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The Kānvar is a travel, made by devotees of Shiva, known as Kānvarias of Hindu pilgrimage places of Haridwar as well as Gaumukh and Gangotri in to fetch in holy waters of Ganges River.
The Kānvar is a travel, undertaken by devotees of Shiva, which are known as Kānvarias to Hindu pilgrimage places of Haridwar as well as Gaumukh and Gangotri in to fetch holy waters of Ganges River.
How Long Doo You Have to Go To Schools To Be Biochemist?
How Long Do You Have to Go to School to Be a Biochemist?
DVHS is the replacement for consumer VHS it will have no analog inputs or outputs the VCR will be fed on digital off air or digital cable or satellite dishes and its output will be sent directly to digital televisions DTV; It will be capable of record any of the proposed DTV formats of of we will study later in this text and play back your existing library of VHS videotape.
D-VHS is the replacement for consumer VHS. It will have no analog inputs or outputs - the VCR will be fed from digital off air or digital cable or satellite dish signals, and its output will be sent directly to digital televisions (DTV.) It will be capable of recording any of the proposed DTV formats (of which we will study later in this text), and will play back your existing library of VHS videotape.
In's turn it is through growing up with Edward that my other three has learned to be tolerant and accepting with people who are little bit different.
In turn, it is through growing up with Edward that my other three have learned to be tolerant and accepting of people who are a little bit different.
Thanks you for your lovely comment Sue.
Thank you for your lovely comment Sue.
At our HP laptop repair centre in Aberdeenshire, we have qualified engineer to solve only problem associate to HP laptops.
At our HP laptop repair centre in Aberdeenshire, we have qualified engineers to solve problem associated with HP laptops.
that men willing give their life for.
that men willingly give their lives for.
Uncovering the secret of hows Hitler's personal code machine was hacked by two men.
Uncovering the secret of how Hitler's personal code machine was hacked by two men.
Tesco said, " Although the risk is small, Oatly UK always puts safety fist, so issuing this recall."
Tesco said, " Although the risk is small, Oatly UK always puts safety frst, so are issuing this recall."
He-agency design - When not being played, these toy can be used as decor in your children’s bedroom or playroom.
Elegantly Designed - When not being played with, these toys can be used as decor in your children’s bedroom or playroom.
This is the first such sequential drop in provision by the government since the =) launching the FAME scheme.
This is the first such sequential drop in provision provided by the government since the launch of the FAME scheme.
he occasionally use his black and white gibson firebird in 1995/1996 he didn't used it very commonly while in the only photo i could find was this one
he occasionally used his black and white gibson firebird in 1995/1996. he didn't use it very commonly though. the only photo i could find was this one.
Hi all, well this was a hard card to make and I admit to shed couple of tear s but Alison over at Docrafts make hosting a challenge in Sandra's memory as Sandra loved to join in them and also host regularly.
Hi all, well this was a hard card to make and I admit to shedding a couple of tears but Alison over at Docrafts is hosting a challenge in Sandra's memory as Sandra loved to join in them and also hosted regularly.
What to go what do you are having for the beta-trying out phase?
What goals do you have for the beta-trying out phase?
The only reason there are a worldwide gang of people called “Christians” are because of the historical existence of Jesus whom Christians confess as Lord and Messiah. As part of the confession of faith in Jesus, Christians not only believe that Jesus was crucified and resurrected but that he also is the Son of God, the second-person of the Trinity who is God Incarnate revealing the fullness of God. In fact, Hebrews says that Jesus “is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being…” (Heb 1:3). So when it comes to this like 100% like Jesus… that is, Jesus is God in which is to followed point to Jesus. And it’s not just that Jesus is like God but that God is 100% like Jesus… that is, Jesus is God in living flesh and he calls us to follow him.
The only reason there is a worldwide group of people called “Christians” is because of the historical existence of Jesus, whom Christians confess as Lord and Messiah. As part of the confession of faith in Jesus, Christians not only believe that Jesus was crucified and resurrected but that he also is the Son of God, the second-person of the Trinity who is God Incarnate revealing the fullness of God. In fact, Hebrews says that Jesus “is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being…” (Heb 1:3). So when it comes to the question of who God is, Christians point to Jesus. And it’s not just that Jesus is like God but that God is 100% like Jesus… that is, Jesus is God in living flesh and he calls us to follow him.
Catrib also pointed out that sometimes your plan does not work out and that is okay ~ ^ ^
Catrib also pointed out that sometimes your plan does not work out and that is okay.
Dr Hill's team discovered that passed current through cartilage made the tissue more malleable.
Dr Hill's team discovered that passing current through cartilage made the tissue more malleable.
1, Auto identification procolor bai rate, eleminating the disadvantage of using dial switch traditionally.
1, Auto identification protocol, baud rate, eliminate the disadvantage of using dial switch traditionally.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Fresh off their first ever playoffes win the L.A Kings, the Golden Knights are now gearing up to go for a second win in the saeries on Friday.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Fresh off their first-ever playoff win against the L.A. Kings, the Golden Knights are now gearing up to go for a second win in the series on Friday.
April 23: 23 - 12 pm - A Complete,,,) Thank you!!
April 23: 9 - 12 pm - Complete & thank you!
A wifi module has an inherent micro controller unit (MCU) which users can freely download own programs developed on having separate development environment (IDE)
The WiFi module has an inherent micro controller unit (MCU) on which users can download their own programs developed on separate development environment (IDE).
I'm thankful for a league president who makes my job as a secretary in easy.
I'm thankful for a league president who makes my job as secretary easy.
What gets for Karnal pincode?
How to get Karnal pincode?
Stunningly? beautiful inspiring and TRUE!
Stunningly beautiful inspiring and TRUE!
You can have hands-on experience with for the whole SDLC: Requirement, Design, Code, Test, Deploy
You have hands-on experience with the whole SDLC: Requirement, Design, Code, Test, Deploy.
Food is enticing, and a great ice-breaker to ease into the religion role of things.
Food is enticing, and a great ice-breaker to ease into the religion idea of things.
An ew study finds that similar downpours can now be expected every 30 years
A new study finds that similar downpours can now be expected every 30 years.
Thanks for calling us know which everything besides worked.
Thanks for letting us know everything worked.
SuDS management train 2 flow got treatment through two biodiverse rain garden method of infiltration and final large storage/conveyance swale.
SuDS management train 2 flow received treatment through two biodiverse rain garden infiltration basins and the final large storage/conveyance swale.
Approximately 50 volunteers assisted with Wollongong’s fist of Homeless Street Count on 19 February.
Approximately 50 volunteers assisted with Wollongong’s first ever Homeless Street Count on 19 February.
It is powered by a 2.2GHz octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 626 processor with 3GB/ 4GB of RAM and Adreno 506 GPU device came on 32GB/ 64GB of internal memory and expanded 256GB via microSD card bot.
It is powered by a 2.2GHz octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 626 processor with 3GB/ 4GB of RAM and Adreno 506 GPU. The device comes with a 32GB/ 64GB of internal memory and expands 256GB via microSD card slot.
Labour shortage continue to trouble small and medium-sized businesses in the third quarter of 2018, with the job vacancy rate rising at 3.3 per cent, according to the latest Help Wanted report released on Tuesday by The Canadian Federation of Independent Business.
Labour shortages continue to trouble small and medium-sized businesses in the third quarter of 2018, with the job vacancy rate rising to 3.3 per cent, according to the latest Help Wanted report released on Tuesday by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.
Week 13: Sunday, Dec. 2, Minnesota,s 4:25 p.m.
Week 13: Sunday, Dec. 2, Minnesota, 4:25 p.m.
If you recognize the youngwoman's your family photographs / or / or research work, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
If you recognize the young woman from your family photographs and/or research, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Don J. Easterbrook, PhD, a Emeritus Professor of Geology, Western Washington, University, Bellingham, Washington, U..
Don J. Easterbrook, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Geology, Western Washington, University, Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A.
training, recommender par to the public; and VCIT meeting Minutes.
training, guidance to the public, and VCIT meeting minutes.
46 minutes ago after it 40 seconds into play.
46 minutes ago after 40 seconds of playing.
My parting words it to enjoy life, respect the boundaries of your health and body, feed amazingly nourishing foods, move your body in a way that brings you happiness, and surround yourself with People that hove a similar lifestyle and mind.
My parting words are to enjoy life, respect the boundaries of your health and body, feed yourself amazingly nourishing foods, move your body in a way that brings you happiness, and surround yourself with people that choose a similar lifestyle and mindset.
Foriegn energy efficent, some of Lennox furnaces are ENERGY STAR® certified ability to adjust air flow based on whether stage 1 or 2 A/C or Furnace is nice.
Energy-efficient, some Lennox furnaces are ENERGY STAR® certified, The ability to adjust air flow based on whether stage 1 or 2 A/C or Furnace is nice.
Refunds for gift-card based transaction sare not available under any circumstances.
Refunds for gift-card based transactions are not available under any circumstances.
I that possible with slim?
Is that possible with slim?
With all of this powerful energy focused in one place, within the heart, mind and body of suffering brother or sister, we can assure ourselves that the right course will be taken by their personal spirit to follow its soul path in form or without, for ultimately, God rules all.
With all of this powerful energy focused at one point, within the heart, mind and body of the suffering brother or sister, we can feel assured that the right course will be taken by their personal spirit to follow its soul path, in form or without, for ultimately, God rules all.
The Labour’s thirsty for positive change has been enhanced to many fairer and more liberal Canada battles in current year wars which bring increased female labours with female dominance in world and contributed to creation of a united kingdom between the two sides which brings generations of women closer and woman have assured gender equality will continue to be a major preoccupation for Canadian unions.
Labour’s thirst for positive change can also be seen in the many battles for a fairer and more progressive Canada. The increasing role and influence played by women in the labour movement has assured that gender equality will continue to be a major preoccupation for Canadian unions.
TOKYO, Japan (Reuters) - The International Weightlifting Federation hopes that “innovative and creative” rules for nations who have violated anti-doping regulations will secure the long term future of the training in program at the Olympic.
TOKYO, Japan (Reuters) - The International Weightlifting Federation hopes that “innovative and creative” rules targeting nations who have violated anti-doping regulations will secure the long term future of the sport in the Olympic program.
How I choose the right giftfor the right person?
How do I choose the right gift for the right person?
James Wells, a second year, said: “If you’re slightly weird, a bit more walled street or just unusual, you typies the Cambridge aesthetic.
James Wells, a second year, said: “If you’re slightly weird, a bit more street or just unusual, you typify the Cambridge aesthetic.
It provides another month as a schedule and introduce a meeting.
It takes another month to schedule and have a meeting.
To provide your address you'll be able to watch specials offer and promoting available on your area for you.
By providing your address, you'll be able to view special offers and promotions available in your area.
Searchable usb kit SOFIA NIEVES indeed.
Search Archives for SOFIA NIEVES.
The excellent quality of our prodcts has been confirmed and recognize by Polish and international textile industry expert.
The excellent quality of our products has been confirmed and recognised by both Polish and international textile industry experts.
Dorothy are, you're a woman after my own heart--and my own name!
Dorothy, you're a woman after my own heart--and my own name!
When we are doing something “to” or “for” someone it change some of terms.
When we are doing something “to” or “for” someone some of the pronouns change.
Adjoining Brisbane and Logan suburb.
Adjoining Brisbane and Logan suburbs.
Hult, G T. Snow C. & Kandemir, D (2003) The role to entrepreneurship in building cultural competitiveness in different organizational types: journal of management, 29(3) 401–426.
Hult, G. T. Snow, C. & Kandemir, D (2003). The Role of Entrepreneurship in Building Cultural Competitiveness in Different Organizational Types, Journal of Management, 29(3) 401–426.
You haven't log in yet!
You haven't logged in yet!
The Florey Medal is biennial award that's previously recognised lifetime achievement in biomedical research of eminenet researchers such as Professsor Graeme Clark, Professor Ian Frazer and Professor Ruth Bishop.
The Florey Medal is a biennial award that has previously recognised lifetime achievements in biomedical research of eminenet researchers such as Professsor Graeme Clark, Professor Ian Frazer and Professor Ruth Bishop.
In the case of bake sweet potatoes as a vegetable processed product, it is not manditory to examine the nutritional composition of Korean law at present.
In the case of baked sweet potatoes, as a vegetable processed product, it is not mandatory to examine the nutritional composition in Korean law at present.
My review with my I did pics and thoughts on the dishes I’ve tried was in the recipe.
My review with my pics and thoughts on the dishes I’ve tried is below the recipe.
The role for brilliancy and scintillation rather that diamond stability resistance to heat.
The role for brilliance and scintillation rather than diamond stability resistance to heat.
Wen you need help of a Auto Locksmith alverstoke look no further than our-team of experts who are always on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
When you need the help of an Auto Locksmith Alverstoke look no further than our team of experts who are always on call 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
They are also an epitomes of snows.
They are also the epitome of summer.
The manner in which you Personal Data is kept secure is further described in our security policy available in each local jurisdiction.
The manner in which your Personal Data is kept secure is further described in our security policy available in each local jurisdiction.
Dementia, a brain injuries, or other disabilities can make it difficult or impossible for someone to make decision about his or her health care, money, living arrangements or an other personall matters.
Dementia, brain injuries, or other disabilities can make it difficult or impossible for someone to make decisions about their health care, money, living arrangements, or other personal matters.
I'm coming for first time and shall be solo- so hopefully I'll be able to have fly in early as well as come along and meeting some 9 peoples!
I'm coming for the first time and shall be solo- so hopefully I'll be able to fly in early enough to come along and meet some peoples!
By yeah they love AOC. Poor Pelosi dont’t know a date.
Yeah. They love AOC. Poor Pelosi won’t have a date.
The Toyota/Save Mart 350 nearly became a strategy race, a trick play was follow becoming the winning move of race.
The Toyota/Save Mart 350 quickly became a strategic race, with a trick play eventually becoming the winning move of the race.
The gospel message fulfill Old Testament, therefor I am dischrage my evangelical duties when I talk about prophecy.
The gospel message fulfills the Old Testament, therefore I am discharging my evangelical duties when I talk about prophecy.
All returned goods must be sent to Born2Shop 2014 Limited at the following adress: Born2Shop 2014 Limited, PO Box 1327, Pukekohe, South Auckland, New Zealand.
All returned goods must be sent to Born2Shop 2014 Limited at the following address: Born2Shop 2014 Limited, PO Box 1327, Pukekohe, South Auckland, New Zealand.
That none has ever spent time at Camp Lejeune, a sprawling base of 25,000 service members and the Corps' largest on the Atlantic coast, didn't matter in Jacksonville; it consisted of Marines.
That none ever spent time at Camp Lejeune, a sprawling base of 25,000 service members and the Corps' largest on the Atlantic coast, didn't matter in Jacksonville. They were Marines.
Live from Metro Centre on NH-13 in Hellifax, Nova Scotia, the highest designation-eligible prospects come together at the 18 in Top Prospect Game for 2008.
Live from Metro Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the top draft-eligible prospects come together at the 18th annual CHL/NHL Top Prospects Game.
We plan to attend the evening Saterday concert.
We plan to attend the Saturday evening concert.
I use CFSM to made managing my Song Library easier.
I use CFSM to make managing my Song Library easier.
The Parent allowed the refs as greatest 38 points passing-outs in the league to Trelawn Snedeker passed on 2014 but a 3 time All-star last season from insurance companies and dealer ingtableoutfits Glove award winner outfielder.Kemp hit .290 with 25 doubles, 21 HR and 85 RBI.I feel bad about the whole thing but all good things must come to an end some time.The most players in ParentGlove player are Parent said.The Bears who allowed 58 points per game to their opponents which ranks them 4th at the nation.
Snedeker missed the cut in 2014 but obviously played well last week down the road.A three-time All-Star, including last season, a two-time Rawlings Gold Glove Award-winning outfielder, Kemp hit .290 with 25 doubles, 21 HR and 85 RBI.I feel bad about the whole thing but all good things must come to an end some time, Parent said.The Bears allow 58 points per game to their opponents which ranks them 4th in the nation.
Speakers Bils Hoffman of AWARMANTY and Bill Stuempfig of Surfrider Foundation in South Jersey will lead a presentation on harvest of water and controlling runoff.
Speakers Bill Hoffman of American Water Management and Bill Stuempfig of Surfrider Foundation South Jersey will lead a presentation on water harvesting and controlling runoff.
Dolphin-safe Tuna and creamy mayonnaise is lovingly blended themselves together to make one of the world’s favorite comfort food.
Dolphin-safe Tuna and creamy mayonnaise is lovingly blended together to make one of the world’s favorite comfort foods.
small spreading crushing machine widely applate PE laboratory stone jaw crusher Lab stone jaw crusher machine small construction waste crusher/ small stone crushing screening plant manufacturer supply specifications and narrow stone crusher.
small crushing machine widely used PE laboratory stone jaw crusher . Lab stone jaw crusher machine /small construction waste crusher/ small stone . crushing screening plant manufacturer supply specifications and small stone crusher.
Is my s portfolio big enough that I could permanently lose a large part of my investment and not worry about it?
Is my portfolio big enough that I could permanently lose a large part of my investment and not worry about it?
On 6 April, S&P upgrading Bankia’s rating- notch from BBB- to BBB.
On 6 April, S&P upgraded Bankia’s rating a notch from BBB- to BBB.
Home page photo, a Sunset at Montgey', Colin Dunco Taylor, July 2018.
Home page photo: ‘Sunset at Montgey’. Colin Duncan Taylor, July 2018.
After 9/11, the nanoemulsion product underwent some testing in the course of the decontamination by the Senate buidings.
After 9/11, the nanoemulsion product underwent some testing in the course of the decontamination of the Senate buildings.
Besides Jesus, twe robbers were also were crucified along with Jesus.
Besides Jesus, two robbers were also crucified along with Jesus.
Our majors aim to have competitive advantage because our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of employer and graduate schools professions.
Our economics majors graduate with a competitive advantage because our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of employers and graduate schools.
All things Aramark Program-related will be posted easy soon on SV Band's website
All things Aramark Program-related will be posted and available soon on the Band Boosters page of the SV Band website
The Junkanoo Nymph and his designers' team are expected to make a couetsy call to her excellency Dame Marguerite, governor general of Government House and of course interact with patrons at the July festival.
The Junkanoo Nymph and her team of designers are expected to make a Courtesy Call on Her Excellency Dame Marguerite, Governor General at Government House and of course, interact with patrons at the July festival.
historic quest (aka,Caliphate_Returns) to destroy all oppose its’ world conquest agenda -“convert or die, infidel”.
historic quest (aka,Caliphate_Returns) to destroy all who oppose its’ world conquest agenda -“convert or die, infidel”.
Q-3), How many luxury buses is operated in Shree Khurana Travels between Parbhani and Amravati?
Q-3). How many luxury buses are operated by Shree Khurana Travels between Parbhani and Amravati?
Recent research analyst Matthew Putland has also been heavily involved with the recent social media update, including the addition of Instagram which wasnt yet in original resource of human.
Research analyst Matthew Putland was also heavily involved in the recent social media update, including the addition of Instagram, which wasn’t in the original resource.
Onboard Training and Safety opportunities – Master Mariners and Chief engineers with oil and chemical, and quite dry cargo experience.
Onboard Safety and Training opportunities – Master Mariners and Chief engineers with oil and chemical, and dry cargo experience.
Clark University President John Bassett today (April 29) announced the establishment of the Ruth and John Adam Education Fund., a gift of more than $14.2 million made to enhance Clark’s nationally recognized model for urban secondary education and reform, teacher-training and community education partnerships.
Clark University President John Bassett today (April 29) announced the establishment of the Ruth and John Adam Education Fund, a gift of more than $14.2 million made to enhance Clark’s nationally recognized model for urban secondary education and reform, teacher-training and community education partnerships.
Chai Spice - it 10 ct.
Chai Spice - 10 ct.
However, a Spokesperson of; Dorset Police" said: "The Payment of our 2018 policing services invoice totaled £141,176 to meet our policing of both's Bestival trip and lestival's empires is an outstanding and we’ve not any full or part payments for this.
However, a spokesperson from Dorset Police said: "The payment of our 2018 policing services invoice, totalling £141,176 to cover our policing of both Camp Bestival and Bestival is still outstanding and we’ve not received any full or part payment towards this.
Enroute LAB is industrial design, research and development company of unmanned robotic vehicles.
Enroute LAB is an industrial design, research and development company of unmanned robotic vehicle system.
I am not taker considering adult genre fiction (romAnce, thriller, fantasy, sci-fi.) or children’s picture books at this time.
I am not considering adult genre fiction (romance, thriller, fantasy, sci-fi) or children’s picture books at this time.
My Vodka is make from potto making… right?
My Vodka is made from Potatoes… right?
The process of online rwater management may mean rise ethical concerns.
The process of online reputation management may give rise to ethical concerns.
Newcastle Building Society are to launch cash Lifetime Isa in the coming weeks.
Newcastle Building Society is to launch a cash Lifetime Isa in the coming weeks.
Support services were set up at the Family Centre in. the church basement for Thursday and Friday, starting at 10 a.m.
Support services were set up at the Family Centre in the church basement for Thursday and Friday, starting at 10 a.m.
The dual-threat QB who was expected to take over the Buckeyes' offense in 2019 entered the eransfer portal after former Georgia quarterback and Justin Fields announced his transfer to the program.
The dual-threat QB, who was expected to take over the Buckeyes' offense in 2019, entered the transfer portal after former Georgia quarterback Justin Fields announced his transfer to the program.
10 Best Floor 'broken jacket for 2017 | Has High Lift Capacity and Clearance Heights!
10 Best Floor Jack for 2017 | High Lift Capacity and Clearance Heights!
Were there any firefighters of injuries?
Were there any firefighter injuries?
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio


Dataset Summary

The grammar-correction dataset is a refined subset of the liweili/c4_200m dataset, derived from Google's C4_200M Synthetic Dataset for Grammatical Error Correction. It contains sentence pairs where the input is ungrammatical and the output is grammatical, making it suitable for training grammatical error correction (GEC) models.

Dataset Structure

  • Train set: 100 000 entries
  • Validation set: 25 000 entries

Data Fields

  • input: Ungrammatical sentence (string)
  • output: Corrected, grammatical sentence (string)

Dataset Creation

Source Data

This dataset is based on the liweili/c4_200m dataset, which includes 185 million sentence pairs generated from a cleaned English corpus.

Filtering Methodology

Entries were filtered using the agentlans/snowflake-arctic-xs-grammar-classifier to retain only those with ungrammatical inputs and grammatical outputs, enhancing the quality of training data for GEC tasks.

Considerations for Using the Data

Intended Uses

Designed for training and evaluating GEC models to automatically identify and correct grammatical errors in text.

Limitations and Biases

  1. The dataset is synthetic and may not fully capture real-world grammatical errors.
  2. Filtering may introduce biases based on classifier performance.
  3. Focused on English grammar, limiting applicability to other languages or dialects.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

  • Curated by filtering the liweili/c4_200m dataset, based on Google's C4_200M dataset.
  • Please check the licenses of those datasets for usage rights.
  • Also acknowledge the use of the agentlans/snowflake-arctic-xs-grammar-classifier for filtering.


This dataset aims to provide high-quality resources for GEC model training and evaluation, building on the efforts of Google Research and the Hugging Face community.

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