Ivy: Chloe just told me that you're not coming with us! Carter: I have a family reunion around that time Ivy: just ditch it Carter: can't, not this time Ivy: why? Carter: my grandfather is really sick Carter: might be my last chance to see him Ivy: sorry to hear about that, didn't know Carter: don't worry, I'll go with all of you on the next trip Ivy: that's not a problem, in a situation like this you should stay with your family Carter: that's the plan at least Ivy: take care!
Carter is not joining Ivy and Chloe due to a family reunion. Carter's grandfather is very ill.
Ingrid: <file_photo> <file_photo> <file_photo> Ingrid: Tree's up!! Bart: Looking good! Quite clustered baubles though? Ingrid: Sammie's fine work! She didn't want them to be lonely... 😂 😍 Bart: That's very cute. And funny looking. 🤨 Ingrid: True. I'll try and change it when she's asleep. Bart: She'll explode when she wakes up though Ingrid: True. maybe I'll leave them for a bit and discuss with her later? Bart: Probably best 🤐 Bart: Did she do the nativity as well? Ingrid: No that's Noah's work Bart: What happened there? Ingrid: He just put them in size order that's all! Bart: not quite the traditional picture? Ingrid: Nope, creative version... 😂 😍 Bart: Strange kids you have 😉 😘 Ingrid: Definitely yours then! XX
Sammie's put the baubles very close to each other on the tree and Ingrid decides to leave it like that for some time and then discuss it with Sammie. Noah prepared a creative version of the nativity which is different to the traditional one.
Hugh: What a living nightmare!! Trent: I know, my guitar was out of tune for the last 2 songs. Hugh: Well how about my mic issues. The sound engineer was an asshole! Trent: I think that's the last time we play that place! Hugh: You said it. Trent: I gotta contact Rory to put it on our blacklist. Just try and forget it, and let's concentrate on the next show in Kingston, ok? Hugh: Yeah, you're right. Goodnight. Trent: Goodnight
Hugh had mic issues and Trent had guitar issues at their show. It's the sound engineer's fault.
Bonnie: hey Bonnie: I would like to invite you to my birthday party Susan: hey Susan: oh Susan: thank you Bonnie: it's on Saturday at 8 Susan: I will come :)
Bonnie invites Susan for her birthday on Saturday at 8. Susan will come.
Sophie: Has anyone seen my black top? Marie: Which one? Sophie: The one from H&M, there's a sequinned tiger on it Marie: Nope Gretha: Me neither. Where was it the last time you saw it? Sophie: In my closet, where else Jane: Sorry Sophie! I took it, forgot to tell you... Sophie: ... great Jane: I said I'm sorry Sophie: Well, thanks Jane, I wanted to wear it today Jane: I'll give it back when I'm home Sophie: Great, but it sure I won't be able to wear it today :/ Marie: I can lend you something, it's not a problem. Or help you to choose something else? Sophie: Thank you, but this is a matter of principle. You can't just take our stuff Jane Jane: For goodness sake I said I'm sorry. I won't do it again
Sophie lost her black top. Jane took it and forgot to tell her. Sophie is mad at her. Jane is sorry.
Tobi: You going to birthday party tomorrow? Maxx: Yes! I love bowling. Tobi: Me too! Maxx: See you!😎
Tobi and Maxx are going to a birthday party tomorrow.
Clementine: <file_photo> Clementine: my cat's a demon Antonia: :O Antonia: how did he do that Irene: oh my xD Clementine: he just jumped on the curtain........
Clementine's cat jumped on the curtain.
Bob: I'm going to be a bit late today Paul: not a problem, we will wait Tom: it would be difficult to start without you anyway :P Bob: it won't take that long, start setting everything up, so we can save time with that Tom: good idea, just get there as fast as you can
Bob is going to be late today. Paul and Tom will start setting things up before Bob arrives.
Colin: <file_link> Colin: have you seen this? Ryan: yeah I know Ryan: it could hit our sales pretty hard Colin: so what are we gonna do Ryan: lets set up a meeting Ryan: Let me check the calendar Colin: ok Colin: let me know Ryan: Friday 3pm Colin: Ok I'll let everyone know Ryan: good Colin: what do we need to bring? Ryan: OI have a contingency plan Ryan: maybe Lynn could get some info on the effects? Ryan: and you can check all ad agencies that could help out Ryan: have Bart check with the lawyers Colin: ok Colin: anything else? Ryan: for now no, I'll let you know Colin: ok
There will be a contingency meeting at 3 pm on Friday. Lynn should get some info on the effects, Colin will check ad agencies that could be helpful and Bert will contact the lawyers.
Sandy: Listen to this Sandy: <file_other> Luise: Nice beat Ray: Cool Ray: Chromatics? Ray: Never heard of them Sandy: I've just discovered it on Spotify
Sandy discovered Chromatics on Spotify and shares their music with Luise and Ray.
Preston: are you coming? Dominick: to the extra lessons? Preston: yeah Dominick: still hesitating Preston: why? Dominick: i've never had the patience for knitting Dominick: my grandma tried to teach me Dominick: i was hopeless :X Preston: you haven't tried to learn from ME! xD Dominick: that's a fact :D Preston: come on, it will be fun Preston: i'll take some calming herbs ;D Dominick: haahaha ok Dominick: i'll try Preston: that's the spirit! Preston: and if we can't do it, we'll make pick up sticks out of the needles xD Dominick: hahaha ok xD Dominick: count me in ;D
Preston and Dominick are coming to the extra knitting lessons. Dominick has never had the patience for knitting, his grandma tried to teach him but he was hopeless.
Michaela: Did I tell you how I got scammed??? Tiffany: No way!! Michaela: Yeah... my bank account was drained Pauline: Fuck. how much did they take? Michaela: About 10.000.... Tiffany: How did it happen? Michaela: I saw an add on ebay Michaela: Someone was giving away kids toys for free Michaela: They said they didn't need them anymore. Michaela: They only asked me to pay for delivery Michaela: 7 pounds for the DHL Michaela: They sent me a link to the "DHL" website which redirected me to my bank Michaela: Both websites were fake as I later discovered Michaela: They got all my data Michaela: After I paid for "delivery" they made a few transfers from my account Michaela: I was left with 0 pounds Pauline: OMG that's horrible Pauline: Did you call you bank? Michaela: Sure. I made a claim. Michaela: I also went to the police.
Michaela got scammed. Somebody stole about 10.000 from her bank account by sending her a fake DHL link.
Tony: How much do you charge for canvas prints 30 x40cm? Jim: They're usually 60 pounds each. Jim: But this week they're on promotion for 45 each. Tony: Thanks. What's the lead time on the print? Jim: Usually 7 days but we're a bit busy atm so it might be a little more. Tony: How much more? Jim: Up to 2 weeks. Tony: I need them by this weekend. Jim: How many were you thinking of ordering? Tony: I need 12 of them. Jim: Same design or each one different? Tony: Same design. Jim: Let me check with our print shop and I'll let you know if we can get them done. Jim: Checked with the print shop and we can do them. Jim: But we'll have to charge a little bit extra. Jim: Cause it will be termed as express service. Tony: Thanks for the info. Tony: How much extra? Jim: 65 each. Tony: Thanks. I'll let you know if I decide to go with you. Jim: I'd need the info from you by EOD if you want us to do the prints by the weekend. Tony: OK.
Jim is selling his canvas prints for 45 each this week. Tony needs 12 of them in the same design by this weekend. Jim would charge him in terms of express service. Tony will let him know by the end of the day if he decides to place the order.
Camilla: Good morning, Josh! How are you? This is Camilla. I wanted to know if there's any update as far as Airbnb goes? I received an email indicating they wanted to stop it Josh: Good morning. Will sent you an email I wrote to sum things up. Is that okay? Camilla: Of course, thank you! Josh: Just give me a while to get up. I'm in Barbados :) Camilla: Enjoy your vacation! I just got back from Thailand! Josh: Thailand is one of my favs. Where did you go? Camilla: I went to pataya beach, phuket, chang mai and Bangkok. It was awesome :) How's Barbados? Josh: Oh it's great. Very relaxing
Josh is in Barbados. He will send Camilla an email about Airbnb. Camilla just returned from Thailand. They both like it.
Peter: Are you also going to Rome? Paul: I'm not sure yet Peter: You should! Paul: I just have some other commitments at the same time:/ Peter: I see. Ok, let us know Paul: I will!
Paul is not sure if he's going to Rome or not.
Laura: :( Jenny: What's the matter? Laura: I'm fed up with everything Laura: I've got no motivation whatsoever... Jenny: Is it because of the argument with Claude? Laura: partially Laura: I dob't know Jenny: So maybe go home and get some sleep? Laura: ... I'll think about it. :(
Jenny's has fallen out with Claude. She's feeling blue.
Jamal: <file_photo> Terry: Taj Mahal! Maria: Yes, we visited it today with Jamal Ken: it's such a beautiful mosque! Maria: it's not a mosque! Ken: what? Maria: it's a mausoleum Ken: I've always thought it's a mosque Jamal: many people think so Maria: it is a mausoleum that an emperor commissioned for his favourite wife Maria: I think her name was Mumtaz Mahal Jamal: correct! :D what a good pupil! Maria: haha, because it's such a romantic story Maria: 20000 people built the Taj Mahal, it's so monumental Ken: what does the name mean? Maria: Taj is a short version of Mumtaz Maria: and Mumtaz Mahal means "Crown of the Palace" Ken: wow Maria: Jamal was an amazing guide today Ken: I wish I was there with you
Maria and Jamal visited Taj Mahal today. It's a mausoleum that an emperor commissioned for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
Francis: Still. Tell me. Nate: Not much to tell. Drove up to her place, picked her up, went for a nice dinner and then cinema and finally to that spot. Francis: Which spot? Nate: How many spots are there?! U a virgin or what? Francis: Ah! The love hill! Should've said so. Nate: Having really good time there. Francis: So far so good. So what went wrong? Nate: Getting there. Francis: Sry. Nate: After everything she wanted me to drive her home and then it started! Francis: Scream 2? Nate: Sod off. The bloody thing wouldn't start. Francis: Walk back all the way? Nate: Nah. Worse. I asked her to give me a push. Francis: W8. What?! Nate: Yeah. She doesn't have a driver's licence. Francis: Still! Nate: She didn't mind. She did give me a push. The car went downhill, but wouldn't start or stop. Francis: So what happened? Nate: Well, let's say it's no longer with us and I got billed for the removal of the vehicle. Francis: So how did u get back? Nate: Called a taxi. What was there to do? Francis: How much did u pay? Nate: 200. Francis: Ur Shitting me? Nate: Nah. Need a new car. Francis: Want me to come with u? Nate: Nah. Short on cash now. Maybe some other day. Francis: Whenever, man. Whenever. Nate: Yeah.
Nate's car has been damaged beyond repair. He needs a new one but cannot afford it at the moment.
Lona: I can't believe how Mr. Smith yelled at that foreign kid. Nat: Got late to class, heard about it. What happened? Lona: Well, Takashi doesn't speak perfect English, right? Nat: Sure. Foreign kid. Lona: So he made some mistakes in his answer. Nat: Like in English? Lona: Yeah. And then, out of the blue, Mr. Smith starts yelling at him. Nat: But y? Lona: Dunno. No one knows. Nat: Maybe had a bad day? Lona: Possible. Nat: Probably the reason.
Mr. Smith yelled at Takashi who doesn't speak perfect English. Lona and Nat recon Mr. Smith had a bad day.
Andy: Hi mom! Is everything ok at home? Susan: yes, dear, what could be wrong? Andy: I don't know. It's just I didn't hear from u for a week, so I got worried Susan: Don't worry everything is wonderfull. When will you come visit us? Andy: Mum, you know I've got lots of work Susan: Yes, but you always have lots of work. Come next weekend I will prepare your favorite chicken Andy: That's tempting I'll think about it Susan: Maybe this time you could bring your girlfriend with you Andy: Mom!!! Susan: What? I want to meet her Andy: It's not the right time, yet Susan: Why not? You're seeing with her for a while and we are not getting any younger Andy: Mom, you \re using this argument for everything Susan: Well, because that's true Andy: I know I know, let me think about it Susan: Fantastic, my dear. I will prepare everything for your arrival Andy: Mom!!!
Susan wants Andy to visit her next week and promises to prepare Andy's favorite chicken. Susan wants Andy to come with his girlfriend. Andy will consider Susan's requests.
Tegan: oh god..Paul's brother just sent me a friend request Tegan: don't know what to make of that.. Valentia: really?? Valentia: I would ignore it.. Valentia: I wouldn't want to go back down that road.. Tegan: yeah true.. 🙄
Tegan has received a friend request from Paul's brother. Valentia advised her not to accept it.
Agnes: ha the Czech Republic won't stop surprising me Agnes: <file_photo> Agnes: these stairs lead to... the shower :D Audrey: hahaha Jackie: wow Audrey: it's a house right? Agnes: no I'm renting a room Agnes: it's a kind of a tenement house Agnes: and maybe I'll eat this today! Agnes: <file_photo> Jackie: boy I love this ice cream!
Agnes is in the Czech Republic. She's renting a room in a tenement house. She'll probably eat ice cream today.
Sean: Could you inform the student that his application was accepted? Pieter: Of course, he will be relieved, I am sure. Sean: He should.
Sean wants Pieter to tell the student his application was accepted and Pieter agrees.
Gino: Should I wear the white or the black shirt? Renee: What else are you wearing? Gino: Black trousers, black shoes. Renee: Definitely rethink the outfit. Either way you'll look like a waiter! LOL! Gino: Don't want that... so what then? Renee: Stick with the black pants and see if you have another colored shirt? Gino: What about the shoes? Renee: Not much you can do but black is there? Gino: No... Renee: Just trying to avoid you looking like one of the help! Gino: I get it...just not sure. What about blue trousers? Renee: White shirt, brown shoes? Gino: I can do that! Renee: Just make sure you're pressed, neat, clean and smart and you'll be fine.
Renee advises Gino on his outfit. Renee is worried Gino might look like a waiter. Ultimately, Gino will wear a white shirt, black trousers and brown shoes.
Jude: Where is your wallet I cannot find it anywhere Faith: I took it with me Jude: Why? I need your credit card to pay the bills
Jude needs Faith's credit card to pay the bills.
Lois: I had to crawl under his desk again to fix the phone. He is so creepy. Jim: No way! Lois: Shudder! Jim: Yeah! Lois: Never again; I taped the wires down! LOL! Jim: I'd just have Todd do it next time. Swear he does it on purpose. Lois: I know!
Lois had to do some job under somebody's desk. She feels very uncomfortable about it.
Alison: Alright everyone. Jeff is turning 35 on Dec 18. Eli is planning a surprise party for him at his house. He waned us all to come to make Jeff feel somewhat young again and bring back memories. So let's do this! Nick: I'm down George: I'm in Lisa: sound cool! what do I bring? Allison: you don't have to bring anything unless you have some special dietary requirements. Helen: I would be happy to chip in for a gift or supplies of whatever George: Same here Alison: That's cool guys! donations always welcome Helen: I will bring sangria too and some old pics
Eli is planning a surprise party for Jeff at his house on his 35th birthday on December 18th. Alison, Nick, George, Lisa and Helen will attend. Helen and George want to chip in for a gift for Jeff. Helen will bring sangria and old pictures.
Kian: The guys want to order pizza for tonight Kian: Are you joining us? David: What time do you want to eat? Kian: They want to order now Kian: We're all quite hungry David: I wont't be home until later David: But you can order for me David: I'll eat when I come back Kian: Cool, any preferences? David: Anything is ok for me Kian: Ok David: I should be home around 10 Kian: See you later!
Kian's friends will order a pizza. David will have it after he comes back home.
Melissa: What kind of pizza did you eat? Tanner: It was hawaian Melissa: I love that pizza Tanner: Me too Melissa: When I told italian people about pizza with pineapples they thought it must be disgusting hahha Tanner: They don't know what is good hahaha Melissa: What about a banana on a pizza? Tanner: It would be very disgusting. I hate banana!!! Melissa: I ate pizza with bananas and curry and I didn't like it. But I love pineapple on a pizza Tanner: That sounds disgusting Melissa: My brother loves that pizza with banana. In poland we usually eat pizza with some sauces like a garlic or tomatoes sauce. And that's very very good Tanner: Yea I know. There's a restaurant here that serves it's pizza like that Melissa: nice. I guess u tried this? Tanner: Yes and it was delicious
Melissa and Tanner both like hawaian pizza a lot. Melissa mentions that in Poland people eat pizza with sauces. Tanner tried it and liked it.
Iona: Hi, Lydia, Miles is asking if you'd go with him to the movies. Lydia: Why doesn't he talk to me himself? :P Iona: That's a very good question, actually. Hang on, I'll add him to this conversation. Miles: Hi, Lydia! Lydia: Hi there. I heard you wanted to ask me something? Miles: @Iona, I really hate you right now. Iona: Why? *innocent whistling* Miles: Look, Lydia, I'm not such a coward that I can't talk to you myself, I just asked my sister to find out if I stand a chance. Lydia: Maybe try calling me? I don't think it's a conversation we should have here :P Miles: Yeah, right, sorry. I'll call you in a sec. Lydia: Your sister can give you my number :P Iona: Why are all men so stupid? XD
Miles wants to take Lydia to the movies so will call her in a sec to talk about it. Ilona will her brother Lydia's number.
Bryan: Are you there yet? Kev: 5 more mins! Stuart: Same! Bryan: Im on my way. Bryan: see you soon!
Bryan is going to meet Stuart and Kev in 5 minutes.
Bob: Hi, Madeleine. Madeleine: Hi, Bob, haven't heard from you in a while. Bob: I know, I've been travellng. Madeleine: Really? Where've you been? Bob: Here and there. Mostly Africa. Madeleine: Now, that sounds interesting. Madeleine: And exotic:) Bob: Yeah. Got plenty of stories to tell. Madeleine: You do? Bob: Yep. And I am wondering. Madeleine: Wondering or wandering? Bob: Funny;0. I'm wondering if you'd want to hear a good story? Madeleine: What you suggest? Bob: Dinner my place tomorrow? Madeleine: I don't know. Bob: The story is gonna be good=) Madeleine: It better. Pick me up after work. Bob: I'll be there:)
Bob has been traveling to Africa recently. He will meet with Madeleine for dinner tomorrow to tell her an interesting story.
Adrian: Im coming to visit in January Steven: Haha nice man what days? Adrian: Probably 13-21 jan Steven: Haha fuck ya man I'm gonna make you drink 3 pitchers on that Tuesday 😂 Adrian: Ya it will be my bday party again hahah Steven: Haha sounds good man, should be a good time Adrian: Does anyone have extra tix for mock wedding that week? Steven: Haha I don't know if anyone is going so I don't think we have any tickets yet Adrian: Wow really? they sold out so fast. I remember last year they struggled to sell them out lol Steven: Ya it was too lit last year Adrian: We had a great time. Adrian: I will see y'all on that Toonie Tuesday for my bday party then xd Steven: Haha I'm sure I'll be there Adrian: Remember to wear red plaid! Steven: Will do!
Adrian is cominf to visit Steven in January. They plan to get drunk. Steven will see adrian for his birthday party on Toonie Tuesday. Steven will wear red plaid.
Catherine: hey stef Stefan: whats up Cate? Catherine: im cool, what about you Stefan: me too, whatsup, i know you?😜🤣 Catherine: haha, i need your help Stefan: i knew it..what is it Catherine: im bored, come get me Stefan: haha, alright then
Catherine is bored and wants Stefan to come get her.
Natasha: Mum's birthday is in two weeks Joseph: I know. Joseph: I have no idea what to give her... Hilda: Me neither Hilda: She has everything Natasha: Maybe we should give her an experience Hilda: What do you mean? Natasha: Last year for my birthday my friends took me out to do bungee jumping Hilda: Mum wouldn't like that... Natasha: Of course not Natasha: But we can think of a different experience Hilda: Like a trip or something? Joseph: I think mum would love a trip to Italy! Natasha: What a great idea!! Natasha: She loves Italy Natasha: When did she go there last time? Joseph: 5 years ago... I think Joseph: Where should we take her? Hilda: I think she really liked Venice. Natasha: Lets do it!
Mum's birthday is in two weeks. Hilda, Joseph and Natasha are going to take Mum to Venice.
Emma: i finally got the tickets for the concert next month!!! Jess: THAT'S AWESOME!!! Jess: are they good seats? Emma: fourth row center :-D Emma: what?!!?!?! Emma: that's insane XD Jess: i know!! i can't believe it Jess: would you like me to take care of them? you tend to lose things lol Emma: not true! Jess: in the last month you've lost your purse, two sweaters and someone else's cell phone lol Emma: guilty, lol Emma: i can't lose these though, they're electronic Jess: what to you mean electronic? Emma: they're in pdf format Jess: ohhh.... can you forward them to me please? Jess: in case you delete them by mistake Emma: ok, i'm forwarding you the email right now Jess: thanks Emma: done Emma: can you print them? Emma: I don't have a printer Jess: sure, i'll print them as soon as you get your email
Emma obtained the tickets for the next month's concert. She booked seats in the centre of the fourth row. Jess offers to take care of the tickets due to Emma's tendency to lose things. Tickets are electronic, though and Emma sends them to Jess who'll print them.
Liam: Guys, how is Denmark treating you? Terry: couldn't be better John: maybe a bit more of the sun could be better Helmut: do you want to join us here? Liam: yup! Helmut: I knew it! Liam: hehehe Terry: what made you change your mind? Liam: money, money John: of course, it's always about money Liam: studying for free and great scholarships John: exactly! John: Copenhagen? Liam: don't know yet
Terry, John and Helmut are studying in Denmark and they're pleased with that. Liam's thinking about joining them there.
Alex: Hi. Can I talk to you? Lesley: Hi. Who r u? Alex: My name is Alex. U don't know me, 'cause we're not friends on Facebook yet, bt I have something important to tell you. Lesley: Ok... Alex: Have you heard about green wind turbines? Lesley: Wind turbines painted green? Alex: No, like ecological ones. Lesley: Aren't they all? Alex: Yes, probably, but these are like really eco-friendly. Lesley: Ok... Alex: So these wind turbines are killing birds. Lesley: Murdering wind turbines? Sounds like a horror-film-plot ;) Alex: I'm serious. I was in the fields last weekend and saw this qt jaybird get torn into pieces by the wings of a wind turbine. Lesley: That's awful. Alex: I know. I did some research and it turns out that thousands of birds die in this way every year. Lesley: So? Alex: This is really important. I've created a petition to the government and would like you to sign it. Lesley: Y? Alex: Don't u care about the birds? Lesley: I do. Alex: So will you sign the petition? Lesley: What are you petitioning? Alex: Ban on wind turbines. Lesley: No. Alex: Y not? Lesley: 'cause it's a bad idea. Alex: But the birds are dying! Lesley: Stop texting me. Alex: This is really important! Lesley: And this is spam.
Green wind turbines kill birds according to Alex. Alex wants Lesley to sign the petition against them but she's not interested.
Frank: Have you watched Black Mirror? Suzanne: Yeah, it's my favourite! Frank: My brother recommended it and I love it! Suzanne: Have you watched the whole thing? Frank: No, I just watched 3 episodes last night. Suzanne: Oh, it gets better! Each episode is a different story but I think season 2 is the best! Frank: Then I can't wait to see it, LOL. Maybe I'll call in sick tomorrow and I'll just keep watching until I drop. Suzanne: Not a bad idea :D Frank: What other series do you recommend? Suzanne: On Netflix, you mean? Frank: Yeah. Suzanne: Well, I love Stranger Things or Dark. Frank: Great, I will check them out once I finish Black Mirror. Suzanne: You're gonna love it :)
Frank and Suzanne are discussing tv series. Suzanne has watched Black Mirror, it's her favourite. Frank watched 3 episodes last night and can't wait to see season 2. On Frank's request, Suzanne recommends other Netlix series, such as Stranger Things or Dark.
Ruth: Hey, I asked my mum bout Steph's bday 2moz (transport), an she says she cant at all :( SOO if u drove me 2 steph's party (and back), she says she will drive u 2 ruths bday and back. Is dat okay?? Also, do u knoww wat ur gettin Hannah?? P.S. Did u lik de pics?? Janet: i cant sse ur italy pictures cos of privacy settings!! :( Ruth: that was the point cos i dont lik them dat much but il change them 4 u on monday (if i dont 4get) Janet: thnks!! Ruth: :)
Ruth's mom can't drive Ruth and Janet to Steph's birthday. Janet can't see Ruth's Italy pictures due to privacy settings. Ruth made them so on purpose, but will change them for Janet on Monday.
Emily: Is the light suppose to blink? Michael: Which one? Emily: Red one on generator Michael: It is running low on fuel.just pour some init Emily: Where have you placed the diesel can? Michael: It is behind the main door. Emily: Yeah got it
Emily is going to pour fuel in the generator because the red light is blinking. The fuel is in a diesel can left behind the door by Michael.
Meggy: I am not sure if you've heard it but they are changing the office. Brad: They are? For a bigger one? Meggy: No, for a smaller one lol - they don't have the money anymore, almost everyone resigned Brad: well that does not surprise me much Meggy: we are moving next month, they just started selling some furniture Brad: Are they selling this grey couch? I want it... I miss it so much Meggy: No hahahaha, Monica said she is taking it Brad: no way :( that sucks Meggy: yeah, but you can have a chair if you want, the red ones, remember those? Brad: I wanted the couch...
Meggy and Brad's company is changing the office. Therefore, the company started selling some furniture. Brad would like to take the couch, but Monica has already reserved it.
Mia: Going to the family dinner? Gia: I don't want to Gia: but have to Mia: I don't like meeting these new people Gia: Me neither Mia: What time u be there? Gia: probs 9
Gia and Mia are going to the family dinner, and they meet at 9. Gia and Mia do not like family dinners, because they do not feel comfortable with meeting new people.
Nate: I want to share my discovery with you Nate: I'm lactose intolerant but I love milk Nate: And I finally found lactose free milk that tastes great Victor: Haha. Maan. I was hoping for some shocking news. Victor: But you just said you're a faggot in very funny way Nate: Oh fuck you Victor: I'm joking Victor: It's like with riding a monocycle - the hardest part is to tell your parents you're gay :D Nate: Hahaha. Nate: Nice :-)
Nate is lactose intolerant but loves milk. Nate has found lactose-free milk that tastes good.
Essa: Hey, do you have a group for M&A? Kuba: Nope, I didn't come to the last class Essa: We are 3 and you can join us. Katia, Olia and me Kuba: Hey, I don't so I will gladly join you. Does it have to be some specific company or do we choose? Essa: I am not sure... We can probably search for a company together :P Kuba: Sure, we can meet before before the next class Essa: I can create a group for it Kuba: And when is the deadline? Essa: January :D Kuba: So we can chill :P Have you gone to the class after as well? Essa: You mean Business Ethics? Kuba: Yea, I know he was saying that we will have to write some paper in order to receive a grade Essa: True, 11 pages :( Kuba: Did she say something else about it? Essa: No, she is supposed to give us the topics before the winter break Kuba: But there will be no exam? Essa: Luckily no :D Kuba: At least something :P Although I don't know when I will find the time to write all of that, my January is already so busy... Essa: I feel you man and don't forget about the thesis :D Kuba: I know, I know. I haven't even started it yet...
Kuba will join Essa, Katia and Olia for the M&A task. They will choose a company to work on. The deadline is in January. They have to write 11 pages paper for Business Ethics but there will be no exam. The teacher will give the topics before the winter break.
Olek: I made a reservation for two of us Veronica: At POPs? Olek: Yes Veronica: Thanks
Olek made a reservation at POPs for him and Veronica.
Scarlett: I am asking you to think about us for the last time... Hugh: I really can't any more, I'm afraid. Scarlett: Maybe take some time to think things over Hugh: What is the point of it? Scarlett: There are still some options Hugh: Like? Scarlett: Like a therapy e.g. Hugh: But we're struggling all the time. Scarlett: But you know it was not like this before. Hugh: We tried so many times Scarlett: And you think it will be better with somebody else? Hugh: I hope so. Scarlett: And I don't believe it, there will be the same problems. You know it. You always close when we are too close. Hugh: Maybe you're closing me? Scarlett: This is so painful. Hugh: You wanted to talk. Scarlett: And I regret already.
Hugh and Scarlett's relationship is struggling. Hugh wants to end it, but Scarlett suggests that there are still some options like therapy.
Dino: Are we going to this exhibition? Jeff: I'm not sure Jerry: it's our last chance Dino: why? Jerry: they're ending tomorrow Jeff: so it will be crowded Jerry: yes, but if not today then never Jeff: ehhh
The exhibition's ending tomorrow, so if Dino, Jeff and Jerry want to see it, today's their last chance.
Carl: Martha where are u? Carl: The movie starts in 15 miutes! Martha: I stopped to buy popcorn! Chill out! Martha: <file_gif> Carl: <file_gif>
Carl and Martha are about to see a movie in a theater. Martha is buying popcorn.
Beryl: don't know if this is a good idea Linette: why? Beryl: he doesn't like surprises Linette: oh come on, it will be great Beryl: or a catastrophy Linette: it's his birthday, he'll be happy Beryl: don't think so Linette: let's try at least Beryl: we can try ofc but it's on u Linette: ok, I'll handle him Beryl: ok, as u wish. where do we start Linette: let's meet and discuss Beryl: ok, I'll drop by your apt Linette: great, see u
Linette and Beryl are planning a surprise birthday party for him. Beryl will come to Linette's apartment to discuss it.
Rosalie: should I make the spaghetti spiced? Trent: ofc :) Rosalie: ok
Rosalie will make spiced spaghetti.
Lukas: 1 bottle of milk, flour, butter, bread, toast bread, eggs, cottage cheese and beef steaks Lukas: You can also buy some sweets Hannah: Copy that! Hannah: Want some beer? Lukas: Yeah, you can buy a bottle or 2 :D Hannah: Ok, quick visit at convenience store and I'm going home :D
Lukas sends Hannah a shopping list for groceries, some sweets and two beers. Hannah will buy them on her way home.
Elisa: Happy Birthday, Ollie!!!! May you have a fantastic day!! :) Fran: HPD, old man! When do we get to celebrate? George: Happy birthday! <file_photo> all the best, buddy! Remi: Big birthday hugs and kisses! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)))) Ollie: Awwww, thanks everyone :) Hope to see you all on Friday! George: will do for sure! working a bit late but sure will at least pop in to say hi and for the free beer! Ollie: You can count on it :)
Ollie gets birthday wishes from Elisa, Fran, George and Remi. He hopes to see them all on Friday.
Elizabeth: Honey, can I hide a present for dad in your room? Joshua: Sure, mom. :) Elizabeth: Thank you. :) I put it under the bed.
Elizabeth will hide a present for Joshua's father under Joshua's bed.
Lidia: I just spotted you coming to the office. What the hell are you wearing? Is it shells? Brooke: It’s just an old brooch inherited from my grandmother. Isn’t it lovely? Lidia: You crazy woman! It’s terrible. I don’t know what others gonna say about it. Brooke: I don’t care what others gonna say. For me it’s truly wonderful! Lidia: Wanna go for a cup of coffee? Brooke: Sure. Let’s meet in the kitchen in 5 minutes, okay? Lidia: Okay 😉
Brooke wears a brooch in the office that she inherited from her grandmother. Lidia and Brooke will meet in the kitchen in 5 minutes to go for a cup of coffee.
Martha: what will you wear? Penny: when? Martha: on this company dinner Penny: oh, some dress I guess Martha: what colour? Penny: black? Martha: good, that suits u
Penny will wear some black dress for the company dinner.
James: hi, how is Berlin? Lily: Good, I like it it a lot. BTW, how is my palm? James: It's good, I water it every Sunday. Lily: Thank you very much! You're so kind. James: No problem, enjoy Germany and don't worry about the palm! it's taken care of :) Lily: :*
Lily is visiting Berlin. James waters her palm every Sunday.
Elijah: What do you think about a new coach? Owen: I don’t think he’ll change anything Elijah: Why Owen: Look, he has some new ideas, that’s true, but he doesn’t seem to control anything Elijah: It’s all a bit messy, true. But it’s just the beginning, a few first games Owen: Aaand let’s hope it’ll get better, if not, we’re absolutely screwed Elijah: I believe in him, ha has such a wit, a lot of energy Owen: But he is NOT a good professional, you’ll see Elijah: Ehhh we can never afford someone really good…
New coach has come with new ideas but after first few games he is judged poorly by Owen and Elijah.
Lia: I'm going home, could anybody walk with me? I'm really drunk Leo: I know, Oli go with you Oli: just give me 10min Lia: ok, thanks
Oli will come to walk Lia home in 10 minutes.
Nathan: Hi babes! Kirsty: Hi Nathan, how's it going? Nathan: Working in the Post Office this week, sorting stuff, it's bloody hard work! Kirsty: Well done, I couldn't be arsed with that after all that school work. Nathan: It's a bit more laid back in college, we do have a project for after the hols, though, photography. Kirsty: Oh yeah? What's the topic? Nathan: It's called Home for the Holidays. Kirsty: Bit obvious, isn't it? What you doing on it? Nathan: I'm taking some photos of my gran and Gramps, they have been in a nursing home, but we are having them for 3 days at Christmas. Kirsty: Oh, that's sweet. Nathan: Well yes, but they are both bad tempered old buggers, they are mostly going to be sat scowling in a chair, watching TV. Kirsty: Oh well, perhaps you can vary it a bit and take them out somewhere. Nathan: Good idea, but obviously not to their old house, it's being sold and they don't know it yet. Kirsty: Oh, that's so sad. Nathan: Fancy coming to the shop with me, we could go get a burger? Kirsty: Yeah, loved your idea of "burgers" last time😶 Nathan: Is that a yes? Kirsty: Yes! See you at the shop in 10! Nathan: 😙
Nathan has a sorting job in the post office this week. After Christmas, he will have a project 'Home for the Holidays', which will include taking photos of his grandparents. They are in the nursing home and their house is being sold. Nathan and Kirsty will meet at the shop at 10 to have burgers.
Don: Did you hear? Al: About what? Don: What leader of our nation came up with? Al: Some new brilliant idea? Don: Not new, but he just shut government to do it. Al: You mean the wall? Don: Yeah. Can't believe the prick! Al: Doesn't surprise me much. Don: How come he wants to spend billions of dollars to build 180 miles of wall on border that is some 2K miles long? Al: Well, somebody is gonna make billions on this stretch, and there will be more to come. Don: Hell, yeah. So fucking obvious! Al: Isn't it?. Don: So when he is done with the wall, what next? Al: I suppose he keeps going across the Atlantic. Don: It's not even a joke, is it? Al: Take a wild guess, man.
The leader of their nation decided to build a 2K miles long wall on border.
Aiden: Look what I taught Lassie and Dori today! Emma: Show me Aiden :D Aiden: <file_video> Emma: OMG that's awesome! They are both so gorgeous! Aiden: Lassie was a bit quicker to learn, Dori needed a lot of snacks XD Emma: I would have thought so, she has always been greedy :) Aiden: <file_video> Emma: Oh, that looks stunning! They're such clever dogs! Aiden: They are! I'm so happy they turned out this way! Emma: I remember the beginnings, they were quite hard :) Aiden: Yeah, more than hard. Dori wouldn't stop barking when I was away Emma: Tough times! Aiden: But now it's great :) So it was totally worth it to suffer some minor inconvenience XD Emma: They're really cute Aiden! Aiden: I was thinking to enter this town contest that happens every year, in summer Emma: You should! Please do this, it might be a lot of fun for you and for them! Aiden: I'm just a bit worried that Dori might still be a bit unstable Emma: It's Novemeber! There is still some time left to improve certain things :) Aiden: You're right! Emma: You go and win that contest man! :) Aiden: Thanks for support :*
Aiden taught his dogs Lassie and Dori some tricks. Lassie learnt quicker, Dori needed more snacks. Aiden is thinking of entering this town summer contest. It's only November, so he has plenty of time to practise with the dogs.
Arman: hey love Sarah: hi sweetie <3 Arman: i'm on the way to the airport Sarah: have a safe flight Sarah: can't wait till you're hooooome Arman: <3 only a few hours till I'm there Arman: babe, there's a delay :( Arman: we're on the plane, but it's so cold that they're de-icing the plane Sarah: :-O Sarah: Oh no! Arman: they announced we're turning back to the airport :( Sarah: :'-(
Arman is on his way to Sarah, but he will be late due to plane icing. The passengers are redirected from the plan back to the airport.
Jill: Jack, they're doing it again Jack: ?? Jill: our upstairs neighbours!! it's like a freakin porno movie Jack: hahaha aren't you a little jealous Jack: cause your husband Jack: who's an excellent lover might I add Jack: is away? Jill: yes I am SO turned on by this couple of weirdos Jack: :* just wait until 10pm and knock on their door Jill: too embarrasing :P Jack: silly Jill: how is your night? Jack: no sexy noises on my end Jill: yeah right Jack: not live anyway ;D Jill: how did the meeting go? Jack: I will know tomorrow they said they need to sleep on it Jill: sleep on what? considering whether your idea is briliant or super brilliant? Jack: apparently :(
Jill’s neighbours from upstairs are having loud sex. Jack will know how his meeting went tomorrow as they need to sleep on it.
Roy: Denise, I'm almost late for the flight and I cannot find my blue shirt! Denise: Did you forget that we left it at the dry cleaner last Friday? It was horribly stained! Roy: Shit, I remember now, but which shirt should I take instead then? Denise: Take the grey one, it looks really nice on you! Have a safe flight! Roy: Thanks, kisses :*
Roy can't find his blue shirt as it's at the dry cleaner's. Upon Denise's advice, he'll take the grey one with him.
Ross: My leg is broken Madeleine: What, what did you do again! Ross: I was playing with Brian, I slipped and fell into a stream Madeleine: O my God, you could have drowned! Ross: Mum, this stream is very shallow xD Brian helped me Madeleine: You shouldn’t play with him.
Ross has broken his leg when playing with Brian.
Jason: How was your flight? Patrick: I met the love of my life Wilson: Sheila won’t be happy about it :D Patrick: This woman is incredible Patrick: We talked during the whole flight Wilson: 10 hours??? Patrick: Yeah! Patrick: I felt like I knew her my whole life Patrick: She could truly understand me Jason: Is it even possible?? Jason: Man, I've known you for 40 years and I still don't get you Patrick: I tell you, she's a soulmate Wilson: What are you going to do now? Patrick: I don't know. I need to get some rest first.
Patrick met a woman on a flight and chatted with her during the whole flight.
Stan: im on my way Stan: but im stuck in traffic jam Lee: ok Lee: i will be inside
Stan is stuck in a traffic jam.
Erin: ok I called the fabric shop Tim: :D Erin: and a guy picks up ;/ Erin: how can I talk to a guy about sewing a dress? Tim: well maybe he’s the perfect person for such a conversation:D Erin: oh well he didn’t seem too eager to talk, to be honest :/
Erin called the fabric shop. She didn't like the fact that it was a man who answered the phone.
Paul: can we meet at 4 today and not 3 ? Copper: yeah its no problem Paul: awesome. thanks
Paul and Copper will meet at 4 instead of 3 today.
Danielle: hey where RU? Juan: I told u I'd be late! Danielle: but it's been almost 45 mins! Danielle: <file_gif> Juan: I'll be there in 15 minutes Juan: <file_gif>
Juan is almost 45 minutes late. He'll be there in 15 minutes.
Angelina: Helen! Have you seen the lates picture on Instagram that Max posted!? Helen: No, why? Angelina: Quick you have to see it! Angelina: He is sooo handsome ! Helen: Hmm..I don't know Angelina: What you don't know? Helen: If he is handsome. I would rather date Dan Angelina: Dan? Are you kidding me? Helen: Not at all, I really like him because he was lately so nice to me at lunch in the cafeteria :) Angelina: Yeah, you can have him, I'm not interested Helen: Better for me! The problem is I think he likes Ashley more than me.. Angelina: Than we have to change that! Helen: But how do we do that? Angelina: I think, I've got a plan Helen: Really? Angelina: Meet me tomorrow at lunch I'll tell you everything!
Helen finds Dan appealing because he was nice to her lately. But Dan likes Ashley more than Helen. Angelina will tell Helen how to change that tomorrow.
Amelia: I have to cancel our meeting, my car just broke down :( Isla: Oh :( Do you need any help? Amelia: No, it's fine. I've already called for help. They're on their way. I'll call you in the evening and we'll set another date, okey? Isla: Okey. We'll talk more later. Take care!
Amelia has to cancel the meeting because her car broke down. The help is on their way. Amelia and Isla are going to meet another day.
Constance: Did you remember to pay the bills? Sheldon: What bills? Constance: Electricity. I paid for water and internet. Sheldon: Oh! I forgot. Sorry! Constance: Do this ASAP! Sheldon: Sure, will wire transfer it RN. Constance: Good. Sheldon: Thanks for the reminder! Constance: Reminder? You were supposed to do this a week ago! Sheldon: Ik. Sorry. Will write it down next time. Constance: That's what you always say. Sheldon: Well... This time's different.
Constance paid for water and Internet, but Sheldon forgot to pay for electricity, but he'll wire transfer the money right now.
Joanna: hi peeps, i can't make it today, should we meet tomorrow? Isaac: i can't tomorrow Yasmin: me neither Isaac: Joanna, how about we arrange something next week? Joanna: sure :) Isaac: great!
Joanna, Isaac and Yasmin will meet up next week.
John: <file_other> John: this blog is awesome Ewan: I know this one John: <file_other> John: thats the trip I want to do next year Ewan: man you need like 3 weeks of holidays :) John: I can just quit this shitty job ;) Ewan: <file_other> Ewan: check out this one Ewan: the guy is obsessed with the world's most remote islands Ewan: he's been on south pacific, indian ocean Ewan: and now waiting for a ship to tristan da cunha John: I saw a documentary about it on tv John: amazing place, no escape from there Ewan: and no chance to find you once you get there ;)
John wants to go on a trip next year. He and Ewan are following a blog of a person who travels to remote islands.
Max: How's your job hunt going? Dorothy: Uhh, I send a hundred CVs a day Max: a hundred?! Dorothy: yeah I mean I don't even care if I fit the profile, I see the ad, I send my CV :D Max: that's one way of looking at it xD Dorothy: If even 10% of the companies call me back it's still gonna look good Max: True Max: Good luck!! Dorothy: Thanks :)
Dorothy has been looking for a job and sending a hundred CVs a day even when she doesn't meet the criteria. She hopes for a 10% response rate.
Amy: I'm going to bed Patrick: Already?? Amy: yeah, I'm tired Patrick: OK, I'll try not to wake you up... Amy: thx
Amy's going to bed.
Filip: My dears, can you send me the pictures from yesterday? Jacek: Exactly, me too please Asia: <file_photo>, <file_photo>, <file_photo>, <file_photo> Asia: These are the ones I have. The rest should be on your girlfriend's phone? Jacek: I will check with her and let you know :P
Jacek will check his girlfriend's phone for the pictures from yesterday and will let Asia and Filip know.
Patricia: <file_other> Patricia: What kind of people enjoy hurting animals?! Patricia: They are the worst monsters!!! Edgar: I agree. You send me a link but I don't know if I want to open it. Edgar: I'm really sensitive about it. Patricia: Guy took newborn kittens he didn't want, put them in a bag and threw it to the river. Edgar: Fuck. I hate it. Edgar: I'm sorry, but I get really agressive when I hear something like that. Edgar: I feel like putting this man into a bag and throw it to the river! Patricia: They charged him with animal abuse. Patricia: But there are more people like him out there. Patricia: I hate it. Edgar: I really don't get it. Why people are so cruel? Edgar: I understand fighting with other people Edgar: Survival instinct or whatever. Edgar: But this acts of cruelty? I really don't get it. Patricia: I cried today when I read it. Patricia: I want to kick this guy in the nuts and then rip it off and throw it to the river Edgar: Wow. Honey easy. Don't talk to me about ripping off nuts. Please. I already feel it :P Patricia: Maybe harsh, but this is what I feel like doing when reading something like this. Edgar: I know. It's ok. Kittens were rescued, so it ended well. Edgar: Man got charged with animal abuse and animals are safe now, looking for a new home. Patricia: Yeah, I feel glad that it ended that way. Patricia: But it strikes me how many such cases don't. Edgar: Fortunately the law is getting more and more strict about animal abuse, so there is hope in human kind. Patricia: You're right. Sorry I spilled it out at you, but I had to. Edgar: I know :) See you at home :)
Patricia and Edgar have a conversation about animal abuse. They both deplore it.
Lidia: i want scrambled eggs Lidia: can you do it for me? Rita: ok :)
Rita'll prepare scrambled eggs for Lidia.
Tara: Do you want to order some burgers? Lia: deliveroo? Sara: I want! Tara: yes Tom: from what place? Tara: Off the hook? Tom: perfect! Lia: nice!
Tara, Lia, Sara and Tom will order some burgers from 'Off the hook'.
Hannah: have you ever heard of Arbonne cosmetics? Sylvia: yeah, direct selling, right? Hannah: exactly Sylvia: to be honest, Im not a fan Sylvia: I prefer to go to Rossmann, touch and see everything before I buy Hannah: thats right
Hannah and Sylvia heard of Arbonne cosmetics which is direct selling, but they prefer to go to Rossmann where they can touch and see eveything before they buy it.
Stef: Hi Eleonor, we're still in Munich and you're moving again... So lucky Eleonor: yes, Barcelona is a nice place to go, come and visit us Stef: I'd love to Eleonor: me too Stef: i gave your new adress to a friend who is also leaving for Munich. She's very nice with 2 kids, the same age as yours Eleonor: fine, let's see if she's fun😜 Stef: here is her contact Stef: <file_other> Eleonor: thanks Stef: I met Sophia next week, she told me you met and get on well... great! I told you she was nice! Eleonor: we had fun last week, look at the pic Eleonor: <file_photo> Stef: wha-uhh, it's great to see both of you, enjoy your time together Eleonor: <file_photo> Eleonor: as you live in Munich, may be you have information about this. Stef: no but i could ask around if you want Eleonor: yes please. I've told it has been created by a german teacher Stef: ok i'll tell you Eleonor: it's very well known in Germany and also used by doctors, but really i'm doubtful Stef: This is the answer from a friend of mine , very invested in all theses activities. She isn't convinced by it. Stef: <file_other> Eleonor: thanks a lot Stef: if you need to talk to her or have more information, let me know Eleonor: great i will. Hug to all of you Stef: ciao bella
Eleonor is moving to Barcelona. Stef is still in Munich. Stef gave Eleonor's address to a friend. Eleonor met that friend and enjoyed it. Eleonor asks Stef if she has more information on a certain topic. Stef asks around and sends Eleonor her friend's opinion on that matter.
Sweeny: I can't find the chord to Cocaine, any ideas? Donna: B flat? When all else fails? LOL! Sweeny: Never mind I'll Google it!
Sweeny asks Donna about the chord to Cocaine.
Robert: How's your trip? Beccy: Aweful to be honest Robert: Why? Beccy: I have no seat. So I'm sitting on my suitcase on the train corridor between compartments :( Beccy: My back is aching. Robert: Try to remember a video from my trip to China, when I travelled by train with no seat a 10 hour train trip xD
Beccy had a terrible trip, because she didn't have a seat on the train. Robert had travelled in China 10 hours without a seat.
Jemma: I found this awesome deal Dottie: ?? Jemma: for a winter vacation, look! <file_other> Dottie: wow, looks really good! Jemma: right? Dottie: and the price includes ski passes? Jemma: yes!! Dottie: which dates were you tinking of? Jemma: end of february Dottie: *thinking Jemma: would you like to go? Dottie: I’l have to check a few things but in general - yes!! Jemma: Yeeey so much snow fun Dottie: :D
Jemma found a good deal for winter holidays. Ski passes are included in the price. Dottie is interested to join her.
Olivia: Lil, I'll be late for sure. Lily: Gosh, girl! Olivia: Sorry. Lily: It's not ok, I'm freezing here with a bunch of jerks. Olivia: I have horrible mud butt. Lily: Ahahaha. What am I going say to Josh? Olivia: No idea, I'll take some pills and it should be fine. Lily: Should I tell him that the girl he wanted to fuck tonight has diarrhea but she will be ok soon? Olivia: ahhah, ok-ish at least. Lily: Sexy! Olivia: We don't need to go anal! :P Lily: LOL Olivia: Just wait a bit, I'll solve it and take an Uber. Lily: I give you 15min, then I am going to the guys. I am not a fucking snowman, not even for you butt emergency. Olivia: My butt is doing its best. :*
Olivia informs Lilly that she's running late due to problems with diarrhea and Lily is not ok with it as she's freezing and wondering what she's going to tell Josh.
Anna: do u know where my red brush is? Anna: i can't find it :( Mary: I saw it in the bathroom.
Anna can't find her red brush, and Mary saw it in the bathroom.
David: I have to share my unpopular opinion with you David: Newborn kids are ugly. Don't argue since there's no point. David: Newborn kids are ugly af and people showng off their ugly babies on social media are mentally disabled people. Jack: Hahaha. I've got your back. Jack: I totally agree. Jack: Social media exhibitionism has gone too far in my opinion. David: I agree, but that's not the point. David: Little kittens - cute David: Puppies - cute David: Little Panda - cute as fuck David: But a human child is extremely ugly David: Looking like a gnome leaving a mud cave David: And I totally don't understand parents who post pictures of these creatures. Jack: ROFL Jack: You made me laugh so hard i peed myself David: hahahaha
David and Jack think newborn babies are ugly. They dislike the fact that parents so often share their babies' pictures via social media.
Jose: bus is running late Ben: how long? Jose: so far 4 mins Natalie: ok Ben: ok let us know when you're on
Jose's bus is running 4 minutes late.
Jason: OMG this article I read, you guys.. Mark: The one you send me earlier? Jason: Yeah! That’s the one Bob: What about it? Jason: It’s just so eye-opening, it’s about resumes, how we throw those that don’t look neat and well organized, and how people that don’t have skills to spice them up might not get a job just cause they suck at word, but may be good at what they do Bob: Sounds like garbage, everyone know you gotta know office programs now Mark: Not necessarily, what about people that don’t even use it, and they have to write sth like that, like older people Jason: I know and I’m thinking of an app now to generate the organized content for those Bob: And of course for free? You have no head for business Jason: Maybe, but maybe someone also will get a job cause of it:D Bob: If you say so Jason: Maybe I'll sell it to some portal that hires people Bob: Jason our savior;D
Jason thinks because of lack of computer skills a lot of people are excluded from possibility of being recruited to work. Bob and Mark are skeptical. Jason is thinking of creating an app to ease the process of creating a resume.
Nick: Opinions required! Gas or induction hob? Ben: Having lived with an induction hob for a while, i’m not convinced.. Ruth: induction- very sleek and quick to boil! Ben: but it doesn’t maintain a constant temperature! Is it typical of all induction or i just got an old one? Ruth: they pulse if use don’t use proper pans Ben: what do you mean proper? Do you mean better+heavier? Ruth: yeah, simply suitable Ben: and i guess i have to learn how to use it.. Ruth: yeah, it’s just different comparing to gas Christian: gas, absolutely without a question- nothing else gives you the control! Nick: I’m definitely more interested in a controllable consistent heat Mary: with induction it’s like on and off so you have to regulate temperature.. Kate: induction- yes, gas- no cause it takes ages to boil water! Tim: you can always use an electric kettle you know? Kate: haha! Not funny! Kate: it’s easier to clean as well. Harry: I’d go for induction cause it keeps the temp after you finish cooking so the food is still warm Tom: Induction! 100% Susan: our induction was terrible! I think it’s common! Emma: another vote for induction here! Ruth: All chefs seem to say gas! Tom: I sell more induction hobs then gas! It’s getting popular and i can see why! Emma: we got ours from the John Lewis outlet so it was ex display and therefore very affordable! Nick: cheer guys for all your opinions! Great talk! I think i’ll go for.. Induction.
Nick decided to buy an induction hob.
Tom: Hi :-) Alan: Hey! Tom: I've got a question. Alan: Go on. Tom: Will you lend me your car? Alan: Sorry? Tom: There's something wrong with mine. I can hear some strange noises. It's Sunday. I won't find any garage open today and I need a car. Alan: Why mine? Tom: Because I like it. Because you owe me 200 quid and because you are a good man. Alan: <file_photo> Tom: A good one. But that's not the answer. Alan: I need to talk to Sally. Tom: Is it her car or yours. Alan: Ours. Tom: <file_photo> Alan: Oh, really? You don't win me by sending me such pics. Tom: Alan, do you like being begged? I wouldn't ask you if my car was ok. Alan: I'll give you the answer in an hour. Tom: Ok. Waiting. I hope Sally is in a good mood today. Alan: I hope so too! Tom: <file_gif>
Tom wants to borrow Alan's car but Alan needs to ask Sally first.
Hippolite: Where did you put the garage key? Lola: In the hall cupboard, top drawer. Hippolite: Got it :*
Lola put the garage key in the hall cupboard, in the top drawer.
Pete: What are you doing tonight? Claire: I'm studying -.- or at least pretending to. Pete: rotfl, won't you need a break at some point? Claire: Maybe, why? Pete: Oh, I thought we could go for a walk, it's so nice outside Claire: I'd love to but I really need to study... Pete: Oh, OK, maybe some other time then. Claire: Yeah, maybe some other time.
Claire would like to go out with Pete, but she needs to study.
June: What do you want for Christmas? Don: I don't have any special wishes. Don: I'd like to spend some time together, that's all. June: I see. You're not making things easier ;) Don: And what do you want? June: Hm, okey, I get it. June: Same as you, in fact. Don: You see, it's east :D June: ^^
Don doesn't want anything special for Christmas. He would like to spend some time with June.
Garry: <photo_file> Idan: What is this? Garry: The recipe you've been asking for Olivia: Thanks 😘 Idan: Awesome! Idan: I'll cook it tomorrow Idan: Need to buy the ingredients
Garry sends Olivia and Idan the recipe which Olivia requested.
Stefano: Are you still riding the bikes? Jeremy: sure, for another week at least Stefano: where are you? Stefano: Costa Smeralda? Emma: not yet! Emma: we're close to Nuoro Stefano: so you're much slower than expected Julia: because it's very beautiful here, really Julia: so we decided to take it easy Jeremy: also Julia was sick for a few days so we slowed down a bit Julia: ahaha, I was dying actually, it was a horrible flu, so I really couldn't ride a bike Stefano: sure, this is understandable Stefano: will you come back to Cagliari? Jeremy: no, I think we will take a ferry from Olbia to Tuscany and then fly from there to the UK Stefano: I see, pity
Jeremy, Emma and Julia are still riding their bikes. They're close to Nuoro now. Julia was sick, so they had to slow down for a few days. They're not coming back to Cagliari, which is a pity for Stefano. They'll take a ferry from Olbia to Tuscany and fly to the UK from there.
Henry: I'm slowly loosing faith in humanity... Luke: not a start of a conversation I'd expect but go on :P Henry: Well it is a justified exaggeration. Luke: let me be the judge of that Henry: I just read some "interesting" articles about the new Rise of the Shield Hero anime Luke: oh great, they are at it again? Henry: Goblin Slayer part 2 Luke: what's the problem this time? Henry: Depiction of women and slavery Luke: I can see the part with slavery but why depiction of woman? Henry: Well you know, how the girl falsely accused the main hero and made him look like a scumbag Luke: well she kinda did that, so what's the problem? Henry: Giving a bad image to women I guess Henry: I don't really understand Luke: you're not the only one Henry: Or maybe I don't want to understand Henry: Because if I do, my first statement will definitely be true Luke: they fail to see some major things Luke: it's fiction Luke: going on a crusade against an anime just damages the things they fighting for Luke: honestly it's borderline ridicule Henry: You don't need to tell me that Henry: And they just won't listen Luke: let them be Luke: I don't think their "crusades" will change anything Luke: and we'll just keep watching what we enjoy Henry: True Henry: Just needed to get that out of my chest
Luke and Henry are unhappy about people being on a crusade against the anime, this time the Rise of the Shield Hero.