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60,385 | PnUE0KQqsFI | that was so disgusting to look at i wish i'd never seen it but i'm so tired of watching this movie that i don't have the energy to react so never shared this with anyone before but i used to play piano you may think me cruel the real cruelty would be for me to allow you to think that you can be something you can't so what you're saying is that she should just let it go it never occurred to me that i could choose the course of my own life i don't have to be king it is not what i want anymore i called it did i call it i think i called it feels like that was so long ago what's happening gwen my darling girl i hereby place you first in line to inherit the crowd also called that i think i'm i'm so sure that i did | 885.839 | 933.339 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
68,308 | ouoKxM1I5iE | an entire team of people they're all really affordable and with a pro subscription and you get access to over NUMBER_TOKEN million plus ingredients creative templates stock photos and more they've really got something for everyone and i think at the moment i've got a few like ideas rattling around in my brain i think i'm going to be using canva a lot more in the future so stay tuned for that uh but anyway if you'd like to get started please use the link in the description below to get a NUMBER_TOKEN day extended free trial of canva pro thank you ken for sponsoring this video and thank you to you for supporting my sponsors would help support me anyway uh mount shiroma shiro uma my favorite hike in japan i could not love this place anymore if i tried it was so incredibly beautiful the whole entire way we just had NUMBER_TOKEN views of just clouds and mountains and cliffs and really really beautiful terrain i loved it so much so we parked the car at surugai care station uh we took two like ropeways up like a gondola naropu something like that and then from there online it says it's like a six six to seven hour hike to the hut but because we were filming and taking photos and swimming uh we ended up taking about eight eight eight to eight and a half hours something like that i chose this route in particular because it meant that you could hike along the ridge which is now my new favorite thing because you get exposed NUMBER_TOKEN panoramic views the whole entire way and then the next day we were gonna hike down this other route which is apparently it's more popular it's like this giant snowy valley like all this snow that's there year round like middle of summer and it's covered in snow but then the weather was really crap and then we decided that uh for safety reasons we'd just go down the way that we came just to be sure that we don't get lost or something like that um and i'm glad we did but the weather did end up clearing up beautifully for us later and uh yeah it was it was just stunning i loved it loved it loved it loved it so obviously we got here by car but i think i'm pretty sure you can do it by train and then a bus a bus or two it's like it's always a lot harder to get to these places with public transport but i'm pretty sure it is possible so i'll leave whatever whatever information i could find in the description down below yeah apart from that definitely have good hiking boots i saw a couple of guys wearing just like regular running shoes and they were just slipping and sliding on all these rocks so uh yeah hiking boots would be really good but not the boots that i had because they were terrible uh but anyway i'm i'm in the market for some new hiking boots i think as this like hiking season is kind of starting to wrap up a little bit in japan when it comes into winter and i probably won't be doing any hiking in winter not after last year i think i'll just kind of do some more like informational videos how i actually plan my trips like i mentioned in the last one what i pack in my bag like the food that i eat when i'm hiking like what to know about hiking in japan or | 828.48 | 995.04 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN an entire team of people they're all really affordable and with a pro subscription and you get access to over NUMBER_TOKEN million plus ingredients creative templates stock photos and more they've really got something for everyone and i think at the moment i've got a few like ideas rattling around in my brain i think i'm going to be using canva a lot more in the future so stay tuned for that uh but anyway if you'd like to get started please use the link in the description below to get a NUMBER_TOKEN day extended free trial of canva pro thank you ken for sponsoring this video and thank you to you for supporting my sponsors would help support me anyway END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
35,698 | -eOh8xisSx4 | they really run that play beautifully with williams they got jason tatum now he's going to guard tomorrow go out for a screen double screen williams picks up derozan step back jumper is gone let me step back and kiss myself jay for demar derozan he's got NUMBER_TOKEN in the bulls lead by six with two to play that's fourth quarter town now this winning time | 37.36 | 67.26 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
43,189 | pZxE5eUhnFQ | the first question was sent by a player called haze NUMBER_TOKEN how can i reset the laser rangefinder on tanks hi there go to controls ground vehicles miscellaneous site distance control and bind a convenient key to reset axis value gabriel vlagger asks this p-NUMBER_TOKEN has two different engines what hi gabriel propellers on the p-NUMBER_TOKEN rotate in opposite directions so its left and right engines have different names to account for this fact another question comes from unnotable yoshi what's the difference between the tNUMBER_TOKEN dNUMBER_TOKENt and the tNUMBER_TOKEN hello there the dNUMBER_TOKENt modification has one fewer crew member and thus has a slower reload speed george papione writes how can i turn my aiming cross from black to red hello george you can do that by going to options air battle settings cross hair color aircraft and the last comment for today was written by ariel kravchinsky triathlon between interceptors at rank four hey ariel that's a good idea will do that's it for today guys you've been watching the shooting range by gaijin entertainment and the next episode will premiere the following sunday at NUMBER_TOKEN pm gmt or noon eastern time come on you lot subscribe and click that bell if you don't want to miss our next videos they are important don't forget to leave a like because i know you do and share your thoughts and comments and we'll look forward to seeing you next week | 742.639 | 867.899 | START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN that's it for today guys you've been watching the shooting range by gaijin entertainment and the next episode will premiere the following sunday at NUMBER_TOKEN pm gmt or noon eastern time come END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_INTERACTION_TOKEN on you lot subscribe and click that bell if you don't want to miss our next videos they are important don't forget to leave a like because i know you do and share your thoughts and comments and END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
41,057 | bjMsEagfsqA | have a bigger problem here so what we've got is coils we've got five coils three four and five have leaks so we have new omni temp coils to go on all of them it's a little tricky though because the electrical and refrigeration lines are going off the back so we got to hope we can make that work within this coil okay cool shouldn't be a problem what i'll end up doing i might even use the same backing plate from that coil since the hole is already drilled we'll just take it off the back take this one off NUMBER_TOKEN those out the back yeah okay this is good this is good i can work with this we got three people going on here but we got one coil out i took the rivets out the top i'm gonna put this back plate on there that way the holes are drilled and then we'll fish it back on there man a lot of back and forth back and forth but i'm getting ready to braise them right now it is super tight going back in here nothing lined up as usual but we're getting there so i'm going to braise this guy in we'll put a wet towel over that sensing bulb and then we'll have to jump on the next coil all right so we got all the coils in we're working on sealing them up we got to seal those holes in the back because they were never sealed from the beginning this one i just finished and we just finished this one over here too so we're just doing the electrical i'm going up top now gonna start on the dryer and then check on that compressor all right it's daylight outside now so we can see a little bit better got vacuum pump um we still have pressure in the system so we've got NUMBER_TOKEN psi on the high side so it doesn't look like the compressor has a weak read after all it would have leaked out if it did um so we're going to get an evacuation going now it's not going to be a perfect vacuum we're going to be pulling you know through the gauges and stuff but this is a pumped down system so i really don't see the need to go all crazy on this so i also got a new spoiling catch-all dryer right there we're going to put that on uh the cool thing is is because i used flare fittings last time i don't have to bring my torches up here so i love using flares on the dryers for that reason all right got a little nylog here so what we're going to do i shut off the rack for a few minutes is take a little bit of nylog loosen this up and it's literally just gonna go right here where it spins okay so that way the flare nut is lubricated it doesn't take much just the tiniest bit just kind of work it into it like that and then we'll have to clean it off when we're done we'll do the same thing on this one down here and then we'll put a drop of nylog doesn't take much like that and like that on there for the threads and then we'll tighten it up we got the manifold hooked up got the dryer installed we're using the uh vpxNUMBER_TOKEN vacuum pump now this is overkill for what | 227.12 | 389.199 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
85,589 | BADKudlcV30 | this mission has several actions we have to complete in order to get the mission to finish with one of them being opening a door which sarah death grabs the key to right here along with some more mana sarah death is then going to perform the first clip of the run now there are several different ways to clip in this run but the first clip we do here is one of the easier ones to do and is pretty straightforward in concept and execution and is a type of clip called a vertical clip when you aim far reach out into the distance its trajectory has an arc to it by aiming it out like this then swinging our camera down the moment we release our far reach then we far reach into the ground clipping through the floor into the area below us there are some limitations as to where we can perform clips like this the main limitation on doing this is that we need to be in an open enough area that we can get our far reach trajectory to have considerable length to it in order to get considerable length to its trajectory we need to aim our far reach up a bit since it arcs this means that the area we perform these clips in we have to have a lot of space because otherwise our far reach trajectory gets cut off so yeah we can't have much of a ceiling above us to perform a clip like this that's what i'm trying to say performing this clip puts us right in front of the door we have to open with the key we just grabbed as a mission objective and here sarah death also grabs the last rune we need in the run and then upgrades agility again to get rapid sprint for more movement speed this is the last upgrade we take in the rest of the run the main story reason why we're here is to both investigate where our homie sokolov from the first dishonored is located and also investigate the crown killer because sokolov was seen being kidnapped by them all that snooping is done in one dialogue with alexandria hypatia where sokolov's location is revealed and also that hypatia is the crown killer this dialogue is super long though so sarah death will throw a bottle of chloroform down from the rafters then use far reach to initiate the dialogue with hypatia as soon as we start the dialogue then the chloroform will connect with us in the head interrupting and skipping the long dialogue letting us take her out immediately with a bullet and incendiary dart alright time to see this all play out | 668.24 | 789.98 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
32,963 | 31lwXYaiuL4 | just swing and kill your monster i can't afford you somehow getting enough damage to kill me yeah with only a hundred life points you gotta be a little careful huh i will set one card face down and i had my turn draw i'm about to pass draw for NUMBER_TOKEN. i pass okay i'll draw for turn i'm going to use pot of extravagance get back to these cards draw two one and two so i'll activate arcana triumph joker since she's in my hand i can send queen's night king's night and jack's night from the field or my hand to the graveyard and summon her so i'm gonna actually send queens night jack's night and king's night okay i'll summon her in defense just to be safe we're going to activate her effect i'll discard my joker's knight to destroy all face up monsters you control so egyptian god slime is this ruby no more i will enter the battle phase arcana extra joker attacks NUMBER_TOKEN and i'll activate my metal reflex live yay NUMBER_TOKEN defense fun and then the end phase joker's night effect i'll put jax knight back in my deck to add joker's knight back to my hand and into your move i will draw for turn i will tribute my metal reflex slime it's a special summoner special summon another egyptian god slime yay this is silly but it's pretty funny i will tribute my egyptian god slime oh okay we're doing this for the wing dragon of raw sphere mode oh he counts as three is it just for any divine it can be one tribute or three okay cool that's yeah all right and now i'll activate the effect of my spear mode i can special summon a winged dragon of raw from my deck yeah that's a thing here it comes my wing dragon of raw so this is a special summoned rod so it can't use this effect but because it was summoned by sphere mode it gets NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN attack and NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN defense now i'll enter battle and i'll activate my face down card blaze cannon so now again wing dragon abroad gets all three effects it is unaffected by card effects if i had other monsters i could tribute them to gain attack but most importantly after damage calculation i can send all your other monsters to the graveyard so my wing dragon of raw will attack your can of triumph joker she'll get destroyed and i guess that also sets arcana and he won't get his effect because he wants to destroy my battle that's right and then i will set one card face down and i'll have my turn i'm gonna use in your end phase my court of cards this one's new if i control no monsters or if i only control knights i can summon one of my knights or my hand or graveyard i can also banish one of each knight and draw the same number of coins i vanished but i can only use one of those two effects per turn so um during the end phase i'll just get let's get queen's night from my graveyard draw return i | 1,649.6 | 1,848.799 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
83,543 | irW0AiRED3w | okay so i want to break down the different parts of this video first in case some of you aren't interested in the whole thing and just want some specific information about something for the first part we'll talk about some specific purposes of why i built this budget home server for myself and the reasons why you might want to build one for yourself as well and after that we'll talk about the specific hardware choices that i made and how you can keep your own server nice and cheap all of that though after a quick word from today's sponsor pulsate is a remote monitoring and managing solution that allows you to completely control devices around your network to do things like run and schedule windows and third-party updates apply security patches run custom scripts auto-remediate it issues and my personal favorite simply being able to remote desktop into any machine so you can control them from anywhere in the world the monitoring side of things is incredibly useful and now beautiful as well since their latest updates you can easily see the status of every virtual machine server or even your network devices in a nice looking map diagram this platform will suit advanced sysadmin users as well as complete it beginners as it's super easy to set up and navigate with tons of documentation and training videos on how to do everything pulseway is hooking you guys up with a free trial and NUMBER_TOKEN off if you click that first link down in the description and start your free trial today thanks again to them for sponsoring today's video starting with the main purposes there's actually four of them that i'm gonna go with today first is being an ass a plex or media server just a home theater gaming pc and finally a virtualization playground and just as a quick note this video is indeed going to be geared towards beginners that don't know a ton about home servers in general this will be super easy to follow and understand if you want to try any of this for yourself okay so starting with the first purpose which is nas or network attached storage this concept allows you to share your hard drive or multiple drives in your computer to any device that's connected to your home network and honestly if you're still using like a usb drive to transfer files from one computer to another please listen up this is actually super simple to do but i'm not going to be giving specific instructions because it depends on which operating system you're using but you can indeed use something like windows NUMBER_TOKEN pro and that's exactly what i recommend doing if you're a beginner in windows it's actually as simple as right-clicking your hard drive clicking properties and going to the sharing tab and then every device that mounts or connects to that share drive will have access to it for a budget home server like this i recommend just putting any NUMBER_TOKEN inch spinning hard drive that you can get for cheap and using that as the nas i personally recommend just using a smaller nvme drive as your boot drive and then like i just threw this two terabyte used hp spinning hard drive on here that i found on ebay for like NUMBER_TOKEN now all of my computers have easy access to two terabytes of storage all right but now that you have that hard drive ready to roll you're starting to keep some files and backups from other computers on there now it's time to load up some movies and tv shows which you may or may not have downloaded illegally and you want to share them | 75.92 | 234.72 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN all of that though after a quick word from today's sponsor pulsate is a remote monitoring and managing solution that allows you to completely control devices around your network to do things like run and schedule windows and third-party updates apply security patches run custom scripts auto-remediate it issues and my personal favorite simply being able to remote desktop into any machine so you can control them from anywhere in the world the monitoring side of things is incredibly useful and now beautiful as well since their latest updates you can easily see the status of every virtual machine server or even your network devices in a nice looking map diagram this platform will suit advanced sysadmin users as well as complete it beginners as it's super easy to set up and navigate with tons of documentation and training videos on how to do everything pulseway is hooking you guys up with a free trial and NUMBER_TOKEN off if you click that first link down in the description and start your free trial today thanks again to them for sponsoring today's video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
48,751 | F6U9amcfU-s | brought to you by raycon earbuds stay tuned till the end for more information hello your honor as you can see i've decided to make a video essay in place of a written essay generally speaking kids are dumb they tend to not know anything about anything and very few of them have any skills that can be considered even somewhat valuable to society being an adult is better in just about every conceivable way but despite our overwhelming advantages there's one aspect where kids have us absolutely beat in NUMBER_TOKEN british progressive rock band jethro tull released their fifth studio album thick as a brick an epic tale told through the ambitious format of one continuous piece of music front man ian anderson credited the fantastical lyrics of the composition to an eight-year-old boy named gerald bostic the album was so imaginative it made sense to many that it could only have come from the wild mind of a child when it comes to creativity kids are king and NUMBER_TOKEN years ago one show helped many of us channel our inner eight-year-old | 0.16 | 68.299 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN brought to you by raycon earbuds stay tuned till the end for more information END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
70,567 | bsp4dA1g1i4 | hello everyone and welcome to the NUMBER_TOKENth episode of analyzing evil featuring hal NUMBER_TOKEN from the odyssey series NUMBER_TOKEN a space odyssey is considered one of the greatest films ever made and hal NUMBER_TOKEN by extension is often considered to be one of the most iconic villains ever to appear in literature or film and though he certainly is an antagonist and could perhaps be considered a villain there's a debate that fans of this series have been engaging in since the creation of this sci-fi epic is hal NUMBER_TOKEN evil there may not be a definitive answer to this question and whether or not you believe him to be so may be determined by your own morals and thoughts on the nature of artificial intelligence nonetheless in this video we're going to try and determine whether or not there is an answer to this question or if this is a topic that will remain in the realm of the subjective until we're given proof to the contrary and if that's the case at the very least this video will serve to convey my thoughts on the matter and if yours differ from mine i'd love to hear them down below to determine whether or not hal is evil we're going to be primarily looking at the information we're given in NUMBER_TOKEN a space odyssey as well as some additional information provided to us in NUMBER_TOKEN odyssey NUMBER_TOKEN that helps to clarify what exactly went wrong with hal in the first entry in this series hal makes small appearances in the last two novels in this series NUMBER_TOKEN odyssey NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN the final odyssey but in these appearances hal takes on another form entirely and just like david bowman the how we see after his ascension might contain the original hal but he's definitely not anything close to being evil in those novels so taking his appearances there into account when determining his morality in the first entry wouldn't help us much now some of you may already know that hal eventually ended up ascending to what we could call a form of godhood during the events of NUMBER_TOKEN odyssey NUMBER_TOKEN and though none of us are ever likely to attain such a lofty place in the universe you can still become a lord among men by checking out our sponsor for today's video established titles established titles is a conservation project based in scotland and in their efforts to preserve the natural beauty of that country they've created this ingenious way to get the world involved in saving the planet with established titles you can make yourself an official lord or lady by purchasing a plot of land on a private estate in scotland this title doesn't just allow you to brag to your friends about being a lord either as this title is official and you can add it to any official document like credit cards plane tickets or even to your dating profile to impress any aspiring lords or ladies not only is it a great way to treat yourself but a title from established titles makes for a fun and unique gift to present to your loved ones as well established titles is also partnered with global charities like one tree planted entries for the future and with every purchase of a title they work with these charities to plant trees not just in scotland but all across the world established titles is perhaps one of the best ways to get you and your loved ones involved in saving the planet while having a bit of fun at the same time right now | 2.8 | 176.239 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN and though none of us are ever likely to attain such a lofty place in the universe you can still become a lord among men by checking out our sponsor for today's video established titles established titles is a conservation project based in scotland and in their efforts to preserve the natural beauty of that country they've created this ingenious way to get the world involved in saving the planet with established titles you can make yourself an official lord or lady by purchasing a plot of land on a private estate in scotland this title doesn't just allow you to brag to your friends about being a lord either as this title is official and you can add it to any official document like credit cards plane tickets or even to your dating profile to impress any aspiring lords or ladies not only is it a great way to treat yourself but a title from established titles makes for a fun and unique gift to present to your loved ones as well established titles is also partnered with global charities like one tree planted entries for the future and with every purchase of a title they work with these charities to plant trees not just in scotland but all across the world established titles is perhaps one of the best ways to get you and your loved ones involved in saving the planet while having a bit of fun at the same time right now END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
55,414 | 1Jj-8HsEFuE | click thumbs up for another Jakob video guys he's doing terrific in his new home and he's starting to make rapid progress on his training there are times when we want our dogs to just chill out and give us some space maybe you've got company over or maybe you just want to eat your dinner without your dog begging for food hit subscribe right now too so you have all of the information to teach your dog anything in today's video we're gonna show Jakob how to stop begging and in the process of doing that show him how we want him to generally behave when we want our space in the case of unwanted begging it might be a good idea to make sure your dog is not a full stomach before training but I know what you're thinking Zach I'm tired of running to the store every few weeks to get another bag of dog food why can't it just be there when I need it believe me I feel your pain and fortunately there is a better way in all seriousness though Peplow will change your life by freeing up lots of time now I've done the math and for me setting up automatic pet food delivery saves me about NUMBER_TOKEN hours a year in unnecessary driving and it helps the dog training revolution - you're gonna get your dog food anyway get it this way and make your life easier just choose the brand of dog food you want from hundreds and how often you want it delivered enter code Zach NUMBER_TOKEN when you check out and you'll receive NUMBER_PERCENTAGE_TOKEN off of your first order now let's go find out what's going on with Jacob and see if we can help hey buddy what's up how are you there he is look at this no this is not for you no no this this is for me you can't have this as you can see Jacobs being pretty insistent right now for some food his begging behavior appears to be well established at some point in the past Jacob was probably reinforced with this begging behavior by people feeding him from the table that's the cheap way that dogs become beggars in the first place I'm gonna ask him to sit just to get his attention off of this food it's much harder to reverse an established bad habit than it is to prevent the begging behavior from becoming a habit in the first place ideally if you never feed your dog while you're eating you should never have this problem of unwanted begging to begin with there's a couple of prerequisites to resolving pushy behavior like this the first is that you have a really reliable down-stay from your dog however without rewarding them with food and you can see how it might send mixed messages to your dog if your rewarding with food when you're trying to get them to stop begging for food so let's review how to get to the point where our dog does listen to us without treats so you might remember the way to teach your dog it down is to first get them into a sit just like this sit please that's right and lure them and do it down just like that down luring them with the nose not the eyes and do it down down good boy the next step is teaching your dog to follow a hand signal and then reward them let's see where he is down good let me see if I can get him to lie down while I stand completely straight up like this get up good lie down hey that's pretty impressive good boy but you might notice I'm still rewarding with food we want to get | 12.38 | 193.69 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN the store every few weeks to get another bag of dog food why can't it just be there when I need it believe me I feel your pain and fortunately there is a better way in all seriousness though Peplow will change your life by freeing up lots of time now I've done the math and for me setting up automatic pet food delivery saves me about NUMBER_TOKEN hours a year in unnecessary driving and it helps the dog training revolution - you're gonna get your dog food anyway get it this way and make your life easier just choose the brand of dog food you want from hundreds and how often you want it delivered enter code Zach NUMBER_TOKEN when you check out and you'll receive NUMBER_PERCENTAGE_TOKEN off of your first order now let's go find out what's going on with Jacob and see if we END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
36,130 | 1TPuBmuYa18 | if you are new here all i ask is that you subscribe because we make video essays just like this one every single week on the most provocative stuff in the world of business just like this video and of course you can always dislike unsubscribe and leave me your best hate comments in the comments below so you have nothing to lose if you want more behind the scenes stuff then a lot of kind of stuff you can follow me on instagram at URL_TOKEN and if you want to support the channel financially you can check out some great classes on skillshare with the link below that's going to wrap it up for this video thank you so much for watching you've been awesome i've been jake stay dangerous out there and i will see you guys in the next one | 1,340.08 | 1,369.1 | START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN you are new here all i ask is that you subscribe because we make video essays just like this one every single week on the most provocative stuff in the world of business just like this video and of course you can always dislike unsubscribe and leave me your best hate comments in the comments below so you have nothing to lose if you want more behind the scenes stuff then a lot of kind of stuff you can follow me on instagram at URL_TOKEN and if you want to support the channel financially you can check out some great classes on skillshare with the link below that's END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN |
1,996 | dRJwP0hHB1U | family whether that's just people who worked there or dancers themselves who had felt you know victimized by him they wanted to see him handcuffed and sentenced even though they felt like the plea was not true justice so they all arrive at the courthouse waiting for what feels like hours when a man suddenly comes out and tells them casually that there will be no hearing everyone was angry everyone was confused but then they quickly found out it was because that morning they had discovered steve banerjee's body hung in his jail cell by his bed sheet and a coat hanger instead of facing the consequences of his actions steve took the cowardly way out he had committed suicide at age NUMBER_TOKEN. there are a few theories about why steve killed himself many people think that the guilt got to him some think that he just didn't feel like he could handle prison and some people think that he just wanted rights to the chip and dale's name from the grave even you know in death and that's how it went i mean because steve killed himself his assets went to his family instead of the government and now his family had complete control of the chippendales empire so many people think that that's the reason why he did it many people think that he was just so desperate for control of the chippendales that he would rather be dead than see the government take what he had built so although chippendales was inherited by the banerjee family they ended up selling it off and relinquishing themselves of the responsibility and shame that came along with it gilberto rivera lopez who had shot and killed nick dinoya on behalf of steve was eventually convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to an additional NUMBER_TOKEN years to life for that crime ray colon who had actively aided in the fbi's investigation of steve banerjee ended up pleading guilty to conspiracy and murder for hire but was given a reduced sentence and served two years because he had helped them out with steve rey was released in NUMBER_TOKEN but remained on house arrest for a while but even though chippendales went through a lot of turmoil and a lot of horrific events the shows themselves have never stopped it's now owned by someone else and it still remains very popular people love the chip and nails show but i think it's pretty interesting that you know most people that go to those shows don't really know the history don't know all the toxicity that led to the chippendales being what it is today i found it to be a very interesting story i definitely want to hear your thoughts on this one so leave me a comment and let me know let me know if you've ever been to a chippendale show i'm curious do you think i should go to one they look fun but before i go i would like to thank today's sponsor URL_TOKEN i am super excited to have URL_TOKEN as a sponsor on my channel i think their service is amazing they have been sponsoring my podcast for the last couple years and i love URL_TOKEN URL_TOKEN brings the service of the us postal service and ups right to your computer whether you're a small office sending out invoices or a side hustle etsy shop shipping out orders URL_TOKEN can handle it all with ease URL_TOKEN allows you to compare rates print labels and access exclusive discounts on | 3,231.2 | 3,425.28 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN brings the service of the us postal service and ups right to your computer whether you're a small office sending out invoices or a side hustle etsy shop shipping out orders URL_TOKEN can handle it all with ease URL_TOKEN allows you to compare rates print labels and access exclusive discounts on END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
16,016 | JU3EQXppizA | we made it to the pcr lab only to remember that we have no more drms we can pay for these now | 273.759 | 281.02 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
11,071 | EVxeRENDz1Y | don't debate the gop mimics putin and orban refusing to participate in presidential debates is a symptom of the republicans embrace of authoritarianism this is a really good article to check out a good blog post from ruth ben giat who writes debates between presidential candidates enact the democratic principle of mutual tolerance the notion that those who don't share your political views have a right to free expression the public hears an exchange of views by two individuals on equal footing bound by the same rules and forced by an impartial arbiter when they say we're not going to do that anymore it furthers this idea that number one they people with political disagreements can't even be in the same room as each other but also is the furtherance of other aspects of authoritarianism personality cults as ruth ben giat writes posit the leader as a man above all others the egalitarian staging and format of debates makes them dangerous to his brand since authoritarians sustain power through disinformation threat corruption and fixing elections who knows what might be exposed if they submit to spontaneous questioning by a rival or a third party and that is a fundamental aspect of this and i won't read ruth's entire post but she talks about putin understanding this and his history of refusing to debate and talks about orban a putin client who has followed that lead orban hasn't debated since NUMBER_TOKEN years ago after a really bad performance in a NUMBER_TOKEN debate so there's two aspects of this and there's the they don't run on policy so why even talk to the opposition sure that's fair but then there's also yet another way in this which in which this idea of not getting on stage with your opponent mimics and mirrors that which we've seen other authoritarian strong men do around the world over the last NUMBER_TOKEN years so very much on brand with this extreme authoritarian dictatorial slide that we've seen from the republican party the republican party will vote next month as to whether they are finalizing this decision not to participate in the debates my instinct is they're going to do it i don't think this you know it seems like the type of thing they would kind of decide beforehand do we have the votes for it but we'll see next month and we'll tell you when there is an ultimate decision made by them in the meantime you can let me know your thoughts about this wildly autocratic decision by finding me on twitter deepakman | 211.519 | 374.62 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN in the meantime you can let me know your thoughts about this wildly autocratic decision by finding me on twitter deepakman END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
15,876 | 5-n6-Hx9n60 | i'm gonna get job done | 738.8 | 740.94 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
85,902 | rJHLbBU9q2c | what no no damn it no no no i'm so sick of this i'm so tired of it i don't have any players every goddamn time just gotta calm down i still want to play my favorite video game right now nbaNUMBER_TOKENkNUMBER_TOKEN but i'm gonna have to find some players got to be a way i just got an idea why did i think of this sooner i used to be the mayor which gave me access to a list of phone numbers of very important people let's just call some friends but first a word from our sponsor and just before we start today's video i'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor roman focus when i'm gaming or recording i need to be at my peak and that's why our sponsor roman has launched roman focus a nootropic dietary supplement with ingredients to give you energy and mental focus roman has an in-house team of doctors who research the ingredients to formulate this high quality supplement this is a great way to stay alert and to start your day in fact i just take two capsules and after that i feel amazing guys if you're ready to log in go to forward URL_TOKEN troy dan for NUMBER_TOKEN off your first order plus free today's shipping again that's URL_TOKEN forward slash traded to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first order plus free shipping check the link in the description box below and thanks again to roman focus for sponsoring this video there we go i just sent out then i am looking for some players for my team whoa that was a quick response mr thomas what's up bro i see you're making an nba NUMBER_TOKENk NUMBER_TOKEN fantasy team i mean three of three of the best players i mean i would you can't go wrong with curry or kyrie obviously lebron and kevin durant james harden those are all the guys that you know i would pick at least three three out of those guys that i named so good luck with that go win it and our first player today comes from his time in miami signature series autographed NUMBER_TOKEN year old diamond lebron james one of the greatest players to ever do it shout out to isaiah not only for providing lebron but also responding a hella quick he really did respond that fast he is a quick one and who i just got another one back brett all right troyden you got me out of my element basketball was not my sport i watched it as a kid so you asked me to name three i'm gonna name former larry bird dr j and michael jordan three of my favorites there you go maybe you'll win with them and we've got from the chicago bulls he is limited edition NUMBER_TOKEN overall pink diamond miguel jordan the greatest shout out to brett for providing me the goat the greatest ever doing the ace and i'm so excited to you is him this is off to a great start already oh and we just got another response from t hey troy dan this is mr t now i want to be honest with you brother basketball or fantasy is really not my game my game is wrestling boxing football rugby things like that so imma beg your indulgence you know so if i make a mistake | 0.88 | 245.04 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN first a word from our sponsor and just before we start today's video i'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor roman focus when i'm gaming or recording i need to be at my peak and that's why our sponsor roman has launched roman focus a nootropic dietary supplement with ingredients to give you energy and mental focus roman has an in-house team of doctors who research the ingredients to formulate this high quality supplement this is a great way to stay alert and to start your day in fact i just take two capsules and after that i feel amazing guys if you're ready to log in go to forward URL_TOKEN troy dan for NUMBER_TOKEN off your first order plus free today's shipping again that's URL_TOKEN forward slash traded to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first order plus free shipping check the link in the description box below and thanks again to roman focus for sponsoring this video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
12,341 | 0MFpyg-ufsI | resistant against any accountability and transparency as even white house reporters have come together to launch our formal objection about this president about joe biden refusing to answer questions from the press and with all that happening we wonder why some states like new hampshire are looking to succeed from the union so yeah that's happening now before continuing on we wanted to remind you about one of the companies that we've been working with for a while and that is pro one water filters i personally like these products i use them myself i think you will too especially with the crazy times we're all in right now but even without the madness having water filters is just common sense to me you know personally i'm not a fan of uh pharmaceuticals pesticides parasites herbicides heavy metals micro plastics all up in my water so i personally use a water filter i rather that then then go to the big box stores and get my little plastic waters which uh in my opinion is not only a big waste of time but also a big waste of money and and also if you're one of those environmental freaks you should be using water filter since it saves you from using a lot of plastics with your small tiny tiny bottles of plastic water if there ever was more of an outright con it definitely is the one of literally making people pay for water in little plastic bottles that idea is ridiculous to me that's why i like to work with pro one check them out in the link down below also i have a lot to say later on today in a separate video that i will be releasing on URL_TOKEN there's crazy footage of a doctor being arrested for doing something that we can't even mention here on this independent media channel there's a new bombshell chinese whistleblower that is verifying what we've been telling you for a very long time about a theory that i personally had that's becoming truer by the day the theory that a lot of this nonsense is deliberate and intentional we're gonna be going over that plus a lot more all exclusively on URL_TOKEN i hope to see you there later on today now very surprisingly once in a blue moon we get a question that is actually legitimate on the mainstream media to someone who is in a high position of power that one moment just happened on pbs newshour where bill gates was asked directly about his long and extensive multi-year relationship with then convicted person who did unspeakable things to children and bill gates was directly asked about this relationship was essentially asked what the hell was he thinking doing this uh you know i had dinners with him uh i regret doing that he had relationships with uh people he said you know would give to global health which is a uh interest i have you know dinners dinners built really dinners that's all it was was was just dinners no the executioner of jeffrey epstein's will was bill gates's right-hand man jeffrey epstein funneled money into bill gates's projects at mit which mit tried to cover up and bill gates knowingly is even on the flight logs multiple times flying on the quote lolita express publicly according to the written record there was this is more than just dinners as of course the relationship has spanned far more intensively and wide than most people even still know about so | 347.039 | 568.88 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN like these products i use them myself i think you will too especially with the crazy times we're all in right now but even without the madness having water filters is just common sense to me you know personally i'm not a fan of uh pharmaceuticals pesticides parasites herbicides heavy metals micro plastics all up in my water so i personally use a water filter i rather that then then go to the big box stores and get my little plastic waters which uh in my opinion is not only a big waste of time but also a big waste of money and and also if you're one of those environmental freaks you should be using water filter since it saves you from using a lot of plastics with your small tiny tiny bottles of plastic water if there ever was more of an outright con it definitely is the END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
93,785 | 6emZ5yicaMw | all right professor fur rum menzies theory about the land here again well to keep it short long ago back when what we now call fossil pokemon still roamed the planet this land didn't actually exist it was instead merely a part of the vast ocean to the west and according to myth a giant bird of thunder flew across the area followed by a behemoth under its command that behemoth expanded the land from the east and created what we now call the cascade region professors in other regions have since confirmed that the behemoth spoken about was a primal form of groudon and that the cascade region is likely the last bit of land it ever created but we've still yet to identify what the giant bird of thunder is or if it even exists and it's not one of the zapdos well we don't know much about it but we do know that it wasn't zapdos a bird of lightning big difference anyway this new land was smoldering and hot as new land always is it attracted a lot of fire and rock type pokemon and eventually a powerful fiery pokemon wandered here from the south the legendary menadza it took a liking to the new land and rather than continue traveling it took residence here and its heat locked the region in a near eternal summer which was to its liking it stayed here in this region for millions of years though as it aged it grew tired and decided to hibernate in the volcano to rest and regain its heat but in its absence the region began to cool evermore and eventually from the north another legendary pokemon meandered into the region marked a yield and with its arrival it brought along a downpour of snow and ice it is what caused the entire ice age on this continent as it traveled which of course led to us losing many kinds of pokemon that we can now only revive from fossils and glaciers now and having the dark heart that it did had cared not for those losses completely unconcerned as it took a liking to the cold but when it found the cascade region eventually it grew fond of it it loved the beauty of this land the mountains valleys rivers and forests were the best it had ever seen and so it too took residence here but locked the region in a nigh eternal winter the surviving heat and dryness loving pokemon were forced to leave or perish unable to handle the harshest of winters and in their place came many cold and wet loving pokemon but many millennia later the cold eventually penetrated the volcano and sent a chill up menadza's spine it woke up and looked at what was once its territory in disgust it hated the cold and began melting the ice in its vicinity until its part of the region was once again locked in a near eternal summer but its job wasn't done it wouldn't rest until the ice was out of its region entirely so it moved to the next area to melt the ice there but from another mountaintop arcto yield noticed that a part of its region had warmed and this warmth was leaking into another part to put an end to this it began traveling to this area to spread its winter once more and thus their rivalry began both legendary pokemon wish for full control of this land they call home but neither is powerful enough to fully defeat the other and so one of them eventually blessed the chew monk with great power to become a | 224.72 | 423.293 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
83,199 | ZmRCh3IiDac | busiest month of the year for me i have so much going on with getting plant miss going which is NUMBER_TOKEN videos in NUMBER_TOKEN days in december and because of that i'm going to be ridiculously busy so i wanted to shift my setup a little bit to accommodate that also i am almost out of pages in this journal i did not have enough pages left to do my standard faux dutch door rolling weeklies so i decided to try something new on that first page i'm doing just a vertical list style calendar and sticking down one of my mini calendar stickers at the bottom just so i can see the layout because my brain does better when i can see the calendar in that format for some reason by the way if you've been waiting to get the physical NUMBER_TOKEN mini calendar stickers those will be available for sale this coming week so keep an eye out i will announce it on instagram i'll also do a community post here on youtube and i'll put a link in the description box once they're ready right now the digital version is available if you want to print them at home but if you're waiting for the physical stickers those are coming very soon as you can see here my weeklies are much smaller than usual but again because of this ridiculous schedule that happens every year in december i really need to focus on just the main few things i need to get done every day so that is why each daily space is so tiny it's really just a spot for me to write down which video i'm filming or editing that day and if there's any other important thing i need to keep in mind very simple and straightforward and then at the end i'm going to have two spaces for plantmas planning in general where i can write down my schedule shot lists supplies i need to get anything that comes to mind that is plantless related i'm going to put on those two final sections and then of course at the end there i have my tasks which will be visible no matter which week i'm on and i'm just gonna have one master task list for the month again it is such a ridiculous month i barely sleep in december i must be honest so i'm just going to have a basic task list everything that has to happen written down there and i'm going to work on it whenever i get the chance it's the only way i get through i of course also had to paint my tabs in the colors of this setup because i only needed three tabs this time around it was perfect i could do my green my minty color and my turquoise and i'm so happy with how the spacing turned out that the tabs fit perfectly between the weekly and my little artwork thank you so much to function of beauty for sponsoring this video unlock NUMBER_TOKEN off non-member pricing for your first custom set with the link in the description box for us and canadian customers and we're done so here is the final flip through of all the spreads my cover page here and then my sort of main hub for getting stuff done in december my artwork my calendar all my weeklies my plant miss planning space and then my monthly task list there and i'm really excited to try this layout i hope that i was able to create something that is usable for me despite having not many pages left at the end of my notebook and we'll see how it turns out so hopefully | 858.079 | 1,041.28 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN thank you so much to function of beauty for sponsoring this video unlock NUMBER_TOKEN off non-member pricing for your first custom set with the link in the description box for us and canadian customers END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
40,667 | 4e9B4zpwGt4 | products signal was new once upon a time session was new once upon a time matrix was new once upon a time we're not saying that there can't be new products what we are saying is you really have to take them carefully because stuff like this happens all the time we're not saying never trust anybody we're just saying do your research vet the app see if it's open source get other people's opinions on it people that you trust who understand technology and know how this stuff works don't blindly rush into everything because it's got some marketing buzzwords on the website our next article the headline says allegations of bigotry and calls for impeachment rock college democrats so this is an interesting article and it is obviously heavily political as it concerns the college democrat program but the real story here and the reason i wanted to share this is this is something that people like me have been talking about forever for the record i don't know if maybe this stuff has actually happened before but this is the first article that i've seen that's actually citing real examples of it the basic premise of this article is that the dumb things people did as kids are now coming back to haunt them this article is riddled with stories primarily of tweets costing people important positions that could have helped be career builders so we're talking about people who were looking to be leaders of their college democrat program and then it comes to light that they used a slur back on a tweet like NUMBER_TOKEN years ago this is something that i know i've talked about this a lot and i've heard it talked about but i've never actually seen anybody who has actually been affected by this not to my knowledge and i'm sure this is not the first story i'm sure there are others but here's one if you're like me and you haven't seen one the moral of the story is that we're moving into a world of permanent records anything you post online has the potential to be there forever and unfortunately we live in a culture where we are penalizing people for being young and doing stupid things and making mistakes that's the world we live in now where if you have especially young people in your life you know siblings or children it sucks because you want to teach them to be independent and you want to give them the room to fail and grow but unfortunately we're moving into a world where failure can follow them for the rest of their lives even if it's something stupid that was done years and years and years ago because this is going to become more and more of a problem as life goes on and as information becomes more complete people who are born today will never live in a world where this information was not constantly broadcast to the world and as it becomes more indexable and more accessible our next article says resisting the panopticon and this comes from i gather from context from a teacher who talks about how his university partnered with an online learning platform called panopto which is an interesting choice of name online education is not bad there's nothing wrong with that the problem is this program takes it a little too far for one this made every class digital by default by digital what i mean is every class was recorded so basically the way that this program works is the school installs cameras in every single classroom and records every single lesson which leads into problem number two that means that every remark every question everything that happens in that classroom now becomes a | 1,536.48 | 1,712.96 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
81,534 | g6vawO5BuWQ | that's kind of cool some paint on the car nice nice and even distribution cool leaves are y'all satisfied right now i'm feeling it man it's starting to go up i'm at like NUMBER_TOKEN whoa okay that's just messing with my brain a little bit giant tortilla okay the hell is is it a giant tortilla is shaq about to eat a quesadilla what's going on here bundles of hay oh oh my god imagine that's how cinnamon's made and there's a guy in inside of every cinnamon bottle doing that next time you eat cinnamon think about the guy you're eating inside the bottle whoa that's the fruit i thought that was a puffer fish oh my god we've got beans inside of them what kind of fruit is that i want to try that | 171.2 | 228.86 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
66,009 | 8lMmu7g39-U | it's hard to tell what's a go-around and what's a different trail this is actually some of my favorite stuff to ride because you get a mix of adventure with not only the riddle of figuring out the logistics | 688.24 | 703.899 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
73,844 | EedkjY86R-Q | and now a word from our sponsors this video is proudly sponsored by our friends over at simply safe and they honestly reached out to us at the perfect time for you guys because if you've ever wanted to make your home feel safer there's no better time than now simplisafe is giving you early access to all their black friday deals with our link meaning you'll get NUMBER_TOKEN off or more on their award-winning home security system and if you haven't heard about simply safe before they're an award-winning team that enables you to design a full security system best fit for your space and ships directly to your doorstep they've also just launched a new wireless outdoor security camera that gives you a NUMBER_TOKEN degree field of view over your property with NUMBER_TOKENp hd resolution eight times zoom and a built-in spotlight with color night vision so you can closely capture what's happening around the clock now this isn't something that i've ever said on the internet before because why would i but back when i was in high school right after my NUMBER_TOKENth birthday i had just gotten a bunch of money and an xbox from my family and my house got broken into the day after i got home from school that day to find that our glass had been shattered and all of my stuff had been taken my parents television was taken and a bunch of other stuff that we held near and dear to us uh was taken from our house so i'm so happy to have a simply save him this house now that was a separate house but i feel way safer now knowing that our house is protected NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. and if you guys have been even thinking about getting some sort of protection in your house there's no better time than now it's better to be safe than sorry and like i said you guys can save NUMBER_TOKEN or more in your simply safe security system right now during their black friday deal which is their biggest sale of the entire year so make sure you visit URL_TOKEN wd detailing to learn more and now let's get back to the detail | 308.8 | 417.5 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN and now a word from our sponsors this video is proudly sponsored by our friends over at simply safe and they honestly reached out to us at the perfect time for you guys because if you've ever wanted to make your home feel safer there's no better time than now simplisafe is giving you early access to all their black friday deals with our link meaning you'll get NUMBER_TOKEN off or more on their award-winning home security system and if you haven't heard about simply safe before they're an award-winning team that enables you to design a full security system best fit for your space and ships directly to your doorstep they've also just launched a new wireless outdoor security camera that gives you a NUMBER_TOKEN degree field of view over your property with NUMBER_TOKENp hd resolution eight times zoom and a built-in spotlight with color night vision so you can closely capture what's happening around the clock now this isn't something that i've ever said on the internet before because why would i but back when i was in high school right after my NUMBER_TOKENth birthday i had just gotten a bunch of money and an xbox from my family and my house got broken into the day after i got home from school that day to find that our glass had been shattered and all of my stuff had been taken my parents television was taken and a bunch of other stuff that we held near and dear to us uh was taken from our house so i'm so happy to have a simply save him this house now that was a separate house but i feel way safer now knowing that our house is protected NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. and if you guys have been even thinking about getting some sort of protection in your house there's no better time than now it's better to be safe than sorry and like i said you guys can save NUMBER_TOKEN or more in your simply safe security system right now during their black friday deal which is their biggest sale of the entire year so make sure you visit URL_TOKEN wd detailing to learn more and now let's get back to the END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
14,832 | 9opsQXUgyhk | the link listed below get on it because the sale is only going down for a limited time don't forget to subscribe to my channel i post new videos on wednesdays and if you want to be alerted as soon as i upload ring that bell is this still on this side of the page this is a new studio so now now i don't know which side is which we'll just go with it with that said here are my NUMBER_TOKEN best tips for writing deliciously dark fantasy number one one size doesn't fit all dark fiction is a broad concept it covers so many genres within speculative fiction it can be linked to subgenres within fantasy and sci-fi you've also got horror thriller and paranormal fiction we could list dark fiction genres all day and there will still be people who think dark fiction is this highly niche label that is dependent on killing off a ton of characters you don't need a ton of death and destruction there is no specific body count to aim for the dark qualifier relies heavily on tone is there a sinister feeling to your story think of the literal idea of darkness when it's the middle of the night it's easy to be frightened not because you're being chased by a demon but because you can't see what's around you you have no idea what's lurking in the shadows it's the fear of the unknown the dread of what could potentially be hiding yes you can absolutely murder a crap ton of characters in your dark fiction but remember that tone is the qualifier and you can achieve that tone in a variety of ways number two establish a purpose darkness for the sake of darkness isn't entertaining it's gimmicky it's really common for newbies to boast of how dark their fiction is they kill characters left and right people think they're crazy they're not a regular writer they're a cool writer the fact is death is commonplace in fiction it's not new it's not original and killing off a ton of characters isn't going to make your writing impactful in fact it might do the opposite if you're murdering your cast there needs to be a purpose to it every death and scare needs to affect your plot in some way death and scare tactics can establish the villain the conflict or the threat they can motivate discourage or break the main character they can hinder obscure or completely changed the direction of the plot but nowhere on this list did i say that death and scare tactics should exist for shock value yes they can be shocking as a byproduct but that should not be their sole purpose pay attention to the purpose your darker elements serve in the story if they don't got a purpose delete them number three emotion over blood there is absolutely a place for blood and dark fiction i mean hello dark fiction is about death but the bloodshed and violence should never overshadow the emotional impact the point of dangerous elements like torture fighting and suffering are to evoke emotion in the characters and thus in the readers your character may be scared for their life and your reader is anxious to figure out whether or not they're going to survive this is where your focus needs to be on the emotion you're evoking through the scene for example say you've just killed a character in a horrific way if the character is a stranger to the mc you can potentially focus on the horrific nature of their death their | 194.56 | 396.56 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN the link listed below get on it because the sale is only going down for a limited time don't forget to subscribe to my channel i post new videos on wednesdays and if you want to be alerted as soon as i upload ring that bell is this still on this side of the page this is a new studio so now now i don't know which side is which we'll just go with it with that said here are my NUMBER_TOKEN best tips for writing deliciously dark fantasy END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
90,654 | bMZNBgajs4s | hello everybody and welcome to we say things episode NUMBER_TOKEN suns fan here with syndrome i can't speak too loudly right now and i'll tell you why a little bit later but first let's talk about our beautiful sponsor the last episode that they're sponsoring hopefully until next season of course the king of the pool tournament it's an ability draft tournament the sign ups are getting close to not like this is the last opportunity for you guys i'm just going to read off what they wrote to us as well i'll show you my draft if you show me yours in the king of the pool league come join other competitive ability draft players starting january NUMBER_TOKENth team up and battle it out with up to NUMBER_TOKEN others for six weeks of swiss groups and if you're skilled enough six weeks of eight teams dueling in double olymp playoffs with six teams each taking home a slice of a NUMBER_TOKEN prize pool per region register your team now and join the fight every wednesday to find out who is king of the pool i'm gonna put the link in chat for the league details the league registration i'll put those also in the youtube video along with the discord community if you guys are into ability draft uh first of all i just want to say i appreciate them sponsoring the episode i think this is really cool and i hope people sign up i know there's still a couple slots left so if you guys want to try something new have some fun with ability draft uh it's always like these homegrown initiatives that i'm a huge fan of and i hope it goes well yep make sure uh like even if you've never played ability draft before it's not too late to start right like it's still i think maybe to some people this might seem a little bit overwhelming but essentially ability draft is dota but with other abilities that's what it is right like if you've played dota getting into ability draft is not that hard you just need to play some games figure out what abilities you like and what's good together and then it's all about drafting and just having fun and it makes for really wacky games because heroes are totally different every game so there's a lot of like how to say yeah there's a lot of variety basically in this mode and uh if you've if you've got a stack or can get some people together maybe you can even just if you don't have a stack of five friends or whatever maybe you can go on the discord and find other people that are looking for a team and then that way you can sign up as a mix and just have a have some fun playing this mode because it's very very different than usual dota and it's very similar at the same time so yeah and the two guys that are in charge of it essentially rgb knights and canadian chicken very very dedicated they're putting their own money into all this as far as i know which is i mean i've done that in the past with uh captains draft and whatnot so i know what that's like it's it's a passion so if you guys know anybody that's interested even if you yourself are not then just spread the word | 12.32 | 188.959 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN beautiful sponsor the last episode that they're sponsoring hopefully until next season of course the king of the pool tournament it's an ability draft tournament the sign ups are getting close to not like this is the last opportunity for you guys i'm just going to read off what they wrote to us as well i'll show you my draft if you show me yours in the king of the pool league come join other competitive ability draft players starting january NUMBER_TOKENth team up and battle it out with up to NUMBER_TOKEN others for six weeks of swiss groups and if you're skilled enough six weeks of eight teams dueling in double olymp playoffs with six teams each taking home a slice of a NUMBER_TOKEN prize pool per region register your team now and join the fight every wednesday to find out who is king of the pool i'm gonna put the link in chat for the league details the league registration i'll put those also in the youtube video along with the discord community if you guys are into ability draft uh first of all i just want to say i appreciate them sponsoring the episode i think this is really cool and i hope people sign up i know there's still a couple slots left so if you guys want to try something new have some fun with ability draft uh it's always like these homegrown initiatives that i'm a huge fan of and i hope it goes well yep make sure uh like even if you've never played ability draft before it's not too late to start right like it's still i think maybe to some people this might seem a little bit overwhelming but essentially ability draft is dota but with other abilities that's what it is right like if you've played dota getting into ability draft is not that hard you just need to play some games figure out what abilities you like and what's good together and then it's all about drafting and just having fun and it makes for really wacky games because heroes are totally different every game so there's a lot of like how to say yeah there's a lot of variety basically in this mode and uh if you've if you've got a stack or can get some people together maybe you can even just if you don't have a stack of five friends or whatever maybe you can go on the discord and find other people that are looking for a team and then that way you can sign up as a mix and just have a have some fun playing this mode because it's very very different than usual dota and it's very similar at the same time so yeah and the two guys that are in charge of it essentially rgb knights and canadian chicken very very dedicated they're putting their own money into all this as far as i know which is i mean i've done that in the past with uh captains draft and whatnot so i know what that's like it's it's a passion so if you guys know anybody that's interested even if you yourself are not then just spread the word END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
18,976 | MiH1mtL864Q | chats before i move on i don't want to miss it uh mike new member welcome michael thank you for that uh anything on xlm no john unfortunately nothing i haven't heard anything about anything about stuller recently but i'm neutral on the project i'll tell you that that's pretty much it i think the big news of course is polygon there's just a lot of stuff going on polygon and there's news for several others um looking at overall market it's a little bit lower versus this morning but the important thing is bftc dominance bitcoin dominance is still below NUMBER_TOKEN and i think that is a pretty good measure because it does show that retail investors are not truly panicking of course there are some that are worried and the fear is still high in fact let me bring that up because this morning was like NUMBER_TOKEN and now you can see oh it went up a little bit now it's not extreme fear but it's still fearful and this is one of the biggest reasons why the market i believe hasn't just done a v-shape recovery there's really no reason for that equities market is starting to blow up again and crypto is still very healthy the fundamentals did not change overnight so the fear is still there but it's not true panic when you have true panic especially during crypto winters especially after a blow off top you see bitcoin dominance shoot up to the moon and that's not what we're seeing so that's also very positive all right uh that's pretty much it outside of that i do have uh uh do have a sponsor for today and it's a project i've covered before but they have many updates they want to share and some of you guys know of this project and they are telos which is a lNUMBER_TOKEN a fast scalable decentralized finance is here with telos they are lNUMBER_TOKEN they're built with the eos code base but they release their own evm which means that yes ethereum based apps can come aboard intellis and utilizes evm and it's near fellas and much much faster so all the problems on top of ethereum is solved with telus is evm and just to give you example how fast they scale they can handle NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN transactions per second energy usage is basically none and when you compare them to cardano matic and even ethereum uh it's just more efficient okay using telos now there's a couple big news that came out recently number one they are building partners already on top of the telus evm the very first amm the sushi swap you guys know of sushi swap is coming aboard to tell us and go be offer yield pools for the telos token so that's pretty big and also they're getting into nfts they will be launching telos punks yes it's going to be a collection of NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN you know basically crypto punk uh copy but they will be coming out with their own punks with their own unique design but just similar in concept and that is also coming to telos evm and they already have a site for URL_TOKEN here's the test net and you | 933.36 | 1,139.12 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN project i've covered before but they have many updates they want to share and some of you guys know of this project and they are telos which is a lNUMBER_TOKEN a fast scalable decentralized finance is here with telos they are lNUMBER_TOKEN they're built with the eos code base but they release their own evm which means that yes ethereum based apps can come aboard intellis and utilizes evm and it's near fellas and much much faster so all the problems on top of ethereum is solved with telus is evm and just to give you example how fast they scale they can handle NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN transactions per second energy usage is basically none and when you compare them to cardano matic and even ethereum uh it's just more efficient okay using telos now there's a couple big news that came out recently number one they are building partners already on top of the telus evm the very first amm the sushi swap you guys know of sushi swap is coming aboard to tell us and go be offer yield pools for the telos token so that's pretty big and also they're getting into nfts they will be launching telos punks yes it's going to be a collection of NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN you know basically crypto punk uh copy but they will be coming out with their own punks with their own unique design but just similar in concept and that is also coming to telos evm and they already have a site for URL_TOKEN here's the test net and you END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
36,174 | 1FEVbW9a3Jk | in order to get the caltrax installed on the viper truck i've got to remove this pressed in rubber bushing from the front of the spring pack and it's going to get replaced with a solid aluminum sleeve now these rubber bushings are held very firmly in place and my go-to tool has always been the shop press but you guys give me a hard time and i get it not everybody has something like this in their home shop so i'm going to show you a way to do the job with something that's a little more attainable this is the new matco tools long barrel air hammer and this thing lays down NUMBER_TOKEN impacts per minute and that means it'll move a ton of metal in a hurry its power is delivered with a three and three quarter inch stroke and the forward drip design allows you to easily control the chisel on the work piece and as a plus the rubber dampener reduces hand fatigue the chuck design allows for quick and easy bit swaps and in no time at all the bushing walks right out so the one thing you do not want to do is drive this aluminum sleeve back in with an air hammer or even a regular hammer because it will mess it up slow and steady wins the race here a little bit of anti-seize on the bushing will help it slide right in and prevent any galling | 1,580.559 | 1,654.04 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN go-to tool has always been the shop press but you guys give me a hard time and i get it not everybody has something like this in their home shop so i'm going to show you a way to do the job with something that's a little more attainable this is the new matco tools long barrel air hammer and this thing lays down NUMBER_TOKEN impacts per minute and that means it'll move a ton of metal in a hurry END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
84,306 | iQFFbMM8KJ4 | own social media detox in case you're interested in doing that as well another self-care tip that i have for you is to give yourself time to rest rest physically mentally emotionally spiritually whatever that means for you take time to decompress you need to be setting aside time where you can just forget about your responsibilities take time to unapologetically rest whatever that means for you whether that means watching netflix going on a walk spending time with your family or friends whatever that is make sure that you are very intentional with this time my resting time looks like watching netflix reading a book going to the pool things that aren't traditionally are necessarily considered productive but are productive in the sense of giving myself time to decompress and rest which is just as important in my opinion again we live in a society and culture that super go go go that really emphasizes hustle and working and i feel like it's so important to give yourself time to rest and not feel guilty about it and to not pressure yourself to working all the time because that is what leads to burnout so ideally you're giving yourself time every day if not every day then a few times a week to rest to decompress to slow down and to do something that isn't necessarily considered productive so i will mention that since i have been more intentional with giving myself more rest days i've found that i've actually felt more creative more motivated and more focused on my work when i come back to it because i feel like my brain is more rested and i have more space in my mind where i can be more creative and i can come back to my work even more motivated and driven than i was before so my final self-care tip is to prioritize sleep this is something that i realize as i've gotten older is so important and kind of like how i've been working on my morning routine i've also been working on creating a night routine that's very calming that kind of helps me wind down and prepare for a good night's sleep i actually read somewhere i think it was like NUMBER_TOKEN of americans are sleep deprived due to just bad habits in general and which is kind of scary because sleep deprivation can cause high blood pressure and also heart disease and those are just some of the few negative consequences that comes from it so i'd like to spend about NUMBER_TOKEN minutes before bed to kind of prepare myself for sleep so i'll usually take cbd or something to kind of calm my nervous system down i'll shut down all of my electronics put my screens away i like to light some incense or candles to kind of put myself in the mood to go to bed i'll do some light stretches in bed just things that really calm me down and prepare myself to get a good night's sleep if you're looking for more self-care tips i have a blog post that has a very long list of things that you can implement into your routine if you're interested i will also link that down below but those are all of my self-care tips that i have for you today one last thing that i want to mention something i've been thinking about along my self-care journey i feel like self-care it goes beyond buying yourself chocolate or flowers or taking bubble baths things like that i feel like self-care is truly a mind-body soul experience and i feel like it starts | 655.2 | 884.399 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
70,305 | QRpXtHR0o5o | mountain i wanted to address a few issues that probably people have been curious about one adam haven't you quit all of these things before in the past yes two having you claimed psychedelics are the reason why don't mind if i keep looking down i don't want to fall but you were able to quit them the answer is yes and i guess the next question would be if psychedelics were so powerful in giving you the insight and the drive to quit then how come you always end up back in the same addiction pattern and i would say that yes psychedelics are powerful tools for curing all kinds of addictions all of the above about the only one that i haven't fallen back onto cigarettes knock on mud let's knock on this rock but yeah i mean they do help a lot of people so why have they not helped me you could make the argument that it's because i never well i did try to integrate i always talk about this you gotta integrate the journey but you could also argue it's because i never sought out any form of therapy i've always been very hard-headed stubborn arrogant whatever you want to call it and i thought that i could use the insights the glimpses that psychedelics offer to allow me to quit permanently i clearly never addressed the underlying potential childhood trauma attached to these addictions for me i simply rode the highs the psychedelics gave me the temporary enlightenment i felt and i naively believed that was enough to keep me healed long term and it clearly wasn't i'm not trying to discredit psychedelics and say they can't cure people from you know stuff like smoking or alcohol because they're very powerful in that but these people also have to work on what the triggers were and they have to get to the root cause of it and tackle it sans psychedelics and my arrogant stubborn ass has never actually done that there have been times where i've quit for um over a year depending on the compound i've never made it a year with kratom a lot of people don't understand just how severe opioid addiction is literally anyone can get addicted to these things if they start using them too much a great example can be found in the netflix in the disney plus it's actually a star show called dopesick great plug for the sponsor this video is actually sponsored by surf shark and if you actually have disney plus in the states you can't watch dopesick because it's a star show so what you got to do is get something like surf shark go up and change your region to canada and then you can watch all these awesome shows like adult shows on disney plus if you sign up with the code psyched you're going to save NUMBER_TOKEN off which gives you the best price for vpn on the market fancy that and you're also going to get an extra three months so follow the link in the description to sign up for surfshark they're vpn which also protects you from your internet provider tracking you which is awesome i'd like to give them a big thank you for sponsoring this addict's videos for so long it's very kind of them so everyone follow surf short below and check out dopesick dopesick is great because it can | 98.84 | 258.56 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN great plug for the sponsor this video is actually sponsored by surf shark and if you actually have disney plus in the states you can't watch dopesick because it's a star show so what you got to do is get something like surf shark go up and change your region to canada and then you can watch all these awesome shows like adult shows on disney plus if you sign up with the code psyched you're going to save NUMBER_TOKEN off which gives you the best price for vpn on the market fancy that and you're also going to get an extra three months so follow the link in the description to sign up for surfshark they're vpn which also protects you from your internet provider tracking you which is awesome i'd like to give them a big thank you for sponsoring this addict's videos for so long it's very kind of them so everyone follow surf short below and check out dopesick END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
32,196 | WuVAM0shvXg | hello jet-setters I'm Jeb Brooks with greener grass calm and I'm Gary Kelly CEO of Southwest Airlines so I've gotta ask you Gary why are people so obsessed with your airline because our people are the best they offer the greatest service at the lowest price bags fly free and there's freedom and justice for all well we're about to find out because I'm flying Southwest let's check it out this is one of the most requested videos I've ever made so I asked the Twittersphere what makes the airline so special I got a ton of responses it's clear people love Southwest perhaps none more so than their own employees and since bags fly for free on Southwest let's check this one in my one and a half hour flight from Raleigh to Tampa look to be on time so I explored the gate area a bit now Southwest does not offer lounges the good news about that no lounge coffee espresso Southwest's boarding process is a real differentiator for the airline you won't have a seat assignment on a Southwest flight you're free instead to choose any available seat on the plane you're assigned a place in line rather than a seat and the earlier you check-in the better your spot in line prior to boarding passengers line up according to their assigned spot and gate agents begin the process you can guarantee an earlier spot by either buying a business select ticket or upgrading your boarding position which guarantee that you'll have one of the first spots in line this unique procedure is designed to reduce the amount of time Southwest planes are on the ground after all a plane that's sitting at a gate is not a plane it's generating revenue for an airline it's important for you to know that this video like all of my videos abides by my sponsorship policy I'll link to it here and in the description but you can always check out a Jeb dot flights and slash sponsors that outlines exactly how I work with sponsors this is not a sponsored video | 0.03 | 125.49 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN link to it here and in the description but you can always check out a Jeb dot flights and slash sponsors that outlines exactly how I work with sponsors this is not a sponsored video END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
62,923 | MD2tL6-7q8A | like some of the points still like are reasonable to stand at NUMBER_TOKEN years old hitting the weights hard once a day going PROFANITY_TOKEN surfing once a day going to do bjj once a day all in the span of NUMBER_TOKEN hours whilst doing a PROFANITY_TOKEN podcast whilst having a high quality you know entrepreneurial you know endeavors like all these things are pretty goddamn hard to adhere to at a high level and still get your four to five out or your five to six hours and when you're still recovering you know like it's reasonable to assume with that much PROFANITY_TOKEN going on at NUMBER_TOKEN like you might benefit from you know exogenous hormones at you know like to be honest i think that's still a reasonable assumption all but you know him clarifying it and like definitely kudos to him for being super cool about it you know like he uh despite totally you know elaborate on every point and you know completely trying to dismantle each one he did it in a way that was uh very very um respectful of you know my content and whatnot and he you know spoke highly of it and it was uh great to see he didn't you know take it poorly or anything he found it mildly entertaining with some of the PROFANITY_TOKEN slang and lingo in there and some of my points that may have you know been different had he you know clarified in certain things like for example the uh point about him lifting you know NUMBER_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN the whole you know would it it would hurt me i could almost do it for that you know i could i could perhaps do you know a little bit less than that if you can get NUMBER_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN that's like good good i think yeah i'd say i'd say i'm if not there a little below there yeah that's good that's a good squad and apparently it's coming from a a scene of their you know channel that otherwise is not part of the podcast the whole way that thing started was me talking about squatting yes the reason i came in to work talking about squatting because i was on a on this on the squat train here well here's before you even let that this is important to know because derek does gets this wrong in the video he refers to it as the podcast like we were talking about this on the podcast this was not the podcast it wasn't literally this was the point before the podcast before we start the podcast we're just talking trash so somehow like it was just supposed to be assumed that this entire PROFANITY_TOKEN thing is like fake you know but then they mentioned how he does he could do NUMBER_TOKEN for i believe NUMBER_TOKEN in his prime i went and checked i was like like going through some of my records and i found because i do NUMBER_TOKEN reps for me is not something i would normally do i do NUMBER_TOKEN reps and i i was looking at some of my old numbers and um NUMBER_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN. it was like something something that i have done NUMBER_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN and there's a that's all that's a heavy freaking squad oh sorry NUMBER_TOKEN what would i say NUMBER_TOKEN yeah no i didn't do that well and here's the thing this is a good point too that you i think it's important to realize it's subtle but it's a big deal | 310.08 | 489.919 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
61,994 | 438SAndaYPw | after years of downplaying inflation central bankers government officials and the elite can no longer deny that inflation is here despite using questionable methodology yesterday's cpi number came in at a shocking NUMBER_TOKEN percent the highest reading since NUMBER_TOKEN. remember these are the same officials who promised the american people in NUMBER_TOKEN that there wouldn't be any inflation and that there was nothing to worry about as we proceeded to print trillions of excess dollars soon the narrative moved to denial with powell and company essentially denying inflation even existed and when it became too obvious to ignore they dismissed it as transitory after more than a year of serious price hikes the story is entering its final stage the narrative is shifting the new angle is that inflation is a good thing a last-ditch resort to explain the invisible tax that is engulfing america in today's video we examined the potential for a massive hyperinflation disaster and look into michael bury's latest statements on this issue digging into the details of a tragedy that is brewing in washington and wall street but before we begin i would like to quickly remind you guys to hit that subscribe button if you enjoy my content i'm at nearly NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN subscribers and would love to hit that NUMBER_TOKENk mark before the end of this year while talks of hyperinflation are often quickly dismissed as absurd the events unfolding around the world today are rapidly creating a dangerous environment where only a spark could produce a massive inflationary inferno let's begin with some facts while we like to believe that the united states is immune from disasters like a currency collapse allow me to remind you that not once in history has a fiat currency survived every single one has failed the two longest surviving the british pound and the us dollar both have lost the vast majority of their original value now before you get too bored of the typical cliche apocalyptic fiat talk let me make it clear to you that we're still very very far away from hyperinflation percentage-wise but as you're about to see we may not be too far away time wise officially hyperinflation is defined as monetary inflation occurring at a very high rate what very high means in this context is rather subjective but most economists agree that an inflation rate of greater than NUMBER_TOKEN percent for at least a month is the line right now there are only seven nations on earth experiencing hyperinflation but there are signs that we could be headed towards a disaster bury's tweet from november NUMBER_TOKENth highlights this while experts previously blamed the reopening as the catalyst for the rise in prices we are seeing with new data that the reopening has little to do with these recent numbers the cpi is at NUMBER_TOKEN percent a far cry from NUMBER_TOKEN but the government is incentivized to keep inflation figures low you can read about this on your own time but it is very true that the methodology used to measure cpi has changed dramatically over the past few decades what is also true is that for each change the cpi numbers look lower and lower never the other way around for example using the NUMBER_TOKEN method our cpi today would measure right around NUMBER_TOKEN percent using the NUMBER_TOKEN method it would measure close to NUMBER_TOKEN percent how far can we push before we break as you may know bury rarely makes public appearances or speeches however back in NUMBER_TOKEN he gave a commencement speech at ucla while this event may have happened | 0.32 | 190.56 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN we begin i would like to quickly remind you guys to hit that subscribe button if you enjoy my content i'm at nearly NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN subscribers and would love to hit that NUMBER_TOKENk mark before the end of this year while END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
70,411 | XXyjbAN2b3M | vpn a virtual private network available as an app and a browser extension that essentially lets you access content from anywhere and also encrypts your data when you're browsing online with over NUMBER_TOKEN servers all around the world it's super easy to just switch your location and unlock more content for example i'm working on an iconic video about pretty little liars and if you want to watch pretty little liars but it's not available on netflix in your country just switch the country on your surfshot browser extension switch it to canada i know they've got it why does netflix canada always have really good stuff by the way surfshock also equips you with tools to better protect yourself online with these features you can browse more confidently knowing that surfshark's helping to block ads malware and phishing attempts also shock offers one account with an unlimited amount of devices so i use my laptop and my phone under the one account use my code mike's mic SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN to get eighty-three percent off plus three extra months for free surfshark offers a money-back guarantee so there's no risk for you to try it out for yourself make sure you check out the link in the description and don't forget to use my code thank you surf shark sponsoring this video let's get back to it that segue though you have to clap that was excellent after seeing this picture of francis granola i went through and looked at all his other ones and it's just the same outfit just a pair of underwear and then body paint hey bestie something about galaxy frankie grande is kind of marvel yeah okay next we've got sorry i need to stop laughing while i'm talking this is one of the costumes that popped up on the side on google when i was trying to find these other ones and i screamed underwater best friend costume they're trying so hard to get around that copyright and i PROFANITY_TOKEN know the struggle that aside this outfit kind of slays a little bit and she knows it too i went on the website and looked at other costumes that this model was modeling it's just kind of like whatever but she turned it up for this one you know who would wear this | 190.48 | 298.46 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN vpn a virtual private network available as an app and a browser extension that essentially lets you access content from anywhere and also encrypts your data when you're browsing online with over NUMBER_TOKEN servers all around the world it's super easy to just switch your location and unlock more content for example i'm working on an iconic video about pretty little liars and if you want to watch pretty little liars but it's not available on netflix in your country just switch the country on your surfshot browser extension switch it to canada i know they've got it why does netflix canada always have really good stuff by the way surfshock also equips you with tools to better protect yourself online with these features you can browse more confidently knowing that surfshark's helping to block ads malware and phishing attempts also shock offers one account with an unlimited amount of devices so i use my laptop and my phone under the one account use my code mike's mic SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN to get eighty-three percent off plus three extra months for free surfshark offers a money-back guarantee so there's no risk for you to try it out for yourself make sure you check out the link in the description and don't forget to use my code thank you surf shark sponsoring this video let's get back to it END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
84,497 | H9nMezJvr-k | making abilities by forty thousand percent firstly what on earth are you doing and secondly please watch the entire backlog of my videos as i explain the fordify restoration loop allowing you to create the most overpowered items in the game i mean come on guys at this point it's pretty much second nature you just craft a potion that makes potion making more powerful and then you craft another potion that makes potion making more powerful after your potions are now more powerful rinse repeat and oh my goodness you've become a god it really is as easy as that alright so it's into the potion making area we go so we're bam here we go lever braces meaning our potions are now more powerful this necklace means the potions are also another five thousand percent more powerful and this silver ring meaning we have another five thousand percent boost to our potion making all right perfect stuff i think we're now ready to actually make ourselves a potion of destruction so naturally you go into the alchemy lamp grab your ingredients grab yourself some ectoplasm and then find yourself some nightshade combine the two and you're going to create a potion of destruction so we're bam we craft it and oh look at this we've created ourselves a lovely potion so what does this potion do exactly well unlike this regular draft of destruction which means the destruction spells are NUMBER_TOKEN stronger for NUMBER_TOKEN seconds our portion of fortified destruction here means the destruction spells are NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN stronger for NUMBER_TOKEN seconds causing also an additional NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN points of poison damage i imagine that's the nightshade element being added in there which is very fun although they don't technically do NUMBER_TOKEN percent more damage there's a little bit of a caveat destruction spells are ten thousand percent stronger for sixty seconds but how do you calculate strength well for most destruction spells like for example this fire bolt here it's very simple it just does slightly more damage about ten thousand percent more damage which isn't exactly the greatest thing in the universe i mean it's nice but the issue is you've gotta fire it off it's gotta actually hit its target and do damage and adds too much fast instead here at spifco we like to make the art of killing as easy as possible consequently that's why the majestic thing about making destruction spells stronger means that for spells that actually do aoe damage their range increases take the flame cloak here for example for NUMBER_TOKEN seconds opponents in melee range take NUMBER_TOKEN points of damage but what is melee range is it how long you can extend your arm and hit an opponent or is it whatever the heck we want it to be because congratulations ladies and gentlemen it's the latter so this is where the magic occurs ladies and gentlemen as we break skyrim once more ladies and gentlemen guess what i've spoken to rihanna keeps and he's got a fantastic offer for you the first NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people who like this video will be visited tonight by the beautiful handsome and radiant riyadh keeves that's right he'll stand at the edge of your bed look at you and emit such a blaring beam of light that it will evaporate your retinas but trust me it'll be worth it just to see that beautiful riyanukivs what an offer who couldn't agree how could you possibly not like this video now anyway onwards with breaking | 322.479 | 495.84 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN ladies and gentlemen guess what i've spoken to rihanna keeps and he's got a fantastic offer for you the first NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN people who like this video will be visited tonight by the beautiful handsome and radiant riyadh keeves that's right he'll stand at the edge of your bed look at you and emit such a blaring beam of light that it will evaporate your retinas but trust me it'll be worth it just to see that beautiful riyanukivs what an offer who couldn't agree how could you possibly not like this video now anyway onwards with breaking END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
91,194 | QTKRs6VRFK4 | i had the NUMBER_TOKENz it's been gone for a while this is the only angle i can show you and i'm showing you that we're adding a little foam piece because actually this is kevin's idea to fill the race car hood gap between the hood and the bumper we're gonna put this little foam tape that actually makes it look nice i am showing you guys and giving a little bit of way that there is some white on the car that's about the only little sneak peek you'll get but the z is back and it looks really good i'm really excited for you guys to see it damn it looks good though okay i can't show it anymore today's video is being sponsored by something that i live through in my spare time and that is invest in stock and buy crypto big shout out to all my shibu doji fans out there my favorite app to use is URL_TOKEN because it's also a social media platform as well as a buy sell and trade platform so what that really means is you're able to follow other creators like some people you might know me cody co philip defranco emma chamberlain and much more the app is completely free and there is no commission on standard trades the benefit that i like of the app is you can buy stock and slice or in portions rather than full stock that essentially just means it's easier and cheaper to buy stock rather than paying for a full chunk of it and to top it all off public doesn't sell your trades or information to other market makers like other investing apps if you guys head over to URL_TOKEN forward slash tj hunt you'll get up to NUMBER_TOKEN dollars worth of free stock by starting a new profile once again all you have to do is go to URL_TOKEN forward slash tj hunt to receive some free stuff thank you so much to public for sponsoring today's video and now let's get back to it you guys are probably seeing this in the background of the videos the past couple months that'll just finish this build it's super super cool it's obviously a tribute to fast and furious trip to paul walker but they did a little modern spin on it if you guys haven't checked out their videos go do it just look for this thumbnail it's pretty hard to miss it came out so so cool it was really cool seeing them build this every single day their car is going to be going in the trailer with us but i have a little bit of bad news the cNUMBER_TOKEN is not here and god bless sos you guys are saying in the comments last time oscar and them literally put the world on their back when it comes to the street hunter cNUMBER_TOKEN they are doing so much of that car and they finished the car and he called me and he said as he was buffing it because the paint is so fresh on the hood that we have on that car that's a little hint there's gonna be new hood he accidentally like burned through some of the paint and they called me and were facing me and they showed me the whole hood masked off and they're doing a paint touch up on it and oscar was like dude i was just so defeated so that car is not gonna make it right now onto the trailer thankfully the driver said he'll go up to sls it's | 185.12 | 324.96 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN today's video is being sponsored by something that i live through in my spare time and that is invest in stock and buy crypto big shout out to all my shibu doji fans out there my favorite app to use is URL_TOKEN because it's also a social media platform as well as a buy sell and trade platform so what that really means is you're able to follow other creators like some people you might know me cody co philip defranco emma chamberlain and much more the app is completely free and there is no commission on standard trades the benefit that i like of the app is you can buy stock and slice or in portions rather than full stock that essentially just means it's easier and cheaper to buy stock rather than paying for a full chunk of it and to top it all off public doesn't sell your trades or information to other market makers like other investing apps if you guys head over to URL_TOKEN forward slash tj hunt you'll get up to NUMBER_TOKEN dollars worth of free stock by starting a new profile once again all you have to do is go to URL_TOKEN forward slash tj hunt to receive some free stuff thank you so much to public for sponsoring today's video and now let's get back to it END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
45,645 | mqs1PoEYrl0 | this is annoying because we already have lonzo and someone decided to put a poop on his head he is not a trash player that yeah okay shut up taking the next one why isn't he talking three two one go we got oh my god it's PROFANITY_TOKEN and then overall center funk fungus is mom that is funky that is yes that is fungus's mom taking a player go what is going on we have a hornet oh hornet is that funny ah give me a PROFANITY_TOKEN player three two one go NUMBER_TOKEN overall point guard trace mcsorley i don't know what the hell this means three two one go oh god NUMBER_TOKEN overall point guard bad lad chunks okay three two one go | 1,484.72 | 1,541.1 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
51,281 | Wqz1s-eEGAI | good afternoon junk enthusiasts i'm mbt and this is NUMBER_TOKEN minute testing i'm fresh off my playoffs win and sorry about this one so here's the list i don't know how much longer i can do this i'm starting to hear the caretaker in my head as always i'll give you a background about the archetype a little bit of a discussion about what i hope the deck can do and of course the card by card but first this video is sponsored by rage shadow legends raid raid rage shadow legends glad i get to do the speech from the winners circle this time felt a little disingenuous to be talking about this lovingly crafted rpg available for mobile and pc after getting stomped for the ninth week in a row as always if you're looking for the link mine's in the description raid has recently released their most ambitious boss yet the hydra like the dragon rulers each head has different mechanics but all of them are bannonly strong dany for instance the head of suffering can share the damage it deals with your champions just like how gavin can share the suffering he inflicts with you viewers the head of torment uses true fear to cause you to skip your own term like how gavin makes me want to skip his matches every week and the head of wrath becomes an unkillable monster when provoked like how i act after dealing with gavin i continue to be an absolute king in the arena i've been playing it relentlessly and i'm unironically climbing pretty far i owe my continued success to both my team and the auto moderation avoiding plss gang a clan i have put together raid's also giving away a super limited edition champion to every player in the game esports legend simple between now and january NUMBER_TOKENth simple is available for free but you have to log in for seven days between now and the NUMBER_TOKENth just hit the link in the description or scan the qr code right here new players will get an epic hero vergus NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN silver and experience boost an energy refill and one ancient shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in game you'll find your rewards here in your inbox for the next NUMBER_TOKEN days only now let's interrogate why we're playing invoked for the NUMBER_TOKENth time on this channel invoked is so many different things to so many different people a thorn in farfa's side an easy joke for unfunny yu-gi-oh reply guys a tumblr sexy man for the down baddest people on twitter but to me he's a constraint you see this unholy twink has been competing with the normal summon of every rogue deck since NUMBER_TOKEN from generator to arrow mage if you're playing something without a normal you have to engage in a pre-deck building calculation is what i'm doing better than normal summon allister for many decks eldblitch to meknight the answer is a resounding no and while this led to literally hundreds of tops for this bottom he was never the flagship monster of his own tier one meta strategy until now dids is an amalgamation of three or four extremely powerful self-contained | 27.599 | 187.92 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video is sponsored by rage shadow legends raid raid rage shadow legends glad i get to do the speech from the winners circle this time felt a little disingenuous to be talking about this lovingly crafted rpg available for mobile and pc after getting stomped for the ninth week in a row as always if you're looking for the link mine's in the description raid has recently released their most ambitious boss yet the hydra like the dragon rulers each head has different mechanics but all of them are bannonly strong dany for instance the head of suffering can share the damage it deals with your champions just like how gavin can share the suffering he inflicts with you viewers the head of torment uses true fear to cause you to skip your own term like how gavin makes me want to skip his matches every week and the head of wrath becomes an unkillable monster when provoked like how i act after dealing with gavin i continue to be an absolute king in the arena i've been playing it relentlessly and i'm unironically climbing pretty far i owe my continued success to both my team and the auto moderation avoiding plss gang a clan i have put together raid's also giving away a super limited edition champion to every player in the game esports legend simple between now and january NUMBER_TOKENth simple is available for free but you have to log in for seven days between now and the NUMBER_TOKENth just hit the link in the description or scan the qr code right here new players will get an epic hero vergus NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN silver and experience boost an energy refill and one ancient shard so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in game you'll find your rewards here in your inbox for the next NUMBER_TOKEN days only now let's END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
19,876 | bUHxe6UxGVQ | never play cards with yeah saying that you're a shadow yeah never get a tattoo of a dagger on your arm and never best part of mornings is when you wake up and you're already at the bar joe oh that's so funny yeah it's painful there's a quote from teen wolf just put in teen wolf um uh famous would you put no coach just teen wolf coach scene everybody knows what the clearing is right here it goes right to it this is a magnificent scene because coach bobby finstock i parked this i point this out every time i see this or every time i talk about this the guy has a fresh bucket of kfc on his desk that he is actively eating as he's chewing gum no way yeah and he's shaving is that on purpose of course it's just brilliant i never i never noticed it yeah look at this dude he's actively chewing gum he's got kfc open on his desk but he eats the chicken taste buddies it's a new year and we're all getting back into the swing of things we all have resolutions we all have things you want to try and do we got things to go we got places to people to see and all that stuff my time is limited i'm back on the road now and i'm back full-time in production i don't have the time to necessarily cook every single night never mind go shopping but i don't have to meal plan or prep now that we have something called factor leave your meals to factor factor makes it easy to eat clean NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN with fresh never frozen prepared meals that are so delicious you wouldn't believe they're actually good for you they save time uh by delivering chef crafted meals to your doorstep eliminating the hassle of shopping or prepping not to mention there are no dishes to clean each factory meal arrives pre-prepared and ready to eat in two minutes that's faster than evening or even ordering delivery uh it tackles tough stuff so we don't have to they are registered dietitians and expert chefs work hand in hand to create the meals that you'll be eating with all nutritious ingredients there's more than NUMBER_TOKEN meal options a week so you won't get bored of the same foods they'll even know your preferences they have vegan preferences veggie meals cold press juices smoothies energy bites plant-based bars extra protein stuff sides and more to keep you fueled all day long head to go dot factor NUMBER_TOKEN slash plans i'm going to repeat that on my own one more time because it's a mouthful but it's going to get you where you need to go you want to go to head on over to URL_TOKEN slash plans that's geo dot factor NUMBER_TOKEN the numbers seven and five dot com slash plans and that will take you to the landing page to pick a plan and then you're gonna use the code taste buds one two zero taste buds NUMBER_TOKEN to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first five weeks of meals that's code taste buds NUMBER_TOKEN you're gonna go to URL_TOKEN slash plans as in meal plans for a hundred and twenty dollars off when you use the code taste buds NUMBER_TOKEN. taste buds let's talk about warby parker if you haven't heard of warby parker by the way you've been living under a | 2,361.92 | 2,574.64 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN taste buddies it's a new year and we're all getting back into the swing of things we all have resolutions we all have things you want to try and do we got things to go we got places to people to see and all that stuff my time is limited i'm back on the road now and i'm back full-time in production i don't have the time to necessarily cook every single night never mind go shopping but i don't have to meal plan or prep now that we have something called factor leave your meals to factor factor makes it easy to eat clean NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN with fresh never frozen prepared meals that are so delicious you wouldn't believe they're actually good for you they save time uh by delivering chef crafted meals to your doorstep eliminating the hassle of shopping or prepping not to mention there are no dishes to clean each factory meal arrives pre-prepared and ready to eat in two minutes that's faster than evening or even ordering delivery uh it tackles tough stuff so we don't have to they are registered dietitians and expert chefs work hand in hand to create the meals that you'll be eating with all nutritious ingredients there's more than NUMBER_TOKEN meal options a week so you won't get bored of the same foods they'll even know your preferences they have vegan preferences veggie meals cold press juices smoothies energy bites plant-based bars extra protein stuff sides and more to keep you fueled all day long head to go dot factor NUMBER_TOKEN slash plans i'm going to repeat that on my own one more time because it's a mouthful but it's going to get you where you need to go you want to go to head on over to URL_TOKEN slash plans that's geo dot factor NUMBER_TOKEN the numbers seven and five dot com slash plans and that will take you to the landing page to pick a plan and then you're gonna use the code taste buds one two zero taste buds NUMBER_TOKEN to get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first five weeks of meals that's code taste buds NUMBER_TOKEN you're gonna go to URL_TOKEN slash plans as in meal plans for a hundred and twenty dollars off when you use the code taste buds NUMBER_TOKEN. taste buds let's talk about warby parker if you haven't heard of warby parker by the way you've been living under a END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
41,075 | QcERGRpXiWs | so in this video we're going to be talking about a whopping NUMBER_TOKEN movies getting added to netflix this month some old some brand spanking new NUMBER_TOKEN series again some old and some brand new as usual we will start this list off with all the familiar favorites they're adding on the first and then we'll work our way through the rest of the month in chronological order talking about all the new stuff netflix is going to be adding at the end of the video i'll be showing you a full list of everything leaving during the month of february so you can be sure to catch those titles before they're gone but before all that i need to tell you about today's sponsor keeps now longtime subscribers have certainly noticed i'm going gray in somewhat of a hurry i'm NUMBER_TOKEN so it's a little premature but i have embraced it i am not afraid to go gray early however i am a little afraid of having thin gray hair which is why i have been using keeps for well over a year now long before they became a sponsor of this channel now i'm required to say that results may vary but i got results after about three or four months i did notice my hair was thicker and fuller and about another three or four months after that i started getting other people to notice and now i get more compliments on how thick and full my hair looks than i ever did but keeps is an online subscription service with doctor recommended hair loss treatments they've got NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN expert support and proven results and keeps actually makes it super easy to find the right prescription plan for you because not all hair loss is the same not only am i on the right plan but i also combine it with their shampoo and conditioner i've never cared what kind of shampoo i use i've been using theirs again for over a year i love it i notice when i go out of town and don't have it my hair does not look as thick and full as it does when i'm using this stuff every day it's fantastic again highly recommend upgrading getting the shampoo and conditioner so if you're like me and you want to get ahead of it before it's too late go to URL_TOKEN flick connection i've put a link down there in the description but that's SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN dot com slash flick connection and you're gonna get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first keeps order there's also a link in the video description and the top pinned comment which also has the full list of all the movies and shows we're talking about in this video but speaking of that let's move on with the rest of the video so let's get started with all those familiar favorites they're going to be adding on february NUMBER_TOKENst beginning with batman begins and the dark knight now i am as excited for the new batman movie as the next person it does look like it's going to be quite good however i seriously doubt they're gonna be able to top the dark knight it's one of my all-time favorite movies and not just because of heath ledger's performance that's a major factor but batman begins and the dark knight are both particularly well written for this genre because they have a lot more in common with really good crime movies than they do with superhero movies another action flick that just never got the respect i think it deserved is the book of eli this | 32.399 | 207.28 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN that i need to tell you about today's sponsor keeps now longtime subscribers have certainly noticed i'm going gray in somewhat of a hurry i'm NUMBER_TOKEN so it's a little premature but i have embraced it i am not afraid to go gray early however i am a little afraid of having thin gray hair which is why i have been using keeps for well over a year now long before they became a sponsor of this channel now i'm required to say that results may vary but i got results after about three or four months i did notice my hair was thicker and fuller and about another three or four months after that i started getting other people to notice and now i get more compliments on how thick and full my hair looks than i ever did but keeps is an online subscription service with doctor recommended hair loss treatments they've got NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN expert support and proven results and keeps actually makes it super easy to find the right prescription plan for you because not all hair loss is the same not only am i on the right plan but i also combine it with their shampoo and conditioner i've never cared what kind of shampoo i use i've been using theirs again for over a year i love it i notice when i go out of town and don't have it my hair does not look as thick and full as it does when i'm using this stuff every day it's fantastic again highly recommend upgrading getting the shampoo and conditioner so if you're like me and you want to get ahead of it before it's too late go to URL_TOKEN flick connection i've put a link down there in the description but that's SHORT_HYPHENATED_TOKEN dot com slash flick connection and you're gonna get NUMBER_TOKEN off your first keeps order there's also a link in the video description and the top pinned comment which also has the full list of all the movies and shows we're END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
93,843 | 5SfEdWSpj9w | low profile for a while my subscribers are as dear to me as my trusty shovel quite a lot as you can imagine so detective creek could just the right thing for you at this very moment you see surf shark made me offer account reviews you know what that means they supply you with the goods i take a cut and we both make out with a good deal surf shark vpn a sector none fast affordable unlimited devices just for the need to only aim going over the top and have some leisure time on our hands with sir shark you can access any streaming service anywhere at any time that's how we stick to the man get three months off surf shock for free and NUMBER_TOKEN of your subscription by using voucher code janovich in my opinion hammer and voltage is still a really low quality show but people defend it by saying it's supposed to be a motion comic and generally motion comics have a more limited animation style and i can kinda see where this argument is coming from but i don't think it lets games workshop of the hook and i will tell you why i think the most obvious answer to that is that simply games workshop themselves say it is animation look at the weekly what's new farmer plus videos does it say motion comic no it just says animation i also haven't found a single official warmer article that states a hammer and boulder is meant to be a motion comic it is always marketed as animation along the likes of angels of death that is clearly misleading but i do get where this argument is coming from because sure even though games workshop themselves don't explicitly say it's a motion comic the free episode of old bayley did have a lot of motion comic elements to it it was indeed very playful with its framing it used various comicy visual elements it did use an actual comic layout a few times so hammer and bolter must be a motion comic right so far old bayley is the only episode that actually did this kind of style all the other shows have just a very classical format and none of these have motion comic elements if the whole series was animated like old bayley then yeah i would probably have agreed that hammer and boulder is a motion comic but when only one episode out of the now NUMBER_TOKEN is like that then defending the animation quality by saying it's supposed to be a motion comic it's just not a good argument in my opinion the previous episode kedia stance was really atrocious and i didn't like the writing at all you would think an episode about trenches would be enjoyable to a greek fanboy but it just wasn't and i think it speaks for itself and it takes nine episodes before i can earn ironically say something positive about the animation quality look cameron botta doesn't have to be some artistic masterpiece it really doesn't but at the very least the story shouldn't suffer from a lack of keyframes and all considered it's quite ironic that hammer and is finally able to become somewhat of a decent show by using the same tricks fan animators have been using for years death of hope where all the lip sync is hidden behind masks and helmets astartes where basically all the characters are the same with slight differences in armor lord inquistor where the characters use the same copied walk cycles we just have to see if hammer and bolter will be able to consistently improve from here on out but there is only | 329.199 | 517.76 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN low profile for a while my subscribers are as dear to me as my trusty shovel quite a lot as you can imagine so detective creek could just the right thing for you at this very moment you see surf shark made me offer account reviews you know what that means they supply you with the goods i take a cut and we both make out with a good deal surf shark vpn a sector none fast affordable unlimited devices just for the need to only aim going over the top and have some leisure time on our hands with sir shark you can access any streaming service anywhere at any time that's how we stick to the man get three months off surf shock for free and NUMBER_TOKEN of your subscription by using voucher code janovich END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
70,581 | nA-AlD-aicU | let's welcome him in you know let's get him situated you know that's a common dude yeah thank you thank you for being here thank you for having me thank you for your time yeah it means a lot to us do you feel better yeah i like andreas isn't it right no you i could see it on your face because it's like it brightened up i feel like andreas is a is a good like balance to everything you know what i mean yeah and if and also we're we have you know ocd tendencies two and two right you know just that on the map she's smiling now she's glowing you're glowing you're you're glowing you're glowing we got oh you're blinding us what is it about on drains that kind of brings you comfort go ahead he's just really kind sweet and i just see him as like a family wow wow that's nice that's real nice real nice yeah yeah scissor brothers yo what up fool what's going on essay what's on your face what's for your face fool we both got cream on our faces yo still with that dog what do you mean we both got cream on our faces i think it's that new uh what's that new thing the giant geology yeah we out here in the streets with that fresh skincare that's right vato they got different types of stuff too right they got a morning face cream spit repairing night cream everyday face wash full they got a little bit of everything for that ass but most importantly their face and i feel fresco well where could they get some of this stuff full dude go to URL_TOKEN and use promo code oh you know what how about we gonna make it easier you know what click on the link below in the description of this video head to URL_TOKEN and take their free skincare quiz to save up the NUMBER_TOKEN off on your NUMBER_TOKEN-day trial or just click the link below like i said that's URL_TOKEN to save NUMBER_TOKEN off on your NUMBER_TOKEN-day drive it's way better than vaseline full oh man and you know you can still make a foofy with it damn right peckerwood you're not yo you're not wrong with that fool easy with that i mean yeah you i like you i like you dogs are you in the cafeteria i mean where you going dog yeah there's a lot of good stuff in this i guess i should rub this in on my eye holes huh | 2,167.68 | 2,310.3 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN yo still with that dog what do you mean we both got cream on our faces i think it's that new uh what's that new thing the giant geology yeah we out here in the streets with that fresh skincare that's right vato they got different types of stuff too right they got a morning face cream spit repairing night cream everyday face wash full they got a little bit of everything for that ass but most importantly their face and i feel fresco well where could they get some of this stuff full dude go to URL_TOKEN and use promo code oh you know what how about we gonna make it easier you know what click on the link below in the description of this video head to URL_TOKEN and take their free skincare quiz to save up the NUMBER_TOKEN off on your NUMBER_TOKEN-day trial or just click the link below like i said that's URL_TOKEN to save NUMBER_TOKEN off on your NUMBER_TOKEN-day drive it's way better than vaseline full oh man and you know you can still make a foofy with it damn right peckerwood you're not yo you're not wrong with that fool easy with that i mean yeah you i like you i like you dogs are you in the cafeteria i mean where you going dog yeah there's a lot of good stuff in this i guess i should rub this in on my eye holes huh END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
55,679 | cRy7gC8W22E | what are you doing why isn't my control wire working thanks to my comrades kindness their mercy now it's time for me to take my freedom attaboy queen you may have mastered the number three but can you stand up against four of us running simulation for the number four hmm you are definitely going to kick uh my ass unless oh no what that come on guys you PROFANITY_TOKEN idiots wait wait what nano second you you covered it | 3,795.44 | 3,841.74 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
62,856 | AUwJzZBOVkA | from the entourage but on august NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN presley passed away west was on set and had to be given the day off to deal with the death of his old and famous friend robert conrad's daughter was cast in an attempt to compete with charlie's angels in NUMBER_TOKEN black sheep was suddenly facing a formidable foe charlie's angels pushing them to move to a new night wednesdays it didn't take long for charlie's angels to become one of the most popular shows on tv and black sheep struggled to maintain an audience but it didn't go down without a fight they cast their own crew of beauties to play nurses and even dubbed them pappy's lambs a not-so-subtle take on charlie's angels included in this influx of female cast members was nancy conrad daughter of robert the series finale starred one of the biggest rock stars of the NUMBER_TOKENs while he's played himself on the drew carey show and madame secretary english rock star peter frampton has just one screen credit on american tv where he plays a fictional character previously associated with the band's humble pie and the herd frampton played a brit named peter buckley in the episode a little bit of england which was the finale frampton was good enough to offer to chop off his beautiful curly blonde locks but the producers decided to let him keep the hair at the time his album frampton comes alive was on the billboard charts for an impressive NUMBER_TOKEN weeks robert conrad died last year at age NUMBER_TOKEN. the undeniable star of the show robert conrad died of heart failure in malibu california on february NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. as a youngster conrad was a rising actor with his good looks and strong physique when he was chosen for the lead in hawaiian eye the show debuted in NUMBER_TOKEN and conrad became an overnight star after five seasons with the show period westerns were the television craze of the time and conrad embraced it but with a different twist the wild wild west debuted in NUMBER_TOKEN and conrad took on the role of james t west a james bond-like agent who used innovative tactics and futuristic gadgets to battle bizarre villains the successful show ran until NUMBER_TOKEN. he followed this with arguably his greatest role greg pappy boyington in black sheep squadron conrad frequently employed his offspring in his movies and tv shows an example was the NUMBER_TOKEN tv series high mountain rangers conrad bankrolled the project with his own money and directed he hired sons shane and christian as co-stars daughter joan as producer and daughter nancy as caterer the show followed a group of law enforcement officers and was filmed in the high sierra mountain range near lake tahoe his later film credits included the christmas movie jingle all the way where he starred opposite arnold schwarzenegger and dead above ground which was his final film credit in NUMBER_TOKEN. he survived by eight children and NUMBER_TOKEN grandchildren now it's time to hear from you which of these fascinating facts about black sheep squadron did you find the most surprising let us know in the comments section below and | 291.919 | 478.56 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN now it's time to hear from you which of these fascinating facts about black sheep squadron did you find the most surprising let us know in the comments section below and END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
46,032 | Vft6BTps8Ow | before they pop their head up eight times they died oh no okay missed me got him now you have to keep me got him no i got him NUMBER_TOKEN seconds i gotta get them all out | 658.8 | 673.42 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
16,365 | tfSMzfDVgBc | olsen gustav strombone hari ali haley hill harrison holt mchale helen y hitman NUMBER_TOKEN i son chore ian anderson isaac swanson jay aldiar jameson lepine janna jason i jcNUMBER_TOKEN jeffrey ruchtenwald jeremy ferris jesse fish jesse wilkerson jethron joe frantic joel short joey din john gallagher jojo denko jordan phillips joshua vance wall jose carlos madrigal julius garcia junior motomura justin payne carl williams kevin gillay lars berger lee young leon keys lindsay wells lynson wu liam ahern luis sabara lion crown NUMBER_TOKEN malcolm moshette malionware manuel thomas marcel gear NUMBER_TOKEN frolic marco hernandez materia addict matthias claire matt ferguson matt karwaski matthew t ryan mazrim tame megadet megan mcdonough michael besegli michael clendenan michael kozichenko michael pliskin michelle nubb miguel mikhail anielle mike calvey mike hook one mikey mizek novak mizuki NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN mithra strongbeard mo grant monica morpheus mr anarchy nefertiti jenkins neil bruce nycrypt nivvy sun noah weinstein olf himself oro gaccino pablo rodriguez paul nolson paul sway phillip higdon quinn riley raphael david aquilino bacchi raymond lee reed johnson richard goodwin ritz NUMBER_TOKEN robert i roy eschke russell bateman sam sorensen samuel copeland sean cornett sebastian urban sebastian trier sneaky gato spencer stevens splantot stefan heinz strikeout nz super NUMBER_TOKENd cow tbxNUMBER_TOKEN tense george the classiest hobo tim stroffman thomas blaise foshero tim mann tim o'keefe tj sullivan toasty soul tom masterman travis ing travis mioci trevor thomas tristan howard trisak tuttle tyler wallace vNUMBER_TOKEN dave v curarey volkerbach wavy chula willow pingree wobess wowder dehaze zk | 7,693.52 | 7,827.52 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN olsen gustav strombone hari ali haley hill harrison holt mchale helen y hitman NUMBER_TOKEN i son chore ian anderson isaac swanson jay aldiar jameson lepine janna jason i jcNUMBER_TOKEN jeffrey ruchtenwald jeremy ferris jesse fish jesse wilkerson jethron joe frantic joel short joey din john gallagher jojo denko jordan phillips joshua vance wall jose carlos madrigal julius garcia junior motomura justin payne carl williams kevin gillay lars berger lee young leon keys lindsay wells lynson wu liam ahern luis sabara lion crown NUMBER_TOKEN malcolm moshette malionware manuel thomas marcel gear NUMBER_TOKEN frolic marco hernandez materia addict matthias claire matt ferguson matt karwaski matthew t ryan mazrim tame megadet megan mcdonough michael besegli michael clendenan michael kozichenko michael pliskin michelle nubb miguel mikhail anielle mike calvey mike hook one mikey mizek novak mizuki NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN-NUMBER_TOKEN mithra strongbeard mo grant monica morpheus mr anarchy nefertiti jenkins neil bruce nycrypt nivvy sun noah weinstein olf himself oro gaccino pablo rodriguez paul nolson paul sway phillip higdon quinn riley raphael david aquilino bacchi raymond lee reed johnson richard goodwin ritz NUMBER_TOKEN robert i roy eschke russell bateman sam sorensen samuel copeland sean cornett sebastian urban sebastian trier sneaky gato spencer stevens splantot stefan heinz strikeout nz super NUMBER_TOKENd cow tbxNUMBER_TOKEN tense george the classiest hobo tim stroffman thomas blaise foshero tim mann tim o'keefe tj sullivan toasty soul tom masterman travis ing travis mioci trevor thomas tristan howard trisak tuttle tyler wallace vNUMBER_TOKEN dave v curarey volkerbach wavy chula willow pingree wobess wowder dehaze zk END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
38,530 | 4hPE-gW7eaI | the rickety old vending machine has claimed one of your precious dollars once again how do you react | 228.64 | 235.34 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
37,055 | EEmZlTTY8Rw | so excited when i was turning like NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN because i heard mcdonald's would hire when you turn NUMBER_TOKEN. like most of the minimum age requirements in the u.s i'm i'm fairly certain they're like NUMBER_TOKEN in a lot of places but for some reason as long as you agreed certain hours NUMBER_TOKEN was allowed now i was excited because i just wanted to make some of that money okay i think that's fair i didn't have expenses i just want to be able to buy a gamecube but it is sad to think that like maybe luckily i didn't get a job until i was NUMBER_TOKEN. but encouraging kids to work just makes me a bit sad because they should be able to have some sort of childhood you know and my mom worked two jobs just to be able to like afford for us to have an okay life when i was a kid as well so like i definitely do feel that the NUMBER_TOKEN hour work week is a bit outdated unless we can increase everyone's pay a lot but that uh how we gonna do that the government working i don't know next up we have uh mike from canada says yes we in canada have gotten rid of the penny and there hasn't really been any problems you still exchange them in for larger denominations at a bank to get your money back and they'll have the coins melted down to get them out of circulation wow uh when you're purchasing something in cash you round up to the nearest five cents but if you're purchasing on the card the product uh retains its exact value you just answered the whole problem i was like i don't know how it worked canada already leagues ahead of the rest of us a couple other countries commented by the way saying their country did the same exact thing and it's been great i just don't know why we don't do this however i did misspeak by the way i think i was using some outdated john green data love the man but also this is a video i've watched of his like from NUMBER_TOKEN years ago turns out in the uk pennies are actually made out of steel with copper on the outside yeah we don't really need anything lower than NUMBER_TOKENps i agree if we could have a system in place in which the same thing happens in canada maybe if it's like an exact thing you know you can get it on the credit card but if it's cash just round up but the question then lies for me what if something costs like NUMBER_TOKENp does it round down or do you really think companies gonna be like yeah let's round down for you NUMBER_TOKENp i just feel like they're gonna round up no matter what but i actually don't know how it works so if you live in a country where this is a thing please uh tell us below number one things that should not exist in NUMBER_TOKEN you not knowing about today's video sponsor hule what a segue can you believe it now if you've been watching me for a while if you follow my instagram you know i've actually been a big fan of huel for a long time way back when i used to live with my friend luke and i would stealthily steal some of his fuel to | 152 | 298.479 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN number one things that should not exist in NUMBER_TOKEN you not knowing about today's video sponsor hule what a segue can you believe it now if you've been watching me for a while if you follow my instagram you know i've actually been a big fan of huel for a long time way back when i used to live with my friend luke and i would stealthily steal some of his fuel to END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
2,280 | yiMHTRld1k0 | hell i think they there there is i would say it's probably about maybe half and half by block of my mom's block of like catholic jewish you know miss if the whole neighborhood does you got to play it everybody does it they were like hey you know yeah even the heathens pull together making it look nice make it look nice um but that's as far as i still have to do that can you run around and pick up the bags from nancy on PROFANITY_TOKEN whatever street yeah i go hi i'm i'm here to pick up denise's bags oh it's NUMBER_TOKEN bucks NUMBER_TOKEN bucks ooh you should have coming out of pocket for that a young terry foley fresh back from nam PROFANITY_TOKEN trying to put those things together out front with a PROFANITY_TOKEN half a case of coors lighting them oh i wouldn't mind a half a case of course lightning right now PROFANITY_TOKEN pissed yeah PROFANITY_TOKEN things god damn it but i'd never seen a carol or in my life i only the only time i ever saw one i was one that wasn't like a piece of like i worked at macy's in philly they had that big holiday show which sure sucked hey the big light show tried to go see it on on uh sunday when we went down here really only do it once now NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN in the morning it used to be every hour on the every hour on the arrow yeah we got there on a sunday we're like NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN in the morning what are you doing over there counting his money like at night we work here NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. i just took i took a picture with the money and you guys look at all christmas eve oh i love it happy holidays you filthy um angels with filthy souls this one i don't even get this from orlando uh my sister used to date a dude who always stunk so my brother gifted him a bar of soap for christmas ouch yeah that's but that's a pretty good way to be like hey i don't know i don't think it's lack of soap that's keeping you smelly nah it's like axe body you need to see like some cologne or something i don't know i don't think i think if you smell cologne's not what's he gonna give him a high-paying job and a place to live what do you want what the PROFANITY_TOKEN hey buddy move out from under the bridge it's not my fault | 3,865.44 | 3,984.14 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
81,637 | r9wbnuZ_P5U | nice uh soy what is your favorite zone mordonna is really cozy to me it's like skyrim but doesn't have a man following me around asking about sweet rolls you can be my sweet role though sly smooth very very clever looks like uh looks like dave's back from peeing uh dave i do love a woman with a sense of humor casa let's hear it the pit in the wolves den where i exercise my prowess mano y meno i'd love to show you the ropes soon okay i see that's not really the answer i expected but okay that sounds like it could be an interesting oh it's a pvp zone oh we got a pvp around okay and what's your favorite zone uh ill meg i'd love to watch the sunset with you on the beautiful towers of the castle that also sounds very romantic we have some very romantic answers from every single participant this is uh this has been great we need we got so we have one more question to to throw down i'll give you an important question ladies what do you value most in a relationship oh that's a great question kate beautiful um amaretto what do you value most in a relationship communication i want to travel the world and have fun with my beloved wow who doesn't want that wonderful i do love this um soy sweet grapefruits what's your opinion honestly fidelity egg consumption appreciation vendi est ovum i don't know what that last bit means is that like latin what is that i'm not entirely sure what that means either that's a very beautiful very beautiful answer casa cape asa what about you plenty of passion and a little bit of distance when it's needed okay ah all right all right that's respectable enough rama tell us a buffed man to share my two-person mount adventures a weight and i'm willing to shorten those cues with my scholarship that's pretty good i do love adventures and i do love shortcuts very nice these are two traits i find you know that the translators have told us that vivendi est ovum is the egg is a living oh ah interesting okay wait i've been eating a living egg this entire time i'm a murderer oh my god anyway move on moving on thank you translation translators it's been fantastic getting to know you all a little bit better excellent uh ladies that's the uh final question if you would follow me back upstairs i need to talk to the uh all of you well i was right it's definitely gotten a lot tougher what i didn't know is that it would get this tough all i can do at this point is to listen to my heart and hope it makes the right decision it was now time for ouija to decide who was going to stay and who was going home but first a quick word from our sponsor world of tanks is a team-based mmo action game dedicated to high-intensity tag combat invite your friends to roll under the battlefield because it's free to play on your pc you'll be able to pull off devastating attacks that you never imagined possible behind | 1,663.52 | 1,891.039 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN but first a quick word from our sponsor world of tanks is a team-based mmo action game dedicated to high-intensity tag combat invite your friends to roll under the battlefield because it's free to play on your pc you'll be able to pull off devastating attacks that you never imagined possible behind END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
14,128 | cwqwdN6p0E8 | the oil pump the lubricant oil pump has just been checked dismounted checked everything was fine cleaned and now you'll be installed again | 203.2 | 212.22 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
40,011 | 2sx3h0QW56E | it is a real early morning guys we're just rolling into the event now i'm excited it's country boys sheesh look at all the fog here it's kind of crazy we're done with drivers meeting getting everything set up right now the z's looking good we got a little bit of livery on the side there the name i'm not sure what happened but uh my number's supposed to be one one one one four ones but they put three ones there so instead of my birthday it's now my wife's birthday um but hey you know what that's okay uh we're gonna get the banner on but we should be good you hungry i'm hungry if you get hungry all right and get some tacos okay get some burgers okay some homemade burgers homemade burgers amazing burgers all right i'm about to fresh kitchen all right sounds good oh did i just edible size of the name so yeah we're just getting the z all prepped and ready hopefully everything's gonna be okay but um we do have a backup car there if you guys don't know unfortunately rudnick had a family emergency so he was not able to attend the event and yes i have been seeing everyone's dming me and saying like you know to wish him well and all that and just know that he is doing well and i'm sure he will talk about it when the timing is right and it suits him all right it's staging time boy we doing this please win for me all right got you you ready greg let's go let's do it dude i'm so excited let's go let's go today's video is sponsored by mecharina and mecharina is a new mobile shooter and it's great for picking up some zero stress-free multiplayer combat you can jump in play a couple of games and be done in just a few minutes i don't always have time for a NUMBER_TOKEN minute play session but i always have time for a round of meccarina i've been playing macarena a fair bit lately and let me show you a few of my favorite mix shadow's one of my favorite mechs to play with these sneaky ninja like mech are awesome backstabbers in the right hands it's special ability which is stealth means enemies can't auto target it making it really hard to hit and impossible to lock onto panther this guy is the best mech there is for shaping the battlefield its ability which is a stasis barrier it puts down an invincible wall that blocks enemies bullets and slows anyone that passes through mecharina just had a huge mexa hero event where they raised over NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN for charity and that's not all there's a ton of new things coming to the game this month pilots are coming on december NUMBER_TOKENth with NUMBER_TOKEN completely unique pilots to choose from and customize and they look awesome it's completely free to play on android and ios right now you can use my personal link below or scan the qr code to get NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN credits three gold crates and one exclusive mech to help kick start your game so don't wait around and once again check out the link down in the description and thank you macarena | 5.12 | 175.618 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN video is sponsored by mecharina and mecharina is a new mobile shooter and it's great for picking up some zero stress-free multiplayer combat you can jump in play a couple of games and be done in just a few minutes i don't always have time for a NUMBER_TOKEN minute play session but i always have time for a round of meccarina i've been playing macarena a fair bit lately and let me show you a few of my favorite mix shadow's one of my favorite mechs to play with these sneaky ninja like mech are awesome backstabbers in the right hands it's special ability which is stealth means enemies can't auto target it making it really hard to hit and impossible to lock onto panther this guy is the best mech there is for shaping the battlefield its ability which is a stasis barrier it puts down an invincible wall that blocks enemies bullets and slows anyone that passes through mecharina just had a huge mexa hero event where they raised over NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN for charity and that's not all there's a ton of new things coming to the game this month pilots are coming on december NUMBER_TOKENth with NUMBER_TOKEN completely unique pilots to choose from and customize and they look awesome it's completely free to play on android and ios right now you can use my personal link below or scan the qr code to get NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN credits three gold crates and one exclusive mech to help kick start your game so don't wait around and once again check out the link down in the description and thank you macarena END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
63,386 | ttLtMTKaFx0 | hey guys it's the tripod all right yeah our studio audience loves it thank you i'm thinking we need a studio audience just for all shoots just to get hyped yeah it's always better performing to a crowd it's so much more fun miles says the podcasts are worse when we have done live shows and i think he's full of PROFANITY_TOKEN i'll say when i used to shoot videos i'd give you a little extra sauce from behind the camera yeah listen to the behind the camera like a little giggle yeah yeah yeah yeah i appreciate it it is appreciated yesterday i was doing eat the menu chili's guess what it's coming baby and i at one point said can i get a hell yeah and only jonathan very very quietly went hell yeah there were eight people there when we have outside crew they're like kind of told they probably don't like on other sets you're not supposed to say anything but here i was like can i get a hell yeah yeah i think you're supposed to say hell yeah always supposed to respond to but can i get a hell yeah yeah yeah that's good if you just again i get it they're gonna be confused i was saying you know that's sort of the suffix yeah i mean prefix chili's is probably like top americana mall restaurant yeah did you get did you do anything special oh yeah yeah a party bus no way oh we got a party bus because i feel like because it's such a popular restaurant it seems like one that people go to on prom night yeah for your post prom so you know parties roll up to chili's hell yeah get a bunch of stuff get back on it make out in the dark make out in the dark yeah make out in the dark yeah it's nice don't nobody makes out in the light make out in the dork hell yeah i had a party bus for my junior prom yeah that's awesome that's so cool also i don't know party buses cheaper than limos funnier than limos yeah roomier than limits it's cheaper than a limo they're they're cheaper than limos for like the equivalent seat count for some reason the right limo still has this like air of class about it that i suppose the bus doesn't but it's so much more fun to be on the bus and you get a stripper pole was it a stripper NUMBER_TOKEN an hour it's maybe like i mean the one we got i feel like the one we got in tennessee was like NUMBER_TOKEN an hour that's good i think out here it's more like NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN an hour but still compared to a limo gosh the most can be NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN an hour ah so like it's they're expensive but you know that's what we do for you to eat the menu crew out there we got ourselves a party bus we were asked to move it several times a man at one point came out and said stop making so much noise and we're like it's a it's a it has to be on to give us electricity and he was very upset the noise of the bus the noise of the bus he didn't like that the bus was running because in fairness the parking lot to this | 23.84 | 190.8 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
61,111 | u4gV6zIgYIg | case file will be back shortly thank you for supporting us by listening to this episode's sponsors if you've listened to the show for a while you'll know that team member jess plays best fiends a lot in her humble but correct opinion it's the best match NUMBER_TOKEN style game out there why not give it a go yourself and try a puzzle game that has something else to offer besides crushing the same old candy with best fiends you play through an actual storyline complete with the good guys the fiends and the not so good guys the slugs your fiends start out as little versions of their future selves the more you play the more fiends join to help you and the more powerful they become it's an action-packed adventure and a brain-boosting puzzle game all rolled into one and with new content added all the time you're never bored jess is working her way through but best fiends has literally thousands of levels with more added all the time so there's always a fresh challenge when she needs a mental pick-me-up download best themes free today on the app store or google play that's friends without the r best fiends imagine if every crime could be halted before it happened well while you can't stop every criminal in their tracks what if you could deter them that's what simplisafe's new wireless outdoor security camera does it's wireless so it can install anywhere extending simplisafe's perimeter of defense from your windows and doors to the far corners of your property that's right simply safe the system that us news and world report names best home security system of NUMBER_TOKEN just got even better the brand new outdoor security camera is engineered with all the advanced tech and security features you want and need to help keep you and your family safe it integrates seamlessly into your simplisafe home security system and with an easy to remove rechargeable battery it doesn't need an outlet so can go anywhere on your property with an ultra wide NUMBER_TOKEN degree field of view and NUMBER_TOKENp hd resolution with an NUMBER_TOKEN times zoom you can zoom in and see things like license plates and faces clearly to capture critical evidence to learn more about the exciting new simply safe wireless outdoor security camera visit URL_TOKEN slash case file simply safe is offering NUMBER_TOKEN off your entire new system and your first month of monitoring service free when you enroll in interactive monitoring again that's simply safe dot com slash case file nowadays we have such a wide variety of books and audio books that we can access at the tips of our fingers that we're likely to spend just as much time searching for our next read as we are actually reading it with scribd you get instant access to millions of ebooks audio books magazines and more but you also get thoughtfully curated editors pics and smart recommendations based on what you've read which makes choosing your next book that much simpler scribd is the ultimate reading subscription service letting you explore all of your interests in any format you choose for only NUMBER_TOKEN a month less than the cost of one book you can access the world's largest the digital library want to change things up a bit you're free to switch between titles genres and formats at any time on your phone tablet or computer i love scribd and aside from using it to access books i've also been able to get sheet music for my bass guitar lately i've been getting tabs for metallica songs something i never thought i'd | 2,666.64 | 2,932.559 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN case file will be back shortly thank you for supporting us by listening to this episode's sponsors if you've listened to the show for a while you'll know that team member jess plays best fiends a lot in her humble but correct opinion it's the best match NUMBER_TOKEN style game out there why not give it a go yourself and try a puzzle game that has something else to offer besides crushing the same old candy with best fiends you play through an actual storyline complete with the good guys the fiends and the not so good guys the slugs your fiends start out as little versions of their future selves the more you play the more fiends join to help you and the more powerful they become it's an action-packed adventure and a brain-boosting puzzle game all rolled into one and with new content added all the time you're never bored jess is working her way through but best fiends has literally thousands of levels with more added all the time so there's always a fresh challenge when she needs a mental pick-me-up download best themes free today on the app store or google play that's friends without the r best fiends imagine if every crime could be halted before it happened well while you can't stop every criminal in their tracks what if you could deter them that's what simplisafe's new wireless outdoor security camera does it's wireless so it can install anywhere extending simplisafe's perimeter of defense from your windows and doors to the far corners of your property that's right simply safe the system that us news and world report names best home security system of NUMBER_TOKEN just got even better the brand new outdoor security camera is engineered with all the advanced tech and security features you want and need to help keep you and your family safe it integrates seamlessly into your simplisafe home security system and with an easy to remove rechargeable battery it doesn't need an outlet so can go anywhere on your property with an ultra wide NUMBER_TOKEN degree field of view and NUMBER_TOKENp hd resolution with an NUMBER_TOKEN times zoom you can zoom in and see things like license plates and faces clearly to capture critical evidence to learn more about the exciting new simply safe wireless outdoor security camera visit URL_TOKEN slash case file simply safe is offering NUMBER_TOKEN off your entire new system and your first month of monitoring service free when you enroll in interactive monitoring again that's simply safe dot com slash case file nowadays we have such a wide variety of books and audio books that we can access at the tips of our fingers that we're likely to spend just as much time searching for our next read as we are actually reading it with scribd you get instant access to millions of ebooks audio books magazines and more but you also get thoughtfully curated editors pics and smart recommendations based on what you've read which makes choosing your next book that much simpler scribd is the ultimate reading subscription service letting you explore all of your interests in any format you choose for only NUMBER_TOKEN a month less than the cost of one book you can access the world's largest the digital library want to change things up a bit you're free to switch between titles genres and formats at any time on your phone tablet or computer i love scribd and aside from using it to access books i've also been able to get sheet music for my bass guitar lately i've been getting tabs for metallica songs something i never thought i'd END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
59,171 | qGc4qXqNw2I | we're going to quickly thank this episode's sponsor which is skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes on all sorts of stuff things from videography to photography to drawing to learning how to be a better youtuber the class that i want to talk about today is youtube success script shoot and edit with mkbhd now this class was all about the development of one youtuber's career and my big takeaway from this video is that it's really important if you're going to be a creator to make the kind of videos that you would enjoy watching and so things that are going to be entertaining educational and inspiring are all wonderful things to base your channel off of and so that's something i'm going to be focusing a little bit more on making sure that everything that i put out is something that i would want to watch and i think we're there so far but i'm excited to get to dig into more of that stuff that i personally find super super interesting i love so the first thousand of you that click the link in the description are gonna get a month of premium skill share for free make sure to check that out at the link in the description and with that let's move on to finishing up the base well with the base all stuck together i was thinking about maybe doing some angle iron banding around the top i don't think i'm going to do that right now i maybe will do it later on down the line see if that's something that i feel like would be beneficial once it's underneath the hammer but for now we're going to get to work on the dies of the hammer now there's a couple things i need to do i need to knock out and free up the saw block key i need to fit the bottom die key and i need to clean up the dies right now they're all rusty and old and i haven't touched them at all and so i need to take them in the grinding room clean them up get a nice surface finish on there see how we're doing with that i think i need to do some mill work on them i might not do that yet i may run the hammer and see how i like them before i start doing stuff like that for now let's go ahead and get to work on knocking out that bottom cell block key so this piece right here is the sow block as you can see it's got a dovetail down here and it's dovetailed into the anvil now this is the wide side of the key you can see that it chipped out that bottom male part of the dovetail a little bit but it's really not too bad i just want to get that key out of there have a look at it make sure it has good contact maybe add some new shimming in there the reason why i really want to get this key out of here is that it allows for side to side adjustment of the saw blocks that you can get your dies lined up a lot more precisely and so while it is probably just fine and i don't think i'm going to need to use it to get too much adjustment i want to have that option if i do need it | 653.92 | 811.42 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN thank this episode's sponsor which is skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes on all sorts of stuff things from videography to photography to drawing to learning how to be a better youtuber the class that i want to talk about today is youtube success script shoot and edit with mkbhd now this class was all about the development of one youtuber's career and my big takeaway from this video is that it's really important if you're going to be a creator to make the kind of videos that you would enjoy watching and so things that are going to be entertaining educational and inspiring are all wonderful things to base your channel off of and so that's something i'm going to be focusing a little bit more on making sure that everything that i put out is something that i would want to watch and i think we're there so far but i'm excited to get to dig into more of that stuff that i personally find super super interesting i love so the first thousand of you that click the link in the description are gonna get a month of premium skill share for free make sure to check that out at the link in the description and with that let's move on to finishing END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
51,892 | Bp3ojUUGJSA | of the ak-NUMBER_TOKEN trunnion this one's actually done on our new resin printer which looks beautiful it feels like a really solid part it's super exciting to kind of get into the different aspects of NUMBER_TOKENd printing in that way but we've changed a couple of things some of you aka autists probably have already noticed some stuff about this but before i get into it first off it's time to thank our sponsor who makes stuff like this possible would you like to become a thermonuclear weapon at a nursing home then i would suggest you check out our sponsor for today fake masks URL_TOKEN it's literally what it sounds like it's it's a fake mask i have to go to la this week and i'm not PROFANITY_TOKEN excited about it with all the masked nazis on the west coast it's going to be a PROFANITY_TOKEN show but luckily all i have to do now is whip one of these bad boys out of my pocket and i'm good to go it's like active camo for karen's it's great the best part is it's completely breathable it's like i'm not wearing a mask at all it's a great way to get those kind of people off your back especially since we're about a year and a half into two weeks to flatten the curve i have nothing wrong with you wearing a mask if you would like to wear one but me personally i like to be able to breathe freely without wearing a face diaper so if that's the sort of thing that interests you go ahead and click the link down in the description and in the pin comment give them some love for sponsoring the channel especially since i'll be honest that product's just really PROFANITY_TOKEN funny anyhow let's get back to the ak-NUMBER_TOKEN so this here is the front trunnion of the ak-NUMBER_TOKEN uh that's this part right here that's riveted in uh to the front of the receiver this is what holds the bolt this is where the locking lugs are it's also threaded because this is where the barrel screws into the gun also has this big through hole here uh because this is where the barrel is pinned so this is a press fit pin uh just like an akm where uh when the barrel screws in you just drill that hole there and then press a pin to quit to stop the barrel from unscrewing itself because unlike the common section this barrel actually does have something to stop it from screwing itself so what a lot of you ak nerds might have noticed is this is actually a bulged front trunnion yes this new prototype that we're doing is going to have a bulged receiver and a bulge trunnion this is a feature that's commonly found on stuff like the rpk this is an rpk front trunnion here and you'll notice that it bulges out the receiver actually bulges out with it to give it just a little bit more beef it's just a beefier front trunnion allows you just a lot more support and the rpk has it because you have you know more sustained high rate of fire this has it because it's a PROFANITY_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN | 126.079 | 279.12 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN before i get into it first off it's time to thank our sponsor who makes stuff like this possible would you like to become a thermonuclear weapon at a nursing home then i would suggest you check out our sponsor for today fake masks URL_TOKEN it's literally what it sounds like it's it's a fake mask i have to go to la this week and i'm not PROFANITY_TOKEN excited about it with all the masked nazis on the west coast it's going to be a PROFANITY_TOKEN show but luckily all i have to do now is whip one of these bad boys out of my pocket and i'm good to go it's like active camo for karen's it's great the best part is it's completely breathable it's like i'm not wearing a mask at all it's a great way to get those kind of people off your back especially since we're about a year and a half into two weeks to flatten the curve i have nothing wrong with you wearing a mask if you would like to wear one but me personally i like to be able to breathe freely without wearing a face diaper so if that's the sort of thing that interests you go ahead and click the link down in the description and in the pin comment give them some love for sponsoring the channel especially since i'll be honest that product's just really PROFANITY_TOKEN funny END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
12,488 | tRElwf7vrHI | the audio at the start of this video for a while is going to be a little different it's because i messed up my recording and my good friend terrorizer please go subscribe and comment on his latest video and say thank you and decided to give me his audio so thank you very much terrorizer i hope you guys enjoy hello you're disgusting i am obese under this coat there's a beast in your face i feel like my other guy would be flying oh yeah yeah this is funny or fat look at this look at this damn you went to the whole pancake store hell yeah it's the whole damn thing i think i'm gonna have a crash soon a caffeine crash no like a hunger crash because i haven't had food today i'm gonna have to do it i'm gonna order some chicken pot pie carrot cake with it as well yeah get a bit of vegetables and this is good brian organic chocolate chip cookie gluten free vegan oh very healthy yes yes and i'll wash it down with an organic citrus NUMBER_TOKEN ounce how much is this going to cost you a kidney guy de integration here how are you doing folks i have met a friend myself hero wars it's a free-to-play mobile game there's a link in the description it's an online role-playing action game with a variety of pvp and pve modes you fight against powerful bosses and experience the story the campaign style fits in the feel of a classic fantasy game and while the complete missions you get loot and you upgrade your champions it has more than NUMBER_TOKEN unique heroes you all have unique abilities and you can bring them together for the arena or the endless tower but the big party happens online you create guilds fire the players and constantly rise in the ranks join the game now and get a super chest with a secret hero as well as NUMBER_TOKEN emeralds and NUMBER_TOKEN thousand gold herois is available now on mobile devices and also runs on a web browser so you just gotta scan the qr code on the screen now or download the game from the link in the description thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoy this is like captain captain planet we all have to get together to become relevant again with our channels combined to gain one subscriber we might make it to summer who's opening and closing it that is age oh god yeah doing this it's got to be brian there's no way it's not brian he's the most annoying person here PROFANITY_TOKEN is it it's not hillary it's not marcel it's not much | 0 | 156.14 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN guy de integration here how are you doing folks i have met a friend myself hero wars it's a free-to-play mobile game there's a link in the description it's an online role-playing action game with a variety of pvp and pve modes you fight against powerful bosses and experience the story the campaign style fits in the feel of a classic fantasy game and while the complete missions you get loot and you upgrade your champions it has more than NUMBER_TOKEN unique heroes you all have unique abilities and you can bring them together for the arena or the endless tower but the big party happens online you create guilds fire the players and constantly rise in the ranks join the game now and get a super chest with a secret hero as well as NUMBER_TOKEN emeralds and NUMBER_TOKEN thousand gold herois is available now on mobile devices and also runs on a web browser so you just gotta scan the qr code on the screen now or download the game from the link in the description thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoy this END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
93,483 | wbi23BiQm00 | and so at that time governor ron desantis announced that his administration was looking at different legal avenues to send these illegal immigrants over to delaware so that joe biden would feel more pressure in dealing with the issue here's specifically what governor ron desantis said back then we're going to get together and figure out what we can do in the immediate term to protect folks in florida now during that same speech governor desantis did know that his options were limited given the fact that it is after all the federal government that controls america's immigration policies as well as the related actions however seeing the situation governor desantis added this but if they're not doing that then clearly the state should be able to come in and provide protection and so that's what we're going to be looking to do if they're going to come here we'll provide buses i will send them to delaware and so with this new proposal to the state budget that he announced just four days ago it looks like he is serious in doing so now the proposed NUMBER_TOKEN million dollars to transport these people out of florida as well as the entire NUMBER_TOKEN state budget it still needs to be approved by the state legislature however if they approve it perhaps we really will begin to see buses of illegal immigrants leaving florida and heading to martha's vineyard only time will tell if you'd like to see the entire proposed budget for yourself which by the way is named the freedom first budget i'll throw a pdf of it into the description box below this video so you can check it out for yourself and all i ask in return is that you take a quick moment to smash that like button for the youtube algorithm and now let's move on over to california where a story so bizarre happened that i almost couldn't believe it and by the way this story was first broken by a great reporter named anthony casaba he reports for al american out in california and so what happened was that last wednesday at about NUMBER_TOKEN p.m local time police officers over in los angeles they received they were rather notified of a potential school shooting threat which was made against watts middle school however since it was made after school hours after NUMBER_TOKEN pm and therefore there wasn't an immediate threat to the students the police officers opened an investigation into the credibility of the threat and so after spending the late afternoon and as well as the evening looking into it the police department decided that a police presence was needed at the school campus in order to ensure that both the school staff members as well as the students remain safe against the potential threat and so what they did was that the very next day which was on thursday police officers showed up at the school and they went over to the school administrators to tell them what was going on however at this point the school's director miss angelique sims she came out and she asked these police officers whether they had proof of vaccination she said that it was school policy and this is where the story takes a turn for the absurd because after the police officers informed the school director that they did not have proof of vaccination the police officers were told to leave let me just repeat that a group of lapd officers who came to this particular middle school to protect the staff and the students from a credible shooting threat they were told to turn around and to get off campus because according to the school's policy they were not allowed to be there if they were | 142.64 | 317.199 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN and all i ask in return is that you take a quick moment to smash that like button for the youtube algorithm END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
92,288 | QQ-318W7o1E | are men now joining holo live for answers on that let's now turn to hollow live production which includes the v tuber groups of hollow live holo stars and the now defunct inonaka or innk music with hall live productions of course being under the cover corporation and at the end of last year hall live had opened permanent english language auditions including this image of not only the hall live english hollow meth talents on the top but also the japanese hollow stars talents on the bottom with hall live sending out this message earlier in the week saying two weeks since the auditions opened and you have already shown us so much passion keep those auditions coming everyone is welcome this time including the hollow stars on the top and now the all alive english hollow council members on the bottom this coming after the holo stars site was updated along with a brand new audition page with an audition form that is the same form being used on the hololive site and now with hollow stars promising new members for NUMBER_TOKEN teasing new talents with these silhouettes this now leads us over to omega alpha of hall live english who also at the end of the year had celebrated a birthday and then quote tweeting the tweet about the permanent english language auditions saying i will be waiting and also tweeting this out trivia both hall alive and hollow stars are under the name hollow live production meaning yes if we do have a new men joining as talents to the holo stars group they are technically under hollow live aka hall live production aka holo pro but of course still not to be confused with the basic hall of live branch which of course is at this time only for female talents in addition omega alpha also quote retweeted this saying and yes this happened that being the creation of an official reddit account for hollow stars yes holo pro at this time seems very invested in pushing hollow stars with many indications here showing that we may be looking at a hollow stars english branch as yes the permanent audition page can also be read in english at this time with the announcement of the brand new members in NUMBER_TOKEN being in both japanese and english and for more vtuber news please remember to like and subscribe as we now turn to our senior correspondent false yes hull live has quite a bit lined up for the year now releasing new key visuals for the hall live super expo NUMBER_TOKEN which as you can see here includes all of the hall live japan indonesia and english talents along with also all of the holo stars as then we even had this major announcement that for the upcoming hall live third fest link your wish concert which will be held on march NUMBER_TOKENth and NUMBER_TOKENth all live has now confirmed that all of holo live english myth as well as hall live indonesia gen NUMBER_TOKEN members will be attending the concert with hall live english's maurya calliope saying ian myth and id gen NUMBER_TOKEN will be performing alongside our jp friends in march with so hard keeping this secret for so long this is a concert you do not want to miss guys i mean it you do not want to miss this along with takanashi kiara saying it has been announced smith will be at the concert see you there kfp yes the hall live family is growing bigger and bigger and leading many to speculate this could be the long awaited reveal of NUMBER_TOKENd models for both hollow myth and holo id gen NUMBER_TOKEN. and | 0.08 | 232.959 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN please remember to like and subscribe as we END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
96,819 | HlPOz-jCkp4 | out the vendor does waste a tiny tiny bit of time but i have to clear out my inventory to make sure we can pick up the nimble jack let me get it yeah we're going to be going for that shotgun pretty quick and i got to make sure i don't have to open my inventory drop an item and pick it up because that would waste a little more time and we definitely don't want that now you can see my xp right now we're just about level NUMBER_TOKEN in fact we're gonna hit it pretty quick here and that means we're going to unlock the scene red skill if you're not familiar if you have that skill and activate any action skill well it's going to activate all of your kill skills too that means we're going to have our two stacks of violent speed and be running really really fast at this point speed is going to pick up even more so we're going to be going even faster the sanctuary segment is done so we're going to be heading off to skywalker our goal right now is to actually head over to reese first and we gotta talk to him a few times and reece has a lot of dialogue and the only way to skip that is going to be the safe quit and the save quits actually set back a little far back but even then a save quitting and running all the way back still faster than listening to all the dialogue dialogue in this game is very plentiful and we're going to do everything in our power to skip over it i mean i know the dialogue you know pieces together the story and whatnot but for a speed run it just you know slows you down anyways you can see there i am shooting canon into the air because we do have the scene red skill now and now that we have that speed on demand we can go ahead and get around faster we'll skip the cutscene and go for the safe quip because a bit of dialogue is gonna play and then from here we're gonna shoot canon twice get our two stacks of violent speed and run back to race again now earlier i did mention action skill cancelling and we're going to be doing that only if you don't have any cannon charges uh if i need more speed i can use my clone action to go cancel like i said the trick is pretty hard to do and i do want to limit the amount of times i have to do it i would hate to have a really smooth segment going along and then i try to actually go cancel and screw it up if you screw it up you're gonna place clone and not actually actions go cancel and then you waste a clone from here we're waiting for reese to open the doors so we'll go ahead and build up some speed before the door opens get that slide and grab the corner of the door there cool thing about this game is you can grab the door from any part of the uh the blue part and all of the previous games you have to grab the door from the middle of it so we're just drawing a straight line to the door and we just grab whatever's closest to us all right time for skywell and as you know this is a low gravity map so if you jump you're gonna jump pretty high also right there you can see we're out of canon charges so we're | 3,124.559 | 3,256.559 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
29,980 | MWs0ojF91co | the new award the inards not dead award musical celebration for auditory contributor of the year awarded to the best song musical submission artist of the year except this is kind of a this is a homer a hometown decision here the runner-up was pissed jared chunk the winner the NUMBER_TOKEN winner rocky the ramone but there's one ahead of it a lifetime achievement award that trumps everything that's just the big one the cult of meat with extra cheese by james e cornett there you go all right there you go there's someone hold on hold on and the crowd's going wild here on the red carpet at the awards well moving on from there thank you eric adam whatever his name was adam adam adam up in edmonton edmonton yes did you see any of this weekend's wrestling on television i did not i saw some stuff on social media short form clips but i did not watch too much you know wwe there's nothing that usually pulls you to it except for that threat of one good segment with a few of the only good people that are on that show but with rampage there's nothing pulling me to that show right now well i'll tell you what there should have been PROFANITY_TOKEN pulling you in the opposite direction you should have been avoiding that like don't go into the light let me just take one minute to explain to you what that they tried well they did succeed in foisting it off on the viewers but uh they they they tried to get me to watch it and failed friday night NUMBER_TOKEN o'clock on national television they've got an hour of tea and of tnt's time adam cole versus trent and adam cole had bobby fish kyle o'reilly brit baker and the hardly boys at ringside while trent had all the rest of the puddin gang and you'll never guess what happened they went NUMBER_TOKEN minutes and then everybody got into big schmaz had a sloppy fight and cole won somehow and then sean spears when is the last time that he wrestled on television oh i'm not sure probably a multi-man match a while back he's one of those guys although not the quality of ftr in our eyes he's used just as infrequently in the ring on the show as they are well in this case though since he's gonna wrestle this coming week against punk he had to get a win right so he hasn't had a singles match on tv at like a year and a half but he's got to get a win so he beat a young man by the name of andrew everett in about a minute and the only thing and somebody tweeted about this i did not know this but apparently old andrew is from north carolina and has been working independence out there forever and he got to do absolutely nothing except he got shot off to the uh to the corner and did an up and over but it was like a car a one handed cartwheel over the top rope with with grace and and and agility and landed on the apron and then PROFANITY_TOKEN spears foiled whatever and boom one tackle pancake but i said just from that one | 1,399.6 | 1,634.799 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
27,750 | BJANbVDTyes | saved the day again with the crop preserver mold deodorant it will turn you from a bloke with a rotten crotch to a man with a pork sword smelling of sweet spring it'll turn your crotch into the best smell and crotch this side of the mississippi wow it looks like manscape has saved the day once again thank you manscape now head to URL_TOKEN forward slash butterfield to get NUMBER_TOKEN off and free international shipping ladies and gentlemen your balls all thank you now back to the video right ladies and gentlemen hold on to your toxic masculinity because we have arrived at feminist instagram all right here we are inspirational page designed for women by women PROFANITY_TOKEN blokes how bad of men uh they are to blame for every problem in the world um i haven't written jokes about any of these so i just thought i'd just click on something and then have a look at it okay here we go people of all genders can get their period well that's not true you're PROFANITY_TOKEN dumb PROFANITY_TOKEN some women don't experience periods at all okay i understand if you have a vagina for whatever reason you don't have your period i get it that doesn't in any way devalue their experience of womanhood the same goes for men who bleed they are still valid men do you mean if you like you know cut your nails too short get inclusive with your language people get periods not women you're bigots men can get periods and they're still valid men damn PROFANITY_TOKEN straight if my mates if we're at the pub and they don't bleed on me i don't even talk to them oh we might have to blur some of this out society's weird attitudes towards boobs by an artist hazel mead all right let's have a look female nipples exposed not okay males nipples exposed okay fair enough i understand that i for one am all about the uh free the nipple movement in fact i'm a founding ambassador and uh not because i'm a creep just because um men love tits a man will fight a war for a good set of boobs all right i know a lot of dudes say oh best day of my life was when my son or my daughter was born no it's when you saw tits for the first time saggy boobs are not welcome in the patriarchy i should make a t-shirt about that that's very true breastfeeding should be hidden away no one should see them functioning listen the breastfeeding one is an interesting argument because i don't think that breast feeding is taboo at all not at all but i also don't think you as a lady with a baby should just start flopping your tits out everywhere you can do that don't get me wrong you've got to feed your bubble right but don't expect everyone just to go oh it's nice it's still your big old biddy stop sexualizing boobs what are you PROFANITY_TOKEN stupid who is the one sexualizing boobs more men or women men probably because it's built into our dna to like the bristols but for women how many female instagrammers | 111.04 | 302.32 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN saved the day again with the crop preserver mold deodorant it will turn you from a bloke with a rotten crotch to a man with a pork sword smelling of sweet spring it'll turn your crotch into the best smell and crotch this side of the mississippi wow it looks like manscape has saved the day once again thank you manscape now head to URL_TOKEN forward slash butterfield to get NUMBER_TOKEN off and free international shipping ladies and gentlemen your balls all thank you now back to the video right END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
7,809 | OpLCVsIKiAc | for the past NUMBER_TOKEN days i've been feeding my pet seagull to gain his trust and today we have a special announcement we got some new merch baby but not just any new merch we are currently helping fundraise for a seagull charity that is in danger of being shut down so all of the profits that come from these two designs go directly towards bird aid who are helping save thousands of little seagull buddies just like stephen himself and little cliffy and we can't forget stephen jr hurry up with the snack goes will do buddy back in a jiffy come on coda you stinky little man | 0.08 | 34.7 | START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN and today we have a special announcement we got some new merch baby but not just any new merch we are currently helping fundraise for a seagull charity that is in danger of being shut down so all of the profits that come from these two designs go directly towards bird aid who are helping save thousands of little seagull buddies just like stephen himself and little cliffy and we can't forget stephen jr END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN |
60,104 | jkklh3_GDQc | saddle on the pro models than you do on isp and i just think it over a long ride it just keeps you fresher means you can really smash out the power over the bumpy stuff a little bit more than the isp by the isp bike for me is just too stiff unfortunately unless you're really smooth roads then it feels great but that is the bike check can't really fault it still going strong the only thing i have changed is the handlebars that fsa omega the original giant contact handlebars got so corroded under sweat they have a really nice compact drop and i just love the shape so i put them on bars i think on this are NUMBER_TOKEN they could be a NUMBER_TOKEN ash i think they're NUMBER_TOKEN on my other tcr these are NUMBER_TOKENs you can't go wrong bike prices have gone crazy now and this was the sweet spot in my opinion if you want to know what camera i was using to film all that i was using the insta NUMBER_TOKEN camera it's really really small and i had it mounted on the handlebars and i also had it mounted on a gopro style chest mount so it shares the same kind of gopro style fitting so all that on the bike footage was recorded using that so link in description and i hope to bring you some more kind of on the bike stuff on bike reviews using this camera say what you like about press fit bottom brackets believe it or not this is running the original bottom bracket that it came with all the way back in september NUMBER_TOKEN. it's just a standard shimano press fit NUMBER_TOKEN bottom bracket it's never clicked it's never had any play in it the bearings still are absolutely smooth and it just goes to show that if the frame manufacturer can make the bottom bracket shell well then the bottom bracket can last for absolutely ages and i've never actually replaced it and this bike's probably done eight thousand to ten thousand k a year times by nearly five years so yeah that bottom bracket has lasted a long long time um yeah i know the white bar takes horrible but it's lizard skins i just picked up because it was on offer and it's very very comfy but that will be back back to black as soon as possible cheers everyone i'll see in the next one | 553.839 | 675.74 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN to know what camera i was using to film all that i was using the insta NUMBER_TOKEN camera it's really really small and i had it mounted on the handlebars and i also had it mounted on a gopro style chest mount so it shares the same kind of gopro style fitting so all that on the bike footage was recorded using that so link in description and i hope to bring you some more kind of on the bike stuff on bike reviews using this camera say what END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
20,828 | rImn1YkP07E | you know what i mean and that started like immediately right so it's just like whatever god is good man i'm like i'm not tripping off that the only thing i want to do is be able to live comfortably for the rest of my life make sure the people around me are good and if i'm doing everything i'm supposed to be doing now everybody will be set up and we'll be fine and you know catch me on island somewhere man yeah straight up ayahuasca out yeah that's what that's what i'm aiming for what do you think you're gonna find what do you mean i don't know i don't know but i can't wait to do it i can't wait to tell me about shrooms and said make they'd be so small and it's like everything else is just so big and i'm like i'm on ayahuasca i want to see that other dimension bro even though i feel like i go in and out of the other other dimensions now i want to really feel that that's not the same thing the mushroom nah ayahuasca is a plant they put in the tea i mean you can put the mushrooms in the tea too but i'm doing i'm trying to do ayahuasca this year before the years over bro do it that's my goal you didn't i was curious in it but i didn't need it and like my whole feeling is like if i don't need it if i don't if not my yearning for it if i'm not like really wanting it then i don't want to push it because i don't know the way i kind of look at life right now is like i'm driving towards something and i'm using my anxiety and i'm using my insecurity as a furnace okay right that's the engine it's like so it's like that's the fuel for me to get what i desire and then i think when i retire i'm gonna try to unlearn this life that i've learned to live which is working all the time grinding striving for more right now you might get these might be like yeah i i'm not trying to do that work all the time driving pushing myself when i got grandkids and PROFANITY_TOKEN like i want to learn how to do nothing and enjoy that day i don't know how to do that just yet i fall apart but i do one day want to be able to just sit on the beach and do nothing and feel like that was okay here's the thing right to your point the reason i'm cool with that is because my something is empowering other people yeah right so i like getting my clarence avon on i like getting my my sean jay-z carter on meaning like yeah i don't i'm gonna sit on that beach but i'm i'm okay i might be the person that's the head of this country but what if you did nothing that is nothing no no no no being ahead of a company something are you okay enough with yourself where you can do nothing for anyone else and nothing for yourself and that day is still okay yeah i don't | 7,198.719 | 7,352.159 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
29,689 | mMfsbKCIiyU | uh oh what's that beeping noise mr nick i've heard this sound somewhere before it's miss von karman huh for some reason whenever i hear that sound she pops out of nowhere and whips me and you think of it that's exactly what happened the last time sorry i gotta make myself scarce later pal oh she's already here i'm sure no at last you reveal your true nature mr phoenix right gum shoe no it would be too much to ask for you to be nice to me for a change so you're trying to try steal information from pitifully hopeless detectives that's very dishonorable of you ow hey don't you dare run away scruffy mctrenchcoat ah i didn't think the detectives of this country could be this pitiful oh detective come here for a second | 6,344.88 | 6,409.1 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
62,583 | uW9b6Ofg-tM | trinity is just as powerful as he is it's like what happened with luke skywalker or something yeah it does sound similar yeah it was it was very silly like it it was it was nice and like charlie said the the main baddies in this movie are the zombies literally what the matrix does is they override regular people or npcs or some PROFANITY_TOKEN and they're just turned into zombies that pile up here's an important question is there a brand new character that gets a lot of spotlight yeah neil okay so what i'm thinking well is he is he like a protagonist like part of the group no he's no so he replaces the villain oh okay because i'm just thinking like if they're doing the star wars thing where they take luke skywalker and kind of ruin it part of that you could assume was to like boost like oh now it's time for rey and finn and kyle is there any of that isn't that like isn't that like bugs's character um not really bugs is just more there to like beat ass every time she's around she's usually just beating ass i think she asks oh i think i said she's cool i guess like she's just sticking his ass no she she just she just fights like she's around it's usually just we need to go fight zombies okay that's different i thought she was fine and because she was very just a fight yeah but she doesn't add anything her entire personality is and i'm not kidding you she has blue hair i fell i feel like they thought that was edgy enough in this day and age like oh yeah she's gonna have blue hair and she's gonna shoot one agent and NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN zombies and that's her personality | 2,943.599 | 3,050.46 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
89,229 | 2Qqz6ekyOCU | a bunch of books that ended up being really successful with titles like mrs. Dalloway Orlando a Room of One's Own and not again and two years after the hoax married Leonard Woolf thereby changing her name to Virginia Woolf yeah that Virginia Woolf yes I am saying what Virginia Woolf pretended to be an African royal for a joke and no I am not mad Adrienne Stephen Virginia Wolf's brother meanwhile became a psychoanalyst and like his sister also became an author which is notable for us as in NUMBER_TOKEN after the death of Cole and Adrian's cousin he used the publishing house founded by Leonard and Virginia to publish this the only still existing primary account of the Dreadnought hoax at least that I can find it's NUMBER_TOKEN pages long and is very interesting is on Amazon and eBay if you want to pick it up for yourself and do some further reading speaking briefly of Horus he seems to be the only one for whom these hoaxes were the highlight of his life which is a bit sad really in any case a while after the hoax he moved to France and embarked on the last joke of his life the one that time played on him his first wife left him his second wife cheated on him his only son that by the way went on to write Doctor Who probably actually wasn't his he grew very deaf and despite starting with his small fortune died broke and alone in France in NUMBER_TOKEN aged NUMBER_TOKEN oh I thought we were going to end this video on a happy note oh well so that's the story of the Dreadnought hoax remember to like and subscribe rate five stars follow me on Twitter and above all thank you for watching except not quite there's one thing I have yet to mention that I feel like I need to and it's basically tradition at this point anyway that I go off on barely related to flow disrupting tangents so why stop now my pointless tangent for this video was to detail how the HMS Hawke maybe sort of definitely caused the Titanic to sink which of course it totally did look it up but I actually think I've got a better tangent and it all relates to two words bunga bunga well yeah I guess that's technically just one also that dramatic reading thing didn't work I mean just trust me on this one if you know anything about the dreadnought hoax or have read anything about it at all online you'll probably have heard of this part apart so essential to the story I talked about the hoax for NUMBER_TOKEN minutes without ever mentioning it apparently when aboard the dreadnought the group had used these words of monks were healy to mean isn't it lovely or something along those lines and this was in turn pretty quickly picked up by the press and passed instantly into somewhat of a joke how silly the fake Royals had seemed in hindsight yeah the Royal Navy had still somehow fallen for it it was motley catchy recognizable and rather funny so of course that was the phrase that would be picked up by the media even today when the occasional paper stumbles on the story and writes their own article bunga bunga is the go-to phrase here's the thing though I don't think it's true in the dreadnought hoax Adrian Steven briefly comments on that phrase and tells us it was picked up by the | 1,398.37 | 1,602.26 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN well so that's the story of the Dreadnought hoax remember to like and subscribe rate five stars follow me on Twitter and above all thank you for watching except not quite there's one thing I have yet to mention that I feel like I need to and it's basically tradition at this point anyway that I go off on barely related to flow disrupting tangents so why stop now my pointless tangent for this video was to detail how the HMS Hawke maybe sort of definitely caused the Titanic to sink which of course it totally did look it up but I actually think I've got a better tangent and it all relates to two words END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
2,138 | 8ext9G7xspg | okay so now let's actually dig a little deeper into the logic of the game given this board we're representing the empty spaces with the space we're going to need to know what are the available moves after you make a move right so we're going to return a list and this is going to be a list of indices so let's actually expand this out and then i'm going to show you guys how to do the list comprehension for it let's initialize moves to an empty list and then let's say for i comma x and enumerate URL_TOKEN enumerate is going to essentially create a list and assign tuples that have the index comma the value at that index so here we have zero comma x one comma x and then two comma o in this for loop we're going through each of these two bowls and we're assigning the first item in the tuple to i the second item to x so we can say if x equals actually let's call this spot because that might be a little bit more intuitive if spot equals space then we know that this is an empty space and we know this is an available move so we're going to append that index because we want to know which spaces are available we're going to append the index of that spot to moves and then at the end we're going to return moves another way to write this is a list comprehension and that would look something like this i for i comma spot in enumerate self dot board if spot equals space so this is essentially just condensing this entire for loop into a single line it's saying for i comma spot and enumerating the board if the spot is space then put i into this list and then we're going to return the entire list easy little one-liner makes the code clean okay so now that we have that function let's define get move for our players so the square that we're gonna choose for the random computer player well we're literally gonna just choose a random spot on the board that's empty so let's just do URL_TOKEN which is going to choose one thing in a list at random and we're going to pass in game which is our board URL_TOKEN moves again it's just gonna get a random valid spot okay so the human player we want the human to be able to choose a spot based on some input that we pass in through terminal we want the user to keep iterating until they achieve a valid square initially we're gonna say valid square equals false and then the value is none because the user hasn't input a value yet let's say while not valid square so while valid square is false our square is going to be input and then URL_TOKEN so x or o player turn because we want the user to actually look at terminal and not get confused by whose turn it is and input move zero through nine so what we're gonna do is we're gonna incorporate a series of checks to make sure that this is actually a valid number that we can put in so here we're going to wrap it in a tranche so for the try we're going to say value so this val equals int of square remember square is this | 2,485.119 | 2,684.319 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
67,151 | vElu8gSobkE | and josh decided to in the latest one have a look at an examination on the ways that other elections have been rigged for no reason at all or you can check out our epoch series which is one of my personal favorites because this is where i get to talk about history and i love i love talking about just random things from history and one of the great things we can do with this series is talk about those things that aren't so often discussed so i mean you can talk about xerxes army the vast army that invaded greece during the greek greco-persian wars or we can go through things like herodotus view on the scythians who are they you probably don't know but they used to be quite an important people a long time ago and they're very very interesting we've got some really good reports about them or we've got premium podcasts which is things we generally don't want to put outside of the paywall because am i getting trouble from such as the list of things that alex jones was right about all we do just very interesting discussions because there are things that we do lots of work on another one is that i'm particularly proud of is where christopher hitchens the famous new atheist would have fallen during the modern culture wars because he probably wouldn't have been very woke but we also have lots of interviews and articles and other things on the website that you can sign up to enjoy and uh we we're really proud of them so if that sounds good to you go over to URL_TOKEN and sign up for a little five pounds a month to support us keep the show going and also to get access to all the content thank you goodbye | 751.36 | 836.38 | START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN and josh decided to in the latest one have a look at an examination on the ways that other elections have been rigged for no reason at all or you can check out our epoch series which is one of my personal favorites because this is where i get to talk about history and i love i love talking about just random things from history and one of the great things we can do with this series is talk about those things that aren't so often discussed so i mean you can talk about xerxes army the vast army that invaded greece during the greek greco-persian wars or we can go through things like herodotus view on the scythians who are they you probably don't know but they used to be quite an important people a long time ago and they're very very interesting we've got some really good reports about them or we've got premium podcasts which is things we generally don't want to put outside of the paywall because am i getting trouble from such as the list of things that alex jones was right about all we do just very interesting discussions because there are things that we do lots of work on another one is that i'm particularly proud of is where christopher hitchens the famous new atheist would have fallen during the modern culture wars because he probably wouldn't have been very woke but we also have lots of interviews and articles and other things on the website that you can sign up to enjoy and uh we we're really proud of them so if that sounds good to you go over to URL_TOKEN and sign up for a little five pounds a month to support us keep the show going and also to get access to all the content thank you goodbye END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN |
45,357 | R6adM-t-Tlg | hey lord friends wright was kind enough to invite me to preview valerian protocol agent NUMBER_TOKEN neon voiced by the talented vanilla velazquez during the preview i was able to catch a glimpse at some new lore bits found on the range featuring kiljoy goru and astra if you're not already consider subscribing to stay up to date on valerian lore let's dive in speculation inbound most of you have likely seen neon's trailer by now featuring scenes of her arrival to the valor protocol's headquarters i'll quickly go over the highlights first of all this is our first look at valor and hq we are restricted to a hallway in neon's room but we can learn a few things from it regardless you'll notice a number of kingdom devices in the trailer including the tablet set up for neon with a message from sage we also see what is either a live feed or recording of phoenix on a mission i find this quite interesting the thought of phoenix in the middle of a firefight being broadcasted to the entire facility is really odd we then watch a montage of her decorating her room i can't speak to much of it but a follower by the name of kai was kind enough to send me a thread they made explaining each element of her room i fear i'll chop up pronunciations so i'll include a link down below i also want to express how amazing it is that we get to learn about filipino culture through the context of our favorite game it's incredible what the valor team has done to ensure neon feels authentic i cannot commend it enough at the end we see sage check up on neon as she is settling in she intends to bring her back to meet the rest of the team it's possible to speculate from this and take sage's role in her recruitment as a sign that brimstone has granted her the lead role on the radiant training program nothing concrete yet but still something to consider oh look doco comment pet to pet neons doggo personally i find this trailer to be the best one yet it delivers on every front much love to the teams behind it okay now let's get into what i managed to dig up from the preview event battle pass lore sparse this time around no clear teasers for upcoming content i did however want to point out that together for everybody there are several valentine's day items in the past so it fits thematically but something about the design screams cipher to me it's definitely a reach but i felt i should mention it now let's take a look at neon's tier NUMBER_TOKEN contract player card titled eye of the storm in it we see a storm forming above a mountain range with an orb interacting with the lightning the foreground contains two figures standing in front of a police car looking over the scene speculating on this i'm thinking the two figures are her parents not a ton of evidence to support that idea but it feels right also the eye of the storm reminds me of the rift above sky's forest in her announcement trailer her contract gun buddy also explains the device on her back describing it as a surge protector in her trailer we can see her electric raiding abilities | 0.64 | 166.959 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN during the preview i was able to catch a glimpse at some new lore bits found on the range featuring kiljoy goru and astra if you're not already consider subscribing to stay up to date on valerian lore END_INTERACTION_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_INTERACTION_TOKEN oh look doco comment pet to pet neons doggo END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
84,779 | iX9MZ81s8Kk | this video was brought to you by stonebag about the real planner mr green ken power and marcus bill yo what's up we are now in the hotel and yesterday i didn't bother shooting video it's more or less the same stuff well i have to update a little bit so yesterday we did buy another sim card because um actually what's utah group when they get the the hong kong model NUMBER_TOKEN here they will open up somewhere in the car and then take out the hong kong sim card and then put in a thai sim card that we have to buy ourselves because it's we need the subscription or whatever and the data plan and then we get internet in the tesla in our own tesla i have to go to get back into detail about how this stuff work but there's a little bit of hacking going on here to make the hong kong car work in thailand but actually the navigation doesn't work as of today but versatile group is about NUMBER_TOKEN percent done with making it work with model NUMBER_TOKENm and why they already made it work with model uh x in thailand so okay so the plan today is to we still need to buy a little bit more furniture well not furnitures more like stuff in the house in chengdu and yes i'm here with the three lovely ladies uh wifey and the wife is yeah we'll show you but and i also want to visit some solar company there are three solar companies i marked out in chiang mai uh some of them they have solar panels and stuff so yeah we will see hmm well we're on the move finally we had to take care of some business before we left hotel but now we're going to this furniture store because you know we got a bed for me and wifey but emery's sister may she also needs a bed just a small one so we'll check out this other furniture store then it seems like now in the morning well midday ish yeah actually it's noon now then not too much traffic but i will show you guys proper traffic if you haven't seen it before and you see by the way the weather like this in thailand now in winter it's perfect usually around NUMBER_TOKEN to NUMBER_TOKEN degrees celsius and sunny every day oh yeah all right first up i'm just a driver most the time yeah i mean i'm the main driver here so just park right in front of this furniture store excellent well let's go oh yeah by the way i always run century mode i checked on the hotel after NUMBER_TOKEN hours of sentry mode it spent four percent so that translates to about NUMBER_TOKEN uh NUMBER_TOKEN watts which is worth it so you always want to have sentiment in case someone bumps into the car oh yeah i should mention by the way i asked uh at the versatile group these wheels they are the original tesla sport wheels NUMBER_TOKEN inch but what the tar group they painted them black and it actually looks great seems like they they have a they don't do them themselves they they let the company do it and it's a it's the matte black it looks awesome we will also get these paint our car painted black yeah yeah okay anyway let go let go all right where did the ladies go it's not too big store you're | 0.56 | 226.879 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video was brought to you by stonebag about the real planner mr green ken power and marcus bill END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
41,626 | Lx4c5QGs0JY | so he's like say we're taking this exercise this is one two three yeah yeah so the first second yeah we're taking the second to the left here so you you use the left hand lane on approach which is good so as you're approaching should you signal left here oh no after you've passed the first exit that's it yeah but i bought those around a bit you know what you did did you do it on approach yeah you did your approach even if you had cancelled the about there are you entered yeah or just before you entered you would have been okay but you didn't yeah okay yeah okay it's a minor or a series because you know if this car is waiting to enter from here i want the wondering about the so if there's a car here yeah he sees that you've got your left signal on he's going to see me going there yeah and what they're going to do then they're going to come out yeah yeah yeah that's so serious yeah okay so just be careful of all your signals if the first exit to the left then yes definitely signal that's what you're used to or yeah yeah but like these roundabouts they're not all straightforward like i said if you had a second exit to the left there so you're in the correct lane the left and lane yes but no signal to you faster first but you just told me you got the knowledge there yeah yeah yeah it didn't happen um yeah so that happened twice yeah and then towards the end of one of the roundabouts i asked you to go straight ahead yes i can exit started off in the correct lane left lane on approach yeah and instead of getting first gear you selected second yeah when when you're waiting at the roundabout yeah yeah yeah but you moved off okay still you didn't rush off the twitch you didn't stall yeah but you were you're looking down at your gear and that thinking okay what i'm gonna do with my gear i'm walking to your positioning drifted to the right yeah okay you went all the way to the into that lane so the gear was that was fine that wasn't serious but your lane position yeah you drifted over from the left lane yeah with the lane when i asked you to steer back to the left yeah and then at the following round about again you stayed slightly to the right as well but it wasn't like as if you'd entered that lane but you could have still kicked your car before you left yeah okay so that was a serious um on that railroad when you went into the middle lane good how was my parallel park oh yeah perfect that was good that was really good remember you can come even a bit more further back you don't feel like you're about to go a bit more forward but you're like no i'm okay here i was going to straighten up i thought my front was out no no it was perfect yeah you could have even come back a bit more yeah it makes it easier to get over that position it was okay as well yeah your observations are good that was really good hold on thank you okay there's a lot of plus spots to your driving like i said these faults could have easily been avoidable yeah i wasn't expecting like where missiles okay she's she's a decent driver probably going to get it | 1,192.32 | 1,358.4 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
27,897 | 42yc_SkxmN8 | by the way guys speaking about this specific tick tock i have a merch link is in the description for some humor not cringe at all but anyway guys this was a video thank you so much for watching don't forget that i stream and there's a lot of amazing stuff happening on stream that you're missing out on i'll see you next time guys bye | 736.959 | 756.7 | START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN the way guys speaking about this specific tick tock i have a merch link is in the description for END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN BETWEEN_SEGMENTS_TOKEN START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN don't forget that i stream and there's a lot of amazing stuff happening on stream that you're missing out on i'll see END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN |
13,937 | UkqDrA71rMI | we need a trailer actually that's our biggest thing we don't have the trailer we'll figure that out we'll we'll get a trailer as last if we need to we're buying all the ticket torches well all the like relatively nice tiki torches we got a big uh skeeter problem this is gonna help us knock those down got it did you actually get it yeah oh yeah that worked that was good good work good damn got a bruise on my friggin thigh we need this freakin that's actually this is the same brand we weed eater i got need help someone will be with you shortly thank you we'll be right here there you go brother got a chainsaw learning quickly that hoes are a lot more expensive than we originally anticipated and so i've decided to leave the hose here i'm going to get a really good hose at walmart believe it or not walmart has really good hoses dude walmart has some good hose you just gotta look hard we got shovels leave the hose alone leave the hose alone come on higher quality hose well seven hundred dollars later we got some items i didn't think it was gonna be a freaking thousand dollar day but here we are so uh we just got to the property this is our project right here operation planter fire pit i think it's gonna be really cool uh also just a quick heads up if you ever wanted to get flavored water don't this stuff tastes like what was it what'd you call it i said soap watermelon yeah it does taste like soap water it used to be like a planter it's got all these plants in it obviously but uh our deal is we're gonna take all the plants out hudson brought up a good point we're gonna weed eat this and then we've got the shovels we're gonna shovel out a bunch of dirt and this will be our massive fire pit it's kind of kind of a sick fire pit honestly on dude you could have people sit on those like it's pretty sick so it's kind it contains itself we've got the water over here hudson and i uh we started the jigging pipeline llc company um hudson helped me uh lay some pipe in the you helped me fix a leaky pipe uh we're gonna go ahead and get started with number one the fire pit and then we're gonna pull out some trees with the trucks you'll be really cool and then throw them into the fire pit so it's gonna be cool we're gonna burn some stuff we're gonna destroy what's your stuff today doesn't like chainsaws and fire my boy chainsaws on fire that's gonna be the title of this video chainsaws and fireballs dude gonna take a quick break to tell you about the sponsor of today's video which is keeps keeps is a subscription service that makes it easier and more affordable for men to treat their male pattern botnet with online consultations with a real doctor automated shipping and delivery to your home and by offering the generic versions of fda approved medication for hair loss two out of three men are going to experience some form of male pattern | 70.96 | 247.12 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN to tell you about the sponsor of today's video which is keeps keeps is a subscription service that makes it easier and more affordable for men to treat their male pattern botnet with online consultations with a real doctor automated shipping and delivery to your home and by offering the generic versions of fda approved medication for hair loss two out of three men are going to experience some form of male pattern END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
26,970 | zVvf-i1_59I | before i did i wanted to talk about how the market is a little some people are starting to think that it's looking a little shaky and one of the things one of the telltale signs is looking at stocks the riskier growth names and i have some charts pulled up and for the spotify listeners don't worry you're not missing much these are just stocks that have gone up like just unrelentingly but recently had some pretty big pullbacks sell-offs like people were selling stocks tesla was one big time uh i mean well that is in part because of elon's tweet but um like what else did i have in here trade desk was a big one it had a huge rally on earnings and then the other day it dropped like over ten percent did you have like new video too nvidia was one that uh that when we can see that here in a sec amd well there's nvidia and nvidia dropped from a high an all-time high of NUMBER_TOKEN down to below NUMBER_TOKEN which is what over NUMBER_TOKEN points that's huge amd dropped as well these are like the they're like not speculative but they're definitely growth stocks where there's a lot of it's called risk on it's a risk on environment where people are putting on risk risk meaning money like they're just buying these things at any a firm is another one that went from you know this is just a three-month chart but it went from NUMBER_TOKEN bucks to NUMBER_TOKEN over the last three months and then over the last few days it dropped NUMBER_TOKEN points i know i see him in my peripheral it's so hard i know what you're saying it really i i know i understand but like so when when you're near a kind of top in the market you look at some of the evidence some of the evidence for risk now coming off is some of these growth stocks starting to see some selling pressure because before you know the dips get bought relentlessly but when you start to see selling coming into these more speculative names that's when you want to kind of be cautious and jim cramer even said so on his show the other day not like he's you know mr he knows what he's talking about because who knows nobody knows but he sometimes what he says can hold weight and he said that you know you might want to start thinking about selling some stocks to free up cash when in it for when and if the market pulls back you got some ammunition ready to go by so you can start playing with that what i want a meal to okay i want him we're gonna cut i don't know how much of this is even gonna make it into the final we're gonna be left with it's nice it's gonna be it's gonna be NUMBER_TOKEN minutes worth of stuff we could use it's nice stuff it's complementary stuff i think we just have different views about about what's nice so many things i like to keep certain things between NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN. you want to know what don't say like women or some it was women wasn't it tesla dropped this dropped NUMBER_TOKEN billion dollars in value this week which was a hundred and forty dollars per share uh NUMBER_TOKEN billion billion dollars in valuation which is how much they were worth entirely just a few | 1,937.12 | 2,129.44 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
8,834 | f9XUseE3WIY | yo what's up guys today's video we're going to be playing some NUMBER_TOKENvNUMBER_TOKEN games with wonder mic he's a super solid player he's been on the combobot safe for a while now he's been on some pretty good teams but very solid mechanical player all around he's also very smart good team player as well he likes to use his teammates which is something you don't see so often from the very mechanical players he's very selfless he's uh not selfish at all he's one of the better passing tbc players that i've played with so it should be some good games uh before we get into the game for today though we have a quick message from today's sponsor so hope you guys enjoyed that today's video is sponsored by buff built on top of the overworld platform buff is a safe and easy way to earn rewards for playing games you already play earning buff coins is simple download and install the app then ensure buff is running in the background while you play earn buff coins while you play games such as valerie league of legends cs go rocket league | 0.399 | 51.739 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN sponsor so hope you guys enjoyed that today's video is sponsored by buff built on top of the overworld platform buff is a safe and easy way to earn rewards for playing games you already play earning buff coins is simple download and install the app then ensure buff is running in the background while you play earn buff coins while you play games such as valerie league of legends cs go rocket league END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
87,921 | mS1tzv_rJYg | hello and welcome back to game grumps the person delivering aaron's doordash meal called him arnie will he psychologically recover let's find out dude i don't know what happened there it's just like i mean that PROFANITY_TOKEN just wasn't you you can just read it like it's right there yeah | 17,942.4 | 17,960.298 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
32,078 | JHottXlhw9U | okay perfect perfect we've got a full upgrade all the way around um that is big big good feels good it does | 2,410.96 | 2,422.78 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
59,213 | G2V7GL4yeMI | game changer for me it's an app and browser extension that basically lets you place your laptop or phone anywhere in the world and lets you access the internet as if you were in that country so even if you're in america and you're blocked from viewing irish websites you can you can watch my netflix i can watch your netflix i can watch the netflix in zimbabwe to zimbabwe have netflix i don't know yes it does but it is not just for watching tv and movies it of course lets you access and unblock websites and content you may not usually be able to see but it also adds an extra layer of security when you're online to keep all your passwords photos videos and things safe you can go anywhere in the world log on to any wi-fi and surf shark has your security covered just use my code diane for NUMBER_TOKEN off plus three extra months for free in NUMBER_TOKEN we need to be just as aware of what we're doing online and protect ourselves as we are in the real world which we're going to talk about today thank you sir shark for sponsoring this channel okay the first thing we're going to look at is that if you are getting a hard car make sure they don't advertise the fact that it's a hired car with a sticker or a bumper sign or something like that because hard cars are seven times more likely to be targeted than local cars and how do they know it's a higher car if you've got a bumper sticker anything like signs in the window or logos on the side try and ask for a different car as i already mentioned opportunistic crime is way higher than organized crime so don't do something silly like leave a bag in the back of the car because maybe your window will get smashed and the bike taken hey it's just your groceries but they didn't know that and while i'm talking about bag snatching bag snatching is a huge thing in dublin city center one thing you want to be super aware of is if you're on a pedestrianized street walking close to the side of the road and you're carrying a bag there are people driving up and down on bicycles and motorbikes and they might just snatch your bag away that is a thing that i've heard of happening to local people so common sense things like putting your bag on the other side walking closer to the wall just generally watching your back might help protect you the next thing is public transport can be very good in ireland particularly in the cities however you definitely need to be aware of your surroundings when you're taking them particularly late at night on a bus you're going to need to ring the bell ahead of your stop but if you notice somebody coming up behind you as you're getting off in a very dark place maybe you're going to want to skip to the next stop just use your intuition you have it for a reason the other thing is if you are using the lewis overground train a good idea is not to sit right by the door where somebody can easily reach in and grab your belongings also like most trains the lewis stops at every location so you might not want to go right up to the door until you're good and ready to get off otherwise you are signaling to potential people who might want to victimize you that | 84.159 | 245.04 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN game changer for me it's an app and browser extension that basically lets you place your laptop or phone anywhere in the world and lets you access the internet as if you were in that country so even if you're in america and you're blocked from viewing irish websites you can you can watch my netflix i can watch your netflix i can watch the netflix in zimbabwe to zimbabwe have netflix i don't know yes it does but it is not just for watching tv and movies it of course lets you access and unblock websites and content you may not usually be able to see but it also adds an extra layer of security when you're online to keep all your passwords photos videos and things safe you can go anywhere in the world log on to any wi-fi and surf shark has your security covered just use my code diane for NUMBER_TOKEN off plus three extra months for free in NUMBER_TOKEN we need to be just as aware of what we're doing online and protect ourselves as we are in the real world which we're going to talk about today thank you sir shark for sponsoring this channel okay END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
25,986 | sV16HDjZJ4s | back to roxy raceway alrighty boys well i think that's the perfect spot to finish this video off in the next video we will go and take on my little podi but for now we're going to leave it here thanks so much for watching make sure you leave a like leave a comment below of some of the mods you would like to see in other videos and of course i'll see you in the next video peace | 555.839 | 575.58 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN make sure you leave a like leave a comment below of some of the mods you would like to see in other videos END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
85,596 | GEvMJKnM33k | lotus eaters you can watch the full thing NUMBER_TOKENpm every weekday at lotus URL_TOKEN or you can sign up to get access to all the premium content we have on the site yeah we've got loads of really good stuff every week we have a contemplations and epochs episode that goes up and in the contemplations we talk about just interesting things and uh the epochs episodes are probably my favorite because i love talking about history uh this latest one is we're doing a bit of a series on the hundred years war and uh why england kept winning and we're not finished it yet and you're going to really enjoy the end of that one but we've also got other excellent episodes that we do like the book club the most recent one was shooting an elephant by george orwell this was about his time in burma as a colonial officer and when he was tasked with the shooting of a rampaging elephant and it's really really interesting uh what the circumstance of the thing was but we also have lots of other content such as premium articles which have audio tracks on them for our silver and gold subscribers and we do premium podcasts about things that we don't really feel that we can put on youtube or have done a particularly large amount of research into and so it's uh it's worth keeping them slightly more private and we also do lots of very interesting interviews such as this one with comedian steve hughes which was really fascinating because i didn't expect him to be a philosopher but anyway yeah also the last thing to mention is the live event content we have so we occasionally when we get around to it doing our live events and the videos from them are on the website as premium of course because people came to see and paid so go and check that out this is on the worst of critical race theory yes i do mean the worst it's unconscionable yeah so if you'd like access to all that premium content go to URL_TOKEN and subscribe thank you and goodbye | 1,233.36 | 1,335.419 | START_SELFPROMO_TOKEN lotus eaters you can watch the full thing NUMBER_TOKENpm every weekday at lotus URL_TOKEN or you can sign up to get access to all the premium content we have on the site yeah we've got loads of really good stuff every week we have a contemplations and epochs episode that goes up and in the contemplations we talk about just interesting things and uh the epochs episodes are probably my favorite because i love talking about history uh this latest one is we're doing a bit of a series on the hundred years war and uh why england kept winning and we're not finished it yet and you're going to really enjoy the end of that one but we've also got other excellent episodes that we do like the book club the most recent one was shooting an elephant by george orwell this was about his time in burma as a colonial officer and when he was tasked with the shooting of a rampaging elephant and it's really really interesting uh what the circumstance of the thing was but we also have lots of other content such as premium articles which have audio tracks on them for our silver and gold subscribers and we do premium podcasts about things that we don't really feel that we can put on youtube or have done a particularly large amount of research into and so it's uh it's worth keeping them slightly more private and we also do lots of very interesting interviews such as this one with comedian steve hughes which was really fascinating because i didn't expect him to be a philosopher but anyway yeah also the last thing to mention is the live event content we have so we occasionally when we get around to it doing our live events and the videos from them are on the website as premium of course because people came to see and paid so go and check that out this is on the worst of critical race theory yes i do mean the worst it's unconscionable yeah so if you'd like access to all that premium content go to URL_TOKEN and subscribe thank you and goodbye END_SELFPROMO_TOKEN |
63,395 | H-TDswO4kJ8 | what do i keep on telling you i keep saying that you should click the subscribe button click the bell icon the like button literally every button on the page because they all help me a lot and i appreciate it and what do you keep doing well clearly you listen to me because my subscriber versus not subscriber percent is actually in a pretty good spot right now so thank you very much for doing that and if you want to go the extra mile today you can always click up in the top corner of the screen except i'm pointing the wrong way please flip me and you can see my live playthroughs of today's games and don't worry they're going to be as spontaneous and ridiculous as this video hey guys it's geralisNUMBER_TOKEN and today you heard right we are gonna be talking about the super mario bros trilogy now that i've revealed the topic and you've clicked on the video you might be saying oh man i only watch this channel for sonic content well guess what this is actually related to your sonic history lesson because without these games sonic the hedgehog would not exist so thank the man thank him right now that's not a joke by the way this is actually a thing the creators of sonic have said they used to try and play the first level of mario like as fast as possible that inspired the idea of making a game where your main directive is to go fast so i mean if you don't watch the video now then what kind of sonic historian are you alright alright i'm turning off the passive aggression now they don't need it because i'm talking about something i really enjoy and in fact i enjoy this series so much that i'm actually doing something that i don't ever do basically when i make these videos i spend a whole lot of time writing down everything i'm going to say and then i'm having some people check it over sometimes not usually because i'm very lazy and then i stand up here and i read things off my phone and you probably have seen me holding my phone in certain scenes and it's because i don't have a very good memory this time however i am going to do this entire video with no script and you might be saying wow doesn't that mean you're just gonna be saying ah and and just kind of stalling for time what you think of things why yes that's exactly what i'm gonna do and that's what i'm doing right now but i have a feeling this is gonna lead to something a little bit more interesting than if i were to write out my thoughts because when i write i tend to repeat myself a lot and i have to end up cutting things out but now i'm just gonna talk about mario in the way that i want to because mario completes me i think it's appropriate to start from the point before mario existed so in this bm period we are back in NUMBER_TOKEN with the release of donkey kong for the arcade or the arcade it's like there's just one of them apparently that would've been pretty busy mario or jumpman was the main protagonist of this game who was fighting donkey kong who was the titular donkey kong at the top of this little girder thing supposed to be a | 130.8 | 282.08 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN what do i keep on telling you i keep saying that you should click the subscribe button click the bell icon the like button literally every button on the page because they all help me a lot and i appreciate it and what do you keep doing well clearly you listen to me because my subscriber versus not subscriber percent is actually in a pretty good spot right now so thank you very much for doing that and if you want to go the extra mile today you can always click up in the top corner of the screen except i'm pointing the wrong way please flip me and you can see my live playthroughs of today's games and don't worry they're going to be as spontaneous and ridiculous as this video END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
23,624 | M39oyNIY4z4 | and then if i actually go and open the boot oh opens in real life opens on the app opens on the tesla screen absolutely fantastic if i go ahead and click close it once again closes everywhere as well so i don't think it updates until it actually completes which is interesting we're gonna go back and now we're gonna have a little flick around because this is where things get a little bit more exciting so if i head into climate the climate animations have gotten way fancier as well becky's not seen these what i'm gonna do is i'm going to turn the climber on oh look at those waves becky do you see them waves how cool is that so it's blowing hot air now and it looks proper fancy and if i change it to like cold air you will see that it should go blue yes look at that it's kind of like a bluey white absolutely amazing i like that a lot doesn't that just look really fancy you know what i mean it's just way way fancier than it used to look i like this quite considerably so if i actually put the car into drive it should update on the app as well so if i start driving forwards oh i'm suddenly on a road and you can see that because i'm only going one mile an hour i'm not moving very fast but if we speed up hopefully yeah look at that the lines actually change as well and you see the wheels are moving how good is that and now we're just going to go into reverse you can see that it puts a little fancy reverse animation on as well and it tells us specifically how many miles an hour gone so we're going five miles an hour at the minute let's just put ourselves back into park and there should be a nice little animation when i do that there we go a little bit slow to update but it did it now you're probably wondering why do you need to see that what's the point surely when you're driving you don't want to be on your phone but i think it's just so like passengers in the back seat that want to control the music or the media or whatever it's just a bit fancier for them or perhaps you know if your husband or wife is at work and you want to check if they've left yet and you've both got the tesla app downloaded you can see whether they're driving home or not and even whether they're speeding great stuff so just like the windows not updating there are a couple of other things that don't update but they do update on the tesla screen so you'll see when i move my wheel you can see that the wheel does move on the tesla screen but it is not moving on the tesla app and similarly and similarly similarly if i put my indicator on that doesn't update on the tesla app but you can see it does update on the tesla screen what about the flashing lights so if we go into controls let's click flash and see if anything happens we do get a nice little flash and it also updates on the tesla screen as well thank you look at it there we go all right so now let's just see if we can spot any other cosmetics so does anything happen when you click start on the app remote start failed | 96.96 | 254.319 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
32,239 | mhpKyJ2L15g | oh my god that's an entire year cooftown look at that you were like beast people to be happy but unlike previous soviet leaders he actually made the change happen within the first couple of years he began the political movement for more openness and transparency and the restructuring of the soviet political and economic systems and change very quickly took effect people could criticize the government they could enjoy western pop culture the media interviewed margaret thatcher but most importantly the soviet people could now enjoy pizza hut all hail to gorbachev he also knew that the arms race needed to end in order to rescue the soviet economy and a positive relationship with the west must be established constructive dialogue reopened and resulted in the inf treaty which saw all intermediate range missiles eliminated which was huge reagan's tone towards the soviet union began to soften and things were looking up but what would these reforms mean for the eastern bloc for decades the soviets had been brutally suppressing any attempted change now would they be allowed and that was the exact question on hungary's lips when the prime minister visited moscow gorbachev's response he didn't necessarily agree with the reforms but he wouldn't stop them either he was prepared to let the eastern bloc choose its own future this was massive and the hungarian leaders began planning free multi-party elections poland followed suit and also held elections in june the anti-soviet party solidarity won NUMBER_TOKEN out of NUMBER_TOKEN seats in the senate but not just that you know poland and and poland is doing a lot paul is doing real well now hungry the barbed wire border between east and west was removed the iron curtain was unraveling but not all eastern block leaders were happy notably east germany was still ruled by a hardline stalinist erik honaker and many east germans were still eager to get out they had been trapped by the berlin wall but now they were doing the math if they could travel to hungary and hungary's border with the west was loosening could they now make it to the west that summer east germans decided hungary was the latest top holiday destination they traveled there in droves and using various methods tens of thousands crossed the border into austria and the west honaker was furious and blocked traveled to hungary but that civil liberties train had started rolling and it wasn't stopping thousands more flocked to the west german embassy in prague where they stormed the fence around the embassy the fall of the soviet union is one of the main points of contention i have with tankies and marxist leninists in regards to civil liberties not being offered to individuals living under the soviet regime it is NUMBER_TOKEN one of the dumbest worst stupidest things you could do if there is a lesson to learn as a leftist from neo-liberals and from liberals in general wait part two what the PROFANITY_TOKEN this is PROFANITY_TOKEN that neoliberals i mean i guess maybe they're too stupid to understand what i'm saying but this is something that they would agree with me on | 1,793.12 | 1,977.5 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
42,491 | Vz61hHcFXf4 | here are NUMBER_TOKEN amazing facts about the movie top gun but before we get to that if you're a first-time viewer please ring the bell and become a subscriber so you don't miss anything now producer jerry bruckheimer got the idea for top gun from an article in california magazine in may of NUMBER_TOKEN called top guns the article starts at mach NUMBER_TOKEN and NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN feet over california it's always high noon it has other passages like if miramar is a fighter pilot's camelot then the top gun complex in miramar's hangar number one is king arthur's round table the gathering of the greatest of the greats in fighter aviation the article also described how the engines are stall prone during aggressive maneuvering and how rios would sometimes take pictures of russian airplanes during intercepts it also goes into great detail about the o club at miramar brackhammer pitched the movie to paramount as star wars on earth tony scott wasn't the only director considered for the film both john carpenter whose films include escape from new york starring kurt russell and david cronenberg who directed jeff goldblum in the fly we're considered it's interesting to think what the final product might have looked like in their hands also tom cruise was not the first choice to play maverick matthew modine was the first choice but he thought top gun was too militaristic and he went on to make stanley kubrick's anti-military movie full metal jacket a number of other actors were also considered before tom cruise including patrick swayze emilio estevez nicholas cage john kuzek who by the way was my first pick to play the part of punk when punk's war was first optioned back in NUMBER_TOKEN also matthew broderick sean penn and tom hanks all of those actors turned down the opportunity to play maverick as i mentioned in the final countdown episode if hollywood studios want to use navy equipment they have to work with a command called navinfo west it's the navy's west coast public affairs command and navinfo west has script approval authority and in the case of top gun nav info west did not like that maverick's love interest was also in the navy so they demanded that the script change that character the character of charlie into a civilian so they did that the second thing the navy didn't like right up front was the original dogfight was supposed to take place over cuba navy officials thought that might have real world foreign policy implications so they demanded that it be changed to random international waters christine fox who worked out at miramar as a civilian for the center for naval analysis got her call signed legs because she was six feet tall she was the inspiration for charlie fox would go on to be the highest ranking woman in the pentagon before she retired in NUMBER_TOKEN. ali sheedy a member of the brat pack perhaps best known for her role in the movie breakfast club turned down the role of charlie because she didn't think anyone would go to see a movie about fighter pilots she later admitted that she regretted that decision kelly mcgillis is NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN tom cruise is NUMBER_TOKEN'NUMBER_TOKEN | 0.16 | 208.72 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN but before we get to that if you're a first-time viewer please ring the bell and become a subscriber so you don't miss anything END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
41,019 | bEL6LLKJOCk | download NUMBER_TOKEN for more ago we're in the description so go check it | 239.2 | 243.18 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN download NUMBER_TOKEN for more ago we're in the description so go check it END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
27,964 | _QK5EmPCd9g | speech recognition their technology helps you to improve your pronunciation and accent there are so many ways to learn from babble in addition to lessons you can access podcasts games videos stories and even live classes start your new language learning journey today with babble right now when you purchase a three month battle subscription you're gonna get an additional three months for free that's six months for the price of three just go to URL_TOKEN and use the promo code hNUMBER_TOKENtv that's b a b b e l dot com code hNUMBER_TOKENtv babble language for life thank you thank you peace and love peace and love and finally thank you to hellofresh you know him you love him damn who made that uh one of our fans that looks who sent it to me fire this was the maple mustard chicken legs with mashed potatoes and nutty green beans i love my green beans nutty easy what is hello fresh hello fresh you get pre pre-measured fresh ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your door this way you're gonna skip the grocery store trips it's gonna make home cooking easy fun and affordable and that's why hello fresh is america's number one meal kit here's how it works they send you a refrigerated box with like dry ice in it with all the ingredients fresh perfectly laid out if you don't know how to cook if you don't know where you're around the kitchen if you don't want to spend time grocery shopping preparing hellofresh is the way to go because you're going to learn a lot about cooking if you don't know how they're going to tell you everything and it's pretty much the funnest way to get into cooking and your meals are guaranteed to be delish that looks really good damn come on now um hello fresh isn't just for meals their marketplace features a variety of snacks too like this falls pumpkin cinnamon rolls to get you in the mood for cozy seasons and you're going to get better value hello fresh is over NUMBER_TOKEN percent cheaper than grocery stores with pre portioned ingredients then ensure you won't spend money on excess food while also saving you a shopping trip uh yep so guys go to URL_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN and use the code hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN for up to NUMBER_TOKEN free meals feeding america including free shipping that's URL_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtv promo code hNUMBER_TOKENtv for NUMBER_TOKEN free meals hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN free meals URL_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN thank you thank you and it's in the description that's why they're america's number one meal kit love y'all we're done done thank you to our sponsors hey | 5,250.639 | 5,432.699 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtv that's b a b b e l dot com code hNUMBER_TOKENtv babble language for life thank you thank you peace and love peace and love and finally thank you to hellofresh you know him you love him damn who made that uh one of our fans that looks who sent it to me fire this was the maple mustard chicken legs with mashed potatoes and nutty green beans i love my green beans nutty easy what is hello fresh hello fresh you get pre pre-measured fresh ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your door this way you're gonna skip the grocery store trips it's gonna make home cooking easy fun and affordable and that's why hello fresh is america's number one meal kit here's how it works they send you a refrigerated box with like dry ice in it with all the ingredients fresh perfectly laid out if you don't know how to cook if you don't know where you're around the kitchen if you don't want to spend time grocery shopping preparing hellofresh is the way to go because you're going to learn a lot about cooking if you don't know how they're going to tell you everything and it's pretty much the funnest way to get into cooking and your meals are guaranteed to be delish that looks really good damn come on now um hello fresh isn't just for meals their marketplace features a variety of snacks too like this falls pumpkin cinnamon rolls to get you in the mood for cozy seasons and you're going to get better value hello fresh is over NUMBER_TOKEN percent cheaper than grocery stores with pre portioned ingredients then ensure you won't spend money on excess food while also saving you a shopping trip uh yep so guys go to URL_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN and use the code hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN for up to NUMBER_TOKEN free meals feeding america including free shipping that's URL_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtv promo code hNUMBER_TOKENtv for NUMBER_TOKEN free meals hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN for NUMBER_TOKEN free meals URL_TOKEN hNUMBER_TOKENtvNUMBER_TOKEN thank you thank you and it's in the description that's why they're america's number one meal kit love y'all we're done done thank you to our sponsors hey END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
78,127 | odIwvji0HhE | so if you're looking to buy a new ssd for your system most of the time it just makes more sense to spend your money on an ssd that offers a lot of value instead of a super fast one and this is exactly what this western digital blue snNUMBER_TOKEN has to offer so this is a refresh of the snNUMBER_TOKEN that has been one of the most popular ssds in the last year or two because of its low price but they are promising that this new model should be faster than its predecessor in pretty much every possible way and it should cost you about NUMBER_TOKEN euros or dollars for one terabyte and keep in mind this is the launch price i do expect it to drop even more in the coming weeks however cheaper ssds almost always have limitations and certain weaknesses and there are things that you need to know and need to think about before buying one for yourself and this drive is no exception so let's see how it performs how it compares to some other drives on the market and if it's worth getting it at all let's begin this video is brought to you by seasonic and their prime series power supplies these top quality power supplies are very efficient they're whisper quiet extremely reliable and my go-to choice for most of my test tricks and builds around here and to make the deal even sweeter seasonic wraps it all up in a cozy NUMBER_TOKEN year long warranty check them out using the links in the description below so this snNUMBER_TOKEN is a very typical NUMBER_TOKEN millimeter mNUMBER_TOKEN nvme drive it is pcie gen NUMBER_TOKEN not gen NUMBER_TOKEN which does make a lot of sense when you're looking at that a good value category but it is a three bit or a tlc ssd and that is a very important detail so a lot of other cheap ssds save money by storing four bits of data in every memory cell instead of three and that has negative effects on performance as well as the lifespan of the drive so i'm really happy that western digital isn't doing that and i'm really happy that you get a five-year warranty with this drive which you probably will not need but it's nice to see your purchase protected for a reasonable amount of time but they are clearly saving money on the pcb design which is extremely basic you can see the controller and a single flash chip and that's pretty much it uh there is no dram cache which you would usually find in mid-range and high-end ssds and i would say absolutely no effort went into the design which can be something to think about if it's going to be visible in your system now i do think it's a shame that they are only offering this ssd in NUMBER_TOKEN gigs NUMBER_TOKEN gigs and one terabyte capacities um i have the one terabyte drive right here and as you can see there is plenty of space left on the pcb to make a two terabyte or even a much larger version with ssd prices dropping consistently over the years and the games getting larger and larger two terabyte ssds are becoming more popular and i do believe that a two terabyte version of this would be very interesting to see but let's talk performance so i'm going to start with the pc mark NUMBER_TOKEN benchmarks which | 0 | 193.36 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video is brought to you by seasonic and their prime series power supplies these top quality power supplies are very efficient they're whisper quiet extremely reliable and my go-to choice for most of my test tricks and builds around here and to make the deal even sweeter seasonic wraps it all up in a cozy NUMBER_TOKEN year long warranty check them out using the links in the description below END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
36,950 | GEqo6MQGJs8 | that's it yeah the slow and active megawatt closing out the soft for the buzz there | 1,434.88 | 1,440.62 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
24,605 | J03uTD9CUCs | hey melissa yes i noticed that you're doing a lot of folding around that outlet and it looks great does it look origami does this come from your years of origami experience i am an origami master it's all those little swans i've made you little leap frogs little sailboat you got your father's height oh my god i'm NUMBER_TOKEN NUMBER_TOKEN. you're welcome | 403.68 | 435.34 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
84,186 | GIfWsxID8VY | brody nose kind of want his the PROFANITY_TOKEN chin to kind of jolt out a little more just a little bit of a gaping PROFANITY_TOKEN as if he just took like a mask massive ship it's always the worst PROFANITY_TOKEN whenever you're sitting there and it does feel like you like you can kind of relate to pregnancy in some kind of weird way in a weird way i've had some experiences with with painful shits that are not fun every time i'm in the thick of it i'm always thinking that this is what childbirth is like and i'm giving him thinner hair because i know his hair is all you know but the gamer here has very thin hair and i like that so we have this nice hair i mean i i think that looks pretty much just like him that's where he's at in NUMBER_TOKEN years for sure and you know people might be like oh you know this hunter this is mean you know oh where do you think you're gonna be at NUMBER_TOKEN years dead in the if i had to guess in the ground i included the nice little elbow thing here from uh the fan art on the arm of the chair the skin is like that's like really where we start seeing some of the skin actually like you know melding and molding like it's he's just he's had it rested there for so long roll some of that over but we really want to make it look like it's going over and dripping down and like i said before i like to think that over time he just he has nothing but fists even his feet turn into even his feet turn into hands he goes back primarily to chimp where your feet are also hands i'm just gonna say PROFANITY_TOKEN all kinds of like resemblance of leg anatomy i feel like at this point if you're if your PROFANITY_TOKEN bottom feet turn into fists i feel like regular kind of grey's anatomy kind of walks itself right out the door you know it's a nice little man let's add a little uh add a little nice little line art to it what do you say i drew a lot of inspiration from uh like seven-year-old dakota fanning man on fire it's a great movie nobody talks about it anymore every time i bring up man on fire nobody even remembers the PROFANITY_TOKEN movie i'm like man on fire denzel washington dakota fanning never seen it anytime anybody thinks of denzel washington all they ever think of is training day man on fire way better putting that out there we have all this fan art of all these minecraft people we have fan art of god knows what i don't ever see any fan art of man on fire and i'm i'm honestly just a tad bit upset about it looking at these fingernails dude i need to go up i need to go to one of them nail places again i got my nails did one time with my mom she came out to visit me when i was living up in portland got a pedicure hey that's downright spoiling yourself getting yourself a little pedicure i don't give a PROFANITY_TOKEN who you are even if you're a guy or | 230.159 | 367.039 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
69,862 | jbBIq4bxPpY | one second all righty we raised the speeds we raised the amount of people who tried to catch alpha three versus one but only the first to catch our movement player wins i mean it's three versus one you can't lose can you nice out there he's playing with my nerves man | 161.599 | 181.099 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
56,037 | 9cNmUNHSBac | this video was sponsored by kiwiko more about them at the end of the show when you're riding a bike and you want to turn left i think most people just imagine you turn the handlebars to the left this is a bike to test whether that is true and it's made by my friend rick here and he's got a radio controller that allows him to lock out the steering to one side so what he's going to do is as i'm biking he's going to pick whether i can turn either to the left or to the right so go for it i'm giving it a left turn it pulls the pin out but you can see that you can still fully steer after i've pulled the pin out i've armed it there's where it locks okay now the the that's when your led comes on that just says turn that way turn left yeah and if i try to turn right can't i can't and if i try to turn left you can i can't so the question is can i successfully execute this left-hand turn should we give it a shot i mean he's not going to tell me whether it's left or right so i have to look at the led to know which way i can still turn you let me know when you're ready okay | 11.84 | 78.22 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this video was sponsored by kiwiko more about them at the end of the show END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
41,350 | hBGBUi29tH4 | this show is sponsored by better help online therapy visit URL_TOKEN padilla because sometimes existing is exhausting my name's anthony padilla and today i'll be spending a day with bisexuals to uncover the truth about this widely known yet massively misconceived sexual orientation including why some people shun bisexuality and call it inherently transphobic and how one of the people in this video could legally be killed if they dare travel back to visit an entire side of the family after coming out by the end of this video we'll find out if identifying as bisexual has been a wholly empowering experience or if openly using this label has placed them inside a box inadvertently inviting more judgment than ever before | 4.08 | 45.29 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN this show is sponsored by better help online therapy visit URL_TOKEN padilla because sometimes existing is exhausting END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
65,142 | Du0d4CAcV6U | this is a beautiful base do you have uh it's all coming together large furnaces there's three down outside are we gonna have to PROFANITY_TOKEN do this for them like hmm do you guys have an empty | 2,902.319 | 2,913.66 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
34,737 | Mx86vOaBwb4 | really cool deep concept that's very conflicting even for reality uh tim something i love about this of it being conflicting and going back to me saying that i don't think any one character stands out but together they all work so well because they're all kind of the bulbasaur charmander squirtle against each other in different character traits of like filling in gaps where i love that druid is and it might not be this scene you're talking about but there was the scene was like i'm gonna control everyone and i'm gonna stop this like PROFANITY_TOKEN you ajax like this doesn't make sense for it to then go for i thought she was gonna kill him but i loved it she didn't like i love these these kind of like conundrums uh morally that they they set up because seeing druid here so steadfast in like no i know what's right so i'm gonna do this you're gonna have to kill me whatever but then to later see the other scene to flashback um or i guess not flashback but the flash forward the present day of him controlling humans and when the like deviant comes and it seems like it's all in the up and up and everything's good but then when the deviant comes he's controlling the humans with the guns like mechanically turning them into robots shootings it's so dope but when you think about how but it's like wrong oh yeah it's wrong and like this guy that we know is coming from the right place like that's where i think this movie really succeeds is like having all these good guys do bad things for the right reasons and it kind of like just balances out in a really interesting way so druid i thought was very very very cool and him and makari being together i was like this is PROFANITY_TOKEN awesome yeah and then uh camille pointing it out was just the perfect kind of line of dialogue you need to be like is this is this a thing i don't like this no no he says is this happening i hate it which was great um of course uh we'll cut over we got to keep the team back together so they cut over to uh to uh the set of cool males or of um gosh what's this what's the character's name it'll just call them camille's newest movie uh which is a retelling of it king's story uh it's great and this this births one of what i think is one of the best like dynamics between two characters of any mcu movie i love kumail non-johnny and harris patel the two characters here so i think they got great chemistry and the fact that he's just been his valet forever and is like his just his boy at this point is so great uh andy from kind of funny i will say i'm so happy that the bit paid off because i felt this is bad um as he's dancing towards the camera and trying to like be physically comedy funny i'm like this isn't working for me this is like not good not good and i know what is i know what i don't know what's | 4,670.239 | 4,833.001 | NO_SEGMENT_TOKEN |
72,649 | qgXPfieMFBk | So one of the things I'm noticing so far shooting for a small period of time. It's actually kind of difficult to get it to flare off like a reflection. If you shoot it right at the sun, flares galore. But sometimes I just want like a subtle flare off like the chrome of a bumper or something like that but it's not as prominent as I probably want it to be. Ah, you know what we forgot to do? Completely forgot to shoot the like, funny sponsor segue thing we were going to do. So... Funny sponsor segue! Last year I reviewed the Rotolight Titan XNUMBER_TOKEN, which I called the best all around light I’ve ever used. Since then, Rotolight have been working on taking some of the unique technologies from the $,NUMBER_TOKEN Titan XNUMBER_TOKEN and infusing them into a brand new light available to pre-order from just $NUMBER_TOKEN. They've just announced the NEO NUMBER_TOKEN, the brightest on-camera light ever made and the AEOS NUMBER_TOKEN, an innovative, ultra thin NUMBER_TOKENxNUMBER_TOKEN light. These products provide both powerful, continuous output and the world’s first RGB flash making them ideal for both photographers and filmmakers. For the first time, you'll be able to flash in any one of NUMBER_TOKEN million colours or NUMBER_TOKEN filters for unlimited creative possibilities with an intuitive and responsive touchscreen display that saves valuable time on shoot. These lights are exclusively available to pre-order now on Kickstarter at URL_TOKEN with early bird discounts. So if you want to be the first in the world to own them, head over now to check them out or use the link in the description below. Something that I noticed when we started editing this footage is we had IBIS turned on with the aNUMBER_TOKENS III. Now the Sony does not have a specific setting for the IBIS for anamorphic lenses. So you might see a little bit of warbling or wobbling, sorry, in these corners and in the sides of the image. If you have a Panasonic camera, there is a specific anamorphic IBIS setting that I would suggest using. I still think it's better to leave it on even if your camera doesn't have an anamorphic setting because the micro jitters are worse, in my opinion, than the warbling and wobbling that you can get from the anamorphic lens with IBIS on. So I was able to edit around it. You might notice it, you might not. It's just something to keep in mind. [violin and piano instrumental] | 627.961 | 742.866 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN Completely forgot to shoot the like, funny sponsor segue thing we were going to do. So... Funny sponsor segue! Last year I reviewed the Rotolight Titan XNUMBER_TOKEN, which I called the best all around light I’ve ever used. Since then, Rotolight have been working on taking some of the unique technologies from the $,NUMBER_TOKEN Titan XNUMBER_TOKEN and infusing them into a brand new light available to pre-order from just $NUMBER_TOKEN. They've just announced the NEO NUMBER_TOKEN, the brightest on-camera light ever made and the AEOS NUMBER_TOKEN, an innovative, ultra thin NUMBER_TOKENxNUMBER_TOKEN light. These products provide both powerful, continuous output and the world’s first RGB flash making them ideal for both photographers and filmmakers. For the first time, you'll be able to flash in any one of NUMBER_TOKEN million colours or NUMBER_TOKEN filters for unlimited creative possibilities with an intuitive and responsive touchscreen display that saves valuable time on shoot. These lights are exclusively available to pre-order now on Kickstarter at URL_TOKEN with early bird discounts. So if you want to be the first in the world to own them, head over now to check them out or use the link in the description below. Something that I noticed when we started editing this footage is we END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
28,571 | gwA6meMWJNM | London were full with their competitors but someone came up with a genius solution they offered to give jaws out and free labor to dismantle the theater themselves in exchange for them putting the materials to better use Allan plan to just burn the wood anyway so he didn't see any problem with that the theater troupe got together in the middle of the night carefully tear down the theater and they went to a property across the Thames River then they used all of these free materials to rebuild the Globe Theatre exactly as it had been only now it was across the river they had the exact same performance space without having to pay their rent this stunt became the talk of the town and only made their company even more popular but the landlord he was furious Charles Allen tried to take them to court to sue them for the value of the theatre after reading the contract he signs the judge found the Lord Chamberlain's Men not guilty of any crime and they had every right to do whatever they wanted with the materials for the rest of his life William Shakespeare's reputation would continue to grow and he was nothing short of a celebrity now just before we get into the rest of that life let me tell you a bit about today's sponsor brilliance brilliance are a science learning platform that allow you to learn through active learning this summed up is basically the opposite of that feeling of reading a super complex paragraph about some principle and then having absolutely no clue what is about even on the tenth read-through so I've mentioned brilliant before you probably know that if you've watched this channel regularly and I think it's a great fit because here you are watching a NUMBER_TOKEN minute educational video on YouTube you're probably into learning and brilliant are great at enabling that brilliant also have things called daily challenges which are just five minutes which allow you to read a short paragraph answer a question then learn about a new concept it's a really great way if you're busy like me maybe add enough time to dive into like a full course about something you can just grab one of those daily challenges and make it a part of your daily routine also brilliant can now be accessed offline so if you're in Seoul with spotty internet or you don't want to use your data you can just have the brilliant app on your phone you can access those daily challenges or other stuff from their app on the phone without having to use any data or brilliance courses a totally interactive so you can learn probability by playing a game of blackjack or learn the physics of motion using interactive models of pendulum clocks that kind of stuff so if you want to support bio graphics which is cool of you and get unlimited access to all of brilliance in depth math and maths and science courses you can head over to brilliant org for - byah graphics to get NUMBER_PERCENTAGE_TOKEN off their annual premium subscription and let's get back to Shakespeare | 488.599 | 632.5 | START_SPONSOR_TOKEN just before we get into the rest of that life let me tell you a bit about today's sponsor brilliance brilliance are a science learning platform that allow you to learn through active learning this summed up is basically the opposite of that feeling of reading a super complex paragraph about some principle and then having absolutely no clue what is about even on the tenth read-through so I've mentioned brilliant before you probably know that if you've watched this channel regularly and I think it's a great fit because here you are watching a NUMBER_TOKEN minute educational video on YouTube you're probably into learning and brilliant are great at enabling that brilliant also have things called daily challenges which are just five minutes which allow you to read a short paragraph answer a question then learn about a new concept it's a really great way if you're busy like me maybe add enough time to dive into like a full course about something you can just grab one of those daily challenges and make it a part of your daily routine also brilliant can now be accessed offline so if you're in Seoul with spotty internet or you don't want to use your data you can just have the brilliant app on your phone you can access those daily challenges or other stuff from their app on the phone without having to use any data or brilliance courses a totally interactive so you can learn probability by playing a game of blackjack or learn the physics of motion using interactive models of pendulum clocks that kind of stuff so if you want to support bio graphics which is cool of you and get unlimited access to all of brilliance in depth math and maths and science courses you can head over to brilliant org for - byah graphics to get NUMBER_PERCENTAGE_TOKEN off their annual premium subscription and let's get back to Shakespeare END_SPONSOR_TOKEN |
9,651 | hsZBYNqyR6A | so just two alts per two colors i assume i assumed the stage is randomly generated that would make sense that'd be cool that's a badass final smash actually i like that he just hits you with the i didn't order a creeper okay thank you yep that makes perfect sense my reaction was like a bit more rational because i was like give me something good i need something good i was like give me something big and they did that's that's a that's a pretty big deliver that's you know it you know minecraft's like a massive production nowadays but i you know steve has started it's an indie rep so that's big for me i i think that's cool let's go minecraft steve okay uh be sure to subscribe for minecraft hey what's up youtube gang hey uh youngest you ever do it successful grind never quit what's up i'm coming at you live because i'm gonna be watching the game awards and dang that's just crazy welcome to the crib uh we're about to get a new smash character joe who do you think it is falco you heard it here first folks it's gonna be falco what do you think mario that'd be crazy there's a chance it's mario i think it's fortnite i think it's sephiroth from final fantasy greg from diary of the wimpy kids it could be spongebob spongebob there's a chance non-zero chance i i also think mario but let's see oh hero lost that's epic oh wait this is like the mega man trailer oh this is cool it's mega man there it is it's zelda with sad world of light NUMBER_TOKEN baby that's what it is okay who saves the day today and why is it minecraft steve but again | 2,460.56 | 2,577.5 | START_INTERACTION_TOKEN be sure to subscribe for minecraft END_INTERACTION_TOKEN |
Subsets and Splits