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chimney.n.01 | flue.n.03 | a vertical flue that provides a path through which smoke from a fire is carried away through the wall or roof of a building |
compatriot.n.01 | national.n.01 | a person from your own country |
spectacled_caiman.n.01 | caiman.n.01 | caiman with bony ridges about the eyes; found from southern Mexico to Argentina |
showy_daisy.n.01 | fleabane.n.02 | plant having branching leafy stems each branch with an especially showy solitary flower head with many narrow pink or lavender or white rays; northwestern United States mountains |
sagittal_suture.n.01 | suture.n.01 | the suture uniting the two parietal bones |
cartagena_bark.n.01 | cinchona.n.02 | Colombian tree; source of Cartagena bark (a cinchona bark) |
anal_sphincter.n.01 | sphincter.n.01 | the sphincter muscle of the anus |
detainee.n.01 | prisoner.n.01 | some held in custody |
first-aid_station.n.01 | station.n.01 | a station providing emergency care or treatment before regular medical aid can be obtained |
dinner_plate.n.01 | plate.n.04 | a plate from which a diner eats during the main course of a meal |
transmigrante.n.01 | peddler.n.01 | a Latin American who buys used goods in the United States and takes them to Latin America to sell |
clef.n.01 | musical_notation.n.01 | a musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it |
clay.n.01 | soil.n.02 | a very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired |
prairie_soil.n.01 | soil.n.02 | a type of soil occurring under grasses in temperate climates |
varanidae.n.01 | reptile_family.n.01 | monitor lizards |
lapidify.v.01 | fossilize.v.01 | change into stone |
preemptive_bid.n.01 | bid.n.04 | a high bid that is intended to prevent the opposing players from bidding |
paper-pusher.n.01 | clerk.n.01 | a clerk or bureaucrat who does paperwork |
polo_pony.n.01 | horse.n.01 | a small agile horse specially bred and trained for playing polo |
unilateralist.n.01 | advocate.n.01 | an advocate of unilateralism |
chapel.n.01 | place_of_worship.n.01 | a place of worship that has its own altar |
abbacy.n.01 | jurisdiction.n.02 | the jurisdiction or office of an abbot |
date_bar.n.01 | fruit_bar.n.01 | fruit bar containing chopped dates |
minisub.n.01 | submersible.n.01 | submersible vessel for one or two persons; for naval operations or underwater exploration |
constitutional_convention.n.01 | convention.n.01 | the convention of United States statesmen who drafted the United States Constitution in 1787 |
internal_auditor.n.01 | auditor.n.03 | an auditor who is an employee of the company whose records are audited and who provides information to the management and board of directors |
seaside_alder.n.01 | alder.n.02 | shrub or small tree of southeastern United States having soft light brown wood |
nereid.n.01 | sea_nymph.n.01 | (Greek mythology) any of the 50 sea nymphs who were daughters of the sea god Nereus |
veal_roast.n.01 | roast.n.01 | cut of veal suitable for roasting |
accessory_during_the_fact.n.01 | accessory.n.03 | a person who witnesses a crime but does not try to prevent it |
defeminize.v.01 | alter.v.05 | remove the ovaries of (female mammals such as cats) |
geological_formation.n.01 | object.n.01 | (geology) the geological features of the earth |
logomach.n.01 | disputant.n.01 | someone given to disputes over words |
wax_insect.n.01 | scale_insect.n.01 | any of various insects that secrete a waxy substance |
rotavirus.n.01 | reovirus.n.01 | the reovirus causing infant enteritis |
reaction-propulsion_engine.n.01 | engine.n.01 | a jet or rocket engine based on a form of aerodynamic propulsion in which the vehicle emits a high-speed stream |
quadrilateral.n.01 | polygon.n.01 | a four-sided polygon |
good_continuation.n.01 | gestalt_law_of_organization.n.01 | a Gestalt principle of organization holding that there is an innate tendency to perceive a line as continuing its established direction |
industrialism.n.01 | economy.n.01 | an economic system built on large industries rather than on agriculture or craftsmanship |
blue_ash.n.01 | ash.n.02 | ash of central and southern United States with bluish-green foliage and hard brown wood |
milliammeter.n.01 | ammeter.n.01 | a sensitive ammeter graduated in milliamperes |
specific_heat.n.01 | heat.n.01 | the heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one degree centigrade |
jejunum.n.01 | small_intestine.n.01 | the part of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum |
radio_source.n.01 | radiator.n.01 | an object that radiates radio waves |
overgeneralize.v.01 | generalize.v.01 | draw too general a conclusion |
pervasiveness.n.01 | generality.n.02 | the quality of filling or spreading throughout |
crayon.v.01 | draw.v.06 | write, draw, or trace with a crayon |
fudge.n.01 | candy.n.01 | soft creamy candy |
bathroom_cleaner.n.01 | cleansing_agent.n.01 | a preparation for cleaning bathrooms |
epanaphora.n.01 | repetition.n.03 | repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses |
heroic_poetry.n.01 | poetry.n.01 | poetry celebrating the deeds of some hero |
bloodshed.n.01 | murder.n.01 | the shedding of blood resulting in murder |
decarboxylation.n.01 | chemical_process.n.01 | the process of removing a carboxyl group from a chemical compound (usually replacing it with hydrogen) |
manumission.n.01 | liberation.n.01 | the formal act of freeing from slavery |
curlew_sandpiper.n.01 | sandpiper.n.01 | Old World sandpiper with a curved bill like a curlew |
formaldehyde.n.01 | gas.n.02 | a colorless poisonous gas; made by the oxidation of methanol |
minge.n.01 | pubic_hair.n.01 | vulgar term for a woman's pubic hair or genitals |
strelitziaceae.n.01 | monocot_family.n.01 | woody plants with erect stems of tropical South America and South Africa and Madagascar; in some classifications included in the family Musaceae |
admission_day.n.01 | day.n.03 | in some states of the United States: a legal holiday commemorating the day the state was admitted to the Union |
fandom.n.01 | following.n.01 | the fans of a sport or famous person |
allergology.n.01 | medicine.n.01 | the branch of medical science that studies the causes and treatment of allergies |
salaam.n.01 | bow.n.06 | a deep bow; a Muslim form of salutation |
least_shrew.n.01 | shrew.n.02 | small brown shrew of grassy regions of eastern United States |
true.n.01 | alignment.n.02 | proper alignment; the property possessed by something that is in correct or proper alignment |
nouvelle_cuisine.n.01 | cuisine.n.01 | a school of French cooking that uses light sauces and tries to bring out the natural flavors of foods instead of making heavy use of butter and cream |
galactosemia.n.01 | inborn_error_of_metabolism.n.01 | a genetic disease (autosomal recessive) in which an enzyme needed to metabolize galactose is deficient or absent; typically develops shortly after birth |
abominable_snowman.n.01 | legendary_creature.n.01 | a large hairy humanoid creature said to live in the Himalayas |
crested_cariama.n.01 | wading_bird.n.01 | Brazilian Cariama; sole representative of the genus Cariama |
well_point.n.01 | tube.n.01 | a perforated tube driven into the ground to collect water from the surrounding area |
striped_button_quail.n.01 | button_quail.n.01 | a variety of button quail having stripes |
northern_shrike.n.01 | butcherbird.n.01 | a butcherbird of northern North America |
hubris.n.01 | arrogance.n.01 | overbearing pride or presumption |
tank_farm.n.01 | area.n.01 | an area used exclusively for storing petroleum in large tanks |
tyiyn.n.01 | kyrgyzstani_monetary_unit.n.01 | 100 tyiyn equal 1 som in Kyrgyzstan |
chanson_de_geste.n.01 | epic_poem.n.01 | Old French epic poems |
tubular_cavity.n.01 | cavity.n.04 | a cavity having the shape of a tube |
chronic_pyelonephritis.n.01 | pyelonephritis.n.01 | pyelonephritis that develops slowly and can lead to renal failure if untreated; often associated with a kidney stone or with narrowing of the urinary passageways |
cholangiography.n.01 | roentgenography.n.01 | roentgenographic examination of the bile ducts after a contrast medium has been injected |
disinherit.v.01 | deprive.v.02 | prevent deliberately (as by making a will) from inheriting |
cardiology.n.01 | medicine.n.01 | the branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases |
resift.v.01 | sift.v.02 | sift anew |
rates.n.01 | tax.n.01 | a local tax on property (usually used in the plural) |
uncross.v.01 | unfold.v.04 | change from a crossed to an uncrossed position |
defamer.n.01 | detractor.n.01 | one who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel |
pride_of_place.n.01 | position.n.01 | the first or highest or most important or most ostentatious place |
courtship.n.01 | entreaty.n.01 | a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage) |
scurf.n.01 | bit.n.02 | (botany) a covering that resembles scales or bran that covers some plant parts |
neurotoxin.n.01 | toxin.n.01 | any toxin that affects neural tissues |
fortuneteller.n.01 | forecaster.n.01 | a person who foretells your personal future |
trogon.n.01 | bird.n.01 | forest bird of warm regions of the New World having brilliant lustrous plumage and long tails |
cozy_up.v.01 | ingratiate.v.01 | ingratiate oneself to; often with insincere behavior |
sabra.n.01 | israeli.n.01 | a native-born Israeli |
ungodliness.n.01 | impiety.n.01 | impiety by virtue of not being a godly person |
nettle-leaved_goosefoot.n.01 | goosefoot.n.01 | European annual with coarsely dentate leaves; widespread in United States and southern Canada |
farad.n.01 | capacitance_unit.n.01 | the capacitance of a capacitor that has an equal and opposite charge of 1 coulomb on each plate and a voltage difference of 1 volt between the plates |
pulmonary_valve.n.01 | semilunar_valve.n.01 | a semilunar valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery; prevents blood from flowing from the artery back into the heart |
extraneousness.n.01 | unrelatedness.n.01 | unrelatedness by virtue of falling outside the matter at hand |
gild.v.01 | decorate.v.01 | decorate with, or as if with, gold leaf or liquid gold |
pacific_ridley.n.01 | ridley.n.01 | olive-colored sea turtle of tropical Pacific and Indian and the southern Atlantic oceans |
fancy_dress.n.01 | disguise.n.02 | a costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party |
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