# GitHub Repository Data for Hugging Face |
This repository contains a dataset of information collected from various GitHub repositories. The data includes key metrics about popular repositories, suitable for analysis and machine learning tasks. |
## Data Description |
The dataset contains the following fields for each repository: |
- **url**: The URL of the GitHub repository. |
- **repo_name**: The name of the repository. |
- **description**: A brief description of the repository. |
- **stars**: The number of stars the repository has received. |
- **forks**: The number of times the repository has been forked. |
- **language**: The primary programming language used in the repository. |
- **open_issues**: The number of open issues in the repository. |
## Dataset |
The collected data is saved in a CSV file named `Data.csv`. This file includes information about popular repositories from several GitHub users and organizations. |
## License |
This dataset is licensed under the MIT License. |