Summarize this dialog: Charlie: How are you doing. Daisy: Good, seeing a lot of beautiful places Charlie: Where are you now? Daisy: in Naples Charlie: Pity, I hoped you may be still in Sicily. Daisy: No, we took a ferry early in the morning yesterday. Charlie: I am still thinking about the evening we spent together. Daisy: Yes, it was nice. Charlie: I would like to meet you again. Daisy: But where? Charlie: Either in the US or here. Daisy: But we're heading North now. Rome, Florence, Venice. Charlie: And you're flying to NY? Daisy: No, directly to San Fransisco. Charlie: Too bad. Daisy: I know. Charlie: I think I will take a train to Florence. Daisy: wow, are you sure? Charlie: More than sure. When are you going to be there? Daisy: 1-5 of September. Charlie: Perfect. I want to see this amazing city with you. Daisy: I am looking forward to it! Charlie: Me too! --- Summary:
Daisy is in Naples. Charlie recalls their meeting and wants to see her again. He will come to Florence to see Daisy between 1-5 September.
Summarize this dialog: Adele: i am still listening to that song Kode: Which one Adele: One you recommended me Kode: Yeah thats good one Adele: Yes it is Kode: I have that in my music library for 3 years Adele: Omg is it that old? Kode: hmm Adele: Can you suggest some others from the same singer? Kode: I give you whole Album in USB Adele: When you would come to my home? Kode: I am free right now Adele: I am waiting then Kode: coming --- Summary:
Adele is still listening to the song which Code recommended. Kode will come to Adele's home today and will give her the whole album of the same singer.
Summarize this dialog: Maddie: What's the story with Claire? Ian: Claire? Ian: I don't know any Claire... Maddie: Really? Maddie: I spoke with Leah and she told me that you dumped her years ago Ian: are you sure she was talking about me? Ian: I tend to forget things but I do remember my past girlfriends Ian: and believe me none was named Claire Maddie: Weird Maddie: Maybe she was thinking about someone else? Ian: most likely Ian: I barely know her Ian: I think we met for the first time like 1,5 years ago Maddie: I'll ask her next time Maddie: Sorry about the confusion Ian: don't worry Ian: take care! --- Summary:
Maddie is confused, because Leah told her that Ian was dating a girl named Claire. Ian met Claire about 1,5 years ago, but they barely knew each other.
Summarize this dialog: Violet: hi! :) Violet: do you know any good waxing salon in the neighbourhood? Violet: i'm going on vacation and i'm as hairy as a gorilla :o XD Paisley: waxing? wow, girl, you're brave :p Paisley: i've been in a waxing salon once and i'm not going back Paisley: waxing is painful af Violet: was it that bad? Paisley: leg waxing was ok-ish, but bikini... jesus Paisley: i was bleeding so fckin hard Paisley: blood was EVERYWHERE Violet: !!! Violet: i was going to get brazilian waxing, but now i'm scared Paisley: that's extreme :o Paisley: if i were you, i'd start from leg waxing or sugaring Paisley: but why won't you just shave down there? Paisley: ingrown hairs? Violet: yup Violet: i use scrubs and moisturize my skin almost every day but it's still bad Violet: i mean REALLY BAD, i look like a freaking chicken with all these razor bumps Paisley: try shaving with the grain Paisley: it helped with my ingrows Violet: i've tried everything Violet: i just need to man up and make an appointment Paisley: good luck, then ;) Violet: thanks --- Summary:
Violet will make an appointment at a waxing salon. Home methods don't work for her.
Summarize this dialog: Suzy: don't forget to follow me on Instagram :P Linda: do I need to? :P Suzy: come on, nice pictures ;) Linda: done Suzy: :) Linda: you're welcome ;) --- Summary:
Suzy urges Linda to follow her on Instagram and she obliges.
Summarize this dialog: Sean: Friendly reminder of trade deadline today. Let's get those last minute trade request sent. Rick: So does John get Lamar Jackson or is he scrambling for another qb?? Sean: Nick needs to really think about rolling with Blake. John needs a QB! John: I think I would have rights to Lamar but I think the consensus is that he's on waivers so he's open. I guess I'm just hoping RGIII and Brock play or just wait... Rick: Crazy it happens though! he one thing in the chart that isn't addressed. We could vote and go from there. I just want you to lose a player and Nick not to get Lamar. John: In 15 years I've never seen a ream trade a big time RB or WR for a QB this late n the season do anything in the playoffs. That ends their season. Of course a one QB team isn't worth anything either. I have t take my chances. Sean: Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Rick: people's evidence #658 why the QB rule doesn't work. John: I might have a way to drop the rule completely next year. Sean: I guess we will have to talk about after the season. Rick: Nobody liked my IR suggestion a couple of years ago. That solves a large percentage of the issue tho Sean: 1 QB not 2 for a 14 league... John: as I said, we can look at if after the season. I just wouldn't want to make it any easier. What has made the league so great its that it has been really difficult so far. --- Summary:
Sean reminds the guys about trade deadline today. Rick wants to vote. John will look at it after the season.
Summarize this dialog: Lisa: have you ever heard about this diet?? Lisa: <file_other> Victoria: Nooo Victoria: Hmm, seems interesting Amelia: YES!! My mum was on that crazy diet..... She gained 5 pounds (ー_ー)!! Lisa: omg, glad that I asked Lisa: <file_gif> --- Summary:
Lisa is no longer interested in the diet now Amelia has informed her that her mum put on weight doing it.
Summarize this dialog: Carrie: Just back from Fantastic Beast :) Gina: and what do you think? Carrie: generally good - as usual nice special effect and visuals, an ok plot, a glimpse of the wizarding community in the US. Alex: Sounds cool. I was thinking of going this weekend with Lane, but I've seen some bad reviews. Carrie: Depends on what you expect really - I have a lot of sentiment towards Harry Potter so, I'm gonna like everything the do. But seriously the movie was decent. However, if you're expecting to have your mind blown, then no, it's not THAT good. Gina: I agree. I saw it last week and basically I'm satisfied. Alex: No spoilers, girls. Carrie: no worries ;) Carrie: And Gina, what do you think about Eddie Redmayne as Newt? Gina: I loved him <3 I loved how introverted and awkward he was and how caring he was towards the animals. And with all that he showed a lot of confidence in his beliefs and was a genuinely compassionate character Carrie: not your standard protagonist, that's for sure Gina: and that's what I liked about him Alex: Maybe I'll go and see it sooner so we can all talk about it. Carrie: go see it. If' you're not expecting god-knows-what you're going to enjoy it ;) --- Summary:
Carrie and Gina saw "Fantastic Beast" and liked it. Ginna loved Eddie Redmayne as Newt.
Summarize this dialog: Amelia: What is your favourite colour? Emily: Blue, why? Amelia: I can't tell you Emily: A surprise? =) Amelia: Sort of... Can't tell you anything more Amelia: Sorry Emily: I'm super curious --- Summary:
Emily's favorite color is blue. Amelia can't talk about the reason behind her question with Emily.
Summarize this dialog: Jenny: where does Mary live now? Maria: In Southampton Louis: Yes, she moved there in December --- Summary:
Mary moved to Southampton in December.
Summarize this dialog: Shanon: Yeah. So what bout him? Victor: He's no longer our teacher :) Oliver: I'm so happy :) Sid: Me too! Shanon: Bt y? Sid: He got fired 2day and thrown out of school? Oliver: Literally thrown out! Shanon: What?! Victor: I suppose he's had it and lost it. Oliver: Or maybe had one too many ;) Sid: Not. Our. Teacher. Anymore! --- Summary:
He is no longer the teacher of Shanon, Victor, Oliver and Sid. He got fired today.
Summarize this dialog: Pedro: batman or superman?? Alex: honestly.. neither Pedro: WHAT?? Alex: i honestly like the flash Pedro: whats so good about the flash :P Alex: duuude, he can do almost anything Pedro: not anything Alex: yea im sure batman can run as fast -_- Pedro: superhuman speed? thats your pitch? Alex: that speed opens up the whole multiverse for him.. you seriously dont get how powerful he can be Pedro: yeah i get your point --- Summary:
Alex prefers the Flash to Barman and Superman thanks to his speed.
Summarize this dialog: Marek: bro, check this out Marek: <file_picture> Adam: whoa, that's some fine piece of ass Adam: where did you find it? Marek: that's the best part Marek: I didn't find it Marek: I made it in she shopping mall, on the escalator! Adam: ? what? Marek: pretty cool, isn't it Adam: dude, that's creppy Adam: one thing is to send me pic of nice ass, it's always appreciated Adam: but another is to walk around and take pictures on your own Adam: like some creep Adam: think about it, she might have been someone's sister or daughter Marek: dude Marek: this is some guy's ass Marek: I'm a gay, remember? Adam: shit --- Summary:
Marek sent Adam a photo of man's bottom. Marek made this photo in the shopping mall, on the escalator.
Summarize this dialog: Mark: what are we doing tonight? Daniel: It's supposed to rain so the river bank parties are not an option Mark: casino? Daniel: don't you have enough after the last time? Mark: I will totally get mine this time Daniel: hahaha ok Mark: predrinks at your place? Daniel: my sister is visiting Mark: Hannah??? Daniel: yes Mark: I haven't seen her for like 14 years!! she hot? Daniel: dude that's my sister Mark: all right all right drinks at my place Daniel: okay! --- Summary:
Daniel's sister is visiting him. Daniel and Mark will meet at Mark's place for drinks.
Summarize this dialog: Adrian: Did you get your grades yet? Bart: Yeah. My whole semester is screwed up now. Adrian: Wait whaaat? Why? Bart: Well, I bombed my economy final and ended up with a bad score.. Adrian: Ouch. That must hurt :/ Bart: Well, it's my fault because I didn't study as much as I should have. Adrian: Why don't you re-take the class next year? Bart: That's what I plan on doing unless I keep screwing up. How did you do this semester? Adrian: I didn't do that bad. I ended up with a reasonable grade. Bart: Well someone did his homework :p Adrian: I just pay attention during class, I don't study that much actually. Bart: Classes are boring, can't pay attention for too long... Adrian: Anyway, why didn't you study for the economy final? Bart: Let's just say I screwed up more than my econ class. Adrian: What happened? Bart: I started playing StarCraft and ended up wasting a lot of time. Adrian: Oooohh I know that game but you better stop slacking off. Bart: You're right. I'm not going to play games during school anymore. Adrian: You can play them, just don't loose focus and study for the exams :p Bart: Let's see how it goes xD --- Summary:
Bart didn't do well this semester because he didn't study much. He played a lot fo StarCraft. Adrian did well thanks to paying attention in class
Summarize this dialog: Don: What did you buy for Nancy's birthday? Margot: A bottle of nice wine. Yvonne: I didn't buy anything yet :/ --- Summary:
Margot bought a bottle of nice wine for Nancy's birthday.
Summarize this dialog: Amelia: Just wanted to say again, thank you so much for coming to Elliot's birthday party. He loved it! Lindsay: No worries, Finlay had a lovely time! thanks for having us! Amelia: it wouldn't be the same without you guys xx Lindsay: glad he had a good time! x --- Summary:
Amelia thanks Lindsay for coming to Elliot's birthday.
Summarize this dialog: Jennifer: hey do u like mad max Jennifer: coz the latest film is on Netflix now Jennifer: wanna watch it with me? Jack: seen it, it's pretty dope Jack: but might as well watch it again Reece: yeah me too Reece: great movie Jennifer: ok, tomorrow evening? Reece: fine with me Jack: sure Jennifer: awesome :) --- Summary:
Jennifer, Jack and Reece will match the latest Mad Max on Netflix tomorrow evening. Jack has already seen it.
Summarize this dialog: Sean: After much thought I’ve decided that my spirit animal is a tortoise. Apparently everyone has one now, I only found out about this recently. Tbh I felt lost, like who even am I? After many days of thinking about I finally decided that I am in fact a tortoise. Tiffany: That would explain a lot. Sean: You would be a wasp. Tiffany: Are you sure you're a turtle? Maybe you're just haunted. --- Summary:
Sean believes his spirit animal is a tortoise and Tiffany's could be a wasp.
Summarize this dialog: Henry: Good to see you back :-) How is the baby? Mary: Good to be back :-) Susie is great. I'm so happy :-) Henry: Have you got any photo? Mary: <file_photo> Henry: She's sweet! Congratulations :-) Mary: Thank you :-) --- Summary:
Mary is back. Mary's baby, Susie, is doing great.
Summarize this dialog: Greg: Hi Mum, how's the cat doing? Patti: I just rang the vets, she's fine! Greg: Thank God, been worrying about her all day! Patti: They said I can pick her up later. I'll pop home and fetch the cage after work. Should be there at 5ish. Greg: Good, see you at home, bye! --- Summary:
Patti and Greg's cat is getting better, so Patti will pick it up later. Patti will come back home at around 5 pm.
Summarize this dialog: Kate: I'm at the grocery store. Do you like some fruits for school tomorrow? George: Oh yes please, an apple would be great Kate: Okay, I'm getting me one too George: Do they have tangerines yet? Kate: No the're coming next week, I asked already:D George: Okat then we have to wait --- Summary:
Kate is buying apples for herself and George. They have to wait for tangerines until next week.
Summarize this dialog: Sam: <file_gif> Sam: Good afternoon, is this available? Lia: Hi, how can I help you? Sam: I'm interested in this product. Are the earphones available? Lia: Yes, they are. Sam: where can I collect them? Lia: Well, you can have them delivered to you through courrier - this costs £4 (pay on delivery) Lia: I'm afraid collecting them personally is a little difficult, as the product can only be collected in Garstang (where the company is located) Sam: Okay. Sam: Are they new? Do you have any other colors that white? Lia: Completely new - we also offer grey and pink. Sam: Then I would like the white ones please. Lia: Okay, so I just need your address and telephone Sam: The total costs £187 - can I lower the price to £180?? Lia: fraid not - company policy. Sam: Oh, okay. Sam: How long does it take for the product to arrive? Lia: It generally arrives the next day, in rare instances it's longer. --- Summary:
Sam bought the earphones which cost him £187 along with delivery expenses. The order should be delivered the next day.
Summarize this dialog: Kelly: Should I put on the red dress? Meghan: oh yes!!!! Mary: I'll wear a red dress too, and bright, red lipstick Kelly: bloody Mary! Mary: hahahaha --- Summary:
Kelly and Mary will wear red dresses. Mary will wear a red lipstick too.
Summarize this dialog: Kate: can i borrow your blue handbag? Emilly: sure, when do you need? Kate: friday, I need it for Monica's wedding Emilly: I can bring it with me to the office tomorrow if you want Kate: perfect! thanks sister :* Emilly: always :* --- Summary:
Kate wants to borrow Emily's blue handbag as she needs it for Monica's wedding. Emily will bring it with her to the office tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Gina: Hey love, do you have a free usb by any chance? Monica: Yes, I do :) Gina: Can I come up to your office? Monica: Of course, usb's ready Monica: 2nd floor, room 112 Gina: Thanks! --- Summary:
Gina will come to room 112 on the 2nd floor to pick up Monica's usb.
Summarize this dialog: Nathan: i want to buy myself a bike in spring Aubrey: that's great but where are you gonna keep it? Your apartment is so small Nathan: i was thinking of hanging it on the wall, there are some special hooks Aubrey: you can always keep it in the hallway Nathan: i don't want to, people who do that annoy me, it's hard to walk around with all these bikes striped to the handrails Aubrey: i agree... didn't think about that Nathan: yeah, well I also got a stationary bike so I can be in shape during winter :D Aubrey: really? I am so proud of you!! Nathan: ye, I do like 25 kilometers everyday Aubrey: that's a lot! Nathan: my goal for the summer is 100 kilometers Aubrey: fingers crossed! --- Summary:
Nathan is planning on buying a bike in spring. He will probably store the bike on some special hooks because his apartment is small. Nathan has also bought a stationary bike to keep fit.
Summarize this dialog: Parker: yo do you know anything 'bout the arrowverse Jason: yea Parker: do you know its all connected to the DC Universe Jason: that wasn't really hard to know Park Parker: yea man i know, still.. Jason: you like the dc universe better than the marvel right? Parker: obviously Jason: yea me too Parker: btw have you downloaded the latest episode of arrow season 7 Jason: its still downloading Parker: text me when its done Jason: dont come without a usb Parker: yea i know -_- Jason: cool --- Summary:
Parker and Jason both prefer DC Universe to Marvel. Jason is still downloading the latest episode of Arrow season 7.
Summarize this dialog: Michael: hey, how are you Kai: hey! I am fine, just working too much. what about you? you travel so much! Michael: haha yes. At airport on my way back. looong trip Kai: where have you been now? Michael: argentina brazil and chile Kai: wow! how long? Michael: 2 weeks, lots of flights to make it work. I'm in Boston next weekend! Kai: really??! how come? Michael: just because I found a cheap ticket 😋 Kai: nice:) but it's cold Michael: hmm well.. I can deal with the cold now Kai: are you not tired of all this travelling? Michael: hmm, a little bit but not really. I’m more scared to stay in London and do nothing, because I’m so bored of it Kai: I see, a man full of energy :) Michael: well sort of, for fun stuff, but tired of work. Kai: yes, I remember quite well 😋 Michael: Hahah. Thinking of resigning earlier than I was planning Kai: and then? Michael: I don’t have an answer to that one yet, and it’s not really a solution because I’d need to work 2 months notice period anyway, but I’ve just lost motivation after 3 years Kai: Would you like to leave London? Michael: yes asap Kai: for the Netherlands? Michael: maybe to recharge and look for jobs abroad, but I don't want to stay there. I know it’s not smart to quit without an alternative Kai: depends on the field. I don't know yours and your experience. But it can be a bit stressful also Michael: true, in my field it wouldn’t be good. Anyway I need to speak to my manager and discuss because I’m not happy in my job now. How’s everything on your side? too much work? Kai: yes, I basically never rest these days Michael: that’s not good, you need rest to avoid a burnout, which I had just before I went on holiday Kai: Probably, I have a conference 8th of Dec, then I'll rest a bit, I hope. --- Summary:
Michael is returning from trip to Argentina, Brazil and Chile. He will be in Boston next weekend. Michael doesn't like his job, he thinks of quitting it and leaving London. Kai's been very busy recently. She has a conference on 8th of December.
Summarize this dialog: Carol: I got some more fruit from my garden you want some? Jacob: Yess! always? but aren't you gonna eat it? Carol: I have so much I don't know what to do with it Jacob: make some preserves with it Carol: ugh so don't have the time for that Jacob: oh come on Carol: really? thats your argument? Jacob: well... come on Carol: same argument ass Jacob: you aren't one of those super busy people Carol: ? Jacob: you know... a person that does everything, goes to every new place Carol: does everything? what hte hell are you on? Jacob: fine nevermind, when can I come? Carol: You can pick up the fruits Wednesday at 6pm Jacob: ok --- Summary:
Carol will collect the excess fruit on Wednesday at 6 pm.
Summarize this dialog: Molly: D‑': Luca: What??? Molly: I can't think anymore today! Luca: LOL! Molly: Seriously! Luca: Deep breath... Molly: It's the silly season, isn't it? Luca: Yep. Just hang in there. Molly: Trying... Luca: Try harder! LOL! Molly: Driving me nuts! Luca: I know, but you can't let it get you down! Molly: Yeah, you're right. Luca: Of course I am! LOL! Molly: Modest, too. --- Summary:
Luca wants Molly to try harder.
Summarize this dialog: Mom: Hi Dear. Just want to hear from you. Janette: Hi, Mom. So nice of you. I love you. Mom: I love you too, Janette. What's new? Janette: Oh, Mom. I don't know how to tell you. Mom: What happened? Janette: Mom, I've got mice in my kitchen! --- Summary:
Janette has mice in her kitchen.
Summarize this dialog: Madison: Hello Lawrence are you through with the article? Lawrence: Not yet sir. Lawrence: But i will be in a few. Madison: Okay. But make it quick. Madison: The piece is needed by today Lawrence: Sure thing Lawrence: I will get back to you once i am through. --- Summary:
Lawrence's almost done with the article, Madison needs it today.
Summarize this dialog: Ronald: How's your weekend? Julia: Fine I guess... Ronald: Doesn't sound like you're enjoying it Julia: Ehh. My parents are having a fight over where should we eat Julia: And honestly I don't event want to eat with them anymore Ronald: I'm sorry Julia: Yup. Me too. Ronald: Call me when you get back. Ronald: I've got something to tell you, and I'm sure you're gonna piss rainbows Julia: Hahaha. I can see the giraffe from Skittles comercial :D Ronald: Sth like that --- Summary:
Julia will call Ronald when she gets back. He has something to tell her.
Summarize this dialog: Guido: Hi, Agata, are you OK? Agata: Hi, Guido. Sure, I'm OK :) And you? Guido: I just have trouble understanding your posts on Facebook. Agata: Really? Guido: Maybe it's because I don't know anything about Java? :( Agata: Thanks for the concern :) All my Twitter posts go to my Facebook account. I think I might change that! Guido: Don't worry :) Agata: By the way, it's JavaScript, not Java. Except for the name they really have not much in common :) Guido: Sounds like Chinese to me :( Agata: :) Guido: It's hard to understand the concept :( Agata: Sorry. After just one month of coding I would be like plain English to you :P Guido: I can see that you enjoy it. Agata: I really do. Finally I found something interesting for me. Guido: And what about you husband? Agata: What about him? Guido: Doesn't he complain about your new job? Agata: Not at all! Why would he? Guido: So you don't speak to him in Chinese language? I mean in JavaScript language, hahahha --- Summary:
Agata has a new job, she's learning to code and she likes it. Guido doesn't understand her Facebook posts because he knows nothing about JavaScript.
Summarize this dialog: Alejandro: We’re going to meet in 2 weeks time! Luz: Yupp, for the first time, finally! :D Alejandro: Took us 3 months xD Luz: Right, quite a long time ;) Alejandro: I have a feeling that you already know me better than most of the people… Luz: Haha yea we talk about everything ;) Alejandro: Seriously, I feel a strange connection with you… Luz: I like you too, Alex<3 Alejandro: :* So do you have everything planned? Luz: What do you mean? Alejandro: Like a flight and stuff Luz: Of course, all settled, I’ll be there 20th December, 4 PM Alejandro: I’ll come pick you up, can’t wait to see you, it will be magical! Luz: Don’t get too excited about it, it just me ;p Alejandro: Exactly, it’s youuu!! This is the very reason I’m so excited! Luz: Lol Alejandro: You’re beautiful  Luz: Lol x2 ;p Alejandro: Have you told your mum yet? Luz: Yea I did, she didn’t handle it that well ;) Alejandro: I hope you won’t be in trouble o.O Luz: I don’t care ;p --- Summary:
Alejandro and Luz are going to meet in 2 weeks for the first time. Luz knows Alejandro very well already. They talk about everything. Luz will be there on the 20th of December at 4PM. Alejandro will pick her up.
Summarize this dialog: Sam: so i started the career mode in fifa Tim: 19? Sam: yea Sam: its so different from the one in 18 maaan Tim: yeah? Tim: whats different Sam: alot of things Sam: champions league for instance Sam: CHAMPIONS LEAGUE BABYY XD Tim: cool xD --- Summary:
Sam started a career mode in FIFA.
Summarize this dialog: Damian: are you downtown? Ethan: yes Ethan: why? Damian: can you buy me a kebab? Damian: i'm starving Ethan: why won't you cook something for both of us, huh? Damian: man, give me a break, i had a rough day Ethan: ok ok Ethan: but i really wish you weren't such a parasite Damian: i'll change, scout's honour --- Summary:
Ethan will buy Damian a kebab. Damian had a bad day.
Summarize this dialog: Adam: hi Mum! Hannah: Hello, ready for your flight? Adam: yes, just finished packing Adam: can you remind Dad that the plane was rescheduled and will arrive one hour later? Adam: there's no point for him to wait that long at the airport Hannah: Sure, I will. Hannah: Do you want anything special for dinner tomorrow? Adam: nah, I'm fine with anything you'll prepare Adam: especially if you compare it to what I'm eating on a daily basis :) Hannah: Alright. Hannah: Can't wait to see you! Adam: I'll be there in less than 24 hours :) Adam: I'm sure you can wait Hannah: It's been half a year since your last visit, so don't be surprised! Adam: I'm not Adam: I miss you all as well Adam: see you tomorrow! Hannah: Bye! Have a safe flight! --- Summary:
Adam hasn't visited his parents in six months and is coming over tomorrow. His flight will land an hour later than originally scheduled. Hannah will let Dad know.
Summarize this dialog: Matthew: I have a cold. Need y'all support. It's painful Lisa: Fight it. Drink orange juice. Make some soup Matthew: I'll try Lisa: I believe in u Matthew: Thank u. Apparently it's an allergy mixed up with virus Lisa: Ahh it sucks. Lisa: Take a rest from evrthg. Matthew: Ikr. Hitting the hay now Lisa: Good night 'Thew! --- Summary:
Matthew has a cold. He will drink some orange juice and go to sleep.
Summarize this dialog: Joyce: Honey, can I take the car? Kyle: No, I'm sorry. Joyce: Why not? How am I supposed to go get Harry? Kyle: I've got to go to a mechanic. The car is making a weird noise. Joyce: Then can you get Harry on your way? Kyle: I don't know, I'm already running late. Joyce: Am I supposed to go get him by bus? That's ridiculous. Kyle: Fine, I'll get him. Joyce: Thank you. --- Summary:
Joyce wants to take Kyle's car to get Harry. Kyle is taking the car to a mechanic. Joyce refuses to get Harry by bus. Kyle agrees to pick Harry up.
Summarize this dialog: Bailey: <file_other> Bailey: .... Mikaela: oh :( Mikaela: shame it's now ... Bailey: yeah maybe it's for the better:D Mikaela: u think? Bailey: yeah i've already got like a ton of fabric in my closet Bailey: and i keep buying new stuff Mikaela: i had to buy a box at ikea! Bailey: ur lucky you only have one... Bailey: my closet got too small and now the fabric's creeping onto the shelves Bailey: 4 boxes so far... Mikaela: but you're like the master level, so it's a completely different story:D Bailey: i hope u won't ever get to this point ;D Mikaela: hahaha oh i hope i will ;D --- Summary:
Bailey has plenty of clothes but she keeps buying new ones and she even had to buy four extra boxes for clothes at Ikea. Mikaela has the same problem, but she only had to buy one extra box.
Summarize this dialog: Melissa: How was your romantic weekend? Susan: Oh, it was lovely! We left Fri afternoon and got back Sun evening. Melissa: Good for you! ;) did you have time to take your mind off things? Susan: Yeah, definitely. Melissa: Where did you stay? Susan: We stayed in a 4-star cosy hotel near the beach. Melissa: How awful for you! Ha ha! ;) Susan: I know. Could stay there forever! Melissa: I bet! Susan: How about the food? Melissa: It was absolutely delicious! Susan: And the scenery? Melissa: Spectacular! I’ll send you some photos. Susan: So what did you do mostly? Melissa: We didn’t go anywhere specific if that’s what you’re asking. Just spent most time walking along the seaside chilling. Susan: Sounds amazing! Melissa: Was the weather ok? Susan: It was. Melissa: Is there anything else you wanna tell me? Susan: Well.. Toby proposed and I said YES! Melissa: OMG!!! I knew he was up to something! Susan: I know! But still I was surprised when he did it. Melissa: Congratulations! I’m so happy for you both! Susan: Thanks! ;) --- Summary:
Toby proposed to Susan during their romantic weekend in a cosy hotel near the beach.
Summarize this dialog: Eva: hi mom.. hows linta? Olivia: hi honey... she is good Eva: hope she is not bothering you? Olivia: no dear we are enjoying each others company... Eva: reallly i am so glad! Olivia: yes my dear dont worry and enjoy your party... Eva: thank you mom.. i would be leaving in an hour Olivia: oh no take your time i am having fun with my grand daughter Eva: no mom i have to go home and every one would be leaving too. Olivia: ok then leave her with me for a day i will drop her tomorrow Eva: no mom Jones loves Linta he wont be able to sleep without playing with out her Olivia: awww ok :( i will keep her ready and her bag too .. do u want me to make a bottle of milk also Eva: yes mom please Olivia: ok darling Eva: love you mom :kisses: --- Summary:
Eva is at a party, while Olivia is taking care of her daughter, Linta. Eva will leave soon and pick Linta up.
Summarize this dialog: Jack: I'm 10 min late.. Jack: sorry Laura: no worries, I'll wait inside Jack: ok. --- Summary:
Laura and Jack are about to meet. Jack is running 10 minutes late.
Summarize this dialog: Breonna: Melissa so are you ok with men acting like pigs and grabbing you whenever they feel like it? Melissa: Of course not! Breonna: So why you’re saying this? Melissa: No one is saying men should behave like animals. Its that kind of thinking that makes men afraid to just be masculine in general though. Not all men are pigs. Hailey: Thank you! I had a friend get yelled at by a girl for 5 minutes because he held the door for her and said “Ladies first”. Melissa: Poor him. Christine: Men aren't allowed to be men? how? Hailey: Yeah, I felt sorry for him. Holly: Melissa yes this! Michelle: not one of those fruit loop "feminists" speak for me!!! In fact MOST women cant stand them. gtfoh with your pussy hats, your metoo crap, you "screaming" at Potus through your vaginas etc. Dont try to shove your thinking on everyone. how about HIMTOO!!! i LOVE OUR strong REAL MEN!!!! TOO BAD IF ANY OF THOSE CRAZY CAT LADIES DONT LIKE IT --- Summary:
Michelle is not in favor of contemporary feminism movement.
Summarize this dialog: Zoe: <file_video> Frank: Love you! Zoe: :-* Frank: Have a good day, babe :-* --- Summary:
Franks tells Zoe he loves her.
Summarize this dialog: Stefano: Hi, Josie! Josie: Ciao, Stefano! Stefano: So, what about Foucault's Pendulum? Do you like it? Josie: It's... weird. Was it really written by an Italian guy? It's so... nerdy. Stefano: Oh well, in a sense Eco was the king of nerds. And, you know, not all Italian books are about pizza, mafia and mandolino. :P Josie: Yes, I know... I should try and read one of his novels in the original, but I'm not sure my level of Italian is adequate. Stefano: The Name of the Rose is really difficult for a foreign speaker of Italian, you know. Josie: And what about Foucault's Pendulum? Stefano: Well, it's set in the 1980s, so the language is definitely more comprehensible. The content, however, is just as complicated as in the other novel. Josie: Btw, I read Salman Rushdie's review of Pendulum, published in the 80s. Stefano: Really? What did he say? Josie: He hated it and said that it's not a novel, but rather a computer game. Stefano: What? Rotfl! Josie: That's what Salman said... Stefano: Oh well, de gustipus non est disputandum... Josie: De gustiBus! Stefano: I know, it was a typo! Josie: Disgusting pus! Stefano: Hahaha. Josie: Yuk! That's so creepy. Stefano: You're the one who said it! Josie: I know. ;) --- Summary:
Josie finds Eco's novel "Foucault's Pendulum" nerdy. Josie would like to read Eco in Italian, but she's unsure of her language abilities. Stefano considers Eco's two novels and finds them difficult. Josie has read an unfavorable review of "Foucault's Pendulum" by Salman Rushdie.
Summarize this dialog: Evan: Hi Dennis, I need to cancel my lesson tomorrow, sorry. Dennis: Fine, what's up? Evan: Oh, got the flu, been off college since Tuesday. Should be ok for next Thurs. Dennis: OK, just tell me in good time if you can't make it. Hope you feel better soon. Evan: Bye, Den! Thanks. --- Summary:
Evan can't come to his lesson tomorrow, because he's got the flu.
Summarize this dialog: Patrick: Any plans for tonight? Camille: Nothing. We could go out. Amanda: I'm going to a concert. Camille: Cool. Amanda: In the city park. It's a free event. You can join us! Camille: What time are you guys going? Amanda: Around 9 p.m. Camille: I'll come. Patrick: Me too. Later we can go party. --- Summary:
They will meet around 9 pm tonight to attend a free concert in the City Park.
Summarize this dialog: Bobby: U know what annoys me the most? Mickey: Not being able to watch TV or listen to music without pesky interruptions? Bobby: That too, but the thing that annoys me the most is pharmaceuticals, medicine and drugs. Mickey: Y? Aren't they good 4 ur health? Bobby: They may well be, but not for my wallet! Mickey: What do u mean? Bobby: I was watching a film last night and suddenly there's a bunch of commercial of different medical products and so on. Mickey: And what of it? Bobby: Imagine that pharmaceutical companies invent illnesses! Mickey: What? Are u sure? Bobby: No, I'm not, but in the commercial they mentioned a name of an illness I have never heard of. Mickey: So what? There are many illnesses and diseases I've never heard of. Bobby: So I did some research. Turns out such a thing does not exist. No medical journal writes about it, no medical forum suggests caution. Mickey: That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Bobby: I even found a youtube video of a doctor explaining y it's not an illness. Mickey: All right, this is quite serious. Bobby: So I put my mind to it and do u know what I came up with? Mickey: What? Bobby: That in this particular case they're selling mints as medical products! Mickey: Srsly?! Bobby: Absolutely! Mickey: How long do u think they've been lying to us? Bobby: Can't be sure, but probably 4ever. Imagine every illness, disease and so on. Where do these come from? Why do they spread so fast? Mickey: That is kinda puzzling. Bobby: Right? Mickey: So why is no one doing anything about it? Bobby: Do u know how much the pharmaceutical industry is worth today? Mickey: No. Bobby: At least $1.2 bln! Mickey: Explains a lot. --- Summary:
Bobby's most annoyed by pharmaceutical companies. He believes they invent diseases to make money. He discovered that one company is selling mints as medicine for an illness that doesn't exist.
Summarize this dialog: Dave: Hey, do you have any notes from statistics? Greg: Hey man Greg: I do Greg: But I doubt they are better than yours Dave: Mine don't even exist 😂 Dave: Oh okay Dave: There you go: Dave: <file_other> Greg: Your the best man! Dave: You're Greg: Smartass Dave: Of course Greg: But I'm grateful to know such a smartass 😂 Dave: You bet! Dave: Notes don't write themselves. Greg: True. Thanks! --- Summary:
Greg sent Dave his notes from statistics.
Summarize this dialog: Mark: Heading out in a sec. You coming along? Sally: No. Mark: ? Sally: Don't feel well. Mark: Oh. Can I do anything? Sally: No. Girl stuff. Mark: TMI! Sally: LOL! Mark: Let me know if you change your mind. I can pick you up. Sally: Okay. Mark: We will miss you. Should I just have your character sit out? Sally: Yes! Don't want her killed off! Mark: Mwahaha! Sally: Not funny! Mark: Could be funny! Sally: Please don't! I just got all her spells and stuff! Mark: I won't, I'm j/k. Sally: You better be. Mark: I swear! --- Summary:
Sally is not going out because she doesn't feel well.
Summarize this dialog: Joy: it's seem nice, are you interested for friday evening? Joy: <file_photo> Sandy: great! still ok for 11am? Joy: yes Sandy: will you be ready at 11am? I'm going for a run, i'll be a bit tired Joy: no it's fine for me. but it's for you Sandy: no problem. May be i'll be late. I have to take my shower afer. Joy: take your time Sandy: what did she say about dresses? Joy: Lina? She found them very nice but... Sandy: but she thinks like me: too much cleavage.. Joy: yes! Sandy: sorry for your husband! Joy: he's not jealous Sandy: so don't do anything. You'll show me Joy: ok i wait for you. --- Summary:
Sandy will go for a run. She will meet Joy after 11am. Lina and Joy don't think the dresses are appropriate. Joy will wait for Sandy.
Summarize this dialog: Val: it's raining! Candy: I know, just started... Val: r we going? we will be wet Candy: maybe wait a little? see if stops Val: ok. let's wait half h and than see Candy: god idea, I call u then Val: great :) --- Summary:
It's raining, so Val and Candy will wait half an hour before they go.
Summarize this dialog: Aude: Hi Susie, how is Ted this morning? Did you find plasters? Susie: yes. He kept them till this morning after his shower. Aude: he must look sexy whith them... lol Susie: a memory from Poland! --- Summary:
Susie found the plasters and Ted kept them until the morning.
Summarize this dialog: Kyle: yo yo, call me plz when you have a minute to spare Kyle: gotta tell ya sth Lily: 10 mins tops Mary: facetime? Kyle: yeah alright --- Summary:
Mary and Lily will call Kyle on facetime.
Summarize this dialog: Taylor: Tomorrow, 8 PM, my house Harry: Lol, what’s up? Taylor: My parents are away, 10 people confirmed already :D Harry: Im sooo in Taylor: You better, you’d miss the party of the year! --- Summary:
Harry will go to Taylors party tomorrow at 8pm.
Summarize this dialog: Tomas: Has anybody received the grant yet? Sierra: no, not yet Jeremy: I haven't checked even Tomas: I'm completely broke Tomas: checking my bank account every hour Tomas: but nothing's happening there Sierra: lol Sierra: be patient. If you need money I can lend you some, don't worry Tomas: Thanks, I hope they'll arrive any minute --- Summary:
Tomas, Sierra and Jeremy have still not received the grant. Tomas is broke and is checking his bank account every hour. Sierra offers to lend him some money.
Summarize this dialog: Charles: What are you up to this weekend? Camilla: Not much. Just some work and errands on Saturday, show Saturday night. Day of nothingness on Sundy. Charles: Sounds good. We are going to visit the German markets this weekend. Birmingham and Manchester both. Sausage overload! Camilla: Ooh, that sounds really good! Charles: Allegedly there are Christmas things going on but I just go for the sausage and beer! Camilla: What a shocker. Charles: I know! Camilla: I'll have to try to get there this year. I've not been for ages. Charles: Oh, yeah, they are good. Try the mulled wine too. That's nice. Camilla: Never had it. Is it served hot? Charles: Yes, exactly. And lots of spices. Usually a red but sometimes they offer a mulled white. Camilla: I'm good with red. Charles: Inspired us to make our own at Christmas last year, but nobody else drank it. Camilla: Bummer! Charles: More for me! But oh the hangover. Camilla: LOL! Charles: Anyway, that's the plan. Hope you have fun. Camilla: You too! Charles: Thanks! --- Summary:
Camilla has some errands to do on Saturday. Charles is visiting the German markets this weekend. They are talking about Christmas food and drinks.
Summarize this dialog: Pamela: Have you tried applying for the RGS grant? Zoe: I did last year. Zoe: Wasn't lucky... Xiara: Me neither Pamela: Do you know if I have to be a member? Zoe: It depends on the award Pamela: Ok I'll have a look at their website --- Summary:
Pamela will look at their website to apply for the RGS grant. Zoe and Xiara applied last year but they weren't lucky. Sometimes you have to be a member to apply.
Summarize this dialog: Colin: Hey I have some news that you would be really interested!(´・ω・`) Ava: What is it? Colin: How tall are you you said? Ava: why?(-_-メ) Colin: Congratulations! You are defeated by penguin(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Ava: What are you talking about? Colin: Penguins' average height is 162cm when they stand up (‐^▽^‐)オーホッホ Colin: So you are officially shorter than penguins☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ --- Summary:
Colin informs Ava that with her height of 158 cm she is shorter than an average penguin.
Summarize this dialog: Ursula: Haha I got a 93 on my French exam Bob: Well done girl! Jana: Wow Jana: How did u manage to do that Ursula: I just studied hard for it Jana: omg Jana: French is so hard Vaughn: I got a 65 Vaughn: I didn't study for it haha Ursula: At least you passed Vaughn: Congrats! --- Summary:
Ursula got 93 on her French exam. Vaughn got 65, but still passed.
Summarize this dialog: Peter: Did you hear what happened at school today? Jack: No? Peter: There’s been kind of an emergency, gas leak or something. Jack: Oh, I hope it’s nothing serious. Did they called fire units? Peter: Yep, three engines and ambulance. It turned out to be a drill. Jack: It’s better this way than the other. --- Summary:
There was a drill at the school today.
Summarize this dialog: Perry: have you thought about holiday yet? Marlow: Asia? Perry: you mean in July or August? Marlow: w/janet we thought about September it's cheaper i guess Janet: yeah but we need to check the weather and everything Forster: Cloete wanted to go to the mountains so i guess that's my plan Perry: frankly we have no idea. went to seaside last year Marlow: Asia could be the place 2go. Janet would be cool yeah? Janet: sure thing. Would be gr8 2go 2gether Perry: dunno if we can afford. Need to talk to Nina Janet: why not meet 2nite over beer and talk? Perry: super but not 2day no. cinema :):) Janet: oh I forgot you won the tickets right? Perry: yeah but we could meet 2moro evening if ur free Janet: do we have plans Marlow? Marlow: no i dont think so Forster: could we come over too Perry: yeah fantastic. byob tho Forster: sure thing 8 pm is fine? Perry: perfect for me Janet: gr8 for us. we can visit pa first Marlow: fine by me. let's do it guys! --- Summary:
Perry, Marlow, Janet and Forster discuss their holiday plans. Marlow would like to go to Asia, others will think if they can join. The friends will meet tomorrow at 8 pm to discuss that.
Summarize this dialog: Lee: I'm scared and confused. The digital wizard client manager who normally wears only hoodies, just put on a proper dress shirt and a suit jacket. Lee: The Russians are coming! Andy: Maybe he has a date after work? Andy: Possibly with a Russian soldier ;) Lee: If I'm not mistaken, he has some sort of a client related presentation. Lee: But it's still weird. Lee: I've been here for almost 5 months and this is the first time I see something like this. :D Andy: Take pictures and make fun of him in a couple of weeks :P Lee: I should. Lee: Quick picture and post to FB. Andy: The corporate one! Lee: Yeah! Lee: But on a more interesting topic, I went and pre-purchased RoS CE in a temporal break of my brains. Andy: Digital or the "real" one? Lee: Digital. Andy: Did it unlock any features already? Lee: Pet for WoW, some decals for SC2. Lee: Pre-ordering opened up a hero in a game not yet released. :D Andy: So basically you got some goodies that you would get anyway by buying it closer to launch date? :P Lee: Yeah, preorder... Lee: Wait, wait! Wings! Wings and a Demon Hunter for Heroes of the Storm. Lee: Although wings not applied yet and I prefer the look of the wings from the original CE. Lee: <file_other> Andy: "or anyone who redeems a Reaper of Souls retail game key on or before March 31" - so basically what I said :P Lee: Well yeah but I just took a quick bullet when I still had some money on my account. --- Summary:
The client manager suited up. He has a presentation for a client. Lee pre-ordered the digital RoS CE and got extra in-game content: Wings and a Demon Hunter for Heroes of the Storm.
Summarize this dialog: Maya: Bring home the clothes that are hanging outside Maya: All of them should be dry already and it looks like it's going to rain Boris: I'm not home right now Boris: I'll tell Brian to take care of that Maya: Fine, thanks --- Summary:
Maya wants Boris to bring clothes that are hanging outside. Brian will do that, because Boris isn't at home now.
Summarize this dialog: Barry: I'm gonna go march in Women's strike, anyone interested? Jake: I am, already made plans with some friends, wanna join? Dave: I am down too, Kelly is coming with me Barry: Let's just meet around the campus at noon --- Summary:
Barry, Dave, Kelly, and Jake will meet around the campus at 12 to join Women's strike.
Summarize this dialog: John: hey laurel? Laurel: hey John: whats your plan for tomorrow? Laurel: aint that sure yet, why? John: nothing much, just wanted to go with you and buy a birthday gift for Diana. Laurel: OMG! i also totally forgot that her birthday is on saturday, shit! John: you see im not the only late one here. haha Laurel: I guess we can meet up tomorrow and go fetch something for her. John: cool, at what time? Laurel: lets just meet at jades at around 5 pm John: At Jade's collection? in town? Laurel: yeah, that place.. John: see you then. --- Summary:
Laurel and John meet at Jades tomorrow at 5 pm to buy a birthday gift for Diana. Diana's birthday is on Saturday.
Summarize this dialog: Adam: good morning!! Rachel: good morning adam! Adam: cathy told me u got a new cat Adam: a siamese Rachel: yes!! and I lover her <3 Adam: oh it’s a girl Rachel: yeah, I head they're less troublesome and friendlier Rachel: although this one doesn't seem very loving Adam: she'll warm up to you Adam: what's her name? Rachel: Portia Adam: that's a really beautiful name Adam: any special reason behind it? Rachel: not really, I've just always liked the name :-D Rachel: there's only one thing i don't like about portia… Adam: lol what's that??? Rachel: I DISCOVERED I'M ALLERGIC TO CATS!!!!! Adam: HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA Adam: u didn't know that? Rachel: nope, I just discovered it Rachel: i get sneezy and rashes and other reactions Adam: are you doing anything about it? Rachel: yeah I'm taking a bunch of medication and it seems to be helping Adam: that's good, it's really good that they're working Rachel: i don't want to get rid of her Adam: don't worry, i'm sure if the medications are working right know this won't be a huge deal --- Summary:
Rachel has a new siamese cat, a girl called Portia. Rachel discovered that is allergic to cats. She is sneezing, has rashes and other allergic reactions. She takes medications that seem to help. Adam consoles Rachel.
Summarize this dialog: Matthew: so is there any after party planed after the wedding? Kristina: after the wedding? I think it will last till the morning... Matthew: haha, i mean on the next day :D Bart: i think Mark said there is something planned Bart: at their house probably Matthew: oh thats good Matthew: better atmosphere and everything, more chill Kristina: that's great, i 've been to an after party like this one Kristina: they had leftover food from the day before, lot's of liquor Kristina: it was so much fun Bart: yes that's pretty much what they are going to do i think Bart: are you guys going? Kristina: i definitely am Matthew: yeah me too, that's why i asked :) it's Mark's wedding so i am gonna party till i drop Bart: <file_gif> Kristina: hahahah that's how i imagine Matt there Matthew: that will be me :D --- Summary:
Mark is planning an afterparty after his wedding. It's going to take place at their house on the next day.
Summarize this dialog: Russel: <file_other> Russel: look at this Russel: It's a perfect present fo mum :D Diana: haha, so true! It's not that expensive either! Diana: are we buying it? Russel: yeah, let's do it :D --- Summary:
Diana and Russel are buying a present for mum.
Summarize this dialog: Owen: there is smth wrong with her Neil: I know, right? Penny: are you talking about Amy? Owen: yes Neil: she looks serious at all times Penny: have you talked to her? Owen: no Neil: neither have I Penny: that's the point, we should meet her in person --- Summary:
Amy has severe aura. Penny, Owen and Neil want to meet her in person.
Summarize this dialog: Rachel: So what time we’re going to the museum?  Wai: I was thinking we could meet at 4 at the main entrance. Rachel: Sounds good to me, any plans after that? Wai: we’ll see, if anyone will be up to this, we can go to some bar. Rachel: Great! I can’t wait to meet everyone! Wai: Haha yes, you will love them! Rachel: I’m kind of worried they won’t like me though ;[ Wai: Don’t worry, we always welcome new people to our team! Rachel: Great! When will I get to know what I’m supposed to do? Wai: Later, some people need to make decisions, we don’t know which project will be assigned to us as well. Rachel: Wow, it’s really a big organization… Wai: One of the biggest charity organizations in the world :p Rachel: Well, I can’t wait to see everyone, see you! --- Summary:
Rachel and Wai will go to the museum together. They will go to a bar then. Rachel will meet Wai's friends for the first time.
Summarize this dialog: Tom: Who's around? Jack: Your dick! Tom: Go fuck yourself Jack Robert: I'm not in town, sorry mate! --- Summary:
Robert is out of town.
Summarize this dialog: Elena: Happy birthday my dear! Dorothea: Oh thank you darling! <3 Elena: I wish you all the best and I hope all your dreams come trueee! Dorothea: Haha thanks! Elena: Are you going to celebrate today? Dorothea: Yes, I'm gonna meet Tom and we're going to eat something in the town :) Elena: Cool! So enjoy guys! And see you on your party on Saturday! :D Dorothea: Thx! Love U :* and see you soon! --- Summary:
Dorothea is having a birthday dinner in the town with Tom. Elena is seeing Dorothea at her party on Saturday.
Summarize this dialog: Jules: What does it mean? Jules: <file_gif> Derek: Sorry, I was never good at memes Jules: what a shame... Jules: by the way, do we have class tomorrow? Derek: surely, it's friday after all Jules: oops, someone misled me Derek: that's not nice --- Summary:
Jules and Derek don't have class tomorrow as it's Friday.
Summarize this dialog: Jane: Are u free now? Could u help me with that thesis? Ainsley: I'm sick won't be of much help sorry. I've got a cold and I'm sneezing like a little bitch every 2 seconds Jane: Oh... hmm ok. Hope u will get better soon... --- Summary:
Ainsley is sick, so she's not able to help Jane with her thesis now.
Summarize this dialog: Felipe: Your legs are amazing Lydia: Well, thanks Felipe: I hope you don't consider that sexist or offensive Lydia: Of course I don't! Months at the gym are finally paying off XD --- Summary:
Felipe finds Lydia's legs attractive. She has been working out at the gym for months.
Summarize this dialog: Amka: Have you ever been to Erasmus? Amka: and how are you spending Halloween? Mick: I've never done any student exchanges before. Mick: That sounds like a lot of fun. Mick: It's good you're doing a lot of this. Mick: T'll make your CV 10x better. Mick: Im'm gonna go to da club with my friends for Halloween loool Amka: I propably won't dress up. Mick: There was a plan for me to go to London for Halloween Mick: with my grandparents Mick: But my grandma is having some health issues Mick: and the plan does'nt exist anymore Amka: :( Amka: Aaahhh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she's feeling better <file_gif> Amka: What are your plans now? Amka: Just gonna stay in? Mick: Yeah Mick: nothing special <file_gif> Amka: Fair enough I never used to do anything for Halloween. Mick: in Poland we actually don't celebrate Halloween and don't do all this dressing up, pumpking curving and so on. Mick: on November 1st we just go to the cementary with our families and after that spend time together. Amka: I like it. --- Summary:
Mick's never done any student exchange before, but Amka did. Mick had a plan to go to London for Halloween, but he's not going because of his grandma's health problems. Amka will stay in as well. Mick tells Amka about Halloween in Poland.
Summarize this dialog: Karine: <file_video> Jessie: That was us at kindergarten! Karine: yes!! --- Summary:
Jessie and Karine went together to the kindergarten.
Summarize this dialog: Mae: Is the dress ready? Cael: Not yet Mae: Hope to have it soon --- Summary:
Cael lets Mae know that the dress isn't ready yet.
Summarize this dialog: Fiona: I just can’t stand it Wanda: What again Fiona: When I’m in one room with him… I just go crazy Wanda: Conrad? Fiona: Yesss, he’s absolutely lovely!! Wanda: IT IS YOUR STUDENT Fiona: So what? I mean sure, I know it’s… inappropriate xd but still, he’s only 5 years younger than me Wanda: It’s so fucked up, I knew you are crazy before but it’s too much Fiona: I knoooow when I come back home after the class I can’t do anything for like an hour or two, I just listen to the music Wanda: You’re literally in love with him Fiona: I mean I don’t expect anything, we’re from different worlds but… Yes, I just want to be around him. All the time xd Wanda: So you need to do something about it Fiona: Are you crazy, I can’t!! Wanda: Why not Fiona: What would my boss say if she knew Wanda: Will she know? Fiona: How can I know what will he do, he can tell his mother as well Wanda: Just go for it!! --- Summary:
Fiona fell in love with his student, Conrad.
Summarize this dialog: Tim: The situation there is terrible now John: I know and, honestly, I don't think it's gonna change any time soon Jeremy: why? I think the world's attention is now on Kongo really John: exactly, too much money involved John: everybody wants it's resources, they are crucial for the US, for China, for everybody Alice: for our smartphones John: Exactly Alice: yes, I'm not very positive either Tim: yup, just the same story all the time John: Ebola, war, militias, diamonds... Tim: Hard to say what should be done John: Surely the elections were not done properly Tim: this for sure --- Summary:
The situation in Kongo is terrible because of its resources and politics.
Summarize this dialog: Margaret: Hi, in December I'd like to meet on 4th and 11th around 10:00 or 11:00. Evans: Hi, 4th - we can meet at 10:00. Evans: And 11th - at 11:00. Margaret: Okey. And what about 18th? Evans: I'm not sure about 18th. Evans: I might not be in town. Margaret: Okey, so we'll see. Evans: Yes. And I'll let you know next week. Margaret: If it's not 18th, maybe we could meet on 17th? Evans: If I go away, I won't also be 17th. Margaret: Okey, I get it. Evans: But we could meet 14th, if you like? Margaret: Hm, I'm not sure whether I'm avaliable. Evans: So let's set these dates later, ok? Margaret: Okey and we see each other 4th 10:00. Evans: Yes! --- Summary:
Margaret and Evans plan to meet at 10 on 4th and at 11 on 11th. They both are not sure when they will be able to meet next, so they will come up with a date later.
Summarize this dialog: Joanne: hi, wanna talk? Bradley: hi, sorry, not right now, im busy Bradley: crazy day at work Joanne: sure, contact me, i gotta tell you something Bradley: i will, ttyl --- Summary:
Bradley is too busy at work to talk to Joanne now.
Summarize this dialog: Iris: <file_other> Iris: My husband is famous!!! Pete: Oh come on! I've got this 1 interview and it really doesn't make me famous... Iris: Haha. You don't even realize what this "1 inteview" means for my parents. Iris: They're just like: "We're glad that you found yourself a decent man" Pete: Hahaha. I'm flattered :) I'll be home in 1 hour. --- Summary:
Pete has got an interview. His wife Iris is happy because her parents are glad she found a decent man. She is joking he is famous.
Summarize this dialog: Iris: Anyone know how to fix this? Trying to remove myself from an expense: > This expense involves a person who has left the group, and thus it can no longer be edited. If you wish to change this expense, you must first add that person back to your group. Ken: You got the email address of the person? Iris: Doesn't say. But probably juls? Luke: Probably have to delete that expense and re-add it Iris: I’m gonna try Luke: It's the car right? Ken: yip Iris: gracias Ken: fixed it - absorbed Juls extra cost so we can remove her from the group again Gerardo: We will need to add her towards the car rental price. Ken: true that - let me know when you are doing that and I'll add her back in Julia: Ooops, that’d be me Ken: No worries, we got this :) Julia: let me know how much I owe u so I can wire :) Ken: I guess by the end of the month – something unpredicted always pops up in the meantime so we have to recalculate again Gerardo: Speaking of which, I’m gonna ask the peeps leaving early to stay in the splitwise group until the end of the month Ken: Sara, George George: We will, my man Gerardo: It’s gonna be the $ for gas too --- Summary:
Iris is trying to remove herself from an expense. Ken has fixed the problem. Julia will be added to the expense again later. Gerardo will ask the people leaving early to stay in the splitwise group until the end of the month. George will stay.
Summarize this dialog: Ola: Hey running late Ola: I should be free by 8 Kurt: Sure no prob, call me --- Summary:
Ola should be free by 8. Kurt wants her to call him.
Summarize this dialog: Conny: Hello Mr. Fitz. Fitz: Hello, Conny. Fitz: What can I do for you? Conny: It's about this paper you told me to write for next week. Fitz: What about it? Conny: I did some research. Conny: And frankly, I found pretty much nothing:( Fitz: Where did you do your research, Conny? Conny: Mostly internet, obviously. Fitz: Obviously? Conny: Sure, everything should be there. Fitz: Didn't I suggest you go to library. Conny: You did? Fitz: Certainly. Try it. You might find it's fun. Conny: Doubt it. But I'll go Mr. Fitz. Obviously. --- Summary:
Conny cannot find enough information online for his paper. Fitz suggests he tries the library.
Summarize this dialog: Louis: <file_gif> Archie: Wtf? Lol! Louis: <file_gif> Archie: That one looks like Melanie Louis: True! Hahahahah Archie: Just like in this pic Archie: <file_photo> Louis: Lol! It's her! Archie: By the way, she was way hotter when she had cury hair Louis: I disagree, sir! She looks absolutely gorgeous with straight hair Archie: Oh well, you have the right to an opinion even if it's wrong XD --- Summary:
By looking at the photos, Archie thinks that Melanie looked nicer with curly hair. Louis disagrees.
Summarize this dialog: Carly: She's so stupid <LOL> Cindy: I know, right ;D Carly: How could she do that :D Cindy: I know <LOL> Carly: she really asked him :D Cindy: yeah, she did <LOL> Carly: ok, talked to u latter Cindy: :D --- Summary:
Carly and Cindy think she is stupid, because she asked him.
Summarize this dialog: Kirsten: Youth group this Friday, don't be late. Alex: What time? Kirsten: 7 pm. We're going bowling, so we'll meet up and then all go together. Alex: Cool. See you. Kirsten: Bye --- Summary:
Kirsten reminds Alex that the youth group meets this Friday at 7 pm and go bowling.
Summarize this dialog: Sam: I don't think he likes me. Cathy: Of course he likes you. Sam: How do u know. He's not talking with me at all ;( Cathy: He's shy. He's looking at u when u don't see Sam: Really? U sure? Cathy: yes, even Kate noticed. Sam: Hope u r right. I'll talk with him tomorrow then. Cathy: Go ahead, girl :D --- Summary:
A boy that Sam likes is not talking to her, but Cathy convinces her that he likes her. Sam will talk to the boy tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Jess: Guys, last night I dreamt I was a lion tamer, does it mean I should go to Africa this summer? XD Lynn: Or maybe you'll meet a handsome zookeeper? :D Charlie: Or you'll get attacked by a stray cat? Lynn: You've just spoiled all the fun! :P Jess: Knowing my luck, Charlie might be the closest to the truth. Charlie: Do you really believe that dreams can mean something? Jess: No, of course not! I was just joking. It was such a surreal dream that I had to share it with you ;) Lynn: Well... Jess: Do you believe in dreams, Lynn? Lynn: I'm not saying I believe, but I think that sometimes it is possible that our dreams are telling us something. Not like they can show us our future or anything like that, it's just that dreams reflect our subconsciousness, don't you think? Jess: I guess? Charlie: I've read somewhere that when we see strangers in our dreams, in fact we must have seen them somewhere before. Our brain is not able to create such images on its own, it must have registered some random people's faces, and it uses them when we dream. Jess: So you're telling me the circus owner from my dream can really be some gentleman who lives in my neighbourhood? Charlie: Exactly! You don't even remember his face, but after you saw it just once, your brain keeps it somewhere in storage. Lynn: WOW, it sounds really cool! --- Summary:
Jess dreamt she was a lion tamer. Lynn believes that dreams mean something. Charlie has read that strangers from our dreams are actually people who we've seen before.
Summarize this dialog: Charles: How can you tell that someone has gluten intolerance? Karen: You can have coeliac disease which makes it impossible for you to digest gluten or be allergic to gluten. From what I've heard, being allergic is far worse, because you have an allergic reaction that can be lethal, while being intolerant can make feel you some unpleasant symptoms, but I don't think may lead to your death Jack: Why are you asking? Is there something wrong? Charles: Hm, I don't know, I feel that I may be allergic or something Monica: Do you have any symptoms? Check those articles: Monica: <file_other>, <file_other> Karen: I think that you may have a very very light allergy at best, otherwise you would have known - trust me Karen: When it comes to intolerance... I know it's very hip to be gluten intolerant, but I don't believe that suddenly half of the population is gluten intolerant. Unless you have a coeliac disease, I think you're fine Jack: My friend was told that she may be intolerant or allergic and she did a blood test - she's absolutely fine Charles: I may do it as well. I feel weird recently, bloated and I gain weight even though I don't eat much Karen: But do you feel differently after eating gluten? Jack's right, you should do a blood test first, but you can test it yourself. Stop eating gluten for a month and see if you feel better Monica: I did the same thing with lactose, I wasn't feeling great after drinking coffee with milk, etc. I stopped eating it and I'm much better now Jack: But did it happen suddenly or were you always like this? Monica: It just happened, I was all right until I wasn't. I don't know how it works, but it happens Charles: I think it's the same with me. I was fine, but recently it's a real nightmare Karen: You should quit eating gluten and see, otherwise you should look for a different explanation. Maybe it has nothing to do with food? Charles: I had a basic blood test and everything's fine. My GP said all my problems are linked to my diet Karen: It may be, but I'm not so sure. Although, changing your diet and eating healthier can't do you any harm Monica: You should read the articles I sent you, check the symptoms and what you shouldn't eat Charles: Thanks! I'm really worried, because it's getting worse and I have no idea what's happening with me --- Summary:
Coeliac disease makes it impossible to digest gluten. Charles feels bloated and gained weight recently. Monica stopped eating lactose. Charles had a blood test.
Summarize this dialog: Ulysses: Did you see your grades? Peter: Yes. Ulysses: I got an A Peter: Me too Julia: B Martha: Where can I check them? Julia: Online Julia: On the course page --- Summary:
Ulysses and Peter got an A, Julia got a B. The grades are to be checked on the course page.
Summarize this dialog: Ralph: Hey brewski, did you hear that decent polish joke? Andrew: No? Ralph: How do you sink a polish battleship? Andrew: Umm, shoot it, bomb it? Whatever. Ralph: Put it in water. Hahaha Andrew: Dude, that’s gotta be the worst joke ever. It got my mouth so dry, that now I have to take a sip of water. --- Summary:
Ralph told Andrew a joke.
Summarize this dialog: Linda: I missed the train Joseph: When is the next one? Linda: In one hour Darcy: Not a tragedy Linda: It was 80 euros Linda: Return to Amsterdam Linda: I was shocked!! --- Summary:
Linda missed her train and the next one is in one hour. A return to Amsterdam was 80 euros.
Summarize this dialog: Martha: Hey, can I ask you a question? Ophelia: Do we know each other? Martha: We don't, but do you mind if I ask you about the lenses from your profile picture? they are awesome and I would like to buy the similar ones Ophelia: it's from Crazy Lenses. They have quite reasonable prices and very fast shipping. Martha: Thanks!!! I'll check them :) Ophelia: No problem :) --- Summary:
Martha likes Ophelia's lenses and wants to buy similar ones. Ophelia got them from Crazy Lenses.