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ये त्रि॑ष॒प्ताः प॑रि॒यन्ति॒ विश्वा॑ रू॒पाणि॒ बिभ्र॑तः । वा॒चस्पति॒र्बला॒ तेषां॑ त॒न्वो॑ अ॒द्य द॑धातु मे ॥ (१)
The three qualities of Rajogun, Tamogun and Satogun and earth, water, tej, air, sky, tanmatra and ego, the seven substances travel everywhere in divine form, brahma, the swami of speech, give me the divine power of those elements and substances. (1)
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पुन॒रेहि॑ वाचस्पते दे॒वेन॒ मन॑सा स॒ह । वसो॑ष्पते॒ नि र॑मय॒ मय्ये॒वास्तु॒ मयि॑ श्रु॒तम् ॥ (२)
O Swami of speech Brahma Dev! Come to me with a divine mind. O Swami of life Brahman! Make me happy by giving me the desired results. Give me the wisdom to wear the Vedas I have studied. (2)
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इ॒हैवाभि वि त॑नू॒भे आर्त्नी॑ इव॒ ज्यया॑ । वा॒चस्पति॒र्नि य॑च्छतु॒ मय्ये॒वास्तु॒ मयि॑ श्रु॒तम् ॥ (३)
O Swami of speech Brahman! Just as by offering a bow string, both ends of it are stretched equally, in the same way, give me the power to wear Vedashastra and the desired means of enjoyment. (3)
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उप॑हूतो वा॒चस्पति॒रुपा॒स्मान्वा॒चस्पति॑र्ह्वयताम् । सं श्रु॒तेन॑ गमेमहि॒ मा श्रु॒तेन॒ वि रा॑धिषि ॥ (४)
We invoke Brahma, the swami of speech. May the Brahmans invoked by us call us closer to us. We should always be equipped with complete knowledge and never get away. (4)
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वि॒द्मा श॒रस्य॑ पि॒तरं॑ प॒र्जन्यं॒ भूरि॑धायसम् । वि॒द्मो ष्व॑स्य मा॒तरं॑ पृथि॒वीं भूरि॑वर्पसम् ॥ (१)
The root consciousness is the father of the cloud arrow that nourishes all and the cloud that holds all is the father of the arrow and the earth with all the elements is the mother of this arrow. This means that both the cloud and the earth produce arrows, that is, power. That's what we know. (1)
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ज्या॑के॒ परि॑ णो न॒माश्मा॑नं त॒न्वं कृधि । वी॒डुर्वरी॒यो ऽरा॑ती॒रप॒ द्वेषां॒स्या कृ॑धि ॥ (२)
O condemnable string of bows! Don't lean towards us, but lean towards our enemies. O God! Make our bodies as strong as stones, keep us away from the hostile shortcomings of enemies and destroy the force of our enemies. (2)
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वृ॒क्षं यद्गावः॑ परिषस्वजा॒ना अ॑नुस्फु॒रं श॒रमर्च॑न्त्यृ॒भुम् । शरु॑म॒स्मद्या॑वय दि॒द्युमि॑न्द्र ॥ (३)
O Indra! Just as hotly disturbed cows take shelter in the shade of the banyan tree, in the same way, the malicious arrows of our enemies should stay away from us and go near them. (3)
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यथा॒ द्यां च॑ पृथि॒वीं चा॒न्तस्तिष्ठ॑ति॒ तेज॑नम् । ए॒वा रोगं॑ चास्रा॒वं चा॒न्तस्ति॑ष्ठतु॒ मुञ्ज॒ इत् ॥ (४)
Just as there is a sharp place between the earth and the sun, in the same way, this arrow suppresses diseases and wounds like polyurine, diarrhea, etc. (4)
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वि॒द्मा श॒रस्य॑ पि॒तरं॑ प॒र्जन्यं॑ श॒तवृ॑ष्ण्यम् । तेना॑ ते त॒न्वे॑३ शं क॑रं पृथि॒व्यां ते॑ नि॒षेच॑नं ब॒हिष्टे॑ अस्तु॒ बालिति॑ ॥ (१)
We know Parjanya, the father of hundreds of powers and arrows, that is, the cloud. O urologist! I will put an end to your urinary diseases. The urine kept in the body came out and fell on the earth. (1)
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वि॒द्मा श॒रस्य॑ पि॒तरं॑ मि॒त्रं श॒तवृ॑ष्ण्यम् । तेना॑ ते त॒न्वे॑३ शं क॑रं पृथि॒व्यां ते॑ नि॒षेच॑नं ब॒हिष्टे॑ अस्तु॒ बालिति॑ ॥ (२)
We know the friend of hundreds of powers and the father of arrows, that is, the Sun. O sick man! With this arrow, I destroy your urinary diseases. The urine stuck in your stomach came out and fell on the earth. (2)
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वि॒द्मा श॒रस्य॑ पि॒तरं॒ वरु॑णं श॒तवृ॑ष्ण्यम् । तेना॑ ते त॒न्वे॑३ शं क॑रं पृथि॒व्यां ते॑ नि॒षेच॑नं ब॒हिष्टे॑ अस्तु॒ बालिति॑ ॥ (३)
We know Varuna, the father of the arrow, endowed with hundreds of strengths. O patient man! With this arrow, I remove your urinary diseases. The urine that is stuck in your stomach comes out and falls on the earth. (3)
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वि॒द्मा श॒रस्य॑ पि॒तरं॑ च॒न्द्रं श॒तवृ॑ष्ण्यम् । तेना॑ ते त॒न्वे॑३ शं क॑रं पृथि॒व्यां ते॑ नि॒षेच॑नं ब॒हिष्टे॑ अस्तु॒ बालिति॑ ॥ (४)
We know Chandra, the father of hundreds of powers and arrows. O patient man! I eliminate your urinary diseases with the same arrow. The urine that was stopped in your stomach came out and fell on the earth. (4)
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वि॒द्मा श॒रस्य॑ पि॒तरं॒ सूर्यं॑ श॒तवृ॑ष्ण्यम् । तेना॑ ते त॒न्वे॑३ शं क॑रं पृथि॒व्यां ते॑ नि॒षेच॑नं ब॒हिष्टे॑ अस्तु॒ बालिति॑ ॥ (५)
We know the Sun, the father of hundreds of powers and arrows. O patient! I destroy your urinary diseases with this arrow. Your urine stored in the stomach came out and fell on the ground. (5)
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यदा॒न्त्रेषु॑ गवी॒न्योर्यद्व॒स्तावधि॒ संश्रु॑तम् । ए॒वा ते॒ मूत्रं॑ मुच्यतां ब॒हिर्बालिति॑ सर्व॒कम् ॥ (६)
The urine that is stopped in your intestines, in the ureter and in the bladder, let it come out quickly, saying all your urine. (6)
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प्र ते॑ भिनद्मि॒ मेह॑नं॒ वर्त्रं॑ वेश॒न्त्या इ॑व । ए॒वा ते॒ मूत्रं॑ मुच्यतां ब॒हिर्बालिति॑ सर्व॒कम् ॥ (७)
O patient suffering from urinary disease! I pierce the path of your urine in the same way as you dig a drain to drain out the water of the reservoir. All your urine came out saying words. (7)
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विषि॑तं ते वस्तिबि॒लं स॑मु॒द्रस्यो॑द॒धेरि॑व । ए॒वा ते॒ मूत्रं॑ मुच्यतां ब॒हिर्बालिति॑ सर्व॒कम् ॥ (८)
O patient suffering from urinary disease! Just as the water of the ocean, reservoir, etc. is made a way to come out, so I have opened the door of your bladder to take out your stagnant urine. All your urine came out saying words. (8)
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यथे॑षु॒का प॒राप॑त॒दव॑सृ॒ष्टाधि॒ धन्व॑नः । ए॒वा ते॒ मूत्रं॑ मुच्यतां बहि॒र्बालिति॑ सर्व॒कम् ॥ (९)
Just as the arrow left from the bow with a stretched cord rapidly moves towards the target, so all your stalled urine comes out saying words. (9)
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अ॒म्बयो॑ य॒न्त्यध्व॑भिर्जा॒मयो॑ अध्वरीय॒ताम् । पृ॑ञ्च॒तीर्मधु॑ना॒ पयः॑ ॥ (१)
People who want to perform yajna bring yagya material like water, someras, milk and ghee etc. like their mothers and sisters. (1)
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अ॒मूर्या उप॒ सूर्ये॒ याभि॑र्वा॒ सूर्यः॑ स॒ह । ता नो॑ हिन्वन्त्वध्व॒रम् ॥ (२)
The water which is located in the sun system or the water with which the sun is located, that water should be able to give fruits to our yajna. (2)
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अ॒पो दे॒वीरुप॑ ह्वये॒ यत्र॒ गावः॒ पिब॑न्ति नः । सिन्धु॑भ्यः॒ कर्त्वं॑ ह॒विः ॥ (३)
I call for clean and deity waters. Our cows drink water in water-filled reservoirs i.e. rivers and ponds. (3)
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अ॒प्स्व॑१न्तर॒मृत॑म॒प्सु भे॑ष॒जम् । अ॒पामु॒त प्रश॑स्तिभि॒रश्वा॒ भव॑थ वा॒जिनो॒ गावो॑ भवथ वा॒जिनीः॑ ॥ (४)
There is nectar in the waters. Medicines reside in waters. With the effect of these waters, our horses become strong, our cows become powerful. (4)
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आपो॒ हि ष्ठा म॑यो॒भुव॒स्ता न॑ ऊ॒र्जे द॑धातन । म॒हे रणा॑य॒ चक्ष॑से ॥ (१)
O water! You are going to give all kinds of happiness. May you give all of us the power to consume them to all those who want to consume food etc. May you give us the power to interview Brahma, the great and delightful form of bliss. (1)
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यो वः॑ शि॒वत॑मो॒ रस॒स्तस्य॑ भाजयते॒ह नः॑ । उ॑श॒तीरि॑व मा॒तरः॑ ॥ (२)
Just as mothers nourish children by feeding them milk of their own free will, so do they water! You make us possess your highly beneficial juices. (2)
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तस्मा॒ अरं॑ गमाम वो॒ यस्य॒ क्षया॑य॒ जिन्व॑थ । आपो॑ ज॒नय॑था च नः ॥ (३)
O water! We get enough of you to get the food etc. we get. O water! You come in sufficient form and satisfy us. (3)
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ईशा॑ना॒ वार्या॑णां॒ क्षय॑न्तीश्चर्षणी॒नाम् । अ॒पो या॑चामि भेष॒जम् ॥ (४)
I pray for water as a medicine to settle the moving human beings in one place by providing the swami of wealth and comforts. (4)
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शं नो॑ दे॒वीर॒भिष्ट॑य॒ आपो॑ भवन्तु पी॒तये॑ । शं योर॒भि स्र॑वन्तु नः ॥ (१)
May the water with divine qualities benefit us from all sides. May water rain welfare around us and be available for drinking. (1)
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अ॒प्सु मे॒ सोमो॑ अब्रवीद॒न्तर्विश्वा॑नि भेष॒जा । अ॒ग्निं च॑ वि॒श्वशं॑भुवम् ॥ (२)
I have been told by Som that all medicines and agnis reside in water. Agni is the welfare of the whole world. (2)
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आपः॑ पृणी॒त भे॑ष॒जं वरू॑थं त॒न्वे॑३ मम॑ । ज्योक्च॒ सूर्यं॑ दृ॒शे ॥ (३)
O water! You provide medicines to cure my diseases. Strengthen my body to see the sun for a longer time. (3)
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शं न॒ आपो॑ धन्व॒न्या॑३ शमु॑ सन्त्वनू॒प्याः॑ । शं नः॑ खनि॒त्रिमा॒ आपः॒ शमु॒ याः कु॒म्भ आभृ॑ताः । शि॒वा नः॑ सन्तु॒ वार्षि॑कीः ॥ (४)
May water make us happy in the desert land. In places where water is accessible, may the water of the places be well-being. The water obtained by digging wells, stepwells etc. should be beneficial for us. May the water brought in the pitcher give us happiness. May the water obtained from rain be pleasant for us. (4)
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स्तु॑वा॒नम॑ग्न॒ आ व॑ह यातु॒धानं॑ किमी॒दिन॑म् । त्वं हि दे॑व वन्दि॒तो ह॒न्ता दस्यो॑र्ब॒भूवि॑थ ॥ (१)
O agni! Bring the gods we praise closer to us and drive away the demons who roam around with the desire to kill us. O agni with divine qualities! Pleased with our greetings etc., you kill bandits. (1)
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आज्य॑स्य परमेष्ठि॒ञ्जात॑वेद॒स्तनू॑वशिन् । अग्ने॑ तौ॒लस्य॒ प्राशा॑न यातु॒धाना॒न्वि ला॑पय ॥ (२)
O one who resides in the best places like heaven, O Jataveda and O agni in the form of water power in everyone's bodies! Eat the ghee we have measured with khuva etc. and also destroy the demons. (2)
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वि ल॑पन्तु यातु॒धाना॑ अ॒त्त्रिणो॒ ये कि॑मी॒दिनः॑ । अथे॒दम॑ग्ने नो ह॒विरिन्द्र॑श्च॒ प्रति॑ हर्यतम् ॥ (३)
O agni! May you and Indra of supreme opulence gladly accept our given havi. Demons, bandits who eat everyone and evil people roaming around should be destroyed. (3)
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अ॒ग्निः पूर्व॒ आ र॑भतां॒ प्रेन्द्रो॑ नुदतु बाहु॒मान् । ब्रवी॑तु॒ सर्वो॑ यातु॒मान॒यम॒स्मीत्येत्य॑ ॥ (४)
First of all, start punishing the agni god demons. After this, drive away the demons of Indra with powerful arms. All the demons suffering from Agni and Indra should come and surrender and introduce themselves that I am like this. (4)
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पश्या॑म ते वी॒र्यं॑ जातवेदः॒ प्र णो॑ ब्रूहि यातु॒धाना॑न्नृचक्षः । त्वया॒ सर्वे॒ परि॑तप्ताः पु॒रस्ता॒त्त आ य॑न्तु प्रब्रुवा॒णा उपे॒दम् ॥ (५)
O agni that knows all! Let us see your might. O agni worthy of worship! Tell the demons as we wish not to hurt us. The demons persecuted by you should come to our shelter, introducing themselves. (5)
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आ र॑भस्व जातवेदो॒ ऽस्माकार्था॑य जज्ञिषे । दू॒तो नो॑ अग्ने भू॒त्वा या॑तु॒धाना॒न्वि ला॑पय ॥ (६)
O Agni who knows all! You begin the work of destroying demons, for you are born to fulfill our purpose. O agni! You become our messengers and drive away demons. (6)
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त्वम॑ग्ने यातु॒धाना॒नुप॑बद्धाँ इ॒हा व॑ह । अथै॑षा॒मिन्द्रो॒ वज्रे॒णापि॑ शी॒र्षाणि॑ वृश्चतु ॥ (७)
O agni! You tie the hands and legs of demons with rope etc. and bring them here. After this, Indra should cut off their heads with his thunderbolt. (7)
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इ॒दं ह॒विर्या॑तु॒धाना॑न्न॒दी फेन॑मि॒वा व॑हत् । य इ॒दं स्त्री पुमा॒नक॑रि॒ह स स्तु॑वतां॒ जनः॑ ॥ (१)
May the disgusting adi havi given by me to the gods of agni etc. remove the evil demons away from here in the same way as the stream of the river takes the foam from one place to another. Men who do acts of affection, magic, sorcery, tricks towards me should fail in their desire and come here to my shelter and praise me. (1)
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अ॒यं स्तु॑वा॒न आग॑मदि॒मं स्म॒ प्रति॑ हर्यत । बृह॑स्पते॒ वशे॑ ल॒ब्ध्वाग्नी॑षोमा॒ वि वि॑ध्यतम् ॥ (२)
O God of Jupiter! This man who has come to your shelter praising you is our opposing enemy. O Jupiter, Agni and Soma! Control these miscreants and punish them in many ways. (2)
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या॑तु॒धान॑स्य सोमप ज॒हि प्र॒जां नय॑स्व च । नि स्तु॑वा॒नस्य॑ पातय॒ पर॒मक्ष्यु॒ताव॑रम् ॥ (३)
O God of Agni who drinks Someras! You come near the children of demons and eliminate them and protect our children. Take out both the right and left eyes of our enemies who are afraid of you and pray to you. (3)
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यत्रै॑षामग्ने॒ जनि॑मानि॒ वेत्थ॒ गुहा॑ स॒ताम॒त्त्रिणां॑ जातवेदः । तांस्त्वं ब्रह्म॑णा वावृधा॒नो ज॒ह्ये॑षां शत॒तर्ह॑मग्ने ॥ (४)
O agni that knows about all! You know the demons who live in the cavity. O agni finding growth through mantras! Stop hundreds of types of violence by these demons and destroy them with children. (4)
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अ॒स्मिन्वसु॒ वस॑वो धारय॒न्त्विन्द्रः॑ पू॒षा वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॒ग्निः । इ॒ममा॑दि॒त्या उ॒त विश्वे॑ च दे॒वा उत्त॑रस्मि॒ञ्ज्योति॑षि धारयन्तु ॥ (१)
May Vasu, Indra, Pusha, Varuna, Mitra, Agni and Vishwa Dev give wealth to this man who wishes for wealth of kindness and make it a good light. (1)
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अ॒स्य दे॑वाः प्र॒दिशि॒ ज्योति॑रस्तु॒ सूर्यो॑ अ॒ग्निरु॒त वा॒ हिर॑ण्यम् । स॒पत्ना॑ अ॒स्मदध॑रे भवन्तूत्त॒मं नाक॒मधि॑ रोहये॒मम् ॥ (२)
O God of Indra! The light of sun, agni, moon, heaven etc. should be completely under the possession of this man who wants rural pleasures. Because of this, the enemies should remain in our possession. May you bring us to heaven devoid of all kinds of suffering. (2)
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येनेन्द्रा॑य स॒मभ॑रः॒ पयां॑स्युत्त॒मेन॒ ब्रह्म॑णा जातवेदः । तेन॒ त्वम॑ग्न इ॒ह व॑र्धये॒मं स॑जा॒तानां॒ श्रैष्ठ्य॒ आ धे॑ह्येनम् ॥ (३)
O agni who knows everything! The best mantras by which you got milk, ghee etc. juice for Indra in the form of havi, O agni! Increase this man through the same mantras and make him superior among the people of your jati. (3)
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ऐषां॑ य॒ज्ञमु॒त वर्चो॑ ददे॒ऽहं रा॒यस्पोष॑मु॒त चि॒त्तान्य॑ग्ने । स॒पत्ना॑ अ॒स्मदध॑रे भवन्तूत्त॒मं नाक॒मधि॑ रोहये॒मम् ॥ (४)
O agni! By your grace, I remove the seeker yajna, karma, radiance, wealth and mind of these enemies in the heavens etc. May my enemies be in a lower position than me. May you bring my host to a better heaven without all suffering. (4)
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अ॒यं दे॒वाना॒मसु॑रो॒ वि रा॑जति॒ वशा॒ हि स॒त्या वरु॑णस्य॒ राज्ञः॑ । तत॒स्परि॒ ब्रह्म॑णा॒ शाश॑दान उ॒ग्रस्य॑ म॒न्योरुदि॒मं न॑यामि ॥ (१)
Among the Indradi devas, Varuna is the one who punishes sinners. This type of Varun is the most outstanding. All substances are under the control of the stunning Varun Dev. Therefore, I get strength from the mantras related to varuna's praise and cure this man with ascites disease caused by the tremendous wrath of Varun Dev. (1)
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नम॑स्ते राजन्वरुणास्तु म॒न्यवे॒ विश्वं॒ ह्यु॑ग्र निचि॒केषि॑ द्रु॒ग्धम् । स॒हस्र॑म॒न्यान्प्र सु॑वामि सा॒कं श॒तं जी॑वाति श॒रद॒स्तवा॒यम् ॥ (२)
O brilliant Varun! Hello to your anger. You know the crimes committed by all beings. I am sending thousands of criminal men to your service. May these people become loyal to you and live for a hundred years. (2)
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यदु॒वक्थानृ॑तम्जि॒ह्वया॑ वृजि॒नं ब॒हु । राज्ञ॑स्त्वा स॒त्यध॑र्मणो मु॒ञ्चामि॒ वरु॑णाद॒हम् ॥ (३)
O man suffering from ascites disease! From your tongue you have made more untrue speech as a means of sin. I protect you from the wrath of the truthful dharma and the stunning Varuna. (3)
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मु॒ञ्चामि॑ त्वा वैश्वान॒राद॑र्ण॒वान्म॑ह॒तस्परि॑ । स॑जा॒तानु॑ग्रे॒हा व॑द॒ ब्रह्म॒ चाप॑ चिकीहि नः ॥ (४)
O man! I rescue you from the great ascites disease that slows down the gastrointestinal tract. O supremely powerful Varuna! Tell your companions, bhats, that is, your servants, not to come again and again and hurt this man. Please be pleased with the food and praise given by us and destroy our fear. (4)
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वष॑ट्ते पूषन्न॒स्मिन्त्सूता॑वर्य॒मा होता॑ कृणोतु वे॒धाः । सिस्र॑तां॒ नार्यृ॒तप्र॑जाता॒ वि पर्वा॑णि जिहतां सूत॒वा उ॑ ॥ (१)
O God of God! In this yajna karma that produces happiness, become the inspiring god of the animal group, Aryama, and give you strength. May Vedha Dev, the creator of the whole world, give you the blessings through the shatakar. By your grace, this pregnant woman should get rid of childbirth related pain and give birth to a living child. For a happy delivery, its joint bonds should be relaxed. (1)
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चत॑स्रो दि॒वः प्र॒दिश॒श्चत॑स्रो॒ भूम्या॑ उ॒त । दे॒वा गर्भं॒ समै॑रय॒न्तं व्यू॑र्णुवन्तु॒ सूत॑वे ॥ (२)
The four directions related to Dyulok, Prachi etc. and the four directions of the earth and indra etc. gods, the presiding deity of these directions, completed the first womb. All those gods should take the womb out of the uterus at this time and free it from the covering of the newborn. (2)
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सू॒षा व्यू॑र्णोतु॒ वि योनिं॑ हापयामसि । श्र॒थया॑ सूषणे॒ त्वमव॒ त्वं बि॑ष्कले सृज ॥ (३)
Pusha, the god of childbirth, separates the womb from the bondage of jarayu. We are also opening the vaginal route for spontaneous delivery. You also relax the vaginal passage for a happy delivery. O God! You should also push the face of the womb down and motivate her to get out. (3)
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नेव॑ मां॒से न पीव॑सि॒ नेव॑ म॒ज्जस्वाह॑तम् । अवै॑तु॒ पृश्नि॒ शेव॑लं॒ शुने॑ ज॒राय्वत्त॒वेऽव॑ ज॒रायु॑ पद्यताम् ॥ (४)
O delivery pulse! You will not be confirmed by this abdominal geria, because it is not related to meat, marrow, etc. Therefore, this white colored jarring should fall down like the moss floating on top of both. Let it fall down for the dog to eat. (4)
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वि ते॑ भिनद्मि॒ मेह॑नं॒ वि योनिं॒ वि ग॒वीनि॑के । वि मा॒तरं॑ च पु॒त्रं च॒ वि कु॑मा॒रं ज॒रायु॒णाव॑ ज॒रायु॑ पद्यताम् ॥ (५)
This pregnant woman! I stretch the urethra to get the baby out and also the nerves around the vagina. Because they hinder delivery. I separate mother and son. After this, I separate the son from the young man. The newborn falls down from the uterus. (5)
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यथा॒ वातो॒ यथा॒ मनो॒ यथा॒ पत॑न्ति प॒क्षिणः॑ । ए॒वा त्वं द॑शमास्य सा॒कं ज॒रायु॑णा प॒ताव॑ ज॒रायु॑ पद्यताम् ॥ (६)
O baby in the womb of the tenth month! Just as the air, mind and birds flying in the sky roam in the sky without restriction, so you come out of the womb with a young age. (6)
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ज॑रायु॒जः प्र॑थ॒म उ॒स्रियो॒ वृषा॑ वातभ्र॒जा स्त॒नय॑न्नेति वृ॒ष्ट्या । स नो॑ मृडाति त॒न्व॑ ऋजु॒गो रु॒जन्य एक॒मोज॑स्त्रे॒धा वि॑चक्र॒मे ॥ (१)
Those who appear by defeating the constellations, the first born in the world and like the wind, the fast-moving sun comes with rain, inducing the clouds to roar. They should protect us by destroying diseases etc. caused by surya tridosh. May the straight-moving sun, which illuminates its brightness in three ways despite being one, give us happiness. (1)
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अङ्गेअ॑ङ्गे शो॒चिषा॑ शिश्रिया॒णं न॑म॒स्यन्त॑स्त्वा ह॒विषा॑ विधेम । अ॒ङ्कान्त्स॑म॒ङ्कान्ह॒विषा॑ विधेम॒ यो अग्र॑भी॒त्पर्वा॑स्या॒ ग्रभी॑ता ॥ (२)
O present sun with its radiance in each organ of beings! We greet you and worship you with charu etc. We also serve your followers and family deities with all our heart. We worship you through Havi for the retirement of the fever etc. disease that has gripped the body parts of this man. (2)
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मु॒ञ्च शी॑र्ष॒क्त्या उ॒त का॒स ए॑नं॒ परु॑ष्परुरावि॒वेशा॒ यो अ॑स्य । यो अ॑भ्र॒जा वा॑त॒जा यश्च॒ शुष्मो॒ वन॒स्पती॑न्त्सचतां॒ पर्व॑तांश्च ॥ (३)
O sun! Get rid of this man's head disease. Free it from the cough disease that has entered its joint. Free this man from diseases caused by rain and water, which are caused by bile disorders. These diseases leave this man and go to the vegetation and mountains. (3)
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शं मे॒ पर॑स्मै॒ गात्रा॑य॒ शम॒स्त्वव॑राय मे । शं मे॑ च॒तुर्भ्यो॒ अङ्गे॑भ्यः॒ शम॑स्तु त॒न्वे॑३ मम॑ ॥ (४)
May the organs of my body be well-being in the form of peace of the head. May my feet, etc., bring happiness to the following organs. May both my hands and both my feet be happy. May the central part of my body get sickness. (4)
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नम॑स्ते अस्तु वि॒द्युते॒ नम॑स्ते स्तनयि॒त्नवे॑ । नम॑स्ते अ॒स्त्वश्म॑ने॒ येना॑ दू॒डाशे॒ अस्य॑सि ॥ (१)
O Parjanya! My greetings to Vidyut. Greeting me to the thunderbolt thunderbolt. You throw away the terrorists. (1)
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नम॑स्ते प्रवतो नपा॒द्यत॒स्तपः॑ स॒मूह॑सि । मृ॒डया॑ नस्त॒नूभ्यो॒ मय॑स्तो॒केभ्य॑स्कृधि ॥ (२)
O Parjanya! You protect the satpurushas. Hello to you. You hold the water inside and do not allow it to fall down prematurely. You collect sin-destroying tenacity and throw your thunderbolt at sinners. May you give happiness to our body and benefit our sons, grandsons etc. (2)
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प्रव॑तो नपा॒न्नम॑ ए॒वास्तु॒ तुभ्यं॒ नम॑स्ते हे॒तये॒ तपु॑षे च कृण्मः । वि॒द्म ते॒ धाम॑ पर॒मं गुहा॒ यत्स॑मु॒द्रे अ॒न्तर्निहि॑तासि॒ नाभिः॑ ॥ (३)
O rain falling from height to bottom! Hello to you. Salutations to your angry weapon vajra. We know the inaccessible and exquisite habitat of your cave. Just as the navel is the intermediary in the body, so you are located in the ocean, the center of space. (3)
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यां त्वा॑ दे॒वा असृ॑जन्त॒ विश्व॒ इषुं॑ कृण्वा॒ना अस॑नाय धृ॒ष्णुम् । सा नो॑ मृड वि॒दथे॑ गृणा॒ना तस्यै॑ ते॒ नमो॑ अस्तु देवि ॥ (४)
O agni! You have been created to throw at the unpleasant men of all gods and to throw them as arrows at the enemies. You are also praised in the yajna. You protect us. O agni shining in the sky! Hello to you. (4)
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भग॑मस्या॒ वर्च॒ आदि॒ष्यधि॑ वृ॒क्षादि॑व॒ स्रज॑म् । म॒हाबु॑ध्न इव॒ पर्व॑तो॒ ज्योक्पि॒तृष्वा॑स्ताम् ॥ (१)
Just as a man plucks flowers to make garlands from a tree, I accept the fate and glory of this woman. Just as the mountain buried deep inside the earth remains stable, in the same way, this woman with bad luck should stay in the father's house forever, that is, she should never see the face of her husband. (1)
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ए॒षा ते॑ राजन्क॒न्या॑ व॒धूर्नि धू॑यतां यम । सा मा॒तुर्ब॑ध्यतां गृ॒हे ऽथो॒ भ्रातु॒रथो॑ पि॒तुः ॥ (२)
O beautiful Mon! This girl is your wife, because she has accepted you before, so she should be removed from the husband's house. This girl stayed in her father and brother's house for a long time. (2)
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ए॒षा ते॑ कुल॒पा रा॑ज॒न्तामु॑ ते॒ परि॑ दद्मसि । ज्योक्पि॒तृष्वा॑साता॒ आ शी॒र्ष्णः स॒मोप्या॑त् ॥ (३)
O beautiful Mon! This woman being a husband is going to follow your clan, so we give it to you for protection. He stayed at his father's house till then. He stayed at his father's house till his head fell on the earth, that is, till death. (3)
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असि॑तस्य ते॒ ब्रह्म॑णा क॒श्यप॑स्य॒ गय॑स्य च । अ॑न्तःको॒शमि॑व जा॒मयो ऽपि॑ नह्यामि ते॒ भग॑म् ॥ (४)
Oh woman! I protect your fate with the mantras of Asit, Brahma, Kashyap and Gay rishis, just as women hide their wealth, clothes, etc. in their homes. (4)
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सं सं स्र॑वन्तु॒ सिन्ध॑वः॒ सं वाताः॒ सं प॑त॒त्रिणः॑ । इ॒मं य॒ज्ञं प्र॒दिवो॑ मे जुषन्तां संस्रा॒व्ये॑ण ह॒विषा॑ जुहोमि ॥ (१)
Rivers flow in our favour, the wind moves in our favour and birds move according to our wishes. The ancient God should accept this yajna of mine, because I am doing this yajna by collecting ghee, milk, etc. (1)
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इ॒हैव हव॒मा या॑त म इ॒ह सं॑स्रावणा उ॒तेमं व॑र्धयता गिरः । इ॒हैतु॒ सर्वो॒ यः प॒शुर॒स्मिन्ति॑ष्ठतु॒ या र॒यिः ॥ (२)
O God! Leave all of you and come to this yagna of mine. In this, there is a home of ajya etc. O Gods, enhanced by eulogies! You increase this host. O God! Pleased to hear our praises, by your grace, live in our house with animals and other property like cow, horse etc. (2)
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ये न॒दीनां॑ सं॒स्रव॒न्त्युत्सा॑सः॒ सद॒मक्षि॑ताः । तेभि॑र्मे॒ सर्वैः॑ संस्रा॒वैर्धनं॒ सं स्रा॑वयामसि ॥ (३)
Due to the inexhaustible streams and waterfalls of rivers like Ganga etc. that always flow and never dry up in the summer season, all our livestock should always prosper. (3)
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ये स॒र्पिषः॑ सं॒स्रव॑न्ति क्षी॒रस्य॑ चोद॒कस्य॑ च । तेभि॑र्मे॒ सर्वैः॑ संस्रा॒वैर्धनं॒ सं स्रा॑वयामसि ॥ (४)
Due to all the un-drying flows of ghee, milk and water that are always moving, all our wealth should increase. (4)
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ये ऽमा॑वा॒स्यां॑३ रात्रि॑मु॒दस्थु॑र्व्रा॒जम॒त्त्रिणः॑ । अ॒ग्निस्तु॒रीयो॑ यातु॒हा सो अ॒स्मभ्य॒मधि॑ ब्रवत् ॥ (१)
The demons who eat humans roam around in the dark night of Amavasya. May the fourth agni god kill those demons and thieves and protect us. (1)
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सीसा॒याध्या॑ह॒ वरु॑णः॒ सीसा॑या॒ग्निरुपा॑वति । सीसं॑ म॒ इन्द्रः॒ प्राय॑च्छ॒त्तद॒ङ्ग या॑तु॒चात॑नम् ॥ (२)
Varun Dev has said about fen. Agni has also said the same about lead zinc. Indra, the supreme opulence, has given me lead. Indra has said, "O dear! This lead is going to kill demons. (2)
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इ॒दं विष्क॑न्धं सहत इ॒दं बा॑धते अ॒त्त्रिणः॑ । अ॒नेन॒ विश्वा॑ ससहे॒ या जा॒तानि॑ पिशा॒च्याः ॥ (३)
This lead is going to end the distractions cast by monsters, vampires, etc. It destroys the demons that feed humans. I defeat all the demons with this lead. They are born from the demon Pishachi. (3)
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यदि॑ नो॒ गां हंसि॒ यद्यश्वं॒ यदि॒ पूरु॑षम् । तं त्वा॒ सीसे॑न विध्यामो॒ यथा॒ नो ऽसो॒ अवी॑रहा ॥ (४)
O enemy! If you kill our cows, horses and helping servants, I will kill you with lead. You will not be able to kill my heroes. (4)
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अ॒मूर्या यन्ति॑ यो॒षितो॑ हि॒रा लोहि॑तवाससः । अ॒भ्रात॑र इव जा॒मय॒स्तिष्ठ॑न्तु ह॒तव॑र्चसः ॥ (१)
The red blood flow of women, which always flows due to the disease, should stop due to the destruction of the disease, just as sisters without brothers do not go to their in-laws and stay in their father's house. (1)
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तिष्ठा॑वरे॒ तिष्ठ॑ पर उ॒त त्वं ति॑ष्ठ मध्यमे । क॑निष्ठि॒का च॒ तिष्ठ॑ति तिष्ठा॒दिद्ध॒मनि॑र्म॒ही ॥ (२)
O current pulse in the lower part of the body! O pulse located in the upper part of the body! O current pulse in the central part of the body! You also settle down. To stop the flow of blood, all the small and big nadis should be stabilized. (2)
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श॒तस्य॑ ध॒मनी॑नां स॒हस्र॑स्य हि॒राणा॑म् । अस्थु॒रिन्म॑ध्य॒मा इ॒माः सा॒कमन्ता॑ अरंसत ॥ (३)
Hundreds of arteries related to the heart, thousands of veins and their intermediate blood vessels should stop bleeding under the influence of this mantra. Keep the remaining veins running as undone. (3)
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परि॑ वः॒ सिक॑तावती ध॒नूर्बृ॑ह॒त्य॑क्रमीत् । तिष्ठ॑ते॒लय॑ता॒ सु क॑म् ॥ (४)
O nerve that causes stone disease! O Sagittarius and brihati nadi! You surround all the routes of blood flow and spread it. You become bloodless and increase the happiness of this person. (4)
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निर्ल॒क्ष्म्यं॑ लला॒म्यं॑१ निररा॑तिं सुवामसि । अथ॒ या भ॒द्रा तानि॑ नः प्र॒जाया॒ अरा॑तिं नयामसि ॥ (१)
We remove the incompetent signal of the forehead from our body like an enemy. May our children get the good fortune that are indicative chillas. We have removed bad chills from our bodies, let them be received by our enemies. (1)
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निरर॑णिं सवि॒ता सा॑विषक्प॒दोर्निर्हस्त॑यो॒र्वरु॑णो मि॒त्रो अ॑र्य॒मा । निर॒स्मभ्य॒मनु॑मती॒ ररा॑णा॒ प्रेमां दे॒वा अ॑साविषुः॒ सौभ॑गाय ॥ (२)
May Savita Dev, Varun Dev, Friends and Aryama Dev, who inspire everyone, remove the unfortunate symptoms located in our hands and feet. Permission Devi, 'Don't be afraid', remove all the bad symptoms present in our body. Indra adi devas have inspired this permission goddess to give us good luck. (2)
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यत्त॑ आ॒त्मनि॑ त॒न्वां॑ घो॒रमस्ति॒ यद्वा॒ केशे॑षु प्रति॒चक्ष॑णे वा । सर्वं॒ तद्वा॒चाप॑ हन्मो व॒यं दे॒वस्त्वा॑ सवि॒ता सू॑दयतु ॥ (३)
O man! The bad symptoms of your own body, hair and eyes, we destroy all those bad symptoms with the speech of mantras. May Savita Dev inspire you for welfare. (3)
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रिश्य॑पदीं॒ वृष॑दतीं गोषे॒धां वि॑ध॒मामु॒त । वि॑ली॒ढ्यं॑ लला॒म्यं ता अ॒स्मन्ना॑शयामसि ॥ (४)
A woman belonging to us who has legs like a deer, with teeth like a bull, with a cow-like speed and a distorted word speaks; We remove these ill-effects of him with the influence of mantras. We also remove the woman who has the symbols of evils on her forehead with the effect of our mantras. (4)
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मा नो॑ विदन्विव्या॒धिनो॒ मो अ॑भिव्या॒धिनो॑ विदन् । आ॒राच्छ॑र॒व्या॑ अ॒स्मद्विषू॑चीरिन्द्र पातय ॥ (१)
Those who chastise with weapons etc. cannot get us. Those who come forward and do violence cannot find us. O Supreme God of Epulence Indra! Drop the arrows with many types of faces repeatedly left by the enemies in a place far away from us. (1)
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विष्व॑ञ्चो अ॒स्मच्छर॑वः पतन्तु॒ ये अ॒स्ता ये चा॒स्याः॑ । दै॑वीर्मनुष्येसषवो॒ ममा॑मित्रा॒न्वि वि॑ध्यत ॥ (२)
The arrows that are being released by the enemies from the bow or those who are safe in the quiver to release the arrows, they should stay away from us. Those who are divine and human weapons, they should go and pierce our enemies. (2)
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यो नः॒ स्वो यो अर॑णः सजा॒त उ॒त निष्ट्यो॒ यो अ॒स्माँ अ॑भि॒दास॑ति । रु॒द्रः श॑र॒व्य॑यै॒तान्ममा॒मित्रा॒न्वि वि॑ध्यतु ॥ (३)
The more powerful, enemy-like power or the worst powerful man of our jati who wants to make us slaves, those unfriendly, the destroyer God Rudra, who makes everyone cry, should pierce with his arrows. (3)
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यः स॒पत्नो॒ यो ऽस॑पत्नो॒ यश्च॑ द्वि॒षन्छपा॑ति नः । दे॒वास्तं सर्वे॑ धूर्वन्तु॒ ब्रह्म॒ वर्म॒ ममान्त॑रम् ॥ (४)
Whoever curses us for hating us, all gods like Indra etc. should destroy him. The mantras I use protect me from his curse. (4)
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अदा॑रसृद्भवतु देव सोमा॒स्मिन्य॒ज्ञे म॑रुतो मृ॒डता॑ नः । मा नो॑ विददभि॒भा मो अश॑स्ति॒र्मा नो॑ विदद्वृजि॒ना द्वेष्या॒ या ॥ (१)
O Som Dev! Our enemy could never reach his wife because he was running away from his place. O God of Death! Protect us in this yajna. The stunning enemy coming from the front could not get me. Even sins that hinder the path of fame and progress cannot be found by us. (1)
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यो अ॒द्य सेन्यो॑ व॒धो ऽघा॒यूना॑मु॒दीर॑ते । यु॒वं तं मि॑त्रावरुणाव॒स्मद्या॑वयतं॒ परि॑ ॥ (२)
Today, in the war, violent and sinful enemies are running on us, the weapons that are coming towards us, O Varun Dev! Keep them away from us. Hey friend and Varun! Keep the enemy away from us in such a way that he cannot even touch us. (2)
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इ॒तश्च॒ यद॒मुत॑श्च॒ यद्व॒धं व॑रुण यावय । वि म॒हच्छर्म॑ यच्छ॒ वरी॑यो यावया व॒धम् ॥ (३)
O Varuna! Remove from us the weapon carried by our nearest enemy or the weapon of the distant enemy that is agnid on us. Give us great happiness and keep us away from the weapons that do not fail due to mantra use etc. (3)
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शा॒स इ॒त्था म॒हाँ अ॑स्यमित्रसा॒हो अ॑स्तृ॒तः । न यस्य॑ ह॒न्यते॒ सखा॒ न जी॒यते॑ क॒दा च॒न ॥ (४)
O Indra! You are endowed with great qualities as a ruler and controller. You are going to defeat enemies. A man who befriends you is never defeated. Enemies can never insult him. (4)
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स्व॑स्ति॒दा वि॒शां पति॑र्वृत्र॒हा वि॑मृ॒धो व॒शी । वृषेन्द्रः॑ पु॒र ए॑तु॒ नः सो॑म॒पा अ॑भयंक॒रः ॥ (१)
Indra Dev, who is free from destruction, does not give trouble, the sustainer of all the subjects, the demon named Vritra or destroys the cloud, who destroys the base cloud of water, who especially violences the enemies, who controls all beings, showers desires and drinks Someras, becomes our leader in the struggle. (1)
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वि न॒ इन्द्र॒ मृधो॑ जहि नी॒चा य॑च्छ पृतन्य॒तः । अ॑ध॒मं ग॑मया॒ तमो॒ यो अ॒स्माँ अ॑भि॒दास॑ति ॥ (२)
O Indra Dev with supreme opulence! Destroy the enemies who fought us for our victory. Defeat those who are enemies who try to fight. Take away our fields, money, etc. and bring the enemy who harms us into the darkness of degradation. (2)
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वि रक्षो॒ वि मृधो॑ जहि॒ वि वृ॒त्रस्य॒ हनू॑ रुज । वि म॒न्युमि॑न्द्र वृत्रहन्न॒मित्र॑स्याभि॒दास॑तः ॥ (३)
O Indra who killed the vritra demon! You destroy the demons and conquer the battles. You destroy the cupolas of our enemy as powerful as the tree. (3)
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अपे॑न्द्र द्विष॒तो मनो॑ ऽप॒ जिज्या॑सतो व॒धम् । वि म॒हच्छर्म॑ यच्छ॒ वरी॑यो यावया व॒धम् ॥ (४)
O Indra Dev of supreme opulence! Destroy the violent mind of the enemy who hates us. Destroy the armament of the enemy who is willing to destroy us. Give us great happiness and keep the weapons that do not fail due to the use of mantras away from us. (4)
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अनु॒ सूर्य॒मुद॑यतां हृद्द्यो॒तो ह॑रि॒मा च॑ ते । गो रोहि॑तस्य॒ वर्णे॑न॒ तेन॑ त्वा॒ परि॑ दध्मसि ॥ (१)
O diseased man! Let the yellowness of your body, which causes anger to your heart, go towards the sun, caused by heart disease and diseases like libido. O patient! As someone who is identified with the red color of the cow, I make you healthy. (1)
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परि॑ त्वा॒ रोहि॑तै॒र्वर्णै॑र्दीर्घायु॒त्वाय॑ दध्मसि । यथा॒यम॑र॒पा अस॒दथो॒ अह॑रितो॒ भुव॑त् ॥ (२)
O diseased man! For your longevity, we cover you with red color like a cow. This man should be free from the yellow color of the body caused by diseases like Kabala etc. (2)
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या रोहि॑णीर्देव॒त्या॑३ गावो॒ या उ॒त रोहि॑णीः । रू॒पंरू॑पं॒ वयो॑वय॒स्ताभि॑ष्ट्वा॒ परि॑ दध्मसि ॥ (३)
The red colored Kamdhenu etc. of the gods and the red songs of humans, taking both these types of red color form and youth, O patient man! We cover you. (3)
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सुके॑षु ते हरि॒माणं॑ रोप॒णाका॑सु दध्मसि । अथो॒ हारि॑द्रवेषु ते हरि॒माणं॒ नि द॑ध्मसि ॥ (४)
O sick man! We establish the green color produced by the disease living in your body in the sources and in the birds called planters. We establish yellow color like your haldi in yellow birds called Gopitanak. (4)
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न॑क्तंजा॒तासि॑ ओषधे॒ रामे॒ कृष्णे॒ असि॑क्नि च । इ॒दं र॑जनि रजय कि॒लासं॑ पलि॒तं च॒ यत् ॥ (१)
O Haridra! A medicine called turmeric! You were born at night. That is why you are able to remove the whiteness of the body. O medicine called Bhringraj (Bhagara)! A medicine called Indravaruni that turns the color black! And a medicine called Indigo that describes asit! You paint this organ with distorted color due to leprosy in its own color. Color the hair that has become white due to old age in its color. (1)
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कि॒लासं॑ च पलि॒तं च॒ निरि॒तो ना॑शया॒ पृष॑त् । आ त्वा॒ स्वो वि॑शतां॒ वर्णः॒ परा॑ शु॒क्लानि॑ पातय ॥ (२)
O medicine! Remove leprosy and the disease of whitening the hair in the untimely and destroy it by removing it from the body. O patient! You get the first color of your hair to be retrieved. O medicine! You remove the white color of this. (2)
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