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Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Shot Clock Violation
End of Period Shot Clock Violation
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
Which rule is typically referenced when assessing the events captured in the basketball video?
['A. Rule 9—Section II—a', 'B. Rule 5—Section VII—e', 'C. Rule 13—Section III—a', 'D. Rule 3—Section V—b']
According to the following rules: Rule 9—Section II—a: The free throw(s) awarded because of a personal foul shall be attempted by the offended player. 1. EXCEPTIONS: a. If the offended player is injured, other than as a result of a flagrant foul or unsportsmanlike conduct, or is ejected from the game and cannot attempt the awarded free throw(s), the opposing coach shall select, from his opponent’s bench, the replacement player. That player will attempt the free throw(s) and the injured player will not be permitted to re-enter the game. The substitute must remain in the game until the ball is legally touched by a player on the court. 2. EXCEPTION: Rule 3—Section V—e a. If the offended player is injured and unable to attempt the awarded free throw(s) as a result of a flagrant foul-penalty (1) and/or as a result of a medical determination that a player must undergo a concussion evaluation, his coach may designate any player in the game at that time to attempt the free throw(s). The injured player will not be permitted to re-enter the game; except that the player will be permitted to reenter if he was removed for a concussion evaluation, completed the evaluation required pursuant to the NBA Concussion Policy, and is deemed not to have a concussion. b. If the offended player is injured and unable to attempt the awarded free throw(s) due to any unsportsmanlike act, his coach may designate any eligible member of the squad to attempt the free throw(s). The injured player will be permitted to reenter the game. c. If the offended player is disqualified and unable to attempt the awarded free throw(s), his coach shall designate an eligible substitute from the bench. That substitute will attempt the free throw(s) and cannot be removed until the ball is legally touched by a player on the court. 3. EXCEPTION: Rule 3—Section V—e Away from play foul—Rule 12B—Section X-a(1). Rule 5—Section VII—e: A player shall not be granted any timeout if both of his feet are in the air and any part of his body has broken the vertical plane of the boundary line. This rule also applies to the midcourt line except during throw-ins in the last two minutes of the fourth or last two minutes of any overtime period. Rule 13—Section III—a: Replay reviews will be triggered by the on-court game officials in accordance with the rules set forth in Section II The Replay Center Official will determine the final outcome on all replays except Flagrant Fouls and Altercations, which will be decided by the on-court officials, with personnel in the Replay Center playing a supporting role. In all cases, the two game officials will inform both team benches that the play will be reviewed. For replay reviews to be determined by the Replay Center Official, the calling official, and the crew chief at his/her discretion, will go to the scorer’s table and put on the headset to receive the ruling from the Replay Center Official and the other on-court official(s) will prepare the players to return to play. If the ruling is to be made by the on-court officials, the crew chief and a second official will go to the scorer’s table and make the ruling with the assistance of the Replay Center Official. The third official will monitor the benches. Rule 3—Section V—b: The substitute shall remain in the vicinity of the 8’ Substitution Box until he is beckoned onto the court by an official. If the ball is about to become live, the beckoning signal shall be withheld. Question: Which rule is typically referenced when assessing the events captured in the basketball video?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
After the tentative score from Magic player, the ball goes in rebound dispute, two players from both teams extend their arms to reach the ball but the Magic player goes higher and touches the ball the last before going Out Of Bounds.
Which rule would be consulted to analyze the gameplay in the basketball video?
['A. Rule 12—A—Section V—n', 'B. Rule 2—Section II—l', 'C. Rule 8—Section II—b', 'D. Rule 12—A—Section V—o']
According to the following rules: Rule 12—A—Section V—n: A free throw attempt is awarded when one technical foul is assessed. Rule 2—Section II—l: The crew chief must check the Active List prior to the start of the game. Rule 8—Section II—b: Any ball that rebounds or passes directly behind the backboard, in any direction, or enters the cylinder from below is considered out-of-bounds. Rule 12—A—Section V—o: No free throw attempts are awarded when a double technical foul is assessed. Technical fouls assessed to opposing teams during the same dead ball and prior to the administering of any free throw attempt for the first technical foul, shall be interpreted as a double technical foul. Question: Which rule would be consulted to analyze the gameplay in the basketball video?
Rule 7—Section II—d
24-Second Violation
24-Second Violation
To constitute a legal field goal attempt, The ball must leave the player’s hand prior to the expiration of the shot clock.
Which rule is most appropriate for determining the ruling from the basketball video evidence?
['A. Rule 5—Section VII—e', 'B. Rule 12—B—Section IX—b', 'C. Rule 7—Section II—h', 'D. Rule 7—Section II—d']
According to the following rules: Rule 5—Section VII—e: A player shall not be granted any timeout if both of his feet are in the air and any part of his body has broken the vertical plane of the boundary line. This rule also applies to the midcourt line except during throw-ins in the last two minutes of the fourth or last two minutes of any overtime period. Rule 12—B—Section IX—b: Any player who throws a punch, whether it connects or not, has committed an unsportsmanlike act. He will be ejected following confirmation during review by instant replay and suspended for a minimum of one game. Rule 7—Section II—h: If a defensive player is the last to touch the ball before going out-of-bounds or entering the basket ring from below, the shot clock is stopped and the offensive team shall be awarded the ball. The offensive team shall have only the unexpired time remaining on the shot clock in which to attempt a field goal. If the shot clock reads 0, a shot clock violation has occurred, even though the horn may not have sounded. Rule 7—Section II—d: After gaining possession of the ball, a team must attempt a field goal before the shot clock expires. To constitute a legal field goal attempt, the following conditions must be complied with: 1. The ball must leave the player’s hand prior to the expiration of the shot clock. 2. After leaving the player’s hand(s), the ball must make contact with the basket ring. Question: Which rule is most appropriate for determining the ruling from the basketball video evidence?
Rule 5—Section I—b
3pt Shot
3pt Shot
The player was in a valid position to score a three point shot, as he successfully get it in the hoop.
Which rule is considered most relevant for interpreting the actions in the basketball video?
['A. Rule 10—Section XIII—a', 'B. Rule 12—B—Section I—b', 'C. Rule 5—Section I—b', 'D. Rule 3—Section I—c']
According to the following rules: Rule 10—Section XIII—a: A player who receives the ball while standing still may pivot, using either foot as the pivot foot. Rule 12—B—Section I—b: Contact initiated by the defensive player guarding a player with the ball is not legal. This contact includes, but is not limited to, forearm, hands, or body check. EXCEPTIONS: 1. A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball who has his back to the basket below the free throw line extended outside the Lower Defensive Box. 2. A defender may apply contact with a forearm and/or one hand with a bent elbow to an offensive player in a post-up position with the ball in the Lower Defensive Box. 3. A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball at any time in the Lower Defensive Box. The forearm in the above exceptions is solely for the purpose of maintaining a defensive position. 4. A defender may position his leg between the legs of an offensive player in a post-up position in the Lower Defensive Box for the purpose of maintaining defensive position. If his foot leaves the floor in an attempt to dislodge his opponent, it is a foul immediately. 5. Incidental contact with the hand against an offensive player shall be ignored if it does not affect the player’s speed, quickness, balance and/or rhythm. Rule 5—Section I—b: A successful field goal attempt from the area on or inside the three-point field goal line shall count two points. Rule 3—Section I—c: In the event that a player leaves the playing court while the ball is in play, play will continue until the next stoppage of play and the player will be replaced if he is not ready to return. No technical foul will be assessed, but the incident will be reviewed by the league office for a possible fine and/or suspension. EXCEPTION: Rule 10—Section XV Question: Which rule is considered most relevant for interpreting the actions in the basketball video?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
The Bulls player receives the ball in the key area and prepares to jump, but the adversary tackles the ball that slips away from Bulls player's hand, going out of bound.
Which rule should be reviewed to assess the situation captured in the basketball game video?
['A. Rule 13—Section II—a', 'B. Rule 4—Section IV—f', 'C. Rule 4—Section IV—c', 'D. Rule 8—Section II—c']
According to the following rules: Rule 13—Section II—a: If an instant replay review is triggered as described in Section I-a(1) above, the Replay Center Official would review the video to determine whether time on the game clock expired before the ball left the shooter’s hand. The Replay Center Official and on-court official(s) may also review the video to deter- mine only the following other matters: 1. If the shot was timely, whether the successful field goal was scored correctly as a 2-point or 3-point field goal. 2. If the shot was timely, whether the shooter committed a boundary line violation or the ball touched out-of-bounds prior to entering the basket. (For purposes of this review, the official would look only at the position of the shooter’s feet at the moment they last touched the floor immediately prior to (or, if applicable, during) the release of the shot.) 3. Whether the shot clock expired before the ball left the shooter’s hand. 4. Whether an 8-second backcourt violation occurred before the ball left the shooter’s hand. 5. Whether any unsportsmanlike acts or unnecessary contact occurred. Rule 4—Section IV—f: A flagrant foul is unnecessary and/or excessive contact committed by a player against an opponent whether the ball is dead or alive. Rule 4—Section IV—c: A double foul is a situation in which any two opponents commit personal fouls at approximately the same time. Rule 8—Section II—c: The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch it (including by touching the player’s hair or uniform) before it goes out, provided it is out-of-bounds because of touching something other than a player. If the ball is out-of-bounds because of touching a player who is on or outside a boundary, such player caused it to go out. If a player has his hand in contact with the ball and an opponent hits that part of the hand causing the ball to go out-of-bounds, the team whose player had his hand on the ball will retain possession. Question: Which rule should be reviewed to assess the situation captured in the basketball game video?
Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Score
End of Period Score
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
Which rule is primarily used to evaluate the actions observed in the basketball video?
['A. Rule 2—Section VII—b', 'B. Rule 5—Section VIII—a', 'C. Rule 12—A—Section VII—g', 'D. Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)']
According to the following rules: Rule 2—Section VII—b: The scorers shall keep a record of the names, numbers and positions of the players who are to start the game and of all substitutes who enter the When there is an infraction of the rules pertaining to submission of the active list, substitutions or numbers of players, they shall notify the nearest official immediately if the ball is dead, or as soon as it becomes dead if it is in play when the infraction is discovered. The scorer shall mark the time at which players are disqualified by reason of receiving six personal fouls, so that it may be easy to ascertain the order in which the players are eligible to go back into the game in accordance with Rule 3—Section I. Rule 5—Section VIII—a: After time has been out, the game clock shall be started: 1. On a free throw that is unsuccessful and the ball continues in play, the game clock shall be started when the missed free throw is legally touched by any player. 2. If play is resumed by a throw-in from out-of-bounds, the game clock shall be started when the ball is legally touched by any player within the playing area of the court. 3. If play is resumed with a jump ball, the game clock shall be started when the ball is legally tapped. Rule 12—A—Section VII—g: Any player who is assessed a flagrant foul—penalty (2) must be ejected and will be fined a minimum of $2,000. The incident will be reported to the League Office. Rule 5—Section III—a—(1): Each period ends when time expires. EXCEPTIONS: 1. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket, the period ends when the goal is made, missed or touched by an offensive player. 2. If the official’s whistle sounds prior to :00.0 on the clock, the period is not over and time must be added to the clock. 3. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket when the horn sounds ending a period, and it subsequently is touched by: (a) a defensive player, the goal, if successful, shall count; or (b) an offensive player, the period has ended. 4. If a timeout request is made as time expires for a period, the period ends and the timeout shall not be granted. 5. If there is a foul called on or by a player in the act of shooting the period will end after the foul is penalized (See Rule 13—II—b(ii)). Question: Which rule is primarily used to evaluate the actions observed in the basketball video?
Rule 12—B—Section VII
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
The screener from Cavaliers, assumed a good screening position in the path of the offender. He did not use his arm, only the body to block the passage of the opponent's attack, the opponent then jumps, causing to charge into the defender.
Which rule is consulted to determine the proper ruling based on the basketball video analysis?
['A. Rule 4—Section III—b', 'B. Rule 12—B—Section VI—b', 'C. Rule 12—B—Section I—b', 'D. Rule 12—B—Section VII']
According to the following rules: Rule 4—Section III—b: For a player who is in control of the ball while dribbling, the gather is defined as the point where a player does any one of the following:(1) Puts two hands on the ball, or otherwise permits the ball to come to rest, while he is in control of it; 1. Puts two hands on the ball, or otherwise permits the ball to come to rest, while he is in control of it; 2. Puts a hand under the ball and brings it to a pause; 3. Otherwise gains enough control of the ball to hold it, change hands, pass, shoot, or the player cradles the ball against his body. Rule 12—B—Section VI—b: Double personal fouls shall add to a player’s total, but not to the team total. Rule 12—B—Section I—b: Contact initiated by the defensive player guarding a player with the ball is not legal. This contact includes, but is not limited to, forearm, hands, or body check. EXCEPTIONS: 1. A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball who has his back to the basket below the free throw line extended outside the Lower Defensive Box. 2. A defender may apply contact with a forearm and/or one hand with a bent elbow to an offensive player in a post-up position with the ball in the Lower Defensive Box. 3. A defender may apply contact with a forearm to an offensive player with the ball at any time in the Lower Defensive Box. The forearm in the above exceptions is solely for the purpose of maintaining a defensive position. 4. A defender may position his leg between the legs of an offensive player in a post-up position in the Lower Defensive Box for the purpose of maintaining defensive position. If his foot leaves the floor in an attempt to dislodge his opponent, it is a foul immediately. 5. Incidental contact with the hand against an offensive player shall be ignored if it does not affect the player’s speed, quickness, balance and/or rhythm. Rule 12—B—Section VII: Rule 12—B—Section VII—a: A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is neither punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. No points can be scored by the offensive team 2. The offending player is charged with a personal foul 3. The offending team is not charged with a team foul EXCEPTION: Rule 3—Section I—a. No penalty free throws are awarded. 4. The ball is awarded to the offended team out-of-bounds on the sideline at the nearest spot where play was interrupted but no nearer the baseline than the free throw line / Rule 12—B—Section VII—b: A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. No points can be scored by the offensive team 2. The offending player is charged with a personal foul 3. The offending team is charged with a team foul 4. Two free throw attempts are awarded to the offended player 5. The ball shall be awarded at the free throw line extended Question: Which rule is consulted to determine the proper ruling based on the basketball video analysis?
Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Score
End of Period Score
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
Which rule is most likely applicable based on the video analysis of the basketball game?
['A. Rule 10—Section V—b', 'B. Rule 2—Section II—m', 'C. Rule 10—Section VII—d', 'D. Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)']
According to the following rules: Rule 10—Section V—b: During a jump ball, a personal foul committed prior to either team obtaining possession, shall be ruled a “loose ball” foul. a. If the violation or foul occurs prior to the ball being legally tapped, neither the game clock or shot clock shall be started. b. PENALTY: 1. In (a) above, the ball is awarded to the opposing team on the sideline nearest the spot of the violation. 2. In (a) above, if there is a violation by each team, or if the official makes a bad toss, the toss shall be repeated with the same jumpers. 3. In (b) above, free throws may or may not be awarded, consistent with whether the penalty is in effect (Rule 12B—Section VIII). Rule 2—Section II—m: Officials must meet with team captains prior to the start of the game. Rule 10—Section VII—d: The defensive three-second count is suspended when: (1) a player is in the act of shooting, (2) there is a loss of team control, (3) the defender is actively guarding an opponent, (4) the defender completely clears the 16-foot lane or (5) it is imminent the defender will become legal. Rule 5—Section III—a—(1): Each period ends when time expires. EXCEPTIONS: 1. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket, the period ends when the goal is made, missed or touched by an offensive player. 2. If the official’s whistle sounds prior to :00.0 on the clock, the period is not over and time must be added to the clock. 3. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket when the horn sounds ending a period, and it subsequently is touched by: (a) a defensive player, the goal, if successful, shall count; or (b) an offensive player, the period has ended. 4. If a timeout request is made as time expires for a period, the period ends and the timeout shall not be granted. 5. If there is a foul called on or by a player in the act of shooting the period will end after the foul is penalized (See Rule 13—II—b(ii)). Question: Which rule is most likely applicable based on the video analysis of the basketball game?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
After a tentative to score from Sacramento, the ball go in dispute after passing close the hoop, the Suns player fails to catch it, and then the ball hit the arm of the Sacramento player the last before going out of bound.
Which rule should be referred to when making a ruling from the basketball video analysis?
['A. Rule 8—Section II—e', 'B. Rule 5—Section I—b', 'C. Rule 10—Section VI—c', 'D. Rule 8—Section II—c']
According to the following rules: Rule 8—Section II—e: If the ball is interfered with by an opponent seated on the bench or standing on the sideline (Rule 12A—Section II—a(7)), it shall be awarded to the offended team out-of- bounds nearest the spot of the violation. Rule 5—Section I—b: A successful field goal attempt from the area on or inside the three-point field goal line shall count two points. Rule 10—Section VI—c: The 3-second count shall not begin until the ball is in control in the offensive team’s frontcourt. No violation can occur if the ball is batted away by an opponent. PENALTY: Loss of ball. The ball is awarded to the opposing team on the sideline at the free throw line extended. Rule 8—Section II—c: The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch it (including by touching the player’s hair or uniform) before it goes out, provided it is out-of-bounds because of touching something other than a player. If the ball is out-of-bounds because of touching a player who is on or outside a boundary, such player caused it to go out. If a player has his hand in contact with the ball and an opponent hits that part of the hand causing the ball to go out-of-bounds, the team whose player had his hand on the ball will retain possession. Question: Which rule should be referred to when making a ruling from the basketball video analysis?
Rule 12—B—Section VII
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
The Pacers player who is entering the key area to dispute the ball over a possible rebound, starts holding the arms of the Celtics player, disabling him to move or to fairly dispute the ball, causing an offensive foul.
Which rule should be referred to when making a ruling from the basketball video analysis?
['A. Rule 12—B—Section VII', 'B. Rule 10—Section IV—c', 'C. Rule 2—Section II—k', 'D. Rule 4—Section XI']
According to the following rules: Rule 12—B—Section VII: Rule 12—B—Section VII—a: A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is neither punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. No points can be scored by the offensive team 2. The offending player is charged with a personal foul 3. The offending team is not charged with a team foul EXCEPTION: Rule 3—Section I—a. No penalty free throws are awarded. 4. The ball is awarded to the offended team out-of-bounds on the sideline at the nearest spot where play was interrupted but no nearer the baseline than the free throw line / Rule 12—B—Section VII—b: A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. No points can be scored by the offensive team 2. The offending player is charged with a personal foul 3. The offending team is charged with a team foul 4. Two free throw attempts are awarded to the offended player 5. The ball shall be awarded at the free throw line extended Rule 10—Section IV—c: A player may not use any part of his leg to intentionally move or secure the ball. PENALTY: a. If the violation is by the offense, the ball is awarded to the opposing team on the sideline nearest the spot of the violation but no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended. b. If the violation is by the defense while the ball is in play, the offensive team retains possession of the ball on the sideline nearest the spot of the violation but no nearer the baseline than the foul line extended. c. If the violation occurs during a throw-in, the opposing team retains possession at the spot of the original throw-in with all privileges, if any, Rule 2—Section II—k: All officials shall enter the court prior to the 15-minute mark on the game clock to observe the warm-up period and report to the league office any atypical situations and to review scoring and timing procedures with table personnel. Rule 4—Section XI: A field goal attempt is a player’s attempt to shoot the ball into his basket for a field goal. The act of shooting starts when, in the official’s judgment, the player has started his shooting motion and continues until the shooting motion ceases and he returns to a normal floor position. For jump shots, the shooting motion starts when the offensive player starts to bring the ball upward towards the basket. On drives to the basket or other moving shots, the shooting motion starts when the player gathers the ball and continues through with a shot (except during a take foul situation when the clocks are not expiring, the shooting begins when the player’s shoulders start upward). It is not essential that the ball leave the shooter’s hand. His arm(s) might be held so that he cannot actually make an attempt. The term is also used to include the flight of the ball until it becomes dead or is touched by a player. A tap during a jump ball or rebound is not considered a field goal attempt. However, anytime a live ball is in flight toward the rim from the playing court, the goal, if made, shall count, even if time expires or the official’s whistle sounds. The field goal will not be scored if time on the game clock expires before the ball leaves the player’s hand or the ball is in flight toward the rim. Question: Which rule should be referred to when making a ruling from the basketball video analysis?
Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Shot Clock Violation
End of Period Shot Clock Violation
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
What was the final decision after reviewing the basketball game replay video?
['A. End of Period Shot Clock Violation', 'B. Legal Block', 'C. Personal Foul: Away-From-The-Play Foul', 'D. 2pt Shot']
According to the following rules: End of Period Shot Clock Violation → Rule 5—Section III—b: If the ball is dead and the game clock shows :00.0, the period has ended even though the horn may not have sounded. EXCEPTION: See Rule 13—II—b(ii) Legal Block → Rule 11—Section I—c: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. Personal Foul: Away-From-The-Play Foul → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. 2pt Shot → Rule 5—Section I—c: A successful field goal attempt from the area outside the three-point field goal line shall count three points. 1. The shooter must have at least one foot on the floor outside the three-point field goal line prior to the attempt. 2. The shooter may not be touching the floor on or inside the three-point field goal line. The shooter may contact the three-point field goal line, or land in the two-point field goal area, after the ball is released. 3. The shooter may contact the three-point field goal line, or land in the two-point field goal area, after the ball is released. Question: What was the final decision after reviewing the basketball game replay video?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
After the tentative score from Magic player, the ball goes in rebound dispute, two players from both teams extend their arms to reach the ball but the Magic player goes higher and touches the ball the last before going Out Of Bounds.
In the reviewed play, what was the final decision regarding the ball going out of bounds?
['A. Goaltending', 'B. Personal Foul: Away-From-The-Play Foul', 'C. No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds', 'D. Legal Block']
According to the following rules: Goaltending → Rule 11—Section I—c: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. Personal Foul: Away-From-The-Play Foul → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds → Rule 8—Section II—c: The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch it (including by touching the player’s hair or uniform) before it goes out, provided it is out-of-bounds because of touching something other than a player. If the ball is out-of-bounds because of touching a player who is on or outside a boundary, such player caused it to go out. If a player has his hand in contact with the ball and an opponent hits that part of the hand causing the ball to go out-of-bounds, the team whose player had his hand on the ball will retain possession. Legal Block → Rule 11—Section I—c: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. Question: In the reviewed play, what was the final decision regarding the ball going out of bounds?
Rule 7—Section II—d
24-Second Violation
24-Second Violation
To constitute a legal field goal attempt, The ball must leave the player’s hand prior to the expiration of the shot clock.
In the basketball game replay, what was the final decision regarding the shot attempt?
['A. Technical Foul: Fighting Fouls', 'B. Personal Foul: Free Throw Penalty Situations', 'C. 24-Second Violation', 'D. End of Period Score']
According to the following rules: Technical Foul: Fighting Fouls → Rule 12—A—Section V—a: An official may assess a technical foul, without prior warning, at any time. A technical foul(s) may be assessed to any player on the court or anyone seated on the bench for conduct which, in the opinion of an official, is detrimental to the game. The technical foul must be charged to an individual. A technical foul cannot be assessed for physical contact when the ball is alive. EXCEPTION: Fighting fouls and/or taunting with physical contact. Personal Foul: Free Throw Penalty Situations → Rule 5—Section III—a: Each period ends when time expires. EXCEPTIONS: 1. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket, the period ends when the goal is made, missed or touched by an offensive player. 2. If the official’s whistle sounds prior to :00.0 on the clock, the period is not over and time must be added to the clock. 3. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket when the horn sounds ending a period, and it subsequently is touched by: (a) a defensive player, the goal, if successful, shall count; or (b) an offensive player, the period has ended. 4. If a timeout request is made as time expires for a period, the period ends and the timeout shall not be granted. 5. If there is a foul called on or by a player in the act of shooting the period will end after the foul is penalized (See Rule 13—II—b(ii)). 24-Second Violation → Rule 7—Section II—d: After gaining possession of the ball, a team must attempt a field goal before the shot clock expires. To constitute a legal field goal attempt, the following conditions must be complied with: 1. The ball must leave the player’s hand prior to the expiration of the shot clock. 2. After leaving the player’s hand(s), the ball must make contact with the basket ring. End of Period Score → Rule 5—Section III—a: Each period ends when time expires. EXCEPTIONS: 1. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket, the period ends when the goal is made, missed or touched by an offensive player. 2. If the official’s whistle sounds prior to :00.0 on the clock, the period is not over and time must be added to the clock. 3. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket when the horn sounds ending a period, and it subsequently is touched by: (a) a defensive player, the goal, if successful, shall count; or (b) an offensive player, the period has ended. 4. If a timeout request is made as time expires for a period, the period ends and the timeout shall not be granted. 5. If there is a foul called on or by a player in the act of shooting the period will end after the foul is penalized (See Rule 13—II—b(ii)). Question: In the basketball game replay, what was the final decision regarding the shot attempt?
Rule 5—Section I—b
3pt Shot
3pt Shot
The player was in a valid position to score a three point shot, as he successfully get it in the hoop.
What was the final decision made after reviewing the basketball game replay for the player's scoring attempt?
['A. Personal Foul: By Dribbler', 'B. Legal Block', 'C. Personal Foul: Loose Ball Fouls', 'D. 3pt Shot']
According to the following rules: Personal Foul: By Dribbler → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. Legal Block → Rule 11—Section I—c: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. Personal Foul: Loose Ball Fouls → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. Rule 12—A—Section V—d: A technical foul shall be assessed for unsportsmanlike tactics such as: 1. Disrespectfully addressing an official 2. Physically contacting an official 3. Overt actions indicating resentment to a call or no-call 4. Use of profanity 5. A coach entering onto the court without permission of an official 6. A deliberately-thrown elbow or any unnatural physical act towards an opponent with no contact involved 7. Taunting 3pt Shot → Rule 5—Section I—b: A successful field goal attempt from the area on or inside the three-point field goal line shall count two points. Question: What was the final decision made after reviewing the basketball game replay for the player's scoring attempt?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
The Bulls player receives the ball in the key area and prepares to jump, but the adversary tackles the ball that slips away from Bulls player's hand, going out of bound.
What was the final decision regarding the play where the Bulls player lost the ball out of bounds after being tackled?
['A. No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds', 'B. End of Period Score', 'C. No Foul', 'D. Goaltending']
According to the following rules: No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds → Rule 8—Section II—c: The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch it (including by touching the player’s hair or uniform) before it goes out, provided it is out-of-bounds because of touching something other than a player. If the ball is out-of-bounds because of touching a player who is on or outside a boundary, such player caused it to go out. If a player has his hand in contact with the ball and an opponent hits that part of the hand causing the ball to go out-of-bounds, the team whose player had his hand on the ball will retain possession. End of Period Score → Rule 5—Section III—a: Each period ends when time expires. EXCEPTIONS: 1. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket, the period ends when the goal is made, missed or touched by an offensive player. 2. If the official’s whistle sounds prior to :00.0 on the clock, the period is not over and time must be added to the clock. 3. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket when the horn sounds ending a period, and it subsequently is touched by: (a) a defensive player, the goal, if successful, shall count; or (b) an offensive player, the period has ended. 4. If a timeout request is made as time expires for a period, the period ends and the timeout shall not be granted. 5. If there is a foul called on or by a player in the act of shooting the period will end after the foul is penalized (See Rule 13—II—b(ii)). No Foul → Goaltending → Rule 11—Section I—c: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. Question: What was the final decision regarding the play where the Bulls player lost the ball out of bounds after being tackled?
Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Score
End of Period Score
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
What was the final decision of the basketball game replay video?
['A. End of Period Score', 'B. Personal Foul: Defensive Fouls', 'C. Legal Block', 'D. Goaltending']
According to the following rules: End of Period Score → Rule 5—Section III—a: Each period ends when time expires. EXCEPTIONS: 1. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket, the period ends when the goal is made, missed or touched by an offensive player. 2. If the official’s whistle sounds prior to :00.0 on the clock, the period is not over and time must be added to the clock. 3. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket when the horn sounds ending a period, and it subsequently is touched by: (a) a defensive player, the goal, if successful, shall count; or (b) an offensive player, the period has ended. 4. If a timeout request is made as time expires for a period, the period ends and the timeout shall not be granted. 5. If there is a foul called on or by a player in the act of shooting the period will end after the foul is penalized (See Rule 13—II—b(ii)). Personal Foul: Defensive Fouls → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. Legal Block → Rule 11—Section I—c: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. Goaltending → Rule 11—Section I—c: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. Question: What was the final decision of the basketball game replay video?
Rule 12—B—Section VII
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
The screener from Cavaliers, assumed a good screening position in the path of the offender. He did not use his arm, only the body to block the passage of the opponent's attack, the opponent then jumps, causing to charge into the defender.
In the basketball game replay, what was the final decision regarding the action of the screener from the Cavaliers?
['A. Flagrant Foul', 'B. Out-of-Bounds', 'C. Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls', 'D. Personal Foul: By Dribbler']
According to the following rules: Flagrant Foul → Rule 4—Section IV—c: A double foul is a situation in which any two opponents commit personal fouls at approximately the same time. Out-of-Bounds → Rule 8—Section II—c: The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch it (including by touching the player’s hair or uniform) before it goes out, provided it is out-of-bounds because of touching something other than a player. If the ball is out-of-bounds because of touching a player who is on or outside a boundary, such player caused it to go out. If a player has his hand in contact with the ball and an opponent hits that part of the hand causing the ball to go out-of-bounds, the team whose player had his hand on the ball will retain possession. Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls → Sub-rules for Rule 12—B—Section VII: Rule 12—B—Section VII—a: A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is neither punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. No points can be scored by the offensive team 2. The offending player is charged with a personal foul 3. The offending team is not charged with a team foul EXCEPTION: Rule 3—Section I—a. No penalty free throws are awarded. 4. The ball is awarded to the offended team out-of-bounds on the sideline at the nearest spot where play was interrupted but no nearer the baseline than the free throw line Rule 12—B—Section VII—b: A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. No points can be scored by the offensive team 2. The offending player is charged with a personal foul 3. The offending team is charged with a team foul 4. Two free throw attempts are awarded to the offended player 5. The ball shall be awarded at the free throw line extended Personal Foul: By Dribbler → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. Question: In the basketball game replay, what was the final decision regarding the action of the screener from the Cavaliers?
Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Score
End of Period Score
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
What was the final decision of the basketball game replay video?
['A. Away from the play foul', 'B. End of Period Score', 'C. Goaltending', 'D. Personal Foul: Away-From-The-Play Foul']
According to the following rules: Away from the play foul → Rule 4—Section IV—h: An away-from-the-play foul is illegal contact by the defense (1) in the last two minutes of each period, and last two minutes of any overtime periods, which occurs deliberately away from the immediate area of offensive action, or (2) prior to the ball being released on a throw-in at any point during the entire game. End of Period Score → Rule 5—Section III—a: Each period ends when time expires. EXCEPTIONS: 1. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket, the period ends when the goal is made, missed or touched by an offensive player. 2. If the official’s whistle sounds prior to :00.0 on the clock, the period is not over and time must be added to the clock. 3. If a field goal attempt is in flight toward the basket when the horn sounds ending a period, and it subsequently is touched by: (a) a defensive player, the goal, if successful, shall count; or (b) an offensive player, the period has ended. 4. If a timeout request is made as time expires for a period, the period ends and the timeout shall not be granted. 5. If there is a foul called on or by a player in the act of shooting the period will end after the foul is penalized (See Rule 13—II—b(ii)). Goaltending → Rule 11—Section I—c: During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. Personal Foul: Away-From-The-Play Foul → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. Question: What was the final decision of the basketball game replay video?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
After a tentative to score from Sacramento, the ball go in dispute after passing close the hoop, the Suns player fails to catch it, and then the ball hit the arm of the Sacramento player the last before going out of bound.
What was the final decision made after reviewing the out-of-bounds play in the basketball game?
['A. Personal Foul: Loose Ball Fouls', 'B. Personal Foul: By Dribbler', 'C. Technical Foul: Conduct', 'D. No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds']
According to the following rules: Personal Foul: Loose Ball Fouls → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. Rule 12—A—Section V—d: A technical foul shall be assessed for unsportsmanlike tactics such as: 1. Disrespectfully addressing an official 2. Physically contacting an official 3. Overt actions indicating resentment to a call or no-call 4. Use of profanity 5. A coach entering onto the court without permission of an official 6. A deliberately-thrown elbow or any unnatural physical act towards an opponent with no contact involved 7. Taunting Personal Foul: By Dribbler → Rule 12—B—Section I—a: A player shall not hold, push, charge into, impede the progress of an opponent by extending a hand, arm, leg or knee or by bending the body into a position that is not normal. Contact that results in the re-routing of an opponent is a foul which must be called immediately. Technical Foul: Conduct → Rule 12—A—Section V—d: A technical foul shall be assessed for unsportsmanlike tactics such as: 1. Disrespectfully addressing an official 2. Physically contacting an official 3. Overt actions indicating resentment to a call or no-call 4. Use of profanity 5. A coach entering onto the court without permission of an official 6. A deliberately-thrown elbow or any unnatural physical act towards an opponent with no contact involved 7. Taunting No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds → Rule 8—Section II—c: The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch it (including by touching the player’s hair or uniform) before it goes out, provided it is out-of-bounds because of touching something other than a player. If the ball is out-of-bounds because of touching a player who is on or outside a boundary, such player caused it to go out. If a player has his hand in contact with the ball and an opponent hits that part of the hand causing the ball to go out-of-bounds, the team whose player had his hand on the ball will retain possession. Question: What was the final decision made after reviewing the out-of-bounds play in the basketball game?
Rule 12—B—Section VII
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
The Pacers player who is entering the key area to dispute the ball over a possible rebound, starts holding the arms of the Celtics player, disabling him to move or to fairly dispute the ball, causing an offensive foul.
What was the final decision regarding the foul observed in the basketball game replay?
['A. Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls', 'B. Flagrant Foul', 'C. Technical Foul: Fighting Fouls', 'D. 24-Second Violation']
According to the following rules: Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls → Sub-rules for Rule 12—B—Section VII: Rule 12—B—Section VII—a: A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is neither punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. No points can be scored by the offensive team 2. The offending player is charged with a personal foul 3. The offending team is not charged with a team foul EXCEPTION: Rule 3—Section I—a. No penalty free throws are awarded. 4. The ball is awarded to the offended team out-of-bounds on the sideline at the nearest spot where play was interrupted but no nearer the baseline than the free throw line Rule 12—B—Section VII—b: A personal foul assessed against an offensive player which is punching or flagrant shall be penalized in the following manner: 1. No points can be scored by the offensive team 2. The offending player is charged with a personal foul 3. The offending team is charged with a team foul 4. Two free throw attempts are awarded to the offended player 5. The ball shall be awarded at the free throw line extended Flagrant Foul → Rule 4—Section IV—c: A double foul is a situation in which any two opponents commit personal fouls at approximately the same time. Technical Foul: Fighting Fouls → Rule 12—A—Section V—a: An official may assess a technical foul, without prior warning, at any time. A technical foul(s) may be assessed to any player on the court or anyone seated on the bench for conduct which, in the opinion of an official, is detrimental to the game. The technical foul must be charged to an individual. A technical foul cannot be assessed for physical contact when the ball is alive. EXCEPTION: Fighting fouls and/or taunting with physical contact. 24-Second Violation → Rule 7—Section II—d: After gaining possession of the ball, a team must attempt a field goal before the shot clock expires. To constitute a legal field goal attempt, the following conditions must be complied with: 1. The ball must leave the player’s hand prior to the expiration of the shot clock. 2. After leaving the player’s hand(s), the ball must make contact with the basket ring. Question: What was the final decision regarding the foul observed in the basketball game replay?
Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Shot Clock Violation
End of Period Shot Clock Violation
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
What was the final decision of the video review regarding the End of Period Shot Clock Violation?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Special Cases', 'D. Violations']
What was the final decision of the video review regarding the End of Period Shot Clock Violation?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
After the tentative score from Magic player, the ball goes in rebound dispute, two players from both teams extend their arms to reach the ball but the Magic player goes higher and touches the ball the last before going Out Of Bounds.
What was the final decision in the basketball replay video regarding the out-of-bounds situation?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Violations', 'D. Special Cases']
What was the final decision in the basketball replay video regarding the out-of-bounds situation?
Rule 7—Section II—d
24-Second Violation
24-Second Violation
To constitute a legal field goal attempt, The ball must leave the player’s hand prior to the expiration of the shot clock.
Based on the basketball game replay review, what was the final ruling regarding the attempt made before the shot clock expired?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Violations', 'D. Special Cases']
Based on the basketball game replay review, what was the final ruling regarding the attempt made before the shot clock expired?
Rule 5—Section I—b
3pt Shot
3pt Shot
The player was in a valid position to score a three point shot, as he successfully get it in the hoop.
What was the final decision regarding the player's scoring attempt based on the video replay?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Technical Foul', 'D. Violations']
What was the final decision regarding the player's scoring attempt based on the video replay?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
The Bulls player receives the ball in the key area and prepares to jump, but the adversary tackles the ball that slips away from Bulls player's hand, going out of bound.
Based on the basketball game replay video, what is the final decision when the Bulls player loses the ball out of bounds due to the adversary tackling the ball away?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Violations', 'D. Special Cases']
Based on the basketball game replay video, what is the final decision when the Bulls player loses the ball out of bounds due to the adversary tackling the ball away?
Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Score
End of Period Score
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
In the basketball game replay, the final decision was 'End of Period Score' because 'The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.' What category does this decision fall under?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Technical Foul', 'D. Violations']
In the basketball game replay, the final decision was 'End of Period Score' because 'The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.' What category does this decision fall under?
Rule 12—B—Section VII
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
The screener from Cavaliers, assumed a good screening position in the path of the offender. He did not use his arm, only the body to block the passage of the opponent's attack, the opponent then jumps, causing to charge into the defender.
In the basketball game replay, what was the final decision regarding the play where the Cavaliers' screener took a good screening position and the opponent charged into him?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Technical Foul', 'D. Violations']
In the basketball game replay, what was the final decision regarding the play where the Cavaliers' screener took a good screening position and the opponent charged into him?
Rule 5—Section III—a—(1)
End of Period Score
End of Period Score
The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration.
In a basketball game replay review, what is the final decision when it is determined that 'The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration'?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Violations', 'D. Special Cases']
In a basketball game replay review, what is the final decision when it is determined that 'The player successfully released the ball prior to the clock expiration'?
Rule 8—Section II—c
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
No Penalty for Out-of-Bounds
After a tentative to score from Sacramento, the ball go in dispute after passing close the hoop, the Suns player fails to catch it, and then the ball hit the arm of the Sacramento player the last before going out of bound.
In the basketball game replay, what was the final decision for the scenario where the ball went out of bounds after the Suns player missed the catch and it hit the Sacramento player's arm before going out?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Personal Foul', 'C. Violations', 'D. Technical Foul']
In the basketball game replay, what was the final decision for the scenario where the ball went out of bounds after the Suns player missed the catch and it hit the Sacramento player's arm before going out?
Rule 12—B—Section VII
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls
The Pacers player who is entering the key area to dispute the ball over a possible rebound, starts holding the arms of the Celtics player, disabling him to move or to fairly dispute the ball, causing an offensive foul.
In the replay video of the basketball game, what was the final decision regarding the incident where the Pacers player held the Celtics player's arms?
['A. No Foul and No Violations', 'B. Technical Foul', 'C. Violations', 'D. Personal Foul: Offensive Fouls']
In the replay video of the basketball game, what was the final decision regarding the incident where the Pacers player held the Celtics player's arms?

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