Back seat driver
Back to square one
Bag lady
Baker's dozen
Barking up the wrong tree
Barnet Fair
Basket case
Bat from the pavilion end
Be a sport
Be glad to see the back of
Beach bum
Bean counter
Beat around the bush
Beauty contest / Beauty parade
Bedroom tax
Bells and whistles
Bend over backwards
Between a rock and a hard place
Between the wars
Beyond price
Big fish in a small pond
Binge watch
Bite off more than you can chew
Bite the dust
Bite your tongue
Blood blister
Blood is thicker than water
Blow a raspberry
Blue plate special
Boat race
Bottle and glass
Bought the farm
Brahms and Lizst
Brass monkey weather
Brass tacks
Break a leg
Breast is best
Bricks and mortar
Brighton Pier
Bring your A game
Brown bread
Brown out
Brum brum
Bucket list
Burn the midnight oil
Bust a move
Buy a lemon
Calendar year
Can't cut the mustard
Canteen culture
Carbon footprint
Carpe diem
Cast iron stomach
Cat got your tongue?
Caught between two stools
Caught by the short hairs (or short and curlies)
Chaise Lounge
Charley horse
Chasing tail
Cheek by jowl
Chicken feed
Cherry ripe
Chew someone out
Children should be seen and not heard
China plate
Chow down
City bike
Click bait
Close but no cigar
Cloud cuckoo land
**** and bull story
Code monkey
Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
Come hell or high water
Comfort women
Company man
Cop an attitude
Corduroy road
Country house hotel
Crack someone up
Cream crackered
Cross that bridge when you come to it
Cross your fingers
Crunch time
Cry wolf
Curiosity killed the cat
Currant bun
Cut corners
Cut to the chase
Daily grind
Daisy roots
Date rape
Day surgery
Daylight saving time
Dead ringer
Dead white European male
Designated driver
Dial down
Dicky Dirt
Discussing Uganda