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5. Also recommends that the Conference on Disarmament should actively continue intensive negotiations with a view to reaching early agreement and concluding effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, taking into account the widespread support for the conclusion of an international convention and giving consideration to any other proposals designed to secure the same objective; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
" Also deeply concerned that gender inequality, violence and discrimination exacerbate extreme poverty, disproportionally impacting women and girls, | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The transcript discloses that one judge, Kirby J., questioned the solicitor for the Director of Public Prosecutions, asking whether, despite the fact that the author was in custody, there could be a telecommunications link to the prison so that detained appellants could have the same right as other citizens to appear. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
69. Right to education: The right to education is governed by the Education Act (No. 2/2006), which ensures the consistency of the system across the autonomous communities to which responsibility for education is devolved. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
130. It has become clear that at present, the comparative advantage of UNICEF is mainly in the area of violence in schools and within the family. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Background: A draft report on the work of the session will be prepared for adoption by the CMP at the end of the session. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Item 9 of the provisional agenda* | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
I am confident that as a new member who has recently joined this body, you will bring new vigour and fresh insights to its endeavours. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
56. In considering this matter, the Committee had before it the report of the Secretary-General on multi-year payment plans5 prepared pursuant to the Committee ' s recommendations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Counter-Terrorism Committee has considered the report carefully with the assistance of its experts and has written to the Permanent Representative of Mozambique to the United Nations to set out its preliminary comments. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
F. State support for companies operating abroad | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
71. Working paper No. 59 was dedicated to the book Toponymy -- The lore, laws and language of geographical names by Naftali Kadmon and its Japanese edition. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(Signed) Jeremy Greenstock | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Committee particularly appreciates the fact that most paragraphs on the various clusters of rights contain observations on the progress made, the difficulties the State party is facing and the priorities for the next five years. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Consistent with international humanitarian and human rights instruments, the law excludes from amnesty those responsible for crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and gross violations of human rights. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Deliver conferences, workshops and seminars on human rights of migrants in numerous countries and different regions; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
AGENDA ITEM 98: INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION (continued) (A/48/219-E/1993/97 and Add.1 and A/48/552; A/C.2/48/4 and A/C.2/48/6) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Increase (decrease) in end-of-service and post-retirement liabilities | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
National Projects seeks compensation in the amount of USD 3,859 (IQD 1,200) for loss of a deposit for a telex. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
H. Non-state actors and the right to life 86 - 87 21 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Considering this initiative for the United Nations system, an initial interim review of UNIDO ' s financial regulations has taken place and only those regulations that would require to be amended for IPSAS compliance have been identified at this stage (document PBC.25/11-IDB.36/11 refers). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 22 December 2011 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
According to article 16, the Government assists and protects returnees in their reintegration efforts. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
I. TOTAL RESOURCES 3 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
On 10 November, the Council was briefed in closed consultations by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations, Olivier Maes, on behalf of the Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006), concerning the Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea, on the work of the Committee for the period from 5 August to 9 November. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
This is a consequence of morbidity and the high rate of emigration (particularly at young ages). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
While such concepts deserve further study, it should be pointed out that neither approach would respond to the criterion of regional balance, and that the last—mentioned option of a phased admission might be found incompatible with the rule of a regular review of membership which points to a step—by—step procedure. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The former are placed in the General category and the latter in the Special category. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
g. Establishment of a private inspection system in the main facilities (pumping stations and storage tanks); | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Hospital ' s holistic approach is centred on restoring the dignity of women who suffer from fistulas and helping them to rejoin their communities. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
And there was, of course, another view, which maintained throughout that, with an indefinite extension of the Treaty, the nuclear-weapon States would enjoy much more freedom in following their own agenda on the basis of their own objectives. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(i) Ahmad Kuretem, born in 1977 and living in Darayya, a Syrian citizen, a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering of Damascus University, was arrested on 3 May 2003 in Darayya by members of the Intelligence Service of the army; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Its responsibilities were, first, to formulate and execute the policy of integration of women in development and, second, to coordinate assistance projects. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In response to a request by the Preparatory Committee at its second session, the President had elaborated a draft high-level declaration (SAICM/PREPCOM.3/2), taking into account further comments received. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
48. The Board noted that team leaders are also entrusted with other assets such as motor vehicles. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
8. Provisional agenda for the thirty-ninth session of the Committee. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Strengthen the ability of community institutions to coordinate governments and donors funds, in order to avoid competition and diversion of resources; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
39. Among the FAO multidisciplinary teams in charge of the rehabilitation programme for the agricultural sector in Rwanda, there was a women in development specialist. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Part I | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The 2012 declaration on the rule of law was an important reference point for turning that principle into a solid foundation for peace and international security, human rights and development, while the related reports of the Secretary-General (A/68/213/Add.1 and A/69/181) correctly identified linkages between the rule of law and those three pillars of the United Nations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Corrigendum | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
I have dispatched fact-finding missions to the region, examined for myself the situation and met political and social activists in Darfur. I called upon the Council of the League of Arab States to convene an extraordinary session at ministerial level, in which the African Union and United Nations participated. Following this extraordinary ministerial meeting, which formulated a common Afro-Arab policy to address the Darfur crisis, Sudanese peace negotiations were launched in Abuja (August 2004). At the invitation of President Obasanjo of Nigeria, I took part in their inauguration. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Total recognized changes in net assets since last published accounts | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
That omission is an important reason for the disappointing progress in achieving the MDGs. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In this regard we express our commitment to the accelerated implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted by the World Conference against Racism. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
According to recent estimates, the Maldives would need to invest $1.5 billion in climate change adaptation and mitigation measures in the coming decade. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Implementation of the ISPS Code | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Committee will therefore revert to consideration of document A/52/303 in due course. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Specific focus will be on how country-level programming can be supported with improved technical-guidance facility. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
22. Mr. Acharya (Nepal) said that as Chair of the Working Group on Lessons Learned, his country had appreciated the opportunity to work with the outgoing bureau. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Target 2008-2009: 7 joint undertakings | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
3. Subprogramme 2: Monitoring the Habitat Agenda | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
49. Another important issue before the Special Committee was assistance to third States affected by sanctions. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The second scenario concerns persons who were reported missing after their arrest by the security services but who took advantage of their subsequent release to go into hiding. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It attributed two particular achievements over the period to the new more flexible structure: the production of the global implementation survey and the development of the technical guide to the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
According to yet another State, " a requirement of specific intent to circumvent obligations and of proof of such intent might make it difficult to establish responsibility in practice " . | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
75. A matter of similar concern was the lack of accountability among managers, which had led to staff demoralization. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The contemporary arrangements reflect the transition from interim secretariats to the structures approved by the two conferences of Parties. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
7. To eliminate, as soon as possible, illegally held weapons, through safe, verifiable and effective destruction in conditions of adequate transparency, when appropriate under international supervision; destruction should render the weapon both permanently disabled and physically damaged. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Tel: (44171) 271 0100/0243 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In addition, the Committee regrets the lack of concrete measures, under the plan, to set up a community-based system of care and the absence of a monitoring procedure to assess the implementation and results of the plan (arts. 24 and 10). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(b) The support provided by the Office of the High Commissioner to the African Union for the strengthening of its human rights system, and welcomes in this regard the entry into force of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples ' Rights and the establishment of an African Court on Human and Peoples ' Rights; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Chair of a NAFTA tribunal (UPS v Canada). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In addition, regional consultations will take place to identify elements for durable solutions and build momentum for political commitments in regional water arrangements. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Target 2010: Capacity-building plan is implemented for civil servants at the subnational level in 25 per cent of the provinces and municipalities where the plan was initiated | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
To promote the access of the public sector, business and industry to knowledge, technology and economic tools in support of sustainable development, and to support the provision of appropriate assessments and tools for improved management of knowledge in this regard; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
53. On various occasions during the 1992-1993 biennium, ITC had between 9 and 11 vacant regular budget posts, the vacancies resulting mainly from the non-appointment of the Executive Director. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Mr. Holger F. MARTINSEN (Argentina) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The third meeting on the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism, scheduled for 23 June 2009, along with the co-chairs, the European Union and OSCE, to be attended by representatives of the Russian occupational troops and the Tskhinvali proxy regime, was cancelled due to the rigid position of the Tskhinvali proxy regime and the Russia occupational troops. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Centre has published a fact sheet on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the work of the committee under the Convention, and a fact sheet on United Nations activities for the elimination of harmful traditional practices affecting the health of women and children will be published in 1995. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
1972 First state examination at the Higher Regional Court in Hamm. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(c) Information on the budget allocated to the various activities of the State party related to the Optional Protocol; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The observer stressed the importance of self-identification as a determining factor. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
As the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan noted in his statement to the General Assembly at the current session, at the upcoming 1995 review and extension Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons we intend to embrace the position of those States that are in favour of extending the Treaty unconditionally and for an indefinite period. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Teaching experience. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
They also offer access to drug treatment programmes. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The starting point for an effective linkage programme is a clear vision of how FDI fits into the overall development strategy and, more specifically, a strategy to build production capacity. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
These decisions embody the commitment of the European Union to implement all the measures set out in Security Council resolutions 2127 (2013) and 2134 (2014). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Madagascar | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(v) Monitor drug control situations worldwide and identification of gaps in international and national control systems that may require action by the Board; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
For Ukraine it is important to encourage further worldwide research into the policies that brought about mass starvation and death of people in Ukraine and in other regions of the former Soviet Union in order to better understand the nature of the tragedy caused by the totalitarian regime. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
8. Encourages Member States to enact and/or reinforce penal, civil, labour and administrative sanctions in domestic legislation to punish and redress the wrongs done to women and girls who are subjected to any form of violence, whether in the home, the workplace, the community or society; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Nigeria | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(b) Observers for concerned States or parties: Israel, Lebanon, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic; Palestine; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In Africa, the pace of growth of the older persons ' population is slower, but nevertheless the number of persons aged 60 or above is set to quadruple: from 47.9 million in 2005 to 206.8 million by 2050. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
To meet the additional requirements of ensuring timely and appropriate decision-making in an integrated support infrastructure in the aftermath of the earthquake, it is proposed that temporary positions be established for the Chief of Integrated Support Services (D-1) and the Chief of the Contingent-owned Equipment Unit (P-4). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In a ruling dated 18 October 2000, the criminal division of the Court of Cassation rejected an appeal by the authors, stating that the ground of the appeal, namely that both Mr. and Ms. Mesclet had acted in the case, was based on a purely technical error in the reference material accompanying the ruling. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The total estimated increase for advisory and custodial fees is estimated at $2,563,100. Investment consultants | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In collaboration with the Division for the Advancement of Women, an information kit for the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was produced and widely disseminated. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The focus of the second goal is on identifying, elaborating and meeting the information needs of the parties to the Rotterdam Convention. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
E/CN.7/2008/L.16/Rev.1 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
29. UN-Women currently has 50 country or subregional offices. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The European Union places great emphasis on the central importance of respect for human rights and the rights of minorities. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It was recommended that the roles and responsibilities be more clearly established to enable desks to focus more on essential functions such as strategy, analysis and evaluation. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Experts stressed the importance of the document as " value added " to developing countries and economies in transition, as well as to developed countries. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Mali | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
On 16 November 2009, between 0700 and 1135 hours, an Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. It proceeded north as far as Beirut and circled over Beirut and the southern regions before leaving over Alma al-Sha`b. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Those frameworks include the following components: peace process; security; rule of law, governance and human rights; humanitarian, recovery and development liaison; and support. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Subsets and Splits