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Teasing and the Wonderful Consequences of doing so. [M46/F21][teasing, exhib, 420] | Tom’s morning started out wonderfully. Slipping from bed before Dai, kissing her neck in the darkness, inhaling her scent, he’d made coffee, gotten in a quick run, and watched the sunrise from the garden. As soon as he checked his work schedule, though, he saw a long, blocked day of meetings and calls ahead of him. He sat down at his desk and started working, trying to at least get on top of it, but when he heard the dim sounds from the kitchen that meant Dai was out and about, he still had a day of meetings that couldn’t be canceled. Or shouldn’t at any rate. And his first one was starting already. He put his headset on, opened the camera, and managed to look not like he’d much rather be joining Dai in the kitchen.
“Carol, I think that it’s pretty obvious the problem is upstream…” he launched into his first meeting, reminding himself he worked with people he liked and respected. But then he heard the sounds from the kitchen, the ‘click’ of the lighter, followed by ‘tap tap’ as Dai sucked down her first vibrant lungful of smoke. Half his soul got up out of the chair and joined her, but he managed to keep his body sitting down with an effort of will. He counted under his breath, and a few seconds later, the door to his study pushed open and he blanked his camera as Dai strolled in, in tiny white bra and maroon shorts that fit her like a bass beat. And bearing a bong, too. He muted his audio before she said, “Want me to sit on your lap and give you a hit, Daddy?” in an innocent-as-hell voice, her big brown eyes wide and free of any guile or duplicity--right.
He unmuted himself for a second, not breaking eye contact with Dai, and said, “No, Carol, I’m still here, and I still think that they don’t even know what outcome variable they want to measure.” He firmly shook his head “No,” at Dai, and then, muting again, said, “I’ve got a wall of meetings today. Try to be good,” before returning to the call. He saw her little grin in response, and so the games began. “Sure thing, Daddy,” she responded, sprightly, and turned to walk out the door--but stopped, looking back at him to make sure he was checking out her ass instead of paying attention to the call. Then, leaving just the lemony funk of the weed, she was gone.
He sighed long and deep, and went back into the call. He anticipated the next move from Dai coming right away, and so when he finished that call and hung up and couldn’t even hear anything from her, he felt stranded between disappointment and relief. He went into the next meeting with a clearer head. Ten minutes into it, he looked up and saw, out in the garden, Dai bringing out a kettlebell. Exercise. Totally legitimate. Nothing he could object to.
And of course, she took off her top, because it was only in the way. The meeting receded from Tom’s attention at relativistic speed, and he lost the thread entirely as she stretched, incidentally running her hand over her perky, cuppable breasts. He literally had to close his eyes to return his concentration, and one of his colleagues asked, “Stub your toe, Tom?” He laughed it off, and joined in the conversation not because he really had that much to add but because he needed to keep his mind off of Dai’s lovely body laid out for him in the garden. She started pulling, turning, lifting the kettlebell, and the sinuous grace, visible strength along her long, svelte arms, and sheer beauty of her body in motion hit him as hard as it had the very first time he saw it. What added to his heat now was that she knew exactly what effect she was having on him. How much the sight of her lunging up, her ass a foundation of strength for her as she reached upwards, made him feel that need in him to grab her, have her strength under him, her tight body submitting and--
He found himself passionately arguing for a change in a policy that nobody thought he cared about, just because he needed to vent some of this excess energy somewhere. Dai continued her exercise, and Tom managed to wrestle his libido down again. Though when Dai turned to look at him at the end of her first set of reps, cooly blowing a coil of her hair out of her face, he almost texted her to get into the room right now. His hand strayed to his phone. And then drew back.
The meeting ended before her exercise. He had a gap of time, and he could go out, interrupt her. He almost did, but the memory of that little smile, that perfectly, sweetly challenging-mocking bit of sass--that strengthened his resolve. He focused, wrote out some actually coherent and on-point emails. Dai moved on to deadlifting. She faced away from him, but at the start and end of every rep, she’d turn and look him down steadily, pouring that spicy honey of her gaze on him. Give a little nod. Smirk without moving her lips. Knowing the effect she was having on him, celebrating it.
She was upping the weights, too. If he was able to hold out on her, he saw, she’d take that energy back and put it in. She clapped another set of plates onto the bar, and attacked it. This time his eyes were on the plane of her back, the divine geometry of it, a trickle of sweat exploring the declivity of her spine, every worked muscle standing out as she smoothly, savagely pumped the heavy bar up and down on her shoulders. This was the highest she’d done in awhile; he’d have to cook her something celebratory later tonight. And god how did her ass look better the heavier the weight was.
Another meeting began as she continued. His hand sought out the old boxing grip-trainer he kept on his desk instead of a stress ball, and the next time she looked in at him after doing a ferocious set, after lifting an amount of weight few people would think a girl her size could handle, he dramatically held it up so she could see through the window, and squeezed it hard, making an exaggerated face of triumph. She cracked up, but his boss-for-the-time-being sharply asked, “Tom, what are you even doing?” to which Tom replied, “Just letting off a bit of stress, Ted.”
She finished her set and disappeared from the yard, door to the house banging in a deeply insolent way. He finished the meeting with his boss. He needed more coffee, but now she was out there, like a sexy mine, waiting to go off in his face. But when he went out to the kitchen, he heard the shower running. So before he got his coffee, he headed in there. A hip-hop song he didn’t recognize was playing, and she had the shower on hot enough to send up wraiths of steam shrouding her body, as if astral spirits were caressing her. She leaned her shoulder and thigh up against the fog-laden door to the shower as she noticed him enter.
“Poor Daddy, such a long day of meetings,” she said, just audible over the hip-hop. “More to go,” he said, “But no more video meetings, at least. My next ones are just phone calls.”
“That’s interesting, Daddy,” she said, with a lilt, and he grinned, and stepped back out.
He went to his office, finished up more of the paperwork before getting on the first phone call. Standing, as he usually did for calls. Another one-on-one, with a colleague who liked to think out loud quite a bit, but a pleasant enough guy. Tom heard the click-click, bubble, tap tap from the kitchen. And then another--she was getting nicely blazed. His weed-needing cells told him wasn’t it time to ditch this monkey suit and get into the green, but he slapped down that urge too. And he knew it wouldn’t be long before she was in here, making trouble.
It took her longer than he thought it would, and it was because she was upping the ante. She’d changed into those blue striped shorts, the ones that she knew just drove him insane. Whether it’s because she’d been wearing them the first time they met, or just how perfectly their little flare showed her bubble-round ass, they were borderline unfair to use. And that’s all she had on, her hard nipples just waiting for touch. But he was up to it. What he wasn’t ready for was her full lips opening, pursing cutely, and pouring out a cloud of smoke onto him. She wasn’t so crass as to blow it right into his face, oh no. She just faced straight ahead and blew the smoke against his chest, pouring it out like a dragon, until he reached out his fingers and put them under her chin, tilting her face up so he breathed in the last puff she had to give. His hand rose to cup her breast and he saw the light in her eye, that she thought she’d won, and instead of squeezing he pushed her back, mouthing ‘not yet’ at her, and was rewarded with indigent, hot-blooded outrage in her eyes that promised luscious vengeance down the road.
His colleague hadn’t noticed a thing, of course. Dai took another hit from the bong and Tom covered the phone as she did, and this time he kissed her as she exhaled, mouth on hers, not getting a full dose by any means but starting his descent. He was falling but still in control. He slipped her hand on the back of her neck, fingers stroking the soft hairs there as he lingered the kiss, broke it, and grinned as he returned to the call. She glared a little and left the room with a ‘you sorry to see me go’ stride.
Tom finished the call, hearing her blaze up yet a-goddamn-gain in the kitchen. He went in, seeking the coffee he’d forgotten to get earlier, and found her bent over the kitchen island, propped on her elbows as she packed more weed into the bong. Shaking her ass at him. He put his coffee in the microwave, and set the timer. Then he walked behind her, his big hands grabbing her ass, half-lifting her off the ground and farther onto the table. She yelped, “Daddy, you almost made me spill my weed,” and he laughed at her, his fingers pushing at the tiny strips of fabric covering her pussy, baring her to him. “Put your bong to one side for a sec,” he said, and the second she did he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up, spinning her around and sitting her down on the counter. He was so fucking hungry for her, he had a searing, absolute needeto taste her, feel her softness. After so much control all day he needed to let loose and the day wasn’t over but he had this time. And he was going to take it.
He pushed the fabric to the side again, holding it there, his tongue sliding up and down her pussylips, pushing in. She, good girl, put hands behind herself and held on. “Oh Daddy, what got into you?” she laughed as he tonguefucked her. She was nectar, she was intoxicating, she was absolute sober certainty he needed to fuck her and claim her. The softness of her pussy against his tongue was such an invitation to push in, and the ragged groan that spilled out of her a rich treasure.
And then the microwave dinged. And he pulled back, face wet, and stood back up. She made a disappointed noise, but then said “Well help me back down, then, if you’re not going to be a gentleman and finish what you started,” in her best little goading voice. He put his hands on that sweet waist and gently, firmly helped to pull her back until her feet were firmly on the floor, then turned to get his coffee out. And the little troublemaker just grabbed the bong again, and took a hit off the freshly packed pipe. “Enjoy your coffee,” she said, blowing smoke at him as he left the room.
He started the next meeting with a rock-hard cock. Dai took her sweet time coming back for her next salvo, and when she did, she was wearing the harness she wore the first time that Tom showed her off. It looked amazing on her, loops and strips of leather perfectly arranged to call everyone’s eyes to the lush landscape of her body, the contours of light and shadow. And the sheer D/s bondage theme of it shouted out that here was a submissive. She offered him the bong, and he took it, even though it wasn’t a call where he could just sit back. But he needed to be more here with her, now, and he looked into her eyes as he sucked down the smoke, half lustful, half-hangry, all there for her. She smiled again wickedly, raising one shoulder, the other, turning around to grab her ass, looking back at him. He was still on the phone, being asked questions, and his hand was on the buckle of his belt. But he took it away, Span away from her. Heard her laugh and almost turned back but let her leave the room. Finished the call.
He took a moment. He breathed in a long, clean drag of air, let it out. Walked down the hall to the bedroom where she’d gone, hip-hop trailing out from under the door. He flung it open. She wasn’t on the bed yet, she was just finishing pulling on stockings to go with the harness when he arrived. She smiled at him even as he grabbed her, picked her up and literally threw her on the bed. “Daddy, you’re all riled up,” she laughed, as he tore buttons from his shirt as he untucked it and pulled it off. He grabbed her by the hair, and even in this fucking apocalypse of desire he was feeling the sensation of that was so rich, such sheer tactile pleasure. He arranged her, on all fours, as he stood at the edge of the bed. And his heart sang at the sight. His perfect little submissive, harnessed, presenting her perfect ass to him, having spent all day whipping him into this rock-hard, needing her absolutely, about to claim her state. Her skin was radiant in the semi-dark of the room, her vulnerability, her femininity making his rough desire increase, every softness in her inviting the hardness in him.
She jumped when he slapped his thick cock down on her ass. God he loved that sight, and after a day of delays why not more delay, now. Why not slap his cock down on that ass again, spank her with it. One hand grabbing her asscheek, pulling her open so he can spank his cock on her pussy. And she was wet, so wet, she had been arousing herself all day by teasing him. That’s what made it impossible for him to pull the head of his cock away from her opening.
She made a tiny, sweet, mewling noise that was just perfect and the lust in him burns bright blue. They both needed this so much. He pushed in, just a little pump. Instead of a steady increase, working just the head of his cock in and out, little motions. It makes a shockingly loud sound, his Daddy cock opening up her little pussy, and soon they’re both moaning to each other. Words have gone beyond thim in this moment, during entry, he pushes forward another inch and she heaves her head up and moans, he pulls back to the start, groans with need and hears her sigh with the feeling of him withdrawing and hiss in anticipation of him thrusting back in.
Deeper and deeper, louder and louder. It’s not till he was balls deep in her that his words returned, her name, first, “Dai,” shouted, “Dai” growled, biting her shoulder as he started to rut her, drawing all the way out and pushing back in, long, searching strokes, each moment passing in a rush and eternity. “It’s yours, Daddy,” she groans and he leans back so he can see this, her perfect ass framed by his hands, holding her in place while he claims her young pussy with his fat cock.
“Your gorgeous little pussy feels so tight and silky on my cock,” he told her, such a different voice than he used all day, this voice for her, smokey and dark and wicked and dangerous. “Take every inch.”
She proudly arched her back and said, “Look at it, Daddy, I am. Look at it,” and he does, his eyes fill with that sight, her pussylips around him, and when he pulls his head up to look at her she’s facing back at him. “I love seeing you like this,” he said, fully honestly, and pulled her face to him for a crushing kiss as he put more of his weight on her.
“Ugh,” she said, grunted and that just spurred him even more. He was pushing her down, pinning her as he fucked her harder. He’d watched her work all day, he knew how strong she was, how much she could take. He grabbed her shoulders and pounded his cock into her, hips slamming into her ass. He bent over her and held himself deep in her while he wrapped his hand around her throat and whispered in her ear that she was a sweet bitch, that she’d been such a good bad girl all day, that he loved how much she knew how to drive him crazy.
He’d leaned back, kept the grips on her hip, and started pulling her onto him, moving her little body with practiced, easy strokes of his arms. Like it was an exercise. Pumping her on him for ten strokes, letting her catch her breath. Exerting control again. But when she said, “Please, Daddy” was when he fully broke. Savagely fucking her, his arm around her, hugging her little body to him as he plunged in her. Half-crawling on the bed with her, her body pinned under him. Her mouth moved but not words, just sounds, and it was when her starry eyes opened with joy and he caught that flame again that he came. Shouting her name as his orgasm detonated inside him, a series of explosions that would make you believe in chakras, nimbuses of light traveling down his spine as he held himself inside her, as he felt her push that sweet ass back against him. It was like being tossed in a wave, crashing feeling through him, feeling like he was hurtling headlong. When he regained what might pass for a conscious mind he collapsed on her, breathing shallow and ragged ,and she was reaching back to caress her sweaty hair and say “You needed that, Daddy.” |
A game of hide and seek | I leave a note on the front door saying, "get naked and find me. You can have your way with me but only for 2 minutes. First one to orgasm loses." A this game, I don't mind losing. I can feel my pussy getting wet just from the anticipation.
I hear him come into the house. My breathing increases. A minute later, I hear him running up the stairs. I feel like I could orgasm as soon as he touches me. Just the thoughts of what he could do to me has me tingling all over.
I am just standing in our large closet, waiting. This is a place where we like to have sex. We shut the door with the lights off and it's pitch black. We can't see each other so it heightens our other senses and it makes for amazing sex. But tonight, I have the light on and the door open. I want him to see me, standing naked, waiting for him.
He finally finds me and I'm happy to see he's naked and erect. He walks up to me, smiles, gets on his knees and puts his mouth straight on my wet pussy. As soon as he touched me, I started a timer I had in my hand. His mouth was working wonders on me. I had to grab his head to keep my balance. He lifted my legs over his shoulder to gain better access to me.
It only felt like a second before the timer went off, signaling him to stop. He took my leg off his shoulder and stood up. He took the timer from me and said, "remember, count to 100 before you come looking for me."
I stood there, catching my breath while I counted. Once I reached 100, my search was on. I wanted to pleasure him better than he did me. I finally found him in the guest bathroom. He was leaning on the vanity with his erect member sticking out. I didn't hesitate, I bent down and took him into my mouth. I heard him gasp as I reached under and touched his asshole. I knew that was his weak spot and I wanted to win our game.
Once again, what seemed like a few seconds, the timer went off. He pulled away from me, helped me up and handed me the timer. I love this game but I also hate it.
I went downstairs to the living room. The curtains were open but I knew no one could see in. In a way, I wanted someone to see. I took a pillow off of the sofa and went into the kitchen. I put the pillow on the counter and layed my head on it with my forearms on the counter. I spread my legs and stuck my butt out. I love it when he takes me from behind. I also know he usually finishes quick in this position too. Hopefully I can cum before he does?
I hear him behind me but I don't turn around. I feel his breath on my neck and it sends chill throughout my body. "Spread your legs wider," he demanded of me. I moved my legs farther apart, giving him more than enough access to me. I started whimpering, wanting him inside me. I heard him laugh.
"You want it, don't you?" He teased me. I nodded my head yes. I feel his stiff member touch the wetness between my legs and I start the timer, perhaps a few seconds late. Within 2 pushes, I feel his thighs hit my ass and I'm fill with all of his manhood. He pulls back and slams into me, almost lifting me off of the ground. I couldn't help but moan. He pulls back and slams into me again. A quiet, "fuck," leaves my lips. I want more, I need more but he stops. I whisper, "more," to him and he laughs and gives my ass a stinging smack.
The next thing I hear is the timer go off. "FUCK NO," is my reaction. He just laughs, gets the timer and runs off. I'm left there with an empty feeling. I need his cock back inside me. I can't wait and count to 100, I need to find him now.
I find him sitting on the couch, stroking himself. I couldn't decide if I wanted to suck him or fuck him. I decided to suck him because I love the taste of myself on him. I get on my knees and put him in my mouth without using my hands. I love doing it this way. He lifts his hips, trying to put himself deeper into my mouth. I move my hand between my legs. I can't believe how wet I was. BUZZ BUZZ went the alarm. I took the timer and took off. This time I was giggling as I left him panting.
I went into the laundry room and sat on the washer. I wanted him to pleasure me orally. My legs were spread and I was touching myself when he appeared. He knew what I wanted and he didn't disappoint. He didn't tease, he buried his tongue as far in me as he could. This man knows how to pleasure me. I grabbed his head to guide him and he told me to stop with authority. He is usually not that aggressive and it really turned me on. He was about to make me cum when the timer went off. At that point, I didn't care if I won the game or not, I wanted to orgasm, I needed to orgasm. He grabbed the timer and went off to hide
I go back up the stairs because I heard his heavy steps going up them. I find him on the bed, stroking his hard cock. I'm on him as fast as lightning and put him back inside me. The empty feeling is instantly gone. The feeling of him inside me is the best feeling I can have. I need to cum, I need to cum hard and soon.
I raise up, with my hands on his chest and try to work myself to an orgasm. He begins to fondle my breasts, which only adds to my pleasure. I can feel my orgasm building, it's coming soon and it's going to be a tremendous one.
Ring Ring Ring goes the alarm. "FUCK NO," I yell out and fall onto his chest. His breathing is heavy. I can tell he is close too. I start to get up but he grabs me and rolls me over and is now on top of me. He kept himself inside of me as we rolled, which is an impressive move.
"Fuck the timer, I need you too much," he says and he starts to fuck me. This is what I need, I need him to fuck me to orgasm. I just hope he can last long enough for me.
I feel it building inside my body. I'm already trembling, ready to cum. I wrap my legs around him, pulling him closer and deeper to me. I'm about to cum when I hear him grunt and feel his cock pulsing in me. His orgasm has hit. Feeling him cum inside me brings on my orgasm. I scream into his neck as my body shakes.
Once my orgasm has subsided, I unwrap my legs from around him. He rolls off of me and I cuddle up on his chest and kiss his chin.
"I won," I told him. I usually win at this game. "I know you did but tomorrow is another day and I'm feeling lucky that I can win tomorrow," he says with confidence. I move and kiss him on the lips. I love this man that wants me so much. "I love your confidence. I'm up for the challenge tomorrow." |
[M/S] [B/B] My Brother and I both think our Mom is Super Hot. (Update) | Hello again everyone. I do have an update for you on this newly discovered situation with my mom and my brother, but first I wanted to say thank you to those of you who have given solid advice and suggestions for how to go forward. Also, those of you who have asked for pics of my mom…no chance in Hell. But, I will describe her since I realized I didn’t do that in my first post. She is probably right around 5’ 7”, brown hair, green eyes. She looks kind of like Megan Boone from the blacklist. If you want a mental image of her body, imagine sort of like Gwyneth Paltrow but with bigger boobs and a little fatter ass. She has, in my opinion, the perfect body.
My mom works incredibly hard in the gym to have that body I just described, and a lot of you suggested to make as many compliments as possible, and one of you even had the amazing idea to make it a sort of game between my brother and I to complement her as much as possible. So, when my brother and I got home from work, I brought this up to him, and he was more than in. We also discussed the fact that we could try to pay more attention to her looking at us and we both decided we’d try wearing better looking/less clothing when working out with her.
When my mom got home from work yesterday, my brother and I were in the living room both wearing some of our nicer workout shorts and both shirtless. She walked through the front room and laughed saying, “Look at my two handsome boys all ready to go workout!” My brother said, “Our shirts always wind up coming off anyway!” Them my mom said she’d meet us in the gym and ran upstairs.
Our gym is out in our backyard inside the massive Tuff Shed my day had put in to store Christmas decorations and lawn mowers and stuff. When my mom got more dedicated to fitness, we moved all that stuff out and turned it into a gym. There’s a bench/squat rack, a pull-up bar, some free weights, a treadmill and an elliptical all surrounding the huge soft yoga mat in the center of the room where we do our ab exercises.
My brother and I went out across the yard and into our gym and started just stretching a little to loosen up, talking about what outfit we hoped mom would be wearing. When the door opened we both turned and looked to see her in a new pink yoga pants/sports bra set that we had never seen before. It really brought out her tan complexion and showed off her ass very nicely. I took the opportunity to hit my mom with a small complement by saying, “New outfit? Looks great on you?” She beamed back at me with her beautiful smile and said, “Awe thank you!” And joined in on stretching.
My brother and I were doing chest that day so we took turns spotting each other on the bench press. The way the room is set up, the treadmill and elliptical are on the opposite wall as the bench and facing away towards the wall. This gave whoever was spotting at the time a fantastic view of mom’s ass as she ran on the treadmill. At one point as I was spotting, I was watching her on a cool down walk. Her ass was just looking amazing as it swayed back and forth. I could just imaging grabbing a handful of it and holding it as we made out. I looked up and noticed she was looking back at me over her shoulder. I was slightly embarrassed as she caught me blatantly staring at her ass, but she just smiled and looked back forward as I helped my brother re-rack the bar at the end of his set.
When I laid down on the bench for my set, I had a partial hard on that was definitely tenting my shorts a little. I looked back and up at my brother who kinda snickered and simply said, “Liking that new outfit of hers huh?” I told him to shut up and lifted the bar off the rack to begin my set. As I was about halfway done, he called out across the room, “Looking good mom!” She laughed and said, “Well thanks! So are you! Look at those muscles!” He helped me re-rack and I stood up to face him. I looked down and saw that he was now sporting a slightly stiffer bulge as well. “Now who’s enjoying her new outfit?” And walked away to do some free weights.
We finished the workout without anything else noteworthy and headed back into the house. My mom said that she was gonna go shower and then make dinner. I had an idea pop into my head and said, “No no take your time! We’ll make dinner!” She looked shocked and said, “What?? You guys will??” We bot nodded and she smiled and pulled us both into a hug. I have to say, there was something about being shirtless and hugging my mom in her sexy leggings and sports bra…*chef’s kiss.
She broke the hug and went up the stairs to shower. We stayed long enough to watch her ass as she went up the stairs and then went to the kitchen to start on dinner. As we were cooking, my brother turned to me and said, “Is it weird that I can’t get mom’s ass out of my head?” I replied, “It would be, except I can’t stop thinking about the fact that she’s naked in the shower getting all wet and soapy.” There was a pause before he said, “Oh fuck now you’ve really got me thinking…” “About what?” I replied. “About how I wish I could…” just as he started to tell me, mom came around the corner in a sweatshirt and sweatpants and thanked us again for making dinner and told us she’d be in the living room. “I’ll tell you later.” My brother said. “Please do…” I replied.
We ate dinner together and spent the evening with the office on in the background as we all played on our phones. Pretty normal night in our household. I kept looking over at mom and imagining what’s underneath those baggy sweatpants and sweatshirt. At about 11 my mom announced she was heading to bed. She stood up and came over and kissed us both on the forehead, then headed up to her room. After we heard her door close, my brother and I continued messing with our phones, but there was a heavy air in the room. I could feel that we both wanted to continue our conversation from the kitchen, but neither of us wanted to be the one to bring it up. Even with us being more open about all this, it was still a little awkward to bring it up.
After maybe 15 minutes or so, my brother said he was going to go brush his teeth. He went up the stairs, and once I heard the water in the sink shut off, I went and did the same. When I opened the door to our room, the lights were off and my brother was sitting up in bed shirtless. I pulled my shirt up over my bed and climbed into bed in just a pair of athletic shorts commando. This is the way I sleep most of the time. And there it was again. That heavy feeling of wanting to brooch the subject, but not knowing how. I finally decided that I’d had enough and said, “So, what were you saying in the kitchen earlier?”
He looked relieved and excited that I’d brought it up and said, “I thought you’d never ask.” He sat up and turned to face me, still under his blankets and leaned back against the wall. I mirrored him on my side of the room and he said, “After you mentioned that mom was in the shower getting all wet and soapy, I was gonna say that I wish I could get her all soaped up and just run my hands all over her body.” “Oh man…” I replied, “That sounds amazing. I’d love to get in the shower with her and hold her close under the warm water. Feel her tits pressed against me while I run my hands over her back.” My brother said, “Oh yeah, maybe even bring her in and make out with her while grabbing her ass.”
As he said this my cock really began to rise in my shorts under the covers and I shifted a bit to accommodate it. “God I wanted to grab her ass so bad today in those yoga pants.” My brother reached down under the covers and adjusted himself and said, “God me too, I think her ass is my favorite thing about her body.” I reached in to adjust myself as well and then said, “I love her ass, but there’s just something about her abs that drives me wild.” He said, “God I know…” and then reached in to adjust again and said, “Dude I’m sorry but I’m super hard right now. Sorry if it’s awkward that I keep reaching down south.” I laughed and said, “Nothing to feel weird about. I’m right there with you.” “I bet.” He replied. He reached down to adjust again, but this time, his hand never reappeared and stayed beneath the covers.
I put my hand under the covers as well and began to lightly stroke my shaft over my shorts, “What would you do with mom if she was here right now?” He thought for a moment, then said, “I’d bend her over and fuck her doggystyle. That way I could see her perfect ass bouncing.” “That’s so hot…” I said as I went from just lightly stroking over my shorts to grasping my shaft through my shorts and really getting a rhythm, “I think I would want her to ride me. I’d love to be able to watch those abs flex as she moves. I could reach up and grab her tits or I could reach around to her ass.” “God damn this is so hot…” He said. He paused for a long time and then finally said “…I’m gonna be honest, I’ve been stroking for a while now…” I slowly nodded and said, “Me too…” there was another pause and he said, “I could definitely cum soon…” as though he was gauging if I was ok with this continuing. I took a deep breath and decided I was more than horny enough to want to see this through to the end. So, I raised up my hips under the sheets and pulled down my shorts, allowing my cock to finally spring free, and tossed them into the space on the floor between our beds.
This was all the answer to his question he needed. My brother did the same thing and threw his shorts down with mine. We now sat still under our covers, but both fully naked across the room, and we began stroking in earnest now. I said, “God this is hot, imagine if mom was here…” he said, “Fuck I know, what if we were each on the edge of our bed and mom was on the floor between them stroking us both.” I allowed a small moan to escape my mouth and said, “Mmm yeah. Maybe she’d get us nice and hard and then take turns fucking each of us so the other can watch.” Now it was his turn to moan, “Mmm hell yes. Then maybe once we’re both close, she’d get down in front of us on her knees and stroke us both.” I quickly added, “Begging for us to cover her tits in our cum.” My brother said, “Fuck…” and then it was a long pause of just heavy breathing as we thought about our mom on her knees for us awaiting our cum.
I decided I had to break the silence because I was rapidly approaching the point of no return, and I felt I needed to give him one last chance to stop if he was uncomfortable. I said, “Fuck man I’m really close…” he looked up at me and without hesitation just said, “Do it on her abs.” I closed my eyes and stroked hard and fast maybe five times before I grunted hard and absolutely exploded. I could feel my own abs being covered in my cum, but all I could see was my mom’s perfect body stretched out on the floor before me, her toned abs and tits being absolutely covered in cum as she bit her lip and looked lustfully up at me.
I finally rested back against the wall feeling totally empty and I heard from across the room, “That was super hot, now I’m close.” I looked and saw that my brother had watched me and realized that at some point when I came I’d come uncovered as was now sitting fully exposed. I looked at him and saw that he was really breathing hard and he was about to cum, so I said, “Cum on mom’s tits.” He closed his eyes clearly imagining exactly that. He threw the covers off of him and I saw him naked for the first time in a long time. He was jerking hard and it wasn’t long before her grunted really hard and came. His cum shot so high above him and then splashed down across his torso. He came for what seemed like quite a while before he finally collapsed against the wall.
I reached to my bedside table and got some Kleenex to wipe myself off. Once I had cleaned up I walked, still completely naked over to him and handed him a handful as well. He took them and said, “Thanks.” He was still out of breath and clearly neither one of us knew what to say. We’d just jerked off together, and I didn’t know about him, but I loved it. I decided to just say, “That was fun.” He laughed and said, “Yes it was. And super hot.” I paused for a minute and said, “I’ve never masturbated with anyone else before.” He said. “Same. Never really appealed to me before. Did you like it?” I paused not, wanting to seem too eager, then said, “Yeah I really did. There’s just something about talking about things out loud and hearing other suggestions instead of what’s in my own head.” He readily agreed, “Yes. It was super arousing to know that your words are having an effect on someone else.” I agreed with him and then said, “I have to use the bathroom.” I went and used the restroom and by the time I came back, he was asleep. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow and by the time I woke up, my brother and my mom were both gone for work.
So there you have it! That’s where we stand now. This stuff all happened on Wednesday night and it’s now Friday morning as I finish and post this. I had the house to myself last night so I knew I wouldn’t have anything to post about from yesterday. But we’re gonna be all working out together this evening and I’m anxious to see if my brother and I will have another opportunity like Wednesday. I really really enjoyed that. Thanks for reading! |
[MFM] my gf seduced by my friend |
I've sucked my mate off a few times now. My gf (who doesn't know about it) doesn't like him because he's too cocky and arrogant. A couple of days ago we were at his house and he was wearing grey joggers (he knew what he was doing!) and my gf wasn't very subtle at looking. At one point he pressed himself against her as a "joke" and I could tell she loved it.
We were drinking, and started playing a card game, and she was dared by his gf to sit on his lap for most of the game. He kept saying things like "calm down" and she was blushing, something she never does. After the game they disappeared for a bit, and she came back and asked me if it was ok if she went upstairs with him. I said yes but was so jealous they didn't want me involved, and ended up drinking by myself for nearly three hours!!
I was so turned on when she reappeared in his gf's dressing gown, with her hair all sweaty and her face red. When we got home she told me how amazing the sex was and now we can't stop talking about it and fucking. She still hates him, but now wants a foursome with me and his gf |
I fucked the boss to get the job | As I walk into the room in a tight dress and 2 plaits you look me up and down as I head towards you and smile , I sit down in front of you at your desk and you ask what I qualifications I have to do this job , I tell you what I have then bend down over the desk so you can see my boobs.
You get a bit croaky and ask if there is anything I can offer. I look you up and down and get up pretending to drop something I bend down and you can see my g string and it’s misplaced a bit so you can see my pussy. You cough and I turn around and say “ohh I’m so sorry” I stand back up and you tell me to go sit on the couch where it’s more comfy. We head over to the couch and I see that you’re a bit hard.
So I decide to play around a little, “I can offer you things other colleagues couldn’t” you ask what they were and I said “why don’t I show you” you straighten up looking a bit uneasy I start slowly rubbing my hands on your face and down to your pants and go “oh this feels nice” I rub some more then come and sit on your lap with my g string still miss placed. I start to kiss you as you kiss me back, you tell me this isn’t professional and I agree but want to fix what I started and want to show you what more I can offer, I bend down by your knees and look up at you with my big eyes and slowly start taking your pants off while you start to grab my ass.
I see your dick and get excited and start to put my mouth on it , spitting and choking on it you moan as I look up you push my head down more making me gag you pull me up by my hair to undress me and stand up forcing me to go back to sucking your dick, you then pull me back up by my hair and push me on to the couch slowly going down my body, sucking my nipples. I start to moan and grab your hair. I pull you back up as you try to eat me out “ah ah ah I’m the one trying to get the job here not you” I get up and push you on the couch to give you head as I then sit on you rubbing my pussy against your dick but not putting it in. I ask if you want me and you say yes, I sit on your face my pussy starts to drip as I moan “oh my gosh yes”.
I start to ride your face until I’m fully wet and kiss you to taste myself, I start to rub your dick on my pussy again as you beg for me to put it In “I say nah uh not yet” as you watch me and start to grab and squeeze my boobs I giggle. You then push me off and have me on my back you put your dick in me while you have my legs spread wide apart, I moan and beg for you to go balls deep you go harder and I start to play with my clit as I tell you to choke me you grab my neck as I’m still moaning and dripping all over your cock. You pull out and make me give you head as you play with my clit as I am deep throating you with spit all over your dick dripping from my face.
You flip me into doggy and push my head down as I start to twerk on your dick you slap my ass and I play with my clit and your balls as I’m pounding my ass on your dick. “Ahh yes make my pussy wet” I say you pull me up by my hair and start to fuck me balls deep while I’m still playing with your balls. I make you stop and make you go on the floor while I sit on top and ride you while you play with my clit I go faster and start bouncing as you watch your dick go in and out in my wet tight pussy you watch it get wetter as I’m moaning so loud. You grab my boobs and pull me down so you can suck them, I start to twerk on your dick being down low.
I then turn around as you lift my legs and fuck me as I start to get louder I say I’m gonna cum, you stop me and tell me no , while you make me suck your dick again. I start to beg for you to let me cum you lift me back up on the couch and turn me over so I’m on my feet bending over and pull my plaits , I start to play with my clit “you say cum on my dick”. I moan louder and saying I’m about to cum you go harder and I cum as my legs start to shake uncontrollably you cum at the same time as I play with your balls. |
my(m22) roommate (m20) might be Asexual but his gf(f20) isn't! | My roomy argues with his gf all the time. It has been getting old. When I finally asked her what it's really all about, because they kept kind of hinting at stuff around me, she said it's that she's not "getting enough"!
I left it alone for a while but about a week ago he shouted "go ahead and fuck somebody then"! So I could've obviously heard that. I asked him what's up and he vented for a bit and I kind of understood. Like, he just hates sex. He's really neutral about his gender. Not into politics. Hates all that stuff. But, was like really opening up and doesn't like sex at all.
I asked him why he has a gf (and she's hella hot too dark skinned with nice tits and a small round ass)
He said he still gets lonely and can't always trust his guy friends because they tease him and stuff.
I was honestly jealous but I was trying to be understanding and I just put it out there and asked him if he would mind if I got with his girl. Like, no relationship, nothing other than having sex, and he was cool with it. Just didn't want to be teased or made out to be loser. He just wants to go to classes and play video games all day but he says he loves her so he doesn't want to break up.
So next time things got tense between them when she was over I just interrupted and asked her about it and they kind of talked it over so now we're all cool with each other.
Later that night she came crawling into my bed and pulled up my sheets and started sucking me off. Turns out she's into a ton of really kinky stuff too. She let me put it in her ass that first night and we've been doing it every night and sometimes day for the last week. All the fun and no responsibility. She lets me cum in her mouth and then she goes and cuddles him and she doesn't even rinse or anything. Just doesn't even care.
I'm like chuckling over here in my room wondering if I'm crazy or I hit the jackpot! |
[F] Getting to know my roo[M]mate - Parts 5 and 6 | I'm back to the teasing yayyyyyyyyyyyy. Now to close the book on the latest post, Maya did forgive him, she's moved on and they're back to being friends. Some of you thought that situation might make her more comfortable with her nudity, but she doesn't work like that.
Anyway, remember the panties I left in the bathroom? I've been doing it most days since then, except a couple times I just didn't wear underwear. And well, today one of them vanished, he'd taken the bait. I noticed one was missing because I was doing my laundry, and that gave me an idea. See I'm really shit at doing frequent laundry, I was actually legit out of bottoms. I didn't have that many to begin with, since most of my clothes were still back at my parents. So I started a batch in the washing machine that included the dirty pants I was wearing at that moment, wrapped a towel around my waist and exited the bathroom. I acted normally, sitting next to Jared on the couch and when he asked about the towel I told him about my laundry problem. He laughed a bit, but then I brought up that there was a pair of panties I just couldn't find. He stuttered in response, saying I must've missed it. So it *was* him. I moved on to the next step of *da plan*. My towel wasn't wrapped too well, oops. As we talked, I started discreetly moving part of the towel until my pussy was visible. Not very noticeable, but I knew he'd look down there eventually if he knew I was fully bottomless under a mere towel. And he did. For about 30min, we chatted while I was on my phone (so it'd make sense I didn't notice my bare pussy) and he had a perfect view of my lady bits. I don't think he took his eyes off of it once, until I got up to take a nap in my room.
Pretty successful I'd say, couldn't let him forget about what's in my pants after that little break. Keep giving ideas please! Just don't go too far, I don't want to rush the tease.
Ok quick update that didn't warrant a whole post, this literally just happened an hour after I posted this: I was dared by a reader I was chatting with to walk to the bathroom with a hand bra. I misunderstood and told him I didn't have bras and Maya's wouldn't fit well, but then he clarified he meant topless with my hands covering my tits and I was like *bet*. I grab a pair of Maya's pants, left the room and fast-walked to the bathroom, hiding one boob with my hand and the other with my phone. Jared was on the couch and said "Luz?!", I stopped to face towards him and said hey in response. He asked why I was topless, I said I really needed to go and asked if it was fine with him. He said it was, stuttering a bit, and I got to the bathroom. After that I made my way back to Maya and I's room without a comment from Jared, and I think she knows what I'm up to because she knows I don't wear pants this late.
So today, to the request of a couple readers, I'm redoing the hand bra thing. I got up this morning, kissed sleepy Maya on the cheek and left our room with just panties on. I covered my tits with my hands and casually walked towards the bathroom. Jared, who was in the kitchen, saw me and said good morning. We had a bit of small talk, then he asked where I was going "dressed" like that. I told him I wanted to take a shower, and I shit you not, he answered "without me?". I was fucking stunned, I couldn't have planned that in a million years, and Jared seemed to notice because he clarified he only meant to ask if he could brush his teeth at the same time. It was a perfectly reasonable request, our shower curtain is transparent but a bit blurry so I'm sure any normal woman (that's not Maya) would've said yes. So I did. We both got in, I turned the water on and he kept his eyes on the mirror as I took my panties off. I knew the mirror was too high up to reflect my *bottom half* so I didn't bother covering my pussy while waiting for the water to warm up. But Jared was done quickly and probably expected me to be covering myself, so he turned around to leave and got an eyeful of puss. He rushed out of the bathroom while I laughed my ass off, probably scared of being assaulted by an unclothed female again.
That night, knowing he was clearly with me being topless-ish, I just put on panties and took a blanket to cover myself with before joining Maya on the couch. He later sat with us and I occasionally let the blanket slip a tiny bit, sometimes letting a nipple peek out.
With all that, I think I'll soon move on to being casually fully topless. |
[f/d] Exciting Update | This week I missed my period and I took a test and I am pregnant. It was a bit shocking for both of us but when I told my dad, he was completely calm and very excited. He let me know that he would always be there for me and let me know whatever option I chose ( rather than the abortion, adoption, keeping it) he would support me.
I have decided to keep the baby and I am absolutely overjoyed to start a family with my dad. This child is a symbol for me and my dads love and I can’t wait for the next chapter in our love story. |
I’m sick, but my boyfriend fucked me anyway. | I’ve (F28) been sick since Thursday, a really rough cold. My boyfriend (M33) and I haven’t had sex for a week and I’ve been going through stuff at work, I really needed him. To be safe and avoid getting him sick too though, we decided we shouldn’t even attempt to have sex.
We made dinner together and I could tell he was horny. Kept grabbing my ass and holding my hand anytime we passed each other. At one point I ruined some of the food on accident and he said we should put me on a punishment system at some point when we can actually play. I was like whyyyy are you torturing me by telling me this. He laughed and said cause that’s what he wants to do right now.
We put on a scary movie and I asked him if he thought it would be okay if he played with my pussy if I kept my head as far away from him as possible. He said yes right away. I liked thinking that maybe he wanted to have the memory of his fingers in my slit so he could jerk off to it later.
I pulled off my leggings, but left my winter socks on and scooted my ass into his lap, laying my head down as far away from him as I could. We even situated pillows to be propped up in between our faces. They provided a barrier hopefully for germs, but also for visuals. I couldn’t see him, he couldn’t see me.
Quick aside: Sometimes when we do things like this I like to imagine we’re in a different scenario. One of my maybe most taboo fantasies is that he’s a young handsome and horribly corrupt youth pastor convincing me, a naive student from his class, that touching myself is wrong. But if he makes me orgasm then god is okay with it, so we need to do it regularly so I’m not tempted to touch myself. I make myself believe that his gentle rubbing of my clit is this brand new pleasure like nothing I’ve ever felt. And it feels so amazing I’ll let myself believe anything. I believe it’s okay that he’s touching me there, that he just needs to satisfy my body so I won’t desecrate it myself.
Back to real life…my boyfriend squeezes my ass, dragging me harder into his lap. He grips at my thighs and rubs over my exposed pussy. He seems relieved to see it again after a week away. And he seems hungry, despite himself. He was the one who ultimately made the decision that we should abstain, so feeling his cock get hard through his sweatpants was gratifying. He rubbed coconut oil on my lips and started slowly rubbing circles on my clit. The pleasure I get from his touch is indescribable. I am honestly so grateful to be a woman. Even with all the political and sociological shit that comes with it, holy fuck I love having a clitoris, I love the madness that possesses me when it’s softly touched.
He finally couldn’t take it anymore and told me to just get on my stomach and put my head over the edge of the ottoman. I did immediately as he said and threw a pillow under my hips so I could angle my dripping hole upwards. He slapped his dick on my asshole, pausing to rub himself around that opening too. He fucks me literally everywhere, but tonight he just wanted to tease me. He finally pressed his head against my pussy and just pulsed it. When he finally pressed into me it’s like I had gotten smaller in the week since I’d had his cock. I could feel the elasticity of my cunt pop as he pushed his full girth into my fucking warm and wet. At that angle it was like he was ribbed, I could feel all of him and he fucking hurt in the sweetest way. I want him to bruise my insides.
My head was hanging off the couch and my curtain of hair around my face was making it hard to breathe. But I fucking loved it. I reached my hand underneath and between my legs to grab his balls and feel the fucking throbbing base of his cock. He’s so fucking big, I’m very very lucky. He told me if I kept squeezing his balls he was going to cum. I said good and kept playing with them.
Finally I started pulsing on his cock, riding it from the bottom. I could feel my ass cheeks jiggling with my pace and I know he loves watching that. “Fuck I’m going to cum” he growled, the five hottest words I can never get enough of. “Fucking cum in me” I gasped, bending my legs around him to make sure he wouldn’t pull out. Creampies are my absolute favorite thing in this world. I’ve been cum in thousands of times and I still can’t get enough. I wish he would come and find me on nights when he’s getting himself off, just to dump his final load in my pussy where it belongs. He gripped my ass cheeks so hard it hurt as he pumped his cum into me, groaning in ecstasy. I grinded my pussy into his spurting cock, giving myself the final and best moments of pleasure from his body.
He slowly pulled out, his cock absolutely dripping. I got up quickly to avoid getting cum on the couch and because I wanted to go watch it slide out of me. Then he hopped in the shower annnnnnd I went and got the dildo replica of his cock to keep it going on myself.
Not a bad night for being sick. Sometimes those limitations are what makes it the most fun. |
My gym crush, pt. 7 [MM] [20s] [femboy] [straight to gay] [toys] [masturbation] | [pt. 1]( | [pt. 6](
“Was it too much?” The silence was excruciating. Ryan’s heavy breaths through his nostrils were the only sound in the room aside from Alex’s heartbeat.
“No, you were fine.”
Alex touched Ryan’s shoulder, but he pulled away. “I think I should go.” He stood and pulled up his pants. “
Are you upset?”
“No, I just need to go.” He pulled on his t-shirt.
Ryan unlocked the door and was halfway out before Alex called out, “Bye, Ryan.”
“See ya,” he mumbled.
Alex sat on the bed, stunned. He went through that night, searching for some misstep, something he did to upset Ryan. Then he noticed the pint of cum Ryan had left on his bed. He grabbed some tissue and mopped it up as best he could.
He sat at his desk and opened TikTok. Another sexy man making focaccia. He sighed and then messaged Ryan.
>Hey, I hope you’re ok. It was good seeing you tonight. Lemme know if you ever want to talk
Alex scrolled up and saw the dick pic Ryan had sent earlier. It was obvious to Alex now that Ryan had just pulled the picture from online—probably Reddit or Twitter. Even if Ryan could get hard, he would have to be an incredible grower to get that big. Plus, the hands were wrong.
Alex sighed. He was still horny in that restless, grating way that comes from being led up to a climax and then denied.
He opened Reddit and switched to his alt account. He wondered what happened to that guy from the gym.
Back in his messages, he clicked on his profile. There was a new post titled “My gym crush wasn’t there tonight. Here’s what I wanted them to see.”
Alex’s eyes widened. Was this “an interesting title,” or was he actually trying to send a message. Probably the former. Otherwise, why wouldn’t he just send a literal message?
But Alex decided to indulge in the fantasy that this guy actually wanted to get his attention. He pulled out a prostate massager and slipped it in. Then he started perusing the guy’s posts.
*Fuck he’s hot*
On some level, Alex knew he was overreacting. That this guy wasn’t *actually* the hottest man alive in some way unique and transcendent. Alex was at peak horniness, and that prostate massager always intensified his lust when he watched porn or looked at thirst traps. But he felt a primal desperation as he swiped through the pictures. He *had* to have this guy.
*Look at those thighs*
He actually gasped and then groaned when he got to a dick pic. He bit his lip as his legs spasmed.
A terrible idea popped into his head. He knew it was terrible. He knew he shouldn’t message this guy again. But the sexually needy part of his brain completely crowded out his executive function.
>Am…I the crush? Sorry I missed the view :P
He hit send and went back to the posts. He really wanted to see more of the guy’s legs and ass. Yes, he had an impeccable chest and abs and arms, but Alex wanted more shots of his lower half. He caught a few snatches of his legs, but Alex wished he could hold the camera for this guy and really capture the shot he was after.
His erection had come and gone a few times over the night, and just like he’s told Ryan, his cock was stubbornly soft with the toy in his ass. He reached across the small room for his vibrator. Bringing it to his nose, he could smell Ryan on the silicone. He sucked it once and pressed it to his head. Precum was dripping out, and he used it as lube as he swirled the vibrator around his foreskin.
A soft moan rose from his lips as his head fell back, his long hair draping down the back of his chair. He fantasized about Ryan pinning him down and fucking him, but he also imagined spooning him from behind again and thrusting his cock inside Ryan. The simultaneous topping and bottoming didn’t make any sense anatomically, but it didn’t have to.
His toes curled as his chest was sprayed with hot cum. He turned off the vibrator but kept his eyes closed as he shivered with pleasure.
His fingers gently rubbed his tip as he took in deep breaths. He gasped as he pulled out the toy and then brought it to the sink.
He wiped himself down with cool water and brushed his teeth before putting on some boxers and picking up his phone.
Climbing into bed, he avoided the wet spot Ryan left behind. He really wished Ryan had stayed to cuddle.
On his phone was a new message from Ryan:
>What brand of vibrator was that?
Alex sighed and sent him an Amazon link.
A notification from Reddit popped up. It was the gym bro.
>lol I was wondering if you saw that. Hope you didn’t skip the gym because of me
The message made Alex equally excited and annoyed. He’s not admitting to the crush or that Alex was even the target audience of the post. Just…that he was thinking about Alex.
Why was Alex attracted to such emotionally unavailable men?
[pt. 8]( |
Sexy encounter with Emma stone, created by chat gpt. Dm me for more or to chat | Michael had been a long-time fan of Emma Stone. He had watched all her movies and admired her acting skills. He never imagined that one day, he would actually get to meet her in person.
It was at a Hollywood party that Michael met Emma for the first time. She was surrounded by a crowd of people, but Michael managed to catch her attention with his wit and charm. They talked for hours, laughing and joking like old friends.
As the night went on, the chemistry between them became more and more palpable. Michael couldn't help but feel drawn to Emma's sparkling green eyes and her infectious smile. Emma, too, seemed to be enjoying Michael's company.
Eventually, the party came to an end, and Michael and Emma exchanged numbers. They began texting and calling each other regularly, building up a friendship that was based on mutual respect and admiration.
One day, Michael asked Emma out on a date. She accepted, and they went to a fancy restaurant in Beverly Hills. As they sat across from each other, Michael couldn't help but feel nervous. He wanted to impress Emma, but he didn't want to come across as too eager.
They talked about everything from their favorite movies to their favorite foods. Emma was fascinated by Michael's love for music, and he was intrigued by her passion for acting.
As the night went on, the sexual tension between them became almost unbearable. Michael could feel Emma's gaze on him, and he knew she was thinking about the same thing he was.
They left the restaurant and took a walk down Rodeo Drive. As they walked, Emma took Michael's hand in hers, and he could feel his heart racing.
"Michael," she said softly. "I want to be with you tonight."
Michael couldn't believe his ears. He had dreamed of this moment for so long, and now it was finally happening.
They went back to Michael's apartment, and as soon as they stepped inside, they began kissing passionately. Emma's hands roamed over Michael's body, and he could feel himself growing harder with each passing moment.
They made their way to Michael's bedroom, and soon they were completely naked. Michael took his time exploring Emma's body, kissing her neck, and fondling her breasts. Emma moaned with pleasure, and Michael knew he was doing something right.
Finally, they couldn't take it anymore. Michael entered Emma, and they began moving together in perfect rhythm. They both moaned with pleasure, and Michael could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge.
Finally, he came, filling Emma with his hot cum. Emma cried out with pleasure, and Michael collapsed on top of her, completely spent.
They lay there for a few moments, catching their breath, and then Emma looked up at Michael and smiled.
"That was amazing," she said. "I've been wanting you for so long."
Michael couldn't believe his luck. He had just had sex with the woman of his dreams, and she had enjoyed it as much as he had.
As they lay there, basking in the afterglow, Michael knew that this was just the beginning of something amazing. He had finally found the woman he had been searching for his whole life. And he knew that he would do anything to keep her by his side. |
"But I want to" PT. 2 [FF] Tiefling X Goblin, [Overstimulation] [Femdom] [Tentacles] | Streaks of light danced across the rather large room of the keep. The stone brick walls were lined with book filled shelves and hooks holding coats, some fine, crafted out of silk and some rough, made of tanned leather and held together with nails and bolts.
She's never felt quite at home in the keep, definitely not in the large unused halls and even less in her room, despite the many trinkets and piles of stolen junk. Now, aforementioned piles sat in the corner of Nadia's room. The tiefling's laboratory was not necessarily tidy either, books sat open and suspended in the air, failed experiments, foul looking jars and metal animals still glowing with arcane sparks littered the floor and shelves.
Tilex sat on the large bed, swinging her feet back and forth as Nadia toyed around with her… things. Dressed in a very thin nightgown, Tilex was doing her best to understand what exactly those things were. There were long thin vials, kept in small wooden posts, each with a different colour liquid inside. To the right was a couple of wider though shorter vials, some holding liquid and some roots, vines and the like. Nadia spread them all across the large mahogany table before turning around, pressing her ass against the table as she looked down directly at the goblin.
Tilex fiddled with the hemline of her gown. It was a bright yellow, a gold-like material, while the rest was a deep intense purple. Her constant tugging made the fabric run up her thighs, then over her ass. She was half aware she was flashing her lower side.
"Darling," No reply "darling…" yet again, no reply. Nadia knelt, to be on eye level with the goblin. She grabbed the goblin's chin, forcing Tilex to meet her gaze. She melted into the touch of the tiefling. "Get on the bed, dear."
Tilex was more than happy to obey, she dashed in the middle of the bed, her hands already gripping the cloth of her gown, one second from tearing it apart.
"No!" Nadia interfered "Keep your clothes on, darling." Tilex sighed, disappointed, but obeyed
Nadia joined her, slowly cupping Tilex's frame, pulling the goblin in her lap. She pressed her chin on top of the goblin's head. "What exactly did you mean by that thing you said… I can't remember well… you said you fancied me, darling, tell me about that." Tilex immediately tensed, her back straightened and her breath quickened. Nadia pressed a hand on the goblin's thigh, squeezing it: "We don't have to speak about it if you do not wish, but don't delay the inevitable."
Tilex nodded, a weak and uncertain movement, as she gazed up, to meet the tiefling's gaze. It was soft and warm and Tilex felt herself give into a hug she didn't quite process Nadia was offering. Once the goblin was tightly secured in her arms, Nadia laid down, her lanky lavender arms wrapped like the roots of a tree.
There were a few moments of silence, of serenity, Nadia absolutely hated the lack of sound but did not dare make a sound, out of a weird new type of fear, though the goblin made sure to fill the silence with the sound of fabric rubbing on fabric. Nadia ignored the first time the goblin dragged her crotch across the leg and then the second, though, at the the she dug her hand in the thick, fur like hair and pulled Tilex's face up.
"What are you doing, darling?" Nadia's voice was sweet like honey, though there was a bit of superiority in it still.
"I- um- I'm trying to get a better spot-" Nadia licked her lips, that long serpentine tongue twisting and turning,”
“Please fuck me" it was a whimper, a beg, a barely audible request that made Tilex's knees weaken and fail her.
A warm smile covered Nadia's face and her eyes sparkled a shining and glossy gold: "What do you want me to do? I didn't quite get that." The goblin shook.
"Please-" she resumed the humping, though it was considerably faster "Like you did last week, in the tent, do it like that again please, the electricity and the way you pulled and pushed me around, please do it like that again! No! More! Just, just do whatever with me, please use me, just- just anything, please just make me useful for you and only you." The demands were made considerably hotter by the fact that the goblin had to stop, around every five words to moan, as she sped up and humped Nadia's thigh with the lust one would expect from a goblin that has not touched herself for a week. She could have, thought of doing it, but the idea felt odd, awfully so. She attempted to crawl her way into Nadia's tent again, though each of the three times she did, she just ended up in a tight cuddle, definitely not bad but not satisfying her hornyness either.
Tilex grew wetter and wetter with each slide, moans escaping her thin lips. Nadia's free hand reached around and pulled off the nightgown, leaving the goblin bare before her.
"I think you've had enough." Nadia traced a hand over the goblin's back, sending shivers down her spine.
"Yes mistress." the goblin peeled herself off, leaving a thick streak of wetness beneath, on the tiefling's tight fabric pants.
Nadia purred, leading the goblin off her, by the hair. Tilex didn't fight it, far from it. She let herself be dragged and the second Nadia's grip loosened, she sat on her knees and waited.
"What is it that you wish?" Nadia coiled herself around the goblin, akin to a snake around its prey.
Lust and embarrassment battled for a place on Tilex's face as a million fantasies flashed through her mind. She was about to speak, as Nadia gripped her thighs, spreading them slowly.
"Please-" she whimpered "Please Nadia, mistress, why-"
Nadia purred and dug her nails into the goblin's thighs, making the poor girl drip more, her juices running down her thighs. "Why do I like toying with you so much, darling?" The tiefling didn't wait for a response. "Because it's fun. So incredibly fun to see you shiver and whimper under my touch and due to my words. You, needy little thing, are incredibly entertaining." Nadia pressed her hand against the goblins crotch, the dark unshaved bristles rubbing against her palm
"Oh! I– I'm really sorry, I didn't manage to shave, I know you city folk like it neat and smooth." Tilex moaned as she melted into her mistresses touch
"Oh, knock it off, I care not. I find you equally attractive, some hair around this needy hole won't change that." She growled, biting the goblin's ear softly.
"Oh– okay, so um–" there was a second of silence, as Tilex leaned in just a bit more into Nadia's warm touch "please use me, I've been touching myself to the idea since we first met. Please just grab me, shove me on the ground, make me a toy for your pleasure, I'm a thief by profession but you should make sure I end up as your item, your thing, anything as long as it is yours. I don't care what it is, if you want it, I want it too. I want a collar on me, a tattoo, anything, everything, I've lived my life in the shadows and dirty sewers and slumps of cities, please put me on display after you mark me as your property. Keep me on a leash, parade me around the city like I'm the spoil of a war, show everyone you've conquered me." Nadia didn't stop her, instead she took in every single word that left the goblin's mouth, letting her rub against her fingers
"Well, darling, that's quite the ask. A very lovely idea, lovely indeed and as I've said, entertaining." There was a part of Nadia that craved to know just what in the goblin's life has led her to that.
"Why do you want me to collar you?" Nadia demanded, pressing her thumb against the goblin's clit.
"I want more, not just to be collared, miss Nadia, I beg you, please own me." Tilex did her best not to rub into the finger with too much desperation.
"Why?" Nadia shot, as her middle finger slowly pushed against the goblin's pussy, slowly inching inside.
"Because I love you." Tilex didn't even think about it, the implications, the complications, anything.
"Again, something we need to talk about later on." Nadia murmured, as she slowly got her finger in, to the knuckle, drawing raspy breaths and moans from the goblin. Nadia purred "What about I introduce you to some friends?" Nadia cooed and cupped the goblins face, a large smile forming on her face as Tilex nodded frantically.
It was a simple spell, well, simple for those that had dealings with krakens and other denizens of the deep, it became considerably harder for an arcane caster to master it. The tip made itself seen first, from under the folds of the cotton bedsheets, crawling slowly towards the goblin. Another followed, smaller and one more after it, of roughly the same size.
Tilex was just slightly afraid, though, as Nadia pushed her towards the newly formed… toys and they wrapped around her, she regained some of her confidence. The tentacles were warm, the same omnipresent heat that Nadia emanated.
She let herself get wrapped by them, first her feet and legs and thighs then her arms. They held her down, back on the bed, legs spread. Tilex's drool dripped down her chin and onto her chest, her heart pounding, a hammer against her ribcage, again and again.
Nadia took her top off, throwing the flimsy, puffy sleeved shirt on the floor. "Do you like this, dear?" Nadia had never seen a faster nod in her life. "Want to go on?" again, a nod of approval
"Oh, yes please." That was approval enough. Nadia pressed herself over the goblin, her hands making Tilex jump and shiver. The tiefling slowly traced her fingers up the goblin's thigh, until she reached her crotch. Tilex let out a whimper, a mix of desperation and lust.
"Good, that's my good girl." Nadia purred, her breasts almost pressing into Tilex's face. The drool falling from the globlins half opened mouth left shiny lines along her lower jaw, breasts and stomach. It was a dream, a dream and a half even, coming to life. Two of Nadia's fingers pressed against Tilex's clit, drawing forth a loud moan.
The tiefling chuckled softly as she kept rubbing, her thin fingers pressing and rubbing the goblin's clit. Tilex whimpered further, squirming in the tentacle's grasp. It only served to motivate Nadia to continue. Her fingers brushed against the wet, creamy entrance of Tilex's pussy.
"Pleaaaaaseeeeee." the goblin moaned, throwing her head back "No more– no more teasing please just do it~" her exasperation was clear as day. Nadia obliged, shoving two fingers into the goblin's wet hole.
A set of growls, grunts and animalistic moans escaped Tilex's mouth as she felt her insides being massaged by Nadia's fingers. She tried to squirm against her living restraints but it was futile, they only wrapped tighter around her wrists and ankles. Her hips twitched with every one of Nadia's touches. The goblin's moans filled the room, her lungs burned and she couldn't care less. It was intoxicating in the best way it could ever be.
Then, the tiefling pulled away. Tilex whimpered "Wha- what- why-" the goblin quivered and whimpered.
"Darling, I'll go grab you some water, just sit here for me, yes?" Tilex nodded and watched the tiefling walk away, open the door and head out.
She expected rest, though that was not to be had. The tentacles shifted, one of them rubbing against Tilex's clit, pressing its thin tip at the entrance of the goblin's wet hole. Her pupils widened and her jaw slacked as the tentacle pushed itself in. The first inch she took with ease, at the second she winced and as the tentacle pushed itself in and out, slowly, with tactful movements, in preparation for the 3rd she began to squirm yet again.
With each push, the tentacle got just a bit deeper in her. Bit by bit it breached her, making her slack jaw drip drool on her own body and the bed. The tentacle shivered in her, as a second, this time smaller tentacle, pushed against her ass. She was turned, face down, as the smaller tentacle slowly pushed itself inside of her.
Tilex yelled. Her quivering voice filled the empty room and she bucked, back and forth, trying desperately to get the two tentacles deeper inside.
The tentacles pulsated, pressing deeper within her. They stretched her walls, more and more. She felt herself gape, her holes stretch, begging for more. It hurt a bit, but she didn't give a damn.
The tentacle in her pussy reached her cervix and turned, the tip doubling back on itself, to drag more within,adding girth and coiling to stretch the goblin more. Tears mixed with drool on the bed, tears of ecstasy and joy, of pure lust.
The tentacles began slamming in with greater force, making her body rock back and forth, making the goblin's body move with such ease.It made Tiex feel even smaller than she already felt. She felt like nothing more than a toy, a piece of meat that Nadia didn't even bother fucking herself. It turned her on an unhealthy amount.
Nadia was taking her sweet time getting that water, probably getting questioned as to why she's parading around the place half naked, again. Tilex hardly cared, the thought fading away as her walls clenched around the tentacles, an orgasm taking over her body.
She had no time to rest, the tentacles didn't stop and didn't care for her orgasm, they continued bashing into her, forcing her creamy hole to stretch further.
The door opened and Tilex could see a blurry shape approach, Nadia, judging by the purple upper half. She couldn't pull herself in a half decent position, nor could she speak. She could only moan and get pushed around by the tentacles, a helpless ragdoll.
Nadia chuckled, her soft hands cupping the goblin's face, before pushing her to her side then back. Tilex let out a sound closer to a dog's bark, as she let herself get handled by her mistress. The goblin's pathetic moaning was cut short by Nadia's fingers wrapping around her throat.
She bucked forward, as another shameful orgasm rocked her body. She couldn't breathe, it was so much worse now. Not only did her mistress not deem her worthy of her own fingers, but she didn't deem her worthy of breath either. That was not the case, Tilex knew that, but her made up fantasy made this whole situation hotter, if that was possible.
Nadia leaned in, allowing the goblin to breathe "Listen here, you pathetic thing. I own you. I own that gaping green cunt and that tight ass, your fat tits are mine too. You're nothing but property." She took the goblin's breath away again.
Tilex could do nothing but let herself get fucked more. "Do you know what that means?" The goblin barely managed to shake her head.
"Hmm, of course you don't, you stupid slut. It means that you're all mine. I'll fuck you whenever I wish, I'll collar you, make you bear my mark. I'll shove you on the floor and step on your chest, as I tattoo my name above your cunt. I'll keep you on a leash, make you kneel and kiss my hand before you sleep. I'll make you worship me like I'm your goddess. You will live to serve me and for nothing more."
Each word, each promise of ownership and each degrading word made Tilex drool more and more. Her mind raced, oxygen deprived and weak from the consecutive orgasms, to images of Nadia claiming her in each and every way. She wanted nothing more. She'd give up anything and everything. The third orgasm didn't need much buildup. The constant pressure against her insides and Nadia's fingers around her neck, the dirty and depraved thoughts, they all were too much for her.
She came again. Nadia kept her hand on her throat for just a bit, shifting her grip to allow the goblin to breathe but not move, as the tentacles slowly pulled away. Tilex spasmed for a bit, her small body shaking beneath the tiefling. Nadia smiled, "You can take one more orgasm."
Yes she could. It didn't matter what her body or mind said. Nadia said that she could so she will. The tiefling rubbed Tilex's thigh, running her hand up and down, once, twice, in a tender gesture. She shifted to the other thigh and repeated the movement, up, down, up, down, this time not stopping, instead going all the way to the throbbing, aching pussy of the goblin.
The harsh spank took the goblin by surprise, making her yell out and buck her hips. It stung, it stung like hell, but Tilex hardly cared. Pain and pleasure weren't too far away when she was playing with herself alone, but now? Nadia could do anything to her and pleasure would be the only result.
A second slap, then a third, a fourth, Tilex's lower half didn't move, but upwards, her now free hands gripped Nadia, she wasn't sure which part of the tiefling, but her for sure.
Another slap and tears started falling again. Nadia shifted her grip again and the goblin's breath was taken away. More slaps, Tilex tried to keep count but failed, again and again. She yelled, with whatever air she had left in her lungs, as the pain got her over the edge. This time Nadia allowed her free movement.
The view was interesting, arousing… Tilex kept her legs spread, while her hand clenched into fists and gripped the sheets. She was still crying, but judging by her wide smile there was no reason to worry. Their gaze met.
"Thank you, Mistress." Tilex moaned out, as her hands went to her crotch, spreading it "It hurts to touch it, thank you mistress. Look at my cunt, please. It's all yours." The goblin's hole had relaxed, somewhat, it was still gaped a good inch.
"Oh my… you show off." Nadia laughed and couldn't resist spitting inside. Tilex let out a soft moan and let go of her lower lips.
"Thank you, mistress." Tilex crawled towards her mistress, only to have her hair grabbed and her small frame shoved on the pillows at the head of the bed. She moaned in response.
Nadia joined her, just a moment later. Tilex didn't wait, dragging herself in her mistress' arms. Neither cared that Tilex was still dripping her juices all over the place. The goblin pressed a kiss onto Nadia's collarbone. She let out a series of thanks, in varying levels of hornyness and reverence. She continued kissing, slowly going up. Nadia didn't stop her, if anything, the hand she placed on the goblin's back was a reassurance.
Tilex hesitated, a dozen kisses later, when her mistress' lips were next. Nadia nodded and smiled, softly, all that Tilex needed. She plunged herself in a sloppy animalistic kiss. Both of them were panting, by the time they broke the kiss they were both panting.
'Did you mean it?" Tilex's eyes sparkled "Mistress, will you please own me?"
Nadia smiled softly "Do you really want it?"
Tilex nodded furiously.
"Sit up, by my side." Nadia ordered and Tilex obeyed, how could she not?
Nadia pressed a hand on the goblins womb, making it glow for a moment. When she pulled away, a reddish-pink mark sizzled into existence. Tilex touched the brand with a hand, then two. She traced her finger over it, smiling. It was a heart, with two horns on top and a spade-tipped tail beneath.
"Oh! I've almost forgotten. Here." Nadia grabbed the clay cup and handed it to the goblin, keeping a hand on the girl for support. Tilex drank it all in a single gulp.
"Good girl, you really did well today." Nadia smiled and gave her chest a pat. Just like a cat's, Tilex's pupils widened even more. She wasted no time in obliging. She handed it back and nuzzled into Nadia's breasts, like a cat, getting herself all cosy. A second passed, silence, then two, silence again and three. Drowsiness took her over but she had one last thing to ask.
"Why haven't you taken off your pants?" Tilex asked, "I can serve you, I can eat you out." she offered, her gaze meeting Nadia's, eyes sparkling
"Oh, darling, that won't work, I've got… the other thing down there." She wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, though she wasn't all too keen on the information either.
Tilex shot up, her face pressing against the tiefling's "Please, please next time put it in, I have to see how big that is, I need that thing in me, I need to bear your spawn–" Nadia grabbed the goblin's chin and shut her mouth.
"Dear, I will make sure to do all of those things, but you should really rest now, okay?"
Nadia's touch was extremely soothing, when she wanted it to be. She stroked the goblin's face, slowly lowering her back on her chest. The tiefling's fingers ran over the tiefling's back, slowly. Tilex didn't fight it, she gave into the touch and laid back down between the breasts of the tiefling, this time allowing the silence and Nadia's soft touch to guide her back to sleep. |
fantasies of us pt 4 | You and I have spent all weekend building sexual tension. The looks the sly touches the comments only we know about.
I want to feel tour touch on my naked skin, your hand caress my body your lips on my thighs your tongue on my clit, I wanna hear you moan as you taste me, that deep satisfaction moan, the one that let's me know I taste good and you're in heaven. Prop my legs on your shoulders as you stare up at me while eating my pussy, gripping my thighs so I can wiggle away. My hands on top of your head running my fingers through your hair, pulling as you burry your face deeper to make sure you get that big big orgasm building in my clit. My soul leaves my body as my back arches my hands slap the bed and grip the sheets, screaming yes daddy, you growl and grip my hips squeezing tight, flipping me over ontop of your face holding me down while you keep licking my sensitive swollen clit. I manage to squirm away and slide down, now its your turn.... mommy wants to make you moan in pleasure. I start by kissing you, tasting myself in your beard and on your lips, your hard cock under me as I rotate my hips and grind my wet pussy on him, I hold your wrists down above your head, kiss your neck, nibble on your ear, still thrusting my hips teasing you, sliding your cock in and out of my pussy one single stroke at a time, kissing your collar bone, down to your chest lick your nipples trace my tongue down your belly around your belly button to your inner right thigh, that sweet spot on you I love so much. I kiss, nibble and bite, as I slowly rub your balls. Licking just the tip of your dick that's slowly dripping that sweet precut, I work my way to your left leg and get that sweet spot, while stroking your dick in my hand, your toes curling, your thighs quivering , i deep throat that hard swollen cock, licking my fluids off of him, your hands on my head pushing down further and harder with each sucking stroke. You call me your dirty slut and tell me to keep sucking harder, I giggle being defiant I stop, look at you and say make me daddy, you sit up and grab me by my throat, excuse me cum slut? I gave you an order, are you going to disobey? You stand me up bend me over and smack my ass 3xs saying now I'm gonna be punished......
( I had him finish the story) |
[B/S], [M/s] I (20M) regularly have sex with my twin sister (20F) and mother (38F) UPDATE 1 | So, you can read my previous post to get caught up, but I'm just going to pick up the story from here.
Once my sister gave me that first handjob, the floodgates began to open. She started asking me everyday if she could do it and I just consistently gave in. She didn't seem to have any qualms about it and we never really spoke about it. I felt a little uneasy at first, but I guess I just came to grips with it. Mind you, she hasn't changed her appearance or anything so it's just my nerdy sister that's doing this. This isn't some crazy fantasy where she suddenly turns into a supermodel.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it, though. I didn't even need to look at porn. Just having her do it got me so hard and insanely horny. It got to the point that she would just crawl into bed with me, I would get naked and she'd just jerk it. She'd mostly just clean me up afterwards but she would occasionally taste my cum, which surprised me. I knew she didn't care for it, but she kept doing it (almost like she expected it to get better). This quickly became a daily occurrence, and sometimes more than once per day. This continued for a while. A couple months maybe? The details escape me now.
Anyhow, after that time she jumped in the bed like normal and I quickly stripped down. She started stroking me, but suddenly repositioned herself and mumbled something like "I need to practice for other guys" and started to kiss and suck on my cock. I'll be honest - it was rough sledding at first. Her teeth were involved initially and I had to give her a lot of guidance which made things super weird, because we normally didn't talk at all during our events. For those who are wondering - she did swallow once or twice but usually would just stroke me to completion.
At this point, I was all in though. My reluctance had basically disappeared and I began to see my sister in a different light. I decided to see how far I could push things. After she decided to start giving me blowjobs, I started reaching under her shirt to fondle her breasts. She didn't try to stop me. I started working my fingers inside of her bra and pinching her nipples and I'd feel her moan on my cock. I did this a few times until one particular day where she watched me get undressed and wait for her on the bed.
She stood at the foot of my bed for a second, lifted her shirt up, turned around and twisted her bra around to unclip it. She turned around in just her panties with her hands covering her breasts and jumped into bed with me. It's funny in hindsight how she's giving me blowjobs but didn't want me to see her boobs! I didn't see much, but it was my first real glimpse of her boobs and they were BIG. Seeing them jiggle and sway as she jumped in the bed made me rock hard instantly. I fondled her as she blew me and I escalated things further when I began rubbing her pussy. The first time I did this, she only lasted about 30 seconds before she started having a really big orgasm. She had to stop and just lay there. It was so fucking hot.
Her skin gets really sensitive after she orgasms so she doesn't like to be touched much until she comes down. That first time, though, I just watched her mostly naked body breath heavily. I watched as her big breasts jiggled ever so slightly. I'll never forget the first time I saw her like that. It still gets me rock hard instantly just thinking about it.
She never resisted any of my additional advances. Eventually, she would just get fully naked with me and stopped trying to hide her boobs from me. It didn't take long until we were both fully naked and getting each other off every day. As you can imagine, things escalated very quickly at this point.
Also, in general, my sister was becoming more affectionate overall. She'd want to cuddle all the time, she'd kiss me (not open mouth) on my cheeks and face and she'd tell me how much she loved me all the time (and I told her too). We were getting really close. Even though we were both adults, it still felt like "just us" being at home alone since our mom wouldn't get home until 10 or 11 every night. The one thing I didn't expect from all of this is how close we'd become.
It was probably only a week before the full nudity led to full on sex. I'll never forget it. She crawled into bed with me but instead of going straight at it, she just laid next to me and put her head on my chest. She softly played with my cock and - I can be 100 years old and suffering from dementia and I will never forget these words - she softly said "I want you to be my first." Holy fuck my heart jumped. She looked up at me after she said it and I just leaned in and kissed her. Passionately. I thought it would be awkward but was anything but. I wanted her so much in that moment my cock was throbbing!
She quickly repositioned herself and I could tell she was already super wet. Even still, when she guided my cock into her, she was in a lot of pain at first but she was not stopping. She'd pause here and there and kiss me and after a while she was able to get it all in. Honestly, I could tell she was in a good bit of pain, and I asked her if she wanted to stop, but she was determined.
I had kissed on her breasts before but I was ravaging them now. Her nipples were hard and I was sucking on them like my life depended on it. She was moaning so loudly which only drove me faster to my orgasm.
I didn't last long. She was so fucking tight and just seeing her body on top of me - those big boobs and the look on her face. I couldn't help it. I wish the story was more glamorous, but that was basically where it ended. She seemed really happy and I did pleasure her until she orgasmed, which didn't take too much longer. After she came down, I told her I came so fast because she was so beautiful and so fucking hot, she smiled really big and we made out for a long, long time. Just the two of us in bed together, naked, making out.
Thankfully, the sex got significantly better haha. I know a lot of people felt some initial shame but for me and my sister, there was very little of that. I think the fact that we sort of walked into it prevented some of that. The sex actually felt like the only missing piece of our relationship. Once it happened, it was like a puzzle had finally come together.
For those wondering - she was and is still on the pill. She had to start taking it when she was younger to help with other issues, same as my mom. So we weren't too worried about her getting pregnant.
We began having sex almost daily and became inseparable whenever we both got home from our jobs. The fact that our mom was gone every night until late gave us a lot of freedom to explore and spend time with each other. If we weren't having sex, we'd be on the couch watching movies feeling each other up (which usually would lead to more sex lol). We would make out constantly and even tried sleeping in the same bed together, but that's difficult with twin beds.
That freedom and exploration is also what led directly to my mom finding out. More about that in another post. |
My Last Day With Dignity part 1 - Involuntarily exposed [MF20] [Blackmailing] [Exhibitionism] [Anxious good girl turned bad] | Originally posted on []( by me
This is a story about how I, Annie, a straight-A goody girl with a crush on the German exchange student Mark, was stripped of my self-dignity after commiting one, admittedly perverted, mistake.
We were on a field trip as part of our college studies in biology to a lake in the mountains and lived in a set of barracks owned by our school in the vicinity of an old research building.
Going on a field trip does something to you. Living in a remote place with all of your classmates creates an intimacy and sense of freedom that one never experiences in the normal class room or the corridors of the campus.
It all started on the bus ride to the location, where I had the great luck of sitting next to my crush. Mark is the most handsome, funny and intelligent guy I have ever met. He is the stereotype of the typical manly German: well-built, blond hair and amazing blue eyes, but also incredible humor and intelligence, and he had a slight german accent that I found oh so sexy. He got to our college thanks to a top-brass stipend that is only awarded to the best performing students of Germany.
Although I can also claim to be smart and top of my class, I am not what one would consider the typical beauty. I am rather skinny and mostly lack curves and I have always been self-conscious of my small A-cup breasts and although my face isn’t ugly, nobody would think it remarkable either, especially my quite ordinary brown hair. I am really just kinda average.
During the bus ride, sitting next to Mark got me all flustered at first, I could barely stutter a greetings as he sat next to me and it didn’t take long for him to lose interest and start to talk to his friends across the aisle when I was only able to give single letter responses to his initial polite questions. He probably thought I was trying to avoid him.
However, I didn’t mind too much, because once his attention was elsewhere, I was fully able to project my attention on him and admire him from far closer up than I ever had. Each time he moved and accidentally touched me, it was like a lightning bolt shot through my body and into my brain.
However, each time he directed his attention to me, I was so afraid that I would say something stupid and make a fool of myself, that I froze and could barely speak.
When we arrived at the research station, we all got our bags out and moved into our annex. We girls lived in the eastern barrack, while the boys lived in the western barrack. The barracks was made up of several rooms, each with four beds and it was in one of these rooms that I made the gravest mistake of my life in a perverted moment of mindless horniness.
I ended up in a room with three other girls, two of them were average girls like me, Jessica, a brunette like me, and Freya, a blond, but the fourth was Rebecca, or Becky as she was called. Becky was the kind of girl that all guys dream of. She had the looks, the smarts and the humor and she knew it. She had perfectly kept golden hair, breasts that were at least C-cups and a hip-to-waist ratio to die for.
Although I admired her in many ways she was so bossy and a know-it-all and I just knew that living with her would be a bother. However, never could I have imagined that it would be as bad as it actually was.
Having sat next to Mark all day, feeling his warmth and smelling him all day I couldn’t stop thinking about him and my thoughts always turned dirty and naughty. I may seem like a good girl on the outside, but inside my brain I had the most perverted fantasies about Mark and the things I wished he would do to me.
Thinking about him while lying in bed in the rooms with the other girls was so frustrating. All I wanted to do was masturbate while fantasizing about him, but I obviously couldn’t do that while the other girls were awake. I was therefore left with my fantasies, driving me hornier and hornier the further into the night we got.
Around one o’clock I couldn’t take it anymore. Feeling certain that the other girls were asleep I decided to quickly rub one out to get it out of my system and allow me to sleep.
I quietly wiggled myself out of my sleeping shorts under the cover. Already feeling the sheets against my naked lower body filled me with excitement both from the elation of being naked, but also from the knowledge that I was doing something really bad and taboo.
I slowly rubbed my fingers over my clit and vulva and immediately felt a jolt of pleasure that made my entirely pussy throb. I had to make a conscious effort to not sigh in pleasure and relief.
It was at this moment of complete mind-numbing horniness that I thought it would be a great idea to take out my phone, bring up the group picture that we took when we arrived and was shared in our class chat, zoom in on Mark so I could make my fantasies of him more real by looking a this gorgeous face.
As can be expected, I didn’t last long, within a few minutes I reached climax and was rewarded with an incredible orgasm and it was only barely that I was able to withhold a moan of pleasure.
It was only several seconds later, after the post-orgasm bliss had passed, that I heard the rustling from the bed where I knew Becky was sleeping. First I felt like a stone had fallen into my stomach. Has she heard or seen me? How could I have been so stupid as to masturbate, and to a picture of Mark nonetheless, right here with a bunch of classmates?
If they found out I would be known as the class pervert and nobody would ever want to talk to me. But the rustling stopped and I realized if Becky had seen or heard anything, she sure would have let me know. She was not the one to just go back to sleep without letting her opinion be heard. Oh boy, was I wrong.
In the morning everything seemed fine and we all awoke to the alarm that we had agreed to set. I decided to linger in bed, faking being too sleepy to get up, but in reality I felt so ashamed and I didn’t want to face my classmates right here in the room where I had just done it. However, it seemed that Becky was also still feeling sleepy and as the two other girls left, it was just me and her left in the room.
As soon as the other girls had left, Becky threw her covers off of herself and got up, fully dressed. She approached my bed with the most vicious smirk I had ever seen in my life. My heart sank into my stomach and I knew that she had seen or heard something and was about to confront me about it. Part of me was grateful that she did it while it was just the two of us.
“So Annie, did you also hear one of the girls in the room masturbating? Gosh, to think that one of them would be such a dirty whore who couldn’t keep themselves from touching their horny little cunt.”
I simply froze. I had no idea what to say. Becky continued walking up to me until she stood in front of my bed. I felt like a doe in the headlights.
“Or maybe it was you, Annie?” She said as she tossed my covers off my bed.
“I would never have thought it, you are always such a good girl, always obedient and doing what the teacher tells you to do. I guess we all have a darker side.”
I finally managed to get my wits about me and tried to stutter out an apology.
“I-I I am sorry, Becky! I am so stupid and …” Was all I managed before Becky cut me off.
“On the other hand, who would be so horny at the sight of Mark? You did get to sit next to him all day long on the bus! Must have really gotten you flustered.”
My heart started pounding. Had she seen me looking at the picture of him or was it just a coincidence? I had indeed sat next to him and it was well known that he was the hottest guy in our class.
“I mean couldn’t you at least have waited until we girls left in the morning before you brought out that picture of him and rubbed one out? God, Annie you must really have the hots for him to do something so stupid.”
I wanted to die right there. This was so embarrassing. She had seen me at my most vulnerable and most stupid moment in my life and she was throwing it in my face. Hard. I felt the tears of shame well up in me.
“I am sorry Becky,” I tried again in between sobs. “Please don’t tell anyone, I will do anything, please I am such an idiot and I was caught up in the moment!”
Becky laughed at my attempt at an apology and started to pull out her phone and started to browse it while saying: “Oh I can imagine you don’t want this to become public knowledge. God, the embarrassment you must feel. It could only be made worse if someone had, oh I don’t know, filmed you while you were rubbing your horny little cunt.”
She turned her phone to me and I couldn’t believe my eyes. On it played a video which had been recorded at an angle from behind me where you could simultaneously see my face lit up my phone screen and the picture of Mark on the screen.
I felt like my insides had frozen. She had incontrovertible proof of me masturbating to a picture of Mark while in the barracks bed. My life would be over if she ever spread that to the other. I was speechless, I could barely breathe. Even my sobbing stopped.
I looked back up at Becky's face, searching for mercy. I found none, only that malicious smile that told me that she was definitely going to use this to make me do something I didn't want to do.
"You know Annie," Becky said with a disapproving gaze, "I do feel bad for you, I saw how nervous and anxious you were when you sat next to Mark on the bus. It was such a great opportunity for you to talk to him and flirt a bit. You are not a completely unattractive girl, I am sure you could have gotten laid when we arrived here. Instead of masturbating last night you could have fucked with Mark. Honest, such a waste, I bet any of the girls would have traded places with you."
She looked at me, considering, then a malicious smile formed on her face. She continued:
"You know, I think I am going to help you. Help you fulfill your dream to get closer to Mark. I realize that your anxiety is crippling when it comes to talking to him, but there are other ways of communicating interest. Although I am sure they are even more nerve-wracking, they don't require you to talk or even think for that matter."
I did not like where this was going. A solid ball of anxiety formed in my stomach and I felt my heart pounding harder and harder. I feared what was coming next.
“However, I am sure you would never do it voluntarily, what with your annoying nervousness and anxiety. Honestly, I find it repulsing how you just don’t take matters into your own hands and try to get what you want. I am pretty sure he thinks you are cute, he seemed disappointed that you wouldn’t talk to him on the bus.”
She then turned the phone back to herself and swiped it a few times, then showed it to me again. This time it was a photo zoomed in on my face, showing it all screwed up, presumably taken just as I orgasmed. I felt waves of shame and my stomach turned.
She had such horribly embarrassing proof of how perverted and shameless I was. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn’t find any words. More tears of shame ran down my cheeks and my vision got blurry.
Becky was wearing a huge wicked smile.
“I like that one in particular.”
She then looked back at her phone, swiping through more of her shameful pictures of me, and said:
To fix your little issue, you need proper motivation to face your fears. This will be your motivation. If you do not do exactly as I say, I will share the video and all of the pictures I took of you in the class chat and condemn you as a disgusting shameless little perverted slut.“
She looked back at me, staring me straight in the eyes and even though I wanted to look away I couldn’t. Shen the continued.
“Which you kind of are, but they all don’t need to know that. No. We only want one person to know this. The man that you will seduce using your pervertedness and… Shall we call it, your body language, since you seem to lack proper language and conversational skills when you are near him. That should end this miserable display of yours that honestly offends me so much.”
My throat felt constrained, like someone was choking me and my heart was racing like a scared rabbit caught in a fox’s mouth. I had no way out.
I didn’t know what to say. This was the worst thing that I could ever imagine happening. I almost wished that she would just share them, but the thought of Mark seeing me in that video and those pictures was unbearable. I didn’t know what Becky had in mind, but surely it couldn’t be worse than that.
“Do you understand?” Becky asked, her eyebrows furrowed in disapproval.
I just nodded, not trusting my voice.
In response to my nod, Becky smiled mischievously and patting me on the head softly, then said:
“Cheer up Annie. We are going to have a lot of fun this trip. I promise you that. If you obey me properly, you won’t regret it. Now get up.”
She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my bed.
“Lets see what you brought with you, anything skimpy and revealing?”
She pulled out my bag from under my bed and opened it without asking for permission.
She pulled out various clothing, mostly looking disapproving. When she saw my panties, all of them regular and not at all “skimpy”, she clicked her tongue disapprovingly.
“You have really made my work difficult. What kind of style is this? How do you hope to get the boys' attention with any of this?”
‘I am not hoping to get any boy’s attention’ I wanted to say to her, but I was too afraid to say anything, instead I just stood there in silent embarrassment as she rummaged through my most intimate clothing.
Finally she handed over to me a white top, a pair of jeans shorts and a pair of light blue panties and said:
“We are just going to have to work with what we have. Put these on.”
I took them and realized that she hadn’t handed me a bra to wear under it. I reached down to grab a white one, but Becky slapped my hand away and said:
“You won’t need that.”
“What do you mean?” I said, “This top is really thin, my nipples will show through it!”
Becky just smiled wickedly at me and said:
“That is exactly the point, dear Annie. If you had brought some properly revealing clothing we wouldn’t have to do this. It is your own fault.”
At breakfast I felt so embarrassed. Indeed my nipples showed through the fabric, not much since they were still quite soft, but enough for everyone to notice, including Mark.
I ate my cereal pretending that I didn’t notice, but I could tell that the boys kept glancing my way, trying to get a look at my nipples, and tried to strike up a conversation with me, which usually never happened.
My heart was pounding, equally from fear and embarrassment and from excitement. Although I struggled to talk to the boys, some part of me really appreciated the attention and as long as it wasn’t Mark that was talking to me I could act at least semi-normal.
The girls meanwhile stared daggers at me, clearly jealous of the attention I was getting. Except for Becky, she was in an unusually bright mood, laughing at all the jokes and was friendly to everyone. She looked at me more than once, beaming an approving smile at me.
After my embarrassing breakfast, we went up to prepare for our first day at the research station. I went to pee before packing and when I pulled my panties down and sat down, I noticed a dark spot on my panties. They were wet.
I brought my hand down to my pussy and felt between my labia. Indeed I was already wet from my embarrassing display. It seemed that although my brain didn’t like my exposure, my body certainly did.
After peeing, I went back to my room and started packing. It was just me and Becky in the room.
I was about to pull on a sweater to wear while we walked to the research station. It was May and it was still chilly in the morning and the research build was maybe a 15 minute walk away from the barracks.
“What are you doing?” Becky said disapprovingly and snatched the sweater from me.
“I did not tell you to wear that.”
“But it is cold outside!” I said. Becky just smiled at my protest.
“Exactly and what will happen to your already exposed nipples when they get cold?”
At first I was just silent, thinking it was a rhetorical question. But when she rose her eyebrows impatiently, I realized she actually wanted me to answer.
“T-they will get harder and more visible.”
Becky smiled mischievously and replied more calmly.
“That right, and that is exactly what we want. We want Mark to get a good look at your tits!”
Again embarrassment filled me. She was really going to expose me as much as possible to Mark and this was just the beginning.
While walking to the research station, my nipples predictably started to grow more pronounced under my top and soon they were poking provocatively through the fabric and they would be visible from a long way away.
I tried to linger behind and away from other people, hoping that nobody would notice, but Becky had other plans.
She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her to catch up with Mark, who was walking together with three other boys, John, Trevor and Erik, laughing and making jokes.
Becky strode right through the group, dividing it in the middle so that I, on her left side, ended up right next to Mark on my right side, and said:
“Hey boys! Nice day isn’t it?”
The boys immediately noticed that the girl with no bra was in the group and their eyes automatically searched for my nipples on my chest, including Mark. The attention was overwhelming, but also overwhelmingly erotic and I felt my nipple if possible getting ever harder.
Becky and the boys bantered for a bit as we walked, making jokes. She was very popular and was very skilled at having fun conversations with the boys.
I on the other hand felt so small and vulnerable. My brain was empty and all I could think about was that they could see my nipples and every time Mark looked at my nipples my heart pounded and I felt like I would trip from going stiff with nervousness.
Becky drew attention to me a lot, asking me questions and giving the boys an excuse to look at me and glace at my nipples. My heart was racing from the attention and the nervousness, and that combined with the cold made me really shiver. I was trembling both from cold and nervousness.
“Wow, you are shivering Annie, you must be really cold. Forgot to bring your sweater?”
It was Mark. I looked up embarrassed at his face, thinking he would be grinning knowingly at me, but his face showed genuine concern and his eyes didn’t drop from mine for even a second.
“Y-yes,” I said, nervously and with a shaky voice, “silly me huh?”
“Nah, anyone could make that mistake. May is always such a deceptive month, it is usually warm during the day, but the mornings are often cold, taking you off guard. I have more than once been in your position!”
Mark said to me, smiling friendly and chuckling.
“Here, take this.”
He unzipped his hoodie and took it off.
“No it is fi…”
Was all I managed to say before he had swept his hoodie around my shoulders.
I was warm from his body heat and I could smell his scent. The sensations along with the gesture sent my heart racing and I looked up at him with anxious, but grateful, eyes and said:
“T-Thank you, it is very warm.”
He was so gorgeous in the morning sun. The sun shone brightly behind him and I had to squint in order to see him. He was smiling back at me and now that his hoodie was off, I could see his long and lean arms.
Mark wasn’t some gym freak that hung out at the gym and built huge grotesque muscles, rather he was of the more natural type with lean and practical muscles. Just the way I like them and seeing them up close turned me on a little bit.
“Of course it is, I warmed it up for you.”
He said with a grin while squinting one eye.
*Wait, was he just blinking or was that a flirt?*
Uncertainty wracked my body and I didn’t know how to respond. My heart started racing even faster. I grew stiff and suddenly found my legs got all tangled, feeling like jelly.
I tripped and started to fall.
*Oh god, I cannot believe I am about to fall in front of Mark!*
Was all I could think.
But I didn’t fall. An arm rapidly shot out in front of me, grabbed me and pulled me upright again.
It was Mark. He had managed to get an arm across my chest and kept me from falling. However, his hand was right on top of my right breast, my hard nipple between his two of his fingers. He would obviously be able to feel them.
However, he didn’t linger, rather he drew his hand back, running it diagonally downwards over my chest and then it was gone. However, that brief touch and that brush across my chest set my body on fire.
I felt immediate and strong arousal throughout my body, my heart pounding.
“Are you okay Annie? You almost fell there.” He asked, laughing softly.
I felt so embarrassed and mixed with the arousal of his touch I was dumbfounded. I stared at the asphalt at my feet, too embarrassed to look up. I opened my mouth to speak, but it took several seconds before I could get my brain to function again.
Then I felt his hand on my back briefly and then something suddenly covered my head.
I looked up and noticed that he had pulled the hoodie over my head. It felt warm and snugly and I felt grateful to have something to hide my embarrassed face.
“You are not having a good day, I best keep an eye on you.”
Mark said jokingly, but the thought of Mark keeping his eyes on me all day both excited and frightened me.
“What are you two doing over there, an early morning romance?”
It was Becky, she was looking at me with a huge grin, mixed with both glee and approval.
“It is never too early for romance!”
Mark said in a joking exaggerated tone, neither confirming or denying it, while smoothing brushing off the question.
*Smooth. As. Fuck.*
I thought to myself.
*How could I, a clumsy skinny girl who continuously gets tongue-tied, ever stand a chance with a guy like Mark. He was leagues above me!*
The rest of the day was far too exciting for my taste. The attention I was getting from the boys never really stopped. I had my nipples exposed to them all day and by lunch I had realized that my panties were completely drenched with juices from my pussy, I was so turned on.
Thankfully we went back to the barracks for lunch so I had the opportunity to change panties. However, if I kept going through panties at this pace I would have no clean ones left by the end of the trip!
I hadn’t really had time to reflect upon what Becky meant by seducing Mark with my pervertedness and body language, but I think I was starting to get the idea. By exposing my intimate parts I sure as hell was getting his attention and by body language I guess she meant how hopelessly turned on I was getting from the experience… But it was so embarrassing, I would become known as the class slut and all the girls would hate me. But the alternative was to have them know about my shameful masturbation session and that was far far worse…
It was evening and the sun was about to set and we were cleaning up in the research building when Becky pulled me aside and whispered to me:
“Hey Annie, I walked past Mark just now. He is going up to the terrass at the top floor of the research building to look at the sunset. Why don’t you go up there and spend some more time with him?”
I looked down at my feet and felt my heart flutter at the prospect. Watch a sunset together with Mark. Could I really do that? Would he be okay with that? I wanted to, but I was also afraid of freezing up again and making it awkward.
I looked up again at Becky and she looked at me knowingly, seemingly having anticipated my nervousness.
“I know what you are thinking: What do I do? What should I say? What if it gets awkward? Because I don’t want you to ruin my attempt to fix your miserable little life, I will tell you what to do: start by standing as close to him as possible, close enough that your arm is touching his. Then say that you think the sunset is really beautiful and that it reminds you of how although our lives might be gloomy and dim at times, there will always be a new and bright tomorrow. Trust me, whatever he says after that you can just roll with.”
That was actually some pretty good advice, maybe Becky wasn’t so bad after all, maybe she really just wanted the best for me.
“Oh and also, if he at any time looks at your prettily exposed nipples again, which is almost guaranteed, men’s brains are wired to automatically look at women’s breasts, they have to make a deliberate effort not to and they very frequently fail that effort, you have to ask him if he wants to touch your boobs.”
My shot wide open and I spoke, a little bit too loudly.
Becky looked at me disapprovingly with raised eyebrows. I continued in a more quiet voice.
“I can’t do that! He will think I am really weird, a slut! What if he rejects me? It is too much, it is too embarrassing.”
Becky picked up her phone and unlocked the screen. She didn’t need to say anything else, I got the message.
My heart was pounding, racing as if chased by a lion. I felt like it was about to crawl out of throat. How could I do this?! This was not just me passively showing off, I had to do something actively! Not only were I to have a conversation with him, but she wanted me to invite him to touch my breasts.
“But… Do I…”
I looked at her pleadingly, unable to finish the sentence. Her eyes were cold as ice and she clicked on something on the screen. Sound was coming from the phone. The sound of rustling sheets from regular repeating movements. Then a soft moan. That was me! She is playing the video right here in the research building! Oh my god ,I had been so loud!
“Okay, okay, okay!” I said. “I will do it! But how, I will never have the courage to say it.”
“That is why we have this,” She waved the phone at me. “and why I will also come with you and keep watch. If you fail to say it, I will release your video and picture to the world.”
Anxiety and fear gripped my stomach and twisted it. I felt like I was gonna puke. There was no way I could do it, but I didn’t have any choice, the alternative was so much worse!
We walked up to the terrass, each step building up my anxiety further. My heart was pounding like a smith at work with his hammer and I felt like I was about to faint.
We walked through the corridor and when we got to the door out to the terrass, I saw Mark there.
His gorgeous face was silhouetted by the setting sun, now just an orange ball just above the horizon, and his blond hair took on the color of the setting sun, shining golden.
I stopped at the door, hesitating, I felt so weak, so small, compared to him. He was so beyond me, I didn’t deserve him.
Then I felt a hard push on my back and I stumbled out on the terrass.
Mark turned around, hearing my clumsy scuffling.
“Ah it is you Annie. Did you also come here to look at the sunset?”
His blue eyes were looking into mine, I felt transfixed, my heart skipping a beat for the eye contact with the most gorgeous person I had ever seen. I tried to remember what Becky had told me to say.
“I… The beautiful is really sunset!” I blurted out, immediately cringing at my complete inability to form a coherent sentence.
I heard a soft pained moan from the terrass door, quiet enough that only I could hear it.
Mark laughed briefly then said, smoothing over my bumbling:
“Yes, it really is. The last embers of the day, slowly smoldering on the horizon before finally fading, giving way to the dark warmless night, before being reborn again. It reminds me a lot of our own lives and how good things come and go.”
His poetic little speech was so similar to what Becky had told me to say. I was dumbstruck. I couldn’t say that now, it would just be a repeat of what Mark had said. I felt stupid.
“You know Annie,” Mark continued, saving me from having to come up with something to say, “You have been acting differently today, is something wrong?”
That wasn’t all that much better. What should I say? That I had been blackmailed into exposing myself?
“Never mind, it is none of my business,” He said, sensing my hesitation, “Let’s just enjoy the sunset.”
I walked over to him by the rail. I got as close as I dared, but I was still less than a handspan away from him. Being afraid that Becky would disapprove that I wasn’t touching him, I stretched my hands out along the rail. It was nerve-wracking knowing that I meant to do it to touch his hand. My hand slid slowly along the rail. The closer I got to his hand the harder my heart beat and the harder it was to keep moving my hand. It was like a barrier was preventing me from going further and I had to push myself harder and harder.
Then he turned to look at me, moving his hand. His hand lifted off the rail, then he put it back down right on top of mine, covering my hand with his palm. The movement was smooth, seeming almost unintentional, but I was sure it was to cover for my feeble attempt to approach him. He saved me from anguish again.
His hand was warm and his touch on my skin was absolutely electric, sending a wave of pleasure and excitement through me.
I looked back up at his face just as he spoke. His eyes sparked with the reflections of the orange setting sun.
“Look I am just going to be straight. Did I do something to upset you earlier? On the bus, I felt like you were so tense, I thought maybe I had done something or said something stupid. I feel like there has been this tension all day. Sometimes I just do or say things without thinking and only later do I realize someone took offense.”
“What? No!” I replied immediately, my fear immediately erased by his showing of vulnerability.
“No, I am just really awkward and shy. Like. I don’t know what to say sometimes. I get scared that I will say something stupid, so I’d rather just keep quiet.”
“I see,” Mark said, sounding relieved, “You don’t need to worry about that with me, I won’t judge you. I like people who think a bit differently, who aren’t so predictable, I want to know what is going on in your head. Just be straight with me alright? How will you ever know if what you have to say is silly if you never say anything? Maybe there are a lot of really profound and interesting things going on in your head that you preemptively block me from knowing.”
His eyes gazed into mine the entire time as he said those words. God. So fucking smooth. This man was a god with words.
Suddenly his eyes dropped to my chest height. They immediately flicked back up again and instead of calm profoundness his eyes were now apologetic and filled with regret.
*Oh my god, he just looked at my nipples! Why did you have to go and do that!*
He looked back out towards the sun and said.
“I-I am sorry Annie, I didn’t mean to do that. God I fucking swear, it is like my eyes have a life of their own. I am so so sorry for looking.”
I glanced towards to terrass door.
*Did Becky see that!*
Her head was sticking out into the doorway and her eyes were staring at me expectantly.
*Yep she definitely did.*
I turned to Mark, trying to gather my courage.
“N-no it is fine, it is my fault, I didn’t realize that you could see them. D-Do…”
The words got stuck in my mouth.
“D-do you wan…”
This was much harder than I had thought
“W-want to t-t-t…”
I shut my eyes hard then forced the words out, trying to not think about what I was saying.
“Do you want to touch them?!”
Mark turned his head and looked at me, dumbfounded. He clearly couldn’t believe what he had heard
“What? Could you say that again?”
*Are you really going to make me say that again!!!??*
“Do you want to touch my boobs!”
I almost screamed, my voice filled with anxiety.
“Are you sure?”
He had already turned and his hands were raised to waist level, palms facing each other and his fingers were bent as if he was already touching imaginary breasts. He was just looking for final confirmation.
“Yes. Would you like to?”
My heart was beating so fucking hard. I felt like it was going to explode out of my chest.
*What am I doing?! This is crazy! Is he actually going to touch my boobs?!*
His eyes were focused on my breasts as he raised his hands slowly to my chest. My heart started beating faster too, pounding hard and rapidly like machine gun fire. His warm hands finally descended onto my breasts. My cold and hard nipples poked hard against the soft palm of his hand, sending warm shivers of pleasure through my body as his palms heated them up.
He then gently squeezed my tiny tits, the firm touch and the friction of his hands against my nipples as he moved his hand around my breasts crashed waves after waves of arousal through my body, turning me on harder and harder for every second he touched me. It was a thousand times more intense than his brush this morning.
I felt my mouth open involuntarily and a moan slipped out.
He looked up and our eyes met. I could see arousal and desire in his eyes too. Arousal and desire for me.
He started leaning in, his face getting close to mine.
*Oh my god, is he about to kiss me?!*
I felt my heart pumping hard against his hand that was still covering my left breast. I was sure he could feel how hard it was beating.
I close my eyes, anticipating the kiss. I felt the warm air of his breath against my face and even the heat of his face close to mine. Something soft touched my lips, gently. His lips.
A crash from inside the building spurred us both out from the trans.
“Oh shit dude, are you okay?” I heard a boy’s voice say in a concerned tone from inside the building.
“I'm okay. Geez, it is so dark in these stairs and the steps are so tiny. I swear these steps are going to be the death of me.”
It was two of Mark’s friends, Erik and Trevor.
“Talk about fucking bad timing.” I heard Becky whisper to herself.
I felt Mark’s hands disappear from my breasts and felt a pang of disappointment. If only this could have lasted a little bit longer…
Becky stepped out on the terrass, as if she had just arrived.
“There you are Annie, you just vanished on us. Oh hi Mark, you are here too huh? What were you two up to? Looking at the romantic sunset together?”
The sun was almost gone now, just a tiny sliver still above the horizon.
“Nothin’.” I heard Mark say, flustered. This was the first time I had ever heard him not being all composed.
“Aww,” Becky said, “The sun is already gone.”
“What? It is already over?” I heard Trevor say just as he and Erik stepped onto the terrass too.
Becky and the two boys started bantering with Mark, talking about the first day of the trip and how great it had been and about things they wanted to do in the next few days. Mark quickly got back to his usually calm self and acted as if nothing had happened.
My heart slowly descended from hyperspeed to a more normal speed and the moment was well and truly past.
*I cannot believe that just happened!*
Becky came over to me as the boys where busy bantering with each other and whispered to me:
“Good job Annie, fuck, I never thought that would work. I was sure this was going to blow up in your face.”
I looked at her in shock.
“What?! I thought you told me to do that because you knew it would work!”
“What? How should I know that? I just said that to make you think it was going to work out so you would actually do it. God, watching you ask him to touch your boobs was golden! That was so awkward!”
Becky laughed and then then continued:
“Yet somehow your awkward innocence made it work. It would never work for me, that’s for sure.”
*Oh my god, she did and said all of that just to watch me embarrass myself! It was never meant to work out! She is not trying to help me, at least that is not the main goal, she is just having fun torturing me!*
We talked some more with the boys and I actually managed to get a few words out and didn’t say anything stupid in front of Mark. Although at this point there was hardly anything more embarrassing I could say than what I had already said.
Finally it got dark and me and Becky decided to go back to the barracks.
“Okay we are gonna go back, see you boys tomorrow!” Becky said as she turned to leave.
“Yeah, me too. Bye!” I said.
“What, Annie.”
Mark took a step forward and grabbed my wrist, then leaned forward and whispered into my ear:
“Thanks for letting me touch your breasts, they are really great, I loved them.”
Then he turned around and walked back to his friends, waving goodbye to me and Becky.
*He liked my breasts. Oh my god, he likes my breasts, he said he loved them! Even though they are so small he loved them!*
Never had words affirmed me so much, my heart was fluttering like a butterfly, heavy and light at the same time! Did he really mean that?! I felt so happy and so excited to know that he enjoyed my body, it made me want to offer even more to him, feeling sure that he would appreciate it.
I walked back to the barracks with Becky, only half listening to what she was saying, reveling in the kind words Mark had offered me.
Back at the barracks we got ready to go to bed. Having showered and brushed my teeth, I finally headed back to the shared bedroom. Becky was standing by the door inside the room waiting for me and Jessica and Freya sat on their respective beds.
“Finally you are back!” Becky said, pulling me into the room and closing the door. “We need to plan for what you are going to do with Mark tomorrow.”
“Wait, Becky, Jessica and Freya are here!” I said frantically.
“Oh don’t worry about them, I have already told them.”
“What?! You told them? You said you were going to tell anyone!”
“I never said that, I said I wouldn’t post it in the class chat. Look, I won’t tell anyone else, I have already sworn them to secrecy, and if this leaks out, I promised that I would ruin both of their social lives, just to be sure.”
She said that so casually. I could see slightly worried looks in Jessica’s and Freya’s eyes as they looked at each other.
Nonetheless I felt betrayed. But she was right, in my panic I hadn’t told her that she couldn’t tell anyone, just that she wouldn’t post it in the chat. However, that was a small detail and in principle I still felt betrayed.
“Besides,” Becky continued, “They want to help you! They also want to see you succeed with Mark.”
*More likely they just want to watch the mayhem unfold as Becky forces me to do really dumb and embarrassing things.*
“I will be useful to have more people to help and watch your back.”
*More like help you keep watch on me to ensure I go through with whatever I have to do next.*
“Anyway, tomorrow morning after breakfast we will be going to buy groceries for each group, there will be two going from the boys and two from us girls. I heard that Mark and Trevor will go for the boys and I have already volunteered me and you, Annie, to go.
Becky grinned at me wickedly.
“Oh boy, are we going to have fun tomorrow.” |
Panties, sexting and lies [M21/F21][Spanking + exhibitionism] | Evelyn sat in the back row of the lecture hall, dozing off while listening to the droning voice of her history professor. It was the first class of the afternoon and with her belly full of lunch and the room heated to comfortable temperatures, it was hard to stay awake.
A welcome distraction came when her phone buzzed with a message from her boyfriend Adam.
“Dinner at your place tonight?”
“Yes, please. See you tonight.”
Evelyn played with her phone for a bit longer, hoping for another reply. This class was boring and her professor wasn’t one of those handsome younger ones she sometimes fantasized might use a wooden ruler on a naughty girl’s behind when she dozed off in class or texted with her boyfriend.
Luckily Adam replied not much later.
“What are you doing now?”
“I’m in class. History. Boring…”
“What are you wearing?”
“I told you I’m in class.”
“I thought you were bored?”
“What are you wearing in class?”
Evelyn smiled and glimpsed at the students beside her, neither of them would be able to read her texts. They were dozing off themselves.
“Red t-shirt with flowers, plaid skirt, black pumps.”
“And underneath?”
Evelyn blushed slightly, again looking at the people around her through the corner of her eyes. She was wearing plain old white cotton panties, the first ones she found that morning.
That wasn’t what Adam wanted to hear however. So she told him about the panties she would be wearing when he came over that night.
“Black lingerie, a push-up bra with lace on top and a matching thong; the one you like.”
“I bet you look amazing. Can you send me a picture?”
“I’m still in class…”
“Front row or back row?”
“Can you touch yourself?”
Evelyn blushed. Adam always pushed her, yet that was what she loved about him. She could push back, but if she did, chances were she’d end up over his knee when he came over that night.
“People will see…”
“Put your phone on vibrate and put it between your legs. I will send you some texts. No-one will see.”
Evelyn bit her lip. She was growing much too excited for the classroom. Yet she couldn’t ignore a direct order from her boyfriend. Adam had trained her to be submissive and obedient too well.
She put her phone between her thighs, hidden under her skirt and placed her hands on the desk in front of her.
“Okay, okay, that’s enough.”
“Seven. You held out longer than I thought you would. Good girl.”
Evelyn had quickly grabbed the phone from between her legs when its vibrations were making it too hard to sit still. When the messages kept coming, she’d known Adam would’ve just kept going until she stopped him.
She blushed at the praise he gave her, yet felt oddly proud as well. Before she met Adam she’d never have gone along with something like this.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“You’re welcome. Hope class was a bit less boring thanks to your boyfriend. Have class of my own to attend to now though. See you tonight.”
“See you later.”
It took the rest of history class for Evelyn’s excitement to die down again. She had two more classes that afternoon and while they were less boring, all she would be able to think about was her boyfriend’s planned visit that night. She’d surely have to properly thank him for keeping her this entertained.
Before all that could happen however, Evelyn ran into him in the hallway on her way to her nextt class.
Adam wrapped his arms around her as they kissed deeply.
“I’ve been thinking about that lingerie all class.” He whispered.
Evelyn blushed. “After dinner tonight you can help me take it off.”
Adam grinned broadly. “Come with me for a moment.”
Evelyn grabbed her boyfriend’s hand and followed him down the hall, through a small door on the side. They ended up in a small janitor’s closet.
“What are we doing?” Evelyn asked.
“Lift up your skirt.” Her boyfriend said. “Show me those panties.
Evelyn bit her lip. She couldn’t, she was still wearing those boring cotton whites. She planned to change into her lingerie at home, before Adam showed up.
“Why? Can’t wait until we’re at my place?” She tried to stall.
Adam smiled. “Because I think you might not have been telling the whole truth earlier.”
Evelyn blushed. “Why would you think that?”
“Because.” Adam said, crossing his arms. “I passed through your calculus class early this morning. You should remember since you were on the front row and waved hello.”
Evelyn raised an eyebrow. She did remember the brief encounter, wondering why he was in the wrong class.
“The thing you should know, is…” Adam continued. “If you sit on the front row with a skirt that short, you should keep your legs closed if you don’t want everyone to know your panties are white and not black.”
Evelyn blushed. He’d seen… Who else had seen?
“Unless you were trying to score some extra points with your maths professor?” Her boyfriend teased.
Evelyn grinned. “Of course not!”
“Then raise your skirt and show me I’m wrong.”
Evelyn looked away from her boyfriend and slowly raised her skirt, revealing the white panties underneath.
“I knew it.” Adam said. “Naughty girl! Lying to your boyfriend like that. You can take those off right now.”
Evelyn blushed and quickly pulled down her panties. She’d nearly forgotten they were still at campus, hidden in a janitor’s closet. But when her boyfriend called her naughty and gave her a command like that, there was only one thing she could do: obey.
Adam crouched down and grabbed the panties from around her ankles, tucking them into his coat pocket. “Grab a hold of those shelves and bend over.” He commanded.
Evelyn gasped, adrenaline rushing through her body as she immediately understood what her boyfriend wanted to do. He was going to spank her, like a naughty, disobedient girl. The excitement she’d felt while texting him in class was nothing compared to what she felt now.
Then she looked around her, at the shelves he’d ordered her to hold onto and remembered where they were.
“In here?” She asked. “People will hear us. That door doesn’t even lock from the inside.”
Adam grabbed a janitor’s cart from the corner of the room and rolled it up against the door, blocking the handle.
“There, no-one is coming in.” He said.
Evelyn blushed, out of excuses, and much too excited to argue further. She grabbed hold of one of the lower shelves and bent down as far as she could while still leaving room for Adam to swing his arm.
Her boyfriend moved up beside her, placed one hand on her lower back and raised her skirt with the other, this time revealing her bottom was now bared.
Evelyn moaned softly as Adam fondled her bottom, but those moans quickly became louder when he raised his arm and began to spank her backside.
The sound of his hand connecting with her bottom echoed in the small room and – since the small closet definitely wasn’t designed to be soundproof – probably echoed out in the hallway as well.
Evelyn struggled to keep quiet as the sting in her bottom built: moaning under her breath and biting her lips to hold back her squeals.
She couldn’t hold out forever though and as her buttocks bounced from her boyfriend’s hand raining down on her behind, her first few squeals could be heard by those outside.
Then suddenly, the door shook in its hinges as someone tried to push it open. Adam stopped the onslaught on her backside and Evelyn quickly stood up and pulled down her skirt to cover her red bottom.
“Who’s in there?” Someone called from outside.
They both kept quiet. Evelyn didn’t recognize the voice, it didn’t sound like a professor though, probably another student.
The door shook again, but it didn’t budge.
All remained quiet for several long moments until Evelyn let out the breath she’d been holding.
“Guess you got lucky.” Her boyfriend said. “We should probably stop before more people show up.”
Evelyn nodded. “Thank you, Sir.”
“But don’t think we’re done with your punishment yet, young lady. We can continue tonight. That is if you still want me to come over for dinner?” Adam continued.
Evelyn licked her lips. “Of course!”
Adam grinned. “Good. Because I will be bringing my belt to deal with that naughty, lying backside of yours.”
Evelyn went from licking to biting her lips. If she thought she would’ve had trouble paying attention in her last few classes; she’d definitely have it now. With her boyfriend’s belt on her mind.
“And I’m keeping those panties.” Adam continued. “You shouldn’t have lied about them. So if you want to sit on the front row for any other classes today, you should definitely make sure to keep your legs closed now.”
Evelyn blushed deeply. It wasn’t the first time her boyfriend had sent het to class bared under her skirt. But that had been on a dare and she’d made sure to wear a much less revealing skirt that day. Hiding her lack of panties and especially the red color of her bottom would be a lot more challenging in the outfit she’d chosen today.
“Yes, Sir.” She replied, knowing there was no sense in arguing. Not that she wanted to argue… Despite her blushes and embarrassing thoughts, she was deeply aroused to be following her boyfriend’s risqué commands.
“Now you better get going. You’re late for your next class as is.”
Evelyn startled. Adam was right, she was late and this was not the moment she wanted to have everyone’s eyes on her by arriving last.
The door hadn’t moved in a while and no-one else had interrupted them. She softly pulled the cart aside and peeked outside.
There was no-one there.
She quickly fled the closet before anyone arrived to see her leave.
“See you tonight.” Her boyfriend called after her.
Evelyn lived in a tiny, one-room apartment on the edge of campus. The whole building was rented out to students like her, as well as most others on this street.
When she finally got home after two long classes – during which she had been very aware of her sore bottom sitting on the hard wooden benches and constantly wary of hiding her nudity underneath her skirt – she was happy to be in the privacy of her home.
A quick look in the mirror showed her that the red color on her backside had faded. It had just been a short and quick spanking after all. Yet Adam could arrive any moment and then that color would quickly return.
Evelyn searched her wardrobe for the lingerie she’d promised her boyfriend and quickly changed. She was almost ready when he arrived.
Adam had a key to her apartment and walked in on her pulling her t-shirt over her head. “So you put on that black lingerie you told me about?” He asked.
“That’s what I planned all along.” Evelyn explained.
Adam grinned. “What? Lie and then cover up the facts?”
Evelyn blushed. “That’s not what I meant. I just told you what I thought you wanted to hear.”
“Perhaps I just wanted to hear the truth.” Adam replied.
Evelyn bit her lip and stepped closer to her boyfriend, placing her hand on his arms. “You’re not really mad, are you?”
Adam grinned. “Of course not. But that doesn’t mean you haven’t earned a sore red bottom today.”
Evelyn smiled. “Good, because I didn’t prepare any dinner and thought we might skip right to dessert.”
Adam raised an eyebrow. “So eager to have your bottom smacked?”
Evelyn bit her lip. “I’ve been walking around with a bare, stinging bottom all afternoon. And to be honest, I was quite turned on about my spanking in the janitor’s closet earlier.”
Adam raised one hand, gently placing a finger against her cheek. “What about that spanking was so exciting then?”
Evelyn blushed. “Just the idea that anyone could hear us. I mean they didn’t know it was us, but they could hear a naughty girl was being punished in there.”
“And you like that anyone could hear you?” Adam asked.
“At the time it made me nervous, but now remembering it is very exciting.” Evelyn explained.
Adam smiled and stepped back from his girlfriend and with a few quick steps made his way to the window which he promptly slid open.
Evelyn raised an eyebrow.
Adam grinned. “Now everyone out on the street will be able to hear what a naughty girl you’ve been.”
Evelyn blushed. “They’ll know it’s me.”
“We’re on the third floor and every window in this block and those to either side belongs to a different student. If we turn off the light no-one will know which naughty inhabitant is getting her ass whooped.” Adam countered.
Evelyn licked her lips. “And my neighbors?”
Adam laughed. “If we can hear them watching TV and playing video-games at night, they will have heard us when I’ve put you across my knee before. Trust me they already know.”
Evelyn blushed deeply and looked at the open window. For some reason the idea turned her on greatly.
“If you have no other objections, I think it’s time for your punishment, young lady.” Her boyfriend said.
Evelyn nodded. “I’m ready, Sir.”
Adam turned off the light and then grabbed the only chair in her room and placed it with its back towards the window. “Kneel on the chair, bent over the back and place your hands on the window-sill.” He commanded.
Evelyn blushed. “That close to the window?” She asked.
“We have to make sure people hear you, don’t we?” He grinned. “You know what, take off your clothes first, I want you in just that set of lingerie you lied about.”
Evelyn bit her lip and pulled off the clothes she’d just put back on. The only light in the room came from her window and it was already getting dark outside, the faint light caressed her skin. It made the lingerie even sexier than before.
“Now get on that chair.” Adam ordered.
Evelyn stepped towards the chair and looked outside. With the lights off no-one would be able to look inside she told herself. Besides, the chair stood pretty far from the window, she’d have to bend over far to reach the window-sill.
She carefully knelt on the chair, bent over its back and reached down to the window. She could look outside, but not all the way to the street below.
The lights were on in plenty of rooms in the building across the street and she could see into some of the rooms were the curtains were open. She realized with a blush she’d be able to see the people inside while they might hear her squeal.
Adam placed his hand on her backside and Evelyn moaned softly. A spanking wasn’t just about being heard, of course. Soon her bottom would be red and sore and she might even be too preoccupied with the pain in her backside to be worried about who might hear.
“Now, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted.” Her boyfriend said.
Evelyn grinned. “You were teaching me a lesson about lying to my boyfriend.” She cheekily reminded him.
“I was.” Adam agreed and he raised his arm.
Evelyn moaned deeply as her boyfriend’s hand landed on her behind. Each swat reminded her of the earlier spanking in the janitor’s closet and the sting she’d felt then quickly returned.
Each swing of her boyfriend’s arm made her sway forward, towards the open outside sky. It was too far to risk falling through the window, but kept her eyes focussed on the outside world while her bottom received this intimate punishment.
Again and again Adam’s hand connected with her bottom with a loud swat, building the pain that spread through her skin. The more intense that got, the more her moans turned into squeals.
When Adam pulled of his belt and swung it through the air, landing across her bottom with a loud crack, Evelyn yowled her confession into the world: That somewhere up in these apartment blocks a naughty girl was getting her just deserves.
With her boyfriend’s belt painting deep strokes of red across her backside, Evelyn no longer cared who might hear. She refocussed her attention from the windows across the street and the unseen passerby’s down below, to her poor bottom back in her room. She moaned and wailed at the throbbing, pulsating pain in her buttocks.
Her squeals echoed inside of her apartment and out. Her buttocks trembled and her feet kicked against the seat of her chair.
“I’ll be a good girl!” She promised to the wide open world. “Please, I won’t do it again.” She begged, not caring who else might hear.
Adam finally stopped. “Have you learned your lesson, young lady?” He asked, stroking her sore, sensitive bottom with his hand.
“Yes, Sir.” Evelyn promised.
“And you won’t lie to me again?” He asked.
“:No, Sir.” She said.
Her boyfriend’s hand slipped from her poor bottom down between her thighs and then onto her panties, finding the sexy black lace she’d pulled on for him was now soaking wet from her excitement.
“So what should you do if you want to tell your boyfriend you’re wearing sexy lingerie?” He asked.
Evelyn moaned deeply as Adam firmly massaged her pussy, fingers digging deep between her lips. “I don’t know.” She whispered. He was making it too hard to think.
“You should wear it.” Adam replied as he suddenly pulled down her panties.
Evelyn moaned in pleasure and blushed because she hadn’t been able to think that far.
Adam’s fingers were now inside of her, digging deep and fast, finding and caressing her most sensitive spots.
“Do you think anyone out there heard the naughty girl in your apartment?” Adam asked.
Evelyn licked her lips and opened her eyes to look out through her window. People outside might have heard, but the apartments across the street should be too far away, especially with their windows closed. Yet, were there more lights on now than there were before? She wondered.
“I think so.” She said. She had no way to know for sure, but it was too unlikely to assume no-one down on the usually busy street had heard.
“And it still turns you on, knowing people might have heard you squeal like that?” Adam asked, his hand now moving faster and faster.
Evelyn moaned deeply, wondering how far that sound carried as well. “Yes, Sir.” She gasped.
Adam smacked her sore backside with his other hand. “You want them to hear this?” He asked, now spanking her with his off-hand while slowly driving her crazy with the other.
Evelyn groaned as her boyfriend dealt both pain and pleasure with each of his hands. She was on the edge, balancing over the back of her chair and about to teeter over.
“Cum for me, good girl.” Adam commanded.
Evelyn squealed as the orgasm took over her body after a final salvo of swats across her backside. Her body shuddering with pleasure.
Adam took her by the elbow and helped her get up from the chair. Evelyn winced when she stood up, suddenly feeling the pain in her knees from remaining kneeled on the hard wooden chair for such a long time. The pain was nothing compared to the burning sensation in her backside though.
Then Adam sat down, back towards the window. “Are you going to show your boyfriend what a good girl you can be and make up for your naughty lies?” He asked.
Evelyn bit her lip, horny and excited to please him. “Can we go on the bed?” She asked. “My knees hurt.”
Adam grinned. “I’ll remember to put down a pillow next time.” He said. “How about instead of sucking my cock, you come sit on my lap?”
Evelyn bit her lip. She’d been looking forward to blowing her boyfriend, it felt like the proper submissive way of showing her appreciation for him. But his wish was her command, so she stepped forward and bent down to unbutton his trousers.
“Seems like you’re looking for something else hard to sit on.” Adam teased. “Perhaps you didn’t need a pillow after all.”
Evelyn grinned, freeing her boyfriend’s erection. He was right, it was hard and big. She eagerly unpacked the condom he had ready for her and wrapped him up. She then straddled his lap and felt him slide into her. She moaned deeply as her sore, red bottom rested on his lap.
Adam reached around her, unsnapped her bra from the back and pulled it off her shoulders. Evelyn leant back on his lap, letting him play with her freed breasts as she gently swayed on his lap.
Her movements became faster and stronger as she rode her boyfriend’s cock. Her sore bottom grinding against his lap. She leant forward, pressing her breasts into his face, feeling his lips and tongue on her nipples, followed by his teeth.
She moaned when his fingernails dug deep into her back, squealing when his teeth left their marks on her breast. He froze up, thrusting his cock deep inside of her as he came. They sat frozen in this instance of ecstasy for a moment, until Adam grabbed her hair at the base of her neck and pulled her down, to kiss her deeply.
“Good girl.” He whispered in her ear. |
Not your typical drinking game [F22] | It was a typical night out at a Melbourne party. I was 22 and had been living in the city for a few months and was starting to feel comfortable in my new surroundings. I was having a great time, dancing and laughing with my friends, when I noticed a guy across the room. He was tall and handsome, with a mischievous glint in his eye.
I couldn’t help but feel drawn to him, so I decided to go over and introduce myself. We started talking, and before I knew it, we were both laughing and joking around. We were getting along so well that I decided to invite him to join my group of friends.
At some point during the night, one of my friends suggested that we do something a bit more daring. He suggested that the guy I was talking to should stand behind me and pull my cheeks apart with his fingers, while other guys took turns standing across from me and spitting into my mouth.
At first, I was taken aback by the suggestion, but then I felt a rush of adrenaline. I was feeling bold and adventurous, and I wanted to see what would happen. So, I agreed to it.
The guy I was talking to stood behind me and pulled my cheeks apart with his fingers. Then, one by one, the other guys lined up across from me and spat into my mouth. It felt strange and kind of gross, but also strangely exhilarating.
Afterwards, I felt a bit embarrassed and a bit ashamed, but also strangely liberated. I had done something daring and wild, and it had been surprisingly enjoyable.
The next morning, I woke up with a bit of a hangover and a strange feeling of accomplishment. I had done something daring and wild, and it had been surprisingly enjoyable. It was a night I would never forget.
Looking back, I’m glad I decided to take a risk and do something a bit daring. It was a great reminder that life is too short to be afraid of trying new things. |
My girlfriend fucked her classmate again | So my gf went on a couple of dates with a guy in her class and they had sex both times. But when she told the guy about me then he said that that was not what he was looking for.
But last Friday something fun happened. It was the last day of their course before vacation so a group from the class decided to go out. So they had pres at this guy's house. (The one that my gf fucked)
During the drinking the story of her and him fucking came out. I don't understand why but one girl told my gf to sit on this guy's lap for the rest of the time and my girlfriend did. I don't know why. She says that it was because she was drunk and thought that it was hilarious for some reason.
But as the party went on he started to get more touchy-feely with my girlfriend. He started squeezing her more and feeling her up. Running his hands up and down her bare legs. Then at somepoint they started making out.
After being told to get a room by everyone they went up to his room. And made out some more as he slowly lifted up her dress, groping and squeezing her ass.
My girlfriend undid his belt and pulled down his pants and was stroking his hard dick. They were then fucking missionary on the bed while making out. He pinned my gf's arms above her head and she said it made her feel so submissive. He fucked her really hard like this and she was moaning so loud.
Soon, she was lying face down while he fucked her pronebone. He didn't last long like this and came inside her.
She asked if this meant that he was no longer looking for something else. But he said that he was still looking but he would be down for some fwb stuff if she wanted. But he didn't want me involved.
After a long chat about "stuff". They started getting horny again and my gf was playing with his dick. Soon it was hard and she was giving him a hand job while they made out.
My girlfriend pushed him onto his back and Lowered herself down onto his cock as she loudly rode him. As she was about to orgasm he pulled her down onto his chest and help her there as he thrust his cock up into her. As she orgasmed she squirted. Which she told me she hasn't done in a while.
They then had to clean up but couldn't be bothered so they went downstairs to sleep on the couch because the others had gone out by now.
They fell asleep but in the night they were woken up by the others coming back. Once the others had gone to bed they started making out and slow fucking again. Until they had had enough and went back to sleep. |
A new dynamic develops for an old fashioned couple (part 4) [femdom] [M/F30s] |
She didn't waste much more time and in fact didn't say anything else. It was obvious what she wanted and what she expected.
She lowered herself down onto his waiting tongue...
John felt almost overwhelmed as she lowered herself, her sex meeting his waiting mouth, and he started to taste her. Before, he had never overly cared for doing this. It didn't disgust him or anything, but to him, sex had always been about intercourse. Everything else was secondary or something that would just lead to intercourse. His mind was starting to be changed though, whether he realized it or not. The way she had teased him while he was helpless caused him to feel sex in a way that he had never come close to feeling before, nor as intensely. He could still feel his hard cock throbbing in the air, looking for stimulus, but ignored for now.
And now, his beautiful sexy wife was practically demanding his tongue. And he wanted to give it to her. She was so turned on and so wet, and he was in such a desperate state, that all he wanted to do was hear her moans of pleasure. And if this would cause it, it made him eager to do so.
And so, he licked her like he never had before. At first, he had used his tongue licking the folds of her labia and going partially inside her, like he always had. But it wasn't long before she positioned herself differently and her clit was between his lips. She even said, "Lick my clit John, lick it...." and he really had no choice but to comply, not that he didn't want to. His tongue eagerly played over it, listening to her incredible moans of pleasure and trying to work it in whatever way made those lovely sounds come out the most.
In another way, it was overwhelming too. Her silky thighs were close on either side of his head and her small body loomed over him. She was in complete control and his entire world had become pleasing her pussy. She would occasionally grind down on him and move her hips to get his tongue exactly where she wanted it. His world had become very simple. All that existed in this moment was licking her. It was all he could do, and he found it was all he wanted to do. As her breathing elevated and her moans increased, she brought her weight more fully onto his face, and her thighs came in more almost starting to squeeze his entire head.
"John, fuck....take it into your mouth, suck on it..." she demanded in the most sexy voice he had ever heard, and full of confidence that he would do exactly what she told him to. And he did, gently pulling her clit into his mouth between his lips with a light suction and running his tongue over it. She cried out, "Yes!" and her legs started to squeeze his head even more. He found breathing starting to become a challenge and he might have panicked - tied as he was, unable to move, and smothered by her sex as she writhed on top of him, there was no way for him to physically escape and let himself breathe more easily. But he didn't. It made him feel that helpless state and how he had no control here and he let out a low moan against her clit from how much that aroused him.
Cindy was in heaven. John had rarely performed cunnilingus, and when he had, he had not been very good at it, nor spent any time or effort trying to get better. It had been almost like he was just trying to get it out of the way. But now, he was doing exactly as she desired, and she felt so powerful riding his face like this. She was going to redefine their sex life and finally, blissfully, get all of the pleasure she deserved. She had been so worked up by teasing him that she almost came on the spot when his tongue touched her. He hadn't balked at her direction and seemed to be trying in earnest to do exactly what she wanted. That power was giving her quite the head rush and she felt a powerful orgasm coming. She squeezed his head harder and allowed herself to completely let go and enjoy taking her pleasure.
When she heard him gasping for breath, that was it. That sent her over and her legs clamped onto him hard as her entire body trembled in orgasm. She cried out in pure ecstasy from it, her hands even going to his head and pulling it towards her harder. It was incredible. The best orgasm she had ever had. She knew now that she could never go back to the way things were. This was how it should have been. She rode his face through the orgasm, he body occasionally trembling with aftershocks, before she relaxed and pulled up off of him a few inches.
She looked down at him and all of his desire was still there in his eyes as he panted to regain his breath. His face was covered in her juices and besides desire, the look he gave her could best be described as adoration. she brought her hand to his face and caressed it. "Oh, John, that was amazing," she said a little breathlessly. And it was. She wanted very much to lower herself back down and take two or three more orgasms from his tongue, but she restrained herself, despite his eager look. She didn't want to overdo this first time and have him become so overwhelmed that it started to become a negative experience. This was enough to start establishing things and training him on how to please her, and he had done such a good job. There were a lot of seeds planted tonight and she needed to give them time to grow, but there was one more important one she wanted to plant.
"Would you like to cum now John?" she asked sweetly and he replied, "Very much so. That was....let me just say I am only more aroused than before."
She smiled in victory. She would slowly change how he thought of sex. And teach him that his natural primary motivation would always be her pleasure first. That pleasing her would be his path to his own pleasure.
Still hovering inches above his face, her scent filling his nostrils, she said, "I want you to ask me for it John. You've done so great tonight and I want to reward you with an orgasm, but I want you to ask for it. Ask me to let you cum..." Her voice was low and raspy, but confident. She knew that speaking like this and being demanding of him would feel very odd for him. Asking for permission? That would be something that might cause his male ego to fight it. But she was pretty sure she had read the situation correctly and he would do as she told him. She had refrained from telling him to beg, but that was what she wanted. It was too early to use a word like that and this got the same point across.
This would be the start of her ownership of his orgasms. He didn't know that of course, but establishing now that he needed to ask for it would set the baseline.
She was right. His ego was in check and though his eyes were wide with the uncertainty of asking for something he had always felt was his natural right, he started to speak. "Cindy...I...I have never been so desperate...Can...Can I cum now? Will you let me cum now?" he started and she waited, not moving and not saying anything. He let out a little whimper in the silence and his voice became a little more desperate sounding, "Cindy? Can I cum now? Please?" There we go, she thought. He is getting close to begging. That 'please' almost pulled another orgasm from her. "Please Cindy. Please."
She smiled with another victory and moved her body down until they were face to face. "Yes you may John," she said and kissed him passionately, her tongue plunging into his mouth aggressively. Another thing that was the opposite of the way it had always been.
She pulled off and then straddled his hips. His large cock was still quite hard and angry looking. Intercourse had always been missionary before, but no longer. She had dreamed of doing this. Taking his cock in hand, she lined it up, and impaled herself on it... |
I [F]18 just facetimed my best friend while my boyfriend was fucking me... we arrived almost simultaneously | My best friend and I are the same age. She has already had a threesome with my bf... but that's another story.
Anyway, my boyfriend and I have been texting her separately, just flirting and saying we want to do it again, but she lives in another province and is quite far away.
Then she got the idea to facetime... I felt awkward about it, but my bf and I started having sex first, and... then she called me... I answered, and it felt so fucking crazy to have her watching us through the phone...
After a few minutes, she took her shirt off (she has such nice boobs fuck) and showed us her pussy...
This was a huge turn on for both of us... she played with it and tried to match the energy of my bf pounding me from behind...
Then she started moaning so loudly that she had to try to be quiet (she lives with family and was wearing airpods) and then she came... watching her face and knowing she was coming to watch me get fucked made me come almost immediately after...
It was insanely hot... Because she is single, we may do this more often... |
[B/S] My brother dominated and fucked me and came inside me at an orgy sex party | I am 20(f) and my brother is 22. That's really all the personal information I want to give on that matter. I'm not describing myself or giving locations. I'm not going to get deep into our past but we grew up in a...I'll say "troubled" home so we went through a lot together. Sometimes when people go through trauma they run from sex. Some people become extra horny. I became more horny. I've had various stages of my comfort with sex but in the last year and half I've really come into my own and a lot of my fetishes are directly linked to what I have experienced. My brother became the same way and I will get into that later.
I've never had sexual or romantic contact with my brother before this. This happened a few days ago. I lost my virginity 18+ so any sexual experience is when I was of age.
As I said before in the last year and halfish I have become comfortable with sex. I always avoided it before that and thought I was asexual for the longest. It would confuse me because I could masturbate and fantasize about sex just fine but I never wanted it to happen. I realized I really like sex when I felt comfortable and actually did it. My first sexual experience was actually a threesome. Two of my closest friends are a couple and they are aware of my sort of fear with sex. I told them that I just needed a safe space to feel comfortable and they offered to give me a sexual experience and said that if I didn't want it. They wouldn't feel bad. If at any point during the act I wanted to stop, they would just stop. I thought it over for like a week and took them up on their offer and it was pretty damn great. I felt more comfortable being with a woman at first and we kissed and touched and she made me cum a bunch. Then I did things with the guy. Currently today I LOVE giving blowjobs to guys. But at the time the idea of putting a penis in my mouth just disgusted me. So I kissed him and gave him handjobs and let him rub is dick on me. We had some great sex. It was just a whole sex filled day. In the morning we fucked a lot and then had brunch, then later we fucked. I spent the night at their place.
It was during then I realized what I like. I'm really into being dominated by someone I trust of course. From there and even today we've kind of had a dom/sub relationship going on. We've done some kinky stuff. Too much to list here but off the top of my head. The girl's parents own a cabin house thing and they had me stay there for a few days like a chain on my leg(I wanted this.) Obviously it was long enough to maneuver around enough to live but like they had complete control over me. They dressed me and gave me food. They'd fuck me in the morning, go to work, come by on break and fuck me. They worked at different jobs so usually the guy would get there first and fuck me and then like a little later the girl would get there and fuck me. They'd come by after work and I'd just be standing there naked while they were eating at the table. I'd be eating from my plate on the floor. All of this was consent. They even left the key in a place that if I wanted to go I could just contact them and ask and they'd tell me.
Anyway I've been really kinky for the last year and a halfish and I've fucked lots of people. I've even fucked or been a sub for money. Not because I need the money just to feel kind of overpowered and degraded. I've done lots of kinky stuff but I'm not going to put all that here because it isn't related to incest.
So I've been pretty active on my local sex/bdsm scene. I've attended orgies and gone to sex parties. I've never felt more free and like myself. I'm having sex I want on my terms and it's great. The bdsm community is honestly such a pure and kind place. A few months ago I ran into my brother at one of these events and it was kind of weird. He was wearing a mask but like, that's my brother and I know him. It was really awkward because I just had on like a thong and nipple clamps but I didn't want to make things weird. We greeted each other but when people around us heard we were siblings it became like a thing. I've played with the incest fetish before and pretended to be a daughter while a father takes my virginity or something. It's not really the incest itself that does it for me but the power dynamic. A lot of people in that community are into incest and I've seen brothers and sisters going at it together. It's honestly really common to see a brother fuck his brother. I think guys are just generally horny fucks so it's an easier boundary to cross. But I'm just going to focus on my own experience because it's not my place to talk about theirs.
The event went on like normal and I didn't fuck my brother. I wasn't even turned on by the thought. I just kind of carried on as I would have and he did his own thing. I saw him fucking a girl from behind. I didn't really see anything. I just saw his ass and his hips moving and he was pulling the girls hair. I think he saw me sucking two guys off but like there were no lingering looks. The next morning we went to get breakfast together after the thing and we talked about it candidly. He told me how he got into it and I told him how I got into it. It was kind of a bonding experience. It was interesting how our traumatic pasts manifested themselves differently in us. Like I love to be dominated and he enjoys being a dom. None of this conversation was horny or exciting to me because sex was just so common to us at that point. We went back and forth with stories and we talked about our sexual escapades but it wasn't like turning me on. it was just a conversation with my brother. At that point we kind of would tell each other about fetish events. He even assured me a spot at a few of them before. We did this for months and it was just normal. I'd pick him up or he'd pick me up and we'd ride there together. We have always been close and he always kind of protected me and made sure I was taken care of growing up. We spent a lot of time together so it was just not weird. One time before and even he helped me shave my legs and crotch area when I was in a rush. So yeah, I was seeing him have sex but it was like getting me going. I'd see his dick and he saw my pussy. The only thing I did pick up on as that he was a good fuck. I saw him with some bent over Asian girl he had tied up and he was fucking her ass and I could just see the pure pleasure from her face. Even in the bdsm community some guys aren't that good and you can tell the girl is moaning extra to give the guy confidence. But every time my brother was with a girl it was just so real. He is such a quality dom. So in that way it was exciting but I didn't want to fuck my brother.
The FIRST sexual experience I had to him was like a month ago but I didn't touch him or even see him much that night. They were going around collecting a bunch of cum from a bunch of guys in like a cup. There must have been like 10 different guys cum in there and they said someone needed to drink it so I was like hell yeah and just drank it down. Felt so fucking hot. Later in the night I learned my brother had came into that cup and it didn't throw me off. I was just like ehh oh well. At this point I've been there he has been. I've eaten pussy that he has fucked.
Gonna jump ahead to when it happened a few days ago. This was probably the BIGGEST sexual event I'd ever attended and it was more formal and organized. I was wearing a butt plug like all night just walking around naked. Even if I never fucked my brother it would have been a phenomenal night. So many people were there and I was getting big laid. I was in a room with a big mattress on the floor. I'm not sure how many people were even on the bed but I was just fucking and sucking everything. I was eating pussy and sucking dick and getting fucked by all genders. I wasn't really looking at who I was fucking. I will point out that at these events condoms are worn by everyone unless someone wants to be came on then they take it off at the last minute. I was just on a big mattress touching all these people and eventually I noticed my brother there and he noticed me. And this didn't stop me at all and it didn't even phase him. I'm not sure when exactly we had sex but I'm sure I'd given him head and fucked him because I was just going with everyone. It really just only turned me on and kind of opened me up to a new fetish and taboo. The bed orgy carried on and I didn't focus on my brother but like I didn't avoid him. But when I knew he was fucking me I was just so damn excited. I loved feeling his dick in me and him pulling my hair. I will point out that later and like even now as I am putting this here I feel weird. Like I fucked my brother and I just can't ever undo that. Not that I want to because it was great but I just feel this weird sense of "ew" over my whole body when I think about it too hard.
Near the end of the event I was just fully on my brother. The orgy was over and my brother was on chair and I was on his lap facing him just kissing him on the mouth and fucking him. I was trying to just live in the moment and any moment of direct eye contact just freaked me out. I liked that he was my brother but when I'd look into his eyes I just felt fucking weird. We stopped and just talked for a bit and it was an intimate conversation because I was sitting on his lap facing him while fully naked. We were just like "this is weird, right?" and talking about how we're siblings. It didn't help that one of my fetishes is the idea of being corrupted or innocence being corrupted so any mention of how wrong it was or how we can never come back from this just turned me on and it clearly turned me on. Like I would say something like "I'm your sister" but that would just make it hotter for the both of us. We were making out for a while and I was just riding his dick
You're not supposed to fuck raw at this event but we really wanted it so we went to the bathroom and he fucked me on the sink raw. I'm surprised he had so much energy still. At that point I was sweaty and worn the fuck out and could hardly move but my brother was just fucking me with such ferocity . I was just like not moving with my face pressed into the mirror and he was fucking me hard, pulling my hair, spanking me, saying I'm a dirty slut that fucks her brother. I was enjoying it so much. He was just so full of energy even after a whole like day of fucking tons of people. He came inside me and we drove to the hotel, showered, went to bed in the same bed while cuddling. I woke up at the usual time but he was OUT. He slept until 2 and it would have been more but I woke him because we had to leave the hotel. It was fucking crazy and we drove back and it wasn't awkward. We didn't kiss or touch each other it was honestly just a normal ride home. I would put music on and we'd sing along to songs like we normally would. There wasn't like some sexual tension it was just a good time. I feel fucking weird when I think about it but it's for sure something I'd like to try again |
In order to convince our other friends of something, I (F) had sex with my overweight friend. | There was a guy who was overweight among my former group of friends. 230 pounds, if I had to guess, which is a really significant amount of weight. Although many of our friends made fun of him, he was actually a genuinely nice guy. like actually being spiteful with him for no reason.
Every time we got together, they would "show off" by picking on the fat guy. He was constantly told he needed to work out, lose weight, and would never meet a female. Being jerks all around.
He came out one night and announced that he had a date. It turns out that his "friends" arranged a phony date for him, but no one showed up. I was furious. I uttered the words "I'm pleased she stood you up, I want you to take me on a date" in front of everyone.
Hence, we did. We had our date. had a great time playing mini golf. was an excellent first date. He admitted to me that he had only ever had intercourse once, and the girl had only done it accidentally while intoxicated.
My soul ached for him. He really opened up to me and shared his feelings with me, as well as the fact that the boys had consistently treated him unfairly.
We had a great date, so I said screw it. He is a nice, sweet man. S o I had a sex with him. He had a typical build. He played a poor thrust game since he lacked experience and it only lasted for two minutes, but I would still play it again. He obviously felt valued, which wasn't awful for me.
I gave him a hickey in exchange for him giving me one. the expressions on their faces! I advised him to be more self-assured since the right girl would eventually appear and that there was nothing wrong with him. THEN SHE DID!
He has been living with her for approximately two years, and he is doing great! |
He fucked me on the kitchen counter and the bruises the next day are worth it. [FM] | I have an occasional lover. He's a gorgeous French guy, tall lean, thick dark brown curls and that accent- fucking sexy.
I went over to his place one night with a bottle of red wine and he requested I wear something sexy while we shared the wine, so I changed into a sexy little red satin and lace teddy, low V cut at the front, open back and loose French knickers cut high at the bottom. When I walked out to the kitchen where he had 2 glasses of wine waiting for us on the kitchen island counter top - his face was priceless.
"Ah, I like that." He said in his sexy voice.
"Do you really?" I have a smug smile as I walk up to him, slipping my hands around his shoulders, standing up on tiptoe to kiss his mouth. We kissed deeply and his hands wrap around me before sliding down my back to cup my ass, where he discovers the high cut of the teddy and the easy access it gives him to all my curves. He makes a small moan of surprised pleasure, and pulls away to look down at me again in my lingerie.
"Oh yes, I like that very much"
Then he's pulling me hard against him, leaning back against the kitchen wall, and we're kissing passionately- teeth knocking together, tongues teasing each other. I can feel the hard outline of his cock against my belly, and I press into him harder, wanting to feel more of him on me. He pushes his thigh between my legs and I'm grinding against him, getting incredibly wet. His hands are all over me, groping my breasts and ass, before his fingers slip under my teddy to run along the lips of my pussy. He can feel how wet I am. Goddamn I want this man, I lift my leg up to hook around his hip and he takes the hint and picks me and carries me to the edge of the kitchen counter table top.
I wrap my legs around him and his head drops down to kiss my breasts, taking my nipple into his mouth, first one then the other. He slowly pushes me back so that I'm lying on the cold table top, and kisses down my body to the soft inner skin of my thigh. Then he pulls my teddy to the side and licks along the length of my slick pussy. Finally!
I arch and rest my heels on the edge of the table, and open myself up to his tongue. He is eating me out on his kitchen counter top, and it feels fucking sexy and hot. I hold and squeeze my breasts, pinch my nipples, while he's going down on me, and when he looks up I make sure I'm giving him a show of just how turned on I am. I don't know how long his mouth is on my pussy, but as I wriggle around, I see I'm edging closer to the wine glasses. I carefully push them away, before giving him my full attention again.
He stops briefly to take off his clothes so that he is wonderfully naked. He stands there, stroking my soaking wet pussy with his thumb, looking at it and telling me "I really like your pussy" and I reply "well that's good, because she really likes you". He pushes a finger into me, and I arch again with pleasure, and he goes down on me again, keeping his finger in me. I grab his hair, "mmmm you make me feel so good" and when I feel his tongue is on that perfect spot while his finger is pumping in me, I hold him steady there and start to grind against his mouth, working my way to an orgasm that has me moaning and writhing against the hard surface of the table. It feels amazing. Fuck, he really is so good to me.
He walks around to my head, and asks innocently "did you cum?" I look up into his eyes, "You know I did". Then I drop my eyes to look at his hard cock which is now next to my face pointing right at me. I know what needs to happen next, so I lean my head across and take his cock into my mouth. The angle is awkward, but I work my mouth up and down his shaft, licking and sucking the tip each time, playing with his balls as much as I can reach. He leans over me and his hand is at my pussy again, rubbing me while I suck his cock. This is feeling incredibly sexy.
He is rock hard now and has to fuck me. Leaving me spread out on the counter top, he grabs a condom and puts it on, then goes back to my legs and hooks my knees with his elbows and pulls me right to the edge. My ass is dangling a little over the edge, my pussy perfectly lined up with his cock. He fucks me. Immediately thrusting in deep into me, because he knows I love to feel him fill me all the way. I hold on to the edge of the countertop, to keep me in place so I can take each and every stroke of his cock deep into my pussy. He fucks me, but then pulls out, grimacing and tilting his head back "aaahh, I'm too excited" he says. He's so turned on, he's so close. But after a few seconds, he's back in me, pumping into me slowly at first but then faster building up a perfect rhythm before pulling out again. It's such a turn on the way he's fucking me with almost unbearable pleasure, my pussy is dripping wet so every time he enters me again his hard cock slides effortlessly in until he's balls deep in me. He does this three more times, edging himself, and I tell him "it's okay baby, just cum in me" but he says he doesn't like to cum in a condom.
"Then why don't you cum in my mouth" and he pulls out again, pulls the condom off and quickly walks round to me, cock in hand. I lift my head to eagerly engulf his cock with my mouth, but the moment my lips touch his tip, he says "ah wait" but it's too late, he starts cumming. The first spurt spills out of my mouth onto my chin and chest, but after that I've got his cock deep in my mouth and I savour every drop and swallow it all. It's been so long since I've tasted his cum, and it tasted good.
I loved fucking in his kitchen like that, I felt like I was living in my own real life porn moment, but what they don't mention in porn is the bruises that can happen on the lower back from all the wiggling and arching of all that soft skin against the hard stone surface of the counter. But every time I felt that tender spot the next day, I remember why, and it made me smile. Totally worth it. |
[mm] my first college experience | My first bisexual/gay experience
I (18) was in my freshman year of college, first time in the real world by myself. I’d always had a feeling of wanting to try something sexual with a guy, I was straight all throughout high school. Had my fair share of girlfriends and don’t get me wrong, I love pussy. I love the taste of pussy, I love the feel of pussy, and I love the way pussy sucks my cock while my girl was cuming. However, I just had the interest of playing for the same team, maybe just once.
I moved into the dorms, not knowing anyone else there. We had private rooms but shared bathroom/showers. Late one night in my second week at university I went into the shower room and heard one of the showers running, not thinking anything about it I walked into the shower stall opposite the one running. I started to undress, setting my wallet, key, cigarettes, lighter, watch, and towel down on the dry bench just inside the curtained stall. I started the shower, undressed, stepped in and lathered up.
By this time the shower opposite of my stall turned off, I could hear the faint sound of wet foot steps and rustling items, like someone was getting dressed or something. I continued showering and not thinking much of it. Suddenly, I heard the outside stall curtain open. “I’m in here” I said loudly. I peeked my head out of the inner curtain and saw probably to this day, the most sexy, hot, handsome guy standing there. “Can I help you?” I questioned.
He looked at me, still hiding behind the curtain. “Sorry bro, I didn’t think anyone else would be in here this late.” He said. I couldn’t take my eyes off this sexy stud of a man standing in just his boxers and a towel draped around his neck. “Oh, yeah I take late showers, it’s not as busy.” I said to him. He looked down. For a second I thought he was going to grab my wallet. “Can I bum a smoke?” He asked. “Um, let me finish taking a shower and I’ll have one with you.” I told him. He reached down, grabbed my pack of cigarettes, took one from the pack, dropped the pack, picked up the lighter, and lit the cigarette.
I wasn’t a big smoker back then, really only started my senior year of high school to get me through stressful college entrance exams but fuck he was hot and he knew it. At 19, a sophomore, he was 6’2, 225lbs, light brown hair, hazel eyes, and a well defined six pack of abs. In my eyes, he was a Greek god.
“I don’t think we can smoke in here.” I said. Meanwhile, I’m finishing my shower, as quickly as possible. When I turn off the water, he’s now standing inside my shower stall, NAKED! Fuck! I thought to myself. I’m not shy by any means but I feel small to his 8” of man standing straight out. I’m only 6.5” on a good day. “Is there something I can help you with?” I ask him meekly. He takes a deep drag, exhaling and pointing to his dick. “I need some head”, he tells me. “Here?” I ask him. “No better place bro” he says.
Fuck, I can’t believe this is happening. Thoughts run through my mind. What if we get caught? What if this is a setup? What if I don’t like it, can I stop without him getting mad? What if I like it? Will he blow me too? Fuckkk, it was so much to think about.
I step out of the shower, completely naked, I grab his dick, drop to my knees as I look at a cock up close, I’ve never done this before but I want to, I think to myself. As if it came naturally to me, I leaned forward and took his balls into my mouth, tasting the just cleaned hint of soap, but also smelling the light aroma of man musk already radiating off of his scrotum. I suck each nut one of the time, both are too big to put in my mouth. I start lightly stroking his shaft. As he stands there, he takes another drag off of the cigarette and offers me a drag. I take a deep suck off the cigarette and move my mouth over to his cock head, I exhale smoke all over his cock as I start to suck him off, he shakes just a little at the feeling of a hot teen mouth wrapped around his big teen cock. I taste the slight hint of what I believe to be pre-cum. I suck him in deeper. I cup his balls with my one hand, while I start jerking him off with my other, as I slide my mouth and tongue up and down his shaft.
He starts rocking his hips back-and-forth and begins to fuck my mouth. I grabbed his hand, wanting another drag of the cigarette, and I exhale again all over his teen dick. Fuck, I am in love, this is exactly where I believe I need to be. He takes one last drag of the cigarette and flicks it into the shower. He takes both of his hands, places them on the back of my head and pulls me into him. I gag. He loosens up his grip just a little as he begins to rock his hips back-and-forth, sliding his shaft into my throat. I squeeze his balls, lightly letting him know he’s a bit too deep. He backs off just a little but continues to rock his hips back-and-forth slower this time so my throat can accommodate his big 19-year-old dick.
He reaches down for the pack of cigarettes, lights one, takes a deep inhale and hands it to me. I take a drag and go right back onto his cock. At this point, I am in automatic mode. I just let this sexy teen stud take my throat to pound town. I can tell he is getting close because I can feel his legs start to shake even more now. I take one last drag of the cigarette hand it back to him and exhale all over that big cock. I take my tongue and wrap it around the tip of his cock and then lower my mouth all the way, balls, deep onto his shaft. He takes a deep drag of the cigarette, places, his hand on the back of my neck and holds me there as he starts to unleash his cum deep into my throat.
I pull off of his shaft just a little bit, still allowing him to fill my mouth with his hot teen spunk. I swallow as he releases the back of my neck. I look up at him as he places the cigarette into his mouth, puts on his boxers, grabs his towel off of the bench, and walks out.
They are I am on my knees in the shower, stall and disbelief about what just happened. I get up off the floor, sit on the bench, lit another cigarette, and I smoked the entire thing before I got dressed, and walked back to my dorm room.
Needless to say, this was the last time something like that happened and to tell you the truth, I don’t even know his name. I don’t even remember seeing him after that.
I have absolutely no regrets, I have to say it was very erotic. I would definitely do it again.
Let me know what you think about my story. 😮💨 |
My first time sex ends up in a glory hole with a man [21M/35M] [Gay] [First time] | Before i start with my story i want say that i am not a native englisch speaker so my grammar is not always correct. But i still hope you can enjoy reading my story and yes it it all true and really happed.
So this is my story of me experiencing gay sex for the first time and falling in love with it. This all happened a while ago and at that time i thought i was a normal straight man. Well not really normal. I always was courious about having sex with a man so it’s more that i was bi courious. I was 21 years old and never had sex in my life so i really want that to explore but didn’t know how. I found that in my near like an hour away is a glory hole. So i wanted to go there and lose my virginity. But it was not as i could imagine, it was even way better. At first when i arrived i noticed that there was only man and no women. And i was a little scared to go to a hole and stuck my cock in it to get it sucked. I set on a couch to think of what to do and then a man set near me and talk to me. He was not sexy but somehow he looked cute in a way. He looked like he was in his mid 30s or so. We introduced ourself shortly and then he asked me if i want to have a little fun with him. I was scared and told him i have no sexual experience so far and i don’t know if i even like man. After we talked for a while about it he made clear that he is a good guy and he wanted to help me with my first time. I was still a little scared but i was also very horny now. So we went to a room in wich you can lay on a bed like thing. He said i should sit down and just relax so that he could go on his knees in front of me. Slowly he opens my pants and put them down. I now sad there in my underwear with my allready hard cock. And it was also a bit wet. He then put down my underwear and saw my fully hard cock. I was horny but still a bit afraid. He then started to touch my cock and stroke it. It was an amazing feeling. I laid back and just enjoyt it. After a while he started to give me a blowjob. I never fellt that good before. But not long in it before i would cum he stopped. He new that i was close and wanted that i stay horny. Now i wanted to also give him a blowjob. So he sad down and i was now on my knees. I put down his pants and underware and had his hard throbbing cock in front of my face. It was long and thick. I don’t know how big he really was but it was beutifull to watch. My mouth started to watering but i first started to give him hand. I never fellt a cock in my hand before and it was such a nice feeling. It’s hard and soft at the same time. I couldn’t jerk him long until i put my mouth on his cock. It was like i was in haven because it tasted so good. I tried to give him a good head and do what girls do in porn. After a while he started to moan and said naoughty things to me so i though i did a good job. I don’t know for how long i sucked him but i enjoyed every second of it. He then stopped me and told me i was good in it and seems like it enjoy it. I then ask him if he want to fuck me. At this point i was so horny and want the full experience. He ask me if i was prepared for it and if i really want to do that. I sad yes and i really was prepared for anal sex. At home i sometimes played a little with my ass and also had a small dildo. So he told me first to go fully naked and then turn around and on all fours. He put on some lube he had an started to rub my hole a little. It was a wired but also good feeling and with time it just got better. I even started to moan a little. He talked a little dirty with me to know how bad i want to get fucked by him and it was great. So he stopped fingering me and put on a condome and more lube. At that time i knew from that point it’s no going back but i really wanted it. So he slowly pushed his cock on my hole. It felt so great. Slowly it’s going inside of me. He went further and slowly stated fucking me. At first i felt a bit pain. He told me to just relax it will get better. And after a while it got better, from pain to plesure. When he heard i started moaning a little he got deeper and faster. And the plesure even got better i and moand louder. So he fucked me in doggy for a while and it felt amazing. At a point he stoppt and told me to turn around and lay on my back. I did and he fucked me in misonary. I looked in his eyes while he fucked me and just needed to ask him if we could kiss. immediately he kissed me. It was my first ever kiss with a guy and my fist kiss since i was about 10 years old or so. It was fantastic and i fellt like i was in heaven. I needed to moan while he fucked and kissed me because it felt that good. And then within a moment i just cummed. He looked at me and saw it. He told me it seems like i found my true nature. In that moment i was in pure bliss i never felt that way before. He fucked me really hard and fucked every drop of cum out of me. Then he also started cumming in my ass with a condom. He pulled his cock out and i got on all fours to put of the condom and cleaned his cock with my mouth. He fingered my now stretched hole and it seems and felt like it would gape. I also tased his cum from his slowly getting softer cock. His cum tasted salty and bitter but i really liked it somehow. We stood up, cleand ourselfs and got dressed. We talked a little and then we sad goodbye. At last he told me he really haf much fun and even it was my first time it was like i was made for that. And it seems like i lived every minute of it. On my way home i though about what just happend all the time. But I also thought about my future. Does it mean if i enjoyed it that much that i am gay ? I even thought of having a boyfriend who would fucked me a lot. Whenever or not i was gay now i just had a fantastic experience. I know i just wanted to have sex again with a guy. And that’s my story about my first time having gay sex. I often have to think about it. And i nowadays also want to have a boyfriend. A lovey man to kiss cuddle and to have sex with. Even i something thing about girls and having a relationship with a girl. I more want to have a boyfriend now and it seems like i am gay man now and i kid of like that.
I hope you liked my story and if you have any thoughts or questions you want to ask me i am all open for that whenever in the comments or on my dm‘s 😘 |
[B/S] Twins 34, sexy weekend together (with a few twists) | So firstly just an update on my last post, mine and my wfes sex life has really gone off with a bang since she told me shes always known about me and my sister. SHes asking lots of questions about us and whats gone on over the years. As for my sister i told her what my wife said and she was shocked like me at first but then shes like well your wife is kinda cute and she definatly has good taste in men so it could be kind of fun i guess. So now i await what i hope will be an amazing 3some with the 2 ladies in my life i love very much!!(when it hapens i will post here)
So me and my sister had this weekend planned long before my wife admitted to knowing about us, we went to visit the GF of an old school friend who sadly took his own life last year, but we said we would stay in touch as shes a really nice person. So we left home Friday around 16:30 for what was about a 3hr drive, my sister occasionally making moves whilst i was driving so if i stopped at some lights she would start rubbing my leg moving slowly higher and higher, by the time we arrived at our hotel she was rubbing my cock. We checked in, now only 1 room as my wife said whats the point in you both paying for a room when we all know full well you will only be in 1 anyway(she had a good point i guess) we needed to get some food, so we checked out the hotel restruant and it was pricey and didnt look that nice, so we had seen a little country pub a couple of miles back so we headed there had a drink and food and then went back to the hotel bar.
Sat in the hotel bar in a quiet little corner where nobody knew we were b/s we had our drinks and cuddled up on this sofa, it felt good being in the open. We had a couple of drinks and then my sister was like lets head up to the room, we can have fun and i have a couple of supprises for you.
As the room door closes behind me my sister is right on me, she starts kissing me intensly and her hands caressing every inch of my body in reach, she gently bites on my bottom lip and looks into my eyes (her eyes sparkling) and she says "i love you so much, all i seem to do is think about being with you and crave waking next to you and having you hold me tight" and i was like "I love you so much too and i am the same about you"
We start undressing and y sister lies on the bed, i get on top and we start to kiss as one of her hand comes up and starts to stroke my cock genetly. I slowly star moving down her body kissing her neck upper chest, sucking on her tits bofre kissing my way down over her stomach till i get between her legs, she spreads her legs and i slowly start to slick her pussy as she starts to moan and groan after a couple of minutes she flicks her legs back giving me access to her ass, but first it reveals a butt plug. I ask have you been wearing this since we left home? and she says yes, its the first little supprise for you, im going to wear it in the day and i was hoping you would wear it at night, thought it might spice up our lives a little to try new thing. I was a little scared at first but when you love somebody you will do anything for them and agreed to at least try. I gently ease out the butt plug all nice and warm and wet, she says lick it clean so i do and place it to the side. I continue to lick her ass and pussy her legs now pushing down on my head as she releases me she says my turn on you now so we swap positions and she strats to suck me off.
Once im all hard and wet, she gets on all 4s and i start to fuck her from behind. Starting slowly with soft gentle thrusts before increasing the pace, holding her hips to keep her close and then with 1 hand grabbing her hair, suddenly she lets out a loud scream and her body is shaking, then i notice as i pull back my cock is covered in a thick creamy white substance, she says for me to get on my back and then she gets on top and continues to ride me, before long i just explode deep inside her "mmmm good boy she says" as feels my hard cock throbbing in her pussy. But where normally she would just collapse on me and we would both enjoy the moment she just keeps riding me and after another couple of minutes we both cum together and then she just collapses on me, we kiss and she says wow that was amazing thankyou so much.
Fnally we my cock goes soft and just falls out of her, we decide to take a quick shower to clean up before we go to bed. Once we are out of the shower i goto put my boxrs back on and she says no, so me thinking we are sleeping naked together, she says i got something i want you to try on first. She throws me some of her sexy underware, panties and matching bra. Again the things you will do for the 1s you love, i put them on and she says "yes as i thought you look so cute in them, all you need now is your butt plug so lay on your back with your legs up and relax". she lubes up the plug and pulls my new thong to the side and gently starts to insert, after a few attepts and lots of lube later i feel my ass suddenly close up around it and feel just the end sticking out, she pulls my thong back over it and gets into bed with me. We turn out the lights, kiss and cuddle and fall asleep. and yes the plug satyed in all night. Part 2 to come tommorrow!!! |
[FFM] A Cougar Backwards Somersaults off the Bed while Unicorning | (Installment 2 of the Cougar Chronicles series.)
Last night I met up with a really fun couple from Feeld in one of the few liberal enclaves of my Red State.
I especially vibed with the F of the FM couple. She had the kindest eyes, was super intelligent and just all around cool. But I had also had a good feeling about her from the start based on her profile pictures.
And her man was interesting, too. It definitely didn’t hurt that he was fly AF, ripped and hung!
We ended up having a great night together that included green curry, red wine, college basketball, and, of course, manage a trois.
We did some bar hopping, some fucking in my hotel room, followed by some more bar hopping, followed by some more fucking in my hotel room. We utilized our time quite well.
These two turned out to be absolute freaks in the sheets. I definitely didn’t anticipate that level of enthusiasm from their profile pics.
Before last night, I’d never been tag teamed quite that intensely. I accepted my role as their fuck toy a few minutes into our first sesh.
At one point during our second round, they launched into a full on blitz of my clit, pussy and ass with their hands and mouths.
My legs were rolled up over my head and I remember feeling like kind of like a lazy fuck doll since I was unable to use my hands or mouth on either them in that curled up position.
For context, I am a tall chick that has never even done a cart wheel. I am the opposite of bendy and acrobatic.
Or so I thought.
The dude was really strong and as he pulled my sturdy, curled up frame down to the edge of the bed, the momentum flipped my legs back all the way over my head.
I rolled backwards over and off the bed, landing on my knees.
So I guess I halfway stuck the landing?
As I was on the floor we laughed and I said “Holy shit, I probably haven’t tuck and rolled since 1985!”
We resumed our play and progressed through all the fun 3 way positions (she was an incredible face sitter by the by).
As per usual, my squirt soaked the bed and we romped pretty hard until I finally had to declare it Sleepytime.
Today I can barely move my neck.
And my under carriage feels like it might have been loved a little too hard.
But I guess them’s the breaks of being a unicorn. |
Waking Up With My Wife [M48/F36] [WMAF] [loving] [seduction] [feet] [cunnilingus] [blowjob] [creampie] | "Wake up wake up, Daddyyy."
I slowly come to, the giggled words bringing me out of a light, dream-filled sleep. Birds call outside, and I can hear the wind in the pines through the windows of our rustic mountaintop lodge. A curious sensation at my foot tugs at my attention.
"Wake uuup, Daddyyy," a familiar voice whines playfully, speaking with the soft musicality of a Filipino accent. My eyelids gradually flutter open – my wife Marielle kneels at the foot of the bed, her caramel colored skin gorgeous and glowing in the soft morning light. She watches me with a mischievous grin, nibbling at my big toe which protrudes from under the covers. All I can see of her is her pretty face and ample breasts resting against the mattress, her areolas big and brown and beautiful. She smiles as she sees I'm awake, and winks seductively before popping my toe into her mouth, sucking on it, running her tongue and teeth along its edges.
"Oh, girl," I groan at the sensation. "Baby, what are you doing?"
"Hmmm...oh, it's nothing," she demures, eyes sparkling. "I just want to give you a little treat, that's all. To show you how much I'm liking our vacation. I hope you're enjoying it too..." She playfully kisses the pads of my toes, one at a time, then stares me in the eyes while she slithers her tongue between them.
"Shit," I groan again, heating up as my cock gives a lurch. "Babygirl, you don't know what you're doing."
She giggles, and nips at my instep. "Daddyyy...I know. I'm treating you like a king, like you deserve."
She stands, and my mouth goes dry. She's wearing a pair of white thigh-high stockings topped with pink ribbons, a matching ribbon tying up her long dark hair. Aside from that she's completely naked, her shapely petite body and soft curves on full display. Even after bearing our two children my wife is hot as hell, and I'm entranced as always by the sight of her smooth hairless cunt and full titties.
" look so damn good," I manage to stammer, unable to do much else but stare as she tugs the covers back further, revealing my legs up to the knee.
"Mmm...thank you Daddyy, I'm so happy you like it." She giggles and crawls up onto the bed, slow and sensual, posing on her elbows and knees. Then, watching me all the while, she begins to kiss and lick at the hollows of my ankles.
"Oh fuck, sweetie. Oh Fuck..." I groan. After twelve years of marriage, she knows exactly how to get me going. My cock throbs at the sight of her pretty little mouth licking at my skin, her eyes staring up at me.
"You like that, Daddyyy?" she asks with a smile, and drags her tongue across the top of my foot before taking my toes in her mouth once more and sucking.
"Fuck yes...fuck yes baby," I moan, my cock swelling and straining.
"Mmm, I could suck you all day...are you going to be my king today, Daddyy?"
"Fuck yes I am."
She sits up and takes a moment to admire her work – my cock bulges beneath the covers like a tent pole. She giggles, then gets down on her elbows again, tickling her big brown nipples against the smoothness of my shin.
"Oh, God baby..." I groan softly, as she grins and licks my calves, her tongue tracing intricate patterns against my skin. She kisses her way up my leg, moving the covers more so she can reach the back of my knee, which she starts to lap at with firm strokes of her soft tongue.
I'm getting so aroused I don't even know what to do with myself; I settle with tightly gripping the sheets to either side.
"Mmm...Daddyyy, I can see you're very happy," she chuckles, eyeing the twitching blankets between my legs. "It makes me happy too when you're happy..."
She sits up and gives a lewd smirk, straddling one of my legs and spitting into her palm. Then she starts to rub herself, mouth falling open as she lets out a soft moan, her palm quickly growing slick with her own juices.
"Oh Jesus fuck, babygirl," I whisper, my heart hammering in my chest.
"Is that what you want, Daddyy?" she purrs luxuriously, chasing her own pleasure.
"Yes, sweetie," I pant, unable to take my eyes away.
"Good...mmm, it wants you too. It wants you so bad..." She lays down against my leg and starts to grind her slippery cunt against my shin, further rolling up the covers so she can bite and suck at my thighs.
"I need it babygirl, I need it," I groan, scarcely able to sit still.
"I know Daddyyy...mmm, I know," she moans against my skin. She clings to me, lewdly humping my leg like an animal in heat. She grinds harder and harder, smearing her arousal against my shin.
"Christ...fuck. Bring it here, sweetie. Bring it here. Daddy needs it," I say, mouth watering, able to think of little else but the taste, the scent of my wife's cunt. She pauses mid-hump and smiles at me prettily, mouth open and panting in arousal.
"You need it, Daddyy?"
"Yes I fucking do babygirl. Bring it here."
She giggles, then clambers up over me and turns around, placing her knees on either side of my ribcage. She arches her back and spreads herself, filling my vision with her petite drooling pussy and plump little ass, her delicacies framed by the white and pink of her stockings.
"Oh my fucking god," I gasp, as a string of her grool drips to my chest.
"Mmm, you like how I look, Daddyyy? How good I look for you?" she murmurs huskily, smiling over her shoulder.
I nod, absolutely mesmerized. "Yes, baby. Oh fuck yes..."
"Good. Well I give you want you you give me the same." She leans down and starts to rub her face against my throbbing hardness through the covers, moaning as she does.
"Oh yes, Daddyyy, oh yes I need it. Won't you give it to me, hmm?"
I groan, arousal aching in my balls, gaze locked onto her dribbling lips. I can't fucking take it anymore: I seize her by the hips and pull her puss to my face, causing her to squeal in delight. She starts to moan as I begin to suck on her folds, her nectar dribbling down my chin.
"Ohhhh...ohhh Daddyyy, you make me feel so so good. You make me feel like a princess. Mmm...I want to make you feel good too..."
She grabs the covers, tossing them aside completely, the cool air hitting my cock as it springs to full mast. She circles her thumb and forefinger around the base and squeezes, causing me to gasp, my mouth full of muff. Her sweet lips kiss their way down my stomach, licking across my flanks and nibbling at my thighs before beginning to tongue my balls, my fat swollen cock held tight in her little hand.
"" I groan, face full of her pussy, feeling myself growing even bigger in her grip. I slurp at her harder, showing my appreciation. "You drive me crazy, baby." I can feel her heating up, her hips thrusting unconsciously against my mouth, her womanhood blossoming and swollen.
"Oh Daddyyy, I neeed it," she whines, rubbing her face against my shaft. "I need it I neeed it." I feel her drag her tongue along my length, caressing the sensitive underside with her softness. Then she pulls my fat head into her mouth, takes a deep breath, and throats me as far as she can go.
I fucking lose my mind. Stars explode in my vision, and I let out a long, simmering growl, too turned on even for words. My eyes roll back in my head, my hands squeezing at her hips. I can feel her throat muscles working, squeezing, milking my shaft. The sensation of her hot wet mouth swallowing has me lost in bliss – it's just too goddamn good.
"Oh shit, baby. Oh shit, oh fucking shit," is all I can seem to say.
She takes almost all of me in, trying for more and gagging on it before giving up, gasping. "Oh Daddyyy you're so big," she moans, before spitting on it and deepthroating me again and again.
My toes curl; my whole world is pleasure. I can't even remember to eat her out at this point. All I can do is lay there, eyes shut, groaning over and over again as she goes down on me, slurping and gagging and giving all of herself to the act of pleasing me.
It's a miracle I don't cum right then and there, and I can't even see straight until she takes a break again, panting. When my vision does return, I'm confronted again by the closeness of her caramel-colored pussy, the scent of it inviting, alluring, intoxicating. Something about it flips a switch in me, and suddenly I'm no longer content to lay there, basking in pleasure. No; I need to take what's mine.
Pushing on her hips I begin to extricate myself from between her knees, sliding up along the sheets until I'm crouched behind her. "Oh Daddyy, Oh Daddyyy," she whines, arching her back and raising her ass, offering herself up to me, knowing exactly what's coming. I give her ass a smack and watch it jiggle, listening to her needy whimpers. Then I'm taking fistfuls of her flesh, spreading her, spitting down on her pretty pussy and ass and rubbing my ridiculously hard manhood against her backside.
"You want it baby?" I growl, voice low and rough in animalistic arousal.
"Yes Daddyy, pleease," she begs in a desperate whine, wiggling her ass, straining to raise it even higher for me. It's just about the most gorgeous sight I've ever seen; she's fucking irresistible. I spank her again, grab her by the hair, and shove myself in.
I hiss as I'm met with her embrace, warm and wet. Her cunt is a velvet glove, soft and exquisite, welcoming me in and beckoning me further. She wails as I enter, a cry of pure unadulterated pleasure; she grips the sheets, squeezing and twisting them, pushing herself back against me and clearly eager for more. Caught up in the act I spank her for a third time, pushing her down and forward, pinning her to the mattress as I start to fuck her hard and deep, my balls slapping against her sex. My heart hammers, my every fiber fills with joy as I take my wife from behind, as I watch her little body work beneath me.
This. This is what it's all about, right here. All the boring board meetings and long hours, and late nights spent staring at spreadsheets. This is what it's fucking for, right here.
She practically screams, and I realize she's babbling in Tagalog; I know she's going to cum soon. I reach between her legs and stroke her clit, teasing out her orgasm even as I fuck her rough from behind, the sound of our lovemaking echoing off the walls.
She squeals, and when she cums, she cums hard, her pussy constricting and juices gushing against me. "Daddyyyy!" she cries out in utter devotion and passion, her voice raw as her climax wracks her entire body. She writhes against me, panting, her bliss pushing me to the brink as well.
My balls tighten, a fire burning in my gut. I can feel my release building, like a dam that's ready to burst. Grunting, growling, I pull on her hair and thrust as hard as I can, holding her tight and burying myself inside. "There it is, baby, there it is. That's what you need, right there..."
"Oh Daddyy Daddyy, give it Daddyyy," she begs once she's able, watching me over her shoulder with adoring eyes.
At the sight of those irises, big and brown and beautiful, I fucking lose it. My whole body locks up and my jaw sags, and for a moment I'm frozen in time. My mind blanks – and then I explode. Suddenly I'm convulsing, cumming, climaxing, the force of my orgasm causing me to shake uncontrollably. I can only cling to my wife as I go over the edge, gasping again and again in ecstasy as I pump her creamy slit full of my hot seed.
"Mmmm, yess Daddyyy, thank you thannk you," she purrs, rocking her hips and milking me dry, my jizz overflowing from her folds and dripping out, staining the sheets.
I cum for ages, it feels like, but after a long while I'm finally spent. Shuddering, I pull out and fall back against the pillows in an exhausted, joyous daze.
Marielle turns and crawls over to me, laying down against my chest, her breasts pressing against me. "Daddyy," she coos, smiling up at me, stroking my cheek with her fingers. "Mmm...mahal kita," she murmurs, nuzzling against my neck and jawline.
I chuckle; her language sounds so pretty to me, even if I can't understand much. "I love you too, baby," I say, wrapping my arms around her and squeezing tight.
"Good," she smiles, slapping my chest playfully. "Let's get breakfast, then. You made me hungry, and we have more to do today. Then maybe we can come back to bed tonight, hmm?" She arches an eyebrow, giving me a suggestive smirk before wriggling out of my arms and standing up.
"Alright, alright," I laugh, letting her pull me up out of bed. Hand in hand, we head to the shower to start our day. |
Never A Sure Thing: 21+ [F32/M34] [Straight Sex] [Interracial] [Cheating] [BBC] [Big Boobs] [Busty] [Cleavage] [Oral Sex] [Impregnation] | I have always loved cocks, dicks, trouser snakes, whatever people called them. I have always loved them since I sucked Billy Madix's dick under the bleachers.
In my senior year of high school, I must have sucked all the guy's cocks in my senior class. I could care less what they thought of me or the names the other girls called me. I loved the feeling of a cock in my mouth.
When I went to college, it was no different; I collected cock pics and had a whole folder full of them. I could care less what size, big, small, micro, the giant and massive, I sucked them all. That wasn't to say I fucked them. No, I was saving that for the best cock of them all, one that could last a full ten minutes of me sucking them off.
Not many guys lasted that long. Hell, most of them didn't last two minutes. I had gotten good at sucking cocks, I had my own way and secret, and it never failed me.
I even got some of the older men off within seconds. They would brag about their age and experience, but it was all talk once they were in my mouth. Seconds later, they grabbed the back of my head and filled my mouth with cum.
Sure, having a set of F cup tits didn't help, I was naturally busty since my junior year in high school, and I just kept growing from there. In college, I knew what I wanted to do, they always said to find something you like to do, and you would never work a day in your life. Well, I wanted to become a urologist.
I loved everything about cocks, so why not have a job where I was around them all the time.
My second thought was to become a stripper, but I was no good at dancing, nor did I have any rhythm.
It was there in the medical field that I met Daniel, he was also becoming a doctor, a general doctor, and we thought it would be best to work together.
The moment I saw his eight-inch cock and felt it in my mouth, I knew we would be together for a long time. He never did meet the ten-minute mark, but I knew he was the one after college and even when we went our separate ways.
Two years later, we were walking down the aisle together, my blonde hair to his ginger. I was naturally tanned, and he was as pale as a ghost. We were meant for each other. His big dick and my big boobs.
The first night we spent together was horrible. I didn't know that something could go so wrong. We weren't in sync, and he lasted no longer than a mere few seconds, maybe less.
But after a couple more tries, we finally synced, and it was the best, unlike most new wives, who had set rules of what their husbands could and couldn't do in the bedroom. I was up for all of it if it involved his dick.
To Daniel, I was his cock hungry slut, and I owned every word and meaning. It didn't matter if there were friends or family around. My hand was in his pocket, pulling and tugging on his dick.
I sucked him off in front of all of his friends at his twenty-fifth birthday party, then watched as he fucked one of my best friends for his thirtieth.
We were meant for each other. We both loved sex. We were both good at our jobs. He had his general practice, and I had my clinic. Early in our marriage, we decided to put off having kids until we were financially ready.
As he approached thirty-four and I had just turned thirty-two, we decided it was time to expand our family.
Who knew getting pregnant would be such a hassle? We both were in our prime, and we were both healthy, but I couldn't get pregnant no matter what we did or tried.
"Now, cum now!" I said as Daniel fucked me.
I looked in his face as he had my legs on his shoulders. It was that time again, a routine we had gotten into of fucking at a specific time during my cycle. But I knew just like he did that it wouldn't work.
"Jesus," Daniel said as he laid out on the bed. "That has to be it," he said, shaking his head. "I don't think I can go another round."
Four times was our maximum, and he would cum inside of me every time.
We both had seen specialists, and they all found nothing wrong with us. My damn womb just didn't want a baby in it.
We decided if I didn't get pregnant by the end of the year, we would seek another means if that was adoption or something more drastic.
Daniel didn't like the idea of me going to the clinic and getting inseminated with someone else's sperm. As he would say, that was the last straw when it came to things he didn't like or want to do.
"Why not a vacation?" Raylene asked. She was Daniel's sister.
As I called her, Ray was a ray of sunshine, there was never a dull day, or something that she didn't think was a bad situation.
"I don't know," I said, staring at Ray. She had a woman's boutique, as she liked to call it, a few minutes from my clinic, so we met daily for lunch.
"When was the last time the two of you went camping or did anything exciting?" Ray asked.
"It's been a while," I nodded.
"See, a bit of relaxation, maybe go to the beach or the lake, get your mind off things," Ray smiled. "I am sure that's when Ben got conceived, legs up in the air on the beach in Thailand."
"Great," I said, putting down my veggie burger. "I will never get that image out of my head."
Xander, her husband, was into men's fitness and was built like a Brickhouse. Ray was a four-foot six, petite woman. Imagining them fucking was like something out of a midget porn video. Xander was easily close to seven-foot or above.
Plus, I had seen Xander's cock. Before they got married, he was one of my first patients. Also, he came by for a routine checkup. The man was obsessed with his cock, always ensuring that it was good and that there was nothing wrong.
Daniel suspected that Xander was just coming by to check out my chest and not because he wanted to be examined.
"We could rent an RV and go to the lake we haven't been there since we got married," I nodded.
"A few drinks near the lake and the next thing you know," Ray smiled.
"Don't," I shook my head.
Ray had the bad habit of making every scenario a romantic one. I wasn't into romance. As long as we went to the weekend and had as much sex as possible, the rest would hopefully fall in line.
Ray shook her head; she hated our open marriage. I always tried to explain that it wasn't open to the point we slept with anyone and everyone. It was just open to other people if the other allowed it.
Like allowing him to fuck my friend or at one of the parties, he and two of his friends had their way with me. It was beneficial to both of us. We both knew that sex would eventually get boring if it were just the two of us. So, we liked to bring others, both men and women.
The one rule was no emotional attachment at all and no repeat offenders. We never went to the same well more than three times. After that, we cut them off. It had worked so far, and neither saw anything wrong with it.
\~\~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~
"About time," Tasha, my assistant, said as I told her I was taking a long weekend.
I had already talked to Daniel, and he was all for it. So, we scheduled it for the following weekend. We would both would take Friday and Monday off so that we could have a four-day weekend.
"Hopefully this time it will work," I said as I looked over at my patient.
I loved my clinic because it was near a college, so I got strapping young men coming in for physicals all the time.
Most of them came because they heard about the busty blonde that felt on their cocks.
Sometimes, I spent more time looking at it if it was an ideal length and girth. Sometimes I would give them a slight tug job as I pretended to examine them. A few of them came right away, and others moaned a lot.
I could already tell by how his dick was throbbing and twitching he was going to burst.
"So, you think with all the relaxation and resting that Daniel will be able to put a baby in there," Tasha said as she prepped the table.
"I hope so, we have been having sex nonstop, and no baby yet," I said as I pretended not to be paying attention to the length of time, I had been stroking his cock.
It had been just over forty seconds, and I could already see the look in his eyes. He was going to burst.
"It's just so frustrating," I said as I ramped up the speed pretending to be mad at the situation and not his cock in my hand. "Wish he would just cum deep in me like many other men and seed me with a baby!"
There it was the poor guy nutted all over himself and the gown.
"Sorry," he stammered.
Tasha had already started cleaning him off.
She liked doing that trick just as much as I did.
The rest of the physical went well.
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~
"He's coming, back again," Daniel said as my head bobbed up and down in his lap.
Daniel always got road head whenever we were on long car rides. I always thought it was the least I could do as a co-pilot to keep him entertained. I had already made him cum twice, and a third was on the way.
It seemed a trucker had seen us and decided to follow us in case of another show.
I looked up in time to see the toothy grin of an older man driving a large truck. I smiled back at him as he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and went back to the main attraction.
Daniel loved getting his dick sucked while he drove. It was the best part of the drive, he always said.
"Here it comes," Daniel said as I held his dick in my mouth.
'Right on time,' I thought.
My neck was feeling sore from sucking him off at this angle. Like always, I sucked him off until he was completely soft again. I never just let him cum and then stopped. I was an all or nothing girl.
We parked the large RV in a central location, next to some trees and a reasonable distance away from the main entrance. Some others were parked all over, and we decided to mingle around and see what was going on for the night.
At heart, we were social animals and liked to be around as many people as possible. Daniel loved to drink, while I liked to talk, and with my big I cup breasts, which I loved to show off in skimpy clothes or low-cut tops, I was always the center of attention.
It didn't take long for us to find a group of people that wanted to hang out and drink with us. So, after taking our bikes down to the restaurant and having a large dinner, we were ready to party.
That's when everyone introduced us to Douglas, a regular that came to the lake every weekend. He had the biggest RV out here; the thing looked like one of those RVs the famous people would use. Walking through it, we saw that it had everything beds, a bathroom, a large screen television, the works.
When he pressed a button, both sides expanded, and the real party started. Liquor, Beer and some other drugs got passed around, and I was beginning to feel great.
When I mentioned what my job was, the guys all had dick questions that I was happy to answer.
I loved talking about cocks, and I didn't mind when guys would send me dick pics or pull theirs out. But the most often questions did size matter and was it true about black guys.
And the truth was, for me, size was everything. I hated to admit it to the more petite guys, but I loved a big cock inside me, nothing less than seven inches. Luckily for Daniel, he was sporting a good eight inches with a decent girth, or he wouldn't have made the cut.
As for the old rumour.
"No," I said as I looked over at Douglas, a black male. "Not all black males have long thick big black cocks," I smiled. "The actual biggest and longest I have ever seen," I looked over at Daniel. "Belonged to a Mexican."
"Now you're just pulling our legs," David said he was one of the partygoers.
"No, swear you not, He had gone to do a physical and the doctor told him there was a rash under his ball sack, and he came into my clinic, shit you not, when that Mexican dropped his pants, I had to back up," I laughed. "It was huge!"
"Must have been a swelling or an infection or something," one of the men said.
"Oh, no," I shook my head while taking my turn on the puffing stick.
"This fucking cock was all him, believe me I tugged on that thing with both hands and probably could fit another two on it," I said as I exhaled.
"Well fuck me," Douglas laughed.
"The smallest?" one of the women asked.
"A white guy," I nodded to a chorus of boos. "Sorry, I am being blunt here, the thing was a micro penis, my pinky finger was bigger than it."
"Now she is fucking with us," another man said.
"Show them," Daniel said as he looked at me.
"Fine," I shrugged as I downed another beer.
I took out my phone and went into my gallery.
"You have dick pics on your phone?" one of the women said.
"And on her laptop," Daniel laughed.
"He collects boob pics, so if you got them, send them to him," I said as I scrolled through the categories.
"You don't mind her having them?" a guy asked.
"She comes home to this one," Daniel said, grabbing his crotch. "Who cares what the others are packing," he laughed.
"It's true, after all this weed and alcohol, he's getting very lucky tonight," I nodded as I found it. "There it is, that's the biggest," I said, smoking a cigarette.
"Holy fuck!" a woman said as the phone passed around.
"That's a big Mexican cock!" Hank said as it reached him. He was the caretaker of this place.
"Alright now the smallest," I said as I got my phone back. "There," I said as I found it.
"Aww," one of the ladies said as she saw it. "It's so small!"
"Fuck that," one of the guys said. "I would empty my bank account for an extension if I had that fucking cock."
"It will cost a lot, and penis surgeries are risky at best," I shook my head. "They have to…."
All the guys stopped me as I made a cutting motion. "No, don't do that," Douglas said.
The night went well, and Daniel got very lucky once we returned to our place. He fucked me hard against the window as promised for some of them to see.
I pressed my huge tits against the window as he fucked me from behind. After that, he fucked me in the ass and then my mouth. I was his slut and didn't mind going from ass to mouth and back again.
Daniel fucked me again in the morning. He had my legs spread wide and
used me to care for his morning wood. Of course, I was more than happy to oblige. I was his to use as he pleased. He was heading for the lake to go fishing with the guys.
"Whoa," Daniel said as I pinned him against the RV wall when he got back.
"Fuck me!" I said as I stripped his clothes off. I didn't care if he reeked of sweat and smelt like fish. I wanted his cock deep inside of me right now.
Daniel happily obliged as he fucked me doggy style on the floor. He loved this position because my big white ass thumped against him as he fucked me.
After a few minutes of calling me his slut, and many other names, he pushed deep inside me and dumped another load of baby batter.
"Douglas invited us over for dinner," Daniel said as he took his shower.
"I don't think I want to go over there again," I said as I looked at him.
The shower in our RV was small. It was just big enough for one person.
"Serious?" Daniel asked. "You had fun last night," Daniel said, shaking his head.
"It's the way he was looking at me," I said
"All the guys were looking at you, you had your tits out, they were barely staying in that shirt," Daniel said.
"Yeah, but," I said.
"Don't start this bullshit again," Daniel said as he got out of the shower.
"I'm sorry, it's just that…." I pleaded.
"You grew up in a small-town yada, fucking yada," Daniel said. "I am not asking you to go fuck the big mean black guy, or should I say the N word to make you feel at home?"
"I have never said that word!" I shouted back at him. "Just because you grew up in the city, you know what, let's go."
"Nope, don't want to go now, fuck it, since you don't want to go, you can go over there and tell him!"
I nodded my defeat and took a quick shower. Daniel was still pissed as he sat down to dinner.
"I'm sorry," I said as I tried to make up for it.
"Just go over there and have the decency to tell him," Daniel shook his head. "I know you will make up some bullshit lie, but at least you will be face to face."
"Fine," I said as I got up and walked over there.
It was dark, and Douglas's RV was parked further out than most others.
"Doug?" I asked as I knocked on the door.
There was no answer. I walked around it but only saw a light blue light flickering.
"Doug," I said as I grabbed a milk crate lying on the ground and stood on it. "Holy fuck!" I said as I stared at Douglas absolutely going to town on his cock. He was two, handing the biggest cock I had ever seen.
Even with both hands jacking the shit out of it, the monster snake-like cock was still fucking huge. I couldn't take my eyes off it. Who knew the tall black guy was sporting an easily twelve or more inch cock.
I had seen plenty of black cocks, and I always laughed at the porn comics or erotic stories that said a white female always fell in love at the sight of a black cock. I had seen tons and never once fell in love with any of them. Until now, that is, I couldn't look away.
Douglas was watching some big woman on the screen getting fucked by a black guy and was jacking his monster cock. When it happened, he looked over at me. I should have dropped to the floor and walked away, but like those comics, I was rooted to the spot.
Douglas just smiled as he looked at me. He continued jacking his cock while looking straight at me. I had never been turned on as much as I was at the moment. I was soaking my shorts.
"Nicole!" I heard Daniel's voice yell out.
"Fuck!" I said, dropping to the floor.
I quickly ran to the sound of his voice. I didn't want him to find me staring at another man. We had never cheated before. We always knew all about the other person.
"He wasn't there, I went looking for him but couldn't find him," I said as I reached Daniel.
"Probably went out," Daniel shrugged.
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~
"Are you sure?" Daniel asked.
"Yeah, it's like you said, I owe him an apology," I nodded.
"Okay, the rest of us are going to be at the lake," Daniel said as he and most of the camp walked down to the lake for the weekend firework show.
We had spent the rest of the weekend avoiding Douglas. But I knew I had to do the right thing and apologize for both avoiding him and for spying on him in a private time.
"You sure you don't want to turn around and go the other way?" Douglas asked as I approached.
I sighed and shook my head. "That was rude of me," I nodded.
"Which time?" Douglas asked as he stood up.
"Both," I nodded. "I just didn't know what to say."
"About me being black or that you spied on me?" Douglas asked.
'Man, he was putting me through the ringer,' I thought.
"Can we go inside?" I asked.
Douglas walked to the door and opened it. I spent most of the time apologizing. I tried not to give the white girl from a small town with the racist parent's speech, but it came out, and of course, he said he understood, but I felt like it was more of him letting me off the hook understanding.
"What about the other thing?" Douglas asked.
"I am sorry about that too," I nodded. "I should have walked away."
"Then why are you still staring?" Douglas asked.
'Fuck me!' I thought.
I had been staring at his crotch. That monster cock had been on my mind all weekend.
"Want to see it and add it to your collection?" Douglas asked as he stood up.
My mind was shouting no, but the words weren't coming out. "Yes," I said.
"You got to make it hard though, or it won't measure up to the others in your collection," Douglas said.
'Nicole, don't do it, this is cheating, Daniel doesn't know and hasn't approved it,' the voice in my head said.
"Of course," I nodded.
Douglas pulled out his cock and stood up. Even in its flaccid state, it was bigger than most I had encountered.
I wrapped my hands around it and started tugging. I had done this a thousand times. There was nothing wrong, as long as I didn't go further.
Of course, what I thought and what I did were two different things. I should have stopped once it got to its full length, which made my hands on it seem small.
What surprised me was what I did after it got hard. My mouth opened, and I started sucking on Douglas's big, fat, long cock. Its girth made me have to stretch my mouth wide to take it in, but once the head got inside my mouth, it was all over.
I was officially cheating on my husband for the first time. Sure, I had slept with other males and females, but he was there for every one of those times. He was down by the lake while I had a big black cock in my mouth.
"Knew it," Douglas boasted as he snatched my phone from the seat behind him. He took pictures of me sucking his cock with my phone. "For your collection and mine," he said as he grabbed the back of my head.
I shook my head no as he pushed his monster cock into my mouth and straight down my throat. I had never had a cock stretch my throat like this one. It felt like it was going to tear me apart.
Douglas fucked my throat hard and fast. His big hands gripped my head as he relentlessly pounded his cock into me.
"I can't," I said as he let me take a breath. "It's too big, it's too long, it's…."
"Shut up," Douglas said as he started face fucking me again.
My mouth said I couldn't, but my body language said, " fuck me, use me, treat me like a slut."
I don't know how long he fucked my mouth, but it was much longer than any man had fucked it, and when he was done, he was still hard. That's when he pulled down my shirt and ripped my bra to get at my big tits.
"You can't," I said as Douglas lifted me up, carried me into the bedroom and slammed me onto the bed.
"Hear that?" Douglas said.
I listened to the fireworks outside.
"Fireworks," I said.
"You're mine, for the next hour and a half, maybe two if they stay to drink," Douglas grinned. "And I am going to fuck every hole you have," he said as he pushed his dick between my tits.
I was both scared and excited, but I didn't make a single move to get away or did I tell him to stop. He fucked my tits hard and fast until he came all over my face.
"Get on top," Douglas ordered as he got hard again.
I simply nodded and climbed on top of his monster cock. Slowly I rode him slow but then sped up.
"Shit!" I said as I heard my phone ring. It was Daniel.
I got off him and ran for the other room. I got to the phone and answered.
"Where are you?" Daniel asked.
"I am at Douglas's," I said with Douglas right behind me. "We talked and sorted things out and now we are smoking," I lied.
I gritted my teeth as Douglas put his cock back inside me and bent me forward on the floor. I had another man's cock inside me while talking to my husband on the phone.
"Why don't you both come down?" Daniel asked. "The party is just starting."
"Douglas said, I mean Doug said…." I was trying to talk, but the cock inside me made me brain dead.
Douglas took the phone out of my hand. "Your wife is a good woman she apologized really well," Douglas said while fucking me. "It's too dark to go down the path right now without some lighting especially after how much we started smoking," he lied as he gripped my hair and pulled it back.
"Yes, the works have just started, you should ask my boy Shane to take you to the cove out on the other side of the lake," Douglas said as he picked up the pace. "You get a great view, and he has the best shine you ever tasted."
Douglas was making sure he had time to fuck me as much as possible.
"Ask the others, they have been out there, and tasted it, usually he doesn't let just anyone go out there, but I will call him and make sure he does. Okay here she is," Douglas said as he handed me the phone.
"Hey, you good?" Daniel asked me.
"Yes, definitely yes," I said as Douglas fucked me hard.
"You mind, if we go, if you want me to come back I will," Daniel said.
"No, definitely, go, have. you go and have fun," I said as I tried to talk to him without stammering. "Bring me back some of that, shine, I will be heading back to our place very soon."
"Okay, love you," Daniel said.
"Love you too," I said. I hung up quickly.
"Your mine for the night," Douglas laughed as he fucked me. "After I cum inside you, I am going to call my boy Shane and he will take them out to the cove and on the way back he will have engine trouble, they will have to dock on the other side of the lake and have to try and get a taxi or uber back." Douglas laughed.
Douglas was true to his word. After he came inside me, he called his friend and told him what to do. While I was riding him for the second time, Daniel called me and told me they had trouble and would be late coming back.
I was pleased to hear it. I wanted to be fucked more, and Douglas stepped up to the plate. He was also true to his word of fucking every hole more than once. When he put that monster cock of his in my ass, I saw stars for a few moments, it took some getting used to, but after a few, I was on cloud nine.
I gingerly and slowly walked back to our RV in tattered clothes when it was all over. I cleaned up in the shower and waited outside. It was early morning before the taxi pulled up.
\~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~
The weekend was a vague memory after a week of being back home. I went about my usual thing when the doctor's office confirmed it.
I was pregnant. I was so happy to hear it that I rushed over to tell Daniel in person.
It wasn't until I had left his practice and was heading home. When it finally hit me, I didn't know who got me pregnant, Daniel or Douglas.
"Shit!" I yelled as I parked at my house.
***Author's Note: This story, as well as many others of my stories, are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***]( |
Sex at the Cemetery [MF30s][public][rough][oral][multiple orgasms] | From an [ongoing novel](
I move my face to his, feel his hot breath. He puts his thick lips around my bottom one, goes from gentle to sucking to biting so smoothly that I cry out instead of moan when he gets his tongue in. The way it fills up my whole mouth makes me feel like his dick is already inside me.
I beg him to keep going, say I want him to kiss me like that through the night. But two minutes later I tell him to throw me against the outside of the mausoleum. I cry out when I smash into it, my face scraping on the stone side. I beg for his dick as I lift my skirt. He fumbles with his zipper, so I turn and yank his pants down.
I want him to cum in seconds, to be so entranced by my body and pussy that he can't help it. And then I want to make him hard again and have him fuck me again, to cum again within minutes of the first time. Then I want to feel his dick get hard a third time in my mouth. I'll drain him -- knock him asleep.
And that's almost exactly how it happens. We end inside the mausoleum, the catalog of tombs next to us. He's on the cement, entirely naked. I clean up his cock. Lick, swallow. Kiss him again.
But instead of letting him sleep, I slide my purse under his head, kneel with knees straddling his face and have him eat me out while I pull on his hair to keep him awake and focused. He begs me not to stop as I move my clit across tongue and face for what feels like and might actually be twenty minutes.
As I lift my pussy for the last time, I don't know how many times I've cum. His cheeks are shining in the moonlight, hair around his ears damp. And I almost have to carry him out. |
D is for Double penetration [MFM][+18][oral][anal][threesome] | Before you judge me, there are three things you should know. Firstly, I'm not in love with Drake Dunn. He's not my soul mate. We're not star-crossed lovers. It's strictly physical between us.
Second, although his dick may not be the biggest or most impressive to look at, he most certainly knows how to use it. It's like having that old, well-used sex toy. You can't say why you prefer it to others, but you keep going back to it time after time, after time again. Satisfaction guaranteed, every time.
The third thing is, if you don't set out clear, firm boundaries, if you don't tell him not to do something, then as far as Drake Dunn is concerned, it's on the table. Like, for instance, the time he had me bent over the kitchen table. I thought he was going to fuck me doggy style, but then I felt his cock forcing it's way into my tight, little virgin butt hole. If I hadn't have ended up enjoying it so much I would've been mad. But it's as I said, satisfaction guaranteed. Every time. Otherwise I probably would have grown tired of his shenanigans by now.
Another thing to know is Drake has a roommate, Dylan. Dylan moved in after a messy breakup with his long-term girlfriend. He's a little shy and quiet, but sweet, so the complete opposite Drake really.
Anyway, I was round Drake's last week and the three of us were all sat round the kitchen table. Yes, that kitchen table, the one where Drake first sodomised me. The three of us were all talking and laughing, while Drake grew more and more handsy with me under the table. Until unable to hold off any longer, he stood up and grabbing me by the hand, pulled me up with him.
"We're going to go my room now and getting you out of those clothes," he said, giving my butt a hard, sharp slap.
"Drake!" I cried out in protest. "You can't do that in front of Dylan."
"Why not?" He asked, sounding genuinely confused. "Dylan's a big boy. He knows all about consenting sex between adults. Besides, he's free to join us if he likes."
After Drake had said the last part, he winked at us both. Neither of us responded, but both of our cheeks flushed bright red.
I knew if I didn't say anything Drake would assume that I was open to the idea of a threesome. Maybe I should have said no there and then, but instead, I gave him a playful slap on the chest, as if to say I know you're joking, and then I let him lead me to his bedroom.
We had barely entered the room when Drake was suddenly all over me. Passionately kissing me and tearing at my clothes so that I was left wearing only my sports bra and plain black briefs. Since Drake has never seemed bothered by sexy underwear and skimpy lingerie, I don't bother anymore. I think he thinks it just gets in the way of the fucking, and I can hardly blame him.
"Take them off," he growled, pushing me down of his sloppily made bed. He had really made an effort to impress me that night.
Normally, I'm not into being ordered about, but I did as he said and removed my underwear while he stripped down naked; his semi erect cock wagging about in front of my face. I licked my lips hungrily, half expecting him to shove it in my mouth.
Instead, he told me to turn, which I did, mounting myself on all fours on top of his bed. Drake then began fingering me deep from behind, while rubbing his thumb over my clit. Besides being a master with his dick, Drake is maestro with his fingers. He soon had me soaking wet, as I rocked back and forth against his hand. Out of consideration for Dylan, I tried to keep quiet, but small quiet moans escaped my lips anyway as Drake hit all the right notes.
When he decided I had enough, Drake then pulled his hand away and climbed up onto the bed beside me. I was about to turn to face him when I felt his hands grab my hips as he pulled me down on top of him, impaling my sopping wet cunt on his rock hard cock.
I began gyrating my hips, riding him reverse cowgirl. I could feel him twitching beneath me, small subtle spasms that sent thrills surging through my body. Leaning forwards I started picking up the pace.
"That's it," Drake said, pushing his thumb up against my tight little arsehole. "Work those hips."
Though I didn't appreciate Drake telling me how to fuck - I've never had any complaints so far, I did as he suggested. The master bedroom was soon filled with the sound of our moans and cries of passion that must have filled the whole house. All consideration for Dylan had gone out of the window. Honestly, I often forget that Drake has a roommate; I think Drake remembers but just doesn't care.
But as I was caught in the moment, something caught my eye. I turned to see Dylan standing in the open doorway. His face was an even brighter shade of red than before.
I gasped mid thrust, aware of his dick still pulsing inside me while my cunt tightened around him. Drake didn't make an attempt to move as he continued gently tracing the entrance of my butt hole with his thumb. I couldn't seem to bring myself to pull away.
"Sorry guys, I didn't mean to scare you..." Dylan stuttered. "The door was open."
I hadn't realised. I had been too distracted by Drake.
"I just wanted..." Dylan continued.
"You coming to join us?" Drake interrupted him. Although I had my back turned, I could hear Drake rolling his eyes behind me, as if he didn't realise why anybody would be feeling awkward right now.
Before Dylan or I could respond, Drake rammed his thumb right into my butt hole, causing me to cry out in a confusing mix of pain and arousal and humiliation. I hardly knew what was going on in that moment; the whole thing felt surreal. "See, Dahlia, don't mind."
"That's not was I was... I..." Dylan blustered. Still, his eyes lingered on me bent over Drake while he filled me. I couldn't help but notice his erection twitching beneath his shorts. Not that he was doing anything to hide it.
"Either way, suit yourself," Drake cut him off again. Tired of me just sitting there like a horny deer in the headlights, Drake grabbed hold of my hips, his fingers digging into my skin as he thrust me up and down on top of him. Automatically, I began moving my hips, helpless to resist him and the feel of his cock pounding my insides.
"But I think it will take your mind off of moping about. And Dahlia doesn't bite. She might suck, but she doesn't bite. Much."
Dylan looked at me as I rode up and down on his best friend's dick. Normally, I would have been embarrassed, but as I said, I was helpless to resist Drake, whatever he subjected me to. Besides, I was getting increasingly turned on by Dylan watching, a look on his face I had never seen before. One filled with hunger and desire as he wondered how it must feel to fuck me. What about me had Drake calling me up almost every night?
"And she don't mind. If she did. She would say something."
I nodded. Drake was right. I didn't mind, although he hadn't asked me if i did. It's amazing sometimes how much you can crave someone that frustrates you so much, and drives you so fucking crazy. Without realising what i was doing, I started angry fucking his dick - which only seemed to turn him on even more as he slapped my arse hard, watching the vibrations ripple. I cried out loud, arching my back.
That seemed to make up Dylan's mind as he stepped into the room and stood at the foot of the bed. I reached across and pulled down his shorts and boxers and gasped out loud. Dylan's dick fully hard and erect was much bigger than I had expected in both girth and length. I wasn't expecting such a mild-mannered man to be hiding such a beast in his pants. Hesitantly, intimidated by the size, I reached out and began stroking his head. He was standing at an awkward angle to do much more.
Seemingly emboldened by my touch, Dylan climbed on the bed and knelt before me. His cock loomed in front of me, big and angry looking. Drake was practically thrusting me towards it as he bucked up his hips. I had no choice but to part my lips and take the head Dylan's cock in my mouth. Dylan sighed as I ran my tongue over the tip.
"He's a big boy ain't he?" Drake said, pushing down on my back forcing me to take even more of Dylan in my mouth.
Dylan began to thrust, gently sliding his shaft in and out of my mouth, while I continued to ride Drake, and Drake continued to thumbing my arsehole. Slowly we began building up a steady rhythm as my neck and my hips thrust in unison. Dylan stroked my hair while Drake continued playing with my arsehole, both their cocks filling me from either end.
I was so grateful for Drake in that moment pushing me into doing something I never would have done otherwise.
Drake then grabbed my hips and lifted me off of him, and Dylan's dick slipped out of my mouth, hitting me hard on the chin. It was like get thwacked by a bludgeon. Before I could ask Drake what he was doing, he had repositioned me so that his shaft was in line with my butt hole.
"Fuck!" I cried out in pleasure as his cock penetrated deep inside me. He had loosened me up enough so that I slid right down, my cheeks bouncing against him.
"Dahlia, are you OK?" Dylan asked. He looked genuinely concerned as he rested his hand on my shoulder. Be didn't know me that well, yet.
"Never better," I smiled. I knew right then what I wanted. A thought I had never dared entertain before, but I then knew that I needed. If I had wasted the opportunity I would never forgive myself for as long as I lived.
Leaning back, I layed flat on my back, sprawled across Drake's naked chest. Then spreading my legs wide, I used two fingers to stretch my pussy as far as I could manage, giving Dylan a full view. As if reading my mind, Drake reached up and began playing with my breasts, pinching my nipples between his fingers while he kissed my neck.
"Dylan I want your monster cock inside my pussy, now," I breathed, teasing my fingers along my opening.
Dylan knelt, breathing heavily, his brow beaded in sweat as he watched me playing with myself all for him, while Drake's dick was still submerged deep in my arsehole. Motionless, poised and waiting.
"Are you sure?" Dylan eventually asked, licking his lips. I don't even know if he was aware that he was running his hand along his shaft, flicking out drops of precum onto my stomach.
"Yes," I replied moving my fingers to give him more room. Drake didn't say anything, but then Dylan wasn't talking to him, his eyes were fixed solely me.
"Tell me when to stop," Dylan whispered, placing his hands down on the mattress at either side of me. He then lowered himself down between mine and Drake's legs. The head of his cock knocked hard against my swollen lips. Dylan's hesitated, and I quickly reached up and guided his beast of his cock inside me.
Taking my lead, Dylan shoved his way inside of me. He was so big I could feel him stretching me to my limit, but still he filled me more and more. Behind me, I could feel myself tensing round Drake's cock as he laid beneath me, still teasing my tender nipples. I couldn't help moaning and writhing as every inch of my body was sexually stimulated.
Wrapping my arms round Dylan's neck, I pulled him in closer, forcing him in further and further, until he was unable to fit anymore inside my cramped little body. Maybe I could have taken all of him if wasn't for Drake taking up room behind, but I wasn't willing to part with either of them now that I had them both inside. Dylan paused unsure what to do and awaiting my direction.
"Fuck me," I moaned writhing beneath the hefty weight of slender body, enjoying the sensation of being completely filled.
And he did. Slowly at first. Short, uncertain thrusts that caused Drake to twitch inside my tight little butt hole. But as Dylan grew more confident, encouraged by my moans of pleasure he started to fuck me longer and harder, working his lengthy shaft inside me like a well oiled piston. Each thrust pushed me deeper against Drake, pounding me against him. Drake's hands continued to caress me, massaging my tits and drifting across my hips, and pressing against my throat.
Lifting one leg up, I managed to wrap it round Dylan's waist, bringing him even deeper inside me than I thought was humanly possible. Every thrust made me aware of parts of me that I had never realised before. Beneath us, I could hear Drake's breath growing more and more ragged, his breath tickling my earlobe as my arse kept on repeatedly slamming down on his throbbing dick. I wasn't even aware of where his hands where anymore, it was as if he had some how managed to permeate my entire body and every inch of me was about to climax from touch.
"I'm going to cum soon," Dylan suddenly called out.
"Me too," I moaned.
Drake didn't say anything, although his hold on me had became firmer and rougher. I knew he would leave marks but in that moment I didn't care as my body writhed in pleasure from being penetrated at both ends. It felt raw and primal, but so right, as if I was discovering myself anew.
I think Dylan came first. It's hard to tell with so much going on at once. With one final grunt, he slammed hard and forcefully into my pussy, almost collapsing on top of me. I came almost immediately afterwards, my back arching against Drake's chest as my tits pointed up to the ceiling, brushing against his parted lips, wet with saliva.
I hadn't noticed Drake had came, but I was suddenly aware of his cum trickling it's way out of my arsehole. I suppose it must have been that final slam that sent him over the edge. I wonder how it felt for him having both Dylan and myself pressing down on top of him. As I laid there weakly still grinding my hips, I worked every last drop of cum out of them while they both kissed and caressed my sweaty, naked body. |
[FF] Wife teases me with female friend in the shower. | My wife, Jane and her friend, Mandy often go running together. Mandy normally drives to our house and they go off together from here. There are plenty of paths away from the roads and some woodland and fields to run through.
It had been raining lately and when they got back they were smothered in mud. Jane offered Mandy a shower before she got back in her car as she would have made it filthy. The pair of them took off their shoes in the porch and headed up stairs to wash. I soon heard the shower running and went up to see if they wanted their dirty kit washed before the mud dried in.
The bathroom door was slightly open and I could see my wife down to her knickers about to remove them. I asked her about the clothes. She agreed it was a good idea and bundled them up off the floor and fully opened the door to pass them to me. She then told me to hang on while she removed her knickers and put them on the pile.
She was now standing naked in front of me. Her heavy tits hung low and her nipples were proud and poky. I could also see Mandy in the shower. Her back was to me and her butt had brown water running over it as she washed off the mud. She turned her head to see me there and smiled before turning around completely to give me a full frontal. Her breasts were smaller than Janes' but saggy and wobbled about. Her nipples were light pink circled by smooth areola that blended into the pale skin tone of her breasts. Her stomach was tight and muscley with a small patch of dark short hair nestled neatly above her tight slit of a pussy.
She opened the shower door and invited Jane in.
"You'll get cold out there." she said.
I watch as Jane turned and stepped into the shower with her. As she slid the door closed she asked for another towel. I headed off to fetch one.
I returned and tucked the towel over the towel heater.
"Are we clean enough yet?" asked Jane teasing me to look at them.
I took the opportunity and saw them through the glass. They both had sponges filled with soap lathering each other up. They were giggling as they rubbed the sponges on each others chests and down onto each others breasts. The running water washed the soap off, down their shiny bodies.
"I hope you have cleaned everywhere." I joked.
With that their hands lowered and the soapy sponges head down onto each others stomachs and then down to their pubic mounds. They both rubbed each other a few times with the sponges and then headed their hands around to each others bums, drawing themselves closer to each other. The boobs met and squashed together as they reached around on each other. Their noses were almost touching as their faces were taking the full force of the shower spray. Water billowed down their faces as their lips met and they kissed briefly. They kissed passionately until the water became too much and they released their embrace and laughed together.
I watched as they rinsed off the soap and then the water was turned off and Jane opened the door. I passed them each a towel and watched them dry off. Mandy has quite a fit body. Her legs were well defined and even when she rubbed her butt dry her cheeks held firm. She looked me in the eye as she dried her breasts. She lifted one up with one hand and dried under it and let it drop back down again. She repeated with the other. I was getting turned on and felt my cock pressing against my trousers. This wasn't helped by my wife bending over to dry her legs and giving me a view of her dangling labia around her gaping mature pussy.
They were soon dry and wrapped themselves in the towels to keep warm. Jane then led her to the bedroom to find her some clothes.
"Will there be anything else?" I asked, meaning did they need anything.
"No, sorry," replied Jane. "We were only winding you up."
I left them to get dressed.
To my knowledge they have never been together. But if they ever do, I would certainly love to watch. |
[B/S][M/S] I'm visiting my parents and the family dynamic is changing. Plus, horny stuff with mom. | Hey friends.
I’m really sorry I’ve been gone for so long. It was Black Friday last week, and as you know, for someone that works in marketing, it’s one of the busiest times of the year. If not the busiest.
So I’m going to try to make this as quick as I can. But it’ll definitely will be a long one. And quite a bit has happened. So I’ll have to write several posts to catch up. I hate not updating you often because It’s so much effort to write these.
So having to write several in a row takes so much time. I really appreciate you approaching this with patience. It’ll take me - maybe - one or two more posts to get up to speed. But I promise to pump these out as soon as possible. And make them shorter than today’s.
Ok, enough of that, Let’s jump in.
On my last post I had caught my sister watching my parents have sex. I spent that night at their house but left pretty much as soon as possible. Shortly after breakfast.
I wasn’t really that bothered by the whole situation, as much as I was just unsure of how I felt. But one thing was clear, I needed a little space from them. This felt like one of those situations where I would spiral. And, based on my newly acquired goals of being more proactive with this situation, I chose to remove myself for the weekend and spend some time with other people.
An old friend group had left an open invitation to join them going out last weekend. And so I did. I’m sad to admit, having seen my parents having sex in front of my sister had absolutely reached within me and pulled out the horniness to the surface.
My whole body was unsettled. Before I went out that night, I jerked off, then took a shower, got ready and by the time I was in my car, I was ready to go at it again. My friend’s company certainly helped to keep me distracted, but this one girl I got talking to began flirting and, although nothing happened, it left me even more shaken.
I definitely imbibed my fair share that night. But was sober enough to make my way home without fucking myself or any other humans. It’s all about the small victories, right?
Once home, the mood to have a drink before bed and just relax - perhaps with a cigar - struck me. But given that my entire inventory of furniture at my grandma’s is a couch and a bed, I had to abstain myself to laying on the grass outside.
At 3 AM, the weather was just right. Cool enough to hang out with a jacket. Not that my drunkenness cared much about the forecast either. I laid on the grass with a cigar - didn’t even pour myself a drink - and looked at the stars.
Given that I’m only capable of hosting one thought in my head at a time, the only thing I could think of was the image of my parents having sex in front of my sister. Why was I so stuck with it? I could so clearly see it in front of me. And, not to sound dramatic, but it was almost as if I could zoom into the footage I had saved in the ol’ noggin.
Honestly, I don’t even know why I’ve gone on so much about that night. Nothing happened. But I felt like I had just come back from a date - almost. I hope that makes sense. That little pit you feel at the top of your stomach when you had a good intimate moment with someone.Although, I’ve heard that people can feel those butterflies when they are emotionally invested in something or when they’re afraid.
Mind you, I heard that from a woman’s tiktok when she was explaining what it felt like to run out of crack back when she was an addict. So I guess take it with a grain of salt.
Actually, that’s probably a not-so-inaccurate analogy now that I think about it.
Ok. Maybe let’s disengage from this dynamic we have going on lately in which you tell me I’m being an idiot and I then have to bare with my emotions and my newly found guilt based on the comments…. And let us travel back in time to an era where I would come to reddit and get giddy about shit that happened around me. If only to humor me.
I keep wondering if she did anything with them. Did she play with herself? What prompted my parents to do it? I mean, it’s not like they need many excuses but still. How did it unravel? I had stuff going on with mom. And that certainly lent itself for things to take place when my parents did it in front of me.
That was about it for that night. While I was in bed, I felt the sudden urge to text my sister. Now drunk texting isn’t a wise thing to do under any circumstance. But I haven’t gotten myself into this whole thing because of my immense wisdom.
Drunk Select did his best to sound sober. Over text. So he said,”Maybe we can have a cup of coffee and chat some day this week.” Before I had time to regret sending the message, she replied “ok, I don’t know what my week looks like, so I’ll let you know.”
The next morning version of myself would go on to wish I’d waited. But! I guess we’re not here to fuck spiders. So whatever. To the point it is.
Sunday night, mom asked me if her and dad could come over for dinner. They would bring takeout. But it felt too soon. I was almost a little scared to see them. So I came up with an excuse and told them I had dinner plans. But that maybe some other time during the week.They didn’t think much of it, but did say they were bummed out.
But, of course, good things don’t last around here. Monday morning I felt like going for a bike ride. And while going for a bike ride without having a bicycle is possible, having one makes it a lot easier, lol. So I texted mom and asked her if I could borrow one of theirs. She told me no one would be home, so I could go in and help myself.
I went there and got the bike without having to enter the house. Two and a half hours later, I came back absolutely drenched. No one was there, do it felt appropriate to go into the house and shower before I left.
To my surprise, mom was home. “Oh, I thought you were coming a lot earlier,” she said, after coming to investigate who had opened the door. She walked over to the kitchen making conversation with me once I had explained I didn’t need to come into the house until I thought of showering. “Oh yeah, help yourself in.” She was working on making herself a breakfast sandwich. Before I took off, she asked me if I wanted her food. She’d make another one for herself.
After such a long ride, I was starving. So it didn’t take much convincing. While deepthroating the sandwich like I was a girl on BLACKED, I did my best to ask mom what she was doing at home. “I thought you were all gone for the day,” I said, bringing the sandwich closer to orgasm.
She explained she decided to work from home, given that dad needed to inspect some sites further away from the office.
We talked for the rest of the meal. And even though the conversation was perfectly pleasant and innocent, it wasn’t long before my mind was inundated with flashbacks from that night. The image of my mom’s ass. Her wet tits glistening. My sister’s face.
Mom snapped me out of it by saying “you smell like a vigorous man.” I laughed and apologized, telling her my original intention was to come in and shower, given that I thought the house was empty.
You could see the gears immediately turning in mom’s head. Like, her eyes changed. She went form this motherly, ‘I’ll make you breakfast’ person, to this little perverted pervert.
“Well, one would say it’s almost better that the house isn’t empty,” she said with a cheeky grin. “I was actually about to take a shower, if you’re interested in joining.: Before I could respond, she added “but I have an appointment at 1pm, so I don't really have time for us to get into too much trouble.”
I sighed and rolled my eyes to myself. Listen. I’m not gonna sit here and tell you there was a lot of internal conflict. Sure, there was some. But the fact that my sister was watching them have sex almost felt like we’re clearly entering a new stage of things. Right?
“Umm, sure,” I said, almost casually with a big chunk of fake confidence in my decision. Maybe this is a good moment to exercise restraint. I mean, that was probably a bad first step. But if we’re potentially moving into a new era for my family, it may be better to get myself used to the idea of being ‘more’ sexual without completely surrendering to my impulses.
It seemed like good enough reasoning. If you have something to say about it, feel free to put it in the suggestion box, lol.
Quickly, we got naked. Each one taking their own clothes. For a moment I stood there, seeing how she pulled her shirt off and her boobs bounced gently when they fell. Her abdomen, completely smooth down to her belly button. Turning around, her panties came off. Giving me a little glimpse of her asshole as she bent forward to take them off.
A completely unnecessary move, might I add.
I would’ve been completely taken away. But to be super honest, the smell my body offered us was way too much. It was actually almost embarrassing. So I jumped into the shower unceremoniously and systematically began to wash myself.
Mom joined me in a much more calm manner. Her hands ‘helped’ spread the soap around. She didn’t rush for the goods. But her aid was definitely not making any difference in how clean I got.
The pseudo massaging felt great though. So, once it felt like I got the beast stench under control, I let myself enjoy it. I had rinsed myself already, so once my eyes closed, mom gave me another round of soap.
Now much closer to me, her hands came around from behind me and caressed my chest and arms as her breasts bumped into my back from time to time. My dick was quick to join the party.
It was getting harder and harder by the second. And it seemed like every time it grew, mom’s hands came closer and closer to it. Lathering my chest quickly became doing my stomach. And gently moving further down. Until she occasionally bumped against the base of my dick.
Her index finger did a couple of loops around my belly button, then went down in a straight line and twirled around on my very short pubic hair.
“Have you been as stressed as you were before?” she asked, finally holding on to my dick and beginning the most subtle of strokes. It was almost as if she wanted to continue pretending she was actually cleaning it.
My eyes rolled so much it felt like I could see the inside of my skull. When my dick was finally covered in soap, a big chill went down from the base of my head to the bottom of my feet.
Incredible stuff.
She kept jerking, not really saying anything. My heavy breathing and the water falling were the only noises in the bathroom. At least until a gentle moan managed to come out of me.
Her tits were now squeezing behind me, slippery and soft. Her stomach bumped against me as well. It’s hard to describe how perfect her skin felt. But it was just incredible.
Going up and down my cock with a certain rotating wrist move, she brought me closer and closer to cumming. Until I couldn’t hold it anymore.
One hand caressed my chest, while the other one kept stroking. Completely getting covered in cum.
Although I was done, she kept going for another minute or so. Fully draining everything I had in me. Finally she stopped and whispered “Good job. Hopefully that’ll relax you even more.”
I turned around and let my hands freely wander around her body, simply touching it. We made eye contact and enjoyed this very comforting air between us.
We did one final clean up, helping each other like we’ve done before. When we came out, we changed and she gave me a kiss on my cheek. I kissed her lips. Just a small one.
Before I could go home. I HAD to take a nap on the couch. I was absolutely drained of energy. She stayed cuddling me for a moment, but shortly got up to do other stuff.
About an hour later, she woke me up saying, “I didn't think you’d want to sleep your day away.”
After that I went home and worked for the rest of the day.
The rest of the day felt normal. Although I was extraordinarily calm. Probably because my brain had no thoughts inside at this point.
All that peace went away when my sister texted me. “Maybe we can talk tomorrow. Why don’t you come over for dinner and after we can go for a ride or a walk.”
I said yes. |
Hijabi slut gets her ass eaten for the first time [F] |
So this guy I’ve been seeing would occasionally play with my ass while I gave him head but it was never anything serious.
A few weeks ago I guess he finally built up the courage and asked he could eat my ass and although I was very skeptical I agreed.
Fast forward to a couple days ago he picks me up to hang out and I decide to go commando under my dress so there’s nothing getting in his way. We make out for a while and then he goes down on me which was also a first for him and it was genuinely mind blowing. As soon as he gets a taste he tells me how good I taste and that turned me on even more he alternated between eating me out and fingering me while he sucked my clit and when I was whimpering mess he told me to look down as he ate me out and just watching this fine as man eating me out was enough to drive me over the edge.
He finally grew tired of waiting and all but demanded I bend over so he could eat my ass and like the good hijabi slut that I am I complied. Initially I was kind of uncomfortable but that momentarily faded the more he got into it the more I enjoyed it. He at one point was sort water waterboarding himself with my ass which was hot. I did cut it short bc my nerves got the best of me but I can’t wait to try again |
[M/S] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 400. Intimacy, love, devotion and lustful motherhood. | If you have been following my journey, you understand the love and benevolence I have toward my sons. You might not agree with my lifestyle, and I can certainly understand. Even if you believe I am an awful mother, a terrible person or even the embodiment of evil; I invite you to read the passage below. Once you have read it, if you don't understand the pure love we have, feel free to downvote me or call me any vile names of your choosing.
Patrick was up later than usual last night and seemed stressed. The last twenty-seven years have taught me that my older son does not like to discuss his feelings when they are negative. As I saw him take a beer from the refrigerator and sit hard on the coach, my maternal instincts took over. I could not go to bed until I knew he was feeling better.
In my bathroom, I drew a warm bath complete with scented sweet almond oil. A couple of candles illuminated the room and I, wearing only a burgundy robe went to get Patrick. He was moody and feeling obstinate, but he agreed to come with me.
In the bathroom, I removed both of our clothes and then climbed in the 182cm tub. Patrick sat in front of me and leaned back onto my ample breasts. Wrapping his nude body tightly with my arms and legs, he sighed and began to slowly relax. I gently nuzzled and softly kissed his neck as his body sank slightly into the warm water.
We did not speak, instead I held him as his tension started to alleviate. My soft hands caressed his body as I gave his ear tiny kissed and playful nibbles. Once he was ready, I drained the tub and dried him off.
It had been over an hour since either of us had spoken a single word and I led him, still naked to his bedroom. I sat on his bed and had him lay with his head next to my breast. As I purposefully touched my nipple to his lips, he latched onto it and sucked it.
In the dark, I filled my hand with moisturizing lotion and stroked his cock as he suckled the breast that once nourished him. Aside from my soft coos, we were quiet. It was not long before his manhood twitched and swelled before his remaining tension sprayed across his blanket.
He stopped sucking on my nipple and nestled his head between my breasts. I slept all night holding my sweet boy and keeping him safe from bad dreams and antipathetic thoughts.
I love my sons and they love me.
**My sons are 27 and 22. If you really think your mom wants to have sex with you; ask her for sex. Don't get mad at me when she turns you down and your relationship with her is ruined.** |
From grossed out to her new fetish.. [M 24/F 24][Watersports] | I have always had a thing for piss. The hot liquid, the feeling, all of it. With that said, NOTHING turned me on more than the thought of a woman struggling to hold it in before losing control and wetting her panties. I never quite understood why, but something about that was sexy in a manner that I couldn't even describe.
My girlfriend thought that was... gross. For lack of a better term. She didn't understand the appeal in that and found it frankly strange that I would be into that. However, no harm no foul and we just never really ventured into it. Until one day...
It was Halloween and we had gone 2 hours up the road to a neighboring city to celebrate. After hanging out all day, it was getting late and she whispered in my ear that the sooner we got home, the sooner we could fuck. Of course, this is music to my ears so we got back on the interstate and began the drive home. Around 10 minutes from home, she began squirming in her seat and groaning slightly.
Somewhat concerned (she sometimes would get carsick) I asked if she was okay. "Yeah yeah.. I just really have to pee right now" she said as she struggled to get comfortable. She unbuttoned her jeans to take pressure off of her bladder and it revealed a sexy pair of black panties.. my favorites on her and ones that always get us in a sexy mood.
Absolutely throbbing from the panties and the eroticism of knowing she needed to piss, I looked at her with a slight smirk and slid my right hand over and into her jeans, letting it come to rest against her panty covered cunt before applying light pressure. "Oh that's definitely uncomfortable.. here let me help you hold it", I said with a sly grin as I looked at her.
"Babe what are you doing you know I'm not into watersp... ohhhhhhh godddd" she groaned as my hand pressed against her panties. "Fuck that's.... different" she said as she squirmed against my hand.
"Want me to take it off?" I ask inquisitively. She closes her eyes and bites her lip. "Uhhhhh... I.. I don't know..." as she pressed her hand against mine and held it tighter against her panties. "It's just... ughhhhh".
"Hmm.. well tell me once you want me to move it", I said before I move my fingers slightly up and begin massaging her clit through the panties. "FUCKKKKK" she hissed as she spread her legs wider, closing her eyes and moaning. "God it feels so wrong to be enjoying this pee is gross and I don't want to ruin your seat!!!"
"Well good thing for you we're home", I say. I remove my hand but not before pressing on her bladder. "Go to the bathroom and let's fuck after", I say as we go inside. After we get in, she goes to the bathroom and closes the door, but only a few seconds later opens it in just her panties and sheepishly looks at me.
"Actually I uh... I don't wanna piss.. I'm enjoying this too much". She says. "Oh really now?" I ask as I walk over to her, once again sliding my hand against her panties. "Why did you think I was weird for liking it then?" By this point, her panties were beginning to get soaked with her arousal and her losing battle against her bladder.
"Because it's gross but god it feels so different and I want more.." She moaned. I begin rubbing her clit faster while my other hand pushes against her bladder. She begins to breathe faster and begins shaking. "UGH fuck fuck AAAHHHH", she lets out a nearly inhuman scream of pure lust as she finally loses her battle and piss explodes from her, instantly soaking her panties and pouring down her legs as a pool forms at her feet. She finally composes herself.
"Seems like you're my piss slut now" I say. "Please yes.. please please please.. I have never felt this good before.."
"Good!" I look at her with a smile before pulling her into a deep kiss.
“Uggghhhhhhh” - another moan escapes her lips as my tongue hungrily explores her mouth, her knees weak as I slide my hand inside her dripping panties and begin playing with her soaked clit.
“Fuck..” she whispers as I continue to tease her. “I drank so much that I’m already starting to feel like I need to go again”
I stop kissing her and move my hand up to her chin, moving it to where she is staring up, directly into my eyes.
“Well, you’re not, because I said so. I push her onto the bed and pull down her panties. “You’re going to sit on my face while I taste you”, I say.
“What.. are you serious?” she stammers, turning bright red. “Absolutely. Now Get on my face”. I lay down on the bed and she positions herself on top of me, her cunt directly over my lips.
“OH MY GOD!” she screams as I grab her legs and pull her onto me, my tongue hungrily tasting her cunt. “BABE.. FUCK” I hear as her hips begin to gyrate. My hands pull down on her legs even more as I feel my cock throb and become as rock hard as it ever has. She notices it too, as she leans over and slides my underwear down. My heart skips a beat as I feel a warm wetness encase it, her tongue sliding up and down my shaft as my hands grab her ass and spread it apart and pull down, forcing her deeper onto me.
I feel my cock tighten even more in her mouth and know what’s about to happen. I clench as hard as I can and try to delay it, but this blowjob is far and away the best one I’ve ever gotten and I know I’m going to cum. I begin to rock my hips as well as the pleasure begins to build, and a moan escapes me as I keep hungrily eating her out.
It continues to build and build, and the pleasure is so overwhelming I grab her ass and pull her down onto me with even more force. I hear a muffled scream and her body begins to shake as a thunderous orgasm overtakes her and she once again loses control of her bladder, exploding in piss all over my face. This is too much for me, and I feel my cock explode as massive jets of cum rupture into her mouth, which is still wrapped around it. Hot piss has filled my mouth and soaked every part of my face and chest, and I eagerly swallow it all.
“Fuck.. fuck fuck fuck fuck” she repeatedly says, still laying on top of me in the puddle of our liquids the night has created.
She finally rolls off of me and collapses next to me onto the bed. “That is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever done”, she moans. “But that was so unbelievably hot. Every time I fuck now I’m going to be thinking about this”, she mutters. She falls off to sleep, not even recognizing the piss soaked sheets we’re laying in.
And that is how a brand new piss slut was created.. |
Aussie and Kiwi's London Renovations, Unexpected Chemistry, Friendship and Romance [FM] | In 2008, I was living in London, living for new opportunities and adventures. Travelling when I could find the time. I lived for the weekend, and had a good life. It was a time when the global financial crisis was starting to take hold, and London, like the rest of the world, was feeling its effects. The city was still recovering from the 7/7 bombings in 2005, and security was tighter than ever. But despite these challenges, London remained a vibrant and bustling metropolis, with its famous red buses, the tube, black taxis, and busy high streets.
My previous job was in construction in Slough, a town west of London. The long and tiresome train rides to and from work, coupled with the unfulfilling job, made it a struggle to make ends meet. One day, I got lucky and heard about a construction job renovating a pub in South Kensington, and I jumped at the chance. The pay was good, and the best part was that we got a cold shell to sleep in, right above the pub. It beat sleeping on a friend's couch, and it was a step up from my previous gig.
It was there that I met Luke, a big Kiwi bloke who quickly became my mate.
"Oi, Mike, you're from Oz, right?" Luke asked me in his New Zealand accent.
"Yeah, that's right mate. And you sound like you're from the land of the long white cloud," I replied with a grin.
We hit it off immediately, working together day in and day out on the renovation and sharing a few cold ones after work, bantering and talking shit from dawn 'til dusk. Despite the hard work, life was good.
That's when I first heard about his missus, Emma. They'd met in London a couple of years earlier and were dating on and off again but hadn't moved in together or really taken their relationship further than being long-term friends with benefits.
Luke showed me a few photos of her on his phone, and I have to admit, she was a stunner but at that time, I didn't really know Emma well. She was a tall Kiwi bird in her mid twenties with a nice, slim, sporty body, and her beautiful face had a big smile with sun-kissed skin and thousands of tiny freckles. Luke had mentioned a few things about her while we were working, but Emma and I hadn't talked much more than saying g'day knowing she was spoken for.
That all changed the night when Emma came to our pub for the grand reopening. We were all sitting around a table, chatting and drinking, I was feeling especially happy with my achievements that night since I'm a Fridgy and the beer was cold and the beers were flowing well.
"Hey Mike, what are you going to do now that the project's finished?" Emma asked with a smile, touching my arm and looking me in the eyes.
"Yeah na, no idea, Emma. I think a few more of these and I'll come up with a plan," I replied, gesturing while lifting my beer and having a laugh. At first, I thought it was the beer, but her sweet New Zealand accent and her steady eye contact made my heart flutter a bit.
We didn't talk much more that night because I was keen on another Scottish chick that turned up late, but I couldn't help but steal a couple of glances throughout the night and each time feel surprise and tightness in my pants when our glances caught one another. I had to remind myself that this was Luke's girlfriend, and whatever I had going on in my head and pants was not cool.
That night Emma stayed over with Luke and I had the pleasure of the Scottish chick warming my bed. It was a good night to be alive and given that Luke and I lived in basic empty rooms with unfinished walls and no comfort; it was nice to have some female company.
The next morning, Luke and I talked to the pub owner and were relieved as he agreed to let us continue to stay on with him as we still had to finish off renovating the accommodation upstairs. It was a good deal, but we were definitely nearing the end of our time and both thinking of what to do next.
After a few days and without much discussion from what I could tell, Emma and Luke broke up but decided to stay friends, as Luke told me, they have done so many times before.
It was just before Emma's birthday and Luke was saying that she goes through these cycles of being hot and cold around this time of year. She invited us all to a house party with her friends and flatmates in Fulham. I was excited to see her again, and we flirted more than ever before. I could feel the chemistry between us growing stronger.
At the party, Emma looked stunning in a short colourful dress, her hair styled to perfection. She greeted us with a big smile and a hug, and I couldn't help but notice how good she smelled. We mingled with her friends, and I found myself drawn to her, wanting to be close to her. We chatted and did a little dancing and had fun together. I could feel the electricity between us and it gave me conflicting feelings still.
Meanwhile, Luke and I bantered as usual, and we had a few drinks together. We talked about Emma and how she seemed to be enjoying herself. Luke seemed a little down, but he didn't say anything. I wondered if he still had feelings for her, but I didn't want to pry.
As the night wore on, Emma and I found ourselves sitting together on a sofa in a quiet corner of the house.
We talked about our lives, our travels, our hopes, and our dreams. We laughed and joked, and I felt like I was the only person in the world who mattered to her at that moment. She looked at me with her big grey eyes, and I felt like I was falling in love with her.
"Mike, you're a great guy," she said, touching my arm.
"I've always thought so” I smirked, "I think you're pretty amazing too, Emma," I replied, leaning in closer to her.
We looked at each other for a moment, and I felt like I was about to kiss her. But then someone came up to us and interrupted the moment, and the spell was broken. We continued to chat and flirt, but the intensity of the moment was gone.
As the party came to an end, we all said our goodbyes and headed back to the pub where we were staying. Luke and I went up to our rooms, and I could tell that he was upset.
"Are you okay, mate?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm fine bro," he replied, but I could tell that he wasn't.
"Listen cunt, if you need to talk, I'm here," I said, patting him on the back.
He looked at me for a moment, and then he sighed. "It's just hard, you know? Seeing Emma with someone else."
"I understand," I said. "But you know she's not with anyone else right now. And even if she was, that doesn't mean you can't find someone else too. Plenty of fish in the sea and all that mate."
"I guess you're right," he said, giving me a small smile.
We talked a bit more, and then we both went to bed. I lay there, thinking about Emma and how I felt about her. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I knew one thing for sure: I wanted to be in her.
A few nights later we all went out for drinks again and had plans to head to a club in Soho later. We were all dressed up more than usual and we had a good-looking crew. Emma and I restarted the energy from her house party. The energy was electric and full of accidental touches and fleeting glances. We were being super cool and totally not obviously into each other or so I thought.
Luke pulled me aside and had the same kind of serious look from the night previous.
"Oi, bro, you keen on my missus?" Luke asked me as we stepped outside for a smoke.
"I don't want to step on your toes, mate," I replied, trying to be respectful.
"Nah, it's all good. I reckon she needs a bit of fun after the breakup. Just don't go getting her hopes up for anything serious," he said, patting me on the back with his big hand.
It was completely awkward but that was Luke giving me the okay to get in there. I wasn’t going to miss this shot.
We all caught the tube across the city and Emma and I were standing next to each other holding onto the rail, our bodies touching. As the train lurched forward, Emma lost her balance and stumbled against me, causing me to wrap my arms around her waist to steady her. Our bodies were pressed tightly against each other now, and I could feel her curves against me. I couldn't help but lean in a little closer, the scent of her perfume intoxicating me.
She looked up at me with those mesmerizing grey eyes, and we both knew that we were feeling the same thing. There was an undeniable chemistry between us, and the sexual tension was palpable.
Luke noticed the charged atmosphere between us and raised his eyebrows with a sly grin on his face. "Looks like you two are getting pretty cozy," he teased.
Emma blushed and looked away, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to flirt back. "Can you blame me?" I replied, flashing them both a cheeky grin.
The rest of the ride was filled with playful banter and flirting, and by the time we arrived at the club, the sexual tension between Emma and I felt like it had reached its peak. I couldn't wait to see what the rest of the night had in store for us
As we got settled in the club, Emma leaned in closer to me, her lips grazing my ear. "You know, Mike," she whispered seductively, "I've always thought you were incredibly handsome."
I grinned, feeling a heat rising inside me. "Is that so?" I replied, taking a swig of my drink.
Emma nodded, her eyes fixed on mine. "Mm-hmm. And I have to say, you're even better looking up close."
I chuckled, feeling the tension building between us. "Well, I'm not going to beat around the bush, I think we are both pretty well put together," I joked, gesturing to my toned arms and her legs.
Emma giggled, her hand resting on my bicep.
As the night wore on, we continued to flirt and tease each other, our bodies inching closer together. I could feel the heat radiating off her as she leaned in even closer, her breath hot on my neck.
"I think it's time for another drink," she murmured, standing up and taking my hand.
I followed her to the bar, watching as she leaned over to order our drinks. I gazed upon her, the sight of her tantalizing dress with a seductive semi-exposed back ignited a fire within me. The way it hugged every curve of her body left me breathless, and I was powerless to resist the urge to run my fingers down her spine, sending shivers of anticipation through her body
Emma turned to me, her gaze burned into me, her eyes darkening with a primal hunger that sent a rush of blood straight to my groin. "You're such a naughty boy," she purred, her fingers brushing teasingly against my thigh as she handed me a drink.
A sly grin spread across my face as I took a long, slow sip of my drink. "You know what they say, Emma. The devil made me do it."
She leaned in close, her lips grazing my earlobe as she whispered, "Am I the devil? Does the devil unleash your darkest desires?"
My heart raced as her hand traveled higher up my thigh, her touch setting my body ablaze with need.
She breathed wordless words into my ear, barely audible over the beat of the club, her words sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine her accent only made it more enticing.
We made our way to the dancefloor with the others, our bodies moving in sync with the pulsing beat of the music. Emma's hips swayed hypnotically as she pressed her body against mine, grinding against me in a sexually charged frenzy that left me breathless with desire.
The heat between us was palpable, our bodies slick with sweat as we lost ourselves in the moment. With each passing second, the intensity of our dance grew, our movements becoming more urgent and primal.
As the song reached its climax, Emma's lips brushed against my ear, her breath hot and heavy. "Let's get out of here," she whispered, her voice thick with lust.
Without a word, I took her hand and led her off the dancefloor, eager to explore the raw passion that simmered between us. In front of the club, we hailed a black cab and quickly jumped in, our bodies still pulsing with the raw energy of the nightclub. As soon as the door closed, Emma straddled my lap, her lips finding mine in a fierce kiss.
Our tongues tangled together, exploring every inch of each other's mouths as the cab skillfully sped through the streets. My hands roamed hungrily over her body, my fingers tracing the curves of her hips and the softness of her breasts through her dress.
I could feel her desire mounting, her body grinding against mine with an urgency that left me dizzy with need. As the cab pulled up to her house, we broke apart, panting with the intensity of our desire.
With one last hungry look, we climbed out of the cab, eager to continue exploring the depths of our mutual passion.
With fumbling steps, we tiptoed through the darkened house and made our way up the creaky stairs to her bedroom. The scent of her perfume filled my senses, heightening my desire as we stumbled towards the door.
I closed the door softly behind us, acutely aware of our slightly drunken state. But I knew that this was a night that neither of us would forget.
As Emma turned to face me, her eyes smoldering with desire, I felt a surge of electricity between us. We were both eager to explore the depths of our passion, despite our tipsy state.
With a fierce hunger, we tore off each other's clothes, her dress falling to the floor exposing her small breasts, her long nipples, and her silky black panties. Her body was a work of art, every curve and contour begging to be explored. I couldn't resist running my hands over her smooth skin, feeling the electric spark of desire that crackled between us.
With a low moan, she pressed her body against mine, her hands tracing the outline of my muscles as we lost ourselves in the moment. Our kisses grew more urgent and passionate, our bodies writhing together in a frenzy of desire.
As we collapsed onto the bed, our bodies still entwined, her soft breaths on my neck, the heat of her body against mine, the air thick with the sound of our ragged breaths and whispered moans. We were lost in a sea of passion, our bodies entwined in a fiery embrace that left us both gasping for breath. We were both naked hungry for each other and my cock was throbbing with desire.
With a wicked grin, I flipped Emma around and gently guided her onto the bed, positioning her with her face buried into the softness of her pillow and her ass up in the air.
Kneeling behind her, I ran my hands over the curves of her hips and the smoothness of her skin, feeling the heat of her desire radiating through her body. With a slow, deliberate motion, I slid my fingers between her thighs, teasing her with a gentle touch that left her gasping for more.
As I explored her pussy with my tongue and my fingers, I could feel her body tense with desire, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as I drove her to the edge of ecstasy. With each passing moment, her moans grew louder and more urgent, until finally, she shattered in a shuddering climax that left her trembling with pleasure.
She came easily and so much for us trying to be quiet. She was vocal with her panting and her cries of pleasure.
She sat up and lay me down and took my long thick hard cock in her hand and lowered her body down onto it, only pausing to kiss me and then bringing her body back up again. After her first moan and my thrust, she coated my whole cock with her juices and began to increase her tempo. She was tight but I could feel that she was loving every centimeter of my cock inside her.
We were both thrusting, our bodies moving in unison with her hands pushing against my chest and her small tits swelling and falling with each movement of our bodies. She began to climax again as our bodies became slick with sweat and her screams were waking the neighbours.
As her body tensed it sent me over the edge and my cock gave the indication it was about to spill its creamy white cum inside her. She could feel that I was close and even though her wave had passed she squeezed her pelvis and her pussy milked the cum out of me. With a deep groan and wave after wave of euphoria I was done and I had successfully spread my seed.
She climbed off and some of my cum immediately spilled out of her onto the sheets and down her leg. She lay on her back with her legs bent and with her index finger she played with my cum that was oozing out of her. She asked me to suck on her nipples while she was using her fingers and with the slightest touch of my tongue to her right nipple, her body instantly was covered with goosebumps. She let out a moan and put her fingers inside her.
I focused my breathing on her nipple and then up to the nape of her neck while my hand explored her left breast. She snapped from the moment and pushed me off rolling over to the bedside table and pulling out a bottle of lube and her pink vibrator.
I was surprised but at the same time turned on and urging my cock to get hard again. She laid back down and switched on her vibe. She instructed me to get back down between her legs and kiss her clit while she lubed up her vibe and brought it between her legs. While I had been licking her clit my cum was still leaking out of her and her lips were glistening and swollen. She pulled on my ear to bring me back up and inserted her toy inside her. Its pulses make a chatter as her toy struggles against the forces of her pussy.
She kissed me deeply as my cock began to get hard again. She brought me up and began to stroke my hardening cock in unison with her vibrator. Her breathing quickened and her body tensed. My cock had become fully erect again now. She stopped stroking my cock and let go of her vibrator with it still buried inside her.
Emma flipped over, took the bottle of lube, and coated my cock between her legs. Then guided my slippery cock to her cute little asshole that was squeezing waiting for my pressure. We hadn't talked about this and it was a major turn-on that she knew what she wanted and was willing to do whatever she needed to get it.
She lined me up and then let go to bury her head in her pillow again while I took hold of her hips, her hand reached to her vibrator and changed it from pulsing to a slow murmur. I gave her steady pressure and my slick fat cock pushed beyond her opening and buried half inside her. She took control of her toy and pulled it out then pushed it back in and turned it on to the fastest setting while asking me to fuck her harder.
It was like music to my ears, the high-pitched buzzing, her moaning with every move, and the feeling of complete control and completeness of the situation. I thrust hard as her ass released and loosened up, her screams reached a crescendo and I once again felt the tightness in my balls that I was about to cum.
This time I warned her but she was in heaven and there were no words computing. She was pulsing her vibrator fast inside her pussy while I was filling her from behind. Her face turned to the side of her pillow and was completely red. I released my cum and felt it spurt from my balls down my engorged cock through my buried cockhead into her ass. As my body lost control, my head and chest crashed down onto her back. My lips kissed the back of her neck and the side of her face while my cock pulsed the last of my cum inside her.
With a contented sigh, Emma switched off her vibrator and gently pulled it out, a soft moan escaping her lips as she rolled over to face me. We both lay down together, her back pressed against my chest as we settled into a comfortable spooning position.
Our bodies were spent, our hearts racing as we caught our breath after an intense round of passion. As we lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, I knew that this was only the beginning of what promised to be an unforgettable night.
As the soft glow of the moon filtered through the window, I pressed my lips to the back of her neck, savoring the taste of her sweaty skin as we drifted off to sleep, our bodies entwined in a blissful haze of pleasure and desire.
Over the next few months, Emma became the center of a passionate love triangle between Luke and me, as we each vied for her attention and affection. We created a love triangle that was both thrilling and intense full of untamed passion and exploration. Although we never all three got together, Emma enjoyed playing between the two of us, her body a tantalizing invitation that Luke and I couldn't resist.
As we explored the depths of our passion, we pushed the boundaries of what we thought was possible, our bodies entwined in a frenzy of desire and pleasure. Every moment with Emma was like a dream come true, her touch igniting a fire within us that burned hotter and hotter with each passing day. Emma reveled in the attention and affection of two men who couldn't get enough of her. We each brought out different aspects of her personality, and she enjoyed the challenge of keeping us both satisfied and coming back for more.
But as our time together drew to a close and our work in the area was finished, It was time for me to move on. As I write this sitting here now in Sydney, I will never forget the intense, unforgettable moments that we had shared.
Hope you enjoyed this, feedback is welcomed as always. Bushydad. |
Bi M29 Mdom- Erotic Muse / Custom Erotic Experimenter / Sensual Professional Writer Please consider your thought's as I share mine!! | **I thoroughly treasure when dark things pronounce, sexual passion that leaves a whole ounce.**
**Custom, erotic, I will take your soul, if you listen to my heart and forget that you're whole.**
**Like a stripper whose dancing but can't find her pole, so she sits on my cock, it is standing full.**
**The music is trying to work its way in, but the cum-slut that's on me has shown me new sin.**
**So soon I begin to enjoy our sweet skin and the leather that binds us, dare I let you in?**
\- Custom Erotic Poetry- Written on the fly- u/baddy-dadbod |
[B/S] My brother came on my back after giving me a massage update he came in my mouth 3 times | I'd suggest reading my last post for this to make sense or don't. I don't know why I'm posting here. After the day before yesterday and yesterday I needed closure. I cried myself to sleep last night because I felt like a stupid fucking girl. I've always liked my brother so I've kind of gotten past the grossness of incest. It doesn't feel wrong to me. I just have strong feelings for my brother. But I'm aware that this is new to my brother so I feel horrible. Like I'm forcing my sick natures onto him. He didn't ask for his sister to have feelings for him. I also just felt so empty and needed closure. He fucked me and just went back to his apartment. He didn't stop talking to me or avoid me but it's not what I wanted. It's not just a sex thing. I want my brother. He didn't even kiss me. He didn't hold me and I feel stupid for wanting this. I fell asleep crying because it's so stupid to just be like simping for my brother. There is no future. I can't marry him. I can't have my dad walk me down the aisle and give me away to my brother. I can't take my brother/husband out and just be normal. I've never thought about marriage and stuff but like there is just no real future for this relationship. It'd be secret forever and I don't want that. I want him so much though. He's the only man I've ever really wanted.
Well earlier today I just went to his apartment. I hardly slept last night. I feel like I haven't slept well since it happened. I took a long ass bus to his apartment and was just thinking. I was curled up in the corner with my hood up. I've never felt so sensitive. I just needed something. I wasn't even sure if he was home. I just showed up and he let me in. We hugged and I felt really good. I knew he was uncomfortable with what he did and I don't blame him. I understand that that average person doesn't sleep with a family member. This is the "normal" reaction to your biological sister telling you they have feelings after you had sex. He just held me. We didn't talk about what happened. We just got on his bed for a while and he held me in his arms. We were fully clothed and it wasn't sexual I just needed to be held. I'm not usually like this but I felt like I would fall apart unless my brother was holding me. Like it was all I wanted and even though he was uncomfortable he knew it.
After cuddling for a while we talked. The last couple days I've just been thinking about all the things he could be thinking so nothing was new. The sex was enjoyable and we have good sexual chemistry so I knew he'd say how he liked it and can't stop thinking about it. He said that he felt bad for just leaving after but he needed to process what happened. He'd been thinking a lot too. It's all very personal and mushy but he said that he is attracted to me and has developed feelings. He said while we were hanging out I was being flirty with him which I didn't notice. Like before the dorm room he said our time together felt like a date that day. He said he thinks I'm beautiful but it's hard because I'm his little sister so he sees me in a specific way. I told him how I've had a crush on him pretty much my entire life and he teased me about it. It was cringe inducing to tell him how long I've liked him. He was teasing me and making jokes but it was all in love. During this he was on his bed leaning laying back on a pillow and I was kind of on top of him and my legs were between his legs and I was laying on his chest. During this whole talk I was like that. Eventually I kissed him. We didn't make out but we kissed each other on the lips. I didn't want to do anything weird that would make him feel weird. I wanted to kiss him and have him. He was into it but he still was looking at me like kind of nervous because I'm his sister. I took off my hoodie and we kissed more. He took off my pants and panties and just went down on me right away. It was good. The sex is good but the sex is like the thing I desire the least out of this. In general I just enjoy being around him and feeling love from him. I read some posts here and a lot of people desire to have like "sister pussy" or "brother dick". I could get dick anywhere I just want him. When we had sex a couple of days ago I wasn't thinking "this is great brother dick he's my brother and he's related to me and this is his dick" like it just felt like a normal dick. And I'm sure my pussy felt like a normal pussy. I had a crush on my brother AND THEN developed and incest fetish. Like my incest fetish is a result of my crush on my brother. Holding him close and the tension between us is like intoxicating and I love that the most. I love the sex though the sex is A+.
We didn't have sex today but we kissed and touched and went down on each other. I'm pretty proud that I made him cum three times. He was on the bed and I was between his legs giving him a blowjob and he came but I didn't stop sucking. I just kept going and he came a second time but he said it was too sensitive and gently pushed my head away. I was just naked and laid my head on his thigh looking at him. I felt so good. Looking my brother right in the eye as he came in my mouth was like everything I've ever wanted. Like thirty minutes later I rubbed him and he got hard and I gave him another blowjob. We kissed and cuddled on his bed naked. I feel much better now. I'm still unsure about the future like this could be the biggest heartbreak of my life when it doesn't work out but I'm happy now. He drove me to my dorm and kissed me in the car and touched my chin. His hand was on my thigh the whole drive. I'm so giddy right now like words cannot describe how long I've wanted this. I never thought I would ever have this and it was making me depressed. |
[FF] my first lesbian experience in college | I wanted to write about my first lesbian experience I had back when I was in college. Scroll to \*\*\* for the sex.
When I started college I had a sweet roommate, Ana. We were both in the liberal arts college at our university, and by virtue of this ended up with a lot of free time. Back then I still smoked a lot of weed, and we both passed a fair amount of this free time by sitting around smoking together. Ana had a ridiculous bong shaped like a mushroom… anyway I digress.
One of her friends at the time, Luna, stopped by pretty often to smoke with us.
I’d always suspected that I might be bisexual but never had a chance to test it out until college. Luna was the first girl I ever developed a real crush on. She was striking. Equal parts sexy and intimidating, I felt butterflies when I talked to her. She was taller, with olive skin and sweet maple brown hair. She had lots of piercings, including her nipples as I would find out later. Her pupils floated in the frozen blue sea of her eyes, and I was smitten immediately. I’ve never met another person to this day with eyes like that.
Luna was mostly Ana’s friend, so at first we only saw each other when Ana was around. I wasn’t sure if she was interested in girls— and besides, I had never really tried flirting with a girl before. It sounds ridiculous but I wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it.
Maybe a few months into our first semester of college, it was me, Luna, and Ana all sitting in the dorm smoking. Obviously you’re not allowed to smoke weed in a dorm. We always used that ridiculous towel under the door technique that never works.
Anyway, on this day in particular we were smoking a lot. I was seriously smacked when Ana decided we need liquor too just to make it a memorable night. Memorable for what exactly? I’m not sure. I guess that’s just the nature of early college. Ana declared that she’d walk to the liquor store with her fake and pick up a bottle of Rosé. Again, very college freshmen behavior.
So Ana left, and for the first time, it was just me and Luna. We got to talking about this or that when suddenly she broke the banter.
“Mira, I just have to ask you… are you like interested in girls at all?”
I paused for a moment, unsure of how to reply.
“Yeah I guess I am… I’m not a virgin or anything,” I laughed, “but I’ve never been with a girl. If that’s what you're asking?” I was staring into those chilling blue eyes of hers, and she was staring back. A good sign.
“Would you ever want to be with a girl— like that?” She posed back to me, sliding closer to me on the bed.
I felt her electrifying presence wash over me, and before I could say anything we were kissing. Her lips were full and god damn she was a good kisser. One of the best I’ve ever experienced. It started off gentle and light. Just each of us softly embracing the other.
“How long do you think that booze run is gonna take?” She broke away and asked me.
“Long enough.” I told her and pulled her back to melt into me. Fuck. I was groping her breasts lightly over her shirt and she was doing the same to me. I confirmed then that I was absolutely into women.
Luna starting massaging my ass gently as our kissing got more intense. She pushed me down on the bed and was on top of me, starting to slowly grind herself into me. I tried to angle my pussy up to meet her and I was in heaven, even through the clothes. Our tongues were swirling together now, and I was pulling her hair, forcing her closer to me.
She started taking off my shirt, and I felt myself getting wet. We stopped for a moment and just looked at eachother. Like we were searching in eachothers’ eyes for some affirmation. Whatever it was, we found it, because she ripped off my shirt and started sucking on my tits. God. Then she was kissing her way down my stomach, and I was bucking my hips up towards her. She pulled down my skirt and panties and was tracing around my pussy with her fingers. I couldn’t wait for her to enter me.
“Please Luna, please…” I moaned to her, and she just smiled, planting a gentle kiss on my entrance.
“Oh fuck…” I whimpered as she started fucking me with her tongue. Every few seconds she’d alternate to gently licking at my clit and force a finger gently into me. Before long she was a knuckle or two deep.
“You’re tight, Mira…” She whispered to me. “So tight. Can I fuck you?”
“Please.” I breathed to her.
So she pushed a finger all the way into me, and I sighed, pushing my hips to her. She began with that single finger and then two, building a nice pace. God this girl knew what she was doing. She’d go back in, working with her tongue, then come back up to kiss me, all the while making nice work on my dripping pussy with her fingers. I was completely incapacitated, a heaping mess of moans and little cries.
She had me entirely under her control and I barely cared. Luna took her fingers out my pussy and forced them into my mouth to muffle my cries of pleasure.
“Suck on them.” She demanded. I complied, sucking on my own juices like a fucking slut as she started fucking me again with her other hand.
“Oh god I’m close Luna.” I’d been trying to work on her pussy too, but she kept moving my hands back to her tits under her shirt. They were easily both handfuls, and I wanted to see them so badly.
“Please can I look?” I moaned to her, hands wandering under her shirt.
“If you cum like a good girl I’ll let you.” She whispered in my ear. I was bucking my hips on her fingers now, building up closer and closer to an orgasm.
“Good, good.” She kept whispering. “That’s it Mira, goooood girl.”
That’s all it took to send me over the edge into a goddamn mess. I was cumming all over her hand as I held my own tits tight in my palms, grasping them firmly and riding out the orgasm.
“Jesus…” I said to her, spent. “I want to make you cum too, please!!” I begged her, frustrated. I felt genuinely bad I hadn’t made her feel so good too.
“Mira don’t worry!” She laughed. “That was so hot for me. We don’t have time, Ana will be back soon I’m sure. Why don’t we just agree to make it a more regular thing?” She mused, starting to pack the bong. I laid as a mess on my dorm bed.
And Ana was back soon so nothing more happened that night. I eventually told her about what happened that night and she thought it was pretty hot. Luna and I did have a lot more fun that semester and even sort of dated. I’ll write about more of our experiences eventually ;) |
[B/S] I (m18) saw my sister (f21) topless and I cannot stop thinking about her tits - (Update - 14) | The next morning I woke up in my own bed. I had moved to my bed in the middle of the night in case mum comes to our room unannounced. I was working from home so woke up a little late. When I went downstairs mum and sister had already left. I felt a bit disappointed not seeing her that morning but soon found myself busy with work.
She came at about five and shouted hello as she entered the house. I shouted hello back from my desk. I rushed to finish my work as I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before mum gets home. A few minutes later I heard her coming downstairs after changing and I turned my computer off. She was in the kitchen making tea for both of us. We made an eye contact and both smiled and exchanged pleasantries. I took my cup off her and followed her to the living room.
I watched her ass as she walked in front of me in her pj shorts. They were hardly long enough to cover her ass region. We went to the room and she sat down on her side of the couch placing her cup on the side table. Instead of sitting on my side of the couch, I sat beside her placing my cup on the coffee table. ‘’Oooh it’s nice of you sitting next to me,’’ she said smiling as she gently slapped my thigh. I put the tv on and wrapped my arm around her.
I leaned my head on her shoulder. She relaxed her body too and rested her head on mine. It felt very nice. She smelled nice and the feeling of her clean cotton T-shirt felt good on my skin.
I lifted my head and gave a kiss to my sister on her cheek and put my head back. She turned to me and kissed my head. So far I was feeling sibling warmth towards her. The way I mostly felt in the past around her. The moments when I just saw her as my big loving sister. It didn’t take long for that feeling to take a lustful turn and soon I was getting hard rubbing my hand on her naked thigh.
I lifted my head again and turned it towards her but this time I waited and didn’t kiss, my hand still gently running back and forth on her thigh. She looked at me and we locked eyes. Then I looked down to her lips. The lips which get a lot of my attention when I see her cumming. I leaned forward and gently kissed my sister on her lips. We have kissed before which was always quick peck on the lips but this one was just a split second longer and our lips pressed just a little harder than what you would call a peck.
I felt a bolt of lightening running down my spine when I felt her lips on mine. Just when I was recovering she leaned forward and kissed me. This time it was a proper kiss. She kissed me like she’d kiss any other man which felt so fucking hot. I felt that awkwardness about kissing my sister but it lasted just for a few seconds and then it just felt right. I moved my hand on her waist as we kissed and it was getting more and more passionate. Soon our tongues got involved too and it felt so fucking hot kissing her like this.
She had placed her hand on my neck as we kissed. My hand moved up on her waist towards her tits and soon I had her perfect boob resting in my palm. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipple was so hard I could feel it poking on my hand as I groped my big sister’s boobs. Our kissing never stopped. I was rock hard kissing her and feeling her boobs.
Then I felt her hand move from my face and she rested it on my belly. I felt it moving down and soon enough I felt the back of her fingers on my cock which was rock hard and dying for attention. She eventually gently grabbed my cock and ran her fingers from bottom to the tip of my cock almost like she was getting to know the length of it. I wasn’t wearing any briefs so only a thin layer of cloth was separating our skin. I was squeezing her tits harder and our kissing had gone even more passionate, we were rolling our tongues together. She made the grip around my cock harder. The touch felt unreal. I felt my cock’s head expanding as she made the grip tighter and tighter and very gently moving her hand up and down.
I wanted to feel her too. I let her boob go and moved my hand to her thigh. I started to move my hand towards her pussy very slowly. Her pj shorts were loose and gave me a very easy access to her pussy. I moved my hand up her pj shorts and just when I thought I’m about to feel her panties, what I felt was her naked skin which was soaking wet. She wasn’t wearing any panties. My hand had just touched the outside of her pussy. I could tell that I had felt her lips but even the outside was dripping wet. The wetness had spread to her inner thighs.
My ex used to love fingering and I’ve had a lot of experience with this so this is where I shine. I rubbed my fingers on the outside a little and then moved my fingers up further to spread open her pussy. Our kissing and her stroking my cock were only getting more intense as I felt her wet pussy. I moved my finger slightly up to feel her clit and used my fingers to expose it a little.
I then slid one of my fingers just an inch or two inside her. I felt her upper body twitch as I did it. My finger got covered with her pussy juices. I then took the finger out and rubbed that wetness on her clit. She moaned and had to stop kissing me for a second as I rubbed that wetness on her clit. I then started to rub her clit, gently increasing the pace. We weren’t kissing now. We were both just looking at each other with pure lust rubbing each others genitals. I was now rubbing her as hard as I could and she was loving every second of it. She was rubbing my cock hard but she was finding it difficult to stroke my cock as she got closer and closer. I could now see wet spots all over her red pj shorts. I kept going. She wasn’t stroking me anymore. Both her hands were tightly squeezing couch cushions as she spread her legs open and let me rub her pussy. Her whole body was twitching more and more frequently. Her mouth open as she moaned with pleasure and her tits jiggled as my hand kept rubbing her harder and harder.
I maintained the pace, not going any slower, only faster. I kept going at the same hard pace and I could tell she’s there. She had reached the point of no return and finally she just exploded. I felt a little cum squiring on my fingers as she came. She slammed shut her body, both her legs went up to her chest and she curled into a ball. My hand was still inside her legs. I had to get up to my knees to move with her body as she came. I kept rubbing her clit faster as she came and then she just pulled my hand out and moaned ‘’ohhh fuuuuck,’’ and pressed her hand on her pussy and kept cumming curled into a ball. ‘’Fuck, ohh God fuuuuck’’ she kept repeating. Her moans slowly faded away. I was rock hard watching all this. |
Requesting an author for a short story inspired by A CYOA [MM, Consensual slavery in the BDSM sense] | First time posting here, hope I got it right. The CYOA has an option where you choose to be given over to someone and are not capable of disobeying. Because the option is a little a squick, and that's immoral, let's age everyone one to legal and ethical standards for the story, but the erotic part that I wanted to draw on is not being able to disobey your master. Please see the the CYOA link below at the very bottom to see what I'm referring to.
The idea is not being capable of disobeying your master. Please reach out if you would be interested in authoring this, I can provide details. Please DM if it sounds hot to you. [CYOA]( |
[M/S] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 406. Mommy's secret touches. | I have come to appreciate the fact that both of my sons are experiencing, at least, some state of arousal when we are together. Regularly, I see them readjust themselves in public and I do enjoy getting them horned-up and yearning for my touch. When we are in public or even with extended family, I always find ways to give them incestuous, wanton touches.
Patrick becomes excited if I pat his cute butt or whisper seductively into his ear. He also loves when I stare at him like he is my prey. My older son also adores being fondled over his pants. I cannot count the number of times I have him cum in public. I usually do it under a table or while standing and using my body to block our fun from view.
Michael is almost robotically easy to titillate in any setting. If I take out a cigarette, he instantly become hard and becomes desperate for a release. It seems I have trained him well. Most of the time, if I am going to have a cigarette around him in public, I try to find a way to touch him at the same time. It would be cruel to make him uncomfortable. A few days ago, in front of a supermarket, I smoked a cigarette in my car while toying with his member. As soon as I finished my smoke, I sucked his throbbing dick until he came for me.
I am addicted to feeling them up at movie theatres, on busses, behind buildings and while on hikes. The sensation of having total sexual control over them in any environment is intoxicating and powerful.
I'm truly sorry your mother has not done the same for you.
**My sons are 22 and 27. No, you cannot be my son.** |
A Swinger Story, pt 2 [MFFM, 30s] [group sex] [swingers] | Once upstairs, he placed me onto the bed, immediately climbing on top of me and continuing to kiss, lick and bite all over my neck, breasts, collarbone and stomach.
I felt him slowly sliding his hand up my thigh, palming my pussy that was already aching with desire. He held pressure there, not moving it to give me the sensation I needed, but just enough to tease me. I groaned and arched my back as I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him back up to kiss me again.
I felt the pressure of his body lift as he sat up and removed his shirt, observing my semi-naked body with a look of lust and a smirk on his face.
Slowly, he inched down the bed, positioning himself between my thighs. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of my leggings, pulling them down but leaving my purple lace thong in place. I lifted my hips, letting him pull them off my legs and toss them onto the floor.
He repositioned himself between my legs, kissing my inner thighs and making me moan and writhe around, arching my back to get myself closer to his face. I knew he wasn't going to make it that easy, though.
He chuckled as he ran his finger over the lace waistband of my panties, kissing my thighs but never quite moving closer to where I wanted him to go. "Your smell is intoxicating," he murmured into my skin as he nipped it with his teeth.
"I hear the taste is even better," I breathed, hoping to entice him.
Without warning, I felt his finger hook under my panties and between my lips, the wetness making it slide in effortlessly and making both of us moan in shock.
"God, you're completely soaked," he gasped as he pushed his finger inside of me. I gasped in response, arching up to push him deeper inside of me. He slowly pulled his finger out of me, moving his hand up to run my own wetness along my lips before sticking his finger inside his own mouth to lick me off of it. "And you're right, the taste is even better."
"Fuck, please put it back inside me," I begged, licking my lips and savoring the taste of myself on my tongue.
"Only because you said please," he growled as he slid his finger up and down my pussy, covering it in my wetness as he pushed first one then two fingers inside of me, hooking them up expertly as he massaged my g-spot.
"Oh fuck," I moaned out as he began pumping his fingers in and out of me, his other hand moving up to pinch my nipple. "Fuck, James, that feels so good."
He didn't relent, despite my thrashing and the wild movements of my hips as I felt the pressure inside me build. Slowly, tentatively, I moved my hand down and slid my panties aside further, beginning to circle my own clit with my fingers. He groaned in assent as he continued fucking me with his fingers, watching my face as I played with my clit and pinched my other nipple with my free hand.
"Oh God, I'm going to cum, please don't stop." I begged as I felt my orgasm getting closer. He increased his pressure slightly while not varying the speed, just enough to push me over the edge. I came, hard, writhing and bucking my hips while he continued to massage my g-spot, squeezing my breast hard and moaning right along with me.
I laid there, stunned, as I caught my breath. He continued to slowly stroke his fingers in and out of me, reminding me this was only the appetizer for what I was sure was going to be an astounding 5-course meal.
It was only as I came down from the orgasm that I realized that my husband and Cass had come into the room, standing in the doorway naked, watching the show. I looked up to see a smile on his face, lust taking over his features.
"Can we join?" He asked, as they both stepped into the room and closed the door behind them. |
[S/S] The Sisters Grimm's Recipe Book: Slow-Cooked Meatloaf a'la Incest (Update ??? I think 19) | Remarkably I actually remembered to post this on my own. For the unitiated, meatloaf is a dish that resembles a loaf made out of meat. This meat is shaped into a loaf shape because otherwise it wouldn't be meatloaf, it'd be meatsphere or something (more commonly called a meatball). My name is Marina and this is my life story (obligated before all online recipes, obviously). I was born in 1992 and grew up and now I'm here, the end.
Our names are Marina (31 - author, assistant chef), Alexa (30 - Told me "whatever you do, don't tell anyone about the time I pissed my pants while up to bat at softball") and Crockpot (2 - sous chef). Yes, we are real sisters. And we're not interested in gobbling your cock, we don't like turkey that much. Tends to be dry as fuck.
**All culinary acts were performed by fully consenting and horrific cooks ages 18+. Remember, drink your H2Hoe.**
What you'll need:
\- About two (2) pounds of ground beef
\- Preferred mixture of spices and herbs, we recommend salt, pepper, a bit of paprika, oregano, brown sugar, garlic, and tomato ketchup (This is to mix in)
\- Feel free to mix in some pork as well (Optional)
\- Two (2) incestuous siblings, sex and gender of your choice, though we prefer two females
\- Beef stock
\- Milk
\- Mother with the recipe and loose morals concerning sex (Optional)
\- Minced onion (Optional)
\- Two (2) eggs
\- Hitachi Magic Wand (Newer model) (Optional)
\- Stuffing mix or breadcrumbs
\- All ingredients may be blessed by Rabbi Bill Clinton to ensure they're kosher (Optional)
\- Mix in the dry ingredients first. That is, your meat, spices, herbs, etc. This is an excellent family activity, however be sure that one person stirs the meat and the other stirs their sibling's pussy juices (this is why it's optimal to have a third family member but you can make do with two).
\- Mix until all dry ingredients are combined. Proceed to be taunted by sibling because you can't finger her because your hands are covered with raw meat so she goes, "Hm, better do it myself, then."
\- Mix in wet ingredients. Feel free to add pussy juices and/or precum (Optional). This may take a few minutes, just add until you're comfortable.
\- You want to add the thicker precum if you so choose, not the watery squirted pussy juice, the beef stock keeps the consistency the proper viscosity (Optional).
\- Yell at your sister to stop pinching your nipples and fingering you constantly and hurry the fuck up with her job already. Which is:
Preparing the Crockpot:
\- Line the crockpot with aluminum foil. Add in residual wet mixture to the base, a watery mix primarily composed of beef stock.
\- Immediately get violated by your sister who just washed her hands (Optional). Remove top (Optional).
\- Get distracted rubbing nipples together because the clicking and clacking of each set of nipple piercings pleases your ADHD (Optional).
\- Remove soggy, sad lump of meat from the bowl, shape into a vague loaf-like shape, add in some stuffing mix and breadcrumbs to thicken the consistency if needed, and place in the Crockpot.
\- Set to cook for 6 hours.
Process (Cont.):
\- Lift up skirt and shake butt plug-occupied ass at little sister (Optional). Get spanked hard for "being such a pervert" (Optional).
\- Retrieve Hitachi Magic Wand. Demand little sister "Repent for her terrible foul mouth by submitting to the Divine White Scepter" (Definitely optional).
\- Get laughed at (Only necessary if prior two steps were followed).
\- Get distracted by lovely meatloaf smell.
\- Forget what you were doing, go play Battlefield V for 4 hours (Optional).
\- Relax a bit too much.
\- Get ambushed by little sister with Magic Wand (Optional).
\- Crash plane immediately, lose match for your team (Optional).- Rage-quit (Optional).- Fall into sex-crazed trance, proceed with scissoring.
\- Place Magic Wand in between your pussies, create fountains of additional seasoning for meatloaf (Optional). Add seasoning as desired.
\- Accidentally send nudes to some guy you knew in high school because he has the same last name as a FWB and you were too horny to double-check (Optional).
\- Have panic attack (Optional).
\- By now the meatloaf is likely finished. Time to move on to:
\- Don't be afraid to mix in some beef stock or pussy juice if the consistency is too thick (Optional).
\- Let it rest a half-hour to soak in plenty of the juices. Baste if required but it shouldn't be, it'll melt in your mouth.
\- Serve warm. Pairs nicely with a full, sweet dessert.
\- Leftovers keep in fridge for 2-3 days. Leftover horny from the cooking process likely to affect little sister greatly for the next 2-3 hours. Administer the Great Scepter of the Gods (as needed).
\- Should require no further seasoning; all seasoning was done during preparation. Enjoy! |
[M/S] Mom helps with homework Pt 3 FINAL | After giving me the most intense handjob of my life, my mother was now asking me to return the favor to her. “Now that you are fully relaxed, maybe you can give mommy the orgasm she needs too?” The words echoed in my head as she stood up, grabbed my hand and started to walk down the hallway toward the bedrooms. My shorts were totally off from her stroking me, and it felt a little awkward walking with just my t-shirt on, dick flopping in the breeze.
I couldn’t help but stare at my mom - still in her early 40s and sexy as hell. She didn’t have much of an ass, but she kept her body in great shape and her perky breasts were to die for. Her hips swayed as she walked, and I could just make out the edges of her big tits as we walked down the hall. She stopped at the first door we came to, and guided me into the spare bedroom/office. There was a daybed in the corner of the room, and she turned and sat on the edge, pulling me in close.
I could still smell the aroma from my cum on her chest as she began to talk “Honey, I know this might seem all of the sudden, but I have been having sexual thoughts about you for a while now. And based on your internet searches, I think you fantasize about me too. I’m sorry for snooping on your laptop, but I have noticed you stealing glances down my shirt and have heard you masturbating in your room when you come home from school”.
“I… I…” I couldn’t find the right words to express how much I agreed with every word she was saying. “Baby, are you OK with what happened, and if we take things a little further?” she asked, giving me the opportunity to collet my thoughts. “YES!” I said, maybe a little too loud and enthusiastic. She smiled in return, and reached behind her back, unclasping her bra and letting her heavy breasts bounce down onto her chest. I reached out and began to grope them again, rubbing her nipples against the palm of my hand, and massaging my leftover cum into her pale flesh.
Biting her lip as she stood up, and beginning to unbutton her pants, she leaned in. Those lips that I had attempted to kiss before were now being offered up. Hesitate, I did not. Immediately we were kissing passionately. Unbeknownst to each other, we both had been wanting this connection for a long time and now we both were getting exactly what we wanted. After a minute of kissing, we made our way down to the bed. I took off my shirt, and worked her tight jeans over her hips and tossed them to the side. Kneeling while she laid down, I traced my fingers up her thigh and onto her panties. There was already a wet spot, indicating how much she had enjoyed our time together so far. I pressed on it, feeling her pussy for the first time.
Leaning down and kissing her again, I pushed the fabric of her underwear to the side and immediately started working her clit. My mom began to moan and I could tell that with all the excitement, she was close too. I switched back and forth, rubbing her clit and sliding two fingers into her sopping wet pussy. Curling my fingers up as I entered her, I began to rub her g-spot. It didn’t take long before I could feel her begin to orgasm. Bated breath at first, and then deep shudders throughout her whole body.
I traced my fingers up her stomach after she had come down from her orgasmic high, traced them around her big tits, and up onto her still-hard nipples. I was so proud of myself, I had just given my mother exactly what she had asked for, and I could feel her smile as our kisses became less passionate and more purposeful. As a virile 20 year old, I was obviously ready to go again, and she reached up and give my cock a playful squeeze. “Already?” She asked as she flashed flirty grin. “I’ve been ready for Round 2 since about 10 seconds after the first!” I joked back. “Well let’s see if we can empty those balls one more time” said my mother as she playfully pushed me down onto the bed and hopped on top of me.
“I’m not sure if I am ready for sex yet, maybe next time?” She asked, simultaneously shattering my hopes of re-entering my birth canal today, and electrifying me with the news that there would be a ‘next time’. “Of course mom, whatever you want to do” I tried to play my disappointment off casually. “Don’t worry baby, I know just the way to please my son.” And with that she bent down and started kissing my chest. After what felt like an eternity (but was probably 10 seconds) she finally kissed her way down to my dick. Licking the shaft, she looked up at me “Yum, I can still taste the cum from last time” she said as she began to suck on the tip. My mom had skills. Even thought I had only cum a few minutes before, I could feel it building again as she took me deeper and deeper into her throat - sucking hard and kneading my balls with her hand.
I could see slobber at the edges of her lips as she took my whole length and came back to the tip. “Does that feel good?” She asked as she started stroking me too. “Oh god, yes. Please don’t stop.” I begged as she smiled and went back to sucking me off. She kept her hand on my cock, following her mouth up and down, squeezing me and making me moan out loud. “Fuuuuck” I said as she worked me faster and faster. I couldn’t hold back any longer and I finally gave into the orgasm. Firing my load into my mom’s mouth, she kept on bobbing up and down. Eventually, she slowed down and looked up at me with her pretty brown eyes.
“That was so yummy baby. I could keep going all day!” She smiled as she swallowed what was left of my cum in her mouth. She crawled up and gave me another warm, wet kiss. I kissed her back, deeply. Trying to show just how much I loved my mother in that moment. A moment that I hoped we could share over and over. I had to leave for finals tomorrow, but would be back in a week for a month-long winter break! |
Tom’s first visit to Ash, an escort [MF 30s] [feet] |
It was Toms first every visit to any kind of sex worker. Since his relationship had broken down a few months earlier, he had been feeling low in confidence and despite feeling horny hadn’t taken up his mates offers of nights out.
Tom had been following Ash’s Twitter for a few years. She was a model and had done some erotic videos that he’d first found online when searching for the niche woman he really desired.
Tim had a real love of a specific type of woman. He loved a “mom bod” especially a woman with saggy tits, a stomach covered in stretch marks and if he could find all three, a pussy with big labia.
Ash had all these things. For years she was his go to porn video star and she’d never fail to satisfy so when she offered a foot fetish session on her social media, Tom couldn’t and had no reason to resist.
After a few messages had been exchanged a time, date and place was set. Tom’s heart had been racing at the messaging point, god knows what he’s be like on the day.
Ashleigh had agreed that Tom would be the first person she saw that day. Tom had requested she not be freshly showered that morning and that Ash be dressed in gym wear for their meet at her apartment.
Tom’s heart was in his mouth and his stomach in knots as he knocked on a plain wooden front door in a modern development.
A few moments later the door was opened and there she stood. Exactly as Tom had hoped. His fantasy woman of probably a decade there in front of him dressed as he’d asked. Ash’s long blond hair was tied up in a pony tail, her make up was light and she was stood wearing a crop top style gym bra, short gym pants, long white socks and trainers. “Hello, you must be Tom” she grinned and spoke warmly. “Hey you alright” replied Tom nervously.
She was shorter than he imagined. Her tits looked perfect in the top and the sight of her scarred mum tum turned Tom on more than he’d expected.
After a few formalities (payment) Tom was in the apartment kitchen talking to Ash. He explained how she was his fantasy woman, for how long he’d watched her videos and how shit he’d been feeling recently. Whether she did or not Ash seemed interested and flattered. She poured Tom a drink and suggested they get started.
Tom was sitting at a kitchen breakfast bar on a stool as Ash hopped up on the side just next to him. She grinned and said “Can you help me take my trainers off please?!”
Tom’s heart skipped a beat and he felt his cock twitch. “I’d love to” he replied. Slightly nervously and felt himself blush. Ash noticed and immediately reassured Tom “Don’t be embarrassed. I’m really looking forward to this!”
Tom untied both trainers that Ash had rested in his thighs and pulled them off. Tom squeezed Ash’s feet between his hands and slipped his fingers inside the top of the sock to slowly pull it off. As he did Ash lifted her foot up to in front of Toms face and as the sock popped off her foot he was greeted by her beautiful foot in his face.
Tom immediately kissed the sole of her foot. As he did he took a cautious sniff of her feet. They smelt amazing. Not like soap. Not smelly but just that faint acrid sweat smell was pleasant. Toms cock was growing harder still. Her feet were probably a size seven. Her toes painted red and soft. Not perfect but for a busy mum Tom guessed still decent.
Ashleigh pulled herself up into the bar and positioned herself in front of Tom bent over infront of him knees on the bar.
“You’re so hot” said Tom. Her feet we poking out from behind her and as Tom pulled off the second sock she started to rub his cock and balls through his jeans with her feet.
“You can touch my arse if you want?” Said Ash. Tom hadn’t banked on that. “Really?” He stuttered. Ashleigh looked over her shoulder, her feet still gently rubbing Toms dick “How can I not treat you? I’m your dream woman! You can pull my shorts down and look at my arse whilst I rub you cock”
Tom leant forward and slowly pulled the tight Lycra running pants down. Ash didn’t have any underwear on and her arse was amazing. Her pale skin perfectly lit by the morning sunlight shining into the kitchen. Her dark puckered and what looked like a well used arse hole was spread right in front of Tom. As he looked down he saw Ash’s perfect big, lippy and hairy pussy glistening. Maybe she was enjoying this as much as Tom was.
Tom, still sitting leaned forward and grabbed Ash’s arse and spread it slightly. Tom couldn’t resist trying to smell her. He’d dreamed of this. Fantasised about it for years.
Ash didn’t miss a trick. “Are you trying to smelly my pussy?” Somewhat putting Tom on the spot. “No” Tom said unconvincingly. “You are naughty Tom” said Ashleigh “I’ve not showered since yesterday so it’s not fresh”. Tom replied instantly “that’s perfect for me” Ash laughed and wiggled her arse back and her knees to the edge of the bar. “Go on then. But no touching”.
Tom leaned in as close as he could risk without ruining his chance. He stared at Ashleigh’s perfect swollen pussy and her dark coloured wrinkled arsehole. Tom wondered how many times he’d cum looking at them on a computer screen. He sniffed. She smelt amazing. Her wet pussy was musky. It was strong smelling and looked wet.
Suddenly Ash spun around and sat on the bar facing Tom. As she pulled the shorts down she instructed Tom to pull out his cock. He did as he was told. Ashleigh put one foot on toms shoulder and the other towards his face.
Toms thick and short cock was as hard as it’d ever been. It throbbed in his hand.
Tom knew what to do. He opened his mouth and started sucking on her toes as he svymmultaniously started rubbing his cock. The smell of Ashleigh’s feet, was amazing. As he did he saw ashleigh was rubbing her pussy with her hand.
Tom didn’t know where to look. Her feet? Her legs? Her pussy? Or her beautiful mum tum? He flirted between all those places and watched Ash pump three fingers into her sloppy wet pussy.
Tom soon realised that this wasn’t going to take long. His cock, rock hard in his hand, was already leaking. Tom announced “I’m gunna cum” and as he did Ashleigh shot forwards and replaced her foot with her hand. The hand that she’d been touching herself with. Her sticky, wet, stinky fingers were now darting over Toms face, into his mouth and across his nose.
The taste of her pussy, even just from her fingers was too much. Tom shuddered as he exploded, sniffing Ashleigh’s dirty fingers as he came.
With that Ashleigh was up and getting dressed. “That’s was quick” she said with a smirk
Tom didn’t know what to say, put his dick away and left. |
[F/d][M/d] Potential for some hot tub fun? (Update) | Hello again! Thanks so much for the support on my last post, and sorry about the lack of updates! I was kind of nervous to try out your suggestions, but eventually I built up the courage!
On to the good stuff. So I wanted to try and wear some underwear that would turn a bit more see through when wet, as per some of your suggestions. So I did some testing and found that this matching set of gray calvin klein underwear/bra I had did enough to make things more obvious lol. They don't turn fully transparent, but definitely reveal my nipples and the shape of my slit (I tested this by wearing them in the shower haha).
Now that I found what I was going to wear, I just had to wait until we had another family competition. This is also partly why my update took a little while, because we didn't race to the hot tub again until recently. I just kept wearing the same pair of underwear underneath my running clothes just in case we did eventually make it to the hot tub.
I'll skip over the boring stuff, since what happened this time up until the hot tub was mainly the same as my previous post. We were all racing to reach the backyard, my dad was in the lead again, and my mom decided to push me onto the couch inside to get a headstart. I eventually made it to the backyard where my dad was already back down to his boxers and getting into the hot tub, and my mom had taken off her top and had one leg out of her leggings. I pulled off my tank top and my leggings as well, but not quick enough to beat my mom this time. So, by the time I had taken off all my clothes, both of my parents were already inside the hot tub. They laughed and said I was the "rotten egg" and jokingly splashed me with water, before I joined them inside the tub.
My heart was pounding out of my chest I was so nervous. Obviously they had both seen me naked before, but I don't know this still felt very different. I slipped into the water and immediately my underwear clung to my skin super tight. My mom jokingly commented on it and said something like "That material really isn't covering up much." My dad and I both laughed, but I couldn't help but blush a little. Then I said, "I know right? I might as well just be naked." We all laughed, and this was when I think I noticed my dad staring at my nipples. Not like overtly ogling at them, but he was definitely taking a peek. I was starting to feel a bit more daring, so then I said something like "Maybe I'll just do that next time. Then I won't have to drip water all over the house when we get out." After this my mom said, "That's not a bad idea."
Not much else happened while we were in the hot tub, we just chatted about normal stuff while I resisted the urge to masturbate lol. After a while we all got out and I made sure to stand up and get out before they did, so that my pussy was at eye level with them, and then I turned around and bent over to lean on the edge of the tub to hop out, flashing my ass in their directions. I have no clue if they looked, but it was still really exciting. Once we got out and grabbed towels though, my mom did something very unexpected. She wrapped herself up in her towel, and then from underneath it, pulled off her bra and panties and laid them on the ground to dry off. She was covered by her towel so sadly I couldn't see anything, but it was still really hot. I think she noticed my shock because she then said something like, "What? I don't want to drip water in the house." Before walking back inside. My dad and I just laughed and followed her back in.
So that's all I have for you guys today. I think next time I'm just gonna try and go naked underneath my running clothes and see what happens. But I would appreciate any other ideas or advice you're all willing to give! Thanks for reading. |
[M/S] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 458. Sometimes a mom just wants attention. | Quietly drying my body with a fluffy white towel, the bathroom was filled with the beautiful scent of my Black Rose & Vetiver body wash. I hummed softly while applying lotion to my skin to keep it soft and smooth. My peaceful moment was interrupted by the sound of Patrick's phone ringing and then the sound of him saying "Good morning, Baby" before closing the door to his bedroom.
I wasn't as much jealous as I was territorial. The girl is very nice, and I am happy for my older son, but I still found myself craving attention. After fluffing my hair in the mirror, I walked naked and stone-faced toward his door. They were still talking, and he was trying to make his voice sound deeper, as young men often do.
We made intense eye contact as I came through the doorway and mouthed "Do not hang up." He nodded.
Moments later, his shorts were down just enough, and I was straddling him with his hard cock buried in his birthplace. Patrick tilted his head back as he spoke to his inamorata and used my powerful hips to gyrate back and forth. His free hand groped one of my motherly tits and I leaned down to kiss and suck on his neck, inches from his phone.
He did an incredible job of sounding natural while his dick was inside his own mother.
Harder and harder I silently rode him like a steed and tongued his ear. After a few minutes of intense and lustful fucking, his cock swelled and began to shoot his hot cum inside me. A look of panic came over his face and he fought the urge to moan by faking a few hard coughs.
That made me smile and I decided to leave him alone. Of course, I disrupted his conversation for a few seconds by kissing him deeply and sucking his tongue before sashaying out of the room.
Mommy always gets her way.
**My sons are 27 and 22. You are not in love with me. Seek help immediately if you think you are.** |
Work of Art | What evoked the actions that had so astonished him in the course of their encounter scarcely matters, being probably some off-handed comment spoken as they rekindled their acquaintance. He had tagged along with friends to lunch at the house where she was staying, after which the party dispersed to peruse the treasures occupying its great rooms. Wandering the corridors that October afternoon, he lingered in front of a large painting overhanging the mantle, which depicted a woman floating nude among the reeds and lilies of some exotic river.
He had contemplated Caroline's face across the table as one does a mislaid memory: the sequel to a commencement he could not recall. Such a curious feeling, that some past exchange might
have held no importance for him, while his impression of her now carried so much.
Hanging back as her consort moved on to the library, her expression bore amusement, having guessed the magnitude of attention he had devoted to her that afternoon. When they finally spoke, they were alone, charmed by the feeling of mutual arrangement the moment held. The smell of her perfume called to mind a summer morning near the Spanish steps, and he felt a sudden recollection.
"We met years ago in Rome," he blurted, "I remember it clearly."
She smiled, her intuition confirmed. "It was Naples, actually. Ten years ago." She had waited so long for naught: a deferral she would reciprocate. "And do you remember what you told me that day, as we sought shelter from the rain? I've never forgotten it, and it has fixed you in my memory all these years."
The possibility crossed his mind that she had stored up some youthful amorous appeal, but her face said otherwise.
"I remember the storm, but not what was said."
"I'm not sure you do remember the storm, but neither should I want you to. I hate to bring someone back to who they were in years past, but I've always wondered... Has it ever happened?"
His countenance was confusion.
"You told me that for as long as you could remember, you've had the deepest sense of being destined for something rare and extraordinary, something that would happen to you at some point, which you knew in your bones would overwhelm you."
Recognition dawned as astonishment. How could he reveal his deepest secret to her, and her alone, and then forget he had done so?
"So, it hasn't come about?"
He shook his head.
Her knowledge of him engendered between them an unusually familiar colloquy, and they surveyed the house together, exchanging details from the intervening decade until the assembly departed into the crisp autumn air.
From the painting on the wall, the woman looked down on the pair, alone together once more, while light from the fire danced strangely across the surface of her river.
Caroline stood, placing her sherry on the cabinet, and took his face in her hands. Her lips gently parted as they met his, her tongue searching for the wet touch of his own. She tasted of hazelnut and honey. A slender hand reached down to trace the hardening flesh swelling against the cloth of his trousers...
Slick with their mingled saliva, her tongue circled the tip of his manhood and ran luxuriously up and down his shaft. Her lips closed around him, and he could feel the enchanting pull as she drank him deeper into her mouth. Her hand pulsed a rhythm around the base of his rigid member while she pleasured his fleshy tip...
... Standing, she slipped the straps of her dress from her shoulders and the fabric slid gracefully to the floor. Pink nipples stood erect from soft breasts, a tuft of dark brown hair where her long legs came together. She lifted one alluring foot onto a chair to expose her glistening pink lips and, tantalising him, licked a finger before slipping it inside. The muscles in her stomach tensed and gooseflesh covered her chest as she touched herself under his longing examination...
With a wink, the portrait swung open for her, revealing a hidden cabinet from which she extracted handcuffs and a decanter of oil. She fastened his wrists to the chair. His eyes closed as she poured the oil, coating his stomach and thighs, his aching testicles, and the length of his pulsing erection. With long fluid strokes she pleasured him, twisting her hands with each pass over his tip, tracing fingertips along his testicles. The last of the oil was drizzled across her breasts: trickling, as she caressed him, toward her milky cunt.
He came to perceive that her understanding of him surpassed his own, for each time the pleasure reached a new peak, she pulled away. Only then would he apprehend his proximity to climax, grunting at the bliss and desperation of her sudden absence. Time melted away, along with his will. An hour passed, and then more, as she controlled his pleasure and commanded his desire.
"Close your eyes," she whispered as her hands withdrew once more.
When he opened them, he was alone. A note on the table read: You'll be released at dawn.
The woman in the painting smiled wickedly as he squirmed, trying to free his hands. His powerful erection ached all the way to the pit of his stomach and pain twinged in his throbbing testicles. Willing himself over the edge but unable to attain it, he looked on in desolation as the fire light faded. In the dark, a final memory from Sorrento emerged and everything fell together, exposed, acknowledged, overwhelmed.
It was the truth, vivid and monstrous, that all the while he had waited the wait was itself his portion. |
[M/S] [A/ne] [S/b] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 470. A few of my darkest and most exciting fantasies. | **Below is a list of fantasies. Being fantasies, they are not going to happen. If that bothers you, I encourage you to not continue reading**
- I wish I had more sons. They would all be at their mother's beck and call.
- I wish I had at least one daughter. She would be permitted to dominate her brothers but would be Mommy's fuck toy.
- I'd love to send my ex-husband video of me fucking our sons. He should see how big Michael is and how well he can satisfy me.
- I dream of my sister catching me defiling Tommy. She then joins in and we share him.
- I want Ana to live with me and have my sons serve her needs just like the serve mine.
- I want to offer Pat a cigarette. When he refuses, I would punish him with my huge strap-on.
- I want Pat to know I am fucking his wife and turn a blind eye to it.
- I think about how fun it would be to dress Tommy up as a girl and have him suck a real dick for me.
- I want to share my sons with Lynn and fuck each of them with her.
- I want Patrick to get married and make grandchildren for me and I want Michael to live with me forever.
- I want to condition my entire extended family to become uncontrollably aroused at the sight of me with a cigarette.
- I want my sons and Pat to wear chastity cages.
- I want to be able to discuss my incestuous perversions in real life.
- I want to set up a lair in my home for bondage play and loud sex.
- I want Tommy to live with me and wear little Frech maid outfits while he cleans the house and submits to my sons and me. They and I would fuck and play with him as we please.
- I'd love to have Tommy go down on his mom while I fuck his little ass.
- I want all of my lovers and myself to get matching tattoos.
- I would love to watch Pat suck Michael's big cock.
- Every night should be bath time and every day I should sit on their faces.
- I want my mother to proudly watch me command my stable of lovers.
**My sons are 22 and 27. I will never send you any pics.** |
My night with George - The hottest stranger ever… | It was a Friday night and I was bored. All my friends were either sick with covid or not going out that night. I hit up my friend Chris who is a tattoo artist. He just opened a new tattoo shop and he invited me to come down and drink some white claws and hang with him. When I got there he was painting a door and it was super boring. I drank one white claw and I decided to go! I said bye to Chris and got in my car! It was like 10p.m. I checked how far away the tattoo shop was to the sex club I wanted to go to. 10 minutes so I decided to head down there.
As soon as I walked into the sex club I noticed it was dead! I was annoyed. Thanks dude! The night was still kinda early though so I walked around, said hi to the staff that was there, checked out the hookah bus and then walked back inside. When I walked back inside I made eye contact with this tall handsome fit mixed guy who was standing by the kitchen. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He asked me what my name was and I told him. I didn’t get his name though. Or maybe he said it but I didn’t catch it. Oh well, lol. I continued on with the conversation. We talked about the basics, where he’s from, where I’m from, what I do for work and what he does for work.
He was in the furniture business and was here in Vegas for a convention and he wanted to check out a swingers lifestyle club. He had rented a really nice car which we started talking about. I told him how I do all these crazy car hook ups all the time. He suggested we go take a look at it. He rented a Porsche 911 turbo. It was really sexy.
We got in and started making out. He was a great kisser. Big lips and knew how to move his tongue! My favorite! 🤤 His hands were all over me! Mine were all over him! It was sexy as fuck!! I made my way down to his pants and started rubbing his cock through them. I could tell I was dealing with a big daddy cock! It felt huge through his jeans. Instantly this got so much better for me!! I was so turned on!! I pulled at his belt and gave him a sexy look bitting my lips and batting my eyes! He pulled out his cock for me and holy fuck it was a king cobra! This massive meaty perfectly shaped cock just fell out of his pants! I instantly started laughing! Not a bad laugh but I explained that this is the biggest dick I’ve ever seen!!! Bigger than the porn stars I’ve previously fucked and bigger than any toy I have ever used!
I smiled as I grabbed it. I wasn’t scared. It felt like a forearm! I brought it up to my face and made the joke about how its bigger than my head. I wrapped my lips around it barely could get it in my mouth. My mouth instantly started getting wetter and wetter. He pulled out his phone to record it for me but the car was so dark and the car was so small all u could see was the top of my forehead. I suggested we go to my car, which we did. Stupidest decision ever and I realized that as we were struggling to film in my car as well! I stated “what the fuck, were at a Sex Club and were hooking up inside my car!!” He was like “yea that’s dumb, lets go back inside!!”
As we went back inside we looked around and went inside a private room. We stripped naked and started making out again! He was so tall, it was so hot! I jumped on the bed and he pushed me back so he could lick my pussy! I laid back and omg, as soon as I felt his big sexy lips on my clit I shivered!! It felt so good, he worked his tongue up and down my slit, making it super wet and tasting my sweet juices. He pinned my legs back and made his way down to my sexy asshole. He started licking it and it was magic! He stuck 2 fingers inside my pussy and focused on my clit, working his tongue all around! I was moaning and grabbing the back of his head. It was amazing, he was so into it and it was so sexy!
He got up and climbed onto of me, pinning me down and he slid he warm throbbing cock that was covered in precum in my tight little wet pussy. , no condom of course. It was such a stretch, kinda hard to get it in because he was so big but once my pussy warmed up to his size I was soaking wet and begging for him to fuck me deeper and deeper. I pulled my legs back so he could really get it! He slammed his cock into me faster and faster. I was loving every second of it. Theres no better feeling than having your pussy used by a sexy stranger with a huge cock. I was so wet for him, the sounds were something unreal. Sloppy wet sex that was loud and leaking all over his balls and my pussy lips! I came twice as he was fucking me, once in this position and then he flipped me over, slapped my ass and took his big fat meaty cock and slid it in between my lips and right into my warm welcoming pussy. About 2 minutes of thrusting his cock inside me I came all over him again! Shaking and shivering and feeling so good! Have you ever been cum drunk? Like your literally drunk off coming and you cant see straight and your wobbling and need a minute to gather your life together, yea…that was me!! BUTTTTTTT….he hasn’t come yet!!! I mentioned that and he said it was okay, he wasn’t done with me yet! 😈 instantly made it so much hotter!
He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the door and downstairs to the glory hole. He put me in the glory hole and told me to start sucking dick. Of course he was loud and it brought attention to us and so a few guys lined up. I pulled on a random cock that came through the hole and I started sucking it!! This stranger instantly got super hard as I worked my head up and down on him working my magic. The next thing I know I felt hands on my hips and a massive cock being shoved up my wet pussy! I kept my mouth on the cock through the hole but I instantly starting moaning from also getting fucked which I’m not sure if that did it for him or not but the guy busted so hard and so loud in my mouth! I swallow his load and he quickly ran off. Yumm…🤤The next guy popped his cock through and I started sucking that one, he was already hard as fuck and all it took was a couple of pumps with my mouth and he came too!!! Super fast, just like I like it! I love taking cum back to back, feels so slutty! This whole time still getting fucked. I was moaning and he was slapping into me so hard people were trying to watch! Which he noticed…so he pulled me out in front of everyone and started fucking me and calling me dirty names in front of everyone in the club, the room filled up completely and tons of eyes were on me! I didn’t give a fuck though, I just payed attention to how my pussy was feeling and that was good! He was calling me his little slut, how I love getting fucked in front of the whole room. He was slapping my ass and pulling my hair and telling me to back up into him and fuck him, which I did. I worked my body as hard as I could into his, fucking his big massive cock. Trying to take every inch of him.
The room started getting wild, other guys were chiming in and calling me a good girl, a good slut, a cum slut, and dirty girl, slutty girl…all the names! I loved it!! After a while of fucking in front of everyone he slowed down and we stopped. He whispered in my ear that he’s not ready to come yet!! I was shocked!! This man could fuck!! OMG!!! The room cleared out and I got dressed!! My pussy was soaked! We went to the kitchen for some water and he grabbed me close and told me he wants to go somewhere else, since that place was kinda dead!! I instantly knew where to take him!! We jumped in our cars, driving separately I tell him to follow me to Adult World here in Las Vegas! If anyone doesn’t know what Adult World is, its a local grimy adult arcade and theater. Guys go here to jack off to porn playing on a big screen in a big room with other people. The owners are pretty mellow and don’t really care what you do, so a lot of gay guys go there to jerk each other off and sometimes couples show up to put on a huge show in front of all the guys at the club.
Well when we arrived at Adult World and it was packed! We walked right in and walked right to the back! Couples are free. Guys pay $8 to get in. We walked in and there’s 2 sides, a gay side and a straight side. We walked to the straight side. We checked it out for a second, made eye contact with all the men inside and then I made eye contact with him. We kissed passionately and he told me to get naked, which I did. He bent me over and called a bunch of guys around me to bring me their dicks. I started sucking as many as I could. He slide his fat cock inside me again and I instantly started moaning. I didn’t stop sucking their cocks though. I pulled them into me as soon as there was room. I swallowed about 3 loads before I was grabbed and pulled out the door. I grabbed all my things and walked out into the main store completely naked. We went to the arcade side and we found a booth. We kept the door open and he started fucking me again! I was pinned up against the wall at one point, I was sweaty and my pussy was getting beat the fuck up! I told him I wanted his cum and he told me he was close to coming!! We fucked some more and he told me suck one more guys cock. I found the biggest cock in the crowd and brought him up to my mouth! I started sucking him and fondling his balls. The guy whispered he was going to come and so I opened my mouth as he stroke himself to completion and came all over my face and tits and tongue and hair! It was so much cum! Seconds later I feel the cock inside me get insanely hard and start pulsating!!! He looks down at me and says you’ve been such a good little slut tonight I’m going to reward you with my cum as he busted so hard and so deeeeep inside my pussy!!! I could feel every drop bust right inside!! It was so hot! IT was so creamy.
The guys all wanted to see his Creampie so I lifted my legs and pushed it out!! It came running down my leg, all the guys were jacking off still. Some said how hot it was, some came in their hand or all over the floor. I looked at the crowd and was so proud of myself. Lol…I put my clothes on in the bathroom and walked out with come on my face and come dripping out of my pussy!! We got to the car and just started laughing! He said he had so much fun and when he comes out here again he wants to hang out! We exchanged contact info and jumped in my car!! I drove myself home covered in cum and completely in AWWWWW of the night! I couldn’t believe how hot that was and how much fun I had!
The next morning I woke up and realized I never got that guys name!! I saved him in my phone as “stranger-club XXX” haha! I got up the courage to ask him and he said his name was “George” lol. Who knows if that’s real or not but fuck…HOTTEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!! |
[FM] - I (F38) gave a handjob to my married neighbor (M36) during a neighborhood party | I want to use this account to share some stories and chat with others. I think this particular story is fairly mild in comparison to some of the others here, but I will share more if there is interest. This happened early last fall.
First, a little background. I’m married, have 2 kids, and live in your stereotypical suburban neighborhood. We’ve been there for about 8 years and have gotten to know most of our neighbors pretty well. One of the great things about the neighborhood is that it has an amazing sense of community. A few times a year, we will block off the street of the cul-de-sac and have a block party with the 12 or so families there. It’s during one of those that this incident occurred.
There is one couple that lives down the street - Mark and Julie. They are both very nice looking, a couple years younger than me, and with younger kids. Julie has a sharp tongue and can be a bit much to deal with sometimes. Mark, on the other hand, is amazing. Physically, he’s probably 6’3”, in great shape, with a light brown beard and hair. But the thing about Mark is that he and I just have some sort of chemistry I can’t explain. When we’re around each other, it’s like our minds are on the same wavelength. We share a similar sense of humor. And over the years, I’ve found we sort of gravitate to each other during these neighborhood events.
Along those lines, there’s been a growing sexual tension between us over the years, which culminated in a bit of a drunken make out session one evening last summer in the dark shadows on the side of his house. We were like a couple of teenagers, kissing and ass-grabbing over clothes. Ever since we crossed that little line, it’s been on my mind whenever I’m around him and I think it’s the same for him.
This neighborhood party took place on a fall afternoon/evening. TVs were set up in the cove and college football was on. There were tables with food and drink. Adults and kids were just hanging out, playing games, and mingling all afternoon. As normally happens, Mark and I gravitated to each other late in the afternoon. It was a warm fall day and I was wearing a gauzy yellow sundress. Mark was in shorts and a tshirt. My husband was engrossed watching a football game with some other dads and Mark’s wife, Julie, was with another mom doing something with their kids. Something was said about needing more drinks, so Mark grabbed one of the coolers and we walked to my house to refill it.
Once we walked into the empty house, it immediately struck me that this was the first time that we’d actually ever been alone together (aside from the drunken make out session mentioned above). Mark realized it too because once the door closed behind us, he set the cooler down and we just looked at each other for a few seconds, both wondering if the other was going to be brave enough to start something.
Turns out Mark was the brave one. He closed the short distance between us and grabbed me by the hips, pulling me close in to him. Then he pressed me back against the kitchen counter as his tongue parted my lips and an urgent make out session began.
We made out that way for a few minutes until he escalated things. His mouth left mine and found my right ear lobe. Then he nibbled his way down my neck. Now I don’t know about anyone else, but this is a *huge* hot button for me. So, when his right hand grabbed my ass and his left closed around my braless breast, my knees almost buckled.
Until now, I had been half trying to listen for a door opening or anything like that, but now I was lost. Those concerns went out the window. My mind was just focused on the feelings he was giving me. And speaking of feelings, I was feeling something hard pressed against stomach.
Up to this point, I could probably (wrongly) justify to myself that this was just a harmless make out session. But when my hand closed around the hard shaft in his shorts, there was no denying I was crossing a line. With both feet.
His cock felt huge in my hand and I had to get more. I unzipped his zipper and reached in, pleasantly surprised to find no underwear. I fished it out thru the zipper opening and looked down as I held it. It was just a little bit longer than my husband, but quite a bit thicker. The head of his cock was an angry red and oozing precum as I started to slowly jack him off. His cock was pointed up between us, the head rubbing across the front of my sundress as I stroked him.
I’d only been stroking him for a minute or two when his mouth left my neck and he moaned out “Oh, fuck!” I don’t think either of us had actually expected things to go this far this fast. And then it happened - one, two, three, then four spurts of hot sticky cum all over the front of my dress. Not only was he thicker, but he also came a lot more than my husband. My dress was a mess.
He looked down at my front and said “I’m sorr…” but I stopped him with a kiss. “Fill up the cooler and get back out there before they miss us.”
I went back to my bedroom and cleaned off the cum as best I could. But, the dress was a hopeless mess so I put it into the hamper and changed into some jeans and a tshirt. I freshened my make up and made my way back out to the party. I found my husband in exactly the same place I had left him, still glued to the game, none the wiser. I brought him a beer and sat down next to him, still thinking about the feeling of Mark’s hard cock in my hand. For the rest of the night, Mark and I stayed away from each other, but would occasionally catch each other’s eye from across the way and smile.
Nothing has happened between Mark and I since then, but whenever we’re around each other, the sexual tension is even more unbearable than it was before. There may be more to come (pun intended?) in this story. Thanks for reading! |
[MF] A real adult Disney vacay | For me it's the little things. Our travel day was super smooth and easy. Room was ready by the time we landed. Luggage came out first and our shuttle left once we boarded it. Of course it led to great drinks, great food and a perfect view of the fireworks from our balcony.
So we were happily tipsy, tucked in a corner room, all the lights were off, and the hotel area dimmed, we do what we love and get naked and light up a j. The fireworks start and I get up and lean on the railing and enjoy the show. Meanwhile my boyfriend is enjoying my show. I start getting grabbed, groped, objectified and I couldnt be any happier. He starts taking pics and little videos and next thing I know I feel his hand on my back, pushing me down to arch, and I feel his cock push inside of me gently. He starts fucking me nice and slowly while the fireworks go off and we're nice and high enjoying our little bubble. I straightened up a bit and turned around, had him sit down on the chair and I just start bouncing in his lap. I'm now off in my own little world, feeling my hair fall against my back, his hands grabbing my tits, the warm breeze against my skin and his perfect cock sliding in and out of me while I ride him. Right before the firework finale I jump off and kneel down and start giving him a nice sloppy bj. Like sucking and gagging his cock like I need him to breathe. I get more ravenous thinking about how fun it would be to watch us. Once he couldn't take it anymore, he pulls me up and tells me to go inside. We leave the door open, letting the fireworks illuminate our room, and I go over to the edge of the bed, lift one leg up and bend over. Next thing I know my face is buried in the sheets while I'm getting railed and I am one happy girl. I get a few spanks, a little praisal and I beg for his load on me. After a few more strokes, one more hard spank, he pulls out and shoots his load on my asshole and pushes a little in my ass. We clean up and there's the end of the night one.
The next day after lunch we get back to the room and watch some spring training and I just wanted to give him a nice blowie. I was wearing some pretty red lipstick and just went to town as you saw in my post history.
So we moved resorts, luckily to a newly renovated one. We like to take advantage of the newer TV's and cast some porn to watch and I could happily slip into sub headspace. I put on my new green fishnet body stocking, a hood, and gave him my crop, plugs, cuffs, gag, and lovense control. We switched from porn to a playlist and I let go of all control. Laying on my back, hands at my sides, legs wide open, and a little high, I swear I started having a second sexual awakening. While I'm all about mfm I kept thinking about a fmf. The more the merrier right. I just kept circling around giving a double blowie and making out around a cock. While I was drifting off I wasn't listening to daddy and I got cropped on my tits and he shoved his cock in my mouth. I was more than happy to swallow his cock and take it deeper and deeper. I got a little too carried away and I was turned around and propped up on all fours. I got spanked and cropped quite a few times that I lost count. Daddy played with my pussy with his fingers and tongue and I was off in my own little world again. Next thing I knew he lathered some lube all over my cheeks and pretty little asshole and gently slid in my smaller plug followed by my lovense in my pussy. He pushed me face down, put my gag in my mouth and cuffed my hands behind my back. Daddy then gently caressed me and I was purring. He had me right where he wanted and I was going to do anything he asked. Lucky for me though, he gave me all the treats I could ask for. I was face down, gagged, blindfolded, plugged and filled with his cock, just moaning with ecstasy. I got nice deep, filling strokes and I was on another planet. I came so fucking hard, and he grabbed my hips and came so deep inside of me that he couldn't move for a few moments.
And lastly, for good measure, I got to give a blowie and get a quick fuck in the skyliner. |
[M]y [MFM] threesome and a small confession as well | About 8 years ago now I was a member on a swingers site. As a single male. I wouldn’t have classed myself as a “swinger”. I just love(d) sex. And enjoyed talking to people about it.
Anyway, I got talking to a married couple on there [M30] [F26] and we got on well and after a couple weeks chatting back and forth, we arranged a meet for some fun. So I drove over to where they live (only a couple hour drive thankfully). We hung out, had some dinner, had a laugh etc. Then once the sun had set and the alcohol had flowed, she performed a strip tease for us and they started playing while I watched for a bit (I’ll admit I was a tad nervous). Once I got horny and comfortable, I joined in.
We took some pics and a video. I will post a couple of pics on my profile. Although not the video because it shows faces. Also not going to send it in DMs either. Sorry, but I want to stay anon.
Now for the confession part of the story. After our session, we chilled for a bit and the booze was running a tad dry. So she sent him out to get some more. And some snacks.
Now, I don’t know if they had a rule where they only play together and not without the other partner there. They never specifically told me either way, but while he was gone we got chatting and the convo obviously became sexual and one thing led to another and we ended up fucking on the floor of the lounge. She rode my dick and I came in her. I also took a quick snap of that too, which I’ll also post. She told me not to tell him it happened, so I assume he wouldn’t have liked it. Either that or she was just pretending to make it seem more naughty. Either way, it felt very naughty and was very hot.
So that’s my experience of my threesome (hopefully not my one and only 🤞🏻) |
[S/B] Accident leaves me feeling awkward towards brother | I had something happen over the summer that's stuck with me and I feel like I have to talk about it or else I'll go crazy.
To start I should mention that I'd been wearing long nighshirts around the house in the evening with nothing on underneath. This made me feel sexy to be doing something "naughty". And to be clear I wasn't doing it because someone might catch a glimpse or something! No. I was pretty careful about how I sat and not bending over and stuff like that if I was going commando. I was careful even if I was wearing panties because I wasn't interested in displaying my underwear either, but ESPECIALLY if I had nothing on underneath. And the nightshirts that I wore are all pretty long so no flashing, no accidental "oops" moments, no cheeks peeking out it I raised my arm too far. None of that. It was just a dumb thing I did to get a bit of a thrill but never let anyone know.
Until the incident...
We've got a fan on the ceiling in our family room that you stop or start with a chain and it's high up. My dad and my brother can just barely reach it. Mymom and I both need to stand on something to get to it. It was summer and hot and I wanted the fan on while I watched a show, so I did what I usually do and scooted the ottoman under it so I could stand on top of it and reach the chain. I do that all the time. But this time things went really wrong.
As soon as I put my weight on the ottoman something under the top cushion broke. My foot sank in, I lost my balance and fell forward over the rest of the ottoman and face first into the floor. And believe me this was a rough fall. I got my hands up in time to not break my nose but I smacked my elbow pretty good and ended up with brusies on my arms and forehead. My foot snagged in the cushion as and twisted my ankle and the edge of the ottoman hit me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me. I couldn't do anything but lay there in shock and catch my breath.
My brother was as ususal hanging out in the office that playing games on the computer. He heard me bang on the floor and immediately ran into the family room to see what happened. I heard him call my name in a panic so I told him "I'm OK." (Even though I really was not) and just laid there for a second before a some terrible thoughts occured to me:
My waist and legs were currently up on the ottoman while my head was on the floor.
My legs were spread wide open.
My nightshirt was currently pooled around my shoulders.
I wasn't wearing any underwear.
And my brother was standing directly behind me.
I don't think I could have picked a more compromising position. There was no way that my poor brother could have avoided seeing my vag. It was stuck up in the air and pointed directly at him. I couldn't have drawn more attention to it if I had flashing sign pointing at it.
I scrambled to pull my legs off the furniture and they fell to the floor painfully. Then I scrambled to pull my nightshirt down, which made my whole body hurt. Finally I managed to pull myself to my feet. I discovered that I couldn't put weight on one foot.
I stood there for a bit feeling like everything was stinging and not sure what else to do. Again my brother asked if I was OK. This time I shook my head "No" and started to limp away. He offered to help me but I ignored him because I was too embarassed. I just limped down the hall to my room, locked the door, and collapsed on my bed almost crying.
I was mortified. I'm surprised I didn't die from embarassment.
A couple of minutes later my Mom came to check on me. She had been in the shower but heard me crash. She said my brother told her that I fell. I unlocked the door after slipping on some panties and let asses the damage. As she checked me out I asked if that's all my brother had told her. She said "Yeah. Is something else wrong?" I quickly said "I think I broke the ottoman." She didn't care about that and helped get me some pain medicine and wrap my ankle.
Thankfully nothing was hurt too badly. By the next morning my ankle was already feeling better. The worst of it was that I had a some sore bruises for a while.
I couldn't look my brother in the eyes for a couple of days though. To his credit he never said a word about it. But I knew what he had seen. Eventually I got the courage to say to him one night maybe a week and a half later "Hey, about that night that I fell..."
He paused and said "Yeah, are you still sore?"
"Only if bump it now." I said.
"Good! You could have let me help you."
I nodded. "I know, I was just really embarassed."
Then he looked straight at me and said "Don't be. It was an accident. Nothing to be ashamed of." And I knew exactly what he was talking about.
After that we've never spoken about it again and things are back to normal between us.
Now that some time has past I find myself thinking about that accident more frequently. It wasn't intentional. And I was horrified at the time. And I know that my brother was genuinely concerned for my safety. But, damn. The fact that I know he got a good long look at my kitty is kind of... a turn on? Like I've thought about it a lot when playing with myself.
And then I find out that there's like a whole type of porn that's about sisters getting stuck with their ass in the air and their brothers finding them. I'm amazed that something so specific is a thing. But also it's becoming a fetish for me now. (Yes, I wasn't stuck. But it's close enough.)
To be clear: I'm NEVER going around the house trying to "accidentally" flash my brother. I'm never going to fake an accident in order to be "caught" in the same way again. I'm never going to leave the door open while I'm changing or showering or any other dumb stuff people suggest on sites like this. (Yes. I've been reading.) And I'm not interested in actually having sex with my brother.
But I'm worried that this has changed how I see our relationship. I try not to show it, but I might accidentally. I don't want things to be weird between us. (I don't think he feels weird about it.)
The idea of talking to him about it is terrifying, but I wonder if that would fix some of the awkwardness I feel? Or it could just make things much worse. I don't know.
So do you think talking with him about it will help or hurt? |
EMS Confessions part 3 [MF] | Read part 1 and 2 if you want to know what has been going on from the beginning. All of these adventures are true and I rightly don't care if you don't believe me.
A week or 2 goes by from our last sexcapade and we are finally partnered up again because I decided to pick up overtime at her request. We got stationed at our most rural EMS station, which is fine because it's attached to a stand alone ER and we will just be running patients to the main hospital, essentially all day. Which, ironically is what happens. From 0730 until 2200 all we did was taxi patients 13.6 miles to the hospital and then drive back to pick up another one. It didn't leave any time for watching porn together or playing around. However, we did talk about each other's fantasies and kinks, which was turning both of us on and kept us turned on all day.
From 2200 until 0730 we didn't get a single tone and that time frame was magical. So turned on from the days conversations, we immediately attacked each other like ravenous wolves as soon as we walked into the substation. Kissing, biting, sucking, licking, fucking; it all became a blur. When it was all said and done we laid back in the bed, breathless and sweaty but thoroughly spent. After 15 min and out breath finally back to normal, I suggested we shower. She agreed and I watched her get up and walk to the bathroom and my eyes were transfixed on my cum leaking out of her pussy and down her legs. My cock started getting hard and I followed her straight to the showers.
Round 2 began with me watching the water cascading down her naked body, dripping from her nipples, down her flat stomach and smooth mons. I was captivated. She reached forward and grabbed my already hard cock pulling me to her and then wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me, passionately. Or lips pressed together, our tongues dancing in each other's mouths. I ran my hand up and down her back and she took my cock and slid it between her thighs and started driving back and forth, using my cock to rub her clit. We took our time with each other, sensually exploring one another. I dropped down to my knees and turned her around and started licking her clit from behind. Running my tongue up and down her wet slit, up her crack to her asshole where I graciously licked and tongue fucked that tight little hole while at the same time sliding my hand in between her legs and gently playing with her clit, rubbing it in soft little circles.
It wasn't long before she exploded and squirted everywhere in the shower. Her legs were shaking so bad they couldn't support her ass she dropped to her knees, her body convulsing in orgasmic release. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower while she was coming back to herself. I brought her a towel and gently dried her off and then carried her to a bed and laid down next to her.
The next few hours we made sweet love. Not lustful sex, not hurry up and let's fuck, but slow and soft sex. I climbed on top in missionary and said my cock inside her and pushed in as far as her pussy would take it. I looked into her eyes and slowly slide my cock in and out of her. Twice I felt her pussy clench around my cock as she orgasmed and I never broke eye contact. Even when I came inside her, deep inside her, I never lost eye contact. Spent, drained and exhausted, I kissed her gently and rolled into my back, she rolled with me, my cock never slipping out of her. We fell asleep that way with my cock still in her and her lying on top of me. I'd have to say I've never woken up to my soft cock inside someone before but it was actually nice. |
[B/S] I (m18) saw my sister (f21) topless and I cannot stop thinking about her tits - (Update - 7) draft | I am still not sure why I’ve never really noticed her wanking habits before and all of a sudden I heard (and saw) her pleasure herself within the space of a few nights. A few times in the past I had suspected that she’s been busy when I walked into the room or when I got home, but never to this extent.
The morning after seeing her wank felt strange. I woke up and she had gone downstairs already. She normally wakes up an hour before me and have a shower in the main bathroom which is in the hallway. It is much bigger than our en-suite and gives her space to dry her hair and change. My mum uses the en-suite in her room.
I had a shower and went downstairs. Mum and sister were in the kitchen finishing up their breakfast. I made some tea and a toast and by the time I got to the table they were both ready to leave. Again, I thought it was going to be awkward between us but she was acting like nothing had happened last night. If feels like she just switches that part off when mum’s there. Again, her normal behaviour had put me on ease and I was having a normal conversation with them about my plans for the day. I was WFH that day and was in no rush. Soon they left and I went to our small study that my sister and I use for home office when WFH.
I did think of having a quick wank since I had the house to myself. But then the thought of waiting and doing it tonight in my room came to mind and just thinking about it turned me on so I decided to wait and tried to focus on work.
When my sister got home I shouted hello from the study and she said hello back. Soon after, I finished work, came out of the study and made a cup of tea for myself and for my sister since she had said yes when I asked if she wanted one. She had changed already and was sitting in the living room. I brought the drinks to the room and she took hers thanking me. I sat down on my usual spot with mine and put the tv on.
She had her legs stretched out on the couch and back against the arm of the couch. She was wearing pj shorts and a light grey T-shirt with short sleeves and I could tell that she was going braless today. I often wonder if she goes without panties too but I couldn’t really tell in those pj shorts.
She sipped on her tea as she looked straight into my eyes and then turned her attention towards the tv. It felt strange that she didn’t have anything to say. She almost always starts a conversation.
‘’Are you ok?’’, I asked, finally breaking the silence.
‘’yes, you?’’ She asked.
‘’Are you mad at me?’’, I asked the question that was on my mind the whole day.
‘’Why would I be mad at you?’’, she said without a pause.
‘’I switched on the light without your permission. I thought you’d just tell me to switch it off if you didn’t like it’’, I explained.
‘’No, I am not mad. Tbh, I am surprised myself for not telling you to switch it off. Also, I saw you do it too so we are even’’, she said as she sipped on her tea and winked at me as she said the last part. She switched back and forth from looking at me and down in her lap as we talked. I felt that she was thinking about a lot of things but wasn’t ready to share so I didn’t press.
She finished her tea and placed the cup next to her on a side table and said, ‘’make room I want to lie down’’.
I was stretching my legs too with my back against the couch arm on the opposite side of the same couch. I moved slightly to the right making some room between myself and the back pillows of the couch. She moved her body down and now all her back was on the couch and she put a cushion under her head and started to scroll through her phone. I could see her bare thighs and part of her belly since her shirt had moved up a little. Her boobs looked amazing from that angle and I love her skin tone.
I was wearing pj shorts too and our skins were touching together which felt amazing. My left foot was touching her bare arm as she scrolled through her phone. I finished my tea and started to watch tv fully aware of the closeness that I was experiencing. Without realising, I was gently moving my toes back and forth feeling the skin of her arm which felt great.
‘’could you grab that blanket’’, she said and pointed to the blanket that was placed neatly on the back of the couch next to me. I pulled it down, unfolded it and threw the other end towards her and she helped me put it on top of us. She then proceeded to turn on her side towards my legs and leaned forward on my legs and wrapped her right leg around my thighs. Her boobs were now pressing against my feet and she started scrolling her phone as she held it with both hands.
This was the first time I felt her boobs like this. I’ve hugged her many times and felt her boobs on my chest and sometimes on my shoulders whenever she hugged me from the side but never with one of my limbs.
This gave me an instant erection. I had my legs crossed and both my feet could feel the softness of her tits. I felt one of my feet tucked firmly between her cleavage.
My feet were completely still at that point and my cock rock hard. Luckily her thigh was wrapped around my thighs a little down from my cock so she wasn’t gonna be able to feel it.
A few moments passed and I finally gathered some courage to move my feet slightly. I took my foot out of her cleavage very slowly and felt her boob dropping down ever so slightly and felt the roundness of her boobs with my toes as it dropped. She adjusted herself again and ended up pressing her boobs further into my feet. I was now feeling her right boob firmly pressed against the toes of my right foot as I sat there with my legs crossed. My left foot which was underneath could also feel the softness of her boobs. I gently moved my toes and felt the roundness and softness of her boobs. I could tell for sure now that she wasn’t wearing a bra. The only thing separating our skins was the thin fabric of her shirt. I was hoping to feel her nipple as I gently moved my toes back and forth but couldn’t tell if I felt any. My heart was racing the whole time. I felt like I could cum without even touching my cock.
We stayed like this for quite a while not saying a word. She kept scrolling through her phone and I kept pretending to watch the tv. I was rock hard feeling my sister’s tits with my toes. I placed my hand on my cock to keep the erection down. I wished the moment never passed but soon we heard our mum unlocking the front door. My sister got up and sat up against the couch arm, we were now keeping to ourselves. |
[M/S] [A/ne] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 426. An evening providing Tommy with sublime anguish. Part 2. | "There we go, Baby. Relax and let it slide inside you" I cooed in a soft and nurturing tone.
Tommy, wearing restraints on his neck, wrists and cock lay on his back, breathing deeply and occasionally grunting. I felt alive and authoritative as I pushed my replicate penis deep into his body. Resisting the urge to drive it forward, slowly and with great care, I entered him.
Dusk fell and there was no light save for the lights inside my special Mommy-Cock. As I began to fuck him, I made him laugh by chuckling and saying "Peek-a-boo" through a nefarious smile.
Between breaths, my sweet nephew squeaked "It's so warm" but never used our safe word.
Faster and harder I pounded his pure and blameless ass. My sister was working and had no idea I was in her home, debasing her only offspring. My arms wrapped tightly around his strong legs, and I posted higher on my knees. The sight of the lights vanishing and then reappearing as I thrust back and forth was mesmerizing to the point of being nearly hypnotic.
My sweet nephew's whimpers and a tiny cramp in my back compelled me to slow my onslaught and finally stop. I withdrew from his sore body and left him on the bed in the dark as I walked to the bathroom. After cleaning up a bit and removing the device, I sat at his mother's kitchen table and slowly smoked one of her cigarettes, leaving him naked, helpless and confined. Nude and watching the smoke curl and twist toward the ceiling, I decided Tommy deserved a reward for being a very brave boy.
Upon my return, I turned on a desk lamp and observed Tommy. His neck and wrists were immobilized by the new device and his dick pressed hard against the chastity cage. While singing gently, I unlocked the devices, one by one and in no hurry. His wide brown eyes never left me.
Once his cock was free, it sprung quickly to life despite being covered in pressure lines from its cage.
"Count to one hundred and then come to your mother's bedroom" I commanded in a low voice before walking away naked.
He found me on my younger sister's bed in her dimly lit bedroom. All I had to do was spread my legs and he immediately climbed atop his Auntie and fucked me like a man freshly released from a long stint in prison.
When I left, he was wearing his cage again and fervently anticipating my next visit.
**My nephew is 19 and my sons are 27 and 22. This is not my only post.** |
[MF] My ex's stripper sister | I was dating someone for most of my college life, let's call her Annie, (stupid mistake I know) we had a pretty good relationship but as we approached graduation things ended between us the way those things tend to do, as we realized we wanted different things after graduation. As for the parts that are relevant to this story (and probably why you are reading this). She had a sister, Laura, who was an (18+) freshmen during our senior year in college. I had met her before at various things and she came out a couple weekends her junior year to get a feel for college. She was a little more wild than my then girlfriend, in a classic teenager kind of way, drinking, smoking some weed, dressing less than conservative, but she wasn't really a bad person or anything, just different than Annie, who was more on the conservative side in terms of appearance (despite a great body and very nice tits), didn't really
drink until getting ready to go to college, etc.
Anyway she ended up going to college at a different school, in a bigger city a little over an hour from where we went to school. A little while before we broke up she confided in me that was upset, she had overheard her sister telling her friend over a school vacation that she had started dancing at a club. Annie didn't have anything against dancers or sex-workers, but what bothered her was her sister didn't need to be dancing. They came from an upper-middle class family and her parents really wanted them to focus on school.
I talked with her about it but didn't think much of it after that, graduated and moved on. About a year later I was in the city near where we went to school for one of my college friends bachelor party. We went out to a few bars and then, as usually happens we went to a strip club. We were hanging out when all the sudden I recognized one of the girls on stage. After she finished her dance it felt like she made a beeline for me. She smiled and I stood up to give her a hug. "Sit down." she said somewhat firmly. I looked at her confused before she sat down in my lap, wearing her thong and nothing else. She put her hands around my neck and leaned in. "Sorry if they think we are friends with the customers, they give us a hard time for hanging out too long." I smiled and sipped my drink, we made small talk for a minute or so, telling her I was with a bachelor party with friends from college. Then she looked at me and smiled. "I'm sorry, but again if I spend too much time here the manager will be a dick about it." I almost didn't but the alcohol had me feeling just bold enough "What if I buy a private dance." She smiled a devilishgrin. "It's $40 for a dance but just give me the $20 for the club and we can go."
We went to the backroom where the girls gave private dances, she danced for me while we talked. I don't know what describes it better, that it was weird talking to my exes younger sister while she grinded on me in nothing but a thong, or that it was weird talking a stripper about normal things. The first song ended and I paid for another. She tucked the money into her thong and bent over in front of me. "go ahead, smack my ass." I smiled and obliged her. She got on my lap and whispered in my
ear "I knew you'd like that." "Oh yeah? How'd you know?" "I used to hear Annie and her friends talking." She said, getting off my lap and bending over again for a spank. "Oh yeah, that's naughty of you, evesdropping on your sister." I said before spanking her ass "What else did you overhear." That's when the song ended. "I'll tell you next time." She said, finishing the dance sticking her tits (small but perky) in my face before leading me out of the back room and back to my friends.
The night kept going and the guys I was with were having a good time but getting ready to leave, a few were talking about getting a stripper to come back to our hotel room, but a few of us who knew what was up explained that didn't work like that. Laura came back around and I took her back for another dance. "Do any of those guys know my sister." "Yeah almost all of them" "Did you tell them I'm her sister." "Nope." I said with a smile. As we talked through the dance I asked her if she wanted to come back to the room, she could dance if she wanted and we'd pay or she could just hang out with a few of us. I had been sobering up and I told her I'd look out for her and she agreed. "You are going to
make me the MVP of the party." I said smacking her ass as we left the room.
She had to take a separate uber over to our hotel after after she finished her shift. A few of the guys had gone to sleep, a few didn't believe she was really coming and a few were just drunk/tired but
eventually she showed up and there were four of us up in our own suite, including the bachelor. She hung out and had a few drinks with us and we mostly just chatted for a bit, never revealing who she was. We did have to confess that I knew her though, because the guys noticed how she came right over to me in the club. After a little while she asked us if we wanted her to dance, she offered to do a couple public dances and then a few private dances for each of us for an amount. We got the cash
together and she danced in the middle of the room for a little and then took the bachelor into the connecting room for his private dance. Then she came and got me. I sat down in the chair she had set up "everyone's being cool right?" I asked. She didn't respond, but walked over to me and got down on her knees in front of me "This is the other thing I overheard you liked." She said as she unbuckled my pants. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes, but you are the only one I'm doing this for. And you have to promise to say I'm better than my sister..." she said before she began sucking my cock. She sucked for more than a song, but not much more, she gave great head, but I've always wondered if it was really better than her sister, or the whole situation was just so ridiculously erotic.
I got her number at the end of the night and made sure she got safely in an uber. We stayed in some touch for the next couple years, I'd always text her when I was in her city but we never made it work where we met up ever again. From what I could tell from our conversations and social media she quit working at the club about a year later and got a boyfriend. |
I set up a makeshift gloryhole to fuck all my fwb’s shy friends [24F] | I’ve previously hooked up with my fwb’s, JJ, friends. Those times were fairly spontaneous where sometimes he was there and other times he wasn’t. He told me that he’d get so horny and jealous at the same time which made him fuck me so good every time it happened. He’d call me the slut for his friends while pounding me. One time when we fucked, I told him about how I hooked up his roommate/ cousin while he was asleep and it was one of the best times we ever had. I suggested that I should fool around with his friends more if it makes him fuck me like this. He wants to and so do his friends but they wouldn’t know how to initiate anything and felt shy about asking me for a BJ let alone anything else. Since they were shy, I suggested we do a gloryhole while we FaceTime so he can watch. He told his friends and we were all into it but didn’t know where to go to find a gloryhole that was private and wouldn’t scare his friends off.
Their idea was to convert their bathroom into a gloryhole. They bought a black shower curtain and cut holes in it: one for their arms and one for their cock. We put some pillows in the tub so I could get comfy while on my knees and changed the lights in the bathroom to red. That night, I got naked in the tub and played with myself while watching porn with the curtain closed. I was so turned on waiting to hear the door open. After a few minutes, someone come in, went up to the curtain, and put their cock through the hole for me. It wasn’t JJ’s cock since it had a bigger head so I knew it was one of his friends. I started jerking it off and talking dirty to them. “Who was so shy that they kept this cock to themselves and not me?” I asked before I started blowing them. It wasn’t long before I felt their hand on the back of my head to guide their cock through my throat. I did this for a few minutes before getting up and turning around begging them to fuck me. I used my pussy to tease their cock by sliding it against my lips. Their hand grabbed my hip and thrusted their cock in me. A few strokes in, I pulled the curtain to the side to see who it was. It was JJ’s friend, Arnold, who was fucking me. He was surprised to see the curtain pulled but couldn’t stop fucking me. I took a few snaps to send to JJ to keep him happy. I moaned and begged him to not be shy with his cock anymore and to cum in my pussy which he did. Once he came, I licked his cock clean and told him to close the door. I closed the curtain again and waited on the tub floor for the next person.
A few minutes later, I heard a new person come in and unzip their pants. I saw their thick cock and knew who it was. I pulled the curtain back and saw JJ’s cousin, Cisco. He was surprised to see me but I pushed him to sit on the toilet and begged him to fuck my ass. He grabbed a bottle of lube I had in the tub and fucked me reverse cowgirl. Again, I moaned to not be shy with his cock and to fuck me whenever he wants. He took his time while fucking me and grabbed my phone to send snaps to JJ. I got up to bend over the toilet so he could fuck my ass doggy. It wasn’t long after that he came in my ass. He then handed the phone back and left.
JJ texted me that no one else was coming in and to come to his room. I walked in a with his friends’ cum dripping from my ass and pussy then laid down on the edge of the bed and spread my legs open. He quickly started fucking my pussy. I asked if he liked using their cum as lube and he nodded before fucking my ass. He fucked me like this for what felt like hours before pulling out to cum on my tits. When he did I licked his cock clean and told him I could taste his friends on his cock. He got hard again and we fucked a few more times.
One of the best nights ever ❤️ |
[M/s] A Surprise Encounter Online (update 2) | Sorry for the lack of updates, been busy work and out of town. I’ll jump right in lots to catch up on! Our last video chat happened two weeks ago Sunday. We both worked all week and didn’t really converse. On Thursday she texted me, we chatted back and forth decided to do dinner Friday. Our plan was to eat dinner at her house and hang out for the night.
I picked up dinner before heading over to her house. I was curious if she would bring up the video chat or not. We ate dinner at the table and chatted about work and other things. We each enjoyed a few drinks. After dinner we both sat on the couch and were going to watch a movie. Before I started the movie my mom stopped me.
“Listen sweetie..I wanted to chat about the elephant in the room. Well.. the elephant on Omegle” she laughed, I was blushing hard. “Anyway, I just want to say that I go on there every once and awhile to chat and have fun. It feels good to feel wanted by a younger man. To find out that young man was my son was shocking to say the least.”
I nodded as she spoke, she was wanting to get things off her chest.
“Truthfully I haven’t been with many men since your father. So I get my excitement where I can. I stumbled onto Omegle one night, and it became a fun release. anyway, I’m rambling. Tell me your thoughts hun.”
“Well I was a bit confused at first. Couldn’t really believe it was you.. then after the initial shock I kind of just enjoyed playing with a beautiful older woman.”
She smiled. “That’s sweet of you, I enjoyed it too. I hadn’t seen you down there in a long time.. seems you’ve grown” she giggled.
“Oh yeah? Since when did you see me down there at home!?
“You practically lived in your boxers at home! Not to mention I caught you touching yourself a few times”
“Really?? And you didn’t say anything?”
“It’s natural for a young man to have urges. Best to release them. Anyway, I don’t want these events lack of a better term to inhibit our relationship at all”
“Agreed. If anything maybe it’ll make our relationship stronger!”
“That’s what I was thinking too sweetie. But I don’t want to push it to far to fast. Like I said this is kind of uncharted territory” she laughed. “But I was thinking..”
“Well instead of playing on Omegle, which who knows if we’d even match again, we play on Facetime together?”
“I think thats a great idea.” I said smiling.
“Good boy. Would you like to now? I can play in my bed and you can go to your old room?”
“Oh..umm yeah that sounds like fun!” I was kinda nervous but excited. I got up and hurried off to my room, she smiled as she watched me.
My old room hadn’t changed much, looked more of a guest room than my old bedroom. I stripped down to my tshirt and boxer briefs and laid down in bed. I played on my phone while I waited for her call.
Maybe 10 minutes later my phone rang. My heart was beating really fast. I answered quickly. Her screen popped up, it was sort of a downward angle, showing her nose lips and clevage, similar to how we were on Omegle. She was in a sheer nightie this time.
“Hello young man” she said in a seductive voice. We hadn’t really chatted outloud during our Omegle sessions it was always text, so hearing her just added to my horniess.
“Hello there..”
“Take off your shirt let me see your body baby”
I slowly removed my shirt as she rubbed on her nipples through the nightie. They were already poking through. I held the camera out so she could see my bulge in my boxer briefs.
“Such a strong young man.. mmm look at that big bulge. You’re such a big boy.”
“Get it bigger.. I wanna see your big tits..”
She smiled and slipped the straps of her nightie down slowly. Teasing me. The nightie came down and she had covered her big tits with her arm. After a little bit she removed her arm and showcased her big mom tits, her nipples erect.
“Fuck mom.. your boobs are amazing” i said as i rubbed my bulge.
“Mm pull that big thick cock out baby..stroke it for me”
I slowly pulled down my boxers. Really teasing her.. every inch coming out slowly until my cock popped out and slapped against my stomach. I heard her moan.
“Look at how big you are… fuck..”
She panned her camera down so I could see her rubbing her shaved pussy. It looked incredible. She was already pretty wet.
“Holy shit… god you’re wet thats so hot.” I said as I started to stroke my throbbing cock moaning softly. I watched as she moaned and grabbed a vibrator playing with her clit. Our rooms were down the hall from each other but I could hear the vibrating. I was so turned on. I had to hold back on nutting so fast. I’d speed up and slow down stroking. Watching her play.
“Mmm that big thick young cock looks so yummy sweetie.. oh fuck. Momma’s going to cum. Stroke it fast. I wanna see you cum.”
I started stroking faster. My balls bouncing fast. I moaned as I worked myself to orgasm. She matched my pace as we played together on facetime.
“Oh fuck.. I’m about to cum mom.”
“Do it. Cum for me baby.”
I stroked hard and shot a huge load onto my stomach. I made sure sure she could see, my cock shot several ropes of cum, covering my stomach. I watched my mom as she played faster, her big tits bouncing as she worked up to her orgasm.
“Oh fuck.. mommy’s going to cum.”
“Cum for me. I want it so bad mom.”
She moaned so loud it came through the phone and I could hear it from down the hall. Her legs shook, and her body shivered.
After a few seconds which felt like minutes we both layed there. She spoke first.
“Wow. That was amazing baby. I’m exhausted.” She said laughing. “Feel free to stay over if you want, up to you. I need to get some sleep.”
“Yeah I might stay. I need to clean up first.”
“Indeed you do young man, that was…alot of cum” she giggled. “Im going to bed, love you sweetie.”
“Love you too mom” the facetime ended. I cleaned up and decided to go home. I was busy Saturday. But mom and I had planned on doing something Sunday. And we pushed it a little further! |
[B/S] I (m18) saw my sister (f21) topless and I cannot stop thinking about her tits - (Update - 15) | She was lying in the sofa curled into a ball slowly coming back to her senses. I was sitting beside her in a weird angle holding her from behind. She reached back and touched my cock, skin on skin which felt amazing. Just then we heard mum putting the keys in at the front door. My heart stopped. I jumped back on my side of the couch putting my cock back in. She got up and fixed her clothes. I pulled a blanket on myself and threw one at her and she covered herself. Her pj shorts were visibly wet that she had to cover.
We both sat down pretending to look normal. Mum shouted hello from the front door. Thankfully, she didn’t come to the room and went straight upstairs. It gave us a chance to settle down. My sister waited for mum to go to her room and then got up and ran upstairs to put fresh pjs on.
I got up too. My erection had long disappeared. I opened the windows to let some fresh air in. I couldn’t have tell but I knew the room would have smelled like sex to an outsider. My sister came down in a few minutes wearing fresh pjs. I went upstairs to change too, I felt like I was covered in my sisters cum and somehow mum’s going to find out. I freshened up and came down to the living room and we both sat on our usual spots of the couch.
This time we were both relaxed and more calm. We looked at each other and laughed at what had just happened.
‘’I feel sorry for you,’’ my sister said smiling at me.
‘’I’m sure you do,’’ I said sarcastically.
‘’Let me make it up to you,’’ she said.
‘’Don’t worry about this, not your fault mum got home,’’ I felt that she was actually feeling bad that I hadn’t cum so I told her that it wasn’t a big deal.
‘’I still want to make it up to you,’’ she insisted.
‘’How do you want to do that? Mum will be here any minute,’’ I asked what her plan was.
‘’Wait a second,’’ she said and started to scroll through her phone.
Just then we heard mum walk downstairs and my sister put away her phone. Mum just stood by the door and told us that she had ordered some food and asked us to collect it when it gets here. She said that she was going for a shower and will be out by the time food arrives.
She went upstairs and my sister moved her attention back to the phone. A few moments later she handed me her phone and said ‘’just hit play’’. Mum was in her room by then, we had heard her door shut. I took her phone and looked at the screen. It was a video of my sister with her long term bf whom she had broken up with a few months ago. Her ex was holding the phone and my sister was lying next to him down to his knees and her hand was on his crotch. She was rubbing his cock over his boxers. They weren’t completely naked. My sister had her bra on and he had his boxers on.
‘’Is that [her ex’s name]?’’ I asked.
‘’Yes,’’ she replied looking straight into my eyes.
My heart was beating fast, I could make a pretty good guess what this video was about. I was rock hard already.
I saw my sister rub his cock. Then she took it out of his boxers. He was hard and she gently rubbed it looking up at him. I then saw my sister sliding her tongue on the shaft. She started from the bottom and licked his length. She did it a few times and his cock was twitching. He obviously couldn’t wait to feel the inside of my sister’s mouth.
She then licked the shaft from bottom to top one more time and rolled her tongue on the tip and then wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. She let the head slip out of her mouth and then slipped her lips back on around it. I could tell he was dying to slide it all the way up in her mouth but she was taking her time. She then slowly started to take his cock in her mouth. Taking it in inch by inch. She took half of it in then took it out and then started to slide it back in again. She kept repeating this, each time taking more of it in and each time increasing the pace just a little.
I couldn’t believe I was watching my sister suck a cock. I was glued to the screen and she was watching me.
She was now sucking his cock with so much passion and lust. Seemed like she had no gag reflex. She was taking all his cock in all the way without any problem. He had a decent size cock and she was devouring all of it. In the midst of it he took her bra off. She was now resting both her tits on his thighs sucking him off. He was squeezing her boobs with his free hand and she sucked the life out of him.
I was rock hard and I was now rubbing my cock under the covers watching my sister’s homemade porn. I knew I didn’t have much time. Mum would have been down any minute. If not mum then the delivery driver could have knocked any moment. I took my cock out of my pjs and started to stroke myself a little faster. I was getting ready. Just then my sister leaned forward and slid her hand under the cover and grabbed my cock, moving my hand away. I could pass out, her touch on my hard cock was unreal and watching her suck cock had made it almost impossible for me to hold any longer.
She pulled the covers off, exposing my cock and started to stroke my cock hard. I was holding the phone with both hands. There was still a few minutes of video left. There was no way I could have made it to the end so I fast forwarded it to the last few seconds.
He was shooting his load in my sister’s mouth. His cum was hitting the insides of her mouth and falling back down on his cock. My sister was letting most of it fall back down on his cock.
This was too much for me. I was watching this and my sister was stroking my cock really hard now and I just exploded. My cum must have shot 3,4 feet straight up in the air and then landed on my chest and belly. I was still wearing a T-shirt though and it got covered in cum. My sister had fully drained my cock. I don’t think I’ve ever cum this hard and this much. Her hand missed most of the cum as it shot so far and so high. Just the last few more softer shots landed on her hand and wrist. I was lying dead on the couch my head buried in the couch cushion as I tried to come back to my senses. My sister wiped her hand clean on my thighs.
‘’You should go clean up quickly,’’ she said taking her phone from me.
All this must have happened in less that 5 or 6 minutes. We were both quite quick about this with mum being upstairs. I got up, my legs still shaking, pulled my pjs up and walked towards the stairs like I was drunk. I looked upstairs to pick my moment. I didn’t want to get caught with a shirt covered in cum and a face full of guilt. I picked a moment and walked, almost ran upstairs to my room and closed the door behind me. At that point a strange feeling of relief took over. I think the whole time I was a bit shook because we had a close call with mum and then doing all that in the living room was a bit too risqué for my liking. I was now relieved and that’s when I truly appreciated the significance of what had happened today. |
Writing Feedback | This might not be the place to ask but I’m trying to get some feedback/opinions/criticism on the first two chapters of an erotic story.
It’s based on a male student-female teacher relationship for context, happy to share it in a DM if anyone is interested giving it a quick read! |
[FM] in the bathroom at a party | One night me and my friend were at a house party. We were all dressed up, looking slutty. We started drinking with the guys and playing beer pong. As the night got later, we split up to talk to respective guys. I started making out with a tall guy in the kitchen and he started getting handsy, putting his hands on my waist and hips. I showed some interest back by putting my hand on his chest and feeling him up.
This is where the fun began. He leads me to the bathroom, closes the door and hoists me up onto the sink. My legs around around him and I'm trying to not slip off. He makes out with me, putting his tongue in my mouth. It doesn't take long for him to start unbuttoning my jeans and getting access to my pussy.
I help him pull down my pants but I'm still sitting on top of the sink, and my pants are around my ankles. He grabs my legs and puts them over his shoulders and I am totally at his mercy. He unzips his pants and reveals his dick, but I can barely see it from my prone position. He starts rubbing my pussy over my thong and I really enjoy it. They were so soft and gentle, I could it making me wet.
He moves my panties to the side and starts fingering me. His fingers just went right in. I was so wet he got I think 3 or 4 fingers in. Very impressive...
I then saw him take his fingers covered in my wetness and rubbed the head of his cock before he glided it up and down on my clit. I breathed out "oh shit" and just started to lose it from the anticipation. One one particular downstroke the head of his dick flipped and aimed right into me. He pushed in my pussy and started furiously fucking me. I was holding on to him but my other hand immediately went to my mouth to stop me from screaming. I was looking at him fuck me and my eyes were rolling back. It felt incredible, the angle was hitting me just right.
\[to be continued\] |
[B/s] New Year, New Beginnings | Hello, happy new year. I've posted before but deleted for some reason I forgot. A summary of things is that I have been romantically involved with my older brother for several years now. Everybody around here knows us just as a couple.
That said, we've had big changes lately. A couple months ago we finally came out to our parents about our relationship. They weren't all that happy but they weren't surprised either. We're both well into our 20s and live together, far from the family, while both being single, so there were clues. We didn't have high expectations but had decided it was probably best they find out now rather than down the line.
The big thing that's got me deciding to post again is that we're going to have a baby. We're closing the "siblings who live together and have sex" chapter and opening the "siblings who have a family together" chapter, I guess? Feels kind of overwhelming, but really exciting. Like there's no more division between our life as siblings and our life as a couple. We're just a happy husband and wife as far as anybody knows.
Sorry to ramble but it's pretty late here and I'm just musing and puffing on the last joint I'm probably going to have for a very long time. Hope everybody has a good 2023, I think mine's going to be wonderful. |
[M/S] Shopping | [The Morning After](
Hey, been awhile… trying to remember all my encounters with my mum up to this point is difficult as there has been so many now. I’ll try my best to keep it chronological. Forgive me for the infrequent posts too, life!!
So, after the shower and breakfast my Mum decides she wants to go shopping so we go up and get dressed. I can’t help but give her beautiful red gum drops a tweak and a suck as she gets ready. She giggles and moans but persists for us to get ready and go out. So we do.
We drive a little out of town to a big department store. One that sells everything under one roof. We walk around the store for some time, laughing and joking around not really looking for anything in particular. Then we get to the clothes section, she starts to look through the bikinis.. “Mum it’s winter, what do you need a bikini for?” “Hey you never know. What do you think of this?” And she pulls out a green number.. “Yeah, it’s nice. Reminds me of one you used to have.” “Ah yeah! The one I wore on _that_ holiday” “Yeah that one!!” And we both laugh. Things felt so easy with Mum. As if it was the honeymoon period of a new relationship when all you want to do is be with each other, fuck and joke around. Fun. Easy. Passionate. Lustful.
“I’m going to try it on” she says and heads off to the changing room. I wait outside. I hear her calling my name after a little while. I look at the clerk and ask “Is it okay if I go see what she wants?” the clerk shrugs and clearly doesn’t give a shit. “Mum? Mum? Where are you?” I see her face poke out of the curtain at the very back of the changing room. I pull the curtain ajar slightly and peak inside “Well? What do you think?” She said and twirls in front of me, posing. It looked great on her. The high waisted bottoms clung to her wide hips and the top was tight on her flat chest, her gum drop nipples poking through. “Wow Mum it looks fantastic!” “Thank you honey” she said with a beaming smile on her face. She comes towards me and kisses me passionately moaning slightly, pulling me into the little changing room.
“Mum, seriously? We can’t” she put her finger over my lips and dropped to her knees undoing my belt and unbutton my jeans. I slide the curtain shut and look lovingly into my own mothers excited eyes as she took my cock out of my boxers and put it into her warm wet mouth. Licking and sucking the head. Wanking the shaft so lovingly, just as a mother would. She really does love sucking my dick, the soft groans and loving moans she makes are amazing. “Oh Mum, that’s so good…” I say to her..
She stands up and pushes me down on the stool that’s in the little changing room, slides the bikini bottoms to the side and mounts me. She rubs my saliva drenched cock up down her labia, parting them and massaging her clit with the throbbing head of my rock hard dick. She moans with every stroke. She then finally sits on top of it taking every inch deep inside her pussy. Slowly moving up and down I look down to see her pussy lips gripped around my cock. We both start moaning as she continues to slowly take every inch of me, up and down, up and down. I pull open her bikini top to reveal those perfect rock hard bright red gum drop nipples and start sucking the life out of them both. This drives her wild as usual and she starts to quicken up the pace and can feel she’s ready to cum. So am I.
One last deep thrust and we both cum together. Ejaculating inside my own mothers pussy feels like nothing else. So intense and so right. We clean up and she gets dressed. Then on the way to the checkout I ask “You know on that holiday? Did you clean up my cum off the window??”… |
[MF] Weekend with my fuck buddy | This past weekend I (19F) got to spend with my incredible fuck buddy (30M) once again. First time since the end of January. Was supposed to be a couple weeks ago but I was sick so that sucked big time. The weekend after that he had to work overtime so we couldn’t do it then but he had extra time off this weekend so it was perfect, Went over a month without seeing each other. This time I met him about halfway and we stayed in a hotel. He was already there when I got there and boy was he ready for me. I let him know I was close to the hotel so he was prepared.
I immediately got turned on seeing him naked and ripped my clothes off and we both went at it because we couldn’t wait any longer; I sucked his cock while he ate me out: we both moaned loudly. We had both been needing that so bad! I sucked his beautiful cock hard and deep and licked and sucked every bit of it until he moaned and shot his load in my mouth. He came a lot! It shot out hard and fast and I missed a little because I thought he was done cumming but there was still more! I love that he cums so much and I can tell how relieved he is after he gets done, He continued eating my pussy even after cumming. He tongue fucked me and spread my pussy lips and licked every inch of my pussy. Up and down and in circles. I could feel my orgasm getting closer and told him not to stop! I moaned out in pleasure and had a mind blowout orgasm. My body quivered and had its release and it felt soooo good! I felt relieved as well.
We had both needed sexual relief bad! We went right into fucking because you know we just can’t get enough. He fucked me from behind. My pussy was still wet so he slid in and out so easily. He kept thrusting his cock in and out slowly and then got faster. He spanked my ass a few times. He kept fucking me hard and fast and I loved every minute of it. I was so glad to be getting fucked again. He started quivering and his cock started pulsating so I knew was about to cum again. He moaned and shot several loads of cum out again . He had had a lot built up. I was already close to orgasm myself and I had another amazing orgasm. He let out a sigh and said how damn good everything had felt and that he had needed that for awhile.
We fucked quite often over the weekend and he ate my pussy out several times as well as me sucking his cock. I drained his cock dry and he was extremely satisfied and so was I. We had one final lick, suck, and fuck right before I left. I rode his cock like a cowgirl. I bounced up and down on it and humped his cock. I fucked him so damn good and he told me as such, I also got to sit on his face while he ate me out right before I fucked him. I ground my pussy into his face while he licked every last inch of it and I came on his face and then he licked my pussy clean. I let him cum on my tits when I sucked his cock this time. He told me he wanted to. I deep throated him and took all of his cock in my mouth. He grabbed my head and thrust his cock in my mouth harder and harder. I teased the tip a few times and then continued sucking it deep until he came.
Now have to wait until our next meet up which sucks but hoping it’s this coming weekend! Not near as long as the last few times but it will be just as amazing no matter what. |
[M/s] Progress with Mum, 4 years and 6ish months later (Update 8) | For 4 and a half years, well, techinically 3 years and 3ish months, I've had the lovely experience of fucking my mums ass whenever she or I get horny during times we are both single, which has been almost perpetually so, shocking, I know, haha.
On and off for about a year I've sometimes let her peg me. It took me a while to warm to it, like, really a while, only in the last couple of months I've sorta got really into it and asking for it from her rather than her saying she wants to do it to me. Tbh, seeing her rim me is my favourite bit tho.
I have made AMA posts 6 months ago and also year ago, but where taken down, you can do to many AMAs apparently.
But this is an update post, I'd call starting to like getting pegged by my mum progress for sure haha. Other updates should be visible on my profile I think, they're archived, so you should be able to see them, but I dont think you'll be able to comment on then sadly.
Not sure want else to add here really tho, she uses a 5inch strapon typically. Sometimes she'll just finger my ass too.
Me fucking her ass hasn't ever lost its magic, you'd think it'd get old but it doesn't. I think it stays fresh because outside the bedroom we mostly behave like mother and son should. Except if we're on holiday somewhere far out, then we are more like a couple-y. Kissing in public is such a rush and great energy to take back to whatever hotel we stay in on that trip.
I like making posts sometimes, but the "progress" updates are so few and far between, and theres only so many ways to describe it.
But my tale is one of healthy triumph, proof two related individuals can have a healthy sexual relationship even after, we'll call it 4 years from making out and a little under 4 years since the oral started.
Serious question, at what point is it a sexual relationship with ones family member?
She's never expressed a desire for me to fuck her anywhere other than her ass, and I have no desire to fuck her anywhere else.
Apologies for any typos, I'm dyslexic.
Hope this provides hope / inspiration for some, took me a year of build up with my mum, its not something you can expect to happen right way if you just starting out.
Look forward to reading you comments though and perhaps I'll do another update expanding on any gaps in my previous posts people want to know about. |
Threesome with a girl | My husband and I had a threesome with a girl finally.
It was pretty great honestly.
I was pretty nervous about having a threesome with a girl, as I have never been with another girl.
We set some ground rules and got down to business.
We all took our clothes off, and I laid on the bed while the other girl started eating me out and fingering me while my husband fucked her from behind. It was so hot and sexy. We stayed like this for awhile, enjoying the moment.
We eventually switched where the girl was on her back, and we started making out, feeling each other up and taking our time with each other while my husband fucked her.
He then started fucking me for a little while, making me squirt and playing with my clit. It felt so fucking good.
The girl got fucked again and she came while my husband fucked her, and we started making out again, while my husband fucked me and my husband made me cum.
It was so hot and sexy.
10/10 recommend. |
[M/S] My mom purposefully(?) let me see her in a bra - Massive update! | Apologies for the big delay between posts. Not much has advanced in our relationship until recently.
A couple of months ago, we started sleeping in bed together on and off. Starting a few weeks ago, we've been sleeping in the same bed together every night. She still gets home from work in the early morning, now I stay up to greet her and we go to bed at the same time.
Yesterday, she had the night off work so we had a date night, we went out to a restaurant. It was really hot appearing in public as mother and son, but knowing that we're so much more. When we got home we went straight to our bedroom. Apparently she was as turned on by our little secret as I was.
We kissed and stripped a little quicker than usual. Our hands and mouths went over each other's bodies, already knowing what the other likes. She whispered "I'm ready for you" and we finally went all the way.
Once we caught our breath, we said "I love you" for the first time as lovers.
Sorry this one doesn't have much detail, but it was too intimate and special to share everything. |
[s/b] [half] I've apparently been fucking my brother for almost a year | I met this guy at college almost a year ago. He's about 6 months older than me and he's pretty great in bed. We aren't exclusive, but we're always fucking when we can. One day, post sex, we had started talking about our families and he said how his biological dad was dating his mom but they broke up while she was pregnant with him cause his dad cheated on her. Well, my biological dad fucked my mom a few times, got her pregnant, then bailed on her. We found it interesting how we both had dads that sucked and I had joked maybe they were the same guy. He got a photo of him from a box of old stuff that his mom had. I took it back to my mom's place and when she went to get something out of my room, saw the photo on my desk and asked how did I get a picture of my dad. Yeah, awkward. So the guy I've been fucking is actually my half-brother because our dad couldn't keep it in his pants. |
Teasing Her to Desperation | We have all kinds of sex, sometimes vanilla quickies, sometimes intense scenes, sometimes so hot and passionate that we lose track of time. This one however is a special instance I’ll never forget, it may get intense for some readers, just know it was done fully consensually and that she has the strength to easily throw me across a room if she felt like it. Enjoy.
I wake up next to her, her arm loosely holding me and softly snoring. As I wake up more I start to notice that her nipple is hard poking against my face, I’m nuzzled in her shoulder facing her. I instantly feel myself get wet, and quietly pull the bullet vibe out of the nightstand. A couple days before we were talking about sleep play, and we both agreed we definitely want to try it. Now is the perfect time, right? I carefully move her legs open the tiniest bit and gently put the vibe on her clit. She sleeps naked sometimes. I watch her face so I don’t accidentally wake her yet. I rub around the area without turning it on yet and she’s dead asleep. I put it on low and she starts to stir, I feel her hips start to slowly move and she wakes up with a quiet moan. She puts her hand on my arm and starts grinding on the bullet. I softly tell her good morning, and describe her nipples betraying her in her sleep. She’s definitely awake now so I carefully put the vibe just out of reach from her clit making her plead with me. “Who said you’re going to enjoy this? Did you earn it?” I tell her. She reaches over to play with my nipples, but she’s going to have to work harder than that, and that’s what I say to her. I can see she’s frustrated, she’s pulling on my arm holding the vibe and hoping to move it closer. After she starts to try this, I push a fist on her stomach, making her groan in pain.
She does this two more times before deciding to retaliate. She swiftly straddles over me and grabs my neck, squeezing hard. I turn off the vibe and try to pull her off, my body starts to go weak and tingly, my arms drop. She lets go and takes the vibe, pressing it on my clit, knowing I’m still awake. She asks if I’m okay as I start to move again feeling every sensation hit me at once. “Look how desperate you are. Such a whore” she says as she slaps me. I can only moan in response, my whole body is on a high. After a few minutes, she starts to tease me the same way and move the vibe from my clit. I try to push her off and get control again but she holds me back down with ease. I reach up and start to play with her nipples. I start sucking on them and twist them in my fingers. I feel her sides and move down to her thighs, squeezing them with need, she closes her eyes and softly moans.
I take advantage and grab her neck and pull her down to her back again, holding her tight. “You better make me cum before you pass out” I say. She tries to push me off and I squeeze tighter. She takes the vibe and presses it on my clit, her face is turning red. I moan and start to move my hips against her hand. I feel her grip on my arm grow weaker, so I release some of the pressure making her gasp for air. I still hold a slight squeeze on her neck, causing her to moan. I’m so close, she can feel it too. She starts to pull the vibe away and I tighten my grip, making her gasp and hold it on my clit. I feel my legs shaking, and I I feel the orgasm, “I’m cumming!” I say as I lose control of myself, all I feel is my orgasm. I let go of her neck involuntarily and ride it out. It’s nearly a minute before I can think again. She’s been mostly good this time so I might as well reward her.
“Sit up” I say, taking the vibe from her. I push her gently into the wall and tug on her hair, making her stretch upwards. I kiss her neck and along her jaw, taking my time to bite and lick here and there. She puts her arms around my waist, moaning with each sensation I make. I work my way down her chest and take one of her nipples in my mouth, softly licking and sucking on it, while gently teasing the other. I feel up towards her neck and gently squeeze, just enough to make her feel that rush of endorphins. The sounds she makes when she’s being choked is out of this world, I can’t ever get enough of it. With my free hand I put the vibe on on her clit at medium. She’s so wet, there’s a puddle underneath her. I gently rub up and down on her clit, knowing this makes her finish faster, after a few minutes of this she tells me she’s close.
I then put the vibe on low and start to rub slower, she groans and starts begging me to make her cum. I hold her like this until she says she’s close again. “I’m about to cum!” She says and I turn it off ruining her orgasm. “No! I’m please! I need it!” She starts crying out. “Why should I?” I ask her in amusement. She begs that she’s been good, and she made me finish, so I turn it back on but I put it on high. She yelps and starts to move with it. She asks me to choke her harder, she’s close. I squeeze her harder and she starts cumming immediately, letting out a low moan, this is her really intense orgasm moan. I let go of her and she gasps for air. I turn the vibe off. I lower my head down and start to clean her up. Shocked by the sudden warmth on my mouth she jumps slightly. My face is soaked with her cum. I can feel how swollen she is from our session. I start licking her until I get to her clit, I feel it and remember to be gentle with it. After a good 30 seconds, it starts to hurt her so we stop but we had a good time cleaning up after and putting on a movie.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed please feel free to follow me for my future posts and/or PM me! |
roommate wants to free use me | I’m 19F and I lost my job a week ago. I have been very irresponsible with my money and have no savings. When I learnt that I was being fired I didn’t know how I would afford to pay my rent or buy food; I was very scared and crying about it for a few days until my roommate heard me cry and came in and asked what had happened, once I explained the situation he told hugged me and said everything will be ok. The next morning I was having oatmeal when he came out of his room and told me he has thought of a solution for my problem. I put my spoon down to completely focus and he said: I can pay for your share of the rent and buy anything you need until you find a job. I couldn’t believe my ears. Then he said, when I come back from work I want you to welcome me on your knees wearing a white laced see-through dress and let him have sex with me every time he comes home. I am still deciding on taking his offer or not. I know that my own mistakes have led me to this situation and I feel like this is my best option. Let me know if you want to know more… |
'Don't cum in her' is such a simple rule, until it isn't. The final fuck with my ex [MF] Part 3 of 3 | If you've missed parts 1 and 2, go ahead an get caught up. If you're on team TL;DR, here's the Previously On....
My ex and I had broken up after several years together. She wanted me back, I was done. Her plan was to invite me over to pick up my stuff, [surprise me in lingerie]( and fuck our relationship back into working order. In [Part 1](, she did manage to surprise me with some very sexy lingerie. In [Part 2](, I surprised her with a body-glazing cumshot thanks to some yoga-inspired oral.
As Elle went to get cleaned up, I sat on the bed, my back against the wall, and began to stroke my cock. She said I should fuck her and then decide what to do and I fully planned on it.
Elle walked back into the room still wearing the lingerie. She'd wiped most of the cum off it though her face was still slightly flushed. A grin spread across her face when she saw my hard dick.
"Round 2?" She asked. I motioned her over and she began to strip naked.
"Leave it on," I instructed.
Elle bounced herself on the bed and straddled me. I pushed the material covering her pussy to the side and lined my cock up with her wet lips. Slowly, she lowered herself down, taking me inch by inch and allowing herself to be stretched.
"I missed your cock baby," she moaned. In the time we'd been broken up, I'd already slept with a few women, so while I wasn't on a dry spell, there was something nice about slipping into a familiar space.
I bucked my hips, letting her know what to do. Elle placed her hands on the wall above my head and began to bounce up and down. Her perky tits were close to my face so I opened my mouth and took one in, the lace still covering her nipples. I licked and sucked as she rode me.
Now, I knew this would likely be the last time Elle and I would sleep together, so I wanted to make the most of it. As much as I loved being ridden (still do), her ass was still the star of the show. Thankfully, I had some extra stamina after cumming once already, so I sat back and enjoyed as Elle did everything in her power to milk another orgasm out of me.
I grabbed two handfuls of Elle's ass and began to control her tempo.
"Mmm yes, baby," she cooed, "fuck that pussy. It's **your** pussy." Girl was laying it on thick.
After a few minutes, I was getting closer to my second orgasm.
"On your stomach," I instructed.
Prone is my favorite position and Elle knew that. She tossed a pillow under her and popped her ass in the air for me, hips wiggling back and forth. I knelt behind her, taking as many mental pictures of her ass as possible, while once again moving the thin material covering her pussy out of my way. I lined my cock up and slapped it against Elle's pussy a few times before sliding the head in.
Elle moaned and began to lightly bounce her hips up and down, her pussy gripping the head of my cock and stimulating every nerve.
"Fuck that's good," I groaned, encouraging her to keep going. After a minute of this, I needed more and in one motion, pushed the rest of my length inside her. Still kneeling, I held her ass and began to slowly stroke in and out of a pussy I'd fucked more time than I could count.
Elle turned her head, looking back at me over her shoulder. The girl was a firecracker, no doubt. Red hair a mess, cheeks flushed, green eyes smoldering. "That feel good, baby?" she purred.
Of course it felt good, but I couldn't give in too much. We were broken up after all and I aimed to keep it that way.
Rather than answer, I lowered my body over hers and pushed my cock in deeper.
*Don't cum in her,* I thought to myself. That was the one rule I'd set when we started. With my body pressed against hers, the lingerie creating the thinnest of barriers and her fit, firm ass acting as a cushion for every stroke of my cock into her needy cunt, it was easier said than done.
"Are you going to cum again for me?" she purred as I used her for my pleasure. "Cum in me baby." Elle began to throw her hips back, matching my pace. The sounds of our skin slapping together echoed through the room.
We'd done this a thousand times. If anyone knew when I was about to cum, it was Elle. I pushed myself up, intending to pull out and cum on her ass, but she was ready. To this day, I'm not sure how she managed it, but as I pulled back, Elle slid her legs under her and sat up with me, keeping my cock firmly inside her. In the blink of an eye, I was sitting up on my knees with Elle kneeling between my legs, her ass in my lap and her pussy still filled with my manhood.
The movement pushed me over the edge and it was too late to try to pull out again. Instead, I wrapped an arm around her waist, the other around her chest and exploded.
It was a body shaking orgasm. The combination of position, lingerie and the taboo nature of the whole experience rocked my world. Elle moaned the entire time I coated her insides with my second thick load of the evening.
As I began to come down, post nut clarity hit me like a tidal wave: I was bad at breaking up with this girl.
She went to get cleaned up and I got dressed. She was disappointed that I wasn't staying over, but I said I still needed to think things over.
Ultimately, remaining broken up was the right call. She's happily married and I still have the memory of that night to fall back on and share with you wonderful horny people. |
My [NB18] second time with a friend [F18] who I met on Discord [NB] [F] (Part 2) | [Part 1](
Hi guys!! So, since my first post on r/gonewildstories got so much positive feedback (along with some transphobia, but can’t escape that on reddit) I decided to post part 2 as promised.
To sum up part one, I (NB18) met Leonie (F18) on discord and we became good friends and eventually found out we lived relatively close to each other. We decided to meet in real life, had a first kiss, and the next day we meet again and had a bunch of fun and she spent the night at my place after some wholesome fun… if you know what I mean.
Again, if you wanna skip to the actual spice, you can use the find tool and look up “--------”, but as said in the previous post, I think context adds a lot to sex, so yeah.
I woke up cuddled next to Leonie, looking at the clock which said 6:45 in the morning. Since I had set the alarm 7am, I thought I’d enjoy the few minutes we had left together in bed. She said she was gonna call in sick for school, and I wanted to take the day off too, but alas, being employed by your mother has it’s downsides.
For the time being though, I’d rather have admired Leonie’s beauty. And I did, for a solid 10 minutes until my alarm rang and I shook a little. Leonie slowly woke as well, looked at me and put her hands on my jaw, kissing me softly before chuckling to herself.
“Your alarm is seriously that ‘Bring Me To Life’ song?” she asked sarcastically, to which I kissed her hastily and turned off the alarm.
“My other alarm is the chorus to Pork and Beans by Weezer, so consider yourself lucky.” I said as I crawled out of bed, phone in hand and sat on my chair, admiring her in her sleepy, messy sort of beauty.
“When do you wanna call in sick?” I asked, as I noticed her grab her phone, which was apparently dead.
“Fuck me, can I charge my phone here?” she asked, and I handed her my charger. We luckily had a similar phone model, so we used the same charger thing as well.
“What about you?” she asked.
“Well, I can call in sick for school, but I’ll have to work later. It’s a pretty short shift, but I probably can’t avoid it. I work in my mom’s restaurant, so you know.” I said, as I pulled the shirt off my monitor which Leonie had hastily thrown onto it the day before.
I opened Discord to see a bunch of missed messages from the groupchat. They were teasing us heavily, and they were still online, even though it was late for them, so I put on a shirt and sweatpants and encouraged Leonie to do the same, as I started a video call.
David on his PC, using his high quality streaming camera. Eventually Sarah got on as well, though she was laying in bed and using her phone’s selfie camera. Eventually I turned on my very low quality camera (I got it for like €15) and waved hi.
They asked if Leonie was joining the call, and I said probably not since her phone was dead, to which they suspiciously asked how I knew that, after which Leonie got out of the bed, moderately dressed and hopped onto my lap, waving hi. David and Sarah laughed loudly as they noticed how much of a mess our hair was in and they asked what Leonie was doing in my room, to which we looked at each other knowingly and went completely off topic, mentioning a new game that’s coming out relatively soon (I think we were talking about Jedi: Survivor, which me and Sarah are huge Star Wars fans so).
Anyway, after about 20 minutes they said that they were heading offline and I asked Leonie how her phone was coming along. She turned it on and called at the school, faking a cough and strained voice. After she was done, I did basically exactly the same, and I turned went on my browser to look for shows to watch. Now, I am usually a sailor of the seven seas, but I had a friend’s Disney plus account, so I turned it on and we went to watch the new Willow show, Leonie still sat on my lap. After we were through half the first episode, I told Leonie how my legs were being strained by her sitting on them, to which she responded by standing up, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Oh, my bad, you’ll be needing them later, so…” she said teasingly.
She crawled back further on the bed, looking at me while I looked through messages, emails and other boring stuff. After a while, I decided to finally go and lay with her. I stood up and got onto the bed, crawling to her on my knees and hands as I collapsed next to her. We looked at each other for a while, and she flung her legs in the air, ripping off the sweatpants I’d given to her, now only in my boxers and a baggy shirt, which looked absolutely fantastic from my end.
She crawled up and sat onto my crotch as she laid down and we started making out, slowly at first, but soon our hands were in each others hair, or traveling up and down each others bodies, I was half naked pretty soon myself.
At last, she turned around as we laid in a 69 sort of position with her on top. Before she can remove my boxers, I’d already pushed hers down and buried my lips into her, licking with a passion as my hands caressed her hips. After a while of this, she finally puts my penis into her mouth, giving me a blowjob as I continue eating her out.
I eventually start pumping my finger in and out of her as I lick and play with her clit using my tongue. After a few more minutes of this, I feel her pussy tighten around my finger as she orgasms intensely, covering my chin and hand in her juices as her lower body shook. Moving my finger while inside of her in the slightest made her shake aggressively. It was so fun to see how much control I’d had over her, merely with my fingers. Eventually she relaxes and goes back to sucking my dick, though she eventually turned around, her bare pussy levitating over my erect penis.
“Should I get condoms? Are you on the pill?” I asked, as I leaned my arm over to the drawer next to my bed, though before I’d reached I’d felt her lowering her body and rubbing her bare pussy over my penis.
“I’m on the pill. I’ve always had pretty intense periods so I’ve been taking the pill for a while to help with that.” she said, continuously rubbing her sex on mine.
I put my hands onto her hips, as my hands levitated up and pushed the baggy shirt I’d lent her above her head. I was witnessing a magnificent sight to be sure. Her beautiful, pale body on top of me, with so much control. She was a sight to behold, and behold her I did. She had pretty small breasts, but that didn’t matter. Not when her curves contrasted so nicely with the rest of her body, the way her thin waist and midriff elevated above me. It felt like a dream. I loved every part of her. From the dimples in her face when she smiled, to her armpit hair which hadn’t been shaved for a while, to the scar on her left thigh, indicating a part of her she’d not confessed to me. But that didn’t matter. Because she would tell me on her own time.
And just as I was drowning in these thoughts, Leonie reached in front of her, lifting my erect penis, holding it by it’s base as she sat onto it and slid it into herself. If her mouth felt wet and warm in a comfortable way, the inside of her felt melting and hot in a serene way. She was fully in control. She lifted herself up and down, slowly and quickly. That split moment as I entered into her was dream like.
She continued riding on top of me, as she removed her hand from the base of my shaft and continued riding it, eventually sitting down with my sex inside of hers. The slight high pitched moans she gave off meant everything. She looked at me, with my sex wholly inside hers and just smiled. I might as well have orgasmed from her mere smile.
She leaned down as we started making out, with her trying her best to rid me in the midst of everything. It was uncomfortable, sweaty, and difficult, but that didn’t matter, because we both knew how much the each of us wanted the other. After a while, I asked her if she wanted me to get on top, to which she said sure, and we moved into a missionary style position. I pumped into her slowly but steadily, as she put her hand on her clit, rubbing it slowly, with out mouths on top of each other. Not kissing, just breathing. It was hot in the most literal sense of the word.
After a while of fucking her at a consistent pace, I felt my orgasm building up, and I slowed down, which she clearly disapproved of, telling me to keep going. I told her that I felt myself on the verge of cumming, and she said that she wanted me to keep going anyway, and I did. I kept going all the way through my orgasm, pumping into her pre-, midst-, and post-orgasm. It hurt, but feeling her walls tighten around my sex and her lips purse together as she gave off the cutest moan was everything. I fell on top of her, my penis still inside her, and I was exhausted, as was she.
At last, she looked at my phone and told me that I had to go to work in a little. I leaned over to grab some paper towels, and gave them to her to lay on top of her pussy to avoid my cum dripping onto the floor. We slowly climbed off the bed and made our way into the shower, where we showered each other thoroughly in each others arms, and eventually she fingered me while stroking me off and looking me in the eyes, and that was a moment I’ll never forget. It was so hot. It was a long shower, but once I was done and had dried my hair, I had to go to work.
She told me that she’d be back in my room by the time my shift ended, so I gave her my key and went off to work. During my shift, she eventually texted me that she had a surprise for me once I got back. It was a nervous shift for the rest of it, and I was absolutely excited once my shift ended at around 6pm.
I’ll probably tell that tale another time though. If you do wanna see that, then like the post and tell me as much in the comments and I’ll make it happen. I love writing about me and her, and I’ve showed her how much love part one has been getting and she loves it, so yeah, keep an eye open for it. |
18 [F] My first time with an older man | after posting some of my sex experiences a few days ago, some guys asked me how and when my first time was having sex with an older man. So here is my story.
I was babysitting for a family when I was 18 and the woman was really annoying. But the man was really super nice and I needed the money.
But I was not only a babysitter, I also helped in the household from time to time and one day, when the woman was with the child at her parents, the man called me if I could spontaneously come over to help in the household.
When I arrived, everything was already tidied up and clean. He said he was alone and just wanted some company. He would pay me, as usual, I should not be upset to spend my Saturday evening with an ‚old geezer‘. I replied that it would be no problem, as I found him really nice. Well, one word led to another, it didn't take long and we were in bed together.
He was, as I said, my first older man, in his late 40s, and he started out quite tenderly, but then got faster and harder. He didn't fuck like the guys I was used to, he knew exactly what he wanted and took it. His enthusiasm when he realized I didn't have a gag reflex was just great. But I had my fun too and came several times that night. It just felt awesome to have a big dick in my tight pussy.
It was just great, unlike many others who fuck me later, he also used me like a fuck doll, but we kept cuddling and it felt great. |
[M/S] [S/b] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 414. A flirtatious lunch with my half-brother's wife. | My mind has been filled to the brim with obsessive thoughts of making my half-brother Pat cum with my hand. My powerful sexual engine has been stuck in overdrive and I crave intimate, lustful and licentious touch. Yesterday morning, I texted Lynn and invited her to lunch.
Pat's wife Lynn is gorgeous, a few years younger than I am and a former gymnast. She looks a lot like me and even smokes the same brand of cigarettes I do. People have always joked that Pat must have a crush on his half-sister because Lynn and I look so similar.
As I drove to the cafe, I caught myself checking my hair and makeup. I wanted to look good for her.
We hugged as usual and sat down at a table. The conversation started with us discussing our kids and projects around the house. Covertly, I loosened my top and nodded as she spoke. I appeared to be listening intently, but I was secretly I was daydreaming about how smooth her dark olive skin must feel.
I mentioned Ana and she seemed a bit surprised that I am dating a woman. We discussed my relationship a bit when she told me she has never been with a woman. My heart fluttered and I nearly stammered with excitement.
I told her that they can be addicting. She licked her lips as she listened. We did not discuss sex but closeness, warmth and loving rapport. As to not harp on one topic, I changed the subject to let her digest her thoughts.
A few minutes later, I complimented her hair. She smiled brightly and encouraged me to touch it. My fingers ran through her silky hair from her temple to behind her ear and I became ferociously wet. Shortly after, she told me that my hands looked velvety soft. I extended my hand across the table, and she caressed it lightly with the pads of her fingers and asked me about my moisturizers. Her touch made my loins yearn for her, I wanted to take her on that table.
The rest of our time was spent talking and always donning a flirty and playful smile. As we hugged goodbye, she told me I smelled sexy. Upon returning to my office, I locked the door and made myself cum at the thought of her.
We are planning to have lunch next week.
**My sons are 22 and 27. It is not my responsibly or my desire to help you ejaculate.** |
I 20F have started to masturbate on the balcony | I 20F have started to masturbate on the balcony
The way that my apartment buildings are set up are like a "U" if I'm in my bedroom and lying in bed I can look out the window and see the person across the ways Balcony. A few nights ago I was lying in bed with several toys sprawled across the bed, a rose, rabbit, butt plug, and nipple clamps. I had opened the window to smoke some pot and left it open to air out the room. I got naked and laid down a bit dizzy from the pot (I am a bit of a lightweight as I took a tolerance break for a few months!) I ran my hands up and down my body, rubbing my clit, and pinching my nipples. Feeling myself get more stones I grabbed my nipple clamps and put them on moaning loudly as I leaned against the headboard rubbing my clit as I tugged on the nipple clamps. I heard a sliding door open and close, opening my eyes I could see my neighbor across the way staring at me from the balcony as he smiles and waved. I love attention,especially from older and married men (I don’t care if this offends you if that bothers you leave.) I smiled and waved back and kept rubbing my clit. Moaning as I bit down on the chain connecting the clamps I then grabbed my rabbit vibrator and held it to my clit, a jolt of ecstasy running through me. I opened my eyes again and made eye contact with him as I slowly began fucking myself moaning loudly, I rolled around and grabbed the anal plug. Rubbing against my wet opening I rub the juices on my asshole as I pushed in the plug moaning loudly again. I would stay in this position to allow him to get a good view as I fucked my pussy with the vibrator, flipping onto my back I tugged harder on the clamps as I close my eyes my body shaking as I came everywhere, my squirt landing on the floor and on my bed sheets. I want to get his attention again, that would make it 2 neighbors that I have played with! |
[24M/F][Cons] Finding the Finish | The holiday had been a disappointment. An overpriced hotel that could barely keep me cool, a crowded pool, and being stuck a week longer than everyone else because I had needed the cheaper flight option. This wasn’t what I had hoped for. Best of all, I was too burnt to even go outside and enjoy the one constant positive of this place, the hot sun. Instead I found myself lying naked on the floor of my room’s bathroom with the lights off. The cool tiles just about broke through the sting of my burns and allowed my mind to focus on more than the fuzz of pain. Not that there was much to focus on, lying and staring at the ceiling. If I moved, even by an inch, then a fresh wave would break across my body and inevitably my meditation would be corrupted yet again. I was hardly present, drifting in and out of thought and wakefulness.
My mind reflected back over the two weeks that had passed. When we had come out here we had done so together, a group of old friends ready to relive college for a Summer. Only it wasn’t college anymore. In just the couple years since graduation we had all moved on a lot, become more confident, more relaxed. No longer were we desperately trying to impress each other, instead we achieved for ourselves. Each had taken their own course, and I think we were all happy with where we each were. I was around people who I had memories with and we slipped into comfortable laughs and debates without having to worry about coming out on top. Hell, even any tension between the various ex-partners seemed to melt away and be replaced with a cheerfulness that had been distinctly lacking by the end of our higher education.
Despite this positive environment, though, I felt isolated. Not because I was insecure or anything, but simply because I actually missed some of the discomfort of our old college meets. I missed the uncertainty, the excitement. The not know whether you might end the night passed out on a sofa or learning how to use your tongue just right for each new person you had tumbled into bed with. It felt chaotic. It felt real precisely because it was so often meaningless. Now it was all safe. Safe and dull. I didn’t want to feel cosy, I wanted to feel terrified as I stared into a girl’s eyes and tried to work out what she wanted as she danced beside me. I wanted to chat deep into the night, only to wake up with their face on my lap, staring at my morning wood. I simply wanted something unpredictable again. I had been waiting for too long, and I had hoped this trip would unsettle me enough to start walking my own way again rather than being stuck in inertia.
However, it was relaxed. The only person who disrupted that sense of comfort was Tulip. She had arrived at college in our final year, an international student sent to see the world and bring it back with her. Initially, she had seemed like a breathing stereotype. She was cheerful, innocent, and clumsy without ever seeming foolish. And that’s the most anyone else ever knew her. Not me, though.
I don’t know what made her pick me to ‘show herself,’ as she put it, but choose me she sure did. It started one night when I was sitting on a wall smoking whilst everyone else slept. She came out quietly, walked calmly over and stood looking up at me without saying a word. I didn’t either. We simply sat and stood and looked at each other. She was wearing a typical cute ‘going out’ dress. Not too short. But tight. She had put her hair up some point during the night and wore it in a simple ponytail. Her dark lipstick glinted a little from a streetlight and her sharp eyeliner twitched each time she blinked. Without a doubt, she was beautiful. Yet I felt not an ounce of sexual attraction for her, not then. Instead I felt a total indifference. A simple desire to show her that I could not bring myself to care. I’m not sure why I had such a strong reaction to her brazen stare, but it challenged me to my core. It felt like a personal dare to even try and resist this sudden, unspoken, blazing display of confidence. Her pupil melted into her dark iris and all I saw were dark pools with white halos gazing at me steadily. She seemed curious, but in the same way that one is curious as you stare at a beast in a zoo. The questioning how you could be so similar, yet so superior, to a creature separated only by glass or bars. It irked me.
Eventually, she came up to the bottom of the wall, standing right between my legs. It wasn’t particularly high, but it brought her face near-level with my crotch. I refused to react. She annoyed me, how she so calmly moved to such an unusual place without any reason or rhyme. Our eyes held as she reached out her hand in front of me. I passed her my cigarette and she took a short drag, blinking only as the smoke hit her eyes. Neither of us made a sound and our muscles stayed relaxed. You could hear the cigarette burning in the still air. She held it in her lips and placed one of her hands on each of my thighs. Her dark eyes still peered into mine, searching. I refused to give myself away and gazed past hers, into her head.
Slowly, she dragged her hand up my thigh to my groin and gently cupped the growing bulge in my jeans. My body reacted lazily, unemotionally. My penis stiffened in my clothes in response to her touch, not to her. She moved her face closer, so it was just inches away from between my legs. It was hard for our eyes to keep meeting at this angle, but she held my look as her fingers worked my zipper. She pried open my jeans, reached in, and squeezed my hard penis out through my boxers. It sat there, bouncing slightly in the air. Tulip stilled it by placing a single finger on the tip, holding it there. My breath blew through my nostrils. I could feel the cigarette’s heat on my penis. Her stare intensified. It flickered over my face, leaving my eyes free for the first time. They returned to meet mine, and I could see a sort of satisfaction in them. She reached up, took out the cigarette, and placed it back in my mouth. And, with a small, satisfied, “mm,” she placed her lips around the tip of my penis and shut her eyes.
The warmth of her mouth instantly burned. It was as if my penis had been electrified from the very tip, sending little spasms down my shaft. My body shivered and I shut my eyes in turn. Slowly, she opened her mouth wider and began to take me. Her mouth was hot and wet, and with each movement her tongue would explore and swirl so that I slipped deeper. Eventually, she had worked her way nearly to the base without ever once having gagged or taken a break. Her breathing through her nose had become heavier, and when I glanced down her eyes continued to be shut. With one hand on each of my thighs she began to bob her head back and forth. The waves grew in intensity. The silence was broken only by breath and by the wet sounds of her exploring and claiming my penis. It was if it had become less a part of me and more a part of her, with the pleasure flowing through my body and resonating, as if receiving a signal from afar.
Her pace increased bit by bit. It was becoming too much. I refused to groan, but my body twitched. She pressed onto my thighs, ensuring I couldn’t buck into her. Faster, faster, her spit covered me and spilled from her mouth. Again and again she worked from base to tip, all the while her tongue swirling and pushing, retracting and thrusting. I felt my balls tighten in my jeans and I knew I would finish in her mouth. There was no thought of any other way. I let out a final, heavy, breath, and reading me perfectly she took one final, deep, slide down my cock and held me in her throat. Once, twice, three times I spasmed, each time shooting warm streams of semen inside her. She took it all, waited until she was sure I had finished, and in one swallow it was down, consumed.
She eased her mouth off my penis and looked back up at me. She had a faint smile, maybe more a smirk. She pushed my still wet penis back inside my boxers and pulled up the zip carefully. She seemed to move with a cool pleasantness, a sense of distant care in her actions. She looked up at me again, pressed her hand into my crotch, and took a step back.
I slipped down off the wall to stand in front of her. She somehow seemed a lot smaller now than when I had been on the wall. I closed the gap and pressed my body to hers and kissed her forehead. My hands began to slide down her back, searching, eager to undertake my turn. For a moment she allowed it, my hands exploring and caressing. But then she pressed her hands against my chest and moved back.
Our eyes stared again. She was searching once more. She smiled, a proper smile this time, and then she turned and walked away. Not back towards the remains of the party, but away into the darkness. I didn’t follow her.
This was Tulip’s way for the rest of that final year. She would find me when I was alone, when there was a quietness about me, and she would make me cum with her hands or mouth and then leave when I tried to show her pleasure in return. Initially, we were always in silence. Once we were more used to it, we would speak after. She would sit or lie next to me, my arms around her and her hair pressed into my cheek and we would have slow conversations of short phrases. They were about what we saw, what we heard, what we wished we knew. They were about nothing, which is why we liked them. I only asked why she wouldn’t let me make her cum once, which was the final time I saw her at college.
It was a party in her honour as she was leaving for home after we had graduated. It was the usual affair, only now most people were hanging onto their friendships by a thread. We needed to see other people in our lives, really. By this point, I hadn’t done anything with anyone but Tulip for months. We weren’t dating, but I just wasn’t interested in anyone but her. It wasn’t love that I felt for Tulip, nor infatuation or even lust. It was simply right, just like how when we stared at each other it felt right that the next moment she would be kissing, licking, stroking me. If only she would let me complete the equation and do so in return.
Everyone else had left. It was four thirty in the morning and the night was fading, the world waiting for the sun to make it turn. We lay on her sofa, strewn with rubbish from the party. I was completely naked, as we had taken to lately. She was only in her panties, her soft breasts pressing into my arm as she hugged it. It was always her who took off her clothes, and I never knew when she would or wouldn’t. She would let me touch her skin, stroke it, even occasionally kiss it, but she never let me touch her nipples, neck, nor groin. Her vagina remained a mystery to me, as did her pleasure. I had never pushed her, because I simply did not want to. I knew she was the one who had made the challenge and it was her who would decide how it eventually ended. Tonight, though, I wanted to know if that end was now.
And so I asked her during in a break in our intermittent conversation. She paused for a minute, and shifted her body so she could stare at me as she did so often. Our eyes held, as always. She paused for a minute, thinking and searching me. “I’m looking for something,” she said, “and I think you are it. I really do. Which is why I do this,” she gestured with her eyes slightly. She sat still again, before breaking eye contact and staring at my shoulder. “But, I’m not ready. Not really. I know it’s unfair of me, I know it’s immature, but I’m not ready.” Another pause. “I don’t mean sexually. I’ve had sex before, and I enjoy what we do. But I know that if I gave in and enjoyed what I’ve found then I would never leave. I know that I would stop growing, that I wouldn’t fight myself anymore. I would stop living as I mean to and I would simply be as I am now forever.” I watched as her eyes twitched a little as she spoke, holding steady on my skin. Her face was serious, as it usually was, but with an intensity I had only seen that first night. She was telling me more than we had ever shared in our months together and I was happy to wait. Not because I wanted to help or convince her, but because I wanted to know what those eyes meant, what they hid. She breathed and continued, “I have a lot of ground to catch up before I meet myself. I have to keep on running faster than I have been. I know that when I reach the end, I will want to stay with what I have found. To stay with you. Because I know that by then I will continue to grow, even with you. But now, now it would end me before I am ready to end.” She fell silent and stared at my shoulder. Eventually, her eyes met mine again. She leaned in and gave me a gentle, lingering, kiss on my lips. And then she stood up, put her clothes back on bit by bit and walked to her bedroom. She came back out with two suitcases and a coat wrapped around her. I realised she was leaving. She stared at me as I lay there, still naked on her sofa. I decided I didn’t want to say anything. I wasn’t hurt, I was simply waiting. And I realised that I would continue to wait. She gave me that faint half-smile, softly placed her keys on the table by her door, and walked out with a click of the latch. I fell asleep.
I didn’t see or hear from Tulip until we were on this holiday. She appeared at the hotel as everyone else trickled in from their various flights. She wore a large Summer hat, jean shorts, and for all the world looked like the self that everyone else had always known. I hadn’t expected her to arrive, but I wasn’t disturbed. Instead, I felt a slight flicker of desire. Of hope. Something that I hadn’t felt for a long time. Since she had left I had indeed waited. At first, I didn’t mind. It was as natural as when she first claimed me. But then it stretched on. I was listless. I did well in life, but it was hollow. My work was uninspired. I tried to break out of it multiple times, going out, arranging dates. But I never invited anyone home or took up their offers. It was like I had simply lost my ability to desire. Instead, Tulip sat in the back of my heart, deadening it to others. I found that I had to keep waiting for her. No matter the boredom, the frustration, the increasing despondency, I had to wait. I needed to reach that destination with her, I had to know what she found in herself there and to share it with me. It was like this intense curiosity crossed with faith had overtaken my emotions. I told myself again and again it was nothing, but despite it I had this firm belief that she knew something and that once she told me it I too would be okay. We would be okay.
Which is perhaps why I became so desperately angry when she refused to show her real self, the self I had known, to me. Instead she showed me smiles. Hugs. Laughs and jokes and innocence. She never met my eyes. She never held my stare. She wasn’t Tulip. I realised I was the end of the joke. There was no finish line. There was just me. Standing there, immobile and empty.
When she left with the others, I felt nothing. My anger had cooled. Everything I had doubted had been confirmed to me. What I had once mistaken for my self-confidence had shown itself to me for what it was: a blind sense of self. I had tricked myself into thinking that by holding a stare and sharing a night I had meant something. That she had meant something. But no. And now I am lying on the floor of my hotel bathroom watching the ceiling age.
I think what confuses me most is that I’m not really heartbroken, but rather simply having to learn that I have spent my youth as a coward. What I had thought of as exciting and daring college nights, what I had hoped to regain on this trip, was actually just me repeatedly refusing to ask for love, ducking out of trying, and instead waiting for someone else to teach me. Tulip had simply been explicit about things. Time and again I had watched as those who I could have tried to love walked out and I told myself it was what I wanted. And now I’m realising that I had simply been too scared to love in the first place. So, how can I be heartbroken now? Rather, I think I have simply become aware of my own deadness. My own emptiness. I stare and I breathe. And I wait. I wait until I can make myself stand, leave, and learn something. I wonder what it will be. Will I learn to love? Will I learn I am incapable? The air is still. The tiles are warming up from my body and my skin continues to itch from the sunburn. My chest rises and falls and my nakedness is alone.
Until I hear a faint tap at the door. I ignore it. I’ve still got another day at the hotel; if they want to try and clean they can wait until I’m gone. I’m not moving from my spot of despondency. The taps come again. And again. I close my eyes and let their rhythm soothe me. Soon, it stops. But then I hear a click and what sounds like the door opening. I freeze. This isn’t going to be too fun to explain to whatever poor housekeeper comes in. The bathroom door is open where I left it to let the breeze in. I raise my head slowly, sighing in mild defeat. And I see Tulip standing there with a key in her hand.
She is nervous. I have never seen her like this before. Her eyes are running over me, refusing to meet mine. My breath stops. I am confused, and for some reason I feel a rush of embarrassment and I move my hands over my penis, covering it from her unsettled gaze. I feel a new wave of heat on my skin. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so instantly uncomfortable before, and it feels a bit like my mind and body are going through a free fall in an endless pit. What is she doing here? Her eyes are still rapidly moving. But then they meet mine and we both become utterly still. She straightens her back. She seems to grow. I see Tulip appear before me, as she is. And then she smiles. It’s that faint, questioning, smile she has. I look at it and feel my lips twitch in uncertainty, not knowing what expression to try and form.
She steps forward but pauses, thinking. Her serious face rises up and I see her hesitate. She walks up to me, passing alongside my lying body so she is standing next to my head and gazing down at me. She is peering into my eyes, and I see she is searching again. I try to search back, but her dark pools seem blurred as my heart and mind move in unsteady gaits. Her stare intensifies and she kneels down so her face is right over mine, staring and staring. I feel her breath on my face as her eyebrows push together in focus. She moves even closer. She pauses. And then I see relief wash over her and she smiles again, this time with even more confidence. “It’s you,” is all she says and she kisses me. Her lips press against mine and my heart stops.
When it restarts, I am alive. I feel myself for the first time, and I know that she is with me. I kiss back, pressing my lips into hers. My hands move from my penis up to her face and I pull hers into mine. Our tongues mix and our heads bob as we merge. My hand moves down to her hip and I pull her body on top of mine. There is not a hint of resistance and she straddles over my crotch, her jean shorts feeling rough against my hardening penis. I stroke her hair as she begins to grind into me. My back screams at this new intense movement and I let out an involuntary groan of pain. She stops, moves away in fear. “Sunburn,” I moan. Laughter sweeps over her face like sun on a field. I laugh with her. “Well, I guess I’ll have to lie down,” she says. And just like that she unbuttons her shirt and pulls down her shorts. She is in her underwear. She looks me in my eye. “It has to be you,” she tells me. I understand. She lies back, supporting herself on her arms. I ease my back off the floor and turn so that I am crouched between her legs. I reach around and undo her bra, letting it fall to the tiles. Her nipples sit hard before me, and I gently kiss her neck. She gasps. I kiss again, a trail from one side to the other. She moans a little. I move my kisses down. Her chest begins to move faster, I can feel her quivering a little. My bottom lip brushes her nipple. Then I kiss it. Gentle. Loving. I feel it press against my mouth, the hardness of it contrasting to the soft breast behind it. She squeals a little. I kiss harder again. I move to the other. She is panting at me. Everything in her body is tensing, relaxing, squeezing and twitching, telling me everything I know. I lay her down on her back, her legs spread, and I slowly ease off her panties. I stare her in the eyes as I do so. Just as she looked at me, I look at her as I kiss up and down her thighs. She bends her head so our stare holds. I used my tongue and lips to guide me to her vagina. I feel the soft mound of her labia and gently kiss up and down the sides. My tongue flicks out, and I taste her for the first time. It is a taste I know I will need more of, indescribably intimate.
I part her a little and my tongue roams, searching for the firm bump of her clitoris. I find it and give it a slow, light, lick. She shivers. I pause and our eyes look at each other as we have countless times before. We have found what we need. I shut my eyes and begin to kiss, suck, and lick, desperate to show her the passion I have realised. My hands grip into her soft thighs, holding her against my lips and mouth as I feel her straining and trying to buck up into me. I press her into the floor, using my tongue in broad, flat, motions to hit her clitoris from every angle with each stroke. I feel myself moan into her and as I do so the vibrations send new sensations into her. Her chest heaves and I hear her panting which makes my penis twitch in arousal and anticipation.
Suddenly, she kicks her heels into my sides lightly. I assume she is enjoying it and keep going, so she digs in a little, hard enough to make me pause and raise my head. She is panting and takes a second to gather her breath to say, “Now, I need you now. Now, now, now,” she repeats again and again as she falls back onto the tiles and spreads her legs ever wider. I am eager to oblige, but take a second to watch as her vagina rises and falls as she continues to slightly buck her hips. It is slick and glistening from my spit and her arousal. It is opened up for me and perfect.
I crawl over her, placing my hands either side of her head and gazing down at her. We are blushing and she bites her lip as she stares up at me and I see she has no doubt. I lower my crotch to hers, and I feel the twitching tip of my penis brush against her. I move again so that it gently presses against her and I feel myself pulsing at her hot wetness. I kiss her as I move my tip inside her. I feel her walls spread, taking me in. I feel myself being drawn, I can’t help but continue inch by inch until I am fully inside her, staring into our eyes all the way. I begin to thrust, each stroke harder than the last. Her breasts shake and I press my chest against them, feeling them move against my skin. I wrap one hand around the back of her head, pressing her into my shoulder and letting me begin to pound. Each thrust I pant with her, interrupted by moans and gasps. My skin smacks against hers and I begin to lift her off the floor a little each time I slam in. She arches and quakes in my arms, tightening and relaxing, flexing and biting into me.
I feel myself beginning to build up, my balls tightening as I thrust again and again. The wetness of our fucking fills the room with sound, spilling onto the floor with our sweat so we are struggling to keep our grip. But nothing slows me, and she won’t let me if I tried. She grinds and thrusts up against me so our crotches are colliding again and again. I grab her hand and place it over her clit and she rubs it furiously. I feel her body tensing more and more, even as she struggles to keep it moving with and against me. I can hardly hold it any longer. I bite into her neck, hard and deep. I feel her teeth do the same on my shoulder. I scream into her as she does into me. I feel her spasm over my penis and she begins to orgasm, the waves overtaking her. As her vagina flexes with each bout, it takes me over the edge and I cum, my semen shooting inside her and filling every available space. The waves continue and we flex and jerk uncontrollably against each other, each movement the most intense yet, over-stimulating and overwhelming us.
At last, it is finished. We are finished. We collapse and curl up against each other, lying in our own sweat as my semen leaks out of her. I kiss her and she kisses me. And we stare into each others’ eyes until we fall asleep in our own aftermath, together at the finish and together for the start. |
My [F49] Boss At Work The Next Day [M32] [MF] [Office Romance] [Update] | Original Story:\_boss\_f49\_shares\_too\_much\_on\_zoom\_m32\_mf\_older/
The next day at work was nerve-wrenching & exhilarating.
I was at work first, sitting in my office, going through emails and waiting to get my first glimpse of Amy. I heard her come crashing through the main door of our office, as usual. She always carried like 100 things from her car and was always fumbling. With a giant thud, I heard all of her stuff collapse on her desk, and then footsteps started down the hall. She stopped at the door to my office and peeked in. Her face was flushed. Was it from the walk up the stairs to our office, I mused, or could it be that she was nervous & excited to see me too?
She smiled and then stepped fully into the doorway. I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was wearing a long white dress. Taut at her breasts, as usual, and I could clearly see her bra through the thin material. It was white as well, but had some sort of black design all over it. My cock stirred in my khakis as my mouth dropped. “Hi” was all she said, and with a wink she kept going down the hall to say hello to the rest of our team.
Amy & I worked together on and off throughout the day. Dropping by each other’s offices to chat and talk about issues. The tension was definitely high, and I couldn’t help but drop my eyes at Amy’s tits nearly every time we saw each other. I was sure she noticed, but I was also sure she didn’t mind – several times, she made sure to lean back and push them out towards me while we were chatting. It was so hot. I had actually caught her sneaking peeks at my crotch too. The excitement had me at half-mast almost all day long, so there was definitely a bulge worth looking at.
As the day wound down, some of the rest of the staff started to make their way towards the exits. I didn’t have much left on my to-do list either, but there was no way I was leaving that office yet. My phone rang, and Amy asked me to come down to her office to help with something. I gulped as I stood and prepared myself to walk down 3 doorways to the office I had frequented so many times before. It felt different this time, and my palms were sweaty with anticipation.
Amy’s desk was covered with a large map when I walked in, she had a chair pulled around the desk onto her side and motioned for me to sit down beside her. I turned the corner and nearly gasped when I saw that Amy had the bottom of her dress hiked ALL the way up, exposing her thick thighs and panties that matched her bra – white with a black design. I quickly sat down before my stiffening dick burst through my pants. Without a word, Amy reached over and started to rub my crotch. My face must’ve been beet-red, but I played along and pretended to be looking at the map with her while I slid my hand onto her legs in reciprocation.
Soft and smooth. Amy’s legs felt great. She kept up appearances by asking me questions about easements and grading, and I stammered answers as she pressed harder and harder onto my crotch. Her legs opened slightly, and I was able to begin to rub her crotch as well. I could feel the wetness as I pressed into her panties. I felt her hand start to work the zipper of my pants when both our hands froze.
Mike, one of our “Big Bosses” stepped into the office and asked what we were up to. I can’t even imagine the look on both of our faces as we made up some dumb excuse to be looking at maps after 5pm. Mike crooked his head, and looked like he was going to press for more details, but he must’ve changed his mind mid-thought and just shrugged and said he was heading home. We were now the last-ones in the office, so Mike told us to make sure that we double-checked the alarm before we left. The lump in my throat grew as we both listened for the outer door of our office to slam shut.
Immediately after it shut, Amy leaned in and began to kiss me, passionately. I could tell that she was just as excited as I was, and our hands started wandering all over each other. Her breasts were my first destination, I couldn’t wait to give them a squeeze and they did not disappoint. Here tits were heavy, even with the bra holding them up, I could feel their weight as I have them a squeeze overtop of her dress. I stood up to gain access to the back of her dress and begin to unzip it. I wasn’t thinking about it, but this put my crotch right at eye level with Amy and she didn’t hesitate to take advantage.
While I was fumbling with the zipper of her dress, she undid my belt, popped my button and had my pants totally unzipped. My cock was raging hard at this point, and it immediately pushed through the opening of my boxers and was out in the open.
There were no cameras in out office, so Amy & I were free to act as naughty as we wanted. To my disappointment, she didn’t immediately take me into her mouth, but instead she stood up and let the dress fall to her ankles. I was standing too, my cock out, but all the rest of my clothes on, so I tossed off my shirt to match Amy’s state of undress.
Before we removed any more clothes, we went back to kissing. As we pressed close, my cock was pushing into her stomach and her tits were pressing into my chest. Her skin was soft and hot. My hands went back to squeezing her tits, and with my new access, I slid my hand underneath her bra and started to tweak her nipples. She moaned with excitement and reached down and began stroking my cock.
Quickly, my hands slid behind her back and unclasped her bra. Letting her large breasts fall heavily. Although they were massive, they had some surprising perk. I began to kiss her neck and then made my way down to her nipples. ‘Fuck yes’ Amy moaned as she continued squeezing and stroking my cock. I took turns sucking each nipple while squeezing the other.
Next, Amy knelt down in front of me and took my hard cock into her mouth. With her eyes closed, she immediately took the entirety of my shaft down her throat. She began to bounce back and forth, working all the way out to my tip, before slamming back down and burying her face into my stomach. She reached up with her hand and started to massage my balls as well, squeezing them tight, and pulling them down when she had my cock completely deep-throated.
I knew I wouldn’t last long with the amazing blowjob I was receiving, so I told Amy to slow down or she would make me cum. She stopped sucking for one second, and told me to just let her know when I was about to cum, then went back to giving me the best sucking of my life. I tried to hold it in as long as I could, but after a few more minutes I was ready to blow, so I tapped her on her shoulder. She got the message and stopped sucking, but she didn’t stop completely. She immediately started stroking me as fast as she could and leaned back. Giving my prime access to shoot my load onto her big tits. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I let loose and rope after rope. My first shot actually hit her in the chin, but quickly dripped down with the rest of my cum that had landed onto her swollen tits.
After squeezing every last drop of cum out of my cock, Amy stood up and pressed herself into me again as we kissed passionately. I could feel my hot sticky cum passing onto my chest as well, and I didn’t hesitate to massage what was left of it into her big nipples.
‘Kiss Them’ Amy whispered as I massaged my cum into her. I had never tasted my own cum before, but what I had just experienced was so hot that I didn’t hesitate and immediately began to lick all over her big titties. I paid special attention to her nipples, which made her moan, but I licked up every last drop with her encouragement. |
Forever Hung (Part 12) [sci-fi] [slow burn] [all characters over 21] [MF] | “Maddie?” I asked as we walked, her wide skirt nearly brushing each side of the hallway. “Is it you?”
She smiled over her shoulder but didn’t answer.
When we reached my door, she leaned against the wall. She ran her fingers over my arm as I turned my key.
I flipped on my light and she walked toward the bed. She glanced around the room as if this were her first time inside, but of course both Maddie and Madison had seen my bedroom before.
Still wearing her mask with the red feathers, the girl turned to me.
“Will you unzip me, Charlie?”
I approached her . I ran my hand across her shoulder blades. I took the zipper and slipped it slowly down along her spine. A band of bright red lace laid across her back.
“Can you step back, please?” She asked over her shoulder, holding the dress to her chest.
I did as she asked, backing away without taking my eyes off her as I loosened my tie. And when she was satisfied that I was distant enough to take her all in, she pushed the top down to her waist and let the rest of the dress fall.
She stood with her back to me wearing a bright red strapless bra, the same color as the feathers of her mask, the same color as her lips. A thin silver chain hung around her hips, and below that she wore a pearl thong, a tiny black bow tied where the string of pearls met the matching red lace.
She stepped out of the dress, her red heels emerging from the black fabric, and leaned forward, holding her hands against the edge of the bed so that she was bent ever so slightly.
I approached, unable to look away from that little black bow, the delicate, firm beads plunging out of sight between her soft mounds.
She looked over her shoulder. “I heard you’re obsessed with this, Charlie,” she said, slowly shifting her behind side to side.
I dropped to my knees and kissed just below the lace on each side of the thong.
“Maybe I’ve said too much,” she said.
I moved lower, letting my lips savor each patch of soft skin as it gave beneath the pressure of each kiss.
“Or it’s a ruse,” I said. “Maybe you’re Maddie pretending to be Madison.”
I nibbled gently along the pucker of her cheeks, where her supple rear first began to rise away from the back of her thighs.
She moaned softly. “You are obsessed,” she said.
She wiggled, slightly ticklish. I held her hips to keep her still, then slid my tongue across the pearls just below the bow. She bent lower and I moved my tongue deeper, tracing the strand of pearls into her crevasse where they disappeared from sight.
“Charlie,” she moaned. I put pressure on the beads with my tongue. “Charlie,” she moaned louder. She reached back to rub a hand through my hair. She pulled my face more tightly against her bottom even as she pushed back with her pelvis against my tongue. She let out a short shriek, then gasped.
Moving my tongue lower, I found that the single strand of pearls became two, one draped like a summer curtain along each side of her wet lips.
I turned my body so that I sat on the floor, my back against the bed, and leaned back to lick between her legs. The pearls rolled against each side of my tongue.
“Charlie,” she moaned. “Don’t make me cum.”
I tasted her. I removed my jacket.
“Charlie, don’t,” she whispered, grinding against my mouth.
I removed my tie, unbuttoned my shirt. I licked slowly, pressing a strand between the sweet folds of her lips.
“Charlie no, no, no.” She spread her legs wider.
I removed my shirt. I rolled two pearls against her clit.
“I can’t...”
Then I took the lace band of her thong in my hands. I gripped it tightly, so she couldn’t wriggle away. Then I pulled the pearls taut as I licked. Her chest collapsed against the bed. She moaned into the mattress. I took her clit between my lips, along with two of the beads, and swirled them together as I rolled the single strand of pearls back and forth between her ass cheeks.
Her pelvis quivered against my mouth. Her legs tightened, and she suddenly thrust her hands between her legs to hold my head in place, to keep my tongue in place. Silent as she shook, she eventually gasped for breath as if surfacing from the Aegean, panting as she whispered my name.
I stood and spun her around. She fell against me, catching herself with both hands flat on my chest, and smiled beneath her mask.
“I told you not to let me cum,” she panted.
“You’re so sensitive,” I said.
She kissed me and squeezed her hands against my chest.
“You’ll just have to do it again.” She shuffled to one side, her heels clicking against the floor as she turned me to sit on the edge of the bed.
She pushed me back against the mattress. She undid my pants and, after struggling to pull the band of my underwear past my erect cock, she ran a fingertip along my length as if seeing it for the first time.
“This might be our only night together,” she said.
She straddled me. I felt the tip of my cock pass between the two strands of pearls and she began to ease herself onto me, though she had to pause midway down my cock to catch her breath.
“Charlie, god,” she groaned as she pulled the rest of me between her legs. “I assumed,” she began, but instead of finishing her sentence she started to glide her pelvis against mine, the double pearls sliding up and down along my shaft.
“Such an actress, Maddie,” I moaned, watching the light glint off her thin waist chain.
She leaned down, the lace of her bra brushing against my chest as she took my earlobe between her lips.
“The Blue Horn. Last semester,” she said, struggling to speak between breaths. “I fucked that guy in the bathroom.”
I threw one arm around her waist, holding her to me as I kissed her through her mask, and with my other hand I hooked my thumb beneath the top of the pearl thong, rolling the beads up and down between her ass cheeks as I launched my hips against hers.
“Don’t you dare cum, Madison,” I said, suddenly desperate to make her beg, to keep her awake until dawn. “This might be our only night together.” |
[M/S] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 419. The moment when Mom gives you an unyielding boner in public. | I arrived home feeling naughty, mischievous and even predatory. It is obvious that I enjoy attention and relish in my potent sexual power over men, especially young men and I decided to amuse myself. Upon informing the boys that we would be going out for dinner, I changed from my business attire into a long teal, informal dress that showed off my ample tits and ass.
I took Michael into his bedroom and asked him to remove all of his clothes. I handed him a white oxford shirt and a pair of stone colored PTT pants that were a bit stretchy and told him to get dressed. He immediately told me I had forgotten to pick out underwear and I instructed him not to wear any.
A moment later, I repeated the same pattern with Patrick. I dressed him in a white polo shirt and navy PTT pants that were much like his brother's. When he protested not being allowed to wear underwear, I gave him a hard "mom stare" and he backed down.
We sat outside at a lovely little bistro, and I ordered wine for all of us. The server was a pretty Latina, about 30 years of age with a full and sexy ass. It was not long before the boys quietly watched me flirt with her. I ordered for us all and smiled seductively at each of my sons.
I invited Patrick to dance with me. Soon, I lightly caressed his cute butt and his hammy came to life. There was no hiding it and I quietly commanded "Look at me. Only at me."
When the song was over, it was Michael's turn, and he was already hard, and his face had reddened. There was no way to hide his big cock and I felt proud to have made it. We dance close and from time to time I pressed against it.
The boys ate quietly and every so I often, I would whisper, "Who is going to fuck their mother tonight?" in a sing-song tone.
My little foot inspected their crotches from time to time and always found them hard and ready. I even played with them with my foot as I spoke to our pretty server. The boys sat, quiet, awkward and nursing unbending boners. By the time the check arrived, they both looked ready to burst.
I insisted we stop before getting to the car so I could have a cigarette. They each desperately tried to hide the excitement in their pants, but the fabric stretched, and the "tents" could not possibly be concealed.
The drive home was fairly quiet as they each tried to devise a plan to get inside their tortuous mother. Patrick sat directly behind me, and Michael was in the passenger seat. I coyly offered stop and buy them ice cream, but they wanted to get home.
As I pulled into the garage, stopped the car and turned the key, Patrick opened his door. The second I stepped out, he had me on his shoulder and was carrying me, horny and happy, to my bedroom. I wondered why he sat behind me when he normally rides next to me.
I was his for the night.
**My sons are 27 and 22. Do you think I would even consider giving you my social media information?** |
[M/S] [A/ne] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 471. Describing a dark, sadistic and lovingly brutal fantasy further. | **This is just another fantasy of mine. I sometimes let my mind wonder while alone and with a stiff drink. If you prefer my real life adventures please refer to posts 1-469.**
Here we go. I hope you enjoy it:
Tommy is dressed up like a pretty girl and has been taking my biggest strap-on without complaint all day. He is tied to his bed, on his back with his ankles attached by ropes to the headboard. He is wearing a blindfold and his ears are covered while I take a little break from defiling him.
Lifting one of the headphones I hiss "Are you ready for a surprise."
He nods and tells me he does not want to use the safe word.
My nephew has no idea that his mother has come into the room and is standing over her helpless son. She and I share a long, sensuous kiss before she puts on a 24cm strap-on and confidently places to ass.
Assuming it's me, he begs her to push it inside him. With a zealous, wicked smile, she does. Her concentration increases and she slowly fills him to the hilt. He breaths heavily, knowing he has never been stretched so far.
She and I kiss as she fucks him and I am intoxicated at the sight of my younger sister annihilating her only son's ass.
I decide it's time and I yank the mask and headphones off of him.
"Mom" He shrieks in surprise and fear but refuses to use the safe word. His wide eyes are glued to her with a mixture of horror and indescribable pleasure. I gleefully watch my sister commit her first act of incest and I could not be happier for her.
''Take it, just fucking take all of it. Look at my face while I make you Mommy's good little bitch" she brays with a wonderful mixture of rage and sexual excitement beyond words.
A few minutes later, he cums without either of us touching his cock.
My sister and I leave the room and he can only hear us fucking like animals on her bed. He wants to join us, he begs to join us but we tell him he needs his rest. This is a going to be a very special night.
Without a sound, and cigarette in hand, my sister returns to his room to cover his eyes and ears. She then turns off the light and leaves her helpless son in the dark.
A short while later he knows someone is in the room with him. "Mommy?" "Auntie?" He asks anxiously.
The light turns on and his eyes adjust. Standing over him he sees Lynn, looking quite serious and wearing and lubing up the largest synthetic phallus he has ever see. My sister and I slip into the room to hold hands and watch a true master at work. We are giddy, wet and ready to witness something truly devious.
**My sons are 22 and 27. My nephew is 19. You cannot talk your mom into fucking you.** |
Breeding the Babysitter [M41/F20] [cheating] [lingerie] [seduction] [handjob] [cunninlingus] [creampie] | I get home late, much later than I’d meant to. Again. Far too late to see my son; I’m sure the sitter’s already put him to bed hours ago. It’s tough making a living but not having much of a life…but if I’m going to provide for my family, I’ll do what I have to.
Some of the lights are still on, at least, and I smile to myself as I walk up the drive, looking forward to a slice of cold pizza and a late-night chat with Emma. It's almost embarrassing to say, but lately I've been working so much my only socializing has been with my son's babysitter.
Something seems off, though, as I come through the front door and walk down the hall. The TV’s still on in the living room, but Emma’s nowhere to be found. Usually she’s lounging on the couch, folding laundry and watching some cooking show or another. Not this time – the room’s empty, as are the kitchen and dining room.
“Emma? Tyler?”
Worried, I walk quickly to my son’s room and find him sound asleep, safe and snug in his bed. I let out a sigh of relief; that’s one mystery solved. But where’s the sitter gone?
Could she have left early? She *has* been working hard, taking over a lot of the housework with my wife away on business so much. But it wouldn’t be like her to just leave Tyler, and besides, she would’ve told me if something came up.
Also…that’s her car still out front, I realize as I glance out the kitchen window. Perplexed, I check my phone and walk through the house once more.
That’s when I notice a pair of jeans draped across the bottom of the stairs – women’s smalls, by the look of them. A gray shirt sits a few steps above that, bunched up against the wall.
My eyes narrow and I move closer, not really sure what it is I’m seeing. Did she leave some laundry laying around?
I step up to the shirt and spy a lavender B-cup bra resting on the bannister. And up on the landing above lies a silken thong, a petite garment of similar shade.
I stop dead in my tracks, staring at it. What the hell…
I climb the stairs with a sudden sense of foreboding, unable to tear my eyes away from that little scrap of silk. Up ahead the door to my bedroom lies ajar, a soft glowing light emanating from within. My heart hammers in my chest, my mouth gone dry, and it’s almost fearfully that I approach, pushing on the handle and stepping in.
Inside I find Emma.
She’s dressed in my wife’s lingerie, lying across the foot of the bed, her slender young body lit by candlelight. Her pale skin is bare save for the small bits covered by the matching baby blue g-string and bra. My wife’s pearls are around her neck and in her ears, and her makeup is sultry and subtle, a flush of excitement coloring her cheeks, her red-brown hair cascading down her shoulders.
“Hi Mister L,” she says in a shaky voice, biting her lip.
"Emma wh…what? What is this?" I stop and stare, struggling to process what it is I’m seeing; she gives me a nervous, doe-eyed look, the color of her eyes almost the same as the lingerie.
"Don't you…like it?" she asks shyly, cringing subtly under my disbelieving gaze.
I do like it – that’s the problem. Her skin positively glows in the half-light, smooth and supple, her nearly-bared body a forbidden delight I’d never realized I needed. Until now. My hands start to shake. She looks so much better in that outfit than my wife ever has.
"Emma I…I don't understand,” I stammer, backing away a step and fumbling to shut the door behind me.
“I wanted to surprise you,” she smiles nervously. “I thought you might want to relax. After a long day at work.”
She bites her lip again and slides off the bed, stepping lightly on bare feet across the space between us. My heart feels like it’s about to burst out of me as she draws near, her petite body barely as tall as my chest.
“Oh god Emma…I can’t…we can’t…” I step away again, my back to the door now, my mouth gone dry.
“We *can*,” she says emphatically, imploring me with her eyes, touching my work shirt with her fingertips. “Let me take care of you, Mr. L. I take care of everything else, I just want to…to do this too.”
I shake my head and catch her wrist, trying to think straight. Trying to ignore the way my cock throbs, the way my palms itch to feel every inch of her. “Emma, I’m married. Susan would–”
“Susan’s not here,” she says, a flicker of resentment in her eyes. “Susan’s *never* here – she’s *always* away, she’s always leaving the two of you. But now…now you have me. And now it…it can be the three of us. And…and I can be better than her. For both of you.”
She gives me a desperate look, leaning in against the hand that caught her wrist, rubbing her cheek against my knuckles. “Just let me, Mr. L. *Please*. You’ve been working so hard – just let me. I want to…I want to be your girl. I want to be your woman. I want to have what *she* has…and I want to do it better.”
Her eyes are gorgeous twin sapphires that I just can’t escape; I can’t fucking think straight, not when she stares at me like that. And I’m rock fucking hard. I’ve been so focused on work I haven’t had release since I don’t know when, and all of me aches as she puts her lips to the back of my hand.
“Oh god. Emma…”
*This is fucked. This is crazy. This is how you fuck your life up.*
Some small part of my brain still works at least – but as she runs her other hand up my chest and around my neck, those contrarian thoughts get easier and easier to ignore.
She presses herself to me, and I can’t fucking take it. I kiss her, hard, grabbing her slender hips and pulling her against me, my raging manhood pulsing between us. Her taste is exquisite, her lips soft and sweet; I drink her in, lost in her taste, in the way her body melts into mine. Before I even know what I’m doing, I’m lowering her wrist, guiding her hand to the bulging shape behind my zipper.
“Oh Mr. L, yes, *yes*,” she moans against my lips, kissing me desperately, standing on her tiptoes to do so. All I can do is growl and groan; I'm so goddamn worked up as she grabs me through my work pants, the size of me filling her hand. I seize her pert, pale little ass, unthinking, unreasoning, only knowing a desperate, aching hunger in my loins.
“Oh my god I can feel it...Oh my god, I want it Mr. L, I *need* it. I…I need it so bad. I’ll take care of it every day just let me have it *please*.” She begs with me, writhing in my arms; it’s too much, I feel like I’m going to fucking explode already.
“Fuck. Oh fuck. Emma…Ok. Get it sweetie. Take it out. It’s yours. Tonight, it’s all yours,” I growl, scarcely recognizing my own rough voice.
She gives a needy whine and opens my belt buckle, digging into my briefs, her small hands exploring the shape of me, huge and hard and about ready to burst.
“Oh my god. Oh my god Mr. L,” she whispers, her eyes lighting up. I can feel her trembling against me, her heartbeat racing as I throb in her grip, as she squeezes my straining flesh. I kiss her again, delirious with need, and put my hands on hers, guiding her. Showing her how I'm to be stroked.
"Oh Mr. L...Oh *yes*, this is what I want. Oh my..."
"Good girllll," I purr against her, shushing her with another kiss. She moans softly into my mouth as I show her how to pleasure me, her delicate fingers feeling absolutely divine. I'm so fucking close already; weeks of nothing but work has me ready to go almost right away.
She seems to read this as she pulls back and starts to nod, a greedy, delighted smile slowly spreading across her face as she giggles and kisses her way down the buttons of my shirt, ending up on her knees, pulling down my pants. My cock springs forth and she marvels at the up-close sight of it, her big blue eyes glued to its engorged shape as she strokes, my precum drooling onto the carpet.
"Oh fuck...oh shit," I exhale, barely able to hold back, her sweet face upturned and against me now as she strokes my cock against her cheek, an ecstatic look on her face. She turns to kiss my shaft, humming happily, and that's what does it – I'm past the point of no return. I groan loud and grab my head, pumping furiously as she starts to flutter her tongue against the base of my shaft.
"Oh god, baby...fuck. There it is sweetie, there it is–"
"Oh my god Mr. L, yes yes yes *please*."
Her pleading drives me wild and I cry out, all of me locking up; I give a violent jerk and then I start to cum, spurting hard, spraying my seed all across the room. Emma holds her face against it as I go, feeling my cock muscles work, her eyes closed in rapture. Gasping, I paint stripes of myself across the carpet, oozing drops of it onto her in between great bursts. It's all I can do to stay standing, the intensity of my orgasm nearly putting me out on my feet.
When my vision clears, I see Emma still crouched between my legs, an ecstatic look on her face, my dripping cock still clutched in her tiny hands. I'm still hard, still huge – she's woken something dormant in me, and I'm hungry for more.
"Wow Mr. L...I can't believe you had so much in you," she giggles as I reach down and pull her to her feet. I smile, her slender body so alluring in my arms, and start to walk her backwards towards the bed.
"I've got more," I promise as I settle her at the foot of the mattress, kissing her cheek and wiping up a splotch of cum from her temple, dabbing it against her lips. She giggles again and licks it off, then catches my hand and sucks my fingers clean, eyeing me provocatively as she does.
Fuck. I'm hard as hell again already, her little body doing things to me that no dick pill ever could. Already I want her again, and it's with a desirous moan that I start to kiss my way down her body, her twenty-year-old skin so supple and soft. She whines and chews her cheek at my touch; my hands find their way to her hips, and then I'm tugging my wife's lingerie off her, baring her smooth soaked cunt to me.
"Mr. L..."
"Oh shit..." I murmur in wonder. It's my turn to be mesmerized, her hairless pink pussy glistening with arousal. She's dripping wet – she's so hot I can smell her. My mouth starts to water.
"Oh my god Emma...Oh my *god*. I need to taste it baby. I need to; you've been a good girl, now you need to sit there and let me taste it."
"Mmhmm," she nods in nervous arousal, her eyes the size of dinner plates. "Okay..."
I look down at her naked little slit, the sight of it nearly driving me insane; it's with awestruck reverence that I press my face between her legs, softly kissing her swollen lips.
Her response is immediate – she gasps and starts to moan, loud and wanton, and the sound of it just urges me on. I start to suck at her folds, running her flesh between my lips, her juices dripping into my mouth. I kiss her clit and she yips, her hips bucking, trying to press her little hole against my face.
"Oh that's perfect baby, that's perfect," I groan as she moans loud, as she claps two hands over her mouth. I start to work my fingers inside her, flicking her little nub with my tongue, enamored of the little trills I feel running through her body.
She squeals into her palms as I lap her up with broad strokes, getting my whole face into it, smearing myself in her delectable juices. I'm in heaven, and without thinking I'm already stroking myself, already preparing for what's next.
When I stand up and drop my dick between her legs, she gives a long low moan of need. "Ohh Mr. L yes, yes *please*. Oh make me your woman Mr. L, please..."
She's shaking, her body all aflutter, her eyes bright and desperate as she looks up at me. I grab her hips and pull her to me, my manhood rubbing against her gushing young pussy. I feel her heat, and I groan.
"Oh my're so fucking wet sweetie..."
"Oh Mr. L," she moans. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum–"
"Not yet," I hiss, "Not yet baby." Then I push myself inside, her cunt giving a wet squelch as it slides all around me.
Her eyes roll back in her head and she makes a high-pitched whimper, her breath coming fast and shallow. I'm nearly overwhelmed myself, her hot wet grip clutching me, clinging to me, drawing me deeper in.
It's when I rock myself further inside that she gasps and arches back, overcome. "Now baby, do it for me. Go on sweetie," I urge as she starts to cum. Her mouth falls open, making needy little noises, her eyes locked on mine as she squeezes my arms. Her thighs quiver and I feel her start to spasm, her pussy clamping down on me, her whole body shaking as a massive orgasm rips through her, making her mindless with pleasure as she leaks and moans on my cock.
I lean in and kiss her again and again, fucking through her climax, my hips pumping in and out as she shakes, her tight little cunt so hot and wet. My balls ache, and she doesn't stop wailing as I drive deeper and deeper into her; suddenly, I'm ready to burst as well.
I chase that feeling, heedless of all else – I take her harder, deeper, faster until I can't hold back any more, and then with a gut-wrenching cry I start to release inside. Hot and heavy and powerful, my essence explodes into her and she lets out a little scream of surprise, her eyes wide as I fill her.
"Oh my god Mr. L oh my god, yes YES. Oh yes *give* it to me, make me your woman, mmm...make me a woman, Mr. L. Make me a mommy."
I shudder, gasping as the last of me flows forth into her, and it's then that the haze clears. I blink, suddenly realizing what's happened, suddenly seeing the situation anew. Beneath me is my son's twenty-year old babysitter, red-faced and looking up at me lovingly, her fertile young slit absolutely oozing with my seed.
"Oh shit...Oh god, Emma. Oh no."
*This is how you fuck your life up.*
What the hell have I done? |
Fortnightly /r/Incest Request Thread - February 19, 2023 to March 05, 2023. If you're looking for a story/post/user please comment here! | It is highly recommended to check the previous threads to see if someone else has requested the same story/post/user as you, you can do this by clicking \[this link\](\_sr=on&include\_over\_18=on&sort=new&t=all) which will show all of the previous threads.
To keep everything organised it would be appreciated if top-level comments are requests only.
If someone does help by finding whatever you're looking for it would be very much appreciated for you to leave them a little comment thanking them, maybe upvote them too, just so that everyone knows your request has been fulfilled and nobody else spends time looking. |
I [F18] love letting my used panties behind me | I've only started exploring my sexuality recently but I already discovered a very special kink.
It all started when my roomate gave me back a used panties of mine that I forgot in the shower. The thing is I had a pretty big orgasm touching myself the day before while wearing this exact same panties…
At first, I was feeling ashamed because the panties was pretty dirty with large white marks. But then, I could not help but thinking what my roomate could have done with this panties before giving it back to me.
What if he had a good time smelling it while jerking off on me?
This thought is so exciting I'm thinking about letting my used panties somewhere else for someone to find it and use it to cum. Am I crazy? |
Waiting My Turn [MFFF 20-30] [Foursome] [Degrading] [submission] [rough] [spitting] [slapping] [bent over] | I imagine myself bent over, waiting my turn. Maybe on my hands and knees, maybe my elbows. Maybe neither, my arms instead tied behind my back, my cheek pressed against the hard ground. Or, maybe against the cushion of a bed. I like the idea of the bed. Maybe I wouldn’t be on my knees, but instead standing at the bed, bent over. Or maybe not, instead looking over to you, waiting for you to get to me and make me bend over.
I imagine you are preoccupied, however, with someone else. Another girl, like me. Naked and tied up, like me. Bent over the bed, like me. However, she is luckier than me, as it is her you are behind, your muscular arm pressing down into the arch of her back. I look at her, watching you take her from behind, a jealousy in my eyes, a hunger in my heart. I watch her moan, her face full of pleasure and ecstasy. I want that pleasure, I want that ecstasy. But it is not my turn, and I know what will happen if I try to rush you. So instead, I wait, eyeing her, and then you, the movement of your hips, the force of your arms, wishing for nothing more than taking the place of that lucky fucking whore.
Fortunately, at least, one of the few things I don’t imagine is waiting alone. I imagine there being three of us, standing around or bending over the same bed. There is the girl you are behind right now, me, and one other girl, to your right. I look at this girl. She isn’t across the bed like me, she is at the foot of it, watching. She is next in line. Maybe she has long, messy brown hair, and deep green eyes. Maybe she has a small mousey face and a mess of freckles which litter her complexion. I look into her eyes, I see the fire alit within them. She is standing, looking almost dazed, her jaw hanging just slightly agape. I can’t hear it trough the other girl’s moans, but I can tell she is breathing shakily. She is nervous, I can tell. Excited, but nervous. Maybe this is her first time being used by you like this. She is looking down at the other girl, listening to her screams, taking in her moans. She is acutely aware of what is coming for her. She is close enough to feel it, your power, your hunger. You are showing no mercy.
You are not having sex with the girl you have bent over before you; you are fucking her. You are fucking her hard. Fast. You are holding her down, talking to her, degrading her, calling her the slut she knows she is. You are relentless. You spank her, slap her, hurt her. She is almost crying. The girl with brown hair, she sees this. She knows this. She knows that this is coming to her. And the brown haired girl, she is afraid. She is afraid to be hit, she is afraid to be hurt. She is afraid to be fucked. She hears you degrade the girl in front of you, and she recoils, because it seems insulting, because it seems wrong, because she knows that you will degrade her next. She thinks the girl should be disgusted, and maybe the girl is, but she is too distracted to care. Because, despite all of it, the girl with brown hair can still tell that the girl in front of you is savoring every moment.
I imagine the girl with brown hair thinks, deep down, that she should be better than this. She sees you fuck the girl, use her, degrade her. You thrust, she moans, you call her a perverted whore. The girl with brown hair winces; she isn’t like the girl in front of you, right? She isn’t a whore, a slut, right? I watch her look down, away from you, and to her hand, which had drifted down to touch her self. She turns her palm around, and looks at it, seeing the glistening wetness that covers it. She sways, and then after a moment returns her hand to where it was, not rubbing, but holding on, trying to smother the flames that are flickering at her core.
She could leave right now; she has the time. But she doesn’t. She can’t. Because, no matter how hard she tries to convince herself, I can see by her soft gasps that, despite herself, she knows that she really is the desperate slut that you are going to call her. And, despite all her reservations, I can tell that she wants nothing more than for you to slap her, to hit her, degrade her, spit on her, use her, push her, fuck her.
With almost no warning, you pull out of the girl in front of you, removing your hands from her back and letting her fall helpless on her chest into the bed. She gasping, weak, exhausted. The brown haired girl is frozen in surprise as you turn to face her, the hunger barely sated. You walk to her, and she instinctively recoils before you grasp her arm, and pull yourself behind her. With a swift, almost violent movement, your other arm presses into her back and shoves her over onto the bed. I hear her yelp in surprise, before she is again silenced by fear, silenced by anticipation.
I watch you lean over her, slowly, gingerly. You are almost completely covering her, your broad shoulders enveloping her small frame. Your hand runs along her side, massaging her, comforting her. Ironic, I think, and I stifle an immature giggle. With your other hand, I see you lift your cock and guide it slowly up and down the length of her slit and bottom, and I see her stifle nervous moans. The girl with brown hair and green eyes, I see her, I see the moment she realizes that, while she could have left before, she cannot anymore. I see panic in her eyes, for just a moment, but then it is gone. I look into her eyes, and where I saw nerves, I now see a new realization, as she realizes that, while she cannot leave anymore, she doesn’t actually want to leave. I see the moment that her eyes seem to dilate and widen, the nerves gone, the excitement and pleasure now all that remains.
I imagine looking back to the other girl, now having regained her breath, now looking to the girl with brown hair. She is smiling. She might be tired, but I can tell she could see all of the same emotions that I did in the girl with brown hair. She then looks to me, biting her lip, smirking, a mischievous glee exuding from her being.
“Well damn, now I have to wait for her, and then you, before I get another turn… that’ll take forever…”, she says to me, teasingly. I can still hear the tired breathlessness in her voice.
I laugh. I bite my lip, and I look over to you again. I gracefully bend over the bed, pretending it was you pushing me down. I watch you press down on her, her eyes closed, her mouth whispering silent moans. You aren’t paying me or the other girl any more attention. I lay there, on my chest, imagining being in her place, you pressing down onto me, holding me down. I see you then, slowly rise up just a little bit, and move your hand from her side to her mouth. You ease your fingers into her mouth, pry it open with almost no effort. And then, you smirk, and hook your fingers to pull her cheek back as you finally thrust into her, a shriek escaping her open mouth.
As you begin fucking her, I, still lying bent over the bed, look back the other girl. “Well, at least he’s given you a go…” I start, the sound of the brown haired girl’s pleasure now filling the room. I turn my face back to look at you. “Some of us are still waiting our turn.” |
[M/S] [A/ne] I am very attracted to my sons. Update 355. When a predatory Auntie needs some attention. | Dance class was over, and Andrea had not been able to attend. She and I typically go out for drinks after dancing but last night I was on my own. The University Tommy attends was nearby, so I texted him and he told me he was toiling away in the lab, all alone. Perfect.
Twenty minutes later, still wearing my pink shorts and matching sports bra, I strode into the building he was working in. He stood filing papers and had no idea his mother's raptorial sister was stealthily approaching him from behind. My soft little hand reached out and firmly squeezed his cute ass. He jumped, clearly startled before turning and seeing me, smirking and horny.
"Oh Auntie...Hello" he said through hastened breath, before closing and locking the door to the lab.
As he was busy with the door, I hopped onto one of the thick black tables and removed my shorts and panties. My motherly vagina faced him, and he knew I expected a good fucking.
Swiftly realizing he was not tall enough; he brought a stool to the table. Tommy removed his clothes and then stood naked on the footrest of the stool. With his thighs leaning against the table, he slid his unbending cock into his mom's raptorial sister. I adore semi-public sex.
Perhaps I was more vocal than I should have been, but I was thoroughly enjoying myself. Tommy was charged up and his tempo continued to increase until he came and nearly lost his balance. He stepped to the floor when I flatly stated, "I have not cum yet."
With my yammy full of his young cum, he commenced licking and sucking my clit until I squirted hard for him. As I did, I moaned his name into the large and sterile looking room. We quietly got dressed and both appeared quite satisfied. I stuffed my panties into his pocket. I felt he had earned them.
"Join me outside, Honey. I'd like a cigarette" I said with a leer.
As soon as we stepped out of the building, I lit up. Three young women walked by and one of them said "Hi Tom."
He was about to respond when I shoved my cigarette into his mouth, and he took a drag, knowing I insisted. The girl gave him an odd look obviously having never seen him smoke and wondering who the domineering woman was standing next to him and likely curious as to why appeared so nervous.
A few minutes later, I gave him a long kiss goodbye and went home feeling satisfied and content.
**My nephew is 19 and my sons are 22 and 27. Do you honestly think I would ever consider sharing my social media information with you?** |
Used by the Gladiator: My Shameful, Descent into Wenchdom - Chapter 1: The Box Seat [M20s, F30s][fantasy][masturbation][voyeurism][cheating][public nudity] | Even from my private, curtained box seat, high above the dry, dusty arena floor, I could see the sweat gleaming on the toned bodies of the warriors below. I felt a tight rush of pleasure between my thighs. Their skin glimmered in the sunlight as their muscles rippled, each thrust and parry sending a shiver of excitement through my body. *I haven’t been touched in so long*, I thought with a frustrated groan. My husband had been at Court for a month and I ached for satisfaction.
Not that I had ever been particularly satisfied when he was here.
I wondered what he would have thought of this, of these hulking fighters, garbed in ragged loincloths, spiked platemail, chain tunics. Some fought with axes, some with swords or whips; all seemed deadly. A hundred different styles from a hundred different places, a hundred different men and women here to prove themselves in battle.
He would have found it barbaric and pointless - and a risk to even be here. I could hear him in my head, droning on about Family reputation and the importance of decorum and how nobody respectable would be seen at the arena. *Well, that's why the boxes have curtains,* I thought with a laugh, toasting to myself.
And while, yes, it was crude and savage, there was something oddly arousing to the spectacle.
The fleet-footed gladiators were skilled, their attacks an intricate dance. As they circled and clashed, I found my thoughts drifting to speculation of their talents in...less violent arenas. Pit fighters had that reputation, after all, and some even retired into it as a career. I knew more than a few ladies who had coyly bragged about a night with one. Only covert whispers after too much wine, though - the scandal could sink even a moderately prominent Family.
It would destroy one as tenuous as mine.
An odd thrill of arousal shivered up my spine at the thought of that danger. I shifted my weight, squeezing my legs together to grind into my seat, and bit my lip. I wouldn't ever risk it, of course, but for some reason the thought turned me on in a terrifyingly powerful way.
*Thank the Gods for this private box!* I had no interest in company right now, not when I had discovered the tantalizing appeal of oiled warriors. I felt a pang of guilt at that - the Family couldn't afford it until our marriage - but it quickly subsided as I remembered how my husband had left.
The Emperor had sent for us. Us. Aiden’s steward had intercepted the messenger, a scullery maid had later informed me. The fool had thought the cavernous kitchens would mask the discussion - who did he think half the kitchens reported to?
But, of course, the other half reported to him.
I swirled my wine in my glass, lips pursing as I considered the arrangement. My lust ebbed away to a simmer. My uncle had cautioned me against letting a marrin have their own staff for precisely this reason. We were a house of spies.
*Not a problem to solve today,* I firmly told myself, draining the last of the wine. My gaze drifted back to the arena, where preparations were being made for the mock battle, the culmination of the day's events. Each victory here came with rather tangible benefits in terms of gold and fame - as well as quite a few exclusive invitations, and not just to positions in mercenary companies or royal guard staff. There were whole brothels in the Scarlet Quarters staffed by former gladiators in an entirely different array of positions.
*Or so I've heard,* I thought with a rush of pleasure, imagining myself brave enough to venture there.
A group of earthen constructs hovered slowly across the dusty ground, depositing destructible scenery here and there to use as shelter or, if needed, desperate forms of weapons. Behind them followed another cluster of the magewoven creations, these ones spun from elemental water and each emitting a misty aura to dampen down the battlefield.
I felt myself getting wet as well as I thought of what a brothel visit like that would be like. No nobles ever visited a brothel, of course. That would be the end to a Family, if the scandal got out. Curiously, the thought enflamed me, and I slid my hands between my thighs, leaning forward to try to catch sight of the fighters. The movement grazed my throbbing clit against my fingers and I gasped at the sudden, shocking rush of sensation.
Moaning softly, I shifted back and forth again, gently and discreetly grinding into my hands and the chair seat in a slow rhythm. My nipples rubbed against the fabric of my gown, the friction delicious. Each time I leaned forwards, I caught a glimpse of distant boxes and felt a shameful, gleeful rush at the realization that they could also see me.
Would they know? Would they know I was touching myself, pleasuring myself, fucking myself just a stone's throw from them?
Was the risk worth it?
I hung there, torn between lust and duty, and then from the arena down below came a sudden blast of horns and a deep, booming dumming.
The final event.
This was what people truly travelled here for - no other province had a spectable like this, and an entire economy had developed around gladiator recruitment, training and employment. Mercenary company captains, Family armsmasters and brothel madames alike crowded the first several rows of the seating, premium tickets to properly assess the warriors and their prowess before bidding for their services.
It wasn't forbidden, exactly, for nobles to sit there, but the shame would be hard to recover from. Still, something in me longed to move down there, to watch the warriors and hear their grunts, smell their sweat…
The thought almost set me off again, and I leaned towards the balcony-
I let out a deep, shuddering breath, settling back into my seat. *Just watch from here for now,* I told myself, flushing with shameful pleasure as I realized how close I had been to getting caught.
*What are you, some common wench?*
I heard the words in my husband's voice, echoing up from the memory of our last lovemaking: gentle, short, dutiful and leaving me achingly unsatisfied. I had begged him to grasp my breasts, pinch my nipples, push me to my knees to suck his cock - to use me.
I had breathlessly begged for him to use me, and he said no.
That was months ago, now, that he had rejected my needs - and my own hands and magewoven toys could only get me so far.
I*'m being discreet,* I reassured myself, idly stroking my hand against the bodice of my gown. My nipples pulled taut. Thin, flimsy, low-cut: a naughty choice I had paraded through the streets on my way to the arena - concealed beneath a voluminous cloak, of course. Still, the dirty secret had made me flush, my legs a bit shaky as I navigated Glorian's treelined avenues.
I had paused at the reflecting fall before the entrance, a ten-story high wall of magespun elements reflecting back the sights of the city. Concealed beyond was the arena - a basic security measure, as cheating and assassination attempts ran rampant at local regional pits - but a rather stunning one. I studied myself in the shimmering surface, clit throbbing as I smiled at my little secret knowledge of what lay beneath the deep hood and voluminous outerwear.
I was practically naked beneath my cloak, and nobody knew.
I admired my body now, pulling the sheer fabric of my dress tight against my breasts. My nipples created stiff peaks in the fabric and I let out a giddy laugh, excited and emboldened by my sensuality.
I shifted my seat a bit closer to the balcony and leaned forwards to watch the assembling gladiators. I pressed my breasts together, rubbing the fabric against my nipples, and watched the other boxes out of the corner of my eye. The faint curve of the arena allowed for a glimpse into the other private booths, if one was indiscreet enough.
I desperately hoped someone was.
Down below, a final warrior jogged up the ramp from the underbelly. I had heard there were training grounds and living quarters down there and I felt a sudden, curious desire to visit, to be surrounded by the muscled warriors and see where they eat and sleep and fuck.
The crowd erupted into a cheer - this must be the Conqueror. Whispered gossip of his glory had reached even the salons, tearooms and parlors of the Crescent, and I had listened eagerly at every outing, imagining him in my mind later at night, when I was alone and unsatisfied. Would he be gentle or demanding? Would he treat me like a noblewoman, with deference and respect and all the other boring things Aiden thinks we must embody every moment of every day, or would he treat me like a woman, hungrily melding his body with mine?
As the warrior waved, I caught sight of a Family Patriarch a few boxes over sneaking a glance my way. I met his gaze, blushing at my boldness, but driven by a wild arousal. He blinked, went to turn away and then stopped, frozen, watching as I wiggled in my seat and made my cleavage bounce.
Emboldened by this, I slowly slipped off one arm of my dress, exposing a single, bare breast, nipple stiffening even tighter in the chill air.
Even from here, I could see his trousers straining against his hardening cock.
I slowly rose and his hands fumbled at his waist, reaching down his pants to squeeze and stroke in response to the sight of me.
*A common wench.*
I shrugged aside my husband's words, banishing the memory as I slid off the other shoulder of my gown. Both breasts bare now, skin flushing with shame, but more turned on than I had ever been - if we were caught…
But all attention was on the formalities in the arena far below, warriors selecting weapons and building the teams for the melee.
I let my gown fall to my hips, the belt there holding the fabric tantalizingly low in place. The noble's mouth opened and I thought I heard the faintest whisper of a moan drift towards me on the wind. In a furtive, forbidden performance, I cupped my breasts, keeping my gaze on him as I gently flicked my nipples.
*Aiden probably works with him,* I mused, trying to place if I knew the older man. He wasn't familiar to me, but my Family work didn't involve economic sectors, so there were whole swathes of nobles I only saw at dull formal dinners and stuffy state parties.
A thrill of panic went down my spine. We were bound to cross paths eventually after this. I was opening myself up to shame, blackmail, a blow to the Family reputation…
And then, as he frantically fumbled with his pants, I realized that I didn't care.
The man's trousers fell to the floor of his box and his cock sprung up erect between his thighs. I felt a rush of delight - I had done that to him, with my body and my sexuality.
In the pit, the battle was nearly ready to begin and a city official began the formal opening speech, filled with disclaimers about injuries and death, while a miniature version of the reflecting fall was used on each combatant, scanning for poisons, cantrips, charms, searching per their weaving for any cheating edge.
The informant I had gotten the arena information from had told me that the falls found a fighter or two every now and then, but aside from this, the final ceremony tended to be quite dull. I reminded myself to thank Henrick for that extra detail and to tip him generously when I returned to the estate - I hadn't thought it useful at the time, but now I suddenly knew that every moment we kept this up resulted in more and more risk as bored spectators' eyes began to roam.
*I could stop right now, just sit down and end this,* I thought, stroking a line from my throat, between my cleavage, down to my navel. The man's knees shook and he fumbled wildly behind him for a chair, stool, something to support his weight.
*I should stop, right now,* I told myself, hands fumbling with my belt. A gift from Aiden for me to wear, spangled with glitterstones from overseas to advertise his trading network. I unhooked it, discarded it onto the floor of the box.
*I can't stop,* I moaned, thighs tense as I felt an urgent need building.
I dropped my gown and stood there, naked before the entire arena.
I feared someone would see and that fear fed my excitement. My hand dipped low, sliding between my swollen lips, using my own wetness to glide across my clit. The chill air gusted softly against the slickness on my thighs like ghostly fingers caressing my skin.
The Patriarch's head titled back and his body tensed, spasming. I was pleased with the reaction - I felt dirty, like a harlot at a brothel, tempting a man to climax with the sight of her body alone.
And I loved it.
My skin was on fire with shame, my mind on fire with lust. Pleasure and reason warred with each other and, before I could find my self control, I came.
My moan melded into the cheer from the crowd as the trumpets blared and drums beat, heralding the start of battle.
I sunk into my seat, still climaxing, and frantically rubbed my clit to unleash a wave of pleasure. My eyes squeezed closed as ripples of ecstasy ripped through me, but even as I finished I wanted more - I needed someone's cock inside me, using me properly.
As my orgasm ebbed away, my first guilty thought was of my husband. *Aiden would be ashamed,* the responsible part of me scolded.
*Then Aiden is a fool,* my sensual side growled.
*Besides, Aiden is not here,* I reasoned with myself. *And what he doesn't know can't hurt him. Or me. In theory.*
I signalled to one of the new air constructs, one of Aiden's recent obsessed investments. We had fought over them, the cost absurd just for making a show of wealth and power, but he insisted them necessary for our reputation, while forbidding us from attending the arena, also for the sake of our reputation.
"Who will use them, then?!" I had asked, frustrated. Everything should have a use and it frustrated me when things went without theirs.
"It's not about using them," he had explained. "It's about showing the city that we can afford them."
"But we can't…"
"But they don't know that," he said, and that was that. Five hundred mana to the mages every month for something we would never touch.
*Well, Court is a long way away, and the arena is close,* I thought, rebelliously triumphant at flouting his command now that I was here. The autonomous magical creations were starting to grow on me - their mindless natures were perfect for keeping secrets. People could always be bought.
Or worse. My spymaster didn't always use coin.
I gestured to the construct for a refill of wine and sat back to enjoy the show, though the troubled - and inexplicably arousing - thoughts of the ramifications of what I had just done began to flood into my head.
*Your Family could be ruined, you could be blackmailed, your reputation could be destroyed.* I knew all the risks, knew all the dangers.
*You could become a common wench.* I was still discovering my desires.
Somehow, despite all the danger, I couldn't bring myself to stop.
I needed more.
The battle began.
If you liked this content, please consider checking out /r/laceyleta for updates and sneak peaks! |
[MMF][CUCKOLD] Happy birthday! | Hi guys! Its me again with another update.
For those who dont know me, Ill call myself Erick and im being the bull for a couple of friends named Kevin and Kale. Kevin is my best friend and roomate. If you wanna know how it started:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Reminder that english is not my first language.
Finally Kevin "discovered" our affair. One night I had to work late so I went to sleep on Kales house because her place is closer to my work than mine is. She got some dinner for me and we fucked til we slept. In the morning we had a quickie before I got home because I needed to take a flight for a family trip. When i got there Kevin was awake and asked where i passed the night. I answared "in a chicks place" and got to the shower. Kevin asked if he could use my phone to see something because his was charging. I yelled yes and continued with my shower.
When i came out of the bathroom Kevin was on the couch with a scared face. I asked if he was ok and he turned the phone to me and it had Kale spreading her pussy lips saying she was missing me already. Not gonna lie, in the moment i got nervous. Everything happened with his consent and we hided the affair at his request because was his fantasy, but fantasy and reality can be quite different. After some seconds that felt like ages he asked me with a little smile "are you fucking Kale?". Thats when I knew everything was fine. I smirked and answred "yes, im fucking your girl". His face had a mix of shock and happiness that its hard to describe. "Im making her my whore for more than a month, if you had discovered some minutes early i wouldve let you smell her pussy in my dick". Then I took my phone from his hand and said "maybe next time".
I went to my room to get dressed and texted Kale "he knows". Couple minutes later i heard his phone ringing. When i left he was on his room facecalling Kale. During my trip she told him everything we did with all the details. When I got back me and Kale would make out in front of him but we always sent him to his room before we did the dirty. He could only hear us moan. He said one time that he didnt knew she could be so loud and her answer was "its because you cant fuck me like Erick does". I was able to hear his hearth drops as his dick rose.
A week later was Kevins birthday. As I cook as hobbie I made his favorite dishes and we had some friends for dinner. It was a good time and by midnight there were just the 3 of us. I was cleaning the kitchen and they were in the living room gigling. A little later Kale came to te kitchen. She sat on the table, lifting her dress exposing her tighs. She smiled and said she was in the mood for a dessert. I said that i tought Kevin would be her dessert today and she answered that she was craving me, not him. I saw Kevin going to his room. We started to make out slowly. She took out my shirt and unbottoned my pants while i got her soaking underwaer out. I ate her pussy on the table, its always amazing to feel her hands holding my head while she cum on my mouth. She then got on her knees and started blowing me. Shes more confortable with my size now so shes able to deeptroath me almost to the base. She makes a mess every time and I love the sounds that she makes. After this we got to my room, while I put the condom she took her dress and laid on the bed. I lifted her and put her against the wall on the side of Kevins room. I rubbed my dick on her pussy and she started to beg me to fuck her. She was being loud, she wanted Kevin to know that she was desperate for me. I lifted her legs and fucked her. Slow in the begining but quickly I was hammering her pussy against the wall while she screamed.
After she comes one time she asks me to stop. I obeyd confused and put her on her feet. She grabed my hand and asked me to follow her. She took me to Kevins room. When she oppened the door Kevin was in bed naked holding his dick with a ear on the wall.
Kale walked and laid on fours over Kevin, she started to make out with him saying "I hope you dont mind my make up baby, Ericks dick is way harder to throath than yours. I feel so good choking on it. Can you taste it in my mouth? I love you so much baby". As she was talking she spread her ass with one hand inviting me in. I positioned my dick on the entrance of her pussy but before I entered she hold my dick with one hand and took out the condom while saying how much she loved Kevin. She then put the condom on Kevins mouth saying he now could taste us both. Kevins eyes were wide open he then look at me for the first time and I shoved my cock on Kale gigling at the situation. I holded her hair while she thanked me to fucking her the way she deserves. I said that if Kevin cummed I would stop. She begged him "please baby dont cum, please dont cum! You love me you wont cum right baby? I love Ericks cock so please dont cum!". I never felt so powerful, it was amazing. She came again and again looking at Kevins face while i slaped her ass. She tryed to kiss Kevin but every time I fucked her harder so she wasnt able. After some time I was getting close so I said "Kevin, get under here, I have one more present for you". I could feel my balls slaping his face right before I filled Kales pussy with my cum. I took my dick out and said "happy birthday buddy" while my cum droped in his mouth. He was eager cleaning her pussy and drinking every drop he could. When he finished he looked at me and asked if he could clean me too. I said "I dont know, I really need to pee after this", Kale then mustered the force to laugh and said "you would make his day". Turns out they are into watersports. So I said fuck it and let he do it. He was really gentle and when I said I was going to pee Kale grabed his dick and made him cum.
After this we 3 showered together and they threatened to pee on me during the shower (they didnt). We snacked and everyone went to bed after it. |
[S/S] Threesome with husband and sister mini update | My last post was about the threesome I just had with my husband and my sister on Friday.
We spent a lot of time today talking about our feelings regarding that night and if we should do it again. The answer is yes. We both agreed that it was very exciting and we feel comfortable with my sister to invite her back into our bed.
We agreed with some ground rules, things like they can’t have sex without me present and we need to be extremely discreet about this and keep risk low. We know she’s on birth control from last night but I’m thinking my husband should wear a condom just incase. I know he won’t be excited about it but I think it’s safe.
I want to keep these posts like a journal and I want to share my true feelings. After my last post I know you all encourage a very lustful approach but paired with my lust is a little bit of…guilt? I’m not sure if that’s the right word, but this is the last thing I had expected out of my relationship with my younger sister. We’re so far apart in age I’ve always been more of adult figure to her, at least in my perspective.
Despite all that it still turns both of us in immensely and we both view it as a worthy experience.
So we proposed our idea to her a couple hours ago and she enthusiastically accepted and started telling us what she’d like to do next time.
Ill make another update when we get together again.
There are plenty of you in relationships like this or far deeper with your own families, I’d love to hear experiences for a reference point. |
[S/S] The Sisters Grimm: A Quick Morning Tease, Failing to Grasp the Basics of MS Flight Sim, and Consenting to Free-Use (Update 16) | At least I think it's Update 16. Fuck if I know. You wouldn't believe I hold a Master's degree with lack of command of numbers. Honestly, I should've been a stripper.
Disclaimer(s): This post contains G/G content. If LGBT+ incest isn't your thing, that's cool and feel free to skip! Our names are Marina (31 - author, narrator) and Alexa (30 - ran me over with her model train set once because she "likes using toys in the bedroom"). Yes, we are real sisters. No, we do **not** accept dick pics from you, your relatives, or your significant other, all of whom probably didn't give their consent to sharing.
**All sex acts were performed by fully consenting adults age 18+. Remember, consent is sexy.**
I got asked recently by someone who wanted to get into free-use, how does one go about providing consent to such a thing? And I felt like it was a good question that should be addressed publicly since my sister and I do it very often, ourselves. So how do we fully consent to this? After all, the whole point of acting oblivious / ignoring your partner is that you *don't* address the fact that there's someone pleasuring you, and it just comes out of nowhere. Giving full consent is, effectively, breaking the "meta" of the moment. So let me clear this up before I get on with the story, feel free to skip. I will provide an additional break if this doesn't interest you!
So the way we do it is simple enough. We brought it up in conversation and came to an agreement about what times are and aren't acceptable, and stuck with it. Gaming? By all means, unless I'm doing a race for a league or something. Cooking? Sure, just no boiling liquid because safety reasons. Bed / sleeping? We already established that, the "butt-plug system." Showering? Feel free to film / spy as much as you like if the door's open. The first time we try anything new, we always ask. After we established what is and isn't okay, that's it, consent is set.
Some days one of us might just not be in the mood for it, which is also fine, and for that we have a safe-word if something does happen (though we've only had to use it a few times). Being able to read the room's important, basically. Just don't bother if it looks like I've had a hard day and I'm not feeling it. Likewise, I have a sleep disorder. If I fall asleep randomly, no matter what I'm doing (yes, I have fallen asleep while having sex before, it's involuntary), then it's over, no questions asked. My sister's quite shy and doesn't use a mic more often than not, so no free-use if she's gaming and chatting with people since that's enough stress on its own for her.
Basically, just set fundamental boundaries of what is and isn't allowed, the conversation takes like 2 minutes and establishes core principles of safe sex. Remember, no matter how hypersexual your partner is, they're *not* a sex toy that's just available at a whim. My sister and I are living, breathing people. We might not always want to / have the motivation / time to entertain one another. That's what FWBs or rubbing one out is for. You know what hurts relationships a lot? Forcing it. You know what makes someone love you and think you're sexy? Respecting their boundaries. Even if it's the most casual thing in the world and you done it a million times with that same person.
Now with the serious stuff out of the way, onto the smut!
This morning I got up and took out the garbage and found myself staring across the street at my neighbors making love with the curtains wide-open, apparently they forgot to close them. Or maybe I was rubbing off on them with my exhibitionistic tendencies. I suppose it's a fair omen, at least, for how the rest of the day's gonna go. But we'll get there. Firstly, I did actually avert my eyes because I doubt they actually wanted to be seen doing such an intimate act. And then headed back inside, admittedly a bit more turned-on than when I first got up.
Alexa woke up about an hour later, the alarm clock's song of the day landing on some Franz Ferdinand. Mom was already up and out of bed by this point as well, merrily playing some Fallout 4 on my Xbox. I was a massive pile of grease and oil (as I am every morning because I sweat like a pig), so I hopped in the shower and was quickly joined by my sister. I told her about the slight error our neighbor made and she just laughed and said, "Maybe it's revenge for all the times we walked around topless with the window open." Hah, perhaps. No, we didn't actually fuck in the shower. Don't worry, that'll come later.
Afterwards, we went and made some pancakes and asked if Mom would like to go anywhere today. After all, she's visiting and might as well go get some fresh air. But she elected to take a quiet day in. Much to our joy, I'll have to admit. None of us are particularly big on socializing for more than 1 day in a row and yesterday we went to this lovely restaurant for dinner. So we were all social-timed out. Although that doesn't mean that my sister and I can't have fun.
Like when Mom was playing Fallout and I looked over to double-check, then quickly snuck my hand down Alexa's leggings and started petting her ass while she was mixing the pancake batter. I slipped a middle finger inside, feeling her squeeze it as she asked me to retrieve the skillet. Without a care in the world, my right hand still teasing her tight ass, my left grabbed the appropriate-sized pan from the rack.
I gave her a nibble on the ear and a lick up the side of her neck, and while she completely ignored my inputs, it's her little involuntary movements that did it. Like her ass suddenly tightening even more when my tongue touched her. I took my middle finger out of her and put it in her mouth, met by her tongue dancing around it for all of 3 seconds before I quickly removed it and sampled a taste of her saliva. Still amazing as always. She just kept cooking as if nothing had happened. Which, to me, was just so exceptionally hot for some reason.
We sat down with Mom and repressed our animalistic urges long enough to finish our pancakes. They weren't too bad, although admittedly neither of us were really in the mood, but pancakes are so low-effort to make anyway so it's like whatever. After chatting for a while, we convinced her to give a couple PC games a try. First and foremost: The Sims 4.
Now, Mom's played the previous entry, but it's been many years, and we have all the packs (that matter, anyway) for TS4. Of course the very first thing Mom asks is if she can imprison people like back in the old days. I told her you could do better than that, since now you can lock doors and retain a key. So you don't even have to delete the doors, you can make a proper prison. And boy, did Mom's face brighten up at this revelation. We knew she'd be spending many hours doing many horrible things to her Sims and that's awesome, good for her.
Mostly good for her because it meant we now had the Xbox to ourselves for a change. And we had MS Flight Sim downloaded.
Okay, so just a bit of backstory. Alexa's a *huge* aviation nerd. Not as much as trains, but still a pretty big nerd. As for myself, my flight hours were pretty much entirely logged in Ace Combat. So she took it upon herself to sit me down and teach me "how to actually fly a fucking plane." Of course, she didn't mention that she was skipping over the training sessions with the Cessna (which she already aced) and put me in the cockpit of a Hughes H-4 Hercules. Which is an 8-engined flying boat. Basically the exact opposite of a "beginner" aircraft.
As if that wasn't hard enough, she decided to slip a couple fingers up my skirt as well. Which is just great. Thankfully I was wearing a butt plug (of course) so she wasn't able to *completely* return the favor for earlier in the kitchen. But she still went in with 3 fingers with absolutely zero warning, causing me to suddenly gasp for breath. "God dammit, what the fuck," I cursed in frustration after getting wind in my lungs again.
"Look, you see that big console? That's where the fuel pumps are," she instructed as her thumb pressed on my clit each time I flicked a switch to the "open" position (and there were like 20 fucking switches on this mammoth pile of garbage). Meanwhile she's just texting our friend and laughing about how badly I'm fucking up. While also fingering me. Not fair. Eventually I have to put the controller down for 2 seconds and log on and start spamming the same friend with counterarguments, all the while shoving my sister's fingers deeper inside my pussy. Whatever, I don't have time for this. This plane won't start itself (well, unless I press the "auto-start" button but I ain't a bitch).
Mom comes out as my sister's still going. And Alexa doesn't stop, either. The couch thankfully hides our devious activities as she retrieves a glass and pours some milk in. Meanwhile now I'm so fucking turned on because literally all she has to do is take like 4 steps in our direction. Mind you, this isn't our first time, we're experts with this shit.
Alexa pulls out just in time before Mom comes over, tucking her left hand under her leggings to hide the obvious sheen of my pussy juices. Although it did little to mask the scent. Mom leaned in between us and asked us what we were doing, naturally I was stammering but my sister just went, "I'm trying to teach Marina how to start an H-4 Hercules."
Mom goes, "A what...?"
"A giant 8-engined plane called the Spruce Goose, made in-"
"Sorry, forget I asked," Mom laughed as she took one look at the TV and shook her head on her way back to our office. "Sounds boring as Hell. I'll be in here if you need me." She left the door wide-open this time and sat back down, immediately reabsorbed into playing God with her poor, innocent Sims. Meanwhile my sister reintroduced her fingers into my pussy, which thanks to Mom's intervention, was positively bursting with fluid. Oh, how I wish Mom would finally break the sexual tension. Maybe one day. Fuck, I hope so.
So there we are, doing this fucking multitasking erotic dance from Hell as we bounce between trying to start this beast of burden, me being relentlessly fingered, looking back at Mom with paranoia, and my friend teasing me over text chat. *And* the plane doesn't start and all the electrics randomly shut off. Fuck my life. As soon as the craft goes dark, my sister immediately scolds me by going, "God dammit," and shoving four fingers inside my hungry pussy, curling them upwards as if she was trying to ball a fist.
The tips of her fingers brushed my G-spot, and I immediately lifted up my legs, completely forgetting about the fact that Mom could just look over and see this depraved mating ritual. Of course, my sister tucked my feet back down with her free hand so it doesn't look *that* obvious, but I still spread my legs out as wide as I could to give her as much access as required. As soon as my pussy started contracting, she quickly looked around and without even thinking, threw a napkin over me. As if that was enough to stop the ensuing onslaught. I grabbed a hold of it, pressing it against me as my sister continued vigorously petting my most sensitive of areas. She then threw her free hand over my mouth so I made as little noise as possible.
I managed to hold it in, though. Somehow. But it would've been inappropriate to go over the top with Mom right there, it's not in our values to expose her to that if she was, indeed, watching. I calmed down, and Alexa pulled out, sensing it was getting to be too much. But the damage was done. There was a massive puddle underneath where I was sitting. Just in time, too, as Mom comes walking back in and *fuck me*. She says, "Hm," sniffing the air, "Something smells good."
My face was *beet red* with embarrassment. And a not insubstantial amount of absolute, maddening horniness. She knew *exactly* what that smell was, no question about it. Literally even my sister, who usually has a quip, was dead-silent. And Mom just shrugged her shoulders and asked us, "So did you start the plane yet?"
"Uh, nope," Alexa grinned, stifling back laughter. After that, Mom put her empty cup in the sink and returned back to the game. Either none the wiser, or without a care in the world. As soon as we sensed that she wasn't listening, my sister and I looked at each other and giggled like Beavis and Butthead. I swear to you that we're in our 30s. Yes, we still act like this.
As a quick reminder, while we're *absolutely* fine with Mom spying on us, she never gave any sort of indication that she's interested in watching. So we're hiding our sordid activities out of a sense of propriety and because doing such a thing out in the open without her saying that's okay is, frankly, disgusting and against our values. Remember, there's a proper way to do this and forcing others to look or listen when they might not want to isn't it. This applies to PDAs as well, so we don't kiss or anything in front of her, either. For all intents and purposes, we act like non-sexual sisters with her because we have self-control and can keep it in our pants when we know she's looking. Again, *consent is sexy.*
We did (eventually) get the plane started and airborne, by the way. And then, at 13,000 feet up, I said "Hey, what does this lever do?" That lever opened the cabin window. Which immediately caused my pilot's head to explode and the plane crashed. The end.
Later that evening, after Mom went to bed, Alexa saw that, unsurprisingly, I was wearing my white tailed butt plug. Which in the "Butt Plug Code," means, "I want you to absolutely ravage me."
So she did what any good little sister ought to. She woke me up at 1 in the morning for some late-night frisky, unrestrained fucking. I was still groggy, and she gave me a couple minutes to get my bearings, but it didn't exactly take long. With my pussy already heavily lubricated, my sister went from 3 fingers to test the waters, to shoving her fist inside without even blinking. No prep-work needed this time, it slid right in, my pussy gulping her fist whole. It took all of 2 minutes before I absolutely exploded. I'm *not* good with edging. Often times if I go too long, my orgasm can turn painful the next time. So we always relieve ourselves if that's the case. Being hypersexual has its downsides.
My pussy juice came out like I was pissing on her face. It was glorious. I'm sorry, but I *love* being fisted and my sister knows it. She somehow managed to find a mouthful of my cum, came up to me, and didn't even bother swallowing. Alexa just opened up her mouth, letting the watery fluid cascade over my face, and sloppily kissed me. God, I loved it. Of course, she cleaned up her mess with her tongue, and I doubly rewarded her in kind.
We had 2 climaxes each, first from fisting, and then from a quick 69, before she got up, changed out the blankets, and fell back asleep, this time in my arms, using my boob as a pillow. This is basically a daily thing at this point. We tease each other all day, and as soon as Mom falls asleep, we're right to work. It feels like we're living with Mom and sneaking around again. We used to do this a *lot* back in the day. I guess in a way we are, at least for the time being. It's undeniably quite hot, though, if a bit devious. |
[MF] finally fucked my boyfriends dad | Last night, as I was working up the courage to talk to my sister (see my other posts) I got a call from Jim, by boyfriends dad. He was at the pub with a few mates and asked if I could pick them up/drop them off. This wasn’t unusual, I’m more than happy to and do it every couple of weekends.
As I was driving him and two friends to the friends house for the first stop, I heard a few lewd comments - more than usual anyway. It was drunken and almost incoherent, but I made out the words ‘gobby’ (Australian for blowjob) and ‘when is it my go’ Jim laughed but went a bit sheepish, and I knew he had told them about what happened.
After dropping the friends, we headed to Jim’s place. ‘So, you won’t even talk to me about it but you told your friends hey? Bet they loved hearing about a young girls lips wrapped around your cock, you’d be a hero to them’
‘It wasn’t like that Ellie I’m sorry’
‘Don’t sorry me. Anyway I should be mad, but for some reason I’m not. It was kinda hot knowing you’re proud of it’
‘Oh’ he said then sat in silence
When we got to his, I asked if he’d enjoyed it, the blowjob. ‘Are you kidding me? It was the best head I’ve ever got!’
I just smiled and said ‘well want it again?’ I put my hand on his lap and squeezed. He unzipped and pulled out his monster and without hesitating I got straight to licking and sucking. ‘Inside now’ I muffled cock in mouth.
We both ran to the house and before the door had even shut my dress was off and he was almost fully naked. We kissed as he picked me up, my legs wrapped around him, and he carried me to the bedroom and lay me on the bed. He didn’t even take my panties off, just moved them to the side and entered me. I felt my lips stretch around his monster cock and he impaled me. He fucked like a man possessed before, a little before I would have liked, he blew his load deep in me.
I went and showered, where’d he joined me. We fucked another 3 times, each time a new load in my pussy, before passing out.
I’m going to like this new relationship. |
Allister's Corruption Aboard the Black Rose [F35/M40/M25] [Pirates] | *It's the mid-1700s and the Queen of Spain has hired privateers to prowl the Atlantic for fresh British prey. Infamous among them is the dread pirate Esme and her fast ship, the Black Rose. No ship is safe when she has it in her sights.*
It's too bad for Allister Smythe, first mate of the HMS Plotwise, a frigate on route to England after a protracted fight in the Americas. There's only just enough food to get home, and nearly all their ammunition has already been exhausted when the crew in the crow's nest spots the black flag on the horizon.
"Pirates!" shouts the grizzled man in the crow's nest. It will be his last words. A cannonball obliterates the mast and sails, sending the crew into a panic. Only Allister stays in his position, guarding the captain. His saber at the ready, he says a prayer to his Heavenly Father and thinks of his wife back home, wondering if he'll see her beautiful face again.*
The captain of the Plotwise, a ruddy fat man with a nose for rum and little else, cowers at the wheel as The Black Rose coasts along the bow. Angry shouts on the main deck are replaced with pistol shots, the clang of metal, and cries that die as abruptly as they start. "Do something!" he says, pushing Allister down the stairs.
Allister loves a good fight but knows when the odds are stacked against him. He parries the first attack from a clumsy marauder, sending the pirate belly-first into his sword. Something snaps inside him and the world slows down, as if in slow motion. Three more pirates lunge for him but meet three well places slashes instead.
"Stop!" The voice is strong. Virile, and yet feminine. The clamor dies down and Allister stands in front of a downed sail when it's slashed open like a freshly killed deer. It's her.
Esme is a sight to be seen. Iridescent black hair cropped at a severe angle along her jaw. Fire dances in her eyes. Dressed in a black leather corset, her sinewy shoulders bare tattoos and smears of blood. She may be the living embodiment of Death itself, but Allister gives himself a moment to appreciate the deep dark line of her cleavage, bisecting two perfectly shaped breasts.
"Surrender and I just may spare your life," she says. "Don't give up your life for Queen and country, and certainly not for this oaf."
"Don't listen to her!"
Allister looks around. The rest of the crew is either dead or overboard. "I want guarantees. No more bloodshed."
Esme smiles like the demon making a deal and her men chuckle in low tones. "No more bloodshed. Now drop your weapon."
He closes his eyes as the sword falls from his hand and rolls away on its own. What have I done? he thinks.
The men are quick to grab him and bind his arms behind him before throwing him to the ground, right before Esme's feet. "Kiss them," she says.
"You'll be tried for mutiny!" shouts the captain. Pirates rush him and in seconds, hoist the fat man over their heads. "You lying bitch! You said no bloodshed."
"Ah, but I didn't say no drowning." She snaps her fingers and the captain is tossed into the foamy ocean. "Now you," she says, rubbing her black boot against his mouth. "Kiss."
Allister glares up at her as he puckers his lips. Her crew's jeers ring in his ears as he leans in. The leather tastes sour and bitter; oil and blood. In his mind, swears never to forget this moment, not until he sees her swinging from a hangman's noose.
"That's a good lad. You get to live another day." She makes a gesture and three men pick him up by his arms and Allister's shoulders burn. "Take him aboard and prepare him for the hold. The rest of you, loot this sorry excuse for a ship and be back by the third bell."
On board the Black Rose, Allister's rope bindings are replaced with iron shackles. The men hook him to the main mast with his arms over his head and he twists and kicks in defiance. A bearded man steps forward with a club and drives it into Allister's belly. It knocks the wind out of him.
"Listen here, Captain Esme granted you mercy, but it can be taken away just as easily." The man holds up a dagger and Allister sees his haggard face reflecting in the blade. "Captain says to prepare you. A word of advice? Don't move, not unless you want to lose your family jewels."
The bearded man cuts open Allister's shirt then ties the collar so it doesn't fall off. He's fast. Efficient. The blade shaves every hair off of Allister's chest and his skin prickles with the ocean breeze. When the man reaches his belly, Allister's heartbeat quickens. The knife slides behind his belt and he can feel the cold metal against his thigh. *Don't move. Don't move. Don't move.*
Allister's pantaloons split open at the crotch as the man guides his blade down the length of the inseam and Allister feels his face burn with embarrassment. The skeleton crew around him laugh and point at his exposed manhood as his crotch gets the same close shave as his chest. At least the man was gentle. Gentle, until he takes a swig of rum and spits it on his chest.
"Augh!" Allister grunts as the spirits trickle over his sensitive skin. It stings for a moment before warming, a sensation he'd never felt before. His cock twitches for a moment and he grimaces for his body's betrayal. It won't be his last.
The bearded man stands up and unhooks him from the mast. "Take him down below."
It's dark and cold in the belly of the Black Rose but Allister can see the bars of a cage, barely large enough for man and he's thrown into it. The door creaks shut and he shakes the iron bars, but they hold fast. He's trapped.
Two days pass and no one has come to see him nor feed him. He can only mark the passage of time by looking at the cannon mount at the far wall, the rolling ocean a million miles away. Allister's stomach growls with every muffled shout and footstep he can hear from the upper decks. His only peace comes when cold sleep overwhelms his body and he thinks about his wife, Jane and their home in Newcastle.
He imagines himself on their bed, plush in comparison to the hardwood of his cell. Jane's long blond hair fans out on a pillow and he watches her sleep, her chest slowly rising and falling in the early morning light. Hands trembling, he reaches for her and surprises himself when he feels the warmth emanating from her gown. Oh, how it feels so good! Emboldened, he slides closer until his chest touches her back. He holds her chest tightly and Jane moans as he cups a breast. Her nipple hardens and Allister feels is cock growing, getting harder against her cotton gown.
"My love," she whispers, cupping his cheek. "You seem troubled. What's the matter?"
Allister nuzzles into her neck and kisses her scented skin. "Nothing, my dear, not when I have you." Ticklish, she lets out a giggle as he plants more kisses on her neck, her cheeks, and finally her lips, like ripe strawberries. Her soft breathing turns into panting and Jane pulls up her gown, exposing her ass against his hot cock.
"Make me a woman," she says, caressing his face. Her pussy is wet and slick and Allister's cock glides in from behind. "Oh, yes my love, yes!"
His breath becomes haggard like hers as he reaches under her gown with both hands, squeezing and massaging Jane's soft breasts. The universe shrinks down to the size of one bed as he slowly thrusts his cock in and out of her eager pussy. Skin on skin, the scent of their love drives him to push harder, faster, sending Jane into the throes of ecstasy.
"More!" she screams, bucking her hips into his to meet his cock with more power. "More!"
Allister can feel it growing, the knot in his loins that aches for release. Eyes closed, he focuses on the sound of their love, her husky voice calling his name, calling for God, praising the cock about to do the Lord's work. He can't hold on any longer and with a strong push, he dumps his seed into her, moaning into her tousled hair.
His cock recedes between her thighs, surrounded by her warmth. As he begins to catch his breath, Allister opens his eyes and notices Jane's hair has turned from blond to inky black. He pushes off her and a familiar cackle comes from the other side, where he can't see Jane's face.
"You're quite the sailor," Captain Esme says, turning to face him. Her smile is wicked. She dips a finger in her black bush and licks the quim off of her fingers. "Delicious."
Allister wakes up in his cage with a start and hits his head against a bar. In the darkness, he feels the wet sticky mess still oozing from his cock and for the first time in a long time, he lets out a soft cry.
Sunset. Allister can tell by the orange sky peeking through the cannon window. He doesn't know where they're headed. Doesn't care. His thirst and hunger gnaw at his mind. When he hears footsteps and light filtering down from the stairs, he lunges at the cage door. "Who's there?"
"Get back," says the bearded man who'd shaved him. "The captain wishes to see you. Are you going to behave?" He flashes his dagger and it shines in the lantern light. "I have to make you presentable."
The door creaks open and Allister shakes as he crawls out, unable to stand. It's only when the bearded man lifts him by his ribs does he realize how weak he's become. He's splayed out on a table and shackled to the corners, not that he could resist. The man lifts Allister's head to a cup of water and he drinks heavily, moaning into the cup with every splash on his face.
"More?" the man asks. Allister can only nod, licking his lips as the cup is refilled and he dives into it again. When the cup is pulled away the man pats his chest. "You'll get more later. Now. Same as before. Don't move."
The knife works faster this time, now that Allister only has the faintest stubble growing from his chest and crotch. He smells coconuts and watches the man pour oil on his chest, rubbing it into sore muscles and bones. The man takes particular care to wash and clean Allister's cock and balls, wiping the dried come off his skin. In the lamplight, they shine like brass. "There, now you're ready to see the captain."
Two more men carry him to the Esme's quarters on the aft deck. The room is lit like a library, wall sconces casting shadows into the corners and hidden recesses that he can't see. Like before, his captors hook his arm shackles to a bulkhead and he's left there, standing half naked save for his open shirt. Gold and plunder is piled in an open chest and Allister recognizes the steel bell from HMS Plotwise, his old ship. For a moment he thinks about his fellow crew now sleeping in the deep before he sees Captain Esme rising from the darkness.
When she steps into the light wearing a red herringbone corset and little else. A sheer skirt barely conceals the dark patch between her legs. She runs the back of her fingers along his cheek and Allister is too weak to even flinch. Her breath is hot against his ears. "Good evening," she murmurs. It's resonant, her voice sending a shiver down his spine. "Scrimshaw did a good job of cleaning you. You look good enough to eat."
Allister blushes as he stares at her. Esme's eyes look different from when she pillaged his ship. Softer. Playful. But the fire is still behind them. "That man is quick with the knife," he says.
"Indeed! He was a butcher in a past life, laboring for some sod of a lord before I freed him. Liberated him from a sinking ship. Of course I was the one who'd sunk it."
"Your men…"
"Former captives, either to a king or a company before I set upon them."
"But you kidnapped them. Forced them to work?"
"For a time. I give them, just as I will give you, an opportunity to work until we reach port." She circles around him and drags her nails over his chest, laughing when he gasps. "You sir, have a debt to repay."
Before he can ask what debt, someone knocks on her door. A young man, bald and muscular, comes in carrying a large tray of food. Allister's eyes widen. The smell of roast meat, wine, and hot bread fill his nose and his stomach growls. The man sets it down at Allister's feet and when he rises, Allister can see a cold simmering rage in his face.
"Tomas, do you know who our guest is?" Esme asks.
"It's the pig dog who killed my brother." Tomas cracks his knuckles as if to prepare for a fight, one that Allister is sure to lose.
"Four men. You killed four of my men including Tomas' dear brother. That is the debt that must be repaid. Now, I have no problem feeding you to the wolves outside. Tomas would like nothing better than to gut you from stem to stern and throw you into the ocean. Isn't that right?"
Tomas nods slowly, never taking his hateful gaze off him. "Please, captain. Just this once."
Panic and hunger make Allister ache but it's Esme's fingertips running over his chest and sides that make him shudder. His mind and body at war with each other, he feels on the verge of collapse when Esme walks to Tomas and puts her hand on his chest.
"No, Tomas. You cannot kill him. His life is not yours to take. How will he repay the debt to *me*?" She holds his chin and pulls him down, pressing her lips into his. "I will give you something else. But first, feed him."
Tomas and Allister look at her and say, "What?" at the same time.
"He hasn't eaten in two days and I don't trust him with forks and knives. Not just yet. So I want you to feed him every morsel until he's sated. Understood?"
Tomas tears a chunk of meat and holds it in front of Allisters face. It smells like heaven, unctuous and juicy. When he pushes the food into Allister's mouth, it sends a rush of pleasure over his body. It feels so good, tastes even better than all the Christmas dinners he's ever had in his life. Shameless, Allister chews with a broad smile on his face, grease dribbling from the corner of his mouth.
He opens his mouth when Tomas presents another hunk, this time with bread and wine. The flavors dance on his tongue and in a moment of clarity, Allister moans and laughs with unbridled pleasure. Even when he's shackled to the ceiling, nothing in life has been better than the meal Tomas is feeding him. Between bites, Allister notices that Esme has moved to a large chair in the center of the room, a front row seat to the feast. With a leg thrown over an armrest, she runs her hand casually over the mound between her legs. The food, the flavor, and the sights and sounds arouse feelings he thought were locked away in his cottage in Newcastle. He thinks of Jane.
"Well hello there," Esme says with a smirk. "It would seem you have regained some stamina. Would you look at that, Tomas?"
The pirate looks down at Allister's oily, semi-flaccid cock and nods. "He has some spirit."
Esme beckons Tomas to come over and she whispers in his ear. Whatever she said makes his face turn grim. He walks back to Allister and gets on his knees.
"What did you say?" Allister asks.
The captain lets out a cold laugh. "You have spirit. I told him to drain it."
Tomas squeezes Allister's balls gently until he groans, his cock throbbing. Without warning, he opens his mouth and begins to suck on Allister's oiled member.
"Oh God, oh God," the captive whimpers. Once again, Allister's body betrays him and he succumbs to mind-blowing pleasure.
"I want you to know that on my ship, my commands are final. Did you see the rage in Tomas' eyes before? How he was thrilled at the prospect of taking his revenge? Now look at him. Coddling your salty cock as if he were a calf sucking on his mother's teat. Now do you see?"
She continues to speak about loyalty and respect but Allister can't hear her. He has retreated into his mind again, imagining that it's his wife Jane, his true love, who's warm mouth is fellating him. The room falls away and he floats back to England, where he holds Jane's soft tender cheek as she swirls her tongue up and down his shaft. *My love, my sweetest*. It's *her* mouth that accepts his seed when he convulses, the pleasure pushing him over the precipice. Allister bucks his hips and Tomas falls over backwards, a white rope of come falling on his face.
Tomas is about to wipe his face when Esme stops him and straddles his neck. Lowering herself, she sits on his face and squirms with a devilish grin. "Your reward, Tomas." Esme gasps as he licks her pussy, a warm tongue over her delicate folds, but she stares at Allister.
He can't look away. Even exhausted and half dead, Allister can't pull his eyes from her gaze, can't stop watching as she loosens her corset. It falls away revealing two ample breasts. She twists a nipple and gasps, still staring into his soul. It's to break him and he knows it.
Esme undoes Tomas' pants to find his thick cock waiting for her. Rising, she commands him to lay down between Allister's legs. Her creamy wet pussy slides onto Tomas's cock with slow, agonizing precision. Like an assassin's blade. With her face mere inches from Allister's dick, she grips it and begins to tug.
"See? If you listen to me, if you do as I say, the rewards are *generous.* She punctuates the word with a kiss on his tip and his cock finds new life. "This is my offer. Join my crew and pay your debt. I've already taken one off with Tomas so you only owe me three lives."
Tomas grabs her waist and thrusts into her, bouncing her on his cock. She giggles and sighs but lets him continue, still looking at Allister. A hand finds her clit and moves in rapid circles, bringing her closer to her own orgasm as she sucks on the hot cock before her. Esme's throat and pussy paradise. The three of them moan in concert, a trio locked in hedonistic pleasure that Allister could never even conceive of before.
There is no cottage in Newcastle. No blond wife waiting for him. As Allister lets his final inhibitions fall, he unloads another splash of come into Esme's eager mouth. She arches her back as her own orgasm sends her body into a quiver. Tomas is not far behind.
Six months later, Jane Smythe of Newcastle, England, receives an unmarked package, delivered from the Americas. In it, she finds the last hope of finding her husband alive: his gold wedding ring. |
[B/S] My Sister and I Are Estranged... Except For All The Fucking (Update 2) | Hi pervs :)
Been busy. About two weeks ago I met up with younger sister again for a weekend of scandalous, incestuous fucking in another hotel. If you're not familiar with the arrangement we have you can look at my profile.
This was her turn to book the room, and she actually booked it for a full weekend this time. Normally we just do a night in a hotel, fuck once or twice in the morning, and we won't see each other again until it's time to start all over again. But this time we had a full 48 hour block in a nice hotel (sometimes we do seedy motels, sometimes we splurge on a ritzy location).I'll spare you most of the minutiae and play-by-play of the sex, because sex is sex, even with your sister. We've been at this for a year and we both know how to make the other one cum like clockwork at this point. But here's what's new:
As I've written in previous posts, we don't really kiss. It just felt weird, even though we were violating every other normal sibling boundary. But people kept commenting and messaging me that it would be hot if we did, and I'll be honest, it kind of got in my head. That coupled with the extra time we had made me decide to at least give it another try. And I'll be honest- it was kind of great. I waited until the first time we were cumming together, with me on top of her, her legs thrown way up high, and my hands around her throat. As soon as she said, "I'm cumming", I leaned down and stuck my tongue deep in her mouth. I stayed like that, making out with my sister while pumping her full of my cum as she herself orgasmed on my dick, until we were good and exhausted. So thanks, reddit! Another new wrinkle in my kinky little weekend experiences.
What else is new? She started calling me "daddy" during sex. She's done this once or twice before, but this weekend she really let me hear it. I had no idea what a joy it would be to hear your sister call you "daddy" while she takes your dick. It was always when I was behind her, smacking her ass and burying myself in her pussy. My sister has the cutest little outie pussy, and like I said in a previous post, it feels like it was designed specifically to hold my dick. It feels like if it wasn't so wet, it would be too tight for me to enter her. She evidently liked the kissing, too, because she would say "kiss me daddy" while I fucked her from behind, and she'd lean back and take my tongue in her mouth.
We got room service in the middle of it all (we never want to be seen together in public, so going outside the hotel is not an option for us). This is the first meal I've shared one-on-one with my sister maybe ever, since childhood, and it was a rare opportunity to actually talk. We started talking about times when we were younger when we had the urge to act on our feelings, and that got us really horny and we started fucking again right in the middle of dinner, talking about specific times and places that we wanted each other, some of which (frustratingly) matched up.While she was blowing me during that one round, she kept saying, "come on, bro, cum in my mouth before mom and dad get home" and stuff like that. My cock has not gotten tired of this one bit, and she doesn't seem to have gotten tired of my cock, either. I wonder how long we'll keep this going, but for now, it seems to have no end in sight.
I found out through other family that she has a boyfriend right now, and somebody even told me he kind of looks like me. A few times during our weekend, her phone would ring and she'd let it ring out. I assumed that was him calling, and it made me really excited to be balls deep in my sister while her boyfriend was trying to call her. (I know people on here are sometimes very sensitive about cheating, but get real. This is very, very wrong to begin with. I don't think her having a boyfriend or me having a girlfriend makes it that much worse or more unethical.)
So that was two weeks ago. Pretty soon we have a family event to attend, and it'll be interesting to interact with her in public for the first time since the last time, when we started this whole affair. I'm hell-bent on not breaking protocol and continuing to only fuck in hotels far, far away from our family. But who knows? I'm kind of powerless over her pussy at this point.That's it for now. Stay freaky, family-fuckers. |
Picking Daisies: Part I [34M / 20F] [Slow Open] [Dub Con] | It was a walk I made daily. I'd stroll through the park, grass blowing gently with the summer winds of a tender afternoon in New York City. Often, I sported my tweed suit, an old-timey business cap, and an armful of bound papers. There existed a shorter commute. I could high-tail it down 36th and take the back alley out in front of the deli that constantly reeked of old pork loins and arrive at the patent office in about half the time.
It wasn't the smell that deterred me. Nor was it the gross expediency and efficiency. Oh contrare, it was something truly magnetic that pulled me through the park each morning. My dutiful walk through the park was dedicated to the college girls who had made an early morning ritual out of practicing on the nearby sand courts.
Of course, for a man of my age and stature, it was certainly frowned upon, if not downright improper to make such an open display of observation of my sweet morning daisies. And, being the socially conscious gentleman that I am, I took care to implement the appropriate measures to remain perfectly inconspicuous; so as not to disturb the snouts of any old pigs lurking about. And what of my swaying daisies? Each was decorated differently and stirred this indecent man into fits of passion that neither drink nor drug could replicate.
So many days it was easy enough to stare longingly through my shaded lenses while pretending to prepare notes for the morning meetings while I peacefully sipped a coffee in the sacred sunrise. I could watch the more beautiful of my delicate players present themselves in fantastic poses, all with such serious athletic effort. My favorites were slender and graceful. They seemed to blow right along with the grasses in the breeze.
Their faces were radiant with color. And as any good daisy should, they tied up their hair in such a way as to best absorb the sun rays. Their arms were slender but not dainty, and they were never insulting enough to be too endowed around the bust. Rather, I liked them best with a round waist, bubbly and tight, a sign of their dedicated fitness.
Some mornings, after feigning my morning paperwork for an acceptable amount of time, I'd broadcast an innocent smile and raise my cup of coffee to show I'm a well-intentioned businessman passing through on a simple commute. And not uncommonly, these bursting young daisies would grace this passing cloud with a wave or smile in return.
As the weeks dragged on, I thought that would be enough. To have my swaying daisies dance before me each morning in spritely and sporting harmony, but alas, almost is never enough. One cruel but temperate morning, I was running a few minutes late. Thus I opted to pass through the park quickly, indulging myself only with the ephemeral pleasure of a passing glance at my blooming darlings.
However, what an event came upon me when their playball rolled across my path and bumped into my ankle!
Knowing that same ball had touched the petals of my daisies was enough to send my heart into delightful palpitation. Focused steadily on retrieving their precious plaything, I could not have seen one of my very own flower girls frolicking towards me in such adorable regret and apology. Procuring that silly ball from the soft grass, I turned to see my favorite of all beautiful specimens in this world. I instructed myself to behave as any equanimous uncle would in a similar situation.
She smiled in gay gratitude as she presented herself kindly to receive the ball. I smiled back with that professional and friendly smile that I had stolen from a coworker a few years ago. With my hand on the underside of the ball, her own hands grazed against the backside of my fingers as the playball slipped from my hands. Tingles of uncontrollable joy shuddered up my aging spine.
I couldn't let it end so easily, and each second seemed to be its own eternity as my gentle daisy spun and bounced and smiled in the sun with her recovered plaything. I deftly procured my business card from my jacket pocket and held it close.
"Excuse me, miss. Do you play for the Columbia College team? I couldn't help but notice your bags."
My sweet starlet shined towards the sun and beamed, "Yes, mister, we like to have our morning practices here in the park. I hope we don't disturb your work too much."
She blushed and looked out under her doe-ish lashes for approval from yours truly, and I felt covered entirely by her beauty and desire.
"Of course, not miss. I commute through the park each morning to partake in the same pleasantries (if you truly knew!). I ask because I work at a patent office not far from here, and we are looking for new ways to advertise our services. I think a sports sponsorship might be a great way to do that."
My gentle daisy might as well have been scratching her head, the way she rolled her eyes in adorable confusion. "Oh yes sir, is that something that I could do for you, or should I carry your card to the team manager?"
How much I expected from you! Oh, I should have realized. Daisies are only procured for their ability to be beautiful and look pleasant juxtaposed to other daisies. But what a perfect way to spend some more time with my innocent little flower.
"Stop by my office sometime today and I'll set you out on the right path. I'm afraid I'm in a bit of a rush this morning. I'm Joeseph by the way." I tipped my hat and offered my coworker's smile.
"Nice to meet you, Joseph. I'm Samantha." She smiled back and took off to join her garden again, tucking my card dutifully into the waistband of her tight, brightly colored shorts...
The entire morning had passed in a warm daze and I could not keep my delectable Sam out of my head. She was the perfect little daisy, her dark brown hair which reflected gold in the summer sunlight, those green eyes that could glitter with the same gold, and of course, her perfectly underdeveloped torso and pert behind that had tantalized me beyond belief for the past weeks.
It wasn't an hour past lunch when you finally arrived, putting my indelicate fantasies out of their misery for the time being. My good little girl had come in the exact fashion that I had prescribed this morning -- in her checkered skirt, which flared out like the petals of a certain aforenamed flower, and a cropped yet fuzzy long-sleeve cardigan which you had buttoned up, likely to appear more professional to this demented and deranged author.
"Ah, Samantha! Please have a seat. Give me a moment to pull out a few ideas I have for the sponsorship and prepare a list of individuals I'll need to speak to." I closed the door behind you and nonchalantly locked the door. After all, this was a private meeting in a place of serious business. What deal did my nosy coworkers have peeking in and possibly uncovering my true plans with this untouched and perfectly dim daisy of mine?
"Yes, thank you, Mister Joeseph," she said and she sat down so properly and pulled out her cute pink notebook and pen, all ready to take notes from our meeting.
Oh, what stupendous glee! Today was the day that this daisy would be unknowingly deflowered by your good author. |
[M/S] Sleeping with my son helped me bond with him and fixed our relationship | I am a happily married wife and mother. I am 43 years old. I have two kids. A 22 year old son and a 21 year old daughter. All sex, talk of sex, mention of sex with my son happened when he was over 18. My daughter knows about it but she was over 18 when it started. I raised my kids the best I could. We are a middle class family and my daughter has always done well academically and socially. My son went through some harsh losses as a kid. I'm not going to tell his story on here but one of his best friends passed away and he got in with the wrong crowd. He was never an addict but he would come home drunk and high a lot. We fought a lot. That's all I'm going to say about his past because it is very personal. He never finished high school and was out of the house by sophomore year. When he was 18 he came back home and apologized for how he had been. He wasn't perfect but he was trying and that was something.
He was in therapy and we had a open feelings policy. A lot of his outbursts and behavior came from feeling like he couldn't tell people how he is feeling. He didn't want to burden us with what he was going through. So now he is very open and we are a very mental health understanding household. When he was 19 he admitted me that he has always found me very attractive. He didn't stand close to me or look at my body while saying it. He was just being honest and said that he had and still has a crush on me. It's a lot more common than you'd think when I did research and talked about it with my psychologist friend(obviously not telling her about my son) A lot of people develop feelings for their "caretaker" figure. He told me about it. He was open with my husband/his dad too and even his sister. It wasn't graphic or him mentioning all his sexual fantasies. It was just important for him to tell his family what he is feeling and he was honest. He said it respectfully and said that he has a big crush on me. He said he finds women that look like me attractive or have similar personality traits. We were still not the best but he was better. We started to spend a lot of time together. I always had a closer relationship with him than my husband. Without getting into detail it just happened. Open conversation kept happening. My husband was okay with it. It wasn't like I asked a bunch of times. I could go into more detail but I'd like to keep the majority of this to myself. Because it's personal and to keep my identity hidden. I discussed with my husband and he said that he was okay with things happening if it were to happen regarding incest. It may sound crazy and like a stretch but if saw how my son was and how how much he has changed. I would go over a month without hearing from him. I'd think he was dead somewhere and he'd never tell me anything. We knew so little about our son. Near the end of middle school and beyond we didn't know anything. I couldn't tell you his favorite music or anything. It may have been easy for my husband to say and definitely an easy choice for my son but to me. I was in a weird spot. I felt strange for not being completely opposed to sleeping with my own son. Like when it was brought up I had the "ew" reaction but my mind wasn't just saying no to it. I took time and thought about it and realized that I didn't actively want to sleep with my son but the idea of it didn't make me feel bad. I wasn't against it. It's just sex. But I had to really think about it. My husband said that whatever happens he knows that I love him to no think it would hurt him. He told me to not consider that when thinking about it. At the time it was a big conflict in my head but as I type this today it's easier to speak about because it's pretty much a routine now.
I was on the couch with my son and I told him that I was open to the idea of a sexual relationship. We talked about it and I said that maybe we should just do something to see if I would really want this. So we went in his room and we both took off our clothes. We were just standing across from each other naked. He complimented my body. We kissed each other and it was weird. The first kiss was way weirder than the sex. That first time our lips touched was strange but I enjoyed it. I know for sure he enjoyed it. I think I was enjoying it because it felt hot to be somebody's life long dream girl. My husband is great and he adores me but there is something hot and powerful knowing someone has wanted you and didn't have access to you. I gave him a blowjob on his bed and he felt my back and breasts. I told my husband about it later just to make sure he was fine and he was. All of this was open knowledge within my family. My daughter knew about it and was okay with it. For a while we didn't have sex. We just touched each other and gave each other oral sex back and forth but it got pretty intense. One time I gave him a blowjob and then he ate me out and then after I came I went right back to his dick to give him another blowjob. We kissed. The kissing became common. We weren't having sex in front of my husband and daughter but we had no problem kissing each other on the lips. He puts his arms around me or he grabs my butt. Our daughter has seen us make out and is just okay with it. We had sex and we've been having sex consistently since then. No, we've never involved my husband. My husband has never seen me have sex with him. The most he's seen is me grabbing his bulge through the pants but other than that. It's not that kind of relationship. There is no romantic attachment. He has a girlfriend that has an incest kink and she understands. She's never been involved in our sex life either. I am not interested in women.
The thing I want to expand on is how much closer it has made us. He was already on the path of mending our relationship but it's made us closer in ways that we wouldn't have been. When we have sex it isn't romantic. He even described his crush on me as non romantic. He still sees me as his mother and not a girlfriend. It's just motherly love expressed in a deeper way. I've never felt weird or like this is some weird taboo. I don't romantically love my son. I like making him cum because I love him and enjoy making him feel good. I have developed physical attraction toward him and we are touchy but it's not romance. We've really understood each other much better. The time after sex just laying there and talking. There is something very raw about just laying there naked with your son after he's came in your mouth. I feel like I know him and we are more connected. It works for us. My husband isn't jealous. The first time I felt very connected was after we had sex and I was on top of him. He was still inside of me and I just laid on top of him skin to skin. He put his arms around me and we were just whispering to each other mundane things. I'm very lucky that it worked out. My daughter did think it was weird to see me kissing her brother at first but she is used to it now. She actually thinks its sweet if she sees it. I kissed him on the lips on Christmas after opening his gift and she took a picture of it and it's a cherished memory. We have went away together on vacation two times. We went to different places where we could hold hands and show pda. While on vacation is video called my husband and daughter and my soon kissed me while on call. It works for us and I'm happy about it. |
My Gym Buddy Used Me As His Sex Toy [23+24 M/M] | ​
This is from my series Mr. Brooks: Locker Room Confessions
When I first started working at the gym I stood out right away. In a good way. People commented on how hard I worked. James once told me that members would stop him and comment on how great of a worker I was multiple times a day. James also told me that he liked when I was there because he never had to worry about what the club looked like (minus the ladies locker room of course).
A few months into the job and I was pretty comfortable with how things were going. I started to work out regularly and with intensity, and my body showed the results.
I would come into the club and people - co-workers and members alike - would come talk to me.It really made me feel welcomed. For the first time since the good times with Tommy, I felt like I had a place where I belonged.
There were gorgeous men (and women) everywhere! Besides the belonging, the eye candy was the best part about the gym.
I remember one day, I had gone upstairs during the midday lull to do some deep cleaning in cardio. I put each machine on its highest incline so that I could raise them up and clean underneath the machines.
As I was doing my work this guy I had seen, always at this time of day, named Spencer walks up to me.
His body was INSANE!
At any given time Spencer could walk in the room and easily be the biggest guy in there. I had seen him from a distance but we never really talked more than 'hi'. He had tattoos everywhere, even on his face and hands. I had seen him with his shirt off a couple of times and when I tell you he had such a defined set of abs. Like forget a 6, he had a 12 pack. His chest and abs were also covered in thick, coarse, dark fur.
He also had a girlfriend...rather a series of girlfriends...Every month there was a new girl. Every girl was beautiful model status, you know, sculpted and thicc.
I have the treadmill lifted off the ground, and I'm mopping underneath it as he approaches me.
"Hey dude." He says to me.
"Hey man!" I reply.
"I just wanna say thank you for always being on top of everything. The gym is always super clean when you're here."
I was surprised by not only him verbalizing his appreciation...but also his friendliness. He had a very unfriendly, untouchable disposition at a glance...but talking to him...he had humility that was intoxicating.
He smiled and reached out his hand.
"I'm Spencer." He said. I told him my name as I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."
After that Spencer and I would talk a bit more than just 'hi' or 'sup'. Once when I was working out he approached me and gave me some pointers on my form, which revolutionized my workout. When he left, he said "anytime you need advice or anything, let me know."
I loved the way he dressed too. Jordans, joggers, cut sleeveless shirts or hoodies. Ball cap or beanie. His looks were always on point.
He would even introduce me to his girlfriends from time to time. He was just such a cool guy. Maybe like a year or two older than me, but with so much lived experience he felt much more mature.
Needless to say I had a big crush on him. But alas he was straight, so I knew that I could look, but I dare not show interest outside the bro-verse.
Spencer left my gym. I was super bummed about it. But he said it was getting too expensive, and there were many other cheaper places to workout.
Months went by and I didn't see him.
I had put him out of my mind. I also was moving up at the club a bit. I had started to work the desk and was a safety monitor of sorts.
One day I was coming down the hallway, and saw a beautiful girl approaching me. Big tits, long flowing dark hair, she dressed in the Victoria Secret Pink label (this was back when that brand was huge at the gym). She had a trim waist and very thicc ...assets.
Her beauty was eclipsed however by a large shadowy deity looming up behind her.
I staggered in surprise.
"Spencer!?" I gasped to myself. They were down the hall so I'm sure he couldn't have heard me.
But he saw me.
He outstretched his arms. "Bro!"
We met in the middle of the hallway! I told him it was good to see him again, and asked if he had re-joined. He said he had not, but his girl had a guest pass.
I was again a bit disappointed but still so happy to see him.
He suggested that we workout sometime and gave me his number. I played it cool, but was shook with excitement. He made me feel things I didn't know I could feel again.
Spencer made me feel hope.
At this point in my life, I had just gotten used to the city. I knew what I could afford, where to shop. I had a job that gave me a sense of regularity. And while I didn't think it would happen...I could be alone in my room at night, thinking about Tommy, and not cry.
And truth is...It wasn't just him, but the fact that I had new friends. New scenery and people that would enter my dreams at night. Suddenly my highschool life just didn't seem relevant to who I was anymore. I was shedding a skin. And it all happened without me willing it, or even noticing it.
Spencer hit me up the next morning on my day off.
*Nothing dude wyd*
***Chillin, wanna workout...I'm thinking legs?***
I was excited and nervous. While I was in good shape for once in my life, I knew I couldn't keep up with Spencer. My fat kid senses were tingling. I wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to be with him though.
I met him there...upstairs in cardio, pretty close to where we first met. I hopped on the adjacent treadmill and began to warm up with him.
To my surprise I could keep up with his workouts. I have very strong legs and back, probably from all the time spent on Tommy's farm ...and re-racking the free weight room.
One of our last stations is the squat rack. This is a workout that I don't do on my own. It makes me nervous.
He loads some plates on, and as the workout progresses, he has me spot him because he's going until failure. Which means that as he squats, I stand behind him and squat with him.
When it's my turn, he keeps pushing me "One more bro you got this." On my last set my legs are pretty much jelly and I start to tremble.
"Oh fuck!" I say just as I am trying to come back up. I look at him in the mirror and he's standing funny with a nervous look on his face.
"You got it?" He asks. Clearly I don't got it.
"Help me!" I managed to say. Finally he springs into action standing behind me and lifting the bar.
On my way back up, my ass graises his crotch, and I feel something warm and very hard. I set the bar back and look back.
Spencer is beet red and has his hand covering his bulge. When our eyes met he had a look of panic on his face. I collapsed against the side of the rack not trying not to fall out completely, then finally lay down on the hard rubber floor.
I didn't say anything. I just lay on the ground not sure that I wouldn't need a wheelchair to get out of here.
"Great save." I manage to say. He doesn't acknowledge my sarcasm. He won't even look at me, even though I'm practically laying at his feet.
Despite all this a smile has grown on my face. He's standing there, with his hands clasped together, very nonchalantly covering his hard on.
I reach up. "Give me a hand will ya?"
He looks down at me with a 'oh, give me a break' expression.
I laugh. The situation was hilarious to me, and very flattering. I lay on my back and rotated my hips to show my ass. "It's better than pre-workout." I said, giving it a playful slap.
Finally he broke and started to laugh too. I lifted myself off the ground, my legs still wobbly but I managed. It's an awkward moment for the both of us. The Spencer I knew had a sort of dark vibe, kinda scary, until you get to know him...he is really a sweet dude and very humble. Even still, I had never seen Spencer less than confident. His embarrassment only made him more attractive to me.
I get up after spending some time catching my breath. "You good yet?" I say. He gives a little nod.
I'm a couple steps in front of him as we walk out the weight room, he gives my ass a smack.
I almost didn't know what to say..."That's all you got?" I looked him up and down "I thought you worked out."
You should have seen the squirrely look that came across his face when I said that. His eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, but also there was a smile in there too.
I was getting off on the tease. He was into it! He was into me! All this time?
I was hoping I would get some sort of acknowledgement of his feelings when we got back to the parking lot. But all I got was a "great workout...Later man."
Later that night my phone lights up with a single word text.
*Whats up dude*
*chillin wby*
*** sore?***
I wanted things to go further so I replied
*...not yet:)*
There was a long break in the conversation
***Come over***
I couldn't believe this was happening! He text me his address, and after another quick shower, I was parked slightly down the street from his house. Per his request.
He lived at home with family, and was trying to be as discreet as possible. When he finally emerged out the dark, he climbed into my vehicle and was very quiet. He looked gorgeous in his skin tight muscle shirt. He was wearing cologne. He was fidgety and nervous.
"I'm not gay." He said.
"Cool, I was really hoping we could just talk about girls."
He laughed and shook his head "You asshole."
We talked a bit and I asked him how long he was into me.
"Into you? ...I'm not into you. You have a fat ass and nice dick sucking lips, that's all."
I feel like I should have been offended, but I wasn't.
" when did you notice my ass."
He laughed "Like the first time I met you. It's fat. I always wanted to fuck that ass." He was strangely impersonal.
This was my first experience but not my last with a 'straight' guy not willing to accept his homosexual desires. I didn't fully understand it at the moment.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked. He just shrugged and leaned into me. His kiss was unrelenting. It was okay but there was no passion behind it. It was all performance. His tongue snaked around my mouth. I felt nothing.
I caressed his shoulders. I forgot how extremely muscled he was. Okay I know this sounds weird, but it was like his muscles responded to my touch. There was a tingle that came from them, almost a vibration when I touched them. It was like they were teeming with life.
I had to really feel them. I reached under his shirt and caressed his chest. His whole torso was covered in fur. My fingers combed through till I found his built chest and rubbed all over it. I was like an electric current flowed from him, into me. I searched for his nipples and found that they were pierced. When I flicked them he growled and bit down on my neck.
He was a monster.
I loved it.
I saw the bulge in his pants and went for it. He helped me remove his pants. And his dick which was about 6.5 inches long, with average girth, sprang forth. A more experienced me would have taken my time. I would have teased him. But we both had months and months of wanting each other, and I was impatient.
I started sucking him ferociously. He palmed my head with his hands and roughly fucked my face until my jaw was sore. He reached down while my face was in this lap, and gripped and fingered my ass. He was so rough. But I could take it.
I was surprised when he asked me to pull mine out. I got up and leaned back, reclining my seat so I could. I was already fully hard, and when the full length of my shaft came out he gasped.
"Fuck dude!" He wasted no time reaching out and grabbing it. "Fucking huge!" His mouth watered and his eyes glittered. He just stroked it for a while without saying anything. Then he flipped his hat backward and plunged down on it.
Honestly, I don't think the head was bad. I just don't remember it being great. What I do remember is what happened next, after he slobbered all over it.
"Fuck me." He said.
I wanted to protest as he climbed on top of me. But I was in shock. This was a plot twist I did not see coming. I keep lotion in my glove box and fingered some into him.
It happened slowly. He slid down a few inches, his face twisted in pain. Then back up.
"Maybe we shou-" I started to say, but he clamped his hand down over my mouth.
For the next hour he rode my cock, barely switching positions. As if I weren't even there. He just used me as a fuck toy.
His eyes rolled back and he started speaking in spanish...I didn't even know he spoke spanish. I would later find out it was his first language.
He beat himself off furiously. After about 20 minutes of solid fapping, he sprayed his nut all over my ceiling, back seat, dashboard and me. I felt his hole pulsing and started to cum myself. He slid down as far as he could go, just past halfway as I pumped my milk into him.
He kept my cock in him until I slid out from not being hard anymore. I felt panicky. I just fucked him raw! What the fuck was wrong with me?! I would later go in for an STD panel, and was so relieved when my results came back negative.
We fucked serveral times more, with condoms. But the gentle, humble Spencer was gone. Whenever he would speak to me it was all about sex. Not even about me, just my appendage or my ass. I let him fuck me as well.
You know, I really liked Spencer as a friend. But once things became sexual we was unwilling to be that anymore. I had asked him out on a date many times. I told him how much I cared about him, yet it was like talking to a brick wall. Only one time did ever acknowledge what I was saying.
*you know we would have been so good together*
***I know***
There is so much more to tell
\-J. Brooks |
Milf gets seduced by a friend at a hotel bar | They met online. The long conversations began innocently enough. Over time however, what began as shared interests on Reddit turned into dynamic, sexually charged conversations. Despite their respective marriages, Ryan and Lily, had more in common than they could have fathomed. Each was missing that certain spark at home. Each longed for an excitement that had been lost some time ago.
After an extended period of online conversation, the two made arrangements to meet for drinks at a local hotel bar. “We’re just friends,” Lily told herself, “it’s not like we are going to have sex.” She knew she was lying to herself but it helped her feel better about the betrayal.
By the time Lily arrived, Ryan was already at the bar. She recognized him instantly. As she approached he turned to her and smiled. Without notice her self-assured confidence gave way to excitement and vulnerability. Her knees felt weak, as she took a seat next to him. “You look like a whiskey kind of girl,” Ryan said as he raised his hand to grab the bar tender’s attention. “The lady would like a….,” “manhattan” said Lily finishing his sentence. “I thought so” Ryan laughed.
The conversation was enveloping. The two talked for what felt like a couple of hours. They talked about everything, their marriages, their jobs, their dreams. It was clear from the start that they were wholly immersed in one another. After a few drinks, Ryan pulled out his wallet and paid the bartender. “Done already? I thought we were just getting started,” asked Lily. “Nah, I just thought we could have the final few drinks in the room” Ryan said. “The room?” asked Lily cautiously. “Yeah I grabbed a room upstairs in case this place got busy” Ryan said smiling the same smile that made her weak at the knees earlier. “Don’t worry I’ll show you a good time” he said, patting her gently on the ass as he got up. Despite her initial anxieties about the forward nature of the remark, Lily felt as though it was a question she had been hoping he’d ask.
Before the door of the hotel room could close behind them, Ryan had pushed her against the wall, one hand at her waist, the other firmly cradling her neck.
She was a passionate kisser, fully swept away in the moment, her tongue pulling at his as if she hadn’t been kissed in years.
He slid his hand up the back of her neck, grasping her firmly by the hair, and pulled her down to her knees. The assertiveness of his actions took her by surprise. Where this would have put her off coming from most men, it only seemed to feed her desire for him. She knew what to do. She gasped his pants at the belt line, and in one slow motion began to pull them to the floor. Right away it became clear that he was far more endowed than any man she had previously been with. As his pants slid down the length of his thigh it seemed as though the end of his impressive manhood would never come. Finally it emerged. His cock was an easy 8 inches, already semi erect, and drooling with the subtle glisten of precum.
Lily felt both a sense of excitement and intimidation as she took the end of his cock in her mouth, gently bobbing her head back and forth. “Mmmmm deeper” Ryan said, pulling her head toward his abdomen. Suddenly the entirety of his ample size was in her throat, her face pressed aggressively into the well manicured pubic hair above his shaft. Lilys eyes widened as she fought through an immediate gag reflex, struggling to breathe. “Fuck baby… just like that” Ryan groaned. Both of his hands were now holding her by the sides of her head as he began thrusting his pulsing member deeper into her throat. Each time he’d begin to withdraw his cock Lily caught herself expecting an opportunity to catch her breath, only to realize that he was stuffing it back in.
“Gawk gawk gawk gawk,” Lily tried to speak but was muted by the massive dick fucking her throat. She looked up at him, eyes watering, long strands of saliva hanging from her chin. “Fuck you’re a talented little cock sucker” Ryan said, pulling his dick from her mouth. Lily gasped for breath. Once again, her initial instinct was one of frustration, but she was entirely overcome with the satisfaction of being with a man who took what he wanted. She stood up and began to pull off the remaining clothes she had on. Ryan followed suit, kicking off his jeans and pushing Lily onto the bed.
She hadn’t had a chance to remove the lace thong her husband had given her for Valentine’s Day before Ryan’s face was nestled firmly between her legs. As she arched her back in anticipation, Ryan pulled the tiny garment to the side, sliding his tongue from the bottom of her increasingly wet pussy to the top of her swollen clitoris. She could feel the stubble of his facial hair on her thighs as he slid his strong lips rhythmically across her cunt. “Oh my god” gasped Lily as she quickly realized that he knew how to please a woman.
She grasped the sheets, as she spared a quick thought for her husband and how he had failed to ever make her feel this way. As he flicked her tiny clit with his tongue, Ryan slid two fingers deep into Lily’s gushing pussy. Before she could speak, he withdrew his fingers and pushed them over her lips and into her mouth, still lapping at her warm pussy. She had never tasted herself. The sensation was electric and right away she found herself sucking his fingers with more passion than she had ever sucked her husband’s cock. When Ryan pulled his fingertips from her mouth she grasped for them back. “Mmm you are a dirty little slut” he smiled. “I know what sluts like.” Ryan tasted the fingers he had just pulled from Lilys mouth, and in one smooth motion slid them into her tight little ass. “Mmmm fuck” cried Lily. The combination of his tongue on her clit, and fingers buried in her ass made her feel like she might cum.
Before she could think twice, Ryan pulled his fingers from her butt, stuffing them back into her mouth. The abrupt departure of his fingers left her tiny ass hole gaped open, pulsing, longing for more stimulation. He slid his tongue from her clit and slowly circled her anus. As he began to move it in and out of her ass, Lily blushed, her hands gripping the top of his head, as she sucked the taste of herself off of his strong digits. “My god you taste good” Ryan said.
Without notice, Ryan flipped Lily onto her stomach and pulled her hips high into the air. For a moment she wondered if the wet sensations she could feel dripping from each of her holes was his doing or hers. “Your little ass is about to get the fucking it deserves,” he said confidently.
“Mmm it’s yours. Fuck me Ryan. Make me your slut.” Ryan kneeled behind her, holding her by the back of the neck as he slid the end of his large cock over her pussy. Before pushing it inside of her he lightly bounced it off her still tender ass hole.
His cock felt never ending as he slid it slowly into her vagina. His substantial girth stretched her wider than she had ever been before. The subtle pain gave way to pure ecstasy as his balls pressed against her clit, and the end of his cock reached depths her husband didn’t know. He pressed her face further into the mattress as he began to fuck her with the type of strength she had always craved. With each hard stroke she could feel his balls slapping her abdomen. Harder. Harder. Harder. The last thought she had before climax was something to the effect of “I’ll never be able to fuck another man.”
Lily began to shake uncontrollably as organism consumed her entire body. “Fuck yeah baby, just like that,” moaned Ryan as Lily’s body gave out beneath him. As she fell to the mattress she rolled over to face him. Although she was spent, she wanted more and he knew it. He straddled her face and shoved his pulsing cock back down her throat, thrusting his hips deeper into her. In what seemed like a sudden impulse, Ryan pulled his cock from her mouth and sat up, rubbing his own ass on her face. “I want you to taste my hole before I cum on your pretty face,” demanded Ryan. Lily complied, giving into the moment. He tasted like espresso as she slid her tongue into his ass, taking cue from his earlier performance on her. “Mmmmm fuck yeah baby, get in there,” said Ryan.
Finally he returned to his knees. Ryan grabbed her firmly by the neck as he began to stroke his cock over her face. Lily was impressed with the sight of his ample size as she took his balls into her mouth. “You’re so much bigger than my husband,” she moaned.
Immediately Ryan began to stretch his chiseled core, leaning over her face, clearly ready to nut. His cum was heavy and seemed to be endless. Ryan had nearly coated her entire face before his final ropes. Lily had hated it when her husband tried this, but something about the way Ryan made her feel both used and wanted at the same time made her hungry for it. “Mmmm,” she moaned as he finished emptying his balls on her face, I fucking I love your cum.” “Glad to hear it,” said Ryan, “take it home to hubby so he knows what a naughty little slut you are.” The subtle degrading context to his words was offset by the way Ryan pulled her next to him as he lay beside her.
He was uncompromising, bold, and hyper masculine — everything her husband was not. |
Subsets and Splits