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Tak Punya Izin Tinggal, 17 WNA Asal Afrika Diamankan di Kalibata City | 250 | 188 | 0.265262 | id | 0.113835 | 0.0004 | Without a residence permit, 17 WNAs of African origin are secured in Kalibata City | 5.053813 |
http://readymadebusiness-media.readymadebusiness.com/Bermuda.png | Bermuda | 256 | 256 | 0.315995 | id | 0.156009 | 0.001209 | Bermuda | 5.176817 |
Tanggul Pembatas Jalan Lingkar di Pulau Pramuka Segera Diperbaiki | 448 | 336 | 0.282424 | id | 0.19091 | 0.018499 | The roadside on the island are soon repaired. | 4.601071 |
1971 1972 1973 Renault 15 17 MR 156 Service Shop Repair Workshop Manual SET | 1,600 | 1,195 | 0.344757 | id | 0.293024 | 0.000094 | 1971 1972 1973 Renault 15 17 MR 156 Service Shop Repair Workshop Manual SET | 4.191026 |
http://cdn.metrotvnews.com/dynamic/content/2017/10/17/774343/3.jpg?w=526 | Rumah Djoko Susilo Dihibahkan ke Pemkot Surakarta | 526 | 350 | 0.320916 | id | 0.031819 | 0.001123 | Djoko Susilo's house moved to Surakarta | 5.020638 |
https://cdn.yourvismawebsite.com/img/03/421dfc65-66eb-4d1d-9185-baf62ae8985c/440/200 | APULANTA: MAKE NU METAL GREAT AGAIN 12 | 200 | 200 | 0.263798 | id | 0.488194 | 0.006793 | Make No Metal Great Again 12 | 4.338786 |
2012 Ford Fiesta SE Sedan city Utah Autos Inc in , Utah | 800 | 600 | 0.307567 | id | 0.202375 | 0.000023 | 2012 Ford Fiesta SE Sedan city Utah Autos Inc in, Utah | 4.375387 |
Cara Edit Foto Cowo Jadi Cewe Yang Lagi Viral Di Tiktok | 320 | 200 | 0.287449 | id | 0.763069 | 0.001986 | How to Edit Photo Cowo to Become the Cewe That Is Viral Again in Tiktok | 3.845307 |
https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Fk_T-8QPAZTo-lEXR0VJ7gAAAA&pid=15.1 | ruang tamu warna merah desainrumahidcom | 450 | 600 | 0.284943 | id | 0.084274 | 0.000201 | Red color design room | 5.466902 |
Sungai Meluap, Rumah dan Sekolah di Tibawa Kabgor Terendam Banjir 1 | 750 | 375 | 0.284211 | id | 0.066094 | 0.000272 | River Meluap, Houses and Schools in Tibawa Kabgor Flooded 1 | 5.296024 |
http://vampiresdawn.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/VD2Titel.jpg | Vampires Dawn 2 | 960 | 720 | 0.333192 | id | 0.529296 | 0.001157 | Vampires Dawn 2 | 3.859951 |
The Atlantic.png | 400 | 400 | 0.30565 | id | 0.617514 | 0.000375 | The Atlantic.png | 4.403621 |
2013 Ford E-Series Econoline OEM EVTM Factory Wiring Diagrams Repair Manual | 200 | 138 | 0.377276 | id | 0.719836 | 0.000021 | 2013 Ford E-Series Econoline OEM EVTM Factory Wiring Diagrams Repair Manual | 3.873229 |
Viral, Pengendara Motor Matic Meninggal Setelah Terlindas Ban Truk Gandengan | 160 | 160 | 0.262417 | id | 0.0408 | 0.147791 | Viral, Matic motorcycle driver died after being shielded by truck tire with grain | 3.770883 |
Super R-Lipoic Acid 240 mg - 60 Vegetarian Capsules | 900 | 1,200 | 0.314805 | id | 0.086152 | 0.000001 | Super R-Lipoic Acid 240 mg - 60 Vegetarian Capsules | 4.495561 |
http://www.gigagroup.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Judi-Sabung-Ayam-Di-S1288-Yang-Terbaik.jpg | Judi Sabung Ayam Di S1288 Yang Terbaik | 750 | 350 | 0.284789 | id | 0.46698 | 0.002956 | The Best Chicken Sabung in S1288 | 4.976749 |
Broilers - Santa Claus | 475 | 475 | 0.359078 | id | 0.200025 | 0.00451 | Broilers - Santa Claus | 3.694427 |
Tol Dalam Kota ruas Cawang-Tomang-Pluit dan Cawang-Tanjung Priok-Ancol Timur-Jembatan Tiga alami penyesuaian tarif. Penyesuaian tarif itu berlaku bulan depan. | 700 | 394 | 0.291078 | id | 0.40535 | 0.001027 | In the city of Cawang-Tomang-Pluit and Cawang-Tanjung Priok-Ancol East- | 4.875016 |
Large Guess Tote Bag | 300 | 300 | 0.270847 | id | 0.202022 | 0.000292 | Big Guess Tote Bag | 4.32386 |
sat nam rasayan frankfurt_logo.png | 249 | 189 | 0.276812 | id | 0.399172 | 0.000611 | Tagged as frankfurt_logo.png | 4.756101 |
Desain Interior Rumah Panggung Minimalis inspirasi desain rumah 89 m2 berkonsep low budget dari | 750 | 500 | 0.310542 | id | 0.053187 | 0.001319 | Interior Design Home Stage Minimalistic inspiration design house 89 m2 with low budget concept of | 5.21082 |
cunnamulla-outback-camping-caravan- | 960 | 640 | 0.309864 | id | 0.057101 | 0.00091 | cunnamulla-outback-camping- | 4.982405 |
25 Koleksi Desain Tukang Taman Surabaya Terindah : Halaman depan by Tukang Taman Surabaya - flamboyanasri | 240 | 240 | 0.280621 | id | 0.070071 | 0.008297 | 25 Collections of Design for the Most Beautiful Tukang Park Surabaya : Front page by Tukang Park Surabaya - flamboyanas | 4.570255 |
Tiga Nelayan Pangandaran yang Hilang Ditemukan Terapung di Laut pada Dini Hari | 250 | 150 | 0.305209 | id | 0.11466 | 0.079591 | Three missing fishermen found floating in the ocean | 3.944281 |
9 Negara yang Buruk Dalam Hal Hak Wanita. | 700 | 465 | 0.272729 | id | 0.163709 | 0.000016 | 9 countries that are bad on women’s rights. | 5.660106 |
Grote panda in het gras Tuinposter | 480 | 365 | 0.318758 | id | 0.037979 | 0.001175 | Grote panda in het gras | 5.846132 |
Cara Melihat Stalker Facebook | 444 | 230 | 0.315404 | id | 1 | 0.002067 | How to Watch Facebook Stalker | 4.425516 |
Daniel Michael Karalash | 160 | 160 | 0.272334 | id | 0.220815 | 0.00003 | Daniel Michael Karalash | 4.176225 |
6 Manfaat dan efek samping teh jahe untuk ibu hamil, apa saja? | 505 | 250 | 0.325769 | id | 0.210539 | 0.000909 | 6 Benefits and side effects of ginger tea for pregnant women, what? | 4.998176 |
Kunjungan Kerja ke NTB, Presiden Jokowi Tinjau Proses Rekonstruksi Rumah Tahan Gempa | 1,113 | 732 | 0.282976 | id | 0.146226 | 0.00056 | Working Visit to NTB, President Jokowi Reviewed the Process of Reconstruction of Earthquake Houses | 5.035069 |
June Favorite Handbag | 600 | 600 | 0.293917 | id | 0.226742 | 0.000639 | Favorite handbags | 5.18749 |
Venedig_DiaScan_12 | 669 | 437 | 0.267448 | id | 0.200509 | 0.000259 | Italy_DiaScan_12 | 5.150081 |
magnetic mainan memancing dengan dua pancing kolam renang inflator outdoor menyenangkan olahraga ikan | 800 | 800 | 0.310325 | id | 0.026036 | 0.000012 | Magnetic fishing toys with two pools swimming pool inflator outdoor fun sports fish | 4.52003 |
http://cdn.resize.sparkplatform.com/swy/1024x768/true/20180718185740071252000000-o.jpg | 4 Cloud Peak Court,Sheridan,Wyoming 82801,2 Bedrooms Bedrooms,2.5 BathroomsBathrooms,Residential,Cloud Peak,18-790 | 853 | 640 | 0.281075 | id | 0.110119 | 0.000002 | 4 Cloud Peak Court,Sheridan,Wyoming 82801,2 Bedrooms Bedrooms,2.5 BathroomsBathrooms | 4.830851 |
repairs DIY repairs home repairs home repairs for women DIY home repairs DIY | 3,000 | 2,000 | 0.325747 | id | 0.123019 | 0.302221 | DIY home repairs DIY home repairs DIY home repairs DIY home repairs DIY home repairs DIY | 5.378582 |
Si kembar Bagus Kahfi dan Bagas Kaffa kini fokus ke Piala Asia U-16 (Foto: Suparno/detikSport) | 700 | 394 | 0.327881 | id | 0.076904 | 0.003823 | The good twins Kahfi and Bagas Kaffa now focus on the Asia Cup U-16 (Photo: Suparno/d | 5.042401 |
Appartement<span>107</span>m² te huur | 440 | 293 | 0.271617 | id | 0.899562 | 0.00064 | Apartment <span>107</span>m2 to rent | 5.042007 |
Prahara Kebocoran Data, Kurangnya Perlindungan atau Kelalaian Pribadi? | 1,200 | 800 | 0.281237 | id | 0.374715 | 0.003865 | Data leakage, lack of protection or personal neglect? | 5.246579 |
Samsonite Vectura Laptop Backpack M 15-16-Sea Grijs | 215 | 215 | 0.29768 | id | 0.131917 | 0.000029 | Samsonite Vectura Laptop Backpack M 15-16-Sea | 4.786427 |
Family Members | 160 | 111 | 0.268885 | id | 0.283562 | 0.000097 | Family Members | 4.303464 |
http://img.youtube.com/vi/qp4nwZDtBn0/0.jpg | Elk Calving Season – SPECIAL REPORT | 480 | 360 | 0.368486 | id | 0.040921 | 0.023114 | Elk Calving Season – Special Report | 4.887045 |
Koordinator Bidang Pencegahan Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 Surabaya Febria Rachmanita | 218 | 150 | 0.260054 | id | 0.09289 | 0.176133 | Coordinator for the Prevention of Covid-19 in Surabaya Febria Rachmanita | 4.196073 |
9300 Gambar Mobil Fiat Jadul HD Terbaru | 450 | 237 | 0.277503 | id | 0.401656 | 0.00001 | 9300 photos of the new Fiat Jadul HD | 4.615093 |
http://st.depositphotos.com/1211400/3034/i/110/depositphotos_30340585-panoramatic-view-mountains-in-iceland-landmannalaugar.jpg | montagne di vista panoramico in Islanda, landmannalaugar — Foto Stock | 110 | 110 | 0.268329 | id | 0.074147 | 0.000745 | mountains in vista panoramico in Iceland, landmannalaugar — Stock photo | 5.22682 |
http://www.karunakarala.com/spa/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/news16.jpg | SPUR.JP ロゴ | 720 | 480 | 0.31604 | id | 0.427653 | 0.002773 | SPUR.JP logo | 4.583235 |
FOTO : Pemerintah RI Kembalikan 9 Kontainer Sampah Plastik Ke Australia | 550 | 350 | 0.317985 | id | 0.136478 | 0.022616 | Australia returns 9 containers of plastic waste | 5.168694 |
http://cco-caravanes.fr/images/camping-car-renault_10.jpg | camping car renault | 800 | 430 | 0.264167 | id | 0.006655 | 0.000031 | RENAULT CAR CAMPING | 4.835432 |
http://i3.cpcache.com/product/34329849/john_146_tote_bag.jpg?width=225&height=225&Filters=%5b%7b%22name%22%3a%22background%22%2c%22value%22%3a%22F2F2F2%22%2c%22sequence%22%3a2%7d%5d | JOHN 14:6 Tote Bag | 225 | 225 | 0.317059 | id | 0.20032 | 0.000026 | JOHN 14:6 Tote Bag | 3.992174 |
Local People Visit The Taj Mahal | 300 | 470 | 0.28409 | id | 0.138879 | 0.000075 | Visit the Taj Mahal | 4.752627 |
Casa En Alquileren Panama, Costa Del Este, Panama, PA RAH: 22-868 | 300 | 225 | 0.311093 | id | 0.033735 | 0.000152 | Casa En Alquileren Panama, Costa Del Este, Panama, PA RAH: 22-868 | 5.156188 |
http://8limbmuaythai.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/3-kata-kata-untuk-persahabatan-300x300.jpg | 3 kata kata untuk persahabatan | 300 | 300 | 0.262231 | id | 0.583137 | 0.006055 | Three words for friendship | 4.125474 |
SIPUT DAN KERANG INDONESIA (INDONESIAN SHELLS) -: DHARMA BUNJAMIN | 300 | 219 | 0.317608 | id | 0.297933 | 0.000002 | Indonesian Shells - Dharma Banjamin | 3.344708 |
Fantastis! Inilah Harta 5 Orang Terkaya di Indonesia 2021, Bos BCA Masih Jadi Juara | 640 | 370 | 0.278871 | id | 0.255571 | 0.000249 | This is the wealth of the 5 richest people in Indonesia in 2021, BCA boss is still a champion | 4.632576 |
Joel 3D Name | 500 | 500 | 0.262781 | id | 0.837421 | 0.002338 | The 3D Name | 4.73317 |
Zzjdzzre ♥ Baju Renang Hoodie Lengan Pendek Motif Dinosaurus untuk | 200 | 200 | 0.270985 | id | 0.208073 | 0.000456 | Zzjdzzre ♥ Swimsuit Hoodie Short Arms Dinosaur Motive for | 4.183449 |
PSI.png | 456 | 336 | 0.262888 | id | 0.640422 | 0.000063 | by Psi.png | 4.861717 |
https://books.google.com/books/content/images/frontcover/7-plCwAAQBAJ?fife=w170 | Cara Mendaftarkan Nomor NPWP: Registrasi BPJS Secara Online Lebih Cepat Dan Praktis. Bagaimana Menghitung Tagihan Pajak Kita Setiap Tahun? SN-21. | 170 | 262 | 0.31676 | id | 0.427261 | 0.054863 | How to Register NPWP Number: BPJS Online Registration is Faster and More Practical. How to Calculate | 3.45692 |
http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.vi6_im7YdkRqWEbw2ude_gDLEs | korean makeup vs north american makeup style korea | 393 | 579 | 0.286268 | id | 0.240943 | 0.050441 | Korean makeup vs North American makeup style | 5.679392 |
Playmobil: Lote Playmobil 1981-1997-1998 - Foto 2 - 171185968 | 720 | 960 | 0.265556 | id | 0.158128 | 0.000088 | Playmobil: Lot Playmobil 1981-1997-1998 - Photo 2 - 171185968 | 4.908682 |
DPRD Pangkalpinang Minta Pemkot Prioritaskan Perbaikan Jalan Rusak | 540 | 360 | 0.306562 | id | 0.161013 | 0.000136 | DPRD calls on Pemkot to prioritize repairs to damaged roads | 4.599379 |
tulasi-slas-mentes-teafa-sampons9-png | 50 | 130 | 0.281298 | id | 0.722142 | 0.024098 | Tagged with: nirvana-sampons9-png | 3.945083 |
http://computerrepair-reseda.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/computer-repair-reseda-11.jpg | computer repair reseda 91335 | 800 | 284 | 0.316961 | id | 0.78034 | 0.000073 | computer repair reseda 91335 | 3.842311 |
Community Logging – Wujud Kebangkitan dari Krisis Kepercayaan | 150 | 150 | 0.272195 | id | 0.265123 | 0.091278 | Community Logging – A Resurrection From a Crisis of Trust | 2.942336 |
Rekapitulasi Liga Asia Tenggara Pekan Ini | 400 | 251 | 0.264427 | id | 0.744517 | 0.008252 | Southeast Asian League this week | 4.556823 |
https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5638c88de4b0ad04e240fd6c/1496866256176-P8B7Q2YV7CJZ4AQXSKSU/Countdown+Clock?content-type=image%2Fpng | Countdown Clock | 900 | 900 | 0.298794 | id | 0.242931 | 0.001275 | Countdown Clock | 5.073766 |
Pulang Kerja, Luki Tewas Dibacok Begal di Bekasi | 150 | 112 | 0.269135 | id | 0.643822 | 0.010019 | Back at work, Luki was killed in a stall in Bekasi | 4.487065 |
Foto Produk Sarung jok mobil Xpander ULTIMATE EXCEED dari sari_shope | 500 | 500 | 0.279349 | id | 0.88704 | 0.000123 | Product photo Xpander ULTIMATE EXCEED car jacket from sari_shop | 3.921517 |
Rute Kasablanka-Setiabudi Ditagih Rp595.000, Pelanggan Uber Ngamuk | 241 | 147 | 0.282181 | id | 0.310156 | 0.000126 | Route Kasablanka-Setiabudi charged Rp595,000, Uber customers stumble | 4.736267 |
Gold Era Tote Bag | 264 | 264 | 0.263956 | id | 0.206728 | 0.000072 | Gold Era Tote Bag | 5.055856 |
Nike Air Max + 2013 - Women's at Foot Locker | 200 | 200 | 0.279308 | id | 0.100812 | 0.000074 | Nike Air Max + 2013 - Women's at Foot Locker | 4.641191 |
https://imgv2-1-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/21688519/fit_to_size/149x198/d7642efa1a/1401372510?v=1 | UU No 23 Th2000 Pembentukan Propinsi Banten | 149 | 198 | 0.27301 | id | 0.749554 | 0.344577 | Law No. 23 Th2000 Establishment of the Province of Banten | 3.435147 |
Botswana privé kampeersafari | 768 | 243 | 0.360902 | id | 0.028647 | 0.000016 | Botswana Private Camps | 5.230255 |
3 Tim Mobil Hemat ITS Siap Berlaga di SEM Asia 2019 | 780 | 460 | 0.291559 | id | 0.24119 | 0.005845 | 3 ITS Saving Car Teams Ready to Run in SEM Asia 2019 | 4.487537 |
Sejumlah Ritel di Palembang Masih Terapkan Kantong Plastik Berbayar | 410 | 230 | 0.305154 | id | 0.23057 | 0.001536 | Several retailers in Palembang still use paid plastic bags | 4.239136 |
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zea0jsKLWIU/UOGiRNKumQI/AAAAAAAAKdQ/7T0c_iCTD8s/s1600/china-newyear-2013-1.jpg | Pesata Kembang Api Tahun Baru 2013 di Berbagai Negara | 499 | 337 | 0.267632 | id | 0.370176 | 0.000044 | New Year's fires in different countries | 5.651297 |
Bayar BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan di ATM BCA | 600 | 332 | 0.268043 | id | 0.532722 | 0.011261 | Pay BPJS Companies Employment at BCA ATM | 3.893436 |
http://www.fareasthabitat.com/properties/p_753_HOUSE-FOR-RENT-IN-MANDAUE-CITY-CEBU_c_2_HOUSE-FOR-RENT-IN-MANDAUE-CITY-CEBU_2582444.JPG | house-for-rent-in-mandaue-city-cebu | 614 | 461 | 0.301113 | id | 0.090536 | 0.000003 | house-for-rent-in-mandaue-city | 5.000722 |
Cara Menyimpan File Gambar Dari PDF | 320 | 152 | 0.343055 | id | 0.665367 | 0.000014 | How to save image files from PDF | 4.240666 |
Chris Evans yang berperan sebagai Steve Rogers aliias Captain America dalam Avenngers 4. | 750 | 500 | 0.296365 | id | 0.242471 | 0.000132 | Chris Evans played Steve Rogers as Captain America in Avengers 4. | 4.97425 |
Floyd Mayweather pernah menaklukkan Conor McGregor di ring tinju secara TKO pada ronde 10. ( | 620 | 349 | 0.28942 | id | 0.107294 | 0.000512 | Floyd Mayweather once defeated Conor McGregor in the boxing ring in the 10th round. | 5.510986 |
Merah Bunga Bros untuk Wanita Aksesoris Mutiara Besar Enamel Mekar Rose Bros Kerah Pin Syal Vintage Karl Perhiasan | 1,000 | 1,000 | 0.284962 | id | 0.085695 | 0.001637 | Red Flowers Bros for Women Accessories Large Beads Enamel Flowers Rose Bros Collar Pin Wrap Vintage Karl | 4.714725 |
pembayaran online BNI | 1,132 | 509 | 0.27251 | id | 0.556614 | 0.001497 | Online Payment by BNI | 4.800833 |
Samurai wattercolor | 500 | 500 | 0.280864 | id | 0.651333 | 0.000016 | Samurai wattercolor | 4.898058 |
https://imgv2-2-f.scribdassets.com/img/document/293409515/149x198/3d958bb8b8/1450268929?v=1 | Formal Report 1 | 149 | 198 | 0.274805 | id | 0.572072 | 0.000859 | Formal Report 1 | 3.534543 |
PSG belum lepas dari masalah meski Neymar sudah bisa tampil lawan Reims | 160 | 107 | 0.292718 | id | 0.153175 | 0.059797 | PSG is not out of trouble despite Neymar being able to play against Reims | 4.254074 |
Contoh lantai marmer untuk ruang tamu mewah Lantai marmer pada ruang tamu klasik | 2,000 | 1,263 | 0.274278 | id | 0.027685 | 0.0243 | Examples of marble floors for luxurious living rooms Marble floors in the classic living room | 5.72045 |
Korsel Ingin Beli Rudal AS Senilai Rp4,3 Triliun untuk Kapal Aegis | 620 | 413 | 0.265989 | id | 0.122712 | 0.00007 | South Korea wants to buy US missiles worth Rp4.3 trillion for Aegis ships | 5.21417 |
fot. Margarita Kareva | 640 | 442 | 0.260416 | id | 0.159871 | 0.06008 | Photo by Margarita Kareva | 6.54664 |
http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.5CZwjxnZhlcqNm0Pi0p8nAHaF6&pid=15.1 | desain rumah minimalis lantai autocad gambar foto desain rumah | 474 | 378 | 0.274755 | id | 0.13651 | 0.000121 | Home design minimalist floor autocad photo photo home design | 4.67466 |
http://riverisland.scene7.com/is/image/RiverIsland/682407_main?$CrossSellProductPage514$ | Dark red mini tote bag | 514 | 514 | 0.266922 | id | 0.056211 | 0.107414 | Dark Red Mini Tote Bag | 5.221945 |
Vanity Fair - April 1925 | 354 | 450 | 0.27961 | id | 0.555832 | 0.000007 | Vanity Fair - April 1925 | 5.349239 |
cara menambah followers instagram - jumlah pengguna instagram di indonesia | 300 | 150 | 0.276446 | id | 0.175012 | 0.000011 | How to Add Instagram Followers - Number of Instagram Users in Indonesia | 4.771812 |
Adakah kaitan letusan gunung api dengan pemanasan global? | 730 | 487 | 0.281257 | id | 0.113839 | 0.000481 | Is a volcanic eruption related to global warming? | 4.699337 |
Terlaris Vaseline Arab 60ml Kecil 100 Original Kosmetik Import Saudi Bukalapak | 600 | 452 | 0.34128 | id | 0.449907 | 0.00001 | Arab Vaseline 60ml Small 100 Original Cosmetics | 3.960965 |
Lazio Cepat dan Berbahaya, Juventus Tak Berpikir Treble Winner | 180 | 119 | 0.306586 | id | 0.110335 | 0.082279 | Lazio is fast and dangerous, Juventus doesn’t think Treble winner | 4.1399 |
GP Anshor Wonogiri akan Pasang Wifi Gratis untuk Pelajar | 281 | 187 | 0.262541 | id | 0.050764 | 0.000845 | Anshor Wonogiri will install free WiFi for students | 4.828832 |
https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/phineasandferb/images/b/b9/Dan_and_Swampy_with_P%26F_artwork.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090523190115 | File:Dan and Swampy with P&F artwork.jpg | 230 | 182 | 0.269951 | id | 0.238835 | 0.002833 | File: Dan and Swampy with P&F artwork.jpg | 4.935621 |
http://tanjungpasir.desa.id/timthumb.php?src=http://tanjungpasir.desa.id/desa/upload/artikel/sedang_1608293048_96418cde5e8643591e4c6a063d98170f_L.jpg&w=600&h=350&q=100 | Kades Tanjung Pasir Minta Pemkab Tangerang Minta BLK untuk Petani Dan Tambak Ikan | 600 | 350 | 0.283116 | id | 0.328429 | 0.000227 | Kades Tanjung Pasir asks Pemkab Tangerang to ask BLK for farmers and fish ponds | 4.444858 |
Tentara Turki berpatroli di daerah perbatasan dengan Suriah, di kota Ceylanpinar, provinsi Sanliurfa, Juli 2013. (Foto: Dok) | 250 | 141 | 0.265213 | id | 0.369892 | 0.000662 | Turkish troops patrolling the border area with Syria, in the city of Ceylanpinar, Sanliurfa | 4.261446 |
5 Alasan Call of Duty Mobile Layak Kamu Mainkan | 600 | 313 | 0.277108 | id | 0.185693 | 0.000036 | 5 Reasons Why Call of Duty Mobile Is Worth You Playing | 4.874953 |
Subsets and Splits