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i feel a little weird right now that im leaving | suprise |
i recently refound a long lost love and decided to email her we had a great deal to say actually even though much of it awkward there was still lingering feelings a bit of guilt but most curious the feeling that caladesi beach got a little better or at least we said that to each other | suprise |
i have so many books that have been read but need to be reviewed im definitely feeling overwhelmed | suprise |
i feel shocked and very excited at the same time | suprise |
i have a feeling my son will be more impressed with the cider donuts | suprise |
i have been feeling overwhelmed and too busy | suprise |
i keep feeling surprised when i see my face in the morning | suprise |
i continued to watch feeling a strange sense of unease i decided this new found trend wasnt for me | suprise |
i sit back slowly feeling dazed and suddenly overwhelmed by grief | suprise |
i suppose ririchiyo is going to find out what exactly is the strange feeling she s experiencing in the next few episodes and i m curious as to how she s going to handle it | suprise |
i was reading it i feel curious about it | suprise |
i think the feeling that i have is that i don t want to vote i m not impressed with the candidates and at the same time i feel the need to vote | suprise |
i feel overwhelmed by one situation or a series of uncontrollable events i take a moment pause and with loving kindness think it through | suprise |
i didn t feel strange at all | suprise |
i just got back from the gym and i feel amazing | suprise |
i still have a lot on my plate but instead of feeling overwhelmed im back to attacking one goal at a time and talking it out with hubby to see what the next step is on the bigger projects | suprise |
i thought maybe it was just my hands feeling funny but i touched my hair with my totally clean forearm and it became sticky | suprise |
im feeling a bit stunned about the passage of time this year | suprise |
i drew some scrunchy looking trees and mooses and cars just to get a feeling for the technique but wasnt terribly impressed | suprise |
i was starting to feel a bit funny | suprise |
i looked up i could feel the sun on my face and i would become amazed with the colours of leaves above my head | suprise |
i really really feel impressed and well obviously unaccomplished | suprise |
i am feeling this funny bone sprain both figurative and literally | suprise |
im still waiting to hear from my doctor and still feeling strange pains tingling and numbness but at least im feeling a little better | suprise |
i feel a bit shocked and honored to have my own photos chosen to sit alongside theirs | suprise |
im not always able capture the essence of the way i see the world in writing i feel that my weird way of thinking has been generally consistent throughout my short years | suprise |
i was prepared to slough through this one with a similar feeling but i was pleasantly surprised | suprise |
i was alone in feeling so shocked and concerned for the welfare of some of the people shown | suprise |
im feeling rather funny and i dont know what i am day ago | suprise |
i am wearing it again just for a day at work and not feeling strange at all wearing gold before the official holiday season begins | suprise |
i always feel amazed that anything like this could ever have happened | suprise |
i only learnt this weekend of her passing and i feel quite stunned about it | suprise |
im feeling amazing with little to no swelling ive been proactive seeing a chiropractor this time and i really think its been a dream | suprise |
i to team up it isn t a bit fresh at all and it doesn t make people feel pleasantly surprised | suprise |
i can barely see him there in the dark but i can feel his stunned silence | suprise |
i will have him and be completely prepared but i still feel like i could be surprised and go into labor unprepared and ohmygosh what if there is dirty laundry at my house | suprise |
i feel this ad does i m not impressed | suprise |
i do hope for that day its hard not to feel slightly strange about the fact that prince george alexander louis of cambridge is | suprise |
i also feel curious when i read all the readings because not only i want to have depth understanding of social constructivism itself but also i found this unit gives opportunity for me to understand the philosophy of each type of constructivism | suprise |
i used to blog pretty regularly and i feel kind of strange about the fact that i haven t been | suprise |
i feel kind of shocked by these evaluations because i thought i was doing a great job especially given what i had been through | suprise |
i only ask that if the recipient feels as impressed and excited by this issue as i did you please give a shout out to the stinging fly in some format be it twitter facebook your blog or website etc | suprise |
i always feel amazing after | suprise |
ive been feeling a bit overwhelmed with the whole marathon idea lately | suprise |
i stared at him feeling a bit stunned | suprise |
i was already not feeling amazing because id spent most of the hours long ride on my knees in the back seat of the car leaning over remys carseat with my boob out to breastfeed him so we wouldnt lose time | suprise |
im frickin impressed with myself and i feel like if you give this recipe a try or possibly a couple tries to get the feel for it youll be impressed with yourself too | suprise |
i love him even more because after learning about that and listening to the buzz beeps he makes for communication i can tell how he s feeling curious explanatory angry annoyed saddened | suprise |
i often hear that i give a feeling like i m longer here and folks are surprised to hear that i m only years old hyphen | suprise |
i probably need to dismiss the feeling of being overwhelmed in the first week back in the office after all the routine and the reality will return to normal in a few days | suprise |
i would feel strange describing it but if anyone is interested let me know and i will add it | suprise |
i have to admit i feel a bit stunned by the rather harsh and quick departure of the now | suprise |
i feel when my pizza falls apart subscribe for more funny videos and vines | suprise |
i said ive been feeling dazed and bleary since then | suprise |
i could feel their curious eyes on me as i walked through each time | suprise |
i would feel impressed | suprise |
i remember feeling shocked and disoriented and oddly self conscious as though everyone might be looking at me and judging whatever it was i was thinking and feeling | suprise |
i spent an idyllic weekend there and came back home feeling rejuvenated once again impressed by the stunning venues we have in south africa | suprise |
i often constantly feel overwhelmed and stressed which unfortunately doesnt make me too fun to be around | suprise |
i like the mellowness and friendliness of people out here but i do feel that the sunshine dazed state of mind tends to cover up a whole lot of fucked upness | suprise |
i think i would have liked more of the creepiness which was very detailed and gothic in feel but the book seemed to be mostly about their day to day lives during the duration when strange occurances took place | suprise |
i was feeling a little strange so i decided to lie down and rest for a bit | suprise |
ive been feeling weird and dizzy a lot on the way into town but a dose of rescue remedy helps | suprise |
i feel strange even saying this perhaps i am a hero in some small way to people around me | suprise |
im also feeling a curious need to watch beaches the bodyguard and pretty woman back to back | suprise |
i remember having my mouth agape and feeling stunned that here my own mother was telling me this | suprise |
i feel surprised by how saddened i am | suprise |
i could feel her eyes on me and i was surprised that she hadn t closed them | suprise |
i type n stare at the screen feel a bit stunned | suprise |
i feel amazed that some of you wrote to me to tell me something nice | suprise |
i am with casey s dad and i feel like i have to prove myself in some strange masculine way and with a bum knee | suprise |
i began to see a pattern of when the negativity would strike or when i d begin feeling overwhelmed | suprise |
i was just left feeling insanely impressed and kinda frightened | suprise |
i am still so overwhelmed with the events of that day that i have a hard time even processing that it happened and that it was for me i feel so incredibly dazed about it all | suprise |
i am feeling over whelmed dazed and further confused over my relationship with ashley | suprise |
im feeling slightly overwhelmed today | suprise |
i think we got back around or something like that and i feel like i slept for about mins so i am a bit stunned now but it was totally worth it its a good stunned | suprise |
i found amazing in a twenty minute conversation i went from feeling shocked by his physical appearance to feeling drawn to this young man s heart and life | suprise |
i want to feel the way people feel about things and i want to be enthralled by drama and gossip and enjoy making fun of things and laughing | suprise |
ive kind of lost my voice at the moment i feel like im in a very strange unusual place | suprise |
i was up early that morning and my son came to us feeling very curious on what that dream meant | suprise |
i hate it when fatigue gets this strong so strong you cant hardly function to walk around without feeling funny and getting what i call eye vertigo wobbly vision | suprise |
i am feeling overwhelmed and frustrated because bek has had yet another crazy poo diaper seconds before we re supposed to walk out the door | suprise |
i told jb yesterday at a moment of feeling totally overwhelmed we have to look at this as a privilege | suprise |
i feel amazing and i m not affriad eminem | suprise |
i said it i couldnt help but feel amazed | suprise |
i feel that i now mainly read crime novels i was somewhat and a little pleasantly surprised to discover that i have in fact read slightly more non crime novels to crime novels | suprise |
i do feel the blog should not be posted until wednesday so i m curious if that means something will happen within the next few days and the timing will be perfect for someone | suprise |
i am and i feel like some sort of traitor because i was less impressed than expected | suprise |
i wake up happy and feeling surprised by how excited i am to be somewhere other than this sometimes place of half living where i unwittingly have lost myself | suprise |
i mean i get why people aren t feeling the child porn angle on this one but it s the people who are shocked that really need to be addressed | suprise |
i feel overwhelmed just standing at the entrance already | suprise |
i feel surprised happy awestruck confused and introspective all at one time | suprise |
i feel overwhelmed with all those that i want to love and serve | suprise |
i feel other than amazed | suprise |
i read them i feel pleasantly surprised that they exist at all | suprise |
i found myself feeling rather furtively curious at the replies given by adult children hmmm so that s how much they earn | suprise |
i also feel my body was shocked at first and was not sure what to do with all this extra food and training | suprise |
i always tell people my brd armor sucks since i totally feel it does so i was amazed to see some of the crap some brds wear | suprise |
i am sure that my view of things are way different than everyone else s but it s just that it is my view and how i feel i most of the time keep my thought on this kind of thing to myself but i just find it funny how surprised and upset people are that obama has won | suprise |
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