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You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Stochastic models Stochasticity inevitably emerges when molecular components are present at low cellular concentrations (McAdams & Arkin, 1997; Kierzek et al., 2001). This physical phenomenon generates noise in synthetic and natural circuits (Paulsson, 2004; Mettetal et al., 2006), and its consequences over the phenotype are starting to be explored (Suel et al., 2006). For example, noise constitutes the driving force behind differentiation in isogenetic colonies (Colman-Lerner et al., 2005). Biological and theoretical studies have aided to delineate the regulatory mechanism by which the cell handles noise efficiently and effectively to carry out its biological functions (Gardner & Collins, 2000; Orrell & Bolouri, 2004; Raser & O'Shea, 2005). From a theoretical point of view, stochastic models are the most challenging but also the most realistic ones: there is a precise counting of how, through individual chemical reactions, the populations of every chemical species change. The milestone to simulate stochastic processes is the Gillespie algorithm (Gillespie, 1992). Because of their analytical and computational complexity, the present models do not surpass a handful of chemical species. Two immediate problems must be solved to model systems with several dozens of genetic components: the systematic determination of kinetic constants and the efficient computation of thousands of chemical stochastic equations (Kuwahara et al., 2006; Sanchez & Kondev, 2008).
[cellular <Cell>] [cell <Cell>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Comparison of image (CAS 200) and flow cytometry determined DNA content of paraffin-embedded Hodgkin's disease tissue. To assess the reliability of DNA estimation using image cytometry, deparaffinized lymph nodes from 70 patients with Hodgkin's disease were examined and the results obtained were compared with those from flow cytometry. Image analysis without discriminating between the various cell types, as found in Hodgkin's disease, revealed no separate aneuploid peak. Selecting on morphologically defined nuclear types DNA aneuploidy was detected in 20% of the cases (14/70). The aneuploid populations were limited to the population of nuclei defined as Reed-Sternberg (RS)-like or medium-sized lymphocytes. Benign lymph nodes DNA aneuploidy was not found in any of the controls. Comparison of DNA histograms obtained by image and flow cytometry showed aneuploid peaks using image cytometry in 4 of 30 diploid and 10 of 40 aneuploid flow histograms. In conclusion, image analysis using the CAS 200 system as compared to flow cytometry is more time-consuming and less sensitive to assess ploidy status, although it may provide extra information in some selected cases. Evidence is obtained that DNA aneuploidy in Hodgkin's disease is preferentially expressed by cells with the RS/H-like and medium-sized lymphocyte morphology.
[Hodgkin's disease tissue <Tissue>] [lymph nodes <Multi-tissue_structure>] [cell <Cell>] [nuclear <Cellular_component>] [nuclei <Cellular_component>] [lymphocytes <Cell>] [Benign lymph nodes <Pathological_formation>] [cells <Cell>] [lymphocyte <Cell>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Model of how estrogen induces DNA damage. Estrogen enters the cell and is bound by the ER. The dimeric ER-estrogen complex enters the nucleus and induces AID expression. This leads to an increase in mutations and translocations, and potentially cancer
[cell <Cell>] [nucleus <Cellular_component>] [cancer <Pathological_formation>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
A pancreatic beta -cell-specific enhancer in the human PDX-1 gene is regulated by hepatocyte nuclear factor 3beta (HNF-3beta ), HNF-1alpha, and SPs transcription factors. The PDX-1 transcription factor plays a key role in pancreas development. Although expressed in all cells at the early stages, in the adult it is mainly restricted to the beta-cell. To characterize the regulatory elements and potential transcription factors necessary for human PDX-1 gene expression in beta-cells, we constructed a series of 5' and 3' deletion fragments of the 5'-flanking region of the gene, fused to the luciferase reporter gene. In this report, we identify by transient transfections in beta- and non-beta-cells a novel beta-cell-specific distal enhancer element located between -3.7 and -3.45 kilobases. DNase I footprinting analysis revealed two protected regions, one binding the transcription factors SP1 and SP3 and the other hepatocyte nuclear factor 3beta (HNF-3beta) and HNF-1alpha. Cotransfection experiments suggest that HNF-3beta, HNF-1alpha, and SP1 are positive regulators of the herein-described human PDX-1 enhancer element. Furthermore, mutations within each motif abolished the binding of the corresponding factor(s) and dramatically impaired the enhancer activity, therefore suggesting cooperativity between these factors.
[pancreatic beta -cell <Cell>] [pancreas <Organ>] [cells <Cell>] [beta-cell <Cell>] [beta-cells <Cell>] [beta- <Cell>] [non-beta-cells <Cell>] [beta-cell <Cell>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Background Over the past decades, extensive comparative mapping research has been performed in the plant family Solanaceae. The recent identification of a large set of single-copy conserved orthologous (COSII) markers has greatly accelerated comparative mapping studies among major solanaceous species including tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper and diploid Nicotiana species (as well as tetraploid tobacco). The large amount of comparative data now available for these species provides the opportunity to describe the overall patterns of chromosomal evolution in this important plant family. The results of this investigation are described herein.
[chromosomal <Cellular_component>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Cognitive function and number of teeth in a community-dwelling elderly population without dementia. Although the number of sound or decayed teeth has been reported to be associated with cognitive function in elderly populations with dementia, little is known about this association in elderly populations without dementia. We evaluated this relationship, with adjustment for confounding factors, in Japanese populations of 60-year-old (n = 270; 120 males and 150 females) and 65-year-old (n = 123; 57 males and 66 females) individuals residing in Fukuoka Prefecture of Japan. Dental examinations were performed in all subjects, along with the Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) for assessing cognitive function. Among the total of 393 subjects, the mean MMSE score was 27.9 +/- 1.9, and 391 subjects scored 24 or higher. The mean numbers of sound and decayed teeth were 12.0 +/- 6.3 and 0.5 +/- 1.2, respectively. Associations were found between the numbers of sound and decayed teeth and MMSE in total subjects and males, but not in females, by multiple regression analysis adjusted for gender, age, level of education, marital status, smoking, alcohol drinking, working status, systolic blood pressure and blood glucose. An association was also found between MMSE and the number of sound teeth in a logistic regression analysis. In conclusion, associations were found between normal-range cognitive function and the numbers of sound and decayed teeth, after adjustment for various confounding factors, in an elderly Japanese population.
[teeth <Organ>] [teeth <Organ>] [teeth <Organ>] [teeth <Organ>] [blood <Organism_substance>] [blood <Organism_substance>] [teeth <Organ>] [teeth <Organ>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Dynorphin is contained within hippocampal mossy fibers: immunochemical alterations after kainic acid administration and colchicine-induced neurotoxicity. Antisera raised against synthetic dynorphin or [Leu5]enkephalin demonstrate immunostaining in hippocampal mossy fibers and in dentate granule cells. However, dynorphin immunoreactivity (ir) appears to be denser in immunocytochemical preparations and is quantitatively greater by radioimmunoassay than enkephalin-ir. Immunostaining with dynorphin antisera is eliminated by adsorption with 1-100 microM dynorphin-17 whereas immunostaining with enkephalin antisera is eliminated by adsorption with 1-100 microM [Leu5]enkephalin, dynorphin-17, dynorphin-(1-13), or alpha-neo-endorphin. Intrahippocampal colchicine injections, which selectively destroy dentate granule cells, significantly decrease the dynorphin-ir and enkephalin-ir levels in rat hippocampus. Intraventricularly administered kainic acid, which selectively destroys CA3-4 pyramidal cells, results in an increase of enkephalin immunostaining in mossy fibers and a significant increase in enkephalin-ir by radioimmunoassay in whole hippocampus. The enkephalin-ir cells and fibers in entorhinal/perirhinal cortex, which innervate rat hippocampus and dentate gyrus, do not contain dynorphin-ir.
[hippocampal mossy fibers <Tissue>] [sera <Organism_substance>] [hippocampal mossy fibers <Tissue>] [dentate granule cells <Cell>] [Intrahippocampal <Multi-tissue_structure>] [hippocampus <Multi-tissue_structure>] [Intraventricularly <Multi-tissue_structure>] [CA3-4 pyramidal cells <Cell>] [mossy fibers <Tissue>] [hippocampus <Multi-tissue_structure>] [enkephalin-ir cells <Cell>] [fibers <Tissue>] [entorhinal <Multi-tissue_structure>] [perirhinal cortex <Multi-tissue_structure>] [hippocampus <Multi-tissue_structure>] [dentate gyrus <Multi-tissue_structure>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Lack of developmental and reproductive toxicity of 2,3,3',4, 4'-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 105) in ring-necked pheasants. Mono-ortho PCBs are global contaminants of wildlife with the potential to produce toxicity by an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-mediated mechanism. To determine the potency of 2,3,3',4, 4'-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 105) for producing reproductive and developmental toxicity, adult ring-necked pheasant hens (Phasianus colchicus) were orally dosed with 0, 0.06, 0.6, or 6 mg PCB 105/kg hen/week for 10 weeks to achieve cumulative doses of 0, 0.6, 6, or 60 mg PCB 105/kg hen after which hens were bred with untreated roosters once per week for 8 weeks. Except at week 6 of the egg-laying period when cumulative egg production in the 6 mg PCB 105/kg hen group was greater than controls, fertilized egg production was not significantly different between treatment groups. Embryo mortality and chick mortality were not significantly different between treatment groups. Total body and heart weights of all chicks 1 day posthatch (dph) were not different between groups, however, liver weights of chicks from the 60 mg/kg treatment group were greater than controls at 1 dph. The first chick to hatch from each hen was reared to 21 dph and among these birds, the total body, liver, and heart weights were not different between groups. There were no dose-related malformations of the beak or limbs, and no signs of subcutaneous edema, ascites, or pericardial edema in chicks at 1 or 21 dph. Hepatic microsomal monooxygenase activities [ethoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (EROD), benzyloxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (BROD), and methyloxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (MROD)] were significantly elevated in chicks at 1 dph from hens given a cumulative PCB 105 dose of 6 mg/kg and in chicks at 21 dph from hens given a cumulative PCB dose of 60 mg/kg. These results indicate that a cumulative PCB 105 dose up to 60 mg/kg hen does not decrease the production of fertilized eggs or increase embryo or chick mortality in ring-necked pheasants, but does increase chick hepatic monooxygenase activity.
[egg <Developing_anatomical_structure>] [egg <Developing_anatomical_structure>] [egg <Developing_anatomical_structure>] [Embryo <Developing_anatomical_structure>] [body <Organism_subdivision>] [heart <Organ>] [liver <Organ>] [body <Organism_subdivision>] [liver <Organ>] [heart <Organ>] [beak <Organism_subdivision>] [limbs <Organism_subdivision>] [subcutaneous edema <Pathological_formation>] [ascites <Organism_substance>] [pericardial edema <Pathological_formation>] [eggs <Developing_anatomical_structure>] [embryo <Developing_anatomical_structure>] [hepatic <Organ>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
[The clinical and laboratory features of acute promyelocytic leukemia: an analysis of 513 cases]. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinical and laboratory features of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). METHODS: 513 APL patients in the last two decades were retrospectively analyzed in this research. We investigated the clinical features including age, sex, abnormality of peripheral hemogram before treatment, therapeutic effect and follow-up and laboratory data such as morphology, immunology, cytogenetics and molecular biology (MICM). RESULTS: The median age of the APL patients was 33 years old and the ratio of male and female was 1.21:1. Before treatment, the median level of WBC was 4.3 x 10(9)/L and the detection rate of abnormal promyelocyte on blood film was 85.8%; with immunophenotypic detection, the expression levels of CD117, CD34, HLA-DR, CD7, CD14 and CD19 in APL were found to be lower and the expression levels of CD2, CD33 and MPO higher than those in other subtypes of acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) (both P < 0.01). Specific abnormal chromosome t (15;17) was detected in 91.7% of the patients, of whom 75.9% had standard translocation of t (15;17), being the most common one and 15.8% of the patients had t (15;17) with additional abnormal chromosome. There was only 7.5% of the patients with normal karyotype. However, the presence of both simple translocation and complex translocation was seldom seen. With molecular biological detection, PML/RARalpha fusion gene positive rate was 99.6%. In a relatively long clinical follow-up, we found that the complete remission (CR) rate in APL patients was 84.7%, incidence of DIC was 13.4% and five-year survival rate was 30.7%. The median count of WBC in CR group was lower than that non-remission group (P < 0.01). There were no significant differences on expressions of CD34 and CD2 and changes of cytogenetics between the two groups (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Comprehensive evaluation of MICM could be of important significance in the diagnosis and prognosis judgment for APL patients. The CR rate in these patients with high WBC count was considerable low.
[WBC <Cell>] [promyelocyte <Cell>] [blood <Organism_substance>] [chromosome <Cellular_component>] [chromosome <Cellular_component>] [WBC <Cell>] [WBC <Cell>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Novel mechanism for the impairment of cell proliferation in HIV-1 infection. The synthesis of ribonucleotides is essential to cell proliferation. Defects in the relevant metabolic pathways have been demonstrated in stimulated T cells from AIDS patients and are associated with lymphocyte necrotic death. Here, Margarita Bofill and colleagues discuss the possibility that an impaired ribonucleotide metabolism might be common to all rapidly dividing cells and thus contribute to other recognized symptoms of HIV-1 infection.
[cell <Cell>] [cell <Cell>] [T cells <Cell>] [lymphocyte <Cell>] [cells <Cell>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Conservative treatment of endometriosis: the effects of limited surgery and hormonal pseudopregnancy. This study compares the effects of limited surgery or hormonal pseudopregnancy, or a combination of these two, upon fertility and the need for subsequent surgery with respect to the extent of the disease at the time of initial diagnosis in patients with endometriosis externa. Of the 61 patients who desired to enhance or preserve reproductive capacity, 20 patients became pregnant, for a pregnancy rate of 33%. The pregnancy rate in all categories, that is, those patients treated with pseudopregnancy, conservative surgery, and combined pseudopregnancy and surgery, was found to be in direct relationship to the initial extent of disease. In such patients, conservative surgery alone seemed to give the best results in the achievement of pregnancy. There seemed to be little difference between pseudopregnancy alone and conservative surgery in regard to the need for subsequent surgery after initial therapy, although there seemed to be a significantly greater chance for the need for subsequent surgery in patients receiving a combination of the two forms of therapy. The need for subsequent surgery after initial therapy in 80 patients increased in direct relationship to the initial extent of disease present, despite the form of therapy used. Fifty-nine other patients with endometriosis, who did not desire to preserve fertility and presented for relief of other symptoms, underwent initial "radical" therapy. Forty-six patients underwent complete operation, including removal of uterus, tubes and ovaries, and none required subsequent reoperation. Of the 13 remaining patients, who underwent incomplete surgical removal, leaving one or both ovaries in situ, 11 required subsequent reoperation for recurrent pelvic endometriosis.
[uterus <Organ>] [tubes <Multi-tissue_structure>] [ovaries <Organ>] [ovaries <Organ>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Imaging techniques for the assessment of body composition. Three imaging methods, ultrasound imaging (UI), computer-assisted axial tomography (CAT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are widely used in medicine. Their application to the assessment of body composition in nutrition research is still being explored and developed. Ultrasound imaging yields poor image quality but, because it is cheap and safe, deserves further exploration. Both CAT and MRI can produce images with good discrimination among bone, muscle and adipose tissue. Movement artifacts tend to be more serious in MRI than in CAT due to the longer imaging time. On the other hand, the X-ray exposure in CAT is likely to limit its use in human nutrition research. Repeated measurements of tissue volumes by CAT and MRI give similar CV. In both CAT and MRI, intra-abdominal adipose tissue presents greater problems of measurement than subcutaneous adipose tissue. Validation studies with 77-kg pigs of MRI, using 13 slices, predicted total body lipid with residual standard deviation of 1.9%. In validating any of these methods, account should be take of the extent to which the information they give can augment that given by more simple measures like age and weight.
[body <Organism_subdivision>] [body <Organism_subdivision>] [bone <Organ>] [muscle <Organ>] [adipose tissue <Tissue>] [tissue <Tissue>] [abdominal adipose tissue <Tissue>] [subcutaneous adipose tissue <Tissue>] [body <Organism_subdivision>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Effects of buffer properties on cyclodextrin glucanotransferase reactions and cyclodextrin production from raw sago (Cycas revoluta) starch. Results from the present study have shown that the ionic species of buffers, pH values and reaction temperature can affect the enzyme unit activities and product specificity of Toruzyme (Novo Nordisk A/S Bagsvaerd, Denmark) CGTase (cyclodextrin glucanotransferase). Applying a similar reaction environment (acetate buffer, pH 6.0; temperature, 60 degrees C), the CGTase was found to be capable of producing pre dominantly beta-cyclodextrin from either raw or gelatinized sago (Cycas revoluta) starch. Changing the buffer from acetate to phosphate reduced the yield of beta-cyclodextrin from 2.48 to 1.42 mg/ml and also affected the product specificity, where production of both alpha- and beta-cyclodextrins were more pronounced. The decrease in the production of cyclodextrins in phosphate buffer was significant at both pH 6.0 and 7.0. However, changing the buffer to Tris/HCl (pH 7.0) showed a significant increase in beta-cyclodextrin production. Increasing the ionic strength of sodium acetate and Tris/HCl buffers at pH 6.0 and 7.0 to equivalent ionic strength of phosphate buffers showed no significant effects on cyclodextrin production. Higher yield of cyclodextrins at pH 7.0 when Tris/HCl was used might be due to the binding of chloride ions at the calcium-binding sites of the CGTase, resulting in the shift of the optimum pH close to physiological environment, leading to an increase in the activities and specificity.
[starch <Organism_substance>] [starch <Organism_substance>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Influences on the pharmacokinetics of oxycodone: a multicentre cross-sectional study in 439 adult cancer patients. OBJECTIVE: Oxycodone is widely used for the treatment of cancer pain, but little is known of its pharmacokinetics in cancer pain patients. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between ordinary patient characteristics and serum concentrations of oxycodone and the ratios noroxycodone or oxymorphone/oxycodone in cancer patients. METHODS: Four hundred and thirty-nine patients using oral oxycodone for cancer pain were included. The patients' characteristics (sex, age, body mass index [BMI], Karnofsky performance status, "time since starting opioids", "oxycodone total daily dose", "time from last oxycodone dose", use of CYP3A4 inducer/inhibitor, "use of systemic steroids", "number of medications taken in the last 24 h", glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and albumin serum concentrations) influence on oxycodone serum concentrations or metabolite/oxycodone ratios were explored by multiple regression analyses. RESULTS: Sex, CYP3A4 inducers/inhibitors, total daily dose, and "time from last oxycodone dose" predicted oxycodone concentrations. CYP3A4 inducers, total daily dose, and "number of medications taken in the last 24 h" predicted the oxymorphone/oxycodone ratio. Total daily dose, "time from last dose to blood sample", albumin, sex, CYP3A4 inducers/inhibitors, steroids, BMI and GFR predicted the noroxycodone/oxycodone ratio. CONCLUSION: Women had lower oxycodone serum concentrations than men. CYP3A4 inducers/inhibitors should be used with caution as these are predicted to have a significant impact on oxycodone pharmacokinetics. Other characteristics explained only minor parts of the variability of the outcomes.
[cancer <Pathological_formation>] [cancer <Pathological_formation>] [cancer <Pathological_formation>] [serum <Organism_substance>] [cancer <Pathological_formation>] [cancer <Pathological_formation>] [body <Organism_subdivision>] [glomerular <Multi-tissue_structure>] [serum <Organism_substance>] [serum <Organism_substance>] [blood sample <Organism_substance>] [serum <Organism_substance>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Ca2+ Dependence of Slob57 Modulation of the Voltage Dependence of Activation of dSlo Ca2+ plays a fundamental role in regulating the dSlo response to membrane depolarization. One of the three known Ca2+ binding sites (Xia et al., 2002; Bao et al., 2002; Zeng et al., 2005b), known as the calcium bowl (Schreiber and Salkoff, 1997), contributes to the high-affinity Ca2+ sensitivity of the channel (Schreiber and Salkoff, 1997; Schreiber et al., 1999; Braun and Sy, 2001; Bao et al., 2002; Niu and Magleby, 2002; Xia et al., 2002; Bao et al., 2004; Zeng et al., 2005b). We used a mutated dSlo channel with substitution of Asp966-Asp970 by Asn966-Asn970 within its calcium bowl, which greatly reduces the channel's calcium sensitivity (Bian et al., 2001), to determine whether Ca2+ participates in Slob57 modulation of dSlo. This mutated channel, dSloD5N5, still binds to full-length and truncated Slobs (Fig. 1 B, lanes 4-6). During a 350-ms test pulse (Fig. 7 E), Slob57 causes dSloD5N5 inactivation (Fig. 7 B), consistent with our previous finding that the inactivation caused by Slob57 is Ca2+ independent (Zeng et al., 2005a). After deletion of the amino-terminal residues 2-6 of Slob57, the inactivation of dSloD5N5 is eliminated (Fig. 7 C), and further truncation of Slob57 to Arg16 also eliminates the inactivation (Fig. 7 D), just as observed with wild-type dSlo (Fig. 2, C and D). Figure 7. Slob57 causes inactivation of dSloD5N5. Same as Fig. 2, except that the mutated channel dSloD5N5 was used instead of wild-type dSlo. (A) dSloD5N5 alone, (B) dSloD5N5 together with Slob57, (C) dSloD5N5 together with Slob57DeltaN5, (D) dSloD5N5 together with Slob57DeltaN15, (E) pulse protocol. We next used a 100-ms test pulse (during which no inactivation occurs) to measure the voltage dependence of activation of dSloD5N5 in the presence of 110 muM free Ca2+, as only at high concentrations of free Ca2+ can tail current saturation be achieved with the mutant channel (Fig. 8). As shown in Fig. 8, Slob57 does not rightward shift the conductance-voltage relationship of dSloD5N5. Because dSloD5N5 can still respond to an increment of free Ca2+ at high concentration (Bian et al., 2001), we then increased the concentration of free Ca2+ to 300 muM. As shown in Fig. 8, the conductance-voltage relationship of dSloD5N5 shifts to less depolarized voltages when the concentration of free Ca2+ is increased from 110 to 300 muM, but again the V1/2 is not modulated by Slob57. Figure 8. Conductance-voltage relationships for dSloD5N5. Same protocol as Fig. 6, except that the mutated channel dSloD5N5 was used in the presence (circles) or absence (squares) of Slob57, and the concentration of free Ca2+ was either 110 muM (filled symbols) or 300 muM (open symbols). We next measured the voltage dependence of activation of wild-type dSlo, in the presence or absence of Slob57, at free Ca2+ concentrations ranging from 20 to 300 muM. As shown in Fig. 9 A (and by many previous investigators), in the absence of Slob57, the voltage-conductance relationship of dSlo shifts to less depolarized voltages as the free Ca2+ concentration is increased in this range. The V1/2 decreases from 85 to -22 mV, a change of 107 mV, when the concentration of free Ca2+ is increased from 20 to 300 muM. In contrast, when dSlo is coexpressed with Slob57, this increment of free Ca2+ concentration shifts the V1/2 to a much lesser extent (Fig. 9 B and Fig. 10 A). Note also that the effect of Slob57 on the V1/2 is more apparent at higher free Ca2+ concentrations (Fig. 10 A). To illustrate this better, we plotted the V1/2 change evoked by Slob57 (DeltaV1/2) as a function of the free Ca2+ concentration (Fig. 10 B) to demonstrate that the magnitude of the modulatory shift in V1/2 evoked by Slob57 itself is calcium dependent. Figure 9. Effect of calcium on dSlo voltage dependence of activation in the absence or presence of Slob57. Same as Fig. 6, except that the measurements of dSlo expressed alone (A) or together with Slob57 (B) were performed in the presence of different concentrations of free Ca2+: 20 muM (diamonds), 40 muM (inverted triangles), 80 muM (triangles), 110 muM (squares), and 300 muM (circles). Figure 10. Interaction between Slob57 and calcium. The V1/2 (A) of the conductance-voltage relationship for dSlo expressed alone (O) or together with Slob57 (*), taken from Fig. 9, and the difference in V1/2 (DeltaV1/2) evoked by Slob57 (B) are plotted as a function of the concentration of free Ca2+.
[membrane <Cellular_component>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Sciatic nerve repair by microgrooved nerve conduits made of chitosan-gold nanocomposites. BACKGROUND: To better direct the repair of peripheral nerve after injury, an implant consisting of a multicomponent micropatterned conduit seeded with NSC was designed. METHODS: The mechanical properties of the chi-Au nanocomposites were tested. In vitro, the effect of chi-Au on cell behavior (NSC and glial cell line C6) and the influence of micropattern on cell alignment were evaluated. In vivo, the micropatterned conduits with/without the preseeded NSC were implanted to bridge a 10-mm-long defect of the sciatic nerve in 9 male Sprague-Dawley rats. The repair outcome was investigated 6 weeks after the surgery. RESULTS: Based on the dynamic modulus, chitosan with 50 ppm or more gold was a stronger material than others. In vitro, gold at 25 or 50 ppm led to better cell performance for NSC; and gold at 50 ppm gave better cell performance for C6. On the microgrooved substrate, the NSC had elongated processes oriented parallel to the grooves, whereas the NSC on the nonpatterned surfaces did not exhibit a particular bias in alignment. In vivo, the number of regenerated axons, the regenerated area, and the number of blood vessels were significantly higher in the NSC-preseeded conduit. CONCLUSION: Modification of the chitosan matrix by gold nanoparticles not only provides the mechanical strength but also affects the cellular response. The preliminary in vivo data demonstrated that the biodegradable micropatterned conduits preseeded with NSC provided a combination of physical and biological guidance cues for regenerating axons at the cellular level and offered a better alternative for repairing sciatic nerve transactions.
[Sciatic nerve <Multi-tissue_structure>] [nerve <Multi-tissue_structure>] [peripheral nerve <Multi-tissue_structure>] [conduit <Multi-tissue_structure>] [NSC <Cell>] [cell <Cell>] [NSC <Cell>] [glial cell line C6 <Cell>] [cell <Cell>] [NSC <Cell>] [sciatic nerve <Multi-tissue_structure>] [cell <Cell>] [NSC <Cell>] [cell <Cell>] [C6 <Cell>] [NSC <Cell>] [NSC <Cell>] [blood vessels <Multi-tissue_structure>] [NSC <Cell>] [cellular <Cell>] [NSC <Cell>] [axons <Cellular_component>] [cellular <Cell>] [sciatic nerve <Multi-tissue_structure>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Prognostic significance of TRAIL signaling molecules in stage II and III colorectal cancer. PURPOSE: We previously found that cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP), caspase 8, and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor 2 (DR5) are major regulators of cell viability and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer. In this study, we determined the prognostic significance of c-FLIP, caspase 8, TRAIL and DR5 expression in tissues from patients with stage II and III colorectal cancer. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Tissue microarrays were constructed from matched normal and tumor tissue derived from patients (n = 253) enrolled in a phase III trial of adjuvant 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy versus postoperative observation alone. TRAIL, DR5, caspase 8, and c-FLIP expression levels were determined by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Colorectal tumors displayed significantly higher expression levels of c-FLIP (P < 0.001), caspase 8 (P = 0.01), and DR5 (P < 0.001), but lower levels of TRAIL (P < 0.001) compared with matched normal tissue. In univariate analysis, higher TRAIL expression in the tumor was associated with worse overall survival (P = 0.026), with a trend to decreased relapse-free survival (RFS; P = 0.06), and higher tumor c-FLIP expression was associated with a significantly decreased RFS (P = 0.015). Using multivariate predictive modeling for RFS in all patients and including all biomarkers, age, treatment, and stage, we found that the model was significant when the mean tumor c-FLIP expression score and disease stage were included (P < 0.001). As regards overall survival, the overall model was predictive when both TRAIL expression and disease stage were included (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: High c-FLIP and TRAIL expression may be independent adverse prognostic markers in stage II and III colorectal cancer and might identify patients most at risk of relapse.
[stage II and III colorectal cancer <Pathological_formation>] [cell <Cell>] [colorectal cancer <Pathological_formation>] [tissues <Tissue>] [stage II and III colorectal cancer <Pathological_formation>] [Tissue <Tissue>] [normal <Tissue>] [tumor tissue <Tissue>] [Colorectal tumors <Pathological_formation>] [normal tissue <Tissue>] [tumor <Pathological_formation>] [tumor <Pathological_formation>] [tumor <Pathological_formation>] [stage II and III colorectal cancer <Pathological_formation>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
The right eye of a 50-year-old patient with severe hypertension at the first visit. (a) Fundus photograph shows serous retinal detachment. The optic disc is pale at the temporal side. (b) Optical coherence tomography (OCT) shows retinal detachment involving the fovea and cystic change of inner retina. (c) Early phase images of fluorescein angiography (FA) (left) and indocyanine green angiography (IA) (right). (d) Late phase images of FA (left) and IA (right). FA shows window defect associated with macular cystic change. Note that no active leakage is observed in the area with serous retinal detachment or cystoid edema. IA shows decreased perfusion of the choroid at the macula and window defect with the damaged RPE. Hypofluorescence (arrow) along the retinal artery are observed. These are unique findings.
[eye <Organ>] [retinal <Multi-tissue_structure>] [retinal <Multi-tissue_structure>] [inner retina <Multi-tissue_structure>] [macular <Tissue>] [retinal <Multi-tissue_structure>] [cystoid edema <Pathological_formation>] [macula <Tissue>] [retinal artery <Tissue>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
5. Conclusion RLs are new actors in animal and plant defense and their low toxicity and biodegradability make them promising molecules to be used against pathogens. In this respect, there are some clues now available for the success of RL applications in greenhouses to fight phytopathogens. A better understanding of RL mode of action, especially their perception and the signaling pathways activated, will be very important to potentiate their beneficial effects in plants. RLs have a dual mode of action: they are antimicrobial and also stimulate plant defense responses. This dual property is probably very important for the efficiency of new biopesticides. In animals, the use of RLs is also at an advanced stage. RLs are successfully used as antimicrobial agents, especially for skin disease treatment. Deep insight into the physiochemical effects of RLs and their biological importance would reveal new dimensions in the fields of research like agriculture and medicine, precisely in plant defense, disease control and pathogenesis. An understanding of bacterial genera producing RLs that are not yet well studied would provide light on these fascinating aspects.
[skin <Organ>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Defective biliary copper excretion in Wilson's disease: the role of caeruloplasmin. Previous studies have failed to explain the link between copper accumulation and abnormal caeruloplasmin expression in Wilson's disease. Furthermore, despite the isolation of a candidate gene for Wilson's disease, which predicts a defective copper transport protein, the localization of this putative protein and its relationship to the pathway involved in copper excretion and to caeruloplasmin remain unknown. We now present evidence that caeruloplasmin, the major plasma copper-carrying protein, is present in the liver in Wilson's disease, and thus that reduced circulating levels of the protein result from a post-translational defect in the secretory pathway. We have also identified a novel form of caeruloplasmin, molecular weight 125 kD, which we propose may act as the carrier for excretory copper into bile, since it is normally present in both liver and bile, although largely absent from serum, and undetectable in bile from Wilson's disease patients. The presence of this form of caeruloplasmin in Wilson's disease liver suggests that a related post-translational defect may also be responsible for its absence from bile in Wilson's disease. This study thus provides the first plausible explanation of a link between the defective copper excretion and the reduced plasma caeruloplasmin, which characterize Wilson's disease.
[plasma <Organism_substance>] [liver <Organ>] [bile <Organism_substance>] [liver <Organ>] [bile <Organism_substance>] [serum <Organism_substance>] [bile <Organism_substance>] [liver <Organ>] [bile <Organism_substance>] [plasma <Organism_substance>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Introduction Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG), which is the major green tea catechin present in the leaves, is believed to the compound most responsible for the health benefits attributed to tea. EGCG was reported to have antioxidative [1], [2], antimutagenic [3], anti-inflammatory [4], and anticarcinogenic activities [5]. Although the EGCG concentrations required to elicit the anticancer activity have been shown to be more than 1 microM, the blood level of EGCG after consuming the equivalent of 2-3 cups of green tea was 0.1-0.6 microM and for an equivalent of 7-9 cups was still lower than 1 microM [6], [7]. In a cohort study, daily consumption of ten cups of green tea was required for the cancer preventive effect [8]. Moreover, adverse effects of green tea, mainly hepatitis, by consumption of high doses of green tea have been reported [9]. Therefore, it is important to enhance the pharmacologic effect of EGCG to obtain the health benefit in reasonable concentration in daily life. We have reported that the cell-surface binding of EGCG and its derivatives is involved in their biological activities [10]-[15]. We have identified the 67-kDa laminin receptor (67LR) as a cell surface receptor for EGCG that mediates the anticancer activity of EGCG [16]. 67LR has been shown to be overexpressed on the cell surface of various tumor cells [17]. It was postulated that 67LR plays a significant role in the tumor progression and speculated that studies conducted to define the function of 67LR could provide a new approach to cancer prevention. Indeed, expression of 67 LR confers EGCG responsiveness to tumor cells in vivo [18]. Vitamin A, also known as retinol, participates in physiological activities related to the immune system, maintenance of epithelial and mucosa tissues, growth, reproduction, and bone development. It comes from animal sources, such as eggs, meat, milk, cheese, cream, liver, kidney, cod and halibut fish oil. In vitro and in animal models, it has been demonstrated that vitamin A is involved in the regulation and promotion of growth and differentiation of many cells [19]. The visual function of vitamin A depends on its natural and synthetic derivatives, retinoids [20]. All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA), the active derivative of vitamin A, has been well documented as a growth and differentiation factor in many tissues and cells, and proved to be an effective treatment to many diseases including cancers [21], [22]. Retinoids exert their physiological activities through retinoid receptor nuclear proteins that belong to the superfamily of steroid/thyroid hormone receptors, of which there are two classes, retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and the retinoic-X receptors (RXRs), each of which has three subtypes, alpha, beta, and gamma [23], [24]. The natural ligands for the RARs are ATRA and its stereoisomers 9-cis-RA and 13-cis-RA, whereas RXRs are activated by 9-cis-RA only. ATRA acts through RAR to transcriptionally activate target genes, such as cytochrome P450 and CRABI [24]. This study was designed to identify a food component that could be effectively used in combination with EGCG and to investigate the mechanism of action of this combination. By using in vitro and in vivo systems involving a highly metastatic mouse B16 melanoma cell line [25], we found that ATRA enhances the antitumor activity of EGCG by upregulating the 67 LR expression through RAR.
[leaves <Organ>] [cancer <Pathological_formation>] [blood <Organism_substance>] [cancer <Pathological_formation>] [cell-surface <Cellular_component>] [cell surface <Cellular_component>] [cell surface <Cellular_component>] [tumor cells <Cell>] [tumor <Pathological_formation>] [cancer <Pathological_formation>] [tumor cells <Cell>] [epithelial <Tissue>] [mucosa tissues <Tissue>] [bone <Organ>] [eggs <Organism_substance>] [meat <Organism_subdivision>] [milk <Organism_substance>] [liver <Organ>] [kidney <Organ>] [oil <Organism_substance>] [cells <Cell>] [tissues <Tissue>] [cells <Cell>] [cancers <Pathological_formation>] [nuclear <Cellular_component>] [B16 melanoma cell line <Cell>] [tumor <Pathological_formation>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Phase II trial with D-Trp-6-LH-RH in prostatic carcinoma: comparison with other hormonal agents. Various approaches to hormonal treatment of prostate carcinoma are discussed. Eighty-one patients with prostatic carcinoma, eight with stage B, nine with stage C, and 64 with stage D disease, were treated subcutaneously daily for 3 months with the LH-RH agonist D-Trp-6-LH-RH (Decapeptyl) in order to evaluate the incidence of remissions according to WHO recommendations for oncologic trials. The findings were compared to those obtained with other hormonal therapies of prostatic carcinoma according to the statistical method of "expected response rate" as adapted by Lee and Wesley for phase II trials. Treatment with D-Trp-6-LH-RH greatly reduced serum LH and testosterone levels without raising serum prolactin. After 1-2 weeks of therapy, there was relief of subjective symptoms and a reversal of the signs of prostatism as well as a marked decrease in bone pain. At 90 days 52 patients had complete relief of prostatism and 21 had only mild signs and symptoms. Seventy patients were experiencing no bone pain and an additional six had only mild pain. Prostatic size, evaluated by rectal examination and transabdominal ultrasonography, reverted to normal in 26.4% of patients (complete remission) and was reduced by more than 50% in an additional 17.6% (partial remission), the overall rate of complete plus partial regression of prostatic enlargement being 44%. Scans showed a major improvement of bone lesions in 14.8% of cases. This response increased to 37% after more than 6 months of follow-up. Prostatic acid phosphatase levels were decreased by more than 50% in 61% of the patients, but this test appears to be a less valid marker than the lipid-associated sialic acid (LASA). The increase in LASA before treatment and a reduction after treatment can frequently be correlated with the objective volume of the neoplasms. No flare-up of the disease was encountered, and there were no side effects except for impotence. Statistical analyses of results by the method of Lee and Wesley indicated that the incidence of complete and partial regression (CR and PR) observed with D-Trp-6-LH-RH was not significantly different from that recorded in previous studies for another LH-RH analog, Buserelin. However, CR and PR obtained with D-Trp-6-LH-RH (44%) were significantly higher than with subcapsular orchiectomy (22%). Hormonal effects and some other actions of D-Trp-6-LH-RH were compared and contrasted with those produced by castration, estrogens, antiandrogens, and progestogens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
[prostatic carcinoma <Pathological_formation>] [prostate carcinoma <Pathological_formation>] [prostatic carcinoma <Pathological_formation>] [prostatic carcinoma <Pathological_formation>] [serum <Organism_substance>] [serum <Organism_substance>] [bone <Organ>] [bone <Organ>] [Prostatic <Organ>] [transabdominal <Organism_subdivision>] [prostatic <Organ>] [bone lesions <Pathological_formation>] [Prostatic <Organ>] [neoplasms <Pathological_formation>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Results In the established adult rat NSC culture, FGF-2 promotes self-renewal by increasing proliferation and inhibiting spontaneous differentiation of adult NSCs, accompanied with activation of MAPK and PLC pathways. Using a molecular genetic approach, we demonstrate that activation of FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1), largely through two key cytoplasmic amino acid residues that are linked to MAPK and PLC activation, suffices to promote adult NSC self-renewal. The canonical MAPK, Erk1/2 activation, is both required and sufficient for the NSC expansion and anti-differentiation effects of FGF-2. In contrast, PLC activation is integral to the maintenance of adult NSC characteristics, including the full capacity for neuronal and oligodendroglial differentiation.
[NSC <Cell>] [NSCs <Cell>] [cytoplasmic <Organism_substance>] [NSC <Cell>] [NSC <Cell>] [NSC <Cell>] [neuronal <Cell>] [oligodendroglial <Cell>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Identification of NAB1, a repressor of NGFI-A- and Krox20-mediated transcription. NGFI-A (also called Egr1, Zif268, or Krox24) and the closely related proteins Krox20, NGFI-C, and Egr3 are zinc-finger transcription factors encoded by immediate-early genes which are induced by a wide variety of extracellular stimuli. NGFI-A has been implicated in cell proliferation, macrophage differentiation, synaptic activation, and long-term potentiation, whereas Krox20 is critical for proper hindbrain segmentation and peripheral nerve myelination. In previous work, a structure/function analysis of NGFI-A revealed a 34-aa inhibitory domain that was hypothesized to be the target of a cellular factor that represses NGFI-A transcriptional activity. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we have isolated a cDNA clone which encodes a protein that interacts with this inhibitory domain and inhibits the ability of NGFI-A to activate transcription. This NGFI-A-binding protein, NAB1, is a 570-aa nuclear protein that bears no obvious sequence homology to known proteins. NAB1 also represses Krox20 activity, but it does not influence Egr3 or NGFI-G, thus providing a mechanism for the differential regulation of this family of immediate-early transcription factors.
[extracellular <Immaterial_anatomical_entity>] [cell <Cell>] [macrophage <Cell>] [synaptic <Cellular_component>] [peripheral nerve <Multi-tissue_structure>] [cellular <Cell>] [nuclear <Cellular_component>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
[Epidemiology of respiratory allergy in children]. Epidemiology of paediatric respiratory allergic disorders allows the approach to causal and preventive risk factors by studying groups or sub groups of children in different locations and under different conditions. This is, however, complicated by the lack of consensus on disease definitions, which renders comparisons between studies difficult. Atopy is usually defined by the presence of positive skin tests (wheal size of at least a mean diameter > or = 3 mm), by the presence of specific IgE, or by the presence of increased total IgE (> or = 100 UI/mL). Infantile asthma is not well defined, complicated by the high prevalence of bronchiolitis; one thus questions between wheezing or wheezy bronchitis. Prevalence is high: among early wheezers, two populations will be defined by the medium term evolution: transient wheezers and persistent wheezers. Risk factors for these two conditions are different. Childhood asthma may be defined by the diagnosis of asthma (specific but fairly non-sensitive), by asthmatic symptoms (wheezing, waking by an attack of shortness of breath) (sensitive but not very specific), or by the combination of symptoms and airway hyperresponsiveness. The ISAAC study has standardised a questionnaire to assess the prevalence of asthma. The preliminary results show that there are wide variations across the world. The prevalence is low in Africa and Asia, intermediate in Europe, and high in Anglo-Saxon countries. The prevalence of asthma has gradually increased over the past 20 years in developed countries. Asthma and atopy are closely associated in children. Risk factors are genetic, associated with sex and environmental factors. Among these, allergic sensitisation is associated with the degree of exposure to allergens. Westernization of way of life is associated with increased prevalence of atopy, allergic rhinitis and asthma. Atopy seems inversely correlated to certain infections. Passive smoking is clearly associated with early wheezing. This and atmospheric pollution aggravate childhood asthma. However, the inducing role of pollution on asthma is still controversial.
[respiratory <Anatomical_system>] [respiratory <Anatomical_system>] [skin <Organ>] [airway <Multi-tissue_structure>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
INTRODUCTION For several years now, virtual microscopy has been utilized in medical teaching, research, proficiency testing, American Board of Pathology examinations, pathology meetings and conferences, and quality assurance programs. In diagnostic practice, it is most widely and routinely used in image analysis. Some practices are beginning to use it internally (within their group) for frozen section intraoperative consultations and subspecialty consultations due to geographic and time constrains. Although diagnostic consultation for expert second opinion is a well-established practice in pathology for glass slides, similar consultation via virtual microscopy poses multiple controversial issues such as licensing, liability, security, reimbursement, and scanning quality and its validation. Regulations and standardization are not yet in place that pathologists can use to allay these fears. Nevertheless, if the virtual microscopy scans are of optimal quality, these can be simply substituted for glass slides and a microscope while maintaining all other practice guidelines for second opinion consultation. Additionally, the cost and maintenance of scanning equipment is not currently affordable to most practitioners and consultants. A practice model that offers tertiary consultation in gastrointestinal (GI) and liver pathology is presented that eliminates the cost and maintenance of scanners by the consultants and clients, minimizes the need for review of glass slides, facilitates clinicopathological and radiological correlation and serves the need of clients who need timely help with challenging liver and GI cases and to obtain expert opinion for dysplasia in Barrett's and ulcerative colitis surveillance biopsies required by the American Gastroenterology Association (AGA). This model has been practiced for 3 years and applied to over 2000 cases by small pathology practices in the 50 United States and a single consultant GI and liver pathologist.
[gastrointestinal <Organism_subdivision>] [GI <Organism_subdivision>] [liver <Organ>] [liver <Organ>] [GI <Organism_subdivision>] [GI <Organism_subdivision>] [liver <Organ>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Results Here we include data obtained from active, oscillatory brain slices as well as from recordings during cortical slow oscillations in anesthetized animals. All recordings included in this study were obtained from the visual cortex of the ferret (in vitro), cat (in vivo) and from barrel cortex of the rat (in vivo). Twenty-nine neurons recorded from ferret cortical slices are included in this study (22 regular spiking (RS); 5 chattering (CH) and 2 intrinsic bursting (IB)), 27 neurons from cat visual cortex in vivo (14 RS; 5 CH; 2 IB; 3 fast spiking (FS); plus 3 non classified) and 14 neurons from rat barrel cortex in vivo (12 RS; 1 CH; 1 IB). Synaptic potentials were evoked by electric shocks (intracortical or thalamocortical connections) or by means of sensory (visual or whisker) stimulation. The main results are: 1) Synaptic potentials show more paired pulsed facilitation and synaptic augmentation in active than in silent cortical networks and 2) Synaptic potentials occurring during up or activated states of the cortex increased their amplitude with respect to those occurring during down states.
[brain slices <Multi-tissue_structure>] [cortical <Multi-tissue_structure>] [visual cortex <Multi-tissue_structure>] [barrel cortex <Multi-tissue_structure>] [neurons <Cell>] [cortical slices <Multi-tissue_structure>] [neurons <Cell>] [visual cortex <Multi-tissue_structure>] [neurons <Cell>] [barrel cortex <Multi-tissue_structure>] [Synaptic <Cellular_component>] [Synaptic <Cellular_component>] [synaptic <Cellular_component>] [cortical <Multi-tissue_structure>] [Synaptic <Cellular_component>] [cortex <Multi-tissue_structure>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Authors' contributions OK and MG analyzed and interpreted the patient data regarding his hospitalization. SP and PK performed the coronary angiography, and were the major contributors in writing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
[coronary <Multi-tissue_structure>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
Detection of total assist and sucking points based on the pulsatility of a continuous flow artificial heart: in vivo evaluation. Our novel control strategy for a continuous flow artificial heart by detecting the total assist and sucking points based on pump pulsatility was evaluated in acute animal experiments using beagle dogs and our mixed flow pump. The pump was installed as a left ventricular (LV) bypass through a left thoracotomy. To change LV contractility, the left coronary arteries were occluded for 30 min, followed by a 120 min reperfusion. To change LV end diastolic pressure (LVEDP), dextran solution was rapidly infused. To estimate the pump pulsatility without any specific sensor, we calculated the index of current amplitude (ICA), which was obtained from the amplitude of the motor current waveform divided by the simultaneous mean value. To investigate the basic characteristics of the ICA, the pump speed was changed temporarily from 2,300 rpm to 5,000 rpm. In 92% of all measurements, the ICA plotted against the pump speed had a peak point (t-point) that corresponded highly with the turning point from partial to total assistance. The ICA also had a trough (s-point) that corresponded with the beginning of severe sucking in most cases. Only preload significantly influenced pump flow rate at the t-point from among preload (LVEDP), afterload (SAoP), and contractility (max LV dP/dt), by which we can simulate Starling's law of the natural heart. We concluded that a continuous flow artificial heart could be well controlled by detecting the t-point and s-point.
[left ventricular <Multi-tissue_structure>] [LV <Multi-tissue_structure>] [LV <Multi-tissue_structure>] [coronary arteries <Multi-tissue_structure>] [LV <Multi-tissue_structure>] [LV <Multi-tissue_structure>] [heart <Organ>]
You are provided with a text. Your objective is to identify, extract and classify all anatomical entities mentioned in the text, maintaining the order in which they appear. Types are [Pathological_formation, Organ, Tissue, Multi-tissue_structure, Developing_anatomical_structure, Cell, Anatomical_system, Organism_subdivision, Organism_substance, Cellular_component, Immaterial_anatomical_entity]. The entities should be presented in the following format: [entity <type>].
[Histophysiology and histopathology of the adrenals in experimental hypokinesia]. In experiments on male rats in the course of 3-month hypokinesia phasic changes were observed in the relative adrenal gland weight, in the volume of the cell nuclei of the glomerular, fasicular zones and the medulla, in the activity of the succinic dehydrogenase, alkaline and acid phosphatases, in the RNA and catecholamine content. These changes are associated with variations in the secretion and biosynthesis of the hormones of the cortical and the medullary layer of the adrenal glands during the hypokinetic stress development.
[adrenals <Organ>] [adrenal gland <Organ>] [cell nuclei <Cellular_component>] [glomerular <Multi-tissue_structure>] [fasicular zones <Multi-tissue_structure>] [medulla <Multi-tissue_structure>] [cortical <Multi-tissue_structure>] [medullary layer <Multi-tissue_structure>] [adrenal glands <Organ>]

This repository contains the data of the paper MedINST: Meta Dataset of Biomedical Instructions.


    title = "{M}ed{INST}: Meta Dataset of Biomedical Instructions",
    author = "Han, Wenhan  and
      Fang, Meng  and
      Zhang, Zihan  and
      Yin, Yu  and
      Song, Zirui  and
      Chen, Ling  and
      Pechenizkiy, Mykola  and
      Chen, Qingyu",
    editor = "Al-Onaizan, Yaser  and
      Bansal, Mohit  and
      Chen, Yun-Nung",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024",
    month = nov,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Miami, Florida, USA",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "8221--8240",
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