under stabilizing selection. Specifically, mating to too few males may be maladaptive [##REF##14575328##63##], whereas mating to too many males may be costly [##UREF##47##64##]. In fact, Goodisman <italic>et al</italic>. [##REF##17767595##37##] identified a positive correlation between a fitness correlate and number of matings by queens in <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>, indicating that there is a selective advantage to polyandry. Regardless, the patterns of mating behavior found here suggest that similar factors may influence queen mate choice decisions in <italic>V. squamosa</italic>. However, queens in each species may achieve the optimal effective mate number via different evolutionary strategies. That is, <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens mate with more males, but have greater skew in sperm usage, while <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>queens mate with fewer males, but have less skew.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The overall similarity in population genetic makeup of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>may reflect the fact that <italic>V. squamosa </italic>represents an intermediate stage in the evolution of social parasitism. Taylor [##UREF##10##12##] proposed that parasitism in <italic>Vespula </italic>develops through four stages. First, queens display intraspecific, facultative, temporary social parasitism, whereby conspecific queenless nests are taken over by queens searching for a nesting site. Second, a species may evolve interspecific, facultative, temporary social parasitism. In this case, a queen searching for a nest occasionally takes over the queenless nest of a heterospecific host. Third, a species may evolve to interspecific, obligatory, temporary parasitism. In this third evolutionary step, the parasitic queen loses her ability to found new colonies but still produces her own workers once she takes over an established heterospecific nest. And finally, a species may evolve to display interspecific, obligatory, permanent parasitism, where the parasitic worker caste is completely lost.</p>", "<p>Extreme specialists (obligate, workerless parasites) are usually rare, restricted locally, and highly genetically structured. However, the genetic fingerprint of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>may be somewhat less defined by its parasitic life style because it falls somewhere between stages two and three in Taylor's proposed series of the evolution of parasitism. In support of this hypothesis, Hölldobler and Wilson [##UREF##2##3##] point out that facultatively parasitic ants, or those that are more primitively parasitic, tend to be widely distributed, as seems to be the case with <italic>V. squamosa</italic>.</p>", "<p>Future research in the study of the social parasite <italic>V. squamosa </italic>should aim to determine the extent that this species is facultatively versus obligately parasitic. In particular, a study of geographic variation in parasitic behavior and frequency would be informative. Additionally, it has been suggested that social parasites that exploit multiple hosts may form host races. A previous study failed to find evidence for such host race formation in <italic>Polistes </italic>[##REF##16135131##65##]. However, closer study of <italic>V. squamosa</italic>, which parasitizes multiple hosts [##UREF##16##18##], would provide another system in which to study how parasitism can lead to increased biodiversity of social insects.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Social insects dominate ecological communities because of their sophisticated group behaviors. However, the intricate behaviors of social insects may be exploited by social parasites, which manipulate insect societies for their own benefit. Interactions between social parasites and their hosts lead to unusual coevolutionary dynamics that ultimately affect the breeding systems and population structures of both species. This study represents one of the first attempts to understand the population and colony genetic structure of a parasite and its host in a social wasp system.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>We used DNA microsatellite markers to investigate gene flow, genetic variation, and mating behavior of the facultative social parasite <italic>Vespula squamosa </italic>and its primary host, <italic>V. maculifrons</italic>. Our analyses of genetic variability uncovered that both species possessed similar amounts of genetic variation and failed to show genetic structure over the sampling area. Our analysis of mating system of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>revealed high levels of polyandry and no evidence for inbreeding in the two species. Moreover, we found no significant differences between estimates of worker relatedness in this study and a previous investigation conducted over two decades ago, suggesting that the selective pressures operating on queen mate number have remained constant. Finally, the distribution of queen mate number in both species deviated from simple expectations suggesting that mate number may be under stabilizing selection.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The general biology of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>has not changed substantially from that of a typical, nonparasitic <italic>Vespula </italic>wasp. For example, population sizes of the host and its parasite appear to be similar, in contrast to other social parasites, which often display lower population sizes than their hosts. In addition, parasitism has not caused the mating behavior of <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens to deviate from the high levels of multiple mating that typify <italic>Vespula </italic>wasps. This stands in contrast to some socially parasitic ants, which revert to mating with few males. Overall, the general similarity of the genetic structure of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>presumably reflects the fact that <italic>V. squamosa </italic>is still capable of independent colony founding and thus reflects an intermediate stage in the evolution of social parasitism.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>EAH, JLK, and MADG conceived the study and participated in its design and coordination. EAH and JLK carried out laboratory analyses. EAH and MADG analyzed the data and drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Appendix</title>", "<p>Utility of 43 microsatellite loci in V. maculifrons and V. squamosaa (Table ##TAB##2##3##)</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This research was supported by the Georgia Institute of Technology and the United States National Science Foundation (#DEB-0640690). We thank E. A. Matthews for help collecting wasps, D. Bhatka, J. Rekau, and K. A. Sankovich for laboratory support, and T. N. Thirer for assistance with microsatellite analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"F1\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Distribution of <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>in North America.</bold> The range of the parasite <italic>V. squamosa </italic>largely overlaps with that of the host <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>(adapted from [##UREF##15##17##]).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F2\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Locations of 37 <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and 13 <italic>V. squamosa </italic>colonies collected in this study.</bold> All samples were obtained from the state of Georgia (inset, see also Fig. 1). Lines denote county boundaries within the state. The greatest pairwise distance between colonies exceeds 120 km and colonies of both species were sampled from overlapping regions.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F3\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Relationship between genetic differentiation and geographic distance of workers sampled from <italic>Vespula </italic>colonies.</bold> There was no evidence for genetic isolation by distance in these species over this range.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"F4\" position=\"float\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Distribution of (A) observed mate number and (B) effective mate number (<italic>k</italic><sub><italic>e</italic>3</sub>) for <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>queens.</bold> Within each species the distribution effective mate number is reduced relative to observed mate number because of unequal sperm use by queens. The distributions of observed mate number differed significantly from a Gaussian distribution in both species due to an excess of queens mated to intermediate numbers of males.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"T1\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Variability metrics of microsatellite loci in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>(<italic>Vmac</italic>) and <italic>V. squamosa </italic>(<italic>Vsqu</italic>).</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th/><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><italic>N</italic><sup>a</sup></th><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><italic>A</italic><sub><italic>obs</italic></sub><sup>b</sup></th><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><italic>A</italic><sub>50</sub><sup>c</sup></th><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><italic>A</italic><sub><italic>eff</italic></sub><sup>d</sup></th><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><italic>h</italic><sup>e</sup></th><th align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Range (bp)<sup>f</sup></th></tr><tr><th align=\"left\">Locus</th><th align=\"right\"><italic>Vmac</italic></th><th align=\"right\"><italic>Vsqu</italic></th><th align=\"right\"><italic>Vmac</italic></th><th align=\"right\"><italic>Vsqu</italic></th><th align=\"right\"><italic>Vmac</italic></th><th align=\"right\"><italic>Vsqu</italic></th><th align=\"left\"><italic>Vmac</italic></th><th align=\"left\"><italic>Vsqu</italic></th><th align=\"left\"><italic>Vmac</italic></th><th align=\"left\"><italic>Vsqu</italic></th><th align=\"left\"><italic>Vmac</italic></th><th align=\"left\"><italic>Vsqu</italic></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2003</td><td align=\"right\">259</td><td align=\"right\">107</td><td align=\"right\">31</td><td align=\"right\">17</td><td align=\"right\">20.319</td><td align=\"right\">14.865</td><td align=\"left\">17.642</td><td align=\"left\">8.375</td><td align=\"left\">0.943</td><td align=\"left\">0.889</td><td align=\"left\">185–224</td><td align=\"left\">173–204</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2004</td><td align=\"right\">253</td><td align=\"right\">113</td><td align=\"right\">20</td><td align=\"right\">8</td><td align=\"right\">13.073</td><td align=\"right\">6.623</td><td align=\"left\">8.691</td><td align=\"left\">4.155</td><td align=\"left\">0.885</td><td align=\"left\">0.766</td><td align=\"left\">147–181</td><td align=\"left\">119–149</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2013</td><td align=\"right\">256</td><td align=\"right\">107</td><td align=\"right\">20</td><td align=\"right\">18</td><td align=\"right\">11.839</td><td align=\"right\">13.911</td><td align=\"left\">7.241</td><td align=\"left\">6.357</td><td align=\"left\">0.862</td><td align=\"left\">0.850</td><td align=\"left\">184–213</td><td align=\"left\">173–201</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2019</td><td align=\"right\">224</td><td align=\"right\">108</td><td align=\"right\">11</td><td align=\"right\">4</td><td align=\"right\">8.373</td><td align=\"right\">3.711</td><td align=\"left\">3.907</td><td align=\"left\">1.534</td><td align=\"left\">0.744</td><td align=\"left\">0.352</td><td align=\"left\">126–152</td><td align=\"left\">122–132</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2020</td><td align=\"right\">256</td><td align=\"right\">110</td><td align=\"right\">19</td><td align=\"right\">19</td><td align=\"right\">12.276</td><td align=\"right\">15.061</td><td align=\"left\">7.360</td><td align=\"left\">10.168</td><td align=\"left\">0.864</td><td align=\"left\">0.910</td><td align=\"left\">226–268</td><td align=\"left\">322–356</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa-5</td><td align=\"right\">213</td><td align=\"right\">107</td><td align=\"right\">3</td><td align=\"right\">11</td><td align=\"right\">2.223</td><td align=\"right\">9.066</td><td align=\"left\">1.206</td><td align=\"left\">5.011</td><td align=\"left\">0.171</td><td align=\"left\">0.808</td><td align=\"left\">136–140</td><td align=\"left\">153–175</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">VMA-3</td><td align=\"right\">219</td><td align=\"right\">77</td><td align=\"right\">16</td><td align=\"right\">14</td><td align=\"right\">12.543</td><td align=\"right\">13.389</td><td align=\"left\">9.556</td><td align=\"left\">10.420</td><td align=\"left\">0.895</td><td align=\"left\">0.916</td><td align=\"left\">260–286</td><td align=\"left\">254–282</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">VMA-6</td><td align=\"right\">256</td><td align=\"right\">109</td><td align=\"right\">39</td><td align=\"right\">20</td><td align=\"right\">22.071</td><td align=\"right\">15.329</td><td align=\"left\">17.722</td><td align=\"left\">10.287</td><td align=\"left\">0.944</td><td align=\"left\">0.911</td><td align=\"left\">262–323</td><td align=\"left\">267–295</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"T2\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Relatedness (± SEM) estimates for <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa</italic>.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><th align=\"left\">Relatedness</th><th align=\"left\">V. maculifrons</th><th align=\"left\">V. squamosa</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Nestmate workers</td><td align=\"left\">0.373 ± 0.009 ***</td><td align=\"left\">0.357 ± 0.019 ***</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Queens to their male mates</td><td align=\"left\">0.014 ± 0.010</td><td align=\"left\">0.016 ± 0.020</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Among males mated to single queens</td><td align=\"left\">0.023 ± 0.014</td><td align=\"left\">0.053 ± 0.024 *</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"T3\" position=\"float\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Utility of 43 microsatellite loci in <italic>V. maculifrons </italic>and <italic>V. squamosa</italic><sup>a</sup>.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Locus</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>V. maculifrons</italic></td><td align=\"left\"><italic>V. squamosa</italic></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2001</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2002</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2003</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2004</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2006</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2007</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2008</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2009</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2010</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2011</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2012</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2013</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2014</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2015</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2016</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2017</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2018</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2019</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">LIST2020</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 1</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 2</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 3</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 4</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 5</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 6</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 7</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 8</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 9</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 10</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 11</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 12</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 13</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 14</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 15</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 16</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 17</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 18</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Rufa 19</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">VMA-3</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">VMA-4</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">VMA-6</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">VMA 7</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td><td align=\"left\">+++</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">VMA-8</td><td align=\"left\">Var</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a</sup>Number of genes sampled obtained from the inferred genotypes of females and males. Unequal sample sizes among loci within each species result from missing or incomplete data.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Total number of observed alleles.</p><p><sup>c</sup>Number of alleles that would have been observed if only 50 genes had been sampled.</p><p><sup>d</sup>Effective number of alleles.</p><p><sup>e</sup>Expected heterozygosity.</p><p><sup>f</sup>Range in allele size.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Estimate differs significantly from zero at the 0.05 (*) or 0.001 (***) level.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>a</sup>Designations indicate that a particular locus failed to PCR-amplify (-), PCR-amplified but was not variable (+++), or both PCR-amplified and was variable (VAR). Variability was assessed from visualization of alleles via agarose gel electrophoresis.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-239-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-239-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-239-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2148-8-239-4\"/>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 17:11:36
BMC Evol Biol. 2008 Aug 20; 8:239
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>As in other animal species, the technological quality of poultry meat is now of major importance, since poultry meat is nowadays usually consumed as cuts or as processed products rather than as whole carcasses. As already reported for pigs [##UREF##0##1##], technological quality refers to several meat properties, including water-holding capacity (i.e. drip loss during storage), intensity and homogeneity of color, firmness, shelf-life and processing yields. Meat quality is closely related to the decrease in muscle pH post-mortem. Rapid postmortem decline in pH (evidenced by low pH value measured 15 min post-slaughter in poultry, i.e. pH15) results in PSE (pale, soft, exudative) meat with a pale aspect and reduced water-holding capacity [##REF##9263058##2##,##REF##10780653##3##]. Variations in the extent of decrease in pH are also responsible for variations in meat quality. Low ultimate pH (measured 24 h post-slaughter in poultry) results in \"acid meat\", with similar defects to those of PSE meat [##REF##9347142##4##], while high ultimate pH leads to DFD (dark, firm, dry) meat with dark color and poor storage quality [##REF##9200242##5##]. In pigs, the PSE meat and \"acid meat\" defects have been shown to be controlled by major genes [##UREF##0##1##], i.e. halothane sensitivity [##REF##1774073##6##] and RN [##REF##2318414##7##,##REF##10818001##8##] genes, respectively.</p>", "<p>The inclusion of meat quality in pig breeding schemes dates back to the 1970–1980s [##UREF##0##1##]. Varying emphasis has been given to traits of interest according to country such as meat color (certainly the most widely used quality indicator), pH and intramuscular fat content. Genetic studies on meat quality traits in poultry are more recent. Quite significant levels of heritability (ranging from 0.35 to 0.57) were obtained for meat pH, color and water-holding capacity in two studies conducted on the same experimental broiler line slaughtered under experimental conditions [##REF##10438124##9##,##REF##11469642##10##]. More moderate heritability values (ranging from 0.12 to 0.22) were reported for the same meat traits measured in turkeys slaughtered under commercial conditions [##REF##14604511##11##]. A study performed in quails [##UREF##1##12##] also reported moderate to high levels of heritability (0.22–0.48) of ultimate meat pH and color indicators. The present study reports the first evaluations of genetic parameters of meat quality traits and their genetic correlations with growth and muscle characteristics in a commercial broiler line.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Animals, Rearing and Slaughtering Conditions</title>", "<p>This genetic analysis was conducted on 312 male and 293 female pedigree birds, which were the progeny of 15 sires and 64 dams. The birds originated from a male grand-parent line intensively selected for growth and breast muscle yield, and currently used by Hubbard (Chateaubourg, France) to produce parent males. As described in detail by Berri et al. [##REF##17431054##21##], birds were reared in two successive batches under regular conditions in a conventional poultry house at the INRA Experimental Poultry Unit (Nouzilly, France). Birds were given <italic>ad libitum </italic>access to a standard diet throughout the rearing period and were individually weighed every two weeks (i.e. at 2, 4 and 6 weeks). At 6 weeks of age and after 7 hours feed withdrawal, all the birds were slaughtered at the experimental processing plant of the INRA Experimental Poultry Unit. Before sacrificing by ventral neck cutting, birds were electrically stunned (125 Hz AC, 80 mA/bird, 5 s) in a water bath, bled for 3 min, and scalded at 51°C for 3 min. After removal of the gut, whole carcasses were air chilled (airflow of 7 m<sup>3</sup>) and stored at 2°C until the next day.</p>", "<title>Carcass and meat quality traits</title>", "<p>Breast muscle (Pectoralis <italic>major </italic>plus <italic>minor</italic>) and abdominal fat weights were measured after carcass dissection, 1 day post-slaughter. Corresponding ratios were calculated in relation to live body weight at 6 weeks. All measurements for meat characteristics were performed on the <italic>Pectoralis major </italic>muscle. The pH at 15 min and 24 h post mortem was measured with a portable pH-meter (Model 506, Crison Instruments, SA, Spain) equipped with a xerolyte electrode. At 15 min post mortem, pH was estimated from 2 g of muscle mixed in 18 mL of a 5 mM iodoacetate solution. This method was described as a reference method by Santé and Fernandez [##UREF##5##22##]. At 24 h post mortem, the ultimate pH of meat (pH<sub>u</sub>) was recorded by direct insertion of the xerolyte electrode in the muscle. This method was adopted because of the significant correlation obtained 24 h post mortem between the direct tissue measurement of pH and the reference \"iodoacetate\" method [##UREF##5##22##]. Breast meat color was measured at 24 h post-slaughter using a Miniscan Spectrocolorimeter with the CIE L*a*b* system, where L* represents lightness, a* redness and b* yellowness. Higher L*, a* and b* values correspond to paler, redder and more yellow meat, respectively. The water-holding capacity of breast meat was estimated through drip loss (DL) measured after 2 days of storage of the fillet hung in a plastic bag and expressed as a percentage of the initial muscle weight. After DL measurement, P. <italic>major </italic>muscle was vacuum-packed and stored at -25°C. For meat texture analysis, breast muscle was thawed overnight at 4°C, cooked in a water-bath at 85°C for 15 min to an internal endpoint temperature of 70°C, and cooled in crushed ice for 20 min. The thawing-cooking loss was expressed as a percentage of the fresh muscle weight. The toughness of cooked meat was evaluated by the Warner Bratzler (WB) shear test using an Instron Universal Testing Instrument.</p>", "<title>Muscle Parameters</title>", "<p>The P. <italic>major </italic>muscle glycogen, glucose-6-phosphate, free glucose and lactate concentrations (expressed in μmol/g of muscle) were measured according to Dalrymple and Hamm [##UREF##6##23##] from 1 g of fresh tissue taken and homogenized in 10 ml of 0.55 moles perchloric acid 15 min post mortem. Glycogen content available in breast muscle at slaughter time was estimated through the post mortem glycolytic potential (GP) according to the Monin and Sellier [##UREF##7##24##] equation:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>GP was expressed as micromoles of lactate equivalent per gram of fresh tissue. The CSA of P. <italic>major </italic>muscle fibers was determined as described by Rémignon et al. [##REF##7622630##16##] on 12 μm-thick cross sections stained with red azurobin. Mean CSA was determined on approximately 300 fibers in 3 random fields for each muscle.</p>", "<title>Genetic Parameter Estimation</title>", "<p>Descriptive statistics for the different traits were calculated by the UNIVARIATE procedure of SAS software [##UREF##8##25##]. Genetic parameters were computed by VCE4 software using multivariate analysis and the REstricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) method [##UREF##9##26##]. The following linear mixed model was used:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p>in which <bold>y </bold>is the vector of performances observed, <bold>β<sub>1</sub></bold>and <bold>β<sub>2 </sub></bold>the vectors of fixed effects for batch and sex, <bold>u </bold>the vector of genetic animal effects, and <bold>e </bold>the vector of residuals. <bold>X<sub>1</sub></bold>, <bold>X<sub>2</sub></bold>, and <bold>Z </bold>are the corresponding incidence matrices. As pedigree information was limited to the sires and dams of the birds measured for meat quality, the maternal environmental effects could not be correctly estimated in this genetic study. The analyses on growth performance excluded body weight measurements at the early ages of 2 and 4 weeks (which are known to be influenced by maternal effects) to focus on body weight at 6 weeks or weight gain expressed as the difference between body weight at 4 and 6 weeks.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Descriptive statistics for growth and body composition traits and for muscle and meat characteristics are summarized in Table ##TAB##0##1##. Distributions of these traits were close to normality, except for drip loss (DL) for which slight asymmetry was observed (data not shown).</p>", "<title>Heritability estimates</title>", "<p>As shown in Table ##TAB##0##1##, the heritability for growth and body composition traits was moderate to high (estimates ranging from 0.30 to 0.49) in this pure broiler line. Muscle characteristics such as fiber cross section area (CSA) and GP exhibited high levels of heritability (over 0.40). The traits related to decrease in pH post-mortem (i.e. lactate, pH15 and pHu) and to meat quality (color, water retention, texture) were significantly heritable, with heritability values ranging from 0.25 to 0.35.</p>", "<title>Genetic correlation estimates</title>", "<p>This study revealed a strong genetic association between breast muscle GP and pHu, with an estimated genetic correlation of -0.97 ± 0.03. Lactate concentration and pH15 were also highly negatively correlated (rg -0.88 ± 0.05). In contrast, the rate and extent of decrease in pH appeared to be genetically independent, since pH15 and pHu exhibited a genetic correlation of -0.05 ± 0.24.</p>", "<p>As summarized in Table ##TAB##1##2##, post-mortem muscle metabolism traits were significantly genetically related to meat quality traits. In particular, pHu exhibited significant negative genetic correlation with meat lightness and yellowness (rg -0.65 ± 0.11 and -0.54 ± 0.11, respectively), and even more marked negative correlation with meat drip loss, thawing-cooking loss and Warner Bratzler shear force (rg -0.80). As expected, opposite and somewhat less pronounced genetic correlations were found between meat quality traits and muscle GP. Muscle pH15 was mainly related to lightness and drip loss of meat (rg -0.52 ± 0.10 and -0.55 ± 0.10, respectively).</p>", "<p>Body and breast muscle weights appeared to be significantly related to fiber size, with positive genetic correlations of 0.69 ± 0.08, 0.76 ± 0.06 and 0.48 ± 0.09 between fiber CSA and weight gain (between 4 and 6 weeks), breast muscle weight and breast muscle yield, respectively. Interestingly, breast muscle weight exhibited a significantly negative genetic relationship with muscle GP (rg -0.58 ± 0.11), and in turn a positive correlation with pHu (0.84 ± 0.07). Significantly negative genetic correlations were also found between breast muscle mass and lightness (rg -0.55 ± 0.10), drip loss (-0.65 ± 0.10), thawing-cooking loss (-0.80 ± 0.06) and Warner Bratzler shear force (-0.60 ± 0.10).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>For the first time in a commercial broiler line, this study evaluated both the contribution of genetics to variations in meat quality traits and the genetic correlations with muscle characteristics such as fiber size and glycogen content. Quite significant levels of heritability were evidenced for meat properties such as thawing-cooking loss that can affect the processability of meat, and color and toughness that can influence the sensorial quality of meat. These genetic results emphasized the importance of the decrease in muscle pH post-mortem for breast meat quality in poultry. They indicated that, as for pigs [##UREF##0##1##], the final pH has an extensive effect on the water-holding capacity, color and texture of raw and cooked meat, while the early decrease in pH mainly influences the drip loss and lightness (L*) of raw meat, at least in this genotype. Selection for a lower final pH would lead to a higher incidence of pale and exudative meat that is tough after cooking and not very appropriate for industrial processing. On the other hand, selection for a higher final pH could improve the processing yield but could also affect storage and sensorial quality because of negative influences on microbial development and juiciness of the meat [##REF##9200242##5##]. Ultimate pH, lightness and drip loss of meat were introduced into the French national breeding program for pigs in the 1980s, forming a combined quality index. It has been maintained constant across the generations of selection.</p>", "<p>The strong negative genetic correlation between glycogen content of breast muscle (estimated through the glycolytic potential) and ultimate pH represents a major result in the present study. The genetic control of glycolytic potential and its genetic relationships with meat quality have been more widely studied in pigs than in poultry. Genetic studies in pigs have focused on either post-mortem glycolytic potential (PMGP), as for the present study, or on <italic>in vivo </italic>glycolytic potential (IVGP) obtained from muscle biopsy on live animals (which is not yet available for the chicken). In pigs, fairly negative genetic correlations (ranging from -0.74 to -0.99) have been reported between PMGP and pHu measured on the same muscle or on different muscles with close metabolic characteristics [##UREF##2##13##]. Corresponding correlations were slightly lower when IVGP was considered [##UREF##2##13##]. Heritability values for IVGP were around 0.25 in a population of pigs without the RN<sup>- </sup>allele [##UREF##2##13##], while an average value of 0.21 was reported for pHu [##UREF##0##1##]. These genetic results together demonstrated that GP and pHu have close genetic control, and that in poultry, as in pigs, both traits can be modified by selection. In agreement with a previous genetic study in an experimental broiler line [##REF##11469642##10##], the present study indicated that the rate and the extent of decrease in pH post-mortem are under the control of different genes. A similar conclusion was drawn from a selection experiment in pigs, in which a very low genetic correlation was found between IVGP and pH measured 30 min post-mortem [##UREF##3##14##]. In the chicken, the rate of decrease in pH was shown to be influenced by behavior at slaughter and hastened by struggle activity of the birds on the shackle line, especially wing flapping [##REF##16359110##15##]. However, little is known to date about the influence of genetics on such behavioral traits and the implications for meat quality.</p>", "<p>By estimating the genetic correlations, this study made it possible to correlate responses on muscle and meat quality traits with selection on growth and breast development applied in meat-type chicken. These results indicated that selection for increased breast muscle mass is expected to lead to greater fiber hypertrophy, since a strong positive genetic correlation was observed between both traits. This was in agreement with previous results obtained by comparing experimental chicken lines divergently selected for growth [##REF##7622630##16##], or differing in breast yield [##REF##12550077##17##]. Most studies in pigs have indicated that selection for lean growth is associated with increases in both fiber size and number [##UREF##4##18##]. The extent to which fiber number can be modified to increase breast muscle mass in the chicken has still to be investigated. Our original results also indicated that (at least in this meat-type strain) selection for increased growth and breast muscle mass can be expected to reduce glycogen storage and in turn to increase ultimate breast meat pH. Similar results have been reported at the phenotype level, when experimental and commercial chicken lines selected for increased body weight and breast yield were compared to their respective unselected control lines [##REF##11469641##19##]. Inverse relationships have been reported in pigs, for which carcass leanness appeared to be moderately positively correlated with muscle GP and negatively with pHu [##UREF##2##13##,##UREF##0##1##]. This suggests that physiological and genetic factors involved in the control of GP and pHu could be at least partly different between pigs and poultry.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Meat quality homogeneity has become a major concern for the poultry market. This genetic study confirmed that selection could be valuable to improve meat characteristics. The major factors contributing to meat quality were heritable, and no genetic conflict was detected between meat quality and meat quantity. Furthermore, the present results suggest that the ultimate pH of meat is a relevant selection criterion since it was strongly related to meat color, water-holding capacity and texture. More research is now needed to define the optimal breeding strategy to improve meat quality, which could be based either on classical polygenic selection or on the use of molecular markers. The first Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) of meat quality traits were recently identified in a cross between experimental chicken lines divergently selected for growth [##REF##17559654##20##]. Such research has now to be extended to commercial flocks, in order to identify effective molecular tools for selection on poultry meat quality.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The qualitative properties of the meat are of major importance for poultry breeding, since meat is now widely consumed as cuts or as processed products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic parameters of several breast meat quality traits and their genetic relationships with muscle characteristics in a heavy commercial line of broilers.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Significant levels of heritability (averaging 0.3) were obtained for breast meat quality traits such as pH at 15 min post-slaughter, ultimate pH (pHu), color assessed by lightness L*, redness a* and yellowness b*, drip loss, thawing-cooking loss and shear-force. The rate of decrease in pH early post-mortem and the final pH of the meat were shown to be key factors of chicken meat quality. In particular, a decrease in the final pH led to paler, more exudative and tougher breast meat. The level of glycogen stored in breast muscle estimated by the Glycolytic Potential (GP) at slaughter time was shown to be highly heritable (h<sup>2 </sup>0.43). There was a very strong negative genetic correlation (rg) with ultimate meat pH (rg -0.97), suggesting a common genetic control for GP and pHu. While breast muscle weight was genetically positively correlated with fiber size (rg 0.76), it was negatively correlated with the level of glycogen stored in the muscle (rg -0.58), and as a consequence it was positively correlated with the final pH of the meat (rg 0.84).</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>This genetic study confirmed that selection should be useful to improve meat characteristics of meat-type chickens without impairing profitability because no genetic conflict was detected between meat quality and meat quantity. Moreover, the results suggested relevant selection criteria such as ultimate pH, which is strongly related to color, water-holding capacity and texture of the meat in this heavy chicken line.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>EBD supervised the genetic analyses and drafted the manuscript. MD supervised the experimental design and performed the genetic analyses. CMB and VSL supervised the measurements of meat and muscle characteristics. EBD, MD, CMB, VSL, NS, and CB participated in the design of the study and data collection and helped to draft the manuscript. YJ supervised the breeding of the line and the production of the pedigree chicks used for this trial, and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>The authors thank the staff from the INRA experimental poultry unit (UE609 Unité Avicole, Nouzilly, France) for rearing the chickens. Measurements on the birds required the technical assistance of a large number of technicians, particularly Thierry Bordeau, Estelle Godet, Nicole Millet, and Axel Boucard (UR83 Recherches Avicoles, Nouzilly, France). We thank Hubbard (Chateaubourg, France) for providing the birds. This study was supported by grants from the French ACTA and Office de l'Elevage programs.</p>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Descriptive statistics and heritability estimates for body weight, body composition, muscle characteristics and meat quality traits.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Traits</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Mean ± SD</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Min.</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Max.</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>h<sup>2 </sup>± SE</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Growth and body composition</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Body weight at 6 weeks (g)</td><td align=\"center\">592</td><td align=\"center\">2141 ± 326</td><td align=\"center\">1234</td><td align=\"center\">3028</td><td align=\"center\">0.49 ± 0.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Weight gain from 4 to 6 weeks (g)</td><td align=\"center\">596</td><td align=\"center\">1040 ± 229</td><td align=\"center\">357</td><td align=\"center\">1646</td><td align=\"center\">0.30 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Pectoralis <italic>major </italic>muscle weight (g)</td><td align=\"center\">578</td><td align=\"center\">148.6 ± 28.4</td><td align=\"center\">53.0</td><td align=\"center\">231.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.38 ± 0.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Breast muscle yield (%)</td><td align=\"center\">580</td><td align=\"center\">17.8 ± 1.5</td><td align=\"center\">11.4</td><td align=\"center\">22.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.30 ± 0.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Abdominal fat (%)</td><td align=\"center\">583</td><td align=\"center\">2.6 ± 0.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.6</td><td align=\"center\">4.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.48 ± 0.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Muscle characteristics</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Fiber Cross Section Area (μm<sup>2</sup>)</td><td align=\"center\">592</td><td align=\"center\">1831 ± 426</td><td align=\"center\">630</td><td align=\"center\">3157</td><td align=\"center\">0.41 ± 0.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Lactate (μmol/g muscle)</td><td align=\"center\">596</td><td align=\"center\">33.1 ± 10.0</td><td align=\"center\">6.3</td><td align=\"center\">56.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.27 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">pH 15 min <italic>post-mortem </italic>(pH15)</td><td align=\"center\">599</td><td align=\"center\">6.45 ± 0.13</td><td align=\"center\">6.02</td><td align=\"center\">6.79</td><td align=\"center\">0.30 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Glycolytic Potential (μmol/g muscle)</td><td align=\"center\">591</td><td align=\"center\">108.0 ± 17.7</td><td align=\"center\">70.0</td><td align=\"center\">167.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.43 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Ultimate pH (pHu)</td><td align=\"center\">587</td><td align=\"center\">5.64 ± 0.12</td><td align=\"center\">5.35</td><td align=\"center\">6.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.34 ± 0.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Meat quality traits</bold></td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Lightness (L*)</td><td align=\"center\">590</td><td align=\"center\">54.9 ± 3.0</td><td align=\"center\">42.6</td><td align=\"center\">63.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.35 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Redness (a*)</td><td align=\"center\">587</td><td align=\"center\">-0.8 ± 0.7</td><td align=\"center\">-2.8</td><td align=\"center\">1.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.25 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Yellowness (b*)</td><td align=\"center\">590</td><td align=\"center\">11.8 ± 1.6</td><td align=\"center\">8.2</td><td align=\"center\">16.8</td><td align=\"center\">0.31 ± 0.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Drip loss (DL, %)</td><td align=\"center\">589</td><td align=\"center\">1.6 ± 1.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.0</td><td align=\"center\">6.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.26 ± 0.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Thawing-cooking loss (TCL, %)</td><td align=\"center\">581</td><td align=\"center\">14.6 ± 4.8</td><td align=\"center\">3.1</td><td align=\"center\">28.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.35 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Warner Bratzler shear force (WB, N/cm<sup>2</sup>)</td><td align=\"center\">570</td><td align=\"center\">14.5 ± 3.0</td><td align=\"center\">5.9</td><td align=\"center\">25.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.34 ± 0.05</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Estimated genetic correlations between post-mortem muscle characteristics and meat quality traits.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">Meat traits<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"center\">Lightness (L*)</td><td align=\"center\">Redness (a*)</td><td align=\"center\">Yellowness (b*)</td><td align=\"center\">Drip Loss</td><td align=\"center\">Thawing-cooking loss</td><td align=\"center\">Warner Bratzler shear force</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">Lactate</td><td align=\"center\">0.28 ± 0.16</td><td align=\"center\">0.36** ± 0.08</td><td align=\"center\">0.41** ± 0.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.54** ± 0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.20 ± 0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.36** ± 0.07</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">pH15</td><td align=\"center\">-0.52 ** ± 0.10</td><td align=\"center\">-0.02 ± 0.15</td><td align=\"center\">-0.16 ± 0.18</td><td align=\"center\">-0.55** ± 0.10</td><td align=\"center\">-0.19 ± 0.10</td><td align=\"center\">-0.24 ± 0.14</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Glycolytic Potential</td><td align=\"center\">0.52** ± 0.07</td><td align=\"center\">0.51** ± 0.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.60** ± 0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.78** ± 0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.49** ± 0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.52** ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">pHu</td><td align=\"center\">-0.65** ± 0.11</td><td align=\"center\">-0.35** ± 0.13</td><td align=\"center\">-0.54** ± 0.11</td><td align=\"center\">-0.89** ± 0.05</td><td align=\"center\">-0.80** ± 0.10</td><td align=\"center\">-0.81** ± 0.06</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<disp-formula>GP = 2 [(glycogen) + (glucose) + (glucose-6-phosphate)] + (lactate).</disp-formula>", "<disp-formula><bold>y </bold>= <bold>X<sub>1</sub>β<sub>1 </sub>+ X<sub>2</sub>β<sub>2 </sub>+ Zu + ε</bold></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1 </sup>Lactate = Lactate concentration 15 min post-slaughter; pH15 = pH measured 15 min post-slaughter; pHu = Ultimate pH.</p><p>** Genetic correlation is significantly different from zero (p &lt; 0.01).</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Genet. 2008 Aug 18; 9:53
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p><italic>Streptococcus agalactiae </italic>(group B streptococcus; GBS) is a significant human pathogen, particularly of newborn infants. The population structure of this species has been examined using restriction digestions of the genome [##REF##9534996##1##], pulse field gel electrophoresis [##REF##17634303##2##] and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) [##REF##12791877##3##,##REF##16081902##4##]. As a result of this work, it is now well established that most GBS isolates can be assigned to a small number of major lineages that are (using MLST terminology) clonal complex (CC)19, CC1, CC10, CC17 and CC23. CC19, CC1 and CC10 are related to each other and also to a number of smaller/derived CCs. It is also well established that CC17 represents a lineage that is particularly associated with invasive disease [##REF##9534996##1##, ####REF##17634303##2##, ##REF##12791877##3####12791877##3##]. Some of us have developed a GBS typing system that identifies serotype (and subtypes of serotype III), surface protein gene profiles and several mobile genetic elements. This system is useful to monitor the distribution of genotypes among invasive isolates from patients of different age- and clinical groups and between invasive and colonising isolates [##REF##12676873##5##,##REF##18190584##6##]. There is a strong association between a serotype III subtype (designated (msst) III-2 in our genotyping system) and late onset neonatal sepsis [##REF##18190584##6##], and these subtypes are likely to be members of CC17. This subtype can be easily distinguished from the most common serotype III subtype (III-1) and other less common subtypes on the basis of the presence or absence of two specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the <italic>cps </italic>gene cluster (between the 3' end of <italic>cpsE-cpsF </italic>and 5' end of <italic>cpsG</italic>) [##REF##17467090##7##].</p>", "<p>The two most common (msst) serotype III, subtypes (III-1 and III-2) correlate strongly, but imperfectly, with multilocus sequence types ST-19 and ST-17 respectively [##REF##16145130##8##]. Other common serotypes also correlate with sequence types, but there is some variation, suggesting considerable lateral gene transfer or recombination. MLST is too expensive for use in routine genotyping of GBS but a rapid method which would allow identification of GBS clones or clonal complexes (CCs) could have considerable utility in clinical and public health microbiology and provide complementary data for disease surveillance.</p>", "<p>This study has made use of previously developed techniques for the computerized derivation of small sets of gene markers from sources of known genetic variation such as multilocus sequence typing (MLST) databases [##REF##14663103##9##, ####REF##17021101##10##, ##REF##16388029##11##, ##REF##16849726##12##, ##REF##16997982##13##, ##REF##17517844##14##, ##REF##17672919##15####17672919##15##]. SNP sets can be combined with other binary markers (as in our 3-set genotyping system), into different platforms, such as multiplex PCR-based reverse line blot assay [##REF##12676873##5##] or other low density arrays, real-time PCR or various \"lab on a chip\" technologies to provide comprehensive and relatively inexpensive typing systems for microbial surveillance and epidemiological studies. The software package Minimum SNPs [##REF##14663103##9##,##REF##16849726##12##,##REF##17672919##15##,##UREF##0##16##] is used to derive marker sets. It uses DNA sequence alignments as input and provides, as output, sets of SNPs with optimised resolving power. The final resolving power depends on the population biology of the species in question. For example, in highly non-clonal, diverse species such as <italic>Neisseria meningitidis </italic>and <italic>Streptococcus pneumoniae </italic>[##REF##10555280##17##,##REF##10747043##18##] the high frequency of genetic exchange disrupts linkages between the SNPs which define alleles of different housekeeping genes, and allows resolving power to increase approximately exponentially as SNPs are added to the set [##REF##14663103##9##]. However, there is incomplete correlation between the SNP genotypes and the MLST-defined clonal complexes. In <italic>Staphylococcus aureus</italic>, which has a much lower but still significant recombination frequency [##REF##12754228##19##], the resolving power is less but the correlation between the SNP genotypes and the MLST-defined CCs is high [##REF##17021101##10##,##REF##16388029##11##].</p>", "<p>In this study, we investigated the population biology of GBS using the well-established GBS MLST database [##REF##12791877##3##,##REF##16081902##4##,##UREF##1##21##], and used this analysis to guide our approach to the selection of a five member SNP set for identifying GBS clonal complexes and ensuring high sensitivity for CC17. A genotyping assay based upon these SNPs was reduced to practice.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Bacterial Isolates</title>", "<p>Most of the 116 GBS isolates used in this study were from routine antenatal swabs and were assumed to be representative of GBS colonising strains; 12 were isolates from normally sterile sites (mainly blood; no other clinical data available) and the origins of six isolates were unknown. The isolates were kindly provided by Catherine Satzke and Roy Robins-Browne, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. Genotyping had been performed, as previously described [##REF##12676873##5##]. For complete information regarding the isolates, [see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##].</p>", "<title>Bioinformatic analyses</title>", "<p>The computer program Minimum SNPs is used to derive SNP sets with optimised resolving power from sequence alignments in the MLST database [##REF##14663103##9##,##REF##16849726##12##,##REF##17672919##15##]. SNP sets are assembled empirically, with three measures of resolving power available to the user, namely:</p>", "<p>1. defined variant (or %) mode, which measures resolving power on the basis of the ability of the SNPs to discriminate one user-defined sequence variant from all known sequence variants,</p>", "<p><italic>2. D-</italic>maximisation mode, which measures resolving power on the basis of the Simpsons Index of Diversity of the SNP-defined genotypes as calculated against the complete sequence alignment, and</p>", "<p>3. Not-N mode, which measures resolving power on the basis of the ability of the SNPs to discriminate a user-defined group of sequence variants from all other sequences.</p>", "<p>Other useful functions are the ability to exclude positions in the alignment from the analysis, to force inclusion of positions in the alignment in the program output, and to \"work backwards\" i.e. to determine which sequences in an alignment are consistent with a given SNP profile.</p>", "<p>Minimum SNPs, with full documentation, is available for download from [##UREF##0##16##].</p>", "<p>A generalised approach to assessing the power of SNPs to identify groups of STs (e.g. CCs) was developed during the course of this study. We reasoned that the problem is effectively identical to assessing the performance of any diagnostic procedure, and so the appropriate descriptors are sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value (PPV). In this context, true positive (TP) represent STs that belong to the CC of interest and are genotyped correctly; false positives (FP) are STs that do not belong to the CC of interest but are genotyped as if they do; true negatives (TN) are STs that do not belong to the CC of interest and are genotyped correctly, and false negatives (FN) represent STs that belong to the CC of interest but are genotyped as if they do not.</p>", "<p>Sensitivity (TP/[TP + FN]) is the probability that an isolate belonging to the CC of interest will be genotyped as such.</p>", "<p>Specificity (TN/[TN +FP]) is the probability that an isolate that does not belong to the CC of interest will be genotyped as such.</p>", "<p>PPV (TP/[TP + FP]) represents the proportion of isolates that type as a CC member that are correctly identified.</p>", "<p>eBURST [##REF##14973027##22##,##UREF##2##23##] is a method for depicting the population structure of bacteria that is not dependent upon the construction of tree topology. It is therefore suitable for depicting non-clonal species. The input for eBURST analysis is MLST allele profiles, and the program works by identifying CC progenitors on the basis that within a cluster of related STs, the progenitor will be the ST that is separated from the greatest number of other STs by a difference at just one locus. The STs that differ from the presumed progenitor at just one locus are termed single locus variants (SLVs), while those that differ from the progenitor at two loci are termed double locus variants (DLVs).</p>", "<title>DNA extraction method</title>", "<p>Isolates were subcultured onto brain heart infusion agar (BHIA; Oxoid) and incubated at 37°C for 24 hrs. Genomic DNA was obtained by a new mutanolysin-based extraction method. Two loopfuls of cells were resuspended in 500 μL of water containing 50 U of mutanolysin (Sigma Aldrich) incubated at 56°C for one hour, boiled for ten minutes at 100°C, and placed on ice to cool. Tubes were centrifuged at full speed in a microfuge for three minutes, and the supernatant collected and stored at 4°C.</p>", "<title>PCR set up and cycling conditions</title>", "<p>Real-time PCR was carried out on the ABI7300 device (Applied Biosystems). Each reaction contained 5 pmol of each primer, 1 μL of genomic DNA, 10 μL of Applied Biosystems SYBR Green MasterMix, and molecular grade water to a final volume of 20 μL. For the glnA429 reactions, double the amount of primer was used (10 pmol each primer) to obtain reliable amplification.</p>", "<p>The PCR protocol was as follows: 50°C for two minutes, followed by a stage at 95°C for 10 minutes; 95°C for 15 seconds, and 60°C for one minute for 40 cycles.</p>", "<p>The dissociation stage was 60°C–95°C.</p>", "<title>Primer sequences</title>", "<p>The primer sequences for the kinetic PCR reactions are shown in Table ##TAB##0##1##.</p>", "<title>Ethics</title>", "<p>This experimental work has been approved by the Sydney West Area Health Service Human Research Ethics Committee (New South Wales, Australia).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and discussion</title>", "<title>SNP identification</title>", "<p>The aim of this study was to identify a small SNP set that can resolve the major GBS clonal complexes as defined by eBURST analysis of the GBS MLST database. Firstly we assessed the utility of the <italic>D-</italic>maximisation SNP selection method that, in the case of <italic>S. aureus</italic>, yielded a SNP set with good resolving power and good correlation between SNP profile and clonal complex structure. However, for GBS the rate of increase of <italic>D </italic>per SNP added to the set was lower than any other bacterial species tested so far (<italic>Helicobacter pylori, Neisseria meningitidis, Campylobacter jejuni/Campylbacter coli, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylcoccus aureus</italic>) (Robertson et al, 2004). Eleven SNPs were required to reach <italic>D </italic>= 0.95, while the previous worst performer in the accumulation of <italic>D </italic>per SNP was <italic>S. aureus</italic>, which required seven SNPs to reach <italic>D </italic>= 0.95 [##REF##14663103##9##]. In addition, the correlation between SNP profile and clonal complex structure was poor (data not shown).</p>", "<p>The reason for the poor performance of the <italic>D </italic>maximised SNP set was investigated. GBS displays very little diversity among MLST allele sequences; Jones et al (2003) reported that sequence variation ranges from 1.2% to 2.5% at different MLST loci. Moreover, examination of the MLST database reveals that approximately 45% of eBURST-defined single locus variants are generated through the acquisition of a pre-existing allele, rather than by the generation of a new allele through presumed mutation (data not shown). This indicates that the species' horizontal gene transfer rate is at least comparable to point mutation. Minimum SNPs-based derivation of <italic>D</italic>-maximised SNP sets from non-clonal microbial species usually provides an almost exponential increase in <italic>D </italic>as SNPs are added to the SNP set [##REF##14663103##9##]. This is because of the low linkage between SNPs; in an entirely clonal species each SNP can only define one type so the resolving power increases arithmetically as SNPs are added to the set. In practice, the limiting factor in non-clonal species is that the existence of a SNP that provides a truly exponential increase in resolving power becomes less likely as the size of the SNP set increases. This is because, even when there is frequent horizontal gene transfer, the probability that a single SNP will by chance divide each of a number of different subsets of known sequences into equal halves is much less than the probability that a single SNP will divide all known sequences into equal halves. It therefore follows that the smaller the pool of SNPs to select from, the earlier and greater the deviation from an exponential increase in resolving power, as SNPs are added to the <italic>D-</italic>maximised set. Thus our current understanding of <italic>D-</italic>maximised SNP sets derived from GBS MLST data is that significant horizontal gene transfer disrupts that relationship between SNP profile and population structure, and a paucity of SNPs to choose from means that the resolving power of <italic>D-</italic>maximised SNP sets is poor with respect to comparably sized SNP sets derived from the MLST databases of other non-clonal bacterial species.</p>", "<p>Accordingly it was concluded that <italic>D </italic>maximisation is not the optimum approach for identifying a useful SNP set for GBS, and that a new approach was needed. It was also concluded that while sets of 7–8 SNPs provide a very good compromise between number of SNPs and resolving power for other bacterial species [##REF##14663103##9##], the lack of SNPs defined by the GBS MLST database and the results of the <italic>D-</italic>maximisation experiments suggest that the optimum size of a generally applicable GBS-genotyping SNP set will be smaller than 7–8, irrespective of the SNP identification method used.</p>", "<p>The alternative strategy that was developed involved the use of the Minimum SNPs Not-N algorithm [##REF##17672919##15##] to find SNPs diagnostic for the major CCs, and then a process of empirical SNP set editing and testing, facilitated by the Minimum SNPs \"include and exclude\" functions, and \"working backwards\" (from SNP profile to STs) mode. This process was directed towards finding different SNP sets that are diagnostic for different CCs, but that also happen to include at least some of the same SNPs. The outcome was a set of four SNPs that are informative across the GBS species and define genotypes strongly correlated with the population structure as defined by eBURST analysis. These SNPs are <italic>glnA</italic>36, <italic>glnA</italic>429, <italic>glcK</italic>180, and <italic>adhP</italic>111. The positions of these in the concatenated MLST database are 1536, 1929, 2697 and 111 respectively.</p>", "<p>A complete description of the relationship between the SNP profiles and the GBS MLST-defined population structure was determined, using the MLST database as downloaded on April 4, 2007. This was accomplished using the \"working backwards\" mode of Minimum SNPs. An overview of the results is shown in Table ##TAB##1##2## and Fig ##FIG##0##1##. For full details, [see additional file ##SUPPL##1##2## and additional file ##SUPPL##2##3##]. eBURST analysis divides GBS into three large groups and a number of singletons. Many of the singletons are DLVs of the founders of major groups so their status as \"true\" singletons that are clearly diverged from other groups within the species is dubious. The largest eBURST defined group is an extensively interlinked network that encompasses several different examples of clonal expansion and diversification, the largest of which are derived from ST-1, ST-19, and ST-10. The other major eBURST groups are less complex in structure and are derived from ST-17 and ST-23 respectively. Two ST-17 derivatives, ST-67 and ST-22, have themselves given rise to clonal expansion and diversification. Because of the differing degrees of complexity of eBURST groups, defining what constitutes a CC is not straightforward. In this paper, we define a CC as incorporating a successful ST and its SLVs, unless stated otherwise.</p>", "<title>An additional SNP that improves sensitivity for CC17</title>", "<p>The correspondence between the generally applicable SNP profiles, and the GBS population structure as revealed by eBURST analysis is good, but imperfect. A significant contributor to this is the inability of eBURST analysis to generate a reliable population structure from a high frequency recombination species. This is a limitation determined by differences in evolutionary history between different parts of the genome, rather than of the eBURST algorithm itself. This phenomenon is particularly evident with the large highly interlinked eBURST group that contains CC1, CC19 and CC10, and a number of smaller/derived CCs. eBURST analysis cannot reliably define precise evolutionary pathways with this population structure because there are so many essentially equivalent topologies. A consequence of this is that any given topology will inevitably result in very closely related STs sometimes being separated by many steps in the eBURST diagram. Therefore, assigning isolates to particular clones, with a high level of confidence, is not possible within such a highly interlinked population.</p>", "<p>Nevertheless, if CC membership is clinically relevant, false negatives may be a serious problem. Accordingly we developed a strategy to minimise false negatives for defined groups of STs. During the course of this study we observed that if the \"defined variant\" algorithm in Minimum SNPs is used to identify SNPs diagnostic for a specific CC founder, the first one or two SNPs in the series will differentiate the CC from the rest of the population, and the later SNPs in the series will distinguish the CC founder from its double and single locus variants. This approach alone produces similar false positive and negative rates to those produced with the four generally applicable SNPs described above and so is therefore less efficient, because different SNP sets are required for each CC. However, given that a generally applicable SNP set has been already been developed using other means, we postulated that for any given CC, the false negatives would be different for a \"CC founder specific SNP\", and the four generally applicable SNPs. Therefore, a strategy in which a single CC-specific SNP was interrogated in isolates that are negative for that CC on the basis of the generally applicable SNPs would ensure that no single locus variants were missed. We have termed such a SNP a \"safety net SNP\". It was also postulated that the safety net SNP would be effective in reducing false positives from the generally applicable SNP set. As with the \"false negative\" problem, we hypothesised that the false positives from the safety net SNP, and the generally applicable SNPs would not overlap.</p>", "<p>This strategy was tested using CC17 as a model system, because this CC is generally regarded as causing a high proportion of paediatric infections, and is potentially a valuable diagnostic target.</p>", "<p>If CC17 is defined as consisting of ST-17 plus its single locus variants, the generally applicable SNPs provide very good sensitivity and specificity (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The ST-17 single locus variants that are missed by the generally applicable SNP set are ST-128 (CC23 profile), ST-137 (unique profile), ST-146 (ST-67 profile) and ST-174 (ST-23 profile) i.e. these are false negatives. (In contrast, 46 ST-17 single locus variant i.e. true positives give the CC17 profile when interrogated at the generally applicable SNPs, [see additional file ##SUPPL##2##3## and additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##]. It is arguable that only ST-128 and ST-174 are problematic, because ST-137 has a unique profile on the basis of the generally applicable SNPs profile.</p>", "<p>Minimum SNPs \"Defined variant\" analysis for ST-17 revealed that the single most discriminatory SNP (i.e SNP1 in the program's output) is <italic>atr351 </italic>(position 1350 in the concatenated database), with ST-17 possessing the \"A\" allele. This allele eliminates the four false negatives, so we term <italic>atr351 </italic>the \"safety-net\" SNP. Eighty-five (27.1%) of known GBS STs possess the A allele, so at first analysis, this SNP appears to generate a large number of false positives for CC17. However, the great majority of these STs are members of CC17, or the closely related CCs, CC67 and CC22. Remarkably, only five STs that are \"A\" at the safety net SNP are not members of the eBURST group that contains CC17, CC67 and CC22.</p>", "<p>An unanticipated benefit of interrogating the safety net SNP is that it is very effective at resolving CC22 and CC23, which are not resolved by the generally applicable SNPs. The only CC22 members which do not type as CC17 on the basis of the safety net SNP are ST-168 and ST-169 (which, similarly to other ST22 members, type as CC23 on the basis of the generally applicable SNPs.) In summary, the safety net SNP may be qualitatively regarded as being very effective at discriminating CC17, together with the closely related CC67 and CC22, from other CCs within the species.</p>", "<p>Quantifying the performance of the safety net SNP is not straightforward, because it is designed to provide an alternative or back-up to the generally applicable SNP set, as opposed to simply adding another allele to the SNP profile of the diagnostic target. The most informative approach is to calculate its performance separately against groups of STs that return particular profiles when interrogated at the generally applicable SNPs. This is because the different generally applicable SNPs-defined groups of STs differ greatly with respect to the proportion that possess the CC17 \"A\" allele at the safety net SNP. A corollary of this is that the profile obtained from the generally applicable SNPs may potentially indicate whether it is worthwhile interrogating the safety-net SNP at all.</p>", "<p>As stated above, the three CC17 false negatives as defined by the generally applicable SNPs return two different profiles – those associated with CC67, and CC23. The specificity of the safety-net SNP differs greatly as a function of which generally applicable SNP profile has been obtained (Table ##TAB##1##2##). In the case of the STs that return the CC67 profile, the specificity provided by the safety-net SNP for CC17 is low because essentially all CC67 members possess an \"A\" allele at the safety net SNP. In contrast, only a minority of the CC23 STs have an \"A\" allele at the safety-net SNP, so the specificity of the safety net SNP for CC17 with this group of STs is better. Accordingly, if this genotyping approach were being used to monitor GBS populations, and also to diagnose or detect CC17 members with maximal sensitivity, a possible work flow may be as follows:</p>", "<p>1. Interrogate at the generally applicable SNPs</p>", "<p>2. For any SNP profiles other than those matching CC67 or CC23, terminate the procedure and record the results.</p>", "<p>3. When a profile matching either CC67 or CC23 is obtained, Either:</p>", "<p>A. Interrogate the isolate at the safety-net SNP, and classify as CC17 if it possesses the \"A\" allele, or</p>", "<p>B. Simply regard any CC67 profile isolates as CC17, on the basis that the profile is not common, the specificity of the safety-net SNP is low, and CC67 is closely related to CC17; interrogate CC23 profile isolates at the safety-net SNP and regard any that possess the \"A\" allele as CC17 members.</p>", "<p>The utility of the safety net SNP for eliminating ST-17 false positives as defined by the generally applicable SNPs was also tested. The five non-CC17 STs that return the ST-17 generally applicable SNP profile are ST-81 (CC19), ST-86 (CC-19), ST-226 (not part of a major CC), ST-271 (CC67) and ST305 (ST23). None of these possess an A allele at the safety net SNP apart from ST-271 which, is arguably part of CC-17 anyway. Therefore, the safety net SNP is very effective eliminating CC17 false positives.</p>", "<p>The power of the safety net SNP on its own to serve as a CC17 diagnostic is also of interest. As stated above, the general property of this SNP is that it discriminates the closely related CCs CC17, CC22 and CC67 from the rest of the species. eBURST analysis puts these CCs into a single group. The specificity, sensitivity and PPV provided by this SNP in diagnosing either ST17 plus single locus variants (narrow definition of CC17), or the CC17–CC22–CC67 eBURST group (wide definition of CC17) were calculated. As expected, this SNP provides high sensitivity against both targets, and high specificity and PPV against the CC-17–CC22–CC67 eBURST group (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>Therefore, it was concluded that a five SNP set consisting of positions <italic>glnA</italic>36, <italic>glnA</italic>429, <italic>glcK</italic>180, and <italic>adhP</italic>111 as generally applicable SNPs, and a<italic>tr</italic>351 as a CC17 safety net SNP, would provide general discriminatory power right across the GBS species, and provide a particularly high level of sensitivity for CC17. In addition, interrogation of <italic>atr351 </italic>on its own shows potential as a diagnostic for the CC17–CC22–CC67 eBURST group. A number of SNP-based approaches to bacterial genotyping have been reported by other groups, [##REF##17520020##27##, ####REF##18032628##28##, ##REF##16385065##29####16385065##29##], but the approach taken in this study to identifying a SNP set and quantifying its performance is to our knowledge unique.</p>", "<title>SNP interrogation</title>", "<p>Kinetic PCR methods for interrogating the SNPs were developed using known sequences. Isolates 1, 5, 9, 29, 30, 34 and 79 were subjected to full MLST analysis, and these were used both in method development and also as controls in when genotyping unknown isolates [see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##]. In addition, sequencing of the <italic>adhP </italic>locus from isolate 2 revealed that it is MLST allele 4, which provides the <italic>adhP</italic>111 SNP allele \"A\" at this position. This provided known sequences representing all SNP alleles, with the exception of the \"T\" allele of <italic>adhP</italic>111. This is very rare, and to date has been found only in ST-137.</p>", "<p>Initial experiments on known sequences revealed that the kinetic PCR SNP interrogation is robust, with the ΔC<sub>T </sub>values clearly discriminating the alleles. (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>One hundred and sixteen isolates were subjected to SNP typing. The results are summarised in Table ##TAB##4##5##. For complete results [see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##]. On the basis of the four generally applicable SNPs, 22 were allocated to the CC1 profile, 16 to CC10, six to CC17, 50 to CC19, 21 to CC23 and one (isolate 91) to a new profile, CAGT. The DNA yielding this new profile was subjected to complete MLST analysis, and the presence of multiple double peaks in the sequencing traces indicated that the DNA was obtained from a mixed culture, and that in consequence this new profile was an experimental artefact. This was not followed up further. Isolates belonging to CC17 have previously been shown to essentially always be msst MSIII, and to possess the pgp \"R\" profile and mge IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1 profile [##REF##12676873##5##,##REF##16145130##8##]. All but one of the isolates returning the CC17 generally applicable SNP had these characteristics, thus providing strong supporting evidence that the SNPs are indeed identifying CC17 (Table ##TAB##4##5##) Another very abundant msst MSIII clone in Australia belongs to CC19, and possesses the pgp \"R\" profile and the mge profile IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1. Of the 116 isolates, 38 possessed these characteristics and the CC19 SNP profile. Therefore, the SNPs are effective discriminating between these major msst MSIII groups.</p>", "<p>Interrogation of the safety net SNP revealed that the generally applicable SNPs generated one false positive and no false negatives for CC17. As expected, the false positive (isolate 6 [see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##]), was the one isolate that returned the CC17 generally applicable SNP profile, and is not msst MSIII. The lack of CC17 false negatives for the isolates that typed as CC1, CC10 or CC19 at the generally applicable SNPs was expected, because according to the MLST database, these generally applicable SNP profiles never co-exist with \"A\" at the safety net SNP. The only non-CC17 generally applicable SNP profiles that co-exist with \"A\" at the safety net SNP are the CC67 profile (which none of the isolates in this study possess) and the CC23 profile. The MLST database defines a significant number of CC23 generally applicable SNP profile STs that are \"A\" at the safety net SNP, and almost all of these are in CC22, which is very closely related to CC17. The fact that none of the isolates tested in this study are CC23 on the basis of the generally applicable SNPs and \"A\" at the safety-net SNP indicates that none of them are CC22.</p>", "<p>This study is similar in it its objectives to that described by Lamy et al [##REF##16822689##24##]. However, their method provided no information beyond whether or not an isolate is part of the virulent CC17 taxon, and it is unclear whether their method is specific for the whole CC17, or only for the ST-17 clone. It is significant that a putative virulence factor associated with ST-17, Srr-2, has also been found in an ST-17 SLV [##UREF##3##25##]. It is also similar in its objectives to that described by Tong et al [##REF##17467090##7##], although this relies on molecular serotyping to identifying MSIII isolates, and then makes use of a SNP to discriminate MSIII CC17 isolates from MSIII CC19 isolates. Our method is entirely based on SNPs, and provides typing information across the entire species. Similar studies in other species that define SNPs diagnostic for biologically valid sub-groups of bacterial species include [##REF##16157544##26##, ####REF##17520020##27##, ##REF##18032628##28##, ##REF##16385065##29####16385065##29##]. Interrogation of the SNPs we have described could easily be combined with interrogation of rapidly evolving loci so as to yield a hierarchical genotyping method similar to that described for <italic>Bacillus anthracis </italic>[##REF##15450200##30##] or <italic>Campylobacter jejuni </italic>[##REF##17400785##31##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and discussion</title>", "<title>SNP identification</title>", "<p>The aim of this study was to identify a small SNP set that can resolve the major GBS clonal complexes as defined by eBURST analysis of the GBS MLST database. Firstly we assessed the utility of the <italic>D-</italic>maximisation SNP selection method that, in the case of <italic>S. aureus</italic>, yielded a SNP set with good resolving power and good correlation between SNP profile and clonal complex structure. However, for GBS the rate of increase of <italic>D </italic>per SNP added to the set was lower than any other bacterial species tested so far (<italic>Helicobacter pylori, Neisseria meningitidis, Campylobacter jejuni/Campylbacter coli, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylcoccus aureus</italic>) (Robertson et al, 2004). Eleven SNPs were required to reach <italic>D </italic>= 0.95, while the previous worst performer in the accumulation of <italic>D </italic>per SNP was <italic>S. aureus</italic>, which required seven SNPs to reach <italic>D </italic>= 0.95 [##REF##14663103##9##]. In addition, the correlation between SNP profile and clonal complex structure was poor (data not shown).</p>", "<p>The reason for the poor performance of the <italic>D </italic>maximised SNP set was investigated. GBS displays very little diversity among MLST allele sequences; Jones et al (2003) reported that sequence variation ranges from 1.2% to 2.5% at different MLST loci. Moreover, examination of the MLST database reveals that approximately 45% of eBURST-defined single locus variants are generated through the acquisition of a pre-existing allele, rather than by the generation of a new allele through presumed mutation (data not shown). This indicates that the species' horizontal gene transfer rate is at least comparable to point mutation. Minimum SNPs-based derivation of <italic>D</italic>-maximised SNP sets from non-clonal microbial species usually provides an almost exponential increase in <italic>D </italic>as SNPs are added to the SNP set [##REF##14663103##9##]. This is because of the low linkage between SNPs; in an entirely clonal species each SNP can only define one type so the resolving power increases arithmetically as SNPs are added to the set. In practice, the limiting factor in non-clonal species is that the existence of a SNP that provides a truly exponential increase in resolving power becomes less likely as the size of the SNP set increases. This is because, even when there is frequent horizontal gene transfer, the probability that a single SNP will by chance divide each of a number of different subsets of known sequences into equal halves is much less than the probability that a single SNP will divide all known sequences into equal halves. It therefore follows that the smaller the pool of SNPs to select from, the earlier and greater the deviation from an exponential increase in resolving power, as SNPs are added to the <italic>D-</italic>maximised set. Thus our current understanding of <italic>D-</italic>maximised SNP sets derived from GBS MLST data is that significant horizontal gene transfer disrupts that relationship between SNP profile and population structure, and a paucity of SNPs to choose from means that the resolving power of <italic>D-</italic>maximised SNP sets is poor with respect to comparably sized SNP sets derived from the MLST databases of other non-clonal bacterial species.</p>", "<p>Accordingly it was concluded that <italic>D </italic>maximisation is not the optimum approach for identifying a useful SNP set for GBS, and that a new approach was needed. It was also concluded that while sets of 7–8 SNPs provide a very good compromise between number of SNPs and resolving power for other bacterial species [##REF##14663103##9##], the lack of SNPs defined by the GBS MLST database and the results of the <italic>D-</italic>maximisation experiments suggest that the optimum size of a generally applicable GBS-genotyping SNP set will be smaller than 7–8, irrespective of the SNP identification method used.</p>", "<p>The alternative strategy that was developed involved the use of the Minimum SNPs Not-N algorithm [##REF##17672919##15##] to find SNPs diagnostic for the major CCs, and then a process of empirical SNP set editing and testing, facilitated by the Minimum SNPs \"include and exclude\" functions, and \"working backwards\" (from SNP profile to STs) mode. This process was directed towards finding different SNP sets that are diagnostic for different CCs, but that also happen to include at least some of the same SNPs. The outcome was a set of four SNPs that are informative across the GBS species and define genotypes strongly correlated with the population structure as defined by eBURST analysis. These SNPs are <italic>glnA</italic>36, <italic>glnA</italic>429, <italic>glcK</italic>180, and <italic>adhP</italic>111. The positions of these in the concatenated MLST database are 1536, 1929, 2697 and 111 respectively.</p>", "<p>A complete description of the relationship between the SNP profiles and the GBS MLST-defined population structure was determined, using the MLST database as downloaded on April 4, 2007. This was accomplished using the \"working backwards\" mode of Minimum SNPs. An overview of the results is shown in Table ##TAB##1##2## and Fig ##FIG##0##1##. For full details, [see additional file ##SUPPL##1##2## and additional file ##SUPPL##2##3##]. eBURST analysis divides GBS into three large groups and a number of singletons. Many of the singletons are DLVs of the founders of major groups so their status as \"true\" singletons that are clearly diverged from other groups within the species is dubious. The largest eBURST defined group is an extensively interlinked network that encompasses several different examples of clonal expansion and diversification, the largest of which are derived from ST-1, ST-19, and ST-10. The other major eBURST groups are less complex in structure and are derived from ST-17 and ST-23 respectively. Two ST-17 derivatives, ST-67 and ST-22, have themselves given rise to clonal expansion and diversification. Because of the differing degrees of complexity of eBURST groups, defining what constitutes a CC is not straightforward. In this paper, we define a CC as incorporating a successful ST and its SLVs, unless stated otherwise.</p>", "<title>An additional SNP that improves sensitivity for CC17</title>", "<p>The correspondence between the generally applicable SNP profiles, and the GBS population structure as revealed by eBURST analysis is good, but imperfect. A significant contributor to this is the inability of eBURST analysis to generate a reliable population structure from a high frequency recombination species. This is a limitation determined by differences in evolutionary history between different parts of the genome, rather than of the eBURST algorithm itself. This phenomenon is particularly evident with the large highly interlinked eBURST group that contains CC1, CC19 and CC10, and a number of smaller/derived CCs. eBURST analysis cannot reliably define precise evolutionary pathways with this population structure because there are so many essentially equivalent topologies. A consequence of this is that any given topology will inevitably result in very closely related STs sometimes being separated by many steps in the eBURST diagram. Therefore, assigning isolates to particular clones, with a high level of confidence, is not possible within such a highly interlinked population.</p>", "<p>Nevertheless, if CC membership is clinically relevant, false negatives may be a serious problem. Accordingly we developed a strategy to minimise false negatives for defined groups of STs. During the course of this study we observed that if the \"defined variant\" algorithm in Minimum SNPs is used to identify SNPs diagnostic for a specific CC founder, the first one or two SNPs in the series will differentiate the CC from the rest of the population, and the later SNPs in the series will distinguish the CC founder from its double and single locus variants. This approach alone produces similar false positive and negative rates to those produced with the four generally applicable SNPs described above and so is therefore less efficient, because different SNP sets are required for each CC. However, given that a generally applicable SNP set has been already been developed using other means, we postulated that for any given CC, the false negatives would be different for a \"CC founder specific SNP\", and the four generally applicable SNPs. Therefore, a strategy in which a single CC-specific SNP was interrogated in isolates that are negative for that CC on the basis of the generally applicable SNPs would ensure that no single locus variants were missed. We have termed such a SNP a \"safety net SNP\". It was also postulated that the safety net SNP would be effective in reducing false positives from the generally applicable SNP set. As with the \"false negative\" problem, we hypothesised that the false positives from the safety net SNP, and the generally applicable SNPs would not overlap.</p>", "<p>This strategy was tested using CC17 as a model system, because this CC is generally regarded as causing a high proportion of paediatric infections, and is potentially a valuable diagnostic target.</p>", "<p>If CC17 is defined as consisting of ST-17 plus its single locus variants, the generally applicable SNPs provide very good sensitivity and specificity (Table ##TAB##2##3##). The ST-17 single locus variants that are missed by the generally applicable SNP set are ST-128 (CC23 profile), ST-137 (unique profile), ST-146 (ST-67 profile) and ST-174 (ST-23 profile) i.e. these are false negatives. (In contrast, 46 ST-17 single locus variant i.e. true positives give the CC17 profile when interrogated at the generally applicable SNPs, [see additional file ##SUPPL##2##3## and additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##]. It is arguable that only ST-128 and ST-174 are problematic, because ST-137 has a unique profile on the basis of the generally applicable SNPs profile.</p>", "<p>Minimum SNPs \"Defined variant\" analysis for ST-17 revealed that the single most discriminatory SNP (i.e SNP1 in the program's output) is <italic>atr351 </italic>(position 1350 in the concatenated database), with ST-17 possessing the \"A\" allele. This allele eliminates the four false negatives, so we term <italic>atr351 </italic>the \"safety-net\" SNP. Eighty-five (27.1%) of known GBS STs possess the A allele, so at first analysis, this SNP appears to generate a large number of false positives for CC17. However, the great majority of these STs are members of CC17, or the closely related CCs, CC67 and CC22. Remarkably, only five STs that are \"A\" at the safety net SNP are not members of the eBURST group that contains CC17, CC67 and CC22.</p>", "<p>An unanticipated benefit of interrogating the safety net SNP is that it is very effective at resolving CC22 and CC23, which are not resolved by the generally applicable SNPs. The only CC22 members which do not type as CC17 on the basis of the safety net SNP are ST-168 and ST-169 (which, similarly to other ST22 members, type as CC23 on the basis of the generally applicable SNPs.) In summary, the safety net SNP may be qualitatively regarded as being very effective at discriminating CC17, together with the closely related CC67 and CC22, from other CCs within the species.</p>", "<p>Quantifying the performance of the safety net SNP is not straightforward, because it is designed to provide an alternative or back-up to the generally applicable SNP set, as opposed to simply adding another allele to the SNP profile of the diagnostic target. The most informative approach is to calculate its performance separately against groups of STs that return particular profiles when interrogated at the generally applicable SNPs. This is because the different generally applicable SNPs-defined groups of STs differ greatly with respect to the proportion that possess the CC17 \"A\" allele at the safety net SNP. A corollary of this is that the profile obtained from the generally applicable SNPs may potentially indicate whether it is worthwhile interrogating the safety-net SNP at all.</p>", "<p>As stated above, the three CC17 false negatives as defined by the generally applicable SNPs return two different profiles – those associated with CC67, and CC23. The specificity of the safety-net SNP differs greatly as a function of which generally applicable SNP profile has been obtained (Table ##TAB##1##2##). In the case of the STs that return the CC67 profile, the specificity provided by the safety-net SNP for CC17 is low because essentially all CC67 members possess an \"A\" allele at the safety net SNP. In contrast, only a minority of the CC23 STs have an \"A\" allele at the safety-net SNP, so the specificity of the safety net SNP for CC17 with this group of STs is better. Accordingly, if this genotyping approach were being used to monitor GBS populations, and also to diagnose or detect CC17 members with maximal sensitivity, a possible work flow may be as follows:</p>", "<p>1. Interrogate at the generally applicable SNPs</p>", "<p>2. For any SNP profiles other than those matching CC67 or CC23, terminate the procedure and record the results.</p>", "<p>3. When a profile matching either CC67 or CC23 is obtained, Either:</p>", "<p>A. Interrogate the isolate at the safety-net SNP, and classify as CC17 if it possesses the \"A\" allele, or</p>", "<p>B. Simply regard any CC67 profile isolates as CC17, on the basis that the profile is not common, the specificity of the safety-net SNP is low, and CC67 is closely related to CC17; interrogate CC23 profile isolates at the safety-net SNP and regard any that possess the \"A\" allele as CC17 members.</p>", "<p>The utility of the safety net SNP for eliminating ST-17 false positives as defined by the generally applicable SNPs was also tested. The five non-CC17 STs that return the ST-17 generally applicable SNP profile are ST-81 (CC19), ST-86 (CC-19), ST-226 (not part of a major CC), ST-271 (CC67) and ST305 (ST23). None of these possess an A allele at the safety net SNP apart from ST-271 which, is arguably part of CC-17 anyway. Therefore, the safety net SNP is very effective eliminating CC17 false positives.</p>", "<p>The power of the safety net SNP on its own to serve as a CC17 diagnostic is also of interest. As stated above, the general property of this SNP is that it discriminates the closely related CCs CC17, CC22 and CC67 from the rest of the species. eBURST analysis puts these CCs into a single group. The specificity, sensitivity and PPV provided by this SNP in diagnosing either ST17 plus single locus variants (narrow definition of CC17), or the CC17–CC22–CC67 eBURST group (wide definition of CC17) were calculated. As expected, this SNP provides high sensitivity against both targets, and high specificity and PPV against the CC-17–CC22–CC67 eBURST group (Table ##TAB##1##2##).</p>", "<p>Therefore, it was concluded that a five SNP set consisting of positions <italic>glnA</italic>36, <italic>glnA</italic>429, <italic>glcK</italic>180, and <italic>adhP</italic>111 as generally applicable SNPs, and a<italic>tr</italic>351 as a CC17 safety net SNP, would provide general discriminatory power right across the GBS species, and provide a particularly high level of sensitivity for CC17. In addition, interrogation of <italic>atr351 </italic>on its own shows potential as a diagnostic for the CC17–CC22–CC67 eBURST group. A number of SNP-based approaches to bacterial genotyping have been reported by other groups, [##REF##17520020##27##, ####REF##18032628##28##, ##REF##16385065##29####16385065##29##], but the approach taken in this study to identifying a SNP set and quantifying its performance is to our knowledge unique.</p>", "<title>SNP interrogation</title>", "<p>Kinetic PCR methods for interrogating the SNPs were developed using known sequences. Isolates 1, 5, 9, 29, 30, 34 and 79 were subjected to full MLST analysis, and these were used both in method development and also as controls in when genotyping unknown isolates [see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##]. In addition, sequencing of the <italic>adhP </italic>locus from isolate 2 revealed that it is MLST allele 4, which provides the <italic>adhP</italic>111 SNP allele \"A\" at this position. This provided known sequences representing all SNP alleles, with the exception of the \"T\" allele of <italic>adhP</italic>111. This is very rare, and to date has been found only in ST-137.</p>", "<p>Initial experiments on known sequences revealed that the kinetic PCR SNP interrogation is robust, with the ΔC<sub>T </sub>values clearly discriminating the alleles. (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>One hundred and sixteen isolates were subjected to SNP typing. The results are summarised in Table ##TAB##4##5##. For complete results [see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##]. On the basis of the four generally applicable SNPs, 22 were allocated to the CC1 profile, 16 to CC10, six to CC17, 50 to CC19, 21 to CC23 and one (isolate 91) to a new profile, CAGT. The DNA yielding this new profile was subjected to complete MLST analysis, and the presence of multiple double peaks in the sequencing traces indicated that the DNA was obtained from a mixed culture, and that in consequence this new profile was an experimental artefact. This was not followed up further. Isolates belonging to CC17 have previously been shown to essentially always be msst MSIII, and to possess the pgp \"R\" profile and mge IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1 profile [##REF##12676873##5##,##REF##16145130##8##]. All but one of the isolates returning the CC17 generally applicable SNP had these characteristics, thus providing strong supporting evidence that the SNPs are indeed identifying CC17 (Table ##TAB##4##5##) Another very abundant msst MSIII clone in Australia belongs to CC19, and possesses the pgp \"R\" profile and the mge profile IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1. Of the 116 isolates, 38 possessed these characteristics and the CC19 SNP profile. Therefore, the SNPs are effective discriminating between these major msst MSIII groups.</p>", "<p>Interrogation of the safety net SNP revealed that the generally applicable SNPs generated one false positive and no false negatives for CC17. As expected, the false positive (isolate 6 [see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##]), was the one isolate that returned the CC17 generally applicable SNP profile, and is not msst MSIII. The lack of CC17 false negatives for the isolates that typed as CC1, CC10 or CC19 at the generally applicable SNPs was expected, because according to the MLST database, these generally applicable SNP profiles never co-exist with \"A\" at the safety net SNP. The only non-CC17 generally applicable SNP profiles that co-exist with \"A\" at the safety net SNP are the CC67 profile (which none of the isolates in this study possess) and the CC23 profile. The MLST database defines a significant number of CC23 generally applicable SNP profile STs that are \"A\" at the safety net SNP, and almost all of these are in CC22, which is very closely related to CC17. The fact that none of the isolates tested in this study are CC23 on the basis of the generally applicable SNPs and \"A\" at the safety-net SNP indicates that none of them are CC22.</p>", "<p>This study is similar in it its objectives to that described by Lamy et al [##REF##16822689##24##]. However, their method provided no information beyond whether or not an isolate is part of the virulent CC17 taxon, and it is unclear whether their method is specific for the whole CC17, or only for the ST-17 clone. It is significant that a putative virulence factor associated with ST-17, Srr-2, has also been found in an ST-17 SLV [##UREF##3##25##]. It is also similar in its objectives to that described by Tong et al [##REF##17467090##7##], although this relies on molecular serotyping to identifying MSIII isolates, and then makes use of a SNP to discriminate MSIII CC17 isolates from MSIII CC19 isolates. Our method is entirely based on SNPs, and provides typing information across the entire species. Similar studies in other species that define SNPs diagnostic for biologically valid sub-groups of bacterial species include [##REF##16157544##26##, ####REF##17520020##27##, ##REF##18032628##28##, ##REF##16385065##29####16385065##29##]. Interrogation of the SNPs we have described could easily be combined with interrogation of rapidly evolving loci so as to yield a hierarchical genotyping method similar to that described for <italic>Bacillus anthracis </italic>[##REF##15450200##30##] or <italic>Campylobacter jejuni </italic>[##REF##17400785##31##].</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We have developed a GBS CC genotyping method based upon four MLST database-derived SNPs that resolve the major eBURST-defined clonal complexes. An additional SNP increases the sensitivity and specificity of GBS CC17 diagnosis. A real-time PCR based assay for interrogating these SNPs has been developed. This method represents an efficient means of classifying GBS into groups that are concordant with the population structure. These SNPs could be used on their own, or combined with other rapidly evolving markers so as to yield highly informative genotyping methods.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p><italic>Streptococcus agalactiae </italic>(Group B Streptococcus (GBS)) is an important human pathogen, particularly of newborns. Emerging evidence for a relationship between genotype and virulence has accentuated the need for efficient and well-defined typing methods. The objective of this study was to develop a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) based method for assigning GBS isolates to multilocus sequence typing (MLST)-defined clonal complexes.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>It was found that a SNP set derived from the MLST database on the basis of maximisation of Simpsons Index of Diversity provided poor resolution and did not define groups concordant with the population structure as defined by eBURST analysis of the MLST database. This was interpreted as being a consequence of low diversity and high frequency horizontal gene transfer. Accordingly, a different approach to SNP identification was developed. This entailed use of the \"Not-N\" bioinformatic algorithm that identifies SNPs diagnostic for groups of known sequence variants, together with an empirical process of SNP testing. This yielded a four member SNP set that divides GBS into 10 groups that are concordant with the population structure. A fifth SNP was identified that increased the sensitivity for the clinically significant clonal complex 17 to 100%. Kinetic PCR methods for the interrogation of these SNPs were developed, and used to genotype 116 well characterized isolates.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>A five SNP method for dividing GBS into biologically valid groups has been developed. These SNPs are ideal for high throughput surveillance activities, and combining with more rapidly evolving loci when additional resolution is required.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>Authors PMG and DF are inventors on a patent application describing algorithms and software for the derivation of resolution optimised SNP sets from DNA sequence alignments, and their application to the development of bacterial genotyping methods. This is currently held by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) which is a current employer of FH and a previous employer of PMG. QUT, and authors PMG and FH would potentially benefit from any commercial arrangement regarding this patent application.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>EH optimised and validated the SNP interrogation procedures and carried out the majority of the SNP-based genotyping and associated data analysis. TF identified the generally applicable SNP set and developed the prototype SNP interrogation assays. AJS developed the safety net SNP interrogation assay and carried out a significant proportion of the genotyping and associated data analysis. DK, FK and GLG participated in the study design, selected and assembled the isolates and participated in data analysis. FH participated in the study design and the optimisation of the SNP interrogation assays. PMG conceived of and coordinated the study, carried out the bioinformatics analyses apart from the initial SNP selection, and wrote the majority of the manuscript. All authors approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This study was supported by National Health and Medical Research project grant number 358351 (Chief Investigator, G. L. Gilbert).</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Overview of relationship between eBURST defined GBS population structure and generally applicable SNP profiles.</bold> The group definition was set to zero, so as to provide a population snapshot. The depicted relationship between STs and SNP profiles is approximate. For definitive information, see [additional files ##SUPPL##1##2##, ##SUPPL##2##3##, ##SUPPL##3##4##.].</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Sequences of primers used in kinetic PCR reactions.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>SNP</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Primer Name</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Primer Sequence (5' – 3')</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>36</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>36-C</td><td align=\"left\">ATATCCTGATTTAGATACTTGGATTCTC</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>36-T</td><td align=\"left\">ATATCCTGATTTAGATACTTGGATTCTT</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>36-Rev</td><td align=\"left\">TCTCCTTCTGCTGTATAGATATCACA</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>429<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>429-G<sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\">TTGTTTTAACAACCAATTTAAATAATTGAATC</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>429-A</td><td align=\"left\">TTGTTTTAACAACCAATTTAAATAATTGAATT</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>429-For</td><td align=\"left\">AAGTAGCAGTTGGACAGGATGAAA</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>glcK</italic>180</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>glcK</italic>180-A</td><td align=\"left\">GGCTGATACTCAAGAAGTAGGTTAA</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>glcK</italic>180-G</td><td align=\"left\">GGCTGATACTCAAGAAGTAGGTTAG</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>glcK</italic>180-Rev</td><td align=\"left\">ACCAAGTGCTGCAACATTAGC</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>adhP</italic>111</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>adhP</italic>111-G</td><td align=\"left\">TTGCATGGTTCTTTGAATGG</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>adhP</italic>111-A</td><td align=\"left\">TTGCATGGTTCTTTGAATGA</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>adhP</italic>111-T</td><td align=\"left\">TTGCATGGTTCTTTGAATGT</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>adhP</italic>111-Rev</td><td align=\"left\">CAAAGCGTCTCACGTCCTGT</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>atr</italic>351</td><td align=\"left\"><italic>atr</italic>351-A</td><td align=\"left\">GTTGTTGTTGTCCTCCAGATAAGCTA</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>atr</italic>351-T</td><td align=\"left\">GTTGTTGTTGTCCTCCAGATAAGCTT</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\"><italic>atr</italic>351-Rev</td><td align=\"left\">GGACTCAAAGAGAAGGCTAATGCT</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Overview of the relationship between SNP profiles and GBS population structure</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">SNP profiles (in order: <italic>glnA36</italic>, <italic>glnA429</italic>, <italic>glcK180, adhP111</italic>)</td><td align=\"left\">Clonal complex</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">CTAG</td><td align=\"left\">CC1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CTAA</td><td align=\"left\">CC10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CCGG</td><td align=\"left\">CC17</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CCAG</td><td align=\"left\">CC19</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TCGG</td><td align=\"left\">CC23 (also includes CC22)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CTGG</td><td align=\"left\">CC67</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CCAA</td><td align=\"left\">Four CC1 members and four singletons (no CC founders)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TCAG</td><td align=\"left\">Seven STs, scattered throughout population (no CC founders)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">TCAA</td><td align=\"left\">ST227, ST159</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CCGT</td><td align=\"left\">ST137</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Informative powers of SNP sets.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>Generally applicable SNP profile CCGG</bold><sup>1</sup><bold>as a diagnostic for CC17.</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Calculated against all STs</td><td align=\"left\">Sensitivity = 0.91</td><td align=\"left\">Specificity = 0.98</td><td align=\"left\">PPV = 0.90</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>Safety net SNP <italic>atr351 </italic>\"A\" allele of as a diagnostic for CC17 – calculated against subsets of STs defined by generally applicable SNPs</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CC67 profile STs</td><td align=\"left\">Sensitivity = 1</td><td align=\"left\">Specificity = 0.13</td><td align=\"left\">PPV = 0.07</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CC23 profile STs</td><td align=\"left\">Sensitivity = 1</td><td align=\"left\">Specificity = 0.79</td><td align=\"left\">PPV = 0.14</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CC17 profile STs</td><td align=\"left\">Sensitivity = 1</td><td align=\"left\">Specificity = 1</td><td align=\"left\">PPV = 1</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>Safety net SNP \"A\" allele as a diagnostic for CC17</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Calculated against all STs</td><td align=\"left\">Sensitivity = 0.92</td><td align=\"left\">Specificity = 0.82</td><td align=\"left\">PPV = 0.45</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"4\"><bold>Safety net SNP \"A\" allele as a diagnostic for CC17, CC67, CC22 eBURST group</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Calculated against all STs</td><td align=\"left\">Sensitivity = 0.94</td><td align=\"left\">Specificity = 0.95</td><td align=\"left\">PPV = 0.85</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Differential amplification kinetics for the SNP alleles.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>SNP</bold></td><td align=\"left\">Δ<bold>C<sub>T </sub></bold>± <bold>SD (allele 1)</bold></td><td align=\"left\">Δ<bold>C<sub>T </sub></bold>± <bold>SD (allele 2)</bold></td><td align=\"left\">ΔΔ<bold>C<sub>T</sub></bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>36</td><td align=\"left\">7.6 ± 1.0 (C)</td><td align=\"left\">7.5 ± 1.2 (T)</td><td align=\"left\">15.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>glnA</italic>429</td><td align=\"left\">10.9 ± 3.0 (C)</td><td align=\"left\">3.9 ± 2.5 (T)</td><td align=\"left\">14.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>glcK</italic>180</td><td align=\"left\">8.5 ± 2.4 (A)</td><td align=\"left\">11.1 ± 1.7 (G)</td><td align=\"left\">19.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>adhP</italic>111</td><td align=\"left\">14.9 ± 1.6 (G)</td><td align=\"left\">9.5 ± 2.0 (A)</td><td align=\"left\">24.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>Atr351 </italic>(safety net)</td><td align=\"left\">2.1 ± 0.6 (T)</td><td align=\"left\">6.6 ± 0.5 (A)</td><td align=\"left\">8.7</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Relationship between CCs identified by SNP typing, and genotype</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>CLONAL COMPLEX</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>SNP PROFILE</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>MOLECULAR SEROTYPE (MS)</bold><sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>PROTEIN GENE PROFILE (PGP)</bold><sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>MOBILE GENETIC ELEMENTS (MGE)</bold><sup>1</sup></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>N = 116 (SSI)</bold><sup>2</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">CC 1 (n = 22)</td><td align=\"left\">CTAG</td><td align=\"left\">V</td><td align=\"left\">Alp3</td><td align=\"left\">1S<italic>1381</italic></td><td align=\"left\">10 (3)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">V</td><td align=\"left\">Alp3</td><td align=\"left\">None</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">V</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">Ia</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">Ia</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">Ia</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">None</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>sAg4</italic>-GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">1 (1)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>sAg4</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">III</td><td align=\"left\">Alp3</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">VII</td><td align=\"left\">Alp3</td><td align=\"left\">1S<italic>1381</italic></td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">VII</td><td align=\"left\">A</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CC 10 (n = 16)</td><td align=\"left\">CTAA</td><td align=\"left\">Ib</td><td align=\"left\">A</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic></td><td align=\"left\">13</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">A</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic>-IS<italic>1548</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">A</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS861-IS<italic>sAg4</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">V</td><td align=\"left\">A</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS861</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CC 17 (n = 7)</td><td align=\"left\">CCGG</td><td align=\"left\">III</td><td align=\"left\">R</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">6 (1)<sup>3</sup></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">Ia</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1<sup>4</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CC 19 (n = 50)</td><td align=\"left\">CCAG</td><td align=\"left\">III</td><td align=\"left\">R</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">38 (4)<sup>5</sup></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">R</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic>-IS<italic>1548</italic></td><td align=\"left\">8</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">V</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">V</td><td align=\"left\">Alp3</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">1 (1)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">V</td><td align=\"left\">Alp3</td><td align=\"left\">GBSi1</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CC 23 (n = 21)</td><td align=\"left\">TCGG</td><td align=\"left\">Ia</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic></td><td align=\"left\">16 (2)</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">Ia</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">Ia</td><td align=\"left\">Alp2</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">V</td><td align=\"left\">Alp1</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic></td><td align=\"left\">2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">Alp2</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">New profile<sup>6</sup></td><td align=\"left\">TCAG</td><td align=\"left\">III</td><td align=\"left\">R</td><td align=\"left\">IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic>-IS<italic>1548</italic></td><td align=\"left\">1</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Complete isolate information.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p>GBS st all match profiles.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S3\"><caption><title>Additional file 3</title><p>GBS SNPs Vs CCsrev.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S4\"><caption><title>Additional file 4</title><p>STs that possess the \"A\" allele at the CC17 safety net SNP, <italic>atr351</italic>.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>The allele specific primers are named in accordance with their specificities, while the common primers are names in accordance with their orientation with respect to the coding DNA sequences.</p><p><sup>1</sup>The <italic>glnA</italic>429 allele specific primers are in the reverse direction, hence the inconsistency between the alleles and the 3' terminal nucleotides.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>1. The generally applicable SNP profile consists of alleles at <italic>glnA</italic>36, <italic>glnA</italic>429, <italic>glcK</italic>180, and <italic>adhP</italic>111; the safety net SNP is a<italic>tr</italic>351</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>The ΔC<sub>T </sub>is the C<sub>T </sub>for the reaction containing the mis-matched primer – the C<sub>T </sub>for the reaction containing the matched primer. SD is the standard deviation. The ΔΔC<sub>T </sub>is the difference between the two ΔC<sub>T </sub>values and represents the SNP signal.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>For description of methods of identification of molecular serotype (MS), protein gene profiles (pgp) and mobile genetic elements (mge) see [##REF##12676873##5##].</p><p><sup>2</sup>SSI – sterile site isolates. Figures in brackets indicate the small subset of isolates from blood or CSF cultures from patients of varying ages. All others were from routine antenatal vaginal swabs or their sites of isolates were unknown (5 isolates). No attempt was made to identify differences between invasive and colonising isolates among those studied.</p><p><sup>3</sup>The profile MS III-pgp R-mge IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1 is typical of the virulent serotype III subtype, which we have found previously to be associated with late onset neonatal sepsis) [##REF##18190584##6##].</p><p><sup>4</sup>This isolate was shown to not be CC17 by interrogation of the safety net SNP.</p><p><sup>5</sup>The profile MSIII-pgp R-mge IS<italic>1381</italic>-IS<italic>861</italic>-GBSi1 is typical of the most common serotype III subtype, which is commonly found among vaginal isolates and is also a common cause of neonatal sepsis.</p><p><sup>6</sup>This profile was derived from a mixed DNA sample and is likely an artefact.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-140-1\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-140-S1.xls\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-140-S2.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-140-S3.xls\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-140-S4.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"article-title": ["Phil Giffard's supplementary data for publications web page"]}, {"italic": ["Streptococcus agalactiae ", "Streptococcus "]}, {"article-title": ["eBURST home page"]}, {"surname": ["Seifert", "Adderson", "Whiting", "Bohnsack", "Crowley", "Brady"], "given-names": ["KN", "EE", "AA", "JF", "PJ", "LJ"], "article-title": ["A unique serine-rich repeat protein (Srr-2) and novel surface antigen (\u03b5) associated with a virulent lineage of serotype III "], "italic": ["Streptococcus agalactiae"], "source": ["Microbiol"], "year": ["2006"], "volume": ["152"], "fpage": ["1029"], "lpage": ["1040"], "pub-id": ["10.1099/mic.0.28516-0"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Microbiol. 2008 Aug 19; 8:140
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p><italic>Propionibacterium acnes </italic>is regarded as a commensal of human skin, but is also known to be involved in different infections such as acne vulgaris [##REF##12202330##1##] and infections with orthopaedic implants [##REF##9699813##2##,##REF##17418419##3##]. Treatment of acne vulgaris is complicated by bacterial resistance to commonly used antibiotics [##REF##17000123##4##, ####REF##12653738##5##, ##REF##16701544##6####16701544##6##]. <italic>P. acnes </italic>infections of joint prostheses are probably much more common than previously thought [##REF##10488193##7##], and treatment is complicated by biofilm formation on the foreign material [##REF##12763449##8##]. The complete genome of a <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolate was recently sequenced by Brüggemann <italic>et al </italic>2004 [##REF##15286373##9##], showing that <italic>P. acnes </italic>possesses several putative virulence genes including hemolysins and co-hemolysins (CAMP factors) [##REF##16092793##10##, ####REF##10456923##11##, ##REF##15870447##12####15870447##12##]. The sequenced genome only contains one cryptic prophage, and in general there is limited knowledge about phages from <italic>P. acnes</italic>.</p>", "<p>Bacteriophages can enter two principally different life cycles, lytic or lysogenic. In the lytic life cycle a bacteriophage attaches to the bacterial cell and injects its genetic material. This genetic material is directly replicated, early and late phage genes are transcribed, proteins are translated, new phage particles are formed, and the bacterium is ultimately lysed to release the progeny. In the lysogenic life cycle, most known phages integrate their genome into the host genome by specific attachment and recombination events. There have been reports about phages existing as extrachromosomal circular or linear plasmid prophages, as a part of their lysogenic cycle [##REF##8867457##13##, ####REF##11004167##14##, ##REF##11075907##15####11075907##15##]. These so called prophages become integrated parts of the genome and are replicated together with the bacterial genome during cell division. Prophages account for much of the genetic diversity seen in bacteria and often carry genes that are beneficial for the bacteria, including toxins and other virulence factors [##REF##2566595##16##, ####REF##2127632##17##, ##REF##3040688##18##, ##REF##3160112##19####3160112##19##].</p>", "<p>Almost 30 years ago, it was reported that 18% of <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates are carriers of bacteriophages [##REF##624772##20##], but little is known about these phages and their potential impact on virulence. Studies of <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages have been undertaken to establish a phage typing system to distinguish between different types of <italic>P. acnes </italic>[##REF##1196261##21##,##UREF##0##22##] as an alternative to use fermentative and serological methods [##REF##4632849##23##]. Many studies on phages have been done on other propionibacteria as <italic>Propionibacterium freudenreichii </italic>mainly due to the research impact for dairy industry [##REF##11133450##24##, ####UREF##1##25##, ##REF##11889111##26##, ##UREF##2##27##, ##REF##4771039##28####4771039##28##].</p>", "<p>Recently Farrar <italic>et al </italic>sequenced the first genome of a <italic>P. acnes </italic>lytic phage [##REF##17400737##29##]. The phage was classified as a Siphovirus with a genome of 29,739 bp encoding 48 putative genes. Characterization of phages from <italic>P. acnes </italic>gives a deeper understanding of the relationship between phages and bacteria, and may eventually lead to a new therapy to treat <italic>P. acnes </italic>infections. In this study, we have induced, isolated, and characterized 65 temperate bacteriophages from different <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates. The phages are all classified as Siphoviruses and can be divided into different groups based on dissimilarities in two genes encoding a putative major head protein and an amidase.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Bacterial isolates</title>", "<p>A total of 92 <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates were used. These were divided into two groups: 44 isolates from deep infections (AD-isolates, mainly isolated from prosthesis and sternal wires) and 48 isolates from skin from healthy individuals (AS-strain), described in Holmberg <italic>et al</italic>, unpublished. All isolates from healthy individuals and AD-isolates 1–16 and 37 are isolated in Lund, Sweden. AD-isolates 17–32 and 38–48 are isolated in Örebro, Sweden, and AD-isolate 33–36 are isolated in Malmö, Sweden. The <italic>P. acnes </italic>strain KPA171202 (DSM no. 16379), <italic>P. avidum </italic>(DSM no. 4901), <italic>P. granulosum </italic>(DSM no. 20458) and <italic>P. freudenreichii </italic>subsp. <italic>freudenreichii </italic>(DSM no. 20271) were obtained from DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany).</p>", "<title>Isolation of phages</title>", "<p><italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates were plated from frozen stocks on Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB, Bacto, Mt Pritchard, NSW, Australia) with 1.5% Agar (TSBA, Bacto), and incubated for two days at 37°C under anaerobic conditions. Isolates were inoculated in 10 ml prereduced TSB (rTSB) followed by incubation for three days. TSB was prereduced by 24 h incubation under anaerobic conditions. The cultures were diluted 1:9 in 1 ml rTSB and incubation continued for 8 h. Mitomycin C (Calbiochem EMD Biosciences, San Diego, CA, USA) was added to a final concentration of 2 μg/ml, and incubation continued overnight. Cultures were centrifugated (10 min, 1,500 g, Eppendorf Centrifuge 5415R) and sterile filtered (Millex-GP 33 mm 0.2 μm, Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA) to obtain a phage stock. The phage stock was stored at 4°C for 7 days to clear the stock from unstable phages [##REF##4431080##32##]. Phages were spotted onto TSBA plates at different concentrations (1:1 – 1:10,000) after a bacterial overlay of the host <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolate had been prepared. Plates were incubated for two days at 37°C under anaerobic conditions and examined for plaques. When single plaques were observed, these were picked with a sterile scalpel and transferred to SM-buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 60 mM MgSO<sub>4</sub>(7H<sub>2</sub>O), 0.01% gelatine) followed by elution overnight at 4°C. Phages were propagated by spotting phages on a TSBA plate with a bacterial overlay of its host <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolate and incubated three days at 37°C under anaerobic conditions. The overlay containing all plaques were transferred to SM-buffer, eluted overnight at 4°C, followed by sterile filtration of the SM-buffer. This method generally generated a concentration of 10<sup>11</sup>–10<sup>13 </sup>pfu/ml. Phages were named after the host bacterium with a 'P' before the bacterial isolate name. Isolates were regarded as having inducible phages if infectious phages were induced using the method described above. All bacterial isolates that did not have any inducible phages were screened for prophages using a PCR-based amplification of the major head gene (primer pair MHF/MHR) and using <italic>recA </italic>amplification as a positive control.</p>", "<title>Phage host specificity</title>", "<p>Forty-eight <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates that carried inducible phages and 10 <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates that did not carry any inducible phages using mitomycin C were plated on TSBA as an overlay assay. To each plate, 5 μl phage stock (10<sup>10 </sup>pfu/ml) from 48 different phages was added. Plates were incubated for 2 days under anaerobic conditions and examined for plaques. Nine phages (PAS2, PAS10, PAS12, PAS40, PAS50, PAD9, PAD20, PAD21 and PAD42) were also applied to <italic>P. avidum</italic>, <italic>P, granulosum </italic>and <italic>P. freudenreichii </italic>subsp. <italic>freudenreichii </italic>as an overlay assay.</p>", "<title>Electron microscopy</title>", "<p>Bacteriophages in a stock concentration of 10<sup>11</sup>–10<sup>13 </sup>pfu/ml were placed on a carbon coated copper grid and negatively stained (for references see [##REF##15103397##35##]). A 0.75% uranyl formate solution was obtained by dissolving 37.5 mg uranyl formate (BDH Chemicals Ltd., Poole, UK) in 5 ml boiling water, and stabilized with 5 μl 5 M NaOH. Grids were rinsed for 45 sec with 100 μl TBS and blotted off with a filter paper. The sample (5 μl) was added to the grid, left for 45 sec and blotted off with a filter paper. The sample was washed twice with two 100 μl H<sub>2</sub>O drops and blotted off after each wash with a filter paper. The sample was stained for 3 sec with 100 μl 0.75% uranyl formate and then stained for additionally 15–20 sec with 100 μl 0.75% uranyl formate. Samples were observed using a Jeol JEM 1230 transmission electron microscope operated at 60 kV accelerating voltage, and recorded with a Gatan Multiscan 791 CCD camera.</p>", "<title>Phage gene comparison</title>", "<p>Phage lysate (10 μl) was boiled for 10 min to release phage DNA from intact phages. A PCR (Eppendorf Mastercycler personal) was run under the following conditions: 95°C 10 min, 35 cycles of 95°C 1 min, annealing temperature 1 min 30 sec and 72°C 1 min 30 sec, ending with 72°C for 10 min. Final concentration in the mixture was 1× buffer, 0.2 mM dNTP mix, 30 mU/μl <italic>Taq </italic>polymerase, 1.5 mM MgCl<sub>2 </sub>and 1 μM each of the primers. Primers used are described in table ##TAB##1##2##. All samples were run with an annealing temperature of 56.5°C except when using primer pairs PR264/PAR-2 and MHF/MHR where an annealing temperature of 54°C was used. All reagents except for the primers are from Fermentas (Vilnius, Lithuania). PCR products were washed with SpinPrep PCR Clean-up Kit (Novagen, Madison, WI, USA), sequenced using BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA), and analyzed using an ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Sequences were aligned using the Clustal W algorithm [##REF##7984417##36##] and a phylogenetic tree was reconstructed using the MacVector v9.5.2 software package (Cary, NC, USA). The final partial major head gene nucleotide sequences correspond to nucleotides 163–484 in <italic>gp6 </italic>from <italic>P. acnes </italic>bacteriophage PA6. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using UPGMA [##UREF##4##37##] and uncorrected p-values with a bootstrap with 1000 replications. Phylogenetic trees including outgroups with protein comparisons of a putative major head and an amidase were constructed using neighbor joining and poisson-correction with a best tree mode, while phylogenetic trees without outgroups were analysed using uncorrected p-values.</p>", "<title>Statistical methods</title>", "<p>All statistical tests were calculated using the Chi-Square test. All tests were also run with Fischer's exact test with similar results.</p>", "<title>Nucleotide sequence accession number</title>", "<p>All partial sequences of the gene encoding a putative major head were submitted to GenBank. Accession numbers (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302607\">EU302607</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302671\">EU302671</ext-link>) are shown in table ##TAB##0##1##. Whole sequences of the gene encoding a putative major head for phages PAS2, PAS10, PAS12, PAS40, PAS50, PAD9, PAD20, PAD21 and PAD42 have accession numbers <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU784673\">EU784673</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU784681\">EU784681</ext-link> and the gene encoding a putative amidase have accession numbers <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU784682\">EU784682</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU784690\">EU784690</ext-link>.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Carriage of phages</title>", "<p>Since not much is known about the presence and carriage rate of bacteriophages in <italic>P. acnes</italic>, we investigated this in relation to both the site of isolation (superficial or deep infections) and to biotype. To investigate if <italic>P. acnes </italic>had prophages that could be induced to enter the lytic life cycle, we stimulated 92 different <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates (see table ##TAB##0##1##) with 2 μg/ml mitomycin C to induce prophages, followed by analysis of the plaque forming capacity of lysates on the noninduced parental isolates. Plaques were clear with well-defined edges and had a diameter of 6–7 mm. Bacteriophages could be induced in more than 70% of the isolates examined. In this study, we have used different isolates of <italic>P. acnes </italic>(Holmberg <italic>et al</italic>, unpublished) from deep tissue (AD-isolates, mainly isolated from infections of foreign material as hip prosthesis and sternal wires), and from the skin (AS-isolates, from the skin of healthy individuals). AD-isolates and AS-isolates had a carriage-rate of 70.5% respectively 70.8% (see Figure ##FIG##0##1A##).</p>", "<p>Bacterial isolates that did not have any inducible phages using mitomycin C were screened for prophages using a PCR-based approach by amplification of the gene encoding a putative major head protein and <italic>recA </italic>as a positive control. Only one of the isolates, AS14, was positive in the major head PCR, indicating that only 1/9 of these isolates has phages with similarities to the known major head gene (data not shown).</p>", "<p>The carriage rate of inducible temperate phages in the different biotypes was also examined. Biotypes had previously been determined by sequencing of <italic>recA </italic>(Holmberg <italic>et al</italic>, unpublished). Biotype IA had a higher carriage rate than IB (p &lt; 0.01), as did biotype II (p &lt; 0.05). Since biotype IB had a lower carriage rate compared to the other two biotypes, we compared the carriage rate of phages in the isolates determined as biotype IB between deep and superficial isolates of <italic>P. acnes</italic>. The carriage rate in biotype IB was significantly higher in superficial isolates as compared with isolates from deep infections, since none of the deep tissue isolates biotyped as IB had inducible phages (p &lt; 0.05, see Figure ##FIG##0##1B##).</p>", "<title>Bacteriophage morphology and classification</title>", "<p>The classification of bacteriophages is mainly based on phage morphology and the nature of the nucleic acid [##UREF##3##30##]. Though other classification systems such as sequence similarities within genes encoding structural proteins have been proposed, classification based on morphology and the nature of the nucleic acid is still the most accepted system [##REF##15489416##31##]. Forty-nine of the bacteriophages were examined using negative staining and transmission electron microscopy. All examined phages have an icosahedral head of approximately 55 nm in diameter, and a tail composed of 33 segments with a total length of 145–155 nm and a width of 9–10 nm. The tail is non-contractile and appears flexible. Most phages have a visible base plate on the tail with attached spikes (see Figure ##FIG##1##2##, ##FIG##2##3##). These morphological attributes warrant classification of the phages as <italic>Siphoviridae</italic>. Thus, this morphology is identical to PA6 [##REF##17400737##29##] and very similar to the <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages studied by Zierdt [##REF##4431080##32##]. Also, the phages are very similar morphologically to Siphoviruses isolated from other propionibacteria [##REF##11133450##24##,##UREF##1##25##,##UREF##2##27##]. This classification was further strengthen by amino acid sequence comparison of a part of a putative major head protein with other known phage proteins, using a BLASTp search against GenBank. The best hit was on gp6 from PA6, and the second and third best hit on gp7 from <italic>Mycobacterium </italic>phage Che9d and gp7 from <italic>Mycobacterium </italic>phage Halo. All these phages are classified as <italic>Siphoviridae</italic>.</p>", "<title>Phage specificity</title>", "<p>Bacteriophages are generally quite restricted in their host range. There are phages that can infect over bacterial species boundaries, but some phages are species specific and in many cases also specific for certain subgroups (subspecies, serotypes or biotypes, strains) within a species. To determine how specific the isolated phages are, different <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates were infected with 48 different phages (see additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). Bacterial isolates with inducible phages were generally easy to lyse, with plaque production in nearly 99% (2278/2304) of cases. <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolate AS12 was significantly more difficult to lyse than other isolates with inducible phages, and only 73% (35/48) of the examined phages caused plaque formation. Similarly, phage PAD8 failed to lyse 19% (9/48) of the examined isolates. In <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates without any inducible phages, we could only observe plaque formation in 30% (144/480) of the cases. We also examined the ability of phages to cause lysis in the recently sequenced <italic>P. acnes </italic>strain KPA171202 (DSM no. 16379) of biotype IB [##REF##15286373##9##]. This strain was lysed only by 40% (19/48) of the phage lysates. The different phages are not specific to certain biotypes, but seem to be less lytic against biotype II in isolates with inducible phages, since 23/26 failures to infect and lyse the bacterial isolates were in isolates of biotype II.</p>", "<p>Since all of the examined phages have identical morphology, protein pattern and in most cases very high similarity in genes encoding the putative major head protein and an amidase (see Figure ##FIG##3##4##), we examined if phage host-range could be used as a possible tool to differentiate the phages. Based on the host-range analysis we choose <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates KPA171202, AD7, AS1 and AS5 to differentiate the phages and to divide them into different groups. By using these four isolates, we could divide the phages into 9 separate groups (see Fig ##FIG##4##5##). Sixteen of the examined phages could infect and lyse all four bacterial isolates (host-range group PA I). There is a tendency that phages isolated from biotype II and from skin can infect and lyse all four bacterial isolates, and are classified as host-range group PA I. Also, the only phages that can lyse the prophage-free isolates AD26 and AD27 (PAD21, PAS7 and PAS11) are classified as belonging to the host-range group PA I. Furthermore, none of nine selected phages (PAS2, PAS10, PAS12, PAS40, PAS50, PAD9, PAD20, PAD21 and PAD42) were able to infect and lyse <italic>P. avidum</italic>, <italic>P. granulosum </italic>or <italic>P. freudenreichii </italic>(data not shown). Our results show that isolates lacking inducible temperate phages are more difficult to lyse using phages, than isolates carrying inducible temperate phages and that the phages are specific to <italic>P. acnes</italic>.</p>", "<title>Phylogenetic analysis of phage genes and proteins</title>", "<p>A part of a putative major head gene was sequenced in all isolated phages. The nucleotide sequence was aligned and a phylogenetic tree was reconstructed. The phages could be divided in two distinctly divided groups with the already sequenced phage PA6 forming a third group (see additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). The whole gene encoding a putative major head protein was sequenced in nine of these phages, selected based on their partial sequencing and site of isolation (AD/AS), and the amino acid sequences were aligned and a phylogenetic tree was reconstructed (see Figure ##FIG##3##4##). The <italic>P. acnes </italic>phage putative major head protein show high similarity to phages isolated from <italic>Mycobacterium</italic>, <italic>Lactococcus </italic>and <italic>Streptococcus</italic>. The already sequenced phage PA6 forms its own group, while PAD9, PAD42, PAS10, PAS12, PAS40 and PAD20 form a large group with similar sequences, even though PAD20 is slightly different. Phages PAS2 and PAS50 form a third group and PAD21 forms a fourth separated group. This pattern is similar to the pattern seen when only using partial sequencing, except that PAD21 now seems to form its own group.</p>", "<p>We further sequenced the gene encoding a putative amidase in these nine phages (see Figure ##FIG##3##4C##). The phage pattern is similar to what could be seen when aligning the major head protein. However, PA6 is more closely related to PAS2 and PAS50 in this protein, and PAD21 do not form its own group, but have high similarity to the large group of phages. The closest phage similarity is to <italic>Mycobacterium </italic>phage PG1 gp49, but more closely related is a chromosomally encoded <italic>P. acnes </italic>amidase.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>We show that more than 70% of the investigated <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates are carriers of inducible phages, which is a significantly higher carriage rate of inducible phages than that reported by Webster <italic>et al </italic>(18%) [##REF##624772##20##] despite that similar methods were used and isolates were from both skin and deeper infections. This is most likely due to differences in the geographic origin of isolates, and may reflect a difference in <italic>P. acnes </italic>susceptibility to mitomycin C or strain acquired resistance to phages. There was no overall difference in carriage rate of inducible phages between <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolated from skin or deep infections, indicating that carriage of phage not necessary leads to an increased virulence of the host strain. Thus it appears that the phages studied here do not carry virulence factors, which is in concordance with the lack of putative virulence factors on the recently published genome of a <italic>P. acnes </italic>phage [##REF##17400737##29##]. It should be noted that at present, we only have information on the presence or absence of inducible phages. However, future studies may very well reveal differences in the gene composition of phages isolated from skin and deep isolates.</p>", "<p>We found that isolates of biotype IB have significantly lower rate of inducible phages as compared to isolates of IA and II. Interestingly, none of the isolates of biotype IB in isolates from deep infections are carriers of inducible phages (0/7), while isolates from skin of biotype IB have a carriage rate of almost 73%. The low carriage rate of inducible phages in AD-isolates typed as IB is further strengthen by the fact that none of these isolates have similarities to the phage major head gene as judged by failure of amplifying this gene in these isolates (data not shown), thus indicating that these isolates do not have any inducible phages and not any prophages with similarities to known <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages. Thereby it seems like either only biotype IB without phages can cause infections, or that biotype IB loses their phages during infection. If this is the case, it is uncertain why this only happens in biotype IB and not in biotype IA and II. The lower carriage rate in biotype IB is neither due to an increased resistance to phage entrance into the bacterial cell, since biotype IB is equally sensitive to phages as the other biotypes, as judged by additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##. More research in this specific area is needed to understand this phenomenon.</p>", "<p>When we examined the host isolate specificity of the phages, we found that isolate AS12 was significantly more difficult to lyse than the other isolates with inducible phages. However, AS12 is still highly susceptible to PAS12, indicating that AS12 might differ in a protein or receptor essential for most phages to be able to infect and lyse the bacterial cell. Opposite to this, we found that phage PAD8 did not lyse other isolates as efficiently as other phages. This difference could be caused by the phage favouring a lysogenic state, or that the phage receptor binding to the bacterial cell is less efficient compared to other <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages. When we added phages to <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates without inducible phages, we found that most of these isolates were resistant to phage-mediated lysis. This is not surprising, since these isolates do not have inducible phages and thereby could have a mechanism that makes them resistant against phage infection. The different phages were not specific to certain biotypes. However, most of the failures to infect and cause lysis in the bacterial isolates were in biotype II, possibly indicating that these isolates generally are more resistant to phages, or adapt more easily to them. Grouping of the phages based on host-range did not correlate with biotype, even though there is a tendency that phages from isolates of biotype II are classified as host-range group PA I, thus indicating that phages from isolates of biotype II may have broader infective capacity as compared to biotype IA and IB. The phages also seem to be specific to <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates, since none of the examined phages were able to infect and lyse <italic>P. avidum</italic>, <italic>P. granulosum </italic>or <italic>P. freudenreichii</italic>. All phages examined were able to infect and lyse their non-induced parental host, thus indicating that the prophages do not confer superinfection immunity as many other known prophages do [##REF##12426341##33##,##REF##9201223##34##]. This is in concordance with the fully sequenced phage PA6 that does not seem to have a repressor-like protein [##REF##17400737##29##]. This may benefit <italic>P. acnes </italic>phage evolution by more efficient gene transfer between prophages and free phages.</p>", "<p>The phages examined could be divided into three-four groups using phylogenetic analysis of the gene encoding a putative major head protein and an amidase. This differences in sequence stress the fact that the phages in the different groups very well may have other genetic dissimilarities, providing advantages for the phages. It is also obvious that several phages have identical nucleotide sequences and perhaps should be considered as subspecies to certain groups of <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages. The changes in the gene encoding the major head do not lead to a changed morphology, as seen when comparing PAS50 with the other phage micrographs (see Figure ##FIG##2##3##). When examining the phage proteins on an SDS-PAGE, all phages have identical protein patterns with four protein bands (17 kDa, 29 kDa, 52 kDa and 54 kDa, data not shown). This indicates that the phages have very similar structural proteins, even though some substitution in amino acids occur, and may reflect an evolutionary pressure to retain the structural proteins.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>We have induced, identified, and characterized 65 temperate <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages, classified as Siphoviruses on a morphological basis. These phages are species specific and do not confer superinfection immunity. These results give new insight into the relation between <italic>P. acnes </italic>and its phages, and contribute to a better understanding of the phage-host interaction.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p><italic>Propionibacterium acnes </italic>is a commensal of human skin but is also known to be involved in certain diseases, such as acne vulgaris and infections of orthopaedic implants. Treatment of these conditions is complicated by increased resistance to antibiotics and/or biofilm formation of <italic>P. acnes </italic>bacteria. <italic>P. acnes </italic>can be infected by bacteriophages, but until recently little has been known about these viruses. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize inducible phages from <italic>P. acnes </italic>on a genetic and morphological basis.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>More than 70% (65/92) of <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates investigated have inducible phages, classified morphologically as Siphoviruses. The phages have a head of 55 nm in diameter and a tail of 145–155 nm in length and 9–10 nm in width. There was no difference in carriage rate of phages between <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates from deep infections and isolates from skin. However, there was a significant lower carriage rate of phages in <italic>P. acnes </italic>biotype IB, mostly attributed to the low carriage rate of inducible phages in biotype IB isolated from deep tissue. Most phages have a strong lytic activity against all <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates with inducible phages, but have less lytic activity against isolates that have no prophages. Phages only infected and lysed <italic>P. acnes </italic>and not other closely related propionibacteria. All phages could infect and lyse their non-induced parental host, indicating that these prophages do not confer superinfection immunity. The phages have identical protein pattern as observed on SDS-PAGE. Finally, sequencing of two phage genes encoding a putative major head protein and an amidase and showed that the phages could be divided into different groups on a genetic basis.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Our findings indicate that temperate phages are common in <italic>P. acnes</italic>, and that they are a genetically and functionally homogeneous group of Siphoviruses. The phages are specific for <italic>P. acnes </italic>and do not seem to confer superinfection immunity.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>RL participated in the design of the study and performed the isolation of phages, genetic and protein based characterization of phages, host specificity observations and drafted the manuscript. Electron microscopically examinations were done by MM. AH performed the initial characterization of the <italic>P. acnes </italic>strains. MR assisted in statistical analysis and revision of the manuscript. MC designed the study and revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>Maria Baumgarten is acknowledged for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council (project 2005-4791), the Foundations of Crafoord, Kock, Jeansson, Zoégas, Bergvall, Österlund, Groschinsky, the Scandinavian Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, the Swedish Society for Medicine, and the Royal Physiographic Society. M.C. is the recipient of an Assistant Professorship from the Swedish Research Council.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Carriage rate of phages in different groups and biotypes of <italic>P. acnes</italic></bold>. Phages were induced with 2 μg/ml mitomycin C, lysate sterile filtered and stored for seven days to screen out unstable phages. The lysate was then applied at different concentrations to an overlay plate with the host isolate. If plaques were observed after two days, the sample was regarded positive for phages. (A) A comparison in carriage rate of inducible phages between deep isolates (AD), skin isolates (AS) and biotype IA, IB and II. (B) A comparison of carriage rate of inducible phages in biotype IB between deep isolates and isolates from skin induced by 2 μg/ml mitomycin C.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Electron micrographs of bacteriophages from <italic>P. acnes</italic></bold>. Phages were negatively stained with 0.75% uranyl formate and subjected to transmission electron microscopy. The phages have a head of approximately 55 nm in diameter, loaded with genetic material. Their tails have a size of 150 × 10 nm and are flexible and non-contractile. In the lower micrograph, PAD25 is adhering to bacterial cell debris, and two phages have lost their heads. At the attachment site between the phage and the cell debris, a base plate with attached spikes can be observed. All phages were classified as Siphoviruses based on their morphology.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold><italic>P. acnes </italic>bacteriophages classified as Siphoviruses</bold>. Phages were negatively stained with 0.75% uranyl formate. All phages were classified as Siphoviruses based on their morphology. No difference in morphology could be observed between the different phages. Several of the phages have empty heads and adhere to bacterial cell debris.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Phylogenetic trees of phages from <italic>P. acnes</italic></bold>. A gene encoding a putative major head protein and a gene encoding a putative amidase were sequenced in nine <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages and aligned using MacVector ClustalW alignment. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using neighbor joining with best tree mode. The putative major head protein (A) was similar between all <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages examined and showed the highest similarity to <italic>Mycobacterium </italic>phage Che9d gp7, but did also have high similarity to <italic>Lactococcus </italic>phage phiLC3 MHP and <italic>Streptococcus </italic>phage SM1 gp40. If outgroups were removed (B) four separate groups of major head proteins could be observed. One group with PA6, another with PAS2 and PAS50, a third group with PAD21 and a forth group with PAS10, PAS12, PAS40, PAD9, PAD20 and PAD42. The putative amidase (C) showed similar patterning among the phages with phages PAS2 and PAS50 representing one group closely related to PA6, while the other phages PAS10, PAS12, PAS40, PAD9, PAD20, PAD21 and PAD42 formed a second group. The closest known phage protein with similarity to the putative amidase is represented by <italic>Mycobacterium </italic>phage PG1 gp49, but more related is <italic>P. acnes </italic>own amidase.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold><italic>P. acnes </italic>bacteriophages host-range groups</bold>. The host-range for phages isolated from <italic>P. acnes </italic>was determined by using a bacterial overlay of different <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates and adding phages. Four bacterial isolates (KPA171202, AD7, AS1 and AS5) were used to divide the phages into different host-range groups. Phages in host-range group PA I could infect and lyse all four isolates, PA II all except for KPA171202, PA III (AD7, AS1), PA IV (AD7), PA V (AD7, AS5), PA VI (PAD7, PAS42), PA VII (AS1, AS5), PA VIII (AS1, AS5, KPA171202) and PA IX could not infect and lyse any of the isolates used.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p><italic>P. acnes </italic>isolates used, result of biotyping and obtained phage isolates.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Isolate</td><td align=\"left\">Biotype</td><td align=\"left\">Phage</td><td align=\"left\">Major Head</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">AD1</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD2</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD2*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302613\">EU302613</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD3</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD4</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD4*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302614\">EU302614</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD5</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD5*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302615\">EU302615</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD6</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD6*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302616\">EU302616</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD7</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAD7*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302617\">EU302617</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD8</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD8*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302618\">EU302618</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD9</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD9*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302619\">EU302619</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD10</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAD10*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302620\">EU302620</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD11</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD11*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302621\">EU302621</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD12</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD13</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAD13*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302622\">EU302622</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD14</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAD14*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302623\">EU302623</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD15</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD16</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD17</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD17*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302624\">EU302624</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD18</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD19</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD19*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302625\">EU302625</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD20</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAD20*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302626\">EU302626</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD21</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAD21*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302627\">EU302627</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD22</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD22*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302628\">EU302628</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD23</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD23*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302629\">EU302629</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD24</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAD24*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302630\">EU302630</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD25</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD25*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302631\">EU302631</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD26</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD27</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD28</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD28*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302632\">EU302632</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD29</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD30</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD30*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302633\">EU302633</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD31</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD33</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD35</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD35</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302634\">EU302634</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD36</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD36*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302635\">EU302635</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD38</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD38</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302636\">EU302636</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD39</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD40</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD40*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302637\">EU302637</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD41</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD41*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302638\">EU302638</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD42</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD42*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302639\">EU302639</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD43</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD44</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD44</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302640\">EU302640</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD45</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD45</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302641\">EU302641</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD47</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD47</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302642\">EU302642</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AD48</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAD48</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302643\">EU302643</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS1</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS2</td><td 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xlink:href=\"EU302652\">EU302652</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS8</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS8</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302653\">EU302653</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS9</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS9</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302654\">EU302654</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS10</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS10</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302655\">EU302655</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS11</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">PAS11</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302656\">EU302656</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS12</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS12</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302657\">EU302657</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS13</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">PAS13</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302658\">EU302658</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS14</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS16</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">PAS16</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302659\">EU302659</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS18</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS20</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS21</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS22</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS22</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302660\">EU302660</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS23</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">PAS23</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302661\">EU302661</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS24</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS24</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302662\">EU302662</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS25</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS25</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302663\">EU302663</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS26</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS26</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302664\">EU302664</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS27</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS27</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302665\">EU302665</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS28</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS29</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS29</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302666\">EU302666</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS30</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS30</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302667\">EU302667</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS31</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS31</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302668\">EU302668</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS32</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS33</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS34</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS35</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS35</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302669\">EU302669</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS37</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">PAS37</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302670\">EU302670</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS38</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS39</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS39</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302671\">EU302671</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS40</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS40</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302644\">EU302644</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS41</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS41</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302645\">EU302645</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS42</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS42</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302646\">EU302646</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS43</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS43</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302647\">EU302647</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS44</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS44</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302607\">EU302607</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS45</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS46</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">PAS46</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302608\">EU302608</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS47</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS47*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302648\">EU302648</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS48</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS49</td><td align=\"left\">IB</td><td align=\"left\">PAS49</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302649\">EU302649</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS50</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">PAS50*</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302609\">EU302609</ext-link></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS51</td><td align=\"left\">IA</td><td align=\"left\">-</td><td align=\"left\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">AS52</td><td align=\"left\">II</td><td align=\"left\">PAS52</td><td align=\"left\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU302650\">EU302650</ext-link></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Primers used</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Name</td><td align=\"left\">Sequence (5'-3')</td><td align=\"left\">Reference</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">PR264</td><td align=\"left\">GCAGGCAGAGTTTGACATCC</td><td align=\"left\">[##REF##16879683##38##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">PAR-2</td><td align=\"left\">GCTTCCTCATACCACTGGTCATC</td><td align=\"left\">[##REF##15634990##39##]</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MHF</td><td align=\"left\">TCCTGGTTCTATGATTGGTGCG</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MHR</td><td align=\"left\">CGGAGACCCCTTCGGATACAC</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MH1F</td><td align=\"left\">CGTTTGTGGATGCTCTTGTCA</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MH1R</td><td align=\"left\">CCTTCGGATACACCTCAGTAGACA</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MH2F</td><td align=\"left\">GCTCTTGGTGCTTCGATTGGT</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">MH2R</td><td align=\"left\">GATACCCATCAACACCACCCC</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ami1F</td><td align=\"left\">GGTTTGAATGGTGTGAAAGGTC</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ami1R</td><td align=\"left\">TTTCGGAACATTATATTTGTCACAC</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ami2F</td><td align=\"left\">TATCGAGATTTGCGCGGAT</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Ami2R</td><td align=\"left\">ACCACGAAACGACTCCGC</td><td align=\"left\">This study</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p><bold>Host range analysis</bold>. <italic>Propionibacterium acnes </italic>isolates were plated on TSBA as an overlay assay. Phages isolated from these strains were added to each <italic>P. acnes </italic>isolate and incubated for two days at anaerobic conditions and were analyzed for plaques. A plus (+) indicates that the bacterial isolate was lysed, and the number of + indicates the quality and extent of the lysis in the bacteria. A minus (-) indicates that no plaques were observed. <italic>P. acnes </italic>strain KPA171202 is the recently sequenced <italic>P. acnes </italic>strain. Bacterial isolates AD2-AS52 have inducible phages while bacterial isolates AD1-KPA171202 do not have inducible phages.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p><bold>Phylogenetic tree of <italic>P. acnes </italic>phages based on partial sequencing on a gene encoding a putative major head protein</bold>. A part of the gene encoding the putative structural protein major head protein was amplified and sequenced. Obtained nucleotide sequences were compared using MacVector ClustalW Alignment and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using UPGMA and uncorrected p-values with 1000 replications for bootstrap. The phages were divided into two distinct groups, with the recently sequenced phage PA6 forming a third group.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>* phages from which high quality TEM micrographs were obtained.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-139-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-139-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-139-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-139-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-139-5\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-139-S1.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2180-8-139-S2.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Pulverer", "Sorgo", "Ko"], "given-names": ["G", "W", "HL"], "article-title": ["Bakteriophagen von "], "italic": ["Propionibacterium acnes"], "source": ["Zentralbl Bakteriol Parasitenk Infektionskr Hyg 1 Abt Orig A"], "year": ["1973"], "volume": ["225"], "fpage": ["353"], "lpage": ["363"]}, {"surname": ["Gautier", "Rouault", "Sommer", "Briandet", "Cassin"], "given-names": ["M", "A", "P", "R", "D"], "article-title": ["Bacteriophages infecting dairy propionibacteria"], "source": ["Lait"], "year": ["1995"], "volume": ["75"], "fpage": ["427"], "lpage": ["434"], "pub-id": ["10.1051/lait:19954-532"]}, {"surname": ["Cheong", "Brooker"], "given-names": ["JPE", "JD"], "article-title": ["Isolation of a virulent bacteriophage from a "], "italic": ["Propionibacterium "], "source": ["Aust J Agric Res"], "year": ["2000"], "volume": ["51"], "fpage": ["119"], "lpage": ["123"], "pub-id": ["10.1071/AR99069"]}, {"surname": ["Fauquet", "Mayo", "Maniloff", "Desselberger", "Ball"], "given-names": ["CM", "MA", "J", "U", "LA"], "source": ["Virus Taxonomy: Eight Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses"], "year": ["2005"], "publisher-name": ["London: Elsevier Academic Press"]}, {"surname": ["Sokal", "Michener"], "given-names": ["RR", "CD"], "article-title": ["A statistical method for evaluating systematic relationships"], "source": ["The University of Kansas Sci Bull"], "year": ["1958"], "volume": ["28"], "fpage": ["1409"], "lpage": ["1438"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Microbiol. 2008 Aug 15; 8:139
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Malaria transmission in The Gambia occurs mainly within a few months of each year, due to a single rainy season from June to October which creates breeding sites for three members of the <italic>Anopheles gambiae </italic>complex (<italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. and <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>that breed in fresh water, and <italic>An. melas </italic>that breeds in partially saline water around the tidal part of the River Gambia and its tributaries) [##REF##3508262##1##]. The incidence of clinical cases and mortality peaks between September and November, and then rapidly declines [##REF##3318021##2##]. A proportion of individuals retain asymptomatic infections during the dry season, and the small numbers of clinical cases of malaria seen during the middle and end of the dry season are considered to be mostly due to parasitological recrudesence. Some infected individuals carry gametocytes throughout the dry season, potentially allowing malaria transmission if vectors have the capacity during this period, and being the source of the transmission that occurs after the beginning of the rainy season [##REF##14584381##3##].</p>", "<p>Previous surveys of the <italic>An. gambiae </italic>complex in The Gambia and surrounding areas in Senegal have shown <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. to be widely present, while its sibling species <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>is more common in inland areas, and <italic>An. melas </italic>is common in coastal and riverine areas that are tidal and close to mangrove forest [##REF##3508262##1##]. Populations of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. are the most highly seasonal, whereas some suitable breeding sites for <italic>An. melas </italic>continue to exist during the dry season [##REF##14318979##4##,##REF##6882050##5##], and <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>tolerates the dry season better than does <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. [##REF##1942209##6##]. Immediately north of The Gambia, the village of Ndiop in Senegal is similar to most rural communities in The Gambia, where perennial breeding sites have not been identified, and highly seasonal transmission is due to <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>and <italic>An. gambiae </italic>s.s. [##REF##9509170##7##]. In contrast, the nearby village of Dielmo is adjacent to a large freshwater breeding site that persists throughout the dry season, allowing <italic>An. gambiae</italic>, <italic>An. arabiensis</italic>, and <italic>Anopheles funestus </italic>to contribute to perennial transmission [##REF##9129525##8##], a situation that has not been seen in any site in The Gambia. In surveys of Barkedji village in the drier Sahelian area of northern Senegal, <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>predominated and persisted longer than <italic>An. gambiae </italic>s.s. after the rains had terminated, but neither were found in the late dry season [##REF##9220672##9##].</p>", "<p>Although there appears to be virtually no transmission of malaria in most locations in The Gambia or Senegal during the dry season [##REF##1942209##6##], it is important to study vector species ecology to know whether the annual population explosion could be reduced by interventions before or at the start of the rains. It is not known whether adults are widespread, or whether they survive only in a limited number of dry season refuge sites and then colonize adjacent areas from where they were seasonally absent. A study of <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>in the very long dry season in Sudan revealed that mosquitoes could be found mostly in local houses, and in the few areas where breeding sites persisted they could be reproductively active, but in more arid areas they rested awaiting immediate egg laying opportunities or underwent gonotrophic dissociation in which egg development was delayed until the rainy season [##REF##5310144##10##]. The possibility that <italic>Anopheles </italic>eggs may survive in the dry soil of seasonal breeding sites has been investigated in western Kenya, by collecting soil samples and attempting to rear larvae in the laboratory [##REF##2324714##11##]. This showed that eggs from field collected females of <italic>An. gambiae </italic>remain viable for approximately 12 days, suggesting that eggs on soil are not an effective life cycle stage to survive a long dry season. Therefore, a focus on the adult stage is warranted, with the possibility that identification and targeting of the dry season adult vector population could delay or reduce the seasonal increase after the rains.</p>", "<p>To better understand the dry season ecology and transmission potential of the vector species in The Gambia during the driest period of the year, four villages were selected for intensive collections of adult mosquitoes as well as surveys of potential breeding sites and larvae developing in artificial breeding pans. The locations, relative densities and composition of the species, as well as reproductive parity, blood meal and sporozoite indices, were examined to investigate the conditions that may sustain the populations and influence their potential as vectors.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Study area</title>", "<p>Mosquito sampling was conducted in the last 15 weeks of the dry season from March 13<sup>th </sup>to June 21<sup>st </sup>2000 in four villages located west of Farafenni town in the North Bank Division of The Gambia (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). The last week of sampling followed the first rainfall (9.5 mm on June 13<sup>th</sup>) but was considered as a dry season sample of adult mosquitoes as these could not have emerged from rain-fed breeding sites (a minimum of 8 days is needed for development from eggs to adults). The villages were Yallal (population of 495 in 52 compounds), Alkali Kunda (abbreviated here as Alkali, population of 889 in 58 compounds), Jajari (population of 752 in 32 compounds), and Dai Mandinka (abbreviated here as Dai, population of 246 in 9 compounds). Two of the villages (Dai and Jajari) are less than 1 km from the Bao Bolong (a tributary of river Gambia with marshland along its banks that remain flooded for most of the dry season). The other two are over 4 km away from the Bao Bolong, and all are several kilometres away from the main River Gambia that is mostly bordered by <italic>Rhizophora </italic>sp. and <italic>Avicennia </italic>sp. mangrove in this tidal region approximately 100 km upstream from the river mouth. Data on maximum and minimum daily temperature and humidity were collected at the government meteorological station at Yallal village, which is approximately 3 km from Alkali, 6 km from Jajari and 10 km from Dai.</p>", "<p>Prior to the study, permission was sought from the village elders, following which village meetings were conducted to explain the purpose of the study, and participation requested. Verbal consent from house owners and their compound heads for permission to collect mosquitoes from their houses followed this. Ethical approval was given by the MRC and Gambian Government Joint Ethics Committee.</p>", "<title>Sampling of adult mosquitoes</title>", "<p>Pyrethrum spray collections (PSC) were conducted weekly in five randomly selected rooms in each of the four villages. Collections were performed in rooms that had not used any form of insecticide or repellent during the previous week. The average number of people sleeping in a room ranged from 1–10 (with a mean of 3). Foodstuff and utensils were removed from the room and a white sheet of cloth spread over the floor and furniture. Insecticide aerosol containing Tetramethrin 0.10%, d-Allethrin 0.10%, Dichlorovos 0.05% and Permethrin 0.02% from a pressurized can (trade mark \"BOP\") was sprayed inside the room for 5–10 seconds and left with the doors and windows closed for 10 minutes, after which all the dead and immobilized mosquitoes were collected from the white sheet into a labelled cup.</p>", "<p>Light trap collections (LTC) were performed by setting seven CDC light traps weekly in four different types of locations in each village (houses, abandoned wells, animal shelters and grain stores). The first four light traps were located in randomly selected homes in each village and the remaining three assigned between the other types of locations (sampling of these was not randomized but depended primarily on accessibility and availability).</p>", "<p>Room search collections (RSC) were performed by randomly selecting ten rooms in each village each week to be searched for mosquitoes. In each room, a 20 minute search was conducted using a pooter tube, torchlight and a ladder. Searches were made around the room including underneath bed nets, around drinking jars, hanging clothes, cracks and crevices in the wall, and ceilings.</p>", "<title>Sampling of mosquito larvae</title>", "<p>An area of radius 1 km from the edge of each village was searched for any permanent water bodies. Those found were recorded and inspected for mosquito eggs or larvae, during most weeks of the survey period. Artificial breeding pans were used to survey for new egg laying. Sixteen open metal bowls (60 cm diameter and 18 cm in depth) were sunk into the ground, with the rim at ground level, and filled with fresh water, one in each quarter of each of the four villages, in attempt to attract egg laying mosquitoes. Bowls were inspected twice a week for eggs and larvae and topped with water drawn from the village well or bore hole. Once a week the water was emptied through a sieve (1 mm pore size) to collect all larvae or eggs, and refilled with fresh water. Larvae collected were transported to an insectary at Farafenni to be reared to adult stage for identification.</p>", "<title>Mosquito sample processing and analysis</title>", "<p>Counts of adult anopheline and culicine mosquitoes were recorded in each collection, and female anopheline mosquitoes examined further. Blood fed mosquitoes had their blood meal squashed on Whatman no 1 filter paper, which was then stored dry with a desiccant at room temperature until testing for blood meal analysis. Blood components from the spots were eluted in normal saline overnight and the blood meal tested for human components by an ELISA assay [##REF##6119915##12##]. Legs and wings of individual <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. mosquitoes were kept in eppendorf tubes with silica gel desiccant for later molecular identification of sibling species, and analysis of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. molecular forms (M and S) in a subset of individuals, using a PCR-RFLP method previously described [##REF##12510902##13##]. The head and thorax of each dissected mosquito was kept in a separate well of a 96 well microtitre plate, for later analysis of <italic>P. falciparum </italic>sporozoite infection using ELISA [##REF##2692869##14##]. Tests for differences in proportions of categorical variables, including species and blood meal indices, were performed by chisquare analysis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Dry season collections of adult mosquitoes</title>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##1##2## shows the numbers of female and male anophelines and culicines collected in three week periods over the 15 weeks until the end of the dry season, with each of the four main methods (pyrethrum spray, search, and light trap collections from rooms, and light trap collections from wells). With most collection methods, the numbers of all mosquitoes increased towards the end of the dry season. Culicines were more abundant in most of the collections throughout, except for pyrethrum spray and light trap collections from rooms, in which female anophelines were most common towards the end of the dry season (Figure ##FIG##1##2A–D##). Although there was no rain, relative humidity increased over this time (a normal trend towards the end of the annual dry season) (Figure ##FIG##1##2E##), while maximum and minimum daily temperature patterns remained more constant (Figure ##FIG##1##2F##).</p>", "<title>Location of females of the <italic>Anopheles gambiae </italic>complex</title>", "<p>Almost all anophelines collected belonged to the <italic>An. gambiae sensu lato </italic>(<italic>s.l</italic>.) complex. The numbers of <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. per collection for each of the six collection types are shown in Table ##TAB##0##1##. A total of 300 pyrethrum spray collections were conducted over the whole 15 week period, from five rooms each week in each of the four villages. Most (72%) of the collections yielded <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. mosquitoes, with a total of 1,125 females collected (mean of 3.8 per room collection). Room searches commenced in the second week and were conducted for 14 weeks, during which 560 searches were conducted, of which 23% yielded anopheline mosquitoes, with a total of 248 female <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. (mean of 0.4 per room collection). <italic>Anopheles gambiae s.l</italic>. mosquitoes were found in virtually in all parts of the rooms, but were particularly found in and around water jars, on the wall and in cracks in the wall, in and outside the bed net, on the ceiling and roof fringes and from hanging clothes.</p>", "<p>Over the 15 week period, 235 light trap collections were performed in houses occupied by people sleeping under bednets, 39% of which yielded <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. females with a total of 652 (mean of 2.8 per room collection). In addition, 17 <italic>An. rufipes </italic>individuals were identified overall. Out of 101 light trap collections in abandoned wells, a total of 50 <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. females were recovered (mean of 0.5 per well collection). An average of 7 traps was set per week over the 15 weeks, and the highest number of <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. (28) was collected in the first week, whereas the rest of the catches had a range of 0–8 per week. Only 54 light trap collections were conducted in animal shelters, yielding 46 <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. (mean of 0.9 per shelter collection). Due to lack of access, only 11 light trap collections were set in grain stores (over 7 weeks commencing with week 3), yielding 20 <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. (mean of 1.8 per grain store collection).</p>", "<p>Most female <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. that were resting in houses and collected by room search or pyrethroid spray methods contained blood meals (Table ##TAB##0##1##), whereas most of those collected by light traps (whether in rooms, wells, animal shelters, or grain stores) were unfed. Of the fed mosquitoes, 35% (566 of 1597 tested by ELISA) contained human blood. The proportion containing human blood was higher in room search collections (73%) than with other collection methods including pyrethrum spray collections from rooms (31%) (P &lt; 0.001). None of 1709 <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. females tested contained sporozoites.</p>", "<title>Molecular identification of <italic>Anopheles gambiae </italic>complex species</title>", "<p>A total of 1,002 adult <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. (from the pyrethrum spray catches, room search collections and light trap catches) for all the four villages between March and June were identified to species level by PCR. The results showed 865 (86%) to be <italic>An. melas</italic>, 103 (10%) <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. and 34 (3%) <italic>An. arabiensis</italic>. A random sample of 47 <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. mosquitoes were typed for X-chromosomal molecular form, showing 34 (72%) to be S form and 13 (28%) to be M form. The proportions of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. and <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>in Jajari and Dai were higher than in the other two villages (Figure ##FIG##2##3A##). A random sample of 576 <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. from weekly room collections during six weeks in July and early August (following the start of the rainy season) was identified to species by PCR, showing a significant increase in the proportion of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. compared to the other species, particularly in Jajari and Dai (P &lt; 0.01 for each, Figure ##FIG##2##3B##).</p>", "<title>Dry season collections and species identification of mosquito larvae</title>", "<p>There were eight observed shallow wells or pools maintained in communal vegetable gardens around Jajari village, used by the women used for watering plants during the dry season, and also a few isolated pools used for cattle drinking around Dai (three pools) and Jajari (two pools). There were 56 inspections of permanent water bodies and five inspections of temporary water bodies that occasionally were seen around wells, none of which revealed any mosquito larvae. No persistent pools of water were seen in the other two villages.</p>", "<p>Mosquito larvae were seen only in the artificial breeding pans, in 28% (133) of 475 inspections from all villages. Altogether, 7,274 larvae (including culicines) were collected and transported alive to an insectary and 5,617 of these reared to adults and identified by morphology. There were 374 reared anophelines (all <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>.) from two of the villages (Jajari and Dai), but none from the other two villages. PCR analysis of a random sample of these reared <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. from Jajari and Dai showed that most (70% and 54% respectively) were <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. (Figure ##FIG##2##3C##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Adults of three members of the <italic>An. gambiae </italic>complex (mostly <italic>An. melas</italic>, but with <italic>An. gambiae </italic>and <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>occurring alongside) were present in low numbers throughout the last three months of the dry season in each of the four study villages. Most were found inside houses, with the pyrethrum spray and light trap methods yielding the highest numbers per collection. Room search collections indicated common resting sites were around water jars, where it is humid and cool, on the walls, hanging clothes, cracks and crevices in the wall, and the edges of the roof. Over 80% of those collected by pyrethrum spray and room search methods contained blood meals which is similar to the proportion found during the wet season [##REF##2519670##15##]. A study of <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>in the dry season of Sudan [##UREF##0##16##] indicated that most dry season adults were in houses, with smaller numbers in wells or animal burrows. Consistent with this, the density in light trap collections from wells, animal shelters and grain stores here was lower than from inhabited rooms, although it should be noted that light traps sample outdoor populations of mosquitoes less efficiently than indoor populations [##REF##5306720##17##]. The presence of male <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. in almost all the collections suggests that breeding may continue throughout the dry season. Both males and females were more abundant in collections towards the end of the dry season, concurrent with a humidity increase, similar to previous findings in northern Nigeria [##UREF##1##18##] suggesting that reproductive activity may increase in anticipation of available egg laying sites. Although an earlier study in Sudan showed that some females entered a dry season aestivation state, collections there also included males and blood fed females, and indicated that breeding occurred wherever possible [##REF##5310144##10##].</p>", "<p>No anopheline larvae were collected from the permanent water bodies in or around the villages. The artificial breeding pans in two of the villages (Jajari and Dai) were colonized by each of the three local species of <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. (dominated by <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>.), confirming that mosquitoes in these villages were reproductively active. These two villages are closer to the Bao Bolong tributary with plains that have occasional isolated pools where larval development could occur, so it is possible that ongoing breeding occurs somewhere within permanent sites that were not identified for sampling. The other two villages were further away from any potential breeding site and the artificial breeding pans in these villages were not colonized by any anophelines (only culicine larvae were collected in breeding pans in these villages), so it is possible that the gonotrophic cycle is arrested in these areas or that eggs produced are retained for laying at the beginning of the rainy season. Overall, more than 90% of the female <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. collected were parous, indicating that most individuals are old (and that relatively few new adults emerge during the dry season). This is much higher than a 53% parity estimated during a previous wet season survey nearby in the North Bank District [##REF##2519670##15##], when many mosquitoes would be expected to be recently emerged. It is also in marked contrast to a parity of 45% found in an area of irrigated rice production further upriver in the Central River District during a previous dry season [##REF##1942209##6##], which is likely to reflect different ecology. In the present study there were few active breeding sites, whereas in the irrigated rice production area breeding sites were abundant in the dry season and there would thus be many younger mosquitoes.</p>", "<p>The flooded alluvial plains that are on the edge of mangrove swamps are the primary breeding areas of <italic>An. melas </italic>[##REF##14318979##4##,##REF##5836875##19##]. The landward edge of flooded alluvial plains was previously identified as the main breeding area of <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. (mostly <italic>An. melas</italic>) in transects of several nearby sites around the tidal part of the Gambia river during the rainy season [##REF##12908913##20##]. These pools shrink during the dry season, but many do not disappear, which allows breeding of <italic>An. melas </italic>to continue throughout the dry season [##REF##5836875##19##]. Breeding of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. and <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>is strictly limited to sites of low salinity, and these are generally rare in the dry season which would explain why these species were more common in the two villages that had permanent pools for watering plants and animals. These villages also had larvae detected by the sentinel breeding pans, whereas villages without permanent pools did not, indicating that adults of these vector species are reproductively active only within very localized areas. The significant increase in the proportion of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. in these two villages after the beginning of the rains suggests the importance of the localized dry season populations.</p>", "<p>It is not practically possible to estimate population sizes of each of the species during the dry season, as numbers are too low to allow a mark-release-recapture approach. Recognizing this, two previous studies in Mali [##REF##8268490##21##] and Senegal [##REF##11029665##22##], applied a population genetic analysis of microsatellite allele frequencies to estimate the genetically effective population size of <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>in particular study villages. Each of these studies indicated that the genetically effective population size was maintained above a substantial level (at least ~10<sup>3 </sup>and possibly much higher) so that there was no genetic bottleneck, even though hardly any mosquitoes were found during the dry season. The present study identifies the dry season location and breeding of <italic>An. arabiensis</italic>, although this was the least common of the three sibling species, so it is unlikely that any of the species undergoes a seasonal genetic bottleneck in The Gambia.</p>", "<p>Although dry season vector population sizes are not as low as previously supposed, and blood feeding on humans as well as animals continues, dry season transmission of <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>in the study area is unlikely as none of 1,709 mosquitoes examined had sporozoites, a lower prevalence than in reported wet season surveys in The Gambia (in which most sporozoite prevalences are 0.2–3.0%) [##REF##10897348##23##]. A previous year-round study in a village within an irrigated rice production area in the Central River District showed very seasonal sporozoite prevalence in <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. (<italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. and <italic>An. arabiensis</italic>; <italic>An. melas </italic>being absent due to the absence of salinity in that area), being virtually zero in the dry season [##REF##1942209##6##]. Elsewhere in coastal areas of West Africa, <italic>An. melas </italic>may maintain transmission during the dry season, as indicated by a survey in Lagos where there is a shorter dry season [##REF##11989536##24##]. It is worth noting that most of the <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. typed in the present study had small subunit rRNA molecular form S (73%), whereas typing of samples from a small number of other areas in The Gambia previously showed nearly all to have the alternative M form [##REF##15894192##25##]. There is a need to more fully understand the population genetic structure and distribution of each of the vector species in The Gambia, and update the only systematic survey data that were collected more than 25 years ago [##REF##3508262##1##].</p>", "<p>It is likely that rainy season population sizes and malaria transmission intensities within villages are influenced to some extent by local dry season populations, although this may be more pronounced in the early rainy season than later on as a mark-release-recapture experiment previously conducted showed that some <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. dispersal can occur between adjacent villages [##REF##8541594##26##] and there is evidence for occasional long-distance flight by mosquitoes [##REF##17488908##27##]. Although interventions are not needed to interrupt transmission in the dry season, approaches to reduce vector populations might be effectively targeted at this time. For example, application of indoor residual spraying shortly before the annual rains would have remove a large proportion of the adult vector population that rests within houses in the dry season, and thus may delay the start of the transmission season (as well as having an ongoing residual effect during the transmission season). Studies on the effectiveness of annual indoor residual spraying and other household based interventions at the late stage of the dry season would now be important, with comparison among villages that have different proportions of vector species.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>During the dry season, in villages near the tidal part of the Gambia River, <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. mosquitoes are at an annual population minimum, but this study showed male and female adults to be present in houses and other buildings and to be collectable by several methods that allowed for comparisons over space and time. Numbers collected increased towards the end of the dry season as humidity increased. Most females in room search and spray collections contained blood meals, but most from light traps were unfed, and none contained sporozoites. <italic>An. melas </italic>was the predominant species, but differences among villages in availability of fresh-water breeding sites correlated with egg laying activity and relative numbers of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. adults, and with the increase in this species immediately after the beginning of the annual rains. This local variation in dry season vector persistence is likely to influence the spatially variable transmission intensity among communities during the rainy season, and could be evaluated further as a potential means of targeting control.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Malaria in The Gambia is highly seasonal, with transmission occurring as <italic>Anopheles gambiae s.l</italic>. populations expand during and immediately after a single annual rainy season that lasts from June to October. There has been very limited investigation of the ecology of vectors during the dry season, when numbers are very limited and distributions may be restricted.</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Weekly adult mosquito collections (pyrethrum spray, light trap, and search collections from rooms, as well as light trap collections from animal shelters, abandoned wells and grain stores), and artificial sentinel breeding site surveys were performed in four villages near the upper tidal and partially saline part of the Gambia River in the last four months of an annual dry season (March to June). Mosquito species were identified by morphological and DNA analysis, and ELISA assays were performed to test for <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>sporozoites and human blood meal components.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Adults of <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. were collected throughout the period, numbers increasing towards the end of the dry season when humidity was increasing. Adult collections were dominated by <italic>An. melas </italic>(86%), with <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. (10%) and <italic>An. arabiensis </italic>(3%) also present throughout. Most females collected in room search and spray collections contained blood meals, but most from light traps were unfed. None of the females tested (n = 1709) contained sporozoites. Larvae (mostly <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>.) were recovered from artificial sentinel breeding sites in the two villages that had freshwater pools. These two villages had the highest proportions of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. adults, and experienced the most substantial increase in proportions of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. after the onset of rains.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>During the dry season population minimum, <italic>An. melas </italic>was the predominant vector species, but differences among villages in availability of fresh-water breeding sites correlate with egg laying activity and relative numbers of <italic>An. gambiae s.s</italic>. adults, and with the increase in this species immediately after the beginning of the rains. Local variation in dry season vector persistence is thus likely to influence spatial heterogeneity of transmission intensity in the early part of the rainy season.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>MJ, MP, CJD, CB, and SWL designed the field sampling and the initial study outline. MJ and EJ conducted the entomological collections and most laboratory analyses. DN and DJC supervised and checked the molecular species and M and S form typing. MJ, MP and DJC performed the data analyses. MJ and DJC wrote the paper, incorporating comments and suggestions from all authors. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We are grateful to the communities for co-operation and support in these entomological investigations. Prof. Geoff A. T. Targett and Dr Colin J. Sutherland from LSHTM gave helpful advice, and other members of the MRC laboratory and field staff helped facilitate the study. Dr Samson Awolola gave helpful comments on the manuscript. Funding was provided by the UK Medical Research Council.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Map of the study area in the North Bank District of The Gambia, showing the four study villages located west of Farafenni town.</bold> The large water body at the bottom of the Figure is the Gambia River, and that at the top left surrounded by floodplains is the Bao Bolong tributary.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Numbers of adult mosquitoes collected in each of the four major collection types in 3 week periods throughout the 15 weeks at the end of the dry season (March to June) in 2000 (overall numbers of collections of each type are given in Table 1)</bold>. A, Pyrethrum spray collections in rooms; B, Room search collections (these began in week 2); C, Light trap collections in rooms; D, Light trap collections in wells; E, Mean daily humidity maximum and minimum; F, Mean daily temperature maximum and minimum.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Proportions of each of the 3 local sibling species of <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>.</bold> in a random sub-sample tested from all adult collections from the four study villages. A, during the late dry season (March – June 2000); B, during the early rainy season (July – August 2000); C. in artificial breeding pans placed in each of the villages during the late dry season (March – June 2000).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Summary of March – June 2000 collections with examinations of <italic>An. gambiae s.l</italic>. females for reproductive status, blood meal and sporozoite indices</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"6\">Collection type:</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Spray<break/> (Rooms)</td><td align=\"left\">Search <break/>(Rooms)</td><td align=\"left\">Light trap<break/> (Rooms)</td><td align=\"left\">Light trap<break/> (Wells)</td><td align=\"left\">Light trap<break/>(Animal<break/> shelters)</td><td align=\"left\">Light trap<break/>(Grain<break/> stores)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">No. of collections</td><td align=\"left\">300</td><td align=\"left\">560</td><td align=\"left\">235</td><td align=\"left\">101</td><td align=\"left\">54</td><td align=\"left\">11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">No. of <italic>An. gambiae</italic><break/><italic> s.l</italic>. females</td><td align=\"left\">1125</td><td align=\"left\">248</td><td align=\"left\">652</td><td align=\"left\">50</td><td align=\"left\">46</td><td align=\"left\">20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><italic>An. gambiae</italic><break/><italic> s.l</italic>. females per collection</td><td align=\"left\">3.75</td><td align=\"left\">0.44</td><td align=\"left\">2.77</td><td align=\"left\">0.49</td><td align=\"left\">0.85</td><td align=\"left\">1.82</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Proportion parous <break/>(%)</td><td align=\"left\">93</td><td align=\"left\">95</td><td align=\"left\">93</td><td align=\"left\">88</td><td align=\"left\">88</td><td align=\"left\">100</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Proportion gravid<break/> (%)</td><td align=\"left\">12</td><td align=\"left\">10</td><td align=\"left\">23</td><td align=\"left\">4</td><td align=\"left\">6</td><td align=\"left\">5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Proportion with<break/> blood meal (%)</td><td align=\"left\">83</td><td align=\"left\">82</td><td align=\"left\">27</td><td align=\"left\">22</td><td align=\"left\">20</td><td align=\"left\">25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">No. positive for<break/> sporozoites</td><td align=\"left\">0/1104</td><td align=\"left\">0/229</td><td align=\"left\">0/332</td><td align=\"left\">0/15</td><td align=\"left\">0/17</td><td align=\"left\">0/12</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-156-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-156-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-156-3\"/>" ]
[{"surname": ["Omer", "Cloudsley-Thompson"], "given-names": ["SM", "JL"], "article-title": ["Dry season biology of "], "italic": ["Anopheles gambiae"], "source": ["Nature"], "year": ["1968"], "volume": ["217"], "fpage": ["879"], "pub-id": ["10.1038/217879b0"]}, {"surname": ["White", "Rosen"], "given-names": ["GB", "P"], "article-title": ["Comparative studies on sibling species of the "], "italic": ["Anopheles gambiae"], "source": ["Bulletin of Entomological Research"], "year": ["1973"], "volume": ["62"], "fpage": ["613"], "lpage": ["625"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
Malar J. 2008 Aug 18; 7:156
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Maintaining <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>infections whilst limiting morbidity and mortality is a feature of the non-sterile immunity acquired by individuals living in malaria endemic areas. Studies whereby antibodies were passively transferred from immune to non-immune individuals suggested this immunity is, at least in part, antibody-mediated [##REF##13880318##1##,##UREF##0##2##]. Humans exposed to malaria can mount an antibody response to many parasite antigens including those present on the sporozoite, merozoite and those on the surface of the infected erythrocyte [##REF##2908285##3##, ####REF##1401909##4##, ##REF##2417315##5####2417315##5##]. Parasite induced antigens on the infected red cell surface are potentially important targets for protective immunity because they are exposed for long periods of the erythrocytic cycle and serve critical biological functions [##REF##9329992##6##]. Following infection children mount antibodies directed against the infected erythrocyte surface, specific to the infecting isolate [##REF##2694458##7##, ####REF##9500614##8##, ##REF##12540535##9##, ##REF##10714439##10####10714439##10##] and such antibodies are associated with protection from subsequent clinical malaria with the homologous parasite [##REF##9500614##8##].</p>", "<p>The most extensively characterized of the proteins expressed at the infected red cell surface are the products of the <italic>var </italic>genes, <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>erythrocyte membrane protein 1, (<italic>Pf</italic>EMP1) [##REF##6374009##11##]. <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 is a family of extracellular, highly polymorphic and clonally variant adhesion molecules [##REF##8622966##12##, ####REF##8622965##13##, ##REF##7606775##14##, ##REF##7541722##15##, ##REF##7606788##16####7606788##16##]. They are expressed on the surface of the red cell at around 18 hours after invasion and remain present throughout the second half of the intra-erythrocytic cycle [##REF##8622966##12##]. They exhibit a domain structure and the domains bear homology to the cysteine-rich binding domains of varied Plasmodium molecules involved in the binding to and invasion of erythrocytes; EBA-175, the <italic>P. falciparum </italic>glycophorin A receptor and the <italic>Plasmodium vivax </italic>and <italic>Plasmodium knowlesi </italic>ligands that allow invasion of Duffy blood-group positive erythrocytes [##REF##1496004##17##, ####REF##8046329##18##, ##REF##8009226##19####8009226##19##]. These domains are called Duffy-binding like domains (DBL) and they are interspersed with regions containing multiple cysteine residues termed the cysteine-rich interdomain regions (CIDR).</p>", "<p>Using a panel of recombinant proteins corresponding to the domains of one particular <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 protein, A4 <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 from the A4 laboratory parasite line, domain-specific antibodies prior to the transmission season in two communities in Kenya with differing transmission characteristics were measured. The presence of these antibodies was related to the likelihood of experiencing clinical malaria during the subsequent transmission season. It was shown that humans are capable of mounting anti-<italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 domain-specific antibodies and that the prevalence of these antibodies is related to exposure. Furthermore responses to one recombinant domain, DBL4γ, show evidence of cross-reactivity or perhaps are being directed at a more conserved epitope.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and methods</title>", "<title>Study population</title>", "<p>This work was carried out at the Kenya Medical Research Institute, Centre for Geographic Medicine Research Coast situated at Kilifi District Hospital, 50 km north of Mombasa on the coast of Kenya. The hospital serves around 240,000 people living north and south of an ocean creek. Individuals investigated during these immuno-epidemiological studies were resident in two sites in Kilifi District (within 20 km of each other), Chonyi and Ngerenya. These study sites have been described in detail elsewhere [##REF##15871128##20##]. Inhabitants of these areas are predominantly Mijikenda, sharing similar beliefs and customs. Residents of Ngerenya receive, on average 10 infective bites/person/year, [##REF##7694959##21##], whereas residents of Chonyi have an estimated 50 bites/person/year [##REF##12887036##22##]. The annual incidence of clinical malaria among the two communities varied with both age and area. In children less than one year of age, the incidence was higher in Chonyi than in Ngerenya (IRR 1.56 [95% CI 1.18–2.06]p = 0.002), there was no difference between the two areas in children aged 1–3 years and in those aged 4 – 19 years the incidence was higher in Ngerenya (IRR 0.45 [95% CI 0.4–0.51]p = 0.001) [##REF##15871128##20##].</p>", "<title>Sample collection</title>", "<p>Sera collection and active surveillance were conducted as part of a study examining the clinical epidemiology of malaria under differing transmission conditions[##REF##15871128##20##]. In brief, serum was collected in October 2000 from 1,222 individuals resident in both areas aged between six months and 85 years. A blood slide was prepared for every individual in the cohort at the time of serum collection in order to define their pre-clinical surveillance status as parasite positive or negative. All individuals included in this study were asymptomatic and afebrile at the time of cross-sectional survey. The cohorts were then followed for evidence of malaria by weekly active surveillance for fever. Malaria was defined as a febrile episode with an axillary temperature greater than 37.5°C and a parasitaemia of greater than 2500 parasites/μl above one year of age, and fever plus any parasitaemia below a year. These have been determined to be sensitive and specific malaria case-definitions in both study communities[##REF##15871128##20##]. Twenty non-malaria exposed control sera were collected from Oxford, UK.</p>", "<title>Parasites</title>", "<p>These experiments were performed using a laboratory clone of parasite, A4. This particular parasite was chosen for a number of reasons. There exists a monoclonal antibody, BC6, which allows <italic>in vitro </italic>selection of A4 parasites expressing specifically A4 <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1[##REF##1614515##23##]. A4 <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 has a well-described and classified sequence already published with established domain boundaries and it displays a common cytoadherent phenotype, binding to both CD36 and ICAM-1 [##REF##11071284##24##].</p>", "<p>The parasite clone A4 having undergone prior selection with BC6 is denoted A4U. In addition two further laboratory clones, A4 40-cycle (parasites of the A4 lineage which have been left in culture for 40 cycles with no selection) and 3D7, and one clinical isolate, P1, obtained from a five year old child admitted to Kilifi District Hospital with moderately severe malaria were used to investigate antibody reactivity against the intact infected erythrocyte by flow cytometry. Using the monoclonal antibody BC6, flow cytometry demonstrated expression of the A4 <italic>var </italic>gene of between 88–95% in A4U parasites and between 11 and 25% in A4-40 cycle parasites. There was no recognition of either 3D7 or P1 with BC6.</p>", "<title>Expression of A4 PfEMP1 domains; DBL1α, DBL2β, CIDR1α, DBL4γ, DBL5β in BL21-CodonPlus-Ril <italic>E. coli</italic></title>", "<p>For secreted, IPTG-inducible expression in BL21-CodonPlus-Ril <italic>Escherichia coli </italic>(Stratagene UK), vector pMal-c2x (New England Biolabs) was used. Primers for PCR amplification were as follows (Accession number L42244): DBL1α forward 5'-CATGGTAGGGAGGATCCT, reverse 5'-CCCCAAGCTTGCCTATTCCGTATGAGAAAATG including the restrictions sites SmaI and HindIII respectively; CIDR1α forward 5'-TCCCCGGGGCAGGTGGATTATGTATATTCG, reverse 5'-CCCCTGCAGCTATGAATCACCAATAGCATTGG including restriction sites SmaI and PstI respectively; DBL2β forward 5'-CTCCCCGGGACGAACCAATATTCCAATGC, reverse 5'-CCTCTAGACTAGCACACATCCAACTTGGTGTC including restriction sites SmaI and XbaI respectively; DBL4γ forward 5'-GCTCCCCGGGTGCAATACAAAATATTATCCAAC, reverse 5'-CCCGCAAGCTTGCTACGAAGCAAATGTACTGTC including restriction sites SmaI and XbaI respectively; DBL5β forward 5'-GCTCCCCGGGGCTTCGAATTGTGAAC, reverse 5'-CCTCTAGACTAGATTTCGGATCGTTATTACTCG. (Domains DBL3δ and CIDR2 of the A4 <italic>var </italic>gene were unable to be satisfactorily cloned despite many attempts). Amino acid numbering of each recombinant domain: DBL1α 81–480, CIDR1α 590–841, DBL2β 832–1229, DBL4γ 2006–2437, DBL5β 2435–2802. PCR fragments corresponding to each domain were purified using a QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and were ligated into pCR 2.1 vector (Invitrogen), containing the α-peptide of b-galactosidase to allow blue-white selection in the presence of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-b-D-galactoside (X-Gal). Sub-cloning efficiency cells DH5α were transformed and positive recombinant clones were identified by loss of α-complementation. Transformants were checked, by PCR performed with vector-specific primers, for the presence of domain-specific DNA and the plasmid DNA was purified using Wizard Plus SV Minipreps (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Purified pCR 2.1 plasmids containing individual domains were digested with the correct restriction enzymes and ligated into pMal-c2x vector (New England Biolabs), which had been previously cut appropriately. DH5α cells were again transformed and blue-white screening as before identified positive recombinant clones. DNA sequencing using an ABI 373 Prism automated sequencing system with a Big Dye terminator sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California) determined nucleotide sequences of the inserts. Sequence identities were confirmed by BLAST analysis. For protein expression BL21-CodonPlus-Ril competent cells (Stratagene) were used. The transformed cells were grown in Luria-Bertani medium with 0.2% glucose, ampicillin (50 μg/mL) to maintain the expression plasmid and chloramphenicol (50 μg/mL), to an optical density at 600 nm (OD<sub>600</sub>) of 0.3 to 0.5 at temperatures between 25°C and 37°C depending on the individual construct. Each culture was then induced to express the MBP-DBL/CIDR fusion proteins in the presence of 0.1 mM isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG). The samples were spun and the pellet re-suspended in 1 M Tris lysis buffer. The cells were disrupted by sonication (12 pulses × 1 min). After spinning each MBP-fusion protein was purified by chromatography on amylose resin as recommended by the manufacturer (New England Biolabs), using 100 mM maltose for elution. After purification, the protein obtained was stored in the following buffer: 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 0.2 M NaCl, 10 mM β-mercaptoethanol, 1 mM EDTA at -80°C. Protein purity was determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with 10% polyacrylamide and quantity was estimated by a protein assay kit (Bio-Rad, Munich, Germany) as recommended by the manufacturer.</p>", "<title>Enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA)</title>", "<p>After checkerboard assays to determine the optimal coating concentration, 200 ng of DBL2β and DBL4γ and 400 ng of DBL1α, CIDR1α and DBL5β were coated onto individual wells in Nunc transparent, flat-bottomed 96 well plates (Nunc Technology) in 100 μl phosphate buffered saline (PBS). An equivalent molar concentration of MBP alone was coated as a control. In addition schizont extract of the A4 strain of <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>was produced and coated onto plates in PBS using the methods described by Ndungu <italic>et al </italic>[##REF##11874562##25##]. The plates were incubated overnight at 4°C, washed in PBS with 0.05% Tween 20 and blocked with 200 μl blocking buffer (10% skimmed milk in PBS with 0.5% Tween 20) for 1 hour at 37°C. The plates were washed again as before and 100 μl of human sera (diluted 1:100 with blocking buffer) was incubated in duplicate for 1 hour at 37°C. The wells were again washed and 100 μl of HRP-conjugated rabbit anti-human IgG (Dako Ltd.), at a dilution of 1:5000 was added and the plates incubated again for 1 hour at 37°C. Detection was by the addition of O-phenylenediamine/H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>(Sigma) for 15 minutes in darkness. The mean OD value, taken at 492 nm, was calculated for each sample after correction for binding to MBP alone. A serum was scored as positive if the corrected OD value was higher than the mean + 3 SD of 20 negative control sera from UK residents who had never been exposed to malaria. All sera were screened in duplicate and a selection repeated at a later date. OD values were standardized against a pre-screened high positive standard on each plate. Please see additional files ##SUPPL##0##1## and ##SUPPL##1##2## for the mean OD values for the positive standards on each plate and for the range of OD values obtained with sera from 20 non-malaria exposed UK donors respectively.</p>", "<title>Flow cytometry</title>", "<p>Using parasite clones A4U, A4-40 cycle and 3D7 and the clinical isolate, denoted P1, cryo-preserved trophozoite-infected erythrocytes at between 1 and 5% parasitaemia were thawed through the sequential restoration of isotonicity [##REF##15183081##26##]. They were washed twice in RPMI and the pellet was resuspended at 1% haematocrit in 0.1% bovine serum albumin/phosphate-buffered saline (0.1%BSA/PBS). 1 μl of human serum was pipetted into separate wells of a 96-well U-bottomed plate (Nunc Technology) and 9 μl of the infected erythrocyte cell suspension was added to each well giving a final test serum concentration of 1:10. The reaction mixture was incubated at room temperature for 1 hour, following which the cells were spin washed three times with 0.1%BSA/PBS. The cells were then resuspended in 25 μl 0.1%BSA/PBS containing the secondary antibody, rabbit anti-human IgG at a concentration of 1:100. Again the reaction mixture was incubated for 1 hour at room temperature after which a further three washes were performed as before. Finally 25 μl of 0.1%BSA/PBS containing a 1:100 dilution of swine anti-rabbit IgG coupled to FITC and 10 μg/ml of ethidium bromide was added to each well. A further incubation at room temperature in darkness, for 1 hour was done after which, following a further series of washes; at least 1,000 infected erythrocytes were counted on an EPIC/XL flow cytometer (Coulter-electronics, UK).</p>", "<p>Reactivity against the infected erythrocyte surface was scored as mean fluorescent intensity using the method of Williams <italic>et al </italic>[##REF##14608637##27##]. In detail, mean fluorescence of parasite-infected erythrocytes was determined using the formula:</p>", "<p></p>", "<p><bold>a </bold>= the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of uninfected erythrocytes following incubation in negative control plasma; <bold>b </bold>= MFI parasitized erythrocytes following incubation in negative control plasma; <bold>c </bold>= MFI uninfected cells incubated in immune plasma or test antibody and <bold>d </bold>= MFI parasitized erythrocytes incubated in immune plasma or test antibody.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>All statistical analyses were performed using Stata version 8 (Statacorp, TX, USA). To investigate the relationship between parasite status at the time of cross-sectional bleed and subsequent antibody levels, a multiple linear regression model, controlled for age, expressed as a factor of 6 months duration, location and exposure (estimated by responses to schizont extract) was performed. The results are expressed as coefficients describing the difference in antibody levels attributable to parasites.</p>", "<p>Significant differences in two or more continuous variables were calculated using the Wilcoxon rank sum test. The Chi-squared test for trend was used to assess a trend across groups.</p>", "<p>In a randomly selected subgroup of individuals (148 from Chonyi and 142 from Ngerenya, all ages represented), total IgG responses to erythrocytes parasitized with A4U, A4-40 cycle, 3D7 and P1 were also measured using flow cytometry. The correlation of responses to each individual domain with responses to the parasitized erythrocyte surface was assessed using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient.</p>", "<p>In order to investigate any association of domain-specific antibody responses with protection from clinical malaria, initially the univariate association between detectable serum IgG to each antigen (measured as OD), and whether or not the individual had an episode of clinical malaria during the subsequent six months was investigated by fitting the continuous variable against a binomial distributed outcome using logistic regression. As antibody reactivity is known to increase with exposure, a multiple logistic regression was then performed with age, location and reactivity to schizont extract, as a marker of exposure, included as co-dependent variables. Results are expressed as odds ratios per 10 fold increase in antibody levels.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Naturally occurring antibody responses to recombinant PfEMP1 domains</title>", "<p>Evidence for age-associated acquisition of domain-specific IgG was apparent for responses against recombinant domains DBL1α and DBL4γ in both Ngerenya and Chonyi (Figure ##FIG##0##1##). No appreciable increase in antibody acquisition with age was seen with CIDR1α, in either area and with responses to both DBL2β and DBL5β, the trend for increasing acquisition of responses with age was significant in the higher of the two transmission areas, Chonyi</p>", "<p>Noticeable differences could be seen in the response to the different <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 domains. For example it is clear that a greater proportion of individuals recognize DBL1α and DBL4γ than the other three domains with overall 30.8% (95% CI 26.2 – 35.8%) and 32.5% (95% CI 27.9 – 37.3%) of individuals recognizing DBL1α and DBL4γ respectively, compared to 18.8% (95% CI 13.9 – 24.3%), 21.2% (95% CI 16.4 – 26.7%) and 19.6% (95% CI 14.7 – 25.2%) for CIDR1α, DBL2β and DBL5β respectively (p &lt; 0.0001 for comparison of overall recognition of DBL1α or DBL4γ with any other domain Wilcoxon ranksum).</p>", "<p>There was a clear increase in proportion of responders and rate of acquisition of responses in Chonyi compared to Ngerenya. For example with DBL4γ the maximum response in Chonyi occurs in the 16 – 20 year age group with 61.8% (95% CI 43.6 – 77.8%) of individuals in this age group recognizing this domain. This is compared to the maximum response in Ngerenya against the same domain, which did not occur until the 51 – 85 year age group and was lower at 56.5% (95% CI 34.5 – 76.8%). Acquisition of antibody responses against DBL4γ was more rapid in Chonyi where, by the age of 8 – 9 years 45.2% (95% CI 32.5 – 58.3%) of children responded compared to 18.6% (95% CI 9.70 – 30.9%) of children resident in Ngerenya (p = 0.0019 Wilcoxon ranksum). For responses against DBL1α, the situation was different with acquisition in both areas continuing throughout adulthood. The maximum response in both areas did not occur until the 51 – 85 year age group although as with DBL4γ, the maximum response was greater in Chonyi, 67.6% (95% CI 50.2 – 81.9%) than in Ngerenya at 43.5% (95% CI 23.2 – 65.5%) although this difference was not significant. Overall a greater proportion of individuals resident in Chonyi showed evidence of reactivity against DBL1α and DBL4γ but not CIDR1α, DBL2β or DBL5β. The two-sample Wilcoxon rank sum for the differences in response between the two locations gave the following significance values: DBL1α p = 0.0128, CIDR1α p = 0.0594, DBL2β p = 0.0774, DBL4γ p = 0.0000 and DBL5β p = 0.3848.</p>", "<title>Individual variation in antibody responses to recombinant domains of A4-PfEMP1</title>", "<p>461 individuals recognized none of the domains tested and of these 57.7% were resident in Ngerenya and 42.3% in Chonyi. Of these 461 individuals, 61.2% were aged less than 10 yrs. 350 individuals only recognized 1 domain to the exclusion of all the others, 160 of these individuals (45.7%) were aged less than 10 years. Of those only recognizing one domain, 26.6% recognized DBL1α only, 11.7% recognized DBL2β, 12.7% recognized CIDR1α, 37.4% DBL4γ only and 11.4% DBL5β only, making DBL4γ significantly more likely to be the single domain recognized (OR 1.67 (95% confidence interval 1.24 – 2.24) p = 0.001). Only 38 individuals recognized all 5 domains tested (3.12% of the whole cohort), of these 24 (63.2%) were aged over 10 yrs.</p>", "<p>Overall the number of domains recognized increased with age in both areas (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). In six of the age groups, individuals resident in Chonyi recognized a significantly greater number of domains.</p>", "<title>Association of asymptomatic parasitaemia and anti-A4PfEMP1 antibody responses</title>", "<p>It has previously been noted that antibody responses to a number of parasite antigens are enhanced in younger individuals who are parasitized at the time of blood sampling [##REF##12023781##28##, ####REF##15478055##29##, ##REF##15542195##30####15542195##30##]. Using a logistic regression analysis taking into account age, exposure (as estimated by responses to whole schizont extract) and location, and restricting the analysis to those less than 10 years, individuals with parasites in their blood at the time of bleed were significantly more likely to recognize any recombinant domain compared to recognizing no domains (OR 1.94 (95% CI 1.34 – 2.83) p &lt; 0.001). Furthermore, using an ordered logistic regression, with the same confounding variables, those children parasite positive at the time of cross-sectional bleed were more likely to recognize a greater number of domains (OR 1.66 (95% CI 1.17 – 2.34) p = 0.004).</p>", "<p>Using a multiple linear regression model, the effect of asymptomatic parasitaemia on the OD value obtained for each domain after controlling for age, location and exposure was determined. Having detectable parasites at cross-sectional bleed was associated with significantly higher OD values for domains DBL1α, DBL2β and CIDR1α (Table ##TAB##0##1##). There was no effect on antibody reactivity to DBL4γ or DBL5β.</p>", "<title>Correlation of responses to recombinant domains with responses to the surface of erythrocytes infected with A4 parasites selected to express A4-PfEMP1</title>", "<p>Figure ##FIG##2##3## outlines the prevalence of responses to A4U measured by flow cytometry. Acquisition of responses with age is demonstrated. Using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient to assess significance, only responses to DBL1α and DBL4γ were positively correlated with responses to the surface of erythrocytes infected with A4 parasites selected to express A4-<italic>Pf</italic>EMP1, A4U (DBL1α v A4u Spearman's rho = 0.1263 <italic>P </italic>= 0.0315; DBL2β v A4u Spearman's rho = 0.0462 <italic>P </italic>= 0.4331; CIDR1α v A4u Spearman's rho = -0.1281 <italic>P </italic>= 0.0292; DBL4γ v A4u Spearman's rho = 0.2866 P &lt; 0.0001; DBL5β v A4u Spearman's rho = 0.0376 <italic>P </italic>= 0.5239) In an attempt to control for exposure accounting for any positive correlation, a multiple linear regression model was performed with age, location, parasite status and exposure (estimated by responses to schizont extract) as independent variables, for each of the pairs. Using this model, only the correlation between responses to DBL4γ and A4u reached significance (Coefficient 0.332 (95% CI 0.101 – 0.563) <italic>P </italic>= 0.005).</p>", "<p>In addition individual responses to each recombinant A4-<italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 domain were correlated against antibody responses to two further parasite clones and one clinical isolate as measured by flow cytometry; A4-40 cycle, 3D7 and a clinical isolate P1. Additional file ##SUPPL##2##3## outlines the prevalence of responses to each of these parasites as measured by flow cytometry. Responses to DBL4γ recombinant protein correlated significantly with responses to erythrocytes infected with each of the parasites tested (DBL4γ v A4-40cycle Spearman's rho = 0.3909 p &lt; 0.001; DBL4γ v P1 Spearman's rho = 0.3487 p &lt; 0.001; DBL4γ v 3D7 Spearman's rho = 0.4054 p &lt; 0.001). These correlations were maintained after accounting for previous exposure in a multiple linear regression model. There were no correlations observed between individual antibody responses measured against any other recombinant domain and any of the parasite lines tested.</p>", "<title>Association of anti-A4PfEMP1 antibody responses and protection from clinical malaria</title>", "<p>When antibody positivity to the <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 recombinant domains was analysed as a whole within Chonyi, no association was found between antibody response and subsequent disease experience (Table ##TAB##1##2##). When individuals were categorized by parasite status at the time of bleed, a positive association between the presence of anti-DBL1α antibodies and protection from subsequent clinical malaria was found in those parasite negative at the time of bleed. No association with protection from or susceptibility to malaria was observed with antibodies against any other recombinant domain in Chonyi and antibody responses to none of the domains were associated with protection in Ngerenya.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p><italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 is currently the most plausible and best characterized of the erythrocyte surface-expressed parasite-induced proteins proposed as targets for naturally acquired protective immune responses [##REF##11827798##31##]. <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 is a large, diverse and structurally complex molecule. It is composed of an intracellular, highly conserved domain and a large, extracellular variant domain. Although this extracellular domain is highly polymorphic, <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 variants share an overall common structure.</p>", "<p>It has been hypothesized that naturally acquired immunity develops through the piecemeal acquisition of a large repertoire of antibodies directed against variants of this protein [##REF##9500614##8##]. Supporting this possibility are experimental vaccination of aotus monkeys with selected domains from specific <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 variants resulting in protection against the homologous genotype, [##REF##11904437##32##], and more recent data showing cross-protection against heterologous strains of parasite after immunization with a DBL1α domain [##REF##17074852##33##]. Understanding the naturally occurring antibody response to the DBL and CIDR domains making up the extracellular component of a specific <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 protein is thus an important part of evaluating the usefulness of <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 as a vaccine candidate.</p>", "<p>Recent publications exploring the dynamics of the naturally acquired antibody response to <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 have shown that whilst cross-reactive antibody responses to <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 molecules encoded by different parasite genomes must exist; children in endemic areas acquire surface reactive antibodies to most variant surface antigens [##REF##9500614##8##], and these have been associated with protection [##REF##18534600##34##], there is little evidence of any cross-reactivity in responses to <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 domains within a single genome [##REF##17015460##35##]. Looking at responses to specific domains, Lusingu et al found evidence of protection associated with the presence of antibodies directed against a recombinant CIDR1α expressed from a large complex <italic>var </italic>gene implicated in severe malaria [##REF##16622225##36##]. A further study has shown that antibodies directed against recombinant domains from <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1expressed from an isogenic parasite line of 3D7 increase both with intensity and age and that specifically, increased levels of anti-CIDR2β are associated with less clinical malaria [##REF##17283085##37##]. In addition, Oguariri and colleagues compared the prevalence of antibodies directed against recombinant DBL1α domains from nine wild isolates in the sera of children and adults resident in an area hyperendemic for <italic>P. falciparum </italic>transmission. There was strong correlation between the age of the patients and reactivity against the recombinant DBL1α domains[##REF##11705939##38##]. Here, through the use of recombinant protein technology, the naturally acquired antibody response to the extracellular domains of A4 <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 in the sera of individuals resident in two areas endemic for <italic>P. falciparum </italic>malaria but with different transmission characteristics have been evaluated.</p>", "<p>It is clear that there are differences in the total acquisition of domain-specific antibodies and the time over which such responses are acquired both between areas and between domains. Previous studies have described an increased prevalence of antibodies to blood-stage antigens amongst individuals with detectable parasites at the time of bleed [##REF##12023781##28##, ####REF##15478055##29##, ##REF##15542195##30####15542195##30##]. A similar result was obtained in this study with regard to responses to DBL1α, DBL2β and CIDR1α, but not to DBL4γ or DBL5β. This is a curious result as these recombinant domains were cloned from a laboratory parasite clone, A4. It implies that young children possess a degree of cross-reactive short-lived <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1-specific antibodies capable of recognizing individual domains.</p>", "<p>It is interesting that not only did responses to DBL4γ correlate positively with individual responses to the intact A4-parasitized erythrocyte, but that these responses were also correlated with individual responses to an alternative A4 variant expressing a more heterogenous group of var genes on the erythrocyte surface and also to an unrelated laboratory clone, 3D7 and a clinical isolate, P1. That these correlations were not found with any other recombinant domain nor related to previous exposure as far as could be determined may suggest a cross-reactive or more conserved epitope maintained within the expressed DBL4γ protein.</p>", "<p>Despite showing clear evidence of age and exposure dependent acquisition of domain specific responses and in addition demonstrating that those responses to DBL1α and DBL4γ correlate with antibody responses to the intact A4-parasitized erythrocyte, we were unable to convincing correlation with protection from clinical disease. By expressing each domain as a recombinant fusion protein in <italic>E. coli</italic>, it is likely that important conformational epitopes will not be accessible to the sera tested or equally that what is being recognized by sera are not important targets within the host Whether these antibodies are reacting to epitopes exposed by the process of cloning and expression within the bacterial system, epitopes not exposed as part of the full A4 <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 molecule, or whether this reflects methodological limitations within the affinity purification process is presently unknown.</p>", "<p>It is difficult to know how to interpret the apparent protective relationship between responses to DBL1α in parasite negative individuals in the higher transmission setting in this study. Previous studies in this area have shown an important effect of parasite positivity on the ability to detect protective responses against several blood stage antigens [##REF##12023781##28##, ####REF##15478055##29##, ##REF##15542195##30####15542195##30##]. Given that in this case the effect is in the opposite direction, it must be considered that this is a chance finding and unlikely to be biologically meaningful.</p>", "<p>Despite these limitations the data presented here have demonstrated the presence of antibodies in human sera to expressed domains of one variant of PfEMP1. An important component of investigating PfEMP1 as a vaccine candidate will involve determining what role antibodies have to both conserved and variable parts of this protein. The finding of potential cross-reactive responses to the domain DBL4γ in this work is potentially important and further work is needed to further clarify these responses.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Antibodies targeting variant antigens expressed on the surface of <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>infected erythrocytes have been associated with protection from clinical malaria. The precise target for these antibodies is unknown. The best characterized and most likely target is the erythrocyte surface-expressed variant protein family <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (<italic>Pf</italic>EMP1).</p>", "<title>Methods</title>", "<p>Using recombinant proteins corresponding to five domains of the expressed A4 <italic>var </italic>gene, A4 <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1, the naturally occurring antibody response was assessed, by ELISA, to each domain in serum samples obtained from individuals resident in two communities of differing malaria transmission intensity on the Kenyan coast. Using flow cytometry, the correlation in individual responses to each domain with responses to intact <italic>A4-</italic>infected erythrocytes expressing A4 <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 on their surface as well as responses to two alternative parasite clones and one clinical isolate was assessed.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Marked variability in the prevalence of responses between each domain and between each transmission area was observed, as wasa strong correlation between age and reactivity with some but not all domains. Individual responses to each domain varied strikingly, with some individuals showing reactivity to all domains and others with no reactivity to any, this was apparent at all age groups. Evidence for possible cross-reactivity in responses to the domain DBL4γ was found.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Individuals acquire antibodies to surface expressed domains of a highly variant protein. The finding of potential cross-reactivity in responses to one of these domains is an important initial finding in the consideration of potential vaccine targets.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Competing interests</title>", "<p>The authors declare that they have no competing interests.</p>", "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>CLM, KM and CIN designed the study. CLM carried out the experimental work with technical assistance from ZC, RP and MK. TM and TNW set up the epidemiological framework and disease surveillance of the individuals involved in the study. CLM carried out data analysis and with KM and CIN wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank the study participants and their families for their involvement. CLM, TM, TNW, CIN and KM are funded by The Wellcome Trust. TNW is also supported by the Biomalpar framework and network of excellence. The sponsors of the study had no involvement in the analysis or interpretation of the data.</p>", "<p>Special thanks to Faith Osier for critical comments on the manuscript and to David Conway, Spencer Polley and Brett Lowe for provision of schizont extract. Also thanks to Margaret Mackinnon for obtaining and initial culture of the clinical isolate P1. This paper is published with the permission of the Director of the Kenya Medical Research Institute.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Proportion of individuals in each age group recognizing recombinant domains</bold>. Sera from 1222 individuals older than six months, was tested for reactivity against each recombinant protein in turn using ELISA. Responses were scored as positive if the mean OD obtained was greater than the mean OD plus 3 standard deviations of a panel of 20 non-malaria exposed donors. The solid grey bars refer to individuals resident in Chonyi and the hatched bars to individuals resident in Ngerenya. a) DBL1α, b) CIDR1α, c) DBL2β, d) DBL4γ, e) DBL5β. P-values given are chi-squared for trend, C = Chonyi N = Ngerenya.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Mean number of domains recognised with age</bold>. Graph shows mean number of domains, plus upper 95% confidence limits, recognized by individuals in each age group. The dark grey bars refer to individuals in Chonyi and the hatched bars to individuals resident in Ngerenya. *=<italic>P</italic>-value &lt;0.05 (Wilcoxon Ranksum).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Proportion of individuals in each age group recognizing parasite line A4u</bold>. Sera from 272 individuals older than six months, was tested for reactivity against the parasite line A4U using flow cytometry. The proportion of individuals in each age category, with upper 95% confidence interval, scoring positive for antibody recognition are shown. Positivity was scored as defined in the text. The light grey bars represent individuals resident in Chonyi and the dark grey bars represent individuals resident in Ngerenya.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Effect of parasite status on antibody levels to each recombinant domain</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Domain</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>coefficient<sup>1</sup></bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>95% C.I.</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold><italic>P</italic>-value</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL1α</td><td align=\"left\">0.067</td><td align=\"left\">0.027 – 0.117</td><td align=\"left\">0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CIDR1α</td><td align=\"left\">0.044</td><td align=\"left\">0.015 – 0.072</td><td align=\"left\">0.003</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL2β</td><td align=\"left\">0.074</td><td align=\"left\">0.029 – 0.118</td><td align=\"left\">0.001</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL4γ</td><td align=\"left\">-0.036</td><td align=\"left\">-0.078 – 0.006</td><td align=\"left\">0.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL5β</td><td align=\"left\">0.002</td><td align=\"left\">-0.034 – 0.039</td><td align=\"left\">0.886</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Association of serum IgG levels to recombinant domains of <italic>Pf</italic>EMP1 with clinical malaria in Chonyi, Kenya for the period October 2000 until March 2001</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Chonyi</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Slide all</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>n = 596</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Antigen</td><td align=\"left\">Odds Ratio</td><td align=\"left\">p-value</td><td align=\"left\">95% C. I.</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL1α</td><td align=\"left\">0.75</td><td align=\"left\">0.580</td><td align=\"left\">0.26 – 2.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL2β</td><td align=\"left\">0.63</td><td align=\"left\">0.472</td><td align=\"left\">0.18 – 2.21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CIDR1α</td><td align=\"left\">0.71</td><td align=\"left\">0.365</td><td align=\"left\">0.33 – 1.50</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL4γ</td><td align=\"left\">0.89</td><td align=\"left\">0.791</td><td align=\"left\">0.37 – 2.13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL5β</td><td align=\"left\">0.72</td><td align=\"left\">0.517</td><td align=\"left\">0.26 – 1.95</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Chonyi</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Slide positive</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>n = 197</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Antigen</td><td align=\"left\">Odds Ratio</td><td align=\"left\">p-value</td><td align=\"left\">95% C. I.</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL1α</td><td align=\"left\">0.75</td><td align=\"left\">0.580</td><td align=\"left\">0.26 – 2.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL2β</td><td align=\"left\">0.63</td><td align=\"left\">0.472</td><td align=\"left\">0.18 – 2.21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CIDR1α</td><td align=\"left\">0.71</td><td align=\"left\">0.365</td><td align=\"left\">0.33 – 1.50</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL4γ</td><td align=\"left\">0.89</td><td align=\"left\">0.791</td><td align=\"left\">0.37 – 2.13</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL5β</td><td align=\"left\">0.72</td><td align=\"left\">0.517</td><td align=\"left\">0.26 – 1.95</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Chonyi</bold></td><td/><td align=\"left\"><bold>Slide negative</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>n = 399</bold></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Antigen</td><td align=\"left\">Odds Ratio</td><td align=\"left\">p-value</td><td align=\"left\">95% C. I.</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL1α</td><td align=\"left\">0.05</td><td align=\"left\">0.020</td><td align=\"left\">0.04 – 0.63</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL2β</td><td align=\"left\">0.26</td><td align=\"left\">0.208</td><td align=\"left\">0.32 – 2.10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">CIDR1α</td><td align=\"left\">0.72</td><td align=\"left\">0.553</td><td align=\"left\">0.25 – 2.10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL4γ</td><td align=\"left\">0.49</td><td align=\"left\">0.290</td><td align=\"left\">0.14 – 1.81</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">DBL5β</td><td align=\"left\">0.49</td><td align=\"left\">0.343</td><td align=\"left\">0.11 – 2.11</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<disp-formula><bold>(d-c)-(b-a)</bold></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p><bold>Mean OD values for positive standards on each plate</bold>. Shown are the mean OD values obtained for pooled hyperimmune sera tested against each recombinant protein in turn. Each sera was tested in duplicate on each plate and each plate tested in full in duplicate.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p><bold>Range of OD values for 20 non-malaria exposed donors against each protein in turn</bold>. Shown are the minimum, maximum, mean and median for the OD obtained for 20 non-malaria exposed sera, tested against each recombinant protein in turn. Each plate was tested in duplicate and each sample was tested once on each plate.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S3\"><caption><title>Additional file 3</title><p><bold>Proportion of individuals in each age group recognizing parasite lines A4-40 cycle and 3D7 and the clinical isolate P1</bold>. Sera from 140 individuals older than six months, was tested for reactivity against the parasite lines A4-40 cycle and 3D7 and the clinical isolate P1, a), b) and c) respectively, using flow cytometry. The proportion of individuals in each age category, with upper 95% confidence interval, scoring positive for antibody recognition are shown. Positivity was scored as defined in the text. The dark grey bars represent individuals resident in Chonyi and the light grey bars represent individuals resident in Ngerenya.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>Results from a multiple linear regression giving the coefficients for the effect of being parasite positive on the OD obtained to each domain, controlling for the confounding effects of age, location and exposure (as estimated by responses to schizont extract).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p><sup>1</sup>Results from a multiple logistic regression giving the odds ratio for becoming a case of clinical malaria in the subsequent six months if scored as antibody positive against each domain in turn controlling for for age (categorized as a factor of six months duration) and exposure (estimated by responses to whole schizont extract). An individual was deemed antibody positive if the OD obtained was greater than the mean OD plus 3 standard deviations obtained from a panel of non-exposed donors.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-155-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-155-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-155-3\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-155-S1.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-155-S2.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1475-2875-7-155-S3.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Edozien", "Gilles", "Udeozo"], "given-names": ["JC", "HM", "IOK"], "article-title": ["Adult and cord-blood immunoglobulin immunity to malaria in Nigerians."], "source": ["Lancet"], "year": ["1962"], "volume": ["2"], "fpage": ["951"], "lpage": ["955"], "pub-id": ["10.1016/S0140-6736(62)90725-0"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
Malar J. 2008 Aug 16; 7:155
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Transcriptomics, the parallel quantification of many, or all transcripts of an organism in given conditions, has become a favorite tool for basic research [##REF##11714516##1##]. Messenger-RNA regulation patterns of model organisms under many different conditions have become available during the last years. However, these methods are still not applicable for many industrially important organisms, mainly due to the lack of DNA microarrays targeting these organisms. A typical example is the yeast <italic>Pichia pastoris</italic>, which is widely applied for the production of recombinant proteins. Several approaches have been taken to derive transcriptomic data without specific microarrays. Sauer et al. [##REF##15610561##2##] have applied heterologous hybridization of <italic>P. pastoris </italic>samples to <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </italic>microarrays. Alternative methodological concepts like Transcript Analysis with the Aid of Affinity Capture (TRAC) [##REF##16198435##3##] may be applied preferentially to subsets of the transcriptome [##REF##17578563##4##], provided that genome sequence data are available. If this is not the case, total cDNA may be utilized as a source of probes, either by applying expressed sequence tags to microarrays [##REF##14732266##5##] or employing RNA fingerprinting like cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) [##REF##8653120##6##], which has recently been applied to <italic>Trichoderma reesei </italic>[##REF##16504068##7##]. These unannotated methods bear of course the disadvantage that specific hits may only be identified after sequencing their respective probes.</p>", "<p>Therefore oligonucleotide microarrays have become the method of choice for many applications, although their design depends on the availability of a genomic sequence with good gene identification and annotation. The genome sequence of <italic>P. pastoris </italic>is not published yet. The data available from Integrated Genomics (IG, Chicago, IL, USA; [##UREF##0##8##]) contain a partial gene identification and annotation, so that additional effort in this direction was a first step necessary towards development of comprehensive DNA microarrays for this yeast species. There is a wide choice of computational gene finders available at the moment which can be classified into intrinsic and extrinsic prediction programs. Intrinsic or <italic>de novo </italic>gene finder only use information from the sequences to be studied, building statistical models to distinguish between coding and non-coding regions of the genome on the basis of biological sequence patterns [##REF##15980510##9##, ####REF##15145805##10##, ##REF##12364589##11####12364589##11##]. Extrinsic gene finder utilize homology search to determine where protein coding regions are in the genome. Their applicability is therefore limited to organisms that have homologs in current databases that are correctly annotated. Because of this limitation it is common to integrate homology search with <italic>de novo </italic>prediction [##REF##15691859##12##]. Most state of the art gene finders use a form of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) differing in the implementation and complexity of the model as well as the ease in which users can adapt the application to their needs [##REF##12538242##13##].</p>", "<p>It is well known that cross-hybridization can confound microarray results rendering good probe design an essential requirement for accurate microarray analyses. The specificity of oligonucleotides is determined by the Gibbs free energy (ΔG) of the hybridization reaction between potential binding partners. Highly specific probes will bind their target transcript much more strongly than any other transcript. Considering that microarray experiments are non-equilibrium measurements, it is desirable that microarray probes exhibit uniform thermodynamic properties, which many probe design tools aim to achieve by demanding a narrow distribution of the probe-target melting temperature T<sub>m</sub>. Ideally, probes should have a uniform binding free energy at the hybridization temperature <italic>T</italic><sub><italic>hyb </italic></sub>[##REF##16938547##14##].</p>", "<p>Previous studies have demonstrated that industrial production strains may behave quite differently to laboratory strains and model organisms [##REF##12748050##15##], which emphasizes the importance of analytical tools for industrially relevant strains and species. As an example, the unfolded protein response (UPR), a regulation circuit of high relevance for heterologous protein production in eukaryotic cells [##REF##12676684##16##], has been shown to be differentially regulated in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>[##REF##17578563##4##] compared to <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>[##REF##10847680##17##], which is the typical model species for hemiascomycete yeasts. The development of specific microarrays for <italic>P. pastoris </italic>was intended to allow a detailed analysis of UPR regulation in <italic>P. pastoris</italic>. As in previous transcriptomics work with <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>the induction of UPR was either accomplished by addition of dithiothreitol (DTT) or tunicamycin, this work aimed at a comparison of DTT induced gene regulation in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>to that in <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>published by Travers et al. [##REF##10847680##17##]. Finally we aimed at the comparison of DTT induced regulation to the regulatory response to overexpression of <italic>HAC1</italic>, the transcription factor controlling the UPR. Transcriptional regulation of <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression has not been studied for yeasts so far, so that we expected valuable data to better define the core UPR regulated transcriptome.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Gene Prediction and Sequence Selection</title>", "<p>Gene prediction and the selection of sequences for oligonucleotide probes were based on sequenced contigs of the <italic>P. pastoris </italic>genome including predictions of protein coding genes, available through Integrated Genomics [##UREF##0##8##]. The number of predicted genes was 5,425 of which 3,680 had an assigned function. The ORFs were made up of experimentally identified genes, as well as ORFs predicted by a proprietary gene finder [##REF##12519973##38##].</p>", "<p>To validate and possibly improve these predictions, <italic>de novo </italic>gene finding was conducted. First three <italic>de novo </italic>gene finder (GeneMark, Glimmer3, GlimmerHMM) were tested on the genome sequence of <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>(data from BioMart, [##UREF##5##39##]) to evaluate their performance on yeast genomes. As described in Results and Discussion, GeneMark [##UREF##6##40##] was selected for further gene prediction on the <italic>P. pastoris </italic>genome sequence. To run the gene prediction it was necessary to train GeneMark on <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>by building a matrix with transition probabilities for coding and non-coding regions used by the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) of the program. With the amount of data available we were able to generate a matrix of the 7<sup>th </sup>order. The genes of <italic>P. pastoris </italic>were predicted using the <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>matrix and the lowest possible probability score cut-off (t = 0.05). In the initial stage of the microarray design the aim was to predict as many putative ORFs as possible. In this context a higher false positives rate was accepted in order to keep the false negatives rate as low as possible.</p>", "<p>The predicted sequences were merged with data from IG and clustered by running cd-hit [##REF##16731699##20##] with a similarity cut-off of 90%. For all of the resulting sequences a BLASTX search was done against <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>using WU-BLAST [##UREF##1##19##]. Blast data was further filtered for length (cutoff 55 bp) and low prediction score. Clusters comprised of more than one gene were represented by the longest sequence, or curated manually, if appropriate.</p>", "<p>From this first gene list (PpaV1) microarrays were analyzed as described below. Spots with a positive signal were determined using the mean plus one standard deviation of the negative control probes as a cut-off. Sequences were selected if they were positive in at least 8 out of 12 arrays. This criterion was chosen to fill the array capacity. Additionally all sequences with a probability score higher than 0.5 or having an annotation were kept for the second set of sequences (PpaV2).</p>", "<title>Annotation</title>", "<p>For the PpaV2 sequence set the program cd-hit-est [##REF##16731699##20##] was used to find all ORFs that had a global identity of &gt; 80% with <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>. WU-BLASTX and WU-TBLASTN searches were conducted against <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, using a low complexity filter and E &lt; 10<sup>-7</sup>. For all the sequences that did not have a match with <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>under these conditions the two BLAST searches were repeated against the SwissProt/TrEMBL [##UREF##7##41##] database. A perl script was developed to summarize and compare the BLAST results.</p>", "<title>Oligo Design and Array platform</title>", "<p>Oligos for the PpaV1 sequences were designed with the Program OligoArray 2.1 [##REF##12799432##21##] to match the melting temperature distribution of Agilent's <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>oligos on the Yeast Oligo Microarray (V2), design number 013384.</p>", "<p>The oligo-set for the PpaV2 sequence set was designed using the thermodynamic model-based oligoset optimizer 'TherMODO'. This tool incorporates advanced quantitative models for probe-target binding region accessibility and position-dependent target labelling efficiency, and replaces the common greedy search algorithm by a global set optimization step, achieving high discrimination power for particularly uniform probe sets [##UREF##2##23##]. Probes for Agilent arrays are limited to a maximum length of 60 nucleotides by the manufacturing process. For increased flexibility in the probe design, the oligoset design optimization considered probes ranging in length from 57 to 60 nucleotides.</p>", "<p>These arrays were produced on Agilent 60 mer oligonucleotide high density arrays 4 × 44 K (with 42,034 available features) for PpaV1 and 8 × 15 K (with 15,208 available features) for PpaV2.</p>", "<title>Experimental Design</title>", "<p>For the first batch of arrays a same-same design was used, employing six replicates each of Pool 1 and of Pool 2. The aim of this experiment was to determine which of the probes hybridize to <italic>P. pastoris </italic>targets. For the second batch of arrays a two-state comparison set up was chosen with 6 replicates for each experiment of which 3 were dye swapped.</p>", "<title>Strains und Cultures</title>", "<p>For the first batch of arrays the aim was to determine which of the predicted probes hybridize with targets from <italic>P. pastoris</italic>. To make sure that many genes were active it was important to pool samples from various conditions of the cells. Samples were taken from two different <italic>P. pastoris </italic>strains, X-33 and CBS2612, grown on different media and taken at both exponential and stationary growth phase. The media were YP Medium (1% yeast extract, 2% peptone and either 2% glucose, 2% glycerol or 0.5% methanol as carbon source), Buffered Minimal Medium (1.34% yeast nitrogen base, 4 × 10<sup>-5</sup>% biotin, 100 mM potassium phosphate pH 6.0 and either 2% glucose, 2% glycerol or 0.5% methanol as carbon source), and Buffered Minimal Medium described above supplemented with amino acids (0.005% of L-glutamic acid, L-methionine, L-lysine, L-leucine and L-isoleucine). The samples were combined into two pools with Pool 1 containing 18 samples from the exponential growth phase and Pool 2 containing 18 samples from the stationary phase. Both pools additionally contained seven chemostat samples of the strain X-33 3H6Fab, grown as in [##REF##18078287##42##].</p>", "<p>For the UPR experiments, strains GS115 HAC1, constitutively overproducing the activated form of <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>Hac1, as described in Gasser et al. [##REF##16570317##33##,##REF##17578563##4##], as well as GS115 transformed with the empty vector pGAPHIS (a histidine prototrophic isogenic strain of GS115) were cultivated in YPD (YP as above with glucose) at 28°C. After growing the cultures to an OD<sub>600 </sub>= 5.7, dithiothreitol (2.5 mM) was added where appropriate. After 1 more hour of cultivation, 1 ml culture was added to 0.5 ml precooled phenol solution (5% in absolute ethanol) and centrifuged immediately for 30 sec at 13.000 rpm. After discarding the supernatants the pellets were frozen at -80°C.</p>", "<title>RNA Isolation</title>", "<p>All samples were resuspended with 1 mL TRI Reagent (Sigma). Cells were disrupted after addition of 500 μL glass-beads with a Thermo Savant Fastprep FP120 Ribolyzer by treatments of 2 × 20 sec at 6.5 ms<sup>-1</sup>. RNA was extracted with chloroform, precipitated with isopropanol, washed with 75% ethanol and dissolved with diethylpyrocarbonate treated water. The extracted RNAs were quantified via absorption at 260 and 280 nm. The quality of the RNA samples was verified with the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 and RNA 6000 Nano Assay kit (Agilent Technologies, California).</p>", "<title>Labeling and Hybridization</title>", "<p>Hybridization targets for <italic>P. pastoris </italic>microarrays were prepared according to Agilent's Two-Color Microarray-Based Gene Expression Analysis protocol (Version 5.5, February 2007). Purification of the labelled and amplified RNA was conducted using RNeasy mini spin columns (Qiagen). The quality of labelled cRNA was evaluated on the Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 and quantified using a ND-1000 NanoDrop Spectrophotometer. Fragmented cRNA samples were applied to the individual arrays. The slides were placed into Agilent hybridization oven and hybridized for 17 h, at 65°C and 10 rpm.</p>", "<title>Microarray Analysis</title>", "<p>Slides were scanned with an Agilent MicroArray Scanner and intensities were extracted using Agilent's Feature Extraction software (version 9.1). The resulting data was imported into R where data pre-processing and normalization was performed. In the pre-processing step all outliers and saturated spots were given the weight zero. After plotting the data we decided to refrain from background correction since it has the tendency to add more noise to the data [##REF##17472750##43##]. The data were normalized using locally weighted MA-scatterplot smoothing (LOESS) followed by a between array scale normalization. Both functions are available within the limma package of R [##REF##14597310##44##]. For the selection of differentially expressed genes linear models were fitted to the log-ratios of the expression data separately for each gene. An empirical Bayes approach was used to shrink the probe-wise sample variances towards a common value yielding a moderated <italic>t</italic>-statistic per gene [##REF##16646809##45##]. <italic>P</italic>-values were corrected for multiple testing using Holm's method [##UREF##8##46##]. Features were defined as differentially expressed if they had a <italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05. For the identification of stronger regulatory effects an additional cut-off for the fold change (FC) of 1.5 &gt; FC &gt; 1/1.5 was applied. Description of the platform, array, raw data as well as processed data were deposited at ArrayExpress [##UREF##9##47##] under the accession numbers A-MEXP-1157.</p>", "<p>All annotated <italic>P. pastoris </italic>genes were categorized into GO biological process terms using the SGD GO slim tool [##UREF##4##28##], whereby <italic>P. pastoris </italic>specific genes were included into the term 'other'. The significance of a deviation of the number of up- or downregulated genes in each group from the average was verified with a Fisher test (Additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<title>Gene prediction and Oligo Design</title>", "<p>To evaluate available gene finders for their performance on yeast genomes, three <italic>de novo </italic>gene finders (GeneMark, Glimmer3, GlimmerHMM) were tested on the genome sequence of <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>. GeneMark and Glimmer3 work with a prokaryotic Hidden Markov Model (HMM) whereas GlimmerHMM employs a eukaryotic gene model. GeneMark was trained with coding and non-coding sequences of <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, building an HMM transition probability matrix of the 7<sup>th </sup>order. Glimmer3 and GlimmerHMM could be trained directly on the genome in question without specifying coding and non-coding regions. In Lomsadze et al. [##REF##16314312##18##] and Besemer and Borodovsky [##REF##15980510##9##] the difficulty of eukaryotic gene finders in the prediction of genes for organisms with few introns is discussed and linked to a lack of data for representative exon – intron models. Our results confirmed that a gene finder written for eukaryotes (GlimmerHMM) could not be trained well on yeast genomes, introducing far too many introns into the predicted genes. Both prokaryotic versions performed much better, with GeneMark predicting less false negatives but more false positives than Glimmer3 (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Even though the positive prediction value was somewhat lower with GeneMark it was more important not to miss true positives than to achieve a lower rate of false positives. A further improvement could be achieved by a GeneMark model for lower eukaryotes, in which the prokaryotic algorithm is modified to use Kozak start sites instead of prokaryotic ribosomal binding sites. <italic>P. pastoris </italic>genes were predicted using this version of GeneMark with the lowest possible threshold (probability score t = 0.05) so that filter conditions could be better controlled at a later state. The prediction yielded a total of 26,471 putative genes for the genome of <italic>P. pastoris</italic>.</p>", "<p>In a WU-BLASTN search against <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, 6,374 sequences that were predicted by GeneMark, and 3,964 of the IG predictions produced hits with <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>using an <italic>E </italic>value (Expectation value, [##UREF##1##19##]) of &lt; 10<sup>-4</sup>, a hit length &gt; 100 nucleotides and an identity of &gt;50%. To reduce the redundancy within the data set the predicted genes were clustered into groups sharing more than 90% similarity using cd-hit [##REF##16731699##20##]. From a total of 31,896 candidate sequences (GeneMark and IG predictions), 22,020 cd-hit groups were obtained. From the cluster file it was clear that some of the clusters had to be analyzed further before selecting target sequences for the oligo design. After the removal of all sequences that had a short length and a low prediction value, complex clusters were defined as clusters for which the minimum relative length of all sequences was smaller than 0.9. A total of 2,612 clusters fell into this category and were excluded at a first design stage.</p>", "<p>Finally 19,508 predicted target sequences remained to be tested in the first microarray experiments. OligoArray 2.1 [##REF##12799432##21##] was able to design oligonucleotide probes for 17,161 sequences ranging in length from 57 to 60 nucleotides.</p>", "<title>Validation arrays for the first list of predicted transcript sequences (Same-Same experiment)</title>", "<p>With these probes 4 × 44 K slides were produced on the Agilent microarray platform and employed for an initial validation of the predicted transcript sequences by hybridization with the Pool samples of <italic>P. pastoris </italic>(for preparation of Pool samples see Material and Methods). One slide had to be discarded because of quality issues. For the remaining 12 arrays the number of probes showing a signal varied between 10,708 and 15,598. Of these, 7,980 had a signal on all 12 arrays, and only 951 probes showed no hybridization on all 12 arrays.</p>", "<title>Second, curated list of predicted target sequences and second oligo design</title>", "<p>The results of the initial validation arrays were utilized to adapt the list of predicted genes, keeping all predictions for which a hybridization signal could be observed for all arrays plus all predictions with significant sequence similarity to annotated genes as well as all sequences with an average gene prediction score &gt; 0.5. This approach allows for the fact that not all genes will have been actively expressed in the target samples. Additionally, predicted transcripts resulting from a subsequent analysis of the complex clusters were included at this stage. Of the 2,612 complex cluster that were not included in the design for the first batch of arrays, only 223 contained more than 2 sequences and for a further 14 no subsequence match of at least 60 nucleotides could be found within the last 1000 bases at the 3'-end. These 237 clusters were manually curated while the rest could be automatically reduced to one sequence. To make full use of the 15,208 features available on the Agilent microarray platform, it was decided to also include predicted sequences with somewhat lower gene prediction score that showed a hybridization signal in at least 8 of the 12 arrays. Finally, a selected set of 15,253 predicted transcript sequences was used as targets for probe design of a comprehensive <italic>P. pastoris </italic>microarray. While it is obvious that this list is larger than the expected number of open reading frames (6,000–7,000), as judged in comparison to other yeast species [##REF##17868481##22##], we intentionally included more putative transcript sequences, as false positives with a distinct sequence will not negatively affect microarray design or experiments, in contrast to the damage of falsely excluding a potential transcript target.</p>", "<p>Oligonucleotide probes were designed using a probe design tool developed in-house, a thermodynamic model-based oligoset optimizer ('TherMODO', [##UREF##2##23##]). TherMODO designed probes for 15,035 sequences, of which only 665 were predicted as having cross-hybridization potential. The TherMODO design was compared to probe design with eArray [##UREF##3##24##]. The distributions of ΔG and T<sub>m </sub>of both designs are shown in additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##. Clearly the TherMODO designed probes are more uniform in respect to the Gibbs free energy ΔG, indicating a superior hybridization performance [##REF##16938547##14##].</p>", "<p>The final probe design was manufactured on 8 × 15 K slides by Agilent, and evaluated for reproducibility and biological meaningfulness. Pool samples were applied to 2 arrays on 2 slides each, including dye swap. The scatterplots show uniformly high correlations &gt; 97% both within and between arrays, both on same and different slides, indicating high reproducibility of hybridization signals between identical samples. Exemplarily, a scatterplot of signal intensities derived from the same samples (wild type strain untreated) is shown in Figure ##FIG##0##1##. For the final gene list the annotation was improved in addition to the annotation provided by IG. This resulted in 3954 annotated ORFs, of which 2989 had an IG annotation. 965 newly annotated ORFs were found, and the annotation of 288 hypothetical proteins was confirmed. All annotated genes are listed in Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##.</p>", "<title>Biological evaluation of the new microarrays</title>", "<p>The performance of the new arrays was examined by a hybridization experiment using samples, for which transcript regulation data have been obtained before [##REF##17578563##4##]. The biological question evaluated was the regulatory response of <italic>P. pastoris </italic>to constitutive overexpression of the active form of <italic>S. cerevisiae HAC1</italic>, the transcription factor controlling UPR target genes. By this approach, the regulation of 52 genes which have been studied before using TRAC [##REF##16198435##3##] could be verified, with 80% of these genes showing the same regulation pattern for both methods (genes highlighted in bold in Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). This correlation is statistically significant based on calculating the regression (p = 8.8 · 10<sup>-6</sup>).</p>", "<p>The similarities and differences of UPR induction and reaction to DTT stress have been discussed before [##REF##17578563##4##,##REF##17561995##25##,##REF##15870366##26##]. To achieve further insight into this technologically relevant issue, we compared the gene regulation patterns of a <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpressing strain <italic>vs </italic>wildtype control with the regulation pattern of the wildtype treated with DTT for 60 min <italic>vs </italic>the untreated control. Genes were qualified as significantly regulated with a <italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05 (adjusted for multiple testing). 11,262 of all features on the microarrays appeared as differentially regulated either upon DTT treatment or <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression, or both. 8,480 reacted to <italic>HAC1</italic>, and 6,870 to DTT, with an overlap of 4,088. Considering only the 3,954 annotated genes, a similar pattern is observed with roughly half of the regulated genes overlapping between DTT and <italic>HAC1</italic>, and another half being typical only for either of the treatments (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Accordingly, the correlation of log fold changes of the two treatments is apparent but rather weak (Figure ##FIG##2##3##). While DTT treatment is widely accepted as a standard inducer of UPR, these observations indicate that the gene regulation pattern triggered by the UPR transcription factor Hac1 differs to a significant extent from that exerted by DTT.</p>", "<p>As previous research on transcriptome regulation upon UPR induction usually employs a fold change (FC) cut-off to highlight the strongly regulated genes, we decided to introduce FC &gt; 1.5 as a second criterion to identify more strongly regulated genes for further detailed analysis (Volcano plots visualizing the two criteria are provided in Additional file ##SUPPL##2##3##). Although the introduction of a FC cut-off alters the absolute number of regulated genes, it does not alter the relative distribution of regulated genes categorized into functional groups (GO slim biological process), as can be seen in Figure ##FIG##3##4## and Additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##.</p>", "<title>Comparison of UPR induction by DTT in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>and <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic></title>", "<p>In order to compare the effects of DTT treatment in <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>with those in <italic>P. pastoris</italic>, the data published by Travers et al. [##REF##10847680##17##] for 60 min treatment of <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>with DTT were evaluated alongside with our results for <italic>P. pastoris</italic>. All genes of <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>which were listed in [##REF##10847680##17##] and for which homologs in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>were identified were classified as upregulated, downregulated or unregulated. In order to compare the two data sets, a cutoff of 1.5 fold differential expression was set in both to define regulated genes. A significance threshold on <italic>p</italic>-values could not be employed, as these data were not provided for <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>. 48% of these genes defined as regulated or unregulated reacted in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>just as in <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>.</p>", "<p>A closer evaluation revealed that certain GO groups were regulated very similarly in both yeast species, while others showed only a low degree of similarity (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Fisher's exact test was performed to evaluate the significance of groups with low similarity. Especially the GO groups 'translocation', 'protein folding', 'protein degradation', and to some extent 'glycosylation' and 'transport' showed high degrees of similarity. In some GO groups, only some subgroups reacted similarly while others behaved differently in the two yeasts. Of the 'glycosylation' group, core oligosaccharide synthesis and glycosyltransferase genes behaved very similarly, while glycoprotein processing, GPI anchoring and O-glycosylation related genes were regulated significantly different (p &lt; 0.05). In the 'protein degradation' group, more similarity was observed for ERAD genes than for ubiquitin/proteasome related genes. Among the 'transport' gene group, budding, fusion and retrieval of ER to Golgi showed a high degree of similar regulation, contrary to the subgroup distal secretion. Low similarities were observed for 'lipid metabolism', 'vacuolar protein sorting' and 'cell wall biogenesis' genes. It becomes obvious that core UPR genes related to protein translocation, folding and ER transport, as well as core N-glycosylation react similarly to DTT treatment in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>as compared to <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, while genes involved in processes which are more distal from ER protein folding behave more differently, indicating that those processes (like functions in the Golgi, [##REF##10189369##27##]) differ significantly between the two yeasts.</p>", "<title>Overexpression of Hac1 triggers a different regulation pattern compared to DTT treatment</title>", "<p>In most previous studies of the UPR in lower eukaryotic cells, treatment with DTT or tunicamycin, or heterologous protein expression has been employed to trigger the UPR. This study clearly indicates that the set of regulatory events triggered by DTT analysis only partially overlaps with the reactions to constitutive expression of the activated form of the UPR transcription factor Hac1 (see Figures ##FIG##1##2## and ##FIG##2##3##). Interestingly, both treatments resulted in the same amount of genes being down-regulated as being up-regulated, a fact that has been neglected to some extent in the existing literature.</p>", "<p>Those genes appearing beyond the threshold (<italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05 and FC &gt;1.5) were subjected to a more detailed comparison between the effects of DTT treatment and Hac1 induced regulation. The relative numbers of up- and downregulated genes in each GO biological process term based on the SGD GO slim tool [##UREF##4##28##] are depicted in Figure ##FIG##3##4##.</p>", "<p>A pattern common to both treatments is the down-regulation of major metabolic processes like carbohydrate, amino acid and lipid metabolism, as well as that of vitamins, cofactors and aromatic and heterocyclic compounds. This makes it obvious that the UPR has a major impact on decreasing both catabolic and anabolic processes. On the other side, both treatments lead to up-regulation of protein folding and vesicular transport. These effects are in line with the published literature, indicating the cellular reaction towards alleviation of the UPR [##REF##17578563##4##,##REF##17561995##25##,##REF##15870366##26##,##REF##10847680##17##].</p>", "<p>As expected, the genes coding for classical UPR targets are induced both in Hac1 overproducing and in DTT stressed cells, and genes underlined in the following paragraphs have been identified as UPR targets in previous studies. Especially the ER folding catalysts <italic><underline>PDI1</underline></italic> and <italic><underline>ERO1</underline></italic>, the DnaJ homologs <italic><underline>JEM1</underline></italic> and <italic><underline>SCJ1</underline></italic>, the ER resident chaperones <italic>CNE1 </italic>(calnexin), <underline><italic>KAR2</italic>/BiP</underline> and <italic><underline>LHS1</underline></italic> and the mitochondrial chaperones <italic>HSP60 </italic>and <italic>SSC1 </italic>are significantly up-regulated in both conditions. Among the functional group of 'protein modification' the majority of up-regulated genes belong to the core oligosaccharide synthesis (<italic><underline>DPM1</underline></italic>, <italic>DIE2</italic>), oligosaccharyltransferase complex (<italic>OST1</italic>, <italic><underline>OST2</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>OST3</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>SWP1</underline></italic>, <italic>STT3</italic>, <italic><underline>WBP1</underline></italic>), glycoprotein processing (<italic>ALG2, <underline>ALG7</underline></italic>, <italic>SEC53</italic>), GPI anchor biosynthesis (<italic><underline>GPI2</underline></italic>, <italic>GPI14, PSA1</italic>) and Golgi/O-linked glycosylation (<italic><underline>PMT1</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>PMT2</underline></italic>, <italic>PMT4, PMT6</italic>). Besides these, several genes coding for the translocon pore complex (<italic><underline>SEC61</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>SEC62</underline></italic>, <italic>SEC63</italic>, <italic><underline>SEC72</underline></italic>, <italic>SSS1</italic>), which aid the translocation of nascent polypeptides into the ER, are induced. Higashio and Kohno [##REF##12176018##29##] describe the stimulation of ER-to-Golgi transport through the UPR by inducing COPII vesicle formation. In this context, we see <italic>SEC23</italic>, <italic><underline>SEC24</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>SFB2</underline></italic>, <italic>YIP3</italic>, and <italic>ERV2 </italic>upregulated. However, also proteins building the COPI coatomer, which are required for retrograde Golgi-to-ER transport, show increased transcription levels upon ER stress in our experiments (<italic>COP1</italic>, <italic><underline>RET2</underline></italic>, <italic>SEC21</italic>, <italic><underline>SEC27</underline></italic>).</p>", "<p>While we cannot give any information on ERAD regulation, as <italic><underline>HRD1</underline></italic> is the only annotated gene of this protein degradation process (up-regulated in the Hac1 strain), we observed the down-regulation of some components involved in the assembly of the 20 S core of the 26 S proteasome (<italic>ADD66</italic>, <italic>PRE1</italic>, <italic>PRE4</italic>, <italic>SCL1</italic>) and ubiquitin <italic>UBI4 </italic>upon constitutive UPR activation. In this context, Shaffer et al. [##REF##15345222##30##] describe reduced degradation of newly synthesized proteins in XBP1-overexpressing human Raji cells.</p>", "<p>Induction of genes encoding cytosolic chaperones (Cns1, Jjj3, Hsp82, Ssa1, Ssa2, Sse1, Ydj1, Zuo1) can only be seen in the Hac1-overproducing strain. Additionally, the ER-resident Pdi homolog <underline>Mpd1</underline> and two members of the PPIases (<italic>FPR4 </italic>and <italic>CPR6</italic>) are only up-regulated in the engineered strain, but not upon DTT addition.</p>", "<p>One of the most striking patterns is the significant up-regulation of a large number of genes with functions in ribosomal biogenesis (233 genes assigned to the GO-categories 'ribosome biogenesis and assembly' and 'RNA metabolic process'). Most of these genes are contributing to rRNA processing (RRP family) and ribosome subunit nuclear export and assembly, while the ribosomal proteins (RPS and RPL families) themselves are not among the regulated genes for <italic>P. pastoris </italic>(see Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). No genes with a function in mRNA decay show increased transcription levels. The induction of the above functional categories came as a surprise, as translational down-regulation of proteins involved in ribosomal biogenesis was recently reported when <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>cell were treated with DTT [##REF##18206654##31##]. In contrast, the transcription levels of 9 out of the 16 mRNAs listed by these authors are enhanced in our study. Transcriptional down-regulation of ribosomal proteins during ER stress conditions was also revealed when reanalysing the raw data provided by Travers et al. [##REF##10847680##17##]. However, Shaffer et al. [##REF##15345222##30##] describe an increase in total protein synthesis as well as in the number of assembled ribosomes upon the overexpression of the mammalian Hac1 homolog XBP1 in Raji cells, but did not observe upregulation of genes related to ribosome biogenesis. A similar effect was observed after XBP1 overexpression in CHO-K1 cells [##REF##16635796##32##]. These results may be an indication that the positive effect of overexpression of the UPR transcription factor on heterologous protein production [##REF##16570317##33##,##REF##12676684##16##,##REF##14660339##35##] results not just from stimulation of folding and secretion of proteins but also their synthesis. The induction of protein folding related genes upon Hac1 overexpression is in line with the literature on UPR effects, while an impact on organelle biosynthesis other than ER and Golgi has so far only been described for mammalian cells.</p>", "<p>The stimulatory effects of XBP1 induction on ribosomes and organelle synthesis in mammalian cells like lymphocytes have been attributed to their function as dedicated protein factories. On the other hand the UPR in lower eukaryotes should rather serve to alleviate the load of unfolded, aggregation prone protein. It will be of interest in the future to investigate whether Hac1 stimulates ribosome biogenesis in other yeasts and fungi as well, and whether this leads to increased translation.</p>", "<p>In this context, it is worthwhile to mention the induction of two pathways leading to the unusual post-translationally modified amino acid derivatives diphthamide and hypusine which are exclusively found in eukaryotic translation elongation factors 2 (eEF2) and 5 (eEF5), respectively [##REF##8406038##36##,##REF##17476569##37##]. As these biosynthetic pathways are rather complex, and outstanding in the otherwise downregulated group of 'amino acid biosynthesis', this induction underlines the increased demand for protein synthesis.</p>", "<p>Furthermore, we observe that ER stress leads to increased transcription of genes coding for the large and small subunits of the mitochondrial ribosomes (<italic>MRPS</italic>, <italic>RSM </italic>and <italic>MRPL </italic>families), mitochondrial translation initiation and elongation factors (<italic>IFM1</italic>, <italic>MEF1</italic>, <italic>MEF2</italic>) and mitochondrial DNA polymerase (<italic>MIP1</italic>). Several essential constituents of the mitochondrial inner membrane presequence translocase (<italic>TIM </italic>family) are also up-regulated, indicating increased necessity for protein import into the mitochondria. Similarly, XBP1 was shown to increase mitochondrial mass and function in two types of mammalian cells [##REF##15345222##30##].</p>", "<p>While previous studies analysing UPR regulation mainly focus on up-regulated genes [##REF##10847680##17##], more than half of the genes identified in our study to be regulated are strongly down-regulated (at least 1.5 fold). As can be seen in Figure ##FIG##3##4##, anabolic processes such as vitamin production, amino acid and aromatic compound biosynthesis, heterocycle metabolic processes, carbohydrate, lipid and cofactor metabolism are among the most prominent repressed classes in both DTT-treated as well as Hac1-overproducing cells. The down-regulation of energy consuming biosynthetic pathways emerges as a general picture during ER stress conditions. However, it becomes obvious that the response to the folding perturbation agent DTT strongly differs from constitutive UPR induction by Hac1-overproduction. Especially the prominent down-regulation of genes belonging to 'electron transport' and 'cellular respiration' can easily be explained by the strong reducing capacities of DTT. Prominent members of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain such as subunits of the cytochrome c oxidase (<italic>COX4, COX4, COX5A, COX13</italic>) and the ubiquinol cytochrome-c reductase complex (<italic>COR1, QRC6, QRC7, QRC9, RIP1</italic>) are significantly repressed upon DTT treatment. Additionally, cytochrome c (<italic>CYC1</italic>), cytochrome c1 (<italic>CYT1</italic>) and cytochrome c heme lyase (<italic>CYC3</italic>) are only under DTT-dependent repression (GO: 'generation of precursor metabolites and energy'). The reducing features of DTT are most probably also the reason for the up-regulation of genes involved in the upkeeping of 'cellular homeostasis' and clearly, addition of DTT is provoking a 'response to a chemical stimulus'.</p>", "<p>Down-regulated genes appearing in both Hac1 and DTT in the 'protein modification' group focus on protein kinases (<italic>CDC5, CDH1, DBF2</italic>) and components of the ubiquitinylation complex (<italic>BUL1, CUL3</italic>) involved in cell cycle regulation driving the cells towards mitotic exit (<italic>CDC5, CDH1</italic>, <italic>MOB1</italic>). These effects are even more pronounced in the Hac1-strain, where several more histone modifying enzymes as well as cycline-dependent protein kinases and components of the protein kinase C signalling pathway show reduced transcription levels compared to the wild type. Unlike reported for the filamentous fungi <italic>T. reesei </italic>[##REF##16504068##7##] and <italic>A. nidulans </italic>[##REF##15870366##26##], genes encoding the histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 appear to be down-regulated upon secretion stress in <italic>P. pastoris</italic>.</p>", "<p>No clear picture emerges regarding the regulation of 'lipid metabolism': While sterol and ergosterol biosynthesis tend to be inhibited, the production of sphingolipid precursor substances is enhanced. On the other hand, a down-regulation of the major cell wall constituents (β-1,3 glucanases <italic>BGL2 </italic>and <italic>EXG1</italic>, cell wall mannoproteins <italic>CCW12</italic>, <italic>CWP2 </italic>and <italic>TPI1</italic>, GPI-glycoproteins <italic>GAS1 </italic>and <italic>SED1</italic>, <italic>PST1</italic>) and genes coding for proteins required for the transport of cell wall components to the cell surface (<italic>SBE22</italic>) is manifest. Taken together, these results indicate a significant remodelling process regarding the <italic>P. pastoris </italic>cell envelope during ER stress conditions.</p>", "<p>Interestingly, the major groups of metabolic genes were down-regulated upon Hac1 overexpression, indicating a decrease of the supply of metabolites. However, it should be noted that no reduction of the specific growth rate was observed as compared to the wild type strain (μ = 0.37 and 0.39 h<sup>-1</sup>, respectively). A reduction of metabolic processes, and amino acid synthesis in particular, is contradictory to translation stimulation. Further research will be needed to elucidate the overall regulatory pattern of UPR in respect to protein synthesis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<title>Gene prediction and Oligo Design</title>", "<p>To evaluate available gene finders for their performance on yeast genomes, three <italic>de novo </italic>gene finders (GeneMark, Glimmer3, GlimmerHMM) were tested on the genome sequence of <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>. GeneMark and Glimmer3 work with a prokaryotic Hidden Markov Model (HMM) whereas GlimmerHMM employs a eukaryotic gene model. GeneMark was trained with coding and non-coding sequences of <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, building an HMM transition probability matrix of the 7<sup>th </sup>order. Glimmer3 and GlimmerHMM could be trained directly on the genome in question without specifying coding and non-coding regions. In Lomsadze et al. [##REF##16314312##18##] and Besemer and Borodovsky [##REF##15980510##9##] the difficulty of eukaryotic gene finders in the prediction of genes for organisms with few introns is discussed and linked to a lack of data for representative exon – intron models. Our results confirmed that a gene finder written for eukaryotes (GlimmerHMM) could not be trained well on yeast genomes, introducing far too many introns into the predicted genes. Both prokaryotic versions performed much better, with GeneMark predicting less false negatives but more false positives than Glimmer3 (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Even though the positive prediction value was somewhat lower with GeneMark it was more important not to miss true positives than to achieve a lower rate of false positives. A further improvement could be achieved by a GeneMark model for lower eukaryotes, in which the prokaryotic algorithm is modified to use Kozak start sites instead of prokaryotic ribosomal binding sites. <italic>P. pastoris </italic>genes were predicted using this version of GeneMark with the lowest possible threshold (probability score t = 0.05) so that filter conditions could be better controlled at a later state. The prediction yielded a total of 26,471 putative genes for the genome of <italic>P. pastoris</italic>.</p>", "<p>In a WU-BLASTN search against <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, 6,374 sequences that were predicted by GeneMark, and 3,964 of the IG predictions produced hits with <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>using an <italic>E </italic>value (Expectation value, [##UREF##1##19##]) of &lt; 10<sup>-4</sup>, a hit length &gt; 100 nucleotides and an identity of &gt;50%. To reduce the redundancy within the data set the predicted genes were clustered into groups sharing more than 90% similarity using cd-hit [##REF##16731699##20##]. From a total of 31,896 candidate sequences (GeneMark and IG predictions), 22,020 cd-hit groups were obtained. From the cluster file it was clear that some of the clusters had to be analyzed further before selecting target sequences for the oligo design. After the removal of all sequences that had a short length and a low prediction value, complex clusters were defined as clusters for which the minimum relative length of all sequences was smaller than 0.9. A total of 2,612 clusters fell into this category and were excluded at a first design stage.</p>", "<p>Finally 19,508 predicted target sequences remained to be tested in the first microarray experiments. OligoArray 2.1 [##REF##12799432##21##] was able to design oligonucleotide probes for 17,161 sequences ranging in length from 57 to 60 nucleotides.</p>", "<title>Validation arrays for the first list of predicted transcript sequences (Same-Same experiment)</title>", "<p>With these probes 4 × 44 K slides were produced on the Agilent microarray platform and employed for an initial validation of the predicted transcript sequences by hybridization with the Pool samples of <italic>P. pastoris </italic>(for preparation of Pool samples see Material and Methods). One slide had to be discarded because of quality issues. For the remaining 12 arrays the number of probes showing a signal varied between 10,708 and 15,598. Of these, 7,980 had a signal on all 12 arrays, and only 951 probes showed no hybridization on all 12 arrays.</p>", "<title>Second, curated list of predicted target sequences and second oligo design</title>", "<p>The results of the initial validation arrays were utilized to adapt the list of predicted genes, keeping all predictions for which a hybridization signal could be observed for all arrays plus all predictions with significant sequence similarity to annotated genes as well as all sequences with an average gene prediction score &gt; 0.5. This approach allows for the fact that not all genes will have been actively expressed in the target samples. Additionally, predicted transcripts resulting from a subsequent analysis of the complex clusters were included at this stage. Of the 2,612 complex cluster that were not included in the design for the first batch of arrays, only 223 contained more than 2 sequences and for a further 14 no subsequence match of at least 60 nucleotides could be found within the last 1000 bases at the 3'-end. These 237 clusters were manually curated while the rest could be automatically reduced to one sequence. To make full use of the 15,208 features available on the Agilent microarray platform, it was decided to also include predicted sequences with somewhat lower gene prediction score that showed a hybridization signal in at least 8 of the 12 arrays. Finally, a selected set of 15,253 predicted transcript sequences was used as targets for probe design of a comprehensive <italic>P. pastoris </italic>microarray. While it is obvious that this list is larger than the expected number of open reading frames (6,000–7,000), as judged in comparison to other yeast species [##REF##17868481##22##], we intentionally included more putative transcript sequences, as false positives with a distinct sequence will not negatively affect microarray design or experiments, in contrast to the damage of falsely excluding a potential transcript target.</p>", "<p>Oligonucleotide probes were designed using a probe design tool developed in-house, a thermodynamic model-based oligoset optimizer ('TherMODO', [##UREF##2##23##]). TherMODO designed probes for 15,035 sequences, of which only 665 were predicted as having cross-hybridization potential. The TherMODO design was compared to probe design with eArray [##UREF##3##24##]. The distributions of ΔG and T<sub>m </sub>of both designs are shown in additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##. Clearly the TherMODO designed probes are more uniform in respect to the Gibbs free energy ΔG, indicating a superior hybridization performance [##REF##16938547##14##].</p>", "<p>The final probe design was manufactured on 8 × 15 K slides by Agilent, and evaluated for reproducibility and biological meaningfulness. Pool samples were applied to 2 arrays on 2 slides each, including dye swap. The scatterplots show uniformly high correlations &gt; 97% both within and between arrays, both on same and different slides, indicating high reproducibility of hybridization signals between identical samples. Exemplarily, a scatterplot of signal intensities derived from the same samples (wild type strain untreated) is shown in Figure ##FIG##0##1##. For the final gene list the annotation was improved in addition to the annotation provided by IG. This resulted in 3954 annotated ORFs, of which 2989 had an IG annotation. 965 newly annotated ORFs were found, and the annotation of 288 hypothetical proteins was confirmed. All annotated genes are listed in Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##.</p>", "<title>Biological evaluation of the new microarrays</title>", "<p>The performance of the new arrays was examined by a hybridization experiment using samples, for which transcript regulation data have been obtained before [##REF##17578563##4##]. The biological question evaluated was the regulatory response of <italic>P. pastoris </italic>to constitutive overexpression of the active form of <italic>S. cerevisiae HAC1</italic>, the transcription factor controlling UPR target genes. By this approach, the regulation of 52 genes which have been studied before using TRAC [##REF##16198435##3##] could be verified, with 80% of these genes showing the same regulation pattern for both methods (genes highlighted in bold in Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). This correlation is statistically significant based on calculating the regression (p = 8.8 · 10<sup>-6</sup>).</p>", "<p>The similarities and differences of UPR induction and reaction to DTT stress have been discussed before [##REF##17578563##4##,##REF##17561995##25##,##REF##15870366##26##]. To achieve further insight into this technologically relevant issue, we compared the gene regulation patterns of a <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpressing strain <italic>vs </italic>wildtype control with the regulation pattern of the wildtype treated with DTT for 60 min <italic>vs </italic>the untreated control. Genes were qualified as significantly regulated with a <italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05 (adjusted for multiple testing). 11,262 of all features on the microarrays appeared as differentially regulated either upon DTT treatment or <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression, or both. 8,480 reacted to <italic>HAC1</italic>, and 6,870 to DTT, with an overlap of 4,088. Considering only the 3,954 annotated genes, a similar pattern is observed with roughly half of the regulated genes overlapping between DTT and <italic>HAC1</italic>, and another half being typical only for either of the treatments (Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Accordingly, the correlation of log fold changes of the two treatments is apparent but rather weak (Figure ##FIG##2##3##). While DTT treatment is widely accepted as a standard inducer of UPR, these observations indicate that the gene regulation pattern triggered by the UPR transcription factor Hac1 differs to a significant extent from that exerted by DTT.</p>", "<p>As previous research on transcriptome regulation upon UPR induction usually employs a fold change (FC) cut-off to highlight the strongly regulated genes, we decided to introduce FC &gt; 1.5 as a second criterion to identify more strongly regulated genes for further detailed analysis (Volcano plots visualizing the two criteria are provided in Additional file ##SUPPL##2##3##). Although the introduction of a FC cut-off alters the absolute number of regulated genes, it does not alter the relative distribution of regulated genes categorized into functional groups (GO slim biological process), as can be seen in Figure ##FIG##3##4## and Additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##.</p>", "<title>Comparison of UPR induction by DTT in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>and <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic></title>", "<p>In order to compare the effects of DTT treatment in <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>with those in <italic>P. pastoris</italic>, the data published by Travers et al. [##REF##10847680##17##] for 60 min treatment of <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>with DTT were evaluated alongside with our results for <italic>P. pastoris</italic>. All genes of <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>which were listed in [##REF##10847680##17##] and for which homologs in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>were identified were classified as upregulated, downregulated or unregulated. In order to compare the two data sets, a cutoff of 1.5 fold differential expression was set in both to define regulated genes. A significance threshold on <italic>p</italic>-values could not be employed, as these data were not provided for <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>. 48% of these genes defined as regulated or unregulated reacted in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>just as in <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>.</p>", "<p>A closer evaluation revealed that certain GO groups were regulated very similarly in both yeast species, while others showed only a low degree of similarity (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Fisher's exact test was performed to evaluate the significance of groups with low similarity. Especially the GO groups 'translocation', 'protein folding', 'protein degradation', and to some extent 'glycosylation' and 'transport' showed high degrees of similarity. In some GO groups, only some subgroups reacted similarly while others behaved differently in the two yeasts. Of the 'glycosylation' group, core oligosaccharide synthesis and glycosyltransferase genes behaved very similarly, while glycoprotein processing, GPI anchoring and O-glycosylation related genes were regulated significantly different (p &lt; 0.05). In the 'protein degradation' group, more similarity was observed for ERAD genes than for ubiquitin/proteasome related genes. Among the 'transport' gene group, budding, fusion and retrieval of ER to Golgi showed a high degree of similar regulation, contrary to the subgroup distal secretion. Low similarities were observed for 'lipid metabolism', 'vacuolar protein sorting' and 'cell wall biogenesis' genes. It becomes obvious that core UPR genes related to protein translocation, folding and ER transport, as well as core N-glycosylation react similarly to DTT treatment in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>as compared to <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, while genes involved in processes which are more distal from ER protein folding behave more differently, indicating that those processes (like functions in the Golgi, [##REF##10189369##27##]) differ significantly between the two yeasts.</p>", "<title>Overexpression of Hac1 triggers a different regulation pattern compared to DTT treatment</title>", "<p>In most previous studies of the UPR in lower eukaryotic cells, treatment with DTT or tunicamycin, or heterologous protein expression has been employed to trigger the UPR. This study clearly indicates that the set of regulatory events triggered by DTT analysis only partially overlaps with the reactions to constitutive expression of the activated form of the UPR transcription factor Hac1 (see Figures ##FIG##1##2## and ##FIG##2##3##). Interestingly, both treatments resulted in the same amount of genes being down-regulated as being up-regulated, a fact that has been neglected to some extent in the existing literature.</p>", "<p>Those genes appearing beyond the threshold (<italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05 and FC &gt;1.5) were subjected to a more detailed comparison between the effects of DTT treatment and Hac1 induced regulation. The relative numbers of up- and downregulated genes in each GO biological process term based on the SGD GO slim tool [##UREF##4##28##] are depicted in Figure ##FIG##3##4##.</p>", "<p>A pattern common to both treatments is the down-regulation of major metabolic processes like carbohydrate, amino acid and lipid metabolism, as well as that of vitamins, cofactors and aromatic and heterocyclic compounds. This makes it obvious that the UPR has a major impact on decreasing both catabolic and anabolic processes. On the other side, both treatments lead to up-regulation of protein folding and vesicular transport. These effects are in line with the published literature, indicating the cellular reaction towards alleviation of the UPR [##REF##17578563##4##,##REF##17561995##25##,##REF##15870366##26##,##REF##10847680##17##].</p>", "<p>As expected, the genes coding for classical UPR targets are induced both in Hac1 overproducing and in DTT stressed cells, and genes underlined in the following paragraphs have been identified as UPR targets in previous studies. Especially the ER folding catalysts <italic><underline>PDI1</underline></italic> and <italic><underline>ERO1</underline></italic>, the DnaJ homologs <italic><underline>JEM1</underline></italic> and <italic><underline>SCJ1</underline></italic>, the ER resident chaperones <italic>CNE1 </italic>(calnexin), <underline><italic>KAR2</italic>/BiP</underline> and <italic><underline>LHS1</underline></italic> and the mitochondrial chaperones <italic>HSP60 </italic>and <italic>SSC1 </italic>are significantly up-regulated in both conditions. Among the functional group of 'protein modification' the majority of up-regulated genes belong to the core oligosaccharide synthesis (<italic><underline>DPM1</underline></italic>, <italic>DIE2</italic>), oligosaccharyltransferase complex (<italic>OST1</italic>, <italic><underline>OST2</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>OST3</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>SWP1</underline></italic>, <italic>STT3</italic>, <italic><underline>WBP1</underline></italic>), glycoprotein processing (<italic>ALG2, <underline>ALG7</underline></italic>, <italic>SEC53</italic>), GPI anchor biosynthesis (<italic><underline>GPI2</underline></italic>, <italic>GPI14, PSA1</italic>) and Golgi/O-linked glycosylation (<italic><underline>PMT1</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>PMT2</underline></italic>, <italic>PMT4, PMT6</italic>). Besides these, several genes coding for the translocon pore complex (<italic><underline>SEC61</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>SEC62</underline></italic>, <italic>SEC63</italic>, <italic><underline>SEC72</underline></italic>, <italic>SSS1</italic>), which aid the translocation of nascent polypeptides into the ER, are induced. Higashio and Kohno [##REF##12176018##29##] describe the stimulation of ER-to-Golgi transport through the UPR by inducing COPII vesicle formation. In this context, we see <italic>SEC23</italic>, <italic><underline>SEC24</underline></italic>, <italic><underline>SFB2</underline></italic>, <italic>YIP3</italic>, and <italic>ERV2 </italic>upregulated. However, also proteins building the COPI coatomer, which are required for retrograde Golgi-to-ER transport, show increased transcription levels upon ER stress in our experiments (<italic>COP1</italic>, <italic><underline>RET2</underline></italic>, <italic>SEC21</italic>, <italic><underline>SEC27</underline></italic>).</p>", "<p>While we cannot give any information on ERAD regulation, as <italic><underline>HRD1</underline></italic> is the only annotated gene of this protein degradation process (up-regulated in the Hac1 strain), we observed the down-regulation of some components involved in the assembly of the 20 S core of the 26 S proteasome (<italic>ADD66</italic>, <italic>PRE1</italic>, <italic>PRE4</italic>, <italic>SCL1</italic>) and ubiquitin <italic>UBI4 </italic>upon constitutive UPR activation. In this context, Shaffer et al. [##REF##15345222##30##] describe reduced degradation of newly synthesized proteins in XBP1-overexpressing human Raji cells.</p>", "<p>Induction of genes encoding cytosolic chaperones (Cns1, Jjj3, Hsp82, Ssa1, Ssa2, Sse1, Ydj1, Zuo1) can only be seen in the Hac1-overproducing strain. Additionally, the ER-resident Pdi homolog <underline>Mpd1</underline> and two members of the PPIases (<italic>FPR4 </italic>and <italic>CPR6</italic>) are only up-regulated in the engineered strain, but not upon DTT addition.</p>", "<p>One of the most striking patterns is the significant up-regulation of a large number of genes with functions in ribosomal biogenesis (233 genes assigned to the GO-categories 'ribosome biogenesis and assembly' and 'RNA metabolic process'). Most of these genes are contributing to rRNA processing (RRP family) and ribosome subunit nuclear export and assembly, while the ribosomal proteins (RPS and RPL families) themselves are not among the regulated genes for <italic>P. pastoris </italic>(see Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). No genes with a function in mRNA decay show increased transcription levels. The induction of the above functional categories came as a surprise, as translational down-regulation of proteins involved in ribosomal biogenesis was recently reported when <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>cell were treated with DTT [##REF##18206654##31##]. In contrast, the transcription levels of 9 out of the 16 mRNAs listed by these authors are enhanced in our study. Transcriptional down-regulation of ribosomal proteins during ER stress conditions was also revealed when reanalysing the raw data provided by Travers et al. [##REF##10847680##17##]. However, Shaffer et al. [##REF##15345222##30##] describe an increase in total protein synthesis as well as in the number of assembled ribosomes upon the overexpression of the mammalian Hac1 homolog XBP1 in Raji cells, but did not observe upregulation of genes related to ribosome biogenesis. A similar effect was observed after XBP1 overexpression in CHO-K1 cells [##REF##16635796##32##]. These results may be an indication that the positive effect of overexpression of the UPR transcription factor on heterologous protein production [##REF##16570317##33##,##REF##12676684##16##,##REF##14660339##35##] results not just from stimulation of folding and secretion of proteins but also their synthesis. The induction of protein folding related genes upon Hac1 overexpression is in line with the literature on UPR effects, while an impact on organelle biosynthesis other than ER and Golgi has so far only been described for mammalian cells.</p>", "<p>The stimulatory effects of XBP1 induction on ribosomes and organelle synthesis in mammalian cells like lymphocytes have been attributed to their function as dedicated protein factories. On the other hand the UPR in lower eukaryotes should rather serve to alleviate the load of unfolded, aggregation prone protein. It will be of interest in the future to investigate whether Hac1 stimulates ribosome biogenesis in other yeasts and fungi as well, and whether this leads to increased translation.</p>", "<p>In this context, it is worthwhile to mention the induction of two pathways leading to the unusual post-translationally modified amino acid derivatives diphthamide and hypusine which are exclusively found in eukaryotic translation elongation factors 2 (eEF2) and 5 (eEF5), respectively [##REF##8406038##36##,##REF##17476569##37##]. As these biosynthetic pathways are rather complex, and outstanding in the otherwise downregulated group of 'amino acid biosynthesis', this induction underlines the increased demand for protein synthesis.</p>", "<p>Furthermore, we observe that ER stress leads to increased transcription of genes coding for the large and small subunits of the mitochondrial ribosomes (<italic>MRPS</italic>, <italic>RSM </italic>and <italic>MRPL </italic>families), mitochondrial translation initiation and elongation factors (<italic>IFM1</italic>, <italic>MEF1</italic>, <italic>MEF2</italic>) and mitochondrial DNA polymerase (<italic>MIP1</italic>). Several essential constituents of the mitochondrial inner membrane presequence translocase (<italic>TIM </italic>family) are also up-regulated, indicating increased necessity for protein import into the mitochondria. Similarly, XBP1 was shown to increase mitochondrial mass and function in two types of mammalian cells [##REF##15345222##30##].</p>", "<p>While previous studies analysing UPR regulation mainly focus on up-regulated genes [##REF##10847680##17##], more than half of the genes identified in our study to be regulated are strongly down-regulated (at least 1.5 fold). As can be seen in Figure ##FIG##3##4##, anabolic processes such as vitamin production, amino acid and aromatic compound biosynthesis, heterocycle metabolic processes, carbohydrate, lipid and cofactor metabolism are among the most prominent repressed classes in both DTT-treated as well as Hac1-overproducing cells. The down-regulation of energy consuming biosynthetic pathways emerges as a general picture during ER stress conditions. However, it becomes obvious that the response to the folding perturbation agent DTT strongly differs from constitutive UPR induction by Hac1-overproduction. Especially the prominent down-regulation of genes belonging to 'electron transport' and 'cellular respiration' can easily be explained by the strong reducing capacities of DTT. Prominent members of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain such as subunits of the cytochrome c oxidase (<italic>COX4, COX4, COX5A, COX13</italic>) and the ubiquinol cytochrome-c reductase complex (<italic>COR1, QRC6, QRC7, QRC9, RIP1</italic>) are significantly repressed upon DTT treatment. Additionally, cytochrome c (<italic>CYC1</italic>), cytochrome c1 (<italic>CYT1</italic>) and cytochrome c heme lyase (<italic>CYC3</italic>) are only under DTT-dependent repression (GO: 'generation of precursor metabolites and energy'). The reducing features of DTT are most probably also the reason for the up-regulation of genes involved in the upkeeping of 'cellular homeostasis' and clearly, addition of DTT is provoking a 'response to a chemical stimulus'.</p>", "<p>Down-regulated genes appearing in both Hac1 and DTT in the 'protein modification' group focus on protein kinases (<italic>CDC5, CDH1, DBF2</italic>) and components of the ubiquitinylation complex (<italic>BUL1, CUL3</italic>) involved in cell cycle regulation driving the cells towards mitotic exit (<italic>CDC5, CDH1</italic>, <italic>MOB1</italic>). These effects are even more pronounced in the Hac1-strain, where several more histone modifying enzymes as well as cycline-dependent protein kinases and components of the protein kinase C signalling pathway show reduced transcription levels compared to the wild type. Unlike reported for the filamentous fungi <italic>T. reesei </italic>[##REF##16504068##7##] and <italic>A. nidulans </italic>[##REF##15870366##26##], genes encoding the histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 appear to be down-regulated upon secretion stress in <italic>P. pastoris</italic>.</p>", "<p>No clear picture emerges regarding the regulation of 'lipid metabolism': While sterol and ergosterol biosynthesis tend to be inhibited, the production of sphingolipid precursor substances is enhanced. On the other hand, a down-regulation of the major cell wall constituents (β-1,3 glucanases <italic>BGL2 </italic>and <italic>EXG1</italic>, cell wall mannoproteins <italic>CCW12</italic>, <italic>CWP2 </italic>and <italic>TPI1</italic>, GPI-glycoproteins <italic>GAS1 </italic>and <italic>SED1</italic>, <italic>PST1</italic>) and genes coding for proteins required for the transport of cell wall components to the cell surface (<italic>SBE22</italic>) is manifest. Taken together, these results indicate a significant remodelling process regarding the <italic>P. pastoris </italic>cell envelope during ER stress conditions.</p>", "<p>Interestingly, the major groups of metabolic genes were down-regulated upon Hac1 overexpression, indicating a decrease of the supply of metabolites. However, it should be noted that no reduction of the specific growth rate was observed as compared to the wild type strain (μ = 0.37 and 0.39 h<sup>-1</sup>, respectively). A reduction of metabolic processes, and amino acid synthesis in particular, is contradictory to translation stimulation. Further research will be needed to elucidate the overall regulatory pattern of UPR in respect to protein synthesis.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Additional gene finding and annotation added to the available data for <italic>P. pastoris </italic>lead to a list of approximately 4,000 genes with a putative identification of their function, and 11,000 more potential open reading frames. An oligonucleotide probe set was designed, the hybridization results were evaluated for reproducibility, and results from a biologically relevant analysis were tested for meaningfulness. In a direct comparison to <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>employing DTT treatment for UPR induction, 45 out of 93 genes reacted similarly. The differences thus observed between <italic>P. pastoris </italic>and <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>underline the importance of DNA microarrays for industrial production strains. <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>obviously leads to induction of many genes involved in translation: most genes of ribosome biogenesis, as well as many related to RNA metabolism and translation were up-regulated, an effect that has never been observed in yeasts and filamentous fungi so far.</p>", "<p>The upregulation of ribosomal biogenesis, RNA metabolism, translation, and organelle biosynthesis is specific for <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression and not observed with DTT treatment, while the latter leads specifically to the upregulation of genes related to chemical stimulus, and the downregulation in the groups electron transport and respiration, so that these reactions have to be regarded as specific for the treatment with a reducing agent rather than UPR regulated.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>DNA Microarrays are regarded as a valuable tool for basic and applied research in microbiology. However, for many industrially important microorganisms the lack of commercially available microarrays still hampers physiological research. Exemplarily, our understanding of protein folding and secretion in the yeast <italic>Pichia pastoris </italic>is presently widely dependent on conclusions drawn from analogies to <italic>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</italic>. To close this gap for a yeast species employed for its high capacity to produce heterologous proteins, we developed full genome DNA microarrays for <italic>P. pastoris </italic>and analyzed the unfolded protein response (UPR) in this yeast species, as compared to <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>By combining the partially annotated gene list of <italic>P. pastoris </italic>with <italic>de novo </italic>gene finding a list of putative open reading frames was generated for which an oligonucleotide probe set was designed using the probe design tool TherMODO (a thermodynamic model-based oligoset design optimizer). To evaluate the performance of the novel array design, microarrays carrying the oligo set were hybridized with samples from treatments with dithiothreitol (DTT) or a strain overexpressing the UPR transcription factor <italic>HAC1</italic>, both compared with a wild type strain in normal medium as untreated control. DTT treatment was compared with literature data for <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, and revealed similarities, but also important differences between the two yeast species. Overexpression of <italic>HAC1</italic>, the most direct control for UPR genes, resulted in significant new understanding of this important regulatory pathway in <italic>P. pastoris</italic>, and generally in yeasts.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>The differences observed between <italic>P. pastoris </italic>and <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>underline the importance of DNA microarrays for industrial production strains. <italic>P. pastoris </italic>reacts to DTT treatment mainly by the regulation of genes related to chemical stimulus, electron transport and respiration, while the overexpression of <italic>HAC1 </italic>induced many genes involved in translation, ribosome biogenesis, and organelle biosynthesis, indicating that the regulatory events triggered by DTT treatment only partially overlap with the reactions to overexpression of <italic>HAC1</italic>. The high reproducibility of the results achieved with two different oligo sets is a good indication for their robustness, and underlines the importance of less stringent selection of regulated features, in order to avoid a large number of false negative results.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>AG performed gene finding and annotation, statistical data analysis, supported data evaluation, and drafted part of the manuscript. BG performed data evaluation, supported annotation, study design, array design and drafted part of the manuscript. MD performed the cultivations and hybridizations. MS contributed to study design, annotation and array design. GGL developed the employed probe design tool and supported the array design. TT developed the quantitative model for the position-dependent target labelling efficiency and adapted it for the relevant end-primed labelling protocol. DPK supervised gene identification and annotation, supervised and contributed to the development of the employed probe design tool, and contributed to the manuscript. DM conceived of the study, and participated in data evaluation and manuscript drafting. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (project No. I37-B03), the European Science Foundation (programme EuroSCOPE), and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (programme FHplus).</p>", "<p>The Vienna Science Chair of Bioinformatics gratefully acknowledges support by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF), Baxter AG, Austrian Research Centres (ARC) Seibersdorf, and Austrian Centre of Biopharmaceutical Technology (ACBT). TT acknowledges partial funding by the GenAu BIN-II PhD programme.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Correlation of signal intensities</bold>. Scatterplots of untreated wild type strain samples on (A) different arrays of the same slide; (B) different arrays on different slides. Red line: linear regression of the data; blue line: theoretical perfect correlation.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Venn diagrams of differentially expressed genes upon DTT treatment or <italic>HAC1</italic> overexpression</bold>. (A, B) Regulated hits with annotation; (C, D) all regulated features; (A, C) cut-off adjusted <italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05; (B, D) cut-off adjusted <italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05 and FC &gt; 1.5.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Comparison of expression changes induced by DTT treatment and <italic>HAC1</italic> overexpression, respectively</bold>. Log<sub>2 </sub>values of expression changes (log<sub>2 </sub>FC) caused by DTT (DTT treated wildtype <italic>vs </italic>untreated wildtype) and by Hac1 (<italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression <italic>vs </italic>wildtype) are compared. The correlation coefficient r<sup>2 </sup>is indicated. Red line: linear regression of the data; blue line: theoretical perfect correlation.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Fractions of up- and downregulated genes in functional groups</bold>. Relative numbers of upregulated (red), downregulated (blue) and unregulated (yellow) genes categorized in GO biological process terms upon <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression (left panel) and DTT treatment (right panel). Shaded in black: regulated in both treatments. Upper panels: cut-off <italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05, lower panel cut-off <italic>p</italic>-value &lt; 0.05 and FC &gt; 1.5. The results of significance testing (Fisher's exact test) are given in additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Comparison of gene finder performance on yeast genomic sequence data</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Gene finder</td><td align=\"left\">True positives</td><td align=\"left\">Partly</td><td align=\"left\">False positives</td><td align=\"left\">False negatives</td><td align=\"left\">Sensitivity (%)</td><td align=\"left\">Positive prediction value (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Glimmer3</td><td align=\"left\">75</td><td align=\"left\">13</td><td align=\"left\">21</td><td align=\"left\">31</td><td align=\"left\">73.9</td><td align=\"left\">68.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">GlimmerHMM</td><td align=\"left\">1</td><td align=\"left\">3</td><td align=\"left\">68(234)</td><td align=\"left\">115</td><td align=\"left\">3.2</td><td align=\"left\">1.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">GeneMark</td><td align=\"left\">81</td><td align=\"left\">16</td><td align=\"left\">32</td><td align=\"left\">22</td><td align=\"left\">81.5</td><td align=\"left\">62.7</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Similarity of gene regulation between <italic>P. pastoris</italic> and <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> upon DTT treatment</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Function</td><td align=\"left\">Subfunction</td><td align=\"left\">No. of similarly regulated/total</td><td align=\"center\">% similar regulation</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Translocation</td><td align=\"left\">total</td><td align=\"left\">4/6</td><td align=\"center\">67</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Glycosylation</td><td align=\"left\">total</td><td align=\"left\">11/22</td><td align=\"center\">50</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Core oligosaccharide synthesis</td><td align=\"left\">3/4</td><td align=\"center\">75</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Oligosaccharyltransferase</td><td align=\"left\">4/4</td><td align=\"center\">100</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Glycoprotein processing</td><td align=\"left\">1/5</td><td align=\"center\">20</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">GPI anchoring</td><td align=\"left\">1/4</td><td align=\"center\">25</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Golgi/O-linked</td><td align=\"left\">2/5</td><td align=\"center\">40</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Protein Folding</td><td align=\"left\">total</td><td align=\"left\">5/8</td><td align=\"center\">63</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Chaperones</td><td align=\"left\">3/5</td><td align=\"center\">60</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Disulfide bond formation</td><td align=\"left\">2/3</td><td align=\"center\">67</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Protein Degradation</td><td align=\"left\">total</td><td align=\"left\">4/5</td><td align=\"center\">80</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">ERAD</td><td align=\"left\">3/3</td><td align=\"center\">100</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Ubiquitin/Proteasome</td><td align=\"left\">1/2</td><td align=\"center\">50</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Transport</td><td align=\"left\">total</td><td align=\"left\">11/20</td><td align=\"center\">55</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Budding (ER-Golgi)</td><td align=\"left\">4/7</td><td align=\"center\">57</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Fusion (ER-Golgi)</td><td align=\"left\">1/1</td><td align=\"center\">100</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Retrieval (ER-Golgi)</td><td align=\"left\">4/5</td><td align=\"center\">80</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Distal secretion</td><td align=\"left\">2/7</td><td align=\"center\">29</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Lipid Metabolism</td><td align=\"left\">total</td><td align=\"left\">5/18</td><td align=\"center\">28</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Fatty acid metabolism</td><td align=\"left\">0/4</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Heme biosynthesis</td><td align=\"left\">2/5</td><td align=\"center\">40</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Phospholipid biosynthesis</td><td align=\"left\">2/6</td><td align=\"center\">33</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Sphingolipid biosynthesis</td><td align=\"left\">0/1</td><td align=\"center\">0</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">Sterol metabolism</td><td align=\"left\">1/2</td><td align=\"center\">50</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Vacuolar Protein Sorting</td><td align=\"left\">total</td><td align=\"left\">1/4</td><td align=\"center\">25</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Cell Wall Biogenesis</td><td align=\"left\">total</td><td align=\"left\">4/10</td><td align=\"center\">40</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional File 1</title><p><bold>Thermodynamic properties of the TherMODO probe design compared to probes designed through Agilent's eArray</bold>. Distribution of Gibbs free energy ΔG (A) and the probe-target melting temperature T<sub>m </sub>(B) of the oligo sets. The upper row (1) shows the oligos designed through eArray and the lower row (2) the oligos designed with TherMODO. PpaV2 is the name of the second set of sequences as described in the Materials and Methods section.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional File 2</title><p><bold>Differential expression values of all annotated genes upon DTT treatment and <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression</bold>. Differential expression values and adjusted <italic>p</italic>-values of all annotated genes of <italic>P. pastoris</italic>, denominated with the gene name of their respective <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>homolog. Genes that were tested with TRAC as a different method for transcript quantification are highlighted in bold letters. Legend of headers: id – internal unique identifier of sequence; sequ_id – ERGO identifier (RPPA.) or gene finder identifier (orf.) respectively; DTT_logFC – log<sub>2</sub> fold change of DTT treatment compared to control; <italic>HAC1 </italic> logFC – log<sub>2</sub> fold change of <italic>HAC1 </italic> overexpression compared to control; Gene name – Standard gene name or if missing systematic ORF name according to <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>nomenclature; GO – Gene Ontology term (for descriptions see additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##). If a gene is present in a certain GO group it has a 1 in the respective column, if not it has a 0.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S3\"><caption><title>Additional File 3</title><p><bold>Volcano plots of fold change vs. adjusted <italic>p</italic>-values</bold>. (A) DTT treatment; (B) <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression. Blue line: <italic>p</italic>-value cut-off <italic>p </italic>&gt; 0.05; red lines: optional fold change cut-off FC &gt; 1.5.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S4\"><caption><title>Additional File 4</title><p><bold>Fisher's exact test of the up/down regulated gene groups upon DTT treatment and <italic>HAC1 </italic>overexpression</bold>. Fisher's exact test was applied to test significance of the up- and downregulated gene groups displayed in figure ##FIG##3##4##. <italic>p</italic><sub><italic>adj </italic></sub>values are given for each GO group. Legend of headers: group – Gene Ontology term; Description – Gene Ontology description; odds.ratio – measure of independence between variables; adj.p – Holm adjusted <italic>p</italic>-value; <italic>HAC1 </italic> up/down – up/down regulated in <italic>HAC1 </italic> overexpression experiment; DTT up/down – up/down regulated in DTT experiment. The first work sheet represents results using only a <italic>p</italic>-value cut-off <italic>p </italic>&gt; 0.05, the second work sheet represents results using a <italic>p</italic>-value cut-off <italic>p </italic>&gt; 0.05 and a fold change cut-off FC &gt; 1.5.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Three different gene finders were tested on the genome sequence of <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>chromosome 1 to evaluate the quality of gene prediction. Sensitivity = TP/(TP + FN), positive prediction value = TP/(TP + FP); For Glimmer HMM the column False Positives contains the number of genes and in brackets the number of exons.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>All genes that were indicated in [##REF##10847680##17##] as core UPR genes in <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>and having an annotation in <italic>P. pastoris </italic>were grouped by their GO process functions. Similar regulation of a gene means upregulated, downregulated or below cut-off, respectively, in both yeasts.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-390-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-390-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-390-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-390-4\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-390-S1.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-390-S2.xls\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-390-S3.pdf\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"pdf\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-390-S4.xls\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"surname": ["Genomics"], "given-names": ["I"], "article-title": ["ERGO bioinformatics suite"]}, {"surname": ["University"], "given-names": ["W"], "article-title": ["WU-BLAST"]}, {"surname": ["Leparc", "Tuechler", "Striedner", "Bayer", "Sykacek", "Hofacker", "Kreil"], "given-names": ["GG", "T", "G", "K", "P", "I", "DP"], "article-title": ["Model based probe set optimization for high-performance microarrays."], "source": ["Nucleic Acids Research"], "year": ["2008"], "volume": ["submitted"]}, {"collab": ["Agilent"], "article-title": ["eArray"]}, {"collab": ["SGD"], "article-title": ["SGD Gene Ontology Slim Mapper"]}, {"surname": ["(EBI)", "(CSHL)"], "given-names": ["EBI", "CSHL"], "article-title": ["BioMart"]}, {"surname": ["Technology"], "given-names": ["GI"], "article-title": ["GeneMark"]}, {"surname": ["(SIB)"], "given-names": ["SIB"], "article-title": ["Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL"]}, {"surname": ["Holm"], "given-names": ["S"], "article-title": ["A Simple Sequentially Rejective Bonferroni Test"], "source": ["Scandinavian Journal of Statistics"], "year": ["1979"], "fpage": ["65 "], "lpage": ["670"]}, {"collab": ["EMBL-EBI"], "article-title": ["ArrayExpress"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Genomics. 2008 Aug 19; 9:390
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Telomeres are preferred genomic locations for gene families involved in virulence and pathogenicity in a wide range of microbial pathogens including many unicellular eukaryotic parasites [##REF##16132817##1##,##REF##11495803##2##]. High rates of recombination at telomeres presumably facilitate the generation of genetic diversity [##REF##17319749##3##], as has been postulated for the malaria parasite <italic>Plasmodium</italic>, where antigenically variable <italic>VAR </italic>genes are located predominantly at chromosome ends [##REF##11069183##4##,##REF##15979386##5##]. The prokaryote <italic>Borrelia hermsii</italic>, causative agent of relapsing fever, also has large numbers of variable antigen genes located on linear plasmids which can undergo gene conversion events allowing antigenic variation [##REF##16796672##6##]. Lastly, African trypanosomes have segregated large gene families involved in antigenic variation or host adaptation to the telomeres of a broad range of chromosomes [##REF##16132817##1##,##REF##12547344##7##].</p>", "<p>The African trypanosome <italic>Trypanosoma brucei </italic>causes African Sleeping Sickness in humans, which is transmitted by tsetse flies and is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa [##REF##16735165##8##]. West African trypanosomiasis, comprising more than 90% of human cases, is the chronic form of the disease and is caused by <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>[##REF##16650633##9##]. In contrast, East African trypanosomiasis is an acute infection in humans caused by <italic>T. b. rhodesiense</italic>, with death occurring typically within 6–8 months in the absence of treatment [##REF##16735165##8##]. <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>is considered to be a zoonotic pathogen with a very extensive animal reservoir including a wide range of large game animals [##REF##4400764##10##], while <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>infects a more restricted range of reservoir hosts [##REF##16236560##11##]. African trypanosomes also cause debilitating disease in livestock. <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>infects a variety of livestock and wildlife species, but is not human infective. Genetically, <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>is extremely similar to <italic>T. b. rhodesiense</italic>, but lacks the serum resistance associated gene <italic>SRA </italic>conferring human serum resistance [##REF##15099811##12##,##REF##17643434##13##]. Another non-human trypanosomiasis is dourine in equines, which is caused by <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>. This trypanosome, is also closely related to <italic>T. brucei </italic>[##REF##18245376##14##], but has lost the ability to cycle through tsetse flies and instead is sexually transmitted [##REF##9806490##15##]. <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>therefore has a much more restricted host range than other vector born <italic>Trypanosoma </italic>species.</p>", "<p>Many subspecies of trypanosomes can multiply extracellularly in the mammalian bloodstream, where they are exposed to continuous attack both by antibodies and complement. Key to survival is a dense protective coat of Variant Surface Glycoprotein (VSG) [##REF##645##16##], which is essential for the bloodstream form trypanosome even <italic>in vitro </italic>[##REF##15937117##17##]. As trypanosomes can switch between expression of different VSGs, new trypanosome antigenic types can escape host antibodies raised against the old VSG, and can avoid eradication by antibody-mediated lysis allowing a chronic infection to be maintained [##REF##11461029##18##, ####REF##15288623##19##, ##REF##16908087##20####16908087##20##]. Although a single trypanosome has up to 1500 <italic>VSG </italic>genes and pseudogenes [##REF##16020726##21##,##REF##16246028##22##], only one <italic>VSG </italic>is expressed at a time from one of about twenty bloodstream form <italic>VSG </italic>expression sites (BESs) [##REF##11742402##23##,##REF##11955440##24##].</p>", "<p>BESs are polycistronic transcription units located at telomeres, which contain a variety of Expression Site Associated Gene (<italic>ESAG</italic>) families in addition to the telomeric <italic>VSG </italic>[##REF##2720787##25##,##REF##12106867##26##]. It has been hypothesised that some <italic>ESAG</italic>s encode surface proteins or receptors which play a role in adaptation of the trypanosome to life in different species of mammalian host [##REF##9461219##27##,##REF##11356509##28##]. For example, <italic>ESAG6 </italic>and <italic>ESAG7 </italic>encode polymorphic subunits of a trypanosome encoded receptor for host transferrin, the variable nature of which could affect the ability of the trypanosome to take up transferrin molecules from different species of mammalian host [##REF##9461219##27##,##REF##8013456##29##]. In addition, it has been shown that the <italic>SRA </italic>gene located within some BESs confers resistance to human serum [##REF##9865701##30##]. As the trypanosome switches between different BESs, it expresses different permutations and combinations of polymorphic <italic>ESAG</italic>s [##REF##9461219##27##,##REF##11356509##28##,##REF##10607631##31##]. The telomeric location of <italic>VSG </italic>expression sites could play a role in their control [##REF##16132817##1##,##REF##12547344##7##]. Additionally, high rates of recombination at telomere ends could play a role in generating genetic diversity, as has been proposed for variant antigen genes located at the telomeres of the malaria parasite <italic>Plasmodium falciparum </italic>[##REF##11495803##2##,##REF##11069183##4##].</p>", "<p>Although a number of BESs from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>have been sequenced [##REF##2720787##25##,##REF##12106867##26##,##REF##9865701##30##,##REF##11353069##32##], relatively little is known about BESs in <italic>T. brucei gambiense</italic>, although they are clearly very similar to those from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##1762631##33##]. We are interested in the genetic diversity of telomeric BESs, particularly with regards to whether BES repertoires derived from trypanosomes with a large host range show evidence for greater genetic diversity compared with BES repertoires isolated from trypanosomes which infect a more restricted number of mammalian species. As telomeric regions are notoriously difficult to isolate and characterise, and are typically very underrepresented in standard libraries, we previously developed a method to isolate entire repertoires of BES containing telomeres in yeast [##REF##15520294##34##]. Here, we present the isolation and analysis of the genetic diversity found within repertoires of BES containing telomeres from three different species or subspecies of trypanosomes.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Trypanosome strains and DNA isolation and analysis</title>", "<p>The genomic DNA used in the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>TAR BES telomere library produced in this study was isolated from the insect form <italic>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense </italic>DAL972 genome strain (received from Bill Wickstead, Keith Gull and Wendy Gibson) according to [##REF##6101223##53##]. DNA from bloodstream form <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 was a gift of Keith Matthews (University of Edinburgh) and was isolated according to [##REF##8341329##54##]. Note that in the literature this strain is referred to as <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>EATRO 2340 [##REF##17043361##35##]. However, as we did not find evidence for the presence of <italic>SRA </italic>which is considered diagnostic for <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>using <italic>SRA </italic>specific primers (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##) [##REF##17643434##13##,##REF##12518862##55##,##REF##12798017##56##], this strain was provisionally redesignated <italic>T. brucei brucei </italic>EATRO 2340. <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 (gift of Wendy Gibson, University of Bristol) [##REF##12664158##40##,##REF##1463353##57##,##REF##1311051##58##] was amplified in mice, and after purification of trypanosomes from whole blood using DEAE columns, genomic DNA was isolated according to [##REF##8341329##54##]. All animal experiments were subject to ethical review by the University of Oxford, and were conducted according to the conditions of a Home Office project licence.</p>", "<title>TAR cloning of <italic>Trypanosoma sp</italic>. BES telomeres</title>", "<p>Transformation Associated Recombination (TAR) cloning was performed essentially according to [##REF##15520294##34##] using the <italic>S. cerevisiae </italic>strain TYC1 as recipient (<italic>MAT</italic>α, <italic>ura3-52</italic>, <italic>leu2Δ1</italic>, <italic>cyh</italic>2<sup>r</sup>). The <italic>T. brucei </italic>BES-specific TAR vector pEB4 contains the yeast positive selectable marker <italic>URA3</italic>, the negative selectable marker <italic>CYH2</italic>, as well as a yeast centromere, origin of replication, and one yeast telomere. The <italic>T. brucei </italic>specific TAR target within the pEB4 vector is a 560 bp fragment with a region of the <italic>T. brucei </italic>BES core promoter that is particularly conserved over a range of different <italic>T. brucei </italic>strains [##REF##15520294##34##]. Recombination in yeast between the pEB4 TAR vector linearised with <italic>Cla</italic>I and the cotransfected <italic>T. brucei </italic>genomic DNA, results in the production of stable \"half-YAC\" containing a <italic>T. brucei </italic>BES as well as one yeast telomere and one trypanosome telomere.</p>", "<p>Yeast colonies were screened for the presence of <italic>T. brucei </italic>BES TAR clones with primers specific for <italic>ESAG6</italic>/<italic>ESAG7 </italic>corresponding to sequences located within particularly conserved regions of these genes. <italic>ESAG6 </italic>and <italic>ESAG7 </italic>are conserved elements within trypanosome BESs [##REF##12106867##26##], and their presence was considered diagnostic for the presence of a <italic>T. brucei </italic>BES. For initial <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>TAR clone screening <italic>ESAG6/7 </italic>screening primers ESAG7a (sense and anti-sense) were used (sequences in [##REF##15520294##34##]). For screening the rest of the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>TAR clones and all of the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>TAR clones, screening primers ESAG6/7-311s and ESAG6-809as were used. See the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##8##9## for all primer sequences used.</p>", "<title>TAR clone analysis and sequencing</title>", "<p>In most cases, positive yeast transformants were streaked out for single colonies, these were expanded on quarter petri dishes, and yeast genomic DNA was isolated [##REF##15520294##34##]. PCR products were generated by amplification for 35 cycles at 94°C for 30 seconds, 50°C for 30 seconds, 72°C for 1 minute for products smaller than 1 kb, and 1 minute 30 seconds for products longer than 1 kb. Fragments were precipitated and sequenced using BigDye terminator (Applied Biosystems). Sequence analysis was performed with modifications of the procedure described in [##REF##15520294##34##]. Sequences of all primers used in this study are presented in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##8##9##.</p>", "<p>TAR clones were typed into BES sets by sequencing the promoter region and an approximately 700 bp central stretch of <italic>ESAG6</italic>. Promoter sequence was trimmed to delete sequence corresponding to the region of the BES promoter present in the pEB4 TAR vector target fragment. Identification of sequence polymorphisms within both the BES promoter and <italic>ESAG6 </italic>allowed the categorisation of the different TAR clones into different sets corresponding to different BESs.</p>", "<p>For typing of the different TAR clones using ES promoter sequence, primers ESP S1/S2 (sense and anti-sense) (sequence in [##REF##15520294##34##]) were used for both the PCR and the sequencing step. The sequence was trimmed to delete the 5' region corresponding to the TAR vector target fragment. For <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequence typing primers ESAG6-287s and ESAG6-1045as were used for both the PCR and the sequencing step.</p>", "<p>After initial typing of the TAR clones into different BES sets, the full length <italic>ESAG6</italic>, <italic>ESAG5 </italic>and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>genes were amplified and sequenced from two different TAR clones from each BES set. The strategy followed was:</p>", "<title>ESAG6</title>", "<p>The 5' end was amplified and sequenced using ESAG6-UPSs and ESAG6-652as. The 3' end was amplified and sequenced using ESAG6-796s and ESAG6-DNas.</p>", "<title>ESAG5</title>", "<p>Initial PCR to amplify the coding region was performed with ESAG5-UPSs and ESAG5-DNas. If these failed, two separate reactions using ESAG5-240s and ESAG5-DNas and ESAG5-UPSs and ESAG5-578as were tried. The above products were sequenced with ESAG5-UPSs, ESAG5-DNas, ESAG5-240s, ESAG5-827s, ESAG5-578as and ESAG5-1007as.</p>", "<title>ESAG2</title>", "<p>Initial PCR was performed with ESAG2-UPSs and ESAG2-DN1as. If this failed, primers ESAG2-UPS2s and ESAG2-DN3as were used. The PCR product was cleaned and sequenced with ESAG2-UPS1s or ESAG2-UPS2s, ESAG2-DN1as or ESAG2-DN3as, ESAG2-371s, ESAG2-871s, ESAG2-505as, ESAG2-900as, ESAG2-970as or ESAG2-1088as.</p>", "<p>Particular <italic>ESAG</italic>s were deemed absent from a given TAR clone if the amplification strategy detailed above was unsuccessful and if all additional primer pairs failed to give rise to an amplified product. For <italic>ESAG5 </italic>the additional primer pairs were ESAG5-1 (sense and anti-sense), ESAG5-2 (sense and anti-sense) and ESAG5-3 (sense and anti-sense) (sequences in [##REF##15520294##34##]). For <italic>ESAG2 </italic>the additional primer pairs were ESAG2-1 (sense and anti-sense), ESAG2-2 (sense and anti-sense) and ESAG2-3 (sense and anti-sense) (sequences in [##REF##15520294##34##]) and ESAG2-457s and ESAG2-900as (sequences in Additional file ##SUPPL##8##9##). The sequences of all primers used for PCR or sequencing are indicated in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##8##9##.</p>", "<p>The GenBank database accession numbers for sequences from <italic>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense </italic>DAL972 are: BES promoter types 1–11 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726336\">EU726336</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726346\">EU726346</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG6 </italic>type 1 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726347\">EU726347</ext-link>] and <italic>ESAG6 </italic>types 3–11 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726348\">EU726348</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726356\">EU726356</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG5 </italic>types 1–7 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726357\">EU726357</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726363\">EU726363</ext-link>] and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>types 1–10 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726364\">EU726364</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726373\">EU726373</ext-link>]. The GenBank database accession numbers for sequences from <italic>Trypanosoma brucei brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 are: BES promoter types 1–18 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726409\">EU726409</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726426\">EU726426</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG6 </italic>types 1–22 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726427\">EU726427</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726448\">EU726448</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG5 </italic>types 1–18 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726449\">EU726449</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726466\">EU726466</ext-link>] and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>types 1–17 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726467\">EU726467</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726483\">EU726483</ext-link>]. The GenBank database accession numbers for sequences from <italic>Trypanosoma equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 are: BES promoter types 1–11 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726374\">EU726374</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726384\">EU726384</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG6 </italic>type 2 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726385\">EU726385</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG6 </italic>type 5 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726386\">EU726386</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG6 </italic>type 6 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726387\">EU726387</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG6 </italic>types 8–13 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726388\">EU726388</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726393\">EU726393</ext-link>], <italic>ESAG5 </italic>types 1–11 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726394\">EU726394</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726404\">EU726404</ext-link>] and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>types 1–4 [<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726405\">EU726405</ext-link>–<ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"EU726408\">EU726408</ext-link>].</p>", "<title>Sequence analysis</title>", "<p>For the phylogenetic analyses sequence alignments were generated using ClustalX [##REF##9396791##59##], and then manually edited and gap-stripped. Ambiguously-aligned regions were removed. Phylogenetic analysis of each alignment was then performed with PhyML [##REF##14530136##60##], assuming a general time reversible (GTR) nucleotide substitution model with gamma-distributed rate variation among sites and a class of invariant sites. Rate parameters and initial trees were estimated from the data. Bootstrap values were estimated from 100 bootstrap samples. To summarize the overall diversity of these repertoires, we calculated the proportion of segregating sites (%S) and the mean pairwise diversity (π) of each of the 12 nucleotide alignments and 9 amino acid alignments.</p>", "<p>Each alignment was tested for evidence of recombination using the likelihood-based method implemented in the program (GARD [##REF##16818476##61##]; <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>). At each locus, the nucleotide substitution model used in the subsequent GARD analysis was chosen using the model selection tool provided with the HyPhy software package [##REF##15509596##62##]; <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>, and rate variation was modelled with a discrete distribution with up to three distinct rate classes. Analyses were run until incorporation of additional breakpoints did not lead to a decrease in the corrected Akaike information criterion (c-AIC). When the initial GARD analysis failed to converge in the time allocated, the alignment was divided into two subregions at the breakpoint with the highest c-AIC-support in the initial analysis, and each subregion was then separately analysed with GARD.</p>", "<p>In order to determine the adaptive evolution of ESAG sequences, we used the method described in [##REF##16895925##63##] to characterize the relative rates of non-synonymous and synonymous substitutions within the ESAG6, ESAG5 and ESAG2 gene families from each of the three trypanosome subspecies. This method extends existing likelihood-based approaches for detecting adaptive evolution of protein-coding sequences to recombinant sequences by allowing the genealogy to vary across the alignment while sharing the parameters of the codon substitution model between tracts [##REF##12871927##64##,##REF##12872913##65##]. Each ESAG family was codon-aligned (with pseudogenes excluded and ambiguously-aligned regions stripped), and the breakpoints identified by GARD analysis were adjusted by up to two bases to coincide with codon boundaries. The neighbour joining trees inferred during GARD analysis were used as estimates of the genealogies of the putative recombination tracts.</p>", "<p>To assess the evidence for adaptive evolution, HyPhy was used to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the branch lengths, the transition-to-transversion rate ratio (κ), and the parameters of two models of the distribution of the non-synonymous/synonymous rate ratio (ω). Under the nearly neutral model (M1a), ω is drawn from a discrete distribution with two classes, ω<sub>0 </sub>&lt; 1 and ω<sub>1 </sub>= 1, with relative weights p<sub>0 </sub>and p<sub>1</sub>. The selection model (M2a) allows for a third category, ω<sub>2 </sub>&gt; 1, of adaptively-evolving sites with relative weight p<sub>2</sub>. Because the neutral model is nested within the selection model (setting p2 = 0 in M2a recovers M1a), a likelihood ratio test for positive selection can be performed by comparing twice the log-likelihood difference between M1a and M2a with a χ<sup>2</sup>-distribution on two degrees of freedom [##REF##15514074##66##]. The relative nonsynonymous substitution rates at individual codons were estimated using the empirical Bayes method described in [##REF##15514074##66##]: model M2a, with the maximum likelihood estimated parameters, was taken as a prior distribution for ω, and Bayes' formula was used to calculate the posterior distribution of ω at each codon, given the sequence data. All calculations were carried out using a HyPhy batch language script written by Konrad Scheffler and included in the current distribution of the HyPhy software package.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<title>Isolation of BES containing telomere libraries from three trypanosomatids</title>", "<p>We cloned repertoires of BES containing telomeres from three trypanosome subspecies: <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL 972 (genome strain currently being sequenced by the Sanger Research Institute), <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818. <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 was originally thought to be a <italic>T. b</italic>. <italic>rhodesiense </italic>subspecies [##REF##17043361##35##]. However, as we did not find evidence for the presence of <italic>SRA </italic>which is considered diagnostic for <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>[##REF##15099811##12##,##REF##17643434##13##], this strain was tentatively redesignated to be a <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>(see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1## and Materials). The BES containing telomeres were isolated in yeast using a method relying on Transformation Associated Recombination (TAR) cloning [##REF##15520294##34##,##REF##18323808##36##]. Linearised yeast TAR vector pEB4, containing a BES promoter fragment and a yeast telomere, was cotransformed into yeast spheroplasts together with total trypanosome genomic DNA (Fig. ##FIG##0##1##). Recombination between the BES promoter within the vector and similar sequences within the trypanosome genomic DNA provides the yeast vector with a second (trypanosome derived) telomere, thereby stabilising the episome as a YAC (yeast artificial chromosome).</p>", "<p>As BES sequences are polymorphic, we typed the different BES TAR clones into different BES sets based on the promoter and <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequence types as previously described for <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>427 [##REF##15520294##34##]. For the BES promoter sequence typing, an approximately 635 bp region immediately downstream of the BES promoter (not overlapping with the target fragment used for the TAR cloning) was amplified from each TAR clone and sequenced (See Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2## for BES promoter sequence alignment). For the <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequence typing an approximately 760 bp region spanning the <italic>ESAG6 </italic>hypervariable region was amplified and sequenced from each TAR clone (see Additional file ##SUPPL##2##3## for <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequence alignments). The presence of sequence polymorphisms within these different BES regions allowed the typing of the different TAR clones into different BES sets.</p>", "<p>A total of 204 <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>TAR clones were sorted into 13 putative BES sets (Table ##TAB##0##1##), 208 <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>clones were sorted into 23 BES sets (Table ##TAB##1##2##) and 91 <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>clones were sorted into 16 BES sets (Table ##TAB##2##3##). Two TAR clones were chosen for each BES type and the full length <italic>ESAG6</italic>, <italic>ESAG5 </italic>and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>open reading frames were isolated and sequenced from both of these TAR clones (one representative clone is listed in each Table). These <italic>ESAG</italic>s were chosen for further analysis as they are similar enough between different BESs to allow PCR amplification and sequencing directly from the yeast TAR clones.</p>", "<p>We have previously isolated a repertoire of 17 BES types from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>427 from a total of 182 TAR clones [##REF##15520294##34##]. This resulted in us cloning all ten BESs known to be functionally active <italic>in vitro </italic>in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>427 in our laboratory [##REF##16135228##37##]. Given the number of TAR clones analysed here (204 for <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and 208 for <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340) it is likely that we have isolated complete or nearly complete BES sets from these two trypanosome subspecies.</p>", "<title>BES repertoire size and diversity</title>", "<p>The overall nucleotide diversity of each repertoire, summarized in Table ##TAB##3##4##, shows both the percentage of nucleotides in different loci that are polymorphic (% S) as well as the mean pairwise diversity (π). Similar measures of amino acid diversity are summarized in Table ##TAB##4##5##. Two patterns are apparent: First, in general the nucleotide and amino acid diversity of each BES locus repertoire is greatest in <italic>T. b. brucei</italic>, intermediate in <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, and least in <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>. Since this is true of both measures of diversity, these observations cannot be explained by the presence of a few exceptionally divergent sequences or a few exceptionally polymorphic sites in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>repertoires. Rather, there are broad-based, sequence-wide differences in the diversity of these repertoires. Second, despite having a smaller number of sequence types identified, the <italic>ESAG2 </italic>repertoire in each subspecies is more polymorphic than the repertoires of either the BES promoter region, <italic>ESAG6 </italic>or <italic>ESAG5</italic>.</p>", "<p>Sequence repertoires of loci from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>were consistently the least genetically diverse. In <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>the transferrin receptor subunit ESAG6 has been shown to be particularly polymorphic over a hypervariable domain, as well as over a domain implicated in binding polymorphic host transferrins [##REF##1697265##38##, ####REF##9405356##39##, ##REF##12664158##40####12664158##40##]. It has been proposed that ESAG6 sequence polymorphisms allow the trypanosome to express receptors with differing affinities for the polymorphic transferrin molecules from different species of mammalian host [##REF##9461219##27##,##REF##11356509##28##]. Sequence alignment of these polymorphic regions of ESAG6 shows that ESAG6 sequences from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 have comparable levels of amino acid diversity to that found in other <italic>T. brucei </italic>species [##REF##12664158##40##] (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). However, as shown previously, ESAG6 sequences from <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, while diverse in the ESAG6 hypervariable region, have little amino acid diversity within the transferrin binding region (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##)[##REF##12664158##40##,##REF##15589799##41##]. Here, we show that there is very little amino acid diversity in ESAG6 in <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL 972, even over these normally quite polymorphic stretches of the protein (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). Surprisingly, six out of the seven <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>ESAG6 protein types identified were identical over this polymorphic stretch.</p>", "<title>Phylogenetic analyses of BES sequence families</title>", "<p>Phylogenetic analyses (Fig. ##FIG##2##3## and Fig. ##FIG##3##4##) show that the relationships between the BES repertoires in the different trypanosome subspecies differ between loci. Within the BES promoter region, as well as at <italic>ESAG6 </italic>and <italic>ESAG5</italic>, most of the sequences obtained from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>belong to nearly monophyletic groups (<italic>gambiense</italic>-like) with little nucleotide or amino acid diversity. Nonetheless, at each locus, reciprocal monophyly between the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>repertoire and homologous sequences in the other two subspecies is violated, both by the existence of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>sequences which fall outside the main <italic>gambiense</italic>-like groups (e.g. Tbg_P1 for the promoter region; Tbg_E6-8 for <italic>ESAG6</italic>) and by the existence of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>sequences which lie within these groups (e.g. Tbb_P17 for the promoter region and Teq_E5-8 for <italic>ESAG5</italic>).</p>", "<p>In contrast, the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>sequences are both collectively more diverse and are mutually paraphyletic. Not only are there several groups containing sequences from both subspecies, but there are several <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>homologs which are nearly identical (e.g. promoter region: Tbb_P-5 and Teq_P-10, <italic>ESAG6</italic>: Tbb_E6-5 and Teq_E6-11, and <italic>ESAG5</italic>: Tbb_E5-10 and Teq_E5-3) (Fig. ##FIG##2##3## and Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). Furthermore, to the extent that there is local, strain-based structure outside of the <italic>gambiense</italic>-like groups, this mainly consists of groups of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences which have no closely related sequences in the <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>genome (e.g., the group of <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequences including Tbb_E6-11, Tbb_E6-10 and 10 other <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences).</p>", "<p>The <italic>ESAG2 </italic>phylogenetic tree reveals a rather different set of relationships between the sequences from the different subspecies (Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). Apart from Tbg_E2-1 and Teq_E2-3, all of the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum ESAG2 </italic>sequences belong to a single group which is itself only partially strain-structured. Indeed, one pair of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum ESAG2 </italic>homologs is nearly identical (Tbg_E2-6 and Teq_E2-1). Furthermore, most <italic>ESAG2 </italic>sequences can be divided into two relatively divergent subfamilies, one consisting almost exclusively of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences apart from Teq_E2-3 (<italic>ESAG2 </italic>type A sequences), and the other containing almost all of the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>sequences as well as six <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences (<italic>ESAG2 </italic>type B sequences). Inspection of the ESAG2 amino acid sequence alignments (see Additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##) reveals that the ESAG2 consensus type A and type B sequences differ at 123 of 474 residues (25.9%). This alignment also suggests that the most basally-branching ESAG2 sequences may be recombinants between type A and type B sequences. For example, although the Tbb_E2-12 ESAG2 sequence has a type A N-terminal domain (residues 1–54), the remaining residues predominantly agree with the type B consensus sequence. Likewise, the Tbg_E2-1 ESAG2 sequence is most similar to the type A consensus, but contains a tract of type B amino acids between residues 302–359.</p>", "<p>The ESAG5 amino acid sequences can also be partitioned into two subfamilies; although the differentiation is less pronounced, with consensus sequences which differ at 72 of 480 residues (15%) (see Additional file ##SUPPL##4##5##). The group of six relatively homogeneous <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>and <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences in the <italic>ESAG5 </italic>phylogenetic tree constitute the <italic>ESAG5 </italic>type A subfamily, while the remaining sequences constitute the type B subfamily. As with <italic>ESAG2</italic>, the most basally-branching <italic>ESAG5 </italic>sequence appears to be a type A-type B recombinant. Although this Teq_E5-11 <italic>ESAG5 </italic>sequence is more closely related to the <italic>ESAG5 </italic>type A subfamily, it includes several tracts of type B consensus residues (e.g., residues 59–106).</p>", "<title>Evidence of recombination within BES loci</title>", "<p>Having observed putatively recombinant sequences in both the <italic>ESAG2 </italic>and <italic>ESAG5 </italic>families, we used a phylogenetic method to rigorously test each of the sequences from the four BES loci in the three trypanosome subspecies for evidence of recombination. The number of recombination breakpoints was inferred using GARD analysis (Table ##TAB##3##4##). With the exception of the <italic>T. b. gambiense ESAG5 </italic>alignment, the GARD analysis detected at least one breakpoint in each alignment, with the density of breakpoints increasing towards the telomere. For example, in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequence alignments, adjacent breakpoints are separated on average by 207 bp in the promoter region, 200 bp in <italic>ESAG6</italic>, 179 bp in <italic>ESAG5</italic>, and 129 bp in <italic>ESAG2</italic>. While comparable numbers of breakpoints are detected in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>alignments, fewer are present in the corresponding <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>alignments (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>Although these analyses suggest that allelic recombination rates within the trypanosome BES repertoire might vary between loci and between subspecies, it is important to point out that both trends, that of increasing recombination towards the telomeres, and of reduced recombination within <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>, are confounded by subspecies and locus-specific differences in genetic variation. Indeed, the mean number of sites between adjacent breakpoints inferred by GARD is significantly negatively correlated with both measures of nucleotide diversity reported in Table ##TAB##3##4## (tract length ~%S: r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.466, P = 0.001; tract length ~π: r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.462, P = 0.001). This correlation reflects the fact that the power of GARD to infer recombination breakpoints is limited by the amount of polymorphism in the data. In particular, it is possible that the homogeneity of the <italic>T. b. gambiense ESAG5 </italic>repertoire is due to extensive gene conversion.</p>", "<title>Adaptive evolution and amino acid diversity in ESAG repertoires</title>", "<p>In order to characterize the role of selection in the molecular evolution of the <italic>ESAG </italic>repertoires of <italic>T. b. brucei</italic>, <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>, and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, we estimated the distribution of the relative ratio of non-synonymous-to-synonymous substitutions (dN/dS ratio or ω) in ESAG6, ESAG5 and ESAG2 from the three trypanosome subspecies. Maximum likelihood (ML) estimates of the parameters of the nearly neutral model M1a and the selection model M2a, as well as the p-values of the likelihood ratio tests comparing the selection model with the nearly neutral model are shown in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##5##6##. These analyses provide evidence for adaptive evolution within the ESAG6, ESAG5, and ESAG2 repertoires of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, and within the ESAG2 repertoire of <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>. In contrast, there is no statistically significant evidence for diversifying selection within the ESAG6 and ESAG5 repertoires of <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>.</p>", "<p>Because inference of subspecies-specific selection is complicated by the lack of reciprocal monophyly between the homologous ESAG repertoires of the different strains, the contrasting patterns seen in the ESAG6 and ESAG5 repertoires between <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and the other two subspecies are particularly striking (Fig. ##FIG##2##3## and ##FIG##3##4##). On the one hand, the paraphyly of the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>ESAG2 repertoires could explain why this locus does not follow the same pattern (e.g. the amino acid replacements in ESAG2 could predate the origin of <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>). Alternatively, diversifying selection on the ESAG2 sequences in the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>genome may have prevented the extensive homogenisation that has occurred within the ESAG5 and ESAG6 families. The methods employed here cannot distinguish between these possibilities.</p>", "<p>In order to look in more detail at the patterns of molecular evolution within individual ESAGs, relative nonsynonymous substitution rates at individual codons were estimated using the prior distributions determined by the ML estimates of the model M2a parameters. The estimated rates are listed in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##6##7## and plotted against residue number in Additional file ##SUPPL##7##8## (details in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##6##7##). Consistent with earlier surveys of ESAG6 diversity [##REF##12664158##40##,##REF##15589799##41##], several residues in the hypervariable region of ESAG6 appear to be under diversifying selection in all three trypanosome subspecies. Adaptive evolution within the two transferrin-binding regions (box 1 and box 2) is evident in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>repertoire but not in <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>or in <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>. The <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>data is consistent with data published in [##REF##12664158##40##,##REF##15589799##41##]. These functional elements of ESAG6 are annotated in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##6##7##.</p>", "<p>One unexpected finding is that several residues within the signal peptide of each ESAG appear to be under diversifying selection, despite the fact that these regions are cleaved from the nascent protein [##REF##10940569##42##]. There are three such residues in ESAG6, five in ESAG5, and four in ESAG2. However, there are many other residues under diversifying selection in these ESAGs which have no known structural or functional association. Several of these residues are inferred to be evolving adaptively in all three subspecies, including residues 186 in ESAG6 and 81 and 434 in ESAG2.</p>", "<p>Table ##TAB##4##5## shows the numbers of amino acid residues within each alignment at which the non-synonymous substitution rate is more than twice as large as the synonymous substitution rate (ω &gt; 2). Also shown are the average estimates of ω at such residues, which is a measure of the strength of diversifying selection. As can be seen in Additional file ##SUPPL##7##8##, there are notable differences in the patterns of adaptive evolution in the three ESAG families. While the absolute number and density of diversifying residues in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>repertoires is greatest in ESAG5 and least in ESAG2, the apparent strength of diversifying selection at adaptively evolving residues is greatest in ESAG2.</p>", "<p>Curiously, almost the opposite pattern is evident in the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>ESAG repertoires, with comparable numbers of diversifying codons in ESAG6 and ESAG2, but almost no amino acid variation in the ESAG5 sequences. It is also surprising that the smaller and less diverse <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>ESAG repertoires contain at least as many apparently adaptively-evolving sites as the corresponding <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>repertoires. This difference is most pronounced in ESAG6, where there are about 50% more diversifying residues in <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>than in <italic>T. b. brucei</italic>, despite the apparently stronger selection at such residues in the latter subspecies due to the larger size of its host range. Of course, as remarked above, all inter-strain comparisons are confounded by the paraphyletic relationships between these repertoires.</p>", "<title>BES sequence diversity and trypanosome biology</title>", "<p>The three trypanosome subspecies analysed here are highly similar at the DNA sequence level, yet cause diseases with very different pathologies. Whereas <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>infection produces a chronic form of human disease, <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>is not human infective. Similarly, these trypanosome subspecies have different susceptibilities to drugs, whereby <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>is very susceptible to the drug DFMO unlike <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##9303385##43##]. <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, although closely related to <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##18245376##14##], infects different environments within the mammalian host. Rather than multiplying extracellularly in the mammalian bloodstream like <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>, <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>is a tissue parasite primarily localised in the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, and is rarely observed in the bloodstream [##REF##9806490##15##]. The challenge will come in trying to understand how the limited genetic differences between these subspecies translate into their very different pathologies.</p>", "<p>If ESAGs mediate host-parasite interactions, one could expect the diversity of individual BES repertoires to be positively correlated with host range size. This is because trypanosomes infecting multiple host species may be under selection to evolve and then maintain distinct ESAG alleles that are adapted to the different environments encountered in different species of mammalian host. In fact, our data are not completely consistent with this prediction. Of the three trypanosomes analysed here, host range is greatest in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##4400764##10##], intermediate in <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>[##REF##16236560##11##], and smallest in <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>[##REF##9806490##15##]. However, although ESAG diversity is consistently higher in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>than in the other two subspecies, the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>BES repertoires are actually less diverse than those of <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>. Likewise, although we find evidence for adaptive evolution in all three of the ESAG repertoires sequenced in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, only the ESAG2 repertoire of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>appears to be under diversifying selection. In addition, we find no correlation between the number of BESs found in a particular trypanosome subspecies and the host range size. Lastly, we find evidence for adaptive evolution of the ESAG6 repertoire of <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, where it would be expected to be minimal or absent due to the restricted size of the host range of this trypanosome.</p>", "<p>There are several reasons why ESAG diversity and host range size might not be positively correlated. The hypothesis that diverse ESAG repertoires could facilitate trypanosome infection of diverse mammalian hosts was first proposed for ESAG6 [##REF##9461219##27##], where different sequence polymorphisms affect binding affinity of the transferrin receptor to variable transferrin molecules [##REF##9405356##39##]. This proposal has subsequently proved controversial. It has more recently been argued that <italic>in vivo </italic>concentrations of transferrin are high enough that expression of even low-affinity transferrin receptors is more than adequate to provide a trypanosome with sufficient transferrin in a range of different mammalian hosts [##REF##12643995##44##,##REF##15713451##45##]. These results would imply that ESAG6 sequence diversity within a given trypanosome subspecies need not be correlated with size of host range.</p>", "<p>Alternatively, even if host range is an important determinant of the selection pressures on ESAG repertoires, observed levels of ESAG diversity within individual genomes are probably influenced by a variety of processes that can create or remove variation. Sequence variation can be both generated and removed through DNA recombination. One possibility is that <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>has unusually high rates of telomeric DNA rearrangements, resulting in sequence homogenisation of <italic>ESAG </italic>repertoires through allelic gene conversion or gene duplication and deletion. Another confounding factor is that genetic exchange between ESAGs and their genome-internal paralogs could influence the polymorphism observed within the BES repertoires. However, we can not easily reconcile why high rates of gene conversion in <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>would lead to the relative homogenisation of the <italic>ESAG5 </italic>gene family, but not of the ESAG2 repertoire. We will only be able to understand the selection pressures maintaining <italic>ESAG </italic>sequence diversity within a given trypanosome subspecies once we know more about the function of these various <italic>ESAG </italic>gene families.</p>", "<p>Another factor that might influence the generation and maintenance of ESAG sequence diversity is the degree of genetic exchange that any given trypanosome subspecies undergoes. Different <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>strains have been shown to undergo sex in the laboratory after passage through tsetse flies [##REF##7935602##46##, ####REF##7723777##47##, ##REF##15941603##48####15941603##48##], although the frequency with which this occurs in the field is unclear [##REF##8905086##49##]. This genetic exchange could allow the continuous flow of new ESAG sequences into a strain, facilitating the accumulation of genetic diversity. However in the Type I group of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>trypanosomes including <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL972 analysed here, there is no evidence for significant genetic exchange occurring [##REF##9088421##50##]. Population structure analyses indicate that <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>Type I populations form a highly homogeneous group of trypanosomes which appear to have expanded clonally [##REF##10602679##51##,##REF##8538703##52##], and could have lost the ability to undergo meiosis [##REF##15941603##48##]. Lack of or extremely infrequent genetic exchange together with significant rates of telomeric gene conversion would be expected to facilitate the homogenisation of repetitive gene families in the absence of a strong selection pressure maintaining diversity</p>", "<p>Why then are the ESAG sequences from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>more homogeneous than those from <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, which could have lost the opportunity to undergo meiosis altogether when it ceased to be transmitted via tsetse flies? The diversity within these ESAG repertoires is presumably not at equilibrium. <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>is likely to have arisen from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>relatively recently (as proposed in [##REF##18245376##14##]), and thus may not have had time to completely lose ancestral ESAG sequence variation that is not actively being selected for in the equine host. In contrast, <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>(Type I) is thought to be much more distantly related to <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##8538703##52##]. This is consistent with the genealogical relationships of the ESAG6, ESAG5 and BES promoter repertoires in these three subspecies, i.e., the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>repertoires are paraphyletic, while the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>repertoires are nearly reciprocally monophyletic, but does not explain the very different relationships seen at ESAG2.</p>", "<p>A point to remember is that BESs are dynamic groups of genes. Each of the BES repertoires cloned presents a snapshot of what is going on within a population of trypanosomes, and each repertoire will contain a subset of ESAG 'alleles' present within the given trypanosome population. Further population structure analysis will allow us to determine if what we see in these analysed subspecies is a consequence of sampling rather than due to selection or consequences of loss of parts of the life-cycle. While these preliminary analyses are not the end of the story, these BES libraries will be a useful resource for further analyses of the processes influencing genetic variation in the telomeres of African trypanosomes.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and Discussion</title>", "<title>Isolation of BES containing telomere libraries from three trypanosomatids</title>", "<p>We cloned repertoires of BES containing telomeres from three trypanosome subspecies: <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL 972 (genome strain currently being sequenced by the Sanger Research Institute), <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818. <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 was originally thought to be a <italic>T. b</italic>. <italic>rhodesiense </italic>subspecies [##REF##17043361##35##]. However, as we did not find evidence for the presence of <italic>SRA </italic>which is considered diagnostic for <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>[##REF##15099811##12##,##REF##17643434##13##], this strain was tentatively redesignated to be a <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>(see Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1## and Materials). The BES containing telomeres were isolated in yeast using a method relying on Transformation Associated Recombination (TAR) cloning [##REF##15520294##34##,##REF##18323808##36##]. Linearised yeast TAR vector pEB4, containing a BES promoter fragment and a yeast telomere, was cotransformed into yeast spheroplasts together with total trypanosome genomic DNA (Fig. ##FIG##0##1##). Recombination between the BES promoter within the vector and similar sequences within the trypanosome genomic DNA provides the yeast vector with a second (trypanosome derived) telomere, thereby stabilising the episome as a YAC (yeast artificial chromosome).</p>", "<p>As BES sequences are polymorphic, we typed the different BES TAR clones into different BES sets based on the promoter and <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequence types as previously described for <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>427 [##REF##15520294##34##]. For the BES promoter sequence typing, an approximately 635 bp region immediately downstream of the BES promoter (not overlapping with the target fragment used for the TAR cloning) was amplified from each TAR clone and sequenced (See Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2## for BES promoter sequence alignment). For the <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequence typing an approximately 760 bp region spanning the <italic>ESAG6 </italic>hypervariable region was amplified and sequenced from each TAR clone (see Additional file ##SUPPL##2##3## for <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequence alignments). The presence of sequence polymorphisms within these different BES regions allowed the typing of the different TAR clones into different BES sets.</p>", "<p>A total of 204 <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>TAR clones were sorted into 13 putative BES sets (Table ##TAB##0##1##), 208 <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>clones were sorted into 23 BES sets (Table ##TAB##1##2##) and 91 <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>clones were sorted into 16 BES sets (Table ##TAB##2##3##). Two TAR clones were chosen for each BES type and the full length <italic>ESAG6</italic>, <italic>ESAG5 </italic>and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>open reading frames were isolated and sequenced from both of these TAR clones (one representative clone is listed in each Table). These <italic>ESAG</italic>s were chosen for further analysis as they are similar enough between different BESs to allow PCR amplification and sequencing directly from the yeast TAR clones.</p>", "<p>We have previously isolated a repertoire of 17 BES types from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>427 from a total of 182 TAR clones [##REF##15520294##34##]. This resulted in us cloning all ten BESs known to be functionally active <italic>in vitro </italic>in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>427 in our laboratory [##REF##16135228##37##]. Given the number of TAR clones analysed here (204 for <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and 208 for <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340) it is likely that we have isolated complete or nearly complete BES sets from these two trypanosome subspecies.</p>", "<title>BES repertoire size and diversity</title>", "<p>The overall nucleotide diversity of each repertoire, summarized in Table ##TAB##3##4##, shows both the percentage of nucleotides in different loci that are polymorphic (% S) as well as the mean pairwise diversity (π). Similar measures of amino acid diversity are summarized in Table ##TAB##4##5##. Two patterns are apparent: First, in general the nucleotide and amino acid diversity of each BES locus repertoire is greatest in <italic>T. b. brucei</italic>, intermediate in <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, and least in <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>. Since this is true of both measures of diversity, these observations cannot be explained by the presence of a few exceptionally divergent sequences or a few exceptionally polymorphic sites in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>repertoires. Rather, there are broad-based, sequence-wide differences in the diversity of these repertoires. Second, despite having a smaller number of sequence types identified, the <italic>ESAG2 </italic>repertoire in each subspecies is more polymorphic than the repertoires of either the BES promoter region, <italic>ESAG6 </italic>or <italic>ESAG5</italic>.</p>", "<p>Sequence repertoires of loci from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>were consistently the least genetically diverse. In <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>the transferrin receptor subunit ESAG6 has been shown to be particularly polymorphic over a hypervariable domain, as well as over a domain implicated in binding polymorphic host transferrins [##REF##1697265##38##, ####REF##9405356##39##, ##REF##12664158##40####12664158##40##]. It has been proposed that ESAG6 sequence polymorphisms allow the trypanosome to express receptors with differing affinities for the polymorphic transferrin molecules from different species of mammalian host [##REF##9461219##27##,##REF##11356509##28##]. Sequence alignment of these polymorphic regions of ESAG6 shows that ESAG6 sequences from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 have comparable levels of amino acid diversity to that found in other <italic>T. brucei </italic>species [##REF##12664158##40##] (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). However, as shown previously, ESAG6 sequences from <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, while diverse in the ESAG6 hypervariable region, have little amino acid diversity within the transferrin binding region (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##)[##REF##12664158##40##,##REF##15589799##41##]. Here, we show that there is very little amino acid diversity in ESAG6 in <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL 972, even over these normally quite polymorphic stretches of the protein (Fig. ##FIG##1##2##). Surprisingly, six out of the seven <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>ESAG6 protein types identified were identical over this polymorphic stretch.</p>", "<title>Phylogenetic analyses of BES sequence families</title>", "<p>Phylogenetic analyses (Fig. ##FIG##2##3## and Fig. ##FIG##3##4##) show that the relationships between the BES repertoires in the different trypanosome subspecies differ between loci. Within the BES promoter region, as well as at <italic>ESAG6 </italic>and <italic>ESAG5</italic>, most of the sequences obtained from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>belong to nearly monophyletic groups (<italic>gambiense</italic>-like) with little nucleotide or amino acid diversity. Nonetheless, at each locus, reciprocal monophyly between the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>repertoire and homologous sequences in the other two subspecies is violated, both by the existence of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>sequences which fall outside the main <italic>gambiense</italic>-like groups (e.g. Tbg_P1 for the promoter region; Tbg_E6-8 for <italic>ESAG6</italic>) and by the existence of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>sequences which lie within these groups (e.g. Tbb_P17 for the promoter region and Teq_E5-8 for <italic>ESAG5</italic>).</p>", "<p>In contrast, the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>sequences are both collectively more diverse and are mutually paraphyletic. Not only are there several groups containing sequences from both subspecies, but there are several <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>homologs which are nearly identical (e.g. promoter region: Tbb_P-5 and Teq_P-10, <italic>ESAG6</italic>: Tbb_E6-5 and Teq_E6-11, and <italic>ESAG5</italic>: Tbb_E5-10 and Teq_E5-3) (Fig. ##FIG##2##3## and Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). Furthermore, to the extent that there is local, strain-based structure outside of the <italic>gambiense</italic>-like groups, this mainly consists of groups of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences which have no closely related sequences in the <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>genome (e.g., the group of <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequences including Tbb_E6-11, Tbb_E6-10 and 10 other <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences).</p>", "<p>The <italic>ESAG2 </italic>phylogenetic tree reveals a rather different set of relationships between the sequences from the different subspecies (Fig. ##FIG##3##4##). Apart from Tbg_E2-1 and Teq_E2-3, all of the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum ESAG2 </italic>sequences belong to a single group which is itself only partially strain-structured. Indeed, one pair of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum ESAG2 </italic>homologs is nearly identical (Tbg_E2-6 and Teq_E2-1). Furthermore, most <italic>ESAG2 </italic>sequences can be divided into two relatively divergent subfamilies, one consisting almost exclusively of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences apart from Teq_E2-3 (<italic>ESAG2 </italic>type A sequences), and the other containing almost all of the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>sequences as well as six <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences (<italic>ESAG2 </italic>type B sequences). Inspection of the ESAG2 amino acid sequence alignments (see Additional file ##SUPPL##3##4##) reveals that the ESAG2 consensus type A and type B sequences differ at 123 of 474 residues (25.9%). This alignment also suggests that the most basally-branching ESAG2 sequences may be recombinants between type A and type B sequences. For example, although the Tbb_E2-12 ESAG2 sequence has a type A N-terminal domain (residues 1–54), the remaining residues predominantly agree with the type B consensus sequence. Likewise, the Tbg_E2-1 ESAG2 sequence is most similar to the type A consensus, but contains a tract of type B amino acids between residues 302–359.</p>", "<p>The ESAG5 amino acid sequences can also be partitioned into two subfamilies; although the differentiation is less pronounced, with consensus sequences which differ at 72 of 480 residues (15%) (see Additional file ##SUPPL##4##5##). The group of six relatively homogeneous <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>and <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequences in the <italic>ESAG5 </italic>phylogenetic tree constitute the <italic>ESAG5 </italic>type A subfamily, while the remaining sequences constitute the type B subfamily. As with <italic>ESAG2</italic>, the most basally-branching <italic>ESAG5 </italic>sequence appears to be a type A-type B recombinant. Although this Teq_E5-11 <italic>ESAG5 </italic>sequence is more closely related to the <italic>ESAG5 </italic>type A subfamily, it includes several tracts of type B consensus residues (e.g., residues 59–106).</p>", "<title>Evidence of recombination within BES loci</title>", "<p>Having observed putatively recombinant sequences in both the <italic>ESAG2 </italic>and <italic>ESAG5 </italic>families, we used a phylogenetic method to rigorously test each of the sequences from the four BES loci in the three trypanosome subspecies for evidence of recombination. The number of recombination breakpoints was inferred using GARD analysis (Table ##TAB##3##4##). With the exception of the <italic>T. b. gambiense ESAG5 </italic>alignment, the GARD analysis detected at least one breakpoint in each alignment, with the density of breakpoints increasing towards the telomere. For example, in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>sequence alignments, adjacent breakpoints are separated on average by 207 bp in the promoter region, 200 bp in <italic>ESAG6</italic>, 179 bp in <italic>ESAG5</italic>, and 129 bp in <italic>ESAG2</italic>. While comparable numbers of breakpoints are detected in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>alignments, fewer are present in the corresponding <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>alignments (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>Although these analyses suggest that allelic recombination rates within the trypanosome BES repertoire might vary between loci and between subspecies, it is important to point out that both trends, that of increasing recombination towards the telomeres, and of reduced recombination within <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>, are confounded by subspecies and locus-specific differences in genetic variation. Indeed, the mean number of sites between adjacent breakpoints inferred by GARD is significantly negatively correlated with both measures of nucleotide diversity reported in Table ##TAB##3##4## (tract length ~%S: r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.466, P = 0.001; tract length ~π: r<sup>2 </sup>= 0.462, P = 0.001). This correlation reflects the fact that the power of GARD to infer recombination breakpoints is limited by the amount of polymorphism in the data. In particular, it is possible that the homogeneity of the <italic>T. b. gambiense ESAG5 </italic>repertoire is due to extensive gene conversion.</p>", "<title>Adaptive evolution and amino acid diversity in ESAG repertoires</title>", "<p>In order to characterize the role of selection in the molecular evolution of the <italic>ESAG </italic>repertoires of <italic>T. b. brucei</italic>, <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>, and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, we estimated the distribution of the relative ratio of non-synonymous-to-synonymous substitutions (dN/dS ratio or ω) in ESAG6, ESAG5 and ESAG2 from the three trypanosome subspecies. Maximum likelihood (ML) estimates of the parameters of the nearly neutral model M1a and the selection model M2a, as well as the p-values of the likelihood ratio tests comparing the selection model with the nearly neutral model are shown in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##5##6##. These analyses provide evidence for adaptive evolution within the ESAG6, ESAG5, and ESAG2 repertoires of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, and within the ESAG2 repertoire of <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>. In contrast, there is no statistically significant evidence for diversifying selection within the ESAG6 and ESAG5 repertoires of <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>.</p>", "<p>Because inference of subspecies-specific selection is complicated by the lack of reciprocal monophyly between the homologous ESAG repertoires of the different strains, the contrasting patterns seen in the ESAG6 and ESAG5 repertoires between <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and the other two subspecies are particularly striking (Fig. ##FIG##2##3## and ##FIG##3##4##). On the one hand, the paraphyly of the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>ESAG2 repertoires could explain why this locus does not follow the same pattern (e.g. the amino acid replacements in ESAG2 could predate the origin of <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>). Alternatively, diversifying selection on the ESAG2 sequences in the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>genome may have prevented the extensive homogenisation that has occurred within the ESAG5 and ESAG6 families. The methods employed here cannot distinguish between these possibilities.</p>", "<p>In order to look in more detail at the patterns of molecular evolution within individual ESAGs, relative nonsynonymous substitution rates at individual codons were estimated using the prior distributions determined by the ML estimates of the model M2a parameters. The estimated rates are listed in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##6##7## and plotted against residue number in Additional file ##SUPPL##7##8## (details in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##6##7##). Consistent with earlier surveys of ESAG6 diversity [##REF##12664158##40##,##REF##15589799##41##], several residues in the hypervariable region of ESAG6 appear to be under diversifying selection in all three trypanosome subspecies. Adaptive evolution within the two transferrin-binding regions (box 1 and box 2) is evident in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>repertoire but not in <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>or in <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>. The <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>data is consistent with data published in [##REF##12664158##40##,##REF##15589799##41##]. These functional elements of ESAG6 are annotated in the table in Additional file ##SUPPL##6##7##.</p>", "<p>One unexpected finding is that several residues within the signal peptide of each ESAG appear to be under diversifying selection, despite the fact that these regions are cleaved from the nascent protein [##REF##10940569##42##]. There are three such residues in ESAG6, five in ESAG5, and four in ESAG2. However, there are many other residues under diversifying selection in these ESAGs which have no known structural or functional association. Several of these residues are inferred to be evolving adaptively in all three subspecies, including residues 186 in ESAG6 and 81 and 434 in ESAG2.</p>", "<p>Table ##TAB##4##5## shows the numbers of amino acid residues within each alignment at which the non-synonymous substitution rate is more than twice as large as the synonymous substitution rate (ω &gt; 2). Also shown are the average estimates of ω at such residues, which is a measure of the strength of diversifying selection. As can be seen in Additional file ##SUPPL##7##8##, there are notable differences in the patterns of adaptive evolution in the three ESAG families. While the absolute number and density of diversifying residues in the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>repertoires is greatest in ESAG5 and least in ESAG2, the apparent strength of diversifying selection at adaptively evolving residues is greatest in ESAG2.</p>", "<p>Curiously, almost the opposite pattern is evident in the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>ESAG repertoires, with comparable numbers of diversifying codons in ESAG6 and ESAG2, but almost no amino acid variation in the ESAG5 sequences. It is also surprising that the smaller and less diverse <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>ESAG repertoires contain at least as many apparently adaptively-evolving sites as the corresponding <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>repertoires. This difference is most pronounced in ESAG6, where there are about 50% more diversifying residues in <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>than in <italic>T. b. brucei</italic>, despite the apparently stronger selection at such residues in the latter subspecies due to the larger size of its host range. Of course, as remarked above, all inter-strain comparisons are confounded by the paraphyletic relationships between these repertoires.</p>", "<title>BES sequence diversity and trypanosome biology</title>", "<p>The three trypanosome subspecies analysed here are highly similar at the DNA sequence level, yet cause diseases with very different pathologies. Whereas <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>infection produces a chronic form of human disease, <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>is not human infective. Similarly, these trypanosome subspecies have different susceptibilities to drugs, whereby <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>is very susceptible to the drug DFMO unlike <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##9303385##43##]. <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, although closely related to <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##18245376##14##], infects different environments within the mammalian host. Rather than multiplying extracellularly in the mammalian bloodstream like <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>, <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>is a tissue parasite primarily localised in the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, and is rarely observed in the bloodstream [##REF##9806490##15##]. The challenge will come in trying to understand how the limited genetic differences between these subspecies translate into their very different pathologies.</p>", "<p>If ESAGs mediate host-parasite interactions, one could expect the diversity of individual BES repertoires to be positively correlated with host range size. This is because trypanosomes infecting multiple host species may be under selection to evolve and then maintain distinct ESAG alleles that are adapted to the different environments encountered in different species of mammalian host. In fact, our data are not completely consistent with this prediction. Of the three trypanosomes analysed here, host range is greatest in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##4400764##10##], intermediate in <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>[##REF##16236560##11##], and smallest in <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>[##REF##9806490##15##]. However, although ESAG diversity is consistently higher in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>than in the other two subspecies, the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>BES repertoires are actually less diverse than those of <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>. Likewise, although we find evidence for adaptive evolution in all three of the ESAG repertoires sequenced in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, only the ESAG2 repertoire of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>appears to be under diversifying selection. In addition, we find no correlation between the number of BESs found in a particular trypanosome subspecies and the host range size. Lastly, we find evidence for adaptive evolution of the ESAG6 repertoire of <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, where it would be expected to be minimal or absent due to the restricted size of the host range of this trypanosome.</p>", "<p>There are several reasons why ESAG diversity and host range size might not be positively correlated. The hypothesis that diverse ESAG repertoires could facilitate trypanosome infection of diverse mammalian hosts was first proposed for ESAG6 [##REF##9461219##27##], where different sequence polymorphisms affect binding affinity of the transferrin receptor to variable transferrin molecules [##REF##9405356##39##]. This proposal has subsequently proved controversial. It has more recently been argued that <italic>in vivo </italic>concentrations of transferrin are high enough that expression of even low-affinity transferrin receptors is more than adequate to provide a trypanosome with sufficient transferrin in a range of different mammalian hosts [##REF##12643995##44##,##REF##15713451##45##]. These results would imply that ESAG6 sequence diversity within a given trypanosome subspecies need not be correlated with size of host range.</p>", "<p>Alternatively, even if host range is an important determinant of the selection pressures on ESAG repertoires, observed levels of ESAG diversity within individual genomes are probably influenced by a variety of processes that can create or remove variation. Sequence variation can be both generated and removed through DNA recombination. One possibility is that <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>has unusually high rates of telomeric DNA rearrangements, resulting in sequence homogenisation of <italic>ESAG </italic>repertoires through allelic gene conversion or gene duplication and deletion. Another confounding factor is that genetic exchange between ESAGs and their genome-internal paralogs could influence the polymorphism observed within the BES repertoires. However, we can not easily reconcile why high rates of gene conversion in <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>would lead to the relative homogenisation of the <italic>ESAG5 </italic>gene family, but not of the ESAG2 repertoire. We will only be able to understand the selection pressures maintaining <italic>ESAG </italic>sequence diversity within a given trypanosome subspecies once we know more about the function of these various <italic>ESAG </italic>gene families.</p>", "<p>Another factor that might influence the generation and maintenance of ESAG sequence diversity is the degree of genetic exchange that any given trypanosome subspecies undergoes. Different <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>strains have been shown to undergo sex in the laboratory after passage through tsetse flies [##REF##7935602##46##, ####REF##7723777##47##, ##REF##15941603##48####15941603##48##], although the frequency with which this occurs in the field is unclear [##REF##8905086##49##]. This genetic exchange could allow the continuous flow of new ESAG sequences into a strain, facilitating the accumulation of genetic diversity. However in the Type I group of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>trypanosomes including <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL972 analysed here, there is no evidence for significant genetic exchange occurring [##REF##9088421##50##]. Population structure analyses indicate that <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>Type I populations form a highly homogeneous group of trypanosomes which appear to have expanded clonally [##REF##10602679##51##,##REF##8538703##52##], and could have lost the ability to undergo meiosis [##REF##15941603##48##]. Lack of or extremely infrequent genetic exchange together with significant rates of telomeric gene conversion would be expected to facilitate the homogenisation of repetitive gene families in the absence of a strong selection pressure maintaining diversity</p>", "<p>Why then are the ESAG sequences from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>more homogeneous than those from <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, which could have lost the opportunity to undergo meiosis altogether when it ceased to be transmitted via tsetse flies? The diversity within these ESAG repertoires is presumably not at equilibrium. <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>is likely to have arisen from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>relatively recently (as proposed in [##REF##18245376##14##]), and thus may not have had time to completely lose ancestral ESAG sequence variation that is not actively being selected for in the equine host. In contrast, <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>(Type I) is thought to be much more distantly related to <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>[##REF##8538703##52##]. This is consistent with the genealogical relationships of the ESAG6, ESAG5 and BES promoter repertoires in these three subspecies, i.e., the <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>repertoires are paraphyletic, while the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>repertoires are nearly reciprocally monophyletic, but does not explain the very different relationships seen at ESAG2.</p>", "<p>A point to remember is that BESs are dynamic groups of genes. Each of the BES repertoires cloned presents a snapshot of what is going on within a population of trypanosomes, and each repertoire will contain a subset of ESAG 'alleles' present within the given trypanosome population. Further population structure analysis will allow us to determine if what we see in these analysed subspecies is a consequence of sampling rather than due to selection or consequences of loss of parts of the life-cycle. While these preliminary analyses are not the end of the story, these BES libraries will be a useful resource for further analyses of the processes influencing genetic variation in the telomeres of African trypanosomes.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>African trypanosomes (including <italic>Trypanosoma brucei</italic>) are unicellular parasites which multiply in the mammalian bloodstream. <italic>T. brucei </italic>has about twenty telomeric bloodstream form Variant Surface Glycoprotein (<italic>VSG</italic>) expression sites (BESs), of which one is expressed at a time in a mutually exclusive fashion. BESs are polycistronic transcription units, containing a variety of families of expression site associated genes (<italic>ESAG</italic>s) in addition to the telomeric <italic>VSG</italic>. These polymorphic <italic>ESAG </italic>families are thought to play a role in parasite-host adaptation, and it has been proposed that ESAG diversity might be related to host range. Analysis of the genetic diversity of these telomeric gene families has been confounded by the underrepresentation of telomeric sequences in standard libraries. We have previously developed a method to selectively isolate sets of trypanosome BES containing telomeres using Transformation associated recombination (TAR) cloning in yeast.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Here we describe the isolation of repertoires of BES containing telomeres from three trypanosome subspecies: <italic>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense </italic>DAL 972 (causative agent of West-African trypanosomiasis), <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 (a nonhuman infective strain) and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 (which causes a sexually transmitted disease in equines). We have sequenced and analysed the genetic diversity at four BES loci (BES promoter region, <italic>ESAG6</italic>, <italic>ESAG5 </italic>and <italic>ESAG2</italic>) from these three trypanosome BES repertoires.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>With the exception of ESAG2, the BES sequence repertoires derived from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>are both less diverse than and nearly reciprocally monophyletic relative to those from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>. Furthermore, although we find evidence for adaptive evolution in all three ESAG repertoires in <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>, only ESAG2 appears to be under diversifying selection in <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>. This low level of variation in the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>BES sequence repertoires is consistent both with the relatively narrow host range of this subspecies and its apparent long-term clonality. However, our data does not show a clear correlation between size of trypanosome host range and either number of BESs or extent of <italic>ESAG </italic>genetic diversity.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>RY carried out most of the experimental work including most of the TAR cloning of the <italic>T. brucei </italic>telomere sets, and most of the sequence analysis. In addition, RY performed some of the bioinformatic analysis. JET carried out bioinformatic analysis on the data and helped write the manuscript. A.K. helped with TAR cloning, sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. MB performed TAR cloning of some of the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>telomere set. EJL helped with design of the experimental approach and data analysis. GR helped with the design and coordination of the project, helped with data analysis and drafted the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We are very grateful to Wendy Gibson (University of Bristol) for provision of the <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 cell line and <italic>T. brucei rhodesiense </italic>DNA samples, Keith Matthews (University of Edinburgh) for generous amounts of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 DNA, and to Bill Wickstead, Keith Gull (University of Oxford) and Wendy Gibson for the <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL 972 cell line. We thank Alexander Fullbrook and Manish Kushwaha for help with typing trypanosome strains. We thank members of the Maiden laboratory for advice with sequence protocols. We are grateful to Tara Stanne, Mani Narayanan, Manish Kushwaha, Nadina Vasileva and Andrew Voak for comments on the manuscript. G.R. is a Wellcome Senior Fellow in the Basic Biomedical Sciences. This research was funded by the Wellcome Trust.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Isolation of trypanosome BESs in yeast using Transformation Associated Recombination (TAR) cloning as described in</bold>[##REF##15520294## 34##]. A schematic of a typical BES is shown above with the promoter indicated with a flag, and different expression site associated genes (ESAGs) indicated with coloured boxes. Characteristic repeat arrays either upstream of the BES promoter (50 bp repeats) or adjacent to the telomeric <italic>VSG </italic>gene (70 bp repeats) are indicated with vertically hatched boxes. Trypanosome telomere repeats are indicated with white arrows. The linearised pEB4 TAR vector is shown below with yeast telomere repeats (black triangles) as well as a positive (+) and a negative (-) selectable marker flanking a BES promoter containing fragment. Recombination between the vector and genomic DNA on the BES promoter fragment results in a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) which can be stably maintained.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Sequence alignment over a particularly polymorphic region of ESAG6 shows that <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>ESAG6 types are significantly less diverse over the hypervariable region than ESAG6 sequences from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum</italic>.</bold> The ESAG6 protein sequence types as listed in Tables 1-3 are indicated on the left with amino acid residue position above. The ESAG6 hypervariable region (HV) as described in [##REF##1697265##38##,##REF##12664158##40##] as well as boxes I and II of the ESAG6 transferrin binding site (Tf binding) as described in [##REF##9405356##39##] are indicated with red boxes. Residues that are the most dissimilar to the consensus within a given trypanosome subspecies are highlighted in white. Residues that are completely conserved within a given subspecies are indicated in dark blue, while residues with intermediate degrees of sequence conservation are highlighted with intermediate shades of blue.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees show that BES promoter and <italic>ESAG6 </italic>sequences from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>972 (Tbg) cluster separately from those from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 (Tbb) and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 (Teq).</bold> The DNA sequence types are as listed in Tables 1-3. Sequence accession numbers are listed in the Materials and Methods. Alignments of the BES promoter sequences used are shown in the supplementary material (Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##). Bootstrap support values are shown for key nodes only.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees of <italic>ESAG5 </italic>and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>show that <italic>ESAG5 </italic>sequences from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>972 (Tbg) cluster separately from those from <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 (Tbb) and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 (Teq)</bold>. Most of the <italic>T. b. brucei ESAG2 </italic>sequences also appear to cluster separately. The <italic>ESAG </italic>DNA sequence types are as listed in Tables 1-3. Sequence accession numbers are listed in the Materials and Methods. Bootstrap support values are shown for key nodes only. Type A and Type B sequences referred to in the text are indicated with brackets.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p><italic>T. brucei gambiense </italic>DAL 972 BES TAR clone library. </p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>BES</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Prom. type</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG6 type</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>No. TAR clones</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Represent. TAR clone</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG5 type</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG2 type</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td/><td/><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">A41</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">2.2–37</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">27</td><td align=\"center\">A120</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>4</bold></td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">D18</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">2<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>5</bold></td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">B49</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>6</bold></td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">35</td><td align=\"center\">D30</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>7</bold></td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">C10</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>8</bold></td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">D102</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>9</bold></td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">2.1–9</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>10</bold></td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">B46</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>11</bold></td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">C49</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>12</bold></td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">98</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>13</bold></td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">A121</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">8</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Total</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>11</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>11</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>7</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>204</bold></td><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>7</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>6</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>10</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>8</bold></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p><italic>T. brucei brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 BES TAR clone library. </p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>BES</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Prom. type</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG6 type</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>No. TAR clones</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Represent. TAR clone</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG5 type</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG2 type</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td/><td/><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">F44</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">E42</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">G37</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>4</bold></td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">4<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">4<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">E16</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>5</bold></td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">G39</td><td align=\"center\">5<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>6</bold></td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">K13</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>d</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>7</bold></td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">V6</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>8</bold></td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">E51</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>9</bold></td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">S32</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">6<sup>e</sup></td><td align=\"center\">6<sup>e</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>10</bold></td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">U19</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>11</bold></td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">11 and 12<sup>f</sup></td><td align=\"center\">11 and 12<sup>f</sup></td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">S43</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>12</bold></td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">E23</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>13</bold></td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">J12</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>14</bold></td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">F36</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>15</bold></td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">E12</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">12</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>16</bold></td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">R23</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>17</bold></td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">E40</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>18</bold></td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">J4</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">13<sup>e</sup></td><td align=\"center\">13<sup>e</sup></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>19</bold></td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">E19</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">14</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>20</bold></td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">F35</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>21</bold></td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">E48</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">16</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>22</bold></td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">22</td><td align=\"center\">31</td><td align=\"center\">F27</td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">17</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>23</bold></td><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">E44</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Total</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>18</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>22</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>22</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>208</bold></td><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>18</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>17</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>17</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>17</bold></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p><italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 BES TAR clone library. </p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>BES</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Prom. type</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG6 type</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>No. TAR clones</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Represent. TAR clone</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG5 type</bold></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><bold>ESAG2 type</bold></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td/><td/><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>DNA</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Protein</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>1</bold></td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1<sup>a</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">1<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>2</bold></td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>3</bold></td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3<sup>d</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">D27</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>4</bold></td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">4<sup>d</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">25</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>5</bold></td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">5<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>6</bold></td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>7</bold></td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">7<sup>e</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">D44</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>8</bold></td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">8<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>9</bold></td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>10</bold></td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>11</bold></td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">53</td><td align=\"center\">9<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>12</bold></td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">C23</td><td align=\"center\">9<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>13</bold></td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">K13</td><td align=\"center\">9<sup>b</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>14</bold></td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"center\">G47</td><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>15</bold></td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>f</sup></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>-</bold></td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">E6</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"center\">2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>16</bold></td><td align=\"center\">12<sup>g</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>f</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"center\">J46</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"center\">-<sup>c</sup></td><td align=\"center\">-</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Total</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>12</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>13</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>7<sup>h</sup></bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>91</bold></td><td/><td align=\"center\"><bold>11</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>9</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>4</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>4</bold></td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>BES nucleotide diversity. </p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Locus</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Strain</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N° seqs</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Length</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>Polymorphic sites % S</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Average nt. Diversity π</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N° rec. break points</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>Tract length</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold>Promoter</bold></td><td align=\"left\">T. b. g.</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">621</td><td align=\"right\">5.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.015</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"right\">311</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. b. b.</td><td align=\"center\">23</td><td/><td align=\"right\">24.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.058</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"right\">207</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. eq.</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td/><td align=\"right\">13.8</td><td align=\"center\">0.046</td><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"right\">207</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>ESAG6</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">T. b. g.</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">1197</td><td align=\"right\">6.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.012</td><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"right\">599</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. b. b.</td><td align=\"center\">23</td><td/><td align=\"right\">17.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.051</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"right\">200</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. eq.</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td/><td align=\"right\">8.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.030</td><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"right\">299</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>ESAG5</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">T. b. g.</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">1429</td><td align=\"right\">1.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.002</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"right\">1429</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. b. b.</td><td align=\"center\">21</td><td/><td align=\"right\">20.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.055</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"right\">179</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. eq.</td><td align=\"center\">14</td><td/><td align=\"right\">14.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.061</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"right\">179</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\"><bold><italic>ESAG2</italic></bold></td><td align=\"left\">T. b. g.</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">1291</td><td align=\"right\">15.3</td><td align=\"center\">0.047</td><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"right\">161</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. b. b.</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td/><td align=\"right\">28.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.101</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"right\">129</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. eq.</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td/><td align=\"right\">16.9</td><td align=\"center\">0.044</td><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"right\">129</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>BES amino acid diversity. </p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>Locus</bold></td><td align=\"left\"><bold>Strain</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>N° seqs</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Codons</bold></td><td align=\"right\"><bold>Polymorphic Sites % S</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Average a.a. diversity π</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>dN/dS ratio ω &gt; 2</bold></td><td align=\"center\"><bold>Average dN/dS ω (avg)</bold></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>ESAG6</bold></td><td align=\"left\">T. b. g.</td><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"center\">401</td><td align=\"right\">9.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.018</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">3.40</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. b. b.</td><td align=\"center\">23</td><td/><td align=\"right\">24.7</td><td align=\"center\">0.079</td><td align=\"center\">24</td><td align=\"center\">3.20</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. eq.</td><td align=\"center\">8</td><td/><td align=\"right\">9.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.040</td><td align=\"center\">38</td><td align=\"center\">2.15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>ESAG5</bold></td><td align=\"left\">T. b. g.</td><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"center\">469</td><td align=\"right\">2.8</td><td align=\"center\">0.005</td><td align=\"center\">0</td><td align=\"center\">n.a.</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. b. b.</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td/><td align=\"right\">27.5</td><td align=\"center\">0.087</td><td align=\"center\">48</td><td align=\"center\">3.75</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. eq.</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td/><td align=\"right\">19.4</td><td align=\"center\">0.087</td><td align=\"center\">49</td><td align=\"center\">2.29</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"><bold>ESAG2</bold></td><td align=\"left\">T. b. g.</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">424</td><td align=\"right\">19.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.059</td><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"center\">3.38</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. b. b.</td><td align=\"center\">19</td><td/><td align=\"right\">37.0</td><td align=\"center\">0.130</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">3.98</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"left\">T. eq.</td><td align=\"center\">10</td><td/><td align=\"right\">19.6</td><td align=\"center\">0.053</td><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"center\">4.39</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p><bold>Sup. Figure 1</bold>. Multiplex PCR typing of trypanosome DNA to establish the presence or absence of the Serum Resistance Associated gene <italic>SRA</italic>. Multiplex PCR was performed using the primer sets and conditions of Picozzi et al [##REF##17643434##13##]. Lanes indicate PCR reactions using no genomic DNA (lane 1) or genomic DNA from <italic>Trypanosoma brucei brucei </italic>427 (lane 2), <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>TREU 927/4 (lane 3), <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL 972 (lane 4), <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 (lane 5), <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 (lane 6), <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>LVH 108 (lane 7) or <italic>T. b. rhodesiense </italic>WB58 (lane 8). PCR products amplifying the GPI-PLC gene (PLC), the SRA gene (SRA) or the SRA-like VSG (VSG SRA) are indicated on the right with arrows. A DNA ladder is on the left with sizes indicated in base pairs (bp).</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p><bold>Sup. Figure 2</bold>. Sequence alignment of BES promoter sequences analysed in this study. BES promoter sequences isolated from <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL 972, <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 or <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>were aligned using Vector NTI. Sequence types as indicated in Tables ##TAB##0##1##, ##TAB##1##2##, ##TAB##2##3## are indicated on the left.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S3\"><caption><title>Additional file 3</title><p><bold>Sup. Figure 3</bold>. Sequence alignments of ESAG6 sequences analysed in this manuscript.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S4\"><caption><title>Additional file 4</title><p><bold>Sup. Figure 4</bold>. Sequence alignments of ESAG2 sequences analysed in this manuscript.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S5\"><caption><title>Additional file 5</title><p><bold>Sup. Figure 5</bold>. Sequence alignments of ESAG5 sequences analysed in this manuscript.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S6\"><caption><title>Additional file 6</title><p><bold>Supplementary Table 2</bold>. Non-synonymous substitution rates for different genes located within trypanosome BESs isolated from <italic>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense </italic>DAL 972, <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340, or <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S7\"><caption><title>Additional file 7</title><p><bold>Supplementary Table 3</bold>. Table with the ratio of nonsynonymous-to-synonymous substitutions (ω) along ESAG6, ESAG5 and ESAG2.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S8\"><caption><title>Additional file 8</title><p><bold>Sup. Figure 6</bold>. The dN/dS ratio (ω) of ESAG6, ESAG5 or ESAG2 calculated from sequence repertoires from <italic>T. b. gambiense</italic>, <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>plotted against codon number.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S9\"><caption><title>Additional file 9</title><p><bold>Supplementary Table 1</bold>. Table of primers used.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Overview of <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>DAL 972 TAR clone library. A total of 204 <italic>T. b. gambiense </italic>TAR clones were isolated in yeast and typed into 13 different BES sets after sequencing over the promoter and <italic>ESAG6 </italic>regions. The different BES promoter and ESAG6 sequence types (either at the DNA or protein level) are indicated with numbers. Two TAR clones were chosen from each BES type (the name of one representative clone is indicated in the chart), and the full length <italic>ESAG6</italic>, <italic>ESAG5 </italic>and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>ORFs were isolated and sequenced from both of these two clones. The sequence types of the ESAG5 and ESAG2 are indicated.</p><p><sup>a</sup>Partial sequence.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Presence not detected by PCR. See Materials and Methods for diagnostic primers that were used for each <italic>ESAG</italic>.</p><p><sup>c</sup>Approximately 300 bp is single stranded sequence.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Overview of <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 TAR clone library. A total of 208 TAR clones were isolated and typed into 23 different BES sets. The sequence typing proceeded further as described for Table 1. As before, two TAR clones were chosen for each BES type (the name of one clone is indicated in the chart), and the full length <italic>ESAG6</italic>, <italic>ESAG5 </italic>and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>ORFs were isolated and sequenced from both of these two clones.</p><p><sup>a</sup>First 1000 bp only.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Presence not detected by PCR. See Materials and Methods for diagnostic primers that were used for each <italic>ESAG</italic>.</p><p><sup>c</sup>Pseudogene.</p><p><sup>d</sup>Present but not sequenced.</p><p><sup>e</sup>One clone.</p><p><sup>f</sup>Two <italic>ESAG6 </italic>in one BES, both assembled.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Overview of <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 TAR clone library. A total of 91 TAR clones were isolated and typed into 16 different BES sets. The sequence typing was performed as described for Table 1. As done previously, two TAR clones were chosen for each BES type (the name of one clone is indicated in the chart), and the full length <italic>ESAG6</italic>, <italic>ESAG5 </italic>and <italic>ESAG2 </italic>ORFs were isolated and sequenced from both of these two clones.</p><p><sup>a</sup>Double sequence in the centre indicating two sequence types.</p><p><sup>b</sup>Pseudogene.</p><p><sup>c</sup>Presence not detected by PCR. See Materials and Methods for diagnostic primers that were used for each <italic>ESAG</italic>.</p><p><sup>d</sup>Partial sequence.</p><p><sup>e</sup>Double sequence indicating two sequence types within the same BES.</p><p><sup>f </sup>Sequence failed.</p><p><sup>g</sup>Anti-sense sequence strand only.</p><p><sup>h</sup>Probably an underestimate.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Nucleotide diversity and recombination in BES sequences from three trypanosomatid protozoa. The BES loci studied are indicated on the left. The strains are <italic>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense </italic>DAL 972 (T.b.g.), <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 (T.b.b.) and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 (T. eq.). N° seqs. = number of nucleotide sequences in alignment; L = number of nucleotides in gap-stripped alignment; %S = percentage of polymorphic sites; π = average pairwise nucleotide diversity; N° rec. break points and tract length = number of recombination breakpoints and mean tract length inferred by GARD analysis.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Amino acid diversity and selection in ESAG sequences from three trypanosomatid protozoa. The BES loci studied are indicated on the left. The strains are <italic>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense </italic>DAL 972 (T.b.g.), <italic>T. b. brucei </italic>EATRO 2340 (T.b.r.) and <italic>T. equiperdum </italic>STIB 818 (T. eq.). N° seqs. = number of protein sequences in alignment; codons = number of codons in gap-stripped alignment; % S = percentage of polymorphic sites; π = average pairwise amino acid diversity; dN/dS ratio ω &gt; 2 = number of amino acid residues with dN/dS ratio (ω) estimated to be greater than 2 indicating evidence for positive selection; Average dN/dS ω (avg.) = average ω estimate over residues with ω &gt; 2.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
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2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Genomics. 2008 Aug 12; 9:385
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The rapid increase of world population, the field degradation by soil salinization and erosion, and the likely fluctuations in climate caused by global warming will pose new and known challenges to agriculture during this century [##REF##10938790##1##]. Crop improvements required to cope with these challenges could be attained through agronomic advances, leading to a better use of fertilizers, protection agents or soil rescue, and exploitation of recent technologies for plant breeding. Despite the outstanding importance of genetics-based breeding applied to spontaneous mutations and conventional hybrids, molecular and genomic tools are expected to develop their great potential for crop improvement through functional genetics analysis, involving gene and function discovery and genome modification.</p>", "<p>Citrus, some of the most important fruit crops worldwide, are perennial trees requiring a juvenility period of several years and frequently are parthenocarpic and sexually self-incompatible [##UREF##0##2##,##UREF##1##3##], which considerably impairs traditional breeding. Genomic technology, including methods to rapidly identify and manipulate genes of agricultural interest, holds promise of improvements that may be difficult through traditional approaches. In recent years, <italic>Citrus </italic>has been the target of several genomic developments including large EST collections [##REF##15830128##4##, ####REF##17254327##5##, ##UREF##2##6##, ##UREF##3##7####3##7##], cDNA and oligonucleotide-based microarrays [##REF##15830128##4##,##UREF##4##8##,##UREF##5##9##], BAC libraries and BAC end sequencing (BES) (to be published). However, functional studies, i.e. genetic transformation and the capability to perform reverse genetic analyses, are also considerably impaired. In citrus, high throughput transgenic programs such as the generation of RNA interference knockouts, activation tagging through enhancer elements, gene-trap T-DNA insertions, or transposon tagging systems have not been developed yet. Since no efficient tagging or insertional procedures are available in these species, other gene disruption methods including strategies based on genome-wide mutagenesis such as TILLING and fast neutron mutagenesis have been initiated. These approaches are non-transgenic and may have particular interest for the industry where the debate on genetically modified organisms has restricted application of these technologies to crop improvement. Both approaches, however, are of limited usefulness as strategies for reverse genetics because of the lack of knowledge on <italic>Citrus </italic>genomic sequence and the large amount of space required for the establishment of mutant populations. ECOTILLING on natural citrus variants and microarray-based detection of deletions in fast neutron citrus mutants are apparently very straightforward approaches. In this work we explore the potential of this last idea using two fast neutron <italic>Citrus clementina </italic>hemizygous mutants from the IVIA collection and a 20K cDNA citrus microarray.</p>", "<p>Physical mutagenesis through fast neutron irradiation has been reported to cause variable genomic deletions ranging in size from few base pairs to 12 kb in <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana </italic>[##REF##8893551##10##,##REF##11532169##11##]. Several approaches have been used to characterize plant genomic deletions at the molecular level. These mostly include positional cloning [##REF##17496113##12##], a method applicable to any kind of genetic lesion that, however, needs highly saturated genetic maps; PCR-based reverse genetics techniques [##REF##11532169##11##,##UREF##6##13##], requiring a previous considerable knowledge of genomic sequence; and genomic subtraction procedures [##REF##2408039##14##, ####REF##1354004##15##, ##REF##9490740##16####9490740##16##], which do not need sequence information but are strongly dependent on the gene dosage. Since very little is known about <italic>Citrus </italic>genome sequence and the <italic>Citrus </italic>induced deletions are in hemizygous gene dosage, an array-based procedure as the one employed for identifying homozygous gene deletions in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>[##REF##15486089##17##] seems more suitable for our purpose than those methods. Although the main application of microarrays is transcriptome profiling analysis, microarrays can also be used to study DNA variation. Oligonucleotide arrays are particularly suited for the detection of single nucleotide mismatches during hybridization, and hence for the discovery of novel DNA variants or the determination of known variants. The origin of this technique relies on a cytogenetic method described 25 years ago named \"Comparative Genomic Hybridization\" (CGH) that used differential DNA hybridization on chromosome spreads for visualization of deleted or amplified genomic regions in tumour tissues [##REF##1359641##18##]. Subsequently, different laboratories mostly working on cancer research independently applied microarray technology to genomic DNA hybridization procedure, a technique consequently named array-CGH [##REF##9842716##19##, ####REF##10706083##20##, ##REF##9771718##21##, ##REF##10471496##22##, ##REF##9408757##23####9408757##23##]. Array-CGH was successfully utilized to detect gene duplications in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and rice [##UREF##7##24##], and to validate aneuploidy analysis performed by quantitative fluorescent PCR in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>[##REF##16995901##25##]. Therefore, this method has proven to be suitable to study chromosomal imbalances in plants.</p>", "<p>For the characterization of the deleted regions we also leaned on comparative genomics with other dicots since available physical citrus maps are not yet integrated with known genetic maps. Comparative genomics takes advantage of available information on gene content and order in genomic DNA from different species to infer phylogenetic relationships and formulate hypotheses on DNA evolutionary dynamics. Whole genomes are preferentially compared when available, but more often relatively short stretches of DNA or polymorphic markers are used.</p>", "<p>The main objective of this work was to identify deleted genes on a heterozygous genetic <italic>Citrus </italic>background, provided by fast neutron generated mutants, through array-Comparative Genomic Hybridization. In addition, we also explored the possibility of using comparative genomics with annotated dicot genomes assisted by BAC end sequencing for the generation of partial physical maps of the deleted <italic>Citrus </italic>regions.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Plant material</title>", "<p>Approximately 6 years-old clementine trees (<italic>Citrus clementina </italic>Hort. Ex Tan. cv. clemenules) grown under standard agricultural practices at the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) were used in this study. Commercial highly heterozygous clementine cultivars are considered \"wild type\" material, while the 39B3 and 39E7 genotypes that belong to the IVIA mutant collection were obtained through bud irradiation with fast neutrons (5–6 Gy) at the Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear (Sacavem, Portugal) in the frame of a much wider breeding program. Both mutants are expected to carry DNA deletion lesions in hemizygous dosage and showed altered patterns of colour change of fruit peel.</p>", "<title>Array-CGH</title>", "<p>The protocol was adapted from several published array-Comparative Genomic Hybridization (array-CGH) methods pursuing mainly the measurement of copy-number changes in human genomic DNA [##REF##16030317##48##, ####REF##15961730##49##, ##UREF##12##50####12##50##], and the study of large-scale genetic variation of the symbiotic bacteria <italic>Sinorhizobium meliloti </italic>[##REF##16283928##51##]. Genomic DNA was isolated from leaves of wild type and mutant plants, using DNeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen). Four Cy3 or Cy5-labelled independent biological samples from each mutant plant were co-profiled on four 20K <italic>Citrus </italic>cDNA microarrays containing 21240 EST, using Cy5 or Cy3-labelled control genomic DNA, respectively. Label probes were prepared as follow: Cy3- or Cy5-dCTP fluorescent nucleotides (Amersham Biosciences) were incorporated directly in control and mutant genomic DNA (2 μg) using BioPrime Array CGH Genomic Labelling System (Invitrogene). Purified Cy5 and Cy3 labelled probes (about 50 μl each) were combined and mixed with 30 μg Cot-1 DNA (Invitrogene), 100 μg yeast tRNA (Invitrogene), and 346 μl TE buffer pH 7.4. Cot-1 DNA and yeast tRNA were used to block non-specific hybridization. Samples were laid on a microcon YM-30 filter (Millipore), and subsequently centrifuged until sample volume was reduced to approximately 48 μl. Finally, 10.2 μl 20× SSC and 1.8 μl 10% SDS were added to the probe mixture to reach a final volume of 60 μl containing 3.4× SSC and 0.3% SDS. For microarray hybridization, the probe mixture was denatured by heating at 97°C for 5 minutes, and immediately incubated at 37°C during 30 minutes to block repetitive DNA sequences. Hybridization mixture was applied to a 37°C pre-warmed hybrid-slip (Sigma), and a pre-warmed array slide was lowered onto the mix. Microarrays were hybridized in darkness at 65°C overnight (16–20 hours) using a glass array cassette following manufacturer's instructions (Ambion, cat. n° AM10040). To prevent evaporation of hybridization solution during incubation, 5 μl of 3× SCC were poured into the reservoir inside the cassette chamber. Following hybridization, microarray slides were placed in a rack and the cover slip removed by 10 minutes immersion in a washing chamber containing 2× SSC and 0.03% SDS at room temperature (RT). Microarray slides were passed through a series of washes on a shaking platform. Wash series were as follow: 2× SSC, 0.03% SDS for 5 min at 65°C, followed by 1× SSC for 5 min at RT, and 3 × 15 min washes in 0.2× SSC at RT. After first wash slides were transferred to new racks to minimize transference of SDS to the next washing solution. Microarray slides were dried by centrifugation for 5 min at 300 rpm by using an Eppendorf 5804-R tabletop centrifuge. Arrays were immediately scanned at 5 μm. Cy3 and Cy5 fluorescence intensity was collected by using a ScanArray Gx (Perkin Elmer). The resulting images were overlaid and spots identified by the ScanArray Express program (Perkin Elmer). Spot quality was first measured by the signal-to-background method with parameters lower limit (200) and multiplier (2), and subsequently confirmed by visual test. Data analysis was performed using the Limma package from the R statistical computing software [##UREF##13##52##, ####REF##16646809##53##, ##REF##15461798##54####15461798##54##]. A mutant/wild type signal lower than 0.7, with a P-value not higher than 0.1 (39E7) or 0.2 (39B3) were the cut-off values for positive EST identification. The experimental design of microarray experiments has been loaded into the ArrayExpress database [##UREF##14##55##] under accessions E-MEXP-1432 and E-MEXP-1433.</p>", "<title>Gene dosage measurements</title>", "<p>Quantitative real-time PCR was performed on a LightCycler 2.0 instrument (Roche), using the LightCycler FastStart DNA MasterPLUS SYBR Green I kit (Roche). Reaction composition and conditions followed manufacturer's instructions. Each individual PCR reaction contained 2 ng of genomic DNA from wild type or mutant, obtained with the DNeasy plant mini kit (Qiagen). Cycling protocol consisted of 10 min at 95°C for pre-incubation, then 40 cycles of 10 sec at 95°C for denaturation, 10 sec at 60°C for annealing and 10–25 sec at 72°C for extension. Fluorescent intensity data were acquired during the extension time. Specificity of the PCR reaction was assessed by the presence of a single peak in the dissociation curve after the amplification and through size estimation of the amplified product. For gene dosage measurements, we used the relative quantification-monocolor analysis from the LightCycler Software 4.0 package (Roche). This program compares the ratio of a target sequence to a reference DNA sequence in the mutant sample with the ratio of these sequences in a wild type sample. PCR and normalized calculations were repeated in at least three independent samples from each mutant and wild type, rendering an estimation of target gene dosage in the mutant genotype. Primers for the reference sequence were obtained from CX293764.</p>", "<title>Similarity searches</title>", "<p>DNA sequences of <italic>Citrus </italic>unigenes containing positive array-CGH ESTs were used in online TBLASTX searches against genomic databases from the annotated genomes of <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana </italic>[##UREF##15##56##], <italic>Populus trichocarpa </italic>[##UREF##16##57##] and <italic>Vitis vinifera </italic>[##UREF##17##58##] at an E-value cut-off of 10<sup>-5</sup>. For each gene, the best hit was placed on a chromosomal map while the second and third hits were only positioned in the map if they were located closer than 250 kb to any other hit. Two 700 kb regions from chromosomes 12 and 15 from the <italic>Populus </italic>genome including homologous genes to 39B3 array-CGH positive unigenes, were used as queries in a BLASTN local search on a <italic>Citrus </italic>BAC end sequence database. Only hits corresponding to those BAC ends showing an E-value lower than 10<sup>-5 </sup>in both chromosome searches were considered for the building of a local physical map of the 39B3 deletion.</p>", "<title>BAC isolation and analysis</title>", "<p>DNA from <italic>Citrus </italic>BACs was isolated with the Rapid Plasmid Miniprep System (Marligen Biosciences). Purified BACs were used as templates in PCR reactions in a total volume of 15 μl, including 0.2 mM dNTP, 2 mM MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 0.5 μM of each primer, 0.38 units of Netzyme DNA polymerase (Molecular Netline Bioproducts) and 0.1 ng of BAC DNA. After an initial denaturing step for 5 min at 95°C, amplification was performed for 35 cycles of 30 sec at 95°C, 30 sec at 60°C and 30 sec at 72°C, followed by 5 min incubation at 72°C. The PCR product was subjected to 1.5% agarose DNA electrophoresis.</p>", "<title>Chlorophyll measurements</title>", "<p>At least, three developing and mature leaves and fruit exocarp sectors from standard and 39B3 mutant lines of clementine were randomly collected per sample. Fruit exocarp tissues from a wild type clementine tree showing fruit colour delay due to altered environmental conditions were also sampled for chlorophyll analyses. Chlorophylls <italic>a </italic>and <italic>b </italic>were extracted with N,N-dimethylformamide for 72 h in the dark at 4°C and quantified through the absorbance at 647 and 664 nm following a reported procedure [##REF##16662407##59##]. Absorbance was measured using a Varian Cary 50 UV-visible spectrophotometer (Varian).</p>", "<title>Gene expression measurements</title>", "<p>Total RNA was extracted from fruit exocarp of wild type and 39B3 mutant using the RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen). RNA concentration was determined by a fluorometric assay with the RiboGreen dye (Molecular Probes) following the manufacturer's instructions. About 5 μg of total RNA were reverse transcribed with the SuperScript III First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR (Invitrogen) in a total volume of 20 μl. Single strand cDNA corresponding to <italic>ClpC</italic>-like and <italic>ClpD</italic>-like genes was amplified by quantitative real-time PCR on a LightCycler 2.0 instrument (Roche), using the LightCycler FastStart DNA MasterPLUS SYBR Green I kit (Roche). One μl of a 20 times diluted first-strand cDNA was used for each amplification reaction. Cycling protocol consisted of 10 min at 95°C for pre-incubation, then 40 cycles of 10 sec at 95°C for denaturation, 10 sec at 60°C for annealing and 15 sec at 72°C for extension. Melting curve analysis by applying increasing temperature from 65°C to 95°C (0.1°C/s) and gel electrophoresis of final product confirmed single amplicons. For expression measurements, we used the absolute quantification analysis from the LightCycler Software 4.0 package (Roche), and calculated expression levels relative to wild type values. Three independent biological samples were analyzed for wild type and mutant genotypes. Primers sequences are provided in Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##.</p>", "<title>ClpC-like genomic sequence</title>", "<p><italic>ClpC</italic>-like genomic sequence from very few base pairs after the ATG until few base pairs before the stop codon was divided in four PCR fragments: Amplicon 3/4 (1820 bp) was amplified and sequenced with primers CLPC3 and CLPC4, amplicon 5/8 (2168 bp) was amplified with primers CLPC5 and CLPC8 and sequenced with primers CLPC5, CLPC8, CLPC10 and CLPC11, amplicon 7/2 (1446 bp) was amplified and sequenced with primers CLPC7 and CLPC2, and amplicon 1/6 (1158 bp) was amplified and sequenced with primers CLPC1 and CLPC6. Each amplicon was obtained by combining the product of 6–8 independent reactions. Primers sequences are provided in Additional file ##SUPPL##1##2##.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and discussion</title>", "<title>Procedure for the characterization of hemizygous deletions in <italic>Citrus</italic></title>", "<p>The proposed procedure to identify deleted genes is illustrated in Figure ##FIG##0##1## and its potential to structurally characterize hemizygous deletions is exemplified below with <italic>Citrus </italic>mutants as starting plant material. Its usefulness to describe genomic deletions in other species might be dependent upon genome complexity and ploidy. This method uses cDNA microarrays to hybridize genomic DNA extracted from the deletion mutants to render a list of underrepresented genes. The putative deleted genes are then validated through gene dosage evaluation by real-time PCR using gene specific primers. Deleted genes could subsequently contribute to the identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying the observed phenotypes by means of a candidate gene approach, validated by physiological analyses or genetic transformation [##UREF##8##26##]. In non-sequenced genomes or in plants with poorly developed physical maps, further characterization of deletions at the structural level requires TBLASTX similarity searches against databases containing the sequence annotation of known eudicot genomes, such as <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana</italic>, <italic>Populus trichocarpa </italic>and <italic>Vitis vinifera</italic>. These searches yield putative orthologous genes and syntenic genomic regions between these four species. Local physical maps of deletions are built allocating the deleted gene sequences and the syntenic genomic fragments from these other eudicots into a BES database of the species of interest. Lastly, specific PCR on the array of BACs confirms gene content and order on the lineal structure of the deletions. The results may also be used in comparative genomics analyses to study evolutionary dynamics and phylogenetics.</p>", "<title>Identification of deleted alleles in 39B3 and 39E7 fast neutron mutants of <italic>Citrus clementina</italic></title>", "<p>For this study, two mutants obtained by fast neutron mutagenesis of wild type <italic>Citrus clementina </italic>were selected from the IVIA mutant collection. These mutants, named 39B3 and 39E7, were expected to carry DNA deletion lesions in hemizygous dosage and showed a delay in natural colour break in fruit peel. The 39B3 mutant exhibited a delay in colour change from green to orange while 39E7 was better characterized by an abnormal final yellowish colour instead of the natural orange coloration. Putative deleted genes in the mutants were first identified through an approach based on genomic hybridization (array-CGH) that exploited a recently developed <italic>Citrus </italic>microarray containing 21240 cDNAs [##REF##15830128##4##,##REF##17254327##5##]. To this end, total genomic DNA from four independent samples of mutants 39B3 and 39E7 were Cy3 or Cy5-labelled and cohybridized with wild type DNA labelled with the complementary Cy5 or Cy3 probe on four independent microarray slides. Fluorescence intensity data were normalized and single ESTs showing a mutant/wild type signal ratio lower than 0.7 fold, with a P-value lower than 0.2 (39B3) or 0.1 (39E7), were selected as putative candidates.</p>", "<p>The number of ESTs fulfilling these criteria was 24 and 78 for mutants 39B3 and 39E7, respectively. One of the 39B3 positives [GenBank: <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX299090\">CX299090</ext-link>], composed of three unrelated sequences was discarded for subsequent analysis due to its chimerical nature. In order to validate the array-CGH results, gene dosage of several putative candidates was determined through real-time PCR quantification of mutant/wild type signals for candidate ESTs as related to a reference undeleted gene [GenBank: <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX293764\">CX293764</ext-link>]. The results showed that gene dosage for 39B3 candidates ranged from 0.50 to 0.60 when genomic DNA from the 39B3 genotype was tested, while ranged from 0.96 to 1.15 when the assayed DNA originated from the 39E7 genotype (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Similar results, corroborating the presence of putative deleted genes at half dosage, were also obtained for the 39E7 mutant. Therefore, the developed array-CGH procedure proved to be an appropriate tool to identify genes in hemizygous content in the self-incompatible clementine.</p>", "<title>Clustering of homologues of <italic>Citrus </italic>deleted genes in the poplar genome</title>", "<p>Microsynteny comparisons with homologous stretches from the sequenced genomes of <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana</italic>, <italic>Populus trichocarpa </italic>and <italic>Vitis vinifera </italic>[##REF##11130711##27##, ####REF##16973872##28##, ##REF##17721507##29####17721507##29##] were performed in order to elucidate hypothetical clustering of <italic>Citrus </italic>deleted genes in the genome. TBLASTX, which searches for translations of a crude genome similar to a translated query, was utilized with an E-value cut-off of 10<sup>-5</sup>. The homologous regions produced by the best TBLASTX hit of each of the <italic>Citrus </italic>candidate genes were located on the chromosome maps of <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, poplar and grapevine. Homologues of <italic>Citrus </italic>genes were then grouped into clusters in each species when the distance between them was shorter than 250 kb. The second and third TBLASTX best alignments were similarly placed in the respective maps when they were included in an existing cluster. In this case, a binding line was drawn linking the second and third hits to the best hit of the same <italic>Citrus </italic>query. Thus, two chromosomal maps, one for each mutant, in the three species was obtained. Figure ##FIG##1##2## represents in detail chromosome mappings of the 39B3 mutation, which was subjected to further analyses. The results indicate that the <italic>Populus </italic>mapping exhibited rather lower complexity than the <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and grapevine ones since it included fewer chromosomes and only 3 clusters although the number of 39B3 candidate genes represented in the map was identical (21) for the three genomes. Note that the number of represented hits in these mappings is higher than 21 due to the inclusion of second or third homologues. In <italic>Populus</italic>, most of the candidate genes mapped to two different genome regions of approximately 700 kb long in chromosomes 12 and 15, two duplicated chromosomes that probably originated during the recent genome duplication event that occurred in this species [##REF##16973872##28##]. These two clusters contained 17 and 15 hits respectively while the third one placed in chromosome 16 had only one hit. In contrast, the number of clusters in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and <italic>Vitis </italic>were 9 and 11, respectively, and none of them contained more than 11 hits. Furthermore, cluster number (and clustering density) of the homologues of 39E7 putative deleted genes was also lower (and higher) in <italic>Populus </italic>than in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>or <italic>Vitis</italic>, although the differences were smaller: 26, 30 and 30 clusters were obtained for poplar, <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and grapevine respectively (Figure ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<p>Overall, these observations suggest that the <italic>Populus </italic>genomic regions homologous to the <italic>Citrus </italic>deletions were less fragmented than their counterparts in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and <italic>Vitis</italic>, and consequently microsynteny on the considered segments was higher with the <italic>Populus </italic>genome. These results are striking since <italic>Citrus </italic>and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>belong to Sapindales and Brassicales orders (inside the same clade eurosids II) while <italic>Populus </italic>is included in the eurosids I clade, and <italic>Vitis </italic>is part of Vitaceae, a family outside of rosids [##UREF##9##30##].</p>", "<title>Gene arrangement and partial physical map of the 39B3 deletion</title>", "<p>The closer microsynteny observed between the 39B3 deletion and the two duplicated homologous regions in poplar enabled prediction of gene order by direct inference from the <italic>Populus </italic>sequences. This assumption led to the gene arrangement depicted in Figure ##FIG##3##4##. Twenty genes out of twenty-one having high similarity with <italic>Populus </italic>homologues were directly located on the <italic>Citrus </italic>deletion fragment by combining the two clusters found on <italic>Populus </italic>chromosomes 12 and 15, which shared 12 hits. Inclusion of the 21<sup>st </sup>gene, a homologue of a <italic>Populus </italic>gene placed on chromosome 16, in the 39B3 deletion was based on its location on the right end of the <italic>Citrus </italic>BAC CCER1019D04 (named B12, see below), whose left end shared identity with another deleted gene [GenBank: <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX295702\">CX295702</ext-link>]. The accession number and protein similarity of these 21 genes, numbered according to the ordered position of their homologues on the poplar genome (Figure ##FIG##3##4##), are depicted in Table ##TAB##1##2## that also shows coding strand sense of poplar homologues. The coding strand was coincident for the <italic>Populus </italic>paralogous genes present in chromosomes 12 and 15, except for genes similar to <italic>Citrus </italic><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX308429\">CX308429</ext-link>, located in position 8 in Figure ##FIG##3##4##.</p>", "<p>Furthermore, the recent sequencing of 46,000 <italic>Citrus clementina </italic>BAC ends (to be published) enabled the construction of a physical map of the 39B3 deleted region. To this end, two DNA sequences covering 700 kb along the <italic>Populus </italic>chromosomes 12 and 15, containing the genes homologous to the <italic>Citrus </italic>deleted candidates, were BLASTed against the <italic>Citrus </italic>BAC end database. The homology search identified 33 BACs with a BLASTN E value lower than 10<sup>-5 </sup>for both paralogous regions. In subsequent analyses, redundant BACs were discarded, while additional candidate BACs were obtained by comparing these previous ones with the BES database to yield overlapping BACs. Moreover, BACs with both ends showing similarity to repetitive DNA that may cause ambiguous positioning and inaccurate gene dosage measurement were also discarded. Finally, a partial physical map containing 13 BACs systematically named B1 to B13 (Table ##TAB##2##3##) was provided by standard PCR of BAC end amplicons against BAC templates and <italic>in silico </italic>search of overlapping antiparallel ends (Figures ##FIG##4##5A, B##).</p>", "<p>This mapping contained three gaps, one at the 5' deletion junction and two internal ones (Figure ##FIG##4##5B##) delimiting three main BAC clusters, composed of B1 to B4, B5 to B8, and B9 to B13. BACs B11 and B12 were connected by unigene aCL4690Contig1 coding for a putative subunit ClpD of an ATP-dependent Clp protease, whose sequence was shared by both BACs. Similarly B12 and B13 interaction is mediated by unigene aCL1915Contig2 (Table ##TAB##1##2##, ##TAB##2##3##). Real-time PCR quantification of gene dosage for some of the BAC ends (Figure ##FIG##4##5A##) confirmed the presence of these sequences at half dosage in the mutant genotype, indicating that the 39B3 mutation is a hemizygous deletion. Indeed, all analyzed BACs covered an internal segment of the deletion except B13 that exhibited haploid gene dosage on the left end and diploid dosage on the right one, suggesting that B13 contained the 3' border of the 39B3 deletion.</p>", "<p>The above results indicated that the microsynteny between <italic>Citrus </italic>and <italic>Populus </italic>genomes was high enough to predict gene arrangement and to build a partial physical map of a <italic>Citrus </italic>genomic segment of about 700 kb, as inferred from the length of poplar homologous regions. Nevertheless, the observation that a 700 kb <italic>Citrus </italic>fragment only contains 21 genes may result striking considering an average distance of 10 Kb between adjacent genes, as deduced from the estimations of <italic>Citrus </italic>genome size (367 Mb) and gene number (35,000–40,000). It should be noted, however, that the microarray used in these analyses contains between approximately 2/3 and 1/2 of the estimated gene content of the <italic>Citrus </italic>genome, which may account for a major part of the hypothetical \"loss\" of deleted candidates. While this is a weakness of the currently available Citrus arrays, non-attributable to the array-CGH procedure, more complete results are expected after the development of a more representative cDNA microarray. Other limitations of the method may be related to the differential hybridization potential of different cDNAs, including for instance cross-hybridizations. In this regard, oligonucleotide arrays are particularly suited for the detection of dissimilar DNA variants. Alternatively, synteny might be limited to several genes located on a bulk of non-conserved sequences inside this 700 Kb region, a possibility that may only be corroborated after genome sequencing.</p>", "<p>Overall, the data indicated that the <italic>Populus </italic>genome is a useful model for comparative genomics which may be used to characterize hemizygous deletions in <italic>Citrus</italic>.</p>", "<title>The <italic>Citrus </italic>39B3 deletion shows higher local gene colinearity with <italic>Populus </italic>than with <italic>Arabidopsis</italic></title>", "<p>Local gene colinearity between two genomic fragments is determined by the number of paralogous genes arranged in the same order. Therefore, not only permanence of genes in their original chromosomal location, but also conservation of gene order, affects local colinearity. In order to validate the gene arrangement postulated in Figure ##FIG##3##4## and consequently to estimate gene colinearity of the 39B3 <italic>Citrus </italic>deletion with <italic>Populus </italic>homologous fragments, we mapped by PCR the 21 genes listed in Table ##TAB##1##2## on the physical map of Figure ##FIG##4##5B##. All but three genes showed at least one PCR product on the array of 13 BACs, confirming that those genes were effectively included in the 39B3 deletion (Figure ##FIG##5##6A##). In addition, PCR reactions reproduced at the BAC size resolution the expected gene order outlined in Figure ##FIG##3##4##, corroborating the gene arrangement deduced by comparative genomics. In Figure ##FIG##5##6B##, the genes rendering a positive PCR signal were linked to the physical map position with an arrow. Moreover, genes 3, 4 and 9 corresponding to unigenes aCL3991Contig1, aC18005F10Rv_c and aC16014F08SK_c, respectively, did not show a detectable PCR signal on purified BACs, although their respective primers produced a band of the expected size when tested against genomic DNA from normal clementine cultivar (data not shown). These genes were most likely placed into the two reported internal gaps of the physical map, as suggested by the border situation of their neighbouring genes.</p>", "<p>These results confirm high local gene colinearity with poplar in the genomic region covered by 39B3 deletion. Taking together gene content and order conservation (Figures ##FIG##1##2##, ##FIG##2##3## and ##FIG##5##6##), it is inferred that in the studied DNA deleted segment there was higher gene colinearity with <italic>Populus</italic>, which diverged about 109 million years ago (Mya), than with <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, splitting from the <italic>Citrus </italic>lineage about 87 Mya [##UREF##9##30##], despite gene colinearity generally being correlated with phylogenetic relatedness. A similar conclusion has been reached in our group, after comparing the whole collection of <italic>Citrus </italic>BES with the poplar and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>genomes (to be published), and also in previous works in papaya and melon. In papaya, BES alignment to the annotated genomes rendered higher gene colinearity with <italic>Populus </italic>than with <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, although both <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and papaya belong to the order Brassicales [##REF##16703363##31##]. In melon, microsynteny studies based on the sequence of two BACs also concluded that melon was closer to <italic>Populus </italic>than to <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>or <italic>Medicago truncatula </italic>[##REF##17665215##32##]. These observations may be explained by a differential genome evolutionary dynamics in poplar and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>lineages [##UREF##10##33##]. The more recent appraisals estimated that last whole genome duplications occurred not later than 60–65 Mya in <italic>Populus </italic>and around 24–40 Mya in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>lineages [##REF##16973872##28##,##REF##12566392##34##, ####REF##12777046##35##, ##REF##12660784##36####12660784##36##]. Despite the older poplar event, genome rearrangements involving gene loss and translocation following these duplications were much more frequent in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>ancestors [##REF##11118139##37##]. Such a highly active genome dynamics probably caused the dispersion of genes and the subsequent reduction in synteny and gene colinearity with even related species. The different behaviour of <italic>Populus </italic>and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>ancestral genomes still deserves further explanation. It has been suggested that woody long-lived species like poplar trees may undergo a slower genome dynamics due to their juvenile period that delays sexual fecundation for several years and to the recurrent contribution of gametes from aged individuals of previous generations [##REF##16973872##28##]. In addition, species like <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana </italic>may have very active mechanisms for unequal or illegitimate recombination causing frequent chromosomal rearrangements such as translocations, insertions and deletions. In this context, it is notable that nearly all <italic>Citrus </italic>species and many related genera have 2n = 18, probably indicating slow chromosomal evolution in this group.</p>", "<title>Chlorophyll <italic>a/b </italic>ratio is modified in 39B3 mutant</title>", "<p>Structural studies describing gene arrangement on a particular deletion have outstanding importance for linking a specific mutant phenotype with an impaired gene. The 39B3 deletion removed at least a set of 21 genes and resulted in delayed chlorophyll catabolism. Although in principle, no obvious candidate genes could be unequivocally related to the exocarp colour break retardation, the 39B3 mutant certainly exhibited altered chlorophyll <italic>a </italic>and <italic>b </italic>content. Ratios of chlorophyll <italic>a </italic>to chlorophyll <italic>b </italic>contents in 39B3 mutant were about 15% to 23% lower than those found in wild type when three different green tissues were tested: fruit exocarp, old and young leaves (Figure ##FIG##6##7##). This distinct chlorophyll composition was not accompanied by alterations in the total content of chlorophylls in the leaves although pigment levels in 39B3 fruit exocarp, as expected, were clearly higher (0.48 mg/g fresh weight) than in the peel of control fruit (0.15 mg/g fresh weight) that has initiated chlorophyll degradation (Table ##TAB##3##4##). The chlorophyll accumulation observed in the 39B3 exocarp, however, is higher than the maximum reached in normal clementine fruits (0.35 mg/g f w) [##REF##16787044##38##], suggesting that the mutation also induced total chlorophyll build-up in the fruit peel. Indeed, fruit exocarps of a \"wild type\" clementine tree showing fruit colour delay due to altered environmental conditions showed chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>/<italic>b </italic>ratios equivalent to those found in the standard cultivar (Figure ##FIG##6##7##) while total pigments had an intermediate value (0.29 mg/g f w) between those of normal and 39B3 genotypes (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>Unigene aCL766Contig1, one of the 39B3 hits validated by real-time quantitative PCR (Table ##TAB##0##1##) coding for a ClpC-like protein, may have certain relevance to the altered chlorophyll composition found in 39B3 mutant. Plant ClpCs are ATP-binding proteins located in the stroma of chloroplasts which have been found to be associated with the protein import machinery [##REF##9118955##39##] and with the Clp protease complex [##UREF##11##40##]. In fact, ClpC has been related to protein translocation across the chloroplast inner envelope membrane and to multiple processes requiring proteolytic cleavage, as protein turnover and regulation [##REF##16603408##41##,##REF##11750666##42##]. In <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, insertional mutagenesis in the <italic>ClpC1 </italic>gene caused chlorosis, growth retardation, photosynthetic damage and defects in chloroplast protein import [##REF##15516497##43##, ####REF##15659100##44##, ##REF##15563614##45####15563614##45##] and no double knock-outs of <italic>ClpC1 </italic>and the less expressed <italic>ClpC2 </italic>genes were obtained, suggesting that <italic>ClpC </italic>function is essential in plants [##REF##17376159##46##]. In addition, a mutant impaired in <italic>ClpC1 </italic>mRNA processing accumulated chlorophyllide <italic>a </italic>oxygenase protein (CAO), a key enzyme for the synthesis of chlorophyll <italic>b </italic>from chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>, leading to a reduced chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>/<italic>b </italic>ratio [##REF##17291312##47##]. Interestingly, aCL4690Contig1 unigene coding for another subunit of Clp complexes (<italic>ClpD</italic>-like) with sequence similarity to aCL766Contig1 showed half gene dosage (Table ##TAB##0##1##) and was also included in the 39B3 deletion. Expression of both <italic>ClpC</italic>-like and <italic>ClpD</italic>-like genes was analyzed in fruit exocarps from wild type and 39B3 mutant at two different developmental stages: green immature peel (September) and shortly after the time of natural colour break in wild type peel (November). Both genes showed reduced expression in the 39B3 mutant, an observation that was well correlated with the alteration in chlorophyll composition since <italic>ClpC</italic>-like and <italic>ClpD-</italic>like alleles in the hemizygous 39B3 mutant reached about a half of the expression values found in the wild type (Figure ##FIG##7##8##). These results suggest that wild type alleles are similarly expressed in the peel of clementine fruit. Furthermore, sequencing of the <italic>ClpC</italic>-like gene that according to its <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>homologue plays a major role in chlorophyll composition, also revealed that there were no essential differences between wild type and 39B3 mutant coding regions (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). This observation corroborated that not only expression but also protein sequence were identical in the analyzed <italic>ClpC</italic>-like alleles. In the wild type, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were observed in two different introns, which were very likely unable to alter protein stability or function. These single base variants that were detected as sequence ambiguities (N) were due to the presence of overlapping base peaks contributed by both alleles, while hemizygous <italic>ClpC</italic>-like gene in 39B3 mutant produced an unambiguous signal in the same positions. Bases 2572, 4104 and 4119 located on the forth and sixth introns were identified as guanine, guanine and adenine in the mutant, while a mix of guanine and thymine, guanine and adenine and adenine and thymine were respectively found in wild type DNA (Figure ##FIG##8##9##). While the contribution of the <italic>ClpC</italic>-like gene dosage to the retardation of the natural exocarp degreening remains to be unequivocally demonstrated, the data presented above clearly shows that there is a strong correlation between chlorophyll composition and the presence of a single allele in the mutant. Additional analysis of the remaining genes inside 39B3 deletion should be performed in order to accomplish a complete candidate gene approach</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results and discussion</title>", "<title>Procedure for the characterization of hemizygous deletions in <italic>Citrus</italic></title>", "<p>The proposed procedure to identify deleted genes is illustrated in Figure ##FIG##0##1## and its potential to structurally characterize hemizygous deletions is exemplified below with <italic>Citrus </italic>mutants as starting plant material. Its usefulness to describe genomic deletions in other species might be dependent upon genome complexity and ploidy. This method uses cDNA microarrays to hybridize genomic DNA extracted from the deletion mutants to render a list of underrepresented genes. The putative deleted genes are then validated through gene dosage evaluation by real-time PCR using gene specific primers. Deleted genes could subsequently contribute to the identification of the molecular mechanisms underlying the observed phenotypes by means of a candidate gene approach, validated by physiological analyses or genetic transformation [##UREF##8##26##]. In non-sequenced genomes or in plants with poorly developed physical maps, further characterization of deletions at the structural level requires TBLASTX similarity searches against databases containing the sequence annotation of known eudicot genomes, such as <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana</italic>, <italic>Populus trichocarpa </italic>and <italic>Vitis vinifera</italic>. These searches yield putative orthologous genes and syntenic genomic regions between these four species. Local physical maps of deletions are built allocating the deleted gene sequences and the syntenic genomic fragments from these other eudicots into a BES database of the species of interest. Lastly, specific PCR on the array of BACs confirms gene content and order on the lineal structure of the deletions. The results may also be used in comparative genomics analyses to study evolutionary dynamics and phylogenetics.</p>", "<title>Identification of deleted alleles in 39B3 and 39E7 fast neutron mutants of <italic>Citrus clementina</italic></title>", "<p>For this study, two mutants obtained by fast neutron mutagenesis of wild type <italic>Citrus clementina </italic>were selected from the IVIA mutant collection. These mutants, named 39B3 and 39E7, were expected to carry DNA deletion lesions in hemizygous dosage and showed a delay in natural colour break in fruit peel. The 39B3 mutant exhibited a delay in colour change from green to orange while 39E7 was better characterized by an abnormal final yellowish colour instead of the natural orange coloration. Putative deleted genes in the mutants were first identified through an approach based on genomic hybridization (array-CGH) that exploited a recently developed <italic>Citrus </italic>microarray containing 21240 cDNAs [##REF##15830128##4##,##REF##17254327##5##]. To this end, total genomic DNA from four independent samples of mutants 39B3 and 39E7 were Cy3 or Cy5-labelled and cohybridized with wild type DNA labelled with the complementary Cy5 or Cy3 probe on four independent microarray slides. Fluorescence intensity data were normalized and single ESTs showing a mutant/wild type signal ratio lower than 0.7 fold, with a P-value lower than 0.2 (39B3) or 0.1 (39E7), were selected as putative candidates.</p>", "<p>The number of ESTs fulfilling these criteria was 24 and 78 for mutants 39B3 and 39E7, respectively. One of the 39B3 positives [GenBank: <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX299090\">CX299090</ext-link>], composed of three unrelated sequences was discarded for subsequent analysis due to its chimerical nature. In order to validate the array-CGH results, gene dosage of several putative candidates was determined through real-time PCR quantification of mutant/wild type signals for candidate ESTs as related to a reference undeleted gene [GenBank: <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX293764\">CX293764</ext-link>]. The results showed that gene dosage for 39B3 candidates ranged from 0.50 to 0.60 when genomic DNA from the 39B3 genotype was tested, while ranged from 0.96 to 1.15 when the assayed DNA originated from the 39E7 genotype (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Similar results, corroborating the presence of putative deleted genes at half dosage, were also obtained for the 39E7 mutant. Therefore, the developed array-CGH procedure proved to be an appropriate tool to identify genes in hemizygous content in the self-incompatible clementine.</p>", "<title>Clustering of homologues of <italic>Citrus </italic>deleted genes in the poplar genome</title>", "<p>Microsynteny comparisons with homologous stretches from the sequenced genomes of <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana</italic>, <italic>Populus trichocarpa </italic>and <italic>Vitis vinifera </italic>[##REF##11130711##27##, ####REF##16973872##28##, ##REF##17721507##29####17721507##29##] were performed in order to elucidate hypothetical clustering of <italic>Citrus </italic>deleted genes in the genome. TBLASTX, which searches for translations of a crude genome similar to a translated query, was utilized with an E-value cut-off of 10<sup>-5</sup>. The homologous regions produced by the best TBLASTX hit of each of the <italic>Citrus </italic>candidate genes were located on the chromosome maps of <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, poplar and grapevine. Homologues of <italic>Citrus </italic>genes were then grouped into clusters in each species when the distance between them was shorter than 250 kb. The second and third TBLASTX best alignments were similarly placed in the respective maps when they were included in an existing cluster. In this case, a binding line was drawn linking the second and third hits to the best hit of the same <italic>Citrus </italic>query. Thus, two chromosomal maps, one for each mutant, in the three species was obtained. Figure ##FIG##1##2## represents in detail chromosome mappings of the 39B3 mutation, which was subjected to further analyses. The results indicate that the <italic>Populus </italic>mapping exhibited rather lower complexity than the <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and grapevine ones since it included fewer chromosomes and only 3 clusters although the number of 39B3 candidate genes represented in the map was identical (21) for the three genomes. Note that the number of represented hits in these mappings is higher than 21 due to the inclusion of second or third homologues. In <italic>Populus</italic>, most of the candidate genes mapped to two different genome regions of approximately 700 kb long in chromosomes 12 and 15, two duplicated chromosomes that probably originated during the recent genome duplication event that occurred in this species [##REF##16973872##28##]. These two clusters contained 17 and 15 hits respectively while the third one placed in chromosome 16 had only one hit. In contrast, the number of clusters in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and <italic>Vitis </italic>were 9 and 11, respectively, and none of them contained more than 11 hits. Furthermore, cluster number (and clustering density) of the homologues of 39E7 putative deleted genes was also lower (and higher) in <italic>Populus </italic>than in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>or <italic>Vitis</italic>, although the differences were smaller: 26, 30 and 30 clusters were obtained for poplar, <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and grapevine respectively (Figure ##FIG##2##3##).</p>", "<p>Overall, these observations suggest that the <italic>Populus </italic>genomic regions homologous to the <italic>Citrus </italic>deletions were less fragmented than their counterparts in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and <italic>Vitis</italic>, and consequently microsynteny on the considered segments was higher with the <italic>Populus </italic>genome. These results are striking since <italic>Citrus </italic>and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>belong to Sapindales and Brassicales orders (inside the same clade eurosids II) while <italic>Populus </italic>is included in the eurosids I clade, and <italic>Vitis </italic>is part of Vitaceae, a family outside of rosids [##UREF##9##30##].</p>", "<title>Gene arrangement and partial physical map of the 39B3 deletion</title>", "<p>The closer microsynteny observed between the 39B3 deletion and the two duplicated homologous regions in poplar enabled prediction of gene order by direct inference from the <italic>Populus </italic>sequences. This assumption led to the gene arrangement depicted in Figure ##FIG##3##4##. Twenty genes out of twenty-one having high similarity with <italic>Populus </italic>homologues were directly located on the <italic>Citrus </italic>deletion fragment by combining the two clusters found on <italic>Populus </italic>chromosomes 12 and 15, which shared 12 hits. Inclusion of the 21<sup>st </sup>gene, a homologue of a <italic>Populus </italic>gene placed on chromosome 16, in the 39B3 deletion was based on its location on the right end of the <italic>Citrus </italic>BAC CCER1019D04 (named B12, see below), whose left end shared identity with another deleted gene [GenBank: <ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX295702\">CX295702</ext-link>]. The accession number and protein similarity of these 21 genes, numbered according to the ordered position of their homologues on the poplar genome (Figure ##FIG##3##4##), are depicted in Table ##TAB##1##2## that also shows coding strand sense of poplar homologues. The coding strand was coincident for the <italic>Populus </italic>paralogous genes present in chromosomes 12 and 15, except for genes similar to <italic>Citrus </italic><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX308429\">CX308429</ext-link>, located in position 8 in Figure ##FIG##3##4##.</p>", "<p>Furthermore, the recent sequencing of 46,000 <italic>Citrus clementina </italic>BAC ends (to be published) enabled the construction of a physical map of the 39B3 deleted region. To this end, two DNA sequences covering 700 kb along the <italic>Populus </italic>chromosomes 12 and 15, containing the genes homologous to the <italic>Citrus </italic>deleted candidates, were BLASTed against the <italic>Citrus </italic>BAC end database. The homology search identified 33 BACs with a BLASTN E value lower than 10<sup>-5 </sup>for both paralogous regions. In subsequent analyses, redundant BACs were discarded, while additional candidate BACs were obtained by comparing these previous ones with the BES database to yield overlapping BACs. Moreover, BACs with both ends showing similarity to repetitive DNA that may cause ambiguous positioning and inaccurate gene dosage measurement were also discarded. Finally, a partial physical map containing 13 BACs systematically named B1 to B13 (Table ##TAB##2##3##) was provided by standard PCR of BAC end amplicons against BAC templates and <italic>in silico </italic>search of overlapping antiparallel ends (Figures ##FIG##4##5A, B##).</p>", "<p>This mapping contained three gaps, one at the 5' deletion junction and two internal ones (Figure ##FIG##4##5B##) delimiting three main BAC clusters, composed of B1 to B4, B5 to B8, and B9 to B13. BACs B11 and B12 were connected by unigene aCL4690Contig1 coding for a putative subunit ClpD of an ATP-dependent Clp protease, whose sequence was shared by both BACs. Similarly B12 and B13 interaction is mediated by unigene aCL1915Contig2 (Table ##TAB##1##2##, ##TAB##2##3##). Real-time PCR quantification of gene dosage for some of the BAC ends (Figure ##FIG##4##5A##) confirmed the presence of these sequences at half dosage in the mutant genotype, indicating that the 39B3 mutation is a hemizygous deletion. Indeed, all analyzed BACs covered an internal segment of the deletion except B13 that exhibited haploid gene dosage on the left end and diploid dosage on the right one, suggesting that B13 contained the 3' border of the 39B3 deletion.</p>", "<p>The above results indicated that the microsynteny between <italic>Citrus </italic>and <italic>Populus </italic>genomes was high enough to predict gene arrangement and to build a partial physical map of a <italic>Citrus </italic>genomic segment of about 700 kb, as inferred from the length of poplar homologous regions. Nevertheless, the observation that a 700 kb <italic>Citrus </italic>fragment only contains 21 genes may result striking considering an average distance of 10 Kb between adjacent genes, as deduced from the estimations of <italic>Citrus </italic>genome size (367 Mb) and gene number (35,000–40,000). It should be noted, however, that the microarray used in these analyses contains between approximately 2/3 and 1/2 of the estimated gene content of the <italic>Citrus </italic>genome, which may account for a major part of the hypothetical \"loss\" of deleted candidates. While this is a weakness of the currently available Citrus arrays, non-attributable to the array-CGH procedure, more complete results are expected after the development of a more representative cDNA microarray. Other limitations of the method may be related to the differential hybridization potential of different cDNAs, including for instance cross-hybridizations. In this regard, oligonucleotide arrays are particularly suited for the detection of dissimilar DNA variants. Alternatively, synteny might be limited to several genes located on a bulk of non-conserved sequences inside this 700 Kb region, a possibility that may only be corroborated after genome sequencing.</p>", "<p>Overall, the data indicated that the <italic>Populus </italic>genome is a useful model for comparative genomics which may be used to characterize hemizygous deletions in <italic>Citrus</italic>.</p>", "<title>The <italic>Citrus </italic>39B3 deletion shows higher local gene colinearity with <italic>Populus </italic>than with <italic>Arabidopsis</italic></title>", "<p>Local gene colinearity between two genomic fragments is determined by the number of paralogous genes arranged in the same order. Therefore, not only permanence of genes in their original chromosomal location, but also conservation of gene order, affects local colinearity. In order to validate the gene arrangement postulated in Figure ##FIG##3##4## and consequently to estimate gene colinearity of the 39B3 <italic>Citrus </italic>deletion with <italic>Populus </italic>homologous fragments, we mapped by PCR the 21 genes listed in Table ##TAB##1##2## on the physical map of Figure ##FIG##4##5B##. All but three genes showed at least one PCR product on the array of 13 BACs, confirming that those genes were effectively included in the 39B3 deletion (Figure ##FIG##5##6A##). In addition, PCR reactions reproduced at the BAC size resolution the expected gene order outlined in Figure ##FIG##3##4##, corroborating the gene arrangement deduced by comparative genomics. In Figure ##FIG##5##6B##, the genes rendering a positive PCR signal were linked to the physical map position with an arrow. Moreover, genes 3, 4 and 9 corresponding to unigenes aCL3991Contig1, aC18005F10Rv_c and aC16014F08SK_c, respectively, did not show a detectable PCR signal on purified BACs, although their respective primers produced a band of the expected size when tested against genomic DNA from normal clementine cultivar (data not shown). These genes were most likely placed into the two reported internal gaps of the physical map, as suggested by the border situation of their neighbouring genes.</p>", "<p>These results confirm high local gene colinearity with poplar in the genomic region covered by 39B3 deletion. Taking together gene content and order conservation (Figures ##FIG##1##2##, ##FIG##2##3## and ##FIG##5##6##), it is inferred that in the studied DNA deleted segment there was higher gene colinearity with <italic>Populus</italic>, which diverged about 109 million years ago (Mya), than with <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, splitting from the <italic>Citrus </italic>lineage about 87 Mya [##UREF##9##30##], despite gene colinearity generally being correlated with phylogenetic relatedness. A similar conclusion has been reached in our group, after comparing the whole collection of <italic>Citrus </italic>BES with the poplar and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>genomes (to be published), and also in previous works in papaya and melon. In papaya, BES alignment to the annotated genomes rendered higher gene colinearity with <italic>Populus </italic>than with <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, although both <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and papaya belong to the order Brassicales [##REF##16703363##31##]. In melon, microsynteny studies based on the sequence of two BACs also concluded that melon was closer to <italic>Populus </italic>than to <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>or <italic>Medicago truncatula </italic>[##REF##17665215##32##]. These observations may be explained by a differential genome evolutionary dynamics in poplar and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>lineages [##UREF##10##33##]. The more recent appraisals estimated that last whole genome duplications occurred not later than 60–65 Mya in <italic>Populus </italic>and around 24–40 Mya in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>lineages [##REF##16973872##28##,##REF##12566392##34##, ####REF##12777046##35##, ##REF##12660784##36####12660784##36##]. Despite the older poplar event, genome rearrangements involving gene loss and translocation following these duplications were much more frequent in <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>ancestors [##REF##11118139##37##]. Such a highly active genome dynamics probably caused the dispersion of genes and the subsequent reduction in synteny and gene colinearity with even related species. The different behaviour of <italic>Populus </italic>and <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>ancestral genomes still deserves further explanation. It has been suggested that woody long-lived species like poplar trees may undergo a slower genome dynamics due to their juvenile period that delays sexual fecundation for several years and to the recurrent contribution of gametes from aged individuals of previous generations [##REF##16973872##28##]. In addition, species like <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana </italic>may have very active mechanisms for unequal or illegitimate recombination causing frequent chromosomal rearrangements such as translocations, insertions and deletions. In this context, it is notable that nearly all <italic>Citrus </italic>species and many related genera have 2n = 18, probably indicating slow chromosomal evolution in this group.</p>", "<title>Chlorophyll <italic>a/b </italic>ratio is modified in 39B3 mutant</title>", "<p>Structural studies describing gene arrangement on a particular deletion have outstanding importance for linking a specific mutant phenotype with an impaired gene. The 39B3 deletion removed at least a set of 21 genes and resulted in delayed chlorophyll catabolism. Although in principle, no obvious candidate genes could be unequivocally related to the exocarp colour break retardation, the 39B3 mutant certainly exhibited altered chlorophyll <italic>a </italic>and <italic>b </italic>content. Ratios of chlorophyll <italic>a </italic>to chlorophyll <italic>b </italic>contents in 39B3 mutant were about 15% to 23% lower than those found in wild type when three different green tissues were tested: fruit exocarp, old and young leaves (Figure ##FIG##6##7##). This distinct chlorophyll composition was not accompanied by alterations in the total content of chlorophylls in the leaves although pigment levels in 39B3 fruit exocarp, as expected, were clearly higher (0.48 mg/g fresh weight) than in the peel of control fruit (0.15 mg/g fresh weight) that has initiated chlorophyll degradation (Table ##TAB##3##4##). The chlorophyll accumulation observed in the 39B3 exocarp, however, is higher than the maximum reached in normal clementine fruits (0.35 mg/g f w) [##REF##16787044##38##], suggesting that the mutation also induced total chlorophyll build-up in the fruit peel. Indeed, fruit exocarps of a \"wild type\" clementine tree showing fruit colour delay due to altered environmental conditions showed chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>/<italic>b </italic>ratios equivalent to those found in the standard cultivar (Figure ##FIG##6##7##) while total pigments had an intermediate value (0.29 mg/g f w) between those of normal and 39B3 genotypes (Table ##TAB##3##4##).</p>", "<p>Unigene aCL766Contig1, one of the 39B3 hits validated by real-time quantitative PCR (Table ##TAB##0##1##) coding for a ClpC-like protein, may have certain relevance to the altered chlorophyll composition found in 39B3 mutant. Plant ClpCs are ATP-binding proteins located in the stroma of chloroplasts which have been found to be associated with the protein import machinery [##REF##9118955##39##] and with the Clp protease complex [##UREF##11##40##]. In fact, ClpC has been related to protein translocation across the chloroplast inner envelope membrane and to multiple processes requiring proteolytic cleavage, as protein turnover and regulation [##REF##16603408##41##,##REF##11750666##42##]. In <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, insertional mutagenesis in the <italic>ClpC1 </italic>gene caused chlorosis, growth retardation, photosynthetic damage and defects in chloroplast protein import [##REF##15516497##43##, ####REF##15659100##44##, ##REF##15563614##45####15563614##45##] and no double knock-outs of <italic>ClpC1 </italic>and the less expressed <italic>ClpC2 </italic>genes were obtained, suggesting that <italic>ClpC </italic>function is essential in plants [##REF##17376159##46##]. In addition, a mutant impaired in <italic>ClpC1 </italic>mRNA processing accumulated chlorophyllide <italic>a </italic>oxygenase protein (CAO), a key enzyme for the synthesis of chlorophyll <italic>b </italic>from chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>, leading to a reduced chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>/<italic>b </italic>ratio [##REF##17291312##47##]. Interestingly, aCL4690Contig1 unigene coding for another subunit of Clp complexes (<italic>ClpD</italic>-like) with sequence similarity to aCL766Contig1 showed half gene dosage (Table ##TAB##0##1##) and was also included in the 39B3 deletion. Expression of both <italic>ClpC</italic>-like and <italic>ClpD</italic>-like genes was analyzed in fruit exocarps from wild type and 39B3 mutant at two different developmental stages: green immature peel (September) and shortly after the time of natural colour break in wild type peel (November). Both genes showed reduced expression in the 39B3 mutant, an observation that was well correlated with the alteration in chlorophyll composition since <italic>ClpC</italic>-like and <italic>ClpD-</italic>like alleles in the hemizygous 39B3 mutant reached about a half of the expression values found in the wild type (Figure ##FIG##7##8##). These results suggest that wild type alleles are similarly expressed in the peel of clementine fruit. Furthermore, sequencing of the <italic>ClpC</italic>-like gene that according to its <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>homologue plays a major role in chlorophyll composition, also revealed that there were no essential differences between wild type and 39B3 mutant coding regions (Additional file ##SUPPL##0##1##). This observation corroborated that not only expression but also protein sequence were identical in the analyzed <italic>ClpC</italic>-like alleles. In the wild type, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were observed in two different introns, which were very likely unable to alter protein stability or function. These single base variants that were detected as sequence ambiguities (N) were due to the presence of overlapping base peaks contributed by both alleles, while hemizygous <italic>ClpC</italic>-like gene in 39B3 mutant produced an unambiguous signal in the same positions. Bases 2572, 4104 and 4119 located on the forth and sixth introns were identified as guanine, guanine and adenine in the mutant, while a mix of guanine and thymine, guanine and adenine and adenine and thymine were respectively found in wild type DNA (Figure ##FIG##8##9##). While the contribution of the <italic>ClpC</italic>-like gene dosage to the retardation of the natural exocarp degreening remains to be unequivocally demonstrated, the data presented above clearly shows that there is a strong correlation between chlorophyll composition and the presence of a single allele in the mutant. Additional analysis of the remaining genes inside 39B3 deletion should be performed in order to accomplish a complete candidate gene approach</p>" ]
[ "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In this study, we propose a procedure for the genetic characterization of genomic hemizygous deletions in citrus mutants. The procedure that might be applied to other non-sequenced species of similar genome size and ploidy level is illustrated with the study of the 39B3 <italic>Citrus clementina </italic>deletion, generated by fast neutron bombardment. The proposed strategy utilizes several genomic resources such as array-Comparative Genomic Hybridization (array-CGH) technology, EST and BAC end sequencing databases and poplar genome annotation.</p>", "<p>The array-CGH results led to the conclusion that the 39B3 deletion removed at least 21 genes while a partial physical map of about 700 kb of the deleted region was inferred by comparison of two homologous genomic regions from poplar with a <italic>Citrus </italic>BES database.</p>", "<p>Structural data including gene content and order in the deletion was utilized for microsynteny and local gene colinearity studies concluding that in the studied region <italic>Citrus </italic>is more similar to <italic>Populus </italic>than to <italic>Arabidopsis</italic>, a phylogenetically closer species. This observation supports previous works on other species and suggests that the <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>lineage underwent a quicker genome evolutionary dynamics than the <italic>Populus </italic>one.</p>", "<p>Among the deleted alleles, the function of <italic>ClpC</italic>-like, coding for a putative subunit of a protease involved in chlorophyll <italic>b </italic>synthesis was directly related to the mutant phenotype since green mutant tissues had a lower chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>/<italic>b </italic>ratio.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Many fruit-tree species, including relevant <italic>Citrus </italic>spp varieties exhibit a reproductive biology that impairs breeding and strongly constrains genetic improvements. In citrus, juvenility increases the generation time while sexual sterility, inbreeding depression and self-incompatibility prevent the production of homozygous cultivars. Genomic technology may provide citrus researchers with a new set of tools to address these various restrictions. In this work, we report a valuable genomics-based protocol for the structural analysis of deletion mutations on an heterozygous background.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Two independent fast neutron mutants of self-incompatible clementine (<italic>Citrus clementina </italic>Hort. Ex Tan. cv. Clemenules) were the subject of the study. Both mutants, named 39B3 and 39E7, were expected to carry DNA deletions in hemizygous dosage. Array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (array-CGH) using a <italic>Citrus </italic>cDNA microarray allowed the identification of underrepresented genes in these two mutants. Subsequent comparison of citrus deleted genes with annotated plant genomes, especially poplar, made possible to predict the presence of a large deletion in 39B3 of about 700 kb and at least two deletions of approximately 100 and 500 kb in 39E7. The deletion in 39B3 was further characterized by PCR on available <italic>Citrus </italic>BACs, which helped us to build a partial physical map of the deletion. Among the deleted genes, <italic>ClpC</italic>-like gene coding for a putative subunit of a multifunctional chloroplastic protease involved in the regulation of chlorophyll <italic>b </italic>synthesis was directly related to the mutated phenotype since the mutant showed a reduced chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>/<italic>b </italic>ratio in green tissues.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>In this work, we report the use of array-CGH for the successful identification of genes included in a hemizygous deletion induced by fast neutron irradiation on <italic>Citrus clementina</italic>. The study of gene content and order into the 39B3 deletion also led to the unexpected conclusion that microsynteny and local gene colinearity in this species were higher with <italic>Populus trichocarpa </italic>than with the phylogenetically closer <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana</italic>. This work corroborates the potential of <italic>Citrus </italic>genomic resources to assist mutagenesis-based approaches for functional genetics, structural studies and comparative genomics, and hence to facilitate citrus variety improvement.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>GR carried out the microarray hybridizations, standard PCR reactions, expression measurements, gene sequencing, similarity searches and data analysis, and drafted the manuscript. MAN isolated DNA from <italic>Citrus </italic>BACs and carried out quantitative real-time PCR. DJI carried out mutant collection screenings, selected mutants and performed chlorophyll measurements. OR-R designed the array-CGH protocol. MG assisted in microarray hybridizations and data analysis. AU provided plant material, identified mutant genotypes and carried out relevant work on the field. MT conceived and coordinated the project and elaborated the final manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.</p>", "<title>Supplementary Material</title>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>Work at Centro de Genómica was supported by INIA grant RTA04-013, INCO contract 015453 and Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia grant AGL2007-65437-C04-01/AGR. We also thank Dr. José Marqués at the Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear (Sacavem, Portugal) for irradiation with fast neutrons. Help and expertise of A. Almenar, E Blázquez, I. López, I. Sanchís and M. Sancho are gratefully acknowledged.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p><bold>Schematic guidelines for the characterization of hemizygous deletion <italic>Citrus </italic>mutants</bold>. Arrows indicate successive steps of mutant characterization. Plant material and genomic resources are highlighted in grey boxes while gained knowledge of genetics and genomics are highlighted in white rectangles. Genes are shown in bold and methods and approaches in italics.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p><bold>Chromosome mapping of poplar, <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and grapevine homologues of the 39B3 <italic>Citrus </italic>deleted genes</bold>. The first TBLASTX hit for each <italic>Citrus </italic>deleted gene with an E value cut-off &lt; 10<sup>-5 </sup>is represented on linkage groups (LG) from <italic>Populus trichocarpa</italic>, <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana </italic>and <italic>Vitis vinifera</italic>. Homologues of <italic>Citrus </italic>genes were grouped into clusters in each species when the distance between them was shorter than 250 kb. Second and third hits are only represented when they are located in a previously identified cluster, and in this case are linked to the first hit by a line. The value on each cluster indicates the hit number of the cluster.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p><bold>Chromosome mapping of poplar, <italic>Arabidopsis </italic>and grapevine homologues of the 39E7 deleted genes</bold>. The TBLASTX hits for the 78 39E7 candidates, identified as stated in figure 2, are represented on linkage groups (LG) from <italic>Populus trichocarpa</italic>, <italic>Arabidopsis thaliana </italic>and <italic>Vitis vinifera</italic>. The number of hits contained in each cluster is shown.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F4\"><label>Figure 4</label><caption><p><bold>Gene composition of the <italic>Citrus </italic>39B3 deletion inferred from poplar homologous regions</bold>. The 39B3 deleted <italic>Citrus </italic>genes are arranged in the centre of the figure in the order inferred from the position of their <italic>Populus </italic>homologues found in linkage groups 12, 15 and 16. Genes are numbered following this order. Strand sense deduced from poplar counterparts is indicated by an arrow.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F5\"><label>Figure 5</label><caption><p><bold>Local physical mapping of the <italic>Citrus </italic>39B3 deletion</bold>. (A) Electrophoretic analysis of PCR products showing overlapping BACs. Purified BAC templates are distributed horizontally and divided in two panels. Primer pairs were designed from BAC end sequences containing non-repetitive DNA and named with the number of the BAC plus \"-L\" for left end and \"-R\" for right end according to the drawing orientation. B7-I primers amplify an internal sequence from B7 instead of an end. Gene dosage measurements for some of the primer pairs in the 39B3 genotype are shown on the left side of the electrophoretic images. (B) Physical map of the <italic>Citrus </italic>39B3 deletion. Horizontal lines represent BACs, which are numbered from left to right. Vertical arrows show overlapping as inferred from PCR reactions and the head of the arrow indicates the BAC template. The vertical lines without arrow show connection of B11 with B12 by sequence of unigene aCL4690Contig1 and B12 with B13 by aCL1915Contig2 instead of a PCR reaction.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F6\"><label>Figure 6</label><caption><p><bold>Gene arrangement on the physical map of the <italic>Citrus </italic>39B3 deletion</bold>. (A) Primer pairs designed for the putative deleted genes included in the 39B3 deletion (Table 2) were utilized in PCR reactions on the BAC templates shown in Table 3. Genes are numbered and arranged vertically, on the left side of the electrophoretic image, and BAC templates are listed horizontally. (B) <italic>Citrus </italic>genes included in the 39B3 deletion and arranged as drawn in Figure 4 but without indication of strand sense, are connected with arrows to the deletion physical map according to PCR results.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F7\"><label>Figure 7</label><caption><p><bold>Chlorophyll <italic>a</italic>/<italic>b </italic>ratio in green tissues from 39B3 mutant and wild type cultivar of <italic>Citrus clementina</italic></bold>. Chlorophyll <italic>a </italic>and <italic>b </italic>content was measured in young and old leaves and fruit peel exocarp from wild type clementine cultivar (Wt) and 39B3 mutant (39B3). Measurements were also taken from exocarps of a normal wild type clementine tree showing fruit colour delay (Wt-d) due to altered environmental conditions. The relative content of chlorophyll <italic>a </italic>to chlorophyll <italic>b </italic>is represented as the Ca/Cb ratio. Data are average of 3 (exocarp) or 5 (leaves) independent determinations and error bars show standard deviation.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F8\"><label>Figure 8</label><caption><p><bold>Relative expression level of <italic>ClpC</italic>-like and <italic>ClpD</italic>-like genes in 39B3 mutant</bold>. Quantitative real-time PCR with specific primers for <italic>ClpC</italic>-like (A) and <italic>ClpD</italic>-like genes (B) was performed on reverse transcribed RNA from fruit exocarps at two different developmental stages (September and November) from wild type (wt) and 39B3 mutant. Specific first strand cDNA concentration in 39B3 mutant is related to wild type values. The results are average and standard deviation of three independent biological replicates that were assayed twice.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F9\"><label>Figure 9</label><caption><p><bold>Single nucleotide polymorphisms in <italic>ClpC</italic>-like alleles</bold>. Four colour representations of polymorphic stretches in the sequence of the <italic>ClpC</italic>-like gene in wild type (upper panels) and 39B3 mutant DNA (lower panel). Differential nucleotides are labelled in red. The residues are numbered from the A in the ATG codon.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Gene dosage measurement of deleted genes in 39B3 and 39E7 <italic>Citrus </italic>mutants.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">Unigene</td><td align=\"center\">EST accession number (GenBank)</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Array-CGH</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Real-time PCR gene dosage</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">Mutant/wt ratio</td><td align=\"center\">P value</td><td align=\"center\">Template 39B3</td><td align=\"center\">Template 39E7</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL4690Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX295702\">CX295702</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.59</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.56 ± 0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.99 ± 0.09</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL1915Contig2</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY300024\">DY300024</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">0.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.60 ± 0.08</td><td align=\"center\">0.96 ± 0.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL3317Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY265056\">DY265056</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.60 ± 0.03</td><td align=\"center\">0.98 ± 0.03</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aC20009H03SK_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX308429\">CX308429</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.63</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.50 ± 0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.98 ± 0.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL766Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX288964\">CX288964</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">0.13</td><td align=\"center\">0.56 ± 0.06</td><td align=\"center\">0.96 ± 0.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL7097Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"FC868864\">FC868864</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">0.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.59 ± 0.04</td><td align=\"center\">1.15 ± 0.07</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL2087Contig2</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY300006\">DY300006</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.57</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">1.05 ± 0.13</td><td align=\"center\">0.59 ± 0.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL6684Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY265447\">DY265447</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.60</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">1.04 ± 0.12</td><td align=\"center\">0.59 ± 0.12</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL6641Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"FC930062\">FC930062</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">1.14 ± 0.19</td><td align=\"center\">0.58 ± 0.08</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aCL3902Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY267778\">DY267778</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.62</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">1.12 ± 0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.64 ± 0.04</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aC05139C12SK_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX296347\">CX296347</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.66</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">1.24 ± 0.22</td><td align=\"center\">0.61 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">aC01019E12SK_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX288357\">CX288357</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">0.66</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">1.04 ± 0.07</td><td align=\"center\">0.63 ± 0.11</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Gene components of the <italic>Citrus </italic>39B3 deletion.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">N°</td><td align=\"left\">Citrus unigene</td><td align=\"center\">EST accession number (GenBank)</td><td align=\"center\">Strand</td><td align=\"center\">Similarity</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">1</td><td align=\"left\">aC01006D04SK_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX287243\">CX287243</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Hypothetical protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">2</td><td align=\"left\">aC20006C06SK_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX308114\">CX308114</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">3</td><td align=\"left\">aCL3991Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY278065\">DY278065</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain-containing protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">4</td><td align=\"left\">aC18005F10Rv_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX305429\">CX305429</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Sialyltransferase-like protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"left\">aCL3317Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY265056\">DY265056</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">+</td><td align=\"left\">Hypothetical protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">6</td><td align=\"left\">aCL766Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX288964\">CX288964</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">ATP-dependent Clp protease, clpC homolog</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">7</td><td align=\"left\">aC01012C02SK_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX287682\">CX287682</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Alpha-mannosidase</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">8</td><td align=\"left\">aC20009H03SK_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX308429\">CX308429</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">?</td><td align=\"left\">Mei2-like protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">9</td><td align=\"left\">aC16014F08SK_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX304691\">CX304691</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Putative pol polyprotein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">10</td><td align=\"left\">aCL6210Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY282423\">DY282423</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Hypothetical protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">11</td><td align=\"left\">aCL8592Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY267639\">DY267639</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Tudor domain-containing protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">12</td><td align=\"left\">aCL1065Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY282340\">DY282340</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Putative amidase</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">13</td><td align=\"left\">aC32108G01EF_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"FC921733\">FC921733</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">+</td><td align=\"left\">Hypothetical protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">14</td><td align=\"left\">aCL503Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX292510\">CX292510</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Respiratory burst oxidase homolog</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">15</td><td align=\"left\">aCL6269Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY263746\">DY263746</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">+</td><td align=\"left\">FHA domain-containing protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">16</td><td align=\"left\">aCL7097Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"FC868864\">FC868864</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">+</td><td align=\"left\">Putative pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">17</td><td align=\"left\">aCL4690Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"CX295702\">CX295702</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">+</td><td align=\"left\">ERD1 protein, chloroplast precursor</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">18</td><td align=\"left\">aCL8011Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"FC923875\">FC923875</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Fe-superoxide dismutase</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">19</td><td align=\"left\">aIC0AAA60DF12RM1_c</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY284274\">DY284274</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">+</td><td align=\"left\">Poly(A)-binding protein II-like</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">20</td><td align=\"left\">aCL1848Contig1</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"FC875470\">FC875470</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">+</td><td align=\"left\">Hypothetical protein</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">21</td><td align=\"left\">aCL1915Contig2</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"DY300024\">DY300024</ext-link></td><td align=\"center\">-</td><td align=\"left\">Tubulin-specific chaperone C-related</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Listing of BACs included in the <italic>Citrus </italic>39B3 deletion.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">N°</td><td align=\"left\">BAC</td><td align=\"center\">Ends</td><td align=\"center\">BES ID (GenBank)</td><td align=\"center\">BLASTX against plant proteins</td><td align=\"center\">E value</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">B1</td><td align=\"left\">CCL021E18</td><td align=\"center\">B1-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET070583\">ET070583</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">Nhf</td><td align=\"center\">--</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B1-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET070584\">ET070584</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 91805627| hypothetical protein</td><td align=\"center\">9e-24</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B2</td><td align=\"left\">CCL011O24</td><td align=\"center\">B2-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET086992\">ET086992</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">Nhf</td><td align=\"center\">--</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B2-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET086991\">ET086991</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 7576215| hypothetical protein</td><td align=\"center\">7e-47</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B3</td><td align=\"left\">CCER1037B12</td><td align=\"center\">B3-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET077105\">ET077105</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 7576215| hypothetical protein</td><td align=\"center\">3e-90</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B3-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET077106\">ET077106</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">Nhf</td><td align=\"center\">--</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B4</td><td align=\"left\">CCER1032N17</td><td align=\"center\">B4-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET101817\">ET101817</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 25411577| probable retroelement pol polyprotein</td><td align=\"center\">2e-06</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B4-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET101816\">ET101816</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">Nhf</td><td align=\"center\">--</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B5</td><td align=\"left\">CCL011N15</td><td align=\"center\">B5-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET087145\">ET087145</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 6469119| mitochondrial phosphate transporter</td><td align=\"center\">5e-56</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B5-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET087144\">ET087144</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">Nhf</td><td align=\"center\">--</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B6</td><td align=\"left\">CCER1045A09</td><td align=\"center\">B6-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET077286\">ET077286</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 92895029| Polynucleotidyl transferase (retrotransposon protein)</td><td align=\"center\">8e-63</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B6-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET077285\">ET077285</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 30027167| auxin response factor-like protein</td><td align=\"center\">6e-85</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B7</td><td align=\"left\">CCH3037D01</td><td align=\"center\">B7-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET112059\">ET112059</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 87240692| Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding</td><td align=\"center\">1e-21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B8</td><td align=\"left\">CCER1005N09</td><td align=\"center\">B8-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET079746\">ET079746</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">Nhf</td><td align=\"center\">--</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B8-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET079745\">ET079745</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 79331867| AML1; RNA binding/nucleic acid binding</td><td align=\"center\">2e-09</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B9</td><td align=\"left\">CCH3005L04</td><td align=\"center\">B9-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET081228\">ET081228</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 33113977| putative copia-type pol polyprotein</td><td align=\"center\">2e-85</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B9-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET081227\">ET081227</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 51968598| peroxisomal Ca-dependent solute carrier-like protein</td><td align=\"center\">2e-21</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B10</td><td align=\"left\">CCER1033B14</td><td align=\"center\">B10-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET102435\">ET102435</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 51968598| peroxisomal Ca-dependent solute carrier-like protein</td><td align=\"center\">2e-37</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B10-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET102434\">ET102434</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">Nhf</td><td align=\"center\">--</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B11</td><td align=\"left\">CCL011K21</td><td align=\"center\">B11-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET086761\">ET086761</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 25402907| protein F5M15.26 (retrotransposon protein)</td><td align=\"center\">4e-78</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B11-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET086760\">ET086760</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 14334878| putative ATP-dependent Clp protease ClpD</td><td align=\"center\">4e-57</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B12</td><td align=\"left\">CCER1019D04</td><td align=\"center\">B12-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET098996\">ET098996</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 14334878| putative ATP-dependent Clp protease ClpD</td><td align=\"center\">4e-35</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B12-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET098995\">ET098995</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 6729532| putative protein</td><td align=\"center\">3e-28</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">B13</td><td align=\"left\">CCL032E17</td><td align=\"center\">B13-L</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET094320\">ET094320</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">gi| 6729532| putative protein</td><td align=\"center\">9e-34</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td align=\"center\">B13-R</td><td align=\"center\"><ext-link ext-link-type=\"gen\" xlink:href=\"ET094321\">ET094321</ext-link></td><td align=\"left\">Nhf</td><td align=\"center\">--</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Total chlorophyll content in green tissues from 39B3 mutant and \"wild type\" cultivar of <italic>Citrus clementina</italic>.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">Young leaves</td><td align=\"center\">Old leaves</td><td align=\"center\">Exocarp</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"center\">Wt</td><td align=\"center\">0.76 ± 0.25</td><td align=\"center\">2.23 ± 0.19</td><td align=\"center\">0.15 ± 0.05</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">39B3</td><td align=\"center\">0.71 ± 0.24</td><td align=\"center\">2.49 ± 0.17</td><td align=\"center\">0.48 ± 0.01</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">Wt-d</td><td align=\"center\">--</td><td align=\"center\">--</td><td align=\"center\">0.29 ± 0.01</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S1\"><caption><title>Additional file 1</title><p>Nucleotide sequence of <italic>ClpC</italic>-like coding region plus introns in wild type and 39B3 mutant.</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"S2\"><caption><title>Additional file 2</title><p>Primers employed in real-time and standard PCR experiments.</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><p>Accession numbers and the corresponding assembled unigenes for several candidate ESTs are shown. Array-CGH data are signal ratios of mutant with respect to wild type samples for each single EST. Gene dosage was calculated through real-time PCR on 39B3 and 39E7 genomic templates. A horizontal line separates array-CGH hits of 39B3 mutant (upper) from those of the 39E7 mutant (lower).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Unigenes are numbered according to the ordered position of their homologues on the poplar genome. The accession numbers correspond to 39B3 candidate ESTs. The coding frame of <italic>Populus </italic>homologues follow the proposed strand (+) or the complementary reverse one (-).</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>BACs are numbered according to the ordered position in the deletion from B1 to B13. BES are named with the number of the BAC plus \"-L\" for left end and \"-R\" for right end according to the drawing orientation in Figure ##FIG##4##5b##. Nhf: no hits found.</p></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><p>Total chlorophyll content (mg/g fresh weight) was measured in young and old leaves and fruit peel exocarp from samples shown in Figure ##FIG##6##7##. Data are average of 3 (exocarp) or 5 (leaves) independent determinations. Standard deviation is shown.</p></table-wrap-foot>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-1\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-2\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-3\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-4\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-5\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-6\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-7\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-8\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-9\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-S1.doc\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"msword\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"1471-2164-9-381-S2.xls\" mimetype=\"application\" mime-subtype=\"\"><caption><p>Click here for file</p></caption></media>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Genomics. 2008 Aug 9; 9:381
[ "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Waterlogging is one of the major restrictions for barley production in high rainfall areas. It causes chlorophyll, protein and RNA degradation and also decreases the concentration of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, metal ions and minerals in barley shoots. These can occur rapidly after the onset of flooding, precede leaf chlorosis [##UREF##0##1##, ####UREF##1##2##, ##REF##17147676##3####17147676##3##], and consequently reduce shoot and root growth, dry matter accumulation and final yield [##UREF##2##4##, ####UREF##3##5##, ##UREF##4##6##, ##UREF##5##7##, ##UREF##6##8####6##8##]. The average yield loss due to waterlogging is estimated to be 20–25% and can exceed 50% depending on the stage of plant development affected [##UREF##7##9##].</p>", "<p>Barley cultivars differ in their tolerance to waterlogging. The barley collections from China, Japan and Korea contained many tolerant cultivars while those from North Africa, Ethiopia and southwest Asia showed few tolerant cultivars [##UREF##8##10##]. Fufa and Assefa [##UREF##9##11##] suggested that locally adapted landraces could be major sources of tolerance. Our previous studies showed some Chinese cultivars showed significantly better tolerance than Australian cultivars [##UREF##10##12##, ####REF##17080937##13##, ##UREF##11##14####11##14##]. Thus it is possible to breed for tolerance. However, waterlogging tolerance is likely to be a complex trait affected by several mechanisms and complicated by confounding factors such as temperature, plant development stage, nutrient availability, soil type and sub-topography. Direct selection on grain yield has low effectiveness since the heritability of yield after waterlogging has been reported to be very low [##UREF##12##15##]. Different traits have been used as indirect selection indices for waterlogging tolerance. Among them, leaf chlorosis after waterlogging is one of the major indices used by researchers in different crops such as wheat (<italic>Triticum spp</italic>.) [##UREF##13##16##, ####UREF##14##17##, ##UREF##15##18##, ##UREF##16##19####16##19##], soybean (<italic>Glycine max</italic>) [##UREF##17##20##]and barley [##UREF##18##21##]. Waterlogging tolerance has been found to be controlled by one dominant gene in common wheat [##UREF##15##18##], Makha wheat (<italic>Triticum macha</italic>) [##UREF##19##22##]and maize (<italic>Zea mays ssp</italic>. mays) [##UREF##20##23##]. In barley, based on leaf chlorosis, waterlogging tolerance was found to be a quantitative trait and mainly controlled by additive genetic variation [##UREF##10##12##,##UREF##21##24##]. Even though the heritability was relatively high for leaf chlorosis [##UREF##10##12##] and early generation selection could be efficient, well-controlled waterlogging conditions are still crucial for the precise evaluation of this trait. In practice, it is very difficult for breeders to control the multiple confounding environmental factors in a field experiment over thousands of barley genotypes. Development of molecular markers associated with barley waterlogging tolerance and marker assisted selection (MAS) could effectively avoid environmental effects. QTL analysis has proven to be very useful in identifying the genetic components of the variation for important economic traits [##UREF##22##25##]. A molecular marker closely linked to the target gene or QTL can act as a \"tag\" which can be used for indirect selection of the gene(s) in a breeding programme [##UREF##23##26##]. Great progress in molecular mapping of economically important traits in barley has been made [##UREF##24##27##]. Little progress, however, has been made in mapping QTLs controlling waterlogging tolerance in barley because it is affected by many factors in the natural environment [##UREF##25##28##]. With recent research showing that leaf chlorosis and some other physiological traits may be practical to use in the evaluation of waterlogging tolerance in barley [##REF##17080937##13##,##UREF##11##14##], QTL identification has become possible. In this paper, we report on the identification of QTLs for waterlogging tolerance in two barley double haploid (DH) populations based on leaf chlorosis, plant survival and biomass reduction after waterlogging and comparisons were made between different populations and under different growing seasons.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Populations used for QTL analysis</title>", "<p>The first population consisted of 92 doubled haploid (DH) lines from a cross between TX9425 and Franklin. TX9425 is a feed barley with waterlogging tolerance and originates from China, while Franklin is an Australian malting barley and is susceptible to waterlogging. The two parents also differ in malting quality, resistance to some diseases and several agronomic traits[##UREF##26##29##]. The second population consisted of 177 doubled haploid lines from the barley cross between Yerong and Franklin. Yerong is an Australian six-rowed variety with good tolerance to waterlogging stress.</p>", "<title>Map construction</title>", "<title>DArT protocol</title>", "<p>Genomic representations and preparation of the \"discovery arrays\" and \"polymorphism-enriched arrays\" were the same as explained by Wenzl et al. [##REF##15192146##30##]. A quality parameter Q, which is the variance of the hybridization intensity between allelic states as a percentage of the total variance, was calculated for each marker. Only markers with a Q and call rate both greater than 80% were selected for linkage analysis.</p>", "<title>SSR analysis</title>", "<p>142 SSR primers were screened for polymorphism between the four parents of the two populations and 104 primers showed polymorphisms. Twenty-eight polymorphic primers were selected for genotyping the DH populations using four well-separated primers for each of the seven chromosomes.</p>", "<title>AFLP analysis</title>", "<p>AFLP markers were assayed only in the Franklin/TX9425 population. AFLP methodology was performed following Vos et al [##REF##7501463##31##] with minor modification: Genomic DNA (250 ng) from the two parents and the DH lines was restricted with 2.5 u each of <italic>Eco</italic>RI and <italic>Mse</italic>I in a 20 μL reaction mixture for 2 hours at 37°C. Ligation mixtures of 20 μL containing the EcoRI and MseI adaptors, 1 U T4 DNA ligase, 0.4 mM ATP in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 10 mM magnesium acetate, and 50 mM potassium acetate were added. Ligation mixtures were incubated at 16°C overnight. The reagents and thermo-cycling conditions for pre-selective and selective amplification followed Vos et al [##REF##7501463##31##]. Pre-selective primers (EcoRI +A, MseI +C) and selective amplification primers (EcoRI +3, MseI +3) were described by Freeman et al [##UREF##27##32##]. The selective EcoRI (+3) primers were fluorescently labelled with TET for detection by a Gel Scan 2000. AFLP samples from the selective amplification were combined with two volumes of formamide B-blue loading buffer (98% v/v formamide, 10 mM EDTA, 0.25% w/v bromophenol blue, 0.25% w/v xylene cyanol) and denatured at 90°C for 3 min. Two μL of each sample was loaded onto 18 cm 6% w/v denaturing polyacrylamide gel with 7.0 M urea and electrophoresed in a 1% v/v TBE buffer at 1400 V for 1.5 h. Gene Profiler 4.03{3} software was used to extract data and score the traces. AFLP fragments were given a three-point confidence rating denoting their quality and ease of scoring. All AFLP markers were named using a code for each primer combination, followed by sequential numbers for scored bands e.g. p3b1.</p>", "<title>Linkage analysis</title>", "<p>The segregation signatures of each of the two individual datasets were imported into JoinMap 3.0 to distribute loci into linkage groups. LOD thresholds (from LOD 3 to LOD 10) were tested to group the markers, until a LOD threshold was obtained for each population that resulted in the optimum number of markers in linkage groups in which linkage order and distances were maintained. Marker order analyses were conducted with a JMMAP LOD threshold of 0.1 and a REC threshold value of 0.45. In order to obtain a rigorous marker order, framework maps were constructed using only non-distorted markers. Some distorted markers were then added into the data set gradually and integrated into the map frameworks. In most cases, the introduction of distorted markers did not affect the statistical confidence of marker order, or just changed the order of markers within small regions with high marker density. The genetic linkage map from the population of TX9425/Franklin comprised 412 DArT, 80 AFLP and 28 microsatellite markers and the map from the population of Yerong/Franklin comprised 496 DArT and 28 microsatellite markers.</p>", "<title>Evaluation of waterlogging tolerance of the DH lines</title>", "<p>Four replicates of ten seeds for each DH and parental line were sown in soil in 3.5 L pots (one pot of each line per replicate) filled with soil from a frequently waterlogged site (Cressy Research Station) in Tasmania. Several measures were adopted to reduce the effects of variation in the degree of soil compaction across pots and also other sources of variation on the waterlogging conditions. First, the same type of pots was used through all the experiments. Second, we measured the same amount of soil for each pot and made sure the soil was packed to the same level in each pot. Third, the bottom of the water tanks or pools were checked to ensure they were flat and level. Finally, seeds were sown at the same depth in each pot.</p>", "<p>After germination, five plants were kept in each pot and grown in a glasshouse under natural daylight but temperature controlled to less than 24°C. Waterlogging treatments were conducted in children's paddling pools. Each replicate was placed into a different pool and the two populations were placed in pools of different size. A randomised design was used for each pool. Three replicates were subjected to waterlogging and one replicate was not waterlogged as a control for the experiments. Waterlogging was achieved by filling the pool with water to just cover the soil surface in the pots. Waterlogging was started at the 3-leaf stage, and lasted three to eight weeks depending on the trait measured. This experiment was carried out in 2004 and repeated in 2005 using fresh soil and seeds.</p>", "<p>The first trait measured was the proportion of each leaf that had lost its green colour (was yellow), this trait was called <italic>leaf chlorosis</italic>. Leaf chlorosis was chosen as the main indicator for waterlogging tolerance because other studies have found it to be correlated with yield reduction resulting from waterlogging stress [##UREF##28##33##]. This trait was measured three times for each population across the two experimental years (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Leaf chlorosis was measured as follows: the proportion of yellowing or chlorosis on each leaf was visually scored, then the length of each leaf was measured to weight the overall average proportion of chlorosis in each plant. Then an average was calculated for all the plants in each pot. The control plants of both populations in both years had no leaf chlorosis.</p>", "<p>The second trait measured was <italic>plant biomass reduction</italic>. This trait was measured in 2004 for the Franklin/Yerong population and in 2005 for the Franklin/TX9425 population (Table ##TAB##0##1##). After three weeks of waterlogging treatments, barley plants were cut at ground level and dried at 60°C for four days in an electric oven. The average plant dry weight was measured for each replicate in both the control and in waterlogging treatments. Plant biomass reduction was calculated by subtracting the average dry weight of plants grown in waterlogging conditions from that in the control, then dividing by the average dry weight in the control. The third measured trait was <italic>plant survival</italic>. After eight weeks of waterlogging, dead plants in each pot were counted after the water was drained. Measurements were done in 2004 for Franklin/TX9425 and in 2005 for Franklin/Yerong (Table ##TAB##0##1##). Plant survival was calculated as the numbers of surviving plants divided by the initial number of plants in each pot.</p>", "<title>Statistical analysis</title>", "<p>Statistical analysis was undertaken to detect significance of genetic effects for each trait in each population and also to calculate broad-sense heritability. For each experiment, the following mixed-effects model was used: <italic>Y</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>= μ + <italic>r</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>+ <italic>g</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>+ <italic>w</italic><sub><italic>jj</italic>. </sub>Where: <italic>Y</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>= observation on the <italic>j</italic>th genotype planted in the <italic>i</italic>th replication; μ = general mean; <italic>r</italic><sub><italic>i </italic></sub>= effect due to <italic>i</italic>th replication; <italic>g</italic><sub><italic>j </italic></sub>= effect due to the <italic>j</italic>th genotype; <italic>w</italic><sub><italic>ij </italic></sub>= error or genotype by replication interaction, where genotype was random and replicate treated as a fixed effect in analysis conducted using PROC MIXED of SAS. As part of the model checking procedure, SAS PROC UNIVARIATE was used to verify that the residuals were normally distributed. Broad-sense heritabilities were calculated for each trait as the ratio of the genetic variation (genotype) divided by phenotypic variation (due to genotype and residual). In order to calculate least square means for each genotype by trait by population by experiment combinations, PROC GLM was used with the same model as above, except that genotype was treated as a fixed effect. The normality of each trait distribution was checked using SAS PROC UNIVARIATE for skewness and kurtosis.</p>", "<p>Using the software package MapQTL5.0 [##UREF##29##34##], QTLs were first analysed by interval mapping (IM), followed by composite interval mapping (CIM). The closest marker at each putative QTL identified using interval mapping was selected as a cofactor and the selected markers were used as genetic background controls in the approximate multiple QTL model (MQM) of MapQTL5.0. Logarithm of the odds (LOD) threshold values applied to declare the presence of a QTL were estimated by performing the genome wide permutation tests implemented in MapQTL version 5.0 using at least 1000 permutations of the original data set for each trait, resulting in a 95% LOD threshold between 2.7 and 3.0. One or two LOD support intervals around each QTL were established, by taking the two positions, left and right of the peak, that had LOD values of one and two less than the maximum [##UREF##29##34##], after performing restricted MQM mapping which does not use markers close to the QTL. The percentage of variance explained by each QTL (R<sup>2</sup>) was obtained using restricted MQM mapping implemented with MapQTL5.0.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Phenotypic and genetic variation among the DH lines of the two populations</title>", "<p>Leaf chlorosis, plant survival and plant biomass reduction following waterlogging stress showed normal distributions for both populations with no significant skewness and kurtosis. Summary statistics for each trait are presented in Table ##TAB##1##2## for both populations. Transgression beyond the parental values was observed for all traits including those for which parental values hardly differed. There was significant variation between DH lines (genetic variation) in each population for all the measured traits (Table ##TAB##1##2##). The effect of replication was not significant for traits measured early in the experiments, but was significant for most traits measured later. The broad sense heritabilities of the various traits ranged from 0.71 to 0.11 in the Franklin/TX9425 population and from 0.57 to 0.20 in the Franklin/Yerong population (Table ##TAB##1##2##). Biomass reduction was the ratio of the biomass of waterlogged plants divided by their control. Since the control consisted of only one replicate, due to limited glasshouse space, the results for biomass reduction need to be treated with caution.</p>", "<title>Identification of QTLs associated with waterlogging tolerance in Franklin/TX9425</title>", "<p>Three QTLs (<italic>tfy1.1-1, tfy1.1-2 </italic>and <italic>tfy1.1-3</italic>) controlling leaf chlorosis after two-weeks of waterlogging stress (2004) were identified (Table ##TAB##2##3##, Figure ##FIG##0##1##). For all these QTLs, the Franklin alleles increased leaf chlorosis while the TX9425 alleles decreased it. One QTL (<italic>tfy1.2-1</italic>) was identified for leaf chlorosis after four-weeks waterlogging (2004) treatment. This is likely to be the same QTL as <italic>tfy1.1-2 </italic>as it was mapped to the same position and the Franklin allele also increased leaf chlorosis. Two QTLs (<italic>tfy2.1-1 </italic>and <italic>tfy2.1-2</italic>) were found for leaf chlorosis in the experiment carried out in 2005. QTL <italic>tfy2.1-1 </italic>is likely to be the same as <italic>tfy1.1-2 </italic>and <italic>tfy1.2-1 </italic>as it is in the same position and again the Franklin alleles increased leaf chlorosis.</p>", "<p>Although the difference in the reduction of plant biomass due to waterlogging stress between TX9425 and Franklin was small (Table ##TAB##1##2##), one QTL (<italic>tfmas</italic>) was identified for plant dry weight reduction after three-weeks of waterlogging stress (Table ##TAB##2##3##). This QTL was mapped to chromosome 4H. Compared to the TX9425 allele, the Franklin allele led to a greater reduction of plant biomass following waterlogging.</p>", "<p>Two QTLs (<italic>tfsur-1 </italic>and <italic>tfsur-2</italic>) were found for plant survival rate after eight weeks continuous waterlogging stress (Table ##TAB##2##3##). Both of these were located on chromosome 2H. These QTLs were located onto different regions of chromosome 2H compared with the QTLs for leaf chlorosis. This confirms the statistical analysis results showing no significant correlation between these two traits (results not shown). For the detected QTLs, the Franklin allele increased the survival rate of the plant at <italic>tfsur-1 </italic>locus, whereas TX9425 allele increased plant survival at the locus of <italic>tfsur-2</italic>. This may explain the strong transgressive segregation found for this trait.</p>", "<title>Identification of QTLs associated with waterlogging tolerance in Franklin/Yerong</title>", "<p>Two QTLs (<italic>yfy1.1-1 </italic>and <italic>yfy1.1-2</italic>) controlling leaf chlorosis after two-weeks of waterlogging stress (2004) were found on chromosome 2H and 5H. The Franklin alleles increased leaf chlorosis at the <italic>yfy1.1-1 </italic>locus, whereas at the <italic>yfy1.1-2 </italic>locus the Yerong allele increased leaf chlorosis (Table ##TAB##3##4##, Figure ##FIG##1##2##). Three QTLs (<italic>yfy2.1-1, yfy2.1-2 </italic>and <italic>yfy2.1-3</italic>) were found for leaf chlorosis after two weeks of waterlogging in the experiment carried out in 2005, these QTLs were located on chromosome 7H, 3H and 4H. The Franklin alleles increased leaf chlorosis in all three cases. Three QTLs (<italic>yfy2.2-1, yfy2.2-2 </italic>and <italic>yfy2.2-3</italic>) were found for leaf chlorosis after four weeks of waterlogging stress in the 2005 experiment, these QTLs were located on chromosome 3H, 1H and 4H. The Franklin allele increased leaf chlorosis at <italic>yf2.2-1 </italic>and <italic>yf2.2-3 </italic>loci, whereas the Yerong allele did so at the <italic>yf2.2-2 </italic>locus. QTL <italic>yfy2.2-1 </italic>is likely to be the same as <italic>yfy2.1-2 </italic>as it is in an identical position on chromosome 3H. The same applies to QTL <italic>yfy2.1-1 </italic>and <italic>yfy2.2-3 </italic>on chromosome 4H.</p>", "<p>One QTL (<italic>yfmas</italic>) was identified for the reduction of plant biomass following waterlogging in this population (Table ##TAB##3##4##). This QTL mapped on chromosome 4H to almost the same position as QTL <italic>yfy2.2-3 </italic>and <italic>yfy2.1-3 </italic>and is probably due to pleiotropy. This was supported by the significant correlation between leaf chlorosis and plant biomass reduction in this population (results not shown).</p>", "<p>Two QTLs (<italic>yfsur-1 </italic>and <italic>yfsur-2</italic>) were identified on chromosome 2H and 5H for plant survival rate after 8 weeks of continuous waterlogging stress. The Yerong allele increased plant survival rate at the <italic>yfsur-1 </italic>locus while the Franklin allele increased plant survival rate at the <italic>yfsur-2 </italic>locus. <italic>Yfsur-1 </italic>was located near <italic>yfy1.1-1 </italic>while <italic>yfsur-2 </italic>was located near <italic>yfy1.1-2 </italic>and again this may be because of pleiotropy.</p>", "<title>Comparison of waterlogging tolerance QTLs between populations</title>", "<p>In order to compare the QTLs identified in different populations, the markers flanking the one LOD support intervals for each QTL were relocated on the consensus map [##REF##16904008##35##] including the two populations used in this study. Comparison of the identified QTLs between the two populations (Table ##TAB##4##5##; Figure ##FIG##2##3##) showed that many of the QTLs identified in Franklin/TX9425 mapped to similar chromosomal regions compared to those identified in Franklin/Yerong (such as QTLs identified on chromosome 3H and 7H), or mapped very close to one another with almost touching or overlapping two LOD support intervals (such as QTLs identified on chromosome 1 H, 2H and 4H) (Figure ##FIG##2##3##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion and conclusion</title>", "<p>Leaf chlorosis in green plants is a complex and highly regulated process that occurs as part of plant development or that can be prematurely induced by stress. Recent analysis of the signalling pathways involved with different stress responses has indicated that these have considerable cross-talk with senescence related gene expression [##REF##17147676##3##]. In wheat, many of the studies on waterlogging tolerance have been based on leaf chlorosis or leaf/plant death [##UREF##15##18##,##UREF##30##36##,##UREF##31##37##]. Leaf chlorosis has been found to be highly negatively correlated with grain yield which was regarded as the final criterion for waterlogging tolerance in wheat [##UREF##28##33##]. In barley, Hamachi et al [##UREF##18##21##] found that screening for waterlogging tolerance by the amount of dead leaf was a useful criterion and that the tolerance was under polygenic control, while Setter et al [##UREF##7##9##] concluded that severity of leaf chlorosis was not a good criterion. However, our preliminary yield trials using the same genetic material as used in our crosses (unpublished data) showed that under waterlogging conditions, the yield reductions of Franklin (which also has high leaf chlorosis under waterlogging) and TX9425 (low leaf chlorosis under waterlogging) were 86% and 28% in a pot experiment and 61% and 39% in a controlled field experiment (data not shown). Since leaf chlorosis after waterlogging showed high heritability [##UREF##10##12##], this trait was used as the major criterion to test for waterlogging tolerance along with plant survival, and plant biomass reduction in the current study.</p>", "<p>The QTL analysis of two doubled haploid populations (Figure ##FIG##2##3##) found at least seven distinct QTLs for waterlogging tolerance. It was also demonstrated that some QTLs controlling leaf chlorosis were very stable and were validated under different stress duration, between different experiments and different populations (for example QTLs on chromosomes 1H, 3H and 7H). Some QTLs affected multiple waterlogging tolerance related traits, for example, the allele on chromosome 4H from the tolerant parent contributed not only to reducing barley leaf chlorosis, but also to increasing plant biomass under waterlogging stress, whereas other allelles such as those on chromosomes 2H and 5H controlled both leaf chlorosis and plant survival. This result suggested that leaf chlorosis is an important stable selection criterion for barley waterlogging tolerance, which can be used practically in breeding programs.</p>", "<p>Waterlogging tolerance is a complex trait affected by several mechanisms and complicated by confounding factors such as temperature, plant development stage, nutrient, soil type and sub-topography. The current experiment was conducted under well controlled environmental conditions. The soil, obtained from a waterlogged site in Tasmania, was well mixed before being evenly packed into pots. Waterlogging treatments were conducted in the early vegetative growth stage to avoid the effect of variation in development rate on waterlogging tolerance. As indicated in the Material and Methods, the parents of both populations differ in many developmental traits including ear emergence in both populations and plant height in the Franklin/TX9425 population. One major QTL located on chromosome 2H was found for plant height and ear emergence in the Franklin/TX9425 population and two major QTLs located on chromosomes 2H and 7H were found for ear emergence in the Franklin/Yerong population (data not shown). The locus controlling row type in the Franklin/Yerong population was located on chromosome 2H, which is in a similar position to that reported in other studies [##UREF##32##38##]. None of these loci were within the confidence intervals of the QTLs controlling waterlogging tolerance detected in the current study.</p>", "<p>Accuracy of QTL mapping is important in implementing marker-assisted selection (MAS) for polygenic traits, but small confidence intervals for QTL positions are not easily obtained [##REF##8725246##39##,##UREF##33##40##], although typical approximate 95% confidence intervals for QTL positions are of the order of 20 cM [##REF##11823788##41##,##REF##9503632##42##]. Van Ooijen [##UREF##33##40##] recommended using a two LOD support interval as an approximation of the 95% confidence intervals. Using only the one LOD support interval in this study, we observed significant overlap in QTL positions across populations. The results of this study showed that one LOD support intervals around QTLs identified in the Franklin/Yerong population were smaller than those in the Franklin/TX9425 population, this is because the Franklin/Yerong population was larger and further reduction in size of confidence intervals will require the use of larger populations [##UREF##34##43##].</p>", "<p>There is only one published report of QTLs for waterlogging tolerance in barley. Qian et al [##UREF##35##44##] found one SSR marker (WMC1E8) correlated with waterlogging tolerance based on chlorophyll content of the second top leaf in an F<sub>2 </sub>population by constructing two DNA (tolerant and susceptible) bulks. The identified QTL explained 29.9% of the total variation [##UREF##35##44##], and the authors deduced that this QTL was located on chromosome 1H based on the published barley linkage maps [##UREF##36##45##]. In our study we identified QTLs controlling leaf chlorosis in both populations on chromosome 1H. However, the position of the QTLs found in our study were different from that of WMC1E8 reported by Qian et al [##UREF##35##44##] according to the consensus map [##REF##16904008##35##].</p>", "<p>Different segregating populations of rice, maize, wheat, and barnyard grass have been studied for diverse waterlogging related characteristics or criteria, such as plant survival, leaf senescence, the extent of stimulation of shoot elongation caused by stress [##REF##12509344##46##], waterlogged shoot growth and waterlogged root growth [##UREF##37##47##], adventitious root formation and leaf injury [##UREF##38##48##,##UREF##39##49##]. QTLs controlling many of these traits have been identified. Comparison of genetic mechanisms of waterlogging or flooding tolerance among different crops remains difficult because different waterlogging related traits were used for QTL analysis in these studies. Another difficulty for comparing QTLs identified for waterlogging tolerance in different species is the lack of common markers among different genetic linkage maps, sometimes even among different populations within the same species. Different marker nomenclature among researchers also contributes to the difficulties with comparative mapping.</p>", "<p>Despite these difficulties, comparative mapping across cereals can provide interesting information. For example, a major QTL controlling waterlogging tolerance based on dry matter production in maize was located on chromosome 1 [##UREF##40##50##]. In our experiment, a QTL controlling plant biomass under waterlogging stress was identified on chromosome 4H, which comparative mapping has shown to be highly homoeologous to chromosome 1 in maize [##UREF##41##51##,##UREF##42##52##]. QTLs controlling percent plant survival in rice under submergence stress were mapped to chromosome 7, 9 and 10, and the QTL located on chromosome 9 was the most significant one [##REF##12509344##46##]. According to comparative mapping in the grass family, rice chromosome 9 had a homoeologous relationship with wheat chromosome 5L and maize chromosome 2 [##UREF##41##51##]. Maize chromosome 2 is in part homoeologous to wheat chromosome 2 [##UREF##41##51##], so it can be deduced that rice chromosome 9 is homoeologous with barley chromosome 2H and 5H [##UREF##42##52##]. In barley, the QTLs contributing to plant survival were located on chromosomes 2H and 5H. These QTLs identified for controlling plant survival could be the same as the QTL identified on chromosome 7 and 9 in rice.</p>", "<p>Improving waterlogging tolerance in barley is at an early stage compared with other traits. The future use of marker assisted selection (MAS) in combination with traditional field selection could significantly enhance barley breeding for waterlogging tolerance. As demonstrated in this study, and in other previously published studies [##REF##11160945##53##], diversity array technology (DArT) is very efficient for whole-genome profiling [##REF##15192146##30##]. Although this technique is still limited to only a few laboratories at this stage, barley consensus maps [##REF##16904008##35##] have been constructed to link DArT markers with many SSR and RFLP markers which have been previously developed and applied widely in barley mapping studies and to provide plant breeders with practically useful molecular markers for improving barley waterlogging tolerance. DArT markers can easily be sequenced and to obtain stronger support for the microsynteny of the QTLs (or genes) for waterlogging tolerance among grass species, further research should involve direct comparison of DNA sequence of markers (those linked to QTLs) to that of the genome sequence of rice [##REF##11935018##54##,##UREF##43##55##] and other species.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion and conclusion</title>", "<p>Leaf chlorosis in green plants is a complex and highly regulated process that occurs as part of plant development or that can be prematurely induced by stress. Recent analysis of the signalling pathways involved with different stress responses has indicated that these have considerable cross-talk with senescence related gene expression [##REF##17147676##3##]. In wheat, many of the studies on waterlogging tolerance have been based on leaf chlorosis or leaf/plant death [##UREF##15##18##,##UREF##30##36##,##UREF##31##37##]. Leaf chlorosis has been found to be highly negatively correlated with grain yield which was regarded as the final criterion for waterlogging tolerance in wheat [##UREF##28##33##]. In barley, Hamachi et al [##UREF##18##21##] found that screening for waterlogging tolerance by the amount of dead leaf was a useful criterion and that the tolerance was under polygenic control, while Setter et al [##UREF##7##9##] concluded that severity of leaf chlorosis was not a good criterion. However, our preliminary yield trials using the same genetic material as used in our crosses (unpublished data) showed that under waterlogging conditions, the yield reductions of Franklin (which also has high leaf chlorosis under waterlogging) and TX9425 (low leaf chlorosis under waterlogging) were 86% and 28% in a pot experiment and 61% and 39% in a controlled field experiment (data not shown). Since leaf chlorosis after waterlogging showed high heritability [##UREF##10##12##], this trait was used as the major criterion to test for waterlogging tolerance along with plant survival, and plant biomass reduction in the current study.</p>", "<p>The QTL analysis of two doubled haploid populations (Figure ##FIG##2##3##) found at least seven distinct QTLs for waterlogging tolerance. It was also demonstrated that some QTLs controlling leaf chlorosis were very stable and were validated under different stress duration, between different experiments and different populations (for example QTLs on chromosomes 1H, 3H and 7H). Some QTLs affected multiple waterlogging tolerance related traits, for example, the allele on chromosome 4H from the tolerant parent contributed not only to reducing barley leaf chlorosis, but also to increasing plant biomass under waterlogging stress, whereas other allelles such as those on chromosomes 2H and 5H controlled both leaf chlorosis and plant survival. This result suggested that leaf chlorosis is an important stable selection criterion for barley waterlogging tolerance, which can be used practically in breeding programs.</p>", "<p>Waterlogging tolerance is a complex trait affected by several mechanisms and complicated by confounding factors such as temperature, plant development stage, nutrient, soil type and sub-topography. The current experiment was conducted under well controlled environmental conditions. The soil, obtained from a waterlogged site in Tasmania, was well mixed before being evenly packed into pots. Waterlogging treatments were conducted in the early vegetative growth stage to avoid the effect of variation in development rate on waterlogging tolerance. As indicated in the Material and Methods, the parents of both populations differ in many developmental traits including ear emergence in both populations and plant height in the Franklin/TX9425 population. One major QTL located on chromosome 2H was found for plant height and ear emergence in the Franklin/TX9425 population and two major QTLs located on chromosomes 2H and 7H were found for ear emergence in the Franklin/Yerong population (data not shown). The locus controlling row type in the Franklin/Yerong population was located on chromosome 2H, which is in a similar position to that reported in other studies [##UREF##32##38##]. None of these loci were within the confidence intervals of the QTLs controlling waterlogging tolerance detected in the current study.</p>", "<p>Accuracy of QTL mapping is important in implementing marker-assisted selection (MAS) for polygenic traits, but small confidence intervals for QTL positions are not easily obtained [##REF##8725246##39##,##UREF##33##40##], although typical approximate 95% confidence intervals for QTL positions are of the order of 20 cM [##REF##11823788##41##,##REF##9503632##42##]. Van Ooijen [##UREF##33##40##] recommended using a two LOD support interval as an approximation of the 95% confidence intervals. Using only the one LOD support interval in this study, we observed significant overlap in QTL positions across populations. The results of this study showed that one LOD support intervals around QTLs identified in the Franklin/Yerong population were smaller than those in the Franklin/TX9425 population, this is because the Franklin/Yerong population was larger and further reduction in size of confidence intervals will require the use of larger populations [##UREF##34##43##].</p>", "<p>There is only one published report of QTLs for waterlogging tolerance in barley. Qian et al [##UREF##35##44##] found one SSR marker (WMC1E8) correlated with waterlogging tolerance based on chlorophyll content of the second top leaf in an F<sub>2 </sub>population by constructing two DNA (tolerant and susceptible) bulks. The identified QTL explained 29.9% of the total variation [##UREF##35##44##], and the authors deduced that this QTL was located on chromosome 1H based on the published barley linkage maps [##UREF##36##45##]. In our study we identified QTLs controlling leaf chlorosis in both populations on chromosome 1H. However, the position of the QTLs found in our study were different from that of WMC1E8 reported by Qian et al [##UREF##35##44##] according to the consensus map [##REF##16904008##35##].</p>", "<p>Different segregating populations of rice, maize, wheat, and barnyard grass have been studied for diverse waterlogging related characteristics or criteria, such as plant survival, leaf senescence, the extent of stimulation of shoot elongation caused by stress [##REF##12509344##46##], waterlogged shoot growth and waterlogged root growth [##UREF##37##47##], adventitious root formation and leaf injury [##UREF##38##48##,##UREF##39##49##]. QTLs controlling many of these traits have been identified. Comparison of genetic mechanisms of waterlogging or flooding tolerance among different crops remains difficult because different waterlogging related traits were used for QTL analysis in these studies. Another difficulty for comparing QTLs identified for waterlogging tolerance in different species is the lack of common markers among different genetic linkage maps, sometimes even among different populations within the same species. Different marker nomenclature among researchers also contributes to the difficulties with comparative mapping.</p>", "<p>Despite these difficulties, comparative mapping across cereals can provide interesting information. For example, a major QTL controlling waterlogging tolerance based on dry matter production in maize was located on chromosome 1 [##UREF##40##50##]. In our experiment, a QTL controlling plant biomass under waterlogging stress was identified on chromosome 4H, which comparative mapping has shown to be highly homoeologous to chromosome 1 in maize [##UREF##41##51##,##UREF##42##52##]. QTLs controlling percent plant survival in rice under submergence stress were mapped to chromosome 7, 9 and 10, and the QTL located on chromosome 9 was the most significant one [##REF##12509344##46##]. According to comparative mapping in the grass family, rice chromosome 9 had a homoeologous relationship with wheat chromosome 5L and maize chromosome 2 [##UREF##41##51##]. Maize chromosome 2 is in part homoeologous to wheat chromosome 2 [##UREF##41##51##], so it can be deduced that rice chromosome 9 is homoeologous with barley chromosome 2H and 5H [##UREF##42##52##]. In barley, the QTLs contributing to plant survival were located on chromosomes 2H and 5H. These QTLs identified for controlling plant survival could be the same as the QTL identified on chromosome 7 and 9 in rice.</p>", "<p>Improving waterlogging tolerance in barley is at an early stage compared with other traits. The future use of marker assisted selection (MAS) in combination with traditional field selection could significantly enhance barley breeding for waterlogging tolerance. As demonstrated in this study, and in other previously published studies [##REF##11160945##53##], diversity array technology (DArT) is very efficient for whole-genome profiling [##REF##15192146##30##]. Although this technique is still limited to only a few laboratories at this stage, barley consensus maps [##REF##16904008##35##] have been constructed to link DArT markers with many SSR and RFLP markers which have been previously developed and applied widely in barley mapping studies and to provide plant breeders with practically useful molecular markers for improving barley waterlogging tolerance. DArT markers can easily be sequenced and to obtain stronger support for the microsynteny of the QTLs (or genes) for waterlogging tolerance among grass species, further research should involve direct comparison of DNA sequence of markers (those linked to QTLs) to that of the genome sequence of rice [##REF##11935018##54##,##UREF##43##55##] and other species.</p>" ]
[ "<p>This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"/>), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>Resistance to soil waterlogging stress is an important plant breeding objective in high rainfall or poorly drained areas across many countries in the world. The present study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with waterlogging tolerance (e.g. leaf chlorosis, plant survival and biomass reduction) in barley and compare the QTLs identified across two seasons and in two different populations using a composite map constructed with SSRs, RFLP and Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers.</p>", "<title>Results</title>", "<p>Twenty QTLs for waterlogging tolerance related traits were found in the two barley double haploid (DH) populations. Several of these QTLs were validated through replication of experiments across seasons or by co-location across populations. Some of these QTLs affected multiple waterlogging tolerance related traits, for example, QTL Q<sub>wt</sub>4-1 contributed not only to reducing barley leaf chlorosis, but also increasing plant biomass under waterlogging stress, whereas other QTLs controlled both leaf chlorosis and plant survival.</p>", "<title>Conclusion</title>", "<p>Improving waterlogging tolerance in barley is still at an early stage compared with other traits. QTLs identified in this study have made it possible to use marker assisted selection (MAS) in combination with traditional field selection to significantly enhance barley breeding for waterlogging tolerance. There may be some degree of homoeologous relationship between QTLs controlling barley waterlogging tolerance and that in other crops as discussed in this study.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Authors' contributions</title>", "<p>HBL selected barley genotypes and made crosses between them for DH population construction, performed SSR and AFLP assays, prepared DNA samples for DArT assays, built the component maps and the composite map, screened waterlogging tolerance on the DH lines, conducted statistical analysis and QTL analysis, drafted the manuscript, figures and tables. REV supervised this project and provided technical guidance. NM supervised this project. MXZ constructed DH populations for Franklin/TX9425 and Franklin/Yerong crosses and supervised this project.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Acknowledgements</title>", "<p>We thank the Australian Grain Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) for funding the project \"Australia China Collaboration on Barley Genetic Resources\" (Project UT8). We also acknowledge the help of Andrzej Killian, Peter Wenzl, Eric Hunter, Sue Broughton, Phil Davies, David Ratkowsky, Cameron Spurr, Phil Andrews, David Blackburn, Adam Smolenski, Brad Potts and Jules Freeman.</p>" ]
[ "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F1\"><label>Figure 1</label><caption><p>The Franklin/TX9425 chromosomes showing the locations of QTLs for the traits analyzed. Each linkage group consists of a vertical bar on which the map positions and names of loci are indicated. QTL positions are shown through their support interval on the right of each chromosome. One LOD support intervals are the inner intervals, while the outer intervals represent the two LOD support intervals. Prefix \"bPb\" and \"p\" signify a DArT marker and a AFLP marker, respectively. The other markers on the map are microsatellites.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F2\"><label>Figure 2</label><caption><p>The Franklin/Yerong chromosomes showing the locations of QTLs for the traits analyzed. Each linkage group consists of a vertical bar on which the map positions and names of loci are indicated. QTL positions are shown through their support interval on the right of each chromosome. One LOD support intervals are the inner intervals, while the outer intervals represent the two LOD support intervals. Prefix \"bPb\" and \"p\" signify a DArT marker and a AFLP marker, respectively. The other markers on the map are microsatellites.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig position=\"float\" id=\"F3\"><label>Figure 3</label><caption><p>Comparison of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) identified for waterlogging tolerance in two different barley doubled haploid populations: tf = Franklin/TX9425; yf = Franklin/Yerong. Markers flanking the one LOD support interval of each QTL identified in the individual population were re-located on a barley composite map [##REF##16904008##35##] so that their relative position could be compared. Centromeres are indicated as in [##REF##16904008##35##]. A general name (such as Q<sub>wt</sub>1-1) was given to each chromosome region associated with waterlogging tolerance, the first number was the chromosome number and the second number was the serial number of regions identified on that chromosome.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T1\"><label>Table 1</label><caption><p>Traits measured in the two barley mapping populations.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Traits measured in each population</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Year of measurement</td><td align=\"center\">Duration of waterlogging stress</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"2\"><hr/></td><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">2004</td><td align=\"center\">2005</td><td/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Franklin/TX9425</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 1.1</td><td align=\"center\">×</td><td/><td align=\"center\">two weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 1.2</td><td align=\"center\">×</td><td/><td align=\"center\">four weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 2.1</td><td/><td align=\"center\">×</td><td align=\"center\">two weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Plant survival</td><td align=\"center\">×</td><td/><td align=\"center\">eight weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Plant biomass reduction</td><td/><td align=\"center\">×</td><td align=\"center\">three weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Franklin/Yerong</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 1.1</td><td align=\"center\">×</td><td/><td align=\"center\">two weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 2.1</td><td/><td align=\"center\">×</td><td align=\"center\">two weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 2.2</td><td/><td align=\"center\">×</td><td align=\"center\">four weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Plant survival</td><td/><td align=\"center\">×</td><td align=\"center\">eight weeks</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Plant biomass reduction</td><td align=\"center\">×</td><td/><td align=\"center\">three weeks</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T2\"><label>Table 2</label><caption><p>Descriptive statistics of the investigated waterlogging traits in the Franklin/TX9425 and Franklin/Yerong DH populations, with means for each parent, minimum/maximum/mean values of DH lines, standard deviation (SD) and probability (Prob Z) of significant variation among DH lines, and estimated broad-sense heritability (H<sup>2</sup>).</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td/><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">Mean for parents</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"6\">DH lines</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"8\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Traits</td><td align=\"center\">Franklin</td><td align=\"center\">Other parent</td><td align=\"center\">Min.</td><td align=\"center\">Max</td><td align=\"center\">Mean</td><td align=\"center\">SD</td><td align=\"center\">Prob Z</td><td align=\"center\">H<sup>2</sup></td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Franklin/TX9425</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf clorosis 1.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.34</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.40</td><td align=\"center\">0.19</td><td align=\"center\">0.08</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.0001</td><td align=\"center\">0.56</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 1.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.21</td><td align=\"center\">0.34</td><td align=\"center\">0.10</td><td align=\"center\">0.54</td><td align=\"center\">0.30</td><td align=\"center\">0.09</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.0003</td><td align=\"center\">0.11</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Plant survival</td><td align=\"center\">0.93</td><td align=\"center\">0.74</td><td align=\"center\">0.00</td><td align=\"center\">1.00</td><td align=\"center\">0.55</td><td align=\"center\">0.28</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.0005</td><td align=\"center\">0.31</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 2.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.34</td><td align=\"center\">0.02</td><td align=\"center\">0.35</td><td align=\"center\">0.16</td><td align=\"center\">0.09</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.0001</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Plant biomass reduction</td><td align=\"center\">0.37</td><td align=\"center\">0.51</td><td align=\"center\">0.18</td><td align=\"center\">0.71</td><td align=\"center\">0.43</td><td align=\"center\">0.11</td><td align=\"center\">0.0075</td><td align=\"center\">0.30</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Franklin/Yerong</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 1.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.13</td><td align=\"center\">0.19</td><td align=\"center\">0.04</td><td align=\"center\">0.27</td><td align=\"center\">0.14</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.0001</td><td align=\"center\">0.34</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Plant biomass reduction</td><td align=\"center\">0.28</td><td align=\"center\">0.44</td><td align=\"center\">-0.05</td><td align=\"center\">1.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.39</td><td align=\"center\">0.19</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.0001</td><td align=\"center\">0.22</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 2.1</td><td align=\"center\">0.05</td><td align=\"center\">0.24</td><td align=\"center\">0.00</td><td align=\"center\">0.27</td><td align=\"center\">0.09</td><td align=\"center\">0.06</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.0001</td><td align=\"center\">0.20</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Leaf chlorosis 2.2</td><td align=\"center\">0.28</td><td align=\"center\">0.38</td><td align=\"center\">0.15</td><td align=\"center\">0.65</td><td align=\"center\">0.34</td><td align=\"center\">0.08</td><td align=\"center\">&lt; 0.0001</td><td align=\"center\">0.57</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\"> Plant survival</td><td align=\"center\">0.22</td><td align=\"center\">0.20</td><td align=\"center\">0.00</td><td align=\"center\">1.00</td><td align=\"center\">0.30</td><td align=\"center\">0.23</td><td align=\"center\">0.003</td><td align=\"center\">0.25</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T3\"><label>Table 3</label><caption><p>Characteristics of the detected QTLs explaining waterlogging related traits in the Franklin/TX9425 population.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"center\">Trait</td><td align=\"center\">QTL</td><td align=\"center\">Chr.</td><td align=\"center\">One LOD support interval (cM)</td><td align=\"center\">LOD score</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>R</italic><sup>2 </sup>(%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Leaf chlorosis 1.1</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy1.1-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">2H</td><td align=\"center\">31–35</td><td align=\"center\">9.21</td><td align=\"center\">23.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(two weeks stress, 2004)</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy1.1-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">3H</td><td align=\"center\">68–71</td><td align=\"center\">7.59</td><td align=\"center\">33.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy1.1-3</italic></td><td align=\"center\">1H</td><td align=\"center\">61–67</td><td align=\"center\">2.75</td><td align=\"center\">7.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Leaf chlorosis 1.2</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy1.2-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">3H</td><td align=\"center\">67–71</td><td align=\"center\">7.31</td><td align=\"center\">36</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(four weeks stress, 2004)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Leaf chlorosis 2.1</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy2.1-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">3H</td><td align=\"center\">68–73</td><td align=\"center\">9.28</td><td align=\"center\">34.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">(two weeks stress, 2005)</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy2.1-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">7H</td><td align=\"center\">72–98</td><td align=\"center\">3.62</td><td align=\"center\">16</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Plant biomass reduction</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfmas</italic></td><td align=\"center\">4H</td><td align=\"center\">47–78</td><td align=\"center\">2.75</td><td align=\"center\">16.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Plant survival</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfsur-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">2H</td><td align=\"center\">49–65</td><td align=\"center\">3.29</td><td align=\"center\">19</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfsur-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">2H</td><td align=\"center\">15–18</td><td align=\"center\">2.75</td><td align=\"center\">13.2</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T4\"><label>Table 4</label><caption><p>Characteristics of the detected QTLs explaining waterlogging related traits in Franklin/Yerong population.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Trait</td><td align=\"center\">QTL</td><td align=\"center\">Linkage groups</td><td align=\"center\">One LOD support interval (cM)</td><td align=\"center\">LOD score</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>R</italic><sup>2 </sup>(%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">Leaf yellowing</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy1.1-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">2H</td><td align=\"center\">46–55</td><td align=\"center\">2.90</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">proportion 1.1 (two</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy1.1-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">5H</td><td align=\"center\">38–53</td><td align=\"center\">3.94</td><td align=\"center\">7.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">weeks stress, 2004)</td><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Leaf yellowing</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.1-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">7H</td><td align=\"center\">64–73</td><td align=\"center\">3.72</td><td align=\"center\">6.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">proportion 2.1 (two</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.1-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">3H</td><td align=\"center\">42–52</td><td align=\"center\">6.41</td><td align=\"center\">11.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">weeks stress, 2005)</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.1-3</italic></td><td align=\"center\">4H</td><td align=\"center\">104–112</td><td align=\"center\">9.25</td><td align=\"center\">18.5</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Leaf yellowing</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.2-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">3H</td><td align=\"center\">43–52</td><td align=\"center\">4.50</td><td align=\"center\">9.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">proportion 2.2 (four</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.2-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">1H</td><td align=\"center\">53–68</td><td align=\"center\">2.77</td><td align=\"center\">5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">weeks stress, 2005)</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.2-3</italic></td><td align=\"center\">4H</td><td align=\"center\">104–114</td><td align=\"center\">10.37</td><td align=\"center\">22.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Reduction of plant biomass</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfmas</italic></td><td align=\"center\">4H</td><td align=\"center\">91–120</td><td align=\"center\">3.03</td><td align=\"center\">8.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">Plant survival</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfsur-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">2H</td><td align=\"center\">34–61</td><td align=\"center\">3.15</td><td align=\"center\">7.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfsur-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">5H</td><td align=\"center\">42–58</td><td align=\"center\">5.05</td><td align=\"center\">13.1</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap position=\"float\" id=\"T5\"><label>Table 5</label><caption><p>Comparison of QTLs identified in the two populations after the flanking markers for each QTL were placed on the barley consensus map.</p></caption><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><thead><tr><td align=\"left\">Chromosome</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">Franklin/Yerong</td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">Franklin/TX9425</td></tr><tr><td/><td colspan=\"6\"><hr/></td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\">QTLs</td><td align=\"center\">Chromosome interval (cM)</td><td align=\"center\">Effect (%)</td><td align=\"center\">QTLs</td><td align=\"center\">Chromosome interval (cM)</td><td align=\"center\">Effect (%)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\">1H</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.2-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">49–66</td><td align=\"center\">5</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy1.1-3</italic></td><td align=\"center\">68–73</td><td align=\"center\">7.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">2H</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy1.1-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">47–56</td><td align=\"center\">5.8</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy1.1-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">73–82</td><td align=\"center\">23.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfsur-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">45–49</td><td align=\"center\">7.1</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfsur-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">82–115</td><td align=\"center\">19.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfsur-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">26–33</td><td align=\"center\">13.2</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">3H</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.1-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">59–90</td><td align=\"center\">11.9</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy1.1-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">63–85</td><td align=\"center\">33.4</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.2-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">59–90</td><td align=\"center\">9.5</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy1.2-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">78–97</td><td align=\"center\">36</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy2.1-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">63–68</td><td align=\"center\">34.1</td></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">4H</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.1-3</italic></td><td align=\"center\">114–136</td><td align=\"center\">18.6</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfmas</italic></td><td align=\"center\">80–113</td><td align=\"center\">16.3</td></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.2-3</italic></td><td align=\"center\">94–123</td><td align=\"center\">22.4</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfmas</italic></td><td align=\"center\">114–136</td><td align=\"center\">8.2</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">5H</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy1.1-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">95–98</td><td align=\"center\">7.6</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfsur-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">86–98</td><td align=\"center\">13.2</td><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/><td/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">7H</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>yfy2.1-1</italic></td><td align=\"center\">74–79</td><td align=\"center\">6.7</td><td align=\"center\"><italic>tfy2.1-2</italic></td><td align=\"center\">50–83</td><td align=\"center\">16</td></tr></tbody></table></table-wrap>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 14:47:35
BMC Genomics. 2008 Aug 27; 9:401
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Clinical laboratories are rapidly adopting viral species-specific nucleic acid amplification for virus identification, thereby increasing the sensitivity of detection and reducing the time needed for diagnosis. Although widely successful, these methods are limited for detecting divergent viruses due to their high specificity. Failure rates in determining the etiological cause of disease are varied. For example, the rate for encephalitis is between 30–85% [reviewed in ##REF##17676528##[1]##], approximately 12% for acute flaccid paralysis ##REF##17300736##[2]##, and for non A-E hepatits between 18–62% [reviewed in ##REF##11536236##[3]##]. In cases where routine screening fails, newer technologies are now being employed. Prominent among these are microarrays and sequence-independent amplification and sequencing of viral nucleic acids ##REF##16118271##[4]##,##REF##17872521##[5]##,##REF##17494722##[6]##,##REF##17480120##[7]##,##REF##15956568##[8]##,##REF##17942560##[9]##,##REF##17703411##[10]##,##REF##16891503##[11]##,##UREF##0##[12]##,##REF##15695669##[13]##,##REF##16609730##[14]##.</p>", "<p>Viral microarrays can be used to screen for all viral families simultaneously and have been used successfully to detect novel human rhinoviruses ##REF##17703411##[10]##, human coronaviruses ##REF##17703411##[10]##, and a human gamma retrovirus closely related to mouse retroviruses ##REF##16609730##[14]##. Microarrays require sufficient sequence similarities between virus and array oligonucleotides for hybridization to occur, making the detection of highly divergent viruses problematic. Sequence-independent amplification of nuclease protected viral particles ##REF##11562506##[15]## abrogates the need for <italic>a priori</italic> sequence information, allows the detection of viruses recognizable through their protein sequence homologies to known viruses and has successfully been used to identify novel human and bovine parvoviruses ##REF##16118271##[4]##,##REF##15956568##[8]##,##REF##11562506##[15]##, polyomaviruses ##REF##17480120##[7]##,##REF##17287263##[16]##,##REF##18202256##[17]##, anelloviruses ##REF##17872521##[5]##, an arenavirus ##REF##18256387##[18]##, a dicistrovirus associated with honey bee colony collapse disorder ##REF##17823314##[19]##, and a seal picornavirus ##REF##17942560##[9]##.</p>", "<p>In this study we utilized sequence-independent amplification of partially purified viral nucleic acid from mouse tissue followed by low-scale shotgun sequencing to quickly identify the viral agents in five samples negative by tests available at the time of inoculations. Of the five viruses identified, two belonged to the <italic>Picornaviridae</italic> family, and three to the <italic>Reoviridae</italic> family.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Sample preparation and viral culture</title>", "<p>VRDL1 isolate was originally derived from sewer effluent from Hamilton, Montana in 1959 and passaged five times through intracerebral inoculation of suckling mice. Subsequently, the viral stock was adapted to growth in primary rhesus monkey kidney cells, and mice were re-inoculated by intramuscular injection. Moribund mice were sacrificed; muscle tissue was collected. VRDL2 was isolated from the muscle of a moribund mouse inoculated with a fecal suspension of a 17 year old female suffering flu like symptoms in 1960. VRDL3 and VRDL4 were isolated from the brains of suckling mice paralyzed after inoculation of ground tissue from a pool of <italic>C. tarsalis</italic> mosquitoes or a pool of mosquitoes from multiple species, respectively. VRDL5 was isolated from the brain of a suckling mouse paralyzed after inoculation of filtered, ground skunk brain tissue in 1974. For all samples, 0.5–1.0 gm of either muscle or brain was placed in a sterile mortar, sprinkled with sterile alumdum and ground to a pulp. The pulp was then suspended in 0.75% bovine albumin in buffered saline (BABS) at pH 7.2, to either 10% or 20% weight-to-volume. This suspension was then centrifuged @2500 RPM at 4°C for 20 minutes. The supernatant was removed and 20,000 U/mL Penicillin-Streptomycin was added to 1% by volume. Suspensions were then aliquoted and frozen at −70°C.</p>", "<title>Isolation of viral nucleic acid</title>", "<p>Cellular debris and bacteria were removed from mouse tissue homogenates by filtration through 0.45 µM filter (Millipore). Filtered viral particles were then pelleted by centrifugation at 22,000× g for 2 hrs at 8°C and resuspended in Hanks buffered saline solution (Gibco, BRL). Non-particle protected (naked) DNA and RNA was removed by digestion with a cocktail of DNase enzymes consisting of 14 U of turbo DNase (Ambion), 20U benzonase (Novagen) and 20U of RNase One (Promega) at 37°C for 90 minutes in 1× DNase buffer (Ambion). Remaining total nucleic acid was then isolated using Qiamp Viral RNA isolation kit (Qiagen) according to manufacturer's protocol. Purified viral RNA was protected from degradation by addition of 40U of RNase inhibitor (Invitrogen) and stored at −20°C.</p>", "<title>Reverse transcriptase priming and amplification of nucleic acids</title>", "<p>Viral cDNA synthesis was performed by incubation of the extracted viral RNA/DNA with 100pmol of primer K-8N (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">GAC CAT CTA GCG ACC TCC ACN NNN NNN N</named-content>) ##REF##15695669##[13]##, and 0.5mM of each deoxynucloside triphosphate (dNTP) at 75°C for 5 min. Subsequently, 5U of RNase inhibitor, 10mM dithiothreitol, 1× first-strand extension buffer, and 200U of SuperScript II (Invitrogen) were added to the mixture and incubated at 25°C for 5 min, followed by 37°C incubation for 1 hr. In order to generate products with the fixed portion of primer K-8N on the opposite strand of the cDNA, single round priming and extension was performed using Klenow fragment (New England Biolabs). 20 µl of cDNA was heated to 95°C for 2 min and then cooled to 4°C in the presence of 20pmol of primer K-8N in 1× klenow reaction buffer. 5U of Klenow fragment were added and incubated at 37°C for 60 min.</p>", "<p>PCR of extension products was performed using 5 µl of the reaction described above in a total reaction volume of 50 µl containing 2.5mM MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 0.2mM dNTPs, 1× PCR Gold buffer, 0.8 µM primer K (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">GAC CAT CTA GCG ACC TCC AC</named-content>), and 0.94U of AmpliTaq Gold. Temperature cycling was performed as follows: 1 cycle of 95°C for 5 min, 5 cycles of denaturing at 95°C for 1 min, annealing at 59°C for 1 min, extension at 72°C for 1 min, 33 cycles of denaturing at 95°C for 20 sec, 59°C for 20 sec, 72°C for 1 min + 2 sec each cycle. An additional extension for 7 min at 72°C was added to the end of the run. Products were distinguished as a smear by agarose gel electorphoresis. Fragments larger than 500bp were isolated (Qiagen) and subcloned into pGem T-easy vector (Invitrogen) for sequencing.</p>", "<title>Comparative sequence analysis</title>", "<p>Reference sequences were obtained from NCBI and edited using GENEDOC software. Accession numbers for sequences used analyses are as follows: Picornaviruses; Simian picornavirus 1 (AY064708), Simian picornaviruses VP1 (AAL69622-AAL69637), Human enteroviruses 89 (AY697459), 91 (AY697461), 83 (AY843301), 94 (EF107097), and 70 (DQ201177), 94 (EF107097), 70 (DQ201177), Coxsackie A viruses 5 (AF081296), 10 (AF081300), 3 (AF41342), 11 (AF499636), 15 (AF465512), 19 (AF08138) and 1 (AF499635), Coxsackie B4 virus (AF311939), Human Echoviruses 30 (AF311938) and 2 (AY302545), Bovine Enteroviruses (AF123433, D00214), Porcine Enteroviruses (AF363453, AF406813), Duck Picornavirus TW90A (YP164335). Reoviruses; Eyach virus (NC_003696-NC_003707), Colorado Tick and Fever Virus (NC_004180_004191). Accession numbers for sequences described in this study are as follows: SV49 strain VRDL1 (EU789367), skunk orthoreovirus (EU789368-EU789373), Eyach virus strain VRDL4 (EU789374-EU789390), and California mosquito pool virus (EU789391-EU789395). Sequence alignments were generated using the CLUSTAL_W package with the default settings. CLUSTAL_W alignments were used to generate phylogenetic trees in MEGA 4 using either neighbor-joining, maximum likelihood or maximum parsimony with bootstrap values calculated from 1000 replicates. The generated phylogenetic trees were visualized using the program MEGA 4.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Summary of Viruses</title>", "<p>As part of infectious agent surveillance programs, sewer effluent, ground mosquito pools and skunk brain tissue collected between 1959 and 1980 by the California Department of Public Health were used to inoculate suckling mice intramuscularly or intracerebrally. In five samples, infectious agents could not be indentified in brain or muscle homogenates using available techniques, although the inoculated mice exhibited severe pathology. In this study, we used sequence-independent amplification of viral particle protected nucleic acids following nuclease digestion ##REF##15956568##[8]##,##REF##15695669##[13]##,##REF##11562506##[15]## of infected mouse tissue to identify a viral agent in each of these samples. These viruses are summarized in ##TAB##0##Table 1##. In total, 47% of all plasmid subclones were viral in origin, indicative of a high viral concentration after filtration and nuclease treatment for both brain and muscle tissues. Genomic coverage ranged from 55–57% for picornaviruses (∼7–9 kb viral genomes), but only 16–46% for the larger genome reoviruses (∼19–29 kb) (##TAB##0##\nTable 1\n##). Viral sequences were further characterized through phylogenetic analysis.</p>", "<title>Picornaviruses</title>", "<title>Enterovirus</title>", "<p>According to California Department of Public Health records, sample VRDL2 produced flaccid paralysis in injected suckling mice with diffuse myositis of trunk and limb muscles. These symptoms are consistent with Coxsackie A virus infection. However, all serological tests were negative for enteroviruses ##UREF##1##[20]##. In the current study, purified viral nucleic acids randomly amplified from VRDL2-infected mouse muscle confirmed infection with a moderately divergent Coxsackie A virus (CoxA). Pair-wise sequence comparisons of VRDL2 revealed between 74–86% nucleotide identity and 72–98% amino acid identity to CoxA1, CoxA19 and CoxA22, which comprise a monophyletic cluster within the human enterovirus C species (HEV-C). Coxsackie virus serotypes have been shown to correlate with their phylogenetic groupings based on sequence similarity, with approximately &gt;75% nucleotide identity and &gt;88% amino acid identity in the VP1 corresponding to the same serotype ##REF##9971773##[21]##. To determine the phylogenetic relationships between VRDL2 and serotypes of HEV-C several phylogenetic reconstruction algorithms (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining) were used to compare HEV-C VP1 sequences (##FIG##0##\nFig. 1\n##). At least three representatives, when available, from each member of HEV-C were used; a single member of human enterovirus B was included as an outgroup. As suggested by amino acid identity, VRDL2 segregated with CoxA22 with bootstrap values between 71–98%, as a basal member of the CoxA22 serotype.</p>", "<title>Sapelovirus</title>", "<p>Viral sequences obtained from sample VRDL1 represent a highly divergent picornavirus most closely related to simian picornavirus 1 (SV2), a member of the putative “sapelovirus” genus ##UREF##2##[22]##, with only 63% deduced amino acid identity within the originally sequenced VP2, VP3 and VP4 regions. Sub-genomic fragments were linked by PCR and both 5′- and 3′-RACE were utilized to acquire the complete VRDL1 polyprotein sequence which exhibited 80% amino acid identity to SV2. Except for the complete genome of SV2, sequence of simian sapeloviruses polyproteins currently are limited to VP1 and 3D regions ##REF##11773400##[23]##,##REF##14517081##[24]##. To characterize the relation of VRDL1 within the sapeloviruses, the deduced amino acid sequence for VP1 was used for phylogenetic reconstruction (##FIG##1##\nFig. 2\n##). VRDL1 VP1 clustered tightly to SV49 VP1, a divergent member within the sapelovirus cluster; the two sequences showing 91% amino acid identity (##FIG##1##\nFig. 2\n##). Similar results were seen for partial sequence data within 3D (data not shown) ##REF##14517081##[24]##. We therefore report the complete polyprotein sequence of SV49 strain VRDL1 (SV49-VRDL1) which is sufficiently divergent from SV2, with amino acid identities ranging from 52.3% in VP1 to 98.9% within the conserved 3D polymerase, to be considered the prototypic genome sequence for a second simian sapelovirus genotype.</p>", "<title>Reoviruses</title>", "<title>Eyach virus isolated in United States</title>", "<p>The VRDL4 sample was originally derived from a pool of California mosquitoes collected in 1980 as part of the arbovirus surveillance program. Viral sequences from VRDL4 shared strong amino acid identity to members of the <italic>Coltivirus</italic> genus. Eyach virus (EYAV), Colorado tick fever virus (CTFV), and CTFV-related viruses are the sole members of the <italic>Coltivirus</italic> genus. Partial sequencing of segments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 all shared greater than 94% nucleotide identity to the prototype strain of EYAV, originally identified in <italic>Ixodes ricinus</italic> ticks in Germany in 1976 ##REF##9824##[25]## (##FIG##2##\nFig. 3a\n##). To date, the reported geographical distribution of EYAV has been limited to Europe, while CTFV (and related strains) have been isolated in the United States ##REF##16318717##[26]##. In a phylogenetic tree based on concatenated VP1 amino acid sequence, VRDL4 paired with EYAV, with strong bootstrap support (data not shown). Overall amino acid and nucleotide identities across all segments sequenced suggest VRDL4 represents the first isolation of EYAV (EYAV strain VRDL4) from the United States. (##FIG##2##\nFig. 3b\n##).</p>", "<title>Novel Orthoreovirus</title>", "<p>VRDL5, isolated from skunk brain tissue intracerebrally inoculated into suckling mice, displayed significant sequence identity to several fragments of mammalian orthoreoviruses. Sequence from VRDL5 was obtained for 5 of the 9 segments, with amino acid identities to known mammalian orthoreoviruses ranging from 23% to 79%. The greatest amount of coverage (979bp of ∼1150bp) was obtained for the S3 fragment encoding the sigma NS protein. This fragment shared approximately 78% amino acid identity with baboon reovirus (##FIG##3##\nFig. 4\n##). For the S4 segment, VRDL sequences also paired with baboon reovirus. To date, no baboon reovirus class L or M segments have been published. VRDL5 fragment M2 shared closest sequence identity to avian orthoreovirus, while both L2 and M3 were weakly similar to mammalian orthoreoviruses. We propose VRDL5 represents a new orthoreovirus, tentatively named “skunk orthoreovirus”, which shares greatest similarity to baboon reovirus.</p>", "<title>Novel Orbivirus</title>", "<p>Sample VRDL3 consisted of brain tissue from suckling mice that had been inoculated intracerebrally with pooled <italic>Culex tarsalis</italic> homogenate. Viral sequences from VRDL3 displayed closest similarity to members of the Orbivirus genus in the <italic>Reoviridae</italic> family. Sequence from six of the ten total segments of Orbiviruses displayed weak amino acid identities (19–36%) to subcloned VRDL3 fragments (##FIG##4##\nFig. 5\n##). Amino acid sequence from VP7, a structural protein, which along with VP3 forms the viral capsid ##REF##10954567##[27]##, is the protein primarily used for phylogenetic analysis of Orbiviruses and exhibits the highest level of conservation within members of the Orbivirus genus with intraspecies amino acid identities between 83–99% ##REF##17286046##[28]##,##REF##12902042##[29]##,##REF##8077943##[30]##. VRDL3 VP7 exhibited only 19% amino acid identity to the closest Orbiviruses, and phylogenetic analysis revealed a deep, weakly bootstrap-supported pairing to the Great Island Broadhaven virus (##FIG##4##\nFig. 5\n##). We propose VRDL3 is a novel virus and propose the name California Mosquito Pool Virus (CMPV), in accordance with traditional nomenclature of Orbiviruses.</p>", "<p>Several members of the Orbivirus genus, including Bluetongue virus (BTV) and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EPHDV), contain a conserved RGD motif located between positions 168 to 170 of VP7 shown to be necessary for attachment to <italic>Culicoides</italic> cells ##REF##11264382##[31]##. This motif is missing in Orbiviruses transmitted by mosquitoes, (e.g. Yunnan virus), or ticks [e.g. Broadhaven (BRDV) and St. Croix River virus (SCRV)]. CMPV VP7 contained a RHD motif, similar to the conserved RGD motif of BTV and EPHDV, despite being isolated from <italic>Culex</italic> mosquitoes. BTV-10 VP7 crystal structure ##REF##7816101##[32]## and functional analysis also have revealed several conserved residues within nine alpha helices involved in formation of the icosahedral viral core. Predicted secondary structure from CMPV VP7 partial sequence reveals the presence of the four C-terminal alpha helices (data not shown) and includes conserved residues corresponding to BTV-10 D318 and Y271, the latter shown to be necessary for stable trimerization and particle formation ##REF##10954567##[27]##.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Genetic and antigenic diversity and the presence of un-characterized viruses can confound virus identification using species or serotype specific reagents. PCR tests generally exhibit increased sensitivity relative to antibody based antigen detection. However, viral genetic diversity can prevent the detection of viral variants. Use of degenerate consensus primers targeting conserved viral regions can improve detection of variants, but often at the cost of decreased sensitivity.</p>", "<p>In this study, we circumvent the need for prior knowledge of viral sequence using sequence independent amplification of nuclease protected viral particles ##REF##11562506##[15]##. We tested samples of ground mouse muscle or brain that had been inoculated with suspected infectious material including human feces, ground mosquito pools, and sewer effluent. Processing of samples and identification of five previously undetected viruses was achieved in under a week. From each of the samples tested, a single viral species was identified. Typically, the majority of clones sequenced contained viral sequence. Of the five viruses amplified two were picornaviruses. One picornavirus was a borderline new serotype of HEV-C, most closely related to CoxA22, and the other was a member of the putative sapelovirus genus, SV49 strain VRDL1. Three reoviruses were identified: one was a very close match to Eyach virus, while the other two were sufficiently divergent from members of the O<italic>rbivirus</italic> and O<italic>rthoreovirus</italic> genera to be candidates for new species with the <italic>Reoviridae</italic> family. The Eyach virus, derived from pooled mosquitoes collected in 1980 is the first reported case of Eyach detection in the US. Eyach virus previously was thought to be restricted to Europe, while the related coltivirus species CTFV was found only in the US ##REF##16318717##[26]##. Current prevalence in US mosquitoes remains to be determined.</p>", "<title>Identification of novel viruses</title>", "<p>We consider it unlikely that SV49-VRDL1, a simian sapelovirus, was derived from the sewer effluent used as inoculum, but instead was likely a contamination of lengthy <italic>in vitro</italic> manipulation in primary monkey kidney cells prior to mouse inoculation. Isolation of several simian enteroviruses in the early development and testing of poliovirus vaccine in primary monkey kidney cells illustrates the hazard of cell culture introducing viral contaminants ##REF##14043993##[33]##,##REF##13559208##[34]##,##UREF##3##[35]##,##REF##10092003##[36]##. Regardless of its origin, we report the complete genome sequencing of SV49-VRDL1, a second simian sapelovirus exhibiting an overall amino acid identity of 80% and 77% nucleotide identity compared to SV2.</p>", "<p>Orthoreoviruses currently consist of four species: mammalian orhtoreovirus (MRV), avian orthoreovirus (ARV), Nelson Bay orthoreovirus (NBV), and Baboon reovirus (BRV), although complete genetic sequence of BRV has not been described. Additionally, incomplete genomes from three tentative species have been described recently in reptiles ##REF##14967494##[37]##. Depending on the host and viral species, orthoreoviruses can cause respiratory illness, diarrhea, and severe neurological disorders. Infection in humans is generally benign, but can cause respiratory or gastrointestinal illness, with increased severity in infants ##REF##17592121##[38]##,##REF##18419529##[39]##. Demarcation of orthoreovirus species is based on sequence divergence, host species, and pathogenesis.</p>", "<p>To determine if the skunk orthoreovirus identified represents a new species of orthoreovirus or a novel variant of the baboon reovirus species, intraspecies and interspecies sequence diversity within the orthoreovirus genus were examined. Deduced sigma non-structural protein sequences share 83–98% amino acid identity within avian orthoreoviruses (ARV) and 73%–94% identitiy within mammalian orthoreoviruses (MRV) ##REF##10417266##[40]##,##REF##11576636##[41]##. Pair-wise amino acid comparisons between AVR, BRV, and MRV species exhibit identities between 18–53% ##REF##14967494##[37]##,##REF##10417266##[40]##. The skunk orhtoreovirus S3 fragment shares 78% amino acid identity to baboon reovirus, falling into a gray zone with regard to species demarcation. Similarly, the BRV and skunk orthoreovirus S4 segment encoding the fusion-associated small transmembrane protein exhibit 79% amino acid identity. Due to the paucity of known baboon reovirus sequences in Genbank we cannot make direct comparisons with class L and M segments ##REF##10417266##[40]##,##REF##7571448##[42]##. Biologically, the tropism of BRV and skunk orthoreovirus differ at the species level, but both were isolated from brain tissue. In total, these data indicate the skunk orthoreovirus is likely to be a classified as either a new highly divergent serotype within the baboon reovirus species or a new species.</p>", "<p>BTV, AHSV, and EPHDV within the <italic>Orbivirus</italic> genus are emerging pathogens of livestock with significant economic impact. BTV exhibits only rare cases of morbidity in cattle but is lethal in up to 70% of infected sheep and in all cases causes significant morbidity ##REF##8001345##[43]##. Less is known regarding the pathogenesis, prevalence, and complete sequence data for other species within the <italic>Orbivirus</italic> genus, including BRDV, SRCV, Yunnan and Palyam viruses. Differentiation of species is largely based upon vector transmission, overall amino acid identity and phylogenetic analysis of viral core (segment 7, VP7) or the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (segment 2) ##REF##12902042##[29]##,##REF##11257184##[44]##,##REF##1328474##[45]##. Within the <italic>Orbiviruses</italic>, amino acid identities between serotypes, such as BTV-1 through BTV-4 are typically above 80% ##REF##17286046##[28]##,##REF##8077943##[30]##,##REF##17251581##[46]## or 94% in EPHDV ##REF##12902042##[29]## within segments 2 and 7. Divergence between BTV and the less well characterized Yunnan, SRCV or BRDV exhibits between 21–37% identity within segment 2 and 7 ##REF##11257184##[44]##,##REF##1328474##[45]##,##REF##16298988##[47]##. The six fragments of CMPV isolated all exhibit amino acid identities below 36% to all described Orbiviruses, qualifying it as a new Orbivirus species. Transmission of <italic>Orbiviruses</italic> involves three primary vectors; midges (BTV, AHSV), ticks (BRDV, SCRV) and mosquitoes (Yunnan virus). While phylogenetic analysis of VP7 indicated CMPV branches with very low bootstrap support with BRDV, CMPV was isolated from <italic>C. tarsalis</italic> mosquito pools while BRDV is tick-borne ##REF##2846757##[48]##. Taken together these data indicate CMPV may be the founding member of a new species within the <italic>Orbivirus</italic> genus.</p>", "<p>These results indicate that known and novel viruses can be readily characterized using limited sequencing, provided that they are in the high concentration expected from affected tissues of recently inoculated mice showing acute pathologies. Application of such techniques to hard-to-type isolates may therefore accelerate the identification of new viral species.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: JGV AK ELD. Performed the experiments: JGV AK. Analyzed the data: JGV AK. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: JGV KD DPS. Wrote the paper: JGV ELD.</p>", "<p>Viral surveillance programs or diagnostic labs occasionally obtain infectious samples that fail to be typed by available cell culture, serological, or nucleic acid tests. Five such samples, originating from insect pools, skunk brain, human feces and sewer effluent, collected between 1955 and 1980, resulted in pathology when inoculated into suckling mice. In this study, sequence-independent amplification of partially purified viral nucleic acids and small scale shotgun sequencing was used on mouse brain and muscle tissues. A single viral agent was identified in each sample. For each virus, between 16% to 57% of the viral genome was acquired by sequencing only 42–108 plasmid inserts. Viruses derived from human feces or sewer effluent belonged to the <italic>Picornaviridae</italic> family and showed between 80% to 91% amino acid identities to known picornaviruses. The complete polyprotein sequence of one virus showed strong similarity to a simian picornavirus sequence in the provisional <italic>Sapelovirus</italic> genus. Insects and skunk derived viral sequences exhibited amino acid identities ranging from 25% to 98% to the segmented genomes of viruses within the <italic>Reoviridae</italic> family. Two isolates were highly divergent: one is potentially a new species within the orthoreovirus genus, and the other is a new species within the orbivirus genus. We demonstrate that a simple, inexpensive, and rapid metagenomics approach is effective for identifying known and highly divergent new viruses in homogenized tissues of acutely infected mice.</p>", "<title>Author Summary</title>", "<p>Viral surveillance programs aim to identify circulating viruses to safeguard the public and livestock from viral outbreaks. Occasionally, samples suspected of harboring a virus cause severe disease in laboratory animals, but the identity of the virus eludes researchers. Here, we applied a simple viral discovery technique to identify viruses directly from the tissues of inoculated symptomatic mice and found a single virus in each sample using a rapid viral particle purification and random nucleic acid amplification method. Two viruses appear to be closely related to the members of the <italic>Picornaviridae</italic> family. In three other samples, originally collected from pools of crushed mosquitoes and the brain of a sick skunk, a known and novel viruses related to members of the <italic>Reoviridiae</italic> family were identified. Reoviruses are considered major pathogens of livestock. Our studies provide the groundwork for further analysis of the prevalence and pathogenesis of these divergent viruses and illustrate the ease with which new viral species can be identified in tissues of acutely infected animals.</p>" ]
[ "<p>We thank Dr. Michael P. Busch and Blood Systems Research Institute for sustained support.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"ppat-1000163-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000163.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Divergent CoxA22 genotype.</title><p>Percent nucleotide identity of three VRDL2 fragments (black lines) to closest Blastn enterovirus genome. VP1 amino acid (shaded box) sequence used to create neighbor-joining phlyogenetic tree of HEV-C with bootstrap values from 1000 replicates.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000163-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000163.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Phylogenetic analysis of likely simian Sapelovirus.</title><p>Unrooted neighbor-joining phylogenetic relationships based on alignment of VP1 amino acid sequences, including partial simian virus genomes. Bootstrap analysis with 1000 pseudo-replicates was utilized.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000163-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000163.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Eyach Virus.</title><p>(A) Positions of VRDL4 fragments amplified relative to segmented <italic>Coltivirus</italic> genome. (B) Pairwise amino acid (nucleotide) percent identities between VRDL4 and CTFV and VRDL4 and EYAV for each segment.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000163-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000163.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Novel Orthoreovirus.</title><p>Alignment of six VRDL5 fragments amplified through viral discovery approach to ten genomic fragments of model orthoreovirus with amino acid identities (bottom). Neighbor-joining tree from orthoreovirus sigmaNS protein with bootstrap values from 1000 pseudo-replicates (top).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000163-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000163.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>Novel Orbivirus.</title><p>Alignment of VRDL3 fragments identified to genomic segments of model orbivirus sequence with amino acid identity percentages (bottom). Orbivirus VP7 amino acid neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree with bootstrap values from 1000 pseudo-replicates (top).</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"ppat-1000163-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000163.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Summary of Viral Sequences</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Lab ID (virus name)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Source<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">1</xref>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Year</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Nearest Blastx (Amino Acid Ident.)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Genomic Region Amplified<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt102\">2</xref>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">% Genome Seq.</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Viral Clones</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">VRDL1 (SV49 -VRDL1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20% MM</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1955</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Simian Picornavirus: NC_004451 (80%)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5′ UTR, <bold>VP4, VP2, VP3, VP1</bold>, 2A, 2C, 3A, <bold>3C</bold>, 3D</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">55</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43/46<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt103\">3</xref>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">VRDL2 (CoxA22)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20% MM</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1978</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Coxsackievirus A22: AF499643 (89%)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5′ UTR, <bold>VP4, VP2</bold>, VP3 VP1, 3A, <bold>3B, 3C</bold>, 3D</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">57</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33/42</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">VRDL3 (CMPV)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20% MB</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1974</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Orbivirus (25%)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Seg. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33/108</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">VRDL4 (Eyach)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10% MB</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1980</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Eyach Virus: NC_003696-707 (98%)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Seg 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">47</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34/61</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">VRDL5 (Skunk Orthoreovirus)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20% MB</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1974</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Mammalian Orthoreovirus (50%)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Seg L2, M2, M3, S3, S4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10/66</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><label>1</label><p>MM = Suspension from injected mouse muscle, MB = Intracerebral injection of neonatal mouse brain suspension.</p></fn><fn id=\"nt102\"><label>2</label><p>Bold indicates at least 95% of genomic region sequenced.</p></fn><fn id=\"nt103\"><label>3</label><p>The complete VRDL1 polyprotein and 3′-UTR was obtained by linking fragments via PCR and 5′- and 3′-RACE.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>NHLBI grant R01HL083254.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic id=\"ppat-1000163-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"ppat.1000163.t001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000163.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000163.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000163.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000163.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000163.g005\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["12"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Mihindukulasuriya", "Wu", "St Leger", "Nordhausen", "Wang"], "given-names": ["KA", "G", "J", "RW", "D"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["Identification of a Novel Coronavirus from a Beluga Whale Using a Pan-viral Microarray."], "source": ["J Virol"], "volume": ["19"], "fpage": ["19"]}, {"label": ["20"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Plager", "Decher", "Gross"], "given-names": ["H", "WJ", "LL"], "year": ["1968"], "article-title": ["Isolation of a New Type A Coxsackie Virus."], "source": ["Proc Soc Exp Biol Med"], "volume": ["128"], "fpage": ["988"], "lpage": ["990"]}, {"label": ["22"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Stanway", "Brown", "Christian", "Hovi", "Hyypia"], "given-names": ["G", "F", "P", "T", "T"], "year": ["2005"], "article-title": ["Picornavirus Genera"]}, {"label": ["35"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Kalter"], "given-names": ["SS"], "year": ["1982"], "article-title": ["Enteric viruses of nonhuman primates."], "source": ["Vet Pathol"], "issue": ["Suppl 7"], "fpage": ["33"], "lpage": ["43"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 03:40:35
PLoS Pathog. 2008 Sep 26; 4(9):e1000163
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins (CNTs) are the most potent toxins known to humans since even one billionth of an ounce is fatal. Seven antigenically distinct botulinum neurotoxins are produced by the bacterium <italic>Clostridium botulinum</italic> and they share considerable sequence homology, and structural and functional similarity ##REF##9783750##[1]##–##REF##10932256##[3]##. They are produced as inactive single chains of molecular mass 150 kDa and released as active dichains, a heavy chain (HC, 100 kDa) and a light chain (LC, 50 kDa) held together by an interchain disulfide bond ##REF##6353671##[4]##–##REF##3985955##[7]##. HC comprising two distinct domains is responsible for binding to neuronal cells and translocation into cytosol. LC is the catalytic domain cleaving one of the three proteins forming the SNARE complex (Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein <underline>a</underline>ttachment protein <underline>r</underline>eceptors) required for docking and fusion of vesicles containing neurotransmitters to target cells ##REF##7984032##[8]##–##UREF##0##[12]##. The SNARE complex formation is prevented when any of the SNARE proteins is cleaved and accordingly blocks neurotransmitter release leading to flaccid paralysis and eventual death.</p>", "<p>Catalytic domains of BoNTs are zinc proteases and cleave SNARE proteins with stringent substrate specificity though they share significant sequence similarity. BoNT/A and BoNT/E cleave the synaptosomal-associated 25 kDa protein (SNAP-25) while BoNT/B, /D, /F, and /G cleave the vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP). BoNT/C is the only one that has dual substrate specificity, <italic>viz</italic> SNAP-25 and syntaxin ##REF##10747206##[13]##. The enhanced substrate specificity of CNTs is due to the recognition of substrates at remote sites called exosites in addition to the active site ##REF##15592454##[14]##.</p>", "<p>The potency and the ease with which these toxins can be produced make them potential bioweapons and bioterrorism agents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has declared them as Category A biowarfare agents. Currently, while experimental vaccines are available, only an equine trivalent antitoxin is available for post-exposure therapeutics with a limited therapeutic window ##REF##16163636##[15]##. One of the most effective ways a drug can act is by blocking the site where the substrate binds to toxin and accordingly the crystal structure of substrate-enzyme complex is essential to map out a strategy. Even though crystal structure of SNAP peptide (146–206)-inactive enzyme complex is available, it lacks interactions at the active site since the enzyme used was an inactive double mutant ##REF##15592454##[14]##. Here we present for the first time the structure of the substrate peptide, QRATKM containing the scissile peptide bond, bound to the active enzyme. This crystal structure reveals interesting features of complex formation which can help in designing efficient drug molecules to prevent or treat botulism. It is remarkable that this natural substrate peptide is not cleaved by the enzyme. In addition, we are also reporting the crystal structure of RRATKM, a variant of the substrate peptide, in complex with the enzyme. Though both are weak inhibitors, RRATKM is a better inhibitor than QRATKM.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Protein expression and purification</title>", "<p>\n<italic>Clostridium botulinum</italic> neurotoxin serotype A truncated light chain (residues 1 to 424), Balc424, was expressed in <italic>E. coli</italic> and purified to homogeneity using size exclusion chromatography, as described previously ##REF##18434312##[16]##. The purified enzyme in 20 mM HEPES, 2 mM DTT, 200 mM NaCl, pH 7.4 was stored at −20°C until used. Amides of the peptides, QRATKM and RRATKM, were custom synthesized by Peptide 2.0 Inc., Chantilly, VA20153, USA. The stock solutions of the peptides were prepared with the above mentioned buffer.</p>", "<title>Crystallization and data collection</title>", "<p>Balc424-QRATKM and Balc424-RRATKM complex crystals were grown using a range of protein/peptide molar ratio (1∶5 to 1∶30). Both QRATKM and RRATKM complex crystals were grown by sitting drop vapor diffusion at room temperature. Briefly, 3 µl of the protein solution (15 mg/ml) was mixed with an equal volume of a reservoir solution containing 20% PEG 8000, 100 mM sodium cacodylate, pH 6.5, 5% ethylene glycol and 200 mM ammonium sulfate. Thick plate-like crystals were obtained in five days and were flash frozen with liquid nitrogen using 20% ethylene glycol as cryoprotectant. The X-ray intensity data for both complex crystals were collected at X29 beamline of National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) using ADSC QUANTUM 315 detector. Balc424-QRATKM and Balc424-RRATKM complex crystals diffracted to 1.5 Å and 1.6 Å, respectively and belonged to the <italic>P</italic>2<sub>1</sub> space group with one molecule in the asymmetric unit (##TAB##0##Table 1##). All data were processed using the HKL2000 suite ##UREF##1##[17]##.</p>", "<title>Structure determination</title>", "<p>The structures of the complexes were determined by Fourier Synthesis using the acetate bound Balc424 (Protein Data Bank id 3BWI) as model followed by rigid-body refinement and simulated annealing. The composite omit map and the difference Fourier showed interpretable electron density for these hexapeptides. The best results were obtained with data collected from crystals grown with 1∶25 (protein/peptide) molar ratio. The peptide models were built with O ##REF##2025413##[18]## and further refined with CNS ##REF##9757107##[19]## until convergence. The final refinement statistics are shown in ##TAB##0##Table 1##. Models were validated with the Ramachandran plot using PROCHECK ##REF##11125097##[20]##.</p>", "<title>Activity assay</title>", "<p>The proteolytic activity of balc424 was determined by HPLC using P[187–203] synthetic peptide as reported previously ##REF##18482846##[21]##; ##REF##8747431##[22]##. Briefly, balc424 enzyme (550 nM) was incubated with the 17-mer peptide (1mM) at 37°C for 30 min in the assay buffer (50 mM HEPES, 0.25 mM ZnCl<sub>2</sub>, 5.0 mM DTT, pH 7.2). <italic>IC<sub>50</sub></italic> values were determined by varying the concentration of inhibitors. The experimental data were analyzed using equation 1, where <italic>I</italic> is the inhibitor concentration, <italic>y</italic> is the percent inhibition, with a slope factor (s) of 1.0.\n</p>", "<p>Coordinates and structure factors have been deposited to the Protein Data Bank. BALC424-QRATKM (3DDA) and BALC424-RRATKM (3DDB). The SwissProt accession number for BoNT/A is P10845.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Crystal structure of Balc424 with QRATKM</title>", "<p>The crystal structure has been determined to 1.5Å resolution. The model refined with R and R free of 18.4 and 20.1%, respectively. The final refined model contains 423 protease residues, 6 substrate residues, one sulfate and one zinc ions and 375 waters. More than 91% of residues are within the most allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. The electron density in the residual map (Fo-Fc) was well defined for the hexapeptide and QRATKM could be modeled unambiguously except for the side chains of K and M (##FIG##0##Figure 1A##). It appears that K could take two rotamer positions. This is the first time an uncleavable substrate bound structure of an active botulinum neurotoxin has been reported and it has helped in unequivocally defining S1 to S5′ sites. Most notably, the amino nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen of P1 residue (Gln197) chelate the zinc ion (##FIG##1##Figures 2## and ##FIG##2##3##). The amino nitrogen has replaced the nucleophilic water as was shown earlier ##REF##18434312##[16]##.</p>", "<title>Crystal structure of Balc424 with RRATKM</title>", "<p>The crystal structure of Balc424 with a substrate analog RRATKM has been determined to 1.6Å resolution. The R and R free for the final refined model are 20.1 and 21.2%, respectively. The final refined model contains 423 residues of protease, 6 residues of substrate analog peptide, two sulfate ions, one zinc ion and 375 waters. More than 90% of residues are within the most allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. The substrate analog could be modeled unambiguously in the residual map (Fo-Fc) (##FIG##0##Figure 1B##). Except for some minor variations of side chain orientations, the hexapetide RRATKM binds similar to the substrate peptide QRATKM (##FIG##1##Figures 2##, ##FIG##2##3## and ##FIG##3##4##). As in the case of QRATKM, the P1 (Arg197) amino group and the carbonyl oxygen chelate the catalytic zinc and the nucleophilic water has been replaced. P1-P5′ residues occupy identical subsites as in QRATKM. This kind of interaction seems to be common with all peptide analog inhibitors ##REF##18434312##[16]## and probably plays a dominant role in inhibiting the catalytic activity.</p>", "<p>Though we have shown earlier that short tetrapeptides (analogs of substrate) are good inhibitors (nM range), the hexapeptides are weak inhibitors ##REF##18434312##[16]##. The <italic>IC<sub>50</sub></italic> of QRATKM and RRATKM are 133 and 95 µM, respectively (##FIG##0##Figures 1E and 1F##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<title>Mapping of S1–S5′ subsites</title>", "<p>The side chain of P1-Q197 is exposed to the solvent region but makes a hydrogen bond with Glu164 OE1 (##FIG##2##Figures 3## and ##FIG##3##4##). However, it is stabilized by various other interactions as well. N and O chelate zinc while O is also hydrogen bonded to Tyr366 OH which stabilizes the substrate and positions it for catalytic activity. Mutation of Tyr366 to Phe or Ala resulted in dramatic decrease in activity ##UREF##2##[23]##; ##REF##11827515##[24]##. The amino nitrogen which has replaced the nucleophilic water is hydrogen bonded to Glu224 OE1 and OE2 (the latter through a water molecule). It is known that variation in P1 does not affect the catalytic activity, probably due to most of the interactions being with the main chain atoms ##REF##17092934##[25]##–##REF##9755859##[28]##. Mutation of Glu164 to Gln only had a marginal effect on the catalytic activity ##UREF##2##[23]##. The only difference between QRATKM and RRATKM is at P1 residue. This was based on our previous experience with tetrapeptides ##REF##18434312##[16]## since the positive charge on Arg197 better complements the charge in the active site cavity. While P1-Gln197 makes a hydrogen bond with Glu164, P1-Arg197 makes a salt bridge interaction with Glu164 thus making it more strongly bound (##FIG##2##Figures 3## and ##FIG##3##4##). There are additional interactions with a sulfate ion nearby but this may be an artifact of crystallization. Other than this, residues from 198 to 202 in both structures superpose well except for minor variations in side chain orientations (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##). The following discussion on subsites S1′ to S5′ applies equally for the both structures.</p>", "<p>P1′-Arg198 occupies the S1′ site formed by Arg363, Thr220, Asp370, Thr215, Ile161 and Phe194. Phe163, though slightly farther, also forms part of this subsite. The amino nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen of P1′ are hydrogen bonded to Phe163 O and Arg363 NH2 (##FIG##2##Figures 3## and ##FIG##3##4##). These two interactions stabilize the substrate binding. When Arg363 is mutated to Leu or Ala, the activity decreases by 620 and ∼80 fold, respectively ##UREF##2##[23]##; ##REF##11827515##[24]##. In addition, the guanidinium group of P1′ Arg198 forms salt bridges with Asp370 and P1′-Arg198 NE forms a hydrogen bond with Ile161 O. The salt bridge interaction between P1′-Arg198 and Asp370 is crucial since mutation of Asp370 reduced the catalytic activity by 250–600 fold ##UREF##2##[23]##; ##REF##17244603##[29]##. The other major interaction is the stacking of guanidinium group of P1′-Arg198 with Phe194 (##FIG##2##Figure 3##). This stacking interaction also plays a major role in the activity since Balc424 Phe194Ala has ∼100 fold less activity ##REF##17244603##[29]##. Accordingly, both the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions are crucial for catalytic activity. The S1′ site is fairly big and gives enough flexibility for Arg198. In substrate analog tetrapeptide inhibitor complexes, it takes various rotamer positions ##REF##18434312##[16]##. In BoNT/A arginine hydroxamate complex structure, Arg hydroxamate occupies the S1′ site. But Zn is chelated by the carbonyl oxygen and the hydroxamate group. Also the direction of the peptide N to C is reversed ##REF##17524984##[30]##.</p>", "<p>S2′ site is formed by Arg363, Asn368 and Asp370, while S3′ subsite is formed by Tyr251, Leu256, Val258, Tyr366, Phe369 and Asn388. P3′-Thr200 OG makes a hydrogen bond with Tyr251 OH. P4′-Lys201 is exposed to the solvent region. In the present crystal structure the side chain density for this residue is weak probably due to high thermal factors (##FIG##0##Figures 1C and 1D##). However, one of the rotamer positions could form a hydrogen bond with Gln162 OE1. This does not form a hydrogen bond in the complex structure of BoNT/A-SNAP-25 (146–206) (PDB id = 1XTG). Instead Glu257 is close by, about 4.5Å. S5′ site is made of Tyr251, Phe369, Leu256, Ser254 and Phe 423. P5′-Met202 occupies this hydrophobic pocket (##FIG##3##Figure 4C##).</p>", "<title>Comparison of SNAP-25(146–206) and QRATKM at the active site</title>", "<p>The crystal structure of SNAP-25 (146–206) peptide with an inactive double mutant (Pdb id = 1XTG) had identified the exosites as recognition sites distant from the active site ##REF##15592454##[14]##. However, the region of SNAP-25 peptide near the active site was disordered and could not be modeled very well. Comparison of the C-alpha position of the corresponding residues in the present structure shows that the C-alpha positions of these six residues are shifted. C-alphas of 197, 198, 199, 200, 201 and 202 are 4.34, 3.84, 3.55, 3.13, 5.69 and 6.12Å for the corresponding C-alphas in the present structures (##FIG##4##Figure 5A##). In the absence of Tyr366, SNAP25 residues near the active site move towards 250 loop increasing the distance from catalytic zinc. When the wild type light chain is used, the SNAP peptide is closer to the catalytic zinc and the 170 loop. This shift is probably due to either the disorder or the inactive mutant in 1XTG. One possibility is that since residues corresponding to α-exosites are missing in the short peptide, the whole peptide could have slid down. But this possibility is less likely since the β-exosite interaction is maintained in both the structures. Though the C-alpha atom of P5′ in the current structure and 1XTG are farther apart, the side chains occupy the same place. We conclude that this shift is due to the loss of interaction of SNAP-25 with Tyr366 which has been mutated to Phe in 1XTG. Because of this difference, P4′-Lys201 has potential interaction with Gln162 of the enzyme rather than Glu257. The length of the anti-parallel β sheet formed near the 250 loop (β-exosite) in 1XTG (13 Å) is almost double the length as in QRATKM (6.5 Å) (##FIG##4##Figure 5A##). Based on the above observations, the subsites as identified in this structure truly represent the substrate-enzyme complex interactions.</p>", "<p>Though the overall conformation of the enzyme in 1XTG and the current structure is very similar (RMSD is ∼1 Å for 400 Cα atoms), loops 200 and 250 vary significantly (##FIG##4##Figure 5B##). This conformational change may be either due to the recognition of α-exosites in 1XTG or just an artifact of crystal packing. In the current structure, loops 200, 250 and 370 pack together tightly whereas in the 1XTG, 200 loop moved away. The C-alphas of Pro206 (within 200 loop) in 1XTG and QRATKM complex are ∼12 Å apart.</p>", "<title>Comparison of QRATKM with N-Ac-CRATKML</title>", "<p>Recently, the structure of a complex between the BoNT/A-LC and an inhibitory peptide N-Ac-CRATKML has been reported ##REF##18457419##[31]##. Though the direction of the polypeptide is the same, the inhibitory peptide (N-Ac-CRATKML) is shifted down by one residue compared to the substrate peptide QRATKM (##FIG##4##Figure 5C##). This appears to be due to the effect of oxidation of Cys and the N-terminal blocking acetyl group. The cysteine is oxidized to sulfenic form. Both the sulfur and the OH group chelate the zinc ion unlike in QRATKM complex where the carbonyl oxygen and amino nitrogen of P1 residue chelate zinc (##FIG##4##Figure 5D##). As a consequence, the acetyl group takes the C-alpha position of P1′ (Arg198) and P1′ arginine moves to P2′ alanine's place. Moreover, P1 carbonyl oxygen interacts with Arg363 instead of Tyr366. In QRATKM, P1' arginine forms salt bridge with Asp370 through guanidinium:carboxylate pair whereas in the N-Ac-CRATKML it is through a single NE and OD1 interaction. Interestingly, even though the C-alpha position has moved, Arg198 side chain takes a different rotamer position made possible by the size of the cavity and stays in the same pocket. In addition, P4' lysine interacts with Tyr366 while in the substrate peptide (QRATKM) it interacts with Glu162. Hence the positioning of the inhibitory peptide (N-Ac-CRATKML) may not represent the substrate binding position as in QRATKM structure. In both cases the enzyme does not undergo significant conformational changes as it did in the structure of SNAP-25 (146–206) peptide complex ##REF##15592454##[14]##.</p>", "<title>Roles of substrate amino acid residues spanning the cleavage site</title>", "<p>N-Ac-CRATKML is a fairly good inhibitor (<italic>Kι</italic> 1.9 µM) ##REF##9755859##[28]##. But when the N terminal Cys is replaced with 2-mercapto-3-phenylpropionyl (mpp) the <italic>Ki</italic> improved to 300nM. Keeping this as a control various truncations were done ##REF##12482605##[27]##. Truncating the last three residues of the mpp derivative (KML) increased the Ki 100-fold while deletion of only the last two increased it only by ∼13-fold. The importance of Lys201 of the substrate may be attributed to the potential hydrogen bond the terminal side chain atom (NZ) makes with Gln162. Mutation of Lys201 to Ala increased the Ki 10 fold suggesting that the Lys side chain interaction is crucial. When Thr200 of the substrate was mutated to Ala, Ki increased only marginally since the hydrogen bond with OG was lost. However, it is not clear from the present structure why Ala199Val will increase the Ki &lt;10 fold. A simple modeling shows that the S2' subsite is big enough to accommodate a Val. Mutation of Arg198 to Lys increases Ki by more than 1000 fold. This is because both the salt bridge and stacking interactions are lost. It appears stacking may be important since ionic interaction between Lys201 and Asp370 is still possible. Though the present hexapeptide lacks Leu203, truncation of this peptide had no effect on Ki.</p>", "<title>Recognition and binding of substrate by Balc424</title>", "<p>Saturation mutation studies based on the crystal structure of BoNT/A with SNAP-25 (146–206) has been used to define two regions, active site (AS) domain and binding site (B) domain in SNAP-25 ##REF##15592454##[14]##; ##REF##17244603##[29]##. SNAP-25 residues 193–202 form AS while residues 156–181 form B. Our hexapeptides form part of AS only. In the same work, two minimal length peptides have been tested for catalytic activity, D<sup>193</sup>EANQRATK<sup>201</sup> (SN/A1) and A<sup>195</sup>NQRATK<sup>201</sup> (SN/A2) (the numbers correspond to our numbering scheme). While SN/A1 was cleavable by BoNT/A, SN/A2 was not, suggesting that the N terminal DEAN is required for cleavage. This probably explains why QRATKM which lacks DEAN was not cleaved in our case even though we used up to 1∶30 ratio of Balc424 to peptide. However, the major reason for the peptide not being cleaved is the amino group chelating zinc. Any extension beyond in the N terminal direction would change the character of this amino group and may not be able to chelate zinc. However, the earlier study used GST fusion protein to express the short peptide and might have some effect in binding to the enzyme. This is supported by the facts that I<sup>192</sup>DEANQRATKKMLGSG<sup>207</sup> had 1/5<sup>th</sup> the activity compared to wild type ##REF##8747431##[22]## and the mutants A195C and N196C in the 17-mer SNAP-25 substrate peptide ##REF##9755859##[28]## insignificantly affected <italic>K<sub>m</sub></italic> and <italic>k<sub>cat</sub></italic>.</p>", "<p>The current structure confirms our earlier model for catalytic mechanism ##REF##18434312##[16]##. Glu224 acts as the general base in abstracting a proton from the nucleophilic water and also helps in shuttling protons to the leaving group. In addition, the roles of Arg363 and Tyr366 are to stabilize the substrate for proper positioning and orientation as the carbonyl oxygens of P1 and P1' are hydrogen bonded to Tyr366 and Arg363. Tyr366 further stabilizes the oxyanion role of P1 carbonyl oxygen. Another molecular mechanism for BoNT/A recognition and cleavage of SNAP-25 has been proposed ##REF##17244603##[29]##. In that mechanism P5 (Asp193) residue of SNAP25 is supposed to make the initial contact with the enzyme at the α-exosites by forming a salt bridge with Arg177. This in turn aligns P4'-Lys201 to form a salt bridge with Glu257. These interactions are supposed to broaden the active site and allow P1'-Arg198 to dock into the S1' site by both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. The current structure does not support such a mechanism. First, the substrate peptide is able to dock into S1' site even though the peptide lacks substrate residues upstream of P1. Second, the S1' site of Balc424 with and without bound peptide is similar and there is no indication of any change in shape or size. Third, there is no possibility for Lys201 to make hydrogen bond contact with Glu257. Accordingly, our crystallographic data show that Balc424 is well positioned for peptide binding and catalytic action without having to undergo a conformational change. However, the interaction of P4' with S4' substrate may be disrupted after cleavage and help the substrate to leave allowing uncleaved peptide to bind in its place. But there is no experimental or mutational evidence for that.</p>", "<title>Implication for drug design</title>", "<p>Even though botulinum neurotoxins are declared category A biowarfare agents, effective drugs are yet to be developed. Antibody therapeutics is emerging but more than one antibody may be needed to contain the effect of a single serotype ##REF##15027061##[32]##. An equine antitoxin is also available for post exposure therapeutics. Small molecule inhibitors are being developed but the active site of botulinum neurotoxin is large and it would be better to have larger molecules or strongly binding peptidomimetic inhibitors to block the active site. The current structure where S1 to S5' sites have been mapped unequivocally will be a good starting point. This would at least give a serotype specific inhibitor that could be transformed into an effective drug for botulinum neurotoxin A. We have shown that the P1 residue could be changed to Arg without affecting the binding efficiency and in fact it has proved to be a better inhibitor since it complements the charge in that region. It is known that changing it to cysteine improves binding ##REF##12482605##[27]##. However, oxidation of Cys may cause a problem. The structural environment of P1 also suggests that an amino acid containing an aromatic ring may be better suited as it would improve stacking interactions. The hexapeptide could be extended by one residue at the N terminus. However, it might affect the chelation of zinc by P1 amino group. The requirement of P1' Arg is crucial for BoNT/A activity. However, changing it to Tyr will still keep the stacking interaction though the salt bridge would be lost. Arg198Ala abolishes the activity without affecting the Km value ##REF##16478727##[33]##. S2' site also suggests that it can tolerate bigger hydrophobic, aromatic residue. It is possible to introduce modifications in the peptides to bring rigidity, specificity and resistance from proteases. There are endless possibilities that can be tried with the information provided by this structure. Our biochemical assays with full length and truncated balc (balc424) do not show much variation and hence the results are equally applicable to both. It is desirable to have a broad spectrum inhibitor to be effective across the serotypes and this structure will be a starting point.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: SS. Performed the experiments: DK RR. Analyzed the data: DK RR SAA SS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: SAA. Wrote the paper: DK SS.</p>", "<p>The seven antigenically distinct serotypes of <italic>Clostridium botulinum</italic> neurotoxins, the causative agents of botulism, block the neurotransmitter release by specifically cleaving one of the three SNARE proteins and induce flaccid paralysis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has declared them as Category A biowarfare agents. The most potent among them, botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A), cleaves its substrate synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25). An efficient drug for botulism can be developed only with the knowledge of interactions between the substrate and enzyme at the active site. Here, we report the crystal structures of the catalytic domain of BoNT/A with its uncleavable SNAP-25 peptide <sup>197</sup>QRATKM<sup>202</sup> and its variant <sup>197</sup>RRATKM<sup>202</sup> to 1.5 Å and 1.6 Å, respectively. This is the first time the structure of an uncleavable substrate bound to an active botulinum neurotoxin is reported and it has helped in unequivocally defining S1 to S5′ sites. These substrate peptides make interactions with the enzyme predominantly by the residues from 160, 200, 250 and 370 loops. Most notably, the amino nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen of P1 residue (Gln197) chelate the zinc ion and replace the nucleophilic water. The P1′-Arg198, occupies the S1′ site formed by Arg363, Thr220, Asp370, Thr215, Ile161, Phe163 and Phe194. The S2′ subsite is formed by Arg363, Asn368 and Asp370, while S3′ subsite is formed by Tyr251, Leu256, Val258, Tyr366, Phe369 and Asn388. P4′-Lys201 makes hydrogen bond with Gln162. P5′-Met202 binds in the hydrophobic pocket formed by the residues from the 250 and 200 loop. Knowledge of interactions between the enzyme and substrate peptide from these complex structures should form the basis for design of potent inhibitors for this neurotoxin.</p>", "<title>Author Summary</title>", "<p>Botulinum neurotoxins are the most poisonous substance to humans. The ease with which the bacteria can be grown, its potency and persistence have made it a potential bioterrorism agent, and accordingly, botulinum neurotoxin has been declared as Category A agent by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Since it is both a potential bioweapon and a bioterrorism agent, it is imperative to develop counter measures and therapeutics for these neurotoxins, as none are available so far except experimental vaccines and an FDA-approved equine antitoxin. Our work presented here is an important milestone towards achieving this goal. The best antidote can be developed by blocking the active site of any enzyme. The crystal structures of substrate peptide–enzyme complex presented here map the interactions between the two and provide critical information for designing effective drugs against this toxin.</p>" ]
[ "<p>We gratefully acknowledge data collection support from beamline X29 (NSLS).</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"ppat-1000165-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000165.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Hexapeptides and inhibition plots.</title><p>Electron density maps (blue mesh) for bound substrate (QRATKM) and its variant (RRATKM) are shown in A and B, respectively. The electron density is from composite omit maps (2|F<sub>o</sub>|-|F<sub>c</sub>|) and contoured at 1σ level. QRATKM (green) and RRATKM (gray) peptides are shown in ball and stick model. Zinc, oxygen and nitrogen atoms are shown as magenta, red and blue spheres, respectively. Carbon atoms are shown in green (QRATKM) and black (RRATKM). Figures were prepared using Molscript, Raster3D and Bobscript ##REF##9385560##[34]##–##REF##15299354##[36]##. Distribution of B factors for the QRATKM and RRATKM are shown in C and D, respectively. The peptide atoms are colored according to B factor with RGB (Red-Green-Blue) color ramp with blue and red corresponding to the lowest (17 Å<sup>2</sup>) and highest (50 Å<sup>2</sup>). Pymol (DeLano, W.L. The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System (2002) on World Wide Web <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) was used to prepare C and D figures. Inhibition of Balc424 catalytic activity at increasing concentrations (µM) of QRATKML (E) and of RRATKML (F).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000165-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000165.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Binding of the substrate peptide in the active site of Balc424.</title><p>(A) Figure shows the substrate peptide (QRATKM) binding in the active site of Balc424. Balc424 is shown in solid blue-colored surface. Substrate peptide is shown in sphere (CPK) model. Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and zinc atoms are shown in green, red, blue, yellow and magenta, respectively. (B). Superposed stick models of QRATKM and RRATKM are shown in green, and gray, respectively. Carbon atoms are shown in green (QRATKM) and gray (RRATKM). Balc424 is shown in semi-transparent surface (blue) representation with secondary elements at the active site pocket. Only a few substrate-binding residues are shown as markers. Pymol (DeLano, W.L. The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System (2002) on World Wide Web <ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) was used to prepare these figures.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000165-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000165.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Structure of Balc424 in complex with the QRATKM, a segment of substrate SNAP-25.</title><p>(A). Stereo view of the active site shows the molecular interactions between the substrate peptide (QRATKM) and protease (Balc424). Protease and substrate residues are shown in cyan and green, respectively. Blue color ribbon represents the protease secondary elements at the vicinity of the active site. (B). Stereo view of the active site center of Balc424 (cyan stick) with RRATKM (gray ball and stick). Oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and zinc atoms are shown in red, blue, yellow and magenta, respectively. Hydrogen bonds are depicted as black dash lines while zinc co-ordination is shown in solid line.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000165-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000165.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Schematic diagram of the molecular interactions between the Balc424 and substrate peptides.</title><p>The interactions between Balc424 active site residues and the substrate peptides are shown. (A) QRATKM and (B) RRATKM. Black, red, blue, and yellow colored circles represent carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur atoms, respectively. For clarity, zinc co-ordination and water molecules involved in the interactions at the active site are not shown. (C). A Schematic diagram representing S1 to S5′sites. Residues of the enzyme forming the subsites and substrate peptide are shown in red and blue, respectively. Proteolytic site is shown in cyan colored double-headed arrow. Figures A and B were prepared with Ligplot ##UREF##3##[37]##. ChemDraw ultra (CambridgeSoft, Inc) was used to prepare figure C.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"ppat-1000165-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000165.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>Comparison of Balc424 complexed with segments of SNAP-25 (197–202) and (146–204) and an inhibitor (N-Ac-CRATKML).</title><p>(A) and (B) show the superposition of Balc424 with SNAP-25 (197–202) and (146–204). Green and red represent SNAP-25 (197–202) and SNAP-25 (146–204), respectively. Superposition of Balc424 with substrate peptide (SNAP-25 [197–202]) and N-Ac-CRATKML peptide at the vicinity of the active site are shown in C and D. N-Ac-CRATKML peptide complex is shown in brown color. Zinc binding and selective substrate binding residues are in stick model.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"ppat-1000165-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.ppat.1000165.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Crystal data and refinement statistics of Balc424 with substrate peptide complexes</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Name/code</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">QRATKM</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">RRATKM</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Cell dimensions</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">a (Å)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">49.14</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50.87</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">b</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">66.20</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">66.58</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">c</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.82</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65.06</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">β (°)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">99.10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">98.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Space group</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P2<sub>1</sub>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">P2<sub>1</sub>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Resolution range (Å)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Overall</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50–1.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50–1.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Last shell</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.54–1.50</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.65–1.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"># unique reflections</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64,562</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">53,272</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Completeness (%)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(Overall/Last shell)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97.4/80.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">95.4/76.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">R<sub>merge</sub>\n<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">1</xref> overall/last shell</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.066/0.25</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.059/0.15</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">&lt;I/σ(I)&gt; overall/last shell</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17/2.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">23.0/3.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<bold>Refinement Statistics</bold>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Resolution (Å)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50–1.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50–1.6</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">R factor<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt102\">2</xref>/Rfree (%)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18.0/20.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20.0/22.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">R.M.S deviation from ideality</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bond lengths (Å)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.005</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.005</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bond angles (°)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Average B-factors (Å<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt102\">2</xref>)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Main chain</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Side chain</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">23.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Waters</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">22.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">29.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Ions</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">27.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">35.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Substrate peptide</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">28.4</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Number of atoms</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Proteins</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3,423</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3,423</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Waters</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">375</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">375</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Ions (Zn<sup>2+</sup>/SO<sub>4</sub>\n<sup>2−</sup>)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1/5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1/10</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Ligands</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">52</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Surface area Å<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt102\">2</xref>(total/buried)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">993/726</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1023/739</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(by substrate peptide)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Residues (%) in the core</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">region of φ-ψ plot</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">91.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">89.0</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<disp-formula><label>(1)</label></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><label>1</label><p>R<sub>merge</sub> = ∑<sub>j</sub>(|I<sub>h</sub>−&lt;I&gt;<sub>h</sub>|)/∑I<sub>h,</sub> where &lt;I<sub>h</sub>&gt; is the average intensity over symmetry equivalents</p></fn><fn id=\"nt102\"><label>2</label><p>R-factor = ∑|F<sub>obs</sub>−F<sub>calc</sub>|/∑|F<sub>obs</sub>|</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>This project was supported by a JSTO-CBD (Project # 3.10012_06_RD_B) funding to S. Ashraf Ahmed. Sub-contract to BNL (S. Swaminathan) was through MIPR N0. 8CO890039 under DOE Prime Contract No. DEAC02-98CH10886 with Brookhaven National Laboratory. S. Swaminathan also received partial funding from the US Army (DAMD17-02-2-0011).</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic id=\"ppat-1000165-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"ppat.1000165.t001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000165.e001.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000165.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000165.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000165.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000165.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"ppat.1000165.g005\"/>" ]
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2022-01-13 03:40:35
PLoS Pathog. 2008 Sep 26; 4(9):e1000165
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>The protein kinase C (PKC) family critically regulates platelet activation. Many platelet functional responses, including secretion and aggregation are reduced or abolished by broad-spectrum PKC inhibitors and enhanced by PKC activators ##REF##17956264##[1]##, suggesting a positive role for the PKC family in general in platelet activation. However, calcium responses are clearly negatively regulated by PKC isoforms ##REF##17210570##[2]##, and we have shown by pharmacological and genetic approaches that PKCδ is a negative regulator of platelet aggregation by modulating actin dynamics through VASP ##REF##12721299##[3]##, ##REF##11788586##[4]##. Individual PKC isoforms therefore play distinct roles, both positive and negative, during platelet activation, and the effect of broad-spectrum PKC inhibition or activation reflects a balance of effects on positive and negative regulatory pathways ##REF##17956264##[1]##.</p>", "<p>Human platelets express predominantly four PKC isoforms: α, β, δ and θ. In addition to these, mouse platelets express PKCε ##REF##12721299##[3]##–##REF##8447826##[9]##. The specific importance of each isoform is hard to assess by pharmacological approaches owing to the lack of isoform specificity of these agents. The availability of biochemical and genetic tools has allowed the functions of specific isoforms to be addressed. Using such approaches, we and others have recently demonstrated highly specific roles for individual PKC isoforms in regulating platelet function: PKCα is critically required for granule secretion and secretion-dependent aggregation ##REF##11495897##[10]##, ##REF##12724315##[11]##; PKCβ is recruited to integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> and positively regulates outside-in signalling ##REF##15536078##[12]##; PKCδ, in contrast, negatively regulates filopodia formation, and lack of PKCδ leads to enhanced platelet aggregation ##REF##16940418##[13]##.</p>", "<p>PKCθ is a novel (i.e. DAG-sensitive, Ca<sup>2+</sup>-insensitive) PKC isoform, predominantly expressed in T-cells, muscle cells and platelets ##REF##8444877##[14]##, ##REF##7686153##[15]##. PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> mice exhibit reduced T cell activation, proliferation and IL-2 production downstream of T-cell receptor stimulation, owing to markedly reduced activation of multiple transcription factors ##REF##12782715##[16]##, ##REF##10746729##[17]## and, as a result, these mice are resistant to some models of autoimmune disease ##REF##17060026##[18]##–##REF##16493044##[20]##. PKCθ may also regulate fat-induced insulin resistance ##REF##15372106##[21]##. Selective PKCθ inhibitors are therefore of great clinical interest ##REF##17055721##[22]##, ##REF##17956269##[23]##, although none of those currently in development have yet become commercially available.</p>", "<p>We have previously shown that PKCθ is physically associated with, and phosphorylated by, the tyrosine kinase, Btk ##REF##11788586##[4]##. However, lack of available PKCθ-selective inhibitors has curtailed research on the role of this isoform in human platelets. Shattil and co-workers have reported PKCθ-deficient platelets spread poorly on fibrinogen, suggesting that PKCθ positively regulates outside-in signalling. In addition, they demonstrated that PKCθ does not regulate platelet activation in response to a Gq/Gi coupled agonists PAR4 agonist or to ADP ##REF##16460447##[24]##. However, this study did not examine the role of PKCθ in collagen-induced platelet activation.</p>", "<p>Given the primary role played by collagen in inducing platelet activation during the very early stages of thrombosis, and the parallels between signalling downstream of the collagen receptor GPVI and that downstream of immunoreceptors, it was now important to determine the role played by PKCθ in collagen-induced platelet activation and thrombus formation. We report that PKCθ negatively regulates GPVI-dependent α-granule secretion and integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation and thereby is the only PKC isoform yet described with this function. Furthermore, loss of this negative regulation in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets leads to enhanced thrombus formation under flow <italic>in vitro</italic>. These results reveal a novel negative regulatory pathway in platelet activation, and have relevance to the current clinical and pharmaceutical interest in PKCθ inhibitors.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Methods</title>", "<title>Materials</title>", "<p>Unless stated, all reagents were from Sigma Aldrich (Poole, Dorset, U.K.). Cross-linked collagen-related peptide (CRP) was from Professor Richard Farndale (Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, U.K.). Horm collagen was from Axis Shield (Bicton, Cambs., U.K.). Phycoerythrin (PE)-labelled JON/A and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled Wug.E9 (anti-P-selectin) antibodies were from Emfret Analytics (Eibelstadt, Germany). Anti-PKCα, -PKCβ, -PKCδ, -PKCε and anti-tubulin antibodies were from BD Transduction Laboratories (Oxford, U.K). Anti-PKCθ antibody was from Cell Signaling Technology (New England BioLabs, Hitchin, U.K.). horseradish-peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated anti-mouse IgG and anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibodies, and enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) reagents were from Amersham (Little Chalfont, Bucks., U.K.). Luciferin-luciferase reagent was from Chronolog (LabMedics, Manchester, U.K.).</p>", "<title>Washed platelet preparation</title>", "<p>PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> C57BL6/J mice have been described previously ##REF##10746729##[17]##. Wildtype C57BL6/J mice were used as control. Use of mouse platelets was approved by local research ethics committee at the University of Bristol, U.K. and mice were bred for this purpose under UK Home Office licence (PPL 30/2386) held by AWP. Washed platelets were prepared as previously described ##REF##16940418##[13]##. Of note, platelets were treated with indomethacin (10 µM). Platelets were rested for 30 min after centrifugation.</p>", "<title>Electrophoresis and Western blotting</title>", "<p>Washed platelets (2×10<sup>8</sup>/ml) were lysed in Laemmli sample buffer. Proteins were resolved by electrophoresis in 9% SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Samples were then transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes, blocked with 10% bovine serum albumin, and subjected to immunoblotting with specific antibodies to various PKC isoforms, as described in the text. Primary antibody binding was detected by HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies are revealed using ECL reagents.</p>", "<title>Aggregation</title>", "<p>Washed platelets (2×10<sup>8</sup>/ml) were stimulated by CRP or collagen in an aggregometer (Chrono-Log, Labmedics, Manchester, U.K.) at 37°C, under continuous stirring at 1000 rpm. Aggregation was monitored by optical turbidometry.</p>", "<title>Dense granule secretion</title>", "<p>ATP release from dense granules was monitored using Chrono-Lume luciferin-luciferase reagent according to the manufacturer's instructions.</p>", "<title>Analysis of α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation and α-granule secretion by flow cytometry</title>", "<p>Washed platelets (4×10<sup>7</sup>/ml) were aliquoted into tubes containing optimal concentrations of PE-JON/A or FITC-anti-CD62P, which bind to active integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> and surface-exposed P-selectin (CD62P), respectively, and CRP at the final concentrations indicated, for 15 min. Analysis of 20,000 events was performed using a Becton Dickinson FACScan. The platelet population as identified by forward and side scatter profile. Data were analysed using WinMDI version 2.8.</p>", "<title>DIC imaging of platelet adhesion and spreading</title>", "<p>Measurement of static platelet adhesion and spreading was performed as previously described ##REF##16940418##[13]##. Glass coverslips were coated with fibrinogen, CRP or collagen and mounted in a live-cell chamber. Adhesion and spreading of washed platelets (2×10<sup>7</sup>/ml) was followed by differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy with a wide-field microscope DM IRB attached to an ORCA ER camera (63x/1.40 NA oil objective) (Leica Microsystems, Milton Keynes, UK). Images were processed with OpenLab 4.03 (Improvision). The surface area of adherent platelets was measured using Volocity software (Improvision), while the number of adherent platelets was counted manually.</p>", "<title>In vitro thrombus formation</title>", "<p>Flow-induced thrombus formation was assessed basically as described before ##UREF##0##[25]##. A Leica wide-field microscope DM IRB (63x/1.40 NA oil objective), attached to an ORCA ER camera was used for image capture (Leica Microsystems, Milton Keynes, UK). Heparin/PPACK-anticoagulated mouse blood was flowed over immobilised collagen through a parallel plate perfusion chamber, at a fixed shear rate of 1000 s<sup>−1</sup> for 4 minutes. For each experiment, at least 10 random phase-contrast images were captured, which were then averaged. Recorded images were analyzed with ImagePro software.</p>", "<title>Statistics</title>", "<p>Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism software, unless stated otherwise, using two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test; p&lt;0.05 was considered significant. Bar charts show mean data±SEM (where ‘n’ denotes the number of individual mice used).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets exhibit normal expression of other PKC isoforms</title>", "<p>In order to be confident that any differences seen between PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> and wild-type (WT) platelets were due to loss of PKCθ, and not due to altered expression of other PKC isoforms, we assessed the expression of the major PKC isoforms in platelets by western blotting. In addition to PKCθ, mouse platelets strongly express PKCα, -β, -δ, and -ε. No difference in expression of these isoforms was seen in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets relative to WT platelets (##FIG##0##Fig. 1##). The blotting membranes were stripped and re-probed for α-tubulin, to ensure equal loading of proteins between samples (##FIG##0##Fig. 1##, lower panels).</p>", "<title>PKCθ has a small positive effect on platelet spreading on fibrinogen</title>", "<p>Others have reported that platelet spreading on fibrinogen was partially defective in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets ##REF##16460447##[24]##. We were able to confirm and extend this result, demonstrating that both adhesion of platelets and specifically the degree of filopodia generation, rather than lamellipodia, 45 minutes after static deposition on fibrinogen-coated coverslips, were reduced in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets (##TAB##0##Table 1##). We analysed the kinetics of the spreading process to determine any further qualitative differences in spreading. Platelets during/after spreading were scored for number of filopodia and categorized as having none, few (1 or 2), some (3, 4 or 5) or many (6 or more) filopodia. The relative frequency of each morphology was determined and is shown in ##FIG##1##Fig. 2##. 45 minutes after deposition on the coverslip, most WT platelets had formed at least a few filopodia, although very few platelets formed lamellipodia, consistent with other reports ##REF##16195235##[26]##. PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> mice had a significantly different distribution of filopodial number, with a lower proportion forming 6 or more filopodia (p&lt;0.001). As a consequence, a greater proportion of PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets formed 0, 1 or 2 filopodia than WT platelets (p&lt;0.001). Thus, PKCθ has a small, positive regulatory role in filopodia generation on fibrinogen.</p>", "<title>PKCθ does not regulate adhesion or spreading on CRP or collagen</title>", "<p>Since PKCθ had a role in platelet adhesion and spreading on fibrinogen, its role in adhesion and spreading on CRP and collagen was also assessed. CRP is a selective GPVI agonist, whereas collagen activates both GPVI and integrin α<sub>2</sub>β<sub>1</sub>. In contrast to fibrinogen, no significant effect was seen on adhesion or total platelet surface area on either of these substrates (##TAB##0##Table 1##). Platelet interaction with collagen is therefore not affected by absence of PKCθ.</p>", "<title>PKCθ negatively regulates CRP-induced platelet activation</title>", "<p>We further investigated whether PKCθ regulates platelet activation following GPVI stimulation. Activation of GPVI leads to secretion of α-granules and dense granules, and activation of integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub>. The latter is known as inside-out signalling and is necessary for platelet aggregation.</p>", "<p>CRP-induced surface expression of P-selectin, a marker of α-granule release was enhanced in the absence of PKCθ. In WT platelets, 1 µg/ml CRP induced a 3.1±0.5 –fold increase over basal in FITC-P-selectin fluorescence, which was increased to 10.2±3.0 –fold in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets (n = 8; p&lt;0.05; ##FIG##2##Fig. 3A##), suggesting that PKCθ negatively regulates the release of these granules. Interestingly, however, no difference in ATP secretion was seen between PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> and WT platelets in response to CRP (##FIG##2##Fig. 3B##) or collagen (##FIG##2##Fig. 3C##).</p>", "<p>α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation was determined by flow cytometry using JON/A, an antibody that recognises the active conformation of this integrin. Importantly, JON/A binding was almost doubled in platelets activated by 1 µg/ml CRP, from 3.8±0.7 –fold over basal in WT to 7.5±1.8-fold in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets (n = 8; p&lt;0.05; ##FIG##3##Fig. 4A##). In contrast, a higher concentration of CRP (5 µg/ml) was not significantly affected (7.6±1.2 –fold in WT compared to 10.0±1.5 –fold in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup>; n = 8; p = 0.81; ##FIG##3##Fig. 4A##). These data suggest that PKCθ negatively regulates GPVI-dependent α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation, but that at high concentrations this inhibition can be overcome. Interestingly however, platelet aggregation was not affected at either of these concentrations of CRP (##FIG##3##Fig. 4B##), nor was collagen-induced aggregation affected (##FIG##3##Fig. 4C##).</p>", "<title>PKCθ negatively regulates thrombus formation <italic>in vitro</italic>\n</title>", "<p>Since PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> aggregated normally, despite increased α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation and α-granule secretion, we investigated whether the role of PKCθ might become more apparent during thrombus formation in the more physiological setting of flow conditions. Anticoagulated whole blood was passed over a collagen-coated coverslip through a parallel-plate flow chamber at a shear rate of 1000 s<sup>−1</sup>, and thrombi observed under phase contrast after 4 min. ##FIG##4##Figure 5## shows that platelets from WT mice formed substantial thrombi on the collagen surface, However, platelets from PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> formed significantly larger thrombi, suggesting that the negative role of PKCθ is necessary to restrict thrombus size under flow conditions.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>PKC activation is generally considered to positively regulate platelet signalling, since platelet activation is inhibited by broad-spectrum PKC inhibitors, and PKC activators can enhance platelet activation. However, here we show that the role of PKCθ is more complicated than this, as it negatively regulates α-granule secretion and inside-out signalling to integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub>, yet positively regulates outside-in integrin signalling. In the absence of PKCθ, thrombus formation was markedly enhanced, suggesting that PKCθ restricts thrombus size.</p>", "<p>First, we observed a significant reduction in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelet adhesion and reduced spreading on fibrinogen compared to WT platelets, in agreement with Soriani et al. ##REF##16460447##[24]##. Interestingly, Soriani's study showed an approximately 50% reduction in spread platelet surface area whereas our study only showed a 13% reduction. This apparent quantitative (though not qualitative) discrepancy could result from technical differences between our experiments. We used DIC microscopy to image platelet spreading, and the surface area of platelets was measured by manually outlining each cell (approximately 25 µm<sup>2</sup>). Another study by McCarty et al ##REF##16195235##[26]## that used this approach saw a similar surface area. In both McCarty's study and ours, mouse platelets rarely formed large lamellipodia when spreading on fibrinogen, (in contrast to human platelets, which form full lamellipodia on fibrinogen) and filopodia were still apparent even after 45 minutes. In contrast, Soriani et al. ##REF##16460447##[24]## measured the surface area by confocal microscopy of rhodamine-phalloidin stained platelets, and reported a much lower surface area (approximately 8 µm<sup>2</sup>). Rather than measure the surface area directly, this method measures F-actin coverage, perhaps suggesting that PKCθ regulates actin polymerization. WT platelets spread on fibrinogen and imaged using this method do not appear to exhibit the spiky morphology we and others ##REF##16195235##[26]##, ##REF##17032352##[27]## observe using DIC microscopy. Our analysis suggests that PKCθ positively regulates filopodia formation, since a smaller proportion of PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets showed many (&gt;5) filopodia compared to WT. Regardless of these quantitative differences, both of our studies qualitatively agree that PKCθ is a positive regulator of outside-in signalling by integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub>.</p>", "<p>In contrast, PKCθ negatively regulates GPVI-induced α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation. The selective GPVI agonist, CRP, induced a concentration-dependent increase in binding of JON/A, an activation state-specific α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> antibody. In PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets this was markedly enhanced compared to WT at an intermediate concentration of CRP, though not at a higher concentration, suggesting that PKCθ reduces expression of active α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> on the platelet surface, although inhibition can be overcome as agonist stimulation increases. It has been previously reported that PKCθ does not regulate α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation in response to ADP or AYPGKF ##REF##16460447##[24]##, both of which act through G protein-coupled receptors, suggesting that the regulatory role of PKCθ may be specific to GPVI signalling.</p>", "<p>CRP-induced aggregation was not affected by the absence of PKCθ, however. Similarly, collagen-induced aggregation was also the same in WT and PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets. The lack of any effect on the rate or extent of aggregation was surprising, especially in response to 1 µg/ml CRP. At this concentration, the rate of aggregation was submaximal and yet the extent of integrin activation strongly enhanced. It might be expected, therefore, that the increased integrin activation would accelerate aggregation. However, since the extent of aggregation in response to 1 µg/ml CRP was almost maximal, further enhancement of α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets can have little further effect. The apparent disparity between absolute levels of integrin activation and extent of aggregation highlights the large level in integrin reserve believed to exist in platelets. β<sub>3</sub>\n<sup>+/−</sup> platelets, with only 50% of the WT levels of β<sub>3</sub> on their surface, have almost identical bleeding times and aggregation responses to PMA, ADP, thrombin and arachidonic acid compared to WT platelets ##REF##9916135##[28]##. In like manner, although WT platelets show approximately 50 % less integrin activation than PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets at 1 µg/ml CRP, we should not expect this necessarily to relate to a difference in the extent of aggregation.</p>", "<p>PKCθ also negatively regulates α-granule secretion, although no difference in dense granule secretion was observed. This suggests that the release of different platelet granules is regulated by distinct mechanisms. The PKC family in general is a critical positive regulator of platelet granule secretion ##REF##17210570##[2]##, ##REF##11495897##[10]##, ##REF##12724315##[11]##, although this positive function is likely to be mediated through conventional (Ca<sup>2+</sup>-dependent) isoforms ##REF##14578358##[5]##, ##REF##11495897##[10]##, ##REF##12724315##[11]##. Thus, it appears that the different PKC isoforms have contrasting roles in platelet α-granule secretion: PKCα is critically required for α-granule secretion, and PKCθ acts to counter this action. PKCα is also critically important for dense granule secretion, which is not countered by PKCθ. It has been suggested that PKCδ, closely related to PKCθ, may negatively regulate GPVI-dependent dense granule secretion ##REF##14578358##[5]##. This interpretation was based on the use of rottlerin, a supposedly specific PKCδ inhibitor (though several PKCδ-independent targets have been reported ##UREF##1##[29]##–##REF##12672248##[31]##). However, we have previously reported that rottlerin enhances GPVI-dependent dense granule release even in PKCδ<sup>−/−</sup> mice ##REF##16940418##[13]##. Thus, negative regulation of GPVI-dependent dense granule release does not appear to be mediated by either PKCδ or PKCθ.</p>", "<p>PKCθ negatively regulates thrombus formation under flow over a collagen-coated surface. Binding to collagen activates GPVI, leading to integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation, which is enhanced in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets. The increased number of adhesive contacts between platelets may accelerate the growth of the thrombus. Thus, negative regulation of inside-out signalling by PKCθ may be an important brake on thrombus growth at a site of injury. This effect is in contrast to the lack of effect seen in aggregation, highlighting the importance of physiological flow conditions ##REF##17013658##[32]##. In standard aggregometry, platelets exhibit a very large integrin reserve, whereas under flow, with higher shear force on any platelet-platelet interactions, integrin activation may be a limiting factor. Increased α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation would therefore enhance thrombus growth. This effect may be partially countered by the slightly reduced platelet adhesion to fibrinogen and reduced subsequent spreading, perhaps leading to fewer platelet-platelet contacts. Given the large effect on integrin activation compared to the smaller effect on spreading, however, the balance of these appears to favour increased thrombus size in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets.</p>", "<p>In summary, we have shown that PKCθ negatively regulates GPVI-dependent inside-out signalling, in contrast to the positive role generally ascribed to the PKC family in general. Although enhanced integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation does not lead to increased aggregation in an aggregometer tube, PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets display enhanced thrombus formation on collagen under flow, suggesting that, under more physiological conditions, the regulatory role of PKCθ may restrict thrombus size. This may impact on the clinical safety of PKCθ inhibitors.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: KJH MTH KG JMC JH AWP. Performed the experiments: KJH MTH KG JMC JH. Analyzed the data: KJH MTH KG JMC JH AWP. Wrote the paper: KJH MTH JH AWP.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>PKCθ is a novel protein kinase C isozyme, predominately expressed in T cells and platelets. PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> T cells exhibit reduced activation and PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> mice are resistant to autoimmune disease, making PKCθ an attractive therapeutic target for immune modulation. Collagen is a major agonist for platelets, operating through an immunoreceptor-like signalling pathway from its receptor GPVI. Although it has recently been shown that PKCθ positively regulates outside-in signalling through integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> in platelets, the role of PKCθ in GPVI-dependent signalling and functional activation of platelets has not been assessed.</p>", "<title>Methodology/Principal Findings</title>", "<p>In the present study we assessed static adhesion, cell spreading, granule secretion, integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation and platelet aggregation in washed mouse platelets lacking PKCθ. Thrombus formation on a collagen-coated surface was assessed in vitro under flow. PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets exhibited reduced static adhesion and filopodia generation on fibrinogen, suggesting that PKCθ positively regulates outside-in signalling, in agreement with a previous report. In contrast, PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets also exhibited markedly enhanced GPVI-dependent α-granule secretion, although dense granule secretion was unaffected, suggesting that PKCθ differentially regulates these two granules. Inside-out regulation of α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation was also enhanced downstream of GPVI stimulation. Although this did not result in increased aggregation, importantly thrombus formation on collagen under high shear (1000 s<sup>−1</sup>) was enhanced.</p>", "<title>Conclusions/Significance</title>", "<p>These data suggest that PKCθ is an important negative regulator of thrombus formation on collagen, potentially mediated by α-granule secretion and α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation. PKCθ therefore may act to restrict thrombus growth, a finding that has important implications for the development and safe clinical use of PKCθ inhibitors.</p>" ]
[ "<p>We are grateful to Professor Dan Littman (Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, New York, USA) for generating the PKCθ−/− mice used in this study, and to Professor Isabella Screpanti (University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy) for supplying them. We thank Elizabeth Aitken for expert technical assistance supporting this work. We are grateful to Dr Mark Jepson and Alan Leard for their assistance within the School of Medical Sciences Wolfson Bioimaging Facility. AWP is a BBSRC Research Development Fellow.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003277-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003277.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>PKC isoforms are not upregulated in PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> mice.</title><p>Platelets lysates from wild-type (WT) or PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> (KO) mice were assessed for PKC isoform expression by SDS-PAGE and western blotting using specific antibodies for PKCα, -β, -δ, -θ and -ε. Membranes were stripped and re-probed for α-tubulin as indicated to ensure equal loading of protein. Blots are representative of three independent experiments.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003277-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003277.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>PKCθ positively regulates filopodia number when platelets spread on fibrinogen.</title><p>Platelets were deposited on fibrinogen-coated coverslips in a live-cell chamber for 45 min and visualized by DIC microscopy. Five fields of view were selected at random, and one such field is shown in (<italic>A</italic>) for WT and PKCθ<sup>−/−</sup> platelets. In (<italic>B</italic>), filopodia number was counted for each visible platelet and the number of platelets with none, few (1–2), some (3–5) or many (6 or more) filopodia were expressed as a proportion of the total number of platelets in view. Shown are combined data from three independent experiments. Bar indicates 10 µm.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003277-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003277.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>PKCθ negatively regulates α-granule secretion.</title><p>\n<italic>A:</italic> Washed platelets from WT or KO mice were stimulated with CRP (1 or 5 µg/ml) in the presence of FITC-labelled anti-P-selectin antibody for 15 minutes, and surface labelling measured by flow cytometry. Representative histograms are shown in <italic>A(i)</italic> (1 µg/ml), and fold-increase in geometric mean compared to unstimulated platelets is shown in <italic>A(ii)</italic> (mean±SEM; n = 8). <italic>B, C</italic>: ATP secretion from dense granules in response to CRP (<italic>B</italic>) or collagen (<italic>C</italic>) was monitored in a luminometer using the luciferin-luciferase reaction. Data are presented as mean±SEM (n = 4).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003277-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003277.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>PKCθ negatively regulates CRP-stimulated integrin α<sub>IIb</sub>β<sub>3</sub> activation but not platelet aggregation.</title><p>\n<italic>A</italic>: Washed platelets from WT or KO mice were stimulated with CRP (1 or 5 µg/ml) in the presence of PE-labelled JON/A for 15 minutes, and surface labelling measured by flow cytometry. Representative histograms are shown in <italic>(i)</italic> (1 µg/ml), and fold-increase in geometric mean compared to unstimulated platelets is shown in <italic>(ii)</italic> (mean±SEM; n = 8). <italic>B, C</italic>: Platelet aggregation in response to CRP (<italic>B</italic>) or collagen (<italic>C</italic>) was monitored by turbidometry. Traces, shown in <italic>B(i)</italic> and <italic>C(i)</italic>, are representative of at least three separate experiments. Mean extent of aggregation at 5 min (±SEM; n = 3) is shown in <italic>B(ii)</italic> and <italic>C(ii)</italic>, for CRP and collagen, respectively.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003277-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003277.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>PKCθ negatively regulates thrombus formation on collagen under flow <italic>in vitro</italic>.</title><p>Whole blood was passed over a collagen-coated coverslip at 1000 s<sup>−1</sup> for four minutes then observed by phase contrast microscopy (<italic>A</italic>). Surface coverage was measured and is shown in <italic>B</italic> as mean±SEM for three independent experiments. Bar indicates 10 µm.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003277-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003277.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>PKCθ does not regulate adhesion or spreading on CRP or collagen.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Adhesion</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Surface area (µm<sup>2</sup>)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">WT</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">KO</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">WT</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">KO</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Fibrinogen</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">111.1±4.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">82.7±12.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24.9±1.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21.6±0.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">CRP</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83.7±7.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">79.6±2.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ns</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">25.8±1.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26.5±1.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ns</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Collagen</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">130.4±34.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">137.2±41.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ns</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.5±0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.4±0.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ns</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><label/><p>Platelets were deposited on fibrinogen, CRP or collagen-coated coverslips in a live-cell chamber for 45 min and visualized by DIC microscopy. Five fields of view were selected at random and the number of adherent platelets was counted (adhesion) and spread surface area measured. Adhesion is total number of platelets adherent to the surface within a single 1000 µm<sup>2</sup> field of view. Shown are combined data from three independent experiments (mean±SEM; <sup>*</sup> indicates p&lt;0.05; ns = not significant).</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>Supported by a British Heart Foundation programme grant to AWP (grant no. RG/05/015) and a grant from the Netherlands Foundation for Scientific research to JWMH (11-400-076). AWP is a BBSRC Research Development Fellow (BB/E024637/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003277.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003277.g002\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003277-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003277.t001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003277.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003277.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003277.g005\"/>" ]
[{"label": ["25"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Kuijpers", "Schulte", "Bergmeier", "Lindhout", "Brakebusch"], "given-names": ["MJE", "V", "W", "T", "C"], "year": ["2001"], "article-title": ["Complementary roles of platelet glycoprotein VI and integrin a2b1 in collagen-induced thrombus formation in flowing whole blood ex vivo."], "source": ["FASEB J"], "volume": ["17"], "fpage": ["685"], "lpage": ["687"]}, {"label": ["29"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Soltoff"], "given-names": ["SP"], "year": ["2000"], "article-title": ["Rottlerin is a mitochondrial uncoupler that decreases cellular ATP levels and indirectly blocks protein kinase Cdelta tyrosine phosphorylation."], "source": ["J Biol Chem"], "volume": ["276"], "fpage": ["37986"], "lpage": ["37992"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 07:14:35
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 25; 3(9):e3277
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Alternative splicing enhances transcriptomic diversity and presumably leads to speciation and higher organism complexity, especially in mammals ##REF##11173120##[1]##–##REF##15510168##[3]##. There are four major types of alternative splicing: exon skipping, which is the most prevalent form in higher vertebrates; alternative 5′ and 3′ splice site (5′ss and 3′ss) selection; and intron retention, which is the rarest form in both vertebrates and invertebrates ##REF##17158149##[4]##,##REF##14992493##[5]##. At least 74% (and probably much more) of human genes that contain introns produce more than one type of mRNA transcript through alternative splicing; however, it is unclear which of these products are biologically functional and which are non-functional products of inaccurate splicing ##REF##15510168##[3]##, ##REF##14684825##[6]##–##REF##15851065##[8]##. Thus, understanding the changes in the genome that dictate fixation of beneficial alternative splicing events or deleterious events (e.g., mutations leading to genetic disorders or cancer), or aberrant splicing events (noise in the system) is of great interest.</p>", "<p>There are three known origins of alternatively spliced exons: 1) exon shuffling, which is a form of gene duplication ##REF##622185##[9]##–##REF##12045209##[11]##; 2) exonization of intronic sequences ##REF##12097342##[12]##–##REF##17594509##[16]##; and 3) change in the mode of splicing from constitutive to alternative splicing during evolution ##REF##18020709##[17]##,##REF##17530917##[18]##. One mechanism responsible for the shift from constitutive to alternative splicing is accumulation of mutations in the 5′ splice site region. Here we set out to examine additional mechanisms involved in the transition from constitutive to alternative splicing.</p>", "<p>The primate-specific retrotransposons called <italic>Alu</italic> are ∼280 nucleotides long. These are the most abundant retrotransposed elements in the human genome with about 1.1 million copies ##REF##17594509##[16]##,##REF##11988762##[19]##,##REF##18046749##[20]##. A large fraction of these <italic>Alu</italic> elements are located within intronic sequences, in both the sense and the antisense orientation relative to the mRNA, and can potentially form long regions of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) ##REF##17594509##[16]##, ##REF##15534692##[21]##–##REF##12048240##[25]##. There are indications that extensive secondary structure occurs between <italic>Alu</italic> elements. The evidence is embedded in analyses of the RNA editing mechanism: The human transcriptome undergoes extensive adenosine to inosine RNA editing ##REF##15342557##[23]##,##REF##16940548##[26]##,##REF##15661352##[27]##. RNA editing is directed by an adenosine deamination mechanism catalyzed by specific adenosine deaminases, termed dsRADs (double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminases) or ADARs ##REF##16940548##[26]##,##REF##9292492##[28]##,##UREF##0##[29]##. ADARs are required for the formation of the dsRNA molecules that serve as substrates for the deamination process ##REF##8269514##[30]##,##REF##7937939##[31]##. Hence, dsRNA regions formed between two <italic>Alu</italic>s in opposite orientation within 2000 nucleotides of each other may serve as substrates for ADAR ##REF##15534692##[21]##–##REF##12048240##[25]##,##REF##15661352##[27]##,##REF##9292492##[28]##,##REF##15833131##[32]##.</p>", "<p>More than 90% of known editing sites are found in <italic>Alu</italic> elements and editing occurs in sense and antisense pairs of <italic>Alu</italic>s but not in flanking non-<italic>Alu</italic> sequences ##REF##15342557##[23]##,##REF##15258596##[24]##,##REF##16574103##[33]##. Recently, it was shown that a pair of inverted <italic>Alu</italic>s located within the 3′UTR of <italic>EGFP</italic> mRNA serves as a substrate for A-to-I RNA editing that stabilizes the binding of the p54 protein to the mRNA. This causes nuclear retention of the mRNA and the silencing of <italic>EGFP</italic> expression ##REF##18497743##[34]##. Another example comes from the <italic>NARF</italic> gene, where formation of <italic>Alu</italic>-<italic>Alu</italic> dsRNA and its subsequent editing generates a functional 3′ splice site that is essential for exonization of that intronic <italic>Alu</italic>; moreover, editing in that <italic>Alu</italic> eliminates a stop codon and modulates the strength of exonic splicing regulatory sequences (ESRs). Interestingly, the nucleotides surrounding the editing site are important not only for editing of that particular site but also for editing at other sites located downstream in the same exon. It was also shown that the C nucleotide thought to pair with the edited site on the dsRNA is important for editing ##REF##17326827##[35]##. There is emerging evidence that the secondary structure of precursor mRNA plays a role in regulation of alternative splicing. However, in most studies the double-stranded structure was made up of only 10–40 base pairs and sequestered exonic or splice site sequences ##REF##17580311##[36]##–##REF##18020710##[47]##.</p>", "<p>In this study, we have bioinformatically and experimentally evaluated the effects of intronic <italic>Alu</italic> elements on splicing. We found that different regulatory constraints act on <italic>Alu</italic> insertions into introns that flank constitutively or alternatively spliced exons. We further demonstrated that two <italic>Alu</italic> elements which were inserted into introns in opposite orientation have the potential to undergo base-pairing, as evident by RNA editing, and affect the splicing patterns of a downstream exon, by shifting it from constitutive to alternative. Finally, as <italic>Alu</italic> elements are abundant in introns, the findings we present suggest that the effect of intronic <italic>Alu</italic> elements on the transcriptome could be substantial, and could result in transcriptomic novelties. The new isoforms could then be subjected to purifying selection which will determine their fixation.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Dataset Compilation</title>", "<p>A dataset of 596 alternatively spliced exons, conserved between human and mouse, was derived from a previously compiled dataset ##REF##14992493##[5]##. In addition, 45,553 human-mouse conserved constitutively spliced exons were obtained from Carmel et al. ##REF##15100438##[74]##. Species-specific exons (354) were extracted from a dataset of 4,262 human-mouse orthologous exons that are suspected to splice differently in human and mouse based on initial EST analysis ##REF##15100438##[74]##. For details of how the datasets were built see ##REF##18020709##[17]##.</p>", "<title>Human and Mouse Intronic Dataset</title>", "<p>Introns and exons for human (<italic>Homo sapiens</italic>, Build 35.4) and mouse (<italic>Mus musculus</italic>, Build 34.1) were extracted from the Exon-Intron Database (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) ##REF##10592221##[75]##. These intron sequences were analyzed with RepeatMasker software version 3.1.0 ##UREF##4##[76]## (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) using Repbase update files ##REF##16093699##[77]##.</p>", "<title>Retrotransposed Elements Analysis</title>", "<p>Since <italic>Alu</italic>s are primate specific, the distribution was computed only from human flanking introns. The density of <italic>Alu</italic> elements was calculated per 1000-bp intron length according to the following equation:N = number of <italic>Alu</italic>s within the intron; L = the length of the intron; <italic>Alu</italic>\n<sub>density</sub> = <italic>Alu</italic> density. For the detection of retrotransposed elements, we used the RepeatMasker (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) software version 3.1.0 ##UREF##4##[76]## and Repbase update ##REF##16093699##[77]##.</p>", "<title>Statistical Analysis</title>", "<p>A T-test was used to calculate statistical differences between two populations; for χ<sup>2</sup> test with 2×2 contingency table, Fisher's exact test was used.</p>", "<title>The Potential Alternatively Skipped Exons under Intronic <italic>Alu</italic> Regulation</title>", "<p>The alternatively skipped exons in the human genome (build hg18) were extracted by downloading the knownAlt table from UCSC genome browser ##UREF##1##[48]##. The presence or absence of <italic>Alu</italic> within the upstream intron was determined using RepeatMasker tables downloaded from UCSC. The conservation of these introns was analyzed using MAF pairwise alignments between the human genome (build hg18) and the mouse genome (build mm9) downloaded from UCSC genome browser. The intersections between these tables were done using the Galaxy sever ##REF##16169926##[49]##.</p>", "<title>Bioinformatic Analysis of <italic>Alu</italic> Editing within Intronic Sequences</title>", "<p>We extracted data of on 10,113 nucleotides that undergo mRNA editing in the human genome from Levanon et al. ##REF##15258596##[24]##. The UCSC genome browser ##REF##18276646##[58]## was then used to extract data of all <italic>Alu</italic> elements in the human genome (build hg18) using the RepeatMasker ##UREF##4##[76]## annotations, and to extract human RefSeq intronic sequences. Intersection of these three datasets yielded 953 <italic>Alu</italic> elements that are embedded in intronic sequences and undergo mRNA editing.</p>", "<title>Plasmid Constructs</title>", "<p>The <italic>RABL5</italic> (RAB member RAS oncogene family-like 5) minigene was generated by amplifying a human genomic fragment using PCR reaction. Each primer contained an additional sequence encoding a restriction enzyme. The PCR product was restriction digested and inserted into the pEGFP-C3 plasmid (Clontech) and sequenced to confirm that the desired construct was obtained. The <italic>RABL5</italic> minigene, contains exons 2 through 4 (2.7 kb). The intron replacements with the <italic>RABL5 Alu</italic>1, <italic>Alu</italic>2, and <italic>Alu</italic>3 were done by PCR opening of the plasmid lacking the specific <italic>Alu</italic> (#1, #2 or #3) and ligation with a fragment of 270 intronic-nucleotides taken from a PCR amplification directed to the <italic>IKBKAP</italic> gene intron number 20 (primer forward, <named-content content-type=\"gene\">\n<sup>5′</sup>AGAATCGTGACACTCATCATATAAAGGAGG<sup>3′</sup>\n</named-content>; and primer reverse, <named-content content-type=\"gene\">\n<sup>5′</sup>CAAAACATTAGTATAGATCTTTCCAATACA<sup>3′</sup>\n</named-content>). The 800-nucleotide insertion1 was taken from PCR amplification directed to the <italic>IMP</italic> gene intron number 11 (primer forward, <named-content content-type=\"gene\">\n<sup>5′</sup>ATCACTCTGCACTTTCTCCCAT<sup>3′</sup>\n</named-content>; primer reverse <named-content content-type=\"gene\">\n<sup>5′</sup>ACCATGTCCACTTCATCCAGTTC<sup>3′</sup>\n</named-content>). Insertion2 is a 25-bp sequence, free of any known splicing regulatory elements, that was doubled or tripled into 50-bp and 75-bp sequences, (<named-content content-type=\"gene\">\n<sup> 5′</sup>CTATCTGATAAGCTGCGAGCAATT<sup>3′</sup>\n</named-content>).</p>", "<title>cDNA Amplification</title>", "<p>Endogenous PCR amplification was done on a cDNA template originating from a neuroblastoma cell-line (SH-SY5Y). Amplification was performed for 30 cycles, consisting of denaturation for 30 seconds at 94°C, annealing for 45 seconds at 52°C or 56°C, and elongation for 1 minute at 72°C. The products were separated in a 1.5% agarose gel<bold>.</bold> The upper PCR product was Topo-ligated (Invitrogen) and sequenced. The primers used were: forward (exon 2), <named-content content-type=\"gene\">\n<sup>5′</sup>CAGAATCTTCTGACATCACTG<sup>3′</sup>\n</named-content>; or forward (intron 2), <named-content content-type=\"gene\">\n<sup>5′</sup>GTGAGCCCTGACAAATCTGTGT<sup>3′</sup>\n</named-content>; and reverse (exon 3) <named-content content-type=\"gene\">\n<sup>5′</sup>GTTGCTGGTAACATGCGGGTTC<sup>3′</sup>\n</named-content>.</p>", "<title>Site-Directed Mutagenesis, Transfection, RNA Isolation, and RT-PCR Amplification</title>", "<p>For details see ##REF##18332115##[78]##.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Genome-Wide Analysis of <italic>Alu</italic>s within Intronic Sequences</title>", "<p>To examine potential effects of insertion of <italic>Alu</italic> elements into introns on splicing of the flanking exons, we downloaded data of human introns (hg18) and <italic>Alu</italic> elements and determined the intersected set using the UCSC genome browser and GALAXY ##UREF##1##[48]##,##REF##16169926##[49]##. Overall, 730,622 <italic>Alu</italic> elements that reside within introns and 185,534 introns were extracted. This analysis showed that there are 85,126 introns that contain at least one <italic>Alu</italic> element; of these, 5009 introns contained at least two <italic>Alu</italic> elements in opposite orientation. The median length of introns containing at least one <italic>Alu</italic> element is 3829 base pairs (bp), whereas the median length of introns that do not contain an <italic>Alu</italic> is 521 bp (for intron length distribution see ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##). This suggests that double strand formation as a result of base pairing between two nearby <italic>Alu</italic> elements in opposite orientation might be common.</p>", "<title>Bioinformatic Analysis of <italic>Alu</italic>-Editing within Intronic Sequences</title>", "<p>An antisense <italic>Alu</italic> and a sense <italic>Alu</italic> that are within 2000 nucleotides of each other can form dsRNA and be subjected to mRNA editing ##REF##15534692##[21]##–##REF##15258596##[24]##,##REF##12045112##[50]##. To examine the configurations of possible <italic>Alu-Alu</italic> dsRNA we extracted data on 10,113 nucleotides that undergo mRNA editing in the human genome from Levanon et al. ##REF##15258596##[24]##. Intersection with data on all <italic>Alu</italic> elements in the human genome and human RefSeq intronic sequences yielded 953 <italic>Alu</italic> elements that are embedded in intronic sequences that undergo mRNA editing (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). For each of the 953 edited <italic>Alu</italic> elements, the nearest <italic>Alu</italic> element in the opposite orientation was identified. For the vast majority of edited <italic>Alu</italic> elements (880 out of the 953; 92%), the closest <italic>Alu</italic> element in the opposite orientation resided within the same intron, with an average distance of 682 bp from the edited <italic>Alu</italic>. However, we found 73 cases (8%) where the nearest <italic>Alu</italic> element in the opposite orientation was in a different intron; in 61 of these cases it is at least 500 bp closer to the edited <italic>Alu</italic> element than the nearest <italic>Alu</italic> element in the opposite orientation in the same intron (##SUPPL##1##Figure S2##). In these cases, the average distance between the edited <italic>Alu</italic> and the nearest <italic>Alu</italic> in the opposite orientation is 1993 bp. In fact, in 43 out of the 61 cases the distance was less than 2000 bp (averaging 1122 bp). This close proximity between the two <italic>Alu</italic> elements, along with the evidence that at least one of them undergoes editing, suggests that these regions may base pair.</p>", "<p>Since in 92% of edited <italic>Alu</italic> elements, the closest <italic>Alu</italic> element in the opposite orientation resided within the same intron, we decided to examine the splicing process in these cases. But first, we set to examine the distribution of <italic>Alu</italic> elements within datasets of exons conserved within human and mouse having different splicing patterns.</p>", "<title>\n<italic>Alu</italic>s More Common in the Flanking Introns of Alternatively Spliced Exons that Changed Their Splicing Pattern after the Primate-Rodent Split</title>", "<p>We analyzed three datasets of human-mouse orthologous exons and their flanking introns and exons: 1) conserved constitutively spliced exons (constitutively spliced in both species, 45,553 exons), 2) conserved alternatively spliced exons (alternatively spliced in both species, 596 exons), and 3) exons that are alternatively spliced in human and constitutively spliced in mouse (species-specific alternative exons; 354 exons). Analysis of <italic>Alu</italic> insertions into introns flanking these exons revealed that species-specific alternative exons exhibited the highest level of <italic>Alu</italic> insertions, followed by conserved alternative exons; the group with the fewest intronic insertions were conserved constitutively spliced exons. We calculated the density of <italic>Alu</italic> insertions, namely the number of <italic>Alu</italic>s divided by the total intron length (and then multiplied by 1000 for convenience), in order to control for the fact that different intronic lengths might influence <italic>Alu</italic> insertion (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). On average, 0.42 <italic>Alu</italic> elements were found per 1000 bp within the upstream introns and 0.41 <italic>Alu</italic> elements were found per 1000 bp within the downstream introns of constitutively spliced exons; 0.49 and 0.44 <italic>Alu</italic>s per 1000 bp were found in the upstream and in the downstream introns of alternatively spliced exons, respectively; and 0.66 and 0.65 <italic>Alus</italic> were found per 1000 bp in the upstream and in the downstream introns of species-specific alternatively spliced exons, respectively. Thus, the number of <italic>Alu</italic> elements present in species-specific alternative exons differed significantly from that found in constitutively spliced exons (p-value = 7.16E-10, p-value = 5.22E-09, for upstream and downstream introns, respectively) and also differed from that in the alternatively spliced exons (p-value = 0.000503, p-value = 0.000014, for upstream and downstream introns, respectively).</p>", "<p>Furthermore, analysis of the distribution of antisense and sense <italic>Alu</italic>s upstream of conserved constitutively spliced exons revealed a selection against the presence of <italic>Alu</italic> elements adjacent to exons, specifically, against <italic>Alu</italic> elements in the antisense orientation (##FIG##0##Figure 1##). There are significantly fewer antisense <italic>Alu</italic>s compared to sense <italic>Alu</italic>s within 150 bp of constitutively spliced exons (p-value = 0.000012). Examination of the downstream intron did not reveal a significant bias (p-value = 0.056). This implies that a selective pressure exists against insertion of <italic>Alu</italic>s in close proximity upstream to constitutively spliced exons; this bias is stronger against <italic>Alu</italic>s in the antisense orientation than against the sense orientation.</p>", "<p>B1 is a rodent-specific retrotransposed element of ∼150 nucleotides that has the same ancestral origin as <italic>Alu</italic>: the 7SLRNA ##REF##17307271##[51]##,##REF##1774786##[52]##. Like <italic>Alu</italic>s, large numbers of B1 elements (a total of 331,015) reside within intronic sequences ##REF##17594509##[16]##. We found 236,036 B1 elements within 177,766 mouse introns that are found in GenBank (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). In mouse, 70,516 introns (39.6%) contain B1 elements. Overall, there are 1.32 B1 elements per intron. The median length of introns containing at least one B1 element is 3278 bp, whereas the median length of introns that do not contain B1 is 636 bp. These results indicate that <italic>Alu</italic> and B1 containing introns are substantially longer than other introns.</p>", "<p>We observed a significant correlation between the number of insertions of <italic>Alu</italic> and B1 elements within orthologous introns (Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.73 with p-value &lt;0.0001). Namely, orthologous introns show the same tendencies for <italic>Alu</italic> and B1 insertion, although these events happened independently after the split of the mouse and human lineages. We then set out to analyze whether insertion of B1 into rodent introns was biased in terms of location and orientation as was the case for <italic>Alu</italic> in primates. Analysis of B1 insertions within the flanking introns of conserved constitutively spliced exons, conserved alternatively spliced, and species-specific alternatively spliced exons yielded the same trend as that of <italic>Alu</italic> insertions in human. There was no statistical difference in the density of B1 between conserved constitutively spliced and conserved alternatively spliced exons; however, the upstream introns of the 258 species-specific exons (alternatively spliced in mouse, but constitutive in human) were significantly more enriched with B1 elements than were the upstream introns of conserved constitutively spliced exons (p-value = 0.0012) or constitutively spliced downstream introns (p-value = 0.014). This was also the case when the regions upstream of exons that are alternatively spliced in mouse and constitutively spliced in human were compared to the upstream introns of conserved alternatively spliced exons (p-value = 0.042) but not the downstream introns (p-value = 0.155). Therefore, insertion of retrotransposed elements into intronic sequences is correlated with the mode of splicing of the flanking exons.</p>", "<p>Five reports ##REF##12884004##[53]##–##REF##10737976##[57]## indicate that <italic>de novo Alu</italic> insertions into intronic sequences in antisense orientation and in close proximity to the affected exon (between 19–50 nucleotides) cause the downstream exon to shift from constitutive splicing to full exon skipping (three cases) or to alternative splicing (two cases) (##TAB##0##Table 1##). This effect of <italic>Alu</italic> elements on adjacent exons may be due to the <italic>Alu</italic> structure. <italic>Alu</italic> elements are comprised of two very similar segments, termed left and right arms. When an <italic>Alu</italic> is located in a gene in the antisense orientation and transcribed it contributes two poly-T stretches to the mRNA precursor. These poly-T regions might act as polypyrimidine tract (PPT) and, in combination with downstream 3′ and 5′ pseudo splice sites, might act as pseudo-exon ##REF##18276646##[58]##. Hence, such antisense <italic>Alu</italic>s that act as pseudo-exons might compete with nearby exons for the binding of splicing factors. These five cases of <italic>de novo Alu</italic> insertions imply that <italic>Alu</italic>s located in close proximity to exons might affect splicing of adjacent exons. This and the finding of <italic>de-novo Alu</italic> insertions that affect splicing imply that this is an on-going evolutionary process, which may result in novel transcripts that are deleterious and inflict genetic diseases. On the other hand, a shift in the splicing pattern from constitutive to alternative might be advantageous in some cases, and could enable testing new mRNA options without eliminating the old ones. Moreover, such a shift could introduce a premature termination codons enabling the expression of truncated proteins at certain needed times or in specific cell types and could be delicately regulated by the levels of splicing regulatory proteins ##REF##17361132##[59]##,##UREF##2##[60]##.</p>", "<p>In order to determine how many alternatively spliced exons are potentially regulated by the insertion of an antisense <italic>Alu</italic>, we used the alternative splicing track in the UCSC genome browser (##UREF##1##[48]## see also <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). In 269 events (∼1.5% out of 17,151 alternatively spliced cassette-exons), an antisense <italic>Alu</italic> was found within 100 bp upstream of an exon (150 have additional sense <italic>Alu</italic> within 2000 bp), 491 (∼2.8%) events in which an antisense <italic>Alu</italic> was found within 150 bp (273 have additional sense <italic>Alu</italic> within 2000 bp), and 689 (∼4%) events in which an antisense <italic>Alu</italic> was found within 200 bp (373 have additional sense <italic>Alu</italic> within 2000 bp). Out of these 689 alternative exons, 525 (76.1%) are conserved between human and mouse (23 events were recorded as alternatively spliced also in mouse alternative splicing track in version mm9). Within the human genome, almost 85% of alternative cassette exon skipping events are conserved in mouse, however only 76% of the cassette exon skipping events that have an adjacent <italic>Alu</italic> in opposite orientation are conserved within mouse genome. This is statistically significant, implying that there is a bias for <italic>Alu</italic> in antisense orientation in the regulation of alternative exons within non-conserved alternative splicing events (χ<sup>2</sup> test p-value = 1.6×10<sup>−8</sup>).</p>", "<title>Intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s Affect Splicing of Flanking Exons</title>", "<p>The above results suggest that stable insertion of <italic>Alu</italic>s into introns is associated with the mode of splicing of the flanking exons—especially the downstream exon—and that most <italic>Alu-Alu</italic> dsRNA is formed between sequences within the same intron. To test this hypothesis, exon 3 of the human <italic>RABL5</italic> gene was analyzed experimentally to examine the connection between intronic <italic>Alu</italic> and alternative splicing. A minigene containing exons 2 through 4 of the human <italic>RABL5</italic> gene (a conserved gene within all vertebrate genomes) was cloned. Exon 3 of <italic>RABL5</italic> is alternatively spliced in human and constitutively spliced in mouse, rat, dog, chicken, and zebrafish (see ##FIG##1##Figure 2## in ##REF##18020709##[17]##). Based on the phylogenetic relationships among the analyzed organisms, we conclude that the alternatively spliced variant is a derived form and the constitutively spliced variant is the ancestral one.</p>", "<p>Six <italic>Alu</italic>s have been inserted into the flanking introns of exon 3 since the last common ancestor of human and mouse: two in the upstream intron and four in the downstream intron (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##). <italic>Alu</italic>4, which is located in the downstream intron, resulted from insertion of an <italic>Alu</italic> within another <italic>Alu</italic> and will be regarded as one <italic>Alu</italic> (see also ##SUPPL##3##Text S1##). The minigene was transfected into 293T cells and the splicing products were examined following RNA extraction and RT-PCR analysis. Exon 3 in the <italic>RABL5</italic> minigene is alternatively spliced with approximately 40% inclusion (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lane 1). Removal of all intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s shifted splicing from alternative to constitutive (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, compare lanes 1 and 2). This indicates that the insertion of <italic>Alu</italic>s into the flanking introns during primate evolution shifted exon 3 splicing from constitutive to alternative.</p>", "<p>Our experiments revealed that the orientation and position of the <italic>Alu</italic>s within the upstream intron affected splicing of exon 3. Deletion of the <italic>Alu</italic>s in the upstream intron, namely <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 (Δ1+2), had the same effect as deleting all <italic>Alu</italic>s (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lanes 7 and 2). The same effect was observed if one of the <italic>Alu</italic>s was deleted and the other was replaced with a 270-nucleotide non-<italic>Alu</italic> intronic sequence (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lanes 18 and 21, see also ##SUPPL##4##Text S2##). The replacement of each of the intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s with a non-<italic>Alu</italic> intronic sequence of a similar length eliminated the possibility that the effect observed after deletion related to shortening of the intron.</p>", "<p>The <italic>Alu</italic>s in the downstream intron, however, had a little or no effect on splicing (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lane 13). Taken together, it seems that the shift from constitutive to alternative splicing in the lineage leading to human is mediated mainly by <italic>Alu</italic>s 1 and 2. Deletion of <italic>Alu</italic>1 or replacement with a 270-nucleotide non-<italic>Alu</italic> intronic sequence resulted in almost complete exon skipping (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lanes 3 and 17, respectively). Replacement or deletion of <italic>Alu</italic>2 resulted in constitutive exon splicing (lanes 4 and 20).</p>", "<p>Interestingly, <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 have opposite effects on splicing. Deletion of both <italic>Alu</italic>s has the same effect as deleting only <italic>Alu</italic>2. Therefore, we concluded that <italic>Alu</italic>2 is dominant over <italic>Alu</italic>1. The dominance of <italic>Alu</italic>2 is also supported by two other observations. First, if all <italic>Alu</italic>s except <italic>Alu</italic>2 are removed, we observe almost total exon skipping (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lane 14). This indicates that <italic>Alu</italic>2 is a negative regulator of exon 3 recognition, unless <italic>Alu</italic>1, which is in opposite orientation to <italic>Alu</italic>2, is present (compare lanes 13 and 14). Furthermore, deletion or replacement with a 270-nucleotide non-<italic>Alu</italic> intronic sequence of <italic>Alu</italic>2 in combination with any additional intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s leads to constitutive splicing (lanes 7, 8, 10, 18–22). In the absence of <italic>Alu</italic>1 and the presence of <italic>Alu</italic>2, the dominance of <italic>Alu</italic>2 over the other <italic>Alu</italic>s is observed, leading to exon skipping (lanes 9, 12, 14, 15, and 16). As expected, in the presence of both <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2, deletion of <italic>Alu</italic>s from the downstream intron had a marginal effect on splicing (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lanes 5, 6, 11, and 23).</p>", "<p>We demonstrated that the antisense orientation of <italic>Alu</italic>2 is essential for alternative splicing of exon 3. We first noted that the exact <italic>Alu</italic> family is not an important factor in determining splicing pattern: replacement of <italic>Alu</italic>1 of the Jo family with the sequence of <italic>Alu</italic>3 from the Sx family (both <italic>Alu</italic>s are in the sense orientation) did not affect the splicing pattern (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lane 24). Thus, the important factor is the presence of <italic>Alu</italic>1 in sense orientation. Our analysis showed that only when <italic>Alu</italic>2 is in the antisense orientation and <italic>Alu</italic>1 is in the sense orientation is alternative splicing of exon 3 observed (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, lanes 25–26). These results indicate that the two <italic>Alu</italic>s in the upstream intron regulate alternative splicing of exon 3, whereas the three downstream intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s have no apparent effect on splicing of that exon. Moreover, <italic>Alu</italic>2 in the antisense orientation suppressed inclusion of exon 3, whereas <italic>Alu</italic>1 in the sense orientation antagonized the effect of <italic>Alu</italic>2.</p>", "<title>Formation of Double-Stranded RNA between the Two Intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s</title>", "<p>How do the two intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s regulate alternative splicing of exon 3? It is apparent that if <italic>Alu</italic>2 alone is present in the mRNA precursor, the exon is always skipped. We therefore postulated that in a population of the mRNA precursors that contain both <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2, the two might form dsRNA formation (##FIG##2##Figure 3A##). This sequestration leads to exon inclusion; in the fraction of mRNA precursors with no base pairing between <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 the exon is skipped. To support this hypothesis, we examined whether RNA editing occurred in intron 2; editing would be indicative of formation of dsRNA. We searched the human EST/cDNA dataset and found five different mRNAs sequences containing intron 2 and comparison with genomic sequence indicated extensive RNA editing in both <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 (marked in red in ##FIG##2##Figure 3B##). The region of the editing was found to be in the middle of both <italic>Alu</italic>s. This suggests that these two <italic>Alu</italic> regions are in a double-stranded form.</p>", "<p>To further confirm the formation of dsRNA, we generated cDNA from a neuroblastoma cell-line using specific primers (##FIG##2##Figure 3C##). By using primers that hybridize in the exons flanking intron 2, we were able to observe a small population of mRNA molecules that contain intron 2; the majority of mRNAs are spliced (##FIG##2##Figure 3C## lane 1). We enriched the intron-containing fraction using primers that hybridize within the intron and within the downstream exon (##FIG##2##Figure 3C##, lane 2). Sequencing of the higher molecular weight PCR product using primer to <italic>Alu</italic>2 allowed us to identify four editing sites within it (##FIG##2##Figure 3D##).</p>", "<p>To confirm the importance of pairing between <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 on editing, we used the Δ<italic>Alu</italic>1 mutant (see ##FIG##1##Figure 2## lane 3) that led to a full exon skipping and examined the effect on editing within <italic>Alu</italic>2. There is one editing site within <italic>Alu</italic>2 that is dependent on the presence of <italic>Alu</italic>1; without <italic>Alu</italic>1 no editing at this site was observed (##FIG##2##Figure 3E##, the site is also highlighted in green in ##FIG##2##Figure 3B##). The other putative editing sites found in EST/cDNA show relatively low level of editing in the minigene.</p>", "<title>The Importance of the Distance between the Intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s and Exon 3</title>", "<p>We next set to examine if the distance between exon 3 and the intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s and the distance between <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 were important factors in splicing of exon 3. <italic>Alu</italic>2 is located 24 nucleotides upstream of exon 3. We identified the putative branch site of intron 2 and inserted an 800-nucleotide non-<italic>Alu</italic> intronic sequence upstream of the branch sequence and downstream of intronic <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 (marked B in ##FIG##3##Figure 4A##; see ##SUPPL##5##Text S3##). This insertion caused a shift from alternative to constitutive inclusion of exon 3 (##FIG##3##Figure 4B##, compare lane 1 and 2). Only when this insertion was shortened to less than 68 nucleotides did we begin to detect restoration of alternative splicing of exon 3; the level of skipping was further elevated when the inserted sequence was shortened to 56 or to 44 nucleotides (##FIG##3##Figure 4B##, lanes 3–9). To rule out the possibility that the sequence that was inserted contained intronic splicing regulatory sequences, we designed a fragment of 25 nucleotides free from known splicing regulatory sequences (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). We inserted this sequence into site B and also duplicated and triplicated this sequence to generate 50 and 75 nucleotides insertions. The longer is the inserted sequence, the higher is the inclusion level (##FIG##3##Figure 4B##, lanes 10–13). This indicates that the distance between the intronic <italic>Alu</italic>2 from exon 3 affects the mode of splicing.</p>", "<p>We also examined the effect of the distance between <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 on the splicing of exon 3. The insertion of the same fragment of 800 nucleotides between the two elements (marked A in ##FIG##3##Figure 4A##) led to substantial reduction in the inclusion level of exon 3, although alternative splicing was still observed (##FIG##3##Figure 4C##, compare lane 1 and lane 2). We then shortened this sequence, ultimately to 24 nucleotides; when the distance was shorter than 550 nucleotides, almost complete inclusion of exon 3 was observed (##FIG##3##Figure 4C## lanes 2–9). Our results indicate that the distance between <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 is important for maintaining the alternative splicing of exon 3; however, it is not as important as the distance between the intronic <italic>Alu</italic> elements and exon 3. We also note that increasing the distance between exon 3 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 leads to exon inclusion, whereas increasing the distance between <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 enhances exon skipping.</p>", "<title>\n<italic>Alu</italic>2 Regulates Alternative Splicing of Exon 3</title>", "<p>\n##FIG##1##Figure 2## demonstrates that <italic>Alu</italic>2 suppresses the inclusion of exon 3. We therefore analyzed the sequence of <italic>Alu</italic>2 to determine what regions might be critical for this effect. ##FIG##4##Figure 5A## shows the sequence of <italic>Alu</italic>2 and the mutations made. We deleted each of the two arms of <italic>Alu</italic>2 separately (##FIG##4##Figure 5B##, lanes 6 and 8) and mutated putative splicing signals (##FIG##4##Figure 5B##, lanes 2–5, 9–11). We found that the left arm of <italic>Alu</italic>2 is involved in the constitutive-to-alternative shift. Deletion of the left arm enhanced inclusion, whereas deletion of the right arm caused only a marginal effect (##FIG##4##Figure 5B##, compare lanes 1, 6, and 8). Mutations in the putative splicing signals in the right and left arms of <italic>Alu</italic>2 did not affect the splicing pattern (##FIG##4##Figure 5B##, lanes 2–5, 9–13). Our results do not support the possibility that the left arm functions as a pseudo-exon that abolishes or reduces selection of the exon 3 by competing with splicing factors (see also ##REF##18276646##[58]##,##REF##10958678##[61]##). However, analysis of this data is not straight forward, because deletion of the entire right arm together with the left-arm-polypyrimidine tract (LPPT), which produced a short Alu2 sequence, caused complete skipping of exon 3 (##FIG##4##Figure 5B##, lane 7). Insertion of a complementary sequence to the short <italic>Alu</italic>2 sequence along with its upstream intronic sequence (to complete an <italic>Alu</italic>-like length of 280 nucleotides), 105bp upstream to the original short <italic>Alu</italic>2 (mimicking the original distance of <italic>Alu</italic>2 from <italic>Alu</italic>1), either in the sense or antisense orientation, did not affect full skipping of exon 3. Deletion of the right arm alone or the LPPT alone had a marginal effect on splicing of exon 3 (##FIG##4##Figure 5B##, compare lanes 6 and 9 to 7). These results imply that multiple sequences along <italic>Alu</italic>2 combine to suppress the recognition of exon 3.</p>", "<p>Based on the location of the editing sites shown in ##FIG##2##figure 3B## we concluded that in a large part of the left arm of <italic>Alu</italic>2 there is no editing, suggesting that this part might not participate in a dsRNA structure. Within the left arm we identified a potential sequence, which is not part of the <italic>Alu</italic>1-<italic>Alu</italic>2 putative pairing alignment. This region has the potential to form an internal stem-loop structure (##FIG##4##Figure 5C##, upper alignments). Deletion of this region, replacement of this sequence with a similar stem-loop structure of a different sequence, creation of fully paired stem structure, or disruption of the stem structure all caused full exon 3 skipping. These results imply that the sequence, rather than the potential secondary structure, of this region is important for the inclusion of exon 3. This sequence contains two putative SC35 binding sites. However, mutations that eliminated these potential binding sites without generating another known splicing regulatory sites had no effect on splicing of exon 3, indicating that this is not the sequence involved in the regulation (##FIG##4##Figure 5C##, lane 2). There are no other potential binding sites for known splicing regulatory factors in this sequence (based on ##REF##16793546##[62]##–##REF##15607979##[64]##). Finally, addition of a potential complementary sequence to <italic>Alu</italic>1 did not effect splicing of exon 3 (not shown). Although <italic>Alu</italic>2 functions primarily to inhibit exon 3 selection, the above sequence within <italic>Alu</italic>2 enhances the inclusion of exon 3. Formation of a duplex between <italic>Alu</italic>1 and <italic>Alu</italic>2 is needed in order to present this intronic enhancer sequence properly for its effect on splicing of exon 3.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>There are over 0.5 million copies of <italic>Alu</italic> elements in introns of human protein coding genes ##REF##17986453##[65]##, yet their function in regulation of gene expression is largely unknown. Here we show that intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s are not ‘neutral’ elements; they affect splicing of flanking exons. Some of these effects can be directly linked to the shift from constitutive to alternative splicing during primate evolution. The regulation demonstrated here involves both positive and negative effects of <italic>Alu</italic> element in antisense orientation, in close proximity, and upstream to the regulated exon. This complex regulation causes the downstream exon to shift from constitutive to alternative splicing. There are several examples ##REF##12884004##[53]##–##REF##10737976##[57]## of <italic>de novo</italic> insertions of <italic>Alu</italic> elements within introns that result in skipping of the adjacent exons. In three of the reported cases, the insertion of the <italic>Alu</italic> in the antisense orientation caused a total skipping of the adjacent exon.</p>", "<p>Exon 3 of <italic>RABL5</italic> gene, analyzed in this study, is alternatively spliced in human and constitutively spliced in mouse, rat, dog, chicken, and zebrafish. Six <italic>Alu</italic>s have been inserted into the flanking introns of exon 3 since the last common ancestor of human and mouse. <italic>Alu</italic>2 was inserted in the antisense orientation just upstream of exon 3 and functions as a negative element that suppresses exon 3 selection. This negative effect is partially reversed by another <italic>Alu</italic> present in the same intron in the sense orientation. Although we were not able to fully resolve the mechanism by which the two <italic>Alu</italic>s regulate alternative splicing of the downstream exon, we provide evidence that regulation requires the formation of a double-stranded region between the two <italic>Alu</italic>s and a combination of negative and positive sequences located in <italic>Alu</italic>2. The end result of this complex regulation is a shift from constitutive to alternative splicing of the downstream exon. This results in a new primate-specific mRNA isoform that could acquire novel functions, as well as maintaining the original mRNA. Moreover, such a shift could introduce a premature termination codon resulting in truncated proteins that might have regulatory roles at certain times or in specific cell types as could be delicately determined by the levels of splicing regulatory proteins ##REF##17361132##[59]##,##UREF##2##[60]##.</p>", "<p>Introns in humans are considerably longer than their mouse counterparts, mostly due to the presence of <italic>Alu</italic> elements ##REF##16005101##[66]##. Introns that flank alternatively spliced exons are longer than introns that flank constitutively spliced ones ##REF##17158149##[4]##,##REF##16260721##[67]##. We found a correlation between the splicing pattern of exons and the presence of <italic>Alu</italic>s in the flanking introns. First, alternatively spliced exons are flanked by introns containing more <italic>Alu</italic>s compared with introns flanking constitutively spliced ones, even when controlling for the difference in intron lengths. Second, more <italic>Alu</italic>s are present in human introns than are corresponding mouse B1 elements in the orthologous mouse introns. This second observation correlates with the finding that there are more species-specifically, alternatively spliced exons in human than in mouse (354/612 alternatively spliced events in human and 258/612 alternatively spliced events in mouse; χ<sup>2</sup>, p –value &lt;0.01).</p>", "<p>It was suggested that intron complementarities formed by multiple copies of <italic>Alu</italic> could help define and increase the splicing efficiency of very large metazoan introns ##REF##9356473##[68]##. However, it may be also possible that formation of a long and stable double-stranded structure in the upstream intron, especially near the splice site as in the case studied in this manuscript, reduces the ability of the splicing machinery to properly recognize the downstream exon, leading to slower splicing kinetics or suboptimal exon selection and, thus, to intron retention or exon skipping. Supporting the hypothesis that formation of dsRNA in introns might slow splicing is a recent publication showing that formation of dsRNA during pre-microRNA formation can slow splicing of the intron where the microRNA resides ##REF##17255951##[69]##.</p>", "<p>Although the effect of intronic retroelements on the splicing of flanking exons is presumably not a general trend that applies to all exons, it is relevant to a certain fraction of alternatively spliced exons (1.5% to 4% of the alternatively skipped exons in human).</p>", "<p>Our analysis indicated that the presence of <italic>Alu</italic> elements is correlated with the mode of splicing of adjacent exons. There is an ‘exclusion zone’ in intron sequences flanking exons, where insertion of <italic>Alu</italic> elements is presumably under purifying selection. The length of this ‘exclusion zone’ is similar to that of the human-mouse conserved sequences flanking alternatively spliced exons (∼80–150 nucleotides). This is presumably indicative of regions where the presence of intronic splicing regulatory sequences can affect alternative splicing of the adjacent exon ##REF##14992493##[5]##,##REF##17530917##[18]##,##REF##12840041##[70]##,##REF##16424921##[71]##. <italic>Alu</italic>s might be excluded from the proximal intronic sequences flanking constitutively spliced exons because <italic>Alu</italic>s were never inserted into these regions or because <italic>Alu</italic>s were inserted in an equal proportion in all gene regions (intronic and exonic) but we currently observe only those <italic>Alu</italic>s that have escaped purifying selection. The major burst of <italic>Alu</italic> retroposition took place 50–60 million years ago and has since dropped to a frequency of one new retroposition for every 20–125 new births ##UREF##3##[72]##,##REF##16522357##[73]##. As some of these insertions were deleterious and thus selected against, we probably detect intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s that are neutral, mildly deleterious, or beneficial to human fitness. Some of these beneficial intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s presumably altered splicing of the flanking exons and resulted in the generation of new isoforms that presented an advantage during primate evolution and were thus fixated in our genome. The research described here sheds light on how <italic>Alu</italic> elements have shaped the human genome.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: GLM OR GA. Performed the experiments: GLM OR. Analyzed the data: GLM OR EK NS AG GA. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: GLM GA. Wrote the paper: GLM EK NS EYL GA.</p>", "<p>Examination of the human transcriptome reveals higher levels of RNA editing than in any other organism tested to date. This is indicative of extensive double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) formation within the human transcriptome. Most of the editing sites are located in the primate-specific retrotransposed element called <italic>Alu</italic>. A large fraction of <italic>Alu</italic>s are found in intronic sequences, implying extensive <italic>Alu</italic>-<italic>Alu</italic> dsRNA formation in mRNA precursors. Yet, the effect of these intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s on splicing of the flanking exons is largely unknown. Here, we show that more <italic>Alu</italic>s flank alternatively spliced exons than constitutively spliced ones; this is especially notable for those exons that have changed their mode of splicing from constitutive to alternative during human evolution. This implies that <italic>Alu</italic> insertions may change the mode of splicing of the flanking exons. Indeed, we demonstrate experimentally that two <italic>Alu</italic> elements that were inserted into an intron in opposite orientation undergo base-pairing, as evident by RNA editing, and affect the splicing patterns of a downstream exon, shifting it from constitutive to alternative. Our results indicate the importance of intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s in influencing the splicing of flanking exons, further emphasizing the role of <italic>Alu</italic>s in shaping of the human transcriptome.</p>", "<title>Author Summary</title>", "<p>The human genome is crowded with over one million copies of primate-specific retrotransposed elements, termed <italic>Alu</italic>. A large fraction of <italic>Alu</italic> elements are located within intronic sequences. The human transcriptome undergoes extensive RNA editing (A-to-I), to higher levels than any other tested organism. RNA editing requires the formation of a double-stranded RNA structure in order to occur. Over 90% of the editing sites in the human transcriptome are found within <italic>Alu</italic> sequences. Thus, the high level of RNA editing is indicative of extensive secondary structure formation in mRNA precursors driven by intronic <italic>Alu</italic>-<italic>Alu</italic> base pairing. Splicing is a molecular mechanism in which introns are removed from an mRNA precursor and exons are ligated to form a mature mRNA. Here, we show that <italic>Alu</italic> insertions into introns can affect the splicing of the flanking exons. We experimentally demonstrate that two <italic>Alu</italic> elements that were inserted into the same intron in opposite orientation undergo base-pairing, and consequently shift the splicing pattern of the downstream exon from constitutive inclusion in all mature mRNA molecules to alternative skipping. This emphasizes the impact of <italic>Alu</italic> elements on the primate-specific transcriptome evolution, as such events can generate new isoforms that might acquire novel functions.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pgen-1000204-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000204.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Bioinformatic analysis of <italic>Alu</italic> insertion within the flanking introns.</title><p>Conserved constitutively spliced exons were analyzed for the differences in the location of antisense and sense <italic>Alu</italic>s within the upstream and downstream introns (left and right panels, respectively). The x-axis is the distance in base pairs from the exon; the y-axis is the number of <italic>Alu</italic>s found within this distance. Antisense <italic>Alu</italic>s are marked in blue and sense <italic>Alu</italic>s are marked in red.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000204-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000204.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>The effect of intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s on the splicing of a flanking exon.</title><p>(A) Schematic illustration of the <italic>RABL5</italic> minigene containing three exons and two introns. The intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s (1 through 5) are marked by boxes with a point indicating the orientation of the <italic>Alu</italic> relative to the pre-mRNA. <italic>Alu</italic>4 is an <italic>Alu</italic>Sx inserted between the two arms of <italic>Alu</italic>Jo. (B) The indicated wild-type (wt) and mutant plasmids were transfected into 293T cells, total RNA was extracted, and splicing products were separated on a 2% agarose gel after RT-PCR analysis. Lane 1, splicing products of wt <italic>RABL5</italic> minigene. Lanes 2–26, splicing products of the indicated mutants. The following abbreviations were used: Δ indicates deletion of the specified <italic>Alu</italic> element, X 1w3 indicates replacement of <italic>Alu</italic>1 with <italic>Alu</italic>3 (i.e., the sequence of <italic>Alu</italic>3 was inserted instead of that of <italic>Alu</italic>1 and in the same orientation as <italic>Alu</italic>3), and 1int specifies replacement of the <italic>Alu</italic>1 sequence with a non-<italic>Alu</italic> intronic fragment. The two mRNA isoforms are shown on the right. Numbers on top of the gel indicate percentage of exon inclusion as determined using ImageJ software. PCR products were sequenced.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000204-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000204.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Editing sites within the intronic <italic>Alu</italic>s.</title><p>(A) Schematic illustration of exons 2 to 3 of the <italic>RABL5</italic> gene. Exons are depicted as black boxes; the intronic <italic>Alus</italic>, derived from <italic>Alu</italic>Jo and <italic>Alu</italic>Sx, in sense and antisense orientations, respectively, are shown in the middle gray-shaped boxes. The intronic, antisense <italic>Alu</italic> sequence (<italic>Alu</italic>Sx) is 102 nucleotides downstream of the sense <italic>Alu</italic>Jo and <italic>Alu</italic>Sx is 24 nucleotides upstream of the junction of exon 3. Sense and antisense <italic>Alu</italic>s are expected to form a double-stranded secondary structure, thus allowing RNA editing. (B) Editing sites were inferred from alignment of five cDNAs (accession numbers BC050531, BC038668, BI547904, BI548328, and DB495755) to the human genomic DNA. RNA editing occurs at eight positions within the antisense <italic>Alu</italic>Sx and at eleven positions within the sense <italic>Alu</italic>Jo. Based on these editing sites, the pairing between the sense and antisense <italic>Alu</italic> sequences was inferred (upper and lower lines, respectively). The region in which editing occurs starts at the middle of the right arm (position 232 in the <italic>AluSx</italic> consensus) and ends at the beginning of the left arm of <italic>Alu</italic>2 (position 101 in the <italic>AluSx</italic> consensus). Panel B shows only this corresponding region, while the entire <italic>Alu</italic>-<italic>Alu</italic> potential dsRNA is shown in ##SUPPL##2##Figure S3##. (C) To further confirm the editing activity, total RNA was extracted from a neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y) cell-line and treated with DNaseI, followed by RT-PCR analysis using primers to exon 2 and exon 3, and to intron 2 and exon 3 (lanes 1 and 2, respectively; see also <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). The PCR products were sequenced. (D) The upper PCR product shown in panel C lane 2 was cloned and sequenced. The Chromas sequence is shown with the editing sites, found in <italic>Alu</italic>Sx, marked by boxes. (E) Editing in <italic>Alu</italic>2 requires the presence of <italic>Alu</italic>1. Wild type RABL5 minigene (WT) and a mutant in which <italic>Alu</italic>1 was deleted (Δ<italic>Alu</italic>Jo) were transfected into 293T cells. RNA was extracted, treated with DNase I, and amplified using set of primers flanking <italic>Alu</italic>2 and designed to amplify only exogenic transcripts. Sequencing chromatograms of four nucleotides in AluSx are shown (this editing site is also marked in green in panel B).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000204-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000204.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Distance effect of <italic>Alu</italic> elements on the alternative splicing pattern.</title><p>(A) A schematic illustration of the genomic region between exons 2 and 3 of <italic>RABL5</italic> gene. Arrows marked A and B indicate two positions where an intronic sequence was inserted. (B) An 800-nucleotide intronic sequence was inserted in site B. The 800-nucleotide sequence was gradually shortened to the size shown above each lane. The indicated wt and chimeric plasmids were transfected into human 293T cells, total RNA was collected and examined by RT-PCR analysis (lanes 1–9). Lanes 10–12 show insertions of a different sequence, containing 25 nucleotides without any known splicing regulatory sequences, into the same site. This sequence was duplicated and triplicated to generate 50- and 75-nucleotide inserts. These mutant RABL5 minigenes were examined as above. (C) Similar analysis as in panel B, except that the 800-nucleotide sequence and the shorter sequences were inserted into site A. Spliced products are shown on the right and each PCR product was confirmed by sequencing. Splicing products were separated on a 2% agarose gel. Numbers on top of the gel indicate percentage of exon inclusion as determined using ImageJ software.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000204-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000204.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>The effect of <italic>Alu</italic>2 on the alternative exon.</title><p>(A) The sequence of the antisense <italic>Alu</italic>2. Mutated putative 5′ss is shown in red. A sequence of 24 nucleotides that was deleted is underlined. Three putative 3′ss that were mutated are in bold and underlined. In yellow are the right and left PPT regions with the downstream AG that were deleted. The green sequence is a stem and loop region of 18 nucleotides that was examined as shown in panel C (referred as ‘A’ region). Underlined in that region are two overlapping SC35 potential binding sites (the gray in the middle indicates the overlap region). (B) The indicated wt and mutant plasmids were transfected into 293T cells, total RNA was extracted, and splicing products were separated on a 2% agarose gel after RT-PCR analysis. Lane 1, splicing products of wt <italic>RABL5</italic> minigene. Lanes 2–13, splicing products of the indicated mutants. The two mRNA isoforms are shown on the right. Numbers on top of the gel indicate percentage of exon inclusion, as determined using ImageJ software. (C) The upper part illustrates the putative secondary structure formed by <italic>Alu</italic>Jo and <italic>Alu</italic>Sx, as predicted using the Vienna secondary structure web site (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). The green arrows in the right panel indicate the start and end positions of the stem and loop structure, marked as ‘A’. The lower part shows the effect of the wt and mutant plasmids that were analyzed, as in panel B. Lane 1, wilt type. Lane 2, elimination of the two SC35 putative binding sites by mutating their overlapping sequence (AA were mutated to CC). Lane 3, deletion of the entire stem-loop ‘A’ sequence. Lane 4, replacement of the ‘A’ sequence by a random sequence lacking putative splicing binding sites. Lane 5, replacement of the loop sequence by a perfect complementary sequence, so that the ‘A’ element is entirely in a stem structure. Lane 6, disruption of the stem part of ‘A’, so that ‘A’ is entirely in a loop structure.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pgen-1000204-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000204.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Diseases resulting from <italic>Alu</italic> insertion within an intron.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Gene</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Disease</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Alu</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Intron insertion</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Orientation</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Distance from SS</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Effect</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Reference</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Fas</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">ALPS syndrome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Sb1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">antisense</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">50 bp upstream of exon 8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Skipping of exon 8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Tighe et al., 2002 ##REF##12215906##[55]##\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">GK</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Glycerol kinase deficiency</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Y</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">antisense</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">52 bp upstream of exon 5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Alternative Splicing</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Zhang et al., 2000 ##REF##10737976##[57]##\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">FGFR2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Apert syndrome</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Ya5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">antisense</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19 bp upstream of exon 9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Alternative Splicing</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Oldridge et al., 1999 ##REF##9973282##[54]##\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">NF1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Neurofibromatosis type1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Ya5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">antisense</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">44 bp upstream of exon 6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Skipping of exon 6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Wallace et al., 1991 ##REF##1719426##[56]##\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Factor VIII</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Hemophilia A X-linked severe bleeding disorder</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Yb9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">antisense</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19 bp upstream of exon 19</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Skipping of exon 19</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Ganguly et al., 2003 ##REF##12884004##[53]##\n</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<disp-formula></disp-formula>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000204.s001\"><label>Figure S1</label><caption><p>Intron length distribution of human introns.</p><p>(0.17 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000204.s002\"><label>Figure S2</label><caption><p>A screen shot created by the UCSC genome browser.</p><p>(1.44 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000204.s003\"><label>Figure S3</label><caption><p>Potential dsRNA of AluJo+ and AluSx-.</p><p>(0.51 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000204.s004\"><label>Text S1</label><caption><p>Minigenes' sequence.</p><p>(0.03 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000204.s005\"><label>Text S2</label><caption><p>270 nucleotides non-<italic>Alu</italic> intronic sequence from intron 20 of IKBKAP gene.</p><p>(0.02 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000204.s006\"><label>Text S3</label><caption><p>800 nucleotides intronic sequence from intron 11 of IMP gene.</p><p>(0.02 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>This work was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (1449/04 and 40/05), GIF, ICA (through the Ber-Lehmsdorf Memorial Fund), DIP, and EURASNET. EK is a fellow of the Clore Scholars Programme. AG is supported by the Adams Fellowship Program of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.g001\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pgen-1000204-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.t001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.g005\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.e001.jpg\" mimetype=\"image\" position=\"float\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.s001.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.s002.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.s003.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.s004.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.s005.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000204.s006.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"label": ["29"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Jepson", "Reenan"], "given-names": ["JE", "RA"], "year": ["2007"], "article-title": ["RNA editing in regulating gene expression in the brain."], "source": ["Biochim Biophys Acta"]}, {"label": ["48"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Karolchik", "Kuhn", "Baertsch", "Barber", "Clawson"], "given-names": ["D", "RM", "R", "GP", "H"], "year": ["2007"], "article-title": ["The UCSC Genome Browser Database: 2008 update."], "source": ["Nucleic Acids Res"]}, {"label": ["60"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["McGlincy", "Smith"], "given-names": ["NJ", "CW"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["Alternative splicing resulting in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay: what is the meaning of nonsense?"], "source": ["Trends Biochem Sci"]}, {"label": ["72"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Deininger", "Batzer"], "given-names": ["P", "MA"], "year": ["1993"], "article-title": ["Evolution of retroposons."], "source": ["Evol Biol"], "volume": ["27"], "fpage": ["157"], "lpage": ["196"]}, {"label": ["76"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Smit", "Hubley", "Green"], "given-names": ["AF", "R", "P"], "year": ["1996"], "article-title": ["RepeatMasker Open-3.0"]}]
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2022-01-12 23:38:09
PLoS Genet. 2008 Sep 26; 4(9):e1000204
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Mouse major urinary proteins (Mups) are synthesized in the liver, secreted through the kidneys, and excreted in urine in milligram quantities per milliliter ##REF##5827345##[1]##, ##REF##730052##[2]##. This abundant protein excretion is thought to play a role in chemo-signaling between animals to coordinate social behavior. Mups belong to a large family of low-molecular weight ligand-binding proteins known as lipocalins, which share the fundamental tertiary structure of eight β-sheets arranged in a β-barrel open at one end with α-helices at both the N and C termini ##REF##10666711##[3]##. Consequently, they form a characteristic “glove” shape, encompassing a hydrophobic binding pocket that is able to bind specific small organic molecules ##REF##8761444##[4]##.</p>", "<p>The scope of function and mechanism of action of Mups remains controversial. A number of Mup small molecule ligands have been identified as male-specific volatile pheromones: molecular signals excreted by one individual that trigger an innate behavioral response in another member of the same species ##REF##15924856##[5]##. Mouse Mups have since been hypothesized to act as pheromone carrier proteins, which transport the volatile pheromones into the mucus filled pheromone detection organ; the vomeronasal organ (VNO). They have additionally been demonstrated to function as pheromone stabilizers in the environment, providing a slow release mechanism that extends the effective potency of these volatile molecules in male urine scent marks ##REF##9632512##[6]##. Finally, Mups have been shown to be a source of genetically encoded pheromones themselves ##REF##18064011##[7]##–##REF##7473215##[10]##. However, the full extent of their function as species-specific pheromone signals has not been determined, largely because until recently the diversification of Mups in mouse was unclear.</p>", "<p>Species-specific signals are expected to display several characteristics, including a mechanism for coding diversity to signal various social behaviors such as aggression, mating, pup-suckling, territory establishment, and dominance. Mups are known to be encoded by multiple paralogous genes, sufficient to fulfill this criteria ##REF##88267##[11]##. Prior studies have identified individual <italic>Mup</italic> genes by comparing cloned DNA fragments with a number of expressed Mup protein and mRNA sequences ##REF##3004936##[12]##–##REF##3600652##[18]##. Estimates based on hybridization to sequential genomic clones proposed that between 15 and 35 <italic>Mup</italic> genes and pseudogenes are clustered in a single locus on mouse chromosome 4 ##REF##88267##[11]##, ##REF##6329695##[19]##. Previous nomenclature classified the Mups into three groups, identifying an unknown number of highly similar <italic>Mup</italic> genes to comprise one group, potential pseudogenes in a second group, and more divergent <italic>Mup</italic> genes forming a third group ##REF##3600653##[17]##, ##REF##6329695##[19]##. Despite these attempts to define the gene family, variation in intra-specific expression pattern, extremely high amino acid identity of expressed proteins, and a lack of nomenclature consistency has resulted in multiple <italic>Mup</italic> genes referred to by identical names in the Ensembl genome assembly ##REF##17148474##[20]##. The advance of genome sequencing has now enabled analysis and annotation of the genomic cluster. Recently, the mouse <italic>Mup</italic> gene cluster was partly characterized by manual genome annotation of a C57BL/6J genome assembly, identifying 19 predicted genes and 19 presumptive pseudogenes ##REF##18507838##[21]##. It has been hypothesized that the pseudogenes in the locus may in fact encode short, bio-active peptides that can themselves act as pheromones ##REF##16510842##[9]##, ##REF##7473215##[10]##, ##REF##3004935##[14]##. However, the coding potential of the pseudogene repertoire has not been evaluated.</p>", "<p>Species-specific signals would additionally be expected to display dynamic regulation so that dominant and sub-ordinate males, females, and juveniles each excrete different signals to indicate their gender and status. Indeed, Mup expression is regulated by testosterone, thyroxine, and growth hormone with adult males having much higher Mup levels in urine than females or juveniles ##REF##5827345##[1]##, ##REF##730052##[2]##. Instead of expressing the entire repertoire of Mups, each individual expresses 4–12 of the proteins. This variable expression pattern has been hypothesized to create a protein “bar-code” defining individuality ##REF##8645216##[16]##, ##REF##15934926##[22]##–##REF##12546672##[24]##. Individual wild mice have unique expression patterns of Mups in their urine ##REF##12546672##[24]##, ##REF##9161047##[25]##. Different lab strains each express different Mups, however individuals of the same strain express identical Mup repertoires as a result of inbreeding ##REF##8645216##[16]##, ##REF##18507838##[21]##. <italic>Mup</italic> gene expression is therefore dynamically regulated by both genetic and endocrine mechanisms.</p>", "<p>Lastly, we expect genetically encoded pheromones to generate signals that are species-specific so that ligands deposited in the environment do not lead to inappropriate behaviors such as aggression or mating between species. Species-specific Mup pheromones could evolve either by positive selective pressures acting on an existing <italic>Mup</italic> gene repertoire or by paralogous duplications of an ancestral <italic>Mup</italic>. Rats express a similar protein family, known as the α<sub>2u</sub>-globulins that share many of the same expression characteristics of the mouse Mups ##REF##88267##[11]##, ##REF##4165835##[26]##–##REF##4165834##[29]##. Rat α<sub>2u</sub>-globulins are proposed to be encoded by an estimated 20 genes, are expressed dimorphically and combinatorially in urine and other exocrine glands, and the structure of a rat α<sub>2u</sub>-globulin shows striking homology to mouse Mups, including the ability to bind small hydrophobic molecules thought to be pheromones ##REF##1279439##[30]##–##REF##2432391##[32]##. There is some evidence that rat α<sub>2u</sub>-globulins also function in intra-species communication by stimulating neurotransmitter release in the female amygdala and invoking locomotory behavior in a VNO-dependent manner ##REF##16956376##[33]##. Similar to the observation that mouse Mups carry activity independent of their ligand, it has been demonstrated that a recombinant rat α<sub>2u</sub>-globulin is sufficient to stimulate neuronal activation in the VNO ##REF##9988702##[34]##. Both the evolutionary relationship between mouse Mups and rat α<sub>2u</sub>-globulin and the extent to which they evolved in a species-specific manner is unknown.</p>", "<p>Despite being the subject of intense study since their discovery over 45 years ago, the genomic locus of the <italic>Mup</italic> gene subfamily has yet to be fully investigated, and the phylogenetic relationships within and between species are unknown. Here, using known rodent Mup protein sequences to mine genome assemblies, we have characterized and annotated the <italic>Mup</italic> gene cluster in the mouse, and identified orthologous loci in a range of mammals, providing phylogenetic and structural evidence that <italic>Mup</italic> gene families show remarkable lineage specificity, consistent with a role in species-specific communication.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Genome Analyses</title>", "<p>We used all known mouse Mup protein sequences as queries to BLAST against the NCBI m37 C57BL/6J mouse (<italic>Mus musculus</italic>) genome assembly. This identified the genomic location of the <italic>Mup</italic> gene cluster in a 1.9 Mb interval between genes <italic>Slc46a2</italic> (accession: NM_021053) and <italic>Zfp37</italic> (accession: NM_009554) and ruled out the existence of additional <italic>Mup</italic> loci. We then exported and annotated the position of candidate genes in the intervening sequence using a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based on the known protein sequences. The sequence spanning each HMM hit, plus 10 Kb of neighboring sequence, was then exported and individual mouse Mup protein sequences were used to conduct protein-to-genomic sequence alignments with GeneWise (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>), a tool used widely in gene prediction and genome annotation ##REF##15123596##[60]##. Because the open reading frames determined by GeneWise were extremely highly conserved in coding sequence, surrounding non-coding sequence and gene structure, we are confident that all genes in the exported sequence were correctly identified. However, after characterizing all <italic>Mup</italic> sequences, we incorporated them into further HMMs and re-annotated the interval. No further genes or pseudogenes were found.</p>", "<p>We then identified orthologues of <italic>Slc46a2</italic> and <italic>Zfp37</italic> in other species and repeated this analysis of the syntenic interval using the following genome sequence assemblies, all obtained from Ensembl (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>): rat (<italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic>, RGSC 3.4), human (<italic>Homo sapiens</italic>, NCBI 36), chimpanzee (<italic>Pan troglodytes</italic>, CHIMP2.1), dog (<italic>Canis familiaris</italic>, Canfam 2.0), cow (<italic>Bos Taurus</italic>, Btau 3.1), chicken (<italic>Gallus gallus</italic>, WASHUC2), cat (<italic>Felis catus</italic>, CAT), horse (<italic>Equus caballus</italic>, EquCab2), mouse lemur (<italic>Microcebus murinus</italic>, micMur1), orangutan (<italic>Pongo pygmaeus abelii</italic>, PPYG2), pig (<italic>Sus scrofa</italic>, Sscrofa1), bushbaby (<italic>Otolemur garnettii</italic>, otoGar1) and macaque (<italic>Macaca mulatta</italic>, MMUL 1.0) ##REF##17148474##[20]##. In each case the genes in these regions were resolved using iterative HMMs generated from known sequences and those subsequently characterized. No additional <italic>Mup</italic> sequences were found at other loci. All other placental species with genomic sequence data had insufficient coverage at the time of analysis, and all other species genomes had disrupted synteny and no highly homologous <italic>Mup</italic> genes.</p>", "<title>Evolutionary Analyses</title>", "<p>The deduced cDNA and peptide sequences of Mups were aligned using ClustalW2 ##REF##17846036##[61]##. GeneDoc (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) was used to visualize the alignments and calculate the cumulative fraction plots of DNA sequence variation. Secondary structure was calculated using the PSIPRED prediction method ##REF##10493868##[62]##. Synonymous/non-synonymous substitutions were calculated using SNAP (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>), based on the methods of Nei and Gojobori ##REF##3444411##[63]##. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using MEGA3 ##REF##15260895##[64]##, from aligned cDNA sequences using the neighbor-joining method with the Kimura-2 parameter model of substitution ##REF##7463489##[65]##. The repeatability of the tree was evaluated using the bootstrap method with 1000 pseudo-replications. Gaps in the alignment were not used in the reconstruction. Other methods (including UPGMA and minimum evolution) and models (including p-distance, number of differences and Tajima-Nei models) of phylogenetic reconstruction resulted in differences in arrangement only within the highly similar Class B <italic>Mup</italic> genes. Similarly, phylogenetic reconstructions using predicted amino acid sequences, synonymous and non-synonymous sites recapitulated the cDNA based reconstruction; therefore we are confident the phylogeny is robust.</p>", "<title>Locus Structure</title>", "<p>Harr plot analysis ##REF##7063405##[36]## was carried out on mouse genomic DNA sequences using the DNAdot tool (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). A sliding window of 9 base pairs was used to determine identity in analyses between genes, and a sliding window of 11 base pairs was used to compare gene pairs. In both cases high stringencies were used, with no mismatch permitted. Intergenic retroviral elements were identified using RepeatMasker Open-3.2.3 (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>).</p>", "<title>Mup Expression</title>", "<p>Sets of degenerate oligonucleotide primers were synthesized complementary to the entire mouse Class A and Class B <italic>Mup</italic> repertoire. The forward primer sequences are (5′ to 3′), Mup1: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGCTGCTGCTGTGT</named-content>, Mup2: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGCTGCTGCTGCTGT</named-content>, Mup3–7,9–10,12,16: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGATGCTGCTGCTG</named-content>, Mup8: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGATGATGCTGCTG</named-content>, Mup11: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGATGCTGTTGCTG</named-content>, Mup13–14,17: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGCTGTTGCTGCTGTGT</named-content>, Mup15: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGCTGCTGCTGCTGTGT</named-content>, Mup18: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGCTGTTGCTGCTG</named-content>, Mup24: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGCTGCTGGTGCTG</named-content>, Mup25: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGCTGCTGCTGCCG</named-content>, Mup26: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">ATGAAGCTGTTGCTGCTG</named-content>. The reverse primers are, Mup1: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">TCATTCTCGGGCCTTGAG</named-content>, Mup2–18: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">TCATTCTCGGGCCTGGAG</named-content>, Mup24: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">TCATTCTCGGGCCTCAAG</named-content>, Mup25–26: <named-content content-type=\"gene\">TCATTCTCGGGCCTCGAG</named-content>. RNA was extracted from the liver and submaxillary glands of two male C57BL/6J mice, using an RNeasy extraction kit (Qiagen, Valencia, USA) and reverse transcribed using an oligo-dT primer and SuperScript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, USA). Polymerase chain reaction amplicons were cloned into pCRII-TOPO (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, USA) and sequenced. The resultant sequences were then aligned with the predicted cDNA sequences of the <italic>Mup</italic> gene repertoire.</p>", "<title>Database Submission</title>", "<p>Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers: EU882229 - EU882236, and in the Third Party Annotation Section of the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers TPA: BK006638 – BK006679.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Mouse Major Urinary Protein Gene Cluster</title>", "<p>The mouse <italic>Mup</italic> gene cluster is poorly annotated with repetitive nomenclature in the mouse genome sequence ##REF##17148474##[20]##. We first characterized the NCBI m37 C57BL/6J mouse genome assembly <italic>Mup</italic> loci, within a 1.92 Mb segment of chromosome 4 between <italic>Slc46a2</italic> and <italic>Zfp37</italic>, using a Hidden Markov Model of expressed rodent Mups. Our analysis identified 21 open reading frames (ORFs) encoding putative Mups, and a further 21 presumptive pseudogenes (##FIG##0##fig. 1##), 16 with insertions or deletions leading to a premature stop codon and 5 with the loss of an exon as a result of incomplete duplication. This is in agreement with a recent independent analysis ##REF##18507838##[21]##; however, we identified an additional two genes and two pseudogenes.</p>", "<p>Identification of the repertoire of <italic>Mup</italic> genes next enabled us to categorize the family into two classes, Class A and B, based on sequence homology and genomic structure. Class A consists of 6 similar genes and 5 pseudogenes. The genes, <italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic>, <italic>Mup18</italic>, <italic>Mup24</italic>, <italic>Mup25</italic> and <italic>Mup26</italic> are 82–94% identical at the cDNA level and all but one (<italic>Mup2</italic>) is on the reverse strand (##FIG##0##fig. 1##, ##FIG##1##2A##). These are consistent with the “peripheral” gene regions described by Mudge et al. ##REF##18507838##[21]##. The remaining 15 highly similar <italic>Mup</italic> genes form Class B, all of which are greater than 97% identical at the cDNA level (##FIG##1##fig. 2B##). <italic>Mup3</italic> through <italic>Mup17</italic> are arranged sequentially on the reverse strand and encompass the formally classified “Group 1” genes and the <italic>Mup</italic> “central region” ##REF##6329695##[19]##, ##REF##18507838##[21]##. The <italic>Mup</italic> pseudogenes have been proposed to encode bioactivity ##REF##16510842##[9]##, ##REF##7473215##[10]##, ##REF##3004935##[14]##. Therefore, we analyzed the pseudogene repertoire to determine if it displays hallmarks expected of pheromones. Our genomic analysis shows that each Class B gene is paired with a forward strand pseudogene in a divergent head-to-head manner (##FIG##0##fig. 1##). These pseudogenes all have a conserved G&gt;T change in the first coding exon resulting in a premature stop. Others have hypothesized that these sequences may in fact encode a truncated protein consisting of a cleaved signal sequence followed by a functional hexapeptide (##FIG##2##fig. 3A##), and formally classified them as “Group 2” <italic>Mup</italic> genes ##REF##3004935##[14]##. Identification of the repertoire of genomic sequences enabled us to evaluate the ability of the pseudogenes to encode a pheromone family. When we aligned the 16 Class B pseudogenes we found only 3 distinct hexapeptide sequences in the cluster, which greatly limit their coding potential (##FIG##2##fig. 3A##).</p>", "<title>Origin of Class B Mups</title>", "<p>The repetitive structure of Class B <italic>Mup</italic> genes and pseudogenes forming sequential blocks about 45 Kb in length has been previously described and proposed as the unit both of functional organization and evolution of the entire cluster ##REF##6092054##[35]##. However, greater percent identity of the genes within this class suggests they evolved more recently than the more divergent Class A genes (##FIG##1##fig. 2##). One Class A pair, <italic>Mup1</italic> and <italic>Mup2</italic>, is arranged in a head-to-head manner similar to the Class B <italic>Mups</italic>. We next determined whether this <italic>Mup</italic> gene pair provided the template for the successive duplications that resulted in Class B.</p>", "<p>Comparative analysis of the <italic>Mup1</italic> and inverted <italic>Mup2</italic> gene regions using Harr plots ##REF##7063405##[36]## shows a 25 Kb region spanning the genes that is duplicated and inverted (##FIG##3##fig. 4A##). In contrast, 28 Kb of the 43 Kb intergenic DNA is not duplicated. A similar comparison of the intergenic regions of Class B <italic>Mup</italic> pairs shows that each has an 11 Kb span, with 7.5 Kb of the 15 Kb intergenic distance not matching (##FIG##3##fig. 4B## shows <italic>Mup17</italic> and <italic>Mup17 –ps</italic> as an example). When we next compared the <italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic> pair with all Class B <italic>Mup</italic> pairs, we observed high sequence homology across the genes (##FIG##3##fig. 4C##). Interestingly, this did not extend through the Class B intergenic regions, as may be expected if the latter was a duplication of the former. However, when the sequence spanning <italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic> is compared with inverted Class B <italic>Mup</italic> pairs, there is near contiguous homology across both the Class B genes and the entire intergenic region (##FIG##3##fig. 4D##), suggesting that the latter is in fact an inverted duplication of the former.</p>", "<p>The homology does not, however, extend contiguously across the <italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic> intergenetic region; there is a 25.5 Kb segment between <italic>Mup1</italic> and <italic>Mup2</italic> that has no homology between Class B. Since the cluster displays the hallmarks of significant dynamic instability, there may be additional modifications to the intergenic regions after the formation of the prototype Class B pair. We therefore searched for evidence betraying the origin of the non-homologous segment. We reasoned that if Class B <italic>Mups</italic> were generated from a Class A template, this segment must have inserted between <italic>Mup1</italic> and <italic>Mup2</italic> (or have been deleted between the prototype Class B gene/pseuodogene pair) subsequent to the original duplication. We found that the homology breakpoints correspond exactly with endogenous retroviral (ERV) long terminal repeat sequences (LTRs) (##SUPPL##0##fig. S1##) at both 5′ and 3′ ends. Moreover 89% of the intervening segment consists of interspersed repeats such as LINES, SINEs and LTRs, whereas the surrounding intergentic DNA contains just 41% (Class B) and 49% (<italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic>). It is therefore likely that the non-homologous segment of intervening DNA between <italic>Mup1</italic> and <italic>Mup2</italic> has a more recent origin than the rest of the intergenic region. This means that, when considered together with the phylogeny of the Mup cDNA sequences (##FIG##4##fig. 5##), Class A <italic>Mups</italic> are the ancestral genes and the canonical Class B <italic>Mup</italic> genes were generated from an inverted duplication of the ancestral <italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic> pair in the mouse lineage. The <italic>Mup2</italic> duplication resulted in a coding gene while the <italic>Mup1</italic> duplication pseudogenized. This gene/pseudogene pair then duplicated a number of times to form the Class B tandem array (##FIG##0##fig. 1##).</p>", "<title>Mup Gene Expression</title>", "<p>The regulatory mechanisms that modulate the variable expression of Mups have not been identified; however identification of the genomic sequences that underlie expression in each strain is a first step towards elucidating regulation. We and others have identified specific Mup protein sequences excreted in the urine of inbred mice by a combination of western blot, isoelectric focusing, ion-exchange chromatography and electro-spray ionization mass spectrometry ##REF##18064011##[7]##, ##REF##8645216##[16]##, ##REF##18507838##[21]##. Minor differences of unclear significance have been previously observed, but our genomic analysis suggests that even single amino acid differences in protein sequences may reflect differences in gene expression, and thus have functional consequences. Therefore, to determine the genes that generate the transcriptional profile of <italic>Mup</italic> expression in the common mouse lab strain, C57BL/6J, we generated male liver and submaxillary gland cDNA before amplifying with <italic>Mup</italic>-specific PCR primers. We cloned and sequenced the resultant amplicons and compared them with the predicted gene sequences, previously published cDNA, and peptide sequences. We confirmed that male C57BL/6J mice express five distinct cDNA sequences in their liver, encoded by two Class A genes, <italic>Mup24</italic> and <italic>Mup25</italic>, and three Class B genes, <italic>Mup3</italic>, <italic>Mup8</italic> and <italic>Mup17</italic> (##FIG##0##fig. 1##). In addition to the male liver-expressed <italic>Mups</italic>, we can now identify the <italic>Mup</italic> genes expressed in C57BL/6J submaxillary glands: <italic>Mup1</italic> (previously reported as Mup IV), <italic>Mup18</italic> (previously reported as Mup V), <italic>Mup24</italic> and <italic>Mup26</italic> which are all members of the ancestral <italic>Mup</italic> gene subfamily, Class A. The only Class B gene product we identified from the submaxillary glands was <italic>Mup3</italic>.</p>", "<title>Independent Expansion of Rat Major Urinary Proteins</title>", "<p>The rat α<sub>2u</sub>-globulins are encoded by an estimated 20 genes clustered on chromosome 5, as determined by Southern blot and fluorescence <italic>in situ</italic> hybridization ##REF##6180115##[31]##, ##REF##10337619##[37]##. Like the mouse <italic>Mup</italic> genes, these rat genes are under multi-hormone regulation, are transcribed in the adult male liver and robustly expressed in urine, but are absent or barely detectable in the female and juvenile liver ##REF##4962427##[28]##, ##REF##73184##[38]##.</p>", "<p>We identified the rat orthologues of mouse <italic>Slc46a2</italic> and <italic>Zfp37</italic> in the RGSC 3.4 brown rat, <italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic> genome assembly and analyzed the intervening 1.1 Mb region for rat genes homologous to those found in the mouse genome. We identified 9 ORFs and an additional 13 presumptive pseudogenes (##FIG##5##fig. 6A##) corresponding to the α<sub>2u</sub>-globulins and therefore may be considered rat <italic>Mup</italic> genes. Surprisingly, and in contrast to the mouse <italic>Mup</italic> cluster, the rat genes and pseudogenes are all arranged in a head-to-tail orientation on the reverse strand, there are no associated potential hexapeptide-encoding ORFs and they do not assort into two clearly distinct classes based on sequence similarity or structural arrangement. The range of sequence divergence in the rat <italic>Mup</italic> genes is instead intermediate to the two mouse classes, being 91–98% identical at the cDNA level (##FIG##5##fig. 6B##). There is also evidence that the rat cluster expanded in an alternative pair-wise manner, specifically rat <italic>Mup9</italic> and <italic>Mup10</italic>, <italic>Mup12</italic> and <italic>Mup13</italic>, and <italic>Mup14-ps</italic> and <italic>Mup15</italic> show conserved blocks of identity.</p>", "<p>These differences may be explained by the <italic>Mup</italic> expansions having occurred at different periods during the evolutionary history of each lineage. We therefore carried out further analysis into whether the mouse and rat <italic>Mup</italic> gene repertoires expanded independently, after the rodent species diverged. In support of this, a phylogenetic reconstruction shows the mouse and rat predicted cDNAs segregate in distinct clades with strong bootstrap support (##FIG##4##fig. 5##). Rat and mouse-specific clades are also observed when a tree is reconstructed based only on synonymous substitutions (dS), which are considered to accumulate among gene lineages largely free from divergent selective pressures (##SUPPL##1##fig. S2##). Next we compared the relative dS accumulation within <italic>Mups</italic> of each species with a genome-wide estimate of divergence between mouse and rat. If the <italic>Mup</italic> repertoires were formed after the mouse/rat divergence, the dS accumulation would be expected to be less than 0.171, the calculated mean dS for orthologues formed by divergence ##REF##16109974##[39]##. For a conservative analysis we isolated the Class B from the recently formed Class A <italic>Mups</italic>, since high levels of gene conversion between paralogues result in artificially low rates of substitution (Class B dS = 0.0175, which is ten-fold lower than that seen in rat/mouse orthologues). However, even within the Class A and rat <italic>Mup</italic> paralogues, in which we find no evidence of recent gene conversion events, the dS values are lower than seen between rat/mouse orthologues (##TAB##0##Table 1##). These values are the mean for all paralogues, and are thus not reflective of the sequential nature of the duplication events. Therefore we also analyzed every pair-wise combination within Class A and found all had a dS&lt;0.171 (##FIG##5##fig. 6C##), which implies that the paralogues formed post-speciation. In addition, all pair-wise comparisons within Class A and Rat <italic>Mups</italic> have a lower relative rate of non-synonymous substitutions than synonymous substitutions (dN&lt;dS), which is consistent with a selective constraint acting on the genes (##FIG##5##fig. 6C##). Therefore, despite evidence for a conserved function, the inferred phylogeny, accumulation of synonymous substitutions and the differential organization of the <italic>Mup</italic> genomic loci all indicate that the mouse and rat gene lineages expanded independently, from one or a small number of ancestral <italic>Mup</italic> genes.</p>", "<title>Parallel Expansions of Non-Rodent Mup Clusters</title>", "<p>Our finding that the last common ancestor of rat and mouse had either a single or small number of <italic>Mups</italic>, led us to determine the extent of <italic>Mup</italic> gene expansions across non-rodent lineages. Of the sequenced genomes available, we were able to identify orthologues of the <italic>Slc46a2</italic> and <italic>Zfp37</italic> genes and contiguous genomic sequence spanning the interval between the genes in nine additional placental mammals. We found that dog, pig, baboon, chimpanzee, bush-baby and orangutan each have a single <italic>Mup</italic> gene, with no evidence of additional pseudogenes, while humans have one presumptive pseudogene (caused by a G&gt;A difference from the chimpanzee sequence that destroys a splice donor site). The <italic>Mup</italic> cluster in these species, as defined by the interval between neighboring genes, is 12–18 times smaller than mouse and 6–10 times smaller than rat, consistent with expansions in rodents (##TAB##1##Table 2##).</p>", "<p>Interestingly, two of the nine genomes did reveal further examples of lineage specific expansions. The horse (<italic>Equus caballus</italic>), has three <italic>Mup</italic> paralogues, arranged head-to-tail on the reverse strand of chromosome 25 (##TAB##1##Table 2##, ##FIG##4##fig. 5##). The product of one of these has been previously isolated from dander and sublingual salivary glands. It was identified as a major horse allergen (accession: U70823), and has been used to detect additional expression in submaxillary glands and liver ##REF##8955138##[40]##. We also found that the grey mouse lemur (<italic>Microcebus murinus</italic>) has at least two <italic>Mup</italic> gene paralogues and one presumptive pseudogene (##TAB##1##Table 2##, ##FIG##4##fig. 5##). These findings reinforce our conclusion that increasing genomic complexity of the <italic>Mup</italic> gene subfamily is not limited to rodents, but is instead a mechanism that has occurred multiple times in parallel in the mammalian lineage, consistent with a species-specific function.</p>", "<p>We were unable to conclusively characterize <italic>Mup</italic> genes in any other placental mammalian genomes, largely because of limited sequencing coverage. The current genome alignments from cow and cat were not extensive enough to permit the analysis of a contiguous sequence spanning the entire interval, but we found single <italic>Mups</italic> linked to one of the adjacent genes. We also studied high coverage non-mammalian vertebrate genomes, including zebrafish, fugu and chicken, and found that the conserved syntenic block linking <italic>Mups</italic> with neighboring genes in placental mammals was disrupted. There is an independent expansion of 6 <italic>Mup</italic>-like genes in the marsupial opossum, <italic>Monodelphis domestica</italic>, yet because no conclusive syntenic relationship could be established and the sequences are sufficiently divergent from placental Mups, it remains possible that these are orthologous with another lipocalin subfamily ##REF##18064011##[7]##.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<title>Mouse Mup Cluster</title>", "<p>Our manual annotation of the <italic>Mup</italic> cluster in the NCBI m37 C57BL/6J mouse genome assembly identified 21 genes and 21 peudogenes, two more than a recent similar analysis that used a less complete assembly ##REF##18507838##[21]##. The additional genes reported here are <italic>Mup10</italic> and <italic>Mup13</italic>, both among the highly similar Class B <italic>Mups</italic>, and their associated pseudogenes. The current genome sequencing in the Class B region, while extensive, remains incomplete with three gaps found in the assembly (##FIG##0##fig. 1##). Given the highly repetitive nature of the Class B genes, we considered that these gaps may contain additional coding genes. The mean intergenic distance between each Class B coding gene is 77.2 Kb (+/− 2.9 SEM) and the gaps, of unknown sizes, are 60.5 Kb, 40.2 Kb and 6.2 Kb from the nearest adjacent genes. Indeed, we identified an additional unpaired pseudogene (<italic>Mup10a –ps</italic>) adjacent to one of these gaps, suggesting that at least one additional coding gene may be in the gap between <italic>Mup10</italic> and <italic>Mup11</italic>. Therefore, while we are confident the repertoire of Class A <italic>Mups</italic> is complete; there may be additional intervening Class B <italic>Mup</italic> genes and pseudogenes.</p>", "<title>Class B Structure and Function</title>", "<p>The characterization of the <italic>Mup</italic> gene repertoire into two phylogenetically distinct subclasses, one older and one more recent, allowed us to determine the origin of the more recent expansion. We found that the Class A gene pair <italic>Mup1</italic> and <italic>Mup2</italic> provided the inverted template for the Class B genes and pseudogenes respectively. Murine endogenous retrovirus elements (ERV) are found localized with the Class B inverted duplication break points, and it has been proposed that recombination between nearby elements is the mechanism of duplication ##REF##18507838##[21]##. We have found ERV elements between and around the <italic>Mup1</italic> and <italic>Mup2</italic> genes, as would be expected if the Class B array originated from the inverted Class A pair through non-allelic homologous recombination. The multiple gene conversion events that likely took place during the evolution of the extremely repetitive mouse Class B array ##REF##3004936##[12]##, ##REF##18507838##[21]## precludes an accurate estimation of the sequence by which the cluster expanded. However our findings imply that the full repertoire of Class B pseudogenes formed from an early pseudonization event, followed by duplication and gene conversion.</p>", "<p>Others have proposed that these truncated, pseudogenized, <italic>Mup</italic> sequences may actually encode functional hexapeptides ##REF##3004935##[14]##. Non-synonymous/synonymous substitution analysis to determine whether the hexapeptide sequences were under selection proved inconclusive (not shown), because it was confounded by the short length of the hexapeptide-encoding DNA and the highly conserved nature of the sequences as a consequence of gene conversion. Having defined the repertoire of pseudogenes in the <italic>Mup</italic> cluster, we are now however able to evaluate the scope for the hexapeptide-encoding DNA to function as a family of pheromones. We found that their presence was limited to mice among the species we studied, and that their coding variation is extremely limited, providing at maximum three distinct signals. Experimental data has failed to find stable expression of hexapeptide mRNA in Mup-expressing tissues and no hexapeptides have been identified in urine ##REF##3600653##[17]##.</p>", "<title>Mup Expansions Occurred in Species Specific Lineages</title>", "<p>The phylogenetic reconstruction of the mouse and rat <italic>Mup</italic> gene clusters suggests independent expansion in each species (##FIG##4##fig. 5##, ##SUPPL##1##S2##). While multiple gene conversion events can also result in the misleading appearance of a species-specific expansion, the more divergent Class A <italic>Mups</italic> form a distinct clade from the rat <italic>Mups</italic> and we find no evidence of gene conversion events in this class. Additionally, both mouse and rat <italic>Mup</italic> paralogues show lower rates of neutral substitution than would be expected between mouse/rat orthologues. Finally, others have observed fragments of a zinc-finger pseudogene repeated throughout the rat cluster ##REF##15060000##[41]##. These fragments appear to have duplicated in concert with the rat <italic>Mups</italic>, but are missing entirely in the mouse cluster. Taken together, and considered with the characteristic differences in the structure of the gene cluster in mouse and rat, these data strongly support parallel expansions in rodents. Moreover, our finding that similar, albeit more limited, <italic>Mup</italic> gene duplications have occurred in at least two more disparate mammalian lineages demonstrates the proclivity of <italic>Mup</italic> gene expansion in mammals.</p>", "<p>Independent, post-speciation expansion is a characteristic found in other gene families involved in pheromone communication. The <italic>androgen-binding protein</italic> (<italic>Abp</italic>) gene family, which has been proposed to be a source of genetically encoded pheromones, has strikingly similar characteristics to that of <italic>Mups</italic>. They have undergone a large lineage-specific expansion in mouse since the divergence from rat, are arrayed in a cluster, and show parallel expansions in some additional mammalian species, but not others ##REF##15256509##[42]##–##REF##18269759##[44]##. Both the V1R and V2R putative pheromone receptor gene families have been shown to have undergone lineage-specific expansions in mouse and rat ##REF##15060001##[45]##–##REF##16024217##[47]##. Intriguingly, mouse and rat Mups specifically activate V2R expressing VNO neurons in their respective species, raising the possibility that <italic>Mup</italic> and V2R families co-evolved under species-specific positive selection ##REF##18064011##[7]##, ##REF##9988702##[34]##.</p>", "<title>Heterozygosity as Another Mechanism of Coding Diversity</title>", "<p>The presence of a single protein in many species may appear to preclude a role in species-specific function due to a limitation in the amount of information that can be coded. Contrary to this, the single pig <italic>Mup</italic> gene encodes a salivary lipocalin (SAL, accession: NM_213814) that is dimorphically expressed in male submaxillary glands and binds known pig sex pheromones ##UREF##1##[48]##, ##REF##9546674##[49]##. Whether the protein itself has species-specific bioactivity is unknown, but interestingly two isoforms of SAL protein was isolated from a single male pig. The isoforms differ by 3 amino acids, and therefore may reflect heterozygosity, with significant genetic variation, at the single <italic>Mup</italic> gene. This also likely occurs in other species. For example, the previously reported horse Mup protein sequences are highly similar but not identical to those encoded in the sequenced horse genome ##REF##8955138##[40]##, and there are significantly more mouse Mup proteins identified than is predicted in the mouse C57BL/6J genome, suggesting extensive heterozygosity in the wild mouse population ##REF##8645216##[16]##, ##REF##12546672##[24]##, ##REF##9161047##[25]##, ##REF##12199505##[50]##.</p>", "<p>This additional level of variation may be maintained by balancing selection, thereby maximizing the coding potential of the <italic>Mup</italic> genes two-fold within any individual and permitting even single <italic>Mup</italic> genes to provide limited species-specific information. Diversity enhancing selection has been documented in other gene families, including those encoding hemoglobin and the major histocompatibility complex ##REF##14635837##[51]##, ##REF##17660536##[52]##. Moreover, as chemosignals, Mups have been shown to influence social behavior on direct detection ##REF##18064011##[7]##, ##UREF##0##[8]##, ##REF##7473215##[10]##. Therefore, an increase in coding potential could provide a distinct heterozygote advantage in successful mate choice or kin recognition ##REF##17997307##[53]##, ##REF##18424142##[54]##, both factors that would select for the maintenance of <italic>Mup</italic> heterozygosity in outbred populations.</p>", "<title>Ethological Role of Mups in Rodents</title>", "<p>The ongoing sequencing of a number of rodent genomes will eventually provide further insight into the extent of <italic>Mup</italic> gene expansions in rodents. The species-specific behaviors that Mups have a role in, such as inter-male aggression and inbreeding avoidance, are not unique to rats and mice ##REF##4736143##[55]##–##REF##17145068##[57]##. Therefore it will prove informative to determine whether <italic>Mup</italic> diversity is a common feature in rodent genomes, or whether the expansion seen in mouse and rat is anomalous.</p>", "<p>Interestingly, males from other <italic>Mus</italic> species, including <italic>Mus macedonius</italic> and <italic>Mus spretus</italic>, appear to express either one or small number of Mups in their urine and these are largely invariant between individuals ##REF##17268823##[58]##. These mouse species live sympatrically with <italic>Mus musculus domesticus</italic> but their ecological niche is largely independent of humans and thus they have much lower population densities than the domestic mouse species. It has been suggested that <italic>Mup</italic> expansion occurred specifically in rodent species that live in densely populated, spatially overlapping social groups in close proximity to humans ##UREF##2##[59]##. This environment, common to both domestic mice and brown rats, requires a robust mechanism for species-specific social behavior. Further genome sequencing will enable us to determine whether these differences are reflected in a smaller <italic>Mup</italic> gene repertoire in <italic>Mus macedonius</italic> and <italic>Mus spretus</italic>, or simply due to a reduction in gene expression.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: DWL TFM LS. Performed the experiments: DWL TFM. Analyzed the data: DWL LS. Wrote the paper: DWL LS.</p>", "<p>Species-specific chemosignals, pheromones, regulate social behaviors such as aggression, mating, pup-suckling, territory establishment, and dominance. The identity of these cues remains mostly undetermined and few mammalian pheromones have been identified. Genetically-encoded pheromones are expected to exhibit several different mechanisms for coding 1) diversity, to enable the signaling of multiple behaviors, 2) dynamic regulation, to indicate age and dominance, and 3) species-specificity. Recently, the major urinary proteins (Mups) have been shown to function themselves as genetically-encoded pheromones to regulate species-specific behavior. Mups are multiple highly related proteins expressed in combinatorial patterns that differ between individuals, gender, and age; which are sufficient to fulfill the first two criteria. We have now characterized and fully annotated the mouse <italic>Mup</italic> gene content in detail. This has enabled us to further analyze the extent of Mup coding diversity and determine their potential to encode species-specific cues.</p>", "<p>Our results show that the mouse <italic>Mup</italic> gene cluster is composed of two subgroups: an older, more divergent class of genes and pseudogenes, and a second class with high sequence identity formed by recent sequential duplications of a single gene/pseudogene pair. Previous work suggests that truncated <italic>Mup</italic> pseudogenes may encode a family of functional hexapeptides with the potential for pheromone activity. Sequence comparison, however, reveals that they have limited coding potential. Similar analyses of nine other completed genomes find <italic>Mup</italic> gene expansions in divergent lineages, including those of rat, horse and grey mouse lemur, occurring independently from a single ancestral <italic>Mup</italic> present in other placental mammals. Our findings illustrate that increasing genomic complexity of the <italic>Mup</italic> gene family is not evolutionarily isolated, but is instead a recurring mechanism of generating coding diversity consistent with a species-specific function in mammals.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>We thank Fabio Papes and Rachel Larder for discussions and critical reading of the manuscript and Kathleen Colby for cloning the expressed Class A <italic>Mups</italic> from the C57BL/6J strain.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003280-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003280.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>The mouse <italic>Mup</italic> gene cluster.</title><p>Black arrows indicate direction of coding genes, numbered beneath, in the mouse genome. White arrows indicate direction of pseudogenes. Gaps in the genome are indicated by black triangles. The genes are arranged in two classes based on phylogeny, Class A in open brackets and Class B shaded grey. Genes expressed in male C57BL/6J liver and submaxillary glands indicated by black arrows, by RNA expression analysis.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003280-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003280.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Homology within mouse Mup classes.</title><p>A) Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of Class A Mups with the predicted secondary protein structure, shaded to indicate areas of least (dark) and most (light) variation within the sub-family. The arrow indicates the cleaved signal peptide, a rectangle indicates a β-sheet and an oval indicates a α-helix. B) Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences of Class B Mups with the predicted secondary protein structure.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003280-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003280.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Mouse Class B <italic>Mup</italic> pseudogenes show limited coding potential.</title><p>A) Alignment of the signal peptide plus hexapeptide sequences predicted by the mouse Class B pseudogenes. Stop codons (*) and gaps (-) are shown. The pseudogenes potentially encoding three distinct hexapeptide sequences are indicated by color. Three sequences (in white) have a disrupted hexapeptide sequence.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003280-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003280.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Class B <italic>Mups</italic> evolved from an inverted duplication of the <italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic> gene pair.</title><p>Harr plot analyses of gene pairs using a sliding window of 9bp (A, B) and 11bp (C, D) with no mismatch. In all cases, the arrows represent genes (black) and pseudogenes (white) and are scaled to represent the distance between the ATG initiation codon and TGA termination codon. A) Analysis of the Class A <italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic> gene pair comparing 40 Kb of DNA in each direction from the midpoint between the genes. B) Analysis of the Class B <italic>Mup17</italic>, <italic>Mup17-ps</italic> gene/pseudogene pair comparing 30 Kb of DNA in each direction from the midpoint between the genes. C) Analysis of the Class A <italic>Mup1</italic>, <italic>Mup2</italic> gene pair with the Class B <italic>Mup17</italic>, <italic>Mup17-ps</italic> gene/pseudogene pair comparing 80 and 52 Kb of DNA respectively, spanning the gene pairs. D) As in C, except the comparison is inverted. This is the only comparison that shows homology (shaded) across all Class B genes and pseudogenes in addition to the entire intergenic spans (dashed lines).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003280-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003280.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>Phylogeny of Mup coding sequences in mammals.</title><p>The predicted cDNA sequences were generated from open reading frames and aligned. The repeatability was tested by bootstrapping using 1000 replicates and a random seed. Interior branches with bootstrap support &gt;50% are shown. The tree is rooted with a Mup-like cDNA previously reported in opossum ##REF##18064011##[7]##.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003280-g006\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003280.g006</object-id><label>Figure 6</label><caption><title>The rat <italic>Mup</italic> gene cluster differs in structure and divergence from the mouse.</title><p>A) Black arrows indicate direction of coding genes, numbered beneath, in the rat <italic>Mup</italic> cluster. White arrows indicate direction of pseudogenes. Gaps in the genome alignment are indicated by black triangles. B) Cumulative fraction plot showing sequence variation within mouse Class A, Class B and rat Mup cDNA sequences. Each group differs significantly from the others (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, P&lt;1.3×10<sup>−8</sup>). C) Pair-wise synonymous substitution rates (dS) between mouse Class A (blue), Class B (red) and rat (green) Mup paralogues are all less than 0.171 (dot/dashed line), the calculated mean for mouse/rat orthologues ##REF##16109974##[39]##. When plotted against the non-synonymous substitution rates (dN), the Class A and rat Mups are beneath the line where dN = dS (dashed), indicating dN&lt;dS for all pair-wise combinations of paralogues.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003280-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003280.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Non-synonymous (dN) and synonymous (dS) substitution rates for all mouse Class A, Class B and rat <italic>Mup</italic> paralogues.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Genes</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>dN</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>dS</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>dN/dS</italic>\n</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Mouse Class A</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.103</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.133</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.769</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Mouse Class B</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.006</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.018</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.333</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Rat</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.049</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.098</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.498</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003280-t002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003280.t002</object-id><label>Table 2</label><caption><title>The <italic>Mup</italic> gene cluster expanded at least four times in the mammalian lineage.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Binomial Name</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Common Name</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Chromo-some</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Interval (Kb)<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">a</xref>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Genes</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Pseudo-genes</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Total</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Mus musculus</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Mouse</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1922</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">42</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Rattus norvegicus</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Rat</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1068</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">22</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Equus caballus</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Horse</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">25</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">227</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Microcebus murinus</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Lemur</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">unassigned</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">120</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Pongo pygmaeus</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Orangutan</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">161</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Pan troglodytes</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Chimp</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Canis familiaris</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Dog</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">136</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Sus scrofa</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Pig</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">133</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Otolemur garnettii</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Bush baby</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">unassigned</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">112</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Macaca mulatta</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Macaque</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">110</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>Homo sapiens</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Human</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">151</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003280.s001\"><label>Figure S1</label><caption><p>Detail of homology between Mup1, Mup2 and Class B pairs. The intergenic region between mouse Mup1 and Mup2 (top, black arrows) is homologous with the intergenic regions between Class B pseudogenes (bottom, white arrow) and genes (black arrow). A large break in the homology in the Mup1, Mup2 intergenic region (red) is likely due to a more recent endogenous retroviral mediated insertion, as ERV long terminal repeats are found across the homology break points (green).</p><p>(0.21 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003280.s002\"><label>Figure S2</label><caption><p>Analysis of synonymous sequence divergence between mouse and rat Mups. An unrooted tree reconstructed from a codon-based likelihood analysis of synonymous substitutions between mouse Class A (blue), Class B (red) and rat (green) coding sequences. Branch lengths are in units of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site.</p><p>(0.26 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><label>a</label><p>The interval encompassing the <italic>Mup</italic> gene locus is defined here by the distance in Kb between the neighboring genes, <italic>Slc46a2</italic> and <italic>Zfp3</italic>.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>This work was supported by NIDCD, Pew Charitable Trusts, Skaggs Institute, and The Helen L. Dorris Institute for the Study of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders of Children and Adolescents. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.g005\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.g006\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003280-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.t001\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003280-t002-2\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.t002\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.s001.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003280.s002.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"label": ["8"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Marchlewska-Koj", "Cavaggioni", "Mucignat-Caretta", "Olejnicz"], "given-names": ["A", "A", "C", "P"], "year": ["2000"], "article-title": ["Stimulation of estrus in female mice by male urinary proteins."], "source": ["J Chem Ecol"], "volume": ["26"], "fpage": ["2355"], "lpage": ["2365"]}, {"label": ["48"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Loebel", "Scaloni", "Paolini", "Fini", "Ferrara"], "given-names": ["D", "A", "S", "C", "L"], "year": ["2000"], "article-title": ["Cloning, post-translational modifications, heterologous expression and ligand-binding of boar salivary lipocalin."], "source": ["Biochem J 350 Pt"], "volume": ["2"], "fpage": ["369"], "lpage": ["379"]}, {"label": ["59"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Beynon", "Hurst", "Turton", "Robertson", "Armstrong", "Hurst", "Beynon", "Roberts", "Wyatt"], "given-names": ["RJ", "JL", "MJ", "DHL", "SD", "JL", "RJ", "SC", "T"], "year": ["2008"], "article-title": ["Urinary lipocalins in Rodenta: Is there a generic model."], "source": ["Chemical Signals in Vertebrates"], "publisher-loc": ["New York"], "publisher-name": ["Springer"], "fpage": ["37"], "lpage": ["50"]}]
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2022-01-13 07:14:35
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 25; 3(9):e3280
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>A wide range of studies in mammals have provided support for a model in which reward is signaled in the brain by increased activity of dopaminergic neurons in VTA, and subsequent phasic dopamine release into forebrain areas ##REF##10611493##[1]##–##REF##17376009##[3]##. In mammals, the same circuits can be activated by addictive drugs, which can cause long-lasting changes in function that can disrupt motivated behavior, including social behavior ##REF##11978804##[4]##–##REF##17070107##[7]##. One critical alteration after drug use is enhancement of synaptic transmission onto midbrain VTA dopaminergic neurons ##REF##11385572##[8]##–##REF##12597856##[10]##. We tested here whether the same synaptic plasticity can also be caused by a natural social situation, courtship singing of male songbirds.</p>", "<p>A series of previous studies have provided evidence that courtship singing by male songbirds is associated with activation of brain areas likely involved in processing reward signals. In the most frequently studied species, the zebra finch, males produce ‘directed’ song during courtship of a female finch. Males also produce a similar ‘undirected’ song when not in the presence of another bird. These song types can be distinguished by subtle differences – the tempo of a male's directed songs is typically slightly faster than that of his undirected songs, and details of fine acoustic structure are more variable from song to song during undirected singing ##UREF##2##[11]##–##REF##15826219##[13]##. Such differences are important to a singer's critical audience, female zebra finches, who prefer to approach directed songs ##REF##18351801##[14]##. The distinct features of undirected songs appear driven by a higher and more variable level of activity in the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the nidopallium (LMAN), which projects to the premotor robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA; ##REF##9808464##[15]##–##REF##10575043##[17]##; ##FIG##0##Fig. 1A##). Inactivation ##REF##15826219##[13]## or lesions ##REF##16723412##[18]## of LMAN immediately reduce the variability of song output, causing all songs to become more similar to “directed” songs. Recent studies have suggested that modulation of neural activity in LMAN, and the interconnected striatal nucleus Area X, may be in part due to higher levels of dopamine release in Area X during directed singing. When males sing to attract a female, but not when they sing while alone, the level of neural activity and the level of activity-dependent gene expression in a major dopaminergic input, VTA, is selectively modulated ##REF##17229110##[19]##–##REF##17553009##[20]##, and higher levels of dopamine can be measured in Area X ##UREF##3##[21]## (##FIG##0##Fig. 1##). In summary, these studies support a model in which singing-related neural activity in the anterior forebrain pathway (##FIG##0##Fig. 1##; striatal Area X -&gt; dorsal lateral nucleus of the medial thalamus (DLM) -&gt; pallial LMAN) is specifically modulated by dopaminergic input from VTA during directed courtship singing, which reduces the variability of the output of the system to the motor pathway at RA, and biases song output to the higher stereotypy typical of courtship.</p>", "<p>However, a critical aspect of this model, that VTA dopaminergic neurons projecting to Area X are more active during directed than undirected singing, has not yet been definitively demonstrated. The physiological study could not confirm the identity of VTA neurons that were active during directed singing, and thus many or all could have been non-dopaminergic neurons ##REF##17553009##[20]##. Further, it was not demonstrated that VTA was the source of higher levels of dopamine detected in Area X during directed singing ##UREF##3##[21]##.</p>", "<p>Here we have taken a new approach to monitor the level of activation of VTA dopaminergic neurons during courtship. In mammals, injection of addictive drugs that increase the firing rate of dopaminergic neurons results in a potentiation of synaptic inputs onto them ##REF##11385572##[8]##–##REF##12597856##[10]##. Thus, we hypothesized that if songbird VTA dopaminergic neurons are more active during directed than undirected singing, there may be a similar relative potentiation after directed compared to undirected singing. The relative level of glutamatergic transmission, as assayed by the ratio of AMPA to NMDA receptor mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs), was consistently higher after males had sung during a one hour period to females than after they sang while alone. We further found that a similar potentiation of transmission occurred in males who were exposed to female birds for one hour, but did not sing. As in mammals after drug injections, potentiation was restricted only to dopaminergic projection neurons, and appeared to be expressed as a postsynaptic enhancement of synaptic responses rather than enhanced presynaptic transmitter release. This system should be especially useful for characterizing interactions of rewarding affiliative behaviors with brain reward pathways.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Subjects</title>", "<p>Forty-one adult male zebra finches (&gt;90 days old), either born in our breeding colony, donated by H. Sakaguchi (Dokkyo University), or purchased locally, were used. All experimental procedures were in accord with RIKEN BSI guidelines and were approved by the RIKEN Animal Experiments Committee.</p>", "<title>Behavioral groups and analysis</title>", "<p>Prior to experiments, all birds were housed for at least two months in communal cages containing other males, in a room with about one hundred caged birds. Females were visible at a distance of about 1 meter, and thus should not have been a target of directed singing by experimental male birds. Birds were assigned to one of four behavioral conditions. Control birds were removed from the communal room and immediately sacrificed for slice preparation. The immediately prior singing behavior of these individuals was not monitored. Groups U: undirected singing, FD: female directed; and FNS: exposure to female without singing, were removed from the communal room and housed in small cages (22×28×32 cm) in a sound attenuation chamber (60×50×50 cm), alone or in the presence of other caged males. Two to three weeks later, birds were first moved to an individual housing cage for at least one day in isolation (range 1–5, mean 3.7 days), and the next day moved to the experimental chamber the day before the recording session began. For the U group, birds remained alone, and singing behavior was recorded for a period of 45 minutes. For the FD group, a cage containing 2 female birds was placed next to the male in the recording chamber, in order to induce the male to produce directed courtship song. Females were intermittently visible and occluded by a curtain in order to minimize habituation and maintain high levels of singing. Males in this group were in visual contact with females for approximately 15 - 25 minutes. Birds in mifepristone FD and FNS groups were injected subcutaneously with 50 µl drug (10 mg/ml in dH<sub>2</sub>O, Sigma) 15 minutes before the behavioral experiment was performed as above. This dosage is similar to that previously used in mammalian ##REF##12597856##[10]## and avian studies ##REF##14638841##[50]## to block stress responses. Birds in FD groups were monitored on video to ensure that their singing was targeted to the female bird. Birds in FNS group were placed next to a female as above, and either did not sing spontaneously or were actively prevented from singing by disrupting them before they began to sing. Singing was recorded online and analyzed using Avisoft-Recorder (Berlin, Germany). Zebra finch song consists of a variable number of repeated song “motifs” – stereotyped sequences of discrete vocal elements lasting up to about one second ##UREF##5##[36]##. In order to quantify singing level, we counted the number of song motifs each bird produced in the recording session. For all singing groups, only birds who sang more than 45 motifs in the 45 minute session were used. (FD birds sang an average of 155.9±55, U birds = 163.4±18, and FD+mifepristone = 173±73 motifs).</p>", "<p>Additional birds for which only behavioral analysis was performed were treated in two conditions before singing measurement. In the isolation condition, males were placed in an individual cage in a sound isolation chamber with no other birds. After 5–6 days, birds were transferred to the sound recording chamber. In the social condition, males were placed in an individual cage in a sound chamber with no other birds, and a cage containing females was placed inside the chamber for about one hour daily for 6 days, after which the male was transferred to the sound recording chamber. The next day, after at least 15 minutes of undirected singing was recorded, females were presented to the male for 50 min to elicit directed singing. During this period, a cage containing two female finches was placed inside the chamber next to the male and removed from the chamber at about 5 minute intervals. During female presentation, directed singing behavior was confirmed by video observation. When females were not present, males occasionally sang undirected song. In order to quantify singing tempo, the duration of motifs was measured by a sound amplitude level threshold-crossing routine. Motifs whose beginning or end were obscured by female vocalizations were not used. Statistical comparisons between durations of motifs in different singing periods were typically made with a Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test (SigmaStat).</p>", "<title>Slice preparation</title>", "<p>Birds were deeply anesthesetized by isoflurane inhalation and decapitated. The brain was removed and then mounted in a 2.5% agarose gel (Low Gelling Temperature; Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Japan) prepared with Tyrode's solution (in mM: 134 NaCl, 3 KCl, 10 HEPES, 4 NaOH, 2 CaCl<sub>2</sub>, 1 MgCl<sub>2</sub>). Slices were made in ice-cold artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) containing (in mM) 85 NaCl, 75 Sucrose, 2.5 KCl, 1.25 NaH<sub>2</sub>PO4, 4 MgSO<sub>4</sub>, 0.5 CaCl<sub>2</sub>, 25 NaHCO<sub>3</sub>, and 25 Glucose. Coronal slices (250 µm) were cut with a vibrating slicer (Leica VT1000S, Nussloch, Germany), incubated in an interface chamber for at least 1 hour in the slicing solution at room temperature (22–24°C), and then transferred into the recording chamber. During recording, ACSF contained (in mM) 119 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 1 NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>, 1.3 MgSO<sub>4</sub>. 2.5 CaCl<sub>2</sub>, 26.2 NaHCO<sub>3</sub>, 11 Glucose, bubbled with 95% O2 / 5% CO2.</p>", "<title>Electrophysiology</title>", "<p>Whole cell recordings of neurons in VTA were made under visual control by infrared-differential contrast video microscopy (Olympus BX-51WI, Tokyo, Japan). All recordings were performed at room temperature with an Axopatch 200B amplifier (Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA, USA), from about 2–7 hours after slice preparation. For recording AMPA and NMDA mediated EPSCs, the pipette was filled with a solution containing (in mM) 120 CsCH<sub>3</sub>SO<sub>3</sub>, 20 HEPES, 0.4 EGTA, 2.8 NaCl, 5 TEA-Cl, 2 MgCl<sub>2</sub>, 2.5 MgATP and 0.3 GTP, pH∼7.2 (with CsOH) and osmolarity 290–300 mOsm. Synaptic responses were elicited by a concentric bipolar electrodes (impedance ∼200 kOhm, FHC, Brunswick, ME, USA) controlled by a MASTER-8 stimulator (2–4 mA , A.M.P.I., Jerusalem, Israel) which was positioned approximately 150 µm rostral to the recording electrode. (-)-Bicuculline methobromide (BMI, 10 µM, Tocris, Bristol, UK) was present in the perfusion solution to eliminate GABA<sub>A</sub> receptor-mediated IPSCs. The amplitude of AMPA to NMDA receptor mediated EPSCs were obtained from neurons voltage-clamped at +40mV. After recording a stable EPSC for 5 minutes, the AMPA-receptor mediated EPSC was isolated by bath application of 50 µM D-APV for 5–10 minutes. Digital subtraction of AMPA-receptor EPSC from the total EPSC represented NMDA-receptor EPSC. Data were quantified by measuring the peak amplitude of average of 15–20 EPSCs for each type of EPSC response. For paired-pulse experiments, pairs of stimuli were given at intervals of 20, 50, and 100 msec, with intertrial intervals of 10 sec, and recordings were made at a holding potential of −70 mV. Averages of 10 trials were made for quantification. Data acquisition and analysis were performed using a digitizer (DigiData 1322A, Axon Instruments) and the analysis software pClamp 9 (Axon Instruments) Origin Pro (OriginLab Co.), and MATLAB (Mathworks). Statistical comparisons were made with SigmaStat (Systat Software).</p>", "<title>Anatomical analysis</title>", "<p>For post-recording identification of neuron type, cells were filled by including the fluorescent dye Alexa 568 in the recording pipette (0.1 mM, carboxylic acid, succinimidyl ester mixed isomers: fluoro-ruby, Molecular Probes). After recording, each slice was fixed by immersion in 4 % paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB) for 12–24 hr at 4°C. For TH immunostaining, slices were incubated with 10% normal goat serum and 0.5% Triton-X in 0.1M PBS for 30 minutes, and subsequently with a mouse anti-TH monoclonal antibody (1:1000; Chemicon, Temecula, CA), 1% goat serum, and 0.5% Triton-X in 0.1M PBS overnight at 4°C. After that, slices were washed by 0.1M PBS three times for 10 minutes, then incubated with Alexa 488 (1:1000; Molecular Probes) goat anti-mouse secondary antibody at room temperature for 2 hours and followed by another set of washes. Images were obtained by Olympus BX60 microscope and contrast was adjusted with Slidebook 4.1 imaging software.</p>", "<p>For identification of presumptive dopaminergic neurons ##REF##17553009##[20]##, ##REF##16870835##[22]## during the recording session, retrograde tracer was injected into Area X before experiments. Birds were positioned in a stereotaxic frame under isoflurane anesthesia, and 1 µl of tracer (10% dextran, tetramethylrhodamine dissolved in deionized water; Molecular Probes) was injected bilaterally targeted at Area X: 5.1 mm anterior and 1.7 mm lateral to the divergence of the central sinus at the border of the forebrain and cerebellum, 3 mm below the brain surface. After recovery, birds were returned to their cage for 6 to 9 days before a behavioral experiment. During slice preparation, slices were quickly moved to a dark holding chamber where they were kept to reduce bleaching of signal. Fluorescent signal was detected with a cooled CCD camera (Hamamatsu ORCA-ER, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan) and AquaCosmos 2.6 software. Patching onto and recording from filled projection neurons was visually guided by alternating the camera's signal between fluorescent and infrared-differential interference contrast (IR-DIC) modes. Accurate tracer injection into Area X was confirmed by examining anterior brain sections containing Area X (40 uM; 10/12 birds; e.g., see ##FIG##0##Figure 1B##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<p>In all experiments, we recorded synaptic currents of identified neurons in VTA, after male birds had experienced one of four specific social conditions. As in mammals, the VTA of birds contains both dopaminergic projection neurons and non-dopaminergic neurons ##REF##16870835##[22]##. These classes are clearly distinguishable by the restriction to dopaminergic neurons of the catecholamine synthetic enzyme, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; ##FIG##0##Figure 1B##). In order to identify the type of neuron we recorded, dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic neurons were distinguished after recordings by immunohistochemical staining for TH, or VTA projection neurons were identified during the experiment by the presence of a fluorescent tracer injected earlier into a target nucleus, Area X (##FIG##0##Figure 1A##). As several previous studies found that such retrogradely labeled neurons in VTA had little or no overlap with physiologically ##REF##16870835##[22]## or immunohistochemically ##REF##17553009##[20]## identified non-dopaminergic neurons, we will refer to them here as presumptively dopaminergic. By these two methods, we monitored synaptic transmission onto 70 identified VTA neurons from 41 birds (52 identified by post-recording immunohistochemical staining, and 18 presumptively dopaminergic projection neurons identified by visual confirmation of retrograde tracer; see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref> for details).</p>", "<p>The strength of glutamatergic synaptic transmission is largely dependent on the number of fast, AMPA-receptor channels at the synapse. A common assay to quantify the strength of individual synapses is the ratio of the AMPA-mediated EPSC to the slow NMDA-mediated EPSC. Although this assay only quantifies the relative synaptic strength at the time slices are prepared, it may be used to make inferences about the past history of a synapse. Potentiation of synaptic transmission is often mediated by a enhanced function of AMPA receptor mediated transmission relative to NMDA receptor mediated transmission ##REF##7760933##[23]##–##REF##7646894##[24]##. Thus, transmission at synapses with a high AMPA/NMDA EPSC ratio may have been potentiated recently. In our experiments, we used this assay to quantify the strength of glutamatergic transmission onto VTA neurons after male birds had experienced one of three distinct behavioral conditions in the previous hour. We stimulated afferents rostral to VTA, and thus likely activated inputs from a range of forebrain areas, including the ventral pallidum ##REF##17714194##[25]##–##UREF##4##[27]##.</p>", "<p>In ##FIG##1##Figure 2A##, we present representative results of AMPA and NMDA receptor mediated EPSCs recorded from males who had experienced one of three behavioral conditions in the previous hour - singing while alone, singing to a female bird, or being in the presence of a female bird while not singing (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref> for details of behavioral conditions). In each plot, the average synaptic current mediated by fast AMPA and slow NMDA glutamate receptors is shown. The AMPA receptor mediated EPSC was revealed by recording after application of the NMDA selective antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV), and could be blocked by the application of the AMPA selective antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX; ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##, similar results were seen in 5 recordings from 5 birds).</p>", "<p>For these representative experiments, the ratio of the amplitude of AMPA to NMDA receptor mediated EPSCs was higher after a male had sung to a female bird (middle panel, AMPA / NMDA = 1.10) than after a male had sung while alone (left panel, AMPA / NMDA = 0.66; ##FIG##1##Figure 2A##). In order to further characterize the social stimuli necessary for this potentiation, we also examined synaptic function in male birds who were exposed to a female but were actively prevented from singing (one bird did not require external disruption to prevent singing). This situation also caused a relative enhancement of AMPA receptor mediated EPSC (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##; AMPA / NMDA = 1.02).</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##1##Figure 2B## presents a summary of results for all experiments. For dopaminergic neurons the AMPA/NMDA ratio was consistently increased after males were exposed to females, and either sang (female directed singing, FD) or didn't sing (female exposure with no singing, FNS), relative to males not exposed to females (control and undirected singing groups; ##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, p&lt;0.001, 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), both female groups pairwise higher than control or undirected groups; p&lt;0.01, Holm-Sidak multiple comparisons). In contrast, there was no alteration of synaptic transmission onto non-dopaminergic neurons after any behavioral context (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, ##FIG##0##1##-way ANOVA, p = 0.86, non-dopaminergic neurons were not sampled in the female exposed non-singing group, FNS). Perhaps consistent with the lack of difference in level of potentiation between female-exposed singing and non-singing groups, there was no clear relationship in any singing group between the total amount of singing and the AMPA/NMDA ratio (p = 0.19 to 0.88, linear regression).</p>", "<p>In mammals, glutamatergic input to dopaminergic neurons can be potentiated after an acutely stressful situation ##REF##12597856##[10]##. In our experiments it seemed possible that the potentiation following exposure to a female without singing could have had a similar cause. The first interaction with a nearby female in several weeks may in itself be stressful for some males, such that they were unable to initiate singing. In other birds, the experience of being acutely prevented from singing could cause stress. To test whether such potential stress could have caused a potentiation of transmission, we performed the same experiments after administration of the glucocorticoid antagonist mifepristone, which blocks stress-mediated potentiation in mammals ##REF##12597856##[10]##. In males who were exposed to a female without singing, injections of mifepristone did not have a clear effect on the EPSC AMPA/NMDA ratio (##FIG##2##Figure 3A, C##; FNS with mifepristone: 1.09±0.06, n = 6; FNS without mifepristone: 1.00±0.05 p = 0.24, t-test; this and following data presented as mean±s.e.m.), and thus did not appear to be caused by stress. In contrast, the AMPA/NMDA ratio in males who sang in the presence of a female was clearly increased after males were administered the glucocorticoid antagonist (##FIG##2##Figure 3B and 3C##; FD with mifepristone: 1.94±0.12, n = 5; FD without mifepristone: 1.02±0.02, p = 0.002, Mann-Whitney rank sum test, n = 5 birds in each experimental group). Although the mechanism by which antagonism of glucocorticoid receptors enhances the AMPA/NMDA ratio after singing is unclear, the presence of this effect only in males who saw females and also sang suggests this behavior is more potent at triggering potentiation than viewing a female only.</p>", "<p>In order to test whether the potentiation of the AMPA/NMDA ratio we observed could in part reflect an alteration of transmitter release, we examined the effect of exposure to different social contexts on the magnitude of responses to pairs of electrical stimuli ##REF##9208866##[28]##–##REF##10414991##[29]##. As in mammalian VTA ##REF##10234004##[30]##, synaptic inputs onto dopaminergic and nondopaminergic neurons had distinct response properties. While EPSCs onto dopaminergic neurons are depressed in response to successive stimuli, EPSCs onto non-dopaminergic neurons are enhanced at short stimulation intervals (##FIG##3##Fig. 4##, n = 5 birds control, 10 birds directed singing). As was previously shown for drug-induced potentiation of mammalian VTA ##REF##11385572##[8]##, the level of presynaptic facilitation in our experiments was similar after birds had performed directed or undirected singing (##FIG##3##Fig. 4##; p&gt;0.20, t-test for each comparison). These results suggest that the increased AMPA/NMDA ratio reflected a postsynaptic rather than a presynaptic modification.</p>", "<p>We have begun to investigate potential behavioral effects of the potentiation we observed. Assuming a constant level of phasic afferent input during the period of directed singing, the synaptic potentiation could result in increased singing-related activity of VTA dopaminergic neurons from the initial exposure to females to the final period (at the time point we measure synaptic strength). This could result in higher levels of singing-related dopamine release in Area X late during the exposure period compared to early, and thus more strong modulation of activity in Area X and LMAN. Given previous reports that the strength of modulation of activity in these nuclei modulates singing motor output, likely through downstream effects on the motor control nucleus RA ##REF##15826219##[13]##, ##REF##16723412##[18]##, we tested whether song structure was acutely altered during the period of exposure to females. If the potentiation we observed can cause altered neural function through several song system brain areas, the last songs males sang could have more “directed-like” structure compared to the initial ones, specifically less variability of fine acoustic features, and a higher singing tempo ##UREF##2##[11]##–##REF##15826219##[13]##. Thus, we compared songs that birds produced within the initial 5 minutes of exposure to females to those produced 40 minutes later.</p>", "<p>We were unable to quantify the variability of production of song elements, as has commonly been used previously ##REF##15826219##[13]##, ##REF##16723412##[18]##, as accurate estimation of variability required a larger number of undisrupted song repetitions in early and late periods than we could record (simultaneously produced female calls often overlapped with male songs). However, in about half of our birds, we could examine another aspect of singing previously shown to differ between directed and undirected songs, singing tempo. This was quantified by the duration of each successive stereotyped song motif that birds sang (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Material &amp; Methods</xref> for details of analysis). For these three birds, there were only small alterations of singing tempo from early to late during female exposure, ranging from a 1.1 % decrease in song motif duration to a 1.8 % increase (for 2 birds, the small differences in duration from early to late were statistically significant, p&lt;0.05 by Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test).</p>", "<p>In order to further examine this issue, we performed an additional set of behavioral experiments, in which we compared singing behavior during the early and late female exposure periods, after birds had previously experienced either of two conditions. In one condition (<italic>isolation</italic>), intended to induce a similar social experience as the birds in female-directed and female no singing groups (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##), males were isolated from other birds (male or female) at least 5 days, and then tested for singing behavior in the presence of females. In the other condition (<italic>social</italic>), males were exposed daily to females for at least 6 days, after which they were tested for singing behavior in the presence of females.</p>", "<p>For some birds, there was a clear decrease of song motif duration during the period of exposure to females, but only in the <italic>isolation</italic> condition. In ##FIG##4##Figure 5A and B## are plotted durations of successive song motifs produced before and during exposure to female birds, for one representative experiment in which motif durations decreased over time (A) and for another experiment in which motif durations were unchanged (B). A summary of results from recordings of 5 birds is shown in panel C. For each recording, the average motif durations in the first and last 5 minutes of exposure to females is plotted divided by the duration of undirected singing motifs just prior to female exposure. While motif durations of 3 birds (plotted in black) had some tendency to increase slightly over the exposure period, motifs of 2 birds (plotted in orange for clarity) were markedly and significantly decreased in duration within 40 minutes of exposure to females. For the experiment shown in panel A, while the duration of song motifs directed to females in the first 5 minutes was not significantly different from previous undirected singing, directed song motifs 40 minutes later were significantly shorter (p&lt;0.05, Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test, n = 9 motifs 0–5 minutes, n = 10 motifs 40–45 minutes). There was also a significant decrease in motif duration between these periods for one other bird (p&lt;0.05, Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test, n = 13 0–5 mins, n = 10 40–45 mins).</p>", "<p>The degree to which directed motifs were shortened relative to undirected song motifs was striking (0.96 and 0.94), but returned to near pre-exposure level when males sang undirected songs after females were removed (##FIG##4##Fig. 5C##, post). The accelerated song tempo occurred in both birds within 25 minutes of female exposure (p&lt;0.05, Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test, mean / pre-exposure = 0.975 and 0.97). Such reductions of motifs duration during female exposure did not occur after the same birds had been exposed to females daily during the previous week (open orange symbols and dotted lines).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>Here, we show that an affiliative social behavior can induce a similar synaptic plasticity in VTA dopaminergic neurons as pharmacological overactivation by addictive drugs ##REF##11385572##[8]##–##REF##12597856##[10]##. The level of synaptic transmission to VTA dopaminergic neurons was enhanced within an hour after male zebra finches were exposed to female finches, whether they sang to them or not. This potentiation was limited to dopaminergic neurons, and appeared to be expressed by a postsynaptic modification. These results highlight the multifaceted roles of VTA and brain dopaminergic systems, and suggest that such potentiation may be a locus by which social and addictive behaviors interact ##REF##12954430##[31]##. Below we discuss these results in relation to previous studies in which a similar plasticity in VTA was caused by addictive drugs, and present possible functions of such plasticity in normal singing and social behavior of male birds.</p>", "<p>The enhancement of synaptic function after an intense social experience of a male bird has several features in common with the previously characterized plasticity induced by addictive drugs in mammals. Either an acute or prolonged administration of a variety of addictive drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine can also potentiate glutamatergic transmission in VTA, restricted to dopaminergic neurons ##REF##11385572##[8]##–##REF##12597856##[10]##. Further, the relative degree of potentiation we observed here is in the range of that previous reported caused by injection of addictive drugs ##REF##11385572##[8]##–##REF##12597856##[10]##. While most previous studies monitored potentiation one day after drug injection ##REF##11385572##[8]##, ##REF##12597856##[10]##, ##REF##15329395##[32]##, one showed that potentiation was initiated only two hours after drug injection ##UREF##1##[9]##. Here we found that input to VTA dopaminergic neurons could be potentiated after only one hour of exposure to a female, with or without singing. We found that, as in mammals, potentiation in VTA was restricted to dopaminergic neurons. We quantified the level of synaptic potentiation here by measuring the increase in the relative size of AMPA to NMDA glutamate receptor synaptic currents. While this likely reflected an enhancement of synaptic transmission by an increase of postsynaptic AMPA receptors, it remains possible that a relative reduction of NMDA mediated currents may also contribute to these results. Further studies, for example quantifying the amount of receptors by immunocytochemistry, will be required to resolve this issue. Although singing to females appeared to cause excitation of inhibitory interneurons in zebra finch males ##REF##17229110##[19]##–##REF##17553009##[20]##, we could find no potentiation of synapses onto non-dopaminergic neurons, similar to findings in mammals ##REF##11385572##[8]##. Thus, it seems likely that dopaminergic neurons in VTA possess specific molecular pathways of plasticity lacking in other VTA neurons.</p>", "<p>These results are especially interesting in relation to recent studies of courtship in the same species of songbird, suggesting that this behavior activates brain systems involved in reward processing. In brief, a range of types of experiments have supported a model in which singing-related neuronal activity in several forebrain nuclei, including the striatal nucleus Area X, is selectively modulated when males sing to females and not when they sing while alone, by selective input of dopamine from VTA during the highly motivated courtship behavior. Initial studies found that the level and pattern of neural activity ##REF##10195211##[16]## and expression of the immediate early gene egr-1 (also known as zif268, ZENK, and NGF ##REF##9808464##[15]##) are strongly dependent on the social context in which males sing in the anterior forebrain nuclei LMAN and Area X, as well as in the motor nucleus RA. Further studies found that the level of expression of several immediate early genes in VTA, as well as other motivation related areas, can be modulated by the specific social context in which males sing ##REF##17553009##[20]##, ##REF##18191965##[33]##. More direct evidence that forebrain modulation may arise from VTA input was provided by recent reports that VTA neuronal activity is selectively modulated during directed but not undirected singing ##REF##17229110##[19]##. The results presented here, that VTA dopaminergic neurons projecting to Area X are strongly activated during directed singing, provide the strongest direct evidence that forebrain modulation during courtship singing can be mediated by a dopamine signal from VTA.</p>", "<p>In contrast to this conclusion, previous anatomical ##REF##17553009##[20]## and physiological ##REF##17229110##[19]## studies provided some evidence that VTA neurons active during courtship were mainly non-dopaminergic, and no clear evidence was presented that dopaminergic projection neurons are similarly modulated. However, it remained possible that while non-dopaminergic neurons are activated during courtship singing, dopaminergic projection neurons in the same nucleus may be as well, but they may not have been sampled in physiological recordings ##REF##17229110##[19]##, or may not possess the molecular pathway leading to expression specific immediate early genes ##REF##17553009##[20]##. While this and many previous studies suggest that modulation of forebrain song system activity and singing output modulation by social context is dependent on activation of dopamine systems, other neuromodulators such as norepinephrine may also be involved ##REF##15869489##[34]##–##REF##17394158##[35]##.</p>", "<p>The role of such potentiation of dopaminergic function in the normal life of a male bird remains to be elucidated. We have considered several possible functions. First, the potentiation of glutamatergic input to VTA dopamine neurons we observed here could occur in the natural environment, and suggests that such social interaction with female birds may be very rewarding. In wild zebra finches, such frequent directed singing should be mainly restricted to the period prior to mating, which occurs at intervals of about several months ##UREF##5##[36]##. In intervals between such mating periods, males mainly produce the non-courtship related undirected songs ##UREF##5##[36]##–##UREF##7##[38]## – the type that did not cause potentiation of dopaminergic neurons in this study. Thus, dopaminergic function could be selectively enhanced during mating periods, and may decrease during non-mating intervals. The potentiation after singing to a female may serve to reinforce courtship singing behavior that is important for affiliation in this mainly monogamous species, and may be related to the previous characterized requirement of dopaminergic enhancement in initiation of pair bonding in mammals, as exemplified by studies of prairie voles ##REF##12716957##[39]##–##REF##16165168##[40]##.</p>", "<p>An additional possibility is that the potentiation we observed was above the range that occurs in the normal life of a bird, because the social experience may have been unnaturally intense. This possibility is suggested by the similar level of potentiation caused by singing to a female, and by only seeing a female while not singing. In our experiments, male birds had been isolated from contact with any female for several weeks - a condition not likely to occur in the normal life of a male zebra finch ##UREF##5##[36]##. After such a prolonged isolation, the experience of singing to a female, or even just being in the presence of a female, may activate brain reward systems beyond the extent that occurs in nature. Related to this issue, a previous study found that activity of single units in VTA was modulated to some extent by the presence of a female alone, but was consistently more strongly modulated when a male also sang to the female ##REF##17229110##[19]##. One possibly important distinction between the acute recording study and this one is that in the previous study males had been recently exposed to a female within several minutes, while in this study males were exposed to females for the first time in several weeks. Thus, it is possible that social interaction with a female bird activates the dopaminergic system in a graded manner, normally at a higher level when males sing to a female than when they only see a female, but in abnormally isolated males the sight of a female alone may trigger the same activation. An additional result supporting a higher level of stimulation provided by the context in which males both saw a female and sang to her is given by the result of experiment in which males performed both behaviors after block of glucocorticoid receptors. The level of potentiation in birds who saw a female and didn't sing was similar both in the absence and presence of glucocorticoid antagonism. However, when males sang to a female during glucocorticoid block, the level of potentiation was further enhanced beyond that when seeing a female alone.</p>", "<p>Although we could not detect an acute behavioral effect of such synaptic potentiation in birds in which it was measured, we did observe some birds in behavioral experiments whose song clearly became faster during exposure to females. While further study is required, such approaches may allow an inference of acute brain plasticity based on short-term behavioral modulation. A further advantage of such behavioral experiments is that, as we did here, it is possible to test individual birds a number of times, and examine possible effects of previous social conditions on behavioral plasticity. The clear distinction in several birds between acute song shortening after several days of isolation and no shortening after having more social experience may have several important implications. First, it suggests that the baseline tone of the dopaminergic system, or more general motivational systems, may be readily modulated in individuals based on their previous experience, as has been widely studied in mammals related to social isolation and social defeat, for example ##UREF##8##[41]##–##REF##16469931##[43]##. These results also suggest that studies of such highly motivated behaviors as courtship should take care to control the social interaction history of experimental subjects. It should be interesting in further studies to also examine the target of directed singing – the female bird. As a previous study showed that females prefer to approach directed songs rather than undirected ones ##REF##18351801##[14]##, their motivation may increase further as males' songs become more directed-like. Since hearing the mate's song appears rewarding to female birds, it may be that their brain reward system, and dopaminergic function, may be activated in parallel with the singing male during courtship, in a positive feedback reward loop.</p>", "<p>It is interesting to speculate that in mammals, as well, especially rewarding natural events may also cause a similar synaptic potentiation of VTA function. In humans and other mammals, sexual behavior, the sight of a partner, and chocolate can increase activation of VTA ##REF##11522575##[44]##–##REF##17118931##[47]##, and sexual interactions cause dopamine release in striatal areas ##REF##11496146##[48]##–##REF##12451147##[49]##. These results presented here further suggest that widely distinct groups of animals may experience similar emotional states while undergoing analogous types of social interaction.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: YCH NH. Performed the experiments: YCH NH. Analyzed the data: YCH NH. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: YCH NH. Wrote the paper: YCH NH.</p>", "<p>Synaptic transmission onto dopaminergic neurons of the mammalian ventral tegmental area (VTA) can be potentiated by acute or chronic exposure to addictive drugs. Because rewarding behavior, such as social affiliation, can activate the same neural circuitry as addictive drugs, we tested whether the intense social interaction of songbird courtship may also potentiate VTA synaptic function. We recorded glutamatergic synaptic currents from VTA of male zebra finches who had experienced distinct social and behavioral conditions during the previous hour. The level of synaptic transmission to VTA neurons, as assayed by the ratio of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) to N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) glutamate receptor mediated synaptic currents, was increased after males sang to females, and also after they saw females without singing, but not after they sang while alone. Potentiation after female exposure alone did not appear to result from stress, as it was not blocked by inhibition of glucocorticoid receptors. This potentiation was restricted to synapses of dopaminergic projection neurons, and appeared to be expressed postsynaptically. This study supports a model in which VTA dopaminergic neurons are more strongly activated during singing used for courtship than during non-courtship singing, and thus can provide social context-dependent modulation to forebrain areas. More generally, these results demonstrate that an intense social encounter can trigger the same pathways of neuronal plasticity as addictive drugs.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>We thank Erich D. Jarvis, Niall P. Murphy, and two anonymous reviewers for critical comments on the manuscript.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003281-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003281.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Anatomical identification of VTA cell types.</title><p>(A) Schematic diagram of sagittal view of singing-related areas in the songbird brain. Motor control nuclei (gray) are critically involved in structuring song output, while nuclei of the anterior forebrain pathway (AFP, orange) are required for song plasticity, and appear to be involved in the communicative function of singing. Area X receives a especially strong dopaminergic input from VTA. Below right is an image of a representative bilateral tracer (Fluoro-ruby) injection in Area X. Image of fluorescent tracer (magenta) is overlaid on image of nissl stain in one brain section including Area X (darkly stained oval nucleus). To the left is an overlay of fluorescently labeled cell body retrogradely labeled by an injection in Area X with IR-DIC image visualized in living brain slice. Scale bars indicate 15 uM (left) and 750 uM (right). (B,C). Post-recording confirmation of cell type by immunohistochemistry and electrode-filling dye. Green label for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) antibody is overlaid with magenta label of neurons filled with fluorescent dye from the recording electrode (Alexa 568, Molecular Probes) – white signal indicates overlap of two signals. Left panel presents example of post-recording confirmation of TH-positive dopaminergic neuron, and right panel shows example of recording from TH-negative presumptive gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) -ergic neuron. Scale bars indicate 30 uM.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003281-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003281.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>AMPA/NMDA ratio of synapses onto VTA dopaminergic neurons is increased after males are exposed to female birds.</title><p>(A) Representative plots of average EPSCs mediated by AMPA and NMDA glutamate receptors onto VTA dopaminergic neurons. Left, EPSCs recorded after undirected singing session; Center, after directed singing session; Right, after female exposure without singing. Scale bar in left panel applies to left and middle panels, that in right to the right panel; each indicates 50 ms, 40 pA. (B) Average AMPA/NMDA ratios recorded from dopaminergic (filled) and non-dopaminergic (open) neurons after four behavioral contexts. Mean±s.e.m. are shown for control (colony housed), undirected singing (U), directed singing (FD), and female exposure without singing (FNS) groups (error bar for directed singing FD group is obscured by plot symbol). The number of neurons recorded in each group is indicated above axis.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003281-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003281.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Inhibition of glucocorticoid receptor activation does not block increase of AMPA/NMDA ratio after exposure to female without singing.</title><p>(A, B) Representative plots of average EPSCs mediated by AMPA and NMDA glutamate receptors onto VTA dopaminergic neurons after not singing (A) and singing (B) in the presence of a female, in males treated with mifepristone. Scale bar indicates 50 msec, 40 pA. (C) Average AMPA/NMDA ratios recorded from males treated with mifepristone after exposure to a female and not singing (FNS, n = 6 recorded from 5 birds) or singing (FD, n = 5 recorded from 5 birds; asterisk indicates p&lt;0.001, t-test).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003281-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003281.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>The level of transmitter release is not altered after singing to females.</title><p>(A, B) Upper section, average EPSC in response to pairs of stimuli given at 20, 50, and 100 ms intervals, respectively. Lower section, average ratio of EPSC amplitude in response to second stimulus relative to first stimulus for similar experiments (DA; n = 13 directed, n = 7 control; non-DA, n = 8 directed, n = 6 control). Scalebar indicates 30 ms, 50 pA, and error bars indicate s.e.m. for each timepoint. Means for directed and control birds are offset slightly on the x-axis for clarity.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003281-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003281.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>Several days of social isolation can prime short-term song plasticity.</title><p>(A,B) Duration of successive song motifs produced while alone (empty circles, undirected singing) and targeted to female birds (filled circles, directed). Experiments plotted in A and B represent examples of high (A) and low (B) levels of short-term alteration of song structure during exposure to females. (C). Summary of results from 5 birds recorded while singing to females after 5 days of social isolation (filled symbols, solid lines) or 5 days of daily exposure to females (open symbols, dotted lines). Each point is the plotted the ratio of motif duration relative to undirected song motifs recorded in 10 minutes prior to female presentation, during the three epochs 0–5 minutes after presentation, 40–45 minutes after presentation, and during undirected singing after females were removed. Data from two birds whose directed song motifs were clearly shortened from early to late during female exposure, only after isolation, are displayed in orange. Isolation and social conditions for each bird are plotted with identical symbols and colors.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pone.0003281.s001\"><label>Figure S1</label><caption><p>Averages of 30 successive EPSCs for a representative experiment, recorded at a holding potential of +40 mV, in the presence of 10 uM BMI, BMI+50 uM APV, and BMI+APV+10 uM CNQX.</p><p>(7.90 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>Funding provided by RIKEN Brain Science Institute. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003281.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003281.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003281.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003281.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003281.g005\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"pone.0003281.s001.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
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2022-01-13 07:11:46
PLoS One. 2008 Oct 1; 3(10):e3281
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>Classical cytological studies have shown that during the zygotene stage of meiosis, chromosome ends are tightly and specifically associated with the nuclear envelope (NE) and move coordinately into a “bouquet” configuration such that they are localized within a sub-area of the nuclear periphery. Upon exit from this stage, during early pachytene, telomeres again redistribute throughout the nuclear periphery (reviewed in ##REF##10690419##[1]##; ##REF##17939997##[2]##–##REF##17632059##[4]##). In budding yeast, these global effects are achieved by means of highly dynamic, actin-dependent, telomere-led movements, which, after initiating at the onset of zygotene, continue into pachytene ##REF##17939997##[2]##,##REF##16027219##[5]##,##REF##18585353##[6]##. Recent work from one of our laboratories shows that telomeres and associated nuclear envelope (NE) segments move via passive association with nucleus-hugging segments of dynamic cytoskeletal actin cables that tend to form in the vicinity of the spindle pole body (SPB; ##REF##18585353##[6]##). A different mechanism has been elucidated for fission yeast; telomeres are tightly and specifically associated with the SPB and the entire complex moves dynamically along microtubules via interaction with the dynein motor complex ##REF##11907273##[7]##.</p>", "<p>Studies in fission yeast, budding yeast (references below), rat, and mouse ##REF##17452644##[8]## have shown that, in accord with their special functions, telomeres of meiotic chromosomes become robustly associated with the NE in complexes comprised of both meiosis-specific proteins and proteins recruited from the mitotic program. In <italic>S. pombe</italic> meiosis, Bqt1 and Bqt2 connect the telomere binding protein Rap1, which associates with telomeres through interactions with Taz1, to the spindle pole body protein Sad1. Sad1 is a member of the SUN domain family of proteins that localize to the NE ##REF##16615890##[3]##,##REF##16988108##[9]##. Sad1 is also known to interact with the spindle pole body binding (SPB) protein Kms1 ##REF##14655046##[10]##. The final telomere/SPB cluster is thought to form through interactions between Bqt1, Bqt2, Rap1, Taz1, Sad1, and Kms1 ##REF##16615890##[3]##,##REF##11907273##[7]##. In budding yeast, two components of meiotic telomere-NE ensembles have been identified thus far: Ndj1, also called Tam1 ##REF##9242487##[11]##,##REF##9157883##[12]##, and Mps3 ##REF##17495028##[13]##. Ndj1 is a meiosis-specific protein that mediates association of telomeres to the NE; as a result, in the absence of Ndj1, global and dynamic chromosome movements are severely reduced (##REF##17939997##[2]##,##REF##9242487##[11]##,##REF##9157883##[12]##,##REF##9716409##[14]##,##REF##11018056##[15]##; this work). Mps3, which is present in mitotic as well as meiotic cells, most likely has two roles ##REF##17495028##[13]##. First, it interacts directly with Ndj1 such that the two proteins display a mutually dependent requirement for telomere localization to the NE. Second, Mps3 is a SUN domain protein, which suggests that it may mediate interactions between telomeres and cytoskeletal determinants. Recent studies have shown that rapid movement of yeast pachytene chromosomes involves passive association of telomere/NE ensembles to dynamically moving actin cables. Within this mechanically integrated complex, force is exerted on the NE component and transduced via telomere/NE complexes through the NE to the associated chromosome end ##REF##18585353##[6]##.</p>", "<p>The functional role(s) of global and dynamic chromosome movements for meiosis, though widely discussed, are not established. In both fission yeast and budding yeast, situations in which telomere localization is aberrant or the motion mechanism is directly abrogated reveal diverse defects. In <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> strains show levels of crossing over similar to wild-type (WT), partially disrupted crossover (CO) interference, modestly increased ectopic recombination, delayed formation of tight juxtaposition of homologs including delayed formation of the synaptonemal complex (SC), defective progression of recombination intermediates into mature recombinants, increased MI nondisjunction, and decreased spore viability ##REF##9242487##[11]##, ##REF##9157883##[12]##, ##REF##16648465##[16]##–##REF##10944222##[18]##. In <italic>S. pombe</italic>, similar phenotypes are observed for mutants defective in telomere localization; however, in contrast to budding yeast, CO-levels are significantly decreased (e.g. ##REF##16615890##[3]##,##REF##10366596##[19]##). Furthermore, in this organism, meiosis does not involve CO interference or the SC, and it has been difficult to perform a detailed analysis of recombination intermediates and their timing. These findings have led to suggestions that motion might play a direct role in recombination and/or homolog juxtaposition. However, the pleiotropic nature of these effects have made it difficult to distinguish defects that are direct consequences of the absence of motion rather than indirect effects and/or those that result from aberrant telomere biology irrespective of motion. We and others ##REF##10690419##[1]##,##REF##18585353##[6]##,##REF##3445259##[20]##,##REF##7929575##[21]## have argued that the primary role of movement is to eliminate aberrant topological relationships among chromosomes, e.g. entanglements or “interlocks” and/or other types of unprogrammed connections among nonhomologous chromosomes, a possibility that has not yet been directly assessed in any organism.</p>", "<p>The present study began with a search for mutations that affect recombination through telomere-dependent effects. The hallmark phenotype conferred by the <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> mutation is increased nondisjunction of homologs at the MI division, and a screen for mutants defective in chromosome segregation during meiosis ##REF##11470404##[22]## identified three additional genes with weak chromosome missegregation phenotypes. We began by further characterizing these missegregation phenotypes. We show that one of these genes, <italic>CSM4</italic>, is required specifically for regular segregation of homologs, analogously to <italic>NDJ1</italic>, and by several additional criteria, encodes a third participant in the meiotic telomere/NE interactions involved in motion. We further show that the role of Csm4 is distinct from that of either Ndj1 or Mps3. Finally, we analyzed diverse <italic>csm4Δ</italic> and <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> phenotypes for motion at zygotene and pachytene, recombination (by genetic and physical approaches), SC morphogenesis, and meiotic progression. The observed phenotypes suggest a role for chromosome motion that can explain all observed effects and also supports the idea that the primary role of motion is regularization of topological relationships among chromosomes. Related and complementary findings are presented in the accompanying paper by Shinohara and colleagues (##REF##18818742##[23]##, see also ##REF##18585352##[24]##).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Media, Strains, and Plasmids</title>", "<p>Yeast strains are listed in ##SUPPL##4##Table S1##. Strains were grown in either yeast extract-peptone-dextrose (YPD) or minimal selective media ##UREF##4##[83]##. Sporulation plates were prepared as described previously ##REF##1990280##[84]##. All incubations were performed at 30°c for the experiments presented in ##FIG##0##Figures 1##, ##FIG##2##3##, ##FIG##3##4##, ##FIG##4##5##, and ##SUPPL##3##S4##, ##TAB##0##Tables 1##–\n##TAB##2##3##, and ##SUPPL##4##Tables S1##, ##SUPPL##5##S2##, ##SUPPL##6##S3## and ##SUPPL##7##S4##. When required, geneticin (Invitrogen), nourseothricin (Hans-Knoll Institute fur Naturstoff-Forschung), and hygromycin B (Calbiochem) were included in YPD media as described ##REF##7747518##[85]##,##REF##10514571##[86]##. Plasmids and integrating vectors were introduced into yeast strains using standard methods ##REF##7785336##[87]##.</p>", "<p>The EAY1108 and EAY1112 SK1-congenic strains were described in Argueso et al. ##REF##15611158##[27]## and the NH942 and NH943 SK1-isogenic strains were described in de los Santos et al. ##REF##12750322##[46]##. The BR4635-8Bα and BR4256-5Ba strains are derivatives of those described in Rockmill et al. ##REF##17028345##[29]##. This BR strain set was used because it was specifically designed to measure crossing over on a chromosome that had experienced a nondisjunction event ##REF##17028345##[29]##. All diploids homozygous for coding region deletion mutations in <italic>CSM4</italic>, <italic>NDJ1</italic>, <italic>MSH5</italic>, <italic>MLH1</italic>, and <italic>RAD17</italic> were created by sequential transformation of the parental strains and the mutations were marked with the <italic>KANMX4</italic>, <italic>NATMX4</italic>, or <italic>HPHMX4</italic> as shown in ##SUPPL##4##Table S1##\n##REF##7747518##[85]##,##REF##10514571##[86]##. Details on how the mutations were introduced into these strains are available upon request.</p>", "<p>\n<italic>CSM4</italic> was mutagenized by overlap PCR ##REF##2744487##[88]## to create the single-step integrating plasmid bearing the N-terminal GFP-Csm4 integrating vector pEAI242. Details on how this plasmid was made are available upon request. pEAI242 was linearized with <italic>Sac</italic>I and <italic>Sph</italic>I prior to transformation. We tested the functionality of the N-terminal GFP-Csm4 construct by integrating it into the EAY1108/EAY1112 background where WT displays 97% spore viability (n = 1199 tetrads) and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> displays 64% spore viability (n = 1164). The integration strains displayed 92% spore viability (n = 40), indicating that the GFP-Csm4 fusion is functional.</p>", "<title>Tetrad Analysis</title>", "<p>Diploids derived from EAY1108/EAY1112 and NH942/NH943 were sporulated using the zero growth mating protocol ##REF##12529393##[89]##. Briefly, haploid parental strains were patched together, allowed to mate for 4 h on complete minimal plates, and then transferred to sporulation plates where they were incubated at 30°c for 3 days. Tetrads were dissected on minimal complete plates and then incubated at 30°c for 3–4 days. Spore clones were replica-plated onto relevant selective plates and assessed for growth after an overnight incubation. EAY1871-1873 diploids derived from BR4635-8Bα/BR4256-5Ba were created by mating <italic>MATa</italic> and <italic>MATα</italic> haploids overnight on YPD and then identifying zygotes.</p>", "<p>Genetic map distances were determined by the formula of Perkins ##REF##17247336##[38]## and the expected number of non-parental ditype tetrads (NPD) was calculated using the equation of Papazian ##REF##17247384##[39]##. Interference calculations from three-point intervals were conducted as described ##REF##12750322##[46]##, ##REF##11779793##[90]##–##REF##12702674##[92]##. Statistical analysis was done using the Stahl Laboratory Online Tools (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) and VassarStats (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) and the Handbook of Biological Statistics (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). Interference was measured by the Malkova method ##REF##16873061##[34]##,##REF##15454526##[37]##. When multiple statistical comparisons using the same dataset were made, we applied the Dunn-Sidak correction as described in Martini et al. ##REF##16873061##[34]## and Hoffman et al. ##REF##12618391##[35]##. For example, three comparisons were made using the <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> data from the congenic strain background (<italic>ndj1Δ</italic> versus WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, and <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic>) therefore p values must be below 0.017 to be considered significant. Comparisons of map distances between disomes and tetrads were done by converting data from complete (non-aberrant) tetrads into single spore data. The WT, <italic>mlh1Δ</italic>, and <italic>msh5Δ</italic> data presented in this paper were published previously in Argueso et al. ##REF##15611158##[27]##.</p>", "<title>Disome Selection Assay</title>", "<p>Hyg<sup>R</sup> Ura<sup>+</sup> spores were selected from purified spores obtained by sporulating EAY1873 (WT) and EAY1871 (<italic>csm4Δ</italic>) as described in Rockmill et al. ##REF##2005784##[93]##. Hyg<sup>R</sup> Ura<sup>+</sup> diploids that escaped this selection were subsequently eliminated from further study because they could be induced to enter meiosis and form spores that fluoresced when exposed to UV light (254 nM ##REF##9215888##[94]##). In contrast, haploid spores disomic for chromosome III can enter meiosis, but do not form spores. In this assay, the Hyg<sup>R</sup> Ura<sup>+</sup> clones obtained from the spore purification procedure were replica plated from vegetative media onto a sporulation plate overlayed with a nitrocellulose filter. Cells were sporulated for 3–4 days at 30°c, and then screened using UV light to eliminate diploids as described above. Remaining Hyg<sup>R</sup> Ura<sup>+</sup> clones that also tested positive for disomy based on an Arg<sup>+</sup> phenotype were scored for crossover events as described ##REF##17028345##[29]##. Briefly, crossovers in specific intervals were detected based on the following criteria: 1. <italic>HIS4-iTHR1</italic> interval-disomic spore clones required histidine but not threonine for growth, or vice-versa. 2. <italic>iTHR1-iURA3</italic> interval-disomic spore clones required threonine for growth. 3. <italic>iURA3-iNAT</italic> interval-disomic spore clones were sensitive to nourseothricin. 4. <italic>iNAT-iLEU2</italic> interval-disomic spore clones required leucine for growth but were resistant to nourseothricin, or vice-versa. 5. <italic>iLEU2-MAT</italic>-disomic spore clones did not require leucine for growth and were able to mate, or vice-versa. 6. <italic>MAT-iADE2</italic>-disomic spore clones that were unable to mate and required adenine, or vice-versa. Recombination values were multiplied by two to account for the inability to detect disomes homozygous for dominant markers. Recombination frequencies obtained from single spore and disome data were multiplied by 100 to yield genetic map distances (cM). In these strains, “i” refers to insertion of the indicated marker at an ectopic location. Disomes were only compared to complete tetrads because we were interested in comparing spores that had undergone a mis-segregation event to those that had not.</p>", "<title>Meiotic Time Courses and Physical Assays</title>", "<p>Yeast pregrowth and synchronous sporulation were performed as described ##REF##11461702##[51]## except that all media were preequilibrated at 30°c prior to use. The synchrony of meiosis was monitored by measuring pre-meiotic DNA replication (FACS analysis) and the progression of MI and MII divisions (DAPI staining ##REF##1913808##[66]##,##REF##10691741##[95]##). Physical analysis of chromosomal DNA isolated in the meiotic time courses presented in ##FIG##5##Figures 6##, ##FIG##6##7##, ##SUPPL##1##S2## and ##SUPPL##2##S3## was performed as described ##REF##16873061##[34]##,##REF##15066280##[41]##,##REF##11461702##[51]##. DNA species identified in one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis were quantified using a Bio-Rad phosphoimager and QuantityOne software. The timing of DSB, SEI and dHJ intermediates was evaluated using a life span program kindly provided by Neil Hunter. Analysis of linear and circular versions of chromosomes III by pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was performed according to the Bio-Rad CHEF instruction manual (1% Seakem Gold agarose gel at 14°c, 6V/cm, switch times of 60- to 120-sec, and a switch angle of 120 degrees). For every parameter analyzed, data are presented for cultures that have carried out WT or mutant meiosis with “characteristic kinetics” as defined by FACS, Zip1-GFP or MI division analysis of many cultures over time (hundreds for WT and tens for each mutant). Experience tells us that careful analysis of one really good time course is worth many repetitions of less good time courses and that the variability from day-to-day is no different from the variability from culture-to-culture on the same day. Thus, detailed analysis of suitable single cultures is thus presented. However, every finding emphasized above as a significant result emerging from time course analysis has been observed in two or more independent experiments.</p>", "<title>CSM4 Immunofluorescence</title>", "<p>Cell samples were taken at hourly intervals over meiotic time courses of strains EAY1797 and NKY4005. Cells were fixed in formaldehyde and prepared for immunofluorescence using previously described methods ##REF##6365930##[96]##. Rap1-RFP was imaged using a Texas Red filter set. Csm4-GFP was visualized using rabbit anti-GFP antibodies (Invitrogen) followed by goat anti-rabbit Alexa488 (Invitrogen). 20 Z-sections of 0.2 µm were taken of each field of cells for RFP, Alexa488 and DAPI. Appropriate z-sections were compared to assess localization of the proteins.</p>", "<title>Cell Imaging</title>", "<p>Cells were observed at room temperature using an epifluorescence microscope (Zeiss) equipped with GFP, DAPI and TexRed filters, a Cascade 512b CCD camera (Roper Scientific), and a PIFOC piezo device (Physik Instrumente) to drive a 100X oil immersion objective (NA 1.45) for acquiring Z-stacks. Images were acquired using Metamorph software.</p>", "<p>\n<italic>Live-cell:</italic> Cells samples of <italic>RAP1-GFP</italic> meiotic cultures were vortexed at full speed for 10 sec and 3–4 µl of suspended cells were rapidly spread onto a glass slide (plain, non-treated) as described ##REF##18585353##[6]##. Briefly, for telomere disposition analysis, Z-stack time-series were recorded at a distance of 0.4 µm between each plane (10 planes total, 1.2 sec intervals, 900 ms exposure), every 15 sec for 1 min. For telomere 2D tracking, the focal plane was positioned at the top of each nucleus, and the Rap1-GFP signal was acquired at one-second intervals over 1 minute (exposure time 700 ms).</p>", "<p>\n<italic>Fixed-cell:</italic> Rap1-GFP, Spc42-yECFP (except <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> NKY3906 cells containing only Rap1-GFP) cell aliquots were sampled at hourly intervals after transfer to sporulation media and crosslinked with 1% formaldehyde for 1 hr on ice. Tris HCl pH 7.4 was added to 50 mM final concentration. Samples were incubated on ice for one hour, and then centrifuged in a microcentrifuge for 5 sec at full speed, resuspended in water and stored at 4°c overnight. Cells were then spread onto glass slides and series of z-stack pictures, ∼100–150 cells per time point, were analyzed (0.2 µm×15 frames with 900 ms exposure for the GFP signal, and 0.4×10 frames with 900 ms exposure for the RFP signal).</p>", "<title>Image Analysis</title>", "<p>All images were analyzed using ImageJ ##UREF##5##[97]## and/or Metamorph functions. Deconvolution of 2D and 3D acquisitions was performed using AutoDeblur.</p>", "<title>Tracking of LacO-Telomeres in Live-Cells</title>", "<p>To overcome technical difficulties incurred by 3D time-lapse recording of dynamic telomeres, Rap1-GFP spots present in the focal plane of nuclei tops were tracked over time until they moved out of focus. The X- and Y-coordinates of the LacI-GFP spot centroid were determined using the SpotTracker2D ImageJ Plug-in ##REF##16190472##[32]## when movement was limited, and manually in WT (t = 4 h). Spot relocation between two successive frames was calculated and apparent velocity was deduced. The apparent velocity of a spot observed in this single focal plane was assumed to be a reasonable approximation of actual velocity. 5 to 12 foci from at least 5 independent nuclei were tracked for 10 to 60 sec, yielding to a minimum of 340 one-second step-sizes for WT, 4 h and up to a maximum of 1200 measurements for <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic>, 2 h (most other sets of data comprise between 580–800 measurements). For statistical convenience, the step-size histograms of x, y coordinates displacement of Rap1-GFP spots were constructed. All the data sets, except the one corresponding to WT t = 4 h, exhibit a distribution close to a Normal distribution, as revealed by the use of a Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>, 1% level; for each data set a relatively small (∼5–10%) subset of points diverge from the hypothesized continuous distributions, as compare to WT t = 4 h (∼35%). In order to perform further parametric tests between data sets, and because of the closeness to Normal distribution the assumption of Normality was postulated for all distributions, but WT at t = 4 h. Mean velocities and variances were compared using t-test and f-test, respectively (significance level 5%).</p>", "<title>Telomere Localization in Live Cells</title>", "<p>3D time-lapses of prophase cells (0.4 µm×10, every 15 sec for 1 min) were deconvoluted and the position of telomere foci in each plane was visually monitored (comparison of focal planes over time improve the detection of telomere foci) and nuclei where categorized either in the “peripheral” or in the “dispersed” class, depending on the absence of presence of spots within the nuclear volume, respectively (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, panel i). The position of the nuclear periphery (corresponding approximately to the position of the nuclear membrane) was defined as the limit of the diffuse GFP signal that result from global Rap1-GFP proteins binding to chromatin.</p>", "<title>Bouquet Formation in Fixed Cells</title>", "<p>Telomere organization was examined in formaldehyde-fixed nuclei by manual inspection of complete series of 3D sections (top to bottom of 15×0.2 µm z-series). All nuclei contain many bright Rap1-GFP foci representing single and/or coalesced telomeres. Nuclei were first scored with respect to whether bright Rap1-GFP foci did or did not exhibit full peripheral localization (defined in ##FIG##1##Figure 2A##). Nuclei without peripheral localization are, by definition, not in the bouquet stage. For nuclei in which all bright Rap1-GFP foci are NE-associated, inspection of the entire set of images makes it possible, with only rare exceptions, to reproducibly assign each nucleus to a condition in which those foci either tend to occur in a single sub-region of the NE (##SUPPL##0##Figure S1A##, not quantitatively but qualitatively approximated to be ∼1/4 of the surface area), or give no evidence of such colocalization (##SUPPL##0##Figure S1B##). In the former case, there is a further distinction as to whether the colocalization region is, or is not, near the SPB. For this analysis we have defined the bouquet “rigorously” as colocalization in the vicinity of the SPB (illuminated by Spc42-RFP; inspection from top to bottom of 10×0.5 µm z-series), although there is reason to suspect that this is not an absolute requirement for defining this stage ##REF##18585353##[6]##. Among bouquet nuclei, an additional distinction can be made as to whether virtually all signals colocalize in a single region (“tight bouquet”, ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##, panel Ai, SPB position indicated by a turquoise line on the 2D projection image above) or whether a significant fraction of signals are present outside the main area of colocalization (“loose bouquet”, ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##, panel Aii). This same categorization has been made in other organisms (e.g. <italic>Sordaria</italic>, D. Zickler, personal communication) and in our earlier work (O. Nanassy and N.K., unpublished). For the <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> mutant (NKY3906), the SPB is not labeled, however almost no “bouquet” clusters were observed as any time. 100–150 nuclei were analyzed at each time point.</p>", "<title>Movements of Zip1-GFP Illuminated Chromosome</title>", "<p>Time-lapse series of pachytene nuclei from strains expressing Zip1-GFP(700) were recorded at one second intervals over one minute. All the nuclei movies of all the strains, including WT, were pooled and assigned random names. They were subsequently categorized by “blind testers” within three groups according to the amount of observable chromosomal motion (fast motion corresponding to pachytene WT nuclei, the other two categories reflecting two type of nuclei exhibiting hardly or little motion, respectively). Results clearly revealed a difference between <italic>csm4Δ</italic> and <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> mutants. Double mutant was more ambiguous, and will necessitate quantitative analysis to be interpreted.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Analysis of Chromosome Mis-Segregation</title>", "<p>Ndj1 (also called Tam1) was the first identified component of yeast telomere/NE ensembles ##REF##9242487##[11]##,##REF##9157883##12##. The hallmark phenotype of <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> is <underline>n</underline>on<underline>d</underline>is<underline>j</underline>unction of homologs at the first meiotic division, with an accompanying modest decrease in spore viability, to 62–82%, as compared to 92–98% in WT ##REF##9242487##[11]##,##REF##9157883##[12]##. To identify new mutations that affect chromosomal events during meiosis, and in particular recombination, we focused on three genes, <italic>CSM2</italic>, <italic>CSM3</italic>, and <italic>CSM4</italic> (<underline>c</underline>hromosome <underline>s</underline>egregation in <underline>m</underline>eiosis; ##REF##11470404##[22]##), whose corresponding mutations confer phenotypes similar to those of <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>: decreased spore viability and aberrant meiotic chromosome segregation.</p>", "<title>MI Homolog Nondisjunction Occurs in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> Mutants</title>", "<p>We began by further characterizing the nature of the chromosome mis-segregation defect in <italic>csm</italic> mutants. Spore viability patterns revealed that <italic>csm4Δ</italic> confers a pattern that is diagnostic of homolog nondisjunction: an excess of tetrads containing 0, 2, or 4 viable spores as compared to 1 or 3 viable spores ##REF##8001134##[25]##. Of the three <italic>csm</italic> mutants, only <italic>csm4Δ</italic> displays this pattern (##FIG##0##Figure 1A##, data not shown). Csm4 was identified by bioinformatic analysis as a 156 amino acid tail-anchored membrane protein. Consistent with this designation, Csm4 was observed in both the endoplasmic reticulum and the perinuclear membrane when overproduced in mitotic cells ##REF##12514182##[26]##.</p>", "<p>The homolog nondisjunction phenotype of <italic>csm4Δ</italic> was confirmed and extended as follows:</p>", "<p>- One approach utilized congenic SK1 strains EAY1108/EAY1112 in which one chromosome (XV; 1040 kb) is heterozygous for the centromere-linked markers, <italic>URA3</italic> and <italic>TRP1</italic> (##REF##15611158##[27]##, ##SUPPL##4##Table S1##). In this background, analysis of asci containing two viable spores can distinguish a MI segregation defect from random spore death. In the former case, the two spores often contain the same (sister) centromeric marker while, in the latter case, there is no such tendency (e.g. ##REF##15611158##[27]##,##REF##10855499##[28]##). Consistent with an MI defect, 88% of two-spore viable <italic>csm4Δ</italic> tetrads (n = 212) contained sister centromere markers.</p>", "<p>- In the absence of any other defect, nondisjunction of the centromere-marked chromosome XV homologs will result in two-spore viable tetrads in which each spore contains one centromere from each homolog; as a result, both spore clones will be Ura<sup>+</sup> Trp<sup>+</sup>. In <italic>csm4Δ</italic> 1.4 % of the two-spore viable tetrads were of this type (n = 212). This level of homolog nondisjunction is very similar to that observed in the analysis of two recombination mutants known to confer homolog nondisjunction: <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> (1.2%, n = 324) and <italic>msh5Δ</italic> (3.4%, n = 994).</p>", "<p>- Analogously, nondisjunction of the unmarked chromosome III of these strains will yield two-spore viable tetrads in which the two spores carry both yeast mating types (<italic>MAT</italic>a and <italic>MATα</italic>). Such spores can be detected because they fail to mate with haploid tester strains of either mating type. In <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, 7.8% (n = 103) were of this type, with a similar level observed for <italic>msh5Δ</italic> (7.1%, n = 56).</p>", "<p>- In contrast, another common type of MI missegregation, precocious segregation of sister chromatids (PSSC), occurs at a very low level in <italic>csm4Δ</italic>. PSSC can be identified by analyzing two- and three-spore viable tetrads ##REF##17028345##[29]##. In the EAY1108/EAY1112 strain set, PSSC was not detectable in either WT or <italic>csm4Δ</italic>; in another background (SK1 isogenic NH942/NH943; ##SUPPL##4##Table S1##) <italic>csm4Δ</italic> strains showed 5 PSSC events in 1284 tetrads (0.39%) and WT showed no PSSC events in 646 WT tetrads (difference between WT and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> values is not statistically significant, Fisher's Exact Test).</p>", "<p>Taken together, these analyses show that the primary segregation defect in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants is homolog nondisjunction. Similar results are reported by Kosaka et al. ##REF##18818742##[23]##.</p>", "<title>Csm4 and Ndj1 Play Functionally Related Roles for Homolog Disjunction</title>", "<p>Comparison of isogenic strains reveals that the phenotype of <italic>csm4Δ</italic> is significantly stronger than that of <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> (##FIG##0##Figure 1A##). As previously mentioned, <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants display a spore viability pattern indicative of nondisjunction (4, 2, 0&gt;3, 1 viable spores). This pattern is more severe in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> vs. <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> (##FIG##0##Figure 1B##). Further, a larger percentage of two-spore viable tetrads are sisters in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (88%) compared to <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> (69%). As judged by the first two of these phenotypes, the double mutant defect is very similar to <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, but slightly weaker (##FIG##0##Figure 1##). These same patterns are also apparent in the percentage of four viable spore asci and overall spore viability (##FIG##0##Figure 1A and B##). These mutant phenotypes imply functional interaction between Csm4 and Ndj1 with respect to MI homolog disjunction. The observed epistatic relationship is intriguing. First, it is the <italic>weaker</italic> phenotype that dominates (is epistatic to) the <italic>stronger</italic> phenotype. Second, the occurrence of slight synergy implies that not only is Ndj1 strongly required for the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> phenotype but conversely, Csm4 is weakly required for the <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> phenotype. Importantly, the above conclusions do not reflect differences in sporulation efficiencies. For WT, 82% of cells yielded asci with three or four spores and 89% yielded asci with at least one spore (n = 234 cells examined); <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> all exhibited similar reductions in both categories: 50, 51, and 64% respectively, and 73, 59, and 78% respectively (n = 229, 221, and 238 cells examined, respectively).</p>", "<title>Telomere/NE Analysis</title>", "<p>Association of telomeres with the NE, occurrence of the bouquet configuration, and dynamic telomere movements were assessed, in SK1 isogenic strains (##SUPPL##4##Table S1##) by analyzing the disposition of Rap1-GFP foci. Rap1 localizes prominently and focally at telomeres and less markedly throughout chromatin (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##, panel i; ##REF##16027219##[5]##). Our approach can detect foci that correspond to single bivalent telomeres at pachytene (R. Koszul, unpublished data), and thus, for earlier stages, should be sensitive enough to detect clusters of two (or more) unpaired homolog telomeres or four (or more) individual chromatids. Since bouquet formation involves colocalization of telomeres near, but not at, the SPB (Introduction), we used strains in which the SPB was also labeled, with Spc42-RFP (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, panel i; ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##; ##SUPPL##4##Table S1##; <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>).</p>", "<p>Cells were taken through synchronous meiosis under standard conditions (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Material and Methods</xref>). In such cultures, at any given time point, the majority of nuclei are in one particular stage. Specifically, at t = 2, 3, 4 and 5 h, the majority of nuclei are in G2, leptotene, zygotene, and pachytene respectively, as defined by fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis and SC status (e.g. ##REF##18585353##[6]## and below). Zygotene and pachytene nuclei can thus be defined operationally by the population average behavior of nuclei at t = 4 and t = 5 h, respectively, albeit with some “contamination” from other stages at each time point.</p>", "<title>WT Meiosis</title>", "<p>Organization of Rap1-GFP foci was analyzed in nuclei of living cells by 3D acquisition, in which a series of 400 nm optical z-sections are taken over time (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##; n = 50 cells at every time point; 10 planes total, exposure time of 900 ms; <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Material and Methods</xref>). In WT mitotic cells (t = 0 h in SPM), nuclei could be sorted by visual inspection into two categories (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##, panel i, panel ii, t = 0): ∼60% showed a ring of Rap1-GFP foci located in the periphery of the main chromosomal mass, with no clearly discernable internal foci, implying that telomeres are located “peripherally”. The remaining ∼40% clearly showed internal foci, implying a “dispersed” disposition pattern. Similar categories have been seen in other studies (e.g. ##REF##11018056##[15]##). In contrast, by 2 h after initiation of meiosis, most nuclei were in the peripheral configuration (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##, panel ii). This progression presumably reflects complete migration of telomeres to the nuclear periphery via formation of meiosis-specific telomere/NE complexes that have assembled in early prophase. Since meiotic telomere/NE association at G2/leptotene is a regular feature of meiosis in many organisms (e.g. ##REF##14625678##[30]##,##REF##9928494##[31]##), we infer that yeast exhibits this same progression but with a prior “background” from mitotic telomere/NE association.</p>", "<p>Living cells were also analyzed for the movement of Rap1-GFP foci. For this purpose, the focal plane of the microscope was set at the top of each examined nucleus so that movements around the nuclear periphery could be observed in apparent two dimensions. Frames were taken at one-second intervals over a period of one minute. The positions of the spots present in such focal planes were recorded and analyzed using SpotTracker2D ImageJ plug-in ##REF##16190472##[32]##, when the amplitude of the displacement was limited, or manually at t = 4 h (below). Such analysis was performed for 5–12 Rap1 foci taken from a minimum of 5 different nuclei (yielding a total of 340 one-second step-sizes for both time points). At t = 2 h, when telomeres have reached their peripheral localization, the average velocity of movement (v) through two-dimensional space was 0.07±0.05 (S.D.) µm/sec. Further, these step sizes exhibit nearly (but not perfectly) a Gaussian distribution, suggesting that all foci are behaving similarly (##FIG##1##Figure 2C##, red curve; for details see figure legend and <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). The same features are also seen previously at t = 0 h (average velocity 0.06±0.05 µm/sec with a near-Gaussian step-size distribution), in accord with the fact that active motion has not yet begun by t = 2 h ##REF##18585353##[6]##. In contrast, at t = 4 h, foci exhibit an increased average velocity of 0.23±0.23 µm/sec, in accord with earlier studies ##REF##16027219##[5]##,##REF##18585353##[6]##. Moreover step-sizes no longer fit a Gaussian distribution (##FIG##1##Figure 2C##, red curve); instead, there appear to be two types of movement, with a majority of steps being smaller and corresponding to a near-Gaussian distribution (##FIG##1##Figure 2C##, blue curve; ∼77% of total) plus a minority of much larger steps. The two apparent subpopulations exhibit velocities of ∼0.1 and ∼0.45 µm/sec, respectively, both of which are greater than the velocity observed at t = 2 h (∼0.07 µm/sec). The existence of two such populations is in good agreement with the fact that, during the period of active actin-mediated movement, only a subset of telomeres are directly coupled to the motion-generating mechanism while others are either unaffected or dragged along passively ##REF##17939997##[2]##,##REF##18585353##[6]##,##REF##18585352##[24]##.</p>", "<p>To determine the overall disposition of telomeres at various stages, formaldehyde-fixed nuclei were analyzed in 3D by collection of an appropriate set of “z-sections” (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>; n = 100 nuclei for each time point). Nuclei in which bright Rap1-GFP foci (i.e. the telomeres) were in a peripheral configuration (above) were scored with respect to whether most of the signals were or were not detectably clustered and, if so, whether those clusters occurred in the vicinity of the SPB (representative examples in ##FIG##1##Figure 2B##i; details in ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##). SPB-associated colocalization was defined as “bouquet”. Such configurations include both “loose bouquet” and “tight bouquet” (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, panel i), a distinction previously documented for yeast and several other organisms (e.g. <italic>Sordaria</italic>, D. Zickler, personal communication; ##REF##16027219##[5]##,##REF##15316078##[33]##, Kosaka et al., accompanying paper ##REF##18818742##[23]##).</p>", "<p>Bouquet nuclei gradually increased in frequency from 2 h after meiosis induction, peaked at t = 4–5 h (i.e. zygotene/pachytene), and then diminished dramatically when cells entered pachytene in accord with expected loss of the bouquet configuration at this stage (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, panel ii; analogous results obtained in a second independent experiment, not shown). As also noted in early studies (e.g. Ref. ##REF##16027219##[5]##,##REF##17495028##[13]##,##REF##11018056##[15]##,##REF##18585352##[24]##), the proportion of bouquet nuclei is low (∼20%) even at the peak time points. This likely reflects the fact that zygotene nuclei have the potential for telomeres to be in the bouquet configuration but are undergoing such complex dynamic telomere movements that all telomeres are only present in a common area some fraction of the time ##REF##16027219##[5]##.</p>", "<title>\n<italic>ndj1Δ/csm4Δ</italic> Mutant Meiosis</title>", "<p>\n<italic>ndj1Δ/csm4Δ</italic> mutants and WT were analyzed for telomere-related events in parallel. All three mutants exhibit a WT mitotic-like configuration at t = 0. However, during meiosis, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> telomeres fail to progress to a fully peripheral localization pattern (as shown previously; ##REF##11018056##[15]##) while, in contrast, <italic>csm4Δ</italic> telomeres behave indistinguishably from WT (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##, panel ii). Thus, while Ndj1 is required for meiosis-specific telomere/NE association, Csm4 is not, as also shown by Kosaka et al ##REF##18818742##[23]##. Further, the <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> double mutant exhibits the <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> phenotype (##FIG##1##Figure 2A##, panel ii), in accord with previous indications that Ndj1 localizes to telomeres and directly mediates their meiotic NE targeting ##REF##11018056##[15]##.</p>", "<p>\n<italic>ndj1Δ/csm4Δ</italic> mutants were analyzed for telomere movement at t = 0 and at zygotene, the time of which was defined for all three mutants by analysis of SC formation (below). Differences among different situations were evaluated for significance by comparison of step-size distributions by parametric tests (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). By this criterion, the following patterns emerge: (i) At t = 2 h, all three mutants exhibit velocities of movement similar to that seen in WT. (ii) At zygotene, all three mutants exhibit significantly less movement than WT, implying that Csm4, like Ndj1 ##REF##17939997##[2]## is required for active motion (##FIG##1##Figure 2C##; see also ##REF##18585353##[6]##,##REF##18585352##[24]##. Since telomeres are still NE-associated in the absence of Csm4, these findings suggest that this molecule is involved in the motion-producing force-generating process <italic>per se</italic>. (iii) Interestingly, from t = 0 to zygotene, there is a small but significant increase in motion in the absence of Ndj1 but no significant change in the absence of Csm4 (##FIG##1##Figure 2C##). There is also no significant increase when both proteins are absent. This suggests that <italic>csm4Δ</italic> is partially epistatic to <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> with respect to zygotene motion (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s3\">Discussion</xref>). Other studies further show that Ndj1 is not required for the NE deformations that signal actin-mediated motion while absence of Csm4 completely abrogates such motions ##REF##18585353##[6]##. Thus, the residual Csm4-dependent movement observed in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> appears to reflect residual movement that is independent of meiosis-specific telomere/NE association, e.g. via mitotic-like or non-specific associations. In the absence of Csm4, in contrast, telomeres may simply be “not moving” or may actually be “locked in place.”</p>", "<p>In accord with abrogation of telomere/NE association and/or chromosome movement, there is no detectable bouquet formation in <italic>ndjΔ</italic>, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, or the <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> double mutant (##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, panel ii). This is also consistent with data reported for <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n##REF##11018056##[15]## and for <italic>csm4Δ</italic> by Kosaka et al. ##REF##18818742##[23]##.</p>", "<title>Csm4 Co-Localizes with Telomeric Rap1-GFP at the Nuclear Periphery</title>", "<p>We also explored the cytological localization of Csm4 during meiosis in relation to the localization of telomeres using a strain (EAY1797) carrying an integrated Csm4-GFP fusion driven from the native <italic>CSM4</italic> promoter and the Rap1-RFP fusion (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). Intrinsic Csm4-GFP fluorescence is sufficiently weak so that localization can only be assessed with anti-GFP antibody in fixed cells, and even then, with substantial background staining. Nonetheless, at mid-prophase, Csm4 can be seen in foci around the periphery of the nucleus (##FIG##1##Figure 2D##, left). These foci often overlap with strong foci of Rap1-RFP (##FIG##1##Figure 2D##, right). These images provide evidence suggestive of NE localization of Csm4 and a tendency for association with telomeres. A strain expressing only Rap1-RFP does not show such patterns (data not shown; strain NKY4005).</p>", "<title>Genetic Analysis of Recombination</title>", "<p>Defects in MI homolog segregation often reflect defects in the formation of crossovers (COs). Further, it would be interesting to know whether/how telomere dynamics affect recombination. We therefore examined recombination in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> by both genetic (this section) and physical analyses (below).</p>", "<title>Increased Crossing Over in <italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</title>", "<p>We examined crossing over in 12 different intervals by tetrad analysis in WT and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (##FIG##2##Figure 3##, ##TAB##0##Tables 1##, ##SUPPL##4##S1##, and ##SUPPL##5##S2##). The <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutation conferred a 30–40% increase in the level of COs for all four intervals in the SK1 congenic strains. In the analysis of complete tetrads, the <italic>URA3-LEU2</italic> and <italic>ADE2-HIS3</italic> intervals were significantly different from WT (G-test, p&lt;0.007, 95% confidence level, Dunn-Sidak correction, ##REF##16873061##[34]##,##REF##12618391##[35]##) but the <italic>LEU2-LYS2</italic> (p = 0.07) and the <italic>LYS2-ADE2</italic> (p = 0.013) were not (##FIG##2##Figure 3A##). However, in the spore analysis, only the <italic>LEU2-LYS2</italic> interval (p = 0.014) was not significantly different from WT (p&lt;0.007, ##FIG##2##Figure 3A##). Similarly, in isogenic SK1 strains, CO frequencies were increased in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants at four out of eight analyzed intervals in complete tetrads and at six out of eight intervals in the spore analysis (G-test, p&lt;0.05, 95% confidence level). At the <italic>HIS4-LEU2</italic> interval on chromosome III, CO levels were indistinguishable between WT and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> in both data sets (##FIG##2##Figure 3B##).</p>", "<p>Oh et al. ##REF##17662941##[36]## showed that the <italic>sgs1ΔC795</italic> mutation conferred an ∼20% increase of map distance in SK1 strains that was primarily due to an increase in the frequency of NPD tetrads. Based on this observation the authors suggested “… that a fraction of the events that would normally form single crossovers in WT cells gives rise to closely spaced double crossovers in <italic>sgs1ΔC795</italic> cells.” We did not see a similar pattern in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants. Three of four genetic intervals (all but <italic>LEU2-LYS2</italic>) in the SK1 congenic strain displayed significantly different PD:NPD:TT distributions in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> compared to WT, even when the NPD class was ignored (G-test, p&lt;0.05). This observation suggested that the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutation did not increase map distances by specifically increasing the frequency of closely spaced double crossovers. This conclusion is reinforced by physical analysis of DNA events: species representing large joint molecules are overrepresented relative to other types of joint molecules in <italic>sgs1Δ</italic>\n##REF##17662941##[36]## but not in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (compare ##FIG##6##Figure 7C## with ##SUPPL##1##Figure S2C##).</p>", "<title>Reduced Crossover Interference in <italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</title>", "<p>In WT meiosis, occurrence of a CO in one region of a chromosome is accompanied by a reduced probability that one will also occur in a nearby region, a phenomenon known as \"CO interference”. We assayed interference in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> by three different methods.</p>", "<p>One approach utilizes the method of Malkova et al. ##REF##15454526##[37]##, which evaluates the occurrence of interference in adjacent intervals by utilizing all of the information contained in complete tetrads (##FIG##3##Figure 4##, ##SUPPL##6##Table S3##). In WT, interference was observed for all three interval pairs. In contrast, <italic>csm4Δ</italic> strains showed reduced interference in two intervals and no significant interference in the third. One interpretation of these data is that interference does not extend as far from the initial crossover site in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> strains as it does in WT.</p>", "<p>A second approach evaluated the “coefficient of coincidence” (COC). For a given pair of intervals, the COC is the ratio of the observed frequency of double CO events to that expected if COs in the two intervals occurred independently. In accord with results obtained using the Malkova et al. ##REF##15454526##[37]## method, the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutant exhibited a modest reduction in interference in all four intervals analyzed (##TAB##1##Table 2##).</p>", "<p>A third approach to interference analysis is the calculation of the ratio of observed non-parental ditypes (NPD) which reflects the occurrence of a four-strand double crossover, to that predicted by the number of single crossovers detected (NPD ratio, ##REF##17247336##[38]##,##REF##17247384##[39]##). By this criterion, we were unable to determine a difference in interference between WT and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> in all three intervals measured (##TAB##1##Table 2##). It is not clear why interference as assessed by NPD ratios is less affected by <italic>csm4Δ</italic> than when assessed by other methods. One possible explanation for the disparity between the COC and NPD ratio measurements is that NPD measurements may be affected by “chromatid interference”. Chromatid interference is a restriction on the independence of chromatid selection during CO recombination and has not been previously observed in yeast ##REF##15454526##[37]##,##REF##7713408##[40]##. Correspondingly, WT and the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutant both exhibited a 1∶2∶1 ratio of exchanges involving two, three, or four chromatids in the <italic>URA3-LYS2-HIS3</italic> interval, implying an absence of chromatid interference in both cases (data not shown).</p>", "<title>CSM4 and Crossover-Promoting Factors Act Independently</title>", "<p>During meiosis, the formation of COs, as opposed to noncrossovers (NCOs), is promoted by a large number of proteins that are specifically dedicated to this process. Among these, the Msh4-Msh5 complex appears to act around the time of CO/NCO differentiation ##REF##15066280##[41]##, while Mlh1-Mlh3 appears to act later, likely during double Holliday junction (dHJ) resolution (##REF##16856855##[42]##–##REF##10570173##[44]##; N. Hunter, personal communication). In both the <italic>msh5Δ csm4Δ</italic> and <italic>mlh1Δ csm4Δ</italic> double mutants, recombination levels are significantly lower at all examined intervals than levels seen with the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> alone (G-test, p&lt;0.007, Dunn-Sidak correction, ##FIG##2##Figure 3##, ##TAB##0##Table 1##). This suggests that, while absence of Csm4 affects the level of COs, those COs are still occurring via the normal Msh5/Mlh1-dependent pathway. Conversely, in <italic>msh5Δ</italic> and <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> mutant backgrounds, absence of Csm4 increases CO levels about two-fold above the single <italic>msh5Δ</italic> and <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> mutant levels, suggesting that the effect of <italic>csm4Δ</italic> on CO levels is upstream and/or independent of the <italic>msh5Δ</italic> and <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> effects. Although the <italic>msh5Δ</italic> is only significantly different from its corresponding double mutant at the <italic>URA3-LEU2</italic> interval in the spore dataset, the <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> recombination levels differ significantly from <italic>mlh1Δ csm4Δ</italic> at two out of four intervals in the tetrad dataset and three out of four intervals in the spore dataset (G-test, p&lt;0.025, Dunn-Sidak correction). Furthermore, spore viability in the double mutants (##FIG##0##Figure 1##; <italic>csm4Δ msh5Δ</italic> = 22%; <italic>mlh1Δ csm4Δ</italic> = 42%) was much lower than any of the single mutants alone (##FIG##0##Figure 1##; <italic>csm4Δ</italic> = 64%; <italic>msh5Δ</italic> = 36%; <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> = 68%). Taken together, these genetic interactions suggest that Csm4 acts independently of Msh4-Msh5 and Mlh1-Mlh3. Physical analysis of <italic>csm4 msh4</italic> mutants by Kosaka et al. ##REF##18818742##[23]## is consistent with this observation.</p>", "<title>Ndj1 and Csm4 Have the Same Function(s) for CO Level and Distribution</title>", "<p>\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic> conferred a 30–40% increase in CO frequencies at all intervals, indistinguishable from the increase seen in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (G-test, p&lt;0.007, Dunn-Sidak correction). Crossover interference is also similarly affected in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> and <italic>csm4Δ</italic>. These unusual phenotypes in both mutants provide strong support for Ndj1 and Csm4 playing similar roles with respect to recombination. In direct confirmation of this conclusion, the <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> double mutant is indistinguishable from either single mutant with respect to increases in CO levels in all four genetic intervals analyzed (G-test, p&lt;0.017, Dunn-Sidak correction, no intervals are significantly different between <italic>csm4Δ</italic> and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> and only one interval is significantly different between <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> and the double mutant, ##FIG##2##Figure 3##, ##TAB##0##Table 1##) and interference phenotypes (##FIG##3##Figure 4##; ##TAB##1##Table 2##). We note that a previous study also detected reduced interference in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> but did not detect increased CO levels ##REF##9242487##[11]##. Strain background effects are likely responsible for this difference.</p>", "<title>Absence of Csm4 Does Not Dramatically Increase Non-Mendelian Segregation (##TAB##2##Table 3##)</title>", "<p>Non-Mendelian (non-2:2) segregation of an allele, often referred to as “gene conversion”, implies that a recombination interaction has occurred between homologs rather than sisters. In budding yeast, gene conversion events are usually manifested as 1∶3 or 3∶1 segregation patterns of individual alleles ##UREF##0##[45]##. In the congenic SK1 background, gene conversion levels at <italic>TRP1</italic>, <italic>URA3</italic>, <italic>LEU2</italic>, <italic>LYS2</italic>, <italic>ADE1</italic>, and <italic>HIS3</italic> loci occurred at levels ranging from 0 to 0.8% of tetrads in WT and at indistinguishable levels in <italic>csm4Δ</italic>. The relatively low levels of gene conversion observed for these markers may reflect the fact that they mostly involve 1–3 kb heterologies. We also examined gene conversion at 11 loci marked by a variety of mutation types (point mutations and insertions/deletions). In these SK1 strains ##REF##12750322##[46]##, non-Mendelian segregation frequencies ranged from 0.2% to 5.3% of tetrads in WT and 0.2% to 5.2% in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> derivatives. The total frequencies of gene conversion at all loci were 14.7% in WT and 17.4% in <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, with no chromosome- or locus-specific differences detectable. Gene conversion frequencies reflect the combined effects of a couple of variables: the frequency of recombination initiation at/near the locus and the probability that an event initiated on one homolog will chose a partner duplex on the other homolog rather than on the sister chromatid. The simplest possibility is that <italic>csm4Δ</italic> has little effect on either of these features, although a balanced effect on both parameters cannot be excluded.</p>", "<title>Homolog Nondisjunction in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> Does Not Result from Absence of the Obligatory CO</title>", "<p>Homolog disjunction requires the presence of at least one interhomolog connection, created by the combined effects of a CO and the cohesion between sister chromatids centromere-distal to that CO. Homolog disjunction also requires appropriate reductional functioning of homolog centromere/kinetochore complexes and the efficient release of chiasma-maintaining sister connections. Because <italic>csm4Δ</italic> exhibits higher than WT levels of COs, it seems unlikely that homolog nondisjunction in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> results from the absence of a CO. On the other hand, in WT meiosis, special mechanisms ensure that each homolog pair experiences at least one CO (the so-called “obligatory” CO) even when overall CO levels are reduced (for recent discussion see ##REF##16873061##[34]##). Thus, it remained possible that Csm4 is required for the occurrence of the obligatory CO.</p>", "<p>We examined the presence or absence of COs on chromosomes that had undergone nondisjunction using a system developed by Rockmill et al. (##REF##17028345##[29]##; ##FIG##4##Figure 5##, ##SUPPL##7##Table S4##). This system allows for the selection, purification, and genetic analysis of spores disomic for chromosome III in the BR strain background (##SUPPL##4##Table S1##, <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). As a baseline for this analysis, map distances for six intervals spanning 167 kb of the 317 kb chromosome III were determined from four-spore viable tetrads in WT (390 tetrads dissected, 317 four-spore-viable, 93% spore viability) and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (697 tetrads dissected, 203 four-spore viable, 53% spore viability) in the BR strain background. This spore viability pattern observed in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> was similar to that seen for both the congenic and isogenic <italic>csm4Δ</italic> SK1 strains. However, unlike what we observed in the SK1 strain background, the recombination frequencies were similar in WT and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (only two out of six intervals were significantly different, G-test, p&lt;0.025, Dunn-Sidak correction, see comment on strain background effects below).</p>", "<p>Tetrad analysis of the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> derivatives of these strains showed that 9.3% (17/182) of the two-spore-viable tetrads dissected displayed nondisjunction of chromosome III. This value is similar to what was seen in the congenic SK1 strain background (7.8%). Tetrad analysis also revealed that 85% (154/182) of <italic>csm4Δ</italic> two-spore-viable tetrads were sisters, consistent with meiosis I nondisjunction, and again, similar to that seen in the congenic SK1 strain background (88%). These data, along with the spore viability profile (data not shown), show that again, aberrant segregation in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> strains resulted primarily from homolog nondisjunction.</p>", "<p>From sporulated <italic>csm4Δ</italic> cultures, we selected and analyzed 185 random spores disomic for chromosome III. In this analysis, CO levels were examined in a manner that accounted for the inability to detect homozygosity of dominant markers in the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> disomic spores and all tetrad information was converted to single spore data to allow direct comparison between the disome and tetrad data (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). Interestingly, the distribution of COs among the examined intervals was significantly different from that observed among chromosomes that experienced regular segregation: when compared to <italic>csm4Δ</italic> tetrads, <italic>csm4Δ</italic> disomes displayed significantly increased levels in the <italic>iNAT-iLEU2</italic> and <italic>iLEU2-MAT</italic> intervals on the right arm of the chromosome and a significantly decreased level of crossing over in the <italic>HIS4-iTHR1</italic> region (G-test, p&lt;0.025, Dunn-Sidak correction, ##FIG##4##Figure 5##, ##SUPPL##7##Table S4##). In addition, the total map distance for six intervals on chromosome III was higher for the disomes (85 cM) compared to the WT (78 cM) and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (71 cM) complete tetrads (##FIG##4##Figure 5##, ##SUPPL##7##Table S4##). Thus, homolog nondisjunction in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> does not appear to result from absence of the obligatory CO.</p>", "<p>More generally, chromosomes are not mis-segregating because of lack of recombination events, too many recombination events, or because they were only receiving crossovers in inappropriate locations (e.g., telomeres, centromeres). The altered distribution of crossovers seen in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> disomes also differed from what was previously seen in disomes isolated from WT and <italic>sgs1Δ</italic> strains. In these backgrounds, elevated levels of crossing over were seen at all loci with the highest levels found at those closest to the centromere, consistent with PSSC causing the majority of the mis-segregation events detected ##REF##17028345##[29]##. Rockmill et al. ##REF##17028345##[29]## hypothesized that the increase in centromere-proximal crossing over in WT and <italic>sgs1Δ</italic> strains caused PSSC events through the loss of sister chromatid cohesion. However, our data are not consistent with this scenario. The crossovers seen in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> disomes were not consistently higher or lower across the chromosome length, were not localized to a specific chromosomal position (e.g. centromeres), and were clearly not aiding in proper chromosome segregation. Thus there is no clear pattern or trend from these data that can explain how such a changed distribution can cause chromosome mis-segregation. A different type of explanation for homolog nondisjunction is presented below (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s3\">Discussion</xref>).</p>", "<title>Physical Analysis of Recombination</title>", "<p>To address the nature of recombination in <italic>csm4Δ/ndj1Δ</italic> meiosis in more detail, we assayed, in synchronously initiated meiotic cultures, physical events at the <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> locus of chromosome III (##FIG##5##Figure 6A##), where virtually all events emanate from a single DSB hot spot. Since Csm4 and Ndj1 are implicated in telomere status and dynamics (below), we also asked whether mutant recombination phenotypes depend upon the presence of chromosomal telomeres in <italic>cis</italic> to the assayed locus. For many phenotypes we analyzed recombination between <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> loci present on circular versions of chromosome III as well as on normal linear chromosomes III. Presence of the circular chromosome was confirmed for all analyzed strains (##SUPPL##2##Figure S3A##). All strains examined are isogenic SK1 derivatives (##SUPPL##4##Table S1##).</p>", "<title>High Levels of DSBs and CO/NCO Products</title>", "<p>The levels of CO and noncrossover (NCO) products were determined at the end of meiosis using a two-dimensional gel approach (##FIG##5##Figure 6B##; ##REF##16873061##[34]##). In all three mutants (<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, and <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic>), both types of products were present at high levels (##FIG##5##Figure 6C##). Correspondingly, DSBs form at the very similar levels in all four strains, as assessed in a <italic>rad50S</italic> background ##REF##2185891##[47]## where their turnover to later intermediates is blocked (##FIG##5##Figure 6D## and ##SUPPL##2##S3B##). Genetic analysis (above) detected modest increases in COs and non-Mendelian segregations, which presumptively represent total events and thus NCOs as well as COs. Such increases are not obvious in the present study at <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> (##FIG##5##Figure 6C##; see also ##FIG##6##Figure 7C## “COs”); however, slightly increased levels of DSBs are reported from analogous analysis of a slightly different version of <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> by Kosaka et al. ##REF##18818742##[23]##.</p>", "<title>Delays at Every Post-DSB Step of Recombination</title>", "<p>\n<italic>rad50S</italic> data also show that DSBs occur in a timely fashion in all three mutants, with small differences in timing among different strains that are well within standard culture-to-culture variation (##FIG##5##Figure 6D##). Since the timing of DSB formation reflects the timing of DNA replication ##REF##11052944##[48]## this suggests that DNA replication also occurs with normal timing, which we have confirmed directly in all three mutants by FACS analysis (data not shown).</p>", "<p>After DSB formation, however, progression through ensuing steps of recombination is severely delayed, for both linear and circular chromosomes. These steps were analyzed by one-dimensional gels that display DSBs and CO products plus two-dimensional gels that display single-end invasions (SEIs) and double Holliday junctions (dHJs), two branched species on the pathway to formation of CO products (##REF##15066278##[49]##,##REF##11461701##[50]##,##REF##11461702##[51]##; ##FIG##6##Figure 7A and B##; ##SUPPL##2##Figure S3C##). All three intermediates (DSBs, SEIs, and dHJs) occur at higher than normal levels and peak at later than normal times in all three mutants, with very similar results for linear and circular chromosomes (##FIG##6##Figure 7C##). This pattern is indicative of delayed progression, as discussed in detail below. Correspondingly, while CO products form at high levels in all cases, they appear with a substantial delay in all three mutants, for both linear and circular chromosomes (##FIG##6##Figure 7C##). An additional type of one-dimensional gel analysis of the linear chromosome strains reveals that the same is also true for NCO products, which are delayed to the same extent as CO products in all three mutants (##SUPPL##1##Figure S2A and B##).</p>", "<p>The detailed effects of <italic>ndj1Δ/csm4Δ</italic> mutations on recombination progression are elucidated by further analysis of the primary data, by two approaches ##REF##11461702##[51]##. First, the lifespan of an intermediate, given by the area under the corresponding primary data curve, defines the time spent by a given intermediate at that stage; thus, an increase in the lifespan of a species implies a delay in progression out of the corresponding step. The lifespans of DSBs, dHJs and SEIs all increased in each of the three mutants, relative to WT, for both linear and circular chromosomes, with the biggest increase for DSBs (##FIG##6##Figure 7D##). Thus, all three mutants confer defects in all three corresponding steps, with the biggest delay in progression out of the DSB stage and lesser delays in progression from SEIs to dHJs and progression from dHJs to COs.</p>", "<p>Second, cumulative curve analysis defines the percentage of cells that have “entered” a particular stage as a function of time after initiation of meiosis, with “time of entry” defined as the time at which 50% of cells have carried out the corresponding step. Once again, a delay in progression is seen as an increase in the time interval between the entry time for one step and the entry time for the successive step. Among the three transitions examined, the biggest effect of the mutations is on the difference between the time of DSB formation and the time of SEI formation (i.e. the DSB-to-SEI transition), as expected from lifespan analysis, with smaller (or no) differences seen for the other two other transitions (SEI formation to dHJ formation, dHJ formation to CO formation; ##FIG##6##Figure 7E##). We note that similar effects have been observed not only in the two complete experiments presented in ##FIG##6##Figure 7C## but in a third set of experiments involving a different set of linear chromosome strains (##FIG##6##Figure 7D and E##, “Lin2”). We also note that while previous work suggested no delay in the DSB-to-SEI transition in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n##REF##16648465##[16]##, reanalysis of that data suggests that the same delay was observed in that study as is reported here.</p>", "<p>We conclude that: (i) absence of Ndj1 and/or Csm4 confers delayed progression at every individual assayable step of recombination but most prominently at the DSB to SEI transition; (ii) that linear and circular chromosomes behave quite similarly with respect to these effects, though minor differences are not excluded; and (iii) that delays are not accompanied by any significant reduction (or obvious increase) in the level of final CO and NCO products. There is also a strong tendency for <italic>csm4Δ</italic> to confer the strongest effects among the three analyzed mutations (##FIG##6##Figure 7D and E##).</p>", "<p>Effects of <italic>ndj1/csm4</italic> mutations on three other aspects of recombination were also examined for both linear and circular chromosomes (##SUPPL##1##Figure S2C and D##). First, “large joint molecules” (LJMs), indicative of multi-chromatid interactions ##REF##17662941##[36]##, occur in <italic>ndj1/csm4</italic> mutants as in WT meiosis (##SUPPL##1##Figure S2C##). Moreover, direct comparison of LJM and dHJ levels reveals that the two species are affected coordinately, with no indication that the mutants have increased LJM levels as observed in certain other mutants (##SUPPL##1##Figure S2D##; ##REF##17662941##[36]##). Second, ectopic recombination, which occurs between the molecularly-inserted <italic>LEU2</italic> locus at <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> and the endogenous <italic>leu2</italic> locus ##REF##10511543##[52]##, is slightly elevated in all three mutants, as compared to WT, as seen at very late time points (##SUPPL##1##Figure S2C##), and as previously observed for <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n##REF##10944222##[18]##. Third, for the linear chromosome, all three mutants exhibit a significant, but somewhat reduced, ratio of inter-homolog versus inter-sister dHJs (∼2.7∶1 versus ∼5∶1 for WT; ##SUPPL##1##Figure S2C##). This difference could reflect: (i) defective homolog partner choice at the time that choice is made (concomitant with DSB formation; ##REF##9323140##[53]##, K.K. and N.K. unpublished); (ii) deterioration of homolog bias thereafter; and/or (iii) a differential role of Ndj1/Csm4 in progression of inter-homolog CO interactions versus inter-sister CO interactions. No such difference is observed for the circular chromosome; perhaps this is related to the fact that it does not exhibit such strong inter-homolog bias in WT (##SUPPL##1##Figure S2C##).</p>", "<p>We note that related analysis of linear chromosome recombination in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> by Kosaka et al. ##REF##18818742##[23]## also reveals delays at all assayable steps, very similar to the delays reported here, and, coordinately, delays in formation of COs and NCOs. The two studies differ somewhat with respect to reported effects on the levels of COs and NCOs, perhaps because slightly different assays and <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> alleles were used. However, in both cases, high levels of both products do occur.</p>", "<title>Recombination-Dependent MI Delay</title>", "<p>All three <italic>ndj1/csm4</italic> mutations confer delays in the occurrence of MI. The extent of the delay is greatest for <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, smallest for <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and intermediate for the double mutant. This is a highly reproducible effect. It has been observed in both linear and circular chromosome experiments (##FIG##6##Figure 7C##) and in all of the many other experiments performed with these mutants in the current and previous studies using the SK1 background (##REF##18585353##[6]##,##REF##16648465##[16]##; data not shown). In a number of mutants, delayed and/or inefficient occurrence of MI results from delayed recombinational progression. This is also true for <italic>ndj1Δ/csm4Δ</italic> mutants: elimination of recombination initiation completely eliminates the MI delay in all three mutant strains (see below).</p>", "<p>Appearance of COs and NCOs marks the end of recombination. Since MI delays are due to delays in recombination, it might be expected that, once these products appear, the mutants should exhibit no further delay in progression. Specifically: occurrence of MI should be delayed to the same extent as occurrence of COs. However, there are hints that this is not the case: occurrence of MI is even further delayed than is occurrence of COs, dramatically for two <italic>csm4Δ</italic> experiments and less dramatically for other mutants and/or other experiments (##FIG##6##Figure 7D##). Moreover, since all MI delays are completely dependent upon recombination initiation (below), this discrepancy seems to imply that, even after the majority of recombinational interactions are completed (as seen by appearance of the high levels of COs and NCOs as detected by DNA analysis at <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic>), a minority of interactions (which do not make a significant contribution to total DNA-detected events) remain unresolved and are either completed much later or not at all (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s3\">Discussion</xref>).</p>", "<p>We further find that the delays in occurrence of MI in all three mutants (##FIG##6##Figure 7##, also shown in ##FIG##7##Figure 8B, left panel##) are completely eliminated if initiation of recombination is eliminated by the <italic>spo11</italic>(<italic>Y153F</italic>) mutation (##FIG##7##Figure 8B, right panel##), as seen previously for <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n##REF##16648465##[16]## and for <italic>csm4Δ</italic> by Kosaka et al. ##REF##18818742##[23]##. This effect is in accord with the fact that recombination defects trigger MI defects in several other situations (e.g. ##REF##15066280##[41]##,##REF##1581960##[54]##). For <italic>csm4Δ</italic> we further determined that the MI delay was eliminated by a <italic>rad17Δ</italic> mutation (##SUPPL##3##Figure S4##), which is known to alleviate MI delays resulting from recombinational blocks in other situations (e.g. <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>; ##REF##17174924##[55]##). Spore viability in <italic>rad17Δ csm4Δ</italic> was dramatically reduced as compared to either single mutant, as would be expected from the compromise of a checkpoint that monitors aberrant recombinational progression ##REF##17174924##[55]##,##REF##8893012##[56]##.</p>", "<title>SC Morphogenesis</title>", "<p>Morphogenesis of the SC is readily monitored in whole cells using Zip1-GFP as described previously ##REF##15066280##[41]##,##REF##18305165##[57]##: cells containing focal Zip1-GFP are in leptotene; those with an incomplete complement of Zip1 linearities are in zygotene, corresponding to formation of SC; and those containing a maximum complement of Zip1 linearities are in pachytene, a morphology corresponding to full length SC (##FIG##7##Figure 8A##, panel i; e.g. ##REF##18305165##[57]##).</p>", "<p>\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> mutants all exhibit abnormal kinetics of progression into and out of the zygotene and pachytene stages (##FIG##7##Figure 8A##, panels ii). Lifespan analysis (described above) further shows that all three mutants remain in both stages longer than WT (##FIG##7##Figure 8A##, panel iii). Cumulative curve analysis (described above) further shows that all three mutants exhibit delayed onset of zygotene and delayed onset of pachytene (##FIG##7##Figure 8A##, panel iv). These defects can be attributed to defects in progression of recombination (above): onset of zygotene is triggered by CO-designation ##REF##16838012##[58]##, progression from zygotene to pachytene mirrors the progression of CO-designation and/or SC formation, and exit of pachytene is dependent upon completion of recombination ##REF##15066280##[41]##,##REF##1581960##[54]##. In accord with these defects, some nuclei (∼20%) exhibit large aggregates of Zip1-GFP, i.e. polycomplexes (data not shown). In our analysis, pachytene appears more prolonged than zygotene; Kosaka et al ##REF##18818742##[23]## suggest that zygotene is more severely affected than pachytene. This may represent slight differences in progression in the two experimental protocols or between the particular strains examined.</p>", "<p>Noted above, however, was the peculiar fact that, in all three mutants, onset of MI is delayed more than completion of recombination product formation. We favor the idea that there are a small minority of recombinational interactions which persist, undetected by DNA analysis, after most interactions are fully completed (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s3\">Discussion</xref>). If this were true, and given that exit from pachytene is dependent on completion of recombination, and in turn, licenses onset of MI, it could be expected that all mutation-dependent effects would be complete by the end of pachytene, with no further mutant-dependent delay between pachytene exit and MI. This appears to be the case: in all three mutants, exit from pachytene is followed by MI by an interval of time that is the same as, or less than, that observed in WT (##FIG##7##Figure 8A##, panel v).</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>The current study: (i) identifies Csm4 as a direct participant in meiotic telomere/NE dynamics with a role that is distinct from that of the previously-identified components of this process; (ii) reveals important roles for Csm4 in both the outcome of recombination, notably in limiting formation of COs and promoting CO interference, and in progression of recombination, notably between DSB formation and onset of stable strand exchange; and (iii) reveals that nondisjunction in the absence of Csm4 is not attributable to absence of COs, perhaps implicating this molecule in the status of intersister connections. The accompanying paper by Kosaka et al. ##REF##18818742##[23]## provides related and complementary findings as indicated above.</p>", "<title>Csm4 Is Required for Linkage of Meiotic Telomere/NE Ensembles to the Force Generation System for Chromosome Movement</title>", "<p>Our work defines Csm4 as a direct participant in meiotic telomere/NE dynamics, in functional linkage with Ndj1: (i) Csm4 is required for telomere dynamics, similarly to and dependent upon Ndj1-mediated telomere/NE association. (ii) Csm4 partially colocalizes with telomeres along the NE and, correspondingly, deletion of its putative membrane-spanning domain confers a nearly-null phenotype (S. Z. and E. A., unpublished observations). (iii) Similar phenotypes and strong genetic interactions are observed for <italic>csm4Δ</italic> and <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> mutations with respect to recombination, recombination-coupled SC formation, and occurrence of the MI division.</p>", "<p>The absence of Csm4 does not discernibly alter meiosis-specific association of telomeres with the NE but strongly abrogates rapid zygotene telomere movements (as well as dynamic telomere-led movements of pachytene chromosomes; ##REF##18585353##[6]##), and the tendency for telomeres to colocalize in the vicinity of the SPB at zygotene (the “bouquet”). This latter tendency, seen on a population average basis, likely reflects spatial biasing of rapid telomere movements due to the preferential colocalization of actin cables near the SPB ##REF##18585353##[6]##. Moreover, the absence of Csm4 places telomeres in an immobile state that can be partially reinvigorated if meiosis-specific telomere/NE association is absent (with <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>). Telomere-led chromosome movement is dependent upon actin ##REF##17939997##[2]##,##REF##16027219##[5]##,##REF##18585353##[6]##. This movement occurs because of association of telomeres to nucleus-hugging cytoplasmic actin cables which are, themselves, dynamic ##REF##18585353##[6]##. Thus, an obvious specific basis for the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> motion defect would be a failure of NE-associated telomeres to become physically and/or functionally coupled to these actin cables.</p>", "<title>Effects of <italic>csm4Δ</italic>/<italic>ndj1Δ</italic> Mutations on Progression of Meiotic Recombination Could Explain the Effects of These Mutations on the Outcome of Recombination</title>", "<title>CO Patterns Can Be Explained by Increased CO-Designation</title>", "<p>Differentiation of recombination intermediates into CO- and NCO-fated types appears to involve a process in which a subset of events is specifically designated for eventual maturation into COs; once this process is complete, remaining interactions are automatically fated for maturation as NCOs as the “default option” ##REF##16873061##[34]##. Given this situation, all of the effects of <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutations on CO level and distribution could be explained by an increased number of CO-designation events. (i) The total number of COs (allelic and ectopic) could be increased without a corresponding increase in the total number of recombinational interactions, and without altering the pathway by which CO recombination occurs, as is observed. (ii) As more and more COs occur, the additional events will tend to occur in regions that are less susceptible to CO-designation (and thus still relatively free from the effects of CO interference), thereby altering relative levels along the chromosome. (iii) Continued CO designation would tend to override the inhibitory effects of crossover interference, which would thus appear to be reduced (e.g. ##REF##15299144##[59]##). By this scenario, alterations in CO interference, as defined experimentally, would not require any defect in the underlying mechanism by which CO- designation at one site influences the probability of CO-designation at nearby sites. Consistent with this argument, Getz et al. ##REF##18385111##[60]## observed a 10–20% increase in crossing over as well as reduced interference at five genetic intervals in <italic>ndj1</italic> mutants (compared to WT, two different strain backgrounds). Based on these and other observations, they conclude that their work offers “evidence of a specific <italic>ndj1</italic>-induced increase in crossovers that are non-interfering... ##REF##18385111##[60]##.Ó An alternative scenario could involve a primary defect in CO interference which, in turn, would permit additional CO-designation events, e.g. via effects of <italic>ndj1/csm4</italic> mutations on Tel1/Mec1 (ATM/ATR)-mediated signal transduction (e.g. ##REF##18329363##[61]##).</p>", "<title>Increased CO Dsignation Could Be Explained by Prolongation of the CO Designation Period</title>", "<p>CO-designation is thought to occur at the end of the DSB stage, after a DSB has found its partner but prior to onset of stable strand exchange, and, thus, at DSB exit ##REF##15066280##[41]##. Prolongation of the CO-designation period could explain increased CO levels (and resultant patterning changes) in <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants. In accord with this model, the DSB stage is greatly prolonged in all three mutants. <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> SC phenotypes are also in accord with this model. In WT meiosis, each CO-designation event leads to local nucleation of SC installation, which then spreads only a limited distance in either direction (for discussion, see ##UREF##1##[62]##). In <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants, the period of incomplete SC (zygotene) is prolonged (##FIG##7##Figure 8##), in accord with occurrence of CO-designation over a longer-than-normal period of time.</p>", "<title>Prolongation of CO-Designation Could Reflect Defects in Partner Identification or Presynaptic Homolog Juxtaposition</title>", "<p>Once a DSB occurs, it must find a homologous partner duplex (on a homolog). The resulting association then mediates the juxtaposition of homolog axes to a close distance of ∼0.4 µm. CO-designation is thought to occur during/after this latter step. In most organisms, these events occur asynchronously throughout the genome of a single nucleus such that partner interaction, homolog juxtaposition, and CO-designation may already have occurred at some loci while, at other loci, DSBs have not yet reached the stage where CO-designation can occur (reviewed in ##REF##10690419##[1]##,##UREF##1##[62]##). It would not be surprising if timely exit from the CO-designation period (and thus onset of SEI formation and zygotene) were dependent upon completion of pre-designation events at most or all DSB sites. Correspondingly, prolongation of the CO-designation stage could occur if even a minority of DSBs were significantly delayed in either partner identification or presynaptic homolog juxtaposition.</p>", "<title>Analogy to the <italic>Drosophila</italic> “Interchromosomal Effect”</title>", "<p>The above idea may seem <italic>ad hoc</italic>. However, the alterations in CO patterns observed here for <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants are strongly reminiscent of the “interchromosomal effect” observed for <italic>Drosophila</italic>\n##UREF##2##[63]##, a phenomenon in which the presence of a structural heterozygosity (e.g. an inversion on one chromosome relative to its homolog) results in an elevated level of COs plus reduction, but not elimination, of CO interference, i.e. the same phenotype seen in <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants in the present study. Structural heterozygosity is predicted to delay partner identification and/or immediately ensuing events that require closely proximal coalignment of interacting regions. Thus, this analogy supports the idea that the primary defect in <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> recombination might occur at these early step(s). Moreover, since in <italic>Drosophila</italic> the irregularity that triggers these effects is confined to the sub-region of the genome affected by the inversion, this analogy supports the notion that, in yeast, late occurrence of immediate post-DSB steps at a minority of DSB sites could trigger a genome-wide effect on CO-designation levels.</p>", "<title>Delays at Later Stages Could Also Reflect Defects in Early DSB/Partner Interactions</title>", "<p>Absence of Csm4/Ndj1 also results in delayed progression of later recombination steps that occur during pachytene, as well as exit from pachytene as observed by SC analysis. These phenotypes could also be explained by a primary defect at early stages by assuming that (i) some uncompleted DSB/partner interactions persist even after most events, and associated SC formation, have been completed and (ii) that these persisting interactions are sensed by the global regulatory mechanisms that permit eventual progression of prophase events through the leptotene/zygotene transition. Support for this idea is provided by the fact that delayed onset of MI in the mutants is dependent upon recombination but tends to be more exaggerated than completion of (bulk) CO formation: such an effect could be explained by “checkpoint” sensing of still incomplete recombinational interactions. Since incomplete recombination results in delayed pachytene exit, which then licenses onset of MI, this interpretation is supported by the fact that no additional mutant-dependent delay is apparent after pachytene.</p>", "<title>\n<italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> Recombination Defects Could Be a Direct Consequence of Abrogation of Telomere-Led Chromosome Movement</title>", "<p>Our work confirms and extends results from analyses of <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> showing that a mutation(s) which affects telomere/NE dynamics also affects meiotic recombination ##REF##17939997##[2]##,##REF##9242487##[11]##,##REF##9157883##[12]##,##REF##16648465##[16]##. While it is difficult to be certain that alterations of recombination are a direct consequence of reduced chromosome movement, rather than being a secondary or unrelated effects of altered telomere biology, the current study provides evidence supportive of a direct connection and of a synthetic model for exactly how abrogation of motion might confer such effects.</p>", "<title>Evidence Pointing to a Cause-and-Effect Relationship</title>", "<p>Chromosome movement is strongly reduced in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> and substantially reduced, but to a lesser extent, in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>. This pattern is readily understood by supposing that the absence of normal meiotic telomere/NE association in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> releases the chromosomes from more constrained NE/actin cable-associated state found in <italic>csm4Δ</italic>. The same relationship is observed for the delayed occurrence of MI, which in turn is a result of defects in recombination, and is also strongly suggested by DNA analyses of progression at <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic>. Since onset of motion can occur independent of recombination ##REF##18585353##[6]##, motion would be required for normal progression of recombination rather than the other way around.</p>", "<title>Motion Could Promote Recombination by Regularizing Topological Relationships among Chromosomes</title>", "<p>We have argued elsewhere that the primary role for chromosome movement during meiotic prophase should be the regularization of topological relationships among chromosomes, i.e. removal of chromosomal interlocks or nonspecific connections among unrelated chromosomes ##REF##18585353##[6]##. A specific prediction of this hypothesis is that, in the absence of motion, some DSBs within a nucleus may be impeded either from finding a partner region on a homolog or, if a partner is found at the DNA level, from mediating the close juxtaposition of homolog axes to the presynaptic coalignment distance as required for normal recombinosome/axis association and, thereafter, SC formation and continued recombinosome/axis interplay. We have outlined above a scenario in which a failure of a minority of DSBs to identify a partner duplex and/or mediate ensuing homolog juxtaposition could explain the recombination and progression defects of <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants. Thus, our hypothesis for chromosome movement provides a coherent explanation for the diverse defects of <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants while, conversely, the phenotypes of <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants provide circumstantial evidence for our proposal regarding the role of chromosome movement.</p>", "<title>Explaining Recombination Defects on Circular Chromosomes</title>", "<p>The current study presents the intriguing finding that absence of Csm4/Ndj1 affects recombination between circular chromosomes very similarly to recombination between normal linear chromosomes. Formally, this result implies that effects on recombination do not require (or at least are not very strongly dependent upon) the presence of telomeres in <italic>cis</italic> to the affected interacting regions. At first glance, this result would seem to suggest that abrogation of movement is not responsible for recombination defects. However, this is likely not a correct conclusion. Cytological analysis in <italic>S. cerevisiae</italic> of a circular chromosome tagged with a fluorescent repressor/operator array reveals dynamic movement during mid-prophase despite the absence of telomeres (K. Kim, unpublished results). Furthermore, Koszul et al. ##REF##18585353##[6]## have found that nearby linear pachytene chromosomes tend to move coordinately despite the absence of telomere clustering at this stage, and the same is presumably true at zygotene. Thus, a defect in the motion of chromosomes possessing telomeres could be transmitted to chromosomes without telomeres, as required by the model proposed above.</p>", "<title>Other Models</title>", "<p>It has often been proposed that telomere movement promotes telomere clustering, which in turn promotes homologous telomere/telomere interactions, which in turn promotes efficient interactions in other regions<bold>.</bold> Homologous telomere/telomere interactions do appear to promote the identification of homologous interactions elsewhere in the genome (e.g. ##REF##10944222##[18]##,##REF##11739653##[64]##). However, in the case of <italic>S. pombe</italic>, telomere colocalization as such is not sufficient to confer regular recombination; movement is also necessary for some other reason(s) ##REF##10366596##[19]##.</p>", "<p>Another often-proposed model is that motion provides “stirring forces” needed for DSBs to search for and identify homologous partner sequences ##UREF##3##[65]##. Our proposition differs from this idea because it envisions that motion is required (primarily) to eliminate residual topological impediments rather than to positively promote homology searching irrespective of such impediments. One possibility is that homology searching might be promoted by other types of motion which, while less in magnitude, are still significant ##REF##18585353##[6]##. Also, once a pair of homologs comes into effective contact at one position (e.g. telomeres; ##REF##16766662##[43]##), the problem for further pairing may not be contact between homologous regions as much as making sure that such contacts do not produce entanglements.</p>", "<p>There are several arguments against the idea that motion is needed for primary pairing. The most obvious of which is that motion begins concomitant with onset of zygotene ##REF##18585353##[6]## which is likely later than the point at which (most) DSBs identify partners. We also note that while mutants with defective telomere/NE ensembles are found to exhibit delayed chromosome “pairing” (e.g. for budding yeast, ##REF##9242487##[11]##,##REF##9157883##[12]##), the “one spot/two spot” assays used for such studies have significant limitations. First, the level of “one spot” nuclei reflects not only formation of initial contacts but occurrence of events all the way through SC formation, which is certainly delayed in <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants. Second, given that homologs are periodically connected along their lengths, the level of “one spot” nuclei also reflects chromosome stiffness: greater stiffness results in higher levels of “one spot” nuclei because a contact at one position is propagated farther along the chromosome. And in budding yeast, formation of axial elements, which is likely an indicator of development of chromosome stiffness, normally occurs at the leptotene/zygotene transition ##REF##1913808##[66]## and is delayed in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n##REF##9157883##[12]##. These complexities imply that definitive monitoring of initial DSB/partner interactions requires some different type of assay other than those applied thus far.</p>", "<title>Progression versus Execution</title>", "<p>The <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> recombination phenotypes are different from those conferred by most recombination mutants because they involve delays in progression, at multiple steps, through what appears otherwise to be a normal and efficiently executed process. The existence of this phenotype supports the idea that particular factors are required specifically for timing of events rather than execution. A very similar timing phenotype has recently been described for the budding yeast <italic>pch2Δ</italic> mutant ##REF##18305165##[57]##, although this mutation confers delays primarily in pachytene events rather than at immediate post-DSB steps. The effects of <italic>pch2Δ</italic> are proposed to be mediated via the regulatory signal transduction kinase Mec1/ATR. The same could be true in the present case, with the addition that earlier events might involve both Mec1/ATR and its relative, Tel1/ATM, which is implicated in events immediately following DSB formation ##REF##18329363##[61]##.</p>", "<p>MI delays of <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (above) and <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n##REF##17174924##[55]## are fully alleviated by elimination of Rad17, implying alleviation of effects triggered by delays at any and all stages of recombination. In accord with action at multiple stages in the current situation, absence of Rad17, or one of its collaborators, is known to alleviate MI arrest conferred by defects at diverse stages of recombination: including DSB exit (<italic>dmc1Δ</italic>; ##REF##8893012##[56]##), progression of CO-designated DSBs to later stages (<italic>zip1Δ</italic>; ##REF##17174924##[55]##,##REF##8893012##[56]##) and timely progression through pachytene (<italic>pch2Δ</italic>; ##REF##17174924##[55]##).</p>", "<p>Cytological studies suggest that impediments to completion of presynaptic coalignment can also trigger a local response that includes destabilization of chromosome axes around the affected position(s), e.g. at the site of an interlock in <italic>Bombyx</italic>\n##REF##3445259##[20]## or a structural heterozygosity in mouse ##REF##6545725##[67]##. Thus, Rad17-dependent progression delays in <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants may be part of a standard “checkpoint damage response”. We note, however, that Mec1/ATR and Tel1/ATM are involved in promoting progression of unperturbed WT meiosis, as well as “checkpoint damage sensing” (for discussion see ##REF##18305165##[57]##). The same might well be true of Rad17 and its collaborators, in both WT (as shown by Grushcow et al. ##REF##10511543##[52]##) and, at least to some extent, in <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> meiosis. Perhaps these components function to “gate” the signal transduction response such that the rate of progression is appropriately sensitive to the status of the entire population of recombinational interactions in a given nucleus rather than proceeding on a more autonomous clock.</p>", "<title>What Is the Basis for Homolog Nondisjunction in <italic>csm4Δ/ndj1Δ</italic>?</title>", "<p>The ultimate raison d'être of meiotic prophase is the proper segregation of homologs at the MI division. This process, in turn, requires the presence of one or more COs between homologous non-sister chromatids. Correspondingly, MI mis-segregation events are often associated with decreased reciprocal recombination levels ##REF##8001134##[25]##, ##REF##7954796##[68]##–##REF##11283700##[73]##). However, the current work provides three lines of evidence that, surprisingly and contrary to earlier presumptions, homolog nondisjunction in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> is not attributable to an absence of COs or, more specifically, to absence of the first “obligatory” CO. First, homologs that have nondisjoined in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> do not exhibit a deficit of COs (##FIG##3##Figure 4##). A caveat in our analysis is that we were unable to measure telomere distal crossovers in the strains that displayed nondisjunction. Second, the <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutations have very similar effects on CO formation while <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> has a much less severe effect on homolog nondisjunction than <italic>csm4Δ</italic>; in the double mutant, it further reduces nondisjunction below the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> level. Third, the primary defect of recombination and downstream events is a temporal delay of a process that eventually proceeded to completion. Nondisjunction events would more likely result from the inefficient execution of a particular process.</p>", "<p>One interesting possibility is that some of the COs in <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants “fail to ensure disjunction” because of a defect in the relationships between sisters. Indeed, there are hints of abnormal sister relationships from detectable increases in PSSC events in these mutants, as shown previously by Conrad et al. ##REF##17495028##[13]## in tetrad analysis. Sister relationships are important in three respects: First, sister chromatid cohesion distal to the site of exchange is vital for the stabilization of the physical manifestations of crossing over, chiasmata, which hold the homologous pair together ##REF##11081626##[74]##–##REF##16258540##[76]##. Second, at the sites of crossovers, cohesion must be relaxed in order to allow for exchange of the chromosome arms ##REF##12526806##[77]##–##REF##16314861##[79]##. Third, sister cohesion along arms distal to the sites of COs must be released during anaphase I. Thus, the <italic>csm4Δ/ndj1Δ</italic> defect could be either a deficit of cohesion or, more intriguingly, a failure of cohesion to be properly released either at the site of the CO, along arms distal to the CO site, or specifically at telomeres.</p>", "<p>The scenario presented above, in which a deficit of motion results in defective immediately post-DSB steps of recombination, could also explain a defect in sister relationships. It has recently been shown that CO-designation at leptotene/zygotene is accompanied by local destabilization of chromosome axes; presumably as the first step in differentiation and separation of sister chromatids specifically at these sites ##REF##18347098##[80]##. At a site where an initiating DSB fails to establish a normal recombinosome/axis relationship, CO-designation might still occur with respect to DNA events but without accompanying effects on sister relationships. Alternatively, impeded completion of DSB/partner interactions could trigger a local loss of sister connectedness which extends down the chromosome arm(s). Linkage of all <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> phenotypes to a single common cause is supported by the fact that, for homolog nondisjunction as for other effects, <italic>csm4Δ</italic> confers a stronger defect than <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>.</p>", "<p>On the other hand, Csm4/Ndj1 could be involved directly in sister chromatid cohesion, along arms or in centric regions, as an independent aspect of their molecular functions. Indeed, the third component of yeast telomere/NE dynamics, Mps3 has been implicated as a direct general participant in sister chromatid cohesion, in both mitotic and meiotic cells ##REF##17495028##[13]##,##REF##15355977##[81]##.</p>", "<p>The <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> double mutant nondisjunction defect is slightly weaker than that of <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, rather than being the same as or slightly greater than in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>. Thus, for this phenotype, the defect in each single mutant is subtly dependent upon the presence of the WT gene product corresponding to the other mutation (“partial reciprocal epistasis”). In the context of effects on sister cohesion, a possible explanation is that both mutations have two effects, conferring both a reduction in the number of sister chromatid connections and defective release of those connections that do occur. In this case, each mutation would reduce the number of connections and thus, synergistically, the number of aberrant connections remaining to interfere with MI homolog segregation.</p>", "<p>Explanations for homolog nondisjunction that do not involve sister cohesion can also be envisioned. For example, nondisjunction could simply be an additional consequence of the presence of entanglements, which might affect one or more homolog pairs. Alternatively, homolog nondisjunction may result from an excess of COs (e.g. ##REF##3606589##[82]##). Our genetic data argue against such a model for <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants: we observed that the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutation decreased the meiotic viability of <italic>msh5Δ</italic> and <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> mutants (##FIG##1##Figure 2##) and this would not be expected if it resulted in more COs. A third possibility would attribute homolog nondisjunction to an excess of multi-chromatid events resulting from failure to resolve precursor large joint molecules (e.g. as in <italic>sgs1</italic>\n##REF##17662941##[36]##). However, there is no evidence that <italic>csm4Δ/ndj1Δ</italic> mutants exhibit a <italic>sgs1</italic>-like defect (above).</p>", "<title>Summary</title>", "<p>We construct a coherent model where abrogation of motion confers a defect in completion of early DSB/partner interactions (partner identification or ensuing creation of bridges between homolog axes) which, in turn, explains all other observed mutant defects as described above and in earlier studies. Phenotypes of motion-defective mutants in <italic>S. pombe</italic> have been explained similarly, though in less detail, as a partial defect in recombination and “pairing” ##REF##16615890##[3]##,##REF##16988108##[9]##,##REF##10366596##[19]##. However, diverse alternative explanations for some or all of the observed effects are not critically excluded. Future studies must now critically address predictions of this model, for yeast and for other organisms, e.g. assessment of local DSB/partner interactions and occurrence of aberrant topological relationships, on a per-cell basis.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: JJW KPK RK SZ BW NK EA. Performed the experiments: JJW KPK RK SZ BW. Analyzed the data: JJW KPK RK SZ BW NK EA. Wrote the paper: JJW KPK RK SZ NK EA.</p>", "<p>Chromosome movements are a general feature of mid-prophase of meiosis. In budding yeast, meiotic chromosomes exhibit dynamic movements, led by nuclear envelope (NE)-associated telomeres, throughout the zygotene and pachytene stages. Zygotene motion underlies the global tendency for colocalization of NE-associated chromosome ends in a “bouquet.” In this study, we identify Csm4 as a new molecular participant in these processes and show that, unlike the two previously identified components, Ndj1 and Mps3, Csm4 is not required for meiosis-specific telomere/NE association. Instead, it acts to couple telomere/NE ensembles to a force generation mechanism. Mutants lacking Csm4 and/or Ndj1 display the following closely related phenotypes: (i) elevated crossover (CO) frequencies and decreased CO interference without abrogation of normal pathways; (ii) delayed progression of recombination, and recombination-coupled chromosome morphogenesis, with resulting delays in the MI division; and (iii) nondisjunction of homologs at the MI division for some reason other than absence of (the obligatory) CO(s). The recombination effects are discussed in the context of a model where the underlying defect is chromosome movement, the absence of which results in persistence of inappropriate chromosome relationships that, in turn, results in the observed mutant phenotypes.</p>", "<title>Author Summary</title>", "<p>In meiosis, cells specified to become gametes (eggs or sperm) undergo a single round of DNA replication followed by two consecutive chromosomal divisions. In most organisms, the proper segregation of chromosomes at the first meiotic division is mechanically dependent upon genetic exchange, or crossing over, at homologous sites along chromosomes. This process is highly regulated so that every pair of matched chromosomes, regardless of size, receives at least one crossover. In humans, defects in this recombination process can lead to a variety of chromosome aneuploidy syndromes. During early stages in meiosis, the ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, associate with the envelope of the nucleus and undergo highly dynamic movements. We identified a new component of the movement-generating system, Csm4, in budding yeast. In the absence of Csm4, the telomeres associate with the nuclear envelope but are locked in an immobile state. In addition, strains lacking Csm4 show delayed recombination progression and high levels of chromosome mis-segregation at the first meiotic division. These findings suggest that, during meiosis, Csm4 is involved in coupling telomere complexes to the movement-generating system and that chromosome motion is important for the completion of early steps in recombination.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Supporting Information</title>" ]
[ "<p>We are thankful to Doug Bishop, Sean Burgess, Dean Dawson, Mike Dresser, Nancy Hollingsworth, Neil Hunter, Trevor Lithgow, Beth Rockmill, and Shirleen Roeder for helpful discussions and for providing training and reagents. We gratefully acknowledge technical contributions provided by Nikhil Singh during early stages in this work and unpublished information on Csm4 provided to us by Akira Shinohara. We also thank Oliver Nanassy for having constructed some of the strains used in this study.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pgen-1000188-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Distribution of viable spores in tetrads dissected from the indicated EAY1108/EAY1112 derived strains.</title><p>A) In all plots the horizontal axes correspond to the classes of tetrads with 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 viable spores, and the vertical axes correspond to the percentage of each class. The total number of tetrads dissected (n) and the overall spore viability (SV) are shown for each genotype. B) Histograms representing percent total spore viability and the proportion of four viable tetrads for WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> are presented.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000188-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Telomere organization and dynamics in WT, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants.</title><p>A) Telomere organization in strains whose telomeres are illuminated by Rap1-GFP. i Telomere organization in fixed prophase nuclei. Nuclei were distributed into two classes, “peripheral” (top panel; 10 frames from top to bottom) and “dispersed” (bottom panel) depending on the absence or presence of distinguishable Rap1-GFP foci within the nuclear volume, respectively (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). ii The proportions of these two categories (left Y axis) in WT (NKY4000) and <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, <italic>csm4Δ,</italic> and <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> backgrounds (NKY3906, NKY3904, and NKY3905, respectively) were plotted as a function of time in sporulation media (SPM), with full and empty symbols on black lines corresponding to peripheral and dispersed proportions, respectively (Note: the differences between the two categories, while not absolute, is sufficiently robust that an untrained observer can place nearly all nuclei (&gt;90%) in one category or the other without ambiguity. This robustness is further supported by the regular progression of changes in disposition over time not only in WT but also in mutants (below). The right Y axis and gray lines indicate the percentage of cells that have completed at least MI. B) Analysis of “bouquet” distribution in fixed nuclei. i 2D projections from 3D acquisition of Rap1-GFP signals, with the position of the SPB indicated by a blue circle (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). The nuclei presented here display peripherally localized telomere signals with either no evidence of bouquet colocalization or with “loose” and “tight” colocalization in the vicinity of the SPB. The region where most Rap1 foci co-localize is framed by a pink dotted rectangle. White dotted line indicates the outline of the nucleus, as estimated from Rap1-GFP background. Complete sets of 3D Rap1-GFP images and definitions of the three categories are provided in ##SUPPL##0##Figure S1##. ii Proportion over time of nuclei exhibiting a “bouquet” configuration in WT, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, <italic>csm4Δ,</italic> and <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> backgrounds (NKY4000, NKY3906, NKY3904, and NKY3905, respectively; ∼100 nuclei per timepoint). C) Chromosome motion during prophase. i For statistical convenience, the histograms of the x and y step-sizes of Rap1-GFP foci, recorded every second over 1 min, were plotted prior to zygotene (t = 2 h for WT and <italic>ndj1Δ/csm4Δ</italic> mutants, respectively), and during zygotene stages (t = 4, 5, 6, and 5 h for WT, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, and <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> backgrounds, respectively; <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). Red curves indicate the distribution expected when assuming that the displacements follow a Normal distribution. For WT t = 4 h, the blue curve represent the expected Normal distribution of the step sizes included within v (t = 2 h)±2 S.D. (i.e. 77% of total measurements). v indicates the mean velocity of telomeric 2D displacements over time. An accompanying asterisk indicates a statistically significant difference in velocity the between pre-zygotene and zygotene stages (t-test, 0.05 significance level; <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Material and Methods</xref>). D) Csm4 localization in WT cells expressing Rap1-RFP and GFP-Csm4 (EAY1797). Fixed cells were spread and hybridized with anti-GFP antibodies. Pink and turquoise lines outline the nuclear peripheral Csm4 signal and co-localization of Rap1 and Csm4 signals, respectively. All scale bars represent 2 µm.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000188-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Cumulative genetic distance (cM) in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>mlh1Δ</italic>, <italic>msh5Δ</italic>, and <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> strains.</title><p>In panels A and B, each bar is divided in sectors corresponding to genetic intervals in the region of the chromosome analyzed. A) Cumulative genetic distances between <italic>URA3</italic> and <italic>HIS3</italic> on chromosome XV in EAY1108/EAY1112 derived strains measured from tetrads (T) and single spores (S). B) Cumulative genetic distances between <italic>ADE2</italic> and <italic>LEU2</italic> on chromosome III, <italic>URA3</italic> and <italic>CUP1</italic> on chromosome VIII, and <italic>LYS5</italic> and <italic>TRP5</italic> on chromosome VII in the NH942/NH943 derived strains measured from tetrads (T) and single spores (S). See ##TAB##0##Tables 1## and ##SUPPL##5##S2## for raw data.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000188-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Crossover interference is partially disrupted in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> strains on chromosome XV.</title><p>Crossover interference was analyzed as described by Malkova et al. ##REF##15454526##[37]## and Martini et al. ##REF##16873061##[34]## using data obtained from the EAY1108/EAY1112 strain background (##TAB##0##Table 1##). The numbers above the solid arcs are the average of the significance interference ratios for each interval pair. n.s. and dashed arc indicates that both members of the interval pair did not show significant interference.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000188-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>An altered distribution and frequency of crossovers is seen in <italic>csm4Δ</italic> cells that have suffered a chromosome III nondisjunction event.</title><p>A) Cartoon showing the chromosome III locus in the BR strain background (<xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). B) Graphical representation of recombination for WT and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> tetrads and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> disomic spores (from data in ##SUPPL##7##Table S4##). Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals around the recombination frequency determined from single spores, calculated using VassarStats (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). “i” indicates insertion of the indicated marker at an ectopic locus. Recombination frequencies obtained from single spore data were multiplied by 100 to yield genetic map distances (cM). *<italic>csm4Δ</italic> disomic recombination levels are significantly different (G-test, p &lt;0.025, Dunn-Sidak correction) from the <italic>csm4Δ</italic> tetrad data.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000188-g006\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.g006</object-id><label>Figure 6</label><caption><title>Meiotic recombination analysis at <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>, Part I.</title><p>A) Physical map of the <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> hotspot. Parental homologs, “Dad” and “Mom,” are distinguished via restriction site polymorphisms (circled X = <italic>Xho</italic>I). The locations of the relevant <italic>Xho</italic>I (X), parental, and DSB sites are indicated. B, C) 2D gel analysis of CO and NCO products at <italic>HIS4LEU2.</italic> B 2D gel of CO and NCO tester constructs. <italic>Xho</italic>I digested DNA was electrophoresed in the first dimension gel for 24 h, digested <italic>in situ</italic> with <italic>Bam</italic>HI, and then electrophoresed in the second dimension gel. C) Analysis of CO to NCO products from B. D) Synchronous meiotic cultures of <italic>rad50S-KI81</italic> mutants bearing the <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> mutations were analyzed by Southern blot for DSBs at the <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> locus. Quantitation is shown for gels presented in ##SUPPL##2##Figure S3B##.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000188-g007\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.g007</object-id><label>Figure 7</label><caption><title>Meiotic recombination analysis at <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>, Part II.</title><p>A, B) DNA physical analysis of meiotic recombination in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>. A Synchronous meiotic cultures of the indicated WT and mutant strains analyzed by 1D Southern blot. “Ects” are DNA signal resulting from ectopic recombination involving <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> and <italic>leu2::hisG</italic> (see ##REF##17662941##[36]##). B) 2D gel analysis of recombination intermediates isolated from the indicated WT and mutant strains at times following meiotic induction; same cultures as in A. The positions of single end invasions (SEIs) and double Holliday junctions (dHJs) are indicated by a fork line in the left panel. C) Kinetics of meiotic recombination and MI division in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> containing linear (NKY3890-3893) or circular chromosome III (NKY3894-3897). Levels of DSBs, SEIs, dHJs, and COs are shown for each time point sample as percentages of total DNA. Occurrence of MI shown as percentage of cells that have completed MI (assayed as in <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>) regardless of whether they have or have not also completed later steps. D) Lifespans of all three assayed intermediates in the two experiments shown in A–C and in a third experiment involving WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> for the same <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> alleles (##FIG##5##Figure 6A##) but a slightly different strain background. E) Analysis of the effects of analyzed mutations on inter-event intervals. For each strain analyzed, a cumulative curve was calculated for entry into the DSB, SEI and dHJ stages, and COs and MI were plotted as % of their maximum levels. From each of these plots, the time at which 50% of cells had “entered the stage” was determined. Then, for each pair of successive events, the interval between the corresponding 50% points was determined. Finally, for each strain examined, and for each such interval, the difference between the interval in the mutant and the interval in WT was determined and plotted.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pgen-1000188-g008\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.g008</object-id><label>Figure 8</label><caption><title>Synaptonemal complex formation and sporulation in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>/<italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants.</title><p>A) Meiotic progression, as measured by the formation of synaptonemal complex (SC). Meiotic progression was monitored in strains where the SC was illuminated by Zip1-GFP(700) (for details, see ##REF##17939997##[2]##,##REF##18585353##[6]##). i The various steps of SC formation are shown for a WT strain (NKY3834): after diffuse fluorescence, dots appear that correspond to formation of DSBs. Later, short lines correspond to the zygotene onset, whereas at the pachytene stage SC appears as linear, contiguous ribbons. ii For WT, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> strains (NKY3834, NKY3837, NKY4003, and NKY4002, respectively), fixed nuclei where examined at hourly intervals and scored for zygotene (triangle symbol) or pachytene (square symbol) categories. The proportions of nuclei within one or the other categories are plotted as a function of time in SPM. Completion of MI (MI<underline>+</underline>MII) for each time course is indicated by a dotted line curve. iii zygotene and pachytene lifespan as deduced from the cumulative curve analysis for WT and <italic>ndj1Δ,</italic> and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants. iv Cumulative curve analysis of zygotene and pachytene progression. The upper two panels indicate zygotene and pachytene for WT (top) and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (bottom). The lower two panels show the onset of zygotene (top) and pachytene (bottom) for all strains. Color code is the same as in ii. v For WT, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> strains, differences between the time when 50% of the nuclei have progressed through MI and the time when 50% have exited pachytene. B) Meiotic progression, as measured by completion of MI divisions in WT (NKY3834), and in <italic>ndj1Δ</italic> and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> mutants without (full symbols, upper panel; strains NKY3837 and NKY4002, respectively) and with the <italic>spo11-Y135F</italic> mutation (empty symbols, lower panel; strains NKY3907 and NKY3908, respectively). All scale bars represent 2 µm.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pgen-1000188-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Genetic map distances (cM) and the distribution of parental and recombinant progeny for the EAY1108/EAY1112 strain background in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, <italic>msh5Δ</italic>, and <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> strains on chromosome XV.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Relevant genotype</td><td colspan=\"5\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Tetrads<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">a</xref>\n</td><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Single spores<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">b</xref>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Number analyzed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">cM</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">PD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">TT</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">NPD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Number analyzed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">cM</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Parental</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Recombinant</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"10\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">\n<bold><italic>URA3-LEU2</italic>:</bold>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1068</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21.8–23.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">607</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">456</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4644</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20.6–23.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3635</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1009</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">531</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33.3–36.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">203</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">319</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2999</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">29.3–32.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2072</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">927</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">472</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34.9–39.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">173</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">289</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2548</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.0–34.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1712</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">836</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">616</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10.3–12.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">486</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">128</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3792</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9.6–11.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3393</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">399</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">720</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.0–6.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">643</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">76</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5674</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.1–6.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5352</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">322</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">789</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.8–35.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">337</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">437</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3836</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">27.4–30.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2732</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1104</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">418</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15.4–19.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">298</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">115</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13.6–15.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3446</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">590</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7.5–10.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">127</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">28</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1624</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8.2–11.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1469</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">\n<bold><italic>LEU2-LYS2</italic>:</bold>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1068</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26.6–28.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">496</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">569</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4644</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">25.8–28.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3388</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1256</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">531</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">29.7–32.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">216</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">312</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2999</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">28.0–31.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2110</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">889</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">472</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.3–34.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">192</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">274</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2548</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">28.3–31.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1782</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">766</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">616</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11.8–13.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">459</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">157</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3792</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11.7–13.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3309</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">483</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">720</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11.0–13.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">562</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5674</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10.3–11.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5047</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">627</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">789</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.9–34.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">322</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">455</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3836</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">29.1–32.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2664</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1172</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">418</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.4–17.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">295</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">121</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.5–16.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3407</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">629</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10.4–15.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">120</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1624</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">10.0–13.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1437</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">187</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">\n<bold><italic>LYS2-ADE2</italic>:</bold>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1068</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">12.1–13.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">803</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">263</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4644</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11.8–13.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4052</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">592</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">531</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15.3–17.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">362</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">168</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2999</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16.0–18.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2480</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">519</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">472</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17.8–20.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">294</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">178</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2548</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16.6–19.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2087</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">461</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">616</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.2–7.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">531</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">85</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3792</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.5–8.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3517</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">275</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">720</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.7–4.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">659</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5674</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4.1–5.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5409</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">265</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">789</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18.7–21.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">514</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">267</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3836</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16.8–19.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3145</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">691</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">418</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.1–7.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">360</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">58</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.9–8.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3726</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">310</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.1–5.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">142</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1624</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.1–5.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1559</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">65</td></tr></tbody></table><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Relevant genotype</td><td colspan=\"5\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Tetrads<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">a</xref>\n</td><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Single spores<xref ref-type=\"table-fn\" rid=\"nt101\">b</xref>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Number analyzed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">cM</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">PD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">TT</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">NPD</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Number analyzed</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">cM</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Parental</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Recombinant</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan=\"10\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">\n<bold><italic>ADE2-HIS3</italic>:</bold>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1068</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">36.5–38.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">343</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">709</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4644</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33.3–36.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3033</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1611</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">531</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">51.3–57.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">120</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">378</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2999</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">40.2–43.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1739</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1260</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">472</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">53.3–59.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">108</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">330</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">34</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2548</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">40.6–44.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1464</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1084</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">616</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18.2–21.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">400</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">211</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3792</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16.9–19.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3104</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">688</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">720</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17.2–20.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">496</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">215</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5674</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.5–16.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4797</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">877</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">789</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">52.4–57.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">193</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">542</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">54</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3836</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">40.4–43.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2228</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1608</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">418</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.5–37.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">215</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">186</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">23.6–26.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3031</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1005</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20.0–26.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">93</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">60</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1624</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">14.9–18.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1354</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">270</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">\n<bold><italic>URA3-LYS2</italic>:</bold>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1068</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">46.5–49.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">264</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">759</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">45</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4644</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">38.0–40.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2815</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1829</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">531</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">56.9–63.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">108</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">380</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2999</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41.7–45.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1696</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1304</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">472</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">59.5–66.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">105</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">321</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">46</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2548</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">41.9–45.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1430</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1118</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">616</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21.8–24.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">351</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">261</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3792</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20.2–22.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2976</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">816</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">720</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">15.5–18.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">513</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">200</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5674</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13.8–15.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4843</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">831</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">789</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">56.1–61.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">145</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">588</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">56</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3836</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">42.2–45.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2158</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1678</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">418</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">31.7–37.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">222</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">177</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">19</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">23.5–26.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3033</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1003</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">18.7–25.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">97</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">56</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1624</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16.5–20.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1326</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">298</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"10\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">\n<bold><italic>LYS2-HIS3</italic>:</bold>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1068</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">46.0–49.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">278</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">744</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">46</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4644</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">37.7–40.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2829</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1815</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">531</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64.0–71.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">103</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">370</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">58</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2999</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43.9–47.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1628</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1371</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">472</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">67.5–75.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">100</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">311</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">61</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2548</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43.6–47.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1389</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1159</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">616</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24.7–28.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">344</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">261</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">11</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3792</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">21.7–24.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2917</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">875</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">720</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">20.5–23.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">465</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">242</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">13</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5674</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17.3–19.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4638</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1036</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">789</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">62.3–68.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">174</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">532</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">83</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3836</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">43.0–46.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2127</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1709</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">418</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">33.4–39.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">195</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">207</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">16</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4036</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">26.3–29.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2921</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1115</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">155</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">24.3–32.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">87</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">64</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1624</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">17.5–21.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1309</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">315</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pgen-1000188-t002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.t002</object-id><label>Table 2</label><caption><title>Interference in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, <italic>msh5Δ</italic>, and <italic>mlh1Δ</italic> strains.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td colspan=\"5\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Coefficients of coincidence (DCO observed/DCO expected)</td><td colspan=\"3\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Nonparental Ditype Ratios (NPD observed/NPD expected)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Relevant genotype</td><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">\n<italic>URA3-LEU2-LYS2</italic>\n</td><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">\n<italic>LEU2-LYS2-ADE2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ADE2-HIS3</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>URA3-LYS2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>LYS2-HIS3</italic>\n</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Tetrads</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Spores</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Tetrads</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Spores</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.717**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.799**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.458**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.550**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.215**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.443**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.469**</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(177/246.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(218/272.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(65/141.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(88/160.1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(16/74.5)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(45/101.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(46/98.0)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.905</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.932</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.828</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.910</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.582**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.676**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.824</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(176/194.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(256/274.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(83/100.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(140/153.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(33/56.7)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(43/63.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(58/70.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.573*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.649*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.646</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.628*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.472</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.250**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.618</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(19/33.1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(33/50.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(14/21.7)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(22/35.0)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(5/10.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(4/16.0)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(11/17.8)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.184</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.658***</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.747</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.99</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.900</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.833</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.970**</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(20/16.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(59/35.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(10/13.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(29/29.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(9/10.0)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(7/8.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(13/13.4)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.936</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.963</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.729**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.758**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.661**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.820*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.970</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(166/177.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(242/251.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(77/105.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(105/138.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(34/51.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(46/56.1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(61/62.9)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.791</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.233</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.341</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.069</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.556</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.645</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.870</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(5/6.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(22/17.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(1/2.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(8/7.5)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(2/3.6)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(2/3.1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(4/4.6)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.076</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.175</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.586</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.952</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.056</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.242</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.833*</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(38/35.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(108/91.9)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(10/17.1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(46/48.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(17/16.1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(19/15.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(16/19.2)</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.804**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.886*</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.793**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.786**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.663**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.577**</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.862</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(215/267.5)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(299/337.3)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(129/162.8)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(166/211.1)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(54/81.4)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(56/97.0)</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">(83/96.3)</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>", "<table-wrap id=\"pgen-1000188-t003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pgen.1000188.t003</object-id><label>Table 3</label><caption><title>\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic> does not significantly affect the percentage of non-mendelian segregation events observed in tetrads.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td colspan=\"8\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Chromosome XV</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Tetrads</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>TRP1</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>URA3</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>LEU2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>LYS2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ADE2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>HIS3</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">All Markers</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1087</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.7</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">541</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.8</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">482</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.3</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">757</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.1</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">635</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.0</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">806</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.2</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>msh5Δ csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">163</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4.9</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>mlh1Δ csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">452</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.8</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">9.7</td></tr></tbody></table><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td colspan=\"6\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Chromosome III</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Tetrads</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>HIS4</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>LEU2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>ADE2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>MATa</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">All markers</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">491</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">559</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">4.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.7</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.2</td></tr></tbody></table><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td colspan=\"6\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Chromosome VII</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Tetrads</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>LYS2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>MET13</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>CYH2</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>TRP5</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">All markers</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">491</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">2.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.5</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">559</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.9</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">3.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">1.4</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.4</td></tr></tbody></table><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td colspan=\"6\" align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\">Chromosome VIII</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Tetrads</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>URA3</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>THR1</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>CUP1</italic>\n</td><td align=\"center\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">All markers</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">wild-type</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">491</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.6</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">6.1</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">559</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">0.5</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">5.7</td></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000188.s001\"><label>Figure S1</label><caption><p>Bouquet classification. Same nucleus as in ##FIG##1##Figure 2B##, panel i, of cells expressing Rap1-GFP and categorized according to whether or not those foci either (A) tend to occur in a single sub-region of the NE or (B) give no evidence of such colocalization. For each nucleus, the 2D projections of the complete series of 3D sections of nuclei showing either Rap1-GFP (15 frames, bottom left) or Spc42-RFP signal (10 frames, bottom right). In the case of A, there is a further distinction as to whether the colocalization region is, or is not, near the SPB (indicated with the turquoise line in the 2D projection) allowing further categorization in “tight bouquet” (i) or “loose bouquet” (ii). All scale bars represent 2 µm.</p><p>(3.8 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000188.s002\"><label>Figure S2</label><caption><p>Further analysis of recombination in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> strains. A, B) Formation of COs and NCOs were assayed by the approach of Storlazzi et al. ##REF##7667321##[98]##. This method monitors the appearance of two species which, in WT meiosis, are known from tetrad analysis to arise specifically in association with CO and NCO recombination (“COs” and “NCOs”; Panel A, top). Appearance of both types of products is delayed in <italic>csm4/ndj1</italic> mutants (Panel A, bottom) in accord with appearance of COs as observed by standard one-dimensional gel analysis (##FIG##6##Figure 7## legend). When the levels of the two types of products are compared directly, by plotting levels as “percentage of the maximum level”, it is further seen that the two types of products are delayed almost identically (Panel B). It can also be noted that the levels of both the CO and NCO species are reduced in the mutants as compared to WT (Panel A, bottom). The basis for this effect, which is not seen by other types of product analysis (##FIG##5##Figures 6## and ##FIG##6##7## legends) is unknown. However, detection of products in this assay is specifically dependent upon the way that heteroduplex DNA at the DSB site is formed and its mismatches repaired ##REF##7667321##[98]##. Thus, it could be the case that <italic>ndj1/csm4</italic> mutants affect one or both of these processes. C) Quantification of large joint molecules (LJMs) from 2D gels, and ectopic recombination from 1D gels, and the ratio of interhomolog dHJs to intersister dHJs as determined from 2D gels. D Direct comparison of LJMs and dHJs with normalization to maximum level of LJMs in <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, showing that the two species are affected identically in all mutant situations.</p><p>(0.8 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000188.s003\"><label>Figure S3</label><caption><p>DSB formation and meiotic recombination analysis of <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> hotspot in WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> strains. A) Pulse-field electrophoresis gel showing the migration of linear and circular chromosome III in linear and circular chromosome III strains of each genotype, respectively (##SUPPL##4##Table S1##). B) Synchronous meiotic cultures of <italic>rad50S-KI81</italic> mutants bearing the <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>csm4Δ ndj1Δ</italic> mutations (##SUPPL##4##Table S1##) were analyzed by Southern blot for DSBs at the <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> locus. The probe shown in ##FIG##5##Figure 6## was used for hybridization. C) Synchronous meiotic cultures of WT, <italic>csm4Δ</italic>, <italic>ndj1Δ</italic>, and <italic>ndj1Δ csm4Δ</italic> strains bearing a circular chromosome III examined by Southern blot for recombination species present at the <italic>HIS4LEU2</italic> locus. DSBs, COs and ectopic recombination products (Ects) were quantified from 1D gels; SEIs, IS-dHJs, and IH-dHJs were quantified from 2D gels. The hybridization probes and Southern blot methodologies were the same as described in ##FIG##5##Figure 6##. †, meiosis-specific cross hybridizing signal.</p><p>(2.3 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000188.s004\"><label>Figure S4</label><caption><p>\n<italic>csm4Δ</italic> confers a defect in meiotic progression that is suppressed by the <italic>rad17Δ</italic> mutation. Synchronized meiotic cultures of WT (diamond, EAY1553), <italic>csm4Δ</italic> (square, EAY1554), <italic>rad17Δ</italic> (triangle, EAY2201) and <italic>csm4Δ rad17Δ</italic> (cross, EAY2202) were analyzed for the completion of at least MI (MI<underline>+</underline>MII) as measured by DAPI staining. A representative experiment is shown. Tetrads dissected from sporulated strains displayed the following percent spore viability: WT-93% (##FIG##0##Figure 1##), <italic>csm4Δ</italic>-65% (##FIG##0##Figure 1##), <italic>rad17Δ</italic>-17% (175 tetrads dissected), and <italic>csm4Δ rad17Δ</italic>-1.1% (87 tetrads dissected).</p><p>(0.07 MB TIF)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000188.s005\"><label>Table S1</label><caption><p>Strains used in this study.</p><p>(0.1 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000188.s006\"><label>Table S2</label><caption><p>Genetic map distances (cM) and the distribution of parental and recombinant progeny for the NH942/NH943 strain background in WT and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> on chromosomes III, VI, and, VIII.</p><p>(0.1 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000188.s007\"><label>Table S3</label><caption><p>Interference as measured by the Malkova method.</p><p>(0.2 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>", "<supplementary-material content-type=\"local-data\" id=\"pgen.1000188.s008\"><label>Table S4</label><caption><p>Crossing over in WT tetrads, <italic>csm4Δ</italic> tetrads, and <italic>csm4Δ</italic> disomic spores.</p><p>(0.03 MB DOC)</p></caption></supplementary-material>" ]
[ "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt101\"><label/><p>All mutants are isogenic derivatives of EAY1108/EAY1112. <sup>a</sup>Intervals correspond to the genetic distance calculated from tetrads +/- one standard error. Standard error was calculated using the Stahl Laboratory Online Tools website (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). <sup>b</sup>Data shown as 95% confidence intervals around the recombination frequency determined from single spores. To facilitate comparisons to the tetrad data, recombination frequencies obtained from single spore data were multiplied by 100 to yield genetic map distances (cM). The recombination frequency in single spores determined by: Parental/(Parental+Recombinant) and cM indicates the genetic distance in tetrads calculated using the formula of Perkins ##REF##17247336##[38]##: 50×{TT+(6×NPD)}/(PD+TT+NPD).</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt102\"><label/><p>Interference was calculated from data presented in ##TAB##0##Table 1##. The coefficient of coincidence (COC) was examined by a two-tail binomial test from VassarStats (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>) which tested whether the observed number of double crossovers (DCOs) deviated significantly from the expected number. The expected number of non-parental ditypes (NPDs) and the presence or absence of interference was determined using the two-factor test from the Stahl Laboratory Online Tools website (<ext-link ext-link-type=\"uri\" xlink:href=\"\"></ext-link>). Asterisks indicate that interference is present in the interval (<sup>*</sup> p&lt;0.05; <sup>**</sup> p&lt;0.01). <sup>***</sup>In this interval, although DCOs deviated significantly from the expected number, the COC is greater than 1.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<table-wrap-foot><fn id=\"nt103\"><label>a</label><p>Percentage of gene conversion events on chromosome XV in the EAY1108/EAY1112 SK1 congenic background. Of the 167 aberrant segregation events detected, 161 were 3∶1 or 1∶3 single gene conversions and 6 were 4∶0 or 0∶4 double gene conversions. No post-meiotic segregation events were detected.</p></fn><fn id=\"nt104\"><label>b</label><p>Gene conversion percentage on chromosomes III, VII, and VIII in the NH942/NH943 SK1 isogenic background. Of the 169 aberrant segregation events detected, 168 were 3∶1 or 1∶3 single gene conversions and 1 was a 4∶0 or 0∶4 double gene conversion. No post-meiotic segregation events were detected.</p></fn></table-wrap-foot>", "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p>JJW was supported by a National Institutes of Health training grant and SZ was supported by a Cornell Presidential Fellowship. EA was supported by NIH grant GM53085. KK, RK, and BW were supported by NIH grant GM44794 awarded to NK.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.g003\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pgen-1000188-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.t001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.g004\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pgen-1000188-t002-2\" xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.t002\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pgen-1000188-t003-3\" xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.t003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.g005\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.g006\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.g007\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.g008\"/>" ]
[ "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.s001.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.s002.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.s003.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.s004.tif\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.s005.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.s006.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.s007.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>", "<media xlink:href=\"pgen.1000188.s008.doc\"><caption><p>Click here for additional data file.</p></caption></media>" ]
[{"label": ["45"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Mortimer", "Fogel", "Grell"], "given-names": ["RK", "S", "R"], "year": ["1974"], "article-title": ["Genetical interference and gene conversion."], "source": ["Mechanisms of recombination"], "publisher-loc": ["New York"], "publisher-name": ["Plenum Press"], "fpage": ["263"], "lpage": ["275"]}, {"label": ["62"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Tess\u00e9", "Storlazzi", "Kleckner", "Gargano", "Zickler"], "given-names": ["S", "A", "N", "S", "D"], "year": ["2003"], "article-title": ["Localization and roles of Ski8p in "], "italic": ["Sordaria macrospora"], "source": ["Proc Natl Acad U S A"], "volume": ["100"], "fpage": ["12865"], "lpage": ["12870"]}, {"label": ["63"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Lucchesi", "Ashburner", "Novitski"], "given-names": ["JC", "M", "E"], "year": ["1976"], "article-title": ["Inter-chromosomal effects."], "source": ["The genetics and biology of "], "italic": ["Drosophila"], "publisher-loc": ["New York"], "publisher-name": ["Academic Press"], "fpage": ["315"], "lpage": ["330"]}, {"label": ["65"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Maguire"], "given-names": ["MP"], "year": ["1974"], "article-title": ["A new model for homologous chromosome pairing."], "source": ["Caryologia"], "volume": ["27"], "fpage": ["349"], "lpage": ["357"]}, {"label": ["83"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Rose", "Winston", "Hieter"], "given-names": ["MD", "F", "P"], "year": ["1990"], "article-title": ["Methods in yeast genetics: A laboratory course manual."], "publisher-loc": ["Cold Spring Harbor, NY"], "publisher-name": ["Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press"]}, {"label": ["97"], "element-citation": ["\n"], "surname": ["Abramoff", "Magelhaes", "Ram"], "given-names": ["MD", "PJ", "SJ"], "year": ["2004"], "article-title": ["Image processing with ImageJ."], "source": ["Biophotonics International"], "volume": ["11"], "fpage": ["36"], "lpage": ["42"]}]
{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-12 23:38:07
PLoS Genet. 2008 Sep 26; 4(9):e1000188
[ "<title>Introduction</title>", "<p>The mammalian neocortex consists of many areas that are defined on the basis of unique connectional and functional properties ##UREF##0##[1]##, ##REF##1822724##[2]##. In accordance with functional specialization, these areas exhibit various differences in terms of their structural configurations as revealed by Nissl staining and other conventional histological techniques ##UREF##0##[1]##, ##UREF##1##[3]##. More recently, it has become possible to selectively visualize particular neocortical structures by techniques to map gene products, such as immunocytochemistry ##REF##8576425##[4]##, ##REF##7646886##[5]##, receptor autoradiography ##REF##2557559##[6]##–##REF##17182260##[9]##, and in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISH) ##REF##10624946##[10]##–##REF##10498276##[12]##. For example, several genes have been shown to exhibit layer- and area-specific expression profiles during development or in adulthood ##REF##7646886##[5]##, ##REF##10624946##[10]##, ##REF##10498270##[11]##, ##REF##9221923##[13]##–##REF##17065549##[23]##. For the rodent cortex, it is now possible to examine the expression data of most of the known genes in public databases ##REF##15618518##[24]##–##REF##17151600##[27]##. Effective use of such information may enable us to reveal apparently hidden structures of neocortical areas, such as new sublayers and areas defined by expression of a unique set of genes.</p>", "<p>In our previous study, we have shown that layer-specific gene expressions can reveal cortical structures across areas and species ##REF##17065549##[23]##. Consistent with the six-layer model originally proposed by Brodmann ##UREF##0##[1]##, the lamina expressions of several genes were conserved across areas in monkey and mouse neocortices. At the same time, we observed various area differences in their expression patterns. For example, we observed that the width and intensity of gene expressions exhibit abrupt changes across the V1–V2 border in the monkey cortex. We also found that a subtype of excitatory neurons that express 5-HT2C receptor mRNA are localized in layer 5 in most areas, but in layer 6 in monkey V1. These observations may reflect the conspicuous difference of monkey V1 compared with other areas ##REF##6772266##[28]##–##UREF##3##[30]##. While the differences between V1 and V2 are rather conspicuous, there are often more subtle differences in other areas. These subtle differences are more difficult to analyze, owing to many factors, including staining artifacts and sample-to-sample variabilities.</p>", "<p>The simultaneous visualization of two different staining patterns may circumvent this problem to some extent by providing a reference to analyze the other. Accumulating samples for quantitative evaluation may also be helpful. Nevertheless, the latter method requires that data are obtained and accumulated from accurately identified cortical areas. This task is, in fact, quite difficult, especially for the rodent cortex, where there are no clear-cut borders for area demarcation. In an effort to analyze the spatial distribution of <italic>c-Fos</italic> expression ##REF##18440715##[31]##, we previously developed cortical box method. By this method, the gene expression in the rat neocortex can be mapped into a three-dimensional standardized cortical box from serially prepared sections. Importantly, this standardization process enables us to integrate data from different animals for statistical evaluation. Several methods have been proposed to reconstruct section data into a three-dimensional structure (e.g., ##REF##17151600##[27]##, ##REF##11967564##[32]##–##REF##16196030##[35]##). In comparison with these previous methods, the advantage of our method is that the lamina information is preserved in one axis of the three-dimensional cortical map. The simplicity of the result is also a strength of our method, which helps in the intuitive understanding of the area distribution.</p>", "<p>In the present study, we used the rat cortex as a model system to analyze the area-specific expression patterns of three “layer-specific” mRNAs, RORbeta ##REF##9517474##[14]##, ER81 ##REF##10624946##[10]##, ##REF##16289830##[22]##, ##REF##17065549##[23]## and Nurr1 ##REF##9221923##[13]##, ##REF##14528447##[19]##, ##REF##17065549##[23]##, which are expressed mainly in layers 4, 5 and 6 of the rodent neocortex, respectively. Although the heterogeneous expressions of these genes within neocortical areas have been reported in these previous studies, we think that more detailed analysis is necessary to understand their complex spatial distribution patterns. In this endeavor, we employed double ISH to examine the coexpression profiles of these genes at single cell level and cortical box method for a global view. Cortical box method enabled us to perform statistical evaluation of the data from different individual animals as well as multivariate analysis to extract common and differential patterns of expression for the three genes. Our study underscores the usefulness of quantitative approaches in analyzing gene expression data.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Materials and Methods</title>", "<title>Animals and tissue preparation</title>", "<p>Four adult male Sprague Dawley rats (one for double ISH, three for cortical box method of single ISH) were purchased from Japan SLC, Inc. (Hamamatsu, Japan) and perfused through the heart with 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) under deep anesthesia induced by Nembutal (50 mg/kg body weight, i.p.). All the experiments were conducted in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National Institute of Health (USA) publication number 86–23, 1985) and the guidelines of the Okazaki National Research Institutes in Japan. We made all efforts to minimize the number of animals used and their suffering.</p>", "<title>Probe preparation</title>", "<p>The cDNA fragments of mouse or rat RORbeta were obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the primers listed in ##TAB##0##Table 1## and subcloned into the pBlueScriptII vector. Each of the three probes listed in ##TAB##0##Table 1## exhibited very similar expression patterns for both mouse and rat brains (data not shown), validating the reproducibility of the ISH result. To obtain the data presented in this paper, we used two probes, rRORbeta2 and rRORbeta3, mixed together for hybridization. The probes for the ER81 and Nurr1 gene were previously described ##REF##15217901##[21]##. The digoxygenin (DIG)- and fluorescein (FITC)-labeled riboprobes were produced by in vitro transcription using these plasmids as templates. The riboprobes were purified using ProbeQuant 50 spin column (Amersham Biosciences, Little Chalfont, UK).</p>", "<title>Single-color ISH</title>", "<p>A silicon template was used to cut vertically the brain into half (anterior and posterior parts). Coronal sections from both hemispheres were cut at 40 µm thickness using a freezing microtome. Special care was taken to maintain the orientation of sections. Every seventh section was preserved for ISH using RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1 gene probes and Nissl staining. The remaining sections were frozen for later use. These sections were equivalent to the entire hemisphere with an approximately 280 µm interval. ISH was carried out as previously described ##REF##15217901##[21]##, ##REF##10660879##[64]##. Briefly, free-floating sections were treated with proteinase K (1 µg/mL) for 30 minutes at 37°C, acetylated, then incubated in a hybridization buffer containing 0.25–0.5 µg/mL digoxigenin-labeled riboprobes at 60°C. The sections were sequentially treated in 2× standard saline citrate (SSC)/50% formamide/0.1% N-lauroylsarcosine for 20 minutes at 60°C, twice; 30 minutes at 37°C in RNase buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA, 500 mM NaCl) containing 20 µg/mL RNase A (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO); 20 minutes at 37°C in 2× SSC/0.1% N-lauroylsarcosine, twice; 20 minutes at 37°C in 0.2× SSC/0.1% N-lauroylsarcosine, twice. The hybridized probe was detected with an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-DIG antibody using a DIG nucleic acid detection kit (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN, USA). There were no apparent signals in control sections examined with the sense probes. ISH causes considerable tissue section shrinkage (80%). However, the scale bars in the figures are not adjusted for such shrinkage.</p>", "<p>Double ISH was carried out using DIG- and FITC-labeled riboprobes as previously described ##REF##17065549##[23]##. The sections were cut to 15–20 µm thickness. The hybridization and washing were carried out as described above, except that both DIG and FITC probes were used for the hybridization. The fluorescent detection was performed as described using TSA-plus reagent (Perkin Elmer, Wellesley MA, USA) and HNPP fluorescent detection set (Roche diagnostics).</p>", "<title>Image acquisition</title>", "<p>The images for the single- and double-color ISH were obtained using a digital color camera DP 70 (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) attached to a BX-51 microscope (Olympus). For the analysis by cortical box method, digital images (1360×1024 pixels) were captured using the 1.25× objective in the gray scale with 8 bits (10.3 µm/pixel). The background image was subtracted using Adobe Photoshop (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA) to eliminate the shadowing effect.</p>", "<title>Standardization of regions of cortex</title>", "<p>The standardization of the rat cortex was conducted as described previously with a slight modification ##REF##18440715##[31]##. To achieve objective and automatic procedures, we restricted the quantification of gene expression to the posterior half of the cortex, which has clear structural landmarks. We used 17 coronal sections in each animal, which were presumed to correspond to the Bregma of −2.1 to −6.3 mm, as determined from the order of serial sections and the shape of the hippocampus ##UREF##5##[49]##. Sections that contain artifacts such as tearing or bubbles in the cortex were excluded from the analysis. The averages of 16.5±0.83 (mean±SD) (ISH for RORbeta), 16.5±0.54 (ISH for ER81) and 15.8±1.17 (ISH for RORbeta) sections processed by ISH for each animal were used for this analysis.</p>", "<p>For the standardization of the cortex, the section images were processed as follows. The medial end of the white matter and the valley of the rhinal fissure were chosen as structural landmarks of the mediodorsal (MD) and lateroventral (LV) ends of the cortical sections, respectively. The pial surface and the border between the cortex and the white matter were chosen as the outer (OC) and inner contours (IC), respectively. Then, the image of a large part of the cortex was manually cut out on the basis of these landmarks using Adobe Photoshop (##FIG##3##Fig. 4A##). The following steps were automatically carried out using a customized software program designed by LabVIEW 7.0 (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA). The lengths of OC and IC were measured and equally divided into 100 points. Sectors that were defined by every two adjacent points on each contour were extracted and converted to standardized rectangles by linear interpolation. These rectangles from MD to LV were aligned from left to right to form a “standardized cortical section” (100×1000 pixels, depth and width, respectively, ##FIG##3##Fig. 4A##). The standardized cortical sections are distorted toward deeper layers, because the outer contour is always longer than inner contour. We evaluated the transformation rates of standardized sections from original sections. The average rates of transformation across areas were, 90±5% in layer 2/3, 100±5% in layer 4, 110±5% in layer 5 and 120±5% in layer 6, respectively. The transformation is performed so that the local density of staining is preserved. Therefore, distortion by the transformation does not affect the overall patterns of gene expression. Although our method introduces the transformation especially in deeper layers, the boundaries of the primary sensory areas were the same for both layers 4 (RORbeta) and 6 (Nurr1) (##FIG##4##Fig. 5##), suggesting that deviation in the deeper layer was only limited.</p>", "<p>To normalize the staining intensity, the means and standard deviations (SD) of all the pixel values for the ISH images of one dataset were calculated. These pixel values were converted to 0–100 (%), by linearly adjusting them to mean + 1 SD as 0% and mean + 3 SD as 100%. The data for the sections lost or discarded were generated by linearly interpolating the adjacent serial sections. No attempts were made to count the number of positive cells, different from our previous study ##REF##18440715##[31]##, because we considered that the staining intensity, which reflects the relative mRNA abundance, was most important in evaluating the gene expression patterns in the current study. Seventeen standardized cortical sections were aligned from the posterior to the anterior cortex to construct a “standardized cortical box” (##FIG##3##Fig. 4B##). To generate the standardized map of a particular layer (1000×340 pixels) (width and Bregma distances, respectively), the specific layer fraction (10–30% for layer 2/3; 30–50% for layer 4; 50–75% for layer 5; 75–100% for layer 6) was extracted from the standardized cortical box (##FIG##3##Fig. 4D##) and compressed into a two-dimensional map by averaging. Post hoc smoothing (spatial averaging) was achieved using a moving window operator (41×41 pixels). To create average layer maps, the maps from both hemispheres of all the animals were averaged. To create the CV map, the CV (CV = SD/average×100 (%)) was calculated for each pixel. When the average of a pixel was lower than 10%, the corresponding pixel was covered with white in the CV map, because the average near zero diverges the CV value into infinite. Visualizations were carried out using Matlab 7.0 (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA).</p>", "<p>We plan to open the source code of cortical box method on our website. Researchers who are interested in using this method are welcome to ask details of our method before the website opening.</p>", "<title>Cortical layer and area identification</title>", "<p>To determine the location of cortical layers and areas in the standardized sections, we also applied essentially the same procedure described above to a series of adjacent Nissl-stained sections (17 sections for each animal). The local density of neurons was expressed as a GLI, which indicates the pixel intensity of each image ##REF##6970009##[36]##–##REF##6611357##[38]##. To correct intersection differences in staining intensity, the intensity was normalized for each section by linearly adjusting the mean as 0% and mean +0.5 SD as 100 (%). To reduce the artifact due to staining variance, the normalized pixel values of every three adjacent standardized sections were averaged to make one averaged standardized section. Each standardized map was averaged to determine the average GLI (cytoarchitectonic) distribution for all the animals. Cortical layers were identified on the basis of the local peaks of the GLI layer profile (##FIG##3##Fig. 4C##). The Nissl-standardized layer 4 map was constructed by extracting layer 4 fraction (30–50%) from the standardized cortical box (##FIG##3##Fig. 4D##). Because the primary sensory areas have higher cell densities in layer 4 ##UREF##2##[8]##, the borders of these areas were delineated by tracing the local highest rate of GLI changes on the layer 4 map. As a result, primary somatosensory (Parietal cortex, area1 (Par1)), auditory (Temporal cortex, area1 (Te1)), and visual (Occipital cortex, area1 (Oc1)) areas were cytoarchitectonically identified as the regions that had the highest cell densities.</p>", "<title>Data analysis of standardized cortical map</title>", "<p>Analyses of standardized cortical maps were performed using Matlab and LabVIEW. For linear regression analysis, the correlation coefficient and a p-value for testing the hypothesis of no correlation between two images were calculated. For PCA, we used 5 representative data sets from the standardized layer maps (layer 4 for RORbeta, layers 4–5 for ER81, layers 5–6 for Nurr1) shown in ##FIG##5##Fig. 6B##. The other maps were excluded from this analysis because they had no or very low signals. The standardized layer maps were analyzed as a P x N matrix (row x column), where P is the location number (P = 340,000 pixels (1000×340 pixels)), and N is the number of layer maps (N = 5). Each column of this matrix was normalized using the standard deviation of the data in that column. The correlation matrix (340,000×340,000) was computed using the normalized data set. PCA was used to determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the correlation matrix ##REF##15705844##[65]##. The eigenvalue is the sample variance of the projected data points. The components of the eigenvector are the cosines of the angles between the original variable axis and the corresponding principal axis. PCA seeks the order of determinants of a linear combination of the original variables so that the variance of the resulting values is maximum. The components of the eigenvectors provide the coefficients that define the linear combination, while the resulting scores are the projected points. The first two primary components with SDs higher than those of standardized original images (eigenvalues: PC1, γ = 1.87; PC2, γ = 1.50) are shown in ##FIG##6##Fig. 7A##.</p>", "<title>Nomenclature</title>", "<p>For cortical regions other than Ect, the nomenclature followed that of Palomero-Gallagher and Zilles ##UREF##2##[8]##. This reference was chosen because their definitions of cortical areas were partially derived from the GLI analysis that was also employed in our study. In some cases (Ect and DZ), the nomenclature was related to those used in the stereotaxic atlas of Paxinos and Watson ##UREF##5##[49]## because not only is this a commonly used tool in neuroscience research for the rat cortex, it is also consistent with our result.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Results</title>", "<title>Heterogeneity of layer-specific gene expression revealed by double ISH</title>", "<p>\n##FIG##0##Figure 1A## shows the double ISH of RORbeta and ER81 mRNAs and ##FIG##0##Fig. 1B## shows that of RORbeta and Nurr1 mRNAs in the middle and occipital coronal sections of rat brains. RORbeta and Nurr1 mRNAs showed prominent area differences while ER81 mRNA did not show such conspicuous area difference. As reported previously ##REF##9517474##[14]##, RORbeta mRNA was most abundant in the barrel field of the parietal cortex area 1 (Par1) (##FIG##0##Fig. 1##). RORbeta mRNA was generally expressed more abundantly in the sensory areas than in other areas. ER81 mRNA exhibited the opposite pattern, showing higher levels of expression in the areas where the RORbeta mRNA expression level was low (##FIG##0##Fig. 1A##, see also ##FIG##1##Fig. 2##, panels a, e and f). Nurr1 mRNA exhibited a characteristic area expression pattern (##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##): its expression in layer 6A was restricted to the lateral regions (e.g., ##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##, par2, Oc2L and Te1, see also ##FIG##1##Fig. 2##, panels b', c', e' and f') and there was only low expression in layer 6B in the dorsal areas (e.g., ##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##, Par1 and Oc1, see also ##FIG##1##Fig. 2## panels a' and d').</p>", "<p>\n##FIG##1##Figure 2## shows the double ISH of these genes in various areas at higher magnification. At this magnification, we were able to identify individual neurons and examine how the positively stained neurons are distributed within and across layers in different areas. For example, although Nurr1-mRNA-positive cells were mostly confined to layers 6A and 6B of most areas (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##, panels a'–e'), its subpopulation was found scattered into layer 5 and even layer 4 in the lateral-most areas. In the laterocaudal area (e.g., ##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##, Ect), Nurr1-mRNA-positive cells were found both in layers 5 and 6 to a similar extent and extensively intermingled with the RORbeta-mRNA-positive cells (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##, panel f'). Such area differences were also observed for ER81-mRNA-positive cells. In the barrel field (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##, panel b), we observed a sublayer with lower expression levels of both RORbeta and ER81 mRNAs (white arrows). Based on Hoechst nuclear staining, this cleft sublayer appears to be the upper part of layer 5 (data not shown), despite low number of ER81-mRNA-positive cells. Such a gap does not exist in other areas (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##, panels e and f). In the laterocaudal area (e.g., ##FIG##0##Fig. 1B##, Ect), neurons that expressed both ER81 and RORbeta mRNAs at moderately high level were located around the border between layers 4 and 5 (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##, panel f). These observations indicate heterogeneous lamina expression patterns of the “layer-specific” genes at the cellular level.</p>", "<p>The overlapping mRNA expression profiles raised the possibility that the two mRNAs with different lamina specificities are coexpressed in the same cells. This was examined in high-magnification photos in ##FIG##2##Fig. 3##. Although RORbeta is a marker for layer 4, it is also expressed in layer 5 throughout the rat neocortex. When we examined the coexpression of RORbeta and ER81 mRNAs by double ISH, these mRNAs were coexpressed within the same cells in layer 5 (##FIG##2##Fig. 3A–3C##). Layer 4 neurons generally expressed only RORbeta mRNA, while many layer 5 neurons expressed only ER81 mRNA. However, the layer 5 neurons expressing RORbeta mRNA mostly coexpressed ER81 mRNA. Such coexpression was observed in all the areas examined (data not shown). On the other hand, RORbeta and Nurr1 mRNAs were not coexpressed in the same neurons even in the areas with extensive intermingling (##FIG##2##Fig. 3D–3F##). Similarly, ER81 and Nurr1 mRNAs were not expressed within the same neurons (##FIG##2##Fig. 3G–3I##). This point has been shown previously for mice ##REF##17065549##[23]##, but our data now showed the same co-expression pattern in rats. Thus, we conclude that the coexpression preferences of the three genes are common across areas, although the relative abundance and distribution are quite divergent.</p>", "<title>Cortical box method for quantitative analysis of area-specific gene expression</title>", "<p>As mentioned in the introduction, it is difficult to accurately identify cortical areas without clear-cut landmarks. To circumvent this problem, we applied a standardization and reconstruction procedure for the ISH samples of the serially prepared coronal sections of the posterior part of the rat cortex as follows (see also ##REF##18440715##[31]##). In the reconstruction, the shape of the cortex was transformed to fit into a rectangle, as illustrated in ##FIG##3##Fig. 4A##. The left and right borders of the rectangle correspond to the medial ends of the cortex and the rhinal fissure, respectively, both of which can be easily determined. We also normalized the level of ISH signals so that the relative strength of the ISH signals at a given location can be compared across different data sets (##FIG##3##Fig. 4A##). ##FIG##3##Figure 4B## illustrates the standardization process from the ISH data of the RORbeta gene. As shown in this figure, seventeen ISH coronal sections in total were used to cover the posterior part of one rat brain hemisphere (−2.1 to −6.3 mm from Bregma) with 280 µm intervals (##FIG##3##Fig. 4B##; original images). It was already evident from the original images that there are three distinct clusters of high RORbeta signals, which roughly corresponded to the somatosensory, auditory and visual areas (delineated by yellow, red and blue lines, respectively). The middle panel of ##FIG##3##Fig. 4B## shows the images transformed into seventeen rows of cortical rectangles. In these rows of images, the three clusters of high RORbeta ISH signals were now more clearly visualized (“Representative”). Importantly, once the staining intensity was standardized, we could easily integrate multiple sets of data. In the right panel of ##FIG##3##Fig. 4B##, the average of six sets of samples from three rats is shown. Note that the pattern of a single set of sample (“Representative”) was very similar to that of the average. The characteristic expression pattern of RORbeta mRNA is therefore reproducibly captured across different animals.</p>", "<p>In the final step of image processing, we arrayed the seventeen cortical rectangles, so that the posterior cortex is three-dimensionally reproduced as a box (##FIG##3##Fig. 4D##). By this procedure, the expression data are now mapped onto a standardized cortical box, which can be easily manipulated for various analyses. One application of the cortical box method is to show gene expression at a given lamina position as a two-dimensional “layer map”, which represents a map of a virtual tangential section (##FIG##3##Fig. 4D##). To make maps for layers 2/3, 4, 5 and 6, we first determined the borders of these layers based on Nissl staining, as well as the ISH patterns of the three layer-specific genes, RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1. ##FIG##3##Figure 4C## shows the lamina distribution of the Nissl-grey level index (GLI) ##REF##6970009##[36]##–##REF##6611357##[38]## and that of the three mRNAs, averaged over the central portion of the standardized cortical box (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). We observed four distinct peaks in the Nissl-GLI, which are considered to correspond to the cytoarchitectonic layers 2/3, 4, 5 and 6. As expected, the latter three peaks coincided very well with the peaks of RORbeta (around cortical depth of 30–50%), ER81 (around cortical depth of 50–75%) and Nurr1 (around cortical depth of 75–100%) (##FIG##3##Fig. 4C##). Within the regions defined in our method, we observed little variance in the positions of the lamina borders. On the basis of this data, we determined the lamina borders to make layer maps that are described in the following sections.</p>", "<p>To relate the expression patterns of the three layer-specific genes to the cytoarchitectonic areas determined by the standard method, we applied the cortical box method to Nissl staining using the GLI, which has been previously used to define area borders ##REF##6970009##[36]##–##REF##6611357##[38]##. ##FIG##4##Figure 5A## shows the layer 4 maps of Nissl-GLI obtained from three different rats. In these maps, three clusters of high Nissl-GLI were observed, which were considered to correspond to somatosensory, auditory, and visual areas (##FIG##4##Fig. 5A##; bordered by thick lines). The GLI distributions were not homogeneous within the three clusters and we could draw potential borders for the subareas (solid and dashed lines). These borders were semi-automatically determined on the basis of the differential map (##FIG##4##Fig. 5B##, see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>). The locations of the area borders determined in this way generally well matched those of the standard atlases ##UREF##2##[8]##, ##UREF##4##[39]## (##FIG##4##Fig. 5A##) (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s3\">Discussion</xref> for detailed comparisons with standard atlases).</p>", "<p>The borders in ##FIG##4##Fig. 5A## are determined from the average of six different sets of Nissl-stained samples. The layer maps of the right and left hemispheres (n = 3 each) are shown separately in ##FIG##4##Fig. 5C##. Although there are some variances between these two maps (e.g., compare the mediodorsal regions of the middle and right panels of ##FIG##4##Fig. 5C##), we were able to determine the borders that match well for both sets of samples by averaging the data. The maps of other layers also suggest the consistency of the area borders determined from the layer 4 map (##FIG##4##Fig. 5D##). For example, the expression changes in the layer 2/3 map generally occurred at the same border as that in the layer 4 map. However, there were several important differences in the patterns. For example, the GLIs of the mediodorsal areas (agranular retrosplenial cortex (RSA) and frontal cortex, area 1 (Fr1)) were high in layer 2/3 but not in layer 4. Also, the GLI in area HL (hind limb), a subregion of the somatosensory areas, was low in layers 2/3 but high in layer 4. Despite such differences in the area distribution patterns between layers, the borders for the changes in the GLI were the same for layers 2/3 and 4. Similarly, the GLIs of layers 4 and 5 were mostly complementary and the same borders were observed. Thus, the Nissl-GLI is considered to faithfully reflect the cytoarchitectonic area map.</p>", "<title>Analysis for area-specific distribution patterns of RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1 mRNAs by cortical box method</title>", "<p>Following the determination of the cytoarchitectonic lamina and area borders by Nissl staining, we analyzed the distribution patterns of RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1 mRNAs by the cortical box method. ##FIG##5##Figure 6A## shows the standardized maps of RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1 mRNAs for layers 2/3, 4, 5 and 6. The ISH signals of these mRNAs were mostly observed in layers 4, 5 and 6, respectively, as expected. In addition, we clearly observed area-specific distribution patterns for all the three mRNAs. These patterns coincided well with the borders determined by Nissl staining (##FIG##5##Fig. 6A##; solid and dashed lines). Actually, the spatial distribution of RORbeta mRNA was very similar to that of Nissl-GLI in layer 4 (r = 0.63, P&lt;0.01, linear regression model analysis), and the spatial distribution of ER81 was similar to that of Nissl-GLI in layer 5 (r = 0.70, P&lt;0.01, linear regression model analysis). However, the area difference between RORbeta and ER81 mRNAs was much larger than that expected from the Nissl-GLI. Besides, the area distribution of Nurr1 mRNA was different from that of the Nissl-GLI in layer 6, although they seemed to show the same borders.</p>", "<p>The layer maps also showed area-specific differences in the lamina specificity of these genes. For example, the expression level of RORbeta mRNA was higher in layers 2/3 of the Par1 subfield of the somatosensory cortex and the auditory cortex, which is consistent with the findings described in a previous report ##UREF##2##[8]##. Furthermore, the expression levels of Nurr1 in the temporal cortex ventral area (TeV) and ectorhinal cortex (Ect) (about 90% of the mediodorsal distance at the bregma distance of −6 mm) were higher in layer 5 rather than layer 6, which is consistent with results of the double ISH (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##, panel f'). Although ER81 mRNA exhibited a shift of expression from layer 5 to layer 4 in the medial-most retrosplenial area (RSA), this may be due to the difference in the overall lamina position in this area.</p>", "<p>An advantage of our method is that the variability of gene expression across different sets of samples can be quantitatively estimated. In ##FIG##5##Fig. 6B##, we mapped the coefficient of variance (CV) of each gene for each layer map. CV is the percentage of the standard deviation (SD) per average and a measure of the relative variability. By definition, CV becomes unreliable when the average is small. Thus, we excluded the areas with low gene expression values from the analyses in ##FIG##5##Fig. 6B## (white areas). The map shows that the CVs were generally low (&lt;50%) in the central regions of a cluster with high average values and were high (&gt;80%) in the borders of those clusters. This result suggests that there is little sample-to-sample variance in the area distribution of these genes, and that the variability is concentrated at the borders. The CV showed a constantly low level in the transition regions from area Par1 to the temporal cortex, area1 (Te1), in the layer 4 map of RORbeta and from area Oc2MM to Oc2L in the layer 5 map of ER81 (##FIG##5##Fig. 6B##; white dotted lines), despite large changes in the averages. In these regions, even the area borders are reproduced across different animals. This demonstrates the high reliability of the gene expression mapping in our method.</p>", "<title>Common and different characteristics of various cortical areas captured by multivariate analyses</title>", "<p>The distribution pattern shown in ##FIG##5##Fig. 6A## suggests that the RORbeta mRNA expression level is high in the sensory areas, whereas the ER81 and Nurr1 mRNA expression levels are generally high in the areas with low RORbeta mRNA expression level. This observation suggests that the distribution patterns of these mRNAs may be governed by some common rules. In an attempt to discover such rules, we performed principal component analysis (PCA) using five layer maps of RORbeta (layer 4), ER81 (layers 4 and 5) and Nurr1 (layers 5 and 6). Other layer maps were excluded from the analysis, because there are very little signals, if any, in other maps, and not reliable. In this analysis, we first divided each map into 1000×340 blocks, so that the spatial maps as shown in ##FIG##5##Fig. 6A## could be represented by rows of data having 34,000 data points. When five of such datasets are combined, it is considered as 34,000 points plotted in a five-dimensional space. The purpose of the PCA is to find new “axes” to explain the variability of the 34,000 data points with the least variables. In other words, we expected PCA to decompose the five maps of spatial distribution data into fewer maps that represent the common features of spatial variations. ##FIG##6##Figure 7A## shows the first two principal components (PCs) obtained by PCA. The eigenvector of each PC is graphed at the bottom. These bar graphs demonstrate the contribution of each layer map in determining the PC scores that are illustrated as the colored maps on top. At first glance, PC1 is similar to the layer 4 map of RORbeta, while PC2 is similar to the layer 6 map of Nurr1. However, as the bar graphs indicate, PC1 and PC2 have contributions from all the five layer maps in various degrees and directions. For example, in addition to RORbeta patterns, the ER81 patterns in layers 4 and 5 considerably contributed to PC1, but they were in the reverse direction. This means that PC1 represents a feature shared by RORbeta and ER81 (and Nurr1 to a lesser extent), which is shown as their complementary distribution patterns. Similarly, PC2 represents a feature shared by layer 5 of ER81 and Nurr1, but in a complementary manner. There are almost no contributions of RORbeta in this component.</p>", "<p>In an attempt to decipher the meaning of the two axes represented by PC1 and PC2, we calculated the average scores of these PCs in cytoarchitectonically determined cortical areas and plotted them in the PC1–PC2 space (##FIG##6##Fig. 7B##). In this figure, the cortical areas were roughly classified into four categories. Somatosensory, auditory, and visual domains were colored in yellow, red and blue, respectively. The medial and lateral ends of the cortex, which are colored in grey, are motor, limbic and paralimbic areas and considered to be higher areas in the cortical hierarchy in terms of sensory inputs. In the plot, the areas with the same modalities are grouped by lines to aid in the visualization. Here, we observed two features. First, the primary sensory areas (Par1, Te1, Oc1) were clustered at the lowest value of PC1 with little contribution from PC2. The higher order multisensory areas tended to be located in the higher values of PC1. Second, the higher order association areas of different modalities were dispersed in the plot, because of the contribution of different PC2 values. Together, these observations suggest the similarity of the primary sensory areas and the diversion of association areas, as far as the expression of the three “layer-specific” genes are concerned.</p>" ]
[ "<title>Discussion</title>", "<p>We studied the area-specific expression patterns of three layer-specific genes, RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1, using double ISH and the cortical box method ##REF##18440715##[31]##. Double ISH showed that the coexpression profiles of these genes are the same across areas, whereas their relative abundance and the extent of intermingling differ considerably. The cortical box method allowed us to quantitatively and objectively analyze the three-dimensional pattern of gene expression using integrated ISH data sets. We first discuss the methodological aspects of our study and then the implications of our findings in terms of the area architecture of the rat cortex.</p>", "<title>Cortical box method is a useful tool for gene expression analyses</title>", "<p>For histological studies, it is critically important to accurately identify various anatomical structures. This is particularly true for the study of the neocortex that consists of many areas and subareas. Traditionally, the Nissl staining patterns have been used as criteria for discrimination of cytoarchitectonic areas (e.g., ##UREF##0##[1]##,##UREF##1##[3]##). Nevertheless, the area differences determined by Nissl staining are often subtle and susceptible to various artifacts, such as inhomogeneous staining and sampling variances. Although quantitative methods of characterizing cortical areas ##REF##6970009##[36]##–##REF##6611357##[38]##, ##REF##9918738##[40]## enable observer-independent area demarcation, the area identification is still subtle and requires exact spatial information of the section of interest. In cats and monkeys, sulcal landmarks help in area identification. However, the rodent cortex offers no such landmarks. To circumvent this problem, we previously developed the cortical box method to analyze c-fos immunoreactivity ##REF##18440715##[31]##, which we now applied to the analysis of ISH data. This method uses a set of coronal sections that cover the entire posterior cortex of the rat. With sufficient numbers of sections, it is possible to accurately estimate the continuity of the areas that span several sections (see ##FIG##2##Fig. 3A##). Because this method transforms expression data into a standardized form, many different sets of data can be compared quantitatively. Furthermore, although the selection of ROI (region of interest) for standardization is still determined manually, this process only requires the determination of the medial and lateral ends of the cortex, which have clear landmarks and are unambiguous. The effectiveness of these features is demonstrated by the reproducibility of cytoarchitectonic areas (##FIG##4##Fig. 5A##) and low CV of the gene expression data (##FIG##5##Fig. 6B##) across different sets of samples. As we have shown in this study, this method is applicable to the sections stained by various methods including Nissl staining, immunohistochemistry, ISH and possibly other methods, such as neural tracer dyes. This method will, thus, enable us to integrate different types of histological data in the same coordinate for quantitative analyses.</p>", "<p>In the current study, we pooled the data from both right and left hemispheres of three different rats, to reduce experimental variability. Although there is a possibility that the two hemispheres show differences in gene expression, we were not able to find sign of lateralization, under the current number of dataset (n = 3). However, a study using larger number of datasets for cortical box analysis may clarify if any lateralization exists in rodent neocortex.</p>", "<p>Many methods have been developed to standardize the rodent brain map (e.g., ##REF##17151600##[27]##, ##REF##11967564##[32]##, ##REF##15032916##[33]##, ##REF##16196030##[35]##, ##REF##16846658##[41]##, ##REF##16784876##[42]##). In particular, Gabbott et al. (2005) reported a method similar to the cortical box method to investigate the cortical projections from the rat frontal areas ##REF##16196030##[35]##. Our method is also conceptually similar to the surface-based atlases developed by Van Essen and coworkers ##REF##9448242##[43]##. The advantage of these methods is that by flattening the three-dimensional cortex, it becomes easy to understand intuitively the global picture of gene expression. It is also important that the cortical box method enables the quantitative analyses of the spatial distribution data. Even when there are sample-to-sample variances owing to various reasons, we can extract useful information by averaging the data. We can also estimate the significance of such variances (see ##FIG##5##Fig. 6B##). We noted that the variability of gene expression were concentrated at area borders (##FIG##5##Fig. 6B##), which could be attributable to individual difference of the area architecture, although it is possible that such variance was derived from experimental variance. One advantage of our method over other flattening techniques is the simplicity and ease of use, because it is optimized for the simple sulcus structure of the rodent posterior cortex. On the other hand, it would be difficult to directly apply it to the convoluted cortex of other mammalian species. For example, because the thickness of each lamina varies greatly in areas for primate brains (e.g., see Fig. S3 of ##REF##17065549##[23]##), it will become difficult to construct layer maps using the same layer borders for different areas. However, if we are to limit the analysis to a subregion of the cortex that can be defined by clear-cut landmarks (such as sulci), cortical box method may be used to analyze convoluted brains as well.</p>", "<p>Despite the many useful features of the cortical box method as pointed above, caution is required when interpreting the data, because it does not offer information on the expression at the cellular resolution level. For example, in the layer 6 maps of ER81 and Nurr1, the maps of two genes overlapped in the laterocaudal areas (##FIG##4##Figs. 5## and ##FIG##5##6##, TeV and Ect), although the double ISH results demonstrated that they were not coexpressed (##FIG##2##Fig. 3G–I##). It is also notable that, owing to normalization, the low expression levels tend to be ignored in a global view. For example, although RORbeta mRNA is clearly expressed by layer 5 neurons throughout areas (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##), it does not show up in the layer 5 map (##FIG##5##Fig. 6A##). In the case of ER81, the very high expression level in the medial areas obscures its widespread distribution across the entire neocortical areas in layer 5. The cortical box method needs to be coupled with careful analyses of expressions at the cellular level. It should also be noted that, by fitting the cortex into rectangle, the information of the cortical thickness is lost, although the relative expression value is preserved throughout layers. To examine the differential cortical thickness across areas, other analytical method needs to be used.</p>", "<title>Identification of cortical areas by cortical box method</title>", "<p>In previous studies, cortical areas were successfully delineated in an objective manner by Nissl-GLI analyses ##UREF##2##[8]##, ##REF##6970009##[36]##–##REF##6611357##[38]##. Therefore, we relied on Nissl-GLI patterns to identify cytoarchitectonic areas in our standard three-dimensional space. The layer 4 map of Nissl-GLI was consistent overall with the Nissl-GLI map of Zilles and coworkers ##UREF##2##[8]##. However, there were several points wherein we incorporated the area classification by other researchers. For example, we found a subarea “Par1L” in the lateral region of the primary somatosensory cortex, which is not shown in the original map of Palomero-Gallagher and Zilles ##UREF##2##[8]##. Judged from the location, Par1L seems to correspond to the representation region of the upper lip, which was recently noted by others ##UREF##4##[39]##. We also found another subarea “dysgranular zone (DZ)” between areas HL and Par1. This subarea appears to correspond to the most medial zone of a matrix of dysgranular cortex into which the barrels are embedded ##REF##770516##[44]##–##REF##12917373##[47]##. The DZ appears to partially overlap with “FL” in the map of Palomero-Gallagher and Zilles ##UREF##2##[8]##. Although the borders of DZ were not determined by GLI analysis ##UREF##2##[8]##, our data showed that they extended anteroposteriorly along HL. The consistency with the RORbeta gene expression supports this area delineation. In the auditory cortex, we distinguished Te1 and Te3V, on the basis of Nissl-GLI and RORbeta expression. Te3V in our map is considered to correspond to the belt region of the auditory cortex ##UREF##2##[8]##, ##REF##1707895##[48]##. Ventral to TeV, we delineated Ect according to Paxinos and Watson ##UREF##5##[49]## and Swanson ##UREF##6##[50]##. We emphasize that the cytoarchitectonic areas determined by Nissl-GLI are well consistent with the expression patterns of the layer-specific genes, validating the area demarcation by our method.</p>", "<title>Significance of area-specific gene expression</title>", "<p>Previous studies using receptor autoradiography have revealed that the brain's chemoarchitectonic organization is correlated with cyto- and myeloarchitectonical organizations ##REF##12468022##[7]##, ##REF##9658286##[51]##. Our analysis also revealed tight correlation between gene expression and the cytoarchitectonic area. In particular, RORbeta and ER81 patterns were quite similar to those of Nissl-GLI in layers 4 and 5, respectively. This is anticipated to some extent, because both Nissl-GLI and gene expression intensity should positively correlate with the neuronal density. However, RORbeta and ER81 mRNAs were expressed by a subpopulation of cortical neurons and the variations in their densities appeared to be much greater than those expected from the neuronal density of the layer of interest (##FIG##1##Fig. 2##). Besides, the perceived intensity of labeling per cell also varied across areas. Regarding Nurr1 gene expression, the positive cells represent only a minor population of the layer 6 neurons, and the area distribution pattern was completely different from that of the Nissl-GLI. These observations suggest that there may exist some rules that commonly affect their area-specific expression patterns other than neuronal density. By using PCA, we tried to find such rules and obtained two principal components (PC1 and PC2).</p>", "<p>The PC1–PC2 plot of different cortical areas shown in ##FIG##6##Fig. 7B## indicates the features of these areas characterized by RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1 gene expressions. This figure clearly shows that the primary sensory areas, Par1, Par1L, Te1, Oc1M and Oc1B, cluster together at lower PC1 values, while the higher sensory areas and multimodal areas are away from the “cluster” of primary sensory areas with higher PC1 values, but with various PC2 values. This pattern demonstrates the similarity of gene expression in the primary sensory areas, as well as the diversity of gene expression patterns in the higher sensory areas. There are several possible explanations for the similarity of the primary sensory areas. First, the primary sensory areas generally have “granular” layer 4, which contains a high density of thalamorecipient neurons. The PC1 score may be positively or negatively correlated with the neuronal density as we discussed earlier. Second, the primary sensory areas receive strong inputs from the primary sensory thalamus ##REF##6193514##[52]##, ##REF##9486823##[53]##, which can be visualized by cytochrome oxidase staining ##REF##223730##[54]##, ##REF##6246540##[55]##. It is well known that certain genes exhibit activity-dependent regulation during development or in the adult ##REF##11168534##[17]##, ##REF##8754252##[56]##–##REF##16272112##[58]##. The expressions of RORbeta, ER81 and/or Nurr1 genes may be affected, directly or indirectly, by the thalamocortical inputs and contribute to the low PC1 scores in the primary sensory areas. In this context, it is interesting that area DZ exhibits a high PC1 score despite its location within Par1. Previous studies suggest that the dysgranular zones in barrel cortex including our DZ defined here does not receive inputs from the primary somatosensory thalamic nucleus; instead it receives inputs from a higher order thalamic nucleus and adjacent primary somatosensory areas as well ##REF##2822774##[45]##–##REF##12917373##[47]##, ##REF##8484292##[59]##, ##REF##11007905##[60]##. The high PC1 score is consistent with this observation and may support a proposal that the dysgranular non-barrel cortex is a higher order somatosensory area ##REF##12917373##[47]##. Finally, PC1 has contributions from both RORbeta and ER81 layer maps, but in the reverse direction. These genes are enriched in layers 4 and 5, which are generally considered as the input and output layers ##REF##15217339##[61]##. We speculate that the maturation of the structures of layers 4 and 5 is coordinated so that the primary sensory areas are specialized for input reception.</p>", "<p>Compared with the interpretation of PC1, that of PC2 is more difficult. We could think of possible developmental causes for the conspicuous lateral-to-medial gradient of PC2: it may reflect cortical patterning by a gradient of regulatory genes ##REF##16272112##[58]##, ##REF##10764649##[62]##, or a cortical migratory stream ##UREF##7##[63]##. However, the functional significance of such a gradient in the mature neocortex remains unclear. Arimatsu and coworkers report that Nurr1-positive neurons send corticocortical but not corticothalamic projections in the rat cortex ##REF##14528447##[19]##. We found that this projection specificity is also conserved in monkeys ##REF##17065549##[23]##. These observations suggest that PC2 may represent a special type of cortico-cortical connectivity.</p>", "<p>It is quite intriguing that Nurr1 mRNA is expressed by a subtype of neurons distinct from those expressing RORbeta or ER81 mRNAs despite the extensive intermingling (##FIG##2##Fig. 3##). The negative correlations of Nurr1 with RORbeta or ER81 contribution in PC1 and PC2 (##FIG##6##Fig. 7A##) raise the possibility that the same organizing principle differentially affects different cell types. We predict that there may be some rules that coordinate the expression of thousands of genes in organizing the neocortical structure. How such coordination occurs is, at present, an open question. The double ISH and cortical box method are useful tools for analyzing such rules and for revealing the principles behind them.</p>" ]
[ "<p>Conceived and designed the experiments: JH AW TY. Performed the experiments: JH AW SO. Analyzed the data: JH AW. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: JH AW. Wrote the paper: JH AW TY.</p>", "<title>Background</title>", "<p>The mammalian neocortex is subdivided into many areas, each of which exhibits distinctive lamina architecture. To investigate such area differences in detail, we chose three genes for comparative analyses, namely, RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1, mRNAs of which have been reported to be mainly expressed in layers 4, 5 and 6, respectively. To analyze their qualitative and quantitative coexpression profiles in the rat neocortex, we used double in situ hybridization (ISH) histochemistry and cortical box method which we previously developed to integrate the data of different staining and individuals in a standard three-dimensional space.</p>", "<title>Principal Findings</title>", "<p>Our new approach resulted in three main observations. First, the three genes showed unique area distribution patterns that are mostly complementary to one another. The patterns revealed by cortical box method matched well with the cytoarchitectonic areas defined by Nissl staining. Second, at single cell level, RORbeta and ER81 mRNAs were coexpressed in a subpopulation of layer 5 neurons, whereas Nurr1 and ER81 mRNAs were not colocalized. Third, principal component analysis showed that the order of hierarchical processing in the cortex correlates well with the expression profiles of these three genes. Based on this analysis, the dysgranular zone (DZ) in the somatosensory area was considered to exhibit a profile of a higher order area, which is consistent with previous proposal.</p>", "<title>Conclusions/Significance</title>", "<p>The tight relationship between the expression of the three layer specific genes and functional areas were revealed, demonstrating the usefulness of cortical box method in the study on the cerebral cortex. In particular, it allowed us to perform statistical evaluation and pattern matching, which would become important in interpreting the ever-increasing data of gene expression in the cortex.</p>" ]
[ "<p>We thank Dr. S Sakata for helpful discussion.</p>" ]
[ "<fig id=\"pone-0003266-g001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003266.g001</object-id><label>Figure 1</label><caption><title>Double in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISH) of RORbeta/ER81 (A) and RORbeta/Nurr1 (B).</title><p>Signals in red are for RORbeta and those in green are for ER81 (A) or Nurr1 (B). The arrowheads indicate the area borders that were deduced by comparing the gene expression patterns shown by double ISH and those revealed by the cortical box method. Par1, Par2, Oc1, Oc2L and Te1 correspond to the primary and secondary somatosensory areas (Par1 and Par2), the primary and secondary visual areas (Oc1 and Oc2L) and the primary auditory area (Te1). Ectorhinal cortex (Ect) is also indicated. The white bars denoted as a–e and a'–e' are the regions magnified in ##FIG##1##Fig. 2##. This figure is a montage of several images. Although the lighting condition of the original images was not even at this low resolution, we adjusted the contrast of each component image manually so that the montage appeared to be consecutive. Scale bar, 2 mm.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003266-g002\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003266.g002</object-id><label>Figure 2</label><caption><title>Area differences in gene expressions.</title><p>The regions denoted in ##FIG##0##Fig. 1## are magnified. In these figures, the contrast was adjusted simultaneously so that the area differences can be directly compared across different areas. The layers denoted on the left side of each panel were determined in reference to the Hoechst 30442 nuclear staining. These panels are considered to correspond to cytoarchitectonic areas as follows: a; Oc2MM, b; Par1, c; Par2, d; Oc1, e; Te3R, f; Ect, a'; DZ, b'; Par1/Par2 border, c'; Par2, d'; Oc1, e'; Oc2L, f'; Oct. S; subiculum. Scale bar: 100 µm.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003266-g003\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003266.g003</object-id><label>Figure 3</label><caption><title>Coexpression of RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1 genes.</title><p>(A)–(C) Double ISH of RORbeta (red) and ER81 (green) mRNAs in a somatosensory area. Note the extensive coexpression of the two genes (denoted by the arrows). (D)–(F) Double ISH of RORbeta (red) and Nurr1 (green) mRNAs in a laterocaudal area. (G)–(I) Double ISH of ER81 (red) and Nurr1 (green) mRNAs in a laterocaudal area. Note that the two genes in (D)–(F) and (G)–(I) are not coexpressed. Scale bar: 50 µm.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003266-g004\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003266.g004</object-id><label>Figure 4</label><caption><title>Cortical box method reveals the area-specific expression of RORbeta mRNAs.</title><p>(A) Example of a cortical section of RORbeta ISH image processed for the cortical box standardization procedure. The mediodorsal end (MD), lateroventral end (LV), inner contour (IC), and outer contour (OC) were manually determined to select the part of the cortex for further processing. The selected cortical region was converted into a standard rectangle (a standardized cortical section). The intensity of the ISH signals was normalized and pseudocolored, so that the mean +1 SD becomes 0% and the mean +3 SD becomes 100% (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref> for details). Scale bar, 2 mm. (B) Example of one series of coronal sections (from the Bregma distance of −2.1 to −6.2 mm, number 1 to 17) of RORbeta ISH (left). These images of cortical sections were standardized as displayed on the right side of the original images (representative). We performed the same processing for six series of such samples (right and left hemispheres from three rats) and averaged them. Note that the patterns of the representative and the average data are quite similar. We also performed the same procedure for the Nissl-stained samples and determined the cytoarchitectonic borders for primary somatosensory (Par1, yellow), visual (OC1, blue) and auditory (Te1, red) areas. (C) Layer distributions of RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1 (left axis) as well as the Nissl-gray level index (GLI, right axis) from the pial surface (0% of cortical depth) to the cortex/white matter border (100%). Each line plot shows the average signal intensity at a given cortical depth. The entire cortical regions except the mediodorsal and laterocaudal 10% were used to calculate the average. Green, orange, blue and red lines represent RORbeta, ER81, Nurr1 ISHs and Nissl staining, respectively. (D) Conceptual figure to illustrate the construction of the cortical box. In this example, the layer 4 fraction (30–50% cortical depth) was extracted to demonstrate the area distribution pattern of RORbeta mRNA in a two-dimensional map.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003266-g005\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003266.g005</object-id><label>Figure 5</label><caption><title>Spatial distribution of Nissl-GLI in standardized cortical maps.</title><p>(A) Averaged standardized layer 4 map of the Nissl-gray level index (GLI) was constructed from both hemispheres of three animals. (B) The areal borders were determined on the basis of the differential map, which shows the local differences of the GLI values. (C) Standardized layer 4 maps of GLI constructed using the data from the left and right hemispheres of three animals. The two independent maps exhibit very similar patterns despite no overlaps in the samples used for image processing. (D) Nissl GLI maps for different layers. AIP, agranular insular cortex, posterior part; DZ, parietal cortex, area 1, dysgranular zone; Ect, ectorhinal cortex; Fr1, frontal cortex, area 1; HL, parietal cortex, hindlimb area; Oc1B, occipital cortex, area1, binocular part; Oc1M, occipital cortex, area 1, monocular part; Oc2L, occipital cortex area 2, lateral part; Oc2ML, occipital cortex, area 2 mediolateral part; Oc2MM, occipital cortex, area 2, mediomedial part; Par1, parietal cortex, area 1; Par1L, parietal cortex, area1, lateral part; Par2, parietal cortex, area2; ParP, parietal cortex, posterior area; ParVC, parietal cortex, ventral area, caudal part; PRh, perirhinal area; RSA, agranular retrosplenial cortex; Te1, temporal cortex, area 1; Te3R, temporal cortex, area 3, rostral part; Te3V, temporal cortex, area 3, ventral part; TeV, temporal cortex ventral area.</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003266-g006\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003266.g006</object-id><label>Figure 6</label><caption><title>Spatial distributions of RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1 in the standardized cortical map.</title><p>(A) Average standardized layer maps (layers 2/3, 4, 5 and 6) for in situ hybridization immunohistochemistry (ISH) of RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1. Black lines indicate the cytoarchitectonic borders of the cortical area defined in ##FIG##4##Fig. 5A##. (B) Coefficient of variance (CV) of standardized layer maps (layers 2/3, 4, 5 and 6) for in situ hybridization immunohistochemistry (ISH) of RORbeta, ER81 and Nurr1. White color represents the CV values of the pixels with low average values (see <xref ref-type=\"sec\" rid=\"s4\">Materials and Methods</xref>).</p></caption></fig>", "<fig id=\"pone-0003266-g007\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003266.g007</object-id><label>Figure 7</label><caption><title>Principal component analysis (PCA) of standardized cortical map.</title><p>Cortical areas were divided into 340×100 points so that the ISH signal values could be represented by a matrix of 34000 data points. The data of five layer maps (layer 4 of RORbeta, layers 4 and 5 of ER81, and layers 5 and 6 of Nurr1) were analyzed for PCA to extract two primary components, PC1 and PC2. (A) Pseudocolored layer maps (top) and eigenvectors (bottom) of PC1 and PC2. The layer maps indicate the PC scores plotted in the two dimensional space. The eigenvectors below the layer maps show the contributions of the five layer maps in constructing each PC. (B) The averaged PC1 and PC2 scores of each cortical area (shown in the left panel) were plotted in the PC1–PC2 space. The cortical areas represented by the dots in the right panel are grouped by modality and connected by colored lines (yellow, red and blue for somatosensory, auditory and visual, respectively) in the order of PC1 scores. Gray represents other areas, including motor, limbic and paralimbic areas. The nomenclature of each area is the same as that in ##FIG##4##Fig. 5##.</p></caption></fig>" ]
[ "<table-wrap id=\"pone-0003266-t001\" position=\"float\"><object-id pub-id-type=\"doi\">10.1371/journal.pone.0003266.t001</object-id><label>Table 1</label><caption><title>Primers used to clone RORbeta gene segments.</title></caption><alternatives><table frame=\"hsides\" rules=\"groups\"><colgroup span=\"1\"><col align=\"left\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/><col align=\"center\" span=\"1\"/></colgroup><thead><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Plasmid name</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Primer set</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">template</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Target sequence (CDS = +1 to +862)</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">mRORbeta</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<named-content content-type=\"gene\">GTGTACAGCAGCAGCATTAGCA</named-content>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Mouse brain</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">From −136 to +676</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<named-content content-type=\"gene\">GGTCTCATCATCCAGGTGRTTC</named-content>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">cDNA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">rRORbeta2</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<named-content content-type=\"gene\">AAAGCAAGCACATTGGAGAG</named-content>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Rat brain</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">From −840 to −93</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<named-content content-type=\"gene\">GTCAATGACGTGCCCGTTGG</named-content>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">cDNA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">rRORbeta3</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<named-content content-type=\"gene\">AACAAACAGAAGAGCCCCAC</named-content>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">Rat brain</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">From −73 to +1029</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">\n<named-content content-type=\"gene\">GCCAACGGGCACGTCATTGACC</named-content>\n</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\">cDNA</td><td align=\"left\" rowspan=\"1\" colspan=\"1\"/></tr></tbody></table></alternatives></table-wrap>" ]
[ "<fn-group><fn fn-type=\"COI-statement\"><p><bold>Competing Interests: </bold>The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.</p></fn><fn fn-type=\"financial-disclosure\"><p><bold>Funding: </bold>This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) 17024055 (to T.Y.) and 19500304 (to A. W.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.</p></fn></fn-group>" ]
[ "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003266.g001\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003266.g002\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003266.g003\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003266.g004\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003266.g005\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003266.g006\"/>", "<graphic xlink:href=\"pone.0003266.g007\"/>", "<graphic id=\"pone-0003266-t001-1\" xlink:href=\"pone.0003266.t001\"/>" ]
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{ "acronym": [], "definition": [] }
2022-01-13 07:14:35
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 25; 3(9):e3266