Dataset Viewer
stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
0 | {
"brx": "आइयै, थौ जों गाबोन सावथुन नायनो थांनो।",
"eng": "Mom, let's go for a movie tomorrow."
} |
1 | {
"brx": "आंहा फरायसालियाव थांनांगौ गैया।",
"eng": "I don't have to go to school."
} |
2 | {
"brx": "फरासालिया बन्द।",
"eng": "It is a holiday."
} |
3 | {
"brx": "ए, गाबोन एप्रिलनि 14 नङासे?",
"eng": "Oh, tomorrow is the 14th of April right?"
} |
4 | {
"brx": "नोंनि नोम्फहाबो गाबोन खामानि थानाय नङा।",
"eng": "Your dad will also have the day off from work."
} |
5 | {
"brx": "जों सावथुन नायनो थांनो हागोन!",
"eng": "We can make a movie plan!"
} |
6 | {
"brx": "बेथ' जोबोद मोजां बाथ्रा!",
"eng": "That's a good news!"
} |
7 | {
"brx": "मानिथो बन्दआलाय?",
"eng": "Why is it a holiday though?"
} |
8 | {
"brx": "गाबोन गासैबो फरायसालि, फरायसालिमा आरो नयंफ्राबो बन्दजोब नामा?",
"eng": "Are all schools, colleges and offices closed tomorrow?"
} |
9 | {
"brx": "गाबोन आम्बेदकार जयन्ती!",
"eng": "It is Ambedkar Jayanti tomorrow!"
} |
10 | {
"brx": "बे सानखौ बोसोरफ्रोमबो डक्टर बि.आर. आम्बेदकारखौ गोसोखांनो फालिनाय जायो।",
"eng": "This day is celebrated annually to mark the birth of Dr. B. R Ambedkar."
} |
11 | {
"brx": "नों बिथांखौ खोनाबाय दा?",
"eng": "Have you heard of him?"
} |
12 | {
"brx": "आं सानो दि बिथांखौ आं आंनि जारिमिन आरो सिभिक्स लेखायाव नुबाय।",
"eng": "I think I have seen him in my History and Civics book."
} |
13 | {
"brx": "मा बिथाङा जोंनि संबिजिदजोंबो लोब्बा दं नामा?",
"eng": "Is he related to our Constitution?"
} |
14 | {
"brx": "औ नंथारगौ! बिथांखौ भारत संबिजिदनि बिफा होनना मिथिनाय जायो।",
"eng": "Absolutely! He is known as the father of the Indian Constitution."
} |
15 | {
"brx": "बिथाङा सासे सुबुं मोनथाइनि गोख्रों मावथिमोन जाय संबिजिदखौ सोरजिनायाव गोख्रों बिफाव लादोंमोन।",
"eng": "He was a civil rights activist who played a major role in formulating the Constitution."
} |
16 | {
"brx": "बिथाङा भारतनि देरगाथाव जौगालु सुबुं खान्थिनि महर होनायाव मैखोम बिफाव गेलेदोंमोन।",
"eng": "He played a crucial part in shaping the vibrant democratic structure that India prides itself upon."
} |
17 | {
"brx": "आं दासो गोसोखांबाय।",
"eng": "I remember now!"
} |
18 | {
"brx": "जों दाखालि सिभिक्सनि थाखोआव बिथांनि सोमोन्दै सावरायदोंमोन।",
"eng": "We were discussing about him in our Civics class the other day."
} |
19 | {
"brx": "मेडामा बुंदोंमोन दि भारत संबिजिदनि फराखौ मोनब्ला बिथाङा जोंनो बिथांनि सोमोन्दै आरोबाव बांसिन फोरमायगोन।",
"eng": "Ma'am said that she will tell us more about him when we do the chapter on the Indian Constitution"
} |
20 | {
"brx": "बिथाङा बै समाव सोलिबाय थानाय थाखो राननाय खान्थिखौ बोखारनो जुजिदोंमोन, नङा होमबा?",
"eng": "He fought to remove the class distinction that prevailed in the society, right?"
} |
21 | {
"brx": "नंगौ। गावनो सासे दलित जानायलाय, बिथाङा मोन्दांनो हादोंमोन सुवा-सुथिनि अगेनजों मोगा-मोगि जानाया बेसे गोब्राब।",
"eng": "Yes. Being a Dalit himself, he realised how hard is it to deal with the evil of untouchability."
} |
22 | {
"brx": "बिनिखाय, बिथाङा गाहाय थाखोनि मोनथाइनि जुनै जुजिदोंमोन।",
"eng": "Thus, he fought for the rights of the lower class."
} |
23 | {
"brx": "बिथाङा गुवारै गोजौ-गाहाय थाखो बासिलायनायनि हेंथायै सोमावसारदोंमोन आरो देरहासार जानो हादोंमोन।",
"eng": "He extensively campaigned against the discrimination and came out victorious."
} |
24 | {
"brx": "बा, मा बायदि राफोद सुबुंमोन बिथाङा!",
"eng": "Wow, what a strong personality!"
} |
25 | {
"brx": "बिनिखाय, दुलाराय हादोरमा नाङै बे सानखौ समानथिनि सान होननाबो फालिनाय जायो।",
"eng": "That is why the day is also commemorated as Equality Day all across the subcontinent."
} |
26 | {
"brx": "आं रोखा दि नों बिथांनि बागै जेब्ला फरायसालियाव फरायगोन जोबोर मोजां मोनगोन।",
"eng": "I am sure you are going to love reading about this man when you study the chapter in school."
} |
27 | {
"brx": "नोंगौ आइयै, आं नेना हालायला।",
"eng": "Yes mom, I can't wait for it."
} |
28 | {
"brx": "आं गमामायै थुलुंगाखांबाय।",
"eng": "I am really intrigued."
} |
29 | {
"brx": "दे होमबा, दा नों बबे सावथुनखौ नायनो लुबैयो?",
"eng": "Okay, now tell me what movie do you want to go for?"
} |
30 | {
"brx": "नों गोदान मारभेल सावथुनखौ नायनो लुबैयो नामा?",
"eng": "Do you want to watch the new Marvel movie?"
} |
31 | {
"brx": "नों डक्टर स्ट्रेन्ज आरो माल्टिभार्ज अफ मेडनेसखौ बुंदों नामा?",
"eng": "You mean Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness?"
} |
32 | {
"brx": "आं बेखौ नायनो लुबैसो गारथारबाय।",
"eng": "I am dying to watch it."
} |
33 | {
"brx": "नों टिकेटखौ बुक खालामनो हागोन नामा?",
"eng": "Can you book the tickets?"
} |
34 | {
"brx": "र' आं नोम्फाजों रायज्लायनो।",
"eng": "Let me talk to Dad."
} |
35 | {
"brx": "ओइ, नोंथाङा वेब दिजाइनिंनि क'र्स लागासिनो दं, नङासे?",
"eng": "Hey, you are pursuing.a course in web designing, aren't you?"
} |
36 | {
"brx": "आंनि सासे लोगोआबो बेखौनो लानो सानदों, बेनिखायनो नोंथांनिफ्राय माखासे खौरां लागोन होन्ना आं बिथांखौ बुंदोंमोन।",
"eng": "One of my friends is thinking of doing the same so, I told her I'd get some information from you about it."
} |
37 | {
"brx": "औ, आं नैथि बोसोराव दं।",
"eng": "Yeah, I am in my second year."
} |
38 | {
"brx": "जोबोद मोजां, अब्ला बिथाङा मा मिथिनो लुगैदों?",
"eng": "That's great, so what does she want to know?"
} |
39 | {
"brx": "बबे बबे फरायसालिमायाव वेब दिजाइनिंआव दिप्लमा क'र्स होयो?",
"eng": "Which are the colleges that offer a diploma course in web designing?"
} |
40 | {
"brx": "बिथाङा गाव लागोनखौ रोखा नङा, बेनिखायनो बिथाङा बे बाराव ओरैनो नाजानायनो नागिरदों।",
"eng": "She is not very sure of her choice, so she just wants to try it out at this point."
} |
41 | {
"brx": "अ', आं बुजिबाय।",
"eng": "Ok, I get that."
} |
42 | {
"brx": "बेयो गोबां फरायसालिमाफ्राव दं, जेरै स्कुल अफ फेसन टेक्न'ल'जि, पुने, स्टेला मेरिज कलेज, चेन्नाइ आरो लय'ला कलेज, चेन्नाइ आरो गोबां।",
"eng": "It is available at a lot of colleges like the School of Fashion Technology, Pune; Stella Maris College, Chennai and Loyola College, Chennai among numerous others."
} |
43 | {
"brx": "नों लय'ला कलेजाव फरायोमोन, नङासे?",
"eng": "You went to Loyola College, right?"
} |
44 | {
"brx": "औ, आं बैयाव फरायदोंमोन।",
"eng": "Yeah, I studied there."
} |
45 | {
"brx": "नों खोन्थानाय बैफोर कलेजफोरा जोबोद मुंदांखा।",
"eng": "These colleges that you mentioned are pretty well known."
} |
46 | {
"brx": "एन्ट्रेन्सनि प्रसेसा मा?",
"eng": "What is the entrance process?"
} |
47 | {
"brx": "औ, माखासे फरायसालिमाफोरा गावसोरनो एन्ट्रेन्स आन्जाद खुङो।",
"eng": "Yeah, some colleges conduct their own entrance exams."
} |
48 | {
"brx": "बिसोर जि आरो जिनै थाखोनि ग्रेडखौबो नायो।",
"eng": "They look at the 10th and 12th standard grades as well."
} |
49 | {
"brx": "हायुंआरि एन्ट्रेन्स आनजाद, जेरै एन.आइ.डि.बो दं।",
"eng": "There are national tests like the NID Entrance Exam, too."
} |
50 | {
"brx": "आंनि लोगोआ ब'र्ड आन्जादखौ जोबोद मोजां खालामदोंमोन, बेनिखायनो बिथाङा जायखिजाया गुन गोनां आन्जादखौ मोजां खालामनो हागोन।",
"eng": "My friend did really well for her boards, so she can ace any merit-based entrance."
} |
51 | {
"brx": "बिथाङा गावनि सोरजिलु रोंग'थियाव बारा फोथायनाय गैया।",
"eng": "She is not so confident in her creative skills."
} |
52 | {
"brx": "बेफोर मुलुगसोलोंसालिफोराव दिप्लमा क'र्सआ बेसे गोलाव?",
"eng": "How long is the diploma course in these universities?"
} |
53 | {
"brx": "बेयो सरासनस्रायै से एबा नै बोसोर जायो।",
"eng": "It usually lasts between a year or two."
} |
54 | {
"brx": "बेयो थारैनो नों बबे कलेजाव मुं थिसनगोन, बेनि सायाव सोनारो।",
"eng": "It actually depends on the college you take admission at."
} |
55 | {
"brx": "जिउराहानि खाबुफोरा मोजां ना?",
"eng": "Are the career options good?"
} |
56 | {
"brx": "औ, बे आयदायाव साख्रि मोनगोनखौ आसागोनां नुहुरो।",
"eng": "Yeah, the job prospects in this field are promising."
} |
57 | {
"brx": "बिनि जाहोना जाबाय मुलुगा गोख्रैनो डिजिटेल जालांगासिनो दं।",
"eng": "This is especially considering the world becoming increasingly digital."
} |
58 | {
"brx": "औ, आं बुजिदों नोंथाङा मा होन्नो सान्दों।",
"eng": "Hmm.. I see what you mean."
} |
59 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा सिगाङाव सोरबा बे क'र्सखौ लानाय मिथिगौ नामा?",
"eng": "Do you know anyone who has taken this course before?"
} |
60 | {
"brx": "औ, बा बोसोरसो सिगां आंनि सासे लोगोआ वेब डिजाइनिं डिप्लमा खालामदोंमोन।",
"eng": "Yeah, one of my friends did a diploma in web designing some five years back."
} |
61 | {
"brx": "बिथाङा दिनै सासे जाफुंसार वेब डिजाइनार।",
"eng": "He is a successful web designer today."
} |
62 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा गाज्रि मोनाब्ला, बिथांनि कन्टेक्ट नम्बरखौ आंनो होनो हागोन नामा?",
"eng": "Can I have his contact information, if you don't mind?"
} |
63 | {
"brx": "बिनि जाहोना जाबाय, जाहाते आं आंनि लोगोनो हरनो हायो आरो बिथाङा क'र्सनि सोमोन्दै सोरजोंबा गुवारै सावरायनो हायो।",
"eng": "Its so that I can give it to my friend so she can talk to someone in detail about the course."
} |
64 | {
"brx": "औ जागोन, आं कन्टेक्टखौ नोंनो वाट्सएपाव हरगोन।",
"eng": "Of course, I shall send you the contact on WhatsApp."
} |
65 | {
"brx": "आं जोबोद उन जाबाय नामा?",
"eng": "Am I too late?"
} |
66 | {
"brx": "पेरेडा जाजेनबाय नामा?",
"eng": "Did the parade start?"
} |
67 | {
"brx": "आं मिथिला आं मानो बांद्राय उन्दुलाङा।",
"eng": "I don't know why I overslept."
} |
68 | {
"brx": "जिंगा सिनाङा, नों थिक समावनो फैदों।",
"eng": "Don't worry, you are right on time."
} |
69 | {
"brx": "बा मिनिटसोल' जादों।",
"eng": "It has just been 5 minutes."
} |
70 | {
"brx": "फै आरो जिराय।",
"eng": "Come and have a seat."
} |
71 | {
"brx": "आं मा नुफैयासै?",
"eng": "What did I miss?"
} |
72 | {
"brx": "बांद्रा जेबो नङा, हादोरगिरिया फिरफिला बिरहोनायल'।",
"eng": "Nothing much! Just the unfurling of the national flag by the President."
} |
73 | {
"brx": "आरो हादोरगिरिखौ 21 सेलुट खालामना सिलाइ गावनाय।",
"eng": "And the booming 21-gun salute to the president."
} |
74 | {
"brx": "बे समाव, आर्मि, नेभि आरो एयार फर्सनि बायदि बायदि रेजिमेन्टआ गावसिनि बेन्डफोरजों राष्ट्रपति भबननिफ्राय राजपथआव हानजा सुरगासिनो।",
"eng": "At present, the different regiments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, along with their bands are marching from the Rashtrapati Bhawan along the Rajpath."
} |
75 | {
"brx": "बिसोर बबेसिम आवगायलांगासिनो?",
"eng": "Where are they heading to?"
} |
76 | {
"brx": "इन्डिया गेटसिम आरो जोबनायाव रेड फर्टसिम ।",
"eng": "To the India Gate and finally to the Red fort."
} |
77 | {
"brx": "मोनफ्रोमबो दोलोआ सिगांनाय लोगो लोगो, हादोरगिरिखौ मान होनानै आवगायलाङो।",
"eng": "As each of them go by, they pay homage to the President."
} |
78 | {
"brx": "आरो नायदो दा माबोरै बिथाङा गसंनानै सिगांथिं आवगालांबाय थानायखौ थुलुंगा होगासिनो दं।",
"eng": "And look how he in turn is standing up and encouraging them as they march forward."
} |
79 | {
"brx": "आं बेफोर गासैखौबो माब्लाबा गावनो थांनानै नायनो लुगैदों।",
"eng": "I wish to see all of it in person someday."
} |
80 | {
"brx": "गुबुन रायजोफोरनिफ्राय थान्दै जानानै नुजाफैनायालाय माबादि?",
"eng": "What about the representation of different states?"
} |
81 | {
"brx": "बेयो आर्मिफ्रा हानजा सुरखांनायनि उनाव जागोन नामा?",
"eng": "Will it be after the army marches past?"
} |
82 | {
"brx": "औ, जेब्ला गासिबो रेजिमेन्टफोरा हानजा सुरलांजोबो, अब्ला बिथांमोना सौफैगोन।",
"eng": "Yes, once all the regiments march away, they will arrive."
} |
83 | {
"brx": "मोनफ्रोमबो रायजोआ मोनसे टेब्लिउजों नुजाथिफैगोन।",
"eng": "Each state is represented by a tableaux."
} |
84 | {
"brx": "बिथांमोना गावसोरनि रायजोनि जारिमिन, हारिमु, उनमोन्थाइ, जौगाथायारि हाबाफारिफोर आरो आबहावाखौ दिन्थिफुङो।",
"eng": "They showcase the history, culture, heritage, dvelopment programmes and environment of their respective states."
} |
85 | {
"brx": "बिथांमोना माखासे एनिमेसन आरो देंखोफोरबो लाबोफायो।",
"eng": "They carry some animations and sound along with them."
} |
86 | {
"brx": "बेयो मोनसे जोबोद गाबगोनां दिन्थिफुंनाय जायो।",
"eng": "It is a very colorful display."
} |
87 | {
"brx": "औ, बेयो गासै पेरेडनिनो आंनि साबसिन बाहागोबो।",
"eng": "Yeah, and my favourite part of the entire parade too."
} |
88 | {
"brx": "आं दासिमबो गोसोआव दं सोनाब बंगनि टेब्लिउआ थांनाय बोसोराव माबादि देलायहोदोंमोन।",
"eng": "I still remember how the tableaux of West Bengal was decorated last time."
} |
89 | {
"brx": "आरो मोसाखावरिफोरबो दंमोन, जायफ्रा बंगनि गामियारि सुबुं मोसानाय महरखौ दिन्थिफुंदोंमोन।",
"eng": "And also the dancers on it, exhibiting the folk dance form of rural bengal."
} |
90 | {
"brx": "आं सानखोमायो दि बे बोसोराव बिथांमोना मा लाबोगोन।",
"eng": "I wonder what they have in store this year."
} |
91 | {
"brx": "दे जों बिदिबा नेदिनि आरो नायदिनि।",
"eng": "Let us wait and watch."
} |
92 | {
"brx": "नाथाय दाबाव दि दिनै नोंहा सानजौफुनि 12 रिंगायाव सिट एन्ड द्र' बादायलायनाय दं।",
"eng": "But do not forget, you have your sit and draw competition today at around 12 noon."
} |
93 | {
"brx": "मा नों बेनि थाखाय साखाफारा दा?",
"eng": "Are you prepared for that?"
} |
94 | {
"brx": "आं आंनि स्केटसखौ माब्लाबानो सोलोंखाबाय।",
"eng": "I have practised my sketches already."
} |
95 | {
"brx": "आं सुबुंखुंथाइ साननि पेरेडखौनो आखिगासिनो दं।",
"eng": "I am drawing a glimpse of the Republic Day parade itself."
} |
96 | {
"brx": "आसा खालामो आं बान्था मोननो हागोन।",
"eng": "I hope I can bag a prize."
} |
97 | {
"brx": "बान्थाखौ दा नांजा।",
"eng": "Do not bother about the prizes."
} |
98 | {
"brx": "नोंल' बैयाव रंजाहैदो।",
"eng": "Just enjoy yourself out there."
} |
99 | {
"brx": "आं आसा खालामो नों मोजां खालामनो हागोन।",
"eng": "I wish you all the best."
} |
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