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"marriage" isn't keeping up with the times. abandon the old thinking and bring something that incorporates all unions - not just those with a man and woman.
We should abandon marriage
marriage is an outdated concept that does more harm than good. most relationships don't work out forever, and making a person tied to another legally and financially forever is not fair.
.a multi-party system would be too confusing and getting a consensus from the general public would be difficult.
We should adopt a multi-party system
we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems.
\ero-tolerance policy in schools should not be adopted as circumstances are often not black and white, being more nuanced. no one should be written off due to a mistake of judgement.
We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools
we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools.
`people reach their limit when it comes to their quality of life and should be able to end their suffering. this can be done with little or no suffering by assistance and the person is able to say good bye.
Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence
assisted suicides can end the pain of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses.
100% agree, should they do that, it would be a good thing
We should abolish safe spaces
safe spaces should be abolished because without proper regulation, they can be just as dangerous as any where else.
6 million people died so to deny the holocaust should be a crime against their memory
Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence
it is disrespectful to victims of the holocaust and humanity to deny that it never happened, those that deny the holocaust happen should be subject to criminal penalty.
a bad score in an intelligence test is a blow to our children's drive and self esteem, reducing motivation and causing harm.
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
Intelligence tests give us the ability to pinpoint topics that students struggle with so that educators can learn where to focus their efforts.
a bad score in an intelligence test is a blow to people sense of worth, hurting not only their feeling's but also this society's development.
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
intelligence tests give a skewed and limited view of a student and do not give a full picture of someones abilities and skills.
A ban on naturopathy creates a cohesive front between scientists and the government that can combat the anti-science rhetoric of naturopathic industries.
We should ban naturopathy
we should ban naturopathy since it has no scientific basis and has no medical benefit beyond the placebo effect.
A ban would be disasterous for the surrogate mothers. Surrogacy will happenn anyway, because the need for it exists, but there will be no health and legal standards for the proccess.
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy should be banned as women are being paid to produce a baby and it is not regulated as stringently as it needs to be.
A ban would be inffective, people who want a baby so badly, will find a way to go through with it. Either illegaly or in some foresaken country which doesn't ban it.
Surrogacy should be banned
surrogacy should be banned as women are being paid to produce a baby and it is not regulated as stringently as it needs to be.
a ban would only bring problems in gender equality
We should prohibit women in combat
Women are just as capable as men in modern warfare so we would lose half of our available fighters by not allowing them.
a ban would only increase the already concerning trend to go to dangerous surgeons abroad
We should ban cosmetic surgery
cosmetic surgery is a frivolous waste of resources and should be banned. it takes medical time away from those in need. cosmetic surgery promotes vanity and self absorption.
A ban would send a strong message that better business practices are needed.
Payday loans should be banned
payday loans should not be banned because for many people that is the only way they are able to pay their bills on time and keep their homes.
A basic principle of punishment is that it should be proportional to the crime, and therefore capital punishment is the only legitimate response to a crime such as first degree murder.
We should abolish capital punishment
capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime
a birth defect or a disfiguring injury can highly impact someone's self esteem, with parental permission minors should have the opportunity to correct this.
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
when cosmetic surgery goes wrong it can have major implications, it should not be performed on minors.
a blockade is sometimes the only non-violent option available in trying to force a diplomatic hand.
Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended
The blockade is an alternative to conventional warfare and violence, decreasing the likelihood of violence against civilians.
A Blockade is the perfect way to create stagnation on both sides
Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended
The blockade forces civilians to rely on terrorists for basic necessities and government which further empowers them.
A blockade is what you do when you want any chance for peace eliminated and for both nations to grow suspicious towards each other
Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended
Removing the blockade could easily lead to war in the region, with Hamas launching rocket attacks on Israel.
A Canadian study published online in the journal Neuron concluded that the IQ test is fundamentally flawed, seeing that its questions grossly oversimplify the abilities of the human brain
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
intelligence tests give a skewed and limited view of a student and do not give a full picture of someones abilities and skills.
A centralized system of criminal defense would mean that all people would have access to the same standard of legal counsel, meaning that wealth and power can't be used to avoid justice.
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
having a system where public defenders are mandatory would make it fairer because all defendants would have the same level of defense
a child cannot just walk into a cosmetic surgeons and get unnecessary surgery, parental consent and medical regulations are in place to ensure this is only conducted safely and on worthy cases of deformity
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.
a child is a gift and should be cherished for whatever sex they are
We should legalize sex selection
Pre-selecting your baby's sex is a form of gender discrimination.
a child is still growing, physically and mentally, cosmetic surgery should not be considered until they are an adult and able to make these decisions
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Cosmetic surgery can have really harmful side-effects that minors can't consent to and will not be able to physically handle the way adults do.
a child who is the result of human cloning will have psychological problems because they are not allowed to be their own person
We should ban human cloning
cloning will restrict the gene pool, reduce genetic diversity and and encourage recessive traits, many of which lead to illness and abnormalities.
a child's body is still developing and the faults that a child sees in themselves may resolve when they're an adult
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.
a child's value should not be based upon their sex. they are human no matter what.
We should legalize sex selection
Pre-selecting your baby's sex is a form of gender discrimination.
a city is the best place for people to have what they need near by
We should fight urbanization
urbanization of areas has a positive effect on the growth and productivity of citizens. it helps society become and stay competitive in a global culture.
A collectivist culture cultivates desirable values such as being kind, generous, and attentive to the needs of others.
We should oppose collectivism
collectivism creates a negative impact of individuals losing all sense of self-worth and the ability for the individual to think on their own.
a college degree is no longer a guarantee that you will have a job nor is it even required for decent careers anymore. it is a waste of money as most degrees are becoming obsolete.
We should subsidize student loans
education is expensive, and subsizing student loans encourages an academic career path, creating individuals who typically go on to contribute more to the economy via higher paid jobs.
a college education is too expensive for most people to afford. yet, it is almost a requirement to get a great job. by helping to pay student loans we are also helping our economy and providing better jobs.
We should subsidize student loans
student loans is a help for those who do not have resources
a company can pay an executive anything it wants. if the person is a great value to his company his salary no matter how high is worth it.
We should limit executive compensation
to attract the best talent at the top, a high level of executive compensation is essential.
a company can pay higher to their employees if executive compensation is limited
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation has to be limited to permit the company to show a profit
a company has the right to determine how much executive compensation that they can pay out.
We should limit executive compensation
executive compensation has to be limited to permit the company to show a profit
a company should be able to decide on their own how much they want to pay any of their employees
We should limit executive compensation
companies should be allowed to pay their staff as much as they wish to
a company should be able to pay whatever they need to to attract the right talent. they will only pay what the market determines the person is worth.
We should limit executive compensation
executives have been appointed or promoted to that position through hard work and deserve to be compensated for such
a compulsory vote we make everyone contribute their opinion.
We should introduce compulsory voting
compulsory voting ensures that the winner is truly representative of the entire population.
a constantly growing population requires large volumes of food are needed at a constant pace all year, which can't be provided by less intensive farming, so we absolutely retain at least some factory techniques
We should ban factory farming
factory farming allows for greater food production to feed a growing population.
a consumer doesn't know what's really in natural remedies since there is no regulation
We should ban naturopathy
naturopathy isn't thoroughly tested by the fda and may pose significant health risks if not utilized properly
a cosmetic procedure may be necessary for a horribly scarred child.
We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors
sometimes a cosmetic procedure is necessary in cases of disfigurement, and when this is addressed early, the chances of recovery and normalised existence are maximised.
A country is entitled to develop any weapon that will help it defend itself against an enemy.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
Nuclear weapons provide a deterrent for starting a major conflict.
a country should have the right to defend itself in whatever way it sees fit even if they do not intend to use nuclear weapons.
We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons
we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace
A country with a diverse population is better represented by a multi-party system.
We should adopt a multi-party system
a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people
a country would fall apart under libertarianism as there is not any good oversight of the people.
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few.
A couple doesn't have to bind themselves legally to one another, by marrying, to prove their love.
We should abandon marriage
marriage can show commitment and values it can give you rights and privileges under social security law and tax benefits
a criminal that offends two times is likely to keep committing crimes so the three strikes law would keep them out of the public earlier for the better
We should abolish the three-strikes laws
three-strikes laws makes criminals less likely to reoffend.
a criminal will think twice about committing a crime knowing that the next crime he commits might mean life imprisonment.
We should abolish the three-strikes laws
three-strikes laws have the potential to increase violence against law enforcement officers facing criminals who are more likeyto resist arrest if facing a mandatory life sentence
a cure or treatment may be discovered shortly after having ended someone's life unnecessarily.
Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence
assisted suicides can end the pain of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses.
a defendant has a right to defend himself
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
public defenders ensure justice and that everybody has access to representation
a democratic and free society is said to respect bodily autonomy, therefore we should have the right to do what we want with our organs, including using them in a legal organ trade
We should legalize organ trade
organ trading is dangerous because it can result in harm to vulnerable people
a disadvantage of naturopathy is when natural medicines are taken to treat medical conditions without seeking qualified medical help
We should ban naturopathy
naturopathy isn't thoroughly tested by the fda and may pose significant health risks if not utilized properly
a father figure that takes an active role in their child's life has a positive effect on the child
We should subsidize stay-at-home dads
subsidizing stay-at-home dads would help women in the workplace to gain more equality and would decrease the gender pay gap.
a father is entitled to sacrifice his work for time with his new-born, but this is a lifestyle choice and should be self-funded, not financially supported by the tax payer.
We should subsidize stay-at-home dads
We should subsidize stay-at-home dads so that they can have the same opportunity to bond with their child as the mother.
a few loud mouths should not be able to change years of law
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
A flag is just a symbol and carries no real meaning in and of itself. Therefore, burning it is not a big deal.
We should prohibit flag burning
flag burning should be prohibited because it is a practice used by foreign countries to protest whatever they want about our country. we should respect our flag.
a flag is mass produced and has no added commercial value other than the material it is made with
We should prohibit flag burning
flag burning is a desecration of an important symbol of our nation.
a flag is no more than a symbol, if flag burning were banned you would have to ban the burning of football shirts, etc
We should prohibit flag burning
flag burning is an expression of freedom of speech to which people have a right in a democratic country
a flag is only a piece of cloth and there is no prohibition against burning cloth
We should prohibit flag burning
flag burning is an expression of freedom of speech to which people have a right in a democratic country
a flag is only a symbol and permitting burning it as an expression of anger is free speech
We should prohibit flag burning
flag burning is an expression of freedom of speech to which people have a right in a democratic country
a flag is only really a peace of cloth and doesn't actually hurt anybody.
We should prohibit flag burning
flag burning is a desecration of an important symbol of our nation.
a flag symbolizes a country and by burning it you are showing disrespect
We should prohibit flag burning
flag burning is an expression of freedom of speech to which people have a right in a democratic country
a formal school prayer can not properly be considered as the free exercise of religion, the prohibition of school prayer is wholly compatible with the free exercise of religion
We should prohibit school prayer
school prayers are outdated in a modern society, religion is a private matter someone should practice at home
a gender neutral language should be adopted so that conversations and language would be fair for everyone.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
a gender neutral language would improve gender equality
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
a gender-neutral language is what we should all learn to speak, it will help dealing with racism and other social issues
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
a gender-neutral language would take hundreds of years to adopt to and therefore should be abandoned
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
a gifted label can lead a child to not work as hard as they should
Intelligence tests bring more harm than good
Intelligence tests can help to identify struggling or gifted students so that educators can accommodate to each individuals needs.
A good portion of the telemarketers these days are not even human and this is illegal and Immoral
We should ban telemarketing
telemarketing is annoying for people as they do not request a phone call and vunerable people such as the elderly often feel threatened into taking part.
A government ban on payday loans is the only way to protect those most vulnerable.
Payday loans should be banned
payday loans should not be banned because for many people that is the only way they are able to pay their bills on time and keep their homes.
a government should do whatever it needs to to protect its security
We should ban targeted killing
we should ban targeted killing because it is unethical and creates more radical opposition
A government-funded Wikipedia would become a government-controlled Wikipedia.
We should subsidize Wikipedia
government subsidies open the door to government control, this would potentially ruin the impartiality of wikipedia
a great deal of money is wasted every year on trying to police the use of cannabis which would be saved if cannabis was legalized
We should legalize cannabis
legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases
a group can function more effectively and with greater impact when working together as opposed to individually
We should oppose collectivism
collectivism leads to a greater sense of community where people look after each other.
a group of collective thoughts in line with one stance makes it greater.
We should oppose collectivism
collectivism leads to a greater sense of community where people look after each other.
a group should be able to identify and practice as a religion if they so please
We should ban the Church of Scientology
freedom of religion should apply even if we dont agree with the religion in place.
a high turnout is important for a proper democratic mandate and the functioning of democracy
We should introduce compulsory voting
compulsory voting ensures that the winner is truly representative of the entire population.
a human being at death can help others to live and through organ trade help their families live
We should legalize organ trade
a legalised organ trade would dramatically improve the stock of transplant organs, saving lives.
a human rights activist spoke out that people should not be racially profiled because they belonged to a certain group or have different colors.
We should end racial profiling
Racial profiling is unconstitutional. It goes against basic core principles of justice and equal protection under the law.
a judge allowing their own personal feelings to become involved in a ruling cause said ruling to be unfair.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a judge is a credible voted in individual whose decisions should be trusted.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a judge is merely supposed to interpret whether legal issues are constitutional -- judicial activism is effectively legislating from the bench, which exceeds what the judicial branch is allowed to do.
We should limit judicial activism
some legal situations require discretion from the judge which judicial activism allows for.
a judge is not god and therefore should not make all of the decisions.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a judge is suppose to be held in a high regard and should abide by the laws they took an oath to uphold without bias.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a judge is suppose to uphold the rule of law, not alter it with their own opinions/views/beliefs.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a judge should be allowed to determine the constitutionality of an argument by using their own beliefs in part.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a judge shouldnt be able to show their personal views.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism introduces personal biases that should never be involved when interpreting the constitution.
a judges opinion should not be relevant in a decision that they make as a judge
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a judge's opinion should not take precedent over official laws.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a judge's role is not to flaunt laws and override guidance but to enforce it. judicial activism is a step too far
We should limit judicial activism
some legal situations require discretion from the judge which judicial activism allows for.
a jusge should be allowed to look at a crime and the situation the person was subjected to in regards to their acts as the punishment should be determined in regards to an individual situation.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a jusge should be allowed to make decisions based on certain situations and circumstances and make judgement using the information and issues presented rather than a strict generalized standard.
We should limit judicial activism
we should limit judicial activism because it takes the fairness out of our judicial system as decisions should never be subjective.
a jusge should follow the law rather than opnion as they are regarded as the highest power to judicate the laws they honor to serve and uphold.
We should limit judicial activism
judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings
a key advantage of a multi-party system is that voters have a choice of which political party they can choose to elect.
We should adopt a multi-party system
a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people
a lack of confidence due to appearance can have a crippling impact on poeple's lives and cosmetic surgery can help reduce this.
We should ban cosmetic surgery
cosmetic surgery is a frivolous waste of resources and should be banned. it takes medical time away from those in need. cosmetic surgery promotes vanity and self absorption.
a lack of control means there is nobody to step in if it goes wrong
We should stop the development of autonomous cars
the cars can be dangerous and cause accidents if the equipment fails.
a lack of voting leads to a situation were their isn't fair representation in parliament.
We should introduce compulsory voting
compulsory voting is not a democratic choice, for people should always be allowed to express their dissent by abstaining from voting .
a language that does not include gender takes away from the personality of people.
We should adopt gender-neutral language
adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way.
a large majority of the world believes in god in some form so adopting atheism is not going with what the majority believes.
We should adopt atheism
We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit.
a larger group of people can often offer more value with power in numbers. there is more value to a large group with more ideas and more manpower.
We should oppose collectivism
collectivism leads to a greater sense of community where people look after each other.
a lawyer would provide better representation for his client than a public defender who gets paid a lot less
The use of public defenders should be mandatory
public defenders are necessary to make sure everyone is represented
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