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MIMIC_SUM121800 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There are low lung volumes . Again , there is apparent elevation of the right diaphragm along with small right pleural effusion and overlying atelectasis . Right mid lung atelectasis is again seen . Tiny right - sided pneumothorax seen on CT 1 day prior better assessed on CT . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . Surgical clips are again noted overlying the lateral left hemi thorax .
| Given differences in lung volumes and technique , no significant interval change . |
MIMIC_SUM121801 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Single portable view of the chest . Right - sided central venous catheter is seen with tip likely in the right atrium . Lung volumes are relatively low . There are bilateral interstitial opacities similar to prior suggesting pulmonary edema . There may be a small right - sided pleural effusion with blunting of lateral costophrenic angle . More dense retrocardiac opacity seen . Median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips again seen . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is difficult to assess given rotation and left base opacity .
| Persistent pulmonary edema . Retrocardiac opacity potentially due to a combination of atelectasis , effusion and possible consolidation . |
MIMIC_SUM121802 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There are low lung volumes , and the heart is top normal in size . The lungs are clear of focal consolidation , pleural effusion and pulmonary edema . The mediastinal contours are normal .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121803 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest . No prior . The lungs are clear of consolidation or effusion . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No infiltrate . |
MIMIC_SUM121804 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The left arm approach PICC line terminates at the superior cavoatrial junction . The study is suboptimal secondary to patient rotation . Opacification of the left lower lobe is likely a combination of effusion and atelectasis , as seen on a recent CT from ___ . Increased density of the right lower lung is likely a function of the overlying breast implant . The right lung is otherwise clear and there is no right pleural effusion .
| Opacification of the left lower lobe , likely a function of pleural fluid and atelectasis as seen on prior CT , however underlying pneumonia is not excluded . |
MIMIC_SUM121805 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral chest radiograph demonstrate clear lungs bilaterally . Cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits and stable . There is no pneumothorax , pleural effusion , or pulmonary edema .
| No acute intrathoracic abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM121806 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . Overlying EKG leads are present . Clips in the left and right axilla noted . Linear densities are again seen projecting over the neck soft tissues . Lungs are clear . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121807 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: An endotracheal tube is in place with the tip terminating at the origin of the right main stem bronchus . A nasogastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the side hole in the distal esophagus . The inspiratory lung volumes are low . Linear opacity in the left lower lung zone likely reflects plate - like atelectasis . The pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is detected . No focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia is seen .
| 1 . Endotracheal tube with tip in origin of right main stem bronchus . Recommend retracting . 2 . Nasogastric tube with side hole in the distal esophagus . Recommend advancing . |
MIMIC_SUM121808 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were obtained demonstrating clear well expanded lungs without focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121809 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained . Left - sided nipple shadow is again seen . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or evidence of pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable with the cardiac silhouette top normal to mildly enlarged . The aorta remains calcified and tortuous . No overt pulmonary edema is seen . Degenerative changes are again seen along the spine .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121810 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Endotracheal tube ends 3 .4 cm above the carina . Nasogastric tube extends to the stomach with the tip out of view . Right internal jugular catheter projects over the right atrium , unchanged in position . Lung volumes are lower than on the prior study . Allowing for this , bibasilar opacities are unchanged . Re-examining the series of images , including the CT , the patient may have concurrent pulmonary edema and pneumonia . Small pleural effusions are probably present . Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable . There is no pneumothorax .
| No change from ___ at 6 :34 p .m . , allowing for differences in inspiration . Dr . ___ ___ the findings with ___ by phone at 9 : 15 a .m . on ___ . |
MIMIC_SUM121811 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral chest radiographs again demonstrate severe cardiomegaly and a tortuous aorta . There is minimal vascular congestion , without focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . The visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable .
| Minimal vascular congestion without focal consolidation . Unchanged severe cardiomegaly . |
MIMIC_SUM121812 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is an opacity at the left lower lobe compatible with pneumonia . Background lung parenchyma demonstrates diffuse dilated and thickened bronchi compatible with chronic changes of cystic fibrosis . The cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are stable . There is a small left pleural effusion . No pneumothorax is identified . Visualized upper abdomen is unremarkable .
| Left lower lobe pneumonia with a small effusion against background of chronic parenchymal changes of cystic fibrosis . |
MIMIC_SUM121813 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No displaced fractures identified . If there is continued concern for a rib fracture , consider a dedicated rib series . |
MIMIC_SUM121814 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: No change in the positioning of the right - sided chest tube . Right basilar atelectasis is persistent , with improved left lower lobe aeration . The heart is persistently moderately enlarged , without evidence of pneumothorax or pulmonary edema . A small to moderate right pleural effusion persists . No pneumothorax .
| Persistent small to moderate right pleural effusion and right basilar atelectasis . Continued monitoring with PA and lateral radiographs , when feasible , is advised . |
MIMIC_SUM121815 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP semi upright and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121816 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Interval placement of a right IJ catheter , which terminates in the mid SVC . No evidence of pneumothorax . ET tube and pacemaker lead position is unchanged . Extensive alveolar pulmonary edema and stable cardiomegaly and small left pleural effusion unchanged .
| Interval placement of a right IJ catheter in appropriate position without evidence of pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM121817 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP and lateral chest radiographs again demonstrate hyperinflation with coarse interstitial markings throughout the lungs some due to bronchiectasis . Right lower lobe bronchiectasis is less inflamed but an irregular mass - like lesion in the lingula that appeared between___ ___ and ___ is still present and should be evaluated with another CT . Mild cardiomegaly is stable and there are no findings of acute heart failure , or pneumonia . There is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax . There is bilateral pleural thickening .
| Chronic emphysema , bronchiectasis . No pneumonia or heart failure . Possible lingular mass . |
MIMIC_SUM121818 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . Vague left basilar opacity only seen on the frontal view without confirmation on the lateral is unchanged from prior thought to most likely represent atelectasis . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM121819 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The endotracheal tube is now in a more satisfactory position , at 3 .3 cm from the carinal angle . The opacifications within both right and left lung are essentially unchanged since the prior chest x-ray .
| Endotracheal tube in improved position . Lung opacities , unchanged . |
MIMIC_SUM121820 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest are obtained . The lungs are clear and well expanded without focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121821 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is minimal bilateral lower lung atelectasis as well as mild interstitial pulmonary edema . Mild - to - moderate cardiomegaly is not significantly changed , allowing for differences in technique . The mediastinal contours are normal . There are no pleural effusions . No pneumothorax is seen . Widespread vertebral body endplate sclerosis is suggestive of a metabolic abnormality , statistically renal osteodystrophy . Cholecystectomy clips are noted .
| 1 . Mild interstitial pulmonary edema . 2 . Mild - to - moderate cardiomegaly , not significantly changed . 3 . Findings compatible with renal osteodystrophy . |
MIMIC_SUM121822 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM121823 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Low lung volumes cause bronchovascular crowding and bibasilar atelectasis . Indistinct airspace opacities in the right lung base are new from the prior study and may represent atelectasis or early consolidation , depending upon the clinical setting . There is no new pleural effusion , pneumothorax , or pulmonary edema . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged . There is a moderate to large hiatal hernia .
| 1 . Indistinct airspace opacities in the right lung base may represent atelectasis related to low lung volumes or early consolidation . 2 . Moderate to large hiatal hernia . |
MIMIC_SUM121824 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is a new large left pleural effusion with overlying atelectasis . No right pleural effusion is seen . No focal consolidation is seen on the right . There is no evidence of pneumothorax . Dual lead right - sided pacer device is similar in position . The cardiac silhouette size is difficult axially assessed due to the large left - sided opacity . Mediastinal contours are grossly unremarkable .
| Large left pleural effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM121825 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Left - sided AICD device is noted with leads terminating in the regions of the right atrium , right ventricle and coronary sinus , unchanged . Severe cardiomegaly is again noted . Mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . No pulmonary edema is demonstrated . No focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . Atelectasis is noted in both lung bases . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| Severe cardiomegaly without congestive heart failure or pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM121826 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained . Left chest wall pacemaker leads are unchanged in position ending in the right atrium and right ventricle . Heart size is top normal and unchanged . There is no focal consolidation . A right pleural effusion could be moderate in size if there is a subpulmonic component , which is suggested by the diaphragmatic contour . No left pleural effusion and no pneumothorax . Pulmonary vasculature is normal . A 1 .0 cm nodule projecting over the anterior second rib is unchanged from ___ but not clearly seen on ___ . Degenerative change is noted in the spine .
| 1 . Right pleural effusion with suggestion of subpulmonic component . A lateral decubitus film could be performed to better quantify the amount of fluid . No pulmonary edema or pneumonia . 2 . 1 .0 cm nodular opacity projecting over the right anterior second rib . ___ degree shallow oblique radiographs are recommended to distinguish a bone island in the rib from a lung nodule . Findings entered into the radiology critical results dashboard for communication to the ordering provider ___ ___ : 32 am on ___ . |
MIMIC_SUM121827 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Metallic device overlying the chest obscures underlying heart and lungs . Given the limitations , small bilateral pleural effusions appear similar to ___ . Prosthetic aortic valve is in unchanged position .
| Small bilateral pleural effusions appear similar to ___ |
MIMIC_SUM121828 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The heart is not enlarged . Within the limits of plain film radiography , no hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy is detected . No CHF , focal infiltrate or gross effusion is identified . There is slight blunting of the right and left costophrenic angles both laterally and posteriorly . The upper edge of the right lung at the right lung apex is visualized -- by doubt , but can not entirely exclude a tiny right pneumothorax , though reported symptoms are not suggestive of fat . Alternatively , this could represent a chronic appearance due to chronic scarring . No free air seen beneath the diaphragm . The previously seen subdiaphragmatic free air ( ___ radiograph ) have resolved . Multiple clips are again noted in the left upper abdomen .
| 1 . No focal infiltrate identified to suggest pneumonia . 2 . Minimal bilateral pleural fluid and / or thickening . 3 . Curvilinear lucency at the right lung apex . In the absence of relevant symptoms , this more likely represents a subtle change due to chronic scarring than a true tiny right apical pneumothorax . |
MIMIC_SUM121829 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Asymmetric density is again demonstrated at the right lung base . The lungs are otherwise clear . There is no pneumothorax . The cardiac silhouette and mediastinal contours are within normal limits for technique . There are no concerning bone findings . The left subclavian line remains in place . A nasogastric tube has been adjusted and now terminates in the region of the body of the stomach .
| Nasogastric tube placement as described . No other change . |
MIMIC_SUM121830 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lungs are hyperinflated and the diaphragms are flattened , consistent with COPD . Heart size is at the upper limits of normal or slightly enlarged . Aorta is tortuous and unfolded . There is upper zone redistribution , without overt CHF . No focal consolidation and no effusion . On the lateral view , there is equivocal crowding of vessels in the infrahilar region , likely corresponding to some patchy opacity in the right cardiophrenic region . No pneumothorax . Old healed right lateral ___ and 12th ribs fractures noted . At the edge of these images , the left AC joint appears disrupted and there is ossification along the coracoclavicular ligament , likely sequela of remote trauma . Clips noted in the upper abdomen .
| Patchy opacity in the right cardiophrenic region and in the infrahilar region on the lateral radiograph is most consistent with atelectasis , however clinical correlation is recommended to assess for superimposed infection . s |
MIMIC_SUM121831 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Severe cardiac enlargement is stable . A left chest wall pulse generator device with transvenous pacing lead terminating in the right ventricle is unchanged in position . The lungs are clear , with no evidence of pneumothorax , pleural effusion , pulmonary edema , or focal consolidation worrisome for pneumonia .
| Severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . No acute process . |
MIMIC_SUM121832 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The patient is status post bilateral mastectomies . Since the prior radiograph on ___ , the bilateral drains have been removed . Two linear lucent areas are present overlying the right breastan . There may be some layering of fluid within the air . A third focus of air is present overlying the left breast , but only partially imaged . The lungs are clear without consolidation or edema . The previously seen right basilar opacity has improved . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal .
| 1 . Areas of lucency overlying the right and left breast ; query artifact or subcutaneous air . This may be secondary to recent drain removal , although infection can not be excluded . 2 . No evidence of pneumonia or pulmonary edema . Results were discussed with Dr . ___ at 11 :00 a .m . on ___ via telephone by Dr . ___ . |
MIMIC_SUM121833 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Left - sided pacemaker device is noted with leads terminating in the right atrium and right ventricle . Mild to moderate enlargement of cardiac silhouette is present . The aorta is tortuous and calcified . Mild pulmonary vascular engorgement is demonstrated . No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . Patchy opacities in the lung bases likely reflect areas of atelectasis . Rounded opacity projecting over the seventh and eighth right lateral ribs may reflect callus formation . No definite acute osseous abnormalities detected .
| Mild pulmonary vascular congestion and bibasilar atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM121834 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . Lungs are clear bilaterally . Cardiomediastinal silhouette appears normal . The bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| No acute findings in the chest . |
MIMIC_SUM121835 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac silhouette is top - normal . Mediastinal contours are unremarkable aside for a slightly tortuous aorta . No pulmonary edema is seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121836 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided demonstrate no focal consolidation , effusion or pneumothorax . The heart and mediastinal contour appear stable and within normal limits . The bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| No acute findings in the chest . |
MIMIC_SUM121837 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Portable semi-erect view of the chest demonstrates low lung volumes . Moderately large bilateral pleural effusions have progressed since prior . Diffuse airspace opacities have also progressed . Hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are difficult to discern due to adjacent opacities . Dobhoff tube is unchanged in position and is stationed at the level of the pylorus . Tracheostomy tube is unchanged in position .
| In comparison with ___ exam , there is interval progression of moderately large bilateral pleural effusions and diffuse bilateral opacities , which likely represents worsening edema , or overlying infection . |
MIMIC_SUM121838 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear with no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours are top - normal . Right central line projects in the expected region of the distal SVC .
| No focal consolidation . Right central line tip projects within the expected region of the distal SVC . |
MIMIC_SUM121839 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: ET tube is present 3 .8 cm above the carina . Enteric tube is in appropriate position . Right Port - A - Cath is present with tip terminating in the right atrium . Heart size is normal . Diffuse nodular opacities are present throughout both lungs . Opacities in right upper lobe and left lung have become slightly more confluent and may represent a superimposed infectious process or pulmonary edema . Bilateral pleural effusions are small on the right and moderate on the left , similar to prior .
| 1 . Supportive devices in standard positions . 2 . Slightly increased opacities in the right upper lobe and left lung , which may reflect superimposed infection or pulmonary edema . 3 . Diffuse nodular opacities reflecting known intrathoracic metastatic disease . 4 . Small right pleural effusion and moderate left pleural effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM121840 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are well expanded and clear . Moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged from ___ . Vascular congestion and upper redistribution is also appreciated . The hila appear engorged . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax .
| Findings compatible with pulmonary vascular congestion in the setting of stable moderate cardiomegaly . No evidence of pneumonia or pulmonary edema . |
MIMIC_SUM121841 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is no focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . The heart size is normal . The cardiac , hilar , mediastinal contours are unremarkable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121842 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Moderate cardiomegaly . Increased opacity in the right greater than left lung field is suggestive of mild - to - moderate pulmonary edema . No pneumothorax . Osseous structures are unremarkable .
| Increased opacity in the right greater than left lung fields is suggestive of asymmetric pulmonary edema but underlying pneumonia can not be excluded given the asymmetry . |
MIMIC_SUM121843 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Cardiac silhouette size is mildly enlarged with a left ventricular predominance , unchanged . The mediastinal and hilar contours are similar . Pulmonary vasculature is not engorged . Patchy opacities are re - demonstrated in the lung bases , potentially atelectasis though aspiration can not be excluded . No pneumothorax or pleural effusion is identified . Sub acute left - sided rib fractures are again .
| Patchy bibasilar airspace opacities , as seen previously , findings which may reflect atelectasis though aspiration can not be excluded . |
MIMIC_SUM121844 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without consolidation , effusion , or edema . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . Coronary artery stent is noted . No acute osseous abnormalities . There is no free intraperitoneal air .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121845 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: As compared to the prior examination , decreased lung volumes are noted bilaterally . The focal consolidations seen in the right middle and right lower lobes are grossly stable . There has been interval progression of the left upper lobe opacity , which may represent interval progression of a left - sided infectious process . There are small bilateral pleural effusions identified . No overt pulmonary edema or pneumothorax is seen . Stable cardiomegaly and a widened mediastinum is again noted .
| 1 . Worsening pneumonia . 2 . Bilateral pleural effusions . Findings were conveyed by Dr . ___ to Dr . ___ ___ telephone at 09 :47 on ___ , at the time of discovery . |
MIMIC_SUM121846 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were obtained . The lungs are hyperinflated with upper lobe lucency and splaying of bronchovasculature which is compatible with underlying severe emphysema . Increased diffuse mid - to - lower lung opacities could represent pulmonary edema or an atypical infection . Small bilateral pleural effusions are also seen . The heart is mildly enlarged . The aorta is unfolded . Bony structures appear intact . A compression deformity in the mid thoracic vertebra appears stable from the prior CT .
| Severe emphysema with diffuse irregular mid - to - lower lung opacities which could represent pulmonary edema versus infection . Mild cardiomegaly and small bilateral effusions also noted . |
MIMIC_SUM121847 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable with top - normal heart size again noted . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| Borderline cardiomegaly otherwise unremarkable . |
MIMIC_SUM121848 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate fully expanded and clear lungs . Post radiation changes are noted at the left hilum . The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged . Postsurgical changes including elevation of the left hemidiaphragm and ___ posterior rib thoracotomy are stable . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax .
| No evidence of pneumonia . Findings were discussed with Dr . ___ by Dr . ___ ___ the telephone on ___ 12 :30 p .m . , ___ min after they were made . |
MIMIC_SUM121849 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Again seen is a large hiatal hernia with large air - fluid level and adjacent atelectasis . There is slight blunting of the posterior costophrenic angles there may be trace pleural effusions versus atelectasis . Evidence of swallowed pills are seen posteriorly in the hiatal hernia on the lateral view . No focal consolidation is seen . There is no evidence of pneumothorax . Mediastinal contours are unremarkable . Multiple old right - sided rib deformities are again seen .
| Large hiatal hernia with large air - fluid level again seen . Slight blunting of the posterior costophrenic angles may be to trace pleural effusions versus atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM121850 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation , effusion , or edema . There is a somewhat nodular opacity projecting over the left lung base and the anterior left sixth rib . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits . No acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . Somewhat nodular opacity projecting over the left lung base . This could represent superimposed shadows including nipple shadow however dedicated , repeat exam with nipple markers is suggested to further characterize . |
MIMIC_SUM121851 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest are compared to previous exam from ___ . Frontal exam is limited due to poor inspiratory effort , which likely accounts for the bronchovascular crowding and bibasilar opacities from secondary atelectasis . On the lateral view , the lungs are relatively clear . There is no effusion . Cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged as are the osseous and soft tissue structures which are notable for a mid thoracic compression deformity .
| No definite acute cardiopulmonary process , noting limited frontal exam due to poor inspiratory effort . |
MIMIC_SUM121852 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest . The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . No acute osseous abnormalities detected .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121853 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . Cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal . Lungs are clear . Pleural surfaces are clear without effusion or pneumothorax . Left subclavian Port - A - Cath terminates at the cavoatrial junction .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM121854 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There are bibasilar opacities concerning for aspiration / infection . The cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are stable . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . There is a healed right mid clavicular fracture .
| Bibasilar opacities concerning for aspiration pneumonitis versus atelectasis . |
MIMIC_SUM121855 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided . Lungs are clear . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . Partially visualized hardware in the lumbar spine noted . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121856 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121857 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There is elevation of the right hemidiaphragm with concurrent inferior displacement of the right minor fissure towards the lung base which suggests volume loss of the middle lobe . Better seen on the lateral radiograph , is a right middle lobe hazy parenchymal opacity with air bronchograms which may represent atelectasis ; however , pneumonia can not be excluded . There is no other focal consolidation , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . There is no evidence of overinflation . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal .
| Patchy infiltrate in the right middle lobe which may represent atelectasis , however pneumonia can not be excluded . |
MIMIC_SUM121858 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: As compared to the most recent prior chest radiograph , there has been no relevant interval change . Re-demonstrated is a diffuse infiltrative pulmonary process , in addition to moderate central pulmonary vascular congestion and pulmonary edema , that has slightly progressed . There is a small left pleural effusion and probable small right pleural effusion with adjacent atelectasis . The heart remains mildly enlarged . Median sternotomy wires are intact and well - aligned .
| 1 . Progression of a diffuse infiltrative pulmonary process , largely unchanged from ___ , with some increase in pulmonary edema perhaps . 2 . Mild cardiomegaly , moderate pulmonary vascular congestion / edema , and small bilateral pleural effusion with adjacent atelectasis , also unchanged . |
MIMIC_SUM121859 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is stable . Mediastinum is widened compared to prior , suggestive right heart failure or volume overload . There are also worsening diffuse parenchymal opacities , suggestive of pulmonary edema . No pneumothorax .
| 1 . Worsening parenchymal opacifications , consistent with pulmonary edema . 2 . Right heart failure or volume overload . |
MIMIC_SUM121860 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: A right - sided chest tube is noted . No pneumothorax is detected . There are low inspiratory volumes , with bibasilar atelectasis , including patchy retrocardiac opacities , similar to prior . Mild vascular plethora is unchanged , likely accentuated by low inspiratory volumes . No gross effusion . Spinal fixation hardware is again noted , similar in configuration , not fully evaluated on this study .
| Chest tube present at right lung base . No pneumothorax detected . |
MIMIC_SUM121861 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen . Fusion hardware noted in the low cervical spine .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121862 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The patient has been intubated . The endotracheal tube terminates shortly below the thoracic inlet , approximately 5 cm above the carina . An orogastric tube has been placed , but it terminates only slightly below the left hemidiaphragm , and its sidehole projects along the distal esophagus . The cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours appear within normal limits . The lungs appear clear . There are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax .
| 1 . Status post endotracheal intubation and placement of orogastric tube . The endotracheal tube could be advanced slightly for more optimal positioning if clinically indicated . Advancing the orogastric tube by approximately 12 cm is suggested if placement of the sidehole below the hemidiaphragm is desired and to gain better purchase . 2 . No evidence of acute disease . |
MIMIC_SUM121863 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: There has been interval intubation with the ET tube terminating 2 .6 - cm above the carina . An NG tube extends below the diaphragm with the tip out of view of this film . Redemonstrated is a large right pleural effusion as well as a small left pleural effusion with interval decrease in aeration of the right lung compared to the chest radiograph from ___ . There is no evidence of a pneumothorax .
| Interval placement of an ET tube which terminates 2 .6 - cm above the carina . |
MIMIC_SUM121864 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were provided . Increased perihilar opacities are noted , which could represent an atypical pneumonia versus early pulmonary edema . Please correlate clinically . No effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The heart size appears normal . Bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| Increased perihilar opacities , which could represent an atypical pneumonia versus early edema . Please correlate clinically . |
MIMIC_SUM121865 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP portable upright view of the chest . Increased opacities in the lower lungs raise concern for early pneumonia . There is a small left pleural effusion . No overt evidence for an edema . No pneumothorax . Patient is rotated to the left . Prominent cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable . No acute bony abnormalities .
| Increased opacities in the lower lungs raise concern for pneumonia . Small left effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM121866 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral radiographs of the chest were acquired . There is a 5 - mm nodular opacity in right mid lung projecting over the ___ posterior rib , possibly a lung nodule . Ill - defined opacity at the right medial lung base , with associated silhouetting of the lower right heart border is not significantly changed compared to prior radiographs from ___ and is likely related to a prominent epicardial fat pad , as seen on CT from ___ . No focal consolidations are seen . There is evidence of mild emphysema . There are no pleural effusions . No pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal . Cervical fusion hardware is not fully assessed . Multilevel degenerative changes of the thoracic spine are noted , as before .
| 1 . No acute cardiac or pulmonary process . 2 . Possible 5 - mm right mid lung nodule should be further evaluated with chest CT . Findings and recommendation were discussed with Dr . ___ by Dr . ___ at 5 : 15 p .m . via telephone on the day of the study . |
MIMIC_SUM121867 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Heart size is normal . The mediastinal and hilar contours are normal . The pulmonary vasculature is normal . Lungs are clear . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . There are no acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM121868 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were provided demonstrating no focal consolidation , effusion or pneumothorax . The heart and mediastinal contours are normal . Bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| No acute injuries . |
MIMIC_SUM121869 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate multifocal airspace opacities , predominantly in the right middle , right lower , and left lower lung fields . Because the patient has had a significant prior pathology at these locations , it is assumed that these represent chronic scarring or inflammatory changes . However , if the patient has experienced infectious symptoms , new multifocal pneumonia with a similar distribution can not be excluded . The heart size is normal , and there is no pulmonary vascular engorgement , nor interstitial pulmonary edema . There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion .
| 1 . No evidence of congestive heart failure . 2 . Multifocal bilateral airspace opacities in the middle and lower lung zones likely represent chronic scarring ; however , acute infectious process can not be excluded if there are other clinical indications of pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM121870 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Again seen is a right central venous catheter with the tip terminating in the mid SVC . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . The hila and pleura are unremarkable . No focal opacities , pleural effusions , pulmonary edema , or pneumothorax are seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary findings . |
MIMIC_SUM121871 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . The lungs appear clear .
| No evidence of acute disease . |
MIMIC_SUM121872 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate normal lung volumes , which accentuate the bronchovascular markings . There is no pleural effusion , focal consolidation or pneumothorax . Hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged . Heart size is normal . There is no pulmonary edema . Retrocardiac opacity , projecting over spine on the lateral view not seen on prior . Partially imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable . Small hiatal hernia .
| Retrocardiac opacity , likely atelectasis or infection in the appropriate clinical setting . |
MIMIC_SUM121873 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP radiograph of the chest demonstrates no pneumothorax . The endotracheal tube is stable in position approximately 6 cm above the carina . As before , the tip of the nasogastric tube can only be seen to the level of the distal esophagus and should be advanced . There is persistent bibasilar opacification , with small bilateral pleural effusions , and enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette , consistent with mild congestive heart failure .
| 1 . No pneumothorax . 2 . Stable positioning of ET tube . Nasogastric tube tip is only seen in the distal esophagus and should be advanced . 3 . Continued mild congestive heart failure . |
MIMIC_SUM121874 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lung volumes are somewhat low , but clear . The heart size is normal . The hilar and mediastinal contours are normal . No pleural abnormality seen .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . No evidence of prior TB infection . |
MIMIC_SUM121875 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP single view of the chest has been obtained with patient in upright position . There is now status post thoracotomy with multiple c ircular surgical wires in the midline . Heart size unchanged considering differences in technique in comparison with the previous PA and lateral examination ___ ___ . Observed is a change in cardiac configuration resulting in a lesser prominence of the pulmonary artery segment on the frontal view . This can be explained by the thymoma extirpation has taken place . Lungs remain normally ventilated . Bilateral chest tubes are in place , advanced from below in the midline and reaching the lateral posterior pleural sinus , bilateral . No pleural effusion of any significant magnitude is present and no pneumothorax is identified in the apical area .
| Satisfactory first post-operative chest findings . |
MIMIC_SUM121876 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were provided . The lungs are clear without focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The heart is mildly enlarged . The mediastinal contour is normal . The imaged bony structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No evidence of pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM121877 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided . Port - A - Cath resides over the right chest wall with catheter tip in the region of the mid SVC . The lungs are clear without focal consolidation , large effusion or pneumothorax . The heart is top - normal in size . Mediastinal contours unremarkable . No acute bony abnormalities . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121878 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiac , mediastinal and hilar contours appear unchanged . There is a new opacity in the right lower lung , probably within the right lower lobe , which may reflect the recent history of pneumonia . Streaky opacities are present in the left lower lung , probably in the lingula , suggestive of scarring or atelectasis and unchanged , while a previously seen opacity in the left lower lobe has mostly resolved . There may be trace pleural effusions , but reduced and perhaps resolved . There is no pneumothorax . Bony structures are unremarkable .
| 1 . New right basilar opacity for which pneumonia could be considered , although the chronicity is uncertain , noting the given history , but it is new since the prior available radiographs from this institution . Atelectasis or pneumonia could be considered . 2 . Resolving left lower lung opacity . |
MIMIC_SUM121879 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP and lateral chest radiographs . The lungs are clear . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Thoracic kyphosis is exaggerated with multilevel degenerative disc disease . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121880 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The left - sided chest tube has been removed . There is no pneumothorax . Tracheostomy is midline . Left subclavian central venous catheter and right - sided chest tube are unchanged . Multifocal opacities are stable . No substantial pleural effusion .
| 1 . Post left chest tube removal . No pneumothorax . 2 . Stable opacities consistent with multifocal pneumonia . |
MIMIC_SUM121881 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided . Dual lead pacemaker again seen with leads extending to the region the right atrium and right ventricle . The heart is mildly enlarged . The lungs are clear without focal consolidation effusion or pneumothorax . Imaged osseous structures appear intact .
| Stable mild cardiomegaly . Otherwise unremarkable . |
MIMIC_SUM121882 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Compared with ___ , interval slight decrease in the large left pleural effusion with associated improved aeration in the left upper lung . A left - sided chest tube is in unchanged location . The right lung is clear . There is no substantial right - sided effusion . There is no pneumothorax or mediastinal shift . The visualized portions of the cardiomediastinal silhouette are normal .
| Slight interval decrease in left pleural effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM121883 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP and lateral views of the chest were reviewed and compared to the prior study . The leads of a left pectoral pacer follow their expected courses to the right atrium , right and left ventricles . Small left pleural effusion and mild left basilar atelectasis are unchanged . Otherwise , the lungs are clear without pulmonary edema or vascular engorgement . There is no pneumothorax . Moderate - to - severe cardiac enlargement is chronic .
| 1 . Left pectoral pacer leads end in the expected locations of the right atrium , right ventricle and left ventricle . 2 . Small left pleural effusion and left basilar atelectasis are unchanged . 3 . Moderate - to - severe cardiac enlargement is chronic . |
MIMIC_SUM121884 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were obtained . There is slightly increased consolidation in the right middle and lower lobes as well as increased right pleural effusion . The left lung is clear . There is unchanged cardiomegaly . No pulmonary edema , pneumothorax , or free air under the diaphragm . The bony structures are unremarkable .
| Slightly increased right middle and lower lobe consolidation and right pleural effusion . |
MIMIC_SUM121885 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear . The heart size is normal . The mediastinal contours are normal . There are no pleural effusions . No pneumothorax is seen .
| No acute cardiac or pulmonary findings . |
MIMIC_SUM121886 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest were obtained . Heart size is within normal limits . A coronary stent is partially imaged over the left heart border . There is no overt edema , though mild pulmonary interstitial edema is difficult to exclude . No focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . Mediastinal contour is normal . Bony structures are intact .
| Possible mild interstitial edema . Coronary stent visualized . |
MIMIC_SUM121887 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121888 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121889 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The cardiac silhouette size is borderline enlarged . The mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable . Pulmonary vasculature is normal . Minimal atelectatic changes are seen in the lung bases , with no focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified . Scarring within the lung apices is re - demonstrated . There is no acute osseous abnormality seen .
| Mild bibasilar atelectasis . No acute fractures are seen , but if there is continued concern for a rib fracture , a dedicated rib series is recommended . |
MIMIC_SUM121890 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained . Right - sided Port - A - Cath is again seen , unchanged in position , likely terminating at the cavoatrial junction / proximal right atrium . The lungs remain hyperinflated and relatively lucent , consistent with COPD with likely underlying emphysema . Bilateral nipple shadows should not be mistaken for pulmonary nodules . No definite focal consolidation is seen . There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax . Left apical pleural thickening / possible small amount of fluid along the left apical region is stable since the prior study . Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable with the right - sided cardiac silhouette not well assessed due to it being likely projecting behind the spine , but the findings are stable .
| 1 . No acute cardiopulmonary process . Left - sided Port - A - Cath likely terminates at the cavoatrial junction / proximal right atrium . 2 . COPD . |
MIMIC_SUM121891 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Patient is rotated to the left . Tracheostomy tube is noted . There is marked elevation of the left hemidiaphragm with concern for a left diaphragmatic hernia containing dilated air - filled gastrointestinal structures , likely stomach and possibly bowel . Adjacent thin lucency is worrisome for pneumoperitoneum which was seen on outside hospital CT earlier today . There is subsequent mediastinal shift to the right . No large pleural effusion is seen . No definite focal consolidation although there may be basilar atelectasis .
| Patient is rotated to the left . Large left - sided diaphragmatic hernia containing dilated air-filled structure , stomach and possibly bowel , with secondary shift of the mediastinum to the right . Evidence of pneumoperitoneum as seen on CT from outside hospital earlier today . |
MIMIC_SUM121892 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear . There is no consolidation , effusion , or edema . The cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged , unchanged . No acute osseous abnormalities .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121893 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Lungs are fully expanded and clear . No pleural abnormalities . Heart size is normal . Cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettes are unchanged . A portion of the left fifth rib is again absent . The median sternotomy wires , mediastinal clips , and anterior right chest wall clips are again noted .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM121894 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation . No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen . The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable . No evidence of free air is seen beneath the diaphragms .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . No evidence of free air beneath the diaphragms . |
MIMIC_SUM121895 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: The lung volumes are low . There is no focal airspace consolidation , pulmonary edema , pleural effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . A compression fracture of a mid thoracic vertebral body is unchanged from ___ . No new fracture is identified . Surgical clips are unchanged in the left upper quadrant .
| No acute cardiopulmonary process . |
MIMIC_SUM121896 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
MIMIC_SUM121897 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Right - sided Port - A - Cath tip terminates in the low SVC . Moderate to severe cardiomegaly is unchanged . Mediastinal and hilar contours are similar . No pulmonary edema , focal consolidation , pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present . Multiple chronic left - sided rib fractures are again noted . There are no acute osseous abnormalities identified .
| No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality . |
MIMIC_SUM121898 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: Increased opacity at the right lung base could be due to atelectasis and / or pleural effusion . Increased atelectasis is noted at the left lung base as well but without pleural effusion . Mildly enlarged cardiomediastinal contour is unchanged . Mild pulmonary edema is stable . Known right rib fractures are not well seen on the exam . There is a hyperlucent line projecting over right humeral head of unclear source .
| 1 . Increased bibasilar atelectasis , right more than left . 2 . Hyperlucent line projecting over right humeral head . Dedicated shoulder radiograph is recommended for further evaluation . |
MIMIC_SUM121899 | Summarize the radiology report findings into an impression within 3 sentences.
INPUT: PA and lateral views of the chest provided . There is no focal consolidation , effusion , or pneumothorax . The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal . Imaged osseous structures are intact . No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen .
| No acute intrathoracic process . |
Subsets and Splits