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It displays all kinds of vehicles , from the coach that carried Napoleon to and from Moscow in 1812 to a splendid 4-horsepower Renault car from 1904 and other turn-of-the-century classics . | train |
According to this executive , the town hall meetings helped improve his customer satisfaction levels because veterans identified the concerns that were most important to them , gained direct access to the VBA employees working on their benefit claims , and were better able to understand the claims process . | train |
well see that isn 't too bad a couple hours | train |
In the east , Christian forces were in retreat as a new Moslem power began to rise . | train |
We have been told on reasonably high authority that true charity vaunteth not itself | train |
yeah and what to do when they 're faced with it | train |
The With attorneys one year out of graduate school facing an average debt of just less than $ 90,000 and starting salaries at legal aid organizations averaging $ 31,000 , they couldn 't afford the job . | train |
Here you 'll see a shrunken head , a two-headed goat , and a statue of Marilyn Monroe made of shredded money , among other curiosities . | train |
Thursday 's judge , the Honorable Charles Adams of the Coconino County Superior Court , agreed , but highly discouraged self-representation . | train |
He mostly hangs out with a group of older , Southern black men , who call him Jumper and Black Cat . | train |
This elegant spa town on the edge of the Lac du Bourget has offered cures for rheumatism and other ailments for centuries . | train |
right right well it 's it 's a beautiful city and but the problem is like first example when i was young they they took me to Las Vegas and that was the most boring place on earth | train |
'Less loud . | train |
i 'm going to be able to make my own clothes | train |
The river plays a central role in all visits to Paris . | train |
they 're supposed to be bilingual | train |
Oh , Czarek , but will happen to us ? | train |
Turned out , I wasn 't completely wrong . | train |
Native ' Me win , me passum heap big law ... | train |
In any case--it 's over . " | train |
The herbal extract shows success in treating mild dementia and preventing Alzheimer 's memory loss . | train |
After a lightning victory over the ill-prepared French armies , the Germans marched on Paris and laid siege to the city , which finally capitulated in January 1871 in the face of dwindling food supplies . | train |
That is why icons have the power they have . | train |
Critical to the product development process were activities that enabled the capture of specific design and manufacturing knowledge and decision reviews to determine if the knowledge captured would support the increased investment necessary to move to the next development phase or into production . | train |
Said I was foolishly proud . | train |
The word had filled his head as though the girl had whispered directly into both ears . | train |
and a lot of their rules and regulations aren 't real clear so we have our manager of environmental who assist the TACB which is located in Austin in writing and hey look what we 've done here at TI | train |
Among these are the red brick Royal Palace , which now houses the Patan Museum ( Nepal 's finest and most modern museum ) , and , facing the palace across the narrow brick plaza , eight temples of different styles and sizes . | train |
yeah it 's kind of like in Louisiana where that uh guy that 's like a Ku Klux Klan member something got elected kind of scary when you think about that | train |
or at least they try and do something about it first | train |
i i 'm i 'm not really impressed with i mean i lived in Germany for three years i i was i 'm not impressed with skiing now i like i like other you know winter sports but i 'm not real thrilled about them | train |
It 's a commitment to general education--a sequence of courses intended to develop critical thinking in a wide variety of disciplines--in opposition to early specialization . | train |
Theoretically scale economies in delivery are not firm specific . | train |
National saving represents resources available for investment to replace old factories and equipment and to buy more and better capital goods . | train |
Others complain that the superstars are over the hill , and are trotting out mediocre work . | train |
Collaboration with rigorous methodologists is important , but those collaborations have to focus on what can be accomplished specifically in the ED setting . | train |
you know their demographic studies that they do that show you know that everybody 's IQ has dropped dramatically or something | train |
Without the support of federal finance organizations , program managers may not be able to determine or defend the cost associated with or benefits derived from government activities . | train |
The union has about 4000 members in Canada . | train |
but then we started watching it and and like the new ones are pretty cool because because they got like uh like special like especially things that like fuck with your mind | train |
In 2000 , GNP was less than GDP because income receipts from the rest of the world were less than U.S. payments to the rest of the world . | train |
Have you any tips to give us before we clear out ? " | train |
and they keep taking more money from us yeah people and get and they don 't have any incentive to work if we 're just gonna take fifty percent of it | train |
They depended too heavily on the second great principle of contagion , and that seemed to be wrapped up with some kind of association through the signs and houses and the courses of the planets . | train |
i guess the financial planners the training now we 've had it for about four years here got our businesses and and and our life in line how to manage credit cards how to put away say for you know money markets and this kind of thing | train |
Richardson 's need to make Picasso into a serious artist and an honorable man ( instead of the inspired poetic rascal he actually was ) deforms , above all , his account of Picasso 's relations with women , he writes . | train |
'Uh , hi guys , ' Daniel said meekly . | train |
oh um i talked to someone about San Antonio | train |
A misty morning makes the scene even more evocative of the past . | train |
Due to this rationalization of delivery cost in the U.S. , the postal densities of the most sparsely populated areas are higher than the densities of the most sparsely populated areas of France . | train |
Races are held between April and December at the Veliefendi Hippodrome near Bakerky , 15 km ( 9 miles ) west of Istanbul . | train |
The production of anhydrous ammonia in the U.S. in 2000 was approximately 17,400,000 tons ( equivalent anhydrous ) with apparent consumption of 22,000,000 tons and about 4,600,000 met through net imports , as shown in a 2001 edition of U.S. | train |
oh yeah they do that i mean in in in north Texas they do that quite a bit where you know if you want to go to this particular movie or concert or a discounted thing the big thing down here is rodeos uh if you | train |
Over the past eight years , the school acquired over $ 88 million of real estate in the Allston section of Boston without revealing its identity to prospective sellers . | train |
uh it 's but then there 's so many people you get so many different opinions like well you shouldn 't have well i shouldn 't have to have to do this or i shouldn 't have to do that and all this other stuff i don 't want to get involved and | train |
um-hum so you figure one of these days you 're going to go back to being an engineer is that what you think | train |
Right on the waterfront ; offers a more formal atmosphere and a great place to catch a sunset . | train |
To be sure that any needlework item is the genuine article ( as opposed to an inferior import or machine-made piece ) , look for a lead seal with an M , the emblem of IBTAM meaning it 's been certified by the Instituto de Bordado , Tapecaras e Arte ? sanato da Madeira ( Institute of Madeiran Embroidery , Tapestry , and Handicrafts ) , an official island organization that has a showroom / museum on Rua Visconde de Anadia , 44 . | train |
However , my confidence in him , which at one time had rather waned , was fully restored since his belief in Alfred Inglethorp 's innocence had been so triumphantly vindicated . | train |
( Kohler 's Dictionary for Accountants ) CONTRACT AUTHORITY - Contract authority is a subset of budget authority . | train |
The company once assembled , Poirot rose from his seat with the air of a popular lecturer , and bowed politely to his audience . | train |
It will be a pleasure dressing Jane . | train |
Engakuji is Kamakura 's largest temple complex ; often wracked by fire and earthquake , 17 of the original 46 buildings have survived . | train |
In applying this requirement , the following factors may influence the auditors ' assessment of control | train |
do they live close by | train |
History defies laws . | train |
Now conservatives are fighting back . | train |
the uncompromising Vel ? ¡ zquez portrait of ugly Queen Marianna of Austria ; El Greco 's powerfully mystic Christ on the Crose Ribera 's gruesomely good-humored The Club Foot . | train |
There are good road connections between Sant Antoni and both CaleT ? ¡ rida and CaleBadella , with the result that both bays have now been developed . | train |
and if you yeah if you want to so at least you you know you wouldn 't have any surprises you can order any type of you know service you want but you stand a good chance you know having to pick up at least part of the bill yourself | train |
The individual artisans ' shops are no longer here , but you can visit a silk-weaving factory , a ceramics plant , and the Foshan Folk Art Studio , where you can observe workers making Chinese lanterns , carving sculptures , painting scrolls , and cutting intricate designs in paper . | train |
Really , Sir Ernest , protested the judge , " these questions are not relevant . " Sir Ernest bowed , and having shot his arrow proceeded . | train |
The house is surprisingly small and simple , with one bedroom , a tiny kitchen , and a couple of social rooms . | train |
Fiction has its glories , but concealment is merely squalid . | train |
um but i think in time come you 're going to see that happening you 're going to see um where the high risk people pay a premium but they have to find a way to prove it | train |
Are there children who need to be entertained ? | train |
Hopefully , Wall Street will take voluntary steps to address these issues before it is forced to act . | train |
okay pro football i like two teams one the New York Giants and the second is the Raiders | train |
He 'd stopped wondering and now accepted ; he meant to get away from here at the first chance and he was somehow sure he could . | train |
yeah it 's strange because well it it 's not strange because i use to be the same way and i 'm even to this day you know some vegetables really turn me off but when you read so much information that says this is a healthier way to go you know and this is what your body wants this is what your body really needs and when you think about what is what 's the real reason your eating i know i know it 's for taste because i 'm boy am i a taste person but | train |
in public places there is one state that does that by the way | train |
Once , Las Vegas showrooms were filled with top entertainment headliners , comedians , production shows , and dancing girls that could be enjoyed at a very low price . | train |
uh stick on those things and they can just all that 's all they have to do i mean that wouldn 't cost a great deal of money and uh | train |
we have gone on trips we 've bathed in streams | train |
On the mainland , an invasion of even greater significance followed in 1580 , when Philip II of Spain proclaimed himself king of Portugal and marched his armies across the border . | train |
This involves a morning or afternoon of theory and shallow-water work , giving you an opportunity to try out the basic techniques before committing yourself a full open-water course . | train |
Initiatives completed under Phase I of the Plan include the | train |
yeah well i 'm well i 'm definitely for it | train |
yeah yeah glad to see y 'all taken care of well the i think what changed everything and uh is uh y 'all were y 'all the only ones that make any money for TI here in the last two years | train |
But what he means by what he shows is anybody 's guess . | train |
you know and held over for trial | train |
I tipped it upside down . | train |
Continue along this road to reach the pretty coastal town of Molyvos ( also known by its ancient name , Mithymna ) , a popular spot for tourists . | train |
For a screening test , high sensitivity is the most desirable parameter . | train |
What involvement did other key players have in connection with these accountability failures ? | train |
In the violet shade of morning , Ca 'daan saw Adrin standing on the dunes in sword practice . | train |
i bet even my cats could do that | train |
Southeast of Saint-Jean-de-Luz is Ascain , with a village square surrounded by enchanting 17th-century houses and a typical wooden-galleried church . | train |
He distinctly said you were to repair the sky . | train |
Lorenzo the Magnificent and brother Giuliano lie in simple tombs beneath the sculptor 's Madonna and Child , flanked by lesser artists ' statues of the family patron saints Cosmas and Damian . | train |
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