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We are giving away ten Xiaomi TV A2 for in-app purchases There is such a wonderful thing as sabbatical - a sabbatical taken to prevent burnout. An employee who takes a sabbatical may take a paid or unpaid vacation of several weeks or months and then return to his previous position. In Belarus, such creative holidays are not particularly practiced (if you have other information, write to us in the bot). Nevertheless, we found several people at once who took a work time out. Here are the stories of these people - perhaps in these stories you will recognize yourself. ## IT girl: “At first it became difficult for me at work. Six months later - very hard. It was unbearable for another two months.” Ekaterina is now 26 years old, she is a tester. Faced with severe fatigue last year, the girl turned to a psychologist. Together with a specialist, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to take a break from work. The company gave her an unpaid unscheduled three-month leave, after which the girl returned to her previous position. “All because I really loved what I do,” Ekaterina suggests. - I had four years of intensive work for 10-12 hours a day. No one forced me to work so hard, it was my initiative. I took on additional projects, took trainings, constantly went to training. Two years later, I began to lose strength and catch myself thinking that I already like testing differently than before. She began to get sick often: either she would pinch the shoulder blade, or something else. On weekday mornings, I woke up and cried, I felt unwell. I stopped coping with household chores, and it weighed on me. At first it became difficult for me at work. Six months later - very hard. Another two months was unbearable. Every day before work I cried. But by the evening on weekdays and on weekends I felt much better. One morning last year, Ekaterina realized that she could not get out of bed: she had a pinched nerve. At that moment, the girl realized: it's time to decide something. Turned to a free corporate psychologist. At that time, the girl did not rest for two years. - Together with a psychologist, we tried to determine what exactly I had: depression or burnout, because the symptoms are similar. Determined that all the same burnout. I learned from a specialist that there is a sabbatical, that it is usually taken for half a year or a year, just in cases like mine. The psychologist suggested that I take a long vacation and try not to do anything new for at least a month and a half. If you don't want to do household chores, then you don't have to. You should not add any novelty, not even travel, because after travel, due to stress, one more rest is often needed. > I was scared to be without a paycheck, but I decided to take a chance. The girl calculated how long her stash would last, and asked the company to leave for three months. She took it in September 2022 and returned in January 2023. Ekaterina could take breaks because she works on projects: one ended - you can temporarily not take the next one. That is, her absence from the company did not affect anything. - The first weeks of rest, I learned to do nothing. I relaxed, did yoga every day, ran a lot, read. Walked for hours with my dog, spent a lot of time alone. Just lived. When I realized that I had already had a rest, I went abroad to my friends: it was just that I had the opportunity to see each other for the first time in a year. Since then, nothing hurts me, no colds, as before. Although this may be due to yoga. > - How do you like the idea of taking a vacation from burnout for a few months? > > - I like the idea of finding a balance and going on vacation regularly. Including giving yourself the opportunity to aimlessly relax without traveling, without novelty. For those who have burnout, I would recommend contacting a psychologist, psychotherapist, because it is difficult to distinguish it from depression. Sabbatical helps a lot. I took it for three months, although the company told me that it is possible and more if necessary. My vacation was definitely worth it. ## Cafe manager: “I wanted everyone to leave me behind” Irina is 36 years old, today she has not worked for a month and a half and plans to rest until the end of September. Soon she will go to Germany to her sister to unwind. > A year ago, the girl already made an attempt to quit and did nothing for a while > do. But in the end, she abandoned the idea because of the conviction that it is impossible not to work. - Until the recent dismissal, I was the manager in a cafe, it was unbearable there. It was difficult for me to communicate with the team: the team consisted mainly of women, there were constant gossip. It is difficult to constantly communicate with people, and my work involves such communication. Here, there was no team as such, because the cafe was new. I did not find contact with my management: the authorities focused on the negative and did not see positive things, I constantly heard complaints. And then there are the problems in his personal life. I got apathy, I wanted everyone to leave me behind. When talking with the authorities, Irina, listening to complaints against her, now and then offered to end the employment relationship. At some point, I realized: that’s it, I can’t stand it anymore. resigned. - I went nowhere and now I'm happy. I'm not looking for a new place and don't plan until the end of September. Soon I will go to rest with my sister in Germany. I don't regret my decision for a minute. I used to come from my cafe exhausted and go to bed almost immediately. And now I get enough sleep, I walk a lot, I meet friends, I ride a wakeboard, I recently painted a picture. Now the girl lives on a stash that she managed to accumulate earlier. He says it's a bad idea to go on a long vacation without knowing what you will live on. We give gadgets a second chance, and the future owner - the opportunity to save money and get emotions, as when buying a new device. All Refurbished Breezy iPhones are only original used iPhones that have been diagnosed by a service center and are fully functional. With Breezy, you pay a fair price for a device that is practically indistinguishable from new, has a 12-month warranty and all the necessary equipment. Buy Refurbished iPhone Breezy in Online Catalog from 399 RUB. ## Event manager: “I sat at home for six months and watched TV shows, and then returned to my job: I can’t live without her” Karolina (name changed) is now 31 years old, nine of which she organizes events. She made events for top executives, large-scale corporate parties and festivals. For services, the girl was approached by companies that needed, for example, to organize a corporate party with up to 700 guests. — I don’t have weddings and anniversaries, but major events with mega-serious budgets. For their preparation, I work every day for 12 hours, and on day X I am responsible for ensuring that the event goes exactly as indicated in the final presentation with the client and the estimate, second by second. If it is indicated that the artist must go on stage at a certain time, then this must happen, even if something happened. You are constantly involved in the process, everything should be smooth. The event is like a house of cards: if you make one mistake, everything will fall apart. I have large clients: IT companies, banks - they are very demanding. I have a big responsibility: at the event I have at least 4 people to whom I report, and under me a team of up to 50 contractors who need to be kept in good shape. > I've read that being a holiday planner is one of the most stressful > jobs in the world. During the preparation for the event, I am under stress 24/7. My relatives know: if I have a project that takes, say, two months, then I will be unavailable at that time. Even with my mother I will communicate only by correspondence and short messages. An ordinary day looked like this: I woke up - and I need to take on household chores, because in the evening they will not have the strength. At eight in the morning, Carolina sat down at the computer and phone, at eight in the evening she finished. During this period of time, she worked so intensively that often there was no time even to eat. - During work, I sit ugly, hungry, because there is no time. I know that some of my colleagues who have children get up at 04:30 to do something around the house, then wake the children up and take them to kindergarten or school, return - and work again until night. I’m also lucky that my husband doesn’t expect me to cook for him, he manages himself. A complete loss of strength occurred at the beginning of this year, just in time for the "hot" New Year's season. How did it look? Carolina lost interest in life: there was no joy, she didn’t want to meet friends, she didn’t even have the strength to go to wash. The girl has a project work, like the IT girl Ekaterina. Moreover, Karolina is framed as an individual entrepreneur - her own mistress. Therefore, for a vacation, it is enough not to take new orders, which was decided to be done. > — I stayed at home from January to July. What did you do at this time? Nothing, lay > and watched TV shows from Monday to Sunday, gained 5 kilograms. Then she began to take care of her health, began to go to the doctors. This isn't the first time I've taken a long vacation due to exhaustion. The previous one lasted three months. > Karolina emphasizes that she was helped to go on a long vacation by > savings and support from her husband, as well as the absence of debts. - If I had any mortgage, I would continue to work 12 hours a day. If I had debts, then I would not give up on them, but would continue to work: I have a sense of responsibility. - The question arises: why work, from which you get so tired? — There are no those in the event who do not like this area. You get pleasure from the result, from the emotions of guests and clients, from understanding what you did so cool in a short period of time. People who cannot live without it go to the event, and I love my job. Therefore, when I had a rest, I returned to projects again. And when you come to your event and think “I wish it were over”, you don’t get high, this is a bad sign. I don’t understand people whose working day ends at 17:00, and then they have dinner at home, children, barbecue on weekends. I can't live like this. I have a stage, people’s emotions, they come up to me and talk about my work: “We have never seen such corporate events”. It gives me the feeling that I am doing something of value, promoting an aesthetic leisure culture. ## What exactly can lead to burnout? Psychologist says The first question that the psychologist and author of the Evidence-Based Psychology telegram channel Pavel Zygmantovich received from us is why there was no burnout before (at least they didn’t talk about it), and now almost every second one has it? “If the phenomenon has not been discussed before, this does not mean that it did not exist before,” says the psychologist. “Burnout has always existed, and it’s an illusion that it didn’t exist.”. Sanatoriums-dispensaries did not appear by chance. People could face a nervous breakdown and leave to recover in a sanatorium. Nevertheless, the level of technological development in the eighties, nineties and even zero did not create such a burden on a person as it is now. > It used to be like this: a person came home from work at six in the evening - and that’s it, he is > unavailable. You can’t get through to him, maybe he didn’t even have a phone. Now a person enters Telegram at home to look through the news, and at the same time sees that messages have appeared in several work chats. He has a natural human curiosity, he opens chats - and now he is again involved in work. Ideally, you should have a time when no one can get you on work matters. Well, if you have a phone for work and another, your personal. And it's great if you can turn off your work phone when you get home. Yes, this option is not for everyone: someone is afraid of losing their place if they don’t get in touch in the evening, or they are afraid of ruining their relationship with their manager. > It's great if the boss understands that he should not pull his subordinates outside > working hours, only if there was no emergency like a fire. A person, even when driving to the office in the morning, can open half of the work chats on the way at traffic lights. This ease of access to the work of many strongly knocks out. This is not the only cause of exhaustion, but of all there are, it is the most important. There are others: for example, a person works hard to the point of madness a lot, but does not receive proper remuneration - not necessarily monetary. Maybe he doesn't get support: "You did great". Either the depreciation of labor is accepted in the team: “We are doing nonsense”. You can also become mentally exhausted because you spend a lot of time on the road to get to work. I heard that the ideal time for a one-way trip should be no more than 1/8 of the working day. My grandparents got to the factory in 40 minutes on foot in good weather, the walk even helped them shake themselves. If the road takes, relatively speaking, two hours one way and you spend this time sitting, this leads to a violation of the so-called labor hygiene. Actually, attempts to create "Minsk-Mir" with the idea that you do not have to leave your area to get to the office should have solved this problem. In my opinion, if your journey to the office exceeds 40 minutes one way, then the excess time should be considered working and paid separately. This is from the category of "wishlist". — Still, now there are enough of those who sit at a distance and do not waste time getting to work. Carolina woke up and almost immediately sat down at the computer. - It’s also not good that she sat a lot without a break. You have to move, you need some kind of rhythm: go to the store and back, go for coffee, something else. She gets even more tired because she sits. - If a person works hard for 12 hours every day, like Catherine and Carolina from our stories, how soon will exhaustion come? - Overworking does not necessarily lead to exhaustion. Up to conditional 30 years, it is generally normal - to work hard. The young man has great career prospects, he works hard to become a boss in the future and work less. Ekaterina and Carolina could be overworked by the fact that other areas began to suffer. How do I know if I'm on the verge of burnout? - The main sign - if you do not want to work. Another striking manifestation is the emergence of cynicism, that is, a demonstrative disregard for social norms. There may also be headaches, constant muscle pain. Do you know how burnout differs from depression? Depression affects the whole life, while burnout affects only a certain area. - The psychologist recommended Ekaterina to arrange a vacation for herself with a refusal to travel, new hobbies. Maybe everyone needs such a rest? - Rest does not always mean relaxation, although relaxation is very important. Rest is a change of activity: first you sit at the computer and count something, then you go to dig in the garden, then you sit down at the computer again. Many on vacation are engaged in some kind of activity that involves purposeful actions. For example, I'm going on vacation and I know exactly where. I don’t take a knapsack and don’t go where my eyes look. There is a plan at sea: to go there, to take a picture there. If there is a goal, then this is rest, but not recovery. You sleep - this is recovery. You knit and can quit at any time - also recovery. Recovery implies an aimless existence: woke up, drank coffee, went for a walk, then turned on the TV at home. And there is no such thing that I, for example, turned on the film and must definitely watch it to the end. Yes, there are gray areas in this regard: it is not always clear what exactly can be considered a goal. > It is important for the brain that you do nothing from time to time or do something to no purpose. — There are people who work without days off for weeks or years without taking a vacation, and they say that everything is fine with them. Lie, right? - Some people recover and have time to relax even without days off. A person may not go on vacation for years, but he works six hours a day and outside of working hours you will not reach him. This is not to say that vacation is the main factor in recovery. There are many of them, and they depend on what area it is, what a person does. In my opinion, there is definitely no need for such an option when a person on Friday plows until the evening and tomorrow morning he flies on a plane to rest. Then he comes back late on Sunday, goes to work on Monday, he can’t sort out his suitcases from vacation for a month. This is wrong, you need to take a break for a few days. This approach to rest does not allow you to recover. You need to do nothing a couple of days before the trip and a couple of days after it. Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad 5 15ITL05 82FG01JHRU 23 reviews 15.6" 1920 x 1080, IPS, 60 Hz, Intel Core i3 1115G4, 8 GB DDR4, SSD 512 GB, integrated graphics, Windows 11, cover color blue, battery 57 Wh 1549 р. Notebook HONOR MagicBook X 14 2023 FRI-F56 5301AFKC 14.0" 1920 x 1200, IPS, 60 Hz, Intel Core i5 12450H, 16 GB LPDDR4X, SSD 512 GB, integrated graphics, Windows 11, cover color dark gray, battery 60 Wh 2759 rub. 33 offers Buyers Choice Gaming Laptop Maibenben x Mechrevo X558 X558FSFCLGRE0 4 reviews 15.6" 1920 x 1080 IPS 144Hz AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 16GB DDR4 SSD 512GB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 6GB (TGP 130W) Linux, cover color gray, battery 46.7 Wh 2936 rub. 15 offers Laptops in Onliner Catalog Our Telegram channel. Join now! Is there anything to tell? Write to our telegram bot. It's anonymous and fast Reprinting text and photos of Onlíner without the permission of the editors is prohibited. | en |
У Беларусі забаранілі прадаваць некаторае дзіцячае адзенне, абутак і канцылярыю | be |
Напярэдадні новага навучальнага года санітарна-эпідэміялагічная служба ўзмоцнена правярала тавары для школьнікаў. Як паведамляе тэлеграм-канал «Афіцыйнае Міністэрства аховы здароўя», лекары прызналі небяспечнымі для здароўя дзяцей больш за 3300 адзінак прадукцыі. Сярод іх — 1646 адзінак адзення, 526 панчошна-шкарпэткавых і бялізнавых вырабаў, 253 пары абутку, 381 набор канцылярскіх прылад (ручкі, алоўкі, фарбы і іншае), 35 ранцаў (партфеляў, заплечнікаў). Усё гэта больш нельга прадаваць у нашай краіне. А вось спіс распаўсюджаных парушэнняў: адсутнасць маркіроўкі на прадукцыі або яе неадпаведнасць устаноўленым патрабаванням; адсутнасць дакументаў, якія пацвярджаюць якасць і бяспеку тавараў; парушэнне ўмоў захоўвання і рэалізацыі школьных тавараў. Парачка прыкладаў: расійскую мядовую акварэль «Мульты Пульты - Енот у джунглях» ТАА «Азімут» забаранілі за перавышэнне ўтрымання фармальдэгіду. Спадніцу для дзяўчынкі гандлёвай маркі Full Girls з Турцыі і штаны для хлопчыка гандлёвай маркі MINOTI LTD з Пакістана - за неадпаведнасць паказчыкаў паветрапранікальнасці і гіграскапічнасці. Выбар пакупнікоў Onlíner рэкамендуе Робат-пыласос Xiaomi Robot Vacuum S10 B106GL (руская версія, белы) 9 водгукаў вільготная ўборка, Mi Home, магутнасць 45 Вт, сіла ўсмоктвання 4000 Па, пылазборнік 0.3 л, з турбощеткой лідар, датчыкі перападу вышыні, план некалькіх паверхаў 797 р. 16 прапаноў Выбар пакупнікоў Onlíner рэкамендуе Робат-пыласос Xiaomi Robot Vacuum S10+ B105 (еўрапейская версія, белы) 8 водгукаў вільготная ўборка, Mi Home/Яндэкс Аліса/Amazon Echo/Google Home, магутнасць 55 Вт, сіла ўсмоктвання 4000 Па, пыл. з турбашчоткай (разборная), рух: кантактны бампер, лідэр, камера TOF (3D), датчыкі перападу вышыні, план некалькіх паверхаў 1252 р. 29 прапаноў Робат-пыласос Xiaomi Robot Vacuum E10 (еўрапейская версія) 1 водгук вільготная ўборка, Mi Home/Яндэкс Аліса/Amazon Echo/Google Home, магутнасць 35 Вт, сіла ўсмоктвання 4000 Па, пылазборнік 0.4 л, з турбошчэткай (разборная : кантактны бампер, датчыкі перападу вышыні 516 р. 36 прапаноў Робаты-пыласосы ў Каталогу Onliner Наш канал у Telegram. Далучайцеся! | be |
В Беларуси запретили продавать некоторую детскую одежду, обувь и канцелярию | ru |
В преддверии нового учебного года санитарно-эпидемиологическая служба усиленно проверяла товары для школьников. Как сообщает телеграм-канал «Официальный Минздрав», врачи признали небезопасными для здоровья детей более 3300 единиц продукции. Среди них — 1646 единиц одежды, 526 чулочно-носочных и бельевых изделий, 253 пары обуви, 381 набор канцелярских принадлежностей (ручки, карандаши, краски и другое), 35 ранцев (портфелей, рюкзаков). Все это больше нельзя продавать в нашей стране. А вот список распространенных нарушений: отсутствие маркировки на продукции или ее несоответствие установленным требованиям; отсутствие документов, подтверждающих качество и безопасность товаров; нарушение условий хранения и реализации школьных товаров. Парочка примеров: российскую медовую акварель «Мульти Пульти — Енот в джунглях» ООО «Азимут» запретили за превышение содержания формальдегида. Юбку для девочки торговой марки Full Girls из Турции и брюки для мальчика торговой марки MINOTI LTD из Пакистана — за несоответствие показателей воздухопроницаемости и гигроскопичности. Выбор покупателей Onlíner рекомендует Робот-пылесос Xiaomi Robot Vacuum S10 B106GL (русская версия, белый) 9 отзывов влажная уборка, Mi Home, мощность 45 Вт, сила всасывания 4000 Па, пылесборник 0.3 л, с турбощеткой (неразборная), навигация: контактный бампер, лидар, датчики перепада высоты, план нескольких этажей 797 р. 16 предложений Выбор покупателей Onlíner рекомендует Робот-пылесос Xiaomi Robot Vacuum S10+ B105 (европейская версия, белый) 8 отзывов влажная уборка, Mi Home/Яндекс Алиса/Amazon Echo/Google Home, мощность 55 Вт, сила всасывания 4000 Па, пылесборник 0.45 л, с турбощеткой (разборная), навигация: контактный бампер, лидар, камера TOF (3D), датчики перепада высоты, план нескольких этажей 1252 р. 29 предложений Робот-пылесос Xiaomi Robot Vacuum E10 (европейская версия) 1 отзыв влажная уборка, Mi Home/Яндекс Алиса/Amazon Echo/Google Home, мощность 35 Вт, сила всасывания 4000 Па, пылесборник 0.4 л, с турбощеткой (разборная), навигация: контактный бампер, датчики перепада высоты 516 р. 36 предложений Роботы-пылесосы в Каталоге Onliner Наш канал в Telegram. Присоединяйтесь! | ru |
Belarus banned the sale of some children's clothes, shoes and stationery | en |
On the eve of the new school year, the sanitary and epidemiological service intensively checked goods for schoolchildren. According to the telegram channel "Official Ministry of Health", doctors have recognized more than 3,300 units of products as unsafe for children's health. Among them - 1646 pieces of clothing, 526 hosiery and underwear, 253 pairs of shoes, 381 sets of stationery (pens, pencils, paints, etc.), 35 knapsacks (briefcases, backpacks). All this can no longer be sold in our country. And here is a list of common violations: lack of labeling on products or non-compliance with established requirements; lack of documents confirming the quality and safety of goods; violation of the conditions of storage and sale of school goods. A couple of examples: the Russian honey watercolor “Multi Pulti – Raccoon in the Jungle” by Azimut LLC was banned for exceeding the formaldehyde content. Full Girls skirt for girls from Turkey and MINOTI LTD trousers for boys from Pakistan for non-compliance with breathability and hygroscopicity. Buyer's Choice Onlíner recommends Xiaomi Robot Vacuum S10 B106GL Robot Vacuum Cleaner (Russian version, white) 9 reviews lidar, elevation sensors, multi-floor plan 797 rub. 16 offers Customers choice Onlíner recommends Xiaomi Robot Vacuum S10+ B105 (European version, white) 8 reviews with turbo brush (collapsible), navigation: contact bumper, lidar, TOF camera (3D), height difference sensors, multi-floor plan 1252 rub. 29 offers Xiaomi Robot Vacuum E10 robot vacuum cleaner (European version) 1 review : contact bumper, height difference sensors 516 р. 36 offers Robot vacuum cleaners in the Onliner Catalog Our Telegram channel. Join now! | en |
Дорага ці даступна? Колькі каштуе чорная ікра і іншыя дэлікатэсы ў сталіцы | be |
Лета выслізгвае, як смешны жарт, і засталося толькі 24 гадзіны перад новымі працоўнымі буднямі. Аднак не варта здавацца занадта хутка - у нас ёсць якая інтрыгуе прапанову. У саміх нетрах сталічных крам і рынкаў мы стварылі тэст. Аказваецца, Мінск - не проста горад, гэта сапраўдны лабірынт густаў і вынаходстваў, калі ведаеш, куды ісці. Мы знайшлі прадукты, якія звычайна не кладуць у каляскі: бо цукар і хлеб - гэта банальна. Затое чорная ікра, белыя труфелі і паветраны хамон - суцэль у нашым стылі. Паспрабуйце адгадаць кошты на ўсе гэтыя люксавыя (і не вельмі) прадукты. Наш канал в Telegram. Далучайцеся! | be |
Дорого или доступно? Сколько стоит черная икра и другие деликатесы в столице | ru |
Лето ускользает, как смешная шутка, и осталось лишь 24 часа перед новыми рабочими буднями. Однако не стоит сдаваться слишком быстро — у нас есть интригующее предложение. В самих недрах столичных магазинов и рынков мы создали тест. Оказывается, Минск — не просто город, это настоящий лабиринт вкусов и изысков, если знаешь, куда идти. Мы нашли продукты, которые обычно не кладут в тележки: ведь сахар и хлеб — это банально. Зато черная икра, белые трюфели и воздушный хамон — вполне в нашем стиле. Попробуйте угадать цены на все эти люксовые (и не очень) продукты. Наш канал в Telegram. Присоединяйтесь! | ru |
Expensive or available? How much does black caviar and other delicacies cost in the capital | en |
Summer is slipping away like a funny joke, and there are only 24 hours left before the new working days. However, don't give up too quickly - we have an intriguing offer. In the very bowels of the capital's shops and markets, we have created a test. It turns out that Minsk is not just a city, it is a real labyrinth of tastes and delights, if you know where to go. We found products that are usually not put in carts: after all, sugar and bread are trite. But black caviar, white truffles and airy jamon are quite in our style. Try to guess the prices of all these luxury (and not so) products. Our channel in Telegram. Join now! | en |
У крамах з'явіліся аранжавыя кавуны. Чым яны адрозніваюцца ад звычайных | be |
Разгульваем дзесяць Xiaomi TV A2 за пакупкі ў дадатку Здаецца, у крамах ёсць тое, чаго вы яшчэ не спрабавалі. Нашы чытачы заўважылі, што ў менскім супермаркеце з'явіўся «кавун аранжавы». Чым ён адрозніваецца ад звычайнага, акрамя колеру? Мы купілі і праверылі для вас, каб вы разумелі, ці варта марнаваць грошы. Для пачатку давайце праверым, каго больш: тых, хто заве кавун ягадай, або тых, хто выкарыстоўвае для гэтага нейкае іншае слова? Кавун - гэта што? Каб зрабіць свой выбар, увайдзіце або зарэгіструйцеся. Дарэчы, яго можна есці лыжкай, якая называецца нуазетка. Лыжка-нуазетка Brabantia Profile New 250408 матэрыял працоўнай часткі - нержавеючая сталь, матэрыял ручкі - метал, нержавеючая сталь 47,90 р. 1 прапанова Аранжавы кавун, як і звычайны, мае зялёную скарынку, хоць на ёй няма выразна выяўленых палосак. Каб пакупнікі не зблыталі, аранжавы пазначаны налепкай. Выгадавалі яго ў Расіі. Што па кошце? Аранжавы кавун даражэйшы за звычайны практычна ў два разы: прадаецца па 2,49 рубля за кілаграм. Асобнік памерам з невялікі мячык абышоўся нам у 9 рублёў. Пры разразанні кавун трашчыць. Пазней мы прачыталі, што асаблівасць гэтага гатунку - незвычайна магутная лупіна, "дзякуючы гэтаму ён добры кандыдат на далёкія перавозкі". Давайце рэзаць. Мякаць пахне свежасцю і насычанай саладосцю. Па тэкстуры яна шчыльная, калі прыгледзецца, як быццам складаецца з сакавітых цукранак. Костачкі размясціліся ў адну лінію - па адчуваннях, іх менш, чым у звычайным чырвоным кавуне. Што да спадобы? Ўсё выдатна. Можа, гэта нам так пашанцавала, і ўсё ж аранжавы кавун здаўся саладзейшым, чым класічны. Ён хрумсткі і сакавіты - хоць, мусіць, такімі павінны быць усе кавуны. Ну і яшчэ з ім атрымліваюцца прыгожыя фатаграфіі. Ці варта дзеля ўсяго гэтага плаціць удвая больш? Вырашаць ужо вам. Наўтбук Lenovo IdeaPad 5 15ITL05 82FG01JHRU 23 водгуку 15.6" 1920 x 1080, IPS, 60 Гц, Intel Core i3 1115G4, 8 ГБ DDR4, SSD 512 ГБ, відэакарта ўбудаваная, 1549 р. 7 прапаноў Наўтбук HONOR MagicBook X 14 2023 FRI-F56 5301AFKC 14.0" 1920 x 1200, IPS, 60 Гц, Intel Core i5 12450H, 16 ГБ LPDDR4X, SSD 512 ГБ, SSD 512 ГБ кумулятар 60 Вт·ч 2759 р. 33 прапановы Выбар пакупнікоў Гульнёвы наўтбук Maibenben x Mechrevo X558 X558FSFCLGRE0 4 водгуку 15.6" 1920 x 1080, IPS, 144 Гц, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 16 ГБ DDR4, SSD 512 ГБ, 130 Вт), Linux, колер вечка шэры, акумулятар 46.7 Вт·ч 2936 р. 15 прапаноў Наўтбукі ў Каталогу Onliner Наш канал у Telegram. Далучайцеся! Ёсць пра што расказаць? Пішыце ў наш тэлеграм-бот. Гэта ананімна і хутка Перадрук тэксту і фатаграфій Onlíner без дазволу рэдакцыі забаронена. | be |
В магазинах появились оранжевые арбузы. Чем они отличаются от обычных | ru |
Разыгрываем десять Xiaomi TV A2 за покупки в приложении Кажется, в магазинах есть то, чего вы еще не пробовали. Наши читатели заметили, что в минском супермаркете появился «арбуз оранжевый». Чем он отличается от обычного, кроме цвета? Мы купили и проверили для вас, чтобы вы понимали, стоит ли тратить деньги. Для начала давайте проверим, кого больше: тех, кто называет арбуз ягодой, либо тех, кто использует для этого какое-то другое слово? Арбуз — это что? Чтобы сделать свой выбор, войдите или зарегистрируйтесь Ягода Овощ Тыквина Что-то непонятное Смотреть результаты Голосовать Тот арбуз, которые все привыкли есть, называется обыкновенный, он же столовый или шерстистый. Кстати, его можно есть ложкой, которая называется нуазетка. Ложка-нуазетка Brabantia Profile New 250408 материал рабочей части - нержавеющая сталь, материал ручки - металл, нержавеющая сталь 47,90 р. 1 предложение Оранжевый арбуз, как и обычный, имеет зеленую корку, хотя на ней нет четко выраженных полосок. Чтобы покупатели не спутали, оранжевый помечен наклейкой. Вырастили его в России. Что по цене? Оранжевый арбуз дороже обычного практически в два раза: продается по 2,49 рубля за килограмм. Экземпляр размером с небольшой мячик обошелся нам в 9 рублей. При разрезании арбуз трещит. Позже мы прочитали, что особенность этого сорта — необыкновенно мощная кожура, «благодаря этому он хороший кандидат на дальние перевозки». Давайте резать. Мякоть пахнет свежестью и насыщенной сладостью. По текстуре она плотная, если присмотреться, как будто состоит из сочных сахаринок. Косточки расположились в одну линию — по ощущениям, их меньше, чем в обычном красном арбузе. Что по вкусу? Все прекрасно. Может, это нам так повезло, и все же оранжевый арбуз показался более сладким, чем классический. Он хрустящий и сочный — хотя, наверное, такими должны быть все арбузы. Ну и еще с ним получаются красивые фотографии. Стоит ли ради всего этого платить вдвое больше? Решать уже вам. Ноутбук Lenovo IdeaPad 5 15ITL05 82FG01JHRU 23 отзыва 15.6" 1920 x 1080, IPS, 60 Гц, Intel Core i3 1115G4, 8 ГБ DDR4, SSD 512 ГБ, видеокарта встроенная, Windows 11, цвет крышки синий, аккумулятор 57 Вт·ч 1549 р. 7 предложений Ноутбук HONOR MagicBook X 14 2023 FRI-F56 5301AFKC 14.0" 1920 x 1200, IPS, 60 Гц, Intel Core i5 12450H, 16 ГБ LPDDR4X, SSD 512 ГБ, видеокарта встроенная, Windows 11, цвет крышки темно-серый, аккумулятор 60 Вт·ч 2759 р. 33 предложения Выбор покупателей Игровой ноутбук Maibenben x Mechrevo X558 X558FSFCLGRE0 4 отзыва 15.6" 1920 x 1080, IPS, 144 Гц, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 16 ГБ DDR4, SSD 512 ГБ, видеокарта NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 6 ГБ (TGP 130 Вт), Linux, цвет крышки серый, аккумулятор 46.7 Вт·ч 2936 р. 15 предложений Ноутбуки в Каталоге Onliner Наш канал в Telegram. Присоединяйтесь! Есть о чем рассказать? Пишите в наш телеграм-бот. Это анонимно и быстро Перепечатка текста и фотографий Onlíner без разрешения редакции запрещена. | ru |
Orange watermelons appeared in stores. How are they different from normal | en |
We are giving away ten Xiaomi TV A2 for in-app purchases It seems that the stores have something that you have not tried yet. Our readers have noticed that “orange watermelon” has appeared in the Minsk supermarket. How does it differ from the usual, except for the color? We bought and tested for you so that you understand whether it is worth spending money. First, let's check who is more: those who call watermelon a berry, or those who use some other word for this? Watermelon - what is it? To make your choice, log in or register Berry Vegetable Pumpkin Something strange See the results Vote That watermelon that everyone is used to eating is called ordinary, it is also table or woolly. By the way, you can eat it with a spoon called noisette. Spoon-noisette Brabantia Profile New 250408 material of the working part - stainless steel, material of the handle - metal, stainless steel 47.90 r. 1 sentence An orange watermelon, like a regular one, has a green rind, although there are no distinct stripes on it. So that buyers do not confuse, orange is marked with a sticker. Raised in Russia. What's the price? Orange watermelon is almost twice as expensive as usual: it is sold at 2.49 rubles per kilogram. A copy the size of a small ball cost us 9 rubles. Watermelon cracks when cut. We later read that this variety has an unusually strong rind, “which makes it a good candidate for long-distance transport.”. Let's cut. The flesh smells fresh and full of sweetness. In texture, it is dense, if you look closely, as if it consists of juicy saccharines. The bones are arranged in one line - it feels like there are fewer of them than in a regular red watermelon. What's the taste? Everything is fine. Maybe we were so lucky, and yet the orange watermelon seemed sweeter than the classic. It is crispy and juicy - although, probably, all watermelons should be like that. Oh, and it also takes beautiful photos. Is it worth paying twice as much for all this? It's up to you to decide. Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad 5 15ITL05 82FG01JHRU 23 reviews 15.6" 1920 x 1080, IPS, 60 Hz, Intel Core i3 1115G4, 8 GB DDR4, SSD 512 GB, integrated graphics, Windows 11, cover color blue, battery 57 Wh 1549 р. Notebook HONOR MagicBook X 14 2023 FRI-F56 5301AFKC 14.0" 1920 x 1200, IPS, 60 Hz, Intel Core i5 12450H, 16 GB LPDDR4X, SSD 512 GB, integrated graphics, Windows 11, cover color dark gray, battery 60 Wh 2759 rub. 33 offers Buyers Choice Gaming Laptop Maibenben x Mechrevo X558 X558FSFCLGRE0 4 reviews 15.6" 1920 x 1080 IPS 144Hz AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 16GB DDR4 SSD 512GB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 6GB (TGP 130W) Linux, cover color gray, battery 46.7 Wh 2936 rub. 15 offers Laptops in Onliner Catalog Our Telegram channel. Join now! Is there anything to tell? Write to our telegram bot. It's anonymous and fast Reprinting text and photos of Onlíner without the permission of the editors is prohibited. | en |
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