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Remember that a German shepherd is a large dog. This breed needs space to be comfortable in their home and in their yard. They do better in a house that has room for them to move freely about, as opposed to a small apartment or cramped space. German shepherds can benefit from having access to a lot of space to run around. Make sure that your yard is clear, uncluttered, and hazard-free. your dog. Without exercise, the German shepherd's amazing muscles and energy will be locked up inside with no outlet. Ideally, you would spend 1 hour or 2 every day playing fetch, taking it for a long walk or run, or even chasing it around the yard. German shepherds who don't get enough exercise are more likely to get joint diseases, like hip and elbow dysplasia, as well as becoming destructive or depressed. However, beware of giving them too much exercise at a young age. Do not take your German shepherd jogging or running with you before they are 1 and a half years old, because its joints and bones are still developing. To keep a German shepherd outside in a yard, you need to make sure the yard is completely fenced off. If you don't have a big yard, then take your dog daily to the local park. You can also make use of any other appropriate open spaces accessible from your home. Since German shepherds are prone to bloat, it's important to keep them calm before and after they digest their food. Do not engage them in strenuous activity, such as running, before or for several hours after eating. While you shouldn't run them after meal time, it is perfectly fine to take them on a leisurely walk after eating. German shepherds, especially long-haired shepherds, are susceptible to hot weather. If you have a shepherd and you live in a hot or tropical area, provide your dog with plenty of water and shade while outside. Also be sure that you don't demand too much physical activity on extremely hot days. Signs that your German shepherd is overheated include panting, extreme thirst, lack of coordination, and extremely red gums. German shepherds do better in cool or cold climates, as their coats insulate them well in lower temperatures. |
If you are buying ducks as adults instead of raising them from eggs or ducklings, you should buy two to four ducks to start with, especially if you only want to raise the ducks as pets. If you have more than four ducks, you cannot keep them in a small area, since that area can quickly become messy. As with ducklings, adult ducks need access to water during feedings so that they can swallow their food and clean their beak vents. You do not need to provide your ducks with a pond. In fact, if your pond is hard to clean, it could even be a health threat to the ducks. Keep a dish of water near the ducks' food source. Ducks need to drink as they eat to avoid choking. Plastic wading pools are a great way to provide your ducks with a swimming hole. They are inexpensive, easy to clean, and easy to move. Spread pea gravel, sand, and sawdust around and beneath the pool to limit the amount of mud that develops. Change this out once or twice a year. To keep ducks out of your own swimming pool, check out the wikiHow: How to Keep Ducks Out of a Pool. Even though adult ducks will forage for slugs, grasses, and other foods on their own, you need to supplement this food supply with balanced, nutritious food. Commercial waterfowl feed is recommended, but if you cannot find this, you can go with a commercial gamebird feed or non-medicated chicken feed. You may also need to add supplements of grit or calcium to help with digestion and the strengthening of bones, respectively. As an adult duck ages, its nutritional needs will vary. Mainly, young ducks should not receive high levels of calcium unless you are planning on raising them for meat. Adult ducks can fall victim to wild predators and bad weather, and the primary purpose of a shelter is to protect them from either threat. Shelter also provides ducks with a quiet place to rest. Make sure that the shelter is ventilated and large enough for the ducks to groom themselves in. An insulated house, coop, or enclosed pen will work best, but it does not need to be perfectly snug. If you can spend the time and energy on it, you should also consider getting a shepherding dog that you can train to guard your ducks at all hours. Even when you allow your ducks to roam, you should surround their grazing area with a protective fence. The fence only needs to be about 2 to 2.5 feet (0.6 to 0.8 m) (61 to 76 cm), and most ducks will never try to jump it as long as they are well cared for. If you do have a flying breed, clip the primary feathers on one wing once a year to keep them grounded. Ducks are fairly resistant to the worms and diseases that often plague chickens, but you need to make sure that their basic health needs are met. The healthiest ducks are allowed plenty of exercise in wide, open spaces. Keep no less than three ducks (females) to one drake (male) to prevent excess stress on the females. Watch out for signs of illness, including ruffled feathers, changes in food or water intake, lethargy, and bloody diarrhea. If a duck does get ill, quarantine it and treat it immediately. |
You should leave the last few tablespoons (several ml) of coffee in the bottom of the kettle when you make cowboy coffee. All the grains will be concentrated in the last few drops, so it’s best to discard the last of the coffee rather than drinking it. For traditional cowboy coffee, the grounds don’t get strained from the coffee. |
Girls spend the days before prom pampering themselves and you should do the same. Make an appointment for you and your friends to get your hair cut at your local barber. You might also spring for a straight razor shave if you feel like you need it. Make your hair appointment for the morning of your prom. Plan to spend an hour getting yourself prom appropriate. Take a shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair and put on your tuxedo. Put on your tuxedo in the following order: tuxedo shirt (followed by cufflinks and studs), pants, shoes, vest, cummerbund, bowtie and jacket. If you have additional accessories, like suspenders, don't forget to put those on as well. Ask your mom or dad to help you tie your bowtie. Make sure you have everything you need: check for tickets, the corsage, cash and mints. If you’re going to an after-prom party, you may also want to bring clothes to change into. Arrive on time (and in a clean car)! Expect that your date will still be preparing, so take some time to make small talk with her parents. When your date walks in, compliment her, then slip the corsage on her wrist. Make sure you pose for any pictures your date's parents want. Thank her parents before leaving and make sure you're clear on what time your date is supposed to be back home. Pictures will either happen at your date’s house or, if you’re going with a group, at a friend’s house. Be cooperative and smile for all the pictures. And make sure you thank the host before leaving. When posing, place your arm behind the small of your date’s back and let your hand rest on her waist. Take some goofy pictures too. This is a big milestone, so have fun with it. |
Having to balance work and school is tough, and it can slow down your progress through college. Look for ways to cut costs and minimize your need to work while you’re in school. For example, you might: Attend an in-state school or community college, so that you can pay lower tuition rates. Get an online degree or go to a school close to home, so that you don’t have to worry about paying rent or campus housing fees. Apply for scholarships, grants, or federal student loans to help cover the costs of tuition and fees. If you’re trying to get through college quickly, you’ll need to devote all of your time and attention to passing your required courses. This might mean missing out on participating in student organizations, social events, service opportunities, and internships. If you decide to take on activities and responsibilities outside of your regular coursework, choose carefully and try to focus on opportunities that will help you achieve your career goals. early. Most college students end up changing their major at least once. There’s nothing wrong with feeling uncertain or wanting to explore your options. However, changing your major or starting college without a major can slow you down quite a bit. If you want to get through college as fast as possible, decide on your major ahead of time and stick with it. This will help you avoid taking a bunch of courses you don’t need for your degree. Taking courses you don’t really need can slow down your progress through college. That elective course on medieval weaponry may sound awesome, but it might be best to skip it if it doesn’t count toward your Horticulture Studies degree. Work with your adviser to make sure you are getting the most out of your credits and staying on track to graduate as efficiently as possible. Getting support is especially important if you’re struggling to balance school with other responsibilities. Ask friends, family, advisers, mentors, and fellow students to lend a helping hand sometimes so that you can get through college more efficiently. For example, if you’re a working parent trying to get through a college degree, ask a relative, a friend, or a fellow parent to help watch your child sometimes so that you can get homework done. Some schools offer support groups for non-traditional students. Look for student clubs or campus groups for adult learners, working students, or students with families. Don’t be afraid to reach out to teachers, advisers, and school staff if you are struggling. Remember, it is their job to help you succeed. |
Use a household cleaner and some paper towels to clean off any dirt, grime, and grease on the inside of your garage door. Wipe it down, swapping out paper towels whenever they become dirty. Use a garden hose to spray away any remaining dirt or residue, wipe away the excess water, and leave the door to dry for 3 to 4 hours. Make sure your door is completely clean and dry before you begin installing insulation. Any dirt or grime on the inside of the door will prevent the insulation from sticking, and any will be trapped behind the insulation once it’s installed. You could also use a pressure washer to clean the garage door. Test it on a small area first to make sure it doesn’t damage the door, before spraying down the entire surface. Use an old towel or a rag to wipe away excess water before leaving it to dry completely for 3-4 hours. The dimensions of your door will be a key factor in determining which insulation kit to buy, or even how many kits you need to buy to get the job done. Use a tape measure to measure the height and width of your garage door, noting down all of the dimensions as you go. If your door is broken up into panels that are separated by a metal railing, measure each of the panels individually rather than measuring the whole door. These should be available from your local hardware store or online and will come with the fiber batting and retaining pins needed to insulate the door. Purchase a kit that comes with enough batting to cover your garage door. Depending on the size of your door, you may need to purchase two insulation kits. If you have a double garage, for example, it’s likely you’ll need multiple kits to insulate the whole door. Purchase the insulation kit with the highest R-value for the best insulation. If you’re unsure about which kit to buy for your door, feel free ask someone at your local hardware store for assistance. You may be able to buy the individual parts of the kit independently, but this will often be more difficult than purchasing the right kit. Ask at your local hardware store to look into your options. For each of the panels on your door, mark two points in the middle of the panel and roughly 12 inches (30 cm) from each side. Peel the adhesive backing off of the retaining pins in your kit and stick them onto these points, pressing in firmly to make sure they adhere fully. The retaining pins will be long plastic or metal spikes on a wide and flat base that can be stuck to your door. They will help hold your insulation in place. The pins don’t need to be lined up perfectly, as long as they are roughly evenly spaced and divided across each panel. If you don’t have panels on your garage door, use the sheets of batting insulation as a guide to break your door up into different sections. Install your retaining pins in the same method, but spread out over these sections rather than across prebuilt panels. Unroll the insulation batting from your garage door kit and lay it on a flat surface. Use a pencil or pen to mark out the dimensions of each of your garage door panels, before cutting the batting down to size with a craft knife. Work one panel at a time until you have enough trimmed batting for the entire door. If your door is without panels and you installed the retaining pins based on the size of the batting, you shouldn’t need to trim it down at all. For extra safety, wear cut-resistant gloves while working with the batting. Lift one piece of batting up and press it onto the retaining pins in one section or panel of the garage door, making sure it is straight and centered. Tuck the edges of the batting into the metal railings surrounding the panel to help keep them held in place. Repeat this process until all of the insulation is in place. If your batting is only covered in foil or plastic on one side, make sure it is that side that is facing towards you when installing the batting. This will both make the finished door look better, as well as improving the insulation. If you don’t have metal railings surrounding the panels or sections of your door, you can simply press the batting onto the retaining pins to hold it steady as you continue working. Use your hand to feel underneath the batting and locate the retaining pin sticking out. Press down on the batting around the pin and use a craft knife to cut through the batting. Make 2 small cuts across the tip of the pin, roughly 1 inch (2.5 cm) in length to create a small cross that the pin can stick through. If there is foil or plastic on both sides of the batting, make a deeper incision so that the pin can push through both layers of protection and emerge on the other side. The fasteners should come with the insulation kit and will be metal or plastic sleeves that slip over the retaining pins to keep the insulation in place. Press a fastener onto each of the pins, pushing down until it clicks into place. The fasteners will stop the batting from falling out, as well as softening the tips of the retaining pins. Different kits will have different retaining pins and fasteners. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific garage door insulation kit for advice on how to attach your fasteners. If there are any edges on the batting that are popping out of the metal railings on the door, or that can’t be tucked under any railings, you can use aluminum foil tape to keep them from coming loose. Run strips of tape over the loose edges to secure them together, or to hold them to an exposed fitting on the door itself. Aluminum foil tape will hold the batting place and help insulate the gaps between each piece of batting. It should be available at your local hardware store or online. |
These are the quickest and most effective treatments for whitening. During these treatments your dentist will put a protective gel on your gums and put an oral shield on your mouth to protect your gums and cheeks. They will then apply a bleaching agent to your teeth around your braces. Typically, these are made of varying concentrations of strong hydrogen peroxide. Most in-office treatments will use a special light to activate the bleaching solution, though other treatments are available using in-office bleaching trays. The bleaching solution needs to sit under the special light for at least an hour in most cases. Sometimes the treatments will cause discomfort in the short-term. Bleaching gels can irritate gums and make teeth more sensitive. You may need more than one treatment for optimal results, depending on your dietary habits and the shade you want. These can be expensive and whitening treatments are not always covered by dental insurance. Since these treatments are done only once or twice, the bleaching solution may not soak into the enamel under your brackets. For optimal results, wait to use this method until after your braces are taken off. However, if your brackets are on the back of your teeth this method is ideal as bleaching gel is only applied to the front of your teeth. This method might be a good option for you if your teeth have darkened since you got braces. Since it might not bleach the area under your brackets, it may be best to try other alternatives first. In-office whitening can be very expensive. The average cost of in-office whitening procedures is $650.00. Compared to other very effective at-home treatments, this procedure costs much more. You will have to go to a dentist's office to get this treatment done. Not all dentists offer this service. The gel can have a very unpleasant taste and the cheek guards can be uncomfortable, as you will have to keep your mouth open for an hour or so. It may require more than one session to completely whiten your teeth. The best results come from changing the whitening gel every 40 minutes and repeating the session. |
Put on a pair of pants that fit you well. Then attach the two lengths of elastic to the back of the pants using the clips. Bring each strap up and over each shoulder, forming an “X” in the back. Pull the straps over your shoulders and to the front. Attach the front clips to your pants. Have someone help you pin the two elastic straps together where they meet in the back. This will hold the crisscross in place so you can sew it together. Take off the suspenders first by undoing all the clips. Use your sewing machine or a needle and thread to sew a diamond of stitches where the suspenders overlap, securing the "X" shape. You'll need about 5 stitches in each direction. |
This is especially important if you are talking with a stranger or acquaintance. Work into the conversation a mention of needing to be elsewhere soon. This will make the other person not feel obligated to talk for a long while, which will actually build rapport between you both. For example, in a work setting, you might say, “I have a meeting in 5 minutes, but I was wondering if you’d heard anything from human resources about the possibility of new hires.” In a casual or social setting, you might say, “I’ve got to rush to finish these errands, but just wanted to see if you have any news about the Smith family.” There are possible exceptions to this suggestion. For example, you might want to intentionally linger if you are meeting with friends or talking with a client who has questions to ask. Come up with a small task that the other person could help you with. Then, bring it up to them and ask for their help. This will make them feel needed and important. It may also lead to them requesting a favor from you as well, which can further build your connection. For example, ask a co-worker to forward on that group email that you seem to have missed. However, don’t go overboard in asking for help by making many requests or you may seem too needy. A good general rule is to avoid asking for more than you would be willing to offer in return. Unless it is a very serious issue that requires an immediate correction by you, just give whoever you are talking to a bit of slack. If you correct every error, then you risk alienating others and appearing superior or arrogant. For example, if the person who you are talking to mispronounces a celebrity name, just let it go. Let the other person say their piece and just sit back and listen. Show that you are engaged in what they are saying by nodding your head or encouraging them to continue at intervals. As soon as they pause, resist the urge to jump right in with your own story. Steering the conversation back to them demonstrates that you are genuinely interested in what they have to say and want to know more. You might say, “Could you tell me more about your trip to the Cincinnati office?” On a similar note, being visually present by putting your phone away or focusing on one conversation at a time can help someone feel listened to. These are questions that push for answers beyond a basic “yes” or “no.” They encourage people to expand on their previous responses. They also show that you are listening closely and carefully. Questions that start with “How?” or “Why?” are generally the best. For example, you might ask, “Why did you make that decision to move abroad?” |
This can usually be accomplished by picking up the receiver, or by pressing the "Call" button on your cordless telephone. You'll usually enter either *72 (Verizon or Sprint) or *21* (AT&T or T-Mobile) into the phone and then press the "Call" button, which is usually a green phone-shaped button. Call forwarding codes vary by region. If you're unsure of your phone's forwarding code, consult the manual or the website for the phone. You should hear a beep or an audio prompt to enter a phone number, at which point you can proceed. Type in the 10- or 11-digit number to which you want to forward your home phone's calls. Press the # button on your home phone to do so. On some home phones, you may have to press the "Call" button again after doing so. You should hear a beep or a chime several seconds after dialing the pound key. Once you hear the chime, you can hang up your phone; your call-forwarding service should now be active. In some cases, you may receive an automated response that confirms you have activated the call forwarding service. |
Clicking the X in the top-right corner of a program's window will usually close it. If you're trying to close a program that runs in the background, though, you can do the following: Click the icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Right-click the app icon for the program you want to close in the resulting pop-up menu. Click Quit, then confirm if prompted. If you can't get a program to close normally, you can force it to quit: Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Esc (or right-click the taskbar and then click Task Manager). On the "Processes" tab, click the name of the program you want to close. Click End task in the bottom-right corner of the window. Start-up programs are programs which start when you boot up your computer. This can both make your computer's start-up process slower than necessary and crowd your computer's RAM. To disable these programs, do the following: Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Esc (or right-click the taskbar and then click Task Manager). Click the Startup tab at the top of the window. Click the name of the program you don't want starting when you turn on your computer. Click Disable in the bottom-right corner of the window. If you're still using Internet Explorer or even Microsoft Edge, you may be able to save some RAM by switching over to Google Chrome or Firefox. Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Edge for best performance, but if you notice that Edge slows down your computer, you might want to try a different browser. Once you've disabled start-up programs, restarting your computer can help take care of any stored RAM: Click Start. Click Power. Click Restart. |
In a spray bottle, mix 5 ounces of hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1/2 a teaspoon of orange-scented dishwashing liquid or 3 drops of wild orange essential oil. Shake the bottle to combine ingredients thoroughly. Then spray the affected area until very damp and allow to fully dry. It will look like a powder as the formula dries. Then vacuum up the powder. You may want to repeat this process twice if the scent lingers. This formula works well on wood, linoleum, carpet floors. As with your furniture, enzymatic cleaners work best. This will help remove all traces of a urine stain in carpeting, which is more susceptible to urine soaking into its fibers, unlike hard surfaces. These machines work similarly to a vacuum cleaner but use water; they force clean water into your carpet and then force the dirty water back out. You should be able to rent extracting and wet vac machines pretty cheaply from your local hardware store. Carefully follow any instructions that accompany the machines. Don't use any additional chemicals or additives with these machines. They work best with plain water. Don't use a steam cleaner to clean urine odors from your carpets. The heat will permanently set the stain and the corresponding odor because it causes the protein in the urine to bind with the fibers in the fabric. You could also have a professional come in and clean your carpets or, if it's an area rug that's been stained, take it to a carpet cleaner's. However, this can be very expensive and it might be cheaper to just buy something new than to pay for these services. |
Most people with high blood pressure don’t know they have it, because there are often no symptoms. However, symptoms can include: Shortness of breath Headaches Nosebleeds Blurred vision or seeing double Your doctor may feel that it is important for you to take medication while you recover from surgery. Because these can interact with other medications it is important that you discuss all medications with your doctor. This includes over-the-counter medications, supplements, and herbal remedies. Your doctor may prescribe: ACE inhibitors. These medications work by causing your blood vessels to relax. These in particular can interact with a lot of medications, so make sure you are communicating with your doctor about everything you are taking. Calcium channel blockers. These medications widen your arteries and may lower your heart rate. Be aware that you cannot drink grapefruit juice while taking these medications. Diuretics. These medications cause you to urinate more frequently and lower your salt levels. Beta-blockers. These medications make your heart beat more slowly and softer. If you are concerned that other medications you are on or will need to take after surgery might make your blood pressure worse, talk to your doctor. Your doctor needs a complete picture of everything you are taking in order to prescribe the best medications for you. Don’t stop taking medications without discussing it with your doctor first. Medications that can increase blood pressure include: Over-the-counter pain medications. This includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen and others). Consult your doctor before using these medications to deal with pain during your recovery. Certain birth control pills Various decongestants and cold medications, especially those containing pseudoephedrine |
The study coins and other money is known as numismatics. If you have lots of coins that you want to appraise, or if you frequently work with coins, consider joining a professional group devoted to this area. These groups will share price lists and other special information that can help you determine the value of your coins. Look for a recognized professional group in your area, like the American Numismatics Association or the Professional Numismatics Guild. Websites like Coin Today and Coin World may also allow you to register for membership to access special information. Professional coin appraisers can give you the most accurate, up-to-date value of your coin. They will base their appraisal on their expert opinion of the coin’s condition. They’ll also take into account what similar coins have been selling for lately. Membership in a numismatics group should also give you access a directory of dealers so you can find one in your area. Coin groups may hold regular conventions when sellers can display coins for interested buyers. Dealers may also be interested in buying coins from attendees. Whether or not you’re interested in actually selling your coin, you can use this as an opportunity to determine its “buy” value. Talk to some dealers. Show them the coin(s) you have and ask them if they’re interested in buying. |
Make sure the end of the Q-tip is completely saturated with the alcohol. The alcohol will be more powerful than the solution you used prior and it should only be used for spot treatments. Isopropyl, or rubbing alcohol, can be purchased at local pharmacies or convenience stores. Only wipe the area with the mark. Use short side to side strokes, making sure to overlap with areas you’ve already wiped. Rotate the Q-tip as the mark starts to lift off of the screen. Be gentle with the Q-tip. You shouldn’t be pressing into the screen too hard. Don’t let the alcohol soak into the screen, or else it could leave a permanent stain. Dab the dry end of the Q-tip on the mark to remove the alcohol and any mark that is left over. You can also use a clean microfiber cloth to wipe the area dry. |
You will automatically be taken to your device’s camera from within the app. The app will now take a few seconds to analyze the image. Optionally, you can select the small icon in the bottom right hand corner to crop your view finder and snap a photo of a specific line of text. If your image has logos or other elements other than text, these results may be displayed as well. If you are not presented with a “Text” option, the clarity of the image may not be clear enough for the app to detect. Select the language you want to translate to by selecting it from the second drop down menu on the right. Your translated text will be displayed on the bottom, while the original text will remain at the top of the screen. |
Read through your paragraph and note what you’ve covered. You can also refer to your outline if you made one. Since your concluding statement should sum up what you’ve said, it’s important to go over those details while you’re writing the closing statement. Focus on what you lay out in the topic sentence. Note your evidence and details. Your concluding statement should reinforce your main idea. This is what you stated in your topic sentence. Make sure that your paragraph sticks to this main idea, and then craft your concluding statement around it. If your topic sentence reads, “Cats may be small, but they’re mighty predators,” then your main idea is that cats are big hunters. Your concluding statement should show how your paragraph supported the idea that cats are big predators. For example, a closing statement might read, “Based on these statistics, cats are predators who hunt frequently and decrease the area bird population.” A concluding statement reminds the reader of your main idea and what you’ve just said about it, so it will act as a loose summary of the paragraph. Jot down a brief summary of your paragraph, the use it to draft the sentence(s) you’ll use for your essay. For example, the closing statement above, “Based on these statistics, cats are predators who hunt frequently and decrease the area bird population,” reminds the reader that the paragraph just provided statistics about how often cats hunt and how they impact the local bird population. These details support the main idea, and the writer has mentioned both. |
On Friday afternoon, you want to get out of the office or school, and you might leave some loose ends undone. However, if you take some time on Friday to tie up what needs done for the week, you won't have it hanging over your head come Monday morning. Don't leave what you hate for Monday. Similarly, take a look at your schedule so you know what's ahead for the week. For instance, if you need to see financial aid about a problem, go ahead and get it done on Friday. Don't wait until Monday. Similarly, if you have meet with a client you don't particularly like dealing with, go ahead and see him or her on Friday rather than leaving it to the next week. As a parent, maybe you want to schedule a fun outing on Monday and finish up some of the housework on Fridays to be ready for the weekend. Don't just look at what you need to do that you hate. Look at what you enjoy doing, and focus on that. For instance, maybe you hate cold-calling people. Try to put that out of your mind, and focus on the fact that you get to design a new header this week, if that's something you love doing. Maybe you have a class that you just don't like. Focus instead on the classes you love, or try to find something you like in the class. Your problem with work may not be one that can be solved with any outside intervention. It may just take a change of heart on your end. If you look on your work as solely a chore to be pushed through, then you will continue to dread Mondays. You have to think of work as just another part of your life that has both its ups and downs like any other part. Of course you love staying home with your kid because you love your kid. However, maybe you're finding you just don't like it, and you're still stuck in that situation for a while. Focus on the good parts of staying at home to help change your attitude towards, such as getting to spend time with a great kid. Whether it's a simple dinner with your family or a post-work drink, always have a little reward at the end of the day on Mondays. |
Jump roping develops your endurance, coordination, agility, quickness, and footwork. Use small wrist rotations instead of your entire arm to swing the rope around. Jump high enough so the rope slides right under your feet. You do not want to jump too high. Your landing is one of the most important parts of your jump roping. Stay on the balls of your feet and keep your knees slightly bent as you land. Once you can have mastered basic jump roping, you can try more advanced techniques like jump roping side-to-side and crossing your arms. Get a jump rope that is long enough for your body. You should be able to step in the middle of the rope and pull the handles to your shoulder. Start by jumping rope for 20 seconds without tripping. Build up your endurance until you can jump rope for 1, 2, or 3 minutes (rounds) without stopping. Take a 30-60 second break between each round. to increase your endurance. Jogging will build your endurance so that you can last through 12 rounds of boxing. Run at an easy pace where your heart rate does not go higher than 150 beats per minute. Try to run for at least 60 minutes, 5 times a week. If you are unable to run for 60 minutes without stopping, run for shorter periods of time and work your way up. If you have not been jogging regularly, work your way up to 5 times a week as well. If you are a beginner, start with running for 10 or 20 minutes, 3 times a week. You eventually want to build up to running for 2-3 hours, 5 times a week. Stretching before and after your workouts will improve flexibility, lower your risk of injuries, and increase your range of motion. Stretch all of the major muscle groups in your body (e.g. legs, arms, chest, shoulders, back, abdominal). Hold each stretch for 30 seconds. Try to stretch for at least 15 minutes every time you stretch. Never stretch cold muscles. You can stretch after you warm up (e.g. jump rope or light jog) or after your workout. Focus your stretching on areas that you use the most when you are boxing. These include your chest, hip flexors, calves, biceps, and abdominals. Weight lifting can improve your power and speed. Olympic style weightlifting is particularly helpful in your boxing training. Back squats, clean and jerks, dead lifts, and snatches are all great exercises. Lifting should not be done on the same days that you are doing your boxing training. For example, if you are in the boxing ring Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then you would lift weights on Tuesday and Thursday. If you do not want to do Olympic style weightlifting, you can do more traditional exercises. Do exercises for your hips and legs (e.g. lunges, squats, mountain climbers), core (e.g. planks, back extension, etc.), and upper body (e.g. pull ups, push ups, chest press, shoulder press, etc.) Avoid strength training the week before your boxing match. Boxing requires a lot of stopping and starting. Interval training mimics the stopping and starting that your body will go through during a boxing match. Run for 200, 400, 600, or 800 meters as fast as you can, and then rest for 1 minute between each interval. Do interval running 2 or 3 days a week and never on consecutive days. For example, do intervals on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday instead of Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Adjust the amount of intervals you are doing based on the length of your fight. If you are training for a 5 round fight, run 6 intervals to prepare. |
If you've already moved all the furniture out of the way and put down plastic before washing the walls, great! If not, move your furniture out of the way so that it won't get paint on it during the painting process. Put plastic or a drop cloth down on the floor to catch any paint drips, making sure it goes all the way to the wall's edge. If necessary, put painter's tape on any edges that you don't wish to be painted. Paint fumes can be very over-powering and aren't super healthy to breathe in, so make sure your room has access to fresh air. Turn on a fan, open a door, or push open the windows to make sure the room is ventilated and air isn't stagnant. If you want to paint your walls after removing the nicotine stains, you’ll want to make sure the wall is free of any dust or dirt. Use a slightly damp cloth — or a clean, dry cloth, if you don’t want to use water on the wall — and wipe the wall down thoroughly. on your walls, if necessary. If the nicotine stains are on wallpaper, you’ll need to remove the wallpaper before painting. Use a scoring tool to create holes in the wallpaper before spraying the wallpaper with a spray bottle full of water to dampen the paper. Then you’ll be able to scrape the wallpaper off using a plastic putty knife. After you've opened your primer or final paint color, use a mixing tool, such as a wooden mixing stick, to mix up the paint. Swirl the paint around carefully and slowly so that nothing splatters. If you're using a roller, set up the tray that the roller will go in, pouring in just enough paint to cover your roller completely. If you're using regular paint brushes, set up a clean cup or container that you can set the brush in. To make sure your walls remain stain-free, it’s best to apply an odor-blocking primer before painting your walls the desired color. The primer will help prevent stains from leaking through, as well as any bad smells. You can find an odor-blocking primer at a home improvement store or online, and 1 gallon (3.8 L) typically costs $15-40. Try to avoid using a primer that’s water-based. The water lets stains soak through more easily. Once the primer is dry, you can start painting using your desired interior paint color. If your stains didn’t come off the wall very well due to being so soaked through, you may have to paint several layers of normal paint. It’s recommended that you paint at least 2 coats, letting each coat dry first before continuing. |
Not only is it dangerous in busy parking lots, but a loaded shopping cart in a hilly parking lot can end up crashing into and damaging someone's vehicle. Children should also not be allowed to ride the cart back to the vehicle, with the exception of small toddlers or infants riding in the special seat built into many shopping carts, while a parent has both hands on the handle. Do not allow children to stand on the front of the bottom of the cart, as the child could fall. |
Once you have sold all of the buildings on a color group, you may choose to mortgage a property for money from the bank. Turn the property card upside down. This symbolizes that it has been mortgaged. The amount of the mortgage is on the back of the card. You cannot collect rent on a property when it is mortgaged. To reinstate your property and begin collecting rent again, you must repay the mortgage to the bank plus interest. Flip the card back over once the mortgage is paid to make the property active again. The mortgage must be paid plus interest of 10% rounded up to the nearest $10,000. Agree on a sale price with another player and sell them your mortgaged property to gain money and get out of paying interest. The interest is now the responsibility of the player who bought the property. The new owner can take over the 10% interest, or pay it right away to get the property out of mortgage status. When the money you owe to the bank or another player reaches a higher amount than you have in your own savings and assets, you have officially gone bankrupt and are out of the game. If you owe the bank, the banker take your deeds and auctions any properties you may have had left. Return any “Get out of jail free” cards in your hand to the bottom of the community chest deck. If you end owing another player, they receive your deeds, any “Get out of jail free” cards you have, and the money left on your card. Take over the properties and charge the other players until they go bankrupt. The last player left in the game is the winner. |
Your frontal lobe is the largest of the four lobes and is the area responsible for higher level cognitive function. The frontal lobe is the center of your executive function and also integrates communication throughout the rest of your brain in order to carry out your executive function decisions. Executive function abilities are needed for organizing the information that is coming into the brain and to regulate how your respond. Examples include time management, attention processes, multi-tasking and switching focus, being detail oriented when needed, controlling what you say and do, and making decisions based on you own prior experiences. Both physical play as exercise and gentle play with a child, friend, or family member helps to strengthen the frontal cortex and the processes involved with executive function. Physical play helps to sharpen your executive function skills as you anticipate and react to constantly changing situations. Imaginative play helps to strengthen executive function ability as your brain works to strategize your reaction to the unknown circumstances and situations you are creating in your mind. Think of positive scenarios and develop them into stories, or chapters within a story. Find images in the clouds, imagine a conversation between ducks and fish, create a painting in your head of your favorite song, or do anything that engages your imagination. Using your imagination stimulates your brain to release chemicals that are rewarding and engaging. Firing brain neurons along axons, dendrites, and synapses, that are seldom used is key in growing new ones. While it is important to address situations that are difficult, try to avoid allowing the negativity to persuade the way you think and feel. Some people and situations can be very dramatic. Keep a positive and problem-solving attitude when faced with negative circumstances. Forms of physical contact, such as giving and receiving hugs, and other physical gestures of support and friendship, provide a calming effect on the brain. Positive social interactions are healthy and can help to develop new pathways in your brain when you are in an unfamiliar, yet positive, situation. Social interaction is important to creating new brain pathways. Your brain is constantly learning and utilizing executive function skills as you interact with other people, formulate your response to situations, and consider possible reactions of the other person and react accordingly. Music has been clearly shown to cause changes, both positive and negative, in the frontal lobe of the brain. Exposure to music has been proven as an aid to improve your IQ and enhance the ability to learn. Reading and literacy skills improve, spatial-temporal reasoning is enhanced, and mathematical abilities are improved. Some styles of music has been tied to bad outcomes, including unhealthy lifestyle choices, criminal activity, and even suicidal behavior. Other styles of music are linked to early development of visuospatial abilities, better math performance, improved ability to learn a foreign language, and an overall healthy lifestyle. The study used three groups of mice exposed to different music styles. The group exposed to rock music, including disharmonic beats, behaved in a disorganized, confused, and lost manner. That group forgot their way to food in a maze they had already located. Two other groups, one exposed to only classical music and one to no music at all were able to find their way through the maze to the food, actually performing even faster. With further study, the scientists found frontal lobe shrinkage and hippocampal damage in the group exposed to the rock music with disharmonic beats. While several studies suggest that rock music, or possibly the binaural beats within rock music, has a negative influence, other research supports music of choice, including rock music, as a good way to engage your brain and develop additional neuronal pathways. |
If you see an error that says "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator," it's possible your PC is infected with a virus. Do a full virus scan and follow your antivirus app's on-screen instructions to remove infections before you continue. See How to Remove Malware to learn more about removing viruses and other malware. This keyboard shortcut works in all versions of Windows beginning with Vista. This opens the Registry Editor. Follow the on-screen instructions to grant permission for the Registry Editor to run and enter your admin password if prompted. You'll do this using the navigation tree in the left column of the window. Begin by double-clicking HKEY_CURRENT_USER to expand its contents, where you'll double-click Software, followed by Microsoft, etc. Continue until you've double-clicked Policies under System. If you don't see the System option, skip to step 6. This removes the flag that disabled the Task Manager for the current user. DisableTaskMgr only appears when the Task Manager is disabled in the registry for this user. If you don't see it, just continue to the next step. Again, you'll use the tree in the left column to get there. If you don't see the System option, skip to step 8. This removes the flag that disabled the Task Manager for the whole PC. DisableTaskMgr only appears when the Task Manager is disabled in the registry for the PC. If you don't see it, just continue to the next step. If you haven't found the System at any of these paths, see the Enabling Task Manager in Group Policy Editor method. This removes the final flag that could be blogging the Task Manager. If you didn't find DisableTaskMgr at any of these paths, see the Enabling Task Manager in Group Policy Editor method. If you were able to delete the DisableTaskMgr option at one or more of those registry paths, you will now be able to launch the Task Manager normally. |
Since you want to care for yourself, you don't want to hurt yourself in any way. Worrying can hurt you, so remind yourself of that. Usually, when people are able to be honest with themselves, they have an easier time letting go of the worry. Breathe in through your nose and then breathe out through your mouth. Count your breaths since worry can be exasperated with high-stress levels, this will reduce those levels. If you continue to worry as you are breathing, allow yourself to consider it for a moment and then breathe it away. Use your breath to blow the worries away from you. Do as many you need to feel relaxed. Some people will do 10 breaths, while others will do breathe in and out 20 times. You don't even have to decide before you start this technique. Allow yourself to gauge if you need to continue when you hit 10 . Learn to control your worry by allowing yourself only 30 minutes. Once your 30 minutes is up, tell yourself that you need to focus on other things. It may help to set a timer so that you are not tempted to worry after your time is up. As soon as you start to worry, tell yourself to stop. The action of telling yourself to stop replaces the negative thought . You can do it aloud or you can use self-talk to tell yourself. Many therapists use this technique to help people avoid negative thoughts. As soon as a worry enters your mind, telling yourself to stop can help you let go of it quickly. Just keep in mind this is a learned behavior. It may not be effective at first, but after some practice, you may just be able to stop any worrisome thought in its tracks. This techniques works better for some people more than others. If you find this technique doesn’t work for you, try mindfulness instead. Place a rubber band on your wrist and snap it every time you worry. This is a type of thought stopping and it can help you to stop worrisome thoughts, then focus back on the present. Studies show that people who use their hands are less likely to worry. When you're focused on whatever is in your hands, you won't be focusing on what you're thinking about for too long. You may want to put a string of beads in your hands or use a stress ball. Try counting the beads, or squeezing the ball in a rhythm. |
Friends and family will make relaxation fun when things are good and they can provide you with support and distraction when life is hard. Maintain your social network though corresponding by writing, telephone, or in person. Using social media can also help people stay connected. Regular social interaction will help you relax and take your mind off your stress. If you feel isolated, consider locating a support group or counselor to help you. By not getting enough sleep you are compounding the psychological stressors in your life with the physical stress of sleep deprivation. When you sleep your body can put more energy into fighting off infections and healing. Try to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Some people may need even more. This will give you something to look forward to and prevent you from dwelling on the things that are stressing you out. Look for something that is inexpensive which you can do all year long. Possibilities include reading, listening to music, art or photography, crafts, or sports. Avoid competitive activities that will put additional pressures on you. Whether this involves simply free time or a formal relaxation technique, do what works for you. Or try several until you find the one you like the best: Visualization of calming images Progressive muscle relaxation in which you concentrate on tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body Meditation Yoga Massage Tai chi Music or art therapy Deep breathing Take time to enjoy life and do the things that make your life meaningful to you. Do activities that give you a sense of purpose. Many people enjoy volunteer work in their free time. Nourish your brain with intellectual stimulation. Whether it comes from friends, family, or taking informal courses, or taking up a new craft, learning will keep you enthusiastic about the world around you. Connect with others. For some people it is with family, friends, a religious organization, or the community around them, but whoever the people close to you are, they will help you stay happy and young of heart. |
When you make a move to collect money from someone, you'll likely lose their future business or friendship. If the person is your employer, you may even risk losing your job. However, collecting money owed to you is something that must be done. Follow your late payment policy, if you have one, and act accordingly. Make sure you stick to your late payment policy's schedule and complete each action as quickly as possible at each given date. If you are instead making a case for unpaid wages from an employer, considering setting up a schedule based upon reasonable time limits. For example, you could send them a payment reminder immediately and then wait two or three weeks for them to receive it and respond. If they don't do so, you can move on to sending another letter, calling them, or drafting a demand letter. If your invoice does not result in a prompt payment, send a reminder. This lets the person know that you're aware payment hasn't been made and you are not going to forget about the debt. Make it clear and firm, not confrontational. It's worth one more reminder, just in case the original invoice got lost in someone's paperwork. In any communications with the person that owes you money, including the reminder letter, make sure to reiterate the amount owed, when the labor or service was completed, and what step you will take next should they ignore your demands. Additionally, you should let them know about acceptable forms of payment and state a firm deadline for receiving their response. If they ignore your letter, give them a call before taking any further action. This should be a week or two after you think the person received your reminder letter. It's more difficult to ignore a phone call, so they may actually be coerced into paying you. A formal demand letter more clearly announces the amount owed and the steps that will be taken if the debt continues to go unpaid. It also includes a deadline for both response to the letter and payment and a list of acceptable forms of payment. Remember, this letter is a professional document, and should be worded in a professional and consistent manner. Make sure you are absolutely clear and specific on every demand in the letter. You may want to look into hiring a lawyer to draft this letter. This can add a sense of importance to your letter and make your customer more likely to respond. Call around to local attorneys for quotes for sending a demand letter. Just make sure the amount charged is less than half of the amount you expect to collect from the customer. Make a copy of the letter first and keep it for your records. Then, send the letter through certified mail. Keep a copy of the receipt so that you can prove in court (if necessary) that the letter was sent. If you don't receive payment within the date specific in your letter, send another copy of the letter. This second demand letter should be adjusted for the current dates and also sent through certified mail. If you still haven't heard from the person that owes you money or received payment, you now have to hire outside help to get your money. This means either going to court or hiring a collection agency. A collection agency will be less of a hassle for you to use because you don't have to go to court, but keep in mind they may take a large fraction of the recovered money. |
Examine your reasons for thinking you might have been cursed. Is there someone out there who wishes you ill? Why? It's unusual to be cursed by someone you don't know, so chances are if you're cursed, it's because someone you know has a problem with you. Here are the most common types of curses and hexes someone may have cast upon you: Love hex, making you fall in love when you don't naturally want to. Revenge spell Bad luck hex Anger boils curse Lack of sleep and a series of bad dreams If you've had a run of terrible luck, it might mean that someone cast a bad luck spell upon you. If mishap after mishap occurs out of the blue, and something just seems off, it's possible you need to take steps to remove the spell. Here are a few examples of circumstances that can occur if such a spell has been cast: You fall ill for no apparent reason (and it's definitely not just the common cold) You get bad scores on a test, even though you studied hard and were sure you'd ace it You have a bad acne outbreak right before going on a hot date, even though you haven't had a pimple in weeks You trip and fall right as you were about to score the winning point during a basketball game The car you're driving in breaks down, causing you to miss out on the biggest party of the year You find out your family is moving to a new city with no warning at all No matter how bad things seem, chances are your luck has nothing to do with being cursed. Even if you have a few enemies, it's very rare that someone actually possesses the power to cause you harm from afar. Think through what's been happening and see if there's another reason why your life isn't going the way you want to. If you can't find any reason, and you're pretty sure someone has it in for you, then move on to techniques you can use to get rid of the spell. For example, if your boyfriend breaks up with you for someone else, it might not be because the other girl cast a bad luck spell on you; it could just be that he was ready to move on. Or if you come down with a case of hives, it could be you're allergic to shellfish or nuts. You should check into that. However, if you're quite convinced that you have an enemy who wishes you harm, you should definitely take steps to break the curse, just in case it's real. |
It'll look like one of those knotted friendship bracelets, but match each color to a letter and you'll be all set. For example if A: Green, B: Yellow, and C: Pink if the answers were B, C, A, A, B then it would go yellow, pink, green, green, yellow. This method works for multiple choice tests only. |
Open the Google Play Store and then do the following: Tap the search bar. Type in blocksite and tap Go or Enter. Tap INSTALL below the "BlockSite - Block Distracting Apps and Sites" heading. Tap ACCEPT when prompted. Tap OPEN in the Google Play Store, or tap the shield-shaped Block Site app icon. It's a green button at the bottom of the screen. You may be prompted to tap GOT IT before proceeding. Block Site should open the proper Accessibility area in Settings by default, but if it doesn't, you can navigate to it by doing the following: Open Settings. Scroll down and tap Accessibility. Tap BlockSite. Tap the grey "BlockSite" switch to turn it on. Tap OK. If Block Site closed or minimized, bring it back up before proceeding. If BlockSite is still open, you can tap the circular Overview button on the bottom-right to view all the open apps, then swipe to BlockSite and tap it to return. It's a green button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Doing so will take you to the page where you can block websites. Tap the text field at the top of the screen, then type in the address of a website (e.g., facebook.com). You don't need to type out the entire web address; just typing in the basic _____.com address will work. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. This will add the website to Block Site's list of blocked sites, which will prevent you from being able to visit the site in Google Chrome as well as other browsers on your Android phone. You can unblock this website at any time by tapping the trash icon to the right of its name. If you have to temporarily block an app, you can do so by tapping + in the bottom-right corner of the Block Site screen, tap the APPS tab at the top, and then select the app you want to block. Like websites, you can unblock the app at any time by tapping the trash icon to the right of its name. |
Most outdoor air conditioning units have an appliance shut off box situated nearby. Open the door on the box and flip the switch or remove the fuse to cut power to the air conditioner. Window and wall units can usually just be unplugged. If you have no shut off box, turn off the power at the circuit breaker in your house. Never attempt to work on an air conditioning unit without first disconnecting the power. Window units can usually be cleaned just like central air units, but the coils will be easier to access if you remove the unit from the window before you start working on it. The layout of window units is different than indoor or outdoor central air units, but the functions and parts are effectively the same. Be sure to lay the air conditioner on a flat surface, preferably outdoors, for cleaning. As the seasons change and leaves fall from trees, they can collect on the air conditioning unit or even slip inside through the heat dissipation vents. Once you've trimmed the branches and bushes, be sure to clear the entire area around the unit. Loose leaves and dirt surrounding your air conditioning unit can be blown through the vents, collecting around the coils and limiting how effective they can be. Cleaning the area of debris and foliage will also improve airflow into the air conditioning unit. Be sure to wear safety glasses and gloves when trimming trees and bushes. Depending on your air conditioner, you will need either an appropriately sized socket or a screwdriver to remove the bolts or screws securing the cover in place. Once you have them removed, pull the lid off of the air conditioning unit. The user manual will tell you what size socket or screwdriver you need. Set the screws aside somewhere safe. Some air conditioning units will have a grill with a fan attached to it mounted on the top. Remove the screws and pull the grill out from the top of the open unit. The fan is usually attached, so be sure to support it as you remove the assembly to avoid letting it hang by its electrical connections. In air conditioners where the fan stays in place, avoid spraying it directly with water as you clean. |
After you have adjusted your recipe, dish your fried rice onto a plate. There should be enough rice for two large servings or three regular sized servings. Use a spatula to transfer the fried egg on top of the fried rice. Again, be sure not to tilt the egg or it may run. If you have prepared more than one plate, put an egg on top of each serving. Some prefer to cut the egg using a fork and knife and scramble the pieces into the rice before eating. Others like to keep the egg intact. Do whatever you wish. Adding slivered nori and sesame seeds is a traditional way to garnish kimchi fried rice. Nori, or dried seaweed, adds a distinctive savory flavor, while sesame seeds add texture and nuttiness to rice. These garnishes are not necessary if you are already happy with the flavor of the fried rice. Kimchi fried rice is best when served hot. The texture of the rice and the egg are much better when served right after cooking, when you have finished garnishing. If the rice gets cold, heat it up again in the skillet on the stovetop rather than heating in the microwave. The microwave can change the texture of the rice and make it mushy. |
Don't just tell her you'd like to "hang out sometime." Ask her directly and include specifics. Have backup ideas in case she doesn't like a certain type of food or is too busy on a certain date. If she shoots down multiple invitations without suggesting alternatives, she is probably not interested. Many women have a hard time directly saying "no" to a date or may be trying to spare your feelings. Dinner at a not-too-fancy restaurant is a good choice for a first date. While it may be tempting to ask her out via phone, text, or the Internet, doing so will block vital nonverbal communication. These indirect approaches can lead to miscommunication that may ruin your chances at a romantic relationship. Instead, simply ask her the next time you see her. When you get a private moment, ask her by saying something like this: "I was wondering if you were free this Friday night? I'd like to get together just the two of us and check out [restaurant]. Are you interested?" If you rarely see her, then asking her out through a call or message may be necessary. A sample message you can send would be: "Hey! This is [your name] from [where you know her, like a particular class]. You seem like a really cool person, and I'd like to get to know you better. I was wondering if you'd like to go to [restaurant] this Friday at around 6:00 pm?" If you're still struggling to ask her, try asking a mutual friend of yours for some help. Your friend may have some tips or insights about what she likes. Your friend may also be willing to help "set you up" or in some other way help you to ask her out. Even though a mutual friend may make things easier, do not expect your friend to ask her for you. To broach the subject, try saying something like this to your friend: "Hey, you know [girl's name]? I kind of want to ask her out. Has she said anything about me? Do you think she'd be interested?" You don't have to explicitly tell her "this is a date," but don't disguise your feelings. If she asks about it being a "date-date" or your attraction to her, be honest. Trying to "play it cool" by pretending to not be romantically interested in her will probably backfire. |
This may seem counter-intuitive to getting rid of someone, but the fact is that if you don’t answer the door, they are likely to mark you as “not home” and return in the near future. If you truly want to be rid of them, you will need to answer the door and let them know. It sounds rude, but doesn’t have to be. They are likely to delve right into their script and it will only become harder to get a word in. Politely interrupt to take control of the conversation. When a Jehovah’s Witness starts talking, interrupt with a polite, “Excuse me” to get their attention. Try raising your hand an holding it between the two of you at chest level with your palm facing the other person and begin your interjection with, “Hold on.” If you wait until the Jehovah’s Witness asks a question, you can simply reply with, “I’d rather not have this conversation.” If you make up a reason for not wanting to talk to them, they may see this as an invitation to come back at another time. This also initiates a conversation. Be honest and direct with your response in order to get your point across and avoid one of their conversation starters. Avoid making up excuses. They are trained to respond to specific protests, and may consider returning in the future if you are just too busy right now. Choose very few words to decline their invitation to talk. It is unnecessary to be rude, and arguing will only spur on the conversation. A simple, polite decline will do the trick. Once you have a chance to speak, try a simple, “No thank you.” You can also be direct saying, “I’m not interested, thanks.” Don’t slam it in their face, but understand that they have been trained to keep the conversation going. Once you have declined, close the door gently. This is important, because, like telemarketers or any solicitor, they are not likely to accept the first, “no” and will do their best to reengage you. Closing the door may be the only way to end the conversation. If this feels rude to you, try saying, “sorry” as you close the door. |
This is the safest and most efficient way to remove fleas from your kitten. You can buy a flea comb at your local pet store. Always comb out your kitten in a warm room so she does not get a chill or develop a cold, which could be fatal to a kitten. Put warm water in a bowl with a few drops of liquid detergent. Comb the fleas off of your kitten and place the fleas in the water. Swish the water around so the fleas drown. You can also dilute five parts water to one part bath oil and sponge or spray it onto the kitten’s coat. Then, use the flea comb to remove the fleas off her damp coat. Fleas will run from the driest parts of your kitten so they may swarm around her face. Grab them and drop them in a bowl of water so they drown. You can also place the removed fleas on a piece of double sided tape so they cannot move or escape. You can then drown them or crush them. If you have other cats or kittens, including the mother cat, in your home, always treat them for fleas as well. You do not want fleas from another animal to get back onto your kitten. Most flea medications can be deadly to kittens, and newborn kittens should always receive manual flea removal. However, kittens over four weeks old can be treated with Capstar. This product will kill adult fleas on your cat, but not their offspring. Other medications require your kitten to be at least eight weeks old for safe use and can kill any flea offspring. But you should always check with your vet before applying any flea medications to avoid harming your kitten. Avoid using natural oils on your kitten to remove fleas. Some oils, like lavender, eucalyptus, and geranium, are toxic to young kittens. You will also need a pair of gloves to protect your hands and a jar of insecticide or rubbing alcohol to drop the ticks into and kill them. Put on the gloves and hold your kitten with one hand, or have someone help you hold your kitten in place. Place the tweezers close to your kitten’s skin and grasp the tick’s head. Pull, rather than twist, the tick from the skin. Avoid crushing or squeezing the tick’s body, which will flood your kitten’s bloodstream with harmful bacteria. Drop the tick the jar of insecticide or rubbing alcohol to kill it. Always wash your hands well after you have removed all the ticks from your kitten. Apply antiseptic to the tick bites on your kitten to prevent infection. Your kitten may try to chew or itch the bites, so treat them daily with antiseptic so they stay clean. Check your kitten for any signs of a disease or infection and bring your kitten to your vet if she displays any symptoms of infection, such as fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, or stiff limbs. There are several tick medications that you can apply to your kitten’s coat to remove ticks. However, these can cause health issues in kittens. Always check with your vet about tick prevention products before you use them on your kitten. If you have other cats or kittens, including the mother cat, in your home, always treat them for ticks as well. You do not want ticks from another animal to get back onto your kitten. |
There are websites that will allow you to enter the phone number, your message, and the number of times you'd like it sent. Then the website can do your dirty work for you, sending sometimes hundreds of text messages to the phone number. Many text bombing apps have been removed from app stores after complaints, so it might be hard to track down one that works well or doesn't charge a lot of money. |
You probably have months notice when it comes to this event, so start early. What's your budget? How many recipients will there be? What does the boss have in mind? You're putting together quite a few pieces -- sometimes these things take time, so leave yourself some wiggle room to avoid missing the deadline. Do you know the demographic you're dealing with? Men and women, young and old, will enjoy different things. What do you know about who you're working for? If you're having a convention or holding any sort of event, you'll want to contact companies that sell products related to the topic at hand. There are things to consider here: Contact companies that have offers of free samples on their website. You may only be able to get your hands on a few, but who said the goodie bags had to all be the same? Email companies asking for free samples. It's marketing! They do it all the time. Tell them how many people you have (that could be potential clients), what and when your event is, and what kind of samples you're looking for. Just give them enough advanced notice! While you may be proffering other companies' goods, you want your own name to be seen, too. Have your company's name on the goodie bag itself so everyone knows where these free gifts are coming from. You're trying to bank brownie points here, not just promote other companies. Pick out your bag after you know what the contents are -- you want neither a bag that's empty nor a bag that's overflowing. And if the bag doesn't have your company's name on it, put it on there. A tag, a sticker, heck, paint it on there if you have to. It's a goodie bag and it's art! Impressive. You've contacted your companies, you have the goods from the ones who actually responded, now what? You'll need to throw in a few pens, maybe a notepad or a key chain, but is that enough? Nope! Just because your goodie bag is for business doesn't mean you can't make it fun, too. Don't be afraid to add in some decorative things and some food, too. If your company has a color scheme, add in a few tokens that match. And as for food, some pre-wrapped candies or mints will go along away -- and they're usually pretty cheap. |
Your physician will inform you about whether the results of the basic lab tests were conclusive. He or she may recommend subsequent tests to confirm those results or to assess the level of kidney damage. A kidney ultrasound is a noninvasive exam that produces images, which are used to assess the size, shape, and location of the kidneys. You will need to make an appointment for an ultrasound, usually at a special clinic or medical center that does renal ultrasounds. The technician will explain the procedure and you may need to sign a consent form authorizing the procedure. Typically, no prior preparation, such as fasting or sedation, is required before an ultrasound. The technician will pass a transducer over your abdomen after applying some gel onto the area about to be imaged. A transducer is a prob-like device that produces sound waves that bounce off the tissues of the body and make echoes. The echoes are then sent to a computer and translated into images of your kidneys. This test, called a Computed Tomography (CT), uses contrast dye to picture the kidneys. It may also be used to look for abnormalities and obstructions in the kidneys. You will need to make need to make a special appointment for a CT scan, usually at a special clinic or medical center that does renal CTs. The technician will explain the procedure to you and you will need to sign a consent form authorizing the procedure if it involves the use of contrast dye. In preparation, you need to withhold food and drink before the test. During the test, you will lie on a scan table that slides into a large, circular opening of the scanning machine. As the scanner rotates around you, X-rays will pass through the body for short amounts of time.The X-rays absorbed by the body's tissues are detected by the scanner and sent to the computer. The computer then transforms the information into an image. You will have to schedule this procedure in advance and plan to stay in the hospital for at least 12 hours. Most kidney biopsies are percutaneous, meaning through the skin. In most cases, you will not be put to sleep with an anesthetic, but instead given medication to make you drowsy, while the area is numbed. The doctor will cut the skin and inserts the needle to the surface of the kidney. He or she with then draw the sample. The area may feel sore or tender for a few days and you may see some blood in your urine. Consult your doctor if these symptoms last. |
Work 7 chain stitches from your hook, then slip stitch the first and last together to form a ring. Use your accent color yarn. Note that this piece is worked separately from the rest of the sandal and will be joined to the body of the sandal later. For the first round, single crochet once into each of the stitches in your foundation ring. Do not join the first and last stitches of the round together. You will need to make a total of 23 rounds. For each round, simply single crochet once into each stitch of the previous round. Do not join the first and last stitches of any of the rounds together. You will use the "continual round" technique; in other words, the first stitch of the next round will be worked through the top loop of the first stitch from your current round. There are no "in between" steps to advance you to the next round. The strap should curl up into a tube as you work. Fold the tube in half so that both open ends meet. Slip stitch the bottom four stitches together. Gradually work up the opening, slip stitching as you go, to close the tube and create a closed strap. You will end up working through four sets of stitches. Cut the yarn, leaving an 8 inch (20 cm) tail. Pull this tail through the loop on your hook to knot off the ankle strap. This tail needs to remain long so that you can sew the ankle strap to the toe strap later. Position the ankle strap so that its tail is pointed toward the front of the sandal. Whip stitch the bottom loops of the ankle strap to the top loops of the back heel using your accent yarn. You should whip stitch the pieces together using a yarn (tapestry) needle instead of a crochet hook. Check the "Tips" section if you need instructions on whip stitching. Follow the same steps outlined above to make a second ankle strap. Whip stitch this second ankle strap to the back heel of the other sandal. |
Experiencing a sexual assault or rape is a huge loss of control, and your friend needs to be able to feel in control while they are healing. Try not to make decisions for them or take charge, but rather allow them to do it for themselves. Encourage them and then support them with whatever they decide. If the rape did not occur recently, there may still be some situations or things that your friend feels very particular about. It will help their anxiety and sense of self for you to let them control certain aspects of their environment to make sure they are comfortable. Let them control who knows. Your friend confided in you because they trust you, respect that trust and allow them to control who they tell. Let them control what you guys do when you are hanging out together, especially where you go. It is the one way to ensure they are going to be comfortable. Let them decide when they are ready to participate in activities, everything from social activities to support groups or counseling. It is a horrible thing to happen to someone, and they are going to need you for support. One way you can help support them is to make sure they are taking a mental break from it every once and awhile, if they can. Remind them that you are there to listen, but mention that maybe you can help distract them for a little bit. Afterwards, remind them that you are still available to talk if they want to. Talk to them about it as often as you can and as often as they need. For a short distraction, maybe offer to play a card game, watch a movie, or go get coffee or ice cream, if they are comfortable with it. In all of the worrying and helping your friend, don't forget about your own health. Hearing about a rape can be very upsetting. Being around someone who is going through a healing process from a traumatic event, can have a profound affect on you as well. Know that you need to take care of yourself so that you are able to help your friend. Try the following: Make sure you are eating and sleeping well. You will need to recharge your batteries in order to keep up with your life and with helping your friend. Make sure you are taking breaks for yourself. Hopefully your friend has others supporting them, so that you all can share in the tasks and take breaks when you need to. If you are feeling emotional, start to notice you are having nightmares, or seem to be having similar symptoms to your friend, seek help from a counselor. You may be experiencing vicarious trauma. Recovery from any traumatic experience takes time and can take many years. In this instance your friend went through something very violating. It may take time for them to trust, to be okay with going out, or to “return to normal” again. Give them the space and time they need to rebuild their sense of safety, control and self-worth. If the rape occurred long ago, understand that there are aspects that your friend may still be dealing with. Either way, they will be so grateful to have a friend like you supporting them. |
You can do this at the time of delivery. Long term cord blood frozen storage can be a source of stem cells that may be used for future treatment of your child or another child. Currently, the diseases that may benefit from cord blood are limited and rare. However, as medical science advances, other future uses for cord blood are very likely. It is not true that delayed clamping of the UC removes the option of cord blood banking. Even after the transfer of blood from placenta to baby, additional blood can be acquired from the placenta for storage, if desired. |
You can purchase stage makeup packaged in a color wheel with the primary colors you’ll use to make your black eye. Make sure the color wheel you get has dark, earthy tones of yellow, purple, red, and green because these will make your black eye look more realistic. Some brands, like Ben Nye and Mehron, sell a color wheel called a “bruise wheel” which is perfect for creating a black eye. You can buy stage makeup color wheels online or at local costume stores. Take a makeup sponge, dab it in the red color, and apply it around your eye. Follow along the bone of your eye socket and make sure you get into the creases and the ridge between your eye and nose. The base layer needs to be light and you should be able to see your skin through it. This layer will help the rest of the makeup adhere to your skin. Use a clean part of your makeup sponge to dab the purple color of your color wheel and apply the color around your eye in small amounts at a time. Start at the outer edges of your eye and work towards the center, making sure you apply the color to the ridges and creases around your eye. Real black eyes are splotchy and inconsistent, so don’t apply your makeup to form an even layer of color. Use very small amounts of yellow and green to accent the bruise and make it look deeper and more realistic. Take a clean part of the sponge and dab it in the yellow color and apply it around your eye, then dip the same part of the sponge in the green color to give the green a yellowish tint. To finish your black eye and make it look realistic and seamless, take your makeup sponge and lightly blend along the lines where 2 colors meet, but don’t blend all of the colors together. |
Add 1 cup (200 g) of sugar, the finely grated zest from one orange, ¼ teaspoon (1 ½ g) of kosher salt, 2 cups (473 ml) of freshly squeezed orange juice, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of vanilla extract to the bowl of a food processor. Process the mixture for 1 minute, or until the sugar dissolves. If you don’t have a food processor, you can use a blender to mix the ingredients. You’ll need approximately approximately 2 pounds (907 g) of oranges to get the juice that you need. After you’ve mixed the ingredients in the food processor, pour the mixture into a large bowl. Add 1 ½ cups (355 ml) of very cold whole milk to the bowl, and use a whisk to blend all of the ingredients together. It’s a good idea to chill the bowl that you’re mixing the sherbet in for 20 to 30 minutes in the refrigerator. To make creamy sherbet, you must use whole milk. You can substitute half and half, though, if you want your sherbet to even creamier. Make sure that the milk is chilled when you mix it into the other ingredients. Once the sherbet ingredients are mixed, cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Place the bowl in the refrigerator, and chill it for at least 1 hour, or until the mixture reaches 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius) or below. If you want to prepare the sherbet mixture the day before, you can refrigerate it overnight. When the sherbet mixture is cool enough, transfer it to your ice cream maker. Mix it according to the manufacturer’s instructions so the sherbet has the consistency of soft serve ice cream. If you don't have an ice cream maker, pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and freeze it for approximately 6 to 8 hours, stirring every hour to achieve the soft serve texture. After the sherbet has reached soft serve consistency, transfer it to a freezer-safe container. Cover it with the lid or plastic wrap, and freeze it until it is firm enough to scoop, which should take approximately 3 hours. The recipe will make approximately 1 quart (946 ml) of orange sherbet. A metal loaf pan works well as a freezer-safe container for the sherbet. |
To prevent freezer burn, prepare and package the meat before putting it in the freezer. Meat and poultry can be frozen in the store packaging but it is advisable to over-wrap the packaging to make sure no air can enter the package. Use plastic bags and heavy duty aluminum foil specially designed for freezer use (the label will tell you) to over-wrap. Use a home vacuum sealer to remove air from packaging. Vacuum sealers come in a variety of models and prices and use special bags (sold separately) to store food. Use air-tight containers such as plastic or freezer safe jars and cans. Use wraps such as heavy weight aluminum foil, plastic freezer bags or polyethylene wrap and bags. Remove as many bones as possible before freezing as bones take up space and can contribute to freezer burn. Place freezer paper or wrap between slices or patties of meat to make separation easier after freezing. Meat will not keep forever in a freezer. Uncooked meat (such as steaks or chops) can be kept frozen safely for 4-12 months. Uncooked ground meat can only be kept safely for 3-4 months. Cooked meat can be stored for 2-3 months. Hotdogs, ham and lunch meats can be frozen for 1-2 months. Poultry (cooked and uncooked) can be kept for 3-12 months. Wild game can be kept for 8-12 months. Make sure to maintain a freezer or cooler temperature of 0 °F (−18 °C) or below. You need to know what is in the freezer and how old it is. The label should contain the type of meat (chicken breast, steak, ground beef, etc.), whether it is raw or cooked, and the date it was frozen. To help you find things later, it is a good idea to group like items together. For example, put all the chicken together, all the beef together, all the pork together. Use the oldest items first to avoid having to discard out of date or freezer-burned food. This is one of the easiest ways to preserve meat. You can use the freezer compartment that is attached to your refrigerator or use a stand-alone freezer. Stand-alone freezers are larger than the compartment on a refrigerator. Be aware that a freezer does use electricity so your energy bills will be higher if you use a stand-alone freezer in addition to your refrigerator. The cost increase will depend on the size of the freezer and how energy-efficient the model is. Coolers can be used anywhere as they do not require electricity. You can use a cooler if you are camping or if you need to store meat during an electrical outage. You will need to fill the cooler with ice to make it cold. Place some ice on the bottom of the cooler, put in the meat, then cover the meat with more ice. Make sure the meat is surrounded by ice to ensure complete and even freezing. If you use a cooler you will need to replace the ice as it melts to make sure the meat does not thaw before you are ready to use it. Thawing properly will help reduce the chance of food-borne illness. Thaw meat in the refrigerator. Plan ahead as large items such as turkeys will take about 24 hours to thaw this way. Thaw by submerging the meat (in air-tight packaging) in cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes until completely thawed. You can thaw meat in a microwave but be sure to cook it immediately. Microwaves thaw unevenly and may start to cook parts of the meat. Before cooking, look for freezer burn. Freezer burn is the discoloration of meat due to freezing and does not necessarily make the meat inedible. Cut off freezer burned portions before consuming. Use common sense. If the meat or poultry looks or smells “off” do not eat it. |
After applying the cream of tartar to the aluminum, you’ll need to rinse the item well. Be sure to remove all of the cream of tartar, so pay special attention to crevices, handles, edges, and the like. |
You can add the lemon zest for a little extra texture, or omit it entirely. You will be heating the ingredients in a microwave. Depending on the strength of your microwave, you may need a little more/less cooking time. Keep an eye on the butter. Keep mixing until there are no lumps or clumps. You want everything to be smooth. During this time, it will thicken. It will ooze over your pastries, as opposed to sinking into it. If the mixture is too thin, then mix in a little more sugar. It is perfect for scones, buns, cakes, and loaves, especially lemon or lavender-flavored ones! |
Life in a circus isn't all glamorous as it's made out to be. If you're working with a traveling circus, you might have to deal with moving around a lot, and you will probably have to do your own makeup and need to buy or make your own costumes. Working with circuses requires a lot of dedication just to stay optimistic for shows. If you're working for a legitimate, big business circus, most odds and ends (like costumes) will be handled for you. But if you're working on a smaller circuit, you may need to take certain expenses on yourself. Consider it the price to pay for doing something you love. You will, without a doubt, run across people that will say "No.” You will be told to give up, people won't hire you, and you will get injured or run the risk of being injured if you are a performer. It's very important you be able to push through these walls – or perhaps trapeze your way over them. If you are dedicated and love performing, you will find a job that works for you, and you will be able to continue performing. No one makes it on their first try. You have to hear a chorus of rejections before you finally "get your break." It could take months, it could take years, but you've got to trust that eventually it'll happen. If you don't believe in you, no one else will. Being a circus performer is almost like being an athlete – your career will be over well before you feel like you're "old." And when you do near the end of your run, your body will have been rung through the wringer. You could be in tiptop shape or you could need two knee replacements. It won't be easy, but hopefully the physical stress is worth it. In fact, your body basically means your job. If you don't take care of it, you could be out of a gig in no time. It's important to sleep, eat right, stay healthy, and, above all, stay safe. The last thing you want to do is compromise your career because you made poor decisions. How does circus work pay? Although it differs from circus to circus, it mostly depends on the job, the show, and the length of which you're working. For example, a circus might pay their performers at the end of each week, or (although it's less common) after the show closes. If you're a performer that hires out to circuses, then you'll mostly be paid after the job ends, although they can choose to pay you weekly, sometimes even after each show (although that is highly uncommon, too). This aside, you should probably want to work in a circus for your love of the work first, the money second. What’s more, every role gets paid differently, too. If you’re at the bottom of the ladder, you may be getting $300 bucks a week; if you’re a featured performer like an acrobat or a contortionist, you could be making between $40,000 to $70,000 a year. Don’t forget – you’re getting free room and board, too. The perks just keep on coming. |
Cute hair accessories serve an important function when it comes to growing out bangs. Use bobby pins and barrettes to pin back your bangs and incorporate them into your styled hair. With a little practice, no one will realize that you're dealing with the awkward grow-out stage. Get bobby pins in color that matches your hair, so you'll be able to pin it back discreetly. Get cut hair barrettes that are tight enough to pull back your bangs without them springing loose. For a stylish look, braid or twist your bangs before you pin them to the side. When you don't have time for fussy styling and pinning, headbands will become your best friend. Get a variety of headbands so you'll be able to throw one on whenever you need to quickly deal with your bangs. To wear a headband properly, place it several inches back from your forehead, then push it forward slightly to create a pretty quiff. You can use headbands with braids, ponytails and other updos as an alternative to bobby pins. Cloth headbands as well as stiff headbands are convenient to have on hand. Braiding your bangs and pinning them to the side to blend with your hair is a pretty way to hide short and long bangs during the growing-out stage. Sweep your bangs to one side and braid them until you reach the end. Pin the end of the braid under a lock of hair on the side of your head, so the hair hides the pin. These fun updos create the perfect way to hide bangs. Do a ponytail or bun on top of your head, then pin back your bangs right against the hairband so you don't see the bobby pin or the ends of your bangs. Sweep your bangs to one side of your forehead and use a bobby pin to pin them in place just above your ear. Layer some of your longer hair over the bobby pin to hide the ends of your bangs. Remember to choose bobby pins that match your hair color so that they blend easily into your hair. |
You can help the women in your life feel loved by taking the time to prepare a nice meal for them. Welcome them into your home so you can catch up with each other, have some delicious food and drinks, and express your appreciation for one another. Make the event feel more celebratory by playing some games or watching a fun movie together. Have some drinks or mocktails with your dinner and raise a toast to the awesome women you know and love! If you’d rather have a larger gathering (or just don’t feel like cooking), call up some of the women you love and invite them out for a celebratory brunch, dinner, or drinks at your favorite bar. Take the excuse to indulge in some of your favorite foods together! For example, you could celebrate at a tasty brunch place with waffles and mimosas, Galentine’s Day style. If you and your favorite ladies are an adventurous bunch, look for some fun and exciting ways to celebrate together. For example, you might organize a trip to a museum, go on a hike together, sign up for a class, or even go on a road trip! Look at websites like Groupon or LivingSocial to find good deals on group activities in your area. What better way to celebrate the women in your life than by recognizing International Women’s Day! Organize a gathering on March 8. Invite the women you want to celebrate, along with anyone who’s interested in celebrating with you. If you’d rather not host the party yourself, check online to find out about International Women’s Day events that are happening near you. |
You should wash your hair at least once a day if your hair is oily. You may need to wash more often if it stays oily. Washing more often will help cut down on the oil. Some people claim this step is the opposite of what you should do. The argument is that the more you wash your hair, the more oil your scalp produces to make up for what the shampoo takes away. If you're not having luck with washing more often, you may try washing less, such as every 3 days. Lather up by rubbing shampoo into your hair, but also spend time rubbing it into your scalp. In addition, let it sit for 5 minutes, so the shampoo has a chance to work your hair, breaking down the oil. Once 5 minutes is up, rinse out your shampoo. If you noticed your hair is oilier than normal, you can shampoo again right away, repeating the same process. In some cases, you may just want to skip conditioning altogether. When you do apply it, don't put it on your scalp. Instead, stick to the tips, where your hair may be drier. Put some conditioner in your hand. Use your fingers to gently apply the conditioner just to the tips. Rinse it out when you're done. Brushing can transfer the oil from your scalp down into your hair. Of course, you must brush your hair sometimes. Make sure to stay away from your scalp as much as possible while you brush. Buildup of hair products, such as conditioners, gels, and hairspray, can lead to oilier hair. You may have a buildup of products on you hair and not even know it, but you can work to combat it. Always rinse your hair twice to help combat buildup. You can also use baking soda. Simply pour a spoonful or two into you hand. Add a little water so you have something you can spread over your hair. Massage it into your hair and scalp, and then rinse it out after 15 minutes. Shampoo after you use baking soda. Try a clarifying shampoo a couple of times a month, which is another way to reduce buildup. Touching your hair all the time just makes it greasier. You transfer oils from your hands to your hair, increasing the problem. If you can't keep your hands off of it when it's down, consider wearing an up-do more often. |
You can find them in your phone book or online. Many companies now offer online payday loans. You submit your application online and the money is deposited into your account. Not every state allows payday lenders. In fact, payday lenders are illegal in 18 states and the District of Columbia. Search online to see if payday lending is allowed in your state. There are many scammers in this field. Carefully investigate any lender before applying for a payday loan. Look up the lender in the Better Business Bureau, which collects complaints about businesses. Also perform a general Internet search to see the company’s reputation. Most payday lenders have countless complaints lodged against them. If you are worried about doing business with a payday lender, consider other alternatives. This is where payday lenders make the bulk of their money. They charge very high interest rates and tack on fees for a variety of reasons. Ask the loan officer about everything that will be charged. For example, you will probably be charged a fee just to apply for the loan. This is called a “service fee.” If you request a $500 loan, you might pay a $125 service fee. In this example, you are paying about a 625% APR (annual percentage rate) just to take out a short-term loan. This sky-high interest rate is standard. The lender may also charge a fee to withdraw money from your bank account. You must clearly understand every aspect of the loan. Payday lenders have a reputation of hiding important information. Ask the loan officer point blank when the loan is due. Get something in writing as well. You might prefer to take a payday loan from a lender that gives you more options for paying back the loan. Ask the following before applying: Can you pay back the loan early? Check if you are charged a fee for doing so. What if you don’t have the money to cover repayment? Some lenders will let you extend the due date—but it’ll cost you. Make sure you understand how much you will be charged to extend the loan. Each lender has its own application. However, they generally will want information about your employer, annual income, date of birth, Social Security Number, phone number, and address. Realize that many lenders will sell your personal information to third parties. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing advertisements for loans appearing in your mailbox soon after applying for a payday loan. Some lenders will hand cash over to you, but others will deposit it directly into your bank account. Ask how you will receive your funds. When the loan is due, your lender will either cash the check or make a withdrawal directly from your bank account. If you don’t have enough money to cover the entire payment, the check will bounce. The lender then might try to withdraw smaller amounts in order to get as much money as they can out of your account. Every bounced check will cost you in overdraft fees. If you know you can’t make payment, ask about extending or renewing the loan. Doing so will increase the amount you owe. Ask about fees and interest rates before signing up. Check if you the lender offers a repayment plan. In some states, this is mandatory. |
Normally, your child won’t experience pain from a loose tooth. If their tooth is painful, it’s possible that they have tooth decay or an injury. Just to be safe, take your child to the dentist to make sure they’re okay. The dentist may decide to pull or treat the tooth themselves. Try not to worry because it’s likely that everything is just fine. If you know your child has experienced a mouth injury, they may need dental care. Your dentist will examine your child’s mouth to figure out if the tooth is loose because of the injury or because it’s time for the tooth to fall out. Then, they’ll help you decide how to treat the loose tooth. They may recommend you go ahead and pull the tooth, but they might also recommend alternative treatments. You likely won’t need to worry about this, but it’s possible for the tooth to break off as you remove it. If this happens, your child needs immediate care because the fragments could cause pain or lead to an infection. Take your child to the dentist to get the fragments removed. Fragments occur more often after a tooth is injured. It’s totally normal for the socket to bleed after you pull the tooth, so try not to worry. However, the bleeding should stop after about 15 minutes of pressing gauze into the socket. Check the bleeding after 15 minutes. If the socket is still bleeding, go to the doctor, an urgent care center, or the emergency room so a doctor can help. A dentist or doctor can help stop the bleeding, so don’t worry. Your child likely won’t develop an infection, so try not to worry about it. However, you need to take them to the dentist immediately if you notice signs of a possible infection. The dentist will help them get the treatment they need to feel better. Go to the dentist immediately if you have the following symptoms: Fever Pain Bad breath Unpleasant taste in your mouth |
“Lunging” involves leading a horse around a circular enclosure—usually about 50 ft (15 m) in diameter. It builds off of the training provided by leading sessions, so it’s best to master leading before introducing lunging sessions. Observe an experienced horse trainer to get insights on lunging a stallion. Place a lunge cavesson (a special type of headgear for this training) on the horse, and clip a lunge rein (a long leading rope) to it. Consult an experienced trainer for advice on putting the gear on properly. Get a lunge whip to hold—and crack in the air as needed—during training sessions. Use the whip only as a visual and audio guide—that is, don’t strike the horse with it—and keep it down and away from the horse otherwise. Lead the horse to the center of the ring, with the lunge rein folded up in one hand and the lunge whip in your other hand. Use your leading commands to get the horse to move forward, but remain in the center of the ring and guide it around the perimeter. Let out slack on the lunge rein as you go. Early lunging sessions should last for about 15 minutes, 2-3 times per week. Once your horse is able to walk around the perimeter of the ring 3-4 times, use the lunge rein, verbal commands, and the sight and sound of the whip to direct it into a trot. After up to 15 minutes of trotting, slow the horse back down for a few minutes and finish the session. Maintain your focus and assertive demeanor during all training sessions. Make sure the stallion knows you’re in charge, but also that you’re in control of your emotions. Continue to do lunging sessions for about 20 minutes, 2-3 times per week. |
This recipe makes use of store-bought pizza dough. However, feel free to use a homemade pizza crust, if you prefer. Using a store-bought crust, this pizza can be on the table in about 45 minutes. If you opt to make the homemade crust, you will need an additional hour and a half. The yield is approximately 4 servings. Store-bought produce usually isn't pre-rinsed. Make sure to always wash your vegetables well before using them on your pizza. Sprinkle flour generously onto a flat work surface. Remove the dough from your refrigerator and give it a light dusting of flour. Allow the dough to sit on your work surface for 20 to 30 minutes, so that it becomes room temperature. Dust your rolling pin with flour. Roll the dough into a circle that is approximately ½ inch thick. Take the dough in both hands and pinch one of the edges, letting the dough hang down. Slowly work your way around the circle, pinching, until the dough is the size you want. To prevent the crust from sticking, you'll need to grease the baking sheet with cooking spray/oil before placing the crust on it. You can also sprinkle corn meal on a baking sheet to prevent this. Place a strainer over a large microwave proof bowl. Dump the tomatoes into the strainer and crush them with your hands. Push the pulp into the bottom of the strainer so that the juices go through the sieve. Place the microwavable bowl full of tomato juice into your microwave and set them to cook on high for 20 to 25 minutes. This will thicken the juice into a consistency much like ketchup. Pour the crushed tomato pulp into the thickened juice. Allow this to cool down to room temperature. If you prefer using the stovetop, simmer the tomatoes in a medium sized pan for about 30 minutes, stirring frequently, until it thickens. Chop the vegetables into your preferred size. Coat the chopped veggies with olive oil and season them with salt and pepper. Spread the vegetables out evenly on a hot grill or grill pan. Grill them for about 10 minutes, until they are tender but still firm. Remove the vegetables from the grill and set them aside. Feel free to customize the vegetables – omit or limit the use of any that you don’t like. Preheat the oven to its highest setting, which is usually between 500 and 550°F (260°C and 288°C). Spoon the cooled sauce over the pizza crust dough and spread it evenly. Top with the grilled sliced vegetables – arrange them however you like. Top with mozzarella cheese. Bake the pizza for about 10 to 12 minutes. You'll know it's ready when the cheese is melted, bubbly and lightly browned on top. Slice the pizza into wedges and serve immediately. |
Choose whole-grain bread and pasta over white bread and pasta. Make sure to get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every single day. Include produce high in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, such as red peppers and tomatoes. Lycopene is what makes fruit and vegetables red, and has been proven as a cancer-fighting ingredient. In general, the deeper and brighter the color of your produce, the better. There are currently no guidelines as the amount of lycopene you should try to get each day. However, research indicates that for lycopene to make any difference, you would need to eat lycopene-foods all day to get the amounts needed. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale are also good defenses against the development of cancer. Some controlled studies have found a link between increased ingestion of cruciferous vegetables and reduced risk of prostate cancer, although the evidence is merely associative at this point. Cut back on how much red meat you eat, including beef, pork, lamb and goat. It's also a good idea to limit your consumption of processed meats, like sandwich meat and hot dogs. Instead of red meat, eat fish with high levels of omega-3 acids, including salmon and tuna. These foods will help your prostate as well as your heart and immune system. The research about the relationship between dietary fish intake and prostate cancer prevention is largely based on correlative data and namely, the fact that the Japanese have so few cases of prostate cancer and eat large amounts of fish. Whether there is a causal relationship is still being debated. Beans, skinless poultry, and eggs are also healthy options for protein. The properties of soy, which is found in many vegetarian dishes, fight cancer. Sources of soy include tofu, soy nuts, soy flour and soy powders. Swapping cow's milk for soy milk in your cereal or coffee is one way to get more soy into your diet. Note that recent research has found soy beans and some other specific products, such as tofu, to be preventive in prostate cancer. However, this cannot be extrapolated to all soy products, including milk. There are also no current anecdotal or evidence-based guidelines on the amount of soy you should try to incorporate into your diet. Though you don't need to entirely cut out caffeine from your diet, try to limit how much you ingest. For example, limit yourself to one to two 4-ounce cups of coffee per day. The same goes for alcohol; try to view it as a treat and stick to a couple of small glasses a week. Avoid sugary (sometimes also caffeinated) drinks like sodas and fruit juices. These have nearly zero nutritional benefit. The best way to cut back on how much sodium you consume is to eat fresh produce, dairy, and meats and avoid packaged, canned, and frozen foods. Salt is often used as a preservative and is thus present in large amounts in pre-packaged foods. When shopping, stick to the outer perimeter of the grocery store as much as possible. This is where most of the fresh food is located, while cartons, cans, and other packages tend to be isolated in the center aisles. Take the time to read and compare food labels. Most food labels are now required to state how much sodium is in a product and what percentage it makes up of your daily recommended intake of sodium. The American Heart Association recommends that Americans consume less than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day. Limit your consumption of saturated fats from animal and dairy products and instead switch to healthy fats, like olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Animal products high in fat, such as meat, butter, and lard, have been associated with an increase risk of prostate cancer. Avoid fast food and most processed foods. These often contain partially hydrogenated fats (trans fats), which are extremely unhealthy. |
Quarantining your new fish will ensure they are healthy and will not introduce disease or illness into your existing tank. The quarantine tank should be at least 5 to 10 gallons, with a sponge filter that has been in a tank with fish. This will ensure the filter contains good bacteria to populate the tank. The tank should also have a heater, an aquarium light, and a cover. If you are an avid aquarium owner, you may already have a quarantine tank set up. You should keep the quarantine tank clean and prepare it before you buy new fish for your regular tank. Once you get your quarantine tank set up, you can introduce your new fish to the tank through acclimatization. Start by placing the unopened plastic bag in the tank for 15-20 minutes. This will give the fish time to start getting used to the water in the quarantine tank. After 15-20 minutes, open the bag and use a clean cup to scoop an equal amount of water from the tank into the plastic bag. There should be 50% tank water and 50% pet store water in the bag. Avoid mixing water from the bag with the tank water as this could contaminate the tank water. Allow the bag to float in the tank for another 15-20 minutes. You can close the edge of the bag to keep in from spilling out. After 15-20 minutes, use a net to gently scoop out the fish and place them in the quarantine tank. You should observe the fish every day in the quarantine tank to ensure they are not carrying any disease or parasites. After two to three weeks in the quarantine tank with no issues, the fish is ready to be introduced to the main tank. Doing a water change will allow your new fish to get used to the nitrates in the water and avoid stressing out your new fish. This is an especially important step if you do not do regular water changes of your main tank water. To do a 25 to 30 percent water change, remove 25 to 30 percent of the tank water and replace it with dechlorinated water. Then, cycle through the water several times with your filter to ensure the nitrate balance in the tank water is correct. If you already have fish in your tank and are introducing a new fish to the tank, you should make sure you feed the fish first. This will make the fish in the tank less aggressive towards the new addition. Move around any rocks, plants, and hiding places in the tank to new spots. Rearranging the accessories before you introduce the new fish will distract the existing fish and remove any established territories that have been marked in the tank. This will ensure your new fish enter the tank on equal grounds and are not isolated from the other fish. Once your new fish have been properly quarantined, you should repeat the same acclimatization process you did with the quarantine tank for the main tank water. This will help the fish get used to the main tank water and ease into their new environment. Place the fish in a bowl or bag filled with the quarantine tank water. Let the bag or bowl sit on the surface of the main tank water for 15-20 minutes. Then, use a clean cup to scoop some of the main tank water into the bag or bowl. There should be 50% main tank water and 50% quarantine tank water in the bag. Let your fish sit in the bag or bowl of water for another 15-20 minutes. Then, use a net to gently scoop the fish out of the bag or bowl and place him in the main tank. Monitor the new fish over the next few weeks to ensure he is getting along with his tank mates and is not displaying any signs of illness or disease. |
When you are just starting out with tatting, you will need to learn how to do double stiches. This is a very basic stitch that only requires a couple of different movements. The first movement is to insert the shuttle through the loop you have created. Pass the shuttle right through the center of the loop. Double stitches are usually abbreviated as “ds” in tatting patterns. Next, you will need to bring the shuttle up on the other side of the loop and then bring it over the top of the loop. As you do so, come downwards slightly with the shuttle and bring it through the new loop. Then, pull the thread to tighten the knot you just created. The next part of the double stitch is just the opposite of the first part. Instead of coming through the loop, bring the shuttle over the top of the loop. Next, bring the shuttle down and through the large loop. Then, bring the shuttle up slightly to come through the new loop you created. Pull the thread to tighten the knot. This completes one double stitch! Make several of these for practice when you are just starting out in tatting. |
Use a measuring cup to mix equal parts of tap water and rubbing alcohol. You can either mix the solution in the measuring cup or pour it directly into a 20 fluid ounces (590 ml) plastic water bottle. Rubbing alcohol can be purchased at your local pharmacy. Don’t drink the mixture once you’ve made it since it’s not safe to consume. |
The application number is in the upper, left-hand corner of the form. You'll need this number to refer back to if you call in to the Passport Service for any reason. Your application number will also be on the receipt the passport clerk gives you. Make a copy of your application and keep it in a safe place. Go online to https://www.dfa.ie/passports-citizenship/track-your-passport/. You can enter your application number in the tracking service, which will tell you what stage your passport application is in. It will also give you an estimated time to completion. This information is updated everyday. You will receive your passport in the mail. When you do, sign it on the signature line inside the passport. Have your child sign their own passport, even if you applied for them. If your child can't sign their name, leave it blank. |
If you're using Windows, you'll find it in the Windows/Start menu. If you're on a Mac, you should find it in the Applications folder. Look for the round red, blue, yellow, and green icon. You can stop typing once you see the suggestion you don't want to see. If the URL is already highlighted, skip to the next step. This removes the suggestion from your search history, which means Chrome will no longer suggest it. |
Go to a home supply, construction, or auto parts store. Look for a can of spray paint that is labeled “chrome” or “chrome plating.” Check the label carefully to see if it contains VMP (vacuum metalized pigments), which are chrome-plated paint pigments. Avoid cans of paint that simply say “silver” or “gold” to get an authentic color that actually replicates the color of chrome plating. These spray paints are often marketed as “metallic” spray paint. This is the best option if you have an inexpensive object, like a cheap necklace or vase, that you want to turn chrome for decorative purposes. Spray painting something chrome isn’t technically chrome plating. However, spray painting is the easiest method to get a chrome finish, and it’s safer than the other methods. Aerosol paint can become a lung irritant if you aren’t working in a well-ventilated area. To stay safe, take the object that you’re painting outside. Lay a drop cloth down underneath it to avoid accidentally painting the ground or walls around your item. You can throw on a respirator or dust mask if you want, but it’s not required if you’re working outside. Put on a pair of rubber gloves if you want to keep your hands clean. Wear long sleeves and pants to keep paint particles from getting on to your skin. Take your can of spray paint and shake it for 20-25 seconds until you hear the ball inside rattling around. Point the nozzle down at your item and hold the can 8–16 in (20–41 cm) away from the surface of your item. You cannot spray paint while holding the can upside-down. Start at the top of your plastic or metal object. Press your finger down to release the spray paint. Move the can back and forth along the top of your item, working down towards the bottom as you spray. Avoid holding the can in one location for too long to prevent drips from forming on the surface of your item. Spray painting can feel kind of odd if you’ve never done it before. If this is your first time using spray paint, try practicing on an item you don’t care about first, like a cardboard box or empty milk carton. Once you’ve covered one side of your item, wait 2-3 hours for the paint to dry completely. Once the item has air dried, flip it over to expose any unpainted areas that you haven’t covered yet. Normally, spray paint can dry in 15-30 minutes. VMP spray paint tends to take a little longer to dry. Waiting a few hours is a good way to play it safe and ensure that the paint is completely absorbed by the metal or plastic. Paint the unpainted sections of your metal or plastic item using the same process you used on the first side. Hold the can roughly 8–16 in (20–41 cm) away from the item and use a smooth back-and-forth stroke to completely cover the object. Wait another 2-3 hours for the paint to dry. The chrome paint should hold up for 6-8 months before it starts to erode. Once you’ve let your first layer dry, you can stop if you’re happy with the color and sheen of your chrome paint. If you’d like a brighter finish or a more evenly-textured look, feel free to apply additional layers of paint using the same process you used to paint the object the first time. Apply an additional 2-4 coats of paint to brighten the color and improve the finish. |
Some medical studies suggest that taking omega-3 fatty acids alongside topical treatments can help manage inflammation. Try taking a daily omega-3 or fish oil supplement as a complementary treatment to your medications. You can find these supplements in most pharmacies and health food stores. Aim to take around 280 mg per day. You can also increase your omega-3 intake by adding foods like fish to your diet. Always talk to your doctor before you add a new supplement. Omega-3’s can interact with some medications, and your doctor can tell you if these are safe for you. Curcumin is thought to have anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties. Try adding food like turmeric, which is a great source of curcumin, to your daily diet. You can also take turmeric as a supplement in tablet or capsule form. Turmeric is used widely in many Indian and southeast Asian dishes, including curries. You can buy fresh turmeric root from a specialty food store, or get ground turmeric as a spice from most grocery stores. You can also try drinking a cup of turmeric tea once a day to add curcumin to your diet. Oats have natural soothing properties. While there isn’t any scientific evidence that supports treating psoriasis with oat baths, many patients say they feel better afterward. To make an oat bath, grind 1-2 cups raw, unflavored oats in a blender to make a powder. Then, sprinkle the powder directly in a warm bathtub. Soak in the tub for at least 15 minutes to get the full benefits of the oats. |
Coffee freshness changes the moment the roasting process has completed. Buy coffee from a cafe that brews whole bean coffee, which retains more flavor when grinded. Local coffee shops are more likely to use whole beans than franchises, so frequent smaller, privately owned cafes. Black coffee has a bitter taste that can be unpleasant for new coffee connoisseurs. Add in a sweetener to your coffee if straight brews disgust you. Experiment with different sweeteners when ordering until you find the perfect balance. If you want to branch out, try gourmet sweeteners like vanilla sugar, muscovado, raw sugar, or chocolate powder. Acidic, light roasts taste best with milk or cream, which dulls its bite while letting its delicate flavor come through. The degree to which a coffee is roasted changes its flavor. Dark roasts (when the coffee beans are roasted until blackened) is generally more unpalatable for new coffee lovers. Start with the sweetest drinks (like mochas, cappuccinos, and frappuccinos) and move onto darker roasts as your palate changes. Light roasts retain the most caffeine, whereas darker roasts retain the least. If you're sensitive to caffeine, order a smaller cup. Making a morning ritual out of coffee drinking can accustom your tastebuds to the flavor. You'll also feel energized and ready to start your day. Try drinking coffee in the morning for a few weeks and see if you begin to enjoy it as a breakfast beverage. Like many acquired tastes, sometimes coffee takes time to warm up to. If you don't like your first drink, don't give up. All coffee blends taste differently: you may not have found the brew for you. If you've tried many different blends and still don't like coffee, you may just not have a taste for it. This is okay! Other beverages like tea, kombucha, and green smoothies can have similar benefits. |
You may have tried to cover up pimples with layer after layer of foundation, concealer, and powder. Unfortunately, this strategy can actually make the blemish more visible. Instead, think about light-diffusing makeup, which will make your whole face look more luminous and will distract attention from pimples or other imperfections. For pimples that are begging for concealer, use a concealer brush to dab just a tiny bit right on top of the pimple, then set with powder. Remember what you learned in art class — colors opposite each other on the color wheel can balance each other out. Today, this same logic has been applied to skincare products. The newest products will make you look balanced, not like an extra on Star Trek. If you’re worried about a sallow complexion, look for purple-tinted primers. If redness is a problem, try a green-tinted product. These days, many makeup products pack a wallop in the skincare department, too. Find the product that addresses your particular issue. Acne sufferers will find products that contain skin-clearing salicylic acid, tea tree oil, and other compounds. Mineral makeup contains zinc oxide to treat acne and will sit on top of pores rather than clogging them. You’ll also find products geared toward treating uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, and more. If you’re applying makeup with dirty hands and/or brushes, you risk making acne and other conditions worse. Wash your hands before applying makeup (and touching your face in general). Wash your brushes every two weeks to avoid oil and bacteria buildup. There are a number of products on the market just for this purpose, but soap and water will also do. Your makeup becomes bacteria-ridden, too, so replace it every six months (three months for mascara). If you’re wearing makeup every day, your skin doesn’t have a chance to breathe. Take a break so you don’t get caught in a cycle where you keep needing even more makeup! |
Many foods have adequate levels of fiber already provided. The ‘Guaranteed Analysis’ provided on your pets’ food bag should note the maximum crude fiber concentration. Most pet foods contain about 5% crude fiber, and this is often adequate for the average healthy dog. If your dog is constipated or has diarrhea, this could be something a simple stomach bug, parasites, other gastrointestinal diseases, or strain due to an enlarged prostate or mass impeding the passage of stool. Observe your dog to see if the symptoms persist for more than two days. The symptoms of constipation can overlap with those of urinary obstruction, which is very serious. If you see your pet repeatedly straining then a vet check is strongly advised. Ask your vet to include a rectal exam. If the primary issue turns out to be one of diet and digestion, your vet may suggest fiber supplementation. |
Yeezys are certainly a luxury item, and their price reflects that. If the cost seems too good to be true, be wary: they’re likely counterfeit. Yeezy 500s will be released on July 7, 2018 and are listed for $200. Authentic, two-year old Yeezys are being resold for $1,500. If you find a pair going for $100 and it's not on sale or clearance, don't buy! Yeezys are made in collaboration with Adidas, so to ensure you’re getting the real thing, shop from places you know carry Adidas and follow the company for updates. Adidas offers visitors to its site the option to sign up for updates regarding Yeezys. Don't assume you have the real thing when you get your order - its packaging says a lot! Fake Yeezys come in a rougher looking box, while real Yeezys come in smooth packaging with no visible edges. A fake pair of Yeezys won’t have the correct serial number on the box. Verify the shoes’ number with what is on the box to make sure you have the real deal. |
When picking out an outfit for going out, choose pieces that fit comfortably, accentuate your physique and make you look good. Know how to match clothes and how to dress for the appropriate season. A person who is well-dressed is always eye-catching, no matter where they show up; if you want to come off as cool, you’ve got to look the part first. Wear clothes that are in style to show that you are hip to modern fashions; matching seasonal colors, popular fabrics and patterns and slim fitted garments will all broadcast that you're a man of the times. Eat right, get regular exercise and go easy on unhealthy indulgences like junk food and alcohol. Make yourself look like someone that knows how to take care of themselves. If you tend to be lazy or act like a slob, this will likely come across in your appearance. Working out and practicing solid dietary habits will make you look better, which will make you feel better, and that will help you project confidence when you’re around girls. Eat a diet that is high in protein, with a moderate amount of refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc.) and a minimum of fat. You should consume at least one meal every day containing fresh fruit and green vegetables. You don’t have to become a gym rat to look and feel your best, just spend a few hours a week getting your body up and moving. Keep exercise fun by performing activities that you enjoy, like swimming, hiking or cycling. In addition to knowing how to dress well, take special care to make sure that you’re clean, your hair is combed and you’ve put on deodorant. You’ll feel fresh and reinvigorated and are sure to turn heads. Clothes are only one component of looking good—stay on top of good hygiene practices and you’ll look like someone who’s really got it together. Get in the habit of going through a personal hygiene routine daily. Shower, clip your nails, brush your teeth and make sure you’re clean and presentable before going out. Relax! This is one of the most important steps for acting cool. No matter what you’re doing, try to be confident and at ease. Treat every action or conversation like it’s something you’ve done a thousand times. This is especially critical when interacting with or around girls you’re attempting to impress. If you’ve taken all the steps necessary to look good but appear uncomfortable in your own skin, you’ll just end up signaling that you’re trying too hard. If you tend to be tense in public places or when meeting new people, take a few moments to prepare yourself mentally before you go out. Plan your activities in advance so that there will be no surprises. Practice things you might say when making an introduction. Be able to laugh at yourself when you goof up. It indicates a positive attitude and a sense of humor, both traits that people are drawn to. |
Failure to have a bowel movement after taking Epsom salt could mean you have a blockage in your digestive system. Contact your doctor right away and follow their directions on how to proceed. |
This is the quickest way to find out if Formula 1 is right for you. It is ideal for older racers that are new to the sport. You will get to get behind the wheel of a Formula 1 race car and learn some of the basics of racing. These classes may have a substantial fee for a few hours of racing knowledge, but it is the most affordable way to gain knowledge about Formula 1 racing before you decide to make a larger financial commitment. You must have a valid standard driver's license to take these classes, and if you are a minor you will also need parental consent. You must be capable of driving a car with a manual transmission to take racing classes. These programs will involve approximately 1-2 weeks of advanced classes to hone your racing skills. Since your goal is to race in Formula One, you likely want to select a school that is approved by the licensing organization. Upon completion of the required courses your school will send a letter of recommendation to a racing organization. This will enable you to register and compete in a racing school event. These entry level race events are a great opportunity for amateur drivers to showcase their skills and get the attention of potential sponsors. Some schools hold their own races and will even provide you a car for these race events. You can win scholarships and race points towards getting your next level license. |
Rudeness is an absence of respect for the other person, their feelings, their beliefs and their views. When someone is rude, they are more likely to be sarcastic, angry, abusive or bullying. Rudeness also can include yelling, offensive language, making threats, intimidating gestures like pointing or even shoving. For example: Raj and Josh waited in line all night for concert tickets. They are excited to see the line finally moving. They have saved for weeks to afford these tickets. Suddenly a group of older guys force their way in line ahead of Raj and Josh. “Hey, we've been here all night. You can't cut in front of us,” says Raj. “Look, you little freak, I'm not moving so shut it,” yells one of the bullies as he puts his face in Raj's face and jabs his finger into Raj's chest for emphasis as he talks. As an illustration of rudeness, the bully is not showing respect for Raj and Josh, for their rights and their views. He is being abusive, he is yelling, using offensive language and being intimidating with his body language. To be assertive is to “express yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view, while also respecting the rights and beliefs of others.” Assertiveness involves all of your communication skills, meaning your words, your actions, your body language and your voice tone and facial expressions. When a person communicates assertively, all of these elements are in harmony. Simply put, assertiveness is being confident without being aggressive. Sometimes you'll feel angry, and sometimes your anger will be very justified. An assertive person will speak up, being respectful while speaking powerfully as needed, whereas an aggressive person will lash out (with words or actions). Assertive people critique the thoughts/behavior, not the individual. "It was very hurtful of you to make those racial comments to Mika" is different from "You're a racist pig." Assertiveness is rooted in mutual respect. Without both parties respecting each other, you cannot communicate assertively. Instead, the dialogue is filled with aggression or passivity. When you have respect for the other person's feelings, you can get what you want without stepping on others' toes. |
Read stories of the forum hosts and their tulpae. Learn more about creating and living with tulpae. There are many different guides and forums on the internet, some which contains FAQ's and Q&A's on tulpae, which you can find very useful if you have any concerns or questions. |
If you feel tingling or pins in your toes, remove the tape and try again. The tape should feel firm and secure when you are done so that you can move your ankle from side to side and up and down. Use 1-1/4 inch athletic tape for the best results. Take a long piece of athletic tape and attach it just above your interior ankle bone, the knob of bone on the inside of your foot. Wrap the piece of tape under your heel and then connect it to your opposite ankle bone, ending it just above the ankle bone. The tape should form a “U” shape around your foot. You should feel the tape pull down on your inside ankle bone, and then up on the outside ankle bone. Make a few more of these U-shaped tape stirrups to keep your ankle secure, overlapping each piece of tape by roughly a half inch. For the following steps, do not cut out a lot of long pieces of tape and attach them to each other. Take one piece of tape and leave it on the roll. Wrap 6-12 inches of tape, then pull more off the role, cutting the tape off only when you are done. Adhere your tape under the arch of your foot, and then bring it up and over the top of your foot. Continue this wrap around your arch 2-3 times, overlapping each layer of tape, for added stability, as you move towards your heel. This is the key motion for stability. Coming from the bottom of your foot, wrap up and over the top of your foot. The tape will cross over the curve where your foot meets your lower leg and then continue around the back of your lower leg. This will look a little like the beginning of a figure eight. Your tape should now be around the back of your lower leg. Cross it down around the front of your foot, coming diagonally back down around towards your arch. Bring it under your arch and back to your ankle joint, the back around your lower leg. Repeat 2-3 times, overlapping half of the tape each time. After coming around the back of your lower leg the third time, continue taping up past your ankle, overlapping the tape up to the edge of your pre-wrap. The entire stirrup should be covered with tape, roughly 3-4 inches above your ankle bone. Cut off a few small pieces of tape to cover your heel with a “C” shaped brace, coming around the back of your foot and bottom of your heel. Cover any last bits of exposed skin. You want a limited range-of-motion in your ankle. You should be able to move up and down and to both sides, but you shouldn’t be able to move as far as you would without the tape. Jog lightly on it to make sure you can run comfortably without pain. While the basics of taping an ankle are easy, perfecting your work takes some practice. Focus on applying the tape with even pressure, using as few pieces of tape as possible to wrap your foot. It can help to ask a friend to be a “dummy,” allowing you to tape their ankle as practice. Apply gauze or protective pads on the front and back of your ankle to prevent blisters. Wrap your foot and ankle with pre-wrap to protect your skin. Wrap 2-3 long pieces of tape from the inside of your ankle to the outside as U-shaped stirrup straps. Cover your ankle bone with tape from front to bottom, back to top. Overlap the tape by half an inch as you cover your foot and lower leg. The easiest way to remove the tape is with a tape removal blade, but ordinary scissors will work if you do not have one. Insert one of the blades between your skin and the pre-wrap and then carefully cut around your ankle bone to remove the tape. It should come off in one piece. |
To maintain your facial hair, get in the habit of waxing your face every four to six weeks. This will give your hair enough time to grow back. Your facial hair will also be easier to remove if you wax it more regularly. If you develop acne or a break out on your face, do not wax these areas. Waxing these areas can make them worse and lead to scarring. If you notice your skin breaking out due to waxing, you may want to consult a professional. |
If you still have a hard time seeing the stitches as you work with fun fur, hold a strand of worsted weight yarn together with the fun fur as you crochet. For best results, use a lightweight worsted yarn. You'll be crocheting stitches using both the fun fur and the worsted weight yarn. Because of this, you will need a larger hook than the one called for in the pattern. Increase the hook by one or two sizes. The fibers of the furry yarn should mask the appearance of the worsted weight yarn beneath. Just in case, though, try to match the colors of the two yarns as closely as possible. When working one stitch into a previous stitch, work it into the back loops of that stitch without touching the front loops. Doing this makes it easier to see where you are supposed to insert the hook. This trick also allows you to count the number of rounds you've completed if you get lost. Turn the work inside out and count the number of excess rings. There should be one excess ring per completed round. Note that this trick will work best if you are using a pattern that specifically instructs you to work in the back loops only, but you can still try it with patterns that instruct otherwise. Just be aware of the fact that the final work may look slightly different from the work pictured with the pattern instructions. Try working along the inside rim of the yarn strand when you crochet with fun fur. Doing so will keep the outside of the work fuzzy and will prevent you from needing to turn the work inside out before stuffing or finishing it. Turn the piece so that the crochet hook is at the side opposite you. As you insert the hook, do so by sliding it from the middle toward the outside. If crocheting in this method seems too difficult, you could still stick with your standard technique. Know that any single-sided work (hats, stuffed animals, etc.) will need to be turned right-side out before you finish it, though. |
The first sign of a stress fracture may be a slight discomfort towards the front of the foot. This is the part of the foot that often takes the brunt of stress during repetitive activities. Over time, you may notice other symptoms, such as swelling of the foot or ankle, tenderness to the touch at the injury site, and sometimes bruising. Many times, pain from stress fractures is very slight, and you may only feel it during long periods of exercise, running, or working out. As soon as you stop your activity, the pain may vanish. For this reason, you may not immediately suspect a fracture. As soon as you notice pain in your foot, stop whatever you were doing when the symptoms started. If the pain goes away as soon as you stop using your foot and returns when you resume your activities, you may have a stress fracture. Common over-the-counter painkillers, especially NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen (Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve), may delay bone healing. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may also disrupt healing. If you can, manage your pain with other methods (such as ice packs or light compression), unless your doctor recommends otherwise. When you have a stress fracture, appropriate first aid can help minimize inflammation and prevent further injury. The most effective form of first aid for a stress fracture is the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) protocol. Immediately after you are injured and while you are waiting to get medical care, do the following: Rest your injured foot as much as possible. If you must walk around or put weight on your foot, wear a supportive shoe (such as a sandal with a thick, cork sole). Ice your foot. Apply an ice pack to the injured area for 20 minutes at a time, with 20-minute breaks in between. Wrap the ice in cloth to protect your skin. Compress the area gently with a soft, loosely-wrapped bandage. Elevate your foot, keeping it above the level of your heart. Try lying down on a couch with your foot propped up on the armrest, or lying in bed with your foot propped on a couple of pillows. If you have symptoms of a stress fracture, schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Since stress fractures often do not show up on X-rays, your doctor may order other types of imaging tests, such as an MRI or nuclear bone scan. You will likely be prescribed a walking boot or crutches to help minimize stress on the fractured bone while it heals. Continue to follow your doctor's advice about wearing the boot or using the crutches. It is imperative for proper healing to keep weight and force off the injured foot. Keep your feet up as much as possible and make sure to get adequate sleep. Most healing takes place when you are sleeping, and there is extra energy from the lack of use of other body functions. Healing a foot stress fracture is not a quick process by any means. The longer you can stay off your feet, however, the faster the fracture will heal. Don't even think about running or playing ball or exercising until it is completely healed. Depending on their severity, some stress fractures take longer to heal than others. Follow your doctor’s advice about when you can safely start exercising again without reinjuring the fracture and delaying the healing process. You may not need to give up on exercise altogether while your fracture is healing. Talk to your doctor or a physical therapist about doing low-impact exercises (e.g., swimming), or strength training that focuses on your upper body. You will need to schedule at least 1 follow-up visit with your doctor. They may want to X-ray your foot once more to confirm it has fully healed before you return to your normal exercise routine. X-rays taken later in the healing process can sometimes reveal fractures that were not visible immediately after the injury. This is because a callus forms on the bone during the healing process, creating a thickened area at the site of the fracture. |
If you can limit yourself to one carry-on bag and eliminate the need to check in any luggage, you will save yourself a world of time and hassle. It may sound daunting - but seasoned travelers swear that one small bag provides easily enough space for the travel essentials, you just need to cut-down on any non-essential items. Limiting yourself to carry-on luggage makes the process of traveling much easier - you will get in and out of any airports you use a lot faster, and enjoy the convenience of having all of your travel essentials directly on hand throughout your flight. You will also avoid the risk of incurring charges on overweight check-in bags, particularly on smaller local airlines. Packing a single small bag also has its advantages once you reach your destination. You will be a lot more flexible when it comes to moving from place to place, making it easier to take advantage of any opportunities or adventures that come your way. You will also appear as less of an easy target to pick-pockets and con artists. . Create an extensive list of all the things you think you might possibly need for your trip. Consider clothes, toiletries, medicinal items, swimwear, business attire, outdoor equipment, entertainment, electronics and anything else you can think of. Then consider this list with a more critical eye and really think about which items are really essential for your trip and which are more "just in case". Cross off any non-essential items, as you won't be taking them with you. Remember - unless you're travelling to the Antarctic, a remote area, Ascension Island, the Sahara desert or other especially far flung place, you will almost certainly be able to buy any additional items you need at your destination, in case of an emergency. Once you have whittled down your list to a bare minimum, you must promise to stick to it. If you deviate from your list at all, things may spiral out of control and you'll end up trying to pack the kitchen sink. Even if you think you might be saving yourself a possible expense by packing your scuba gear, forget about it. The hassle of lugging a heavy case around won't be worth it. Airlines have pretty strict regulations on the volume of liquids each passenger is allowed to take with them on board. So if you're sticking with carry-on, it's best to invest in travel-size versions of your "can't live without" products. Shampoos, moisturizers, toothpaste and certain items of make-up all fall within this category. Place these items in a clear plastic toiletry bag or zip-lock bag so you can conveniently clear them through security. Be aware that most airlines follow the 3-1-1 rule. The bottles containing the liquids must be 3.4 oz (100 ml) or less, they must all fit within one, 1 quart transparent plastic bag, and the total volume of liquids contained in the bag must not exceed 1 quart. It is also possible to buy empty travel-size plastic bottles relatively cheaply, into which you can squeeze your favorite products from their full size-containers at home. Just make sure to label each bottle so you don't get confused! People almost always pack more clothes than they end up wearing, so however many outfits you think you'll need, pack less. Think about how many days you'll be away for and what activities you plan on doing while you're there. Also consider what the weather will be like once you're there - if the weather has consistently been at 90 degrees for the last month, you're not going to need more than one sweater. You'll definitely end up wearing some items more than once, so think about clothes that you can mix and match. For example - for every one pair of shorts you bring, pack two or more tops that will go with them, as you won't need to change your shorts everyday. Pack clothes that can be adapted to suit the situation - try packing a simple dress that can be worn casually with flat sandals and a sun hat throughout the day, or dressed up with heels, a belt and some jewelry at night. Find out whether there is a laundromat near your accommodation - if there's one within easy reach, you will be able to wash your clothes, thus increasing the number of times you can wear them! Remember that it's not the end of the world if you end up needing to buy a couple of cheap t-shirts or a rain jacket while you're away - and chances are you won't need to. When travelling light, always pack for the best case scenario, not the worst case. It's reasonable to need hiking boots, trainers a day shoe and evening shoes. Shoes are the heaviest, bulkiest items that you will need to bring with you while travelling, so try to limit yourself to the absolute minimum. Women in particular may find this step difficult, given their love of having the perfect shoe for every occasion, but try to think about what's really necessary. If you're going on an action-packed sports holiday, you're hardly going to need a pair of high-heels. A small, light-weight pair of pretty flats will get you through any situations where you need to get slightly more dressed up, such as in a restaurant. If you're going on a business trip, pack appropriate shoes for any meetings you have to take, along with comfier, more casual pair to wear while travelling or during down time. Don't forget your trainers if you want to hit the gym. Don't pack your running shoes unless you are absolutely sure that you will be exercising while you're away. If you're going on a relaxing, indulgent holiday to a sunny destination, will you really get up at 7 am every morning for a 5 mile (8.0 km) run? Unless the answer is a resounding "yes", you're running shoes are taking up valuable space. Did you know that they have supermarkets in Europe, Australasia, North America, South American and Africa? And pharmacies? And fashionable clothes stores? As mentioned earlier, unless you are travelling to Outer Siberia, it's unlikely that there are many items you won't be able to find wherever you go. So unless you're particularly picky about the type of hair conditioner or shaving gel you need to use, leave these items at home and just pick them up when you get there. Buying as you go may seem like an unnecessary expense, but it will help you to significantly cut down on weight and free up some extra space in your bag. It's all about priorities! Remember that many large brands are universal - you should be able to find Gillette shaving cream, Colgate toothpaste and Pantene conditioner no matter where you are in world - or at least something very similar. Alternatively, you can see this as a chance to try something new! If the worst comes to the worst and you can't find a particular product, ask yourself how the locals manage to live without it. Do they have some kind of alternative? Or is just an unnecessary comfort? Travelling light may require some sacrifices! Consider it an adventure. Packing just one versatile accessory can work wonders when it comes to packing light. Make sure that it will go with as many of your planned outfits as possible and that it serves a definite purpose. For example, a large, decorative scarf can serve as a funky accessory to wear around your neck, can be worn in place of a cardigan if draped around your arms and shoulder, can turn into a make-shift sarong at the beach, can be worn as a head-scarf to protect your head from the sun, or can serve as a pretty belt, if worn around your waist! |
You do not need to peel the potatoes, but make sure that you scrub them clean. Put the potatoes into the bowl first, then drizzle the olive oil over them. Gently toss them until they are evenly coated with the oil. You can do this with a pair of salad tongs, by hand, or by covering the bowl with a large plate, lid, or plastic wrap, and then shaking it. To ensure that everything mixes evenly, combine the garlic, thyme, and salt in a separate cup, then add them to the mixing bowl. Save the rest of the salt for later. Do not crowd them. If your baking sheet is not big enough, set the extra potatoes aside and bake them in a separate batch. Leave any leftover oil in the bowl; you can use it again later in the recipe. Place the baking sheet into the oven, and bake the potatoes for 15 minutes. Flip them over with a spatula, and bake them for another 15 minutes. This ensures that both sides get evenly roasted. Don't worry if they don't look well-done when you take them out; you aren't done baking them just yet! Take the fries out of the oven and put them back into the large mixing bowl with the olive oil. Sprinkle them with the fresh, chopped parsley and ½ cup (50 grams) of Parmesan cheese. Save the rest of the Parmesan cheese for later. Once you have the fries evenly coated, spread them on the baking sheet and bake them for another 10 minutes. This will melt the cheese just enough so that it's oozy but not so much that it gets completely burnt. Take the fries out of the oven and transfer them to a serving platter. Sprinkle ¼ cup (25 grams) of Parmesan cheese and ¼ teaspoon of salt over them. Serve the fries immediately. |
Avoid the temptation of picking off or itching your scabs. Touching, picking at, and scratching your face can dislodge the scabs and interfere with healing. It can also cause scarring, especially if your scabs come off. Dab a thin layer of an over-the-counter antibiotic cream such as Neosporin or Polysporin on your scabs. Do this each time you wash your face or change the scabs over your dressing. Applying these antibiotics products on your scabs can kill lingering bacteria and help maintain moisture. They may also prevent further itching, irritation, or infection. Use a cotton swab or clean finger to apply your cream or ointment choice. Speak to your doctor before putting anything on a scab. Apply a thin layer of moisturizing product to your skin. Keeping your face and scabs moisturized can keep them from cracking, ripping, off, or itching. The moisture also promotes healing of your scabs and can soothe any skin irritation. Choose any of the following moisturizing products you’re your face and scabs: Petroleum jelly Vitamin E Fragrance- and oil-free moisturizer Aloe vera Tea tree oil Give your skin a break from makeup while you have scabs. Giving your face and scabs a chance to breathe can reduce irritation, keep your scabs intact, and prevent itching. It can also speed up the healing process. Use oil- and fragrance-free cosmetics on your scabs if you don’t feel comfortable going without makeup. Check your face and scabs every day to see if they’re healing well. Look for symptoms of a possible infection of your scabs or surrounding skin. Seek immediate medical attention if you have: Persistent redness and pain and swelling Streaks of redness Foul odor Fever of 100°F (37.7°C) or higher for more than 4 hours Pus or thick yellow/green drainage Bleeding that won’t stop If your scab isn’t healing, schedule an appointment with your doctor. Let them know what home care measures you’ve tried and how they’ve helped. Your doctor can figure out why you’re scabs may not be healing properly. They can also treat your scabs to help heal them and the surrounding skin. |
We all know how important it is to know where, say the restroom is or the next train station. Remembering these standard questions can be a huge help. Wo ist die Toilette - Where's the restroom/bathroom Wo ist der Bahnhof - Where's the train station Wo ist die Bank - Where's the bank Wo ist das Krankenhaus? - Where's the hospital? This is particularly useful if you're traveling through German-speaking countries. Just knowing how to ask for the check, or where the restroom is, can make your trip or stay more pleasant. Sprechen Sie English - Do you speak English Die Rechnung bitte - The check please Könnten Sie mir bitte helfen - Could you please help me If you need urgent help, it can be useful to remember these phrases. Ich brauche dringend Hilfe - I need help urgently Ich brauche einen Krankenwagen - I need an ambulance Ich bin sehr krank - I'm very ill |
Before you begin work on the finished product, create a rough prototype (test game) so that you can play around with it. It doesn’t have to be pretty, but a hands-on experience will help you to see if the basics work the way you planned. A prototype is a vital part of the game creation process, as it gets ideas out of your head and into the real world where you can evaluate them with other players. Hold off on adding artistic details until you begin assembling the final product. Simple, pencil-drawn game boards and cards will allow you to erase and make adjustments as necessary. This will give you a sense of whether your board is too large or small. Depending on the theme and mechanics of your game, your board may or may not include the following elements: A path. Simple games may have a single path that leads to a finish line, more complex path games may have splits or loops in the path. A playing field. Games that have a playing field do not have a set path. Instead, players move as they see fit through areas that are usually divided into squares or hexes. Landing positions. These can be depicted with shapes or images. Landing positions can have special effects, like allowing you to advance a square or draw a card. Buttons, checkers, poker chips, chess pieces, and knickknacks work well as prototype game pieces. Avoid using game pieces that are too large for your prototype, since these can make it difficult to read information written on the board. Game pieces can change considerably over the course of your game’s development. Keep prototype game pieces simple so you don’t invest a lot of time designing something that ends up getting changed. Randomly shuffled game cards will affect players in unexpected ways. A card often tells a quick story about an event that befalls a player and then changes their score/position/inventory accordingly. Decks have about 15 to 20 card types (like trap cards and tool cards). These types are limited to about 10 cards to a deck to create a balanced mix. Cards can have out-of-game requirements, like one that challenges a player to talk like a pirate for five minutes for a prize. Failed challenges may have a penalty. |
Many kids are naturally hyperactive and erratic, which can make ADHD hard to notice. Adults can also deal with ADHD as well, and manifest the same symptoms. If you feel that you or a loved one often seems distracted or impulsive, it's possible that ADHD is involved. There are signs to look for in case you think your child or loved one may have ADHD. Try setting up an appointment with a doctor or specialist if you see signs like: Daydreaming often Losing things Forgetting things Fidgeting and not sitting still Talking a lot Taking risks Making careless mistakes and impulsive decisions Struggling to resist temptation Struggling to wait their turn Struggling to get along with others The DSM-5 defines three types of ADHD: inattentive type, hyperactive type, and combined type. Several signs must have existed by the age of 12, and they must show up in more than one setting for at least 6 months. A diagnosis must be made by a trained professional. Symptoms should be obvious in the person compared to their same-age peers, and they should be strong enough to impact normal functioning at school, at work, and/or in social settings. For hyperactive type, the symptoms should be seen as disruptive. The symptoms should not be explained by a different condition (e.g. autism or oppositional defiant disorder). The DSM-5 criteria require that children 16 and under must have at least six symptoms in a category to gain the diagnosis, while those 17 and older need five symptoms. Inattentive type ADHD makes it difficult for a person to focus, no matter how hard they might try. People with this type of ADHD will usually exhibit at least 5 or 6 of the following: Makes careless mistakes and is inattentive to detail in work, school, or with other activities. Has trouble paying attention during tasks or while playing. Doesn't seem to be paying attention when someone is talking directly to him or her. Doesn't follow through with homework, chores, or jobs and is easily sidetracked. Is organizationally challenged. Avoids tasks requiring sustained focus, such as schoolwork. Can't keep track of or often loses keys, glasses, papers, tools, or other possessions. Is easily distracted. Is forgetful. People with this type of ADHD typically struggle with self-control. To qualify for ADHD, the symptoms must be considered disruptive. The behaviors to look out for include: Being fidgety or squirmy, such as constantly tapping the hands or feet. The child running or climbing inappropriately. The adult constantly feeling restless. Struggling to play quietly or do quiet activities. Being constantly on the go without breaks. Excessive talking. Blurting out even before questions are asked. Struggling to wait for their turn. Interrupting others or inserting himself into others' discussions or games. Being very impatient. Saying inappropriate comments, showing emotions without restraint, or acting without regards to consequences. For combined type ADHD, the individual will present with at least six signs of both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive ADHD. This is the most common type of ADHD that is diagnosed in children. Genetics play a role in ADHD, and researchers have noticed certain genetic quirks in people with ADHD. In addition, studies show correlations between children with ADHD to prenatal alcohol and smoking as well as to early childhood exposure to lead. People with ADHD are diverse. This can make it harder to figure out specific causes. |
The direction of the sunlight will impact the quality of your photo. For example, glaring midday sun does little to highlight the nooks and crannies that will make for an interesting picture. It is much better to take shots in the early morning where natural light is crisp and clear, or in the early evening, when it's warm and filling. In both instances, the light is also coming in from the side, which highlights the building to its greatest advantage. Early morning may also be ideal because there tend to be fewer people walking around. Consult an aerial map of the building to determine when the sun might be hitting the building. Will the sun cast a shadow of another building on your building? Quite often, impressive-looking buildings are lit up like Christmas trees at night, and look like they'll make for an amazing photo. Beware of leaving your camera's settings on automatic as the low light and high levels of contrast can sometimes ruin your shot. Bright lights will become halos, while dark sections will be black as night. Instead, adjust your ISO settings to a night-time mode. Set a nice long exposure time to allow more light into the camera (you can use the camera’s self-timer or a cable release to ensure minimal shakiness or blurring). Any lights will look bolder and brighter with a longer exposure time, so practice getting this right. Photographing during different times of year can produce different portraits of the building. The building may be snow-covered in winter or be surrounded by leafy trees in the summer. Likewise, it may be hard to see the top of a building on a foggy or really rainy day. But that might also be an effect you’d like to capture. Is it under construction or renovation? Is there a major event being held there on the same day you’ll be there? These can be disruptive moments for your photograph, but they can also potentially lend special dimensions to your photograph; they allow you to capture some of the unique history of the building that may not be conveyed in a typical photo of that building. |
Popular recipes use Chinese noodles and carrots, bell pepper, and onion to make veg noodles, but these key ingredients can be changed. Almost any veggie can be used in this recipe. Pick a few of your favorite veggies to serve with the noodles. Popular combinations include mushrooms, onion, and zucchini; carrot, red bell pepper, and potatoes; or even green bell pepper, green onions, and baby corns. Only use 3-4 types of vegetables. Whole wheat noodles are a healthy alternative to regular Chinese noodles. Garlic and ginger are also commonly added to veg noodles, but depending on your preference, you may choose to avoid these strong flavors. Some people also enjoy adding chili sauce or powder to veg noodles. This will make them spicy. It’s easy to lose track of spices in the pantry, so before you go to the store, check for salt, pepper, coriander, and masala powder. These are the key to the flavor of veg noodles, and you most likely have a few of them already. Make sure you also have soy sauce and cooking oil; if not, you will need to purchase these as well. This will help prevent multiple trips to the store. Include every item. one package of Chinese noodles 1 medium carrot 1 small to medium green bell pepper 1 small white onion 2 garlic cloves ½ inch ginger soy sauce coriander masala powder oil (any kind) salt and pepper chili sauce or powder Most popular grocery chains have an ethnic food aisle, but some may not. This aisle will have the Chinese noodles you need along with the masala powder and coriander. |
Forgiveness is about accepting what has happened and moving forward. It is not a denial of the betrayal or a justification of what the other person did. It does not guarantee that the other person won’t hurt you again, but it can bring you a sense of power and peace. You can choose not to forgive, but keep in mind that if you dwell on the broken trust, you might experience depression, anxiety, anger, and lack of connection with others. You can forgive someone without reconciling or staying in the relationship. You can start the process of forgiveness by reflecting on how the experience of broken trust has affected you and your relationship to the other person. You can also reflect on the positive times in your relationship. What do you miss about your relationship and how would you like to get back to that? If you get stuck: Consider the other person’s perspective and what you would want if you were in their position. Consider other times and experiences in life where your trust was broken or you broke someone’s trust. How were you able to forgive or were others able to forgive you? Consider journaling, talking to a friend or loved one, or talking to a counselor to help guide you. Instead of replaying and reliving the hurt feelings in your head, try to shift your focus to looking for healthy relationships and experiences that bring you happiness, hope, and peace.If you get overwhelmed in feeling the hurt while you’re trying to forgive, try practicing these techniques to ease your stress level: Deep breathing Meditation Mindfulness exercises Forgiveness is not complete without reflecting on what you’ve learned. Use this experience to set boundaries and expectations in future relationships. Above all, trust yourself. If you’re unable to move on and completely forgive just yet, it might be too difficult to be around the person who broke your trust. |
Like most exercises, there's correct form to walking. Even though it's a low-intensity exercise, if you have incorrect form, you may increase your risk of soreness and injury. When you're walking, keep your shoulders back, down and relaxed. Your head should be up and facing straight ahead. Step forward, leading with your heel. Always aim to walk from heel to toe. As you rock forward in your step, push off with your toes. To get your whole body going, swing your arms along with your legs. Swing your arms in opposition to your legs. Health professionals recommend that you include at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. Walking for 30 minutes five days a week can help you reach the goal of 150 minutes or about 2 1/2 hours each week; however, this is just enough to maintain your weight. Most health professionals recommend to increase your time to 45 minutes of walking most days. The increased time helps you burn more calories per walk. If 45 minutes is too long for you initially, start with 10, 20 or 30 minutes. Working your way up to 30 or 45 minutes over time is a great way to start. In addition to increasing your total time spent walking, work yourself up to a faster pace. A higher intensity can help you reach your weight goals faster. Studies have shown that shorter, high-intensity walks can help burn more fat than longer, slower walks. Specifically, power walks burn more belly fat (especially in women). Work up to a high intensity or power walk. This is about a 4 mph walk if you're tracking it or using a treadmill. Power walks can burn up to 550 calories, depending on the person's age, weight, fitness level, and gender. If you've been walking for a few weeks and are interested in increasing your intensity and overall calorie burn, you'll need to gauge your current level of intensity and figure out how to increase it. If you're working out at a moderate intensity, you can talk and have a conversation with someone, but you're not completely out of breath. If you're working at a moderately high to high intensity, you're very out of breath and can only say short sentences without stopping for a breath. In addition to just walking faster or increasing your pace, there are other ways that you can increase the intensity of your walking or increase the calorie burn. You can try: walking uphill or taking a stroller with you (if you have one). You can also try carrying ankle or hand weights in a well-fitted backpack, wearing them for brief one to two minute intervals, and then carrying them in the backpack again. Wearing ankle or wrist weights for 20 minutes or longer can lead to injury and/or joint problems in the knees, hips, elbows and shoulders, so only wear them for a short period of time if you choose to use them in your workout. Including regular rest days is important for anyone doing any type of regular exercise. This helps your body rest and recover appropriately. If you overdo exercise of any type you can increase your risk of injury, soreness and even "exercise burnout." Every few days, take a day off of your typical exercise routine. For example, exercise for two days, then take a day off. On your rest days, still try to be active. Instead of walking, maybe you do a stretching routine or do a restorative yoga practice. |
Find the hole you drilled through the mounting plate for the interior unit and position the exterior unit within 50 feet (15 m) so the piping and cable can easily be attached. Choose a location with at least 12 inches (30 cm) of space surrounding its perimeter to ensure proper functioning. If possible, select a shady location that’s sheltered from the wind in addition to dust and traffic to keep your unit functioning at its best. Make sure that no antenna of a radio or television is within 10 feet (3.0 m) of the outdoor condenser. Don’t place the outdoor unit directly on the ground, as it’s heavy and can shift around on dirt or rocks. It’s necessary to install the condenser on a concrete pad, which you can find at home improvement stores. Position the pad where you want to install the unit and use a level to make sure it’s flat and even. Lay a rubber cushion on top of the pad to minimize vibration, then set the outdoor condenser unit on top of the pad. Secure the unit to the concrete with anchor bolts. Remove the cover on the condenser. Refer to the unit’s wiring diagram in the instruction manual and make sure the wires are connected as the diagram suggests. Make any adjustments as necessary. Fasten the cables with a cable clamp and replace the cover. Use flare nuts to secure the 2 copper pipes from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit as per the instruction manual. Connect the power cable that runs from the indoor unit to the outdoor unit as well. Finally, connect the power supply to a designated outlet. If necessary, you can trim the copper pipes to eliminate excess. |
Net income is the amount that you actually get to take home, after all the deductions (taxes, health care) have been subtracted. Include other sources of income as well if applicable, such as tips, monthly bonuses, cost of living increases, dividends, interest income, etc. What do you do if your income is constantly changing? You pretty much have to do things topsy-turvy. Determine all your essential, priority and lifestyle expenses first. Then, with your paycheck, start paying off all your essential needs first, followed by your priority and then lifestyle expenses. The money you have left over can either be set aside for an emergency account or stashed away into savings. Ideally, set up an automatic withdrawal into another account so that you aren't even tempted to touch it. If you never see it, you won't miss it. Squirreling away savings will help you anticipate emergency scenarios and prepare you for retirement. How much money should you try to save? It mostly depends on your salary, but a good benchmark is 15% to 20%. If you can only afford to save 10% of your annual income, that's fine, provided that you save some of it. Take advantage of matching contributions from your employer, if possible. If your employer matches contributions to your 401(k) — up to a certain percent — take full advantage of their generosity. It's the closest thing you'll get to "free money" in your lifetime. These categories are "fixed," "flexible," and "discretionary." Fixed expenses remain the same each month, such as a mortgages or rent, a loan payment, insurance or medical premiums, etc. Total up all fixed expenses. Flexible expenses include items that are necessary, but in which you can control the amount of money spent on, such as household and grocery items, clothing, utilities, etc. Total up all flexible expenses. Discretionary expenses are items that are not necessary for survival. These could include expenses for recreation such as movies, travels, and impulse buys. If your expense to income ratio is out of balance and you are spending more money than you earn, items from this category should be eliminated or cut back. Total up all discretionary expenses. If the expense total is less than the income total, then you are managing your finances well and should keep up with doing so. But if the expense total is greater than the income total, you are off-track financially and need to prioritize expenses. Check your bank and credit statement to see what you spend money on, or sign up for a personal finance application online. This will help you track what you spend money on that's not absolutely essential. Keep track of when you use credit cards. Did you know that people who use credit cards are more likely to spend more money than people who use cold, hard cash? That's because cash "feels" more real, so it hurts more than credit. Try carrying only cash around and see if you spend less. Look to see how much you spend on eating out, on your morning coffee from Starbucks, on watching movies in the cinema, and other costs you can cut back on. Many people need their Starbucks fix, even if there's a coffee machine at work. One cup of coffee per day, at $2.50 per cup, equals more than $900 per year! Think about what you could do with $900. Begin to have the tough discussions about what you can cut back on or cut out altogether. Whether this conversation is made with a spouse or with yourself, try to be honest, forthright, and understanding. Nobody likes cutting back spending, even if it needs to be done. This is the only amount that is yours to spend if you aim to be debt-free. If you get paid weekly, make sure enough money is set aside to meet the monthly bills. Never borrow from the amount that should be used for monthly expenses. This reserve method will save you from living paycheck to paycheck. Compare actual expenses against what you budgeted. If there are glaring variances, you might need to make adjustments on your discretionary expenses. As time passes, you may want to only perform this comparison on a quarterly basis. |
The app will install and display on the Home screen of your iOS device. ” The app will install on your iOS device shortly without requiring you to jailbreak the device. If there are multiple “iFile” apps available, select the app with the highest star rating. If you encounter technical difficulties with installing iFile without jailbreaking your device, consider installing comparable apps with features similar to iFile, such as iFileExplorer and Drop Copy. |
When bringing up this heavy topic, pick a time when you both have the least going on. If you know your spouse has a tough week at work ahead, delay the conversation until afterwards. Choose a time when you won't be interrupted or bombarded with distractions, like after the kids have gone to bed. Avoid picking important dates like birthdays or anniversaries, as well. Be mindful of the location, too. Tell her at home and in private. Don’t just jump into the discussion; ease your way into it. Start off by talking about your family, how you’re feeling about work and home in general, and your love for your wife. Begin speaking about the kids, as well, mentioning different accomplishments they’ve made lately or even the trouble they’ve gotten into. Talk about your own feelings of being a parent. This will provide a natural segway into talking about not having more kids. You might say something like “Josiah is a really good kid and I love him more than life. I didn’t realize parenting was gonna be this hard though, did you?” Once you have opened up the conversation, break the news to your wife. Be open, honest, and direct with her about your decision. Let her know if this is final for you or if you are open to having future discussions about it. Know that if your wife truly wants more children, having more than one discussion will probably be necessary. Say “I was looking at you, Isaiah, and Chloe today and I just felt like our family is complete. I don’t think that I want to have any more children and I wanted to see how you feel about that. But, this is a really big topic so I don’t want you to feel like we have to only discuss it today.” Explain to your wife your reasons for not wanting more children. It could be because of finances, marital discord, or general contentment with how things are. Say, “With how things are financially, I just don’t think we can afford another kid. I didn’t realize children were going to be so expensive, and I would never not want Amy in our lives, but I just don’t want any more children.” Once you tell her how you feel, allow her time to tell you her own thoughts. She might react negatively to this news; if so, remain calm, without yelling or walking away from her. Find out why she wants or doesn’t want to have more children. If you disagree, discuss the reasons you don't want children and the reasons she wants more. What are the barriers? How could you compromise? To truly hear and understand, don’t interrupt your wife when she is talking. Avoid looking at the television or your phone, as well. Try summarizing and repeating back to her what she says so that she knows you are listening. For instance, you might say, “It sounds like you’re confused because when we got married, I told you I wanted 3 kids. And now you feel like I’ve gone back on my promise.” If your wife is set on having another child, she will likely feel confused, hurt, or angry. Should she have questions for you, answer them to the best of your ability. She deserves your honesty. At the end of the talk, be sure to tell her that you love her and are still committed to the family. Your revelation may have her feeling confused or insecure, so work to reverse that. You might say “Even though I don’t want to have more kids, I'm blessed to have these beautiful children with you. And I’m glad you’re my wife. I love you.” |
This is what your bow will be shaped from. It needs to be at the length that you want your bow to be, and it should be made from a wood that is strong, flexible, and malleable. Hickory, yew, lemonwood, and maple are all good woods to use when making a bow. A hatchet, vice grip, bow shaping frame, tillering stick, large file, heat gun, a few screw clamps, and a draw knife will make the process far easier than just using a knife and a large, round object. Make an outline of the limbs and arrow rest of your bow with a pen. Stand the stave up in one hand, and with the other, swing your hatchet. Make the stave as smooth on the sides as you can. You can decide the specifics (flat limbs, wide or narrow limbs) on your own. Mark out where you want your handle to be. Make sure it will bend by putting the bottom tip against your instep, holding the upper tip with one hand, and pulling the back (side facing away from you while shooting) towards you. Don't do this too much, as it could damage your stave. After you have gotten your bow into an outline with the hatchet, you shape the limbs. Place the handle section of your stave in the vice, and tighten it. Make sure the back is facing upwards. Take the draw knife, and draw it along the stave in long strokes. Do this until your stave is at the thickness that you want your bow to be. Sand down any rough edges in the stave. Making your bow too thin will cause it to break. |
There are some universal signals that are used frequently. This is a classic flirt used by women: a girl smiles at you and then lifts her eyebrows quickly while locking into eye contact. Don’t rely on someone to initiate flirting. This will not always happen candidly. Be on the lookout for eye contact and a smile. Don’t be afraid to make the initial flirt with someone. Never limit yourself to where you should try to attract someone. You never know when the magic spark will light up. There is still a chance even if you’re working late and on the subway at night. Never shy away from an opportunity to attract a woman. Flirting in an unusual place like a subway or waiting room shows confidence. You never know until you try it. Don’t come off as too strong. It is important to seize the moment, but do it in a way where the girl doesn’t feel uncomfortable. Employ active listening when talking to someone. This will give you more of an opportunity and show her you care. Listen to obtain information, to understand her, for enjoyment, and to learn. |
Even if you and your ex have decided to stay friends, break away completely from each other right after the breakup. This means not seeing each other, not being around his/her family members, no phone calls, no e-mails, no text messages, no Facebook, and no IMs. You don’t have to have stop talking forever, but you do need to cut all communication for as long as it takes to get completely over your ex. If he/she tries to convince you to see him/her, ask yourself honestly what the point would be. If you're reliving the past by seeing him/her, it's not hard to get caught up in the moment and it will be harder to let go again. You may have to have some contact in order to deal with the practical aspects of things like moving out, signing papers, etc., but try to limit this to what's absolutely necessary, and then keep such calls/meetings short and civil. A breakup can signify a new beginning. Therefore, cleaning and organizing your personal space will leave you feeling refreshed and prepared for the new things to come. A mess can be overwhelming and depressing, and will just add to your stress level. Keeping busy with tidying your space doesn't require a lot of brain power, but it does require just enough focus to keep you from recycling pain. Clean your room, get some new posters, clean up the icons on your PC desktop. As insignificant as cleaning up sounds, it'll make you feel better. There are all kinds of things that remind you of your ex––a song, a smell, a sound, a place. Having these items around can make it harder for you to recover from a breakup. Remove all of the things that make your heart ache or your stomach turn. It can work wonders to clear your space of all these triggers. If you have a keepsake, such as a watch or piece of jewelry that was given to you by your ex, there's nothing wrong with keeping it. But for the time being, try putting it away until you have gotten over the relationship. After a relationship ends, it is okay to have some time to yourself at home. Just make sure that you get back out in the world after you have processed your feelings. Make plans, go out with your friends, and have fun! It might seem awkward at first, but it will get easier and it will help you to feel better. Getting out and doing things is also important because you need to grow and maintain your social network after a breakup. Doing so will help you to move on with your life. Don't feel like you need to go out with other people all of the time. Take yourself out to do things and enjoy the freedom to do what you want. Go to your favorite coffee shop, go shopping, or take yourself on a mini-vacation. Often people will quickly enter a new relationship following a breakup; this type of relationship is called a rebound relationship. Rebounding may be common, but it is not always a good idea. When you enter into a relationship too soon after breaking up with someone, you may be masking your negative emotions with the excitement of a new relationship. If that new relationship does not work out, you may have to deal with the pain of two breakups at once. Consider remaining single until you have fully processed your emotions and gotten over the breakup. It is common for people to put less effort into self-care after a breakup, but doing so will not help you to feel better. Make sure that you are seeing to your basic needs for mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. If you were not taking good care of yourself before the relationship ended, now is a good time to start. Make sure that you are eating well, sleeping enough, making time for relaxation, and getting regular exercise to feel your best. Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid junk food, excess sugar, and excess fat. Get between 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Keep in mind that some people may be okay with less than 7 hours per night or require more than 8 hours of sleep per night. Exercise for 30 minutes five times a week. Go for a 30-minute walk, ride your bike around town, or hit the pool and go swimming. Relax for at least 15 minutes per day. Try meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to help you relax. |
Measure the length and width of the counter area you want to cover. Order or purchase a slab of stone countertop that is approximately the right size to cover it. You can get stone countertop slabs from a home improvement center, kitchen showroom, or a stone supply company. This method works to cut various types of stone countertops, including granite and marble countertops. Place the countertop slab on top of a piece of 2 in (5.1 cm) thick rigid foam to protect the workbench underneath it when you cut. Place a C clamp every 1–2 ft (0.30–0.61 m) along the edges to secure everything in place. Don’t use sawhorses or any other work surface that might move while you are cutting. Stone is much heavier than other types of countertops, so you need a very stable work surface. This will also reduce vibrations and movement that can lead to chipping. Cutting stone is a messy business. If possible, work outside or at least in an open, well-ventilated workspace where it will be easy to clean up all the dust. Place 2-3 strips of painter’s tape over the approximate area you will be cutting. This will protect the surface of the stone and prevent chipping as you cut. The placement of the tape doesn’t need to be perfect, just make sure you cover the area where your cut line will be. You will mark the line on top of the tape. Use a straight edge like a metal ruler or carpenter’s square to measure in from the end of the slab and mark where your cut line will go on the tape. Draw a cut line along the whole length of the tape using the straight edge. Double-check your measurements to make sure the line is the same distance from the end of the slab all the way along it. You won’t be able to make any corrections to your cut after you make it, so measure twice and cut once! Carefully position the blade of a circular saw in front of the end of the cut line (where you will finish the cut). Press down the power button to get it up to speed, push it slowly in about 2 in (5.1 cm) along the line, then back it out and release the power button to stop it spinning. This is called a back cut and is important so that the stone doesn’t chip or break at the end of your cut where it will be more fragile. Use a circular saw with a diamond blade for cutting stone. You can use a wet circular saw to reduce the amount of dust in the air while you cut. Make sure the depth of the saw’s blade is set to just a bit deeper than the thickness of the stone slab. Make sure to put on safety goggles, a dust mask, and ear protection before you start cutting. Walk back over to the other side of the cut line with your saw and carefully line up the blade with the cut line. Press the power button to get the blade up to speed, then slowly push the saw all the way along the cut line until you meet the back cut. Focus on keeping the saw blade aligned with the cut line and push very slowly. The blade will do most of the work, so you just need to apply light and steady pressure to push it along slowly. Cutting stone takes longer than cutting other materials like laminate or wood, so be patient and focus on making a straight cut. Peel off the tape once you finish cutting all the way through. Wipe away all the dust with a wet rag and you will be left with a clean new stone countertop! A shop vac will also come in handy for sucking up all the rock dust that is left after cutting the stone countertop. Buy a sink that comes with a template for the cutout and trace the template onto masking tape on the countertop. Cut 1-2 mm inside of the lines with the angle grinder and work in passes until you cut all the way through the slab along the lines. You can work in sections if it is easier. For example, cut out a large rectangular middle section first, then cut out the sides. Leave rounded corners for last so you can cut them out in smaller pieces. |
If you experience shoulder or back pain, it might be a sign that your handlebars are too low, and that you’re stretching too much as you’re riding. Experiment with different handlebar heights by adjusting the height and sitting on your bike. Choose the one that feels most comfortable to you. In an ideal position, your shoulders should feel relaxed and your core should feel engaged. You should lean forward at the hips but your spine should be straight. Your handlebar placement can create a neutral, relaxed, or aggressive posture. For a neutral posture, keep your handlebars level with your seat. If you want a relaxed posture, raise your handlebars higher than your seat. To get an aggressive posture, lower your handlebars below your seat. Keep in mind that most riders prefer a neutral or relaxed posture. Handlebars that are raised higher reduce how aerodynamic your body is as you cycle, but may be more comfortable for some people. However, if you raise your handlebars too high, it may be harder to turn your bike. If your handlebars are too high, you won't be able to lean forward and it can cause saddle soreness or soreness in your back. If you want to ride your bike fast, you’ll probably want to lower your handlebars. Lowering the bars will curve your back and lower your shoulders which reduces wind resistance. If you want to race or gain a lot of speed, consider lowering your handlebars. If you have to strain to reach your handlebars, they are too low. |
Make sure that you get paint only on the surface of the door. To prevent yourself from accidentally getting paint on anything else, remove the other parts of the door that come off. Door knockers and locksets should come off easily with a screwdriver. Windows, for instance, very commonly can’t be easily removed from a door. Use blue painter’s tape to section off the edges of windows and anything else that can’t come off. This way you’ll only paint on tape if you cross over the edge of the area you’re working on. If you can’t remove the knocker, handle, and lockset, or just don’t have time to, you can tape around them as well. By removing any damaged paint from the old coat, you’ll help ensure that your new coat will go on smoothly. Work carefully so you don’t gouge the door or damage any other areas of the paint. Take a piece of fine-grit sandpaper and run it against the old coat of paint. Focus on areas that feel rough to the touch and sand them until they feel smooth under your fingertips. The smoother the door is, the easier it will be to apply your new paint evenly. Fill a bucket with soapy water and grab a sponge. Use the soapy sponge to wash any dirt or debris from the door. This will help ensure that the surface of the door is as smooth as possible before putting on your new coat of paint. You don’t always have to use primer, but you should consider doing so if you think the old color will interfere with the new one. This can happen if the new color is much lighter than the old one. If you think you need it, apply one coat of primer to the door and let it dry. Primer generally takes about an hour to dry. |
Using water is easiest as milk can easily scorch on the bottom, ruining your porridge and smelling up the kitchen. You can, however, add milk towards the end if you’re concerned about your porridge not being creamy enough. Rolled oats are best as they’re whole, natural, and haven’t been through much processing. However, steel-cut or quick oats are okay, too – they just might not have the exact taste you're going for. Use a wooden spoon to stir – some people even use the top of the spoon like they’re stirring their porridge with a pencil. Keep stirring until it starts to bubble. Never use metal on a non-stick pan. The metal can scrape away the sides, resulting in microscopic bits of the pan getting into your food. Always use a wooden spoon or a rubber spatula. Once it reaches that bubbling point, bring the heat down to low (this is especially important if you’re using milk to prevent it from scorching). Stir as often as you can to get it to a smooth and creamy consistency. If you like runny porridge, add a splash of more milk or water until it looks like you pictured it. If you’re making for a group, let each person add more liquid as they see fit to their individual serving once it's all in bowls. Most people like to start out with a sweet base to work with. Some people even add butter! As your porridge is finishing, consider adding a few touches to everyone’s dish. Just a tablespoon or so of each ought to do it. If you're trying to watch your sugar intake or prefer a more savory dish, skip this part. You can always add in whatever you like, later, too. There are dozens of ways to spruce up a plain ol' dish of porridge so breakfast can be easy but still delectable. Here are some ideas: Drizzle with honey and Greek yogurt Add blackberries and raspberries, stewed to bring out their juices Slice up a banana or two and add some maple syrup Add in a tablespoon or two of cocoa and peanut butter |
Headbands are extremely versatile. Depending on their style, they can look athletic, youthful, or glamorous. Most headbands look best if they are worn close to the hairline, and they look great on everything from super-short to very long hair. If you have a problem with your headband slipping, try teasing the hair behind your headband to hold it in place. Hold the hair straight up, then comb it backwards with a fine-toothed comb. Gently smooth down your top layer of hair to hide the teased section. Side buns and low or side ponytails in particular look pretty and romantic when you add a flower or a bow to the style. Create the style you want, then nestle the accessory into your hair close to the elastic. If you need to, secure the flower or bow with bobby pins. |
Addison's Disease is known as hypoadrenalism or hypocortisolism. It is also called the great pretender because it is a disease that, in its early stages, mimics many other mild, common problems. This makes it very dangerous because Addison's Disease can be extremely serious, in which Poodles with severe cases can go into shock and die. Addison's Disease is most common in young to middle aged dogs, which is when she is a puppy until she is around five years old. It is also most common in female dogs. Addison's Disease causes the body to stop making mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids, which are substances your Poodle needs to deal with the stresses she undergoes every day. These also help regulate multiple normal bodily functions. The decrease in mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid production from Addison's Disease develops because of damage to your dog's adrenal glands, which produce these hormones. This damage is most commonly due to an autoimmune disease, which is when your dog's immune system works to destroy her own glandular tissue Other causes of Addison's Disease may include trauma to her abdomen or drug-induced disease, which is not necessarily a common cause for poodles Addison's Disease is treatable once you diagnose the condition. Once your vet ensures that your Poodle has the condition, he will give you oral tablets to give your Poodle that will replace the missing glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid. Your dog may instead require hormone replacement through injections, which will have to be administered by your vet every three to four weeks. You will also have to add a salt supplement to your dog's diet, which will help with the underlying salt deficiency caused by Addison's Disease. These two medications will help return your dog's life to normal. Your dog may suffer from an acute episode of Addison's Disease, which is a sudden and severe onset of the symptoms. If this occurs, she needs treatment immediately. She will be hospitalized and the treatment will depend on how severe and which specific symptoms your dog has. She will likely receive instant treatment with intravenous hormones and fluids. If she does not get help immediately, she may go into shock and die. After these episodes, it is likely your dog will need hormone replacement therapy for the rest of her life. |
Thoroughly wash the entire plate with hot, soapy water, then dry the dish completely with a clean dish towel. The adhesive may not stick to a plate well enough if there is any dirt, grime, or oil on the back of that plate. For best results, use a scouring pad on the back of the plate in the general area the disc will be placed on. Adhesive plate hangers work especially well with plates that are strangely shaped or plates with notably thick rims. You can use them with any shape or size, though. Adhesive plate hangers come in five basic sizes. Make sure that you choose a hanger size that will work for your specific plate. The five sizes are: 1-1/4 inch (3 cm), for plates up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter 2 inches (5 cm), for plates up to 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter 3 inches (7.5 cm), for plates up to 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter 4 inches (10 cm), for plates up to 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter 5-1/2 inches (14 cm), for plates up to 6.5 lbs (3 kg) in weight Dip your fingertip in a little water, then rub your wet finger over the adhesive side of the disc. Wait three to seven minutes, or until the adhesive becomes sticky. Look at the front of the plate to determine how you want the dish to hang. Once you determine where the center top will be, press the adhesive side of the disc firmly onto the back of the plate at the center top. Press firmly over the entire adhesive disc to ensure a tight seal. You should let the adhesive dry overnight before you hang the plate. Test the bond by gently tugging on the hook. If the disc starts to peel away, the bond is not strong enough. If the disc stays firmly attached to the plate, however, it should be safe to use. Figure out where you want the plate to hang and lightly mark that spot with pencil. Hammer a nail into that spot. At least half the nail should be inside the wall, but there should be enough nail hanging outside of the wall for the plate hook to rest on. Make sure that the nail you use has a large head to "catch" the hook on so that the plate will not fall off. Alternatively, use a picture hanger instead of a plain nail. Determine where you want the plate by holding it against the wall. Mark the top of the plate on the wall using a light pencil mark. Set the plate down. Measure the distance between the hanger hook and the top of the plate, then mark out that same distance from the mark on your wall. Hammer the nail into the second mark you made. Gently hang the hook on the nail in the wall. Step back and take a look. If you are satisfied with the results, the process is now complete. If the plate seems crooked, you will need to remove the hanger start over. If you ever need to remove the hanger, you can do so by soaking the entire contraption--both plate and hanger--in water. After a few minutes, the adhesive should wear away, allowing you to remove it from the back of the plate. |
You’ll want to pinpoint what it is that you don’t understand so that it will be easier for you to address the root of your confusion. Ask yourself what specifically confuses you about the issue and try to narrow down where in your thought process the misunderstanding is occurring. For example, if you’re confused about how a compass works, ask yourself what aspect of the compass confuses you: the needle’s spinning, the earth’s magnetic field, or how that magnetic field causes the needle to move in a certain direction. You might ask questions that align with the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why (e.g., when in this multi-step process does something happen that confuses me?). It’s important to recognize that there are some things you may not be able to understand on your own. In that case, be willing to ask for help from someone with more expertise or simply with a different perspective. If you’re embarrassed about asking for help, remind yourself that it’s probably more important that you fully understand something than it is to be entirely independent. Remember, everybody asks for help at some point in their lives! Being humble about what you know and don’t know will also help motivate you to learn new things and will keep you motivated when you run into difficulties. Admitting that you might be wrong may be difficult at first. If you have trouble with this, start by asking someone you trust (e.g., a close friend) to help you identify areas where you might be mistaken. You may find it helpful to write out the things you DO understand about the problem and use this to better identify where the gaps are in your understanding. Writing these things down will also take them off your mind and allow you to concentrate on the things you DON’T understand. Noting the things you understand is also a good way to remind yourself that you don’t completely misunderstand the subject. Use this method to motivate you when you doubt your own capabilities! |
Subsets and Splits