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The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    ArrowInvalid
Message:      JSON parse error: Column() changed from object to string in row 0
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/", line 145, in _generate_tables
                  dataset = json.load(f)
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/json/", line 293, in load
                  return loads(,
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/json/", line 346, in loads
                  return _default_decoder.decode(s)
                File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/json/", line 340, in decode
                  raise JSONDecodeError("Extra data", s, end)
              json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 2 column 1 (char 60067)
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1995, in _prepare_split_single
                  for _, table in generator:
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/", line 148, in _generate_tables
                  raise e
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/json/", line 122, in _generate_tables
                  pa_table = paj.read_json(
                File "pyarrow/_json.pyx", line 308, in pyarrow._json.read_json
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
              pyarrow.lib.ArrowInvalid: JSON parse error: Column() changed from object to string in row 0
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1529, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1154, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

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Gereja Malaysia, Singapura tidak benarkan Sakramen Perkahwinan secara online
Gereja Katolik Romawi tidak akan menjalankan perkahwinan dalam talian sepanjang Misa ditangguhkan bagi membendung penyebaran covid-19.
[ "\nMay 16, 2020\n\nRelated News\n\nPengampunan putuskan lingkaran kebencianSidang Sinode berdoa keamanan untuk Timur TengahBumi tidak dapat menampung kita lagiPerintah Tuhan sarana tepat meraih kebahagiaanLektor, pemazmur sebagai duta TuhanHati kita dicipta untuk mengasihi\n\n\n\n\nKUCHING: Gereja Katolik Romawi tidak akan menjalankan perkahwinan dalam talian sepanjang Misa ditangguhkan bagi membendung penyebaran covid-19. Uskup Agung Poh mengatakan Katolik dilarang untuk melakukan perkahwinan dalam talian kerana lafaz sumpah dan berkat dalam talian adalah tidak sah. “Bagi Katolik, upacara perkahwinan memerlukan kehadiran fizikal. Pelafazan ikrar dan berkat perkahwinan,  pengantin lelaki dan perkahwinan perlu hadir secara fizikal dan hanya sah diucapkan dengan bertatap muka,” ujar Uskup Agung Poh.Prelatus itu menekankan adalah penting bagi umat Kristian mengikut proses yang betul agar perkahwinan Gereja itu sah  mengikut undang-undang Gereja Katolik. Uskup Anglikan Sarawak dan Brunei, Reverend Datuk Danald Jute juga mengatakan bahawa Gereja Anglikan turut tidak membenarkan perkahwinan dalam talian. Beliau bersetuju bahawa teknologi memudahkan gereja menyiarkan Misa dan ibadat dalam talian tetapi bukan semua upacara dapat dilakukan dalam talian. Keuskupan Agung Singapura juga mengumumkan pada 6 Mei bahawa mereka tidak akan melakukan pemberkatan perkahwinan secara online atau melalui video, meskipun pemerintah mengizinkannya  melalui undang-undang yang baru. Keuskupan agung dalam sebuah pernyataan mengatakan bahawa meskipun menyedari adanya ancaman pandemik coronavirus, gereja ingin menegaskan pentingnya interaksi fizikal antara orang-orang yang merayakan sakramen.“Kerana itu,  Gereja Katolik di Singapura, meskipun menghargai usaha pihak berwenang dalam membuat perkahwinan lebih mudah diakses oleh pasangan pada masa sukar ini, tetap tidak akan merayakan perkahwinan melalui video,” tambahnya. -- Today's Catholic/ucan \n", "KUCHING: Gereja Katolik Romawi tidak akan menjalankan perkahwinan dalam talian sepanjang Misa ditangguhkan bagi membendung penyebaran covid-19. Uskup Agung Poh mengatakan Katolik dilarang untuk melakukan perkahwinan dalam talian kerana lafaz sumpah dan berkat dalam talian adalah tidak sah. “Bagi Katolik, upacara perkahwinan memerlukan kehadiran fizikal. Pelafazan ikrar dan berkat perkahwinan,  pengantin lelaki dan perkahwinan perlu hadir secara fizikal dan hanya sah diucapkan dengan bertatap muka,” ujar Uskup Agung Poh.Prelatus itu menekankan adalah penting bagi umat Kristian mengikut proses yang betul agar perkahwinan Gereja itu sah  mengikut undang-undang Gereja Katolik. Uskup Anglikan Sarawak dan Brunei, Reverend Datuk Danald Jute juga mengatakan bahawa Gereja Anglikan turut tidak membenarkan perkahwinan dalam talian. Beliau bersetuju bahawa teknologi memudahkan gereja menyiarkan Misa dan ibadat dalam talian tetapi bukan semua upacara dapat dilakukan dalam talian. Keuskupan Agung Singapura juga mengumumkan pada 6 Mei bahawa mereka tidak akan melakukan pemberkatan perkahwinan secara online atau melalui video, meskipun pemerintah mengizinkannya  melalui undang-undang yang baru. Keuskupan agung dalam sebuah pernyataan mengatakan bahawa meskipun menyedari adanya ancaman pandemik coronavirus, gereja ingin menegaskan pentingnya interaksi fizikal antara orang-orang yang merayakan sakramen.“Kerana itu,  Gereja Katolik di Singapura, meskipun menghargai usaha pihak berwenang dalam membuat perkahwinan lebih mudah diakses oleh pasangan pada masa sukar ini, tetap tidak akan merayakan perkahwinan melalui video,” tambahnya. -- Today's Catholic/ucan" ]
Empat paroki baru tanpa residen paderi paroki di Keuskupan Agung KK
Canselor Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu, Fr Wilfred Atin, mengumumkan empat Gereja diangkat menjadi paroki tanpa residen paderi paroki di Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu, dalam surat pastoral bertarikh Februari 2, 2023.
[ "\nFeb 17, 2023\n\nRelated News\n\nPengampunan putuskan lingkaran kebencianSidang Sinode berdoa keamanan untuk Timur TengahBumi tidak dapat menampung kita lagiPerintah Tuhan sarana tepat meraih kebahagiaanLektor, pemazmur sebagai duta TuhanHati kita dicipta untuk mengasihi\n\n\n\n\nKOTA KINABALU: Canselor Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu, Fr Wilfred Atin, mengumumkan empat Gereja diangkat menjadi paroki tanpa residen paderi paroki di Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu, dalam surat pastoral bertarikh Februari 2, 2023.Pengangkatan empat paroki baharu tanpa residen paderi paroki ini juga telah diumumkan oleh Uskup Agung John Wong pada Januari 18, 2023 semasa Perhimpunan Para Klerus Sabah di Rumah Retret Keuskupan Keningau, Tatal.Empat paroki baru tanpa residen paderi paroki ialah:1. Paroki St Augustine, Kinarut2. Paroki St Thomas, Kepayan3. Paroki Good Shepherd, Menggatal4. Paroki Mary Immaculate, Bukit Padang.Paroki baru ini di bawah jagaan Fr Wilfred Atin (Paroki St Augustine, Kinarut), Fr Ambrose Atang (Paroki St Thomas, Kepayan), Fr David Sham (Paroki Good Shepherd, Menggatal) dan Fr Paul Lo (Paroki Immaculate Conception, Bukit Padang).Pengangkatan paroki baru tanpa paderi paroki residen ini berkuatkuasa Febuari 2, 2023 dan telah diumumkan di semua paroki di Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu pada Misa Senja, Februari 4 dan Misa Hari Minggu, Februari 5, 2023. \n", "KOTA KINABALU: Canselor Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu, Fr Wilfred Atin, mengumumkan empat Gereja diangkat menjadi paroki tanpa residen paderi paroki di Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu, dalam surat pastoral bertarikh Februari 2, 2023.Pengangkatan empat paroki baharu tanpa residen paderi paroki ini juga telah diumumkan oleh Uskup Agung John Wong pada Januari 18, 2023 semasa Perhimpunan Para Klerus Sabah di Rumah Retret Keuskupan Keningau, Tatal.Empat paroki baru tanpa residen paderi paroki ialah:1. Paroki St Augustine, Kinarut2. Paroki St Thomas, Kepayan3. Paroki Good Shepherd, Menggatal4. Paroki Mary Immaculate, Bukit Padang.Paroki baru ini di bawah jagaan Fr Wilfred Atin (Paroki St Augustine, Kinarut), Fr Ambrose Atang (Paroki St Thomas, Kepayan), Fr David Sham (Paroki Good Shepherd, Menggatal) dan Fr Paul Lo (Paroki Immaculate Conception, Bukit Padang).Pengangkatan paroki baru tanpa paderi paroki residen ini berkuatkuasa Febuari 2, 2023 dan telah diumumkan di semua paroki di Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu pada Misa Senja, Februari 4 dan Misa Hari Minggu, Februari 5, 2023." ]
Doa Untuk Negara Kita
Doa Untuk Negara Kita
[ "\nSep 28, 2018\n\nRelated News\n\nPengampunan putuskan lingkaran kebencianSidang Sinode berdoa keamanan untuk Timur TengahBumi tidak dapat menampung kita lagiPerintah Tuhan sarana tepat meraih kebahagiaanLektor, pemazmur sebagai duta TuhanHati kita dicipta untuk mengasihi\n\n\n\n\nPemimpin: Marilah kita mewartakan nama Tuhan dan memuji kemuliaan Tuhan kita!Semua:Semua:Tuhan, betapa sempurnanyakarya-Mu dan semuaperbuatan-Mu adalah adil.Biarlah suara-Mu didengar pada hariini oleh semua bangsa!Ya Tuhan, Hakim para bangsa,Urapilah kami denganketakutan akan kemurkaan-Mu agarkami sedar bahawa kamihanyalah manusia biasa.Bapa, seluruh alam semesta Mumengeluh dan berbeban berat untukingin dibebaskan dari kuasa yangmenghancurkan, untuk bebasdi dalam kemuliaan sebagaianak-anak Tuhan.Tuhan Yesus,utuslah Roh Kebenaran-Mu danbiarlah Roh ini membuktikan‘kepada kuasa-kuasa duniawi”betapa salahnya pendapat merekatentang dosa, dan apa yang benar danhukuman Tuhan.Ya Tuhan, tunjukkanlah kuasa akankarya-karya-Mu kepada semua umat-Mu dan penuhilah kamidengan pengetahuan akankemuliaan-Mu sebagaimana lautanpenuh dengan air.Himpunkan kami semuaya Tuhan di dalam Nama-Mudan semoga semua orang memujibahawa Engkaulahsatu-satunya Tuhan yang Benar.(Doa ini digubah dari pelbagai petikan Alkitab) \n", "Pemimpin: Marilah kita mewartakan nama Tuhan dan memuji kemuliaan Tuhan kita!Semua:Semua:Tuhan, betapa sempurnanyakarya-Mu dan semuaperbuatan-Mu adalah adil.Biarlah suara-Mu didengar pada hariini oleh semua bangsa!Ya Tuhan, Hakim para bangsa,Urapilah kami denganketakutan akan kemurkaan-Mu agarkami sedar bahawa kamihanyalah manusia biasa.Bapa, seluruh alam semesta Mumengeluh dan berbeban berat untukingin dibebaskan dari kuasa yangmenghancurkan, untuk bebasdi dalam kemuliaan sebagaianak-anak Tuhan.Tuhan Yesus,utuslah Roh Kebenaran-Mu danbiarlah Roh ini membuktikan‘kepada kuasa-kuasa duniawi”betapa salahnya pendapat merekatentang dosa, dan apa yang benar danhukuman Tuhan.Ya Tuhan, tunjukkanlah kuasa akankarya-karya-Mu kepada semua umat-Mu dan penuhilah kamidengan pengetahuan akankemuliaan-Mu sebagaimana lautanpenuh dengan air.Himpunkan kami semuaya Tuhan di dalam Nama-Mudan semoga semua orang memujibahawa Engkaulahsatu-satunya Tuhan yang Benar.(Doa ini digubah dari pelbagai petikan Alkitab)" ]
Bangladesh has ten new Deacons, ready “to serve"
Mgr Gervas Rozario, bishop of Rajshahi, led the ordination Mass. Probal Rozario and Ashis Runia, attracted to priests and nuns from childhood, tell their stories. Overall male vocations are up but female vocations are down.
[ "\nMay 30, 2017\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nBy Sumon CorrayaBangladesh has ten new deacons, ready to serve the Church in the priesthood.\nA group of young men, from various dioceses, were ordained last Saturday in the presence of Mgr Gervas Rozario, bishop of Rajshahi, and vice-president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Bangladesh (CBCB).\nIn his homily the bishop noted: \"Your goal as deacons is not to be served, but to serve. Do not expect to receive honours, but honour others as servants of God. \"\nFour of the ten deacons hail from the Rajshahi diocese. One of them is Probal Rozario. \"During my childhood I saw priests and sisters visit my home,” he told AsiaNews. “Their lifestyle greatly attracted me. My dream of becoming a priest was born from this.\"\nAt home, \"We always recited the Rosary,” he added. “My parents and grandparents encouraged me to follow the vocation. \"\nDeacon Ashis Runia, from Dinajpur diocese, remembers his on experience. \"I attended church regularly. The sacred and ideal model of life of priests inspired me.”\n\"I know that religious life is not always comfortable,” he added, “but I love Jesus Christ.  From the Almighty God I received the call to the priestly life, which I have put into practice during my seminary training. I thank God for blessing me with this 'religious calling.' Although there are many temptations in today's world, I will overcome them with the love for Jesus Christ as his follower. Preaching the Gospel is the main goal in my religious life.\"\nBefore the end of the year, the deacons will receive their priestly ordination. Across the country, there will 16 new priests, including five Holy Cross seminarians and one Oblate of the Immaculate Conception who are getting ready for their consecration.\nIn predominantly Muslim Bangladesh, Catholics number nearly 400,000 (out of a total population of 160 million). Recently, the number of male vocations increased, whilst that of female vocations decreased.\nOverall, the country has 380 priests, 107 men religious and 1,070 nuns led by Card Patrick D'Rozario, an Archbishop and eight Bishops.--Asia News \n", "By Sumon CorrayaBangladesh has ten new deacons, ready to serve the Church in the priesthood.", "A group of young men, from various dioceses, were ordained last Saturday in the presence of Mgr Gervas Rozario, bishop of Rajshahi, and vice-president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Bangladesh (CBCB).", "In his homily the bishop noted: \"Your goal as deacons is not to be served, but to serve. Do not expect to receive honours, but honour others as servants of God. \"", "Four of the ten deacons hail from the Rajshahi diocese. One of them is Probal Rozario. \"During my childhood I saw priests and sisters visit my home,” he told AsiaNews. “Their lifestyle greatly attracted me. My dream of becoming a priest was born from this.\"", "At home, \"We always recited the Rosary,” he added. “My parents and grandparents encouraged me to follow the vocation. \"", "Deacon Ashis Runia, from Dinajpur diocese, remembers his on experience. \"I attended church regularly. The sacred and ideal model of life of priests inspired me.”", "\"I know that religious life is not always comfortable,” he added, “but I love Jesus Christ.  From the Almighty God I received the call to the priestly life, which I have put into practice during my seminary training. I thank God for blessing me with this 'religious calling.' Although there are many temptations in today's world, I will overcome them with the love for Jesus Christ as his follower. Preaching the Gospel is the main goal in my religious life.\"", "Before the end of the year, the deacons will receive their priestly ordination. Across the country, there will 16 new priests, including five Holy Cross seminarians and one Oblate of the Immaculate Conception who are getting ready for their consecration.", "In predominantly Muslim Bangladesh, Catholics number nearly 400,000 (out of a total population of 160 million). Recently, the number of male vocations increased, whilst that of female vocations decreased.", "Overall, the country has 380 priests, 107 men religious and 1,070 nuns led by Card Patrick D'Rozario, an Archbishop and eight Bishops.--Asia News" ]
Nuncio blesses first cross tower in Sabah
The first Cross Tower in Sabah has been blessed and launched by the Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia, Archbishop Joseph Salvador Marino on 4 June 2016.
[ "\nJun 11, 2016\n\nRelated News\n\nBlessing and Official Opening of St James Bitikie ChurchAnna in Rome - Part 4Diary of Archbishop Julian LeowDiary of Cardinal Sebastian FrancisDiary of Bishop Bernard PaulMalacca Johore Diocese News Update #150\n\n\n\n\nKENINGAU: The first  Cross Tower in Sabah has been blessed and launched by the Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia, Archbishop Joseph Salvador Marino on 4 June 2016.\nThe Cross Tower is part of the newly constructed Holy Family Pilgrimage Centre located on Nulu Sosopon or Sosopon Hill, sitting on a 10.2-acre  hilly land overlooking Keningau town.\nKeningau Bishop Cornelius Piong told Catholic Sabah that the inspiration to build a shrine “that expresses our gratitude to God and serves as a reminder that our family plays an important role in building our community” came to him while reflecting on how best the Diocese of Keningau could express the contribution of families towards building a community of God’s faithful.\nAs the journey of the diocese is close to reaching its silver jubilee milestone (in 2018), the prelate explained,  “it is our local custom to express our gratitude for all the blessings we have received,” and to acknowledge that “because of God’s Divine Mercy, we are who we are today in our journeying together in Jesus Christ”.\nBishop Piong elaborated on the suitability of the site for the pilgrimage centre, “It has a panoramic view, cool weather and a conducive atmosphere for reflection and meditation.”\nAn interesting fact told by the former owner of this parcel of land, as related by the bishop, is that “at one time, there was a water spring somewhere in this place where animals would come to drink and be rejuvenated.”\nThis is very significant, explained the prelate.  “If the animals in those days came to this hill to drink from the spring to be rejuvenated, today we, as families and communities, can come here to drink from the Presence of Christ, ‘the source of living water,’ and be rejuvenated.”\nThe local dialect for water spring is Sosopon. This is how the name Nulu Sosopon or Sosopon Hill is derived.\nBishop Piong hoped that the Holy Family Pilgrimage Centre will be the place where many would come and experience the presence of God through prayer, reflection and meditation.\nHe added that the pilgrimage centre would also serve to remind the faithful of the objective and focus of journeying together in Christ.\nThe pilgrimage centre is equipped with a church building, a hall and a cross tower.\nThe cross tower is the first of its kind in Sabah, and has an imposing height of 70 feet! It serves to remind the faithful that as disciples of Christ, we need “to deny ourselves and carry our cross daily and follow Him.”\nThe centre also has a statue of Msgr August Wachter to remind the faithful of the early missionaries; and a statute of the Holy Family to inspire and encourage families to remain united and faithful to \n", "KENINGAU: The first  Cross Tower in Sabah has been blessed and launched by the Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia, Archbishop Joseph Salvador Marino on 4 June 2016.", "The Cross Tower is part of the newly constructed Holy Family Pilgrimage Centre located on Nulu Sosopon or Sosopon Hill, sitting on a 10.2-acre  hilly land overlooking Keningau town.", "Keningau Bishop Cornelius Piong told Catholic Sabah that the inspiration to build a shrine “that expresses our gratitude to God and serves as a reminder that our family plays an important role in building our community” came to him while reflecting on how best the Diocese of Keningau could express the contribution of families towards building a community of God’s faithful.", "As the journey of the diocese is close to reaching its silver jubilee milestone (in 2018), the prelate explained,  “it is our local custom to express our gratitude for all the blessings we have received,” and to acknowledge that “because of God’s Divine Mercy, we are who we are today in our journeying together in Jesus Christ”.", "Bishop Piong elaborated on the suitability of the site for the pilgrimage centre, “It has a panoramic view, cool weather and a conducive atmosphere for reflection and meditation.”", "An interesting fact told by the former owner of this parcel of land, as related by the bishop, is that “at one time, there was a water spring somewhere in this place where animals would come to drink and be rejuvenated.”", "This is very significant, explained the prelate.  “If the animals in those days came to this hill to drink from the spring to be rejuvenated, today we, as families and communities, can come here to drink from the Presence of Christ, ‘the source of living water,’ and be rejuvenated.”", "The local dialect for water spring is Sosopon. This is how the name Nulu Sosopon or Sosopon Hill is derived.", "Bishop Piong hoped that the Holy Family Pilgrimage Centre will be the place where many would come and experience the presence of God through prayer, reflection and meditation.", "He added that the pilgrimage centre would also serve to remind the faithful of the objective and focus of journeying together in Christ.", "The pilgrimage centre is equipped with a church building, a hall and a cross tower.", "The cross tower is the first of its kind in Sabah, and has an imposing height of 70 feet! It serves to remind the faithful that as disciples of Christ, we need “to deny ourselves and carry our cross daily and follow Him.”", "The centre also has a statue of Msgr August Wachter to remind the faithful of the early missionaries; and a statute of the Holy Family to inspire and encourage families to remain united and faithful to" ]
Mumbai, Day of the poor in memory of Mother Teresa
The second edition of the World Day of the Poor, declared by Pope Francis, will be celebrated next Sunday. This year’s edition is titled ‘This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him’. Mgr D'Silva will hand out blankets and food to the homeless in Thane, Mumbai.
[ "\nNov 16, 2018\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nBy Nirmala CarvalhoMgr Allwyn D'Silva, auxiliary archbishop of Mumbai, said that the Day of the Poor, which falls next Sunday, should be celebrated \"in memory of Mother Teresa's words\".\n\"When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needs,\" the prelate told AsiaNewsquoting the saint of Kolkata.\nWith \"these words in mind\", the bishop plans to walk the streets of Thane, near Mumbai, next Sunday at midnight, to meet the poor who live on the sidewalks.\n\"Together with some parishioners of St John the Baptist (Church),” he plans to “share with them blankets as winter is approaching, and some food.”\nFor the prelate, who is the secretary of the Office for Human Development and the Desk for Climate Change of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC), this is \"a small gesture\".\n\" We need to speak about poverty and at the Eucharist on Sunday I plan to give the message of Pope Francis to the parishioners\" titled ‘This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him’.\n“Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home,” said Mgr D’Silva in concluding.--Asia News \n", "By Nirmala CarvalhoMgr Allwyn D'Silva, auxiliary archbishop of Mumbai, said that the Day of the Poor, which falls next Sunday, should be celebrated \"in memory of Mother Teresa's words\".", "\"When a poor person dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It has happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needs,\" the prelate told AsiaNewsquoting the saint of Kolkata.", "With \"these words in mind\", the bishop plans to walk the streets of Thane, near Mumbai, next Sunday at midnight, to meet the poor who live on the sidewalks.", "\"Together with some parishioners of St John the Baptist (Church),” he plans to “share with them blankets as winter is approaching, and some food.”", "For the prelate, who is the secretary of the Office for Human Development and the Desk for Climate Change of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences (FABC), this is \"a small gesture\".", "\" We need to speak about poverty and at the Eucharist on Sunday I plan to give the message of Pope Francis to the parishioners\" titled ‘This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him’.", "“Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home,” said Mgr D’Silva in concluding.--Asia News" ]
Europe’s Bishops, Other Christian leaders, call for respecting gift of creation
“The ‘common house’ we care for, is made up of both the natural world and of human relationships”
[ "\nAug 30, 2016\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\n \nGENEVA: In the lead-up to this Thursday’s Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences and other Christian leaders of Europe released a joint statement.This World Day was began in 1989 under the leadership of the Orthodox Church, and last year in August, Pope Francis established the day for the Catholic Church.Here is the statement from the European leaders:Time for Creation – let’s Pray Together to Appreciate and Care for the Gift of CreationA common statement of Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), Conference of European Churches (CEC) and European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN)St. Gallen / Geneva, August 29, 2016Respect, appreciation and contemplation of Creation are the common concern of Christian Churches. The Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and the Conference of European Churches (CEC), on the occasion of the Day for Creation, call for common prayers and to strengthen ecumenical work to care for Creation.According to the Gospel, responsibility for the environment can never be detached from responsibility for other human beings: for our neighbour, for the poor, or the forgotten, all in a true spirit of solidarity and love. Respecting Creation means not only protecting and safeguarding the earth, water and other parts of the natural world. It is at the same time expressing respect for human beings who share those gifts and bear responsibility for them. We remember Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s thought that the most urgent problem besetting our Churches is the way in which we live our Christian life in the face of contemporary cultural and social challenges. This means we must relate to each other within the context of the world we all live in. This is an original definition of “oikos”, meaning “the house”. The “common house” we care for, is made up of both the natural world and of human relationships.Time for Creation from 1stSeptember – 4thOctober (the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi in the Western tradition) is a special period in the liturgical calendars in a growing number of Churches in Europe. In this period we remember the gift of Creation and our relation to it. Celebration of this Time and its place in the cycle of Christian prayers and worships was commended by the 3rd European Ecumenical Assembly in Sibiu 2007. The European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN) has been instrumental in promoting and encouraging Christians to pray together in spirit of ecumenical cooperation and to promoting action to care for Creation. The initiative to celebrate a day of prayer for God’s Creation on 1st September which, in the Byzantine tradition is the beginning of the Church Year, started in 1989 by Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios. Similarly, in 2015 Pope Francis decided that 1stSeptember be the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation in the Catholic Church.We face urgently challenges of environmental degradation and climate change, and encouraged by the words of Pope Francis’ Encyclical letter Laudato si’acknowledge our shared responsibility. We warmly invite all European Christians, member churches of CEC and bishops’ conferences of CCEE, parishes and Church communities and every person of good will to join in Time for Creation, to celebrate Time for Creation together, within your own liturgical traditions and to uphold the common Christian faith in God the Creator. We urge you, in your respective settings, to offer, prayers for gift of Creation, and join us in praying together:O Lord, teach us to care for the whole Creation,to protect all life and to share the fruits of the earth.Teach us to share our human work with our brothers and sisters,especially with the poor and those in need.Grant us to remain faithful to your Gospelas to joyfully offer to our society in different countries across the continentthe horizon of a better futurefilled with justice, peace, love and beauty.Amen.Fr. Heikki HuttunenGeneral Secretary of CECMgr. Duarte da CunhaGeneral Secretary of CCEERev.Dr. Peter PavlovicSecretary of ECEN--Zenit\n  \n", "GENEVA: In the lead-up to this Thursday’s Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences and other Christian leaders of Europe released a joint statement.This World Day was began in 1989 under the leadership of the Orthodox Church, and last year in August, Pope Francis established the day for the Catholic Church.Here is the statement from the European leaders:Time for Creation – let’s Pray Together to Appreciate and Care for the Gift of CreationA common statement of Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE), Conference of European Churches (CEC) and European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN)St. Gallen / Geneva, August 29, 2016Respect, appreciation and contemplation of Creation are the common concern of Christian Churches. The Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and the Conference of European Churches (CEC), on the occasion of the Day for Creation, call for common prayers and to strengthen ecumenical work to care for Creation.According to the Gospel, responsibility for the environment can never be detached from responsibility for other human beings: for our neighbour, for the poor, or the forgotten, all in a true spirit of solidarity and love. Respecting Creation means not only protecting and safeguarding the earth, water and other parts of the natural world. It is at the same time expressing respect for human beings who share those gifts and bear responsibility for them. We remember Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s thought that the most urgent problem besetting our Churches is the way in which we live our Christian life in the face of contemporary cultural and social challenges. This means we must relate to each other within the context of the world we all live in. This is an original definition of “oikos”, meaning “the house”. The “common house” we care for, is made up of both the natural world and of human relationships.Time for Creation from 1stSeptember – 4thOctober (the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi in the Western tradition) is a special period in the liturgical calendars in a growing number of Churches in Europe. In this period we remember the gift of Creation and our relation to it. Celebration of this Time and its place in the cycle of Christian prayers and worships was commended by the 3rd European Ecumenical Assembly in Sibiu 2007. The European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN) has been instrumental in promoting and encouraging Christians to pray together in spirit of ecumenical cooperation and to promoting action to care for Creation. The initiative to celebrate a day of prayer for God’s Creation on 1st September which, in the Byzantine tradition is the beginning of the Church Year, started in 1989 by Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios. Similarly, in 2015 Pope Francis decided that 1stSeptember be the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation in the Catholic Church.We face urgently challenges of environmental degradation and climate change, and encouraged by the words of Pope Francis’ Encyclical letter Laudato si’acknowledge our shared responsibility. We warmly invite all European Christians, member churches of CEC and bishops’ conferences of CCEE, parishes and Church communities and every person of good will to join in Time for Creation, to celebrate Time for Creation together, within your own liturgical traditions and to uphold the common Christian faith in God the Creator. We urge you, in your respective settings, to offer, prayers for gift of Creation, and join us in praying together:O Lord, teach us to care for the whole Creation,to protect all life and to share the fruits of the earth.Teach us to share our human work with our brothers and sisters,especially with the poor and those in need.Grant us to remain faithful to your Gospelas to joyfully offer to our society in different countries across the continentthe horizon of a better futurefilled with justice, peace, love and beauty.Amen.Fr. Heikki HuttunenGeneral Secretary of CECMgr. Duarte da CunhaGeneral Secretary of CCEERev.Dr. Peter PavlovicSecretary of ECEN--Zenit" ]
Keangkuhan memisahkan kita dengan belas kasihan Tuhan
Letupan di selatan Turki telah menyebabkan kebakaran di sebuah majlis perkahwinan yang meragut nyawa seramai 50 orang dan hampir 100 orang cedera parah.
[ "\nAug 26, 2016\n\nRelated News\n\nPengampunan putuskan lingkaran kebencianSidang Sinode berdoa keamanan untuk Timur TengahBumi tidak dapat menampung kita lagiPerintah Tuhan sarana tepat meraih kebahagiaanLektor, pemazmur sebagai duta TuhanHati kita dicipta untuk mengasihi\n\n\n\n\nVATIKAN: Letupan di selatan Turki telah menyebabkan kebakaran di sebuah majlis perkahwinan yang meragut nyawa seramai 50 orang dan hampir 100 orang cedera parah. Berikutan tragedi itu, Paus Fransiskus menawarkan doa bagi para mangsa dan bersungguhsungguh meminta kepada Tuhan yang Berbelas Kasihan agar damai dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang di bumi ini. Paus Fransiskus menyatakan dukacitanya di atas kejadian berdarah yang terjadi di Turki pada semasa memimpin doa Angelus pada 21 Ogos. Menurut agensi berita Aljazeera, lebih kurang 50 orang telah terbunuh dan 94 orang lagi cedera selepas letupan yang dipercayai dilakukan oleh pengebom berani mati. Pengebom berani mati itu merempuh ke majlis perkahwinan di daerah Sahin Bey, kota Gaziantep, iaitu dekat sempadan Syria pada 20 Ogos. Meskipun belum ada orang yang mendakwa bertanggungjawab melakukan serangan itu, menurut Aljazeera, Ali Yerlikaya, gabenor Gaziantep, merujuk tragedi itu sebagai serangan teroris dan presiden Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan mendakwa pembunuhan kejam itu ada kemungkinan besar dilakukan oleh Daesh. Sebelum berucap, terlebih dahulu Sri Paus merenung petikan Injil pada hari tersebut yang dipetik dari Injil Lukas, di mana semasa Yesus sedang mengajar di Yerusalem, seseorang telah bertanya mengapa hanya sedikit orang yang diselamatkan? Sangti Papa menerangkan bahawa Yesus tidak segera menjawab soalan itu sebaliknya merujuk kepada sebuah pintu serta mengajak umat untuk berusaha melewati pintu sempit itu. Dengan memberikan gambaran sebuah pintu, Yesus memberitahu para pendengar-Nya bahawa berapa orang yang akan diselamatkan adalah tidak penting. “Umat harus tahu bahawa yang lebih penting ialah mengenal dan mengetahui jalan yang membawa kita kepada keselamatan dan kegembiraan kekal.”Laluan itu diperlukan sekiranya kita melewati pintu itu. Pintu itu, kata Sri Paus, adalah Yesus sendiri. “Dia mahu memimpin kita semua dan bersatu dengan Bapa di mana kita akan dinaungi dengan cinta kasih, perlindungan dan belas kasihan.”“Mengapa pintu itu begitu sempit?” tanya Sangti Papa. Ia bukanlah bermaksud menindas atau menekan sebaliknya mencabar kita untuk merendahkan diri, meninggalkan sikap angkuh dan ketakutan serta membuka hati kita untuk taat kepada-Nya, mengakui bahawa kita adalah pendosa yang memerlukan belas kasihan-Nya.” Meskipun pintu penyelamatan itu sempit tetapi pintu belas kasihan Tuhan “sentiasa terbuka lebar” bagi semua orang malah Tuhan juga tidak memilih kasih serta mengalualukan kedatangan semua orang. Yesus mengatakan bahawa Dia menanti setiap kita, walau apa pun dosa yang telah kita lakukan, Dia menunggu kita datang kepada-Nya, untuk mengampuni dosa kita dan merangkul kita ke dalam pelukan- Nya yang sarat dengan cinta kasih. Hanya dengan membuka hati untuk menerima belas kasihan dan kasih sayang-Nya, barulah kita dapat memahami makna kehidupan kita dan sukacita yang sejati.”--CNA/EWTN \n", "VATIKAN: Letupan di selatan Turki telah menyebabkan kebakaran di sebuah majlis perkahwinan yang meragut nyawa seramai 50 orang dan hampir 100 orang cedera parah. Berikutan tragedi itu, Paus Fransiskus menawarkan doa bagi para mangsa dan bersungguhsungguh meminta kepada Tuhan yang Berbelas Kasihan agar damai dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang di bumi ini. Paus Fransiskus menyatakan dukacitanya di atas kejadian berdarah yang terjadi di Turki pada semasa memimpin doa Angelus pada 21 Ogos. Menurut agensi berita Aljazeera, lebih kurang 50 orang telah terbunuh dan 94 orang lagi cedera selepas letupan yang dipercayai dilakukan oleh pengebom berani mati. Pengebom berani mati itu merempuh ke majlis perkahwinan di daerah Sahin Bey, kota Gaziantep, iaitu dekat sempadan Syria pada 20 Ogos. Meskipun belum ada orang yang mendakwa bertanggungjawab melakukan serangan itu, menurut Aljazeera, Ali Yerlikaya, gabenor Gaziantep, merujuk tragedi itu sebagai serangan teroris dan presiden Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan mendakwa pembunuhan kejam itu ada kemungkinan besar dilakukan oleh Daesh. Sebelum berucap, terlebih dahulu Sri Paus merenung petikan Injil pada hari tersebut yang dipetik dari Injil Lukas, di mana semasa Yesus sedang mengajar di Yerusalem, seseorang telah bertanya mengapa hanya sedikit orang yang diselamatkan? Sangti Papa menerangkan bahawa Yesus tidak segera menjawab soalan itu sebaliknya merujuk kepada sebuah pintu serta mengajak umat untuk berusaha melewati pintu sempit itu. Dengan memberikan gambaran sebuah pintu, Yesus memberitahu para pendengar-Nya bahawa berapa orang yang akan diselamatkan adalah tidak penting. “Umat harus tahu bahawa yang lebih penting ialah mengenal dan mengetahui jalan yang membawa kita kepada keselamatan dan kegembiraan kekal.”Laluan itu diperlukan sekiranya kita melewati pintu itu. Pintu itu, kata Sri Paus, adalah Yesus sendiri. “Dia mahu memimpin kita semua dan bersatu dengan Bapa di mana kita akan dinaungi dengan cinta kasih, perlindungan dan belas kasihan.”“Mengapa pintu itu begitu sempit?” tanya Sangti Papa. Ia bukanlah bermaksud menindas atau menekan sebaliknya mencabar kita untuk merendahkan diri, meninggalkan sikap angkuh dan ketakutan serta membuka hati kita untuk taat kepada-Nya, mengakui bahawa kita adalah pendosa yang memerlukan belas kasihan-Nya.” Meskipun pintu penyelamatan itu sempit tetapi pintu belas kasihan Tuhan “sentiasa terbuka lebar” bagi semua orang malah Tuhan juga tidak memilih kasih serta mengalualukan kedatangan semua orang. Yesus mengatakan bahawa Dia menanti setiap kita, walau apa pun dosa yang telah kita lakukan, Dia menunggu kita datang kepada-Nya, untuk mengampuni dosa kita dan merangkul kita ke dalam pelukan- Nya yang sarat dengan cinta kasih. Hanya dengan membuka hati untuk menerima belas kasihan dan kasih sayang-Nya, barulah kita dapat memahami makna kehidupan kita dan sukacita yang sejati.”--CNA/EWTN" ]
Pope at Ecumenical Prayer: May the Lord awaken our consciences!
Pope Francis concludes his Apostolic Journey to Cyprus with an Ecumenical Prayer service with migrants, where he reflects on God’s dream for a “world of peace, in which all His children live as brothers and sisters.”
[ "\nDec 04, 2021\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n Participant at the Ecumenical Prayer with Migrants at the Parish Church of Holy Cross in Nicosia \nBy Christopher WellsSharing a moment of Ecumenical Prayer with migrants during his final event in Cyprus, Pope Francis said that through their testimonies, “God is revealing His Kingdom, His Kingdom of love, justice, and peace to the little ones.”Four migrants from different parts of the world shared their stories, bearing witness to their own identity, to the wounds of hate they have suffered, to their journeys, and to their dreams. Listening to them, Pope Francis said, “we better understand the prophetic power of the word of God, who tells us… ‘You are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God’.”The Pope said the migrants’ stories “are like a ‘mirror’ held up to us, to our Christian communities, reminding us that we too are asked about our identity. They remind us “that hate has also poisoned relations between us Christians… that we are journeying from conflict to communion… that God speaks to us through our dreams.”God “asks us not to be content with a divided world, divided Christian communities,” the Pope said, “but to journey through history drawn by His own dream: the dream of a humanity freed of walls of division, freed of hostility, where there are no longer strangers, but only fellow citizens.”Pope Francis expressed his hope that Cyprus, an island “marked by a painful division,” might become “by God’s grace, a workshop of fraternity.” For this to happen, he said, two things are necessary: “an effective recognition of the dignity of every person,” and a trusting openness to God the Father of all.”The Holy Father said, “If these two things can happen, the dream can translate into daily journey, made up of concrete steps from conflict to communion, from hate to love.” It is, he said, “A patient journey, which day by day leads us to the land God has prepared for us: The land where, if people ask, ‘Who are you?’ you can readily respond, ‘I am your brother’, ‘I am your sister’.”Pope Francis concluded his address with an impassioned plea to overcome the modern indifference to the suffering experienced by migrants. He deplored the fact that we have gotten used to reading about the tragedies that occur every day.“I’m sorry, but I want to say what is in my heart!” the Pope said. He lamented that people seeking food, help, freedom, and brotherhood encounter only barbed wire. “May the Lord awaken the conscience of all us in the face of such things, Pope Francis said. “Please forgive me for telling things as they are, but we cannot remain silent and look the other way in this culture of indifference!”--Vatican News \n", "By Christopher WellsSharing a moment of Ecumenical Prayer with migrants during his final event in Cyprus, Pope Francis said that through their testimonies, “God is revealing His Kingdom, His Kingdom of love, justice, and peace to the little ones.”Four migrants from different parts of the world shared their stories, bearing witness to their own identity, to the wounds of hate they have suffered, to their journeys, and to their dreams. Listening to them, Pope Francis said, “we better understand the prophetic power of the word of God, who tells us… ‘You are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God’.”The Pope said the migrants’ stories “are like a ‘mirror’ held up to us, to our Christian communities, reminding us that we too are asked about our identity. They remind us “that hate has also poisoned relations between us Christians… that we are journeying from conflict to communion… that God speaks to us through our dreams.”God “asks us not to be content with a divided world, divided Christian communities,” the Pope said, “but to journey through history drawn by His own dream: the dream of a humanity freed of walls of division, freed of hostility, where there are no longer strangers, but only fellow citizens.”Pope Francis expressed his hope that Cyprus, an island “marked by a painful division,” might become “by God’s grace, a workshop of fraternity.” For this to happen, he said, two things are necessary: “an effective recognition of the dignity of every person,” and a trusting openness to God the Father of all.”The Holy Father said, “If these two things can happen, the dream can translate into daily journey, made up of concrete steps from conflict to communion, from hate to love.” It is, he said, “A patient journey, which day by day leads us to the land God has prepared for us: The land where, if people ask, ‘Who are you?’ you can readily respond, ‘I am your brother’, ‘I am your sister’.”Pope Francis concluded his address with an impassioned plea to overcome the modern indifference to the suffering experienced by migrants. He deplored the fact that we have gotten used to reading about the tragedies that occur every day.“I’m sorry, but I want to say what is in my heart!” the Pope said. He lamented that people seeking food, help, freedom, and brotherhood encounter only barbed wire. “May the Lord awaken the conscience of all us in the face of such things, Pope Francis said. “Please forgive me for telling things as they are, but we cannot remain silent and look the other way in this culture of indifference!”--Vatican News" ]
Violence in Jakarta: Police deny claims of deaths, slam 'premeditated actions'
Indonesian police have denied claims of casualties among the people who took part in violent protests in central Jakarta in the early hours of the dawn.
[ "\nMay 23, 2019\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nBy Mathias HariyadiIndonesian police have denied claims of casualties among the people who took part in violent protests in central Jakarta in the early hours of the dawn.\nSocial media and Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reported this morning six deaths and over 200 wounded in this morning’s riots.\nAccording to security forces, the clashes were premeditated and carried out by outsiders who sought \"to incite the population to commit violence and cause social unrest\", following the official proclamation of President Joko Widodo’s victory in April’s election, this according to National Police spokesman Inspector General Muhammad Iqbal.\nThe top official said that the security forces have \"detained 58 individuals, suspected of being the instigators of the riots\".\nBacked by Islamists and right-wing groups, the opposition continues to refuse to accept its defeat; instead, it claims the vote was rigged by fraud, full of irregularities. In recent days, Subianto and his entourage have repeatedly called on voters to express their dissent, raising the authorities' fears.\nTwo major demonstrations were held yesterday in central Jakarta, the first at noon at the headquarters of the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), on Thamrin Boulevard (pictures 2 and 3).\nDozens of protesters tried to force the security perimeter and the barbed wire placed by the police to protect the building. Eventually, the protest ended peacefully with the breaking of the Ramadan fast.\nAgents and protesters prayed together the tarawih (Ramadan prayers) until 9 pm, when the police ordered the crowd to disperse. The protesters urged Bawaslu to intervene against alleged voting irregularities, but the agency ignored the request.\nThe most violent clashes occurred two to three kilometres from the agency's headquarters. An unidentified crowd took to the streets in three different locations in central Jakarta: Petamburan, Wahid Hasyim Street and the Tanah Abang market.\nThe protesters included a group of about 200 people armed with stones and sticks. They clashed with the police at night, when they started throwing stones and burning cars.\n\"Around 3 am, agents tried to restore calm in Tanah Abang, but other people caused unrest in different areas of the city,\" General Iqbal said.\nBy and large, public opinion believes that violence was engendered in order to blame security personnel and generated dissatisfaction with the government.\nSuspicions have been fuelled by online rumours, which police describe as fake news. One claims that six people died in the clashes. Another one asserts that policemen and military personnel beat up an Islamic cleric who had taken refuge in a mosque.\n\"The inquiry shows that the rioters are not originally from Jakarta, but from the provinces of Banten, Central Java and West Java,” said the general.\nFor police, those responsible for the clashes were hired by intermediaries. During their searches, the agents found envelopes containing 300 rupees (25 US dollars).\nWhat is more, \"On a street there was even the ambulance of a certain West Java political party, full of stones and other material,\" General Iqbal noted.--Asia News \n", "By Mathias HariyadiIndonesian police have denied claims of casualties among the people who took part in violent protests in central Jakarta in the early hours of the dawn.", "Social media and Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reported this morning six deaths and over 200 wounded in this morning’s riots.", "According to security forces, the clashes were premeditated and carried out by outsiders who sought \"to incite the population to commit violence and cause social unrest\", following the official proclamation of President Joko Widodo’s victory in April’s election, this according to National Police spokesman Inspector General Muhammad Iqbal.", "The top official said that the security forces have \"detained 58 individuals, suspected of being the instigators of the riots\".", "Backed by Islamists and right-wing groups, the opposition continues to refuse to accept its defeat; instead, it claims the vote was rigged by fraud, full of irregularities. In recent days, Subianto and his entourage have repeatedly called on voters to express their dissent, raising the authorities' fears.", "Two major demonstrations were held yesterday in central Jakarta, the first at noon at the headquarters of the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), on Thamrin Boulevard (pictures 2 and 3).", "Dozens of protesters tried to force the security perimeter and the barbed wire placed by the police to protect the building. Eventually, the protest ended peacefully with the breaking of the Ramadan fast.", "Agents and protesters prayed together the tarawih (Ramadan prayers) until 9 pm, when the police ordered the crowd to disperse. The protesters urged Bawaslu to intervene against alleged voting irregularities, but the agency ignored the request.", "The most violent clashes occurred two to three kilometres from the agency's headquarters. An unidentified crowd took to the streets in three different locations in central Jakarta: Petamburan, Wahid Hasyim Street and the Tanah Abang market.", "The protesters included a group of about 200 people armed with stones and sticks. They clashed with the police at night, when they started throwing stones and burning cars.", "\"Around 3 am, agents tried to restore calm in Tanah Abang, but other people caused unrest in different areas of the city,\" General Iqbal said.", "By and large, public opinion believes that violence was engendered in order to blame security personnel and generated dissatisfaction with the government.", "Suspicions have been fuelled by online rumours, which police describe as fake news. One claims that six people died in the clashes. Another one asserts that policemen and military personnel beat up an Islamic cleric who had taken refuge in a mosque.", "\"The inquiry shows that the rioters are not originally from Jakarta, but from the provinces of Banten, Central Java and West Java,” said the general.", "For police, those responsible for the clashes were hired by intermediaries. During their searches, the agents found envelopes containing 300 rupees (25 US dollars).", "What is more, \"On a street there was even the ambulance of a certain West Java political party, full of stones and other material,\" General Iqbal noted.--Asia News" ]
Vocation stories of newly ordained
Frs Martinian Lee Hock Chuan, Alexuchelvam Mariasoosai and Paul Sia Chau Kiang were ordained on Nov 6, 2018 at the Church of St Theresa, Melaka.
[ "\nNov 09, 2018\n\nRelated News\n\nBlessing and Official Opening of St James Bitikie ChurchAnna in Rome - Part 4Diary of Archbishop Julian LeowDiary of Cardinal Sebastian FrancisDiary of Bishop Bernard PaulMalacca Johore Diocese News Update #150\n\n\n\n\nTried to run away from GodAt the age of 12, Martinian Lee wrote in an essay that his ambition was to be a priest. Little did he know, that 25 years later, he would achieve his ambition.\n“I was very young and immature then, and so I didn’t really fully understand what the priesthood is,” he said.\nAs he entered into adulthood, Lee wanted to fall in love, get married and have children with a good career and enjoy the ‘good life’ but there was a restlessness in his heart.“I felt something wasn’t right. A feeling deep within me was trying to tell me that marriage was not for me. I was in denial, of course, but God was very gentle in his approach and never gave up on me.”\nIt was fear that kept Lee from saying ‘yes’ to God. Fear of not being able to live a celibate life. Fear of being lonely.\n“Somehow, I realised that being controlled by fear is really no fun.My life was not giving glory to God because I wasn’t living out God’s will for me. I was missing true joy and freedom.\n“After many years, I realised that God wouldn’t leave me alone. I was tired of running away from him and so I decided to say yes to God. Immediately, I felt a sense of peace and calmness in my heart. I had a sense of joy and freedom that I had never experienced before. Fear suddenly did not have a grip on me anymore. I felt like I could fly. That’s when I knew that God was truly calling me to the priesthood,” he said.\nBeing a cradle Catholic and the youngest in a family of three, Lee was very involved in his home parish, St Theresa’s Church, Melaka, from a very young age.\n“I learnt so much from serving in church as a teenager, such as self-confidence, public speaking, punctuality, responsibility, respect, and camaraderie among the community. I know at times, I spent more time in church than at home but my parents didn’t mind because they were very active in church too. The community in church, in a way, planted the seed of the priesthood in me,” he said.\nAlthough very active in church, Lee did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. However, he slowly learned about Jesus through the relationship he built within the community.\n“I always thought the more I did in church meant the more Catholic I was. But as I grew older, I realised I knew very little about my faith. My relationship with Jesus needed to go beyond just doing. I needed to befriend the Bible. I needed a prayer life,” he said.Before joining the priesthood, Lee described his family as his first ‘seminary’ as he was surrounded by many role models at home.\n“They taught me how to love Jesus by showing me how to love and treat people. My family showed me great leadership qualities by serving others. My dad is a great role model. He was teaching Catechism long before I was born. My dad has this tremendous love and connection with God. He is truly an inspiration to me,” he said.The turning point came when Lee had a meeting with Bishop Emeritus Paul Tan SJ who asked Lee to give up his life and serve God as a priest. I replied that I was not ‘holy’ enough and that made me unworthy to be a priest.\n“I told him that I had a girlfriend and wanted to get married and would love to have children of my own. To which he replied, ‘That’s great! It means you understand what love is and we want priests that understand the meaning of love.’ He then continued, ‘You must take the leap of faith. This means that in front of you is a deep and dark hole and you are to jump into that hole but trusting that God will catch you safely in his arms.’ That conversation moved me to tears. I knew then that this was God’s will and I was humbled,” he said.\nTo Lee, giving up married life was a gift to God and not a sacrifice, as it was the best gift anyone could give to the person you love the most.\n“We should always give the best to God. In truth, it isn’t me that is doing God a favour. It is God that is blessing me abundantly when he called me,” he said.\nLee spent his initiation year in St Peter’s College Minor Seminary Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and then continued to St Peter’s College Major Seminary Kuching, Sarawak from 2012-2017.\n“In the beginning, I would miss my family but, over the years, seminary life became a norm and Kuching became a second home to me. There were challenging times but never any moment of regret or despair,” he said.\nAmong the surreal, happy and emotional feelings that Lee had leading up to his ordination, he said he would love to bring people to experience who Jesus is.“I wrote a prayer on my ordination prayer card entitled, The Gaze of Christ, which sums up my theme: Love where there is no love. It is easy to love when you are loved but Jesus calls us to love when you have no love shown to you. This is needed, especially in this world today,” he said.Lee’s message to the young people out there is that the priesthood is not boring. To him it is more like an adventure and worth all the struggles.“No matter what, God loves you for youself and therefore you must love yourself, only then can you love others,” he said.--By Lavinia LouisIf God calls, he will make a wayFr Paul Sia is the second among six boys and two girls. Born on August 10, 1956, he studied at Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus in Melaka whilst his secondary years were spent at St Francis Institution. He worked in Malaysia Airlines System in Customer Service Division, Operations Division and Human Resource Division.Fr Sia was accepted into the Pontifical Beda College in September 2015. He was ordained a deacon at St Paul’s Basilica in June 2017, and completed his studies in June 2018. While studying in Rome, he had the opportunity to serve during the Bishops’ Ad Limina visit in 2018 and met the Pope.For him, to be a diocesan priest is to be “attached to the parishioners for at least five years where I can ‘LABOUR, SEEK, HEAL, SET-FREE’ 2 Cor 9:7b (this is also my motto). I also follow the adage,‘… God loves a cheerful giver’.”“I have a bad habit of not answering calls after 10.00pm and it was on March 23, 2014 that I made an exception. The call was from Bishop Paul Tan who gave me the good news — Pontifical Beda College had accepted me as a seminarian.“My desire to join the seminary for priesthood goes back to 1975 when Fr Francis Ng CDD, a newly ordained priest, took charge of the Church of Saint Ignatius, Sungei Way from Fr Sullivan, a Jesuit priest.“I attended the St Ignatius Church (SIC) because it was the only church I knew since coming to Petaling Jaya in 1974. The added advantage was that Fr Ng hails from Ayer Salak, Malacca; the same village where I came from. He was the priest that encouraged me to pursue my desire. He gave me much insight about the CDD Fathers and the priesthood. When I told my parents and aunty of my intention of joining the priesthood, the reply was no. However, I did not give up on the idea. It was always in my mind.“I attended the Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) in 1998 at Assumption Church at the invitation of a colleague (Vincent Nathan). It was during this LSS that the thought of the priesthood became serious. This thought became more serious with my involvement in the Divine Mercy Devotion in Sabah. The LSS also made me realise that going for Sunday Mass is insufficient. As days passed, I became thirstier for the Word of God. I registered to attend a Bible course at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Institute (API), Kuala Lumpur. My involvement in the various ministries at St Ignatius Church grew, beginning with the Charismatic Prayer Group, to teaching in Sunday school, followed by RCIA, Divine Mercy Group and the Youth ministry. I also participated in retreats organised by the Maranatha Retreat House where I later became one of the team members.“My involvement in the Divine Mercy Group brought me to Kota Kinabalu. I worked with Fr William Polis to promote the devotion to the Divine Mercy. It was one of Archbishop John Ha’s sermons at the Divine Mercy Congress that prompted me to share, for the first time, my thoughts about the priesthood, first with Fr William and then with Msgr Gilbert Engan.“When I returned to Peninsular Malaysia, I served the students from Sabah and Sarawak. I then shared my desire with Frs Paulino Miranda and Simon Labrooy. Fr William Michael and Fr Paulino helped me in my discernment. After the death of my dad in 2010 and my aunt in 2012, I wrote officially to the Bishop of Keningau to join the priesthood (as I was mostly based in Sabah). However, my request was unsuccessful. Frs Paulino and Simon Labrooy advised me not to give up and to continue praying saying, ‘If God wants you, he will open another door for you’.“Yes, God opened another door. SIC had their yearly Youth Rally (which I coordinated) at Kuala Kubu Bahru. There, I met Fr Eddie Rayappan (who was then the Vocation Director of MJD), Martin Jalleh and Benedict Lo. It was Jalleh who asked about my application and Fr Eddie took it from there. It was a great Christmas gift for me when I received a call from Bishop Paul Tan on December 22, 2013. That call was the beginning of my journey to Beda. Praise and Thanks to God.”--Fr Paul SiaAlways searching for love“For I was never involved in church. I was only baptised when I was about 14 or 15,” said 42 year old Fr Alexuchelvam Mariasoosai. “I did not get involved in church until after an LSS just after Form 6. I then became very involved, first in the charismatic group in Assumption and then, slowly, with some of the youths in Assumption and with the choir at weekday Masses. I tried to go for whatever formation that was being offered in church then.From my early 20s, others seemed to think that I had a calling to the priesthood! I never accepted their hints as I thought it was ridiculous. One priest challenged me and told me I was running away from my calling. I cried, honestly thinking that I had given my all to Christ and felt that my vocation was to take care of my parents.One influential priest in my journey is Fr Simon Yong, SJ. It was probably because, for the first time, I was able to engage with a priest in a proper conversation. He was able to relate to me, even challenged me and spoke to me like a friend. He believed in my vocation to the priesthood when I had given up believing that I did have a vocation as there were too many obstacles.The then Bishop Paul Tan invited me to stay in Majodi to further discern my call to the diocesan priesthood. That moment when Bishop Paul Tan met me, I remembered the Parable of the Workers in the vineyard. The landowner found people doing nothing at different hours and called them to work in his vineyard. I was one of those standing doing nothing. Bishop Paul was like the landowner asking some people at 5 in the evening, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’ and my answer seemingly corresponded to what the workers said to the landowner.. ‘Because no one has hired me’.... And he said, ‘You also go and work in the vineyard’...I was then sent to Pontifical Beda College in Rome for four years. It was a beautiful experience for me. I felt that I found myself again, truly knowing better who I am and who God is to me. It was humbling to know that I am blessed by God who was, and still is, with me. I was already prepared by God to be away from my family members when I left my home and stayed on my own and so detachment was not an issue for me. Then my Dad passed away and I got my mom baptised.My personal theme is taken from Psalm 63:3 for your love is better than life. It is because what I have chased after all my life is love, knowingly and unknowingly, and God found me and showed me true love; so, why should I settle for something lesser than God’s love? My answer to life would be that God’s love is better...and so it is God’s love that I want and that’s what I want to share and give to others here on earth.--Fr Alexuchelvam Mariasoosai \n", "Tried to run away from GodAt the age of 12, Martinian Lee wrote in an essay that his ambition was to be a priest. Little did he know, that 25 years later, he would achieve his ambition.", "“I was very young and immature then, and so I didn’t really fully understand what the priesthood is,” he said.", "As he entered into adulthood, Lee wanted to fall in love, get married and have children with a good career and enjoy the ‘good life’ but there was a restlessness in his heart.“I felt something wasn’t right. A feeling deep within me was trying to tell me that marriage was not for me. I was in denial, of course, but God was very gentle in his approach and never gave up on me.”", "It was fear that kept Lee from saying ‘yes’ to God. Fear of not being able to live a celibate life. Fear of being lonely.", "“Somehow, I realised that being controlled by fear is really no fun.My life was not giving glory to God because I wasn’t living out God’s will for me. I was missing true joy and freedom.", "“After many years, I realised that God wouldn’t leave me alone. I was tired of running away from him and so I decided to say yes to God. Immediately, I felt a sense of peace and calmness in my heart. I had a sense of joy and freedom that I had never experienced before. Fear suddenly did not have a grip on me anymore. I felt like I could fly. That’s when I knew that God was truly calling me to the priesthood,” he said.", "Being a cradle Catholic and the youngest in a family of three, Lee was very involved in his home parish, St Theresa’s Church, Melaka, from a very young age.", "“I learnt so much from serving in church as a teenager, such as self-confidence, public speaking, punctuality, responsibility, respect, and camaraderie among the community. I know at times, I spent more time in church than at home but my parents didn’t mind because they were very active in church too. The community in church, in a way, planted the seed of the priesthood in me,” he said.", "Although very active in church, Lee did not have a personal relationship with Jesus. However, he slowly learned about Jesus through the relationship he built within the community.", "“I always thought the more I did in church meant the more Catholic I was. But as I grew older, I realised I knew very little about my faith. My relationship with Jesus needed to go beyond just doing. I needed to befriend the Bible. I needed a prayer life,” he said.Before joining the priesthood, Lee described his family as his first ‘seminary’ as he was surrounded by many role models at home.", "“They taught me how to love Jesus by showing me how to love and treat people. My family showed me great leadership qualities by serving others. My dad is a great role model. He was teaching Catechism long before I was born. My dad has this tremendous love and connection with God. He is truly an inspiration to me,” he said.The turning point came when Lee had a meeting with Bishop Emeritus Paul Tan SJ who asked Lee to give up his life and serve God as a priest. I replied that I was not ‘holy’ enough and that made me unworthy to be a priest.", "“I told him that I had a girlfriend and wanted to get married and would love to have children of my own. To which he replied, ‘That’s great! It means you understand what love is and we want priests that understand the meaning of love.’ He then continued, ‘You must take the leap of faith. This means that in front of you is a deep and dark hole and you are to jump into that hole but trusting that God will catch you safely in his arms.’ That conversation moved me to tears. I knew then that this was God’s will and I was humbled,” he said.", "To Lee, giving up married life was a gift to God and not a sacrifice, as it was the best gift anyone could give to the person you love the most.", "“We should always give the best to God. In truth, it isn’t me that is doing God a favour. It is God that is blessing me abundantly when he called me,” he said.", "Lee spent his initiation year in St Peter’s College Minor Seminary Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and then continued to St Peter’s College Major Seminary Kuching, Sarawak from 2012-2017.", "“In the beginning, I would miss my family but, over the years, seminary life became a norm and Kuching became a second home to me. There were challenging times but never any moment of regret or despair,” he said.", "Among the surreal, happy and emotional feelings that Lee had leading up to his ordination, he said he would love to bring people to experience who Jesus is.“I wrote a prayer on my ordination prayer card entitled, The Gaze of Christ, which sums up my theme: Love where there is no love. It is easy to love when you are loved but Jesus calls us to love when you have no love shown to you. This is needed, especially in this world today,” he said.Lee’s message to the young people out there is that the priesthood is not boring. To him it is more like an adventure and worth all the struggles.“No matter what, God loves you for youself and therefore you must love yourself, only then can you love others,” he said.--By Lavinia LouisIf God calls, he will make a wayFr Paul Sia is the second among six boys and two girls. Born on August 10, 1956, he studied at Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus in Melaka whilst his secondary years were spent at St Francis Institution. He worked in Malaysia Airlines System in Customer Service Division, Operations Division and Human Resource Division.Fr Sia was accepted into the Pontifical Beda College in September 2015. He was ordained a deacon at St Paul’s Basilica in June 2017, and completed his studies in June 2018. While studying in Rome, he had the opportunity to serve during the Bishops’ Ad Limina visit in 2018 and met the Pope.For him, to be a diocesan priest is to be “attached to the parishioners for at least five years where I can ‘LABOUR, SEEK, HEAL, SET-FREE’ 2 Cor 9:7b (this is also my motto). I also follow the adage,‘… God loves a cheerful giver’.”“I have a bad habit of not answering calls after 10.00pm and it was on March 23, 2014 that I made an exception. The call was from Bishop Paul Tan who gave me the good news — Pontifical Beda College had accepted me as a seminarian.“My desire to join the seminary for priesthood goes back to 1975 when Fr Francis Ng CDD, a newly ordained priest, took charge of the Church of Saint Ignatius, Sungei Way from Fr Sullivan, a Jesuit priest.“I attended the St Ignatius Church (SIC) because it was the only church I knew since coming to Petaling Jaya in 1974. The added advantage was that Fr Ng hails from Ayer Salak, Malacca; the same village where I came from. He was the priest that encouraged me to pursue my desire. He gave me much insight about the CDD Fathers and the priesthood. When I told my parents and aunty of my intention of joining the priesthood, the reply was no. However, I did not give up on the idea. It was always in my mind.“I attended the Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) in 1998 at Assumption Church at the invitation of a colleague (Vincent Nathan). It was during this LSS that the thought of the priesthood became serious. This thought became more serious with my involvement in the Divine Mercy Devotion in Sabah. The LSS also made me realise that going for Sunday Mass is insufficient. As days passed, I became thirstier for the Word of God. I registered to attend a Bible course at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Institute (API), Kuala Lumpur. My involvement in the various ministries at St Ignatius Church grew, beginning with the Charismatic Prayer Group, to teaching in Sunday school, followed by RCIA, Divine Mercy Group and the Youth ministry. I also participated in retreats organised by the Maranatha Retreat House where I later became one of the team members.“My involvement in the Divine Mercy Group brought me to Kota Kinabalu. I worked with Fr William Polis to promote the devotion to the Divine Mercy. It was one of Archbishop John Ha’s sermons at the Divine Mercy Congress that prompted me to share, for the first time, my thoughts about the priesthood, first with Fr William and then with Msgr Gilbert Engan.“When I returned to Peninsular Malaysia, I served the students from Sabah and Sarawak. I then shared my desire with Frs Paulino Miranda and Simon Labrooy. Fr William Michael and Fr Paulino helped me in my discernment. After the death of my dad in 2010 and my aunt in 2012, I wrote officially to the Bishop of Keningau to join the priesthood (as I was mostly based in Sabah). However, my request was unsuccessful. Frs Paulino and Simon Labrooy advised me not to give up and to continue praying saying, ‘If God wants you, he will open another door for you’.“Yes, God opened another door. SIC had their yearly Youth Rally (which I coordinated) at Kuala Kubu Bahru. There, I met Fr Eddie Rayappan (who was then the Vocation Director of MJD), Martin Jalleh and Benedict Lo. It was Jalleh who asked about my application and Fr Eddie took it from there. It was a great Christmas gift for me when I received a call from Bishop Paul Tan on December 22, 2013. That call was the beginning of my journey to Beda. Praise and Thanks to God.”--Fr Paul SiaAlways searching for love“For I was never involved in church. I was only baptised when I was about 14 or 15,” said 42 year old Fr Alexuchelvam Mariasoosai. “I did not get involved in church until after an LSS just after Form 6. I then became very involved, first in the charismatic group in Assumption and then, slowly, with some of the youths in Assumption and with the choir at weekday Masses. I tried to go for whatever formation that was being offered in church then.From my early 20s, others seemed to think that I had a calling to the priesthood! I never accepted their hints as I thought it was ridiculous. One priest challenged me and told me I was running away from my calling. I cried, honestly thinking that I had given my all to Christ and felt that my vocation was to take care of my parents.One influential priest in my journey is Fr Simon Yong, SJ. It was probably because, for the first time, I was able to engage with a priest in a proper conversation. He was able to relate to me, even challenged me and spoke to me like a friend. He believed in my vocation to the priesthood when I had given up believing that I did have a vocation as there were too many obstacles.The then Bishop Paul Tan invited me to stay in Majodi to further discern my call to the diocesan priesthood. That moment when Bishop Paul Tan met me, I remembered the Parable of the Workers in the vineyard. The landowner found people doing nothing at different hours and called them to work in his vineyard. I was one of those standing doing nothing. Bishop Paul was like the landowner asking some people at 5 in the evening, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’ and my answer seemingly corresponded to what the workers said to the landowner.. ‘Because no one has hired me’.... And he said, ‘You also go and work in the vineyard’...I was then sent to Pontifical Beda College in Rome for four years. It was a beautiful experience for me. I felt that I found myself again, truly knowing better who I am and who God is to me. It was humbling to know that I am blessed by God who was, and still is, with me. I was already prepared by God to be away from my family members when I left my home and stayed on my own and so detachment was not an issue for me. Then my Dad passed away and I got my mom baptised.My personal theme is taken from Psalm 63:3 for your love is better than life. It is because what I have chased after all my life is love, knowingly and unknowingly, and God found me and showed me true love; so, why should I settle for something lesser than God’s love? My answer to life would be that God’s love is better...and so it is God’s love that I want and that’s what I want to share and give to others here on earth.--Fr Alexuchelvam Mariasoosai" ]
Pope hospital visit: Jesus close to us in our frailty and in our wounds
Pope Francis visits the patients and staff of the St. Louis Hospital in Bangkok, which this year is celebrating the 120th anniversary of its foundation.
[ "\nNov 21, 2019\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nBy Lydia O'KaneThe St Louis Hospital in Bangkok was founded in 1898 by the Apostolic Victor of Siam, Archbishop Louis Vey. Its mission is based on the motto “Where love is, there God is”. Today the hospital is run by a team of doctors, nurses and researchers with the help of state of the art medical equipment.\nAddressing around 700 staff in the hospital’s auditorium on Thursday, Pope Francis said it was a blessing for him “to witness at first hand this valuable service that the Church offers to the Thai people, especially to those most in need.”Ubi caritas, Deus ibi estMaking reference to the hospital’s motto, the Pope said that “it is precisely in the exercise of charity that we Christians are called not only to demonstrate that we are missionary disciples, but also to test our own fidelity, and that of our institutions, to that discipleship.”\n“You are missionary disciples in the field of health care”, highlighted the Pontiff, who are capable of finding God in every human being, especially the elderly, the young and those most vulnerable.\n“Seen in this way”, he added, “you carry out one of the greatest works of mercy, for your commitment to health care goes far beyond the simple and praiseworthy practice of medicine.”Embracing human life“It is about welcoming and embracing human life as it arrives at the Hospital’s emergency room, needing to be treated with the merciful care born of love and respect for the dignity of each human person”, he said.  \n“The healing process”, Pope Francis underlined, “should rightly be seen as a powerful anointing capable of restoring human dignity in every situation, a gaze that grants dignity and provides support.”\nDuring his address, the Pope noted how at times the work of hospital staff “can prove burdensome and tiring.”  He commented that, “this speaks to us of the need for a health care ministry in which not only patients, but every member of this community can feel cared for and supported in his or her mission.”Jesus is close to us in our frailty “Each of us knows how illness brings with it questions that dig deep”, emphasized Pope Francis.  “Our first reaction may be to rebel and even experience moments of bewilderment and desolation.”   \nBut, “by uniting ourselves to Jesus in His passion”, stressed the Pope, “we discover the power of His closeness to our frailty and our wounds.” \nAt the end of his meeting with staff, Pope Francis made a private visit to the sick and disabled at the hospital, as a way, he said, “of accompanying them, however briefly, in their pain.”\nThe Pope also presented the hospital a with a copy of a fragment of a fresco depicting the Madonna and Child.--Vatican News \n", "By Lydia O'KaneThe St Louis Hospital in Bangkok was founded in 1898 by the Apostolic Victor of Siam, Archbishop Louis Vey. Its mission is based on the motto “Where love is, there God is”. Today the hospital is run by a team of doctors, nurses and researchers with the help of state of the art medical equipment.", "Addressing around 700 staff in the hospital’s auditorium on Thursday, Pope Francis said it was a blessing for him “to witness at first hand this valuable service that the Church offers to the Thai people, especially to those most in need.”Ubi caritas, Deus ibi estMaking reference to the hospital’s motto, the Pope said that “it is precisely in the exercise of charity that we Christians are called not only to demonstrate that we are missionary disciples, but also to test our own fidelity, and that of our institutions, to that discipleship.”", "“You are missionary disciples in the field of health care”, highlighted the Pontiff, who are capable of finding God in every human being, especially the elderly, the young and those most vulnerable.", "“Seen in this way”, he added, “you carry out one of the greatest works of mercy, for your commitment to health care goes far beyond the simple and praiseworthy practice of medicine.”Embracing human life“It is about welcoming and embracing human life as it arrives at the Hospital’s emergency room, needing to be treated with the merciful care born of love and respect for the dignity of each human person”, he said.  ", "“The healing process”, Pope Francis underlined, “should rightly be seen as a powerful anointing capable of restoring human dignity in every situation, a gaze that grants dignity and provides support.”", "During his address, the Pope noted how at times the work of hospital staff “can prove burdensome and tiring.”  He commented that, “this speaks to us of the need for a health care ministry in which not only patients, but every member of this community can feel cared for and supported in his or her mission.”Jesus is close to us in our frailty “Each of us knows how illness brings with it questions that dig deep”, emphasized Pope Francis.  “Our first reaction may be to rebel and even experience moments of bewilderment and desolation.”   ", "But, “by uniting ourselves to Jesus in His passion”, stressed the Pope, “we discover the power of His closeness to our frailty and our wounds.” ", "At the end of his meeting with staff, Pope Francis made a private visit to the sick and disabled at the hospital, as a way, he said, “of accompanying them, however briefly, in their pain.”", "The Pope also presented the hospital a with a copy of a fragment of a fresco depicting the Madonna and Child.--Vatican News" ]
Yesus sentiasa memberkati hidup anda!
Ouwais Sadek adalah salah seorang daripada 25 pelarian yang bertemu dengan Sri Paus Fransiskus di Lisbon pada Ogos 3, iaitu hari kedua Perjalanan Apostolik Bapa Suci ke Portugal untuk Hari Belia Sedunia (WYD).
[ "\nAug 18, 2023\n\nRelated News\n\nPengampunan putuskan lingkaran kebencianSidang Sinode berdoa keamanan untuk Timur TengahBumi tidak dapat menampung kita lagiPerintah Tuhan sarana tepat meraih kebahagiaanLektor, pemazmur sebagai duta TuhanHati kita dicipta untuk mengasihi\n\n\n\nBapa Suci memberkati salah seorang peserta WYD semasa acara Vigil pada Ogos 5, 2023.\nLISBON: Ouwais Sadek adalah salah seorang daripada 25 pelarian yang bertemu dengan Sri Paus Fransiskus di Lisbon pada Ogos 3, iaitu hari kedua Perjalanan Apostolik Bapa Suci ke Portugal untuk Hari Belia Sedunia (WYD).Sadek berasal dari Syria, dan sebelum bertemu dengan Sri Paus, beliau memberitahu Media Vatikan akan kebimbangannya terhadap negaranya: “Jika ada kuasa untuk ‘melepaskan’ Syria dari isolasi, alangkah indahnya.”Selepas bertemu dengan Bapa Suci, pelajar yang beragama Islam itu merasakan pemimpin Gereja Katolik sejagat itu amat mengambil berat dan mengalu-alukannya.“Sekarang saya merasakan kesatuan dan kedekatan. Perbezaan agama bukan penghalang kesatuan. Ada pepatah yang berbunyi: “kita berasal dari dahan pokok yang sama.” Pertemuan ini amat bermakna bagi saya.” ujar Sadek.Peluang untuk Sadek dan pelajar lain untuk mencari kehidupan baharu selepas meninggalkan negara mereka dibantu melalui Tabung Sri Paus Fransiskus yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2017.Tabung itu adalah untuk menyokong pelarian dan pendatang.Dana itu telah menyediakan bantuan untuk 50 pelajar setakat ini. Majoriti yang mendapat bantuan dari Tabung Sri Paus Fransiskus merupakan pelajar berasal dari Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, dan kebanyakan mereka bukan Kristian.Kemudian pada petang Ogos 4, Bapa Suci merayakan Jalan Salib WYD yang dihadiri lebih 800,000 penziarah muda di Taman Edward VII.Claudine, dari Filipina, mendefinisikan pengalaman itu sebagai “mengubah kehidupan.” Dia menyatakan kegembiraannya lebih-lebih lagi dapat melihat Sri Paus buat pertama kali.“Renungan dan doa di setiap perhentian Jalan Salib WYD adalah kelemahan-kelemahan serta harapan yang menurut kaum muda, perlu didengar dan ditangani,\" kata Fr Luca dari Keuskupan Como, Itali.Andrey, 18, dari Slovakia, berkata dia berasa “diberkati” menyertai Jalan Salib WYD dan apa yang didoakan semasa Jalan Salib WYD adalah sesuatu yang “ramai kaum muda di luar sana perlu dengari dan apa yang kemahuan mereka yang perlu didengar.”Pada hari kelima, semasa doa Vigil bersama Sri Paus, Marta, 18, dari Mozambique mengatakan tempatnya di utara negara itu merupakan pusat keganasan kumpulan-kumpulan teroris.“Tetapi kami tidak pernah kehilangan iman kami. Dan semasa menghadiri WYD, iman saya diteguhkan apabila 1.5 juta kaum muda mengelilingi saya, menyokong saya dengan doa dan semangat persahabatan!” — media Vatikan \n", "LISBON: Ouwais Sadek adalah salah seorang daripada 25 pelarian yang bertemu dengan Sri Paus Fransiskus di Lisbon pada Ogos 3, iaitu hari kedua Perjalanan Apostolik Bapa Suci ke Portugal untuk Hari Belia Sedunia (WYD).Sadek berasal dari Syria, dan sebelum bertemu dengan Sri Paus, beliau memberitahu Media Vatikan akan kebimbangannya terhadap negaranya: “Jika ada kuasa untuk ‘melepaskan’ Syria dari isolasi, alangkah indahnya.”Selepas bertemu dengan Bapa Suci, pelajar yang beragama Islam itu merasakan pemimpin Gereja Katolik sejagat itu amat mengambil berat dan mengalu-alukannya.“Sekarang saya merasakan kesatuan dan kedekatan. Perbezaan agama bukan penghalang kesatuan. Ada pepatah yang berbunyi: “kita berasal dari dahan pokok yang sama.” Pertemuan ini amat bermakna bagi saya.” ujar Sadek.Peluang untuk Sadek dan pelajar lain untuk mencari kehidupan baharu selepas meninggalkan negara mereka dibantu melalui Tabung Sri Paus Fransiskus yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2017.Tabung itu adalah untuk menyokong pelarian dan pendatang.Dana itu telah menyediakan bantuan untuk 50 pelajar setakat ini. Majoriti yang mendapat bantuan dari Tabung Sri Paus Fransiskus merupakan pelajar berasal dari Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, dan kebanyakan mereka bukan Kristian.Kemudian pada petang Ogos 4, Bapa Suci merayakan Jalan Salib WYD yang dihadiri lebih 800,000 penziarah muda di Taman Edward VII.Claudine, dari Filipina, mendefinisikan pengalaman itu sebagai “mengubah kehidupan.” Dia menyatakan kegembiraannya lebih-lebih lagi dapat melihat Sri Paus buat pertama kali.“Renungan dan doa di setiap perhentian Jalan Salib WYD adalah kelemahan-kelemahan serta harapan yang menurut kaum muda, perlu didengar dan ditangani,\" kata Fr Luca dari Keuskupan Como, Itali.Andrey, 18, dari Slovakia, berkata dia berasa “diberkati” menyertai Jalan Salib WYD dan apa yang didoakan semasa Jalan Salib WYD adalah sesuatu yang “ramai kaum muda di luar sana perlu dengari dan apa yang kemahuan mereka yang perlu didengar.”Pada hari kelima, semasa doa Vigil bersama Sri Paus, Marta, 18, dari Mozambique mengatakan tempatnya di utara negara itu merupakan pusat keganasan kumpulan-kumpulan teroris.“Tetapi kami tidak pernah kehilangan iman kami. Dan semasa menghadiri WYD, iman saya diteguhkan apabila 1.5 juta kaum muda mengelilingi saya, menyokong saya dengan doa dan semangat persahabatan!” — media Vatikan" ]
Archbishop of Islamabad calls for prayers on 29 April for victims of religious intolerance
Mgr Joseph Arshad’s proposal is meant to promote peace and harmony in the country. The National Justice and Peace Commission lists the most recent acts of anti-Christian violence. The country’s National Action Plan against terrorism must be changed.
[ "\nApr 28, 2018\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nLAHORE: Mgr Joseph Arshad, archbishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi and president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan, is behind the initiative to dedicate a day to prayer for the victims of religious intolerance and for peace and harmony in Pakistan.\nIn a note issued by the National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP), which he chairs, the prelate calls on all Christians to gather in prayer next Sunday, 29 April. The reason for this event, says the note, \"is the alarming increase in violent incidents of intolerance and extremism in our country\".\nIn the note itself, the NCJP lists the most recent cases. The latter include the suicide attack against the Bethel Memorial Methodist Church in Quetta; the inhumane treatment of Patras and Sajid Masih, two cousins accused of blasphemy in Lahore; the death of Suneel Masih in Lahore, beaten to death in a public hospital by doctors and nurses because he tried to defend his pregnant sister who was asking to see a gynecologist; anti-Christian attacks in Quetta over a two-week period; and the death of Asma Yaqoob, a Christian woman from Sialkot (Lahore) who was disfigured with acid by a Muslim suitor and died from her injuries on 22 April.\nFor his part, Khalil Tahir Sindhu, Punjab Minister for Human Rights and Minorities, on Tuesday visited the family of the 25-year-old beautician.\nThe Catholic politician announced a compensation offer of 500,000 rupees (US$ 4,300). \"There is no more time to wait. The case will be brought before the Anti-Terrorism Court. My Ministry will pay for all the legal costs,\" Sindhu told AsiaNews.\nMeanwhile, Rizwan Gujjar, the Muslim man the victim had rejected, is locked up behind bars.\nIn its statement, the NCJP also said that it was \"very concerned about this new wave of attacks against minorities, attacked only because of their faith. This is not acceptable and the state must seriously change the National Action Plan to address the issue of extremism and terrorism.\"\nNCJP executive director Cecil Shane Chaudhry noted that the federal government recently issued Paigham-i-Pakistan, a fatwa against terrorism signed by 1,800 Muslim clerics. With it, political party leaders and imams call for unity and an unanimous narrative to counter terrorism.\nNow, \"The government must set up an independent national minority rights commission to resolve the issue of minorities,” said Fr Emmanuel Yousaf (Mani), NCJP national director.--Asia News \n", "LAHORE: Mgr Joseph Arshad, archbishop of Islamabad-Rawalpindi and president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan, is behind the initiative to dedicate a day to prayer for the victims of religious intolerance and for peace and harmony in Pakistan.", "In a note issued by the National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP), which he chairs, the prelate calls on all Christians to gather in prayer next Sunday, 29 April. The reason for this event, says the note, \"is the alarming increase in violent incidents of intolerance and extremism in our country\".", "In the note itself, the NCJP lists the most recent cases. The latter include the suicide attack against the Bethel Memorial Methodist Church in Quetta; the inhumane treatment of Patras and Sajid Masih, two cousins accused of blasphemy in Lahore; the death of Suneel Masih in Lahore, beaten to death in a public hospital by doctors and nurses because he tried to defend his pregnant sister who was asking to see a gynecologist; anti-Christian attacks in Quetta over a two-week period; and the death of Asma Yaqoob, a Christian woman from Sialkot (Lahore) who was disfigured with acid by a Muslim suitor and died from her injuries on 22 April.", "For his part, Khalil Tahir Sindhu, Punjab Minister for Human Rights and Minorities, on Tuesday visited the family of the 25-year-old beautician.", "The Catholic politician announced a compensation offer of 500,000 rupees (US$ 4,300). \"There is no more time to wait. The case will be brought before the Anti-Terrorism Court. My Ministry will pay for all the legal costs,\" Sindhu told AsiaNews.", "Meanwhile, Rizwan Gujjar, the Muslim man the victim had rejected, is locked up behind bars.", "In its statement, the NCJP also said that it was \"very concerned about this new wave of attacks against minorities, attacked only because of their faith. This is not acceptable and the state must seriously change the National Action Plan to address the issue of extremism and terrorism.\"", "NCJP executive director Cecil Shane Chaudhry noted that the federal government recently issued Paigham-i-Pakistan, a fatwa against terrorism signed by 1,800 Muslim clerics. With it, political party leaders and imams call for unity and an unanimous narrative to counter terrorism.", "Now, \"The government must set up an independent national minority rights commission to resolve the issue of minorities,” said Fr Emmanuel Yousaf (Mani), NCJP national director.--Asia News" ]
Remembering Mother Teresa
In the northern Philippines, Catholics marked the death anniversary of St Teresa of Calcutta on Sept 5 with a day of caring and giving.
[ "\nSep 21, 2018\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nMANILA: In the northern Philippines, Catholics marked the death anniversary of St Teresa of Calcutta on Sept 5 with a day of caring and giving.The Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan held “Caritas Day” to promote awareness of the “primacy of charity in Christian discipleship”.Part of the activities were blood donations, distribution of food, seedlings, and fertiliser to farmers affected by floods, free hair grooming, and meals for all. -- \n", "MANILA: In the northern Philippines, Catholics marked the death anniversary of St Teresa of Calcutta on Sept 5 with a day of caring and giving.The Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan held “Caritas Day” to promote awareness of the “primacy of charity in Christian discipleship”.Part of the activities were blood donations, distribution of food, seedlings, and fertiliser to farmers affected by floods, free hair grooming, and meals for all. --" ]
Ukrainian Greek Catholics to celebrate Christmas on December 25
The Synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has decided to move away from the Julian Calendar which will involve changing the dates of several fixed liturgical feasts. For the time being, however, Greek Catholics will continue to celebrate Easter on a later date according to the old calendar.
[ "\nFeb 08, 2023\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\nArchbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuc, Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church \nBy Lisa ZengariniAs from this year, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) will be celebrating Christmas on the 25 December, and not on January 7, and the Epiphany on 6 January instead of the 19th. \nThe switch of dates is part of a major change decided last week by the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC, moving away from the Julian Calendar which is presently used almost exclusively by the Russian Orthodox Church and other Eastern Churches under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Moscow.\nThe governing body of the UGCC meeting in Lviv-Bryukhovychi on February 1–2, decided that the changeover will take effect on September 1, but allowed for parishes to transition gradually with permission from their respective bishops.90 per cent of Ukrainian Greek Catholics in favour of the reformThe decision was officially announced in a live broadcast of “Live TV” on Monday, 6 February, by the head of the UGCC, Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, who explained that it was adopted after a vast consultation, involving clergy, religious and Church leaders, which indicated a shift of opinion in favour of the change.\nUntil the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, 2022, Ukrainian Greek Catholics, including those of the diaspora, were divided on the issue. Instead, said Archbishop Shevchuk, the survey showed that now more than 90% of Ukrainian Greek Catholics are supporting the move from the Julian calendar, which many Ukrainians associate with the Russian occupiers.  Catholics and Orthodocx Churches still discussing a common date for Easter The switch to the Gregorian calendar will involve changing the dates of several fixed liturgical feasts, but for the time being Greek Catholics will continue to celebrate Easter on a later date than most Christian Churches. The reason for this, according to an UGCC statement, is that Catholics and the Orthodox Churches under the Patriarchate of Constantinople (which currently use the Julian calendar to determine the date of Easter, but do not otherwise adhere to) are still discussing about finding a common date for Easter.  \nThey hope to reach an agreement by 2025, during the celebrations of 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea, the first general council in the history of the Church, in 325 A.D..  Orthodox Church of Ukraine (separated from Moscow) expected to change tooThe Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), which obtained autocephaly from Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople in 2019 against the will of the Patriarchate of Moscow,  is also considering the idea of switching to the Gregorian Calendar , and Archbishop Shevchuk said on Monday that he hopes it will make the move very soon.\n“We are moving towards the same goal. However, we may be moving towards it in different ways. We decided to switch, leaving the possibility to remain on the old calendar for those who aren't ready”, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said.\nThe OCU, is expected to discuss the issue when its bishops gather in May this year.--Vatican News \n", "By Lisa ZengariniAs from this year, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) will be celebrating Christmas on the 25 December, and not on January 7, and the Epiphany on 6 January instead of the 19th. ", "The switch of dates is part of a major change decided last week by the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC, moving away from the Julian Calendar which is presently used almost exclusively by the Russian Orthodox Church and other Eastern Churches under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Moscow.", "The governing body of the UGCC meeting in Lviv-Bryukhovychi on February 1–2, decided that the changeover will take effect on September 1, but allowed for parishes to transition gradually with permission from their respective bishops.90 per cent of Ukrainian Greek Catholics in favour of the reformThe decision was officially announced in a live broadcast of “Live TV” on Monday, 6 February, by the head of the UGCC, Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, who explained that it was adopted after a vast consultation, involving clergy, religious and Church leaders, which indicated a shift of opinion in favour of the change.", "Until the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, 2022, Ukrainian Greek Catholics, including those of the diaspora, were divided on the issue. Instead, said Archbishop Shevchuk, the survey showed that now more than 90% of Ukrainian Greek Catholics are supporting the move from the Julian calendar, which many Ukrainians associate with the Russian occupiers.  Catholics and Orthodocx Churches still discussing a common date for Easter The switch to the Gregorian calendar will involve changing the dates of several fixed liturgical feasts, but for the time being Greek Catholics will continue to celebrate Easter on a later date than most Christian Churches. The reason for this, according to an UGCC statement, is that Catholics and the Orthodox Churches under the Patriarchate of Constantinople (which currently use the Julian calendar to determine the date of Easter, but do not otherwise adhere to) are still discussing about finding a common date for Easter.  ", "They hope to reach an agreement by 2025, during the celebrations of 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea, the first general council in the history of the Church, in 325 A.D..  Orthodox Church of Ukraine (separated from Moscow) expected to change tooThe Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), which obtained autocephaly from Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople in 2019 against the will of the Patriarchate of Moscow,  is also considering the idea of switching to the Gregorian Calendar , and Archbishop Shevchuk said on Monday that he hopes it will make the move very soon.", "“We are moving towards the same goal. However, we may be moving towards it in different ways. We decided to switch, leaving the possibility to remain on the old calendar for those who aren't ready”, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said.", "The OCU, is expected to discuss the issue when its bishops gather in May this year.--Vatican News" ]
Coronavirus keeps volunteers away, but Arkansas Catholic Charities plans help for tornado victims
An EF3 tornado blew through Jonesboro, Arkansas, this week, and although no deaths have been reported, Catholic Charities of Arkansas is gearing up to help those whose livelihoods will be affected by the disaster.
[ "\nApr 01, 2020\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nBy Jonah McKeownAn EF3 tornado blew through Jonesboro, Arkansas, this week, and although no deaths have been reported, Catholic Charities of Arkansas is gearing up to help those whose livelihoods will be affected by the disaster.\nPatrick Gallaher, director of Catholic Charities of Arkansas, told said that he anticipates that their involvement with the disaster in Jonesboro will involve long term case management to help uninsured and underinsured families recover and settle into permanent housing.\nTypically, with a tornado like this, Catholic Charities will work with Habitat for Humanity to help get underinsured people into a Habitat for Humanity house, he said.“We have been in contact with the parish in Jonesboro, Blessed Sacrament Church, and with their local Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council, but have not received any reports of damage or need at this moment. Once we begin receiving information from Jonesboro, we will be able to craft a response to meet the specific needs,” Gallaher said.\nThe tornado damaged nearly 200 structures, including several factories. Governor Asa Hutchinson has declared a state disaster and the state is seeking a federal designation from the national government.\nThough Catholic Charities of Arkansas is not part of the immediate emergency response, Gallaher clarified, first responders in the county, with state assistance, have set up an emergency shelter with care being taken not to spread the coronavirus (COVID-19).\nCraigshead County, where Jonesboro is located, has eight confirmed COVID-19 cases. The state as a whole has around 500.\nGallaher said the main difficulties in helping victims of the tornado is a lack of volunteers and funds amid the coronavirus pandemic.\"Most of my volunteers, my disaster volunteers, are elderly people. And I wasn't even going to call them, I don't want to take a chance,\" said Gallaher.\nHe also noted that fundraising has been made more difficult by the suspension of public Masses in the Diocese of Little Rock.About three percent of the state's population is undocumented immigrants, who will not be eligible for federal or state unemployment assistance, Gallaher said. With Jonesboro as a manufacturing hub, and much of the city's factory capacity destroyed, Gallaher said he expects Catholic Charities will likely start receiving requests for assistance with food.\n“I expect that as the protocols put in place to contain the epidemic continue, we will be hearing from families unable to meet their daily needs because of lack of employment. Although the federal and state response regarding unemployment insurance and direct payments will help most, there will be a segment of our population that is ineligible and will need assistance,” Gallaher said.--CNA \n", "By Jonah McKeownAn EF3 tornado blew through Jonesboro, Arkansas, this week, and although no deaths have been reported, Catholic Charities of Arkansas is gearing up to help those whose livelihoods will be affected by the disaster.", "Patrick Gallaher, director of Catholic Charities of Arkansas, told said that he anticipates that their involvement with the disaster in Jonesboro will involve long term case management to help uninsured and underinsured families recover and settle into permanent housing.", "Typically, with a tornado like this, Catholic Charities will work with Habitat for Humanity to help get underinsured people into a Habitat for Humanity house, he said.“We have been in contact with the parish in Jonesboro, Blessed Sacrament Church, and with their local Society of St. Vincent de Paul Council, but have not received any reports of damage or need at this moment. Once we begin receiving information from Jonesboro, we will be able to craft a response to meet the specific needs,” Gallaher said.", "The tornado damaged nearly 200 structures, including several factories. Governor Asa Hutchinson has declared a state disaster and the state is seeking a federal designation from the national government.", "Though Catholic Charities of Arkansas is not part of the immediate emergency response, Gallaher clarified, first responders in the county, with state assistance, have set up an emergency shelter with care being taken not to spread the coronavirus (COVID-19).", "Craigshead County, where Jonesboro is located, has eight confirmed COVID-19 cases. The state as a whole has around 500.", "Gallaher said the main difficulties in helping victims of the tornado is a lack of volunteers and funds amid the coronavirus pandemic.\"Most of my volunteers, my disaster volunteers, are elderly people. And I wasn't even going to call them, I don't want to take a chance,\" said Gallaher.", "He also noted that fundraising has been made more difficult by the suspension of public Masses in the Diocese of Little Rock.About three percent of the state's population is undocumented immigrants, who will not be eligible for federal or state unemployment assistance, Gallaher said. With Jonesboro as a manufacturing hub, and much of the city's factory capacity destroyed, Gallaher said he expects Catholic Charities will likely start receiving requests for assistance with food.", "“I expect that as the protocols put in place to contain the epidemic continue, we will be hearing from families unable to meet their daily needs because of lack of employment. Although the federal and state response regarding unemployment insurance and direct payments will help most, there will be a segment of our population that is ineligible and will need assistance,” Gallaher said.--CNA" ]
‘Allah’ ban stays
The Malaysian Catholic Church's fight over the use of the word "Allah" in their weekly publication ended on June 23 after the Federal Court dismissed the church's leave application to appeal the ban.
[ "\nJun 27, 2014\n\nRelated News\n\nBlessing and Official Opening of St James Bitikie ChurchAnna in Rome - Part 4Diary of Archbishop Julian LeowDiary of Cardinal Sebastian FrancisDiary of Bishop Bernard PaulMalacca Johore Diocese News Update #150\n\n\n\nA member of the public outside the court reacts to the decision of the seven-man bench on the Catholic Church’s application for leave to appeal to use the word Allah in its weekly publication, Herald. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Afif Abd Halim, June 23, 2014.\nKUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Catholic Church's fight over the use of the word \"Allah\" in their weekly publication ended on June 23 after the Federal Court dismissed the church's leave application to appeal the ban.Four of the seven-member bench dismissed the church's application for appeal, citing that the Court of Appeal was right in its decision to ban the word in the Catholic weekly, Herald.Chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria, who led the seven-man bench, said the President of Court of Appeal Md Raus Sharif, Chief Judge of Malaya Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin and Federal court judge Suriyadi Halim Omar agreed that the leave should not be granted.Three other judges – Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum, and Federal Court judges Datuk Zainun Ali and Tan Sri Jeffrey Tan Kok Hwa – held that leave must be granted to the Catholic Church.Observers said the decision carries a far wider implication on the freedom of religion, despite Putrajaya's assurance it is only for the Herald.The word Allah is widely used by the Christians in Sabah and Sarawak and the church argued that the ban of its use in the Herald is a violation of freedom of religion and expression.Outside the Palace of Justice, shouts of \"Allahuakbar\" and \"Takbir, Allah\" were heard from the crowd of Muslim groups when the ruling was delivered.Arifin said the Home Minister's prohibition on the use of the word Allah could not be challenged by the publisher of Herald.Malanjum said although the challenge by a publisher was against the minister's decision, that word was widely used in Sabah and Sarawak.\"That alone calls for the review of the Court of Appeal ruling and leave ought to be granted,\" he said.He said confusion over the isse would remain in public domain.Zainun said the Court of Appeal's interpretation suggested the priority given to Article 3 on Islam as the religion of the Federation gave primacy over all other provisions in the constitution and that itself cried out to be addressed.\"If that is true, the judiciary which came later in the scheme of the constitution will be completely subordinate to other organs in the state,\" she said.Tan said the church had satisfied the requirements to obtain leave and the merit of the case must be heard as contentious constitutonal issue had surfaced.Under section 96 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, an applicant must show the apex court that there were contentious constitutional issues raised or important legal questions which needed further argument that would be of public advantage.The church had submitted 28 questions which centred around key constitution, administrative law as well as the power of the court to allow the home minister to ban the use of the theological word in the Herald.Datuk Cyrus Das, who argued for the church, told reporters it appeared that the Court of Appeal judgment which affirmed that the minister was right to impose the ban stands.\"But the scope of prohibition also now went beyond Herald as suggested by Malanjum,\" he added.He said the Federal Court had lost the opportunity to clarify the constitutional provision which the public had much looked forward to.On March 5, the bench heard arguments for and against the leave application.Das had submitted that the apex court should hear the merits of the case because the Court of Appeal had reversed the findings of a High Court on key constitutional and administrative law issues.Senior Federal Counsel Suzana Atan had said the minister had imposed the ban on grounds of national security and it was done in good faith.Seven religious councils and the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association were together with Putrajaya in opposing the church's leave application.On October 14 last year, Court of Appeal judge, Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali, who chaired the bench, said the reason for the prohibition was to prevent any confusion among the various religions.He had also said that national security and public order could be threatened if the publisher of the Herald was allowed to use the word Allah.Apandi had explained that the government did not violate the church’s constitutional rights.\"It is our common finding that the name Allah was not an integral part of the Christian faith and practice,\" he had said.He had also said that the minister had sufficient material before him to ban Herald from using the word.\"Thus, there is no plausible reason for the High Court to interfere with the minister's decision,\" Apandi had said.--The Malaysian Insider\n\nThe Malaysian Catholic Church's fight over the use of the word \"Allah\" in their weekly publication ended today after the Federal Court dismissed the church's leave application to appeal the ban.\nFour of the seven-member bench dismissed the church's application for appeal, citing that the Court of Appeal was right in its decision to ban the word in the Catholic weekly, Herald.\nChief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria, who led the seven-man bench, said the President of Court of Appeal Md Raus Sharif, Chief Judge of Malaya Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin and Federal court judge Suriyadi Halim Omar agreed that the leave should not be granted.\n \nThree other judges – Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum, and Federal Court judges Datuk Zainun Ali and Tan Sri Jeffrey Tan Kok Hwa – held that leave must be granted to the Catholic Church.\nObservers said the decision carries a far wider implication on the freedom of religion, despite Putrajaya's assurance it is only for the Herald.\nThe word Allah is widely used by the Christians in Sabah and Sarawak and the church argued that the ban of its use in the Herald is a violation of freedom of religion and expression.\nOutside the Palace of Justice, shouts of \"Allahuakbar\" and \"Takbir, Allah\" were heard from the crowd of Muslim groups when the ruling was delivered.\nArifin said the Home Minister's prohibition on the use of the word Allah could not be challenged by  the publisher of Herald.\nMalanjum said although the challenge by a publisher was against the minister's decision, that word was widely used in Sabah and Sarawak.\n\"That alone calls for the review of the Court of Appeal ruling and leave ought to be granted,\" he said. He said confusion over the isse would remain in public domain.\nZainun said the Court of Appeal's interpretation suggested the priority given to Article 3 on Islam as the religion of the Federation gave primacy over all other provisions in the constitution and that itself cried out to be addressed.\n\"If that is true, the judiciary which came later in the scheme of the constitution will be completely subordinate to other organs in the state,\" she said.\nTan said the church had satisfied the requirements to obtain leave and the merit of the case must be heard as contentious constitutonal issue had surfaced.\nUnder section 96 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, an applicant must show the apex court that there were contentious constitutional issues raised or important legal questions which needed further argument that would be of public advantage.\nThe church had submitted 28 questions which centred around key constitution, administrative law as well as the power of the court to allow the home minister to ban the use of the theological word in the Herald.\nDatuk Cyrus Das, who argued for the church, told reporters it appeared that the Court of Appeal judgment which affirmed that the minister was right to impose the ban stands.\n\"But the scope of prohibition also now went beyond Herald as suggested by Malanjum,\" he added.\nHe said the Federal Court had lost the opportunity to clarify the constitutional provision which the public had much looked forward to.\nOn March 5, the bench heard arguments for and against the leave application.\nDas had submitted that the apex court should hear the merits of the case because the Court of Appeal had reversed the findings of a High Court on key constitutional and administrative law issues.\nSenior Federal Counsel Suzana Atan had said the minister had imposed the ban on grounds of national security and it was done in good faith.\nSeven religious councils and the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association were together with Putrajaya in opposing the church's leave application.\nOn October 14 last year, Court of Appeal judge, Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali, who chaired the bench, said the reason for the prohibition was to prevent any confusion among the various religions.\nHe had also said that national security and public order could be threatened if the publisher of the Herald was allowed to use the word Allah.\nApandi had explained that the government did not violate the church’s constitutional rights.\n\"It is our common finding that the name Allah was not an integral part of the Christian faith and practice,\" he had said.\nHe had also said that the minister had sufficient material before him to ban Herald from using the word.\n\"Thus, there is no plausible reason for the High Court to interfere with the minister's decision,\" Apandi had said.\n- See more at: \n", "KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Catholic Church's fight over the use of the word \"Allah\" in their weekly publication ended on June 23 after the Federal Court dismissed the church's leave application to appeal the ban.Four of the seven-member bench dismissed the church's application for appeal, citing that the Court of Appeal was right in its decision to ban the word in the Catholic weekly, Herald.Chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria, who led the seven-man bench, said the President of Court of Appeal Md Raus Sharif, Chief Judge of Malaya Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin and Federal court judge Suriyadi Halim Omar agreed that the leave should not be granted.Three other judges – Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Richard Malanjum, and Federal Court judges Datuk Zainun Ali and Tan Sri Jeffrey Tan Kok Hwa – held that leave must be granted to the Catholic Church.Observers said the decision carries a far wider implication on the freedom of religion, despite Putrajaya's assurance it is only for the Herald.The word Allah is widely used by the Christians in Sabah and Sarawak and the church argued that the ban of its use in the Herald is a violation of freedom of religion and expression.Outside the Palace of Justice, shouts of \"Allahuakbar\" and \"Takbir, Allah\" were heard from the crowd of Muslim groups when the ruling was delivered.Arifin said the Home Minister's prohibition on the use of the word Allah could not be challenged by the publisher of Herald.Malanjum said although the challenge by a publisher was against the minister's decision, that word was widely used in Sabah and Sarawak.\"That alone calls for the review of the Court of Appeal ruling and leave ought to be granted,\" he said.He said confusion over the isse would remain in public domain.Zainun said the Court of Appeal's interpretation suggested the priority given to Article 3 on Islam as the religion of the Federation gave primacy over all other provisions in the constitution and that itself cried out to be addressed.\"If that is true, the judiciary which came later in the scheme of the constitution will be completely subordinate to other organs in the state,\" she said.Tan said the church had satisfied the requirements to obtain leave and the merit of the case must be heard as contentious constitutonal issue had surfaced.Under section 96 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, an applicant must show the apex court that there were contentious constitutional issues raised or important legal questions which needed further argument that would be of public advantage.The church had submitted 28 questions which centred around key constitution, administrative law as well as the power of the court to allow the home minister to ban the use of the theological word in the Herald.Datuk Cyrus Das, who argued for the church, told reporters it appeared that the Court of Appeal judgment which affirmed that the minister was right to impose the ban stands.\"But the scope of prohibition also now went beyond Herald as suggested by Malanjum,\" he added.He said the Federal Court had lost the opportunity to clarify the constitutional provision which the public had much looked forward to.On March 5, the bench heard arguments for and against the leave application.Das had submitted that the apex court should hear the merits of the case because the Court of Appeal had reversed the findings of a High Court on key constitutional and administrative law issues.Senior Federal Counsel Suzana Atan had said the minister had imposed the ban on grounds of national security and it was done in good faith.Seven religious councils and the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association were together with Putrajaya in opposing the church's leave application.On October 14 last year, Court of Appeal judge, Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali, who chaired the bench, said the reason for the prohibition was to prevent any confusion among the various religions.He had also said that national security and public order could be threatened if the publisher of the Herald was allowed to use the word Allah.Apandi had explained that the government did not violate the church’s constitutional rights.\"It is our common finding that the name Allah was not an integral part of the Christian faith and practice,\" he had said.He had also said that the minister had sufficient material before him to ban Herald from using the word.\"Thus, there is no plausible reason for the High Court to interfere with the minister's decision,\" Apandi had said.--The Malaysian Insider", "The Malaysian Catholic Church's fight over the use of the word \"Allah\" in their weekly publication ended today after the Federal Court dismissed the church's leave application to appeal the ban.", "Four of the seven-member bench dismissed the church's application for appeal, citing that the Court of Appeal was right in its decision to ban the word in the Catholic weekly, Herald.", "Chief Justice Tun Arifin Zakaria, who led the seven-man bench, said the President of Court of Appeal Md Raus Sharif, Chief Judge of Malaya Zulkefli Ahmad Makinuddin and Federal court judge Suriyadi Halim Omar agreed that the leave should not be granted.", "Observers said the decision carries a far wider implication on the freedom of religion, despite Putrajaya's assurance it is only for the Herald.", "The word Allah is widely used by the Christians in Sabah and Sarawak and the church argued that the ban of its use in the Herald is a violation of freedom of religion and expression.", "Outside the Palace of Justice, shouts of \"Allahuakbar\" and \"Takbir, Allah\" were heard from the crowd of Muslim groups when the ruling was delivered.", "Arifin said the Home Minister's prohibition on the use of the word Allah could not be challenged by  the publisher of Herald.", "Malanjum said although the challenge by a publisher was against the minister's decision, that word was widely used in Sabah and Sarawak.", "\"That alone calls for the review of the Court of Appeal ruling and leave ought to be granted,\" he said. He said confusion over the isse would remain in public domain.", "Zainun said the Court of Appeal's interpretation suggested the priority given to Article 3 on Islam as the religion of the Federation gave primacy over all other provisions in the constitution and that itself cried out to be addressed.", "\"If that is true, the judiciary which came later in the scheme of the constitution will be completely subordinate to other organs in the state,\" she said.", "Tan said the church had satisfied the requirements to obtain leave and the merit of the case must be heard as contentious constitutonal issue had surfaced.", "Under section 96 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964, an applicant must show the apex court that there were contentious constitutional issues raised or important legal questions which needed further argument that would be of public advantage.", "The church had submitted 28 questions which centred around key constitution, administrative law as well as the power of the court to allow the home minister to ban the use of the theological word in the Herald.", "Datuk Cyrus Das, who argued for the church, told reporters it appeared that the Court of Appeal judgment which affirmed that the minister was right to impose the ban stands.", "\"But the scope of prohibition also now went beyond Herald as suggested by Malanjum,\" he added.", "He said the Federal Court had lost the opportunity to clarify the constitutional provision which the public had much looked forward to.", "On March 5, the bench heard arguments for and against the leave application.", "Das had submitted that the apex court should hear the merits of the case because the Court of Appeal had reversed the findings of a High Court on key constitutional and administrative law issues.", "Senior Federal Counsel Suzana Atan had said the minister had imposed the ban on grounds of national security and it was done in good faith.", "Seven religious councils and the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association were together with Putrajaya in opposing the church's leave application.", "On October 14 last year, Court of Appeal judge, Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali, who chaired the bench, said the reason for the prohibition was to prevent any confusion among the various religions.", "He had also said that national security and public order could be threatened if the publisher of the Herald was allowed to use the word Allah.", "Apandi had explained that the government did not violate the church’s constitutional rights.", "\"It is our common finding that the name Allah was not an integral part of the Christian faith and practice,\" he had said.", "He had also said that the minister had sufficient material before him to ban Herald from using the word.", "\"Thus, there is no plausible reason for the High Court to interfere with the minister's decision,\" Apandi had said." ]
SNLC presents its in-house “BEAT IT” band
The Special Needs Learning Centre (SNLC) celebrated the end of its school term with a musical night at Loyola Hall, St Francis Xavier’s Church on Nov 18
[ "\nDec 14, 2018\n\nRelated News\n\nBlessing and Official Opening of St James Bitikie ChurchAnna in Rome - Part 4Diary of Archbishop Julian LeowDiary of Cardinal Sebastian FrancisDiary of Bishop Bernard PaulMalacca Johore Diocese News Update #150\n\n\n\n\nPETALING JAYA: The Special Needs Learning Centre (SNLC) celebrated the end of its school term with a musical night at Loyola Hall, St Francis Xavier’s Church on Nov 18. A new band, BEAT IT, comprising SNLC children and the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) young adults was introduced. They rocked the night with the opening song We Will Rock You (by the popular English band Queen). Nevin from VTC impressed the audience with his vocals in the Beatles number With a Little Help From My Friends. The guests of honour were Archbishop Julian Leow, YB Charles Santiago (MP for Klang) and his wife, Pathma Krishnan and representatives from YB Maria Chin Abdullah’s office (MP for PJ) with special guest artists legendary percussionist Lewis Pragasam and drama diva Shanthini Venugopal. Altogether, there were 11 performances, including a traditional Indian dance “Kummi Addi” by the SNLC children who danced to Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean performed by the VTC team. There were also performances by some University of Malaya students and the Yang Diutus youngsters from the SFX Church. The keyboardist for the night was Nat Nathan. The night ended at 9.30pm with a standing ovation for the last song Kita Punya Malaysia.People with autism have great difficulties with verbal communication and have sensory processing problems to lighting and sound effects. The SNLC/VTC students are no exception. These students, with guided and structured practice, overcame the challenges and accepted the new experience to perform together in a synchronised manner. In other words, they communicated in their own way, given their limitations to perform. During music classes, guided by Mr Senthirajah, students played percussion instruments to beats/ tempo of music tracks. This was supported by both verbal and visual cues. They responded well and, hence, the idea to form a band was mooted. What is remarkable is that the parents of the children are able to appreciate and enjoy watching the many performances by their children.SNLC was formed 17 years ago with the initiative of parents and the support of the Archdiocesan Office for Human Development (AOHD). Archbishop Leow in his speech, emphasised that children who are differently abled should not be isolated from society; their talents and interests should be explored and nurtured. We strongly believe that children with autism can be trained to do many things based on their abilities and with the support from society at large. Rita Anthony, the SNLC Coordinator, in her opening speech said, “Only when opportunities are made available for the disabled to engage meaningfully in society, can they live life freely with dignity and respect.” \n", "PETALING JAYA: The Special Needs Learning Centre (SNLC) celebrated the end of its school term with a musical night at Loyola Hall, St Francis Xavier’s Church on Nov 18. A new band, BEAT IT, comprising SNLC children and the Vocational Training Centre (VTC) young adults was introduced. They rocked the night with the opening song We Will Rock You (by the popular English band Queen). Nevin from VTC impressed the audience with his vocals in the Beatles number With a Little Help From My Friends. The guests of honour were Archbishop Julian Leow, YB Charles Santiago (MP for Klang) and his wife, Pathma Krishnan and representatives from YB Maria Chin Abdullah’s office (MP for PJ) with special guest artists legendary percussionist Lewis Pragasam and drama diva Shanthini Venugopal. Altogether, there were 11 performances, including a traditional Indian dance “Kummi Addi” by the SNLC children who danced to Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean performed by the VTC team. There were also performances by some University of Malaya students and the Yang Diutus youngsters from the SFX Church. The keyboardist for the night was Nat Nathan. The night ended at 9.30pm with a standing ovation for the last song Kita Punya Malaysia.People with autism have great difficulties with verbal communication and have sensory processing problems to lighting and sound effects. The SNLC/VTC students are no exception. These students, with guided and structured practice, overcame the challenges and accepted the new experience to perform together in a synchronised manner. In other words, they communicated in their own way, given their limitations to perform. During music classes, guided by Mr Senthirajah, students played percussion instruments to beats/ tempo of music tracks. This was supported by both verbal and visual cues. They responded well and, hence, the idea to form a band was mooted. What is remarkable is that the parents of the children are able to appreciate and enjoy watching the many performances by their children.SNLC was formed 17 years ago with the initiative of parents and the support of the Archdiocesan Office for Human Development (AOHD). Archbishop Leow in his speech, emphasised that children who are differently abled should not be isolated from society; their talents and interests should be explored and nurtured. We strongly believe that children with autism can be trained to do many things based on their abilities and with the support from society at large. Rita Anthony, the SNLC Coordinator, in her opening speech said, “Only when opportunities are made available for the disabled to engage meaningfully in society, can they live life freely with dignity and respect.”" ]
Francis goes to Poland amid extraordinarily tight security for WYD
Pope Francis set out for Poland on July 27, on his 15th foreign journey under extraordinarily tight security because of the recent terrorist attacks and blind violence in Europe, including an attack on a church and the killing of a priest in France on July 26.
[ "\nAug 05, 2016\n\nRelated News\n\nThe Synodal Church on a missionary journeyMay new life emerge out of the messiness of this synod processDeveloping the voice of the laityFreedom to chooseRevisit Laudato Si’ to prepare for Pope’s new document on ecologyThe synod — and a sign of the times\n\n\n\n\nBy Gerard O'ConnellPope Francis set out for Poland on July 27, on his 15th foreign journey under extraordinarily tight security because of the recent terrorist attacks and blind violence in Europe, including an attack on a church and the killing of a priest in France on July 26. His journey took him not only to Krakow for World Youth Day — where exceptional security measures were provided by 20,000 Polish police and military personnel — but also to the famous shrine of the Black Madonna at Czestochowa and the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Krakow. He also visited the infamous death camp of Auschwitz — a symbol of violence and great evil in the 20th century. While his main purpose in coming to Krakow was to participate in World Youth Day, he made clear, in a video message on the eve of his arrival, that he was also coming to meet the Polish nation for the first time and is doing so in “grateful and devoted memory of St John Paul II, who was the initiator of the WYD, and the guide of the Polish people in their recent historical journey towards freedom.” Francis took the plane from Rome at 2.00pm on July 27 afternoon and arrived at St John Paul II international airport in Krakow two hours later. He was accompanied by the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, other Roman Curia officials, including Federico Lombardi, SJ — on his last foreign journey as the Pope’s spokesman — and Vatican security personnel. Seventy-five reporters, TV cameramen and photographers from many countries also travelled with him. This is the Jubilee Year of Mercy, and Francis has ensured a particularly close link between it and WYD by choosing as the theme for this gathering the words of Jesus, Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Mercy was the leitmotif of the nine talks and homilies he delivered on his four-and-a-half-day visit (July 27-31). Francis participated in WYD as Pope for the second time. His first mega-encounter with young people took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2013, an event that three to four million people attended. He is filled with joy at the prospect of this new encounter with young people from 187 countries, ages 14 to 35, as he confided in his video message: “I am very anxious to meet you and to offer to the world a new sign of harmony, a mosaic of different faces, from many races, languages, peoples and cultures, but all united in the name of Jesus, who is the face of mercy.” It is his first visit to Poland, a country of some 37 million people and member of the European Union, which embraced the Christian faith almost 1,000 years ago and where still today, even after 42 years of communism (1947-89), 98 per cent of the population professes to be Catholic. Addressing “the sons and daughters of Poland” in his video message, he told them that he considered it “a great gift of the Lord” to visit them. “You are a nation that throughout its history has experienced so many trials, some particularly difficult, and has persevered through the power of faith, upheld by the maternal hands of the Virgin Mary,” he told them. For the duration of his visit, Francis was based in Krakow, the country’s second largest city and its former capital (1038-1596), which escaped being bombed in World War II. This amazingly beautiful city, with a population of 760,000 people, is today the cultural capital of the country and a renowned academic centre with 23 universities including one of Europe’s oldest — the Jagiellonian university (founded in 1364), which counts among its alumni and professors such notable people as Nicolaus Copernicus and Karol Wojtyla. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, who served as private secretary to St John Paul II for almost 40 years celebrated the opening Mass for WYD on July 26, was the host to Francis for his entire visit. The Jesuit Pope stayed in the archbishop’s residence where Karol Wojytla lived for many years before becoming pope and to which he returned seven times during his pontificate. --America \n", "By Gerard O'ConnellPope Francis set out for Poland on July 27, on his 15th foreign journey under extraordinarily tight security because of the recent terrorist attacks and blind violence in Europe, including an attack on a church and the killing of a priest in France on July 26. His journey took him not only to Krakow for World Youth Day — where exceptional security measures were provided by 20,000 Polish police and military personnel — but also to the famous shrine of the Black Madonna at Czestochowa and the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Krakow. He also visited the infamous death camp of Auschwitz — a symbol of violence and great evil in the 20th century. While his main purpose in coming to Krakow was to participate in World Youth Day, he made clear, in a video message on the eve of his arrival, that he was also coming to meet the Polish nation for the first time and is doing so in “grateful and devoted memory of St John Paul II, who was the initiator of the WYD, and the guide of the Polish people in their recent historical journey towards freedom.” Francis took the plane from Rome at 2.00pm on July 27 afternoon and arrived at St John Paul II international airport in Krakow two hours later. He was accompanied by the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, other Roman Curia officials, including Federico Lombardi, SJ — on his last foreign journey as the Pope’s spokesman — and Vatican security personnel. Seventy-five reporters, TV cameramen and photographers from many countries also travelled with him. This is the Jubilee Year of Mercy, and Francis has ensured a particularly close link between it and WYD by choosing as the theme for this gathering the words of Jesus, Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Mercy was the leitmotif of the nine talks and homilies he delivered on his four-and-a-half-day visit (July 27-31). Francis participated in WYD as Pope for the second time. His first mega-encounter with young people took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2013, an event that three to four million people attended. He is filled with joy at the prospect of this new encounter with young people from 187 countries, ages 14 to 35, as he confided in his video message: “I am very anxious to meet you and to offer to the world a new sign of harmony, a mosaic of different faces, from many races, languages, peoples and cultures, but all united in the name of Jesus, who is the face of mercy.” It is his first visit to Poland, a country of some 37 million people and member of the European Union, which embraced the Christian faith almost 1,000 years ago and where still today, even after 42 years of communism (1947-89), 98 per cent of the population professes to be Catholic. Addressing “the sons and daughters of Poland” in his video message, he told them that he considered it “a great gift of the Lord” to visit them. “You are a nation that throughout its history has experienced so many trials, some particularly difficult, and has persevered through the power of faith, upheld by the maternal hands of the Virgin Mary,” he told them. For the duration of his visit, Francis was based in Krakow, the country’s second largest city and its former capital (1038-1596), which escaped being bombed in World War II. This amazingly beautiful city, with a population of 760,000 people, is today the cultural capital of the country and a renowned academic centre with 23 universities including one of Europe’s oldest — the Jagiellonian university (founded in 1364), which counts among its alumni and professors such notable people as Nicolaus Copernicus and Karol Wojtyla. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, who served as private secretary to St John Paul II for almost 40 years celebrated the opening Mass for WYD on July 26, was the host to Francis for his entire visit. The Jesuit Pope stayed in the archbishop’s residence where Karol Wojytla lived for many years before becoming pope and to which he returned seven times during his pontificate. --America" ]
The Church cannot remain silent!
In a message to a meeting of the Laudato sì Communities Pope Francis reminded them how "social justice and ecology are deeply interconnected".
[ "\nJul 12, 2019\n\nRelated News\n\nThe Synodal Church on a missionary journeyMay new life emerge out of the messiness of this synod processDeveloping the voice of the laityFreedom to chooseRevisit Laudato Si’ to prepare for Pope’s new document on ecologyThe synod — and a sign of the times\n\n\n\n\nIn a message to a meeting of the Laudato sì Communities Pope Francis reminded them how \"social justice and ecology are deeply interconnected\".\nThere are several dozen Laudato sì Communities in Italy, and around the world. All of them are committed to an integral ecology, a lifestyle consistent with the values contained in Pope Francis' encyclical of the same name.\nThe Second Forum of Laudato sì Communities is being held in the Italian town of Amatrice. In August 2016, the town and surrounding area was devastated by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that left 247 people dead and dozens of families homeless.\nIn his message to Forum participants, read on his behalf by the Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication, Paolo Ruffini, the Pope recalled the victims of the earthquake and spoke of the \"high price\" paid by the entire region.\nThe memory of Amatrice is always in my heart, he wrote. What happened here helps us focus on \"the imbalances that devastate our 'common home'\". Invariably, \"it is the poor who pay the highest price of environmental devastation\", said the Pope. Quoting from his Encyclical, Pope Francis added: \"There will be no new relationship with nature without a new human being.\"\nThe Second Forum of Laudato sì Communities is focussing on how, as the Pope writes in his Encyclical, \"everything is connected\". Specifically, they are examining the challenges facing the Amazon region and looking ahead to the Synod that will be dedicated to this subject in October. In his message, Pope Francis addresses the \"unsustainable situation of the Amazon and the peoples who live there\", calling it \"a sad paradigm of what is happening in many parts of the world: a blind and destructive mentality that prefers profit to justice, highlighting the predatory attitude with which man relates to nature\".\n\"Social justice and ecology are deeply interconnected\", insists the Pope. \"What is happening in the Amazon will have repercussions on a global level\". We cannot remain indifferent spectators in the face of this destruction, he says, \"nor can the Church remain silent.\"--ICN \n", "In a message to a meeting of the Laudato sì Communities Pope Francis reminded them how \"social justice and ecology are deeply interconnected\".", "There are several dozen Laudato sì Communities in Italy, and around the world. All of them are committed to an integral ecology, a lifestyle consistent with the values contained in Pope Francis' encyclical of the same name.", "The Second Forum of Laudato sì Communities is being held in the Italian town of Amatrice. In August 2016, the town and surrounding area was devastated by a 6.2 magnitude earthquake that left 247 people dead and dozens of families homeless.", "In his message to Forum participants, read on his behalf by the Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication, Paolo Ruffini, the Pope recalled the victims of the earthquake and spoke of the \"high price\" paid by the entire region.", "The memory of Amatrice is always in my heart, he wrote. What happened here helps us focus on \"the imbalances that devastate our 'common home'\". Invariably, \"it is the poor who pay the highest price of environmental devastation\", said the Pope. Quoting from his Encyclical, Pope Francis added: \"There will be no new relationship with nature without a new human being.\"", "The Second Forum of Laudato sì Communities is focussing on how, as the Pope writes in his Encyclical, \"everything is connected\". Specifically, they are examining the challenges facing the Amazon region and looking ahead to the Synod that will be dedicated to this subject in October. In his message, Pope Francis addresses the \"unsustainable situation of the Amazon and the peoples who live there\", calling it \"a sad paradigm of what is happening in many parts of the world: a blind and destructive mentality that prefers profit to justice, highlighting the predatory attitude with which man relates to nature\".", "\"Social justice and ecology are deeply interconnected\", insists the Pope. \"What is happening in the Amazon will have repercussions on a global level\". We cannot remain indifferent spectators in the face of this destruction, he says, \"nor can the Church remain silent.\"--ICN" ]
Komisi DEC lawat sekolah-sekolah mission sekitar Sandakan
Sembilan orang ahli Komisi Pendidikan Keuskupan Sandakan (DEC) dan empat orang pemerhati dari Tawau, Lahad Datu dan Sandakan berkumpul di Pusat Pastoral Keuskupan, Sandakan bagi mesyuarat DEC kali ketiga dan sesi pembentukan pada Julai 11- 12 lalu
[ "\nJul 22, 2015\n\nRelated News\n\nPengampunan putuskan lingkaran kebencianSidang Sinode berdoa keamanan untuk Timur TengahBumi tidak dapat menampung kita lagiPerintah Tuhan sarana tepat meraih kebahagiaanLektor, pemazmur sebagai duta TuhanHati kita dicipta untuk mengasihi\n\n\n\n\nSANDAKAN (Herald Malaysia): Sembilan orang ahli Komisi Pendidikan Keuskupan Sandakan (DEC) dan empat orang pemerhati dari Tawau, Lahad Datu dan Sandakan berkumpul di Pusat Pastoral Keuskupan, Sandakan bagi mesyuarat DEC kali ketiga dan sesi pembentukan pada Julai 11- 12 lalu. Mesyuarat tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Uskup Julius Dusin Gitom dan dipengerusikan oleh Pengerusi DEC, Sdr Philip Lee. Dalam ucapan alu-aluannya, Uskup Julius mengingatkan para ahli Komisi untuk mengekalkan etos, ciri-ciri istimewa dan tradisi sekolah-sekolah mission melalui lembaga-lembaga Sekolah. Dalam mengekalkan lambang-lambang dan ciri sekolah mission, para ahli digesa untuk menjalinkan hubungan diplomatik dengan semua pihak berwajib, Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru, Pentadbir-pentadbir Sekolah dan kakitangan serta Jabatan Pendidikan. Hubungan baik dengan pelbagai pihak akan memperkasakan lagi sekolah mission. Prelatus itu juga mengingatkan para ahli untuk menumpukan prosedur pengurusan bagi semua Pengurus Lembaga Sekolah untuk mematuhi dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan semua pihak. Uskup Julius berharap sepuluh buah sekolah mission di Keuskupan Sandakan dapat ditadbir dengan baik dan sentiasa telus pada setiap masa. “Saya berharap agar semua sekolah mission dapat bekerjasama dalam hal ini agar sekolah mission dapat menjadi sekolah contoh dalam hal pengurusan sekolah.” Mesyuarat itu turut menyentuh keadaan, budaya dan persekitaran sekolah- sekolah mission. Mereka juga membincangkan cara-cara untuk menyelesaikan beberapa isu semasa dan penting bagi keselesaan sekolah sekaligus sebagai asas sihat dalam mempromosi pendidikan. Pada Julai 12, sesi pembentukan di adakan di SK Konven St Mary. Sebelum itu, para ahli DEC melawat lima sekolah mission di Sandakan yang terletak di Kompleks Pendidikan Katolik di Batu 2.5, Jalan Utara; SK Konven St Mary, SM Konven St Cecelia, SM St Mary, SK St Mary’s Primary Town dan SK St Mary Labuk. Sesi pembentukan menumpukan visi komisi dan hala tuju masa hadapan bagi semua sekolah mission. Sesi itu juga turut menyediakan platform ideal bagi para ahli untuk menyumbangkan pandangan mereka akan visi sekolah melalui konteks Katolik.Pertukaran idea dan cadangan itu sesungguhnya meneguhkan lagi semangat para ahli untuk menjaga dan mengendalikan sekolah-sekolah mission. \n", "SANDAKAN (Herald Malaysia): Sembilan orang ahli Komisi Pendidikan Keuskupan Sandakan (DEC) dan empat orang pemerhati dari Tawau, Lahad Datu dan Sandakan berkumpul di Pusat Pastoral Keuskupan, Sandakan bagi mesyuarat DEC kali ketiga dan sesi pembentukan pada Julai 11- 12 lalu. Mesyuarat tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Uskup Julius Dusin Gitom dan dipengerusikan oleh Pengerusi DEC, Sdr Philip Lee. Dalam ucapan alu-aluannya, Uskup Julius mengingatkan para ahli Komisi untuk mengekalkan etos, ciri-ciri istimewa dan tradisi sekolah-sekolah mission melalui lembaga-lembaga Sekolah. Dalam mengekalkan lambang-lambang dan ciri sekolah mission, para ahli digesa untuk menjalinkan hubungan diplomatik dengan semua pihak berwajib, Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru, Pentadbir-pentadbir Sekolah dan kakitangan serta Jabatan Pendidikan. Hubungan baik dengan pelbagai pihak akan memperkasakan lagi sekolah mission. Prelatus itu juga mengingatkan para ahli untuk menumpukan prosedur pengurusan bagi semua Pengurus Lembaga Sekolah untuk mematuhi dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan semua pihak. Uskup Julius berharap sepuluh buah sekolah mission di Keuskupan Sandakan dapat ditadbir dengan baik dan sentiasa telus pada setiap masa. “Saya berharap agar semua sekolah mission dapat bekerjasama dalam hal ini agar sekolah mission dapat menjadi sekolah contoh dalam hal pengurusan sekolah.” Mesyuarat itu turut menyentuh keadaan, budaya dan persekitaran sekolah- sekolah mission. Mereka juga membincangkan cara-cara untuk menyelesaikan beberapa isu semasa dan penting bagi keselesaan sekolah sekaligus sebagai asas sihat dalam mempromosi pendidikan. Pada Julai 12, sesi pembentukan di adakan di SK Konven St Mary. Sebelum itu, para ahli DEC melawat lima sekolah mission di Sandakan yang terletak di Kompleks Pendidikan Katolik di Batu 2.5, Jalan Utara; SK Konven St Mary, SM Konven St Cecelia, SM St Mary, SK St Mary’s Primary Town dan SK St Mary Labuk. Sesi pembentukan menumpukan visi komisi dan hala tuju masa hadapan bagi semua sekolah mission. Sesi itu juga turut menyediakan platform ideal bagi para ahli untuk menyumbangkan pandangan mereka akan visi sekolah melalui konteks Katolik.Pertukaran idea dan cadangan itu sesungguhnya meneguhkan lagi semangat para ahli untuk menjaga dan mengendalikan sekolah-sekolah mission." ]
Dukacita Sri Paus terhadap mangsa teroris Munich, Kabul
Pada 31 Julai lalu, Paus Fransiskus memberi respons kepada tindakan keganasan di Jerman dan Afganistan baru-baru ini, prelatus itu mengungkapkan keakraban dan ingatan tulusnya kepada keluarga para mangsa dan menekankan kepentingan doa dalam menghadapi pelbagai ancaman terhadap keselamatan dan keamanan.
[ "\nJul 28, 2016\n\nRelated News\n\nPengampunan putuskan lingkaran kebencianSidang Sinode berdoa keamanan untuk Timur TengahBumi tidak dapat menampung kita lagiPerintah Tuhan sarana tepat meraih kebahagiaanLektor, pemazmur sebagai duta TuhanHati kita dicipta untuk mengasihi\n\n\n\n\nKOTA VATIKAN: Pada 31 Julai lalu, Paus Fransiskus memberi respons kepada tindakan keganasan di Jerman dan Afganistan baru-baru ini, prelatus itu mengungkapkan keakraban dan ingatan tulusnya kepada keluarga para mangsa dan menekankan kepentingan doa dalam menghadapi pelbagai ancaman terhadap keselamatan dan keamanan. \"Pada masa ini, semangat kita sekali lagi dikejutkan dengan berita sedih yang berkaitan dengan perbuatan buruk keganasan dan terorisme yang telah menyebabkan penderitaan dan kematian,\" ujar Sri Paus dalam sebuah permohonan selepas Angelus mingguan di Vatikan. Dalam ucapannya pada 24 Julai, prelatus itu merujuk kepada \"kejadian-kejadian dramatik di Munich, Jerman dan Kabul, Afghanistan, di mana beberapa nyawa orang tidak berdosa telah terkorban.\" “Saya sangat berdukacita dan perasaan saya sangat dekat dengan para mangsa dan yang terluka,\" kata Paus Fransiskus. \"Saya mengajak anda semua untuk bersatu di dalam doa, agar Tuhan dapat memberi inspirasi kepada semua resolusi yang baik dan demi kesejahteraan bersama.” Dalam menghadapi pelbagai kesukaran yang semakin menggunung dan jaminan keselamatan dan keamanan yang gelap, Paus Fransiskus berkata, “Doa kita harus lebih giat dan sungguh- sungguh.” Lebih kurang 80 orang telah terbunuh dan 230 orang cedera selepas dua letupan meletup di kota Kabul, Afghanistan pada 23 Julai lalu. Negara Islam telah mengakui melakukan serangan berani mati yang melanda minoriti Syiah Hazara di ibu kota. Serangan pada 23 Julai ke atas Kabul adalah yang terbaru dalam rentetan serangan di seluruh dunia disebabkan oleh ISIS. Antara serangan terbaru itu ialah serangan kapak di kereta api Würzburg, Jerman pada 18 Julai di mana beberapa penumpang luka parah. Pada minggu sebelumnya, 84 orang telah terbunuh di Nice, Perancis ketika seorang lelaki Tunisia secara sengaja memandu sebuah truk besar di tengahtengah kerumunan di jalan pantai dengan kelajuan tinggi semasa pesta Hari Bastille. Paus Fransiskus kemudiannya memberi respons terhadap serangan di Munich seraya mengucapkan takziah kepada uskup agung Munich dalam sebuah telegram pada awal pagi hari Ahad, 24 Julai. Sekurang-kurangnya sembilan orang berbunuh dan lebih 30 orang cedera pada petang 22 Julai selepas seorang lelaki bersenjata berusia 18 tahun, menembak membabi buta di gedung membeli belah Olympis, Munich. Polis percaya bahawa remaja itu tidak ada kaitan dengan Negara Islam tetapi dilaporkan, anak muda itu mendapat inspirasi daripada Anders Behring Beivik, pembunuh kejam yang membunuh 77 orang di Norway pada tahun 2011. Sri Paus kesal dan sedih dengan berita serangan di Munich, termasuk pembunuhan anakanak muda, demikian antara isi kandungan telegram yang dihantar kepada uskup agung Munich dan Freising, Kardinal Reinhard Marx, dan ditandatangani oleh Setiausaha Negara Vatikan, Kardinal Pietro Parolin. “Bapa Suci menyatakan kedekatannya dengan para mangsa yang trauma dan turut menderita bersama mereka,” dan dia \"mengangkat doa buat mereka yang telah terkorban kepada Tuhan yang Berbelas kasihan,\" demikian antara yang tertulis dalam telegram itu.--CNA/EWTN \n", "KOTA VATIKAN: Pada 31 Julai lalu, Paus Fransiskus memberi respons kepada tindakan keganasan di Jerman dan Afganistan baru-baru ini, prelatus itu mengungkapkan keakraban dan ingatan tulusnya kepada keluarga para mangsa dan menekankan kepentingan doa dalam menghadapi pelbagai ancaman terhadap keselamatan dan keamanan. \"Pada masa ini, semangat kita sekali lagi dikejutkan dengan berita sedih yang berkaitan dengan perbuatan buruk keganasan dan terorisme yang telah menyebabkan penderitaan dan kematian,\" ujar Sri Paus dalam sebuah permohonan selepas Angelus mingguan di Vatikan. Dalam ucapannya pada 24 Julai, prelatus itu merujuk kepada \"kejadian-kejadian dramatik di Munich, Jerman dan Kabul, Afghanistan, di mana beberapa nyawa orang tidak berdosa telah terkorban.\" “Saya sangat berdukacita dan perasaan saya sangat dekat dengan para mangsa dan yang terluka,\" kata Paus Fransiskus. \"Saya mengajak anda semua untuk bersatu di dalam doa, agar Tuhan dapat memberi inspirasi kepada semua resolusi yang baik dan demi kesejahteraan bersama.” Dalam menghadapi pelbagai kesukaran yang semakin menggunung dan jaminan keselamatan dan keamanan yang gelap, Paus Fransiskus berkata, “Doa kita harus lebih giat dan sungguh- sungguh.” Lebih kurang 80 orang telah terbunuh dan 230 orang cedera selepas dua letupan meletup di kota Kabul, Afghanistan pada 23 Julai lalu. Negara Islam telah mengakui melakukan serangan berani mati yang melanda minoriti Syiah Hazara di ibu kota. Serangan pada 23 Julai ke atas Kabul adalah yang terbaru dalam rentetan serangan di seluruh dunia disebabkan oleh ISIS. Antara serangan terbaru itu ialah serangan kapak di kereta api Würzburg, Jerman pada 18 Julai di mana beberapa penumpang luka parah. Pada minggu sebelumnya, 84 orang telah terbunuh di Nice, Perancis ketika seorang lelaki Tunisia secara sengaja memandu sebuah truk besar di tengahtengah kerumunan di jalan pantai dengan kelajuan tinggi semasa pesta Hari Bastille. Paus Fransiskus kemudiannya memberi respons terhadap serangan di Munich seraya mengucapkan takziah kepada uskup agung Munich dalam sebuah telegram pada awal pagi hari Ahad, 24 Julai. Sekurang-kurangnya sembilan orang berbunuh dan lebih 30 orang cedera pada petang 22 Julai selepas seorang lelaki bersenjata berusia 18 tahun, menembak membabi buta di gedung membeli belah Olympis, Munich. Polis percaya bahawa remaja itu tidak ada kaitan dengan Negara Islam tetapi dilaporkan, anak muda itu mendapat inspirasi daripada Anders Behring Beivik, pembunuh kejam yang membunuh 77 orang di Norway pada tahun 2011. Sri Paus kesal dan sedih dengan berita serangan di Munich, termasuk pembunuhan anakanak muda, demikian antara isi kandungan telegram yang dihantar kepada uskup agung Munich dan Freising, Kardinal Reinhard Marx, dan ditandatangani oleh Setiausaha Negara Vatikan, Kardinal Pietro Parolin. “Bapa Suci menyatakan kedekatannya dengan para mangsa yang trauma dan turut menderita bersama mereka,” dan dia \"mengangkat doa buat mereka yang telah terkorban kepada Tuhan yang Berbelas kasihan,\" demikian antara yang tertulis dalam telegram itu.--CNA/EWTN" ]
Red Mass at the Church of the Holy Family
The Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, commonly referred as the Red Mass, was celebrated at the Church of the Holy Family January 28.
[ "\nFeb 10, 2023\n\nRelated News\n\nBlessing and Official Opening of St James Bitikie ChurchAnna in Rome - Part 4Diary of Archbishop Julian LeowDiary of Cardinal Sebastian FrancisDiary of Bishop Bernard PaulMalacca Johore Diocese News Update #150\n\n\n\nThe lawyers with the clergy.\nBy Christina ParamThe Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, commonly referred as the Red Mass, was celebrated at the Church of the Holy Family January 28.Themed A heart to seek you, the Mass was presided over by Most Rev John Wong Soo Kau, Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu, and concelebrated by Most Rev Julian Leow, Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur.Archbishop John touched the hearts of the congregation and Catholic lawyers with three main points to be pondered on.His Grace exhorted the congregation to focus on the person of Jesus, and keep the strong Faith demonstrated by the Lord in the Gospel, while carrying out the mission of upholding and dispensing justice in their daily lives, especially in the area of creating awareness in protecting children’s rights and interest.Still on the subject of Faith, His Grace touched on our Lord’s Word, proclaiming that even if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we say to a mountain, “move from here to there” and it would move, as nothing is impossible, but we might be asking the question,‘Why then are we not able to move Mount Kinabalu?’ His Grace then answered the question with yet another thought-provoking, soul-searching question, i.e. we could start by asking ourselves first whether we are able to move a candle with the faith we have, whether all of us have that faith to move a candle to light up the life of another person. His Grace believed the answer is in the affirmative.Everyone left the Red Mass feeling assured that we possess that kind of faith.The Mass concluded with a photo session at the main entrance, followed by a fellowship at the Church Hall. \n", "By Christina ParamThe Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, commonly referred as the Red Mass, was celebrated at the Church of the Holy Family January 28.Themed A heart to seek you, the Mass was presided over by Most Rev John Wong Soo Kau, Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu, and concelebrated by Most Rev Julian Leow, Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur.Archbishop John touched the hearts of the congregation and Catholic lawyers with three main points to be pondered on.His Grace exhorted the congregation to focus on the person of Jesus, and keep the strong Faith demonstrated by the Lord in the Gospel, while carrying out the mission of upholding and dispensing justice in their daily lives, especially in the area of creating awareness in protecting children’s rights and interest.Still on the subject of Faith, His Grace touched on our Lord’s Word, proclaiming that even if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we say to a mountain, “move from here to there” and it would move, as nothing is impossible, but we might be asking the question,‘Why then are we not able to move Mount Kinabalu?’ His Grace then answered the question with yet another thought-provoking, soul-searching question, i.e. we could start by asking ourselves first whether we are able to move a candle with the faith we have, whether all of us have that faith to move a candle to light up the life of another person. His Grace believed the answer is in the affirmative.Everyone left the Red Mass feeling assured that we possess that kind of faith.The Mass concluded with a photo session at the main entrance, followed by a fellowship at the Church Hall." ]
Youth, interfaith dialogue, and peace dominate Pope’s foreign trips in 2019
Pope Francis, known in his native Argentina for never leaving home, collected more frequent-flyer miles in 2019 than in any of the previous six years of his pontificate, traveling to Panama, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Bulgaria and North Macedonia, Romania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, Thailand and Japan.
[ "\nDec 30, 2019\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nBy Inés San MartínPope Francis, known in his native Argentina for never leaving home, collected more frequent-flyer miles in 2019 than in any of the previous six years of his pontificate, traveling to Panama, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Bulgaria and North Macedonia, Romania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, Thailand and Japan.\nThough each trip had its own raison d’etre, there were three major themes, all among the top priorities of Francis’s pontificate, which were front and center.YouthThough Francis’s Jan. 23-27 visit to Panama was decided long before he was elected as Successor of Peter because it was hosting World Youth Day (WYD), a Vatican-sponsored youth festival that takes place every two or three years with the almost-mandatory presence of the pope, the visit nevertheless served as a testing ground for the lessons of the 2018 Synod of Bishops on the Youth.\nUpon his return to Rome, Francis defined WYD as a sign that “young Christians are the leaven for peace in the world,” and serve as a sharp contrast to today’s “sad” situation of confrontational nationalist feelings.\nHundreds of thousands of young people from five continents who attended the events “formed a great symphony of faces and languages,” he said during his weekly Wednesday audience.“To see all the flags flying together, fluttering in the hands of young people, happy to encounter each other is a prophetic sign, a sign (that goes) against the tide of today’s sad tendency toward confrontational nationalist sentiments that erect walls, that close themselves off from universality, from the encounter among peoples,” he said.While in Panama, Francis spoke to young people about faith in their own language, reminding them that Jesus is not “an interval in life nor a passing fad,” but a loving God who is concrete and close.\nThe trip also included a four-hour long vigil where he broke into hipster language, using words such as “app,” “influencer,” “cloud,” and “tutorial.”\nHe told the thousands gathered that God loves everyone, with their sins and imperfections, and that salvation comes through this love. The worst fall, Francis said, the one that “can ruin our lives, is to remain down and not allow ourselves to be helped up.”\nMary, he said, wasn’t an “influencer,” yet she became the “most influential woman in history,” because of her “yes” to God; and that life is not “a salvation up ‘in the cloud,’ waiting to be downloaded, a new ‘app’ to be discovered, or a technique of mental self-improvement,” nor is it a “tutorial” for the latest news either.Interreligious dialogueThough every trip in 2019 had an interreligious or ecumenical moment, arguably the most important came Feb. 3-5, when Francis visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and signed a declaration with the Grand Imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar University on human fraternity.\nThe trip was historic, including the fact that the pontiff became the first in the modern era to set foot on the Arabian Peninsula, where he became the parish priest of some 130,000 Catholics who live in UAE and hail from 100 different countries.\nTalking to Catholics during a Mass, he thanked them for their witness and urged them to live simply, in accordance to the beatitudes, in a country where luxury and excess are considered almost national virtues.Yet he wasn’t there only to be a parish priest but to advance Catholic-Muslim dialogue, a continuation of his 2017 trip to Egypt and a prelude to his trip to Morocco, which he made soon after UAE.\nOnce again, Francis summed up his trip during a weekly Wednesday audience in Rome. The visit to the UAE and second meeting with the Muslim Grand Imam of al-Azhar, he said, “Wrote a new page in the history of dialogue between Christianity and Islam and in the commitment to promote peace in the world on the basis of human brotherhood.”\nFrancis first met the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayeb, during a 2017 visit to Egypt. The two signed a joint document on human fraternity Feb. 4.\nIn the document, “we condemn all forms of violence, especially those with religious motivation, and we commit ourselves to spreading authentic values and peace throughout the world,” the pope stated.\nIn this era, Francis said, when there is strong a temptation of discord between Christian and Islamic cultures, and to consider religions as sources of conflict, “we wanted to give a further, clear and decisive sign, that instead it is possible to meet, it is possible to respect and dialogue.”\nHe also recommended reading the document and trying to understand it, because it has helpful points for dialogue on human fraternity.\nDespite the fact that the trip was set on dialogue, the pope pulled no punches, calling for true religious freedom while condemning the use of the name of God to justify violence during his opening remarks.\n“No violence can be justified in the name of religion,” he said. “We need to be vigilant lest religion be instrumentalized and deny itself by allowing violence and terrorism.”\n“I would like to emphasize religious freedom,” he said. “Without freedom, we are no longer children [of God] but slaves.” One cannot proclaim fraternity, Francis said, and then act in the opposite way.\nAlso joining the pope was the crown prince and de facto leader of the UAE, Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahyan.PeaceFrancis has been denouncing an ongoing and piecemeal third world war since the beginning of his pontificate, often choosing destinations that show this reality, such as his decision to go to the Central African Republic in 2015, Colombia in 2017, and Mozambique this year.\nA joint message with Archbishop Justin Welby, head of the Church of England, calling for peace in the South Sudan on Dec. 24, also served as a reminder that the two have promised a visit once the war-torn nation manages to have a government.\nFrancis’s diagnosis of a piecemeal world war is hard to contest: In Syria, Russia, the United States and Turkey are fighting, in what many label a “civil war.” Peace has not come to Iraq, despite the alleged defeat of ISIS. Despite a peace treaty that ended a 50-year old civil war in Colombia, guerrilla movements continue to be active, and there are reports of Colombian guerrilla fighters in Venezuela, just as there have been allegations of Cuban military involvement in violent repressions in Nicaragua that began last year, after a civil uprising against the government of Daniel Ortega.\nIn Myanmar, the military continues to wage war against Rohingya Muslims, much like China continues to send Uighur Muslims to modern-day concentration camps (called “re-education camps”).\nIn Nigeria, Boko Haram continues its murderous activity, and there are also reports of other Islamic terrorist organizations waging a war against Christians in several African countries. The “Anglophone Crisis” in Cameroon, which began in 2017, left 234 dead in 2019.\nThese and other conflicts have been mentioned at some point by Francis. Yet nothing made his  “never again war, never again” call, echoing his predecessor Pope Paul VI, more powerful than his trip to Japan in November, when he visited Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the world’s only two cities to have experienced an atomic bomb.\nFrancis condemned not only the use but also the possession of nuclear weapons as “immoral.”\nThe fact that money is “squandered” and fortunes are made through the “manufacture, upgrading, maintenance and sale” of destructive weapons as millions of children and families live in inhumane conditions, Francis said, represents “an affront crying out to heaven.”\n“Here in this city, which witnessed the catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences of a nuclear attack, our attempts to speak out against the arms race will never be enough,” he said.\nThe pontiff argued that “fear of mutual destruction, or the threat of total annihilation” amounts to defending stability and peace through a “false sense of security” sustained by a mentality “that ends up poisoning relationships between peoples and obstructing any form of dialogue.”\n“One of the deepest longings of the human heart is for security, peace and stability,” Francis said in Nagasaki, visibly moved.\n“The possession of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction is not the answer to this desire; indeed, they seem always to thwart it,” he said.--Crux Now \n", "By Inés San MartínPope Francis, known in his native Argentina for never leaving home, collected more frequent-flyer miles in 2019 than in any of the previous six years of his pontificate, traveling to Panama, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Bulgaria and North Macedonia, Romania, Mozambique, Madagascar, Mauritius, Thailand and Japan.", "Though each trip had its own raison d’etre, there were three major themes, all among the top priorities of Francis’s pontificate, which were front and center.YouthThough Francis’s Jan. 23-27 visit to Panama was decided long before he was elected as Successor of Peter because it was hosting World Youth Day (WYD), a Vatican-sponsored youth festival that takes place every two or three years with the almost-mandatory presence of the pope, the visit nevertheless served as a testing ground for the lessons of the 2018 Synod of Bishops on the Youth.", "Upon his return to Rome, Francis defined WYD as a sign that “young Christians are the leaven for peace in the world,” and serve as a sharp contrast to today’s “sad” situation of confrontational nationalist feelings.", "Hundreds of thousands of young people from five continents who attended the events “formed a great symphony of faces and languages,” he said during his weekly Wednesday audience.“To see all the flags flying together, fluttering in the hands of young people, happy to encounter each other is a prophetic sign, a sign (that goes) against the tide of today’s sad tendency toward confrontational nationalist sentiments that erect walls, that close themselves off from universality, from the encounter among peoples,” he said.While in Panama, Francis spoke to young people about faith in their own language, reminding them that Jesus is not “an interval in life nor a passing fad,” but a loving God who is concrete and close.", "The trip also included a four-hour long vigil where he broke into hipster language, using words such as “app,” “influencer,” “cloud,” and “tutorial.”", "He told the thousands gathered that God loves everyone, with their sins and imperfections, and that salvation comes through this love. The worst fall, Francis said, the one that “can ruin our lives, is to remain down and not allow ourselves to be helped up.”", "Mary, he said, wasn’t an “influencer,” yet she became the “most influential woman in history,” because of her “yes” to God; and that life is not “a salvation up ‘in the cloud,’ waiting to be downloaded, a new ‘app’ to be discovered, or a technique of mental self-improvement,” nor is it a “tutorial” for the latest news either.Interreligious dialogueThough every trip in 2019 had an interreligious or ecumenical moment, arguably the most important came Feb. 3-5, when Francis visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and signed a declaration with the Grand Imam of Cairo’s Al-Azhar University on human fraternity.", "The trip was historic, including the fact that the pontiff became the first in the modern era to set foot on the Arabian Peninsula, where he became the parish priest of some 130,000 Catholics who live in UAE and hail from 100 different countries.", "Talking to Catholics during a Mass, he thanked them for their witness and urged them to live simply, in accordance to the beatitudes, in a country where luxury and excess are considered almost national virtues.Yet he wasn’t there only to be a parish priest but to advance Catholic-Muslim dialogue, a continuation of his 2017 trip to Egypt and a prelude to his trip to Morocco, which he made soon after UAE.", "Once again, Francis summed up his trip during a weekly Wednesday audience in Rome. The visit to the UAE and second meeting with the Muslim Grand Imam of al-Azhar, he said, “Wrote a new page in the history of dialogue between Christianity and Islam and in the commitment to promote peace in the world on the basis of human brotherhood.”", "Francis first met the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayeb, during a 2017 visit to Egypt. The two signed a joint document on human fraternity Feb. 4.", "In the document, “we condemn all forms of violence, especially those with religious motivation, and we commit ourselves to spreading authentic values and peace throughout the world,” the pope stated.", "In this era, Francis said, when there is strong a temptation of discord between Christian and Islamic cultures, and to consider religions as sources of conflict, “we wanted to give a further, clear and decisive sign, that instead it is possible to meet, it is possible to respect and dialogue.”", "He also recommended reading the document and trying to understand it, because it has helpful points for dialogue on human fraternity.", "Despite the fact that the trip was set on dialogue, the pope pulled no punches, calling for true religious freedom while condemning the use of the name of God to justify violence during his opening remarks.", "“No violence can be justified in the name of religion,” he said. “We need to be vigilant lest religion be instrumentalized and deny itself by allowing violence and terrorism.”", "“I would like to emphasize religious freedom,” he said. “Without freedom, we are no longer children [of God] but slaves.” One cannot proclaim fraternity, Francis said, and then act in the opposite way.", "Also joining the pope was the crown prince and de facto leader of the UAE, Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahyan.PeaceFrancis has been denouncing an ongoing and piecemeal third world war since the beginning of his pontificate, often choosing destinations that show this reality, such as his decision to go to the Central African Republic in 2015, Colombia in 2017, and Mozambique this year.", "A joint message with Archbishop Justin Welby, head of the Church of England, calling for peace in the South Sudan on Dec. 24, also served as a reminder that the two have promised a visit once the war-torn nation manages to have a government.", "Francis’s diagnosis of a piecemeal world war is hard to contest: In Syria, Russia, the United States and Turkey are fighting, in what many label a “civil war.” Peace has not come to Iraq, despite the alleged defeat of ISIS. Despite a peace treaty that ended a 50-year old civil war in Colombia, guerrilla movements continue to be active, and there are reports of Colombian guerrilla fighters in Venezuela, just as there have been allegations of Cuban military involvement in violent repressions in Nicaragua that began last year, after a civil uprising against the government of Daniel Ortega.", "In Myanmar, the military continues to wage war against Rohingya Muslims, much like China continues to send Uighur Muslims to modern-day concentration camps (called “re-education camps”).", "In Nigeria, Boko Haram continues its murderous activity, and there are also reports of other Islamic terrorist organizations waging a war against Christians in several African countries. The “Anglophone Crisis” in Cameroon, which began in 2017, left 234 dead in 2019.", "These and other conflicts have been mentioned at some point by Francis. Yet nothing made his  “never again war, never again” call, echoing his predecessor Pope Paul VI, more powerful than his trip to Japan in November, when he visited Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the world’s only two cities to have experienced an atomic bomb.", "Francis condemned not only the use but also the possession of nuclear weapons as “immoral.”", "The fact that money is “squandered” and fortunes are made through the “manufacture, upgrading, maintenance and sale” of destructive weapons as millions of children and families live in inhumane conditions, Francis said, represents “an affront crying out to heaven.”", "“Here in this city, which witnessed the catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences of a nuclear attack, our attempts to speak out against the arms race will never be enough,” he said.", "The pontiff argued that “fear of mutual destruction, or the threat of total annihilation” amounts to defending stability and peace through a “false sense of security” sustained by a mentality “that ends up poisoning relationships between peoples and obstructing any form of dialogue.”", "“One of the deepest longings of the human heart is for security, peace and stability,” Francis said in Nagasaki, visibly moved.", "“The possession of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction is not the answer to this desire; indeed, they seem always to thwart it,” he said.--Crux Now" ]
Disappointing response to Vatican’s youth survey
More than 4 months ago the Vatican posted an online international poll for people 16-29 years of age. It was part of preparations for the Synod of Bishops’ ordinary assembly, which is focusing on “Young people, faith and vocational discernment” and is to take place in Rome in October 2018.
[ "\nNov 02, 2017\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\nBy Gauthier Vaillant More than 4 months ago the Vatican posted an online international poll for people 16-29 years of age. It was part of preparations for the Synod of Bishops’ ordinary assembly, which is focusing on “Young people, faith and vocational discernment” and is to take place in Rome in October 2018. The direct consultation was unprecedented for the Vatican. It was meant to take place in parallel with the contributions from bishops’ conferences from each country around the world. The survey was posted online on June 14 and was designed to be open to all young people irrespective of religion or geographic origin. But a month after the survey closed, the Synod’s secretary-general, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, has revealed some interesting statistics. While a total of 148,247 people visited the survey site, less than half of this number — a little more than 65,000 — actually answered all the questions. However, some 3,000 respondents left their email addresses and said they wished to be kept informed of the survey’s outcome. The Vatican’s daily newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, reported the figures in its October 25th edition. Cardinal Baldisseri had already unveiled them last week at a conference for Italian religious publishers in the Northern Italy city of Pordenone. The figures are quite low for a worldwide survey, particularly if compared to the 2.5 million people who participated in the most recent World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland during the summer of 2016. Observers who have closely followed the Synod assembly’s preparation have noted that communications were not very effective in some countries. The language barrier was a problem. For instance, the survey was not translated into German. As a result, the German bishops made their own translation and distributed it locally. But the responses from young Germans are not included in the figures given by Cardinal Baldisseri’s office. During his address in Pordenone the cardinal also presented a summary of comments young people made on the survey itself. He cited several testimonies from French young people who expressed satisfaction with the way the survey was carried out. On the other hand, he also noted various criticisms of the survey. For example, some respondents felt the questionnaire was too long, while others felt a number of important issues were hardly addressed or not tackled at all. These include problems linked to alcohol, drug and medicine consumption; sexuality and relationship issues; or even links with other religions. Young people who attended a September seminar the Vatican held in preparation for the synod had already expressed some of these same concerns. Cardinal Baldisseri insisted last week that the contribution of young people “is essential for the conclusions to correspond to the reality of the Church and society.” He warned that without this “there is a risk of building ‘castles in the air’, which will remain uninhabited because young people do not identify with them”. Now the questionnaire will remain online until November 30. Responses will be used to help draft the Synod’s Instrumentum Laboris (or the working document for the assembly on youth), which is expected to be published in the summer of 2018. --LCI ( \n", "By Gauthier Vaillant More than 4 months ago the Vatican posted an online international poll for people 16-29 years of age. It was part of preparations for the Synod of Bishops’ ordinary assembly, which is focusing on “Young people, faith and vocational discernment” and is to take place in Rome in October 2018. The direct consultation was unprecedented for the Vatican. It was meant to take place in parallel with the contributions from bishops’ conferences from each country around the world. The survey was posted online on June 14 and was designed to be open to all young people irrespective of religion or geographic origin. But a month after the survey closed, the Synod’s secretary-general, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, has revealed some interesting statistics. While a total of 148,247 people visited the survey site, less than half of this number — a little more than 65,000 — actually answered all the questions. However, some 3,000 respondents left their email addresses and said they wished to be kept informed of the survey’s outcome. The Vatican’s daily newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, reported the figures in its October 25th edition. Cardinal Baldisseri had already unveiled them last week at a conference for Italian religious publishers in the Northern Italy city of Pordenone. The figures are quite low for a worldwide survey, particularly if compared to the 2.5 million people who participated in the most recent World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland during the summer of 2016. Observers who have closely followed the Synod assembly’s preparation have noted that communications were not very effective in some countries. The language barrier was a problem. For instance, the survey was not translated into German. As a result, the German bishops made their own translation and distributed it locally. But the responses from young Germans are not included in the figures given by Cardinal Baldisseri’s office. During his address in Pordenone the cardinal also presented a summary of comments young people made on the survey itself. He cited several testimonies from French young people who expressed satisfaction with the way the survey was carried out. On the other hand, he also noted various criticisms of the survey. For example, some respondents felt the questionnaire was too long, while others felt a number of important issues were hardly addressed or not tackled at all. These include problems linked to alcohol, drug and medicine consumption; sexuality and relationship issues; or even links with other religions. Young people who attended a September seminar the Vatican held in preparation for the synod had already expressed some of these same concerns. Cardinal Baldisseri insisted last week that the contribution of young people “is essential for the conclusions to correspond to the reality of the Church and society.” He warned that without this “there is a risk of building ‘castles in the air’, which will remain uninhabited because young people do not identify with them”. Now the questionnaire will remain online until November 30. Responses will be used to help draft the Synod’s Instrumentum Laboris (or the working document for the assembly on youth), which is expected to be published in the summer of 2018. --LCI (" ]
Indian priest says Yemeni captors did him no physical harm
A Catholic priest from India who was freed after being held 18 months in Yemen said Saturday that he was never physically harmed, even if his captors feigned hitting him on videos released during his captivity. Officials said they had no knowledge of a ransom having been paid.
[ "\nSep 19, 2017\n\nRelated News\n\nGroup of homeless people from Croatia attend papal audienceCardinal Bo: Let us adopt Pope's appeal for ‘active nonviolence'Patriarch Pizzaballa sends prayers to ‘my dear ones in Gaza’Parish priest: ‘Gaza is full of ordinary people who pose no threat to anyone'Nadav Kipnis: 'My parents died on kibbutz where they worked for peace'Patriarch Pizzaballa: Bombing Gaza is not the solution\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVATICAN CITY: A Catholic priest from India who was freed after being held 18 months in Yemen said Saturday that he was never physically harmed, even if his captors feigned hitting him on videos released during his captivity. Officials said they had no knowledge of a ransom having been paid.\nFr. Tom Uzhunnalil was kidnapped from a home for senior citizens in Aden, southern Yemen, established by Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity in March 2016. Four nuns were killed during the attack. Uzhunnalil's voice broke as he publicly expressed his condolences.\n\"I thank God almighty for this day. He saved me healthy enough. Clear mind. Emotions under control until now,\" the 59-year-old Uzhunnalil said. \"God has been extremely kind to me. No gun was pointed at me.\"\nHe said that when the home for senior citizens was attacked, he identified himself as an Indian and he was brought to another room \"while they killed the others.\"Indian officials announced his release on Tuesday, and images show a bearded, gaunt Uzhunnalil descending from an airplane in Muscat, Oman. The priest said he had been transferred from Yemen by car to Oman, and then brought by air to the capital before continuing his journey to Rome.\n\n\nThe priest said he didn't know his kidnappers' identities or affiliations and believed their motive was ransom, although the head of Uzhunnalil's Salesian order, Don A. F. Artime, said they had no knowledge of any ransom having been paid.\n\"No one ever told us that they asked for money. No one asked us for even a euro,\" Artime said. \"We don't know anything about this. This is the whole truth. And I believe that Father Tom knows even less.\"\nThe mechanisms behind his release also were unclear, but the Vatican has thanked the Sultan of Oman in a statement and Uzhunnalil thanked leaders in his native India.\nThe Priest said that his captors never harmed him, even if in some videos they made it appear that way in an effort to get a speedy response in negotiations. They provided tablets to treat his diabetes and took care of his basic needs. He was transferred several times during his captivity, but he doesn't know where he was held. His captors kept their faces covered in his presence, he said.--RNS\n\n\n\n \n", "VATICAN CITY: A Catholic priest from India who was freed after being held 18 months in Yemen said Saturday that he was never physically harmed, even if his captors feigned hitting him on videos released during his captivity. Officials said they had no knowledge of a ransom having been paid.", "Fr. Tom Uzhunnalil was kidnapped from a home for senior citizens in Aden, southern Yemen, established by Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity in March 2016. Four nuns were killed during the attack. Uzhunnalil's voice broke as he publicly expressed his condolences.", "\"I thank God almighty for this day. He saved me healthy enough. Clear mind. Emotions under control until now,\" the 59-year-old Uzhunnalil said. \"God has been extremely kind to me. No gun was pointed at me.\"", "He said that when the home for senior citizens was attacked, he identified himself as an Indian and he was brought to another room \"while they killed the others.\"Indian officials announced his release on Tuesday, and images show a bearded, gaunt Uzhunnalil descending from an airplane in Muscat, Oman. The priest said he had been transferred from Yemen by car to Oman, and then brought by air to the capital before continuing his journey to Rome.", "The priest said he didn't know his kidnappers' identities or affiliations and believed their motive was ransom, although the head of Uzhunnalil's Salesian order, Don A. F. Artime, said they had no knowledge of any ransom having been paid.", "\"No one ever told us that they asked for money. No one asked us for even a euro,\" Artime said. \"We don't know anything about this. This is the whole truth. And I believe that Father Tom knows even less.\"", "The mechanisms behind his release also were unclear, but the Vatican has thanked the Sultan of Oman in a statement and Uzhunnalil thanked leaders in his native India.", "The Priest said that his captors never harmed him, even if in some videos they made it appear that way in an effort to get a speedy response in negotiations. They provided tablets to treat his diabetes and took care of his basic needs. He was transferred several times during his captivity, but he doesn't know where he was held. His captors kept their faces covered in his presence, he said.--RNS" ]
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