# Finding examples that contradict the heuristics |
This directory contains scripts for finding examples in the MNLI training set which contradict the heuristics targeted by HANS. The `lex_finder.py` script was used to generate the file [mnli_contradicting_examples](https://github.com/tommccoy1/hans/blob/master/mnli_contradicting_examples). |
How to use these scripts with MNLI: |
Move these scripts into the same directory as MNLI, which can be downloaded |
from here: https://www.nyu.edu/projects/bowman/multinli/ |
In particular, these scripts all read from the file `multinli_1.0_train.txt` |
To look for examples of the lexical overlap heuristic, run: |
python lex_finder.py |
To look for examples of the subsequence heuristic, run: |
python subseq_finder.py |
To look for examples of the constituent heuristic, run: |
python const_finder.py |
Each of these scripts will first print out all examples from |
multinli_1.0_train.txt that contradict the heuristic. At the |
end, the script then prints out a summary of how many examples which could potentially relate to the heuristic were |
entailment, contradiction, or neutral (where the ones that contradict the heuristic are ones with labels of contradiction or neutral). These numbers should match the table |
near the start of Section 2 of the HANS paper |
(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.01007.pdf). |
If you want to use these scripts with a corpus other than MNLI, there are two |
options: |
1) Format that corpus in the same way that MNLI is formatted, such |
that these scripts can run on it. |
2) Modify these scripts to deal with the format of the other corpus. |
For the lexical overlap and subsequence heuristics, it should be |
straightforward to modify them for other corpora. For the constituent |
heuristic, it might be a bit trickier, because that script relies on the |
parses that are provided with MNLI. Therefore, if your corpus is not parsed, |
you will need to parse it to tell whether the constituent heuristic applies. |