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<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Victor : And today , my sweetheart , I m gon na teach you defense . It s called the Robatsch defense . What s the matter , sweetheart ? You do nt feel like it today ?
Faith : Not really . May I go up to my room and read ?
Victor : Of course , you may .
Nikki : That poor child . My heart aches for her . She loved Dylan so much .
Victor : You know , I hate to see her sad . [ Sighs ] Nothing gets me more than a little girl with tears in her eyes or sad or depressed . But I think , in time , she ll adjust to the situation , do nt you ? I mean , we wo nt let her forget him . You know , when all s been said and done , I think what Dylan did is very admirable .
Nikki : Thank you for saying that . Maybe when faith is older , we can tell her the truth , but ...
Victor : Yeah .
Nikki : ... Right now , I do nt think it would be fair to expect her to keep such a big secret .
Victor : That s true .
Nikki : But I think there is something we can do to help her get through this .
Victor : What s that ?
Nikki : Encourage her not to blame Sharon .
Paul : [ Sighs ]
Sharon : Paul , hi . Come on in .
Paul : How you doing ?
Sharon : Um , sorry about the mess . I m just , um , packing up some of Dylan s things . I thought he might like to have them .
Paul : Sharon --
Sharon : No , Paul , I do nt want to hear that it s too dangerous to make contact with him . If he has to start a brand - new life , at least let him have the things that bring him comfort .
Paul : These things belong to a man that does nt exist anymore .
Sharon : He will always exist in my heart and in my memories .
Paul : And you will always exist in his . But listen to me , Sharon . Dylan ca nt have anything that links him to Genoa city -- to me , to Nikki , or even to you .
Sharon : Are you saying that the life that we shared together just ... it never even happened ?
Nick : Oh , look , this one s my favorite .
Chelsea : Ah !
Nick : [ Laughs ]
Chelsea : [ Chuckles ]
Nick : Huh . I never noticed that before .
Chelsea : Noticed what ?
Nick : Yeah , look . I mean , they have dimples in the exact same place right here . You can really see it if you enlarge it . Check that out . I mean , is that a -- is that , like , a family trait ? See ? Me ? I mean , I know I have some up here , but is that -- is this a --
Chelsea : Um , do you know what ? Do you have any -- do you have any chips to go with this ?
Nick : Yeah .
Chelsea : [ Chuckles ]
Nick : Pretty demanding .
Chelsea : Oh , no ! Shoot ! I - I think I just deleted it by accident .
Nick : Seriously ? Do I have to cut you off ?
Chelsea : My thumb slipped . I m sorry .
Nick : That s all right . I have so many more on there . Here , let me show you something . I started folders for each of the boys . Here we go . Here is Christian s , and ... here is Connor s .
Chelsea : Oh . That s fantastic .
Nick : I really want to do everything I can to honor Adam s request , you know , to be a father figure to Connor . And that means taking a lot of embarrassing pictures of him so I can show them to all his buddies as he gets older . You know , now that Connor and Christian are hanging out so much and such good friends , there s gon na be a lot more of these where they re together . Unless your big , clumsy thumb s going on another deleting rampage . All right , what s going on ? That s some a + material . I mean , I expected you to , I do nt know , snort beer out of your nose or something . You okay ?
Billy : Airport bar with a St. Patrick s day theme , green beer , and a dog .
Victoria : Yeah . It was great .
Billy : Halloween . Your little playboy bunny ears and me in my Hef robe .
Victoria : [ Sighs ] Greater .
Billy : Hmm ?
Victoria : Kicking your ass at a video game . The photo booth .
Billy : Great . The trailer . Getting locked in the bathroom and having to be rescued by firemen .
Victoria : [ Chuckling ] That was the greatest .
Billy : Mm - hmm .
Victoria : Jamaica .
Billy : Oh . Jamaica . The beach . The rum . The limbo . The ... hammock sex . The greatest .
Victoria : What are you doing ?
Billy : What do you mean ?
Victoria : You . What are you doing ?
Billy : I was gon na kiss you and make another great memory right here on the table .
Victoria : This is just what Billy always does . He flashes his smile , he thinks I m gon na jump right back into his arms . Well , it s not gon na happen this time .
Billy : We were -- we were doing good there . We were doing good things there .
Victoria : Yeah .
Billy : You were being a little brash . I was being a little sassy .
Victoria : Mm - hmm . Well , it was just a temporary lapse in judgment .
Billy : Well , why do nt we make it a permanent one ? Come on . Would it really be that bad ?
Reed : Inmate 385 - 274 reporting for lockdown . [ Sighs ]
Billy : So what s going on ?
Reed : Mom did nt tell you ? I figured she would have announced it to the whole world by now .
Victoria : Drop the attitude , Reed .
Reed : Give me my computer back and I will -- happily .
Victoria : [ Sighs ] It s not gon na happen .
Reed : Fine . Then I guess I ca nt do my homework , so I ll be seeing you .
Victoria : Oh , no , no , no . You wait a second . I told you how this is gon na work . There s a computer in the conference room . You re gon na download your homework , you re gon na print it out . No surfing , no posting , no social media sites .
Reed : God , I might as well be living in a cave .
Billy : Oh , come on . Social media break is a good thing .
Reed : Yeah , but she s making me take a break from my whole life . No phone , no TV , no guitar .
Billy : That sounds a little bit --
Reed : Harsh ? Yeah !
Billy : I m sure you gave her a really good reason , though .
Reed : No , she just wants to ruin my life !
Victoria : [ Sighs ]
Billy : Should we pick up where we left off ?
Victoria : I m already dealing with one immature boy . I do nt need another in my life , Billy .
Billy : You re right . You re right . That was a major buzz kill . Rain check ?
Reed : [ Sighs ]
Chelsea : Seeing the pictures and talking about Adam , you know ...
Nick : Yeah , I do .
Chelsea : So much for all those long talks we had , huh ? About moving on with our lives and ... [ Sighs ] I do nt know . But like we said , sage and Adam would nt want us to sit around being depressed all day .
Nick : Well , saying is a lot easier than doing .
Chelsea : You know , Connor -- he has this set of pillows . They re basically like -- like stuffed emojis . There s a happy one , there s a sad face , there s an angry one . I read online that it s a good way to teach children about emotions . So I ordered them after Adam died , and I thought it would be a good way for us to communicate how we re feeling , you know , about losing his dad . During the holidays , so many times Connor came over to me with the sad pillow , and he just said , Sad Mommy . [ Sighs ] It s crazy , you know . You think that you can hide things from them , but ...
Nick : Not a chance . I mean , you ve met faith . She has , like , ESP when it comes to picking up on my moods .
Chelsea : Yeah . I mean , there must be something I can do . My son needs to start bringing me the happy pillow more often .
Nick : I felt the same way .
Chelsea : Past tense . You find a way to get yourself out of it ?
Nick : I hope so . I have nt tried it out yet . Maybe that s something we could do together .
Nikki : Regardless of what we think , we have to put faith s needs first . I mean , she s already lost so many parental figures . She ca nt lose Sharon , too .
Victor : Hi , sweetheart .
Faith : Were you guys talking about mom ?
Nikki : Well , yes . As a matter of fact , we were .
Faith : I saw her yesterday .
Victor : You did ? Well , that s nice .
Faith : I told her I want to move back home with her . But she did nt want me to .
Nikki : Oh , no , honey . You must have misunderstood . Your mother loves you very much . I know she would jump at the chance to have you move back in with her .
Faith : Mom said I should nt move back home just because I felt sorry for her . She wants me to move back when I m really ready .
Victor : Well , you know , what your mother said is very wise .
Faith : I mean , I really love living here .
Victor : Yeah ?
Faith : But I miss my mom and dad .
Victor : Of course . [ Sighs ] It looks like you might have a solution .
Faith : I was just thinking about what you always say , grandpa . Family stands by family . And it gave me the best idea ever .
Victor : Good .
Sharon : What are you doing here anyway , Paul ?
Paul : I brought the deed to crimson lights . Dylan signed it over to you .
Sharon : Well , I do nt want it .
Paul : He knows how much it means to you . And it is a constant source of income , so why do nt you give it just a little time before you make a decision ?
Sharon : Dylan did nt have a lot of time -- maybe a few hours -- to get all of his affairs in order . [ Sniffles ] Which means ...
Paul : Sharon , what are you doing ? What are you looking for ?
Sharon : Divorce papers .
Sharon : I do nt see them .
Paul : There are no divorce papers , Sharon .
Sharon : Why not ?
Paul : Well , there s no rush . Dylan wanted you to have the deed so you could take ownership right away .
Sharon : Would nt it be more convincing ? I mean , the world s supposed to believe that I wrecked my marriage and that Dylan hates me so badly that he had to suddenly run out of town . So divorce would be the next logical step . We could even call the GC buzz and give them a tip . [ Scoffs ] The crazy baby- napper claims another victim , that way we can tell everybody all at the same time . I m used to being the town pariah .
Paul : Sharon , you do nt have to explain why . Marriages end . That s all you have to say . The less details , the better it is for Dylan .
Sharon : Are you worried that I ll crack and that I ll risk my husband s life and his safety ?
Paul : No , no , no . Sharon . Listen , you do nt have to shoulder this yourself . I m one of the few people you can -- you can open up to about this . I want to make you a promise right now today . That if ever you need to talk , if ever you need anything -- and I mean anything at all -- I am here for you .
Sharon : Okay . You can start right now . [ Sniffles ] Get rid of Dylan s things . The tool belt that he used when he first fixed the kitchen , [ Voice breaking ] The plans for the treehouse that he was gon na build for faith in the spring , the camping equipment , fishing , all of it !
Paul : Okay , do you want me to put it in storage ?
Sharon : I do nt care ! Give it away . Let somebody else maybe live the life that Dylan ca nt !
Paul : Sharon .
Sharon : All of Dylan s belongings , get them out of my house . Now .
Paul : [ Sighs ]
Victor : Good morning .
Abby : Dad , um , oh , my gosh . I m so sorry . I had no idea you were coming in to the office today . Let me just clean up and , um ... just give me a minute .
Victor : Come here .
Abby : Hi .
Victor : Come here . Sit back down .
Abby : [ Sighs ]
Victor : You know ... chair s kind of big , but I think it suits you .
Abby : [ Chuckles ]
Billy : Let me guess . Kissed another girl on the couch ?
Victoria : No .
Billy : He fail his class ?
Victoria : No .
Billy : Played stairway to heaven too loud too many times ?
Victoria : I do nt want to get into it , Billy .
Billy : Okay . Fine . Racked up his usage on his cell phone , left you with a huge bill ? I mean ...
Victoria : He stole my credit card .
Billy : That is a , uh , major offense , one punishable by death of social life .
Victoria : Thank you . Thank you for agreeing with me .
Billy : Okay . Is there any way it was a misunderstanding ?
Victoria : How is theft a misunderstanding ?
Billy : I mean , you have your card back , right ? Did he actually steal it ?
Victoria : No , but he used it without my permission .
Billy : All right , well , I mean , what if J.T. Let him use his card when he thought that he needed to buy something and he figured it was the same in your household ?
Victoria : I do nt think that a membership to a porn site is something that he needed , do you ?
Reed : Hey , it s -- it s Reed . I m on a different phone . No , look , I know it s late there , but I need your help , dad .
Victor : This is very impressive , sweetheart .
Abby : Really ?
Victor : Mm - hmm .
Abby : I - I know you do nt give compliments unless they re earned .
Victor : But what are these notes in red ?
Abby : Research on the Jabot / Fenmore s deal .
Victor : But you do nt have to mention that during your presentation .
Abby : The reps from Higgins were curious about it , so I wanted to be prepared in case they asked me any questions .
Victor : Well , let me teach you something , okay ? When you make a deal , do nt ever mention the competition . Ever . Because then the people you re making a deal with think that you think the competition is comparable . I mean , Jabot cosmetics wants to expand . But Newman enterprises is a multinational corporation . We make more in one week than Jack Abbott hopes to make in a year . You got that ?
Abby : [ Chuckles ] I did nt even think about it like that . Excellent advice .
Victor : Good .
Abby : Thank you , dad , for being my mentor . I m learning so much from you .
Victor : That s because you are a good student , you know ?
Abby : You know , the Pittsfield deal , they did nt make it easy .
Victor : I know they did nt make it easy . And that was an example of how much you have learned .
Abby : Made a huge profit . [ Laughs ]
Victor : You re beginning to talk my language now . That s what it s all about .
Abby : You know , it s just so weird hearing these words come out of your mouth .
Victor : In what way ?
Abby : You ve been complimentary in the past , but this -- I do nt know . It just seems different .
Victor : How ?
Abby : Typically it s more gruff , and it comes with some stern lecture on Newman versus Abbott family loyalty . But now it -- it just seems like you re eager to teach me .
Victor : Well , maybe that s because I found the perfect student .
Abby : Maybe .
Victor : You know what else you might find weird ? I ll admit that I ve been wrong .
Billy : Yes , Lily is very excited , and trust me , the customers are gon na love the new product . Okay , thanks , Joyce . I ll talk to you soon . Bye . That was Joyce in new York letting us know that the rollout is all set .
Victoria : Sounds good .
Billy : Should I turn up the heat and thaw out that cold shoulder of yours ?
Victoria : You know , your reaction earlier is exactly why I have reservations about you hanging out with Reed . Y - you -- this is no laughing matter , Billy .
Billy : No , it s not a laughing matter . And technically , I did not laugh . I just smiled .
Victoria : God , you re such a manchild . Do you not see what a big issue this is ? He stole my credit card , and he lied about it .
Billy : Yeah , no , I understand that . And that s not a good thing . But come on . He s 15 years old . He s gon na be going online and looking at these things . He s gon na be curious .
Victoria : I just do nt want him to think that it s okay to objectify women . And it can be very addictive .
Billy : I agree with you . And we both know the warning signs of that . If it starts to go down that path , we stop it . But honestly , I mean , once he gets a girlfriend , he s not gon na be looking at the websites .
Victoria : Oh , yeah . Fantastic . Because then he ll just actually be having sex . But oh , hey , wait a minute . He s got the condoms that you gave him , so he s good to go , is nt he ?
Billy : No , no , no , no , no . I did not give him the condoms . He had those condoms . I just gave him a little pep talk about sex education .
Victoria : You re not helping .
Billy : Look , Vick , come on . He s 15 . I know you want him sitting around the fireplace in his pajamas reading Elizabethan novels , but that s not realistic , okay ? You know , he s gon na be curious about sex . He s a boy .
Victoria : Are nt we supposed to be protecting our children from making the same mistakes that we did , Billy ?
Billy : Well , now , that is a lot of mistakes . We ca nt protect him from everything .
Victoria : It s J.T. Hi . He did what ? !
Billy : Hey , cowboy . You really screwed up things this time .
Nick : Well , what do you think ?
Chelsea : Oh . [ Chuckles ] I was not expecting to see that today .
Nick : Yep , this is what taking a step forward looks like . Drink it in . Be envious . I can tell you re a little jealous you did nt design it .
Chelsea : Okay .
Nick : You want to try it on ?
Chelsea : No , no . [ Laughing ] You -- hold on . Actually , though , I do need to get a picture because it s pretty fantastic .
Nick : Well , of course .
Chelsea : It s kind of amazing . All right . Oh , yeah . Just like that . Perfect . Okay , so , what , um , what is this ? What s -- what s happening here ?
Nick : Well , you know , I can , uh , I can make a mean bowl of cereal . My chocolate chip pancakes are legendary . I can grill a steak , you know , when it s not the dead of winter and somebody else prepares it , you know . But I figured if I was measuring or chopping , dicing , or ... parboiling ? -- Parboiling , you know , then maybe I would nt be thinking about all the things that are bringing me down .
Chelsea : I like that plan a lot .
Nick : Well , you know , we could get you your own apron . I might let you be my sous chef after weighing all the other candidates .
Chelsea : Really ? I mean , I could learn a thing or two in the kitchen . That could be fun .
Nick : Well , let s see what we can whip up . Come on .
Chelsea : What s it got in here ?
Nick : Well , there s like a million options . I mean , there s , uh ... here you go . Mad skillz meatloaf ?
Chelsea : Oh , skills with a Z. That sounds like fun . What else we got ?
Nick : Uh , kickin it quesadillas .
Chelsea : Oh , yeah , look . Look , they use little cookie cutters to make them into fun shapes . How clever .
Nick : That s looking solid . I mean ... oh , here we go , here we go . Groovy goulash .
Chelsea : How old is this book ?
Faith : Dad !
Nick : Yeah ! Faith ! In here !
Faith : I need to talk to you . It s important .
Chelsea : I will go check on the boys .
Nick : Well , what s going on ?
Faith : I m really worried about mom .
Reed : I do nt know what your problem is , dude .
Billy : Oh , you do nt ? Playing your parents against each other ? I m actually embarrassed by you , Reed . I thought you d be more original than that . That was a rookie move .
Reed : Dude , I just called to check in with my dad . Big deal .
Billy : You grassed your mother because you re acting like a baby and crying because you got grounded ?
Reed : She overreacted like she always does .
Billy : Right .
Reed : I just figured dad could calm her down a bit .
Billy : Oh , you think calling J.T. And getting her to question her parenting skills is gon na make things better for you ? Come on , man . You were freaking out when you were in quicksand up to your waist ? It s gon na be up to your eyeballs , and you re gon na be sinking fast .
Reed : Why ca nt she just leave me alone ? !
Billy : Because you keep doing stupid stuff ! Stealing her credit card and getting online ?
Reed : I knew she d tell you !
Billy : No , she told me because I nagged her to . Reed , she wants you to respect women . There s a lot of stuff online that sends the opposite message of that , and she s worried that you re gon na get sucked up into that .
Reed : She should nt be worried .
Billy : Oh , well , you know what ? That s what parents do , man , forever and ever . Trust me .
Reed : [ Sighs ] It s gon na be bad , huh ?
Billy : My guess ? Mount St. Helens level eruption .
Victoria : Reed !
Abby : Uh - oh . Victor Newman is admitting that he s wrong . Is the sky gon na turn red and birds start dropping ?
Victor : Ah , sweetheart . I have been , uh , reevaluating things lately , you know , taking stock of my life , my family .
Abby : Since Adam died .
Victor : I ve been knocked on my ass more than I can remember . And I always fought back , and I wanted to imbue all of you with a sense of ambition and drive and a sense that you have to fight for things , you know ?
Abby : And you did that . Victoria runs brash & sassy , nick has his own club , and I went from naked heiress to business - savvy heiress .
Victor : You certainly did . And I m proud of all of you , you know ? But it s a little different . You have a family to fall back on . I had nothing . I fought hard and I fought dirty , you know ? I admit it . And I ve come to the realization that my children do nt need to do that . They do nt need that hard way of doing things . You do nt need to be as ruthless as I was . And I got to tell you something . I realize more and more that I ve made a lot of mistakes . But I m willing to learn from my mistakes . Is nt that a miracle ?
Nick : So you want to move back in with your mom .
Faith : I thought it would help her . She s so sad now that Dylan s gone .
Nick : But she said no ?
Faith : Mom thought I was doing it for the wrong reasons . She wanted me to be extra sure it s what I wanted .
Nick : Well , she s right , you know . You should be out having fun with your friends , not worrying about your mom , trying to fix her problems .
Faith : That s what she said . And that s why I m here -- so you can fix everything .
Nick : Well , what is it you think I can do ?
Faith : Make mom happy again .
Nikki : Sharon . Sharon , are you okay ?
Sharon : No , I m not , Nikki . My husband left me ! What do you think ?
Nikki : Okay , all right . No need to raise your voice . I was just concerned .
Sharon : You ? Concerned ? I do nt think so .
Nikki : All right , believe what you want .
Sharon : What I ca nt believe is that you re not leading a parade down main street because I m not your daughter - in - law anymore .
Nikki : Well , I am trying to be polite , Sharon . And given the circumstances , I would think that you could do the same .
Sharon : Hmm . After all the years of hell you ve given me , hmm , no , I actually do nt think I can .
Nikki : Okay , well , I m just gon na order my coffee and give you some space , cause that s obviously what you need .
Sharon : Wait . No , you wo nt . Now that Dylan s gone , I own crimson lights . Which means ... I can have you thrown out if I want to .
Nikki : Sharon , what the hell was that ?
Sharon : I am just tired of people asking me how I m doing . I want to be left alone .
Nikki : Is that why you told faith she could nt move back in with you ?
Sharon : She told you ?
Nikki : Yeah , she told me .
Sharon : It s not that I do nt want faith living with me . It took every ounce of my strength to tell her no . It s just I need to be 100 % present for faith . And right now , I ca nt be .
Nikki : Well , Victor and I have assured her that you love her very much and what you re doing is the right thing .
Sharon : Thank you . Truly . And thank you for talking to her when she was upset with me . She later apologized for her behavior .
Nikki : It s bad enough that you ca nt tell her the truth about why Dylan has left town , but it s not fair that you should be the target of her anger , either .
Sharon : Well , I should take an example from faith and go apologize to Paul . He stopped by my house to drop off the deed to crimson lights , and I blew up at him .
Nikki : Well , he s not one to hold a grudge . He knows this has been a very stressful time for you .
Sharon : It s why I asked him to remove all of Dylan s belongings . Being around his things has just added to my stress .
Nikki : What do you mean ? You -- you re getting rid of everything ?
Sharon : I do nt want to be around any reminders of the life that Dylan and I shared together . That s over now .
Paul : [ Inhales deeply ] [ Sighs ]
Victoria : Did you honestly think that calling your father was a good idea ? No , do nt answer that , because I do nt even want you defending yourself . [ Sighs ] He told J.T. that he s basically being held hostage and that I took away everything that matters to him in life . Which is true , but you failed to mention why . But do nt worry -- I filled your father in . And do nt bother trying to play us against each other again , because I ll be sending him updates so he knows exactly what you re up to . And your father s gon na be calling you tomorrow to discuss you stealing my credit card and going to that site . So ... get your homework assignments and go home , and I ll check them when I get there .
Reed : Can I at least tell you why I called --
Victoria : No ! And if I hear another word out of your mouth , you ll be grounded for another month . Go ! [ Sighs ]
Faith : You can make each other feel better . Mom s alone , you re alone . If you spend time together , you ll be a lot happier . You can start tonight . Have dinner together .
Nick : Well , Christian and Connor are having a play date , and Chelsea and I have dinner plans .
Faith : Oh , you do nt mind rescheduling , do you , Chelsea ? My mom could really use the company . And you have Connor , and mom does nt have anybody . Noah and Mariah are working , and I have to get to a birthday party . She ll probably just eat a microwave dinner all by herself if dad does nt go over there .
Nick : Faith .
Chelsea : No , you know what , nick ? It s totally fine . We can just try one of the recipes a different time .
Nick : No , no , you -- you do nt have to go .
Chelsea : Honestly , I should work on some designs , anyway .
Faith : Oh , thank you so much , Chelsea ! You re the best ! I ll help you get Connor s stuff , that way dad can get ready to go over to mom s !
Chelsea : Okay .
Nick : [ Sighs ]
Abby : You have been an amazing father , especially after everything we ve put you through .
Victor : Well , that goes both ways , you know .
Abby : No . See , most fathers , they would have turned their backs on their kids . They would have never forgiven them . But you , no matter how angry you were , you never , ever closed off your heart .
Victor : I appreciate you saying that . It s because I love my family more than anything .
Abby : And you knew that we d come around , did nt you ?
Victor : And I knew , certainly was hoping , that you would see the error of your ways .
Abby : [ Laughs ]
Victor : Now , I ll leave you to your presentation , my darling .
Abby : You know , dad , um , I m not gon na need luck .
Victor : Really ?
Abby : No . Because I have the values , the skills , and the strong work ethic that you and mom taught me . And I know that someday when I m a mom , I m gon na be an awesome one because I have had the best role models in my life . And I m gon na teach my kids to always fight for what matters most -- family , always .
Victor : You know , I never thought that my youngest daughter , my beautiful Abby , would most likely follow in my footsteps . Makes me very happy . Goodbye , sweetheart . Knock them dead .
Abby : [ Chuckles ]
Billy : How many times you gon na read that memo ?
Victoria : It s the fourth time .
Billy : Why do nt you take the rest of the day off ?
Victoria : No . I do nt feel I can go another 10 rounds with Reed .
Billy : Well , then go the club , get a massage . Just try and relax .
Victoria : Why , Billy ? Why ? Because I m uptight ? Because I was too hard on my son ? I m sorry , maybe I should be a little more like you and not meet a responsibility that I did nt shirk .
Billy : Hey , hold on a second . I was nt criticizing you --
Victoria : Maybe I d be a better parent then .
Billy : Listen . I think you did a wonderful job with Reed . I think you handled yourself perfectly . If you had backed off when J.T. called , then he would have thought you were a pushover . And you are not . You re a strong , smart , caring , wonderful mother . Reed does nt realize that yet . One day he will .
Nick : Bye , Chels . See you , con !
Faith : Oh , mom always steals my tater tots when we go to Eddie s . You should make her the tasty tot casserole .
Nick : All right , Blondie , couch .
Faith : What s up ?
Nick : You were pretty rude to Chelsea back there .
Faith : She had to work .
Nick : She just said that to be polite .
Faith : I m sorry , dad . I ll text her an apology later .
Nick : Nope , you re not gon na do that . You re gon na talk to her in person .
Faith : Okay .
Nick : All right .
Faith : So , are you gon na text or call mom about tonight ?
Nick : Neither .
Faith : Oh , you re gon na surprise her ? I like that .
Nick : I m not going over there , either .
Faith : But , dad --
Nick : Sweetheart , people have their own way of dealing with emotions . Now , you ca nt force it . Your mom wants to be alone right now . You have to respect that .
Nikki : Did nt you even consider faith s feelings ? I mean , if she were to go home and see that every trace of Dylan is missing , she ll be devastated .
Sharon : Faith will come home to me .
Nikki : All right , Sharon , I did nt mean to imply that --
Sharon : You still do nt think that I m good enough , do you ? I m not good enough for your sons ! I m not good enough to be a mother to my own daughter ! I m not good enough to be a part of your family !
Nikki : You know , I m not sure here if this sudden erratic behavior is part of your act or if you truly are teetering on the edge . But you know what ? In any case , I would make sure that the fire insurance is paid on this building .
Sharon : Oh , and there we go . From courteous to catty in record time .
Nikki : Hey , I was taking your ... manic lead .
Sharon : You are one vicious --
Nikki : I was willing to be civil with you . You do nt make it easy , Sharon !
Sharon : Oh , is that so ? Hmm . Well , how s this for easy ?
Nikki : Oh !
Sharon : Now you have a reason to go back to hating me like you always did ! Happy now ?
Nikki : Oh !
Sharon : If you really want to help me , take me to Dylan .
Jordan : You re making me want to memorize the periodic table . Yeah .
Victoria : What the hell s going on ?
Nick : How about tonight ?
Chelsea : I do nt think that that would be such a good idea . Do nt you know what today is ? It s Valentine s Day .
### Summary:
| Victor and Nikki vowed to help Faith cope with Dylan s departure . Faith told her grandparents that she loved living with them , but she missed her parents . Victor praised Abby for her work at Newman . He admitted that he d been mistaken to encourage his children to be as ruthless as he d been . Victor realized that his kids did nt need to be tough , because unlike him , they had a family to fall back on . Abby told Victor she was grateful for his unconditional love . Sharon hoped to send Dylan a package of his belongings to bring him comfort . She was upset when Paul told her that she could nt . Paul gave Sharon the deed to Crimson Lights , which Dylan had signed over to her . Sharon tearfully ordered Paul to get Dylan s things out of her house . Paul packed up Dylan s stuff and was pained when he found a picture of himself with Dylan . Chelsea got nervous when Nick noticed similar traits in Connor and Christian . After Chelsea admitted she was having a hard time moving on from Adam , Nick told her that he d taken up cooking as a distraction . Chelsea canceled her dinner plans with Nick after Faith pressured her to do so . Faith urged Nick to have dinner with Sharon instead , to cheer her up . Nick refused and told Faith that she had to respect Sharon s decision to be alone . Nikki approached Sharon at Crimson Lights to ask how she was doing . Sharon did nt believe Nikki s concern was sincere . Sharon confided that she asked Paul to clear out Dylan s things because having them around was too painful . Nikki disapproved of Sharon s choice , accusing her of not thinking of how Faith would react to it . They bickered , then Sharon poured milk on Nikki s head . Victoria and Billy reminisced about happy moments they d shared over the years . Victoria pulled away from Billy s attempt to kiss her . After a sullen Reed arrived , Victoria told Billy that she grounded Reed because he stole her credit card and bought a subscription to an adult website . Victoria and Billy got upset with Reed after he called J.T. and told him that Victoria was treating him unfairly . Billy assured Victoria that Reed would eventually come to appreciate her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Greenlee : Jackson lied to me ?
Mary : I did nt want to tell you .
Greenlee : Oh , yes , you did . What did he lie to me about ? Mother ? What s the big fat lie ? I mean , his favorite color is nt purple ? He s not a real blonde ? Oh , I know , I know -- he lied about his feelings for you , is that it ? He does nt really despise you . The truth is that he loves you , and he wants us all to be one big happy family . Am I close ?
Mary : I should nt have said anything .
Greenlee : No , you know what ? You ca nt drop a bomb like that and walk away . Not that you have anywhere to go now that you re on the street .
Mary : Remember Jack s shock when you walked into his wedding and announced that you were his daughter ?
Greenlee : Mother --
Mary : It was an act , Greenlee . Jack has known about you all along .
Lena : You have to do something . Tell me you will .
Jack : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa -- Lena , not now .
Lena : What are you going to do about Michael Cambias ? I want the truth .
Michael : Hello ? Yeah , this is Michael Cambias . Doctor ? How s my father ? Another heart attack . Hmm , well , is there -- is there any hope at all ? & Uh- huh , my God . No , no , I m fine , thank you , Doctor . Well , I m sure he ll be in a -- I m sure he ll be in a much better place . As will I. Well , down with Daddy . Winner takes -- winner takes it all .
Ryan : Hey .
Alexander : You still here ?
Ryan : I ca nt stay away from the food . How you doing ?
Alexander : That s the first stupid question you ever asked me .
Ryan : Humor me . On a scale of 1 to 10 ?
Alexander : Dead .
Ryan : Come on . You re way , way too stubborn to die .
Alexander : Stubborn -- not enough .
Ryan : What are you talking about ? What do you mean ? You still have a motorcycle to buy , remember that ? No , no , no , do nt give me that face because I know you , and you beat the odds last time .
Alexander : Not this time . I m dying , Ryan . I wish -- I wish --
Ryan : What is it ? What is it ? What ? What , Alexander , what do you wish ?
Alexander : I wish I could take my son with me .
Bianca : Mom , where are you ?
Bianca : Who is it ?
Reggie : Reggie .
Bianca : Oh . Hi .
Reggie : How you doing ?
Bianca : Come on in .
Reggie : Oh . I m sorry , it s kind of late , you know , but Jack asked me to stop by .
Bianca : Why ?
Reggie : To see how you re doing .
Bianca : Oh .
Reggie : Oh , not so good , huh ? Well , what s up ?
Bianca : No , it s my mom . I thought that she was sleeping in her room for , like , hours , and then I went to check on her and she was nt there , and I do nt know where she is . I have no clue where she could be .
David : Erica --
Erica : David , may I ?
David : I was just on my way out .
Erica : Well , this wo nt take long .
David : Erica , really , this is nt a good time .
Erica : This is a perfect time .
Aidan : Falcon , where the bloody hell are you ? Why are nt you at the docks ? It s Aidan . What do you mean , Long time , no hear ? You sent me a text message to meet you at Pier 23 . You did nt send that message ? No worries . All right , I ll speak to you soon . Bye . Oh , man , I knew it . Damn it , Kendall , I knew -- I knew you were up to something .
Opal : Help ! Help ! Help me !
Simone : Any sign of Kendall ?
Mia : No . The lobby s empty , so are all the other floors .
Simone : Check outside ?
Mia : Of course .
Simone : The roof ?
Mia : Duh .
Simone : Oh , man , I checked the back room , the restroom , the supply closet --
Mia : God , this is just great . All we had to do is keep an eye on Kendall until Aidan got back .
Simone : And keep her out of trouble -- which should include hazard pay .
Mia : Oh , Aidan is going to kill us ! How could you fall for her correction fluid - in - the - eye stunt ?
Simone : Me ? Who ran for the towel ?
Mia : Well , I was just tired of hearing her whining .
Simone : We are so stupid .
Mia : We are so terminated .
Simone : If Aidan finds out . All we have to do is find Kendall . How hard can that be ?
Opal : All right , get off --
Man : Give it up , lady !
Opal : Get off me , you big --
Aidan : Hey , hey , hey , hey ! Let her go !
Opal : Aidan ! Aidan , look out !
Aidan : Ah !
Opal : Oh ! Be careful ! Aidan --
Aidan : Opal , are you all right ?
Opal : Oh , my Lord , yes .
Aidan : What the hell happened ?
Opal : I think I am . Oh ! He s got a gun !
Lena : I want an answer . What s your next move ?
Jack : Well , I m still trying to decide that , Lena .
Lena : Well , the judge said you can reopen the case .
Jack : Yes , yes , that s very true -- with new evidence .
Lena : Well , find some .
Jack : Well , I m working on that , Lena . I m working --
Lena : Well , how , exactly ? What are you working on ? Is it enough to bring Michael to trial ? I mean , can you put him away for good ?
Jack : Well , you know , I m going to do everything I can . I will do everything I can to make sure that Michael goes away for a very long time .
Lena : You should have done that at the hearing . How could you have let him walk away ?
Jack : I did nt let him walk away , Lena . The law did that .
Lena : I do nt care about the law . I care about Bianca .
Jack : So do I.
Lena : How did this happen ?
Jack : I ve asked myself that a thousand times .
Lena : It s enough that he lives in her worst memories . Now she has to look at him in the street . She s been through enough . I do nt want her to be afraid anymore .
Jack : And do nt you think that I feel the same exact way ?
Lena : Then do something , for God s sake . Swear to me that you ll get Michael before he hurts Bianca again .
Jack : Swear to you ? Swear to you ? The woman who did Cambias dirty work when he first hit town ? Who lied to my niece , who seduced my niece for him ? I should swear to a woman who actually slept with that son of a bitch ?
Greenlee : Jackson did nt know it that I was his daughter .
Mary : I m sorry , darling , he did .
Greenlee : No , but he told me --
Mary : He lied .
Greenlee : No , you re the liar . You ve lied to me my entire life . Why should I believe you now ?
Mary : I just wanted you to know the facts .
Greenlee : Are you jealous ? Is that it ? Because Jackson actually seems to care about me ? You want to trash that ?
Mary : No , of course , I do nt . I want you to have a relationship with him , if that s what makes you happy .
Greenlee : It does . When you told me that Jackson was my dad -- even though you did it for your own twisted reasons -- you actually gave me something to believe in . Do nt take it away from me .
Mary : I do nt want to take it away from you . I just -- just think you ought to know the truth about your birth father .
Greenlee : Oh , please .
Mary : It seems that the two of you are getting closer , and I feel that you should know he s not the man that you think he is .
Greenlee : There s a lot of that going around .
Mary : Greenlee , I m telling you this for your own good .
Greenlee : But there must be something in it for you . What is it ?
Mary : I m trying to protect you . Is that so hard to believe ?
Greenlee : No , you do nt want to protect me . You want to protect your finances .
Mary : No .
Greenlee : Grandfather disinherited you , Jackson ca nt stand the sight of you , and I have all the money . So if you turn me against Jack , you think , what , that I ll come running to Mommy and share the bling - bling ?
Mary : No !
Greenlee : Why would I do that ? Why would I turn to a mother who never wanted me in the first place ?
Mary : Greenlee , I wanted you desperately .
Greenlee : To snag a husband ? How old - fashioned .
Mary : When I found out that I was pregnant with you , I was never happier in my whole life . But everything was just such a mess , and so I -- I turned to Roger when Jack did nt return my calls or answer my letter .
Greenlee : You mean the letter that you forged for me to find .
Mary : Well , I -- I told him that I was pregnant with his child .
Greenlee : You said that you never mailed the letter . So were you lying then or are you lying now ?
Mary : I mailed it , Greenlee . Jack did nt respond .
Greenlee : Why spring this on me now ?
Mary : Because your whole world turned upside down when I told you that Jack was your father . How could I tell you that he never wanted to be a part of your life ?
Greenlee : Well , you re telling me now . Why ?
Mary : Because I think you re strong enough to hear the truth .
Greenlee : You only tell me the truth when you need something . You need money -- my money .
Mary : Do nt make me out to be the villain ! I could have done what Erica did , you know . I could have summered on the continent and given my child up for adoption and then returned to my life with no one the wiser .
Greenlee : Instead , you married a man you did nt love , and you saddled me with a father who wished I never existed . Apparently , I have two of those now . Is this where I thank you ?
Mary : I did nt have to have a child . I could have --
Greenlee : You could have aborted me . Why did nt you ? You never would have had to marry Roger , and you would nt have had a brat drooling all over your haute couture . Why did nt you get rid of me when you had the chance ?
Mary : Because I loved you . And every day that you grew inside of me , I loved you more . No matter what the consequences , I wanted you , Greenlee . And I wanted a father for you . And when Jack did nt return my calls or that letter , I turned to Roger .
Greenlee : You told me that you turned to Roger because he was rich .
Mary : That was partly it . But the main reason was you .
Greenlee : So if Jackson knew that I was his daughter all along , why would he lie to me about it ?
Mary : Because Jack has to play the hero all the time . If he admitted that he knew of your existence since the day you were born , it would have made him look like a deadbeat father , and it would have been bad for his image .
Greenlee : His image ?
Mary : Yeah . I mean , look at it this way -- Jack gets to feign surprise and welcome you into his life with open arms , and instead of being the father that abandoned you , he gets to be the daddy that you always dreamed of .
Greenlee : The hero .
Mary : The hero . Do nt think badly of him , darling . He was young and ambitious and having a child would have been inconvenient for him . And it s not that he does nt care for you --
Greenlee : Just shut , Mother ! Just shut up !
Jack : I m sorry , Lena , that was uncalled for .
Lena : Do nt apologize . It s -- it s true . When I first came to Pine Valley with Michael , I did use Bianca . I took advantage of her trust .
Jack : In the beginning , that was true . But I know you love her . I know she loves you . Lena , whatever happened in the past --
Lena : Will haunt me for the rest of my life . Yeah , I did , I slept with Cambias . I knew him better than most . I should have known what he was capable of . If only I had some way --
Jack : Yeah , well , there are plenty if onlys to go around , so I think maybe the best idea is for all of us just to concentrate on showing Bianca how much we love her .
Lena : It seems the best way for me to show her I love her is to stay away from her . I ve caused her enough anguish .
Jack : You re not giving up ?
Lena : No , I m not giving up . I never stopped loving Bianca . I -- Jackson , I d do anything . I d give up my own life if I --
Jack : To make sure that she was safe for the rest of hers ? I know . I know , believe me .
Lena : I may have to accept that -- that it s over between me and Bianca , but I ca nt accept that he s out there to torment her , maybe to even hurt her again .
Jack : Neither can I , Lena . Neither can I.
Michael : You were a great man , Father . You taught me the greatest lesson of all -- do what you want , take what you want , to hell with everybody else -- which is exactly where you ll be going , Pops . Yeah , the rape was just a glitch , and now I m just where I want to be . I m the head of Fusion , in charge of Enchantment and Chandler Enterprises , and soon enough , I will have Cambias Industries , as well . So the faster you die , the sooner my new life begins . Here s to you , Father .
Ryan : Want me to get you a glass of water or something ? Hey , you got to quit with that one - foot - in - the - grave bit , ok ? You re not going anywhere .
Alexander : Oh , Ryan , please do nt .
Ryan : Do nt , do nt -- do nt what ? You ca nt just give up .
Alexander : I m not . I m getting what I want .
Ryan : Alexander .
Alexander : Ryan , I do nt have much time . You know what I need . My dying wish -- promise me you will keep it .
Mia : Where would she be ? Try where all the best - looking guys are . I do nt know .
Simone : Oh , she s not ?
Mia : Really ? Ok . Well , I ll tell her .
Simone : Ok , thank you .
Mia : Thanks .
Simone : All right , she s not at SOS .
Mia : She s not at the health club .
Simone : All right , so now what ?
Mia : I do nt know -- we got to keep trying .
Simone : Well , who are we going to call ? I mean , it s not like she s got a ton of friends .
Mia : Well , here s one of them now .
Boyd : Hey .
Simone : Hey .
Mia : Hi , Boyd . What are you doing here ?
Simone : Please tell me you re with Kendall .
Boyd : No , I was hoping she was here .
Simone : Oh .
Mia : Um -- well , you missed her by about a half an hour .
Boyd : Well , did she say where she was going ?
Simone : If only .
Boyd : Oh , great .
Mia : Do you want to leave a message ?
Boyd : No , I needed to talk to her in person . I do nt have time to wait .
Simone : I do nt think she s coming back .
Mia : Are you all right ?
Boyd : Yeah , yeah , I will be . Look , do me a favor . Just tell her everything will be taken care of .
Mia : What will be taken care of ?
Boyd : She ll know .
Simone : And I m sure she ll be grateful .
Boyd : It s the least I can do for her .
Mia : Is that part of the message ? Boyd ? Boyd ?
Simone : What was that about ?
Man : You ca nt leave us here , man !
Second man : Damn !
First man : Ask the girl what the deal is ! Oh !
Aidan : Oh .
Opal : Oh , my , thank you so much , Aidan . I m telling you , those two were almost about to get the better of me .
Aidan : Looks like you ve done some damage before I turned up . That one s got a nasty scar on his face .
Opal : Uh , yeah , well -- now that you seem to have it all under control --
Opal : I m just going to skedaddle .
Aidan : Uh -- Opal , the police are on their way , and they ll probably want to get a statement off of you so they can charge these thugs .
Opal : Oh , well , I do nt think they meant any harm at all . They re just , you know , a couple of young bucks feeling their oats . No , thanks anyway , Aidan , really --
Aidan : Uh -- opal , they tried to mug you .
Man : Oh , we re not muggers , man !
Second man : We re businessmen !
Aidan : Well , I can quite clearly see that .
Sean : These the perps ?
Aidan : Yeah , they are . I found them trying to assault opal . Here you go . Take that .
Man : I m bleeding ! I m the one who s been assaulted !
Aidan : But when I showed up , they were trying to take her ring off of her finger .
Man : We were nt stealing . She owed us for the drugs !
Opal : Drugs ? Oh , I -- I do nt see any drugs . I was just out trying to get a little fresh air .
Sean : Down here at this time of night ?
Opal : I think these fellas just had me confused for somebody else .
Man : Like hell ! You found us ! You wanted powder , lady !
Second man : A kilo ?
Opal : Oh , good heavens ! I -- I buy all my powder at Lacey s .
Man : We made a deal ! You re trying to stiff us .
Opal : I do nt know what you are talking about .
Man : You re a lying tightwad , lady !
Opal : Tightwad ? A tightwad ? I am the -- you are the one that tried to take advantage of me !
Aidan : Uh -- Opal ? Opal ?
Opal : I -- I mean -- um --
Sean : Why do nt we settle this down at the station .
Opal : Us -- you mean me ? Does that mean I m arrested ?
Sean : Not yet .
Aidan : It s standard procedure , Opal . They just want to probably ask you a few questions .
Opal : But is -- is that necessary that I --
Sean : I can slap the cuffs on you and make it official .
Opal : No , no , it s all right . I will go of my own free will .
Sean : Get these two into a squad car right now . And read them their rights just in case .
Aidan : Right .
Sean : Let s go .
Aidan : Opal , I ll come down to the station , and I ll make my statement very shortly .
Sean : No , you re coming right now .
Aidan : Yeah , but I was nt even involved in what went down . I was just merely keeping the peace .
Sean : Oh , that s very gallant , but you re still coming with us .
Aidan : Look , just -- just give me one hour , ok ? I ll come down -- I ll come down there then . I got to do something I got to take care of first . Police Chief Devane will vouch for me .
Sean : Wait a minute . You want me to give you a break because you re the chief s nephew ? No . Sorry , not a chance . We re going by the book .
Aidan : Well , can I at least make a phone call first ?
Sean : Sure . Let s go .
Aidan : Oh , man . Oh , man . Oh , I m never going to make it .
Mia : Ugh . Fusion .
Aidan : Mia ?
Mia : It s Aidan .
Aidan : Mia -- Mia ? Are you there ?
Mia : Uh -- yeah . Uh -- where else would I be ?
Aidan : Look , how s Kendall ?
Mia : She -- Kendall is -- um -- she s -- uh -- she s good . She s -- she s -- um --
Simone : Aidan .
Aidan : Simone ?
Simone : How s it going ?
Aidan : Look , I have nt got time to talk .
Simone : Oh , gosh , neither do we . Did we tell you that the last votes are coming in for our final finalist ? Oh , my gosh , we are so loaded .
Aidan : Hey , Simone , later , all right ? I need to speak to Kendall , I need to speak to her now .
Simone : Well , you just missed her . Oh --
Aidan : What ? I told you to keep her there !
Simone : No , down , boy . All I meant was that she is in the ladies room .
Aidan : Well , go and get her , Simone !
Simone : You re not serious .
Aidan : I am deadly serious . I need to speak to Kendall , I need to speak to her now !
Sean : Time s up , let s go .
Simone : Who s that ?
Aidan : Look , I ve got to go , all right ? I ll call you later . And , Simone , make sure Kendall does nt move an inch until she hears from me .
Simone : Is my ear singed ?
Mia : Oh , God . He s mad .
Simone : Oh , something s up , that s for sure . And you know what ? You almost blew it .
Mia : Well , I could ve handled it . You did nt have to take the phone away from me .
Simone : You are the world s worst liar .
Mia : We should ve just told Aidan the truth .
Simone : What , that Kendall split ? I d rather live , thank you .
Mia : Well , he s going to find out .
Simone : Yeah , well , not for a while . And maybe by then he ll have cooled down . Did you notice how sexy he sounds when he s ticked off ?
Mia : Oh , God . We should ve just fessed up .
Simone : You know what ? This is not just saving our own skin , Mia . Aidan s already crazed about Kendall . He does nt need to worry anymore .
Mia : Simone , it s time to worry . Kendall s gone .
Reggie : Your mom has a lot of famous friends .
Bianca : Oh . Yeah , I guess she does .
Reggie : Did you try your mom s cell ?
Bianca : It s turned off . She never does this , Reggie . She ll always leave a note or something . She never just disappears .
Bianca : Hello ? Mom , what is up ? I ve been so worried about you . Where are you ? Oh . Oh , God . Well , when are you coming home ? Yeah , no , no , I m fine , I m fine . Reggie s here . Yes , I will . I love you , too . Goodbye .
Reggie : Well , the mystery s solved , huh ?
Bianca : Yes , she s been in a brainstorming session with her lawyers the whole time .
Reggie : I did nt know lawyers worked this late .
Bianca : Well , it s -- it s an emergency . They have to figure out a way to fight back against Michael Cambias takeover of enchantment .
Reggie : Well , look , Bianca , now that you know your mom s ok , just relax , calm down . Drink some soda , it ll be all right .
Bianca : I m not really very thirsty .
Reggie : Oh , well , do you mind ?
Bianca : Oh , yeah , of course . Go on .
Reggie : Thank you .
Bianca : You know , Reggie , you do nt have to stick around with me . I ll be ok , really .
Reggie : Well , you know , honestly , do nt take it personally or anything , but you do nt look ok .
Bianca : It s been kind of a long day .
Reggie : Yeah , I know , the hearing , huh ? But you were great . You were off the hook . I mean , the way you got up on that stand , you looked that Cambias guy right in the eye and it was just , like -- what s wrong ?
Bianca : Oh , I m just -- I m so tired .
Reggie : I mean , I did nt mean to upset you about the whole hearing thing .
Bianca : Reggie , it s not your fault .
Reggie : Yeah , I know . It s Michael s fault , all right ? Ca nt take him . He should ve went down . In court , in the street , it does nt matter , wherever . Somebody does what he did to you -- he needs to pay . I m gong to make sure he does nt get away with it .
Bianca : He already has .
Reggie : No , he s not . I m not going to let him get away with it . I promise .
Erica : I knew you could help me .
David : You do nt have to do this , Erica . Are you sure ?
Erica : I ve never been so sure of anything in my life . The south side --
Jack : Greenlee .
Greenlee : I m glad I caught you . I thought you d be gone .
Jack : No , actually , I was just leaving .
Greenlee : But I really need to talk to you .
Jack : Greenlee , I -- I m afraid I ca nt now . Can we do this some other time ?
Greenlee : No , it ca nt wait . I mean , if it could , would I be here at this hour ?
Jack : No , I know it s late . Could you -- could you just give me a call tomorrow .
Greenlee : I was just with my mother .
Jack : Yeah , well , look , I -- I do nt have the time to deal with one of your mother s crises right now .
Greenlee : And she told me that she wrote you this letter years ago that --
Jack : Your mother might tell you anything , Greenlee . Ok , now there s something I have to do , and it ca nt wait , ok ?
Greenlee : But I need to know .
Jack : No , no , no , no , no , no , no , no . Greenlee , I ca nt . I m busy , ok ?
Anna : Opal , good evening . According to this , you were involved in a mugging or a drug deal . Which is it ?
Opal : It was all just a silly misunderstanding , really .
Anna : Yeah , I m sure it was , but I need a statement from you -- a credible statement .
Opal : Well , since when is walking the docks a crime ?
Aidan : Oh , come on , opal . The sooner you come clean , the sooner we can both get out of here .
Opal : Come clean ? This is ridiculous . I demand to be released !
Anna : And you will be as soon as you tell me what happened . These guys are not holding back .
Opal : Anna , I m not a druggie . You ve got to believe that . I mean , the only thing I yin for is chocolate .
Anna : Yeah , the trouble is that these men are making some pretty incriminating claims against you -- if they re telling the truth .
Aidan : And your statement will help Anna clear your name . Besides , it s late . Pete is probably waiting up for you to tuck him in .
Opal : Pete ? Are you kidding ? He s already working on a big case of babysitter abuse .
Anna : Opal --
opal : All right . All right . I went down to the docks to score some blow . That s the lingo for buying a certain kind of drug .
Anna : I know . Could I ask you why ?
Opal : Well , it was an act of desperation . I mean , why else would a woman like me risk life and limb to go meet up with a couple of hooligans in the middle of the night ?
Anna : I ca nt imagine .
Opal : Well , it seemed like a good idea , you know ? I mean , it worked before with palmer , sort of , and I just figured , well , why not try it again ? I mean , at least I knew my way around that block , if you know what I mean .
Anna : I do nt . I do nt know what you re talking about .
Opal : Will Cortlandt . Palmer s nephew . He was as bad as they come , and he was proud of it , too . He wrecked Hayley Santos life , turned her into a drug addict , made her life a living hell . And if that was nt bad enough --
Anna : What does palmer s nephew have to do with buying drugs ?
Opal : Well , me and palmer , we figured that we had to do something about will , so we bought drugs to frame him .
Anna : Oh , so you were buying drugs on the dock tonight to frame someone ?
Opal : Exactly !
Anna : Well , who ?
Opal : Who do you think ? Michael Cambias , of course .
Anna : Oh , opal -- you have to let the law deal with criminals like Michael Cambias .
Opal : Well , excuse me , Anna , but it is because of the law that criminals like Michael Cambias are sleeping in their own bed tonight .
Sean : Excuse me , chief ?
Anna : Yes , what is it ?
Sean : Well , it seems that Mr. Callahan here is pressing charges .
Opal : Against me ? I was protecting myself !
Anna : Sit down , opal .
Opal : He ca nt do that !
Anna : Yes , he can . He claims you assaulted him .
Opal : Well , that -- that tears it . That absolutely tears it ! You know , drug dealers just ai nt what they used to be !
Lena : Could cause death .
Lena : So could this .
Reggie : Bianca , you get some shuteye , ok ? I ll take care of business , I promise .
Reggie : Sure does come cheap . Long as it does the job .
Simone : That s it . We ve called everyone Kendall knows .
Mia : And two of them hung up on me .
Simone : Oh , what now ? How could she just evaporate ? Who are you calling ?
Mia : Aidan .
Simone : You ca nt .
Mia : We have to .
Simone : No . There s no sense in getting Aidan worked up over nothing .
Mia : Nothing ? Kendall s gone .
Simone : She ll be back -- or not .
Mia : Simone , do you remember why we were supposed to be guarding Kendall in the first place ?
Simone : Because Aidan was afraid that she was looking for trouble .
Mia : Well , my guess is she s found it .
Greenlee : And I thought I was the only one collecting trouble .
Anna : I m going to check into that assault charge .
Opal : Well , who d have figured ? I mean rapists waltz free , drug dealers become victims , and I am headed for the clink .
Aidan : Yeah . Yes , it s not right , opal . It s not right .
Opal : Well , at least I can get bail . There are some things that can be fixed easier than others . Listen , thanks for helping me out , though . I mean , I m sorry you got dragged into all this .
Aidan : Oh , no , that s fine . I m just glad I could be there . Otherwise , you d have turned those guys into mincemeat . I hope you re done with the whole drug scene now , opal .
Opal : Oh , do nt worry . I should ve learned my lesson the last time .
Aidan : So , what happened to palmer s nephew ?
Opal : Will ? Oh , he got murdered . And I never thought I would ever say this about anybody , but that monster deserved it .
Michael : Oh , nothing but the best from now on . Mmm .
Michael : Oh . Hello . What do you want ? Well , you know , that s very intriguing , but if you want me in on this , you re going to have to guarantee that it s going to be worth my while . That s more like it . Ok , I m in . When do you want to meet ? Where ? I ll be there . Oh , this day just keeps getting better and better .
Ryan : I should let you rest .
Alexander : There wo nt be any rest for me . I ve made too many mistakes . I ll pay for them for eternity .
Ryan : Alexander , you re a good man .
Alexander : A good man would have lived his life much differently . My only comfort is to know that in time my son will join me in hell .
Michael : Well , this is a surprise . Come on in .
David : I m sorry to hear that .
Maria : No . Edmund :
Bianca : What are you doing here ?
Michael : What , did you think the proud papa could stay away once I heard that we were expecting ?
Juan Pablo : I m here to learn which one of you betrayed me last night .
Mia : What if Michael comes back ? What if he comes back and catches us ?
Ryan : I know what to do . I wo nt let you down .
### Summary:
| The Pine Valley manhunt for Michael Cambias has officially ( and finally ! ! ! ) begun and its loyal citizens are ready to use any and everything to get rid of him . From poison snakes , to handguns , to secret elixirs and rat poison Michael Cambias days are numbered as half the town sets out to kill him . Opal is caught on the docks trying to score drugs to frame Michael with , Lena chooses a handgun over rat poison to exterminate him while Erica teams up with David who has just cooked up a secret formula to kill the rat . Boyd vows to help the Kane sisters get rid of their problem , Jackson steals a gun from the P.D. evidence room , Maggie tracks down an amateur arms dealer at P.V.U. , Reggie promises Bianca that he will never let Cambias get away with raping her and vows to finish him off and Kendall is still missing in action ? ? ? Meanwhile Michael receives news that his father is close to death . He celebrates the news with a bottle of champagne , toasting to the fact that he has control over Fusion , Enchantment , Chandler Enterprises and soon .Cambias Industries . In Nevada , Alexander continues to hold on to life by a thread and makes Ryan promise that he will destroy Michael after his death . After being cut off from her father , Mary surprises Greenlee when she tells her that Jackson knew all along that Greenlee was his daughter and lied about it to protect his reputation . Despite Mary s convincing tactics , Greenlee is suspicious and believes that her mother is trying to get her to turn on Jackson . Mary insists that she wrote Jackson a letter when she first found out she was pregnant but he never responded . She continues to press the issue sending her daughter rushing off to confront her father . Meanwhile , Jackson is visited by Lena who is desperate to know what his next move is against Michael Cambias . Jackson first releases his frustrations of his situation by blaming Lena for being involved with Michael but later apologizes for taking his anger out on her . They come together on the common ground of focusing on healing Bianca and keeping her safe . Lena sets off to handle some business leaving Jackson alone to contemplate whether he will take the law into his own hands by offing Cambias . After much thought he heads out in a huge hurry , brushing off Greenlee who is there to confront him about Mary s story . He assures her that he will make time for her later after finishing something he should have done a long time ago . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
HARLOW : All right, welcome back. This morning, President Trump is continuing to lash out at Puerto Rico's leaders after the Senate failed to advance a disaster aid bill. Earlier this morning, here is part of what the president wrote, quote, "all their local politicians do is complain and ask for more money. The polls -- the politicians are grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly and only take from the USA. Cannot continue to hurt our farmers and states with these massive payments." Joining me now on this and much more is Congressman Michael Waltz of Florida; he serves on the Armed Services Committee, he also served in the U.S. Army for more than 20 years, 23 to be exact. He is the co-founder of the Four-Country Caucus which is veterans, both Republicans and Democrats. Good morning, sir.
HARLOW : Before we move on to some of the other key topics, let me just ask you about the president's message here because as you well know, Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, those are American citizens.
WALTZ : Yes --
HARLOW : Is the president suggesting Americans are taking money from other Americans or placing the importance of one group above another?
WALTZ : Well, look, of course, Puerto Ricans are our fellow Americans. I've fought alongside Puerto Ricans all over the world as a green beret and actually they have a disproportionate high amount of service compared to all of the other states. But, look, I think the president is frustrated here. We have appropriated over $91 billion both short term and long-term funding, I think an important point, Poppy, a lot of that funding are actually HUD grants that get pushed down. And according to the statistics I've seen, a lot of that money is still going unspent. So I do think there is an onus of responsibility on local leaders to spend this money effectively as well. And the other point of his frustration and mine as well, representing Floridians, is the package that was defeated yesterday, this disaster relief package affected the Florida Panhandle. Hurricane Michael is the only storm that has not had a supplemental, we have major Air Force bases there that need to be rebuilt. Aside from all of the relief that our fellow Floridians need. So a lot is getting wrapped up in this. Back to Puerto Rico, they're running out of snap funding, I mean, they're out. So, I think for the Democrats to say, well, it's not enough, I'd say several hundred million dollars is more than what they currently have. So, we need to pull politics --
HARLOW : Just before we move on --
WALTZ : Yes, sure --
HARLOW : To some other topics which I really want to get to, though --
WALTZ : Yes --
HARLOW : I take it, you don't agree with the way that the president has phrased it this morning, saying, look, it's taking money away from our farmers in the heartland, et cetera, right?
WALTZ : Well, there is a -- look, there's a zero sum to spending these funds and, again, they told local leaders --
HARLOW : Yes, but aren't they all equal --
WALTZ : But we're all Americans --
HARLOW : I guess why I'm asking is, aren't they all equal Americans --
WALTZ : Absolutely, let me be 100 percent clear, we are all Americans --
OK -- WALTZ : They are American citizens and deserve the help --
HARLOW : All right --
WALTZ : But they also need to hold local leaders accountable.
HARLOW : All right, so let's move on to the border, just quick yes and no here and then we'll dig into it on the president's threat, potentially shut down the southern border. Yes or no, do you support that?
WALTZ : Well, I think there's actually some middle ground. We do need to send a message to Mexico, this is an emergency, but I think you can stop pedestrian flows while not stopping railroad, trucking --
HARLOW: OK -- WALTZ : And other things that are keeping our economy alive.
HARLOW : So not a full --
WALTZ : So --
HARLOW : Not a full -- you do not support a --
WALTZ : Yes --
HARLOW : Full closure for trade and vehicles. OK, so let's talk about the --
WALTZ : Yes --
HARLOW : Economic toll because, you know, it's not every day -- and it's actually very rare that we hear the Chamber of Commerce call out the president for his economic policies, but they this morning are warning, sort of blinking red light, saying this would be an economic calamity if the border were to shut. You've got $1.7 billion of goods crossing every --
WALTZ : That's right --
HARLOW : Single day. So are you concerned about the economic toll, what this would mean?
WALTZ : Oh, I am concerned about the economic toll, particularly if it goes on for several days, but at the same time I'm concerned that year after year, administration after administration, Congress after Congress hasn't gotten this problem solved. And you know, we have -- we have the border patrol beyond capacity. It is a human -- it is a human rights issue at this point, they're overflowing, so either they push them back or they just release them into American society. I think Congress needs to do its job, fix these asylum laws. And then also the Mexican government needs to also step in and help with this issue. So it's a multi-facetted issue here that nobody is really addressing, and I think the president is ready to take dramatic action.
HARLOW : On the Mexico point, I would just note "New York Times" reporting this morning that Mexican authorities are currently blocking migrants at certain border towns, refusing to allow them into international bridges for some of those asylum seekers. But let me get you -- just still on --
WALTZ : Yes --
HARLOW : The economics of all of this because really interesting reporting just crossed from our business team. The center for automotive research which is nonpartisan --
WALTZ : Right --
HARLOW : Just said this morning, sir, the entire U.S. auto industry would shut down within a week if the president completely closes the southern border. You've got 37 percent of parts for autos that originate in Mexico, we've got a million U.S. workers according to the Labor Department that work at these auto plants and parts plants. Is that economic toll worth it?
WALTZ : Well, look, I am -- I am hoping we don't have to go here. I am hoping that this -- this talk of dramatic action on the border actually gets Congress to start moving. Congress doesn't like to do anything I've learned in my short time here, unless there is a deadline, unless there is a crisis. And at the end of the day, look, we still have DACA, we still have TPS, we have --
HARLOW : Right --
WALTZ : The visa issue. You know, all of those issues aren't being addressed until we get this border problem solved --
HARLOW : So --
WALTZ : Which I think is appropriate because otherwise you're just going to repeat the same issues year after year after year. So we do --
HARLOW : But just quickly --
WALTZ : Have to get -- I mean, whether he declares an emergency, whether he kicks it over to Congress, we just can't seem to get this done. And this building is who needs to take dramatic action, not the --
HARLOW : Right --
WALTZ : President.
HARLOW : Finally, when it comes to cutting off aid to the northern triangle countries, El Salvador --
WALTZ : Yes --
HARLOW : Honduras and Guatemala, the head of CPV was on "ABC News" in December, Kevin McLean(ph), and let me just read you part of what he said about the aid that was flowing then that the president now said he will cut off. He said "we need to invest in Central America", he went on to say the State Department's announcement of an unprecedented increase in aid is a tremendous step forward because Congressman, as you know, his argument is that helps people in their current countries and incentivizes them to stay there. Is he right, and if so, was it a mistake for the president to cut off aid?
WALTZ : So I think we have to look at the results. We've spent several billion dollars over the last three years and what are the results that we're getting? So, again, this is about -- and I think that -- you know, you learn this in business and I've run a business myself, this is about accountability, it's about results. We're not getting the results, so I think the president is right to relook at it and look how it's being spent. Hold both --
HARLOW : But the --
WALTZ : The State Department and those countries accountable, but at the same time, I do not agree with a complete cut off. I do not think --
HARLOW: OK -- WALTZ : We just go to zero, but I do think we have to look at where is that money going and why are we not getting the result that we would expect for billions of dollars going into those -- into those countries.
HARLOW : Congressman, we wish you and your fellow members of Congress luck on that bipartisan push. Let's see what can get done. Thanks.
WALTZ : All right, thank you so much.
HARLOW : You got it.
SCIUTTO : Interesting chat, no question there. On some of those questions, I don't have an answer, right?
HARLOW : Right --
SCIUTTO : When you look at the plan. We got a lot more coming up, several people are trampled and hurt during a vigil for murdered rapper Nipsey Hussle. This as police identify now the suspect in his death. Look at those pictures there. And we are just moments away from the opening bell on Wall Street, a strong start to the second quarter, but investors are keeping a close eye on trade talks between the U.S. and China, they're still going on and they continue this week.
### Summary:
| Several Injured in Stampede During Slain Rapper's Vigil in the U.S.; Saudi Government Gives Payments and Houses to Khashoggi's Children; Rep. Michael Waltz (R), Florida is Interviewed About President Trump Slamming Puerto Rico After Disaster Aid Bill Stalled; Auto Industry Expert: Entire U.S. Car Industry Would Shut Down Within a Week if U.S.-Mexico Border is Closed; U.S. Cutting Off Aid to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras; Investors to Watch U.S.-China Trade Talks This Week |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ben : [ Sighs ] Lani , lani , lani .
Ciara : Did you make a new friend ?
Ben : It s my nephewS.
Ciara : Hmm .
Ben : He and lani just walked by . They must have dropped it . Considering how fast she just tried to get away from me , she did nt even notice .
Ciara : That is so not fair . You re that baby s uncle . Have you had any luck trying to talk to jordan ?
Ben : No , I called over to bayview but ... doctor still wo nt let me get in contact with her . Seems like nobody in this town wants me to get to know my own nephew .
Claire : Wait , so you want to frame ben for the fire that I set ?
Eve : Why not ? You made an impulsive decision . Just like a lot of other girls do at your age . Why should the rest of your life be ruined because of that ?
Claire : Mm - hmm . Yeah , but it -- it just ... is it really fair to frame ben ?
Eve : Yeah , it s fair . He killed my daughter . He needs to pay for what he did . And you know what ? We ll be doing this town a big favor by using that lighter to frame him .
Claire : All right . Okay . Yeah , um ... how do we do it ?
Eve : [ Sighs ] Honey , we will have that conversation another day . Because I m telling you , it is my wedding day , and I really need to find my groom , okay ?
Jennifer : You can stay here with me ... and we can figure out a way to bring the old jack home . Or you can walk out of here right now ... and go marry ms . Eve donovan . [ Door opens ] Choice is yours .
Jack : It s nice of you to give me a choice after you chose to lock me in here and hold me hostage .
Jennifer : Desperate times , jack .
Jack : Yeah . Yeah .
Jennifer : I -- I can stand here and I can tell you how much we meant to each other ... but I ca nt make you love me . The choice has to be yours .
Jack : All those stories that you told me ... you re right . Clearly we share something special . But as strong as that connection was ... I just do nt feel it anymore . I m sorry .
Jennifer : [ Gasps , sniffles ]
Justin : Tripp . Did you pick up the marriage license ?
Tripp : Uh , I did , yeah , and thank you again for agreeing to marry haley and me .
Justin : Happy to help .
Tripp : So there s no ... conflict of interest ?
Justin : Why would there be ? As far as I know , you and haley are madly in love with each other .
Jj : I m so grateful .
Haley : For what ?
Jj : For your forgiveness .
Haley : I should nt have been so hard on you .
Jj : Oh , sure you should have been . Look -- look , what I did , it -- I screwed things up pretty badly .
Haley : You did nt mean for any of this to happen .
Jj : Haley ... look , I -- I want another chance with you .
Haley : I was so angry about what you told your father , but no matter how hard I tried to fight my feelings they never went away . I still care about you , jj . A lot .
Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Adrienne : Oh .
Jennifer : Hey .
Adrienne : Oh , goodness , where s the fire ? Why are you dressed like that ?
Jennifer : I tried to stop jack from marrying eve ... but instead , I m the one who got burned .
Claire : Look , eve , I -- I get that today is your -- your big wedding day , but it s also my boyfriendS. Oh , my god , why -- why , eve ? Why is all this happening to me ? I -- I literally record tripp saying that his whole relationship with haley was fake and -- and it just -- it disappeared !
Eve : Okay--
Claire : How ?
Eve : Okay , just calm down . Just because it disappeared does nt mean that ice is not gon na figure out that the whole wedding is -- is fake , okay ? And she will still be deported in 30 days , right on schedule .
Claire : 30 days is plenty of time for them to fall in love with each other .
Eve : [ Sighs ]
Claire : And where does that leave me ?
Eve : Okay , claire , really , you have got to pull yourself together here , honey .
Claire : What the hell does that mean ?
Eve : I -- I m just a little worried about you , okay ? You know what happened with ciara up there on that mountain cabin , I -- I just do nt want you to do something that you might regret , okay ?
Claire : Well , maybe I should . Because you re not really helping me right now . I mean , you -- you told me that you would , but you re not .
Eve : I told you I would , and I am going to . I just ca nt do it today , okay ?
Claire : Fine . Great . But you d better not let me down .
Jj : Look , I -- I know that you have marry tripp to stay in this country , but once -- once everything s in the clear we can -- we can see each other again , right ?
Haley : Ice will be watching me like a hawk for the next 30 days , but after that , definitely .
Haley : That -- that must be kayla . Tripp said she was gon na be here .
Jj : Okay .
Haley : [ Laughs ]
Jj : [ Grunts ]
Haley : Uh , agent smith . Um , hi , hi . Um , what are you -- what are you doing here ?
Smith : Just making a routine check . But judging by your outfit , I d venture this is your wedding day
Haley : Right . Right , it is .
Smith : How opportune considering how you and your fiancé could nt stop gushing about how much you love each other . That s a ceremony I d like to see for myself . You do nt mind if I stay to observe , do you ?
Haley : N - no . Of course not . Come -- come in .
Smith : Wonderful . Oh , I did nt realize I was nt the first guest to arrive . [ Door closes ] You re jack deveraux s son , are nt you ? Jj ?
Jj : Yeah , uh , I am . Hello .
Smith : Tell me , where s your groom ?
Haley : He -- hell be here any minute .
Smith : And in the meantime , you re spending time alone with a man who had a romantic interest in you ? I know mr . Deveraux would nt approve . And I do nt know that i understand either . Presenting downtherecare with cottonelle .
Ciara : [ Sighs ] It s not fair . You re the baby s blood relative . You should be taking care of him , not lani .
Ben : I think my blood s the problem . Lot of people in this town still think that I m dangerous .
Ciara : [ Sighs ] Including most of the cops ... which is why they interrogated us about that lighter .
Ben : How d it go with you ?
Ciara : He showed me claire s lighter .
Ben : And ?
Ciara : I told him the truth . That the lighter looked a lot like the one I saw you with at the cabin .
Ben : Okay . Okay , okay -- no , do nt beat yourself up about it , it s okay .
Ciara : [ Sighs ]
Ben : You told them the truth .
Ciara : I know .
Ben : You ca nt blame yourself for that .
Ciara : I know , I know . I just ... I hate thinking about the cops going after you because of something I said .
Ben : It s okay .
Claire : Hey , little lovebirds . Ciara , did I just hear you say something about talking to the cops ? Why ? Were they questioning you ?
Ciara : [ Sighs ] Yep . I , uh -- I went to talk to the cops , and they were asking me about the lighter that jj found in your jewelry box , claire .
Ben : Yep , they believe your story , claire . That you found it after I left it at the loft .
Claire : It s not a story . How else would I have ended up with it ?
Ben : I have no idea , claire , but all I know is that after i left that cabin I never saw that lighter again .
Claire : Really ? So -- so it was just one big coincidence that it showed up back at the loft ?
Ciara : Must be . Because ben had nothing to do with setting that fire .
Claire : Then who did ? I do nt know it s just-- seems really strange to me , jordan saying she did nt set the fire , cause she admitted to kidnapping you and charlotte . Why not just admit to setting the fire , too ?
Ciara : I do nt know , claire . I have no idea . The woman is obviously not in her right mind . I saw that firsthand . But just because jordan did nt set the fire does nt mean that ben did , okay ? It could have just as easily been someone else .
Claire : Well , I do not really have time to talk about this right now , because in case you forgot , my boyfriend is marrying another woman today .
Ciara : Yeah , right , to help her stay in the country .
Claire : And that s supposed to make it easier for me ? My god , ciara , could you pretend to care a little bit ?
Ciara : [ Scoffs ] Do nt worry , claire . You ll manage somehow . You always do .
Jj : There s nothing suspicious going on here , maam . Tripp and I are cousins , and he asked me to stand up for him . I m his best man .
Smith : That does nt explain why you re alone with the bride .
Jj : I just -- I just came over here a little early because I -- I wanted to tell haley that even though things did nt work out with us , I m happy for -- for her and my cousin .
Haley : And I -- I told jj that even though I was upset that he told his father I was here illegally , I ve forgiven him . After , all we re gon na be family now , right ?
Jj : Mm - hmm , right .
Smith : I m not buying it . And be warned , if I find any proof that your relationship with mr . Dalton is nothing more than a ruse to keep you in this country , I guarantee you will be on your way back to china immediately .
Jennifer : So that s what i told him . That I would do everything to help him remember what we meant to each other if he just did nt marry eve today .
Adrienne : But he did nt agree .
Jennifer : Why would he ? Eve has him convinced that his sole purpose in life is to be a successful politician , so he really thinks that s what he wants .
Adrienne : Well , because that horrible , conniving woman has brainwashed him . Jennifer , we have to get him away from her--
Jennifer : Adrienne , I have tried . I have done everything in my power to make that happen . Nothing has worked .
Adrienne : So you re just gon na give up ?
Jennifer : There s nothing more that I can do . He is determined to marry eve , and I ca nt stop it .
Eve : Uh , yes , this is eve donovan , and I was wondering if you happened to see my , um , fiancé exit the building ? Uh , he would have been with a woman who looked like a dried up old twig . [ Door opens ] Uh -- uh , never mind . Thank you . Jack ! Lord , where the hell have you been ?
Jack : You would nt believe me if I told you .
Eve : Well , why do nt you try me ?
Jack : Jennifer .
Eve : Ugh .
Jack : [ Laughs ] Jennifer made it seem like the hotel was on fire , and forced me to evacuate .
Eve : Forced you ?
Jack : Did I happen to mention she was dressed as a fireman ?
Eve : What ?
Jack : She locked me into a closet , started telling me all these old stories about our history . Thought it would jog my memory . Make me feel our love .
Eve : Okay , and -- and did it ?
Jack : Nothing . Nothing came back .
Eve : [ Sighs ] Well , you -- you know ... [ Stammers ] I -- I get that . I mean , what a lame stunt . I mean ... I knew -- god , I knew that bitch was up to something . Oh , eric tricked me into waiting at the brady pub for this russian informant .
Jack : Excuse me ?
Eve : No , it does nt make-- you know , it does nt even matter . It was just to get me out of the way so she could-- so she could lock you up . [ Scoffs ] That whole , you know , fireman thing , that s cray - cray even for jennifer .
Jack : Well , no , no . In her defense , it was nt her idea . Apparently it was mine a long time ago . She got this from me . A long time ago she was getting married , and I guess I kidnapped her . I mean , yeah , I -- I guess I must have been really crazy to fall in love with her like that , huh ?
Eve : Wait ... jack , you are , uh ... you re not now . You re not in love with jennifer now , are you ? Hey . You want me . Not jennifer , right ?
Jack : I told you ... despite jennifer s best efforts ... I have no recollection of ever loving her . I told her the same thing , in addition to the fact that I am committed to my future with you . As mayor ... and first lady of salem .
Eve : [ Giggles ] Jack , that s why we make such a great team . Oh , I just wish jennifer could get it through her pea brain .
Jack : Yeah , that-- I think that the -- the--
Eve : What ?
Jack : The reason it was so upsetting is because apparently it was something we shared that was so ... I do nt know , intense ? Although , everything that she told me -- this whole love history -- it was if not improbable , it was completely impossible . You know , in the early days of our romance , apparently i could nt even tell her that I loved her . And yet somehow , for some reason , she would nt give up on me .
Eve : Well , they -- you re right about it , because it was improbable and -- and that s why it probably ended . But you and I , jack , oh , my gosh , we ... are so compatible . We want the same things . That s why we are a force to be reckoned with . And that s why we are gon na show the people of salem what a true , true ... [ Moans ] Love story is all about as opposed to that -- that fake news that tripp and haley are trying to sell . So come on . Mm . What do you say ? Let s get married .
Jack : Yeah . I m up for this .
Eve : All right . Both : [ Moan softly ]
Eve : Okay .
Haley : I m sure tripp will be here any minute , but , um , in the mean time can I make you some tea ?
Smith : No thank you , I d rather hear more about your love story .
Haley : Sure , what would you like to know ?
Smith : I just have a few simple questions about mundane things . Like , what s tripp s favorite cereal ?
Haley : [ Laughs ] Shredded wheat , of course .
Smith : Favorite movie ?
Haley : Silver linings playbook .
Smith : Favorite baseball team ?
Haley : Chicago .
Smith : Cubs ?
Haley : No , no , sox . Chicago white sox .
Tripp : Claire , claire , hey , hey , hey . What are you doing ?
Claire : [ Giggles ] Well , I do live here , remember ?
Tripp : Yeah , I -- I know that , but haley and I are about to get married , so my supposed ex - girlfriend showing up is nt exactly the best look .
Claire : Ugh , ca nt I just pretend that Ive -- Ive graciously accepted your new relationship ? Tripp , I m -- I m very enlightened .
Tripp : Claire , claire , please , okay ? You know how important it is to make sure this seems legit .
Claire : Tripp , I m home ! And 30 days are finally up , which means that ice is gon na let haley stay in the country and you I can finally get back together .
Tripp : Uh , actually , claire , that is not going to happen .
Claire : What ? Why ?
Tripp : Well , after spending this last month together , haley and I fell in love for real . So we ve decided to stay married . Oh .
Claire : Is this wedding the only reason you do nt want me here ?
Tripp : What do you mean ?
Claire : Are you falling for haley ?
Ben : Nice and quiet on the ride over here .
Ciara : Mm - hmm . I was just thinking about what claire said . About jordan . [ Scoffs ] It s almost like she wants you to go to jail and now she s just , what ? Trying to stir up trouble between us ?
Ben : Well , technically she really did nt stir up anything . Jj was the one who brought the lighter to the police .
Ciara : [ Sighs ] Right .
Ben : Hey . Look , we can debate whose fault this is all night long . The bottom line is -- and the only point is -- that I do nt give a damn about jj or what -- or what claire or the police think . The only person whose opinion that matters to me is yours . Which is why I have to ask you if you re starting to doubt me .
Eve : Look at all this , jack ! Both : [ Happy moan ]
Eve : [ Laughing ]
Adrienne : Uh , jack ? Excuse me , I m sorry . Hey . Hi , I just wanted to offer my heartiest congratulations on your joyous day .
Jack : Well , that s -- that s very nice , but you did nt have to come all the way down here for that .
Adrienne : Well , actually , i have to confess , that s not my only reason . Look , I know you do nt remember me , but you re still my brother . And because my brother loves you so much , I was just hoping that , well , you and I could get past our differences , you know ? And I d like to welcome you into the family . I --I was hoping -- I would like to officiate your wedding .
Jack : Seriously ?
Adrienne : Yeah . It would mean a lot to me .
Eve : Well , we already -- we already have a judge on the way .
Adrienne : Would you -- wouldnt you rather be married by someone who means something to you both ?
Jack : Are you even qualified to officiate ?
Eve : Yeah .
Adrienne : As a matter of fact , I did get ordained a while back for an article I was writing . I guess business and love actually do mix sometimes , you know ?
Jack : It looks legit .
Adrienne : Yeah , well , it is , and honestly , I would like nothing more than to be a part of your special day .
Eve : Well--
Jack : Well , you know , uh , eve , we are gon na have a lot of press at this wedding . Would nt look too bad for them to see my sister blessing our union , would it ?
Eve : Mm , I -- I guess not . I ll just -- Ill call the judge and I ll cancel .
Adrienne : Thank you .
Eve : Mm - hmm .
Adrienne : Thank you . It will be an honor .
Smith : [ Sighs ] Your groom is nt very punctual , is he ?
Haley : No . Uh , but that s -- that s one of the things I love about him . In fact , let me -- let me show you something . Uh , this symbol ... it means double happiness , and it s used in chinese culture to -- to celebrate a marriage . The uniting of two souls , and ... that s how I feel about tripp . He makes me feel whole .
Smith : That s a lovely sentiment , but unfortunately it s not legally binding . So either get this show on the road or I m leaving .
Jj : Uh , why do nt I make a few calls ? See what the hold - up is .
Smith : [ Sighs ]
Tripp : Claire , we have been over and over this , okay ? You are my girlfriend . I am your boyfriend . But haley s entire future is at stake here , so we have to really sell our marriage or she will lose everything she fought so hard for .
Claire : I know , I know , i know , I just -- come on , it s so hard being away from you through this whole charade . I mean , you ve got ta understand , tripp , it s like -- it s like torture for me .
Tripp : I know , I know , and i will make it up to you . I promise .
Claire : Yeah ? Well , I already miss you . You gon na miss me ?
Tripp : You know I will .
Claire : Okay , then prove it . Kiss me .
Ciara : You told me you did nt set the fire , ben weston , and I believe you , okay ? I know that you will never hurt me .
Ben : Everybody in this town thinks that I m bad for you , but you re still here with me .
Ciara : Well ... that s because they have nt seen what I ve seen . The man who rescued me from the side of the road . Who nursed me back to health , who took such good care of me . [ Sighs ] The way you treat me , ben ... [ Laughs ] It s almost like I m something special . Like I m precious .
Ben : You are .
Ciara : Yeah , well , no one s ever done that for me before . No one s ever treated me like that , and if ... [ Sighs ] Someone who can treat me like that could not possibly be dangerous . I know that . I know that deep , deep down in my soul , and no one is ever , ever going to change my mind .
Ben : Thank you .
Ciara : Yeah .
Ben : It just means a lot to hear you say that again .
Ciara : Mm . Then why are you so sad ?
Ben : Because ... I know what I have to lose . These police think that that lighter s mine . I will go to prison ... and I m gon na lose you . Forever .
Ciara : You are not going to lose me ... because we are gon na find a way to prove you did not set that fire .
Jj : What the hell was that ?
Claire : What , jj , I -- I ca nt say goodbye to my boyfriend before he marries another woman ?
Jj : Not if you want that marriage to off without a hitch .
Tripp : Jj , what s -- what s the problem ?
Jj : The problem is we have a surprise wedding guest . Agent smith .
Tripp : Wait , what ?
Claire : Wait , ice is here ?
Jj : Yeah , and she s been grilling haley about your relationship while we re waiting for you to show up .
Tripp : God .
Jj : Look , you know what , do nt worry . I think haley s got it under control . But if agent smith opened that door instead of me ?
Tripp : I m -- I m sorry , but--
Claire : It s okay , it s okay . Do nt worry , I m fine .
Jj : Hey , look what I found !
Claire : Congratulations . I guess .
Eve : What do you think you are doing ?
Jack : You show me yours , I show you mine .
Eve : Stop it ! Not until after the wedding , bub .
Jennifer : Well , looks like the happy couple made it to the square on time .
Eve : Yeah , that s all because your little lame kidnapping plan failed . No , nothing is gon na stop me from marrying jack . Even adrienne agreed to officiate .
Adrienne : Mm - hmm .
Jennifer : What is she talking about ?
Adrienne : Jack s my brother . I feel it s only right to support him .
Eve : Yeah , so there you go . Excuse us , we are going to greet our guests .
Jennifer : You re kidding , right ? You re not really going to marry them ?
Adrienne : Relax . I know what I m doing .
Ciara : But now the real question is ... how did that lighter end up in the loft ?
Ben : [ Sighs ] The answer is , I have no idea .
Ciara : I mean , is it possible that jordan planted it ? I mean , she planted my cellphone and charlotte s baby blanket to make it look like you were the one who kidnapped us .
Ben : Yeah , except she did that at the motel . I was nt even living at the loft then .
Ciara : Oh , right . I forgot . I guess I m just not thinking clearly right now .
Ben : It s getting late .
Ciara : Yeah , it is getting late . I should probably go home . [ Laughs ] Except for , there s this wedding at the loft that I really do not want to attend right now .
Ben : Yeah , it s probably not so much fun watching your ex - boyfriend get married to somebody else .
Ciara : Wait . That s why you think I do nt want to go ?
Ben : [ Sighs ]
Ciara : Ben . You are -- no . You are not actually jealous of tripp , are you ? No , come on , we ve already -- both of us have moved on and not to mention the fact that this wedding is completely , completely fake . I mean , he s with claire now .
Ben : I know that . Except he is stepping up to help out haley chen , and I respect that .
Ciara : Mm - hmm .
Ben : It s risky , but i respect that .
Ciara : I know . Oh , my gosh , eve and jack are doing literally everything they can to prove that tripp and haley are just gaming the system so that she can stay in the country , including getting married on the exact same day . I mean , can you believe that ?
Ben : That is a little extreme .
Ciara : A little ? Try very extreme . Mega . This is ... [ Scoffs ] What kind of a person uses their wedding day as a campaign stunt ?
Eve : Yes !
Jack : Today !
Eve : Thank you !
Jack : On behalf of myself and eve , my bride - to - be ... Yeah , yeah !
Jack : I wanna thank you for sharing in our special day . And we have a wonderful surprise for you .
Eve : Yes .
Jack : My sister adrienne kiriakis will be performing the ceremony , and we re so happy that she could share in our love and this celebration . You know , I never expected to fall in love with my campaign manager . [ Laughter ] But ...
Eve : He did .
Jack : Yes . You know , one thing I ve learned is that some of the best things that happen in this life are the things that you least expect . Right , that s right !
Jack : And no matter how crazy a love story may seem , what matters is that it S ... true .
Eve : Yes . And -- and you know what ? Ours is . Unlike that marriage taking place across town , where an illegal immigrant ... No !
Eve : No ! Is marrying a man she does nt love simply to get her green card ! Come on ! No way ! No way .
Jack : It s a disgrace .
All : Yes !
Jack : It s a disgrace , and yet your current mayor abe carver -- abe carver refused to say a single word against it , which can only mean one thing ! What ?
Jack : He supports that kind of a fraud !
Eve : Jack ! Jack !
Jack : He supports it ! If you want a mayor -- if you want a mayor who follows the laws of this land , who wants to protect you , protect your rights , you will stick with me . You will vote for me , jack deveraux !
Eve : Yeah !
Jack : For mayor ! Jack deveraux !
Eve : Jack ! Jack ! Jack !
Jennifer : I thought this was a wedding , not a campaign rally .
Eve : Oh , well , you are so correct , miss horton . Let s get hitched , shall we ?
Jack : Yeah .
Eve : Thank you !
Justin : Okay , I think the , uh , happy couple is about ready . Shall we get started ? We are gathered here to join trip and haley in marriage . Uh , I believe the two of you have written your own vows .
Tripp : Haley , um ... I know we have nt been together that long , and in a perfect world we might have even moved a little more slowly , but ... in a perfect world we would have never had to worry about you being sent back to china forever . And now , thank god , uh , all we have to do is worry about how we are going to spend the rest of our lives . And I believe with all my heart that we belong together .
Tripp : I am your boyfriend , but haley s entire future is at stake here . So we have to really sell our marriage or she may lose everything she fought so hard for .
Claire : Perfect . Now I ve got all the ammo I need .
Ciara : You know , I do nt have to spend tonight at the loft . I could just stay at my momS.
Ben : Yeah , you could . Except rafe might be using your room now for the baby .
Ciara : Mm , good point . Okay , well , I could sleep on jennifer s pull - out if ... well , assuming grandma julie does nt lecture me about a million things first .
Ben : Or ... you could just snd the night here .
Justin : Haley ? It s your turn to speak .
Haley : I never believed in love at first sight , but ... you made me a believer , tripp . And I ca nt wait for us to start our lives together .
Justin : Jj , the rings .
Jj : Right . Of course .
Justin : Haley , repeat after me : With this ring , I thee we d .
Haley : With this ring , I thee we d .
Justin : It s your turn , tripp . With this ring , I thee we d .
Tripp : With this ring , I thee we d .
Justin : Then with the power vested in me as a universal minister , I now pronounce you--
Claire : Wait !
Adrienne : We are gathered here today to join jack and eve -- you ca nt kiss yet . [ Both laughing ] In marriage . And since eve is responsible for bringing jack back into our lives , it only seems fair that eve speak first .
Jack : She reminded me that I still have a future ! I m building a new life for myself !
Jennifer : That s okay , you can build a life ! But you do nt have to build it with her ! You do nt have to be married to her to be part of this dumb election , jack !
Jack : This dumb election is all that I have !
Jennifer : No , you have me ! I still love you !
Eve : I have waited my whole life to love a man as strong ... and as ambitious as you , jack deveraux . And I know together we can accomplish some amazing things , so ... thank you . Thank you for making all my dreams come true .
Adrienne : Jack ? It s your turn .
Jack : [ Soft laugh ] [ Camera shutter snaps ] Uh , eve ... I was lost ... and you found me . You helped me find meaning in my world . [ Camera shutter snaps ] You ...
Eve : Jack , hey . [ Laughs ] Jack , is -- is something wrong ?
Jack : [ Sighs ] I m sorry ... I ca nt do this .
### Summary:
| Ben and Ciara talk about it being unfair that Ben ca nt know his own nephew because people think he s dangerous . Eve assures Claire that they will frame Ben for the cabin fire but not on her wedding day . Claire continues to complain about Tripp and Haley getting married . Eve says she will still help her so Claire warns her not to let her down . Jennifer tells Jack to choose between her and Eve . Jack tells her that he does nt feel their connection and walks away from her . Claire runs into Ciara and Ben , after arguing about the lighter Claire complains about Ciara not caring about her situation with Tripp . JJ and Haley kiss at the loft until Agent Smith from ICE arrives for the wedding . She grills Haley with questions about Tripp while they wait for him to arrive . Jennifer tells Adrienne that there s nothing more she can do to stop Jack from marrying Eve while Adrienne encourages her not to give up . Jack returns to Eve and tells her about what Jennifer did but assures they will still get married . Claire goes home to the Loft where Tripp stops her outside and reminds her that he and Haley are getting married inside so she ca nt be there . Claire complains and questions if Tripp is falling in love with Haley . Tripp reassures that he and Claire are together but they have to make the marriage look real for Haley , a conversation which Claire records on her phone . Claire starts kissing Tripp outside the Loft until JJ comes out and catches them , warning that it could ve been Agent Smith , who is inside . Adrienne convinces Eve and Jack to let her officiate their wedding which Jennifer questions but Adrienne assures she knows what she s doing . Ciara brings Ben home and they talk about the lighter and proving he did nt set the fire . Ciara mentions not wanting to go home to the loft because of the wedding so Ben suggests she spend the night with him . Jack gives a campaign speech in the town square ahead of his wedding . Justin officiates Tripp and Haley s wedding and almost finishes when Claire bursts in to interrupt it . Adrienne officiates Eve and Jack s wedding . While Eve gives her vows , Jack thinks back to arguing with Jennifer in the storage closet and keeps looking over at her . Jack ends up telling Eve that he ca nt do this . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Adam : You look better , J.R. Let me know if there s anything I can do to facilitate your recovery .
J.R. : Help me on the wagon , you mean ?
Adam : I -- uh -- I was wrong to assume that you d fallen off the wagon . My bad .
J.R. : So you believe me now ? What changed ?
Adam : Oh -- um -- well , you re still my son , and I still love you .
J.R. : That has nt always been a plus . What do you want ?
Adam : J.R. , for God s sake , somebody came after you and they hurt you . I realize that now . I realize that . We re not going to let them get away with it .
J.R. : We ?
Adam : Yeah , we . Two Chandlers , you and me , together . We team up , we can get anything we want .
Krystal : Did Jesse tell you the amazing story about your namesake ?
Jesse : Sure did . But , hey , the rest of this day is all about you , Jenny Jr.
Opal : Yay .
Tad : Watch him .
Jesse : That s a cupcake .
Ruth : That s going to stick .
Krystal : Yeah .
Angie : Her name s Jenny Jr.
Jesse : Yeah , baby .
Aidan : Hey .
Tad : [ British accent ] Hey there , mate . [ Normal voice ] Nice that you could make it .
Aidan : Well , I would nt miss a game of sticking the tail on the ass .
Tad : [ British accent ] Uh -- no , it s donkey . [ Normal voice ] Listen , you got to get back to the office , ok , there s a special case waiting for you on your desk .
Aidan : What ?
Tad : Yeah .
Aidan : Well , at least let me come in and have some cake first .
Tad : Now rather than later . Seriously , this is kind of a missing - person thing , it s important .
Aidan : Well , it s still going to be missing , Tad , after the candles are blown out .
Tad : [ British accent ] It s a special favor , all right ? Ok , I d go , but , you know --
Aidan : Well , you re Jenny s father --
Tad : Absolutely .
Aidan : Life and soul of the party .
Tad : Exactly .
Aidan : All right . Well , at least save me some cake , will you ?
Tad : [ Normal voice ] Oh , yeah , yeah , will do .
Tad : What ?
Aidan : What ?
Tad : [ British accent ] Cheers .
Aidan : Hey , Emma . What a pretty dress you have on .
Emma : Thank you .
Aidan : Listen , I m sorry about the other night .
Annie : Do nt . It s all fine .
Aidan : What went down with me and Kendall -- um -- I think you should know that --
Kendall : Mom , I ve just been so worried .
Erica : I know . But no more tears . I -- I mean it . Honey , I m fine , I -- I m more than fine .
Kendall : You re not even supposed to be here . I mean , if you think your fans were upset before , now they re ready to storm the place -- especially since that Morales crazy woman held you hostage .
Erica : Look , you have no idea what it was like .
Kendall : Hell , I can only imagine . You freaked me out when you called and said that you wanted to stay with her . Did that Morales woman put you up to this and force you to say that ?
Erica : It was my choice .
Kendall : Yeah , well , I hope they lock her up forever .
Erica : Do nt talk that way about Carmen .
Kendall : Mother , she put your life at risk . She -- she had a gun .
Erica : Well -- look , Carmen has made some -- some bad choices .
Kendall : Right , but she meant well ? Like I said , she had a gun .
Erica : But she was desperate . She had been set up by this really horrible fiancé of hers . And -- oh , and his mother -- what a nightmare she was . Can you imagine -- mean , this is just an aside -- the woman actually said she did nt recognize me , at first ? I mean , Carmen is well out of that messy relationship .
Kendall : Well , please tell me that you do nt have to share a cell with her , are you ?
Erica : No . But , I mean , we already , you know , shared some very close quarters . You have no idea how well you get to know somebody if you ve been cuffed to them for a few days .
Kendall : Oh , my God , Mom , I think you actually enjoyed yourself .
Erica : Well , have you ever been to a warehouse store ? I mean , it was a revelation -- there are just these miles and miles of all this merchandise , all at really low prices , and -- I mean , I was just amazed . I mean , the tape recorder turned out to be , uh , defective . However , it all turned out well .
Kendall : Well ? You re in prison .
Erica : Well , but I found a fabulous seamstress . I mean , she is to die for -- look at what she did for my jump suit . I mean , really , she s amazing . She should be cutting for Frederique . What ?
Kendall : You are amazing . Most -- most people would hide their head under a pillow .
Erica : Well , I m certainly not going to let a few bars get in the way of my living my life .
Kendall : Thank God I have you . You re the one constant in my life , no matter what .
Erica : Well , you have Zach , too . What , honey ? What happened ?
Kendall : I m going to tell him , Mom . I m going to tell Zach I slept with Aidan .
Aidan : Just in time .
Zach : You coming or going ?
Aidan : Actually , I got things to do .
Zach : All right , we ll go inside . Hey , you come with me .
Annie : You want to go with Uncle Zach ?
Zach : Come on .
Annie : I ll be right there .
Aidan : Yeah , so -- um --
Aidan : Again , I m sorry . You know , it was a weird night , I was at Fusion , I had a few too many , I never should ve shown up at your place .
Annie : Can we just forget about it ?
Aidan : But , listen , you know , the things I said -- that whole thing with me and Kendall --
Annie : The thing about you two feeling guilty ?
Aidan : Yeah . Yeah , it was just -- you know , I had too much grog , too much of grandmother s medicine . I was blabbering on at the mouth , that s all , that s it .
Annie : Yeah . Sure . Whatever .
Zach : What happened out there ? You ok ?
Annie : Everything s good , Zach . We re just , uh , in full party mode , are nt we ?
Zach : Yeah ? Because it seemed like he knocked some of the party out of you .
Annie : Aidan just has a lot going on , that s all . Um -- why do nt we go say hello to the birthday girl ?
Krystal : Ok , everybody , there is ice cream in the refrigerator for anybody under three feet .
Colby : I do nt need it .
Opal : And this little tyke -- why , he is just -- ooh ! -- growing like sassafras .
Babe : I know it -- growing like crazy .
Opal : Oh , he reminds me of Petey at this age .
Babe : How does Petey like his new houseguest ?
Opal : Well , you know , Petey s off with his daddy a lot , which is good because Richie is nt exactly simpatico , you know ?
Babe : Is he being a pain , Opal ? I mean , I ll talk to him .
Opal : Oh , honey , I can handle men with bad attitudes -- I ve had plenty of practice .
Babe : Well , I really appreciate you taking him in . I mean , it wo nt be much longer now -- he should be getting better every day .
Opal : Well , I would nt stand close to him during an electrical storm .
Adam : Trust has never been an easy thing for either one of us , but I m willing to try if you are . Hmm ? You -- um -- if you tell me you ve been kidnapped -- if you mean it , I ll believe it . Oh , and if you think you d recover more quickly here -- as long as you have nt stopped by to spy on me -- well , then feel free to call this home for as long as you like .
J.R. : Is this where you give me that family heirloom -- secret decoder ring -- so you can spy on me ?
Adam : Ha - ha , you prove my point ! We should nt be working against each other . We know each other too well . We know each other s tricks . Come on , let me help you .
J.R. : Like I said , I ll take care of it .
Adam : J.R. , J.R. , come on . There s got to be some way , somehow that I can prove to you that I want to move on , be a family again .
J.R. : You mean it ?
Adam : Absolutely .
J.R. : There might be something .
Krystal : Wardrobe change number one !
All : Oh !
Krystal : Yes , thank you , Grandma and Grandpa Martin .
Ruth : Oh , you look good enough to eat , sweetheart .
Joe : Save some for Grandpa .
Opal : Oh , let me see you , you little sugarplum !
Angie : Hello , big guy .
Frankie : Hey , big guy ? Looking good . Come on .
Angie : Come on , join the party .
Jesse : Is that my jacket ?
Frankie : No , it s my jacket .
Colby : Hi !
Frankie : Hey .
Colby : Um -- I ll take that .
Frankie : Oh , sure .
Colby : Thank you .
Frankie : It s for Jenny .
Colby : No , I know -- uh , for these shoes .
Frankie : Oh . Looking good .
Colby : Uh , do you want some punch or -- I think there s beer ?
Frankie : You old enough to serve ?
Colby : I m old enough for a lot of things .
Frankie : Hey , yo , Dre . I ll catch you later .
Dre : What s up , man ?
Colby : It s not like I m going to run very fast .
Joe : Your son s a fine young man .
Angie : Takes after his daddy .
Jesse : Oh , oh , oh .
Joe : He s going to be a great doctor .
Jesse : Takes after his mother .
Joe : Yeah . What do you know -- two parties in two days . I mean , the Hubbards have brought back a lot of joy to Pine Valley .
Jesse : Are you kidding me ? The joy is just getting started .
Joe : Yeah .
Tad : You two , get a room .
Zach : There you are .
Tad : Hey .
Zach : Hey .
Tad : You made it .
Zach : We , sure -- no place I d rather be .
Tad : I had my doubts , what with the Erica Kane dramatic rescue . How s she doing ?
Zach : Not a hair out of place .
Tad : I m not surprised . How s Kendall ?
Zach : She s good -- she s with her now .
Erica : I thought Carmen made bad choices , but this ? Kendall , you can not tell Zach that you slept the one night with Aidan .
Kendall : Mother , Zach and I promised -- no more secrets , no lies . Everything has got to be in the open .
Erica : But there are certain things you do nt need to share with your husband .
Kendall : I cheated on him .
Erica : You did not cheat on him . It was nt even an affair , it was nt even a fling . It was one night , it was a mistake , it was a big mistake .
Kendall : Well , that s why I have to tell Zach .
Erica : Telling him wo nt fix anything .
Kendall : But I will be able to look in my husband s eyes and know that I had nothing to hide .
Erica : And how will his eyes look back at you ? Are you going to be able to live with that ?
Kendall : Zach loves me .
Erica : Yes , he does , and he is an extraordinary man capable of extraordinary love . But this -- Kendall , he s never going to be able to accept this , and you wind up losing Zach .
Kendall : Our marriage can take it .
Erica : I do nt think that any marriage can survive --
Kendall : What , honesty , the truth ? Maybe your marriages ca nt , but mine will .
Aidan : Is anyone there ?
Greenlee : I need your help , Devane . I ve lost my man . Very good .
Greenlee : Can you help me ?
Aidan : You should leave .
Greenlee : Is that any way to talk to a client ?
Aidan : I m not playing .
Greenlee : Neither am I. This is life or death , Devane .
Aidan : Your guy s lucky he got out with his life . You should let him rest in peace .
Greenlee : He was my life , and I want him back .
Aidan : Why are you doing this -- and how did you con Tad into it ?
Greenlee : You ask too many questions -- and they re all the wrong kind .
Greenlee : Help me . I ll make it worth your while . Like them ?
Aidan : I ve got a party to go to --
Greenlee : He drinks stout -- preferably without champagne . He s got a killer smile and an accent to match . He s a good listener -- a fine quality in a husband .
Aidan : If that s what a woman wants .
Greenlee : A fine quality in a man , and I want my man .
Aidan : And what makes you so sure that your man still wants you ?
Greenlee : He does -- he just needs convincing .
Aidan : And you re the woman to do that ?
Greenlee : He s the kind of guy who saves a girl from courtrooms , hotdogs , herself . Whether he s getting the bad guy or playing pool , he never gives up .
Aidan : Maybe he should .
Greenlee : Go ahead , crack wise . We wo nt take no for an answer .
Aidan : We ?
Greenlee : I brought muscle .
Aidan : Short guy , big teeth -- I think I can take him .
Greenlee : He s got a hell of a left hook . So what do you say , Shamus ? I love my man , I want him back . Can you help me find him ?
Kendall : Mother , I am not like you . I can not live with the guilt .
Erica : Suck it up , Kendall .
Kendall : Excuse me ?
Erica : It s a phrase they use a lot around here -- just suck it up . Because you want to just unload your guilt on -- on Zach . It ll make you feel better , but how will it make him feel ?
Kendall : I do nt know , but I -- but -- it ll be hard , it ll be difficult , but we ll make it work .
Erica : It s selfish .
Kendall : Mother , I m trying to do the right thing .
Erica : The right thing is that you made the mistake , so you have to live with it . Do nt force your pain on Zach . He does nt deserve that .
Kendall : I do nt deserve him .
Erica : Of course , you do , and you re going to prove it by protecting him -- just the way he s always protected you and your children and even me .
Kendall : Mother , I ca nt -- by what , by saying nothing ?
Erica : For Zach s sake , for the sake of the man -- and your family and your life together that you love . I mean , so help me , if I hear that you are even thinking of telling him , I m going to break out of here , I m gong to stop you .
Kendall : Mother , Mother , I can not live a lie , I ca nt .
Erica : So you d rather live alone with the truth , lose everything ? Kendall , you swear to me that you will not tell Zach .
Zach : Ah , what do you think -- my son , the lady - killer ?
Tad : Yeah , takes after his old man -- which is why that s as close as he s coming to her for the next 25 years .
Krystal : Can you believe it s been a year since she was born ? What a day that was , huh ?
Colby : Yeah , all the crying and screaming -- and that was just me .
Krystal : She could nt have asked for a better delivery -- or a better godmother . We might not be having this birthday party if it were nt for you .
Colby : I just did what you told me to .
Krystal : No , no , no , you were -- you were strong and you were brave .
Colby : I just ca nt picture my life without that little girl .
Krystal : I ca nt picture my life without either one of you . I may have looked in the face of the devil that day , but right now I m looking at a couple of angels .
J.R. : Ahem .
Babe : Why did you bring Adam , J.R. ?
J.R. : You look great .
Babe : J.R. , he was nt invited .
J.R. : He s only going to stay if Tad and Krystal say he can .
Krystal : Uh -- is this your idea of some kind of a birthday present , J.R. , because I would ve preferred something a little more child - friendly .
J.R. : He s on his best behavior -- hell , the man even believes me about getting grabbed and drugged up . That s a big step , it s got to mean something .
Krystal : He said that ?
J.R. : Well , it s too early to tell , but I think he even means it .
Tad : Wow . Here s an idea -- somebody brought along an extra piñata -- although this one s a little uglier .
J.R. : I know it s a lot to ask , but it would mean something to me if you d let him stay .
Krystal : Ok , J.R. , he can stay .
Tad : As long as I get first swing .
J.R. : You re the best .
Krystal : Yes , I am .
Krystal : Welcome -- welcome to Jenny s birthday party .
Adam : Thank you for letting me stay .
Krystal : It s minute - to - minute , Adam .
Adam : I ll enjoy every second . This is for Jenny . Go ahead , open it .
Krystal : It s -- you -- you bought one like this for Charlotte -- and you -- you burned it , huh .
Adam : I did nt -- I did nt bring it to be cruel . I -- I bought the other blanket because I loved you , and because I was dreaming about a beautiful little girl . This is not the same little girl I dreamed about , but , uh , she s just as beautiful -- as are you .
Krystal : Adam --
Adam : Would you please -- please accept this gift ? I hope you re both very happy . I have , uh , done a lot of things I regret in my life , Krystal . But there s nothing I regret more than leaving you and your child , walking away from you , one year ago today . I do nt expect your forgiveness . But would you please accept this gift for Jenny , along with my wish for your happiness ?
Krystal : I have to -- uh -- I got to check on the punch .
J.R. : Well , it , uh , looks like my dad and your mom made a peace treaty . What do you say we do the same ?
Babe : How are you feeling ?
J.R. : Better . Seeing you and Little A helps me with that . You still do nt believe me about being set up with that hooker , do you ?
Babe : All right , J.R. , you know what ? Do nt start . It s --
J.R. : Babe , you just -- you got to know if I had any clue that I was infected -- I would never do anything to endanger you or Little Adam .
Babe : I know that , I know that .
J.R. : I guess I can take what I can get .
Aidan : So this man that you re looking for -- maybe he feels lucky he got out when he did .
Greenlee : Maybe he wants me back as much as I want him .
Aidan : So you love him ?
Greenlee : I do .
Aidan : A woman like you loves lots of things -- ice cream -- could just be the flavor of the month .
Greenlee : I know what I want .
Aidan : This week , last week . Next week , who knows ?
Greenlee : What my man and I had was real .
Aidan : Which man -- the man you came back to Pine Valley for , or the man you re looking for now ?
Greenlee : The one who proposed to me on a beautiful beach .
Aidan : Not very bright .
Greenlee : I made a mistake .
Aidan : You ran .
Greenlee : I m back . I had to sort things out .
Aidan : With the ex .
Greenlee : The ex is just that -- history , over , done , gone .
Aidan : Until the next phone call .
Greenlee : I ll change my number .
Aidan : I do nt think I can help you .
Greenlee : You have to , Aidan , I love you . I ca nt lose you .
Erica : Kendall , you know how I used to feel about Zach . For me to change my mind around so completely -- that is no small feat . Zach is special .
Kendall : Yes , Mother , I know that .
Guard : All right , time s up .
Erica : Promise me , Kendall .
Kendall : I ca nt , I ca nt --
Guard : Now !
Kendall : Mom , I ca nt .
Erica : Just -- not until my daughter tells me my answer . Promise me , Kendall , promise me you wo nt tell Zach about Aidan .
Guard : Enough already ! I do nt care who the hell you are , your time s up .
Erica : Ok , just protect your marriage , Kendall . Protect your marriage no matter what !
Emma : Here s how you draw a -- a bear with a teacup and a dress .
Ruth : That s good . Do you like a teacup ? In a dress ?
Zach : They love each other .
Annie : Emma would do anything for her little brother .
Zach : We re family no matter what happens .
Annie : I went to a lawyer . I had her draw up divorce papers .
Zach : We re still family . You ca nt get rid of us that easily .
Annie : Well , I ca nt get rid of Ryan that easily , either , apparently . He -- um -- he asked me to hold off , and I agreed .
Zach : I think that s wise .
Annie : Yeah , but am I just putting off the inevitable ? I mean , Ryan may never get his memory back . Maybe I should just -- end it , move on .
Zach : Be a lot easier if you did nt love the boy .
Annie : I know , but this is nt just affecting my life anymore . I mean , Greenlee and Aidan -- he proposed to her , and she --
Zach : I know -- she turned him down .
Annie : Yeah ! And then afterwards he shows up in my place completely wasted . You know , and then Kendall shows up --
Zach : She told me .
Annie : Yeah , worried about , who else , Ryan -- as if I m supposed to know where Ryan is . And then Aidan s going on and on about how Greenlee does nt love him anymore , so there s no reason for the two of them to still feel so guilty , and --
Zach : Must ve been some night you all had .
Annie : That -- no , sorry , Zach , that came out wrong . Um -- Kendall explained what Aidan meant . He meant that , um , he and Kendall felt guilty that they had nt found you and Greenlee in the bomb shelter sooner , that s all . Um , it was crazy -- Aidan was drunk , and Kendall was worried about you , and Ryan and Greenlee -- that s all . It was just a crazy night , everybody s all mixed up , you know , because of Ryan .
Zach : Some people get mixed up all by themselves .
Annie : Oh -- Kathy , Julia , great . Hey .
Julia : Hey .
Annie : Hi .
Aidan : Here .
Greenlee : Thank you .
Aidan : Door s this way .
Greenlee : What ?
Aidan : Do nt trip on the way out .
Greenlee : What are you doing ?
Aidan : I want you to leave , and you can take the muscle with you .
Greenlee : But I thought --
Aidan : That it worked ? You got me ? You re wrong . Game s over , Greenlee .
Greenlee : You -- you thought this was a game ?
Aidan : Is nt it ?
Greenlee : If this was a game , I d play dirty . I d take my hat off , I d take down my hair -- yeah . Let the girls breathe -- huh . Huh . Game on ?
Babe : Oh , where is she ?
Julia : Hey , I m sorry we re late -- my shift ran long at the hospital .
Joe : Oh , we re just glad you made it .
Ruth : Mm - hmm .
Joe : You , too , pretty lady .
Tad : No kidding -- hey !
Kathy : Hi , Tad !
Tad : Where have you been ? I have been looking for you . I got a cupcake with your name on it .
Kathy : You do ?
Tad : I do -- I made it myself -- or something like that . Come on , let s go find Jenny .
Ruth : Oh .
Joe : Little Kate would be about the same age as Kathy .
Ruth : Mm - hmm . If only Tad could celebrate both of his daughters birthdays .
Joe : In his heart , I m sure he does .
Colby : You re ignoring me .
Frankie : No , I m not .
Colby : Because we kissed .
Frankie : You kissed me .
Colby : Oh , you did nt seem to mind .
Frankie : Look , you re a nice kid , but that kiss was all about you .
Colby : I m not a kid -- and you liked it .
Frankie : Huh . Why do nt you go play with your friends ?
Colby : Oh --
Frankie : Go .
Colby : Oh , ow . Ok , well , you see that little baby Jenny over there ?
Frankie : Which one , the one not too much younger than you ?
Colby : That little girl right there , I delivered her .
Frankie : No , you did nt .
Colby : Uh , yes , I did -- at my father s house , all by myself .
Frankie : Really ?
Colby : Yeah -- that s why they named her Jenny Colby Martin . I am her godmother . Anyone tap you to be a godfather ? Yeah , I did nt think so .
Frankie : You re still in high school .
Colby : Not for long . Why do nt you let me know when you want to try that kiss again -- if you can handle it .
Jesse : Let s go . Let s sneak out before the candle - blowing .
Angie : Baby , we snuck out of the last party -- and that one was for us .
Jesse : We got important business to take care of at home .
Angie : What , those leftovers that we never get to ?
Jesse : It s all about the other business -- you know , that little nightie ?
Angie : Stop it .
Tad : Did you invite him ?
Krystal : After the way he creeped you out at The Comeback ? No . I ll -- I ll head him off .
Tad : Mom , come here . Come here a second .
Ruth : Is that --
Tad : Hey , no , no , you going to be ok ? Because , you know , we can get rid of him .
Ruth : That s Ray Gardner s brother .
Tad : It is , it is , it is . But you say the word , I ll throw him out , I swear .
Ruth : No , no , no , no , it is all right . Uh -- and he s family .
Tad : No , he s not .
Ruth : Yes , he is . Now , I ca nt hold what Ray Gardner did to me against his brother .
Tad : Why not ? I do .
Ruth : Oh -- it happened a long time ago , Tad . This man is not a rapist . And I am not going to let whatever happened in Ray Gardner s sick , twisted life to spoil my granddaughter s birthday .
Tad : Mom , listen to me . You ve got every right .
Ruth : You listen to me . Oh , darling , we are so blessed . You have a beautiful daughter , and we have Angie and Jesse and Frankie back in our lives . The least we can do is share our happiness .
Tad : Yeah . Ok , ok . Ok , you hang tough , ok ?
Ruth : Yes .
Joe : You ok ?
Krystal : I was just explaining --
Tad : Yeah , I know . Listen , you re good to go until we blow out the candles on the birthday cake , then I m going to ask you to leave , ok ? Let s not push things .
Robert : I would nt dream of it .
Angie : Hello , Robert .
Robert : Jesse , Angie , I m -- I did nt mean to -- to break into a party here .
Jesse : Oh , hey , man , no worries , man . We ve been celebrating a lot these days .
Angie : Listen , I m going to go help Krystal . See you later .
Jesse : All right .
Robert : So how you doing , huh ?
Jesse : I m good . You ?
Robert : Oh , I ca nt help but get excited about this movie deal about the Papel case . Uh , I m going to have a lot of time on my hands -- not too much to do .
Jesse : Hey , go for it , man .
Robert : And I know that you passed on it -- and I understand why you would -- but , uh , if you have any downtime , I would appreciate any input that you could give me -- just to talk about -- about the case , about -- about old times .
Jesse : I ll think on it , all right ? I ll let you know .
Robert : Good , I d appreciate that .
Zach : These guys had too much sugar , I think -- time to get home .
Annie : I hope it was nt something I said .
Zach : Just the sugar .
Annie : I m sorry , Zach , I should nt have said anything about Aidan and Kendall -- not that -- not that there s anything to say .
Zach : It s ok . We ll see you soon . Come on .
Aidan : I m crazy about you , you know that ?
Greenlee : Yeah ?
Aidan : When I do nt want you , I do . The more I do nt , the more I do .
Greenlee : You love me .
Aidan : You re damn right , I do .
Greenlee : You did it , Devane . You found my man .
Aidan : Just shut up and kiss me .
Greenlee : The answer s yes .
Aidan : To what question ?
Greenlee : Marriage .
Aidan : You re saying yes ?
Greenlee : Yes , yes , yes , I ll marry you .
Aidan : You re damn right , you will .
Opal : Did you make a wish ?
Krystal : Oh , you betcha ! I wished that I had --
Babe : Well , well , wait ! Mama , you ca nt say it out loud , it wo nt come true .
Krystal : Oh , yeah , that s right , that s right .
Tad : Now , Mama , why do nt you grab a candle and make a wish , huh ?
Opal : You look like you got a sweet tooth -- here you go .
Robert : Well , a sweet tooth , and places to go .
Opal : Oh , so soon ? No , you just barely got here . Here , help yourself .
Tad : Well , uh , here you go .
Opal : Tad --
Tad : We would nt want to hold you up .
Opal : Tad , honestly --
Robert : Thank you , thank you very much . You are so sweet .
Opal : What -- shame on you .
Annie : Do nt you want any cake ? You just ate frosting .
Robert : I just want to say thank you for your hospitality -- and happy birthday to you .
Tad : I swear , every time I see him with Jenny , I want to smack him .
Opal : Tad --
Tad : So , what did he want so badly he felt obliged to crash my party ?
Jesse : I think your Uncle Robert just wants a friend .
Remy : You need me alive , man .
Young Robert : Need is a strong word , Remy .
Remy : I m -- I m it , man . I m the one who can get you what you need . I -- I can get it out of Hubbard . I can -- help -- help you --
Robert : I do nt need anybody . I ll get it out of Hubbard if I have to rip it out with my bare hands .
Carmen : A visit with your daughter -- thought you d come back all pumped up . Did you tell her about my new book ideas ?
Erica : We did nt get that far .
Carmen : So you going to tell me about it , play cards , or sweat it out ?
Erica : Choices .
Carmen : Right -- so many in this joint .
Erica : The right one can change your life , the wrong one can ruin it .
Zach : Ok . Straight to bed with these guys .
Rachael : All righty .
Zach : Kiss .
Rachael : Come to me ? Aw .
Zach : Here you go .
Rachael : Say good night .
Zach : Good night .
Annie s voice : So there s Aidan going on and on about how Greenlee does nt love him , so he and Kendall should nt feel guilty .
Aidan : Greenlee and I got engaged .
Tad : Congratulations , I m proud of you .
Aidan : Will you give me away ?
Annie ( to Greenlee ) : You re done messing with Ryan , so now it s all about messing with Aidan .
Kendall : I slept with Aidan .
Zach : I know .
### Summary:
| When J.R. comes into his office at the Chandler Mansion , Adam remarks that he looks better then offers his help in finding the person responsible for hurting him , but J.R. is taken aback by the offer . Everyone gathers at Tad s house for Little Jenny s first birthday party even Grandma Ruth . When Aidan arrives , Tad urges him to go to the office where there is a special case waiting for him . Aidan runs into Annie and Emma as he leaves and apologizes for the previous night . Zach , Rachel , Spike and Ian arrive for the party . Zach and Aidan exchange looks . When Annie and Emma come into the house , Zach asks her what went on . Kendall visits Erica in prison . Kendall hopes that they keep Carmen locked up for a long time , but Erica defends her . Kendall realizes how amazing her mother really is . Kendall tells Erica that she needs to confess to Zach that she slept with Aidan , but Erica tries to persuade her daughter to save her marriage . When Aidan gets to the office , he finds the door slightly ajar . As he enters , he sees a woman with a black veil over her face . Greenlee in disguise asks Aidan for his help in finding her man . Not amused , Aidan wants to know why Greenlee is doing this . Aidan starts to leave , but Greenlee stops him . Greenlee convinces Aidan that she really loves him and wants only him , and they make love . Adam and J.R. arrive at Jenny s birthday party . J.R. persuades Krystal to let his dad stay . Robert arrives at the party uninvited much to Tad s disgust , especially because he causes horrible memories to Ruth about being raped by Ray Gardner . Although she wo nt hold it against Ray s brother , Tad feels otherwise and orders his Uncle Rob to depart right after Jenny blows out her candles . Robert asks Jesse to meet with him and discuss the case they just solved . Jesse tells Tad that Rob just wants a friend , but he has other intentions . Once outside , Robert vows to forcibly get the information he wants out of Jesse . In order to prove that she s mature , Colby lets Frankie know that she delivered Jenny , but he does nt believe her . Annie clues Zach in on what Aidan mumbled in his drunken stupor about having a secret with Kendall . Zach goes home with Rachel and the boys . After she takes the children to bed , he picks up a photo of himself and Kendall and recalls Annie s words . Kendall arrives home and stands in the doorway tearfully staring at Zach . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Erica : Thanks .
Woman : Excuse me , Ms. Kane -- good morning .
Erica : Oh --
Woman : Emily Francis , CW morning news .
Erica : Of course -- hi , Emily .
Emily : How are you ?
Erica : I m fine .
Emily : This has got to be the biggest interview of the year . I mean , Britney Spears wo nt even be bigger . Zoe , formerly Zarf -- how did you manage to get him on the show ?
Erica : Her , and she wanted the perfect outlet for her message and New Beginnings -- the title says it all .
Emily : Makes perfect sense .
Woman : Amy Vanderoef , Good Morning Texas .
Erica : Texas !
Amy : I was in town for a segment with the Satin Slayer trial . I could nt resist a story like this . So how does Erica Kane feel about the transgender experience ?
Erica : Well , watch the show and find out .
Bianca : Zoe .
Zoe : Oh .
Bianca : Oh , gosh !
Zoe : Oh -- oh , I m sorry . I m such an idiot .
Bianca : No , no , no . Ok . Let s walk . You know , you do nt have to do the show .
Zoe : Oh , no , no , no , no . I told Erica we were a go , and I ca nt back out now . When I walked into my support group , and I saw that I was nt alone , I just wanted other people to experience that . Anyway , you held my hand outside the door .
Announcer : The one , the only , the embodiment of New Beginnings -- Erica Kane !
Zoe : Dancing on ice skates on the razor s edge that s me . Oh , God , she s starting .
Erica : Wow !
Erica : Thank you . Please , please . Oh . Wow , what an audience .
Erica : Oh , you are about to share in a new beginning unlike any other -- Zoe , formerly known and worshipped as Zarf . You ve heard the rumors , you ve heard the whispers , the innuendos , as this rock star falsely accused of a series of murders was outed as a transgender person . Please try to set aside your assumptions and your prejudices as we hear her own story in her own words . Please welcome the extremely talented and controversial Zoe .
Krystal : No , no .
Babe : Mama , Mama , look at me . We are going to go sit , and we re going to wait in the room .
Krystal : No , no , no , not until I find out which nurse sub took my baby into some stranger !
Joe : Krystal , Krystal , you can not help here .
Krystal : What are you talking about ? Joe , what is going on ?
Babe : It s going to be fine .
Derek : We ll set up a new perimeter --
Krystal : Wait -- what is he doing here ?
Derek : And Forensics will come and collect whatever the kidnapper left .
Joe : Oh --
Krystal : Kidnapper ?
Derek : He has nt got much lead time .
Krystal : Someone took my baby ?
Tad : Where is she ?
Jamie : Tell us , Adam . Come on !
Adam : Listen to me --
Tad : You took my daughter , you re going to give her back .
Man : Do nt be stupid !
Adam : All right . It s too late for not being stupid .
J.R. : Since when in the hell did you hire goons ?
Adam : To protect myself from your insane attacks . You locked me up , you drugged me , you stripped me naked . With every little thing that happens in your house , you blame me . Oh , let him go .
Tad : Kidnapping my daughter is not a little thing . It s the biggest mistake you ever made .
Adam : Tad , why would I -- why would I kidnap a kid that I do nt care about ? What would I do with her ? Hmm ? That is , if she was kidnapped , and I say if because I see a setup here .
Jamie : You ve been made , Adam . A hospital employee saw you , which means we have an eyewitness .
Krystal : Somebody screwed up and now they re scrambling to cover , but Jenny is here . She has nt gone anywhere . Did you check -- did you check all the --
Babe : Mama , they have checked .
Krystal : Did anybody bother to check the room ?
Officer : Maam , you ll contaminate the crime scene .
Krystal : There has nt been a crime ! My baby is fine ! Ask him . Somebody screwed up , they do nt know what they re doing .
Babe : Mama , come on .
Joe : Go ahead .
Babe : Listen to me . Look at me -- look at me . Jenny is gone . I do nt know how far , but Tad is looking for her , and he s going to find her ten minutes --
Krystal : Tad is looking where ?
Babe : It does nt matter , but Tad will bring your baby home .
Krystal : Oh , my God -- Adam . Adam did this . Adam took her , Babe . Adam wants her dead !
Babe : No , do nt say that , no .
Krystal : No , that s why he left me alone when I was in labor . He was hoping . Oh , and now he s got her ?
Adam : No one has anything against me , because I was nt there -- unless you and the cops have come up with a bundle of evidence that they bought , in which case they would be here instead of you . So , why do nt you just bugger off ?
Tad : Because we re not finished with you yet .
Adam : Ah . All that trouble you -- you went through to get that brat , and now you ve lost her ? You re awfully careless with your daughters , are nt you ?
J.R. : You re not our only suspect . Janet could ve done it .
Adam : Oh , Janet -- Janet , yeah . Yes , the alien abduction theory -- that s popular .
Jamie : If Janet took Jenny , he ordered it .
Adam : Jamie is the champion at baby - stealing . I was on the -- sort of the other end of the baby - stealing racket . I was , well , pursuing the perpetrators , trying to spread some love and -- and strength to shore up the poor , despairing fathers . You remember that , J.R. ?
Tad : Adam , I m begging you , if you did this -- you do nt give a damn about my daughter , you know you do nt . You re doing this to torture Krystal , to make her pay for what she did -- mission accomplished . Please , just tell us where Jenny is .
Adam : Tad , listen to me . Listen -- listen carefully . These people have stolen your baby . We do nt know who they are , of course . We do nt know , but we know why -- probably it s money . Do nt you think it d be a little smarter to just use what little time Jenny has left to try to find her ?
Jamie : Adam , I know you have her .
Adam : Fine . Search the house , knock yourselves out .
Tad : We ll be back .
Adam : Tad ? Tell Krystal -- just give her my sympathy .
Adam : All right , all right , go . Just -- we know what family you belong to .
J.R. : No , I know who you are now . Yeah . I m Tad and Jamie s family now .
Man : Come on . Come on , work it up -- emotion , fear , fireworks !
Erica : Zoe , you ve been -- I wo nt say secretive , but quiet .
Zoe : Well , as quiet as one can be in a celebrity - fueled society .
Erica : And why have you been so silent about this ?
Zoe : Well , one s true self is what s the most private , is nt it ?
Erica : I m actually surprised you agreed to appear on New Beginnings .
Zoe : No more surprised than I was .
Erica : Well , why us and why now ?
Zoe : Well , Erica Kane asked me , and who can say no to Erica Kane ?
Erica : Oh , thank you ! The tabloids have reported on your situation without your input .
Zoe : Oh , yes , I ve helped them sell millions of their rags .
Erica : So is -- is this damage control ?
Zoe : You mean , my way of managing the media ? No .
Erica : Is this your platform to further your cause ?
Zoe : Yes . I ll be leading the transgender parade in the parking lot immediately following the taping .
Erica : And how much pain do these jokes cover ?
Zoe : A bit -- and the songs help to cover the balance . Do nt get me wrong -- this is nt a pity party . It s not poor me or anything like that . It s just -- I -- I feel extremely lucky right now .
Erica : You ve found acceptance ?
Zoe : Yes -- by the one person that matters the most -- myself .
Erica : Zoe , this journey you ve been on from man to woman -- this is certainly the most radical new beginning that we have shared since the show began . You do nt mind being exposed like this ?
Zoe : No . It s actually quite freeing . Um -- I hid for so long behind this persona , Zarf , and behind hidden meanings in my lyrics , and it s nice , to be honest .
Erica : It s also very brave .
Zoe : Well , I would nt consider myself particularly brave , but I met someone in Pine Valley , someone who challenged me and showed me what I could be and that I could matter , not only to myself but to many other people who may not have even found their voices yet . And thanks to her , I am ready to grab at every marvelous scrap of life that I can . I m eternally in her debt .
Joe : But , still , we do know there were three temps here in the nursery last night . One of them was a white - haired man , the other was a middle - aged woman , and the other one was a younger woman . And once we can get access to the records of the computer , get it up and running again , hopefully you ll have them .
Derek : What about security camera footage ?
Joe : Uh --
Derek : Let me guess --
Joe : Yeah .
Derek : Compromised .
Joe : Yeah , well , whether it was the kidnappers or not , we do nt know --
Derek : Or nurse sympathizers , it does nt matter -- we re screwed .
Krystal : Adam -- Adam did this , did nt he ?
Joe : We have no evidence of that , Krystal -- none .
Derek : What happens is usually a woman who ca nt conceive or who lost a child of her own -- she does something like this and as soon as she sees the baby , she transfers her feelings to the infant , so there s no thought in harming the baby .
Krystal : Yeah , but -- but Adam does nt love my baby . If he took her , I may never see Jenny again !
Janet : Tweedles residence -- how may I help you ?
Adam : Huh . What the hell --
Janet : It s just a cover . I m always thinking .
Adam : No one ever calls you . How s the baby ?
Janet : Oh , she and I are just hunky - dory . Adam , she is so beautiful , she s so gorgeous ! How can I ever , ever , ever thank you for this wonderful bundle of perfect ?
Adam : No , Janet . I m the one who should be thanking you .
Erica : You have a question for Zoe ?
Woman : Did your parents freak when you thought you were a girl ?
Zoe : When I tried to communicate how I felt as a child , yes . But , I mean , their generation -- there -- there were nt very many guidebooks , and certainly no programs like this . And I was nt the norm , so they did the best they could .
Erica : Your mother recently visited you ?
Zoe : Yes . And it was difficult for her . But with the help of a few friends , she s actually being quite supportive .
Woman : But what about your father ?
Man : So you re looking for a guy as a partner , or -- I mean , what s -- what s the deal ?
Zoe : Are you flirting with me ?
Zoe : No , no , no , I m not joking . You re actually quite attractive . But no , I m not romantically interested in men . Uh -- and I m not really looking for anyone at the moment . I ve met a very special woman that I care for very deeply .
Bianca : Excuse me -- this person -- how -- how special is she ?
Zoe : Very .
Bianca : Uh - huh . And are you in a relationship ?
Zoe : Of sorts .
Bianca : If she , say , wanted to pursue a relationship to see where it went , would you be open to that ?
Zoe : Well , she s a strong , dynamic , amazing woman . I d find it hard to deny her anything .
Erica : Well , I understand we have one last question .
Woman : Yeah . What s wrong with you , letting this freaking pervert smear your show with filth ?
Erica : You were supposed to ask Zoe questions about her music , about her inspiration --
Woman : That s a guy ! He s nothing but a freak .
Bianca : Let s get out of here . You do nt have to do this .
Zoe : No , no , Bianca , it s fine .
Woman : You let him on TV ? Kids could be watching . You re telling them that s all right ?
Erica : I do nt tell people what to think .
Woman : It s all about ratings . You know this is wrong .
Erica : Ratings matter , yes . But Zoe -- Zoe I happen to know personally . And I thought this would be a good idea . You have made me think otherwise .
Woman : Good .
Erica : If very young people are watching this show at home , I hope that I ve given you some more information , so that you can make up your own mind on this topic . I know where you re coming from . I do . I ve been faced with some foreign concepts in my lifetime . And anything new is usually scary . Sometimes , with very good reason . But sometimes not . Zoe spoke with her mother . And even though I do nt know her mother , I could nt help but feel for her . I m sure that every mother could feel for her . When my daughter told me that -- that she s a lesbian , I did nt react like some magnanimous talk - show host who could suddenly see everything fairly from all sides . I mean , it took a little time and a little patience from both of us . But in the end , I did nt see some issue or some label , or anything scary . I saw my daughter . And no matter who she is or whom she loves , she s still my little girl . She s the same strong - minded , independent , loving , caring person that she always has been . And maybe that s why -- maybe that s why I can look at Zoe and -- and see the brave person inside who needs our support , no matter what body she s in . Maybe you would nt call her brave , and -- and I wo nt force you to . But just look what she s taking on , just to be who she is . And I m not just talking about today in front of all of us , I m talking about a lifetime . I mean , Zoe would nt have to do this at all . She would not have to be public about any of this . Zoe could afford to buy an island as big as she wanted . She could -- she could build herself a five - star celebrity closet the size of Texas .
Erica : She could present herself to the world as Zarf , and then sneak around and be Zoe anytime she wanted to be . But instead , she s just laying it all out publicly , and in the most vulnerable way possible , because she knows that there are those out there who -- who just want to take the first shot . So why is she doing this ? Why is she putting herself in the line of fire ? Because she wants to reach out to -- to another man or woman who s uncomfortable in their life . Maybe even help them avoid the line of fire . Zoe is putting herself out there , because she is trying to give hope -- hope . That s why I created this show to begin with . Thank you , Zoe . Thank you so much for reminding me of that .
Tad : Derek , tell me you found something .
Derek : Where have you been ?
J.R. : We paid my father a visit .
Tad : Jenny was nt with him .
Derek : You bust in at Adam s , no right to go inside , no warrant . I have the system behind me . You guys just get in the way .
Tad : Hey , wait , wait , wait -- no , no , no , look . It s not like I m trying to stop anybody from finding my kid .
Derek : Let s say Adam fakes you out .
J.R. : He did nt .
Derek : You two go at it like kids at recess while he has some accomplice hide the kid even deeper .
Tad : Derek , wait -- who do you think you re talking to ? Look , it s not like I saw an entire caravan of squad cars blocking the driveway .
Derek : We need proof to go inside .
Tad : You want proof ? Fine , go get it ! Get out there , get it ! Just do it before , God forbid , something happens to my daughter , or Krystal finds out about this .
Derek : She already did .
J.R. : Where is she ?
Derek : Babe took her back to her room .
J.R. : Well , I guess I do nt have to ask you how she s taking it .
Tad : I m not getting in anybody s way . You want to do something , do it . But just do it now . Please . Kick it up a notch .
J.R. : Look , you find Janet , you re going to find Jenny . Now , my father -- he s capable of a lot of things , but he would nt take this baby .
Derek : I ve already thought of Janet . We ve stepped up our efforts to locate her .
Officer : Chief Frye --
Derek : Yeah ? Jenny s ID anklet .
Officer : Recovered from elevator number three .
Derek : Thanks . You ve done a good job . If somebody walked out with my baby girl , because some fools were too cheap to pay the staff --
Stuart : Adam ? I just came from the hospital .
Adam : Oh , I understand there s a mess .
Stuart : No , it s worse than that . It s Krystal s little baby , Jenny . Somebody took her .
Adam : Oh ? Who would want the love child of a trashy tramp and a sanctimonious Martin ? You want to play ?
Stuart : If you know where that baby is , I want you to bring her back now , and I m not playing .
Babe : Why do nt you lie down .
Krystal : No . No , I m going to unpack . I m not leaving here without my baby . Did you find her ? Is Jenny back in the nursery ?
Tad : Not yet . I m sorry .
Krystal : Do nt tell me you re sorry ! You were supposed to find my baby !
Tad : Krystal , I m sorry , I do nt know where she is yet . Nobody does . Babe , would you please give us a second ? Hey , come here . Come on , come here .
Amanda : Hey . A strike s one thing , but what is this place -- in lockdown ? Hey , Babe , what s wrong ?
Babe : It s Jenny . Somebody has taken her .
Amanda : Somebody ?
Babe : They just -- they -- they carried her right out of the nursery , and -- and Mama s --
Amanda : Did my mom do this , too ?
Babe : They think that it s Adam , but I just -- I do nt know what to do . Mama -- she --
Amanda : Come here .
Babe : Amanda --
Stuart : Adam , it s just a baby . An innocent little baby .
Adam : And you re looking at an innocent man , Stuart .
Stuart : Oh , I wish I was .
Adam : Stuart , you know me better than anyone else in this world .
Stuart : Yeah . And I know how -- how much -- how deeply you can love and -- and help people and care for people , and I know how dangerous and vicious you can get if somebody disappoints you .
Adam : You mean when they betray me ?
Stuart : Jenny did nt betray you . She -- she did nt make a fool of you . And Krystal -- she did nt make you mean and -- and hurtful -- you did that all by yourself . And I m not going to allow this -- I m not going to allow this to happen . And if you re going to torment Krystal and everybody else , if you re going to -- you re going to leave that child out there somewhere --
Adam : You ll never forgive me . But you always do , Stuart .
Stuart : This is evil , Adam . If you do nt fix this , I ca nt help you .
Adam : Your lack of faith hurts me very deeply .
Stuart : What would Charlotte , Lottie -- what would she say if she knew ? I -- I forbid you ever to use her name with me again , our sister s name with me again ! Never , because she would hate what you re doing to that little girl .
Krystal : So Adam gets away with stealing our baby ?
Tad : If Adam did anything , he s not going to get away with it . Aidan s tailing him , but I m not 100 % convinced that Adam did it in the first place . There are women in the area who lost their children , maybe one of them took Jenny .
Krystal : Oh -- you do nt believe that , Tad .
Tad : I do nt know what I believe , but I ca nt afford to pass up on any possibilities .
Krystal : No , what happened is he scared you . He got the best of you and you ran !
Tad : If Adam did nt do it , I ca nt afford to waste time --
Krystal : Oh , then what -- she s with somebody who wants to keep her ? So she could be anywhere , and we might not ever see her again . Is that better -- that my baby is with some stranger ?
J.R. : Babe --
Babe : I can not let my Mama fall apart .
Nurse : Thank you , Doctor .
Tad : I m not about to tell you that you ca nt be scared , Krystal , I m terrified . But at this minute , neither one of us can afford to let that fear sidetrack us , or send us off in the wrong direction .
Krystal : You re absolutely right .
Tad : Hey , wait -- no --
Krystal : Get out of my way , get out of my way ! Look , if you re sticking around , Tad , then you better help me find Jenny .
Tad : You got to calm down .
Krystal : It is cold out there ! She could catch a cold ! For crying out loud , does nt anybody give a damn about my baby except me ?
Tad : Of course , we do .
Jeff : We all care very much .
Krystal : How are you helping , or you ? I know what to do , and -- and you re blocking me , you re holding me back !
Jeff : No , that s the last thing we want to do .
Tad : This hospital is filled with people who are trying to help us .
Krystal : Help Jenny . Do nt you see ? Jenny needs us !
Jeff : No , she needs you at the top of your game , and that s why I want you to take this .
Krystal : No , no , I m not taking anything ! Get that away from me !
Jeff : Now , I need for you to stay calm , please .
Babe : Mama -- Mama --
Krystal : Babe , please tell them -- I am not going to take that thing !
Babe : I swear to you , this is best for right now , ok ? You re hysterical , you re no use to Jenny like this .
Krystal : Because he took her . Because Adam took my baby .
Adam : Amanda , what do you have for me ?
Amanda : You sadistic -- where did you and my mom take Krystal s baby ?
Erica : Ladies and gentlemen , a voice that transcends gender , preconceptions , and prejudice -- Zoe .
Zoe : Used to be a game of hide - and - seek working for myself , showing the world who they wanted to see , knowing I was someone else . Now I m in control , I m taking a chance gon na free my soul . It s a crazy world , it s there for the taking . It s a roller coaster ride . Trembling my hands are shaking , but I m not gon na hide the woman inside , the woman inside . Gon na change my fears of yesterday , future s looking bright . Maybe rock n roll will be the different swing , I have set my sights . Now the world belongs to you , and life begins with a capital G. Got my heels on the ground and it s great , to be honest . I wo nt be denied . Well , the girl s in control of her life and I want it . I m never gon na hide the me inside , the me inside , the me inside , the me inside . Come on !
Zoe : Crazy world , it s there for the taking . it s a roller coaster ride . trembling my hands are shaking . I m never gon na hide . got my heels on the ground it s great to be honest and I wo nt be denied . let the girls in control of the life and I want it . I m never gon na hide the me inside , the me inside , the me inside , the me inside .
Krystal : Derek and the police , and they re going to bring her back ?
Tad : Of course , they will . You know they will . Derek s all over this thing .
Babe : They ll let us know . You just sit tight . Wait here , ok ?
J.R. : Oh . This brings back a lot of memories , does nt it ?
Babe : The worst .
J.R. : We re supposed to protect our kids , we re supposed to keep them safe . Knowing that they re out there somewhere and you re powerless --
Babe : I ll regret what I did to you till the day I die .
J.R. : We ve both done things to each other that we regret . All we can do right now is try to help Krystal and Tad , let the police find Janet .
Babe : You re so sure it was Janet ?
J.R. : It s the perfect fit .
Babe : Why , because you do nt believe Adam s capable of doing something so awful ?
J.R. : If Janet took her -- she loves kids . She was good to Little Adam .
Jamie : Julia just made me realize this is all your fault .
Babe : Jamie --
Jamie : Nobody could ve grabbed Jenny if the right staff had been in place -- the people who work here full - time , the nurses who give a damn and keep this hospital running . Instead , you have incompetence dealing with life - or - death situations !
J.R. : Now , you ca nt put this on me .
Jamie : No , you and Palmer and the rest of the board put a dollar amount on people s lives and their health .
J.R. : Why do nt you back off , Jamie ?
Babe : Please stop it ! Please do nt make it any worse ! Come on !
Derek : I need to see Tad .
Babe : He s inside with Mama .
Derek : It s evidence , do nt take it out .
Tad : Where ?
Derek : One of the elevators .
Amanda : You have to get the baby back from my mother .
Adam : Oh , poor Amanda . The pressure must be too much for you -- not knowing what kind of condition your mother is in , or how many crimes she may have committed now that she s not on her meds -- even if she s alive or not , and if so , for how long ? You stay strong , Amanda .
Amanda : Please do nt hurt her .
Adam : Other line .
Amanda : Adam --
Adam : Gates , did you get the envelope ?
Gates : It s right here , Mr. Prince .
Adam : Good , good . Um , what about the other couple ?
Gates : They ca nt wait to see their baby girl .
Adam : Good , good , I wo nt have to keep her in foster care so long -- uh , because I want this done , wrapped up quickly . You understand ? Good .
Adam : Hello , Janet ?
Janet : The baby and I were just talking .
Adam : Yeah -- get to it .
Janet : She needs the newborn s soft library .
Adam : Say -- what ?
Janet : They re little fabric books so I can stimulate her brain , engage her with language and visuals -- oh , and could you pick up CDs of all of Mozart s compositions also for inspiration ? Our little girl is a genius on the verge of a breakthrough .
Adam : Oh , sweetheart , I have to -- I have to go -- go , go . I ve got another call coming in . Yeah , catch you later . Colby -- my deserting daughter . Have you come to drive the knife in a little deeper , hmm ?
Colby : Ca nt I want to see you ?
Adam : Oh , well , it s -- it s a little hard to believe . I m still the villain , you know . I m the reason you stormed out of here .
Colby : Ok , Dad , I was at school today choking on some vile lunch , and Jordan was all yada , yada , yada about his family s going on some lame cruise for Father s Day . And it hit me -- I ditched Liza and stole , like , three cars to get to you . I kiss you off and move out ? Hey , that s just plain wrong . So , I m home . I m here to stay , Dad . Can I ? Will you take me back ?
Adam : Oh , yes , that s all I need , Colby .
Colby : Ooh .
Colby : So , can you give Krystal back her baby ?
Jamie : Hey .
Amanda : Any news ?
Jamie : Nothing . We re going to find Jenny .
Amanda : With my mom . That s what you think .
Jamie : You do nt ? What do you know , Amanda ?
Amanda : Are you accusing me of something ?
Jamie : Yeah -- of knowing more than you re telling me .
Amanda : God !
Joe : I do nt suppose you could get any rest , huh ?
Tad : Is this the way it s supposed to be , Pop ? First Kate , now Jenny ? It seems like every time I find out about a daughter , I lose her -- forever .
Woman : Oh , she s so beautiful !
Man : And she s all ours . Hmm .
Janet : You and me and Daddy makes three oh , that s right , my sweetie . Daddy s going to be home soon , so he can be with us .
Man : Erica , you have to admit it could ve worked .
Erica : Not on my show .
Man : If you would ve gone with it .
Erica : You know something ? I have a better idea -- you go . That -- that nasty little setup of yours -- that did nt work , and now neither do you .
Man : But --
Erica : You re fired , Leon . Goodbye .
Leon : Uh --
Bianca : Mom ? You know , I ve said some things that I m not proud of -- I hate to even bring it up -- but -- that I d never want to be anything like you ? I should be so lucky . Thank you , Mom .
Words can be a powerful weapon , and when used against gay or transgender people , these words are often accompanied by hatred and violence . Stop the cycle , do nt expose your children to prejudice and hatred . You have the power to make a difference by treating others with respect . Choose to be an ally and a friend . Go to glaad.org to find out how .
Annie : Louis van Amstel from Dancing with the Stars .
Louis : Yes , I am . Nice to meet you .
Babe ( to Amanda ) : You know something , do nt you ?
Tad ( to Amanda ) : Are you telling me that Adam stashed my child with a mental patient ?
### Summary:
| Erica waits for the start of her show , New Beginnings . Some reporters approach her and question her about the show and her guest , Zoe . Bianca brings Zoe some coffee and walks her to the entrance to the stage . The announcer introduces the show , New Beginnings , and its host , Erica Kane . Erica greets the audience and gives Zoe a preliminary introduction before she introduces Zoe to the audience . Krystal remains upset over her baby , Jenny , being gone from the nursery . Babe tries to calm her down , but with no luck . Krystal sees Derek outside the nursery door and knows that Jenny has been taken from the hospital . Tad attacks Adam and Adam s goons plus Jamie and J.R. to get Tad off of Adam . Tad accuses Adam of taking Jenny but Adam only makes jokes at Tad s concern for his daughter . Jamie tells Adam that a nurse at the hospital saw him at the hospital the night before . Krystal becomes completely hysterical when she finds out that Adam may have taken her daughter and that she will never see her again . Colby walks up and hears that Adam could have taken Jenny . Krystal then finds out that Adam is a suspect in Jenny s kidnapping . Adam denies to Tad , Jamie , and J.R. , that he took Jenny . Tad and J.R. then begin to question Adam if Janet could have taken Jenny . Zoe puts on a brave face and goes out to join Erica on stage . Erica and Zoe hug . Erica begins to question Zoe about her life and her decision to change from being a man to being a woman . Joe fills Derek in on the kidnapping . Krystal believes that Adam is behind all of this . Tad , J.R. and Jamie leave , but they promise that they will be back . Adam makes a call to Janet to see how things are going . Janet thanks him for giving her this bundle of joy . Adam thanks Janet for helping him . Erica opens the floor for questions for Zoe from the audience . Bianca takes the microphone and questions her about the woman in her life and how special she is to her . Another woman gets up and completely slanders both Erica and Zoe on the air . Bianca goes to Zoe s side . After the woman audience member has her say , then Erica makes a speech of her own about Bianca and Zoe . Stuart finds out that Jenny is missing so he goes to visit Adam and lets him know that Jenny had been taken . Adam makes a slanderous remark about Krystal and Tad . Adam asks Stuart to play a game of chess . Stuart becomes angry and knocks the chessboard off the table . Stuart demands that Adam give Jenny back . Adam is on the phone with Janet when Colby walks in . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bill : Brooke , do nt do this . I know that you re angry and disappointed in me , and I do nt blame you . But you re not ready to give up on our marriage .
Brooke : Are you the man i married , bill ? Could the man I pledged my life to do the things that you ve done ?
Bill : I vowed that I would be here for you , and that has nt changed . I m not going anywhere . We can get through this together . If you need more time , then take it . But do nt take off your ring .
Brooke : Stephanie s ring .
Ridge : Will you marry me ?
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Eric : I want to talk .
Ridge : Is everything okay ?
Eric : No . I want to set something straight , and I ve had something on my mind . I ca nt shake it . When you came to my hotel to see me , you came out of ... guilt ... out of concern . I was already furious with you . And then you had the temerity , you had the nerve , to suggest i go home and be with my wife . I found that very condescending and patronizing , and so I told you that you were nt my son anymore . I wanted to hurt you , ridge . I wanted you to feel the same things I was feeling about this betrayal of yours , and so I ... I lashed out . What I said was hurtful , and it was untrue . You re every bit my son . There s nothing I could say that can ever change that .
Katie : You know ...
Wyatt : Hmm ?
Katie : ... When you said you wanted to come over , I thought that you had found out something about bill .
Wyatt : No . I n-- I never even saw him , actually .
Katie : So , you do nt know anything more ?
Wyatt : Well , uh ... [ Sighs ] I - I did find out a little tidbit of information . Apparently , my brother bought the spectra building from C.J. For $ 50 million and gave it to sally as a gift .
Katie : [ Scoffs ] Are you kidding me ?
Wyatt : That was my reaction .
Katie : As a gift ?
Wyatt : Yeah . And nobody knows about it . I - I - I just -- I just do nt understand how he s getting away with this . I do nt understand how dad is not , like , doing anything to stop it .
Katie : Well , he might be a little preoccupied . My sister called me today , and , apparently , brooke and bill are separated .
Wyatt : What ?
Wyatt : Brooke walked out ? Why ?
Katie : [ Sighs ] I do nt know . She really would nt tell me . She said she had things to figure out , but I do nt know what that means .
Wyatt : [ Sighs ] I mean , you think it has something to do with what s going on between liam and dad ?
Katie : Well , I think it certainly has something to do with bill . Liam , I do nt know , but it seems like all of these things have to be connected somehow . Everyone s acting so strangely . I mean , bill leaving the company and putting liam in charge , the separation ...
Wyatt : Not to mention liam s $ 50 million gift to sally .
Katie : Not to mention that . I do nt know how it happened , but something is going on . Brooke is devastated .
Eric : All my life , everything I ve ever done has been for the strength of our family .
Ridge : But everything you said in the hotel room , everything you said about me , is true .
Eric : No , it wasnT. I m sorry .
Ridge : What I did to you --
Eric : Look , son , I do nt want to rehash any of this . I want us to move past this .
Ridge : That s -- that s all i ever wanted . I want for you and quinn to be happy .
Eric : Well , I ca nt be completely happy ... while our family s broken like this , and it is broken ... when there s this bad blood between us . I want to make our family whole again , son .
Ridge : I want that , too .
Eric : So , we re all right ?
Ridge : Yeah , dad . We re -- we re okay .
Bill : I let my ego override my judgment .
Brooke : You committed a crime , bill !
Bill : Ordering the fire at spectra was reckless . It was wrong . But it does nt change our devotion to each other . It does nt change the words that we said -- for better or worse , brooke . Yes , what I did was -- it was greedy . It was out of control . It was selfish . But I did nt break my vows to you . And I m not gon na let you break yours . When I put that ring on your finger , it was forever .
Wyatt : I mean , dad obviously did something bad enough to make brooke want to leave .
Katie : She ca nt even talk about it . [ Sighs ] It just does nt seem possible .
Wyatt : Oh , yeah . Like dad leaving spencer is possible , leaving his life s work , or putting my tree - hugging brother in charge ?
Katie : Well , clearly , he is an idiot .
Wyatt : Yeah , I know . Thank you .
Katie : [ Chuckles ]
Wyatt : Okay . You and I ...
Katie : Mm - hmm ?
Wyatt : ... Are not being ... so upfront about what s going on here , either , but , a , it s none of their business , and , b , it feels like there s a lot going on that we do nt know about .
Katie : Well , and maybe it s been going on for a while and we just are finding out about it . I mean , have I really missed all the signs ?
Wyatt : Well , we have been a little preoccupied .
Katie : Yes , that s true . But I am not completely oblivious . I mean , I - I - I work with brooke . I see her at the office .
Wyatt : Right , at the office . Have you seen her with ridge ? I mean , does he know about this ?
Katie : I m sure he knows by now .
Wyatt : Did he even come up in your conversation with brooke ?
Katie : No . But I do have to wonder what this might mean for them .
Wyatt : Yeah .
Katie : I mean , if bill has disappointed her , I could see her going back to ridge . He is the love of her life .
Ridge : Brooke left spencer . And , to be fair , it was my fault that they were together in the first place .
Eric : Maybe . You know why ? I mean , do you know what he did to make her so upset ?
Ridge : Why she was upset with an egomaniac like that ? No , I do nt know .
Eric : I m not certain that s exactly what brooke needs to hear right now .
Ridge : I know , and she s not gon na hear it -- not from me . Just I m -- I m excited for the possibility . That s all .
R.J. : Hey , dad . You got a minute ? Hey , granddad .
Eric : Hey .
Ridge : Come on in . I was just telling your granddad about what your mom s going through -- what I know , anyway .
R.J. : Well , she told me she needs some time to think . She did nt say it was over with bill , but it is .
Ridge : We do nt know that .
R.J. : Dad , it was inevitable . She was nt meant for bill . Sh - she ... is supposed to be with you . Mom always loved you , and ... she always will .
Brooke : I have nt forgotten our wedding day , bill .
Bill : Then let s focus on that -- what we said to each other , the promises we made .
Brooke : You said that I was essential to you , that I was the most important thing in your life ...
Bill : And you are .
Brooke : ... That I changed you . You re a better man because of me . But I do nt think I taught you anything .
Bill : That s not true !
Brooke : You just take what you want , regardless of the consequences or who you hurt or how much !
Bill : Nobody got hurt ! The building was empty ! I made sure of it !
Brooke : Would you have gone ahead with it if there were people in there ?
Bill : Of course I would nt have gone ahead with it ! Why would you even say that to me ? !
Brooke : Because you are the same man that ordered ridge to be thrown out of the helicopter into the sea !
Bill : Oh , come on .
Brooke : How different is that , really ? Have you changed , bill ? No ! You have nt changed at all !
Bill : Look , I m a passionate , driven man . I got swept up in my need to win . Did I go too far this time ? You re damn right I did . Can I see that ? Of course I can see it ! I mean , all of this because of a damn skyscraper -- it s ludicrous ! But it was never , and nothing will ever be , more important to me than you are .
Brooke : You could have killed people , bill . You could have gone to jail . And you still could . Did you even think about that , or were you too focused on winning the damn prize -- at any cost ? See , that s what scares me , bill . I love you ... but that part of you -- that just terrifies me .
Katie : I ve just been afraid for my sister . You know , what happened , it was -- it was hard for me , and it hurt ... really bad , but I - Ive only just ever wanted her to be happy . And bill ... makes her happy . But I know him . I know him really well . I know what he s capable of , and I ... I m afraid he ll hurt her .
Wyatt : You mean like how he hurt you ?
Katie : You know , brooke is more than just a sister to me . She -- she took care of me when our dad left , so ... so when she needs taken care of , that s kind of my job .
Wyatt : I know . D - dad is not gon na lose her . I mean , she s -- she s important to him . He loves her .
Katie : Yeah , I know he does . But that does nt mean he wo nt hurt her . Believe me , I know . And it was nt too long ago that ridge was saying the same thing .
Wyatt : So , what are you saying -- ridge has just been waiting in the wings this whole time ?
Katie : He s a constant presence in her life . They have so much history together .
Wyatt : Yeah , but we all have someone like that .
Katie : Mnh - mnh , not like them . When they re together , there s this pull that always allows them to find their way back to each other . If this separation is permanent and brooke really leaves bill ...
Wyatt : Mm - hmm ?
Katie : ... I think it s only a matter of time before she finds her way back to ridge and their son .
Ridge : We re not gon na pressure your mom about this . She s gon na make up her own mind .
R.J. : But you re gon na be there for her when she does , right ?
Eric : We will all be there for her , R.J. Your mother occupies a very special place in this family . She s taught us a lot about gentleness and forgiveness . We ve all been the recipient of her optimism from time to time .
Ridge : Me more than anyone .
R.J. : Yeah . I just hope she s not feeling that way about bill .
Ridge : Your mom has a big heart , but I think she has her limits .
R.J. : You think she reached her limit with bill ?
Ridge : We ll have to wait and see .
R.J. : Whatever bill did , it woke her up . She s gon na come back to the forrester family , where she belongs .
Bill : You know I would never hurt you , brooke .
Brooke : But this hurts me , bill . My god . You had fire set to a building because it was in your way !
Bill : It was an old , rundown building .
Brooke : A building where people worked . They need to make money to support their families and take care of themselves , pay their bills . You just wanted to see spectra crumble so badly , you did nt even think about that -- about sally s employees and what this would do to them . All you thought about was your big , beautiful skyscraper -- a building !
Bill : This is about us , all right ? That s what we should be talking about now .
Brooke : And you do nt think it s related ? Because it is . This is what I m scared of , this behavior , and I do nt want it in my life . I do nt want it in my son s life . I am trying to teach him right from wrong . And what about liam , the man with morals ? He turned to blackmail because of you . And did you show any remorse ? No ! You punched him right in the face . [ Sighs ] I love you , bill . But I need to think about the life that I want to lead . This is nt what we promised each other .
Bill : Brooke , do nt do it .
Brooke : Just take them .
Bill : I canT. I wonT. I m sorry . I m sorry I scared you . I m sorry I let you down . I swore I would never do that . It will never happen again . I love you .
Brooke : Goodbye , bill . I will always have our memories . They will always be very precious to me .
Wyatt : Why -- why ... why do relationships have to be so complicated ?
Katie : Have you ever had one that s not ?
Wyatt : Have you seen my life ?
Katie : [ Laughs ]
Wyatt : But this has been ... easy for us .
Katie : That s because no one knows about us yet .
Wyatt : Oh , that s the problem . It s everybody else .
Katie : Mm - hmm , yes , usually .
Wyatt : Well , we do nt exactly have that problem right now .
Katie : Nope .
Wyatt : But maybe I should still lock the door , because people do have a tendency to walk in --
Katie : No , no , no , no . You do nt have to worry about that .
Wyatt : Are you sure ? Because I know you do nt like surprises .
Katie : Says the biggest surprise I ve had in a long time .
Wyatt : I still had to win you over .
Katie : Mm - hmm .
Wyatt : I mean , you knew what was happening , but you still just had to control things in the beginning .
Katie : Well , I like to be in control because it makes me feel safe . And I did nt know what to do with this , if I had a place for it .
Wyatt : Or the correctly coded label ...
Katie : Or that . I mean , how would I find it ?
Wyatt : Where would it go , you know ?
Katie : Are you accusing me of not being spontaneous ?
Wyatt : Are you asking me to dare you to be spontaneous ? Because that would nt be very spontan-- oh .
Katie : I ll show you spontaneous .
Wyatt : Oh . Mmm .
Brooke : [ Crying ]
R.J. : Mom ? Hey . You okay ? What happened ?
Ridge : You and spencer ?
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
R.J. : It s gon na be okay . I know you re upset , but I think you did the right thing . And I m not the only one .
Ridge : He s right . You re gon na be okay . I know this is hard , and I m sorry . But whatever comes next , we re here . I m here . I love you . I ll always love you , logan .
Brooke : [ Crying ]
### Summary:
| Bill tells Brooke that he has done everything for her that he said he would . She can not end their marriage without talking it over . So do not take off her wedding ring . Eric wants to talk to Ridge . He says he already was in a bad mood and then he wanted to hurt him by telling him he was not his son anymore . He lashed out and it was hurtful and not true . Ridge is ever bit his son and nothing will ever change that . He does nt want to re - hash the whole thing but he wants things right with Ridge again . Ridge says it will be ; all he wants is for Eric to be happy . Brooke s name comes up and Ridge admits it is not a surprise that she left Bill and he is just going along with the flow . Wyatt confides in Katie that Liam bought the Spectra building but turned around and gave it to Sally . She does nt understand it but says now Brooke has walked out on Bill . She wo nt tell her why . She does not know if this has anything to do with Liam and now him running the company , but clearly something is going on . Bill tells Brooke that he did something stupid but he did not break his wedding vows and he will not let her break hers . He put that ring on her finger to be forever . They argue again about his having someone torch Spectra . It was wrong and yet he says no one was hurt . She says she loves him but this part of him terrifies her . He can not always have everything his way . Sally had employees and yet he never thought of them . She is afraid of Bill s behavior and does not want it in her life . Liam had to turn to blackmail because of his father . She is now thinking of the life she wants to lead and it is not this . She does take off her ring and hands it to Bill . He says he will not take it . He is sorry he let her down . She tells him goodbye and that she will always have her memories but this is it . She makes him open his hand and take the ring . RJ and Ridge walk in while Brooke is crying and thinking of Bill . Ridge hugs her and says he loves her , always will and always be there for her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Zander : If it were nt for me , she would nt be in this position in the first place .
Monica : Tell him about the breast cancer .
Emily : I have to set him free .
Carly : He took me to a motel and then he raped me !
Ric : I never laid a hand on Carly . I just took her clothes off and put her in bed . I slept in a chair . I just made her believe that we had sex .
Elizabeth : Why ?
Sonny : Ric s my brother .
Monica : Ok , here is the consent form . All you have to do is fill it out , sign it , and give it back at the desk .
Emily : Ok , what am I consenting to ?
Monica : To a lumpectomy and a possible mastectomy .
Emily : But I m only having a lumpectomy , right ?
Monica : Most likely , yeah . It just is if -- while they re operating , they might -- well , if they find out that the lump is extended , then --
Emily : I do nt want my entire breast cut off .
Monica : Emily , the chances of that are so slim . Like I said , they ve caught it early , and I can -- I can almost promise you it s just going to be a lumpectomy .
Monica : Uh - oh . Listen , go ahead and sign that and return it , and I ll come back and wait with you till surgery , ok ?
Emily : All right .
Monica : All right . See you later .
Courtney : Come in .
Elizabeth : Hi .
Courtney : This is a surprise .
Elizabeth : How are you feeling ?
Courtney : Better . I had some serious bruising but , luckily , no internal injuries .
Elizabeth : So you ll be out of here soon ?
Courtney : Yeah , today or tomorrow .
Elizabeth : Good . I saw Ric .
Courtney : I m sure he was full of excuses and reasons why none of this was his fault . And you bought it , as always , right ? How did Ric explain my injuries ? Huh ? Did he say it was an accident ? Or maybe he said --
Elizabeth : Courtney -- Courtney , I m here because Ric has been lying , and I want to hear the truth .
Coleman : Hey there , Henny Penny .
Penny : Hey .
Coleman : Hey , has Ric Lansing been around here ?
Penny : I have nt seen him in a while .
Coleman : What about Courtney ? Is she working this morning ?
Penny : Courtney s in the hospital .
Coleman : What happened ?
Penny : I m not sure .
Ric : Our business is concluded .
Faith : No way are you leaving me to twist in the wind .
Ric : Faith , you gave me up to Sonny in order to save your own life . I owe you nothing . If you d like to go after him , be my guest . But you re going to do it on your own .
Faith : Does that mean you re giving up your vendetta against him ?
Ric : Absolutely not . I ve just come up with a much more effective way to do it .
Scott : Well , what have we got here ? A couple of mobsters having cocktails , huh ?
Ric : Ms. Rosco was just leaving .
Faith : To be continued .
Scott : What s to be continued ?
Ric : Absolutely nothing .
Scott : So , you re not really going to be happy until you represent all five families , are you ?
Ric : I have absolutely no professional ties to organized crime .
Scott : Since when ?
Ric : Since always . However , it s possible that I could be quite useful to the D.A. s office .
Scott : Really ? How s that ?
Ric : Sonny Corinthos happens to be my brother .
Carly : Hey , what you looking at ?
Sonny : It s a picture of my mother .
Carly : Oh , she was so pretty . You have her eyes .
Sonny : I know exactly when that was taken . When she went to work for Lansing s father , before he got her pregnant with Ric .
Carly : It s incredible that the two of you had the same mother .
Sonny : I do nt know how to do this .
Carly : What ?
Sonny : I loved my mother more than anything . How can I lift a hand against her other son ? But after what Ric has done to everybody that I love , how can I let him live ?
Carly : Well , maybe it s not for you to decide .
Carly : Oh , she was so young here , Sonny . What was she , 24 ? 25 ?
Sonny : About that , yeah . If she d only done what he asked , you know , giving me up for adoption , she d -- she d have had a great life . Money , luxury , the house on Martha s Vineyard . She could ve had it all , you know ? But I messed that up , right ?
Carly : No .
Sonny : What do you mean , no ?
Carly : No , you did nt , Sonny . Trevor did . He should ve loved you like you love Michael . It was his loss . It was nt your mother s . It was nt yours .
Sonny : Ok . Let s say you re right .
Carly : I am .
Sonny : Yeah , you are . This baby is a boy , and , God forbid , right , our family gets pulled apart and our kids are separated and they grow up hating each other --
Carly : No , that ll never happen , Sonny .
Sonny : No -- ok , but if it did --
Carly : It s impossible .
Sonny : If this baby grew to hate Michael and wanted to hurt him and everybody around that he loved , and Michael was strong enough to get revenge and Michael had his brother s life in his hands , would you want him to take it or show mercy -- not for his brother s sake , but for yours ?
Carly : No mother wants to see her children hurt or to see them die at the other s hand .
Scott : So you re Sonny s brother .
Ric : Half brother , to be precise .
Scott : Oh , yeah ? Now , which side -- mother , the father ?
Ric : Well , actually , it s not your concern , Counselor . All you need to know is that I have absolutely no family loyalty to the man whatsoever . If you need somebody in court to testify , you ll find that I am a squeaky - clean , unimpeachable witness . However , I do have one reciprocal courtesy that I require of you .
Scott : Is that so ?
Ric : Mm - hmm . I took the liberty of drawing this up .
Scott : Immunity -- all crimes committed while in Port Charles . You think I m going to sign this get - out - of - jail card , huh ?
Ric : In return , you get somebody who knows all the ins and outs of Sonny s organization , somebody who wants to take Sonny down just as much as you do , but somebody who wo nt vanish or meet with an accident because they wo nt kill his own brother .
Scott : Well , what if he does nt work and he shoots you right between the eyes ?
Ric : Well , that s something I have to deal with , is nt it ? Not you .
Scott : Zip - a - dee - doo - dah . This is the best deal I ve made all year .
Courtney : Kidnapping me was a means to an end . Ric had to keep Sonny from killing him before he had the chance to tell Sonny that they re brothers .
Elizabeth : They re what ?
Courtney : They have the same mother .
Elizabeth : Ric never -- he never said anything . Did Sonny know ?
Courtney : Well , he does now . And Jason said that Ric told him everything at Martha s Vineyard . I guess Ric s hatred for Sonny has been building most of his life , and now he finally got his chance at revenge .
Elizabeth : It explains a lot , but it s just so incredible , is nt it ?
Courtney : Yeah , Ric -- he heard Sonny say over and over again that he would do anything to keep me alive because I was his sister , but , I mean , even when Sonny was furious at me , he did nt want me hurt .
Elizabeth : So Ric assumed that Sonny would nt hurt his brother , either .
Courtney : I do nt know -- was it was just because of spite and jealousy , or do you think that Ric had some other motivation ?
Elizabeth : I have no idea . You know , I thought I -- I thought I understood Ric , but the truth is I do nt know him at all .
Maxie : Oh , yeah , I love that new skirt that she got . Yeah , she said that she got it at that new store in the mall , yeah .
Maxie : Georgie , do you mind ? I m on a call .
Mac : It s over . Look , tell your friend you re grounded and you wo nt be calling them back today .
Maxie : But , Mac , I m in the middle of a phone call .
Mac : Now , Maxie .
Maxie : Fine . Jeez . I got to go . I ll see you at school tomorrow . Bye .
Mac : You re grounded for a month . There s no need to be making plans with your friends , is there ?
Maxie : Fine , be a dictator . Jeez .
Mac : And start vacuuming . Right ? The deal was I would nt tell your mom or Bobbie about the party if you and Lucas clean the house .
Maxie : Fine . I ll do the vacuuming . You can go do that dusting thing .
Mac : No , Georgie , you re fine . You ve done enough . Go on , take off , have some fun . Unlike your sister , I know I can count on you to use good judgment .
Gia : So , how s Emily doing ?
Zander : She s having a tough time .
Gia : Yeah . I ca nt imagine drug rehab being fun .
Zander : Emily came to see me , and everything was great . And then all of a sudden her mood changed . She got up and she bolted .
Gia : She did nt say why ?
Zander : One minute we re really close and everything was fine , and then the next minute she s jumping up and leaving -- no explanation , no nothing . What the hell are you doing here ?
John : Dial it down , man . I got a right to earn a living .
Zander : You do nt deal here , not to these kids !
Gia : Zander ! Zander , stop ! Stop , stop , stop . Zander , what are you doing ? Let go of him !
Zander : John s a dealer . He s probably dealing to those kids in there . I m not letting him go !
Taggert : Hey , Mr. Smith , break it up ! I said break it up ! Assault and battery is against the law !
Zander : I m not the one committing a crime here .
Taggert : Watch yourself . And your name is ?
John : Look , it was just a misunderstanding . Listen , I m late for an appointment , so if it s ok --
Taggert : Get out of here .
Zander : You know what ? This little street fighter routine of yours is getting old . You pull this off again , I m going to take you in .
Gia : For your information , that guy happened to be a dealer .
Taggert : I know who he is , all right ? But this guy does nt have a badge .
Gia : Yeah , but he can still perform a community service .
Taggert : It s not his job to go around stomping on anyone he thinks is breaking the law .
Gia : It s official -- my brother s a pigheaded idiot . What are you laughing at ? He practically had you arrested for stopping a drug deal .
Zander : Well , until you talked him down .
Gia : Yeah , he did nt listen to a word I said .
Zander : Well , maybe not . But it s fun watching you get in his face , especially when you re defending me . Come on , let s go inside .
Ric : I m glad to see you again .
Elizabeth : I have some things I need to say .
Ric : Well , come in .
Elizabeth : Only for a minute .
Ric : Would you like a drink ?
Elizabeth : No , thank you .
Ric : I -- I did nt get a chance to tell you yesterday , things were happening so fast --
Elizabeth : That you re Sonny s brother ? I heard .
Ric : Elizabeth , I never meant to deceive you . I just --
Elizabeth : There are some things that I need to know . You said that what you felt for me was separate from what you were trying to achieve with Sonny . You said I did nt fit into your plans because your feelings for me were real . Did you mean it ?
Ric : Yes , I did .
Elizabeth : Did it change anything ?
Ric : You mean , did I -- was I willing to abandon my plans for Sonny to let myself be happy with you ?
Elizabeth : Did you ?
Ric : I thought about it all the time . But in the end , I -- I could nt sacrifice all the years that I spent planning my revenge .
Sonny : This thing with Ric -- it s not over .
Carly : Well , what do you think Ric will do ?
Sonny : He hates me . He wants to ruin me . He knows he ca nt get inside , so he s going to try to get creative . He s going to try to come at me from a different angle .
Carly : He ca nt get away with this .
Sonny : Yeah , but he s going to try . He s got it in his head that he s the good son , I m the bad son . He even blames me for the beating my mother took that put her in the hospital .
Carly : Did you tell him that it was your stepfather , Deke , who abused your mother ?
Sonny : Well , it was my word against Deke . And my mother refused to sign a complaint , so , you know , what can I say to that ?
Carly : Sonny , you know that Ric wants to make you feel like you hurt your mother .
Sonny : That s how he justifies what he did to you and Courtney . He s not well in the head ; you know what I m saying ? Do you know what I m saying ?
Carly : I do . Hey , Michael .
Michael : Hey .
Carly : Sweetie how was school ?
Michael : Good .
Carly : Good . Leticia , can we grab a moment with Michael alone ?
Leticia : Yeah , sure . I ll see you upstairs , kiddo .
Michael : Ok .
Carly : I was just about to tell your daddy where you went yesterday instead of going to your friend s party . Why do nt you tell him yourself ?
Sonny : What happened ?
Michael : I went to see A.J. , and I told him I m not stolen and he s only biological and you re my real daddy .
Coleman : How you feeling ?
Courtney : Ok . You did nt have to bring flowers .
Coleman : Well , that s what you do when someone s in the hospital , right ? How you doing ?
Courtney : Ok . I have some serious bruising , and they re just watching me to make sure I do nt have any internal bleeding .
Coleman : What happened ?
Courtney : Ric Lansing kidnapped me and trapped me in a mineshaft to get leverage on my brother .
Coleman : You know , it just so happens that I m in a position to give you some leverage against Mr. Lansing .
Emily : Mind if I sit ?
Gia : No , please do , before my arbitrary , unreasonable brother sits down .
Emily : You re having a disagreement ?
Gia : Oh , let s just say I do nt like to be talked down to when I m right and he s totally wrong .
Emily : What s he wrong about ?
Gia : Zander just took a socially responsible stand and did a very good deed by stopping some dealer from selling to kids outside . Marcus charged in and attacked Zander and let the bad guy walk .
Emily : Thanks .
Gia : For what ?
Emily : It s good to see someone besides me get fired up on Zander s behalf .
Georgie : You re still here ? I thought you said you and your mom were leaving .
Kyle : I have nt seen your sister around . Is she still mad at me ?
Georgie : Is she mad at the subhuman jerk who lied about sleeping with her ? Yeah , just a little .
Coleman : I saw Fowler drug Carly s drink . He starts to hit on her , and that s when Lansing showed up and runs the guy off and that -- you know , that got my attention , so I kept watching .
Courtney : Without any attempt to help Carly , of course .
Coleman : I never said I was a boy scout .
Courtney : So , what happened next ?
Coleman : So Carly takes out her cell phone and tries to call Jason to come get her . Lansing grabs the phone away and says , no , he ll drive her home . And it just did nt -- you know , it just did nt feel right , so I -- I decide to follow them in case another opportunity arose , and sure enough , he drives her to a nearby motel , right ? They check into a room . And I m watching this whole thing through the window , and they talk back and forth a little bit . Carly starts to leave , and Lansing wo nt let her . He holds her down till she passes out . Then he completely undresses her and puts her in the bed .
Courtney : And rapes her while you watch ?
Coleman : I m not a fan of rape , ok ? I start to call 911 , I realize he was nt even -- he was nt going to touch her . In fact , he pulls up a chair , he kicks up his feet , and he dozes till the next morning . Then he gets undressed and crawls into the bed next to her .
Courtney : Why did nt you help Carly ?
Coleman : Because I had the chance to squeeze some dough out of Ric . I mean , so I just walked into the motel room and told him I saw the whole thing .
Courtney : And he paid you ?
Coleman : Oh , he met my price without an argument .
Courtney : Do you have any idea what you put Carly through ? She thought that she had been raped .
Coleman : What are you complaining about ? Huh ? This information is yours . You can do whatever you want with it .
Sonny : Now , I thought I told you not to go off by yourself , and then you did it again . Why d you do that ?
Michael : I m sorry . I m sorry .
Sonny : Ok . I accept your apology . But I m going to have to take your baseball glove away for a week .
Michael : A week ?
Sonny : Yep , a week . That way you do nt do it again . Do you understand what I m saying ?
Michael : Yeah .
Sonny : Ok .
Carly : All right , I m running upstairs because it s almost time for your swim lesson . I m going to get your stuff .
Michael : Ok .
Sonny : All right . Now , if you ever want to see A.J. or any of the Quartermaines , all you got to do is come to me and I ll arrange it .
Michael : Ok . I was only trying to tell A.J. I m not stolen .
Sonny : Well , I m glad you understand that .
Michael : Mommy explained it .
Sonny : Ok . Well , all you got to do is come to me with any question -- or your mother -- and we ll answer it . We ll always tell you the truth .
Michael : Ok .
Sonny : Ok .
Michael : Mommy says you love me even though we re not connected by biological . But the new baby is . Will you love the new baby more than me ?
Sonny : Michael , I ca nt -- I would nt love anybody more than you . And when the new baby is born , I ll love you both the same . Your mom and I -- you know , we re going to love you , take care of you . You know , we ll do everything for you . And we ll do the same for the new baby . Because you know what family means , right ? Family ? You know , family means that we take care of each other . Right ?
Michael : Is it fun to have a baby brother or sister ?
Sonny : Is it fun ? Oh , it s a ton of fun . You know what I mean ? Because , you know , a brother has to take care of the other brother , and a big brother always looks out for a little brother .
Michael : Or sister .
Sonny : Right .
Carly : Hey , you .
Sonny : Right .
Sonny : Oh , go ahead . Come on . Bring your --
Carly : Hey , Mike .
Mike : Hey , honey .
Carly : How are you ?
Mike : I m all right . Ooh , look at that . Look at this , look at this .
Carly : Hey , I wish we could stay and catch up , but we got to get Michael over to the swimming lesson .
Mike : Ok , well , I guess I ll see you later , Michael .
Michael : Ok .
Mike : Ok ?
Michael : Ok .
Carly : I m going to stop off at the hospital and I ll see Courtney after his lesson .
Sonny : All right .
Carly : Leticia will get him , ok ?
Sonny : All right . Mike -- hey , hey , hey . Do nt forget what I told you .
Michael : Ok .
Sonny : All right .
Michael : Bye , Dad .
Carly : See you .
Sonny : Bye .
Carly : Bye - bye .
Mike : See you . Whew . Well , I have nt heard from you in quite a while .
Sonny : Yeah . What do you know about the man that my mother used to work for ? Trevor Lansing ?
Ric : I know I m going to feel a terrible loss when you walk out that door .
Elizabeth : When we were together , you -- you were so thoughtful and perceptive and caring . You listened to me .
Ric : Yeah , and then I would walk out that door and I would do things that you ca nt even imagine . Elizabeth , I never raped , but I lied . And I threatened and I kidnapped somebody . I did things that I hate to stop a man that I hate .
Elizabeth : Instead of living a life that would ve honored your mother , you devoted your life to revenge and gave up your chance at happiness for nothing . You did nt destroy Sonny . You became just like him .
Kyle : Are you ever going to let this thing with Maxie drop ?
Georgie : You lied about sleeping with her .
Kyle : We had a miscommunication . No big deal .
Dillon : Yeah , but possession of an illegal substance is . I saw you buying from your dealer outside .
Kyle : What are you , a narc ?
Dillon : No . But there s a cop at the counter . You re probably dumb enough to still have the drugs on you . All I have to do is talk a little bit louder and you re busted , so you tell me -- you up for a one - way ride to the police station ?
Kyle : I m out of here . Let s go .
Georgie : That was amazing .
Dillon : Yeah , actually , it was Heartbreak Kid , 1978 .
Georgie : You are so weird , but in a good way .
Gia : You know , when I first met Zander , I could nt stand him .
Emily : You and virtually all my family and friends .
Gia : You know , this may sound kind of strange , but the thing that touches me the most about him is the way he talks about you . He loves you so completely , with all his heart , and it s forever .
Emily : I m incredibly lucky .
Alan : I just came from Emily s room . She s not there .
Monica : I know . I m wondering if she has nt left the hospital .
Zander : Hey , Dr. Quartermaine .
Alan : When was the last time you saw Emily ?
Zander : She s not in the hospital ?
Alan : Does she know any of your friends that deal in drugs ? Is it possible she went out to try to score ?
Monica : If Emily has left , it s because she s terrified of the treatment that she s facing .
Sonny : So my mother never said anything about working for her boss ?
Mike : I was in and out of town . I mean , we were newly divorced , so we stuck to all the safe subjects -- you know , the weather , how much you had grown .
Sonny : She liked him . He let us use the house on Martha s Vineyard .
Mike : Oh , yeah , yeah , I remember that . I called Adela and said I wanted to stop by to see you , and she said that her boss was loaning her the summer house and she was taking you to the beach , yeah .
Sonny : Did nt seem strange to you ?
Mike : Michael , where are you going with this ?
Sonny : His name was Lansing . Trevor Lansing .
Mike : Yeah .
Sonny : Ric Lansing ? The man who s been trying to destroy me ?
Mike : Now wait a minute . Are you saying that Ric Lansing is Trevor Lansing s son ?
Sonny : Well , the way he says it , he s Adela s son , my brother .
Mike : No , that s impossible .
Sonny : Ok , is that what you know or is that what you want to believe ?
Mike : Your mother never would ve had an affair with anybody . She would never have done --
Sonny : I know . She would ve never slept -- she would ve never slept with her boss , let alone give up her son . But let me tell you something . He knew things about her , about me , that he would ve never known unless he knew the truth . So think , Mike . Was my mother pregnant that summer ?
Mike : I do nt know .
Sonny : Was she happy ? Did she tell you she had a chance at a decent life ?
Mike : She said she was taking you to Martha s Vineyard , that her boss gave her the house for the summer . That s all I know ! Wait a minute . I went to San Francisco , and when I got back I found Adela had been in the hospital . And nobody would tell me why .
Sonny : Trevor Lansing was going to marry her . There was an accident . She fell . She lost her chance at a great life , a baby , a house on Martha s Vineyard . So she went back , and that s where she met Deke . Now , I have always wondered why she married that bastard . Now I know why . She lost her chance at a great life , and unfortunately , it was because of me .
Carly : Hello , Ric .
Ric : Well , I imagine this is nt a social call .
Carly : Well , I ve got a few questions , and you seem to be the only one who can answer them .
Ric : I ll see what I can do . Come in . Would you like a drink ?
Carly : Yeah , I ll have some water .
Ric : Coming right up .
Carly : So , is this the house ?
Ric : Yep . I spent ever summer there , even the one before I was born . Here you go .
Carly : Well , that was some dramatic scene you set up for Sonny -- luring him there , plotting to kill him . Things did nt quite work out the way you d planned , did they , Ric ?
Ric : That s debatable .
Carly : Well , you wanted revenge , and that s a tricky thing because sometimes it has a way of backfiring on you .
Ric : Yeah , I have to agree with you there since I m the one who got shot , beaten up , and threatened with my own life . All Sonny had to do was confront the truth , and he got away clean , as usual .
Carly : Well , not everyone got away so clean .
Ric : What , you ? Courtney ? You re both fine .
Carly : You raped me , Ric . You blackmailed me . I have a question -- what is your definition of fine ?
Ric : Wait -- wait a minute , Carly , did Sonny ever tell you ? I did not rape you .
Carly : I have no physical damage ? Oh , you know what , I heard that , Ric , and tomorrow , if it suits your agenda , we ll have a different version of what happened .
Ric : Look , I -- look , I took your clothes off , all right ? I put you in bed . I slept in a chair . It was harmless .
Carly : Not to me , it was nt .
Ric : Oh -- oh --
Carly : You ok there , Ric ?
Ric : What did you do ?
Carly : Oh , I drugged you . But do nt worry , Ric . It s harmless .
Alan : Monica s right . Emily is probably so overwhelmed at the idea of going into drug rehab ; she just needs to be alone for a while .
Zander : Maybe I should call Jake s and see if she went there looking --
Alan : No , no , no , you ve done enough .
Monica : There she is .
Alan : Hey . We were so worried about you .
Emily : I just needed to take a walk .
Alan : Well , I ca nt say I blame you .
Monica : Look , Emily , if you feel pressured by all of this , just let us know .
Alan : Honey , Zander has nt given you a minute to yourself --
Emily : No , Zander s concerned for me , Dad . He wants to help me get well .
Zander : That s right . We re in this together .
Emily : But mom and dad are right . I have been feeling pressured . It s not your fault . It s just I m sort of on overload .
Zander : What are you saying ?
Emily : Zander , please do nt take this the wrong way , but I really need you to back off and give me some room .
Lucas : Hey , Georgie . Why do nt you come sit with me ?
Dillon : We re in the middle of a conversation , Lucas .
Lucas : And now it s over , Dillon .
Dillon : Yeah , well , I think that s her decision , not yours .
Lucas : He does nt even know you .
Georgie : Oh , ok . Look , Dillon was by himself . I came to him . Besides , he did me a huge favor . Kyle came in , he caused some trouble , and Dillon ran him off .
Dillon : Yeah , well , he did nt get too far .
Kyle : No pressure or anything . I totally understand if you do nt want to come .
Maxie : I probably do nt .
Kyle : Look , Maxie , I know you hate my guts . I would , too , if I were you . All I can do is say I m sorry . I was an idiot . I hope you give me a second chance . I mean , you re a really cool girl , and maybe we could be friends .
Maxie : I have to go inside .
Kyle : So you ll think about my party ?
Maxie : I think about a lot of things .
Georgie : What did Kyle want ?
Maxie : Nothing .
Georgie : It took him a long time to say nothing .
Maxie : He was just apologizing .
Man : How d you do with Maxie ?
Second man : She blew you off , right ?
Kyle : Not a chance . Maxie will be at my party , and when I sleep with her , each of you owe me 100 bucks .
Man : Only if you get it on the web cam .
Kyle : No problem .
Sonny : What are you trying to do ?
Courtney : I m trying to get dressed . Could you hand me my clothes and wait outside ?
Sonny : No , no . Get back in that bed . You need to take it easy .
Courtney : Sonny , Carly was nt raped .
Sonny : Ric told you that ?
Courtney : No , no , I have nt seen Ric . But I have proof from an independent source .
Sonny : Who s that ?
Courtney : Coleman . Look , he followed Ric when he took Carly out of Jake s . He saw the whole thing , Sonny . It was a setup . Ric -- he may be sick and twisted , but he s not a rapist . He never had sex with Carly .
Ric : What -- what s going -- hey , what the hell --
Carly : Hey !
Ric : What are you doing ?
Carly : Shut up !
Ric : No --
Carly : Shut up before I tape your mouth , Ric .
Ric : No , you ca nt do this .
Carly : Really ? I think I already did .
Ric : All right , look , let s -- let s just calm down , ok , Carly ? You re going to untie me , and we ll forget this ever happened , ok ?
Carly : Oh , I see , like I m supposed to forget that you ever raped me ? That you ever put Courtney in a mineshaft ? That you ever tried to destroy Sonny ? Is that it ?
Ric : No , I told you , I did nt rape -- look , you re all fine . Nobody s hurt . Everything --
Carly : You know , Ric , just shut up ! Shut up ! I ca nt believe you re Sonny s half brother . I mean , I suppose there s some vague resemblance . But you are completely opposite in the way that you think , speak , react . I guess I see a little bit in the eyes . But Sonny s eyes are beautiful . They re like a window to his soul . Your eyes , on the other hand , are kind of empty because you -- you ve got no soul .
Emily : It ll be easier for me if we re not together .
Zander : Why are you really doing this , Emily ?
Elizabeth : All Ric has wanted from day one is revenge against his brother , Sonny .
Courtney : He lied about having sex with her .
Sonny : Ric told me the same story .
Courtney : Does Carly know ?
Carly : It will be like you were never , ever born .
### Summary:
| Carly took Sonny s gone when Sonny was nt around to stop her . She tied him up , and said she would kill him . Elizabeth told Ric she would nt forgive him because he lied to her over and over about Sonny . Scott and Ric made a deal about Sonny . He would help Scott destroy Sonny , and then Scott would nt arrest him for anything he did that had been illegal . Coleman kept helping Courtney find out information about Ric . He told her that he had proof that Ric and Carly never slept together . She later told Sonny that Coleman had gotten that proof for her . At Kelly s , Kyle and his friends showed up and continued their comments about Maxie . Kyle made a bet that he could get Maxie to sleep with him . Dillion was also there and he kicked Kyle out . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lily : Get out !
Dusty : You do nt even know why I m here .
Lily : Oh , I heard what you said . I should nt be crying in the wake of Rose s death . I should be singing and dancing and having fun --
Dusty : Will you just hear me out , all right ?
Lily : No ! I m so sick of everyone telling me how I should be feeling now that Rose is dead . Whatever you re offering me here , I do nt want to hear it . I ve heard it before . Whether it s your ear , your pity , your shoulder to cry on . I do nt want it ! Just get out ! And leave me alone ! Now !
Dusty : Close the door .
Lily : Not until you re on the other side of it .
Dusty : Who are you to kick me out of Rose s house ? Tell me ?
Lily : This is my property . I own this house .
Dusty : Rose is your property ? Your pain ? Your suffering ? Your loss ? You think you re the only one that ca nt sleep at night ? I think -- I think all the time about her , you understand ? I mean , when I finally do get to sleep , I dream about her , too .
Lily : And when you wake up , who s next to you ? Molly ? Jennifer ?
Dusty : Nonsense , that s over and you know it .
Lily : But Rose was my sister , my twin sister . To you , she was nothing but another notch on your belt !
Dusty : To me , she was everything ! She was sexy -- she was -- she was my friend . Dammit ! I m sorry . I m sorry . It s okay . It s okay . Is nt it ? Is nt it ?
Lily : She left me , Dusty . She left me here !
Dusty : She did nt leave you by choice . You know that .
Lily : After she died , I could feel her , I could feel her ! I could actually see her ! Now , there s nothing . I do nt know where she is . I ca nt find her ! I need to find her ! I need to find her . I need a way to find her !
Dusty : I know a way . I think I know a way .
Craig : Rosanna -- what are you doing here ?
Annabelle : This is what you get for selling me out ! You want to know what he did ? I ll tell you .
Jack : You keep your mouth shut .
Craig : Rosanna , I ll take care of everything .
Rosanna : What s there to take care of ? Why did she say that we should tell our baby good - bye ?
Craig : She s nuts . There s been a little misunderstanding . That s all .
Rosanna : Is what she said true ?
Craig : There s been a little problem with Cabot s adoption .
Rosanna : You promised . You swore !
Craig : I know , I know ! Look , I trusted her . We all trusted her .
Annabelle : I m not taking this rap alone ! He knew from the start ! He knew everything ! You laid down a truckload of money to get that baby . No way did you think it was legal !
Craig : We have a contract .
Rosanna : Wait , wait , wait . Stop , stop , stop . Talk to me . Talk to me . Talk to me . Tell me . Is what she saying true ? What have you done ?
Margo : I would have been here a lot sooner if you d just picked up that phone of yours . Where s Katie ? Do nt mess with me , Mike . Where is my sister ?
Mike : She took off a little while ago looking for Simon .
Margo : And you just let her go ?
Mike : I m hoping that by the time she gets there , he ll be long gone .
Katie : Simon ! Simon ! No , no , no ! You ca nt be gone ! Simon , you ca nt do this to me again ! Please , you ca nt !
Simon : You re right , I ca nt .
Sarah : Did you see Bonnie ?
Jessica : Well , hello to you , too .
Sarah : Sorry , it s just --
Jessica : Yes , I did see Vonnie .
Sarah : Okay . Ben s parking the car , and I just thought , you know , he ll be here any minute . I just wanted to know , did you give her my letter ?
Jessica : I said I would , did nt I ?
Sarah : Well , did she open it right away ? What did she say ?
Jessica : She is very happy that you re staying with Ben and me , and she s very pleased that you re doing well . Hi .
Ben : Hey . I missed you .
Jessica : Really ? I was nt even gone overnight .
Ben : Well , I still missed you .
Jessica : Bonnie sends her love . And Sarah and I were just talking about that .
Ben : Oh , well , do nt let me stop you .
Sarah : Well , it s just girl stuff . It can wait until later , right , Jessica ?
Jessica : Absolutely . So how was your day , honey ?
Ben : It was long , and -- and I m very hungry . So , Sarah , why do nt you see when Curtis is due for a break ? Maybe he can join us for dinner .
Sarah : Okay .
Ben : You lied to Sarah about that letter . Did nt you ?
Lucinda : Well , darling , if you re going to stand outside in the freezing cold , well , you better -- you better have this . Okay . All right , that s better .
Holden : Thank you .
Lucinda : You re welcome .
Holden : How are the kids ?
Lucinda : Oh , fine . Emma s getting them ready for bed . Everything s fine . Now , I know you re -- or I imagine that you re probably beating up on yourself right now , but I think having Dusty talk to Lily , it was a good idea .
Holden : Because it was your idea ?
Lucinda : We had to do something .
Holden : I just wish we had done something else . I do nt trust that guy .
Lucinda : Darling , with Lily reaching the point where she s hiring fake psychics to bring Rose back from the dead , I mean , what the hell harm can Dusty do to her ? !
Holden : Dusty has a way of screwing things up .
Lucinda : Okay . Well , what did you ask him to do ?
Holden : I asked him to be her friend . I asked him to just be there for her , to talk to her .
Lucinda : You are such a hero . You re a veritable hero . I know , we know that you wish that she would come to you .
Holden : I keep waiting for the moment when Lily finally comes running , when she finally says to me , Holden , I need you to help me get through Rose s death . But instead , the best I can do to help my wife is to send her to Dusty Donovan .
Lily : So this is what s supposed to help me over the death of my sister ? Some foundation ?
Dusty : That s the insurance money I got from Rose s death . What else am I gon na do with it ?
Lily : What do you need me for ? You wanna start a foundation , go for it .
Dusty : I need your help .
Lily : Oh , I got it . This is the plan . This is my distraction . Hmm ?
Dusty : I like you so much . But if you think I m prepared to work my tail off to put you through therapy -- I m doing this for Rose .
Lily : You do nt need me . You re a businessman . You know how to raise money , put people together .
Dusty : I think you know that the success for this kind of thing depends on someone like you who is a good socialite . You know , this is your expertise . It s not mine .
Lily : Please . Thank you so much for that idea . That s great . I do nt have time .
Dusty : Oh , yeah , what are you doing instead ? You re hanging out here in your shrine to Rose . You can go down to the beauty shop , maybe hope she shows up or something ?
Lily : I thought you understood --
Dusty : I do understand ! I think we should both understand -- that we got ta stop pretending like she does nt exist anymore . And if we re gon na spend time missing her , let s make it count .
Lily : What are you talking about ? Building soup kitchens and after - school programs ? That s gon na help me get over my sister s death ?
Dusty : Who is your grief for anyway ? ! You ? ! Rose ? You do nt think I wanna go back ? If I could have one moment with her , to hold her , to -- there can be no wallowing . You understand ? That was nt what she was about . It s not what we re about . It s not an option . We got ta do what she would have done .
Lily : If I had been the one that died , do you see Rose running out opening up a hospital ?
Dusty : No , she probably would ve opened up a cheesy mall or something . Who cares ? It does nt matter . She would ve had strength to move on , to rise above . That s what we got ta do .
Margo : You booked passage for Simon on a supply ship ?
Mike : Yeah .
Margo : Why ? Because now , suddenly , do you trust the guy ?
Mike : As long as he stays out of town and leaves her behind , that guy s my new best friend .
Margo : What time does the boat leave ?
Mike : Within the hour .
Margo : What pier ?
Mike : Where are you going ?
Margo : Well , I m going to arrest Simon for staging that shootout in the church . At least then if I have him in protective custody , at least I can keep him safe .
Mike : But he s leaving .
Margo : And so is Katie . She s going to chase after him ! What other way do I have to protect my sister ? Where is he ?
Mike : She s okay , she s safe . I promise you , he will not take her . You ve got ta let Simon go , Margo .
Katie : Thank God I got here on time . I thought I was too late . I thought the ship had already left .
Intercom : All passengers to pier three for boarding .
Katie : Hurry , get someone to open this gate for me . I got ta get in here .
Simon : I ca nt do that .
Katie : Right , we do nt wanna call attention . See if you can pick this lock . Honey , you can do this . We just have to hurry . We do nt have much time !
Simon : You ca nt come with me .
Katie : But you just said that you wanted --
Simon : What I said was -- I meant I could nt leave without saying good - bye .
Katie : No . No , there s gon na be no more good - byes tonight . Please , Simon , please ! You have to let me come with you .
Simon : It s impossible .
Katie : I m not gon na let you go alone . You re so tired from being on the run . You ve been making mistakes . You said so yourself . Please , do nt tell me I ca nt come with you . I have to !
Simon : You are only going to slow me down .
Katie : No , do nt do this . Please do nt do this to me again . Simon , please .
Simon : We only have a few minutes left before I have to leave . Please , let s not spend it arguing . Mike and I talked about this . This is the best way .
Katie : You and Mike talked about this ? What about me ? What about what I think , what I want ?
Simon : What are you doing ?
Katie : I m climbing over this fence because I m coming with you !
Rosanna : How much did you pay that woman for her baby ?
Craig : What does that matter ?
Rosanna : Just how much ? Was it 40,000 ? 100,000 ? A million ?
Craig : Who cares ? ! Why money ?
Rosanna : Because the amount would have been a clue . It would have been a tip- off . If you had to pay an exorbitant amount to get a baby , then you would have known . You would have known more than anyone that something was shady . So how much did you pay ?
Craig : Nothing mattered except bringing home a baby to you . All right , I was desperate .
Rosanna : What ? Desperate enough to steal a child ?
Craig : No ! No ! No ! Look , so what if the documentation was a little messy , so what if it cost a little more . You were counting on me .
Rosanna : No , do nt blame this on me . I wanted a baby . I wanted a baby more than anything ! That s why I was willing to start a process that was legal . A process that you did everything in your power to disrupt ! I mean , if I remember , the only reason you were so desperate to get a baby was to get yourself out of hot water with me . You knew if you came back to Oakdale and you put a baby in my arms that you d be back in my good graces .
Craig : That s right . That s right . But I never knew there would be these kind of problems .
Rosanna : I am such an idiot . I do nt believe that you could practically walk in the door with this beautiful , perfect little thing , without any investigations or interviews or waiting period . But I asked you ? I asked you ? ! I begged you ? ! I made you promise me that everything was in order and you promised me !
Craig : I did nt know .
Rosanna : You named him Cabot Montgomery ! You put our names together on that baby ! On that perfect , beautiful little thing ! It was ours ! Our names , our baby , our -- he was all wrapped up with him . His smile . His eyes , his perfect little hands and fingers .
Craig : We re not gon na lose him .
Rosanna : We ve lost him ! We do nt have any choice ! And it s because of you !
Craig : I did nt know .
Rosanna : You had to have known . The only question is when you figured it out . When was it ? When you paid the money ? When Annabelle came wondering around , was she blackmailing you ? When the medical records did nt match , was that when you knew ? When did you figure it out ?
Craig : Well , look , look , sure , I had doubts about Annabelle Fettle . Who would nt ? But we have paper . He s our son . He is our son . Listen , I do nt even know the moment that happened . But I ca nt even conceive him being with anybody else . He is ours .
Rosanna : He was .
Craig : No , no , no , no , no . We are not gon na lose him . I am gon na fix this , and we will be a family .
Rosanna : Do nt , do nt , do nt . Do nt ever touch me again .
Holden : How did I let myself get talked into this ? Dusty is part of the problem . He has his own sick obsession with Rose . You put Dusty and Lily together , who knows what might happen ? Dusty might push her farther over the edge .
Lucinda : Am I hearing jealousy ?
Holden : Yeah , maybe you are . So what ? Am I out of line to want my wife to need me instead of that --
Lucinda : She loves only you .
Holden : Yeah . I keep telling myself that . And I ll tell you something -- I loved Rose very much . But right now , I hate her for dying and taking my wife with her .
Lucinda : Where are you going ?
Holden : I m going to get my wife and bring her home .
Lily : I m just so tired of everyone trying to fix me -- my mother , my husband , even my children . Those babies draw me these beautiful pictures , trying to make me happy . They talk softly around the house , hoping that I wo nt start crying again .
Dusty : They need you .
Lily : I know . And I want that back . Maybe that s it . Maybe I m not looking for Rose . Maybe I m just trying to find myself again . I just wanna be Holden s wife . I wanna be the children s mother . I just ca nt do it !
Dusty : Why do nt you work with me ?
Lily : Would you stop with this foundation ? Do nt you hear what I m trying to say ? I do nt want it !
Dusty : What do you want ? What is it ? What do you want ?
Lily : I do nt wanna feel this anymore . I do nt wanna feel the grief and the memories and why I spent most of my life not even knowing Rose existed . I want that back . I want her -- I do nt want this . I do nt want this tacky necklace and her boxes and all her horrible makeup . And if you have this foundation with her picture on it and at the top of every letterhead , I ca nt deal with that , no !
Dusty : You wanna forget about her ?
Lily : Maybe I should burn all of her things . Maybe that will help me feel that she never existed in my life . Maybe then I ll have a little peace !
Dusty : Okay . You got it .
Lily : Dusty ? Dusty -- what are you doing ? Where -- where are you going ? Dusty , wait !
Dusty : You wanna do the honors ? This is what you want , right ? You wanna get her out of your mind ? Out of your life forever ? Are you ready ? Go ahead .
Lily : Put those things back inside . Go back inside .
Dusty : I want you to do it . I want you to do it . Huh ? If it s gon na make you more at peace , let s do it .
Lily : No . No , Dusty , no , please !
Dusty : These are all her things . This is a reminder of your twin sister , and if we get rid of it , it s gon na be like she never lived . And that s what you want .
Lily : No , Dusty , do nt ! Do nt destroy her things ! Do nt !
Dusty : That s more like it .
Mike : By the time she gets to the dock , Simon will be onboard .
Margo : You really think this is what s good for her ? Having to spend the rest of her life wondering whether those thugs are gon na catch up with Simon , whether they re gon na someday shoot him ? You think that s the best way for her to spend the rest of her life ?
Mike : No , but it was the only thing we could do to make her stay here , the only thing that would keep her safe , all right .
Margo : Good , good , she s gon na stay here in town . But can I tell you something , Mike ?
Mike : What ?
Margo : She certainly is not gon na stay with you .
Mike : Well , that s a chance I m gon na have to take , is nt it ?
Simon : Get down from there . Listen to me . Look at me . I love you . And I want you to be happy . But if you come with me , all you re gon na be is a fugitive . I m sorry it s taken me so long to face that fact , but now that I have , you ca nt come with me . I wo nt allow it .
Katie : Simon , I ll follow you . I ll get on a plane , and I will be there when you get off the boat .
Simon : I ll get off the boat somewhere you wo nt be able to find me .
Katie : No . I ll find you . I ve found you before , and I ll do it again .
Simon : But before , I was always looking over my shoulder , longing for you . But this time , I m not turning back .
Katie : You said life was nt worth living without me , and it s not worth living without you either . Please !
Ben : The judge ordered that there was to be no contact between Sarah and Bonnie . No contact .
Jessica : And there has nt .
Ben : But you made Sarah believe that you guys are somehow getting away with the judge s ruling . Aw , man , this is jacked up all the way around . Oh , what a tangled web we weave , when first , we lie to Sarah about delivering the letter . Then you have to lie about Bonnie s reaction . Then you got ta lie about some kinda response to the letter . I mean , there s no way you can keep it up , Jess . It s doomed . You need to just tell Sarah the truth .
Jessica : I ca nt .
Ben : All right . I ll tell her .
Dusty : You do nt want to destroy your sister s memory , you re just -- you re angry . Cause she left you behind . There was nt a bright color that she did nt love .
Lily : So -- a foundation ?
Dusty : You got ta understand something . I need to do something for Rose . You ve got ta build something . Something she would love , put her stamp on it . Remind people , you know ? Who she really was .
Lily : It would kinda be like Rose s name in lights . You know , she would like that .
Dusty : Yes . Tell me that you re going to help me .
Lily : Oh , I -- I do nt know . I do nt know .
Dusty : Please .
Lily : Maybe .
Holden : I was out for a walk . And I thought I heard you screaming , Lily . So , I -- is everything all right ?
Lily : You two did set this up . Did nt you ? Did nt you ?
Holden : Yeah . Did it help ?
Lily : Oh , yes . Yes , Holden , you are my hero . First you prove that that psychic I found was a fake . And now , you ve shown me there are two other people in this world that I can not trust . I m going to put Rose s things away . And then I want you to go . Both of you go !
Craig : Now , Rosanna , we can keep Cabot . There is always a way . But we have to stand together on this . All right ?
Rosanna : You want to stand together ? To do what ? Talk ? I have nothing left to say to you . Be happy ? How ? You wanna -- you wanna love each other ? I have no love left for you .
Craig : Rosanna -- Rosanna !
Jack : Inspector Filloux has some questions for you . Come with me .
Katie : If you were just going to leave again like this , why did you bother coming back in the first place ? Why did nt you just keep letting me think you were dead ?
Simon : I missed you so much . I talked myself into thinking I could keep you safe and still be with you . But I was wrong .
Katie : I m stronger than you think . I m stronger that you give me credit for .
Simon : I do nt underestimate you , Katie Frasier . You re stronger than any ten men I know . You re love is fierce and never quits . That s why I chose you as the one person who I could spend every single day with for the rest of my life .
Katie : If you can love me like that , then how can you just leave like this ?
Simon : Loving you like that ? How can I risk you ?
Katie : Please , Simon -- please let me go with you . Please ! Please !
Simon : I would do anything in the world for you , but leaving the safety of family and your home , I just ca nt do that .
Katie : So you re just going to leave me here ?
Simon : I messed up big time , Katie . I ve messed up big time . I want you to move on with you re life . I want you to be happy .
Katie : I made love to you . I chose you . That s what I m trying to get you to understand . I understand what I m leaving . I understand what I m giving up . I understand the danger . I made that choice already . So , please , please , we belong together . You said life was nt worth living without me . And it s not worth living without you , either . Please !
Simon : Katie --
Katie : We ll find a place to live . We ll build our cottage there . We will have our children there . We can do this , Simon , I know it . We can be happy again . We can make a life .
Simon : Someday -- you ll understand .
Katie : No , Simon ! Stop right there , damn it ! I am not finished with you . You need to understand something . When I thought you were dead , and you had no choice in leaving me , I could have loved you forever . But if you leave me right now when I am begging you not to , I swear I will hate you forever . Do you hear me ? I will hate you , I swear !
Jessica : I have this under control , sweetheart . Look , as far as Sarah s concerned , she does nt even know you know about the letter .
Ben : It s another lie .
Jessica : Look , I visited my baby today in her so - called minimum security prison . This intelligent , beautiful girl is locked up in a prison cell . And she jokes about her lack of wardrobe . And she seems excited about the tutoring that she s doing . But she s still in jail . And every time I go to see her , she s just a little bit more guarded , a little bit more distant and --
Ben : I m sorry about Bonnie .
Jessica : When Bonnie asks me about what s happening at home , I just tell her everything s okay . Because that s all she needs to know . And I m doing the same thing for Sarah . I m telling her what she needs to hear so she does nt worry about things she ca nt change . Please , sweetheart , I can handle this . Sarah will never know .
Dusty : You know , everything I said about Rose and about the foundation -- it s all true .
Lily : Except you left out the part about Holden putting you up to it . Where is Holden ? Is he outside , listening in ? Making sure the intervention goes right this time ?
Dusty : What s wrong with you ? People are worried about you . What s so awful about that ? What s wrong ? You know , to me , this check , this money -- it s not an accident . And you said -- did nt you tell me that you ve been praying for some contact with Rose ? I think this is it . I think she s trying to help us learn to live without her .
Lily : That s something that I m going to have to figure out on my own .
Holden : How bout I walk you home .
Lily : How could you do that ? How could you go to Dusty behind my back ? You can not manipulate my feelings to what s convenient for you .
Holden : That s not the way I saw it .
Lily : What did you think you were doing ?
Holden : The same thing that I ve been doing for half my life . Loving you .
Carly : Momma is going to be right back , sweetheart , I promise you . Ah ! And there she is now . I told you . Say hi to Mom .
Rosanna : Give me the baby .
Carly : Hey , hey . What s going on , Rosanna ? What happened ?
Rosanna : Wait right here . Do nt go anywhere , I will be
Carly : Rosanna -- Rosanna , what happened ? [ Cell phone rings ] Hello ?
Jack : Has Rosanna showed up at Fairwinds yet ?
Carly : Yeah , she just got here , Jack . She s beyond upset .
Jack : And where s the baby ?
Carly : I have him . I m holding him right now .
Jack : That s good . Listen , stay there . I ll be right over , okay ?
Carly : Jack , is this about the adoption ?
Jack : It s as bad as we thought . The kid was stolen , nothing s legal .
Carly : Does Rosanna know ?
Jack : Yeah , she knows everything .
Carly : Oh , God , Jack -- oh , no . What s going to happen , now ?
Jack : I m not sure . Listen , I ll be right over . But whatever you do , do not let Rosanna leave with that child .
Ben : I wo nt tell Sarah .
Jessica : Thank you .
Ben : But you re wrong when you say that I m not part of this betrayal . Because every day that I do nt tell Sarah the truth , it s like I m lying to her just as much as you are .
Sarah : Hey , what s wrong ?
Jessica : Nothing . So , what are we going to eat for dinner ?
Curtis : The special s good tonight . What are you in the mood for , Dad ? Dad ?
Ben : I m sorry . Ah -- whatever . I m not really that hungry .
Sarah : Did you guys get into a fight or something ?
Curtis : Are you kidding ? They never fight . Right , guys ?
Jessica : Right . We re just two very strong - willed people who agreed to disagree about something . Right ? So , what about that food ?
Dusty : What s the matter with you , you do nt trust me ? A few more minutes , I could have gotten through to her .
Holden : Maybe . Maybe not .
Dusty : What do you care about more ? Lily ? Or keeping Lily away from me ?
Holden : I care more about Lily . Which is why I want you to try again .
Dusty : Try again ? I do nt think so . You heard her . She s done with me . Forget it .
Holden : You just said that you almost got through to her .
Dusty : Until you blew the shot by walking through the door , guy !
Holden : My mistake . But Lily needs help .
Dusty : Well , she s got ta get help someplace else , all right ?
Holden : Look , if you loved Rose as much as you say you did --
Dusty : Do nt try to guilt me into this , Holden !
Holden : I ll do whatever it takes to get my wife back . And Rose would want you to help .
Dusty : Rose is dead ! And I m sorry . I ca nt help you . You re on your own , all right ?
Simon : I can live with you hating me more than I could live with getting you killed .
Dock voice : Last call . All aboard .
Simon : I ll never forget .
Katie : And I will never forget what you just did to me . I will never forget what a liar you are .
Simon : You re right . I am . I m a liar and I m a loser who only truly loved one person in his entire life . You .
Katie : No , please , Simon , do nt ! Please , Simon , do nt leave ! Just do nt go ! Simon , please , do nt go ! Oh God , please , do nt go !
Filloux : Do you have anything to add , Mr. Montgomery ?
Craig : Are you sure the baby was taken ? Have you contacted the parents ?
Filloux : Not as of yet .
Craig : Well , maybe this adoption was nt entirely legal , but maybe it was necessary . Maybe something this was something the mother wants .
Filloux : Ms. Fettle has confirmed that your baby was stolen .
Craig : Inspector , Ms. Fettle -- Ms. Fettle is one mai tai short of rehab , you know what I mean ? Huh ? She s delusional . She thinks I set her up . She s going to say anything to get back at me . But this baby needs a loving home . And with us , he has it . He s going to have everything life has to offer .
Filloux : Your baby is a Canadian citizen . I doubt that you could actually --
Craig : Yeah , but surely there s something we can do ! Maybe the mother is open to some kind of compensation . And , I can tell you , my wife and I would be deeply grateful to anyone who might facilitate such compensation .
Filloux : As it stands , there are no charges filed against you , Mr. Montgomery . I d hate to have to arrest you for bribing a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police .
Craig : No -- no disrespect , inspector . But , still --
Filloux : This is out of my hands . The baby must be returned to Canada immediately and properly identified so he can be returned to his parents .
Rosanna : Hi . Sorry about that . I have to make a business trip . And I have to leave right away , immediately . So -- I m going to take Cabot with me .
Carly : Rosanna , I just spoke with Jack .
Rosanna : Give me the baby . Give me the baby . We have to leave right now .
Carly : Jack told me not to give you the baby .
Rosanna : No , the baby is mine . You have no right ! Jack has no right !
Carly : If he was stolen --
Rosanna : No , he s mine ! He s mine ! If you take him away from me , I ll die ! I swear to God , I ll die ! Please , please , you have to help me ! I have to take -- we to get away right now !
Carly : Rosanna --
Rosanna : Please , give him to me ! Give him to me .
Carly : Rosanna -- I ca nt .
Next week on As the World Turns --
Woman : That s him .
Officer : Oakdale Police . You re under arrest .
Mike : He did what he had to do to keep you safe .
Katie : Congratulations , Mike . My husband s gone , are you happy ?
Rosanna : You re stalling me , I can tell . Is Jack on his way here ?
Carly : Yeah . But that does nt change the reality of the situation , Rosanna .
Rosanna : I ca nt trust you .
Carly : You can !
Rosanna : Prove it .
### Summary:
| Ben decides that he will be the one that tells the truth about the letters . Carly can see that something is terribly wrong when asked to hand over the baby . Craig has nt been charged but the baby still has to be returned to Canada . Dusty gives up on helping with the mourning process . Holden explains that all that he has been doing is loving his wife . Jack calls his wife explaining what she should nt do with the baby . Jessica explains why she has to keep lying . Katie vows to hate Simon if he leaves her this way . Lily decides to discover on her own how to live with her dead twin . Margo wants to make an arrest to save her sister . Rosanna begs and cries for her sister to hand over the baby . Sarah suspects that something is wrong with her foster parents . Simon admits that he is a liar and a loser . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : This afternoon is too late . We need to get there tonight .
Eric : Absolutely . As soon as you can .
Stephanie : Are those the officials from Fiji ?
Ridge : It s my wife and my son .
Eric : No , no , there s some kind of delay with the jet that he chartered .
Stephanie : Oh , well , did he get any calls from the F.A.A. ?
Ridge : Look , if you ca nt get me there , I have to find someone who can get me there , okay ?
Eric : No , nothing .
Ridge : All right , get back to me . Let me know . Did you get a hold of Katie and Donna ?
Eric : I left them a message to call as soon as they can .
Ridge : Yeah , I must have been upstairs when Katie left for work .
Stephanie : Well , Honey , look , Hope and Taylor and Steffy are on their way , and your brother called . He said if you want him to get on the first plane back , he will .
Ridge : No , there s -- what -- what could he do ? Oh , God , what if Brooke and Thomas are--
Eric : No .
Stephanie : Stop it . Do nt even go there .
Ridge : You re right . They re gon na be found . They re gon na be found .
Stephanie : They are not going to die .
Ridge : Thank you , Mother .
Stephanie : Did you say anything to R.J. ?
Ridge : No , I was hoping I would nt have to .
Eric : They only just started the search , Ridge . It s a big ocean out there .
Steffy : Hey , Dad .
Taylor : Hey .
Steffy : Dad , what s goin on ?
Taylor : Stephanie , what are you doing here ?
Hope : Hey , are we having a family meeting ?
Steffy : Yeah , I assume this is about Brooke and Thomas .
Ridge : Yeah , it is .
Stephanie : Have you heard something ?
Steffy : No , why ? Okay , what have they done now ?
Justin : You wanna talk about it ?
Bill : No .
Justin : Therapy did nt go well ?
Bill : No .
Justin : I m sorry , Bill . I know how much you miss your wife .
Bill : I walked out .
Justin : So what ? Is it worse than it was before ?
Bill : Well , let s see . She walked out . Then I walked out . And Katie is not returning my phone calls . I would nt exactly call that progress .
Taylor : What happened ?
Ridge : You know that Brooke and Thomas left yesterday for Australia . Last night I got a call from the F.A.A. air traffic control lost contact with the jet somewhere near Fiji .
Hope : Lost contact ?
Steffy : Wait , wait , wait . Something happened to the plane ?
Ridge : There was a storm , and it went down it crashed in the ocean .
Taylor : Oh , my God . No , no , no , no , no , no , no .
Ridge : At least , that s what the data indicates . Look , the F.A.A. started a search last night .
Eric : They have nt found anything yet .
Ridge : I ve been on the phone all night with aviation officials in Fiji .
Eric : They can only tell so much from the radar reports .
Ridge : I m going down there . I chartered a flight last night . I was supposed to leave this morning , but ...
Steffy : What ?
Taylor : I m going , too . I m going with you .
Ridge : Not many charter jets can make it all the way to Fiji , Taylor . But one will be available this afternoon .
Steffy : No , we ca nt wait . We have to go now . Dad , I already lost my sister . I m not gon na lose my brother .
Thomas : ( Coughs )
Thomas : ( Coughs ) ( Spits )
Thomas : ( Coughs )
Thomas : Brooke ? ( Coughs ) Hey . ( Sighs ) Brooke ?
Brooke : ( Moans )
Thomas : Good . Oh . That s good . ( Sighs ) You re alive . ( Coughs )
Brooke : ( Moans )
Thomas : ( Coughs )
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Thomas : ( Coughs ) ( Grunts ) ( Sighs )
Brooke : Ow . ( Sighs )
Bill : You just do nt give up , do you ?
Steffy : ( Sobs ) Oh , Bill ? Bill , Bill , I need your help .
Bill : What s wrong , Steffy ?
Steffy : Um , my brother and Brooke-- their plane crashed .
Bill : What ?
Steffy : Look , it -- it-- it happened , um , last night . They re -- they re searching in Fiji , but my dad tried to hire a plane , and they ca nt hire a plane because they do nt have something to get there , and I just-- I do nt know what else to do .
Bill : My plane can . Tell your father to get to the airport . My jet will be ready in half an hour .
Steffy : I m just -- Bill , I m just so scared right now . I do nt know what to do .
Bill : Steffy , I need you to listen to me . Call Hillary . Tell her what s going on . In the meantime , I m going to call my pilot .
Steffy : Thank you . Thank you .
Bill : Thank me after we get Brooke and Thomas home .
Steffy : Okay . ( Sniffles )
Eric : I think that s pretty much -- oh , I m gon na have to call you back . Ridge , come here . R.J.
Ridge : Hey , Pal . Movie over ?
R.J. : I need some more cereal . Stephanie , I ll get you some , Sweetheart .
Hope : You know what ? Do nt worry about it , Stephanie . You know what , R.J. ? I m kinda hungry , too . Let s go . Come on .
R.J. : What s everybody doing here ?
Ridge : Uh , you know that , uh , Mommy and Thomas went on a business trip , right ?
R.J. : Yeah . They went to Australia .
Ridge : That s right . That s right . Well , I got a call last night , and I have to go out of town as well . Your mommy and Thomas need me . Uh , you re gon na stay with your grandma and your grandpa , and I m gon na call you every night until I get back , okay ? And I ll all you when I get there as well , all right ?
R.J. : Can Mommy call me , too ?
Ridge : I m sure you ll be the first person that she wants to talk to .
Steffy : Bill s gon na give us his jet .
Stephanie : You just talked to him ?
Steffy : Yeah , we can leave right now . By the time we get to the airport , it ll be fueled up . Mom , let s go . We can get all your stuff afterwards .
Bill : Damn , voice mail again .
Justin : I called Donna , but she left her cell phone in my car this morning .
Bill : Then go get it . Maybe she ll answer if I call her from Donna s phone .
Justin : They re together . They re having brunch .
Bill : Hey , I - I want you to call the airport . Make sure we re on schedule . I called the pilot . He s already filed the flight plan . I want that jet on the tarmac fueled up and ready to go .
Justin : All right , I got ya .
Bill : ( Sighs ) Voice mail . Katie , I ... I did nt want to leave this message on-- on your voice mail , but , I ve been tying to call you . You re obviously not answering . Brooke s plane went down on the way to Sydney . I m taking Ridge and Taylor down there on my jet . If you get the message , get to the airport as fast as you can .
Thomas : ( Sighs ) Are you hurt ? ( Sighs )
Brooke : Where are we ?
Thomas : ( Sighs ) I do nt know . ( Grunts ) We need to look around . Can you stand up ? ( Grunts )
Brooke : I think so .
Thomas : ( Grunts ) Come on . No , no , no , no , no .
Brooke : Oh , oh , no .
Thomas : Take it easy . Easy . Soft .
Brooke : Okay , um , you go . I - I - Ill stay . I ll stay right here .
Thomas : Look , look , I m not leaving you . Come on . ( Grunts ) ( Coughs )
Brooke : ( Groans )
Thomas : Brooke . Brooke , a cave . ( Coughs ) Stay here . Let me check it out .
Stephanie : Oh , did you put , uh , another movie on for R.J. ?
Hope : Uh , I just told him he could play video games till his thumbs went numb .
Eric : Good .
Hope : Uh , has anyone talked to my granddad ?
Eric : Yes , Ridge called him right after he spoke to us .
Hope : Okay , um , all right , I - if either of you get in touch with my aunt Katie , will you please let her know that we re not saying anything to R.J. , you know , at least for right now ?
Eric : Of course .
Hope : Thank you for being here .
Eric : Aw , Honey . Okay .
Hope : ( Sighs ) This ca nt be real . My mom can not be out there somewhere .
Stephanie : Honey , your father will find them . He ll bring them home .
Man : Mr. Forrester , Dr. Hayes , we re taking off as soon as we get our clearance .
Ridge : Thank you .
Bill : Katie , if you get this message , you need to get to the airport right away . I am here with Ridge and Taylor . We re leaving . I want you on this plane with me . We re going to find Thomas and your sister .
Ridge : Bill , thank you .
Bill : What s the latest ?
Ridge : I m in contact with the authorities in Fiji . I m getting updates from the F.A.A. No news .
Bill : We ll find them .
Steffy : Okay , I m here . Let s go .
Ridge : Bill wants to wait for Katie .
Steffy : No . No , please . We have to find my brother . And , look , we re gon na find him alive .
Thomas : Brooke ! Come on in .
Brooke : Thomas ?
Thomas : ( Grunts ) Yeah .
Brooke : Is it-- is it safe ?
Thomas : Yeah , it s fine . Just some animal tracks .
Brooke : Oh . Oh !
Thomas : Are you okay ? Come on . Come on . Come on .
Brooke : ( Whimpering )
Thomas : Hey , hey , just sit down . Sit right here .
Brooke : Mm .
Thomas : Hey . ( Grunts )
Brooke : ( Grunts ) ( Sighs )
Thomas : Hey , look at me . Look at me .
Brooke : ( Whimpers )
Thomas : You re gon na be all right .
Brooke : Yeah . Go -- go find some help .
Thomas : You re sure you re gon na be fine ?
Brooke : Yeah .
Thomas : All right .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Brooke : Thomas , thank you . You saved my life .
Thomas : Brooke ... I m not gon na be gone very long . ( Grunts )
Brooke : Okay .
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Brooke : ( Whimpers ) ( Shivers )
Eric : Oh , good . Thank God you re here .
Katie : You said it was urgent .
Stephanie : Maybe you should sit down for a moment .
Donna : W - what s going on ?
Hope : Um , look , I dont-- I do nt know if Mom told you , but she and Thomas left for Australia yesterday .
Katie : Yeah .
Donna : Yeah , a - a - a business trip .
Eric : The plane never arrived in Sydney . The jet went down somewhere over the pacific close to Fiji .
Katie : Oh , my God . Oh , my ...
Stephanie : The search has nt turned anything up so far .
Eric : Your husband has-- has loaned Ridge and Taylor his jet . He s taking them down there . They gon na join the search .
Katie : He s -- he s been trying to call me all day . Where is my phone ? Oh , God .
Hope : Um , uh , Granddad knows . So do Bridget and Rick . They re -- they re ready to come if something happens .
Donna : ( Sobs ) Oh , my God .
Katie : H - his last call was a little while ago . ( Breathing heavily ) He wanted me to go with them . ( Sobs ) I was supposed to be on that plane . ( Sobs )
Bill : Hey .
Steffy : Thank you .
Bill : Thank me when we find them .
Taylor : Do we have any news ?
Ridge : The search boat s moved into the next grid . Still nothing .
Taylor : Why do nt they find something ?
Ridge : They ll keep searching until they do .
Taylor : How long is this flight ?
Bill : It s about ten hours .
Taylor : Ten hours ? Oh , my God , ten hours ? What if-- what if they ca nt hang on that long , Ridge ? What--
Ridge : They will . We re gon na find them , Taylor . We ll find them .
Taylor : ( Sighs ) I just do nt know why this is happening . I ve already lost a daughter . I do nt want to lose my son .
Brooke : ( Gasps ) Thomas ? Is that you ? ( Sighs ) Thank God . Did you find anybody ? Any help ?
Thomas : No . It s barren . It s just us .
Brooke : We ll look again in the morning .
Thomas : ( Sighs ) So did you happen to see anything while I was gone , any boats out there , search planes ?
Brooke : No , no . ( Sighs ) Maybe tomorrow . They ll find us tomorrow .
Thomas : Yeah .
### Summary:
| Eric and Ridge are both on the phones trying to find information on the missing plane . Stephanie assures them that Brooke and Thomas will be found . They call a family meeting to let everyone know . Ridge tells them that he has been on the phone all night looking for data from the Aviation Commission and with authorities near Fiji . He is going to be on a flight there as soon as possible . Taylor cries that she is going with him . Ridge explains to R.J. that he has to go meet Brooke and Thomas on business . Thomas and Brooke wash up on the shore . Justin tells Bill that he s sorry that therapy did nt go well . He knows how much he misses his wife . Bill is ticked that Katie walked out on him . Steffy calls crying that her brother s plane crashed . She does nt know what to do . Bill gets her to calm down and lets her know that his jet is available . He tells Justin to be sure the jet is fueled and ready to go in a moment s notice . He calls Katie and leave a message on her voicemail . He is going to take Ridge and Taylor to Fiji and asks her if she gets this message in time to meet him at the airport . Thomas finds a cave that he and Brooke can call home . Although she can barley walk , she urges him to go try and find help . She thanks him for saving her life . Her dress is in shreds and she shivers as she looks around at her surroundings . Hope thanks Eric and Stephanie for being there for everyone . Bill calls Katie again and assures her that he wants her there and they will find Brooke and Thomas . Ridge thanks Bill for doing this for his family . Donna and Katie are aghast when they go to Brooke s and hear the news . Taylor cries on Ridge s shoulder that she has already lost a daughter , she does not want to lose her son too . As night falls , Thomas returns and tells Brooke that he did nt find a thing . There is just us . She vows they will look again tomorrow . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Shawn - D : My parents have been through much worse , and they ve always found their way back to each other . We re like them , Belle . We re soul mates . All I have to do is close my eyes , and I remember how much I love you .
Belle : I love you , too .
Shawn - D : Are you waiting for me ?
Belle : I told you I d wait forever , did nt I ?
Shawn - D : Jan told me that you had moved on .
Belle : No . We ll be together again soon .
Shawn - D : When ?
Belle : Today .
Jan : You heard me right . I know where Shawn is .
Belle : Oh , my God . Oh , my -- is he all right ?
Jan : He s perfect .
Belle : Well , did you talk to him ? Why has nt he called me ? Did he hear about his mom ?
Jan : Look , I do nt want to go into this on the phone . I think I should sit down with you , give you the news in person .
Belle : What news ?
Jan : I ll stop by the loft later this afternoon , say , around 5 : 00 ? Give you the 411 . I have to run an errand .
Belle : No , no , no , wait . Do nt hang up .
Jan : Later . Ha ha ha . So gullible . It wo nt be hard to convince little Miss Tinker Bell that Shawn s through with her for good .
Belle : Jan saw Shawn .
Philip : She s lying .
Belle : How do you know ? Why would she lie about something like that ?
Philip : Because Jan Spears is a born liar , Belle . She s up to something . I m going to prove it .
Jack : Oh , my God , Jennifer . Jennifer !
Jennifer : Jack . Oh . Oh . You -- you got to help .
Jack : Do nt move an inch . Just stay where you are . Jennifer , freeze !
Jennifer : Aah ! Aah !
Jack : Jennifer ! Jennifer !
Jennifer : Aah !
Jack : Aah ! Jennifer ! Jennifer ! Oh .
Patrick : From what I was able to figure out and from what Abe and Roman were able to tell us , I m guessing Jennifer s plane went down somewhere near the North shore , which means we got to go that way .
Hope : Just exactly how much do you know , Patrick ?
Patrick : Not much .
Hope : Bull .
Patrick : Like I said , I m going on a hunch .
Hope : I think you know exactly who kidnapped my cousin and why .
Patrick : And I told you 100 times , I do nt .
Hope : I just saw you deactivate the force field surrounding new Salem using that coin of yours .
Hope : Aah ! How did you do it ?
Patrick : Like I said , it was dumb luck . The metal in the coin must have tripped up the force field .
Hope : Oh , just stop jerking me around , okay ? I was nearly killed .
Patrick : Yeah , well , maybe you should have stayed put .
Hope : Someone is playing with our lives . Who is it ? Look , either you re a good guy or you re not , but you ca nt have it both ways . My cousin wanted to trust you . Are you working for her kidnaper ?
Patrick : No .
Hope : Then stop lying to me .
Patrick : Okay . I ll tell you the truth .
Bo : I know you re out there , Fancy Face . I will find you . Do nt give up . I ll find you .
Bo : What s that ?
Tek : It s bad news .
Sami : John , I wo nt let you exhume my Mother s body .
John : If she s not there , Samantha , we have to know . Lucas , are you absolutely sure that you placed this bear in the casket before she was buried ? Will did nt change his mind at the last minute and take it back .
Lucas : No . No , no , he -- he d left by then . Our son wanted his grandmother to have that bear with her to -- to keep her company for all eternity .
John : That did nt last long .
Lucas : How d that bear find its way to Bo s house ?
John : I do nt know . But if this bear was removed from the coffin after interment , we have to consider the possibility Marlena s body is gone as well . I m going to get a court order for exhumation .
Sami : No way .
John : Samantha , it s not your decision .
Sami : Damn it , John , have nt you hurt her enough ? !
Lucas : Sami , do nt . Come on .
Sami : You broke up her marriage to my Father . You ruined her life . I will not let you disturb her in death .
Lucas : Sami , she s in heaven now .
Sami : I wo nt let you touch my Mother , John . I wo nt let you touch her ! I wo nt let you touch her , John ! You ca nt hurt my mother anymore ! I wo nt let you hurt her !
Lucas : Sami , come on .
John : Samantha .
Lucas : Sami , come on . Let s go home . Come on .
Sami : Damn it , it was hard enough burying her the first time . I m not going to let you dig her back up . It s sacrilege !
Lucas : Sami , do nt you want to know what s going on ? Do nt you want to know the truth ?
Sami : The truth ? The truth is John turned Mom in to the police in the first place . He is the reason that she was thrown in jail , and she was killed trying to escape because of him .
John : In your heart , Samantha , I think you know I did everything I could to save your mother .
Sami : You re such a liar .
John : And I still believe , on some level , that your mother is innocent of all these crimes attributed to her , and this bear may just prove that .
Sami : John , you ca nt open her coffin . You ca nt . It s -- it s grotesque . We have to remember Mom the way she was .
John : Sami , you do nt have to be here . I ll make this as fast as possible . I m going to get that court order from Bo .
Sami : No . No ! Damn it , Lucas ! Do nt just stand there , do something !
Lucas : Sami , we need answers , or else this is going to haunt you . You need to know what s going on as much as John does .
Sami : I ca nt believe you are siding with him against me .
Lucas : What are you talking about ? I m not siding with anybody .
Sami : If you wo nt help me , Lucas , then I will stop John myself .
Bo : Okay , so the Coast Guard has recovered the bulk of the wreckage from the plane . It -- it does nt mean anything . I mean , the debris was scattered over a large area . Hope could still be out there .
Tek : That s not all , Bo . One piece had traces of blood on it .
Bo : After being in the water ?
Tek : I was able to run a refined search , and the results just came back . I m sorry , Bo . It was a positive match for Hope .
Bo : Give me that .
Tek : This is just more proof that she s gone , man .
Bo : You know what ? I know Hope was there , I know there was blood at the scene . I mean , the -- the friggin plane was hit by a missile . It does nt mean --
Tek : Bo , there was a school of sharks in the area . If she was bleeding , it would have attracted them .
Bo : You know what ? ! You have nt given me anything new here . You have nt given me any concrete evidence .
Tek : Bo , I can only imagine what you re going through . I can only imagine how hard this is for you . But she s gone . You need to accept that .
Patrick : Before I came back to Salem last winter , I met this guy .
Hope : This guy ? Does he have a name ?
Patrick : He s dangerous , okay ? And if he found out I turned on him , I d be dead . You d be dead .
Hope : Patrick --
Patrick : Look , do you want to hear this or not ?
Hope : Go on .
Patrick : Anyway , I owed this guy a lot of money from a business deal that went sour . He wanted to collect , I was broke . So we made a deal .
Hope : So let me guess . He had a little job for you .
Patrick : He wanted me to come back to Salem and target Jennifer Deveraux .
Hope : Oh , my God . When Jennifer hit you with her car , it was nt an accident , was it ?
Patrick : I was waiting for her outside her house . When she backed out of the driveway , I stepped into her blind spot so she d hit me .
Hope : The oldest scam in the book .
Patrick : Yeah , well , back injuries are easy to fake , and Jennifer has a big heart . But she was hospitable beyond my wildest dreams . She was paying for my medical bills . She invited me to stay in her garage apartment .
Hope : I knew you were nt on the up - and - up . I should have trusted my instincts . She defended you ! She insisted that you knew Jack !
Patrick : I never met the guy .
Hope : Yeah , I figured that was a crock . Jack had a lot of interests , but Nascar racing was nt one of them .
Patrick : Yeah , well , Jennifer bought that he was writing an article and we d crossed paths . I was in the perfect position to ingratiate myself .
Hope : What was your assignment concerning my cousin ?
Patrick : To target her . Bring her down .
Jack : Jennifer ? Jennifer ? ! Can you hear me ? !
Jack : [ Groaning ] Think . [ Panting ] Think , Deveraux , think ! I got to -- I got to come up with some way to find her . She s got to be down there . She -- I have an idea . It s risky . But it s your only chance to save her . It s your only chance .
Shawn - D : When I heard about your mom , I just wanted to run straight home . But Jan drugged me , and she locked me in this cage .
Belle : I knew there had to be a good reason why I did nt hear from you .
Shawn - D : I mean , she handcuffed me to the bed .
Belle : My poor Shawn .
Shawn - D : I wanted to be there for you .
Belle : Let me make it better .
Shawn - D : I miss you so much .
Belle : We ll be together again before the end of the day . Just be patient .
Shawn - D : Do nt go .
Belle : I m not going anywhere . I ll always be here for you . I love you .
Jan : I ll always be here for you , Shawn . I love you .
Shawn - D : You witch !
Jan : What s the matter ? !
Shawn - D : I -- for a minute there , I thought you were Belle !
Jan : That little icebox ? Please . I m sure she never kissed you like this .
Shawn - D : Just leave me alone !
Jan : How can I ? You and I , we are soul mates , Shawn .
Shawn - D : I do nt want to have anything to do with you . You are pathetic . You are a raving nut case .
Jan : Oh , dear . I see we still have some more deprogramming to do . I ve got to liberate you from the Belle cult .
Shawn - D : I do nt care how long you keep me prisoner . I will always love her .
Jan : Poor Shawnie . She really has brainwashed you .
Shawn - D : You know what ? It does nt matter how long you re gon na keep doing this . This little plan of yours is never going to work .
Jan : It s working already .
Shawn - D : Oh , yeah ? And how do you figure that ?
Jan : Well , just now you could hardly tell the difference between Belle and I. Soon you are going to fall in love with me , and then we are going to get married .
Shawn - D : Never .
Jan : Belle is over you , big time ! She s shacking up with Philip . The last time I saw them , they were planning the perfect future together .
Philip : Belle , Jan hates you . She ca nt have Shawn , so she does nt want anyone else to have him , least of all you .
Belle : Jan s engaged to somebody else why would she care about Shawn and me ?
Philip : Okay . Was she not just standing right here , asking you a million questions about whether or not you and Shawn are really done ? Now , Shawn s been gone for how long , and the first person he runs into is Jan Spears ? I do nt buy it . What s she doing back in Salem anyhow ?
Belle : Her parents just died , Philip . She does nt have anybody .
Philip : Okay , look , feeling sorry for Jan , that s what got Shawn in trouble . I do not want to see that happen to you .
Belle : I just want to hear what she has to say . Maybe she really did see Shawn . I just do nt want to wait around till she shows up . I have so many questions .
Philip : Whatever she does tell you , I want you to understand that it s not necessarily the truth .
Belle : If Jan can help me find Shawn , she ll be my new best friend .
Philip : Belle , you re just so good - hearted , okay ? You re so trusting , and I love that about you . But --
Belle : But what ?
Philip : But I learned a couple lessons in the marines -- tough lessons . And number one , know your enemy .
Belle : Enemy ? Is nt that a little overstating ?
Philip : Number two , do nt let your enemy come to you . Take your fight to the enemy .
Belle : What are you planning ?
Philip : How d you like to help me give Jan Spears the surprise of her life ?
Patrick : Aah ! God !
Hope : There was a mosquito on the side of your face . Then again , you deserved it for targeting my cousin .
Patrick : I was told to --
Hope : Bo was right not to trust you . So was Roman and Abe . They warned me not to let you go , and they were right .
Patrick : That s one dead bug .
Hope : What happened next , Patrick ?
Patrick : Well , once I moved in with her , she kind of took me by surprise . She was so kind and so caring . She reminded me of my little sister Meems . Always trying to help . She was genuine . I could nt take advantage of her . I could nt go through with the assignment .
Hope : Gee whiz . What a guy .
Patrick : Yeah , well , my heart went out to her . She was grieving for her husband , she was being a single mother to Abby , and going through a life- threatening pregnancy .
Hope : Why did nt you just leave ?
Patrick : Oh , I tried to several times . And then her bearer bonds were stolen , and the cops picked me up and brought me back to town . Of course I had nothing to do with it .
Hope : No , but you knew who did , right ?
Patrick : Well , when Shawn called me from the bar and said he overheard somebody bragging about it , I had a pretty good idea of who it was , so I went after him . I got the money back . Of course , I was beaten up for doing my one good deed .
Hope : But you still stayed .
Patrick : To protect Jennifer . I knew once I was gone , they d be coming for her . And once she started getting those so - called messages from Jack , I figured she was being set up .
Hope : Why did nt you tell the police ?
Patrick : I tried to stop it . You were there . You saw me risk my life trying to stop her from being kidnapped . Keep the car steady !
Hope : I m doing the best I can ! You were the only one who could trace the last 10 flight paths of that plane .
Patrick : I got all that information from your e - mail , Hope .
Hope : You also knew how to deactivate the force field . What else do you know ?
Patrick : I have told you everything .
Hope : I do nt think so . Jennifer s kidnapping obviously is connected to the others . Who s the mastermind behind this ?
Patrick : What the hell are you talking about ?
Hope : Who is holding all of these innocent people hostage ? Who set Marlena up to be the Salem Stalker ? Who spirited her so - called victims to this uninhabited island and created a replica of Salem in this jungle ? You re telling me the truth ? Okay . I want to hear it all , Patrick .
Patrick : I ca nt answer that .
Hope : You ca nt , or you wo nt ?
Patrick : I do nt know what s going on here , okay ? I am as mystified as you are .
Hope : Well , you know what ? You should have confided in Roman and Abe . You know how to get through the force field . If we do nt make it back to the others , they may never get off this island alive . How could you keep this to yourself ? Why did you keep this to yourself ?
Patrick : For a very good reason .
Tek : Bo , just tell me what I can do .
Bo : You can stop looking at me with pity . My wife is not dead . Finding traces of her blood does nt prove anything . Until you can show me her body , I m gon na continue looking for her .
John : Need your help , men .
Bo : What is it ?
John : Someone s messing around with Marlena s grave .
Tek : What ?
Bo : How do you know that ?
John : Bo , you know that bear we found at your house that looked familiar to me ?
Bo : Yeah .
John : It was the same bear that was buried with Marlena .
Bo : Are you sure ?
John : I m positive . One green eye , one blue eye .
Tek : What are you guys talking about ?
John : Listen , I just need -- someone s messing around with Marlena s grave . I need a court order to exhume her body .
Bo : Hold on here , John .
John : Bo , I got to find out what s going on here .
Bo : Obviously you re upset about this , but I m looking for real , live missing people . Jennifer s gone . She could be dead . I got to find her . My son is still missing . Hope . She s --
John : Bo , I know . I know . I know . I m not wasting your time here . Do nt waste mine . I do nt need the cops , at least not yet . I just need a court order and a couple of grave diggers . Bo , why was this bear found at your house ? Why did Hope bring it home ? Whatever happened to my wife may have something to do with what happened to yours . Whatever you think about Marlena , she was nt a heartless killer . She was your friend . She was family , and you owe it to her . You more than anyone owe her .
Sami : No , no ! Bo , stop him ! You have to tell him to let my Mother rest in peace !
Belle : Is this a surprise about Jan ?
Philip : Oh , yes .
Belle : When are you going to fill me in ?
Philip : Well , I m trying to track down the address that she called us from . I already checked the caller I.D. , but it said private . Ha ha . Bingo . Let s see , Red Oak Road . That must be one of those big houses out on Kent Island .
Belle : I seem to remember . Her parents owned a weekend house out there .
Philip : Yeah , wait , did nt she have some little birthday party there when we were in second grade ?
Belle : Yes ! Her parents hired clowns and a string of ponies .
Philip : Yes , yes . Well , maybe that s where she s staying .
Belle : Makes sense . She probably has a lot of good memories out there -- vacations with her parents before they divorced ... and died .
Philip : Yeah , or maybe she s staying way the hell out of town because she s up to something .
Belle : Like what ?
Philip : I do nt know , but we re gon na go find out . Come on .
Jan : Philip and Belle , sitting in a tree , k - I - s - s - I - n - g !
Shawn - D : Oh , shut up .
Jan : We saw them , did nt we , Kewpie ? Philip was moving all of his stuff into her apartment , making it real nice and cozy , like a little love nest .
Shawn - D : Belle will never love Philip , and I will never love you .
Jan : Well , you seem to forget that I m very good at getting what I want .
Shawn - D : And you re very good at deluding yourself .
Jan : Well , I got you to come here , did nt I ? I made sure you could nt leave , did nt I ? I even got the cops off of your trail , and they were following you , did nt I ?
Shawn - D : And they ll be back .
Jan : Philip and Belle are my new best friends . I only want what s best for them . That s how big of a person I am .
Shawn - D : Yeah , what a looney tune .
Jan : Last time I saw Philip , he was hanging his P.J. s in her apartment . Although I m sure he s not going to need them , since they ll probably sleep naked together .
Shawn - D : All right , you know , I m really not buying any of this .
Jan : Well , I have proof .
Shawn - D : How could you when there s nothing to it ?
Jan : Do you want to make a bet ? She s forgotten all about you , Shawn !
Shawn - D : Why am I even having this conversation when you are so great at having one with yourself ?
Jan : You are last year s fashion as far as Belle is concerned . She s too busy designing her perfect life with her new rich Kiriakis boyfriend . And that s what you and I need to do -- forget about them and move on . And then we can live happily ever after .
Jack : I m just going to ... hang from that vine and lower myself to the bridge . Then I can lower myself into the ravine , and I can -- oh -- damn it . Oh . Damn it . Deveraux , think ... outside the box . What can you use ? What can you use ? I got it . Okay . Hang in , Jennifer ! If you can hear my voice , hang in there . I m coming . I m going to hook that thing . I m coming . Listen ... we have been through too much -- too much to lose each other now . Aah ! All right . Oh , come on . Okay . All right . Here I come . This will do it . This will do it . Oh . Okay . All right . Come on . Okay . You re close . And ... damn it . Okay , one more time . One more time . This time I m going to do it . And -- aah . Gotcha . Gotcha . Come on . Aah . Come on . Aah ! Oh ! Oh . Oh . Okay . Got to -- got to find a -- got to find -- Jennifer .
Patrick : If I d shown those two cops how to get through the force field , everybody in the compound would have tried to escape . I mean , they d all be out there right now searching for Jennifer , trying to find a way off this island .
Hope : And that s a bad thing ?
Patrick : It would be a disaster .
Hope : For them to go free ?
Patrick : Think about it . Whoever is running this island prison would be alerted . Everybody out there would be in jeopardy , just like Jack .
Hope : What do you know about Jack ?
Patrick : Only what Roman told us . Deveraux managed to break through the force field . Abe found his knapsack later , right -- shredded , with blood all over it . He was probably eaten by a wild animal .
Hope : Do nt say that .
Patrick : Look , it is dangerous out there . That s why I want you to go back .
Hope : No way .
Patrick : Look , I want you to stay with the others at the pub . You ll be safe there . I can use the coin and get you back through , and I can look for Jennifer on my own . Now , whether you believe this or not , meeting Jennifer changed me . Before , I was always out for myself , selfish to the bone , but she did me a great kindness , and now I owe her .
Hope : I wish I could believe you .
Patrick : Believe it and go back while you still can . Hope , you have a husband and two kids . What if something happens to you out here ? Who is going to take care of your family ?
Sami : I ca nt sleep at night thinking about my Mother , about the terrible way that she died because of him . Damn it , he should nt dig her up again . It s totally sick .
Bo : Sami , John was your mom s husband . Officially , he s next of kin .
Sami : They were separated .
Bo : Not legally . This court order goes through , he s the one who s going to have to sign the release papers .
Sami : Oh my God , you know this is nt right , Bo .
Bo : We have to find out what happened .
Sami : I know what happened . You ordered for my Mother to be shot dead . You wanted her tortured and punished , just like he did . God , Lucas --
Lucas : Please calm down .
Bo : You sure you want to go through with this ?
Tek : Yeah , I mean , there could be other Teddy bears with one blue eye and one green one .
John : No , Tek . This particular bear was stitched up by Sami herself . His right leg fell off . She sewed it up because it was Will s favorite . Am I right about that ?
Lucas : Yeah , yeah , that s right .
Sami : Lucas , you traitor .
Lucas : Sami , John is not wrong about everything all the time , all right ? Now , something happened to your mom s body . I mean , do you really not want to know ? That s going to haunt you for the rest of your life . Now listen to me -- I know it s upsetting . I know it s upsetting to think of your mom s body being disturbed like that , but she ll never know , okay ? She ll never know about it .
Sami : What are you implying , that my Mother s not in heaven ?
Lucas : No , it s just not going to hurt her anymore , but it s going to hurt you if you do nt do this . Now come on , Sami , something s wrong here . Somebody s got to investigate .
Tek : It could be a hate crime , someone taking personal revenge on the Salem Stalker .
Sami : My Mother is not the Salem Stalker , okay ? She did nt kill anybody .
Bo : I m going to go talk to the D.A. , get the judge to issue an exhumation order for Marlena s remains .
Sami : No . No , you ca nt do -- oh , God , Lucas , I will never forgive you for this .
Jack : Aah . Oh . Oh . Jennifer . Jennifer .
Jennifer : Why do you keep fighting me , Jack ? Why ca nt you just give in to what you want ?
Jack : I want you to go . I want to be alone .
Jennifer : No , you do nt . You want me here . You want me to be with you . You do nt want to be alone . You want me to be with you . You re just too afraid to say it , Jack .
Jack : You re putting words in my mouth .
Jennifer : Oh , really ? Well , then , let s see if your body can do the talking , Jack , okay ?
Jack : Well , your fingers did the work .
Jennifer : What do you want ?
Jack : I do nt want this .
Jennifer : Really ?
Jack : Yes . I mean no . Mm . Mm . Mm . Mm . You know I do nt , uh , I do nt express my feelings very well . I do nt put them into words .
Jennifer : It s okay . It s all right , because you already said it .
Jack : No , I did nt . You said it . I just agreed with what you said . I just ... love you ... Jennifer . I love you .
Jack : No , no , no . I m going to be checking my list and checking it twice to see if you ve been naughty or -- well , well , speaking of checking -- oh , Mr. Deveraux wanted me to check one more time to see if you -- if you had had an answer to his , uh , his little question . Uh , yes . Yeah . So , uh ... I - I m asking for him , uh , oh , oh , oh , uh , uh ... w - w - w - w - would you marry him ? I - I give you this ring as a token and a pledge ... of our constant faith and abiding love .
Jennifer : Jack ... I give you this ring as a token and pledge of our constant faith and abiding love .
Man : You may kiss the bride now .
Jennifer : Ha ha ha .
Jack : Thank you .
Jack : Jennifer --
Jennifer : What ?
Jack : Would you stop beating around the bush ? Just spit it out .
Jennifer : Okay , this is my surprise for you . I m pregnant .
Jack : You know , I thought that -- I thought she was down for the night upstairs .
Jennifer : She just woke up a few minutes ago . She was nt really crying . She was just a little hungry , huh ? Just a little hungry . There you go . Oh .
Jack : I promised myself I would -- I would bring this back to you , and we would be together again . We d be together again . Here we are . We re here . Now you re with me . And now I promise ... I will never let you go ... never .
Jack : You taught me about being a man ... about love , family , being a husband , a father . I m not going to let you go , Jennifer . I am not going to let you go .
Jan : Hungry ?
Shawn - D : Not unless you can bake yourself in a pie .
Jan : Oh , do nt you worry . Very soon you ll be eating me all up , I promise . I have to leave for a little while . I did nt want you to starve .
Shawn - D : Where are you going ?
Jan : Ahem . Belle and Philip invited me to their loft -- a housewarming in celebration of their shacking up . Do you think I should bring a gift ?
Shawn - D : That s very funny .
Jan : A potted plant . Or -- oh , how about a welcoming mat ? I m really concerned about Belle . Ever since she found out I m engaged to the man of my dreams , she s -- she s so competitive , you know ? I would nt be surprised if she nudged Philip into buying her a diamond of her own . She probably just wants to show it off to me .
Shawn - D : Never going to happen .
Jan : Never say never . Bye , lover .
Jan : Who could that be ?
Shawn - D : Help ! Help ! Help ! [ Faint ] If you can hear me , I m locked in this cage ! Help ! Help !
Philip : Surprise .
Jan : How did you find this place ?
Philip : Well , we remembered that your folks threw you a birthday party out here once .
Belle : Where s Shawn ?
Shawn - D : Help ! Help !
Belle : Where is he , Jan ?
Shawn - D : Belle ! Belle , I m in here ! Help me , Belle !
Jack : I m coming to join you , Jennifer . We ll be together forever . I love you .
Patrick : What about your family back in Salem ?
Hope : Jennifer s my family , too .
Patrick : I ll find Jennifer .
Hope : I do nt know if I can trust you . Maybe you are a good guy deep down and truly want to find her , but then on the other hand , maybe you re just a really good con man working for whoever lured her down to this tropical hell . Or maybe you re both . Which side are you on ?
Patrick : I told you , I defied my orders because I care about her .
Hope : For your sake , I hope so , because if you re up to something , I m not letting you get away with it . For the time being , you re stuck with me . Let s go . Come on .
Lucas : Sami , stop it . Do nt do this to yourself .
Sami : Leave me alone .
Lucas : Do nt do it . I m worried about you .
Sami : Oh , right . You re not here for me . You sided with john and Bo . What , are you planning on joining them in the freak show ?
Lucas : No one s getting pleasure out of this , all right ? I m trying to do the right thing for you and will .
Sami : My mom s body has been abused over and over . She was beaten in prison . She was drugged with sodium pentothal . She was shot through the heart , okay ? It s enough . I ca nt allow john to desecrate her grave .
Bo : Everything s in order . You ready for this ?
John : I got to know the truth , Bo .
Sami : No ! No , you ca nt do this to my mother ! You ca nt do it !
Sami : I wish we d never brought up the coffin .
Lucas : Do nt you want to know where it is ?
John : Where the hell is it ?
Bo : I think I know .
Marlena : How could we all have been buried alive and somehow survived it ?
Abe : Wait , I think I know .
Jan : All right . I ll tell you the truth about Shawn .
### Summary:
| Shawn imagines that Belle is there with him . He realizes that he is truly kissing Jan. Jan makes plans to meet with Belle . Philip insists that Jan is lying and uses the computer to track down where Jan called from . He and Belle rush off to Jan s country home for a surprise visit . Shawn hears Belle s voice and yells out to her . Patrick tells Hope about what he came to Salem to do to Jennifer . Patrick tries to convince Hope to go back through the force field but Hope insists on staying . Tek brings Bo news that blood found on the wreckage was Hope s blood . Bo refuses to accept that Hope is dead . Sami is against John s idea of exhuming Marlena s body . Lucas tries to convince Sami to let John do the exhumation . John seeks Bo s help in getting a court order but Sami rushes in to try and convince Bo to stop John . Bo grants the order since John is Marlena s next of kin . Workmen begin to dig up the grave but Sami yells at them to stop . Jack s first few tries to save Jennifer fail . Jack realizes that he now holds the locket and flashes back through his and Jennifer s romantic life . Jack fears that he is dying and passes out on the jungle ground . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : Hey . Hey , it s me . You re not home . Where are you ?
Bridget : I m at the hospital .
Nick : Look , I ca nt do this . I m not gon na make it through another night .
Bridget : I get that , Nick . You do nt think you re the only one involved in this , do you ?
Nick : Your mother s got ta be told . When are you gon na be finished there ?
Bridget : I m not working . I m having a blood test done .
Nick : Well , I want to be there for it .
Bridget : No , it s okay . They re rushing the results for me . It s not gon na take very long at all .
Nick : Well , why are they rushing the results ?
Bridget : Because I d like to confirm that there is a baby and that the child has a chance .
Nick : Do nt put me through this again , please . Not after what we went through with Nicole . I m not asking you . I d like to be there .
Bridget : Okay .
Nick : Thank you .
Brooke : You re up early , for a newlywed .
Nick : Well , I thought I d beat you to the coffee today . You ready ?
Brooke : Sure . You know , I found myself wishing that we could renew our vows every single day . And then I realized that I wake up in the morning and I open my eyes , and I see you . And I do . I do , I do , I do .
Nick : Well , I do , too . So what s on your agenda this morning ?
Brooke : I have a pretty full day at Forrester today .
Nick : Oh , yeah ? All day ?
Brooke : Do nt worry . Ridge is nt back in town yet .
Nick : Oh -- believe me , I was nt thinking about him .
Brooke : Good . I know trust ca nt be restored overnight .
Nick : Brooke -- I trust you . No more questions about where you re going , what you re doing , anything to do with Forrester , I promise .
Brooke : I m just sorry I ever put you in the position to ask those questions . See you for dinner tonight ?
Nick : I love you .
Brooke : I love you , too . See you later . A long day at the office .
Lab tech : Press down .
Bridget : So you can run the test this morning ?
Lab tech : Mm - hmm .
Bridget : Thank you so much , Jerry . I know it s a lot to ask you . Can you just , please , keep this between us ?
Lab tech : Hey , like I said , no problem . Okay ?
Bridget : I owe you one . So I ll just wait here then ?
Lab tech : Yeah .
Felicia : Hey . You do nt make it easy to find yourself here . How come only the janitor knew where you were ?
Bridget : Jerry , I ll give you three guesses as to who this is . My sister , Felicia . Felicia , Jerry . See you in a bit .
Lab tech : All right .
Felicia : So what s jerry doing to you ?
Bridget : What are you doing here ? Are you sick again , honey ?
Felicia : Why is it every time I try to be nice , everybody thinks I m sick ? I m worried . What happened yesterday ? Did you tell your mother ?
Bridget : No .
Felicia : Well , I have to say , maybe that s wise .
Bridget : I did tell Nick , though .
Felicia : How did he take it ? Well , he always did want to be a father .
Bridget : I m just not sure this is exactly what he had in mind .
Felicia : I mean , the timing of having a child is usually inconvenient . But this is just maybe a little more so .
Bridget : Well , I m having HCG levels tested to confirm the first test , but it will also suggest if the pregnancy is --
Felicia : Viable . That s the term you doctors favor .
Bridget : Then again , I can only be a few weeks pregnant , so I do nt know how much the test would really show .
Felicia : So in other words , this is what you re doing to put off telling Brooke ?
Bridget : Felicia , no . I just want to be sure .
Felicia : Of what ? What are you hoping for , Bridget ? Do you even know ?
Eric : Oh , my god , it s actually true . I really am a genius . It s beautiful . Oh , no , only half a genius . This is nt exactly working . Take this to Cynthia , please . Have her open this up , all right ? There s too much fabric here . We re going to put some more appliqué there -- thank you , ladies . Thanks .
Model : Hi , Brooke . Good to see you .
Brooke : Eric , you know I would never , ever scold you , and I worship the ground that you walk on --
Eric : But ?
Brooke : Why are you using my office ?
Eric : And who are you again ? Oh , that s right . You re our absentee CEO . All coming back to me now . Were nt we married once ?
Brooke : Cute .
Eric : Forgive me for trespassing in the sanctuary ; I just thought somebody should disturb the dust .
Brooke : It s not like I m never here .
Eric : And why are you here now ? Oh , that s right , your husband sort of eases up on the reins when Ridge is away , does nt he ?
Brooke : Ridge is no longer a factor .
Eric : Oh , that s right . Well , not when he s on some other continent .
Brooke : Think what you want .
Eric : What I d like to think is that you will eventually come to your senses the way you always do when you marry someone like me , who is not Ridge . I thought you were also shortening up that process between I do and oops .
Brooke : Nick and I renewed our vows yesterday . What does that say to you ?
Eric : Desperation ?
Nick : Hi .
Bridget : Hey , he just drew the blood and is running the test .
Nick : Do you want to get out of here and get some coffee in the cafeteria ?
Bridget : No , no , that s okay .
Nick : I say we sit in the hallway , huh ? This room --
Bridget : I just think the fewer people will see us together , the better . Actually , can you shut the door , please ? I really would rather no one know about this . My friend s running the test , so there wo nt be a paper trail .
Nick : Why do nt we go down to Tijuana and call ourselves Mr. And Mrs. Jones .
Bridget : I m glad you can find something amusing about this situation .
Nick : I was nt trying to be amusing .
Bridget : I m really beginning to understand why my mom went to such extreme lengths to hide her pregnancy with Hope .
Nick : Well , hiding something is not an option , Bridget .
Bridget : Well , if she has to be told , have you thought about how she s gon na react , Nick --
Nick : And if is not a word we re gon na use in this vocabulary .
Bridget : Well , there s a small possibility that the urine test was a false positive or my hormones can be really low and then I d miscarry .
Nick : Stop it ! Stop !
Bridget : It s a medical reality , Nick . I know what I m talking about --
Nick : No , you do nt know , Bridget . You do nt know . I do nt want to argue with you .
Bridget : Argue about what ?
Nick : That this is my child and it will be born strong and healthy .
Eric : Brooke , why would you renew your vows after , like ten minutes of marriage ?
Brooke : Eric , you are one of the most dearest people in the world to me , but right now , you re on the verge of irritating me .
Eric : Honey , people that usually renew their vows after 40 , 50 years of marriage , or does it just feel that way .
Brooke : When will I learn ?
Eric : That s my question .
Brooke : Never to discuss Nick with anyone who s last name is Forrester .
Eric : Well , it used to be your last name . And I have to believe it will be again .
Brooke : Do nt you see how in love with my husband I am ?
Eric : Yes , I do see .
Brooke : Good . Thank you .
Eric : But love is only one of the connections that exist in a marriage and I think maybe not the strongest one -- or you and I would still be married . No , I know , it was nt meant to be , I see that . But you belong here , with us . You were and are our centerpiece . You bring us life . You brought us children .
Brooke : I also bring you trouble . At least that s how Stephanie will always see it .
Eric : No , no , she s ready to accept you .
Brooke : With clenched teeth .
Eric : Maybe , but she sees it as inevitable . It s only Ridge whose lost faith .
Brooke : Ridge seems to be very happy with Donna .
Eric : Well , he s not . He s miserable and I hate that . But you know , but even miserable people can put on a smile and seem to be happy . You know that , too .
Brooke : Yes , I do know that . It is really painful when R.J. asks where s his daddy tonight and I have say I do nt know . And to think of all those wonderful times that we had together . But Ridge and I tried , you know we tried , it just did nt seem to work out , that s all .
Eric : Yeah , he made a mistake .
Brooke : He left me .
Eric : And then you ran to Nick for safety . That s why you ran to me , but how safe were you and I ?
Felicia : Look , our CEO , in the flesh . Guess we ca nt booze it up in here today . Foreign press . Ridge must be giving interviews in his sleep .
Brooke : Your father and I were just discussing --
Felicia : Safety , I heard . Myself , I think we need issue crash helmets as soon as possible .
Bridget : My goodness , Nick , we both want a strong , healthy baby . How could you say that ? Especially after knowing what losing to Nicole did to me .
Nick : What it did to us , Bridget .
Bridget : We would still be together .
Nick : Yes .
Bridget : I still do nt understand how that happened .
Nick : Do nt blame yourself . It was nt you .
Bridget : I did -- a little crazy , did nt I ?
Nick : Well , I d say you were entitled .
Bridget : Our Nicole . We held her , Nick . I ve never felt any goodness like that in my life . I tried so hard to fill it . You know , with Dino , and Dante .
Nick : And me ?
Bridget : No , you were always different . You know that .
Nick : Bridget , our life now is nt our life then . And this child is not that child . And the life we dreamed of together , that just has to go in a scrapbook of things that were meant to be and never were .
Bridget : Does nt mean I have to like it . And you ca nt blame me for just thinking -- you know , just thinking that it would be so much simpler if the test came back negative and there was no child .
Nick : When my mother found out she was pregnant with me , she did nt tell my father . And she lied to the man that she was married to . So , things probably would have been a lot easier without me . Now , I do not want my son or daughter being brought into the world that way . And will this end my marriage and will your mother turn her back on us ? Well , we do nt know . But the rock - bottom line is , life trumps everything . Everything . It is bigger than we are . It does nt matter whether we re happy or whether we re sad . Because life chose us , not vice versa . And it has chosen us to make new life . Now , what really compares to that ? Now this is nt how I imagined becoming a father . And I m sure it s not how you imagine becoming a mother . But so what ? It s here . And it s real . And I refuse to see this as anything but a blessing .
Felicia : You know what I find ironic ? When I had the hots for your husband , it was at least partly because , to me , Nick was the danger choice . To you , he s the safety choice .
Brooke : You always say the most interesting things . But as I was telling Eric , my marriage is not up for discussion .
Felicia : Well , it is nt up for much else , is it ? Predictable is what you want , so you ve colored Nick all one color . Pasted him into this gray wool suits , so he matches the rock of Gibraltar .
Brooke : Okay , you two can laugh at me all you want , since you have nothing better to do with your lives .
Eric : Nobody s laughing , Brooke .
Brooke : But you know , there comes a time in everybody s life when security and stability matter . Knowing that you do nt have to do go alone to the next parent and teacher conference . Knowing you do nt have to take insurance out on your travel plans because you re certainly not going to cancel . And knowing that the person you re with is going to come home at night .
Felicia : I used to have certainty , Brooke . I was gon na be dead in three months . I m not saying it s overrated . I m just saying it s fictional . Nobody s sure . Nobody s safe .
Brooke : I am . Nick would never do anything to hurt me .
Felicia : Do nt put that on him or you re definitely headed for a fall --
Brooke : Why are you two doing this to me ? My goodness .
Eric : Because with one breath , you sound like a world - weary woman who wants to retire to her knitting and in the next breath , you re like some teenager . People make mistakes , honey . After five or ten years , they are going to tell some kind of lie or make some kind of mistake that seems unforgivable .
Felicia : What do you want with safety , anyway ? You re Brooke Logan , the ultimate adventuress . I do nt mean that the way my mother would . It s just that you do nt need a protector . You need a fellow adventurer to take the highs and the lows with you . Maybe it s Nick , maybe it s not , but you ll never know unless you let him out of that mental straitjacket you ve got him locked in . I do nt mean to be obnoxious . It just comes out that way .
Brooke : Now that I know I m not competent to live my own life , I ll just get back to work .
Eric : We sort of ganged up on you there , did nt we ?
Brooke : I m used to it .
Eric : You do know that you re making Ridge pay for the mistakes that your father made .
Brooke : Maybe there s some truth to that .
Eric : I think what you re not aware of is the price that you re making Nick pay . Now , he did nt sign up to be the perfect father that you never had . One mistake and what happens to him ?
Brooke : I ll cross that Bridge when I come to it . Thank you for your concern , Eric .
Bridget : Do you know why I loved you ?
Nick : Because I have a boat ?
Bridget : No . Because you can change me . Just being you , you can make me a better version of myself . You can take me from being ashamed and afraid and turn me into feeling beautiful inside . You did that just now . [ Knock on the door ] No , it s okay . It s okay . Come on in .
Jerry : Well , it s positive . The HCG levels are very strong . The baby s healthy and developing well .
Bridget : Thanks , Jerry . Well , I guess when god answers your prayers , it s a little bit much to just complain , huh ? Looks like we re having a baby .
### Summary:
| Nick reaches Bridget at the hospital and learns she is having a blood test and insists on being there . He also wants to tell Brooke , he ca nt spend another night like this . Brooke remarks she d like to renew her vows every single day but now she has to get to work . The lab tech , Jerry , draws blood from Bridget and she asks him to keep this just between the two of them . Nosy Felicia pops in and says she is worried what happened yesterday . Did Bridget tell her mother ? She is also curious how Nick took it since he always wanted to be a father . Eric and Brooke trade banter about her being CEO at Forrester and there while Ridge is on another continent . While Felicia and Eric gang up on her and spout her safety with Nick , she informs them she did renew her wedding vows , does that tell them anything ? He tells her how dear she is to them and the company , but everyone makes mistakes . What will happen when Nick makes his ? She states that Nick would never hurt her . While waiting for the test results , Nick and Bridget reminisce about losing Nicole . He wo nt hear the word miscarry for this baby . It is HIS and will be born healthy and strong . Rock - bottom line is that life trumps everything and life has chosen them to make new life . He refuses to see this as anything but a blessing and they hug and cling to each other . She confides in him that she loved him because he made her a better person , turned her into feeling beautiful inside . It happened again just now . Jerry gives them the results - positive , baby healthy and developing well . She remarks when God answers your prayers , best not to just complain . Looks like they are having a baby . Neither know whether to be happy or sad . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Caroline : Here you go , Victor . Settlement .
Victor : I have to hand it to you , Caroline . You have a way of making even the worst situation palatable .
Caroline : I wish that were true .
Victor : Is something wrong ?
Caroline : I hope not .
Max : Lucas was arrested last night .
Stephanie : He was ? Why ?
Max : Well , he violated the terms of his house arrest . The cops caught him at Salem Inn .
Stephanie : Do you think they re gon na send him back to prison ?
Max : I do nt think . I know . Apparently , this was his third violation . And he basically had a get - out - of - jail - free card , and he blew it . I mean , how stupid is that ?
Stephanie : That s crazy . I wonder why he did it .
Bo : It s a simple question , man . Why the hell did you leave the mansion ?
Lucas : I told you . I do nt want to talk about it .
Hope : Then can you at least tell us what you were doing at the Salem Inn during the blackout ?
Lucas : No .
Bo : [ Exhales deeply ]
Philip : Chloe . You slept with Lucas ?
Chloe : Yes , Philip , I did .
Nicole : Am I late ?
E.J. : Uh , no , actually . We still have a little bit of time .
Nicole : I think I broke every rule in the book trying to get here on time . You know , you could have told me this might happen today .
E.J. : Okay , just calm down a second I would have told you if I d known . Gene Briscoe , Victor s attorney , called me right after you d left . Now , I know you want to speed things along , so I suggested that we meet here to get the final papers signed .
Nicole : Well , is there any reason Victor agreed to end our marriage at the Brady Pub ?
E.J. : Yes , for the reason that I suggested it , which is that it s a neutral territory .
Nicole : Whatever . I just want to end this depressing chapter in my life .
E.J. : Does that also include our relationship ?
Stephanie : Looks like the rest of Salem finally got their power back .
Max : Yeah , this place seems to be clearing out from earlier today .
Stephanie : Do you want to tell your mom to take the afternoon off and hold down the fort for a few hours ?
Max : Sure . I do nt think she s gon na want to leave . She seems to be having an intense conversation with Victor .
Stephanie : I ca nt believe how cool she was when you told her about Trent and your sister .
Max : Yeah , I had no idea she was gon na take the news that well . I mean , she was really supportive . She even encouraged me to go find Melanie .
Stephanie : See ? Does nt it feel good to have everything out in the open ? New customers . I ll get their order .
Nicole : Let s just do this .
E.J. : Nicole , please . I do nt mind if you do nt answer my question as much as I mind if you do nt acknowledge it .
Nicole : Look , we do nt have time .
E.J. : We do . We have enough time . Can we please talk about what happened earlier ?
Nicole : How about we do nt ?
E.J. : [ Inhales deeply ] Look , you can tell me that you do nt want to have a relationship with me , but you ca nt expect me not to question why .
Nicole : Sure I can . We did nt really have a relationship . We re not friends . You re my lawyer , a lawyer I had sex with . That s it .
E.J. : That s not it .
Nicole : I do nt want to talk about this anymore , E.J. What happened in the elevator is a one - time thing , and you need to accept that .
Max : [ Clears throat ] I guess you got my message .
Trent : Yeah , I did . I must say , I was surprised that you called .
Max : Yeah , so am I. May I sit ?
Trent : Yeah . Go ahead . So , why did you call ?
Max : After you left the other day , I ve been thinking a lot about what I want and what I do nt want , and I realize that I m just -- I m tired of hating you . Every time I see you , I think about my mom and what she must have gone through , trying to raise me all alone , and this insane amount of anger just builds inside me , and I just -- I take it out on the people I love . And my friends and my family , they do nt deserve that . So , I ve asked you to come down here and meet me because I want us to -- no , I need us to come to some sort of understanding because I ca nt do this anymore .
Lucas : This is my third offense . You ca nt keep them from throwing me back in jail .
Hope : Maybe not . But if Bo and I can prove that you had a good reason for being at the Salem Inn , we might be able to sway the judge .
Lucas : I do nt , Hope .
Bo : Just tell us what it was . Let us be the judge of that .
Lucas : Trust me . It s not gon na make any difference .
Hope : Oh , God . You do nt know that . And why are you giving up ?
Lucas : I think I had a pretty good reason for killing E.J. Or trying to kill E.J. , and the judge still gave me 10 years in prison .
Bo : You never know . Maybe the judge will be more lenient this time .
Lucas : Not with my third offense he wo nt . Nobody will . It s mandatory . I have to go back to jail to finish out the rest of my term .
Bo : Since you know the law so well , why the hell do nt you follow it ?
Hope : Bo .
Bo : You ve got a family now , two little babies who are counting on you . When are you gon na start thinking about what s best for them ?
Philip : Why d you sleep with Lucas ?
Chloe : I do nt owe you any explanations .
Morgan : Look , maybe y all want to have this conversation somewhere else .
Sami : What the hell are you doing here ? You are really gon na use this as an opportunity to get close to Lucas . In case you do nt already know , Chloe thinks they re friends . She s been after him for a while now . I think you should leave .
Chloe : Uh , no .
Philip : That s enough .
Chloe : You know what ? I do nt have time for you .
Sami : Uncle Bo !
Bo : Hey .
Sami : Hi . I - I know -- I know it s against the rules , but , look , I really have to talk to Lucas . It is really important .
Bo : I m sorry . I ca nt let you do that .
Victor : Look , I understand your concern for Max . And I agree the situation with his father and his sister has the potential for disaster .
Caroline : I feel I have to protect him .
Victor : You already have . You and Shawn did a wonderful job . Max is certainly capable of meeting any adversity that comes his way .
Caroline : I know that in my heart , but I still worry . I mean , so many things could go wrong in his searching for her and then when he first meets her .
Victor : We have no idea what s going to happen , so I m afraid you re just gon na have to let those cards fall where they may .
Caroline : [ Sighs ] I m not very good at leaving things to chance .
Victor : Neither am I. Whatever the case , Max is going to be grateful for any support and encouragement that comes his way . I know I certainly am .
Caroline : Oh , Victor , I ve spent enough of your time , burdening you with my problems .
Victor : No , it s no burden at all .
Caroline : Well , you probably want some time to yourself before signing the divorce papers .
Victor : I just want to finish it .
Caroline : Yes . I ca nt believe what she s put you through . I guess getting her out of your life would be a big relief .
Victor : It certainly will be . And I plan to celebrate the minute the papers are signed and filed . Matter of fact , I understand that the , uh , that revival house downtown is playing Citizen Kane . How d you like to join me for a movie ?
Caroline : Oh . [ Laughs ] Why , I d love to . Gosh , I have nt gone to a movie in a long time . [ Door closes ]
Nicole : Victor .
Victor : Nicole .
Nicole : Caroline , could you be a dear and go get a bottle of your best champagne ? We re gon na want it to celebrate in a few minutes . Thank you .
E.J. : Victor , it s very good of you to meet us here . Is , uh , Gene gon na be joining us any time soon ?
Victor : Gene had a little family emergency . He wanted to reschedule , but I said no . He s already gone over the papers , so we ll just go on without him .
Nicole : This is really happening .
Victor : Do nt tell me you re having a change of heart .
Nicole : No ! No , I just -- I ca nt believe our marriage is about to end . It feels like just yesterday we both met .
Victor : My God . You re so beautiful .
Nicole : Take me , Victor . Now . Here . Make love to me . And even if this never happens again , we will always have this .
Victor : Listen , Kate s liable to walk in here any second .
Nicole : What is she gon na do , Victor , take away your TV privileges ?
Victor : Philip is also in the house . I do nt want him exposed --
Nicole : To what , Victor , the truth ?
Victor : Sneaking around like this is wrong .
Nicole : No . What we re feeling is nt wrong . And we both admitted that we care for each other , enjoy each other . We want to protect what s happening between us .
Victor : I - I - I want to protect my son .
Nicole : Of course . That s why we should make our announcement sooner than later .
Victor : Announcement ?
Nicole : Yes , Victor . You and me and the undeniable fact that we have a future together .
Priest : For as much as Victor and Nicole have made their vows together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before these friends and family and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring , I now pronounce you husband and wife . You may kiss your bride . May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kiriakis . [ Applause ]
Nicole : I made some mistakes in my life that I m not proud of . I think you have , too . Ca nt we just call it even ? I really want to be a good girl .
Victor : It s too late for that .
Nicole : There s nothing you can do to me . The police wo nt listen to you about anything you have to say about Colin or Jan Spears .
Victor : Who said anything about the police ? Even Caroline could nt talk me out of that .
Nicole : Out of what ?
Victor : I told her I was going to take your punishment into my own hands , and that s exactly what I m going to do !
Nicole : Oh ! Oh ! [ Gasps ]
Victor : We had some interesting times .
Nicole : Thank God it s finally over .
Victor : I ll drink to that .
Nicole : Before we ve signed ?
Victor : In anticipation , as if you need an excuse to drink .
Nicole : [ Laughs sarcastically ]
E.J. : Ah .
Stephanie : Hey , Victor .
E.J. : Lovely . Thank you . Do you mind if I ?
Nicole : Please . Thank you very much . [ Clears throat ] [ Cork pops ]
E.J. : There we go .
Nicole : Thank you kindly , sir .
E.J. : You re welcome . Victor . Well , shall we ?
Nicole : Of course . Um , Victor , I d like to make a toast -- to happy endings ... and to good health .
E.J. : Hear , hear .
Nicole : Cheers . Victor . Are you all right ?
Sami : Uncle Bo , this is really important to me . I have to talk to him .
Bo : You ca nt talk to him while he s being questioned about breaking house arrest .
Sami : Did Lucas say why he did it ?
Bo : You know I ca nt tell you that .
Sami : I am just worried about him . After everything we have been through , I love him so much , and I know you know how that feels .
Bo : Yeah , I do . Hang tight . I ll let you talk to him but only for a couple of minutes . He still needs to be processed . Grab a seat . Try to stay out of trouble .
Sami : I will . Thank you . Thank you .
Philip : [ Clears throat ]
Bo : I suppose you want to talk to him , too .
Philip : Mm - hmm .
Bo : I ll give you a couple of minutes .
Philip : Thanks . Hey , Bo , wait . Uh , Morgan left your office earlier a little upset . I was wondering if that was because there was a new development in her father s case .
Bo : You know I ca nt talk to you about an ongoing investigation .
Philip : I m not asking because I care what happens to Paul . I m asking because I m really worried about Morgan .
Bo : I do nt care what your motivation is . I ca nt talk to you .
Philip : I had to try .
Bo : Yeah . Philip , why did nt you just ask Morgan ?
Philip : I will the next time I see her .
Bo : When did the two of you become friends ?
Philip : I do nt know . Why ?
Bo : It s interesting .
Philip : What , that Morgan and I are friends ?
Bo : That and she s Paul s daughter .
Philip : What are you getting at , Bo ?
Bo : I hope you did nt have anything to do with his disappearance .
Stephanie : Is it just me or is it weird that Victor and Nicole are laughing and drinking champagne together ?
Caroline : Oh , well , if I had nt talked to Victor earlier , I would think it s strange , but he and Nicole are signing divorce papers today .
Stephanie : Oh .
Caroline : Mm - hmm .
Stephanie : How do you feel about that ?
Caroline : Oh , well , I m happy for him . Why do you ask ?
Stephanie : No reason .
Caroline : I do nt believe that .
Stephanie : I was thinking that it d be nice if you and Victor could go out every once and a while .
Caroline : Go out on a date ?
Stephanie : Yeah .
Caroline : Stephanie , are you trying to set me up with Victor ?
Stephanie : Maybe .
Caroline : Victor is just a really dear friend .
Stephanie : Who used to be something more than that .
Caroline : Stephanie .
Stephanie : Okay , I m sorry . I was just -- all I m saying is you work way too much . I just want you to have fun . I do nt want you to be alone .
Caroline : I m not alone . I have you . I have all my kids . I mean , I m surrounded by family .
Stephanie : Yeah , but it s not the same as having a partner .
Caroline : Well , grandpa was my partner . He s gone , and my life is just fine . I mean , can you imagine what my kids would say if I started to date ?
Stephanie : Actually , I can , especially Max .
Caroline : I m really worried about Max . He s so excited about his sister . He s gon na be very disappointed if that search does nt work out .
Stephanie : That s exactly what my mom said .
Caroline : Well , we have to pray , and we have to hope that Melanie is nothing like her father .
Trent : I do nt know what to say .
Max : I m just tired of hating you , Trent . I ve seen how hate and anger can change a person , and I do nt want that to happen to me .
Trent : So , what are you proposing ?
Max : I think we should call a truce and just go our separate ways .
Nicole : Victor , are you all right .
Victor : I - I m fine .
E.J. : No , I think maybe we should call 911 .
Nicole : You do nt look fine . Just call them .
Victor : No !
Nicole : Are you sure ? You look pale .
Victor : I m hot . That s all . It s just unseasonably warm .
E.J. : All right , I m gon na go get you a glass of water .
Nicole : You know , it is hot in here . I m gon na ask Caroline to --
Victor : Do nt bother . Really . We re not gon na be here that much longer .
Nicole : That s true .
E.J. : Here s some water . I really think you should reconsider going to hospital . It s not gon na see you any harm at all to get a checkup .
Nicole : I m sure he s fine . Maybe just a little excited to be getting rid of me .
Victor : I certainly will be glad to see you go .
Stephanie : Wonder what they re talking about .
Caroline : Well , at least they re not arguing .
Stephanie : Yet .
Caroline : You really love Max , do nt you ?
Stephanie : Yeah , I do .
Caroline : He s sure lucky to have you .
Stephanie : I m lucky to have him .
Caroline : I was so impressed by the way you stood by Max despite his being angry all the time . I was so worried about him .
Stephanie : So was I. There was no way I could turn my back on him . He needed me . He still does .
Caroline : I agree and if this situation with his sister does nt turn out , he s gon na need your support and your love even more .
Stephanie : And he ll definitely have that .
Caroline : Well , no matter what , do nt let him push you away . He may not have been born a Brady , but he s as stubborn as one .
Stephanie : Trust me . Do nt I know that .
Caroline : I m counting on you , kiddo .
Stephanie : I promise you . I wo nt let you or Max down .
Max : You re probably gon na want that back . And do nt worry . I m not gon na ask you again about who she is .
Trent : I have no intention of leaving Salem , Max .
Max : I do nt expect you to .
Trent : What do you expect ?
Max : When you see me walking down the street , you turn around and you walk the other way . And when I see you , do nt be surprised if I do the same .
Trent : So , we should just pretend the other does nt exist .
Max : Exactly .
Trent : That should nt be a problem .
Max : You know , I did nt think it would be .
Trent : Max . You ll never forgive me for abandoning you and your mother , will you ?
Max : Nope . But at least I do nt hate you anymore .
Stephanie : Are you okay ?
Max : Yeah . I m fine .
Stephanie : You do nt look fine .
Max : Seriously , I m okay .
Stephanie : Well , I saw you give that picture of your sister to Trent . Did he give you any information about her ?
Max : No . I did nt expect him to , either .
Stephanie : It does nt matter cause you can still find her with the information that my dad gave you , and I m gon na help you .
Max : No . No , you re not .
Nicole : [ Laughing ] Very nice . [ Laughs ]
Hope : I m sorry about what Bo said to you earlier .
Lucas : Do nt be . He s right . I was nt thinking about my kids when I broke my house arrest . I was nt thinking about what it would do to them if I got caught .
Hope : Which is nt like you . Not at all . What was so important you had to go to the Salem Inn ?
Chloe : Hello .
Lucas : Chloe .
Chloe : Lucas , hi . Um , I was just about to call you .
Lucas : Oh , yeah ?
Chloe : Yeah , I kind of needed someone to talk to .
Lucas : Well , I could use someone to talk to myself . I need a friend right now . You want to burden each other ?
Chloe : I do nt think it s such a good idea to come over . John seems to have a real problem with me .
Lucas : All right , then I ll come to you . Where are you ?
Chloe : I m about to head home , but , Lucas , you can not risk getting caught again . You have too much at stake .
Lucas : Not anymore .
Chloe : What do you mean ?
Lucas : I ll explain it to you when I get there . You gon na be okay till then ?
Chloe : Of course I ll be fine . But , seriously , it is not smart --
Lucas : I m coming to your room right now . I m on my way .
Hope : Come on , Lucas . Talk to me . I m trying to help you here . This -- this -- it just -- it does nt make any sense . Are you protecting someone ? You are . Who did you go and meet at the Salem Inn ?
Morgan : [ Clears throat ]
Chloe : You followed me here , Morgan ?
Morgan : Oh , hell yeah , I did .
Chloe : Well , you should nt have because I have nothing to say to you .
Morgan : Yeah , well , that s tough cause I got plenty to say to you .
Victor : I m sure you ll want to look these over before Nicole signs them .
E.J. : Of course . Thank you . Um , Nicole .
Nicole : Yes .
E.J. : It s just gon na take me a few minutes to look over these .
Nicole : All right . Uh , I ll be right back . Excuse me . Are you spying on me ?
Trent : Why would you think that ?
Nicole : I do nt know , because you ve done it before .
Trent : Mm . And for good reason . I see you have not severed your relationship with E.J.
Nicole : E.J. is my lawyer . He s helping me with some business .
Trent : Oh . What kind of business ?
Nicole : Well , that s none of your business .
Trent : What are you trying to hide , Nikki ?
Nicole : I m not trying to hide anything , Trent . But you , on the other hand , are hiding a lot , including an illegitimate son . You stay out of my life . I mean it .
Stephanie : Come on . Tell me when you want to go .
Max : We re not going anywhere .
Stephanie : If you re going , I m going with you .
Max : I m not going anywhere . I ve changed my mind . I do nt want to go find my sister .
Stephanie : Come on .
Max : No , I ve thought about it some , and I realized it s probably not a good idea .
Stephanie : I do nt understand .
Max : I spoke with Trent . Not about Melanie , but about our relationship . And I want to move past that part in my life . I do nt hate him , but I do nt want to be connected to him , either . Melanie connects us .
Stephanie : But you were so excited to meet her .
Max : Yeah , well , I m not anymore .
Stephanie : [ Sighs ]
Philip : Thanks for the vote of confidence , Bo . It s touching . Really .
Bo : Well , you got to admit Paul s disappearance is pretty convenient for you .
Philip : Convenient ? How ?
Bo : Well , I ve got reason to believe Paul knew something about drugs on John s ship and the warehouse fire .
Philip : So , what if he does ? What does that have to do with me ?
Bo : He talked to John . He believes you paid Paul to plant the drugs on the ship and start the fire .
Philip : So , Paul disappeared . He could nt testify against me . I had nothing to do with Paul s disappearance .
Bo : Hope you re telling me the truth .
Philip : I am .
Bo : Cause if you re not , I will arrest you .
Philip : I heard you the first time . Is Hope about done with Lucas ? I really need to speak with him .
Sami : Hey , wait a second , Philip . Get in line because I m talking to him first . How are you ? Are you okay ?
Lucas : Yeah , I m fine .
Sami : You ca nt go back to prison .
Lucas : Do nt have much choice .
Sami : [ Crying ] Lucas , I m sorry .
Stephanie : Can I talk to you for a minute ? You ca nt just tell me that you made peace with Trent and that you do nt want to find your sister anymore and then walk away .
Max : You re right . I m sorry .
Stephanie : What s going on with you ?
Max : I m reprioritizing my life .
Stephanie : Well , it just seems really sudden and weird .
Max : Just because you share DNA does nt make someone your family .
Stephanie : Are you sure you re okay with not finding your biological sister ?
Max : I am . As far as I m concerned , my family is the Brady s . And I love you , too ... a little bit .
Stephanie : Oh .
Caroline : Are you finished ?
Trent : Well , I am now . Why do nt you just say what you came over to say ?
Caroline : I asked you nicely --
Trent : Not to come here . Yes , I know . You do nt have to worry , Mrs. Brady . Your son and I have already had that discussion . I will try to keep my visits here to a minimum .
Caroline : Please do .
Trent : And I wish you a good day , madam .
Sami : [ Crying ] You ca nt go back to prison , Lucas . You just ca nt .
Lucas : Sami , come on . Come on . It s gon na be all right . Guys , can I just get a moment to talk to Sami alone ?
Bo : I told Sami I d let them talk before we processed him .
Hope : Of course .
Bo : Make it quick .
Lucas : Philip .
Philip : Yeah . But I want to talk to you .
Lucas : Do nt cry , all right ? I hate to see you cry . You know that .
Sami : I just -- I just feel like I m losing you all over again .
Lucas : You re not gon na lose me .
Sami : You knew what would happen if you broke house arrest again , Lucas . What was it -- what made you leave the mansion ?
Philip : Yeah , Lucas . What was so important that you d risk everything , including seeing your daughter grow up ?
Morgan : You are not gon na get away with it , Chloe .
Chloe : I know you think I lied about your daddy being on the pier , but I did nt . I saw Paul that night , and he definitely smelled like gasoline . And you know what , honey ? He s gon na burn .
Morgan : I do not believe you .
Chloe : I do nt care what you believe , Morgan . It s the truth .
Morgan : You know what , Chloe ? Why do nt you just admit it ? You re just saying these things about my father because you are jealous of my relationship with Philip .
E.J. : Okay . If you could sign here . And , uh , here . And here . That s it .
Victor : Well , I trust you ll file this paper with the court immediately .
E.J. : I certainly will .
Victor : Well .
Nicole : This is it , huh ? Our fairy - tale marriage has finally come to an end .
Victor : A grim fairy tale at best . Goodbye , Nicole .
Nicole : Goodbye , Victor .
E.J. : You know , for a woman who just got everything she ever wanted , you do nt seem very happy .
Nicole : I am .
E.J. : Really ?
Nicole : Mm - hmm .
E.J. : Want to go out for lunch and celebrate ?
Nicole : I ca nt . I m sorry , E.J.
E.J. : Can I take you out for dinner ?
Nicole : Dinner s bad , too . I should go .
E.J. : Nicole . Wait . I do nt understand why it is that you insist on trying to completely cut me out of your life .
Stephanie : I still do nt understand why you ca nt cut ties with Trent and meet your sister . But if that s what you want ...
Max : It is .
Stephanie : ... Then I support you .
Max : Well , thank you . Look , I got to get back to work , okay ?
Bo : Did Lucas tell you why he was at the Salem Inn ?
Hope : Nope . But I think he went there to meet someone , and he s protecting that person now .
Bo : Wonder who that person is and why he feels he has to protect them .
Hope : Hmm . Good question .
Bo : Philip was trying to get information on the Hollingsworth case .
Hope : Do you think there s any truth to John s theory that Philip set him up ?
Bo : Yeah , it s possible . But Philip denies having any involvement with the disappearance .
Hope : Yeah , well , that s no surprise , is it ?
Bo : No , it s not . The more I talk to him , the more I get the feeling my little brother s lying to me .
Sami : Philip , you re gon na get a chance to talk to Lucas . Do you mind if we finish our conversation first ?
Philip : No , Sami , you asked Lucas a question , and I think we both deserve an answer . So , tell us , Lucas . Why were you at Salem Inn ? What was so important you d risk going back to prison ?
Lucas : I might not see Sami for a long time . I d like a little time alone .
Philip : Answer me !
Sami : Lucas .
Lucas : I ll tell you what I told the cops . I have no comment .
Sami : No comment ?
Philip : You re gon na have to do better than that .
Chloe : Morgan , you really need to get over yourself .
Morgan : No , you know I m right . You re jealous of my relationship with Philip , so you will do anything to get back at me .
Chloe : I m trying to protect Philip .
Morgan : By accusing my father of starting the warehouse fire .
Chloe : No , by telling the police exactly what I saw that night on the pier .
Morgan : You know what I think ? I think you re jealous of my relationship with Philip so you ll do anything to get back at me , and I think that you re hooking up with Lucas to get back at Philip .
Chloe : I do nt have time to listen to your garbage .
Morgan : You re not gon na get away with it , Chloe .
Philip : Why were you at the Salem Inn , Lucas ?
Lucas : It does nt matter .
Philip : Hell , yeah , it matters .
Lucas : Let it go .
Philip : Come on , Lucas . Sami s gon na find out eventually .
Lucas : I said drop it .
Philip : Or what ? What the hell are you gon na do about it ?
Sami : Hey , just stop it , all right ? Both of you .
Bo : All right , that s enough . Time for processing .
Sami : No , Uncle Bo . You said I could talk to Lucas . Come on , you said I could have a chance to talk to him .
Philip : Lucas .
Bo : Let s go .
E.J. : Nicole , wait . Please , I do nt understand . Now , why is it that we ca nt be friends ?
Nicole : I do nt need any more friends , E.J.
E.J. : How about a lover ?
Nicole : I m a selfish woman , E.J. I do nt like to share my men . You are in love with Sami . And until that changes , we have nothing left to say to each other .
Stephanie : Bye .
Max : Where are you going ?
Stephanie : See my baby brother at the hospital .
Max : Oh , okay . Give him a high five for me .
Stephanie : I will . You know , you can come , too .
Max : Maybe next time . I still have a lot of work to do .
Stephanie : Okay . If you change your mind about finding your sister , just ask and I ll help .
Max : Okay . Thanks . I wo nt .
Stephanie : If you do .
Max : Okay .
Stephanie : Ugh . I left my keys in the kitchen . I ll be right back .
Max : All right .
Steve : Listen , Maxwell . I know you believe this woman is your sister , but do nt think you should contact her until we find out more about her .
Max : I promise I ll be careful .
Steve : Good . And I do nt want Stephanie to go with you .
Max : Look , whatever happens , I ll keep her out of it , all right ?
Steve : You damn well better .
Max : I m sorry , Steph , but I got to do this on my own .
Caroline : Did things go all right with Nicole ?
Victor : Oh , yes , it did .
Caroline : Good .
Victor : By this time tomorrow , I ll be free of that greedy , conniving , murdering witch forever .
Caroline : Well , I m happy for you , Victor .
Victor : We re still celebrating with a movie .
Caroline : Absolutely .
Victor : How about Tuesday night ?
Caroline : It s A ... date . Victor . Oh , God . Victor ! Victor !
Kate : Maybe you should just stay away from the Kiriakis men .
Chloe : I guess you have nt heard the news .
Bo : Time for you to start talking to me .
Man : The gentleman s family asked that you be notified .
Daniel : What do you mean ?
Man : His name is Victor Kiriakis .
### Summary:
| Victor and Nicole sign divorce papers . After a second warning from Trent , Nicole tells both him and EJ to stay out of her life . Victor and Caroline make plans to go on a date . Victor collapses shortly afterwards . Max talks with Trent , and tells him that he wants to cut all ties with him and avoid him from now on . He tells Stephanie that he is no longer interested in meeting his sister . Later , after she leaves , Max flashes back to Steve telling him to keep Stephanie out of this , and Max says he has to do this on his own . Caroline tells Trent not to come back to the pub . Bo , Hope , Phillip , and Sami all try to get Lucas to admit why he was at the Salem Inn . Lucas refuses to say , and Sami breaks down when he is hauled off for processing . Hope thinks Lucas is protecting someone , and Bo is suspicious of Phillip s interest in Morgan and her father s disappearance . Morgan confronts Chloe , accusing her of lying to the police to get back at Morgan for seeing Phillip . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ciara : Chad ? Hey , sorry I m late . I had to talk to one of my teachers after class .
Chad : That s fine . It s -- Thomas is sleeping .
Ciara : I would nt have thought you were into scrapbooking .
Chad : Yeah , I m -- I m not . I m -- I m actually just trying to put something together that might give my wife a reason to want to come home .
Robinson : I think we need to talk about the visit you had with your husband and your child .
Abigail : Because I told them to go home ?
Robinson : Yes . Can you tell me why you did that ?
Abigail : I guess I do nt want to hurt Chad anymore .
Robinson : How could you be hurting him ?
Abigail : Cause I can tell how it is for him . I see it . I know . I can tell that he thinks it s humiliating , you know , to see me the way I am right now .
Robinson : If you were physically ill , you d let him see you , would nt you ?
Abigail : [ Scoffs ] That s different .
Robinson : How is it different ?
Abigail : He brought Thomas to me because he thought that it would make me feel better . But every time I reached out to him , he just screamed his head off . He just cried , and cried , and cried , and screamed .
Robinson : I m sorry .
Abigail : I think I m a bad mother . I do nt think that I know how to do this , because I ca nt even-- I ca nt even comfort my own baby .
Robinson : Abigail .
Abigail : It s true . You re not a bad mother . You re just a woman going through a very tough time .
Abigail : [ Weeping ] [ Laughs ] That s Thomas s . Aw , this is Thomas s . He s -- oh , he loves this little guy . My -- I know my brother gave it to him , and Thomas always used to pull on his ears .
Robinson : Then why d you throw it away ?
Abigail : What ?
Robinson : One of the aides saw you place that in a trash can .
Abigail : Mm , that s not possible , I ...
Robinson : You do nt remember doing it ?
Abigail : No , why would I-- why would I do that ? I -- no , he loves this . This is --this is -- this is his favorite toy . Why would I-- how could I throw this away and not remember ?
Roman : So , have you heard anything from hope ?
Rafe : Not a word , and I ca nt get through to my mother or the hospital either . I keep getting a busy signal . Damn switchboard must be going crazy .
Roman : So you do nt know how Gabi and Ari are doing ?
Rafe : I m going out of my mind .
Roman : [ Sighs ] Just what this town needs is a flu epidemic .
Rafe : Yeah , and I spoke to the guy at the CDC . He said nowhere else in the country is experiencing an outbreak like this .
Rafe : DNA test results .
Roman : Well ? Does chase s DNA match the guy we re holding , or the body of the guy who attacked hope ?
Rafe : The guy who Bo killed , who s in a grave ? He is not a match for chase .
Roman : So it s true . He s not Aiden .
Rafe : And the guy in the holding cell ... is a match for chase .
Roman : Damn it . I ca nt believe it . Well , we have to get a hold of hope . Tell her this .
Rafe : Yeah , well , the problem is , I have no idea where she is .
André : Hope . What a pleasant surprise . Have you come to confess to the murder of my father ?
Hope : I thought we d have a little chat ... about Aiden .
Roman : Damn it , hope . Call me .
Aiden : You got the test results back , right ? Prove that I m a match for my son ?
Rafe : Yeah .
Aiden : Yeah , so that means I was telling the truth . I am Aiden Jennings . I never attacked hope . That was some look - alike , so when are you gon na let me go ?
Ciara : Hm . Wow , Abigail looked so beautiful in her wedding dress .
Chad : Yeah , I could nt believe it the first time I saw her in it .
Ciara : I know you went to see her this morning . Is she doing any better ?
Chad : I mean , she ... I do nt know . She found-- feels like she s slipping away from me . I mean , she just told me and Thomas to go home , so ...
Ciara : No wonder you seem down . I ca nt even imagine Abigail saying something like that .
Chad : Yeah , her doctor said she might just not be ready for visitors quite yet .
Ciara : Oh . You know , my mom wanted me to see a shrink -- Marlena , actually . After what happened with chase .
Chad : Yeah .
Ciara : Yeah , but I did nt want to . I mean , I do nt see how it could help to sit there and relive it all over again . I just wanted to put it behind me , you know ? Forget about it .
Chad : Well , that s what you hope for .
Ciara : You do nt think it s possible ?
Chad : I went to see Marlena . I d blocked out some things , and -- and she helped me remember .
Ciara : And are you better off ?
Chad : Yeah , I know I am . She helped me remember that Ben was framing me for all of those murders . So when Marlena told me that Abby needed to be in the hospital , I trusted her . I took her advice . You know , and I -- I agree that Abby needs help getting over what Ben did to her , but ... you know , now , in -- in ... to be in that place , and I know it terrifies her , and she s away from her family ... it s the hardest decision I ve ever had to make , and I miss her . So much so that I want to-- I want to jump into my car and race over there and bring my wife back home ... where she belongs .
Robinson : Even with you looking at it , it seems very difficult for you .
Abigail : So is that why you think that I got rid of it ?
Robinson : It probably reminds you of Thomas , maybe smells a little bit like him . Brings back memories of you holding him , feeding him , comforting him when he was crying .
Abigail : Those are all the things I ca nt do anymore for Thomas . What if IM ... not just bad at it now ? What if it s -- what if it does nt change ? I mean--
Robinson : Abigail--
Abigail : What if I ca nt ever be the mom that Thomas deserves , you know ? I mean , what if -- what if I-- I ll never be a good mom ? What do I have to live for ?
André : Aiden Jennings ? He s dead . Bo killed him . That s all I know .
Hope : There s been a recent development . Aiden is in the Salem county jail .
André : That s not possible .
Hope : He says that you and Stefano had him kidnapped , and caged him , and drugged him , while you sent someone who looked exactly like him to kill me .
André : I do nt know what you hope to gain by this science fiction story , but it s not going to work .
Hope : Science fiction ? Really ? That s kind of funny . Evil twins are a DiMera specialty . The two Rafes . Why not Aiden and faux Aiden ?
André : Well , even if it were true , I had nothing to do with it .
Hope : You know what ? I think being locked up is starting to get to you . You used to be a much better liar .
Aiden : I am a lawyer . I know my rights . The guy who attacked hope is dead in a cemetery , so you have no reason to hold me .
Rafe : I disagree .
Aiden : Oh , you disagree ? Why do you disagree ? Stefano and André had me captive .
Roman : We ve still got grounds to hold you .
Aiden : Grounds ? What grounds ?
Rafe : Well , there s breaking and entering , for starters .
Aiden : You re gon na keep me in jail for letting myself into hope s house with the key that she gave me ?
Rafe : That s for hope to decide .
Aiden : Okay , now that you know who I really am , I want to talk to hope in private .
Rafe : You want to talk to someone in private ? You can talk to me .
Fynn : The same old antivirals ? Bloody hell , this is all the center could come up with ? Gabi Hernandez s condition is slowly starting to improve . They suggested that if they study her immune system , maybe--
Fynn : Well , maybe this whole town will be dead by the time they conclude their study . What about studying Paul Narita ? He seems to be patient zero . If we can find out how he got infected-- What did -- what will that give us ?
Fynn : More to go on than we have right now , which is nothing .
Seth : I ve got every news source in the country camped out on the hospital lawn , and I ve got to give them a statement soon . I sure as hell do nt want to tell them that we have nothing .
Fynn : According to this bloke , we have no good news . This is Seth Burns . He s the chief administrator of the hospital .
Seth : What do you mean , no good news ?
Fynn : The virus seems to be resistant to all current protocols .
Seth : So everybody that s been infected could be doomed ? Oh , my God . You and your people had better come up with something fast .
Adriana : Your fever is down another half a degree . Oh , thank God .
Gabi : I m okay .
Adriana : You re a little better , hija , but you re miles from being okay .
Gabi : How are you , Mami ?
Adriana : I feel fine . So does Dario . He says we re too stubborn for any virus .
Gabi : Mm . What about Arianna ?
Adriana : I just came from seeing her . She has someone with her all the time . They re watching her closely .
Gabi : But what about her fever ? It s getting worse , right ?
Adriana : Her fever is too high , even for a child .
Gabi : Oh , my God .
Adriana : But they re giving her cold , cold baths , hoping that that will help , and it will .
Gabi : Yeah ?
Adriana : Yeah .
Gabi : Do you remember-- remember when I was little , and -- and I had a fever ? You used to make something and put it on my forehead .
Adriana : A poultice . My abuela taught me to make it .
Gabi : Mami , please , make one for Arianna , please .
Adriana : Hija , I m sure they have rules here against this kind of , like , holistic thing--
Gabi : I do nt care . I do nt care . I would go make it right now . I do nt know how , but please , please , you have to help my little girl . Mami , please .
Fynn : What are you doing here ? You have to be in isolation .
Kayla : I m still your boss , right ?
Fynn : Yeah , but I m just--
Kayla : No , no , no buts . You should be in the lab . The rest of the staff is tending to the patients . Someone needs to be in charge here . It looks like it s me .
Aiden : [ Sighs ] The only one I m gon na talk to is hope .
Rafe : All right . I ll do the talking then . I do nt know exactly what happened to you or exactly what happened to hope the night that she was attacked , but I do know that she has been through a lot . A lot more than any one person should have to deal with , and there is no damn way that I m gon na let you add to that .
Aiden : What I do is none of your business .
Rafe : Well , if it involves hope , it is my business .
Aiden : Well , well , well . You still love her , do nt you ?
Rafe : Hope s my partner and my friend , and I ll do whatever it takes to protect her .
André : I had nothing to do with any creation for a double of Aiden Jennings . However , I can not vouch for my father . Thanks to you , he s not alive to be able to answer that question .
Hope : Right . Stefano s dead , so why not pin it on him ?
André : Well , you can believe whatever it is you want to believe .
Hope : I m gon na get to the bottom of this .
André : I have no idea why you went to the trouble to come all the way out here . Even if I had my hand in this development , do you really think that I would ever tip it off to you ? Guard . Good - bye , Hope . Have sweet dreams . I have never hurt Hope , and I never will , and I never stopped loving her . All I care about right now , Rafe , is trying to get her back and trying to help my son .
Rafe : Hmm . Well , that s gon na be a little bit difficult , do nt you think ? Seeing as how your son raped her daughter .
Aiden : Ciara was his best friend , all right ? He is the sweetest kid . He would never--
Rafe : Chase confessed to it . He s guilty .
Aiden : He thought I was dead . He thought I d tried to murder hope . He was not in his right mind when he made that confession . Was he represented by counsel ? Were his Miranda rights ever read to him ?
Rafe : We did it by the book . Chase committed a violent crime . He s paying the price . End of story .
Rafe : No word from hope ?
Roman : No .
Rafe : Well , she s got to find out about this .
Roman : Yeah .
Rafe : And the sooner the better .
Roman : No doubt about that . How d it go with him in there ?
Rafe : Well , he says he s -- he s gon na try and get her back .
Roman : Really ?
Rafe : Yeah .
Roman : Finally .
Rafe : My God .
Roman : You ve got to be kidding me .
Hope : Kidding you about what ? What s going on ?
Thomas : [ Crying ]
Ciara : I got this . Hey , little man . Are you hungry ? Or are you just cranky when you get up , like me ?
Thomas : [ Murmuring ]
Chad : Hey , why do nt you ... what s going on with you ? How are you ?
Ciara : I would nt want to bore you with it .
Chad : Not gon na bore me . Trust me , I m ... I m exhausted about thinking about my own problems .
Ciara : Tell you the truth , you re actually the only person that I can actually talk to that does nt go ballistic .
Chad : All right , well . Talk , girl .
Ciara : Well , you re not gon na believe it .
Chad : Okay , try me .
Ciara : Well ... you remember Aiden ?
Chad : Mm - hmm .
Ciara : Chase s father ? Seemed so nice . Married my mom and then tried to kill her on their wedding night .
Chad : Yeah , sure do .
Ciara : Well , he s back .
Chad : I m sorry , what ? What , has somebody -- somebody hold a séance ? Is nt he supposed to be six feet under at St. Luke s ?
Ciara : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , I do nt know . He said that was somebody else that -- a guy that looked just like him .
Chad : What -- and you re just-- you re just gon na keep this to yourself ?
Ciara : Like I said , you have a lot to deal with .
Chad : And your mom , she knows about this ?
Ciara : Oh , yeah . She s a total wreck . I mean , how much is she supposed to handle ? And what am I gon na do if she loses it ?
Chad : Your mom is one of the -- one of the strongest people I ve ever known . She might be spread thin , but it s not gon na stop her from being a good mother to you .
Ciara : Thanks for saying that .
Chad : I m not just saying it . I -- I really do mean that .
Ciara : I hope you re right . What , you re not hungry ? Well , I guess ... Ill go get your bath .
Chad : Hey , Dr. Robinson , how -- how -- how is she doing ?
Abigail : It s not Dr. Robinson , Chad . It s me .
Gabi : Hey , sweetie . Hey there . Mami , she s so hot .
Adriana : I know .
Gabi : Do you think somebody saw us ?
Adriana : After the nurse left ? I do nt think so , but I m sure she s just taking a quick break , so we have to hurry .
Gabi : Okay , okay . It s okay , A.
Adriana : They did nt want to deliver here , but I had to talk them into it .
Gabi : Oh , yeah , at the health food store ?
Adriana : Yeah .
Gabi : I m sorry , yeah . What are you two doing in here ?
Gabi : Oh , I m her mother and grandmother . You re sick , and she s infected . What do you think you re doing ?
Adriana : It s a holistic poultice . If the doctor did nt order it , you ca nt do it .
Adriana : It can bring her fever down .
Gabi : Yeah , it s helping her , and your medicine is not helping her at all .
Seth : I heard raised voices . What s going on here ? They re trying to give her some holistic thing .
Seth : The two of you have to leave immediately .
Gabi : We are her family .
Adriana : And I am a trained nurse , and I have permission from the chief of staff to help out during this crisis .
Seth : Dr. Johnson is nt authorized to give those permissions .
Adriana : Look I do nt care what you say . I can be of help . Look , you can do whatever you want when this is over , but I m not leaving until it is , so if you want me out of here , you will have to pick me up and carry me out .
Rafe : We ve been really worried about you .
Hope : I m fine . I am , I m fine . What were you two talking about when I came in ?
Roman : The DNA results came back .
Hope : And ?
Roman : He s a match for chase . The body in the cemetery is not .
Hope : My God , so the guy that Bo killed was the impostor . That part of the story was true ?
Rafe : Yeah .
Hope : I do nt want him set free .
Rafe : Well , we can still hold him on the b & e charge .
Hope : No , he s a lawyer . He can beat that . He ll say I gave him a key to the house , which I did .
Rafe : Yeah , that was before you were almost strangled to death , hope .
Hope : But not by him . He ll tell the judge that he believed that we were still a couple and that he had every right to use that key .
Roman : Okay , so what do you want to do ?
Hope : It s not what I want to do . Legally , we have to let him go . You re free to go .
Aiden : They told you my DNA results ?
Hope : Yes .
Aiden : So then if you re letting me go , then you ... believe I m me , right ?
Hope : I believe you are who you say you are , but I have no idea whether the rest of your story is true .
Aiden : Hope , if it was nt , why would I come back ?
Hope : Because you have a son here who s in a lot of trouble .
Aiden : That is true . But I could nt stay away from you . Thinking about you and how much I love you -- that is what kept me alive . And I know you loved me , too .
Hope : Past tense .
Aiden : I remember your face the day I asked you to marry me . Hope , that is something that I never would have done if I did nt believe with all of my heart that you loved me as much as I love you .
Hope : Correction . I loved who I thought you were , but there was nothing pure about our love . The DiMeras paid you a lot of money to get me to fall in love with you .
Aiden : I was in a lot of debt , okay ? I -- it was before I even knew you , but then I got to know you , and I fell in love with you . Stefano and André , they must ve realized that and knew that I would nt go through with killing you , and so they turned on me .
Hope : What did you expect ?
Aiden : Look , I did nt care what happened to me , as long as you were spared , as long as they did nt hurt my son . I loved you more than my own life , and I still do . You have to believe that .
Hope : No , I do nt . I do nt have to believe anything you say .
Aiden : Look at me . You are looking at the man who was ready to spend his entire life making you happy . Ca nt you even try remembering loving me too ? You know , I have been through a lot these last few months .
Hope : [ Scoffs ] It s funny . We finally have something in common .
Aiden : You know , one thing it s taught me is patience . And I will wait as long as it takes for you to realize that the feelings you have for me have not died . They may be buried deep down inside you , but I know they are as strong as ever .
Abigail : I only have this one phone call .
Chad : Hey , hey , I m -- it s so good to hear your voice . I got -- I got so worried about you when I left there this morning .
Abigail : I m all right , I guess .
Chad : Look , I know how hard this is for you , and -- and -- you just , you know , you re so brave .
Abigail : I do nt feel very brave .
Chad : Yeah , I know . I know , but you are brave , and I m -- I -- I am so proud of you . You know , you re gon na get your treatment , and you re gon na come home , and -- and -- and -- we re gon na be -- we re gon na be happy . Yeah , I got a present for you . I m gonna -- Ill bring it the next time I come to see you .
Abigail : That s actually why I called , Chad . I do nt want you to come see me anymore .
Chad : You dont -- you do nt mean that .
Abigail : Yes , I do .
Chad : What about -- what about Thomas ? What about your son ?
Abigail : What about him ? You saw him . He s scared to death of me .
Chad : No , he s not scared of you .
Abigail : He could nt stop crying .
Chad : He s a baby . That s -- that s all they know how to do .
Abigail : He cries whenever I touch him now . He just cries . I ca nt take it . I ca nt stand it . I ca nt stand the look on your face , Chad . I -- I ca nt take seeing any of you .
Chad : [ Stammering ] Does Dr. Robinson know that you re doing this ?
Abigail : Just please do nt argue with me , Chad . Please just respect my decision and just do nt come to see me anymore , and please also tell my mom and my brother that I do nt want to see them anymore either .
Chad : You really -- you really do nt want to see any of us ?
Abigail : I just ... I just ca nt do it .
Chad : Abby . Please just think -- think about what you re saying .
Abigail : Good - bye , Chad .
Abigail : [ Exhales ] [ Crying ]
Kayla : I m okay .
Fynn : My God , you re burning up .
Kayla : You know , why do nt you go back to the lab and let me do my work , all right ?
Fynn : They can function without me for a while . I m gon na stay here with you .
Kayla : Anybody ever tell you you re a pain in the butt ?
Fynn : All the time , but look , this place will go down without you . That s why you need to take very good care of yourself . I m gon na stay here to make sure you do that .
Ciara : Hey , Mary has Thomas right now . Do you need anything ?
Chad : I have to go .
Hope : Bo died . Did you know that ? He had cancer . He died in my arms .
Aiden : I m sorry .
Hope : He was held prisoner , just like you were .
Aiden : Why are you telling me this ?
Hope : Because a lot of the things that I believed about my life turned out not to be true . Bo never stopped loving me . And you only started to love me when you were paid a lot of money to do so . I do nt know what to think about anything right now . But I do nt want any pressure from you .
Aiden : I understand .
Rafe : How d it go ?
Hope : I need to get out of here .
Rafe : Fine . I m going with you .
Aiden : Hope told me I m free to go .
Roman : It was her call .
Aiden : Okay , well , I need to see my son .
Roman : That s your right . He s in jail .
Aiden : But he has nt been sentenced yet , is nt that right ?
Roman : Yes , it is .
Aiden : Well , then , it s not too late to withdraw his guilty plea , especially if the judge rejects whatever agreement the DA made with him before he entered a plea .
Roman : You re the lawyer , but your son raped Ciara Brady , and just because you seem to be getting away with the things you ve done , do nt think you can fix it so your son does nt pay for his crime .
Rafe : So ... you want to tell me what happened with Aiden ?
Hope : Look , Rafe--
Caroline : Rafe , I -- I just heard about Gabi and Arianna .
Rafe : Yeah .
Hope : Well , what s happening ? Are they okay ?
Caroline : Well , there s this dreadful virus , you know , going around . The whole hospital has been quarantined , so -- so if they do let you see them , please tell them I m praying for them , all right ?
Rafe : I will , thank you , Caroline .
Caroline : You take care of yourself . You , too , dear . Both of you .
Hope : Bye , Caroline .
Rafe : Thank you .
Hope : Why did nt you tell me this ?
Rafe : Cause there s nothing you can do .
Gabi : Well ? It s not back to normal , but it is lower .
Gabi : What does that mean ?
Adriana : The fever has broken .
Gabi : [ Exclaims ] I m so glad that you re here .
Adriana : Oh , Chiquita , so am I.
Gabi : Hey .
Adriana : [ Mouthing words ]
Chad : So Abby calls me . She tells me that she does nt want to see me anymore , that she does nt want to see her mother or her brother . She does nt even want to see her own son .
Robinson : She told me about the phone call she made to you .
Chad : Okay , what are you gon na do ?
Robinson : I ca nt force her to see someone she does nt want to see .
Chad : She is in a mental institution . She does nt know what she wants !
Robinson : I m sorry .
Chad : What am I -- what am I supposed to ... just tell my wife that I love her and that I miss her .
Chad : [ Weeping ]
Rafe : And you re still feeling all right ? Well , thank God . Give Gabi and Arianna my love , and keep me posted , please . I love you too . Bye . Well , my mother says that Gabi and Arianna are feeling much better . Seems to think that maybe the worst has passed .
Hope : That s great . Thank God . That s such a relief . I m happy for you , it s good .
Rafe : Yeah , yeah . So ... let s talk about you .
Hope : Oh , joy , let s talk about me . You know , I was thinking . It occurred to me as we were walking over here that I still have no idea when they switched the real Aiden with the fake Aiden .
Rafe : Mm .
Hope : Rafe , for all I know , I could still be married to ... to Aiden .
Rafe : And he says he loves you and wants you back .
Hope : He worked for the DiMeras , Rafe .
Rafe : Yeah , no , I-- I hear you . Maybe I m asking this a little bit too soon , but I am kind of an interested party . How do you feel about all this ?
André : Well , look who s here .
### Summary:
| Abby talked to Dr. Robinson about her problems . Hope went to see Andre about Aiden . Rafe wanted to question Aiden , but Aiden wanted to talk to Hope . Fynn wanted to figure out what caused the virus . Rafe talked to Aiden about Hope . Aiden figured out that Rafe loved Hope . Andre denied having anything to do with Aiden s double . He was done talking to her . Aiden said he wanted Hope back and wanted to help his son . Rafe was done talking to him . The doctors yelled at Gabi and Adrianna for trying to make Arianna feel better . Hope told Roman and Rafe that they had to let Aiden go . Hope told Aiden he could leave . He tried to reach out to her , but it did nt work . Abby told Chad not to come see her anymore . Hope told Aiden that Bo died . She did nt want Aiden pressuring her to get back together . Aiden told Roman that he would get Chase off , but Roman told him he would nt . Chad went to see Dr. Robinson and demanded to see Abby . Rafe wanted to know how Hope felt about Aiden . Aiden went to see Andre . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lulu : Lucky -- ahem -- are you here ?
Scott : All right --
Lulu : Oh !
Scott : Lulu , do nt worry . I m not liquored up .
Lulu : No , you need to leave .
Scott : Well , you need to know something here , all right ? When you get the guts up to go see what s left of Logan , I want you to know this . Stay away from my son !
Luke : Yeah , I want you to know this ! I told you to keep him away from her in the first place !
Marianna : I ca nt believe how priceless this piece of paper is .
Ric : Yes , you are now free from deportation . You have an application for a green card , and you have a work permit .
Marianna : Thanks to you .
Ric : Oh , no .
Marianna : Hmm . And all because I knew how to make a good cup of coffee .
Ric : Well , hardly .
Ric : So --
Marianna : So -- what happens now ?
Maxie : You have to do something before this thing goes all the way up and scrapes me off like sewer gum !
Maxie : What s that , Spinelli ?
Spinelli : Oh , the -- the original grate that descended to impede our progress is rising , but this one -- I -- I can not override the over-- my previous override of the override system --
Maxie : Oh !
Spinelli : To stop it from doing the same thing !
Diego : Oh !
Nikolas : You took away the most beautiful thing that I ve ever known in my life . You did nt think I d remember , did you ? You did nt think I d remember you strangling her to death . Hurts , does nt it ?
Nikolas : Does nt it ? Now I m going to make you wish that you stayed dead !
Diego : Agh !
Patrick : Now , this is only temporary . We re trying to protect your hands as much as possible . We removed the largest pieces of glass , immobilized your joints . You suffered a concussion , but you ll be fine in a couple days . Our priority right now is to get you stabilized and get you into the O.R. It s not good , Jason . I m not going to lie to you . We also gave you enough antibiotics and painkillers to put down a horse . If you re thinking of getting out of here and doing something heroic , do nt . You re only going to waste everybody s time when you fall down and we have to pick you up . Now for that big , indelicate question --
Jason : When can I go back to work ?
Patrick : I was thinking more along the lines of are you ever going to work for Sonny Corinthos again ?
Patrick : I ca nt guarantee you ll be fit for urban warfare again . We re going to do the best we can as quickly as we can . Hand specialists -- they re on their way . We re going to get you prepped for surgery into an O.R. that s equipped with video linkup . Video conference surgery -- every top - dog surgeon that ca nt be here will be looking down on us via satellite .
Jason : Thank you .
Patrick : No thank - you necessary . Big surgeries like this put coins in the G.H. piggy bank , which is more than I can say for your regular body count in the G.H. morgue . I ducked out earlier and had a couple drinks , so I wo nt be picking up a scalpel . Plus , this surgery is out of my specialty .
Jason : That s good to know .
Patrick : Look , I m trying to be a better man here . I m at a cross purpose of ethics . You can understand the irony and the possibilities . This is one of the most complex , if not the most complex mechanical actions that your body and mind can do . Now , I ca nt give you a prognosis until they get in there and see the big picture . But while we re doing everything we can to make sure this surgery is a success , you should take the opportunity to think if there s anything else those hands are capable of .
Ian : Well , it looks like you ve gone and ruined all the wonderful work that I have done . Oh . You know , if you wanted to see me again , all you had to do was schedule a follow - up , maam .
Sam : Oh , man . I bet that line actually works on some women .
Ian : Not on you ?
Sam : Look , Doc , I am in far too much pain and I have gone through way too much to flirt with my doctor . And you are a doctor , are nt you ?
Sam : Really ? Or are you just some guy who came off the street and put that thing -- his blue suit on and took a peak under my sheets ?
Ian : Miss , I am twice a doctor . Reconstructive surgeon to oncologist , remember ?
Sam : Well , I do nt see the connection .
Ian : You do nt need to . Well , it looks like you ve -- well , popped out a few things that need to get popped back in again .
Sam : Oh . Whoa , that was technical .
Ian : I figure why bore you with all the medical mumbo - jumbo or scare you with all the gory details after the night you ve had ?
Sam : Thanks .
Ian : Uh - huh . Suffice it to say , it s not an emergency , but you should get this taken care of sooner rather than later . I can repair all the damage you ve done , inside and out .
Sam : Huh ? Out ?
Ian : Yeah , a scar that you re going to have . I take requests , you know .
Sam : What ?
Ian : Yeah . Designer scars . Oh , yeah , it s all the rage . Yeah , for virtually the same price , I can make it completely invisible . Or I can doctor it up to be a little bit more aesthetically pleasing . A simple tribal symbol . Maybe your initials , a quick haiku .
Sam : Oh , yeah , good . You re kidding ? You re kidding . Yeah ?
Ian : Yeah .
Sam : Good .
Ian : Of course I am . But it took your mind off the pain long enough to let the meds take the edge off , did nt it ?
Sam : Oh , God -- I m okay . So you are too smooth to use one - liners . Let me think -- plastic surgeon , oncologist , two different types of doctors . Are there two different types of men behind the degrees ?
Ian : How badly do you want to know ?
Alexis : Jax is my best friend in the whole world . Not to mention , my ex- husband .
Jerry : Oh , from a marriage that was never consummated .
Alexis : Well , that s not the point .
Jerry : Well , I mean , you re the last person I expected to worry about keeping it in the family . I mean , Sonny and Ric are brothers , but that did nt stop you from having a child with each one of them .
Alexis : Must you keep drudging up my past ?
Jerry : Well , history has a way of repeating itself , does nt it ?
Alexis : Well , it s not going to do it again , because Jax is the most functional relationship that I ve ever had with a boy , and I m not going to screw it up by getting involved with his deadbeat brother .
Jerry : Oh ! Oh , darling , darling -- and then name - calling . Please , I mean , that hurts , you know ? But just to tell you , I m not as destitute as you think I am . My employment might be unconventional , but it s very , very lucrative , darling .
Alexis : Your business is very , very naughty at best , and I am not going to be a party to it .
Jerry : Then I m afraid I m going to be forced to retain ms . -- Ms. Miller s services , after all , and sue you for breach of contract .
Spinelli : I m --
Spinelli : Oh , ha ! Okay . Once more , the Jackal has --
Maxie : Only made things worse ! You need to get me out of here !
Maxie : Oh , just help me , Spinelli ! Please !
Spinelli : Um -- um -- um --
Maxie : Oh !
Maxie : Where are you going ?
Spinelli : I -- I -- I do nt know !
Maxie : Come back here !
Spinelli : Okay .
Maxie : Pull me out !
Spinelli : What ?
Maxie : Pull me out .
Spinelli : How ?
Maxie : I do nt really care how . You have to get me out of here .
Maxie : Okay , hold on --
Spinelli : I got you . Okay .
Maxie : Oh , perfect .
Spinelli : So here we are .
Maxie : Yeah , here we are . Now where are we going to go ?
Spinelli : Um -- going up ?
Maxie : Okay . Okay .
Spinelli : Um -- oh -- thanks .
Nikolas : Tell me , did you feel anything when you killed her ? Feel anything ?
Diego : You lost one person . I lost my entire family ! Ugh ! Oh ! No ! No -- oh ! Oh ! Who s helpless now ?
Spinelli : Thus , the infamous drain channel 17 that the clean - cut cadet clues us in about runs under the city s thoroughfares and byways --
Maxie : Oh , oh ! What s all this stuff ?
Spinelli : Jackal , P.I. , shall study the facts and clues and ascertain .
Maxie : I think someone was attacked .
Spinelli : The Jackal , P.I. , believes that someone was attacked .
Maxie : Hmm .
Spinelli : I believe I ve -- I believe I ve observed this on the hand of the noble Nurse Nadine .
Maxie : Ugh .
Spinelli : No , no , no ! And -- I -- I think -- if I m not mistaken , she has the exact same intoxicating scent as her sister , the not - so - fair Jolene .
Maxie : Compact , lip - gloss , blush , all ruined , what a waste .
Spinelli : A conclusive sniff of her handkerchief --
Maxie : Quite the crafty one , I see . Wait !
Spinelli : This -- this is most unusual . This is not perfume , and --
Maxie : No , it s chloroform , stupid !
Spinelli : Never fear . The Jackal , P.I. , has an exceptionally strong constitution , weakened only by select ingredients and certain cold remedies and various other widely available products . But -- I mean , there -- there could nt have been enough of the substance still in the --
Maxie : Oh , God -- oh .
Spinelli : Onward . We must find the noble Nurse Nadine . Um -- upward ! The Jackal guards the rear .
Scott : Your daughter hauled off and clubbed my son in the head with a monkey wrench .
Luke : Elegant choice of weaponry , gumdrop .
Scott : Listen , Lulu , the last time I saw Logan , he was heartbroken . He wanted to make things work out with you . Now , he s -- he s just in a coma .
Luke : How do you tell the difference ?
Lulu : Stop it . It was a mistake . I thought he was going to hurt me .
Scott : Yeah , I know , that s the story that you re flagging , that you want us all to believe . But it kind of has the ironic tragedy of your mother and Rick Webber written all over it . Spencer !
Luke : Bum leg or no bum leg , you spew that sewage up one more time , they ll be sucking up your brains with a dust buster !
Lulu : I said stop !
Scott : You know , you Spencer women -- that s -- that s what you like to do . You like to protect the useless deadbeat , some coward . Maybe you did nt club my son . Maybe it was your friend Johnny . He s been a little scarce lately .
Sonny : What s this ?
Johnny : Music therapy . Calms me down . You ought to try it sometime .
Diego : Ugh !
Spinelli : Well , this is all too familiar . Except last time , the Jackal was with Stone Cold and everyday hero and he was shot -- and he fell .
Maxie : Spinelli , come on ! I do nt want to be up here by myself !
Diego : You wo nt be .
Alexis : Breach of contract ?
Jerry : Breach of contract . I retained you as my attorney , and now you re refusing to provide me with adequate representation .
Alexis : Because there is a conflict of interest .
Jerry : But you see , this transaction needs to be dealt with the utmost discretion . If not , I could be subject to a great deal of undue suffering .
Alexis : There is nt a judge on this planet that will hold me liable for your pain .
Jerry : Maybe not , but then we d be tied up in deposition for hours debating the point .
Alexis : You would nt .
Jerry : Do nt underestimate just how far I d go to spend time with you , Alexis , darling .
Alexis : What s the account number ?
Ian : Mary Riley .
Sam : Oh , is that another patient ?
Ian : No . It s a name that popped into my head . Mary Riley , Elizabeth Frankenstein , Lucy Seward -- all brave and beautiful women , seduced into the shadows by men of madness and debauchery .
Sam : What are you talking about ?
Ian : Dr. Jekyll , Dr. Frankenstein --
Sam : Okay .
Ian : And everybody s favorite blood bank bandit , Count Dracula .
Sam : Hmm .
Ian : They all led double lives . And those lives ended for the women who became too curious about them .
Sam : Interesting bedside manner you have .
Ian : Two , actually . Clinical and compassionate , and fast and furious .
Sam : Okay . Well , which one am I seeing now ?
Ian : Neither . Which makes me curious about you . And -- it makes me think another doctor should take up your case .
Marianna : I would ve made coffee had I known you wanted it .
Ric : I know that . That s why I did nt tell you that I wanted it .
Marianna : Thank you .
Ric : What are you doing ?
Marianna : I was just looking --
Ric : No , no , no , no , no , no .
Marianna : For a job and a furnished room to rent .
Ric : There s no rush for you to do anything .
Marianna : Well , I think there is . If I stay here , people are going to get the wrong idea .
Ric : Oh , really ? And what would that be ? Friends trying to help out another friend ?
Marianna : No , I told you , people talk . And there were those in Martha s Vineyard who suspected Randy abused me and thought I deserved what I got because I used him to come to America , and --
Ric : Yeah , but you did nt .
Marianna : You only have my word for everything .
Ric : Well , that s all I need , okay ? I believe you . You got no reason to lie to me . Hey , listen , I went to Martha s Vineyard to find myself , okay ? And while I was there , I was able to -- to get rid of some demons . I think it s about time you do the same . Hmm ? Nobody s going to hurt you ever again . Okay ?
Marianna : Okay .
Regina : The pain should be easing off by now .
Jason : Did they find Diego ?
Elizabeth : I do nt think so .
Jason : I should ve -- I should ve figured this out .
Elizabeth : You ca nt risk any more than you already have .
Elizabeth : I have a perfectly logical reason for seeing you . You saved my life . And it probably ruined yours .
Nikolas : Agh .
Emily : Nikolas , it s not your time . And you still have more to do .
Emily : I m still here . You ca nt go yet .
Diego : Look at this . It s like a wonderful parting gift .
Maxie : The police are coming .
Diego : Oh ! Let them .
Maxie : Agh !
Diego : You re going to be long gone before they get me .
Diego : Oh , hey , say hi to your sister for me .
Diego : Agh !
Maxie : Oh , oh !
Diego : Aw , come on ! No !
Nikolas : Let her go .
Diego : Or what ?
Alexis : Hmm .
Diane : Okay , you have two choices -- late - night supper or pole dancing .
Alexis : We went pole dancing last night .
Diane : You know , I knew you d say that . Good -- we re going out to dinner . But first -- an aperitif .
Alexis : I ca nt . I ve got this -- this --
Diane : You do nt seem to realize , Alexis -- this is an intervention .
Alexis : She says holding a beer in her hand .
Alexis : I ca nt . I m -- I m up to my --
Diane : Yes , I can see exactly what you are . What you are is sitting alone in your office , late night , all alone , going over , what -- uh - huh , closed case files . You remind me of my father during the last year of his life -- just poring over the obituary columns .
Alexis : No , really , stop with the flattery . Why are nt you toiling away , burning the midnight oil on your star client Sonny , making sure that he remains the powerful man that he is ?
Diane : Sonny is a bit preoccupied lately now that Kate s , um -- well , what s the district attorney s office calling it ?
Alexis : Under investigation .
Diane : And off the record ?
Ian : I m sure Dr. Drake can recommend a colleague that knows his way around a hip and I know at least a few hundred plastic surgeons out in L.A. Yeah , you go out there and you -- you pick them off the celebrities like ticks .
Sam : Oh , okay . Well , what if I want you ?
Ian : I reserve the right to refuse my service to anyone .
Sam : No . I will not let you . You re the reason I m back in here .
Ian : Excuse me ?
Sam : Yes , you are . You -- you were in the E.R. the night I was run down and Patrick said you did an amazing job on me .
Ian : Yeah , I did .
Sam : Yes , yes -- so good , in fact , that you made me heal so quickly that you basically pushed me into the arms of the killer .
Ian : Blackmail , emotional or otherwise , does nt work with me .
Sam : All right . Then what does work with you ?
Ian : I d like to keep you overnight for observation , if you do nt mind .
Sam : Oh ! Gross -- now that was a cheap come - on line .
Ian : Do nt baby that hip , okay ?
Sam : Oh .
Ian : I ll have a nurse walk you up and down the floor . Stay on it as often as possible for as long as possible . There s a guard that s going to be posted outside , so no one s going to bother you for the rest of the night , including me .
Diego : You came back quicker than I thought .
Nikolas : I m motivated .
Diego : So am I ! It s even more fun the second time around , is nt it ? Just because you know I m out there does nt mean I ca nt get to you .
Diego : I can get you anywhere , you know ? I could get you in your living room , maybe in your bed , hmm ? Huh ? I can even get you when you re visiting your sister . That would almost make it worth it to let you go -- almost . Huh !
Diego : Ah ! Ah ! Oh , oh , oh !
Jason : Are nt nurses supposed to be more encouraging than this ?
Elizabeth : Yeah , you re right . I m sorry . I know you re going to be fine .
Jason : I m -- I m shooting for perfect . It s -- it s what I need to do --
Elizabeth : What you do . I know you , I can see it . Stop fighting the sedative . It ll be better if you just give in to it .
Jason : I do nt -- I do nt like this feeling .
Elizabeth : I know , I know .
Jason : And I know you . Please do nt feel guilty .
Elizabeth : How did you even know where to come find us ?
Det . Rodriguez : I have the same question .
Sonny : So it -- it calms you down to vandalize other people s property ?
Johnny : I d say it s a lesser crime than kidnapping . Oh , yeah . Yep .
Sonny : A woman I care about was shot and almost killed , my son is missing . That makes a guy very tense and when you re tense you want to hit something like a bag or something , but I do nt see a bag here . You see -- you guys see a bag here ?
Milo : I do nt , no , Mr. C.
Sonny : You know , sometimes --
Johnny : Ugh !
Sonny : Oh , but I feel better now . I feel a lot better . How about you ?
Johnny : Yeah -- that all you got , cowboy ? I already told you I do nt know a thing about your son or your girl . I do know I have nt had a thing to eat or drink since I ve been here .
Sonny : Good . That means that my people are following orders . You guys get out .
Sonny : You know , it occurred to me that Trevor has set up everything and he -- he do nt care what I got or how you wind up .
Johnny : Yeah , well , let s just hope whoever s got Michael is taking better care of him than you are of me .
Sonny : Well , you better do better than hope . You better pray . Write yourself a hymn . Bye , Johnny .
Luke : Time to go , snake face .
Scott : You know , now that I think about it , it s a little more sinister than I thought . Maybe you re -- you re happy that Logan s in a coma .
Lulu : That is not true .
Scott : Because if he wakes up , he might rat somebody out or he might say that you went off on him again .
Luke : Went off on him how ?
Lulu : It s nothing .
Scott : Yeah . Now that I think about it , Johnny probably showed up , tried to save the day and he s the one that hit Logan , and now you re saying that you did it because it s more sympathetic from --
Lulu : No , that is not true , either . Logan already apologized for getting out of hand with me .
Luke : What do you mean , Getting out of hand ?
Scott : So you -- you thought that he was nt going to rape you but he was going to kill you ?
Luke : Hey , I m talking here ! What did his son do to you and why is this the first time I m hearing about it ?
Scott : He got a little possessive trying to make a point .
Lulu : He would nt stop when I asked him to let go .
Luke : Hey , you -- out , now !
Scott : You know , you re in no position to do anything there , gimpy .
Alice : Is there a problem here , Mr. Luke ?
Scott : What s she doing here ?
Luke : Alice , my delicate flower , would you toss this hunk of hair out of here ?
Alice : Face first or --
Scott : All right , all right , all right -- let go , you re bending the threads here . Lulu ? You re hiding something . It s going to come out -- it always does .
Lulu : You mean like what you did to my mother ?
Luke : What did he do to your mother ?
Marianna : Hmm .
Ric : I want to take you somewhere tomorrow .
Marianna : Hmm . We just came from somewhere .
Ric : No , no , no . This is downtown . You know that deed that my father wants to get his hands on so badly ?
Marianna : The waterfront properties ?
Ric : Mm - hmm , yeah . I want to take you to see it .
Marianna : Why ?
Ric : You got a good sense about things .
Marianna : Huh -- except where my life is concerned .
Ric : Well , you had the good sense to be nice to me , right ?
Marianna : Oh , that is awful .
Ric : What ?
Marianna : Makes me sound so calculating .
Ric : Oh -- well , you re not and you know that I know that , so calm down .
Marianna : Oh .
Ric : I m sorry .
Marianna : No , I just -- I ca nt help it . It s my mom , she had nothing and she just -- she still had so much happiness in her . She always warned me never want more than you can hold in your arms or someday you ll just have to leave it behind .
Ric : Oh . Well , I think that s good and bad advice . See , I want everything for molly .
Marianna : Well , no one could have everything . Hey , I mean , if someone did then -- then there would nt be anything to wish for or -- or to dream about .
Ric : What do you want ? Hmm ?
Marianna : I want to be free .
Ric : Oh , well , you re well on your way .
Marianna : And what do you want ?
Ric : Well , we both have a lot of things that we got to think about here . And for right now , I want what I can hold in my arms .
Alexis : Let s just say that I have a source -- not a particularly reliable source . As a matter of fact , I do nt remotely trust this source at all , but it s a knowledgeable source .
Diane : Just say Jerry Jacks .
Alexis : I did not say that .
Diane : Just say it -- what did he say ?
Alexis : You said that , not me . Jerry said that Sonny and his competitors were all vying for the same waterfront property .
Diane : So , what , Kate is collateral damage ?
Alexis : It s a leading theory .
Diane : I knew it . I knew I was right when I told her to run when Sonny made that marriage proposal .
Alexis : The heart does not always follow what logic dictates .
Diane : Does nt that also apply to you and your criminally minded , roguishly attractive source ? See , I knew I should give you the same advice about Jerry Jacks that I gave to Kate about Sonny .
Alexis : There is no comparison .
Diane : There is every comparison . It ca nt -- it -- it is one thing to help powerful men move the levers of power , it is quite another to let your heart get involved .
Alexis : I m very well aware of what his motives are . I know that he s using me , trying to use me to capitalize on the fact that he probably saved my daughter s life . And the truth is if he had nt been driving by and did nt see her on the -- my sole focus is to find the maniac who chased Sam into the oncoming traffic .
Elizabeth : Jason s on his way to surgery . He ca nt answer questions right now .
Det . Rodriguez : I thought you were one of the victims in tonight s incident .
Jason : She was .
Det . Rodriguez : But so devoted to duty that you re dispensing care on the side or just to Jason in particular ?
Elizabeth : You should leave .
Det . Rodriguez : I think I should capitalize on the moment . Wounded , sedated -- could nt be a better time to get the truth out of Jason Morgan . Amazing rescue , really -- nick of time and all that .
Elizabeth : Have you found Diego yet ?
Det . Rodriguez : No , but we re working on it . We obviously do nt have the kind of intuition that Mr. Morgan has in finding him . What we got from the scene from Ms. McCall was that Diego Alcazar wanted to make sure that she ended up just like his father . I wonder how that correlates to driving out in the middle of the night to a deserted bridge . This would nt happen to be a site for illegal dumping -- would it ?
Patrick : You have exactly five seconds to get away from my patient .
Det . Rodriguez : I m investigating a crime , several of them .
Patrick : And I m taking him to the O.R. If your questioning in any way gets linked to a delay in Mr. Morgan s surgery , he will have the grounds to sue the PCPD , especially if something goes wrong . There s already two witnesses that ll be more than happy to testify to your behavior .
Jason : It s the warehouse .
Patrick : Say good night . We got a lot of work to do .
Jason : It s where Sam shot Diego . I would -- I would look there .
Det . Rodriguez : More intuition ?
Jason : Just common sense .
Diego : Ah !
Nikolas : Die !
Diego : Ah ! Ah ! Ah ! Ugh ! Oh ! Ah !
Luke : It s pretty hard for me to swallow that you two know something about Laura that I do nt .
Scott : She s talking about the night that Rick Webber died and how we covered things up to protect the people that we care about . Sometimes , though , these things just percolate up and we ve got to put a lid on it so that nobody else gets hurt .
Alice : I m going to go make sure he uses his seat belt .
Lulu : So how long is Alice going to stay here ?
Luke : I do nt know . You know , she busted me out of Mercy . She s offered to drag me around until Tracy and I patch things up , but I guess we ll be here till I can move around on my own steam . Lesley Lu ? Is there any truth to what that dimwit is selling ?
Lulu : About what ?
Luke : About you protecting Johnny Zacchara ?
Lulu : Huh . No , I hit Logan . I thought he was the killer .
Luke : You would nt keep anything from me about your mother , would you ?
Lulu : What I did to Logan and what she did to Rick Webber are a little too close for comfort and he knows that . I just do nt want to talk about it anymore .
Luke : Okay . Something else on your mind , though ?
Lulu : Um -- Mom used to have a lot of old records .
Luke : You mean her -- huh -- music - to - nod - off - by collection ?
Lulu : Yeah -- um , yeah . Do you know where they are ?
Luke : Well , I think the last time I saw them , they were in the back of a closet somewhere upstairs . I m sure Lucky did nt throw them out . Lesley Lu ? You do nt have to play games with me . I m not much on advice , but I did used to write fortunes for cookies , and my favorite one was secrets always come out -- especially the ugly ones .
Mac : Maxie !
Maxie : Dad ! Diego , he --
Mac : We know , we know .
Lucky : Where is he ?
Mac : We know . Oh .
Nikolas : He s upstairs -- hanging from the catwalk .
Spinelli : Yeah . The Jackal believes that the text message killer is indeed dead for real this time .
Nikolas : Nadine , what happened -- Nadine --
Spinelli : Oh .
Johnny : See ? It s lonely .
Lulu : No , it s not . It s more like a sad , beautiful yearning .
Prostitute : Hey ! Go .
Second prostitute : Hey there , handsome . Want to party ?
Ian : Yeah . Yeah , I do -- not with you . With you .
Patrick : I have nothing but guesses about how this is going to turn out -- just a caution . I know that you and Jason were close once .
Elizabeth : Oh , it s history . I have two children now .
Patrick : Well , I m glad . Call me sentimental , but I always hope there s a chance that a mother and father can get back together , especially when there s children involved .
Elizabeth : Always a chance .
Kate : Sonny cheated on me .
Robin : This is a bad idea . You collapsed again .
Nikolas : I need to find Nadine .
### Summary:
| Scott and Luke nearly come to blows over their children s current situation . While Maxie and Spinelli struggle to escape , they run across Diego , but manage to escape harm and get to the surface . Jerry turns on his seductive charms and uses the threat of a lawsuit to get Alexis to help him with his present case . Though Patrick is not fit to operate or the best surgeon for Jason , he does advise him that his hand might never be able to function well for his role as a mob enforcer . Sam and Ian seem rather charmed with each other . Sonny and Johnny keep baiting each other . Emily s ghost begs Nikolas not to give up or die yet . Diane cautions Alexis against being involved with Jerry . Ric and Marianna enjoy a happy time . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : I ca nt believe he s married . Our son is married !
Taylor : Did you talk to the lawyer ?
Ridge : He s going to begin drafting the annulment papers right away . Las Vegas ! He s only 18 years old .
Taylor : I know . I just wish that they had come and talked to us about it .
Ridge : Well , he should ve known better . Trying to play a trick on the immigration services ? Oh , please !
Taylor : I do nt think he was trying to trick anyone , Ridge . Okay , there s no question he made a mistake . He did nt think things through . But I do think his heart was in the right place . I really believe he was trying to help Gaby . He just went about it the wrong way . But I do think his intentions were good , Ridge .
Gaby : Your father is furious with me . And he has the right to be . I should ve talked you out of this .
Thomas : You would nt have been able to .
Gaby : He s going to have our marriage annulled .
Thomas : I wo nt let him .
Gaby : Look , I do not want to come between you and your parents .
Thomas : You wo nt , okay ? And I m not going to let you be deported .
Gaby : We got caught , Thomas . It s over .
Thomas : Listen , we ll figure something out . All right ? You just ca nt give up .
Gaby : Just stop , okay ? Just stop . Please . You re only making this harder .
Thomas : What ? What ? How am I doing that ?
Gaby : You do nt understand .
Thomas : So explain it to me .
Gaby : I ca nt !
Thomas : You re upset with me . It s me . Is it something I said ?
Gaby : Upset ? How could I ever be upset with you when --
Thomas : When what ?
Gaby : When I m falling in love with you .
Bridget : You ca nt be serious .
Dante : I m very serious . Come away with me . Right now .
Bridget : You just want me to forget about everything else ? My fiancé and all of our plans ?
Dante : Nick is not going to make you happy . I will .
Bridget : You Italians can be very dramatic .
Dante : I m just being realistic . I wish you could be , too .
Bridget : You re asking me to run away you .
Dante : Where is your fiancé right now ?
Bridget : He s upstairs .
Dante : Yeah . With your mother .
Bridget : They re putting Hope to bed .
Dante : Bridget , you asked me here to dinner to witness how this man is so committed to you . He should be here with you .
Bridget : Hope is going through a really hard time right now .
Dante : So is your mother .
Bridget : It s getting really late . We should probably call it a night .
Dante : I ll call a cab to take me to your family s beach house .
Bridget : The beach house ?
Dante : Yeah , that s where I m staying right now .
Bridget : Oh , well , I ll take you . Look , Dante you are a wonderful man . But I m in love with Nick . And he is in love with me . Not my mother .
Nick : The pirate , after he found the treasure , he took the princess mermaid , they sailed off into the sunset , and they lived happily ever after . The end .
Hope : More !
Nick : Well , there is no more , honey . See , that s the end of the book . This one s all finished right there . See ? That s it .
Hope : More !
Brooke : Not tonight , honey . Uncle Nick s got ta go .
Hope : No . Stay .
Brooke : He s got ta go downstairs and see Bridget .
Nick : You know what ? I d like to make a deal here , if I could . I ll tell you what I ll do . I will find out what happened to the pirate and the princess and I ll come back tomorrow and I ll tell you all about it . Okay ? Is that okay ? Okay , until then , I think it s time for you to probably just lay down here , get all settled in . Want to take those off ? Okay , here you go . Okay . Covers on . Say good night to me . Say good night .
Hope : Good night .
Nick : Good night .
Brooke : Thanks .
Nick : My pleasure . [ Hope giggles ] Settle down .
Brooke : Go . [ Hope giggles ] Oh , he is silly . He s so silly . I know , I ca nt get over him either . He s so silly .
Dante : Are you angry ?
Bridget : I told you , I just do nt want to talk about it .
Dante : I understand . It s pretty upsetting . I mean , you deserve so much better than this .
Bridget : I said stop it .
Dante : I wish I could . I wish I could take this pain away from you . But you just do nt want to listen to me .
Bridget : No , I do nt . Not to this .
Dante : Because you know what ? You do nt want to see it . But I know you can . You re much more intelligent than this . I mean look at it -- ridge . Deacon . Now Nick .
Bridget : No . No . Not Nick . You know , I m getting a little bit tired of hearing this from you . From everyone . Nick s not in love with my mother . My father s saying it . My future mother - in - law . Even Taylor . It s like everyone thinks they know more about my relationship than I do .
Dante : No , we re just -- we re not as close to it as you are . You know , we can see a lot more --
Bridget : Oh , you can ? What can you see ? Hmm ? And what s so wrong with me that I ca nt see ? Do I just not hold a candle to my mother ? That s kind of what I m hearing . I guess I m just getting a little tired of it .
Nick : Bridget ?
Nick : Bridget ? Drove Dante back to the beach house . Catch up with you later . Love , Bridget . No sense in coming back here . I ll just meet her at the Marlin .
Brooke : Nick ? Nick , are you down there ?
Hope : Mommy , I m scared .
Nick : Yeah . Where are you ?
Brooke : The baby monitor on the table .
Nick : Oh . Hello ? What s up ?
Hope : Scared .
Brooke : Hope s really upset . Could you come back upstairs please ?
Nick : Oh , yeah . I ll be right up .
Gaby : Oh , my god . I ca nt believe I said that .
Gaby : Oh , my god . I ca nt believe I said that . I just -- I know that this is nt a real marriage . I know that once I get my green card , we ll go back to our normal lives . But these last few weeks -- you ve been incredible . You do nt have to say anything . I just could nt hide it anymore .
Thomas : No , I m glad you did nt .
Gaby : Really ?
Thomas : Husbands and wives should nt keep things from each other .
Gaby : You mean , like how they really feel about one another ?
Thomas : God , you re so beautiful .
Gaby : You make me feel that way . And special .
Thomas : You are . You re so special to me .
Gaby : When I was making you dinner , I was so excited . Like a real newlywed . And I just pictured my husband coming home and how great it would be . I know it sounds crazy , but I could nt help it . I have never ever met anyone like you , Thomas . And the more time that I ve spent with you , the more time I spend wishing this marriage did nt have to end .
Ridge : It s not Thomas intentions I m worried about .
Taylor : Do nt go there .
Ridge : Look , I know our son seems mature . He seems all grown up . But when it comes to women -- I think Gaby could have manipulated this entire situation .
Taylor : I do nt think she did .
Ridge : Then why did nt he come to us with her problem ? We could have helped him find another solution .
Taylor : Well , now we know . So now we can just deal with it , okay ? Would you stop worrying ?
Ridge : Oh , I tell myself we re all living under the same roof . I can keep an eye on my son . And then Thomas goes and does this . What s it gon na be like with R.J. , Huh ? I have no idea what s going on in my own house . How am I supposed to watch over my own son , when he does nt even live with me ?
Dante : I do nt want you to be upset .
Bridget : No , you know what , I -- I m not gon na let you do this to me .
Dante : What am I doing ?
Bridget : You re making me doubt myself . And doubt Nick .
Dante : No , no , I want you to open your eyes .
Bridget : Look , my eyes are open ! They ve been open since the very beginning . Do you really think that I would put myself in the position to be in love with another man that was still in love with my mother , knowing that I could possibly lose him ? Do you know how painful that would be for me ?
Dante : Yes . That s why I want you to lis --
Bridget : What are you -- you re trying to what , stop me from getting involved in this right now ? Look , obviously , Nick was involved with my mother and he still cares about her . But he has moved on . And he s completely committed to me . I can see it . I see it every single time he looks at me . I know that he loves me . He never looks at her that way . All of his passion and all of his desire is just for me .
Hope : Hold me tight , mommy , I m scared .
Brooke : Oh , it s okay , honey . It s okay .
Nick : Hey . What s going on ? What happened ?
Brooke : I took her into her room to go to sleep , and she said she was scared of the monster in the closet .
Nick : Well , I was just in there and there was no monster .
Hope : It s hiding .
Nick : Monsters do nt hide from me .
Brooke : She does nt wanna go to sleep in her own bed .
Hope : It s in there .
Nick : Has this happened before ?
Brooke : A few times since we ve moved back here , but nothing this bad .
Hope : I want to sleep in mommy s bed .
Brooke : She does nt wanna be alone .
Hope : Daddy s not here . There s lots of room . You can stay , too .
Nick : How bout this ? Look at Uncle Nick . Now , you lay down in mommy s bed . Mommyll lay on one side and I ll lay on the other . And later on , I ll go in and get rid of all those monsters . Does that sound good ? Okay ?
Hope : You stay .
Nick : I ll stay .
Thomas : Let s just take this one day at a time , okay ? First , we ll deal with my parents . And then the immigration agent .
Gaby : You do nt want us getting ahead of ourselves .
Thomas : We need to stay focused . We hit a snag , that s all .
Gaby : If your parents do nt want you to do this --
Thomas : I gave you my word , Gaby . When I made those wedding vows , I made you a promise . Now , granted , it s not the same promise that most couples make on their wedding day , but it s still a promise . Besides , when things are meant to be , they have a way of working themselves out . You hold onto that , okay ? I will , too . Come here .
Brooke : You do nt have to stay , you know .
Nick : I have to throw the monster out .
Brooke : Maybe you should go downstairs and tell Bridget .
Nick : She took what s his name home .
Brooke : She s so tired . After all that crying .
Nick : I doubt she ll wake up again tonight . Do you think ?
Brooke : I hope not .
Nick : You say this happened before , since you moved back here ?
Brooke : She s had some tantrums and fears that she never had before . This time away from Ridge has really been hard on her . I never thought he would let us down . But he did .
Nick : You re gon na get through this .
Brooke : That s what I keep telling myself . Then there s nights like this .
Nick : The hard part is over .
Brooke : Thanks to you .
Nick : I just happen to be a good monster killer .
Brooke : And a pretty good storyteller .
Nick : Well , do nt tell her , but most people think I m full of hot air . You two make a pretty good audience .
Brooke : You ve been a lifesaver . For me and for the kids .
Nick : Just think of it as payback .
Brooke : For what ?
Nick : For all the happy times you ve given me . Some of the best times in my life were with you and Hope . I love her more than I can say .
### Summary:
| Dante continues to talk Bridget into coming away with him . Bridget grows tired of it and tells him she wants to call it a night and bring him back to the beach house . Thomas reassures Gabby that everything will be alright . He wo nt let his dad annul or do anything to them . Ridge is fuming about Thomas and Gabby while Taylor tries to subdue him . Nick is reading a story to Hope while Brooke looks on . They get Hope ready for bed and Nick goes to leave . He finds Bridget s note and figures he ll go back to the Marlin to wait for her . Brooke calls him on the baby monitor . Hope is upset and wo nt go to sleep . Brooke , Nick and Hope lie together on the bed . Hope falls asleep and Nick and Brooke talk quietly to each other as Bridget looks on crying . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Cristian : Wow .
Max : Did nt know you were marrying a pool shark , huh ?
Cristian : Nope , not a clue .
Natalie : Well , that s the point , is nt it -- element of surprise ?
Max : How d it happen ?
Natalie : Well , when I was a kid , Roxy went to the casinos and the pool hall kind of became my daycare center .
Max : Sounds like Roxy .
Natalie : Yeah , well , her friend was the owner and I learn fast .
Cristian : So , are you going to keep surprising me like this after we get married ?
Natalie : Plan to .
Woman : Mr. Laurence ? Elyssa Clins , Global Investigations .
Walker : Hmm . Thanks for meeting me . Sit down . Now , I know you ve been investigating me for Kevin Buchanan .
Elyssa : I do nt know where you got your information from --
Walker : Shut up . Just listen . Starting today , we re going to turn the tables on your other employer .
Kevin : Look , I thought we settled this . There is no affair with anyone , let alone Blair .
Kelly : What about what Walker Laurence told me ?
Kevin : Walker Laurence ? Walker Laurence is spreading insane rumors about me . What the hell .
Kelly : That s what I thought at first -- that they were just rumors , but --
Kevin : What -- but what ? What s this about ?
Kelly : Every time I turn around you and Blair are together . And that would nt be that strange except , up until recently , you could nt even stand each other .
Kevin : Look , Blair and I run the two newspapers in this town . That puts us in close proximity on a fairly regular basis .
Kelly : Oh , I see . So you were just following up on a hot equestrian scandal ?
Kevin : The only reason this seems suspicious is obviously Walker Laurence put the idea in your head . We were nt going for a ride together . We just happened to run into each other at the quarry .
Kelly : You re awfully quiet . Why do nt we hear your version . What s Kevin to you ?
Blair : Other than my The Sun s competition and my cousin s husband ?
Kelly : Yeah . Other than that .
Keri : So once Jessica was face - to - face with the truth , she knew she could nt break up a family . She promised she was nt going to see him anymore .
R.J. : Well , as long as you re happy , Keri .
Lindsay : Hi . Listen , let me know if you see anything you like , OK ?
R.J. : Great . Lindsay , you re back at work .
Lindsay : Yeah .
R.J. : That s great .
Lindsay : Yeah . Well , I have to start putting my life back together , so I figured running the gallery is as good a place to start as any .
R.J. : Well , I m -- I m glad you feel up to it .
Lindsay : Well , I m not really sure I do . But then again , I m not sure of anything yet , so I m trying . You let me know , all right ?
R.J. : Hmm .
Joey : Hi , Lindsay .
Lindsay : Hey . Jen s not back yet .
Joey : I know . Actually , I came to see how you were doing .
Lindsay : Oh . Well , I m doing fine . I m getting visited by the nurses at St. Ann s . I m going to therapy . And I just got off the phone with Will . He s in Japan . Did Jen tell you that ?
Joey : Yeah , yeah . Actually I heard that . Ahem .
Lindsay : How you doing ?
Joey : Actually , I ll be a lot better once Jen gets back . I hate the thought of her down there with Rex . And I know he promised not to contest the divorce , but he s up to something . I will never trust that man .
Rex : What , you do nt trust me ? OK , that s a stupid question . Let s put it this way -- how can I make you believe it ? I m offering you a legit deal , straight up . I get one last look at you -- all of you -- and you get your father s house , , free and clear .
Jen : Half a house is going to bring you a lot of money , and I know you love money more than anything else .
Rex : Well , right now the thought of never laying eyes on your body again hurts a hell of a lot more than the idea of losing my stake in the house . So , what do you say ? We have a deal ?
Jen : Start writing .
Jessica : Antonio .
Antonio : I ve been waiting for this for a long time .
Jessica : Me , too .
Max : How would you like to come back to work for your old boss ?
Cristian : You mean here ?
Max : Uh - huh . I need a bartender , part - time .
Cristian : I could use the money .
Natalie : Whoa , whoa . Hang on here . Now , if you re working at the hospital , I m working at Foxy Roxy s , and you re here , I m never going to get to see you .
Cristian : Yeah . Yeah , I know . I do nt like it , either , but it s not forever and it s only part - time .
Natalie : All right . Well , if I m only going to get to see you 20 minutes a day , you d better make each one of them count .
Cristian : You know I will .
Max : Whoa , whoa , that s more than I need to hear .
Cristian : So , what , I m hired ?
Max : Yes , you are hired .
Cristian : Cool .
Max : Oh -- yeah , but none of that during business hours , OK ?
Elyssa : I m sorry . Could you say that again ?
Walker : 10,000 . Plus you can keep whatever Buchanan s paying you because , technically , you d still be working for him .
Elyssa : Excuse me ?
Walker : As far as he ll know , you ll still be prying into my past , only you wo nt be .
Elyssa : Well , wo nt he find out ?
Walker : You ll have plenty to tell him , but only what I feed you . And do nt go thinking on your own . I hate that .
Walker : We have an understanding ?
Elyssa : Yes .
Blair : I did not sleep with Kevin . We both just happened to go horseback riding . That s it .
Kevin : Look , Walker has his own agenda . He s not going to let the truth interfere with that .
Walker : Maybe I said that you and Kevin have been spending a lot of time together , but that s it .
Kelly : It is nt just Walker . Who phoned ? Who sent the letters ?
Kevin : Probably Walker .
Kelly : He said he did nt do it .
Blair : Look , Kelly , do you have the letters with you ?
Kelly : No . They re at home .
Kevin : OK , so on the one hand , you ve got a crackpot sending you information that he s too chicken to sign his name to , and on the other hand you ve got your husband and your cousin here telling you different . Who are you going to believe ?
Kelly : You re right . I believe you , OK ? I -- I m so sorry . All these insinuations , they just got to me . I just -- oh , I know . It s ridiculous . You -- you and Blair -- that s just --
Blair : I m just glad we really cleared it up .
Kelly : You know what ? I m sorry I even said anything . You know , my mind , it just ran away with me . Can we go back to Asa s ? I have a couple things I d like to talk about with you .
Kevin : Sure . Let s go .
Kelly : OK .
Kevin : OK .
Keri : Since Jessica s out of the picture now , I told Antonio he could have Jamie for the day tomorrow .
R.J. : Hmm .
Lindsay : You do nt have anything to worry about , you know . I mean , Jen loves you so much , and things are going to work out for all of us .
Joey : Well , as long as you re doing fine .
Lindsay : Do nt think that I ve forgotten how sweet and very kind you were to me the day that I had to go back to St. Ann s . I was terrified of Mitch , and I think I might have gone under for good if it had nt been for you .
Joey : Well , I just want you to feel strong again , Lindsay .
Lindsay : Jen s very lucky to have you .
Joey : No , no , no , no . I am lucky to have her , and I can not wait till she gets back , no strings attached .
Lindsay : Tomorrow .
Joey : I know . Oh -- here . I took a picture of Jen . I thought you might like a copy .
Lindsay : Oh . Oh , that s beautiful . Thank you . Thank you so much .
Joey : Good night .
Lindsay : OK .
Rex : Here s my half of the deal .
Jen : Do I really have to do this ?
Rex : You thought I was going to give away the house for nothing ?
Jen : Let s just get this over with .
Rex : Wait , wait , wait ! No , hold on ! No , no , we got to set the scene . No streak across the football field . I expect my money s worth .
Rex : Dazzle me .
Jen : Satisfied ?
Rex : Wait . What do you say we do it one last time ? Something to remember you by . I ll even throw in the motorcycle for good measure .
Jen : Measure this . The only thing I want from you is the divorce , so I will see you at the judge s first thing in the morning .
Jessica : Wow , that was some -- some night .
Antonio : Some night .
Jessica : You sleep like a happy cat . You re so peaceful .
Antonio : Yeah , well , I hate to disillusion you , but I do nt always sleep so peacefully . Maybe it was the company . So , you -- you want to use the shower first ? Actually , I do nt think the hot water will last through two showers , so maybe we should take an environmentally friendly shower .
Jessica : Do nt you want to have anything to look forward to ?
Jen : Mom ? OK , we re done , divorced , so just -- go away .
Rex : OK . Wanted to make sure you got home OK .
Jen : Since when have you been concerned ? I m home safe , I m fine , so I ll see you later . Mom ? Are you here ?
Rex : Fine , I ll go . Thanks for being my private dancer last night . That was --
Jen : Shut up . Do nt tell anybody about that . Do nt even talk about it , not even to me .
Rex : OK .
Jen : The only reason I did that was because I did nt want you to sell my father s house to a stranger . That s it .
Rex : Yeah , but come on , you did it so damned well , you must have enjoyed it just a --
Jen : No , I did nt ! Now get out .
Rex : Fine . I m gone .
Jen : What ?
Rex : When it occurs to you what a mistake you made , do nt think that I m going to be sitting around waiting for you to come back to me .
Joey : Hello .
Jen : I m back , and I m divorced .
Joey : Hallelujah . Let me shower real quick and I ll be there in five minutes .
Jen : No , stay there . I want to come by and look at your rippling muscles .
Joey : All right , then I ll just stay here and ripple .
Jen : OK . I m on my way .
Walker : Son of --
Blair : You liar .
Max : Sorry , we re not open for business --
R.J. : Thank you . I heard you were running this place now . I figured someone should come by and warn Viki and her alters not to plan any felonies around you because you re a blabbermouth .
Max : Well , I hear they mastermind all their criminal activities in the kitchen at Llanfair .
R.J. : You ratted me out to the cops , Max .
Max : Yes , I did , and it killed me to do it . We ve always looked out for each other .
R.J. : So , what the hell happened ?
Max : Al . After all these years , we re finally close again . He actually even looks up to me . And there was just no way I could know about a crime going down and not speak up about it .
R.J. : For Al .
Max : For what he sees in me . Besides , did nt seem like too smart a move for you .
R.J. : Well , you two were very close when he was a lot younger .
Max : Yeah .
R.J. : Tried to be a better person for Keri s sake .
Max : I know . Hear she s back in town now , so --
R.J. : So I am back on the right path . Keri and Jamie s happiness -- that s all that matters now .
Max : Jamie seems like a happy little kid .
R.J. : She is . Keri s not , and she s not going to be until she gets over this insipid fantasy of getting back together with Antonio Vega .
Antonio : Who is it ?
Keri : It s Keri and Jamie .
Antonio : Oh , God -- but you re two hours early .
Keri : Yeah , I know , but could you just --
Keri : Could you open the door ? I ve got all this stuff and Jamie and --
Antonio : Yeah .
Keri : Thank you . I m sorry to catch you by surprise like this , but --
R.J. : You see --
Max : Oh , I m sorry . Did I bump you ?
R.J. : You ca nt play that way . You re lucky there s no money on the table .
Cristian : All right , so where do you want me to start , boss ?
R.J. : You hired Cristian Vega ?
Max : He used to work for me at Break Bar , remember ?
R.J. : Right , so then I should nt have to warn you that you ca nt trust him as far as you can spit .
Max : I can spit pretty far .
Cristian : So can I.
Max : Hey , you know what ? We got a shipment of wine in . Why do nt you start unpacking , stock the bar , and then store the rest in the back .
Cristian : Sure thing .
R.J. : Hey , it s my shot .
Max : Oh , again ?
R.J. : Going to count that ?
Cristian : Max , I told you to stop that .
Natalie : Hi .
Cristian : Hi yourself . What are you doing here ? Are nt you early for Roxy s ?
Natalie : Right on time .
Cristian : OK , well , you better get going because I got a million things to do .
Natalie : Well , I can be your inspiration . My shift is your shift .
Cristian : What are you talking about ?
Natalie : Well , 20 minutes a day with you just was nt cutting it for me , so I spoke with Max , and it just so happened he needed a waitress , so , voila , instant waitress .
Blair : You sent those letters to Kelly , did nt you ?
Walker : Have nt been over this ? I told you I did nt .
Blair : Really ? Kelly gave me the letters this morning . And if you ll notice , it s the exact same stationery that The Sun has . All these letters are printed --
Walker : All right ! So I wrote them , I wrote them ! And since it s the next thing out of your mouth , yes , I made the phone call to Kelly , too !
Blair : Where in the hell do you get off , Walker ?
Walker : I was up front with you about the way I felt about you .
Blair : Yeah , and I told you exactly --
Walker : I know what you told me ! I m just not very good with hearing no as an answer .
Blair : Oh , no kidding .
Walker : I wanted Buchanan out of my way . What is so wrong with that ?
Blair : Other than the fact that it s just a little deceitful , a little manipulative , and just plain creepy ? Oh , my God , you re just like Todd .
Walker : You say that like it s a bad thing .
Blair : Oh , it is !
Joey : Hey ! Hey .
Lindsay : Oh -- Rex , what are you doing here ?
Rex : Jen and I just got back . The divorce is done . It s all official .
Lindsay : Well , good . I mean , it s good because that s what my daughter wanted .
Rex : Yeah , I know . I just -- well , I wish I could say the same thing .
Lindsay : I m sorry .
Rex : I do nt -- I do nt know what I m going to do without her . I mean -- you have any idea what it feels like to lose somebody , you know , that you care so much about , knowing that nothing you do will make any difference ?
Lindsay : Yeah .
Rex : I had what I wanted . Now it s gone . Everything feels out of control , you know , like I ll lose my mind . Oh -- here , let me -- let me give you a hand .
Lindsay : Thanks .
Rex : Must be heavy .
Lindsay : Yeah , thanks . Thanks . I appreciate it . Whoops .
Rex : I got it .
Lindsay : Thank you .
Keri : What s going on here ?
Antonio : Keri , it s not your place to ask that .
Keri : It is if I m going to leave my daughter in your care . So , what happened to your going to leave him alone ?
Jessica : Keri , I never agreed to --
Antonio : Hold on a second . What do you mean ?
Keri : You know what ? I m out of here . You can ask your lying little girlfriend for the details .
Antonio : Keri , why do nt you just hand Jamie to me ?
Keri : Jamie is going with me .
Jessica : I am so sorry .
Antonio : What the hell just happened ? I mean , what did -- what did she mean about you staying away from me ? Jessica , did you agree to that ?
R.J. : Nice .
Natalie : Thanks .
Max : Now , I got a friend that s a very serious pool player .
Natalie : Serious as in shark ?
Max : Maybe you want to give him a call .
R.J. : Hey , sweetheart . What are you two doing here ?
Keri : Well , I called around looking for you , and someone at Capricorn told me you were here .
R.J. : Oh . So , why is my little granddaughter still with you ?
Keri : Because --
R.J. : What ? What happened ? What did Vega do ?
Keri : Jessica Buchanan was there wearing nothing but a towel . Obviously , she had spent the night there . She promised me she would stay away from him . I ca nt believe that he s doing this to me . We loved each other . We have a child together . I was so sure that he would --
R.J. : Keri , look , I know you hate it when I talk about that boy , but he is not the person you think he is . He never has been . He is selfish . He only thinks about himself .
Jessica : So that s when she came by to see me .
Antonio : What exactly did she say ?
Jessica : She told me to keep my distance .
Antonio : From me ?
Antonio : And you agreed to that ?
Jessica : No , I did nt agree to it . She must have misunderstood , but I should have been more clear with her .
Antonio : No , no . This was nt your fault . Oh , wait a second . Is that why you bailed on lunch the other day ? Jessica , let me tell you something . What Keri asked of you was not her call .
Jessica : She thought she was doing the right thing .
Antonio : No , well , it s not the right thing , OK ? Keri ca nt decide who I see or who I do nt see , OK ? I was -- I was completely honest with her . I told it was over . Yes , we have a daughter together and Jamie will always be our bond , but Keri and I are through .
Jessica : Are you sure ? Because I do nt want to come in between --
Antonio : Jessica , I want to be with you .
Jessica : Me , too . I want to --
Walker : Here s the thing --
Blair : Yeah ?
Walker : Do nt rush me . I m not good at this .
Blair : You know what ? I m out of here .
Walker : Wait . I m sorry . Really . I m -- I m sorry . I -- I m sorry that I -- that I wrote those letters and I m sorry that I made the phone call and -- and I m -- I m really -- I m sorry , really , that I hurt your feelings and -- I give you my word , for whatever that s worth , that it wo nt happen again .
Blair : Look --
Walker : Do nt interrupt me ! I m sorry , I m sorry .
Blair : Yeah --
Walker : I m sorry .
Blair : Yeah , OK . OK .
Walker : I -- see , the thing is I ca nt even -- I ca nt even stand here and make any decent excuses for what I did , and -- I can just say I m sorry .
Blair : OK . You re sorry .
Walker : Yeah . Can I make it up to you ? Can I take you to dinner ? Just a clean slate . And I m going to prove to you that I am nothing like Todd .
Blair : OK .
Todd : OK .
Blair : Since you re sorry .
Joey : It seems like it s been months .
Jen : Tell me about it . Look , I ll go change and we can work out together .
Joey : I am almost finished , actually . And I think I have a better idea on how we can raise our heart rates .
Jen : Hmm . Much better idea . But I have to go check on my mom . She was nt home when I got back .
Joey : Actually , I went to the gallery last night , but I m sure Lindsay would be happy to see you .
Jen : Thanks . Thanks for checking on her .
Joey : How did things really go with Rex ? He did nt try any stunts , did he ?
Jen : Nothing I ca nt handle .
Lindsay : Listen , thank you for the help with the -- with the bags .
Rex : Yeah , no problem . I know I was nt the greatest husband ever , but I just wish that Jen had given us a chance , you know ?
Lindsay : Well , Rex , to tell you the truth , I do nt think that it would matter how much time you gave it . It did nt really have a chance .
Rex : Maybe . I do nt know . I guess . Would it be OK if I hang here for just a little longer ? I do nt want to go home --
Lindsay : You do nt want to go home to an empty house ?
Rex : Yeah .
Kelly : Hi , Lindsay .
Lindsay : Kelly . Hi !
Kelly : Is this a bad time ?
Lindsay : Oh , no . No , not at all .
Kelly : Oh , OK . Well , I mean , I wo nt stay long . I just wanted to look around a little bit , see if I could find a few things for my husband s office .
Lindsay : Oh , sure . Wow . Kevin is a lucky man to have you for a wife .
Kelly : Oh .
Walker : Hey , Kev .
Kevin : Listen , Laurence , I know you ve been lying to my wife about Blair and me , and I m telling you right now to stay out of my personal life or I swear I will put you in a world of pain .
Rex : Hey -- I know this is a lot to ask , but do you want to grab some lunch ?
Lindsay : I do nt -- I do nt really know if that would be right .
Rex : You do nt even have to agree with the divorce . I promise . Just do nt let me go home alone yet .
Lindsay : Kelly , listen , are you in a hurry ?
Kelly : No . No , not at all .
Lindsay : OK -- I ve got to go somewhere , and I was just -- if you find something you like for Kevin , my assistant s in the back . She ll be happy to write it up for you .
Kelly : Oh , or , I mean , I could just come back later .
Lindsay : No , absolutely not . You stay here and look around . Enjoy yourself , OK ?
Kelly : OK .
Lindsay : Great .
Kelly : Thank you , Lindsay .
Lindsay : OK .
Kelly : OK .
Lindsay : Bye .
Kelly : Bye .
Kevin : Screwing with my life is a bad idea , Walker . You re way out of your league .
Walker : Do nt underestimate me because you have no idea who you re messing with .
Kevin : Well , why do nt you tell me ? Who are you ?
Kelly : Hey , Jen . You know , your mom -- she just went out . I was just looking around .
Jen : Great . Well , I hope you find something you like .
Kelly : You know , she did say something about you just getting back in from out of town . You were away ?
Jen : Yeah . I went to the Dominican Republic to get a divorce .
Kelly : Oh , that s right . Congratulations . Just --
Jen : What ?
Kelly : Do nt hurt Joey . He s been through enough .
Jen : I wo nt .
Kelly : Good .
Jen : I would nt do that .
Kelly : Good . He s been hurt a lot . I hurt him . Just do nt want him to go through that again . I would nt want anyone to go through that .
Antonio : Keri will get over this .
Jessica : What if she does nt ? What if she tries to take Jamie away again and disappears --
Antonio : No , she wo nt , she wo nt . That was R.J. s doing . Keri was never really a part of that .
Jessica : I just do nt want to see you go through that again .
Antonio : Jessica , I m going to be OK . All right ? Jamie s a part of my life , and you and I are together , and there is nothing -- nothing that Keri can do about that .
R.J. : You do nt owe that boy anything . You only came back because you thought that he belonged in your life .
Keri : I was sure wrong about that .
R.J. : So , what do you want to do about it ? Do you want to relocate ? Because I will back you all the way . I will go with you if you need me to .
Keri : R.J. , I was miserable in Toronto . You were miserable . And I know it affected Jamie to see me so lonely up there . I m not going to be pushed out of town again .
R.J. : No one is trying to push you anywhere , believe me . What do you want to do ?
Keri : Hurt Antonio .
R.J. : I -- I can understand that , but what I mean is --
Keri : No , I know what you mean , R.J. But right now all I can think about is making him suffer for what he s putting me through .
R.J. : If you re serious , I know how you can exact a price from him .
Keri : Dad , I need a few minutes to deal with this .
R.J. : I m just saying that if you really want to put it to Antonio , I know how .
Keri : Let s do it . Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life to Live .
Keri : I want you to make sure that Antonio never sees her again .
Asa : You re worried that he s fooling around with your cousin Blair .
Starr : You could tell her about my dad being alive .
Walker : Would she want to know ?
Nora : I think it s time we tell Matthew that you re his father .
### Summary:
| Walker confronts Elyssa , the PI about tailing him & makes a counter - offer to only report back to Kevin what he tells her to . Jessica & Antonio get down & dirty in the quarry & back at his place where Keri runs into them . She tells RJ she wants Antonio to suffer . Lindsay s back at the gallery . Cris & Natalie both take on PT jobs at Crossroads . Jenn strips for Rex ( yahoo ) & they get divorced . RJ & Max hang out & talk about their kids . Blair confronts Walker about sending the letters to Kelly & accuses him of acting like Todd . Rex & Lindsay go out to lunch together . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
John : But you got a car on its way to the Buchanan residence ? Good . Keep me informed .
Mr. Evans : I hope they get there in time .
John : Me too . Mr. Evans , I got a strange question .
Mr. Evans : Hmm ?
John : Are you sure that s Laurence in that bed ?
Mr. Evans : [ Scoffs ] Absolutely . You see , each prisoner wears a tamper - proof I.D. Now , we scanned his . That s Mitch Laurence . W - w - what are you doing ?
John : I m taking a better look .
Mr. Evans : My god . That s one of my guards .
Natalie : [ Gasps ] What are you doing ?
Mitch : Killing two birds with one bullet . That jezebel s heart is still inside Clint . Oh , I should have killed Stacy Morasco as soon as I discovered she betrayed me . She was supposed to be carrying my grandson , and instead she was having that homosexual s blighted spawn . And for that , she must pay . The Lord has given me the opportunity to stop her heart from bleeding once and for all .
Natalie : No , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , please ! Please . Please do nt -- do nt hurt him . He s my father , and I love him . Please .
Mitch : Oh . That s very touching , but I m afraid it s meaningless .
Natalie : No , no , no ! Please ! Please ! Please , please , please , please , please . I m begging you . I m begging you . I will -- I will do anything . I will do anything that you want , but just do nt -- do nt kill him . Please .
Mitch : Anything ?
Natalie : Yes , anything . Anything . Just do nt kill him . Do nt kill my father . [ Gasping ]
Bo : Go . Clear . Clear . No one s here .
Bo : I know . MacIver s gone . He took Nora with him .
Troy : We re here .
Nora : Well , where are we ? Troy ? Troy ?
Troy : I m right here . I m right here . It s okay . So ? What do you think ?
Nora : Oh , wow . This is lovely .
Troy : Wait till you see the view . Come here .
Nora : Wow . Yeah . Wow . [ Chuckles ] That s a lot of trees .
Troy : We re deep in the woods , so it s private -- no nosy neighbors .
Nora : Yeah . Though it would be nice to have a corner deli , huh ? [ Both chuckle ] How far away from civilization are we ?
Troy : We re in our own little world , but we have everything we need .
Nora : For what ?
Troy : For the rest of our lives .
John : Clint ! Clint ! Hey . Natalie -- where is she ?
Clint : He got her , john .
John : Mitch Laurence ?
Clint : He has Natalie .
Viki : [ Sighs ] Oh , good . The power s back on . Clint ?
John : [ Speaks indistinctly ]
Viki : What happened ?
John : Mitch Laurence .
Viki : Mitch Laurence was here ? ! Are you all right ?
Clint : Yeah , I m fine . But the pastor got Natalie .
Mitch : Heed the messenger ! I welcome you to the dawning of a new day , a new year ! The lord has set me free so that I may lead my flock to a new age .
Sam : Do you know what time it is ?
James : Sam , it s urgent . Where s Starr ?
Cole : Starr , wait .
Starr : Cole , I ca nt .
Cole : Do nt go , okay ? I just got to talk to you .
Starr : What else is there to say ?
Cole : Everything .
Bo : Canvass the area . Now , someone must have seen Nora with MacIver . Go . Yes , sir . You got it .
Bo : And thank you . God . [ Sighs ]
Cole : There s so much I have to tell you . We never had time .
Starr : Cole , I m sorry . I have to check on hope . This will have to wait .
Sam : I do nt know where Starr is .
James : All right , never mind . I ll find her myself .
Starr : James ? What are you doing here ? What s going -- Sam . Go back to bed .
Sam : I ca nt sleep .
Starr : Do I have to get mom ?
Sam : No .
Starr : Thank you .
James : Have you heard the news ?
Starr : Uh , well , I have nt been online since before the blackout .
James : There was a prison break .
Starr : Seriously ?
James : Yeah . All the locks on the cells are electronic , I guess . And when the blackout happened , the doors just -- they opened . It was a total free - for - all . There s like 200 unaccounted - for prisoners . And they re saying Cole s one of them .
Starr : Oh , my god .
James : So , have you heard from him ?
Lindsay : Can I come in ? I had to wait for the cops to leave .
Bo : What are you doing here ?
Lindsay : [ Sighs ] You know about the blackout at the prison , right ? Bo , troy s on the loose , and I ve just got a really bad feeling .
Bo : And you re in on this together , are nt you ?
Troy : [ Sighs ] It s perfect , is nt it ?
Nora : Yes . It s wonderful .
Troy : I knew we d need time-- and privacy . And I wanted it to be special so you d know how important this is to me , Nora .
Nora : You re making that very clear .
Troy : Wait till you see it in spring . It s so beautiful . And the lake -- the lake is just past those trees . We can fish , swim . We can take walks .
Nora : You know , I do nt -- I do nt think you remember , troy , but I m not really a nature kind of gal .
Troy : I remember everything .
Nora : Yeah . I m gettin that .
Troy : Do nt worry . We have all winter to stay inside . There s no rush . We can just talk . Wow . To see your face ... to hear your voice . Nora , it s been so long .
Nora : Yeah , it has been a long time , has nt it ?
Troy : So , you ll give me another chance ? We could be happy here , Nora .
Nora : Sure , troy . I ll give you another chance .
Troy : You mean it ? Or are you lying to me again ?
Mitch : Where is my flock ? Gone to the four winds . This church will take great work to be rebuilt . Which reminds me , I have a call to make .
Viki : Clint , are you absolutely sure that Mitch has Natalie ?
Clint : I m telling you , he got her . Mr. Buchanan , if I m to get a correct reading of your blood pressure , I need you to --
Clint : Aw , the hell with my blood pressure .
Viki : Please let her do her job . I do nt want to lose you .
Clint : Viki , we re not gon na lose anybody . Let s just go into the study , Mr. Buchanan .
Clint : All right . To shut you up , I ll go in the study , but you re pushing your luck .
John : Excellent . Call me back . There s an APB out on Laurence .
John : Why do nt you answer it ?
Viki : It s Natalie . It s her cell . Natalie ?
Mitch : Hello , Victoria .
Viki : Mitch ... how s Natalie ?
Mitch : She s fine . Are nt you , Natalie ?
John : Put her on the phone .
Mitch : John McBain ! Oh , it s been too long .
John : Let me talk to Natalie .
Mitch : Ah . If you insist . Here you go , por favor . Tell your boyfriend how you are , Natalie .
Natalie : John ?
John : Are you all right ?
Natalie : Yeah , I m okay . How s dad ?
John : He s fine . He s with a nurse right now .
Natalie : Church ! We re in a church ! We re in a church !
Mitch : Natalie , if I m not mistaken , you , uh , are a forensics expert . Tell me -- how much damage do you think this little pistol could do to your brain ?
Viki : Natalie ? ! Oh , my god . Answer me , honey ! Natalie , are you there ! ?
Bo : Did troy send you to distract me while he takes Nora off who knows where ?
Lindsay : No ! No , Bo . I swear !
Bo : Where is she , Lindsay ? !
Lindsay : What ? ! Do you think I would take this kind of risk ? I had to warn you . You have to believe me -- I m just trying to help you .
Nora : What , you think I m lying to you ?
Troy : What about the wine ?
Nora : Oh , gosh . You did nt like the wine .
Troy : I know you were trying to stall me , Nora .
Nora : What ? I was being hospitable . Now , I know that you like merlot .
Troy : Just stop . Stop , okay ? I know you sent a signal to him . I know you said something to Bo when you were on the phone -- some sort of code .
Nora : Troy , I was very happy that we had some time alone together , you know ? I did nt send him any signal . This is nt making any sense , troy .
Troy : None of this makes any sense ! Do nt you see ? I have risked everything to be here with you , Nora . I love you . You know that , do nt you ?
Nora : Yes . You ve made that very clear . [ Sighs ] But , troy --
Troy : But what ? !
Sam : Freeze ! Put your hands up .
Starr : Why would I hear from Cole ?
James : Where else would he go ? It s not like he has any other family nearby .
Starr : I guess .
James : And where is your phone ? I mean , did nt you get any of my calls ? Starr , I texted you like 20 times .
Starr : James , my phone died , and I did nt get a chance to charge it because of the blackout . I m sorry ! I m sorry that I freaked you out , but clearly , I m okay . And even if Cole did come here , he s not dangerous .
James : Starr , he shot somebody .
Starr : Wow .
James : Wait . Do nt answer the door . What are you doing ?
Starr : It s not like he d ring the doorbell !
James : What about the other 200 felons ? [ Sighs ] Can I help you ?
Officer : Sorry , sir . We re looking for a fugitive -- Cole Thornhart .
James : Well , can I see some I.D. ? Come on in . They re looking for Cole , Starr . Hmm .
Officer : Have you seen him , maam ?
Starr : Not since I took my daughter to see him last week .
Officer : You re aware he s at large ?
Starr : Yes . Actually , I just found out about the breakout , but I also heard that things are a mess there . Are you sure he s not still on the prison grounds ? Maybe he s in the library or something .
Officer : As of yet , he has nt been located .
Starr : Okay . I just do nt see why he would come here . We broke up . I - I have a boyfriend . And Cole knows about him . Why would he come here ?
Officer : I ca nt answer that , but we ll have to search the premises .
Starr : Is that really necessary ? My daughter is asleep .
Officer : We ll be quiet , maam .
Sam : I said , put your hands up !
Cole : Sam . It s me . It s Cole ... hope s dad . You remember me , right ?
Sam : You re supposed to be in jail .
Cole : You re right . Uh ... all right . Let s go to the jail .
Sam : No funny stuff .
Cole : Okay . You know what , Sam ? Um , sometimes there are things that are more important than following the rules , so I need you to do me a favor , okay ? Cause we re friends , right ? Remember ? Green eggs and Sam .
Sam : I remember .
Cole : Okay . So , um , nobody can know that I m here , especially the police . This will be our secret , okay ?
Sam : I have a friend that s a policeman . His name is john McBain .
Cole : I know john .
Sam : He made me his deputy , so I have to arrest you .
Viki : Mitch , you put Natalie back on !
Mitch : What , so she can tell you where we are ? You know me better than that , Victoria .
John : Hey , Laurence-- touch her , and I ll kill you this time .
Mitch : The two of you -- such little faith . Why , I m a man of god .
John : What do you want ?
Mitch : Now , now , lieutenant . This is my call , not yours . And , uh , by the way , there s no point in trying to trace this call , cause I disabled the GPS . But as long as you do what I told you , you ll get your girlfriend back .
John : Laurence , you know what I think ? I think cowards take hostages cause they ca nt get what they want any other way .
Mitch : I never troubled myself with the means , lieutenant -- just the ends .
Viki : Look , I want my daughter back ! Just tell us what you want !
Mitch : Oh , you can have your daughter back , Victoria . As soon as I get mine .
Viki : If you think that I m going to give you Jessica , you have lost what little sense you ever had .
Mitch : An eye for an eye-- a tooth for a tooth--
Natalie : [ Moans ]
Mitch : --A daughter for a daughter .
Viki : I am not giving you Jessica !
Mitch : You have one hour . I ll call with my instructions . And , oh , lieutenant , I know I need nt tell you , but , um , no cops , no tricks . Do as I told you -- and you ll get your girlfriend -- back .
Viki : You are not getting Jessica !
Mitch : It s your choice , Victoria -- give me Jessica , or Natalie dies .
Cole : I just want to spend a little time with hope , you know ? Maybe take her to the park ?
Sam : My dad used to take me .
Cole : Well-- I m really sorry he s gone . But you d give anything to spend another day with him , right ? So will you help me spend some time with hope ? Please ? Do nt tell anybody I m here . Can you do that for me ?
James : You seem nervous .
Starr : I just do nt want them waking up hope , okay ? She was so excited for new year s eve that it took her an hour to get into bed . Is everything okay ? W - what s going on ?
Officer : No sign of Thornhart , and your daughter s sound asleep .
Starr : Okay , great . Thank you . Well , if you hear anything , you know , when you find Cole , just give me a call because my daughter , hope , will want to know .
Officer : Maam , we need to check the rest of the property .
Starr : Of course you do . Of course . Yeah . Go ahead . [ Sighs ]
James : Are you okay ?
Starr : Everything is okay , James ! Why ?
James : Because something seems off , Starr .
Starr : I m sorry . What do you mean ?
James : Did you lie to them ?
Starr : Did I lie to the cops ? Are you crazy ?
James : It would nt be the first time .
Starr : What are you saying ?
James : Are you hiding Cole ?
Officer : Freeze !
Bo : You do nt have a very good track record where troy s concerned .
Lindsay : This does nt have anything to do with troy . I owe you . I m not gon na stand by and do nothing when I know you re in danger . Is that the wedding gift I gave you and Nora ?
Bo : Yes . Yes , it is . And we ve always appreciated it , but do nt think that that means that we --
Lindsay : That you do nt trust me ? Is that what you were gon na say ? You do nt trust me ? What do I have to do , Bo ? For god s sake , the very fact that I m here right now should prove to you that I have accepted your marriage .
Bo : Okay . Let s -- let s assume that you re on our side . Do you know what troy s planning ?
Lindsay : I saw him earlier today in the library . He was returning a book . And I just felt like something was up , you know ? And I felt like it had something to do with Nora , and I was right .
Bo : Why ? W - what did he say to you ?
Troy : What are nt you telling me , Nora ?
Nora : Okay , troy , I respect you . You know that , right ?
Troy : Yes .
Nora : And -- and I cherish a lot of the memories that we had together . You were always kind and thoughtful and gentle . But I - I have to -- I need you to accept what I m about to say . Because what I m about to say is the truth .
Troy : I would expect nothing less .
Nora : Good . Now , I appreciate how much you ve missed me and how you ve cherished our memories , okay ?
Troy : Yes .
Nora : [ Chuckles ] I do nt want to hurt you , all right ? But I love Bo . And he loves me . And that s why there can never be anything between us .
Troy : You do nt know that , Nora .
Nora : No , I do . I do . Because I married him , troy . I - I made a choice .
Troy : Yes ! Because I was away ! But now I am back , Nora ! That s why I brought you here -- so we could start over .
Nora : And I appreciate everything you ve done here , the effort that has gone into this . I - I - I do . I mean , it -- it -- you ve been incredibly thoughtful . Please . I need you to know this now . Okay ? Nothing is gon na change the way I feel . I love Bo .
Troy : You re wrong . And I m gon na prove it to you .
Clint : If Mitch Laurence thinks he can make a deal with my family , he s wrong .
John : He s got Natalie .
Clint : And he s not gon na get Jessica . He s a maniac , and we all know what he did to her .
Viki : Well , nobody wants him to get Jessica , but the thing is , Clint , he said he was gon na kill Natalie if we did nt meet his demands , so --
Clint : Well , what are you gon na do -- turn over our other daughter ?
Viki : Of course not ! We have to find another way to save Natalie .
Jessica : I m the one that he wants , so I m the one that he gets . John , make the arrangements . Call Mitch and tell him that I m willing .
Clint : No . You ll do no such thing .
Jessica : Dad , he has Natalie .
Viki : No , Jessica ! It is much too risky !
Jessica : So we re just gon na sacrifice my sister ?
Viki : No ! Of course we re not ! We re gon na find another way . John will find out where they are , and -- and-- look , he said it himself -- the only reason he s got a hostage is because he s out of power and he has no options .
Jessica : Which makes him even more dangerous . Look , you know that I m right . The only way to get to Mitch is through me . Just set a trap and use me as bait .
Clint : Absolutely not .
Jessica : I m sorry , dad ! It s not up to you ! We ca nt lose Natalie .
John : You know I do nt want to lose her .
Jessica : Okay , then , so --
John : But your dad s right . We ca nt get you involved .
Jessica : You show up without me , and Natalie s dead , okay ? He will kill her right in front of you .
Viki : Oh , my god .
Jessica : Look , just let him at least see me . We do nt have a choice . We have to do this .
Natalie : [ Groans ]
Mitch : Are you trying to say something ? [ Laughing ] Hold still ! I want to help you . There you go .
Natalie : You think that you re a man of god ? You ve broken every commandment in the book . You lie , you steal , you murder , you rape !
Mitch : Shall I list your sins ?
Natalie : Mine ? ! They re nothing in comparison to a homicidal maniac .
Mitch : All for the greater good . All for the greater good . I will do whatever it takes to save my mission , including desecrating the commandments .
Natalie : Drop the act , Mitch . We both know that you would do whatever it takes to get what you want .
Mitch : You re right . I would even kill you .
Sam : Do nt shoot ! Who are you talking to , son ?
Sam : The bad guy . Son , you need to get back to the house . There was a breakout at Statesville prison , and we ve got convicts on the loose . It s not safe for you to be wandering around , even though you re armed . Come on .
Starr : Where am I hiding Cole , James ? In my pocket ?
James : What , so now you re mad at me ?
Starr : You re accusing me of something that I did nt even do !
Sam : Starr , look who I found . The other way around , kiddo . He was in the cabana .
Starr : Sam , I thought I told you to get to bed . And mom says you ca nt play with --
Sam : There was a prison break . I need it . You need to mind your sister , son . Maam , if Cole Thornhart reaches out to you or shows up here , you re to contact us immediately . Failure to do so is a crime . You d be harboring a fugitive and subject to arrest .
Lindsay : You know , he was just really tense . And I know what that means . I know him very well .
Bo : Yeah , but , Lindsay , did he say anything ?
Lindsay : No , he was just really nervous -- really nervous . And I said to him , I - I have nt seen you this electrified since you were with Nora . And then he said that he was gon na be with Nora again soon . And I -- I thought that was really weird . And then he just started to backtrack right away . He was saying that he -- that he , um , you know , uh , had a parole date coming up in a year and that he was hoping that she would come to it . A - and I just thought something was really off . You know , and I thought it had something to do with Nora . I thought he was lying , and I was right . Then when we had all those brownouts , I got really nervous , and I went and got a guard . But before we could call you , we had the blackout and then the explosion , and then all hell broke loose . And then I saw the guard gate open , and I ran for it because I thought Nora was in danger and I wanted to warn you .
Bo : Yeah , but did he say anything about where he might have taken her ?
Lindsay : No .
Bo : [ Sighs ] Do you remember the title of the book that he had ?
Lindsay : It was an electrician s manual .
Bo : Really ? And then he said that he was gon na see Nora again soon ?
Lindsay : That s what he said .
Nora : Troy , what are you doing ?
Troy : It s here . I know it s here .
Nora : Oh , god . Troy , Bo is gon na be looking for you . You re only making things worse by holding me hostage !
Troy : You re not a hostage , Nora ! You re gon na love it here !
Nora : No . No . Not like this . Troy , oh , come on . You got to turn yourself in here . I ll vouch for you . We can -- we can -- we can make a better situation for you .
Troy : What are you talking about , Nora ? This is perfect ! It s you and me in paradise ! You re gon na love it here . Now , just give it a chance !
Nora : Not like this . Troy , you are holding me here against my will .
Troy : Now I have everything I need .
Natalie : You think you re gon na kill me ? You really think you re gon na get away with that ?
Mitch : I need your family to see how serious I am .
Natalie : You kill me now , and you lose what little leverage you have . Why do you want Jessica ? You want another shot at making an heir with your daughter ?
Mitch : I want to make amends to her .
Natalie : Right .
Mitch : If she forgives me , my people will see that I ve changed , and I will be able to rebuild my church .
Natalie : Jessica will never forgive you . None of us will .
Mitch : Well , that s interesting coming from you , Natalie . Let s see what the bible has to say about that . Judge not , that ye be not judged . For with the judgment you pronounce , you will be judged , and with the measure you use , it will be measured to you .
Viki : Jessie , I know you love your sister , but I am not gon na let you do this . Over 200 prisoners escaped from Statesville tonight . God knows how many Mitch has already recruited . Even with john there , you could be facing an army of his acolytes .
Jessica : Well , I trust john .
Clint : John already said it s a no - go .
Jessica : Look , I have to do this . We do nt have a choice . If these past couple weeks are gon na mean anything , then I have to do this , okay ? I did nt patch things up with Natalie to lose her now .
Clint : Natalie does not want you to sacrifice yourself for her .
Jessica : She would do it for me . Would nt she ? Well , then , I have to do this , okay ? Because I could nt live with myself if something happened to Natalie because I did nt do everything that I could .
James : I got to go . Nate s working , and I promised I d check on my mom .
Starr : Yeah , it s fine . Go .
James : I love you .
Starr : I love you , too .
James : Oh . Do everybody a favor . If Cole shows up , call the cops .
Starr : I thought I told you to go to bed .
Sam : We lied to the cops .
Starr : We ?
Sam : Cole s in the cabana . I did nt say anything .
Starr : Thank you , Sam .
Sam : I m not supposed to lie .
Starr : I know you re not . But it s just this one time , okay ? Just one night only .
Sam : Cole said it was important .
Starr : It s very important . It has to be a secret .
Sam : Even from James ?
Starr : Especially James . I have to go check on Cole , but you understand , right ? Nobody can know but you and me .
Sam : Got it .
Starr : Thank you .
Bo : There must be something you missed .
Lindsay : No , no . After he shut down , I did all the talking . I told him Nora was a lost cause because she s in love with you . I told him he had to get on with his life , just move on like I did . I mean , I accept your marriage ! I m happy for you !
Bo : Lindsay , look , that s enough ! Okay ?
Lindsay : You know , that s what troy said . And then he said that he did nt have to accept it . Because he and Nora and Matthew were gon na be a family again soon .
Bo : He mentioned Matthew ?
Lindsay : Yes .
Nora : What s in the bag , troy ? What are you gon na do ? You gon na drug me ? And then what ? Rape me or something ?
Troy : No ! Of course not ! How could you even think that , Nora ? I would never do anything like that to you . I love you .
Nora : So let me go .
Natalie : I never said I was perfect .
Mitch : Hardly . You slept with your sister s fiancé and then lied about carrying his baby . And yet , Jessica forgave you .
Natalie : She s not gon na forgive you .
Mitch : Are you sure ? Hmm ? I do nt think you are . I think you re afraid she will forgive me and we ll be reunited .
Natalie : [ Laughs ] You know what ? Number one , I am not crazy . And , number two , I am not using her to prop up my so - called career as a man of god . She knows that all I want is for her to be happy . But you know what ? If you want to prove to Jessica that you really changed , why do nt you start by letting me go and turning yourself in ? Am I boring you ?
Mitch : Oh , no , no , no , no . You re endlessly entertaining , Natalie .
Natalie : What happens whenever the big hand reaches wherever ?
Mitch : I call your big boyfriend . This moment
Bo : So , troy said that he and Nora and Matthew were gon na be a family soon ?
Lindsay : Yes . But that s not gon na happen .
Bo : No . No , it s not . Because now I think I know where they are .
Troy : What I do depends on you , Nora .
Nora : [ Sighing ] God . What do you want me to do ? Want me to tell you that there s a chance , that there s hope ? You want us to sit on the porch swing long enough so that , staring out at the lake in the sunset , I fall in love with you or something ? That s not gon na happen , troy . I love Bo .
Troy : Yes . Because I was away !
Nora : Because you were in prison ! You were in prison because of things you did to me ! I had to pick up the pieces of my life after you left . And I did . I put myself back together . And I fell back in love with Bo . We have a family . And Bo and I -- we ve been through hell and back together , and we have stayed together . I love him , troy . There is nothing that could ever make me forget my husband .
Troy : Actually , Nora , there is .
Viki : Jessie , it s wonderful that you and Natalie have made up , but you have to think about your children .
Jessica : Well , what about Liam ? Do you want your son to grow up without a mother ?
Viki : Nobody wants anything to happen to Natalie ! I understand why you want to do this , but , Jessie , you are much too fragile .
Jessica : No ! You ca nt say that anymore .
Viki : Honey , you ve made a lot of progress , but Mitch preys on your vulnerabilities .
Jessica : You re right . He does . And I know how he operates , and I am not gon na break this time . I need to do this . I need to do this to prove that I am not a victim . And you ca nt stop me .
John : I think I can stop you . This is a police procedure .
Jessica : Okay , and it s gon na fail if you do nt at least let me make an appearance . He has to see me , to know that we re not tricking him .
Viki : Hello ?
Mitch : You ve had your hour . Do I get my daughter ?
Clint : It s my daughter .
Mitch : Clint . Is that you ? You re still with us ?
Clint : No thanks to you , you sick son of a bitch .
Mitch : Look , much as I d love to catch up , I want my answer . Do I get my daughter ?
Starr : Cole ?
Cole : Hey .
Starr : [ Gasps ] Thank god . Sam told me what happened .
Cole : He was a good sport to play along .
Starr : It was nt easy . I - I-- James was asking me all these questions .
Cole : About what ?
Starr : About you ! He heard the reporters on the radio , and I had to lie to James . I had to tell Sam that lying to the cops was the right thing to do .
Cole : I m sorry .
Starr : It s okay . It s okay . As long as they did nt catch you . They could add so much time to your sentence .
Cole : I told you -- I m not going back .
Starr : You have to . Hope is talking more and more every day , and I already had to cover for her with my parents .
Cole : Thank you . You have no idea how much it means to me .
Starr : Cole , just stay hidden tonight , okay ? I ll be back in the morning .
Cole : Wait .
Starr : I ca nt stay here ! If someone comes looking for me --
Cole : I still love you .
James : Sam ? You re still up ?
Sam : Yeah .
James : Where s Starr ?
Sam : I ca nt tell you .
James : Why not ?
Sam : It s a secret .
James : A secret ? About what ?
Sam : I ca nt tell you . Then it s not a secret .
James : Well , Starr and I do nt have any secrets .
Sam : Yes , you do .
James : What do you mean ?
Sam : Starr said I ca nt tell anyone , especially you .
Starr : Cole , you do nt -- you do nt have to say that . I know that you re grateful .
Cole : Yeah . I m grateful . But that s not what this is about . When those gates opened when those gates opened tonight , it hit me . I love you . And I never stopped .
### Summary:
| In the aftermath of a major prison break , John and Mr. Evans discover that the unconscious person they believe is Mitch Laurence is really one of the prison guards . Mitch Laurence terrorizes Natalie at Llanfair . Natalie tells Mitch Laurence that she will do anything he wants if he does nt kill Clint . Clint tells John and Viki that Mitch has taken Natalie . Mitch takes Natalie to a church that he intends to rebuild . He calls Viki and offers Natalie back in exchange for Jessica . Jessica tells her parents she will turn herself over to Mitch Bo rushes home and finds that Troy MacIver has taken Nora . He has taken her to a quiet little house , deep in the woods by the lake , where he says they have everything they need for the rest of their lives . Lindsay Rappaport shows up at Bo and Nora s house . She tells him Troy is on the loose . He concludes she is in on it with Troy . She swears she is only there to warn him . Starr hides Cole Thornhart in the cabana at La Boulaie . James tells her about the prison break and asks if she has heard from Cole . Cole swears Sam to secrecy . The police come to search for Cole . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Woman : Have a seat and fill these out . The doctor will be with you shortly .
Aidan : Thank you .
Donovan : Did you forget something ?
Greenlee : There s an imposter in your waiting area .
Donovan : An imposter ?
Greenlee : An -- an informant . A -- a poser . Um -- whatever you call him , you ca nt let him in here ?
Donovan : Him ?
Greenlee : The -- the patient that your receptionist called you about . He s not a friend of the governor . His name is Aidan Devane . He s a private investigator , and he is not sick -- at least , not in the physical sense .
Donovan : Well , considering I have nothing to hide , I do nt see what the problem is . So , if you ll excuse me , I d like to see my last patient , no matter who he is .
Greenlee : Oh --
Annie : I m sorry , but Spike ca nt live with us .
Ryan : This may be the first and only time I m glad that Spike ca nt hear what you re saying .
Annie : I m sorry , but --
Ryan : But what ? Why would nt you want him here ?
Annie : It s not that I just , um -- I do nt know if this is the best place for him .
Ryan : This is the only place for him . This is his second home . I mean , after all that time in the hospital , would nt you want Spike to -- to fall asleep in a crib that s familiar to him with his sister and us just down the hall ?
Annie : Of course . I mean , I want him to feel safe .
Ryan : Oh . Well , where s safer than here ?
Girl s voice : Ring around the Rosey , pocket full of posies
Ryan : Hey , Annie ? What s going on with you ?
Kendall : My babies -- I do nt have them . Please -- can I hold yours ?
Zach : Hey , Kendall ? I was looking for you . What are you doing here ? Did you ask her to come in or --
Woman : No . She just wandered in and asked to hold my baby .
Zach : Come on . It s time to go , we do nt belong here . I m sorry . My wife just had surgery and our two sons are in the hospital , so -- she s gone through a lot .
Woman : It s fine .
Zach : Come on .
Kendall : I -- I heard your -- your baby in the corridor . He ?
Woman : Yes .
Kendall : He sounded so sweet , I had to see him for myself .
Zach : Let s leave these two in peace .
Kendall : Wait , wait . Wait , that s -- that s all I wanted , was peace . You -- you and your baby look so peaceful and so safe . And I have nt felt that way in such a long time . So when -- when I saw him , it just made me want to hold him , just -- just for a second . I -- I know this seems really weird . It seems really weird to me . I do nt normally wander into other people s hospital rooms --
Zach : Shh --
Kendall : And ask to hold their children --
Zach : Hey .
Kendall : I really do nt .
Zach : Let s go lie down for a minute .
Kendall : Oh -- but it s just -- it s just that I have -- I have two little boys , and they ve both been hurt , so I ca nt hold either one of them -- one because he s too little , and the other because his father took him away from me . So when I saw you holding your little boy , I wanted -- I needed --
Zach : You ve been pushing yourself too hard for too long . You need a break . Let s take that break . I m going to take you home .
Kendall : Oh , my God -- I m so sorry . I -- I -- I scared you . I -- I scared you , I did . I did nt mean to , but I did , did nt I ?
Woman : No , I --
Kendall : I would never , ever hurt you or your baby . You re afraid . You re afraid for your baby and that s torture . I know , because I m so afraid for both of mine .
Ryan : Spike s out of the hospital , and I want him here with us .
Annie : I just think we should have discussed it , that s all .
Ryan : Ok . So we re discussing it , but I honestly -- I do nt know what there is to say .
Annie : I mean , Spike has another set of parents . We re not the only ones involved here .
Ryan : No , we re not . But I told you that Kendall and Zach are extremely busy focusing on keeping Ian alive . I thought it would be nice to cut them a break . Do nt you ?
Annie : If they want one .
Ryan : You know that Kendall is barely hanging on . You know she s not sleeping . She s not eating , she s making bad , impulsive decisions , not to mention that she and Zach are at the hospital -- constantly .
Annie : I know .
Ryan : And they do nt have the energy to focus on Spike right now , but we do , right ?
Annie : Yes -- right .
Ryan : Kendall and Zach agreed to this .
Annie : I know .
Ryan : So then I do nt know why we re having this discussion . Ok ? Spike is my son -- unless there s some other reason that you do nt want him here .
Annie : Stop saying that . You know I love Spike .
Ryan : Well , I never questioned that , but --
Annie : I mean , this -- this home , all of us in it -- I ve dreamed about this my entire life .
Ryan : Which is why I am so stunned that you have a problem with this . I mean , Zach maybe , Kendall , yeah , I get it , but -- but not you . So , issue discussed .
Greenlee : Look , is there another way out of here , a back door or a fire escape ?
Donovan : Oh , would a zip - line do ? No , I m sorry . You re going to have to go out the door just like everyone else .
Greenlee : Ok , look , I m sensing a disconnect here , so I m just -- I m just going to explain it all to you again , ok ? That man out there , Aidan Devane -- although I am sure that it s not the name he is going by -- he s friends with Spike Lavery s father .
Donovan : Ryan Lavery , the one opposed to me treating Spike ?
Greenlee : Exactly . So , it s obvious that Ryan sent his friend -- his private investigator friend -- to come and check you out , to see if you re a fraud .
Donovan : But I m not , so I do nt see the problem .
Greenlee : Again , the disconnect .
Donovan : Look , it s getting late . I would really like to be home at a semireasonable hour , so , if you would please show yourself out , and I will show in your detective friend .
Greenlee : Ok .
Greenlee : He is not my friend , and he is definitely not yours . Please . Please . You ca nt let Aidan in here -- it s going to ruin everything .
Donovan : You re Greenlee Smythe . I knew you looked familiar . I ca nt believe it took me so long to recognize you . You re the woman who kidnapped that little boy .
Erica : Jack . Look , if you re here for round two , I really -- I --
Jack : Actually , I m prepared to go for as many rounds as it takes .
Erica : Well , I certainly wish I had some boxing gloves to go with this outfit , but I m fresh out .
Jack : I got an interesting piece of mail today .
Erica : Oh ?
Jack : Oh .
Erica : Well , what kind of mail ? Well , you do nt mean any more divorce papers -- I mean , been there , done that , right , Jack ?
Jack : Right , right , we sure have . No , not -- not divorce papers , no . But , what I did get gave me a real case of déja vu .
Erica : About what ?
Jack : About a television show that I want no part of .
Erica : About that --
Jack : Yeah , about that -- a contract , in fact , for a television show that I distinctly remember declining to do . Tell me something , Erica -- where did I lose you when I said -- and I m paraphrasing here -- No way in hell ?
Erica : I did nt misunderstand you , Jack . You told me you wanted no part of the talk show .
Jack : So you went and told the network that I did . You know , you re developing a real penchant for doing things behind my back .
Erica : Are you still talking about that footage of us we saw the last time we were in this room together ? I told you , I had nothing to do with that .
Jack : Believe me , Erica , when it comes to you following your own agenda , I have multiple incidents from which to choose .
Erica : Jack , I can explain why I told the network that you would do the show .
Jack : No , it s -- I just do nt want to have another public sparring match with you , you know , not again .
Erica : Well , Jack , I do nt want to have a sparring match with you anywhere -- not on television , not anywhere . The only place I want to be is with Kendall at the hospital .
Jack : What I find interesting is when I bring up something that you do nt want to deal with , you invoke Kendall and her sons .
Erica : I would never use a family crisis like that . In fact , I m doing this show for Kendall and her boys .
Annie : You do nt need my permission to have Spike stay here .
Ryan : Really ? Because it sure feels like I do . And , honestly , I do nt get why . You re so good with him . You ve had experience communicating with a deaf person . Is -- is that the reason ? I mean , does having Spike here remind you of bad times that you had with your dad ?
Annie : No .
Ryan : Are you sure ? Because ever since you went to visit him , I mean , you ve seemed a little bit off .
Annie : Spike could never remind me of anything bad . It s just , as a mother and as someone who has had my child taken from me before , I ca nt imagine Kendall being ok with this .
Ryan : Ok , first of all , I m not taking Spike from Kendall .
Annie : I understand that , but -- oh -- to be separated from your child for any reason --
Ryan : Kendall needs a breather , really badly . And , yeah , she hated the idea at first , but with Zach s help , you know , I convinced her that this was the best solution .
Annie : But is it , though ? I mean -- I mean , you said yourself that Kendall s , like , on the verge of losing it . What if this is what -- what throws her over the edge ? You know , I mean , we do nt know how long Ian is going to be in that hospital . Spike could end up staying here for weeks .
Ryan : And Kendall can come and visit whenever she wants , 24/7 .
Annie : Well , no , we ca nt have people coming in here in the middle of the night .
Ryan : Not people -- Kendall . Look , I m glad that you re so worried about Kendall . I -- I really am . But you got to trust me , ok ? The only thing that could push her over -- over the edge is being stretched too thin . That s why this is the best solution -- for everyone .
Greenlee : I ve made some huge mistakes , but this is not one of them . I am here because I truly want to help Spike Lavery .
Donovan : Because you feel guilty ?
Greenlee : Because I love him , and I love his mother .
Donovan : Well , if you and Spike s mother are so close -- huh -- why is it such a big secret that you re here ?
Greenlee : We re just not on the best of terms right now .
Donovan : No . Well , after you ran off with her child , I would imagine not .
Greenlee : I was nt run -- oh . Look , the only thing that matters right now is that precious little angel and getting him help . I believed you when you said you could help Spike . Do you still think that you can ?
Donovan : Yes .
Greenlee : Well , then it s your turn to believe me . If Aidan Devane finds me in here , you re never going to get a chance to prove what you can do , so think what you will of me , but please do nt let an innocent child suffer because of it .
Kendall : My son Ian -- he s a preemie . My God , you ve never seen a baby so small .
Zach : Kendall ?
Kendall : And -- and I ca nt -- I ca nt touch him , I ca nt feed him the way that I want to . And -- and then my other son , Spike , he was in a horrible accident , and he lost his hearing . So now I have one child who ca nt feel me and the other who ca nt hear me .
Woman : I m sorry .
Kendall : We protect our babies because they ca nt protect themselves . But I could nt . I -- I did nt .
Zach : That s not true .
Kendall : And I m so scared . I m so scared to let them out of my sight because , what if it s the last time ?
Zach : Come on , you got to rest . So do you .
Kendall : Ok . I m sorry . I -- I do nt normally do things like this . It s not who I am -- really .
Woman : Wait . If you d still like to hold my baby --
Aidan : It was the fifth set , the tiebreaker . I threw the ball out to serve , wound up , and then bam -- that s when it happened . I aced the guy , but I tore my rotator cuff at the same time .
Donovan : Well , congrats on the ace , but sorry about the shoulder .
Aidan : You see , the -- the thing is , tennis is my life and the thought of taking time off for surgery --
Donovan : , I -- I understand , and I applaud you for seeking out alternative methods .
Aidan : You came highly recommended .
Donovan : Well , I am 100 % certain that we can take care of your shoulder in a simple , noninvasive manner , have you back on the court in no time .
Aidan : 100 % ? You have nt even taken a look at my arm .
Donovan : Oh , there s no need . Throughout our conversation , I ve been visualizing the injury through your aura .
Aidan : My aura ?
Donovan : You d be amazed what you can learn about people when you know what to look for . So , back to your shoulder -- for a minimal fee , I can fix you right up .
Aidan : How much is minimal ?
Donovan : This particular treatment costs $ 20,000 , no personal checks .
Aidan : And what does this treatment consist of ?
Donovan : Ultraviolet gamma ray pulsation of the proto - ionic variety .
Aidan : You say that six times fast .
Donovan : I m no fraud . Investigate all you want .
Aidan : Ok . From one professional to another , what gave me away ? Or maybe the question should be , who ?
Donovan : Maybe I m just a good judge of character .
Aidan : No . Nobody s that good .
Greenlee : Oh . Thank you . Thank you . I know it was asking a lot , but to help Spike , it s just -- it s going to be worth it , bigtime .
Kendall : That s a good boy . All right . Thank you . You have no idea how wonderful that felt . What am I saying ? Of course , you do .
Woman : It was our pleasure . Right , munchkin ?
Zach : Really , thank you .
Kendall : I mean , you re -- you re very generous . I -- I do nt know if I could ve done the same thing . I mean , for all you know , I could ve been some psycho .
Woman : Just a frightened mother . I ca nt imagine what it must feel like . If I could nt hold Patrick -- well , I m not sure what I d do .
Kendall : Patrick . That s a good name .
Zach : The world needed another Patrick . Hold on to him real tight .
Woman : I will . And good luck to the both of you . I ll be praying for your boys .
Kendall : Thank you -- for everything . Nice to meet you , Mr. Patrick .
Zach : Hmm .
Kendall : Huh .
Zach : Bye .
Kendall : Bye .
Zach : You ready to go home ?
Kendall : I know what you re thinking .
Zach : What am I thinking ?
Kendall : You re thinking that what I just did was the act of a crazy person . And -- and it was , but I m telling you , I -- I know what I was doing . I -- I m not crazy , I swear .
Zach : I do nt think you re crazy . I think you re tired , and you need some sleep .
Kendall : I ca nt . I ca nt , not with things the way they are .
Zach : Now , we ve been over this .
Kendall : Yes . I know . I know that , and I know that I agreed to the plan , but -- but , Zach , it s not going to work . I ca nt do this , I ca nt . There is no way in hell that this plan is going to work .
Ryan : Look , maybe -- maybe you re right . Maybe I should nt have sprung this on you without talking to you first .
Annie : Do nt apologize .
Ryan : Well , I do nt apologize for wanting Spike to be here , but you re my wife , and we re supposed to deal with all the big stuff together .
Annie : It s ok , really .
Ryan : It s just I saw Greenlee here when I got home and I just -- it just threw my game plan way off .
Annie : She really was doing me a favor , Ryan . I know you do nt want to hear this , but Greenlee does feel really awful about what happened to Spike .
Ryan : She should feel awful .
Annie : I know , but I almost feel bad for her .
Ryan : Do nt .
Annie : I m not saying forgive and forget , but a mistake like that can haunt you for the rest of your life .
Ryan : Wait . Are you comparing marrying Terry to what Greenlee did , because you were deceived by a sick person out to hurt a child .
Annie : Greenlee was nt necessarily out to hurt Spike .
Ryan : So , I -- I do nt understand . Are you -- are you defending Greenlee or are you talking about somebody else ?
Annie : It s just how I feel .
Ryan : Talk to me , Annie . There is something going on with you .
Annie : Well , sure , yeah . I mean , life has been pretty crazy lately .
Ryan : No , no , I mean , separate from everything else . I ve seen you deal with a ton of stressful situations , and -- and you were never like this . It s like -- it s like you re carrying around something that s about to explode . Tell me what it is . I ca nt help you if you do nt .
Annie : I m sorry .
Ryan : For what ?
Annie : For taking your energy away from the person who needs it the most . Focus on Spike . I m fine .
Ryan : You -- you know , you ve been saying that a lot lately . And ever since you went to see your dad , it seems like it s the only thing that s coming out of your mouth .
Annie : Well , sometimes it s the only thing to say .
Ryan : Not to me . Did nt it feel better when -- when you opened up a little bit about your family ? Yeah ? So do it again . I mean , there is -- there is something going on with you . Did something else happen when you were there ?
Annie : Ryan , my father and I have issues , just like everybody else in the world , that s all .
Ryan : So if not him , then -- then who ? Terry s brother ?
Annie : No .
Ryan : What about the prank phone calls ? You changed the -- you shut down our -- our home line , the cell phone . I mean , who do you think was making those calls ?
Annie : Bored kids -- I do nt know , Ryan . It s not my dad , it s not my former brother - in - law . It s nothing .
Ryan : Please do nt make me drag everything out of you . Just tell me what s going on .
Annie : What is nt going on ? Life has gone from bad to worse to completely unbearable !
Ryan : I know , I know . I mean , I know everybody s on edge .
Annie : So -- so everybody else gets a free pass and I do nt ? I m handing this the best that I can .
Ryan : Maybe you could handle it a little bit better if you just let me in .
Annie : Emma fell asleep in our room --
Ryan : Annie --
Annie : So I m -- I m going to go put her in her own bed .
Ryan : Annie --
Emma : Ring around the Rosie , a pocket full of posies , ashes , ashes we all fall down
Annie : Do nt sing that ! Do nt sing that , Emma , ever ! Ever , do you understand ?
Emma : Grandpa said I had to , Mommy . Grandpa told me what you did .
Kendall : When I was late in my pregnancy with Spike , I did nt think I wanted to raise him . I would look down at my belly and think , Well , I do nt know , this is it . This baby comes out , I keep him , and my life is over . But , Zach , I swear to you , the second I looked into Spike s eyes , my whole life began . I thought to myself , Oh , my God -- oh , my God , this is it . This -- this -- this is what people are talking about . This is what they mean .
Zach : It s funny how that happens .
Kendall : I -- I can barely remember who I was before I had Spike . All I know is that -- that when he came into my life , everything changed . I mean , the colors -- they -- they just -- I do nt know -- they -- they got brighter . They did . And -- and the sky got -- got bigger , and -- and I felt -- I felt more . I felt more everything . More -- more pain , joy , passion .
Zach : The works .
Kendall : Yes , yes .
Zach : Mm - hmm .
Kendall : The works , the works . Listen to me a second .
Kendall : You listen . I love you so much . I love you with everything I have , and Ian , too . But I would nt be able to do any of that if it was nt for Spike . He changed my whole entire life . And if I do nt have him with me , I do nt know who I am .
Greenlee : I love that little guy . And I know he s not mine . I repeat , I really , truly know that Spike is not mine . But once upon a time , he was supposed to be , so we re connected forever . And it s the same with Ryan and Kendall . Back in the day , we belonged to one another , if that makes any sense . Now I have officially spilled my guts .
Donovan : You make a very convincing case , Ms. Smythe .
Greenlee : So do you understand now why this is so important to me ? I mean , I have to fix this thing , for all of us , and I ca nt do it without your help , and not if Ryan and Kendall know that I m the one who found you . Please , Dr. Hilliard -- please , say that you re going to help me .
Erica : The network wants to pull out all the stops .
Jack : Really ?
Erica : They want to launch two PSA campaigns . One for children with hearing disorders , and the other for complications associated with premature births .
Jack : Well , that sounds tailor - made just for you .
Erica : Just for us , Jack , all of us . You keep saying that Kendall is your family , too .
Jack : Erica , I think what the network wants to do is wonderful .
Erica : The entire website will really essentially be an information center -- with lists of doctors , support groups , links to other charitable causes . I mean , finally , parents of preemies or children with hearing disorders -- they will have someplace to turn to get answers .
Jack : Well , you must be thrilled .
Erica : I am . And , Jack , that s not all . In addition to all of that , the network wants to buy state - of - the - art diagnostic equipment and donate that to all the hospitals around the world . I mean , can you imagine how many children we could help ?
Jack : Hmm . Hmm . There s that word again -- we .
Erica : Well , do nt you want to make a difference ?
Jack : Oh -- yes , Erica , I want to make a difference , but at what cost ?
Erica : At the cost of our discussing our petty differences about various topics once a week . Once a week , Jack .
Jack : I do nt know . I just do nt think it would be all that simple to do that .
Erica : Well , it certainly will be simple compared to what Kendall and Ian and Spike are going through . You ca nt tell me that there s a better cause to support .
Jack : No , I absolutely ca nt . No , it s -- it s --
Jack : It s an excellent cause . Truly excellent . I just do nt see why I have to be involved , you know ? Unless , of course , could it be that you need me so badly ?
Erica : I do nt need you for anything . Make no mistake -- signing you on was the network s choice , not mine .
Jack : I see .
Erica : I pitched countless alternatives to you . Everyone from Anderson Cooper to Jimmy Kimmel to Errol Flynn .
Jack : Errol Flynn s been dead a long time , honey .
Erica : Then you understand the desperation I felt . They want you .
Jack : For what , exactly ? I mean -- tell me more about this He Said / She Said business .
Erica : Well , it would center on our discussing anything , from vacation destinations to politics .
Jack : Anything ?
Erica : Anything . Well .
Jack : Like milk -- whole or skim ?
Erica : Skim .
Jack : Whole . Which is more romantic , a wedding on the beach , or a walk in newly fallen snow ?
Erica : Or how about lawyers as husbands ? Dashing or dysfunctional ? Dysfunctional .
Jack : Dashing , definitely . Another one -- female television personalities -- delightful , or diva ? I m going with diva .
Erica : A little of both . You see ? We ve got this down .
Jack : Yeah . What about local news ? I imagine you re going to cover that ?
Erica : Absolutely . As a matter of fact , Jack , we could have the newspapers in our hands every week .
Jack : And just talk about whatever the headline happens to be ?
Erica : Of course . For example , Crazy , dangerous woman tries to steal innocent child .
Jack : Except for the fact that daughters are off - limits .
Erica : Fine . But everything else is fair game .
Annie : We have to disappear . Just you , me , Daddy , and Spike . We have to go someplace safe . I do nt know where , or -- or how we ll get there , but I promise you , I ll figure it out .
Ryan : Who s knocking ? Let s go see . Oh , you re so heavy . Ok , why do nt we leave the apple here ? Ok ? Or not . Oh . All right . Yeah .
Kendall : Hey , hey !
Ryan : Hey .
Kendall : Hey , sweet .
Ryan : Ok , hi . What --
Kendall : My little boy . My boy .
Ryan : What s -- what -- is Ian all right ?
Zach : Oh , Ian s fine .
Ryan : So --
Kendall : I missed you so much , my Spikey , I did .
Ryan : What -- what s going on ?
Zach : I know we had an agreement , but it s not going to work .
Ryan : What s not going to work ?
Kendall : Spike being here . He s going to come home with us .
Ryan : Um -- we talked about this , Kendall . I thought we agreed that it was -- that it was best for everyone for Spike to stay here with us .
Kendall : Yeah , well , it -- it s not better for me .
Ryan : Look , I understand that you re scared , Kendall . We all are , but you taking him home right now when you re wiped is not the answer . Annie and I have it covered .
Kendall : No , no , no , no . I promised him that I would never leave our son again , but I did .
Ryan : You re not leaving him . He s just staying with his father for a couple of days . Look , you ca nt be glued to his side forever , Kendall .
Kendall : It s not forever , Ryan , ok ? It s right now . My son needs me right now .
Ryan : What happened ?
Zach : We changed our minds .
Ryan : Well -- I have nt changed mine . The reasons that we made this decision to start with still stand . You are on overload , all right ? And trying to take Spike home right now and take care of him when you re on overload is just going to add to your stress .
Kendall : I -- what s stressing me out right now is not having my son with me .
Ryan : Help me out here . I -- I know that you do nt agree with this .
Annie : I think I have a solution that will work for everybody .
Greenlee : Will you help me ?
Donovan : Well , I ll -- I ll do my best . I mean , your case is complicated , but it s not without hope .
Greenlee : Thank you . You do nt even know -- just -- thank you .
Donovan : Well , do nt thank me yet . It can take quite some time to find a psychotherapist that you really connect with , but --
Greenlee : A psychotherapist ? No -- I was nt asking for help for me . I want you to help Spike , to restore his hearing .
Donovan : Under the circumstances , that is not possible .
Greenlee : What circumstances ? There s a little boy who ca nt hear , and you said you might have the answers . What has changed ?
Donovan : You , Spike s father , private investigators . I m sorry , what started out as a medical case has become a circus , and I do not have the time to play ringmaster .
Greenlee : Ok , ok -- you know what ? Drop the drama and focus only on Spike . Can you help him ?
Donovan : Not like this .
Greenlee : I already told you , I do nt want my money back , I want you to store his hearing .
Donovan : The fact of the matter is this is not about what you want .
Greenlee : No . Apparently not . It s about punishing an innocent child .
Donovan : That would be on your conscience , not mine .
Jack : You certainly do nt make it easy , do you ? I mean , who does not want to have a positive impact on a child s life ?
Erica : I ca nt even imagine . And not just the children , Jack . Their parents , their grandparents , their relatives , their friends -- everyone . I mean , think how invaluable this will be .
Jack : You do know it s still not ok that you gave the go - ahead without my permission ? You do understand that ?
Erica : I do , I do . So , you re in ?
Jack : With one addendum .
Erica : Add away . And whatever it is , yes .
Jack : Oh , I think you might want to read this first .
Erica : Well , how outrageous could it be ?
Jack : There you go .
Erica : Under mutually agreeable circumstances , the co - hosts agree to make mad , passionate love . This is your addendum ?
Jack : Feel free to take some artistic license with the mad , passionate part .
Aidan : Someone must have tipped him off . I do nt know how , I do nt know who , but I m going to find out . Hang on , I ve got to go .
Greenlee : Is this where you come to celebrate your successful missions ? Blow up a life and then have a pint ?
Aidan : Greenlee , I wish I knew what you were talking about .
Greenlee : Why ca nt you just stay out of other people s business ?
Aidan : The last time I saw you was at the ConFusion bar .
Greenlee : And if you want to get up in my face , that s fine , no problem , but this time , for once , it was nt about me .
Aidan : What do you mean , this time ?
Greenlee : It was about someone else , and you ruined it , Aidan . You ruined everything .
Aidan : You were the one that blew my cover with Hilliard .
Ryan : Ok , let me bring you up to speed . Apparently , your instincts on Kendall were right . She is refusing to let Spike stay here .
Kendall : You know what , Ryan ? Do nt be angry , all right ? He can sense it . He can sense this .
Ryan : You do nt want me to be angry ? Then do nt grab my son out of my arms .
Kendall : Our son . I m sorry , but he needs me right now .
Ryan : No , Kendall . You need him right now . You re obviously not thinking about what he needs . Look , you walk out that door right now , I know that I ca nt stop you , but I m telling you right now that it s wrong , and you know it .
Zach : What s your solution ?
Annie : Well , one that would work for everyone . Ryan , Emma , and I move in with you , Kendall , and Spike .
Aidan ( to Greenlee ) : You blew my cover , and I want to know why .
Lily : I m really sorry about Ava .
Jonathan : What are you sorry about ?
Lily : That she s a lesbian .
Kendall ( to Annie ) : Zach is worried that I am losing it .
Ryan : If I agree to this , it ca nt be for too long .
Zach : You know what ? I do nt want to play house with you , either .
### Summary:
| Kendall visits the room of a woman with a newborn baby in the hospital . The woman is apprehensive and frightened of Kendall and her motives . Kendall quickly explains to the woman that she is not able to hold her own two boys . She tells her about Ian s premature birth and Spike s hearing loss . Zack comes in to join Kendall in the woman s room and urges Kendall to leave . As they start to leave , the woman asks Kendall if she would like to hold her baby . Kendall , readily , agrees . Ryan urges Annie to open up to him about her past , but Annie tries to make him believe that nothing is wrong . Annie goes upstairs to move Emma into her own bedroom . Ryan is confused by her actions . As Annie comes into Emma s room , she imagines that Emma is singing , Ring around the Rosie . She orders Emma never to sing that again . Emma lets her know that her grandfather had told her what Annie had done . Greenlee visits Dr. Hilliard s office and explains to him her connection to Spike , Kendall , and Ryan . Aidan arrives and Greenlee quickly hides in the closet . Aidan pretends that something is wrong with him that he needs Dr. Hilliard s treatment . Dr. Hilliard s explains the treatment and the dollar amount of the treatments . Upon hearing this , Aidan walks out . Erica explains to Jack about the new program that her television station is offering . Jack is confused , at first , about Erica s intentions . After hearing Erica out , Jack puts the stipulation on the deal that Erica make wild , passionate love to him . Kendall and Zach visit Annie and Ryan to regain Spike . Ryan does nt want to go along with the idea , but he knows there is nothing he can do . Annie offers the solution that they all move in together . Greenlee confronts Aidan about his ruining her plans to get treatment for Spike . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ciara : Well , you do nt look too happy to see me .
Ben : Of course I am . I always am . But I thought you were gon na be spending some more time with your mom .
Ciara : I am . I m headed to the hospital right now . But I needed to see you first . I have some news .
Ben : Ciara , please tell me that it s about my conviction being overturned and I can finally get the hell out of this place once and for all .
Ciara : I really , really wish it were that , ben . But the news that I have , it s -- it s not good .
Lani : We need to keep looking , eli . We need to keep passing out these flyers .
Eli : Babe , we have been all night .
Lani : Yeah , and with nothing to show for it . Christian or evan , whatever his name is , he ran off with david .
Eli : Hey . We ll find him , okay ? But we ca nt do that if we re exhausted .
Lani : I just-- I really hope that rafe is having better luck than we are .
Orpheus : I picked up breakfast and this to replace the one I lost . You think my grandson will like it ? You look like somebody took away your favorite toy . Are you okay ?
Evan : I just got david to take a nap . He was up at the crack of dawn .
Orpheus : Was something troubling him ?
Evan : He was fine . He s happy to see me . But he would nt stop asking for rafe .
Shawn : I m surprised that we both showed up to your place at the same time . Are you really just getting home ?
Rafe : Yeah . Yeah , I ve been out all night , putting up posters and handing out flyers with evan and david s picture on them . And a lot I have to show for it , but nothing , not one new lead .
Shawn : Listen , we re gon na find -- we re gon na find them , all right ? And we re not gon na stop until we find your son .
Rafe : Yeah . All right . Right , thanks . You re right . You re right . So hey , can I make you some coffee or something ?
Shawn : No , no , no , I m good . I know you want to get back to the search . I just --I stopped by cause i wanted to see how you re doing . And I also wanted to give you an update on another case .
Rafe : What case ?
Shawn : My mom . She s going into surgery this morning .
Rafe : Oh , man .
Jennifer : Kayla , hi .
Kayla : Hey , hi . I m just finishing up the last bit of hope s paperwork .
Jennifer : Okay , so the surgery is happening today ?
Kayla : Yeah . I am just hoping that once we remove that microchip , she will no longer believe that she is princess gina .
Jennifer : That s what we all want , especially doug . And he would be here right now , but julie does nt want him here . And I agree with her .
Kayla : Is this too stressful ?
Jennifer : No , kayla . It s too painful . He has already suffered enough abuse from gina .
Ciara : Is she always like this ?
Shawn : You have no idea .
Hope as gina : Oh , do not speak as if I m not present . I am right here .
Shawn : Well , you know what ? We re gon na be very lucky if you re out of that body soon .
Hope as gina : What are you doing ? Get away from me . Oh , god . You need a mint .
Ciara : Yeah . Definitely creepy . You re a microchip .
Hope as gina : This is torture . I will not be double - teamed by-- oh , god . How inept , children . Get out .
Ciara : You can insult us all you want , princess . But there is no way in hell that we re gon na give up until my mother is back . We re gon na find dr . Rolf and--
Hope as gina : Oh , please . Even if you find dr . Rolf , my wilhelm , you honestly believe that he d turn on me ? Never .
Ciara : What s the news ?
Shawn : Well , it looks like our -- our little pain in the ass is wrong . Rolf was apprehended . And it looks like he s gon na turn on our little princess nightmare over here and he s gon na reverse what he did to our mother .
Ciara : Oh , that s just fantastic .
Shawn : You got nothing to say , princess ?
Hope as gina : [ Screams ] How dare you subject me to these -- these indignities !
Rolf : Your highness , are you all right ?
Hope as gina : Rolf . No . I am not all right . I command you to free me from these chains . Spirit me away this instant ! Please ?
Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Rafe : Oh , man . I m sorry . I wish I could go to the hospital today to support your mom .
Shawn : Are you kidding ? I mean , everybody understands that you should be focused on finding david . It s okay .
Rafe : Yeah , which it would be a hell of a lot easier if I had one thing to go on .
Shawn : Give this back to you .
Rafe : Yeah . David s favorite toy . Did you find any prints on it ?
Shawn : Just david s and yours . I m sorry .
Rafe : Yeah . Right .
Orpheus : Do nt you think it s time you told that boy who his real father is ?
Ciara : So the judge threw out evan s confession .
Ben : How is that even possible ? He admitted he killed jordan .
Ciara : Only because I had an actual gun to his head . Apparently , that is coercion , which makes his confession inadmissible .
Ben : So what , evan just gets to walk ?
Ciara : I mean , he did make bail . But the charges against him still stand , ben .
Ben : And what happens if he beats those charges ? Am I stuck in here ?
Jennifer : Ciara called me earlier . She should be here very soon .
Kayla : Yeah . You know , she and shawn were here yesterday , trying to get through to their mom . I just -- I ca nt even tell you . I thought it was just -- it must be so hard on them to see their mom like that .
Jennifer : We really need to support those kids . And we really need to support hope once we get her back . I mean , how long is it even gon na take to remove that chip ?
Kayla : Well , I do nt think it would be long . But you remember , I will not be doing the procedure .
Jennifer : I know that . Rolf is doing it .
Kayla : Right , he s the one that did this to hope .
Jennifer : But , kayla , I do nt understand after everything that he has done , how can we even trust him ?
Rolf : Princess , there are police standing guard right on the other side of that door .
Hope as gina : Then we shall find another way out .
Rolf : Oh , there is no other way . You simply must accept your fate .
Hope as gina : If you re not here to rescue me , you impetuous buffoon , then why are you here ?
Rolf : I came to examine you .
Hope as gina : No .
Rolf : It s preparation for the procedure to remove your microchip .
Hope as gina : No , you can not do that . I forbid it !
Rolf : I m sorry . There was no other way . They wanted me to turn on stefano .
Hope as gina : So instead you turned on me ?
Rolf : You must understand , my loyalty to the phoenix is paramount . I could never betray him , not for you , not for anyone . So yes , your highness , I have agreed to end your reign . U diet . Exercise .
Evan : Do nt you think it kills me not to tell my son I m his father ?
Orpheus : Does it ?
Evan : Of course it does . For the past year , I ve done everything for david . I fed him . I bathed him . Rocked him to sleep . Anything that he needed , I was there , okay ? I loved him the way a father should love his son , did everything that I had to do .
Orpheus : Except be honest with him .
Evan : David is at an age where he repeats everything , okay ? I could nt risk him telling anyone I said I was his father , especially rafe .
Orpheus : But rafe s not in the picture anymore . So what s stopping you ?
Ciara : I spoke to justin this morning , and he s confident that the judge will still overturn your conviction .
Ben : How does he figure that ?
Ciara : Well , because we have new evidence this time . And I mean , evan s dna was at the crime scene . There was bad blood between him and jordan . They have to exonerate you this time , ben . They have to .
Ben : Well , that s great . Really . But it s still hard .
Ciara : The waiting . Yeah , ben , I know--
Ben : No , ciara ! What s hard is knowing that that psycho murderer , who murdered my sister and took my nephew , is still out there while I m locked up in here . I ca nt even help with the damn search .
Ciara : Rafe is on it , ben . He s really determined .
Ben : I m sure he is . But the more time that goes by--
Ciara : Look , ben , he s not gon na give up , okay ? He s gon na find that little boy .
Eli : Okay , shower s all yours . Come here . It s gon na be okay . We re gon na bring david home .
Rafe : I ca nt believe that princess gina had us fooled for so long . I should have figured it out .
Shawn : How ? You did nt have any experience with gina .
Rafe : Yeah , I could have asked more questions , dug deeper .
Shawn : You started a file on my mom . I mean , you were documenting all of her strange behavior .
Rafe : Yeah . But I just wanted to make sure that she was okay .
Shawn : And she s going to be , thanks to you . I mean , if you had nt called me in hong kong and told me to come here , we might not have ever put the pieces together and we might not have ever figured out what rolf had done to my mom .
Rafe : Yeah .
Kayla : Believe me . I have my concerns about rolf .
Jennifer : So you do nt trust him ?
Kayla : I trust him to take out the microchip . Otherwise , he s gon na spend the rest of his life behind bars .
Jennifer : Yeah , but that scares me . What if he tries to pull something in the middle of the surgery ?
Kayla : He wo nt because I m gon na be watching him every step of the way .
Jennifer : This is crazy that gina s cold , cruel behavior comes down to this chip , that this little chip has caused so much trouble for so many people .
Hope as gina : Step back . Back off !
Rolf : I--
Hope as gina : Do not even step near me .
Rolf : I simply wanted to listen to your heart .
Hope as gina : Well , listen to this . Lay hands on me again , and I shall tear them from your limbs !
Rolf : All right . All right . But your protestations have impeded my exam . However , I have more than enough data to conclude that you are healthy enough to undergo the procedure .
Hope as gina : No , this is an outrage ! A crime of the highest order , rolf !
Rolf : Yes . Yes , well , I will go and see if an operating room is ready .
Hope as gina : Wait . Wilhelm , I understand that you do nt wish to be disloyal to stefano . But I also know that you do not wish to destroy your own masterpiece .
Rolf : I do nt understand .
Hope as gina : Me . Me , rolf . I am your masterpiece , one that you worked tirelessly to create . Do not let them force you to eliminate me .
Rolf : What are you suggesting ?
Hope as gina : Outsmart them as only you can . Go through the surgery , go through the motions of it all , but surreptitiously leave the chip right where it is . The fruits of your labor will live on . And I will still be princess gina von amberg . And no one-- no one will be any the wiser .
Rolf : Hmm .
Orpheus : Son , do you have any idea how hard it was for me to swallow my pride and reach out to you and your sister once you were grown only to have you reject me ?
Evan : This is nt about pride or fear of rejection . As I said , I did nt tell david who I was to protect him .
Orpheus : But david is safe now . And you re still not telling him the truth .
Evan : You need to stop .
Orpheus : Son , listen to me . The greatest feeling a father can have is the one I missed . When a man looks at his son and he tells the whole wide world , that s my boy , and then he turns around . And the son looks at him and says , dad . Now it may not mean much to you , but it means everything to me , even now . I want you to have that .
Evan : For david to call me dad ?
Orpheus : When a son looks at you and says that little word , it makes you want to be better . It makes you want to be worthy . I can still -- I can still see it in my mind s eye , you were -- you were probably no bigger than that ... the way you looked at me , it was -- it was like your old man was some kind of superhero .
Evan : Boy , was I wrong about that .
Lani : You know , when I was a cop , I dealt with the worst of the worst . I looked them right in the eye and I did nt even blink .
Eli : I know . And I saw it firsthand .
Lani : And some of the cases we worked on , bad things happen to good people .
Eli : All the time .
Lani : And it s heartbreaking , but we -- we learn how to put our emotions aside and do the job , work the case . But , eli , this is different . When -- when that little boy was a baby , I helped rafe take care of him . And I know -- I know that my attachment to him was not healthy .
Eli : Lani , you were grieving the loss of our child .
Lani : I know that . But I had to create distance between me and david because of that . I do nt know . I just-- this feels really personal . And I know that I will not be able to rest until that little boy is safe .
Eli : Okay . Why do nt I go get dressed ? We ll go find him .
Shawn : Well , if you re not gon na sleep , you got to eat something . You got to keep your strength up for your son .
Rafe : Waffles .
Shawn : There was nt really anything else in the kitchen except for seven boxes of waffles in the freezer .
Rafe : They re david s favorite . Once I ran out , and , uh ... total meltdown . So now I -- I make sure I m stocked up , you know ?
Shawn : Well , we better hurry up and find your kid so he can help you eat em , right ?
Rafe : Damn right . Yeah . Not bad .
Shawn : It s not my first time using a toaster . All right . I m gon na head to the hospital .
Rafe : Hey , listen . I appreciate the support , man . Really ; I know you re going through a lot right now too .
Shawn : Yeah . Are you kidding me ? Absolutely . Anytime .
Rafe : Yeah . I ll be praying for your mom . Well--
Shawn : Yeah .
Rafe : I hope the procedure goes well .
Shawn : Thank you . Thanks . And I hope you do know that the second she s back , I m gon na be helping you find your son . That s the first thing .
Rafe : Yeah .
Shawn : Take care , man .
Rafe : Yeah .
Ciara : I will keep you posted on the search for david , okay ? I promise .
Ben : Thank you . And thank you for coming .
Ciara : I m just so sorry that I had to come with bad news .
Ben : It s just a setback . We ll get past it .
Ciara : I know we will . Now you must be going absolutely stir crazy in here . I mean , tell me what I can do for you . Can I get you a book ? Can I get you--
Ben : No . Nothing , nothing . Look , look , I love that you re always thinking about me , I do . But right now , you need to be with your mom .
Ciara : I just want her to be okay .
Ben : I ll be praying for that , that this procedure is a success and you get your mother back .
Ciara : Me too . God , I love you so much .
Ben : I love you so much .
Hope as gina : You do your part , and I shall do mine . Wilhelm , I promise you , when I wake from the anesthesia , I shall pretend to be hope brady in all of her dreariness .
Rolf : That will be very challenging .
Hope as gina : Nonsense . Well , I managed to fool the entire population of salem for over a year . Surely , I can dupe them again . I promise .
Rolf : Oh , gina . While I appreciate your passion for self - preservation , what you are proposing simply is not possible .
Hope as gina : And why not ?
Rolf : Because dr . Kayla brady will be watching over me like a hawk . She will be in the operating room while I remove the chip . And once it s extricated , she will expect me to hand it over to her as proof of my cooperation .
Hope as gina : Come now . A genius like you can surely perform the sleight of hand necessary to fool these fools . Rolf , please , I am begging you . You must do this for me . This one--
Rafe : I m glad we got a lot of calls . That s the whole reason that we set up the tip line so people with information about david could contact the police . Well , I do nt care if it s a hundred or a thousand or a million , I want to read them all . So please , email me the transcripts right now .
Orpheus : You re right . You re right , son . I was no superhero . And any vitriol you want to throw my way is well deserved .
Evan : We do nt have to talk about this anymore .
Orpheus : I was nobody s idea of an ideal father by far . Took me a long time to realize that , get the blinders off and see the terrible pain I caused my children . I m not gon na bore you with a lot of apologizes and the hundred regrets I feel about not being there for you and your sister , but I want you to know one thing . I want you to know how grateful I am that finally we ve reconnected after all these years .
Evan : Thank you for saying that . And hey , I m no superhero myself . In the short amount of time I ve been a father , I ve made more mistakes than I can count .
Orpheus : Well , there were extenuating circumstances .
Evan : Okay , we do nt need to get into it . I just want to put all that behind me and focus on doing right by my kid .
Orpheus : You re realizing what it took me most of my life to learn that no matter how good or bad a man is , there s nothing on this godforsaken earth that can compare to a father s love for his son .
Ben : Dad .
Ciara : Shawn , hey .
Shawn : Hey .
Ciara : Hey , I m so sorry that I m late .
Shawn : No , it s okay . I just got here myself .
Ciara : Is mom in surgery yet ?
Shawn : No , they re prepping her right now . Kayla s in there with her .
Hope as gina : I would think a hospital , even one as dreadful as this one , would prohibit strangers from barging into patients rooms . What if I had been in a state of undress or perhaps having a private conversation ?
Kayla : I assure you that jenn and I were neither peeping or eavesdropping . I m just prepping you for surgery .
Hope as gina : Well , next time , ask permission before you enter .
Kayla : I have given you a sedative so we can get you to the or . I have an officer out there that could escort you to change and scrub in . Have you gone over the procedure with your patient ?
Rolf : Hmm . She fully understands what to expect .
Hope as gina : Here I am , holding court with tweedledumb and tweedledumber .
Jennifer : We re here to make sure that hope is done being the nightmare that you are .
Hope as gina : Oh , jenny . Please be a dear and go find another balcony to fall off .
Kayla : That s enough , gina .
Hope as gina : I can not tell you how it pleases me to hear me called by name .
Jennifer : Not for much longer .
Kayla : Jenn s right . This is goodbye .
Hope as gina : It does not matter what you do to me . I shall always be princess gina von amberg . Just as your beloved steve shall always be the great stefano dimera .
Kayla : Well , we ll see what happens when you wake up .
Clyde : [ Laughs ] Man , I did nt think I d ever see you again .
Ben : Yeah . It came right down to the wire .
Clyde : That s what I heard . Is it true your girl burst into the death chamber holding a gun on the guy who really killed jordan ?
Ben : Yeah . She blasted right by all the guards and demanded they stop the execution .
Clyde : And you already had a needle in your arm ?
Ben : I flatlined , yeah .
Clyde : Oh , my god .
Ben : Ciara , she did it . She saved my life .
Clyde : Man , I tell you , it s already the stuff of legend . That kind of grit and determination ? You got to love that .
Ben : I do . I do . Ciara s an incredible woman .
Clyde : No , she s a badass is what she is . Oh , man ! I ll be forever grateful .
Ben : Ah , dad--
Clyde : You must be over the moon . You re gon na be reunited with her soon . When do you get out of here ?
Ben : I m not so sure that s gon na happen any time soon , dad .
Evan : I ve wanted to tell david I m his father from the moment I took him from rafe s house .
Orpheus : Then do it .
Evan : I almost did this morning . I m so tired of him calling me evan .
Orpheus : It s not your real name . Tell him .
Evan : Just before sunrise , while I was holding david , listening to his breath rise and fall as he slept , I knew from the smile on his face , he felt safe in his father s arms . And I was about to tell him the truth .
Orpheus : And then he woke up and asked for rafe ?
Evan : I did nt want to confuse him .
Orpheus : From this day forth , there will be no more confusion . You , christian , are that boy s father . And you do nt have to worry anymore . Nothing will ever come between you and that child again . When he wakes up , tell him who you are .
Evan : I will . Right now , I need you to tell me something . What s our next move ?
Eli : What s all this ?
Rafe : The transcripts from all the calls we got on the tip line .
Lani : Wow . That s a lot , rafe .
Rafe : Yeah . And I m gon na read them all . Listen . I just want to say thanks . I really appreciate you guys helping me and go out there and find david . I know , I understand it s was totally frustrating we came up empty - handed . But we tried , and that means a lot . So get out of here , all right ? Go get some sleep .
Lani : We are not resting until we bring your little boy home .
Ciara : Why does mom look so out of it ?
Shawn : Is she okay ?
Kayla : Yeah , she s fine . We just sedated her .
Ciara : Why ?
Kayla : Because we have to give her general anesthesia for the surgery , and we did nt want her to physically resist-- I mean , gina to resist .
Ciara : All right .
Shawn : How long is she gon na be surgery for ?
Kayla : It should nt be very long . I ll let you know when she s out and you can see her , okay ?
Ciara : And you -- you are gon na be there with her , right ? During the surgery , you are gon na be with her ?
Kayla : Every step of the way . Okay ?
Ciara : Okay .
Hope as gina : Wait . I want a word with my children .
Shawn : Mom . Mom , yeah , we re here .
Hope as gina : Yes , you re here . But your mother is not . And she s never coming back .
Kayla : Let s go . I m bad .
Rafe : Huh . Just got an email from shawn . Says he s gon na have forensics go back over to my place and search evan s room again just to make sure that he did nt miss anything .
Lani : That s a good idea .
Rafe : Yeah . How are those tips going ?
Lani : Most of them are from well - meaning citizens who want to help , but they do nt actually have any helpful information .
Rafe : And the rest ?
Lani : Total nut jobs .
Eli : I just talked to one of my contacts from the fbi , asked him to run down christian maddox s known associates .
Rafe : The guys he used to run with ?
Eli : And his various cellmates from when he was locked up .
Rafe : Oh .
Ciara : Shawn , what time is it ?
Shawn : It s five minutes past the last time you asked .
Ciara : Sorry , I just-- I ca nt stand this waiting . You know , I ve been so focused on ben , and I have nt spent any time with mom .
Shawn : Well , it s not exactly a bad thing . She s not exactly the most pleasant person to deal with . And she -- it s weird she provokes me , and I push back . And even though I know that she s not my mom , I just -- I still feel bad .
Ciara : You shouldnT. Shawn , she s --
Shawn : You can say it , ciara . Princess gina s a royal bitch .
Ciara : Yeah .
Ben : Ciara had a gun to evan s head . So the judge ruled that his confession was coerced .
Clyde : He confessed to jordan s murder and made bail , and you re still in here behind bars ?
Ben : Yeah , and the worst part is , he wo nt tell anybody where davis is .
Clyde : [ Scoffs ] Man , my poor grandson . If I were nt in here , I d make that lowlife talk . You can ask nicely , but sometimes you got to resort to other means .
Ben : I hate to say it , but I agree . I wish I could take a run at him , dad . Give me five minutes alone with that son of a bitch who let me take the fall for jordan s murder and took her son .
Evan : So what s the plan ?
Orpheus : I think we should get out of dodge , hit the road and keep moving .
Evan : I ve spent the past year pretending I m someone I m not . Now you want me to become a fugitive ?
Orpheus : It s not so bad . It s a hell of a lot better than the alternative .
Evan : No . No way . I do nt want that kind of life for my son .
Orpheus : It s not forever . It s just right now , we do nt have a choice .
Evan : I disagree . I think my best move is to stay here and lie low .
Orpheus : And take your chances in court ? I m sorry , son , but that s nuts .
Evan : The case against me is weak . All the evidence is circumstantial . I truly believe that I can beat the charges , clear my name , and then be able to leave salem and live a normal , happy life with my son . Limu emu & doug
Ciara : Well , the surgery s over now , mama . And aunt kayla , she said that you did amazing . She said you were so brave . Now please just come back to us . Please just come back to us , mom .
Kayla : Hope is stable and resting comfortably . She should be awake pretty soon .
Jennifer : Okay . Well , while she s sleeping , I m gon na run home , I m gon na tell doug that the surgery is over . I mean , I would call him , but--
Kayla : No , no , no , no . Go , go . I will text you if anything changes , all right ?
Jennifer : Thank you so much . Okay .
Shawn : Bye .
Jennifer : Bye , honey .
Shawn : See you later .
Jennifer : All right , we ll talk soon .
Kayla : Okay . Here is the microchip .
Shawn : I ll take it down to the station . I ll have the lab do a thorough analysis on it . Did he -- did he do anything suspicious while he was in there ?
Kayla : I did nt see anything .
Rolf : With all due respect , dr . Brady , what you saw was a master at work .
Shawn : My mom is not herself when she wakes up , you re gon na have some serious problems .
Rolf : In my expert opinion , the procedure was an unqualified success .
Shawn : Well , until we know for sure , you re coming to the station with me where I can keep an eye on you .
Rolf : All right .
Shawn : Bye .
Kayla : Oh , my god . Please , let hope be all right .
Clyde : I just ca nt believe that jordan s killer was hiding under rafe s roof the whole time . What , this frears guy did nt have a record ?
Ben : No , he did , and a substantial one from what I heard .
Clyde : What , that just got by detective hernandez ?
Ben : No , evan changed his name to hide his identity and his whole past . His real name is christian maddox .
Clyde : Wait , what ? Did you say christian maddox ?
Ben : Yes . Why ? Dad , do you know the son of a bitch who killed my sister ?
Evan : I should wake david . If I let him nap any longer , he wo nt go to sleep tonight without a fight .
Orpheus : You really know that kid , do nt you ?
Evan : Damn right I do . I know him better than anyone . He s my son .
Rafe : People know we re looking for a child , right ?
Eli : Of course .
Rafe : I just got a tip about a missing parakeet .
Lani : I think I might have something . Someone just saw a man matching evan s description .
Rafe : For real ?
Lani : Yes . I think I know where david is .
### Summary:
| Ciara went to see Ben in Statesville . She told him that Evan was released . The judge thought Evan s confession was coerced because she had him at gunpoint . Ben was upset because he had to stay in prison while Evan was free . She assured him that she would let him know when David was found . They were determined to work things out . She walked out and Clyde showed up . They talked about Evan . Ben mentioned Evan s real name and he recognized it . Ben asked him if he knew Jordan s baby s father . Evan told Orpheus how David kept asking for Rafe . Orpheus told him to tell David the truth . He did nt want to risk David repeating the truth . Orpheus talked to him about how hard it was to take care him and his sister . They continued talking about the type of father he was and how he did nt want that for David . Rafe talked to Shawn about David being missing . Shawn assured him that they would find him . Shawn told him that Hope was having the surgery that day . Rafe regretted not having more time to focus on Hope . Rolf went to Gina s room . She wanted him to help her . He told her that she had to accept the situation . She was nt thrilled when she found out he was performing the surgery on her . She wanted him to pretend to take out the chip . She told him that no one would know she was still Gina . She said she would pretend to be Hope . He thought she would nt be able to do that . He warned her that Kayla would be in the room while he took out the chip . He thought she would want the chip . Gina believed he could trick her . Jennifer and Kayla arrived so Gina complained about the people in her room . Kayla and Rolf prepared her for surgery . Shawn and Ciara arrived and waited for Hope to get out of surgery . Hope was taken back to her room after her surgery . She was unconscious when Ciara went to her room . She begged her to come back to them . Kayla told Shawn and Jennifer that Hope s surgery was successful . Kayla gave Shawn the microchip . He wanted to take it to the station to have it analyzed . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Maxie : Now what are you going to believe ? A kiss that proves I care about you or Lulu spewing that I do nt ?
Spinelli : Well , the Jackal is most thoroughly conkissed -- convinced .
Maxie : Okay , now that that s out of the way .
Lulu : Bring on the manipulation .
Maxie : I have gone out of my way and comfort zone , as you know , to help you when you needed it , and all I m doing is asking you to return the favor .
Lulu : Okay , Spinelli , please tell me you are not believing this transparent witch . She is using you . This kiss was a means to an end .
Spinelli : The Jackal takes exception to your most ill - informed opinion .
Nikolas : I was starting to be afraid I d never see you again .
Emily : I do nt know about that . Nikolas , why else would you be standing here ?
Nikolas : Just hold me for one last dance .
Emily : I d love that .
Tracy : Knowing that you love me , hearing you say it when I know that is nt easy for you , it means more to me than I can possibly convey , and I love you back . Look , Spencer , you are my favorite mistake , and honest to God , I try to accept you as you are . I Honor our marriage vows , even though I do nt know what they are . And I could divorce you for abandonment , infidelity , fraud -- but I do nt . I hang tough . There are those that would say it s because I do nt like to be wrong , but you and I know different .
Luke : We are the match from hell , and it s a glorious thing .
Tracy : Hitching your wagon to the mob is as life - threatening as three heart attacks . If you do love me , as you say you do , then sever the ties .
Sonny : Oh , I m sorry to interrupt , but we have some business to discuss .
Alexis : Ms. Zacchara , is it true that you visited your father at Shadybrook institution yesterday ?
Claudia : I did .
Alexis : And at any point in your interaction with your father did he threaten your life ? Did you understand the question , Ms. Zacchara ?
Claudia : I d rather not answer that .
Alexis : You re under oath . You do nt have a choice .
Alexis : All right , let s approach this from another direction . After you left your father , did you find the brakes in your car had been tampered with ?
Claudia : I had a little car trouble .
Alexis : Do you have reason to believe that Anthony Zacchara tampered with your brakes , that he in fact engineered this car trouble ?
Claudia : Not at all . No , see , I do nt really want to get into it . I mean , it s personal stuff . I -- after I left my father s , I had a date .
Emily : Oh , Nikolas , you ve made me so happy . I do nt regret one moment of loving you .
Spinelli : I -- I m sorry , the Jackal did nt mean to snap . As you know , he has been in your blonde thrall for some time now , in awe of your fierce nature and wise insight , but the words you just used against Maxie , not only were they out of line , they were unkind , crude , and beneath you . The Jackal readily concedes that Maximista s thought patterns are not always linear , and she does have a propensity for making self - destructive choices , but so do you . And -- and while your mistakes do not define who you are , the same goes for Maxie , who is otherwise intelligent and perceptive and capable of unwavering loyalty , which the Jackal has had the Honor of experiencing .
Lulu : I m sorry , I m sorry . I ca nt listen to that anymore .
Maxie : What s the matter ? Truth hurt ?
Lulu : You are in this worse than I thought , so you need to listen to me . You are setting yourself up for heartache worse than you can even imagine if you think Maxie cares about you . Read my lips . Maxie is using you . It s what she does . It s what she s always done . You re just -- you re just Maxie s latest sucker .
Spinelli : You do nt think much of me , do you ?
Lulu : That is not true . I am just trying to remind you of who we re dealing with here , Spinelli . Remember who supplied my addict brother with drugs ? That was Maxie . Who broke up Lucky and Elizabeth s marriage and then faked a pregnancy to trap him ? That would be Maxie . Anybody who could successfully lie about the existence of a baby could easily manipulate somebody as trusting as you , and I just do nt want you to fall for it . Spinelli , Maxie only cares about Maxie .
Maxie : Okay , now it s time to get off your high horse , because this is nt about protecting Spinelli . It s you taking the latest opportunity to talk garbage about me because , well , you hate me .
Luke : Your timing is a little off .
Tracy : Oh , I do nt think so . It s a perfect opportunity for you to respect my feelings .
Luke : You mean to do your bidding ?
Tracy : Oh , no . Why do nt you think of it as a heartfelt request ?
Luke : It s emotional blackmail , no matter how you cut it . Tracy , I meant exactly what I said about us , but when it comes to business , I choose my own associates . Always have , always will .
Tracy : Fine . Let me suggest you have your bosses take out a key - man insurance policy on your life . Because I am not throwing my money into the ground after your dead body . Mr. Corinthos .
Luke : Women -- ca nt live with them , ca nt poison their martini glasses a second time .
Sonny : What does she want you away from ? The Zaccharas , me , or both ?
Luke : The Zaccharas . She s convinced that any involvement with them will lead to my game but battered body on a morgue slab .
Sonny : I hate to say this . Your wife is right .
Claudia : I m sorry , Ms. Davis apparently completely misunderstood me . No one tried to kill me last night . I -- I did go and see my father , and then I dropped out of sight for a couple of hours , but --
Alexis : When you had car trouble .
Claudia : Mm - hmm . I m not the best at maintenance , but I got it started eventually .
Alexis : Can I have a recess with my client please ?
Ric : Objection , Your Honor . The D.A. s case is predicated on the assumption that Mr. Zacchara attempted to murder his own daughter as recently as last night . Ms. Zacchara s testimony , uninfluenced by counsel , is directly relevant to the outcome of these proceedings .
Judge : The objection is sustained , but stay on topic .
Claudia : Sure . Like I said , my car would nt start , and I met up with a friend , and we had a little date in a log cabin in the woods . He s a little weird , but surprise , surprise .
Alexis : Okay , I m gon na have to object , I guess .
Trevor : Counselor , she s your witness .
Claudia : He was compelling , certainly , and exciting . And --
Judge : There s an objection on the table , Ms. Zacchara . That means you stop until I rule .
Claudia : Oh , I m sorry .
Judge : Perhaps you can enlighten the court . How do you see your character assessment of your date as being relevant to this case ?
Diane : It is nt , and we would like to withdraw the objection and proceed with a different line of questioning .
Judge : Good idea .
Diane : Ms. Zacchara , on what date did you return from Milan to New York ?
Claudia : Date ?
Diane : Yes , date , as in month of the year , day of the month .
Claudia : I mean , I do nt know . I do nt keep track of time . It s like trying to catch running water . It s here today , here tomorrow , unless it s not , and then it s gone and does nt matter , so --
Diane : Thank you for that fascinating insight , for sharing that . Is there any possibility now that you might answer my question ?
Claudia : I came back from Italy in the beginning of January .
Diane : And in that time has Anthony Zacchara ever threatened your life , either directly or indirectly ?
Claudia : Of course not . My father loves me . Right , Dad ?
Judge : I ve heard enough , Ms. Zacchara . You may step down .
Claudia : Thank you , Your Honor .
Luke : Your warning could be interpreted as a threat . I m trying hard not to jump to that conclusion .
Sonny : Well , we ve been friends for way too long for you to think that I would deliberately try to hurt you . It s just that I want you to see things from my perspective .
Luke : Talk to me . Want a drink ?
Sonny : No , I m fine . You know , there s a hearing today to get Anthony Zacchara released .
Luke : Yeah , I know .
Sonny : Okay , if he is set free , the tensions between my organization and his are going to accelerate .
Luke : And this concerns me how ?
Sonny : Well , because you opened the casino doors to the Zaccharas .
Luke : To John Zacchara .
Sonny : Yeah , but you know , to Anthony , that s not gon na mean anything , and he s not gon na allow you to stay neutral .
Luke : Well , I ve already done a do - si - do with Papa Zacchara , and I know he s a bloodsucker .
Sonny : Right .
Luke : I appreciate your warning , but it seems to me that this is my problem . Sonny , I m not gon na get pulled in on either side .
Sonny : I hope you can manage that . If you need my help , I will not turn you away .
Luke : Thank you . Appreciate it .
Judge : I have reviewed the moving papers for the petitioner s release and the accompanying points and authorities very carefully . There s no doubt in the court s mind that while suffering from schizophrenia , Anthony Zacchara was a danger to himself and to others . However , the law is clear in cases such as this . Mr. Zacchara did not have the mental capacity to form intentions at the time his crimes were being committed , and since then , Mr. Zacchara has been under medical supervision and treatment , and testimony evidence presented by his attorney and physicians establish the petitioner as sane . And since no testimony was offered to refute that finding or to convince me that Mr. Zacchara is a present danger to himself or to others , it s the court s decision that Anthony Zacchara be released from protective custody , effective immediately .
Emily : Nikolas , you keep saying one more dance .
Nikolas : I know .
Emily : At this rate , we re gon na be here forever .
Nikolas : I wish we could . God , I love seeing you smile .
Emily : Nikolas , you ve made me smile more than anyone .
Nikolas : Not always . I really regret that .
Emily : Nikolas , our good times far outweighed the bad .
Nikolas : Yeah .
Emily : I mean , how many women can say they ve lived their dream ? You know , this and dancing in your arms , wearing these clothes , having you look at me with so much love in your eyes . It s my teenage fantasy come true .
Nikolas : I just -- I just ca nt help but wonder how different our lives would be if I would have recognized back then that you were -- you were the love of my life , you know , and -- and I --
Emily : Nikolas , do nt .
Nikolas : I could have made any one of a thousand different choices along the way , and I ca nt help it . If I had , would you be alive today ? Instead of just a hallucination in my head ? Maybe we would be off on some incredible new journey right now instead of -- instead of having to say goodbye .
Emily : Nikolas , look , we both made choices that affect our lives together , some for the better and some not so much , but it s done now .
Nikolas : I know .
Emily : There s no point in rehashing it .
Nikolas : I m just -- just trying to pinpoint the crossroad , you know , that one choice that could have put us in a different place .
Emily : Yeah , to what end , Nikolas ? To torture yourself ? We are where we are , and there s nothing we can do about it .
Nikolas : It s just not fair . It s not fair . We lost so much time . We cheated -- we were cheated out of our past , and now we re getting cheated out of our future . We should have had a happy ending .
Emily : Yeah , you know , fairy tales end with happily ever after because they re not real . Life s more complicated . And besides , we were never really fairy tale material , Nikolas . We had flaws , and we made mistakes , and we loved each other in spite of everything , completely and realistically , and now in ways that no one will ever know or understand .
Nikolas : What if that s not enough for me ? What if I d rather die than live without you ?
Anthony : All right , now that I m free , I ll need someone to file papers restoring my assets into my name .
Ric : I ll handle it .
Trevor : No , I ll do it . I know the family s finances .
Ric : Which is precisely why I do nt want you involved .
Trevor : Richie , you ve done a great job , so slink away now while you can and let the big boys complete our business .
Anthony : Now , now , no fighting amongst ourselves . Not in public , anyway . You two worked like a well - oiled machine for me today , and it s good to know you can pull that out when you have to , but I m looking forward to the private dogfight . Which one of my brilliant father / son attorney team is gon na be left standing when the dust clears ? What fun , huh ?
Logan : Mr. Zacchara , we should probably get going . You got a four oclock you got to be at .
Anthony : I m ready . Work it out .
Anthony : Are nt you gon na congratulate your old man ?
Johnny : Way to go .
Claudia : Congratulations , Daddy . I knew the system could nt hold you for long .
Maxie : Oh , come on , Jackal , be brilliant .
Kate : Calling in Mr. Spinelli was a valiant but futile effort , so clean out your desks . I ll make sure you get your final paycheck .
Spinelli : Wait , wait , wait , lay your career - ending acts aside , fashionista . The Jackal has successfully restored the deleted email .
Maxie : You re kidding .
Lulu : You re amazing .
Kate : Wow , so you have . Looks like you ladies got a last minute reprieve , but make no mistake . Something like this can never happen again . In fact , from now on , I want you to consider yourself a team . If one of you messes up , you both pay the price . Thank you , Mr. Spinelli .
Spinelli : Yes , it is the Jackal s pleasure to come to the aid of such a lovely assortment of feminine charms .
Kate : Mm , you re a gentleman and a scholar . Now say your goodbyes . We have work to do .
Maxie : Spinelli , your brain is a thing of awe and wonder .
Lulu : Do nt worry . It s not contagious .
Spinelli : It is my sincerest hope that the original blonde one is not mad at me .
Lulu : No , of course not . I think you re wonderful . Thank you , but fair warning -- if you hurt him in any way , I ll destroy your life .
Maxie : Oh , go stuff yourself . I m gon na walk Spinelli out .
Lulu : Kate Howard s office . Um , hold please . I have a Doctor Ian Devlin on line three .
Kate : Put him through . Why am I hearing from you ?
Ian : I wanted you to know that I arrived at my location safely , and I ll be contacting you in the future should the need for any additional funds arise .
Kate : So let me make sure I understand this . You re blackmailing me for saving your life ?
Ian : I m just trying to make our little deal work on a long - term basis for me like it does for you . You see , money is fluid . It comes , and it goes . Soy motivation wavers , but you , on the other hand -- you wo nt want Sonny to know that you financed my way out of town after I shot his beloved child , will you ?
Kate : I ll take your position under advisement , but I suggest you do nt try my patience . Hi .
Sonny : Sorry to interrupt . I did nt mean -- if you were on the phone .
Kate : No , I m glad you re here .
Sonny : I was thinking , the way we left it last night -- that you would be running back to Manhattan --
Kate : I m not going anywhere , Sonny . I love you and I want to be here . But I admit , I do nt understand what you re doing or why .
Sonny : You know something ; I do nt understand what I m doing . I spent the morning at Michael s bedside and -- you know , Jax is bringing all the specialists and they re doing all kinds of tests . And , uh , they ca nt say anything until they have conclusive results . But I got ta tell you , in my heart , I do nt think my son s gon na change . He s gon na be a prisoner in his own body . I ca nt -- I just do nt understand . I just want you to know , okay -- I do nt know what I would do if I ever lost you .
Kate : I m here , Sonny , I m here . I m alive and I m whole and I m in your arms , and I m exactly where I choose to be .
Trevor : Richie , you made a big mistake . And true to form , you re already regretting it .
Ric : I just did what I was paid to do .
Trevor : No , Rich , this was much more than a job for you . You thought that Anthony was gon na be your instrument of revenge against me and Sonny . And now you re slowly recognizing how he s going to wreak havoc in all of our lives . You really stepped in it this time .
Ric : My shoes , my problem .
Trevor : No , son , please listen to me . It s too late to stop the train wreck that you set in motion , but you can get out of the way . I beg you , sever all your ties with Anthony while you still have the chance and go find yourself some happiness .
Ric : You know what ; you can shove your fatherly concern . You re trying to deal with the fact that I m not running off with my tail between my legs for once , and that s got you a little bit worried . So you re hoping that I m just gon na lay back and let you take advantage of everything that Anthony Zacchara has to offer . Well , you can forget it . See , Zacchara may be a whack job , dad , but deep down he knows that I m the one that got him free , so he owes me . If I were you , I d grow eyes in the back of my head , because you never know when I m gon na sneak up behind you and bury your ass .
Emily : I know you would die for me without hesitation , Nikolas .
Nikolas : I would .
Emily : But that s not what I want . Live for me instead .
Nikolas : You mean , without you .
Emily : No , Nikolas . I ll always be a part of you . We re a part of each other that s not bound by time or space .
Nikolas : I need you with me , do nt you understand ? I need you here with me right here , right now .
Emily : I ca nt be .
Nikolas : Why ?
Emily : And stopping your life is nt going to honor what we shared .
Nikolas : I want to be that , baby , I really do . I just ca nt .
Emily : You just do nt know how ?
Nikolas : No .
Emily : I ll tell you . You raise Spencer . Give him all the love and guidance you have to offer . You meet someone .
Nikolas : No , I ll --
Emily : Allow yourself to love again .
Sonny : I say no guards , Max , and I trip over you and Milo every two seconds .
Max : I m not here to guard you , boss . I got urgent news from Puerto Rico .
Sonny : What s going on in Puerto Rico ?
Max : The partners are holding back their shipments due to your family situation , but I told them --
Sonny : You know what , business does nt slow down . Make them understand that . It s not that big a deal .
Max : I understand that , boss .
Jason : Anthony Zacchara s out . He s free .
Sonny : You re kidding me , right ?
Jason : No , I m not kidding you . I m working extra security right now ; I m talking to Bernie about rerouting shipments . I got everything --
Sonny : Oh , that s just --
Diane : I see Jason s already broken the news .
Sonny : I m not a happy man right now , Diane . I told you if you slip up , I m the one that s gon na get screwed . Now Anthony Zacchara is set free to come after me , the people that I love . Why ? Because you re panting over this man every two seconds .
Diane : That is outrageous , that is absurd . I am not off my game .
Sonny : I do nt want to hear it . I do nt want to hear it . This has to end . I am sending Max to Puerto Rico . Permanently .
Claudia : John , what s the point of making me chase you and race you home ?
John : I needed to drive fast . You should nt have tried to keep up .
Claudia : I need to talk to you before they get here .
Johnny : I do nt want to hear a damn thing out of your mouth . You set him free .
Claudia : It was the only way I had to make him trust me .
Johnny : Why would you want to ?
Claudia : Well , if you calm down a minute , I will tell you . Look , I could see from opening arguments that Daddy was gon na be set free . There was nothing that I could do to stop that . You know he tried to kill me . I know he tried to kill me . But where s the proof , John ? Where ? Floating in the lake somewhere ? There is none . So I made a strategic decision to appear to support Daddy . It is so infinitely much better than some act of defiance that s gon na get me killed .
Johnny : I spent most of my life as that man s prisoner . I m not about to go back there .
Claudia : I would never ask you to go back there . I would never , ever ask you to do that . Nothing s changed , John . You and me , we re gon na destroy that crazy old man . He s never going to hurt either one of us ever again . Do you want to hear how ?
Anthony : You must hate my son less than I thought to put up with this .
Logan : Just doing my job , Sir .
Anthony : Suffer today for a payoff tomorrow . That s a worthwhile ambition , as long as you can stay alive long enough to collect . Wait in the car . I ll call you when I m done .
Luke : Hey , we re closed , pal .
Anthony : No problem . We can put business hours on the agenda , partner .
Maxie : Okay , prepare yourself .
Kate : I do nt like it already .
Maxie : I think that maybe we should bring Spinelli back in .
Kate : Maxie , please tell me you did nt lose something again .
Maxie : No , not me . I mean , not this time . There s a million dollars missing from your operating account .
Max : Come on , Jason , speak up . Tell the boss you need me here and not exiled to Puerto Rico .
Diane : You re not going to Puerto Rico .
Sonny : He damn well is . I m on the brink of war with the Zaccharas . I need my attorney focused on me . He s a distraction to you .
Diane : Jason , you were there . You were in the courtroom , you saw what happened . Would you tell Sonny the law is the law and this time it came down squarely on the side of Anthony Zacchara ?
Sonny : Come on , Diane , you ve bent the law for me many a time . You could ve done more to keep Anthony Zacchara locked up if you did nt have images of him dancing naked in your head .
Max : Back off .
Sonny : I m sorry . What ?
Max : You re out of line , Mr. C. I ve been more than loyal to you . I ve put my life on the line for you so many times over the last five years , I ve lost count . I d do anything for you and your family and I have proven that . With all due respect , keep your nose out of my personal life , please .
Diane : I could nt have said it better myself . But if you insist on appointing yourself the romance police , you might start with yourself . Do nt date Kate -- or , better yet , tell Jason not to date Claudia Zacchara .
Claudia : Ric and Trevor are gon na be jockeying for position as consigliore . We need to outmaneuver them . We need to play our father like a Stradivarius . He should never have any reason or see any reason to question our loyalty to him . But to each other , it s a different story .
Johnny : You want dado think there s some sort of rift between us ?
Claudia : Yeah , because if he thinks he s getting what he wants , which is a house divided , he ll never see us coming , John . But we need to make a promise to each other right here and right now .
Johnny : What ?
Claudia : It s you and me . This is all pretend . You re my goal . I m yours . We re in this together . You and me against the world , no matter what .
Johnny : No matter what .
Anthony : They tell me when I was tearing my way through Wyndemere , you and I fought , and subsequent you suffered a heart attack .
Luke : The damage has been repaired . I see you ve had some troubles of your own .
Anthony : The damage has been repaired . I was impressed and concerned to hear about my son s decision to buy into your casino .
Luke : Impressed because ?
Anthony : It s a good place to launder money .
Luke : And concerned ?
Anthony : I do nt think that s why Johnny bought in . Well , look who s here -- the lovely Lulu . Whatever are we gon na do about you ?
Nikolas : No , how could I ever love again ? How ? My heart is too full of love for you . You know that .
Emily : Nikolas , you stay open and fill your life with meaning . Have other children .
Nikolas : No .
Emily : A little girl that you can spoil rotten . And when the day comes , when she meets the man of her dreams , you tell her about us . You promise me , Nikolas .
Nikolas : I promise that I will live for you . And I promise that I will keep you in my heart for the rest of my life . That s what I promise .
Singer : The broken clock is a comfort
Emily : I have thought about this from every angle and I have decided that it is best to let Zander go .
Nikolas : Do nt you think he s going to want to fight you on that ?
Emily : Not if you pretend to be in love with me .
Singer : And I am here still waiting though I still have my doubts I am damaged at best like you ve already figured out I m falling apart I m barely breathing with a broken heart that s still beating in the pain there is healing in your name I find meaning so I m holding on I m holding on I m holding on I m barely holding on to you the broken locks were a warning you got inside my head
Nikolas : I m free to love you with my whole heart .
Emily : I love you the same way . With all my heart .
Singer : Inside my eyes that are looking for purpose they re still looking for life I m falling apart minister : I now pronounce you husband and wife . You may kiss the bride .
Singer : That s still beating in the pain is there healing in your name I find meaning so I m holding on I m holding on I m holding on I m barely holding onto you I m hanging on another day
Nikolas : I will love you forever .
Emily : I ll love you forever . The broken lights on the freeway left me here alone I may have lost my way now having forgot my way home I m falling apart I m barely breathing with a broken heart that s still beating in the pain there is healing in the name I find meaning so , I m holding on I m holding on
Maxie : I need to know where the money is .
Robin : The father of my child thinks you re hotter than I am .
Jason : Somebody put a hit on Claudia . I ended up saving her .
Sonny : Why ?
Carly : We re getting Michael s test results back .
### Summary:
| After catching her assistants utilizing Spinelli to save their bacon , Kate decrees that from hence forward , if one of them screws up , both are going to be out . Then , she gets a call from Ian , essentially blackmailing her to fund his escape and as repayment for saving his life . Thanks to Claudia giving in to fear and wanting her dad s favor , thus backing off her testimony , Anthony is released from protective custody . In response , Max is sent to Puerto Rico permanently so Diane wo nt be off her game . She tells him to avoid Kate then and keep Jason away from Claudia . Luke declares to Sonny that he is going to be neutral in the coming mob war . Nikolas and Emily share hours of dancing and teary memories . Claudia and Johnny draw closer together , though they decide to appear to be divided to fool their father . Anthony calls on Luke , his business partner . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ryan : The data looks incredible .
Jonathan : You know what that biotech research could mean for Spike ?
Ryan : Yeah , and all kids with hearing loss .
Jerry : The lab will have another report for us later this year . Should be better than the last .
Ryan : Great . All we got to do now is make the progress happen even faster . I m going to leave you two to work out the numbers , ok ? Thank you . And -- every zero on that check means --
Jonathan : A better chance for Spike , I know . I m on it .
J.R. : Leon , this is going to take web - based retail to a whole new level . Yeah , for that price you could get a piece . Just like you can get a cuff on a suit for 50 bucks . Oh , come on , Leon , you used to be greedier than that . That s why I like you .
Singer : You ll never say
J.R. : No , no , that s fine . More profit for me . Just the way I like it .
Annie : And Spike , he was crying that terrified cry that just makes your heart hurt , and then suddenly , nothing . He could nt breathe , he was nt crying --
Babe : Ok , stop . Please , please , no more . I mean , I remember when Little A fell in the pool -- I mean , for a child to go through that , it s -- it s heartbreaking .
Amanda : Do nt forget their moms and dads . That s why I m never having kids .
Babe : So is it Greenlee s idea ? Is she the one that found this so - called doctor ?
Annie : Yeah . I mean , I m sure she meant well , but --
Babe : Do nt give her too much credit . She s been trying to ruin your life ever since she got back to town .
Amanda : Has anyone dragged her to a shrink yet ?
Annie : No . Nobody can help Greenlee unless she asks for it .
Babe : Well , somebody needs to make Greenlee stop , for her sake and Kendall s .
Kendall : Ian is perfect . Thank you for going with me to see him .
Zach : Did nt stop what s going on in your head , now , did it ?
Kendall : You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes ? Well , I saw Spike s life . Him well again , hearing . Me telling everyone the good news that Spike is ok and him hearing my voice , calling me Mommy , asking me to read him another book .
Zach : It could still happen .
Kendall : Anaphylactic shock . Potentially fatal . All because of Dr. Hilliard s vitamins .
Zach : Well , in the doctor s defense , even Joe said there s no way he could ve known about the allergy .
Kendall : What am I supposed to do , Zach ? Am I supposed to just bring him back to Dr. Hilliard and forget that the man played a sick joke that I completely fell for ? I ca nt -- I could never hear his voice and not think about what he did to Spike .
Zach : Or that Greenlee started this whole thing , again .
Greenlee : Ryan --
Ryan : I hear thank - yous are in order . Dr. Hilliard treating Spike . You arranged that .
Greenlee : Oh , I thought that --
Ryan : What ? What d you think ?
Greenlee : I thought Dr. Hilliard had dropped Spike s case .
Ryan : Your friend the doctor picked it up again --
Greenlee : Oh .
Ryan : And made my boy stop breathing .
Greenlee : Oh , my God . Oh , my God -- is Spike ok ? Is Kendall ok ? Oh , my God , just tell me that Spike is okay .
Ryan : This stops now .
Kendall : You really blame Greenlee ?
Zach : I do . We all do , do nt we ?
Kendall : Last year at this time when -- when I -- when I first had Spike and I brought him home , I asked my mother -- I asked her , How do I protect him ?
Zach : No mother more protective .
Kendall : Well , she told me I had to raise him to be a part of this world , not to be afraid of it . Was I too afraid ? Was I not afraid enough ? I mean , how did this happen to my little boy ?
Zach : Why are you doing this ?
Kendall : Zach , what am I supposed to do ? Am I supposed to pretend that last night did nt happen ? Am I supposed to pretend that -- that Spike did nt almost die ? This one is nt on Greenlee -- it s on me .
Ryan : Do you know what it sounds like when a child stops breathing ?
Greenlee : I just wanted to help Spike .
Ryan : By sending Hilliard after Kendall ? By making him lie about why he contacted her ? Look , listen -- Spike is not your son .
Greenlee : I know that .
Ryan : He s deaf because of you , Greenlee . That -- that whisper that s in your head that s telling you that you re to blame ?
Greenlee : It s not a whisper , it s a scream .
Ryan : It makes it so you ca nt sleep , you ca nt eat .
Greenlee : Yes .
Ryan : You d do anything to make it go away --
Greenlee : Yes .
Ryan : Even torture Kendall --
Greenlee : No !
Ryan : Make her chase after miracles . So , instead of getting Spike the help that he needs , we got to deal with you .
Greenlee : No , I did nt go near Spike . I -- I know I do nt have that right to .
Ryan : You do nt . But you also have no willpower . You ca nt stay away on your own -- someone has to help you . That would be me .
Amanda : Maybe Greenlee really did think she found a miracle , and it backfired .
Babe : Yeah , all over Kendall and that little boy .
Amanda : Oh , and still you could see that Kendall just wanted to trust Greenlee . She just wanted her best friend back . You mean before the accident , right ?
Annie : Well , even after . I mean , there was rage in Kendall s eyes , but there was hurt , too , you know ? She had been betrayed by somebody she loved .
Babe : I could understand that . I was Bianca s best friend when I -- well , we all know what I did .
Amanda : And I was pretending to be your best friend when I was trying to steal the guy you loved .
Babe : Which makes it pretty impossible for us to get all righteous on Greenlee .
Amanda : All right . Well , hey , then let s designate Annie to channel all our righteous anger . She has nt done anything to anyone . Congrats -- you are the only innocent one in the bunch .
J.R. : Yacht payment , monthly maintenance , starting a new business -- damn it !
Waiter : Anything else , sir ?
J.R. : Yeah . Will you tell me why that suit back there -- the one with the dollar signs for eyeballs -- is hanging with Jon Lavery ?
Waiter : I really could nt say , Mr. Chandler .
J.R. : Really ? Really ? You -- you could nt say , huh ?
Waiter : Venture capital , new partnership , seven figures .
J.R. : Oh . What the hell -- psycho Jon Lavery , seven figures . Hmm . Ok , let s see here . Ava Benton , let s see what s new in your world , the face of Fusion . Ok .
Singer : Someday I ll be back again
J.R. : Fusion girl s naked frolic with mystery man ?
Jonathan : Jerry , I will talk to you soon .
Jerry : My pleasure , thanks .
Jonathan : All right , absolutely .
Jerry : See you .
Jonathan : Jonathan Lavery .
Ava : Ava . Yeah , just one name because I m that famous .
Jonathan : Hey , you .
Ava : Hey , I m calling for a Spike update .
Jonathan : We had -- a little bit of a scare last night , but everything s ok now . I m more concerned about you -- you left pretty quick last night . What s going on ?
Ava : Must ve been something I ate .
Jonathan : Do you feel better now ?
Ava : Perfect .
Ava : Maybe I can show you exactly how good I feel tonight .
J.R. : Ava , Ava , Ava -- such a naughty girl .
Amanda : Hello ?
J.R. : I just sent you a link -- open it .
Amanda : Good morning -- how are you ? It s so nice to hear your voice . You see , these are normal things that people say when they -- crap .
J.R. : Well , I guess you got it .
Amanda : Fusion girl mystery man ? This is bad , this is really , really , bad .
J.R. : Well , what do you expect ? They re amateurs , but I m sure you and I could cook up something a little more interesting .
Annie : Uh - oh . What went wrong this time ?
Amanda : Ok , that -- that went very , very wrong !
Babe : Did your file -- oh , my -- she s naked . She s naked on the Internet .
Annie : No , no . She would nt .
Babe : Are you kidding ?
Amanda : Ha !
Ava : Ciao , bellas . What s going on ?
Colby : All right , here s some more , you guys .
Ren : Oh , yeah !
Tad : Really fine , whatever . Just keep your hands away from anything resembling someone s mouth .
Wes : Well , they certainly pack it in .
Corinna : Yeah , I ll grab one . Yes . We really rocked out .
Ren : I dropped the intro .
Dre : Twice .
Corinna : No one noticed .
Tad : I did . I did .
Ren : You know , I thought your watchdog dad was going to give us a hard time . The guy s pretty cool .
Colby : Yeah , he is .
Colby : Yeah .
Jack : Krystal , do you mind ? Can I --
Krystal : Oh . Yeah .
Jack : Thanks .
Krystal : The remote is all yours .
Jack : Well , thank you very much . I just want to get a little news with my coffee if I can .
Krystal : Oh , well , I prefer to keep it light and fluffy , you know ?
Krystal : Maybe like kittens getting rescued or something .
TV announcer : Partial clearing tonight with a low of 74 .
Man : And at this time , September 11 , six years ago today , the first tower fell in New York City . WRCW will now observe a moment of silence .
J.R. : Jonathan !
Jonathan : Well , J.R. !
J.R. : You re all suited up , playing in the majors , rolling with the big dogs . Yeah .
Jonathan : Yeah . Yeah , I m working with my brother , so that my nephew might be able to hear again .
J.R. : Oh , yes , well , we re all pulling for him . Babe filled me in .
Jonathan : Right , I m sure you are .
J.R. : No , it s true . I ve actually been working with Babe and a few of the other Fusion women on trying to get Ava more exposure . It s no joke , actually . I just -- I was dodging a colleague of mine who wants in on the project . But I guess that nobody s going to be throwing money at Ava any time soon . I m sorry , I truly am , but she s a resilient girl . She ll bounce back .
Jonathan : Ok , I give up . What are you talking about ?
J.R. : Man . Uh -- I do nt mean to spoil your breakfast , but looks like old Ava is getting a little exposure of her own .
Singer : And I try
Babe : Ava ?
Ava : What ?
Babe : Could you please have a seat ?
Ava : What s this look about ? I know what this is -- that s the look of I m going to tell you everything that s wrong with you .
Amanda : We all like sex .
Annie : Hello ?
Ava : What the hell is she talking about ?
Babe : I -- I think what Amanda is trying to say is that none of us have anything against sex , and there is something very romantic about rolling around on the beach with somebody that you care about .
Ava : Ok , you re weirding me out now .
Babe : You have a contract with us .
Amanda : And part of it says , Do nt get naked , have sex , and have someone take pictures of it just to get famous !
Ava : Oh , my God !
Babe : Yeah .
Ava : That was not meant for any cameras . That was supposed to be private .
Amanda : You could nt wait for a bed , a motel ? Oh -- are you trying to ruin us ?
Ava : Ok , first of all , the kiss I gave you really was nt the worst thing in the world -- we got banging new numbers , right ?
Babe : Fusion is just starting to get a chunk of the between market , and I do nt think kids are into wild monkey sex .
Ava : You know what ? I have seen runway models flash more skin than this .
Babe : Oh , my God .
Ava : This is -- this is --
Annie : This is you having sex on a beach with cameras in the bushes .
Amanda : Have you thought about what this will do to Jonathan ?
Ava : Are you serious ?
Babe : Once again , I think what Amanda is trying to say is his new company with Ryan -- they have nt IDd him yet , but when they do --
Ava : Are you trying to fire me or lecture me ?
Babe : We are trying to reach out to you . We re doing the whole big - sister thing to try to keep you from making any more mistakes .
Ava : So just basically , trying to make me feel like crap ? Well , do nt worry about it , because I already feel like crap . Got to go hurl .
Krystal : I ll tell you , it seems so long ago and yet , just like yesterday .
Josh : Yeah , everything changed . Our whole world .
Jack : Look at this . Families , kids , strangers -- all heartbroken .
Krystal : Mm - hmm . Yeah , I was just doing my thing , you know , getting ready for my day , getting ready to wake Babe up for school , and I turned on the TV and -- oh . I just -- I could nt make sense of it .
Jack : Hmm .
Krystal : I mean , that kind of thing just does nt happen here , does it ? I -- and so , I just went in , and I sat on Babe s bed and watched her sleep . Just in case the worst happened , I had one more second with her , one more look at her face . Anyway , when I got to Pine Valley , I do nt think I had cried in the longest time . I think the last time was that morning , and then after that , I just -- huh -- I think I cried myself out .
Corinna : We have family in New York . We could nt get anyone on the phone .
Colby : Yeah , the phone lines -- it was like the whole world was crying that day .
Ren : It was like a video game , you know -- but not .
Dre : I did nt cry . I got mad .
Tad : A friend of mine was on vacation with his wife in Nantucket . It was their 25th wedding anniversary . You know , it does nt mean a lot to you guys , but trust me -- 10 is big . 20 is surreal , but 25 -- that s something , you know ? But they were going to be grandparents , so they were like on cloud nine . And at about 4 : 00 , Josie got the phone call that the baby was coming , you know , so all hell broke loose . They did nt even pack . They just left a credit card with the front desk , and ran down to the dock to catch the ferry , called me , and they were making a beeline to Boston , get out to Logan airport , get some -- some seats , standby . First flight out .
Jack : And then --
Josh : Yeah -- and then .
Kathy : Tad !
Tad : Hey , Kath . How are you ? How are you ?
Kendall : I failed Spike , Zach . You -- you ca nt even tell me that I did nt .
Zach : Do nt do this .
Kendall : No , I failed him . I did . When I brought him home for the first time when he was just a tiny baby , I was afraid to even hold him . He was so tiny and fragile , like I might break him , mess it all up the way I messed everything up . Whew . And the world , it s just such a very scary place . I mean , look at the news today , look at the papers . The fear that I have is still inside of me . I mean , sometimes it s -- it s buried deep down , but it s always there . I m supposed to be our baby s safe place -- me , the one place , the one place where everything is ok . I have nt been Spike s safe place since -- since I told Greenlee to take him to the ER .
Zach : Your love is what keeps Spike safe . You d do that for Spike , for me , for Ian -- for all of us .
Kendall : I just -- I thought I could fix him . God , I thought I could fix him and make him whole again . So I -- I grabbed at miracles . Who cares that there s no such thing ? Who cares what you and Ryan and every real doctor knew about Spike s condition ? I did nt want to see it . I did nt want to hear it . And because of that , I did nt see the real threat to my son . And the real threat is me .
Amanda : I knew when I woke up this morning , I should skip today and gone straight to tomorrow .
Babe : Hey , um -- you seem a lot less stressed out than the other day -- I mean , even with all the Ava drama .
Annie : Yeah . It feels like forever since I could just -- breathe .
Babe : So does that mean you talked to Ryan ?
Annie : Yeah . I told him everything -- everything I thought I would never tell him .
Babe : And ?
Annie : He was amazing , just like you said he d be . I feel stupid for waiting so long .
Babe : Good .
Annie : Yeah .
Babe : Hey , welcome back . How you feeling ? Good to know .
Ava : Yeah .
Babe : You know , how about you go home , grab some rest -- the morning after ? It can be brutal .
Ava : Oh , I m not like a walking hangover , ok ?
Amanda : Well , that should sell body shimmer .
Annie : Hey , why do nt you go home , and you might want to stop by Jonathan s room to give him a heads - up about all this .
Ava : I will , just not right now . Home is really boring .
Amanda : Oh , you have to admit -- admit -- today is one those days you do nt want to be alone .
Babe : True enough .
Ava : Oh . Oh .
Babe : How about you stick around , we have some juice , and we re here if you need us ? Can you please try to remember that ?
Ava : I know what I do nt need .
Jonathan : So this is what you do when you run with the big dogs , huh ?
Jonathan : Huh ?
J.R. : Yeah .
Jonathan : Yeah -- no . You check out sleazy websites all day long , right ?
J.R. : Ah .
Jonathan : Huh ?
J.R. : You know , it s funny that Ava s become an instant star , and you re along for the ride , hounded by the press . Ah . I ve been there . Well , hey -- I guess you have , too .
Jonathan : You want something -- what is it ?
J.R. : We ve all made mistakes in our life , mistakes that will haunt us . What sucks in your situation is that Ava has to get haunted , too . Ava has a real problem with her image these days . Do nt you think it s time we dig deeper and find the more elegant and sophisticated and clothed side of Ava ?
Singer : Something s happening
Jonathan : Makes sense .
J.R. : Good . You re her manager , right ?
Jonathan : I m the guy that Ava sees . I do nt get a cut of her money , J.R.
J.R. : Oh -- oh , yeah , ok , yes , yes , the -- the mystery man takes the romp and draws the line right there . Yeah , it s a good thing , not getting too attached .
Jonathan : Like I would ever discuss our relationship with you .
J.R. : Do you know why husbands and wives and parents manage family members ?
Jonathan : Hmm -- tell me .
J.R. : Well , because they re the only ones who care about the star . Everybody else is out to get paid . Now , if you step up and help direct Ava in to right opportunities -- you know , for her sake , not the bottom line -- well , son of a -- I bet you if you two threw in with me , the three of us , we could make Ava golden , you know -- you know , the right way ? Huh ?
Greenlee : Your message has been received , but it s not going to stop me from caring about Spike and Kendall .
Ryan : You know what my new hobby is -- I mean , when I m stuck in traffic and stuff like that ? I think of ways to get you out of Pine Valley .
Greenlee : There was a time I would ve been thrilled that you were thinking about me at all . I ve moved on , Ryan .
Ryan : Yeah , you ve moved on . Listen to me , Greenlee -- listen to me really closely , because I m going to tell you what your life is going to be like from now on , and it s not pretty -- it s not going to be pretty at all . So this is everything that you need to know . Everything to be aboveboard and -- and honest . You see that guy over there by the pool ?
Greenlee : There s , like , six guys over there .
Ryan : Yeah . Well , one of them s your new best friend . I mean , you do nt actually know him , but he knows you , and so do a lot of other people . They re all part of a team , you see , that I ve hired to keep an eye on you . It could be anybody . It could be the delivery man , could be the woman next to you at the spa . Anytime , any place , I will have a complete file on everywhere you go , everything you do , everyone you re with , and the second that you try to get near Emma , Spike , or Ian , or any member of their family , your new friend s going to stop you . Or he will tell me , and I will stop you myself .
Greenlee : You re just saying this to scare me .
Ryan : If I was trying to scare you , I would tell you that you changed channels for 23 minutes last night before you went to bed . That you bolted upright once , finally got out of bed at 3 : 30 , went for a cup of tea -- chamomile , slice of lemon . Went back to bed , but could nt fall back asleep . Ask me how I know .
Zach : You re not a threat to our boys . What are you talking about ? But you do nt know when to quit . That s what I like about you .
Kendall : You like me ?
Zach : Yeah .
Kendall : Yeah ?
Zach : I like you . So does Spike . Always , you get these ideas in your head , you know ? And they re always a little crazy , a little irrational , but you get them done , somehow . You have faith .
Kendall : Well , I just -- I just want to make a good life for Spike .
Zach : All right . So let s keep doing what we re doing . Ryan s going to throw money at biotech research , and we ll do our part . We ll -- we ll check into cochlear implants .
Kendall : Zach , no , there are so many things about these implants that I do nt like .
Zach : You ca nt go in the ocean , you ca nt go in the bath .
Kendall : Yes , and what about the schools that might not let him in ?
Zach : It s not ideal . I know . I know all that .
Kendall : This is not the life that I promised for Spike . I told him -- I said , Spike , I will give you a perfect life . I will make it amazing for you . I mean , before he was even born , on the yacht , with you , you helped me -- you helped me want to do that for him .
Zach : A lot of things can happen in time . Right now , the best option we have is us , together . Ryan , Annie , me , you . You got to do this for Spike .
Kendall : Ok .
Tad : More ?
Kathy : Mm - hmm .
Tad : Ooh . More ? No ! That s disgusting . It s like an oil slick . Next time , warn me . I ll just get you a glass , so you can drink it
Julia : Say , Thanks .
Kathy : Thanks .
Tad : Hey !
Tad : Look who s waking up . Look who s waking up .
Krystal : There must be something in their toothpaste .
Tad : What ?
Krystal : Well , the way kids smiles just seem to make everything better -- or at least bearable .
Tad : Yeah . That s because they re us . You know ? Before all the mistakes . All the screw - ups and disappointments . All the things we ll never forget . Always regret .
Krystal : Well , she certainly is the sun after the storm .
Tad : Yeah , she is . And here is to fair wind , good weather , and smooth sailing .
Josh : Wow . Does Julia know you like a little pancake with your syrup ?
Julia : Hmm . Please , sit . There s a chair . Oh , hey -- no , no , not your hands . Let me cut that for you .
Josh : The news is pretty brutal today , huh ?
Julia : Yeah , six years ago . Six years ago , I left the town that your mommy and daddy lived in .
Kathy : Why ?
Julia : It was time for me to move on . Hey , could you ask Krystal if I could have some orange juice , please ? Thank you .
Josh : Was that Witness Protection ?
Julia : Yeah . New name , new town , a stranger all over again . But that day --
Josh : Well , you re never a stranger .
Julia : The fear in everyone s eyes -- I knew fear . I lived it . But that day it was -- it was different . It was --
Josh : Terror .
Sean : Hey .
Jack : Hmm ?
Sean : It starts in about a half hour .
Jack : Yeah .
Josh : What starts ?
Jack : A memorial service .
Josh : Carpool ?
Julia : Oh , I have to work .
Josh : Ok .
Julia : But I ll be remembering .
Colby : I m just going to ride with you guys .
Ren : Hey --
Corrina : Yes , you can have shotgun .
Ren : That s what I m saying .
Corrina : Dre ?
Colby : You do nt want to go ?
Dre : I ca nt .
J.R. : Fusion has got Ava wrapped up in that contract tight . Good for Fusion , bad for Ava . Now , if you and Ryan get a stake in Ava s career , you can guide it to better opportunities . Hell , you might even be able to score a couple of extra nights like this one . Yeah . Look , you show her that you believe in her and her career , then she ll know someone -- namely , you -- has her best interests at heart .
Jonathan : Hmm . And my brother , who s funding medical research right now so that his deaf son might be able to hear again one day -- why does he want in on this , especially with you ?
J.R. : Well , it s simple . The more money that he makes , the more money he can pump into his pet projects .
Jonathan : And me -- why would I want to partner up with you ?
J.R. : Because I can help you help Ava make all of her dreams come true .
Jonathan : You see , J.R. , I do nt want to manage Ava . I do nt want to control her . And I sure as hell do nt want to cash in on her success . You ? You ve treated her like garbage . She does nt even like you .
J.R. : Oh --
Jonathan : She does nt trust you . And there s no way that I would put one red cent into your pocket . So why do nt you take your pitch somewhere else ?
J.R. : You know , I hope all your business deals wo nt be this bad , Jonny boy . See you in the tabloids . Ooh .
Amanda : Can we turn the radio on or something ? It s too quiet in here . It s almost creepy .
Babe : Enjoy it . It wo nt be long till the bosses make a daytime entrance .
Amanda : You really think Greenlee s crazy enough to come in here in the daytime right in Kendall s face ?
Annie : Well , people do things you d never expect .
Ava : Amanda -- Amanda , does my face look fat and bloated and puffy ? Please tell me .
Amanda : Did nt we tell you to lay off the partying ?
Ava : Just touch it , please . Come on .
Annie : Can you overnight this ?
Amanda : Yes , please , thank you . Stop poking yourself already .
Babe : Did -- did someone --
Babe : Ava ? Is this yours ?
Ava : That s not mine . I m not pregnant .
Babe : Look , if you re worried --
Ava : No , I was , but I m not anymore , ok ?
Amanda : You ve been sick to your stomach all morning and worried about bloating .
Ava : Come on , let s just talk about the wardrobe !
Babe : Hey , come on , come on . We re not trying to get in your face , ok ?
Annie : Hey , it s ok if you re scared or freaked out .
Ava : I was , but I m not anymore . Ok , it s not a big deal .
Babe : We can help you . We ll -- I do nt know -- we ll count down from three minutes . We ll watch the clock or --
Ava : God , no ! What if I go to the bathroom and it s bad ?
Annie : What if it s not ?
Babe : We ll be here with you .
Ava : Oh , great , my bosses ?
Babe : Your friends .
Ava : I m out of here .
Babe : Ava --
Annie : Ava --
Babe : Come on !
Greenlee : Are you getting off on this , on stalking me ?
Ryan : Technically , it s not me . It s my team . But no . It actually makes me sick that I have to go to these lengths to keep a little boy safe .
Greenlee : I m not going to hurt Spike !
Ryan : You have , Greenlee , more than once . So now my team will tell me whenever you get close to my family . They will tell me , I will take care of it , so nobody has to worry about you . In fact , everybody can just forget about you .
Greenlee : You ca nt keep this up .
Ryan : What do you mean ? All it s going to take is some money and some manpower from now until the day you leave Pine Valley .
Greenlee : Ok , so I m supposed to just give up my life , because that s what you want ?
Ryan : No , you can have your life , Greenlee . You just ca nt have it here .
Kendall : Spike --
Singer : Just hold me forget about time
Colby : I do nt understand . Why wo nt you come ? Is it because you have something to do , or you --
Corrina : More like he wo nt .
Sean : Because ?
Colby : Hey , well , you know this memorial thing is nt about politics or how people feel about the war .
Dre : I know what it s about .
Colby : So , just come with us .
Sean : Look , no -- no pressure , man , but come on .
Dre : I ca nt . So just leave it alone , all right ? I just ca nt .
Sean : Ahem -- so , what , like , seven bucks each ?
All : Yeah .
Colby : Here .
Waiter : Mr. Lavery thought you might need this . And your bill was taken care of by him , as well .
Singer : It takes control I guess I
Greenlee : Mr. Lavery takes care of everything .
Singer : You never told will it happen tonight ?
Zach : Hey , Kendall --
Singer : You ll turn to me and ask me where I ve been
Zach : Hey .
Singer : Oh , I will kiss just kiss me there just kiss me there I need your love tonight turn off the light or leave it on you know , I really do nt care
Ava : Watch it !
J.R. : Excuse me ?
Ava : Oh -- oh , God , not -- not a chance .
J.R. : All right , all right , just relax a second . Let -- let s talk .
Ava : Oh , God , no . I -- I do nt need you in my face right now , I need air ! Not -- oh , God !
J.R. : Oh !
Ava : Oh . Ow .
Aidan ( to Greenlee ) : Stop being so ridiculous .
Ava ( to J.R. ) : If you desert me now , I will tell the world this baby is yours .
Erica ( to Jack ) : Should I meet you at the altar or kick you to the curb ?
Annie : It was supposed to go away .
Babe : What the --
Annie : Why does nt it go away ?
### Summary:
| Kendall is still upset over the fact that Spike almost died because of the treatment that Spike had received from Dr. Hilliard and she blames herself for persuading Dr. Hilliard to treat Spike . Jonathan and Ryan have a meeting with a client . J.R. is on the phone at the bar at the Yacht Club and he looks around and sees Jonathan at a nearby table . Annie tells Amanda and Babe about how Spike just about died the night before . Annie lets Babe and Amanda know that it was Greenlee s idea that Dr. Hilliard treat Spike . Babe suggests that Greenlee see a psychiatrist . Ryan joins Greenlee at her table at the Yacht Club and he lets her know that Spike just about died from the treatment that Dr. Hilliard gave him . Greenlee begins to panic for the safety of Spike . Ryan tells Greenlee that this stops now . Ryan puts a guard on Greenlee so that she will never get around Spike , Annie , or the rest of his family ever again . Amanda sees a picture of Ava kissing a strange man on the internet . She wonders how Jonathan will react if he sees the picture . Babe finds a pregnancy test in the wastebasket . She first nods toward Annie , then to Babe and then she asks Ava . Ava begins to panic , but she gives in and confesses that it is hers . Babe , Annie , and Amanda vow to stand by Ava no matter the outcome of the pregnancy test . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lucy : Hey . You know , you really are still you . That s not going to change . It s not . What is it ? What -- are you feeling ok ?
Ian : I m fine . I m fine .
Lucy : You do nt look fine . Are you sure you re fine ?
Ian : No , I m sure . I m sure . You should -- you should get some sleep . You ve done engh for one night .
Lucy : No , I m not going to go get any sleep . I told you , when you rest , I can rest , not until then .
Ian : Please .
Lucy : No . And do nt -- do nt . Please , you . Do nt do this to me . Do nt shut me out . I -- I want to be here , and I want to help you .
Ian : There is no helping me . I ca nt overcome this .
Lucy : And what are you saying to me then ? You re saying , That s it . I m just going to give up ?
Ian : I m saying I m a vampire .
Chris : What am I doing here ? And who s a vampire ?
Alison : Maybe we should go back inside and have a little talk , and get to know each other , just like you were -- just like you were saying . Would you like that ?
Joshua : What changed your mind ?
Alison : I do nt know . You just -- you re so mysterious . I kind of like that . Come on .
Joshua : What a change of heart . And so sudden .
Alison : Well , you know , I just -- I kind of saw how you sprung out of your seat like that . I m sure it was just something that flew out of a suitcase . You know , it s probably just something of mine , actually , but you were really trying to protect me and to be there for me . And I have a really -- I need that right now . I need that more than you know .
Joshua : Do nt you worry , my dear . Joshua always takes care of everything . I hope you ll take me up on my offer to show you around Capri .
Alison : Yes . I ca nt wait .
Rafe : Alison , what are you doing ?
Joshua : That s not all I want to show you around , I can assure you .
Alison : Really ?
Joshua : To good times .
Alison : Yes . Ca nt wait .
Joshua : Oh ! Oh , my goodness !
Alison : Oh , my gosh !
Joshua : Just a little turbulence . But do nt worry , I ve got you , I ve got you .
Elizabeth : What the hell are you doing with my daughter ?
Tess : Hi .
Kevin : Tess . I m so glad you came .
Tess : I hope you do nt mind , but I brought Jack .
Jack : Hey , Dr. Collins . Thanks for having us .
Kevin : Jack . What a surprise .
Jack : Yeah . Well , I thought it might be .
Tess : Jack wanted to come . I hope it s ok .
Kevin : Well , I thought the purpose for tonight was for you and I to spend some time and get to know each other .
Jack : Oh , well , you ll have all the time you want because I wo nt be staying for dinner . But I will be right outside . Tess , if you need me , you just press this button right here , ok ?
Kevin : Almost makes me feel like you do nt trust me , Jack .
Jack : I do nt . I ll be right outside .
Tess : He worries about me .
Kevin : I understand . But you have nothing to fear from me .
Caleb : It s showtime , Tess .
Lucy : Um -- vampires ? What ? Did you say vampires ? I have no idea what you re talking about .
Chris : Yes , you do . You said vampires . I heard vampires .
Lucy : You do nt look so good .
Chris : They re not back , are they ?
Lucy : No , no .
Ian : No , of course not . You were out for a long time . What do you remember ?
Chris : You re changing the subject . I m not --
Lucy : No .
Ian : No , I just want to make sure you re ok . You all right ?
Chris : I do nt remember -- I remember coming over , but --
Lucy : Well , boy , you do nt remember why you were drinking , huh ? You were drinking like a fish . And then you promptly proceeded to pass out .
Ian : Right .
Chris : I did ?
Ian : Yeah , you did . Uh - huh . So why do nt you go home and sleep through the rest of it .
Chris : That does nt sound right .
Lucy : Oh , yeah , it s right . And you were very memorable , Dr. Ramsey . Incredible . But you need -- you know , you do reek a bit .
Ian : Happens to the best of us . It s all right .
Chris : Sorry .
Ian : Ok . Well , it wo nt be long before everyone finds out who I am and what I am .
Elizabeth : Are you trying to make a move on my daughter ?
Alison : No , no , no , it s ok .
Joshua : Perhaps you ve had a little too much to drink again .
Elizabeth : Perhaps it was bad champagne .
Joshua : You know , even the best champagne is supposed to be sipped , not gulped like it was in a bucket .
Elizabeth : May I have a word with you ? Never -- and I mean never underestimate what a mother might do to protect her child .
Pilot : Excuse me , folks . Just to let you know , thanks to some fortunate tailwinds , we ll be landing earlier than anticipated . Please take your seats .
Joshua : Landing ? No , that s impossible . We have two hours left before we arrive at the island .
Alison : Well , you heard him . The tailwinds , so --
Joshua : There are no tailwinds . There s something very odd going on here , something very mysterious .
Alison : What do you mean ?
Joshua : Well , even earlier when I heard the noise in the back of the plane and you suddenly came there to interrupt me . You disrupted me when I was there --
Alison : No .
Joshua : Something s going on back there , and I m going to find out what it is .
Alison : What ?
Kevin : Go ahead , sit down . Make yourself comfortable .
Tess : This is nice .
Kevin : Thank you . It is , is nt it ?
Tess : Oh .
Kevin : It s ok , pick it up .
Tess : It s heavy .
Kevin : It s Austrian crystal . Oh , let me show you something .
Tess : It s beautiful .
Kevin : Look what it does in the light . See the changes in the patterns and the colors ? It s like looking into a kaleidoscope . Livvie loved this . She just loved looking at all the colors and the changes . She said it made her feel at peace , rested , quiet . She said all she wanted to do was lose herself in the rainbows . Just keep listening to my voice . It ll help you feel everything that you ve ever wanted to feel . Just trust me , Tess . Trust me .
Caleb : Thanks , Doc . I ll take it from here .
Elizabeth : Alison , what is going on here ? You look like you re ready to jump out of your skin .
Alison : Do I ?
Elizabeth : Yes . What -- did he do something to you ? Did Joshua do something ?
Alison : No . No , no , no . No , it s nothing like that at all . I m just a little , you know , anxious about this trip and everything .
Elizabeth : Yeah . I -- I know what you mean .
Alison : Do you ?
Elizabeth : Oh , me , too . Alison , I m going to be going to the place where your father died , where the police actually thought that I killed him . I -- this is not going to be an easy trip for either one of us .
Alison : Right . I m sure it s not .
Joshua : I take it this belongs to you .
Alison : Yes . This is my travel alarm clock . Mu have fallen out of my bag or something . Thank you so much .
Joshua : Yes , it fell out of your bag . I think you should be more careful the next time you pack . You do nt want to lose something that might be important to you .
Pilot : This is your pilot speaking . Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for landing .
Ian : I m burning up .
Lucy : Hey , drink some more water . Try and drink some more water .
Ian : Huh ? No , I ca nt .
Lucy : Why ? Just try . Drink some --
Ian : I ca nt ! I ca nt live like that . I ca nt breathe . I ca nt think . I ca nt focus . I ca nt do anything .
Lucy : Ok , ok . But you do nt have to be this uncomfortable . I mean , let me at least try to cool you off , ok ? Let me just try .
Ian : Yeah ? Well , that s not going to do it .
Lucy : You know what ? We do nt know that . I m going to try . Come sit down . Come on . Sit . Sit down . Here . There . Is it helping at all ?
Ian : Yeah , that feels good .
Lucy : Good . I m glad .
Ian : You should stop .
Lucy : No .
Ian : Please .
Lucy : No . I m not . If it s helping even a little bit , I m not going to stop .
Ian : I -- I never got to thank you .
Lucy : Thank me for what ?
Ian : For saving me . I -- I was about to feed on Elizabeth .
Lucy : Yeah , you were , but you did nt .
Ian : Because of you .
Lucy : I understood , you know , why you were about to do that . I understood that .
Ian : Yeah . But I remember the look in your eyes . I ca nt get it out of my head . It haunts me .
Lucy : Well , see -- it was nt -- it was nt about the fact of biting her and those fangs or anything . You know what ? I think what really bothered me about the --
Ian : What ?
Lucy : What really bothered me was the sight of you about to make love to another woman .
Kevin : What the hell are you doing here ?
Caleb : You do good work , but your work is done and you can leave now .
Kevin : I m not going anywhere .
Caleb : Oh . Oh , come on , Doc . Certainly you of all people must realize I ca nt do my best work with dad in the room . You do want Olivia back , right ?
Kevin : That was our deal ! This was nt part of it ! I ll be damned before I ll leave you alone with her !
Caleb : Oh , you were damned the minute you agreed to help me . Bye , Doc .
Kevin : No !
Jack : Where is she ? What did you do with Tess ?
Joshua : Well , here we are . If you two ladies should need anything , day or night , please do nt hesitate to call upon me . I m in this room here opposite to your room . Your rooms are adjoining .
Elizabeth : I do nt think that will be necessary . Good night .
Joshua : Good night . Will you take care of the bellman for me , please ?
Elizabeth : I bet you he sleeps with one eye open just to watch us .
Alison : Yeah . I do nt know . Um -- listen , I m going to go to sleep . Good night .
Elizabeth : Good night , sweetheart .
Alison : Sleep tight , ok ?
Elizabeth : Oh , I doubt it , but I ll be right next door if you need me , ok ?
Alison : Ok . Thank you very , very much .
Bellman : Shall I see you in , miss ?
Alison : Um -- well -- yeah , maybe -- yeah , you can open up the door for me . Thank you . I appreciate that . Good night , mother .
Elizabeth : Good night , honey .
Alison : Thank you .
Elizabeth : Gracias , senor .
Alison : Thank you . Oh . Ok . Let s see if -- let s see if Rafe left me a message or something .
Rafe : Hey .
Rafe : It s ok . It s me .
Alison : Oh , thank God . I was so scared .
Rafe : Yeah , it s ok . Yeah , me , too . I was scared , too .
Ian : What did you say ?
Lucy : Nothing . I -- I did nt -- I -- um -- it does nt matter what I I said because I do nt have any right to say what I said or feel what I felt the way I -- like I was jealous or something . I m not . I mean , I m not -- I ca nt do that , and I m not . So can we just forget -- please , can we forget what I just said ? Ok . Here .
Ian : You should go home now .
Lucy : Should go home ? Is that what you want me to do ?
Ian : No .
Jack : Where is she ? Where s Tess ?
Kevin : I -- I do nt know ! Caleb took her !
Jack : Caleb ? You gave her to Caleb ?
Kevin : No ! I -- he came here . He took her . I tred to stop him . I could nt .
Jack : What , you could nt or you would nt ?
Kevin : Jack , I tell you , one minute she was here , the next she was gone .
Jack : Oh , my God . You set her up .
Kevin : No !
Jack : How could you sell your own daughter out to a vampire ?
Caleb : This is where it all began . And it s where it can begin again . You know , I created Tess from deep inside of you . But it s you that I want . And I know you still want me .
Caleb : Bring the light bring me back to life you re the dream I sleep with every night together , Olivia . Bound to each other through the ages . To come of your own free will . Both our souls tied in eternity . Above and beyond death itself .
Livvie : Always and forever yours .
Caleb : We are one , everlasting . Crave this life . I ca nt be with you if you do nt embrace it and me . Do you want to be one with me ? We ll never be separated again .
Livvie : It s all I ever wanted .
Caleb : You will surrender to a peaceful sleep .
Livvie : I am yours , my love .
Caleb : Welcome to eternity , Olivia .
Livvie : You re my future .
Caleb : You must make your choice now . You must say good - bye to this mortal life .
Livvie : Soul mates .
Caleb : Is it your wish to spend all eternity with me ?
Livvie : Yes . Yes , Caleb , with all of my heart .
Caleb s voice : I separated the good from the bad , the weak from the strong . The Olivia that was left behind operates solely on desire and her needs .
Livvie : What took you so long , Caleb ?
Caleb : Olivia . I knew you d come back to me .
Caleb s voice : Surrender Olivia .
Ian : I ca nt wait .
Lucy : You do nt have to .
Kevin : Livvie is my daughter !
Jack : And what is Tess ?
Kevin : Nothing .
Caleb : You do nt have to let her come out ! Olivia .
### Summary:
| Joshua is suspicious of Alison s motives in cozying up to him , but she appeals to his ego . From his hiding place , Rafe sees Joshua putting the moves on her , and the plane suddenly jerks , as if in turbulence . This wakens Elizabeth , who confronts Joshua about what he s doing with Alison . The pilot announces that they ll be landing soon , thanks to some tailwinds . This makes no sense to Joshua , who insists that there are no tailwinds and that they should nt be landing for another two hours . Convinced that something s up , he takes another look around . Instead of finding Rafe , he finds a beeping travel alarm . After they all retire to their respective hotel rooms , Alison is relieved to see that Rafe made it there safely . Meanwhile , Chris is confused about waking up in Ian s room . He insists that he heard Ian and Lucy talking about vampires , but they deny having any such conversation . Lucy manages to convince him that he passed out from drinking heavily , and an apologetic Chris goes h ! ome to finish sleeping it off . Ian thanks Lucy for stopping him from feeding on Elizabeth , and Lucy lets it slip that what upset her was seeing him about to make love to another woman . She tries to take it back , but it s too late . Lucy and Ian kiss . At the lighthouse , Kevin is displeased to see that Tess brought Jack with her , but Jack informs him that he is nt staying for dinner . Instead , he ll be waiting outside in case Tess needs him , because he absolutely does nt trust Kevin . Alone with Kevin , Tess falls victim to hypnosis . Kevin is furious when Caleb appears and takes her away . Hearing Kevin s shout , Jack rushes in , then accuses Kevin of selling his own daughter out to a vampire . Caleb carries Tess to the woods , where it all began . He sings Surrender for his Olivia , and when the young woman opens her eyes , that s exactly who she is . Caleb and Livvie kiss passionately . No Y & R |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nora : It s your mother . It s bad . We need a doctor now .
Nora : Troy , do you have something in your bag that you could give to Mr. Cole to help his pain ?
Mitch : I may be getting my sight back . For God s sake , who are you ?
Jessica : Mitch left everything to me ?
Bo : You got nothing .
Troy : This woman s had a heart attack . We need to get her to a hospital soon .
Cole : Nobody leaves !
Mitch : No . no ! they wo nt get away with it . I ll punish --
Mitch : No -- where -- where s Jessica ?
Man : Just sit still . You ve had a bad fall .
Mitch : Who are you ?
Man : I was walking on the docks when I saw you fall from the second floor . I pulled you out of the river . You re ok -- just shaken up and having some nightmares .
Mitch : Not nightmares . It s the truth . They tried to kill me .
Man : Who are you talking about ?
Mitch : Lindsay , Blair , Dorian -- my wife .
Dorian : Ah , Viki . I think this is a big improvement over the stodgy still life that was there , do nt you ?
Viki : Well , I d say it s a question of taste -- or not .
Dorian : Oh , and I managed to save this for you . I m sure an art restorer can do a great job on that . And wo nt it cozy up that sweet , little cottage you re living in ?
Viki : You can take both portraits with you when you leave . As you very well know , Llanfair belongs to Jessica now . Once Mitch s will goes through probate , you re out .
Dorian : As you very well know , I am contesting that will .
Viki : Have you come up with a specific reason for that ?
Dorian : Oh , yes , indeed . Mm - hmm . My husband could not have been in his right mind when he changed his will -- posttraumatic stress syndrome . Yes , he could nt have been thinking very clearly , killing himself like that when we d just gotten married .
Viki : Look , I have more than enough evidence to overturn my father s last will . once that happens , Dorian , the entire estate reverts to me , Todd , and the rest of Victor s family .
Dorian : We ll just see about that .
Viki : Indeed we will . So I guess it s just a matter of time now before you re out on the street again , so to speak ?
Natalie : Mrs. Vega , listen -- Cristian and Antonio -- they re outside , and they re finding a way to get us out of here , ok ?
Troy : I do nt think you realize how serious this is .
Cole : You back off and shut up .
Marcie : It s all going to be all right .
Cole : All of you , shut up !
Flash : Why do nt you just leave us alone !
Nora : Ok , Mr. Cole ? You need to relax . You do nt want to do this .
Cole : You stop your sniveling before I give you something to really cry about !
Al : We never know how much we can stand until we re right up against it . Sometimes the things that scare us look so big , we need somebody there to remind us how strong we really are .
Natalie : Mrs. Vega , I m going to take care of you , I promise .
Cole : Where the hell is that aspirin ?
Nora : Why do nt you just answer the phone already ? It could be them saying they ve got your car and your money , and then you can -- the faster you get that , the faster you can get out of here .
Cole : I ll answer it when I m good and ready .
Troy : Cole , we got to get this woman to a hospital .
Nora : Is that what you want ? Do you want a murder charge on you ?
Cole : I do nt give a damn if it s one of you or all six of you .
Natalie : It s going to be ok .
Andrew : Oh ! oh , man . I ve got to tell you something . It s so good to see you relaxed for once .
Joey : Well , I ve been working hard , trying to impress my new boss .
Andrew : Yeah , you know , you ve got nothing left to give if you do nt keep a little something for yourself , Joe .
Joey : Let s just play .
Andrew : No , wait a second . Wait a second . You know , you ve been going nonstop since you came to Llanview . I do nt want to order you to get a life , but get a life . All right , you want to talk business ? We ll talk business . How s it going with Jen Rappaport ?
Joey : Fine . You were right . Jen had the wrong idea about our relationship . But I sat her down , straightened her out , told her I was her counselor , nothing more .
Rae : Hey .
Jen : This is a total waste of time .
Rae : Jen , professional counseling is part of your sentence . Now , Joey Buchanan as your supervisor wanted me to --
Jen : I m not a thief . It was just a one - time thing .
Rae : Ok . Good . Let s sit down . Let s talk about that . Why would you suddenly feel that you had to break into a hotel room and steal from someone ?
Jen : Maybe because my mom went nuts and killed my dad and I thought I was going to go nuts , too .
Rae : Is that it ? Is that -- is that what you re afraid of ?
Jen : No . Look -- when I was with Cristian , I just -- I made a mistake . When he rejected me , I was nt expecting that . But I m not like my mom . I learned from that . I m not going to spend the rest of my life just jumping from one rejection to another .
Dorian : Until Mitch s will is probated , this house belongs to me . so I would like you to leave .
Viki : Fine . Please be aware that I do have an inventory of everything in this house , and I mean everything down to the last door hinge . If I find anything missing , if there is a light switch missing , I will have you arrested .
Dorian : Hmm . I wonder if I possibly could ve overlooked something .
Viki : Hello .
Bo : Viki , it s Bo . We have a situation at The Diner at Angel Square . I m afraid Natalie s involved .
Al : Yo , slick , did Marcie Walsh call ?
Man : Not yet .
Al : Listen , she was supposed to stop by . So if she does call , please let me know ?
Man : Sure thing .
Al : Ok .
Al : Wherever you are tonight , you re not alone .
Al : There s somebody out there thinking about you . And , hey , maybe you re thinking about them , too . and maybe that thought will help you make it through the night .
Marcie : Is there anything I can do to help ?
Troy : No , thank you . We ca nt put this off much longer , Cole .
Nora : This woman s never done anything to you . Do you really want her death on your conscience ?
Cole : If it was nt for the damn Vegas , I would nt be in this mess .
Natalie : Are you nuts ?
Cole : You re Cristian s girl , are nt you ?
Nora : Do you really want your mother to find out that you could ve saved a woman s life and you refused ?
Cole : You shut up about my mother !
Nora : If Mrs. Vega dies , you re looking at murder two . Help me out here ! Let her leave ! I ll testify that you -- you showed compassion .
Cole : Uh - uh . I ai nt going back to prison . I ll die first .
Troy : I m not just going to stand here and watch this woman suffer , Cole .
Cole : This is Avery . I m sending out your suffering mom .
Antonio : Dr. MacIver s coming out with my mother .
Nora : Thank you .
Bo : This is the commissioner . Hold your fire . We got hostages coming out .
Cristian : Who s coming out ? mom !
Hank : All right , get out of the way . Move , move . Let s get an ambulance right away . Come on .
Antonio : We re going to get you to a hospital , ok ? Go with her . Go with her .
Cristian : Natalie s still --
Antonio : Look , do nt worry about that , ok ? I will get her out , I promise , all right ? She needs you . Look , Cris , wait -- did mami ever get the air conditioning fixed ?
Cristian : No . No , why ?
Antonio : Just -- go , go . Tell her I love her , ok ?
Bo : Buchanan .
Cole : Where s the money and the car ?
Bo : We re working on it . I think it s time for you to show some good faith . Let me talk to one of the hostages . This is a deal breaker , Avery .
Cole : You . Tell him you re alive and nothing more .
Nora : Bo ?
Bo : You ok ?
Nora : We re fine .
Bo : All right , listen . Avery s mother -- she s his Achilles heel . See if you can work on that .
Nora : Uh - huh .
Cole : That aspirin that quack gave me did nt do a damn thing . You tricked me , did nt you ?
Nora : What ?
Cole : You tricked me !
Nora : No !
Cole : That s why I m feeling so spacey .
Flash : Hey , hey , hey , Cole -- could nt possibly be because you re in the middle of a kidnapping , now , could it , huh ? Huh ?
Cole : Shut up . Shut up !
Cole : One of you is going to pay for this -- right now !
Rae : It s very important to you , is nt it , that you be loved ?
Jen : Sure , it is .
Rae : Has anyone ever made you feel that way ?
Jen : My dad . And Cristian at first . We would still be together if it were nt for Flash .
Rae : Flash ?
Jen : I mean Natalie .
Rae : Honey , do you -- do you think it s possible for you to feel loved again ?
Jen : Sure , if it s the right guy .
Rae : And what would be the kind of guy you want ? What would he be like ?
Jen : Caring , faithful , but not boring . Sexy -- that s important .
Rae : Yes , I agree with that . I do .
Jen : I just want somebody to be honest with me .
Rae : So , what do you think you would do if you found that kind of guy ?
Joey : Nice shot . So I ran into River the other day .
Andrew : Yeah ?
Joey : He d probably wipe the floor with us these days .
Andrew : Yeah .
Joey : He ll be playing point for North Carolina soon .
Andrew : Yeah , I do nt know . I do nt know if basketball is his thing , you know ? He s the kind of kid that wants to change the world tomorrow . Not even tomorrow . He d like to change it today . You know what River is ? He s a rebel with too many causes .
Joey : You and Cass are doing a good job with him .
Andrew : Thank you . I mean , he s got problems of his own , but we re very proud of him . How about you ? You know , you re so good with the kids here . You want kids of your own someday ?
Joey : Yeah , sure . Kelly and I tried to once , but --
Andrew : Wait a second . Wait , wait , wait , wait . Talk to me . What s it like for you , you know ? I mean , you and Kelly and Kevin and Kelly and Kevin living together ?
Joey : I do nt know . I mean , Kelly and I did nt work out . So I guess as long as her and Kevin are happy , I m happy .
Andrew : So where exactly does that leave you ?
Joey : What about me ?
Andrew : Well , I do nt know . It always seemed to me that , in a way , you kind of allowed Kevin and Kelly to fall in love --
Joey : Ha ! I do nt think I allowed them to do anything .
Andrew : Fair enough . Even so -- Joey , maybe it s time you allowed yourself to fall in love again .
Flash : So -- um -- so what are you going to do ?
Cole : You re the one who tried to put me to sleep . So now you re going to keep me up . Tell me a story .
Natalie : You got to be kidding .
Cole : Come on , big mouth . Spill your guts .
Natalie : Ok , here s a good one -- how about this psychopath named Cole Avery walks into a diner one day ?
Cole : No . Not you . her . I m waiting .
Flash : You do nt have to tell him anything .
Marcie : How about a -- a pot of coffee ?
Cole : Now , make it .
Natalie : I ll help .
Cole : No , no , no . You do it . I m waiting .
Nora : All right . um -- about a week after my divorce from my first husband became final , I found out I was pregnant .
Cole : Was it his ?
Nora : Yes . Only I did nt know how to tell him , and I was nt sure how I felt about it myself .
Cole : So you got rid of it ? Some folks would say that makes you a murderer .
Nora : I had a miscarriage . I just kept wondering what it would ve been like . I -- I thought it was a boy . I wonder what he would ve been like , and I know I would ve loved him because mothers do that , you know . They love their children , even when they do big , awful things .
Marcie : Ow .
Natalie : Marcie , are you ok ?
Flash : Are you all right ?
Marcie : Yeah , I m ok . I m ok .
Cole : All right , you . talk .
Marcie : Huh ?
Natalie : Why do nt you just lay off of her ?
Cole : Why do nt you just shut up and sit down .
Flash : So lame . This is just so --
Nora : It s ok . Go ahead . Tell us about your mother .
Cole : Yeah . The worst thing that ever happened .
Nora : Stories about your mother -- they can only make you feel better when you re afraid .
Cole : You had your turn .
Marcie : I was an accident .
Cole : Hmm .
Natalie : I m sure somebody just told that to you , Marcie .
Marcie : No , I heard my aunt and my dad talking about it .
Flash : So what ? That does nt make you a bad person .
Marcie : Well , that s not the bad part . My mom died when I was a baby . They said that having me was too much for her . So thanks to the big mistake , she --
Cole : Sit .
Natalie : Marcie , you did nt make it happen .
Marcie : Um -- not on purpose . You know , it s weird , though . Nobody wanted me , but I m still here . And my mom , the one everybody loved -- well --
Nora : No , that s not true . Your mother loved you , and she wanted you . Mothers love their children very , very much .
Hank : Nora talked with Bo .
Viki : Yeah ?
Hank : She said everyone s ok .
Viki : Oh , thank God for that .
Hank : Yeah . Excuse me .
Viki : Sure .
Bo : Snipers , hold your positions . Nobody fires till you hear from me .
Antonio : All right , there s no way in through the roof , and the alley entrance has got an alarm . He ll know we re there before we close the door .
Bo : Well , it looks like we have to wait him out .
Antonio : Or maybe not . I think there might be another way .
Cole : Ok , redhead . it s your turn .
Natalie : Skip me , ok ?
Nora : No , go ahead , Natalie . Nothing you say is going to leave this room .
Natalie : Roxy used to leave me alone a lot when I was little .
Marcie : How little ?
Natalie : Little . She was always at the bars , doing whatever she did , except for when she was hung - over .
Nora : Go on , Natalie .
Natalie : Well -- there s just this one night . I mean , there was this really , really bad storm , and the electricity went out , and it was pitch - black . And there was this tree outside that kept scraping on the house , and it -- it sounded like this monster was trying to scratch its way in , you know ?
Cole : Are nt you a little old for monsters , honey ?
Natalie : Do you want to hear this or not ? Anyway -- it would nt have mattered , I mean , Roxy being there . She just would ve threatened to feed me the monster if I did nt do the dishes .
Marcie : That s horrible .
Natalie : Yeah , well , I did nt know that mothers were supposed to protect you until I met Viki .
Cole : What about you , Madonna ? I bet you got a lot to be ashamed of .
Flash : Funny . I broke up with a guy over an abortion .
Marcie : What did you do ?
Natalie : Marcie --
Flash : I got pregnant , and I wanted my music to come first . So I got an abortion and I never talked to the guy about it . He found out afterwards , and he could nt forgive me . I m sorry that I did it the way that I did it . I tried calling him over and over again , and he kept hanging up . He said that -- that I was dead to him .
Nora : Funny , is nt it ? Here I am talking about a child I wish I d known , and some of you are talking about mothers you wish you d known . I guess that s what it comes down to , does nt it -- mothers and children .
Cole : Shut up . Story time is over .
Man : Mrs. Laurence .
Dorian : And you would be ?
Man : My name s walker .
Dorian : Mr. Walker , I do not appreciate --
Walker : My first name s Walker . My last name s Lawrence . I m Mitch s brother .
Dorian : Please do come in . I had heard that Mitch had a brother , a younger brother who had died . Are you another brother ?
Walker : No , there s just me . He thought I was dead . Our father told him that . We only got in touch a few months ago completely by accident , but we ve been speaking by phone almost daily ever since .
Dorian : So you had nt seen each other ?
Walker : I was planning on coming here after I learned he lost his sight , but I had some personal business to attend to , and then suddenly he stopped calling . I have nt heard from him in days . Is he all right ?
Dorian : Oh -- Mitch has had a terrible , horrible , horrible accident . and I hate to be the one to tell you this , but he s dead .
Walker : What happened ?
Dorian : He was very distraught when he lost his sight , of course , and even though he tried very hard to spare me , I could see that he had lost the will to live .
Walker : Are you saying he committed suicide ?
Dorian : They found a tape recording that he had made at the scene of the -- it was , essentially , a suicide note .
Walker : But he had everything to live for . He mentioned a daughter .
Dorian : And newly married .
Walker : And now he s left you a widow in this huge estate .
Dorian : Oh , the money s not important to me . I would give it all away if I could just have my husband back .
Jen : Got a minute ?
Jen : As my supervisor ?
Joey : Yeah , sure . what s up ?
Jen : Just got through talking with Rae .
Joey : How d that go ?
Jen : She kind of turned on a lot of things that I ve been trying to turn off .
Joey : Sometimes the only way past things is to go right through them .
Jen : Well , it did nt make me feel better . I was fine when I went in there , and now I just -- just feel really alone .
Joey : Did you talk to Rae about it ?
Jen : Yes . It did nt help . I just -- I just want to forget about everything . I already had therapy , ok ? That s not what I need . what I mean is , you know , I -- I really could just use a friend .
Joey : Want to shoot ?
Flash : I think the pills are starting to work .
Cole : All right , you . Get some more damn coffee .
Cole : You idiot !
Nora : Marcie --
Marcie : Please --
Nora : Are you all right ?
Cole : I ought to just shoot you right here !
Marcie : Oh , no , please do nt shoot me ! I m sorry ! I m so sorry ! I did nt mean to do it !
Nora : Come here , come here . It s all right .
Flash : The hell it is . This guy has no idea what he s doing here !
Nora : Why do nt you --
Cole : Shut up !
Nora : Let her go ? Let her go . You have absolutely no use for a hysterical woman . Call commissioner Buchanan . It s not too late to make a deal .
Cole : I m not giving up .
Nora : You do nt have to give up . Make a trade , then . I know . Get -- have your mother sent in in exchange for Marcie .
Cole : You shut up about my mother .
Nora : No , really , Mr. Cole . You know you re going to have to disappear . if you ever want to say goodbye to your mother , this may be your last chance .
Antonio : Now , I can go in a hole near the air - conditioning duct . The vent comes out in the kitchen . If he s in the front , he ll never see me .
Bo : You do nt move until you make sure all those women are safe .
Bo : Buchanan .
Cole : Where s my money ?
Bo : It s on its way . All those people safe inside ?
Cole : I m sending one out . But I want to see my mother .
Bo : All right , hold on . Mrs. Avery , your son would like to see you . Do you feel up to that ?
Mrs. Avery : Oh , yes .
Bo : Good . All right , she s coming in , but she s a little shaky . I m sending someone with her .
Cole : No cops .
Bo : Well , I ca nt send a civilian in there .
Viki : Bo , let me go .
Bo : No . I m not going to trade one hostage for another .
Viki : No , I ll just walk her to the door , and then I ll come right back . Come on , he s not going to hurt me if I m with his mother .
Bo : All right , I m sending a civilian , a woman . she s only going to walk your mom up to the door , and that s all .
Cole : You -- out .
Marcie : I do nt want to leave the rest of you .
Nora : Go .
Cole : Now .
Marcie : Good luck .
Viki : Baby --
Bo : Oh , damn it , Viki .
Viki : Are you ok ?
Natalie : What are you doing here ?
Viki : Someone had to bring his mother in .
Mrs. Avery : I m afraid for you , honey .
Cole : You better get home , mom . Go home and forget about me .
Mrs. Avery : I ca nt , son . I love you and I know you love me , and I m asking you to please , please stop this before something terrible happens . For me .
Cole : This is goodbye , ma , ok ?
Mrs. Avery : No !
Cole : Get her out of here .
Mrs. Avery : No --
Viki : No , I m staying . Let my daughter Natalie leave in my place .
Cristian : How s my mom ?
Troy : Your mother did have a heart attack , but she s stable now . With a little rest , she should make a full recovery .
Cristian : Can I go in and see her ?
Troy : Absolutely .
Carlotta : Mijo --
Cristian : Try not to talk .
Carlotta : What about Natalie ?
Cristian : Everyone s fine . Just concentrate on getting better , ok ?
Natalie : I am not letting you take my place .
Cole : Vega s girl is worth a lot more to me than you are .
Nora : She ll be fine , Viki , really . We ll be fine .
Mrs. Avery : I m not leaving you .
Cole : You got to go .
Natalie : Mom --
Viki : I love you , baby .
Natalie : I love you . Just do what he says .
Viki : Yeah .
Mrs. Avery : You re a good man , Cole . You re my boy , no matter what .
Nora : Why do nt you let Flash and Natalie go . I ll stay .
Cole : Uh -- no . My odds are better with all of you . So until I get what I want , you re all staying .
Al : Oh , thank God you re here . When you called , I had no idea . You must be so terrified .
Marcie : I m ok , but , you know , the others are still in there and I want to help , but I ca nt think of anything . I do nt know what to do .
Al : Ok . I got an idea . Sit down .
Al : You may be scared of what you re facing right now . You may even be wondering if you re going to make it through to tomorrow in one piece .
Al : You can do it . Just take the hand of the person next to you , hold on tight , and remind each other you re not alone .
Cole : What ?
Bo : The money s here and the car . All you have to do is release the hostages . You walk away .
Cole : Well , I changed my mind . I m maintaining a little leverage . Ok , redhead and the lawyer lady , let s go .
Nora : We re not going without flash .
Cole : I said go or die !
Natalie : Come on . Ahem . Come on .
Cole : Come on .
Flash : Ow ! Ow !
Cole : That s tough .
Flash : Ow ! You re hurting me !
Cole : You re going to be my shield . I m coming out !
Bo : Hold your positions . Stand by . Disregard this . Everyone stand down .
Cole : Anybody makes a move and the girl buys it !
Antonio : Avery -- run . Three sharpshooters have you in their sights . One way or another , you re going down .
Cole : Maybe . Maybe not .
Antonio : Why do nt you put the gun down , Avery .
Cole : You want to do this with fists ?
Antonio : Is that what this is about ? Huh ? Little fight in the yard at Statesville ?
Cole : You would ve been dead . If it was nt for those hacks that pulled me off --
Antonio : Ok , fine . Fine . want to do it ? let s do it .
Antonio : How about that cup of coffee , huh ? You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law .
Bo : Natalie told me that you were a real hero .
Nora : Oh -- what I did would nt have mattered if you and Antonio had nt come when you did .
Al : That was the news room . The hostages have been freed , and they just picked up that guy , Cole Avery . He was arrested .
Marcie : Oh , my --
Bo : That was quite a night .
Nora : There was a time in there , I did nt think we were going to make it , and that whole time , all I could think about was Matthew . He does nt know you re his dad , and if something went wrong and something happened to me , I just kept thinking , what would happen to him ? Who would raise him ?
Joey : Hey , friendly game , remember ?
Jen : Yeah , I do nt really have any friends anymore .
Joey : Well , what am I ?
Jen : You re court - appointed , remember ? My friends from school pretty much dropped me when I moved here and college has been a total disaster . Now my mom s gone completely nuts , and Will s gone , and then my dad -- he s never coming back .
Flash : Come on , rev , pick up . Come on .
Troy : We re going to move you to C.C.U. for monitoring , Mrs. Vega . But the good news is that the damage to your heart was minimal , and you re stable now , so you should be able to go home very soon .
Carlotta : Thank you , doctor , so much , for everything .
Troy : My pleasure .
Antonio : Mami , you had me scared half to death .
Carlotta : Well , if it was nt for Natalie , I do nt think I would ve made it . I m sorry . I was so wrapped up in myself , I did nt let myself see your heart . You are a beautiful , strong young woman . My son is very lucky to have you in his life . Y seria orgullo recibirte en nuestra familia .
Viki : What did she say ?
Natalie : I think she said thank you .
Walker : Do nt worry , brother . I ll find out what happened and I ll get the truth about Lindsay , Blair , and Dorian .
Dorian : Well , hello , Hank . Come on in .
Hank : Thank you . Dorian , I want to talk to you about your husband s death .
Dorian : Have they found his body ?
Hank : No , but forensics recovered your fingerprints at the scene of the crime .
Dorian : Oh , no . Oh , dear . You know , after his death , I felt the need to connect with him , so I went to the scene of the -- I m so sorry . In my grief , I must ve touched things .
Hank : Yeah . I thought you would say something like that .
Dorian : You do nt still think that Mitch met with foul play , do you ?
Hank : We have his confession , his jacket , his cane , a shoe , and a death certificate . I assume you ll be needing this .
Dorian : Oh . I still ca nt believe he s dead .
hank : Frankly , Dorian , I m not quite sure what to believe myself . Thanks for your cooperation . Have a good night .
Dorian : Hello ?
Mitch : Hello , darling . Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life to Live .
Joey s voice : You ve reached Joe Buchanan . I m not available right now , but leave a message and I ll call you back .
Natalie : Did you and Dorian have something to do with Mitch s death ?
Dorian : Who is this ?
Mitch : It s me , Dorian -- Mitch , your loving husband .
### Summary:
| Troy asks Cole to take Carlotta to the hospital . The stranger tends to Mitch . Mitch tells him who tried to kill him . Dorian & Vicki argue over the decor at Llanfair . Vicki leaves for now , promising to get back what s hers after probate . Andrew & Joey play basketball & hang out together . Rae talks to Jenn about her problems . Carlotta s allowed to go to the hospital . The people in the diner share their childhood experiences . The stranger turns out to be Walker Lawrence , Mitch s brother . He shows up at Llanfair to find out what happened to his brother . Cole s mother tries to talk some sense into him . Vicki sneaks in with her to see if Natalie s alright . She offers to take her place . Marcie s released & goes to see Al . Antonio sneaks into the diner as Cole s about to use Flash as a shield . He jumps Cole & finally subdues him . Al & Marcie share another kiss . Bo asks Nora if she s alright . Joey consoles Jenn & they start kissing passionately . Carlotta says she s really underestimated Natalie & thanks her . Walker vows to get even for what Mitch has been put through . Hank brings Dorian Mitch s death certificate . Mitch calls a startled Dorian to say hello . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Chad : Oh .
Abigail : Hey .
Chad : What , are you stealing my heart ? Look at you .
Abigail : Hi .
Chad : What are you working on ?
Abigail : I am writing down all the acceptances to our wedding and making a guest list . So check it out . No one s said no yet . And I still have to get the tally from sonny and paul , buthe place is gon na be pretty packed .
Chad : You have no idea what it s like to see you happy again .
Abigail : Why would nt I be happy ? I gave my son breakfast this morning , and I get to be your wife again .
Chad : Oh , my goodness .
Kate : Well , great . Just great . I assume that neither one of you have seen the front page article on andre s so - called press conference , byline jennifer horton .
Abigail : Did you not think that the media was gon na cover that ?
Kate : Media , yes , but I would assume that family members would keep it off the front page .
Abigail : Okay , well , mom made it pretty clear in the article , but it was hattie , not marlena , that wanted andre committed .
Kate : [ Scoffs ] Oh . That s a great comfort .
Chad : Kate ...
Kate : The problem is , it still appears that andre , whether he s in an asylum or not , is still a problem to be dealt with .
Andre : I know you re disappointed . My being committed would ve made it easier for you to turn chad against me .
Chad : [ Clears throat ] Actually , I can form my own opinions . And I have a question for you .
Andre : Of course .
Chad : Are you trying to steal this company from us ?
Rafe : Hey , sleepyhead .
Hope : Hey . Wait .
Rafe : What ?
Hope : Did I sleep through the alarm ?
Rafe : No , I , uh , turned it off cause we have a late call .
Hope : I slept late for me . These last couple of days have been so crazy .
Rafe : Yeah , they have . Our soon - to - be - ex - commissioner is gon na be arraigned this morning .
Hope : Ah , there it is . Okay , that s why I slept well .
Rafe : That s right .
Hope : Yeah . Raines is gon na be out of our lives .
Rafe : Uh - huh .
Hope : Finally , huh ?
Rafe : Yep . Hopefully eli too . What ? I m sorry . Okay , what ? Too much ? The guy , he needs ... he did not stay cool in a stressful situation . Raines took gabi , he fired that shot -- he could ve killed my sister .
Eli : I m coming . Hey , just gimme a second -- gabi . -- Could we meet up ? I want to talk to you . Okay , great . Well , I talked to my dad , and he and marlena ... nicole ?
Nicole : Eric ?
Eric : I thought you were nt working here .
Nicole : I ve been lying to everyone , including myself .
Eric : Hey , what are you talking about ? What happened ?
Nicole : I got my baby back . Brady and I have the perfect family I ve always dreamed of . But all I can think about is wanting to be with you . I love you .
Eric : God , I ... I tried to stay away .
Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Julie : Looks like we picked the wrong time to drop by . Eric ? Sweetheart .
Eric : Hey .
Julie : [ Laughs ]
Eric : I m sorry , you caught me sleeping on the job .
Julie : Thank you .
Doug : Hey .
Eric : Hey . [ Grunts ] Oh , my goodness .
Doug : Late night ?
Eric : Uh , yeah , it was . I , uh , was at the hospital . A client s mother is dying .
Julie : Oh , I m so sorry .
Eric : Yeah , well , I sat up with her last night .
Julie : We are working you too hard , eric .
Eric : Ah , it s something you ca nt help . You know , we re just understaffed right now .
Julie : Especially now that you re offering childcare in the evenings .
Eric : But more mothers are able to attend support group . You know , it was nicole s idea .
Julie : Nicole . Nicole has done so much good here .
Eric : Yeah . So we wo nt be seeing her much around here anymore .
Doug : Sounds like you re gon na miss her .
Eric : Yeah , because I will .
Brady : All right , where the hell are you , huh ? Where d you go ? God knows where you went .
Nicole : Are you hungry for breakfast , little one ? Hi .
Brady : Hi . I was wondering where you were .
Nicole : Oh , well , I heard holly talking on the monitor , so I thought I d get her up .
Brady : She looks awfully cute this morning .
Nicole : Yes , she does .
Brady : Hi .
Nicole : And fluffy was in her crib .
Brady : Yeah , that s not an accident . Tate wanted her to have some time with fluffy .
Nicole : Ohhh .
Brady : He put it in there .
Nicole : Yeah . Well , you have the sweetest big brother in the world , yes you do . Here , hold mr . Fluffy .
Brady : I like mr . Fluffy .
Nicole : You know what , honey ?
Brady : Hmm ?
Nicole : I still feel like i have nt told you enough how grateful I am for what you did at the hearing ...
Brady : Yes you did . Yes you did . And what eric said was-- was helpful , and , and heartfelt , but ... I was nt so sure that judge thorpe was convinced , so I ... I leaned on the good judge a little bit .
Nicole : Well , the craziness is over . And holly is where she belongs . And we re a family , huh ?
Brady : We are .
Nicole : Yes , we are .
Brady : I could nt be happier about it .
Nicole : Me neither . [ Chuckling ] Me neither .
Brady : She gon na let go of those lips so I can have some ? Hey , sweetie . Hey , sweetie .
Eli : Come in . Look , I m sorry . I was waiting for a delivery service . They re about a week late on the package .
Gabi : Yeah , no , dont-- do nt worry about it .
Eli : You doing okay ?
Gabi : Yeah . Yeah , IM ... I m fine .
Eli : Gabi , look , I was sure that I could wing raines without hurting you , but --but what I did , it-- it was nt justified . And I probably scared the hell out of you and I m really sorry .
Gabi : Do nt apologize , okay ? I do nt even know what raines would ve done if you had nt taken that chance . Actually , the reason why I m here is because I brought you something to say thank you .
Eli : Oh , you know what ? Um ... before I , uh , open that , why do nt put some clothes on ?
Gabi : Oh , yeah . Go ahead . Absolutely .
Andre : I resent you questioning my loyalty when I was the one that kept this company afloat while you were missing . I also did everything I could to help abigail make sure that you did nt get accused of deimos s murder .
Abigail : That s true . He did .
Chad : Yeah , but everything you said at the press conference blatantly trying to push kate out--
Kate : Exactly .
Chad : And the hell would you go public with it ?
Andre : Because I felt it necessary .
Chad : Yeah , well , word on the street now is the company is nt stable .
Andre : Oh , since when s the stability of the company been your priority ?
Chad : What the hell is that supposed to mean ?
Andre : You also endangered the company and its stocks . When you did nt heed my warning when I told you about that cursed amulet .
Chad : Really ? You re gon na dredge that up now ?
Andre : Do nt you think it s rather hypocritical of you to be throwing stones at me ? You have nt been an example of a paragon of--
Abigail : Okay , all right . Okay , well , can you please just stop it , please ? If the company is in trouble , yelling at it -- not gon na fix anything , so ... could we just admit that we both made mistakes and we re gon na figure out what we need to do about them .
Eli : Oh ! I have nt seen one of these since I was a little kid .
Gabi : Yeah , I remember you saying you used to play with yours all the time .
Eli : What ? I played so much tetris , I used to see those little floating squares falling down in my sleep . I m serious . My mom started to get worried . She d hide it from me until i was done with all my homework .
Gabi : Seemed like you could use a diversion or something .
Eli : Why , cause I m too much about the job ?
Gabi : [ Laughs ]
Eli : Speaking of work ... it s my boss . Says he s gon na call me soon .
Gabi : Well , I mean , bringing down raines -- they re probably gon na give you this great promotion or something , right ?
Eli : Yeah . I do nt know about all that .
Gabi : Or they re gon na transfer you to some other big city where there s like a higher crime rate ?
Eli : Salem does just fine in the crime department .
Gabi : You re right . Unfortunately .
Eli : Plus , I , um ... I do nt think that call s gon na be a pat on the back .
Gabi : Why would nt it be ?
Eli : I talked to him yesterday , and just ... well , I got the feeling that he has some issues with the way I ve been handling my assignments .
Gabi : Oh , come on . Just let me answer the phone call , and I can tell him that you re very needed here in salem and everything s gon na be fine .
Eli : Thanks . But I can handle it . Plus , if he does offer me a transfer , I m gon na turn it down . Salem feels like home now . I d miss too many people .
Gabi : Yeah . Yeah , like ... your mom , and julie , and doug .
Eli : Not just them .
Rafe : Ca nt stop thinking about what eli did .
Hope : He took a big risk in a high - pressure situation .
Rafe : Yeah , cause he s a hot dog . That s what he is , he s a hot dog .
Hope : Rafe , gabi s okay . That s the most important thing . Right now , everything ... everything s good . It s okay right now , right ?
Rafe : Well , except we do nt know where my brother is or what the hell he s up to .
Hope : Right , sorry .
Rafe : Yesterday was no picnic for you , either , was it ?
Hope : It does nt compare to what happened to gabi .
Rafe : No .
Hope : Hattie was such a good friend to me on the inside . I really had high hopes for her when she got out .
Rafe : Yeah ?
Hope : Yeah .
Rafe : She got played by anjelica deveraux .
Hope : You know what I think ?
Rafe : Hmm ?
Hope : That our discussion about everything that has happened in the last few days ... is really wasting our morning off .
Rafe : Oh , what would you like to do instead ?
Hope : What would you like to do , hernandez ?
Rafe : Boy . I like the way you think .
Julie : You know , I had my issues about nicole , but I was really hoping that she d stay on here .
Doug : Turns out nicole has a real gift for writing up grant proposals .
Eric : [ Laughs ] She did nt tell me she did that .
Julie : Yeah .
Eric : I mean , it does nt surprise me . She always took initiative to do things without ever telling me when we worked together in st . LukeS.
Julie : Well , maybe you re the one that should , uh , convince her to come back here .
Eric : Oh , no , no , no , no . She needs to spend time with brady and the kids . You know , I -- I ca nt ask her to leave .
Julie : Just for a couple of hours a week ? I think I m gon na drop in and say hello to her while I m out doing errands today .
Eric : Yeah , I do nt think it s gon na work .
Doug : Save your breath . Julie will not change her mind .
Eric : Mm , and neither will nicole . Believe me . She s where she belongs .
Nicole : My goodness , maggie insisted on feeding holly breakfast .
Brady : She s gon na get a lot of love around here . That s for sure . Wish I was gon na be around more .
Nicole : What does that mean ?
Brady : I got my hands full with titan . And sonny , he s gon na ... get married next month . He s gon na want and need some time off .
Nicole : Right . I m not complaining . No , I m just ... gon na miss you .
Brady : I m gon na miss you too .
Nicole : There is ... something else . I was thinking about going back to work .
Abigail : I think it would be better if we all just remain calm .
Kate : Well , good luck with that . Andre , you stabbed me in the back .
Andre : You told the board I was unbalanced .
Chad : So what ? What , you call a press conference to announce you re gon na divorce her because of it ? Because why , you caught her canoodling with roman brady ?
Kate : A kiss , andre . An innocent kiss .
Andre : Oh , bloody hell it was innocent . She could nt even keep up appearances for the sake of the company and the family .
Kate : [ Scoffs ] What you said about me was disgusting , and it was humiliating .
Andre : And true .
Abigail : This is not helping at all .
Chad : Uh , andre , let me ask you something . Would you invest in a company after today run by you ?
Andre : The board recognized that I was a victim of a scam artist named hattie adams .
Kate : [ Laughs derisively ] The board thinks you re a gullible fool who could nt run a vegetable stand , much less dimera enterprises .
Andre : Oh--
Abigail : Okay , both of you just knock it off , okay ?
Eli : Right there right there , you can fit it right there !
Gabi : Where , where ? ! There s nowhere--
Eli : Right there !
Gabi : No -- okay . See ? I lost . I lost , I -- you re so much better at this than I am .
Eli : I also have years of practice .
Gabi : Yeah , dario was always hogging our gameboy .
Eli : Sorry to hear that .
Gabi : It s okay , I got even . I told rafe on him .
Eli : Rafe took care of you even then , huh ?
Gabi : Yeah .
Eli : Yeah , I know . It s how he is .
Gabi : Well , it s not only how he is ; it s also how I am .
Eli : What do you mean ?
Gabi : Well ... to be dead honest , I ve kinda-- I ve let myself get suckered more than once .
Eli : Well , you sure seemed to handle yourself well with raines yesterday .
Gabi : Thank you , but i should ve been able to stop him before me grabbed me the first time ... I just couldnT.
Eli : Well , I think that you might need some self - defense training .
Gabi : You know what ? That s actually a really good idea . Do you know where I can sign up for a class like that ?
Eli : It s your lucky day . I used to be a self - defense trainer .
Gabi : Wait , seriously ? Okay , well so you got some time to show me some moves ?
Eli : For you , I ll make time .
Nicole : Brady , I have wanted kids my whole life . And of course they will be my priority , but I want to do something for myself .
Brady : I get that .
Nicole : Actually , I was thinking ... now that I suddenly have everything I want , that maybe , um ... maybe I could give back . You know ? Be of service .
Brady : Be of serv -- you mean , like what you were doing at the center ?
Nicole : Yeah . You know , the -- the center gives back so much to the community , and they re always in a money crunch , and like I said , it s not like we need the m--
Brady : So what you re saying is what you really want to do is keep working at the center . With eric . I m ryan and I quit smoking with chantix .
Nicole : I like working at the center . But brady , this is nt because of eric .
Brady : What is it because of , then ?
Nicole : Because I like people ; I like helping them . You know , I even wrote a few grants , and julie seems to think we ll get additional funding .
Brady : That is great .
Nicole : Brady ... brady , come here . Please . This is nt about eric . So ... what do you think ?
Brady : What do I think ? I think that after everything that s happened between you and eric in the last couple weeks , that if I were to look at you right now and say it did nt bother me at all that you were going back to work with him , I d be lying to your face . That s what I think .
Eli : You ready ?
Gabi : Ah , okay , yes . Go for it .
Eli : Come on , throw your body into it .
Gabi : Okay . I mean , I do nt want to hurt you .
Eli : If you do nt , I m not gon na let loose . Ugh ! Okay .
Gabi : Did I get you ? I m sorry .
Eli : It s fine . It s fine . You know what ? Let s try something else .
Gabi : Okay .
Eli : So , if I come at you in the waist , right--
Gabi : Okay .
Eli : And I m holding you like this--
Gabi : Yeah .
Eli : Then you re --
Julie : Sorry . Sorry , door was open .
Eli : Uh , I was just showing gabi some self - defense moves .
Gabi : Because of , you know , what happened yesterday .
Julie : Yes , I heard about that ; I m glad you were nt hurt .
Gabi : Me too .
Julie : Eli ? I am here to apologize to you for all the terrible things I said after you arrested abe carver .
Eli : Grandma , look . I really wanted to tell you the truth , but I couldnT.
Julie : I know , I should ve had some respect for your professionalism . I should ve given you the benefit of the doubt . But by now , you know I-- I tend to mount my high horse and ride rather frequently .
Eli : So does that mean you re not taking back the house ?
Julie : Nope , I m not taking it ; it s yours . And eli , what you do here and who you see here are none of my business .
Gabi : Yeah , we -- we re just-- we were really going over some self - defense exercises .
Eric : Yeah , cause of what happened yesterday .
Gabi : We re not a thing . Eli and I are not ...
Julie : You do nt have to explain . Just this once , I m going to butt out . And darling , if you re happy , I m happy .
Eli : Love you .
Rafe : That s a nice ring .
Hope : A really nice guy gave it to me .
Rafe : Yeah , really nice .
Hope : He has good taste .
Rafe : Mm - hmm ?
Hope : Yeah .
Rafe : Not just the ring . So what do you think ? It s getting back to normal ?
Hope : Normal ? What is normal , by the way ? Do we even know what normal is ?
Rafe : Oh , I ve heard good things about it , like ... normal people get engaged and do things like plan a wedding , set a date ...
Hope : Well , let s make sure this really is the beginning of normal . Right ? What s the rush ? There s no rush .
Rafe : Rush ? What does life look like during your period ?
Eli : Knock , knock .
Gabi : Oh .
Eli : I did nt know if you had coffee yet .
Gabi : Oh , uh , I havenT. Thank you .
Eli : Sorry about what julie said . I think she misunderstood .
Gabi : Yeah , she s pretty good at that .
Eli : I do nt know , I think maybe she just saw how easy we were together .
Gabi : Easy . Yeah , that s A ... that s a pretty good word for how I feel with you . Comfortable .
Eli : Comfortable s good , right ? So , since we re so easy together , how would like to learn how to kick me in the knee hard enough to knock me down ?
Gabi : Oh , yeah , that-- that would be excellent .
Eli : Yeah ?
Gabi : I want that .
Nicole : You know what you re acting like ? That I want to go back to work so I can be with eric .
Brady : No . No .
Nicole : How many times do i have to tell you ? You are the man that I love .
Brady : You do nt have to say that ; I know that .
Nicole : Okay really , I do nt ? Then what is it ?
Brady : Because you know that he still wants you !
Nicole : I do nt want-- I do nt care ! I do nt want him . I want to work with the people that come into the center , okay ? And you know well as well as i do there s no other facility like this in salem .
Julie : Knock , knock . Henderson said I could come right in .
Nicole : Yes , sure , of course .
Julie : Sorry , I wo nt take any time at all . Nicole , I want to thank you for writing those grant proposals . I got notice today that we are actually shortlisted for one of them .
Nicole : Really ? That s so great .
Brady : [ Stammering ] That s impressive .
Julie : Well , nicole has been a godsend for the center . I mean , there s just no other word for it . And until she started working there , I had no idea what a kind and generous heart she had .
Brady : Oh , well I -- I could ve vouched for that .
Julie : [ Chuckles ] So , would you like to come back and volunteer ?
Nicole : Actually , um ... brady and I were just discussing that .
Julie : Yeah , well , I realize you have more demands on your time now that you have your baby back .
Nicole : And holly and brady s son , they absolutely have to come first .
Julie : Absolutely , absolutely . But you two could work that out , right ?
Brady : Well , nicole has expressed interest . She wants to do something for the community , and I think that s great and I support that . But there are also many philanthropic organizations that the kiriakis family is affiliated with , and she could oversee any one of them .
Julie : Mm , well , the kiriakis organization is usually known for just writing checks . And the horton center , that s hands - on .
Nicole : And thanks to eric , the center is in great shape , especially if they get those grants . But ... brady and I need to discuss what I m going to do next . I mean , we have nt experienced life with kids yet .
Brady : Hm .
Julie : I understand . But if you want to come back , my dear , we want you . More than that , we need you .
Nicole : Thank you , julie . That means so much to me .
Julie : Bless you both . See you .
Brady : See you . This is your decision .
Doug : And , we re done .
Eric : We re done .
Doug : Anything else I can do ? Coming here . She s doing well .
Eric : Yeah , she is . You know , we re still good friends .
Doug : She s worried about you .
Eric : Well , she should nt be . I m doing fine . Listen , if you do nt mind , I m gon na run this over to the square and get it in the morning mail .
Doug : Ah , eric ... do not close yourself off .
Eric : How am I doing that ?
Doug : You know what I mean . It s wonderful to go through life with a woman who has your heart . I know that .
Andre : Okay , andre , kate-- chad is very grateful for everything that you both have done for him .
Chad : That s true . I am .
Andre : Well , kate and I got married so that she could be ceo of the company while you were gone . We tried to create a stability for the company , that image we wanted .
Kate : And it was nt easy for either of us .
Abigail : Okay , and because of that , yesterday things did get a little out of control . And so dimera enterprises has kinda got a big problem .
Andre : Well , kate and i agreed just to be married for six months , and that time s almost over , thank god . And then chad can take the leadership of the company .
Abigail : I think that andre has been very loyal , and I think he feels a little underappreciated .
Andre : Thank you for saying that .
Abigail : You re welcome . So , can we all agree that we re just gon na forget about yesterday ? We re gon na think about what we re gon na do next . Does that sound like a plan for everybody ?
Chad : All right , so what s done is done , yeah ? Now the best way we can deal with it is to present a united front . Andre , I am sorry if you feel that I have been supportive of you or I do nt appreciate you . I do . And I m well aware that without you , abby and I probably would nt be together . So ... father would be proud . Brothers helping brothers .
Andre : I m proud that you re my brother too .
Abigail : Was there something that you wanted to say ?
Kate : Well , in the interests of solidarity and a positive public image ... I m willing to overlook your questionable acts .
Andre : Likewise .
Chad : Boom . Now , kate s been working on that acquisition . That falls through , we re screwed . So why do nt we put our heads together and figure out how we can stop that from happening ?
Nicole : I appreciate you letting this be my decision . But you re right . The center is nt my only option . There are other places i can make a difference . And the kids do come first .
Brady : Look ... whatever you want to do is fine . It s your decision , okay ? I ll make sure kiriakis money s behind it , whatever it is .
Nicole : Brady , I ca nt tell you how much your love means to me .
Brady : Oh , my god , nic , you and tate and holly are my whole world .
Nicole : I feel the same way .
Brady : I , uh , got to go . I got to meet my dad for a little talk .
Nicole : Okay . Well , take your time . I ll take holly out for a while .
Brady : Sounds good .
Nicole : Okay .
Brady : Have fun .
Rafe : Rush ? No . I m not trying to rush you into anything . It s just normally when people get engaged , they usually start planning a wedding .
Hope : Yeah , well , chad and abigail are getting married . Right ?
Rafe : Right .
Hope : And jennifer s gon na need my help until then . Oh , wait a second . Did I tell you they re having a double wedding with sonny and paul ?
Rafe : Yeah , you told me .
Hope : It s gon na be a really emotional day for the bradys .
Rafe : Cause everyone s gon na be thinking about sonny and will
Hope : 100 % .
Rafe : Yeah .
Hope : Double wedding . So much to do . Planning a wedding . And a double wedding .
Rafe : A double wedding , yeah , that is not your thing , is it ?
Hope : No .
Rafe : No .
Hope : A big wedding ?
Rafe : Yeah .
Hope : A spectacle ?
Rafe : Yes .
Hope : No . Last thing . That d be the last thing I would want .
Rafe : You want a wedding where really , like , you do nt have to plan anything .
Hope : No , I do nt want -- no . As simple as possible .
Rafe : Okay , so then maybe if you want , you and I , we go down to city hall and we get our marriage license today .
Hope : Why not ? Let s do it .
Rafe : Okay .
Hope : Yeah , let s do it . Wait , wait , wait , wait . You re joking . You re joking ?
Rafe : No , I m not really .
Hope : [ Stammering ] I have a busy d -- I mean , I m so jammed with--
Rafe : So jammed , okay . How about tomorrow ?
Hope : Are you pressuring me ?
Rafe : I m not ... I m not pressuring you . Okay , it s just ... hey . You said that you love me , and that you wanted to get married .
Hope : And I do love you . I -- I love you .
Rafe : Okay , cause what I m hearing is every other excuse so that you can avoid becoming my wife . If you ve been struggling with belly pain
Hope : I love you . I love you , hernandez . That s why I proposed to you . I love you . You re crazy . Okay . All right . Maybe -- maybe you re right about just one thing . About me not wanting , well , avoiding the wedding talk . You re right .
Rafe : No , I m right . I know I m right , okay ? I obviously am right . So where does that leave us ?
Hope : Where does that leave us ?
Rafe : Yeah .
Hope : Where are we now ?
Rafe : No , I m serious .
Hope : No , I m serious .
Rafe : Come on .
Hope : Hey , no . We love each other .
Rafe : Yes .
Hope : We love each other very much . And we respect one another , and we enjoy spending every second together , and we have great sex , right ? Why should we jinx any of that ?
Rafe : [ Scoffs ] What are you afraid of ? What is it ? What do you think ? Huh ? We re gon na get married , and I m gon na turn into some slob and hang out on the couch and burp and drink beer all day ?
Hope : Oh , my -- no , you know-- it really isnT. It s dropping and leaving your dirty clothes on the floor , and just assuming that I would pick them up , which I m not gon na do . I ll never do that .
Rafe : Oh , my god , you are ... you re right , okay . You re on to me .
Hope : I am ?
Rafe : No , you re -- no .
Hope : Everything is so great right now . It s the best it has ever been .
Rafe : Okay .
Hope : So why -- why rush into a wedding ? What s wrong with us having an endless honeymoon ?
Rafe : Endless ?
Hope : Endless . What s wrong with that ?
Rafe : Nothing . There s nothing . I just ... I just want it to be endless . Okay ?
Hope : Endless .
Rafe : I love you . You know I love you so much . And I just want you to be happy . You know that , I want you to be happy and I do nt want you to worry about spending the rest of your life with me . Okay ?
Hope : Okay .
Rafe : Okay .
Hope : Endless .
Rafe : Endless , yeah .
Kate : Great . Just have him call kate dimera at his earliest convenience . And also tell him that chad , andre and myself are all in agreement . Dimera enterprises is ready to go ahead with that acquisition .
Andre : Yes , well , I m calling you to tell that I ve changed my mind . I m more than happy to give you that interview you requested .
Kate : Hi , yes , kate dimera calling for mr . Shin . Oh , yes , I ll be happy to hold .
Andre : Yes , I want to make clear about the events that took place yesterday .
Chad : Thanks for knocking our heads together .
Abigail : Yeah . I figured it was probably in my best interest since I m gon na be a dimera again .
Chad : Man . I can not believe I get to spend the rest of my life with you .
Abigail : I love you .
Eli : [ Grunts ]
Gabi : That it ? Did I get it ?
Eli : That s it .
Gabi : Sorry , I m sorry , okay . I should go . I m gon na go . But you know what ? Can we do this another time , please ? Another lesson ?
Eli : Self - defense or tetris ?
Gabi : I could probably use help with both . [ Giggles ]
Eli : Maybe dinner after ?
Gabi : Sure , yeah . I mean ... if you could fit it all into your schedule .
Eli : Oh , I m sorry . Give me one second . This is my friend from the bureau .
Gabi : Yeah .
Eli : Hey , what s going on ? Are you serious ? No , no . I m -- I m glad you called . Yeah , thanks for the heads - up . I ca nt believe it .
Gabi : What ?
Eli : Well , it looks like I m gon na have plenty of free time in my schedule . My friend called cause he did nt want me to get blindsided . The call that I m supposed to be getting from my boss ... he s gon na fire me .
Nicole : What am I doing ? Talking about getting a job . I ve waited for you my whole life . I should be counting blessings .
### Summary:
| Andre was home so Chad wanted to know if he was trying to take the company from him . Rafe thought Eli should have been in trouble for shooting at Raines while he had Gabi with him . Gabi went to see Eli to thank him for saving her . Andre was offended by Chad s accusation . Andre reminded Chad that he tried to clear his name when it looked like he was accused of Deimos murder . He also reminded him how he took the amulet . Abby tried to stop them from fighting . Gabi bought Eli a Gameboy . Eli got a call from his boss . He did nt think it would be a good call . Gabi was willing to speak for him . Rafe talked to Hope about Dario . They ended up talking about Hattie working with Anjelica . Nicole told Brady that she was thinking about going back to work . Kate confronted Andre about the conference . Andre justified it because she kissed Roman . Chad wanted to know why he held the press conference . Abby tried to play referee for Kate / Chad / Andre . Brady assumed that Nicole wanted to work at the center with Eric . Nicole liked working at the center , but not because of Eric . Brady thought it was . He was upset at the idea of her working with Eric again . Eli showed Gabi some self - defense lessons when Julie showed up . Julie wanted to apologize to him . She wanted to butt out of his business . Rafe wanted to talk to Hope about marriage , but she was nt ready . Nicole was upset that Brady was jealous . Julie showed up and interrupted their argument . She hoped that Nicole and Brady would work things out . Andre told Chad that he could take over the company since the six months was almost up . Abby tried to defend Andre to Chad . Chad apologized to Andre for not appreciating him . Kate was willing to overlook Andre s actions . Nicole was willing to work at another foundation . Brady did nt seem as jealous anymore and was willing to give money regardless of where she worked . Rafe wanted to get the marriage license . Hope was nt ready to get it yet . Rafe thought she was trying to avoid being his wife . She said she loved him and that s why she proposed to him . Hope was happy with the way things were now . They made up after their discussion . Eli found out that his boss was going to fire him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : Coast clear ?
Phyllis : Yeah , yeah . It s , um , you know ... uh , it s -- the sitter left with Lucy , and , uh , Summer is still at the sleepover .
Nick : Good . It s kind of weird , hoping your kid s not around because ... seeing your mom and dad together could be a little confusing .
Phyllis : This is confusing , is nt it ?
Nick : Is it confusing for you , and in what way ?
Phyllis : We re ... it s New Year s Eve , and it s a date night , and we re there with different people .
Nick : That s right . You and Ronan , steppin out as a thing for the first time .
Phyllis : It was sort of a statement .
Nick : I see .
Phyllis : So after , you know , the confetti was thrown and the champagne ... was poured , and it was over , and it s 2 : 00 A.M. and you re knocking at my door .
Nick : We ve always been attracted to each other .
Phyllis : Oh , my God . If this is about ... ( Laughs )
Nick : Sex ? Not for me . That how it felt for you ?
Phyllis : I do nt know . I m confused . It came out of nowhere .
Nick : I would nt say that .
Phyllis : What would you say ?
Billy : Thanks for the info .
Victoria : ( Sighs ) Hey .
Billy : Hi . I m not gon na ask how you slept .
Victoria : Yeah , I did nt really sleep much , but I could tell you did nt , either .
Billy : Look , about this Chelsea thing-- I m gon na clear this up , I promise . She conned me once in Burma . She s not gon na get away with it this time , and she s not carrying my baby .
Victoria : How did she track you down , Billy ? I mean , she came here looking for a Liam .
Billy : Yeah , well , I ve got a theory . You re not gon na want to hear it .
Victoria : You think my father brought her here to break us up again .
Billy : You know , Victor has tried to take us down before . It has nt worked . It s not gon na work this time .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Billy : I promise you , I m gon na take care of this . I love you .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Victoria : Mom ? Um , I really need to see you .
Nikki : ( Sighs ) Victoria , try to calm down . Where are you ? All right , I - I m coming to you now . I - I think I know what this is about . I ll see you soon .
Nikki : Well , would you look at this ? You know , that s a damn charming picture . It could be right on the cover of Newman Enterprises next annual report . C.E.O. Adam Newman hard at work on a barstool before 8 : 00 A.M.
Adam : ( Pops lips ) When it comes to liquid breakfasts , I defer to the reigning champ .
Nikki : Mm , touché , but we re not talking about me , are we ?
Adam : Why are we talking at all ? Since when have you given a damn about me ?
Nikki : Oh , I do nt know . It s just that you went to so much trouble to maneuver yourself back into the company .
Adam : Let s get it straight , sister . Victor Newman , my father , came to me .
Nikki : Obviously , his confidence was misguided .
Adam : Do nt you have some empties to hide or something ?
Nikki : Well , I can ... ( Clears throat ) Only imagine that the reason you re choosing to drink at this hour is because you have heard about Victor and Sharon s engagement .
Adam : How could this happen ?
Sharon : You asked me to sleep on it , so I did .
Victor : So what s your answer ?
Sharon : As generous as your proposal is , I m afraid I ca nt accept it .
Victor : Why not ?
Sharon : Well ... ( Sighs ) I m already getting a taste of it will be like when the news breaks . A lot of people are gon na be hurt , and I know that that s only going to be worse after we re married . Now I appreciate you ... wanting to look after for me . But ... I m gon na return this to Michael .
Victor : Please do nt do that . Keep the ring on your finger , all right ? Give me more time to prove to you that it ll be for the best .
Nikki : You know , if it makes you feel any better , I was nt thrilled to hear this news , either .
Adam : Way to stick it to me , Pops .
Nikki : ( Scoffs ) It s not all Victor s fault . Sharon did nt let any time pass before she put that rock on her finger .
Adam : I just ca nt ... picture her doin this without some kind of reasoning behind it . All due respect , I ... I do nt see her wanting to be married to that bastard .
Nikki : Sharon s not the angel you think she is . In fact , she is a master manipulator . And as far as I m concerned , this is exactly the kind of thing she would leap at .
Billy : Better watch out , Buddy . One innocent little conversation with her , and she ll take you for everything you got .
Man : Have a nice day .
Chelsea : I was wondering when I would see you next .
Billy : Mm .
Nick : Look , I did nt see this coming , either . But Avery made me face something ...
Phyllis : ( Sighs )
Nick : That I ve been ignoring for a long time .
Phyllis : ( Sighs )
Nick : I m not over you yet . I still want you . I have feelings for you .
Phyllis : Avery made you see that ?
Nick : Yeah , she did . And I m glad , cause she s right . And that s why ... we ended things last night .
Phyllis : Ronan ended things with me .
Nick : Okay . Now it may just be me , but it seems to me what happened last night just got a whole lot less confusing .
Victor : I m not surprised you had to face some hostility . But by marrying me , I promise you , I d make things easier for you , not harder . Give me some time to prove that to you .
Sharon : I do nt see how this is going to get any easier , especially with my kids . How am I going to explain this to Noah ?
Victor : I know that he would want his mother to be happy , secure , safe , protected . If you marry me , all of that will be provided .
Sharon : Well , you keep talking about what I stand to gain in this ...
Victor : Yes .
Sharon : And how this benefits me , but what about you ? Why would you want to do this ?
Victor : I ve already explained that to you .
Sharon : You have my companionship without a marriage certificate .
Victor : Who in the family has gone out of their way to help you ? Or even be decent to you ? Certainly not Nikki .
Sharon : No , definitely not Nikki .
Victor : So Noah s living on his own in New York . Your mother has her own concerns . You got out of that relationship with Adam , and your former husband Nicholas is doing everything in his power to keep you from seeing Faith as often as you would like . If you marry me , you will have someone who backs you up at all times , who truly cares for you .
Sharon : I hear what you re saying .
Victor : Do me a favor and think about it , okay ? Do nt make a decision right now . But I m certain that eventually , you ll realize that this is best for you .
Victoria : Thanks for coming , Mom . ( Sighs ) Boy , you know , nothing ever changes . Dad always knows exactly what buttons to push .
Nikki : ( Sighs ) So you ve already heard the news .
Victoria : ( Sighs ) You know ?
Nikki : Yes . I - I got there right after he gave it to her .
Victoria : Gave who what ? I do nt know what you re talking about .
Nikki : Your father proposing to Sharon .
Victoria : What ?
Billy : I ve had about enough of this . Who sent you here ?
Chelsea : No one . I am -- I am here-- I came to find you because of this baby . That is the only reason .
Billy : Yeah , the baby . Okay , the baby . You said that you would take a D.N.A. test last night . How soon can we push this along ?
Chelsea : I will happily take one today . You just find me a doctor .
Billy : Find you a doctor ? Great . Well , there s a place called Memorial hospital . And hospitals-- they have doctors . Feel free to go there , pick the first one , take a test .
Chelsea : Okay , I understand that you are freaking out , Liam .
Billy : Do nt call me Liam .
Chelsea : ( Sighs ) Despite you wanting to blame me for all of your problems , I have nt done anything wrong here .
Billy : ( Scoffs )
Chelsea : Billy , when we were together in Myanmar , you did nt say a thing about being married . In fact , when I asked you about that tattoo on your finger , and I - I made a joke saying , You better not be married , you told me that there was nobody in your life .
Billy : I do nt remember that . ( Clears throat )
Chelsea : ( Sighs ) Well , that does nt surprise me , considering how wasted you were . ( Sighs ) Look , I did nt come all of this way to start trouble between you and your wife . I did nt even know that you had a wife . So consider yourself lucky that I am not pressing charges .
Billy : Look , we did not have sex .
Chelsea : ( Scoffs )
Billy : I definitely did nt push myself onto you , so you can knock that off right now . You re lying . You re trying to scam me . So you can go tell whoever it is that sent you they better not mess around , because I m gon na order this test personally to make sure it s not tampered with . Nobody s getting between me and my wife again . Feel free to tell Victor Newman I said so .
Victoria : Dad and Sharon ? ( Laughing ) Why-- why -- why would he do that ? And how could Sharon even think about saying yes ? !
Nikki : Are you kidding ? It s obvious she thinks she s hit the jackpot , Baby . I mean , this is it for her .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Nikki : As far as your father goes , I have no idea . He s either lost his mind or he is determined to push everybody that ever mattered to him away .
Victoria : Mom , you seem to be handling this . I mean , are you sure you re okay ?
Nikki : Honey , I ... ( Sighs ) Admit I had a rough night , but it s a new day . It s a new year , thank God . These things seem to be happening whether I agree with them or not , so what can I do ?
Victoria : Somebody has to do something . What about Nicholas ? Does he know about this ?
Phyllis : I wish I could just throw my arms around you and say , Yeah , let s get back together . I ca nt do that . ( Sighs ) Seeing you with Avery , Nick ... ( Sighs ) That was so hurtful . I mean , not just because she s my s-- actually , yeah , because she s my sister . ( Scoffs ) Yeah , that s a pretty big part of it .
Nick : You want to tell me the rest ?
Phyllis : I m not enough for you , am I ? I mean , it s never just been us alone , ever . There s always somebody in between . There s always some woman in between . I mean , first , it s Sharon , and she always needed you to rescue her . She needed you to be her backbone . And you allowed it to go on and on . And if I had a problem with it , then I was being crazy , and it was my insecurities , and I was imagining it , and I was nt being sensitive to Sharon or -- or her needs . I mean , what about my needs ? I m -- I m your wife . I was your wife .
Nick : I never once said that there were nt issues with Sharon-- not once .
Phyllis : But you said they were my issues . You did nt own any of the issues . Anyway ... when it looked like maybe we had a chance again ... you started sleeping with my sister .
Nick : I was attracted to her . You were attracted to Ronan . I think we both needed to see where those relationships went .
Phyllis : Did we ?
Nick : Yes , and I promise you , I did not start seeing Avery to hurt you .
Nick : It s Victoria . She s still in Jamaica .
Phyllis : Answer it .
Nick : Hey , so you re calling me from your honeymoon . This must be important .
Victoria : Yeah , listen , uh , Billy and I flew back early . It s a long story . ( Sighs ) I m with Mom . Are you sitting down right now ? She just told me something .
Nick : Okay , what is it ?
Victoria : ( Sighs ) There s really no easy way to say this , so I m just gon na blurt it out . It s pretty ridiculous . Dad proposed to Sharon .
Nick : What ? What are you talking about ?
Victoria : Listen , Mom confirmed it . She was there . She saw the ring .
Nick : Vick just told me that Dad is engaged to Sharon .
Nikki : So how did Nicholas take the news ?
Victoria : Pretty much the same way I did . ( Sighs )
Nikki : Well , wait a minute . I - if you did nt know about Victor and Sharon , you must have been calling me about something else Victor did to you .
Victoria : While we were in Jamaica , we got a phone call from the adoption agency . There was a birth mother interested in our profile , even after everything that happened with Lucy last year . So we rushed home to get ready to meet with her , only to find this woman who Billy hooked up with in Myanmar on our front porch .
Nikki : Oh , my God .
Victoria : Look , I had assumed that he had been with someone while we were apart . That part I can handle . But this woman is claiming that the sex was nt consensual .
Nikki : What ? !
Victoria : Which I do nt believe for one minute . All right ? But she s pregnant .
Nikki : ( Scoffs )
Victoria : She s pregnant , and according to her , the baby is Billy s .
Nikki : Oh , my God . Baby -- Honey--
Victoria : Oh , wait . Hold on . It gets worse .
Nikki : You re not-- okay .
Victoria : Billy and I think that Dad brought her here to try to break us up again .
Billy : I ll have somebody contact you about the tests . I know you re staying here . I talked to the front desk when I tracked you down .
Chelsea : Wow , I m so impressed you went to all that trouble .
Billy : In the meantime , you stay the hell away from my wife , and you keep away from me . ( Sighs )
Chelsea : ( Sighs ) Hi . Uh , can I get some more hot water for my tea , please ? Thank you . ( Sighs ) You seem to have gotten an early start .
Adam : It s been one of those days . So how do you , uh , how do you know Billy Abbott ? Whoops .
Phyllis : Oh , oh , Billy .
Billy : Not now , Phyllis , not--
Phyllis : Oh , you ca nt ignore the story . You ca nt . Restless Style needs to run the story . You ha-- ( Sighs ) Listen , you have to hire me back . You have to . You have to . I will get the story right .
Billy : I have no idea what you re talking about right now .
Phyllis : Oh , wow , you dont-- you do nt know about Victor and Sharon ?
Sharon : Was nt it nice that the sitter came by early so mommy did nt have to wake you up ?
Faith : Yeah .
Sharon : And it gave me a chance to do something very important for both of us . Oh , Sweetheart .
Victor : Hello , Son .
Nick : I ve had a lot of doubts about every move you ve made lately , but I ve left you alone , cause I figured you knew what you were doing . But that s over . I ve lost all faith in you .
Victor : I m sorry to hear that .
Nick : You re sorry ? ( Scoffs ) That s it ? You re sorry ? That is all you re gon na say to me ?
Victor : That s right .
Nick : What is the matter with you ? How can you even think of trying to marry the mother of my children ?
Billy : Victor and Sharon ? Man , that-- that ...
Phyllis : I was with Nick when Victoria called . They re beside themselves , obviously . Now -- now listen . This is my point . You need to hire me back , because I can get this story right , and I can-- I can use the magazine to investigate the murder .
Billy : What murder ?
Phyllis : What murder ? What murder do you think I m talking about , Billy ?
Billy : Diane s murder ?
Phyllis : Yeah .
Billy : That s been solved . Case closed .
Phyllis : Yeah , the D.A. thinks the case is closed , but Victor is not a killer . He did not kill anybody . It s obvious he s protecting someone .
Billy : Obvious to who ?
Phyllis : And -- and then this stunt with Sharon ? ( Shudders ) It -- it -- it s crazy . It s crazy . You know what ? He does nt care about his family , obviously . He does nt care about his reputation .
Billy : I do nt care about Victor s reputation . However , I am a bit tired of him trashing his kids lives so that he can accommodate his world view on how things should be ran .
Phyllis : So it s a done deal . You re hiring me , right ?
Billy : ( Chuckles ) We re about to go to press .
Phyllis : With what ? What story do you have , Billy ? Is it better than this one ?
Billy : No , no , you re right . We should go with this story .
Phyllis : Yeah , and you should hire me to write it .
Billy : I ve got a lot on my plate right now . Fine , have at it .
Phyllis : As the editor ? It s official ?
Billy : You want it in writing ?
Phyllis : Well , yeah , of course I want it in writing , but we do nt have to worry about that right now . Um , I m gon na be really honest with you . You are not gon na regret hiring me back .
Victor : Son , I knew you would have this reaction along with everyone else .
Nick : Because what you are doing is beyond inappropriate . How can you even think of trying to marry Sharon ?
Victor : Let me put it this way , Son . Sharon needs someone to look out for her interests , and I need someone I can rely on .
Nick : This is crazy . You do not need Sharon , and you can not protect her from inside that prison cell .
Victor : I can , and I will .
Nick : Not to mention Sharon has the rest of her life ahead of her , Dad . Why would she want to be married to someone behind bars ? Can you not see that ?
Victor : Son , what you had with Sharon has long been over , all right ?
Nick : This is not about me .
Victor : Of course it is ! If it were nt , you would nt get so worked up , would you ?
Nick : Is this to protect Sharon from Adam ? Because I already took care of that by making Sharon get that restraining order .
Victor : I proposed to Sharon because I want her to be my wife . And I think she wants that , as well .
Sharon : Nikki .
Adam : William Abbott was just out surfing , and then the next thing , uh , Hello , baby daddy ?
Chelsea : There were a few more steps involved .
Adam : So you re back in the states now to , uh , remind Billy of the rockin time you guys had and get some money ? What ?
Chelsea : ( Scoffs ) Uh , no . I m just here to make sure that my child is taken care of .
Adam : Mm . Yeah , um , somebody told me something very similar to that this week . And I respected it , and then they , uh , they went and did something that just about slapped me in the face , made me wonder if anything that ever came out of their mouth was true . For your baby s sake , I hope you re on the level . If you ll forgive me , I m just a bit , uh , skeptical of people who use their kids to ruin other people s lives .
Nikki : What exactly do you think you re gon na accomplish by marrying Victor ?
Sharon : I am doing what I feel is best for my children , and I do nt owe you any explanation beyond that .
Nikki : I fail to see how marrying their grandfather would be good for Faith and Noah . And if nothing else , it would further alienate this family !
Sharon : Excuse me , would you mind keeping your voice down ? I just put Faith down for a nap .
Nikki : Fine . Who are you trying to hurt ? Adam ? Nicholas ? Or is this some sick way of getting back at me ?
Sharon : At you ?
Nikki : Sharon , please . You have always resented me . I know that . You want what I have .
Sharon : You do nt really ...
Nikki : You grew up nothing . You grew up a nobody , and so did I. I understand that . But I made something of myself . And my children love me unconditionally . And , yes , I have money . I have influence . I am Mrs. Newman .
Sharon : So am I.
Nikki : ( Scoffs ) Please . Mrs. Adam Newman ? Or Mrs. Nicholas Newman ? It does nt sound quite as powerful as Mrs. Victor Newman , does it ? Has that been your endgame all along ? Was that the plan ? To snag the ultimate Newman ? ( Scoffs ) You re more of a gold digger than I ever thought .
Nick : Now what if I told you that I was gon na marry Ashley ? I was gon na be a stepfather to Abby . Is that the kind of relationship you would like to see me in ?
Victor : It would nt be any of my business now , would it ?
Nick : You have known Sharon since she was in high school .
Victor : You can get up and leave now , all right ? Thank you for stopping by .
Nick : You know , I have been angry at you more times than I can count . There s been times that I ve hated you . But I can honestly say that I have never been as disappointed in you as I am right now .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Billy : Hey .
Victoria : ( Sighs )
Billy : Doin okay ?
Victoria : I do nt know . It s kind of been an incredibly weird morning .
Billy : Yeah . Phyllis told me something rather interesting about your father .
Victoria : Yeah , it s true . He proposed to Sharon . My entire family is incredibly upset about it . And I m sure that Phyllis mentioned that , too .
Billy : Yeah . She also mentioned that she would like to do a cover story for Restless Style .
Victoria : The story on my dad and Sharon ?
Billy : Mm - hmm . We figure if we can get out in front of it , maybe we can control the early spin .
Victoria : You hired her back as editor ?
Billy : Yeah , I did . Partly because Victor deserves to get skewered because he is a royal son of a ... ( Clears throat ) And she s rather good at her job . You understand that , do nt you ?
Phyllis : Hey , everybody . Listen up , uh , come around . Um , your fearless leader is back . I have risen from the ashes . Hold your applause . Uh , it is official . Billy has hired me back . You can applaud now .
Man : All right .
Woman : ( Laughs )
Phyllis : ( Laughs ) I know . Fun , right ? Okay , so you know the expression Hold the presses ? Of course we all know that . I really mean it right now . Hold the presses , because we re about to break a story that is going to be the biggest this magazine has ever seen .
Man : All right !
All : ( Cheering )
Phyllis : ( Laughs )
Sharon : For you to suggest that I have been after Victor and his money all this time-- that s your paranoia talking .
Nikki : ( Scoffs ) Please . I know an opportunist when I see one .
Sharon : Trust me , if I d wanted Victor , I m sure I could have made that happen a long time ago . There has nt been that much competition .
Nick : Where s Faith ?
Sharon : She s upstairs napping . What -- where are you going ?
Nikki : Well , at least that poor child has one parent who can be counted on .
Sharon : Nick , she was asleep .
Nick : Yeah , well , now she s gon na sleep at my place .
Sharon : What ? No . You are not going anywhere with her . We had an agreement . This is my day to have her .
Nick : You are out of control . I do nt trust your judgment anymore . I do nt want you anywhere near my daughter .
Sharon : Our daughter .
Nick : I have full custody . That means you do nt have a say . And after this ridiculous engagement--
Sharon : Oh , that has nothing to do with my being her mother , Nick .
Nick : This goes so far beyond you being a parent to Faith . I do nt even know who you are anymore .
Victoria : I feel that my father crossed the line ...
Billy : Mm .
Victoria : When he hired that woman . And any shred of loyalty that I had left for him is gone . So if you feel that hiring Phyllis is going to help you go after my dad and Sharon , then I m not gon na stop you .
Billy : You mean that ?
Victoria : Yeah , I mean it . I m just -- I m really tired of all of the negative attention . So I appreciate you telling me , because at least I can prepare myself , which is a lot more than I can say for my dad . ( Sighs )
Billy : I m sorry that he still gets to you like this .
Victoria : Did you find Chelsea ?
Billy : Yeah , I found Chelsea . She s stayin at the club . I told her that I wanted that D.N.A. test done as soon as possible and on my terms , and she agreed .
Victoria : So then I guess before long , you re gon na know if the baby is yours or not .
Billy : ( Clears throat )
Chelsea : Hurt by a woman . I guess that explains your breakfast .
Adam : Best of luck with you and your baby .
Chelsea : Um , I did nt catch your name .
Adam : Adam Newman . Billy s wife-- the woman whose marriage you re about to destroy is my sister , not that I give a damn about her or anyone in my so- called family .
Victor : What happened ?
Sharon : Nick came and took Faith away . Nikki bawled me out . All hell is breaking lose , and somehow , I think this is just the beginning .
Victor : I told you , I m not surprised by people s reaction . It ll be hostile for a while . But you keep that ring on your finger , and I promise you , things will change magically for you .
Sharon : Somehow , I find what you re saying reassuring . I do nt know why .
Victor : I m glad .
Sharon : You know , you asked me earlier what I had to lose . The answer is nothing at this point . I m gon na consider your proposal , and -- and that s all I can do right now .
Victor : That s fair enough . But I know it s just a matter of time before you decide to become my wife .
Phyllis : Eeny , meeny , miny , Daddy . I ve been through the brothers . Now on to ... Daddy . ( Clears throat )
Angelo : That Angelina , she s given me angina . I got a guy lookin for her .
Kevin : You posted a video ? !
Angelina : It s not like someone s gon na say , Hey , I know that nasty motel room .
Chelsea : Billy s the father .
### Summary:
| Nick tells Phyllis that he has feelings for her and would like to get back together , but she is still deeply hurt by his relationship with Avery and does nt know what to do about Nick . Phyllis tells Nick that when they were married , he always put Sharon or some other woman before her , and she needs to know that she will be the only woman in his life . Victoria and Nick are shocked when Nikki tells them that Victor proposed to Sharon . Nick goes to visit Victor and tells him that he has never been more disappointed in him than he is now . Phyllis tells Billy that Victor and Sharon are engaged and that she found out because she was with Nick when Victoria called and told him the news . Billy hires Phyllis back as editor of Restless Style and tells her to run with the story . Billy later tells Victoria that he hired Phyllis back and that Chelsea agreed to take a DNA test on his terms . Victoria appreciates Billy s honesty and tells him that if he feels he needs to go after Victor , that is fine with her . Adam warns Chelsea that she better not be lying about her pregnancy , not that he cares if she ruins Victoria s life . He is just tired of people using their kids as an excuse to justify what they do . Nikki confronts Sharon and calls her a gold digger who always planned to get Victor and used Nick and Adam to do it . Nick takes Faith out of Sharon s house because he does nt even know who she is anymore . Sharon tells Victor she will think about his proposal because she has nothing left to lose anymore . Phyllis writes a story about Sharon and Victor s engagement and posts it on the Restless Style website . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Harley : You are one suspect shy . Remember her ?
Rick : Good morning . The coffee smells really good .
Mel : Well , you better drink it before it gets cold .
Rick : Speaking of cold , is there something wrong ?
Mel : I do nt know . You tell me . ( Knock on door )
Jonathan : Hello , Mrs. Winslow . ( Echoing ) : Mrs. Winslow ...
Paperboy : Mrs. Winslow ? Are you okay ? I brought you your newspaper .
Cassie : Oh . Thank you . Falls down the stairs after leaving the wedding reception . He was there . Oh , my God , he was there . That s because he wanted to tell everybody , that s why . Uh - uh . I can still make Tammy and Reva know exactly who you are . Edmund , please sleep late .
Jonathan : Well , well , well . Look who s here .
Sandy : Yeah . I hear you re in pain .
Jonathan : Some .
Sandy : Not good enough . You see , you made such a point to come and visit me when I was in the hospital , I felt compelled to return the favor . It s funny how things turn around , is nt it , Johnny boy ?
Jonathan : ( Groans )
Reva : You did nt have to come , you know .
Josh : Jonathan is your son . If you need to be here , then so do I.
Reva : Is that nobility or guilt ?
Josh : I did not put that boy in this hospital , Reva , no matter what you may think .
Reva : I do nt want to believe that you pushed him .
Josh : Then do nt .
Reva : And as malicious as Jonathan s been , he did nt deserve this . He s a scared , troubled kid who s desperately in need of someone to ... never mind .
Josh : No , that s okay . Go on .
Reva : I m not apologizing for him .
Josh : And I m not apologizing for wanting him out of your life , Reva . He s dangerous .
Reva : Well , a fall down a flight of steps would take care of that for a while , would nt it ? I m sorry .
Josh : No , do nt be sorry , Reva . Just say what s on your mind . Do you honestly believe in your heart that I would purposely throw him down a flight of stairs ? That I would try to kill him ?
Reva : A month ago , that thought never would have crossed my mind .
Josh : What about now ? I guess the answer is yes .
Gus : That picture does nt belong up there . How many times do I have to tell you that ?
Harley : Well , I figure we can show these to some of the other witnesses who might have been near Company the night that Phillip was killed . If there are other witnesses . Hey , what about that guy who was walking his dog ?
Gus : Your brother already questioned that dude ?
Harley : But have we ? No . So maybe dog man or somebody else saw Ruth Karloff pull that trigger , or that she definitely did nt , which would mean that she -- I --would be cleared .
Gus : Hm .
Harley : What ?
Gus : It s just nice . I do nt think once I ve heard you suggest that you might beat this rap . It s just nice .
Harley : Well , maybe your hopeless optimism is rubbing off on me .
Gus : Good . It s about time .
Harley : All right , cut to the chase . Any hunches ? Anything ?
Gus : Yes , I do . I think I m going to start with this one , right here .
Harley : Beth ? But she s my favorite stalker .
Gus : Please . She s acting all squirrelly and weird . Did you see her at Towers ? You did nt think that was weird behavior ?
Harley : Okay , but I might attribute that to grief . I mean she never stopped loving Phillip .
Gus : Right , right . We ll see about that .
Harley : Wait , where are you going ?
Gus : I m going to work ; I m going to work . So wish me luck . And you do me one favor , all right ? You stay out of trouble . Can you manage that ?
Harley : Good luck .
Gus : Thank you .
Harley : And Gus ?
Gus : Yeah .
Harley : Thank you .
Gus : You have nt gotten my bill yet . Do nt thank me for it .
Harley : No , I m not talking about you just trying to prove me innocent . Actually , I m talking about all that stuff with the house .
Gus : Oh , well , you ca nt really live in a one - room apartment above a diner for the rest of your life .
Harley : No , I guess not .
Gus : Right .
Harley : It s just , you know , what you said before about me seeming more optimistic . I guess I was kind of prepared to kiss my life goodbye , you know ? But when I opened that mailbox and I saw that deed to my house , I just ... I felt something I have nt felt in a long time . Not since I was arrested , not even since Phillip tore down the house to begin with . Not since our wedding , you know , went up in smoke . I felt hope . ( Laughs )
Gus : Yeah . Can you hang on to that feeling ?
Rick : I know what this is about . This is about the sailing trip . You re still mad about that , are nt you ?
Mel : I just ... I do nt want it to be like this anymore . I am so tired of what s been going on with us lately .
Rick : I know . Ever since Phillip died .
Mel : You know , I have tried to understand and I have tried to be supportive , but do nt you think things have gone a little too far ?
Rick : I do nt know .
Mel : Well , I do . Okay ? Grief is one thing , but it does nt excuse ... it does nt excuse what s happened to our marriage .
Rick : No , it does nt , and I m sorry . And in fact , I wanted ... Mel , you know what , can we just ... can we talk about something that s actually good ? I mean , did nt we just find out last night that Danny s going to be okay and my little sister is actually coming home and Robbie s going to have both his parents back ? I mean , even though they re not together . I mean , is nt that good news ?
Mel : Are we just supposed to accept the fact that Danny and Michelle are nt going to be together after everything they ve been through ?
Rick : Well , after everything that Michelle has been through , maybe it s for the best .
Mel : It s for the best ? Two people who have loved each other for so long , who share a child together , are just going to be let go ? I mean , how does that happen ? How ... how does it happen that two people are so close at one moment and then are so far apart , practically overnight .
Rick : We re obviously not just talking about Danny and Michelle now , are we ? ( Knocking on door ) I ll get it .
Beth : Hey . I need to talk to you .
Rick : Beth , this is nt a good time .
Beth : No , but I really need to talk to you .
Rick : Beth , this really is nt a good time .
Beth : And I thought that Mel would be at work , so maybe we if could just have a cup of ...
Mel : No , Mel is not at work . But that s okay . It s the perfect time .
Reva : I do not believe that you lured Jonathan into a stairwell and pushed him down some steps .
Josh : Crime of convenience , was that it ? An opportunity too good to pass up ?
Reva : Let s not ...
Josh : What I m not hearing from you , Reva is that you think it might have been an accident .
Reva : Okay . Was it an accident that your wallet showed up in his backpack a few months ago ?
Josh : Planting a wallet is not the same thing as throwing somebody down a flight of stairs .
Reva : What about throwing someone across the living room ? You meant to do that . I know because I was there . I stopped you from putting his head through the wall .
Josh : After he attacked you , Reva , or have you forgotten that part of the story ?
Reva : You hate my son . Can you deny that ?
Josh : Reva , Jonathan is dead - set on hurting you and everyone in your life that you care about . He lies . He has lied from the moment he stepped foot into this town . In fact , if I had nt seen the x - rays myself , I do nt know that I would believe that he hurt himself last night .
Reva : Maybe he should have landed on his head to make it more convincing .
Josh : He s trouble , Reva . I see that . Everyone sees that except you .
Reva : Yeah , well , so much for giving him the benefit of the doubt .
Josh : I have no doubt .
Reva : When he moved into our house , you were willing to give him a chance .
Josh : Yeah , the chance to hang himself with his own rope .
Reva : You had your mind set against him from the start . You were never willing to give him a shot at redemption , were you ? And you call him a liar .
Josh : Reva , do nt ...
Reva : No . Oh , no , do nt . Do nt tell me I do nt understand because I m hearing this all loud and clear . The whole time you were there patiently , helping me try to get through to him , when what you were really doing was finding a way to get rid of him . I should have known you were lying . I mean I saw the way you looked at him . You did nt have one trace of sympathy or remorse at all , did you ?
Josh : Remorse for what ?
Reva : And you wonder how I could believe you could go this far ? I think you re upset he was nt hurt worse .
Jonathan : ( Groaning ) You put on a few pounds over the holidays ?
Sandy : Funny thing , pain . You can cause so much so easily without feeling a thing .
Jonathan : ( Groaning )
Sandy : You see ? That did nt bother me a bit . I guess that s how you felt when you hurt Tammy , Cassie , Reva . They kept thinking they could get through to you . Reva still does . But you and I , we both know there s nothing to reach . You have no heart , no soul , no feelings , except pain .
Jonathan : Yeah , unlike you . All heart .
Sandy : And it s only a matter of time until Reva kicks you out of her house and her life . It wo nt last , this little hold you have on her . She s too good for you . They all are . Josh , Tammy , Cassie . The whole family , face it buddy . It s over for you . There s nothing you can do to hurt them anymore .
Jonathan : That s what you think . ( Groaning ) Man , you re insatiable . You want to go again ?
Tammy : Mom ? What are you doing here ?
Cassie : I just came to see Jonathan . I read about what happened to him in the paper .
Tammy : Yeah , I was there .
Cassie : What ? You were there ? What were you doing with him , Tammy ?
Tammy : No , no . I was nt with him . I was ... I was at the bottom of the stairs and I heard voices at the top , so I looked up and it was JB and Josh , arguing . Fighting , almost . And then JB fell all the way down . He was in so much pain .
Cassie : Do nt . Do nt feel sorry for him . He does nt deserve that . That boy will hurt you if you let him , so you better stay away from him .
Jonathan : ( Groaning )
Sandy : See , this family will stick together and keep going because we are stronger than you .
Jonathan : We ?
Sandy : Mm - hmm .
Jonathan : ( Groaning )
Sandy : And I will make Tammy forget you ever even laid eyes on her , let alone touched her .
Jonathan : ( Groaning ) Keep dreaming .
Sandy : See ? See ? See ? There you go . You talk a good game and you make a lot of noise , but you always end up losing . You re nothing at all like this family . Face it .
Josh : I did nt stand in your way when you opened our home to Jonathan .
Reva : No , because you re playing me , you were telling me everything I wanted to hear .
Josh : I just figured it was a matter of time ...
Reva : Until what ?
Josh : Till you saw him for what he was .
Reva : I confided in you all my hopes and fears about him . I went on and on about how much I wanted to reach out to him . And the whole time you were nodding and listening . You were really faking it .
Josh : I was trying to get through to you , but you could nt hear me , Reva .
Reva : Why ? Because I was my same willful stubborn self ? Is that it ?
Josh : Yes . Yes . One of the things I ve learned during our relationship together , Reva , is that I ca nt change what s in your heart . In fact , it s one of the things that I love about you .
Reva : Love is trusting . Joshua , it s sympathy . It s understanding . You made me feel like a fool .
Josh : Maybe you are a fool for believing that Jonathan has anything more than malice in him ! Look at what he s doing to us , Reva .
Jeffrey : Nice looking bunch .
Harley : I did nt hear you come in .
Jeffrey : I know . Gus around ?
Harley : No , he just left .
Jeffrey : I should go then .
Harley : Well , he could be back any minute . You re welcome to wait around if you want .
Jeffrey : Well , actually I should nt be talking to you at all without your attorney present .
Harley : Oh , so you re the prosecutor on my case ?
Jeffrey : Mm - hmm . From now on , any contact that we have with each other should be through your attorney , Gus Aitoro . I m sorry it s come to this .
Harley : Yeah . You know , if that darn wedding had just gone off as planned , Phillip would never have targeted Company , he never would have torn down my house , kidnap my kids or ...
Jeffrey : Been murdered ?
Harley : Ouch . Maybe you should go .
Jeffrey : Harley , you know , this is my job . I do nt relish this part of it . I want you to know that . And I do nt have an ax to grind or anything like that . But I m not going to be offering any favors . That s for sure .
Harley : Well , do nt worry ; I m not looking for preferential treatment . Just because I was a loyal dedicated colleague who risked my life for you I might add .
Jeffrey : Okay , I kind of did nt hear the last part of that .
Harley : Then I ll pretend this conversation never happened .
Jeffrey : Whatever you say .
Harley : I just need to ask you one question , Jeffrey . And I have to do it now , because I could nt do it if Gus were here .
Jeffrey : Well , maybe you should nt ask it all then .
Harley : I have to . See I have to know what happens in the outcome , you know , so I can get my life in order .
Jeffrey : Okay .
Harley : I m counting on you to be honest with me . How bad does it look for me ?
Jeffrey : Harley , you really do nt want me to answer that .
Mel : Come on in . You guys okay with me being here or do you need to be alone ?
Beth : No . No . It s fine .
Mel : You sure ? Rick ? Do you want some coffee ? I just made a fresh pot .
Beth : Yeah , yeah . Sure .
Mel : Great . Okay . Well , you know , you guys can say anything you want in front of me , because my husband and I , we do nt have any secrets . Right , honey ? Secret to a strong marriage .
Rick : Beth , actually Mel ... this is nt a good time . Mel and I were in the middle of something .
Mel : No Beth is in the middle of something . Our marriage .
Rick : What are you talking about ?
Mel : Last night at Towers , I saw you guys kissing . See , I told you we have no secrets .
Cassie : Look , I just want you to go now . Okay , you should just go now .
Tammy : Look , I m here to support .
Cassie : Would you please just stay away from him , Tammy ?
Tammy : Let me finish . I was going to say that I m here to support Aunt Reva . He is her son , you know . And she s hurting .
Cassie : We re all hurting . Just go please . Just go home and get some rest . And I ll look in on Jonathan , okay . I ll do that .
Tammy : You ? Why ?
Cassie : Josh . Is Reva inside ?
Josh : Yeah , she s is . She s with a patient .
Reva : Sandy ?
Sandy : Reva . Hi .
Reva : Hi .
Sandy : Good to see you . I was just leaving , though . We had a nice talk did nt we buddy ?
Jonathan : Yeah .
Sandy : Yeah . Take care .
Reva : How are you doing ?
Jonathan : Mm - hmm . Well , my leg is feeling a lot worse than before Sandy came in , but go figure .
Reva : You want me to get the doctor ?
Jonathan : No . No . Can you talk to me ?
Reva : Sure . What do you want to talk about ?
Jonathan : Your sister .
Reva : Cassie ?
Jonathan : Yeah . Have you spoken to her since the wedding ?
Reva : No . But I did nt expect to . Why ?
Jonathan : Well , I know that you ve been sticking up for me a lot since my little accident .
Reva : Yeah , well , it never should have happened .
Jonathan : Yeah , well , there s something you need to know .
Reva : About Josh ?
Jonathan : No . Someone else . I m sorry for everything that happened yesterday . I bet last night was kind of rough between you and Josh .
Reva : Well , we ll be all right . Now what is it you were going to tell me ?
Jonathan : Well , I m not exactly happy about everything that went down on the stairwell -- namely me . ( Laughs slightly ) But Joshua is nt wrong about me being a problem for Cassie s wedding .
Reva : What does that mean ?
Jonathan : Something happened , Reva , the night before the wedding . Something that you re really not going to be happy about .
Jeffrey : I really should nt be saying anymore about it as matter of fact . And neither should you . Unless ...
Harley : My attorney is present . Got it .
Jeffrey : Bingo .
Harley : Hey , how does it happen ?
Jeffrey : What ?
Harley : You know , I put on a wig and fake nose and I became Ruth Karloff . Or she became me . I do nt know which . All I know is that suddenly everything I thought about myself somehow shifted .
Jeffrey : Come on , Harley . You know that when you go undercover , assume another identity , sometimes that identity takes a life of it s own . It should really .
Harley : If you re doing it right , yes .
Jeffrey : That s right .
Harley : You know what it s like .
Jeffrey : You could get in deep , too deep . You become the other person . Pretty soon you lose track of who you are and who this other person is .
Harley : Oh . Sounds like it got dangerous for you .
Jeffrey : It is dangerous , Harley . Because not only does it change your life , it takes it over completely . And you do nt know what you--
Gus : I hope you have nt been talking to my client .
Jeffrey : I would never jeopardize like that . I came here to talk to the attorney actually .
Gus : Why is that ?
Jeffrey : It s time we talk about a deal .
Rick : So you saw that ?
Mel : Yeah . Good show .
Rick : Why did nt you say something to me ?
Mel : Why did nt you say something to me ?
Beth : Mel . Mel , this is what I wanted to talk to Rick about . And now I can say it to you both . It was my fault . I kissed Rick and not the other way around .
Mel : Yeah , well , he was nt exactly shrinking from the contact .
Rick : And she s right . She s right , Beth .
Beth : It was my fault . I ve been upset ever since Phillip . I have nt been myself and I guess I was looking for comfort , reassurance , whatever you want to call it .
Mel : I just call it a kiss .
Beth : You re right . You re right . I leaned on Rick in a way that I should nt have . It was inappropriate . And I m sorry . I am so sorry . I know that this does nt justify it , but I just kind of been at a lost ever since Phillip died , you know . And I know that he was a lot of things to a lot of people and some of them not so good . But to me , he was the father of my children and the love of my life .
Mel : I know that Phillip s death has been a terrible loss . And maybe Rick is the only one that could understand you and be there for you .
Beth : That kiss was nt planned . It just happened . And as soon as it did , I felt terrible about it . And the more I thought about it , the more I knew that I had to clear the air . And that s why I wanted to talk to Rick , so that I could say that I m sorry , because I do nt want it to affect our friendship . And I do nt want it to affect our friendship either .
Rick : Beth , it was a mistake that we both made and we re equally responsible for it . And it just -- it s never going to happen again . So we re fine .
Beth : I m so sorry . I should probably go .
Rick : You were amazing with her .
Mel : Why ?
Rick : You just seem to be very understanding .
Mel : I do understand her . It s you I ca nt figure out .
Cassie : Excuse me . A doctor needs to see my sister . And she s in that room . I do nt get along her son Jonathan and I do nt want to upset him . Could you go in there and ask her to come out , please ? It s really important . Thanks .
Nurse : Excuse me . The doctor needs to speak with you outside .
Reva : Oh .
Jonathan : Can it wait ? Can it wait ?
Nurse : I was told it s important .
Reva : It s okay . I ll be right back . Cassie , what are you doing here ?
Cassie : I need to talk to you .
Reva : Well , get in line . The doctor just paged me .
Cassie : No , that was me .
Cassie : What ? I need you to listen to me . Please listen to me .
Gus : There ll be no deals and there ll be no pleas , all right ?
Harley : Well , Gus , maybe we--
Gus : You should nt even be here in the first place . What are you doing ? You re dangling a deal in front of my client like it s bait or something ?
Jeffrey : Oh , that s not ethics from Gus Aitoro . It s a bit of a contradiction in terms .
Gus : Get out .
Jeffrey : Do nt you think .
Gus : Get out .
Jeffrey : I m trying to be fair to Harley .
Gus : Do you want to be fair ? You could drop the charges .
Harley : No , listen . He does nt want to go to trial anymore than we do . That s why he s here . Should nt we just hear him out ?
Gus : No . No , because you re not guilty . She s not guilty . She did nt kill Phillip Spaulding .
Jeffrey : I have nt heard her say that .
Gus : You re not going to hear her say anything . Not when it comes to this . I m talking for her .
Jeffrey : You re going to speak for her ? Well , then maybe you ll be prepared to speak to the evidence against her when this thing goes to trial , Gus .
Gus : ONeill , anybody on that board back there could have done this . They could have killed Phillip Spaulding . They had motive , opportunity , every single one of them .
Jeffrey : Fair enough . Can I say one thing to your client ?
Gus : No .
Harley : Shhh . Go ahead .
Jeffrey : He works for you . Do nt forget that , okay ?
Harley : I know that . Thank you . You were saying ?
Jeffrey : If she changes her mind , you know where to reach me .
Gus : It s not going to happen . And you ?
Harley : What ?
Gus : What ? You shushed me . You do nt shush ... first of all , you ve got to keep this professional like I m your lawyer . You do nt shush me in front of the dad .
Harley : Well , it s just that your negotiating skills ...
Gus : I do nt have worry about my negotiating skills--
Harley : Leave a little bit to be inspired by .
Gus : When my client is innocent . Do you understand ? When you re innocent you do nt have to deal , you do nt have compromise . You do nt have to bargain .
Harley : You have yet to prove that I m innocent .
Gus : I m not saying we do nt have a fight in front of us . I have nt even grilled one of these people yet .
Harley : Okay . Can I say something ? Can the client say something ?
Gus : Yeah , sure
Harley : Just quit it with the pep talks , okay . They re not as heroic sounding as you think they are .
Gus : Oh , you like it . Do nt you shush me again .
Harley : Shh .
Jonathan : Tammy ? Tammy ? Hey . I just wanted to say thank you for sticking around with me last night after Josh did his thing . Come here .
Josh : Looking for company , huh ?
Jonathan : ( Laughs ) Yeah . Yeah . Well , beggars ca nt be choosers , I guess . Have a seat . Sandy tells me that my busted leg is pretty comfortable . So hop on .
Josh : It wo nt work .
Jonathan : My leg ? That is so cruel , Joshua .
Josh : What ? You think I m not on to you ? Huh ?
Jonathan : All I m doing is healing from a very unfortunate situation . And I hope that I have nt caused you any problems , Joshua .
Josh : What do you want ?
Jonathan : Well , I want what everybody wants . I want peace , love and understanding . ( Laughs )
Cassie : He came to my room .
Reva : Who ?
Cassie : Jonathan .
Reva : What ?
Cassie : Reva , I was trying to do the right thing . I swear to you . I thought I was in control . I thought I was doing the right thing .
Reva : Slow down , Cassie . You re not making any sense .
Cassie : The night before the wedding , after the party at J. Farley s ...
Reva : Yeah .
Cassie : You know , Reva , the wedding just meant so much to me , you know , it meant everything to me . It had to go right . Because I just want to be happy with Edmund . I just want everyone to be happy . You know that .
Reva : Okay , what does this have to do with Jonathan ?
Cassie : I think he drugged me . I think he slipped something in my drink .
Reva : But why ? Why would he do something ? And why would you ...
Cassie : I woke up the next morning and he was in bed with me .
Reva : Cassie , you do nt know what you re saying .
Cassie : Yeah , you re right . I do nt . Because I do nt know how far it went , Reva . That s why I m here .
Reva : ( Laughs )
Cassie : I have to know what Jonathan did to me that night .
Reva : Did to you ? In bed ?
Cassie : Yes . Look , I do nt know what happened . I do nt . But he was there . And I woke up and he was there and we both had our clothes off .
Reva : Oh , my God . Oh , my God . ( Laughs nervously )
Cassie : That s why I ran the morning of the wedding . I could nt face Edmund . I woke up that morning in bed with Jonathan .
Reva : I do nt know what you want me to say .
Cassie : Look , let me tell you something . The most important thing ... the most important thing for me right now is to find out if we ... I just need to know , Reva . I am taking a lot of fertility drugs right now .
Reva : Oh . Oh , my God .
Cassie : And he wo nt tell me , okay . He wo nt tell me what happened . I need you to go in there . And I need you to find out from him exactly what happened . Please . I need you to do this me .
Rick : Something happened . Something else happened the night that Phillip died that Beth knows about . And it s bad whatever it is , because she ca nt even bring herself to talk to me about it .
Mel : Why are you telling me all this ?
Rick : Because I m trying to explain to you the events leading up to what you saw last night . And it s important that you know it ... she went on and on about how she could nt trust anybody .
Mel : She got a point there .
Rick : When she finally got to place where she was about to tell me , she leaned and she kissed me and unfortunately , yes , I kissed her back . And I m sorry for that .
Mel : Sounds like what a good friend would do .
Rick : Honey , I m sorry . I m sorry . The last thing I would ever want to do would be to hurt you . And if this relationship ... if this friendship with Beth is getting in the way of our marriage , which it obviously has , I ll just stay away from her .
Mel : No , I do nt want you to making any promise that you re not going to be able to keep . ( Phone rings )
Beth : Hello ?
Gus : Hey , it s Gus . Listen , I m coming back to the house . Do you want me to pick up a cappuccino or a donut or something ?
Beth : No thanks . I m not interested . And I m not interested in company either .
Gus : What s the matter ?
Beth : I can already see you strolling in here with your bag full of donuts and lecturing me on how Harley is just innocence personified and everybody else is guilty . Well , no thanks . I am tired of talking about Phillip s murder .
Gus : Wait . Wait .
Beth : And if I ever hear about that night it ll be too soon !
Harley : Sounds like it went well .
Gus : She hung up on me . She s acting weird . She s going to talk about the night of the murder if it kills me .
Harley : Oh , boy . I know that look .
Gus : The more I think about the more ... she might have something to hide .
Harley : Okay , but take it easy . Because I think we know what happens when you start jumping to conclusions . And , besides , is nt Beth your new best friend ?
Gus : If she s my friend , what are you ?
Harley : I m your client .
Gus : Right .
Beth : Hilda , have you seen my blue dress ? The one you know with the gold that Phillip liked on me so much ? Because I looked for it in my closet this morning and it s not there .
Hilda : Yes , yes . I sent it to the dry cleaners . There was a stain on it , red , like wine or blood or something .
Beth : It was wine that I spilled . Listen , when that dress comes back , I want you to give it to the clothing bank .
Hilda : I thought you still wanted to wear it ?
Beth : Well , I changed my mind . Do I have to explain this to you ? I do nt want it . Get rid of it !
Hilda : Yes , maam .
Reva : I need to speak to Jonathan alone .
Josh : I ll be right outside .
Jonathan : You want to go score an extra pain pill from the doctor ? You look like you could use one .
Reva : I just had a conversation with Cassie .
Jonathan : Oh , yeah .
Reva : What the hell where you doing in bed with her ?
Jonathan : Oh , she told you . I did nt think she d have the guts .
Reva : Then it s true ?
Jonathan : Well , no . Not if you got Cassie s version of it .
Reva : What does that mean ?
Jonathan : It means your sister and I have some very , very different opinions on what happened in her room that night . I can tell you what really happened . It was actually kind of entertaining .
Next , on Guiding Light ...
Cassie : Where did you get that ?
Edmund : I found it outside . I thought we could go upstairs and watch it .
Cassie : No . We ca nt .
Reva : You and me tonight . Meet me at my suite at the Beacon at ...
Jonathan : Midnight .
### Summary:
| Mel tells Rick & Beth that she knows about the kiss . They both apologize . Gus thinks that Beth may be a suspect for Phillip s murder . Jeffery wants to discuss a deal or plea with Harley . Sandy visits Jonathan . Josh and Reva argue about Jonathan . Cassie tells Reva that she woke up in bed with Jonathan the night before her wedding . She asks her sister to find out what happened between her and Jonathan . Beth looses it with a servant . We find out that Beth wants to get rid of a dress with a dark red stain on it . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Joshua s voice : And you re right . This is very bad . Livvie is your daughter , and you must do your duty as a father and you must deal with her .
Kevin s voice : Deal with her ?
Joshua s voice : Harshly .
Kevin : I ll have a whiskey , neat . I like what they ve done with the place .
Bartender : Yeah , pretty cool , huh ?
Kevin : I was wondering , have you seen this young lady ?
Bartender : Hmm . I wish I had . She looks pretty hot .
Kevin : Yeah . She s beautiful .
Bartender : Who is she ?
Kevin : My daughter , Livvie .
Bartender : Oh . Well , I hope you find her . Sorry I ca nt help .
Kevin : Oh , she ll turn up . And when she does , I ll be waiting .
Jamal : Where is she ?
Kevin : Excuse me ?
Jamal : Where s Livvie , your psychopath daughter ?
Kevin : Actually , I have no idea , Jamal . I m looking for her myself .
Jamal : So you know what she did ?
Kevin : I know about Alison , yeah .
Jamal : That s all you re going to tell me ?
Kevin : I m sorry ?
Jamal : What , you re sorry ? That bloodsucker you call a daughter killed her . She murdered her in cold blood , and you re sorry ? I m going to tell you one thing , she s not going to get away with it . She has to pay for what she s done .
Kevin : I could nt agree more .
Caleb : What s the matter ?
Livvie : I m hungry . I need to feed .
Caleb : This is Rafe s fault . He should have made sure you had enough .
Alison : I think Rafe s been a little busy trying to find that antidote for Livvie s poisonous fangs .
Caleb : Oh , a lot of good that does us now . Who knows how long we re going to be stuck here .
Livvie : Look , it s not a big deal . I ll just go out myself .
Caleb : You ca nt do that . Everybody thinks you killed Alison .
Livvie : Yeah , I know , but I need to feed , so I m going -- I m going to go .
Caleb : No , no , it s ok , all right ? I ll go . I ll get you the blood .
Livvie : No ! You are a bigger target than I am .
Caleb : I do nt care .
Livvie : Well , I do . It s a lot safer for me out there . I m a vampire now . I can take care of myself .
Caleb : Olivia --
Livvie : Please do nt make a big deal . I ll be all right . Ok , it s dark out . I ll make sure no one can see me .
Caleb : Yeah , you re smart . You would nt let anybody get you .
Livvie : Of course not . I learned everything I know from you .
Caleb : Yeah .
Alison : You know , do nt mind me . Just carry on . It s fine .
Caleb : You be careful . I love you .
Livvie : I love you . I ll hurry back .
Alison : Hey ! Whoa ! What is your problem ?
Caleb : What is my problem ? I hate this ! I hate having to watch her go out there while I m stuck in here . I ca nt even get her the antidote . I have to rely on Rafe to do that .
Alison : Well , I m sure you ll be able to do your part real soon .
Caleb : Yeah . And when I get my crack at Joshua , believe me , the nightmare ai nt going to be in his head .
Joshua : Oh , Alison . I could have made you so happy . We could have shown them all . And now I wo nt even get the chance .
Rafe : That s right . Just go sleep it off , you drunken freak .
Joshua : What was that ?
Joshua : Hello ? Who s out there ? Hello ?
Jamal : That is a nice try , Dr. Collins , but I hope you do nt seriously think that I m going to leave payback to you so you can send your daughter off to some cushy funny farm .
Kevin : I understand you re angry , Jamal .
Jamal : Angry does nt begin to describe what I m feeling . I lost my best friend . Look , it just did nt have to happen , ok ? And it would nt have happened if it was nt for your lunatic daughter .
Kevin : I know how you felt about Alison . I know you loved her very much .
Jamal : You do nt know anything about us .
Kevin : I know you lost her long before this . Now , you ve never forgiven yourself for that .
Jamal : Dr. Collins , do nt try to handle me with your shrink - rap , because I did nt come here for that .
Kevin : No . You came here to find Livvie .
Jamal : That s right , and I m going to find her with or without your help .
Kevin : Tell me , exactly what do you intend to do once you find her ?
Jamal : I m going to put her out of her misery so she ca nt hurt anybody else .
Kevin : I think you should leave Livvie to me .
Jamal : Keep on dreaming , dr . Collins .
Kevin : You re just putting yourself in danger , Jamal .
Jamal : Why do nt you save all of that , because right about now , I really do nt care . I m just doing what I got to do . Nothing else matters -- nothing .
Kevin : Well , then . Let s hope I find Livvie before you do . Have a nice evening . Excuse me .
Jamal : That nut job is just as crazy as his daughter . God --
Bartender : Where d that guy go ?
Jamal : What , the -- he left . Why ?
Bartender : Oh , too bad . I think I just saw the girl that he was looking for out in the alley .
Jamal : Whoa , whoa , what girl ?
Bartender : Oh , pretty thing -- long brunette --
Jamal : Dark hair , short ?
Bartender : Yeah .
Jamal : Oh , well , look who we have here . What are you doing ? You re on the prowl for another victim ?
Livvie : Jamal , I -- I do nt know what you heard .
Jamal : Oh , I think you know .
Livvie : What do you want ?
Jamal : Relax . I just would like to ask you a question .
Livvie : What question ?
Jamal : How does it feel to be a cold - blooded killer ?
Caleb : I m going crazy . I feel like I m trapped in here .
Alison : I know . I totally understand . I hate thinking about what Rafe has to do tonight . And I feel so bad for my family and friends . They think that I m dead . But we have stay focused , and that s what we need to do , and that s just the way that it is right now .
Caleb : Says who ? Your boyfriend ? Who put him in charge anyway ? What , because I m mortal now , everybody thinks I m powerless ?
Alison : Nobody said that .
Caleb : Nobody has to .
Alison : Are you kidding me ? Oh , I know , look at Caleb -- poor , poor , poor Caleb , whining and crying and -- blah , blah -- I m so sick of it . Like , I m sick of it .
Caleb : Oh , are you ?
Alison : Yeah , I am ! Why do nt you try counting your blessings for a change ?
Caleb : Blessings .
Alison : First of all , you re still alive . We re all still alive . And soon , soon enough , you re going to get your pair of bloody fangs back so you can live happily ever after forever . Is nt that enough for you ?
Caleb : At this moment , no . No , not with Joshua still out there .
Alison : Joshua is in that place because of you and your kind .
Caleb : It s nice to know I can always count on you for a sympathetic ear .
Alison : Oh , give me a break . You re getting really needy . You re like lucky I even talk to you , after everything that you ve done . And speaking of speaking , why do nt you just not , at all ? Just because we re in the same vicinity here does nt mean that you and I need to speak to each other anymore . I m kind of sick of it . I do nt want to hear any more noise . So if you feel like you need to , you know , rant and rave a little bit , you can just do that to your inner self , ok ?
Caleb : Yeah , fine .
Alison : Fine . I m going to listen to the radio . That might be nice .
Caleb s voice : The straightest path to the main street of life that awaits you and leave behind your lies
Alison : That s thrilling .
Caleb : Well , it looks like you just ca nt get away from me .
Rafe : I d say sweet dreams , Joshua , but that s not exactly what I have in mind . This guy is a coward . The second he thinks that Livvie has bitten him with her poisonous fangs , he s going to run right for the antidote , all right ?
Caleb : Hmm . That s not enough . Look , you were able to get inside Alison s head because you love her , because you wanted to protect her .
Rafe : Yeah , from you !
Caleb : Bringing down Joshua s going to take that same level of passion . Unless you hate him with every inch of your being , he ll beat you .
Rafe : That should nt be so hard .
Rafe : What s wrong ? Why is nt this working ?
Livvie : I really -- I do nt have time to get into this .
Jamal : Yeah , well , make time .
Livvie : Jamal --
Jamal : How could you do it , Livvie ? What did Alison do to make you want to kill her ?
Livvie : I said I ca nt talk about this right now .
Jamal : That s too bad , because you re not going anywhere .
Livvie : Will you get out of my way ?
Jamal : What the hell is wrong with you ? Alison was your best friend . She loved you when nobody else did . How could you just betray her like that ? How could you just turn on her ?
Livvie : Look , I did nt mean to . I -- I did nt --
Jamal : Did nt mean to what ? You did nt mean to drain the life out of her until she was dead ? Did nt mean to have her for dinner ? You re telling me this was a mistake , this was an accident ?
Livvie : No , it s just -- it did nt happen like that . You have to believe me .
Jamal : Oh , do nt tell me -- shut up ! Do nt tell me any sob stories ! I do nt want to hear it !
Livvie : It s not what you think , Jamal !
Jamal : It s not what I think ? Not what I feel ?
Livvie : No , you do nt have all the facts . You have to trust me .
Jamal : I have all the facts I need ! Ok , you re a cold , heartless animal ok , and it s time that somebody ended your miserable excuse for a life .
Livvie : Now you need to back off .
Jamal : Back off ? Bitch , I have nt even started yet .
Livvie : I m warning you , Jamal . I m getting angry . I do nt want to hurt you .
Jamal : I am not going to let you get away with this . You snuffed out Alison s life like it was nothing . You think you can walk around and just go about your business ? Please , I m not going to let that happen . I m not going to let you do it . I m not going to let you do it to anybody else , and that s -- I m going to stop you if it s the last thing I do on this planet , Livvie .
Kevin : You see ? It is better to give than to receive .
Livvie : Daddy .
Caleb s voice : Behind your
Caleb : Hey . Maybe I was listening to that .
Alison : I m sure you were . But I m a little sick of it . It s been overplayed .
Caleb : Oh , you re sick of it ? That s -- that s funny , because you used to like Stephen Clay s music when you did nt think it was me .
Alison : Well , that s when I thought that it was being played by a real musician .
Caleb : Oh , so I m not a real musician ?
Alison : No . I mean , I highly doubt that you could write a song if your life depended on it . You re a phony . You re a fake . You re an impostor .
Caleb : Could I ask you why you re saying that ?
Alison : Well , because the music was nt real .
Caleb : It sounded real enough to me .
Alison : No , you know what I m talking about . It was , like , all part of your little thing you had going on , your vampire mojo or whatever it was . You , like , messed with people s minds . You manipulated them .
Caleb : So ? That does nt mean Stephen Clay was nt a real musician .
Alison : Yea it does ! That s exactly what it means . Stephen Clay was nt real . You used people to make you look good and make you look like something that clearly you re not .
Caleb : All right , let get me this straight . You re saying I could nt write a song . Is that what you re saying ?
Alison : Yeah , pretty much . That s what I m saying .
Caleb : You re wrong . You re wrong .
Alison : Am I ?
Caleb : Give me three words . I ll turn them into a song .
Alison : Oh , please .
Caleb : No , I mean it , come on .
Alison : No , I m not doing this stupid little whatever game .
Caleb : Oh , what ? I think -- I think you re afraid .
Alison : Oh , please .
Caleb : Yeah . No , I think you re afraid that once in your perfect life you actually might be wrong about something .
Alison : Fine . I ll give you three words .
Caleb : Go ahead .
Alison : Ahem . Angel , cooks , and lion . There s your three words there , P.B. Now you go make a song , you -- you rock star , you .
Caleb : Angel --
Alison : Hmm .
Caleb : Cooks --
Alison : Hmm .
Caleb : Lion .
Alison : Mm - hmm . You re stalling , but that s ok . You can take 30 minutes , and you can make up your own song . I ll time you .
Caleb : Oh , I wo nt need 30 minutes .
Caleb : Mystify me again , my angel . A character in a storybook , a bed of roses when my heart is breaking . It s in the magic that you cook . He ll only say what s on his mind , betting not his fortune or fame . He s a lion in disguise , the one you ll never tame .
Alison : Hmm . I m -- you know --
Caleb : Surprised ?
Alison : Yeah .
Caleb : Hmm .
Rafe : Come on , you worthless cretin . Let me into your head so we can get this over with . All right , I made it . I m in . And now that I am , let the nightmare begin .
Joshua : Livvie , what are you doing here ?
Livvie : I need to talk to you .
Joshua : I have nothing to say to you . Get out !
Livvie : Joshua , please do nt turn me away . I know you re angry with me , and I know I ve made so many mistakes , taking Caleb s side over yours . That was the worst one of all . I see that now . I see you re the one with the power . And you always will be .
Joshua : It s a little too late for a change of heart , young lady .
Livvie : No , it is not too late for anything . Joshua , I m begging you . Take me . Make me yours .
Alison : So , how s the song coming ?
Caleb : It s getting there . Thanks for asking .
Alison : You know , you do nt have to , you know , keep going with that . I believe you now , and I did nt mean to hurt your feelings .
Caleb : It s not about that anymore . It keeps me from thinking too much .
Alison : About Livvie ?
Caleb : And about being stuck here . Not that I m complaining .
Alison : No , I did nt think that you were .
Caleb : You know , it just feels good to be working again . It s been too long .
Kevin : Do nt look so surprised .
Livvie : How did you know I was here ?
Kevin : Does that really matter ? I m just glad I knew where you were .
Livvie : Why did you do it , dad ? Why did you stop Jamal ?
Kevin : You have to ask ?
Livvie : Yeah . The last time I saw you , you were --
Kevin : Painting at Joshua s . I know .
Livvie : No . Daddy , you stole my ring . You stole Caleb s ring and you gave to him .
Kevin : It s just a ring .
Livvie : No , it was nt just a ring . Dad , it was everything .
Kevin : Oh . Well , I m sorry .
Livvie : Are you ok ?
Kevin : I m fine . Never been better in my whole life .
Livvie : Then you have nt heard , then , have you ?
Kevin : About Alison ? Yeah , I know all about it .
Livvie : You know , daddy , I can explain everything .
Kevin : I m sure you can , but you know what ? Not out here . It s not safe for you to be out in the open like this . Come on , let s go to the lighthouse .
Livvie : No , daddy , I --
Kevin : Listen to me . There are others like Jamal out there . They re out to get you , and they wo nt stop until they do . Please let me help you . Trust daddy on this .
Livvie : Ok .
Joshua : My god ! What have you done ? Ugh !
Livvie : You made me poison . It s only right you should get a taste of it .
Joshua : No ! No !
Livvie : How does it feel , knowing you re about to die ? And you re the one who made it happen .
Joshua : Help me . Help me .
Livvie : Bye - bye , Josh . I ll see you in hell .
Joshua : Not quite yet .
Rafe : That s it . Come on , you coward ! Show me where that antidote is . That s it . Joshua
Rafe : It worked . Stay tuned for scenes from the next Port Charles : Desire .
Jamal : You re going to burn , you monsters . You re all going to burn .
Caleb : You re acting like you do nt think Rafe can handle Joshua .
Alison : He s a slayer . He can handle anything .
Rafe : Joshua , let me out !
Singer : Desire
Rafe : Let me out of here !
### Summary:
| Restless with hunger , Olivia leaves the safety of the catacombs to look for blood . Caleb s negative attitude gets to Alison , who tells him off and then orders him not to say another word to her . Rafe gives Joshua a nightmare in which Olivia sinks her poisoned fangs into his neck . When Kevin goes to Elixir to look for his daughter , Jamal confronts him about her murderous act . In Joshua s nightmare , Rafe watches while Joshua locates and takes the antidote . As Jamal tries to wring Olivia s neck , Kevin knocks him out from behind . Kevin persuades his daughter to go to the lighthouse . Alison accuses Caleb of not being a real musician . Puzzled and offended , Caleb writes a song to impress her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sharon : I know that you re busy . I do nt want to take up too much of your time .
Liam : No , no . No , do nt worry about it .
Sharon : [ Chuckles ] I m still adjusting to the changes . And that s really why I m here , because I just wanted to thank you so much . The benefit plan that you put into place , it s been the difference between night and day for my family . All the money that we put into co - pays and deductibles now can be routed into our college funds .
Liam : I m happy to hear that . You put in a lot of good work for spencer over the years . It s time we give back .
Sharon : Oh . Well , thanks again .
Liam : Of course .
Sharon : I really mean that . Thank you . Hello , mr . Spencer .
Liam : What can I do for you ?
Bill : Well , since you asked ... then get your ass out of my chair . This ends today , son . I ve had enough .
Rick : Your marriage is over ? I - I do nt understand . What happened , mom ? What did bill do ?
Brooke : He s just not the man that I thought he was or expected him to be .
Maya : We re just -- we re sorry that you re hurting , brooke .
Rick : And selfishly speaking , I m just glad you re home .
Brooke : Thanks , honey .
Katie : Well , I wanted to come and check up on you in person . You re not wearing your rings .
Ridge : How s the collection coming along ?
Ivy : Uh , yeah , good . I ll have some new pieces for you by the end of day tomorrow . I ve been doing some interesting things with rose gold , so I hope you like it .
Ridge : You ve been putting a lot of hours in , and just know that it has nt gone unnoticed .
Steffy : Oh , yeah , we appreciate you stepping up .
Ridge : So does quinn .
Ivy : Well , I mean , it s no hardship for me . I love what I do . Speaking of , how are quinn and eric ?
Ridge : They re -- they re good . They re great .
Steffy : Granddad s back to normal , so we re happy about that .
Ridge : Yes , and I think we re gon na keep working on putting the family back together .
Steffy : How do you mean ?
Ridge : Dad s forgiven quinn , and he s forgiven me , as well .
Steffy : That s great , dad .
Ridge : And the greatest news of all -- brooke has left spencer .
Ivy : So brooke has ended her marriage to bill ?
Ridge : Walked out on him .
Ivy : I m stunned . I mean , this is pretty sudden . Wait , what does this mean for you and brooke ?
Ridge : Uh , maybe nothing . Maybe everything . Who knows ?
Ivy : Well , I m gon na give her a call just so she knows she has my support .
Ridge : I think she would appreciate that .
Ivy : All right , well , are we good ?
Steffy : Yes , I ca nt wait to see that rose gold .
Ivy : Oh , it s coming .
Steffy : Good ! Yes !
Ridge : What ?
Steffy : Are you projecting ? There something I do nt know about ? I thought the separation was temporary .
Ridge : Nope . Brooke took off her rings , and she s back at her house .
Katie : You two just got married . What did he do ?
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Maya : Well , I think it must be pretty serious .
Rick : Well , it does nt surprise me . I never trusted spencer to do right by you . I hoped he would , but in the end , bill always reverts to bill .
Katie : What did he do , brooke ?
Brooke : Bill let me down in ways that I ... never imagined .
Liam : You know , you wasted your time coming here .
Bill : That remains to be seen .
Liam : You think you can bully me out of this chair ?
Bill : My chair .
Liam : Not anymore .
Bill : My chair , my office , my company . You will not blackmail me out of here . You will resign as C.E.O. Effective immediately .
Steffy : That s what married couples do . They fight and they leave . Does nt mean they re gone for good .
Ridge : Well , you did nt see what R.J. Saw and what I saw . Brooke is done .
Steffy : Well , if that s true , then I feel really bad for bill .
Ridge : Once again with the sympathy for bill . Where s that coming from ? Listen , brooke was into this relationship 100 % . She wanted it to work . And now she s out , and why is that ? What did bill do to make her leave so soon ?
Rick : Mom , I know that you re hurting , but you did the right thing . Spencer was never worthy .
Maya : I am so sorry that these are the circumstances , brooke . But for what it s worth , we re really happy to have you back .
Rick : Call us if you need us .
Brooke : I will . I will . Thank you .
Katie : I can see you re in a lot of pain .
Brooke : It s just ... upsetting .
Katie : Ending a marriage . Yeah ... it is .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] I m sorry . I know that you have your own feelings about this , too .
Katie : What happened with you and bill , it s never been easy for me , but I really just wanted you to be happy . What did he do ? You can tell me . What made you leave ? Brooke , I have a stake in this , okay ? He is the father of my child . I have a right to know what he did .
Brooke : You committed arson ? !
Bill : I did nt light the match , but yes . I ordered it .
Katie : Please . Please tell me .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] Okay , yes , yes , you do have a right to know what he did .
Katie : Yeah , it was , but what does that have to do with ... with anything ? Oh , my god .
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Katie : Oh , my god . Are you telling me that he had something to do with that fire ?
Bill : You had your fun . Got a little spunky , asserted yourself . And I admired it . For a minute . But playtime is over .
Liam : Playtime ? You think this is a game ? You think I m playing chicken with you ? Either you re fooling yourself or you re not paying attention .
Bill : I will not be blackmailed by my own son .
Liam : Do nt think of it as blackmail , then . Think of it as karma . You just do nt recognize it because it rarely comes for you .
Bill : Karma . I will not be held hostage by you , liam .
Liam : I wish I had another choice . In fact ... I wish I had another father , one who would nt destroy people s lives over a vanity project , but , hey , you know , that s what you did , so here we are .
Bill : And how long do you think I m going to take this abuse ?
Liam : [ Laughs ] You re taking abuse ?
Bill : I ve apologized over and over again . I said that what I did was wrong . If I could go back and change it , I would , but I canT. All I can do is learn the lesson and move forward . I wo nt beg . This is my company . You might say it was my firstborn child . And I loved it , and I nurtured it , and I protected it and turned it into the powerhouse that it is today . And I will not sit home and watch you run it into the ground !
Liam : Well , unless you re good with prison , you do nt really have a choice .
Bill : Really , son ? You would do that ? You would turn your own father into the authorities ? Your own father ?
Ridge : I know you re in an awkward position . You want to make me happy , and you do nt want to disappoint your father - in - law .
Steffy : It s just hard to see the toll it s taking on him .
Ridge : Okay . If you want to feel sorry for spencer , I m not gon na hold it against you when logan and I get back together .
Steffy : You really think that s gon na happen ?
Ridge : I do nt know . But I - I do know that what she needs right now is a friend , not someone pursuing her . And then in the future , if we can work things out , then yeah , it d be nice to have our family back together . Yes .
Katie : Bill was responsible for the spectra fire ? Oh , my god . Oh , my god . What happened ? Did -- did he -- he ordered it ? He -- he hired someone ? ! Brooke , this is outrageous ! It s criminal ! No -- no wonder you left ! Someone -- someone could have been killed !
Brooke : He said he made sure that nobody was in the building .
Katie : Someone was in there ! Sally went back , and she ended up in the hospital ! She lost everything , everything she worked so hard for ! She could have lost her life !
Brooke : I know . I know . He just -- he did nt want to let her succeed . He wanted that land so badly to build his stupid skyscraper .
Katie : This is unbelievable . This is unbelievable . Oh , my god ! Brooke !
Brooke : It scares me . It terrifies me to think the lengths he ll go to to get what he wants !
Bill : How dare you ? How dare you , after everything that I have given you and done for you ?
Liam : You think I want this ?
Bill : Yeah . Yeah , I think you do .
Liam : [ Sighs ] I respected you . I looked up to you . Did I agree with you ? No , hardly ever . But I figured there was enough space for both of us . You know , live and let live . Agree to disagree , that kind of thing . But then you crossed the line . You burned people out of their building , out of their livelihoods , and that s not okay . And you want to know what else is nt okay ? Me letting you get away with it .
Bill : [ Chuckles ] There you go . Liam spencer , judge , jury , and executioner .
Liam : Yeah , well , it s a tough job , but somebody s got to do it . And hey , I m already making some big changes . We got better benefits , we got environmental standards up to par . Hell , we even have parental leave .
Bill : Why do nt you just save yourself the time and light the money on fire ? ! How about that ? !
Liam : Cause I m not the arsonist .
Bill : I understand . I understand that you have felt , uh , marginalized and that i have nt been as respectful as i could have been .
Liam : Yes , you were contemptuous and dismissive , but please , carry on .
Bill : Some other things that I ve done wrong . But moving forward , I m not against everything that you want to implement . I m willing to meet in the middle . I mean , reasonable men can compromise . But you can not blackmail me out of my own company !
Liam : Well , like I said , karma .
Bill : Karma . What -- what is that ? I mean , is that how you justify your behavior ? Is that you sleep at night ? !
Liam : How do you sleep at night ? !
Bill : Like a baby !
Liam : God , your stupid skyscraper ! You just -- ooh , you wanted it so bad ! You would do anything for that skyscraper ! You would risk people s lives , would nt you ? ! Oh , by the way , speaking of which , I bought the spectra property , and I gifted it to sally .
Bill : You think I did nt know that ? Come on .
Liam : Okay . Did you know she said she d pay me back every penny ?
Bill : Oh , did she say that ? [ Laughs ] That is -- that s great ! I mean , I feel so much better now ! This is stupid , liam ! [ Scoffs ] Do you have any -- any idea how successful she would have to be to pay that balance off in full ? ! It s impossible ! And it illustrates that you do nt know what you re doing ! You are in so far over your head !
Liam : You seem to think it s an investment . It s not . It s restitution for the dreams you shattered .
Bill : Restitution ? ! Resti - freaking - tution ? ! Will you put a tourniquet on your bleeding heart for just a second ? ! Do -- do you really not grasp how much money and time has been poured into spencer tower ? ! The only way to recoup that capital investment is if the tower goes up ! But what do you want to do ? ! You want to throw more money at spectra , at this wannabe designer !
Liam : Actually , dad , sally was making strides before you did everything you could to stop her . Absurd , ridiculous behavior , especially for a man who has so much .
Bill : Okay , enough ! Enough ! I am taking control , and I am taking control now !
Liam : You do nt decide that . I do .
Bill : All right , big man . Do it . Call the police . Do it . I dare you .
Bill : I m waiting , liam ! Do it ! Make the call !
Liam : Do nt force my hand !
Steffy : I can hear you down the hall ! What is going on ? ! What is going on ?
Bill : What s going on ? ! Calling your husband s bluff ! You want to have me arrested ? ! Do it ! Make the call !
Steffy : Liam would nt do that to his father ! Right , liam ?
Liam : Do nt get in the middle , steffy .
Steffy : I am in the middle ! I m trying to keep this family from going off the rails !
Liam : I have to go .
Steffy : [ Sighs ]
Liam : If you ever barge into my office and start threatening me again , I ll have security throw you out .
Steffy : No , bill ! Stop ! Stop , bill ! Stop it ! Stop !
Bill : I ve had it , steffy . I m at my limit .
Steffy : I know everything that happened . I know that brooke took off her rings , and I also know that your marriage is over .
Katie : This is unthinkable . I ca nt believe that bill , even bill , would go this far .
Brooke : Bill said he would never let me down , and i believed him . I thought I knew him . I thought I knew everything about him , and then he goes and does something like this .
Katie : Bill has a way of making you believe in him . Even when you know you shouldnT. I m so sorry .
Bill : You must have heard the latest from ridge . [ Chuckles ] Oh , yeah . He must be just loving this . Is this what I deserve , steffy ? To lose everything ?
Steffy : What you did was wrong on so many levels . People are gon na react . But I know you regret it .
Bill : I do . I know I messed up . Brooke walked out . My wife just ... left me . I - I ... I - I do nt know how to or I do nt know what ... I just do nt know what to do . I m at a complete loss here .
Steffy : Hey .
Bill : I m fine .
Steffy : No , no . Hey .
Bill : I m fine .
Steffy : No , you re not . It s okay . You re not alone . You re not alone .
### Summary:
| Sharon drops in on Liam at the office and says his changes have meant so much and she just wanted to thank him . Bill walks in and says he has had enough . This day is over . He harps at Liam that the blackmail days are over . Liam will resign today as CEO . Bill will be back in charge . Rick can not believe his mother that her marriage is over but he is glad she is home . Katie walks in and realizes too that Brooke is not wearing her ring . They all want to know what Bill did to cause this . Ridge and Steffy tell Ivy that they and Quinn appreciate her stepping up . Both are happy to hear that Eric has forgiven Quinn and himself as well . And both wonder how this leaves him with Brooke . He says her break with Bill is not temporary . She has taken off her rings and is not going back . But they both wonder what he could have done to make Brooke leave him so soon . Alone Katie tells Brooke that she can see she is in pain . Whatever it is she can tell her . Bill is the father of her child so she has a right to know what he did . She begs Brooke to tell her . Brooke brings up the fire and Katie does not want to believe it Bill had something to do with the fire . Bill tells Liam that he is spunky and he admired that for a moment but that is over . Liam says this is no game and there is no blackmail , just call it karma . He wishes he had another father ; one that would not destroy other people s lives . Bill smiles and says he regrets all that he has done but he will not sit idly by now and watch his first son run the company into the ground . Ridge tells Steffy that what Brooke needs now is a friend not someone who will pursue her and he would like to get the family back together . Katie goes berserk that Bill had the fire started and Sally could have been killed . Brooke admits that it scares her for Bill to do the things he does to get what he wants . Liam continues with his dad that he loved him , he respected him but then he constantly crosses the line . Bill says yeah there he goes - Liam the judge , jury and executioner . Liam says at least he is not the arsonist . Bill says he is not an unreasonable man . He is willing to meet Liam in the middle for the changes he wants to make . Liam confides in him that he bought the Spectra building and then gave it back to Sally . Bill about busts a gut and says oh he feels so much better now . Sally will never be able to pay him back . Liam says it was for restitution . Bill says enough is enough ; he is taking the company back . Liam looks him squarely in the eye and says that is not Bill s call , it is his and he will call the police before he turns the company back to Bill . Bill picks up the phone and dares him to do that . Liam yells at him not to force him . Steffy bursts in and tells Liam that he is going off the rails and has to stop this . Liam starts to leave and tells Bill to go or he will call security . Bill tells Steffy that he s had it with his son . Brooke tells Katie that she never thought Bill would go this far . Katie says she is so sorry and hugs Brooke . Steffy tells Bill that what he did was wrong on so many levels but he does not deserve this and Brooke walking out too . Bill does not know how he is going to deal with all of this . She turns him around and hugs him and says he is not alone . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hope : You know , I have to admit that I had my doubts when you said you were going to make wild salmon pizza . I thought , ugh , but it actually was nt that bad .
Aiden : Yeah , well , I had my doubts too , but you got ta work with what you got . You know , before they closed the bridge . I was planning on dinner for one out of a can , so ...
Hope : Why do I get the feeling you re not happy I m re ?
Brady : [ Chuckles ] [ Chuckles ]
Theresa : You know I d never say , No , to a party . But how about you take me out first and see what kind of trouble we can get into ?
Clint : I ll be right there .
Theresa : I ll be waiting .
Theresa : Oh , Eve , not now .
Eve : I need to talk to you .
Theresa : Why ?
Eve : Oh , Paige is so angry with me . And it seems to get worse every day that goes by that she and JJ are over .
Theresa : Okay , okay . What do you want me to do ?
Eve : Well , have you talked to her ?
Theresa : Yeah . I sure did .
JJ : Hey , Mom , I just spoke to will s granddad and he said that Sonny s going to be okay . Um , so you do nt have to rush home from your conference . So I ll see you tomorrow , okay ?
Will : From now on , it s just you , me , and Arianna . Work comes after that . Everything comes after that . I promise , Sonny . I ll never let anything come between us again .
Will : I am so sorry that it took this happening for me to wake up to the biggest truth of my life . I ca nt live without you , Sonny . And I am so grateful to have the chance to make things right . I know I ve made plenty of mistakes . But I swear to God that I ve learned my lesson . The only thing that matters is being with my husband , and raising our little girl together . I - I just want to put these last few months behind us . And I want to move on with this beautiful life that we ve made together .
Adrienne : You re not going in there .
Paul : Who are you ?
Adrienne : I m Sonny s mother . And I know exactly who you are , Paul . Come with me .
Paul : I m not , uh--
Adrienne : Now . Please .
JJ : Uh , I m sorry .
Paige : I heard about Sonny . I m glad he s going to be okay .
JJ : Thanks . Well , I ll let you get to work .
Paige : Well , actually I m just here to pick up some papers for my internship , so ...
JJ : Oh , okay .
Paige : Uh , how about you ?
JJ : I just came to visit Sonny , and , uh , then I have plans .
Paige : Let me guess . Your girlfriend , right ?
Eve : Well , what did you say to my daughter ?
Theresa : Well , just in general that she needs to get real and , you know , learn that true love does nt actually exist . I mean , it s time for her to figure that out , you know ? Just like everyone else does sooner or later .
Brady : Are you okay ? Yeah ?
Melanie : Yeah . Yeah , no , I m great . I guess I just did nt think-- I mean , I m just worried about ruining our friendship . But I -- after all , of course you to be best friends with the man that you , um ... [ Chuckles ] Um , the ma--
Brady : Hey , hey , hey . Not -- I can say it . M falling in love with you .
Melanie : [ Chuckles ] I know exactly how you feel .
Clint : Yes , Dr. Mandrake , I m on the Donovan girl . And I mean on her . But I m pretty sure you can rest easy . She has no clue what you did to her .
Theresa : Your daughter naively seems to think that life is a fairy tale . And you are the perfect person to teach her that that is so not true . You know , I think that out in the real world she s gon na find a lot more big , bad wolves than princes .
Eve : [ Scoffs ]
Aiden : Why would you say that ?
Hope : Because you seem uptight . Anxious .
Aiden : Hope ... you know that I love spending time with you . And I am sorry , for your sake , that you re stuck on this island and that you missed your flight , but as for me , I am really glad that you re here .
Hope : No , you re not . I know why .
JJ : No . I m not going to see my girlfriend .
Paige : I still do nt understand why you wo nt tell me her name .
JJ : Okay , look , I m done with this conversation , Paige . I m going to go see my cousin . All right , he almost died .
Paige : Okay , just tell me this . Is it a girlfriend or just a friend with benefits ?
JJ : Well , what is it to you ? Look , I said that we re done .
Paige : Yeah . Yeah , I know what you told me . Okay ? And I do nt understand why you would treat me this way . Like -- like you ca nt even stand to look at me . I thought you were a good person , JJ . How could I have been so wrong ?
Daphne : Paige . He s not worth it , okay ? Are you all right ?
Paige : Yeah . Let s just get out of here .
Eve : Look , Paige has learned her lesson with JJ .
Theresa : Okay .
Eve : Believe me . But , you know what , the thing is that , well -- well , she s kinda blaming me for the breakup . As if my little white lie that I told her about dad s health was the reason that JJ--
Theresa : Climbed into bed with some slut ? Look , Eve , I know that JJ is scum , okay ? But you got to admit , she kind of has a point .
Eve : About what ?
Theresa : Well , I m just saying that if you had nt dragged her across the country under false pretenses , then maybe--
Eve : Oh , wo nt you give me a break ? You re saying that JJ was going to cheat on her eventually . Listen , I was trying to save her from being hurt by--
Theresa : Okay , you know what ? Whatever you need to tell yourself .
Eve : I did nt come here for a lecture , little sister .
Theresa : Oh , no . You did nt come to clueless little old me ? And yet , here you are asking for advice . It s kind of a mixed signal . It s weird .
Eve : What , is asking for sympathy just a little bit too much for you ?
Theresa : Wow . You know , I would love to be the shoulder that you cry on , sister , but I ca nt cause I have a date .
Eve : What ?
Theresa : Well .
Brady : You know , I better--
Melanie : Um , do you think--
Brady : Here we go again .
Melanie : [ Chuckles ]
Brady : You go first .
Melanie : No , you go first .
Brady : You go first .
Melanie : You go first . No , no , you go .
Brady : You want me to go first .
Melanie : Yeah .
Brady : All right . Um , I was wondering if you wanted to spend the night .
Melanie : I ca nt . And we both know why .
Paul : I - I just wanted to see Sonny for a minute and--
Adrienne : Then what ?
Paul : I heard that he got stabbed at the town square , and I wanted to make sure that he was all right .
Adrienne : My son s gon na be fine , as long as you stay away from him . He s in with his husband right now . How would you explain your presence ?
Paul : I - I did nt know . I -- I m sorry .
Adrienne : Look , they do nt need-- you showing up after all these years would not do anybody any good .
Paul : You knew about us . The whole time ?
Adrienne : No , not the whole time , but yes , of course I knew .
Hope : Aiden ... it s okay . I m not offended . I know , and I understand why it s uncomfortable to have me here .
Aiden : I did nt say that .
Hope : You did nt have to say anything . I know you came here to get the house ready to close , and-- well , I m sure to get some closure of your own . And I was nt supposed to intrude on that , and I m so sorry . And I m sorry that I lost my passport , and I m sorry I got stuck on this island because of the bridge closure .
Aiden : Okay , look , do nt you dare apologize . You know that this house holds a lot of memories . I mean , for chase , this is the last place we were a happy family . I mean , he does nt know that we never really were . And for me , this is the place where my wife died in front of me .
Hope : I know . I know .
Aiden : It s hard being here alone . But being with you , that makes it better . Okay , assuming you do nt want cold salmon pizza for breakfast , there is a little general store on the other side of the island . I m gon na pick up a few groceries so I can get you a decent meal before you go .
Hope : You do nt have to do that .
Aiden : Ah , no , no , no , no . I am not sending you off to Tahiti on a stale slice of toast . Unless you re planning to feast on airline food . Okay , I insist .
Hope : Okay . Thanks . I ll , um , I ll make a few calls while you re gone . Aw , darn it .
Aiden : What ?
Hope : Argh ! I forgot my charger .
Aiden : Oh , yeah , do nt worry . I got one right here . Here .
Hope : No , no , it s , um , it s not compatible . Definitely not compatible .
Aiden : Oh , are you kidding me ? All right , well , you know what ? I think I have another charger around here that is . Um , it s probably in one of these drawers here . Um , take a look , see what you find .
Hope : Okay , thanks .
Aiden : Okay . Be right back . And I repeat , I am really glad that you are here .
Hope : And I will say that if I have to postpone my trip , my visit with my granddaughter and son , I ca nt honestly think of a better place I d rather be .
Aiden : Okay . I will be back soon . It s a small island .
Hope : Okay .
Aiden : Okay .
Hope : Aiden ? What did he forget ? Aiden--
Eve : One quick word , please .
Theresa : Just -- ugh .
Eve : That is who you re seeing ?
Theresa : Yes , why ?
Eve : Oh , my gosh , we ve both had our fair share of problems with men , but that is below even your ridiculously low standard .
Theresa : Excuse me .
Eve : No , I m just saying this out of love and concern , sweetheart because of your probation . I d hate to have you trade these in for an even more uncomfortable pair , okay ?
Theresa : Wow , you know what ? You are such a prude . When did that happen ? But I guess , mother , like daughter , huh ? You used to think that nothing was off limits .
Eve : You re dating the wrong guy .
Theresa : Oh , you would know .
Eve : Actually , I would . Good night , Theresa .
Theresa : Good night .
Eve : And whatever your name is .
Theresa : It s Clint .
Eve : Whatever .
Clint : What s her problem ?
Theresa : No , she s just jealous that I am with a fine specimen of eye candy . And she has nobody but her drippy daughter !
Clint : Let s not waste our time talking about her .
Theresa : Yeah , no , let s not .
Clint : How are you babe ? Hope you have nt had any more bad dreams .
Theresa : No , no bad dreams . But some nightmares , some wicked ones . I think we should go out and make them come true .
Clint : [ Chuckles ]
Melanie : No , do nt get me wrong . I would love to spend the night with you .
Brady : Then I do nt get it .
Melanie : Well , after everything that happened with Sonny , I do nt want Maggie and Victor to be worried if you do nt come home .
Brady : Melanie , I m a big boy .
Melanie : I know you are . And I still live with my dad .
Brady : I do nt care . You re a big girl , too .
Melanie : I am . Well , I ju -- if I - I text him and let him know where I am , we both know what he would think .
Brady : So ?
Melanie : So ...
Brady : So you -- hey , he went out of his way to give us his blessing , remember that ?
Melanie : Right .
Brady : Mm - hmm .
Melanie : But that took a lot of effort for him , and if I texted him right now , I feel like it would be a little disrespectful to , kind of--
Brady : Freak him out .
Melanie : Yes .
Brady : Yeah . [ Chuckles ]
Melanie : What ?
Brady : No , I m just-- I was thinking to myself . The Melanie that I knew a couple of years ago would never be worried about what anybody else thought .
Melanie : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , I guess not . Well , this is the new Melanie , so take it or leave it .
Brady : I like her . I m gon na take it .
Melanie : You re not upset ?
Brady : Come on , you and I , we ve been through so much in the last couple of years . I mean , the old Melanie , she s -- she was great . And I had a blast with her . She was fun , but this -- this new Melanie , she is just what I need .
Lucas : I wonder where Adrienne could be .
Will : Maybe she s talking to Justin .
Lucas : No , I do nt think so .
Will : How do you know ?
Lucas : Well , he -- he called her a little while ago .
Will : They ca nt talk again ?
Lucas : Well , yeah , I guess they could . It s just , uh-- you know what , it s none of my business and it s none of your business . Justin s flying home .
Will : That s good . Sonny has nt seen his dad in a long time .
Lucas : Neither has Adrienne .
Adrienne : Sonny kept your secret , you know ? He never even told his husband . Now , Paul , with everything they re going through , the last thing they need is more drama .
Paul : I get it . I - I was just so shocked when I heard that Sonny got stabbed .
Adrienne : What , you had to run down here and check on him ? How did you even find out ?
Paul : I was already here . I - I got a call saying that they were desperate for o - negative blood for a patient , so I came .
Adrienne : Oh , my God .
Paul : What ?
Adrienne : It was you . Oh , thank you . Thank you for saving my son s life . [ Crying ] I m sorry . Oh , I m sorry . I m just so grateful .
Paul : So the blood that I gave was for Sonny ?
Adrienne : My sister - in - law is chief of staff and she was in the O.R. She said that your blood literally saved Sonny s life .
Paul : I ca nt believe this . He really almost died ? I am so grateful that I was able to-- the last thing that I ever want to do is hurt Sonny again . Can I ask you a question ? How much do you know ?
Adrienne : I know that Sonny asked you to marry him .
Paul : The biggest mistake I ever made was not saying yes to him .
Adrienne : You still love him , do nt you ?
JJ : Have you been able to talk to him ?
Will : Not yet . The doctor said that he probably wo nt wake until the morning . I have nt seen you lately . How -- how are you ? How s the semester going ?
JJ : It s going . Yeah .
Will : And Paige ?
JJ : I just , uh , saw her a little while ago . Um , but you -- you probably have nt heard . Um , we split up .
Will : Oh , God . I m sorry .
JJ : Nah , it s -- it s my fault , man . I just ca nt believe what an idiot I was . Youll -- youll probably hear it sooner or later , but , um , I cheated on her . Yeah . She deserves so much better .
Paige : I ca nt believe I ever loved him so much . Now I hate him .
Daphne : Paige .
Paige : No , I really do . And I know it s not my mom s fault he s such a jerk , but I m having a really hard time forgiving her .
Daphne : Maybe she did you a favor .
Paige : Yeah , that s what she keeps saying . But now she s all , cheer up , Paige . Let it go . Like she s ever let anything go . She s hung on to every guy she s been with , okay ? So hard that she left claw marks .
Daphne : Hey , my offer s still good , if you think it will help .
Paige : You know , maybe it would .
Melanie : [ Chuckles ] See , this is so easy .
Brady : What s easy ?
Melanie : This -- this just hanging out with you . We do nt need any fancy , elaborate dates . We can just hang out like this . I m serious . We dont-- we do nt need anything , like , special or , I guess , elaborate , like I said . Um , I do nt care what we do as long as it s with you .
Brady : Would it be too elaborate if I got us refills ?
Melanie : You need to calm down .
Brady : Hey , I--
Melanie : No , just no decaf .
Brady : I would never do that to you . Be back .
Clint : Yeah , Dr. Mandrake . I thought you would probably want my latest update on Theresa Donovan .
Hope : Uh , Bree--
Bree : I live just down the road , and I saw Aiden drive off . I know he s selling his house , and this might be my last chance to find proof .
Hope : Proof ? Of what , Bree ?
Bree : That Aiden killed his wife . Grandma , this is the kids table .
Roman : Hey .
Will : They took his ring .
Roman : Hey . You listen to me , okay ? We will get this guy . I promise you . But the important thing right now is that Sonny is going to be okay .
Paul : I ca nt hide it . I still love Sonny . I always will .
Adrienne : Paul , you have to understand , he s --
Paul : I do understand . He s moved on . And what I want more for him than -- than anything else is to be happy . I would never get in the way of that .
Adrienne : Good .
Paul : So you probably want to see your son now , so I ll go . And you do nt have to worry about me bothering him anymore because I m leaving town . But , uh , I have a favor to ask of you .
Adrienne : Anything .
Paul : Would you please call me and let me know when everything s okay ?
Adrienne : Of course .
Paul : Here . That s my number . Thank you .
Adrienne : No , Paul , thank you .
Theresa : [ Laughing ] You know , be a good boy and , uh , just stay there . I will be right back and there will be a treat for you . Well , all by your lonesome . But I am shocked that Brady got bored already , did he ?
Melanie : You must be projecting .
Theresa : Oh .
Melanie : I suggest you retract your fangs and put your tail back in between your legs and scoot .
Theresa : You re mixing your metaphors , you know ?
Melanie : Okay , you know what , Theresa , I really am not in the mood for this . I do nt know if you ve heard , but Brady s cousin was stabbed and almost died tonight .
Theresa : Sonny ?
Melanie : Yeah .
Theresa : Oh , my God . Poor will . Why did nt anyone call me ?
Melanie : They probably did nt think you cared .
Theresa : Like you care . How did you find out ?
Cashier : Mr. Black , you forgot your credit card .
Eve : Honey . Oh , I m so happy I got your text . You know what ? I knew if we just sat down and talked about this , that we could work things through and get things back to the way they were before .
Paige : That s not possible .
Eve : Well , what do you mean ?
Paige : I just ran into JJ at the hospital .
Eve : Well , was he there to see you ?
Paige : Of course not .
Eve : Well , I - I dont-- would nt be so sure about that . Honey , you know , guys are always playing games . They do nt want you to forget about them . But that s exactly what you should do , forget all about JJ Deveraux .
Paige : Yeah . I wish I could , mom . But I ca nt . What you do nt seem to understand is that I loved JJ . And you re over here cheering that my heart is broken .
Eve : No , honey , I m not .
Paige : You tried to break us up , okay ? It s what you wanted all along , and now you ve got it , so I hope you re happy .
JJ : Daphne ?
Daphne : What do you want ?
JJ : Please , um , can we talk ?
Hope : Get out .
Bree : No .
Hope : Then I ll call the police .
Bree : Uh , I did nt break in . Meredith gave me a key for emergencies . I did nt know Aiden changed the locks . And why would he do that if he did nt have something to hide ?
Hope : Maybe to stop you from harassing him .
Bree : Look , I really do nt think Aiden will be happy if you brought in the authorities . There were a lot of questions left unanswered when Meredith died . Look , I really do nt think you want to hear this , but--
Hope : No , I do nt want to hear this .
Bree : But you need to . Meredith was terrified of Aiden . Terrified . She actually said to me , if anything happens to me , and it was nt long after that .
Hope : Anything happens to her , what ?
Bree : She told me she left a recording in her desk that she wanted me to take .
Hope : And did you ?
Bree : Well , I came here to pay my respects after she was shot .
Hope : You mean committed suicide . What did you find ?
Bree : Nothing . Nothing . I - I went through her desk in her bedroom . Maybe -- maybe Aiden destroyed it . Or maybe he did nt know it was here . She said there was a hidden compartment , but I never had the time to look , and I do nt have the time to stand here talking right now . Aiden s going to be back soon , right ? You re a cop . If it s here , you can help me find it , and then everyone will know the truth about Aiden Jennings .
Hope : Bree , I understand that you best friend died , and I am so terribly sorry for your loss , but she was Aiden s wife . Whatever pain you feel , it does nt even begin to compare to what he s been through .
Bree : Are you kidding me ? He s glad that she s dead .
Hope : You really need to stop saying these things when you have absolutely no idea what really happened .
Bree : Neither do you .
Hope : I ve seen Aiden s grief . And how hard he s worked to be both mother and father to chase . And how quick he is to help anyone in need . There s no doubt in my mind that he is truly a kind and truly decent man . I m gon na call Aiden and I am going to tell him exactly what you re doing here . And then he can decide if he wants to press charges .
Aiden : Hello .
Hope : Aiden , it s me .
Aiden : Hope , I can barely hear you .
Hope : I just wanted to tell you that--
Aiden : What ?
Hope : Bree s here .
Aiden : Listen , I ca nt hear anything you re saying , but FYI , the store is mobbed because everyone on the island is here . I might be awhile .
Hope : Okay . [ Whispers ] Aiden ? I -- Ill tell her . Hey ! Stop it . Do nt touch another thing in this house .
Bree : You re just his type , you know ?
Hope : I ve heard enough out of you , Bree .
Bree : You have money . You re in love with him , are nt you ? [ Scoffs ]
Hope : You have three seconds to get out of this house . Or I ll arrest you myself .
Bree : Meredith trusted him once , you know ? Just like you do . And now she s dead .
Lucas : There you are . Adrienne , what s going on ? Are you okay ?
Adrienne : Yeah . Yeah .
Lucas : Well , I just thought you d be in with Sonny by now .
Adrienne : I need to see my son .
Lucas : Yeah , yeah , come on . Let s go .
Adrienne : Okay . Thank you .
Eve : Honey , of course I m not happy . Good lord , it breaks my heart to see you upset like this .
Paige : Yeah , only because I m mad at you .
Eve : Now do you think that boy would nt have cheated on you eventually if--
Paige : What ? If you had nt lied to me about grandpa being sick ? Well , I guess we ll never know , will we ?
Eve : Sweetheart , if that boy cared about you one fraction of the way that you deserved , he would nt have jumped at the excuse to hop in bed with the first girl that came along , sweetheart . No , he is selfish , stupid , and thoughtless .
Paige : Mom , stop it , okay ?
Eve : I really think you need to stay--
Paige : I am so tired of you slamming JJ . That girl , whoever she is , is someone I know . Which means she knew how much JJ meant to me . Whoever stole JJ from me , she s nothing but a lying slut .
Eve : Stop ! Just ... stop it .
JJ : Look , I just want to know if Paige is okay . That s all . And do nt tell her that I asked you , cause that would just make her more upset .
Daphne : Why do you even care after what you did ?
JJ : Cause I feel-- I feel really bad about it .
Daphne : Well , you should . And I m not gon na do anything to make you feel better .
Theresa : Oh . You are nt alone .
Melanie : No , I m not .
Theresa : Well , um , you two enjoy your coffee , and I will have fun with my man .
Melanie : Theresa ? Who is Dr. Mandrake ?
JJ : Please , I know you re Paige s friend , and maybe it s wrong , but I really need to see you again . I promise Paige will never know .
Eve : Oh , honey , listen to me . You re wallowing , all right ? You are , and I get that because I do exactly the same thing , but it does nt do any good . You ca nt continue like this , honey . Your anger is only hurting yourself .
Paige : I m hurting myself ?
Eve : Yes , sweetheart .
Paige : No , mom . She hurt me . JJ hurt me . You hurt me . If you had nt lied to me , everything could be different . And if you think I should just shut up and be grateful , I m sorry , but I ca nt .
Eve : Well , honey , I just-- I just think if you give it some time , you-- come on , you ca nt continue like this .
Paige : You re right . Which is why I m making a big change .
Eve : Okay , well , what s that ?
Paige : I m moving out ... tonight .
Theresa : Who ?
Melanie : Um , I just-- I thought maybe you would know a Dr. Mandrake .
Theresa : Uh , nope , I do nt . You should try the phone book . Oh , or better yet , there s this great thing , it s new . It s called the internet . It s amazing .
Brady : What was that about ?
Melanie : Well , we were just ... getting a few things straight .
Brady : Awkward ?
Melanie : No .
Brady : What did you talk about ?
Melanie : It s not important .
Hope : Almost dead . Where s that damn charger ?
Will : You know , it s almost valentine s day . You better get well quick and get out of this bed , because I want to give you a day that you ll never forget . I love you , Sonny Kiriakis .
Sonny : [ Gasping ]
Will : Sonny ?
Will : Sonny ? Sonny , what s wrong ? Sonny ! Sonny !
Adrienne : [ Sputtering ]
Sonny : [ Gasping ]
### Summary:
| Hope noticed that Aiden was nt happy about her being at the beach house . Adrienne stopped Paul from going to see Sonny . She wanted to talk to him . Eve wanted to know what Theresa said to Paige . Theresa said she told Paige that true love did nt exist . Brady told Melanie that he was in love with her . Aiden told Hope he was glad she was there , but she did nt believe him . Paige wanted to know who JJ was seeing , but he did nt want to tell her . Adrienne wanted Paul to stay away because Sonny was with his husband . Hope understood why Aiden was nt comfortable with her being there . When Aiden left Hope at the beach house , Bree showed up . Eve did nt approve of Theresa seeing Clint . Adrienne was thrilled with Paul when she found out his blood saved Sonny s life . JJ talked to Will about cheating on Paige . Will felt guilty for cheating on Sonny . Bree wanted to find proof that Aiden killed his wife . Paul wanted Adrienne to call him when everything was okay and left the hospital . Hope wanted Bree to leave , but Bree tried to tell her that Meredith was afraid of Aiden . Bree told Hope there was a tape recorder in the beach house . Bree thought everyone would know the truth once they found the recorder . Hope tried to sympathize with Bree , but it upset her . Hope called Aiden to tell him that Bree was there , but he could nt hear her . Hope stopped Bree from looking for the recorder and threw her out . When Eve met Paige , things did nt go the way Eve wanted them to . Paige blamed Eve for losing JJ . Paige told Eve that she was moving out . Hope found the recorder Bree was looking for . Sonny woke up and was upset to see Will . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Edmund : So what s it going to be , buddy ? What are you going to have for dinner ? You re going to have the regular , have the old chicken nuggets or are you going to be bold and try something different ?
Dinah : Hey , guys . I got something for you buddy . Ta - da . ( Laughs ) do you like it ?
RJ : Yes , thank you .
Dinah : Oh , good . Yeah . I m glad I have at least one friend left in this town .
Harley : ( Crying )
Buzz : Harley ...
Harley : Where are the boys ?
Buzz : Harley ...
Harley : Daddy , I have to go find the boys .
Buzz : Harley . Honey ...
Harley : I have to go find the boys .
Buzz : Honey ... Honey ...
Harley : No , no , I have to go find them .
Buzz : Honey , they re safe . They re not in the house . They are nt in the house . They re safe . Zach is with Phillip . Jude s with the Bauer s . They re not here . They were nt here . They re safe .
Harley : Oh , but I know ... I do nt want them coming back and seeing the house like this .
Buzz : Honey , honey , it s just a house . It s just a house . The kids are fine .
Harley : It s a house . Right ?
Buzz : Right .
Harley : It s just a house . And the boys are safe . That s what s important . My boys are safe . Phillip , Phillip did this .
Phillip : So then everything is on schedule ? Great . Yeah , it is a shame . But you know , company and the boarding house will be here , so my ex - wife can stay there . And if there s not enough room for both boys , I ll be happy to keep Zach , and I m sure that Rick and Mel would be happy to keep Jude . Yeah , all right , Joe . That s great . Oh , Joe , I wanted to ask you . Make sure that you keep a copy of the divorce and the custody agreement handy in case we need to refer to it again . Great . Thank you .
Beth : You tore down Harley s house ? How could you do such a thing to the mother of one of your children ?
Phillip : I had my reasons .
Beth : Share them with me .
Phillip : I will someday .
Beth : That house was your son s home . How could possibly justify this ?
Phillip : Cognac ?
Beth : Phillip , what are you doing ? I ve never seen you like this before . I wish that I could chalk it up to you still being mentally unbalanced .
Phillip : Oh , you d like me to be sick again ? That s nice .
Beth : It s better than the alternative .
Phillip : Which is ?
Beth : That you re of sound mind and body and that you re deliberately hurting people just for the fun of it .
Tammy : Oh my God !
Sandy : Are you okay ?
Tammy : I m fine . I m fine , thanks to you . Sandy ... Sandy if you had nt just ... Thank you so much .
Sandy : ( Breathing hard )
Tammy : Are you okay , Sandy ?
Sandy : I do nt know . ( Moans )
Tammy : Oh , Sandy , what s wrong ? Did it hit you ? Did the car hit you ? Sandy ? Oh , come over here quick , Sandy s hurt .
Reva : Hey . Sandy ?
Reva : Sandy ? Tammy , what happened ?
Tammy : A car came speeding by and Sandy pushed me out of the way . I think it hit him instead .
Reva : Sandy , did the car hit you ?
Sandy : Just grazed . I ll be okay .
Reva : Tammy , do you have your cell phone ? Call 9 - 1 - 1 . Tammy , call 9 - 1 - 1 .
Sandy : Get up .
Reva : No , I think you should just stay still until the ambulance gets here .
Sandy : Help me up . Get up .
Reva : I don think this is such a good idea . Where does it hurt ? Sandy , where did the car hit you ?
Sandy : Watch it . ( Moaning )
Reva : Oh , you have a cut . You have a cut that s bleeding . Oh , that s good . Just stay still . Stay still . Sandy . Stay with me now , stay with me .
Tammy : Okay , the ambulance is going to ...
Reva : Okay . Just stay right here . Just stay ... Sshh , sshh . Sandy ? Sandy , help is on the way . I m right here , okay . I m right here , son . Mamma s here . Stay still , stay still , okay ? Stay still . Breath deep .
RJ : Cool .
Edmund : Yes , that it is . But I m afraid you re not going to be able to accept it , buddy . You know how your mother and I feel about guns , remember ?
Dinah : Edmund , it s just a water gun . It does nt even look like a gun .
Edmund : All right , I guess we ll make an exception just this once . Because you know what this is RJ ? This is a farewell present , because you re not going to be seeing this lady anymore .
RJ : Are you going away ?
Edmund : No . No , RJ , she ll be in Springfield . She ll just be busy . She ll be very busy making a life for herself . Far too busy to spend anytime with us .
Dinah : Come here . Look , I am still going to think about you all the time , okay . I promise . And I m going to miss you lots .
RJ : But why ?
Edmund : Well , it s all part of growing up . RJ , when we re young we can pretend we have imaginary friends or pretend we re other people all together . But when we grow up we have to put aside childish things , give up our fantasies and move on .
Dinah : You re Uncle Edmund is right . But like I said I am going to think about you all the time . And you know that since I ve met you , it has been the best thing that s ever happened to me . Do remember when I told you I wanted a little one of my own and I almost had one ? Well , when I do one day I want him to be just like you . Yeah .
Beth : What happened to the man I fell in love with ? I know you re a kind person . I know you re not a vindictive person . So please tell me what s going on in your mind right now . Tell me what s causing you to behave like this .
Phillip : Oh , Beth , you know , I love you very much , but you do nt understand . Sometimes when you re doing business it gets a little nasty .
Beth : Business ? Uh - uh . Since when do you care so much about business ? You never did before .
Phillip : Yeah , where did that get me ?
Beth : Where ? Tell me .
Phillip : I m tired of being weak , Beth .
Beth : You have never been weak .
Phillip : Oh , who was that that they locked up in the psychiatric hospital ... Pumped full of pills and shot with electrodes ? I think that was me . Railroaded into some joke of a marriage by a witch , had all my stock swindled away . Sounds pretty weak to me .
Beth : Phillip , you had a breakdown . But you re better now . You re in control .
Phillip : That s right , I am .
Beth : Hurting other people does nt prove that you re strong . What about Lizzie ?
Phillip : What about her ?
Beth : Do you really think that you re setting a good example for her right now ?
Phillip : No worse than you have in the past .
Beth : Nice . That was nice .
Phillip : Well , we re being honest .
Beth : No , you re being cruel . But this behavior will rub off on your children , Phillip . In fact , it s already started to .
Lizzie : Come on , Joey . I know you re there . Come on , pick up . Joey ? Hey , it s Lizzie . What ? The phone s been disconnected ? No , Joey .
Phillip : I ve got to make a phone call . ( Cell phone ringing )
Harley : I despise you .
Phillip : I take it you know .
Harley : You ll burn in hell for this .
Phillip : That would be a yes . All right , listen . I m just calling you to tell you , do nt worry . I had most of your things put in storage .
Harley : You re sick . You re crazy . Who would do this ? Who would do this ? I do nt care what you say , this was my house . And I will get you for this . You will pay and you will pay big .
Phillip : Harley , you need to read our divorce agreement again . What I ve done is perfectly legal and if you do nt believe me , you can ask Gus .
Harley : Gus ?
Phillip : He s a lawyer . He works at Spaulding . Who do you think did the paperwork on this . Listen , I ll keep Zach tonight . And you know , as a matter of fact , why do nt I just keep Zach for a while , until you find a new place to live . Just call me when you get settled in . I m sorry . Go ahead . You were saying ... ?
Buzz : What did he say ?
Harley : He s proud . He s proud . He s boasting . He s boasting and he said this is legal . Do you think that this is legal ? And he said ... He said that Gus ...
Gus : Are you all right ?
Show was preempted -- Mount St. Helens
? ? ? : with Phillip on something like this ? And you re believing his word over mine ? I know you do nt . I know that you do nt .
Beth : Once you go down this road , where does it end ?
Phillip : It ends with my family being taken care of .
Beth : You re turning out like Alan .
Lizzie : Dad , Mom , I need to talk to you .
Beth : Do nt you remember ?
Phillip : Well , maybe it s long overdue that I was a little more like ...
Lizzie : No , I need to talk to you guys right now .
Phillip : Oh , Lizzie . Actually , I m glad you re here right now . Honey , do you think I m an ogre ?
Lizzie : What ?
Phillip : Do you think I m an ogre ? Do you think I m an evil , nasty person that only cares about himself ?
Beth : Phillip !
Lizzie : No . No , I do nt think you re an ogre . I think you re probably one of the best dads , but Daddy , I really need to talk to you .
Phillip : Okay , great . I rest my case .
Beth : Oh , good . Now you re using your own children to condone your behavior .
Lizzie : Look , you know , I do nt know what you guys are talking about , but please ...
Beth : We re talking about your father s vendettas against the Cooper s .
Lizzie : The Cooper s ? Why are you wasting your time with them ? They re a bunch of jerks !
Phillip : If I had nt rested my case before , I would rest it now .
Beth : Lizzie , I hope you regret what you just said . It is terribly wrong to refer to an entire group of people -- a whole family , a good family -- as a bunch of jerks .
Lizzie : Well , they do it to us , Mom . I mean , they may not go around calling us jerks , but they hate us , so why not hate them right back ?
Beth : Now I rest my case .
Edmund : RJ , will you excuse us for just a minute , please ? Now that he knows you care , you can leave . All right ?
Dinah : All right . But why do nt we have some dinner together , that way I can have a proper goodbye .
Edmund : Are you completely out of your mind ? Oh , wait . I m sorry . That s a rhetorical ... ( Cell phone rings ) hello ? Tammy ? Tammy ? Tammy , Tammy , slow down , I do nt know what you re saying . Oh , my God . When ? Are you there with anyone ? Are you alone ? All right , just stay there , stay calm and I ll be right over , all right ?
Dinah : What is it ?
Edmund : It s ... My nephew Sandy was just hit by a car . I ve got to get over to Cedars . RJ ? Guess what ? Guess what ? We re going to go to the Beacon , you re going to play with Mrs. Chitwood and then you re going to have dinner with her , okay ? Let s go .
Dinah : Edmund , wait . Let me come with you . I m sure I could help .
Edmund : Dinah , stay away . Have some respect for my family and for the Lewis s and stay away .
Dinah : Poor Tammy . Cousin s hurt , Mom s away . I bet she could use a shoulder to cry on right about now .
Rick : What have we got here ?
EMT : We ve got a young man hit by a car . BP 90 , palp 116 , thready on the pulse . We ve got two lines in and wide open ringers , but he s still hypotensive .
Rick : Let s get him in let s go . Move it . Come on !
Lillian : Reva , Tammy ? You re going to have to wait right here . I ll let you know everything , I promise .
Rick : Sandy ? Can you hear me ? All right just try and relax . You re in good hands . We re going to take real good care of you . That s his liver . We have to get in and stop the bleeding right away . Can you sign the release for us ?
Reva : Of course . Of course . What s going on , Rick ?
Rick : We think the liver could be lacerated , but I m not going to know for sure until we get in there .
Reva : Hold still , hold still .
Sandy : Reva . Hey .
Reva : Hey , you . Ssh .
Sandy : It s bad , is nt it ?
Reva : No . No , no , no . It s not . You re going to be fine . Really , you are .
Sandy : Listen . ( Gasping )
Reva : No , Sandy . Do nt talk . Honey , do nt talk . We re going to take good care of you . You re going to be fine , okay ? I promise .
Sandy : I have to tell you something important . Important . In case I do nt make it . ( Gasping )
Reva : Hold still , hold still , they have to take you into surgery now , okay ? Just know that I will be out here for you , son . When you get out , I will be right here . You re going to be fine , Sandy . I promise you re going to be fine .
Sandy : ( Gasping ) : Reva . Reva . You need to know ...
Reva : I do know . I know . I know you love me and I love you with all my heart . But they have to take you into surgery now , okay ? Just know that I will be out here for you , son . When you get out , I will be right here . You re going to be fine , Sandy . I promise you re going to be fine .
Rick : Reva ?
Reva : What ?
Rick : We have to prep him .
Reva : It s okay .
Rick : It s all right . Sandy , listen . Nurse Raines is going to take you into pre - op , she s going to explain everything to you , okay ? Nurse Raines ... Listen . Nurse Raines is the best nurse we have . You re in good hands .
Lillian : That s right , I am the best . You re going to be fine , Sandy . Okay ? We need to get going .
Sandy : Reva . ( Gasping )
Tammy : What did he say to you ?
Reva : I do nt know . I could nt hear him .
Sandy : Forgive me . Forgive me .
Tammy : He saved my life , Aunt Reva .
Reva : Sweetie , I m glad you re okay but you have some bruises and some scrapes and things . I want to get Rick , okay ?
Tammy : I m fine .
Reva : That one looks kind of bad . Rick ? Could you look at something here ? This cut here looks a little deep .
Rick : Sure . I ll take a look at it .
Reva : Okay . I ll be right back . I ll be right back .
? ? ? : Mrs. Lewis , we have your bag .
Reva : Oh , thanks .
Edmund : Hey , hey . Take a breath .
Reva : It s just ... I ca nt ... I ca nt reach Joshua and Cassie is nt here , and Shayne is gone and Marah is gone and there s no one here .
Edmund : I m here .
Reva : There must be someone ...
Edmund : Reva , Reva , Reva . Sandy is my family . Sandy is your family . We re family . Let me help you , Reva . Please , I want to help you .
Harley : You did nt have anything to do with this , huh ? I do nt believe a word that s coming out of your mouth .
Gus : Stop it , please .
Harley : Stop what ?
Gus : Stop ... Just stop doubting me so much , please .
Harley : My house is gone . Someone tore down my house . And while that wrecking ball was crashing through my front door , who was standing next to me ? Who was there to distract me ? You were .
Gus : I was trying to help you . I ve been trying to help ...
Harley : You re trying to help me by tearing down my house ? I do nt believe you !
Gus : You think that I would wreck the house that you and the children live in ? That I would destroy the house that your father was just trying to recuperate from a heart attack last week ? You think that ? If you think that I m capable of something like that , then not only do you not know me anymore , but I do nt know who you are , okay ? For the last several months -- months -- I have been trying to help you . That s all I ve been trying to do . And you ? All you do is turn your back on me .
Harley : Oh , that s how you see this .
Gus : Yeah , that is how I see it ! I m sick of it . I m sick of you . I give up . I m done trying , okay ? You re on your own .
Harley : Fine . Fine , that works for me .
Gus : Fine . Fine .
Beth : Have you ever stopped to think about how your vendetta against Harley is affecting Zach ? Because in case you have nt noticed , Phillip , that little boy is angry with you . He thinks you re hurting his mother .
Phillip : You were looking for answers before ... there you go . She s been trying to turn Zach against me .
Beth : Or maybe Zach just senses the truth .
Phillip : Beth , I m not the bad guy here .
Beth : Oh , for God s sakes , Phillip !
Phillip : I m not .
Beth : Wake up ! Look at Gus . Look what you re doing to him .
Phillip : You know what ? Never mind . Never mind .
Beth : Gus gave up the woman that he loves to protect this family , and how do you repay him ? You use him against that same woman and you make him hurt even more !
Phillip : Let me tell you something : I m doing Gus an enormous favor . The sooner he s over Harley , the happier he will be .
Beth : How dare you assume that you know what will or will not make other people happy . I do nt know you anymore , and I m not sure I want to .
Phillip : Oh , Beth . Come on . Now , look ...
Lizzie : Where are you going ?
Beth : I am going over to what was once Harley s house .
Lizzie : What do you mean , what was once ? What happened to it ?
Beth : I ll tell you on the way . Come . You re coming with me .
Lizzie : But why ?
Beth : Why ? Lizzie , the Cooper s are our friends and they need our support right now .
Lizzie : You know , I think I m just going to stay here with Dad .
Tammy : JB , it s Tammy . What happened ? You left the bar and I could nt find you . Where are you ? Anyway , call me back . I really need to talk to you . Please .
Edmund : I m sorry , I ca nt reach Josh . Do you want me to try to reach Olivia ? Marissa ?
Reva : Um , no . I think maybe we should wait until there s more information on Sandy s condition .
Edmund : Fine . They re in surgery with him now ?
Reva : Yeah . Rick said he d come out as soon as he knew anything , as soon as it was all over .
Edmund : Well , I guess we only have to wait .
Reva : Yeah , well , I ve never been very good at that .
Edmund : Oh , well , neither have I.
Reva : I know . Sorry .
Edmund : No , no . No need to apologize . Everyone knows I m not your favorite person .
Reva : Yeah , well , there was a time when I was nt yours , either .
Edmund : That was a long , long time ago .
Reva : And you ll pardon me if seeing Richard s son in trouble brings back certain things .
Edmund : I understand .
Reva : This whole thing just reminds me too much of Shayne . God , I wish Josh were here .
Edmund : If he were here , what ... What would he say ?
Reva : All the right things .
Edmund : Like what ?
Reva : Like , this is nt going to be ...
Edmund : ... As bad as you think it is ? What else ? What else would he think ? Sandy s young and he s strong and he s healthy and he s going to get the best care possible , which he will . Hey , I ll leave you alone again .
Reva : No . Stay .
Edmund : How about the police ? Have the police been notified ?
Reva : Yeah . Well , they came at the same time the ambulance did . But you know , it was ... It all happened so fast . It was dark and I do nt think the kids really were able to see anything , the car .
Edmund : I guess they did nt catch the license plate then . You know , maybe when Tammy calms down , when she calms down , she ll remember something maybe . She s been gone a long time . I wonder what she s doing .
Tammy : JB , it s me again . Part two . Your voice - mail cut me off before . Look , after you left , my cousin Sandy showed up and when we went outside , he was hit by a car and now he s at the hospital and he needs emergency surgery and I m just ... Oh , please give me a call as soon as you can , okay , please ?
Edmund : Tammy ? Sandy s gone into surgery .
Tammy : This is all my fault .
Edmund : No , no , it s not . It s not .
Tammy : It is . I was at this bar and Sandy came to drive me home because ... Well , because I was a little bit drunk and then when we went outside , this car was heading right for me and he pushed me out of the way . He was trying to help me and ...
Edmund : Tammy , Tammy , it was an accident . It was nobody s fault , or maybe the person that was behind the wheel was speeding and did nt even stop .
Tammy : Did nt even slow down . It all happened so fast . I do nt even know if I could tell you what the car looked like or anything .
Edmund : So you have no idea if it was a man or a woman .
Tammy : No , I do nt know .
Edmund : Tammy , why were you drinking ? Is something bothering you ? I mean , other than the stuff with Dinah ?
Tammy : It is nt any one thing . I just needed to unwind .
Edmund : Alone in a bar ?
Tammy : I was nt by myself . I went with somebody . A friend .
Edmund : Is it someone I know ?
Tammy : No . It s just this guy that I ve kind of been seeing , but he had to leave .
Edmund : You re seeing someone ?
Tammy : He s really cool , Uncle Edmund .
Lillian : Reva , can I get you anything ?
Reva : Oh , Lillian , thanks , no . I do nt care for anything . I m fine .
Lillian : Rick will be out soon with some news , okay ?
Reva : I just ca nt believe that this is happening , you know ? I just found Sandy . I ve got all this time I have to make up for with him .
Dinah : I got a second chance , Reva . I know you will , too . Lillian ? Whoa , it s good to see you .
Lillian : Oh , Dinah . My goodness . I never thought I was going to have a chance to see that beautiful face again .
Dinah : Yeah , here I am .
Reva : Yeah , and you have some nerve showing up here .
Dinah : Reva , I want to help you any way I can .
Reva : Well , there is something you can do : You can leave .
Rick : Reva .
Reva : Rick ? What s going on ? Is everything okay ?
Rick : Sandy is stable . He s stable but unfortunately , as we expected , his liver has sustained severe damage . So we had to remove the right lobe of his liver to control the bleeding .
Tammy : You took out his liver ?
Rick : Part of it , yes .
Reva : Well , it s okay , though , honey , because the liver regenerates , though , right ?
Rick : In some circumstances , yes , but in Sandy s case , there s been a complication . The remaining segments of his liver have also been damaged . So we re looking at a transplant .
Reva : A liver transplant ?
Rick : A portion of the donor s liver is surgically removed and placed in the recipient , but it does nt matter who the donor is , as long as it s somebody who has the same compatibility as Sandy .
Dinah : Okay , so sign me up . What do I have to do ? Do I have to take a blood test or ... You know , I ll do that . Whatever it takes to make up for the pain I ve caused you and your family , Reva . I think this is as good a way as any to start .
Phillip : That s fine . Just fax it to my assistant , Ruth , and I ll make a note to look at it in the morning . Yeah . Sorry , honey .
Lizzie : Mom was pretty upset when she left here , huh ? So you tore down Harley s house ? Why ?
Phillip : I had my reasons , honey . I m sorry I ca nt be more specific than that .
Lizzie : No , it s okay , Daddy . If you say that it was a good reason , then I believe you .
Phillip : You always see my side of things , do nt you ?
Lizzie : You always see mine .
Phillip : Hey . Hey . Come here . What was that for ?
Lizzie : You know you re always there for me . It does nt matter what I do you re always ... You re always standing right next to me and you always understand me , and sometimes I do nt even understand myself . And you know , sometimes I do something and I do nt even know where it came from , because it s not me . But I act out , I just freak out and then minutes later , it s kind of like , whoa , what did I do ? Why would I do that ? But then the damage has already been done and you ca nt do anything to take it back .
Phillip : Honey , that s okay . Everybody s felt like that before .
Lizzie : Yeah , I know , but ...
Phillip : Wait a minute . All right , what s going on here ? When you came in before , you said you had something that you needed to tell me . What is it ? Lizzie ? You can tell me anything . You know that .
Lizzie : Are you sure , Daddy ?
Phillip : I m positive .
Lizzie : Daddy , I did something bad . It was something so stupid I ca nt believe I did it .
Phillip : All right . Well , that s okay . Is this something with that Lupo boy ? Did something else happen between the two of you ?
Lizzie : No , Daddy , no . It had nothing to do with Joey , okay ? It s Tammy . It was bad . Daddy , it was so awful .
Harley : What am I going to tell my boys ? I mean Zach and I just finished painting those stars on the ceiling in his room . What do I tell him ? He loved that room . I want Phillip dead . I want him dead . No , I want to kill Phillip myself . With a shotgun .
Buzz : I do nt blame you . You are nt armed , are you ? I mean it . Do nt make me paw through that .
Harley : Daddy , I m not armed . I only wish I were .
Buzz : Not that he does nt deserve it , but it s exactly what he wants right now . And he s already threatened to go back into the custody agreement with you . It would be foolish to push him now .
Harley : Well , what am I supposed to do ? Just let him get away with this ?
Buzz : Well , who are you talking to ? You re going to do something . Grind his face into the dirt . But be smart . Be very smart about it , and he ll never know what hit him . Want something to eat ?
Harley : No .
Buzz : You want something to eat . Stay put .
Harley : Daddy ? I ve got to get Zach out of that house . He s right . Be smart . He s right . Be smart . And Phillip wo nt know what hit him .
Beth : Oh , my Lord .
Gus : Yeah . It s something else , is nt it ? All courtesy of Phillip Spaulding .
Beth : Where s Harley ? I thought that she would be here .
Gus : She was . She s gone .
Beth : I m so sorry . I m so sorry for all of you .
Buzz : When it comes to comfort food , there s nothing that beats the good old American ... Harley ? Harley ? Where d you go ? And when did she start wearing glasses ?
Lizzie : Daddy , I tried putting on the brakes . Please help me , Daddy . Please .
Phillip : These are my car keys . Did you get in an accident ?
Lizzie : No , no . I took your car and I decided to follow Tammy . I was nt stalking her or anything ; it s just that I had this hunch that she was going to see Joey and I followed her to a bar .
Phillip : Joey ? I thought Joey had already left town .
Lizzie : No , he did , Dad . It s just ... I followed her because I thought maybe he would see her before he left , and I parked behind this bar and I thought she was going to come out the front entrance , but she did nt . She came out the back entrance Dad , and she scared me , and so I floored it .
Phillip : Lizzie .
Lizzie : Daddy , I did nt mean to do it .
Phillip : You did nt mean to do what ? Honey ?
Lizzie : I m so sorry .
Phillip : It ll be all right . It ll be all right and I will help you , but you have to tell me what you did . Tell me exactly what happened .
Lizzie : Daddy , I did something awful .
Reva : Thank you , Dinah . That s a very generous offer .
Dinah : I want to do anything and everything I can to help you , Reva .
Reva : I appreciate it .
Dinah : But what ? You do nt think that I m good enough because of my past to help your son ? You re going to reject me out of hand ?
Reva : No . No , not at all . I will take anyone s help I can get right now . So go ahead , get tested . And if it turns out that you can be a liver donor for Sandy , then great . I ll forever be grateful . But Rick , do nt you think it makes more sense that I would be a better match seeing as I am a blood relative ?
Edmund : Or I ?
Tammy : While we re asking questions , how about this one ? Where were you tonight when that car was headed right at me ?
Dinah : I was chatting with your Uncle Edmund . That s how I heard about the whole thing . Are you telling me you did nt see the driver of the car ?
Reva : Rick , when can I see Sandy ?
Rick : You can see him right now , Reva . Just remember , he is weak . He just came out of surgery .
JB : Hey , old buddy . Long time no see .
Next , on Guiding Light .
Reva : The thing is , JB , I do nt like you much and I m warning you , do nt cross me . And that includes whatever it is you re doing with Tammy . ( Screams )
Gus : The purse , now !
### Summary:
| Sandy saves Tammy from being hit by the car , and instead is hit himself . Sandy is rushed to the hospital , with a lacerated liver . Edmund is called and stands by Reva s side while Sandy is in surgery . Tammy tries reaching JB , who is ignoring her calls . Harley blames Phillip & Gus for destroying her house and vows to get revenge on Phillip . Beth sides with Harley and tells Phillip that she does nt know what he s thinking anymore . Lizzie tells her father that she needs to confess something . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ben : No , no . I m sorry , Abigail , but I ca nt let you go . Do nt you see that now I ca nt ever let you go ?
Abigail : Then come with me , Ben . Just come with me . I do have to go . Hope needs me .
Ben : You do nt want me to see it . But I do .
Abigail : See what ?
Ben : The fear in your eyes . There s no love . It s just fear .
Abigail : No , it s not .
Ben : I did nt see their faces . But there must have been fear in their eyes too .
Abigail : Whose eyes , Ben ?
Ben : It was Chad s fault . I had to . He made it so I had to .
Abigail : Oh , my God . It s you . You re the one who killed all those people .
Julie : Oh , darling , come back .
Kate : Thank you .
Roman : All right , man , okay . [ Sniffs , sighs ] Hey .
Hope : Hey .
Roman : Well , as always , you look very calm , cool , and collected .
Hope : Well , do nt let it fool you . It s all an act . I m suddenly thinking , what s wrong with city hall ?
Roman : Well , for one thing , it s not big enough , okay ? Everybody here wants to be a part of your wedding . They love you .
Hope : I know . I m worried about your mom . This is nt easy for her , Roman . She still believes Bo s coming home .
Roman : Listen to me very closely , and this is a direct order . You leave Ma and all of that to me . You focus on Aiden , okay ?
Hope : Okay .
Roman : All right .
Rafe : Hey , man , you look like you re ready to face the firing squad .
Aiden : Hey , Rafe . No , it s the tie . It s ...
Rafe : All right .
Aiden : Is it all right ?
Rafe : Yeah , good . You are good . You sure it s the tie , though ? Or are you having second thoughts there , buddy ?
Hope : Hey , you better not be , or I ll have to strangle him .
Caroline : Bo ?
Bo : Yeah , Ma , it s me .
Caroline : I m not crazy ? I m not dreaming ?
Bo : No , Ma , it s me . And I m on my way home .
Hope : Oh , my God . What did I just say ? It was so stupid .
Aiden : No , no , no , baby . It s okay .
Hope : But will , he s --
Rafe : No , no , no , will knows that you love him . He would want you to be happy , especially today . Today .
Aiden : Right .
Rafe : Hmm ?
Hope : Yeah , I know . I promise , I m not gon na do anything to spoil tonight for us .
Aiden : Yeah . You know , I should probably take off .
Hope : Really ?
Aiden : Really . I do nt want to tempt fate . I mean , I ve already seen you on our wedding day . I ve kissed you . I should probably get going .
Hope : Okay . But next time I see you , we ll be getting married .
Aiden : Can hardly wait . Okay .
Hope : Bye . I have to say , I never expected Aiden to be so nervous .
Rafe : No , that s a guy thing . It does nt mean anything . Nothing .
Hope : Right . Hey , before we head back in there , I wanted to ask you about Chad . Has he said anything new ?
Rafe : No , no , no , no , no .
Hope : Is there any new information ?
Rafe : No .
Hope : Just tell me something .
Rafe : We re not talking shop . I m not telling you anything . You know what today is ? It s not work day . It s your wedding day , okay ? Got it ? Got it , huh ?
Hope : Got it , yes .
Rafe : Okay .
Hope : As always , thank you .
Rafe : For what ?
Hope : For always being so direct with me , being honest ... for being a really , really good friend . Thank you .
Rafe : Yeah .
Hope : Sorry .
Rafe : That s all right , partner . Anytime .
Hope : I also want to thank you for being Aiden s best man . We both appreciate it very much .
Rafe : Yeah . I just want you to be happy .
Hope : Yeah . Sorry .
Rafe : You know , I hope he realizes how damn lucky he is , that s all .
Caroline : You have to get here tonight , because Hope is marrying Aiden .
Bo : I m on my way home , but you ve got to do everything you can to stop this wedding , okay ? Everything you can .
Ben : I did nt want you to know . I did nt think you d understand .
Abigail : It was because of Chad , was nt it ?
Ben : He was never gon na leave you alone . He did nt think I deserved you . He thought I was trash . He was trying to make you think that I was trash .
Abigail : No , no , really ...
Ben : You re lying to me ! Stop lying to me !
Abigail : I m not lying to you , Ben . I was just gon na say that he could never do -- anyone-- no one could ever do anything , ever , to make me think that , because I know that you re a really good person . I know that .
Ben : I get mad . I was so mad at him .
Abigail : I think that maybe you need some help .
Ben : He had all the money . He thought he could do anything he wanted .
Abigail : Ben , I think--
Ben : And then I thought to myself , Chad DiMera thinks that he can get away with murder . That s when I got the idea .
Abigail : Marlena . We can call Marlena , and you can talk--
Ben : Why did nt they just arrest him ?
Abigail : If you call her and you talk to her--
Ben : I did nt want to kill all these other people .
Abigail : Other people ? Will was my cousin , Ben . He was our friend . And Paige-- my God . She was so young .
Ben : I told you I did nt want to .
Abigail : Oh , my God .
Ben : Wait , wait , wait , wait !
Abigail : I m just gon na call up Marlena .
Ben : No , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no . Nobody else , nobody else .
Abigail : No one else , okay .
Ben : And stop looking at me like that , babe , like I m some kind of a psycho .
Abigail : No , you re not--
Ben : The only thing I m crazy about is you . So I m gon na take you away . When it s just you and me , and then our baby , everything will be okay . It s just , there s -- there s too many people . There s way too many people . When it s just us , we re gon na be fine . Gon na be fine .
Abigail : I think you re right , Ben . I think that s exactly what we should do , go away together , just the two of us . Can you please let go of my hand , because you re hurting me ?
Ben : You mean it ? We can just go away ?
Abigail : Yes , I think that s exactly what we should do .
Ben : Wait , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait !
Abigail : [ Screams ] My baby !
Ben : Your baby ? Your baby ? My baby , my baby . And I would never hurt him , ever , ever ! Look at me . How could you think I would do that ? How could you think that ?
Abigail : Ben ...
Ben : I know why . Because of him , DiMera . That s why !
Abigail : No , no--
Ben : Liar ! You always lie to me !
Abigail : No , Ben , I m not lying !
Ben : You always lie to me ! Always ! Baby , no , no . Abigail , baby , Abigail . Abigail ? Abi . No , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no . Abigail .
Julie : Do nt you need some help ?
Hope : No , I m fine . Kayla s meeting me at the house .
Julie : But I m supposed to be there , to cry when I see you in your dress and to fluff your little veil .
Hope : You ll be fluffing my veil . Julie , this is all your doing . I mean , you ca nt leave . You can not leave . Besides , you know , you and Daddy are just gon na be crying your eyes out when you walk me down the aisle . I ll see you later , okay ? Love you .
Julie : Darling . Be happy .
Julie : Of course I ll be happy . I m marrying a wonderful man . Bye .
Julie : Bye , darling .
Nicole : Mm .
Daniel : Hmm ?
Nicole : Hope looks so calm . I intend to be a wreck before our wedding .
Daniel : Oh , I ca nt wait to see that .
Nicole : Only because I want everything to be so perfect , baby .
Daniel : It ll be perfect for me , because I end up with you .
Nicole : Wow . This suit has made you quite the smooth talker .
Daniel : Mm - hmm .
Nicole : I like it .
Daniel : Do you ?
Nicole : Mm - hmm .
Theresa : Brady , I do nt ask too much , do I ?
Brady : No , you never do .
Theresa : Okay , fine , fine . I can be a little pushy , sometimes , maybe . But ... can I ask you a question ? Look , I love Tate so much , and I love being his mother . But it s been so long since I ve been in a room with all this music and people dancing , and ... you just look so dreamy tonight . Would you please , please , please , please dance with me ? And I am not going to stop begging until you say yes . So ... please , Mr. Black ?
Brady : I hate it ... when you are disarming .
Marlena : Of course I m happy about it . I just -- I do nt want you doing something for me that you will regret later on .
John : I did my time with the ISA , and I m proud of some of the work that I did there , but I wo nt regret giving it up . But what I would regret is spending even one moment away from you . What are we doing with all this talking ? Come on , we re supposed to be dancing , are nt we ?
Marlena : Hello , you two .
Justin : All of a sudden , I could use some fresh air . Care to join me ?
Eve : Well , that sounds wonderful . Let s go .
Caroline : You re not gon na believe it .
Julie : Caroline , we ve been worried about you .
Caroline : I talked to him .
Roman : Talked to who ?
Caroline : Bo . And he s coming home tonight .
Steve : Whew .
Bo : Wow , is nt she a beauty ?
Steve : Wow . Yeah , it s like somebody had a Mona Lisa , threw a tarp over her , and left her in a stinky garage out in the middle of nowhere .
Bo : You know what , man ? This is a good sign . I showed up at another one of Hope s weddings on a motorcycle .
Steve : You guys lead such uncomplicated lives .
Bo : Well , let s see if she starts .
Bo : That s not a good sign . One more time .
Bo : Hmm .
Roman : Ma , listen to me . Let s go someplace where we can talk .
Caroline : Do nt condescend to me . I m telling you , I talked to Bo . I mean ... well , you can talk to him yourself . You think I m crazy , and you do nt believe me , but you can talk to him yourself . Where is it ? Where s my damn phone ?
Roman : Ma , seriously , let s go somewhere we--
Caroline : No , no , no . [ Stammering ] Marlena , Dr. Salinas said that ... I might have an episode .
Marlena : That s all right . That s okay . If that s true , then roman s right . We should just go somewhere quiet .
Caroline : No , no , it s just-- I m sorry . I m upsetting everybody , and I -- I just hate it to spoil the party and Hope s wedding . No , no . So ... please ... can we all maybe just let it go ?
Roman : Marlena ?
Marlena : Have you had something to eat today ?
Julie : That s a good idea . You need something to eat .
Caroline : That s right . No , I did nt eat .
Marlena : Huh .
Caroline : Roman , would you get me a plate ? I mean , you know what I like . So ... I think what I should do is freshen up .
Marlena : I ll go with you .
Caroline : No , no , no , no , no . It s just too embarrassing . I ll go ahead .
Roman : [ Sighs ] You think she s okay ?
Marlena : She certainly seems to be in control .
Caroline : Suckers .
Theresa : Ah . You are a peachy dancer , Mr. Black .
Brady : You are not so bad yourself . I ll get you something else to drink .
Victor : You know , I liked it better the way it was 200 years ago . They used to burn witches then .
Theresa : Hmm . Well , I am so sorry that I could nt care less about your opinion . And you re not going to be able to hurt my feelings . I know , I know , what feelings ?
Victor : You know , Brady loves his son so much , he s willing to do loathsome things , like dance with you , to keep the mother of said son placated . But that s all it is . You share a son , nothing else .
Aiden : What is it ? What s wrong ?
Rafe : Well , the flowers for the wedding just got here . Obviously there was a mistake .
Aiden : Yeah .
Rafe : Do nt worry . I ll take care of it .
Aiden : Yeah .
Hope : Caroline ?
Caroline : I just talked to Bo . He s coming home .
Hope : I see . Let s sit down .
Caroline : No , you do nt believe me . I talked to him on the phone less than an hour ago . I know his voice . It was him .
Hope : Okay . Why do nt you give me your phone , and I ll call him ?
Caroline : You think I m crazy -- I am not . It s not just about Bo . I think of you as my own daughter . I m here because I love you . You can not go through with the wedding . It ll be the biggest mistake of your life .
Victor : Let me tell you , in your own best interest , you should pack your bags and get out of my house , before you get hurt .
Brady : You want Tate and me to go too ?
Theresa : Oh , Brady , do nt be upset . Victor s advice was in my own best interest . He said so .
Victor : I know I should nt interfere . On your own , you make such wonderful decisions .
Theresa : Okay , you know what , this is a party , and I do nt want the two of you fighting because of me .
Brady : There s no fighting . There s no fighting . I m just letting my grandfather know what I will do if he kicks you out of the house . But as usual , it s up to him , is nt it ?
Victor : You know , I really ca nt believe this . I thought you were an idiot with Chloe , and et cetera , et cetera , et cetera ...
Theresa : Thank you .
Brady : That was nt about him and you , Theresa . That was about me and him .
Julie : Ladies and gentlemen , I want to thank you all for being here . I know that sounds like a cliché , but I mean it from the bottom of my heart . When we first started planning this beautiful event , we all agreed there should be a toast , and the toast should be to Tom and Alice Horton , who touched the lives of everyone they met , changed their lives for the better , especially those of us lucky enough to call them family . But since that planning , we have lost some people that we loved ... loved so much , we never could imagine losing them . They were young people . Beautiful in their strength and promise . And nothing hurts more than losing that . So , I truly mean it when I say thank you for being here . And I swear to God , I will never again take for granted my beloved darling being here , my precious family being here , my dear , dear friends ... being here . I love you all , and I love ... being here .
Marlena : Like my exquisite friend Julie said , I m so glad to be here . It is here that I found love , that I found the joy of family , that I felt the warmth of true and deep friendships . This town , this community shares its joy and its sadness . And we have been doing that for 200 years . It s what we humans do . We come together . And that togetherness , well , when things are joyous , they become more joyous , and when things seem like we can not bear them , they suddenly become bearable . As Julie said , I am so pleased to be here in this beloved Salem .
Jennifer : Well , there are worse things in the world than having Tom and Alice Horton as your grandparents . There s the obvious perks . I was spoiled rotten .
Jennifer : I had the best Christmases ever . I did have to learn how to figure out if a boy really loved me as a person or if he just wanted access to gram s donuts , so ...
Jennifer : But I learned from my grandparents , from Tom and Alice Horton , what love meant . And that s really it in a nutshell . They showed me what a person could be ... by loving , by being generous , by forgiving . And that s just who they were . To the max . And I will never measure up . But gram and grandpa , I promise you that I am never gon na stop trying .
Julie : To Tom and Alice .
Doug : To Tom and Alice .
Marlena : To the loved ones we have lost .
John : And to the Salem family .
Jennifer : To our children .
Maggie : To 200 more years .
Kayla : Ah , the door was open . Did something happen ?
Caroline : Yes . I just talked to Bo .
Kayla : Oh , Mom--
Caroline : I know that you do nt believe me . I m asking Hope to have a little faith in me .
Hope : Caroline ...
Kayla : It s all right . I m gon na handle this , okay ? Listen to me . I am gon na talk to you like you re a sane adult , all right ? That was not fair . Hope deserves a happy night . And when I get my hands on Steve , I am going to wring his neck for putting all this in your head .
Caroline : Just--
Kayla : I m gon na take you back to the hospital .
Caroline : No ! No , no , no . I m sorry . I m sorry . I mean , maybe Kayla is right . But I ve got to be at the gala tonight . I ve got to be there when ... when Bo comes home .
Bo : Ow , son of a -- ergh ! Maybe if I picked this thing up and threw it against the wall , it d start .
Steve : Well , I m sure you re man enough you could do that , but do nt , Bo . No , do nt hurt that bike . Go out and punch a wall or something .
Bo : [ Laughs ] My wife is getting married . But no , I am not going to punch a wall .
Steve : Good .
Bo : I m gon na find out who did this to me . And no , I am not going to kill them .
Steve : Cool .
Bo : I m gon na make them wish I had . Come on .
Steve : Dude , can you just be mad outside , please ?
Steve : I ve got to work here .
Bo : [ Scoffs ]
Steve : Outside . Ah .
Bo : What ?
Steve : Stupid jerk .
Bo : Who ?
Steve : Me , you . It s a motorcycle graveyard out there , dude . Parts .
Bo : [ Scoffs ] Judas priest .
Steve : Good thing you did nt throw this baby against the wall .
Aiden : No . No .
Aiden : You idiot . Oh , you re so funny , so clever . Detective Hernandez saw those flowers . He saw that rest in peace .
Andre : Your tension seems to have destroyed your sense of humor .
Aiden : Do nt push me . I ll do what I said I d do .
Marlena : Everything all right ?
Julie : That was Kayla . Caroline just showed up at Hope s house .
Marlena : Oh , no , no , no , no .
Julie : Poor Hope . The last thing she needs .
Marlena : Oh , my gosh .
Theo : Oh , there s Ciara .
Lani : Mayor carver . Is there something wrong ?
Abe : No .
Lani : [ Laughs ] I m sorry , but you seemed to be staring at me .
Abe : I was . At your eyes .
Lani : My eyes ?
Abe : I ve seen them before . Why did nt you tell me you were Tamara price s daughter ?
Caroline : I just talked to Bo . You can not go through with the wedding . It ll be the biggest mistake of your life !
Aiden : Hope . You all right ?
Hope : Huh ? Oh , yeah . Hey ! [ Laughing ] It s okay to see me before the wedding , but not my dress .
Aiden : I m sorry .
Hope : Yeah .
Aiden : You know , I ... I just want you to know that I -- I do love you . [ Laughs softly ]
Hope : [ Laughs softly ] Hey .
Aiden : Hey .
Hope : Should nt that make you happy ?
Aiden : You know , the next time I see you , we ll be saying our wedding vows .
Hope : You want to back out , do you ?
Aiden : No , no , no , no . I ... cant . [ Laughs softly ] I love you too much . I do , yeah .
Hope : Good , okay . Now get out of here and go wait for me at the party , okay ?
Aiden : Yeah , of course .
Hope : I still have a lot of things I need to do . You see , my hair , makeup .
Aiden : You know , when I walked in here , you were looking in that mirror . What were you thinking about ?
Caroline : Bo is coming home .
Julie : You brought her here ?
Kayla : She insisted , and Hope said it was okay and that she did nt mind .
Julie : Hope , that girl is a saint .
Kayla : Where is my mom ?
Marlena : Well , there she is .
Caroline : Oh .
Victor : Caroline , you have to calm down .
Caroline : Maybe you will believe me now . I found my phone .
Victor : She said she talked to Bo .
Kayla : I know .
Caroline : It s the last call that I got . Just call him , damn it .
Victor : No answer . And there s been no voicemail set up . I m sorry , Caroline .
Aiden : Do you believe Caroline ? Do you think that Bo is coming back ?
Hope : No , I do nt . I think she loves him so much that she wants to believe it , that she has to believe it .
Aiden : I mean , you should nt have to deal with that , I mean , not on your wedding night .
Hope : Aiden , I am marrying you , Mr. Jennings . Which means that nothing can spoil tonight for me . So come on . You have a wedding to get to , do nt you ?
Aiden : Yeah , right .
Hope : I love you .
Aiden : I do love you . All right . Really do .
Steve : So who wants this serum so bad that they would do all those things to you ? You got any ideas ?
Bo : A few . But I got to be sure . And when I am ... they re gon na understand the true meaning of torture .
Abe : I talked to your mother . I know . Although , why I did nt put it together when I found out your last name was price ... you must have known your mother and I knew each other . So , what I need to know ... why did nt you tell me ?
JJ : Hey , I know I m not the greatest company .
Gabi : You were great . That toast about will and Paige , you really got to me .
JJ : Well , I think the best thing to do is just to try to get through tonight together .
Jennifer : JJ , are you out here ? Hi .
JJ : Yeah , what s wrong ?
Jennifer : The wedding is about to start -- hi , honey-- and your sister still is nt here . Have you heard from her ?
JJ : I do nt see her .
Caroline : Could I have imagined the whole thing ? The phone call seemed so real .
Victor : Of course it did .
Caroline : I was wrong . And everybody else was right . I guess it s time to move on .
Rafe : So ...
Aiden : Yeah .
Rafe : Ready to get married ?
Abigail : Help me , someone ! Help !
Ben : You can scream if you want , but it wo nt do you any good . We re in the middle of nowhere . No one can hear you . Just the two of us .
Bo : Okay . If that does nt do it , nothing will . I think I ll cash in on one of ma s novenas . Please . [ Engine cranks ] Come on , baby , come on .
Steve : Whoa , yeah , baby ! Whoo !
Bo : I like it much better when Hope s back there .
Steve : Soon , dude . Very soon .
Bo : Hold on .
Steve : Whoo - hoo ! Road trip !
Caroline : Stop ! You have to stop this .
### Summary:
| Ben practically confessed to being the necktie killer . Abby realized that he was the killer . Everyone gathered for the bicentennial and Hope s wedding . Aiden thought about killing Hope . Bo called Caroline and told her that he s alive . Caroline told him to hurry home because Hope was getting married . Bo wanted Caroline to stop the wedding any way she could . Ben started to explain why he set Chad up for the murders . Abby did nt understand why he killed Will and Paige . Abby wanted to call Marlena to help him but Ben did nt want her to do that . He threw Abby s phone across the room . Ben wanted to be alone with her . Abby agreed that they should be alone , but she tried to run away from him . Ben stopped her and pushed her against the wall . Abby ended up passing out from the shove . Caroline told Roman that Bo called her and he was coming home . Bo and Steve found a motorcycle , but it did nt start . Roman did nt believe that Caroline talked to Bo . She ended up apologizing to everyone for disrupting everything . When everyone walked away , she snuck out of the Martin house . Victor noticed that Theresa was trying to get close to Brady and reminded her that she s nothing more than the mother of Brady s baby . Caroline went to Hope s house and told her about the call from Bo . Hope did nt seem to want to hear it . Caroline also told her that she s making a mistake marrying Aiden . Victor wanted Theresa to move out of the mansion . Brady overheard Victor tell Theresa that and wondered if he and Tate had to leave too . Victor explained that he wanted Theresa to stay away from him , but Brady already knew what Victor was doing . Julie , Marlena , and Jennifer made speeches at the celebration . Kayla arrived at Hope s house and saw that Caroline was there . Caroline told Kayla about Bo s call . Kayla thought she might have to go back to the hospital . Kayla and Caroline ended up leaving and going back to the Martin house . Bo continued to work on the bike until Steve told him about the motorcycle graveyard . Bo and Steve went to the yard to find the parts they needed to fix the bike . Andre called Aiden to make sure he went through with the plan to kill Hope . Abe saw Lani at the celebration and she approached him . Abe recognized her as Tamara Price s daughter . While Hope was getting ready for the wedding , she thought about Caroline s warning . Aiden showed up at Hope s house and saw her in her dress . Caroline found her phone and gave it to Victor . Victor called the number , but Bo did nt answer it . Hope told Aiden about Caroline s warning . She was determined to married Aiden anyway . Abe wanted to know why Lani did nt tell him that she s Tamara daughter . Ben sent a text from Abby s phone to Jennifer and JJ saying that she and Ben needed to get away . Caroline realized she was wrong and should move on . Hope and Aiden s wedding began . Ben took Abby to the cabin and handcuffed her to a chair . Bo finally got the bike started . Caroline screamed that the wedding had to be stopped . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Victor : Philip , I ca nt tell you how sorry I am for your loss .
Philip : I do nt want to talk about it .
Victor : I know what you and Melanie were looking forward to .
Philip : I do nt want to talk about it .
Victor : It s a good thing you have Parker to focus on . Maybe you and Melanie could raise him together , that way it could help heal the rift between the two of you .
Philip : There s nothing to heal . Our marriage is over .
Victor : Says who ? Melanie ?
Philip : Uh , yeah .
Victor : She s just had a trauma in her life , Philip . She needs time to recover .
Philip : How about you stay out of it , huh ? Hey , Parker . How you doin ?
Victor : Not gon na give up without a fight , are you ?
Philip : I just told you to stay out of it .
Victor : Melanie is a ... a smart and a loving woman . She d make a perfect mother for your son .
Philip : He already has a mother .
Victor : One who s proven herself unfit to raise a child .
Philip : Come on , Parker . We do nt need to listen to this .
Victor : For God s sake , Philip , and for the sake of your son , face reality for a change . Chloe is a suicidal lunatic . She should nt be allowed anywhere near this child . Ever again .
Chloe : Oh , Parker . Mommy really messed up . Now I do nt know what to do .
Nathan : Mel , I just tried calling you . You been crying ?
Melanie : No , I m okay . Um , I should -- I should really be going , though , okay ?
Nathan : I ca nt let you .
Melanie : Nathan .
Nathan : I ca nt let you go . I wo nt . Never again .
Taylor : Ca nt do this .
Nicole : Taylor , Taylor . I saw your car pulling up in the driveway . I m so glad you re here . Come in .
Taylor : Yeah , you re in a great mood .
Nicole : Well , why would nt I be ? Just had the best wedding night ever . Want details ?
Rafe : Come on , Rafe . Oh , come on , think . Got to find a way to get out of here and get back to Sami .
Stefano : Well , you look a little stressed , Raphael . I take it you have a lot on your mind , huh ? Well , you are very lucky , because I have something that is going to help you forget your troubles . And everything else , too .
Sami : [ Sighs ]
Rafe 2 : This is why I did nt want to come here . You know , these tests ...
Sami : Dr. Jonas , can you please explain how the MRI can show that there was nt an accident ? Because I was there .
Daniel : I know you were . I m not saying there was nt an accident . All I m saying is that the MRI does nt show any signs of previous head trauma . That s it .
Rafe 2 : Oh . Everyone knows I got a thick skull . I could have told you that .
Sami : There has to be some kind of mistake . Dr. Jonas , I know there is . This is nt my husband .
Nathan : Just let me talk to you , cause I -- I have to tell you how I feel , Mel . Okay , keeping quiet has been the biggest mistake of my life . I love you , Melanie . I always have . I ve loved you since the day I met you , and I never stopped . And I know you feel the same way about me . And I know things are messy and complicated right now . I know that . But you know what ? Soon , none of this is gon na matter . All that matters is that we belong together . You and I. I know this now . And I know you know it too .
Philip : Look , I know you think I m going to be a lousy father , that I never took responsibility for Tyler , that I wo nt do right by Parker . But I m different now . The truth is , past couple of years , I ve grown up a lot . Because of you . You ve changed me .
Taylor : Oh , Nicole , under the heading of TMI , why would I want to hear details of your wedding ?
Nicole : Oh , stop . It s not like I m gon na draw you a diagram . I just ... I just wanted to say that despite our ... well , the unusual nature of our marriage , we did end up having , well , a traditional wedding night . Even though some of the things we did were nt so traditional .
Taylor : Oh , wow , that s great . Uh , you know , I m really happy it went well .
Nicole : Yeah . You know , it reminded me of when I first fell in love with EJ . Before things went so wrong . You know , it , uh ... it felt like it was ... romantic . Like we were back then . For EJ too .
Taylor : Yeah ? Did he tell you that ?
Nicole : Well , he did nt have to tell me , Taylor . I -- I sensed it . I ... felt it .
Taylor : Right .
Nicole : What ? Why are you so skeptical ?
Taylor : God , no -- skeptical , no . Uh , I just wonder .
Nicole : What ? What ?
Taylor : Well , if last night was so great and romantic , then , uh ... you know , where s your husband now ? I mean , here it is your honeymoon , Nicole , and you re hanging out with me .
Rafe 2 : I m gon na pretend you did nt say that . Now , is nt it possible that I ve completely healed from the accident , which is why nothing showed up on the MRI scan ?
Daniel : Well , okay , well , unlikely in a case like this .
Rafe 2 : But it is possible ?
Daniel : I suppose . Yeah .
Rafe 2 : Okay . Well , great . There you go . Then that s what happened . I had the accident , things got a little scrambled in my noggin , but , like you said , nothing s wrong with me .
Daniel : No , physically , no . I mean , nothing that showed up on this MRI .
Rafe 2 : Great . There you go . Thank you . Sami , let s go .
Sami : No , no . I am not going anywhere until we get some answers .
Daniel : Okay , okay , you know what ? Excuse me . Excuse me . You know , I know this is frustrating , but there are no easy answers .
Sami : Are you saying you do nt know what is wrong with my husband ?
Rafe 2 : Would you stop saying that there s something wrong with me ?
Sami : I m only saying it because I am worried about you .
Rafe 2 : I m fine . Fact , I m getting better all the time , Sami .
Sami : Are you kidding me ? If you think that s true ...
Rafe 2 : I am not kidding you , no , I am not . And I do think that , so can we just ...
Sami : Can I speak to you privately , please ?
Daniel : Fine with me , yeah .
Sami : Would you mind ?
Rafe 2 : Go right ahead .
Sami : It wo nt take a second , okay ?
Rafe 2 : Take your time .
Daniel : Okay , you know what ? Just follow me , please .
Rafe 2 : What the hell s going on ? What is going on ? You said you were gon na switch the test results , EJ .
EJ : [ Clears throat ] My contact was compromised . Dr. Jonas supervised the entire time .
Rafe 2 : Well , that s great , is nt it ? I mean , that is great .
EJ : Would you do me a favor ? Just keep your voice down , all right ?
Rafe 2 : We re running out of time here .
EJ : Why are you suddenly so panicky , hmm ? I mean , aside from the MRI hiccup , you told me that things were going ... perfectly . Right ? Your performance was , um , brilliant .
Rafe 2 : That was then . This is now .
EJ : Really .
Rafe 2 : I may have ... overestimated myself with ... okay ?
EJ : Ca nt imagine how you could possibly have done that .
Rafe 2 : Well , let s face it . The woman , she s blonde , but she s not dumb , and sooner or later she s gon na figure out that I m not the dude that she married .
Rafe : Unh ! You sure you want to do this ? Cause Junior s not gon na be very happy that you disobeyed him .
Stefano : [ Chuckling ] Unfortunately for you , Raphael , I m the one around here who calls the shots . This one in particular .
Chloe : And in the meantime , I just have to wait for Social Services to review my case . Until then , Philip has full custody of Parker .
Brady : I m so sorry about this .
Chloe : It s my own fault . I mean , even if Kate was playing mind games with me , I should have taken my medication . I m so stupid to think I did nt need any help .
Brady : Chloe , you know , I ve done some stupid things in my life too . Remember those ... good old days when I was using ? I swore that I could handle everything on my own , and you begged me to get help .
Chloe : Yeah , well , that was different . You did nt put your child s life at risk . You did nt try to take your own life .
Brady : You need to stop-- stop beating yourself up about this . You know you have a problem . You re gon na get treatment for it , and that s all anybody can ask . We re gon na be fine .
Chloe : Thank you . For understanding and ... not judging .
Brady : You ve been with me for the darkest periods in my life . I could never judge you , Chloe lane .
Chloe : You really are the best ex - husband a girl could ask for .
Brady : Yeah , well , it s the husband thing that I did nt get quite right .
Chloe : What if I lose Parker forever ?
Brady : Mm , mm , mm , mm . Mm - mm . It s not gon na happen . You know what ? Stop . Stop . Let s get out of here .
Chloe : Where are we going ?
Brady : Where else would we go ? We re gon na go see your son . Come on .
Daniel : Here you go .
Sami : He s just so different , and I was really hoping that we could come here and find some sort of medical reason that would pinpoint all these changes .
Daniel : Yeah , and you could finally get the old Rafe back .
Sami : Guess that s naive , is nt it , to think it would be that simple ?
Daniel : No , I mean , Sami , we could do further testing , but we re gon na need Rafe s consent , and I got the feeling he s not really open to that .
Sami : And that s another difference . I mean , the old Rafe , he would have confronted this problem head on . He would nt have rested until he found a solution .
Daniel : Right .
Sami : And now , now Rafe is , like , he does nt care . He does nt care about anything . It s like I married a complete stranger .
EJ : Do me a favor . Stop being so dramatic , all right ? Stop it .
Rafe 2 : This ... this is getting a little crazy , okay ? It was all right , and then I had to have the frickin MRI , which showed that nothing was wrong with me , and so it s beginning to be a little bit tougher of a sell , okay ?
EJ : Okay .
Rafe 2 : Okay .
EJ : Well , you ll just have to up your game then , wo nt you ?
Rafe 2 : Yeah , exactly . That s what I need to do . So you know what ? I -- I need to talk to Rafe . I need some private moments , some inside detail , stuff that only they would have shared , and then I can just ... talk to Sami . I can -- I can calm her down , and that s what I ll do .
EJ : Okay . I ll arrange a meeting for the two of you .
Rafe 2 : Good . So then it looks like we should keep him around for a little while longer then .
EJ : Yeah . Yeah , I could nt agree more . I just hope my father has nt gone and done something stupid .
Rafe : [ Grunts ]
Stefano : [ Groans ] Puts up a good fight , no ?
Marco : Think zapping his brain might make him a little more cooperative ?
Stefano : Well , perhaps . You know , once it s injected , well , there s no turning back .
Marco : Boss , you having second thoughts ?
Melanie : You want us to be together ?
Nathan : I -- I know my timing s terrible right now .
Melanie : I m not even divorced yet .
Nathan : Yeah , I understand that . And I know you re still suffering from a terrible loss , but I - I want to be there for you . I want to be there to help you get through this . Will you let me ? I love you , Melanie . I ve always loved you . And I promise that I will never turn my back on you again .
Stephanie : You ve got to be kidding me .
Brady : You know what you taught me , Grandpa ? That nice guys finish last . That s what I learned from you . That s how you live . That s your creed . Damn it , it s mine now too .
Victor : Asleep ?
Philip : Yeah , he did nt want to listen to us fighting . And you know what ? I do nt either . I ll be in my room .
Victor : Philip , wait a minute . Please . Look , all I was trying to say is that Chloe s in no shape to be a mother to your son . That s no reflection on you .
Philip : No , no , it s a reflection on you . And how unfair you are to people you do nt even know .
Victor : Are you saying I do nt know Chloe ?
Philip : Well , how the hell would you know her ? You ve never even had a conversation with her . All you do is bark at her , insult her . You ve had this irrational hatred of the woman since day one .
Victor : Irrational ? Philip , you ca nt be that naive . You know that I have every reason in the world ...
Philip : Do nt hold that thought .
Stephanie : Are you trying to sabotage my grandmother s restaurant ? If people have to keep listening to you , they re gon na lose their lunch .
Nathan : Stephanie , shut up .
Melanie : I got ta go .
Stephanie : And it looks like you ve got Nathan right back where you want him , huh ? But that s your specialty , right ? Stringing two guys along at the same time ?
Nathan : No .
Stephanie : Oh , that s right . Poor , pregnant Melanie . Dizzy one minute , nauseous the next .
Nathan : Stephanie , shut your mouth !
Stephanie : How about this ? You ca nt tell me what to do , so why do nt you shut yours ?
Nathan : She s not pregnant anymore , you idiot . She lost the baby .
Nicole : Wow , you really know how to cheer a girl up .
Taylor : I m sorry . I just meant ...
Nicole : Look , for your information , EJ took Johnny to breakfast , and then he had some ... business to take care of .
Taylor : Business .
Nicole : Yes , business . My husband and I will have plenty of time to go on our honeymoon when he s not so busy . We ll take a trip , or maybe a cruise .
Taylor : Right .
Nicole : Taylor , I knew what I was getting into when I married EJ both times . I know he s not your traditional husband , and , let s face it , I m not your traditional wife . But let me tell you , we really understand each other . More than ever .
Taylor : So you keep saying .
Nicole : Because it s true . And who knows ? Maybe some day down the road we ll fall in love again .
Rafe 2 : What are you talking about ? Which stupid thing may your father have done ?
EJ : I , um , need to make a quick phone call . Excuse me .
Daniel : Talk to me , Sami . What -- what s changed ?
Sami : Everything . I mean , he s short with me . He s short with the kids . Allie used to love being with him , and now she does nt want to get anywhere near him . He used to be so patient with her .
Daniel : That s got to be upsetting for you .
Sami : It s not just that . It s a million things . It s -- it s everything . Some things that are just harder to describe , you know ? Like , the way he looks at me is totally different .
Daniel : Okay , well , you have discussed this with him , right ?
Sami : Of course . Yes . But he always gets defensive . He always turns it around on me . You saw how he was out there . He s touchy and over - reactive , and ...
Daniel : Right .
Sami : So I guess I just tried to ignore it , you know ? Try to not be so sensitive .
Daniel : But you , uh , you ca nt do that anymore .
Sami : Because it s not getting better . It s definitely getting worse . I mean , he s getting more and more different all the time .
Daniel : Okay , okay , well , talk to me . What do you want ? What are you looking for ?
Sami : A sign . Something from him . A gesture , a look , a touch . Something to let me know that the man I love is still inside him somewhere . [ Tapping fingers on desk ]
EJ : Come on .
Stefano : Hello .
EJ : Hey . It s me . Listen , uh , we have a situation .
Stefano : What is it ?
EJ : I ll explain later , but for right now it is vital-- I mean vital , Father . You do not inject Rafe with that drug , okay ? We need him in a normal state urgently .
Stefano : [ Sighs ] I m afraid it s too late . It s already been done .
Chloe : [ Sighs ] Brady , I do nt know about this . I do nt think this is a really good idea . Victor s not gon na be happy if he finds out I m here .
Brady : You have nt heard , have you ? I m in charge now . Does nt matter what granddad thinks .
Victor : That s where you re wrong , Brady . Granddad still has control of the house , remember ? This woman is not welcome here .
Brady : You can not stop her from seeing her own son .
Victor : I can and I will .
Taylor : I know you said you were starting to have feelings for EJ again ... but do you really think he s starting to have them for you ?
Nicole : I do nt know . It happened before . Maybe it could happen again .
Taylor : Yeah , yeah , why not ?
Nicole : Okay , you do nt sound convinced .
Taylor : What ? No . Of -- of course I am . Nicole , I mean , I m hopeful . You know , because I know you want it to be that way , so I do too . I mean , I -- I want what you want . What ? Why are you looking at me like that ?
Nicole : Well , because I just have this feeling you re not telling me something .
Taylor : It s not true .
Nicole : Oh , okay . Eee ! Hey , why do nt you leave the lying to me ? Because you re terrible at it . I know you re hiding something .
Taylor : Okay , you re right . There is something I need to tell you , but you re not gon na like it .
EJ : I told you to leave Rafe alone .
Stefano : And I told you that you do not call the shots . All right ? I make the decisions .
EJ : Is there something you can do to reverse it ? Is there an antidote ? Is there anything ?
Stefano : It s irreversible . Hmm ? Sometimes with a patient , I mean , it just does not take . Right ? It s very possible that Hernandez still has his memory . Does that make you happy ?
EJ : I do nt know , Father . Will it make you happy ? Because if it does nt , everything that you and I worked for is going up in smoke .
Daniel : All right , Sami . You re upset , right ? I can see that . But maybe if you just see things , say from , uh , Rafe s point of view ...
Sami : Is that your subtle way of telling me to not make this all about me ?
Daniel : Well , maybe not so subtle . But , uh , hey , maybe , you know , maybe the reason he s not willing to have more tests is cause he s , uh , you know , he s frustrated too . Maybe even a little scared . Cause I ll tell you , it ca nt be easy for a dude to admit to himself that , you know , he s changing .
Sami : That makes sense .
Daniel : Right ? So maybe it ll help if you re less , oh ... uh , confrontational . Yes , yeah , yeah . Here s what you got to do . You just got to kind of guide him along the way , and he might just turn out to be , you know , the old Rafe sooner than you think . I m just saying .
Sami : Are you trying to tell me to be less pushy ?
Daniel : Uh , yeah . Yeah , you know , yes , I guess I am .
Sami : Have you met me ?
Daniel : Oh , yeah .
Sami : I mean , come on . You re looking for miracles here .
Daniel : Well , I do nt know if I believe in miracles , but I have faith in you .
Sami : I m glad someone does . [ Sighs ] This is nt gon na be easy . All right .
Daniel : Nope .
Sami : Wait a second . I think I have a way .
Daniel : Oh , boy .
Sami : No , no , this is good . I think I have a plan , a way to get my husband back .
EJ : So , uh , there have been some last - minute adjustments to the plan .
Rafe 2 : Oh . What now ?
EJ : Now , uh , we re going to play it safe . We just need to dial it back a little bit , you know . So less off the , uh , hostility , the aggressiveness . Um , try being a little bit more like , um ... a little bit more like Rafe . A little bit less like ... you .
Rafe 2 : Well , that seems like a great plan , considering I m supposed to be getting Sami to turn on me . Am I not ?
EJ : Okay , look , that s still the plan , but we do nt want her to wig out completely . Right now we just need to work to keep a -- a balance .
Rafe 2 : Okay . What about talking to Rafe ?
EJ : Not gon na happen .
Rafe 2 : What d you do to him ?
EJ : Samantha . What a lovely surprise .
Sami : What are you doing here , EJ ?
EJ : I had a board meeting in the hospital and ... was wandering through , bumped into Raphael here . Heard he s been having some tests . I hope everything s okay .
Sami : Actually , yes . Things are finally starting to look up .
EJ : Oh . [ Pats Rafe ]
Chloe : Brady , this was a mistake . I should just go .
Victor : Yes , should nt you be down by the pier , perfecting your swan - dive ?
Brady : Hey , you re out of line .
Victor : I agreed to give Chloe the benefit of the doubt for Maggie s sake , but that sorry excuse for a mother has endangered my grandson , her child , for the last time . You re not going anywhere near Parker .
Brady : That is not your call .
Philip : Brady s right .
Victor : Oh , yes , by all means , take his side . The traitor who stole our family business right out from under us .
Philip : Hey , believe me , I m gon na fight Brady tooth and nail to get our company back , but when it comes to the subject of Parker , he and I are in complete agreement .
Chloe : Thank you , Philip .
Philip : In fact , Brady called on his way over and made a really good suggestion . He thinks Chloe should move in here .
Victor : What the hell ? In my house ? Are you out of your mind ?
Philip : Then I guess Parker and I will have to find someplace else to live .
Victor : Philip ... you ca nt leave .
Philip : I m sorry , Dad . It s a package deal . Either you let Chloe stay , or Parker and I leave .
Nathan : Hey . Just drink this , all right ? Please .
Stephanie : Hey , listen , I m sorry . I had no idea .
Nathan : If you would have stopped running your mouth for a second , you would have realized that I was trying to warn you .
Stephanie : Is she gon na be okay ?
Nathan : Yes . But I swear to God , if you attack her one more time , Stephanie ...
Stephanie : I said I was sorry . Trust me , the last thing I want is another run- in with you and your two - faced little girlfriend .
Nathan : She s gon na be my wife .
Stephanie : Really ? That s exciting . Yeah . Well , I just know that you guys are gon na be extremely happy for five minutes . Excuse me .
Nathan : [ Sighs ] Okay .
Melanie : That looked pretty intense .
Nathan : Yeah .
Melanie : What were you talking about ?
Nicole : What am I not gon na like ?
Taylor : Well , um ... I ran into ... Brady the other night ... after the wedding , and he offered me a job again .
Nicole : What did you say ?
Taylor : I tried to turn him down , but he was pretty insistent , so I just told him that I would think about it .
Nicole : You know , EJ would be furious if my little sister was working for the enemy .
Taylor : That s what I figured , so , that settled , I wo nt accept it .
Nicole : Actually , you will .
Taylor : What ?
Nicole : Honey , you re gon na jump all over it .
Rafe 2 : I think I over - reacted a little bit earlier , and ... for that I m -- I m sorry . So ...
Sami : It s okay . I actually talked to Dr. Jonas about it , and he helped me see that I was putting too much pressure on you .
Rafe : Oh .
Sami : So I m gonna -- I m gon na back off .
Rafe : So you re cool with me not having any more tests ?
Sami : Yeah . Absolutely . If you do nt want to have more tests , you do nt have to have more tests , Rafe .
Rafe 2 : Okay . Hey , so , doc , I m good to go home , right ?
Daniel : Oh , absolutely . You know , I just want to reassure you you ve got nothing to worry about . A clean MRI is actually a great sign , yeah . Good change that you could get back to your old self sooner than you think .
Rafe 2 : I m looking forward to that .
Daniel : Okay . All right , well ...
Sami : Uh , thank you , Dr. Jonas . Thank you so much .
Daniel : No . Daniel .
EJ : Yeah , I should probably be heading out too . I have to get back to my blushing bride .
Sami : Oh , yeah , mazel tov .
EJ : Thank you .
Sami : Mm - hmm .
Rafe 2 : So we re cool , right ? We re -- we re good ? We re good , right ?
Sami : Yeah .
Rafe 2 : Okay .
Sami : We are , and , um ... and things are gonna -- gonna work out .
Rafe 2 : Yeah ?
Sami : I think they are .
Rafe 2 : Yeah , definitely . Yep .
Marco : He s coming to .
Stefano : Yeah . I see that . Go . Hmm .
Stefano : Well ... now the moment of truth .
Nathan : Look , what I said to Stephanie s not important at all . The only thing that s important to me is how you re feeling .
Melanie : Much better . Thank you for looking out for me .
Nathan : Kidding ? Of course . Melanie , I love you , and I would do anything for you .
Melanie : Nathan ...
Nathan : Yeah , I know , I know . I m moving way too fast . I need you to know ... I m never giving up on us .
Victor : Go . See Parker . I ll have Henderson set up a room for you .
Chloe : Thank you , Victor .
Philip : Doing the right thing , Dad .
Victor : Yeah , we ll see about that .
Philip : Come on . I ll show you to Parker s room .
Victor : Not so fast , Brady . I m not through with you yet .
Taylor : I do nt get it . You think I should take the position at Titan ?
Nicole : I think you should do what s best for you , and if that means working with Brady , then go for it .
Taylor : Yeah , but EJ .
Nicole : I will handle him .
Taylor : Nicole , I do nt want to make things more difficult for you .
Nicole : Taylor , despite all the grief I gave you before , this sounds like a really good job . I do nt think you should pass it up . And if EJ gives you problems , then I will stick up for you , because that is what sisters do , right ?
Taylor : I do nt know what to say .
Nicole : Well , you could say that I m the most generous and wonderful sister in the whole , wide world .
Taylor : Yes , you are all of that and more . Thank you .
Nicole : I just want what s best for you .
Melanie : I should probably go . I ve had enough excitement for one day .
Nathan : Okay , you sure you re strong enough ?
Melanie : Yeah , I ll be fine . Oh .
Nathan : Whoa , Mel . Melanie . All right , easy .
Melanie : Sorry . [ Exhales ]
Philip : Here you go . You missed your mommy a lot , did nt you ?
Chloe : Ooh , hi . Hi , my sweet baby boy . Oh , my gosh , my angel . I was nt sure I d ever see you again .
Philip : Parker needs both of his parents . And I promise you , Chloe , you will always be a part of your son s life .
Chloe : Thank you , Philip . That means so much to me . Did you hear that , my sweet angel ? We re always gon na be together . You and me . From now on .
Victor : Let me make one thing crystal clear , Brady . I ll put up with Chloe now because that s what Philip wants . Whole idea makes me ill . But I ll let it play out because I do nt want my son to abandon me .
Brady : It s always about you , is nt it ? Always .
Victor : Well , it sure as hell is nt about you . Because you , dear boy , are dead to me .
Nicole : Wow , the day is practically half over . I should probably get changed . Did you want to stick around ?
Taylor : Oh , no , no , no , no . I should get going , yeah .
Nicole : Okay . Uh , do you mind seeing yourself out ?
Taylor : Uh , yeah , no problem .
Nicole : Okay . I ll see you later .
Taylor : See you . Yeah .
Rafe 2 : Listen , I m really sorry about the way I acted at the hospital . I do nt know what got into me .
Sami : Do nt worry about it .
Rafe 2 : I was thinking , you know , if you want to go back there tomorrow so I could I have some more of these tests then , um , that s fine with me . If that s what you want .
Sami : That s not what I want .
Rafe : All right .
Sami : I want this . I want you to make love to me . The way you used to .
Stefano : Welcome back .
Rafe : Where am I ? Who the hell are you ?
EJ : She s your sister , and I do nt want her working for Brady .
Rafe 2 : What do you want from me ?
Stefano : Tell me the truth right now .
### Summary:
| Victor tried to console Philip over what happened to Melanie and the baby . Philip did nt want to talk about it . Victor assured him that he and Melanie can raise Parker together . Philip told him that his marriage was over . Victor refused to accept that . He believed that Melanie would be a great mother . Philip reminded him that Parker has a mother . Victor thinks that Chloe is an unfit mother . Chloe was preparing to leave the hospital when Brady arrived . She talked to Brady about Social Services taking Parker away from her . Sami wanted to know how Rafe s MRI could show that he was nt in an accident . Daniel claimed that the results show that there was no head trauma . Sami believed that there must be a mistake . Sami said that Rafe was nt her husband . Rafe wanted to pretend that he did nt hear what she said . Rafe tried to come up with explanations for why his MRI results showed no head trauma . Sami wanted to speak to Daniel privately . EJ was able to come out of hiding and talk to Rafe . Rafe wanted to know what happened with the results . EJ told him the contact could nt switch the results because Daniel supervised the test . Sami talked to Daniel about how different Rafe has been lately . Sami told him that the old Rafe would face problems head on , but he wo nt do it now . EJ wanted Rafe to get some more information about Rafe because of what happened with the MRI . EJ and Rafe agree that they need to keep Rafe around longer . EJ hoped that Stefano did nt do anything stupid . Melanie was about to leave the pub when she saw Nathan . He talked to her about his feelings when Stephanie showed up . Stephanie picked a fight with Melanie , but Nathan interfered . Stephanie and Nathan fought too . After the argument , Stephanie walked out of the pub . Taylor showed up at the DiMera mansion and thought about meeting EJ . She talked to Nicole about Nicole s feelings for EJ . Taylor was nt so sure that EJ feels the same way about her . Stefano started the memory wiping procedure on Rafe . EJ called him to stop him from going through with it . Stefano reminded EJ that he calls the shots and not EJ . Stefano said there s a chance that Rafe may keep his memory , but he s not sure . EJ told Rafe to be more like Rafe and less like himself . Rafe thought that he was supposed to get Sami to hate him . EJ wants a balance for now . Brady invited Chloe to stay at the mansion . Chloe did nt think that Victor would approve of her being there . Brady did nt care what Victor thought about that . Stefano tested Rafe to see if he had his memory . Rafe wanted to know who he was . Rafe apologized to Sami for his behavior . He assured Sami that he will have more tests done . Sami said she did nt want that . She wanted to make love to him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Martin : Easy now . I got you . You re all right . You re ok .
Katherine : This -- this is my sister . My sister Rachel .
Alistair : That s right , Katherine . But if you do nt believe me , then ask your low - born lover there . He helped me bury the body , and then he built a gazebo over the grave those many years ago .
Martin : Dear god .
Katherine : But this -- this does nt make any sense . My sister died in a boating accident . She drowned . Why put her body someplace else ?
Alistair : I see that Martin is still reluctant about answering any of your many questions , but do nt worry about it . I ll tell you everything you want to know . Everything . But just remember , Katherine , you asked for the truth .
Katherine : I do nt understand any of this .
Alistair : No , you do nt . I just want you to not be too surprised when the truth destroys the life of someone you love with all your heart .
Gwen : Let s not talk about Theresa any more tonight , ok ?
Rebecca : That s a deal -- after we toast to her utter and completely humiliating defeat .
Gwen : You know , at first , I was really afraid to even believe that this actually finally happened , but it did . I mean , Ethan , he -- he stood up for me to her and we have our baby just like he promised . Mother , I finally for once feel like I can breathe easy knowing I have my husband and I have this beautiful baby I ve so desperately wanted .
Rebecca : Oh , not to mention deserved .
Gwen : And Ethan despises Theresa . He never even wants to see her again .
Rebecca : Hmm .
Ethan : No , no . Theresa , no . God , we ca nt do this .
Theresa : Ethan , you want to as much as I do .
Mrs. Wallace : Murderer ! You re suffocating me ! Now let me go !
Beth : Ugh , save what little breath you have , mother ! I am so sick of you and your gin - drinking threats to expose me . Once you re gone , I m going to be with Luis and Marty , and no one is ever going to find out what I did to get them . Well , I wish I could say it s been swell , but it has nt , not one day of my life as your daughter . Bye - bye , Mommie Dearest .
Tabitha : Some day , my little vixenette , you ll inherit Mommy s magic bowl and get to know the joy of watching people writhe in pain . Well , that s if I ever choose to give up the ghost . Something I may decide to forego if life continues to be this entertaining . Well , would Mama s little witchling like to take a peek at Luis and Sheridan in their final moments together ? I m just about to undo their so - called love once for all .
Sheridan : Hurry , Luis .
Luis : I m going as fast as I can , Sheridan .
Sheridan : You know , I ca nt wait to hold my little boy in my arms . I knew he was mine all along . He s finally going to be mine once I confront Beth .
Katherine : Why should the truth about Rachel s death hurt someone I care about ? What is he talking about , Martin ?
Martin : Listen , do nt do it , Alistair . There s no reason that Katherine needs to know what happened . You re only doing this to torture her .
Alistair : That s Katherine s decision , is nt it ?
Martin : You son of a --
Katherine : No , Martin !
Alistair : You want the unexpurgated story or not , Katherine ?
Katherine : I do . Yes , I do !
Martin : No , I wo nt let you do this !
Alistair : You ve got to curb your impulses for violence , my friend , or --
Katherine : Martin , Alistair will have you killed , and you know it .
Alistair : How touching . How very touching . Here you are , back with your wife and family , and my wife still pines for you . Spare us your pitiful attempt at nobility . Why do nt you let Katherine make her own decisions . She wants to get in on our little secret , so I do nt see why we should deny her .
Martin : Because it ll kill her to hear the truth , and you damn well know it .
Alistair : Kill her ? Oh , gosh , I think not . Now , we can drop this subject any time you want , Katherine .
Martin : I m begging you , please , I swear , you ll regret it .
Katherine : No . I need to know .
Alistair : You see , Martin ? I told you , I know my wife much better than you do . She s like a cat , able to risk all just to satisfy her curiosity .
Katherine : All right . My sister drowned . She died . There was a funeral . Why -- why would you bury her body under the gazebo ?
Alistair : Now , what if I told you your sister did nt drown ?
Katherine : What ?
Alistair : She was murdered .
Katherine : Oh , my god . You killed her ? You murderer !
Martin : Katherine !
Alistair : No , no , no , I did not kill your sister , Katherine !
Katherine : You -- oh !
Alistair : But I can tell you who did .
Martin : Do nt . Do nt do it . I m warning you .
Alistair : Do nt do what ? She has the right to know . She has a right to know who killed her dear , departed sister .
Ethan : No . Stop , please . This is so wrong , Theresa .
Theresa : No , it s not , Ethan . It s the rightest thing that we ve done in way too long . And even if you did nt tell me tonight in words , I feel it from your kiss . You re in love with me and not your wife .
Ethan : No , this ca nt happen anymore . I made a commitment to be loyal .
Theresa : Loyal to a lie ? What kind of commitment is that ? Look , it s time for you to just face up to the fact that you just made a terrible mistake when you married Gwen . It is supposed to be us .
Ethan : No , no , you need to face the reality , Theresa , that I am married to Gwen , I intend to stay with her . And you and I are done . We re finished forever .
Rebecca : What ?
Gwen : Ok . I know you re going to think I m being a worrywart , but there is still something out there that could completely destroy my future with Ethan .
Rebecca : Look , if you re bringing up again that little tiny , insignificant bit of ancient history --
Gwen : Mother , it s still very much out there and it s still very much a threat . If Ethan ever finds out that we were the ones who tipped off the tabloids -- I mean , he blames Theresa . That s the whole reason he feels he ca nt completely trust her , you know ?
Rebecca : Look , I gave you my word , no one is ever going to find out that it was us .
Gwen : God , I really hope you re right , and I guess as long as there s no evidence linking us -- I mean , you did destroy the hard copies and the disc , so --
Rebecca : Well , another glass of champagne , dear ?
Gwen : Mother , please tell me you took care of everything . Oh , my god . You never destroyed the disc , did you ?
Mrs. Wallace : Angels above , have mercy !
Beth : Damn it ! How long s it going take to snuff out an old bat like you ? Your stupid angels are nt going to help you this time , Mother !
Mrs. Wallace : Let me go !
Beth : You getting tired , huh ? You know , I m not the only one that s going to be celebrating when you re gone . Alistair is going to be -- I mean , Daddy is going to be thrilled . You know , he does nt trust you to keep your fat yap shut about my paternity any more than I trust you to keep quiet about Marty s maternity . My life is going to take a 180-turn for the better . I m going to have everything that I ever wanted , and you are never going to call me a loser again !
Beth : I ll be darned . I ll be darned ! Ding dong the wicked mother s gone ! I smothered her .
Tabitha : There s only one tiny problem . I have this marvelous scheme to break up Sheridan and Luis , but I need a little time to set it in motion . So how do we stop Sheridan and Luis getting to Beth before I do , huh ? Huh ? How ? Endora ! That s a wonderful idea , you clever girl . It might even work . Hang on . I ll go and fetch the cauldron .
Luis : You re really Marty s mother .
Sheridan : Yeah , I ve been telling you that for months .
Luis : I know you have . I just -- what exactly did Dottie say to you on the phone ?
Sheridan : Just what I told you -- that I am Marty s biological mother , not Beth .
Luis : And the reason that she did nt see it before was because she never tested your D.N.A. against Marty s , only Beth s . And the reason that Beth s matched is because you two are half sisters , and thus share a similar genetic code .
Sheridan : Look , this is taking forever . I mean , ca nt you go any faster ?
Luis : Look , I m sorry , ok ? I m sorry I did nt believe you that Beth is your half sister . It just seemed ridiculous . It seemed like this idea that was born out of your desperation to be near Marty . You hate me ?
Sheridan : How much longer to Beth s house ?
Luis : Look , I told you I m going as fast as I can , ok ?
Tabitha : One blotch of spotted tree toad , two shakes of a puppy dog s tail , and a pinch of a bat wing . Want to put some in ? Good girl , Endora . Oh . We are going to stop these two dead in their tracks . Once we get this spell complete , Sheridan will just have to give up her dream of being with her son . She will lose Marty and she will lose Luis . Oh , happy , happy day , my little witchling .
Gwen : Look me in the eye and tell me you destroyed anything that could jeopardize my future with Ethan , because , Mother , if he ever finds out that we knew he was a Bennett and not a Crane before he knew it --
Rebecca : Look , would you just stop making a mountain out of a molehill ? Look , this was years ago . And no one besides Theresa has given it a moment s thought that it could possibly be us and nobody , including Ethan , believes a word out of her mouth .
Gwen : You did nt do anything to protect us ? Well , what did you do with the disc ? And please tell me there are nt any hard copies out there .
Rebecca : Well , since when ca nt somebody keep just a little memento of their best work ?
Gwen : Oh , my god .
Rebecca : Well , honey , what we accomplished that day was just a -- a masterpiece of teamwork . Oh , and it meant so much to me . I mean , you were learning from me and following in my footsteps , if you will .
Gwen : Ok , tell me I m not hearing this . Please tell me that there are not hard copies just floating around out there that could destroy my entire future with Ethan . Please tell me that this is not going to happen , not now when I finally have everything I ever wanted . You tell me , what are we going to do if Ethan and Theresa find that disc that has our file on it that we emailed to the tabloid ? What then ?
Rebecca : For the last time , they wo nt .
Gwen : How do you know that ?
Rebecca : Because I hid it in a place where no one could discover it .
Gwen : Where ?
Rebecca : All right , in a safe in this house , one that Alistair and Julian never use anymore .
Gwen : You mean to tell me that you hid the evidence against us in a safe in the Crane mansion where Ethan happens to live ? Have you completely lost your mind ? Take me to the safe right now , because we need to find it , destroy everything completely before Ethan and Theresa do -- now , right now .
Theresa : We love each other .
Ethan : We are past this now .
Theresa : You re lying . You re lying through your teeth because you are afraid of what this means .
Ethan : Theresa , it does nt mean anything . Do nt you get it ?
Theresa : No , I do nt . What I get is that you love me as much as I love you . And I m not going to give up on us .
Sheridan : Who are you calling ?
Luis : Beth . I m going to tell her I just want to stop by and spend a little quality time with Marty before he goes to bed . She never says no to that .
Beth : Finally . God , I should ve done this ages ago . This old bag s been a millstone around my neck ever since I can remember . This is all your fault , you know ! You should ve kept your flapping yap shut ! You made me do this !
Beth : Hello ?
Luis : Beth . Hey .
Beth : Luis . Hey , what s up ?
Luis : Nothing . I was just on duty , got a call in the neighborhood , was wondering if I could stop by and tuck in Marty before he goes to bed .
Beth : Tonight ?
Luis : Yeah , tonight -- unless you have a problem with that .
Beth : No , it s just late .
Luis : Well , I do nt want to stay for long . I just want to see my boy . Unless , of course , for some reason you do nt want me to .
Beth : No , no . I mean , you re always welcome here . Just -- just give me a minute to pull myself together , ok ?
Luis : See you soon .
Beth : God ! Now what ? How do I hide the body ? Oh , god . What if it starts to smell ? Not that it would take Mother being dead to stink . Ok , the basement . I ll just put her in the basement and Luis will think that she already went to bed , and then I ll -- later , I ll take the body to the mountains and dump it . Ugh !
Tabitha : Oh , murder most vile . Her own mother ! Even we witches have a code of ethics . Oh , that Beth , she is as immoral as her father . Now , back to the business at hand , Endora . We have to keep Sheridan and Luis from getting to Beth and Marty s . Ksksksksorms , poison and pests , keep Sheridan and Luis from completing their quest .
Tabitha : Oh , rats . We have to stall those two . If we do nt , Luis and Sheridan will take Marty and live happily ever after , and we ca nt let that happen , can we ?
Theresa : You ca nt take back what you ve already admitted -- that you ve in love with me , that I m the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with .
Ethan : It does nt matter what I said . It does nt matter because there s nothing I can do about it anyway , Theresa . You need to understand that , you need to accept that .
Theresa : Why do I need to accept the unthinkable , Ethan ?
Ethan : Why , why ? Because for the last time , Theresa , I am a married man . This is me . I m a married man who does nt believe in breaking his wedding vows . Nothing is going to make me disloyal to Gwen again .
Gwen : You hid the disc in here ?
Rebecca : Well , yeah . Nobody uses this room , much less remembers there s a safe in it .
Gwen : Ok , where is it ?
Rebecca : Oh , oh , it s right behind here .
Gwen : What s the combination ? Do nt even tell me you do nt remember .
Rebecca : I do nt have to remember it . I keep it close by me at all times .
Gwen : What does that mean ? You keep it in your bra ?
Rebecca : Well , why not ? That s where I keep all my other valuables . Voila ! Oh . Um --
Gwen : For crying out loud , Mother , come on .
Rebecca : I know it s in here somewhere .
Gwen : Oh , for crying out loud . You re unbelievable , Mother .
Rebecca : Well --
Gwen : Oh , my god !
Rebecca : What , what ? Ah , ah ! Here it is , hmm ? Ok . Um -- 84 , 50 , 9 .
Gwen : Oh , my god , can you hurry up , please , before someone catches us ?
Rebecca : They wo nt . Here we go . Oh , my god .
Gwen : What ? It s gone , is nt it ? Oh , my god . My god , Mother , we are dead meat .
Beth : Damn it , Mother ! Why could nt you stick to the Atkins like I told you ? You weigh as much as a baby elephant . Maybe if I roll you off onto a blanket .
Tabitha : Oh , damn it !
Endora : Yeah !
Tabitha : No , the dratted bowl keeps changing channels on me . I have to keep tabs on Sheridan and Luis . Oh -- oh , who do we have here ? Katherine , Martin , and Alistair . Hmm . Hmm .
Alistair : There s still time for you to change your mind , Katherine .
Martin : Please do nt listen to him , Katherine , please .
Alistair : Please ? It s your prerogative , Katherine -- yours . Ignorance can indeed be bliss . But then again , you would never know who murdered your sister .
Katherine : Just say it , Alistair . Who killed Rachel ? I want to know , whoever it is , because I want them to pay for killing my sister .
Martin : Katherine , do nt say that .
Katherine : What are you so afraid of , Martin ? Oh , my god . Oh , my god , it was nt you . Was it you ?
Martin : No .
Katherine : But Alistair said it was someone I love .
Alistair : With your whole heart , too . The monster who murdered your sister was none other than --
Katherine : Who ? Who ?
Alistair : Your beloved daughter , Sheridan .
Katherine : No . No .
Tabitha : Oh , I love it when they get hit square between the eyeballs . But we do still have this little matter of keeping Sheridan and Luis from getting to Beth s before my plan kicks into gear . You know , that spell was just -- it was just too spindly . Well , now do nt pout , Endora . No , it s not your fault , darling . You re just a wee one . But we do need something with a bit of meat on its bones to buy us some time . Oh ! Look what we have here . Look at this mist .
Endora : Yeah .
Tabitha : Why , it s as thick as pea soup . Oh , look , look . There it goes out the window .
Endora : Oh , boy !
Tabitha : Oh , for Hades sake , you were nt finished , were you , huh ?
Endora : Oop .
Tabitha : I should never have doubted you . Now Luis and Sheridan are going to be stopped dead in their tracks and I will have all the time I need to get to Beth s before they do . Clever girl , Endora !
Luis : What the hell --
Sheridan : Where did this fog come from ? It was such a clear evening .
Luis : I ca nt see a thing in front of us . I got to slow down .
Sheridan : No way ! No , I have got to get my son back . We ve got to get to Beth s right now .
Luis : I m not about to risk killing us both ! We ca nt see a damn thing . I got to slow down . I got to pull over .
Sheridan : No !
Tabitha : No . Huh , pathetic girl . She thinks she s going to get her son back tonight . Now I have to make a visit to nasty Beth so she has time to skip out of town with Marty before Sheridan and Luis arrive .
Gwen : So help me , Mother , if that disc is gone and Ethan finds out that we and not Theresa were the ones who leaked his paternity to the press and I lose him , I will never forgive you for costing me my husband , ever .
Rebecca : Gwen , would you just calm down ? Look , the disc is here , as well as all the hard copies I made as souvenirs .
Gwen : Well , why did you gasp like that then ?
Rebecca : Because I d forgotten that there were a few other things that I put in here for safekeeping .
Gwen : Well , are there pictures ? If they re pictures , let me see .
Rebecca : No !
Gwen : What ? They re pictures . I want --
Rebecca : No , I do nt want you to see them .
Gwen : Those pictures of you and your men ?
Rebecca : Well -- uh -- let s just say they re personal , all right ?
Gwen : You know , this is just so gross !
Rebecca : It is not gross . In fact , I think of it as fine art . You know , but it s not for your eyes , all right ? Now , do you want the evidence or not ?
Gwen : Of course I do . Give --
Rebecca : Well , ok , then it s all right here , just like I told you .
Gwen : Ok , well , we need to destroy everything completely . We can -- we can shred the paper copies , we can burn the disc . And you know what , I do nt want to -- I do nt even want to dump the ashes here . Let s just destroy everything completely , burn it , put the ashes in the box , and just , you know , throw it off the side of the wharf , because Ethan and Theresa are never going to find out that we were the ones who leaked his paternity . I m going to make sure of it .
Theresa : This is nt fair , Ethan .
Ethan : Fair ? Theresa , fair is being faithful to my wife , being faithful to the woman that I made a vow in church in front of friends , family , and god . I will not break my promise to her , Theresa . And to tell you the truth , I do nt think I could live with myself if I did .
Theresa : What about your heart ? How can you live with yourself when you re betraying your own heart ?
Tabitha : I have just got enough time to warn Beth before Sheridan and Luis get there . Oh , we ve done it again , sweet pea . We ve dashed Sheridan s chances at happiness . Oh , what a team we make , my darling little demon ! Boo , boo , boo , boo , boo !
Sheridan : Luis , start the car . I have got to get to Beth s !
Luis : Look , I ca nt drive in this fog , ok ? Besides that , five or 10 minutes is nt going to make a difference . Beth and Marty are still going to be at the house .
Sheridan : Luis , you do nt understand , all right ? I have been waiting for this moment ever since my baby was taken away from me , and now that I m finally about to have him back , I ca nt wait a minute longer !
Luis : Well , I m not going to risk our lives by driving in this fog .
Sheridan : Ok , two minutes ago , you just apologized to me for not trusting me .
Luis : And I meant it .
Sheridan : Well , then prove it . Make up for not believing me by taking me to my son !
Luis : Sheridan , I can not see in this fog !
Tabitha : Oh , things could nt be better , Endora . They re squabbling over everything already . Oh . I can see you re getting tired , child . If you re dozing , the spell will wear off , and then the fog will lift and they ll beat me to Beth s . I think I d better step on it . Kay , I m just stepping out for a moment . Will you keep an eye on Endora , please ? Bye , my little witchling .
Beth : Well , leave it to Mother to be a pain in my rear to the very end !
Mrs. Wallace : Wicked , wicked girl !
Beth : You re alive .
Mrs. Wallace : Ta - da ! No thanks to you , you evil , evil spawn of the devil Alistair himself ! Oh , Precious , I wish you could see me . You d be so proud of me ! I win ! And you , my wretched daughter , are a loser again ! Boy , I can not wait , I can not wait for Luis to get here so I can tell him everything .
Katherine : Sheridan ? Sheridan killed my sister Rachel ? No .
Alistair : That s right . Rachel did nt drown , as I led you and the rest of this town to believe . She was murdered by her own niece , your beloved Sheridan .
Katherine : No , it s impossible . Sheridan was nt even born when Rachel died . You re lying , Alistair !
Alistair : Then why do nt you ask your beloved Martin why Rachel was buried under the gazebo until I dug her up a few months ago ?
Katherine : Martin , tell me he s lying . Tell me this is just another one of Alistair s tricks . Tell me it is nt true . Sheridan could nt have killed my sister . No , could she ?
Ethan : You have to let go of this fantasy about us . We re not going to be together .
Theresa : We re meant to be .
Ethan : Theresa , fate is a dream . Reality is something different . My reality is that I m Gwen s husband .
Theresa : For now you are .
Ethan : No , no , forever . Those are the marriage vows I took , Theresa , for better or for worse .
Theresa : We would ve been married if she had nt been pregnant .
Ethan : Theresa , maybe , maybe , maybe not , you know ? The truth of this whole thing is there is something else . There is something much bigger , something irreconcilable that stands in the way of us ever being together .
Theresa : What ?
Ethan : Theresa , how can I ever completely trust you again when it was you that emailed that tabloid with the news that I was Sam Bennett s son and not Julian s , huh ?
Theresa : No , I did nt do that , Ethan . I have told you a million times that I did nt do that !
Ethan : I know , and that s just it , I do nt know if I can believe you or not !
Gwen : Are you sure you burned everything before you put it in that box ?
Rebecca : Oh , ye of little faith .
Gwen : You know , I would ve done it myself , but I needed to check on Jane , and I really hope you did nt let me down this time .
Rebecca : Yeah , enough , ok ? Now , let s get rid of this . Where do you want to dump it ?
Gwen : I do nt know , Mother . Just -- there , over there . Just do it .
Rebecca : Oh ! Oh !
Gwen : Oh , my god ! Are you crazy ? You did nt burn these things ? What if someone gets their hands on it , Mother ? I m going to lose Ethan forever ! Oh , my god !
Mrs. Wallace : You brought this on yourself with your pact with the devil . Bethie ? I told you were a loser . I did . Oh , no . Oh , no , what if she comes to and tries to off me again ? No , then -- then I wo nt be able to tell Luis and Sheridan what she has done ! I need help from above .
Mrs. Wallace : Angels of mercy , help me keep evil from prevailing . Help me . Please help me reunite Marty with his real mother and father . Angels above , please end the pain and the suffering brought on by my devious daughter . Do nt let her win . Do nt let her win ! Do nt let her win . Please do nt , do nt , do nt let her win .
Tabitha : I have got to get to Beth s before Sheridan and Luis get there . The mist from Endora s spell wo nt last long if she goes to sleep . Oh . I ca nt believe the man upstairs thinks he could stop me with one of you . Get out of my way ! Oh . Oh , for Hades sake ! Oh , oh , that blasted light ! I ca nt see a bloody thing ! No , let me go . Let me go , will you ? I have to get to Beth s . Let me go , I say !
Sheridan : Luis , start the car .
Luis : I am not going anywhere until I can see the road , Sheridan .
Sheridan : Fine , if you re not going to drive --
Luis : Sheridan --
Sheridan : Then I m walking to Beth s !
Luis : Wait . Sheridan , wait ! If no one can see you out there , a car could hit you !
Sheridan : I ll risk it . Nothing is going to stop me from getting to my child . I ve got to go get Marty now ! What -- what just happened ? The fog just lifted .
Luis : Great . Will you please get back in the car ?
Sheridan : All right , hurry , please . Let s get to Marty now .
Katherine : It is nt true , is it , Martin ? How could my precious little girl kill my sister ?
Martin : I told you not to listen .
Katherine : I need to know ! I do nt trust anything that comes out of his mouth , but I know you ll tell me the truth . Please , Martin .
Martin : Yes . It s true .
Katherine : No . No ! Oh , god , no !
Martin : Sheridan killed Rachel .
Katherine : No .
Alistair : Oh . The truth smarts , does nt it , Katherine ? And you ve always been a stickler for it , too , so I m going to tell you the truth right now . Your beloved daughter killed your own sister . And now the whole world s going to know that Sheridan is a murderess .
Gwen : I just hope we can get all the hard copies .
Rebecca : Honey , I m sure you can .
Gwen : Oh , my god . Oh , my god , Ethan s here . Why is Ethan here ? He s with Theresa . Oh , my god , Mother , copies are blowing right towards them !
Theresa : I just ca nt believe that you would give up on real love just to keep a promise that you never should ve made .
Ethan : Theresa , I trust Gwen completely . And after the tabloid incident , I m sorry , I was never sure if I could trust you or not .
Theresa : What --
Ethan : What is this ?
Theresa : I can not believe that people litter like this . Where is the trash can , Ethan ?
Gwen : Oh , my god . Mother , Theresa has the proof against us in her hand .
Rebecca : Well , maybe she wo nt read it .
Theresa : Oh , my god .
Gwen : She saw it . Theresa knows .
Mrs. Wallace : Give me a sign , angels of light . Give me a sign that you hear my prayer . Let Sheridan find her son . And stop , please stop the evil in this house once and for all . Stop the evil tonight . Stop it . Please , angels , stop it , stop it , stop it .
Tabitha : No , get out of my way , you flying fools ! I have a job to do ! What do you care if Sheridan gets her son back ? Let me go . Let me go ! I have to get to Beth s to warn her that Sheridan and Luis are on their way !
Sheridan : Thank god we re finally moving .
Luis : That was the weirdest thing . That fog just rolled in with no warning , and then left just as quickly . Wonder what that was .
Sheridan : Well , who cares , just so long as we get to Beth s soon . Hurry , Luis , please . I have the worst feeling that if we do nt get there in time , I will lose any chance of getting Marty back , so please hurry .
Theresa : I m going to use this to get Jane back .
Gwen : If you will just let me explain --
Ethan : No way . There s nothing you can say that ll explain this .
Tabitha : Stop ganging up on me , you gossamer goons .
Sheridan : Look out , we re going to crash ! No !
### Summary:
| As Luis and Sheridan race to Beth s to get their son , Tabitha does her best to stop them so she can get to Beth first and warn her they are coming . Beth is busy trying to kill her mother , which she believes she has finally accomplished . However , Edna is playing possum , and when Beth s back is turned , she beans her with an empty bottle , knocking her out cold . She prays for God to help Sheridan and Luis get there quickly and Cherubs are sent to block Tabitha , who is powerless against them , so far . Once she is stopped , the fog she and Endora created to keep the couple from getting to Beth s disappears and they are on their way again . Will they get to the Wallace house first , or will Tabby come up with a way to dodge the Cherubim ? Tune in next week to find out . On the dock , Theresa trys to convince Ethan he belongs with her , but he continues to tell her his place is with Gwen since he s married to her . Back at the mansion , Gwen finds out Rebecca has kept incriminating evidence of the fact they sent the news to the tabloid of Ethan s parentage , and the two women set out to destroy it before it is found by someone . Unfortunately for them , their attempt to destroy it sends it directly to Theresa s feet , and she picks up on it immediately upon seeing it . Maybe Fate is on her side after all . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Quinn : How lucky can a girl get ? You know , you should have woken me up . I would have helped you put all this together .
Eric : No , you were too , too beautiful , and too peaceful . You were dreaming about me , were nt you ?
Quinn : No doubt . Awake or asleep , I am at peace being married to you . I ca nt believe this is my life .
Eric : Oh , believe it .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ]
Eric : Mrs. Forrester .
Ridge : Pam ? Anything ?
Thomas : I have nt heard from him .
Ridge : Steffy ?
Steffy : No .
Ridge : What about you ? Anything from your mother ?
Wyatt : Not a word .
Thomas : I ca nt believe he went through with it . Our -- our boycott did nt work .
Rick : Hey . Have you spoken to Dad ?
Ridge : No . You ?
Rick : No . But Maya and I , we ve been doing some talking . We think we made a huge mistake .
Ridge : A mistake ?
Maya : Yes . By not going to the wedding .
Steffy : Granddad s the one who s making a mistake .
Rick : All the more reason we should have been there for him .
Zende : That s what he would have done for any one of us .
Rick : Right .
Thorne : No question . Dad s always stood by us no matter what . What did we do ?
Ridge : We took a stand , Thorne .
Pam : We showed him that we did nt care .
Ridge : No ! We showed him how much we care . It s what family does ! He needs to open his eyes and see what a mess Quinn really is ! No offense . What s -- what s your plan ? You thought you were gon na go to their wedding and just lie to his face and -- and what ? Pretend that everything s fine ?
Thorne : What we did did nt change anything , Ridge . He still married her .
Rick : Maybe we re the ones who need our eyes opened .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ] You re packing for me ? I do nt think so . Mnh - mnh .
Eric : What ? You do nt trust me ?
Quinn : No , I just -- with my life , yes , but my wardrobe ? Just tell me -- where are we going on our honeymoon ?
Eric : No , no , you do nt need to -- all you need to know is that you re completely packed and all the details have been taken care of .
Quinn : Well , cheers to that .
Eric : Well , yeah .
Eric : Hmm . Here . You want some more champagne in there ? Just a little more ?
Quinn : Uh , no , no , no . Maybe just a - a little bit more --
Eric : I have some water here . There s some water .
Quinn : Oh , okay . Okay . Thank you .
Eric : Just be careful .
Quinn : Why ?
Eric : Do nt choke on that .
Quinn : Is that another key ?
Eric : A key ? No , no . Not a key .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] Eric . It s beautiful .
Eric : It s perfect for any honeymoon destination .
Quinn : [ Sighs ]
Eric : So many possibilities .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] It s a lifetime of possibilities .
Steffy : We ll be there for his divorce . How about that ? We ll throw the biggest party the family s ever seen .
Thomas : Whoa . What if there is no divorce ?
Steffy : [ Sighs ]
Thomas : What if this is it for Granddad ?
Wyatt : Look , I know you do nt want to believe it , but I honestly think this is it for them .
Pam : Oh .
Wyatt : Death do they part , all of it .
Ridge : I think it is , for she found an older guy with a lot of money . She s gon na try to outlive him .
Wyatt : Ridge , do nt say that .
Steffy : I do nt think it s gon na last . Quinn s gon na show her true self , which is vicious and ugly . Sometimes it takes a person awhile to see that , but we ll help Granddad . And when he does , we ll get her out of the house . That s what not going to this wedding is about .
Zende : But it could have the opposite effect . See , Granddad could be so hurt that he only starts trusting Quinn .
Thorne : No one got a text message , right ? No calls ? After the wedding , this morning ? Nothing ? Just silence ? So Dad s not communicating with us . That s how upset he is . Zende s right . Not showing up for the wedding last night could backfire . Big time .
Quinn : You have to stop giving me gifts . I do nt have a gift for you .
Eric : I do nt need a gift . You re my gift . You re the gift of my life .
Quinn : You know what ? I am gon na make it my personal mission to make sure you always feel that way about me . I m gon na be the best wife ever .
Eric : I do nt doubt that .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ] Neither will your family , because I m also gon na be the best stepmother ever . Family dinners , holidays . They may not have been here for the wedding , but they re gon na be here for the marriage , and I want to include them . And they re gon na come around eventually . They will .
Eric : I do nt want to talk about my family .
Quinn : Well , they re my family , too .
Eric : [ Sighs ]
Quinn : And I do nt want to be responsible for alienating you from them .
Eric : They were nt there , Quinn . They were nt there . The most important day of my life and ... I ve never felt so disrespected . Ever .
Quinn : I know , but you have to find a way to get through this .
Eric : How ? How am I gon na do that ? They could nt even try . They -- they could nt trust that I knew what I was doing . I m not gon na be able to forgive them . I m not .
Quinn : Honey , I hate seeing you this way . If you re angry and bitter , it s -- it s just gon na make everything worse . They were -- they were trying to protect you , okay ? So we just -- we have to show them that there was no need for that . We ll show them how happy we are . And then in one year , we re gon na throw a huge first - wedding anniversary party , and they ll all come to that . They will . I promise you .
Eric : How do you do that ?
Quinn : How do I do what ?
Eric : How can you be so forgiving when they ve been so horrible to you ?
Quinn : Because I was horrible . And I know it . But I also know that that woman , the woman that they re trying to protect you from , she does nt exist anymore . And she never will , as long as I m married to you .
Eric : I m gon na talk to them .
Quinn : No , Eric . No . Please .
Eric : There s something I need to say to them .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] Ca nt it just wait until after the honeymoon , after we ve had a chance to relax ?
Eric : No , no , I want them to hear me . I want them to hear me now .
Quinn : All right , well , then I m gon na go with you .
Eric : No . No , I do nt want you to go . I do nt want you to hear any more of their ugliness . Now , you let me handle this , and then we ll take off on our honeymoon and the rest of our lives .
Quinn : [ Sighs ]
Thomas : Take it all in ? Thanks , Zende .
Zende : Of course .
Ridge : Felicia . She s upset . She s at the airport and is about to get on a plane .
Thorne : Upset about what we did ?
Ridge : About what Dad did .
Ridge : As we all should be .
Rick : Nobody s saying he should have married her . We re just saying we should have been there .
Thorne : Felicia just texted me , too , Ridge . You heard from Dad ? He has nt responded to me . Worried we messed up .
Ridge : What s the matter with you guys ? What is it ? No one messed up .
Thorne : Ridge , Dad wo nt pick up the phone . He s not talking to anyone ! You honestly do nt think we have a right to feel guilty ? ! If I was nt sure about it before , I am now . We never should have deserted our father on his wedding day , Ridge .
Pam : Well , it s front - row seats , Charlie . In the yellow knight . Yeah , I know we were in the yellow section last week , but -- blue section ? Psssh . No way , José . No , every time that serving wench in blue sees you , she practically throws herself on you . No .
Eric : Pam .
Pam : Charlie , just -- just get any tickets . Any section s fine . I got to go . Okay , bye . Eric . You re here .
Eric : That ca nt surprise you . I work here .
Pam : You know , I just -- I just meant that -- well , it s the day after your ... you got married . Lemon bar ? Corner piece .
Pam : E - Eric , please . I - I did nt know what to say . I feel terrible !
Eric : Pam , you were there . You were helping to set up . You were ... pretending to support me . You were lying to my face .
Pam : No , Eric . No , I was nt . I promise it was nt like that .
Eric : What happened ? Where did you go ?
Pam : [ Voice breaking ] I - I went to talk to Ridge . I called him .
Eric : Ridge ?
Pam : Yes . See , Ridge and Steffy have been so worried about you . We all -- the whole family s been worried , and so we just thought that if ... if -- if we staged a - a boycott , that you might call the thing off .
Eric : Call off marrying the woman I love because everybody staged some group tantrum ?
Pam : [ Sighs ]
Eric : Wait , wait . Does this -- this was Ridge and Steffy s idea ?
Pam : Well , Ridge and Steffy were just so concerned about your future , Eric . Quinn has done some pretty horrible things , so they felt she was dangerous and --
Eric : All right , enough . Get them in here .
Pam : Ridge and Steffy ?
Eric : Yes . Everyone . Anyone who s in the building who was supposed to be at my wedding yesterday , I want them in here . Now .
Ridge : Wow , I have no patience for this . If you guys want to be in here , wring your hands , and think about what is right or wrong , you go ahead . I have better things to do .
Thomas : Hey , Dad , wait a second . We re just worried . That s all .
Ridge : I m worried , too , for your grandfather . That s why I did nt go to that ridiculous wedding , because I do nt want him to be with this silly woman !
Pam : [ Sighs ] He s here .
Maya : Eric ?
Wyatt : What about my mom ?
Steffy : Wait , this could be a really good sign .
Pam : Um , no . He s really hurt .
Ridge : We knew that was gon na happen . It s gon na be okay . He ll be all right .
Pam : No , he s -- he s beyond hurt , Ridge . I ve never seen him like this before . He s waiting for us in the office now .
Rick : He wants to talk ?
Pam : Talk , yell , scream . I do nt know . But he wants us all to come in there right now .
Pam : Eric ? Um , Eric ? We re all here . I gathered everyone as you asked .
Quinn : You re here .
Wyatt : Uh , yeah . Did you get my message ? I texted you . I said I d wait for you .
Quinn : I did nt know if I could trust it . You also said you would be at my wedding .
Wyatt : Um ... Eric summoned everyone in the office . Maybe we should join them .
Quinn : No , let him say what he needs to say to them without me being a distraction .
Wyatt : How was the ceremony ?
Quinn : It was not very crowded .
Wyatt : [ Scoffs ] Mom .
Quinn : It was wonderful . It was simple and elegant . Just what Eric and I needed .
Wyatt : Is that a new necklace ?
Quinn : Yeah . It s a gift from my groom .
Wyatt : He s got good taste . Look , mom , I want to be happy for you .
Quinn : No , I know . You have Steffy to think about . I hope you realize that I never would have done this . I never would have put your marriage in jeopardy , risked your happiness if I did nt truly believe in what Eric and I have .
Wyatt : I know .
Quinn : You know , my marriage does not need to interfere with yours . I hope Steffy can realize that .
Wyatt : Yeah , I hope , too .
Quinn : Yeah , I hope she can also realize what her little stunt yesterday did to her grandfather .
Wyatt : It was nt just Steffy , mom . The whole family united --
Quinn : The whole family united to hurt him . Not one -- not one person could be there to support him . I do nt know if Eric will ever forgive them .
Thomas : Ivy told us that you and Quinn were alone at the wedding . That should never have happened . Granddad , I am sorry .
Zende : It was nt our intention for you to marry Quinn alone . We just thought that , you know , maybe if we were nt there , you might change your mind . We were wrong .
Maya : Look , it was a terrible , terrible mistake . And if any of us knew that you were actually gon na go through with it , Eric , we would have been there . Right ?
Thorne : Yes . Of course . Especially me . I agreed to be your best man . I said that I would stand up for you , and ... I let you down . I hope that you can find it to forgive me , Dad . Please ? Forgive me ?
Rick : We were trying to make a statement . Because we were concerned about you , Dad . You have to understand , we did this for you .
Eric : I ve heard from everyone but the ringleaders . Ridge , Steffy , this was your doing , was it not ? Anything you want to say , Steffy ? Hmm . You re as stubborn as your grandmother and as opinionated . Sometimes that worked for her . But just as often as not , she ended up hurting the very people she wanted to help . Have you learned nothing from her mistakes ? I guess not . So any regard ... any respect ... any admiration you might have for me ... [ Voice breaking ] Any of the affection , the affection we have for one another ? It just goes out the window . Just throw it away . And , Ridge . You re my son . And you knew how much this would hurt me . You know how much you mean to me . I ve raised you . I ve taught you , mentored you . I ve -- I ve stood by you all these years . And this is what it comes to ! You ... betrayed me .
### Summary:
| Eric brings Quinn breakfast in bed and she laments how lucky can a girl be . He even surprises her with another huge expensive trinket in her water glass .. a mere compliment to their exotic honeymoon destination . The ones in the office , Ridge , Pam , Wyatt , Steffy and Thomas look at each other and say none of them have heard a word . Rick joins in and admits he is worried too . Thorne says his dad has always stood by them and they should have been there for him . What they did could not change anything ; Eric still married Quinn anyway . Steffy says when they divorce they will throw him the biggest party ever seen . Quinn will show her true self and it will help Eric get her out of his life . Thorne says Zende is right , not showing up for the wedding probably will backfire big time since Eric has made no effort to get in touch with them . Quinn is optimistic that his family will come around and she will try to make them feel welcome in their marriage . Eric says he is trying but he is never going to forgive them . Quinn says they were only trying to protect him and then in one year they will celebrate their first wedding anniversary and they will all come around . He wants to talk to them .. he wants them to hear him now . He tells her to let him handle this without her hearing any more criticism and then they will take off on their honeymoon for the rest of their life . Felicia is on her way home feeling they messed up . Ridge closes the door and says no one but Eric messed up . That was wrong . Thorne says again they were wrong for not supporting their father . Eric shows up at the office and is curt with Pam . She says she feels terrible and does not know what to say . Eric says she showed up with Charlie and pretended to be supporting him but then she disappeared and must have come back here . They threw a tantrum thinking he would call off the marriage to the woman he loved . He wants her to get them all in here .. now . Ridge tells Thomas that he is worried too but he has better things to do . Pam interrupts and says Eric is here and he is really hurt . She has never seen him like this before . He wants to talk ; he wants them all in his office right now . Tentatively they all walk in with Eric not looking at them or saying anything for a few minutes . Wyatt goes to see his mother via her text . She says the wedding was simple and elegant and wonderful , just what they needed . She is sorry that he was not there . She knows he had Steffy to think about . She would have never put him in that predicament if she did not truly believe in what she and Eric have . The whole family united to hurt him . Not one person could be there to support him .not one . Thomas speaks up first and says he is sorry he was not there . Zende adds they thought he might change his mind . Maya says if any of them thought he would go through with it then they would have been there . Thorne says he hopes his dad can forgive him as he as best man should have been there . Rick says they were all just trying to make a statement , they were doing it for him . Eric finally turns and says he has heard from everybody but the ringleaders ; does Ridge or Steffy have anything to say ? So any affection or respect any of them have for him just went out the window , throw it away . He looks at Ridge and says he is his son and knows how much this would hurt him despite him standing by him all these years and this is what it came to . They all betrayed him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : One more word about Hope--
Stephanie : Brooke , your daughter needs help , psychological help . She does nt need a new husband .
Brooke : She s getting help . She s also getting Liam . They ll be married in a few weeks .
Stephanie : I do nt think that s what s going to happen , and I think the two of you had better start accepting it .
Hope : ( Sighs ) I am counting the days until our wedding .
Liam : Italy , huh ?
Hope : My mom s idea . But I think it s a really good one . Just imagine it-- the beautiful Italian countryside by the seashore , us exchanging our vows . Oh , so , um , Steffy came over for dinner last night . Ridge invited her .
Liam : ( Sighs ) How was that ?
Hope : Good , goo-- no , it was -- it was -- it was good . It -- it gave me a chance to apologize for everything that happened in Aspen , which I - I really needed . So she knows I moved out . She went over to your place last night , did nt she ?
Steffy : Yes , Hope , I did .
Amber : Kinda cute , is nt he ?
Caroline : For a guy in a dress .
Amber : He looked great in those heels the other day .
Caroline : It does nt bother you that Rick likes to wear women s clothing ?
Amber : Well--
Caroline : I mean , I m not being judgmental . It s just ...
Amber : He does nt wear em all the time . He just wears em in private , and , uh , sometimes I even help him accessorize .
Caroline : I have to make a call . I ll be back .
Amber : Bye . Ooh , Drumbeat red .
Amber : Oh , hi .
Rick : Hey .
Amber : Can I get you , uh , some coffee or something ?
Rick : Oh , no , no , no . Thank you . I m all coffee - ed out .
Amber : Anything else ?
Rick : You look great .
Amber : Thank you .
Rick : Is Caroline around ?
Amber : She left a little while ago .
Rick : Took off before I could get here , right ? She s avoiding me , Amber and I have no idea why .
Amber : She s not avoiding you , Rick . I mean , how could any woman in their right mind avoid you ?
Rick : Oh , you re a sweetheart , but I know when I m getting aced out .
Amber : Say that again .
Rick : I said I know when I m getting aced out .
Amber : No , no , no , the sweetheart part . It s been so long since anyone s called me that .
Rick : You can be sweet ... if you try .
Amber : Well , I m trying right now . Is it working ?
Rick : ( Chuckles ) All right . All right .
Amber : Thank you .
Brooke : There s got ta be more to the story even if Liam did rip up those annulment papers , it does nt mean he would nt be marrying my daughter . They re already making plans .
Stephanie : They are ? Well , do you know what-- the fact that he ripped up those papers , you know what that says to me ? That he s not ready to walk away from his marriage with Steffy .
Brooke : You know what it says to me ? That he s willing to wait until the divorce is final . I respect him for that .
Stephanie : We ll see .
Hope : Oh , I thought that when you left my mom s house , you d be going over to Liam s . So how d it go ?
Steffy : You really want to know ?
Hope : Oh , yeah , yeah , yeah . I mean , was it just a subtle attempt at seduction , or was it a lot ?
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Actually , she did nt even come in . We just talked at the door .
Steffy : Yeah , but , you know , you -- you did invite me in .
Liam : I was raised well .
Steffy : ( Mouthing words ) Oh .
Hope : I got ta say , I m impressed . I mean , I thought the second you found out that I moved out , you would be all over--
Steffy : No , no , no , no , no , this is not musical chairs or beds or whatever . No , I already told Liam , I am not stepping foot into that house unless and until I m moving back in permanently .
Hope : Oh . Well , I - I hope that does nt mean you ll refuse a dinner invitation once we re married .
Liam : Wow , it must have been some dinner .
Hope : Oh , it was .
Steffy : Yeah , Dad barbecued .
Hope : My mom served a great cheesecake .
Liam : Y - you guys know I m not talking about the dinner , right ? Yall are acting differently .
Steffy : Oh .
Hope : Are we ?
Liam : Yeah .
Steffy : Maybe it was our encounter on top of that mountain , hmm .
Hope : Mmm . Oh , my gosh , you knee brace , it s gone . You took it off .
Liam : Oh .
Steffy : Oh , yeah , it s -- its fine . I just got ta take it easy on it .
Hope : ( Sighs ) Okay , well , if -- if you need anything , I mean , you can ask me . I - I know it s my fault , and I m so sorry .
Steffy : No , you know what ? You apologized yesterday ...
Hope : ( Sighs )
Steffy : And I know you meant it . Seriously , I m -- I m fine .
Hope : Okay . What ?
Liam : Uh , nothing . I m just -- I m a li-- a little blown away by this whole new dynamic you guys have going on here .
Hope : Oh , well , you know , I thi -- I think we ve just both come to accept the inevitable .
Steffy : Only seeing it differently .
Hope : I got ta confess , I - I , uh , I asked Steffy if there was anything that brought about this lovely change in her , you know , anything you may have said or done after I left Aspen , and she said that there was .
Liam : She did , huh ?
Steffy : I said I remember marrying you , and it s where we started our life together .
Hope : But , um , that s over now .
Steffy : So it seems .
Hope : Well , I - I got ta say , I understand why you did nt sign the annulment papers . I - I think that I would have done the same thing . I mean , it gives you time to get used to being single again . But now it s our moment . And it starts in Italy in just a few weeks . The wedding and a honeymoon all rolled into one .
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Hope : ( Giggles ) I ca nt wait . Mmm .
Amber : You feel better ?
Rick : ( Sighs , groans ) Maybe it s Thomas . Caroline are getting close . Did she say anything about that ?
Amber : You know , they like each other a lot , Rick . I mean , I know it s a-- a disappointment , but ... mmm . You know , I would do anything to make you happy , Rick . But please do nt make me betray my confidences with Caroline .
Rick : I m sorry . I guess that says it all . I just wish I knew what I was doing wrong .
Amber : You re not doing anything wrong . You are perfect just the way you are .
Rick : Hey , there .
Caroline : Hi .
Brooke : I have to wonder if this is another one of Steffy s tricks .
Stephanie : Oh , please . She did nt tear up the papers . He did .
Brooke : Well , maybe she worked it , played up that sore knee of hers . Then she could get on a plane and fly back here and say that Liam still wanted to marry her .
Stephanie : ( Sighs ) But that s exactly what she did nt do . She did nt come running back here to tell you or to tell Hope . And you know why ? Cause she s no longer feeling insecure where Liam is concerned .
Brooke : And neither is my daughter . Have you seen her recently ?
Stephanie : Honey , I know that you love her , and I know you re trying to protect her , but you re not helping matters by continuing to-- to plan this wedding , which is nt gon na happen .
Brooke : Oh , okay , I-- I am not listening to this .
Stephanie : You ve got to let go of this fantasy . It s only going to hurt her .
Brooke : I ll send you an invitation ...
Stephanie : Oh !
Brooke : To the wedding . Good - bye .
Stephanie : ( Sighs )
Rick : Yeah , I guess I have that , uh , impact on women , you know . Here , let me help . ( Sighs )
Caroline : Oh , no , I m -- I m good .
Rick : Yeah ?
Caroline : Yeah .
Rick : Good enough for some chicken and waffles later ? Lip - smackin good .
Caroline : Lip - smacking . ( Laughs ) Right .
Rick : No , seriously , we could leave right after work . Get some dinner , hit the nightclubs . I mean , we re already dressed for it .
Caroline : You sure you do nt want to change into something more comfortable ?
Rick : Well , I can , if you want .
Caroline : I was-- I was just kidding . I am busy tonight .
Rick : You know , you ve been busy a lot lately . It was nt like that before . What happened , Caroline ?
Caroline : Nothing .
Rick : Did I do something to offend you ?
Caroline : No .
Rick : The -- the -- the-- then what is it , because I m confused . I thought we were , you know , that we were getting close .
Caroline : We were .
Rick : I do nt know what it is . Is it -- is it -- is it another guy ? Is it Thomas ?
Caroline : No , it has-- it has nothing to do with another guy .
Rick : Okay , then -- then-- then can you help me out here ?
Caroline : Sometimes you find things out about someone , and ... things change .
Rick : Like what ? Did -- what did you find out about me ?
Caroline : Rick , please do nt do this .
Rick : Seriously , did someone say something ?
Caroline : They did nt have to . It was pretty obvious once I got to know you .
Rick : So it is me . You were interested in me , but ... now it s not what you want .
Caroline : Yeah . Yeah , I guess that s it .
Steffy : Hope is so certain she and Liam are headed for marital bliss . And I am so certain that Liam s not gon na leave me . Am I deluding myself ?
Stephanie : Do you think you are ?
Steffy : No , I do nt . Not since Aspen , no . I feel like we ve just come to this place where we re now looking at each other and really seeing the truth . You know , everything that s happened in the past , the issues , the deception , it s all -- it s all faded . And all there is left is just a strong sense of caring .
Stephanie : Love .
Steffy : Yeah . I just do nt want , you know , Liam to be in the middle again , and ... ( Sighs ) I know he does nt want to hurt Hope .
Stephanie : Honey , I think you better call Liam .
Steffy : Why ?
Stephanie : Because Brooke was here . She heard us talking . She knows that he tore up the annulment papers .
Steffy : What ? Wh -- wh -- what did she say ?
Stephanie : Well , she did nt believe he did it . ( Sighs ) I think she s gone over there to see him .
Steffy : Oh , my God . I did nt want Liam to be put in this position . That s why I did nt tell Brooke or Hope . ( Sighs )
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Liam : What d you forget ?
Steffy : Brooke is coming your way .
Liam : Why ?
Steffy : Liam , she knows about the annulment that I signed and you tore up .
Liam : Whoa . You -- you told her ?
Steffy : No , no . She overhead me talking with my grandmother . Liam , I am so sorry . I - I never meant for any of this to happen . You -- you really should just get out of there , just go somewhere .
Liam : No , no .
Steffy : No ? How are you gon na handle this ? You know she s gon na come in like a freight train .
Liam : And maybe it s for the best .
Steffy : It is ?
Liam : Yeah . Ill -- Ill - Ill t-- I ll talk to you later .
Stephanie : What did he say ?
Steffy : Maybe it s for the best .
Brooke : I know what happened in Aspen , Liam . Is it true ? Steffy signed the annulment papers , and you tore them up ?
Liam : Yes .
Hope : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : Liam might be right . This might be for the best .
Steffy : What did he mean by that ?
Stephanie : I think he means that he is nt going to lie to Brooke . He s gon na tell her how he feels about you .
Steffy : Well , the moment of truth .
Stephanie : Yeah . He s made a decision .
Steffy : You think ?
Stephanie : I think he loves you . That s why he tore up the annulment papers . Otherwise , he would have filed them and ended the marriage .
Steffy : Is that why you-- is that why you believe he did it ?
Stephanie : Well , why else ?
Steffy : Well , I - I ... ( Sighs ) Out of respect , you know , for me , so I did nt have to suffer the humiliation of annulling my marriage .
Stephanie : Oh . No . No . No . This is gon na force his hand and bring about the exact opposite of what she wants to have happen .
Brooke : Why , Liam ? Why did you do it ?
Liam : Because , Brooke ... it felt like the right thing .
Brooke : Not for Hope . Those annulment papers were the only thing standing in the way of you two getting married . You asked Steffy to sign them how many times over and over again , and she would nt . She held them over your head for months . And then when she finally does sign them and hand them over to you , you tore them up . I do nt know what happened between you and Steffy in Aspen , but I do know why my daughter moved out . It was because she wanted her life back . And she did nt worry about leaving you and Steffy alone together in Aspen , because she trusted you . She believed in what you had . She just needed to get control of her life . And you know why ? Because she gave up all of her beliefs , all of her morals just to move in with you . That is how much she loves you , Liam .
Liam : I - I know . I know that .
Brooke : Did she put it on you once she realized that it was her mistake ? Did she blame you for that ?
Liam : No .
Brooke : No . No , of course she did nt . She blamed herself . That is why she moved out of your house , so she could make it right . She s a good person . She s changed . She s really growing up , and she is the person that you fell in love with . I know that you ve seen a change in her , too .
Liam : I have .
Brooke : Okay . ( Sighs ) Well , those annulment papers would have resolved a lot of the inner conflict that was going on in Hope . And you two could have been married already .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Brooke : She sacrificed a lot , doing something she thought would make you happy . And all you had to do to repay that was to get those annulment papers . And you did , but you tore them up . Hope has been waiting for you for a long time . She deserves to know the truth . Are you going to marry her or not ?
Liam : ( Sighs )
### Summary:
| Stephanie tells Brooke that she does nt think Hope and Liam will be getting married in a few weeks and they all need to start accepting that . He ripped up the annulment papers so he is not walking away from Steffy . Brooke is making things worse by helping Hope plan this wedding that is nt going to happen . Hope tells Liam that she saw Steffy last night so she knows Hope moved out , and it also gave Hope a chance to really apologize to Steffy . Rick tells Amber that Caroline is avoiding him and he does nt know why . He calls Amber sweetheart and that is all she can focus on . She gives him a big old red kiss on the lips . Caroline walks in , takes one look at Rick with lipstick and drops her papers in shock . He asks her out to dinner , but she gives him the brush off . He s confused as he thought they were getting close . She says it is not another guy . So he s left to think that she found something out about him and changed her mind about him . Amber is there to pick up the pieces as she kisses him again . Stephanie warns Steffy that Brooke is probably heading to Liam since she now knows that he tore up the papers . Steffy calls and warns Liam . He s not crazy about the idea , but maybe it s for the best . He admits to Brooke that it is true .Steffy signed the papers and he tore them up . Brooke wants to know why . Those papers were the only thing standing in the way of his marrying Hope . Hope gave up all her morals and her beliefs to move in with him . That is how much she loved him . Those papers would have resolved a lot of things and they could be married already . She reminds him that Hope has been waiting for him for a long time . She deserves to know the truth if he is going to marry her or not . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hope : When you said you had something to tell me , some big secret , I -- [ Chuckles ] I never expected to find out that you re my cousin . I mean , that s what you were talking about , right , when you said that I d never look at you the same ? Or was it something else ? Because you seemed almost as surprised as I was .
Wyatt : I m sure flo was just surprised because we barged in here with the news . My e - mail was on the account , too , and -- and I got the test results . I got the same e - mail you did . And I m -- I m sorry if I kind of took the moment away from you . If you wanted to tell hope by yourself , I --
Flo : No , no , no , no . It s fine . I just , um ... I just ... I did nt know how to say it , so I , um ...
Hope : I - I can only imagine how difficult this is for you .
Flo : Yeah . You have no idea .
Hope : You finally find out about your father , only to realize that he s gone .
Shauna : Honey , I thought I was doing the right thing . Had I known it was storm , that sweet , sweet man , i would nt have been embarrassed . I would have told you . And now you ll never know him , and it s all my fault .
Quinn : No , but you re gon na know of him . They re gon na show you so many pictures and tell you stories .
Hope : Yeah , my -- my mother and aunts were really close with him , and they ll tell her all about him .
Shauna : I hope so . I would love that for her .
Hope : Well , uh , I mean , you -- you should meet them . I mean , my mom and her sisters . Your aunts ! I mean , you already met donna in the office , but that s before we realized that -- oh , my gosh . They re gon na be so happy . Another logan . [ Chuckles ]
Flo : Okay , yeah . Sure .
Hope : Come on . Come with me . Come meet the rest of your family .
Bill : I do nt know . For a minute there , I thought it was gon na be another kid on the payroll . Might not have been so bad , though . You know , daddy s little girl .
Justin : [ Scoffs ] Please . You would nt know what to do with a daughter .
Bill : Well , you do nt know that . You know , maybe , maybe not . Does nt matter now , anyway . That girl is storm logan s daughter .
Justin : Think L.A. Is ready for another logan woman ?
Bill : L.A. ? How bout the world ?
Justin : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : I m so glad you re back in los angeles , donna . I missed this , just the three of us hanging out .
Katie : Yeah . Logan - girl get - togethers just were nt the same without you .
Donna : I should hope not . I hope we re always this close . There s nothing more important to me than family .
Katie : Oh .
Brooke : Oh , speaking of family . I got your text , honey .
Hope : Um , actually ...
Brooke : Oh . Hello . Heh ...
Hope : When she told me that you were all here , I decided that we had to come right on over .
Katie : Um ... wyatt , hi . Uh , what s -- what s going on ?
Wyatt : Uh , we kind of have some news .
Hope : Huge news , actually . I would like to introduce you to shauna fulton .
Shauna : Hi .
Brooke : Hello .
Hope : And her daughter . Who is about to change your lives . We believe in the power of real .
Bill : I m not accepting these times . You have to grind them harder . Go back . [ Knock on door ] Yeah .
Georgina : Excuse me , mr . Spencer . Are you expecting a mrs . Forrester ?
Bill : Uh , no , I m not , georgina . But I will always make time for brooke . And if you want to make this temp thing more permanent , you might want to keep that in mind .
Georgina : Yes , sir .
Justin : Yes , sir .
Bill : Yessir .
Justin : I like that .
Bill : Oh , boy . Uh , justin , uh , on your way out , if you could tell georgina to be more specific when she mentions mrs . Forrester in the future ... ?
Justin : I am on it . Sir . Lovely seeing you again .
Quinn : Likewise .
Bill : Uh , if you re here to , uh , update me on our mutual friend s paternity drama , I m not interested .
Quinn : You do nt even remember her name .
Bill : Shayna .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] Shauna .
Bill : I was close .
Quinn : Not really . And there was no drama . You know , it was really kind of touching to see hope and -- and flo bond . The only drama would have been if you ended up being the father . I still can not believe you and shauna .
Bill : What are you talking about ? She was gorgeous . She s still hot . [ Laughing ] Oh ! I get it .
Quinn : What ?
Bill : Quinn , it was a one - time thing , all right ? Nothing more . No reason for you to be jealous .
Quinn : What ?
Bill : [ Chuckles ]
Hope : Flo , this is my mother , brooke logan , and her sisters , donna and katie .
Donna : Nice to see you again .
Hope : Okay , you two met at the office already .
Katie : Uh , wa-- wait a second . Flo ?
Brooke : Flo ! Welcome .
Katie : So , uh , what -- what s going on ? I mean , it s so good to see you excited .
Hope : Well , it s a little complicated , and a little crazy , but , uh , flo and shauna have quite the connection to us .
Katie : And it involves wyatt ?
Hope : Well , he s actually the one who --
Wyatt : Well , I mean , flo and I go way back . We actually used to date in high school .
Flo : Uh , uh , when wyatt and i reconnected , I was shocked to find out that he learned who his father was .
Wyatt : So I - I kind of encouraged her to do the same .
Flo : Kind of sparked this desire in me to have these questions answered that I had , these questions that my mom never would answer .
Donna : Well , did -- did you find any answers ?
Hope : Well , that s where we come in . That s why I brought her here .
Brooke : So we know the father ?
Wyatt : Yeah . You certainly do .
Shauna : I was horrified when I found out who wyatt s father was . After all these years , hearing that name , bill spencer , again --
Katie : Oh , my god . Again ?
Shauna : I mean , I did nt know for sure but , you know , based on the timing , it was always in the back of my mind that it could possibly be bill .
Wyatt : Right , but then flo took a dna test , and we found out that we re not related , thank god .
Brooke : Oh - kay ... but you said we know the father .
Hope : Flo told me that she had this big secret , and once she told me the truth , i would nt be able to look at her the same , but never in my wildest dreams did I think that she was talking about ...
Wyatt : Yeah . I mean , until shauna and i came over and broke the news to flo before she even got a chance to say anything . Which I - I will make up to you , by the way .
Donna : Uh ...
Brooke : Okay . What news ?
Hope : Um ... wyatt ? You want to show them ?
Wyatt : Uh , yeah .
Katie : Okay . Uh ... I do nt understand . What is this ?
Hope : I know how much you loved uncle storm .
Donna : We were just talking about him , and the future he could have ... had ...
Brooke : And the family .
Donna : Oh , my god . Wait , this is the dna site that I did with dad on the d-- ... na site ... are you -- are you telling us that storm --
Katie : Storm ?
Donna : [ Gasps ]
Brooke : Our brother is your father ?
Hope : Flo is your niece and my cousin .
Katie : Oh , my god .
Hope : Flo s a logan .
Brooke : Oh , my god .
Katie : Oh , my god ! As a fitness junkie , I customize everything -
Quinn : I am not jealous . But that is very funny .
Bill : Mm - hmm .
Quinn : Mm - hmm .
Bill : Whatever it takes to get you through the day .
Quinn : Yeah . But you know it would have been awful for wyatt if you ended up being the father , given their relationship . But now that you re not , that door is wide open . What ? I like it when wyatt has options .
Bill : Quinn , what are you -- what are you talking about ? You know that he s head - over - heels for spectra .
Quinn : [ Sighs ]
Bill : I will admit , though , he -- he , uh , does seem to still care for flo .
Quinn : They were practically inseparable back in the day . And they always had each other s backs -- still do . I mean , he s been by her side during this whole paternity - testing thing . He s with her right now , telling brooke and her sisters .
Bill : I wonder how that s going .
Quinn : [ Scoffs ] Oh , please . You know the logans . They re definitely crying . And then they ll hug her , and then they ll cry so much more . And then they ll welcome her into the family . At least , they better .
Brooke : Are you certain about this ?
Wyatt : I mean , the proof is right there .
Donna : I - I do nt understand . You -- you dated storm ? He never lived in vegas .
Shauna : No , but he visited , and he was such a kind , caring man ... he gave me a bit of sanity during a crazy time in my life .
Brooke : But you did nt tell him ?
Shauna : I did nt know . H - had I known , I would have told him . Even if he did nt want anything long - term with me , I know he would have wanted flo , and would have wanted her to be part of this loving extended family .
Hope : And while she may have missed it growing up , she s a part of it now .
Shauna : I know this is a huge shock , but hopefully you see it as a blessing . Or eventually you will .
Donna : Uh , this -- this is ... heh , this is just a l-- a lot to process . I - it s -- to think what could have been ... look , we all have to make decisions in life , and I m the last person to make judgments on what a woman does when she finds out she s pregnant , but ... phew ... this ... [ Voice breaking ] This hurts . To -- to think what life would have brought storm , the -- the direction that he could have gone , the different ... choices that he would have made had he known . - [ Gasps ] My siblings and I did nt exactly have the best father , example of a father growing up , and , uh ... stormie would have more than made up for that with you .
Katie : [ Sobs ]
Donna : He would have given you everything that he did nt have . But ... he s not here , so ... we re gon na have to do it for him .
Katie : Yeah , we will . Because , you know [ Scoffs ] You re one of us now .
Brooke : You re a logan .
Katie : [ Chuckles ] Whoa ! Okay . Well , we have a lot to catch you up on .
Shauna : Well , I m sure she wants to know as much as she can about her father .
Brooke : And I m sure that there is plenty of time for that . But all you need to know right now is that he was the kindest man you could ever imagine . And he was a boy who stepped up to be a man for the sake of his sisters . And he would have been an amazing father , and would have loved you very , very much .
Katie : Heh . Look at you ! Cousins .
Donna : I can see the resemblance .
Brooke : Oh , my gosh . I can , too . I - I do . I see our brother s face in your face .
Flo : You do ?
Brooke : Yeah . Yeah , I do .
Donna : [ Exclaims ]
Brooke : Can I welcome you to the family ?
Flo : Yeah .
Brooke : Oh !
Katie : Oh , my gosh . This is crazy . [ Laughs ] This is crazy . Oh , my gosh . Oh , my gosh . [ Chuckles ] Uh ... we re gon na have to fill you in on our logan - girl hugs .
Brooke : Yeah .
Katie : It s kind of a tradition .
Donna : Slumber parties .
Brooke : It s gon na be so much fun .
Bill : Yeah , I m sure flo s terrific , but I do nt need to be related to her .
Quinn : Well , you kind of are .
Quinn : Oh ! We did nt even get to that part .
Bill : Get to what part ?
Quinn : Heh . Well , your new granddaughter s little sister -- the little baby that steffy just adopted .
Bill : Phoebe . What about her ?
Quinn : How s this for a small world -- flo is the birth mother .
Bill : What ?
Katie : This is just amazing .
Shauna : I - I hope it s okay to ask this -- and please understand it s out of concern for my daughter and her health ... storm was nt much older than me , and I was so shocked to hear that he died . Is there ... anything that flo needs to know medically ?
Brooke : Uh , no . Nothing at all . No .
Flo : So , what -- what happened , then ?
Donna : Do you want to tell them ?
Katie : Yeah , sure . Um ... uh ... I - I was in the hospital . I was nt -- I was nt doing well . I had been shot in the heart , and it -- and it did nt look good .
Flo : Oh , my god .
Katie : I was nt gon na make it . Not without a new heart , and there was nt one to be had .
Donna : We were all saying our goodbyes .
Brooke : We gathered around katie and told her how much we love her , and that we would be there for her .
Flo : Then ... how -- how did you survive ?
Donna : [ Sighs ]
Katie : Your father , um ... he felt ... really guilty about what happened . It was his gun , and it was -- it was a terrible accident , and there was a struggle -- but that s not really important right now , so ...
Brooke : I do nt know how storm could have gone on had katie died .
Donna : But he -- he knew that he was a match .
Flo : A match ?
Katie : Genetically speaking . He , uh ... he was a possible donor . And he knew that I could nt survive without a heart , but ... he knew I could have his .
Flo : Oh , my god .
Katie : He s a part of me . Do you want to ... do you want to feel his heart ?
Flo : Yeah .
Katie : Yeah . [ Crying ]
Flo : Thank you . Thank you . All -- all -- all of you . Thank -- thank you so much for making me so welcome . I , um ... I m really excited to get to know all of you better , and -- and to hear all the stories about my dad .
Hope : I knew they d open their arms to you . And their hearts . [ Katie chuckles ] You re one us now .
Flo : Maybe , in time .
Hope : No . You fit right in . I mean , when I look in your eyes , I see such warmth and honesty , and it s that bond that I felt the first time we met . You know , there s so much goodness in you . And you ve already done so much for our family , and -- and given us such an amazing gift .
Wyatt : Yeah , that s before you even found out you re related .
Hope : [ Laughs ] Exactly . I mean , I ca nt thank you enough for what you did for steffy , and how happy it s made her -- and me . I mean ... your daughter is a remarkable woman .
Shauna : I ve always thought so .
Hope : I mean , she s so selfless , and ... you made quite the sacrifice .
Flo : Hope , uh , you do nt really need to bring all this up right now .
Hope : Well , no , I do , because it s a testament to your character and what an extraordinary woman you are . And -- and the extraordinary woman that you raised . And now I find out that she s family ? I mean , I - I could nt be happier . Remember I told you that you did nt have to worry about your daughter , and that she was gon na have a great life ? Well , now , you know , in a way , you get to be a part of it .
Flo : Hope , um , ple-- we --
Hope : No , no , no , no . Really . You are such an inspiration to me . And I know that our -- our circumstances are different , but they re still similar . I mean , neither one of us are raising the daughters that we gave birth to .
Shauna : What ?
Hope : I admire flo so much for having the courage to make that choice , and to give her daughter the chance at a better life .
Shauna : [ Scoffs ] Daughter ? Daughter ? What -- what -- what daughter ? What ... ? I think you might be confusing flo with someone else , because she s never had a baby . She s never even been pregnant .
Hope : Uh ... what is your mom talking about ? You -- you gave your baby up . Steffy adopted her . And -- and now she s saying that you -- you did nt even have a ba-- a baby ? Is steffy s daughter -- is ... is phoebe ... oh , my gosh . Flo ? [ Scoffs ] Oh , my gosh .
### Summary:
| Hope tells Flo that she never expected this that she would be her cousin but she always felt connected . Shauna apologizes to Flo for not telling her about her sweet , sweet father . Hope gushes that Flo needs to meet the rest of the family . They will be happy to see another Logan . Bill jokes with Justin that there for a minute it looked like another Spencer on the payroll . Justin says he would not have known what to do with a daughter . Bill said he would have been fine with that . Hope drags Flo , Shauna and Wyatt over to the big house and burst in on Brooke , Katie and Donna . She tells them this young lady is going to change their lives . Georgina comes in and asks Bill if she is expecting a Mrs. Forrester . Bill says no but Brooke is always welcome . Instead it turns out to be Quinn and he is not happy to see her again so soon . She blasts him for being with Shauna . He laughs that it was a onetime thing and no reason for Quinn to be jealous . Quinn tells Bill she was not jealous but what a problem if he had ended up being the father considering the relationship between Wyatt and Flo . Then for whatever reason she tells him that Flo is also connected to Steffy as she is the birth mother to Phoebe . Hope tells the Logan s that this will all sound crazy but Flo and Shauna have quite the connection to them . Flo explains that she never knew her father but Wyatt was helping her recently with DNA and now the data base just came through . They are all ears and then blown away when they find out that Flo s father is Storm . She is a Logan and Hope s cousin and their niece . Shauna explains that she never knew that Storm was the father and she knows this is a huge shock but she hopes will be a blessing to them . Hope says again of course they will ; she is a Logan . They all accept that and say they have a lot to catch her up on . Brooke says Storm would have made an amazing father and would have loved her very much . Now she is one of them , welcome to the family . They quickly fill her in on Storm being a match to Katie and donated his heart and she is alive today because of him . Flo thanks them all for making her feel so welcome . Hope keeps saying that she is one of them now and she knew they would open their arms and hearts to her . She tells Flo they have given them an amazing gift and Steffy too . She could not be happier . And she goes on that neither of them are raising the daughters they should have . Shauna is shocked and dumfounded . Hope must be mistaken and mixed her up with someone else . Flo never gave birth to a daughter . Flo stands there and says nothing , just a blank look on her face while Hope rattles on and on about what happened with Phoebe . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sami : Oh , and , Johnny , it is yours and Allie s job to help Sydney figure out what toys she wants to take on the plane , okay ? [ Sighs ] Rafe .
Rafe : Hi . Bad time ?
Sami : No . No , no , I mean , of course not . Come in .
Rafe : Good . So I heard you re moving to L.A.
Sami : Um , yeah ... well , for a little while , anyway . I mean , you know , Hollywood ... would nt take no for an answer .
Rafe : Not surprised . Well , that s good . You needed some good news . Well ... I guess this is good - bye .
Sonny : Hey . When I got up , you were gone . Where d you go so early ?
Will : Visiting hours at the prison start at 9 : 00 .
Sonny : You took Ari to see Gabi ? Why did nt you tell me ? I would have come with you .
Will : I had to do this one alone .
Sonny : Why ?
Will : Because I had to see if Gabi was okay with me taking Ari to L.A.
Daniel : So what you re saying is ... you do nt love me anymore ?
Jennifer : Yeah . I think that we both know what we had is over .
Theresa : I do nt understand why you re acting this way . Do your meds make you cranky or something ?
John : Eh , it s not the meds . And I m a little bit more than cranky .
Theresa : What do you want ?
John : Do you happen to know if Kristen DiMera is still in town ?
Anne : Because as long as john black does nt remember anything , then you re all right ... right ?
Theresa : That s the thing . Um ... john does remember . He knows that it was me . That s the thing . Um ... john does remember . He knows that it was me , not Brady , who whacked him with that poker .
Brady : You re at it again , are nt you ?
Kristen : What ?
Brady : You are such a lying bitch .
Kristen : What are you-- what are you talking about ?
Brady : You and your editor friend have been having some fun again , huh ?
Kristen : What ?
Brady : Listen ...
Theresa : That s the thing . Um ... john does remember . He knows that it was me , not Brady , who whacked him with that poker .
Kristen : What ?
Brady : Did you hear that ? Did you hear that-- that little sound in there ?
Kristen : Are you kidding me ? Why are you worrying about the sound quality ? Did nt you hear what she just said ? She admitted to hitting your father over the head and blaming it on you . Do nt you get--
Brady : What I get is that you are trying to put one over on me yet again , Kristen .
Daniel : So ... so this is it ?
Jennifer : I ve just come to see that this is the only decision . I think that you re just fed up .
Daniel : I am not-- I am not fed up .
Jennifer : I know that you said you wanted to ... think about things and go it alone . But every time I have reached out to you since , you just shut me down .
Daniel : I guess I just felt like there was nt a point in talking when nothing really changed . That does nt mean I d given up hope that it could .
Jennifer : This change that you re talking about-- I think it s me . You want-- you want me to change because you think that I m so judgmental and--
Daniel : W - w - w - what does that mean ?
Jennifer : You said when we decided to stop seeing each other for a while , it was because you were so tired of feeling like you were nt good enough for me ... which is so crazy , because I feel like you are one of the best people I have ever known . And apparently , I did not make that clear to you , and I feel like I have never had the chance to , because now I ca nt even talk with you . You wo nt even meet me for coffee , Daniel .
Daniel : Okay , you re right . You re right about this . We -- we should have had a conversation a long ... long time ago , and I want to do that . So could we-- could we talk tonight ?
Jennifer : No , no . We ca nt . It s too late .
Daniel : What do you mean it s -- it s too late ?
Jennifer : I m leaving in a few hours .
Daniel : Uh , to go where ?
Jennifer : My mom is having surgery , and I m gon na go spend a couple weeks with her . And I think it ll be really good to get away .
Daniel : Well , how about when you come back ?
Jennifer : [ Sighs ] When I come back , I need to start living in the real world , not in limbo anymore . I m gon na get a new job ... one where I am not involved with you in any way ... because I am not your lover anymore . And , sadly , I am not your friend anymore .
Daniel : You re not my friend .
Jennifer : It s so crazy , because when I think about how we used to be , I do nt even understand how we got here . But whatever the problem is , it hurts too much to figure it out .
Kristen : Okay , just stop it , okay ? You re out of your mind .
Brady : No , no , you are out of your mind for thinking that this would work another time for you . That little sound that I heard , that s called an edit . That s an edit , Kristen . You spliced that thing together to make Theresa look guilty .
Kristen : I would nt do that .
Brady : You would nt do what ? You would nt make a recording to hurt someone I care about ? Was nt there a sex tape or something that was made with my brother-- yeah , you and my brother-- that blew us apart and ruined his life ? I recall that .
Kristen : Brady , everything I m telling you is the truth . I swear to God . I m telling you the--
Brady : Shh . You swear to God . I do nt care who you swear to . It s not gon na change anything . I do nt believe you , and I never will .
John : You seem to get pretty jumpy when Kristen s name comes up . Why is that ?
Nurse : I have some things for you to sign , Mr. Black , so we can process your discharge .
John : Oh , that s good . Hey , hear that , Theresa ? I m going home .
Theresa : I - I have -- I have to be going .
John : We ll have plenty of chances to talk once I m out of here . I ll be sure to look you up .
Sami : Um ...
Rafe : So this movie about you and EJ ... who s gon na play me ?
Sami : [ Laughing ]
Rafe : Hmm ?
Sami : I ll make sure that you approve , okay ? Or maybe you could narrate it , you know , since ... you saw so much of the action from a lot of different perspectives .
Rafe : Yeah , yeah , I did kind of have a front - row seat for a few years , did nt I ? Yeah .
Sami : Probably wanted to leave at intermission ... or better still , not even be there for the curtain going up .
Rafe : Hold on a second . We had a lot of really great times together . I would nt trade those for anything .
Sami : Neither would I.
Rafe : [ Chuckles ]
Sami : [ Chuckles ]
Rafe : So would it be all right if I just went upstairs to say good - bye to the kids ?
Sami : Um , of course . Of course you can , but it s not really good - bye , you know . I mean , it s just this one project , and , I mean , it is Hollywood , right ? It could all just blow up in my face .
Rafe : Yeah , right .
Sami : Everything else does .
Rafe : I doubt that . I have a feeling it s -- it s gon na work out great .
Sonny : So you told Gabi you made up your mind before you told me ?
Will : That is not what happened . I could nt make the decision until I found out from Gabi whether she d be okay with me taking Arianna .
Sonny : And she is ? So you and the baby I think of as my daughter ...
Will : [ Sighs ]
Sonny : You both are leaving ?
Will : For six months .
Sonny : And you decided that by talking to Gabi .
Will : Look , if you changed your mind and you do nt want me to go ... just say so .
Rafe : There s another reason I came by . I want to make sure you got this back .
Rafe : I m sorry . I should have told you what was in there .
Sami : No , it s -- it s okay . I mean , I called the police station a bunch of times cause I wanted this back , and they kept saying that they needed to keep all of EJ s effects until the case was closed . Does that mean it s -- it s officially closed ?
Rafe : Well , there are some loose ends we still need to tie up , but ... there s nothing to suggest we do nt have all the facts .
Sami : So that s just it ? I ll never know why EJ went into the woods ... and he just happened to run across the wrong drug addict . Now my kids do nt have a father , and I ve lost my husband . And that s it .
Rafe : Yeah . Your dad and I ... we just wanted you to have that back before you left . I m sorry . I m sorry if giving it to you bought up all those feelings again .
Sami : No . I am so glad that I have it , and I am really grateful to you for bringing it to me . [ Sighs ]
Sonny : [ Sighs ] I m sorry . I did say I thought it was okay . I know how important this is to you .
Will : And to my mom ... and my brother and my sisters . I need to be there for my mom right now . And she needs to get out of Salem .
Sonny : And going to L.A. to work on a movie is a cool way to do that ?
Will : It s only gon na be for a few months . You ll come out to visit . I ll bring Arianna back here . It ll be over before you even know it .
Sonny : I know . I m just gon na miss you two like crazy . When do you leave ?
Will : [ Sighs ] My mom wants to leave today , and she wants me to fly out with them .
Sonny : [ Sighs ] Well , I better get Ari packed . You re going to Hollywood . [ Sighs ] [ Clears throat ]
Daniel : Okay , Jenn , Jenn , Jenn , I need to say something . When I told you that I needed time alone and that I said ... I did nt think we were ready to talk about everything yet , I m not playing games . I still love you .
Jennifer : Daniel , I know that you loved me once . And I loved you . I mean , Nicole and Chloe and my own son-- they all tried to tear us apart , and we did nt let them ... because we loved and trusted each other and we were able to speak honestly to each other . And then I would nt let Nicole elope with Eric without telling him exactly what was going on--
Daniel : Okay , and that s what I was trying to do . But you did nt believe that .
Jennifer : No , I know . And that s what you said before .
Daniel : Yeah , and -- and you said you believed me .
Jennifer : Okay . And here we are again .
Daniel : Here we are again .
Jennifer : I - I m ... trying to be honest with you because that s what you want . You want to know my feelings , but maybe that was a mistake , because I did nt know you were gon na hold it against me . I did nt know you were gon na give me the silent treatment , Daniel .
Daniel : Well , is nt that what you did to me when you made up your mind that I had slept with Theresa ?
Jennifer : Yeah , you paid me back .
Daniel : No , I was nt doing that . Do you know how many times I woke up reaching for you ? Now , my life -- it consists of my son and my work . And as rewarding as they are ... no one can replace the empty space that is with me , and I want it to be you . Do you understand ? I need -- to be you .
Jennifer : Okay , then why would nt you do everything that you could to fix what was broken between us , fix what was happening ?
Daniel : You did nt seem like you wanted to fix anything . I thought you were just waiting around for me to figure out that you were right .
Jennifer : But you did nt say anything . You had me just sit and wonder , Daniel .
Daniel : Okay . So this is it ? You want to talk ? And here we are , we re talking , so -- and this is all you have to say ?
Jennifer : No , it s not . I have more to say . And it s important .
Theresa : What is john up to ? Why does he look at me like that ? [ Sighs ] Well , obviously , he wants to destroy whatever I have going with Brady . What am I going to do ? [ Sighs ]
Theresa : Oh , my God . What if ...
Brady : You know , if you wanted a second chance , this is not the way to--
Kristen : Please just give me a second , Brady , all right ? Theresa s the one who tried to kill your father .
Brady : Stop , stop , stop ! She s half his size , Kristen .
Kristen : A fireplace poker is an equalizer , do nt you think ? Why do nt you ask Daniel ? Ask him . He ll tell you .
Daniel : Just shut up .
Kristen : If you re not gon na listen to me , then listen to this , please , and this time , listen to all of it .
Brady : You have really done it this time .
Kristen : What have I done ?
Brady : You have shown me what a hateful bitch you really are . And you have set me free . My budget used to be a real downer ,
Kristen : So that s it ? You re over me , just like that ?
Brady : I did nt think it could happen either . You re the ultimate addiction , Kristen . I mean , even when I could see what you were up to and what you were doing to me , I - I still ... I had to have you . I couldnt -- I could nt stay away , but ... now you do this . You go after an innocent girl who has done nothing to you , on top of trying to destroy Eric and Marlena and my father . Honey , I m sorry . I ve seen the light .
Kristen : Okay , well ... Theresa s not an innocent girl who s done nothing . I m not lying to you . You re lying . You are . You re lying to yourself . [ Sighs ] Okay , look ... Theresa did this to your father ... not you . And I m not telling you this because I m jealous of her . I m telling you this ... because I love you so much . And I - I want you to believe what I m saying . I want you to believe it yourself . I promise you , every single word I m telling you this time , I swear , is the absolute truth .
Will : Zoe really loved my article about Chad .
Sonny : That s great .
Will : It is . She s gon na hold my job for me . So , if things do nt work out in L.A. , I ll have a reason to come home .
Sonny : Excuse me ?
Will : What -- what I meant was , um , I ll have a job waiting for me when I come-- I m coming back .
Sonny : And if things do nt work out in L.A. ?
Will : Even if they do , I ll be writing screenplays , or I ll move on to another , bigger magazine out there . But I ll tell them that I have to be based here . This is where my life is . This is where you are . Gon na pack these up .
Sami : So , after we were back together , EJ said that he did nt want us to remember a wedding where we had gotten married for all the wrong reasons . So ... so he bought new rings , and we exchanged vows again right here , just the two of us . And Johnny decreed that we were double married .
Rafe : I know how much those kids must be missing their dad .
Sami : It s so hard to watch them hurt . I mean , you work so hard to stop them from skinning their knee or protect them from bullies or ... help them deal with a fever . I do nt ... I do nt know how to help them deal with the loss of a parent .
Rafe : They still have you .
Sami : [ Chuckles ]
Rafe : Yeah . You re right . It s a ... it s a real tragedy . But ... they re gon na be all right , cause you re gon na make sure that they re all right . They re lucky .
Sami : You think ?
Rafe : Yeah . You may go a little crazy at times , but ...
Sami : [ Laughing ]
Rafe : You re a force . And I was lucky too . The -- the kids are upstairs , yeah ?
Sami : Yeah , upstairs . Um , so let s go find them , right ? Well , you know your way around . I mean , you ve made enough arrests in this house .
Rafe : Okay , let s not go all Hollywood on me , all right ?
Sami : [ Laughs ] I ll try .
Rafe : Okay .
Sami : Hey , look , we re all gon na miss you . Rafe , I m gon na miss you ... a lot , and I appreciate you always trying to keep me honest .
Rafe : Yeah , well , it was nt easy . Hey , hey . I need you to do something for me , and I do nt want any damn arguments , all right ?
Sami : Got it .
Rafe : Okay . You take care of yourself , Sami Brady .
Sami : [ Cries ]
Jennifer : I think it would be better for all of us if you stayed out of my kids lives .
Daniel : What ?
Jennifer : I know that they both love you , especially JJ . But out of respect for what we once had , can we please just do this my way ?
Daniel : And what is your way ?
Jennifer : I want you to get your key back from JJ , and I want you to stop being the cool uncle or whatever it is that you are to him .
Daniel : He is struggling right now , having some real problems . He needs somebody ...
Jennifer : Yes , that s me .
Daniel : To talk to .
Jennifer : He needs me . I m his mom . And he needs to accept that . Do you know how hard it would be for me to watch my son have this close relationship with you ? And this may sound really selfish , but you can not have my family if you do nt want me .
Daniel : No , I do want you . How do I make you understand that ? How can you see that ? I waited for you when jack came back . I put Chloe on notice when she tried to interfere with us . For God s sake , I saved your life . Now , you ca nt just walk out that door like it meant nothing . Okay , okay , you think I do nt play by the right rules ? I think you re rigid . But I also think that you still love me , and I know I love you . And this is not over . Dove invited women to a makeover with a difference .
Rafe : Hey . Will sent me a text , asked me to stop by . Everything okay ?
Sonny : Depends on your point of view , I guess . Come on in .
Rafe : What s going on ?
Sonny : Will probably wants you to see Ari before they leave today .
Rafe : Where are they going ?
Sonny : To L.A .... with Sami and the kids .
Sami : Grandma , you did nt have to come all the way out here . I was gon na come to the pub on the way to the airport .
Caroline : Well , actually , we thought you would have your hands full with the packing .
Sami : I m really sorry to leave you like this , Grandma .
Caroline : Oh , enough of that . It s not easy being a widow . You re so young , you know , and new to it . You do whatever you have to do for you and your kids .
Kayla : And do nt worry . I ll take care of your grandma .
Sami : I know you will .
Caroline : Well , where are my grand -- great - grandchildren ?
Sami : [ Laughs ] It s hard to keep track , is nt it ?
Caroline : I do nt want to say great .
Sami : They re all up in Sydney s room . I m sure it s chaotic .
Caroline : Well , I m gon na tell them to keep an eye on you .
Sami : How s she doing ?
Kayla : I think she ll be fine , or she ll pretend to be , while the rest of us cry our eyes out .
Sami : I m sure you will breathe a sigh of relief to see me go .
Kayla : Not true . You have been through a lot . And you and your family deserve all the happiness in the world . I love you .
Sami : I love you too , Kayla . Thank you .
Brady : I have a dose of truth for you , Kristen . I m not falling for this or anything else you come up with , because I do nt plan on being in the same room with you ever again . I am fixing my life . I am fixing my relationship with my dad and Marlena . I am staying sober . And it does nt include you at all . I am leaving you far behind in the rearview mirror .
Kristen : Please .
Brady : There s noth -- shh . Do nt talk . I do nt hear you anymore . And this beautiful face of yours ... I hope to God I never see it again . I m just done .
Kristen : [ Sniffles , cries ]
Jennifer : You re very persuasive .
Daniel : Could you be persuaded to stick around ? Till we get this resolved ?
Jennifer : I could be . If you could just tell me what these secrets are that you have with JJ . Because I know he is going through something , and I presume he s having discussions with you . And if you could explain what is going on with you and Kristen DiMera and why I keep seeing you with her .
Daniel : I ca nt do that .
Jennifer : Why , because-- because I am so straight - laced that I ca nt even understand my own son s problems , or because I am so rigid that I might interfere with whatever is going on with you and Kristen ? The way I did with you and Eric and Nicole , what ?
Daniel : You know , there are reasons that have nothing to do with you .
Jennifer : Right , but that just shows me if you ca nt tell me any of this , you do nt trust me enough . So that s it for me . I m done , I m out . I have loved you more than I ever thought I could love anyone ever again . And you saved my life in so many ways , and I will always be so grateful . But what I need right now is for you to be out of my life . Goodbye , Daniel .
Sami : How s it going up there ?
Caroline : Oh , it s fine , fine , Kayla stayed to help pack the toys , Gilda s got the suitcases . All but ready .
Sami : Great . No horsing around , no fighting ?
Caroline : Nope .
Sami : Maybe they re just not up to it .
Caroline : Or maybe they re being raised the right way .
Sami : I would like to believe that , but I do nt know . What I do know , Grandma , is that when I m not sure what to do , I just ask myself what -- what would you do ?
Caroline : Oh , I am not the perfect mother .
Sami : From what I can see , you were pretty close . You demanded our respect . And you earned it . Daddy always said you were little , but mighty . And that you would stand up to the toughest bullies to protect your kids and your grandkids . Oh , Grandma , I think I m gon na miss your advice the most , though .
Caroline : Well , well . For one thing , you know , there s the telephone . And for another , you re not gon na need it , you re gon na be just fine .
Sami : You re not fooling me with this act . You know that , right ? I can see how upset you are about me leaving .
Caroline : The last thing you need is people blubbering .
Sami : I mean , I m doing it too . Come with us , Grandma . Come with me .
Caroline : I - I do nt like it there , you know ? They put avocados on everything .
Sami : [ Laughs ] Please ?
Caroline : Salem , you know , the pub ... it s what I know .
Sami : It s just that ... it s just the person that s the hardest to say goodbye to is you , Grandma .
Caroline : It s the same here .
Sami : Oh , Grandma .
Caroline : Oh , honey .
Rafe : That s funny , cause I just saw your mom . She did nt say anything about you going with her .
Will : Probably wanted to let me be the one to tell you . Because of Arianna .
Rafe : Right , right . I got ta ask , though . Are you going out there because your mom needs you , or is it because you think this is gon na be good for your career ?
Daniel : Well , it s early . What the hell , right ? Ooh .
John : Yeah , come in .
Theresa : So , you re going home , hmm ?
John : Yep . Thanks to Kristen .
Theresa : Ugh , personally , I ca nt stand her . But she did get you that miracle drug that saved your life , so . I guess we all have to be grateful to her for that , huh ?
John : Yeah , why do nt we just stop all the small talk , okay ? You ve known for a long time what I know and why I did what I did . I will never give Kristen a way to get Brady back . And I will do whatever it takes to protect him . And because I love your parents so much , I m gon na give you a little warning . Either you let Brady go , or you re gon na live to regret it .
Theresa : Sorry . I m not letting Brady go .
John : Your choice . Just know that when the time is right , I m gon na tell my son what you did .
Sami : Grandma . Even when mom and dad broke up , you were there for me . You talked me through it . You ve been there for every new baby . All those terrible break - ups . You are my rock .
Caroline : Well , you do nt have to say all that , you know . This is not my funeral .
Sami : [ Laughs ] Grandma . I wanna say it . I want you to know how much it means to me , everything . And how wonderful you were with will when he came out to you . I would have understood . You know ... if you had nt handled it well in the beginning . But you did . I mean , you -- youve always been ahead of the curve . And never , as long as I live , will I ever forget the beautiful things you said at my son s wedding .
Caroline : You re gon na be all right .
Sami : Are you sure ?
Caroline : Yes , I m sure .
Sami : I do nt know how , Grandma . I ache inside for EJ .
Caroline : You re going to find a way to do it . You always do .
Sami : Grandma , I m - I m worried that -- that you might forget me .
Caroline : That s impossible . But with all the -- your new life , and all you have to do , you may forget me . But it is impossible to forget Samantha Brady .
Will : I m - I m doing this because my mom said that she needs me . That s it . Now , if I said that I was nt happy about this job offer , I d be lying .
Rafe : Yeah .
Will : But if this works out , I will be able to put away a lot of money for Arianna , for her education . I would not have to worry about her future .
Rafe : So Sami said that she s only obligated to be out there for six months . Assuming it s the same for you ?
Will : Well , yeah .
Will : She must have heard her favorite uncle s voice .
Rafe : Yeah . You ?
Will : Yeah .
Rafe : Yeah . So ... you re okay with this ?
Sonny : Yeah , yeah . It s all good .
Kristen : You should be really proud of yourself . You were right .
Daniel : About what ?
Kristen : Brady s finally had it with me . He s never gon na take me back .
Daniel : Hey . Hey .
Kristen : [ Crying ]
John : No snappy comeback ? I m not playing games with you . Kristen s on her way out and if you know what s good for you , you ll go back where you came from . And if you do nt , I m gon na tell my son and the police the person who hit me that night was nt Brady . It was you .
### Summary:
| Rafe went to see Sami before she left for Hollywood . Will told Sonny that he went to see Gabi to tell her about his plan to go to Hollywood . Sonny was upset that Will decided to go without telling him . Jennifer told Daniel that she s not in love with him anymore . Daniel wanted to talk , but she was done with him . John kept playing with Theresa s mind . He would nt tell her if he knew what she did . He just wanted her to stay away from Brady . Brady did nt believe the recording Kristen had of Theresa confessing to hitting John . Brady thought Kristen forged it . Rafe gave Sami EJ s ring . He wanted her to have it . She became emotional and Rafe was sorry for giving it to her . Sami was glad that he did give it to her . After they talked , Sonny finally accepted Will s decision to go with Sami to Hollywood . Jennifer and Daniel continued to go around in circles about their relationship . Brady refused to believe what Kristen told him about Theresa . Kristen begged Brady to believe that she told him the truth . Will promised Sonny that he would be back . Rafe tried to comfort Sami about EJ . Jennifer wanted Daniel to stay out of her kids lives and get his key back from JJ . Daniel did nt want to accept her decision . He wanted her to fight for their relationship . Rafe went to see Will . Sonny told Rafe that Will was taking Arianna to LA . Caroline and Kayla went to see Sami . Brady told Kristen he was moving on with his life without her and he did nt want to see her again . Jennifer was willing to wait for Daniel if he would tell her about JJ and Kristen . Daniel could nt do it so she was done with him . John warned Theresa to let Brady go or she would regret it . Theresa said she would nt do it . Kristen went to see Daniel about telling Brady the truth . John put Theresa on notice . She had to stay away from Brady or he would tell Brady that she hit him . Brady was outside of John s door and overheard them . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Reporter : I m here at the triage area outside the Glencoe Tunnel where an unknown number of passengers are trapped inside following a train collision . Rescue efforts have been hampered by the poor conditions of the tunnel , which has collapsed at both entrances .
Jax : Have they gotten through the south end of the tunnel yet ?
Mac : We re working on it .
Jax : That s not an answer .
Mac : It s all I ve got . The rescue teams are digging as fast as they can .
Jax : Do nt worry , I ll find another way in .
Jesse : Mac --
Mac : What s the status on the south entrance ?
Jesse : Slow going . We found another body . It s not your niece . We checked . This woman s got blond hair .
Mac : Any I.D. ?
Jesse : No . No , purse , no driver s license .
Mac : Come on , let s go .
Lainey : It s all right . We ll take care of you .
Man : Am I going to make it ?
Lainey : You ll be just fine .
Lesley Lu : I knew you would leave Nikolas in that tunnel .
Luke : There was a cave - in . I had to get your brother out .
Lesley Lu : I have two brothers , whether you want to admit it or not ! I will never forgive you for this .
Luke : That s your prerogative , Lulu . But I ll tell you this -- if I have a choice between my son and a Cassadine , I m taking my son out every time . He had a piece of jagged metal sticking out of his gut and he was bleeding to death . I did the best I could .
Nikolas : I think I found the leak .
Elizabeth : Can you fix it ?
Nikolas : Come on , stay awake .
Elizabeth : Oh . Oh .
Nikolas : All right , we need to get away from it , ok ? The air s better over here . Come on . Come on , just stay awake .
Elizabeth : I m just so tired .
Nikolas : I know .
Elizabeth : I m tired and I do nt feel good .
Elizabeth : Oh -- oh --
Nikolas : It s ok .
Jason : Let s keep heading that way .
Robin : Jason , you need to rest for a minute .
Jason : Do you really think rest is going to stop me from having another seizure ?
Robin : Well , it could nt hurt .
Jason : Well , I would like to keep going if I can .
Sam : No , no , you know what ? You know what ? Maybe she s right . You could have another seizure , and I know that Robin and I could not pick you up from a hole like you picked her out , so maybe you should listen to --
Jason : Ok , there could be another cave - in . I want to get you guys out of here as soon as possible .
Robin : Oh , you have not changed a bit . You do nt care . I mean , you do nt listen . You ve been hurt , and you just keep pushing yourself until -- ugh . Sorry .
Sam : You know what ? Do nt -- no , you do nt have to apologize , because you re right . You do nt listen .
Jason : Can you guys talk to me ? I m right here .
Sam : I know . I m sorry . Look at me , please . Are you having a headache , yes or no ?
Jason : A little bit , a little bit . No blurred vision , no dizziness . But if you want me to stay right here till the rescue team comes , I will do that , but I think it s going to be a very long time . I d rather just keep moving .
Sam : Fine .
Reese : How long are you going to keep digging ?
Sonny : Gives me something to do .
Reese : I m sorry . The claustrophobia must be awful .
Sonny : Look , I can get through this as long as I stay focused on digging us out .
Reese : Are you afraid of dying ?
Sonny : Ok , do nt even think about dying . We re -- look , we re not that hurt . We re still breathing . We have a chance .
Reese : I never figured you d be an optimist .
Sonny : The walls are closing in , I can barely breathe , but you know what ? I m not dying here . I have three kids who need me . I m not giving up on them . You do nt give up , either .
Manny : Did I hurt you , baby ? Oh , I m sorry , the gun just went off . Are you still hiding , princess ? Oh - ho - ho , ho - ho - ho - ho ! Oh , you re good , baby . You know , you ca nt run forever , princess . They re going to come with the white jackets , you know . They re going to send you back to the loony bin . Come on . Oh , baby , you re good . You fooled me . That was good . Bravo . Oh !
Emily : I m not a doctor , I m a med student . I m not qualified to practice medicine , much less --
Alexis : If you do the C - section , will it save the baby ?
Emily : I do nt know .
Ric : Ok , look , the contractions have slowed down , right ? Is nt there any way we can wait just a little while longer ?
Alexis : If we wait , will it endanger the baby ?
Emily : It could .
Alexis : Then you have to do it . You have to forget about me , Emily . Save the baby .
Elizabeth : Do you think Lucky s ok ?
Nikolas : Well --
Nikolas : Probably at the hospital right now wondering where we are . Listen , you re going to have a great life together , you and Lucky and Cameron , ok ? Just like you were telling me . What s the first thing you re going to do when you get out of here ? Hmm ?
Elizabeth : I m going to find Lucky .
Nikolas : And then what ?
Elizabeth : We re going to go on our honeymoon .
Nikolas : Hmm . And then what ?
Elizabeth : I m going to take -- I m going to take so many pictures , have them developed , and then have a closed dinner at Kelly s .
Nikolas : Mm - hmm .
Elizabeth : So we can tell you and Em all about out trip .
Nikolas : I see . Yeah , we re trapped in a cave , and you re still trying to play matchmaker for me and Emily . You do nt give up , do you ?
Elizabeth : Never .
Elizabeth : Nikolas --
Nikolas : What is it ? Somebody s out there .
Elizabeth : Yeah . I think someone s digging on the other side .
Nikolas : Hello ? Hello , we re in here !
Elizabeth : Someone -- is somebody out there ?
Nikolas : We re in here !
Luke : Lucky s still in surgery ? Is it good or bad ? Well , I ll get there as soon as I can , but I -- I need to stay here and get some information about Elizabeth . Lucky would want that . Ok , call me as soon as he s out of surgery .
Skye : How s Lucky ?
Luke : He s hanging in .
Tracy : Ca nt we just go home and watch this on the news ?
Skye : Tracy , do nt you even care that Emily s trapped here ?
Tracy : If I could pull her out and shove you in , I would .
Luke : Play nice , wife . You too , Blaze , or I m going to make the both of you baby - sit my sweet pea .
Lorenzo : Excuse me . Is this the unidentified woman that was just found ?
Paramedic : Yeah .
Manny s voice : You ca nt hide from me forever , princess .
Reese : You re pretty good at manual labor . You re stronger than I thought .
Sonny : It s ironic . My stepfather -- may he rot in hell -- used to tell me that I was going to wind up on a chain gang , digging ditches .
Reese : You showed him .
Sonny : By the time he died , I made more money than he ever saw in a lifetime .
Reese : Another explosion .
Sonny : Sounded like a gun .
Reese : You see anything ?
Sonny : A light . Look , come here .
Reese : Are you sure ?
Sonny : Yes . You all right ?
Reese : Yeah .
Sonny : You see that ?
Reese : Oh , thank God .
Sonny : Ok , looks like it s going to the main tunnel . We re going to get out of here .
Reese : So whoever shot that gun probably saved our lives .
Jax : Elizabeth , you ok ?
Nikolas : Watch your head .
Elizabeth : Just get us out of here .
Jax : Ok , come on , I got you , I got you .
Mac : Come on . Come on , Elizabeth . Watch your head . Watch your head . Careful . We got two .
Jesse : Two ?
Mac : Careful . Come on down . Gentle . That a girl . Here , sit down . Sit . Come on .
Elizabeth : Is Lucky ok ?
Jax : Yeah , they took him to the hospital .
Elizabeth : They did ?
Mac : Have you seen Robin Scorpio ?
Elizabeth : What ?
Nikolas : She s here ?
Mac : She was on the commuter train from Manhattan bringing medicine to Jason .
Elizabeth : Oh , my God .
Nikolas : I m sorry , Mac . I have nt seen her .
Mac : Well , keep looking for her .
Jesse : All right , let s go .
Mac : Come on , get them out .
Jesse : Let s go .
Jax : No , I m not leaving . I m not leaving without Courtney .
Nikolas : Neither am I.
Alexis : No , oh , ow . God !
Emily : All right , listen , try to relax , Alexis .
Ric : Alexis ? Are you all right ?
Alexis : They re getting stronger .
Ric : The medication must be wearing off .
Emily : Just take a deep breath .
Courtney : Ric , we got to get her out of here . We got to get her out . We ca nt afford to wait for her .
Ric : Courtney , I ca nt leave her at this point .
Courtney : Well , I ca nt just stand around and watch Alexis die !
Alexis : Oh ! Ow !
Ric : All right . All right , breathe , breathe . Breathe , breathe , please .
Alexis : Emily , you got to do the C - section . Figure out some way to do it .
Ric : Ok , ok , we will . Listen to me . But you got to do your part . You got to hold on . Your children need you , Alexis . Come on . Come on . You ca nt die .
Skye : Any news on Carly ?
Lorenzo : Not yet . Thank you again for not telling anyone that Carly ran away from Roselawn .
Skye : You re sick with worry . A little discretion is the least that I can do .
Lorenzo : I just need to find a safer way into the tunnels . Digging in from the south side is causing too much cave - in .
Skye : Well , you need a map .
Lorenzo : Excellent idea . Excuse me . Is there any way I could get blueprints for the tunnel and geological specs for the mountainside ?
Fireman : Yeah .
Lainey : Can you help me move these supplies ? We could use a stretcher .
Lesley Lu : Is Lucky going to be ok ?
Lainey : The last update I got from the hospital , he was in surgery and his prognosis is good .
Lesley Lu : My other brother s still in the tunnel . He had a chance to walk out , but he went back in .
Lainey : You know , maybe somebody he loves is trapped .
Lesley Lu : Well , maybe it s selfish , but I wish he thought about the people who love him out here .
Lainey : You ready ?
Lesley Lu : Yeah .
Lainey : You know , families can be a little complicated .
Lesley Lu : Mm - hmm , mine s the worst .
Lainey : I bet you re really scared and frustrated right now .
Lesley Lu : Why do you care ?
Lainey : I m a doctor , and I really like to help people .
Lesley Lu : Oh , I do nt need your help , thanks . I ll find my own . I m used to it .
Elizabeth : Luke , how s Lucky ? Is he ok ?
Luke : Ok , he s in surgery . I just talked to Bobbie . He s stable . He s holding his own .
Elizabeth : Luke , I need to get to the hospital for when he wakes up . Can you guys get me there ?
Jesse : The choppers are for the seriously injured only .
Luke : What are you talking about ? She almost died in that tunnel !
Jesse : A lot of people are in worse shape . I m sorry .
Mac : I d get you a squad car , but they re all --
Luke : Yeah , yeah , yeah , I know . Excuses , excuses , Mac .
Elizabeth : Get me out of here .
Luke : Come on .
Jason : You all right ?
Robin : Yeah , yeah , just -- just give me a second .
Sam : Are you sure you re ok ? I mean , your legs were pinned under for a really long time .
Robin : Yeah , nothing s broken . I just need to catch my breath for a minute .
Sam : What s that ?
Jason : A St. Christopher s medal .
Sam : All right . Well , I wonder how that got here .
Robin : Another passenger must have come through this way . That s -- that s a good sign .
Carly : Hey -- oh --
Jason : Hey . Just lean on me , ok ?
Carly : I m ok .
Jason : No , you re not . You re about to fall over . Please sit down .
Carly : Ok , maybe for a second . Ow .
Jason : You know you could leave tomorrow instead . You do nt have to leave right now .
Carly : No , I ca nt spend another night here . Spend another hour . Everybody hates me . And if A.J. knew he was the father of my baby , he would take it away so fast .
Jason : He does nt know it . He does nt know , Carly .
Carly : God , they re all going to think I m horrible for leaving my child . But I ca nt take care of him , Jason . I ca nt . You know , I m going to make some kind of a mistake , because he s so tiny and he s fragile , and I could nt even hold him .
Jason : Do you want to try again ?
Carly : I want to get out of here . I want to get out of here .
Jason : Ok . There s a ticket for you at the airport . It s first - class to Florida . Now , I want you to take this .
Carly : Thank you .
Jason : Ok . You need to call me as soon as you get there . I ll send you more money .
Carly : Ok .
Jason : Hold on . Do you want this , too ?
Carly : Who s this guy ?
Jason : That is St. Christopher . He s supposed to protect travelers . You know , someone gave it to me for the baby , but I think -- I think you might need it more .
Carly : Do you believe in this ? You know , there s some saint up in the heavens looking down on us , trying to take care of us ?
Jason : I do nt know , but maybe you can keep it just to remind you of the baby .
Carly : I m coming back . You know ? I m going to come back . I just need some time to get strong so I can be a good mom and not make any mistakes , ok ? And I know that you re going to take good care of him . You just -- you hold him a lot , ok ? You hold him . And you tell him I love him , no -- no matter how this looks .
Jason : He s a baby . He does nt care how anything looks .
Carly : You know what s great about you ?
Jason : I let you talk me into everything ? Is that -- ?
Carly : Even when I m awful , you do nt make me feel that way . I got to get out of here .
Jason : Ok . I m going to drive you , all right ?
Carly : No , no , no , no . Go visit the baby . You know , I got money . I got this guy to look out for me . I m going to be ok .
Sam : Hey . Do you recognize the medal ?
Jason : I just remember one just like it , that s all .
Sonny : We ll stop right here , ok ?
Reese : Yeah .
Sonny : Get some air .
Reese : You re the one who needs the air .
Sonny : Like I said , the claustrophobia is fine as long as I keep moving . But I will be glad to get out of here .
Reese : Yeah , well , that makes two of us .
Sonny : Ok , I m going to check around , see if there s a path . You all right ?
Reese : Yeah , fine . I m fine .
Ric : All right , just hold on , ok ? Alexis ? Alexis , are you with me ?
Alexis : I m --
Ric : You ok ?
Alexis : I m worried about the baby .
Ric : I know , I know . It s all right .
Emily : Did you hear that ?
Ric : What ?
Robin : Hi . Is everyone ok ?
Ric : Jason ?
Emily : Oh , God , I m so glad you re here .
Ric : Jason , what --
Robin : Hi , Emily .
Emily : Hey , Robin . Oh , good . Thank God you re here . Alexis needs a doctor .
Alexis : And your timing could nt be better .
Ric : Are you ok ?
Robin : Hi .
Emily : She s fully dilated . The contractions are regular . The baby s lodged in the pelvis .
Robin : Ok . All right , just try and take it easy .
Alexis : Emily says I need a C - section .
Emily : I m just a med student . Maybe you have a different opinion .
Alexis : Do you know how to do a C - section ?
Robin : If there s no other way . Alexis , do you remember that I m H.I.V.-positive , but my viral --
Alexis : Robin ?
Robin : Yes ?
Alexis : I do nt care . I just want to know if you can do a C - section .
Robin : Ok . Yes , I can .
Emily : We ve got a first - aid kit , latex gloves --
Robin : Even better .
Ric : Ok , before this goes any further -- I m Ric Lansing . I m sorry . I m the husband and the father .
Robin : Robin -- um -- everything s going to be fine .
Ric : Ok .
Robin : Now , let me just -- can you get us some water , please ?
Ric : Yeah , yeah , absolutely .
Robin : Thank you .
Ric : You just stay right here , ok ?
Robin : Ok .
Ric : I ll be over here if you need me . Hey , did you see Courtney ?
Jason : No . She was here ?
Ric : She ran off to try to get help . Sonny and Reese are out there , too .
Sam : Sonny ? What was Sonny doing -- ?
Ric : He was on the train . He came on the train at the last minute .
Jason : When did they leave ?
Robin : I can still feel some movement . We have to get this baby out now . Let s get you into the car . Can I have some help over here ?
Ric : It s going to be ok .
Robin : Ok , were you able to find a knife anywhere on the train ?
Emily : No .
Jason : Use mine .
Robin : Well , it s nice to know you have nt changed .
Sam : Should we be looking for Courtney or anyone else ?
Jason : We re looking for a way out . If we find anyone else along the way , that s even better .
Sam : Ok , do you mind if we just stop for a minute and rest , please ?
Jason : Yeah , yeah . Yeah .
Sam : Thank you .
Jason : Here . You know , I left the trains because I thought -- thought it would be hard for you to watch that baby being born .
Sam : You re right . I mean , it would have been hard . I am just praying -- ahem -- that they both make it through , ok ? That s -- that s all .
Jason : Robin -- I mean , she seemed like she knows what she s doing .
Sam : Yeah , she s very cool in a crisis . Very calm .
Jason : So are you .
Sam : Oh , come on .
Jason : Ok , all right . Not -- maybe not calm , but you re very cool in a crisis .
Sam : Should we have told them about Manny ?
Jason : Manny is nt after any of those people .
Sam : He crashed two trains . He does nt care who he kills .
Jason : When was the last time you saw him ?
Sam : Just before the trains crashed .
Jason : You know , I gave -- I gave one of these to Carly a long time ago . It was just like this .
Sam : Is that what you remembered ?
Jason : Yeah , she was leaving to go somewhere , and she asked me to take care of her baby . I could just see her face so clear .
Sam : Well , that s good . That s good , Jason . Any memory is good right now , and I m sure Carly would be really happy --
Jason : Yeah .
Sam : That you re remembering her , and --
Jason : Yeah . At least we know that Manny ca nt go after Carly again . He s either dead or he s trapped down here with us , and -- and Carly s safe back at Roselawn .
Carly : Oh --
Sonny : I think I found a path . It ll take us down to the train tracks . You ok , or --
Reese : I m fine . Let s go .
Sonny : Ok , wait a minute . I can wait a few minutes . Ok ? The claustrophobia s not so bad right now , ok , so --
Reese : You know , it s our last great adventure together . Let s make the most of it .
Sonny : We re going to be ok .
Reese : Are we ?
Sonny : Come on .
Emily : We re in luck . I found a fishing kit and I also found a mini sewing kit .
Alexis : Well , that does nt sound reassuring .
Robin : I think the fishing line will be better for the sutures .
Alexis : If you say so .
Ric : Ok , Alexis , if you re not sure about this , you need to say something right now .
Alexis : There s no choice here , is there ? Just get it over with .
Robin : Get me a tray for the instruments , and some towels , if you can find any .
Ric : What about the anesthetic ?
Emily : A bunch of these survived the crash . Here .
Alexis : That ca nt be good for the baby .
Robin : Alexis , none of this is good for the baby , but we re trapped , and I do nt think anyone s coming to rescue us , so we do nt really have any other options .
Alexis : In that case , bottoms up .
Jax : Looks like this caved in , as well .
Nikolas : The whole mountain s crumbling from the inside .
Jax : Makes you wonder why the railroad did nt update the tunnel years ago .
Nikolas : Yeah , well -- Courtney . Courtney !
Jax : She s here ?
Nikolas : Courtney ?
Luke : You were great with that reporter .
Elizabeth : Thanks . It was your idea to ask her to fly us here on their helicopter .
Luke : Well , everybody s a sucker for a beautiful damsel in distress .
Elizabeth : Bobbie said Lucky should be up here by now .
Luke : There he is .
Elizabeth : Where ?
Luke : There he is .
Elizabeth : Ok . Hey , Lucky . Oh , baby -- so how is he ?
Doctor : He had some complications in surgery . We need to monitor him for a while .
Elizabeth : Hi , baby . I m here . I m not going to leave you , ok ?
Lucky : Some honeymoon , huh ?
Ric : Thanks , Emily . It s all right , it s all right . Better ?
Alexis : Looks like you could use a drink of that .
Ric : Well , I think you need it more .
Alexis : Hmm . That s true . That way , if you re sober , they ll be no more embarrassing declarations of who you slept with or who slept with you or who slept with me --
Ric : You re never going to let me live that down , are you ?
Alexis : No , no . Does nt matter .
Ric : No , it matters , Alexis . It does matter .
Alexis : I m going to die . Does nt really matter who you sleep with . You can sleep with whoever you want .
Ric : You re not going to die .
Alexis : Everyone s going to die sooner or later , Ric . I m just going to die sooner .
Ric : Alexis , listen , you survived a childhood with Helena Cassadine . I think a C - section in the middle of a cave is -- pales in comparison .
Alexis : You should really be a little more fatalistic . It cuts the little disappointments out of life .
Ric : Look at me . You are not going to die .
Alexis : Promise me you ll take care of my children .
Ric : Of course I will . I love them and I love you .
Alexis : I know I m dreaming .
Robin : Tie off as many bleeders as you can . Keep the blood out of my way . We ll work as quickly as possible .
Emily : Ok .
Robin : The risk is obvious , but we can get Alexis and her baby out of here alive .
Sonny : Hey , all right . Look out . Be careful .
Reese : This car looks like it blew up .
Sonny : It must have happened in the collision .
Reese : I just hope everybody got out alive .
Sonny : The rescue team must have been here .
Reese : Sonny , look .
Sonny : Who dropped that , a cop ?
Reese : No , it s not standard police issue . Who d bring this kind of a gun on a train ?
Nikolas : Courtney ?
Jax : Are you all right ?
Nikolas : You ok ?
Courtney : Nikolas ? Oh --
Nikolas : I m right here .
Courtney : Ow .
Jax : Hey , you ok ?
Courtney : Yeah .
Nikolas : Sit up .
Courtney : Yeah , I think so .
Nikolas : What -- what are you doing here ? You were supposed to stay back with the others .
Courtney : Yeah , Alexis -- she s in labor . They have to perform a C - section and they re running out of time . I need to get help .
Jax : You said that you d stay put until I came back with a rescue crew .
Courtney : I know , but I wanted to try and find my own way out , Jax .
Jax : Yeah , but damn it , you need to be a little more careful for yourself and the baby .
Courtney : I am all right .
Nikolas : So what happened ?
Courtney : I do nt know -- I must have just tripped and hit my head .
Jax : That s because these tunnels are death traps . Nobody should be wandering through them alone .
Courtney : Yeah , well , you did .
Jax : Especially you .
Nikolas : All right , listen -- that s enough , all right ? We get that you re obviously worried about Courtney and her baby . Will you just relax and let her do what she believes is right ?
Sam : Hey , are you ok ?
Jason : Yeah , I m fine .
Sam : We re going to end up back at the commuter train .
Jason : Well , maybe the rescue workers have reached it by now .
Sam : Right . I think we should just keep on this way .
Jason : Ok , listen . Just be careful . This whole place is unstable .
Sam : All right . But we got to keep going , ok ?
Sam : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Hold on a second .
Jason : It s ok .
Sam : Jason -- Jason ! Jason !
Sam : Jason , please . Come on , answer me , please . Hey . All right , hold on .
Skye : I just checked the casualty list , and none of the Jane Does fit Carly s description .
Lorenzo : Thank you . Any word on Emily ?
Skye : Not yet . Is that the location ?
Lorenzo : It s my best guess . From what Jax described , the antique train cars are here . That would place the northbound commuter train just behind them .
Mac : I appreciate you trying to help , but we re trying to keep this area clear , and you re wasting your time .
Lorenzo : Why did nt I see this earlier ? Skye , there is a way to help these people .
Elizabeth : Nikolas and Jax got us out of the tunnel and then your dad got us here on a TV news helicopter .
Luke : Your wife played that TV reporter like a violin .
Elizabeth : I just knew I had to be here with you when you woke up . Because that s all that matters -- is being with you .
Courtney : Nikolas ?
Jax : Get out of here .
Courtney : Where is he ?
Jax : Come on . Come on .
Courtney : Oh , my God . Oh , my God . We have to get him out of here .
Jax : Courtney , Courtney --
Nikolas : Just go . Just go . There s no time . Just get out , now !
Courtney : Ca nt leave him now . I m not going to leave him !
Ric : Alexis ? Hey , counselor ? I m a better lawyer than you are . All men lawyers are better than women , anyway , right ? She s out . Son of a --
Robin : Ok . Ric , can you get the light , please ?
Ric : Yep .
Robin : Vodka .
Ric : Do nt let them die , ok ?
Robin : Listen to me . Look at me . I m going to do my best , ok ? But I need your help . Do nt panic . If you want to save Alexis and the baby , just stay calm and follow directions .
Ric : Ok . I ll do whatever it takes .
Robin : Ok . We ready ?
Ric : Yeah .
Robin : Ok . Knife , please .
Reese : There s been another cave - in .
Sonny : Then let s head south .
Reese : No . Hey , we should stay here where at least we know we re semi- protected .
Sonny : I m not going to stay here and let this -- this tunnel bury me alive . My kids need me ; Carly may never get out of Roselawn . I m the only parent my sons have left .
Carly : Yeah . Makes me feel warm .
Sonny : When you wake up in the morning , beautiful garden .
Carly : Yeah , I know . And there s a hummingbird feeder right outside this window .
Sonny : You just love those hummingbirds , right ?
Carly : Yeah . I love watching them from Michael s window , you know , and I love how the alpha male is -- chases off all the other birds , and he only lets his mate and his babies feed at the feeder . Kind of ferocious about it .
Sonny : I m sorry that I promised , you know --
Carly : Yeah , promises -- yeah -- are broken all the time . What do you do ?
Sonny : If there s anything you need , anything you want --
Carly : You know what I want .
Sonny : Uh -- ahem -- the boys need their mother to be well , so I m -- I got to -- I got something to remind you of that . Just a -- I ordered it a couple weeks ago . It s a charm thing for each of our sons , Michael and Morgan . I want -- I want you to put it on your wrist , so that way when you looked at it --
Carly : Oh , I love this . I love this bracelet . Will you tell Michael and Morgan that I love them , too , please ?
Sonny : The doctors are going to help you . You re going to let them help you , right ? You ll do that for me ?
Carly : Yeah , yeah .
Sonny : All right .
Carly : Sonny -- I love you .
Sonny : I love you .
Sonny : You hear that ?
Reese : Oh , yeah , there s somebody else on this train .
Sonny : Who s there ?
Reese : Come on out and identify yourself .
Doctor : Clear .
Ric : What s wrong ?
Robin : There s a problem .
Sam : Jason , please !
### Summary:
| Alexis orders Emily to save the baby and not worry about her . Lucky goes into surgery . Mac gets to Liz and Nik and rescues them . Sonny copes with his claustrophobia . Manny stalks Carly . Jason finds the St Christopher s medal he once gave her , then , he , Sam , and Robin reach Emily , Alexis and Ric . Robin prepares to do a C section . Jax and Nik find Courtney . Jason suffers a fall . Another cave in threatens those still trapped . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Mimi : I love weddings , and we ve had so many lately .
Philip : My wife s sister is marrying my brother -- talk about keeping it in the family .
Belle : I just hope she s not rushing into this because of the baby .
Philip : What do you mean by that ?
Shawn D. : Do you think Carrie still has feelings for Austin ?
Mimi : Carrie and Lucas got engaged before she found out she was pregnant .. She would nt have said yes if she was nt sure . She s a smart girl , right ?
Belle : Yeah , right .
Mimi : Seems like everyone s having babies these days . Hopefully we are . Philip , thanks again for fitting us in with Dr. Jaynes so quickly . He did the in vitro so fast . It was amazing .
Philip : Well , I just hope it works for us , too .
Mimi : Oh , I know you guys are gon na get pregnant . I just hope we do nt have any problems this time . I just do nt think we could take one more disappointment .
Dr. Jaynes : Okay , let s pray those Brady and Kiriakis eggs fertilize and nothing goes wrong . Can you get me that additional paperwork ? I got an awful lot of grant money riding on this one .
Max : What the hell was that ? ! Do you see this ? ! You see what you did to my car ? ! What the hell is the matter with you ? Do you see this ? Hello ? Are you crazy ? I m talking to you .
Stephanie : Sorry , you got in my way .
Max : Ah . I ca nt believe it was a chick .
Stephanie : Do you have a problem with women drivers ?
Max : No , I have a problem with any driver who almost gets me killed and then makes a snide remark about it .
Stephanie : What do you want to do , go out for a beer ?
Max : No , no , I m gon na report you to the racing officials for reckless driving .
Stephanie : I stayed in my lane . You re the one who lost control . I m glad you were nt hurt , and there s not much damage to your car . As for the damage to your ego , not much I can do about that .
Max : Who are you ?
Roman : Carrie ... you seem a little shaky . Are you okay ?
Carrie : Yeah . I m just nervous . I have nt had a lot of luck with weddings , you know ?
Roman : Are you happy , Carrie ? All right , well , good cause ... I know life does nt always work out the way we expect it to .
Carrie : You re right , Dad . I thought that I d be marrying Austin today .
Billie : Excuse me . Hey , come here . You okay ?
Austin : Yeah , yeah , why ? I m fine . Do I look sick or something ?
Billie : No , no , you do nt . I was just wondering if ... you were really ready to stand up for Lucas today ... if you re okay with him marrying Carrie .
Will : This is so weird . I mean , I ca nt believe you re marrying Aunt Carrie .
Lucas : You re still okay with it , right ?
Will : Well , yeah . I mean , you know I m proud of you , dad . I just do nt want this wedding to end in disaster like the other two with mom .
Lucas : Listen to me , all right ? I know last time was traumatic for both of us , but this time it s gon na go smoothly . I promise .
Abe : [ Sighs ] Lexie ... how did we end up like this ? [ Sighs ]
Tek : Lexie . How d it go with Sami ? Did you blow her out of the water ? What happened ? Are Carrie and Lucas still getting married today ?
Lexie : Yeah .
Tek : Well , did Austin dump Sami ? Please tell me that conniving bitch got what she deserves . Please .
Lexie : I did nt do it .
Tek : What ?
Lexie : I - I - I could nt .
Tek : Why not ?
Kate : So , we meet again .
Sami : You know what , Kate ? I m in a hurry .
Kate : Oh , I m sure you are . Still dodging bullets , Sami ?
Sami : You are so funny .
Kate : Why do nt you just tell me the truth . I mean , we all know how this story ends . It always ends the same way -- I m gon na find out this truth . I m going to stop you at the altar . You re going to be humiliated . Is that really what you want to happen ?
Sami : You do nt know what you re talking about .
Kate : I know a lot more than you think I do . I know ... that you left a message on Lexie s phone , and I heard it . Hi , Lexie . Let s talk . Carrie and Lucas would nt be getting married right now if you had told everyone how I was blackmailing you . We really need to talk . Does that sound familiar to you ?
Sami : Are you gon na tell them what you heard ?
Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives .
Roman : Carrie ... have you changed your mind ? Are you still in love with Austin ?
Carrie : Dad , a part of me will always love Austin ... and mike . What we had was so intense , but I guess it was nt meant to last . Lucas and I -- we ve been friends forever and we re comfortable with each other . You know , it s not so up and down all the time . I want this marriage to last . I m having Lucas child . He s my future .
Roman : So then you re sure , sweetheart ?
Caroline : That s my girl -- sure and mature . [ Chuckles ]
Roman : Carrie ... I m proud of you .
Caroline : Roman , would you leave us alone for a few minutes ? I ve got to get the bride ready , or there wo nt be any wedding .
Roman : Yes , Mom , yes , Mom .
Tek : Why did nt you pull the trigger on Sami ?
Lexie : I got a phone call , okay ?
Tek : Well , who called you ? Come on , how did this person know about Sami s blackmail ? What , did they threaten you into staying quiet ? What ?
Lexie : Look , Tek , I ca nt talk about this anymore , okay ? I ve already said too much . Just forget it , okay ?
Tek : Who forced you into letting that bitch off the hook ?
Kate : Unfortunately , I m the only one who heard the message , and I do nt have any proof , and , of course , no one s going to believe me . But I do know that there s more going on here , and I m going to find out what it is , and when I do and that little secret comes out , you re going to lose Austin for good .
Stephanie : Why do you need to know my name ?
Max : Because I m gon na report you to the officials .
Stephanie : Oh , please . I was driving fast but safely . You were nt keeping your eyes on the track , or if you were , your mind was someplace else . Let me guess -- girlfriend trouble ?
Max : You did nt answer my question . Who are you ?
Stephanie : Obviously , you have nt done your homework . How are you ever going to assess your competition ?
Max : I do my homework . I just have nt raced much this year , and I did nt know -- I was nt aware that there was a female driver on the circuit . Obviously , you re not doing that well .
Stephanie : Ouch . There s a slap across the face with a glove . Well , there s a girl out there now , and if you do nt know my name , you re about to .
Mimi : May God bless ... our surrogate mother . May her pregnancy give us a healthy baby .
Shawn D. : Amen .
Mimi : You know , I ve always loved weddings so much . And now that I ve actually been the bride and just being here where we got married , it , um , just makes me feel really close to you .
Shawn D. : I love you so much . Please do nt ever doubt that .
Mimi : Shawn , I m sorry for last night . I , uh -- throwing my wedding ring at you and asking you for a divorce -- I was just having a total meltdown . I think a lot of it had to do with all the hormone shots I ve been taking , and then I overheard you talking to your father about your feelings --
Shawn D. : Which is something that I never should have said , and I m so sorry about that , but ... our future is together . We re gon na have a baby together . Honey , I love you . Just remember that , okay ?
Belle : Okay , so , Carrie has her hair and makeup done . She looks beautiful .
Mimi : Oh , I ca nt wait to see her dress .
Shawn D. : We probably have a few minutes before the ceremony starts , right ? I m gon na call Dr. Jaynes .
Mimi : Not like there s going to be any news yet .
Philip : No , but I know what he s going through . We ca nt wait to have another baby , a little brother or sister for Claire .
Austin : Thank you . Well , for a long time ... you know , I thought I was gon na be with Carrie . Lucas with Sami -- that makes sense , right ? They were engaged . They loved each other . They have a family with Will .
Billie : Hey , just because two people have a child together does nt mean they ll end up as a couple . Look at Bo and me .
Will : Dad , I hate to ask , but what if mom does something to screw this up , even though it s not her wedding ? I mean , she s done that before , too .
Lucas : I know , do nt worry about it . This wedding is going to be perfect .. Trust me , all right ?
Will : I hope so .
Lucas : It will . Do nt worry about it . Everything s gon na be perfect as long as Sami does nt ruin another wedding . Professional level . So I think that s only natural for people to do that . But for me personally and professionally , it s time to move on , and life goes on .
Dr. Jaynes : Hello , Shawn . I thought you were at a wedding .
Shawn D. : Uh , yes , yes , actually , I am . The ceremony s about to begin , Dr. Jaynes , but I just had a few minutes here . I wanted to call and see how are those eggs doing ?
Dr. Jaynes : Well , we have good news . Both Belle and Mimi s eggs fertilized successfully .
Shawn D. : Oh , oh , my gosh . That s -- that s great .
Dr. Jaynes : I supervised the procedure myself . I do nt see any complications . And if all goes well , we should be able to schedule the embryo transfers very soon .
Shawn D. : I was nt expecting that you d even have any news , yet . This is -- this is incredible . I ca nt wait to tell everyone .
Dr. Jaynes : Well , congratulate them for me .
Shawn D. : Yes , I definitely will . Thank you .
Dr. Jaynes : You re welcome .
Roman : Hey , pard . Glad you could make it . I know this ca nt be easy for you .
Abe : [ Sighs ] No . No , it s not . But I ve known Carrie ever since she was a little girl , so I m very happy for her today .
Roman : Look , pard ... I ca nt imagine what that must have been like . I mean , you get a note from God knows who and then to find Tek and Lexie like that -- but ... I want you to do something for yourself .
Abe : What s that ?
Roman : Give her another chance . I want you to think about what you re giving up , and I want you to think about the impact it will have on your son .
Caroline : How s it going back there ? The alterations work ?
Carrie : I think we have a problem .
Billie : Austin ... Will loves you , and you are gon na make a great dad to him when you marry Sami , but --
Austin : You do nt see me with Sami . Yeah , I know . I know . And I know that every time that I find myself alone with Carrie , Billie , I ca nt help wondering what it would be like to be with her .
Lucas : Well , there s no point in that . You d just be driving yourself nuts . I think it s great you re getting over your feelings for Carrie . You re engaged to Sami . You proposed to her . You know , I always thought that Sami would be the one to break your heart . But maybe you re gon na break hers .
Sami : You re wrong , Kate . Sorry , you are not gon na be able to break me and Austin up this time cause I did nt do anything wrong .
Kate : Oh , my God . You are absolutely ridiculous . I know you have to be smarter than this . You blackmailed Lexie . You blackmailed her . I know there s a lot more going on here , and I m gon na find out what it all is . Time is running out on you and your little secret , Sami .
Stephanie : You re one of the drivers I ve been watching , you know . I m more than ready to race you .
Max : You ve been watching me race ?
Stephanie : Ever since your rookie year . It s not like I m the only one . Actually , you re part of the reason I got into racing .
Max : Really ?
Stephanie : Yep , I knew if I worked hard enough , I d be able to compete with Max Brady and come out on top .
Max : Well , then , I ll tell you what -- I ve already checked over the engine , and everything s intact . Axles are nt bent . What do you say to a little challenge ?
Stephanie : You mean right now ?
Max : Right now .
Stephanie : Are you really sure your car s okay ? I mean , I would nt want to race you unless I can win fair and square .
Max : There s no worries here , darling .
Stephanie : Then you re on .
Max : Then we ll see who actually comes out on top .
Austin : Come here . You know , Lucas ... man , you do nt got to worry about a thing , okay ? I m not gon na break Sami s heart , and ... I really do want you to be happy ... with Carrie . But , you know , I m not gon na deny the past . I loved her , all right ? But you know what ? Hey , she chose you , you know . She chose you . It s your wedding day . I ll honor that .
Lucas : Well , thanks . And I promise to back off of Sami . You know , I ll honor her marriage to you , as we
Austin : All right , brother , well , then ... I give you my best wishes .
Lucas : Same to you .
Billie : Gee , Mom , what are you gon na do when you ca nt meddle in your children s lives anymore ? Lucas seems very happy with Carrie .
Kate : Yes , he does . I just wish Austin could find a little happiness , too .
Billie : He seems happy .
Kate : Do you think ? No .
Billie : No .
Kate : No . You know Sami is the worst thing that has ever happened to Austin , but he wo nt listen to me . He wo nt listen to me . Maybe he d listen to you .
Billie : Me ? Oh , come on , Mom . I m the last person to give out love advice . And no offense , do nt take this the wrong way , but neither are you .
Kate : I was nt wrong about Sami , now was I ? And I was nt wrong about you and Bo , because the two of you still love each other .
Billie : Mom , I do nt want to talk about this .
Kate : Fine , fine . Then let s talk about Sami . Let s talk about Sami . She has a secret , a very ugly secret . And for some reason , Lexie feels compelled to protect her . But you know something ? I m gon na find out the truth . I am .
Billie : Okay , but just remember one thing , Mom -- this could backfire on you and Austin .
Philip : Hey , did you find out anything ?
Mimi : No news yet , right ?
Shawn D. : Actually , the eggs were successfully fertilized .
Mimi : [ Gasps ]
Philip : What ?
Mimi : Oh , thank God !
Shawn D. : [ Laughs ]
Belle : Mimi , we are on our way .
Philip : What a relief .
Shawn D. : Pretty soon , we re gon na be here baptizing our own kids .
Philip : Do you realize that they could actually be born on the same day ?
Mimi : Oh , please let this happen for us .
Dr. Jaynes : What the hell do you think you re doing ?
Caroline : Honey , what s the problem ?
Carrie : I ve lost weight . How could that be ? I m pregnant .
Caroline : Well , maybe you ve had morning sickness .
Carrie : I ve hardly had any at all .
Caroline : Well , then , you re probably worried about the wedding and you have nt been eating properly .
Carrie : No , Grandma , I ve been very careful to eat a proper diet . How could I have lost so much weight since my last fitting ? Normally , I d be very excited about this , but ....
Caroline : Well , I guess you re just worried about the baby , you know . Do nt worry . It must be my fault . I must have gotten the measurements wrong .
Carrie : You think ?
Caroline : Yes , I think , so give me the dress and I ll work on it , and stop worrying .
Carrie : Okay , you think you can fix it in time ?
Caroline : You can count on me . I promise . Now , do nt worry .
Carrie : Okay , I so appreciate everything you ve done , Grandma , and I know that you had to work really hard to get the dress ready so fast . Thank you .
Caroline : Darling , I would do anything to see you happy .
Carrie : [ Sighs ] I just hope nothing else goes wrong today .
Roman : You know what , Abe ? After all these years , it seems like Sami s finally getting it together , but I think a lot of pain and heartache could have been avoided had she had a normal childhood , like , say , her mother and father staying together .
Abe : Hey , look -- it was nt your fault . Everything that happened to you is because of Stefano DiMera . And I hate to say this , but I think a lot of the problems between Lexie and me stem from the fact that she s a DiMera . You know , as much as I deeply loved her at one time ... and maybe part of me always will ... she is truly Stefano s daughter . He said that she would always be true to her name . And that s what s happened . No wonder that she betrayed me again and again .
Tek : Lexie , you are shaking . What is wrong ? What is going on ?
Lexie : Please let this go . Okay , this is something that I need to deal with myself .
Tek : No , it is nt . Something or someone scared the hell out of you and it s not Sami .
Lexie : No , no , it s not Sami . That s all I m going to say .
Tek : I m gon na get to the bottom of this . Who in the hell would be protecting Sami ?
Billie : I do nt get it , Mom . You are beautiful and talented and successful . You are the vice - president of a huge company . I do nt understand where you get the time or the energy to keep interfering in your children s lives .
Kate : Because I m not interfering . I m just trying to fix a few things , make a few things right . You know , you and your brothers , you missed out on a few life lessons growing up , and maybe that s because I was nt there . Who knows ? But one thing I do know , once you re all settled and you re all happy , you wo nt have to ask me to butt out twice . Excuse me . I need to go talk to Lexie .
Billie : Mom , do nt . Leave her alone . Mom , butt out . Mom !
Lucas : I really hoped that mom was gon na be on her best behavior today .
Billie : Oh , do nt worry , Lucas . She will be ... once you and Carrie step up to the altar . She s thrilled for the two of you . Anything earlier than that , just do nt hold your breath ..
Lucas : Great , thanks .
Kate : Lexie , we need to talk .
Austin : Hey .
Sami : Hi .
Austin : You okay ? Hmm ? You feeling all right ?
Sami : Yeah , yeah , no , I m fine . I just , you know , have matron - of - honor jitters .
Austin : Are you sure that s all that s going on ? Come on , Sami . Be honest with me .
Sami : Austin , I am .
Austin : So , how do you feel about Lucas getting married ?
Sami : He s the father of my child , and ... I loved him , and I wanted to have a future with him .
Austin : So how do you feel about him marrying your sister ?
Sami : It s what Lucas wanted . He s finally getting everything he dreamed of , and I am -- I m happy for him .
Austin : Good . Good , because I m happy for them , too .
Sami : And I hope this wedding goes off perfectly because then it ll be our turn , and I want our wedding to be perfect , Austin .
Lexie : All right . I ll tell you the truth .
Max : You know , good race . I m impressed , and I m sorry if you re disappointed I did nt let you win . You should be happy with a draw .
Stephanie : Oh , was that it ? You could have won , but instead you decided to give me a break and allow me to cross the finish line with you ?
Max : Yeah , sorry to burst your bubble .
Stephanie : Sorry to burst your bubble , but I went easy on you . My gas pedal was still an inch from the floor on the last quarter mile . All I had to do was stand on it and you would have been last in a two - car race .
Max : Well , this is fun and all , but I really do have to get going . Ahh .
Stephanie : Did nt I see something like that in an old James Bond movie ?
Max : Well , actually , I think it was a scuba diving wet suit . And look -- it s been fun ... but I really have to get going . I got a wedding to go to . And I would ask you to come with me , but I do nt think the racing suit is gon na be appropriate .
Stephanie : [ Clears throat ]
Max : I got you . Great , but where s your shoes ?
Stephanie : I ll put these on while you drive . I just happen to be going to the same wedding .
Caroline : Carrie ... are you ready ? You know , when you take those vows , you know , they re forever .
Carrie : I know , Grandma . We ve had this talk before . I ve thought a lot about the fact that you were in love with Victor and you had a son by him . But you still made a commitment to grandpa .
Caroline : I m only asking you these questions because I love you . And I do nt want you to make the same mistake that I did . So , before you walk down that aisle , are you having any second thoughts ?
Abe : Look , Roman , if this was the first time that she d done this to me , it might be different . But she does nt love me enough to be faithful to me and that s the bottom line , Roman .
Roman : Listen to me , okay ? I know that Lexie is sorry for what she did to you . She pleaded to me to ask you for another chance . She would do anything to make it up to do .. So why do nt you just talk to her ? Let her explain . Let her say she s sorry . I think it s the least you can do before you make a decision like this . For Theo s sake , if nothing else .
Abe : All right . All right , I ll talk to her .
Lexie : The truth is ... well , I was unfaithful to my husband and Sami found out .
Kate : Lexie , I already know all of that . She was blackmailing you , and , obviously , she expected something in exchange . What I want to know is why you are protecting her .
Lexie : Kate , I - I only have myself to blame . Trust me ... if I could blame any of this on Sami , I would . But I ca nt . Excuse me .
Belle : Just think , if the IVF goes well , our babies are gon na be born around the same time . They could be baptized together .
Mimi : And go to school together .
Philip : They could be on the same little league team .
Shawn D. : With their dads coaching .
Belle : But what if one s a boy and one s a girl ?
Philip : Then they will play co - ed .
Mimi : Well , whatever they do or play , I know one thing for sure -- they re going to be best friends .
Philip : Just like us .
Dr. Jayne : Watch where you re going . You almost pushed that gurney right into me .
Nurse : I m sorry , Doctor .
Mimi : All right , you guys , let s not jinx this . We still have a lot to go through before we re standing here baptizing our babies .
Belle : You re right , I know .
Philip : All right , well , the wedding s about to start . We better take our places . Come on . Yeah , right .
Mimi : Oh , yes . [ Laughs ]
Austin : I do love you , Sami . We re gon na have a wonderful life . We are .
Sami : Austin , I m gon na make you happy . I promise .
Austin : You had me [ Laughs ] You had me worried there for a while , you know , when Lexie told us that you were blackmailing her . But it s for a noble reason . For Abe and Theo . You did nt want Lexie to lose her family .
Sami : And she s going to anyway , is nt she ?
Austin : Not your fault . You were trying to do a good thing . Which proves .... that you have changed . I m proud of you .
Sami : Thanks , Austin .
Austin : And I m going to be even more proud when we become husband and wife .
Sami : [ Laughs ]
Kate : So , when is Hope going to have the test to find out who the father of the baby is ?
Billie : Soon , I hope . She was supposed to have it today , but the ultrasound machine was nt working . Bo s going through hell . His own son hopes that the baby is Patrick s .
Kate : That makes two of us . Three of us .
Billie : Hey , do nt include me in this , okay ? I want what Bo wants , and Bo wants Hope .
Kate : Yeah , well , I think Hope is going to have a little bit to say about that , especially if Patrick is the father of the baby . Do nt you think ?
Lucas : Okay , we re about ready , all right ? Carrie had a little mishap with an alteration in her dress .
Kate : Oh , honey , you did nt see her , did you ?
Lucas : No , no , it s fine . Caroline told me through the door . I did nt jinx anything , all right ?
Kate : Good . You know that I want all good things for you . You know that ? Hopefully , everything is going to turn out just the way it s supposed to be . I love you , sweetie .
Lucas : Thank you . I appreciate your support . Come on , we should go .
Max : I ca nt believe you re coming to the same wedding . I mean , are you sure ? It s the Brady - Roberts wedding down at St. Luke s Church .
Stephanie : Uh - huh , the church I was baptized in , where my family has all their weddings .
Carrie : I wish my mom could have been here .
Caroline : Oh , so do I , honey .
Carrie : John and Marlena , too , but they re still out of town . I know if we would have kept the original date , everyone could have come . My mom s been planning this huge fashion thing all year , and it just happens to be this week , but , you know , at least Lucas and I will get to see her on our honeymoon in Milan .
Caroline : Yeah , and when the baby comes , she ll be here in a heartbeat . I have a present for you .
Carrie : You do ?
Caroline : Yes , your mother sent it . It s a bracelet that she wants you to wear on your wedding day . This bracelet is the one that she wore ... when she married Roman . It s a family heirloom .
Carrie : I love it .
Caroline : Oh , you look absolutely beautiful .
Roman : Ready ?
Carrie : We re ready .
Roman : All right . Let s have a wedding .
Kate : Sami , I pray your lies and your schemes are exposed .
Austin : Wait , wait , wait . You know what ? [ Clears throat ] I can not wait to walk down this aisle with you ... and watch you become Mrs. Austin Reed .
Kate : Time is running out on you and your little secret , Sami .
Sami : Austin , you know what ? I think I should , um , check on Carrie , make sure she s ready .
Austin : Yeah , well ... see you in a second .
Tek : Lexie . Lexie , I care about you so much . I ca nt stand to see you like this .
Lexie : Then you should have stayed away when I asked you to , Tek , instead of coming back again and again . Oh , goodness . What am I talking about ? It s my own fault , you know ? And just on the night when I thought I was strong enough to finally put you out of my life and be faithful to my husband --
Tek : I m sorry , Lexie .
Lexie : Well , it s too late for that , Tek . There s nothing we can do to fix it , you know ? Whether I expose Sami or not , the damage is already done to my marriage and my husband . [ Sighing ] Oh , God . I want her to pay .
Tek : Come here .
Mimi : Hi .
Shawn D. : Hi , Grandma .
Mimi : How are you ?
Shawn D. : [ Sighs ]
Mimi : Are you okay ?
Shawn D. : Yeah , I m just thinking about my mom . I really do nt know what I d do without you .
Mimi : Me neither .
Shawn D. : I ca nt wait till we have a family . I love you so much .
Sami : [ Thinking ] As soon as Lucas and Carrie are married , Austin will be mine .
Kate : You better be here to nail Sami .
Kate : Lexie Carver has something to say . [ Congregation murmuring ]
Mimi : We just got a message from Dr. Jaynes .
Shawn D. : He said we should go to the hospital right away .
Philip : What the hell are we waiting for ? Let s go , come on .
E.J. : Stephanie .
Stephanie : E.J. Wells . You re in Salem ?
E.J. : I am , and now I have another reason to be glad about it .
Nick : We ca nt be a family if I ca nt remember our life together .
### Summary:
| Caroline helps Carrie get ready for the wedding . Carrie tries on the dress but finds she s now lost weight since her last fitting . Caroline re - alters the dress in time for the wedding and gives Carrie a bracelet sent by Carrie s mother to wear on her special day . The mystery stranger is almost caught in the room with Mimi and Belle s Petri dishes . Shawn calls Dr. Jaynes and learns that both Belle and Mimi s eggs have been successfully fertilized . Max and Stephanie decide to race but it ends in a draw . Each strip off their race suits to reveal wedding attire and is surprised to learn that they are both headed for the same wedding . Lucas overhears Austin and Billie talking about still having feelings for Carrie but Austin assures Lucas that he will honor Carrie s choice . Tek questions Lexie about exposing Sami but Lexie wo nt give any details as to why she did nt expose Sami . Roman convinces Abe to talk to Lexie but Abe ends up catching Lexie being comforted by Tek . Kate tries to get Lexie to tell her the truth about Sami but Lexie refuses . Kate lets Sami know that she heard Sami s intended voicemail message to Lexie . Billie tries to warn Kate about meddling but Kate still vows to expose Sami . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lizzie : I need you to help me think like a criminal . What would you do next if you were setting Bill up ? They did nt have a search warrant . File a motion to have it suppressed as soon as possible . Money is no object . Please just do whatever it takes to clear Bill .
Marina : Police ! Step away from the fridge .
Frank : All right . I outrank you and I m your father , so back off .
Marina : My house ; my fridge . Unless you do nt want that file on the warehouse break in .
Frank : I ve been waiting for that file for weeks .
Marina : Hmm ?
Frank : All right . I tell you what , I ll just eat the Greek stuff .
Marina : Mallet likes the Greek stuff . Seriously , even if he wo nt admit it , he likes the Greek stuff .
Frank : Since when did you start gambling ?
Marina : We went to Mount Arrowhead last week , shot some dice .
Frank : Who s we ?
Marina : Mallet and me . We had this crazy idea that we would ...
Mallet : We had such a crazy bad idea , is what we had because we lost a bundle on the slots and then all we ended up with was that lousy $ 10 chip . Remember that ?
Frank : That s funny . I thought you guys were rolling dice . ( Cell phone ringing )
Lizzie : Hello ? Yeah , I saw it . I am paying you to stop the grand jury so if you ca nt do that , I will hire a lawyer that ... you did ? Yes ! That s great ! Thank you !
Doris : No , no , no , they can not suppress material evidence .
Reporter : The motion to suppress evidence came as a complete surprise . Bill Lewis is currently the main suspect of the case . It s unclear how this will impact the grand jury .
Lizzie : Bill ... what happened ? Where is he ?
Nurse : It s all right . He s been taken upstairs for more tests .
Lizzie : Okay . Do you know when he ll be done ? I just ... I need to talk to him , it s really important .
Nurse : Tests could take all day . I m sorry , is there anything else ?
Lizzie : Oh , no . Got a big win for you today . They re not going to be able to use that jacket against you . But I ca nt stop until I find out who is trying to frame you . I thought it was my granddad . That makes sense , right ? I was wrong . Whoever it is , before I let them hurt you , they re going to have to come through me .
Marina : You know , dice , poker , roulette . You name it , we played it . Right , babe ?
Mallet : Yes we played it . A lot of harmless fun .
Marina : Totally harmless . Especially when you compare it to something like getting married .
Frank : What s with you and marriage ?
Marina : Me ? Oh , nothing . I guess it was just losing all that money to a casino then you compare it to a real gamble like getting married to someone and I mean , it s one of those situations where it could go either way , you know ? It could be a total disaster or someone s destiny . It brings out the best in people . You know , being able to stand up and tell someone that you love them and be able to back that up forever .
Frank : Well , last time I was at a casino I made $ 30 . ( Laughs ) Comped my room and had a nice big Jacuzzi . It was great .
Mallet : Awesome ! ( Laughs ) Thanksgiving ! What s going on with Thanksgiving ? Are we on ?
Frank : Oh , yeah . Absolutely . As a matter of fact , Pop s doing something pretty cool . He s opening up Company for people who do nt have a place to go for the holidays .
Marina : Oh , really . Like unmarried single people ?
Frank : Thanks for rubbing that in , honey . Appreciate it . We do need help , though .
Mallet : Yeah , yeah , tell Buzz I m there , but we ve got a lot to do before Thanksgiving . We ve got to work . Frank , you have to be a busy man . Banana , take two bananas . We have to go to work . You have to go to work , do nt you ? We ll catch you later , do nt be a stranger .
Frank : Sure , I m on my way . I ll take my muffin and my two bananas .
Mallet : Yeah , take the bananas .
Frank : See you later .
Mallet : See ya , Frank .
Frank : Thank you .
Marina : Wow ! Rude ! What is your problem ?
Mallet : Were you going to tell your dad we almost eloped ?
Marina : Please ! What are you so ashamed of ?
Mallet : I m not ashamed , I m afraid . He s your dad !
Marina : He s not the one with the problem , Mallet , you are .
Mallet : Excuse me , I do nt have a problem . I went to get married the other day , I was going to be married but you backed out of it . I do nt have a problem .
Marina : I m supposed to take the blame .
Mallet : Marina , damn it , I told you that day how much you mean to me . I told you how much I love you .
Marina : Yeah , Mallet . In private , when it comes to saying it in public you re just a big wuss .
Mallet : ( Laughs ) Wuss ? Did you just call me a wuss ?
Marina : Yeah , wuss . There I said it again .
Coop : Cobb salad , take out room 319 , meet me . Ca nt wait to make that delivery . Hey , sorry I m late , Dad . Look , I think this holiday open house is a great idea . I just do nt think we should ignore our regular customers , you know ?
Buzz : Such dedication . Here , come back .
Coop : What ? Oh , not this one .
Buzz : What ?
Coop : No , I just mean are nt there any other ones ?
Buzz : Lynn , is there anything else ?
Lynn : No . Uh - huh .
Buzz : You want maybe I should deliver and you peel ?
Coop : No , I just want to make sure we re not leaving anything else and there s nothing else back there to be delivered .
Buzz : Is there anything ? No , why ?
Coop : I just want to make sure I ve got enough for holiday shopping , that s all . ( Cell phone ringing )
Lynn : Company .
Beth : Ah , yes , I d like to make an order to be delivered . Is your deliveryman there yet ?
Lynn : Actually our delivery guy just arrived .
Beth : Great . Great . The name is Benjamin and that is room 319 at the Beacon and I would like a Cobb salad for two . Thank you very much .
Lizzie : ( Laughs ) Have you heard the news ?
Alan : Let me guess , the grand jury ...
Lizzie : I am sorry , Mr. Prosecutor , but I just have to rule and the coat is out ! ( Laughs )
Alan : Good work , Elizabeth .
Lizzie : Thank you .
Alan : I just hope everything works out the way you want it to .
Lizzie : You hope ?
Alan : Now , I was nt trying to sound negative , I was just being cautious . You re not going to doubt me ...
Lizzie : No , no . No . Okay , I was wrong to doubt you . I was tired and alone and miserable and wrong . I do nt even know why I went there , Granddad . I should not have tried to blame you .
Alan : No , I do nt blame you . I mean , you know that I ve never wanted to write a love song to Bill Lewis . Because you are my princess . My golden girl !
Lizzie : Okay , okay , you do nt have to win me over again . ( Laughs )
Alan : I just wish I could say that for Bill .
Lizzie : Well , Doris and the prosecution can try to pin this kidnapping on Bill , but without that coat , that surveillance tape means nothing . They have no case .
Alan : Mmm ...
Lizzie : What ?
Alan : Well , I ve had some experience with grand juries , more than I d like to admit , and if they get the idea that evidence is being withheld , they will start to wonder why .
Lizzie : Because Bill is innocent , that s why . I mean , you know , besides , the judge has already ruled it inadmissible , so the jury is never going to know that there was a coat identical to the one on the surveillance tape stuffed under Bill s bed . Now are they ?
Alan : No , of course not .
Lizzie : Everything is going to be fine .
Alan : I m sure it is . I just do nt want you to get hurt . And I know that these cases can go either way .
Lizzie : Please do nt go there , please . Okay , I ve heard it from Mom and I ve heard it from Bill s mom and dad .
Alan : Well if Vanessa and Billy doubt their own son s guilt ...
Lizzie : Exactly , they always doubt Bill . That s why he never feels like anyone is on his side , but I am on his side . No doubts , no conditions .
Alan : Just like my love for you , Elizabeth .
Lizzie : I m not asking you to love him , okay ? I m not even asking you to like him . Just do nt tell me what ca nt be done .
Alan : I would never do that . But I think you ve done about all you can .
Lizzie : I do nt think I have done enough . I need to be behind those closed doors with the grand jury .
Alan : Unless you re subpoenaed .
Lizzie : That s not going to happen . Doris does nt want the jury to hear what I have to say . All she s interested in is another notch in her belt .
Alan : Maybe it s the best .
Lizzie : I am the victim here , are nt I ?
Alan : What if she gets you on the stand and takes advantage of your emotions and twists your words ... ( cell phone ringing )
Lizzie : What s that ?
Alan : An update from city hall , I get them from time to time , I ll turn it off here .
Lizzie : No , wait . The mayor is doing an interview .
Alan : Really ? Well , Doris never saw a microphone she did nt love . Where are you going ?
Lizzie : Those closed doors of the grand jury ? I think they re about to open .
Beth : You know what ? This is crazy . It s just as well . It s just as well . ( Knock on door ) About time .
Buzz : Delivery for Mr. ... Whoa !
Coop : Where is it ?
Lynn : Where s what ?
Coop : The delivery order from the Beacon . Lynn , it had to have come in .
Lynn : It came in and it went out .
Coop : Out ? You mean somebody else delivered it ?
Lynn : Coop , that s how it works .
Marina : I think I ve seen this movie before . Heads and we have a shoot off at high noon ?
Mallet : That s one way to stop the marriage talk .
Marina : Funny .
Mallet : How about heads we never tell your family how close we came to eloping .
Marina : Fine . Tails I get to tease you endlessly in front of everyone we know .
Mallet : Fair enough . You ready ?
Marina : I m ready . Oh , that s awesome ! It s heads on both sides ! You cheated , man ! You have to cheat to keep from being honest about your feelings ?
Mallet : Come on , please ! When did I ever lie to you ? Okay , so I drank from the orange juice carton again .
Marina : I m not talking about that . I m talking about being honest about your feelings . You know , feelings like l - l - l - love .
Mallet : That s so unfair . I m still waiting for you to say I love you in public to me . I said it weeks ago .
Marina : You said it at gunpoint and then you took it away as soon as we caught the collar .
Mallet : No , no , no . I said I love you the night that we eloped . It was my gift to you .
Marina : Your gift ? Wow .
Mallet : That s not what I meant . That came out wrong . What I meant was ...
Marina : You were just throwing Marina a bone , right ? You re just ... it s her booby prize since we went back on the wedding .
Mallet : You went back on the wedding . I meant what I said .
Marina : Sure , as long as you do nt have to tell anybody to their faces and you never have to face my father or my grandfather or my Uncle Coop .
Mallet : Heads or tails on that one .
Marina : I never said you were a bad kisser .
Mallet : You re on duty , Detective . Now I m going to go in there and clean the turkey with a bunch of burly men . What do you think we re going to talk about ?
Marina : I do nt know . Rice , shoes , trousseaus .
Mallet : Football .
Doris : I m glad that you asked that question . The grand jury will convene in less than an hour and I m fully confident that those citizens will do their duty and hand down an indictment .
Reporter : Would you still be prosecuting if the victim were nt a Spaulding ?
Doris : Elizabeth Spaulding may come from a prominent Springfield family but I would seek justice for anyone .
Alan : I think we should go , Elizabeth .
Lizzie : I have a question .
Doris : Miss Spaulding , I m sure that you are still emotional from your ordeal .
Lizzie : Well , I m not emotional . I m just curious . Why are you trying to railroad my partner , Bill Lewis ? Why wo nt you call me as a witness ? Are you afraid that I will expose this case for the travesty of justice that it is ? Oh ... ( laughs ) that was three questions , was nt it ? I m sorry .
Doris : Thank you . We will do a follow - up as soon as that grand jury comes back with that indictment . Alan , tell your granddaughter that the sure way not to win me over is to sandbag me in public .
Alan : Now , Doris , you have a daughter , you realize how passionate they are .
Lizzie : You have nt answered my questions yet .
Doris : Which question was that ? When did I stop taking heroin ?
Lizzie : These were nt trick questions ? These were honest . Look , either you want to solve the case or you re just looking for headlines .
Doris : I am a politician . I want both .
Alan : You ve had your say and I think we should go .
Lizzie : You want to help your career . You should tell the grand jury how Bill Lewis is being framed .
Doris : I m sorry , Miss Spaulding . I ve seen the evidence , you re leaving your tender feelings for this man ...
Lizzie : I think we should leave the feelings out of it . I was the victim . I was the one that was there . Do nt you think that I would know if Bill was my kidnapper ?
Doris : I also know that you were blindfolded and you were deceived and you were even willing to suppress material evidence , to destroy it .
Alan : No , no , wait a minute now . The coat was ruled out , Doris .
Doris : Even without that I can still get an indictment .
Lizzie : Listen to yourself . Is this like a trophy for you ? Well , this is my life and this is Bill s life and this is our life together . You just want to take that from us ? What , so you can add something else to your resume ?
Doris : I m sure that you will not be the first woman to defend the man who hurt her . If you will excuse me , I have to get to work .
Lizzie : Imagine I was your daughter . Pretend that this was Ashlee asking you . Please , please put me on that stand and let the jury hear from the person who knows Bill best . Please .
Doris : You know , now that you put it that way , I would do anything to protect Ashlee . That s exactly what I m doing for you . Those doors are going to stay closed .
Frank : Okay .
Lynn : Well , it s about time .
Frank : Nice to see you , too , Lynn .
Lynn : Is that the stuff for our Thanksgiving ?
Frank : It s not for our Thanksgiving . It s for the feeding America food drive .
Lynn : Well , there s the box .
Frank : Perfect .
Lynn : Oh , Frankie , good choices , very healthy . Oh , and look at all the money you collected . They ve got this whole program going , raising dollars to provide fruits and vegetables for families in need . How cool is that ?
Frank : I think it s great .
Lynn : And your brother s class is totally into it .
Frank : Speaking of Coop , have you seen him lately ?
Lynn : You just missed him . He was in a big rush .
Frank : Really ? Great . He s been acting a little weird lately .
Lynn : A little . I guess he s just busy .
Frank : He also said he s not going to help with us cooking this year , either .
Lynn : That , too .
Frank : Hey listen , you want to split this ?
Lynn : Frank , you ca nt do that !
Frank : I ll replace this . Do nt worry about it . I promised Marina that I was going to eat a lot healthier so ... V-8 s healthy , right ?
Lynn : Duh , it s a whole serving of vegetables . Do you expect me to believe you re going to start eating healthy just before the holidays ?
Frank : Yeah ! Is that a pecan pie back there ?
Lynn : Frankie , drink your V-8 . Mmm , that s good .
Buzz : I got two salads here ...
Beth : I need you to come in so I can ...
Buzz : It s on the house ! It s on the house ! Look I ...
Beth : No , okay , it s not what it looks like .
Buzz : I was nt looking . This is none of my business .
Beth : Please , please , please just ... just stay . Just stay because I just ... I just ... I have to talk to you .
Buzz : I m busy today . It s Thanksgiving and I ve got a little cold and ...
Beth : Listen , I was nt ... I was nt ... I was nt waiting for Alan . But I guess you already knew that .
Buzz : You do nt owe me an explanation .
Beth : Buzz , you re one of the few people in town that you ve never ... you ve never looked down on me and you ve never judged me .
Buzz : I sling hash , I do nt sling justice .
Beth : And that s ... that s why I trust you . Okay , please just talk to me just for a minute . I thought I could keep this all ... but I ca nt . I ca nt . I ca nt keep this in .
Buzz : Are we alone ? Is ... is it Rick ?
Beth : Oh , no . No , it s not . No , no , it s not Rick . It s ... um ... Rick and I ... Rick and I ended .
Buzz : Well , you know , sometimes things end and then they begin again so ...
Beth : No , not us . Not us . We were trying to recapture something that we had in our past and it s doomed to failure .
Buzz : Well , what about Alan ? Is that doomed ?
Beth : I guess you know that my mother thought so . Well , I guess everybody in town thought so .
Buzz : Look , I gave up trying to figure out why people click a long time ago .
Beth : The funny thing was , it did work . It did work . I mean , it s not ... not love like Phillip , not that kind of love . But Alan was so ...
Buzz : Alan .
Beth : Yes .
Buzz : What happened ?
Beth : A lot of things . He made me feel small for trying to go to law school . And then he started living in woo - woo land with his dead son .
Buzz : That s what happened to his brain .
Beth : But we did nt know that , you know ? We did nt ... we did nt ... we did nt know if he would ever be himself again .
Buzz : Well , I ve got to tell you , a lot of us were hoping he would stay in woo - woo land because he left big tips and never kicked a dog , not once .
Beth : Well , his harem loved him for it , that s for sure . But I did nt . Our relationship was nt working on a lot of levels .
Buzz : That s when ... well , you know , people fall in love for a lot worse reasons .
Beth : It s not love . It s lust , maybe . Need of touch now and again . Need of talking to someone that actually understands me , gets me .
Buzz : For a lot of people that s enough , you know .
Beth : It was . It helped me through a really bad time with Alan and then ... and then Lizzie missing .
Buzz : Now she s back .
Beth : And so is Alan .
Buzz : Look , I ve really got to call a time out here . I ve got two turkeys back there that need dressing and that s just Mallet .
Beth : ( Laughs )
Buzz : I made you laugh . I do have a little piece of advice . You know , whoever this ... whoever Mr. Benjamin is , I would not let Alan know about that , you know ? He could take bad behavior to a whole other level .
Beth : Thank you , Buzz .
Buzz : You know ... ( laughs ) next time try room service , they re used to this sort of thing . You okay ?
Frank : Hey , grab a peeler , here s a potato . We ve got a lot of potatoes to get through .
Mallet : Let s get something straight though , okay . I ll peel , I ll chop , I ll dice but I m not going to wear a stupid apron today .
Frank : Oh , I get it .
Mallet : What do you get ? What exactly to you get ?
Frank : Obviously you have domestic issues .
Mallet : No , I do nt . I do nt like wearing aprons and I m not wearing an apron today .
Frank : Okay , Mallet , whatever .
Mallet : Is this about what she said ?
Frank : Who ?
Mallet : Your daughter . Is that what it is ? All the marriage talk , all that stuff going on . You think that gets to me ?
Frank : Does it ?
Buzz : I need a drink !
Frank : What s going on , Pop ?
Buzz : Women .
Mallet : ( Laughs ) That s funny . What about women , Buzz ?
Buzz : Freud was right .
Frank : Freud ?
Buzz : You ca nt figure them out . Do nt even try . Must I drink alone ?
Mallet : All right , fine . What are we drinking to ?
Buzz : True love .
Frank : True love .
Mallet : True love .
Alan : Elizabeth , you did your best .
Lizzie : I guess my best just is nt enough . You heard her . She is not going to stop until he is indicted and convicted and there is nothing that I can do about it .
Alan : Elizabeth , do nt cry . I ca nt stand it when you cry .
Lizzie : It s for Bill , okay ? I know you do nt understand this , okay , because you think ... you think that maybe he did it . But I know that he is innocent ! And I just need the chance to tell the grand jury that and tell them about the Bill that I know and love !
Alan : You got the coat removed as evidence . Now that s a huge thing !
Lizzie : Maybe it is . But I do nt know . What I do know is that tonight I will go home and I will sleep in his bed alone and I still wo nt know if he will ever share it with me !
Mallet : All right , heads we do the bourbon sweet potatoes next .
Frank : What about the rum balls ?
Buzz : I ll go with both of them , rum balls . No , we re forgetting something .
Buzz : More ouzo .
Mallet : The turkey !
Buzz : The turkey s in the oven , baby , no problemo .
Mallet : It s in the oven ? Oh , Buzz , I love you , you the man ! You the man !
Buzz : Love me a little less .
Frank : Maybe love Marina a lot more .
Mallet : What does that mean ?
Frank : I thought you were the guy for my daughter , but obviously you re not the sharpest tool in the shed .
Mallet : Frankfurter , you may outrank me ...
Frank : What was the talk about marriage in the house before ?
Mallet : We were joking , we were kidding .
Frank : Maybe you were . But when you can get the milk for free , why buy the cow , right , Pop ?
Buzz : I do nt like my granddaughter referred to as a cow .
Mallet : Free ? I took out a mortgage , man . We took out a house together . I ll be paying that thing off until you re in a walker .
Frank : So here s the deal then . Maybe you should get married first then buy the house .
Mallet : Is that a Cooper rule ? Maybe we re just doing things differently .
Frank : How convenient .
Buzz : May I say something here ?
Mallet : Yeah , please , Buzz , say something sane .
Buzz : Frank is right !
Frank : Ah !
Mallet : What ?
Buzz : It s not about convenience and what s good for the goose and the gander .
Mallet : Who s the goose ?
Frank : Gander ?
Buzz : It s not about hooking up at the Beacon to scratch an itch .
Mallet : I m not talking about the Beacon .
Buzz : It s about love ! It s about true love ! True love !
Mallet : True love ! Whoo , true love ! All right , what do I have to do here ? I ll get up on the table and I ll ... I ll shout it to the world .
Buzz : Do it !
Frank : Do it !
Mallet : True love , Buzz . I love Marina cooper ! And I love her so much we went off the other day to elope ! ( Laughs ) Yes ! And I do nt know why we did nt go through with it because I love her ! There you go , Buzz ! True love !
Marina : Oh , Mallet . Fire !
Coop : I still do nt know why you let him in .
Beth : I needed someone to talk to .
Coop : My father ?
Beth : Well , I did nt tell him about us .
Coop : Oh , just that you were sleeping with someone , it could have been anyone , really .
Beth : You re jealous of yourself okay .
Coop : So what d you talk about ?
Beth : Let s call it a day , I m kind of talked out .
Coop : It was Alan , was nt it ?
Beth : Do nt be so young .
Coop : I thought that was part of my appeal , Beth .
Beth : Well , if that s what you thought .
Coop : Stop , stop . Just ... stay . Please .
Beth : We both know how this started . Alan was away , but now ...
Coop : He s back .
Beth : With a vengeance .
Coop : Is that a good thing ?
Beth : I do nt know . Maybe it is .
Coop : Look , I know that you think you love that about him . But having to deal with that every single day , knowing that he will do whatever it takes to get whatever it is he wants . Beth , that s not you .
Beth : Maybe it is .
Coop : Are you breaking up with me ? Because , you know , when we began all this , I mean , we said this is not a relationship . This is not even an affair because you are not really even married . So I guess the question is how do you end something that does nt really exist ? I am an April fool I am an April fool I am April s fool so it happened , so it happened I came to you and you were cool that s what I am ...
Marina : No , no , you guys , on the fire , not on each other !
Frank : We drowned it .
Buzz : It s out .
Frank : Yup , we drowned it .
Marina : Yeah , I see that . Kind of like the three of you looked drowned right about now , huh ? I thought you were supposed to be planning the holiday meal , not drinking ouzo shots . What happened ?
Frank : Well , Pop was in a mood .
Mallet : Yeah , it was contagious .
Marina : What s wrong ?
Buzz : What can I say . I m a romantic , I still believe in ...
Frank : True love !
Marina : Oh , really , really . Is that what you call it , standing on the counter top and screaming off the top of your head to everyone about our almost wedding .
Mallet : It seemed like a good idea at the time . ( Laughs )
Marina : I thought that you were ashamed .
Mallet : Not ashamed . Afraid , big difference .
Frank : Afraid of us ?
Marina : Well , what do you expect ? You re licensed to carry firearms and Grandpa keeps hot grease on the stove .
Frank : Are you telling me you were going to buy the cow then ? Oh ! Mallet !
Marina : Excuse me ? The cow ?
Buzz : You do nt have to be afraid of us . Unless you decide to get married and leave us out again .
Mallet : You know what , guys ? I feel like we really bonded in there . Frankie , you re gon na be my best man . And Buzz , you re gon na be my matron of honor .
Frank : ( Laughs )
Marina : I think I liked it better when you were afraid .
Buzz : I think I need some coffee , some hot coffee . We have the entire town here and my kitchen looks like Normandy Beach .
Marina : I ll get the coffee .
Frank : I ll get a mop .
Mallet : I ll set up the table . I m not going to get on top of them though .
Marina : I was hoping for an encore performance where you could stand up there and let all of our guests know just how much you ... Mallet ? Mallet ? True love !
Coop : We still have this room . It s be a shame to let it go to waste . You think , maybe ?
Beth : Oh , this is what I get for sleeping with an English teacher .
Coop : I know . I know . Perfect diction , great English grammar .
Beth : Word play .
Coop : That , too .
Beth : Word games . Okay . Okay . All of this-- whatever it is-- is something . It does exist at least two days a week , yes , it does . But ... we started it and we can end it .
Coop : You re gon na make a great lawyer . Beth , why do you keep fighting yourself when this is something that we both enjoy .
Beth : Because there s more to life than having fun .
Coop : Oh , well , if that s the case , that s a great reason to run back to Alan . Come on ! I mean we both ... we have fun with this . We enjoy it .
Beth : You needed it , I needed it . There comes a time where we have to accept the realities of the situation !
Coop : Look , I understand that . If you ... if you want to run back to Alan to find out if there s still something there that you guys might have , I get it . Okay ? If you have to run back because you want to be there for Lizzie , I understand that , too . Okay ? Just ... take this . Just to be on the safe side , okay ?
Alan : Elizabeth ?
Lizzie : Go away .
Alan : It s about the grand jury .
Lizzie : So soon ? Is that good ? Did they decide not to indict Bill ?
Alan : Well , that depends . They re calling you in to testify .
Lizzie : Do nt joke about this .
Alan : I m not joking . I guess that Doris had a change of heart when she realized that she was giving Bill grounds for an appeal unless she allowed the victim to testify .
Lizzie : Who cares why she did it , Granddad ! I m going to tell them the truth and I m going to make them see that Bill is innocent ! They re going to see it !
Alan : ( Laughs )
Coming up on Guiding Light ... .
Lizzie : I m going to testify on your behalf . Getting in front of the grand jury is my best chance to help Bill .
Alan : You are going to fall , Elizabeth , and fall hard !
Lizzie : I am going to win over that jury .
Alan : Elizabeth , please do nt go in there .
### Summary:
| Marina and Frank are talking about Thanksgiving . She lets it slip that Mallet taught her how to gamble . Mallet comes out of no where to make something up so that Frank does nt suspect they are living together . Lizzie gets good news from a call concerning Bill . She goes to the hospital to tell him , but finds the room empty . She goes to the nurses station only to be told he is going for tests no change . Mallet is not happy with Marina for almost telling her Dad they almost eloped . Marina sees no problem since they did nt , yet . Beth is at the Beacon when she orders some food from Company using a fictitious name . Alan meets with Lizzie to talk about Bill and the evidence against him . Coop finds out about the food from one of Buzz s employees and goes to The Beacon . Lizzie and Alan go to see Doris but with no luck in stopping Doris with prosecution . Lizzie gets no where other than having Doris throwing her and Alan out of her office . A woman named Lynn gives some health food pointers to Frank . Buzz figures out Beth ordered the food and she pleads for him not to say a word . Buzz thinks Rick is the one that Beth is seeing . Beth says no it is nt Rick . Buzz then says Alan . Beth says no . But she did love Alan not like Philip though . Lizzie tells Alan that Doris is out to get Bill and there is nothing she can do about it . Alan tells her not to give up . Lizzie says she is going home and going to a bed she d hope Bill would share with her . Now she thinks he never will . Buzz , Frank and Mallet meet at Company to talk about Thanksgiving and Marina . Buzz says Marina is right . That it is about true love . Mallet then gets on a table to profess is love for Marina Cooper . Coop and Beth are together talking about them , Alan and what Alan will do when he finds out about them . Alan goes to see Doris . Lizzie goes to bed alone . A small fire is extinguished by Frank , Buzz and Mallet . At this point Frank gives Mallet his blessing to marry Marina , who by this time is confused . Alan tells Lizzie about the grand jury . Seems she is going to be allowed to testify . She is excited . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Greg : I m going to die ! Get me out of here ! I m going to die ! Agh !
Tad : It was never about not wanting Kate . It was just about loving you . Always . It was just about loving you .
Babe : That was nt me . The earth -- it moved . Stop it . I am so serious . It did .
J.R. : It was all you , I swear . You want me to prove it to you ?
Babe : Look , J.R. , we got carried away . And it was nice and everything --
J.R. : Nice ?
Babe : Ok , fine , it was -- it was amazing . But just because my body loves your body , does nt mean that my mind can forget .
J.R. : Babe , are you sorry that we made love ?
Di : Ok , I may be wound up and a little bit on edge , but was that what I thought it was ?
Zach : It s a minor tremor .
Kendall : Tre -- tremor , as in an earthquake ? As in a massive shifting of tectonic plates ?
Zach : A tremor , minor .
Singer : Well , you re punishing me
Kendall : We need to go . Come on .
Josh : You kidding me ? I blew off a job in San Francisco , and Pine Valley gets an earthquake ?
Ryan : Earthquake .
Dixie : What was that about ?
Tad : I do nt know . I missed that day in Science class .
Dixie : Why did you kiss me ?
Tad : Are you really sure you want to do this ?
Dixie : I think we should .
Tad : I do nt think so . I think it s a really , really bad idea .
Dixie : Tad -- why did you kiss me ?
Tad : Gosh , Dix , I do nt know . I just figured you had two years of Eurotrash , David Hayward . What the hell -- it s time for me to take my turn , too .
Dixie : Huh . You are a son of a bitch .
Di : You think that s the end of it ? The -- the tremors ?
Aidan : Di , we re not about to get the big one , ok ? So forget about it .
Di : Hey , Aidan , I really am sorry about you and Erin . It s hard not to mull things over and over in your mind -- think about cues that you missed or signs you maybe did nt notice --
Aidan : See , that s the thing . Cues and signs are my business . They have been for years . And until the other day , nothing . I mean , Erin might have missed a date once or twice . You know ? But no big deal . And then she -- she says that she needs time to think , and then she just ends it .
Di : Well , things might still be fixable .
Aidan : Well , I d fix them if they were broken . That s why it does nt make any sense .
Di : Well , that s how it is when you love someone and they walk away , you know ? I mean , you -- you keep waiting for them to realize what you know -- you know , that you re the one . And they just -- they do nt see it .
Aidan : Yeah .
Di : They do nt want to .
Singer : Everybody s got someone
Di : Ok . Wow . Sorry , I -- I know -- we re supposed to be talking about you , I m sorry .
Aidan : Hey , you go ahead . Do nt let me interrupt .
Di : I hate to ask this , then . But have you considered the fact that maybe Erin met someone else ?
Aidan : See , that s the thing . Erin s head is -- is not about being with somebody else . You know , she s too cautious . She s too protective of her heart . And with very good reason .
Di : I mean , it s Investigating 101 , right ? The most obvious answer is probably the right one . So what s the most obvious answer ?
Aidan : I do nt know , but I m -- I m going to find out . Will you help me ?
Ryan : Hey .
Kendall : Oh , my God -- did -- did --
Ryan : Are you all right ?
Kendall : Did a nurse or a doctor call you ? Did somebody call you ?
Ryan : No , nobody called me . I felt a rumble . I came over here .
Kendall : Me , too . Me , too . I mean , Ryan , he s so tiny and fragile . We have to go check on him .
Ryan : Now , hold on . It s all right .
Kendall : Tell me he s ok .
Ryan : Shh , shh , shh .
Kendall : Oh . He s fine . Look at me , little munchkin . Look how cute he looks . Oh , my God . You little munchkin , you .
Ryan : We were all freaking out and everything , you know ?
Ryan : You re freaking me out , and my son is --
Kendall : I m freaking you out ?
Ryan : Yes .
Kendall : You were freaking out , too .
Ryan : Would you keep it down , please ? Your mom is very loud .
Kendall : Oh , do nt make fun of me . Do nt make fun of me to my son .
Ryan : She s loud and she s very bossy , but it s ok . She means well . Loud and bossy .
Kendall : Yes , I do . You re my little baby .
Ryan : You know , you re going to be like your dad -- just cool and calm --
Kendall : Yeah , really cool .
Ryan : And collected .
Kendall : Honestly , look at how his hands are . He s so cute .
Ryan : I know .
Kendall : Munchkin . Look how gorgeous he is .
Ryan : He sure is .
Kendall : He s so perfect .
J.R. : That kid s a champ . He ll sleep through anything .
Babe : It s crazy how many scary thoughts can just fly through your head all at once .
J.R. : Scary thoughts ? Like you have about me ? I thought that you d forget it .
Babe : Why ? Because we ca nt keep our hands of each other ? Chemical attraction has never been a problem for us .
J.R. : Yeah , but trust -- that s one big problem .
J.R. : Hey , you re cold . Come here .
Babe : Thank you . I just -- I do nt want to be scared anymore , J.R.
J.R. : You do nt have to be afraid anymore , Babe . I love you , and I need you . I know why I m here . To be your husband , to be Little Adam s father . I wo nt let anybody or anything hurt you guys ever again . I ll keep you both safe , I swear it .
Babe : I believe you .
J.R. : You do nt have to say that , Babe . I do nt expect you to say that .
Babe : J.R. , no , shh . I believe you . You know , my head , it was nt ready before , and it maybe still is nt , but my heart -- I love you , and I trust you with my life .
J.R. : I ll never let you down again . I d die first .
Ryan : So how was your first roller coaster ride ? Pretty cool , huh ?
Kendall : No . No , no , no , there s nothing cool about that . You see his little eyebrows ? Well , I mean , if he had hair , they would be eyebrows . You see , they re all scrunched up , because he s freaked out . Because it was the earthquake . It freaked him out . It traumatized him . And he s going to have emotional scars .
Ryan : What ? No . Is that true , Spike ? Come on . Are you seriously going to have emotional trouble ?
Kendall : Whoa .
Ryan : Wow . Wow . That s my boy , Spike .
Kendall : Hey , hey , little baby , big burp .
Ryan : Hey , look , his little bunched - up eyebrows are gone , so he s all over this . You know , he s recovered from the earthquake and whatever . And obviously from his gas , as well . Burp . Hmm ?
Kendall : Come on . Come in . Come on .
Ryan : Hey . Did you hear that ? Did you hear Spike s little speech ? It was pretty impressive .
Zach : I did nt hear it . How s he doing ?
Ryan : Hmm .
Kendall : He is wonderful . He s feeling a lot better . And , you know , he s definitely a -- he does nt have teeth , so he wo nt bite .
Zach : Well , he looks good .
Kendall : Yeah , well , he s feeling even better .
Zach : Glad to hear it .
Kendall : Ok , listen , that was your cue . It s -- it s time for you to hold your stepson .
Zach : No , I m sure he s busy right now . He s -- you know , he s got a lot of things to do .
Kendall : Yeah , but I think he s -- he s -- he s in between meetings . Come on , Zach . Come on .
Ryan : What do you say ? What do you say ? There it is . There you go . Ok .
Zach : Hey . Hey , little man . How you doing ?
Dixie : You drag me up here , tear me a new one , kiss me . And then you re going to say something so rude , so cruel ?
Tad : You know , you re right . I m sorry . You re right . You re absolutely right . I wounded you . I m the one that broke your heart .
Dixie : What are you doing ? You mocking me ?
Tad : Well , am I supposed to take you seriously ? Am I supposed to forget everything that you ve done and -- and relate to you like nothing happened ?
Dixie : What do you want from me ? I ve suffered , ok ? Is that what you want ? You want -- want me to suffer ? Well , I did , ok ? Trust me . What are you doing ?
Tad : I do nt know . What were you doing ? You do nt have to worry , Dixie . It s not like I m a fool . I m not standing here thinking one momentary lapse , you know , one -- one antique blip of chemistry , and everything s peachy keen , and we re back together . We re -- we re head over heels in love .
Dixie : Well , I m not saying that we are . But I m not standing around pretending like all we have for each other is hate .
Tad : No , you re right , we have a lot more than that . Disgust comes to mind .
Dixie : Tad , I miss her , too . Every day , I ache for our daughter .
Tad : So what do you want from me ?
Dixie : What do I want from you ? Just see me . I -- I m the woman that was pregnant with your child .
Dixie : Yes , I went to Europe to have the baby . Yes , I thought I was dying . I made a horrible mistake , but you talk to me as if I m a stranger . I m still me .
Tad : Whoever you are means nothing to me now .
Dixie : Oh , come on . I m a mother that lost her child . You were married to me . We have known each other since I was 18 years old . Just talk to me like you know me . That s all I want .
Tad : No . That s not what you want . Not by a long shot . What you want is for me to look you in the eye and forgive you .
Dixie : That s not true . I m not expecting that .
Tad : I do nt -- no , I did nt say that . I said that s what you wanted . I mean , why not ? That s you and me , right ? We re everybody s wonder couple . This is my cue to ride in and rescue you from your own hell of guilt with my personal brand of together forever magic and forgiveness , right ? Well , you may not expect it , but you sure as hell want it .
David : Dixie ?
J.R. : You know everything about trust and forgiveness . You taught me , here tonight , and I ll never forget it .
Babe : Hmm . Everything -- it -- it looks different , and it feels different . It s like the world is lighter , but stronger . It s like a whole new wedding night for us again .
J.R. : Hmm .
Babe : New promises , new vows . A new us . Oh , my God -- oh , my God --
J.R. : What ? What is it , another tremor ?
Babe : Oh , no , this is bad . This is really bad .
J.R. : What ? What is it ? Is it something I said ?
Babe : I am so sorry , J.R. I m so sorry .
Di : How can I help you with Erin ?
Aidan : I do nt know -- just talk to her . You know , find out what s going on in that head of hers .
Di : Ok , a while back , you told me either I -- you know , I had a choice . Either I could keep chasing Tad , even though he did nt want me , or I could grow up . What if Erin does nt just -- what if she just does nt want you ?
Aidan : Well , then I ll accept it .
Di : Just like that ?
Aidan : Yeah , I have no other choice , do I ?
Di : Keep hounding Tad or grow up --
Di : That s what you said . I just want to make sure . This is for clarification . You re not hounding Erin ?
Aidan : I did nt misread Erin , ok ? Erin was happy with me . We were good together . We never even had a fight . Happiest she d ever been , she said . And then she just ends it , just like that .
Di : And you want to know why .
Di : You know , Aidan , spy work does nt really work well with friendship .
Aidan : No , do nt do any spy work , all right ? Just -- just be her friend .
Aidan : Just talk to her for me . By the sounds of her , she could really use a friend right now .
Di : You just wish that friend was you .
Aidan : Di , this is not about my ego , ok ? I love her . I really love her . And even if she does nt love me back , I just need to know that she s ok . I mean , she s not in some kind of trouble .
Di : I ll do what I can .
Aidan : Thanks . I m sorry about you and Tad .
Di : Do nt be . You know how you re -- you re going to be there for Erin ? Well , I m still here for Tad .
Tad : Thank God . Here you are , right on time , as always .
David : What the hell do you think you re doing ?
Tad : What , I ca nt be happy to see you ?
David : No .
Tad : Oh , yeah , that s right . I m sorry , forgive me . Um -- actually , I m happy for Dixie . Because , you see , I was just about to leave . And you know Dixie . When one man leaves , she s got to have another one waiting .
Dixie : Ugh -- that s enough .
David : Let him go . Just let him go .
Tad : Oh , that s good , that s good . Nice start . Soothing voice . Talk her down , comfort her .
David : Why do nt you shut the hell up ? Just forget him , Dixie .
Tad : Yeah .
David : Forget all about him .
Tad : Forget me -- that s what you wanted all along . You know what ? It s too bad you do nt have a French chateau . Because if you did , she d forget anything . Her son , daughter , her last address .
Dixie : Get out .
Tad : Consider me gone .
David : What the hell was that all about ?
Dixie : What do you want , David ? Why are you here ?
David : I just came by to make sure that that jerk did nt do exactly what he apparently did .
Dixie : No , you did nt . You came back to beg forgiveness for setting me up .
David : All right , that , too .
Dixie : I do nt want your apology . You want to make everything up to me ? Get me a child .
Kendall : Ok , yeah .
Ryan : Ok . Thought you might break him , hmm ?
Zach : Well , I think a lot of things .
Ryan : Yeah , we all have . I do nt want Kendall to know that Madden s name ever came up .
Zach : She s not going to hear it from me . You made your decision .
Ryan : I had no decision to make . That s my son in there , and I love him . And that s all there is .
Zach : That s all there is . You got one hell of a son there .
Greg s voice : Put down the ball , Joshua . You should nt be out there shooting hoops . You should be inside studying , protecting your hands . Surgeon s hands . Life is nt about fun , it s about destiny -- yours . You re my miracle child . My miracle child . My miracle child .
Jamie s voice : Your father likes to rip families apart .
Tad s voice : He stole my daughter .
Dixie s voice : He took my child from me , and he wo nt tell me where she is .
Josh : I m done ! You hear me ? I m done with him !
Officer : Son of a --
Second officer : It s ok , it s ok . All right , you go that way , cover the path by the courts . I ll go down by the field to that boathouse .
First officer : Did I mention I hate teenagers ?
Second officer : Yeah , I hear you .
Girl : But we love you .
Babe : Daddy s day , Daddy s day , it s Daddy s special day . We love Daddy cause he s the best , and today is his birthday
J.R. : Aw .
Babe : Yay !
J.R. : You guys , that s so awesome .
Babe : So what are you waiting for ? Blow out the candles and make a wish .
J.R. : Well , there are so many , I do nt think I can do it by myself .
J.R. : Do you want to help me ?
Babe : On three , ready ?
J.R. : On three .
Babe and J.R. : One , two , three !
Babe : Yay ! That was so good .
J.R. : We re going to get our wish . I already have .
Dixie : Look , I do nt want water . I do nt want to calm down .
David : No , you just want me to steal a baby for you .
Dixie : Yes . That s exactly what I want . Why is that so difficult to understand ? I ve lost my daughter .
David : We re going to find her .
Dixie : Why are you fighting me on this ?
David : Oh , I do nt know -- maybe because it s insane .
Dixie : Insane is giving up a child that you crossed the world to keep . Insane is causing the people that you love and care about suffering over and over and over .
David : I m not going to let you give up on Kate or yourself .
Dixie : David , you just said that you would do anything for me . Was that just another lie ? Was that another con to get me back into bed ?
David : Absolutely not .
Dixie : Ok !
David : I meant every single word .
Dixie : Great . Then find me a child . Come on , David ! You re a ruthless , vindictive SOB . If I told you to kill somebody , you d ask who and that would be the end of it , so find me a child ! Find me a child that looks like Tad or -- or me , that s the right age , blond , brunette -- I do nt care , whatever . Fake the DNA tests -- I know you ve done it before . Come on , just do it . I need to give Tad a daughter , so that he can get on with his life , because he certainly ca nt live in this hell with me .
Dixie : You owe me , David . I owe them .
David : I m not worried about them . I m worried about you .
Dixie : I came back empty - handed . Do nt you get that ? All I can give them now is grief and pain and worry for the rest of their lives . But if I give them a daughter , if I just give them a little girl to love -- please , David .
David : Dixie --
Dixie : Please do this for me .
David : Dixie , Dixie , stop . Stop . You do nt want this . You do nt want the lie . You want the real thing . Now , we re going to find her . I m going to bring back Kate for you , ok ?
Dixie : Why are you here ? Why are you here every time I turn around ? Why do nt you just give up ? Why do nt you go away ?
David : It s because I love you , Dixie .
Dixie : Then you re a fool .
Di : Tad .
Tad : What ? What is it ?
Di : I just want to see how you re doing .
Tad : How s it look like I m doing ?
Di : Not great .
Tad : Au contraire . I beg to differ . Actually , I m at the top of my game . I just tried to kick Dixie in the teeth while she was down .
Di : No , Tad , you would nt do that .
Tad : Oh , yeah , yeah , I would . Trust me . A couple of well - chosen words , and I just let it rip , you know ? I tried to rip her right in half -- the mother of my child , a child I ca nt find and will probably never know . I m just amazing -- that s how I am .
Singer : Watching for the sun
Dixie : I thought you were some kind of genius , David . How can you be so stupid ?
David : Why ? Because I love you ? It was nt exactly a choice , but it happens to be the smartest thing I ve ever done .
Dixie : Well , then you re an idiot . But you got competition -- me , patron saint of screw - up mothers .
David : I m not going to listen to you attack yourself .
Dixie : Why not ? I thought you said you d do anything for me . Huh ? Is nt that what you said ? Because you think I m so perfect ? Well , take a look at me now , David , huh ? See me . Tad can see it -- why ca nt you ?
David : Martin is a moron , and I m going to make him pay for what he did to you .
Dixie : He did nt do anything to me -- do nt you get it ? It was me . I did it . I abandoned my friends , my family , my son . I gave up my little girl that I wanted more than anything in the world , more than my own life ! It was me , ok ? Why do nt you do something right for once in your life ? Just hate me !
Tad : Di , I mean it -- would you just walk away .
Tad : Just leave me be , all right , before somebody else gets hurt .
Di : You know what ? No , I m not going to walk away . I love you , Tad . Whatever you need to dish out , you can -- you can dish it out .
Tad : Dish out ? Dish out ?
Di : Yeah , to handle this .
Tad : No , you do nt understand -- I did it for fun , ok ? I did it for kicks . Self - righteous , unforgiving fun , and after everything you and I have been through , you show me your weak spots , I ll hit you so fast you wo nt know I m coming . That s how good I am .
Singer : I believe
Di : What happened with Dixie ?
Tad : I told you . I ripped her up one side , then I ripped her down the other . And here s the best part -- I kissed her and then ripped her again .
Singer : Seasons changing over me
Di : Do nt do this to yourself .
Tad : You think you can stop me ? Would you give me a shot of vodka , please ?
Di : Well , you know what ? No , I ca nt stop you , but I ca nt -- I can not watch you in pain .
Tad : You do nt have a choice , ok ? This is nt some kind of audience participation thing . Please leave me alone . I just -- I do nt want to spread around any more pain . I am sick and tired of the gift that keeps on giving .
Singer : I believe
Di : You know what ? Let s go home . You know what ? I can take you -- I can take you to your house or the office or I can -- I can find Aidan for you --
Tad : Stop it ! What s it going to take to leave me alone ? I do nt want you to fix this . I told you before , this is my own personal hell , and I do nt want to share it with you . So do nt try to love me or humor me or pity me . Just walk away , please .
David : What exactly do you expect me to do , Dixie ? Judge you , attack you ? That s not going to happen .
Dixie : I do nt know , David . Why do nt you just watch me and follow along .
David : All right . Listen to me . I know selfish , I know warped . I live it , Dixie . I let you believe that we found Kate , so that for one night you would see me as your hero . I took you out of Pine Valley into a hotel room , so that you would need me , thank me , so that I would be the one to answer all your prayers .
Dixie : That s ok , David . I let you manipulate me . I wanted to believe that we were close to finding Kate , even if it was just for one night , because it s killing me . I mean , I fight and I search . I scan every little girl s face , but part of me does nt believe anymore . Part of me knows that I m never going to see my little girl again .
David : I ca nt tell you how difficult it is for me to sit and watch you suffer and not be able to do anything about it . What do you want me to do , Dixie ? What ?
Dixie : Can you take me back in time ? Can you put me back in that hospital bed , so I can tell Greg Madden that he has to call Tad ? Or the nurse -- I ll tell the nurse that she has to call him . And then I ll hold my baby , my beautiful , sweet Kate . I ll just hold her in my arms and never let her go .
Kendall : He is so me -- I mean , the gorgeous tiny boy version of me . You got my eyes and my mouth and crazy hair when it comes in . Mm - hmm . And he s got -- he s got your fingernails . They re extremely handsome fingernails , but they look just like yours . They actually look exactly like yours . Yeah .
Joe : Ah , good .
Ryan : Hey .
Joe : Everybody s here .
Kendall : Yes . News ? Any news ? Good , bad ?
Joe : The very best -- Spike is doing very well .
Kendall : Yeah ?
Ryan : Very well . Does that mean that we can take him home soon ?
Joe : It means tomorrow .
Kendall : Tomorrow ?
Ryan : Wow .
Kendall : That s -- that s wonderful . That s amazing . No . No , I m not ready . I -- I do nt have anything . I mean , I ve got lots of stuffed animals . I ve got hundreds of stuffed animals , but I do nt even have a crib . I do nt have bottles . I -- I do nt have a diaper .
Kendall : I m -- I m much more together than I seem , I promise I am .
Joe : You have what your son needs most -- love .
Zach : Big day tomorrow . Let s go home and get some rest . Come on .
Kendall : No , wait --
Zach : See you , Spike .
Kendall : Wait , wait , wait . The earthquake .
Zach : They were tremors .
Kendall : I know , honey , but that -- the ground shifting unpredictably underneath you .
Zach : Oh , come on .
Kendall : I mean , you never know !
Joe : We ve had them before in Pine Valley .
Kendall : Ok , well , I was never a mother before , and Spike was never a Spike before , and this mother is not leaving until I can bring my son home with me .
Babe : Lucretia made the cake , only I forgot the presents , so Little A to the rescue . He told me he has this new little friend of his that he wants you to have .
Little Adam : Cake .
Babe : It s cake .
Little Adam : I want some cake .
Babe : Want to give Daddy his present from you ?
J.R. : Oh .
Babe : Well , hey , lumiere .
J.R. : [ French accent ] Ah , oui , my little friend . Be our guest . Thank you . I love it .
Little Adam : You love it ?
Babe : You love it -- he loves it !
J.R. : I do , yes .
Babe : How can he not ?
J.R. : [ Normal voice ] give me five . Give me five .
Babe : High five ! Yay !
J.R. : Yeah !
Babe : My boys , and this is from me .
J.R. : A new Duesenberg ?
Babe : No , actually , I bought it for myself , but it s not too girlie or anything , so now it s yours . And every time you take out your keys , you ll think of coming home to me .
Girl : Oh , I hate cops who are as dumb --
J.R. : [ French accent ] I m coming to get your fire truck .
J.R. : [ Normal voice ] Thank you . This is the best birthday ever .
Babe : There will be so many more best evers .
J.R. : For all of us .
Dixie : You know , do nt .
David : I m going to find Greg Madden for you , Dixie . And I m going to make sure that he tells us where Kate is . You are going to have your little girl again , and I m going to make him pay .
Dixie : Why do nt you just go .
Zach : No , I want you to take care of it tonight . No excuses .
Joe : And we ve got a nearby room where you can spend the night .
Kendall : Or I -- I could just sleep right here . Throw a sleeping bag on the floor , I ll be fine .
Ryan : She s kidding .
Joe : Mm - hmm .
Kendall : No , honestly , no , I m not .
Ryan : I know you re not , so please just say Thank you to the very nice man and promise him you wo nt be sleeping on the floor of the Neonatal Unit .
Kendall : Thank you , Joe .
Ryan : Thank you .
Joe : And you ask the nurse if you need anything , ok ?
Kendall : Ok .
Ryan : All right . Thanks , Joe .
Kendall : Hi .
Ryan : Hey .
Kendall : I m going to stay with the little munchkin tonight I won . I won , I get --
Zach : Won what ?
Kendall : I get to spend the night here , so we re going to have a little slumber party , honey . Come on . We could -- you know , we could sneak in . We could stare at Spike all night .
Zach : I wish I could . I have something to take care of .
Kendall : Could you be a little more vague ?
Zach : It s casino business -- I ve got to handle it now .
Kendall : Now -- ok .
Zach : Now . And I will pick you and little Spike up in the morning .
Kendall : Ok .
Zach : See you guys . Ryan .
Ryan : All right . I ll see you .
Kendall : Ok .
Officer : Hands where we can see them .
Second Officer : Back up , now !
First Officer : Keep your hands up !
Girl : Forget me ! Look !
Girl : Mommy , is that you ?
Dixie : Kate ?
Josh : Dad .
Ryan : I want you , Kendall .
Kendall : You do ?
### Summary:
| There seems to be a mysterious earthquake right where Greg is buried . Greg is afraid he will die when rubble falls upon him while he lies in the box in the ground . Kendall and Ryan both rush to the hospital to be with Spike . Zach accompanies them . Dr. Joe tells them they can take him home the next day . Many people seem to find themselves in the park right where Greg is buried . Jr and babe want to renew their vows . Dixie reveals to David that she may have given up hope in finding Kate and asks him to find her a baby to falsify to Tad that they ve found Kate . Tad is equally hopeless . David tries to console Dixie while Di tries to console Tad . But both Tad and Dixie can only think about Kate . A mysterious young woman runs through the park and screams when she discovers a hand rising from the ground where Greg is buried . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Starr : Okay , honey . Mommy is gon na get you all set up . We have your favorite pop - up book . We have your favorite snack , okay ? Now , what s not fun at all is that Mommy has to study organic chemistry and world history . Oh , I m in the no - fun - zone today . But do nt worry . We have everything that we need , almost .
Cole : Hey , how you doing ?
Markko : Okay . It s not like I got a hot shower in our apartment either .
Cole : Oh , breakfast is cold cereal , too .
Markko : Great . All the comforts of home , and no studying .
Cole : Hey , Markko , I know you re not supposed to talk about your case with Langston and Ford and all that stuff , but -- I m really sorry .
Markko : It s not your fault .
Cole : Maybe it is .
Dorian : Good morning ! Oh , dear . Let me see that . This is typical Todd . Oh , and poor Markko . It s tragic for him . Though I must confess I m really glad that the police are nt sniffing around here . I knew that you could never possibly try to kill anyone .
Langston : You have no idea what I m capable of .
Téa : Ernesto , lo siento . I had an appointment . How long have you been here ?
Ernesto : They would nt let me pass the front desk before 6 : 00 .
Téa : You were here at 6 : 00 this morning ?
Ernesto : My son spent the night in a jail cell . They would nt let me see him !
Téa : Okay , calm down , okay ? Sit down . I m gon na handle this , all right ? Okay . Okay . Okay .
John : Come on in . Oh , what a pleasant surprise . What can I do for you ?
Téa : You can release my client . You do nt have enough to charge Markko , let alone build a case against him . Save us all the trouble .
John : We ll make probable cause .
Téa : You have nothing definite that will stick , Detective .
John : We have Robert Ford . He knows who attacked him .
Todd : Grades , doctor s visits from elementary school , and Girl Scouts . Are you serious ?
Man : You wanted everything about Hannah OConnor .
Todd : Everything useful ! Signs of mental illness , irrational behavior . You know , stalking ex - boyfriends , putting bunnies in boiling water . Come on , work with me .
Man : What if there s nothing there ?
Todd : It ll be there . She hears voices we do nt , man . It ll be there . Get out of here .
Marty : Got a minute ?
Todd : If this is about dropping the charges --
Marty : This is not about Cole s case . This is about yours .
Marty : Just you and me , Todd .
Todd : Okay . What is it you want ? Because I m a little busy here . You want me to confess so you do nt have to testify in court ?
Marty : No . You know what ? I only want one thing . I want you to look me in the eye and tell me the truth . Did you push me ? Did you make me lose my baby ?
Todd : Well , what do you think ?
Téa : Is Robert Ford talking ?
John : No , but we think he will .
Téa : Well , we all hope he recovers .
John : Yeah . From the angle of his wound , it looks like he saw his attacker .
Téa : Mm - hmm . Well , then he could clear my client , but in the meantime --
Man : All right , well , nothing good from the hospital .
John : Price , this is Markko Rivera s attorney .
Téa : Hi . Téa Delgado .
Price : I ll come back .
Téa : No , please do nt .
Téa : We have a right to the information , John .
John : Sure . Why not ?
Price : Well , the victim s still unconscious . Doctors ca nt say when or if he s gon na wake up .
Téa : So you do nt have an eyewitness , and everything else you have against my client is circumstantial .
John : [ Sighs ] It s enough to hold him .
Téa : Barely . Pardon me . Come on , Detective . A lot of people wanted this guy dead , and you ve already settled on my client . Are you even looking at anyone else who could have wanted Robert Ford dead ?
Hannah : I wonder if you can hear me . They say sometimes people can still hear , but you ca nt talk back , can you ? You ca nt humiliate me or make me feel stupid and too young to understand a mature relationship . You look horrible , by the way . No one s drooling over your 6-pack now , are they ? But I was over that a long time ago . My life is great now . I found the perfect way to get over you . You know , they said on the news that you might not make it . I know I should say that I m sorry , but I m not .
Dorian : Langston , darling , I know you .
Langston : Do you ? Did you think that I could cheat on my boyfriend , that I could lie to him for months ? I left him standing at my prom to go see Ford because I was afraid that the guy I was cheating on my boyfriend with was cheating on me . How low is that ?
Dorian : You made a few mistakes .
Langston : That s -- that s not even the word .
Dorian : Well , blaming yourself is not gon na help .
Langston : I got to get to school .
Dorian : I could write you a note --
Langston : I have to study for finals .
Dorian : Langston , I will be waiting for you when you get back .
Dorian : Oh . Mrs. Rivera . Dios sabe porque haces las cosas .
Dorian : Ooh !
Aurelia : Shame on you .
Markko : How is any of this your fault ?
Cole : I knew -- about Langston and Ford . When Starr told me , she said that Langston was breaking up with you right then .
Markko : When ?
Cole : A couple months ago . Only she did nt break up with you . She ended it with Ford instead . And Starr begged me , you know , not to say anything because it was over .
Markko : Only it was nt .
Cole : Yeah .
Markko : Even if it was --
Cole : I know . I know . I know . I know you had a right to know .
Markko : Yeah , I did .
Cole : No matter what , if Langston had broken it off with Ford . You know , Starr still begged me not to say anything . She said it made no sense to hurt you .
Markko : Oh , right , yeah , because this -- this worked out much better !
Cole : Markko , look . I m sorry , okay ? You know , Starr and I , we fought about this a lot .
Markko : So everybody in my house , my best friend , everybody knew what was going on except me .
Cole : Yeah . I ca nt believe I let it happen . You know , even if it hurt , you deserved to know .
Starr s voice : Cole , please . I know when my dad s lying and when he s not , okay ? He s telling the truth , and the fact that you wo nt even hear me on this , it s making me wonder how well I know you .
Cole : Then maybe you should nt come here anymore .
Man : Are you all right ?
Starr : I have something in my eyes . You know , allergies .
Man : Yeah . Me , too . Here .
Starr : Thank you .
Man : Keep them . You know , in case your allergies come back .
Starr : Thanks . I know I m setting a really bad example for my daughter right now . A mom should always have everything that you need . What ?
Man : That s your daughter ?
Starr : Yeah , I know I m a little young to be a mom . Thank you for the tissues . I have to get back to studying .
Man : You have finals or something ? Well , no wonder your allergies are giving you a problem . I mean , a baby and school -- that s a lot to handle by yourself .
Starr : Did I say that I was ?
Man : No . Sorry . Wait . Are you ?
Starr : Hope s father is nt around right now .
Markko : I really was the house idiot .
Cole : No .
Markko : No , I was . Langston played me , and I let her . I knew something was wrong .
Cole : Dude , how could you ?
Markko : Not what but something . Langston was nt there . I could feel that . I saw her around Ford . I knew she was -- that she wanted something else . And when I found that button of her shirt in Ford s office , I knew she lied to me , but it s like this door shut in my mind . I could nt let myself think that -- I should have . Oh , man , I should have because it would have been a lot better than catching them together .
Cole : Yeah . I would have lost it .
Markko : I did .
John : Hey , Price , you want to check with the lab ?
Price : Right . I ll let you know , all right ?
John : Thanks . To answer your question , we are exploring all possibilities .
Téa : Yes , but in the meantime , you ve locked up an innocent kid .
John : You know , I like Markko , but he fought with this guy that night . There s witnesses that will testify that he admitted to it . We have a sneaker print at the scene in blood . By the way , we found his bloody sneakers in a dumpster behind the place where he was staying , and in an hour , we ll have a positive match on the victim s blood . At that point , we ll have to arraign .
Téa : That does nt sound like you re looking at any other suspects .
John : Are you listening to the words coming out of my mouth ? We have no evidence pointing to any other suspect .
Téa : Then you re not looking hard enough ! Are you listening to the words that are coming out of my mouth ? John , Markko is not a killer .
John : You ca nt say that . No one can say that .
Téa : He can . Ernesto and Aurelia Rivera raised a good , kind boy . He is a hard- working kid , an honors student , and a boy who s never been in trouble a day in his life . Now , come on . These are proud people , and you are destroying them for no good reason .
Dorian : No . You should be ashamed . You re supposed to be a religious woman . What am I supposed to do ? Turn the other cheek ?
Aurelia : Ernesto was right about you all along -- you and your daughter . He said you were both liars who could nt be trusted . Your daughter Langston is a lying slut !
Dorian : How dare you !
Aurelia : And my son is in jail because of her !
Dorian : If he is in jail , it is because of his own actions .
Aurelia : He loved your daughter . Why , I do nt know .
Dorian : Of course not . You never understood that relationship . All you did was pass judgment .
Aurelia : We were right . We knew they were too young , and look what happened .
Dorian : This is not about their age .
Aurelia : No . No , it s about what you did nt teach your daughter -- morals .
Dorian : Langston is a moral and decent --
Aurelia : Langston is a cheating whore !
Dorian : And your son is a two - bit violent punk ! Oh , great . Go ahead . Just try it . Yeah . Like mother , like son , hmm ?
Aurelia : You people . You re all alike in your fancy houses .
Dorian : Insult me but not my house .
Aurelia : You see a beautiful boy like my son , and all you see is a servant .
Dorian : That s a lie .
Aurelia : A servant that you can just use and throw away when you re not even worthy to say his name .
Charlie : Good morning , ladies .
Dorian : Mrs. Rivera was just leaving .
Aurelia : Yes , I was .
Charlie : You okay ?
Todd : Remember , Marty , you have an eyewitness . Hannah OConnor claims to have seen the whole thing .
Marty : I know .
Todd : Well , why are you asking me ?
Marty : Just tell me .
Todd : Why ? You do nt believe Hannah ?
Marty : I need to hear it from you .
Todd : Do you want to point the microphone right at my mouth ?
Marty : Oh , God , Todd , I m not wearing a wire . This is just between us .
Todd : Okay . You know Hannah s lying , do nt you ?
Marty : I did nt say that .
Todd : You have doubts .
Marty : Tell me .
Todd : I did nt push you down the stairs , Marty , but I know who did .
Hannah : I never thought that things would turn out this way , but you got exactly what you deserved .
Langston : Hannah ? What are you doing here ?
Man : So , what happened ? The kid s dad ditch under pressure ?
Starr : No .
Man : He did nt run off ?
Starr : No . Okay , why not . My boyfriend is in jail . I ca nt believe that I just told that to a total stranger .
James : I m James . Now I m not a total stranger . And what s your name ?
Starr : Starr .
James : Starr ? Like twinkle twinkle ? It s pretty . It s pretty . I like it . And what about little princess over here ?
Starr : Her name s Hope .
James : Perfect .
Starr : Yeah , she is .
James : So why is her dad in jail ?
Starr : He hurt someone who he thought deserved it . Okay , and I m going to shut up right now , even though you re not technically a stranger . It s just TMI .
James : Stuff you tell your best friend . I got it .
Starr : Normally , yeah , but her boyfriend s in jail , too .
James : Okay . I am apparently visiting Dodge City .
Starr : Well , not really . I mean , are you from Llanview ?
James : No . I m just here to visit somebody in the hospital .
Starr : Well , I hope it s not serious .
James : Afraid so . They re in the ICU .
Starr : I m sorry .
James : Do you get to visit your boyfriend in jail ?
Starr : I did until the other day , and now he does nt even want to see me . It s complicated .
James : Yeah . I know how that goes .
Cole : I know that one . A guy says something wrong , you go after them . That s why I m here .
Markko : Yeah . It sucks here in jail , but I m glad you re here to talk to .
Cole : Me , too . I mean , I wish you were here to visit , but --
Markko : Yeah .
Cole : I m really sorry I did nt tell you .
Markko : Okay , forget it .
Cole : I m glad you can . Starr does nt get it .
Markko : Did you guys really fight about it ?
Cole : A lot . It s not like we do nt have other things to fight about .
Hannah : I heard about Ford . I was concerned . We re over , but it does nt mean we still ca nt be civilized . Is nt that why you re here ?
Langston : Excuse me .
Hannah : Langston , you had a great guy . Why would you mess that up ?
Langston : I am not talking about that with you .
Hannah : I tried to warn Markko that you were cheating on him .
Langston : Oh , did you ? Is that when you were trying to break up Starr and Cole ?
Hannah : I did nt break them up .
Langston : No , you did nt , but you had a thing for Cole , and you still do .
Hannah : This is really sad .
Langston : Yeah , it is , and if you think that you have a chance with Cole , then it s pathetic because no matter what it looks like right now , no matter what happens , Starr and Cole will get back together . So it does nt matter what you do . It does nt matter how hard you try , because you will fail , Hannah . Oh , my God . Ford , I m so sorry .
Dorian : To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit ?
Charlie : Solar panels for the performance arts center .
Dorian : Oh , you brought the schematics .
Charlie : Yeah . Are you sure that you want --
Dorian : Absolutely . I need to focus -- on something else besides -- Aurelia and the damage that her son has done .
Charlie : It s true , then ? Markko s locked up ? I mean , I read it in The Sun , but --
Dorian : And you doubted it . Good for you . Because your brother - in - law is a psychopathic liar even on a good day .
Charlie : Okay , but you re saying this time , he s right ?
Dorian : Markko is in jail for attempted murder and his mother is blaming my parenting skills instead of her own .
Charlie : Okay , Dorian , you know , this can wait . I can call you sometime tomorrow .
Dorian : Charlie -- I want you to stay .
John : That s low . You bring the kid s dad down here like some kind of prop ?
Téa : He is here to take his son home .
John : I m afraid that s not gon na happen .
Téa : You re making a big mistake , Detective , and the community knows it .
John : The community ?
Téa : Yeah . The community . In a town like Llanview , we wonder why is it that it s the Hispanic kid who gets locked up when there could be so many other suspects .
John : Really ? You re gon na go there ?
Téa : Oh , yes . You have no idea where I am willing to go , Detective McBain . Rallies outside the courthouse . Prominent Latinos speaking out and asking hard questions . This good , decent man on TV with Markko s awards , testimonials from his neighbors , parishioners from his church .
John : Let me get this straight -- you start some sort of culture war just to get your client outta jail .
Téa : Oh , that s the least that I ll do . Arresting my client on what you have is excessive . And I have good friends in the press -- who will eat this up .
Marty : So you have a file on Hannah ?
Todd : Well , yeah . She s accusing me of murder . Trying to put me away for it . She s got my attention .
Marty : Did you find anything ?
Todd : Not yet , but it s there . I ll find it . Believe me , I can smell it . She s messed up .
Marty : Yeah , you know -- you know a lot about that , do nt you ?
Todd : Exactly .
Marty : Only you ca nt find any evidence .
Todd : Oh , I will . One thing I do know , and Starr will tell you the same thing , she s after Cole big time . That s why she pushed you , apparently .
Marty : Why would she do that ? How does that help her ?
Todd : Well , in her mind , she pushes you and accuses me , and Starr sides with me and Cole sides with you . That s how it happens .
Marty : Starr s very perceptive , except for one big blind spot .
Todd : No , not this time . Hannah s the dangerous one . You know , the fun part is , I d be willing to bet this entire newspaper you re not her first victim .
Marty : You think Hannah tried to kill someone else ?
Marty : Oh , my God .
Todd : Yeah , she was hooking up with this guy . Then he dumped her . Apparently was nt very nice about it .
Marty : It happens . She moved on .
Todd : Not before she swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills . That came from Cole .
Marty : Cole told you that ?
Todd : Well , he told Starr . She was just a train wreck , apparently . Hannah , I mean . She was calling this guy Ford out in public and crying on Cole s shoulder and all that . You should ask Cole about it .
Marty : Yeah . I will .
Todd : Yeah , I d say Hannah has some screws loose when it comes to men . She messed with Ford , Ford messed with her . Look what happened to him -- he s in the ICU now .
Marty : If you believe that , then why did you print that headline ?
Todd : Well , the cops made an arrest , and that s the real news . Besides , it s not like your boyfriend s gon na believe any of my theories . Maybe you could talk to him about it .
Marty : No .
Todd : That s not exactly pillow talk , is it ?
Marty : I would nt take this theory of yours to anyone .
Todd : No ? Why is that ?
Marty : Because it s extreme . This is well beyond an emotional young girl . There d have to be serious underlying pathologies --
Todd : Why do nt you shrink her ?
Marty : What ?
Todd : Why do nt you go talk to Hannah and go see for yourself ?
Marty : It s not that easy .
Todd : You ll know . Wo nt you ? Okay . You ready ? So you came here to look me in the eye and see if I was lying to you . You said you d know if I was . All these years of trying to figure me out . I did nt push you down the stairs , Marty . What are you gon na do about it ?
Langston : You told me you loved me . And all I could picture was this wonderful life with -- you and me -- making great films -- and roaming the world . But you did nt mean any of that , did you ? Did you even care about me at all ? Or am I just a loser and stupid ? Yeah . You know , part of me was smart enough to ditch you more than once . But I always came back . So yeah . I guess I m just a loser and stupid . I should ve broken up with you months ago . None of this would ve happened . It was a mistake , coming here . But you were the biggest mistake I have ever made . And I m gon na have to pay for it for the rest of my life .
James : You re what , a senior , right , like 18 ?
Starr : Yeah .
James : So how did our lives get so complicated ?
Starr : I do nt know . I mean , a few months ago , it seemed okay . It was pretty intense . And , you know , it s hard juggling school and raising a kid , but we were doing okay .
James : You and your boyfriend were making it work . That s cool .
Starr : But now he s in jail and he -- does nt even wanna see me .
James : And now you have mad allergies from it .
Starr : Yeah .
James : Well , at least there s not another girl . No . Man , you are like a country song .
Starr : Except not this part . That girl is nothing like you think .
Markko : You and Starr fighting a lot ?
Cole : Not anymore . I told her not to come here .
Markko : Dude .
Cole : I could nt take it . We kept going in circles and circles about her dad and what he did . You know ? And sooner or later someone s gon na say something that they re gon na regret and I just feel like it s better if we do nt see each other .
Markko : I m sorry .
Cole : It s not your fault . Really .
Markko : No , I know , but still . Hey , look , man , you guys are gon na make it . You belong together .
Cole : Yeah , we thought .
Markko : No , no you thought . You did . You do . You guys are that couple .
Cole : Did nt you and Langston think that ?
Markko : Well , I did , but -- she sure as hell did nt . Truth ? Right now it s hard to remember anything good that we had . It s like I picture her now and all I can see is her and Ford s hands all over her . It s like nothing else even existed .
Cole : Hey . Hey . Hey . Just forget it .
Markko : I ca nt .
Cole : Yes , you can . Just forget it .
Markko : Cole , I got ta tell you . All of it .
Dorian : My head is filled with those things that Aurelia said about Langston . Maybe I did nt teach her -- enough about right and wrong and boundaries . You know , she d been living on her own when she came to me , and I just wanted to mother her , and maybe I -- babied her . She s grown up very fast . In a lot of ways , she does seem wiser than her years .
Charlie : Now , this is about a boy , right ? Okay , so some truly wise people have lost their minds on that front .
Dorian : Oh , yeah , but no matter how many times your heart gets broken , it does nt give you the right to beat somebody into a coma .
Charlie : Well , quite frankly , I was a little too loaded to remember most of my broken hearts , but no , you re right . Most of the time , it does nt get to that .
Dorian : I ve done terrible things , Charlie . And now Langston and Markko are paying for it . Karma payback .
Charlie : I do nt think that s the way it works .
Dorian : I ve done awful things to people who did not deserve it , and that includes you . I get what I deserve .
James : Trust me , I m not making any assumptions about you , Starr . Since I walked over here , you ve done nothing but surprise me .
Starr : I should get back to studying .
James : Sure . Yeah , I need to get over to the hospital anyway .
Starr : Thank you .
James : They re just tissues .
Starr : No , not for the tissues . For not being a stranger .
James : My pleasure .
Starr : And I hope your friend gets better .
James : Thanks . And I hope your boyfriend gets out and treats you like the star that you are .
Starr : What s wrong , Hope ? Aww , do nt cry . Okay , honey . Come here . Come here . Ohh . What s the matter ?
Hope : Da - da .
Starr : Daddy s not here . Daddy s not here .
Cole : Hey , you do nt have to explain anything .
Markko : I went back to Ford s place that night .
Cole : Markko --
Markko : No , it s okay . The cops know . They have my footprint in his room . I went back there and I wanted that S.O.B. dead .
Téa : Aurelia .
Aurelia : We ve come to take Markko home .
Téa : Detective McBain ?
John : I m afraid that s not possible , maam .
Téa : Detective McBain claims that they have to charge him .
Aurelia : Ay , dios mío .
Ernesto : Aurelia . May we at least see our son ?
John : Of course . Go down this hallway , you take a right . I ll call the desk . I ll tell them they re on --
Aurelia : What are you doing here ?
Langston : I m so sorry .
Aurelia : Basura !
Ernesto : Aurelia , Aurelia .
Aurelia : You saw her for what she was from the very beginning . You ruined our son s life . Look where you put him . Look what you ve done to him . His life is over !
Téa : Let s go . We re gon na go . We re gon na go .
Langston : I need to tell you something .
Marty : Hannah .
Hannah : Dr. Saybrooke . How s Cole ?
Marty : Oh , you know , he s hanging in there . We re gon na get a call tonight .
Hannah : If he needs anything --
Marty : Thank you . Now , what brings you to the hospital ?
Hannah : Oh , I was visiting a friend .
Marty : Oh . Is nt that Robert Ford s room ?
Hannah : Where ?
Marty : Right there .
Hannah : Oh . Yeah , I guess it is .
Marty : You used to go out with him , did nt you ?
Hannah : Cole told you that ?
Markko : I did nt know what I was gon na do . I was so angry I could nt even see straight --
Ernesto : Geraldo .
Markko : Dad . Mom .
Aurelia : Mijo .
Ernesto : You should ve called .
Markko : I could nt , Papi .
Téa : He called his lawyer .
Aurelia : That was smart .
Markko : Look , as soon as I m outta here , I want to come home again . What ? Is -- is that -- bad ? Can I not ?
Téa : John s playing hardball . You ll be here until the arraignment .
Hannah : Never mind . I m just being stupid . I mean , it s not a secret that I went out with Ford .
Marty : Well , there s no reason it should be . You re allowed to have a relationship .
Hannah : Yeah , well , some people would be surprised . I mean , not many freshmen date grad students .
Marty : I suppose not . So you were here to see him ?
Hannah : Yeah , I just wanted to see how he was . I mean , we re broken up , but -- he s still a person . I should go .
Marty : Did you see how he was ?
Hannah : No change . He s still unconscious and they do nt know when he s gon na wake up -- if he wakes up .
Marty : Ah . I m sorry . That s a shame .
Hannah : Yeah .
Marty : You know , I hope you ll still call me .
Hannah : What ?
Marty : Well , before my accident , you -- you came to me for therapy . You said you wanted some therapy and if you still want to talk to someone --
Hannah : No , it s -- I mean , I m fine now .
Marty : I got the impression , you know , from your message that you wanted to talk about relationships .
Hannah : Who does nt ?
Marty : True .
Hannah : Actually , I was just kind of upset , you know , about how Ford broke up with me .
Marty : Ah . And now you re not ?
Hannah : Nope . I dealt .
Marty : That s great .
Hannah : Yeah . I worked things out for myself .
Charlie : I do nt really think that God or the world is taking it out on Langston and Markko just to teach you a lesson .
Dorian : Why not ?
Charlie : Well , because it s not all about you , Dorian .
Dorian : What ? You mean it is nt ? [ Laughs ] Oh , Charlie . You know -- you do nt have to make me feel good .
Charlie : I know . But hey -- it s free , so why not ?
Todd : Hey . What do you got for me ? Got dirt on Hannah OConnor ?
Man : Still working on it , but Mick checked in .
Todd : Oh , that s right . He s tailing her .
Man : Yeah -- straight to Robert Ford s bedside .
Marty : You know , Hannah , I d love to hear how you worked things out . You know , might be some good advice for other patients going through breakups .
Hannah : It was simple . I just -- decided I did nt want to be his victim anymore .
Marty : Well , that is good .
Hannah : Yeah , I saw him for what he really was , and I just could nt care anymore after that .
Nurse : Excuse me . Only family is allowed to visit .
James : That works . I m Robert s brother .
Starr : See , honey ? This is why I always get you vanilla , because you end up wearing it . Remember the first time that you had ice cream ? Oh , my goodness . Your daddy got it all over him just like that . Your daddy did a lot of things . A lot of memories .
Téa : When they arraign you , we ll ask for bail .
Ernesto : We ll put up the house if we have to .
Markko : Papi , no .
Téa : Hopefully , it wo nt come to that . I mean , look who you have for a lawyer . I got this , okay ?
Ernesto : Yeah .
Téa : I ll come back before they transport you , all right ?
Markko : Thanks , Téa .
Téa : Okay .
Ernesto : Muchas gracias .
Téa : De nada .
Ernesto : Is there anything we can get for you , son ?
Markko : No .
Aurelia : Nobody s -- bothered you ? We ve heard stories .
Markko : No . I m okay . I m so sorry to do this to you guys .
Aurelia : I ca nt believe it . I ca nt believe that you tried to kill a man .
Marty : Sounds like you cut Ford down to size .
Hannah : It was nt hard .
Marty : It s a natural impulse , you know , when we feel hurt and humiliated . It s not that easy to do , though , as much as we might want to . That can make a person feel very frustrated . Very angry . Can often make them want to lash out . Hannah , is that what you did ? Did you lash out at Ford ?
Hannah : What -- what are you asking ?
Marty : Did you try to kill Ford ? Did you try to kill me ?
Markko : I would nt .
Ernesto : What are you saying ?
Markko : I did nt try to kill Ford . I m innocent .
John : So . What can I do for you ?
Langston : I did it . I m the one who tried to kill Ford .
### Summary:
| Starr meets an attractive young man named James in the park . Hannah takes a picture of them . Todd has someone digging up dirt on Hannah s past . Marty goes to see Todd and asks him if he pushed her down the stairs . He tells her Hannah did it and that he is going to find proof . He says he suspects that Hannah put Ford in the ICU too . Hannah goes to see Ford in the hospital and she tells him she is nt sorry and that he got what he deserved . Langston and Hannah have words when Langston goes to see Ford in the hospital . She also tells him she is sorry . A nurse goes into Ford s room and says only Family can visit . The man that Starr was talking to in the park reveals that he is Ford s brother . Marty runs into Hannah outside of Ford s room at the hospital and asks her if she still wants to schedule therapy . Hannah says she worked her problem out on her own . Marty presses her for details until she finally cuts to the chase and asks her if she tried to kill her and Ford . Markko goes to jail on suspicion of Ford s murder . Cole reveals to Markko that he knew about Langston and Ford but did nt say anything because Langston said she was ending it . Markko s parents hire Tea Delgado to defend him . When they visit him in jail , Aurelia tells him that she ca nt believe he tried to kill a man . He says he would nt and he did nt try to kill Ford . Langston goes to the police station and confesses to John McBain that she is the person that tried to kill Ford . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nikki : Hi , Darling .
Victor : Hi , my baby . Look at that . Millions of stars , untold galaxies , and an ever - expanding universe . You know , when you think about it , our problems seem so insignificant , do nt they ?
Nikki : And yet , you ca nt let go of them .
Victor : Well ... I ca nt rearrange the universe , but I certainly can control my world .
Nikki : Well , if that were true , Nicholas and Victoria would be joining us tonight .
Victor : Sweetheart , are you upset that we re just having Michael and Lauren over ?
Nikki : No , not really .
Victor : No ?
Nikki : I just have to wonder how many special occasions the kids might miss because you want to get your company back . Now if they do nt make it to our wedding , I will be upset .
Victor : I will get my company back , and I will get our children back .
Nikki : Is that your New Year s resolution ?
Victor : It s a promise .
Phyllis : Hey ! ( Laughs )
Summer : Hi , uh , Mom , what are you doing here ?
Phyllis : Oh , I was hoping that maybe we could spend New Year s Eve together .
Summer : Oh , um , I m sorry , but I have plans . Uh , come in , I just-- I thought you were Fen .
Phyllis : Yeah . Oh , oh , you worked things out with Fen ?
Summer : Yeah , um , I finally got him to realize that Jamie and I are just friends , so ...
Phyllis : Oh , good .
Summer : Mm - hmm .
Phyllis : Good . Um , so wh - where-- where are you going tonight ?
Summer : Um , just a party at Taylor s , but no , there will not be alcohol ...
Phyllis : ( Chuckles )
Summer : Just music , dancing and revelry .
Phyllis : Ooh , revelry , wow . Wow .
Summer : ( Chuckles )
Phyllis : Um , well , that sounds fun .
Summer : What -- what s wrong ? You seem like something s wrong .
Phyllis : No ! Oh , no , no , I m great . No . I mean , well , I ... got fired , but ...
Summer : Wait , Jack fired you ?
Phyllis : Y -- it s complicated . Anyway , get -- keep on getting ready . I - I want to see your shoes . What -- what s going on here ?
Summer : Okay , um , which ones should I wear ?
Phyllis : ( Chuckles )
Summer : These or these ?
Phyllis : Well , definitely ... those .
Summer : Okay .
Phyllis : ( Clears throat ) So is your dad here ?
Summer : Um , no , he -- he s out .
Avery : Okay , do nt say it .
Nick : Happy New Year ?
Avery : You re not ready yet .
Nick : Well , you re not , are you ?
Avery : Well , you know that I have trouble deciding what to wear .
Nick : I know , which is why ... I picked you up this .
Avery : ( Laughs ) You picked me out a dress ?
Nick : Yeah . Well , Lauren helped me . She told me you were gon na look perfect in that .
Avery : Wow . Well , how would I know ? You have nt even told me where we re going .
Nick : You re right , I have nt .
Avery : Give me a hint .
Nick : Would nt be a surprise then , now would it ?
Avery : ( Sighs ) You re the worst ! ( Chuckles )
Nick : Go get dressed .
Avery : Ooh , and bossy .
Chelsea : I m sorry , are you waiting for someone ?
Alex : Um , no .
Chelsea : ( Exhales sharply )
Alex : How about you ?
Chelsea : Rockin in the New Year alone .
Alex : I bet you turned down a lot of invitations .
Chelsea : ( Laughs ) Well , you ca nt say yes to just anybody , you know ?
Alex : How about me ?
Chelsea : Excuse me ?
Alex : Can I buy you a drink ?
Chelsea : Sure .
Billy : Okay , we have our selections for movie night-- Bad Boys II , Ghost Rider : Spirit of Vengeance , or my personal favorite , Resident Evil : Damnation .
Victoria : No , this is movie night , this is not the eve of destruction . So we have The Great Gatsby , Out of Africa , my favorite , The Way We Were . I really love that one .
Billy : Could nt you pick a good Redford movie ?
Victoria : ( Sighs ) Well , we re not watching any of those .
Billy : Fine , but no chick flicks .
Victoria : Okay , fine , we ll compromise . We ll watch one of mine and then we ll watch one of yours .
Billy : Mm - hmm , and why are we watching one of yours first ?
Victoria : Because you love me and you would do anything to make me happy .
Billy : Because you re gon na be asleep by 10 : 00 .
Victoria : Put this in .
Billy : ( Growls ) Good thing you re cute . ( Humming )
Victoria : Hey .
Billy : Hmm ? Oh , I was playing Go Fish with Reed .
Victoria : In between hands of blackjack ?
Billy : Hey , blackjack is very educational . It teaches odds , arithmetic , risk analysis , all sorts of life skills for a growing child .
Victoria : Yeah , yeah , just look where it s gotten you .
Michael : Did you tell his honor that it was the district attorney calling him ? No , fine , all right . Yes , uh , tell him I said happy New Year , too .
Lauren : Everything okay ?
Michael : No-- words ... to say how amazing you look .
Lauren : Now are you sorry ?
Michael : What , that I have an unbelievably hot wife ?
Lauren : ( Chuckles ) That yet again , you have accepted a dinner invitation from Victor when you could have spent the night here alone with your -- and I m quoting you-- Unbelievably hot wife .
Michael : Unfortunately , I am not gon na be the only one missing out tonight .
Lauren : We did nt get permission to have Jamie stay with us ?
Michael : Judge Witten would nt even take my call . He s not happy since I took Jamie out of that group home .
Lauren : No , no , no , we can not send him back there .
Michael : Well , until I straighten this out , we have no choice .
Lauren : Michael ... ( Sighs )
Jack : Where are you , Dad ? You re not gon na show up and tell me what a failure I ve been this year ? I ve driven away everyone who really cares about me ? Dad ? You know what ? Go back to playing your harp . I ll do just fine without you .
Phyllis : So , um , I ll call you tomorrow .
Summer : Mom , I really do nt have to go to that party .
Phyllis : Oh , no , you re absolutely going to the party .
Summer : Yeah , but I do nt want you to be by yourself .
Phyllis : I m not gon na be by myself . Oh , no , no , no , I - I was invited , um , to the club , and I - it -- it s gon na be a huge party . There s lots of people and confetti and balloons and dancing and champagne and silly hats , so it s fine .
Summer : Are you sure ?
Phyllis : Yes , I m sure . You go to your party , have a fantastic time . ( Sighs ) You be safe , okay ?
Summer : Okay , I will .
Phyllis : Happy New Year .
Summer : Thank you . You , too , Mom .
Phyllis : Oh , no , ohh !
Summer : I love you .
Phyllis : I love you . ( Shivers )
Lauren : There has to be something that you can do .
Fen : About what ?
Michael : Jamie . He ca nt stay here .
Lauren : They re sending him back to that horrible group home .
Fen : Maybe it ll be good for him .
Lauren : How can-- how can you say that ? You saw the way they beat him up .
Fen : Guys fight . It happens .
Michael : He s being ganged up on .
Fen : You re the one who said the world s not fair .
Michael : I also taught you to look out for people who are being picked on .
Fen : Dude needs to learn to take care of himself . If he s in that group home , maybe he ll figure out how to do that .
Lauren : Really ? Really ? And , um , how would you feel if you were stuck someplace without anybody to help you ?
Fen : I d be fine . I do nt let anybody walk over me . Maybe if you did nt baby Jamie , he would nt , either .
Lauren : ( Gasps ) Fenmore !
Chelsea : So you re from New York ?
Alex : Born and raised .
Chelsea : Mm . Mm , why would a New Yorker come to Wisconsin in the middle of the winter , hmm ?
Alex : Work .
Chelsea : Maybe you should think about finding another job . Find one that sends you to L.A. or Hawaii .
Alex : I kind of like it here .
Chelsea : Mm .
Alex : People say hi to you . I m walking down the street and everybody s like , Hi . Hi . Hi !
Chelsea : ( Chuckles )
Alex : I like that . They act like people . I m not used to it .
Chelsea : Hmm .
Alex : So are there any other things around town I should be seeing , or places I should go ?
Chelsea : Are you angling for a guided tour ?
Alex : Are you offering one ?
Chelsea : ( Laughs ) Well , there are a few places I could show you . I , um ... there s a - a beautiful lake that I used to live by .
Alex : That s great . We could go tomorrow .
Chelsea : You know what ? I m so sorry . Um , I have to go .
Alex : You--
Chelsea : I have to go . Um , happy New Year . Sorry .
Avery : Well , are nt you gon na say anything ?
Nick : ( Chuckles )
Avery : ( Laughing )
Nick : Uh . I ll tell you , we better get out of here . I m just gon na rip this thing right off you .
Avery : Ohh .
Nick : Mm . You know what ? Nope . No . No , no .
Avery : ( Laughs )
Nick : I promised you an amazing night , and it is gon na happen .
Avery : Oh , well , now , so far , so good .
Nick : You ai nt seen nothing yet .
Avery : Really ? Thank you .
Lauren : ( Exhales sharply ) What happened to him ?
Michael : He has so much rage inside of him . He reminds me of someone else I used to know .
Lauren : Oh ... no , no . You had reason to be angry . I mean , that house that you grew up in , and your stepfather-- it was just -- it was a terrible environment .
Michael : Why is he so angry ? I did everything I could to make sure he did nt grow up feeling the way I did .
Lauren : Honey , we both did , and you know , it just is nt gon na help our son to second - guess ourselves .
Michael : What will ?
Lauren : Sticking together . It s always gotten our family through the tough times .
Summer : Jamie . What happened ?
Jamie : Hi . Kids at the group home thought I d make a good punching bag .
Summer : Does Michael know about this ?
Jamie : Yeah , he s been letting me stay at his place ...
Summer : Good .
Jamie : But the geniuses at foster care are putting an end to all that .
Summer : They re sending you back to the place where you got beat up ?
Jamie : Th - that s what I came to tell you . I m leaving town .
Summer : Jamie , you ca nt do that !
Jamie : I m out of options , Summer .
Summer : Jamie , okay , it ca nt be that bad .
Jamie : Yeah ? Check this out . Stupid loser . You should be in jail for what you did . The world would be better off without you .
Summer : Look , whoever sent that is just a jerk .
Jamie : This is way worse than that Brittni on FacePlace . I get new ones every day .
Summer : Okay , you ca nt take it to heart . These idiots are just being mean and cruel .
Jamie : If I knew who they were , I d kick their asses , but they hide behind their stupid phones , and I ca nt do anything to get back at em . I am sick of being told how much of a loser I am . It s all I ve heard my whole life , and I just-- I ca nt take it anymore ! I just -- I ca nt ! I just ...
Summer : Okay , it s okay . It s okay . It s okay . It s okay . Oh , Fen .
Nick : You ready ?
Avery : I think so . Oh , Nick .
Nick : Oh , Nick , I like it ?
Avery : Nick , I love it . It s perfect .
Nick : I m glad you love it , cause you re gon na be spending an awful lot of time here ... in your own booth .
Billy : Hmm . That was nt as painful as I thought it was gon na be . ( Chuckles )
Victoria : ( Sniffles )
Billy : But not a very happy ending . ( Clears throat )
Victoria : ( Exhales sharply ) Do you miss your dad ?
Billy : Yeah , sure .
Victoria : Are there times that were special to you ? You know , days that were special for the two of you ?
Billy : Opening day , baseball season . We d always watch the Brewers together .
Victoria : Well , it s New Year s Eve for me and my mom , ever since I was a little girl .
Billy : Oh , really ? I thought Victor would have laid claim to Nikki on that night .
Victoria : Yeah , he did . I mean , they used to always go to this big fancy New Year s Eve party at the governor s mansion , but one time , I got sick , and my mom stayed home with me . And she said we could have a pajama party and watch a movie , and my mom made s m ores .
Billy : Well , that sounds good .
Victoria : Well , you know , if you like marshmallows that taste like burned coal , it s good .
Billy : ( Chuckles )
Victoria : I guess I take after her in the cooking department .
Billy : Yeah . ( Chuckles )
Victoria : But she had that movie all picked out .
Billy : Oh , yeah , let me guess , The ...
Victoria : The Way We Were , yeah .
Billy : Mm .
Victoria : It was just so nice cuddling up with my mom , knowing that she gave up that party to be with me ... and watch a movie , our movie , and eat burnt s m ores .
Billy : Well , if you want to go see her , I m sure that we can--
Victoria : No , I do nt want to go see her ! That s not why-- I want to be with you .
Billy : Yeah ?
Victoria : Yeah .
Billy : Yeah ? Well , I hope that you do nt ever get tired of that , because now that I m not working for Jack , I am gon na be around a lot more .
Victoria : I m sorry that there s a rift between the two of you , but maybe Jack firing you is the best thing that could ever happen to you ... to us .
Jack : Scotch , neat . ( Sighs ) If you re thinking about another intervention ...
Phyllis : You do nt want my help .
Jack : I do nt need it .
Phyllis : Happy New Year , Jack .
Jack : Hey .
Phyllis : Oh !
Jack : I am not hooked on pills .
Phyllis : You re a liar . You re lying to yourself .
Jack : This , I got ta hear from the biggest liar I know .
Phyllis : Congratulations , Jack , you ve finally chased away the last person who cared about you . Congratulations .
Jack : Who needs you ?
Daniel : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Whoa ! Hey , what s going on here ?
Phyllis : I did nt know you were gon na be here tonight .
Daniel : It s a good thing I came . Hey , Jack .
Jack : Hey , Daniel .
Daniel : Is everything all right ?
Phyllis : Yeah , Jack and I were just saying good - bye . Come on .
Avery : Oh !
Nick : Whoa !
Avery : ( Giggles )
Nick : Okay .
Avery : Wow .
Nick : All right , this one is on the house .
Avery : Well , good , cause you spilled half of it . Here -- oh !
Nick : Yeah . Oh , sorry ! ( Laughs )
Avery : ( Laughs ) Wow .
Nick : Oh , you know what ? It looks like you got a little on your hand right here .
Avery : I did . Thank you .
Nick : I m sorry we did nt go to the big bash at the club .
Avery : Oh , why ? What do they have that we do nt ? Awesome venue , we ve got that . Champagne , we lost some , but check . Hot guy , seriously check . Music .
Nick : Check .
Avery : Ohh .
Nick : May I ?
Singer : Girl , I heard you got someone in your life who keeps you sad and makes you cry
Lauren : It s beautiful . The view , the -- the way you decorated , everything .
Nikki : Oh , thank you .
Michael : Is it gon na be a permanent move ?
Victor : Well , the architect just finished the plans for the new ranch house .
Nikki : Thank you .
Victor : They start construction soon .
Michael : Mm .
Victor : How s Fenmore doing ?
Lauren : Oh .
Michael : Oh , uh , he had plans to see Summer .
Victor : And you probably are wondering what he s up to .
Lauren : Oh , he s -- he s very responsible .
Victor : Oh , yeah ?
Lauren : Mm - hmm .
Victor : Hmm .
Nikki : We never do stop worrying about them , though , do we ? No matter how old they get .
Lauren : ( Chuckles )
Victor : I just wish they would appreciate that .
Michael : It s true what they say -- our children just pass through our lives .
Lauren : We just hope that we have done the best that we can .
Victor : Yes .
Michael : And that it s enough to keep them from doing something stupid .
Summer : Fen , I can explain everything .
Fen : Yeah , with another lie ? No , I m sick of them , Summer . I m sick of you-- you jumping from me to Juvie boy . A - are you getting off on this ? Are you , like , go -- going from me to another guy ? Is that -- is that the kind of girl you are ?
Summer : What ?
Jamie : You watch your mouth , all right ? Summer and I are just friends .
Fen : You are an idiot ! She is not your friend ...
Summer : Fen .
Fen : Except on FacePlace .
Summer : Fen , stop .
Fen : She is Brittni , you moron .
Summer : Fen , stop !
Fen : Did you really think someone like Summer would ever go for someone like you ? ! You are pathetic !
Summer : Fen !
Jamie : Is that true ?
Summer : Jamie ...
Jamie : Is that true ?
Daniel : So , um , what s up with Jack ?
Phyllis : Uh , nothing . Nothing . He just , um , you know , I - I do nt want to get into it .
Daniel : Might as well tell me , because you got--
Phyllis : Okay , well , he fired me .
Daniel : What do you mean , he fired you ? What d you do ?
Phyllis : I did nt do anything , Daniel . Thanks for the vote of confidence , by the way . He also fired Neil and his son Kyle .
Daniel : He sounds a little out of control , if you ask me .
Phyllis : Yeah , he has nt been the same since his surgery .
Daniel : What do you mean ? I thought that removing the bullet was supposed to make him better .
Phyllis : There were complications . Anyway , maybe now that you re back , you can talk some sense into him .
Daniel : Yeah , um ... I dont -- I do nt know if I m gon na really be around long enough to , uh , do that .
Phyllis : Why ? Where are you going ?
Daniel : Lucy and I are moving to Savannah .
Michael : There is a whole different view of the world from up here .
Victor : Uh - huh . Is nt it beautiful ? Staggering .
Michael : Being above the fray seems to agree with you .
Lauren : Yeah , I ve never seen you more relaxed .
Victor : Credit goes to Nikki .
Michael : I never argued the value of a loving wife ...
Lauren : Oh .
Michael : But , uh , leaving Newman seems to have brought you a sense of peace I have not seen before .
Lauren : That s true . It s like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders .
Michael : Now that you re out , maybe you should consider staying out .
Victor : Oh , I m not so sure about that . I belong at Newman , you know ?
Michael : Do nt let Nikki hear you say that .
Victor : Oh , she knows how I feel about the company .
Michael : If it were me , I could step back from it all and just be with the woman I love , I d do it in a heartbeat .
Lauren : ( Laughs )
Nikki : I m sorry to bother you , Sweetheart .
Victoria : You re not . How is your New Year s Eve going ?
Nikki : Well , it does nt seem quite the same without The Way We Were , does it ?
Victoria : ( Laughs ) Or burnt s m ores . Well , maybe we could get together and have a pajama party .
Nikki : I d like that . We could work on my wedding plans .
Victoria : Uh , next week ?
Nikki : I ll call you .
Victoria : All right , sounds good . Happy New Year , Mom .
Nikki : Happy New Year to you , Angel .
Summer : Answer , Mom . Please answer . ( Exhales sharply ) Damn it ! ( Sighs )
Jack : Pete , another . Hey . Can I buy you a drink ?
Woman : A gentleman . How nice .
Jack : I m Jack .
Woman : Hello , Jack . I m Stephanie .
Jack : Pleasure to meet you , Stephanie .
Chelsea : What are you doing here ?
Adam : I overheard Kevin and Chloe say they were gon na be out for the night .
Chelsea : Let me guess , Sharon was busy ?
Adam : I probably deserve that .
Chelsea : Probably ?
Adam : The other night , I really thought--
Chelsea : Thought what ? That I would cave , take you back ?
Adam : Thought you d give us another chance . I love you , Chelse . I m lost without you .
Chelsea : Get a G.P.S.
Adam : What do you want from me ?
Chelsea : ( Sighs )
Adam : Name it .
Chelsea : A divorce ... and a big , fat settlement check .
Adam : Okay . I ll give you what you want . I ll write you a check , right here , right now ... if you give me tonight .
Chelsea : What difference will one night make ?
Adam : It ll give me a chance to prove you re the only woman that I want to be with . The other night , I had a dream ... about us ... and our son .
Chelsea : Do nt . Do nt you dare use what we lost as a way to get to me , Adam .
Adam : No , Chelsea .
Chelsea : ( Sighs )
Adam : This-- this dream was about what we can have , not what we lost . The dream was us in the future .
Chelsea : You want a future with Sharon .
Adam : No .
Chelsea : I m not an idiot , Adam ! You have feelings for her !
Adam : I care about Sharon , yes , and I feel responsible for a lot of the things that have happened to her , but I love you .
Chelsea : Enough to forgive me for going to Nikki and Victor and telling them that Sharon caused that fire ?
Adam : I understand why you did that . You would do anything to hold on to the person that you love , and I get it . I spent a - a lot of years doing regrettable things to get my father s attention and hang on to his love .
Chelsea : But you never had his love to begin with .
Adam : That s right , and that s what I had to learn . But your love-- that is the only love that I want . I did nt realize it ... until I did nt have it . So let s just-- let s just forget about my father and Sharon and everything and start over .
Chelsea : ( Exhales slowly ) Do you mean it ?
Adam : I ll do whatever it takes to prove it .
Chelsea : Including leave Genoa City ?
Adam : Leave ?
Chelsea : If you re serious about us really starting over ... you ll leave Genoa City with me .
Fen : You finally got the message ! Nobody wants you around . Too bad you did nt get it before you wrecked my life .
Jamie : You do nt know anything about a wrecked life .
Fen : Oh , please . Y - you may have gotten my mom and dad to fall for that Poor Jamie number , fooled Summer into believing you re worth her time , but you re not worth anything . You re a waste of space . No . No , no , no , you re worse than that . You re nothing . You might as well not even be here .
Jamie : Go to hell .
Fen : Bye , now .
Daniel : There s a gallery there that s interested in showing my work .
Phyllis : There are galleries here . There are galleries here in Genoa City . There are galleries in Milwaukee , in Chicago .
Daniel : I know , I know , but we re doing this--
Phyllis : Why do you have to go to Savannah ?
Daniel : We re doing this .
Phyllis : What about Lucy ? Come on , who s gon na take care of Lucy while you do all your s -- come on , Daniel .
Daniel : Heather s coming with us .
Phyllis : That s cr -- no , no . Okay , no , no , no , no , no . I m not going to let my granddaughter be raised by that person . No way .
Daniel : Mom , look-- it s my life . It s my daughter . We re going .
Phyllis : Why are you doing this to me ?
Daniel : I m not doing this to you . I m doing this for me and I m doing this for my daughter . Come on , say you understand .
Phyllis : I do nt understand . I ve been through so much lately ... ( Voice breaking ) And the thought of losing you and losing Lucy--
Daniel : You re not-- you re not losing anyone ! You can come visit . We ll come visit . We ll come visit all the time .
Phyllis : It s not enough .
Daniel : Then come with us .
Phyllis : What ?
Daniel : Move to Savannah with Lucy and me .
Michael : Mm , mm , mm .
Lauren : ( Chuckles )
Michael : How long do you think it is before , uh ... ?
Lauren : Ohh ! ( Laughs )
Michael : Somebody else comes home ?
Lauren : Ohh , long enough , Baby . ( Laughs )
Fen : Oh , sorry , d - didnt know you guys were home . Just getting my phone .
Lauren : Uh , Fen , wait . I - I thought you were going to Taylor s party with Summer .
Fen : Oh , we-- we decided not to .
Michael : What about Jamie ?
Fen : What about him ?
Michael : Did he go ?
Fen : Jamie did nt tell me what his plans were . Um , I ll let you guys get back to whatever--
Michael : Fenmore .
Fen : Yeah ?
Michael : Happy New Year .
Fen : Same to you guys .
Lauren : ( Sighs ) Wonder what happened with Summer ?
Michael : Oh , more than he s telling us .
Lauren : Yeah . ( Scoffs )
Michael : But he s home .
Lauren : Mm .
Michael : We do nt have to worry about him tonight . We can focus on Mommy and Daddy stuff .
Lauren : ( Laughs ) I like that .
Michael : Mm - hmm .
Billy : ( Whistling softly ) That was some good pizza . All right , what s one hand ? Whoa . ( Chuckling ) Ooh , Baby . Nice .
Victoria : Oh , okay . Good enough .
Billy : Mm , how are the kids ?
Victoria : Well , they are dreaming their way into the New Year .
Billy : Well , well , I m just cleaning up here .
Victoria : Hey . Thank you . You want to watch one of your movies ?
Billy : No . Only thing I want to watch is you getting out of these old pajamas so we can ring in the New Year properly .
Victoria : Really ?
Billy : Mm - hmm .
Avery : Mm . It should be almost time .
Nick : Let s see .
Avery : Mm .
Nick : Yeah , you re right .
Avery : This is nice , just the two of us spending the New Year together .
Nick : Yeah , just the two of us ... and the 300,000 people in Times Square .
Avery : ( Laughs )
Crowd : Six , five ...
Both : Four , three , two , one ! ( Exhaling )
Avery : ( Laughs )
Kevin : Stealing dirty , illegal drug money ?
Chloe : It s not even Noah Newman s money !
Daniel : I mean , all that time in New York , you must have people there trying to lure you back .
Jack : I need your help .
### Summary:
| Phyllis lets Summer know about a party that she will be attending to celebrate New Year s Eve . Fen surprises Michael and Lauren that the group home where Jamie is may be the best thing for him . Fen shows no compassion toward Jamie . At the Athletic Club bar , Chelsea and Alex get acquainted . Alex hints around about Chelsea showing him around Genoa City . Chelsea gets sentimental and rushes out . Avery shows Nick her dress that she is wearing for New Year s . Avery and Nick kiss . Jamie visits Summer at home and lets her know that he is leaving town . Summer hugs him to comfort him . Fen watches from outside the window . Nick , with his hands over Avery s eyes , shows her the new club and her special booth . Billy and Victoria spend New Year s Eve watching old movies on television . Jack and Phyllis meet at the Athletic Club bar . Jack grabs her by the arm just as Daniel comes in and wants to know what is going on . Phyllis tells Daniel that she and Jack were just saying good - bye . Michael and Lauren spend New Year s Eve at home alone . Fen bursts in and tells Jamie Summer s true feelings for him . Jamie asks her if this is true ? When she does nt answer , he leaves . Summer feels guilty that she hurt Jamie s feelings . Daniel asks Phyllis what is up with Jack . Phyllis refuses to tell Daniel that Jack has a drug problem . Daniel lets Phyllis know that he and Lucy are moving to Savannah . Phyllis is brokenhearted and does nt want Daniel to go . Jack meets a woman named Stephanie at the bar . Chelsea comes home and finds Adam there . She lets him know that she wants a divorce with a hefty settlement . Adam tries to convince her how much he loves her . Chelsea asks him if he loves her enough to leave town with her . Adam agrees and they reconcile by making love . Fen and Jamie have a confrontation at home . Michael and Lauren have their own New Year s Eve celebration at home as do Victor and Nikki . Billy and Victoria celebrate New Year s Eve by making love . Summer goes to see Nick and Avery to cry on his shoulder over what she did to Jamie . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Craig : No . She s not screaming . That s a very good sign .
Chloe : Yeah , I guess it is .
Craig : You know what ? I m going to go down to the lab , light a fire under Eugenia , and make sure she can get results soon . I mean , the sooner we have the results back , the sooner we can prep you for your transplant , so ... maybe it is a good idea you go keep your mom company , okay ? I ll see you in a little while .
Chloe : Sure .
Craig : On second thought , it s been a heck of a long day . Why do nt I have Brenda make you a bed ? You can get some rest here . Or better yet , I can even have someone drive you home . What do you think ?
Chloe : Craig , really , I m fine .
Craig : Yeah ?
Chloe : If anything , I think you re the one who needs rest . I mean , between Nancy s labor and worrying about me , you have nt stopped all day . I do nt do it .
Craig : Well ... it s called adrenaline .
Chloe : No , I think it s called being a terrific father and husband .
Craig : Well , that s my job . Come here . It s worth it , too . And you know what ? In case I fall behind , I ve called in for backup .
Chloe : Backup ? Who ?
Brady : Like you even need to ask .
Rex : Belle , you asleep ?
Rex : Hey , Belle , wake up .
Mimi : Santiago ? Santiago ?
Rex : No , it s me -- Rex .
Mimi : Oh . Ha ha . Even better .
Cassie : Excuse me .
Man : I ll be with you in a minute .
Cassie : Look , I need to see Shawn Brady , and I m going to wait here all night if I have to .
Man : That wo nt be necessary .
Cassie : You re going to let me see him ?
Man : You can spend all the time you want to with Mr. Brady . He s been released .
Belle : Shawn .
Chloe : So what did your mom want ?
Brady : Aah , it s not that important right now . I ll tell you later .
Chloe : I m really glad you came back .
Brady : There s no place I d rather be .
Brady : I mean that , Chloe . I m going to be with you every step of the way . You know that , right ?
Brady : Any word yet on when they might admit you ?
Chloe : No , still waiting for the lab results . In fact , I should probably go tell Nancy . She ll want to hear about my physical .
Brady : Hang on a second . Before we go in , there s something we need to do , and it ca nt wait .
Chloe : What ?
Brady : This .
Rex : I did nt mean to wake you up , but ... I thought you were Belle .
Mimi : There s a lot of that going around lately .
Rex : You know , I m kind of digging the glasses .
Mimi : Oh , please . They make me look like a complete moron .
Rex : I think you look great .
Mimi : Ugh . Well , I do nt feel great . That s why I crashed here -- so I could spare my family . I guess I just fell asleep in front of the TV .
Rex : What is this ?
Mimi : A new telenovela . They re way addictive .
Rex : I did nt know you spoke Spanish .
Mimi : I do nt . But I am taking Spanish 101 , and watching this telemundo stuff has totally helped me build my vocabulary . Of course , it does nt hurt that the guys on these shows look muy bueno with their shirts off .
Rex : Muy bueno , huh ? Yeah , what else have you learned ?
Mimi : Well ... I m pretty good with numbers -- you know , the basic stuff . But that whole usted thing always throws me off . Do you know Spanish ?
Rex : I ve studied it .
Mimi : Okay , pop quiz . I learned this one tonight . Ahem . El papa caliente .
Rex : Uh , a hot daddy ?
Mimi : Ha ha . Okay .
Rex : Okay , all right , Mimi . Your turn for a quiz . Necesito ver Belle . Sabe es donde est * ?
Mimi : Huh ? No comprendo , mi amigo . We ll probably cover that in the second half of the semester .
Rex : Do you know where Belle is ? Mimi : H , right -- Belle . She s with Shawn . At least , I hope that s where she is . See , I kind of arranged this chance meeting between the two of them . Pretty brilliant , hmm ?
Rex : Oh .
Mimi : Uh , you do nt have a problem with that , do you ?
Rex : Yeah , as a matter of fact , I do .
Shawn - d : Hey , I hope these tears are nt because of me .
Belle : You know what ? The only thing that matters to me right now is that you re here .
Shawn - d : And I m not going anywhere .
Belle : You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that . What happened ? Did the judge change his mind ? Did you post bail ?
Shawn - d : Not exactly .
Belle : Shawn , you re not on the run , are you ? Because if you are , it may seem like a good idea right now , but I really do nt think --
Shawn - d : No , relax , relax . I am not a fugitive . The charges against me were dropped .
Belle : Are you joking ? That s incredible . How ? Why ?
Shawn - d : Larry confessed to the murder .
Belle : Are you serious ? Larry killed Colin ?
Shawn - d : Yep , and I can not wait to see that scum behind bars , and I hope they throw away the key .
Belle : I knew it . I - I knew you could never murder anyone .
Shawn - d : Hey , you never stopped believing in me .
Belle : You got my note .
Shawn - d : Yeah , I must have read it 15 , 16 , 20 , 50 times .
Belle : I meant every word . You will always have my heart , Shawn .
Shawn - d : Yeah , well , I promise you that nothing is ever going to come between us again .
Cassie : I ca nt believe this . Shawn Brady is free ?
Man : We cut him loose a couple of hours ago .
Cassie : Okay , well , I really need to see him , so , um , do you know where he went ? Hello ?
Man : Look , miss , I do nt know where your friend is , all right ? He probably went home .
Cassie : [ Thinking ] Or back to the dorm ... and straight into Belle s waiting arms .
Mimi : So now that Shawn s free and clear and back in Belle s life , I think maybe you should step out of the picture for a while . I mean , the two of them -- they need time together alone . Hey , look , I know you have a thing for Belle , but she will always be the first lady of Shawnville . Got it ? She s like the abercrombie to his fitch , you know ? And if you really do care about her , which I think you do , then you ll give her some space .
Rex : Look , I do care about Belle , but not the way you think .
Mimi : I m supposed to believe you do nt have feelings for her .
Rex : Look , I just want her to be happy , but I do nt think Shawn is the right guy for her .
Mimi : Oh , and I suppose you are ?
Rex : Oh -- forget it . You do nt understand .
Mimi : Oh , I understand , all right . I understand that ever since you set foot in Salem , you ve had your eye on belle , and you were just waiting for Shawn to mess up so you could make your move . Well , I think that s disgusting .
Rex : You re right .
Mimi : And rude and obnoxious , and -- wait a minute . What did you just say ?
Rex : You re absolutely right , Mimi , about everything . I do have feelings for Belle -- deep feelings . But it s only because she s my sister .
Shawn - d : Are you cold ? Cause I could run you down to the pub , warm you up .
Belle : No , no , this is cozy .
Shawn - d : All right . I was hoping you were going to say that .
Belle : Hey .
Shawn - d : Hmm ?
Belle : Now that we re all comfortable , we can talk . Tell me everything .
Shawn - d : Like what ?
Belle : Like , how did they find out Larry killed Colin ?
Shawn - d : He confessed . It s as simple as that .
Belle : Okay . Why were you so convinced you shot Colin ?
Shawn - d : Because I did . Well , I shot at him . I thought I hit him in the back , but I guess the bullet missed him . He fell down on the ground , and I just took off .
Belle : You did nt check him for a pulse ?
Shawn - d : I did nt think that he was faking it . He looked dead .
Belle : Okay , what I do nt understand is why Larry would kill Colin . I mean , I know the guy has a vendetta against your family , but I did nt think it was against all the Bradys , Colin included .
Shawn - d : It was nt . Larry hired Colin to kill my dad .
Belle : What ? Shawn , Colin was your cousin . How could he do something so horrible ?
Shawn - d : It was nt a secret that he hated dad .
Belle : Enough to agree to kill him ?
Shawn - d : I guess . I do nt know . We ll probably never know the whole truth .
Belle : I do nt get it . If Larry hired Colin to kill your dad , how come Colin s the one that ended up dead ?
Shawn - d : Apparently he freaked out after him and I fought . He went to Larry and said that he could nt go through with killing my dad . Well , Larry did nt have a choice but to get rid of Colin .
Belle : This whole thing is one huge nightmare . Larry really is a monster . Look at what he did to your mom and me .
Shawn - d : Hey , just try and block it out of your head , all right ? Forget about it .
Belle : I ca nt , Shawn . The guy leaked carbon monoxide into your house . We could have died . Who knows how much longer we had ?
Shawn - d : I would have strangled him with my bare hands before I would let him do anything to you .
Belle : I was so scared . I could nt breathe . I was so sure we were nt going to make it .
Shawn - d : It s over . All right ? When I saw what Larry had done to you ... I was so mad at myself for how much I pushed you away .
Belle : Shawn , no . It s okay .
Shawn - d : No , let me finish . Let me finish . Listen . When I found you at my house , and you were barely able to breathe and struggling to speak , I thought I was going to lose you . And I swore to myself right there that I was going to do whatever it took to get you back in my life , because I love you so much .
Belle : I love you , too , Shawn .
Nancy : Oh , hi , you two .
Chloe : Hi . Are you up for some company ?
Nancy : Always . Come on in .
Nancy : So , did you have your physical ? What are the test results ?
Chloe : : Actually , we re still waiting for the lab results . Craig s at the lab right now trying to speed things up . He seems to think that they re going to want to admit me soon , especially since you re so far along .
Nancy : Ha ha . Yeah , you know , Chloe , um , things have been kind of hectic , and before they get even crazier , we need to talk .
Brady : I m just gon na -- I have a phone call , actually , I need to make . I ll see you .
Chloe : What is it ?
Nancy : Sweetheart , I know that things have been difficult for you , and , well , they re only going to get tougher . But things are gon na work out . You have to believe that . This little baby -- she s going to give you a new lease on life .
Chloe : She does nt know what kind of circus she s being born into .
Nancy : Never a dull moment , that s for sure . We ve been through a lot , have nt we ? Especially this past year . But we made the best of things . We survived . You know the truth of the matter ? This baby -- your little sister -- she is nt the only new life being born . It s a whole new beginning for all of us .
Chloe : I hope you re right .
Belle : Your hands must be freezing .
Shawn - d : I m okay .
Belle : I have an idea . Here .
Shawn - d : Ooh .
Belle : Nice and toasty .
Shawn - d : What s this in your pocket ?
Belle : It s our shell .
Shawn - d : From last summer ? You kept it this whole time ?
Belle : Yeah . Reminded me of you . Kind of silly , huh ?
Shawn - d : No .
Belle : Even though we were nt officially together , it helped me . It reminded me of all our good times , like the first time you told me you loved me .
Belle : Ready ?
Shawn - d : Ready .
Shawn - d : He s telling the truth , Belle . I do love you .
Shawn - d : Man , I -- I ve been a real jerk , have nt I ? No , go ahead . You can say it . I deserve . I just -- I can not believe everything I ve put you through , and how hard I tried to push you away . But you never stopped believing in us .
Belle : That does nt mean I was nt angry . I was furious . I felt hurt and rejected , but most importantly , I -- I was upset because you could nt confide in me . You should have told me the truth about what happened with Colin .
Shawn - d : You re right . I should have . But at the time , I did nt want to involve you .
Belle : Why not , Shawn ? I could have helped you . Do nt you trust me ?
Shawn - d : Of course -- of course I do , but it has nothing to do with trust . Like I said , I did not want to involve you in the murder and make you an accessory .
Belle : But you had no problem turning to Cassie . Why is that ?
Mimi : Belle is your sister , and you re just now finding out ? Yeah , likely story . What do you think this is , Return Of The Jedi ?
Rex : Call her . Go ahead . She ll tell you the truth .
Mimi : No . No way . You re hallucinating , Lockhart -- loopy on the cough syrup .
Rex : Why would I make this up ? Belle s my sister . She was just as shocked as you are , but it s true .
Mimi : You re really serious , are nt you ? This is crazy ! It s insane ! It s -- it s -- details ! I need to know everything .
Rex : Um , no , I think it would be better if belle filled you in .
Mimi : Okay . Well , if you say so .
Rex : Look , Mimi , I did nt mean to drop such a bomb here . I probably should nt even have said anything , but I just --
Mimi : No , no . I m glad you did . Look , I m sorry about what I said earlier about you putting the moves on Belle . I just thought --
Rex : It s forgotten .
Mimi : You mean it ?
Rex : Yeah . You know , to be honest , I d much rather have Belle as a sister than a girlfriend . I mean , that way she ll always be a part of my life , no matter what .
Mimi : How sweet . Oh , my god . You know what I just realized ? If you re Belle s brother , then that means --
Cassie : Yep . That would make me her sister .
Craig : Did we miss something ? Hmm ?
Nancy : The three of us were just having a bonding moment .
Craig : Oh , is that so ?
Chloe : Yeah , girl talk . You would nt be interested .
Craig : So is that what it s going to be like now living with three ladies ?
Brady : Oh , you can crash at my place anytime .
Craig : I might just take you up on that , Brady .
Brady : Hey .
Chloe : Ooh .
Nancy : You have nt gotten Chloe s test results , have you ?
Craig : No . You ll be the first to know .
Nancy : What is taking so long ? Craig , they said they would put a rush on it . I want --
Craig : I want you to calm down . Those are doctor s orders , okay ? How are you feeling , anyway ? You comfortable ?
Nancy : Well , it could be a lot worse . Thank heavens for that epidural .
Craig : Come in .
Deb : Dr. Wesley .
Craig : Oh .
Deb : I have this for you .
Craig : Thanks , deb . Thanks .
Nancy : What is it ?
Craig : Chloe s test results .
Craig : I think we re going to have to check you in soon , Chloe . Um ... tell you what . Why do nt you go home , pack a suitcase , take care of any last - minute things you need to take care of , and I ll meet you back here in , say , a half- hour ? Okay . See you soon . It s okay .
Brady : Um , I m going to go grab your suitcase out of the jeep .
Chloe : Uh , no .
Brady : Why not ?
Chloe : Uh , because I forgot something , and we need to go home now .
Brady : You did nt forget anything . We packed together . We got your toothbrush , your slippers , your pjs .
Chloe : Just trust me , Brady .
Shawn - d : It s not what you think . I did nt confide in Cassie . She came to me . And what was I supposed to do ? She saw me pull the trigger .
Belle : Shawn , you had a million opportunities to tell me the truth .
Shawn - d : That would have only made things worse .
Belle : Okay , explain it to me then . How would telling the truth have made things worse ?
Shawn - d : I did nt want to get you involved . How many times do I have to say it ?
Shawn - d : I m sorry . I should nt have raised my voice . Okay , let me -- let me try and put this to you another way , all right ? You know what I love the best about you ? This . The fact that I was a jerk , and you never gave up hope . You want to know w ? ? Because you are the most loyal person that I know , and I love you for that . Okay , let s just say that I did go to jail for Colin s murder . Would you have been there for me through everything ?
Belle : Shawn , that s a stupid question . You know I would have .
Shawn - d : Right , right . That s exactly what I was afraid of . You would have thrown your life away for me . Do nt you see ? I thought that I was protecting you by not getting you involved . The last thing I wanted to see was you get hurt . But ... okay , that s what ended up happening , and you know what ? That is my fault .
Belle : No , no , do nt say that .
Shawn - d : No , no , no , no , no . It s true . It s true , and I do nt know how I m going to be able to make it up to you .
Belle : You can start by being honest with me . No more secrets .
Shawn - d : Sure .
Belle : There s one more thing .
Shawn - d : Mm - hmm .
Belle : If you happen to cross paths with Cassie again , do me a favor and turn and run the other way .
Shawn - d : You two are on the outs ?
Belle : Mm , yeah . Yeah , and it s not going to get any better .
Shawn - d : Why ?
Belle : Oh , cause , you know , Cassie and I just found out we re sisters .
Cassie : Pretty exciting news , huh ? About our extended family . So I guess you filled little Meems in on all the details .
Rex : I was thinking we ll let Belle do that .
Cassie : Whatever .
Cassie : [ Giggles ]
Mimi : Put that away . That s Belle s .
Cassie : You see , now that we re sisters , we can share clothes . Besides , it would be such a shame to waste this sexy little number on Belle . Do you think Shawn s seen it ?
Mimi : Oh , no , you do nt .
Cassie : Hey , where is he anyway ? He s not in his room , and I really need to talk to him .
Mimi : Oh , well , for your information , he s with Belle , his girlfriend . And the last thing they would need is for you to crash . In fact , they re probably getting it on as we speak .
Cassie : No .
Mimi : Well , what do you expect , Cassie ? That s what people do when they re in love .
Cassie : No !
Brady : You need to be forgetful more often .
Chloe : Mmm !
Chloe : We would nt want any unexpected guests .
Brady : No argument from me .
Brady : Ahh !
Chloe : [ Shrieks ]
Brady : Ha ha !
Shawn - d : Okay , so let me get this straight . Your mom gave birth to Cassie and Rex ? Wow . It s just one surprise after another .
Belle : Yeah , tell me about it . First , finding out that Tony was my uncle -- that was bad enough , but then to find out that I have another brother and sister ?
Shawn - d : Half - brother and sister .
Belle : Still , Shawn , uhh ! Someone needs to chop down my family tree and burn it .
Shawn - d : All right .
Belle : It just does nt make sense , Shawn . It s like one horrible nightmare .
Shawn - d : Well , it would explain something .
Belle : What ?
Shawn - d : That connection that you felt to them last summer . I mean , you would do anything for them , bend over backwards , and maybe it was because subconsciously you knew that they were family .
Belle : Some family . Rex and I get along . I mean , we re cool . But Cassie ? Shawn , that girl driving me nuts . How am I supposed to get through this ?
Shawn - d : I will help you . I m gon na be there for you . Nothing s gon na change .
Belle : You really do nt get it , do you ? With this new brother and sister , my life will never be the same .
Rex : What has gotten into you ? You re acting like a 2-year - old .
Mimi : Yeah , ever heard of anger management counseling ?
Cassie : You shut your face !
Rex : Look , Shawn is off limits , all right ? He s with Belle , and you got to deal with that .
Cassie : I do nt need to listen to this . I m gon na go find Shawn . Let go of me ! What is wrong with you ? !
Rex : I m so sorry , Mimi . Just one second , okay ?
Mimi : Trust me , I m not going anywhere .
Rex : Look , Cassie , if you re not careful , you re gon na lose all your friends , including Shawn . So 86 the jealousy bit , huh ? It s really starting to get ugly .
Cassie : You re right . I m -- I m sorry . I guess I got a little carried away . And I m sorry I ve been such a pain .
Rex : It s all right . Just watch yourself . Look , why do nt you go over to the mansion and kick back for a while ? All right , I m gon na check with Mimi and see if she needs any help picking up the glass .
Cassie : Tell her I m sorry that I let my inner drama queen take over .
Rex : I will . Look , everything is going to work out , all right ? For both of us .
Rex : All right .
Cassie : Things are going to work out , all right . You can count on it . Think there s a better way
Shawn - d : Just because your family suddenly got bigger does nt mean that your whole world is gon na be turned upside down . Sure , things are gon na be tough for a little while , but look at all the stuff your parents have been through . This is the kind of stuff that makes people stronger .
Belle : Or tears them down .
Shawn - d : Not you .
Belle : Shawn , I m not as perfect as you seem think I am .
Shawn - d : Oh , yeah ? By - the - book Belle ? You are like every parent s dream . When have you ever made a mistake ? Hmm ?
Belle : Well ...
Shawn - d : Okay . I m gon na give you 5 seconds , and I do nt mean leaving the cap off the toothpaste . 4 ... 3 ... 2 ...
Belle : Okay , all right . You made your point . Maybe I should just forget the whole college thing and join a convent .
Shawn - d : Oh , yeah .
Belle : I m serious , Shawn . You know why I m like this , do nt u u -- why I m such a straight arrow ? Because I grew up with a sister like Sami . She was my big sister . She was supposed to set a good example for me . At least that s what my parents were hoping for . And although they never said it in so many words , I know they were disappointed in her . Now I have this new sister , and I just -- I feel like if I do nt reach out to Cassie and try and be a role model for her , that ... my mom is going to be disappointed in me . What am I gon na do ?
Rex : All right , that should do it .
Mimi : Oh ... it s too bad we ca nt glue it back together or something . Belle s gon na freak .
Rex : I will make sure that Cassie buys her a new one . She really is sorry , you know ?
Mimi : Do nt worry about it . [ Coughs ] What girl has nt lost it over a guy at one point in her life ? Especially when that guy is Shawn Brady .
Rex : You had a thing for him , did nt you ?
Mimi : [ Gasps ]
Mimi : Hey , Shawn .
Shawn - d : What s up , Mimi ?
Mimi : Um , so you said , uh , you re not going to the dance , right ?
Shawn - d : Yeah , that s right .
Mimi : H - how come ?
Shawn - d : I told you . I do nt like those things , you know ?
Mimi : Well , I mean , do nt you want to see who Belle s date is ?
Shawn - d : Not enough to suffer through that . But ... so , who are you going with ?
Mimi : Um , just -- act-- um ... actually , no -- no one ... yet . Um ... so I thought that -- I was thinking that maybe , um ... um ... if you thought that , um ...
Shawn - d : What ?
Mimi : You and me , we could -- we could go to the dance together . But just as friends . And ... so , what do you say ?
Shawn - d : Mimi , I told you . I do nt like dances . I do nt want to go . It s not my thing .
Mimi : So ? Shawn , who cares ? I ca nt -- I ca nt go to the dance alone . Do you know how embarrassing that would be ? Please , Shawn , say you ll go with me . Please ? Say yes . Shawn , say you ll go with me .
Shawn - d : Mimi , what are you doing ?
Mimi : It ll be over before you know it , and once we get there , you can just ignore me and --
Shawn - d : No .
Mimi : Just come with me . Please ? Please , Shawn , just come with me , and then --
Shawn - d : Fine . Okay , fine . All right ? Just --
Mimi : Are you going to take me ?
Shawn - d : Yes , I ll take you .
Mimi : Okay . Thanks .
Shawn - d : Right . Okay .
Mimi : Okay .
Shawn - d : Right . Bye . Yeah .
Mimi : That s great . Um , okay . Okay , bye . See ya . Thanks . Oh ... I ll confess , I was a total Shawn - a - holic back in high school .
Rex : What about Belle ? Did nt that make things weird ?
Mimi : Very , especially when we went to prom together .
Rex : You and Shawn ?
Mimi : Me and Shawn and Belle . Yeah . Boy , am I glad that chapter s over . Anyway , Cassie will learn , as I did , that Belle and Shawn are meant to be together . And I m sure if you give Shawn a chance , you ll realize how good he is for your new sister .
Rex : No . No one is good enough for Belle .
Mimi : [ Coughing ]
Rex : Are you all right ?
Mimi : Yeah , I just need my medicine .
Rex : Here , let me get it for you . What is wrong with this thing ?
Mimi : Give it to me . You re turning it the wrong way .
Rex : Oh !
Mimi : My god ! I am so sorry ! Oh , do nt move . Do nt move . Oh , my god . Do nt move . Um ... uh ... please , I said do nt move . Belle is going to freak out if we get it on her bedspread . I just hope this is nt a new shirt .
Rex : I got it for Christmas .
Mimi : Oh , my god . Well ... I m sorry . Here . Um , well , maybe club soda . That works , right ? Uh , well , that s maybe for ketchup . Oh , well , this is pretty much the same thing . I do nt think it matters , but here , we ll try it anyway . Let me get this off . Oh ... god .
Chloe : It s Craig , is nt it ?
Brady : It s time .
Rex : Wait .
Mimi : What is it ?
Rex : You have a little cough syrup on your face .
Mimi : Ha .
Mimi : Actually , you have some on your face , too . Here .
Rex : Uh , I -- I think I m gon na give that club soda thing a try .
Mimi : Right .
Rex : You feel better , okay ?
Mimi : Oh ... I do . Better all the time .
Shawn - d : Do nt worry about disappointing your mom , okay ? I m sure she does nt expect you and Cassie to be best friends .
Belle : Yeah , but I still feel responsible .
Shawn - d : Well , you should nt . No matter what your relationship with Cassie is , I am sure your mom and dad are not going to judge you . They love you no matter what , just like I love you .
Craig : Hey .
Chloe : Hey . Something s wrong , is nt it ?
Craig : No , no . I just had a little discussion with your doctor about your test results , that s all .
Chloe : And ?
Craig : And we re just a little concerned about the level of your platelets , that s all . But , sweetheart , the good news is you re still in remission , and just to be on the safe side , we re gon na start you on radiation immediately , okay ?
Brady : Come here .
Craig : Come here .
Kate : Roman s the best man I ve ever been involved with .
Lucas : Yeah , but , mom --
Kate : That s why I knew we were doomed from the start .
Cassie : I was wondering if maybe you d still like to have that late breakfast with me ... mom .
John : You have something for me ?
Man : Everything you need to take down Tony Dimera .
### Summary:
| Nancy s labor continues as Chloe prepares to be admitted for her bone marrow transplant . She and Brady make love and are called back to the hospital . Shawn and Belle reunite and update eachother on the days happenings . Cassie wacthes on and runs away . Rex and Mimi chat sweetly and Cassie comes in angry , breaking a Shawn and Belle picture frame . Rex pulls her aside and tells her to go home . Later , Mimi spills medicine on Rex takes off his shirt ( oo la la ) |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Carlos : You and I , what we could ve had -- it s lost .
Bianca : You re not going to leave , are you ?
Michael : Going to give me what I need ?
Anna : We lost a child ! That can either drive us apart or it can bring us closer together .
Tad : I am sorry . I never meant to imply that you ever thought of me as anything other than a dear friend who just happens to know you biblically .
Simone : Oh , this is so much harder than I expected .
Greenlee : Simone , I swear , your life is one endless bitch - fest .
Simone : What ? Greenlee , come on . I mean , narrowing this playing field down to 25 finalists for the sexiest man contest ?
Mia : Yeah , it s like when you go to a restaurant and the menu s as thick as a phone book and you ca nt decide between the Cajun shrimp and the avocado spring roll , but then you get a sudden urge for a veggie burger and the works , and do nt even get me started on dessert .
Greenlee : Is this work or virtual dining ?
Mia : I m sorry . I did nt have breakfast , ok ? Oh , hey , hey , this guy . We did nt even see him . He looks like he could make the cut . Yeah ?
Simone : For the contest or for our bet ?
Greenlee : Simone , finding the perfect guy for our personal use is totally separate from the sexiest man contest . Cross the line , you and Mia lose the bet .
Simone : Yeah , we will land our perfect man .
Mia : Yeah .
Simone : And we ll cash in on those shares of Fusion stock .
Mia : Whoo !
Greenlee : Not if Kendall and I win first . Then we bank three months take - home pay , yours and Mia s .
Mia : Say what ?
Simone : Where did you come up with that ?
Greenlee : I figured Fusion s stock - to - salary ratio . Keeps the stakes high but even .
Mia : I m living paycheck to paycheck as it is .
Greenlee : If it s too much for you , maybe we can call off the bet .
Simone : Are you calling our bluff , Greenlee ?
Greenlee : Maybe .
Simone : Look at her smugness . She thinks she s already won . Right , Greenlee ? Because whatever it was that happened last night , you think that you can just snap your little fingers and Carlos will be yours whether you want him or not .
Greenlee : I do nt want him . Not in this lifetime or any other .
Lena : Boyd . Good morning .
Boyd : Hey .
Lena : Is Bianca up yet ?
Boyd : Actually , I have nt seen her yet this morning , but you re welcome to wait for her down here . You , too , Officer , uh --
Officer : Morrison , sir .
Lena : I m sorry . Officer Morrison has been assigned to watch my back .
Boyd : Oh , very nice . Where do I sign up for a job like that ?
Lena : You heard Michael Cambias made bail ?
Boyd : Yeah , it s all over the news .
Lena : Any sign of him around here ?
Boyd : Are you kidding me ? Believe me , this is the last place Cambias is going to want to show his face .
Michael : You mind if I share this bench ?
Bianca : No . No .
Bianca : No , no , do nt come near me . Just get out of here . Just stay away from me !
Man : Ok , ok . Jeez . Do nt have an attack . You can have the whole bench to yourself .
Edmund : Maria , how did I ever sleep without you ?
Maria : On your back , probably snoring .
Edmund : The bed was way too empty way too long .
Maria : I ca nt even tell where I end and you begin .
Edmund : Should be easy enough to figure out .
Maria : Is it ?
Edmund : That is definitely you .
Maria : Hmm . Well , this is definitely you .
Edmund : What else you got down there ?
Maria : Want the nickel tour ?
Edmund : Yeah , sure .
Maria : Follow me .
Edmund : All right , where do we begin ?
Maria : Well , you can begin by getting your elbow out of my eye .
Edmund : That s not my elbow .
Maria : That s not my eye .
Mia : Oh , God .
Simone : Hey , Greenlee . That copy s upside down .
Greenlee : Go away .
Simone : So I m so glad to know that you are totally and completely over Carlos . Are you sure there s nothing left ?
Greenlee : Not even a trace . Carlos and I have reached the point of no return and I m not looking back .
Simone : Then I d better get my eyes checked because when Carlos came in here , I could have sworn I saw a hint of a spark , a speck , something .
Mia : Simone , why do you even care ?
Greenlee : Because Simone still turns to mush whenever Carlos does a flyby , so she assumes that he turns all women to silly putty .
Simone : Look , I am just trying to guard my interests .
Greenlee : Which include getting Carlos into your bed ?
Simone : Carlos is your perfect man , not mine .
Greenlee : Meaning ?
Simone : Meaning that you just might get desperate enough to go after Carlos so that you wo nt lose the bet .
Greenlee : Please . Desperate is the last thing I am when it comes to men .
Simone : Really ? So you re saying that you re just going to sit back like the queen bee and let the drones get in their formation , then buzz your hive ?
Greenlee : No , but you assuming that I d fall back on Carlos to score an easy win is insulting .
Simone : Ok , then I take it back .
Greenlee : Thank you .
Simone : If you swear on a stack of sexy men videos that Carlos is really history and that you re really ready to move on without any secret hope that Carlos will come crawling back to you with a ring as big as an S.U.V.
Greenlee : I do nt stand still for any man , and as far as I m concerned , any woman who lets her whole life shut down because it did nt work out with one guy is beyond pathetic .
Simone : Hi , Liza .
Liza : Hello . Hope you were taking notes .
Mia : Hope you were taking notes .
Liza : Me ?
Mia : Yeah , you , big sis . What s your excuse for putting your life on hold ?
Anna : Oh , no , I m -- you want me to fix you something ?
David : No . No , I m not really hungry right now .
Anna : I d like some coffee . I ll go put the water on .
David : Ok .
Anna : Would nt you know it ? We re out of beans .
David : Well , that s all right . I ll run out and get some .
Anna : No , I ll go . It s ok .
David : No , Anna , please . Let me go , ok ?
Edmund : Proposition .
Maria : Ok . I like the way that sounds already .
Edmund : Being that Sammy s in summer camp , and Maddie s in a slumber party , I suppose we could stretch this out one more day just like this ?
Maria : I do nt know why not . We could just have Stella dust around us . Oh , my God . Edmund --
Edmund : What , baby ?
Maria : Do you know this is the first time since I had my memory back that we ve been alone that the kids have nt been around ?
Edmund : Great , let s take full advantage of the opportunity .
Maria : Oh ! Down , boy . Down , down , down .
Edmund : That s not what you said 10 minutes ago .
Maria : No , I just want to take this time to celebrate . I want to celebrate and be grateful for the zillion and one things that we have to be grateful for .
Edmund : We ve been celebrating all night .
Maria : I just think that , you know , maybe we need a total change of scenery . Like the shower .
Edmund : You know , I m sorry , I m really tempted , but I ve got that story I ve got to file for Tempo and I ve got a deadline , and if I miss that deadline , just -- gotcha .
Maria : Oh , man .
Edmund : You are such an easy mark .
Maria : I guess .
Edmund : Do nt you know that there is nothing -- nothing -- that can compete with you ? Nothing . No story . Down with the story . I get to take a shower with my wife you know how good it feels to say that ?
Maria : What are we waiting for ?
Anna : What are you doing here ?
Tad : I could ask you the same question .
Man : Hey , Cindy , wait up .
Cindy : Eat my dust , loser .
Man : Who you calling loser ?
Cindy : Let me go .
Man : Make me .
Bianca s voice : Let me go !
Michael : Whoa , whoa . It s ok .
Man : Last one home gets dinner .
Cindy : Uh - huh .
Bianca : Get your hands off of me !
David : Bianca , I --
Bianca : David . Oh , my God , I m so sorry .
David : Are you all right ?
Bianca : Yeah , I -- I thought you were somebody else .
David : Who ?
Bianca : This guy -- um , this guy was hassling me before .
David : Well , who was it ? I ll call the police .
Bianca : No . No , no , no . It s ok , it s ok . He s gone . Um , there s nothing that the police can do .
David : You look like you ve been up all night .
Bianca : Oh . Um , yeah . I ve had something on my mind , I guess .
David : Well , did you and Erica have a falling - out or something ?
Bianca : No . No , no , no , no , it has nothing to do with Mom or anybody . It s -- it s just me .
David : Hmm . You remember when Erica and I were seeing each other ? You and I became pretty good friends at that time .
Bianca : Yeah , I remember .
David : I m still here , Bianca . If something s bothering you and you feel like you need to confide in someone --
Bianca : No . Um -- what does it matter , anyway ? I mean , whatever happens , the sun still comes out in the morning , right ? Life goes on , with or without you .
David : Yeah , I ve been asking myself that same question lately -- how can my whole world have fallen apart and the world just continues on like it s just any other day ?
Bianca : Oh , God , David . I m sorry about Leora .
David : Yeah .
Bianca : How do you do it ? When the unthinkable happens , how do you get out of bed in the morning ?
David : You know , there are still those moments , those few precious seconds at the beginning of each day when you re lying there in bed and you re not fully conscious . You just take a deep breath . You hope that the whole thing is just one -- one terrible nightmare . That Leora is still lying in her cradle , dreaming those dreams that babies dream , and then I rub my eyes , and I look around , and I realize it s not a dream , that I m all alone , and this is hell .
Bianca : And it hits you that it really happened , and you ca nt erase it and you ca nt undo it , no matter how tightly you shut your eyes .
David : Bianca , whatever this is , whatever s brought you to this place , you can tell me . It might feel better just to say it .
Bianca : No , David , it s -- it s fine . I m -- I need to work this out on my own .
David : You do nt have to .
Bianca : Yeah . Yeah , I do .
Lena : Thank you . This is our itinerary , pending Bianca s approval , of course .
Boyd : Hmm . Prague , Vienna , Stuttgart . Pretty ambitious .
Lena : That s just for starters . Then we re heading to Paris and then a wee little villa in the south of France .
Boyd : Well , it sounds perfect .
Lena : Well , it s going to be amazing . Bianca makes me feel so -- oh , I do nt know . Really , I do nt even know what my life was like before she was in it . Oh , what am I doing pouring my heart out to you ? Bianca ? Hey , lazy bones !
Myrtle : Lena ? Oh , Lena , darling , Bianca is not upstairs .
Lena : Oh , Myrtle , hello . Do you know where she is ?
Myrtle : Well , it s a mystery . I went up this morning to give her fresh towels , and the bed was made , and she was gone , and it was pretty early .
Lena : Hmm . Well , here I am , yapping on about Bianca to Boyd , and she s not even here . Where could she be ? It s so early .
Boyd : Well , maybe while you were spending all this time yapping to me -- thank you very much -- she s off planning her own little trip to paradise .
Bianca : I should get back to Myrtle s before somebody misses me .
David : All right . But , I mean , you know my numbers . If you need anything , just contact me , all right ?
Bianca : Oh , thank you , David . No , I m fine . Bye .
Maria : Oh , my God , you re the biggest blanket hog !
Edmund : Well , you hog the blankets at home !
Edmund : Here , I ll give you some space .
Maria : No , no !
Edmund : There . Now you got enough blanket ?
Maria : No !
Edmund : Say Uncle !
Maria : All righty , all righty .
Edmund : Hayward , we do nt want any trouble .
David : Neither do I. Enjoy your day .
Edmund : Well , was that Hayward acting almost human ?
Maria : Yeah , I guess everybody s off to a fresh start today .
Edmund : Yeah .
Maria : Well , speaking of a fresh start , I say we take a little trip on the way - back machine to where it all began for us -- in a little paper bag .
Edmund : What is in this little paper bag ?
Maria : Check it out .
Liza : The memo says that supplies are missing . I mean , what does that mean ?
Greenlee : Simone ?
Mia : She s not here .
Greenlee : Where the hell -- we ve got tapes to screen , we ve got finalists to pick .
Mia : Yeah , I know . Simone s on top of it .
Greenlee : Doing what ?
Mia : Oh , she s down at Lacey s , checking on the display that we re setting up for the finalists of the sexy man contest .
Greenlee : Well , she could ve said something . Damn it , why is it still so hot in here ? Carlos was supposed to fix the air conditioning .
Mia : Oh , I think it s quite pleasant .
Greenlee : You know , that would just be so like him . Just because we did nt click romantically , he figures he does nt have to impress me with his studly repairman prowess .
Mia : Oh , I do nt think that Carlos --
Greenlee : Wonder how he d like it if I had a little chat with the building manager .
Mia : Greenlee , you would nt try to get Carlos sacked just because he dumped you ?
Greenlee : Mia , he did nt dump me . It was totally mutual .
Mia : Well , that s not what you said .
Greenlee : If he s too immature to handle the job that he s mean to do , then maybe it s best that he move on .
Liza : Ahem . So , where were we ?
Mia : We were in our separate corners .
Liza : We were fighting ?
Mia : Yeah , we were . But that depends how deeply embedded in denial you are .
Liza : Oh , right , right , we were talking about my so - called shutdown life .
Mia : Shutdown , on hold , nonexistent .
Liza : Nice . Is that how you really see me ?
Mia : I do nt know , Liza , let s examine your life since your divorce from Adam . You come home from work , you play with Colby , and you sit in front of the TV with a crossword puzzle and a bag of popcorn .
Liza : Well , when two people have -- when their marriage falls apart --
Mia : You and Adam were over way before you called it quits . You were , and I was expecting a huge comeback from you . I was expecting you to take life by the scruff and shake it up . And instead , it s like you re waiting for life to come along to you , and you ve been such a low profile , it s just passing you by .
Liza : Mia , I m not missing anything . I m not waiting for anything .
Mia : Oh , your life is just so rich and full . You re just afraid to -- well , it s a lot easier than facing your fears .
Liza : Facing what fears ?
Mia : Exposure . Commitment . Love .
Liza : Mia , if you even knew a little bit of my history --
Mia : Oh -- I ve been watching you for the past year , and all I ve seen is a woman who puts up a wall between herself and any kind of romance , even when it s staring you right in the face .
Liza : No , no , no . You know what , I am not going to have this conversation for the umpteenth time about Tad . He closes himself off worse than I do -- and excuse me , but who is on the couch with me ? Who knows the answer to 47 across ?
Mia : That would be me .
Liza : Yeah .
Mia : But not anymore , ok ?
Mia : No . I m going to be a risk - taker .
Liza : Mm - hmm .
Mia : Yeah . I know what I want , and I m going to go after it .
Liza : Does It have a name ?
Mia : Let s just say this is one bet I m winning , hands down .
Tad : So why are you here ? You come to arrest David ?
Anna : You want me to ?
Tad : Well , do nt you think it s a good idea , considering the man assaulted me , that he held me hostage in my own home , that he threatened me and my son ?
Anna : Tad , are you here to press charges against him ?
Tad : No . I think it s a little late for that . I came here to tell him if he intends to go anywhere near my family , as far as I m concerned , I do nt care what you do , it s self - defense . I will kill him .
Anna : He s not going to .
Tad : Why ? What d you do , issue another stern warning ? Tell him you were going to lock him up , throw away the key ?
Anna : He is not a threat to your family anymore , trust me .
Tad : Why ? How do you know ? You going to swear to me that the minute you turn your back he s not going to jump or kidnap somebody I care about ?
Anna : David and I have dealt with some issues about Leora s death that we were avoiding .
Tad : Yeah , well , do some of those issues happen to do with the future safety of my family ?
Anna : Mm - hmm . He realizes that revenge is pointless .
Tad : Well , it s too bad he did nt have this epiphany before , you know , he knocked me unconscious with a stun gun and handcuffed me to a chair .
Anna : From what I see this morning , he has totally retreated into himself .
Tad : What do you mean ? What d you see this morning ? You did nt spend the night here , did you ? Anna , do nt tell me you re going to start spending time with this psychopath .
Anna : Do nt talk about him like that .
Tad : Well , how am I supposed to talk about him after everything the man has done ?
Anna : I know him better than anyone . I know exactly what he is capable of . He is struggling now to change . I see that . I saw it last night .
Tad : No , no , what you saw last night was an act , and probably a damn good one if you re going to stand here this morning after he s tortured you and give him the benefit of the doubt .
Anna : Do nt you think it s time for some forgiveness and healing ?
Tad : No , I think it s time for you to get the hell out of here , ok , like take off and do nt look back .
Anna : Here s the line , and you are crossing it .
Tad : Anna , I m serious . Obviously , it s too late to save him , but it s not too late to save you .
Anna : Stop it .
Tad : No , no , come on , get your things , all right ?
Anna : Stop it !
Tad : It s time for you to leave . The sooner , the better .
David : To what do I owe this unexpected visit ?
Anna : Tad was just leaving .
Tad : I guess you re not the only one that can use the element of surprise .
David : All right , so surprise me .
Tad : It s just as well she s here . You consider this fair warning -- if you go anywhere near my family , if you so much as look cross - eyed at my son --
David : Warning noted and accepted . Anything else ?
Tad : That s it ? About turn , forward march ?
David : You have a problem with that ?
David : Not anymore . I m willing to let it go if you are .
Tad : That s it ?
David : Yeah .
Tad : What s the catch ?
David : That s it . No catch , Tad . Accept it .
Tad : Well , you re going to have to forgive me if I do nt fall down with relief . I mean it , I ve got my eye on you . If you re doing this for her benefit --
David : What is it with you Martins ? You get what you want and you re still not satisfied . What the hell do you want from me ?
Anna : Ok , you ve made your point . I think you should leave .
Tad : Maybe you should leave with me .
Anna : No , I belong here . I m staying .
Tad : Yeah . Well , you know where to find me if you need me .
David : Thank you .
Edmund : Al fresco dining , Szechwan style .
Maria : Mmm . Remember our first encounter with Chinese takeout ?
Edmund : Julia left the cartons out for a couple hours , sponsored an e. coli fest .
Maria : Mm - hmm .
Edmund : Mm - hmm .
Maria : And actually , it was that very night , on my bathroom floor , as I tossed my moo goo gai pan and you wiped my forehead with a damp washcloth that I realized what kind of man you really were .
Edmund : I guess I ll always be grateful to Julia for making you so sick .
Maria : Well , you know what , I will always grateful to you for sticking with me through the toughest times in my life and never giving up on me .
Edmund : I never will . Hey .
Maria : Hi .
Anna : Ahem . Here .
David : Thanks .
Anna : What do you say we go and do something ? Somewhere .
David : All right .
Anna : Go down to the beach , take a walk , get some air . Maybe pick up some food and a bottle of wine ?
David : That sounds -- sounds perfect .
Anna : It s not perfect . I ll go put some things in a bag .
David : Oh , Anna -- I m sorry .
Anna : What ?
David : The free clinic . Janelle has been pulling double shifts ever since -- you know , ever since Leora , and I promised her that I would stop by today to relieve her . Believe me , I d much rather spend the day with you .
Anna : That s ok .
David : I m really sorry .
Anna : No , it s ok . If you promised Janelle , then you should go .
David : Yeah . Well , then I guess I ll be going , ok ? I ll call you later .
Anna : You have a good day .
David : You , too .
Maria : Oh , my God . I am so stuffed .
Edmund : I hope you saved room for one more surprise .
Maria : What s that ?
Edmund : Here you go . Open it up , find out .
Maria : Oh , my God ! Thank you .
Maria : This is fabulous . Do you know I have been looking all over creation for this ?
Edmund : The Neurobiology of Disease .
Maria : Oh , my God , how --
Edmund : Nothing like a little light summer reading .
Maria : This is great . I desperately need this for my recertification exam . Oh , my God . How did you know ? Well , you knew .
Edmund : Yeah , well , you know , you talk in your sleep .
Maria : Oh , this is awesome , I mean , really awesome because the university bookstore has been out of it . It s on backorder . Thank you . And what is this ?
Maria : Makes a little jiggly jiggle .
Maria : Oh , Edmund , that s beautiful .
Edmund : Open it up .
Maria : Our babies .
Edmund : See what it says ?
Maria : March 11 , 1994 , June 16 , 2003 .
Edmund : That s the first time and the last time we re ever getting married .
Maria : You know those were two of the most important days in our lives together ? And this one makes three .
Maria : That s a great picture of them .
Michael : Whoa , whoa , whoa .
Bianca : Let me go !
Michael : It s ok .
Bianca s voice : Get out !
Michael : Like hell I will ! There you are .
Mia : Hello ? Oh , wow .
Aidan : Hello ? Who s out there ? Is there something I can help you with ?
Tad : Liza , I m here .
Liza : Oh , Tad . That was fast .
Tad : Well , your call said it was a matter of life or death . Who needs saving ?
Liza : You do .
Tad : How s that ?
Liza : Well , you know what -- by the time I m done with you , you ll be down on your knees .
Tad : Doing what ?
Liza : Thanking me .
Tad : For ?
Liza : For giving you what you need -- a love like you have never known before in your life .
Simone : Oh , Carlos .
Carlos : Simone .
Simone : What s up ? What -- what are you doing down here ?
Carlos : Well , I came to talk to Sydney , my boss , about resigning from the maintenance group .
Simone : That s what I was afraid of . Oh , Carlos , please , rethink this . Do nt make this about Greenlee .
Carlos : This is not about Greenlee , Simone .
Simone : Carlos , I mean , losing someone hurts even if you re the one that does the letting - go , but , you know , you have to admit it and deal with it . Otherwise , you re not going to be a whole person , someone that you can give yourself to to someone else .
Carlos : Ok , ok , thanks for caring , but this is not denial . I mean , breaking up with Greenlee was just a pure act of sanity .
Simone : Ok , but , Carlos --
Carlos : No , no , no , Simone . Cuidate , ok ? Got to go .
Simone : Shoot . Oh ! Oh ! Oh , Carlos !
Carlos : Simone ? What happened ?
Simone : Oh , my heel ! My ankle ! Oh , God !
Carlos : Ok , ok , ok . Do nt move . Ok , you re all right , you re all right . You re all right , you re all right .
Simone : Oh , God , thank God for you .
Carlos : You re all right . Shh , shh . It s all right , it s all right , it s all right . You ll be ok . You re alive , right ?
Simone : I think I broke it . Oh . Oh . Yeah , right there .
Carlos : Does it hurt ?
Simone : Yes . Oh , yes . Oh , you have -- oh , you have the most strong , soft , gentle hands . Oh . Oh .
Lena : Finally , you came back to me . I missed you so much . I wanted to spend the night last night . I left you a note . Did you find it ? Bianca , look at these buttons . You must have been in some hurry this morning .
Bianca : No , do nt touch me .
Eden Riegel : If you re sexually assaulted , reach out for help . Do nt try to go it alone like Bianca . The national sexual assault hotline at 1 - 800 - 656-hope offers free and confidential counseling . They know what you re going through , and they can help .
Mia : I could use a little help , and you seem pretty good with your hands .
Liza : If there s anybody who knows what you need , it s me , and I want to be able to give it to you .
Greenlee : Grow up . Jackson does nt want you .
Mary : You do nt know all the facts .
Bianca : How do you get over being raped ?
### Summary:
| Edmund and Maria spend a romantic day having a picnic at the park . David and Anna seem to be getting along better and decide to have breakfast together . While David is out for coffee , Tad comes over to warn Anna to keep David away from his family . He repeats his warnings when David comes home . David calmly tells him that he s willing to walk away from everything . Tad seems relieved but tells David that he s going to continue keeping his eyes on him . Greenlee tells Simone that she s over Carlos and that she s going to go out looking for other sexy men . Simone does nt seem convinced and thinks Greenlee will want to get back with Carlos in order to win the competition . Greenlee becomes furious and tells Simone that she can have Carlos all to herself . She says she s going to have Carlos fired since he still has nt fixed the air - conditioning . Simone goes down to the maintenance room to warn Carlos , but then realizes that Carlos already resigned . She tries to talk to Carlos , but when he starts walking away , she pretends to sprain her ankle . Carlos rushes towards her and starts massaging her foot . Just then Greenlee walks in and become furious . Mia tells Liza that she s determined to fix her love life and urges Liza to do the same . When Tad comes by the office , Liza tells him that she s going to give him the love of his life . Meanwhile , Mia goes over to see Aidan . Lena goes to Myrtle s to look for Bianca , but gets disappointed when Myrtle and Boyd tell her that they have nt seen Bianca all night . Bianca is still at the park and she keeps having visions of Michael trying to force himself on her . She comes home and finds Michael standing in the corner . When he comes over to hug her , Bianca become petrified and tells him to get his hands off her . She then realizes that it was Lena all along and that her mind was just playing tricks on her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Marlena : Thank you all for coming to this joyous celebration of love and commitment . Today we re here to witness the marriage of Jackson Kiriakis and William Horton .
Sonny : [ Mouths words ]
Will : [ Mouths words ]
Daniel : All right , the toys should be upstairs .
Daniel : Be right back .
Nicole : Okay , I ll just hang out here .
Daniel : Cool .
Marlena : I was so honored to be invited to officiate on this very special day . It is nt often we re invited to be a part of such a very joyous occasion . This wedding has a unique place in all of our lives ... and a precious place in my heart . Will and Sonny have written their own vows , but before we hear them , they ve asked several people to speak , beginning with Will s great- grandmother ... Caroline Brady . Caroline ?
Caroline : [ Sighs ]
Eric : Grandma ?
Caroline : Mm .
Eric : You re up . You can do it .
Will : It s okay , grandma . This was really a lot to ask of you , and it s really okay if you do nt .
Caroline : Will !
Will : Yes .
Caroline : Sonny .
Will : That s right .
Caroline : Uh ... Robert and James ran a little specialty shop next to the old fish market called gifts from the sea . There were some silly gifts , and there were some nice gifts too . When we opened the pub , they were among our first customers-- dark ale with a shot chaser . And then they had this thing . They would -- they would pour each other s beer , and then they would toast for getting through another day at the docks . [ Laughs ]
Nicole : Oh . Hey , miles . Wait a minute . I have bad reception . Hang on . Okay , go ahead . No . No , no , no . I ll send it to you later .
Daniel : Here they are .
Nicole : Ah , you got the toys .
Daniel : Yeah .
Nicole : Whoo .
Daniel : Oh , look at this thing .
Nicole : Hmm ?
Daniel : Looks like a bloody zombie from hell .
Nicole : Oh , creepy .
Daniel : Yeah .
Nicole : That s for little Parker ?
Daniel : Yeah , you know what ? I suppose I should go through these . What do you think ?
Nicole : It is probably a good--
Daniel : Eh , yeah .
Nicole : What the hell is that ?
Caroline : Robert could spin a yarn . He was Irish , of course , you know -- a touch of blarney . And James could have finished every sentence , cause he d heard it all before . But he would laugh . And that laugh would just fill the pub . Then one day ... Robert came in alone , and then he sat at the bar . And Shawn set up their special drink , and I was just about to ask , where s James ? And then James came in with some people and ... and sat at a table ... and not a word to Robert ... like he did nt even know him . And these people-- they were calling him Jimmy . We never called him jimmy . He was James , you know ? And Robert ... was sitting at the bar and never turned around . And he poured James beer ... and then he poured his own . And then he just ... the beer just sat . And Robert sat ... looking at it . Then it hit me . That was James family . Then I knew for the first time for sure that they were gay . Me -- I never cared . But it never occurred to me ... what it cost them . I do nt know which one of them broke my heart most . But in the end , I knew who the real loser was . It was that family ... cause jimmy -- he did nt laugh . He barely spoke . Their son , brother , was a stranger to them . So , when Will and Sonny came to me , I knew that they were nervous . [ Chuckles ] But I said to myself , hallelujah ! This is a world where we can really know who our precious boys are , and they can really love each other and be who they are . Congratulations , Will ... and Sonny . I wish you a lifetime of laughter ... and finishing each other s sentences .
Caroline : If you live long enough , that might come in handy .
Justin : One day when Sonny was about three years old , I found him on a second- story window ledge . There was a dragon kite stuck in a tree outside his window , and he wanted it , so he was climbing outside and just going for it .
Justin : Most kids , you struggle to get them to eat their vegetables or do their homework . Our struggle was to teach Sonny to sometimes just show a little caution .
Justin : Be careful . He had no fear ... and we had no idea when he was three what a gift that would be for him in his life . Sonny came out to his mother and me when he was 15 years old . And like most parents , I was nt surprised when I thought about it . But I was in awe ... of his strength , his certainty . And he told us that he had struggled for a while , but that he knew who he was . It was that fearlessness , that fearlessness that saw him through . I was in awe of that then , and I still am . Sonny can handle anything on his own ... but his mother and I are so glad that now he does nt have to , because he s found a partner in Will , someone who will give him a reason to want to come home at night , someone who loves him and supports him and will make sure that no matter what life sends their way ... he will be by his side .
Nicole : This is a disaster . I mean , how does she even keep track of her money ?
Daniel : I do nt know . Why do nt you ask her ? I m sure she d love that .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ] Look at this . These are tallies . It s like--
Daniel : What ?
Nicole : It s like hieroglyphics ...
Daniel : Yeah .
Nicole : On an ibis .
Daniel : [ Laughs ]
Nicole : You know what I m talking about ?
Daniel : [ Laughs ] I do .
Nicole : And that looks like snoopy .
Daniel : Snoopy right there . Yeah , well , you know , you re preaching to the choir , cause I have secretly considered trying to take this from her and straighten it out , but I do love the fact that she still talks to me , so ...
Nicole : Oh , my God , she s --
Daniel : Yeah , do nt go any further . We re done , done .
Nicole : Done .
Daniel : Done . So let s drop these off at my place , and we will finally get a bite to eat .
Nicole : Sounds good .
Daniel : Your drum ?
Nicole : Give me the drum .
Daniel : Carry on . Let s go . [ Hitting drum ] Oh , my gosh , that girl . I ll tell you what-- you get out out line ...
Nicole : Yeah .
Daniel : Boom .
Nicole : Oh !
Daniel : Did I hit you ? I did nt hit you . I did not hit you .
Nicole : You know what ? Let me get the door .
Daniel : Get out of here .
Nicole : [ Laughs ]
Daniel : Oh , my God , I m so sorry .
Lucas : Well , you just heard from Justin how it was A ... relatively smooth process when Sonny came out to his family . And the truth is , it was the exact same way for Will when he came out to his family .
Lucas : Right ? Drama - free !
Lucas : No arguments at all . I mean , Sami and I are both rational people . We never fight . We never argue . And we always see eye to eye , when it comes to our children especially .
Lucas : That laughter -- I m very grateful for that . It s our saving grace in our family . Um ... will -- he , uh -- he had it tough growing up . And although I ca nt , uh , fully speak for Sami -- I know better -- but today maybe we both can agree that ... our son , Will , was , uh ... the best thing we could have ever asked for . He was a better son than we both deserved . And when he came out to us ... Sami had a moment . Sonny came along , and , uh , their relationship blossomed , and then it was my turn to have a moment .
Lucas : I guess I just thought that deep down my son was going through , uh , some sort of state of confusion and that he would figure things out . But it turns out that I was the one who was confused . I am really sorry for the way I reacted , and I m so sorry for the way I treated you , Sonny . It s not the kind of life that I envisioned for my son when he was growing up ... but it is better than anything I could have ever asked for . Growing up with two crazy parents like us , despite everything we put you through , you still managed to find the love and happiness that you deserve . And I am just so proud to call you my son .
Sonny : You know , uh , most people never have to think about why it is that you could even get married ... but we did . And we looked back , and we did some research , and we learned a lot . And Abigail and JJ were nice enough to help us find photos of people and moments that got us here today . And we would love for all of you to take a look at these photos , after the ceremony , at the reception ... because we owe them ... just like we owe all of you .
Will : We re so grateful that you all could and would be here . We could nt imagine this day without each and every one of you . Thank you .
Marlena : Let s make this official .
Nicole : Oh .
Daniel : What ?
Nicole : Sonny and Will walking down the aisle . [ Laughs ]
Daniel : Oh , they look so happy .
Nicole : Yeah .
Daniel : Look at that .
Nicole : Ooh . That s the kind of grin I m gon na have . Oh , I ca nt wait to start planning my wedding .
Daniel : So you have to choose between Nicole and the church ?
Eric : I guess that s what it comes down to .
Nicole : The Victor wedding I did nt have much to do with , but this is the first wedding that I actually feel like is mine ... and Eric s too , of course . And ... wow . You are awfully quiet . What s going on ?
Daniel : Uh ...
Marlena : Sonny .
Sonny : I love a good adventure . That s been my life . And what my dad said is kind of true . I ve been out on the edge my entire life . I ve been to every continent on this earth , and if someone would have asked me a couple years ago , I would have said that would be my life ... until I met you . You re my anchor . You re my anchor that does nt weigh me down ... but gives me something to hold on to ... a reason to make a home . Our life together is the greatest adventure of my life . I love you so much . And I ca nt wait to spend the rest of my life with you and Arianna .
Will : I ca nt say that I grew up with the same hunger for adventure that you did . I wanted to escape sometimes , and I did some pretty messed - up things to make that happen . But beside that , I never really thought about my future very much . It felt like my own skin was a coat that was too heavy . And even when I came out , it was nt as though the coat suddenly fit . It was more like I finally understood why it never would . I did nt believe I d ever find any kind of love , let alone the love that I ve found with you . E.M. Forster once described love as two imperfect souls coming together to create something close to perfection . That s how I ve felt since the day that I met you , even if I m the one who brings more of the imperfection into the equation .
Sonny : That s not true .
Will : I respect you . I admire you . I adore you . But most of all ... Sonny ... I love you .
Marlena : May we have the rings , please ?
Will : [ Chuckles ]
Sonny : I , Jackson , take you , Will ...
Will : To be my lawfully wedded husband .
Sonny : I promise to love and honor you through good times and bad ...
Will : In sickness and health ...
Sonny : For richer or poorer ...
Will : For as long as we both shall live .
Sonny : As I give you this ring ...
Will : So I give you my heart .
Marlena : May the love you share ... be the bond that brings you strength and comfort ... and joy ... all the days of your lives . It is my very great honor to pronounce you ... Jackson Steven Kiriakis ... and William Robert Horton ... husbands for life .
Lucas : I ll take this little girl .
Will : Yeah , come on .
Sami : Okay . I am so , so proud of you .
Will : Why ? I got lucky .
Sami : What ? You are a terrific person . That s why you got such a great partner , that beautiful baby . Despite everything--
Will : Okay , hold on . Hold on . Let me just--
Sami : No , no .
Will : Can I--
Sami : Oh , my God . Do not try to make this okay for your father and me . This is your day . You do nt have to do that . It is your day for me to tell you how lucky we are to have such an incredible son who , despite everything--
Will : Okay , let me just say one thing , just cause it is my day and everything .
Sami : Fire away .
Will : If there was one thing that you and dad taught me , it s how much family matters , and that it s worth fighting for .
Sami : Well , I know you have the scars to prove it .
Will : [ Chuckles ]
Sami : I know you have spent way too much time in your life already worrying about me and taking care of me , which is why I am so glad that now you have someone in your life ... who ll be taking care of you .
Will : Mom .
Sami : [ Sniffles ]
Victor : Caroline , I want a copy of that speech of yours .
Caroline : Oh , well ...
Maggie : It was beautiful .
Caroline : Oh . Well , I was so nervous , I ca nt even remember what I was saying .
Victor : Oh , you . I ve seen you wrangle that St. Patty s day crowd down at the pub . I ca nt imagine this bunch would faze you .
Caroline : Oh , well , thank you so much for letting us use your beautiful home .
Victor : Oh , I m more than happy to open the house to family , regardless of what that meant . Well , it s a day of tolerance and acceptance , I was told .
Ciara : I love that bag .
Theresa : What ?
Ciara : Your purse is to die for . Where did you get it ?
Theresa : A really nice boy gave it to me .
Ciara : He must be really into you .
Theresa : I think he is .
Ciara : Remember you promised to teach me how to get boys to do whatever I want ?
Theresa : Sure , but let s , uh ... let s get you into middle school first , okay ? [ Chuckles ]
Eric : You did beautifully .
Marlena : Thank you . That is high praise coming from you . Where s Nicole ?
Eric : She had to work . But she d be happy to know that she would have been welcome .
Marlena : Of course .
Daniel : Nothing s wrong . Nothing -- except I m hungry . All right , let s go , come on .
Nicole : All right , yep , that was pretty smooth . I give it an 85 ... but I know you , Jonas . Come on , something s up . What are nt you telling me ?
Daniel : I m telling you , let s move it , legs . Come on . [ Sighs ]
Nicole : He s not telling me anything .
Daniel : Ooh , I am really , really hungry . Let s go . It s stuck .
Nicole : Oh . Sorry .
Liam : Just one more thing .
Jordan : I got it . You ladies look so gorgeous .
Gabi : Oh .
Abigail : Oh , that s so cute . Thank you .
Gabi : I love it .
Abigail : Gosh , I ve never been a best woman before .
Gabi : I know -- we re gon na have to come up with a new name , are nt we ? Let me see ?
Abigail : Yeah , what can we call that ?
Sami : [ Giggles ]
EJ : Whoa !
Sami : Oh ! Oh ! Oh , my goodness . Hi . Sorry . Hi , ladies .
EJ : Hey , lovely to see you all .
Abigail : Hey . You know , I m gonna-- I need to find my brother , JJ .
Sami : Oh , oh , no , wait . I wanted to thank you and JJ both , actually . You have both done so much to make this wedding special for Sonny and Will . Thank you .
Abigail : Yeah .
Gabi : You guys must be getting excited . Is nt your wedding soon ?
Sami : [ Laughs ] It is .
EJ : Uh , yes . Yes , it is .
Sami : Yes , and I am the luckiest woman on the planet .
Gabi : Oh , okay , I just got a text . The dance is starting , so we should go .
Sami : We have to go , come on .
EJ : Yeah .
Sami : Yeah , let s go .
Lucas : Excuse me , ladies and gentlemen , it s time for the grooms first dance .
All : Oh .
Sonny : [ Laughs ]
Will : [ Laughs ] Hey .
EJ : Hey . Time to find your mommy . And the room at the Salem inn is in your name . Everything s taken care of .
Will : Wait . What ... what is everything ?
EJ : Oh , you ll see . It s a surprise from your mother .
Will : Thank you .
EJ : You re welcome . Enjoy .
Sonny : I swear we will have a real honeymoon very soon .
Will : I do nt care about that .
Roman : [ Chuckles ]
Will : Hey .
Roman : Hey .
Will : Where have you guys been ?
Sonny : You know , we did nt get a chance to thank you for such an amazing job today . It was wonderful .
Marlena : It was my great pleasure .
Roman : Well , where we were is , we called your aunt Carrie .
Sonny : Is that their little one ?
Will : Not so little anymore .
Marlena : But too small to fly with an ear infection . They were sick to miss this .
Sonny : Oh , well , maybe we can go see them after the honeymoon , which I swear we re gon na take .
Marlena : [ Chuckles ]
Will : How d you like the wedding , grandpa ?
Roman : [ Chuckles ] Well , as a matter of fact ... it might have been the best wedding I ve ever been to . I mean it , Will . I mean it . It is clear that you are so happy with this guy right here . Congratulations .
Will : Thank you .
Roman : I love you .
Will : I love you too , grandpa .
Theresa : Hey , Jennifer . I hear you re talking smack about me again .
Jennifer : [ Scoffs ] I m not doing this here .
Theresa : You need to back off .
Jennifer : I heard the message that Anne left for you , and I know that you are the one harassing me .
Abigail : Hey , Mom , why do nt we go , uh , look at the cake , shall we ?
Theresa : You should check around , Jennifer , cause there s a lot of people who hate your guts , not just me .
JJ : Uh , you need to back off .
Theresa : Really ?
JJ : Do you want to pick this fight ?
Theresa : Yeah , you keep looking at me , and you ll never see what s coming for you .
JJ : Hmm .
Theresa : [ Gasps ] Oh ! I m so sorry .
Jennifer : [ Gasps ]
Nicole : [ Sighs ] So I m not sure if I want to do the whole long gown . I mean , talk about embarrassing . How many times can you do the whole wedding - dress thing ? Although this does seem like my first true wedding , so ... mm !
Daniel : Mm - hmm .
Nicole : Oh , no .
Daniel : Yeah , are you , uh-- are you sure you re not just getting ahead of yourself here ?
Nicole : What ? Why would you say something like that ? I mean , of course , if Eric wants to be part of the planning , he can be . You talked to him . What did he say ?
Daniel : You know what ? You , uh -- you should talk to him .
Nicole : Oh , hell . Why ? Daniel ? Do you know something ? Tell me . You re supposed to be my friend .
Eric : Jennifer . Hey .
Jennifer : Hey .
Eric : I just got a text from Nicole . Daniel got off of work early , and they went to grab lunch at the club .
Jennifer : [ Gasps ]
Eric : Why do nt we go surprise them ?
Jennifer : Yes , I think we should . Oh , I want to say good - bye to Sonny and Will first .
Eric : Okay .
Theresa : [ Sighs ]
Brady : Hey .
Theresa : Do nt worry . The other guy looks worse . God , that was so embarrassing .
Brady : Do nt be -- I mean , come on , it s fine . It s fine . You know , you actually --you look pretty good in tuna tartare .
Theresa : [ Sighs ] Yeah ?
Brady : Yeah .
Theresa : Mm .
Brady : Mm .
Roman : What the hell is this ?
Brady : Oh .
Theresa : [ Chuckles ]
Will : All right , great .
Sami : [ Tapping glass ] Uh , everyone , since I was benched at the ceremony , I thought I would give the first toast .
Adrienne : [ Chuckles ] What a coincidence . I had the exact same thought . My mornings are
Brady : [ Groans ]
Roman : Brady , you re supposed to be looking out for my niece .
Theresa : Oh , he is .
Roman : You re supposed to be keeping her out of trouble , not getting her into it .
Brady : Roman , roman , I swear to God , you have nothing to worry about .
Roman : Yeah , I hope not . You , I ll see downstairs .
Theresa : I m so sorry .
Brady : Do nt be . Do nt be . He s protective .
Theresa : No , he s a cop , and he s a gossip .
Brady : A - a gossip ? Ive -- Ive never heard him described that way .
Theresa : Oh , yeah , yeah , total old - lady gossip .
Brady : You re kidding me .
Theresa : God , my family .
Brady : No-- my family-- I have gossip in my family . Do nt play that game . I would crush you .
Theresa : Oh , yeah ?
Brady : Mm .
Theresa : Well , take me home so I can change out of these crusty clothes , and it s on .
Brady : Fine . We can take the back stairs , and that way we can avoid any more heartfelt toasts .
Sami : I ll start . How about that ?
Adrienne : Oh , who decided that ?
Sami : I just think that--
Will : Uh , we -- we have a great idea .
Sonny : Yeah , mom , uh , why do nt you and Sami go together ?
Adrienne : Okay , we can--
Sami : Perfect , okay . Will and Sonny , from the moment I saw the two of you together , I knew you were perfect for each other .
Adrienne : And I took a little time to actually get on board , but once I saw that you were truly happy , all my fears just washed away .
Sami : So , to Will and Sonny and the rest of their lives together , which will start tonight-- a little mini honeymoon at the Salem Inn . Enjoy it , from EJ and me .
Adrienne : And when you re ready to start your real honeymoon , know that Justin and I will be happy to send you anywhere you want to go . We both want you to get the right start .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] Of course , a right start is when you come home and are looking to buy your first home . EJ and I will make that happen for you .
Adrienne : [ Laughs ] Are you saying that we ca nt afford to buy them a house ?
EJ : [ Clears throat ] To William and Sonny !
Justin : Yes , yes , to Sonny and William !
Will : To all of our families !
Sonny : Yes .
Sami : Hear , hear !
Will : And to everyone . Thank you so much . Thank you .
Adrienne : Yes , yes , I m -- I m drinking .
Nicole : Okay , that is not fair . You ca nt just dangle something like that out there and then not tell me about it .
Jennifer : Oh , here they are .
Nicole : Hi .
Eric : Hi .
Nicole : Hi , guys .
Jennifer : What s up ?
Nicole : Well ... [ Chuckles ] That is a very good question . What exactly did you tell Daniel about us ?
Kate : [ Groans ]
Will : Oh , come on .
Kate : Honey , I ve seen the hydrangea bushes , and they re going to be beautiful in around a month .
Will : I did nt take you out here for the shrubbery .
Kate : Okay , what , then ? Because your guests are all inside .
Will : You re my guest right now , and you have nt said a word all day . Are you upset because we asked grandma Marlena to marry us ?
Kate : No , of course not .
Will : Because it was a coin toss .
Kate : No , it was nt . Honey ... Marlena is very reasonable , and she s a shrink , and I know that you share your feelings with her , and that s all right . Honey , that s all right with me . It really is . And I am so happy that she was there for you when you were struggling with coming out . I really am .
Will : Me too . She s a lousy poker player .
Kate : [ Laughs ]
Will : So bad .
Kate : Yeah , well , you were actually the only six - year - old I ve ever known who could count cards when they were six years old .
Will : Come on , it was a life skill that you taught me .
Kate : Right .
Will : You also taught me how to stand up for myself , how to survive . You taught me that . And I can never thank you enough .
Kate : Oh , sweetie , I love you .
Will : I love you too .
Kate : [ Sighs ]
Nicole : Okay ... [ Clears throat ] It s just us . So let me hear it . What s going on ?
Eric : What did he say ?
Nicole : Nothing . He kept your confidence , but it was clear you said something to him that he would nt tell me .
Eric : What we ... were talking about was--
Nicole : Our wedding , right ? Because the second I mentioned our wedding , he gave me a look . Is there something about our wedding I should know ?
Eric : There is . I think it s time that I came clean .
Daniel : Come on , come on .
Jennifer : Ooh .
Daniel : Get in there .
Jennifer : Okay , that was really awkward .
Daniel : And you did nt even have Nicole staring you down .
Jennifer : I know . Do you think she and Eric are gon na work things out ?
Daniel : I do nt know . I hope so .
Jennifer : Whoo ! Chilly .
Daniel : Oh , I know . It s cold in here . It s cold . Do nt worry about it . I m gon na turn up the heat .
Jennifer : Okay .
Daniel : All right .
Jennifer : Oh , you got the toys .
Daniel : Uh - huh .
Jennifer : What are you doing with my checkbook ?
Daniel : What ?
Jennifer : My checkbook is here . Why ?
Roman : Hey , congratulations , Sonny .
EJ : Congratulations .
Sami : Hey .
Sonny : We did it . We re married .
Will : It s a good feeling , is nt it ?
Sonny : It s the best .
### Summary:
| Will and Sonny s wedding continued . While Liam was looking at Jennifer s computer , Daniel and Nicole walked in . Liam was able to hide before he was seen . Daniel and Nicole left Jennifer s house . Liam came out of hiding and followed them . Everyone gathered for the reception . Liam broke in Daniel s apartment again . He put Jennifer s checkbook in a box of toys that Daniel took from Jennifer s house . Theresa and Jennifer got in an argument over Jennifer getting set up . Jennifer accused Theresa of setting her up . Theresa said other people hate her guts . Abby and JJ interrupted the argument . Sami and Adrienne wanted to give the first toast . They competed with each other during their toasts . Sami wanted to buy Will and Sonny a house while Adrienne wanted to send them on a honeymoon . When Daniel and Jennifer met up and went back to his place , she noticed her checkbook in the toy box . Liam was able to hear their conversation . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Pilar : Good morning , eve . The nurse told me to come here ?
Eve : Yeah , this is the right place .
Pilar : Why is the I.V. Set up in your office ?
Eve : Oh , I thought that you would be more comfortable if you could have your treatments in the privacy of my office .
Pilar : That s very thoughtful of you , eve .
Eve : Well , I know that you re not ready to tell your family about your illness yet .
Pilar : No , I m not . My children have so many problems right now . I do nt want to add to their burden .
Eve : Well , if you were to have your therapy in the outpatient ward , then everybody in harmony would know that you were ill .
Pilar : You ve been such a good friend to me .
Eve : Oh . Oh , honey . You re a good friend to me , too . So you ready ?
Pilar : Yeah , I guess I have to be , right ? Nothing like starting your day with an I.V.
Tabitha : Oh , thank hades you re such a good baby , endora , unlike your human counterpart . Oh , poor miguel did his best to comfort maria , but we had to come downstairs to get some sleep , did nt we ? Ooh , you are such a wonderful baby , my little demon ! Whee ! Oh , no . There goes fluffy ! Oh , that cat goes absolutely crazy when kay comes back from the cannery . Hmm . Oh , I think they must be working with cod this week . Fluffy loves cod .
Kay : Ew . Get away from me , you miserable fur balls .
Simone : They smell the fish on you , kay .
Kay : I know .
Simone : It does nt seem fair that you keep getting stuck with all the late- night shifts .
Kay : I know , but right now , I m the low man on the totem pole .
Simone : I guess you ca nt tell them that you do nt want the work ?
Kay : You know I ca nt , simone , ok ? Miguel and I have nt even paid for maria s hospital bills yet .
Simone : Yeah . I m sorry that you have to work so hard .
Kay : Oh -- go ! Go ! Well , the cranes have blackballed miguel , and he ca nt get a job , so I have to work . All I want right now is a nice , hot bath and about 12 hours of sleep .
Tabitha : Uh - oh , uh - oh . Fluffy ! No !
Kay : Oh , fluffy , no ! Get off ! Fluffy , no ! Oh ! Get off !
Ethan : Are you sure that did nt hurt ?
Gwen : No , it s ok , it s ok . I m just -- I m just glad you agreed to give me these shots so the nurse does nt have to keep coming over every day .
Ethan : Hey , I don m mind . We re in this together , right ?
Gwen : We are . Honey , I am so happy . We are going to have our very own baby !
Ethan : I know . We have the perfect surrogate now .
Gwen : Yes !
Little ethan : Uncle ethan !
Ethan : Hey , there s my monster !
Gwen : Hey !
Ethan : How you doing ? Oh !
Gwen : Hey , cutey .
Little ethan : Can I see my mommy today ? Can I ?
Gwen : Honey , did you tell little ethan he could see theresa today ?
Theresa : My baby . My little ethan . When am I ever going to see you again ?
Guard : What s the matter , dearie ?
Theresa : Oh . I miss my son . I lost custody , and I m afraid I m never going to see him again , so --
guard : Well , you better get used to it , kid . You ll never get custody while you re locked up in here .
Theresa : Well , um , I -- I ca nt give up hope , you know ? I just ca nt , so --
guard : Hope all you want . It s a waste of time . Judges hardly ever give kids to jailbird moms .
Luis : All right , hank , there s nothing in the closet , buddy .
Hank : Nothing that I could see that would trigger a secret compartment or a safe .
Luis : Yeah , well , I m telling you it s here . Alistair hides his secrets in this building .
Hank : I believe you , luis , but he probably keeps all his records on computer disks .
Luis : Yeah ? So what if he does ? I m going to find them , and then I m going to bring alistair crane down .
Hank : Well , I hope you can .
Luis : Yeah , I will . Hank , I m telling you , alistair had dr . Ackland do something to sheridan in that psychiatric ward , something to make her forget that she loves me .
Hank : Do you think he d really keep a record of something like that ?
Luis : Yeah , I do . And I could see alistair gloating over the evidence of his accomplishments , patting himself on the back .
Hank : Ok , so where do we look now ?
Luis : Let s go over here , come on .
Sheridan : Hey , antonio , it s me . Yeah , I m just on my way to my father s office to look into the crane charities that he s turned over to me . No , it wo nt take long . I ll be home soon . Ok , bye . I just hope I do nt find any surprises in my father s office , since he always has some beautiful woman in there .
Sheridan : Oh -- it s you !
Singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in , breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life e s never been an easy way
kay : Oh , fluffy , no !
Simone : Get off her , cat !
Tabitha : Fluffy ! Fluffy ! Leave kay alone !
Kay : Get her off of me !
Tabitha : Well , I m trying , I m trying ! Fluffy ! Fluffy !
Simone : Oh , my god . Here come some other cats ! Get away ! Shoo ! Shoo ! Go home ! There s no fish here ! Get out of here ! Go ! Go ! Shoo ! Shoo ! Shoo ! Shoo ! Go ! Go ! Go !
Tabitha : Endora ! Mommy needs your help !
Tabitha : Oh , oh . Oh , oh , you poor dear .
Kay : Oh . Oh , i hate that damn cat .
Tabitha : Oh , yes , fluffy is a bit of a nuisance sometimes .
Kay : Sometimes ?
Tabitha : Well , dear , you do smell like the fish factory . I think you better go and get into the shower .
Simone : Kay , are you all right ? How did you get that big cat off of you ?
Tabitha : We -- we threw a bucket of water over it .
Kay : I ca nt wait to take a bath in tomato juice so I can get rid of this fish smell . And then I m going to take a shower and then I m going to go to bed . Oh , I could sleep for days !
Miguel : Hey , kay . Oh , my god . What happened ?
Kay : Fluffy gave me a real welcome home .
Miguel : Well , I m glad you re home .
Kay : Really ?
Miguel : Yeah , I m bushed . I was up all night with maria . Neither one of us slept .
Tabitha : I did nt get much sleep , either .
Miguel : I m sorry , but I got to go .
Kay : Go ? But I need to go to bed .
Miguel : I know you re tired , and I feel really bad , but my computer s down , and obviously I do nt have money to fix it , so I was going to go to school and use one of the computers there . I ll see you later .
Kay : But , miguel , I --
Miguel : I m really sorry , but I got to get this paper finished . Goodbye .
Kay : Hey , hey , hey , it s ok . What s wrong ?
Sheridan : What are you doing here ?
Fox : Hey . I was -- well , to tell you the truth , I was looking for money .
Sheridan : You need money ?
Fox : Ahem . Yeah , I know . Well , I need to post theresa s bail so I can get her out of that damn jail cell , you know ?
Sheridan : Oh , fox , I m so sorry . I feel so bad for theresa . And I ow you used your trust fund money to bail her out once before .
Fox : Yeah . So I m broke . And I was kind of hoping that grandfather would have some petty cash lyi a around here somewhere , you know ?
Sheridan : Come on , you know my father would never leave cash just lying around .
Fox : Yeah , I know , I know , it s stupid , wishful thinking , I guess . But still , maybe if I could find something to use against him , you know , I could force him into giving me the money so I could pay her way out of jail . I got to do something , you know ?
Sheridan : I know how frustrated you feel . But trying to blackmail alistair is -- it s almost impossible .
Luis : This is it , hank .
Hank : There s no breaks of any kind in the drywall , no seams . Are you sure ?
Luis : Hank , I studied the schematics . This laser does nt lie . There s definitely an empty room behind this wall .
Hank : Ok , so how do we get inside ?
Luis : Voila .
Hank : Well , what do you know ?
Hank : Uh - oh . This door s got an electronic security lock .
Luis : It s all right . I had a feeling we d find something like this . Yeah . And that is exactly why I borrowed this from the station house . Ok .
Luis : Come on . Oh , yeah . Open it .
Hank : Incredible . It s open .
Luis : Oh , yeah . Well , you got to love computers . Now we re going to find out exactly what the hell alistair s trying to hide . And when I do , I m going to get sheridan back .
eve : Oh , pilar , I just so wish that you would ve come to me earlier . Just a simple little blood test and we could have detected this so much sooner .
Pilar : I st dnnt feel that bad . I was tired a lot , but I m used to being tired . I ve worked hard all my life , you know . And then when rebecca fired me , I did nt have insurance . I -- I had other bills to pay .
Eve : Pilar , you know that I would not have charged you .
Pilar : I m very grateful to you .
Eve : Oh , do nt think about any of that now . Just concentrate on getting well .
Pilar : Yeah . You know , I just remembered -- yesterday I had a nosebleed . Could it have something to do with this ?
Eve : Yeah , it could -- it could be . Pilar , I really think that you should tell your family .
Pilar : I ca nt , eve . I just -- all theresa talked about yesterday was how much she needs me right now . My children need me .
Eve : We re treating you . You could very well recover .
Pilar : Well , I hope that s true , you know . I just -- I ca nt leave my children right now , and I do nt want to tell them . I m going to bring paloma home for theresa so that she can give her some emotional support . And that way , you know , I ll see her one last time , you know -- you know , before I --
eve : Please , pilar , please do nt talk like that . You are going to be fine . You just keep telling yourself that .
Pilar : I will . You re right . I ll pray to god that I -- that I live so that I can be here for my children in their time of need . I ca nt leave them right now , especially with the cranes just so determined to get all of them .
Gwen : Honey , did you tell little ethan he could see theresa today ?
Ethan : Um , nanny , will you take this little guy to breakfast , please ?
Nanny : Certainly , S .. come on , love .
Ethan : Go on . I ll see you later , ok ?
Little ethan : Ok .
Ethan : Ok .
Gwen : Theresa s in jail . Did you tell little ethan he could see her today ? I mean , what s going on here ?
Ethan : After we adopt you , and after gwen has her own baby through surrogacy , I m going to give you right back to your mommy . No , no . The boy obviously misses his mother , that s all . Look , I thought we were nt going to talk about theresa . No theresa . We have lots of things to do today , ok ?
Gwen : Yeah , you re right . And we have to get the nursery ready for when the surrogate has our baby . Honey , I have nt even been in sarah s nursery since we got back from los angeles .
Ethan : Neheher have I.
Gwen : I do nt know if I can go in there .
Ethan : Then we do nt have to . We do nt have to if you do nt want to . I can have the staff clear it out . We can start fresh . That s fine .
Gwen : No , I ca nt turn that over to the staff . They already packed up all the baby things we donated . No , I have to go in there . I mean , sarah deserves to have her parents go through her things .
Ethan : If that s what you want .
Gwen : It is . Is it ever going to stop hurting this much , losing our little girl ?
Ethan : I do nt know . But maybe the pain will be less once we have another child .
Gwen : I hope so .
Ethan : Me , too .
Gwen s voice : Damn you , theresa , for killing my baby . Damn you to hell .
Fox : What the hell kind of family is this anyway , huh ? We re sitting on billions of dollars , but you ca nt spend any of yours and mine s mortgaged to the hilt . My father gets theresa pregnant , and then his stupid bitch of a wife has her locked up in prison , takes away her kid , right ? And then grandfather s trying to destroy her entire family . It makes you proud to be a crane , though , does nt it ? Really ?
Sheridan : You know what , fox ? I never knew you very well . I mean , you were always in boarding school , and I pretty much spent my life growing up in europe . I knew you were my nephew , but right now , you do nt sound anything like any of the crane men .
Fox : Hmm . Well , maybe not . Maybe not , but right now , I tell you what -- I m a man in a relationship with miss lopez - fitzgerald , and if I do nt find a way to get her out of jail , sheridan , I m going to start acting like a crane in the worst possible way , I swear to you .
Sheridan : Hmm .
Guard : I read that you killed the crane baby out in los angeles -- mrs . Julian crane s grandbaby .
Theresa : No , no , I did nt kill gwen s baby . It was -- it was an accident .
Guard : Yeah , sure . And are nt you in here for kidnapping ?
Theresa : I was -- I was trying to get my son back .
Guard : They still call it kidnapping . I knew a woman who got 40 years for kidnapping -- her own kid , too .
Theresa : 40 years ?
Guard : That s right . The next time you see freedom , you could be a senior citizen . And you ll never have your baby back , either . D music ] Singer : You are my passion for life
tabitha : How was work last night , kay ? Anything interesting to report ?
Kay : Not interesting -- annoying . One of those women in particular really rubs me the wrong way .
Dort : So , let me get this straight -- this gal charity lives next door to you and she s your boyfriend s ex - squeeze , anyou re working here at night ?
Kay : What s so funny about that ?
Dort : Well , do nt be surprised if you come home one morning and find miguel running across the yard wearing nothing but underpants and charity s perfume .
Simone : Look , kay , miguel never made a commitment to you . I mean , he s just he because of the baby . So , I mean , if he ends up hooking up with charity , he s really not cheating on you .
Kay : Well , that s not going to happen , simone , ok ? Charity s flunking out of college . She spends all of her nights in clubs with other guys . Miguel only has time to be here with me and maria and go to school . He s not going to be running into charity .
Miguel : Beth .
Beth : Miguel .
Miguel : I need your help . Gogot this paper due . My computer just crashed . I went down to the computer lab . It s totally full . I was hoping I could use the one you have down here .
Beth : Oh , gosh , I m sorry . Mine crashed , too .
Miguel : Ugh .
Beth : But charity s over there . Maybe you should ask if you can use hers .
Eve : God , I ca nt believe how quickly her illness has advanced . Oh , god , she does nt have much time left .
Pilar : Paloma ? Listen , mija , I have to go , but -- I love you , too . I ll talk to you soon , ok ? Ok , bye . That was paloma on the phone . She s so excited about coming home . And theresa , oh , she s going toto be thrilled to see her sister . I have to talk to luis and antonio and find a way to somehow buy that ticket . She ll be home with me in just a few weeks .
Eve : You know , pilar , I m thinking -- I do nt think you should wait to bring paloma home . I think you should bring her home now , just right now .
Pilar : Why ? Why , eve ? What s wrong ? Am -- am I going to die -- eve , please just tell me the truth . I I going to die just when my children need me the most ?
Luis : This has got to be it , hank . All of alistair s secrets .
Hank : You know how to crack a safe ?
Luis : Well , I d say I got a pretty good idea . Got another little surprise here from the evidence room .
Luis : Why do nt you take cover , buddy ?
Hank : Is nt this going to make a lot of noise ?
Luis : It s actually specially designed not to make noise . All right .
Hank : Ok .
Luis : Oh , my god . Tvgood afternoon . Today at five -- the city s looking at a billion dollar solution to traffic congestion . But it may mean forcing some city residents from their homes to accomodate a new rapid transit line . We ll have reaction. + + + A native memorial in the river valley is about to disrupt traffic coming off the walterdale . We ll tell you why. + + + And - edmonton business leaders are pushing the city to do something about jasper avenue eyesores. + + + That s today on Their effort to contain the avian flu is failing . 19 million will be slaughtered . It s an emotional time for producers . Global national is live in the hot zone because when it matters , you can never be too close to the story . Global national with kevin newman . It s about time .
Tabitha : Kay , I have an idea . Why do nt you take maria for a stroll ? The fresh air will do her good .
Simone : It ll do us all good . I ll get the stroller .
Y : Oh , but I m such a mess . I hate to be seen in public . Oh , but I do nt care . Maybe it ll help her go to sleep .
Tabitha : Yeah . I ll get endora . We ll all go .
Kay : Ok .
Tabitha : Come along , endora . You remember when I read kay s tea leaves , and I saw all that trouble and heartbreak brewing ? Yeah ? Well , I ve got a feeling that kay s life is about to be turned upside down once again .
Miguel : Hey .
Charity : Hey .
Miguel : I see you re online . Probably got a paper to finish , too , huh ?
Charity : No . Not really . Why ?
Miguel : Oh , I got a paper due , and my computer crashed . But I -- I ca nt ask you to stop what you re doing .
Charity : No , no . I m not doing anything for school , so -- so go ahead .
Miguel : Ok . Thanks .
Charity : Yeah . You re welcome . Um -- miguel ? I know things have nt been exactly great between us lately , but -- but for whatever it s worth , you know you can always count on me for help .
Miguel : You can always count on me , too , charity .
Charity : Thank you . Ok .
Sheridan : I was worried about theresa when you two got together . You know , she is my husband s sister , and I did nt want to see her get hurt .
Fox : Yeah . Well , I ve changed .
Sheridan : Yeah , I can see that . So , is it because you can see a future with theresa ?
Fox : Um -- I do nt know , maybe . You know , I mean , we ve -- we ve definitely talked about our relationship , and I could see it happening . I like her a lot .
Sheridan : Wait , wait , wait . Just like ? Not love ?
Fox : Yeah -- yeah , sure . Yeah . Yeah , I love her , I do . But , you know , there was a girl that I loved before theresa , and -- and she s -- she s with someone else now . But -- but it s ok because -- it s ok . Yoyou know , I want her to be happy .
Sheridan : Sounds like you re not over this other woman .
Fox : I m working on it , you know ? But theresa -- man , theresa -- she s unbelievable , is nt she ?
Sheridan : Yes , she is .
Fox : Yeah . And you know what ? You know what ? No matter what my reason is for changing or no matter what issues I have in my past , the bottom line is I have to find a way to help theresa . Sheridan , there s got to be a way .
Sheridan : You know what , fox ? I think I know a way .
Gwen : Oh , god . Oh --
ethan : I know .
Gwen : Oh .
Gwen : I never -- um -- I never even got to change one of sarah s diapers , you know ? Not even one .
Ethan : I brought this home from that business trip in chicago .
Gwen : Remember when I made this ? And -- and I did nt know if we were going to have a little boy or a girl , so I just -- I just had it baby ?
Ethan : We were just excited to have one .
Gwen : Our baby never even got to spend one night in this room . Not even one night in this whole world .
Ethan : I know it hurts , honey .
Gwen : I do nt understand why , honey . Why did we have to lose our little girl ? I mean , I miss our sarah so much .
Ethan : I do , too . I do , too .
Pilar : Eve , please , I need to know . Tell me the truth -- am I going to die from this disease ? Is that why you want me to bring paloma home right away ?
Eve : No . No , pilar . I just think that theresa could use her sister right now , and miguel and luis . You know , every -- everybody s in such trouble right now .
Pilar : Are you telling me the truth , eve ? Because I -- I saw you on the computer . Did you get information that -- is this disease worse than you thought it was ?
Fox : Wait , so you think you know of a way to help theresa , then ?
Sheridan : Well , it is a little unorthodox , but father did put me in charge of crane charities .
Fox : Mm - hmm .
Sheridan : And I think that if we come up with some sort of foundation , we can use the charity money to pay for theresa s bail .
Fox : Ok . Ok , yeah . Yeah , sounds great . But -- um -- can you do that legally ? Because even --
sheridan : Well , you know , we ll have to check with the attorneys -- or ethan might know . But like I said , it s a little unorthodox , but it s worth a try .
Fox : Ok . Sheridan , that sounds fantastic . And if it works , I got to tell you , that s wonderful . Thank you so much .
Sheridan : Oh , please , fox . I want to help . You know , now , we have to come up with a name for this particular fund .
Fox : Ok .
Sheridan : Um -- you know what ? We can come up with that later , but it has to be targeted towards women in prison . Or ex - convicts who are single mothers .
Fox : Hmm .
Sheridan : I know -- it has to be geared towards reuniting mothers with their children .
Fox : Sounds good to me . Sounds legit to me .
Sheridan : Oh , it will be . And I will write a check right now for theresa s bail .
Fox : Okey - dokey . So , can you do this without getting into any kind of trouble ?
Sheridan : Well , father did give me the authority to spend money .
Fox : True , but I think he d probably have a stroke if he found out what you were spending the money on .
Sheridan : Probably .
Fox : Look at you , you little manipulator . If I did nt know you any better , I d think you were one of those damn cranes .
Sheridan : Hey -- I can say the same thing about you . So , tell me , fox , was it this love you had for this other woman that made you change ?
Fox : I do nt know . Maybe . I mean I d never been in love before , and -- um -- it made me want to be a better person . I know that .
Sheridan : Well , it worked .
Fox : I think that you re right . Thank you very much . So , listen -- ahem -- while we re on the subject of love and -- please , stop me if I m out of line here , sheridan -- but what was it that made you choose antonio over luis , anyway ?
Sheridan : Why do you ask ?
Fox : Because I do nt get it . Everyone always told me that you and luis were soul mates and that you two were meant to be together forever . And I m just kind of wondering what happened .
Luis : Hank ? You see what I see ? Looks like millions of dollars here .
Hank : Wow .
Luis : Yeah , wow is right .
Hank : Somebody s coming .
Hank : It s a security guard .
Luis : We got to hide .
Hank : Hide where ?
Guard : What s going on here ?
Pilar : You promise you re telling me the truth , right ?
Eve : I promise you that you are going to come through this , pilar .
Pilar : Thank you . You re a wonderful friend and a wonderful doctor . I am so grateful .
Eve : Oh , you just keep on coming in and -- and everything s going to be fine .
Pilar : I will . I feel better already .
Eve : Oh . Oh , your medication might nauseate you , so I ve written a prescription for you that should help with that .
Pilar : Ok . Ok , thank you .
Eve : And I ll see you later .
Pilar : Ok , thanks , eve .
Eve : Ok .
Eve : Why is this happening ? Pilar is such a good person . Why does she have to die so young ?
Pilar : Eve is lying . I know that . Please , god , do nt let me die . Not yet . What is going to become of all of my children ?
Charity : I m going to go , so -- um -- maybe just leave it with beth when you re done .
Miguel : Ok .
Charity : Ok .
Miguel : Thanks a lot .
Charity : Yeah .
Miguel : Hey , charity , wait . I know you took this class before , and I -- I may need your help . Would you stay ?
Charity : Yeah . Yeah .
Kay : Where s a dog when you need him ?
Simone : Just be happy that maria finally went to sleep .
Tabitha : I ll second that .
Simone : Uh -- let s go to the coffee shoppe .
Tabitha : Oh , yes , good idea .
Kay : What are you doing , simone ? What s in there ?
Dort : Kay ? What are you doing ? I though you were going home to get some sleep . There s miguel . Oh , and do nt tell me -- that s got to be charity . Well , I hate to say it , but we told you so -- that fish smell drives them all away .
Theresa : How can I be separated from my son , from my family for 40 years ? And now I m going to go crazy in here .
Guard : Look , I should nt have said that about 40 years . I mean , who knows what can happen in a trial ? You might get off , you know ?
Theresa : No . No , I m not getting out of here . I m never going to see my son .
Fox : Sheridan , do you even know why you chose antonio over luis ?
Sheridan : Yes , I -- I am in love with antonio .
Fox : Ok , yeah , I know . I know that you are , but -- but , listen , you were in love with luis first , right ? And you would ve married him if you did nt get into that boat explosion and get the amnesia , right ?
Sheridan : Look , I -- I fell in love with antonio .
Fox : That was -- that was after you forgot you were in love with luis , sheridan .
Sheridan : Fox , I am in love with antonio , ok ? Why are you asking me all these questions ?
Fox : Because luis thinks that grandfather and dr . Ackland did something to you while you were in that psych ward , something that made you forget that you loved luis more than antonio . Now , sheridan , tell me . Did they do anything to you ?
Sheridan : No ! Fox , no , I -- I got the treatment because I was ill , all right ? That s it , nothing else .
Fox : Ok , I believe you . All right ?
Sheridan : Ok .
Fox : But theresa -- theresa s not going to believe this , sheridan . Thank you so much .
Sheridan : Of course . Hey , we re family -- maybe the only two in this wacky family with a heart .
Fox : No , no maybe about it . But now that I can get poor theresa out of jail , I can concentrate on stopping gwen and ethan from adopting her son .
Gwen : Sweetheart , would you mind getting me a glass of water ?
Ethan : I ll be right back , ok ?
Gwen : Ok .
Gwen : Oh , my sweet little girl . Oh , sarah , you should be here with your mommy . You should be right here . Oh , my god ! Sarah , you are here ! You are here with your mommy ! You sweet little girl , your mommy loves you so much ! Oh , sarah , no ! What s happening ? Do nt go ! Sarah , please do nt go ! Please do nt leave your mommy .
Gwen : One person -- one person is to blame for all of this , and that is theresa . God , she is to blame for taking my little girl from me ! I m going to get my revenge on her . Oh , I am . I m going to -- ethan and I are going to adopt her little boy . Theresa s going to know the pain that I feel right now , that I m going to feel every day for the rest of my life .
Ethan : It s ok .
Guard : Nobody here .
Hank : That was fun .
Luis : All right , we better get out of here while we still can , but I m coming back . I m not going to stop searching this place till I find alistair s secrets . And when I do , I m going to take alistair down and get sheridan back .
Ethan : I want to adopt little ethan so when gwen and i become his legal guardians , I can drop the charges against theresa and give her back her son .
Julian : I got a lead , and I think I found our son .
Luis : Bingo .
### Summary:
| Hank and Luis pay a late - night visit to Crane Industries . Luis has police equipment to help open security doors and to blow the door off Alistair s safe ( which has at least a million dollars inside ) . They almost get caught by a security guard , but manage to hide just in time . Fox and Sheridan come up with a plan to help Theresa get out of jail . Sheridan is now in charge of Crane charities , and gives Fox a check , which she will create a charity for later . The charity will be to reunite mothers and children . Gwen is overcome with grief as she enters little Sarah s nursery for the first time since her death . She sobs for her child and vows that Theresa will feel some of the pain she is suffering . Kay , Simone , and Tabitha take a walk by the coffee shop , where they see Charity and Miguel together . Miguel asked Charity if he could use her computer and then wanted her to help him with his class- work . Kay s co - workers torment her about Charity and Miguel being together . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Paul : You gon na answer your girlfriend there , Dusty ? Cause she asked you a question . What are you gon na do about Jennifer ? And that is -- that is what you said . Is nt that right , yes , no ? Okay , I ll take that as a yes . She s curious . Come on . Can you satisfy her ? Or are you not in the satisfaction business anymore ? I mean , it s not like Rose was ever really hard to satisfy .
Dusty : Rose is none of your business . And I suggest you keep your mouth shut and take a walk .
Paul : Well , she did nt tell you . You did nt tell him ? Rose came to see me , Dusty . Yeah . She wanted me to bury the hatchet . So here I am . I brought my hatchet . So , now , where do you want me to bury it ? Because what I m thinking is maybe right between his eyes .
Rose : You had an opportunity to talk to me , and you chose not to , so please just get out of here . Dusty and I are having a private conversation .
Paul : Yeah , about my sister . So who you working for this time , Dusty ? Or is this job just , you know , freelance ?
Rose : What are you talking about ?
Dusty : Do nt talk to him , all right ? Please .
Paul : I mean , Rose here , she was a willing volunteer . But I want to know , what makes you think that you can use my sister and get away with it ? !
Rosanna : I m sure it helps that Cabot Enterprises gave millions of dollars to charities last year , but the fact that an adoption agency responded within the same day can only mean one thing .
Craig : They re polite ?
Rosanna : They have babies ! [ Craig groans ] So they re sending someone over ?
Rosanna : Yes , today . Is nt it wonderful ? I mean , I ve heard horror stories about how long it can take to adopt a child . So once you said yes , I wanted to get the process started right away . [ Craig groans ] We have nt talked to Lucy .
Rosanna : Oh , Lucy , you know her . I mean , once she hears how much you want a child , she ll be all for it .
Craig : Uh - huh .
Rosanna : Mm , you have to shave .
Craig : Oh , when is this person arriving ?
Rosanna : This person is a social worker , and she will be arriving within the hour . Why , is there a problem ?
Ms. Havelock : I m sorry for your loss . But there s really nothing --
Alison : My father , he was a wonderful man and a wonderful doctor . Some people even called him a saint . So when he gave me this key to his safety deposit box , he made me promise that I would open it .
Ms. Havelock : And we will , dear , as soon as the executor of the estate obtains a court order .
Alison : But that ll be too late . I promised Daddy on his deathbed that I would get his bible out of his safety deposit box .
Ms. Havelock : He kept his bible in the bank ?
Alison : Yeah , cause -- it was very old . It was like an antique or whatever . I guess that he did nt want anything to happen to it . It was his mom s , and he promised her that he would take it to his grave . And now he s dead .
Ms. Havelock : Let me see what I can do . I ll just have to file these papers -- this is odd . If Dr. Eric Decker is your father , then why is your last name Stewart ?
Walker : Can you believe Bob s awake ?
Rick : You said it was a miracle , and you re right . There s no other word for it .
Ben : Bob , can you move your hands , your fingers ?
Kim : Sweetheart , do you think you can squeeze my hand ? Can you do that ? Do nt worry about it . Honey , the important thing is you are awake and you re here , and oh , we ve missed you so much .
Nancy : Just be patient , son . It will all come back to you .
Hal : Ben ?
Ben : Hmm ?
Hal : I hope you understand that I have to ask this , but do you think he can answer some questions ? We need to find out what he knows about these murders as soon as possible .
Chris : How can my father answer questions when he even ca nt speak or move his hands ?
Hal : That s what we re trying to figure out , Chris . Now , if there was some way that Bob could signal --
Ben : Nobody is gon na figure anything until John and I do a thorough examination .
John : So if you ll excuse us , everybody . This is only gon na take a couple of minutes . We just want to make sure that Bob is stable before we do anything that might set him back .
Kim : Absolutely . Honey , we ll be back in a few minutes .
Walker : After you , Dr. Decker .
Kim : Hal , I realize how important it is for you to talk to Bob , but I ca nt have him overwhelmed .
Hal : I understand that , Kim . And I will abide by whatever Ben and John determine . But you have to understand something . If what I believe is true , that Bob knows who committed these murders , Kim , he is in grave danger .
Chris : Hal s right , Mom . The sooner Dad tells us what he knows , the safer he ll be .
Rick : It looks like all of our prayers have been answered .
Nancy : I knew he d wake up as soon as he was ready .
Rick : Well , I d caution you not to pressure him too much . After all Bob has been through , we would nt want to precipitate a setback or put too much trust in what he says . He could be confused , even delusional --
Nancy : I ll go along with what his doctors say -- Ben and John . They ll know what s what .
Rick : Yes , of course . [ Pager beeps ] oh , that s me . Never a dull moment . My thoughts are with you . Would you tell Kim that I ll -- I ll check back later and see how Bob s progressing .
Kim : How did it go ?
John : Well , although Bob has nt regained his speech , and that may take awhile yet , he is alert , he is stable . Hal , if you would like to ask him a few questions -- and by a few I mean no more than five minutes --
Hal : Understood , John . Understood .
John : He ll respond by blinking his eyes , if that works for you ?
Hal : More than I d hoped for , thank you .
Kim : I d like to be present .
Hal : John ?
John : I have no objection as long as everyone s --
Nancy : Five minutes tops . We know Bob needs his rest .
Kim : Okay .
Walker : Let s go .
Susan : Rick is gon na be fine . Bob is gon na be fine . Everybody s gon na be fine . Now they ll call me if -- if anything changes . Oh , Bob . Bob , please wake up . Please wake up . You have to tell everybody that Rick is innocent .
Alison : Why is my last name different than my dad s ? Well , because -- because I m a newlywed . Um , Daddy did nt approve at first , because we were so young . My mama would ve been here herself , but she had an emotional collapse . The doctors sedated her , but -- but because of her heart problems , they -- they did nt know what to do . So -- so that s why I really need to get to that box . My dad , he wrote my mom a letter -- a love letter , just in case that he died before she did . Is nt that the most romantic thing you ve ever heard ?
Ms. Havelock : It s lovely .
Alison : So that s why I really need to get to that box . Before my mom s heart goes out , or she does something to herself . Please , there has to be something that you can do to help me .
Ms. Havelock : You re a brave girl . Let s go get your dad s box .
Craig : Well , your timing is kind of a problem . I had some business this afternoon .
Rosanna : Well , I went looking for you . I went all the way over to Java Underground , where , may I add , I made a rather unfortunate discovery . I found your business partner bribing the electrical inspector .
Craig : What ? !
Rosanna : Yes . That s illegal , you realize that ?
Craig : Well --
Rosanna : It could cost you your liquor license , my investment and any chance that we have of adopting a child .
Craig : I ll talk to Dusty .
Rosanna : You will ?
Craig : Yes .
Rosanna : We re gon na have a baby . Oh , do you realize that ? Our very own baby .
Craig : Rosanna -- Rosanna , we really have to talk about this before this social worker person arrives --
Rosanna : No , no , we can work out all the details later . And do you realize how happy you ve made me ? Nobody s ever done anything like this for me before . I love you so much .
Paul : You stay away from my sister .
Dusty : Well , you got to reign her in , pal . Cause she does nt like to take no for an answer , you know ?
Rose : Oh , that s it ! I ca nt take it anymore . You two just back up --
Dusty : Just step out of the way for a second , would you , please ?
Rose : No , I m not going anywhere until you two start acting like grown - ups .
Dusty : Your sister came to me with a business proposition , pal . She offered to give me a bunch of hotties , a bunch of her models for my opening night . And in return , I m grateful .
Paul : And that s it ? Okay , I know that interest rates are low , but that is a ridiculous rate of return .
Dusty : Whatever , I m not really interested .
Paul : You re not really in -- the man with a plan is -- is not interested ! Why do I not believe that ? ! Because I know you . I know you , Dusty , and I know how you operate ! I mean , remind me , Rose . I ve forgotten . Is nt that how this whole thing started ? You two , you re talking business , right before he talked you right onto your back .
Rose : You let him go or I m calling the cops ! Let him go !
Dusty : I want an apology .
Paul : I think your girlfriend s calling the cops . [ Paul laughs ] I do nt know a lot , but I think that might affect your application for a liquor license .
Dusty : What are you looking at ? Get back to work . You got work , right ?
Rose : Uh , yeah , the Java Underground . 97 1/2 Washington Street --
Dusty : Its okay , the police wo nt be necessary . The situation is handled . Thank you and sorry .
Rose : They re still gon na send somebody , you know that ?
Dusty : Yeah , and whose fault is that ? !
Craig : Careful . Careful , careful . Or I ll start to believe that the only reason you threw your arms around me is because I agreed to adopt . [ Rosanna laughs ] you would nt love me any less if I had nt agreed , would you ?
Rosanna : But you did . Come on , I know you re still a little skittish about the idea , and I understand why . Bryant . And you re probably still a little nervous about playing games of horsy at your advanced age . But do nt worry ; I ve seen you in action . I have no fears on that score .
Craig : Well , perhaps you d better not confide the particulars in your faith to this social worker person ?
Rosanna : Why ? Scared of a little old social worker ?
Craig : No , I do nt want to scare her . But do nt mind me .
Rosanna : Okay . This is not good . I ve done something wrong . I ve made you feel like I do nt trust you . And I do . I do , especially now . I mean , I got up the nerve to tell you how much I needed to have this child , and you were terrific . You were absolutely terrific . You said that you understood . You agreed to support me . Even though I know this child is nt as important to you as it is to me --
Craig : You are important to me . I just wish I did nt have to prove it all the time .
Rosanna : But you did . This is gon na to be wonderful , do nt you see that ? Do nt you see how happy we ll be , Craig ?
Craig : I want you to be happy .
Ms. Havelock : Just put the box on the table . There we go . Here . After all those tears , you do nt want to get dehydrated . Have some water . It ll make you feel better .
Alison : Thank you so much , maam . You re so sweet . But if I could just be alone with my dad s things ?
Ms. Havelock : Oh , of course .
Alison : I knew it . Nurse Krebs s journal . He really did this . Rick is the serial killer .
Hal : Bob , I m gon na ask you a few questions . Now they re just yes or no questions . And what you re gon na do is you re gon na blink once for no and twice for yes . Do you think you can manage that ? Good . Now , first of all , I know everybody here wants to know how you re doing . Are you -- are you okay , everything considered ? [ Kim laughs ] Oh , honey , we re so glad to have you back .
Hal : As the doctors have told you , Bob , I m sure , you ve been in a coma for several weeks now . Now , during that time , the investigation into the serial murders has continued . I wish I had better news for you , but the case is still open , and we re kind of hoping that you can help us out here .
Kim : Actually , honey , you were trying to tell us something just before you collapsed .
Chris : Now , when you came to , you tried to tell me , remember ? He remembers .
Hal : Bob , Nurse Krebs kept a diary . Now that diary was in your possession before you were attacked . The diary is missing now . Did you read anything in that diary that indicated that Nurse Krebs knew who the killer was ? Yes . Good . And did the same person attack you ? Yes .
Walker : Was it Dr. Gordon ? Once . That s a no . It was nt him . Was it Rick Decker ?
Hal : Did Nurse Krebs name Rick Decker , and did Rick Decker attack you after he found out that you knew his secret ?
Paul : He s gon na break your heart .
Dusty : He s gon na break your -
Margo : Or else we could take this discussion downtown ?
Alison : Oh , my God .
Ms. Havelock : Your daughter was just here , with your death certificate .
Paul : Now , now . Do nt fight on my account .
Rose : Oh , stop . Please , just stop .
Dusty : Why do nt you listen to the lady and get out of here .
Paul : Rose , if what you wanted was to be with a chest - thumping hairball , why did nt you just stay in Atlantic City ? [ Rose groans ] No , no , no . That s it ! Enough ! I ve had it !
Margo : All right , line em up and cuff em , all of them .
Dusty : There s absolutely -- absolutely no problem here .
Margo : Absolutely no problem ? That s why dispatch got a call ? I could hear you guys up on the street .
Dusty : Well , this is a bar . I got construction going on here .
Margo : All right , are you two wasting my time here , or am I gon na find a body in the back room or something ?
Rose : I made the call , okay ? Dusty and Paul were going at it , and I thought one of them was gon na get hurt .
Margo : Okay , Paul , speak now or forever pay your lawyer .
Paul : I -- I called him a hairball , and he did nt like that .
Margo : A hairball ?
Paul : Yeah , I do nt know . He s very sensitive about his hair .
Dusty : Get this punk out of here .
Margo : Yeah , Paul , I think you should leave now . Say good night .
Paul : He s going to break your heart .
Dusty : He s gon na break your --
Margo : Or else we could take this intense discussion downtown ? Rose ? Rose ?
Rose : What ?
Margo : How did this get started ?
Rose : It s hard to say .
Dusty : Paul Ryan comes to my place of business , which is now closed for renovations , and he accuses me of hitting on his sister , which is totally stupid .
Margo : Jennifer ?
Dusty : Jennifer ! Jennifer s been sweating me . He does nt want to believe it , so he starts working in on my girl . That s it . Tell her .
Margo : Rose ?
Rose : Sorry ?
Margo : Did Paul deliberately provoke Dusty ?
Chris : He blinked twice .
Hal : That s a yes .
Walker : I knew it was Decker .
Hal : Where s Decker now ?
Chris : He was here when Dad woke up .
Nancy : He was in the hall . I was talking to him just a little bit ago , and he got a call on his beeper and had to go .
Walker : Damn it , we ca nt lose him .
Hal : John --
John : I m on it . Yeah , security , this is Dr. John Dixon . I want all the doors and the entrances to the hospital closed and secured . I want all the personnel -- this is an emergency -- looking for Dr. Rick Decker . And approach him with caution . He is dangerous .
Chris : Alison .
Rick : And here we go ! Whoa , over the threshold !
Susan : You d better put me down before you slip a disc .
Rick : Oh , would you indulge me , wife .
Susan : I d love to , husband .
Rick : Well , I promised you a honeymoon if you came with me to Florida .
Susan : But Hawaii ? Oh ! It was wonderful .
Rick : No , no , no . It was fabulous !
Susan : Oh , do nt answer it .
Rick : No , it may be the family .
Susan : Oh , okay .
All : Surprise !
Susan : What s this ?
Emily : Well , we never had a chance to officially celebrate your wedding , Mom .
Alison : So we want to make it up to you .
Hal : And we re sorry for any doubts we had about Rick .
Rick : Oh , please , Hal . You were just doing your job .
Alison : Mom , can I move back home ?
Emily : Alison , we want Mom to be happy !
Susan : Oh , but I am . I m so , so happy ! I m so happy .
Chris : Here we go . Now how about one of the whole family ? Rick , that means you .
Rick : Are you sure ?
All : Oh , come on , come on !
Rick : All right , everybody smile .
Chris : Say cheese !
All : Cheese !
Susan : Oh . Hello ?
Rick : Honey ?
Susan : Rick , what s wrong ? You sound like you re out of breath .
Rick : Well , yeah , I m a little overexcited . Bob woke up .
Susan : That s marvelous .
Rick : Well , hey , it s a miracle . But right now my heart is racing , and my mind is all over the place
Susan : It sounds like another panic attack . Where are you ?
Rick : I m not sure . I just had to get out of there . I could nt have them see me like this .
Susan : Just come home .
Rick : I ca nt . If Emily or Alison were there --
Susan : Then I ll come to you .
Rick : Thank you , sweetheart . I m out past Luther s Corners . I m out on route 57 . Do you know the motel there ? I think it s called the Lonely Pine .
Susan : Um , okay . I ll be right there .
Rick : Oh , thank you darling . Oh , and please , do nt tell anyone .
Susan : No , darling , of course not .
Alison : You killed her , Rick . You killed Nurse Krebs , then you stole her diary . Stanley Crumley ? You stole his ring ? Myrtle Scott s bookmark . Gordo s name tag . You killed them , and then you stole their stuff for souvenirs ? It s disgusting ! Oh , my God .
Rick : Excuse me . I need to get into my safety deposit box , but I seem to have lost my key .
Ms. Havelock : Do you have identification ?
Rick : Yes , of course . The name is Decker -- Dr. Eric Decker .
Ms. Havelock : I m sorry , what did you say the name was ?
Rick : Eric Decker .
Ms. Havelock : That s impossible . I m sorry . Your daughter was just here , with your death certificate .
Rosanna : Oh ! Oh , you look wonderful . Oh , stop that ! How do I look ?
Craig : Like a mother . Which takes most women about nine months . [ Rosanna laughs ] Or longer if you decide to adopt , I know .
Craig : Exactly right . This could take years . We have to expect a long wait here .
Rosanna : Okay , all right . She ll be here any minute , all right ? Do nt choke on your cookie .
Craig : Where exactly is this agency ?
Rosanna : It s the best agency in the region . I should show you the website -- Better Babies .
Craig : You found it on the internet ?
Rosanna : Yes , and Better Babies is the best .
Craig : Well , what , just because they have a snazzy website ? Any fool with a wallet can get a snazzy website .
Rosanna : Darling , breathe .
Craig : This is not good . We are moving much too fast in this , Rosanna --
Rosanna : Do nt get your knickers in a twist , all right ? I put my best people on it . I had the entire Cabot Research Department scout every agency in the region , and this one is the best . You do nt have to worry , okay ? [ Doorbell rings ] oh , there she is . All right , this is it . Behave ?
Craig : Do nt I always ?
Rosanna : Well , hello . So nice to meet you . Thank you , please come in . My husband and I have been so anxious to meet you .
Ms. Easton : Oh , yes , it usually takes several weeks before we can meet prospective parents .
Rosanna : Well , we very much appreciate you moving us into your schedule .
Ms. Easton : The director and I felt it was only fair to meet with you as soon as possible .
Craig : Only fair ? What do you mean , only fair ?
Rosanna : Ms. Easton , this is my husband , Craig Montgomery . Craig , this is Ms. Easton .
Craig : Oh , a pleasure .
Rosanna : Craig has a lovely daughter , Lucy . She s almost all grown up . He is such a wonderful father .
Ms. Easton : You have a lovely home .
Rosanna : Oh , thank you . We like it .
Craig : Perhaps Ms. Easton would like a tour ?
Rosanna : Oh , that s a great idea . I should show you upstairs . We ve picked out a room for the baby . It s full of sun --
Ms. Easton : Oh , let s not get ahead of ourselves , shall we ?
Dusty : Tell her what happened . Go ahead . Tell her Paul came in here looking for a fight .
Rose : Paul came in here looking for a fight .
Margo : And go on .
Rose : And Dusty gave him one .
Dusty : I do nt want to press charges , he s not pressing charges . I do nt think we need to write any of this up --
Margo : All right , well , a call came into dispatch --
Dusty : Nothing happened .
Margo : And I have got to make a report .
Dusty : All right , Margo , you know I m starting a business , and I m trying to make friends . The last thing I need is to be enemies with the police . I do nt need that .
Margo : Well , you should have thought of that before you let Paul get under your skin .
Dusty : Well , is there any way you can give me a break ? I mean , your brother is a partner of mine --
Margo : Oh , whoa , whoa , whoa . I did nt hear that . Neither did you . This is the last time I m letting you off the hook .
Dusty : And what the hell was that all about ?
Rick : My daughter ? I do nt understand . I do nt have a daughter .
Ms. Havelock : All her paperwork was in order .
Rick : But I m not dead .
Ms. Havelock : Oh , dear . I m sorry . I mean , she had the key . She had all the paperwork . And so , I do nt know what you want me to do .
Rick : Did you let her have my safety deposit box ? If anything is missing , I will hold this bank responsible .
Ms. Havelock : No , no , no . No , sir , nothing is missing . She s still here .
Rick : She s still here ?
Ms. Havelock : Yes . Yes , examining the contents of the box . Would you like me to call the police ?
Rick : Uh , no . Not yet . Just -- just take me to her .
Alison : Oh , come on , Chris . Pick up .
Chris : Sorry , I ca nt pick up . Leave a message . [ Voice mail beeps ]
Alison : Chris , it s me . We were right . We were right about everything . I m at the bank , and the stuff in the box -- you wo nt even believe .
Ms. Havelock : Ms. Stewart ? Open this door right now or I m calling the police .
Rosanna : Craig and I both realize that adoption is a very long and involved process .
Ms. Easton : It can be , yes .
Rosanna : Have you had a chance to look over our preliminary application ?
Craig : We d be happy to answer any questions .
Ms. Easton : You must understand that we make every effort at Better Babies to ensure that every child is going to a perfect home .
Rosanna : Oh , yes , of course .
Ms. Easton : We have reviewed the materials you ve submitted and done some checking of our own . And we ve learned that Ms. Cabot , or should I say Mrs. Montgomery , has impeccable credentials , both professionally and personally . Rosanna , we are certain that you would make a wonderful mother .
Rosanna : There s nothing I would like more .
Ms. Easton : Which is why it pains me to tell you that , given what we ve discovered about your husband , Mrs. Montgomery , I m sorry , but your husband will never be permitted to adopt .
Dusty : What ?
Rose : I told you . I told you , stay away from Jennifer Munson . It s trouble . Now you got Paul on the warpath .
Dusty : So what ?
Rose : I got to ask you -- are you , now , gon na tell Jennifer to stay away from this place ?
Dusty : Yeah .
Rose : I just want things to be calm for , like , a minute . I mean , can we go to dinner together ? Or take a walk , like normal people ?
Dusty : All right . I said all right . I ll do anything for you . You know that , right ?
Rose : Yeah , we ll see .
Paul : Jennifer ? Hey , Jennifer !
Imaginary James : Right , you fail . You fail miserably , and then you take it out on your sister . Words with Donovan . Sounded like a 9-year - old with a thesaurus .
Paul : Just get out of my head .
Imaginary James : You d better listen to the voice in your head . At least , you would nt be cursing your sister if you did . And at least she has the guts to stand up to your enemies . Now you listen to me , Paul . You ve lost your fiancée . If you re not careful , you re going to lose your sister , too . Now quit acting like a child . Attack Donovan .
Paul : If I do that , then Rose is just gon na run to his defense .
Imaginary James : Not if you re clever . He s a gambler , he s an opportunist . You bait him , he ll bite . And when it s all over , Rose and Jennifer will see him for exactly what he is -- a charming , seductive , parasite .
Paul : If they have nt seen that already , I --
Imaginary James : They are women , son . They only see what they want to see . They need a man to show them the way .
Tom : You had us all going there for awhile , Dad .
Nancy : Nonsense , I knew he d come back . Just took a little patience and a little time .
Kim : Oh , boy . I missed you so much . And I m so glad to see those baby blue eyes again .
Nancy : Tom , I think I could use a cup of coffee .
Tom : There is always fresh in the lounge .
Nancy : And Kim can use a little privacy .
Tom : Let s go get some , huh ?
Nancy : Mel , why do nt you stand guard outside ?
Kim : Look at my -- I m so silly , but I just ca nt wait to get you home .
Bob : Kim .
Kim : Oh , sweetheart . Oh , sweetheart .
John : As much as it pains me , Dr. Daniels , I suppose you were right . I should have listened to you .
Walker : Look , what s important is that we get him before he reaches the ground .
John : Did security get him ?
Hal : No , I checked all the exits . Nobody saw him leave .
John : Maybe he s still in the hospital .
Hal : I do nt think so , John . I think he gave us the slip .
Susan : Rick , I -- oh , Melissa . No , look , I -- I m heading out the door , so unless it s -- Mr. Rodriguez ? Oh , Mr. Rodriguez . No , he s not a complainer , so if he says something , you got to pay attention . Well , what s his blood pressure ? Um , that s a good call , but I d -- I d up it by half .
Chris : Hey , Jackie . Jackie , have you seen Alison ?
Jackie : Yes , she left a while ago .
Chris : Oh , come on . Do nt tell me that .
Jackie : Sorry .
Ms. Havelock : Open this door , young lady .
Alison : Okay , okay . [ Cell phone rings ] Chris ?
Chris : Alison , where are you ?
Ms. Havelock : Do I have to call the police ?
Alison : Hang on . Maam , do -
Katie : No , please ! Please , no ! Stop hurting him ! Stop hurting him !
Rick : One peep out of you -- one peep -- and your mother is next .
Hal : Where is your mother ?
Emily : She just left .
Hal : Where was she going ?
Emily : To meet Rick .
Rick : Why do nt you tell me what you were just about to do ?
Margo : Oh , my God .
Chris : Wake up . Wake up . Wake up . Wake up . Wake up .
### Summary:
| Paul demanded to know Dusty s intentions toward Jen , then taunted Dusty and Rose . Dusty got angry , and started to manhandle Paul . Rose called the police , fearing one of them would get hurt . Margo arrived , but Dusty convinced her to let them off with a warning . Dusty was angry that Rose did nt stand up for him to Margo , but agreed to keep Jen away from the grand opening . The James in Paul s head continued trying to convince him to get revenge on Dusty . Bob was only able to communicate by blinking , but still managed to tell Hal that Rick is the killer . As Hal searched for Rick , Rick made plans to meet Susan at a remote motel , saying he was having another panic attack . Alison talked her way into getting into Rick s safety deposit box . Inside , she found a gun , Nurse Krebs s diary , a vial and syringe , and small souvenirs from each of the victims . Just as Chris realized that Alison had left the hospital without him , Rick arrived at the bank , and was stunned to hear that his daughter was there looking through the box . He asked to be taken to her . Craig tried to tell Rosanna that he did nt want another child , but could nt bring himself to break her heart . However , the visiting social worker informed them that , despite Rosanna s impeccable credentials , Craig would never be allowed to adopt . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bob : What is it ?
Kim : You know , it s very strange . When you re in the middle of a crisis , you forget the world goes on around you . You know , people come , people go , bread gets baked .
Bob : Uh - huh . You re worried about Chris .
Kim : It s a mother thing .
Bob : Well , it -- it s early yet . We still could run into some problems . But , uh , everything points to a steady recovery , and his body shows no sign of rejecting the heart .
Kim : I know . Thanks , Darling . I know .
Bob : Well , then , what is it ?
Kim : I just -- I keep thinking about what the lessons are in this for me .
Bob : Lessons ?
Kim : Yeah . I m certain we learned that when you pray for help , you can not outline how it comes . I mean , it can come from the last person in the world you expect to give it . Also , it s been a pointed reminder of who s really in charge .
Luke : I thought you were supposed to be in California .
Noah : I heard what happened to Reid . Luke , I -- I am so sorry . I ca nt even imagine what you must be going through right now .
Luke : No . I do nt think you can .
Lucinda : If you do nt leave out that door in ten seconds , I m gon na call security .
John : All right . Calm down .
Lucinda : Calm down ? You barge in here uninvited , threatening me , and I m supposed to --
John : Now , wait a minute ! I m not here to threaten you ! As a matter of fact , if you just pipe down for a minute , I will explain . I came by to apologize .
Lucinda : Oh . Oh , to apologize ?
John : Well , for the way I spoke to you this morning at the Lakeview . It was unduly harsh , and I just -- but -- but I come through the door , and you re making some kind of emergency call to Dusty , telling him to go on the offensive with you against Lily , your daughter !
Lucinda : What I do and who I do it with and why I do it is none of your damn business .
John : Look , I m not gon na leave here until you tell me what the hell is going on with you and Lily , okay ? I want the whole story , and I want it now .
Lucinda : You re just chock full of orders today , are nt you ?
John : Yeah , yeah , yeah . So what does it mean ?
Lucinda : All right . If there s no other way to get rid of you , I ll tell you . I hurt Lily . Now , in her mind , it s much more than that . In her thinking , I ve gone even further than that . I have crossed the line one too many times , and she has , in effect , essentially disowned me .
John : So she has finally gotten the courage to stand up to you !
Lucinda : That is precisely my point .
John : What do you mean ?
Lucinda : Lily now owns a sizable chunk of Worldwide shares because of Craig Montgomery , his chicanery , his maneuvering , and all that . That power -- she has the power to cause endless trouble around here and even -- even to oust me from the board .
John : So you were going to strike first and break her the same way you were planning on breaking Craig ?
Lucinda : Makes perfect sense .
John : To a mercenary , perhaps ! What the hell is wrong with you , Woman ?
Angus : Why are you two still here ?
Holden : Sir , if you would just let us explain .
Angus : You drive away my chess partner , and you start yapping about that lousy nephew of mine ? I mean , you sure know how to ruin someone s day .
Lily : We re sorry that we interrupted your game .
Angus : A lot of good that does me now .
Holden : Mr. Oliver , my -- uh , Lily and I , we re not interested in any past issues that you ve had with your nephew .
Angus : That s none of your business anyway .
Holden : Understood .
Lily : That s not why we re here .
Angus : Well , what do you want , then ?
Holden : I m sorry to have to tell you this , but , uh -- your nephew is dead .
Angus : Dead ?
Holden : Yeah . He was killed in a car accident yesterday .
Angus : Well , that s , uh -- well , that s a damn shame .
Lily : It s more of a tragedy as far as we re concerned .
Angus : What the hell am I supposed to do about it ?
Chris : Answer me , Katie .
Katie : Just try to get some sleep .
Chris : Please tell me , whose heart do I have ?
Katie : It came -- from a very generous person .
Chris : That is not an answer .
Katie : You re not supposed to know right now ?
Chris : What ?
Katie : I mean , you do nt need to know .
Chris : Katie , something just does not feel right here .
Katie : Do you want me to call John ? Do you want me to page someone ?
Chris : Listen to me . You know what I m saying .
Katie : I should nt have come in here . You re too tired . Why do nt you just get some sleep , and I ll be right back , okay ?
Chris : No , Katie . Listen to me . I heard some people talking in the hallway , and some things just do not add up . So please , will you tell me the truth .
Katie : It s not the time .
Chris : Look , I made a mistake not telling you or my family how sick I was . Please , do nt make that same mistake . Be honest with me . Whose heart do I have ?
Katie : Reid s . You have Reid s heart .
Lucinda : What s wrong with me ? What s wrong with you , John ?
John : You know , this is classic , classic Lucinda Walsh . Uh - huh . When in doubt , strike out , lash out . The best defense is a good offense .
Lucinda : You re just oozing righteousness today .
John : I wish to hell I could make you understand !
Lucinda : There s no need to do that . I -- I know you .
John : This is not about me !
Lucinda : Oh , please . Come on . You come back to town . You re all revved up because you re gon na do this wonderful surgery . You re gon na save a life . You re superman . And -- and that gives you carte blanche to pass judgment on people that do nt live up to the moral code that you have newly adopted ?
John : You are more cynical now . You sound more cynical now --
Lucinda : Oh , that s -- that s because you ve forgotten who you re dealing with . I know you . I know the real John Dixon . Ha .
John : I know you , too .
Lucinda : No , no , no , no , no , no , you do nt . No , you do nt have a clue to who I am now .
John : You certainly sound the same .
Lucinda : Only to people who are nt listening carefully .
John : You know , we were married . You were my wife . And I loved you . And even though our marriage did not last , I would still like to be able to think of you as a friend .
Lucinda : A friend ?
John : Yeah .
Lucinda : John , you are delusional .
John : Why are you giving me such a hard time ?
Lucinda : John , I m a cancer survivor . I m in remission , vixen that I am . During that entire ordeal , not once , once did I hear from you .
John : I realize that .
Lucinda : So , I mean , is that any way to treat a friend ? Maybe an ex - wife . A friend ? If that s what you think a friend is , you re not one .
Holden : I m sorry that this is so painful for you , but you re not alone in that department . Reid s death was devastating for an entire community .
Angus : Yeah ? Where ?
Holden : Oakdale , Illinois .
Angus : Never heard of it .
Holden : Mr. Oliver , right before Reid died , he designated my son durable power of attorney .
Lily : And as I said before , Luke wo nt be able to make a decision about Reid s remains unless he gets your permission .
Holden : So we need to know --
Angus : Why does your son get to call the shots on this ?
Holden : Well , technically , you call the shots , but he s the one who s gon na handle the details .
Lily : And -- and make sure that Reid s remains are handled with dignity and respect .
Angus : And if I say no ?
Holden : Then we have a problem .
Noah : Is there anything I can do ?
Luke : How good are you at bringing back the dead ?
Noah : Maybe you just need your space right now .
Luke : You can do what you want . I do nt care .
Noah : I can hang .
Luke : How did you know I would be here ?
Noah : I know you . This is your place .
Luke : Yeah . You do know me . I knew next to nothing about Reid .
Noah : Come on .
Luke : No , no , it s true . I mean , I knew he liked junk food . I knew he loved being a boy - wonder surgeon . But did I know who to call to ask if he even wanted to be cremated ? No .
Noah : You knew him , Luke . You had to .
Luke : Why ?
Noah : Because if you did nt , you would nt have loved him .
Luke : You know , it s weird . I did nt even know how I felt about him until I had told you .
Noah : That means I m good for something , right ?
Chris : I do nt understand .
Katie : The heart you received was Reid s .
Chris : But how ?
Katie : It s okay . Just calm down .
Chris : Wait a minute . How -- how the hell can Reid be dead ?
Katie : This is why I did nt want to say anything . We were nt supposed to . John gave us strict orders to keep you calm and not tell you anything that s gon na stress you out .
Chris : It s too late for that , Katie . You got to tell me everything that happened .
Katie : He was in a car accident .
Chris : Uh , a car accident ? When ? Where ?
Katie : It does nt matter right now .
Chris : Yes , Katie , it matters . It matters to me .
Katie : Chris , please try to let it go for a second .
Chris : No , no . Okay , so he was in his car . He was driving . And then tell me everything that happened , Katie ?
Katie : He stalled at a railroad crossing . A train was coming , and he could nt get out of his car in time .
Chris : That does nt -- that does nt make sense . I mean , the -- the only railroad crossing here is -- is on the road to Bay City .
Katie : Chris --
Chris : Oh , wait . He died because of me .
Katie : No , he did not .
Chris : Yes .
Katie : That s not true . Do nt even think like that .
Chris : Yes . He was on the way to Bay City General to -- to talk to that surgeon to get that heart that -- that was being held back from me , was nt he ?
Katie : Yes , but that does nt mean you re responsible for his death .
Chris : Yes .
Katie : Reid made a really reckless decision .
Chris : Katie , he was in a hurry because of me , because he was trying to save my life , and he is the one that ends up dead . He never made it to Bay City , did he ?
Katie : No .
Chris : No . So instead of the donor heart , I -- I end up with his .
Katie : Chris --
Chris : This just ca nt be happening .
Katie : Do not blame yourself for this . It s not your fault .
Chris : Yes , it is my fault .
John : Well , you certainly have a reason to hold a grudge .
Lucinda : Thank you . Actually , I m -- I m envious of you .
John : You re envious of me ?
Lucinda : I m envious , yes , because my life is nt as tidy as yours . I ca nt run away , you know , disappear from my problems . I ca nt run away . I m stuck in the neighborhood , and I have to deal with them , and that means the messes -- everyone s messes . And -- and I have to fight when the going gets rough .
John : I think you re making a huge mistake with your daughter .
Lucinda : Right . Okay , right . Okay . I ve got to go .
John : You are about to destroy the one thing in your life , your connection with your daughter , which could mend itself if you could just stay the hell away from her .
Angus : Well , who the hell was this Luke to my nephew anyway ?
Holden : A close friend -- very close .
Lily : Luke loved Reid .
Holden : And Reid loved Luke .
Angus : Wait a minute . What s all this love stuff supposed to mean ?
Holden : I think it s pretty clear , do nt you .
Angus : Well , maybe to people from Oaktown or wherever the hell it is you re from , but not to me .
Holden : Well , maybe we should spell it out for you . Reid and Luke were in love with each other .
Luke : I keep thinking of all of the things that Reid and I never got to do together .
Noah : Okay .
Luke : You can still go .
Noah : No . Um , no , it s fine . I want to hear it . Um , if you had a list , I mean , what would be at the top of -- of things you wish you d done with Reid but -- but did nt ?
Luke : Well , I would nt say it s at the top of the list , but we never went swimming here .
Noah : Really ?
Luke : No . Not once all summer . You know what else we did nt do ? We never went to a movie together .
Noah : Not one ?
Luke : Hmm - mm . Sounds weird , right , I mean , after the million and one movies that we sat through together .
Noah : You must have gone to a ballgame or --
Luke : No , no . Never got around to it .
Noah : Bowling ?
Luke : No .
Noah : Tennis ?
Luke : No . We never went to a museum . We never went shopping together . We -- we never went to farmers market on Saturday . It s so funny that I can think of more things that I did nt do with Reid than I did do with him .
Noah : Well , whatever you did do , it must have worked .
Luke : It must have worked how ?
Noah : Well -- you and Reid were really close -- close enough to admit how you felt about each other . You ll always have that , right ?
Luke : Do you really want to know what s at the top of that list ?
Noah : Yeah , all right .
Luke : Reid and I had never made love . And that sure beats not going to a movie , right ?
Noah : Um , why , um -- why had nt you ?
Luke : We were waiting .
Noah : Whose idea was that ?
Luke : Mine . Luke Snyder , wanting to wait . Surprise , huh ?
Noah : No . I mean , I know what making love means to you .
Luke : Yeah . Did I tell you it was an out - of - body experience ?
Noah : You know , it s no secret that Reid and I had our issues .
Luke : Who did nt ?
Noah : But , um , if it was nt for him , I would nt be able to look at you right now . Chris would nt even be alive .
Luke : Yeah .
Noah : So please believe it when I say that to me , Reid was a hero . What ?
Luke : Everybody keeps saying that .
Noah : What , the -- the hero stuff ?
Luke : Yeah . Everyone s saying , Oh , Reid was a hero . Reid was a hero . But I ve got news . That s a lie . Reid Oliver was not a hero .
Katie : Chris , stop . Calm down .
Chris : No , I ca nt just calm down , Katie .
Katie : Listen to me . Reid --
Chris : Saved my life . I know . You keep saying that to me .
Katie : Because it s true .
Chris : But Reid should not be dead .
Katie : And you should be ? Is that what you re saying ?
Chris : Yes , because he should have never got in that car in the first place .
Katie : It s not like you asked him to go to Bay City . It was his decision .
Chris : No , but you re missing the point . The -- the heart that he died trying to get was never mine to have in the first place .
Bob : What s going on in here ?
Chris : How long ?
Bob : What ?
Chris : How long would you have waited to tell me the truth ?
Bob : Until the time was right .
Chris : Oh . So basically , I would have been the last to know , huh ?
Bob : Son , you ve got to heal . That s our priority , not giving you information that will upset you .
Chris : So who -- whose idea was it to -- to slap Reid s heart inside my chest ? Yours , Moms ? Did -- did Tom have to pull some legal strings to make it happen ? I mean , whose bright idea was it ?
Katie : It was Reid s .
Chris : How could this have been Reid s idea ? He was hit by a train . He was killed .
Bob : But he did nt die in the accident . He was in critical condition , and Margo had the ambulance bring him here .
Katie : He could speak for a little while , and he gave Luke power of attorney .
Bob : And then he insisted that Tom draw up the legal papers that guaranteed that you would get his heart , providing that there was a tissue match .
Katie : And there was , which is why you re here today , giving us all so much grief .
Nurse : Excuse me , Dr. Hughes . I need to check his vitals .
Bob : Okay , you go ahead . We ll be outside .
Katie : I m sorry .
Bob : Do nt apologize . You said exactly what I was thinking .
Katie : No , I m sorry about telling Chris that he had Reid s heart .
Bob : Well , he needed to find out sooner or later .
Katie : I do nt know . I was just -- I was trying to keep it from him . But I felt like he just somehow , deep down inside of him knew .
Bob : Well , you did the right thing , Katie . Maybe now he ll see Reid as the hero we already knew he was .
Luke : I ll tell you what a hero is . A hero is somebody who shows the rest of us how to do what s right , who leads by example . And Reid -- Reid was the opposite of that . Reid was an arrogant , reckless jackass .
Noah : Luke --
Luke : No . Ask any nurse who worked with him . Ask the doctors . Hell , Noah , you were his patient . You knew what he was like .
Noah : Where is this coming from ?
Luke : Because everybody thinks that he was this genius neurosurgeon , this genius brain surgeon ! But he did nt use an ounce of his brain when it mattered the most . I mean , what good is being smart when it ca nt help you see the difference between safety and danger ? And he must have seen those flashing lights at the train crossing . He must have seen them . But he thought , No , I can beat this . I can make it before those barriers go down . If he had just thought , If I wait 30 seconds , just 30 seconds , for this train to pass , I can go to Bay City . I can get that heart . But all he thought was I can do this , because he thought he could do everything because he was so damn smart . Yeah , he was so damn smart it got himself killed ! A real hero would have gone to Bay City , he would have gotten that heart for Chris , and he would come back to me alive . A real hero --
Noah : Luke , Luke !
Luke : What ?
Noah : It s okay . It s okay . It s not your fault . It s okay .
Holden : You said he could have been a brilliant chess player . He was a brilliant surgeon .
Lily : Medicine was his whole life -- I mean , until he got to know Luke .
Angus : Why ? What happened ?
Lily : Well , Luke , opened him up a little -- a lot . I mean , right before --
Holden : What Lily s trying to say is not only was Reid a world - class surgeon , but he died a better man .
Angus : Was he --
Lily : Was he happy ?
Angus : Yeah , at the end .
Holden : I think he was content . And in my book , that s a notch above happy .
Lily : Right before he died , Reid saw to it that a young man , a colleague of his who needed a new heart got Reid s .
Holden : If you ask me , I think that s the ultimate act of generosity .
Angus : This was my nephew s idea ?
Lily : Yes . In fact , he insisted on it .
Angus : How s the guy with his heart doing ?
Holden : Last we heard , he s doing okay .
Lily : Reid s compassion came through in the end because Luke really did change Reid s world . He brought a whole new experience to it .
Angus : Like what ?
Holden : Love , pure and simple .
Lily : Really can work wonders when there s nothing else .
Holden : It literally saved a life . Sir , we re asking you to let our son put Reid to rest . After what he did , I think it s the right thing to do .
Lucinda : You really have to go now .
John : Reid Oliver was in love with your grandson , was nt he ?
Lucinda : What the hell does Reid Oliver have to do with me ?
John : Do you know when things really counted , this arrogant , self - centered man acted out of pure compassion ? Could you ever see yourself doing that ?
Lucinda : What are you trying to say ?
John : You are so programmed to fight , Lucinda , it seems to be the only option that you will ever consider , even when your enemy happens to be your daughter .
Lucinda : I ve spent my entire life fighting , and you know why -- because I had to . Now , Lily -- I have lost Lily . Should I -- I lose my métier . Should I risk that , as well ? This is all I got left .
John : This is just a business . And as far as money goes , you ve stashed away enough , you wo nt even be able to spend it in your lifetime . So what further damage could Lily do to you ?
Lucinda : She s never going to get the chance to find out .
John : Then why do you keep doing it ? What do you get from fighting ? Why do you fight ? !
Lucinda : It s the only thing that I do well .
John : Do you know that Reid Oliver -- he did something that he could nt do well on the last day of his life , and he will be remembered for what he gave rather than what he took away .
Lucinda : What are you trying to say ?
John : I m trying to say that it is not too late for you to change the outcome of how this thing is going to work . And you can do it . You have it in you .
Katie : Are you okay ?
Chris : Whenever I hear that sound there , I think of Reid . Right now , that s all I can hear .
Katie : This is what Reid wanted .
Chris : Yeah , but how am I supposed to live with that -- I mean , knowing that every breath I take for the rest of my life will be because of him ?
Katie : Is that so terrible , that you get to have a life ?
Chris : No , that s not what I meant .
Katie : Well , that s what it sounded like , and I do nt like it . You re sounding like Reid at his worst , all full of pride and ego . Oh , poor , put - upon Chris . I could strangle you right now .
Chris : Well , then , you would undo all of John s hard work .
Katie : This is not funny . You get a second chance at life . And if you spend one more minute feeling guilty about how you got that chance , you will not only dishonor Reid , but the amazing gift that he gave you .
Chris : Katie , I --
Katie : No , you owe Reid joy -- joy that you get to live and that every little breath you take for the rest of your life will be because of him . Otherwise , you might as well be dead . So suck it up , Hughes .
John : Do nt sell yourself short , Old girl of mine . You should nt live for business . You ve got it in you to change .
Lucinda : Oh , he s a doctor , he s a personal motivator .
John : We should worry more about the people we love , not about things and power and control . If you got that , you ve got it made .
Lucinda : Speak for yourself , John . And do nt call me Old girl .
John : Would you like me to speak to Lily ?
Lucinda : Oh , good heavens , no . Please do nt . Look , I appreciate -- I do . I appreciate your interest , your time , and your pep talk , even though , you know , such as it was . Lily s a lost cause . Okay . You really have to go .
John : There s just one thing you ve got wrong .
Lucinda : Only ? Only one ? How refreshing ?
John : I do know you . I ve always known you . I would go so far as to say that nobody before or since we were together has known you better . I m -- I m glad you re not sick anymore . I m very , very glad .
Angus : So , this , uh , son of yours , Luke ?
Holden : That s right .
Angus : Well , he must be a pretty special kid himself to have loved my nephew . Because I ll tell you , that Reid was nt so easy to love .
Lily : Reid was very special , too .
Holden : They made a good couple . You should have seen them together . It was kind of like watching a chess match .
Lily : Definitely kept each other on their toes .
Angus : That s the only way to make the game worthwhile . So -- okay , so what do I have to do to , uh , give you my permission ?
Holden : I just need you to sign at the bottom .
Angus : You two came up pretty well yourselves .
Holden : Thank you .
Angus : And now maybe you people will , uh , leave me alone .
Lily : If that s what you d like .
Angus : You do nt know much about chess , do you ?
Lily : Oh , no . I m sorry . I do nt .
Angus : See this ? This is the knight my nephew was about to move at that last tournament just before he walked away .
Holden : You carry it around ?
Angus : All the time . This piece has a little history to it . Um , back when Reid was , um , I do nt know , 8 or 9 , he -- he made a stupid , boneheaded move with this knight . Cost him the game .
Lily : Does nt sound so terrible .
Angus : Was nt thinking . Made me madder than hell .
Holden : You still sound mad .
Angus : There s no excuse for not paying attention . So I took this knight , and I pressed it into his sweaty , little hand until he yelped with pain , and I told him This is what it feels like to lose . It s sharp , and it stings , and sometimes it leaves a mark that does nt go away so fast .
Lily : What did Reid do ?
Angus : He won the next 45 matches . Years later , um , long after he , uh -- he quit chess , uh , I got this in the mail from him , along with a note that said , um -- it said , um , I graduated from medical school . Checkmate .
Holden : Sounds just like Reid .
Angus : I ve kept this in my pocket ever since to remind me what it feels like to fail . Here . You give that to your son .
Lily : Luke has had plenty of reminders in his life of how painful failure is .
Angus : Not for that . It s -- it s to remind him of Reid , who I guess in the end , um -- he did nt fail at all , did he ?
Lily : No , he did nt . Thank you .
Holden : For everything .
Angus : It s your move now .
Luke : I m sorry .
Noah : Do nt be sorry for anything .
Luke : Anything ?
Noah : Luke , its okay , really , all of it .
Luke : Do nt you have a plane to catch ?
Noah : I ll get another one .
Chris : Come here , Baby .
Katie : Chris --
Chris : I have a serious question for you , now that I have Reid s heart beating in my chest .
Katie : Yeah ?
Chris : Will I just be eating junk food and acting like a horse s ass the way he did ?
Katie : No . You re gon na get really , really old with me .
Chris : But -- I do nt know -- can we go dancing first ? Because you did promise me .
Katie : We are gon na do more things than you ve ever dreamed possible . That is a promise , too .
Chris : I m gon na hold you to it .
Katie : Good . You d better .
Chris : Still ticking .
Katie : Good and strong . You know what I want to do ?
Chris : Besides dancing and having kids , making me build swing sets for them ?
Katie : I want to spend the rest of my life falling asleep to the sound of this beautiful beating heart . What s worse than a dirty toilet ?
John : Surprised ?
Margo : Yeah . Is that what you wanted ?
John : They re for you . Here .
Margo : Oh , oh , well , thanks . I -- I like daisies .
John : I know . I remembered .
Margo : Oh . Um , uh , you know , I did nt hear from you , so I thought that you just went back to Baltimore , got another cardiologist for Chris .
John : You know , I -- I ve been thinking . I -- I d like to stay around Oakdale for a while .
Margo : Really ?
John : Yeah . Does that surprise you , too ?
Margo : Y -- you re getting good at that . Um , I know there s a lot of people who will be thrilled .
John : I would really prefer to know how my daughter feels about that .
Margo : Well , then , come on in . I ll put these in water .
Luke : Thank you for coming , all of you .
Lily : Are you ready for this ?
Luke : No . But , um -- these are Reid s ashes -- most of them , anyway . The rest are at the hospital . They ll be part of the new neuro wing itself . Reid -- God , I ca nt believe this . Reid hated Memorial Hospital more than just about anything . But when he talked about that new wing , it was like his baby . He conceived it , and he dedicated himself fully to it . And now he is gon na be able to be there forever , supervising everything . And I think he d like that . I think he d demand it , actually . But the rest of him -- the rest of him is gon na be here at the pond with me . We re finally gon na get that swim .
Chris : So it s official ?
Bob : Yes . The board voted today , and the , uh , name on the new wing will be in honor of Reid Oliver .
Kim : Oh , that s wonderful . That was really Reid s brainchild , was nt it ?
Bob : Well , there s something else , too .
Chris : What do you mean ?
Bob : Well , Luke has asked that Reid s ashes be placed near the cornerstone of the new wing , and , uh , I m gon na see that that happens .
Chris : And I ll help you . I ll be up and around by then .
Kim : Yes , you will . You ll be also getting ready to take over as chief of staff .
Bob : Hey , wait a minute . I have nt retired yet .
Kim : Oh .
Chris : Well , take your time , Dad . No rush . Slow , steady .
Bob : Yeah . Yeah , I ve noticed that . But , uh , in the end , you usually get it right .
Chris : Well , what can I say ? I ve lived a charmed life .
Lily : Reid was lucky to have you as a friend .
Luke : We were both lucky . I miss him , Mom .
Lily : I know , Baby . Are you ready to go ?
Luke : I just have one more thing . Good - bye , Reid .
Next week on As the World Turns .
Jack : Please do me the honor of marrying me one more time .
John : I need a DNA test on this right away .
Technician : What for ?
John : A paternity test .
Carly : I love you .
### Summary:
| At Java , Bob and Kim have breakfast and discuss Chris recovery . Bob senses that Kim is concerned about Chris . Noah finds Luke at the Snyder Pond . Noah lets Luke know that he heard about Reid s death . At Worldwide , Lucinda orders John to leave , but he refuses . John tells Lucinda that all he wanted was to apologize . John accuses her of talking to Dusty in order to ruin Lily s life . Lucinda confesses all to John . In Brooklyn , Lily tells Uncle Angus about how Reid died tragically . At Memorial Hospital , Chris asks Katie where his heart came from . Katie tries not to tell Chris the truth , but he refuses to let up . Katie breaks down and lets Chris know that he has Reid s heart . John lashes out at Lucinda for trying to ruin Lily s life . Lucinda points out to John that she does nt have his new attitude about things that she has to fight to get ahead . Lucinda thinks John has no clue as to who she is . Lucinda tells John that she is a cancer survivor but when she was going through all of that , he was nowhere to be found and he was nt there for her . Lily and Holden tell Uncle Angus about Reid s death and Luke s part in Reid s life . Noah and Luke spend time together at the pond just talking about Reid . Chris demands that Katie tell him what happened to Reid . Katie explains things as best as she can . Chris blames himself for Reid s death . John lets Lucinda know that she has every right to hold a grudge against him . John tries to make Lucinda understand that she is making a mistake with Lily . Lily and Holden explain to Uncle Angus that Luke and Reid were in love with each other . Luke regrets that he did nt get to do a lot of things with Reid . Chris and Katie argue over Reid s death when Bob comes in and wants to know what is going on . Chris asks Bob how long he was going to wait before he told him that he has Reid s heart . Chris demands to know whose idea it was to give him Reid s heart . Katie speaks up and tells Chris that it was Reid s idea . Bob and Katie explain everything to Chris . Katie apologizes to Bob for letting Chris know whose heart he has . Noah calls Reid a hero for what he did , but Luke insists that Noah was no hero . Noah hugs Luke in order to console him . Lily tells Uncle Angus that Luke helped Reid to open up . Holden asks Uncle Angus to grant permission so Luke can do as he wishes with Reid s remains . John tries to persuade Lucinda that she can change the outcome on how things end with Lily . Katie visits Chris and points out to him that he has a lot to live for thanks to Reid . John tells Lucinda not to sell herself short . John offers to talk to Lily for Lucinda but she refuses . Uncle Angus gives his permission for Luke to lay Reid to rest as Luke sees fit . Uncle Angus tells Lily and Holden about a chess game that Reid was involved in as a child . Uncle Angus gives Lily a chess piece of Reid s to give to Luke . Luke apologizes to Noah for his actions concerning Reid and the way that he died . Chris and Katie share a tender moment together . John visits Margo and brings her flowers , then tells her he is staying in town for a while . Lucinda brings flowers to Lily but she is gone . Lucinda leaves the flowers at the door and leaves . Lily , Holden , Luke and Noah hold a memorial service for Reid . Bob tells Chris that the new wing will be named after Reid and some of his ashes will be spread there as part of a memorial . Luke says a final good - bye to Reid as he holds the chess piece . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kay : Where , uh , where s Victor now ?
Nikki : I do nt know . I left . When I came back , he was gone . Can you -- can you believe this ? Can you believe what he s done ?
Kay : Well , it s difficult . I ca nt deny that .
Nikki : Oh , Katherine , I have never felt such betrayal in my life .
Kay : Nikki , I understand completely .
Nikki : So what am I supposed to do ? I mean , I ca nt just pretend that everything is okay .
Kay : No , no , of course you ca nt , but--
Nikki : The fact that he has even done this makes me wonder if he ever loved me at all .
Victor : What are you doing here ?
Michael : Well , that s one hell of a good connection .
Victor : Do nt you walk into my office . Now get out .
Michael : I was calling you Victor . I wanted to come out to the ranch .
Victor : Why ?
Michael : Well , I did nt think you were coming in . You put Nicholas in charge .
Victor : I m here to pick up a few things , then I m leaving . You , on the other hand , are leaving right now .
Michael : Well , you can stand in line . Nicholas already kicked me out of the building . Look , Victor , the reason I wanted to talk to you is this idea that I m the one who turned you in to the authorities-- it simply is nt the case . The same goes for Phyllis .
Victor : Why in the hell should I believe you ?
Michael : Whether she d admit it or not , Phyllis worships the ground you walk on . As for me , I mean , think about it . What possible motive could I have ? I mean , I am the man who paid off these retailers . It was my face they saw . Even if you were behind it , what am I gon na do ? I m gon na holler bribery , and then cut a deal with the prosecutor ? Why ? Why ? Oh , I see , to get myself out of the trouble I just got myself in . Hello ? Am I getting to you ? All right . Look , if this is all gon na come out eventually , what could I possibly gain by lying to you ?
Michael : All right , my main point is we are in trouble . We re in big trouble . You . Me . Both of us . Therefore , I suggest that we not waste another minute trying to figure out who blew the whistle on us and try to focus on keeping our asses out of jail .
Gina : Hi .
Sharon : Hi , Gina .
Gina : Hi , Sharon . Well , this is a coincidence . I was just noticing your husband had made reservations for dinner tonight .
Sharon : Yeah . We are meeting a man named Cameron Kirsten .
Gina : Yeah . He s staying here . He seems like a nice man .
Sharon : Um , Gina , I was wondering , um , if maybe I could speak to him for a moment .
Gina : Well , I d like to help you out , but it s a company policy-- we re not allowed to give out the room numbers . But I ll ring him for you if you want .
Sharon : Would you ? Thank you .
Gina : No problem . Oh , wait a minute . He s here . How about an introduction ?
Sharon : Uh , no . I mean , I ll introduce myself .
Gina : Okay .
Sharon : ( Thinking ) aah !
Cameron : Shut up .
Sharon : ( Clears throat )
Cameron : Hi . Cameron Kirsten .
Sharon : Sharon Newman .
Cameron : I m sorry , did you say Newman ? Newman ?
Jack : I m beginning to think we oughta move the Ryukyu Islands here . It might be cheaper than moving half of Genoa City there . You re absolutely sure this Vanessa Lerner woman has decided to tag along with you ?
Damon : Unless she changes her mind .
Jack : I do nt like this , Damon . Any chance you could change her mind for her ?
Damon : Now how should I tell her she s unwelcome ? She s the woman who brought us thing .
Dru : She is the reason why we re going to , Jack . Just think-- this root could revolutionize the way hair is straightened in the world .
Jack : Dru , Dru , I love your enthusiasm . I love it . Try to remember , you re there getting married .
Dru : I m well aware of that , Jack . The reason why we re going he Ryukyu Islands is because that s where the root exists .
Damon : I do nt need help finding it , Dru .
Dru : Oh , but I think you . I think you do . With Ms. Lerner tagging along you may need me to run interference .
Damon : You ai nt gon na do nothing but get in the way . I can handle Vanessa .
Dru : Maybe you can maybe you can .
Jack : Guys , guys , she s coming obviously , we ca nt stop that . As for my wife ... are you absolutely sure Phyllis is planning on going to Japan ?
Neil : Phyllis , I mean it . I need you desperately .
Phyllis : You better not let your blushing bride hear you say that .
Neil : Fine . Go ahead , make jokes . But I have to find out what Dru and Damon are really up to .
Phyllis : Oh , come on , Neil , you expect me to just get in a plane and fly off to Japan ? What about my job ?
Neil : What about it ? You do have some vacation coming up , do nt you ?
Phyllis : Oh , Neil , keeping tabs on Damon and Drucilla is not my idea of vacation . Besides , do you really ... do you really think there s something to find out ?
Neil : After talking with Vanessa , yeah , I do . I m quite sure of it .
Phyllis : Why , because she got so bent out of shape when you told her that Damon was going to Japan ?
Neil : Oh , you should have seen her . That lady-- she wanted to wring his neck .
Phyllis : Do you think they re involved romantically ?
Neil : I suggested that . She said if they were , they are nt anymore . You know , they did work together at Satine Cosmetics .
Phyllis : Yeah , yeah , yeah , I know that . What do you think this all means ?
Neil : I do nt know . I m not quite sure , but more and more , I m beginning to think this whole thing is business related , that it has something to do with Tuvia .
J.T. : There you go , my lady .
Colleen : Thank you .
J.T. : You re welcome .
Colleen : Wow . I did nt know you had so much silverware . Dessert spoons and salad forks .
J.T. : Well , it s all the silverware we had-- clean , anyway . It s a good thing it s just the two of us .
Colleen : You did nt invite Raul and Brittany to my special little dinner ?
J.T. : Are you kidding ? I made sure they were gone for the night .
Colleen : Good , cause that s exactly what I want , some alone time with just you and me . You know , we could be having canned soup , and I would nt even care .
J.T. : Yeah , me too . But you re in luck , cause that turned out pretty good . And I ordered some snow for you . What do you think ? You ready for the first course ?
Colleen : If I have to be .
J.T. : What was that supposed to mean ? Do nt tell me you re not hungry . I worked pretty hard for this .
Colleen : No , I m hungry . It s just ...
J.T. : It s just what ?
Colleen : Everything s so perfect-- you , the flowers , the candlelight . I want to remember every moment of this .
Colleen : I do nt want to go to New York tonight .
J .T. : Yeah , well , I do nt want you to go either .
Phyllis : You really think this has to do with Tuvia ?
Neil : Why else would Dru be stonewalling me ?
Phyllis : Because she s a pathological liar .
Neil : Oh , Phyllis , come on . Dru and I talk about everything but our work . It s a little too coincidental , Dru inviting Damon to our wedding at the last minute because he was gon na be in Japan anyway ?
Phyllis : Okay , I do nt know . It could have happened that way .
Neil : No , it could nt have . I doubt it very much .
Phyllis : All right , I admit , Dru s story is very phony . But it s not enough to get me on a plane to fly to Japan .
Neil : Hey Phyllis , I would nt ask you to do this on a whim . Where you going ? Okay . I really believe that something major going on . Not to mention , I already told Dru that you re coming , so you got ta go .
Phyllis : Well , that s not my fault . You re gon na have to deal with that .
Neil : How do you want me to deal with that ?
Phyllis : I do nt know . Tell her I changed my mind or that I broke up with Jack . Tell her that . Great .
Neil : Oh , yeah , that ll work per-- then she ll be even more suspicious .
Phyllis : Are you listening to yourself ?
Neil : What are you talking about ?
Phyllis : You re about to marry this woman and all you re talking about are suspicions and conspiracies . Maybe you should face the fact that you re about to make a huge mistake .
Dru : Phyllis is definitely going to Japan with us .
Jack : Oh , damn .
Damon : Would you like to try to change her mind ?
Jack : Yeah , yeah , that s gon na happen . Damon , I hate to say this-- I m losing interest . When we first talked about this , I agreed to fund a 1-man trip ... a very important secret mission that could save this company . At the time , it was music to my desperate ears . Now this is starting to look like a 3-ring circus . The whole vibe is going south . Maybe we better forget this .
Dru : No . Absolutely not , Jack .
Jack : What proof do we have this stuff even works ?
Damon : It s too soon to give up , Jack .
Jack : Then give me something , something I can hang on to .
Damon : All I can say is I trust Vanessa .
Dru : We can see that .
Damon : Beg your pardon ?
Dru : Nothing . Just making an observation .
Damon : What are you observing there , Dru ?
Dru : Well , it took you long enough to tell us that she was coming along .
Jack : What are you implying ?
Dru : Well , that Ms. Lerner perhaps is having second thoughts about the billion dollar gift . In fact , perhaps she feels that she should share it with Mr. Porter rather than Jabot .
Damon : Ooh , I am so tired of you .
Dru : Say it is nt so .
Damon : You know , Drucilla , in my experience , it s always the really sneaky people who ascribe dishonest motives to others .
Dru : I m very up - front . I do nt like your friend . There s something about her I do nt trust .
Damon : Okeydoke . Once more for the record , all l we ? Vanessa isn cancer research . She does not have the time for the proper facility to analyze the orchid root , factor out the active ingredients and turn it into sellable product . Course , she ll want a piece of the action this turns into something , but she has not asked us put a single thing on paper . What does that say out about her ?
Dru : To me , it says that she should leave town and continue her cancer research , let you pick orchids alone .
Damon : She happens to have some free time right now . She is a smart research chemist , who knows , I might add , what this orchid looks like the wild . She could be invaluable to us . That is , if you do nt alienate her--
Jack : You know what ? I do nt think the original plan is gon na work .
Dru : ( Sighs )
Damon : So what , you re gon na give up because a couple of extra people are going to Japan ? What ?
Jack : Nope . I think we need to add one more .
Dru : Who ?
Jack : Me . I just realized it s the only reasonable solution . I m gon na have to go , too .
Colleen : Mmm . This is really good .
J.T. : Do you like it ? It s an old hellstrom family recipe .
Colleen : What , sauce from a jar ?
J.T. : Oh , no . I mean , that s how it starts , but yeah , then I add some of my own spices . That s more than some people can say .
Colleen : What is that supposed to mean ?
J.T. : Well , you do nt see Gina walking around here , do you ?
Colleen : You know what ? Come to think of it , that salad was a little too good .
J.T. : Oh , right . Not like that bruschetta you made . Remember that ? It was awful .
Colleen : ( Giggles ) yeah , well , it was supposed to be awful . What I can remember most is you and Raul trying to keep a straight face . And then Brittany finally blurted out how terrible it was .
J.T. : Meanwhile , Raul and I were trying not to puke .
Colleen : You re never gon na let me live that down , are you ?
J.T. : Unh - unh . No . Not likely . It s such a good story .
Colleen : Yeah . We have a lot of good stories , though . Like that time we got caught in the rainstorm , spent the night on the porch , wrapped in two blankets .
J.T. : That s when I knew I needed to get you back .
Colleen : Even though I drove your car into a ditch ?
J.T. : Yeah when I did nt kill you , that told me everything .
Colleen : That s what makes us special , all of our good memories .
J.T. : What do you say we make a couple of other good memories ? May I have this dance ?
Colleen : Why , certainly , kind sir .
Victor : How the hell can we already talk about strategies and tactics when we do nt know what Christine Blair is gon na throw at us ? How can we defend ourselves ?
Michael : Well , first and foremost , you say nothing . You admit nothing , no matter how many smoking guns she waves--
Victor : Baldwin , I was nt born yesterday .
Michael : Can we go back to Michael ? We were making such progress and you know damn well I did nt turn you in . But this is our reality , so we have no choice but to deal with it . Look , the more we act as a team , the more we coordinate what we do and what we say , the better our chances of remaining free men .
Victor : You could hand me to Christine Blair on a platter .
Michael : And gain what in return ? What plead guilty to a lesser charge , get probation , have my law license suspended , maybe even taken away altogether ? It just does nt make any sense . Look , Victor , let s think big . Let s think big and positive . Let s think in terms of beating this damn thing .
Victor : You still think my son turned me in to the authorities ?
Michael : I think Nicholas knew exactly what he was doing and to whom he was doing it to .
Victor : I just do nt believe that . I just ca nt believe that .
Sharon : That s right . Nicholas Newman is my husband .
Cameron : Well , this small world just got a little smaller .
Sharon : Actually , when I , uh , when I saw you in Nick s office , I was hoping that you would nt remember .
Cameron : Yeah , I bet you were , but I do remember .
Sharon : You have to realize that when you saw me in Denver , I was a different person .
Cameron : Oh , oh , yeah ? When exactly was that ? When you were sitting on that bar stool , pretty as a picture , slamming tequila shots ?
Sharon : I was in a very down ... a very down time . I was running away from my own life .
Cameron : But now you re back .
Sharon : And , um , in a way , you -- you did me a favor ... beating me to a pulp like that . I realized that I needed my family back .
Cameron : I never attacked you . We had a lovely time together .
Sharon : All right . You know , you believe whatever you want to believe . I know what my face looked like after you were finished with it . But I m not here to accuse you of anything . I do nt want any trouble . Look , when I came back to Genoa City , I had to pay a lot of dues for abandoning my children the way that I did . And now things are almost back to normal for me .
Cameron : And my being here makes you uncomfortable .
Sharon : Yes . Very . So if we could just , um , cancel this dinner with Nicholas tonight , without alarming him ...
Cameron : Yeah . Okay . Yeah , I can do that ... but I m not going to . Now , I even looking forward to this meeting that much , but , you now that I know you re gon na be there , I m actually very excited about it .
Phyllis : Neil , listen , I m not trying to upset you . I m just trying to be your friend . I know from bitter experience that -- that you can try to convince yourself that your relationship will survive professional differences but does nt always work out that way .
Neil : Your split with Jack ?
Phyllis : Yeah . ( Sighs ) all those secrets ruined my marriage .
Neil : Dru and I are nt you and Jack .
Phyllis : I hope not .
Neil : Hey , Phyllis , hey , listen , I , um , I realize that you re going through a really rough time right now , but maybe getting away is the best thing for you right now .
Phyllis : Oh , my ... do nt do that to me .
Neil : Wait , do nt do what to you ?
Phyllis : Use my personal problems to manipulate me into being part of your lame scheme .
Neil : Phyllis , I ... come on . What can I say to convince you to come ?
Phyllis : Nothing . Nothing . I m not gon na go , okay ? Listen , if something s going on , you re perfectly capable of sniffing it out on your own , and if nothing s going on , asking me to hop on a plane to Japan is a big waste of my time right now .
Neil : All right . Okay . Fine . You wo nt go . You beat me down . You happy ?
Dru : Jack , are you certain you want to come to my wedding in Japan ?
Jack : No , not particularly . Now I m forced to .
Damon : You do nt have to worry . I can keep an eye on Phyllis .
Dru : I ll keep an eye on Phyllis .
Jack : No , no , no . You will keep an eye out for the orchid and nothing more . You will get married , enjoy your honeymoon and stay the hell outta his way .
Dru : Jack , you do nt have to go to Japan .
Jack : No , listen to me . You took a very simple plan and allowed it to get very complicated . Now I m taking over .
Dru : Okay . I think you should know that Victor has given Neil full rein of the company jet for our trip .
Jack : Talk about delicious irony . The black knight has no plans to wish you a bon voyage , does he ?
Dru : Not that I know of , no .
Jack : Well , good . Then we ll all meet at the corporate terminal , and bring your rabbit s foot or your lucky penny or whatever else works for you . We re gon na need all the help we can get .
J.T. : You want some dessert ? I have tiramisu .
Colleen : Oh , I wish I could , but I am so full .
J.T. : All right . Well , I will save it for when you get back . It freezes , does nt it ?
Colleen : You do nt have to save it for me . Just have it while I m gone .
J.T. : Okay . I guess I could have it for breakfast .
Colleen : You ca nt have dessert for breakfast .
J.T. : Says who ? Have you ever tried it ? It s really good .
Colleen : Oh , I wish I was in college . Then I would nt have to go on this stupid trip .
J.T. : Hey , look , being in college would nt make a difference . And , anyway , it s not stupid . Look , your mom really wants to see you , and I think , after everything that s happened , deep down , part of you probably wants to see her , too .
Colleen : Yeah , actually , I do . But not now . I want to stay here with you .
J.T. : Yeah , well , I tried , but your dad said it has to be now . And anyway , maybe you getting out of Genoa City for awhile will do you some good .
Colleen : No , I do nt think so , not with everything I m gon na be missing .
J.T. : Are you talking about the dance ? Cause do nt worry about that , Colleen . There ll be other ones .
Colleen : I keep telling myself that . You know , if you want to go without me , its okay .
J.T. : Really ? Because I was kinda thinking ...
Colleen : You were thinking what ?
J.T. : I was kinda thinking about asking someone else .
Colleen : Oh . Yeah . I mean , if you ... if you really want to .
J.T. : No . I m kidding you . It was all about going with you . I just hope you do nt forget about me the minute you get on that plane .
Colleen : Well , you almost make me want to .
J.T. : Oh , really ?
Colleen : But do nt joke like that , okay ? I would not forget you in a million years .
J.T. : That s a long time , a million years .
Colleen : Long enough to forget me ?
J.T. : You know , I wish ...
Colleen : You wish what ?
J.T. : I wish we could stay like this forever .
Colleen : Forever is longer than a million years . ( Cellular phone rings )
J.T. : No . You better get that , huh ?
Colleen : Yeah . ( Ring ) ( ring )
Colleen : Hello . Hi , Dad . Yeah . Okay . Okay . Bye . He s on his way to pick me up . ( Telephone rings ) ( ring )
Jack : Abbott :
Phyllis : Hey , what do you know ? That s my name too .
Jack : Hey , what s up ?
Phyllis : I needed get some stuff .
Jack : You have key to the house .
Phyllis : Listen , are we ever gon na talk ?
Jack : Have nt we already done that ?
Phyllis : Yeah but I do nt think we said the right things .
Jack : I think we each said what we had to , Phyllis ..
Phyllis : Okay .
Jack : Listen , you should know I m gon na be at Neil and Drucilla s wedding , too .
Phyllis : You are ?
Jack : Yeah so I ll see you at the airport , anyway I got to run .
Victor : I can tell you one thing , if it turns out that my son had a hand bringing activities to attention of the prosecutor , he did that on his own .
Michael : Wow you do nt know about that .
Victor : Oh yeah I would , indeed . Someone poisoned his mind against me .
Michael : I know it hurts , Victor . I ll do what it takes to make who did this in the end , it really does nt matter .
Victor : Oh , yes , it does , anybody you only say that causes you do nt have family , Baldwin .
Michael : Ok we are stagnated , Victor if there s enough evidence charges will be brought if is good evidence there s a very good precious family will we sit if you in jail .
Victor : There only one person I can think of though now that would be demand and unscrupulous enough to prompt us but you me in to the authorities .
Michael : We are really should be putting our heads together to come up with the plan to stop this thing from eating us alive . ( Sighs ) are you listening to me ?
Victor : No one has been arrested . And Christine Blair does not have enough evidence to make a case against this immune a about not .
Michael : We ca nt afford to assume that .
Victor : You do nt understand , you my son is more important to me than my company . And if someone turned him against me , that someone is gon na pay , and they re gon na pay dearly .
Nikki : I ca nt think when I have been so disillusioned .
Kay : How d you find out ?
Nikki : Jack . He d been warning me for weeks . A lot of people have .
Kay : Mm - hmm . Well , what did Victor have to say for himself when you confronted him ?
Nikki : He did nt deny it .
Kay : Oh .
Nikki : You know , I asked him if he thought at all about what kind of impact it would have on me .
Kay : Well , what did he say to that ?
Nikki : He reminded me that he had warned me that Jabot would lose , so I guess in his mind that makes everything okay .
Kay : Darling , Victor does have his own code . You know that .
Nikki : He says he never meant to hurt me , that it was nothing personal . To me , it was very personal .
Kay : Well , you know , Victor . He has this ability to compartmentalize , and , you know , perhaps he never thought about all the consequences , especially with you .
Nikki : Well , what does that say about the role I have in his life ?
Kay : Listen to me . Now whatever has happened here-- and I want you to listen to this well-- I believe in his love for you .
Nikki : That makes one of us .
Kay : Oh , please , do nt say that . I m not just thinking about you . I m thinking about the entire family .
Nikki : Katherine , do nt you understand ? The whole family will be torn to shreds about this .
Kay : Oh .
Nikki : God , I have nt told you where Jack got his information .
Kay : No .
Nikki : From Nicholas .
Kay : Oh , dear God in heaven .
Nikki : Do you understand now ? Do you understand what I m feeling ? I m losing everything . I m losing my husband ... who I always thought that I could trust and believe in , my family , my career , that I have grown to love so much . My company might go under because of what my husband did illegally . I do nt know what to do now . Where do I go from here ? That bastard says that I am the love of his life , but how can that be if he would do this to me ?
Kay : Oh , please .
Nikki : I do nt know what to do . How can I live with a man that I will never , ever trust again ?
Kay : Oh , darling , no , no . Shh . Shh .
Nikki : I ca nt .
Kay : No , no , no , sweetheart .
Nikki : I ca nt .
Kay : Do nt say that . Please , do nt say that .
Sharon : Why are you doing this to me ?
Cameron : What am I doing to you ? I have a long - standing appointment with Newman Enterprises to discuss a mutually advantageous deal . I invited Nicholas Newman and his wife to dine with me . That s all I ve done . So I m sure that we can all have a very nice evening together , ca nt we ?
Sharon : Oh , and just pretend like whatever happened in Denver did nt happen ?
Cameron : Well , I do nt know if I can do that . The memory s still a little vivid .
Sharon : Please . You can not tell Nick what happened .
Cameron : Yeah , why not ?
Sharon : Well , because he d hate you for it .
Cameron : Let me tell you something . A lot of people in the business world hate me , but I still manage to do very lucrative deals with them . You see , money ... money does nt have much of a conscience .
Sharon : Yeah ? Well , what about you , Mr. Kirsten ?
Cameron : Me ? Well , my conscience is , um , it s kind of like my lawyer , my accountant . I consult it , but , uh , I do nt always follow his advice .
Sharon : You ... you really hurt me badly .
Cameron : You look as beautiful as ever .
Sharon : If you ever , ever mention to my husband having met me before , I will make sure that the whole world knows what a sicko you are .
Cameron : Do nt threaten me , cause you know what ? I got nothing to hide . Now you , on the other hand , you seem to feel you have quite a bit to lose .
Sharon : My children are young , okay ? They need me . Now what possible pleasure could you get out of harming them ? Well , that was a stupid question , was nt it ?
Cameron : Not at all . I like that you came looking for me so we could discuss this privately .
Sharon : Please , tell Nicholas that you ca nt make this dinner .
Cameron : Let me ask you something . Do I get a , uh , a little something in return ?
J.T. : Hey , come on . Do nt get all teary - eyed on me .
Colleen : I m gon na miss you . I know it s not that long , but ...
J.T. : I will call you every day .
Colleen : Promise ?
J.T. : I promise . And who knows , you know ? Maybe it s true what they say-- absence makes the heart grow fonder .
Colleen : You do nt really believe that , do you ?
J.T. : No . I was just trying to make you feel better .
Colleen : Thanks . Well , at least I ll be back by Christmas .
J.T. : Yeah . And we ll make it a really special holiday .
Colleen : This was so wonderful . I do nt think you could top this night .
J.T. : O oh , really ? You just watch me .
Colleen : I love you .
J.T. : Yeah , me too . Colleen just what you said .
Colleen : I know that word s hard for you , but just give it a try . For me ?
J.T. : I do love you , Colleen .
Colleen : See , that was nt so hard , was it ?
J.T. : The things I do for you .
Neil : Phyllis ... you re still here .
Phyllis : Yes , I am .
Neil : What s up ?
Phyllis : I just talked to Jack . He s coming to Japan , too .
Neil : What ?
Phyllis : You heard me .
Neil : Did he say why ?
Phyllis : Oh , come on , Neil , he s not gon na tell me . I m -- I m the enemy .
Neil : I told you . Now do you believe me ? There s something going on .
Phyllis : And it must be big .
Neil : It s not my wedding .
Phyllis : Well , I guess that settles it .
Neil : Settles what ?
Phyllis : Well , what do you think ? I m coming to Japan too .
Brad : Well , I d have to say from that glow in your eye , the dinner was a success .
Colleen : It was so wonderful , Dad . He made pasta , the best salad ever , bought me flowers , and look at that cute little table .
Brad : That is a cute little table , J.T. You went to a lot of trouble .
J.T. : Well , yeah , your daughter s worth it , Mr. Carlton .
Brad : You ready to go , sweetheart ?
Colleen : Yeah . I was just saying good - bye .
J.T. : You have a good time , all right ?
Colleen : Mm - hmm .
Brad : Are nt you coming , J.T. ?
J.T. : Uh , yeah . I guess I could walk you guys to the car .
Brad : You need a suitcase if you want to go .
J.T. : A suitcase ? What are you talking about ?
B brad : You got about , uh , five minutes to throw your things together you want to go to New York .
J.T. : To New York ?
Colleen : Oh , my God , really ?
J.T. : Are you saying I can go , too ?
Brad : I had a long talk with your mom , honey . We decided it might not be the worst thing if J.T. came along . That if of course , J.T. Wants to go .
J.T. : Are you kidding me ? Forget five minutes . I ll pack in four .
Colleen : Thank you so much , Dad . You are the best father in the world !
Brad : Oh , well , I try .
Colleen : You are succeeding .
Brad : I love you , honey .
Colleen : I love you .
Sharon : Please , wo nt you listen to me ? I am not the woman you met in Denver .
Cameron : Yeah , you are .
Sharon : I -- no . I was not myself then . I was--
Cameron : You are the same woman now as you were then . And you are very hot .
Sharon : Are you gon na tell Nick ?
Cameron : Well , that depends . You see , I live my life the way I do business . A good deal is where everybody gets something , and everybody gives up something . I look forward to seeing you and your husband tonight . Until then ...
Jack : Uh - huh . Yeah . Well , push the meeting back till the end of next week . I m sure I ll be back by then . Yeah . Okay , look , I just need a little time ... yeah , I m still here . Um , that work for you ? Good . I ll see you then .
Jack : What the hell are you doing here , Newman ?
Victor : What the hell do you think I m doing here , Abbott ?
### Summary:
| Brad makes an offer that ca nt be refused . Cameron puts his hand where the sun do nt shine . Colleen shares a romantic dance . Jack decides another guest will be going to the wedding . JT tells Colleen that he wants to take someone else to the dance . Michael comes up with a plan . Neil knows that the new guest to his wedding proves that something is up . Nick makes his son the priority . Nikki cries on a good friend s shoulder . Phyllis is angry with a friend suggests using her problems for something else . Sharon asks Gina to call a guest . Victor still has a hard time believing the truth . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Eric : How are things with the rundown ? Are the models okay ?
Marcus : Yeah . We re actually about to go over it again .
Ridge : It s got ta be flawless .
Marcus : I m on it , Ridge . Thorne ?
Thorne : Yeah ?
Rick : Hey , fashion TV wants the exclusive on the live feed .
Eric : Broadcast television only . We re handling the webcast in - house .
Rick : Got it .
Ridge : That reminds me-- Oliver , no webcams backstage .
Oliver : Got it .
Ridge : I do nt want anybody seeing these designs before they hit the runway .
Jackie : Does nt anybody answer the phone around here ?
Jackie : Jackie M. I - I -- what -- what are you talking about ? You can not put those two together . They ll spend their entire time giving each other dirty looks , and I want their eyes on the collection . ( Sighs )
Man : Excuse me , Mrs. Marone .
Jackie : If you do not have a finished design to show me , get out of here . Come back when you do . ( Sighs ) Oh , my God . How am I gon na do this ? ( Sighs ) Oh , Sally . Sally , how am I gon na pull this off ?
Sally : We have a date with destiny , and nothing and nobody is going to interfere with that , do you understand ? Nothing .
Jackie : This is Jackie M s do - or - die .
Nick : Talking to yourself again , huh ?
Katie : God , the collection is gorgeous .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) It s going to be amazing .
Donna : Hey . Okay , okay . Enough about the fashion show .
Donna : I have some real news .
Brooke : This could be the best - received collection ...
Brooke : In the history of Forrester Creations .
Katie : I mean , the media buzz is off the charts .
Donna : All right , but my news is bigger .
Donna : And I have you , my big brilliant sister to thank .
Donna : You have no idea what you ve done for me .
Brooke : ( Scoffs ) Pam .
Brooke : The phone .
Pam : Forrester Creations .
Brooke : Okay . ( Sighs ) What is it ? What has gotten you so excited ?
Donna : ( Sighs )
Pam : Yes , I ll give him the message . Thank you .
Jackie : I am just trying to psych myself up . That s all .
Nick : I saw the designs on the way up . They look great .
Jackie : Yeah , says the man who s been out of the office all day . I ca nt do this on my own , Nicky .
Nick : You re not on your own .
Jackie : Mm .
Nick : You ve got me . You ve got Pam .
Jackie : Pam ! ( Sighs ) Is that where you were with Pam ? ( Sighs )
Nick : Donna .
Jackie : Logan ?
Nick : Yeah . She s staying on my boat . We took the Marlin out for a little spin . Good for stress , you know .
Jackie : Donna Logan , Pam s nemesis , Brooke s sister , Eric s ex - wife-- are you crazy ? What are you thinking ? ( Sighs )
Nick : It s a favor for Brooke .
Jackie : Oh . And what if Pam shows up on your boat looking for you ? Nicky , she can not be connected to us .
Nick : Pam has her hands full at Forrester .
Jackie : Yeah , well , I ve got my hands full here . I ca nt be worrying about you sleeping with the enemy .
Nick : One-- Donna s not the enemy . Two -- I did nt sl--
Jackie : You should be here ... ( Stomps foot ) Helping me , not wasting your time .
Nick : Wasting my time ?
Jackie : Yes . I do nt know what happened with you and Donna today , but I do know that after this collection debuts , it s not gon na be happening gain , because everyone-- the Forrester , the Logans , anyone who cares about Forrester Creations , they re not gon na want anything to do with us .
Brooke : Okay !
Katie : Donna , wow .
Brooke : Okay .
Katie : ( Laughs )
Donna : I just do nt want to talk in front of Pam .
Brooke : Why not ?
Donna : Oh , you know . She s so dark and moody since Dad , and I just do nt want to make her feel worse .
Katie : Mm - hmm .
Brooke : Oh .
Donna : Okay . ( Giggles ) I am really excited .
Katie : Wow , this is a change .
Donna : ( Sighs ) Well , uh ... Nick , um , took me for a ride on the Marlin , just the two of us and ... we kissed . ( Laughs )
Katie : Are you saying you re interested in Nick ?
Brooke : Wh -- you ... ( Scoffs ) ( Laughs ) Oh .
Eric : Which-- uh , which one do you like ?
Thorne : Why , so you can choose the other ?
Eric : I like this one .
Thorne : Good choice .
Eric : Yeah , thank you . Brian ?
Marcus : Okay , so we re bringing one of our sewers in to do alterations here .
Rick : Anytime a design goes out , there s always a security risk .
Oliver : All the lighting and musical cues have been synchronized .
Ridge : So nothing will go wrong . I ve got your word on that ? This show will go off without a hitch , right ?
Oliver : Mm - hmm .
Stephanie : Pam , I have to talk to you just for a second .
Pam : ( Scoffs ) Forrester Creations . Yes , I ll transfer you .
Stephanie : Did you transfer that call , or did you just hang up ?
Pam : What do you care , as long as I m free to give my full attention to you ? That s why you drove Stephen away , is nt it , cause you could nt stand seeing me on my own ? Well , I ve made another decision that you re not gon na like , Stephanie , and I do nt regret it , not one ... little ... bit .
Stephanie : What are you talking about ?
Pam : Oh , you ll find out . You ll find out what it is like to lose something really , really important to you like ... this collection .
Stephanie : The collection ?
Pam : I stole it , Stephanie-- every single design-- and gave them all to Jackie M.
Stephanie : What ?
Pam : How do you like them apples ?
Stephanie : What did you do ? !
Thorne : I just got word from my friend in the press Jackie M. s got something major in the works .
Eric : Well , her showing is tomorrow .
Thorne : What , is the deal with Spencer back on ?
Rick : No , no . Katie or Steffy would have told me something .
Eric : I understand why Jackie would nt want to take Bill s money , but I - I just do nt see how she can survive without it .
Ridge : A new designer ?
Rick : Not that I know of .
Thorne : Well , they had to get this new collection from somewhere .
Pam : ( Echoing ) I stole every design and gave them all to Jackie M.
Stephanie : What did you do ? !
Stephanie : Pam .
Stephanie : Pam , the phone is ringing ! Answer it .
Pam : Oh . Okay , okay , okay .
Stephanie : Lord .
Pam : Forrester Creations .
Jackie : Pam , it s me .
Pam : Oh , um , and how can I help you ?
Jackie : I m just calling-- I - I just want to know , Pam , you -- you re not having second thoughts , are you , for any reason ?
Pam : No . Not ... at all .
Stephanie : Should I take that call ? Do they need to talk to me or Eric ?
Pam : Stephanie ... ( Sighs ) I can handle this .
Jackie : This is really important . You can not let your family become suspicious . They can not know that their designs have been compromised .
Owen : What ? Jackie , no . I knew it . Those designs-- you stole them from Forrester ?
Jackie : Pam , Angel , I have to go . Something s come up .
Katie : I want detail . Tell me everything .
Donna : ( Sighs ) Oh , I do nt know . Maybe I told you too much already . I mean , why do you think Brooke just rushed out like that ?
Katie : Because she has ten million things to do with the Forrester spring show coming up .
Donna : Well , then , we should probably get out of here .
Katie : You know , I have to say , I m a little captivated by the idea of you and Nick .
Donna : Yeah ? ( Giggles )
Katie : Mm - hmm . ( Laughs )
Donna : Me , too . I mean , I ca nt believe it , but I - Ive got the little butterflies , you know what I mean ?
Katie : You re falling for him .
Donna : Aah . I - I just -- I m -- I m act -- I m acting like a little schoolgirl , are nt I ?
Katie : So what ? Who cares ?
Donna : Yeah , but I m an adult . I - I - I ... ( Sighs ) I m acting like a child . I - I m smitten . But I ca nt help it . It s -- its how he made me feel . I ... ( Sighs )
Katie : He can do that .
Donna : Ooh . Oh , gosh . Is that bad , um , you know , Nick s history with us-- Brooke , you , and then me ?
Katie : Oh , let s not think about it , you know ? Let s just say that Nick has fabulous taste in women , and we have pretty good taste in men .
Donna : Okay ( laughs )
Katie : ( Laughs ) You know Nick s a good guy . He s -- he s smart . He s funny .
Donna : And he s sexy . ( Giggles )
Katie : Yeah . And he s dependable . You know , what you see is what you get . Nick Marone does not play games .
Nick : I know it s here . Just give me a sec . I saw it a little bit ago . Hang on . I got ta get back to you . Hey , Brooke . What brings you here ?
Brooke : Oh , I think you know . ( Sighs )
Nick : Come to wish me luck ?
Brooke : No . I already told Donna how pleased I am .
Nick : Uh - huh .
Brooke : I m very happy for you , too .
Nick : Oh .
Brooke : But I must say , I m quite surprised .
Nick : Well , you asked me to take care of her .
Brooke : Yeah . I think you two could be good together ... if you re interested in something like that .
Nick : Something like what ?
Brooke : Substantial .
Nick : Aha . ( Laughs ) Okay .
Brooke : ( Giggles )
Nick : Is this where you ask me what my intentions are ?
Brooke : No . My gosh . No . I think it s too early for that .
Nick : Okay .
Brooke : Besides , I know you re an honorable guy , and you would never do anything to hurt me or anybody in my family . ( Giggles ) Right ?
Eric : Pam , would you get in here , please ?
Stephanie : Eric , do nt drag her into this .
Eric : Pam ?
Pam : Yeah ?
Eric : Uh , security tells me that Donna and Katie were in the building .
Pam : Well , yeah , they-- they came in to see Brooke .
Ridge : In here ?
Pam : Yeah .
Eric : ( Sighs )
Rick : Hey , what s going on ?
Eric : Pam , I should nt have to explain these security procedures to you again . I mean , they may seem extreme to you , but they re not .
Thorne : Wait a minute , this is nt about Katie and Donna ?
Rick : They were here to see Mom .
Eric : Employees only means exactly that .
Marcus : Well , they re family . We do nt have to worry about family .
Stephanie : Pam , you do nt have to stay here and listen to this . It s -- go . Go ahead .
Pam : Okay .
Eric : Look , we re in the homestretch . All of our hard work is about to pay off . And because we have been able to keep all these designs under wraps , when we debut them , nobody in this business is going to be able to talk about anything else .
Jackie : ( Sighs )
Owen : Please tell me that you did not do this .
Jackie : You said you did nt want to know .
Owen : You stole Eric Forrester s designs ?
Jackie : Technically , no .
Owen : But you said to Pam-- oh , God , not am . Pam would never steal anything from her family .
Jackie : ( Scoffs ) She feels more at home here than she ever did at the Forresters .
Owen : Jackie , you have got to stop this . You ve got to call off the showing .
Jackie : If we call off the showing , Jackie M. goes under . This collection is the only thing standing between us and complete failure .
Owen : But it s not ours . It belongs to Eric Forrester .
Jackie : No . The designs are Jackie M. They just maybe were inspire by Eric s .
Owen : You re lying to yourself .
Jackie : What I am doing is I am making sure that every employee in this building can pay his mortgage , pay his bills , and feed his kids .
Owen : And what about everybody else over at Forrester ? They ve spent months working on this collection . They re gon na show it in a few days , and once ours debuts , its going--
Jackie : Yes , yes . There will be repercussions . I am fully aware of that look , this was not an easy decision , but we made it . This collection hits the runway tomorrow .
Nick : Brooke , do nt make me out to be some kind of hero here .
Brooke : ( Giggles ) You put a smile on my sister s face , and that s all I can ask for .
Nick : ( Sighs )
Brooke : And it looks like she put a spring in your step , too .
Nick : Well , you need it with everything going on around this place .
Brooke : Yeah , I know things are kind of rough for Jackie M. I wish you guys luck .
Nick : Do nt feel sorry for us . We re the competition .
Brooke : I do nt want to see the company go under . I know how much it means to you .
Nick : Well , you know this business-- you do what you have to do to survive .
Brooke : And you will . You always survive . You re a survivor . Well , I ll let you get back to work .
Nick : Brooke . What you said ... about the fashion business , you know , and our f - family being competitive , it s not personal .
Brooke : I - I know . It s just business .
Nick : Could you remind your sister of that ?
Brooke : Why ? You know , I - I get the feeling that ...
Nick : Oh . No rest for the wicked .
Brooke : Okay . ( Sighs ) Good luck .
Nick : Thanks . Yeah . No , I said I just misplaced it keep your shirt on . All right , lights , we re onstage , ten minutes . Brooke was just here .
Jackie : In the building ?
Nick : No , no . In my office .
Jackie : What ? Oh , she did nt see anything , did she ?
Nick : No , Mother .
Jackie : ( Sighs )
Nick : But she will . She s gon na see it tomorrow . They all will .
Jackie : I know . I was just discussing that with Owen .
Nick : Owen knows ? !
Jackie : Oh , he wo nt say anything . He wants us to call the showing of .
Nick : Well , we ca nt !
Jackie : Well , I know that . I was explaining it to him . He just does nt know how important this collection could be for us . I want to show you something .
Eric : I m incredibly proud of this collection . Ridge and I , uh , did it together , and it s been years since he and I shared this kind of creative connection . We inspired each other , and that inspiration rippled out , uh , through every aspect of our production . Everyone at Forrester here has put everything they had into this collection , and I can honestly say it s the best we ve ever produced .
Jackie : ( Sighs ) Eric would not say something like that if he did nt mean it .
Nick : We stole their best work .
Jackie : It s gon na put Jackie M. back on top .
Nick : Let me know , Mother . Are you questioning yourself ? You questioning going through with this ?
Jackie : I just want to make sure that you understand what we re doing , what it means .
Nick : We re gon na go to war with people we care about .
Pam : ( Sighs )
Pam : ( Sighs )
Pam : ( Sighs ) Why ca nt you just be happy for me ?
Stephanie : I want you to be happy , but it s not going to happen with this man .
Pam : I m not going to give him up , Steph , not even for you . They re not as nice as they used to be . They think I m foolish .
Ann : You re special .
Pam : Yes , Mommy .
Ann : You just need me to take care of you .
Pam : ( Sighs ) I m so sorry , Eric , Ridge . I ve been powerless my entire life . Well ... ( Inhales sharply ) Not anymore .
Eric : Hey , you ready to jump into the fray again ?
Ridge : Ca nt wait .
Eric : ( Chuckles )
Stephanie : To the two artists in my life .
Stephanie : It s so exciting to see the two of you working together again . And I think that this collection , in all honesty , is gon na generate great excitement on so many levels .
Nick : We ve got to do it , Mother .
Jackie : There s no other way . Tomorrow , Jackie M. presents our newest collection to world . We will make fashion headlines around the globe .
### Summary:
| Ridge warns Oliver that there will be no webcams behind the stage . No one will see these designs until they hit the runway . Oliver assures him the show will go off without a hitch . Backstage , Jackie is frazzled from answering the telephone and trying to keep peace at bay between the reporters sitting beside each other . Nick catches Jackie talking to herself again .. actually she is talking to the huge photo of Sally Spectra on the wall . Sally tells her that they have a date with destiny and nothing and nobody is going to stop them . Jackie buckles up and says okay , it is do or die . She chastises Nick for spending the previous afternoon with Donna .that s Pam s nemesis , Brooke s sister and Eric s ex - wife . He must have lost his mind . She reminds him that Pam might show up on his boat looking for him and they absolutely must not be connected to her . She can not be worried right now about him sleeping with the enemy . And after the collection she knows the Logan s , the Forrester s , anyone who cares for them will have nothing to do with her and Nick . Brooke and Katie are excited about the fashion show , but Donna gushes that she has better news . Pam ignores the phone and just wants to listen in on Donna . They have to assemble in Ridge s office where she tells them about the day and that she and Nick kissed . Later she tells Katie that she has butterflies and is acting like a school girl . Katie tells hr not to worry that Nick has been with all three Logan girls plus a niece . He s a good guy that does not play games . He s smart and funny .. and it does nt hurt that he s so damned sexy too . Pam sits eating one of her lemon bars and gloats to Stephanie that she stole every single design and gave them to Jackie M and she does not regret a thing oops , it is all just a dream as the real Stephanie walks up and shakes her out of her fogginess and wants her to answer the phone . Jackie calls and wants to be sure that Pam has nt had second thoughts and Pam replies not at all . Owen walks in on Jackie and overhears that the designs have been compromised . He knew it she stole them from the Forrester s . Brooke drops in on Nick and she seems happy with the previous evening . He wonders if she is there to ask what his intentions are . She says she knows he is an honorable guy and he would never do anything to hurt her or anyone in her family . They wish each other well in their showings and he points out they each have to do what they must to survive . It s strictly business , not personal . Eric calls the troops together but then dismisses Pam . He tells them they are in the home stretch now and all their hard work is paying off . That s due to the extreme security for this showing so they ca nt let up now . Owen wants Jackie to call off showing . She shoves it off on Pam and says they can not stop it now . These designs are the only thing between them and complete failure . She knows there will be repercussions , but the decision has been made . They will hit the runway tomorrow . Later she and Nick comment on how serious this is . Tomorrow they go to war with people they love . Pam cleans out her desk and lingers over photos of her and Stephen , her and Stephanie and then Ridge and Eric . She apologies to them as she has always been powerless , but no more . Eric , Stephanie and Ridge toast to tomorrow s success . Nick consoles his mother that this is the only way . She replies that yes tomorrow at this time Jackie M will present the newest collection to the world and they will make fashion headlines around the globe . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
lulucy : I m really fine . I m -- I mean , I feel -- fine . I just need that transfusion -- ow !
nurse : Sorry .
Lucy : Oh , that s ok . I ll be good as new after that . come on .
Chris : I know , I know . We just want to wheel you in , check you out , you know , change the oil , ship you home in no time .
lucy : Right , because I just -- I do nt -- it was weird . it was just a little confusion . I just got a little --
casey : Right , nothing to worry about .
Lucy : Yeah , see ? She s the one who brought me in . she knows I was fine . I just got confused .
chris : And what about ian ?
lucy : Please , chris , do nt call him . I do nt want to bother him . Please do nt call him . I m going to be in and out of here .
Casey : I m going to be in the hallway . If you need anything , I ll just wait --
lucy : Could you kind of stick close ?
casey : Yeah , I ll be right here .
Lucy : Ok , thanks .
casey : I wish . pick up , pick up , pick up .
Ian : Thornhart .
casey : Ian , hey , hey , hey , it s casey .
Ian : Slow down . What s wrong ?
casey : I m not too sure , but lucy s in the hospital .
ian : What happened ? I m on my way .
rafe : Yeah , well , there s nothing left for me to do here . All right , I got to get out of here . Later .
caleb : Going somewhere ?
Rafe : Caleb .
caleb : What do you say you and I have a little chat first ?
joshua : I want you to make sure the jet s ready on the runway , first for takeoff straight to paris .
Jamal : Understood .
Joshua : I do nt want any delays . I want to be straight out of here and on my way to my delightful honeymoon .
Jamal : Ok . All is taken care of , joshua .
joshua : What ? What ? What ? What s the laugh for ?
jamal : What , nothing . It s just I -- I ve never seen you like this before , that s all , ok ? a little nervous , that s all .
joshua : This is not nervous . This is what s called anticipation . I have money , I have power , I have a ring that protects me . I have alison barrington . by the time we see the seine , she ll be my bride in every way .
alison : Oh , my god -- my wedding night . well , I had a wedding day once -- almost . god , that s such a long time ago . but it s now that counts . rafe , I know you can do this . I know you can .
casey : The nurse said that you wanted to see me .
Lucy : Yeah . I have not received my transfusion yet , and I ca nt figure out what s taking so long .
Casey : Ok , ok . Well , did you ask the doctor ?
Lucy : Chris has completely disappeared .
casey : You know , I think it s just because they re pretty busy .
lucy : Well , if there s someplace that I need to go -- I got to get out of here .
Casey : Oh , no , no , no , no . You re already here . Just be patient .
Lucy : I need to get out of here . I ve got to go . I ve got things to do .
Casey : Ok , you know , you just need to relax --
lucy : No , I ca nt because I m all that s left . I m it .
Casey : What do you mean ? What do you mean , you re all that s left ?
Lucy : Rafe s done . Rafe has completely thrown in the towel .
Casey : No . No way . That ll never last , ok ? rafe will come around .
lucy : What are you talking about ? You sound like you know something . Do you have some sort of angel inside information ?
casey : Nothing that -- nothing that s for sure , but I m holding on to hope , lucy . that s what I m holding on to .
lucy : Right . Right .
ian : Hey .
Lucy : Hey . why are you here ? I did nt mean for you to have to come here . How did -- how did you find out I am here ?
Ian : I ve got spies everywhere .
lucy : Spies ? Spies , like , these little spies that wear haloanand anl wings ? that kind of spies ? I m fine . I m just fine .
ian : Yeah ? Let me be the judge of that .
casey : You know what ? I am going to look for chris . ok ?
ian : Let me see .
Lucy : You tell him five minutes , tops , and then I m out of here . You tell him that .
Casey : Ok .
Cycy : Ok .
Casey : Right .
Lucy : Ok .
ian : So , what happened , exactly ?
lucy : Sorry . Sorry . I went to the elixir .
ian : You went to joshua s club ?
lucy : I went to joshua s club because rafe was there and he was drinking . apparently he was drinking a lot , which he does nt usually do , and you should ve seen what went on . you should ve heard what he was saying .
Ian : What d he say ?
Lucy : Stupid , stupid things . I got really upset with him . I got very mad at him .
Ian : You got mad at him ?
lucy : Yes , I got mad at him .
Ian : That s a first .
Lucy : Yeah , well , it -- yeah , I was , and then he got mad at me and he got upset , so he left , and then I decided I was going to just get out of there , too .
ian : Yeah . Well , you know , americans drinking , get a little weird sometimes .
lucy : Then I saw you .
ian : You saw me ?
Lucy : I mean , I thought I saw you .
ian : You saw someone who looked like me ?
Lucy : No . I thought I really saw you .
ian : So you were hallucinating .
lucy : No , no , I would nt call it that . I mean , I certainly was nt hallucinating . It was nt that big of a deal . I just -- I got a little confused , that s all .
ian : That s all ?
caleb : Do nt tell me you re running away , because the fun s just starting .
rafe : You know , what I do or do nt do is none of your business .
Caleb : Yeah , but since I m here and I m asking --
rafe : I m leaving town . Ok ? You satisfied ? Ok ?
caleb : You re leaving town ? Without alison ?
rafe : Well , you know what ? She s made her choice . So , it s out of my hands .
caleb : Oh . And you re ok with that ? seeing your girl with someone like joshua ?
rafe : Stop -- you know what ? This is none of your business ! Is none of your business . and , by the way , you got your powers back , did nt you ? which means livvie got the antidote , right ? right ? Right ?
Caleb : Yep .
Rafe : Ok , well , congratulations . Now can you go find someplace else to gloat ?
Caleb : I came here to finish what we started , to put the team back together .
rafe : What team ? W were never a team .
caleb : We can finish off joshua and get alison back . It works out for both of us . so what do you say , slayer ?
joshua : Is something wrong ?
Jal : Is something wrong with what ?
Joshua : With alison ? Where is she ? Why s she taking so long ?
Jamal : I do nt know . I ll go check on her .
Joshua : Well , that s a good idea . Go on .
Jamal : Yes , it is . you look great . you ok ?
alison : I ve been standing here for a really long time . I m really trying to get enough courage to walk through the door --
jamal : And marry joshua .
Alison : No . I do nt think I can do it . I canT.
jamal : You do nt have a choice . Ok ? So just take a deep breath , ok ? Walk through that door and say those sweet little words . all right ?
alison : This is nt suppodd to happen . It s not supposed to be like this .
Jamal : We re just doing what we got to do , ok ? so maybe you end up liking it in the end . or maybe it just wo nt be so bad . he s waiting .
Alison : I know !
jamal : Well , he does nt wait well .
alison : No , not in this life .
jamal : So we ll just have to give him another one .
joshua : Well , jamal , where is she ? jamal . Damn it , where it is alin?N ?
casey : Lucy -- ok . hey , up there , it s me , casey , again . look , I know that there s a reason why I was the one who found lucy and I brought in here , ok ? I do nt know what s it about . I know there s a reason , all right ? I know that there s --
casey : No . Oh , no .
lucy : Ian --
ian : One second .
lucy : No , no , not -- not one second . I dot rere about those numbers right now . I do nt care about that . all I care about -- you . Are you ok ? I need to ow if you re ok .
Ian : I m fine .
Lucy : Fine ? Fine as in --
ian : Fine as in I m trying to find a way to control the hunger .
lucy : You would tell me -- I mean , if you had to feed on anybody , you d tell me , right ?
ian : Yes , I would .
lucy : Well , then , that s good . you got to give yourself credit for that , at least .
ian : Shh .
lucy : No , listen to me . It s important that younunderstand . It s good that you can do that .
ian : Let s talk about something else right now , ok ?
Lucy : Okey - dokey , then , doctor , what do you want to talk about ?
ian : When did you feel disoriented for the first time ?
lucy : Hmm , let me see . I think it was when you first kissed me .
ian : No , I -- I -- come on .
lucy : I m serious . I m being very serious here . I m feeling fine . I just would feel so much better after the transfusion .
ian : You have nt got one yet ?
lucy : No . chris said he was going to come back , and all he did was take some of my blood and take off , and he has nt come back .
ian : Is that right ?
lucy : Yeah , and I want to get out of here . you know , I really want to go with danny . I just -- I lo h having him stay with us . I love it .
ian : Danny s in new york . You know that .
lucy : What ?
ian : He s staying with tim . I mean , you know that he s been staying with tim ever since the vampire thing started over again .
lucy : With tim -- right . I know what you re doing . This is some sort of little test . well , it s not going to work because i know for a fact what your son looked like when I left him this morning , and he was blue . see , what happened was I tried to make those pancakes , you know , and I put too many blueberries , so his first bite , it was , like , all blue . And then by the time he finished eating -- head to toe completely -- you would nt even recognize your son . he s all blue now .
caleb : I do nt like this an more than you do , but we are stronger if we take on joshua together .
rafe : We tried that , ok ?
caleb : We also -- we also betrayed each other . I think we know better now . It ll take both of us . that was true then , and it s true now .
rafe : Whoa , whoa , whoa -- truth ? Do nt even talk to me about the truth . You would nt know it if it --
caleb : If it what ? If it bit me ? let me tell you something . This much I do know -- if you love alison at all , you ll put aside your differences and work with me instead of against me .
rafe : Oh , really ? Why would I do that ? I know the real reason you re here begging me now --
caleb : Begging .
Rafe : For my help is because neither you nor livvie can get anywhere near joshua as long as he has that ring , and that s what you really want , right ? you want that stupid ring .
Caleb : That ring is mine . it s part of my heritage . and , yes , it protects joshua from me now , but it s been in my family for generations . that s why I have to have it back .
Rafe : You want it back because it gives you more power . So by all means , go ahead . go ahead . Go and g it . but just so you know , I would nt help you and livvie cross the street , all right ? so get the hell out of my way . Ok . fine , if you do nt want to do it , I ll do it for you , ok ?
caleb : You want to play ? let s play . now it s your turn again .
joshua : You are so divine . You are remarkable .
alison : I m so glad you re pleased .
Joshua : Pleased ? I ca nt find the words . that dress is breathtaking on you . I think anything you wear would be breathtaking -- even without clothes , quite frankly .
jamal : Joshua --
joshua : I think we d rather exchange our vows privately . Close the door when you leave .
Alison : Wait , no , please . Will you let him stay ?
Joshua : Why ? We do nt need a witness for our ritual .
alison : I know , but ever since I was a little girl , I always imagined having friends and family there with me on my day . so if I could just have one friend -- please , for me ?
joshua : All right , you come here and stay silent . alison -- so soft , so warm . and soon you ll be all mine .
joshua : Come with me . Come with me .
joshua : From the first moment I saw you , I knew we would stand before this ritual flame together . you and I together will be nothing short of perfection . ambition meets submission , power meets charm and breeding . and with you and I together , nothing is outside of our reach . with our union this evening , and every other night , it will be the greatest thing this world has ever seen .
lucy : I bet that you were a lot like dan when you were that agebebecause you re still a very messy eater . You know that .
ian : Yeah , I know , I know . he pbably got that from me .
Lucy : Yeah . did you call him today ?
ian : Did I call danny today ?
lucy : No , not danny , tim . you know , tim -- the guy who s taking care of your son in new york ?
ian : So -- so you know that danny s in new york . you know that .
lucy : Yeah . He s been there since the vampires came back . Of course I know that .
ian : And you re sure about that ?
Lucy : Of course I m sure about that . Why -- why are you acting like this ? What s going on ?
ian : I need to find chris and see what s going on with the test results .
lucy : Well , casey said she d do tt .
Ian : I know , but I know his hiding places . It ll be faster .
lucy : But I do nt want you to go --
ian : I wo nt be long .
Lucy : Ok .
casey : Are you all right , ian ?
ian : Lucy -- she --
chris : Ian ?
ian : She s losing touch with reality . She s in and out , and she -- and you re not surprised by that because you ve got the test results .
chris : Yeah , the toxins in her bloodstream are building up . they re even stronger than before .
Ian : Ok , let s do a transfusion right now and --
chris : Yeah , well , that s an option , ian , but I do nt know if --
ian : What ? You do nt know what ? It s worked before , so let s do it again .
Chris : The results do nt last , ian . one look at those numbers shows you that if we give her a transfusion , she s just going to need another one right away . we re all out of cards to play .
ian : What are you -- what are you saying ? What , you know -- you do nt know what you re saying because you do nt even know what the problem is . So when I --
chris : No , no , I m not saying it because I do nt want to say it . all I know for sure is what those numbers are telling me .
casey : She s dying . lucy s dying , and there s nothing you can do .
ian : I --
lucy : Oh . I am so glad you came for a visit . I ve missed you so much . oh , mommy s ssed you . you know , I bet you had fun at play group today , did nt you ? you can tell me all about it . but I thought first we should go to the store and get you a nice , new dress . I was thinking purple , maybe . maybe pink , but everybody wears pink , do nt you think ? Purple looks so pretty with those beautiful eyes of your . would you like that ? Like that ?
rafe : No , I do nt have time for this , ok ?
Caleb : Make time . I m not moving , and you ca nt do anything about it . we just established that .
Rafe : I swear --
caleb : You re not going anywhere , not until you agree to give this a shot .
joshua : Alison ?
jamal : Ali ?
alison : What ? What ?
joshua : The vows , my sweet .
alison : Oh , right , the vows . Um -- I promise to always be loyal to you .
jouaua : And ?
alison : And I promise to always live up to your expectations .
joshua : And ?
alison : And what ?
joshua : Maybe a couple of words , improvise a few sweet nothings just for me ?
alison : Um -- joshua , I m sorry , but this is not exactly the way that I thought my life would turn out . but I m going to do the best that I can , and I m going to try and accept the way that things have to be .
rafe : All right ! All right ! ok , I will help you . all right , I ll do everyining I can . I ll give it my all . it s just -- not now , ok ? I got something I got to take care of .
Caleb : What kind of something ?
rafe : A very important kind . Let me go .
caleb : Just tell me what s going on .
rafe : No . You do nt understand what you re doing by keeping me here .
caleb : Why do nt you explain it , then ?
rafe : Just let me go , all right ? I got to get there . I m late already .
caleb : For what ? Who ?
rafe : Alison , all right ? I got to get to alison .
joshua : With this ring , I thee we d . and for as long as it lays on your finger , may it be a symbol of my commitment to this union and to you .
alison : Ok . are we finished ? E e we done ?
joshua : Put the ring on my finger .
alison : Oh , right . ok .
joshua : With this ring , I thee we d .
alison : With this ring , I thee we d and use it as a symbol of our commitment to each other and to this union .
joshua : Good . very good .
alison : Now I know what I have to do .
joshua : Argh ! you wretch !
Alison : Ow . Ouch .
Joshua : You wretch . You tried to steal this ring from my finger .
Alison : No , I didnT.
Joshua : Now you re going to pay .
Alison : Ow . Stay tuned for scenes from the next port charles : Desire .
ian : I do nt think we re going to do this transfusion .
Caleb : Alison s not the only thing that joshua has that does nt belong to him . That ring on his finger is mine .
Joshua : This whole wedding -- just a sham . Just waiting for rafe to show up to kill me . Was that the plan ?
alison : Ow .
### Summary:
| A concerned Casey stands by to support Lucy while a nurse takes another blood sample for Chris . Against Lucy s wishes , Casey calls Ian to let him know that she s been readmitted . Lucy is determined to check herself out of the hospital and try to help rid the town of Joshua , but Casey refuses to let her leave . When Ian arrives , Lucy fills him in on what happened at the Elixir , maintaining that she was simply confused , not hallucinating . To Ian s chagrin , she chatters about having made blueberry pancakes for Danny this morning . Almost immediately afterward , she demonstrates her awareness that Danny has been in New York with Tim for quite some time . Casey panics after having another vision of Lucy lying in a casket . Ian informs Chris and Casey that Lucy is losing touch with reality . Chris is willing to do another transfusion but warns that the results do nt last and that she ll need yet another one right away . Casey voices the unthinkable conclusion that Lucy is dying and that there s nothing the doctors can do . While Ian watches sadly , Lucy hallucinates a visit with Christina . Rafe wraps up an important phone call and tries to head out the door , but he is stopped by Caleb , who wants to talk about banding together again to take down Joshua and rescue Alison . After a shoving match using their respective powers , Rafe finally relents and agrees to join forces with Caleb , but he s desperate to get to Alison first . While Alison nervously prepares to go through with the wedding , she tries to reassure herself that Rafe will come through for her . Jamal finds her and takes her to her anxious groom . Joshua and Alison exchange wedding vows and rings . Mustering all her willpower , Alison kisses her groom while trying to remove the ring that protects him . Joshua grabs her wrist and vows to make her pay . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Gwen : So , did you tell Theresa that you denied the FBI s request to go back to work for her at Crane ?
Ethan : Yes , I did .
Gwen : Mm , how did she take it ?
Ethan : Pretty much the way I expected .
Gwen : Not well , I assume .
Ethan : Bingo .
Martin : What is it , Chris ? What do you want to tell us ?
Sheridan s voice : Please , Chris , do nt tell them we re married .
Luis : Yeah , Chris , you sounded so serious .
Chris : It s about Sheridan and Luis . I m just very happy to have helped played a part in bringing Luis home alive .
Pilar : Well , we are very grateful to you , Chris . But -- you sure there s nothing else you were going to say ?
Sheridan : I think that s more than enough , do nt you , Chris ?
Sam : Is he in there ? Oh , God .
Fancy : You bastard ! You lying bastard ! My God ! How could you ? !
Noah : Fancy --
Fancy : So this is the nasty secret you and your whore have been keeping this whole time ?
Noah : Fancy !
Fancy : You liar ! You loser !
Noah : Fancy , look , calm --
fancy : You lying bastard !
Noah : Calm down .
Sam : Noah , what the hell have you done ?
Fancy : He lied . He lied and lied ! You told me you loved me . You said I was the one , the only one .
Maya : And you believed him ?
Fancy : He said that he was over over you , that he did nt love you .
Maya : Noah , get this skank out of here .
Fancy : Bitch ! I know what s going on here . You seduced him .
Maya : Please .
Fancy : You little slut .
Maya : Noah , are you going to let her call me that ?
Fancy : Shut your lying mouth ! Oh , you bitch !
Sheridan : Ethan and Gwen are coming ?
Pilar : Yes , they re on their way . My son is alive . It s truly a miracle . You must be so happy .
Sheridan : Yes .
Theresa : So Ethan s coming ?
Pilar : Mm - hmm , Ethan and his wife . I do nt want to hear a word from you tonight , ok ? This is not the time to cause any trouble .
Theresa : I wo nt cause trouble , Mama . He finally did it . He finally broke up my heart . He was really cold today , he was very distant , so it s over .
Pilar : Why should I believe you ?
Theresa : Well , you can ask Fancy because I told her to stop chasing after Noah -- that no man is worth debasing yourself over .
Pilar : Well , I am so happy to hear that you ve finally come to your senses .
Sheridan : You really should get some rest .
Chris : That s a good idea .
Luis : No , I m fine . Now that my friends and family are all here and my new wife s by my side -- you know what ? Let s get out of this bed and let s all go out to the living room .
Sheridan : Luis , I really do nt think you should do that .
Luis : Honey , I m fine , ok ?
Sheridan : All right , I ll go fix up the couch .
Chris : Sheridan , when are you going to tell him ?
Sheridan : Please , Chris , not now .
Martin : Put him on the couch .
Martin : Is that ok , son ?
Luis : It s great .
Martin : Terrific .
Pilar : Are you in pain , mijo ?
Luis : No , I m good .
Pilar : Are you hungry ? I can cook you something .
Luis : Mama , I m fine .
Pilar : Ok . I just ca nt believe you re here . How about some tea ? I ll make you some tea .
Theresa : Mom , lets forget about tea , ok ? Let s have champagne .
Miguel : Now there is an idea .
Sheridan : You know what ? I ll get it .
Luis : No , no , no . You stay here . I want you close .
Luis : We could have a toast . We could toast to Miguel finally being back home and to our whole -- or almost -- our whole family being reunited .
Miguel : Yeah . Is nt that something ?
Sheridan : You know what , Miguel ? There are a couple of bottles in the refrigerator and glasses over the sink .
Miguel : Ok .
Martin : So , where were you hiding all this time , son ?
Luis : I was looking for Beth and Marty like you asked .
Sheridan : I did nt ask , I demanded it . I m so sorry .
Luis : Oh , come on , Sheridan . We re past that . What , did you think that I would nt go looking for my own son ? I used every contact I ever made on the force and pulled every string to get a lead to find Beth and Marty . It worked . I went down to South America and then to Europe . I thought I was so close to them and then they would just vanish . Still , I kept feeling like I was getting closer and closer .
Theresa : It was Alistair . He was just throwing crumbs in your path to keep you searching .
Luis : Yeah , does nt that figure ? I m telling you , this one night in Tangier , I had Beth . I had her cornered . Just as I was about ready to bust in , someone hit me in the back of the head with something . Everything went black . Well , from then on Alistair s -- Alistair s goons were holding me hostage . She rescued me .
Sheridan : We were so worried about you . For months we barely heard from you and then , all of a sudden , there was nothing .
Luis : You know , I kept a video journal to let you know what was happening , but I m sure that was lost .
Sheridan : No , it came back with -- well , with your body . I saw it .
Luis : I meant everything that I said . I do nt remember exactly what I said but I meant it . You were the hope that kept me going .
Miguel : Ok , who s up for some celebrating ?
Luis : Hey !
Sheridan : Thank you for not telling Luis that we re married .
Chris : Well , now that Luis whole family is around him for support , that secret can come out .
Sheridan : Not yet .
Chris : Tell them , Sheridan . If you do nt , I will .
Luis : Yeah , I m not sure where Otto held me prisoner first . Not Hawaii . It was cold . I was kept in the dark mostly , and drugged up a lot of the time . I had these -- these visions of you mostly and you , too , Mama . It was just a struggle for me to hold on to my sanity . I just -- I had to latch on to good thoughts .
Pilar : Did they hurt you ?
Luis : Let s not talk about that .
Pilar : Ok .
Luis : But it was nt until recently that I woke up and it was warm . I figure that s when they must have moved me to Hawaii . Well , you know the rest .
Pilar : Well , I d like to make a toast to my son . Here you go , sweetheart . To your return to your family and to your friends . We all love you so very , very much .
Martin : I ll second that . To our son .
Luis : No , no . Do nt go anywhere . Stay here .
Theresa : Look at the two of you . I do nt believe it . You know , after all that pain and heartache , you managed to find your way back into each other s lives . It s God s plan .
Luis : It s more like God s miracle . That s what it is . I ll tell you something . And if you believe one thing , believe this . True love conquers all .
Theresa : Well , I did believe that , Luis . You know that . It s just , you know , I lost my faith . But seeing the two of you together , I mean , I think I m starting to believe it again .
Luis : Well , enough about me . What else has happened since I ve been gone ? I mean , obviously besides my little brother returning .
Miguel : I think Theresa may have a bit of news .
Theresa : Luis does nt know ?
Luis : Know what ?
Theresa : Ok , before you , you know , go ballistic on me . I just -- I just want you to know , Luis , that everything has worked out for the best .
Luis : What have you done now ?
Theresa : I married Alistair .
Luis : You what ? Have you completely lost your mind ?
Theresa : Now , do nt -- please , please , just do nt upset yourself .
Luis : Do nt upset myself ? You ve married the closest thing to Satan on this planet and you re telling me not to upset myself ? Did he blackmail you into it or something ?
Theresa : No , it was actually my choice . I -- I had just thought it was the only way that I could get Jane back from Ethan and Gwen .
Luis : You -- what ?
Pilar : Luis , calmate , por favor .
Theresa : Now , please , just -- just , you know , please , calm down , ok ? That part really has nt worked out very well for me , Luis . But you know what ? I have hope .
Luis : Two things . First , you divorce the man . And second , you tell me where he is so that I can kill him .
Theresa : No , just please stop , Luis . Please , you do nt -- you do nt need to kill anybody , ok ? Because he s not a threat to us anymore . On New Year s Eve he was stabbed , Luis . So he s -- he s in a coma in the hospital right now . And if we re lucky he s going to die very soon .
Martin : Hear , hear .
Luis : Mama , is what she is saying true ?
Sheridan : It s true , all right . My father ca nt hurt anyone ever again .
Pilar : Alistair had one of his sick parties on New Year s Eve . He wanted to hurt or embarrass everyone that was there but instead they turned the tables on him and somebody stabbed him . And then he had a stroke . And if it was nt for Eve he would be dead right now .
Theresa : Sometimes I think it s a shame that she is such a good doctor .
Martin : No one s been arrested for attempted murder yet but Sam is on the investigation .
Luis : Sam , huh ? Well , let s -- let s just hope that that s one criminal who s never brought to justice . I never thought that Alistair would ever go away . Well , maybe now that he s out of our lives , no one will ever come between us .
Sheridan : I ll get it .
Gwen : Sheridan , thank God you are home .
Sheridan : Hi , Gwen .
Ethan : Hi , sweetie .
Sheridan : Ethan .
Ethan : I m so sorry you did nt find Marty .
Sheridan : Me , too . But I m not giving up hope .
Gwen : So , what is the surprise ?
Ethan : Yeah ?
Sheridan : Wait till you see . Ta - dah .
Luis : Long time no see .
Ethan : Luis ?
Gwen : Oh my God .
Ethan : Are you kidding me ?
Gwen : You are alive ? My God .
Ethan : Goodness , we thought you were dead , man . How did this happen ?
Luis : Love . Love brought me back from the dead .
Gwen : Ok , I am in shock here . Where have you been ?
Luis : How about I give you the three - minute version ?
Katherine : Oh my God , it s true . Luis is alive . Then the Crane pilot was nt lying . Oh my God . Thank God . Luis and Sheridan together again . My daughter must be so happy .
Rachel : Well , what about Chris ? He s such a wonderful man .
Katherine : I do nt know . Sheridan truly seemed to love him . But if she d known Luis was alive she never , never would ve gotten involved with Chris . Her love for Luis has never died .
Rachel : Like your love for Martin ?
Katherine : Rachel , that s over . I do nt want to talk about it . I do nt want to think about it .
Rachel : I will not let you accept that . When did you become such a doormat ?
Katherine : That s unfair .
Rachel : Look , Katherine , you love the man . I know you do . And if it s true love , you ca nt give up on that ever . Fight for him . Because of Alistair , I spent most of my life living in bitterness and regret . Do nt make the same mistake I did . Fight for the man you love .
Katherine : You re right .
Maya : Get her off of me !
Fancy : Bitch ! Go back under the rock you crawled out from !
Sam : Fancy , Fancy , stop it . This is nt helping matters .
Fancy : You re wrong . It is helping me a lot . I will be on top of the world the minute I knock the life out of that seducing slut !
Noah : Fancy , stop , all right ? Maya did nt seduce me .
Fancy : What ?
Maya : It was the other way around .
Noah : Look , Fancy , Maya is here because I want her to be , all right ?
Sam : What do you mean , this was your idea ?
Noah : It was my idea . And I do nt know how to make it any clearer than that .
Sam : What kind of a man are you ?
Noah : I d say a lucky one .
Sam : How could you hurt Fancy this way ?
Noah : Look , Fancy would nt be hurt if she was nt so nosy .
Sam : Noah , I ca nt believe I m hearing this right now .
Noah : Look , Dad , this is nt about Fancy , ok ? It s about me . And finally figuring out what it is that I want . And what I want is Maya . Look , Maya and I , we go way back . Do nt we , sweetheart ?
Sam : I do nt even know who you are right now . You re like a complete stranger to me .
Noah : Just back off , Dad .
Fancy : And that goes for me , too ?
Noah : I do nt owe either one of you an explanation . I m an adult , ok ? We were just dating , Fancy . It s not like we were married or even engaged .
Fancy : You wanted to live together .
Noah : Yeah , well , strike while the iron s hot , honey . I mean , you should have taken me up on my offer .
Fancy : You told me you loved me . Not her . Not Maya . I thought , I thought you wanted to marry me and grow old together . Was that all a lie ?
Pilar : I feel so blessed . Thank God for bringing you back to me .
Luis : Mama , please , can you -- can you not cry tonight ? I just want everyone to be happy .
Pilar : You re right . I know . I m sorry . I need a tissue . Oh , not you , too ?
Theresa : Oh . No , no , no . I m just -- I made a huge mistake .
Pilar : What ? What mistake ?
Theresa : I was wrong to have given up on Ethan even for a minute . Of course , true love wins out in the end and one day we re going to be together . I just know it .
Martin : I ll get it .
Pilar : I told her not to come .
Martin : Katherine , what are you doing here ?
Katherine : I heard about Luis . And I want to see my daughter .
Martin : You should nt be here .
Katherine : Why not ?
Sheridan : Mother .
Katherine : Oh , my darling , welcome home .
Rachel : Did you find Marty ?
Sheridan : No , not yet . But look who s home .
Katherine : Yes , we heard . Oh , Luis , welcome home .
Luis : Hi .
Katherine : Oh , this is my sister Rachel .
Luis : Rachel ? I thought you were dead .
Rachel : Oh , it s a long story . It s a long story . Sheridan will fill in you in later . Where have you been ?
Pilar : What is she doing here ?
Martin : She has a right . I did nt ask her to come though .
Pilar : I do nt care .
Martin : What , you wo nt even talk to me now ?
Pilar : Martin , I m not interested in anything you have to say .
Luis : Well , you guys have nt even heard the best part yet . Ethan , Gwen , listen up . Look , Sheridan and I finally got hitched .
Gwen : Oh .
Luis : Are nt you going to congratulate us ?
Ethan : Yeah , I -- yeah , of course . Congratulations . I mean , when -- when did this happen ?
Sheridan : In Hawaii . In Luis hospital room just before we left , by a Justice of the Peace .
Luis : Well , none of you seem too happy about it .
Katherine : Oh , of course we are . We re just surprised .
Luis : Well , you ai nt seen nothing yet . I asked Sheridan to marry me again . I m actually going to call Father Lonigan tomorrow and have him check his schedule .
Pilar : Actually , you do nt know , but poor Father Lonigan was attacked .
All : What ?
Pilar : Yeah , he was brutally beaten and stabbed . And they found him in the alley near the convent . He s in the hospital .
Sheridan : That s horrible .
Rachel : I know .
Sheridan : How could somebody do such a thing to a blind man and -- a priest ?
Pilar : I do nt know . I just -- it just seems that Harmony is getting more and more violent nowadays .
Luis : Well , as soon as Father Lonigan is well again , then we ll have the wedding . It s going to be the biggest wedding this town s ever seen .
Rachel : Well , another vow renewal ceremony . I ca nt wait .
Katherine : [ Whispering ] That was cruel .
Rachel : Family comes first , dear .
Theresa : I ca nt believe she had the nerve to show up here .
Pilar : I know . But she is Sheridan s mother . I just -- it s hard for me to believe that somebody as lovely as Sheridan could be the daughter of two evil people like Katherine and Alistair .
Rachel : Well , I think Katherine and I could use a little champagne . What do you say ?
Sheridan : Miguel , would you please ?
Katherine : Darling , I am so glad that you re home .
Rachel : And married ? Well , we were just outside talking about you and Chris .
Sheridan : The truth is , I m not really married to Luis .
Rachel : Oh , thank you . I can definitely use this .
Katherine : Thank you . Oh , darling , I do nt understand . If you re not really married to Luis , then why --
Gwen : What ?
Sheridan : Shh , all of you please .
Gwen : But you re wearing your wedding band . If Luis did nt give it to you , who did ?
Chris : I did . I gave it to Sheridan on a beach in Hawaii the night that I married her .
Rachel : Somebody should bring out the scotch .
Gwen : What do you mean the night you married Sheridan ?
Chris : Exactly that . Sheridan and I are married .
Katherine : Darling , what are you doing ?
Sheridan : Shh , all of you please . Luis is still weak , and I do nt want to upset him .
Theresa : What are you all whispering about ?
Chris : Sheridan is trying to explain that she s really my wife .
Theresa : What ?
Sheridan : It s true .
Theresa : So why does Luis think that you re married to him when you re really married to Chris ?
Sheridan : It s hard to explain . You all know how I thought Luis was dead . We all did . Well , Chris proposed to me and we got married on the beach in Hawaii the night before we found Luis alive at the house where Otto was keeping him prisoner . He was beaten and tortured for months . He would ve been dead if we had nt found him when we did . Well , the doctor at the hospital , when he saw my presence , how it gave Luis strength , he told me not to upset Luis , that it could cause a relapse . Or even worse , cause Luis to die . So , I could nt tell him .
Chris : That she was already my wife .
Sheridan : So I kept quiet for Luis sake . But then Luis surprised me in the hospital by wanting to get married right then and there . How could I say no ?
Rachel : One word would have done it .
Sheridan : Well , I could nt , so I went along with it .
Chris : And married him illegally . And she s kept this lie going ever since the hospital . You know this ca nt go on forever .
Sheridan : So you keep telling me .
Gwen : Oh , this is heartbreaking .
Sheridan : I know . Life should nt be this complicated , but for some reason mine is .
Gwen : What are you going to do ? You are married to two men .
Chris : No , no , not really . Ours is the only legal marriage .
Rachel : So , who you re going to stay with ?
Katherine : Rachel .
Rachel : Well , it s a question we re all thinking about , is nt it ? I mean you have two men who are very much in love with you . Which one are you going to choose ?
Sheridan : I m staying married to Chris . He s my legal husband , and marriage is a sacred bond .
Theresa : Well , that is what my mother always says , Katherine .
Sheridan : And I love him . I just hate hurting Luis . It absolutely kills me .
Rachel : Someone really should get out that scotch .
Fancy : I m such a fool . Why did you lead me along all this time if you were still in love with Maya ? Answer me , damn it !
Noah : Look , I do nt know , Fancy , all right ? I did nt intend to hurt you . I guess -- I guess I just thought of it as kind of a big game .
Fancy : You are sick .
Noah : I m sorry . I mean , Fancy , you re -- you re Fancy Crane , you know ? You re -- you re beautiful , you re rich , you ve got your face on all the covers of all the magazines . And in all honesty , what guy would nt want to get in on that ?
Sam : You know what ? I m ashamed to call you my son .
Noah : Yeah , you re one to talk , Dad . I mean , you know , the beautiful girl from up on Raven Hill -- beautiful , rich girl . I m the blue collar kid from the other side of town . Does this sound familiar ? Look , Fancy , you were my -- you were my Mount Everest . And I had to conquer you . And I did . But now , I m moving on to K2 .
Fancy : I ca nt believe this .
Noah : Believe it if you know what s good for you .
Fancy : You know , I ve been burned before , Noah , by lots of guys who wanted my check book or liked being photographed with me on their arm . But you -- I thought you were different . You were so kind and so funny . No , no , this is nonsense . I know what you re like . I saw it in Las Vegas . You were good . You were caring and noble .
Noah : Yeah , I m a regular knight in shining armor .
Fancy : Yes . Or , at least , I thought so . God , how stupid can I be ?
Sam : Fancy , I apologize for my son , ok ? Who taught you how to act like this ?
Noah : I m looking at him , Dad .
Sam : Me ?
Noah : Yeah , you . First , we find out that you have a bastard son with Ivy Crane , right ? And the next thing we know you re letting mom run off with some random guy , breaking up a 20-year marriage just so you can move in with your old girlfriend . Come on , Dad . You of all people should understand why I ca nt be faithful to some chick that I only met a couple of months ago .
Theresa : Well , I guess my mother just found out the news . I m sorry , Chris .
Chris : Why ?
Theresa : That I have to be the one to tell you this . That your marriage to Sheridan , it s not going to last . She belongs with my brother .
Chris : I do nt think that s up to you , is it ?
Theresa : Now , do nt get me wrong , because it s very obvious that you love her . It s just that the love that she has for my brother , it is very deep and it is very strong .
Chris : Sheridan s moved on . She s told me . She loves me and she ll stay with me .
Theresa : See , no matter what her head is telling her , it s what s in her heart . And her heart will force her back to Luis . See , when fate puts two people together , anyone in their way gets crushed .
Katherine : Martin .
Martin : No , please , Katherine . Just leave me alone . I have nothing more to say to you . I ve hurt Pilar enough already .
Martin : Miguel , could you come outside ? I d like to have a word with you .
Sheridan : Excuse me .
Sheridan : Mother , I could nt help but overhear . Why was Martin so cold ?
Katherine : You do nt know . But Martin and Pilar did nt renew their marriage vows because of me .
Sheridan : I heard something happened .
Katherine : I told you , Sheridan . I was going to fight for his love and for him .
Sheridan : But he s married .
Katherine : As far as I m concerned , their , their marriage is a sham . In my heart , I m his true wife . We lived in Mexico for so many years . We were so happy , we were so in love . And it was so much longer than they were married .
Sheridan : I m sorry , Mother , but you re kidding yourself .
Katherine : No , listen to me , Sheridan . I love him . I am not going to give up on him . And my love for him , it s like your love for Luis . It will never die .
Sheridan : That s where you re wrong because I ve -- I ve moved on .
Katherine : I know you re telling yourself that because you do nt want to hurt Chris . But when you ve loved someone as deeply and passionately as you ve loved Luis , I m sorry , that just does nt go away .
Sheridan : What did we do to deserve so much pain ? It s like our family s cursed .
Katherine : Darling .
Martin : We have nt had much of a chance to talk since you ve been home .
Miguel : I ve been busy .
Martin : I see . So , what are your plans now ? You know , I m sorry that I never had a chance to meet this girl , this Charity .
Miguel : Oh , no ? From what I hear you could ve been home years ago .
Martin : Miguel , the situation was complicated . I wanted to come home . It killed me every day not to be here for you when you were growing up . I missed you all very much .
Miguel : And now you re home .
Martin : Yes .
Miguel : Breaking poor Mama s heart all over again .
Martin : Listen , Miguel , it s not --
Miguel : I was at the mansion tonight . I was upstairs . I was the big surprise to make this whole family thing complete . What a joke .
Martin : It was nt supposed to turn out like that .
Miguel : You know , Theresa s right . You re nothing to us . You broke Mama s heart all those years ago and you did it again tonight . I ca nt believe you d sleep with your mistress the same night you were going to renew your vows .
Martin : No , it was nt like that . I did nt sleep with Katherine . Your mother misunderstood . You know , I ve been trying to explain this to her , but she wo nt listen .
Miguel : Good for her . God , you do nt know what it was like for her . You left her all alone to raise five kids with no money so that you could run off and live the high life off some rich woman s money .
Martin : It was nt that way .
Miguel : How could you leave your family like that ? I was just a little kid . How could you do that , you bastard ? Leave your wife and kids to run off with some whore ?
Martin : Son , I will never forgive myself for what I put you all through , never .
Miguel : You do nt deserve forgiveness . No man who abandons his children deserves forgiveness .
Martin : Is that right ? Even you ?
Miguel : What ?
Martin : What , you left town to go look for Charity . You left Kay alone to raise your daughter .
Miguel : It s not the same and you know it . I was nt married to Kay . I did nt love her and I did nt leave her in the lurch . I sent her checks every chance I got to help raise my daughter . And I was in love with Charity then , not Kay .
Martin : And now ? Are you still in love with this girl ?
Miguel : Well , if Charity wanted to be found , I would have found her by now . I m home for good .
Martin : To make a go with Kay , right ?
Miguel : No . Kay s engaged to Fox . They re going to get married . But I plan on being here every step of the way to help raise my daughter .
Martin : Ok , that s good . And I m sure you ll make a wonderful father to Maria .
Miguel : I love Maria . I want to make her happy . I want to make up for all the time I ve lost with her .
Martin : Well , that s all every parent ever wants for their children . Love and happiness . That s what I want for you , Miguel . And , you know , make up for the time that we ve lost .
Miguel : I do nt know .
Martin : Son , listen . I ve made a lot of mistakes , but please do nt cut me out of your life . Give me the chance to make things up to you best I can .
Miguel : I ca nt make any promises . God , what s wrong with this family ? Why does everything have to turn out so badly for all of us ?
Martin : I do nt know . But I think we both have a lot to answer for , do nt we ?
Theresa : Well , it s pretty amazing about Luis , is nt it ?
Ethan : Yeah , it s got to be wonderful to have your brother back .
Theresa : It s a miracle .
Ethan : Yeah . Theresa , Gwen said that Sheridan and Chris are really married .
Theresa : Yeah , we do nt want Luis to hear that right now .
Ethan : Well , I hope Luis can handle the news .
Theresa : Ethan , do nt worry about it . Look at them . Look . Even though Sheridan s not going to admit it right now , their love for each other -- it s stronger than ever . And it s bound to come out . And when it does , Chris is going to be left out in the cold .
Ethan : Chris and Sheridan are married , ok ? And Gwen said that Sheridan said that they re staying together .
Theresa : She may say that right now , but once she listens to her heart , she s going to go right back to Luis . The same way when you listen to your heart you will come right back to me .
Fancy : I got to get out of here . I ca nt stand looking at you or your little slut for one more minute .
Sam : Come on , I ll take you home .
Fancy : Are you happy ? You ve broken my heart . Bastard !
Noah : Fancy , I --
Maya : Noah , you ca nt go after her . The FBI wo nt allow it .
Noah : This is such a lie . God , you know I do nt give a damn about you . I ca nt stand hurting her like that . And those horrendous things that I said to my father .
Maya : Look , you made a deal with the FBI to protect Fancy Crane by getting her out of your life . You have to stick to it .
Noah : You re right . As much as I hate it , it s for Fancy s own good .
Ethan : You re wrong . Gwen is my heart s desire , Theresa . And I ll never leave her .
Theresa : Never say never , Ethan .
Gwen : Get some rest , we ll see you soon .
Ethan : We re here if you need us , man .
Luis : Thank you , I have got everything I need right here .
Gwen : Bye .
Pilar : Goodnight , mijo .
Luis : Goodnight , goodnight . Goodnight .
Theresa : My turn . Night - night . Night , Sheridan .
Sheridan : Night .
Pilar : I saw you with Ethan . He s staying with his wife , you know .
Theresa : Mama , seeing Luis come back from the dead to be with Sheridan , I ve realized that I can never give up on Ethan , ever .
Sheridan : You have over done it . You need to get some rest .
Luis : I feel wonderful .
Sheridan : Go to sleep .
Luis : Do nt think that you re going anywhere .
Sheridan : Luis .
Luis : This is our honeymoon night . I want to hold you , touch you , make love to you .
Sheridan : Luis .
Luis : My love .
Sheridan : Oh , Luis . What am I going to do ?
Paloma : This symbol is the key .
Man : It s a symbol of my love for you . Back to The TV Mega Site s Passions Site Try today s short recap or detailed update !
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### Summary:
| Luis arrives home , to the joy of his family . While the disagreements between them pop up off and on , having the loved one they all thought had died come home again smoothed them over - for a while . Miguel told Martin how he feels , while Theresa tried to tell Chris he was the odd man out . Noah decided to save Fancy by cutting her loose , and set about convincing her he really loves Maya and she never meant anything to him except another conquest . She tried not to believe it , but finally gave in . Sam , listening to it all , was totally ashamed of his son . Katherine and Rachel showed up at the Lopez - Fitzgerald home , uninvited . Katherine wanted to see her daughter , but also tried to talk Martin into coming back to her , with no success . He says he wants nothing more to do with her . Gwen and Ethan also visited , with all the tension that caused . Luis was just happy to be back home , while Sheridan tried to keep him from finding out the truth . Chris is nt happy with the situation , especially when he found Sheridan in Luis arms , in bed , with Luis talking about making love on their wedding night . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Eden : Hey .
Phyllis : Hey .
Eden : Do you want me to warm that up for you , Phyllis ?
Phyllis : Oh , no . It s fine . Thank you .
Eden : Okay .
Phyllis : [ Sighs ] Hey . I guess you heard the good news .
Avery : No . Tell me .
Phyllis : Nick is free . At least he will be when I sign the papers .
Nick : [ Sighs ]
Victor : I heard about the opening .
Nick : Well , you should have experienced the catastrophe firsthand .
Victor : I m sorry . I was busy .
Nick : Why are you here -- to gloat ?
Victor : Son , I do nt gloat at my children s setbacks , okay ?
Nick : Do you personally want to set back Adam when you see him sitting in the C.E.O. chair at Newman Enterprises , partnering with your least favorite son- in - law ?
Victor : I assure you that Billy and Adam will not be around for long .
Nick : And their departure painful , I m guessing .
Victor : You know , when I take over the reins again , I d like nothing more than to have you at my side again .
Nick : Its still Jack s company , Dad , and he s gon na be back as soon as he s done recovering from his heart attack .
Victor : By the time I am through with Jack Abbott , he will wish that his heart attack was the worst of his problems , I assure you .
Jack : [ Sighs ] Marcus . Jack Abbott . Wo nt you join me ?
Wheeler : Since I m preparing to bury my daughter , who was found facedown in an alley after spending the night in your company , let s skip the pleasantries .
Paul : [ Sighs ]
Christine : Guess who .
Paul : Oh . [ Chuckles ] Give me a hint .
Christine : Uh , okay . A woman who quit her job in D.C ...
Paul : Oh .
Christine : ... Who packed up her whole life and moved back to Genoa City and with whom now you are stuck .
Paul : Yes . It s on the tip of my tongue . Are there any more clues ? [ Laughs ]
Christine : Crazy .
Paul : There you are .
Christine : Is it coming back to you now ?
Paul : Yeah . I missed you like crazy .
Christine : I missed you , too . But I am going to try and track Michael down about coming back to work .
Paul : Oh . He s not in the office . I was with him and Lauren all night at the hospital .
Christine : Yeah . How s that boy that they were taking care of ?
Paul : He s still unconscious . And , uh ... to be quite honest , I m worried . I m worried about Jamie , and , um ... I m worried about what might happen to the Baldwins if that poor kid does nt make it .
Lauren : Oh , sorry .
Michael : Hey .
Lauren : I did nt mean to startle you .
Michael : Oh . Ohh .
Lauren : Any change ?
Michael : No . He did nt move . He did nt open his eyes . The doctors are nt sure when he will .
Lauren : [ Sighs ]
Michael : Fenmore ?
Lauren : Mm . When I got home last night , he had locked himself in his bedroom . Very hard to have a heart - to - heart through a shut door . But I do not believe that he had anything to do with Jamie s fall off the roof .
Michael : All right . Well ... I m gon na go home , take a shower , check in with the office .
Lauren : Okay .
Avery : I m sorry to hear that .
Phyllis : [ Laughs ] You are so sorry , are nt you , Avery ? You re so sorry that your boyfriend is officially available .
Eden : Avery , hey . Do you want me to bring your usual over so that you two can visit ?
Phyllis : No , I m not with her . Thanks .
Avery : Just bring mine to go . Thanks .
Eden : Okay . Sure .
Avery : I thought you wanted Nick to be happy .
Phyllis : I do want him to be happy . Just because we re divorcing ... does nt mean ... I do nt still love him . We have a child together .
Avery : Right , which does not explain this hostility .
Phyllis : Ohh . Well , I just want the best for Nick .
Avery : Meaning not me ?
Phyllis : What do you think ?
Avery : I think ... [ Sighs ] Phyllis , I know what it s like to have a marriage fall apart and to feel completely responsible for everything --
Phyllis : Oh , my God . You are so patronizing .
Avery : I am not . I am not . Nick is trying to be civil with you . I do nt know why you and I ca nt do that . But you keep living in the past .
Phyllis : I m actually fine .
Avery : Okay , you know what ? I ca nt . I ca nt . I ca nt do this today . I have a deposition . I can not do this . I hope your day gets better .
Phyllis : Okay . I hope yours does , too .
Avery : Thank you . Thank you . Oh , here . Here . Keep the change .
Eden : Oh , sure .
Avery : Thanks .
Phyllis : [ Sighs ] [ Clears throat ]
Nick : So , what kind of leverage do you have on Jack ? Actually , you know what ? I do nt want to know .
Victor : Too bad this club idea did nt work out , but , you know , these things happen .
Nick : You think I m gon na quit cause of one bad night ?
Victor : Well , Son , you said the opening was a catastrophe , so why throw good money after bad ?
Nick : You think I m trying to prove something to you ?
Victor : Well , what is this all about ?
Nick : I do nt need to justify my decision to open this place to anyone .
Victor : Yeah , but I m interested in your motivation . I mean , you were a formidable businessman , you know . You were in charge of projects that involved billions of dollars .
Nick : And now I ve sunk to this ?
Victor : A dive with electrical problems -- yeah .
Nick : A dive ? Wow .
Victor : Son , you re trying to attract clientele that ca nt pay their rent . Now you re extracting their last dime out of their pockets to pay for drinks ?
Nick : It s a nice place -- good atmosphere .
Victor : I think your time would be better spent in your family s business .
Nick : I ca nt keep chasing your dreams . I got to start chasing some of my own .
Victor : And this is one of your dreams ?
Nick : Look , I did nt open this place to make money or to prove something to anyone . I just wanted to start something from scratch . This place is cool . People can come here and , frankly , get away from bosses like you and Jack . I got a lot to do before I reopen the club .
Victor : Billy boy , you better get back to me with an answer promptly , all right ? Is Jack Abbott stepping down from Newman Enterprises , or do I make his problems public ?
Jack : Congressman , I am so sorry for your loss . Stephanie was --
Wheeler : My daughter was a prostitute .
Jack : Well , I - I want you to know that I am turning myself in .
Wheeler : To ease your conscience ?
Jack : I , too , am a father , and I know no amount of punishment is going to make your pain go away for the loss of your daughter , but I thought perhaps my taking some responsibility would give your family some closure .
Wheeler : You think coming forward and getting a slap on the wrist will make this easier for my family ?
Jack : What can I do ?
Wheeler : Your self - serving stab at repentance will only create a media spectacle . You think that s what I want ?
Jack : Well , you re saying your daughter s death or the way she lived her life will somehow tarnish your image ?
Wheeler : You ve got a lot of gall , passing judgment .
Jack : No , I did nt mean --
Wheeler : She died weeks ago , but I ve been missing her for years .
Jack : Okay . I understand .
Wheeler : I m glad , Jack . What I do nt understand is how you tossed her body out like she did nt belong to someone , was nt loved by anyone .
Jack : It was a terrible mistake , one for which I may never forgive myself , one which I m trying to rectify .
Wheeler : You ca nt fix this . But you can help .
Jack : Tell me how .
Wheeler : I m trying to keep the press from making the connection between Stephanie Gayle , the prostitute , and Stephanie , my daughter .
Jack : I see .
Wheeler : This is for my family . I do nt want them going through weeks of press and photographers and questions and trials . They re suffering enough . Do this much for me and my family .
Paul : And it brought out a real mean streak in Fen -- so much so , he s unrecognizable to his own father .
Christine : Like with you and Ricky .
Paul : Yeah . You know ... it was all I could do to hold it together for Lauren and Michael . I could nt help but think about Ricky when I -- when I saw poor little Jamie on the rooftop . You know , my son had his own demons . They were internal . But Jamie s demons are flesh and blood . He was bullied by his own father at home and by kids at school .
Christine : So , do you think Fen was involved with the bullying ?
Paul : From everything I ve seen and heard , I think that s a real possibility , and it just might have led to what happened on the roof .
Michael : Jack , I am so sorry to hold you up . I had to do a little research .
Jack : No , that s okay . Um , tell me , do I have to get my things in order ? Do I have to prepare for a trial ?
Michael : Well , you did , in fact , attempt to cover up that poor young woman s death .
Jack : Yes .
Michael : But you clearly had nothing to do with the cause of that death .
Jack : Meaning the overdose ?
Michael : Yeah . According to the coroner s report , Stephanie Gayle ingested those drugs hours before she met you . Whether or not she came home with you , she would have most likely still have died that night . You are not responsible for her death .
Jack : [ Breathes deeply ] And the cover - up ?
Michael : I do not believe justice would be served by putting you on trial .
Jack : So , that s it ? I ... just walk away ?
Lauren : I m sorry you felt so alone . I thought by bringing you into our house , we could help give you a fresh start . I ... I never thought that ... [ Sighs ] Look , I d-- [ Sighs ] I do nt know what happened . I do nt know whether you stole from us or not . It does nt matter . I just ... I just want you to wake up and be okay . Please be okay .
Lauren : Jamie . Can you hear me ? Okay . I m gon na go get the doctor . You keep those eyes open . It s okay . You do nt have to be scared . You re in the hospital , and you fell . Do you remember what happened ?
Jamie : F - Fen .
Fen : Whoa . That s my phone .
Michael : Summer can wait . We need to talk about Jamie .
Fen : Is he okay ?
Michael : He still has nt woken up .
Fen : [ Sighs ]
Lauren : Jamie , why did you say Fen s name ? What about Fen ? Jamie . He -- he woke up for a second .
Paul : I know . I heard . Look , if Fen had anything to do with the fall --
Lauren : He did nt . I know my son , Paul , and he would nt hurt anybody .
Michael : I really understand how difficult this has been having a stranger living with us .
Fen : Dad was okay with it .
Michael : Were you ? Were you okay with it -- with the time and attention we d been giving Jamie ?
Fen : Sure .
Michael : Listen ... we were just trying to keep Jamie from being hurt again . His home situation -- it s brutal .
Fen : Oh , God , Dad . I ve heard this story 5 million ti-- I know . I know . I know what you were trying to do .
Michael : Okay . Then ... maybe we were nt sensitive enough to how having Jamie here affected you .
Fen : I m cool .
Michael : Well , yeah . Well , see , that is the problem . You always are .
Fen : [ Chuckles ]
Michael : Look , you make friends so easily . You deal with change so well -- like the time we had to switch schools , you know ? Your mom and I just assumed that this would be easy for you , too . Just tell me . Were we wrong ?
Paul : It could have been an accident , but we ca nt ignore that Fen did nt want this kid around from day one .
Lauren : No . We talked to him . He was absolutely fine with Jamie moving in .
Paul : Lauren , he never hid the fact that he did nt like you or Michael taking an interest in him or that Summer did , too .
Lauren : All right , Paul . Jealousy s completely normal at this age , and you know it .
Paul : It is , and I do nt want to assume the worst .
Lauren : Well , then , stop talking like you are . Stop talking like I do nt know my son the way you did nt know yours .
Paul : I m not comparing Fen to Ricky .
Lauren : I m sorry . I m sorry . I know that . But there is nothing -- there is no sign -- to indicate that Fen had anything to do with what happened to Jamie or that he was even on the roof .
Michael : There is nothing ... not a thing ... that you could do that would ever make your mom and me stop loving you . Do you know that ? We all make mistakes . You can tell me anything .
Michael : [ Sighs ] It might be your mom . Hi , Honey . I m just --
Lauren : Michael , Jamie woke up .
Mason : Mr. Newman to see you , Sir .
Victor : Thank you , Mason .
Mason : Can I get you anything ?
Jack : We re fine . Thank you .
Victor : Talk to your brother Billy lately ? He seems to be avoiding my calls .
Jack : Billy passed your threat along to me , yes .
Victor : Mm . It s not a threat , Jack , my boy . I will tell the press what I know about your night with Stephanie Gayle , or should I say Stephanie Gayle Wheeler , Congressman Wheeler s daughter , unless you walk away from here .
Jack : I already am .
Victor : Really ?
Jack : Yes , walking away . I m leaving Newman in the capable hands of Adam and Billy . I m just here to collect my personal effects .
Victor : Well , that s a good start . Then let me say this . Unless you want the press to know about the fact that a hooker died at your house , you ll also convince Adam to walk away .
Jack : With you ? What are you doing ?
Victor : I m giving you a fair warning , Jack .
Jack : This hooker , as you call her , is a person with a family . She s someone s daughter .
Victor : Are you lecturing me ?
Jack : What if this was Victoria or Abby and someone stooped to exploit her death for his own gain ?
Victor : This is so rich coming from a man who just tossed the dead body of a prostitute into an alley like a piece of garbage . If you ever wonder to what lengths I will go to get this company back , now you have your answer .
Jack : Well , fortunately for the rest of us in the real world , there s only so much you can do . I met with Michael Baldwin .
Victor : Really ? So , how soon will you be behind bars ?
Jack : The district attorney will not be pursuing a criminal case against me .
Victor : After what you have done ?
Jack : Congressman Wheeler does not want his family dragged through that . Since Stephanie died of a self - inflicted drug overdose , the district attorney officially sees no reason to drag the wheeler family through any more anguish .
Victor : We will see about that , Jack .
Jack : You fight this , your good friend Congressman Wheeler will not be happy .
Victor : Congressman Wheeler s a politician . And as a politician , he is dispensable . I ll have my company back .
Jack : How the hell did we get here ? So , you and I are gon na just continue to hate each other so much , neither one of us can think straight ? When is this gon na end ?
Victor : You give me back what s mine ... and you take back what s yours .
Jack : Well , the latter , I am in the process of doing . The former ? You want your company back , talk to your son .
Nick : Well , the lights are on now , but if I turn on a blender , then , you know , everything goes dark . How can we fix it ? No , I m opening before then , so work with me here . [ Sighs heavily ] Okay . We ll talk then .
Avery : Huh . Sounds like somebody s not closing up shop after all .
Nick : Well , how could I do that to you ? I mean , where else are you gon na shake that groove thing ?
Avery : I do nt know . What happened ? What changed your mind ? You were ready to cut your losses .
Nick : My dad showed up .
Avery : Here ?
Nick : Yes . He strongly suggested I close this place down and rejoin the fight for Newman Enterprises .
Avery : Ooh . Well , who could turn down an offer like that ?
Nick : Well , it sounded pretty good until he called this place a glorified dive .
Avery : Ouch .
Nick : Yeah .
Avery : What did you tell him ?
Nick : I told him it s mine . Then I reminded myself that when I opened Restless Style and Crimson Lights , there were some bumps in the road . I mean , who launches a business where everything goes perfectly ?
Avery : Mm - hmm . So , you re gon na stick with it , get it right ?
Nick : I m not the kind of guy who quits at the first sign of trouble .
Avery : Good . I saw my sister . She got her divorce papers today .
Nick : Yeah . I got em , too . Well , that s another reason why I do nt want to shut this place down . This is a part of the next chapter of my life -- one I m really looking forward to .
Eden : Hey ! Christine ! It s been a while ! Can I get you something to go ?
Christine : [ Sighs ] No , thanks . [ Chuckles ] [ Sighs ] It is a crime .
Phyllis : Your hair ? That lipstick ? I agree .
Christine : That you re sitting here , drinking coffee , when you should be rotting in a jail cell .
Phyllis : Oh , Christine , why do you hold on to the so - called need for justice ?
Christine : Well , because you ran Paul and me down with a car .
Phyllis : And yet you still live to plague me .
Christine : And you find it funny ?
Phyllis : I do . The judge dropped the case . Move on .
Christine : What s that supposed to mean ?
Phyllis : Well , you dumped Danny like a hot rock .
Christine : Okay , you know what ? What does that have to do with anything ? [ Laughing ] Ohh . Oh , okay . Now I get it . You re being dumped by Nick .
Phyllis : You should stop now .
Fen : Is he all right ? What did the doctor say ?
Lauren : Jamie s stable , and there s every hope that he s gon na recover and be just fine .
Fen : Is he in ... a coma ?
Lauren : No . No . In fact , he should be waking up soon , and then he can tell us exactly what happened .
Christine : Your need to destroy a good thing is pathological . Nick was a great husband , a wonderful father .
Phyllis : Yeah . Well , we could nt make our marriage work . Lots of people ca nt .
Christine : Hmm . You ca nt . You had a good - looking , hardworking guy , and you hop in the sack with Nina s son ? It s disgusting . [ Chuckles ] Phyllis --
Phyllis : I m honest about who I am and what I do .
Christine : Oh , and I m not , right ?
Phyllis : No , you are not . You are not . You hide behind this sweet , saccharine attorney facade , and it s not who you really are . You re playing Danny and Paul at the same time .
Christine : I have been nothing but honest .
Phyllis : You know , Paul s gon na see through your act real soon , and you re gon na end up with nothing .
Christine : Like you . Or do you have another guy on the back burner , like Jack ?
Phyllis : Jack is my friend .
Christine : Oh . Well , you never could be without a man , and as soon as you get them , you screw them over . So , it seems to me you re getting exactly what you deserve .
Avery : Phyllis seemed pretty shaken up by the final divorce papers .
Nick : You can just ask me .
Avery : Okay . Are you sad ? Are you sorry ?
Nick : Both .
Avery : Mm .
Nick : I m sad that my marriage ended the way it did . I m sorry for the pain that I ve caused my daughter . But this paperwork just confirms what s already happened . It s over .
Avery : I would nt have wished this on either of you .
Nick : I know , even if Phyllis does nt . And I m tired of looking back . I m excited about what my future holds , and this club s a big part of that . And you are , too . At least I hope you will be .
Avery : Yes . Oh . Well , I m glad to hear you say that , because I have a big surprise for you .
Nick : Oh , yeah ! I m so into your surprises lately . What s on tap today ?
Tyler : That would be me . I m here to help you put this place on the map .
Avery : At my request .
Nick : Tyler , right ? What is it you do again ?
Avery : Tyler is on the cutting edge of youth marketing .
Tyler : And I ve been working on some ideas that s gon na guarantee your next opening total success .
Nick : Hmm . What do you got ?
Tyler : Well , I could sum it up in two words -- Underground ... deejay .
Nick : I do nt get it .
Tyler : It s a huge thing at Raves . There s a whole subculture of underground mix tapes .
Nick : Mix tapes ? That s your big idea ?
Fen : Um , can I have some money ?
Michael : For ?
Fen : Food . I m kind of hungry .
Lauren : Sure , Baby . I got it .
Fen : Thanks .
Lauren : So , uh , Jamie briefly regained consciousness .
Michael : He say anything ?
Lauren : [ Sighs ] Fen -- just his name . And Paul was here and heard it and , of course , thinks that the reason he said it is that Fen had something to do with his fall , which I - I do nt believe , Michael .
Michael : I saw Fenmore s look when he first saw Jamie . It was dread and guilt .
Paul : Hey . Um ... I went back to the roof where Jamie fell , and I found something . Could I talk with you a moment , Michael ?
Lauren : No . You have something to say , you say it to both of us .
Paul : I found this camera on the roof .
Michael : It s Fen s .
Lauren : We gave it to him for Christmas .
Paul : That places Fen on the roof right before Jamie fell .
Lauren : I know my son . He did nt do this .
Paul : Lauren , the picture .
Lauren : Yeah , the picture proves that Jamie was a thief . That s why he took the picture . He had nothing to do with Jamie s fall .
Tyler : I m not talking about the kind of mix tapes that dudes were making back in the 80s for girls they were crushing on .
Avery : Yeah . This is how Nicki Minaj got her start .
Tyler : Now , you obviously got your finger on the pulse of cool . This year , what it does -- it s interactive . It takes the club experience to a whole new level . People go crazy for it . The entire place blows up with energy .
Avery : It would put you on the map , Nick .
Tyler : Yeah . Forget Chicago . They ll be trekking up here to be part of the underground scene .
Avery : Well , how does it start ?
Tyler : I lined up a deejay -- underground deejay -- one of the best . And ... I designed these flyers .
Nick : Hmm . Wow .
Tyler : Thanks .
Nick : I like it .
Tyler : That s what I do . Tell you what -- we ll get rid of those postcards there . Put these right here everywhere . Print em up real world , got em all over the cyber world -- we ll create a real buzz .
Avery : Nick , if you saw this online , you d want to check it out , right ? So , what do you say ? You want to give Tyler a chance ?
Jack : I ran into Congressman Wheeler at the club .
Phyllis : Oh , no .
Jack : Yeah . Devastating . Gut - wrenching . And then , of course , I got a visit from Victor .
Phyllis : To say what ?
Jack : Surrender Newman or he will exploit Stephanie s death .
Phyllis : So , what are you gon na do ?
Jack : Well , Michael s not going to pursue my case , and I refuse to hurt the Wheeler family any more by taking this public .
Phyllis : You know that Victor will blow this wide open if you do nt give him Newman back .
Jack : Newman s not mine to give him . I may not be going to prison , but I have nt changed my plans .
Phyllis : So , you re still going to step down ?
Jack : Victor and Adam can fight to the death over Newman . Talking to Congressman Wheeler and seeing what he d lost , I -- I want my life to have meaning . I want my life to have purpose .
Christine : Hi . Paul s been telling me what s been going on . I m so sorry .
Lauren : Thank you , Christine .
Christine : If there s anything I can do ...
Paul : Look , why do nt we give Lauren and Michael a chance to talk things over ?
Christine : [ Sighs heavily ]
Paul : You re upset .
Christine : I m fine .
Paul : What happened ?
Christine : I hate that Phyllis did nt pay for what she did .
Paul : Chris , I thought you let that go .
Christine : I ve tried , but after seeing her today , it brought up all the anger fueled by the sight of those final divorce papers .
Paul : Why would that have anything -- ?
Christine : Look , she s divorcing Nick , which means she is going to get a Newman - size settlement . I ca nt stand that . She is being rewarded for her behavior ? I wish you d never talked me out of moving forward with that civil suit .
Paul : Really , Chris ?
Christine : Paul , I can not let her get away with trying to murder us . I m sorry . I am going to sue her . Phyllis does nt deserve to have anything .
Nick : All right . Let s try this .
Tyler : All right . Let s rock n roll . Now , there s a lot of work to be done , so I got to go ahead and get to it . We ll cover all the particulars later .
Nick : Cool . What do you need from me ?
Tyler : I need you to sex this place up a bit . Get rid of the bow ties off the bartenders . It s not an ice cream parlor . But basically just be ready for all the people that are gon na pour in here . This place is gon na blow up , I m telling you . All right . See you guys later .
Avery : Tyler , thanks for coming .
Tyler : No problem .
Nick : Thanks for that .
Avery : You re welcome .
Nick : How d you know I was gon na change my mind ?
Avery : Because , like you said , you re no quitter . And ... Ive never seen you as excited as I did when you were making plans for this place . Yeah . I ve gotten used to that smile , and I would do anything to keep it on your face .
Nick : You do nt have to do much . Just be you .
Victor : By the way , Mason ... you were very smart to hedge your bets and approach me about your future .
Mason : You re making your move ?
Victor : Jack is out , and Adam and Billy will be soon , okay ?
Mason : When s this all going down ?
Victor : Just wait and see . But keep your eyes and ears open , all right ?
Michael : I ca nt wait to ask Fenmore about this .
Lauren : But if we push him , we might undo all the progress that we ve made and make things worse .
Michael : I tried to make it easy on him . I tried to get him to open up . I told him that we love him no matter what .
Lauren : He knows that .
Michael : I think he was on the verge of confessing . And now that we ve established that he was on the roof --
Lauren : It does not prove that he had anything to do with Jamie s fall .
Jack : I need to focus on my family legacy -- Jabot .
Phyllis : Right . Um , first , you need to finish your treatment program . You know that . Maybe we should go to the cabin .
Jack : No , that wo nt be necessary .
Phyllis : Every step is important .
Jack : I know that . But I have a regimen now . I m on it . And I can do it from home , and when I feel better , when I feel I can ... I ll go back to work .
Phyllis : What if you re not ready ?
Jack : I m in control now . I can say that honestly for perhaps the first time in a long time . Because of you . Because you were there for me . Cause you took care of me . Cause you trusted me . Cause you believed in me .
Devon : Jack is stepping down and coming back here .
Neil : What ?
Noah : In order to get out of the situation that Adriana put me in , I need to make her think that I still care about her .
Phyllis : Instead of learning from my parents , I turned out just like them .
### Summary:
| Eden offers to warm up Phyllis coffee but she refuses . Phyllis quickly hides the divorce papers when Avery joins her . Phyllis informs Avery that Nick will be free as soon as she signs the papers . Victor visits Nick at the Underground . Nick feels that Victor is there to gloat about his nightclub failing on its first night open . Victor informs Nick that Adam and Billy wo nt be at Newman for long and Jack wo nt be around either when he gets through with him . Jack asks Congressman Wheeler to join him , but he is reluctant to play nice with Jack after all the things that happened . Christine surprises Paul by placing her scarf over his eyes and whispering in his ears . Paul tells Christine that Jamie is unconscious in the hospital . Michael sits vigil by Jamie s bedside while he is still unconscious . Lauren soon comes in to join him . Phyllis and Avery argue as usual . Phyllis hesitates to sign the divorce papers . Congressman Wheeler and Jack discuss his daughter s death in Jack s living room . Paul and Christine discuss Jamie and his father being in jail and that Fen is somehow involved . Michael joins Jack at his table and lets him know that Stephanie died of an overdose and would have died anyway that night no matter where she would have been . Michael also lets Jack know that he will not press charges against him . At home , Fen checks his messages . Lauren apologizes to Jamie for what happened to him and begs him to please wake up . Jamie whispers Fen s name but Lauren can not understand what he is saying when Paul walks in . Michael and Fen discuss Jamie s fall and still being unconscious . Nick and Avery discuss how the Underground will progress . Nick lets Avery know that his divorce is final . Christine bumps into Phyllis at Crimson Lights and the claws come out again between the two with one getting the better of the other . Christine realizes that Nick is dumping Phyllis . Michael and Fen visit Lauren and Jamie in the hospital . Avery asks Nick how he feels about the divorce . Tyler arrives to discuss business with Nick on making the Underground a huge success with the help of a D.J. Nick agrees . Paul lets Michael and Lauren know that he found something at the site of Jamie s fall . Paul shows Michael and Lauren the camera and she identifies it as the one they gave Fen for Christmas . Phyllis hides the divorce papers when Jack joins her and lets her know the news that Michael revealed to him just earlier in the day . Jack also lets Phyllis know about his meeting with Congressman Wheeler and with Victor . Victor goes to Newman Enterprises and has a talk with Mason . Mason asks him what he has in mind , but Victor tells him that he will have to wait and see . Michael can not wait to confront Fen about the pic on the camera , but Lauren cautions him to tread carefully when he talks to Fen so he does nt cause more trouble . When Fen visits Jamie , he awakens and looks at him . Jack and Phyllis kiss . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Abe : We re still going through tip line calls , and even without a reward , it s a flood .
Brady : Are any of the tips on Xander ?
Abe : We have plenty , but nothing s panned out .
Marlena : Where is Theresa ?
Brady : She has a security guard with her . If Xander gets anywhere near her , we re going to take him out .
John : Chances are he s probably already hooked up with Orpheus and Weston by now . And if that s the case , they can come back for any one of us which puts a huge target on our family s back .
Paul : Not bad dinner , considering we ca nt cook anything .
Claire : Yeah , I mean , once the stuff in the fridge goes bad we re toast , but this was really good . Thank you .
Paul : Yeah . Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Whoa , whoa . Where do you think you re going ?
Claire : To find a hotspot .
Paul : No .
Claire : Uh , the Wi - Fi here is dead .
Paul : But you are not , so let s keep it that way . Uh , yeah , um , still not letting you out , okay ? You re staying in tonight . I m serious .
Claire : [ Huffs ]
Jennifer : Honey , if you just sit down , I can have food ready for you in five minutes .
JJ : Thanks , but I ate at the pub , mom .
Jennifer : Wait , they have power ?
JJ : Generators .
Jennifer : Okay , so are you off - duty right now ?
JJ : No , roman told me to leave and not come back for four hours and get some sleep . I m just-- I m too wired to sleep so I wanted to check on you , make sure you stay inside .
Jennifer : Oh , I am not planning to go out .
JJ : Good . Do nt . It s already crazy out there , mom . After dark , it s only going to get worse .
Chad : Uh , and do you have a distribution chart for the second tranche ? Hmm ?
Chad : The second tranche . For the huge pile of money we re giving you for the start - up . Sorry , yes , it s appendix B.
Chad : [ Clears throat ] Are these pre - tax totals ? We could put this off .
Chad : Do nt be crazy . You flew in from san Francisco and DiMera enterprises is ready to move forward . Just ... Yeah , yeah , that s great . Um , but now we ve met face - to - face so we can finish it off by video conference . I need to get out of here .
Chad : Look , the airport s closed from the power outage . You re not going anywhere . I ll drive to Chicago and catch a flight .
Chad : Okay , look , if you re just-- if you re worried , I can guarantee your safety . Really , is that , uh , family guarantee ?
Chad : Not the way you re thinking . What I meant was you re welcome to stay at my home . We have a generator , security , mimosas . Thanks . We definitely want this deal to work , but I ll call you tomorrow from the west coast .
Chad : Okay .
Gabi : Oh ! Something you said ?
Chad : Well , I think the sense of chaos and impending apocalypse had something to do with it . Speaking of , what are you doing walking around ?
Gabi : Oh , you have a lot on your mind . You do nt have to worry about me .
Chad : Oh , Slim , of course I do .
JJ : It s not just the escaped convicts . It s the blackout .
Jennifer : Right , but the hospital generators are working . Caroline s obviously are . What about the station ?
JJ : Yeah , we re still up , but most of the town is still out . So alarm systems are down .
Jennifer : So there s looters already ?
JJ : It s like every thief and hood in town was ready to take advantage . We ve got a lid on it so far , but after dark that ll get harder . If you have to choose whether to protect a person or a storefront--
Jennifer : No , I know . Please just tell me that you are gon na be so careful .
JJ : I will .
Jennifer : And what about Gabi ? I hope she and Ari made it home before the power went out .
JJ : They were at the DiMera mansion . Gabi got locked in a panic room with Chad .
Gabi : Slim ?
Chad : Well , it s better than what I called you when we were kids .
Gabi : Skinny Minnie and what was it ? Oh , yeah . Crabby Gabi .
Chad : Yes , I ve evolved .
Gabi : Mm - hmm .
Chad : What are you doing here ?
Gabi : I came to get some food for the house for when Rafe gets out of work .
Chad : Mmm . You think Rafe would be okay with you risking your life so he could have a belly full of chowdah ?
Gabi : Uh , well , look , I needed some air . I just do nt like to feel , like , trapped or locked in or ... never mind .
Chad : Right , no , sorry , I forgot .
Gabi : Yeah , well , do nt forget that I survived prison and I can handle a couple cons if I have to . Oh , look , I m armed . Voila .
Chad : Oh , snap . Maybe you should walk me home .
Gabi : Yeah , maybe I should . What are you doing here ?
Chad : I had a meeting .
Gabi : Nice tie . You had a meeting today ? Seriously ?
Chad : Mm - hmm , well , when a venture capitalist flies in from silicon valley , I should show up .
Gabi : Oh , that was that big tech nerd that was here .
Chad : Big money nerd . No worker bee .
Gabi : So let me just get this straight . The town s gone insane and you re taking care of business .
Chad : Guess so . Is it still crazy out there ?
Gabi : I mean , around the edges , kind of . I do nt really see much . JJ and Rafe , they said that we re in for a rough night .
Brady : My question is , how are these clowns causing so much damage ? I mean , they broke out of prison with nothing , right ? No phones , no cash . Maybe guns from the guards , right ?
Abe : They obviously found what they needed .
John : God knows what Orpheus has stashed or where . But the thing is , he s been in prison for so long there might not be much of it left or any way to easy access it .
Abe : Well , that s not true for Clyde Weston . He had an extensive network .
John : Yeah .
Brady : Then let s round them up . Let s lean on em . Find em .
Abe : No knowns are still in Salem . Now we have word out to the authorities in poplar bluff . We only have a few names . They ll have more .
Brady : What did-- what did they say ?
Abe : We have nt heard back yet .
John : We have nt heard back from either--
Brady : For the love of God , seriously ?
John : Let s just keep our heads straight here .
Brady : No , no , wait , we re supposed to sit around here and wait for the poplar bluff police department who may or may not call us back while Xander s out there with his friends planning his next move . We are sitting ducks here .
Abe : We are searching too .
Brady : But the police need to protect , right ?
Abe : Yes .
Brady : Right . Right , that s what these blue marks are . These are indicative of officers in certain locations to protect .
Abe : Yes .
Brady : That s my point , Abe . They re protecting , they re sitting , they re waiting , okay ? That s ridiculous cause we need to take the fight to them .
Marlena : I agree .
John : What do you got there ?
Marlena : Psychological profile on Clyde Weston . Give that to your officers .
Abe : Was nt he a client ?
Marlena : That s why it s not hypothetical .
Abe : Can you do this without losing your license ?
Marlena : Clyde crossed a line when he kidnapped a child . I will do anything that I can to see him behind bars .
Marlena : I think the key to Clyde is Ben .
John : You think he might want to spring his son ?
Marlena : I think he might do anything to make himself feel like he s a good father . That came out in our therapy sessions and I think that s actually true . Clyde has a mountain of guilt about his son . He will do anything to redeem himself . You ll also find my notes in there about the last session I had with Clyde while he was imprisoned .
Abe : When did you put this together ?
Marlena : When I got home .
John : You mean right after what happened in the alley ?
Marlena : When I saw the way they looked at Claire , when I realized it could have been Claire that was kidnapped .
Claire : [ Laughs ] Okay , first , that was , like , so parental and you are not . And I m not a kid .
Paul : You re right . Uh , yeah , I m not a parent and I m not good at this , but you re still not going out tonight .
Claire : Okay , so I m in jail ?
Paul : Claire , there s a psycho who s after your family and he held a gun on you and you still do nt think that it s dangerous ?
Claire : No , no , I do think that it s dangerous . I do , but if we hide inside , then we re just letting the terrorists win , right ? Is nt that a thing ? You know , I will not let these psycho losers blow up my life just because they want to blow up other stuff . They belong in jail , not me .
Paul : Agreed , and until they are , let s stay inside .
Claire : Okay , well , I will be inside , at the pub , so it s perfect . Listen , okay , great - grandma Caroline , she is so ninja she has , like , her own generators and there are cops there and everything and it s totally safe . Maybe even a little Wi - Fi . At least I can just re - charge my tablet .
Paul : Okay , what is so important on that tablet that you d risk your life ?
Claire : Okay . Whoa . Way over the top , and this right here is my life .
Paul : That tablet is your life , but I m over the top ?
Claire : Okay , look , Paul . My online channel is building hits and people come here every day to see if I ve posted something . So I have to be there for them or they ll just move on . You know , Salem might be shut down but the rest of the world is definitely still spinning . Later . Paul : Mmm .
Claire : Okay , really ? Seriously ? Ugh .
Paul : There s a curfew in town tonight . And yours starts now .
Claire : Okay , look , I really do nt think that this is what my grandparents meant when they asked you to stay here with me .
Paul : Yeah ? What , you want to call them and ask ?
Claire : Ah , good , jailbreak .
Paul : Yeah , it s not funny this week .
Claire : Well , I meant breaking me out .
Paul : Still not .
JJ : Truth ? I wish Gabi did nt work for Chad . I get it , he s my nephew s dad and we have to get along if we want to see Thomas .
Jennifer : Yeah , that s one reason . And remember how much your sister loved Chad ?
JJ : Oh , I got it , mom . She loved him , and look what happened .
Jennifer : It was nt Chad s fault . It was nt . If there is anyone to blame here , it is Ben . He is the reason she ended up in the hospital .
JJ : And how d she end up with Ben in the first place ? Who was she trying to get away from then ?
Jennifer : Are you talking about EJ ?
JJ : You do nt think Ben was a rebound for her ?
Jennifer : I think that you are really reaching .
JJ : DiMera men are poison , mom .
Jennifer : Okay , but think -- think about all the people that we have loved and lost . Think about our family , your father and your sister . Life is too short . You ca nt waste all this time trying to find someone to blame .
JJ : I miss dad too , mom . Especially at times like these .
Jennifer : So do nt miss the people that are right here . You care so much about Gabi . You need to spend every single minute that you can with her . Do nt waste your time worrying about Chad .
Gabi : So how s Thomas doing with all of this ?
Chad : Does nt really know . You know , lights goes on and off and he just thinks it s , um , peek - a - boo . Actually watched Adrienne do it with him . Lights kind of had this flicker and she just went along with it . Peek - a - boo , calmed right down .
Gabi : That sounds like something you would have done .
Chad : I would have never thought of that . You know , being inside a baby s mind when they ca nt talk ?
Gabi : Well , if Thomas is anything like Arianna , I m sure he ll find a way to let you know .
Chad : I hope so .
Gabi : You know , at least you have help . I mean , I would have been lost without will and Sonny .
Chad : I do nt know how people do this alone . I mean , it s hard enough trying to re - build a company , but to do it while raising a child , it s --
Gabi : Yeah , you re gon na do it . You re gon na be fine and you re gon na be looking fabulous while you re doing it .
Chad : Cause I got a very devoted stylist who s willing to get locked in a panic room to match the perfect tie .
Gabi : I guess I m a professional . I do nt know .
Chad : Yeah , that and I d never thought of -- of what it might have been like for you being locked in there .
Gabi : Yeah , yeah , neither did I but I guess I was just worried about melting .
Chad : It was hot .
Gabi : It was .
Gabi : Sorry . Hey .
JJ : Hi . Where are you ?
Gabi : Well , I m at the pub getting some food for Rafe and then I m going to head home .
JJ : Can I see you ? After dark I ll be back on duty for I do nt know how long , but I have a couple of hours right now .
Gabi : Yeah , okay .
JJ : I ll be at the Salem inn room 325 . I left a key for you at the front desk .
Gabi : Oh ! Okay , I ll see you . I m on my way . Hey , I have to run .
Chad : You sure you re going to be okay ?
Gabi : Oh , yeah . I m -- I m prepared . Are you ?
Sonny : Hey , Claire .
Claire : Hello , Sonny . Um , how would you like to give me a ride to the pub ?
Sonny : Well , there s a curfew tonight so it s probably a good idea to stay home .
Claire : Mm .
Sonny : Why do you want to go to the pub ?
Claire : Hey , never mind . I ll go see if any of my charger packs have juice .
Paul : [ Sighs ]
Sonny : Babysitting ?
Paul : Oh , never say that in front of her .
Sonny : Yeah , she seems like a handful .
Paul : Oh , no , no , her fans online , they need her .
Sonny : Oh , boy , oh , boy .
Paul : Yeah , I mean , Orpheus and Clyde nearly grabbed her and Marlena earlier in the square today .
Sonny : I heard .
Paul : Yeah , I mean , I m surprised you re not holed up in the mansion with your family .
Sonny : Oh , I was . Every Kiriakis in town is at that house . The house has never been so full . Honestly , like , it s ... oddly quiet .
Paul : Your family ? How ?
Sonny : Separate wings . Separate quarters . It s tense , but it s definitely quiet .
Paul : So you came here for some noise ?
Sonny : No , I just came here to check in . Make sure you re okay . You know , cause your family s in the line of fire and Orpheus knows you re john s son .
Paul : Yeah .
Sonny : So that s -- that s all I was doing . Just coming over , making sure that you were handling it .
Paul : I am . Thanks . Well , thanks for coming over . Sonny , is-- is that really why you came ?
Marlena : If there s anything else I can think of , I will let you know .
Abe : Well , this is a help . I m gon na get this to the detective squad right away .
Marlena : There s a page on the front that every officer should have in case they come across Clyde or in case they have to try to arrest him .
Abe : Hmm .
Abe : Thank you . I m gon na have to take this call . Would you excuse me ?
Brady : So wait , wait , that s it ?
Abe : When we apprehend Xander , Orpheus , or Clyde , you ll be the first to know .
John : Brady , Brady , listen . Brady .
Brady : Hey , Abe , listen . I know the pd is stretched right now , okay ? I know everyone s doing their best , but it s not good enough . It s the little things in life that make me smile .
Gabi : [ Exhales sharply ]
Sonny : Yeah , yeah , I was concerned about you . We re still friends , are nt we ?
Paul : I hope so .
Sonny : That does nt change .
Paul : No . Is that all ?
Sonny : All ?
Paul : You grabbed me at the mansion after Orpheus escaped .
Sonny : You almost got shot . It scared me .
Paul : Me too .
Sonny : Friends do nt want friends to get shot .
Paul : No . No , they do nt . You know what I m talking about .
Sonny : I do . The history . Chemistry . It s probably always gon na be there .
Paul : Yeah .
Sonny : But we both know we ca nt ... go there again .
Paul : Makes sense .
Sonny : Yeah .
Paul : I knew I d find you here . Have you made up your mind about going to Paris ?
Sonny : I m leaving this afternoon . I just -- I ca nt be here . He s everywhere . He s in everyone that I talk to . I do nt even know what s happened to me . Everyone s been so wonderful .
Paul : Everyone loves you .
Sonny : It s just , maybe I do nt want to feel anything right now . Even love .
Paul : Everyone ... just wants to help you through this .
Sonny : I know . And I hope that they re here when I get back .
Paul : I think you can count on that .
Sonny : You re going to be careful , right ? Your new line of work is dangerous enough , and on top of it you have all your family stuff now .
Paul : Kind of wrote the book on that one .
Sonny : What do you mean ?
Paul : Dangerous family business . The Kiriakis family doesnt--
Sonny : No , my uncle Vic left that behind a long time ago . Family business is completely safe .
Paul : Now ? Completely ?
Sonny : What are you saying ?
Paul : Look , I do nt want you to get hurt either , Sonny , and I do nt want us to be on opposite sides , ever .
Sonny : Why would we be on opposite sides ? You work with john , right ? You think PIs are always on the side of truth , justice , and the American way ?
Paul : We choose our cases .
Sonny : And they re always black and white ? No gray area ?
Paul : Is that what you tell yourself ?
Sonny : I m a Kiriakis .
Sonny : I m very proud of my family , so I do nt tell myself stories about who we are to be loyal to them . I will not make an excuse for that .
Paul : Okay .
Sonny : Just take care of yourself .
Paul : You too .
Brady : Look , my whole family is at risk here .
Abe : I understand . Everyone--
Brady : No , not everyone , Abe , okay ? These guys have specific targets , understand ?
Abe : You said you had a guard for Theresa .
Brady : Yeah , no , Theresa -- she s not the only one . We have reason to believe that Xander s going to go after every single member of the Kiriakis family . Now , we have resources . We have manpower--
Abe : No , you do not finish that sentence , Brady .
Brady : You said you are maxed out here , okay ? Use my help .
Abe : Citizen vigilantes on the street ? We re getting reports of looting . This city is on the edge , and you want to pour gasoline on the fire ?
Brady : No , I do nt want to pour gasoline on it . I just want to do--
Abe : No , no , go home . Go home . Be with your family .
Chad : Sorry , um , I probably should have called first .
Jennifer : No , you re welcome to stop by . Even if you do nt bring my grandson with you .
Chad : I do nt know why I go anywhere without him . I do nt really have a purpose .
Jennifer : I know , you re just transport now . Nobody cares about you anymore . Come on in , please . What are you doing out , actually ? Why are you out ? It s fine , I have security . And , um , I have a guard on Thomas .
Jennifer : Oh , um , I do nt even want to think about that , Chad .
Chad : You do nt have to . You do nt have to . All right , I m on it .
Jennifer : I know you are .
Chad : Um , that s actually why I m here . I have a few extra guards and , um , I would really like to assign them to you , and if it does nt make you comfortable having them inside I ll put -- Ill put one at the front , one in the back .
Jennifer : No , honestly , I just do nt think I m personally in danger .
Chad : Yeah , unless Clyde tries to use you as a bargaining chip .
Jennifer : Well , I do nt think he would expect you to hand over your son to get me back .
Chad : Jennifer , I do nt want you in danger . I would nt be able to live with myself . I know Abby would say the same thing .
Jennifer : Okay , um , then thank you .
Chad : Okay .
Jennifer : You can put your guards outside and , um ... if they get cold or hungry , they can come in . I can make them some snacks .
Chad : No , no , I cant-- I ca nt have you feeding them doughnuts and spoiling them . They wo nt want to come back .
Jennifer : No , I ll just -- Ill feel better if I treat them like guests .
Chad : Okay .
Jennifer : I mean , are they nice ? Are they--
Chad : Yeah , yeah , of course they re nice . They re -- they do security for executives . They re not thugs or anything .
Jennifer : I did nt mean to offend you when I said that .
Chad : No , I m not offended . I m not offended .
Jennifer : Okay . Thank you .
Chad : Um ... there s also something else . I , uh , I had been putting Abby-- Abby s stuff away . Um , and I had to stop because it was just -- it was taking too much out of me . Um , but I ve been putting it in boxes and putting it in the attic . Um , and I thought I was done until I went to my dresser the other day , and uh , I found this .
Jennifer : Oh . Oh , this is so beautiful . It has two faces .
Chad : I got it the day after I proposed . The , um ... this time right here--
Jennifer : Mm - hmm .
Chad : Is the exact moment that she said yes . And , uh ... sorry . [ Clears throat ] And I was gonna-- I was gon na give it to her on our wedding anniversary , but--
Jennifer : She would have loved it .
Chad : Yeah ?
Jennifer : Yeah .
Chad : Anyway , I cant -- I ca nt drag myself to go back up to the attic to put it away . Um ... so I was hoping that maybe you would -- you would have it .
Jennifer : It s really beautiful . Um , but I think that you should hold onto it for Thomas , really .
Chad : Or you could take it . And give it to him . I do nt know how much stuff you have of hers--
Jennifer : I have-- I have plenty . But I will hold onto it for him . What is , um ... what is this second face ? What time ? What time is that ?
Chad : I do nt know .
Jennifer : That s right now . That s what it is . Because time does go on , Chad . And so do we . And so do you .
Gabi : Oh ! Sorry , glad I moved that .
JJ : I -- I am so sorry . How long was I asleep ?
Gabi : I do nt know . Not too long .
JJ : I only meant to close my eyes for a second .
Gabi : It s okay . I get it . You re working hard . Crazy situation . Ca nt believe you had time to buy me flowers .
JJ : Well ...
Gabi : I mean , the florist must have been very happy to get rid of from their coolers .
JJ : I got a hell of a deal . I would have paid , like--
Gabi : Anything in the world to make me happy .
JJ : That s what I do .
Gabi : Well , you put out a good spread . But usually when a guy talks about protection , they do nt mean--
JJ : Yeah , that does nt scream a night of love and romance .
Gabi : Mm , no , not so much . What are you doing ?
Brady : Are you sure ? What part of the docks ? You have descriptions of all three ? Clyde , Xander , Orpheus ? Then it s a green light . Take the fugitives out any way you can .
Sonny : What did you just do ?
Jennifer : Thank you again for bringing me this .
Chad : Yes . Yeah , if you want to wear it , you re welcome to .
Jennifer : I might wear it if you make me one promise .
Chad : Uh - oh . What ?
Jennifer : That every time you see me wearing this ... you re going to be really happy about this moment ... and you re going to be really happy about now . Because that s what Abigail would want . She would want us to keep moving and just keep living .
Chad : I am . Finally .
Jennifer : Good . Guess what ?
Chad : What ?
Jennifer : You get to live for yourself , too .
Chad : Oh . Okay . Only this moment so perfect for you I would do it again even for just one kiss I d give it all just for this I d do it all just for this
Gabi : Ah ! [ Giggles ]
JJ : I m glad I found you .
Gabi : I ca nt believe anybody s phone is working ... oh . You mean ... yeah , me too .
JJ : Sorry that I messed up before the trip .
Gabi : When you were getting Abigail . When you were looking for Abigail .
JJ : I should have told you that I was leaving . And seen you . Even that -- I know .
Gabi : No , you were doing anything that you could to find Abigail and I get that .
JJ : Still , I m sorry . It s lousy to disappear on someone . I do get that .
Gabi : You did nt disappear . You just went away for a while . JJ , you re a hero .
JJ : Stop .
Gabi : No , seriously . Listen to me . I see what you do for the people that you care about . And I m really glad I m one of them .
Sonny : Did you just order a hit ?
Brady : No , but our team has a sighting . Orpheus , Xander , Clyde , all of them in a warehouse down by the docks .
Sonny : Why do nt you just call the cops ?
Brady : Sonny , I was just at the station for hours . Okay ? The cops , they re overworked . Everyone on the street .
Sonny : So ?
Brady : So they re gon na do everything by the book , do you understand ? They re gon na waste time , they re gon na clear the area , they re gon na negotiate .
Sonny : So you do nt want them taken alive .
Brady : Our team has instructions to take them alive if they can . If they take them by surprise , that s possible . But if the cops go in , there s no chance of it . You understand me here ?
Sonny : So you ordered a hit ? If necessary ?
Brady : Look , you know damn well that Xander would nt hesitate to take out our entire family . The man is angry . He s angry at Theresa because she put him in jail . He s angry at every member of our family because we wo nt accept him . From victor on down , you understand ? Not to mention Clyde who nearly had you stabbed to death so let me ask you something . Are you tired of taking chances , because I am . Our family s security is threatened here . It s life or death , Sonny . I need to know something . Are you on board or not ?
Gabi : Just answer it . Just get it .
JJ : B and es in campus area . They have me back on duty .
Gabi : Listen , I m glad we got some time .
JJ : Me too . The minute I m done . Maybe this will be quick .
Gabi : Okay . I ll be waiting . Careful .
Sonny : This is the spot . Anywhere within ten yards we ll be able to see the dock . Dock 195 .
Brady : 195 .
Sonny : Yep .
Brady : Yeah . You sure ? All three are inside ? Go in and take them out . Dead or alive .
John : Hey , Paul . Where s Claire ?
Paul : Oh , she s in her room . I left her with the guard . I got a call from a guy , your guy down at the docks .
John : Stivik ?
Paul : Yeah , he said he saw some guys who do security work for the Kiriakis family searching the docks . They were armed to the teeth .
Marlena : You do nt think victor would do this ?
John : No , it probably is nt vic . You saw Brady earlier .
Marlena : What , you think Abe did nt talk him down ?
John : I do nt think anybody could talk him down . I know it s safer in that house , but with everybody in there going crazy over this ...
Paul : Yeah , Sonny said it was tense . Came by earlier .
John : Did you see anything that would indicate Brady--
Paul : No , nothing that sounded like this was going on .
Abe : Excuse me . Is roman still out in the field ? He s not answering .
John : As far as I know . What s up ?
Abe : 911 call , automatic gunfire at dock 195 .
Brady : Tell me . They escaped ? You -- you saw them go in there ? What the hell was all the gunfire ? No , stand down . Stand down . Nobody was inside . It was bad intel . I ca nt believe this .
Sonny : What was up with all the shooting ?
Brady : Someone -- someone saw shadows , some guy shot and then everyone started shooting .
Sonny : Oh , good God .
Brady : There were longshoremen in there , too . There was , uh , Kiriakis employees in there .
Sonny : What about -- what about Clyde and Orpheus and Xander ?
Brady : Still at large . Damn it .
Abe : All right , we re getting a tactical team down to the docks now .
John : Oh .
Marlena : I thought you did nt get service here .
John : Well , I had nt up until now . Aaah , it s Claire . Hey , sweetie , what s up ? Paul s on his way back .
Claire : Hey , Grandpa ?
John : Yes , I m right here , honey . Claire , where are you ?
Orpheus : She s with me .
### Summary:
| Claire was determined to get out of the house so she could check social media . Paul tried to stop her from going , but she still wanted to leave . Marlena told Abe that Clyde would be going after Ben to make up for how he treated him . JJ talked to Jennifer about his feelings about Gabi working with Chad . Jennifer tried to defend Chad to JJ . Claire thought Sonny would be her way out of the house , but it did nt work . Sonny and Paul ended up talking to each other . Brady wanted to help with the investigation . He told Abe that he wanted to do something to stop Orpheus and company . Paul and Sonny talked about their relationship . Sonny said they could nt be together anymore . Sonny thought about them spending time together . Abe told Brady to go home to his family and to leave the investigation alone . Chad went to see Jennifer . He offered to have guards outside of her house . Jennifer resisted at first , but eventually agreed to have them outside . Chad told Jennifer that he put Abby s things away and found a watch that he gave to her . Chad explained why the watch was special and gave it to Jennifer . Brady told someone to take out the fugitives . Sonny overheard the call and wanted to know what he did . Brady told Sonny that the prisoners were spotted . Sonny did nt approve of Brady s actions . JJ and Gabi had a romantic day , but it was cut short when he had to leave . Brady ordered someone to kill the prisoners . Abe told Marlena , John , and Paul that there was a shooting at the docks . Brady got a call that the prisoners were nt at the dock . Claire called John and it turned out that Orpheus grabbed her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
NEAL CONAN, host : And now on the Opinion Page. This past weekend, Pope Benedict issued a letter of apology to Irish Catholics after many decades of sexual abuse by priests and cover-up by their superiors came to light. The letter was read in churches across the country in which the pope says he is truly sorry for the tragedy. It's a long letter. We've posted a link to the full text at our Web site.
But it reads in part : In order to recover from this grievous wound, the church in Ireland must first acknowledge, before the Lord and before others, the serious sins committed against defenseless children. Such an acknowledgement accompanied by sincere sorrow for the damage caused to these victims and their families must lead to a concerted effort to ensure the protection of children from similar crimes in the future.
But it reads in part : In The Irish Times, religious affairs correspondent Patsy McGarry gives the pastoral letter a mixed review - a significant step on the road to reform that nevertheless, he writes, ignores reality. We want to hear from Catholics in our audience. After our own sad litany of abuse and cover-up, what would you like to hear from Pope Benedict: 800-989-8255. Email us: [email protected]. And again, you can join the conversation at the Web site, go to npr.org, click on TALK OF THE NATION. There, you can also read Patsy McGarry's op-ed. Again, npr.org, click on TALK OF THE NATION.
But it reads in part : And the writer joins us now from his office at The Irish Times in Dublin. Patsy McGarry, thanks for being with us on TALK OF THE NATION.
Mr. PATSY McGARRY (Correspondent, The Irish Times) : My pleasure, Neal.
NEAL CONAN, host : And why don't you tell us the good news first? What did you like about the papal (unintelligible)?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Yeah, well, I suppose, let's start on a positive note. I mean, the language, for starters, is refreshingly accessible. It didn't have a lot of theological terms and didn't have any, really, that we often associate with papal encyclicals or such documents. The English was plain. It was direct. His words to people who have been abused were quite sincere and moving. His words to priest abusers were very, very blunt, no holds barred.
NEAL CONAN, host : His words to priests who were innocent priests who were tarred by association of this shocking problem who are also very sympathetic and moving in themselves. And for me, particularly I suppose, I was very impressed by the frankness with which he criticized fellow bishops - some fellow bishops here in Ireland - for their grave errors, their failure of leadership and their serious mistakes in dealing with this abuse issue. He encouraged them to follow church norms in the future, in dealing with it, and most importantly to cooperate with civil authorities, a problem that you would have in the past years here, as indeed you have in the United States.
NEAL CONAN, host : Indeed.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: And he also called for transparency and decisive action.
NEAL CONAN, host : You said one of the most important things he wrote was a decision to hold an apostolic visitation of certain diocese, and - well that is language that some of us might have a little trouble parsing. What does that mean?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Well, you have one over there already yourselves. There is an apostolic visitation to female religious congregations in the United States, to bring them into line with Vatican orthodoxy.
NEAL CONAN, host : Here, it involves seminaries, religious congregations, and some diocese - it's not clear which ones, it doesn't say. And it will have a similar function. Basically, Vatican officials will come over here and look at these places and see where they are, or are not deviating from ideal practice where the Vatican itself is concerned. It basically is a vote of no confidence in the way things are being done here, and it's something of a slap on the face for our bishops.
NEAL CONAN, host : Nevertheless, those bishops are remaining in place, are they not?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Well, it's only a few days since the letter just came out. Some of them are under a severe pressure, since the Murphy Report (unintelligible) Dublin archdiocese, where clerical child sex abuse is concerned, was publish at the end of November. One of those has resigned already, three others have offered their resignations and they have yet to be accepted by the pope.
NEAL CONAN, host : One is - the remaining one is under severe pressure to resign. Last week, it turned out that the cardinal, Primate of All Ireland, Sean Brady, has questions actually going back 35 years when he swore two teenagers to secrecy in a canonical trial, and didn't report the matter to the police or to the health authorities.
NEAL CONAN, host : Indeed, the pope had some questions to answer about his actions, when as Cardinal Ratzinger, he was asking, well, people Catholic officials all across the world to basically keep quiet about these things.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: This is true, too, Neal. And, I mean, it somewhat lessens his authority in addressing the issue where Ireland is concerned. But he remains pope, even if he has questions to answer himself. On the more negative side about the letter, he did blame secularization and moral relativism for -clerical child sex abuse, the incident of it here in Ireland, which is a bit ridiculous, at least about its because the time in Ireland, which is most loyal to Catholicism, would've been the middle decades of the 20th century when orphanages, and industrial schools and residential institutions were run for children by 18 richest congregations here in Ireland.
NEAL CONAN, host : And the Ryan Report last May exposed shocking abuse - sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect of children, tens and thousands of them, in those residential institutions through the '20s, '30s, '40s, '50s and '60s in Ireland, long before Vatican II, long before secularization ever hit the shores and the basis which he says is the cause for it all. We must see in that context. So it does make his letter that, part of it, any how, look ridiculous.
NEAL CONAN, host : And you argue that, in fact, this is his particular hobby horse, and he has no place putting Ireland sufferings in this particular context.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: No. I mean, he's been harping on about this since he moved to Rome in the early 1980s, to The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a type of roll back on the more liberalizing moves of Vatican II, and he tends to see everything in the light of secularization and moral relativism. And I do believe it diminishes the shocking tragedy that we've had in Ireland, which are clerical child sex abuse and the suffering the people injured, to have it reduced to a simple weapon in his war against secularization.
NEAL CONAN, host : And there are - as in our own set of scandals in this country, there were priests in Ireland who said, I tried to blow the whistle and were shuffled off into obscurity, if it will.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Absolutely. I mean, the case that gave rise to the current crisis facing Cardinal Sean Brady the moment - well, that of Brandon Smith, the notorious priest who abused children for approximately 40 years, and was simply moved from parish to parish to parish in Ireland, in Scotland and in your country.
NEAL CONAN, host : And the one - a fellow priest of his - he was in the Norbertine Congregation warned, back as far as 1968, about this man's carryon. He went to his superiors, he went to the papal nuncio at the time, he went to the local bishop and they all ignored him. That man left the order, eventually, and was killed in an accident later in Germany. But his experience, sadly, is not unique. Did you have some examples in your own country.
NEAL CONAN, host : Is there any instance in this letter, of saying, we, the church in Rome should also take some responsibility in this affair?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Absolutely not. Even though the Vatican, the congregation, indeed, of which he'd been prefect for so long until he became pope in 2005, refused to cooperate and even ignored all the correspondence with the Murphy Commission set up by the state to investigate how clerical child sex abuse allegations were handled in Dublin's Catholic Archdiocese. So, too, did the papal nuncio to Ireland. He ignored two such letters. He refused to appear before our parliament's foreign affairs committee, last month, to talk about it.
NEAL CONAN, host : So, I mean, the Vatican has been somewhat, to be kind about it, disingenuous in that element of its own role where abuse in Ireland is concerned. And furthermore, it refused to give recognition or backing to three sets of guidelines introduced by the Irish bishop's child protection guidelines, that is in 1996 and 2005, and again, in 2008, whereas, they did give such backing to your bishop's guidelines in 2002 and 2006.
NEAL CONAN, host : The papal nuncio, as you mentioned, is essentially the Vatican's ambassador to Ireland...
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Yes.
NEAL CONAN, host : ...would he now be covered by this - the pope's urging to cooperate with secular authorities?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Well, we've had no indication that he has or will.
NEAL CONAN, host : That remains to be seen, I guess. We're talking with Patsy McGarry on the opinion page this week, religious affairs correspondent for The Irish Times, about the pastoral letter that was read aloud in Irish churches over the weekend - from Pope Benedict XVI apologizing for the sexual abuse and cover-up scandal. That would sound all too familiar to many Americans. And we want to hear from our listeners today. What would you want to hear from Pope Benedict? Give us a call, 800-989-8255. Email us; [email protected]. And let's begin with Stephanie(ph), and Stephanie with us from Caldwell in Idaho.
STEPHANIE (Caller) : Hi. Hey, I've got a question about - well, a comment, I guess, about what I would have liked to have seen addressed, and that would be how this happens and why it's so rampant in the Catholic Church with these priests? And is there anything that can be done for this to be prevented in the future, rather than just laying blame and guilt at this point?
NEAL CONAN, host : Is there anything prescriptive in the papal letter?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Not really. I mean, the pathologic(ph) visitation we spoke about. And there are some spiritual exercises, too, as well, which the bishops are advised to undertake; fasting, penance, retreats, that sort of thing. But there's no - I mean, suggestion. I think, the ladies have indicated that possibly celibacy in an issue. And I mean, that will be a fairly widespread view. The first statutory inquiry into how the church handles clerical child sex abuse allegations in this country was in 2005 and it found that celibacy was a factor in the abuse.
NEAL CONAN, host : Stephanie, does that answer your question?
STEPHANIE (Caller) : Yes. Yes. Somewhat. But I just wish something more could be done, you know, to help prevent this, rather than, you know, focusing so much on the guilt and the blame now. You know, do something, you know, to help prevent and, you know, help these priests in the very beginning before, you know, the behavior even happens.
NEAL CONAN, host : Stephanie, thanks very much for the call. Appreciate it.
STEPHANIE (Caller) : Thank you.
NEAL CONAN, host : And she was talking about how rampant it is, and that's the question that's come up in the investigations in this country as well. How widespread is this? A few rotten apples, or is this worse than that?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: No. We are way beyond the few rotten apple phase. That was just an initial explanation. I mean, you've had a pretty massive problem in your country. It's erupted in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, here, laterally in Germany, Holland, lately in Italy, some South American countries. And, really, it seems to be compounding in terms of the growth of it. It was described last week by a Vatican spokesman, a tsunami type effect. So it's beginning to erupt everywhere. I mean, significant in this has been the role of the media in your country, here, I suppose, and in other Anglophone countries, particularly.
NEAL CONAN, host : And incidentally, in Germany, it was the media again who got to work and began to expose it there. And I suspect that that will be a pattern repeated elsewhere.
NEAL CONAN, host : We're talking, on the Opinion Page this week, with Patsy McGarry, religious affairs correspondent for The Irish Times. And again, you can read his op-ed that appeared in this paper - in that paper, by going to our Web site at npr.org. Just click on TALK OF THE NATION. And this is TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News.
NEAL CONAN, host : And let's go next to Buzz(ph), and Buzz with us from Aspen in Colorado.
Mr. PATSY McGARRY (Correspondent, The Irish Times) : Hi.
NEAL CONAN, host : Go ahead, please.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. B. McGARRY: By the way, my last name is McGarry, too, Patrick.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Wow.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. B. McGARRY: Are we related?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Not many of us out there, you know?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. B. McGARRY: So, listen - yeah, I'm a former altar boy with a priest and a former nun in my extended family. And if - in the U.S., the kind of stuff that's going on were done in - by the Catholic Church were done in daycare centers. All those centers were shut down, those people would be going to jail. And when you look around the global problem with these abuses, these things could not be happening, were it not for the fact that it was a giant conspiracy perped by the Catholic Church. And to me the fact that these guys are going to jail in droves, really, really irritates me.
NEAL CONAN, host : In this country, Patsy McGarry, some of these cases were covered by the statute of limitations. After a certain period of time, they could not be charged. And obviously...
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. B. McGARRY: And you know what - another word. But when Cardinal Mahoney out in L.A. swished these guys out of the country so they wouldn't be prosecuted, that guy is still popping off.
NEAL CONAN, host : And I was going - but I was going to asked Patsy McGarry, do such preventions from prosecution exist in Ireland? Have any priests been sent to jail or other religious...
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Absolutely. Quite a few have done jail terms, and some are currently before the courts. I don't think that such limitations operate to the same degree here as it does in the United States. And as I say, some are - some of the more notorious ones are currently going to their second and third cases before the courts here. So - and so it was the jailing of one of the man I spoke about earlier on, Brendan Smyth, in Northern Ireland and then here in the Republic of Ireland, which led to the exposure to this whole phenomenon from the start, back in 1994 in Northern Ireland and 1997 here in Dublin.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. B. McGARRY: Yeah, but you know something, we're talking about a - not only in this country, but across the globe, a worldwide conspiracy, top to bottom.
NEAL CONAN, host : All right...
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Well, in 2001, the current pope, then-Cardinal Ratzinger, who is the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, sent two letters to every Catholic bishop in the world - one directing that all allegations, all credible allegations, of clerical child sex abuse be referred to him in Rome and he would decide whether it will be dealt locally, with locally in the diocese, or by him. And the second letter, also in Latin, both were in Latin, instructed that this be kept secret.
NEAL CONAN, host : Now, they say that in that letter, their defense of it is it didn't say you shouldn't cooperate with civil authorities or report to police, but there's no mention of civil authorities or police, whatsoever, in either letter. And with the injunction to be a secret, the human reaction is not to talk about any of these things to anybody.
NEAL CONAN, host : Buzz, thanks very much. And a good Irish name that is.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. B. McGARRY: Thanks.
NEAL CONAN, host : Bye-bye.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Also a McGarry.
NEAL CONAN, host : Also a McGarry, yes.
NEAL CONAN, host : Bob(ph), Bob is with us from Central California.
BOB (Caller) : Really quickly, my wife was abused by a priest that was put in to the priest protection program out of central Ireland, and he came to Central California. And when my wife complained to the archdiocese of Central California, she was treated with some type of an inquisitional-type arrangement and really made her so uncomfortable. She left the church and now is part of the largest-growing religious affiliation after leaving the Catholic Church, and that's atheism. And thank you for taking my call.
NEAL CONAN, host : All right, Bob, thanks very much. And we're sorry for your wife's suffering. Can I ask, Patsy McGarry, we've read your op-ed and heard a little bit about it, can you tell us about other reaction to the pope's letter in Ireland?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: It's really mixed. We have a lot of abuse representative groups here and they're being very divided. Some are very disappointed, particularly that he hasn't acted on the resignations that had been offered to him to date; that he hasn't offered to meet Irish abuse victims, so far, though people believe that that will happen in time, some are happy with it and welcomed it -about two groups did it in particular, and see Cardinal Brady to discuss the matter further.
NEAL CONAN, host : It was in - among the Catholic faithful, the ordinary Catholics, themselves, there's a fairly mixed reactions also. People are still in shock over here, particularly older Catholics were reeling after the findings of the Murphy Report that there was a concerted cover-up of this issue in Dublin for so long, that archbishops and bishops as the Murphy Report found were only concerned with the damage (unintelligible) institution, the protection of its assets and the protection of what the report described as its most important people, the priests. It also found that the welfare of children - and the area or period of investigations is in 30-year period, wasn't even a factor for the church's concern. And that really has stunned loyal, all Catholics in Ireland.
NEAL CONAN, host : We just have a few seconds left, but is - are the churches' assets vulnerable to civil suit as they were in this country?
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Of course, they are. And people have to be taken successful civil actions against the church, just paid out millions of euro in compensation, and would pay out more. In fact, one diocese has appealed for help to its congregations to assist it in paying compensation and indeed, ironically, in paying its legal fees (unintelligible) try and frustrate this whole business for coming out.
NEAL CONAN, host : Patsy McGarry, thanks very much for your time today. Appreciate it.
NEAL CONAN, host : Mr. P. McGARRY: Very welcome, Neal.
NEAL CONAN, host : Patsy McGarry, religious affairs correspondent for The Irish Times, with us on the phone from his office in Dublin. Again, you can get a look at his op-ed and get a link to the pope's letter to the Irish Catholics at our Web site at npr.org.
NEAL CONAN, host : Tomorrow, Iraq, seven years on, given the horrific cost in blood and treasure, what did the war accomplish? A new debate is emerging. Join us for that tomorrow in this hour. This is TALK OF THE NATION from NPR News. I'm Neal Conan in Washington.
### Summary:
| Church goers read an extract from the 'Pastoral Letter of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI to the Catholics of Ireland' at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Armagh, Northern Ireland, on March 20, 2010. Pope Benedict XVI has released an apology to Catholics in Ireland who were sexually abused by priests. The letter was read in churches across Ireland. The letter, which can be seen in its entirety here, characterizes the abuses suffered at the hands of priests and other church officials as "sinful and criminal." The pope goes on to advise the perpetrators to "openly acknowledge your guilt, submit yourselves to the demands of justice, but do not despair of God's mercy." Patsy McGarry, religious affairs correspondent for The Irish Times, argues that while the letter is refreshing, it fails to hold church officials responsible. His piece, "Pastoral Letter Strays Far From Facts But Has Merit," appeared in Monday's Irish Times. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Look , Massimo , just say what you have to say , or I m going to see Bridget . I ca nt let her leave like this .
Massimo : You need to hear this , Ridge . Please , trust me . Please . I know how much Bridget means to you . And believe me , I m not gon na let you lose her . It s just -- it s so difficult to find the right words . But it s time the truth came out . It s time .
Bridget : Thomas , it s going to be okay .
Thomas : No . It wo nt , not if you go . I need you . Dad needs you .
Bridget : I do nt want to leave you . But --
Thomas : Then stay . Please , aunt Bridget , stay with us .
Stephanie : Thomas -- she has to go .
Thomas : No , she does nt . Not if she does nt want to .
Stephanie : Well , you know , when you grow up , you ll understand that sometimes we do things that we realize in the long run will be for the best .
Bridget : Your grandma s right . Sweetie , I love you so much , but I have to do this .
Stephanie : I ll tell you what . I ll come and hang out with you and your sisters . Maybe that ll help you not miss your aunt so much .
Thomas : It s not the same .
Stephanie : I know . Bridget --
Bridget : Let me just try to get through to him .
Stephanie : That s only going to make it harder for him . Okay ? Besides , we should be going . You do nt want to miss the plane .
Bridget : Already ? I have nt even seen -- just give me a few more minutes , please . After tonight , I m not gon na see any of these people again for --
Stephanie : Okay . That s fine . That s fine .
Eric : I ca nt believe Ridge is nt here .
Stephanie : Well , neither can I.
Eric : Well , where do you suppose he is ?
Massimo : Ridge , I have accomplished many things in my life . I ve traveled the world , created an empire . But I was alone . I had no one to leave my business to . I had no one to teach the lessons that I had learned , until I met you . And then I realized what was missing . Family . Family -- the most important thing in the world .
Ridge : But we re not family .
Massimo : But we are . Yes , we are . I m your father , Ridge .
Brooke : Are you looking for Ridge ?
Stephanie : Well , I -- I do nt think he s coming .
Brooke : Well , I m sure he s going to want to say good - bye to Bridget .
Stephanie : Oh , I do nt know . I think his anger with you outweighs his desire to say good - bye to Bridget .
Brooke : He s not going to stay away because of me .
Stephanie : I do nt think you realize how appalled he is about the mess with Deacon and the baby .
Brooke : And I think you underestimate how much Ridge really loves me . You always have . He will forgive me .
Rick : Hey , sis .
Bridget : Hey , you .
Rick : You know , you re -- you re amazing . I do nt know how you can leave behind somebody that you love so much .
Bridget : What ?
Rick : Oh , come on , Bridget , it s obvious . I mean , how close you ve gotten , how much they all mean to you .
Bridget : Um --
Rick : Well , Thomas , Steffy and phoebe .
Bridget : Oh , yeah , the kids .
Rick : Who else did you think I was talking about ?
Bridget : Nobody . No . Just -- this trip is just happening so fast , I ca nt even think straight right now .
Rick : Well , maybe now is nt the right time to go to Copenhagen .
Bridget : Why would you say that ?
Rick : I do nt know . You just do nt seem that into it .
Bridget : I m totally into it .
Rick : Are you ?
Bridget : Yeah . I mean , Rick , this is one of the best med school s in the world . Why would nt I want to go there ?
Rick : I do nt know . I just thought maybe there was somebody special .
Bridget : I told you , when my marriage ended , my career became my top priority .
Rick : Smooth , sis . Really smooth . You went right around that one , which leads me to believe that I m right . So is Dr. Maclaine the lucky guy ?
Bridget : No , there s nothing going on between me and Mark .
Rick : Well , then it must be C.J.
Bridget : By process of elimination ?
Rick : You re not the only one in this family with brains . [ Laughter ] Maybe right now is nt the right time to travel . You know , if this is the beginning of a relationship --
Bridget : Now s the perfect time .
Ridge : No , Massimo , you are not my father .
Massimo : I am , Ridge .
Ridge : Eric Forrester is my father . He raised me . He taught me everything I know . I am his son .
Massimo : Look , I realize that this is an awful lot to digest --
Ridge : There s nothing to digest , because it s not true . This ca nt be possible .
Massimo : Listen to me , Ridge .
Ridge : Look , my mother would nt do something like this . She just would nt do it .
Massimo : You do nt understand . This was before Stephanie and Eric were serious . We were still young . We were in college . I loved your mother very much .
Ridge : No . No , I ca nt believe what I m hearing here . I m not going to believe , this because it s not true .
Massimo : It is true , Ridge .
Ridge : My father would ve told me . He would ve told me if I was nt his -- he has no idea what you re claiming here , does he ?
Massimo : No , Eric does not know .
Ridge : So all these years , all this time , you and mother have let him believe it ? You ve let him believe that I was his son all this time , huh ? Is that what you re saying ?
Massimo : Ridge , listen to what I m saying .
Ridge : No , Massimo , I m not gon na listen to you anymore . None of this --
Massimo : You ve got it all wrong , Ridge ! I did not know that you were my son . If I had , I would ve claimed you from the beginning . I would never have let Eric raise you .
Ridge : What are you saying here ?
Massimo : All right . You remember that time in my office , you had the accident with that sword ?
Ridge : What does that have to do with any of this ?
Massimo : Okay . You lost a lot of blood , and you needed a transfusion . Eric s blood was not a match . That s when Stephanie figured out that --
Ridge : And yours was ?
Massimo : She knew that if Eric was not your father , I had to be . And believe me , Ridge , I went into shock , just as you are right now . But , you see , all of the sudden , everything fell into place . It all made sense .
Ridge : What makes sense , Massimo ? What can possibly make sense ?
Massimo : All right . Okay . I was telling you before , all right , that I ve accomplished almost every goal that I set for myself . Except that I realized there was always something -- always something missing . Until you came along . Then I realized I had this sort of uncanny connection to you that I could nt explain . And then I found out that you were my son . And everything fell into place . You were what I was searching for . You were the piece of me that was missing . And , suddenly , I ve realized that my life was complete . I had a son and grandchildren .
Ridge : Thomas , Steffy and phoebe are your grandchildren .
Massimo : Yeah . That is the reason why I am so protective of them . You see , you all mean so much to me . You re my family , Ridge . A family that I am so proud of . And I hope , one day , that you ll be proud of me , too , son .
Ridge : Son . You re my father .
Stephanie : I think we have to go .
Bridget : Just a few more minutes . Ridge is going to be here . I know he will .
Stephanie : Well , I do nt think we can wait . You ll miss the plane .
Bridget : Okay . Just let me say one last good - bye . Hey , everybody -- okay . I just -- I just want to say I love every single one of you . And I m going to miss you like crazy . I wish I did nt have to go . But if I do nt leave now , my chauffeur s going to kill me . So --
Rick : Well , then you better get going . Come here . We re going to miss you .
Bridget : I m going to miss you .
Rick : You have a wonderful time , okay ?
Bridget : Thank you .
Bridget : I m going to call you , okay ?
Stephanie : We got ta go , or we ll miss the plane . Come on .
Massimo : This does not change who you are , Ridge .
Ridge : This changes everything , Massimo .
Massimo : Ridge , you ve always been my son .
Ridge : Look , I do nt know who your son is . I know who Ridge Forrester is . I ve lived and breathed him . I do nt know how to be anyone else .
Massimo : Look , this is going to take a little time to sink in .
Ridge : How do you erase a whole lifetime ? Tell me that , huh ?
Massimo : No one is asking you to do that .
Ridge : Well , I m sure as hell not who I thought I was .
Massimo : Well , yes , you are . Of course you are . You re still the same talented , intelligent person you ve always been .
Ridge : Then why do I feel like an impostor then ? Why do I feel like I ve cheated my dad out of a son ? A son that he groomed in his own image and to follow in his own footsteps . He was so proud of me . Every memory we shared , everything that we did together was all a lie , huh ? Massimo , this is going to kill him .
Massimo : Ridge , listen -- this is going to change a lot of lives -- yours , Eric s , Bridget s .
Ridge : Bridget s ? What does this have to do with my sister ?
Massimo : That s just it . She is not your sister . That s why she moved out .
Ridge : She knows ? She knows this ? Oh , my god , Massimo -- she found out in Italy ?
Massimo : Yes .
Ridge : Oh , geez . That s why she went away . That s -- that s why she pulled away from me .
Stephanie : Have you got your ticket ?
Bridget : I ca nt do this .
Ridge : This is what s been going on with Bridget . The poor girl .
Massimo : Yeah , she found out by accident . Believe me , I would never have burdened her with this intentionally .
Ridge : I ca nt imagine how hard it was for her to keep this secret . I mean , I know how much she hates lying .
Massimo : This has nothing to do with lying , Ridge .
Ridge : What do you mean ?
Massimo : This has devastated her , Ridge .
Ridge : She was worried about dad and me .
Massimo : Yes , because that s the kind of woman she is . She wants to help all the time . Look at the way she helped your children after Taylor passed away . She put all her energy into those kids . She never felt burdened . She gave them everything she had .
Ridge : They fell in love with her .
Massimo : And she fell in love with them . But when she realized that she was nt their aunt and not your sister , everything changed .
Ridge : Why would that have to change anything ?
Massimo : Because not only does she love your children -- she loves you .
Ridge : Well , I love her , too .
Massimo : Oh , yes , of course you love her . You love her as a sister . But she loves you as a man .
Ridge : What ?
Massimo : That s the reason that she is running away .
Ridge : No .
Massimo : Yes .
Ridge : No .
Massimo : Yes , believe me . I m not the only one that saw it . Stephanie saw it , too . That is the reason why she has arranged to send her overseas , because she did nt think that she could handle those feelings , and she would come out with the secret .
Ridge : Bridget did nt want to leave ?
Massimo : No , of course not . She wants to stay here with you and the kids .
Ridge : Oh , my god . I ve got to stop her .
Massimo : Yes , you do .
Ridge : I ve got to go , Massimo .
Massimo : Yes , go before it s too late . Do nt let that extraordinary girl walk out of your life . Oh , god . I hope I ve done the right thing .
Ticket agent : May I have your ticket please ? Thank you .
Stephanie : You re welcome .
Ticket agent : One way to Copenhagen ?
Stephanie : Yes .
Ticket agent : I need your passport , Ms. Forrester . Thank you .
Stephanie : I know you re confused right now , but this is the best for everything and everyone involved . You , Ridge , the children -- especially you , Bridget .
Bridget : I hope so .
Eric : Ridge -- there you are .
Ridge : Yeah .
Eric : Where the hell were you ? Bridget waited and waited , then she finally had to leave .
Ridge : I got hung up .
Eric : You got hung up ? Ridge , this was a family get together .
Ridge : I know , I m sorry .
Eric : Well , that does nt do your sister any good . And she really wanted to see you before she left .
Ridge : I wanted to see her , too .
Eric : Yeah , well , she s at the airport with Stephanie now .
Ridge : I ve got to catch them .
Eric : What , you re gon na drive all the way out there ?
Ridge : I ca nt let Bridget leave like this .
Eric : Good . That s my boy . I knew you would nt let your family down .
Ridge : Dad --
Eric : Ridge , just go , will ya ? Go , or you re gon na miss her . Go on . Go on . I ll talk to you later .
Ridge : Right .
Ticket agent : Here you go . You re all set . Gate 88 . Security s right over there , and your flight will be boarding soon .
Stephanie : Thank you .
Bridget : Thank you .
Ticket agent : You re welcome .
Bridget : I guess this is it .
Ridge : I m coming , Bridget . I m coming . Do nt you dare leave .
### Summary:
| Thomas says he and the rest of the family need her so much . Stephanie diffuses the situation and wants to get Bridget to the airport . She does nt want to leave without saying goodbye to Ridge . Out of time , Bridget says goodbye to everyone . Mass finally admits that he is Ridge s father . Rick notices that Bridget does nt seem into going to Denmark . He thinks that maybe she should stay around and see what happens . Ridge says it is nt possible that Mass is his father , and refuses to believe it until he explains how they all found out about it after Ridge s accident in Mass office . He is also horrified that Eric does nt know . Mass points out that Bridget is nt Ridge s sister anymore . Ridge is shocked that Bridget knows about this and realizes this is why she pulled away from him after the Italy trip . Mass then adds that Bridget loves Ridge as a man and that is the real reason she is running away . Ridge runs to stop Bridget from leaving , yuck . He sees Eric in his office alone , but the party has ended . When Eric tells him that Bridget has left for the airport , he drives out there to stop her . Bridget gets ready to go through security check at the airport . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hope : Thank God the judge did nt sentence her to a facility for repeat offenders . Abe , thank you for filling me in . Bye .
Aiden : Well , good thing one of your coworkers knows you usually take your break here . Otherwise , I d be looking all over for you .
Hope : Why ? What s up ?
Aiden : Well , not much ... unless , of course , you enjoy it when evil is vanquished and justice is served .
EJ : Very good . So can I count on your vote at the upcoming board meeting ? Well , as a matter of fact , I know exactly how many votes my father has .
Sami : I m really sorry , by the way , about interrupting your conversation with Jordan . I hope it was nt something too important .
Abigail : She s just worried about Rafe . He s really depressed ever since he found out about what Gabi did .
Sami : What does she want him to do -- look on the bright side of his baby sister killing a guy ? I m sure he s upset , you know ? He s thinking that he should ve been there for her more . But Rafe is gon na find his way through this . He s tough .
Abigail : You still care about him .
Sami : He s a good guy . He was really good with my kids . They still love him . I would invite him to the wedding except for that he ca nt stand EJ . He s not as open - minded as you are .
Abigail : I do nt know about that .
Sami : Oh , I do . Abigail , you made up your own mind about EJ . You did nt let yourself be swayed by your family and their irrational bias against the DiMeras . You know , you -- you see what kind of man EJ truly is .
Abigail : I try to .
Sami : And I just have to say how much I appreciate your friendship . There is no one that I would rather have help EJ and me plan our big day .
JJ : Dr. Evans . Hey .
Marlena : Hi . Say , you look mighty happy .
JJ : Well , I just got my grades from my history final , and I got a 96 .
Marlena : Oh , JJ , that s wonderful . Good for you .
JJ : Thank you . Thank you .
JJ : Um , did you ever find my mom ?
Marlena : Oh , I did , yes . Thank you .
JJ : Yeah , yeah , you said that you wanted to talk to her about your son , Eric . Um ... do you mind me asking ? Is it about Eric eloping with Nicole ?
Marlena : How did you hear about that ?
JJ : Well , I just overheard Nicole tell somebody .
Marlena : Really ?
JJ : Yeah , you look pretty upset about it .
Marlena : Well , I must say , I m not the only one who s upset about it .
Nicole : Eric , I asked you if you decided to go back to the priesthood .
Eric : I do nt know what I m gon na do ... or even if I ll get a chance to decide . It s hardly a certainty .
Nicole : But you have the letters from Kristen to the doctor . She lays out her plan to drug you .
Eric : I think it s gon na take a lot more than that to clear me .
Nicole : Like what ?
Eric : Like you .
Jennifer : [ Sniffles ] And I love you , and that is stronger than anything . So please give us a chance to start over . We can do it . I know we can . What ?
Daniel : Mm . I - I ca nt . I ca nt do this .
Sami : So , uh , EJ is super busy prepping for this big board meeting that we have coming up , but as soon as he s finished making his phone calls , he promised me that he is all ours .
EJ : Oh , my father and I-- we re always in contact . Yes , yes . And he ll be at the meeting . He s not gon na miss that . [ Chuckles ] Right , well , when it comes to matters of the company , we re always in complete agreement , okay ? There ll be no unexpected surprises . Trust me . Okay , good . Where are you , old man , and what are you up to ?
JJ : Well , I - I guess there s something here I do nt know .
Marlena : What do you mean ?
JJ : Well , I told my mom and Daniel about what I heard Nicole say -- you know , her plans to elope with Eric -- and they both looked upset too .
Marlena : Oh , I see .
JJ : Well , I hope it works out .
Marlena : So do I. Thanks .
JJ : Okay , all right , I ll see you .
Marlena : Mm - hmm . [ Exhales deeply ]
Eric : Before the bishop offers to reinstate me , he wants to be absolutely sure I m not lying about being set up .
Nicole : What does that have to do with me ?
Eric : His Excellency is gon na want to speak to those who were involved , like you and Daniel .
Nicole : Well , I ll do anything to help , anything that would clear you .
Eric : You should nt say anything you do nt mean .
Daniel : There is a part of me that wants to be with you right now , would like to move on from what happened with Eric and Nicole .
Jennifer : Part of you ?
Daniel : Yeah , but I know in my heart if I went to bed with you , it ca nt fix it . It ca nt !
Jennifer : What can fix it ? Tell me .
Daniel : I do nt know ! I dont -- at this point , I do nt even know what to think . I do nt know . I just know that I need to be alone , and you ... you need to leave .
Jennifer : You sound like you re giving up on us .
Daniel : I never said that .
Jennifer : Daniel , when I told Eric the truth about Nicole , I did nt know where you were . And Eric told me that he and Nicole were about to leave for the airport .
Daniel : I was with Nicole . I would have stopped that from happening .
Jennifer : I did nt know that .
Daniel : And that s the point . You thought I would allow Nicole to continue lying to Eric , even let Eric marry Nicole without knowing the truth-- that she had evidence to clear his name so he could be a priest again .
Jennifer : Yes , and we have been over this , Daniel . I am trying to explain to you--
Daniel : Okay , please let me finish . The problem is nt that you took it upon yourself to tell Eric the truth . It s what drove you to do that-- that you were convinced that I would nt , that I did nt have the integrity or the courage or whatever .
Jennifer : No . I know now how much this hurt you , but I do nt understand why this is a deal breaker . Daniel , I love you . I love you so much , and I have apologized to you over and over again . And I just want to repair what this did to us .
Daniel : Just so I can disappoint you again ?
Jennifer : No . You do nt disappoint me . I just told you I love you . You are the best person I know .
Daniel : Okay , look , I love you ... and I would like to find a way past this . But right now I ca nt even see what that way is . So maybe what I want and what I can have are just two different things .
Jennifer : What is it you want ?
Daniel : I want you to believe in me ... to see me for the man that I think I am .
Sami : Is it all clear ? How s it going ?
EJ : Uh , fine . I -- oh , hello . I have a lot of calls to make , though .
Sami : Really ?
EJ : I can do that from anywhere . If you have to plan the wedding , I ll get out of your way .
Sami : Hold on . Just one little second .
Hope : Okay , captain America , I have no idea what you re talking about .
Aiden : Well , you know the ballroom at the Salem inn , the one we could nt book for the benefit ?
Hope : Oh , hmm , uh , you mean the one that was stolen out from under us by Kurt Howell and the Midwest domino association , that ballroom ?
Aiden : That very one .
Hope : Hmm , well , forget it . Howell is never gon na let St. Luke s have that room . He s having too much fun .
Aiden : Oh , well , hope , in your line of work , you must have noticed that most human beings have a tipping point , hmm ?
Hope : Okay .
Aiden : Well , I found out what Howell s is . And he s gon na regret ever messing with St. Luke s . And here he is now . Ah , Mr. Howell , good to see you . May I call you Kurt ?
Howell : I do nt know what game you re playing , but it s gon na end right now .
Nicole : What am I saying that I do nt mean ?
Eric : I finally realized you often tell me what you think I want to hear , then do exactly as you please .
Nicole : Okay , I had that coming .
Eric : If the bishop were to interview you , I have no faith that you would tell him the truth about me .
Nicole : You already know that I kept Dr. Chyka s records from you . Why would I lie to the bishop now ? What would that get me ?
Eric : I do nt know . But what I do know is that you ve been lying to me for months . And when Daniel -- when he learned the truth , you lied to him , and then you lied about him as well .
Nicole : I did that because I love you .
Eric : Do nt talk about love to me . Love that s based on lying is a lie . I do nt think I will ever believe anything you ever say to me again .
Marlena : And why would you ?
Aiden : I do nt know what game you re talking about .
Howell : Well , I got your message . It sounded an awful lot like a threat . See , I have a contract with the Salem inn for the night in question , and there s nothing you can do about it . Now , if you continue to harass me , I m going to have to , uh ... uh , you re doing that wrong .
Aiden : Excuse me ?
Howell : Uh , stacking those things like dominoes-- you re doing it all wrong . See , the trigger piece is too close to the--
Aiden : Huh .
Howell : Try that with real dominoes , you d go down in flames .
Aiden : Mm .
Howell : Where d you get those ?
Hope : Hmm . They look like parking tickets-- an awful lot of them .
Aiden : Sharp eye , detective Brady . They are parking tickets . In fact , these parking tickets were all issued to the same man , this man who goes to the windy city every week on business . And when he does , he does nt want anyone telling him where to park . So what happens ? He gets tickets-- a whole lot of parking tickets , which he must just throw in the backseat or maybe sticks them the glove box .
Hope : [ Clicks tongue ] Naughty , naughty , naughty . Which would tend to make the people at the Chicago parking violations office ... very upset .
Aiden : Ooh , she catches on quick . You do . You catch on quick . In fact , my buddy who works there says Kurt here has made him lose faith in his fellow man . Yeah , it seems Kurt has racked up fines in the low five figures . You know what that means ? That means you could be looking at jail time .
Hope : [ Inhales sharply ]
Howell : What are you doing ?
Hope : Well , first of all , I m calling a tow truck to impound your car . And then the next thing I m going to do--
Howell : No , all right , I get it . I want this to go away , and you want the Salem inn ballroom . Let s make a deal .
Sami : Sorry . I just got so carried away . I ca nt seem to help myself , especially since we re going to be tying the knot for real this time .
EJ : That s right .
Sami : So ... back to business . I have been planning exactly how I want this room to look , and I have notes that are-- I left them in the other room . Okay , I ll be right back . Do nt go anywhere !
Abigail : Well , this is impossible .
EJ : We will get through it .
Abigail : If Sami had any idea that we--
EJ : She does nt .
Sami : Ah . I could nt find it . Harold said he ll keep looking . Did I miss anything ?
EJ : No , we were just waiting for you .
Sami : You still do nt have phone calls to make , do you ?
EJ : Uh , um ... nothing that ca nt wait .
Sami : That s what I thought you would say . Great , cause you know what ? If you and I and Abigail put our heads together , we will make this wedding a day to remember .
Nicole : Well , as much fun as this has been , I m going to have to tear myself away .
Marlena : Do nt let me stop you .
Nicole : Do you enjoy going around and dispensing judgment and dirty looks ? Cause I have to say , it does nt seem like much of a life to me . I guess I ll talk to you later , after you cool off .
Marlena : How are you doing ?
Eric : How do you think ?
Marlena : Want to talk about it ? I know part of what happened . I can piece together the rest . You look like someone who could use a person to talk to , somebody who s on your side . Why do nt you tell me what happened ?
Jennifer : Daniel , I would nt even be with you if you were nt this kind and generous , amazing man .
Daniel : Okay , do nt patronize me , Jennifer .
Jennifer : I am not patronizing you . I am trying to persuade you that I love you and I respect you so much . What do we do ?
Daniel : We need time apart .
Jennifer : How much time ?
Daniel : I do nt know ... probably more than either one of us would like .
Jennifer : I see . Okay .
Daniel : Jennifer ... I think it s probably best that you leave your key .
Howell : And I assume I ll get my , uh , deposit back . Good . See that you do . [ Sighs ]
Hope : Thank you , Mr. Howell . Hello ? Oh , I m sorry . Yes , this is hope Brady speaking . I understand the ballroom has become available for the night I requested for the St. Luke s gala . Great .
Aiden : Oh , and the , uh-- the contract for the inn , the one you were just waving in my face , could I just see that ? Ah . Ah , yes . Okay , that s --
Howell : And you ll represent me on the parking fines , for free ?
Aiden : Yes , yes , that is the deal .
Howell : Hmm .
Aiden : Oh , uh , Mr. Howell ... you do nt want to forget your dominoes .
Hope : So that s it ? We re all set ? Okay , great . This is fantastic . Thank you so much . You just do nt give up , do you ?
Aiden : Well ... not when it comes to fighting for the people I care about . All right ... I ll see you . Hope ... there s something that I need to say to you .
Jennifer : [ Sniffles , crying ]
Daniel : Yeah , yeah , come on in .
JJ : Hey .
Daniel : Oh , hey .
JJ : I came here to see mom , but she is not here , and she is not answering her phone . And if I do nt brag to somebody about acing my history final , I m going to explode . [ Chuckles ]
Daniel : Wha -- good for you--
JJ : I might make the freakin honor roll , and if you had nt have gotten through to me , that would nt have happened .
Daniel : No , well , it sounds like things are going well .
JJ : Yeah , man . I m going out with Paige . Do you remember her ?
Daniel : No , of course I do . She came in the other day to observe at the hospital . She seems like a great girl .
JJ : Yeah , she is . And you ll see her again at the dinner .
Daniel : Dinner ?
JJ : Yeah , the one my mom s having to celebrate me graduating on time , after ... well , you -- you re coming to the dinner , right ?
Eric : Nicole knew if could exonerate myself that she could lose me to the priesthood .
Marlena : So she did nt tell you what she had .
Eric : No .
Marlena : How did you find out ?
Eric : From Jennifer . Finally someone told me what was going on .
Marlena : Well , Jenni-- oh . That s why Jennifer spoke to me the way she did when this was going on .
Eric : Mom , I know I came down on you pretty hard when you were questioning Nicole s story . I apologize for that . You have every right to say , I told you so .
Nicole : Oh , my God . Oh , my God , Rafe .
Sami : No , no , not the main part , come on ! Yeah , right here , this one . This is my favorite part of the garden . Oh , is nt this a perfect place for a wedding ?
Abigail : Yes , it s -- it s really beautiful .
Sami : And we ll put everybody -- you know , all the chairs here , right ? Um , and then there will be an aisle sort of through here - ish . And you , honey -- EJ , you ll be standing there , right ? With the judge . And then the flower girl-- she ll walk down the aisle with the petals . And then you , Abigail , you ll come next , right ? Coming down the aisle--
Abigail : Wait , wait , me ? What do you mean ?
Sami : Yeah . I thought you knew .
Abigail : Knew what ?
Sami : Well , Abigail , I would nt ask you to help us plan our wedding if I -- if I was nt going to have you be the maid of honor .
Abigail : Y - you want me to be in the wedding ?
Sami : I mean , obviously you know I m not exactly the kind of woman who has a gaggle of girlfriends everywhere , and , you know , my sisters are nt even in the country . So , it sort of makes the whole maid of honor thing a bit sketchy and-- but that s not even the truth . I mean , it kind of hit me that there is nt anyone I would rather have standing next to me on the most day of my life than you .
Aiden : Hey , uh ... [ Clears throat ] You were right about Gabi s transfer to women s prison today . And I m glad that you opened up to me about how hard this is on you . I just -- I wanted to say to you that , um ... if you need to talk ... you have my number .
Hope : Thank you . And you know what ? I just want say that watching you operate with Howell today ...
Aiden : Mm .
Hope : Made me smile . I was nt sure that was possible today .
Aiden : Then my work here is done . [ Chuckles ]
Daniel : I - I m not going to be able to make the dinner . I am so sorry . It s just--
JJ : Wait . Mom s picture is nt on your desk anymore . What -- what s that about ?
Daniel : You should talk to her .
JJ : Why ? What happened ?
Daniel : Okay , she and I ... we re , uh -- we re taking a break .
Jennifer : [ Sighs ] [ Crying ]
JJ : Is this break -- is it about me ?
Daniel : No , no , absolutely not . I am so proud of how you ve gotten your life back together . So is your mom .
JJ : I feel really bad .
Daniel : You know what ? I still want to see you , okay ? If you want to brag to me , you want to talk to me about your problems , whatever you need .
JJ : Well , is this it for you and mom ?
Daniel : You know , look , I hope not . But no matter what , I ll always hold a special place in my heart for her . Now , I want you to be there for her now . And if you want to talk to her and then come back and talk to me , I m fine with that .
JJ : I just do nt get this . Like ...
Daniel : I m sorry , JJ . I wish -- I wish things were different .
JJ : Yeah . Yeah , me too . [ Mumbles ]
Nicole : Hi , Rafe . I just -- I just want you to know that I love you , and I will always be your friend . And I guess I ll just keep calling till I hear your voice . And I want to see you . I do nt know if that s good news or bad news . I seem to be of very little use to anyone right now . But , please , just , uh ... take care of yourself . [ Sighs ]
Marlena : Oh . I know how much you re hurting right now . It s going to get better . I promise it is .
Eric : Thank you for having faith in me .
Marlena : Mm .
Sami : EJ , EJ , you tell her . Tell that girl that I am serious about wanting her to be my maid of honor .
EJ : No , no , she is absolutely serious .
Abigail : Sami , it s not that I - I do nt want to at all . It s just that I ca nt , because your wedding , unfortunately , is the same day as my brother s graduation , so ...
Sami : Oh , I checked into that , and I can promise you that everything important from the reception will happen before you have to go to your brother s graduation . You just have to make sure you do nt drink too much .
Abigail : Oh , okay . Uh , sure , then . I mean , um , I d be honored .
Sami : Great . Thank you . Okay , so back to business . You will be standing here , yes , right here with me , right ?
EJ : Oh , of course .
Sami : Abigail , what do you think ? How do we look ?
Abigail : You -- you look like the perfect couple .
Sami : Aw . I just want to make sure that this is the perfect spot . You could stand in for me . Yeah . How about you stand in my place , right ?
Abigail : Okay .
Sami : Get closer here . Maybe you should hold hands .
Abigail : I m sorry . I m sorry . It s just I ca nt do this . This is so wrong .
Sami : Oh , honey , are you all right ?
Abigail : No , I m not . [ Sighs ]
Sami : Oh , my God . How could I have missed it ? I know exactly what is going on here .
Jennifer : Hey . Hi . How was your exam ?
JJ : It was fine . [ Sighs ] I just saw Daniel . Is it really true ? Mom , you ca nt just sit here . You have to fix this .
Daniel : [ Sighs ] [ Exhales deeply ]
Daniel : All right , here we go . Hi . I m , uh , Dr. Jonas .
Nicole : Oh .
Marlena : Going somewhere ?
Nicole : I m not talking to you .
Marlena : The hell you re not .
Eric : Hey .
Hope : Hey . Hi . This is so funny . I was going to call you .
Eric : Why ?
Hope : Because I know how much the St. Luke s summer gala means to you .
Eric : Well , it provides a big part of the school s budget .
Hope : Yeah , I know it does . And we had nt been able to book the ballroom up until just recently and-- I m sorry . Um ... maybe news about St. Luke s is a painful subject . I m so sorry . I know there was a parting of ways .
Eric : Maybe . Maybe not .
Marlena : Proud of yourself ? My son gave you a job when nobody in this town would have anything to do with you . He defended you . He put his faith in you .
Nicole : And I loved him for that .
Marlena : Then you ve got a twisted way of showing how you love somebody , sweetheart . You had the evidence to prove that he did not have an affair with Kristen , to prove that he had not broken his vows , and you kept it to yourself so you could get your man . How can you do that to somebody you say you love ?
Nicole : Okay , fine . I ll tell you how . I would have given him those documents . I would have let him make that free choice , but I knew you would nt do it . You saw how happy Eric was with me , and you could nt stand it . And I knew you d be all over him . You would nt give up until you convinced him that being with me was the biggest mistake he could make .
Marlena : So you convinced him all by yourself . And now ... thank God ... you ve destroyed any chance you have of being with my son . You did it !
Abigail : Sami , what are you--
EJ : Look , Samantha , I--
Sami : I m so sorry . Oh , God , I made you stand there with EJ and ... here in the DiMera garden , of all places . I mean , I m sure you ve walked here a million times with Chad and -- and ...
EJ : You know , and , look , we re really sorry , Abigail . We both are .
Sami : I know what Chad did . I know how he broke your heart , and I did nt even think about it , and I m sorry . Please , please , accept my apology .
Abigail : You do nt have to apologize , Sami .
Sami : But I do . I do . I want you to help us plan this wedding . I want you to be my maid of honor , and I wo nt make another stupid gaffe . Please , Abigail . I ca nt imagine this day without you .
JJ : Here you go .
Jennifer : Uh , you can just set it down .
JJ : [ Sighs ] Mom ... things are going to be okay ... right ? I mean , things have messed up for you and Daniel before , but you guys always get back together . Just tell me that you re going to figure out how to make this right .
Daniel : I got your chart from your doctor , and I had a chance to go over it . I also did some research on your condition . And I honestly believe the surgery can clear up the problem with your throat .
Eve : Well , now I know why everyone said you re the surgeon to see .
Daniel : Well , if your pre - op tests come back okay , we could schedule a procedure .
Eve : Let s get this ball rolling .
Daniel : Well , we can start today . And it is a pleasure to meet you , ms . Baron .
Eve : Please ... call me eve .
Eric : There s always a special place for St. Luke s in my heart .
Hope : Is there a possibility you could come back in some capacity ?
Eric : There s a possibility that can clear my name , and that would open a door for me to come back as a priest .
Hope : Oh , my God , Eric , that is so wonderful .
Eric : Okay , well , I have to ask you to keep this to yourself for now .
Hope : Ah , mwah . My lips are sealed . Oh , duty calls . Listen , I better get going , but I m going to keep my fingers crossed . Bye .
Eric : Bye .
Nicole : I want you to get out of here .
Marlena : Gladly . I do nt want to spend one more moment longer than I have to with you . Nicole ... if you re still thinking you have a chance to end up with Eric , you need to give that up . I just talked to him . He sees you for who you are-- a devious , neurotic liar . So it s over . And Eric can go back to being a priest .
Nicole : [ Clicks tongue ] Not without my help .
Marlena : And why would he need your help ?
Nicole : Well ... the bishop wants to talk to me . He wants me to verify what Eric told him . But after the way you and Sami have treated me , I m not going to verify anything . So you can forget about being mama of the priest again . You re just going to have to settle for being the bitch who unleashed Sami on the world . And Eric can kiss his holy orders good - bye .
Sami : Say yes .
Abigail : Okay . Sure .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] Good . Oh , great . Well , you know , we do nt have that much more to do , but I , for one , am starved .
EJ : No , no , I say we push through and get this done .
Sami : Push through ? EJ , you know I ca nt push through anything when I am going to pass out from hunger . I m just going to tell Harold to make us a snack , okay ? Be right back .
Abigail : Well , this is torture .
EJ : Well , I had no idea what she was thinking .
Abigail : How am I supposed to do this ?
EJ : Just put a smile on your face and get through it .
Abigail : [ Chuckles ] You re kidding me , right ?
Sami : I m supposed to straighten Sami s veil a - and hold her bouquet while she stands there and marries a man I slept with ? Oh , my God .
Sami : Harold , we re ready for the snacks that you and I discussed . EJ and Abigail are out in the garden . Thank you .
EJ : Hey . The only thing Samantha is thinking about right now is wedding plans . So you just get through this next couple of days , and you never have to see either one of us again , you understand ?
Abigail : [ Groans ] Look , I am trying to keep it together , okay ? But Sami is just so damn happy and sweet .
EJ : I know that .
Abigail : She s so in love with you , EJ . Oh , my God , I - I-- now I m her new best friend in the whole entire world . This is nuts . I feel like such a hypocrite . I ca nt take this .
EJ : Abigail , we can not change what s happened .
Abigail : Oh , my God .
EJ : Hey , we can agree that it was a mistake , and we can move on . All right ? Samantha has no idea , nor will she ever .
Abigail : [ Sighs ]
### Summary:
| Sami and Abby talked about EJ and the wedding . Nicole wanted to know if Eric was going to be a priest , but he did nt think he could be one because of her . Daniel stopped himself from kissing Jennifer . Eric told Nicole that the bishop wanted to talk to her and Daniel to make sure Kristen set him up . Daniel wanted Jennifer to leave . She thought he was giving up on them , but he said he was nt . They argued again over her thinking he would nt have told Eric the truth about Nicole . Eric told Nicole that the bishop needed her and Daniel to prove that he was set up . Eric also told Nicole that he would never believe a word she said again . Marlena showed up and thought he should nt believe her . Marlena wanted to know what was going on with Eric . Daniel wanted time apart from Jennifer . Eric told Marlena that Jennifer told him what Nicole did . He apologized to her for the way he treated her when she was suspicious of Nicole . Sami asked Abby to be her maid of honor . Marlena comforted Eric . Abby agreed to be Sami s maid of honor . When Sami wanted Abby to hold EJ s hands , Abby let go because she could nt do it . Sami said she knew what was going on . Marlena went to see Nicole . Marlena ripped into Nicole for keeping the proof of Eric s innocence to herself . Nicole did nt take Marlena yelling at her so she yelled back . Sami thought that Abby was upset about Chad . Nicole told Marlena to leave . Marlena gladly wanted to leave . Before Marlena left , she warned Nicole that it was over between her and Eric . Nicole told Marlena that Eric would never be a priest again because she was nt going to help him . While EJ tried to calm Abby down , Sami looked through a briefcase and found a picture of EJ and Abby kissing . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Caroline : Got it ! Okay .
Sonja : Fits like a glove .
Caroline : It does ?
Sonja : And I adore the color .
Caroline : Oh , you re so sweet . Okay . Go to makeup . Tell them to keep your lip nude .
Sonja : Got it .
Caroline : Okay . Aah !
Ridge : How are we doing ?
Caroline : Ah , we are doing great . I think we re almost ready for our big day .
Liam : Great ! You made it . Uh , thank you so much for coming . Um , we re --
Steffy : Andre , that is so awesome that you made the trip . I got you right up front , okay ?
Liam : How are you such a natural at this and I m like a flight attendant ?
Steffy : Well , a very handsome flight attendant / vice president .
Liam : [ Laughs ]
Liam : [ Laughs ]
Wyatt : Nope . Nope . Nothing to see out there . Lots to do in here . Let s go .
Ivy : Yeah , I know . I know . Sorry .
Wyatt : Let s go .
Liam : Hey ! You re here !
Katie : Yeah . We would nt miss it . Congratulations .
Bill : First fashion show as president and vice president . You make a good- looking team .
Steffy : I m thinking the same thing .
Liam : [ Chuckles ]
Carter : We re above capacity . Not one overseas buyer declined our invitation .
Rick : Well , what do you expect , carter ? I run international .
Rick : Well , do nt you look beautiful ?
Maya : Mm , getting there .
Rick : You excited ?
Maya : Beyond . This is nt like any show I ve ever done . My parents will be in the audience .
Vivienne : Look at this .
Julius : I do nt know what all the fuss is about .
Nicole : Mom .
Vivienne : Oh !
Nicole : Dad .
Vivienne : Hi , sweetheart !
Nicole : Hi . Welcome to Forrester . Maya s really happy that you can make it . These are me fellow interns -- charlotte , Kristina .
Vivienne : Hi .
Nicole : And this is Zende , Rick s nephew .
Vivienne : Hello .
Zende : Nice to meet you , Mr. and Mrs. Avant .
Julius : You re a Forrester ?
Ridge : All right . First look is in the dressing room . Find Quinn for jewelry .
Caroline : Yes , but then find me so that I can give you one last look before you go out . Okay .
Caroline : Okay .
Steffy : Our two brilliant designers . Hey .
Ridge : Hey .
Caroline : Does it look like I m gon na have a nervous breakdown ? Cause I might .
Liam : Would nt know it from looking at you -- except for the bead of sweat right --
Ridge : Oh , there it is . You get your speech ready ?
Steffy : Yeah . Maya and I are actually speaking from the heart , encouraging others to embrace their differences , not be afraid of them .
Caroline : That s really sweet , cause , I mean , that is our message .
Steffy : Yeah . Thank you . I think it s gon na be good .
Ridge : So , your speech is ready ?
Steffy : Well , no . We re speaking ...
Quinn : Why do nt you go for touch - ups and I ll have this tweaked ?
Quinn : [ Gasps ] Aaah ! Ohh .
Deacon : [ Chuckles softly ]
Quinn : What are you doing here ?
Deacon : Just wanted to wish my sexy wife good luck .
Quinn : Aww .
Katie : Thank you .
Bill : You re welcome .
Jarrett : Boss ! I m surprised to see you here .
Katie : Are you surprised that they let him through security ?
Jarrett : [ Chuckles ]
Bill : My son is third in command , and I own a piece of this company .
Pam : [ Sighs ] Is nt this grand ?
Charlie : Yeah , mucho grand . And you can quote me . That s Charlie Webber -- two B s .
Jarrett : Got it . I ca nt wait to see what s coming up .
Pam : Yeah .
Vivienne : Are there famous people here ?
Zende : Some pretty big names in the fashion world .
Vivienne : Oh .
Nicole : Speaking of , here comes Rick s mom .
Brooke : Well , hello !
Vivienne : Ohh .
Brooke : You must be Mr. And Mrs. Avant .
Vivienne : Oh , Julius and Vivienne .
Brooke : Ahh .
Vivienne : It is so nice to meet you .
Brooke : My pleasure . Rick said that you d be coming .
Julius : Your son s a good man , and I appreciate everything he s done for Maya s life .
Rick : Is it a little unnerving with your parents here ?
Maya : Oh , no , no . I stopped letting them rattle me a long time ago . [ Sighs ] I just -- I just want to get out there on that stage , stand proud and true . This is my first public appearance since bill outed me to the press , and it is my opportunity to take my power back .
Steffy : Okay . If we ca nt move their seats , then we ll make sure we get them an exclusive backstage .
Ivy : Those pieces look great . Thanks .
Aly : Look at Steffy all over Liam . It s not right .
Ivy : Aly , she is not all over him .
Aly : Steffy just takes , takes , takes . Is that what she calls freedom -- freedom to take whatever she wants ?
Ivy : Okay , Aly . We re all just trying to get along . You need to calm down and try and stop being so judgmental .
Carter : Ivy . Quinn needs you .
Ivy : Okay .
Steffy : Oh , I changed that . Check with the stage manager . All right . Beautiful girl .
Liam : Yeah , she is . Actually , there s another beautiful girl that I would like a moment with . Come with me .
Steffy : Where are we going ?
Liam : To the future .
Steffy : What ?
Steffy : What are you doing ? It s our first fashion show together , and you just want to take me awa--
Liam : I want to show you the future , cause it s here in the showroom , backstage , you and me working together , running Forrester creations , keeping it vibrant and relevant for years to come . The future is here .
Steffy : Really ?
Liam : But it s also -- it s also standing right before me . This inevitable certainty , this force of nature that came barreling into my life yet again , strong and beautiful and determined . But you always fight for what you believe in -- the right to express yourself freely , Forrester , family ... us . And I just want you to know you do nt have to do that . You do nt have to fight anymore . Thank you for being so patient with me , Steffy . Thank you for giving me the time to see the obvious .
Steffy : You re gon na make me cry .
Liam : Do nt cry .
Steffy : [ Sniffles ] Ahh .
Liam : I am right where I want to be -- with you -- from now on ... day after day ... year after year .
Steffy : Okay , Mr. Spencer .
Liam : Cha cha cha .
Steffy : [ Laughs ]
Bill : I do nt see what all the hype s about .
Katie : Oh , do nt be so jaded . The show has nt even started yet .
Bill : All right . Well , get me a story , Jarrett .
Jarrett : Well , boss , I ll gladly do my best , of course , but what if there is nt any ?
Bill : Do ... your ... job . There s got to be something juicy here , something to make headlines .
Jarrett : Right .
Rick : This is gon na be a great show today .
Brooke : I m glad you re enthusiastic , sweetheart .
Rick : Are nt you ?
Brooke : Yes . I just still feel terrible that you lost your CEO position .
Rick : Well , of course , I wish I was still running the company , but that does nt matter . Today is huge for Maya and me . Our future is the only thing that I care about , and no one can take that away from us -- especially after today . 10 minutes , everyone !
Maya : Okay . So , if we spark a conversation , if we inspire anyone , then we ve done our job , right ?
Nick : Reaching out to all walks of life . The show really is for all of us .
Maya : You know , I ve done this a bunch of times now , but ... I have never felt more proud to walk down the runway .
Nick : How s it feel with your parents in the audience ?
Maya : Good . Strange but ... good ... I think .
Nick : Has there been any progress ?
Maya : You know , for the first time in my life , my dad has said that he s willing to try to accept me . I just hope he means it .
Julius : Hmm . It s a whole other world out here in la - la land .
Vivienne : Did you see those gift bags in the lobby ? This event must cost a fortune .
Julius : Half a million , easy .
Vivienne : [ Exhales sharply ] Wish I had packed something nicer .
Julius : What s wrong with what you re wearing ?
Vivienne : Look around .
Julius : I am . I know . You look fine .
Othello : No problem , Rick . Come on . I m on it .
Rick : I just want this to be a special night for Maya and me .
Othello : Got you , man . It is .
Ridge : Where s Steffy ? Anybody ?
Steffy : Here ! Here ! Present and accounted for .
Ridge : We re about to get started . Come on .
Steffy : Does Ivy know ?
Liam : Uh , I could nt get to her before I d lose the chance to tell you , but , um ... I will -- soon .
Steffy : Okay .
Steffy : How many hits have we gotten ?
Aly : Just under a million , but I m sure traffic will pick up when the show starts .
Steffy : Great . Thanks for staying on track . All right , everyone ! Our CEO would like to say a few words !
Ridge : What ?
Steffy : Go get em , dad .
Ridge : I do nt -- [ Groans ] Hey . Uh , all right . It s -- it s almost showtime , and I would like to say thank you to all of you for putting so much of yourself , so much of your time , into this , because without that , we would nt be here . And to my ... co - designer , proving once again that she is so much more talented than I will ever be .
Caroline : Oh , thank you for admitting it .
Ridge : You can disagree if you want . But , hey , uh , to my models -- all you guys , yes , we make the gowns , but ... you make them wonderful . California freedom -- it s about equality for everyone . It s about celebrating what makes us unique and what makes us special , without judgment and without fear . Look at us , right ? We re redefining Forrester -- move in to the future together . And that s pretty cool . So , let s go . Let s get started .
Liam : Yeah !
Ridge : Charlotte !
Charlotte : Yes , Mr. Forrester ?
Ridge : Hey , do me a favor . Tell Othello I got to talk to him about the music , please .
Charlotte : Oh , right away .
Ridge : Thank you .
Steffy : Zende , remind wardrobe .
Zende : Yeah , sure . Follow me .
Steffy : Great .
Caroline : Thank you .
Karlie : Gon na be a great show !
Ridge : How is it looking out there ?
Liam : Uh , well , the seats are filling up . Everybody looks pumped .
Ridge : Pumped ?
Liam : Yeah .
Ridge : That s what I want to hear .
Ivy : Hey . I just , um -- I wanted to wish you good luck .
Liam : Yeah . You , too .
Ivy : Mm - hmm . It s cool , right ? It s like a new beginning for all of us .
Liam : Yeah . Hey , I know it s kind of crazy now , but we should -- we should find some time to talk after the show .
Ivy : Yeah . Yeah . I d -- I d like that .
Maya : Have I told you that I could nt be happier than I am right now ?
Rick : Then I think you ll be even more thrilled by the end of the show .
Deacon : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : Oh .
Deacon : It s nice to see that I m not the only one without a glass of champagne in my hands .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ] Yeah . I guess you re right .
Deacon : It s better that way , right ? I think it s better . It s better . It s better .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , it s better . I m much better off , thanks to you .
Deacon : I ll always be here for you .
Julius : What time is this going to start ?
Vivienne : Shortly , I m sure . Just enjoy it , Julius . This is a very significant moment in our daughter s life . I do nt know about you , but I am so proud of Maya !
Julius : I m trying here . But it s wrong , Viv . Our son -- my firstborn , traipsing up and down a runway , wearing women s clothing -- how humiliating ! [ Sighs ]
Rick : Mm . There she is -- the most exquisite woman on the planet . Am I a lucky guy or what ?
Maya : Mm - hmm .
Ridge : Thank you . Thank you very much for being here today . We are very proud to present a new collection -- California Freedom . Now , California Freedom is about strength , it s about empowerment , it s about acceptance , and I ca nt think of two women who are stronger , more empowered . So , please welcome Steffy Forrester and Maya Avant .
Vivienne : Yay !
Steffy : Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you , thank you , everyone ! All of you have known that we had hope for the future ... but we no longer need it , because ... the future is right now .
Maya : That s right . It s a new day at Forrester Creations . We re not holding on to sameness . We re not trying to fit in or be someone we re not .
Steffy : No . No . We live in a society filled with free people , free believers .
Maya : Free to love one another , free to love ourselves .
Steffy : From the ocean to the redwoods , California embodies diversity in its beauty and its people .
Maya : So , let s make an impact . Let s get creative . Let s -- let s be kind .
Steffy : Yes . Yes -- no condemnation , no shame , and no guilt .
Maya : We open our hearts ...
Steffy : And our minds . This ... is California Freedom .
Caroline : Okay ! Let s get the next group ready !
Steffy : What s happening out there ?
Liam : The crowd seems really into it .
Steffy : Yeah ?
Liam : Yeah .
Kristina : Amy s necklace broke . What do we do ?
Quinn : Um , you know what ? Just swap it out with this one . It s fine . It s fine . I ll fix it . I got it .
Wyatt : It s fine . Jewelry , the gowns , everything -- everything s gon na be fine .
Ridge : [ Sighs ] 30 seconds from Maya .
Caroline : Oh , wow . Look at you .
Ridge : Your parents are gon na be so proud .
Steffy : Come on . Let s get you out there .
Darla : Freedom ? That s not freedom . It s sex -- trying to destroy everything we hold dear . There s no making peace with them . They re enemies for life . That s not romance . It s pornography . Aly , make it stop .
Darla : Save us -- the family , our legacy and reputation . You know what to do , so do it . Put an end to it once and for [ Echoing ] All .
Singer : So for now So for now Can we take it , take it up ? Do nt want to come back down Do nt go back down Yeah , tonight Yeah , tonight Everybody , live it up it s time to come alive Come alive Hey ! Here we go
### Summary:
| All is coming together backstage at the Fashion Shoot . Carter tells Rick that they are above capacity as no one declined the invitation . Rick says that is great but not his problem since he runs International now . Brooke joins and tells him how proud she is of him although she knows he would still like to be CEO . He says yes but that does not matter now . No one can take this day away from him and it will be greater especially after today . He tells Maya that she is beautiful and knows she is anxious because her parents are in the audience . She says yes she just wants to get out there and stand proud . This is the first time she has been before the public since she has been outed by the press and she just wants to get her power back . Julius and Vivienne walk around the presentation room and she seems impressed . Nicole introduces them to Zende and the other interns . Julius is surprised to learn that Zende is a Forrester . While Ridge and Caroline and Steffy and Liam seem very happy , Aly has a look of disgust on her face . Bill and Katie sip champagne and he even tells Jarrett to do his job and get him a good story tonight . Deacon surprises Quinn with a kiss . She is delighted until she sees him talking later with Brooke ever how innocently it is . Rick tells the DJ Othello that he wants things to be perfect . Vivienne feels underdressed but Julius says she looks fine . He comments that the gift bags out front must have cost half a million dollars . Ivy seems slightly miffed that Steffy and Liam are cuddled together talking intimately . Wyatt takes her away and says there is nothing important to see out there . Liam drags Steffy out to the Sky Lounge and tells her this is their future . They are going to be running Forrester Creations together . He thanks her for being so patient with him . He finally sees the obvious . He is right where he wants to be . They kiss passionately . Aly gives them the stink eye . Ridge thanks everyone backstage for their hard work and to Caroline his co - designer who has proven herself more and more times that she is more talented than he . Ivy thanks Liam and he wishes her well too . He says he knows now is not the time but they really should talk after the show . Ridge stands on stage and welcomes the audience . They are here to introduce California Freedom , about empowerment and acceptance . He calls out Steffy and Maya . Vivienne looks proud but Julius looks annoyed . He tells Vivienne this is so wrong , their son waltzing down the aisle dressed as a woman . Steffy announces they once had Hope For The Future but it is no longer needed . Maya adds that they are not looking for sameness or the same old thing . Steffy does not want guilt , society is full of free believers and California embodies that diversity and beauty . The models come out , two being transgender . The audience seems to like it but again Aly is sullen . In her head she listens to dark Darla who says this is not about freedom , but sex . This is pornography not romance . Aly has to put an end to this once and for all . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Gus : Ok , say bye - bye to Ava and Coop , they are not gon na be here for Christmas , they are going to London . Say bye - bye .
Harley : Do nt try to make them feel bad . I m going to miss you .
Coop : You ll live .
Gus : She wants you to hold her .
Coop : Send us lots of pictures , e - mail them to us .
Harley : Of course , of course .
Coop : Definitely , all right .
Harley : Are you okay ?
Ava : Yeah , yeah . I was just thinking about how lucky little Sydney is-- she got you guys as a family for Christmas . She s a pretty lucky little girl .
Gus : Do you want hold her for a second ? Because I want a take a family picture of you guys . Before you go to London-- get together , get together , I hate these things . I never get it right . Get together , get together-- you know what ? Coop , do you mind ? Thank you very much . We could use it as , I do nt know , a little Christmas card-- send it out to people .
Harley : We ve already taken our Christmas card pictures .
Gus : We did ?
Harley : She s not quite ours .
Gus : Do nt be so negative . Do nt be so negative . You know what ? Say bah- humbug . One , two , three .
All : Bah , humbug .
Dinah : Oh , what did you get me ?
Mallet : Who says I got you anything ? I m still trying to decide if you ve been naughty or nice . And stop peeking , you ve been peeking all day . You re still a kid .
Dinah : What ? I m happy . Because I m off and you re off and we got the day off .
Mallet : You mean off of work ?
Dinah : Uh - huh .
Mallet : Really .
Dinah : Uh - huh .
Mallet : What s that thing you have in your ear all day ?
Dinah : ( Laughs ) I ve been listening to the radio .
Mallet : You ve been calling the studio .
Dinah : I have not ! You , give me your phone .
Mallet : Do nt break my phone .
Dinah : I wo nt break your phone , but you ve got about 28 texts on here .
Mallet : Hockey .
Dinah : You are not listening to hockey . You are nt .
Mallet : Well , who needs show biz , I do nt need show biz . Do you need show biz ?
Dinah : I do nt .
Mallet : Who needs all that attention , all that constant ego stroking ? I do nt .
Dinah : I hate it .
Mallet : I do , too . ( Cell phone rings ) I ve got to take this . It s work . Mallet . That s not good , when did that happen ? Okay , I ll be right there . No , no , that s fine , I ll be right there . Thanks . I got to go .
Dinah : What is it ? Is it a homicide or a robbery ?
Mallet : Are you asking me as the woman who loves me and who is worried that I might get shot ? Or are you asking me as a rival television personality ?
Dinah : Unbelievable . I care . I care .
Mallet : Okay .
Dinah : Okay .
Mallet : Thank you for caring .
Dinah : Okay . I ll see you .
Mallet : Okay , I ll see you later .
Dinah : Good - bye . Sir , is this what I think it is ?
Bartender : It s an old police scanner .
Dinah : Yeah . Okay . Turn this puppy on .
Lizzie : Good night , Tammy .
Tammy : Good night .
Jonathan : Hey , Lillian is passed out with Sarah in your bed . Kind of sweet .
Lizzie : I hate to wake them up .
Jonathan : Then do nt . You can sleep in my bed , I ll sleep on the couch , I ve got some blankets .
Lizzie : I had a great time tonight .
Jonathan : Yeah , it was something .
Lizzie : I was thinking ...
Jonathan : Uh - oh , do nt hurt yourself .
Lizzie : I was thinking that was really fun , to get out like a real married couple , and I do nt know why it has to stop .
Jonathan : Stop ?
Lizzie : We re husband and wife . Why does the night have to end with you in one room and me in another ? I think that we should be together . Come on , come to my room . I want to be with you .
Jonathan : Lizzie , we ca nt just jump into bed like a bunch of crazy ...
Lizzie : What , married people ?
Jonathan : What if , you know , Sarah wakes up or Lillian ?
Lizzie : I ll try to be quiet .
Jonathan : I meant , what if Sarah needs us ?
Lizzie : She s with nana . Nana is a nurse . What is it , me ? Look , I know that I have a couple of pounds to lose since the baby ...
Jonathan : No , no . Lizzie , you look great . You look great . It s just ...
Lizzie : Just what ?
Tammy : I love you , more than ever . I ca nt even imagine my life without you in it .
Jonathan : It s just late , it s late .
Lizzie : So ? We were together before . Was it so bad ?
Jonathan : No .
Lizzie : Okay . Well , I know that you have needs .
Jonathan : It s okay .
Lizzie : No , it s not okay . Look at me , I am here . And I want to be more than just your baby s mom . I want to give Sarah the family that you never had . You know ? Warm and loving and real .
Jonathan : Yeah , I want Sarah to have a real family , too .
Lizzie : Kids know when their parents are pretending , and I do nt want to pretend anymore . I want you to make love to me . I think it s what we both need .
Dinah : Remember , stay out of sight , let Mallet do his police stuff , and then we re going to swoop in and take the human interest angle .
Doug : Is that a priest ?
Dinah : Yeah . All right , so ...
Mallet : Alright , Father , so , the name of the orphanage again ?
Father Ray : Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow . Fitting , is nt it ?
Mallet : Boy , I ll say . So , once again , no sign of forced entry , but all of the toys are missing from under the Christmas tree .
Mike : Even my basketball . I found all of the wrapping paper off .
Mallet : Really ? I ll tell you what , I m going to get that basketball back for you . I m going to make this case a top priority .
Dinah : If he thinks he is going to one - up me with a tear- jerker story , he s got another thing coming . Okay , zoom in , hurray , get everybody .
Tammy : Okay , I m sorry , I m just really not in the mood for this .
Marina : Trust me . I know what s best for you . Where is that gorgeous little girl ?
Harley : Where do you think , Gus is hogging her as usual .
Gus : You want to see who it is . It s your cousin Marina .
Marina : Hey , Sydney .
Gus : I want to go over there .
Marina : Come here , look who it is . Hi .
Gus : She s eating the camera and she s had the milk .
Marina : Sydney , this is my friend Tammy . Why do nt you hold her ?
Tammy : Oh , she s beautiful .
Lizzie : Jonathan , what are you doing in there , scrubbing all your sins away ? Just kidding . Hey . Hey . Oh , it s cold out here , get under the covers . Why am I on top of the covers ? Music . Hi .
Jonathan : Wow .
Lizzie : Really ? You think ?
Jonathan : Yeah , I think .
Lizzie : Look at what s chilling . It s not champagne . It s beer .
Jonathan : A woman after my own heart . You want one ?
Lizzie : I want you .
Jonathan : Lizzie .
Lizzie : Just wait , just listen , okay . I have been waiting for a night like this , hoping for a night like this . Just think of it as the honeymoon we never had .
Jonathan : You deserve a real honeymoon with someone who is more-- you know , in some tropical setting .
Lizzie : No , no . Okay , I do nt need Paris , and I do nt need Maui . I just need you . You care about me , right ?
Jonathan : Of course I do .
Lizzie : And we made something beautiful together , that little girl .
Jonathan : The best thing I ve ever made .
Lizzie : Me , too , and I love Sarah , more than Roxy , more than anyone . And I have her because of you .
Jonathan : Lizzie ...
Lizzie : Listen , my granddad told me that you were never going to really love me because you ll always want Tammy .
Jonathan : Alan was ...
Lizzie : Listen . I understand what it is like to love someone like that , because that s how I love you .
Jonathan : I know what you want me to say , but I ...
Lizzie : No , you do nt . I will never ask you to stop loving Tammy . I m just asking you to let me love you . I think that in time , as much as you love Sarah , that you ll come to love me , too , just a little bit .
Jonathan : Lizzie , you re not that hard to love .
Lizzie : Really ?
Jonathan : No , not hard at all .
Lizzie : Then show me .
Mallet : Tell you what I m going to do , I m going to take every police officer and put them on this case until every single present is returned .
Kids : Yay !
Father Ray : Okay , guys , let s not get our hopes up too high . The nice policemen s going to do his best , okay ?
Dinah : Boy did this show become a sentimental show . My audience is going to eat this up . You go ahead , you zoom in . We re going to do this better . Zoom in , zoom in .
Jessica : Why is your cameraman hiding ?
Mallet : Hmm ? Where ?
Jessica : There .
Mallet : Well , would you look at that ? That would be my girlfriend and her pesky camera crew . Everybody say , Hi , pesky . Hi , pesky . What are you doing here ?
Dinah : We were passing by .
Mallet : Oh , really ?
Dinah : Mm - mm . We were on our way to cover other story and we noticed you and these sweet children .
Mallet : You re going to have to turn that off because this is official police business .
Dinah : Well , that did nt stop you and The Law from taping it . You know , this is a human interest story , and it belongs on my show . How about you kids being on a real TV show , you think you would like that ?
Kids : Yeah !
Dinah : Yeah , now who is the best crier of the bunch ?
Tammy : Wow , she s so much bigger than ...
Marina : She is not supposed to make you think of Jonathan s baby .
Tammy : Sorry . She is beautiful Harley .
Harley : Thank you . I wish I could take credit for that . Look at her face . I love when she makes that face .
Tammy : Sarah makes the same ...
Gus : She likes the camera . There you go .
Tammy : You take her . Thank you for letting me hold her . I think I should probably ... I should probably go .
Harley : Okay . Look , look ... I feel so bad for her .
Marina : Yeah . Um , Coop ? Do nt leave without saying good- bye , please .
Coop : You re leaving already ?
Marina : Yeah . I have some business I have to take care of .
Coop : Okay , all right .
Marina : Bye , best friend .
Coop : Bye .
Tammy : Bye .
Zach : Can I put this under the tree ?
Harley : Sure , who is that for ?
Zach : Sydney , so she wo nt feel bad .
Gus : Why would she feel bad ?
Zach : About not being a real kid .
Harley : ( Laughs ) Well , that is very sweet . But just because somebody is adopted does nt mean that mommy and daddy love them less than any other kids .
Ava : I was adopted .
Zach : You were ?
Ava : I was . And my mom , the lady who adopted me , she loved me very , very much .
Zach : What happened to your real parents ?
Coop : Zach , that does nt matter now .
Ava : I just got to know who my real parents are .
Zach : Do you love them ?
Ava : Well , I probably would nt have chosen them , if I had a choice , but I guess I m just getting to know them .
Zach : Maybe you ll get to know them by next Christmas .
Ava : Maybe .
Coop : Zach , I tell you what , you do nt have to worry about that . I m going to make sure that Ava has a Christmas to remember in England .
Alan - Michael : Seems like a long way to go for eggnog and cookies . But hey , I guess Coop knows what s best for you . Where s my niece ?
Gus : She s right here .
Alan - Michael : How is she doing ?
Gus : Good .
Alan - Michael : Look at that face . You get prettier every time I see you . Yeah . You realize I m already mapping out her future at the company .
Gus : Yeah ? Well , I think she is going to be a biophysicist or a doctor .
Alan - Michael : Oh , really ?
Gus : Yeah , yeah .
Harley : Hello . Hey , Mel , I m assuming you re calling with adoption news . How did I know that was going to happen ?
Beth : Here you are . I want to know what you ve been up to tonight .
Alan : Beth , you re going to have to learn to trust me . I ve been doing a little match making .
Beth : Between whom ?
Alan : Jonathan and Tammy .
Beth : Oh , Alan .
Alan : Elizabeth is not going to leave him until she realizes what a louse he truly is .
Beth : And just how do you intend on making her realize that ?
Alan : I happen to know that they re not sleeping together . And why is that ? Because he s in love with another woman , Tammy . So all we have to do is kind of nudge him in that direction .
Beth : No . I wo nt let you do this . This is wrong .
Alan : Beth , you lost your moral high ground in a hotel room , remember ? You ll play along .
Tammy : You should go back to Harley s and spend more time with Coop .
Marina : Not until you tell me what in the world is going on between you and Jonathan . We ll take two beers , please . And you can keep them coming . Thanks . I thought seeing that baby was going to make you happy .
Tammy : It did .
Marina : Oh , please , no , stop smiling so much . You re really starting to frighten me .
Tammy : It s just that Sydney reminded me of Jonathan s little girl .
Marina : I know .
Tammy : I know how much Jonathan wants to be a good dad . That s why I feel so guilty .
Marina : Guilty ? What in the world do you have to feel guilty about ? You gave the guy up , right ?
Tammy : I did , until tonight .
Lizzie : Jonathan , look , I m not trying to pressure you . Come here . I m not going to pounce on you . I just want to help you feel relaxed with me . We could just hold each other .
Jonathan : Yeah , yeah .
Lizzie : We ll make a rule , okay ? No touching , just holding .
Jonathan : Lizzie , wait . I really have to tell you something .
Marcy Rylan , Inside The Light . If I was nt an actor , I would be going to law school . Secret about myself ? I m terrified of interviews . See Lizzie , Wednesday , December 20 , Inside The Light .
Lizzie : You have no idea how much that means to me . We re going to be there forever .
Jonathan : Yeah . Look , you ve been really honest with me tonight , and that s great . And I want to do the same , okay ?
Lizzie : Okay .
Jonathan : You re very important to me . And you look hot , hot in your ... you know , whatever you call it .
Lizzie : Nightie .
Jonathan : Yeah . I do nt want to be with you just because we have a marriage license , you know , or just because you want me to .
Lizzie : I m okay with that .
Jonathan : No , you re not . No , you re not . You want me to mean it , and I m going to have to do that on my own time in my own way .
Lizzie : Oh ! Why do you have to pick tonight to become so damned honest ?
Jonathan : You want a real marriage . So do I. It s just not going to happen overnight .
Lizzie : Or ever .
Jonathan : Lizzie , you know me . If I did nt care about you , I would pin you to this bed and you would nt leave it for a week . Yeah . But I care . I do care .
Lizzie : Great .
Jonathan : Stop it . I want this to be right . And you know , I can offer you something even better than sex .
Lizzie : What s better than sex ? This better be good .
Jonathan : Fully inverted forks . Ready to rip .
Lizzie : That is so hot .
Jonathan : Yeah .
Lizzie : You re really going to let me ride on the back ?
Jonathan : You re my wife . We share everything , right ?
Lizzie : Right , let s go .
Jonathan : Hold on . Come here . Fix your hair . There we go . Got to make sure nothing happens to Sarah s mom .
Lizzie : You re such a safe driver .
Jonathan : Ha !
Lizzie : Jonathan , you are , right ?
Jonathan : I think so , I do nt know . Hop on and find out .
Lizzie : Oh , great ! ( Laughs )
Jonathan : You ve got to hold on .
Lizzie : Okay .
Jonathan : Tighter , tighter . There you go . ( Motorcycle engine roars )
Tammy : Okay , look , it s not like Jonathan and I meant to make love in the barn , it just happened .
Marina : Right , your bodies just smacked into each other .
Tammy : I swear , it happened like that , okay ? One minute he s telling me to leave him alone , and the next ... being with him again , it was everything . I mean , we were together again .
Marina : What happened after ?
Tammy : He went home with Lizzie .
Marina : His wife .
Tammy : Yeah .
Marina : And he left you in the barn to pick the hay out of your sweater .
Tammy : Okay , it was nt like that . I do nt know what it means .
Marina : Tammy , it means that you re completely out of your mind . Look at what you re doing to yourself . You re driving yourself absolutely insane . You ve been depressed all night . You keep checking that phone every 3.2 seconds , praying he is going to call you .
Tammy : Okay , I m not praying .
Marina : Jonathan is a grown man with a wife and a kid .
Tammy : I know .
Marina : And it s probably going to stay like that , all right ? So if you just sit around for the rest of your life waiting ...
Tammy : I ll be the other woman .
Marina : No , you ll be a sucker . Tammy , I was in your shoes , okay ? I know what it s like . And I could have waited for Danny to choose me over Michelle and the baby . But you know what ? I did nt want that . I did nt want that for him . I did nt want it for them , and above all , to be honest , I really did nt want it for myself .
Tammy : Okay , but Jonathan does nt want to be with Lizzie . He wants to be with me . He only married her for Sarah .
Marina : I know all of that . But you need a friend here who s going to actually ask you all the questions that no one else will . How is this going to work ? Not for Jonathan or Lizzie , but for you ?
Tammy : I do nt know .
Marina : Do you think that he ll leave Lizzie and the baby ?
Tammy : I do nt know .
Marina : Do you want him to ?
Tammy : I do nt know . I ... I do nt know . I do nt know !
Mallet : Okay , okay , come on . Enough , enough . I called for backup . You re going to have to pack up this traveling little circus here and move on or I m going to have to ...
Dinah : Or what ? What are you going to do ? You going to arrest us just for me helping a priest and some kids get some toys back ?
Father Ray : Come on guys , it s Christmas .
Dinah : You know what , tell scrooge that . He does nt want to share .
Mallet : Excuse me , fair lady , but I m trying to investigate a theft , okay , and you re impeding upon my police business here .
Dinah : Fine . Go ahead , arrest me , handcuff me to a wall .
Mike : Wow .
Jessica : Cool .
Dinah : Yeah , Doug , start rolling . My show is going to be number one , and it s going to kick your butt off the schedule .
Mallet : Okay ... stop . This is nt about doing television shows . This is about solving a crime .
Dinah : The only crime would be is if your show won over mine .
Father Ray : Mikey , what are you doing ?
Mike : Betting to see if she goes down or not .
Father Ray : Give me that . Guys , it s late . I better get the kids back . But thank you . Both of you , thanks .
Mallet : Father , I ll call you the minute I have anything .
Father ray : Great , you do that . Please , come on .
Dinah : Okay , Doug , we re still rolling ?
Doug : Rolling .
Dinah : Okay , ready ? Hi , I m Dinah Marler , your Light On Springfield , bringing to you a tragic story of loss . Someone stole all of the presents from a children s orphanage here in town today . There are some sad , sad children here tonight , as you can see . But what I m asking you to do is to do something that the police ca nt : To find the toys . Please , do nt let somebody steal Christmas from these poor , poor children .
Mallet : She s laying it on a bit thick , do nt you think ?
Dinah : Officer Mallet is in over his head . You need to help him help the kids . Please give him a call at 555 - 1212 . This is his personal cell phone number . He wants you to have it . Please share any information you have at all . Call us with any sort of tip . Thank you . Anything to give joy to the children , right Detective Mallet ?
Mallet : Uh - huh .
Gus : Yeah , you re losing a personal assistant , but look at it this way : You re gaining a niece , huh ?
Harley : This is bad , Mel . What am I supposed to tell Gus ?
Alan - Michael : She is a heartbreaker . When you re old enough , I ll tell you how to handle guys .
Gus : Yeah , guys like you .
Alan - Michael : Me ?
Gus : Yeah , you .
Alan - Michael : I ve lost my touch . Ava s leaving .
Coop : Oh , Alan - Michael , you do nt have to take that personally . She just got a better offer .
Ava : I am going to miss the job , though , all of the excitement at Spaulding .
Alan - Michael : You could always stay .
Coop : Nope , she s going .
Alan - Michael : Hey , I know when I m beat . I ll e - mail you some numbers , friends and contacts I ve made over there . If you ever need help , you can use my name .
Coop : Thanks , but we re actually looking forward to doing this on our own .
Alan - Michael : It must be exciting to start over without anything to bind you back here .
Gus : Who was that on the phone ?
Harley : It was Mel .
Gus : Is everything going okay with the adoption hearing ?
Harley : Yeah , they scheduled the hearing .
Gus : Oh . That s good , right ?
Harley : Judge Green is taking over the case .
Gus : Stop it .
Harley : Yeah , he thinks we kind of got off easy at the original custody hearing . You want to know what he told Mel ?
Gus : No . But go ahead .
Harley : Now they ll have to deal with me .
Marina : I do nt mean to make this worse . Really , I do nt , but the more you hang out with Jonathan , the more you re going to want to hang out with Jonathan , you know ? And if you do nt settle this somehow ... ( cell phone rings ) Sorry , hold on . Cooper . He s ... what ? Where ? All right . Backup . I ve got to go . Are you going to be okay ?
Tammy : Yeah , go ahead .
Marina : Hug ?
Tammy : Thanks .
Marina : You ll be okay .
Lizzie : ( Laughs ) Okay . So it was amazing . I do nt know about better than sex , but it was ...
Alan - Michael : So this judge , whatever his name is ...
Harley : Judge Green .
Alan Michael : ... He s got it in for you ?
Gus : Yeah . I just ca nt believe that anybody would use a baby to settle a score .
Harley : He hates you .
Alan - Michael : Look , I ll do whatever I can to help . Spaulding s at your disposal , whatever you need .
Gus : Thank you . Appreciate it .
Ava : Wish I could help out , too , any way I could support .
Coop : Yeah , Harley , if really need us ...
Harley : You know how you can help us ? You can go to England safely . We can handle a cranky old judge by ourselves . Do nt worry about it .
Coop : Okay , all right . You guys are going to win this .
Gus : We better .
Ava : Do nt worry , little baby . Nobody s going to take you away from the people who love you .
Harley : Speaking of away , you guys should go .
Coop : Oh , yes , away , we need to go .
Ava : Speaking of away , yeah , okay .
Alan - Michael : Have a great flight .
Ava : Thanks .
Alan - Michael : Look , if I do nt get a chance to see you again before you leave , good luck .
Ava : Thanks for everything .
Alan - Michael : You re welcome .
Gus : Who d ever thought we d get a Christmas present like you , huh ?
Harley : Tell me everything will be okay .
Alan - Michael : It will be .
Dinah : Doug , we ve got to get that footage on air , okay ? Call me as soon as you get out of edit .
Doug : Gotcha .
Dinah : Thanks .
Mallet : Yeah , those poor , poor children . Are you interested in those children or are you interested in better ratings ?
Dinah : Oh , and you are ?
Mallet : Well , I m not obsessed with being a celebrity like you are .
Dinah : Oh , please .
Mallet : Here is the deal : My show serves a purpose .
Dinah : Oh , really ?
Mallet : Yeah . Gives the general public confidence in its local police .
Dinah : I think what your show does is give female viewers the hots when they see your hunky cops dress up in their uniform .
Mallet : That means you kind of think I m hot .
Dinah : En fuego hot . Muy caliente .
Marina : Hold it ! Stand down . Office has the situation under control .
Alan : So , do we understand each other ?
Beth : Sure . I understand that you re willing to break Lizzie s heart in order to get your hands on her baby .
Alan : She s young . Her heart will mend soon . Besides , it s not like Jonathan loves her back .
Beth : Well , I think he will come around if we give him a chance .
Alan : We are saving Elizabeth from herself . That is why we re doing something drastic , to pry her loose from his hold .
Beth : Has it ever occurred to you , Alan , that maybe what Lizzie wants-- what any woman wants-- is to be loved and appreciated , not controlled by anyone , no matter how noble his motives ?
Alan : No .
Jonathan : Hey .
Tammy : Hi .
Lizzie : I thought you d be at your mom s helping clean up .
Tammy : Yeah . Well , I had to get out of there . That party was kind of a little much .
Lizzie : We decided to keep our night going . Nana is watching Sarah , so Jonathan took me for a ride on his bike .
Tammy : I did nt realize you liked motorcycles .
Lizzie : You know , I did nt realize I liked a lot of things until Jonathan showed me how .
Jonathan : Are you here by yourself ?
Tammy : I was with Marina , but she got called into work .
Lizzie : My hair must be such a mess .
Jonathan : A little messy .
Lizzie : I m going to go check it . I ll be right back .
Jonathan : Okay . Being with you tonight was like ...
Tammy : We have to talk about that , Jonathan . About what it meant , and when I can see you again .
Lizzie : Okay , so it just hit me . Why does it matter how messy my hair is when it s just going to get messier , right ?
Jonathan : Right .
Lizzie : Okay , let s hit the road .
Zach : Who gave us this ?
Gus : Your uncle Alan - Michael brought it over from the Spaulding house . The big house .
Harley : Just been careful , honey , because those pieces are really old . That s the daddy . The one you re touching is the mommy . And look at the cute little baby .
Zach : Where s the brother ?
Harley : There s no brother .
Zach : Why not ?
Harley : Honey ?
Gus : Because he has a play date , that s why .
Harley : He has a play date . Why do nt you be one of the wise men ? You can be one of these guys because you re very , very wise .
Zach : Okay , that one .
Harley : An angel ?
Zach : To watch over Sydney .
Gus : Wow , that s perfect because that s what this house needs . It needs a little guardian angel about ye high , right ?
Harley : Right .
Coop : You re remembering something ?
Ava : Yeah , my mom . She loved Christmas trees . We had one every year . And we decorated it with pine cones and shiny ornaments , and it had a big wishing star on top .
Coop : And what did you wish for ?
Ava : Well , sometimes I wished for a little sister , which is really weird . Because after all this time , my wish finally came true . Only I m not spending Christmas with her .
Coop : Right . I ll tell you what , Ava , how about when we get to England , I will buy you the biggest Christmas tree we can find ? We ll get all those decorations and we ll get some pine cones . We throw it up on there and then you can take that wishing star and you can be the one to put it on top of the tree . How does that sound ?
Ava : I like that .
Coop : You like that ?
Ava : Yes .
Coop : Good .
Ava : Okay .
Lizzie : You were so right . That bike ride was such a turn on . It was like sharing something so personal and so intimate . It just makes this moment even more special . Have yourself a merry little Christmas let your heart be light from now on our troubles will be out of sight have yourself a merry little Christmas make the yuletide gay from now on our troubles will be far away here we are , as in olden days , happy golden days of yore faithful friends who are dear to us gather near to us once more through the years we all will be together if the fates allow hang a shining star upon the highest bough and have yourself a merry little Christmas night .
Next , on Guiding Light .
Tammy : I m not the one who cheated . I m just the other woman . Jonathan and I made love . It was nt just some roll in the ... Remy , hot , smart , fun , super thoughtful , no wives or babies . You already know he s into you . What are you waiting for ? We re meant to be . Now there s a cliché I do nt mind . I m not the other woman . I was there first .
### Summary:
| The Cooper family gets ready for Christmas pictures . Mallet and Dinah have some fun until he gets a call . Dinah spots a small hand held police scanner . Lizzie and Jonathan are home , and Lizzie wants to make love . Jonathan thinks back to making love with Tammy . Mallet s call was about 2 kids in need of Christmas . Marina brings Tammy over to see Harley and Gus new addition . Lizzie is pretending she is having a romantic time with Jonathan . Alan and Beth have a fight over Lizzie and Jonathan . Beth says she will not go with any plan of Alan s , until he threatens her .. Marina and Tammy have a talk about Jonathan . Jonathan says to Lizzie he cares for her . Marina gives Tammy advice about Jonathan . Beth and Alan still argue over Jonathan and Lizzie . Tammy runs into Jonathan and Lizzie , who makes it like she and Jonathan are going home to make more love .. Ava talks to Coop about Christmas . At home , Jonathan and Lizzie share a tender moment with their daughter while in bed . While the song , Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas is being sung , it shows the cast getting ready for Christmas . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Eve : You have to know how wrong it would be , Chad .
Ivy : It s not only wrong , it s disgusting . The very idea of it is repulsive ! And what about the baby Whitney ? She is having Fox s baby !
Chad : Of course not . I know they re having a child together . I just want to be part of her life .
Father Lonigan : But this is not the way , Chad , no matter how much you believe you could suppress your feelings for your sister . If you were living together , seeing each other every day , over time the temptation would become too great and you would give in to it . You can not do that , not to Whitney and to not to yourself . If you do , you could be destroying your own lives . You must let go of this . You must let go of wanting to be with Whitney , your sister .
Chad : I m sorry , Father . I ca nt . I ca nt let go of Whitney .
Beth : Oh --
Mrs. Wallace : Well , if it is nt sleeping beauty . Did you have a nice rest ?
Beth : Oh , my head .
Mrs. Wallace : Well , yeah . Those sleeping pills of mine really pack quite a wallop , do nt they ? Especially when you take as many as you put in Sheridan s tea .
Beth : Ugh , that s right , the tea .
Mrs. Wallace : Every last drop .
Beth : Damn you , Mother . If you had nt interfered , Sheridan would be dead . You had Precious switch the tea so I would drink Sheridan s .
Mrs. Wallace : You know , you d think you would be thankful that I just saved you from going to the big house because this plan of yours , you know , to kill Sheridan and make it look like a suicide ? Crazy ! And you would have been caught for sure .
Beth : No , I would nt . It was -- it was a perfect plan .
Mrs. Wallace : Perfect ? What if the tea did nt kill her ? What if it just made her sick , just like it did you , huh ? Hmm ?
Beth : Mother , I knew there were sleeping pills in that tea , so I forced myself to throw up . She would nt have known to do that . If you would ve kept your meddling self out of this , Sheridan would be dead by now .
Ethan : Sam , are you telling me there s no trace ? There s no trace of the plane that Gwen and the baby were on ?
Sam : No . Look , I m sorry . It s like it just disappeared .
Sheridan : My mother was on that plane , too .
Theresa : See , it could nt have just disappeared . It has to be somewhere .
Sam : Theresa , I m sorry .
Sheridan : Oh god . My mother .
Martin : Oh , Katherine .
Sam : Look , I know it s hard , but there s nothing more I can do .
Theresa : No , there has to be something that you can do . You can find the plane . You can find my baby . She s your granddaughter . I could lose her , Chief Bennett . I ca nt .
Fox : Chad , come on , man . Listen , what the hell s the matter with you , huh ? Whitney s your sister . All right , you heard him . It s a sin to want to be with her . Not to mention the fact that it s disgusting .
Chad : Well , I do nt see it that way .
Ivy : Well , that is obvious , Chad , but that does nt make it right .
Chad : Look , all I m asking is for the chance for Whitney and I to live the life that we dreamed about .
Father Lonigan : That s impossible . You know that .
Chad : It s not impossible , Father . We did nt find out we shared the same mother until after we fell in love . You know , we had this wonderful life planned . All I want is a chance for us to live that life . I know it ll mean sacrifices . And I know we ca nt be lovers . We could still be best friends , and I can help you raise the child .
Fox : Hey , watch it over there , ok ? That s my kid you re talking about .
Ivy : You know , I just -- I ca nt listen to this anymore .
Eve : No , I ca nt either .
Tabitha : Oh . Oh , my , my , Endora . This kind of high tragedy does nt come along very often , unfortunately .
Father Lonigan : Chad , there is evil out there , just waiting to bring pain and tragedy to others . If you and Whitney do as you propose , you will be leaving yourselves wide open to that evil .
Tabitha : And I for one could nt be more pleased .
Father Lonigan : Even now I sense that evil is very close .
Tabitha : That old priest may be blind as a bat , but he has a radar that never fails to detect me .
Father Lonigan : Chad , I can not force you to change your mind . God has given us all free will . But I will pray that you and Whitney do the right thing . I hope that you will pray , as well , Chad . Yes , pray for god s strength to keep you from making a terrible mistake , one that could destroy not only you and Whitney , but also those who love you .
Sheridan : Sam , there must be something more that you can do .
Sam : Look , Sheridan , I m sorry . I m working with every air - tracking system in the country , and they ca nt even track the plane .
Luis : So there was no trace of an explosion ?
Pilar : Like -- like the plane that exploded when Antonio was on it ?
Luis : I m sorry . I did nt mean to bring it up .
Pilar : It s ok , mijo . I ve been thinking about it , too .
Theresa : No , no , that ca nt be true .
Sam : Look , there s been no report of any explosion . And the plane was definitely one of Alistair s jets . The pilot s turned off all communication devices , and I suspect he s loaded the plane with some high - tech device , something that would prevent radar from picking it up .
Sheridan : Oh , god .
Sam : I m sorry , Sheridan .
Luis : Sheridan , I m really sorry .
Sheridan : Look , you know what ? Do nt even pretend like you care because I know that you wanted my mother gone .
Luis : Sheridan , I never wanted anything horrible to happen to Katherine .
Sheridan : Do nt lie , Luis . I know that you hated my mother . You re happy that she s gone . Now you got what you wanted , so just leave me alone !
Luis : No , Sheridan -- Sheridan --
Sam : Hey , hey , Luis , Luis , just let her go , ok ? She does nt want to listen to what you have to say right now . Just give her some time , ok ? She loves you . Look , everything will work out , all right ?
Luis : Yeah .
Sam : Look , let s go get some air .
Ethan : We ca nt give up hope . We ca nt . We ll find our baby .
Pilar : Theresa , hey , Ethan is right . Your baby will be found .
Theresa : She s gone . Our baby is gone .
Ethan : Do nt -- do nt say that . She s not gone . She s not gone . We re going to find her . But there s nothing else we can do here . There s nothing we can do , so why do nt I take you home , ok ?
Pilar : Yeah , good . That s a good idea , Ethan . You go home , mija . I ll be there soon , ok ? Bye .
Theresa : Bye , Mama .
Rebecca : Good girl , Gwen . You and that baby get as far away as you can get . I ll deal with your husband and that little tramp .
Pilar : Losing someone you love is painful , is nt it , Martin ?
Martin : Pilar , not now .
Pilar : I can see how your heart is broken over losing Katherine . I wonder , though , if the pain that you re feeling now , this agony you re feeling over losing your precious Katherine , is anything like the pain I felt when you left me . Is it anything like the pain my children felt when their father abandoned them ? Are you hurting , hmm ? Are you hurting , Martin , like you caused us to hurt for all these years ?
Pilar : Are you hurting , Martin , as much as you hurt us ? I mean , I wonder .
Martin : Pilar , please .
Pilar : Please ? What , please do nt enjoy my pain , Pilar ? I m sorry , but I am enjoying it . Katherine is gone . Your mistress is gone . Your pretend wife has left you . And I did nt want to say it before in front of Theresa , but that plane is nt going to be found .
Martin : Do nt say that . Theresa s baby -- she has to be found .
Pilar : God will decide if Theresa sees her baby again . But your Katherine ? Your precious Katherine has decided that you will never see her again . She s a strong woman , Martin , with money of her own . So if she s decided to just disappear , she ll do it . And Alistair will make it possible that you never see her again .
Martin : Yes , you re right .
Pilar : How does it feel ? Tell me , how does it feel to lose a relationship that meant so much to you ? For it to end just like that ? At least she had the decency to leave you a note , which is something you never did for me .
Martin : I know , and I m sorry . But --
Pilar : Martin , at least you know why Katherine left you . But I do nt know why you left me . I still do nt know after all these years . I do nt know . That s something she gave you but you never gave me .
Sheridan : Holy mother , please help me . I m just not sure that I m strong enough to deal with this . I feel like I ve spent my whole life in mourning -- first for my mother when I was a child and I thought she d died , then for my baby , and now I ve lost my mother again . I just do nt know how to do this anymore .
Father Lonigan : Who s that ? Who s here ?
Sheridan : It s Sheridan , Father Lonigan .
Father Lonigan : Sheridan . I sense you re very worried . Would you like to talk about it ?
Sheridan : No . It s -- it s just so much pain , I do nt think that I can .
Father Lonigan : Of course . I wo nt insist . But talking might help .
Sheridan : You know , I do nt think that it will . There s just too much pain , and so many people that I love are suffering .
Father Lonigan : I heard your mother was on the missing plane .
Sheridan : I m losing my family , Father Lonigan . You know , first I thought Ethan was my nephew , then I find out he is nt . Now I ve lost my best friend , Gwen , and my mother chose to get on that plane and leave me again , and how could she do that to me ?
Father Lonigan : Did she tell you why she was leaving ?
Sheridan : She knew that Luis hated her , and she said she was leaving because she did nt want to come between us . And I just -- I took it all out on Luis . I said some very hurtful things to him .
Father Lonigan : I m sure he understood you were speaking from your pain . Luis loves you very much .
Sheridan : And I love him . But he just does nt understand . If I forgive my mother , he ll be hurt . When I talk about my baby , he does nt believe me . He just does nt listen to me , and I feel like I m caught in the middle --
Father Lonigan : Wait , Sheridan . What is it about your baby that Luis does nt believe ?
Sheridan : That he s alive .
Father Lonigan : You think your baby is alive ?
Sheridan : I know he is . I know that my baby is alive .
Beth : Marty ! What are you doing up ? Mother , I thought he was sound asleep .
Mrs. Wallace : Well , I guess you were making so much noise in your shower , you woke him up .
Beth : Oh , you woke up just to see your mommy , did nt you ?
Mrs. Wallace : Oh -- is Sheridan here ?
Beth : Mother , I told you , you got to stop talking like that . He s getting older . He understands most of what we say .
Mrs. Wallace : He is never going to understand this mess , uh - uh .
Beth : Come here , baby . Come on . Let s go up to bed again , ok ? Yeah .
Mrs. Wallace : Bye - bye , little man ! Sweet dreams .
Mrs. Wallace : Ah .
Beth : Mother , I mean it . You can not talk like that in front of Marty anymore .
Mrs. Wallace : What difference does it make , huh ? The truth is going to come out any day now that Sheridan is his real mommy .
Beth : No , it wo nt .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , yes , it will . Sure it will . She is convinced . She is going to prove it .
Beth : It s not going to happen . I came up with a brilliant plan in the shower . Sheridan s going to die . It s going to look like a suicide .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh --
Beth : She s going to be d - e - a - d , dead .
Eve : I feel sick .
Julian : I understand .
Eve : This is a nightmare , Julian . Our children ca nt be together . This is wrong .
Julian : We just have to hope that Father Lonigan s words get through to Chad .
Eve : Yes , but it s not just up to Chad . I mean , what if Whitney wants it , too ?
Julian : Well , I ca nt believe she would think that way .
Eve : Well , I m afraid she does . I think she s actually thinking about it . She s -- she s not even repulsed about the thought of being with her own brother .
Julian : I just ca nt believe that s true .
Eve : No , I can see it in her eyes . And she said that she had feelings for Chad . Now , in spite of all the horror that she feels about being pregnant with her own brother s baby and all the pain she s in , she still has nt said no to his proposal .
Julian : Yeah , but she will . She ca nt seriously consider that it ll work to live with Chad . And Fox is nt going to take this lying down . He believes the baby she s carrying is his , and he s committed to marrying her .
Eve : But what if she -- what if she chooses Chad instead ?
Fox : You know , I ca nt even believe Chad would think of something like this . I mean , what in that brain of his makes him think that I would even let Whitney go live with him ? I mean , I know he s my half brother and everything , but it s completely out of the question .
Ivy : Fox , I m not sure you re going to be able to tell Whitney what to do . Look , I know this is upsetting , but I m afraid if you come on too strongly , then the whole thing is going to backfire and make everything much worse .
Fox : Make everything worse ? Mother , we are at the threshold of hell . How are things going to get any worse ?
Ivy : I think you know the answer to that . I mean , you saw how Whitney hesitated when Chad asked her how she felt .
Fox : You know , I do nt -- Mom , she s confused , all right ? She s upset . She s confused .
Ivy : Yes , but she has nt exactly said no , now , has she ?
Fox : She s in shock , all right ? You know , who would ve thought something like this would happen ? She s in shock .
Ivy : Fox , honey , I think that you need to prepare yourself for the worst -- I mean , the very horrifying possibility that Whitney might say yes to Chad and go and live with him .
Tabitha : Oh , Endora , would nt it be wonderful ? A brother and sister choosing to be in a relationship ? Oh , that would be so vile and hideous , even this old witch s skin would crawl . Yeah .
Chad : Whitney ? What were you thinking about ? Please , tell me what you were thinking .
Pilar : At least you know why Katherine left you . She gave you a reason , which is something you never gave me .
Martin : I m sorry , Pilar .
Pilar : She gave you something else , you know . Your freedom . A divorce from your fake marriage . She gave you her permission to move on .
Martin : Yes , I know .
Pilar : These are the divorce papers that you gave me too many years too late -- after I waited for you , I prayed for you , I saved myself for you all these years !
Martin : I know , and I m sorry .
Pilar : I have been carrying these papers around that you gave me to sign . Here . Here they are , Martin .
Martin : What are you doing ?
Pilar : You are my husband . Do you hear me ? God joined us together , and by heaven , no lawyer will ever tear us apart !
Ethan : I checked on little Ethan . He s sound asleep . I made the best tea in the world . Might help .
Theresa : Nothing s going to help , not as long as Jane s missing .
Ethan : I know . I -- I m feeling that , too .
Theresa : Ethan ? When Gwen and Rebecca took little Ethan from me , I felt like my heart was ripped out . But I knew where he was . I do nt know where Jane is . I do nt know how she s doing . I do nt know if she s cold , if she s scared . I do nt know if we re going to see her again .
Ethan : Stop . We have to have faith .
Theresa : Well , I want to . But I do nt know if I can . I just want her back .
Ethan : I know you do . We just have to have hope , that s all .
Theresa : Yeah . That s all we have .
Ethan : No , no , that s not all we have . We have each other .
Luis : I just wish that Sheridan would talk to me . All I want to do is help her , you know ?
Sam : Look , like I said , just give her some time .
Luis : You should ve heard the things that she said to me . The things she accused me of .
Sam : She did nt mean it . Look , she s just not herself . When a person is in that kind of pain , they -- they say and do things they d never normally say or do .
Luis : Yeah .
Father Lonigan : Sheridan , your baby died in the kidnapper s car when it went over the cliff .
Sheridan : No . No , he did nt , Father . Look , I do nt know how it happened , but he did nt die . Maybe he was nt in the car . But he s alive . I know that he is .
Father Lonigan : He ?
Sheridan : Yes . I had a son . I remember .
Father Lonigan : Sheridan , in our grief , sometimes we imagine things to be true . You are feeling a great deal of loss , and so out of desperation you cling to the belief that your child is still alive .
Sheridan : No . He is alive , Father . I know that he is .
Father Lonigan : Let me call Luis to come here . We can talk .
Sheridan : No , please do nt do that because Luis does nt believe me either , and he wo nt listen . I just do nt know what to do anymore . I m losing everyone that I love , and I ca nt go on this way .
Father Lonigan : Sheridan , I m worried about you . Let me call Luis .
Sheridan : No , please , Father . Thank you for listening , but I have to leave now .
Father Lonigan : Sheridan !
Martin : What -- what are you doing , Pilar ?
Pilar : I am telling you that there will be no divorce . We took vows before god in a church , and you ve turned your back on those vows long enough !
Martin : Pilar , listen to me --
Pilar : Your children are in pain , Martin . Their lives are torn apart . It is time that you make up for what you did to them .
Martin : I ve tried to be there for them . They do nt want me .
Pilar : And with good reason , Martin . You need to try to make them want you in their lives , make them want you to help them .
Martin : How can I do that ?
Pilar : I do nt know . I do nt know . Maybe this is your penance for what you did . Maybe you need to crawl to them , humble yourself before your children so that they will let you help them . If you believe that -- that Katherine left you so that you can reconcile with your family , then that s what you should do . You could try to get your old life back , the life that you left behind .
Martin : Are you included in that life , Pilar ?
Luis : Father ? It s Luis . I got your message .
Father Lonigan : Luis , thank you for coming so quickly . I m very worried about Sheridan .
Luis : Did she say where she was going ?
Father Lonigan : No , she did nt , but she s quite upset . She kept talking about the baby you and she lost . She s convinced that the baby is still alive .
Luis : Yeah , I know .
Father Lonigan : She was in a terrible state . I m very worried about what Sheridan might do .
Luis : All right , I m going to go look for her . Thank you , Father .
Father Lonigan : Dear God , please may he not be too late .
Sheridan : I ca nt take this anymore . And I ca nt go home to Luis . I have to find somewhere to go , someone to talk to .
Beth : Well , he s sleeping like an angel .
Mrs. Wallace : Because he is an angel , and he certainly does nt deserve what you re doing to him , keeping him from his real mama .
Beth : Mother , I love that baby more than my life . And he loves me . One day soon his daddy is going to come and we re going to be a happy family .
Mrs. Wallace : Those sleeping pills must ve caused severe brain damage . Luis loves Sheridan . Bethie , there is no way , no way that he s going to come here and be a part of your happy little family .
Beth : I do nt have to worry about Sheridan once she s dead . And I already planted the idea in Luis head that she s suicidal .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh --
Beth : I mean , she is an emotional wreck . It s totally believable that she would do herself in , and I am not going to let you sabotage my plan this time .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , wait a minute . Wait a minute . Is this the plan that worked so brilliantly the last time , huh , when you said you were going to go over to Sheridan s , you were going to kill her , then you were going to drag her off to her cottage , right , and then put some kind of suicide note on her computer ?
Beth : Yeah , it s the same plan --
Mrs. Wallace : Ugh .
Beth : Except she s going to kill herself here . No note . We are going to tell the police that she was so despondent , we were nt surprised .
Mrs. Wallace : You really think that they re going to believe she just sort of popped over here for some tea and then decided to kill herself ?
Beth : Yeah . That s what I think .
Mrs. Wallace : Well , you re wrong . You are never going to be able to pull this off . The only way your harebrained scheme is going to work is if you get her to spend some more time over here , and that he is never , ever going to do .
Tabitha : Well , hello , all . Are we having a party ?
Ivy : A party ? No , and for goodness sakes , what are you doing out at this time of night with a baby , Tabitha ?
Tabitha : Well , Endora was a little fretful tonight , and I did nt want her waking up baby Maria . I m babysitting for Kay tonight . So we came out for a little bit of fresh air . But I must say , I m very happy to see all my neighbors up and about . Single mothers do get lonely sometimes , and a nice cup of coffee with my friends is always a welcome respite .
Ivy : Oh . All right . Well , why do nt you have a seat and I ll make some coffee .
Tabitha : Oh , are you sure it s no trouble ?
Ivy : No , no , not really at all . Fox and I could use a break from all of this . A little distance might be just what we need . Come help me , Fox .
Tabitha : You re going to need more than a little distance when that bomb finally goes off , Ivy dear . You re going to want to be as far away as possible .
Chad : I m not trying to upset you . I did nt do this to cause you any pain , Whitney . I just realized that I could nt go on denying my feelings . I had to say something . I had to let you know that I do nt want to go on without you . I ca nt walk away from what we had , the connection we had . Whitney , we were soul mates .
Whitney : I felt the same way , too .
Chad : I still feel that way , and I ca nt walk away from that . I ca nt be without you . And I need to know if you feel the same way . Do you want to be with me just as much as I want to be with you ?
Eve : Oh , my god .
Julian : Shh , shh , shh . Easy , easy .
Ethan : Listen , we re here for each other and we re going to be right here until we find our little girl , ok ?
Theresa : I really need you because I do nt know what I would do if we lost her .
Ethan : Well , I m here . I m here and I m going to be here .
Theresa : Oh , what was that ?
Ethan : I do nt know . I ll go see .
Theresa : Thanks .
Ethan : Who s here ? You . You re here ?
Martin : Is that what this is all about ? Are you including yourself when you say I should get my old life back ?
Pilar : What I ve realized , Martin , is that this hatred that I have for you , this anger -- it s destroying me , and I have forgotten my beliefs . I have forgotten god s laws , that in order to be forgiven for my sins , I need to forgive first .
Martin : Are you saying that you forgive me now ?
Pilar : I have to try . And you have to find a way for your children to forgive you . You need to do whatever you need to do for them .
Ethan : What are you doing prowling around here in the dark ?
Rebecca : I knew you d be here , Ethan . I mean , what , your wife is on a plane that s disappeared , and where are you , huh ? Right by Theresa s side , just where I knew you d be .
Ethan : Look , I know Gwen is your daughter and that you love her , but she is not well . She has kidnapped our baby .
Rebecca : And I m glad . I hope they never find them .
Ethan : Rebecca , you do nt mean that .
Rebecca : Oh , yes , I do . I do mean it . Oh , Ethan , you are so unworthy of my daughter . And you know , Theresa is not the only one to blame for what s happened to Gwen . No , you are just as much to blame . So shame on you . Shame on you , Ethan .
Theresa : Ethan , please , I need you .
Rebecca : Oh , by all means , go . Go on , run to your little tramp , huh ? Go help the woman who s done nothing but try to destroy your wife . Go on . She needs you .
Fox : I just wish this nightmare would end , you know , and Chad would just move on with his life so that I can move on with my life with Whitney , at least focus on my child , you know ?
Ivy : Yeah . I hope and pray that that happens .
Fox : Well , you do nt actually think that Whitney s -- Mom , you do nt think Whitney s going to go along with this idea , do you ?
Ivy : No . I -- I do nt think so , hon . I mean , I really have to believe that there is nothing in this world that would bring Chad and Whitney back together .
Fox : Ok .
Ivy : Ok .
Chad : Whitney , please say something . If you feel the same way about me , please consider what I m asking . Is there still room in your heart for me ?
Eve : No . No , this ca nt be happening .
Tabitha : I told you it would get better , Endora .
Whitney : Chad , I --
Eve : No . No , you ca nt do this . I wo nt allow it . Whitney , what are you thinking ? Do you want to take the risk of having a second baby with your own brother ?
Father Lonigan : She was in a terrible state . I m very worried about what Sheridan might do .
Luis : All right , I m going to go look for her . Thank you , Father . Damn it , Sheridan . Where are you ?
Luis : Come on , babe , pick up the phone .
Mrs. Wallace : Hey -- oh . You might as well give it up because your stupid plan is not going to work . Nobody s going to believe that she just came over here and decided to kill herself .
Beth : You know , it should nt be a problem to get her to spend more time here . I mean , she s always wanting to spend time with Marty , a lot more than I d like .
Mrs. Wallace : You do know why , do nt you ? Because she thinks Marty is her son ! Oh , I about died when she asked Luis to do that D.N.A. test to prove it .
Beth : Well , so did I.
Mrs. Wallace : Tell me about it . Your face went three shades of purple . You know something ? You , missy , are so lucky that Luis still believes that his baby is dead .
Beth : Well , that s the way it s going to stay , Mother . Once Sheridan s dead , Luis will come around to loving me , and he s going to want to be with his son .
Mrs. Wallace : Ah , is nt that a sweet dream ? But you re never going to be able to pull it off , Bethie . You are never going to be able to kill Sheridan and make it look like a suicide because she s never going to come over here .
Beth : Oh . Sheridan .
Sheridan : Hey . Beth , may -- may I come in ?
Beth : Yeah .
Sheridan : Thanks .
Beth : Ahem . Are you all right ? You look really upset .
Sheridan : I am . I am . I m really sorry for -- for just stopping in like this , but I -- you know , I ca nt go home because I do nt want to see Luis , and I have nowhere else to go . Do you think I could stay here tonight ?
Beth : Yeah , of course you can ! You stay as long as you want , ok ?
Sheridan : Thank you .
### Summary:
| Chad is still trying to get Whitney to tell him what she wants to do , be with him or stay with Fox . Everyone else is upset that not even Father Lonigan can talk him out of his idea , except for Tabitha , who thinks it s delightfully evil and vile . Eve gets so upset she lets the cat out of the bag . Sam tells everyone that there is nothing more he can do to find the Crane jet carrying Katherine and Jane , so they are gone forever . Rebecca loves it , Theresa and Sheridan cry about it , and Ethan tries to be strong for Theresa s sake . Luis tries , too , but Sheridan wants to have nothing to do with him . Pilar finds Martin s soft spot and just keeps poking it , asking how it feels to have the one you love leave you high and dry , adding that at least Katherine left him a note with her reasons for leaving on it . She decides she needs to try to forgive him , however , and tells him he needs to get the children to do the same somehow . Beth still wants Sheridan dead and has a plan , and the blond ditz runs right into her trap . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Victoria : You worked on christmas eve . & Now you have to work on new year s eve , too ?
Billy : Look , there s nothing I can do about it . There s an executive coming in from chicago , and he wants to meet .
Chance : I do nt suppose your new year s resolution would be to stop harassing me about vegas .
Phyllis : You mean stop searching for your deep , dark secret ?
Nick : So adam tells you he still loves you . He s put all his cards on the table . There s no more being polite , no more rules , no limits as to what he s gon na do to try and get you back .
Chelsea : It does nt matter how he feels . I m with you . I want you .
Nick : I ca nt forget who we re dealing with here and what he s capable of .
Chelsea : I ca nt do this . Not now , not ever . I have a party to get to .
Adam : Wait , abby s new year s bash at society ?
Chelsea : Oh , you better not go . Do nt you dare crash that party .
Adam : I do nt have to crash it . I m invited .
Abby : [ Gasps ]
Victor : Well , well , well !
Abby : Ah ! Happy new year !
Nikki : Hi , honey !
Victor : Come here , come here .
Abby : Oh , my goodness ! You look stunning !
Nikki : Oh , thank you . It looks beautiful in here .
Victor : Gorgeous . Gorgeous .
Abby : Thank you ! I had such a blast planning and decorating . I just want this to be an unforgettable night .
Victor : Well . I bet , you are bringing the abbotts and the newmans together in the same room , same night . That s quite an accomplishment , really .
Abby : All right , this is neutral territory . You are all my family . And I think we can hit the pause button on the rivalry and enjoy saying adios to 2019 together .
Victor : Hello , kyle , my boy .
Kyle : Sounds like an excellent plan . Victor , nikki , it s good to see you both .
Abby : And what about me ?
Kyle : I was saving the best for last .
Abby : Oh , all right . Hi !
Kyle : Hey . Mwah ! So , I want to hear all about your christmas , but I m going to go find the chef . Will you excuse me ?
Victor : You do that .
Nikki : Of course .
Abby : Have fun .
Jack : Happy new year , sugar .
Abby : Oh ! Almost .
Jack : Nikki , you are vision , as always .
Nikki : Oh , you are so sweet .
Jack : You re looking pretty good yourself , my friend . Everything good in your world ?
Victor : Tip - top . You know ? Was santa claus nice to you ?
Jack : We had a lovely , easy family christmas together , thank you for asking .
Abby : Yeah , my mom was in town from paris , dina celebrated with us , and I think she had a great time , so it was very special .
Victor : How nice is that .
Nikki : Oh , I m so happy to hear that .
Victor : Yes .
Jack : So , any new year s resolutions , or are you already kind of perfect ?
Victor : You know , it s funny you should ask . I actually resolve to be nice to you .
Jack : You re kidding .
Victor : I actually am . [ Laughter ] All right .
Chelsea : Hi . Perfect timing .
Nick : Hey . Yeah .
Chance : Good evening , folks .
Chelsea : Hey .
Nick : Hey , chance . How s it going ?
Chance : You know , I ca nt complain . You ?
Nick : Same .
Chelsea : Are you enjoying your stay at the grand phoenix ?
Chance : Very much so . Thank you . Shall we ?
Nick : Yeah . Let s do it .
Nikki : Thank you so much .
Nikki : [ Gasps ] Hey !
Victor : Hello !
Chelsea : Hey .
Nick : Hey .
Abby : Hi !
Nikki : Happy birthday , darling .
Nick : Thanks , mom .
Victor : Happy birthday , my boy .
Nick : Thanks , dad . Mom , dad , you remember chance .
Chance : Hi .
Nikki : Oh , yes . Good to see you .
Victor : Hello , chance . Nice to see you .
Chance : Sir . You , as well . I did nt know it was your birthday .
Nick : It is . I ll let you buy me a drink later .
Abby : Actually , I believe I m the one buying all the drinks this evening .
Victor : Oh !
Nick : Even better .
Victor : Oh , oh , oh .
Nikki : Well , I m glad that you and nicholas could arrange for a night out . This way , you can ring in the new year together .
Chelsea : Yeah , we re blessed with sitters who do nt mind working on a holiday , so .
Abby : Actually , um , I feel the most blessed , that I have this amazing place to host a party with people that I love and care about .
Jack : Well , I know I speak for everyone in saying thank you for making this all happen , for , uh , so graciously giving us this opportunity to bring the two families together .
Abby : I could nt agree more . Although , it is nice to have someone here that can keep the peace if necessary .
Kyle : You all done in the kitchen ?
Lola : Food is ready , my crew is in great shape . I m all yours for the rest of the night .
Kyle : Mm , and I m all yours for a heck of a lot longer than just tonight .
Summer : [ Laughs ] Oh , my god ! That s amazing .
Victor : Is nt it ?
Abby : Thanks for coming , adam .
Adam : Thanks for having me .
Abby : Well , in the spirit of tonight , I invited all of the abbotts and the newmans , everyone I knew who was in town , to set our intentions for the new year . Hopefully we can start 2020 with a blank slate .
Adam : Mm . I like that sentiment . Well , I think I m gon na grab myself a drink .
Nick : Excuse me . I would have thought you would have rather jumped in front of a train than come to this .
Phyllis : Ooh , uh , I changed my mind . [ Clears throat ] Hey . Can I talk to you for a sec ?
Abby : I m sorry . Did I go too far by inviting adam ? The last thing I would want to do is make you feel uncomfortable on your birthday .
Nick : I do nt blame you . Somehow , I doubt you had much of a choice .
Victoria : Hi .
Nick : Hey .
Victoria : So , what did i miss ?
Billy : Sorry I m not more talkative .
Amanda : Do nt worry . I m not one of those people who ca nt sit in silence .
Billy : Right ? One lull in the conversation , and they feel they need to fill it .
Amanda : Sometimes it s nice to just ... sit with a friend , zone out , no expectations .
Billy : You know , I got to say , when I sit here with you , I feel relieved , like I can -- like I can breathe . Like I can be myself .
Amanda : You make me feel the same way . When you re confident Additional sponsorship
Sharon : Do you think I bought enough hats and noise - makers ?
Rey : Do you have more in the back ?
Sharon : Mm - hmm .
Rey : Well , then I d say we are covered . Ah , here we go . What do you think , huh ?
Sharon : That s it . It s you .
Rey : Yeah ?
Mariah : We re here !
Sharon : Hey , you two !
Rey : Who s ready to party ?
Mariah : We are !
Tessa : Mm - hmm .
Sharon : Thank you both for giving up your new year s eve for this .
Tessa : We re not giving up anything .
Mariah : No , this is gon na be a blast . Plus , I hear the entertainment is going to rock .
Phyllis : The bookings at the grand phoenix have been abysmal . I mean , and I m not just talking rooms . I am talking conventions and parties . This is really inexcusable for a new hotel like ours .
Chelsea : Are you serious ?
Phyllis : Yeah . That s not the only reason I , uh , brought you over here . I was trying to save you from a potentially awkward situation with adam .
Chelsea : I do nt need you to do me any favors , phyllis .
Phyllis : Mm , okay . Well , I know the situation -- well , it s obviously tense after , you know , adam asked me to make a play for nick so that you would leave nick and then run into adam s waiting arms .
Chelsea : So thanks for not knifing me in the back ?
Phyllis : Um , well , no . I mean , I would never let anybody use me like that . Ever . And adam is obviously reverting to his old ways , and some women would know that that s an unhealthy situation and they re better off without him .
Chelsea : Ah , some women , but not me . So you must see me as a fool in your eyes , huh ? Just because I want to help my son heal , have both of his parents under the same roof ?
Phyllis : You are no fool , chelsea . And you are not naive . And you know when someone s manipulating you because you are a master manipulator yourself . So , what is it , denial ? Obfuscation ? It must be that . Or maybe you know what you re doing ... and you re just trying to string nick along .
Chelsea : [ Scoffs ] To what end ?
Phyllis : I do nt know . I really do nt , because you re not doing anything to discourage adam .
Chelsea : That is not true . When nick told me what his brother did , I confronted him . I told him his behavior has been repulsive and completely inappropriate .
Phyllis : Oh , wow ! And after that really stern talking to , adam is more hopeful than ever . And then you walk in here , on nick s arm , like you re the golden couple of genoa city . Seriously ? Who s knifing who in the back ? Change those numbers at the grand phoenix , or I ll do it for you .
Summer : Hey . Hey , mom . Hey .
Phyllis : Hey !
Summer : Can you , uh -- can you just do me a favor ?
Phyllis : Yeah , what is it ?
Summer : Could you just not start anything with anyone tonight ?
Phyllis : I just want to be part of the celebration . Sweetie , come on .
Summer : Mom . Mom ... when I saw you with chelsea , there was definitely something going on .
Phyllis : We were talking business .
Summer : Yeah , right .
Phyllis : Okay , excuse me .
Summer : Mom , I know --
Phyllis : Oh !
Summer : No , I know what i saw . I know how you feel about chelsea . Now that she s with dad , it just makes me wonder ...
Phyllis : Wonder what ?
Summer : If you re gon na use that as an excuse to try to go after him again .
Phyllis : Are you kidding me ? Summer , it s a new year . I m not gon na revive stale relationships .
Summer : Okay , then are you interested in someone new ?
Phyllis : I ... have no desire to get involved with anyone . This is my body of proof .
Theo : Hey .
Kyle : Theo .
Theo : Mm .
Kyle : Does nt seem like your type of thing .
Theo : Command performance . Abby reminded me I m part of the tribe now , so ... you know , I even made it into that book about the abbott family history . Hmm . Here s to the future .
Nick : What was with phyllis dragging you off as soon as we walked in the door ?
Chelsea : [ Scoffs ] It was just phyllis being phyllis , needing to insert herself , as always .
Nick : So she was nt supposed to tell me about adam trying to break us up ?
Chelsea : It does nt matter . I m here , with you because I choose to be . But I could use a glass of champagne .
Nick : I ll be right back .
Chelsea : Okay .
Victor : So ... you decided to make an appearance ?
Adam : Yeah , imagine my surprise ...
Victor : Mm - hmm .
Adam : ... Being invited to a family event .
Victor : That s right .
Adam : So , did you make any new year s resolutions ?
Victor : You re the second person to ask me that .
Adam : Well ?
Victor : To keep better track of my medication .
Adam : [ Chuckles ]
Victor : [ Chuckles ] You and I know what happened , right ? They can think what they want . But you re here . You re determined to protect your son , and I m still walking upright , more ornery than ever , prepared for the new year . I think that s a win , do nt you ?
Nikki : Still no word from billy ?
Victoria : [ Sighs ] It s like christmas eve all over again . It s okay , really . I mean , I ca nt fault him for wanting to succeed in his new role .
Nikki : You think it s as simple as that ?
Victoria : I do nt know , mom . When we talked earlier , everything seemed fine . I just -- I picked up on this restless in him .
Nikki : You think he might have the urge to gamble again ?
Victoria : [ Sighs ] The thought crossed my mind . But , I mean , it could just be this new consulting job . It s not as challenging as what he was doing before .
Nikki : He has been dealing with a lot of major issues . I mean , maybe he was trying to communicate something to you . Perhaps you were unaware of it .
Victoria : [ Sighs ] What do you suggest ?
Nikki : Maybe you could encourage him to go to a meeting .
Victoria : Yeah , that s not a bad thought . I would nt want him to backslide after all the progress that he s made .
Amanda : When you said escape a minute ago , it reminded me .
Billy : Of what ?
Amanda : I was in college . Undergrad . The summer between junior and , uh , senior year .
Billy : Mm .
Amanda : Rihanna was on her first world tour ...
Billy : [ Laughing ] Oh , yes .
Amanda : So , josie , my friend , we drove all around going to a bunch of her U.S. Shows .
Billy : I see you in a whole new light now .
Amanda : [ Laughs ]
Billy : You and josie just --
Amanda : Oh , yeah , and she had this beater car -- mm . Did nt matter , though . It got us from point a to point b , we stayed at cheap motels , we ate out of food trucks and vending machines ...
Billy : [ Chuckles ]
Amanda : None of that mattered . We loved the music . We just loved the --
Billy : The freedom . Yeah .
Amanda : Yeah .
Billy : So , what happened after that ?
Amanda : What do you think ? September came around , so i buckled down , went back to school , worked my tail off , took the lsats , started applying to law school , made all the right choices -- yay , me .
Billy : Yeah , I know that feeling , you know ? You buckle down , do everything that everyone expect you to do , wait for that pat on the back , for them to say this is who we always thought you could be .
Amanda : Oh , yes , because , before ...
Billy : You just were nt good enough .
Amanda : Mnh - mnh .
Billy : [ Chuckles ] You know , leaving my family company , I mean , really leaving it this time was probably the best thing I ve done , maybe ever .
Amanda : C.E.O. Of jabot . That s a sweet gig .
Billy : Yeah .
Amanda : Mm - hmm . So why would you say that ? Tell me the truth , billy . The whole truth , nothing but the truth .
Billy : Because I feel alive for the first time in a long time . Another cleaning tip from mr . Clean .
Sharon : [ Sighs ] Fill her up , please !
Mariah : Yeah , of course . I have got a fresh one right here .
Sharon : That is such a cute blouse you re wearing .
Mariah : Oh , well , thank you . It was a christmas present from someone with amazing taste who knows me incredibly well .
Sharon : Gee , I wonder who that could be .
Tessa : And I got this amazing bracelet from my own someone with amazing taste .
Sharon : [ Gasps ] That is beautiful , just like the two of you .
Mariah : [ Scoffs ] Thank you .
Tessa : Oh !
Rey : Yeah , so , you know , we re staying open late so people can come in and regroup after a night of partying , maybe warm up with a cup of coffee , find a safe way home .
Sharon : Stick around , watch the show for a bit . It s our way of saying thanks for another terrific year .
Rey : You know , it s a wonderful thing you re doing for this community .
Sharon : Well , I see it as more than just a public service . It s a really nice way to ring in the new year with people who I care about the most .
Rey : Well , with the right person , even work can be fun .
Sharon : I ca nt think of anywhere I d rather be .
Billy : [ Sighs ] I know how lucky I am , I do , how , um ... how privileged . I mean , I have had opportunities that no one else gets . You know , people , they ... spend their lives trying to create this picture - perfect on the outside , and , uh ... and I ve tried , I ve -- I ve definitely tried to do that myself . I would say it s for my kids .
Amanda : It s obvious how much you love them .
Billy : Yeah , I do . So much . They re everything to me . But they re smart . They have an intuition . They know when someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes .
Amanda : Go on .
Billy : Well , I tried to figure this out with my therapist , you know , when she was trying to heal me . And ... I do nt know , I feel like if the point of that is to just get in line and just do what everybody expects me to do , I feel like that s part of the problem . I mean , I end up living in two different worlds . I feel like I m conflict with myself constantly .
Amanda : Instead of one whole complicated person .
Billy : Yeah , to just feel what I feel , to do what I feel is right , to just , you know , be who I am , to embrace both sides .
Phyllis : Great party .
Chance : It has been , up till now .
Phyllis : I want to make sure we re on the same page .
Chance : I m sure we re not , whatever it is .
Phyllis : Does abby know what happened in vegas ?
Chance : [ Sighs ]
Phyllis : Mm . I thought so . I guess you do nt want her to see you that way .
Chance : And what was is that ?
Phyllis : Dangerous . Might scare some women .
Chance : Phyllis , if you re --
Phyllis : I m not like abby . You do nt scare me . I can keep a secret . When I want to .
Adam : Connor loves the ranch . You know , he feels safe there . And I appreciate everything you and dad have done to help through this difficult time .
Nikki : I would do anything for my grandchild .
Adam : I know you would , and I m very grateful . Now , chelsea and I just need to figure out what to do about his school . Winter break is almost over , and we still have nt figured out where he s gon na go yet .
Nikki : I think I can help with that . After you and I last spoke , I phone walnut grove . I was able to persuade the principal to change her mind about removing connor from the school .
Adam : Well , I did nt -- I did nt expect you to do that .
Nikki : I know you didnT. You said as much . But the best thing for connor is stability and familiarity .
Adam : Mm .
Jack : Hey . You okay ?
Nick : [ Sighs ] I m losing chelsea .
Jack : Talk to me .
Nick : Ever since she moved in with adam to be with connor ... you know , I guess the writing was on the wall , but I just did nt want to see it . I really thought we had something real , but , as time goes by , I m less and less sure about that . We hardly see each other . When we do , something always cuts it short . And there s this awkwardness that was never there . [ Sighs ] I do nt know , I m starting to think that we re together for the wrong reasons . It s like she s supposed to be with me , you know , because I m safe and because I m dependable and because I was there for her when she needed someone . But now ... it s like she has this obligation to be with me . And it hurts like hell .
Jack : So , do you wait it out and hope things go back to the way they were , or do you walk away ? Only you can answer that question .
Victor : Ladies and gentlemen . You re all so festively dressed , my goodness . I think it is time for a toast . We are weakening our enamel more often than we even realize . The young and the restless will continue .
Victor : Jack , it has nt been often that I would like to toast to you on this occasion . It is so nice to know that so many of our family are together tonight . And I want to thank abby for her generous hospitality .
Nick : Abby !
Jack : Yay , abby !
Victor : As we are about to embark upon the new year , I would like to take a moment to reflect upon the one we are about to say farewell to . Both of our families have gone through lots of ups and downs , but , you know , my darling ... we have survived it all , have nt we ?
Nikki : [ Giggles ]
Victor : We are stronger than ever . It s a sign of the resiliency of our family .
Jack : And ours .
Victor : Yes .
Jack : To , uh , new chapters to our story ...
Victor : And many more to come .
Jack : To the changes we ve all been through , and those things which have endured , among them , victor and nikki , i know that this evening is also your anniversary .
Victor : [ Chuckles ]
Jack : You two are a symbol of how a relationship can change and grow , how obstacles can be overcome when two people are truly committed .
Nikki : Well , it s all about love , jack , the most powerful force on earth . When two people are meant to be together , as victor and I are , nothing can stand in the way .
Jack : To victor and nikki !
Nick : Yeah !
Abby : Whoo - hoo ! Cheers .
Jack : Yay !
Billy : Well , congratulations . You are my new shrink .
Amanda : [ Laughs ] I would not wish that on anyone .
Billy : Mm ! Ooh . Why not ? That s not nice .
Amanda : How can I help someone be normal when I am not ?
Billy : Are you kidding me ? You are a strong , independent , confident woman . I mean , you took on some very powerful people who threw a bunch of false accusations at you , and you stood your ground . You did nt let them run you out of town . From where I m sitting , you seem like you got it pretty much under control .
Amanda : Ah , seems being the operative word here .
Billy : Huh .
Amanda : I do nt have to tell you . No one really knows what s going on with the other guy .
Billy : Hmm .
Amanda : I would love to let go of that need to be so ... in control , so on top of everything . [ Sighs ] I swear to god , this is the only place where i feel like I am ... not putting on an act .
Billy : Well , I m glad you feel comfortable with me instead of waiting for me to implode , like everyone else i know .
Amanda : Some people are just too self - absorbed to notice what s going on with someone else .
Billy : [ Sighs ] I got to go . Yeah . I m really sorry . I hate to , but , uh .... can I -- can I walk you to your car ?
Amanda : The night is young . I am fine where I am .
Billy : Is that right ? It s , uh , gon na get pretty rowdy out there .
Amanda : Mm , come on . I can take care of myself .
Billy : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , you can . Okay , well , um ... you have my number if you need anything , okay ? Happy new year .
Amanda : Happy new year .
Chelsea : You having a good time ?
Nick : Are you ?
Chelsea : I asked you first . You okay ? You seem a little preoccupied .
Nick : I did want a moment alone with you before the new year .
Chelsea : Well , it s been a crazy year .
Nick : No one was as surprised as I was when you came back into my life . It kind of seemed like it was inevitable . But it felt right , you know . We got another chance . Our first time around was cut short .
Chelsea : Because I cut it short . I took connor and left , basically threw a grenade in the middle of our lives . It was one the worst mistakes I ve ever made , and , considering my history , that s saying a lot . I mean , nick , you did nt have to give me the time of day . You could have just told me to get lost , and I would have deserved it .
Nick : What you deserve is to be happy .
Chelsea : Well , and so do you . You know , and we ve been good . Yeah , it s been a little complicated at times , but ... I am so grateful for you .
Nick : So am I. I m so grateful for what you ve done . By coming into my life and christianS. But it s become pretty clear to me ... that you should be with adam .
Sharon : Everybody having a good time ? [ Cheering ] Excellent ! Well , it s about to get even better . You re in for a very special treat tonight . Please give a warm crimson lights welcome to lp recording artist tessa porter !
Tessa : Oh , thank you , guys . Um , all right . I am so excited to be here performing for you tonight . How about a round of applause for the awesome lady who owns this place ? She has the biggest heart out of anyone I ve ever met . So give it up for sharon newman !
Mariah : Yeah ! Go , mom !
Tessa : All right . Big sky , small hands I ve got no plans I ve been holding on to the glass so hard that it could break to ice the ache give somewhere to go give me someone to be we re both tired of living on life s leash somewhere to go give me someone to be if you re not busy do you want to orbit me ? If you re not busy , orbit me if you re not busy without gravity if you re not busy
Tessa : Thank you .
Theo : Thought you had the night off .
Lola : Um , I do . This is just --
Theo : Ca nt help yourself ?
Lola : Awful , is nt it ?
Theo : Not at all . You re a perfectionist , and it shows in the food that you create , which , by the way , is amazing , as always tonight .
Lola : Thank you , theo .
Theo : I see you made my favorite -- spinach empanadas -- which I also noticed you kept on the menu .
Lola : Well , you did throw a little bit of a tantrum when i told you I was thinking about 86ing them , so , uh ...
Theo : Did I ?
Lola : Mm .
Theo : Okay , maybe a little . Hey ! Cool song . Shall we ?
Lola : Shall we what ?
Theo : Really ?
Lola : Wait , are you asking me if --
Theo : Hmm ?
Kyle : What s up ?
Lola : Oh , well , actually --
Summer : Hey . Let s go dance , okay ? What are you doing ?
Theo : Setting my intentions for the new year , like abby said . Time to reaffirm your goals and get rid of whatever s in the way .
Nick : I had to get my past feelings about adam . I did nt want to believe that he loved you , but I know he does , in his own way . And I refused to accept that you had a connection deeper than just sharing a child , but ... you do . There s no denying it anymore .
Chelsea : Nick ... please , I mean , this is -- we can get through this . We care about each other .
Nick : Of course we do . Of course . That s never gon na change . Nothing about this is easy , but it s right .
Chelsea : Well , I -- you do nt get to decide that for me .
Nick : Look , if you re being honest to yourself , and to me ... you need to be with him . And I want you to have that life that you were gon na have with him and connor far away from here , before that cabin blew up .
Chelsea : [ Sighs ]
Nick : So I got to let you go . Can you do the same for me ?
Chelsea : Thank you . For everything you ve done for connor and me . You are A ... wonderful man . The best .
Nick : I do nt regret a minute of it . And I m so grateful for what you ve done for my life and christianS.
Chelsea : [ Sighs ]
Nick : But you do nt need a soft place to land . You need to follow your heart and live your life .
Abby : Okay , everyone . It s almost midnight . Prepare to say out with the old , and in with the new .
Rey : All right , folks ! It s getting to about that time !
Mariah : I like it .
Tessa : Yeah ?
Mariah : I like it . So , should we , um , you know , do a practice kiss ?
Tessa : Yeah , because we never do that .
Mariah : No , never . Oh ! Lousy timing , whoever that is . Who is texting you near midnight on new year s eve ?
Tessa : Uh , tanner watts .
Mariah : Wait , what ? The tanner watts , platinum recording artist tanner watts ?
Tessa : Uh , yeah , I think so .
Mariah : What does it say ?
Tessa : Says he wants to meet .
Mariah : What ? ! Oh , my god , tessa ! That is -- that is amazing !
Tessa : Yeah .
Rey : 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... happy new year !
Victoria : Hi . I did nt think you were gon na make it .
Billy : I would nt miss this .
Summer : Hey . Happy new year , dad .
Nick : To you , too ...
Summer : Do not say it . DonT.
Nick : Sweetheart , snookums , pumpkin ...
Summer : No ! I ca nt hear you . La , la , la , la , la &
Nick : Kitten , princess ...
Summer : La , la , la
Nick : Supergirl .
Summer : No , do nt say that anymore !
Nick : You love it , and you know it .
Summer : No . I love you , even though you re a total goofball .
Nick : Maybe .
Summer : All right , well , just you wait because 2020 is gon na be our best year yet .
Adam : [ Sighs ]
### Summary:
| Victoria waited for Billy to join her at Abby s party after his business trip , but he was at the bar with Amanda . Billy confided to Amanda that he was nt interested in falling in line and doing what people expected of him . Amanda admitted she wanted to let go of her need to be in control . The Abbotts and Newmans made an effort to get along at the party . Phyllis told Chelsea that it would be unhealthy for her to go back to Adam . Phyllis told Chance that what happened in Vegas would scare some women , like Abby , but it did nt scare Phyllis . Victor stated that he thought things had turned out well for him and Adam . Nikki told Adam that she convinced Walnut Grove not to kick Connor out . Nick broke up with Chelsea , because he thought she and Adam belonged together . Chelsea thanked Nick for everything . Adam misinterpreted Chelsea and Nick s goodbye kiss , and he left . Victoria confided in Nikki that Billy seemed restless . Billy arrived in time to kiss Victoria at midnight . Lola was speechless when Theo asked her to dance . Summer dragged Theo onto the dance floor before things got tense between Theo and Kyle . Sharon kept Crimson Lights open for New Year s Eve , and she spent it with Rey , Mariah and Tessa . Tanner Watts , a platinum recording artist , texted Tessa and asked to meet up . Mariah was excited . Chelsea went home to Adam , and they watched the fireworks together . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : You do understand what I m asking you here .
Stephanie : Yes , I understand , but I ca nt believe you re saying it .
Ridge : Mother , it s the only way to protect Thomas .
Stephanie : I want to protect him , too . But you re going to actually ask your-- your aunt to take this fall ?
Ridge : Look at it this way-- Pam should probably already be in jail--
Stephanie : ( Scoffs )
Ridge : For all the stuff she s pulled on Dad , on Donna .
Stephanie : ( Sighs ) Please .
Ridge : Mother , I am not gon na let my son go to prison . I will not let that happen .
Thomas : I do nt like this .
Taylor : We have to trust your father .
Thomas : Well , it s not his problem . It should nt be .
Taylor : Well , at this point , we do nt really have any other recourse .
Thomas : Yes , we do . I could get aunt Pam out of jail like that-- if I just walked into that police station--
Taylor : No . No .
Thomas : She should nt be in there . Have you thought about what that must be like for her ? She was never that stable to begin with . This could send her over the edge .
Taylor : We will give your father a chance .
Thomas : To do what ? To do what , Mom ?
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Katie : How are you holding up ?
Brooke : Barely . ( Sighs )
Katie : I do nt think I saw the squad car out front .
Brooke : Ridge canceled it .
Katie : Why ?
Brooke : He assured me that Rick is safe . ( Sighs )
Katie : Does that mean he thinks that Pam was the one who was threatening him ?
Brooke : No .
Katie : I do nt get it . Then why would he call off security ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) I wish I knew .
Ridge : I have thought about this and thought about this and thought about nothing else since finding out that Thomas was the one that went after Rick . There s no other answer here .
Stephanie : Well , there has to be . You ca nt ask your aunt to stay in jail for something that he did .
Ridge : Then how do we protect Thomas ?
Stephanie : We do the right thing . We get the best legal representation at money can buy .
Ridge : No , Mother , he ca nt confess . If he does that , it s attempted murder .
Stephanie : Oh--
Ridge : He ll go to prison for the rest of his life .
Stephanie : So it s all right to ask your aunt to stay in there -- in jail for a crime she did nt commit ?
Ridge : I told you , I do nt have any other answers here . I just know that my son can not go to prison , Mother . He s got his whole life ahead of him .
Stephanie : Well , how does this end ? I mean-- ( Sighs ) how do we get Rick out of our lives ?
Ridge : I do nt know . But I m not gon na let him destroy my son , not the way he destroyed my daughter .
Rick : So were you gon na tell me ?
Steffy : What ?
Rick : Whatever it is you re holding back .
Steffy : You re calling what we just did holding back ?
Rick : Nice try . Something happened when you were with your parents . What ?
Steffy : ( Giggles ) Nothing worth talking about .
Rick : All right , you re gon na make me figure this out by myself ? Fine .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Rick : Um-- ( Sighs ) well , it was nt a deprogramming session .
Steffy : ( Laughs )
Rick : Or if it was , it did nt work .
Steffy : Hmm , you noticed .
Rick : Your father never thought you were in danger when he dragged you out of here , did he ?
Steffy : No . He really thought I was .
Rick : That s -- no , he never would have let you come back here .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Rick : He s just pulling my chain . And all that business of him saying that he s gon na accept our relationship-- that s a crock .
Steffy : No , seriously . They thought whoever was trying to get you was -- still was trying .
Rick : Steffy , come on . Do nt defend him . It s -- it s classic Ridge .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Rick : He says one thing , and he does a 180 .
Steffy : Hey , he s concerned for my safety .
Rick : When he knew the threat was in prison ? Look , he thinks Pam did it . He knows Pam did it .
Steffy : But it is nt .
Rick : You sound really sure about that . Steffy , hey . Do you know who it is ? Do you know who s trying to kill me ?
Thomas : Dad does nt have a solution to this . There is no solution .
Taylor : Do nt underestimate your father .
Thomas : The fact is , I went after Rick , not Aunt Pam . The only way for Dad to protect me is by lying about that . All I wanted to do was rattle his cage , scare that son of a--
Taylor : Now would you please just let this go ?
Thomas : How can I let this go ? I played right into his hands , Mom . He killed my sister , seduced my mother , then my other sister . And now because of me , he s got Dad lying to the cops .
Taylor : Your dad has nt done anything like that .
Thomas : Well , not yet , but what are his options ? How can he get Aunt Pam out of jail without implicating me ? You want to know the worst part ? One way or another , I know Rick is gon na find out . If Pam s released , he ll want answers , and it all leads to me . That guy wo nt be satisfied until he destroys us all .
Katie : Why would Ridge call off the surveillance car ? Has he canceled any of the other security ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) He asked me to do that .
Katie : Well , this can only mean one thing . He obviously knows who s been threatening Rick .
Brooke : I ve been thinking the same thing .
Katie : Did you ask him ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) He said he would explain everything when he got back , and then he left .
Katie : Where did he go ?
Brooke : I do nt know . ( Sighs ) But I m worried about him , Katie . It s like he has the whole world on his shoulders . He knows something . I m almost afraid to find out what it is .
Stephanie : What did Steffy have to say about all this ?
Ridge : She was absolutely furious at Thomas . But you know , she stood by Rick like they were married .
Stephanie : Oh , God .
Ridge : That s the way she was acting . I just thank God that she and Thomas have been close all these years .
Stephanie : They ve reached some sort of an understanding ?
Ridge : Well , she realizes that Thomas just did this to try and protect her . But you know what ? She could nt wait to get back to Rick .
Stephanie : Well , she ca nt tell him about this . She ll lose Tom . She realizes that , does nt she ?
Ridge : ( Sighs )
Rick : Steffy , you know who s been trying to kill me . Who is it ? It s your dad , is nt it ?
Steffy : Rick .
Rick : No , it is . It s your father . I knew it . You know , Darth Vader ca nt handle his daughter loving anybody but himself . It s ridiculous .
Steffy : Hey , it is nt my dad .
Rick : Are you sure about that ?
Steffy : Why are we talking when I d much rather be kissing ?
Rick : Mm . Steffy ...
Steffy : Mm - hmm ?
Rick : What if an army of bikers gets off the P.C.H--
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Rick : And busts through my window--
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Rick : And starts beating me to death with clubs ?
Steffy : I would nt worry about that .
Rick : Because you obviously know who s been trying to kill me .
Steffy : ( Laughs ) You do nt seem to care .
Rick : No , I do nt . You know why ?
Steffy : Hmm ?
Rick : Cause I changed the locks .
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Rick : And nobody s gon na barge in-- .
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Rick : Not Stephanie -- ooh-- not daddy dearest .
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Rick : ( Moans )
Steffy : No more talking .
Rick : That s the plan ?
Steffy : That s an order .
Rick : Okay .
Steffy : Mm .
Rick : Mm . Mm . ( Moans ) ( Laughs )
Stephanie : She ca nt tell Rick . If -- if she tells him , he ll go right to the police . I mean , Steffy does realize that , does nt she ?
Ridge : Oh , Rick has far too much power over Steffy .
Stephanie : Oh , God . ( Sighs )
Ridge : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : Ridge-- ( Sets mug on table )
Stephanie : I ca nt let my sister stay in jail .
Ridge : Look , all the evidence against Pam is circumstantial . There s no eyewitness . There s nothing actually directly tying her to the attack on Rick .
Stephanie : Well , no , there ca nt be , because she s innocent , but it s still a very strong circumstantial case .
Ridge : But anybody could have planted that evidence , though . Look , I say we get Pam a great lawyer , and maybe we can somehow persuade the D.A. to just to drop the charges .
Stephanie : And if that does nt work ?
Ridge : I do nt know . Somehow , we ll get Pam out of jail . All I know is that no one can find out that Thomas did this . ( Sighs )
Katie : Maybe you should just call Ridge and find out where he is .
Brooke : I do nt know , Katie . The mood he was in when he left here , it was like he was on a mission .
Katie : What could have happened in Big Bear ?
Brooke : Something did , I know that much .
Katie : Still , Steffy s home . Ridge is nt freaking out .
Brooke : He promised me no harm would come to my son .
Katie : Well , I think you have to trust him .
Brooke : I do . ( Sighs ) I just -- I m trying to make sense of it all .
Katie : I just ca nt believe the way they kidnapped Steffy .
Brooke : He s paranoid about something happening to Steffy . His scars for Phoebe still run so deep .
Katie : Listen , maybe I should nt say anything , but-- ( Sighs )
Brooke : What ?
Katie : You and Ridge are gon na have to live with this tragedy .
Brooke : I know . ( Sighs ) I m aware of that-- probably for the rest of our lives .
Katie : So do nt take this the wrong way , but Rick is so involved in Ridge s tragedy .
Brooke : And that s where love and forgiveness come in , and Ridge and I have a lot of that .
Katie : Well , it would be pretty amazing if Ridge could forgive Rick .
Brooke : What choice is there ? Ridge and I have fought so long to have a life together . It s what we both want so much .
Katie : I know , but--(Sighs ) when there s so much to forgive , it s just hard , that s all .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Ridge is working on it every single day , coming to terms with my son . I really believe everything s gon na work out . And-- ( Sighs ) I will finally be relieved once they figure out who s been threatening my son s life .
Taylor : You still have nt let it go .
Thomas : What ?
Taylor : Your anger . That is nt going to do you any good . Holding all of these negative feelings in is what caused you to lose control .
Thomas : After everything that s gone down , she is still with that fool .
Taylor : Are you listening to me , Thomas ?
Thomas : She still thinks she s in love with him . He s not in love with her . He s just using her like he used Phoebe and you . I ll bet they re together right now , alone in that beach house , and he s --
Taylor : Thomas , stop . Stop it . Please , stop it .
Rick : You know you re safe with me , right ? There s nothing that we ca nt share , nothing that I ca nt deal with .
Brooke : Thank you , Carlos , but we wo nt be needing the security team any longer . No , I m absolutely certain . Yeah , we ll call you if we need your help in the future . Thank you .
Ridge : ( Sighs )
Brooke : I hope you re right about this .
Ridge : I am .
Brooke : So Rick s going to be safe ?
Ridge : Despite all the issues I would have with your son , I would never put him in danger .
Brooke : Where were you just now ?
Ridge : Talking with Mother . ( Sighs )
Brooke : Oh . ( Laughs ) That s great . You were here for two minutes . Then you went running over to Mom s house . I m sure Stephanie was thrilled about that .
Ridge : Logan , there s a lot going on .
Brooke : Yes , I know . That s what you implied . ( Sighs ) And you said that you would explain it when you got back .
Ridge : And I will .
Brooke : So you know who s been threatening Rick s life , and it s not Pam , right ?
Ridge : No , it s not Pam .
Brooke : His assailant s been arrested ?
Ridge : No .
Brooke : ( Scoffs ) I do nt get it . Pam is innocent , but she s still in jail , and the person that s actually been trying to kill Rick is out there somewhere at large ? How can Rick be safe ? How can you even say that , Ridge ? It just does nt make any sense .
Ridge : Logan , the person who s been after Rick is someone we know , someone we love . It s a member of our own family .
Rick : ( Sighs ) Mm . Oh , wow . Oh , wow .
Steffy : Mm . I told you I missed you .
Rick : ( Laughs )
Steffy : Mm .
Rick : How long were you gone for ?
Steffy : Mm . Too long .
Rick : I wonder-- God forbid , you re gone for like a - a week or a month .
Steffy : ( Sighs ) I do nt even want to think about that .
Rick : ( Sighs )
Steffy : Oh , my God . ( Sighs ) God , my life has been so strange . I ca nt believe I m with you . ( Laughs )
Rick : ( Laughs )
Steffy : But I could not imagine my life without you .
Rick : You do nt have to , much to the chagrin of your parents and your crazy psycho brother .
Steffy : Can you please not say those things ?
Rick : I mean , how long was he working out for to be able to knock me out like that ?
Steffy : ( Whispers ) I do nt know . ( Normal voice ) Hey , can you not talk about Thomas like that really ?
Rick : Okay , I m sorry . I did nt know it was such a sensitive subject .
Steffy : Yeah , well , he s my brother . He s done some crazy things , but-- I love him .
Rick : ( Sighs )
Taylor : We will find a way to deal with this .
Thomas : How ? Dad said that , too , but I do nt see it .
Taylor : I am your mother . You may be an adult , but you ll always be my baby .
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Taylor : I will never let anything happen to you .
Thomas : Well , you may not be able to protect me this time , and I do nt want you feeling like you ve failed .
Taylor : Stop worrying about it , because your father and I are not going to fail .
Thomas : You ve always made things right for me , and that s what makes this so difficult . No , I did nt intend to hurt Rick , but I sure as heck did nt want to hurt you or Dad . You know , this trouble I m in , before it s over , I m afraid it s gon na hurt the two of you real bad . And after everything you ve gone through with Phoebe and Steffy , I do nt want that .
Taylor : Listen to me . Listen .
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Taylor : There is absolutely nothing , nothing you could ever do that would change the fact that I love you .
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Taylor : You re my number one man in my life , okay ? And I want you to remember , I am always here for you .
Ridge : Logan , I want you to try and be objective about what I m about to tell you . You son has done a lot of bad things to people in our family , things that have made him a lot of enemies .
Brooke : Still , it does nt justify threatening his life .
Ridge : No , it does nt . But people can be pushed to their limit . Rick has definitely done that .
Brooke : Now it sounds like you are justifying it .
Ridge : To be honest , Brooke , Rick was never really seriously in danger .
Brooke : How can you say that ? His house was set on fire , and his car was blown up .
Ridge : It was a small fire , and he was not really even close to the car when it exploded .
Brooke : Yeah , thank God . That was fortunate . But I m sure it was nt the intention .
Ridge : ( Sighs ) Brooke , the person who did this never intended to hurt Rick . He was just trying to send your son a message .
Brooke : A message ? If Rick had fallen asleep that night , he would have burned to death . And the car bomb-- I will never believe that that was just a wake - up call . This person is evil , and they re vicious , and they re gon na pay for what they ve done . I m gon na see to that .
Ridge : Look , if someone wanted to kill Rick , he would be dead . He was nt exactly a moving target , Brooke .
Brooke : Oh , my God . Now it sounds like you re defending the assailant . How can you do this , Ridge ? This is my son we re talking about , a little boy that I loved and that I raised , and you re acting like it s no big deal .
Ridge : I completely understand . I have a son of my own .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Ridge : Taylor and I have a son .
Brooke : Yes , I know you have a son Thomas that you love very much , but we re not talking about him right now .
Ridge : Yes , we are . That s exactly who we re talking about -- Thomas .
Brooke : What ? Oh , my God . Thomas ?
Ridge : ( Sighs )
Brooke : Thomas is the one who was doing these things to Rick ?
Brooke : Thomas tried to kill my son ? Hmm--
### Summary:
| Thomas tells Taylor that he does nt like the circumstances . He should nt be letting Pam rot in jail for something he has done . He is sure Rick will eventually find out anyway and insist on more answers . Taylor warns Thomas not to brood and hold all his anger in . This is what caused all the problems in the first place . Ridge tells Stephanie that he knows it sounds crazy , but Pam should probably be in jail anyway for all the things she has done in the past . He has thought about this and there is no other answer . He has to protect Thomas and he will not let him confess and go to prison for the rest of his life . He will not let Rick destroy his son too , the way he has done his daughters . Stephanie insists Pam is innocent and does nt deserve this . They can not rely on a good lawyer to get her off of these charges as Ridge suggests . Rick cozies to Steffy and says he has noticed that her parent s deprogramming did nt work . He keeps pestering her for details . All of them are convinced that it is not Pam , but who ? After making love , he tells Steffy there is nothing they ca nt share . Brooke tells Katie that she is worried about Ridge . It s like he has the whole world on his shoulders . Ridge tells Brooke that he spoke to his mother first , but the person who was after Rick was someone they know and love .a member of their own family . Thomas does not want what he has done to get Taylor or Ridge in trouble . If they cover for him , he is afraid this is what will happen . Ridge tells Brooke that Rick has pushed his family to a limit . Luckily Rick was nt hurt . The person who did this was only sending Rick a message . Brooke disagrees . Rick could have been killed . This is her son they are talking about . Ridge is making it sound like no big deal . She is shocked when she finds out it is Ridge s son they are talking about . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bill : Sun s rising . We ll be on the ground soon .
Brooke : In Monte Carlo !
Bill : Oui , ma chérie .
Sally : This was the most awesome plane ride ever .
Thomas : Yeah ? You think ?
Sally : Yes , Mr. Oh so casual about private jets . It is a whole different world up here .
Thomas : Hmm .
Sally : But I guess it s your world , so I m gon na have to grit my teeth and get used to it .
Katie : We have a 95 % positive response to the press reception .
Wyatt : Excellent . Yeah , and the Spencer summit site has actually gained more traffic this year , thanks to the whole Forrester - spectra showdown .
Katie : This is gon na be so much fun .
Wyatt : It kind of already is .
Bill : Well , I missed the summit last year , but I am back and I m pumped .
Brooke : It s gon na be bigger and better than ever .
Bill : Mm , me or the summit ?
Brooke : Mm , my money s on both .
Bill : You know , there is one thing I wished I pushed hard on .
Brooke : What s that ?
Bill : Well , I should have insisted that Caroline join us . Because once she s back in new York ... well , who knows when we re going to see her again .
Quinn : Oh , come on . Answer me . Please , Eric . [ Sighs ] Where are you ? Eric ?
Eric : What s all this ?
Sheila : Well , I tried to remember the last time you had a decent meal , and I drew a blank , so I thought I would just take care of that . May I come in ? Um , I do nt have to stay . I ll just set it up . I remembered -- you like sea bass . That s what I got .
Eric : Yeah .
Eric : Sheila , I appreciate the effort , but I really do nt have much of an appetite .
Sheila : I expected you to say that , but you ve got to eat something , Eric .
Eric : Yeah . It smells good .
Sheila : Then come on . Sit down .
Eric : Well , are nt you gon na eat ?
Sheila : I ll take mine back to the room .
Eric : Well , you do nt -- you do nt have to do that .
Sheila : [ Sighs ] I do nt -- I do nt want to feel like I m imposing .
Eric : Since when do you not want to impose ? Come on . Sit down .
Sheila : [ Laughs ]
Quinn : Hi . I thought that --
Ridge : I m sorry . You thought it was dad . I get it .
Quinn : Every sound I hear , my heart leaps , but it s never Eric . When is he coming home ?
Ridge : I do nt know .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] Maybe we should hire a private investigator .
Ridge : That s not necessary .
Quinn : No , that have ways of finding people that we never even thought of , and I m trying to respect his wishes ...
Ridge : Quinn . Quinn . Quinn ! I saw him .
Quinn : What ?
Ridge : I know where he is .
Steffy : [ Sighs ] Lots to pull off in the next 24 hours .
Wyatt : Katie and I are ready .
Katie : Well , as far as Forrester is concerned . I set up some interviews with Maya since she s already there with rick , and Eva will assist on that . And Nicole and Zende are doing inventory on the collection .
Steffy : Great . All right . I wonder if they re prepared .
Sally : Uh , excuse me , are you talking about us ?
Steffy : Oh , I m just saying we re gon na wipe the floor with your fashion house .
Sally : Whatever , princess , cause you re the one that s going down .
Bill : Wow . There is a lot of interest in the fashion showdown .
Brooke : You surprised ?
Bill : Not really . Not when you consider there will be a lot of good - looking people from spectra and Forrester struttin down the runway half - naked .
Brooke : [ Giggles ] You could get on in that , you know ... close out the Spencer summit in your sexy swim trunks .
Bill : That would shut down the show . But , uh , no . I think I ll just reserve those trunks for the spa on the Stella Maris .
Brooke : Mmm .
Bill : Of course , I wo nt need the trunks there , will I ?
Brooke : Mmm .
Bill : Mnh - mnh .
Sheila : Well , in the past , I guess you could have called me impulse - driven .
Eric : That would be accurate .
Sheila : [ Laughs ] You know what , when I was in prison , I really settled down and I started taking a hard look at myself to see if there was anything good , anything at all left in me . And to my surprise , there was a better person in there just longing to get out . All she needed was a little bit of ... of , um , inspiration and some encouragement . And I had a lot of time to work on that , and the new Sheila was born .
Eric : What was the most surprising thing you learned ?
Sheila : I think ... that I can -- I can have pure love , a pure love without any complications or expectations . I can give love freely without expecting anything in return .
Eric : It s a lovely insight .
Sheila : You know , another thing that I thought of when I was there was about us . Yeah , the really wonderful times that we shared together . And I m so thankful to be here and have the opportunity to regain your -- your trust and your belief .
Eric : Well , you have been painfully honest with me since you came back . I m grateful for that .
Sheila : And I m glad . I m glad because ... the hard work -- the hard work that I did on myself ... I did that so that I could come back here and prove to you that you were nt wrong to love me .
Quinn : You saw Eric ? You know where he is ? Where ? You have to tell me , ridge ! Tell me !
Ridge : He s at a hotel .
Quinn : Which one ? Is -- is he all right ?
Ridge : Depends on your definition of all right , but , yeah , I think he s fine .
Quinn : Is he alone ?
Ridge : Sheila s with him .
Quinn : No !
Ridge : No , it s not -- no , she s got her own room . It s not what you think .
Quinn : Well ... I mean , how -- how did you find him ? Did he finally reach out to you ?
Ridge : Steffy told me .
Quinn : Steffy ?
Ridge : Steffy and Liam -- apparently , they tracked his phone . Anyway , he is in pain . He feels betrayed .
Quinn : I have to talk to him .
Ridge : No , no , no . Hey , wait .
Quinn : No !
Ridge : He does nt want to see you .
Bill : So , listen , we have a lot of work to do ahead of incorporating the fashion challenge into my summit . But it s gon na be well worth it . We re gon na see some great designs , we re gon na have fun , and , most importantly , we re going to raise much - needed funds for Spencer s favorite charities .
Wyatt : Okay , you re starting to sound a lot like Liam right now .
Bill : Hey , hey , hey , hey ! I m a charitable person when it s a cause that I believe in . Look , Wyatt , there are a lot of people suffering in the world , people in need . And it happens it is incumbent upon all of us to do what we can to ease their burden . And the charities that we have joined forces with will do just that .
Brooke : Wow . I did nt know you felt so passionately about that .
Bill : Well , I do . It s the right thing .
Katie : Hear , hear !
Bill : Now let s move along . Wyatt , I want to toast you .
Wyatt : Me ?
Bill : Absolutely . You ve put a tremendous amount of effort into incorporating the fashion challenge into the summit .
Brooke : He would nt have been able to do that with my sister , so I want to toast Katie .
Bill : Absolutely .
Wyatt : Yeah . This is true . She s right . Two heads are better than one .
Katie : Well , I , um -- I think we should , you know , not congratulate ourselves too soon . Um , you know , I do nt want to jinx anything .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] All right , well , uh , how about this for a toast ? To a kickass showdown and a lot of fun on the side .
Steffy : I ll drink to that .
Bill : [ Laughs ]
Katie : That sounds good to me .
Thomas : Cheers .
Thomas : Bill . Are you -- are you sure that Caroline is dying ?
Bill : I m sure , Thomas .
Thomas : [ Stammering ] It -- it just -- it does nt -- it does nt make sense . I - I do nt know what to think about all of this .
Bill : Well , you better figure it out . Better think long and hard about your next move .
Steffy : So , are you , uh , prepared to be embarrassed again ?
Sally : Uh , I do nt think so .
Steffy : You really think spectra fashions can compete with Forrester ?
Sally : Yes . You will see .
Thomas : [ Clears throat ] Is this woman bothering you ?
Steffy : I m just giving your girlfriend a friendly warning .
Thomas : Uh - huh .
Steffy : You can back out anytime you want !
Thomas : Bye ... hey . You okay ?
Sally : Yeah , I can take a little verbal sparring .
Thomas : Mm - hmm .
Sally : I welcome it , actually . You seem distracted . Are you having second thoughts about us ?
Thomas : Us ?
Sally : Crashing the Forrester fashion show ?
Thomas : No .
Sally : Okay . Well , you just seem really in your head .
Thomas : There s just a lot to think about .
Bill : Just got word we re going to be landing soon . But before we do , uh , there s something I d like to say . While I recognize that the fashion challenge pits sister against brother , it s in the spirit of healthy competition . At heart , we re all family . The Forresters , the Logans , the Spencers ... even you . There is , uh , mutual history , and there is someone that is the very physical embodiment of what I m discussing -- that s Douglas , Thomas son with my niece Caroline . So while we may occasionally stray from the fold , we re family , and family always comes first .
Ridge : I m sorry . I know it hurts to hear that .
Quinn : I m not giving up on my marriage . I love Eric more than anything ! I m not gon na just let go !
Ridge : Well , I m not gon na tell you where he is .
Quinn : Ridge !
Ridge : You d run right to him .
Quinn : Of course I would !
Ridge : And then what ? Then he s gon na take off . Let s just keep it the way it is . I know where he s staying , and let s keep it that way .
Quinn : So what am I supposed to do ? I m just supposed to just sit around here , waiting , while Eric slips further and further away ?
Ridge : Just give him some time . Otherwise , he s gon na dig in and he s never gon na come home .
Quinn : Fine . I can do that . I can give him time . I -- but I m not going anywhere . He has to come home eventually , and when he does , I m gon na be waiting . Here .
Eric : I do nt want to eat anymore .
Sheila : Do you want to talk about it ?
Eric : About my wife and my son having an affair behind my back ? No . The very words come out of my mouth , and my brain recoils . I believed in her wholeheartedly . And I told anybody who would listen how committed she was to me , how loyal , and then she does this , and with ridge ? And what s his excuse ? He could nt help himself ? [ Scoffs ] I ve been such a fool . Such a fool .
Sheila : Eric , you did nothing wrong . Loving your wife and your son and trusting them does not make you a fool . It makes them bad people for betraying your trust . God , you know that better than I do .
Eric : Do nt do that , Sheila . Let s not dredge up our past , all right ?
Sheila : Yeah , well , no one would like to leave that behind more than me . And it gives me chills when I think of the woman that I used to be . I did nt deserve a wonderful man like you , Eric , and you know what makes you wonderful ? Your empathy . Your ability to forgive . And to think that you would let me in again close enough to kiss me ...
Eric : Now , wait , hold on . Sheila , look , I did nt kiss you .
Sheila : Allowed me to kiss you .
Eric : Yeah .
Sheila : That was a big deal . I never thought I d have that sensation again , with your lips on mine . And that is the most wonderful feeling in the world . You have no idea the gift that you gave me .
Eric : Sheila . I m tired .
Sheila : Yeah , of course . I ll be leaving , then .
Eric : Uh , thank you . Thanks -- thanks for bringing the meal . I appreciate that .
Sheila : It was my pleasure . You call me if you need anything else .
Eric : I do nt want you to leave this house . I do nt want you to leave my side . Or my bed . Marry me . Whoo !
Bill : Welcome to Monaco , everybody . Home of the Spencer challenge , and if that was nt enough , you have the distinct honor and pleasure of arriving with none other than dollar bill himself .
Katie : Oh , wow .
Brooke : Are nt we lucky ?
Bill : Well , actually , I m the lucky one .
Brooke : Mm .
Bill : All right , uh , listen . We have a lot to accomplish before tomorrow s fashion challenge . Before we get cracking , I just want to say thank you . You re going to raise a lot of money for charity . Let s shoot for $ 1 million .
Steffy : Cool .
Brooke : So wonderful to be here , in paradise , back in Monte Carlo .
Bill : Mm - hmm . We made a lot of memories here .
Brooke : Yes , we did .
Zende : We plan on making some memories of our own .
Bill : Hey , Zende , what s up ?
Brooke : How s it going ?
Zende : Great . Great . Everything s arrived and ready for tomorrow .
Nicole : Zende s first fashion show as a designer !
Brooke : [ Laughs ]
Nicole : I ca nt wait .
Sally : Okay , bucko . This ai nt too shabby .
Thomas : [ Chuckles ]
Sally : Look at all these boats ! Excuse me , yachts .
Thomas : Uh , yeah . Yeah .
Sally : I ca nt believe this . This is gon na give spectra great press .
Thomas : Mm - hmm .
Sally : We have got to win this thing , pull off the upset of the century .
Thomas : Well , babe , if anybody can do it , it s us .
Sally : [ Giggles ]
Wyatt : Well , we re here .
Katie : Yes , we are . And all the supplies have arrived . By this time tomorrow , this whole place will be transformed into a fashion palace .
Wyatt : Mm , I m thinking all - nighter .
Katie : Yeah , probably .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] Yeah .
Eva : Hey , guys .
Katie : Hi ! Eva , thank you so much for all the work you ve done pre - production- wise . It s amazing . Thank you .
Eva : Of course . Thank you . And anything you guys need , I m at your service .
Steffy : Listen , everybody ! Come on in !
Thomas : Okay . Let s go .
Steffy : This is where it s going down ! Forrester has been challenged , and that just guarantees we re gon na bring our a - game . Thomas , sally ... you wanted it . Now you got it . The Forrester - spectra showdown is on . May the best fashion house win . Ouh ouh ouh
### Summary:
| Everybody is on the jet making their way to Monte Carlo . Bill tells Brooke that he missed the Summit last year but he is back with a vengeance now . Quinn tries to call Eric but he is ignoring her calls . Sheila shows up with a plethora of food since she knows it has been a while since Eric had any decent food she brought him some sea bass that she knows he likes . Eric says he appreciates her efforts but he does nt have much of an appetite . He invites her to sit down . She does not want to impose but does . She laments to Eric that while she was in prison she finally took a long , hard , look at herself to see if there was a better person there and she found there was . She is still working on that . And she is so grateful to be here with him so he can regain his trust in her . She has come back and can prove that he was not wrong to once love her . Quinn tells Ridge that she is trying to respect Eric s wishes but they ca nt go on like this . Maybe they should hire a PI . Ridge says no ; he saw him . He knows where he is . Quinn is livid that he wo nt tell . He says if they go in now , Eric will dig in and never come out . Ridge says Sheila is with him . And he specifically said he did not want to see Quinn . Quinn says he has to come home eventually and she will be here waiting . Wyatt laments to Bill that he is beginning to sound a lot like Liam with his charitable affairs , but if that is what they have going for them then it is just that . Bill wants to make a toast to Wyatt for making all of this happen . Wyatt makes a toast as well and they all toast to a kickass showdown . Thomas finds Bill alone and asks if he is sure about Caroline as it does not make sense . He finds Steffy with Sally and sends her on her way so he can be with Sally . He reminds her that he is quiet as he has a lot to think about . Bill tells the group that although they are in competition they are all together in this , a family and family always comes first . Eric laments to Sheila that he spoke Quinn s praises to all that would listen while they told him he was crazy to let her into his life . She says loving and trusting Ridge and Quinn does not make him a fool . She says she did not deserve a man like Eric back then but him letting her kiss him now meant everything to her and felt so good . He tells her that he is tired and needs her to go . She says okay but call if he needs anything else . Quinn thinks back on her happy times with Eric and him telling her to never leave him . Alone , he is thinking of her too . The group land in Monte Carlo and says they have a lot to accomplish tomorrow so they need to get to it .. make their goal a million dollars . Sally tells Thomas they have to win this thing . It will give Spectra so much press . Katie tells Eva she appreciates her help as she and Wyatt will be pulling an all - nighter . They all cheer to the competition they will be sharing . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] [ Slurring ] Eric ? Aly ?
Bill : Hey .
Rick : Uh , if you re looking for Caroline , she s at home .
Bill : I m looking for you .
Rick : [ Chuckles ] Well , you must be asking about your investment .
Bill : What -- what -- you think I m worried about the peanut shares I have in this dress factory ?
Rick : Well , you re usually excited about telling us just how much you re owed .
Bill : We have something more important to deal with . I just talked to your mother . What -- do you not know ?
Rick : Something about my mother ?
Bill : About Ridge .
Rick : What s going on with Ridge ?
Bill : You really do nt know ?
Rick : No . And it better not be what I m thinking it is .
Bill : What does Ridge always do eventually ?
Rick : You got to be kidding me . He s leaving her ?
Bill : Bingo .
Rick : No , no , it ca nt be . That ass !
Bill : You have nt even heard why .
Rick : No , I m sure I know why , Bill . I m sure my mom has done something Unforgivable . That sanctimonious p--
Bill : He wants someone else .
Rick : Really ? Who is it this time ? Taylor ?
Bill : Ridge thinks he s in love with my w-- with Katie .
Rick : [ Scoffs ]
Katie : [ Sighs ] I ca nt believe we re here .
Ridge : Believe it .
Katie : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : I need you . You left too soon . You could have helped . You would have just slapped some sense into me ... literally . [ Chuckles ] You were pretty good at that , you know ? I was always so scared of you when you were disappointed in me . Your eyes would get beady , your jaw clenched . But you know what ? [ Sighs ] You were always right . [ Shudders ] [ Sighs ] God . I wish you were around when I was getting involved with Bill . You would have stopped me . Hey ! Did you hear the news ? Ridge , Katie . [ Chuckles ] I could nt do it . I could nt be the Forrester matriarch that you wanted me to be . [ Sighs ] I m sorry . I failed you . I let you down . [ Sighs ] [ Shudders ] [ Sighs ]
Bill : Telling you -- she s not gon na answer . Her phone s probably off .
Rick : I should be there for her .
Bill : Well , I should , too , but she said she wanted to be alone .
Rick : So , what ? I m just supposed to , uh -- I do nt know -- wait for her to reach out to me when she feels comfortable ?
Bill : No , no , no , no . Look , even if she does nt call you back , I want you to stop by her house tomorrow and check on her .
Rick : Yeah , of course .
Bill : And bring your favorite hangover cure . She s gon na need it .
Rick : My mom does nt usually drink that much .
Bill : Well , she does nt usually have Ridge leave her for her sister , either . She was knocking back a few , and I did nt get the impression she was gon na stop anytime soon .
Rick : I ca nt believe them . I ca nt believe either one of them !
Bill : Oh , it seems right in character to me . And , historically , this is how Ridge has treated your mom . You really thought it would be different this time ?
Rick : Yes . Foolishly , yes . I should nt have trusted him . I - I -- she should nt have trusted him , but for Katie to betray her sister like that ...
Bill : I heard about Katie collapsing at the wedding . You were all very concerned .
Rick : Yeah .
Bill : It was fake .
Rick : What ?
Bill : She wanted to stop the ceremony .
Rick : You re telling me that she pretended to faint ?
Bill : Because she wanted Ridge .
Rick : He s not doing this to my mother -- not again .
Katie : [ Chuckles ] This is so crazy .
Ridge : What ?
Katie : [ Sighs ] I just feel like you ve been hiding in plain sight .
Ridge : [ Sighs ]
Katie : I mean , have you really been standing in front of me my whole life , and I ve just never seen you ?
Ridge : We re not the same people that we were . I m not the same guy that went to Paris , and that s a good thing .
Katie : Why is it ?
Ridge : Well , cause before , I was kind of stuck . I learned a lot about myself .
Katie : What did you learn ?
Ridge : Well , number one , turns out I ca nt control the future .
Katie : [ Chuckles ]
Ridge : And , number two , I ca nt live in the past .
Katie : Sometimes , the past is hard to let go of .
Ridge : But the future can be a lot of fun if you have no expectations and just let things happen .
Katie : Is that what you re doing now -- letting things happen ?
Ridge : All I want right now is this moment with you . I really do nt care what happens next .
Katie : No expectations , huh ? No worrying about the future ? No mourning the past ? No fears ? No regrets ? Can we do that ?
Ridge : I think we can try .
Brooke : [ Slurring ] Maybe you would have approved . [ Sighs ] Maybe you would have wanted Ridge with Katie . [ Sighs ] Well , she is so different from me . [ Sighs ] So ... good . [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] But you saw the good in me , did nt you ? I know you did . Towards the end ... you cared about me .
Stephanie : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : [ Chuckles ]
Stephanie : I m tired . [ Weakly ] I m so tired . I ll miss you .
Brooke : [ Crying ] [ Sobs ] No . [ Sobs ]
Brooke : [ Sighs ] You made me believe that I belonged . [ Voice breaking ] After all those years of fighting to be accepted in the Forrester family , and you did . You finally accepted me . And poof . It s all gone . And Ridge and Katie -- [ Sighs ] They re together , and you re not here to help me fight ! [ Sighs ] I miss you . Oh , I miss you . [ Sobbing ]
Rick : Ridge just should have stayed away .
Bill : Understatement of the year .
Rick : [ Scoffs ] You know , uh , my mom -- she was finally starting to find her way after all the years of being pulled in and out of marriage . At least when he was in Paris , it was a lot easier . She did nt have to wonder who he was choosing that day or whether or not she was good enough . Why ? What -- why -- why -- why ? Why did he come here and do this again ?
Bill : And this time using her sister , after the guilt trip he put Brooke through ? And Katie , as well . They re both hypocrites .
Rick : You know , so many times , I tried to help her . Even as a young kid , you know , I - I knew you do nt -- you do nt treat a woman like that , and he cons everyone . He sucks them all back in .
Bill : Listen , you know , obviously , it s bad right now . Your mother is -- is hurting . She feels betrayed by Ridge and Katie . But this will be the last time , because we re gon na see to it . We re gon na make your mother understand that she deserves better . Now , I know you ve tried over the years . You ve done the best you can . You re a good son . But now you have me , and I m gon na help you , and , together , we re gon na make sure that Brooke gives up on Ridge ... for good .
Rick : Give up Ridge ? Yeah , well , so many times , I thought that my mom would . Something so bad would happen that she would finally see the way .
Bill : I told her to let Ridge go . Let Ridge and Katie be together .
Rick : Do you think that this is some sort of passing thing with Ridge and Katie ?
Bill : I do nt know .
Rick : Well , who knows what s going on in Ridge s mind ?
Bill : Always stuck in the middle , wanting what he just gave up . Not me . No divided feelings .
Rick : I m glad that you re there for her .
Bill : I want to be , but she s pushing me away .
Rick : Well , just give her some time . I do nt know if my mom s ever gon na go back to you , but what I do know is that you have cared for her completely , and that is something that Ridge is incapable of . And , deep down , she knows that .
Bill : I want to be there for Brooke . I ve never seen her so low . The truth is , uh ... it scares me .
Katie : This has been an amazing night . Mm .
Ridge : Oh , it s not over yet . Yeah .
Katie : I do nt want it to end .
Ridge : It does nt have to .
Katie : What if everything looks different when the sun comes up ? This feels so good . I do nt want to let it go .
Ridge : Why do nt we just think about this moment right now ?
Katie : I m not very good at living in the moment . It does nt come naturally .
Ridge : Maybe I can help you with that .
Katie : Well , I suppose it s something that I could learn .
Ridge : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Stephanie : I need you to take this family forward -- someplace where it s just filled with happiness and with love . I want you not to waste one moment of your life . I want you just to get on with life , whether it s with Ridge or it s not . You and I made a decision to do good for other people . I m going to expect you to do that . I need you to be a better woman than I was . Can you do that ? You can . I know you can . I love you , Honey .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] I could nt do it . I could nt be the Forrester matriarch . But you were right . [ Gasps ]
Brooke : You were right from the beginning . [ Laughing ] I was the slut from the valley . [ Laughing continues ] I m the s - slut ... from the valley .
### Summary:
| Brooke slowly lets herself into Eric s house , calling out his and Aly s name to see if they are there . She pours herself a drink and approaches Stephanie s portrait on the wall . She slurs her words . She tells Stephanie that she left too soon . Maybe she could have slapped some sense into her . Brooke admits that she was always scared of her with her beady eyes and her clenched jaw but Stephanie was always right . She wishes Stephanie had been around when she got involved with Bill . She would have stopped her some how . But she could nt do it . She could not be the Forrester matriarch . She sighs that she is sorry that she let her down and disappointed her . Maybe Stephanie would have wanted Ridge with Katie because she is so good . But she knows that Stephanie cared for Brooke too at the end because she finally saw the good in her . She finally accepted her and now poof it is gone . Now Ridge and Katie are here and Stephanie is not here to help her fight . While drinking more , she cries how she misses Stephanie . Bill charges into Rick s office . Rick tells him that Caroline is not there if he is looking for him . Bill assures him that he is looking for Rick . Rick replies then he must be here for his investment . Bill scoffs what for his peanut shares in this dress factory . Bill says they have something much more important to talk about , his mother and what he knows about that . Rick says he knows nothing so is it the same thing Ridge is leaving her . Bingo says Bill and it s not what Rick might think that she has done something unforgivable . Ridge thinks he is in love with Katie . Rick tries to call , but the phone is off . He says he should have been there with her . Bill tells him to please stop by tomorrow and check up on Brooke . And bring his favorite hangover cure ; she is gon na need it . Rick says she usually does nt drink that much . Bill says but Ridge has never left her for her sister before . He says she was knocking back a few with no indication she was going to stop anytime soon . Rick assures him Ridge is not going to do this to his mother again . He wishes he had just stayed in Paris . Bill says yes instead of using her sister to guilt her . Ridge and Katie are both hypocrites . They have hurt Brooke . He knows Rick has been a good son over the years and tried his best but now he has Bill and they are going to make sure Brooke finally gives up on Ridge . He wants to be there for Brooke , but she keeps pushing him away . It scares him . Rick ca nt be sure that she will go back to Bill , but he knows he is 100 % there for her which is more than Ridge . After making love and cuddling , Katie tells Ridge this is so crazy . She feels like he has been hiding in plain sight . He says he is not the same man then he was in Paris and that is a good thing . And he s learned a lot about himself . He admits he can not control the future and he ca nt live in the past . But the future can be fun if you have no expectations and just let things happen . And all he cares about right now is this moment with her and does not care what happens next . She wonders if they can not worry or look for expectations . He says they can try . She says she does not want this to end but what if it looks differently in the morning . She s not too good to living in the moment but maybe that is something she can learn . Brooke flashes back to when Stephanie was dying in her arms and telling her that she needs her to take this family forward .some place where it is filled with happiness and love . And she does not want her to waste one moment of her life whether that be with Ridge or not . They made a decision to do good for other people and she is expecting her to do that and be a better woman than Stephanie was . Brooke cries that she was not able to do that but Stephanie was right from the beginning . Brooke was the slut from the valley . She stumbles and falls on the stone floor below with the bottle and drink beside her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bridget : Hey there .
Nick : Oh , I m so glad I got a hold of you !
Bridget : Enjoying your last moments of freedom ?
Nick : I need to see you .
Bridget : Well , you ca nt . It s bad luck .
Nick : I know . I know it d be breaking the rules . I know that . But it s our day . They re our rules . I m parked round back .
Bridget : You are not .
Nick : Would you believe that I m parked around front ?
Bridget : Good things come to those who wait .
Nick : Ah , rules !
Bridget : You may act like you re not into all this wedding stuff , but I know better .
Nick : Well , that should prove how much I like you . Cause if it were up to me , we d have rice on the boat by now .
Bridget : Well , then , you must really love me to put up with all this .
Nick : More than you know . I ll see you at the alter .
Nick : Ah , it s supposed to be this way . Hey !
Ridge : Oh , no , no , no . What s with the tie ?
Nick : The tie ? Well , it s a gift from my -- my buddies at Chuck s .
Ridge : Your beer drinking friends ?
Nick : Yeah . Like it ?
Ridge : Nick , the important thing is that all eyes be on the bride , not your beer soaked tie . Anything else ?
Nick : So --
Ridge : Much better .
Nick : Thanks . I was just thinking --
Ridge : There we go . How s that ?
Nick : Perfect .
Ridge : You know , I m only doing this for Bridget . I think she deserves a groom that looks halfway presentable .
Nick : Well , finally -- [ Nick coughs ] We agree on something .
Bridget : Come in .
Rick : I hope you re decent .
Bridget : Rick ! Mom said you were home .
Rick : Well , like I d miss my sister s wedding . Look at you , you -- you are absolutely glowing !
Bridget : It s Nick . Oh , he makes me so happy !
Rick : Congratulations .
Bridget : Thank you . I m so glad to see you .
Brooke : I miss this .
Rick : Hey , Mom .
Brooke : Having my family and my children together again . I wish we could do this more often .
Bridget : I know . Me , too .
Massimo : I hope I m not interrupting .
Bridget : Oh , no , of course not . You re always welcome .
Massimo : Not just humoring your father - in - law ?
Rick : Well , you re not officially in - laws , yet .
Massimo : Well , as far as I m concerned , Bridget always has been family .
Bridget : Thank you .
Massimo : That s why I want you to have these .
Bridget : Oh , Massimo -- you should nt have .
Massimo : Ah , they belonged to my Nonna . Dominick s great - grandmother . One of the loveliest women I ve ever known . Not unlike you .
Bridget : I do nt know how to thank you .
Massimo : No need to . I ca nt tell you how proud I am to call you family .
Stephanie : Well this is just wonderful .
Eric : Brooke really went all out , did nt she ?
Stephanie : She certainly did . And she s not the only one . He was up all night sewing .
Eric : Well , I wanted the gown to be exquisite .
Stephanie : Well , I m sure it is .
Gaby : You have nt seen it ?
Stephanie : No , he s being very mysterious . You re being very mysterious .
Eric : Well , I m sorry , but I want Bridget to be the first person to see it .
Thomas : Gaby -- um , excellent , come with me .
Gaby : Why ? What ?
Thomas : Cause there s a major crisis . Hope dumped her petals in the fruit punch . We re going to raid the garden for more . Come on .
Nick : Will you look at this ?
Ridge : There you go . Are nt you glad you got all cleaned up now , huh ? I ll go check on the caterers .
Nick : Hey . Can you believe this is happening ?
Massimo : Yes , I actually can .
Nick : You sound awfully confident .
Massimo : There are certain things , Dominick , that are meant to be . And you and Bridget fall into that category , all right ? I do nt have a doubt in my mind .
Nick : I wish my mother felt the same way .
Massimo : Do nt worry about her , she ll come around . You focus on your beautiful bride .
Nick : Yes , sir .
Brooke : Nick looks happy , does nt he ?
Jackie : Yes , he does . I m going to support this marriage , Brooke .
Brooke : Really ?
Jackie : Really .
Bridget : Who is it ?
Ridge : Special delivery for Bridget Forrester .
Bridget : Come in . You know , you ca nt call me that much longer .
Ridge : Yeah , so you ve been telling me .
Bridget : Ah , thank you so much for this . I know it was short notice .
Ridge : Just had it tailored to fit .
Bridget : Well , I really appreciate you doing this . Especially cause I know how you feel about the wedding .
Ridge : I m not so sure that s changed .
Bridget : Well , you re here . So , you re trying .
Ridge : You know , I ve worried a lot about you . Worried whether I did something to hurt you -- to keep you from finding real happiness . But here you are . Happier and more radiant than I ve ever seen you before . And if that s because of Nick , this little smile , this one right here , yes -- maybe he s not so bad after all . Hell , I m not even sure I m ready to let you go . I ve gotten kind of used to having you around .
Bridget : Well , see , that s the great thing about family . You know , we re a part of each other , so it does nt matter where we go , we ll always be together .
Ridge : There you go .
Jackie : Excuse me . Oh , Nicky . You look so handsome .
Nick : Really ? You think so ?
Jackie : You and Bridget are going to be positively stunning together .
Nick : Why , Mother , does that mean that we have your blessing ?
Jackie : I just want what s best for you , you know . And if you re certain that that s Bridget --
Nick : I am .
Jackie : Then you have my blessing .
Ridge : Hey , guys !
Thorne : Hey .
Darla : Hey , Ridge .
Thorne : I m not so sure I should be fraternizing with the competition .
Ridge : Oh , get out of here . You heard , huh ?
Thorne : Yeah , I did . It s a good move , big brother . Dad really needs you .
Ridge : Yeah , well , it feels good .
Darla : Oh , hey , we heard about that prowler you had last night .
Thorne : No more sign of him , I hope ?
Ridge : No , not since I chased him away , no .
Darla : Hopefully , whoever it was wo nt cause any trouble today .
Massimo : Well , Eric -- our children are getting married .
Eric : Which would make us --
Massimo : Very proud parents . I could nt have chosen a more wonderful woman for my son .
Eric : She is head over heels in love with him .
Massimo : Perhaps it s time for us to put our differences aside ? For the children ?
Eric : For the children .
Nick : Hey , curly - q !
Hope : Hi , Uncle Nick .
Nick : Hi , sweetheart . Look at you . Are you ready to knock em dead today , are you ? All right . You want to practice a little bit ? Good , let s try it . Put these right there in the grass . Okay , you show me how you re going to walk down the aisle . Go ahead . Let me see . Go on . Perfect . That s right . Wow . She s gon na steal the show again .
Brooke : Flower girls always do . Honey , why do nt you run along and tell Thomas to get ready , cause the wedding s going to start soon .
Nick : Give me a hug . Okay . All right . Go over there and get ready . By the way , you did a nice job in a very short period of time . Thanks .
Brooke : Thank you .
Nick : Your daughter is -- she s somethin else . Just like her mother .
Eric : Ah . The perfect dress for the perfect daughter . [ Knocking on door ] Bridget ?
Bridget : Daddy --
Eric : You re already dressed ?
Bridget : Oh , yeah . I -- mom and Stephanie really wanted to help me , but I just -- I could nt wait . What ? Is something wrong ?
Eric : No . No . There s nothing wrong . Look at you , you re a vision . Of course .
Bridget : I ca nt tell you how relieved I am to hear that . Thank god ridge has impeccable taste . The last thing I want to do today is worry about my dress . I already feel like I m hyperventilating , as it is .
Eric : Well , do nt do that . No hyperventilating , all right ? You just -- just take some deep breaths , all right ? You can fix it yourself . You do nt want to have to do the paper bag thing . And just know that you re the most -- you re the most beautiful bride there ever was or ever will be . And it s not because of the dress . Or any dress . It s because of you and who you are . You have this wonderful inner light . Honey , I know I ve been dragging my feet a little bit about -- about nick and stuff , but it s not about that , okay ? It s because it s very hard for me to imagine you a woman . Much less a married woman . You re my little girl .
Bridget : I ll always be your little girl , Daddy .
Ridge : Hey . Were you with Bridget ? Is she ready ?
Eric : Yeah , yeah . She s all dressed .
Ridge : What s with the long face ? The father - of - the - bride blues ?
Eric : No , no , not exactly . It s just that I -- I designed and made a gown for her for today .
Ridge : Really ? So soon ? That s great . So what happened ? Did nt fit ?
Eric : Well , no . She was already wearing the other one . And she was so nervous , I did nt want to throw her a curveball .
Ridge : Oh , come on . You re not going to throw her a curveball . Bridget would like nothing better than to wear one --
Eric : No , no , you know , that s not what today s about -- what she s wearing . This is about her love for Nick and his for her . That s the only thing that matters .
Brooke : How are you feeling , sweetheart ? Are you nervous ?
Bridget : No , not any more . Today s already been the best day of my life . And I m not even married yet .
Brooke : Well , it s only going to get better from here .
Bridget : I know . Everyone s -- it s just amazing to see everyone trying so hard to get along and doing it . Dad and Massimo , and Ridge and nick . The two families are really coming together . Today everyone s just reminded of what is the most important , and that s family and love .
Stephanie : Because of you . You have a real gift . We ve always known that . You bring out the best in people .
Bridget : Well , I would nt be who I was if it was nt for the two of you . You know , I ve never understood -- truly understood -- why you both fought so hard for the men that you love , until I found Nick . And now that I understand , I know you ca nt settle for anything less .
Brooke : That s right , sweetheart . And you deserve the very best .
Bridget : I ca nt tell you what it means to me that the two of you are standing up for me . When my whole life you ve been at odds . I ve really -- I ve watched you two the last couple months . The way you ve come together when Ridge was missing , and now , today , at my wedding for the good of the family . What I do nt think you both realize , though , is in this process , you two have become family . Real family . For better or for worse .
Brooke : I m sorry , Stephanie , but she s right .
Stephanie : Well , as memorable a moment as this may be , let us move on . [ Stephanie clears throat ] Your father is dying to see you in this dress . He was up all right sewing it .
Bridget : What are you talking about ? Dad did nt design this dress .
Nick : Making me sweat this one out .
Ridge : Feeling the pressure , are we ?
Nick : No . I just have to smile , say a few nice words . She just has to get here . What s keeping her ?
Bridget : Dad , how do I look ?
Eric : Oh , my --
Bridget : Did you really think that I would wear any other dress than the one that you made ? The latest thing . It s like it was made for me .
### Summary:
| Brooke has the room brilliantly decorated for Bridget and Nick s wedding . Ridge rises to the occasion and helps Nick get dressed and later delivers Bridget s wedding dress to her . Jackie gives Nick her blessing to marry Bridget . Eric and Bridget have a touching moment before the wedding , and Eric does nt give her the dress he s designed for her because she d already had the one on Ridge brought for her . Stephanie lets it slip to Bridget and tells her Eric was up all night sewing her dress . Bridget appears ready to walk down the aisle with Eric wearing the dress he designed for her . A woman with a veiled hat looks on from outside the wedding . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Marlena : I ca nt stand this ! First Tony puts on the monitor and gives a glimpse of our family , and then he turns it off .
Roman : And you re doing exactly what Tony wants you to do . You re letting it get to you .
Marlena : Yeah . I guess I am .
Roman : Listen , Doc , it s deliberate . It s calculated , all right ? Tony s very careful about what he does or does nt let us see . It s highly selective . It could be completely out of context .
Marlena : We saw John and Kate . It did nt look like it was out of context to me . It looks like they re getting closer .
Roman : Just like we are . We ca nt just ignore what happened before , Doc . We ve got to stop thinking about what we ve lost , and we have to concentrate on what we still have . And what we still have , Doc , is each other .
Marlena : Yes , we do . I m so glad about that .
Roman : I m here for you . Always will be . You can count on that .
Marlena : I know I can . That means more than I can ever tell you .
Roman : Doc , we have to talk about it .
Marlena : I know we do .
John : [ Groaning ]
John : Ahh !
John : Oh , my God , what s happening to me ?
Kate : I m not Marlena . I m not Marlena , but I m here . And I ll help you if you ll let me .
John : Ahh ! Aah ! Aah ! Aah ! Ahh ha !
Kate : My God . John -- oh , my God !
John : Kate -- Kate -- Kate --
Kate : You re burning up . I m gon na get you a washcloth .
John : Kate , I m not gon na -- I m not gon na make it . I m not gon na make it through this , Kate .
Kate : Oh , my God .
John : Aah !
Shawn - d : Tell us , Belle . Do you still have feelings for me , or would you rather be with Philip ? See , I already know the answer . You married the wrong guy .
Philip : Shut up , Shawn ! Just shut your mouth ! You re wrong . Belle has not given us her answer yet because she knows the truth -- that she loves me -- will upset you , and you ll probably go ballistic again .
Shawn - d : Say something .
Jan : Shawn , stop it ! Ca nt you see what you re doing to Belle ? You re making her a nervous --
Shawn - d : No , I need to hear her answer .
Jan : She already gave her answer . You know what it was ? I do -- to Philip .
Rex : In front of God , family , and friends . Look , this is wrong what you re putting her through , Shawn . She does nt owe you a damn thing .
Philip : Look , I just want this over with . There s something I have to talk to Belle about , and I would like to do it alone .
Jan : Is it about that phone call you just got ? You sounded pretty upset when you got off the phone .
Belle : Yeah . Was that about my dad ? I mean , I know he s really been pushing himself today .
Philip : No , no , sweetie , it s not about your dad .
Belle : Well , what was it about ?
Philip : That was my Base Commander on the phone . We re shipping out sooner than we thought .
Belle : How soon ?
Philip : Belle , this could be our last night together for a long time .
Mimi : This is all your fault , Sami ! It s because of you that Rex is mad at me and that Philip found out about Shawn and Belle being on the roof together .
Sami : Mimi , stop pushing me , okay ? In fact , from now on , I think you should watch your step around me .
Mimi : Excuse me ? What did you say ?
Sami : I mean it ! Quit attacking me , or you will regret it .
Mimi : Oh , cut the crap , Sami ! You ca nt threaten me .
Jan : I m going to tell Rex your little secret . That you aborted his baby that you never even bothered to tell him about .
Sami : I do nt make idle threats , Mimi . I ve got plenty on you , and you know I ll use it .
Rex : Ladies , I could hear you out in the hallway . What s going on ?
Lucas : That s exactly what I d like to know .
Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of Our Lives .
Belle : I ca nt believe you re leaving . Within a day or two , you could be in combat .
Philip : Come on ! Go , go , go !
Belle : You ca nt leave me now .
Philip : Sweetie , I want to stay with you more than anything . But it s my duty .
Shawn - d : The sooner you leave , the happier everyone will be .
Belle : How dare you say that ? Philip is about to risk his life for us , for our country . How dare you demean his courage like that ?
Jan : I think you just lost a few star points on that move , sweetheart . Let s do an about - face and leave , please .
Shawn - d : No . I did nt mean it that way , okay ? Just everything is so wrong right now . I think Philip pushed you into marrying him .
Philip : That s not true !
Shawn - d : And I think if he is not here , you ll have a chance to think about what you really want . And you might realize that marrying him was a big mistake .
Philip : And I guarantee that wo nt happen . You re the one who made a mistake , Shawn .
Belle : No ! I ca nt take this anymore .
Philip : Well , neither can I. This is still our wedding night , and I want both of you the hell out of here so I can spend the rest of the night with my wife before I pack to leave the country .
Jan : Come on , Shawn . We d better go .
Shawn - d : No , no , I am not leaving here until I get an answer .
Belle : Fine . I ll give you my answer right now .
Lucas : What the hell are you doing ? What is going on ?
Sami : Look , I just came here to give Belle her wedding present and to apologize for my bad behavior lately .
Lucas : Yeah , that s what your note said . But why are you arguing with Mimi , and why are you still holding the present , Sami ?
Sami : Why are you so suspicious of me ? Look , you re the one who wanted me to be good and mend fences , especially with my family .
Lucas : Well ? Have you ? Are you being honest with me right now ?
Sami : Absolutely .
Mimi : How can you lie to the man that you love like that ? The only reason you came down here was to cause trouble , and you know what ? Mission accomplished , right , Sami ?
Lucas : Hold it . What kind of trouble was she trying to cause ?
Mimi : She went and opened her big fat mouth to Philip about Belle being up on the roof with Shawn .
Lucas : Belle was on the roof with Shawn on her wedding night ?
Sami : Exactly . And who do you think wanted to make that happen ? Who do you think put Shawn and Belle together knowing that it would hurt Philip , and knowing that it would ruin his new marriage ? Mimi . With friends like that , Belle does nt need enemies .
Mimi : I was just trying to help my friends sort their feelings out . You were deliberately trying to mess things up .
Sami : Oh , that is so not true . I just put 2 and 2 together . I was making an innocent comment .
Mimi : You liar ! Nothing you ever do , Sami , is innocent .
Rex : Mimi , please do nt start it up again .
Sami : You re gon na call me a liar ? Mimi , you are the liar here . If Rex knew for one second what you have been up to lately --
Mimi : What are you talking about , Sami ? You do nt know anything about me .
Sami : Au contraire .
Rex : Okay , Sami , if you know something Mimi s done , I want you to tell me -- now .
Roman : Doc , you know why I kissed you , do nt you ?
Marlena : Because we were married once . Because we re both in desperate need of comfort . It was a mistake . It should nt have happened .
Roman : Maybe .
Marlena : Maybe ? Maybe ?
Roman : Doc , listen to me . You re worried about Belle , you re worried about John . You re worried that we may never get back to Salem . I want to be optimistic , but if we do nt make it back home , we re all we have for the rest of our lives .
Marlena : John and Kate think that we are dead . We know they are not . We love them , we married them , and we are not giving up on them . At least , I m not giving up on them .
Roman : Neither am I.
Marlena : And if it turns out that John and Kate have turned to each other , then it s only because -- because nobody else can understand the pain and grief they re going through .
Roman : Doc , maybe that is true , but what if they ve fallen in love by the time we get back there ?
Marlena : Do nt say that . Do nt even think that . And if it turns out that -- that John and Kate have gotten ... closer , well , john is my husband . And Kate is your wife . And as soon as we get home --
Roman : What , Doc ? What ? You mean their feelings are just gon na disappear like that ? I hate to say this , but you ca nt be sure of that .
John : [ Groaning ]
Kate : You are gon na make it , and I m gon na make sure that you do .
John : You got no idea what this is like .
Kate : I know . But you re a strong man , and you re not gon na give up .
John : No , no , no , no , I know I ca nt stay on these painkillers indefinitely . I mean , I m gon na kick this thing . I know I will .
Kate : Good . That s good .
John : It s just not gon na happen tonight .
Kate : John , listen to me . Please listen to me . This was a tough -- this was a tough night , what with the wedding and with me and with Brady and Nicole confronting you like we did .
John : Yeah , yeah . This pain is unbearable . It s -- it s so much worse than before . It feels like my body s on fire , like I ve got these spiders . They re crawling underneath my skin . If I close my eyes , I can see them . They re trying to eat their way out .
Kate : Listen to me . Listen . Listen . Sit down . I know -- I know it s horrible , but you re going through a major , major withdrawal . And if you -- and if you think about every bead of sweat on your body as another spider that you re working out of your system ... okay ? There s a lot of spiders that you have to get rid of .
John : Yeah , yeah , I got more .
Kate : And the more you do now -- you just get it all out of your system .
John : I swear I will . You know me . I can do this right now . I m gon na -- I m gon na need your help , Kate . You ve got to help me . I need you to dig those drugs out of the trash and just give me a little something to get me through the night . You re gon na do that for me , are nt you ? Help me , Kate . Please , can you -- please , can you help me , Kate ? Help me , Kate .
Kate : Okay , all right . All right .
John : Yeah ?
Mimi : Well , go on , Sami . Tell Rex some crazy lie about me . You know Sami , she ll say or do anything , but you re crazy if you believe a word of it .
Sami : Mimi , you are gon na regret talking to me this way .
Lucas : All right , that s enough . Time - out , okay ? Come here for a second , please . You told me that you were gon na be good , Sami . What s going on with you ?
Sami : I m trying , but do you hear the way she s treating me ?
Lucas : I do nt care . It s not the point . Turn the other cheek , all right ? First you rant and rave about John using drugs , then you almost go to the police and turn him in ? Come on , do nt do that .
Sami : Lucas , I know what I saw , okay ?
Sami : You did nt see anything . You did nt see nil , nada , zip . You have no proof . Stop it . And now you re starting up with Mimi ? Sami , I am really disappointed in you right now .
Rex : Sami , I wanna know what you were gon na say about my girlfriend .
Sami : Nothing . It was nothing .
Mimi : See ?
Rex : It did nt seem like nothing .
Mimi : Well obviously , Sami was just gon na make up some sick lie , but Lucas made her change her mind . And I am sorry , Rex , to talk about your half - sister this way , but let s face it , we all know what a bitch she is .
Lucas : Okay , that s -- that s enough . Um , why do nt we just bring Belle her present later , all right ? Let s go .
Sami : Meems , screw with me again , and you re toast .
Mimi : I have no idea how Lucas puts up with her .
Rex : Well , I ca nt imagine her thinking I d believe any lie she d say about you .
Mimi : Come on , let s go check on what s happening with Belle and Shawn . What s happening ?
Rex : Mimi , just stay out of it .
Shawn - d : We re waiting , Belle . Give us your answer .
Philip : Shut up , Shawn . Stop pushing her . She s gon na give us her answer right now .
Belle : I do nt have any regrets . I am in love with Philip . He is the man who stood by me when I needed him . He is the man who comforted me and put my needs before his own .
Shawn - d : Well , he was only acting like a friend so he could get you into bed .
Belle : He did not ! He would never do that . Look , I understand that there are things you do nt remember , but I remember things that are important . You turned your back on me when I needed you most . You did nt stay and face our problems , you did nt trust in our love to help us work it out . No , you just turned away and thought about what you needed and wanted .
Philip : You wanted and had Jan long before Belle and I --
Shawn - d : Oh , shut up , Philip .
Belle : You did do all those things , whether you remember it or not . I called you from the church because I needed closure -- not because I was second- guessing my decision to be with Philip . He is the truest , kindest , bravest , most honest , loving man I ve ever known .
Jan : [ Thinking ] You go , girl . Way to squeeze in all those adjectives .
Belle : He is the man I wanna spend the rest of my life with .
Shawn - d : No . I do nt --
Belle : For the last time , I m in love with Philip , and I could nt be happier that I married him .
Philip : You have your answer now , Shawn . So try to take it like a man and get the hell outta here . All of you , please . It s my wedding night , and I d like to spend it alone with my wife .
John : [ Breathing heavily ]
John : Oh , thank God . Just give em to me , Katie .
John : What the hell is this ?
Kate : It s a mild sedative -- something I found in your bathroom .
John : Oh , for God s sake , sleeping pills . What the hell good is this gon na do me ? It s not what I need .
Kate : It is what you need . And it s all you re going to get because you need to sleep , and that will help you sleep .
John : Damn it , it s not what I need . Obviously , you do nt know what I m going through .
Kate : No , I ca nt feel your pain , but I can see how much you re suffering , and that s why I m not gon na give you any more drugs . They re not gon na help you . They re only gon na hurt you . John , you have to beat this . And if you take anything -- even for one night -- then the addiction wins . You do nt wanna lose before you ve even begun to fight .
John : Okay . All right . Just give me those damn sleeping pills .
Kate : Two , just two .
John : [ Groans ]
John : I m freezing . It is just so cold in here . So ... so cold .
Kate : Here . Here , get close to me .
John : Oh , so ...
Kate : No , no , no , no , closer .
John : [ Groaning ]
Kate : Just stay close .
Roman : Oh , my God . That s John and Kate in bed together .
Philip : He s gone now . Shawn wo nt bother us anymore , I promise .
Belle : I m sure he wo nt .
Philip : Belle , there s something that I m having trouble with . I need to ask you about it .
Belle : Sure , what ?
Philip : First , I want you to know that I am not demanding an explanation . This is just something that I need to understand .
Belle : Go ahead . Ask .
Philip : Why did you meet Shawn on the roof tonight ?
Philip : Now , I know you said that you needed closure . And it made me so happy to hear you tell him how much you loved me and in no uncertain terms . In fact , I think what you said was wonderful . Cause I know it came from your heart . Sweetheart , did he really upset you that much ?
Belle : It s not about him , Philip . It s you .
Shawn - d : I do nt get it . Why would Belle say what she said about loving Philip ? I would ve bet my life that she would nt have said that , so why did she ?
Rex : Shawn , you are in total denial , so do nt go looking to us for answers .
Shawn - d : Well , it s got ta be because Belle is feeling all emotional that Philip got called up for active duty now .
Rex : I rest my case . Look , Belle s upset because Philip s her husband , and she loves him , all right ? You heard it yourself . It could nt have been more clear , Shawn . Why ca nt you just accept it ?
Shawn - d : Because I know it s not true .
Rex : Do something with this guy , would you ?
Shawn - d : You got ta help me , Mimi . You know I m right , do nt you ? You got ta help me talk to her again tonight .
Lucas : Admit it , it s good to be good . Right ? Whatever you were gon na say about Mimi would have only caused a bunch of trouble .
Sami : Well , that s the understatement of the year . Lucas , Mimi had an abortion , and she did nt even tell Rex that she was pregnant .
Lucas : What ? She had an abortion ?
Sami : Yeah .
Lucas : I do nt believe that .
Sami : You can hook me up to a lie detector test on this one . I overheard Mimi and Jan talking about it . She did nt even tell Rex , and she has the nerve to call me a liar .
Lucas : Rex has no idea . He does nt know .
Sami : Yeah . Right .
Lucas : That s just ... disgusting .
Sami : Lucas , he s your brother . Do nt you think we should go back over there and tell him that his perfect , wonderful girlfriend had an abortion and did nt even tell him that she was pregnant with his child ? Rex deserves to know . And Mimi certainly deserves to be exposed . Come on , let s just go back over there , and you can consider it a reward for my good behavior .
Lucas : A reward ? What are you talking about ? That s demented .
Sami : Oh , come on . I have been going out of my way to be nice to Kate . I went over to Belle s to give her her wedding gift and apologize for my behavior lately . And I did nt tell anyone about john s drug addiction because you did nt want me to . I know you do nt believe it s the truth , but I m telling you that it is .
Lucas : All right , it s none of our business , okay ? It does nt matter . And why does it make you so happy to turn other people s lives upside - down ?
Sami : Because they do it to me all the time !
Lucas : All right , here we go . Poor Sami , here we go .
Sami : Nobody thinks that they re bad people when they make my life miserable . I think it s only fair that I should be able to get revenge and make em pay for the way that they ve treated me . Come on , you re my fiancé ! Should nt you be on my side and not everybody else s ?
Lucas : I am on your side . I want what s best for you . You know that , Sami , more than anything .
Sami : You heard the way Mimi was talking to me earlier . You know what ? Maybe you re right . We do nt have to go over there and tell Rex the truth . I ll just call him on the phone .
Roman : There s no sound .
Marlena : I ca nt watch it anymore .
Roman : DiMera , you son of a bitch . Why are you torturing us like this ?
Marlena : You know , I guess you were -- I guess you were right . He s trying to get to us . Well , and he has . I guess I ca nt deny it now . I guess I ca nt keep clinging to the hope that ... John ... believed I was alive , that he has nt given up on me . I guess he clearly has . He s given up on me , and ... and our love .
Marlena : And I m afraid Kate s given up on you , too .
John : You know , if someone were to walk in on us right now , they just might get the wrong idea .
Kate : I think you actually made a joke .
John : Actually , I was serious .
John : Good job , Kate . I m get-- I m getting tired . I really can use some sleep . If I can just ... get a little bit ...
Kate : Shh ...
John : Of sleep .
Kate : You go to sleep . You go to sleep . We re gon na get through tonight . And I m gon na be here . I m gon na be here to get through you tomorrow .
John : Thank you , Katherine , for giving me what ... only I thought I could ever get from Marlena . She was -- she was my strength . I never thought that I could ever get through an ordeal like this without her , but with your support , I know that I can do it .
Kate : Shh , shh , shh , go to sleep . Go to sleep . We ll talk tomorrow .
John : I love you , Doc ... promise you ll never leave me , baby . Promise me .
Kate : I m afraid that s never going to happen . Because Marlena s gone . And so is Roman . And they re never coming back .
Marlena : At least Tony has made sure that I know that john is alive . Thank God for that .
Marlena : And Belle and Brady , they re okay . I do nt know what I would ve done if I d lost them . Gosh . I guess I have lost them , have nt I ? You know what ? You were right . You were right . We re never getting out of here . We re never going home . We re never going to see John and Kate . We re never going to see our family and our friends again . Tony has taken everything from us , but especially John and Kate . Roman , when we were on the raft , I told John that if I did nt -- if I did nt make it , he should move on with his life with -- with Kate . And John said --
Roman : What , Doc ? What did John say ?
Marlena : John said if we knew we were never getting off the island , if we knew we were never going -- never going home ... he said it would be all right with him if I -- if I moved on with you . If I needed someone to comfort me and protect me and ... make sure I knew that I was loved .
Roman : You are loved , Doc . You are . Never doubt that . And I will protect you , and I will do everything I can to keep you safe . And if we do get back to Salem , and John and Kate ca nt let go of their feelings for each other , I ll understand that . Because I have never been able to completely let go of my feelings for you .
Marlena : You know I feel the same way , do nt you ? I ve never really gotten over my feelings for you .
Roman : It s late . It s very late , and we need to get some rest , okay ?
Roman : Come here . Let me put this on you . That s it . Doc , it s okay . It s all right . You know what ? I am never gon na leave you . Like it or not , you re stuck with me .
Marlena : Oh , Roman ... I would nt have it any other way .
Philip : Wait , Belle , how am I upsetting you ? Is it because I fought with Shawn ? Sweetie , I had to do that . I thought he was forcing himself on you .
Belle : No , it s not you , Philip . It s what s happening to you . You re being shipped out . You re putting your life in danger . I ca nt bear the thought of losing you .
Philip : No , no , you are not going to lose me , okay ?
Belle : I am for now . This could be our last night together for a long time .
Philip : Yeah . So let s make the most of it .
Mimi : I m sorry , Shawn . I wish I could help you , but I ca nt . I m sorry . I mean , you heard Belle . She made it very clear that she s in love with Philip . And I made a mistake tonight -
Jan : I heard that . And you re right . You did make a mistake -- a mistake I sure hope you re not gon na repeat .
Shawn - d : But you know how much Belle and I loved each other .
Jan : Yes , Shawn , we all know that . But it s in the past . And like Belle said , she s in love with and married to Philip . And you are engaged to me . Look , it s been a really long day . You should get to bed .
Shawn - d : I m not tired . I need to think .
Rex : I hope you ve learned your lesson about sticking your nose in other people s business .
Mimi : I have .
Rex : Good . Mimi , just promise me that you ll never lie to me about anything else ever again .
Jan : [ Thinking ] It s all right , Shawn , I can wait . Belle will never betray her wedding vows . So it s only a matter of time before you have to accept you ve lost her forever , and come back to me .
Sami : Lucas !
Lucas : Calling Rex and telling Mimi s darkest secret -- that is gon na make you feel better ? Only you d view that as a reward -- only you .
Sami : Well , they deserve it . I mean , John attacked me at the hospital , Kate wo nt stop trying to break us up , and you heard the way Mimi was talking to me . They all act like they re pure as the driven snow and I m the troublemaker , when they are doing things that are way worse than I have ever done .
Lucas : Wait a minute .
Sami : All right , well , maybe not ever , but worse than things that I ve done lately .
Lucas : So this is about vengeance , right , plain and simple ?
Sami : Yes !
Lucas : You re a piece of work . I can not believe you . Listen to me . As long as you keep looking for revenge , your own pain will never heal . So why do nt you just move on , live a good life with me and Will . Let that be your revenge , Sami . Otherwise you re just -- you re just turning around in this endless cycle . And if John has a drug problem , fine . Let he and his family work it out .
Sami : I am his family .
Lucas : Now you re his family when it s time to ruin the guy and take advantage of him , right ? You re unbelievable . And you know , poor Mimi , I ca nt --
Sami : Poor Mimi ?
Lucas : Yeah . I can only imagine the pain she s going through right now , dealing with the fact that she had an abortion and now -- and now she ca nt tell Rex about it . That s hard .
Sami : Poor Mimi ?
Lucas : Sami , you ca nt say anything , all right ? Let Mimi and Rex work out their problems on their own . And if John has a drug problem , fine , he and my mom can deal with it .
Sami : Great , John and Kate .
Lucas : Look , I know that -- I know that my mom and John have gotten close . They ve been going through a really bad time , and they ve been very helpful to each other .
Sami : Yeah , well , they deserve each other .
Lucas : I know you miss your parents , I know that . But ... maybe if you just take the high road , you know ? Show some integrity . I mean , I think that s what your parents would want , right ? That s the kind of daughter they d want you to be .
Sami : All right . All right , Lucas , you win . I wo nt say anything ... as long as they do nt mess with me , and I m happy .
Kate : Hello ?
Eugenia : Hey , Kate ?
Kate : Eugenia .
Eugenia : Did I catch you at a bad time ?
Kate : Well , sort of . I m helping a sick friend .
Eugenia : Oh . I just wanted to call and tell you I m sorry to hear about what went down at the wedding .
Kate : Thank you very much , but all s well that ends well , because I finally got my son married to the right woman , and I think he and Belle are going to be very happy .
Eugenia : Well , congrats . Hey , how s Billie doing ?
Kate : Actually , Billie is in Europe with Bo , and I m hoping she ll take advantage of this golden opportunity to get back with him . So now all I have to do is break up Sami and Lucas , and time is of the essence because that wedding is coming up very quickly . But I swear to you , I am gon na stop that little witch from ruining my son s life .
Sami : I m telling you , Lucas , if anyone does anything to try to mess with my happiness , our happiness , I do nt care who it is -- Mimi , Kate , John -- I wo nt rest until they ve been destroyed .
Rex : I m asking you one last time , are you keeping anything from me ?
Mimi : No , no . God , of course not .
Lexie : Oh , my God . You re the one who s been stealing the drugs from the hospital .
Philip : I can count on you to make sure that Shawn stays away from her ?
Rex : You have my word .
### Summary:
| Marlena is upset that Tony will only let them see glimpses of their families . Roman and Marlena talk about how they are getting closer just as John and Kate are getting closer . Marlena insists that kissing Roman was a mistake but Roman wants to think the worst . John pulls Kate close as he suffers through withdrawal to try and get her to give him one more dose . Instead , Kate brings John sleeping pills . John agrees to take them after some prodding by Kate . John begins to shiver so Kate cuddles in bed with him for warmth . Marlena and Roman are allowed the image of John and Kate in bed together until they can hear John say that Kate has helped him the way Marlena only could . Marlena takes it as a sign that John and Kate have given up on them . Marlena and Roman admit to each other that they never stopped loving the other . Jan interrupts to try and get Shawn away from Belle before Belle can answer . Philip tells Belle that he has to ship out sooner than they thought . Shawn refuses to leave until Belle gives him an answer . Angered by Shawn s ill remarks about Philip s call to duty , Belle declares that she loves and wants to be with Philip . Shawn refuses to believe that and begs Mimi to help him but Mimi refuses . Alone in their bedroom , Philip questions Belle as to why she met Shawn on the roof . Philip and Belle decide to make the most of their last night together . Lucas and Rex overhear Sami and Mimi arguing . Sami is offended that Lucas questions her motives . In the heat of the argument , Sami gloats about knowing things about Mimi in front of Rex and Lucas . Rex demands to know what Sami knows about Mimi . Lucas criticizes Sami for her bad behavior so Sami recants her threat . Sami whispers her threat to Mimi again before leaving . Sami tells Lucas about Mimi s abortion and argues with Lucas about whether to tell Rex . Sami agrees to stay out of it as long as no one messes with her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bailiff : All rise .
Judge Sims : Thank you . Be seated . Are we ready to resume , bailiff ?
Bailiff : Please raise your right hand .
Judge Sims : That s good enough .
Bailiff : Do you swear to tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , so help you God ?
Rafe : I do .
Maggie : Nick ?
Nick : Hey .
Maggie : Hi .
Nick : Hey , aunt Maggie .
Maggie : Hi , honey .
Nick : Mwah .
Maggie : How you doing ?
Nick : Good . Good to see you .
Maggie : Well , you all settled in your new place ?
Nick : Yes , I love it . It s great .
Maggie : All you have to do is get a job , huh ?
Nick : Yes . That s right . I m working on that one .
Maggie : Well , you know , I can give you a reference if that s what you--
Nick : Oh , sorry .
Maggie : Oh , wait .
Nick : Um--
Maggie : Nick , do you want to tell me what s really going on ?
Nick : [ Exhales ]
Gabi : Hey , I m so glad we got some free time because I ve been up to my eyeballs with Ari and classes and-- what s going on ? What s wrong ?
Abigail : It s everything . [ Crying ]
Chad : All right , so you throw it sideways , like this . Then it flies through the air and comes back to you in a circle .
Theo : No way .
Chad : Yeah . Check this out . Mm .
Theo : It did nt come back . Did you keep the receipt ?
Chad : I probably just threw it wrong .
Theo : That s mom s tree .
Chad : How is it ?
Theo : She used to let me climb it . I miss her .
Cameron : So do I.
Sonny : You want to play peek - a - boo with daddy ?
Will : Oh , yeah .
Sonny : Peek - a - boo ?
Will : Hello ? Hello ?
Sonny : Huh ?
Sonny : Oh , Maggie s early .
Will : Okay . No , I do nt think so . She would ve called . He -- oh , hi .
Kate : Hi , honey .
Will : Hi .
Kate : I need to see that baby , and I need to give her a hug .
Sonny : Lookee .
Kate : Hi , precious . How are you ? Yes . Yes . There she is .
Will : So , um , did you just testify ? How d it go ?
Kate : Well , it could ve gone better .
Will : Okay . Who s on the stand now ?
Kate : They just called Rafe , so maybe he can help Sami .
Melinda : Mr. Hernandez , please tell us what you did for a living before you were injured .
Rafe : I was -- am a detective with the Salem pd .
Melinda : And before that ?
Rafe : I was a field agent with the FBI for 15 years .
Melinda : Detective , did you work with Joseph Bernardi ?
Rafe : Yes .
Melinda : And what is your relationship to the defendant ?
Rafe : She s my ex - wife .
Melinda : That puts you in a unique position here , does nt it , detective ? You have more intimate knowledge of both the victim and the defendant than anyone we could possibly call .
Justin : Objection . Counsel is testifying .
Judge Sims : Sustained .
Melinda : Detective , as an officer of the court , you are sworn to tell the truth , are you not ?
Rafe : Yes .
Melinda : And the truth is , you have lied for Samantha Brady in the past , have nt you ?
Justin : Your honor , I m confused . Is counsel attempting to discredit her own witness ?
Melinda : Your honor , all I wish to do is establish a complete and full picture of the witness s relationship to both the victim and the defendant . I think the jury should hear the lengths to which this man has been willing to go in the past to--
Justin : Objection ! If counsel is so eager to testify herself , I suggest she take the witness stand .
Judge Sims : Counselors , it s late in the day . We d all like to get through this in one piece . Now please , you know the rules . Objection overruled . But the prosecutor s commentary will be stricken . Proceed .
Melinda : Detective , would you like me to repeat the question ?
Rafe : No .
Melinda : Detective , would you like to answer the question ?
Rafe : No .
Melinda : No , what ?
Rafe : No , I would not like to answer the question .
Melinda : Permission to treat the witness as hostile .
Judge Sims : Granted .
Melinda : Detective , is it true that you lied for Samantha Brady in the past ?
Rafe : Yes . I have .
Melinda : Please tell the court exactly what the lie or lies you told for ms . Brady entailed .
Justin : Your honor , this is absurd . The witness and the defendant were married .
Melinda : Your honor , this goes to credibility .
Judge Sims : Which is why the state can inquire as to the nature of the lies . But please keep it brief .
Melinda : Thank you , your honor . Is nt it a fact , detective , that you aided and abetted ms . Brady in a potential crime while she was pregnant with EJ DiMera s child ?
Rafe : We did not commit a crime .
Melinda : Then , let s focus on the lie . What did you do for ms . Brady ?
Rafe : Well , I lied to help Sami keep her daughter , grace Rafaela , away from her father , EJ DiMera .
Theo : Uncle Cameron !
Cameron : Hey .
Theo : We have a boomerang .
Cameron : Ooh , nice . You know what , if you take it right over there where there are nt any trees , it might be a little easier for you .
Theo : Cool .
Cameron : Yeah .
Chad : Hmm . [ Exhales ] You re good . I could nt get him away from that tree all morning .
Cameron : Ah , well , that s -- that s Lexie s tree , so--
Chad : Hmm .
Cameron : You know what , Chad ? You need to prepare him .
Chad : For ? Ah . Well , the kid lost his mom last year . You want me to tell him that his uncle could die too ?
Cameron : No , that s not what I m saying , but you should tell your family you re sick , okay ? You need to let people help you .
Chad : Hmm .
Gabi : Okay , so wait , JJ s still in jail right now ?
Abigail : It is such a nightmare , Gabi . I feel like such a fool . He played me as well as he played my mom . And I should ve known that he was in trouble , you know ? It was so obvious .
Gabi : No , you re gon na think that now , but honestly , you do nt think about that at the time . You know , my brother always felt guilty . He thought that he should ve known that my sister was dealing . When she got arrested--
Abigail : Wait , whoa . Wait , what ?
Gabi : Wait , you did nt know that ? That s how she ended up working for the cops . She got arrested , went to prison , and then she cut a deal .
Abigail : [ Whispers ] Oh , my God . JJ ca nt go to prison . He s just a kid . Look what happened to Nick .
Maggie : Nick , what s going on ?
Nick : If I tell you , can we keep this between us ? Can you give me your word ?
Maggie : Well , I ca nt promise you that until I know what you re gon na tell me .
Nick : Well , it s a good thing . It s a good thing . I m trying to help Gabi get back into modeling . It was her dream . It was all she wanted before , you know , before she got pregnant and before we got together .
Maggie : So what s the big secret ?
Nick : Well , Gabi does nt know . And I do nt want her to get her hopes up if it does nt pan out .
Maggie : You re still in love with her .
Nick : [ Laughs ]
Maggie : Are nt you ?
Will : I do nt understand . What could you say that would hurt mom ?
Kate : [ Sighs ] The prosecutor asked if I had ever seen or heard of Sami using a gun . And I had to admit that , yes , I heard she had threatened someone with a gun .
Will : All right . Who did she threaten ?
Kate : Nick Fallon .
Melinda : So you willingly lied for Samantha Brady in the past ?
Rafe : Yes .
Melinda : And did you lie under oath for ms . Brady ?
Rafe : No .
Melinda : As an officer of the court , you could nt do that without endangering your job , your pension , your health benefits . Is nt that true ?
Rafe : Yes , it is .
Melinda : Okay . So ... was detective Joseph Bernardi a friend of yours ?
Rafe : Colleague . He was a co - worker .
Melinda : It was much more than that , was nt he , detective ? The state offers this as exhibit C. These are records of text messages between you and Joe Bernardi . Messages about covering a shift , so Joe could go to his son s little league game .
Rafe : Yeah , I did a favor for a co - worker .
Melinda : And there are also numerous receipts from both your account and Joe Bernardi s which indicate that you shared at least nine meals together in the last year . So I ask you again . Were you and Joe Bernardi friends ?
Rafe : We were friendly colleagues .
Melinda : How long did you work together ?
Rafe : It was , uh , a little bit over two years .
Melinda : And in all that time , did you ever see or hear anything that would make you think that Joe Bernardi was anything other than an honest , loyal officer in the Salem police department ?
Rafe : No . No , I did nt .
Nick : [ Chuckles ] This is so embarrassing . Gabi and I are close . We still have that . And I-- [ Inhales ] I learned from my mistakes . You know , it s not like before .
Maggie : You sure ?
Nick : Yeah . Because I m not trying to control Gabi . I m just , you know , I m gon na send out some pictures and some resumes , and if an offer comes in , I ll give it to Gabi , and she can do whatever she wants .
Maggie : Okay . I understand that you need to make amends .
Nick : So ... between us ?
Maggie : I wo nt say anything to Gabi . Okay , my sweet .
Nick : Bye .
Maggie : Take care .
Nick : Mwah . Bye , aunt Maggie . I m gon na make this happen for you .
Gabi : JJ is nt Nick . He s a minor . It s his first offense . He s not gon na go to prison .
Abigail : I do nt want my brother to be damaged , but I m scared that if he just walks , he could get himself in even worse trouble .
Gabi : Yeah . Yeah , you want him ... you want him to get enough punishment to teach him a lesson , but you want enough help to keep him clean .
Abigail : Yeah .
Gabi : Okay .
Abigail : I have to do more for him somehow .
Gabi : You will . You will , okay ? And you have to let your friends help you . You ve got me and Sonny and will , and you got Cameron and Chad . Still juggling , right ?
Abigail : Uh , not exactly .
Gabi : What ?
Abigail : Cameron and I are still friends .
Gabi : You chose Chad ?
Abigail : No , actually , Cameron kind of decided for me .
Chad : Well , I m sorry to disappoint you , but I m not checking out any time soon .
Cameron : That s good . That s good . How s treatment going ?
Chad : Doctor seems happy .
Cameron : Okay , all right . Well , what s the protocol ?
Chad : Well , I do nt know the medical terms . It s just some experimental thing .
Cameron : Okay , but--
Chad : I just do what they tell me , okay ?
Cameron : Is there some sort of staff support , like maybe a shrink or something ?
Chad : Jeez , will you let it go ? I do nt need any help , okay ?
Cameron : I m just saying .
Chad : You re saying too much , especially to Abigail . And she made her choice , man . Okay ?
Cameron : You know , I do nt want to see her hurt when you re --
Chad : What , you think I m gon na hurt her ? How ? By dying ?
Theo : Who s dying ?
Will : How do you know mom waved a gun at Nick ?
Kate : Because Nick told me .
Sonny : Well , then it must be true .
Kate : Okay , you know , we re gon na have to leave that to other people to decide . I had to give them something .
Will : Yeah .
Sonny : This sucks . Nick is lying to hurt your mom .
Will : I know . What did he say exactly ?
Kate : He said that she waved a gun at him and told him to stay away from her and her family .
Sonny : Okay , well , it sounds like he exaggerated a fight when he was at odds with our family . And that s certainly how it has to sound when he s on the stand . Cause the prosecution is gon na subpoena him now for sure .
Kate : Right .
Will : Do you mind watching Ari just for a little while ?
Kate : No , I would say I would love to do that . Do you mind if I bring her by though to see Rafe when he gets back from court ?
Will : No , of course not . Okay . Great . Thank you .
Kate : Okay . Bye - bye , sweetie .
Will : Bye .
Kate : Bye .
Kate : Oh , your uncle Rafe is going to need to see a friendly face today . Yes , he is .
Melinda : In your experience , was Joe Bernardi a good cop ?
Rafe : Yes . But I was in a coma the night he was shot .
Melinda : Yes , you were . So you do nt have any memories from the actual shooting or the aftermath .
Rafe : No .
Melinda : And when you awoke and you discovered that a fellow detective had been killed , how did you react ?
Rafe : I was shocked . Till I heard why .
Melinda : Detective , listen carefully to the question . Do you have personal knowledge or personal reason to believe there was any reason on God s green earth for Joe Bernardi to want you dead ?
Rafe : No .
Melinda : Thank you . Nothing further .
Abigail : Cameron kept making excuses , saying that he had to focus on his career and that he did nt have time for anything else besides work .
Gabi : Uh , hello ? He found time to dance in that club in Chicago , so-- okay , so you settled ?
Abigail : N - no . I did nt mean to make it sound like that at all , Gabi . I m happy with Chad . He s great , and he s sweet and romantic . And you know , he has no questions .
Gabi : Yeah , when he s into someone , that s it .
Abigail : Right . Exactly , and that s how I am too . [ Laughs ] Okay , that s how I want to be .
Gabi : So this is good . This is good , right ? What ?
Abigail : Nothing , I-- I just feel like there s something that Cameron s not telling me .
Gabi : Like what ?
Abigail : I m not sure . I do nt know . Um , but he basically told me not to get serious with Chad .
Chad : I m dying to learn how you threw that boomerang . It looked pretty good over there , buddy .
Theo : It s all in the wrist .
Chad : Yeah ? Can you show me ?
Theo : Yep .
Chad : Like that , huh ? All right , let me try it .
Theo : You need some practice .
Chad : Yeah . Did you see how close that was ? You need to back off , Cameron .
Cameron : No . You re family , Chad , and I m gon na dog you relentlessly if you re not doing everything you can to get better .
Chad : Mm .
Kate : Okay , here we go . We are off to see our uncle Rafe . Yes , we are . To see-- Maggie , what are you doing here ?
Maggie : Hello , sweetheart . You knew I was coming for a visit , did nt you ? I mean , Sonny and will knew I was coming .
Kate : Ooh . Well , they re not here , and they did nt tell me . Well , I mean , but you know , they have a lot going on . So I m -- yes .
Maggie : Oh , well . Look , I ll just leave my lemon bars and have a little visit with miss Arianna , huh ? Huh ?
Kate : Oh , uh ... Maggie , I was just going out .
Maggie : Well , I wo nt keep you long .
Kate : [ Groans ]
Justin : Detective , do you believe Sami Brady could shoot Joe Bernardi in cold blood ?
Rafe : No . No , Sami saved my life .
Melinda : Objection , your honor . We just established this witness has no direct knowledge of that night .
Judge Sims : Sustained .
Justin : Detective , if Joe Bernardi was a dirty cop , would you or anyone else in the department necessarily know that ?
Rafe : No . No . Not in our department . No . Cops know what another cop would look for , and ... anyone who was on the take , they would have to be really good at hiding it , or else , you know , they d lose their job .
Justin : Thank you . Nothing further .
Melinda : Redirect , your honor . Even as an experienced investigator , did you have any suspicion that Joe Bernardi was dirty ?
Rafe : No .
Melinda : Even now , you have no evidence of any kind that Joe Bernardi was anything other than a good , clean cop . Is nt that true ?
Rafe : Yes .
Melinda : Nothing further .
Judge Sims : Given the hour , we ll adjourn here for the day . [ Bangs gavel ]
Bailiff : All rise .
Chad : Thought I d see if there was any news on JJ .
Abigail : My mom s meeting with the lawyer right now .
Chad : [ Sighs ] Okay . Can I kind of distract you for an hour , please ?
Abigail : Please , yeah .
Chad : Okay , look . I know you do nt feel like celebrating or anything , but I have to choose one of these to carry at the club , so I need your help .
Abigail : Hmm . Actually if I ever felt like drinking early , it would be that one .
Chad : Well , I hope it s a lot more fun than it sounded .
Abigail : It will be fun . You brought bubbles . We ll make it fun .
Cameron : [ Sighs ]
Abigail : Cheers .
Chad : How s yours ?
Abigail : It s a little sweet .
Chad : Yeah , some people like that .
Abigail : I like it with a little more bite . Something with a little bit more substance .
Chad : Oh .
Abigail : Something like this ?
Chad : Nothing just sweet , then ?
Abigail : Right .
Chad : It s hard to find those two things in the same place .
Abigail : It is , is nt it ?
Rafe : I blew it .
Jordan : You told the truth . That s all you could do .
Rafe : Let s go .
Maggie : Are nt you the prettiest girl in Salem ?
Kate : Yes . Yes , she is .
Maggie : [ Chuckles ] And where is your great - grandma Kate taking you ?
Kate : [ Scoffs ] Oh , my God . Maggie , I m right here . Talk to the face . I m taking her to see her uncle Rafe .
Maggie : How s he doing ?
Kate : Well , he was doing better every day up until now when he was called to testify at Sami s trial .
Maggie : Oh , that must be killing him . I mean , he does know that she shot that man to save him .
Kate : As he is constantly reminded .
Maggie : And I expect he s very grateful . You do nt think it s a miracle that Sami had a gun in the first place to use ?
Kate : I have to go .
Maggie : Okay . Give Rafe our love .
Nick : Hey , I m glad you could make it .
Gabi : I m gon na go see Rafe .
Nick : Oh , I just thought maybe you needed help with your classes .
Gabi : Um , no . I m good . I got smart , and I took a lighter load this semester . I need to get a job .
Nick : Really ?
Gabi : Yeah .
Will : Hello .
Gabi : Hey , where s Ari ?
Will : Hi . Oh , Kate has her , and she s taking her to go see Rafe . Do you mind if we have a minute alone with Nick ?
Sonny : Yeah , we just need to speak with him for a minute .
Nick : Yeah , it s okay . I ll call you later .
Gabi : Okay .
Nick : Bye .
Will : Okay , see you .
Nick : Uh , what s up ?
Will : You need to stop trying to incriminate my mom .
EJ : Well ?
Justin : Did nt help , that s for sure .
EJ : I can not believe that bloody idiot walked into that trap .
Sami : Is it really that bad ?
Justin : Once Melinda got Rafe declared a hostile witness , she could ask him leading questions . And it made everything he said against you weigh that much more .
EJ : Once we get Bernardi s evidence on record , things will change , right , Justin ?
Justin : Assuming it holds up , yes . I ll see you in the morning .
Sami : Thanks , Justin .
Justin : Hang in there .
Sami : Yeah .
EJ : It s early . Things always look the worst at this point .
Sami : Hey , Johnny -- he had that football game today , did nt he ?
EJ : Yes , actually Mary took him . Allie and Sydney are cheering him on .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] You re gon na pick them up , right ? And you ll let them know that I called , that I-- It s time .
Sami : Okay . Um , and you re gon na make sure to help Allie with her math homework , right ?
EJ : Absolutely .
Sami : She still has trouble with that .
EJ : I know she does .
Sami : Okay .
EJ : You ll be back soon to help her with that yourself . Okay ?
Sami : I love you .
EJ : [ Whispers ] I love you .
Sami : Good night .
EJ : Toothbrush and paste . Do nt just wet it . I ll check . Lights out in half an hour . [ Sighs ]
Chad : Okay , look . I know -- like , I know this is a weird time for you . I just -- I do nt want to take advantage of you , you know .
Abigail : You re not . You re not taking advantage . You re ... you re being my friend . The guy that I can say anything to . The guy who does nt make me wonder how he feels .
Chad : Sounds boring .
Abigail : Mm - mm . No . It s what I need . What I want .
Chad : The funny thing is ... I have nt even begun to show you how I really feel .
Rafe : I blew it . If I d just answered Trask straight out , she could nt have asked the questions that she did .
Jordan : Okay , make a fist . Push as hard as you can .
Rafe : [ Breathing heavily ]
Jordan : Okay , rest .
Rafe : No . No , no , no , I want to work . Right now , let s go .
Jordan : The trip to the courthouse was enough . You ve already set yourself back .
Rafe : All the more reason I need to do this . Come on .
Kate : Hello . I think we know exactly what uncle Rafe needs .
Jordan : Perfect timing . Spend time with your niece , and then get some sleep .
Rafe : Jordan , thanks for taking me to court .
Jordan : It s my job .
Kate : She has such great people skills .
Rafe : Yeah .
Kate : Okay , here we go .
Rafe : You bring her here . Come here .
Kate : Do you want to say hi to your uncle ?
Rafe : Oh , my go -- look at you .
Kate : Oh , my gosh . Here we go .
Rafe : You got so big already .
Kate : Yes .
Rafe : Oh , God .
Kate : Here we go .
Rafe : Can I see her ?
Kate : [ Laughs ] How did court go ?
Rafe : Ah , well ... I did nt help Sami , that s for sure . I think it s gon na get worse for her before it gets better . Hey .
Kate : Hey .
Rafe : Hey .
Kate : [ Laughs ] Oh , you can squeeze that finger , right ?
Sonny : You said that Sami threatened you with a gun .
Nick : Uh , thanks . Um , yeah , she did .
Will : Why ?
Nick : Why did she threaten me with a gun ?
Will : Yeah .
Nick : Well , because when she broke into my room , she took some money , and I guess she did nt like the way that I asked for it back .
Will : Hmm . You threatened her .
Nick : I was angry . But she was the one who , you know , took out a gun and said that she was gon na blow me away .
Will : Okay , how much money was it ?
Nick : It was $ 30,000 .
Sonny : [ Chuckles ] Which you d come by legitimately ?
Nick : It was a friend s money . It was a friend s money , and I was investing it for him . And I really could nt afford to lose it . But I really do nt understand what we re talking about . What s the big deal ?
Sonny : You told this story to Kate .
Nick : Yeah , so ? Nick ? Nick Fallon ?
Nick : Yes ? You re a tough guy to find .
Nick : What s this ? You ve been served .
Nick : Are you serious ?
Will : Yes , and now you get to tell that story at the trial .
Sami : Dear EJ , by the time you read this , it will probably be night , and you ll be dreading the dark , just like I am . It s not noisy here at night . Weird , right ? It s quiet . And u know how much I hate silence . But for once , I m glad . Because last night , I finally found the words I need to say to you .
Abigail : Mom , what s up ? Okay . Yeah , I m home . I ll be here . Thanks .
Chad : Um , what happened ?
Abigail : They ca nt get a bail hearing for JJ , so he is spending the night in jail .
Chad : Mm , I m -- I m sorry . Look , they ll put him someplace for juveniles , okay ? He ll be all right . He ll be okay .
Abigail : My mom s so scared . So am I.
Chad : Okay , what can I do ? Just tell me .
Abigail : Nothing . You re here . That s all .
Chad : Okay .
Abigail : [ Sighs ] My mom s gon na be home soon , so--
Chad : Okay , we should probably put these up . All right .
Abigail : [ Sighs ]
Cameron : [ Sighs ]
Chad : Call me any time , day or night .
Abigail : I will . Thank you .
Chad : Yeah .
Sami : I ve always been good at finding the right words when I m mad at you . But when it comes to how much I told you and all the reasons why , what always comes out is you re handsome , charming , good to me and the kids . But those words are so ... small next to what it is that I feel . You remember that first night we spent together last February ? I put my head on your chest , and I could hear your heart beating . And I remembered how many times over the years I ve had to do that . Think about it . How many times have I found you on the ground , near dead , afraid your heart had stopped ? And every time , EJ , even when I was the one who d put you there -- hell , especially when I was the one who d put you there , I d panic . Because I knew that if your heart stopped ... part of me would die too . You ve carried me in that stubborn heart of yours for so many years . You loved me without question , no matter what I did . I ca nt believe that now , when I finally understand what a gift that is , that we ve ended up apart again . I can feel how much it hurts you to see me here . And maybe that s the good news ? Because for once , I honestly hurt more for you than I do for myself . Because now I carry you in my heart the way you ve always carried me .
Will : Now--[Clears throat ] The question that you need to ask yourself is , have nt you done enough damage to me and my family ?
Nick : Will , I m sorry .
Will : Listen , Nick . I know how you feel about my mom , but would it feel good to send her to prison ?
Nick : No .
Will : okay . Listen , what she did saved Rafe s life . He is Gabi s brother . And you want a chance , this is it . Do not-- do not make this worse .
Nick : Will--
Sonny : Do you see will now ? Imagine if he knew that you and Gabi were sleeping together . He s your cousin , your family . Do right by him for once .
Nick : Sonny--
Kate : You were boxed in . We all were . Sami did what she did in the past . It s not like we can lie on the stand .
Rafe : Sami saved my life . I know that . You know it too .
Gabi : Hey .
Rafe : Hey .
Gabi : Court was rough ?
Rafe : [ Sighs ] Yeah .
Kate : Justin and EJ will not let Sami go to prison . But Sami is nt your problem .
Gabi : Kate s right . You need to focus on physical therapy . Hey .
Kate : You re gon na need all your strength to get you through that .
Gabi : Yeah , you just tell Uncle Rafe to get better so that he can play peek - a- boo .
Rafe : Peek - a - boo ?
Gabi : Yeah .
Kate : Yeah .
Rafe : You already know how to play peek - a - boo ? Do you ?
Sami : It d be easy for me to give up right now . I know I almost did , and I am so sorry for that . It wo nt happen again . I promise you , I will never stop fighting for our family . For us . You taught me that . I will never , ever give up , EJ , and you ca nt either . I will get out of here . I will come home to you and our kids . Get ready for a lifetime of waking up on your back , every morning , because I will be there beside you every night , my head on your chest , listening . That s how I go to sleep in here . I close my eyes , and that s where I go . You re with me . I hear your steady , unbending , perfect heartbeat . And I breathe with it . With you . I love you , EJ DiMera . Listen for me . For us . Soon . Your Samantha .
### Summary:
| Melinda questioned Rafe . She questioned Rafe about how he and Sami kept Grace away from EJ . Maggie and Nick talked at the town square . Nick admitted that he was trying to get Gabi back into modeling . Kate was with Will and sonny and they talked about Sami s trial . Melinda questioned Rafe about his relationship with Bernardi . According to Rafe s testimony . Bernardi was a good cop . That did nt bode well for Sami s case . Nick let Maggie know that he and Gabi are close . Maggie wondered if he still had feelings for Gabi . Cameron wanted Chad to tell his family about his condition . Chad did nt want to say anything to anyone yet . Chad and Cameron talked about Chad not wanting to tell Abby that he s dying . Theo heard him mention dying , but Chad covered up by saying that he was dying to throw a Frisbee . Melinda asked Rafe if Bernardi had any reason to want him dead . Rafe said he did nt have a reason to kill him . Justin tried to do damage control by questioning Rafe about whether Bernardi could be a dirty cop . Rafe tried to help , but Melinda asked more questions when Justin was finished . Will and Sonny ran into Nick and wanted to talk to him . Will warned Nick to stop trying to incriminate his mother . Justin let Sami know that Rafe s testimony could have hurt her case . Kate showed up at the hospital with Arianna to see Rafe . Nick explained to Will and Sonny how Sami threatened him . Nick was summoned to testify at Sami . Sonny reminded Nick how he and Gabi had sex and that Will did nt need to know it . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : Hey , how s it going ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) where have you been ? We ve been waiting .
Nick : I ve been trying to set things up for Katie . Where is she ?
Donna : She s upstairs with Stephanie .
Nick : Good . Good . Hopefully , she s getting some rest . How are things going over here ?
Bridget : I have nt found anything yet .
Nick : Keep at it , all right ?
Bridget : If there s an answer for Katie , I am going to find it .
Phoebe : There has to be something the doctors can do .
Ashley : Well , it s her immune system , Phoebe . It s rejecting her new heart .
Felicia : Oh , it sucks . Obviously , the anti - rejection drugs are nt working on Katie .
Phoebe : So find a new medication .
Ashley : It s not that simple . Everybody s immune system is different . Sometimes it takes a cocktail of meds , and if you do nt find the right combination ...
Thorne : Meanwhile , they re running out of time .
Felicia : I think you mean Katie s running out of time .
Ashley : Well , the doctors are doing everything they can , right ? Why do nt we just try to support Katie and make her as happy and comfortable as we can ?
Jackie : And Dominic seems to have found a way . Is the dress ready yet ?
Thorne : You know what ? Let me go check .
Phoebe : What dress ?
Jackie : Oh , something that your father and grandfather designed , actually .
Phoebe : For Katie ?
Jackie : Yep . Katie may be a very sick young woman , but tonight , she s gon na be a princess .
Stephanie : Your fever is back up .
Katie : Yeah , it does that . It kind of comes and goes like the weather .
Stephanie : You re not giving up , are you ?
Katie : No . No , of course not , but I do want to be realistic .
Stephanie : Well , let s not be too realistic here . I heard you had quite a day yesterday .
Katie : Yeah , it was amazing . Nick was amazing .
Stephanie : I m glad to hear that .
Katie : I guess I have a lot of people on my side .
Stephanie : Yes , you do , so all the more reason you have to keep fighting .
Nick : You sure you can piece it together just the way I want ? And you can get it here as soon as possible ? Excellent . Thank you . Okay , girls , listen up . We have to have a talk .
Brooke : Finally . Tell us about the surprise for Katie .
Bridget : Oh , it s very , very cool .
Brooke : You know about this ?
Bridget : Yeah , and it s a beautiful idea .
Brooke : ( Scoffs )
Donna : So what ? What is it ?
Nick : Well , listen , before we get into that , there s a few other things we need to talk about , and Bridget and I have discussed some of it . Katie and I stopped at Catalina yesterday , and , uh , it was a ... it was a beautiful day-- the kind of day that all of you wanted for her , and she was honest about some things with me . I could nt quite understand at first , but after a minute , I-- made sense to me . She wants to stop taking her medication .
Brooke : What ?
Bridget : What ? Nick--
Brooke : Nick , you did nt let her .
Nick : She wants to die in peace . She wants to go on her terms .
Bridget : ( Sighs )
Nick : I ll be honest with ya . At that particular moment , she could have died right there in the sun and the sand and been very happy . ( Exhales ) But I talked to her and pleaded with her to continue to take her medication because of you ... and you ... and you ... because of her family , because you want what s best for her . But for her , what she wants more than anything is to not go back to a hospital . So ... I speak on her behalf , and I m gon na ask you to promise to let her die with dignity , to let her stay in this house and be surrounded by family ... And to honor her wish-- to let her die the way she wants .
Felicia : I saw Katie s dress . It s amazing .
Thorne : Yeah , Ridge and dad really came through .
Felicia : Let s just hope it s not her only chance to wear it .
Ashley : Oh , let s not think about that . Katie s gon na have the most amazing night of her life , right ?
Phoebe : I wonder what Nick has planned .
Katie : I am gon na fight , Stephanie . I do nt want to die , but I have to be realistic . My body is rejecting my heart , and we re not gon na find a better match .
Stephanie : Katie , miracles can happen .
Katie : I think I ve had my fair share of miracles . What would you do in this situation ?
Stephanie : Well , I do nt know . I mean ... if I had to look for a miracle -- hmm . Well , I have a miracle-- my family . ( Inhales deeply ) They love me , in spite of what I do to them .
Katie : Hmm .
Stephanie : And you have a miracle -- your family . Your sisters love you . They adore you . I love you , too , for what it s worth .
Katie : ( Laughs ) and I have Bridget and ... ( inhales ) and Nick . Nick s been kind of a miracle , actually . Just everything he s done for me these last few days-- the last 24 hours . He s really helped me to deal with this ... situation . You know , they re planning something tonight . Do you know what it is ?
Stephanie : No , and even if I did , I would nt tell you .
Katie : ( Laughs )
Nick : So ... tonight ... we re gon na give Katie something that she s dreamed of ever since high school . We re gon na give her the perfect prom night
Donna : Prom night ?
Brooke : Do nt you remember , Donna , how devastated Katie was ?
Donna : Oh , that s right . Poor thing . We never did find out why .
Brooke : And she s been troubled ever since .
Nick : Well , I hope to put an end to that tonight .
Brooke : Thank you . ( Door opens )
Jackie : Hello , everyone . Well , I have Katie s dress , and it s a Forrester original .
Donna : ( Gasps ) Where did you get it ?
Jackie : ( Giggles ) Your husband designed it , actually .
Nick : I called last night , and Eric and Ridge dropped everything to do this for Katie .
Bridget : Oh , wow .
Brooke : Despite the tension between our families , Ridge and Eric really came through .
Donna : Well , where are we gon na have this prom ?
Nick : Right here . The decorators are on their way over right now .
Brooke : Oh ! Oh , okay . Well , they re gon na need our help . We better get busy .
Donna : Okay . Oh , yes .
Jackie : Oh , my goodness .
Brooke : Come on . Let s go to the kitchen because I know we need to-- to organize everything . ( Speaking indistinctly )
Nick : Any luck ?
Bridget : No . ( Sighs ) no , not yet , but I m not gon na give up .
Nick : Come here . I love you .
Bridget : I love you , too .
Nick : You okay with all this ?
Bridget : ( Laughs ) yeah . Yeah , of course I am . I mean , I m the one going to the after - prom party , so ... ( sniffles ) and I m so proud of you . I am trying so hard to find something that could help Katie of possibly save her , but you re making her so happy . And she s in your hands tonight . I know you re gon na make it beautiful .
Stephanie : I think I d better go . You have to get ready , do nt you ?
Katie : ( Sighs ) yeah . Well , thanks for stopping by .
Stephanie : You re welcome .
Katie : I guess I ll see you tomorrow or sometime .
Stephanie : Yes , you will . Fine .
Katie : In case I do nt ...
Stephanie : You will .
Katie : Stephanie , I am living for the moment . I do nt know what tomorrow will bring , so in case I do nt ... good - bye . And for the record , I love you , too .
Stephanie : I ll see you tomorrow .
Nick : What s your E.T.A. ? You sure you can pull this off ? Okay , I want the works . I want the streamers , the balloons , everything , you got it ? Excellent . Thank you . How s our prom queen ?
Stephanie : She s getting ready , and I have not told her the surprise .
Nick : Good . Good .
Stephanie : This is very nice what you re going to do for her . I , um , I had no idea you had-- you were such a compassionate person , Nick .
Nick : It s a special time for a special person .
Stephanie : Mm - hmm . Well , Katie s one in a million , that s for sure . And it is nice that you re giving her this special evening .
Nick : It s my pleasure .
Stephanie : You have feelings for her , do nt you ?
Nick : Of course I do .
Stephanie : Mm . So besides , uh , Bridget , uh , how many of the rest of the women in the family do you plan on sleeping with ?
Nick : ( Scoffs ) Stephanie , Bridget is completely behind this .
Stephanie : And Bridget is madly in love with you . I hope you appreciate that .
Nick : ( Scoffs ) More than anyone knows .
Stephanie : Have a nice evening , Nick .
Nick : I hope we both do . I hope it s a night Katie will remember forever .
Stephanie : She will , and I would nt be surprised if someone else in the family does nt , too .
Bridget : Okay . So how are you feeling ?
Katie : Fine . That pain medication is starting to kick in .
Bridget : You re still looking a little bit pale .
Katie : I m fine . Do you have that document ?
Brooke : What document ?
Katie : Nick did nt tell you ?
Brooke : Well , he mentioned that you did nt want to go back to the hospital .
Katie : I also do nt want extreme measures taken to keep me alive .
Brooke : Katie , how can you even say that ?
Katie : Can you just hand me the document , please ?
Bridget : Yes . It s right here , Katie .
Katie : Okay . So who wants to tell me what s going on tonight ?
Jackie : We have arrived with everything needed for a dramatic transformation .
Bridget : Perfect !
Donna : Hair up or down ?
Brooke : Down .
Jackie : In there , you re gon na find the most perfect lipstick .
Katie : Okay , uh , before we all get carried away , I - I really do nt feel like going out tonight .
Bridget : Oh , you re not going anywhere .
Katie : Well , then why all the fuss ?
Brooke : You just sit back and relax . This is going to be a night you will never forget .
Katie : You guys do nt have to do this .
Brooke : Actually , it was Nick s idea . He really cares about you , Katie . He wants to make every moment special .
Donna : Katie looked so beautiful , did nt she ?
Brooke : Jackie did a great job with her makeup .
Bridget : He ?
Brooke : Where is she ?
Bridget : Oh , she s , uh , spending some time with little Jack .
Donna : Well , she could do that tomorrow . Nick is waiting for her .
Bridget : She insisted , and I actually think it s a really good idea .
Brooke : Why ?
Brooke : Bridget , what s going on ?
Bridget : Mom , it s just her s-- her symptoms are , um ...
Donna : What about them ?
Bridget : They re getting worse a lot sooner than I thought they would .
Brooke : You said she had a couple weeks to live , at least .
Bridget : I do nt think she s gon na make it that long .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Donna : There s got to be something that -- that we can do .
Bridget : Donna , I have been searching and searching , and I m not gon na stop , but I ve done everything I can . I do nt know what else to do .
Brooke : All right , you two , listen to me . There s nothing we can do about this right now . Now this is a very special evening for Katie . We re not going to do anything to spoil it . ( Door opens )
Brooke : ( Gasps )
Katie : What ?
Bridget : Katie .
Donna : ( Sighs )
Brooke : You look absolutely gorgeous .
Katie : The ugly duckling becomes a swan . ( Laughs )
Brooke : ( Laughs ) no .
Donna : No , honey , you were never the ugly duckling-- never .
Katie : Oh . This dress is so beautiful . Where did you get it ?
Donna : It s a Forrester original , designed especially for you .
Katie : Designed for me ? It s the most beautiful dress I ve ever had . I -- how ? When ? ( Laughs )
Brooke : Eric and Ridge dropped everything .
Katie : Eric and Ridge did this for me ?
Brooke : Do nt you know , little sis ? You are loved and adored by everybody .
Katie : Well , I m just starting to realize how lucky I am . Well , I guess I better go see what awaits me downstairs .
Bridget : Oh , my goodness .
Brooke : Yeah .
Bridget : You are gon na have the greatest night of your life .
Katie : ( Laughs ) I ll pretend like it s my last one .
Donna : ( Tsks )
Katie : I ll just pretend . I ll just pretend . ( Laughs )
Donna : I love you . I love so much .
Katie : Oh , I love you , too .
Brooke : You re gon na be the belle of the ball .
Katie : I still do nt understand what s going on .
Brooke : You will . You re gon na have a beautiful night . We re all gon na sneak out the backdoor .
Katie : You re not gon na be a part of it ?
Bridget : Nope . Nope . Unh - unh .
Brooke : No .
Bridget : You are on your own , lady .
Katie : I just want to remember you all just like this-- so beautiful and happy and smiling . I m never gon na forget this moment . I m never gon na forget this night .
Brooke : Oh .
Katie : ( Laughs )
Brooke : Mm . I love you .
Katie : All right , here I go .
Donna : All right .
Brooke : Okay . Good luck . Have fun . ( Sighs )
Katie : ( Gasps ) you make this a beautiful life
Katie : Wow . It does nt get any better than this
Katie : This is amazing . It looks just like ...
Nick : Like a what ?
Katie : ( Laughs ) Like senior prom .
Nick : ( Laughs ) Your senior prom , only this time , you get to dance the night away .
Katie : ( Sighs ) You did not have to do this .
Nick : Hey , let me be honest here . This is nt just for you . I did nt go to my senior prom either .
Katie : Oh , that s because you were probably in the car somewhere drinking beer or--
Nick : Shh , shh , shh , shh , shh , shh , shh , shh .
Katie : Never mind . ( Laughs ) it does nt get any better than this
Nick : God , you look perfect . You make this a beautiful life
Katie : ( Laughs ) I had help .
Nick : Oh , before I forget , I need to do something here . Come on , if you do nt mind . Uh ...
Katie : ( Laughs )
Nick : Is it okay if I put it on ?
Katie : Oh , yes , please . ( Laughs )
Nick : Good . Let s see . Ooh . Uh ... here ?
Katie : Uh , yeah .
Nick : All right . Bear with me . I m a little nervous . ( Laughs )
Katie : Well , do nt worry about it . I m on so many pain medications , I - I wo nt feel a thing if you stick me .
Nick : ( Laughs )
Katie : ( Laughs )
Nick : Come on .
Katie : It s stubborn .
Nick : I know . It is . Hang on . Ahh . There we go .
Katie : Thank you .
Nick : Yeah . I told you I was nervous .
Katie : ( Laughs )
Nick : Wow . It does nt get any better than this
Katie : I , uh ... I - I ca nt ... I ca nt believe this . Thank you so much .
Nick : No , thank you ... for what you ve brought to my life . To look through your eyes
Nick : So , beautiful lady ... shall we go to the prom ?
Katie : Sure . ( Laughs ) to get to be the one with you tonight
Katie : I - I - I ca nt tell you how much I love this , how much I love ... mm . I am going to love every single moment of this night because of you . I love to look through your eyes it does nt get any better than this you make this a beautiful life it does nt get any better than this I love to look through your eyes
### Summary:
| While Stephanie visits and administers to Katie s needs , Felicia and Thorne and Ashley discuss the situation . Nick makes excited plans for her as well , plus Eric and Ridge are making her a special dress . Nick tells them about his day at Catalina and how Katie wanted to stop taking her medication and die happy right there . He wants to speak on her behalf and have them promise to let her die in dignity with her family . Katie thinks she has already had her miracle . Her body is rejecting the best heart match she will ever find . But she is going to fight this , she does nt want to die . She says her goodbye and tells Stephanie she loves her , just in case there is no tomorrow . Jackie brings in Katie s dress and they all scatter to help the decorators and caterers get ready for the prom . Stephanie comments that she has never known Nick to be so compassionate . He says a special gift to the prom queen . Brooke , Jackie , Donna , Bridget , Ashley all fawn over Katie to get her ready for her special night right down to the right color of lipstick . Brooke tells her it was Nick s idea . He cares for her a lot and wants to make this a night to remember . Nick tells Bridget he loves her and asks her if she is okay with all of this and she says yes . She s been searching all over the internet trying to find a solution . Katie is thrilled at the Forrester Original and now feels the ugly duckling has turned into a swan . She s overwhelmed with teary emotions as she sees the decor below and the orchid that Nick pins on her . They dance to it It Does nt Get Better Than This . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Thomas : You and Liam did what ?
Steffy : Oh , it was just a friendly kiss .
Thomas : To Liam , maybe , but I know how you feel about the guy . At first I thought it was just gratitude , Liam saving your life and everything , but now I just--
Steffy : Can I help it if Hope keeps letting him down ?
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Steffy : I mean , she s so focused on herself and her precious line . I mean , last night is a perfect example . Liam needed her , but she could nt be bothered .
Thomas : So you decide to step in and ...
Steffy : I did nt seduce him , if that s what you re asking . No , it s -- it s not like that between us .
Thomas : So what is it like ?
Steffy : ( Inhales sharply )
Thomas : ( Scoffs ) You re falling in love with Liam .
Ridge : Hey , you two . Where is everybody ? We have to get this meeting started .
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Steffy : Dont--
Thomas : I m not letting this go .
Hope : What ? Why are you looking at me like that ?
Marcus : Mm . Mm , I m likin that . ( Chuckles )
Dayzee : ( Giggles )
Marcus : I m just sayin ( laughs )
Dayzee : ( Laughs ) You re crazy .
Marcus : You -- you know that . Only for you , though .
Dayzee : ( Laughs )
Marcus : ( Laughs )
Taylor : Excuse me . Um , I m sorry . I - I did nt mean to interrupt .
Dayzee : ( Giggles )
Marcus : Hey . He s in a meeting . Thomas -- that s who you came to see , right ?
Taylor : Oh , no . No . I m looking for Thorne .
Marcus : Oh , I believe he s in that same meeting , but I can -- I could go check and see if you want me to . Okay ? All right , Babe . Mm .
Dayzee : ( Giggles )
Taylor : You and Marcus are -- are getting very close . I - I m very -- I m very happy for you .
Dayzee : Thanks . Oh , so I m dying to hear about Anthony s prediction . Did the mystery man , you know , show up ?
Stephanie : I do nt know why I m even going to this meeting .
Eric : You re a big part of this company , and everyone here still values your opinion , in spite of what you did ... unless you want to take yourself out of the equation .
Stephanie : Oh , please . Let s go .
Ridge : All right , that was Rick . He s e - mailing the latest overseas sales figures for Hope for the Future .
Stephanie : Mm - hmm .
Ridge : We ve exceeded our expectations . Congratulations , Hope .
Stephanie : Wow . Congratulations .
Eric : That s great .
Brooke : ( Laughs )
Hope : Thank you .
Brooke : Oh , Honey , I m so proud of you .
Hope : Thank you , but this is not all me . This was definitely a team effort . Thank you very much .
Eric : ( Chuckles )
Steffy : Rah rah rah . Yeah . Awesome .
Ridge : I think our daughter s being overly modest . It s not just the designs that have taken off , it s your message to the young women around the world about respecting themselves , their bodies , their choices .
Steffy : Okay , we -- we-- do we have to go there again ? I mean , we re trying to sell clothes , not a cause .
Eric : True enough , Steffy , but this company has nt had this much excitement about a line since--
Thomas : Taboo for Men ?
Ridge : Anyway , with Hope s wedding coming up , all the buzz surrounding that ...
Brooke : Hope for the Future is poised to become one of Forrester Creation s best sellers ever .
Thorne : Especially if we keep pouring all of our ad dollars into it at the expense of everything else .
Stephanie : Are we doing that ?
Ridge : Are you questioning our decision to back a winner , little brother ?
Thorne : No , I m questioning your decision , Ridge , one that could come back and bite us if we do nt change course now .
Dayzee : So Anthony s prediction was right-- I mean , the rain , the stray cat , the guy who he said would show up .
Taylor : I do nt know . Are you sure -- you do nt think it s a coincidence ?
Dayzee : Do you ?
Taylor : Well , it-- it s no offense to Anthony , but I - I ... ( Laughs ) I ve never ever believed in fortune telling .
Dayzee : ( Laughs ) Okay , so what about the guy , I mean , the one he said would show up at your door ? Wait , I m guessing it s some really gorgeous movie star , right , or some , like , playboy who has houses around the world ?
Taylor : Uh , no , no , no . Not exactly . But , um , he does have a lot of wonderful attributes , a lot of good qualities .
Dayzee : Oh ?
Taylor : Thorne ... showed up .
Dayzee : Ridge s brother , Thomas s uncle ? That s who ...
Taylor : Mm - hmm . Yes . Believe me , it was the last person I expected to show up on my doorstep that night .
Dayzee : ( Laughs )
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Dayzee : But you re glad he did .
Taylor : Oh , Thorne is a wonderful man . He s -- he s thoughtful . ( Sighs ) He s sensitive and -- and protective .
Dayzee : Of you ?
Taylor : And my children ... in ways I never could have even imagined just a few short days ago .
Ridge : My , my , my . Someone s full of himself today .
Thorne : I m concerned about how much emphasis you re placing on Hope for the Future . I think its risky putting most of our ad budget into one line , Ridge , instead of building a broader platform here .
Ridge : A broader platform ?
Steffy : I think Thorne is talking about a more balanced approach .
Thorne : We ve spent so much time making Hope for the Future a success that our other lines have been shortchanged . We ca nt forget about couture , Ridge , Steffy s Intimates collection , the Taboo for Men .
Ridge : There is no Taboo for men .
Thorne : Well , there should be . And I know the decision was more personal than it was good business . Your son s a great designer , but his talent is being wasted in the basement .
Ridge : My son and I have already had this discussion , many times , actually . He knows that we re not resurrecting Taboo .
Thorne : I m just saying by putting our ad dollars behind every line , we can maximize the future of this company , Ridge , instead of risking it on one line .
Ridge : Look , hold it , Thorne . I do nt know where you re getting all this . You re not talking to a neophyte here . I know what I m doing , and that s why I m running the company .
Thorne : ( Inhales sharply )
Ridge : Yes , I take calculated risks on occasion , but they pay off , and in a big way , like for Hope for the Future . In any case , in case it slipped anybody s mind , not long ago , I did put a lot of Forrester resources behind Steffy s line with a big Spencer media buy . And it started getting feedback , especially from the international market , about it being a little bit too provocative .
Steffy : ( Scoffs ) ( Mouths words )
Ridge : This is something that Hope also heard when she was over in Paris .
Eric : Hope and me , as well . Rick said the same thing .
Stephanie : Well , but that s not surprising . She s his sister .
Steffy : And Forrester s newest brightest shining star .
Hope : This is a family business , Steffy . We are all in this together .
Brooke : I do nt think Ridge is being unreasonable ...
Hope : ( Sighs )
Brooke : Wanting to hold off on ad buys so Steffy can retool her line .
Stephanie : You re thinking it s too risqué ?
Steffy : I mean , talk about ironic , given the reputation Brooke s bedroom line had .
Ridge : Steffy , stop .
Steffy : Oh , okay . So you re gon na rag on me , Thorne , and Thomas , but if I say anything about Brooke and Hope ...
Ridge : Sweetheart , just stop . I am not playing favorites here . I support your line . I will support a line for your brother eventually .
Thomas : I do nt want a new line , Dad . We do nt need a new line when there s still so much interest in Taboo .
Ridge : For the last time , we are not relaunching Taboo . It was divisive before . It s divisive now . In fact , I have an announcement to make . With all the excitement about Hope s wedding , I feel very strongly that we should capitalize on that event . Weddings create star power . With that in mind , I m gon na throw Forrester s entire advertising budget behind Hope for the Future from now until the wedding .
Hope : Oh .
Brooke : What ?
Hope : Oh , my God .
Ridge : It s our chance to capture huge market shares ...
Thorne : ( Sighs )
Ridge : As the world watches Hope prepare for her marriage .
Hope : Well , thank you , Dad . Oh , my God .
Ridge : You re welcome , Sweetheart . I think it s the right thing to do .
Thorne : Are you insane ? What the hell are you thinking ?
Ridge : Well , I guess we re just gon na have to agree to disagree , are nt we , Thorne ?
Stephanie : Wait a minute , Ridge . Are -- have you really thought this through ? You re putting all your eggs in one basket ? Eric , what do you think of this ?
Eric : It s the first I ve heard of this . Your mother makes a very good point , Ridge . Hope s line is a big hit , but couture has always been the heart and soul of Forrester .
Steffy : What if the wedding s a flop ?
Brooke : Steffy .
Steffy : I mean , we all know weddings do nt come off as planned . Something could happen .
Hope : Wow ! Steffy , nothing is going to interfere with my wedding .
Ridge : I think we should wrap this up . The decision has been made . Thank you , everyone .
Hope : ( Scoffs ) ( Sighs ) Okay .
Brooke : It s okay .
Ridge : All right . Here we go .
Eric : ( Chuckles ) It s gon na be wonderful .
Hope : Oh ! Thank you .
Ridge : Good beginning .
Brooke : Yes , I think it s going to be okay . I think so .
Eric : You think ?
Hope : Thank you for having faith in this line , Dad .
Ridge : Absolutely .
Marcus : ( Chuckles ) Hey , Thorne . Hey , did Dr. Hayes find you ?
Thorne : Taylor s here ?
Marcus : Yeah , I told her I d find you , but Pam said you could nt be interrupted , so ...
Thomas : Where s Mom now ?
Marcus : I do nt know . I left her back with Dayzee , but Dayzee left this note that said she had to get back to the coffeehouse , so ...
Marcus : Yeah ? All right , I m on it . Yeah . I got ta go .
Thorne : Okay . Thanks , Man .
Marcus : All right .
Thorne : Look , I know what you re both thinking , okay ? But it s not as hopeless as it seems .
Steffy : He shut all three of us down , Thorne .
Thomas : It s not gon na change . It s all about his other family now .
Steffy : Yeah , Brooke , Hope , and Hope for the Fut--
Thomas : Hope and her wedding .
Steffy : Well , yeah . But -- but thank you for going to bat for us .
Thomas : Yeah , it felt good having someone on our side for once .
Thorne : Well , your mother s on your side , too . There s nothing she would nt do for you and your sister .
Steffy : Yeah , and we love her for it , but when it comes to things around here , I mean--
Thomas : It s all about who s in control . And Dad s C.E.O. that says everything .
Steffy : Yeah , we have to accept Dad s decision and Brooke s .
Thorne : Well , that s what everyone believes ... but it s not true .
Brooke : You okay ? ( Sighs ) You seem a little preoccupied .
Ridge : Yeah , well , there was something different about my brother .
Brooke : The way he was defending Steffy and Thomas , you mean ?
Ridge : You noticed .
Brooke : Yeah . Stephanie was , too , just not as openly .
Ridge : Mother s made a mess of things with Steffy and Thomas . I think it s probably her way of trying to repair the damage .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) She s asked me to forgive her more than once ... and I have ... to a certain ascent . ( Sighs ) But there s somebody else s forgiveness she wanted even more -- Taylor s . And I m afraid that she really alienated herself , because she asked Taylor to talk to Thomas to give his shares back .
Ridge : I want to talk to Taylor about that . It d be a lot easier if she d just give me her proxy to vote the stock .
Brooke : Do you really think she would do that ? Controlling those shares gives her a lot of power in the company .
Ridge : Sweetheart , Taylor s the least of our worries right now .
Taylor : I would nt be so sure . Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned .
Thorne : So , Thomas , with the 25 % shares your grandmother gave you--
Thomas : Whoa , whoa , Thorne . Wait . Those shares-- they re in a trust . I ca nt vote them .
Thorne : No , but your mother can .
Steffy : How ? Wait . I - I dont -- I do nt get it .
Thorne : Stephanie made her trustee , remember ?
Steffy : Uh - huh .
Thorne : So that gives Taylor complete control to vote those stocks as she sees fit . You see where I m going with this , Guys ?
Steffy : Wait , you re saying 25 % added to my 25 % ...
Thomas : And my 5 % ...
Thorne : And the three of you vote those shares as a block ...
Steffy : Wait ... you ... Mom and I , w - wed control 55 % of Forrester Creations ?
Thomas : 55 % of Forrester Creations .
Thorne : It s more than enough to make some big changes around here .
Steffy : Oh , my God . Oh , my God . Oh , my God .
Thomas : ( Scoffs ) Does Mom know ?
Thorne : Yes . I did some research , and I went to her . Look ... ( Sighs ) I realize that this ca nt make up for everything that she s been through and all the pain she s been caused , but if it can help just a little , then ...
Thomas : Just the other day , you were saying our family needs a champion . Well , Steffy and I , we could nt have found a better one .
Steffy : Yeah , neither could our mom .
Thorne : Well , let s go find her . Maybe she has nt left yet .
Thomas : ( Sighs ) ( Laughs )
Steffy : ( Mouths words ) Oh , my God . What ? ( Scoffs ) Well , well , there she is . Our Hope for the Future .
Hope : ( Clears throat ) Okay . ( Sighs ) Look , Steffy , I - I get why you d be upset , jealous , even , um ...
Steffy : Oh .
Hope : I mean , I - I m marrying an awesome guy . I have 100 % backing for the ad budget and 100 % backing from Dad . But I do nt expect you to be happy for me or to support my line . We ve tried to be friends . Well , o - okay , I ve tried , but that just never seems to happen , does it ?
Steffy : Oh , you re heartbroken , I can tell . Oh , well . I mean , like you said , you have everything going for you , plus you have this fiancé who is totally devoted . You know , actually , I m surprised you re not with him right now on the beach , hand in hand , you know , about to share a kiss . But you-- you re a busy girl . You re determined to have it all , and it looks like you do , but holding on to it is something else entirely . Things can change in a heartbeat when you least expect it .
Taylor : Pam was nt at her desk .
Ridge : It s okay . The meeting was over .
Brooke : I ll let you two talk .
Taylor : Hmm . So -- so there was a - a meeting , official board business ? Because if it was ...
Ridge : Actually , Doc , that s what I wanted to discuss with you . I know Mother spoke to you as trustee about urging Thomas to give her shares in Forrester back to her .
Taylor : I assume she also told you that that is not going to happen .
Ridge : I understand why you might feel that way . I m still upset with Mother , too . But what if I made sure that those shares would all be distributed equally and fairly ? Would that make a difference ?
Taylor : You re asking me again for me to give those shares to you ?
Ridge : Yes . Though if you re not comfortable doing that ... I do nt know if you realize this , but as trustee , you have the power to vote those shares . I know how busy you are with your practice and all the other things you have in your life . I just thought it might be easier for you .
Taylor : Give you ... legal authority to vote my 25 % ?
Ridge : We d give you time to sort all that out . And , as C.E.O. , I m the one that should be dictating what happens in this company anyway .
Taylor : Hmm .
Ridge : Doc , you know you can trust me . And I m always gon na look out for our children and their best interest , even if it s not something they really agree with me on all the time .
Thorne : What s going on ?
Taylor : Uh , Ridge was trying to get me to sign over my voting rights to him .
Ridge : For the good of the company and for everyone concerned .
Thorne : Oh , that s a crock and you know it . Do nt do it , Taylor . Do nt sign away anything to my brother .
### Summary:
| Thomas is aghast to hear Steffy admit that she is falling in love with Liam . She is not seducing him but .Ridge is in a hurry to get this meeting started . Marcus pulls himself away from Dayzee long enough to go check for Taylor to see if Thorne is in the meeting or can see her . Taylor makes mention that it looks like Dayzee is seeing a lot of Marcus and growing closer . She tells her of her mysterious man showing up on her doorstep according to what Anthony predicted . Ridge tells the group that the sales are good and the Paris trip exceeded all their expectations . The message has been heard around the world that women can have choices and still respect their bodies . Steffy takes offense to having to hear this all again . Thorne speaks up and says he is questioning some of Ridge s decisions to spend most of their ad money backing Hope s line . He would like to see a broader horizon and other lines should be included . He says Thomas is wasting his time spending it in the basement . Ridge says he knows what he is doing ; that is why he is running the company . They all have their say and Hope says this is a family business and they are all in this together . Ridge tells Steffy that he is not playing favorites , but he looks at Thomas and says is not renewing the Taboo line ; that s final . In fact , with all the buzz of Hope s wedding , he wants to throw all his support that way and capitalize on that . Thorne tells him that he s lost his mind as he huffs off . Stephanie is stunned and concerned as the meeting ends . Hope proudly shows Steffy the mock - up of her wedding invitation , shutting Steffy up for the moment . Hope is grateful to her dad for his support . Brooke , Ridge and Hope all group hug . Thorne tells Steffy and Thomas that it is not as hopeless as it seems . Steffy thinks otherwise since all of their suggestions were shut down . Thorne says everyone thinks it is all Ridge s decision , but that is nt true . Their combined 55 % in stocks is more than enough to make major changes around here . They need to go find Taylor and remind her again . Taylor overhears Ridge tell Brooke that Taylor is the least of their worries now . Taylor walks in and says she would nt be so sure .something about hell has no fury like a woman scorned . Steffy finds Hope and taunts her again about her engagement to Liam . But things can change in a heartbeat when you are least expecting it . Taylor speaks with Ridge and finds out that there was a meeting . He says yes and he wants to talk to her about the shares she controls for Thomas . He d still like her to give those to him so they can be distributed equally . If not that , then at least give him the rights to vote with those shares , and he pulls out a legal document . Thorne interrupts and wonders what is going on . He tells Ridge that this is a crock and he knows it . Taylor should not sign over anything to his brother . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
CYRIL VANIER, CNN INTERNATIONAL AND NEWSROOM ANCHOR : A day of new fighting in Iraq, where government troops are making a push to liberate the rest of Mosul from ISIS. And new diplomatic pull out from the murder of Kim Jong-un's half-brother. Plus, what happened in Sweden or what didn't happen? Donald Trump had a lot of people wondering after his comments at a rally. Now, we know where he got his information. That's all ahead here on CNN NEWSROOM. Thank you so much for joining us. We're live from Atlanta, I'm Cyril Vanier. ISIS is under attack in its last major stronghold in Iraq. Ground defensive is under-way to drive the terror group from Western Mosul. Iraq's military released this video proports showing air strike on ISIS facilities. The targets include; factories, used of booby- trapping vehicles. The city is also being pounded by rockets and artillery. The humanitarian groups also warned that civilians could be caught in the crossfire. The U.N. says, up to 800,000 people still live in Western Mosul. But for more, on what anti-ISIS forces can expect in this battle, here's Senior International Correspondent, Ben Wedeman, in neighboring Turkey.
BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT : The latest and perhaps decisive phase, to drive ISIS out of Mosul - Iraq's second largest city, began at the crack of dawn. Before Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the beginning of operations on Iraqi television. Iraqi and coalition aircraft and artillery, pummeled ISIS targets in the western part of the city. And over 90 Iraqi airplanes dropped millions of leaflets on Mosul calling on ISIS fighters to put down their weapons and surrender, and warning civilians to stay in their homes and cooperate with Iraqi forces. Since then, those forces have moved from the south and southwest towards the center of the city, their first objective to take Mosul airport. Resistance is expected to be fierce. ISIS has dug a complicated network of tunnels in the city, and is already using armed drones, and is expected they will, as usual, use many suicide car bombers. Perhaps the most difficult or challenging part of this operation, for government forces will be to minimize civilian casualties. There are as many as 650 to 800,000 civilians living in the western part of the city, and ISIS has never hesitated to use civilians as human shields. The humanitarian situation in the west is dire. Food, medicine, fuel and drinking water - safe drinking water, are in seriously short supply. And humanitarian groups expect hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee the city as the fighting intensifies. Ben Wedeman, CNN, Istanbul.
VANIER : For more on the battle for Mosul: Lieutenant General Mark Hertling, CNN Military Analyst joins us now. Lieutenant General, the Iraqi army has launched the operation. Shia Paramilitary Groups are there, and Kurdish Peshmergas are there as well. Is it a foregone conclusion that western Mosul will fall?
MARK HERTLING, CNN MILITARY ANALYST AND FORMER UNITED STATES MILITARY OFFICER : No, it's not Sir. I think there's a lot of heavy fighting before us. I give the Iraqi Security Forces and the various elements that are coming together, high marks so far. They have done an extremely good job on the Eastern part of Mosul, but it took them much longer than they anticipated with a lot of casualties. The western part of the city is going to be much more difficult. It has the airport, which is critically important to capture as rapidly as possible and I'll explain, why, in a second. But there's also large government buildings. Western Mosul is made up of more, you know, fluent neighborhoods, let's call it, with a lot of bigger houses which I think over the last two years ISIS has probably reinforced and made into fortresses. Particularly, for the defense of this side of the town. What you also have are the roads going out of Western Mosul toward Tal Afar, into the Western by deserts and onto Raqqa, Syria. So, it's a major supply line. It's critically important in terms of reaching key cities. And ISIS wants to hold on, but they had been beaten pretty hard with both artillery and air power over the last several months.
VANIER : You mentioned the roads leading out of Mosul. Are they blocking those roads or is there an escape route for ISIS militants? Because that's something that have been considered.
HERTLING : They had been blocking the major highways, especially the ones in the Tal Afar, and toward Habergade, and on the Turkish border. But again, Cyril, this is open desert. So, you're talking about the potential for not using roads, for individuals who'll be going through. But I think the ability to see things at night is on the side of the Iraqi Security Forces and the coalition forces. But again, these are - these are trade routes and smuggling routes that've been used for centuries. So, a lot of the tribes in those areas - if they're paid the right amount of money, will get some of the people out. But there's still a massive force inside Western Mosul it's going to be very difficult to do that.
VANIER : And you served in that part of Iraq with the U.S. military in the late 2000, of course, you know that region well. How dangerous does ISIS remain, assuming they are rooted out of Western Mosul? If they can no longer keep that foothold there, are they still a threat to Iraq?
HERTLING : They are still a threat, but not as significant. You're going to see continued efforts, not only in the Northern Nineveh plains, but another key city further to the south that weren't cleared completely. One of the areas that I'm very concerned about, is a small little town between Tikrit and Kirkuk by the name of Hawija. That's always been a hotbed. The Iraqi security forces had bypassed that, and they're already seeing minor actions coming out of there toward Kirkuk that are causing disruptions with security in the area. There're also still elements of ISIS in and around Baghdad. And, you know, as we used to say when we were there, if you're judging security by the lack of car bombs, it's going to continue to happen. And unfortunately, we saw some of that in Baghdad within the last few days. So, they are still active in many places, it's just that, the Iraqi Security Forces have done a very good job in attacking the majority of that force and getting the city cleared.
VANIER : All right. CNN Military Analyst, Lieutenant General, Mark Hertling. Thank you very much for your insights.
HERTLING : Quite welcome. My honor.
VANIER : U.S. Senators are trying to preserve records that could be used in a possible investigation into ties with Russia. Law Enforcement Officials here, have told CNN that Trump aides were in constant communication during the election campaign with Russians known to U.S. Intelligence. A charge which the Trump administration denies. Our Ryan Nobles has more from Washington.
RYAN NOBLES, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT : This is a significant development, the Senate Intelligence Committee sending more than a dozen letters to agencies, organizations, and individuals connected to the Trump administration, telling them to preserve records related to Russia. It is among the clear-signed yet that there will be an in extensive bipartisan investigation into the Russian government's attempt to interfere in the recent Presidential election. The move comes, after a private briefing of Republican and Democratic Members of Congress by FBI Director, James Comey. It was after that meeting which remains a secret, that Republican Senator, Marco Rubio, tweet with confidence that there would be a bipartisan probe into the issue. Up until now, the Senate Intelligence Chair Richard Burr, of North Carolina has been reluctant to take that step, despite being pushed by ranking Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia. The White House did not deny that the letters have been sent, but push back on the idea that it was a big deal. Saying that, just because the records were requested doesn't mean they will reveal anything. The President himself has forcefully defended the validity of his election win, and has worked hard to down-play any attempt or suggestion that Russia intervened on his behalf. Ryan Nobles, CNN, Washington.
VANIER : Let's talk about the week that was in the Trump White House, and the week that will be with Conservative CNN Political Commentator Ben Ferguson, he's with us from Dallas, Texas; also with us, our Senior Political Analyst Ron Brownstein, he's in Los Angeles. Ron, is also the Senior Editor of "The Atlantic." Let's start with what Ellis Lamb that was talking about the Senate Intelligence Committee, essentially, putting the White House on notice saying, "don't destroy any documents, we're going to look into this, we're going to look into you." Ben, do you think - how concerned are you about this cloud hanging over the White House?
BEN FERGUSON, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR : I'm not concerned about it at all. I'm glad that the Senate is going to do this. I think there should be transparency in government. And if they feel like this is an issue where they need to take a real hard look at it, then I think they should definitely do it. I also don't think, there's anything wrong with the White House talking to foreign leaders, as they're getting closer to coming into the White House. And I think all these documents should be taken a look at, to make it clear and transparent to the American people that nothing here went on that was improper or wrong and or illegal. So, I'm glad they're doing it. If they feel they need to, they should do it.
VANIER : Well, Ben, the concern, I think, that was raised was not that Trump aides were talking to foreign leaders, and it's quite clear to everyone, that always happens in a campaign.
VANIER : The concern was the amount and the intensity of the contacts, and that's what raised concerns, and raised red flags for the Intelligence Community.
FERGUSON : Sure. But there was also an awful lot of things that were going on right at that time with America and Russia. So, it makes sense to speak with them more often, because they were a center point, especially at that point in the campaign, especially when it came to foreign affairs, especially with the White House under Obama. There was a lot of interaction at that moment in time. It would make sense to me, you would have more conversation to them -
FERGUSON : Whenever that much news going on.
VANIER : Ron? Do you think we're going to get clarity on this?
RON BROWNSTEIN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST AND SENIOR EDITOR OF THE ATLANTIC : Well, I mean, that's going to be the question, right? Because the issue is not whether they were discussing foreign policy, the issue is ultimately whether the Trump campaign or people in the Trump orbit were colluding with Russia in their efforts. As the Intelligence Community, has now said both influence the election and specifically to influence the election to improve the odds of Donald Trump winning. And that is the core question that we are examining and, you know, the Senate Intelligence Committee is not the ideal venue for a public investigation. It is a committee that is, you know, more accustomed to keeping things quiet than kind of airing them in the bright sunlight of day. But there is a sense, like a growing of seriousness and urgency on the committee that including not only Republicans who have been, you know, sort of sympathetic to the administration, but those like Marco Rubio who've been critical, and Democrats like Mark Warner. I mean, this does seem to be gathering steam as a serious investigation. And as Ben said, I think we are going to learn more in the months ahead. One thing that's clear also, is that within the Intelligence Community and the Law Enforcement Community, this investigation is proceeding and there is a certain amount of anxiety, that it may be shut down around them if they're not providing information to the public with the leaks that the President is condemning. So, this story is far from over.
VANIER : Yes, I know. Definitely. We still - we're still waiting for the answers on this story. Ben, Trump had a really black and white week. Very adversarial with the press on Thursday, during his press conference. Immense support, on the other hand, from the crowds in Florida of the weekend. Is that going forward? Is that going to be the blueprint for his presidency?
FERGUSON : Look, I don't know if it's going to be the blueprint for the next four years. I certainly think in the near - in the near term, he's making it very clear with the media, that he's more than willing to spar with them, debate with them. This is something that some people I think have thought of as if it's a negative. I like the fact that you have a blunt and open dialogue with the President of the United States of America, and those in the media. We did not see this from President Obama. You had a nine minute back and forth with Jim Acosta. That is open dialogue which is good for the American people, it's good for this White House. Yes, he's critical of many people in the media, but at least there is an open dialogue, and no one is being shut out to these conversations. So, I think his supporters definitely like it. I'm one of those. I like this back and forth. I like this open dialogue. And I like that he's challenging the press as well.
VANIER : All right. Both of you, you need to tell me your views on this Sweden moment at the Florida rally by Mr. Trump. He was making a point about the dangers of unfettered immigration. And here's what he said.
DONALD TRUMP, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT : You look at what's happening in Germany. You look what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden, they took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible.
VANIER : The problem as we know now is nothing actually happened in Sweden. Here's what Mr. Trump said, "My statement was in reference to a story that was broadcast on Fox News concerning immigrants and Sweden." And just before we get to my question - the reaction from Sweden, because that's interesting as well. Of course, they're - they say, "We look forward to informing the U.S. administration about Swedish immigration and integration policies." Which was obviously an easy comeback for them. Ron, do you think that, that kind of episode diminishes the President's credibility? And if so, is that a problem in terms of carrying out his policies in the future?
BROWNSTEIN : Well, this pushes right at one of the critical, and not the critical fault line about Donald Trump, both at home and abroad. Ordinarily, you know, there is an exhaustive process that produces any word that comes out of the President's mouth. There're a lot of people who decide what are the appropriate thing to say, specially, at a foreign policy. This seems to be something that he watched Fox, the night before. And you know, with, you know, virtually no veil or filter is coming out of his mouth the next day at a rally. There is no question that there is a portion of Donald Trump's electorate that thrills to idea of him kind of, you know, shattering the normal boundaries of behavior. But it is a mistake, I mean, it's clearly a mistake to say that it's all his voters, all of his supporters. If you look at the exit polls from the election last fall, a quarter of the people who voted for him - slightly more than a quarter in fact, said, they did not believe he was qualified to be President. But they voted for him anyway because they wanted change and didn't trust Hillary Clinton. You can see in the polling now, that many of those voters are anxious about the way he is approaching the presidency. To say nothing of the reaction internationally that we saw at the Munich conference this weekend, where there was open anxiety about it kind of means for the Western Alliance. Not only from the Europeans, but from John McCain among others as a leading Republican in the Senate. So, look, I guess, there are people who are very excited and want this kind of behavior. But I think it's a mistake to assume that it comes without cost, and that all of his voters are on board with the way he is approaching the presidency.
FERGUSON : Look, I think you see what Donald Trump has said about Sweden, for example. And there have been multiple stories in that part of the world talking about the uptick in crime, and violent crime that has happened as a lot of these refuges have come in. And as soon -
VANIER : Hold on, Ben. He referenced an issue that never happened. Is there no credibility problem there for him?
FERGUSON : Well, hold on. He didn't say that. Let's be clear. When he talked about what happened in Sweden, and if you listen to his entire comment that he made there, he talked about the uptick and what has happened in that country at the hands of some of these refuges who obviously were not well vetted. So, to say - and his point was he says, look what happened last night and then he goes on to explain it. If you take in the context, I don't have a problem with this. I think some people are trying to imply that he was acting as if there was a terrorist attack. If you listen to his comment, he did not imply that. He talked about how they had been too loose, with allowing refugees in. Stories are now coming out about women being attacked and other people being attacked at the hands of these refuges, the same way that we've seen this in Paris, the same way that we've seen this in Germany. And so, his point was, you look at this country, they made a mistake, it goes back to his vetting issue here. I don't have a problem with him saying this. Some people I think like to try and make things bigger than they really are with him. If you listen to his entire comment, it makes sense in the context to what he was saying, specifically to a crowd that was listening to him talk in Florida.
VANIER : All right. Well, he did actually specifically say, "look at what happened last night," and then, you know, the Swedish authorities - the Swedish authorities listened to the whole speech presumably, and they were aghast, you know.
FERGUSON : Well, let's be clear though. Sweden also has an interest in making it clear to the rest of the world. Especially, when you're dealing with tourism that everything is absolutely a OK. But if you look at the articles have been written in that part of the world, specifically, it's very clear that they have had an uptick in their violent crime, specifically really to refuges coming into their country. And it's been documented now for the last couple of months. So, this is not breaking news in that part of the world, it is breaking news here in America.
VANIER : Gentleman, that's all the time we have for now unfortunately. But thank you both for coming on. We're going to have to wrap this up. Ben Ferguson, Ron Brownstein, very much appreciated. Thanks.
BROWNSTEIN : Thank you.
FERGUSON : Thanks.
VANIER : You're watching CNN NEWSROOM. The mysterious death of Kim Jong-nam, has sparked an international row. Details ahead, from Kuala Lumpur. Plus, will the West lose its influence on the worlds stage under the Trump presidency? We'll speak to a former U.S. Ambassador about that, right after the break.
### Summary:
| Battle For Mosul; What didn't Happen In Sweden; Battle To Retake Western Mosul Rages On; Civilian Casualties Feared In Western Mosul Offensive; Senators To Trump Administration: Preserve Records On Russia; After Rough Week: Trump Tries To Change Topic With Rally; White House: Russia Investigation Won't Find Anything; Trump Appeals To His Base By Attacking Media; Trump: Sweden Comment Based On Fox News T.V. Segment; Sweden: We Can Inform Trump Of Our Immigration Policies; Critics Decry: Trump's Info Sources After Sweden Comment |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Shane : Rex , wait .
Rex : Yeah ?
Shane : I was thinking , maybe we could talk ?
Cain : See ? Nothing to sweat . Your hands are nice and sweet smelling , even though you had to wash with motel soap , oh , my God .
Tina : Cain , where is my dog ? Why wo nt you let me see David Vickers ?
Cain : Uh , he s on his way , okay ? Just like he was a half an hour ago when you started yelling at me about it then .
Tina : Do nt you see I do nt have any time ? There are people who desperately need me . I am working against the clock here .
Natalie : Can you see it ? Can you see the timer ?
Jared : No , Tess put it so we ca nt , no matter what angle we re trying to look at it . Damn it !
Jared : I m sorry . I know that does nt help . I just feel like if I could see that damn timer , we d know how much time we had before this thing --
Natalie : Blows us away .
Jared : Look , someone could still find us . I did , okay ?
Natalie : Yeah , with Tina s help .
Jared : Maybe Tina will finally do the right thing and tell someone .
Natalie : She has nt yet , Jared .
Jared : Natalie , please , do nt give up , okay ? We have a future to plan together .
Natalie : Jared , I m sorry , but it s time to face reality . There is no more hope .
Viki : Oh , sweetheart , I wish you could tell me where your Aunt Natalie is and where your mommy is .
Viki : I know , I know , I know . I wish I knew .
Clint : Oh , thank God you have her .
Viki : Yes .
Clint : Has there been any word , yet ?
Viki : No , not at all . And Charlie s out looking for Tess now .
Clint : You know , while you were away , I was here . I should ve kept this from happening . Oh , Viki , where are our daughters ?
Tess : Someone s here . Nash ?
Viki : [ As Niki ] Nope , Nash is history . It s just you and me , honey .
Marty : Too much , is nt it ?
Todd : Yeah , it is .
Tess : Niki Smith ?
Niki : In the flesh . Or whatever passes for it in your mind , anyway .
Niki : Still here . You should be glad I m here .
Tess : I came here to be with Nash . I sure as hell do nt want you .
Niki : Well , sorry , I m all you got . You know , this is good stuff . You should have some .
Tess : Well , I m pregnant . I m about to have a kid and -- oh , not to mention the Hep C and the donor liver .
Niki : Jeez , you sound like your uptight mother .
Tess : Oh , she s not my mother , and neither are you .
Niki : Right , cause you gave birth to yourself . But you did give birth to Bree , so you know this is not going to be a walk in the park , right ? You should have some , take the edge off . Besides , I do nt like drinking alone .
Tess : It never stopped you before .
Niki : You re right , it did nt .
Tess : It s too soon . It s too soon for this baby .
Niki : Well , that s not up to you , is it ? Cause kids , they ve got a mind of their own . You sure did .
Tess : What the hell is that supposed to mean ?
Clint : Did you get her to sleep ?
Viki : Finally . That child is so unhappy and so tired .
Clint : You know , Viki , if I had nt been so wrapped up in getting back at Dorian and being angry at Natalie , Natalie would still be here and Jessica would be getting the help that she needs .
Viki : You do nt know that .
Clint : Oh , that s very generous of you , but it s not true . Oh , we do nt even know if they re hurt . We do nt even know if they re alive .
Viki : No , no , no , they are not gone . I know that . I do nt know how I know it , but I -- I know it . The problem is , I -- I just do nt know how much longer -- Clint , they need us . They need us and there s nothing we can do about it .
Clint : It s Bo . Yeah , Bo , is there any news about the girls ?
Jared : I know you ve given up hope .
Natalie : I just believe in facing things , Jared .
Jared : But we re still here , all right , okay ? And as long as we re here , breathing and talking and holding each other , there is hope .
Natalie : You ve just been so amazing through all of this . I mean , you -- you did nt believe Tess . You knew that I did nt leave you . You just -- you knew .
Jared : It s because I know you , Sparky .
Natalie : Maybe you should nt call me that right now .
Natalie : Jared , if we were able to live , like , a long happy life , what would you have wanted ?
Jared : Exactly what I have right here .
Marty : Well , it was either this or a sweatsuit . Maybe I should go upstairs and get --
Todd : No , no , no , no , the dress is nt too much , you are .
Marty : I know , what am I thinking , right ? Your daughter s going into labor , and here I am playing dress up .
Todd : Marty , Marty , I m absolutely blown away .
Marty : You re what ?
Todd : I m standing here looking at you and I m thinking , this woman deserves everything good in life . And I know -- I think I know how you feel about me . I can see it in your eyes . And you have to find a way to stop it , now .
Gigi : You want to talk to Rex alone ?
Shane : I was kind of thinking that , yeah . Is it okay ?
Gigi : Oh , it s totally okay , of course . Um , maybe I ll just -- I just go talk to Brody , then .
Rex : Want to go up there ?
Shane : Sure .
Brody : What are you doing here ? I know you hate my guts .
Gigi : Well , see , that s where you re wrong .
Shane : That s not like forever , is it ?
Rex : No , I can kind of walk already . The doctors are just making me stick to the wheels a little longer .
Shane : Good , because , you know , that would suck .
Rex : Big time , but it s all good .
Shane : So , you re my dad .
Rex : Yeah , lucky me .
Cain : The hotel could use an upgrade on the amenities , but you get what you pay for , right ?
Tina : I am not kidding , Cain . Where is my dog ?
Cain : Aha !
Cain : You re late .
Man : Traffic .
Tina : Oh , David Vickers ! Baby , are you okay ?
Cain : Just hold your horses .
Tina : But -- but we have a deal , the jewels for the dog .
Cain : Not so fast , sister . I d like you to meet Neil Silver .
Neil : Catchy name for a jewelry appraiser , huh ?
Tina : A what ?
Neil : Yeah , Neil Diamond would ve been a better name , but that was taken . That was a fun lawsuit .
Tina : I am so insulted .
Cain : Oh , really ? Because I think you might be trying to pass off phony jewels again ? Remember who you re dealing with , all right ? So fork them over , and they better be real this time .
Clint : Thank you , Bo . Yeah . No , no , I m -- I m with Viki now . So you call again if anything else happens , yeah .
Viki : What was that about ?
Clint : Bo finally got that mechanic to talk . Rocco , the guy who looked at Natalie s car after your accident ?
Viki : What did he say ?
Clint : He said he told Jessica that those brakes had been tampered with . And then he said that Jessie told him that it was a family matter and she would take care of everything .
Viki : Oh , God .
Clint : I think you need to sit down .
Viki : That means -- oh , my God , it means that Tess really -- she was trying to kill Natalie and Jared .
Clint : And almost killed you .
Viki : Well , she would want me dead . I mean , she blames me , and quite rightly so , for what happened to her when she was a child .
Clint : Viki , that was not you and you know that . That was Niki Smith .
Viki : And what difference does that make now ?
Tess : Save the spin control , okay ? I know what happened to me when I was too little to take care of myself .
Niki : Well , I tried to keep an eye on you , but you always liked wandering around .
Tess : Because you hit on every creep in that dive bar we used to hang out in .
Niki : Hey , girl s got ta have a social life , do nt she ? And Viki never gave me a hell of a lot of time , so I had to cram it in whenever I could . But , listen , I never wanted you to get --
Tess : We are not talking about this right now .
Niki : I think it s time we did .
Tess : God , shut up , shut up ! Just get out of my head . Get out of my head !
Niki : Got your attention ?
Tess : What do you want ?
Niki : I m going to make things right . How do ya like them apples ?
Marty : You want me to stop feeling what I feel for you ? Is this because I turned down your proposal ?
Todd : No , it has nothing to do with you . You did nt do anything wrong . It s all me .
Marty : I do nt know what that means .
Todd : I did nt see this coming . You walk in here in this dress , and you seem so whole , so healed and beautiful and ready to move on . And when I said that it s too much , I meant you . You re just too much . I m sorry , you re too much of what s good in the world , and I just do nt deserve it .
Marty : What are you saying ?
Todd : I m saying you re going to have to let me go before it s too late .
Tina : Fine , okay , you do nt trust me ? Great , well I m going to let your , uh , jewelry appraiser friend , here , make an even bigger fool out of you than you already are . Read it and weep .
Neil : That s a hot little biscuit . Whoa , talk to me . Oh , you are pretty . You re a dirty little girl . Who wants an apple martini ? That s right .
Cain : All right , stop ogling the thing and tell me what you think .
Neil : It s a hell of a rock .
Cain : Is it a real rock ?
Neil : Oh , yeah , 10 carats at least . Probably royalty . I m thinking Bavarian .
Tina : Ah , so David Vickers and I will be going .
Cain : No , no , no , no , not yet you wo nt .
Tina : What now ?
Cain : Well , you did nt honestly did nt think I d hand over your precious little gem here , without Mr. Silver checking the rest of our crown jewels , did you ?
Brody : How can you not hate me ? I knocked down your friend , Marcie . I put your son in danger . For God sakes , I shot his father .
Gigi : You scared the hell out of me , that s for sure . But you were nt you when you did that , so I ca nt hate you . What happened to you all those years in Iraq and Afghanistan , that s what put you over the edge , Brody .
Brody : Plenty of other guys went through what I did -- worse . They did nt try to play soldier up on a mountain with a 10-year - old kid . I could nt keep my thoughts straight . I lost control of my head .
Gigi : That must have been real scary .
Brody : It still does nt mean it was nt my fault . Geege , I m sorry . I ca nt take any of it back , but I am so sorry .
Gigi : I know . And , Brody , I m sorry , too .
Rex : The first thing I want to say to you , Shane , is I m sorry .
Shane : For what ?
Rex : For not being there for you and your mom when you were growing up .
Shane : I thought you did nt know about me .
Rex : I did nt , but I should nt have taken off like I did . I did nt even say good - bye to your mom . And even if I had known about you , I ca nt say what I would ve done . There were a few years of my life where I -- where I pretty much sucked as a human being .
Shane : Why are you telling me this ?
Rex : Because I do nt want you blaming your mom for any of this . What you and your mom went through , that s on me . I would nt have made a good dad or husband for anybody -- the way Brody was willing to be . What I m trying to say , here , Shane , is I get it if you still feel connected to Brody . You spent your whole life thinking that he was your father . And when you met him , he was a pretty cool guy , so do nt feel weird if you still feel that way . You re going to get through this , okay ? I know it . And not just because you re going to have your mom and me to help you with it , but because you re one of the toughest , most amazing kids I ve ever known .
Shane : Exactly how many kids do you know besides me ?
Rex : A couple , but none of them are my son . I ve never felt more proud or more lucky to have you as my son . So if I can say anything at all that matters , I hope that does .
Shane : So what do we do now ?
Tess : I -- I totally must have lost it , you know ? Cause I m seeing you and I -- and I think just heard you say you want to make things right .
Niki : Hmm , well you re not imagining it . Well , you are , but I do .
Tess : It s a little late , do nt you think ?
Niki : Uh , no . Why else do you think I m here in your head , talking to you ?
Tess : I want Nash . I want Nash . If I could just see Nash , I know that everything would be okay .
Niki : He s not coming , honey .
Tess : He s been here before .
Niki : Yeah , not for a long time . He s gone now .
Tess : Well , you re not here either , so what s your point ?
Niki : Okay , I m guessing the reason you want Nash is that pain in your gut , right ?
Tess : I want Nash . I just want you to get out of my head , so Nash can be here .
Niki : What the hell do you think he s going to do for you ? I m the one you need .
Tess : You re the one that s making me sick .
Niki : I m the one that s going to make you better .
Tess : Just go to hell !
Niki : Tess , avoiding the painful stuff does nt work . I learned that , you know , up there . You can run , you ca nt hide . Cause the bad stuff , it has a way of sticking , you know , of creeping up on you . And just when you think you got it all beat , boom ! It blows up in your face . And that way , it does nt solve nothing , absolutely nothing .
Jared : This is exactly where I want to be .
Natalie : Right , locked up in a glass room with a ticking time bomb going off God only knows when ?
Jared : I d pick it over a villa on the Riviera if it meant being with you .
Natalie : I know that s a lie , but it s okay . I like it . You can keep going .
Jared : Seeing that smile is all I need .
Natalie : Jared , no it s not . I mean , we re going to die in here .
Jared : Then we are going to die in each other s arms .
Marty : Let you go ? We re about to leave town with a baby to raise .
Todd : Not anymore .
Marty : What , this is all up to you ? You call the shots ? I do nt get a say in this ?
Todd : No , you had a say , Marty , whether you know it or not . Every time I walk in the room or I tell you one of my stupid jokes , I see the look in your eyes . I know what it is and I do nt deserve it from you . I thought I did . But right now -- Marty , you can have whatever you want in the world . You can have whoever you want in the world .
Marty : But I want you .
Todd : Do nt .
Todd : You have to go right now . You have to get out of here before it s too late .
Marty : Too late for what ?
Todd : Just go , now ! Do nt look back .
Marty : Why would you want me to go ? Your daughter s in labor . We re about to have our baby . Is that what this is about ? You ve got cold feet ? You do nt want me to raise this child with you ?
Todd : No , I told you , it s not you .
Marty : You know , I m getting so sick of hearing , it s not you , it s me .
Todd : Well , that s too bad , because that s what it is . You think I m some great guy , some white knight in shining armor --
Marty : I do nt think you re perfect .
Todd : Perfect does nt quite catch it .
Marty : I do nt want perfect . I do nt want perfect , I want you .
Todd : You could have better .
Marty : And what does that mean ?
Todd : It means that -- you do nt even know what s out there . You have nt seen the world . You ve been here -- I ve been keeping you from the world . I mean , you think you do nt have anywhere else to go .
Marty : Do nt tell me what I think , and do nt tell me what I feel . I stay here because I want to be here . I could have left weeks ago , but I did nt because I chose you . So tell me , why are you suddenly not choosing me ?
Viki : I was the one who chose not to know what happened to Jessica for all those years , so the blame lies with me .
Clint : That is like blaming Jessica for whatever happened to Natalie and Jared , and I know you do nt feel that way .
Viki : No , I do nt , but it still comes back to me , Clint . Even when the girls were born -- it was nt Niki who let Mitch Lawrence take Natalie away , it was me because I was so horrified by the thought that he had fathered one of them .
Clint : That was Mitch s fault , not yours . He drugged you and raped you .
Viki : Jessica s his daughter .
Clint : She s my daughter -- mine . I love Jessica and Natalie just the same , even though lately I have nt shown much love at all to Natalie .
Viki : Neither have I. But you know what ? We ll get them back . And when we do , we will tell them that we love them and we will tell them every single day .
Clint : Viki , everybody we love we should nt take for granted , because every day , you never know . You know , the only thing that Natalie did was fall in love . And to my mind , that was such a crime , I could nt stop punishing her .
Viki : I know , I know , me , too . But I was so upset for Jessica .
Clint : I would give anything to be able to have the chance to tell Natalie I m sorry .
Viki : I know , me , too . And we just have to pray that we get the chance . We ca nt give up .
Clint : I m not giving up , but I ca nt take this . I just want to be able to do something -- do anything .
Viki : We ve got to find Tess . We have to find her soon , and we have to stop her before she does something she ca nt take back .
Niki : So what s it going to be , huh ? You going to keep blaming the world for your problems forever ?
Tess : My -- my problems ?
Niki : Mm - hmm .
Tess : You mean the ones that you caused ? You mean the reason that Jessica created me in the first place because she was too sweet and wonderful to deal with it on her own . I do nt blame the world , Niki , I blame you . What kind of person takes a little girl to a roadside bar and leaves her alone so the pervert in the house next door can rape her ? !
Niki : Same kind of person who tries to kill her own sister ?
Natalie : Maybe we could disconnect the wires .
Jared : Ah , that might set it off .
Natalie : I know , but --
Jared : And what if we have more time than we think , you know ? Do you want to risk losing that ? Losing each other , if there is the smallest shred of hope left ?
Natalie : I ca nt just sit around here and wait to die .
Jared : Then let s not , and say we did .
Natalie : Do nt make me laugh .
Jared : Okay , okay . You do nt want to sit around and wait . Well , I think there s a better way to pass the time .
Brody : I ca nt believe you let Shane come see me .
Gigi : He would nt have it any other way .
Brody : I appreciate it more than I can tell you .
Gigi : Well , it seems like it was a very good thing for Shane , too .
Brody : He must have been so scared . That poor kid .
Gigi : Yeah , I m -- I m doing everything I can , but I think he may need to see someone else -- someone with training , you know .
Brody : You ll do right by him . You always have , no matter what you think .
Gigi : Well , there s something I want to do for you , too .
Brody : You do nt owe me anything .
Gigi : But see , I do , because you were there for me when I needed someone . You showed up for me when I was a kid and scared and pregnant . What happened after that was not our fault . And then you showed up for me again , and you took care of Shane , even though I was out looking for Rex . And I will never forget all that .
Brody : Yeah , but I messed up plenty , too . I phonied up that DNA test .
Gigi : I know , and I wanted to wring your neck -- more than once . But I always knew , bottom line , you loved my kid . I know why I love him , but you did nt have to . You put all your own stuff aside so you could help Shane and me . You did nt leave me alone when you could have , so that s why I m not going to leave you alone now .
Rex : The first time I met you , I said to myself , now , that s a great kid . But how could you not be with a mom like yours , right ?
Shane : And I was nt so great to you sometimes .
Rex : Well , before Brody came back , we were pretty good -- at least I thought we were .
Shane : I saw how much my mom was into you . I wanted you to break up with Adriana , so you could be with my mom and be my --
Rex : But I -- I did nt . And then Brody came back . And I get it -- he s the only guy you ever knew as your dad .
Shane : Until now .
Rex : Shane , I already love you . And I m not saying that I m sitting here waiting for you to feel the same way about me . I know this is not what you wanted , and I know it s going to be a long time before you can even think about feeling the same way about me , but maybe we just give it some time and see where it goes . All I m asking , if you ll let me , is a chance to be your dad , too . What s that ?
Shane : Oh , my dad -- Brody , he just gave it to me . It s a silver star .
Rex : Well , that was nice of him . What s it for ?
Shane : It s for valor . He says that that means courage .
Rex : Well , he gave it to the right man .
Tina : You had one of the jewels checked -- the biggest one . And it was worth a fortune , right ?
Neil : I would nt kick it out of bed .
Tina : Now you want me to wait around here while you check every last one of them ?
Cain : Damn straight , princess .
Neil : Might as well -- you paid for the whole afternoon .
Tina : No , it is not going to happen . What , you want to know if those jewels are fake ? You want to know ? They are ! Fine , are you happy ?
Cain : No , I m not happy . But I am satisfied , okay ? So just tell me , please , where are the real jewels ?
Tina : I do nt care , because they do nt matter anymore , you got it ? Because I have had it . I ve had enough . I mean , I have been lied to . I have been yelled at . I have been threatened , and I have been blackmailed , and it is going to stop . You know , I have been made to feel like I have to lie , just -- just to get by . And you know what ? There are people whose lives are in danger because I have been too scared to help them , and that is going to stop . It s going to stop right now . So you want the jewels -- fine ! You can have them , because I am leaving and I am taking my little dog with me because nobody else is going to push me around . David Vickers , are you okay ?
Tina : What s wrong -- what did you do to my dog ?
Jared : Tess was right about one thing , and it s what she said about Nash , that whether he had five minutes or five days , he would nt waste any of it . I do nt want to waste any time left with you , not kissing you and touching you and making love to you .
Natalie : Jared , you re right . I mean , if this is the last moments we have together , I want to be loving you , too .
Natalie : If someone rescues us , this could be a little embarrassing .
Jared : I can deal with that . And if they do nt , well , what a way to go , right ?
Tess : No . No , do nt you turn this around on me . My so - called sister and her boyfriend ? They deserve to die .
Niki : No , no , nobody deserves to die , not even a figment of your imagination . Hell , you re talking to me , ai nt ya ?
Tess : What do you want from me ? What , you want me to say that I hate you ? I do , I hate you ! I wish I could wipe your smug face off the planet , but I ca nt because you do nt exist anymore .
Niki : Bingo .
Tess : Bingo what ?
Niki : You hate me . You want me dead . You want to put me in a basement with a ticking bomb .
Tess : No .
Niki : But you ca nt , because I do nt exist . Tess , you got cheated out of going after me , so you had to go after somebody else instead .
Tess : No , no . No , they deserved it . They got what was coming to them .
Niki : No , no . Maybe I deserved it , not Natalie and Jared , and you know it . What are you going to do about it ?
Todd : This is wrong . I was wrong , and I do nt want to ruin you . Just go . Just go , and get as far away from me as you can .
Marty : I m not going anywhere .
Todd : Yeah , why not ?
Marty : Because I just learned to walk , and I ca nt run in these shoes . Oh , and there s this other little bit . I m in love with you . So the only way I m going to go out that door is if you can tell me that you do nt love me , too .
Tina : What s wrong with David Vickers ? He s so fat . Cain Rogan , I swear to you if you did something to hurt my dog , you re going to be missing more than the royal jewels .
Neil : Hey , I m sorry to interrupt , but I think I know why this dog is panting .
Tina : Why , what -- what is it ?
Neil : Well , listen , I know diamonds better than I know dogs , but , uh , this dog s in labor .
Tina and Cain : Labor ?
Neil : Yeah , take it from a guy in three paternity suits . I know pregnant when I see it .
Tina : Well -- well , what are you saying ?
Cain : Um , darling , I think he s saying that David Vickers is a bitch .
Rex : Thanks , Shane , for talking with me .
Shane : Well , we had to talk sometime , did nt we ?
Rex : Yeah , I guess we did . But your mom and I wanted it to be on your clock , not ours . So for me , it feels a little ahead of schedule , so , thanks . Hey , when I get back on my feet , why do nt -- why do nt we go out for some hot dogs or something ?
Shane : I love hot dogs .
Rex : Yeah , somebody told me that . How about we shake on it ?
Viki : Thank you for calling . Yeah , bye . Addie Cramer -- Starr s in labor . They ve taken her to the delivery room .
Clint : Is everything okay ?
Viki : Apparently , yeah . I should be there .
Clint : Look , if you want to go , go . I ll take care of things here .
Viki : I do nt know if I can , I mean , with everything that s going on here .
Clint : All we re doing is waiting for the phone to ring . And if something happens , I know where to find you .
Viki : Yeah . Maybe I ll just -- I ll just check in the E.R. , you know . Oh , Clint .
Clint : They re going to be okay . You said it yourself .
Viki : I know , but the more time that passes --
Clint : We are going to get them back , all right ? Now , you take your own advice . Do nt give up .
Viki : No , they ll be all right . We ll see the girls again . We will . I ll see you later .
Tess : So what are you saying ? You want me to go and save Natalie and Jared ?
Niki : Well , somewhere deep inside , you know that it s wrong , do nt you ?
Tess : No . No , they killed Nash .
Niki : That was an accident .
Tess : If they had nt done what they had done , then --
Niki : Tess , come on , not even you are buying that anymore . Otherwise , I would nt be here in your head talking to you . Come on . We re going to go to that basement , just you and me , okay ? And you re going to let Natalie and Jared out , and then you re going to put me inside , which is what you wanted to do all along , okay ? You re going to lock me up with all that pain and anger and hurt , and you can blow us all to kingdom come . Hey , if you do nt want to do it for yourself and your sister , do it for that baby you re carrying , you know , and do it for the one that s at home , crying for her mama . I m talking about Bree . Do nt do to her what I did to you . Come on . Let s go do it , all right ? Then you can focus on what s important . I wo nt let you down again , I promise you .
Todd : Do nt say that to me , Marty . Do nt tell me you love me .
Marty : Why , because you do nt feel the same way ?
Todd : I do feel the same way . It s true , God help me . I love you .
Marcie : Take a deep breath . Come on , you can do it .
John : Todd Manning has Marty Saybrooke locked away in his house . The man who raped her . You ve got to let me out of here .
### Summary:
| At the hospital , Shane tells Gigi that he would like to have a talk with Rex . Gigi goes in to visit Brody while Rex and Shane talk . Tina demands to know from Cain where David Vicars is . Natalie begins to give up hope that they will get out of here alive . Viki holds Bree in her arms . Clint comes in the kitchen door . Viki assures him that Charlie was out looking for Tess . Tess comes to and gets up . She notices a drink on the table behind the sofa and realizes that she is not alone . She calls out for Nash , but sees Niki . Marty models an outfit that Todd had bought her . Rex tells Shane that he is sorry . Neal Silver arrives with a pet carrier which contains David Vickers . Cain lets Tina know that Neal is a jewelry appraiser and he is there to check the diamonds to see if they are real . Viki finds out from Clint that Tess had tampered with the brakes on Natalie s car and had tried to kill her . Niki tells Tess that she wants to make things right . Rex apologizes to Shane for running off and leaving Gigi and him alone . Todd changes his mind about leaving town and encourages Marty to leave him before it is too late . Marty refuses to go . Marty questions Todd as to why he wants her out . Viki blames herself for this whole situation with Tess . Tess blames Niki for leaving her alone in a bar and causing her to get raped . Gigi vows to stick by Brody . Tina admits to Cain that the jewels are fake . Marty tells Todd that she is in love with him . Gigi watches Rex and Shane together . Jared and Natalie make love . Addie calls Viki that Starr is in labor . Tina finds out that David Vicars is really a girl and that she is in labor . Niki encourages Tess to let Natalie and Jared go and lock her up instead . Todd tells Marty that he loves her , too . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Michael : Thank you .
Lauren : Thank you .
Michael : All right .
Lauren : Hey , come on .
Michael : I know , I know .
Lauren : Oh , no , no , no .
Avery : What , no champagne on the big day ?
Michael : Hey , hi .
Lauren : I like that idea . You showing up , first day , district attorney , tipsy . ( Laughs )
Michael : Look , this is your first day taking over my practice . You want to drink now , just wait until we review the cases .
Avery : No , it has to wait , cause I have news -- oh .
Victoria : Thank goodness you re all here . Okay , it s crunch time , people .
Michael : For ...
Lauren : What ? Huh ?
Victoria : Oh , they do nt know .
Avery : Unh - unh .
Lauren : Know what ?
Victoria : Uh , Phyllis and Nick are getting married today .
Avery : At Gloworm , so you heard her . It s crunch time .
Lauren : ( Laughs )
Nick : One marriage license in my grubby paw .
Phyllis : Expedited for a small fee .
Nick : Eh . I got ta call Katherine Chancellor , tell her to get her You may kiss the bride speech ready .
Phyllis : ( Chuckles ) All right , I m gon na call Daniel .
Daniel : Hello .
Phyllis : Hey . This is your mother , whom you love for her spontaneity .
Daniel : Hmm , what now ?
Phyllis : Nick and I are getting married today , at Gloworm , and I really , really , really want you and Lucy to be there .
Daniel : Married today , huh ? Um ... ( Laughs ) Well , yeah , of course we ll be there . Uh ... ( Clears throat ) And what about my better half ?
Phyllis : No , Daniel , please do nt do that to me . Do nt do that to me today . I dont -- I want to be happy , not sad .
Daniel : ( Sighs ) Okay . Well , listen , I am ... I m really happy for you .
Phyllis : Thank you .
Daisy : Your mom moved up the wedding ? Cool . Lucy and I know just what we re gon na wear . Yeah .
Daniel : Actually , you re off the hook for this event .
Daisy : I m not invited .
Daniel : No , you just get to stay home and relax .
Daisy : Well , Lucy will stay home and relax with me .
Daniel : ( Chuckles )
Daisy : ( Chuckles )
Paul : Yeah , so ...
Heather : Oh .
Paul : Hey , you guys .
Heather : Hey .
Noah : Paul . Hey , hi .
Eden : Hey .
Noah : Heather , you re visiting .
Heather : I was about to ask you the same thing . Actually , I m going to be here for the foreseeable future .
Noah : Yeah , I , uh , I do nt know my plans yet , but till then , I m staying with Eden .
Paul : You are ?
Eden : Yes , I needed someone to help pay the rent after Ricky moved out .
Paul : Um , Eden and Ricky were roommates for a short time .
Eden : Yeah , but now he s actually , uh , across the hall in what used to be your place .
Heather : ( Laughs ) Really ?
Paul : So that s -- that s great that Noah s gon na be with you . That s good . You guys , uh , take care .
Noah : See you .
Eden : Bye .
Paul : Shall we ?
Heather : Yeah .
Paul : Wow .
Heather : Um , you basically just sighed with relief that Eden has a guy roommate . Why ?
Paul : Because , Sweetheart , I m not just worried about what Ricky did to you . I m afraid of what he might do to anyone .
Ricky : Rough night playing rent - a - guard ? Too important to answer my calls ?
Tim : Phyllis Summers was just an ugly memory until you called , and then she showed up here yesterday . I blame you .
Ricky : Phyllis was here ?
Sharon : And I need to check on the progress of that new formula , the eye serum .
Victor : You seem very excited to get to the office .
Sharon : I am . I feel energized , you know ? Like life is full of surprises-- the good kind .
Victor : Indeed .
Sharon : Like this little surprise I found waiting under my pillow this morning . I love it .
Victor : I love seeing it there .
Jack : Well , good for you . No sitting at home licking your wounds . You re out in the world . Good for you , though everyone in this place knows that I won Beauty of Nature . You re a real trouper , you know that ?
Victor : ( Chuckles ) Everyone , would you excuse us ? Jack and I have to have a few words .
Abby : Ohh , no , no , no , no , no .
Nikki : Yes , of course . Sharon and I need a moment ourselves .
Nick : Scores us an officiant , one Katherine Chancellor . You re welcome .
Phyllis : ( Giggles ) You are such an eager groom . You re so eager .
Nick : Hey , my wife s on the nest . She wants to get hitched before she starts to show , so let s do it .
Phyllis : That s all good news . There s no bad news .
Nick : Right . So at the wedding , when I give a toast and you are drinking O.J. , should we maybe tell everyone that junior s coming ? You know , the ones that do nt know ?
Phyllis : Well , no . I mean there are still calls to make and lines to draw , such as , I do nt want Daniel to bring Daisy , and ... I do nt want your father to bring Sharon .
Nick : What ? Why not ? ( Laughs )
Phyllis : ( Laughs ) I do nt want her there . You know , I do nt want people who despise me at my wedding . It s a happy day . I want to feel the love .
Daniel : Daisy , come on .
Daisy : I m your wife . I m Lucy s mother . For Phyllis to pretend I do nt even exist is ridiculous .
Daniel : Yeah , it s ridiculous , but it s mom . She wants things the way she wants them , and you know what ? We do nt need to give her any added stress , considering she s pregnant .
Daisy : What ? Phyllis is pregnant ?
Daniel : Yes , she is .
Daisy : Lucy and that baby are gon na play together . That s all the more reason for her to let me come .
Daniel : Its one day . It s a couple of hours . Come on , you do nt want to use Lucy like a pawn . You do nt want to do that . We re gon na go , we re gon na have a little bit of cake , see some family members , and then she s gon na come home .
Daisy : You both are gon na come home , all right ?
Daniel : All right . Fine . Great . Well , we both are gon na go get ready now . ( Clears throat ) Ohh , come on , Kid . Time to go play dress - up .
Michael : Today .
Lauren : Here ?
Avery : Mm - hmm , so you can see--
Michael : Yeah , no work talk , no files .
Lauren : What is she gon na wear ?
Avery : No idea . That s why I need you .
Lauren : Oh , yes , you do .
Victoria : Oh , you two are-- you re gon na go to Fenmore s .
Lauren : Yep . I have become a pro at last - minute weddings . Are you in the wedding ?
Avery : I m the maid of honor .
Lauren : Then I know exactly what I m pulling for you . Mm , it s fantastic .
Avery : Oh , o - o - okay .
Victoria : Yeah .
Michael : No , do nt argue with genius . You ll lose .
Lauren : Yes , it s so true . Let s move .
Michael : Mm !
Lauren : Come on .
Avery : Okay .
Lauren : Bye .
Victoria : Bye .
Michael : ( Chuckles ) Are you on reception duty ?
Victoria : Your mom is wearing her real estate hat today , so I m meeting with one of her managers . Um , u - until he s ready , uh , Michael , do you mind if I ask your advice on something ?
Michael : Of course .
Victoria : Okay , well , I know this might be a little tricky because you worked for Dad , but Jack s getting back Beauty of Nature , and he wants me to run it ... ( Sighs ) And I m tempted to say yes .
Jack : Smile a little too much ? Must be killing you , knowing that you lost to me .
Victor : ( Laughs ) You know , Jack , no matter how many times you say it , you know it ai nt true . You know damn well that the judge has set a deadline by which you have to pay Beauty of Nature in full . So far , I have nt seen a damn penny in my account , hence the company legally still belongs to me .
Jack : For a brief moment , in name only .
Victor : ( Chuckles ) Your eyes bigger than your bank account ? Is that it ? Ai nt got the cash ?
Jack : Relax , old boy . Now that you do nt have Beauty of Nature , you ll have plenty of time to count your money .
Victor : ( Chuckles ) Jack ... time is ticking away .
Nikki : Nice necklace .
Sharon : Oh , thank you . Is nt it lovely ? It was a gift .
Nikki : I imagine you thanked Victor profusely before or after , or both .
Sharon : Victor is a kind and generous , loving man .
Nikki : My God , you re not even the least bit ashamed , are you ?
Sharon : To be friends with someone like Victor ? No , I m not ashamed at all .
Nikki : Congratulations , Sharon . You ve managed to sleep your way through two generations of Newmans .
Paul : The coroner labeled it a suicide ...
Heather : Mm - hmm .
Paul : And Ricky said that he broke up with Rachel right before , but her friend insisted that Rachel was going to break up with him and leave him .
Heather : It could be as simple as Ricky revising history .
Paul : I was trying to get more information from someone who -- who knew Ricky and Rachel , but he never showed . Ricky did .
Heather : Look , trust me , I know more than anyone that Ricky is a creep . I mean , the fact that he was willing to use those photos of me with Adam still makes me bounce between cringing and wanting to pound on him , but none of that means he s physically dangerous .
Paul : ( Sighs )
Heather : Have you been able to reach your contact person since then ?
Paul : No . There s no point . He s dead . He died coming to talk to me about Ricky .
Ricky : So was Phyllis actually here , or was that just a wine - induced nightmare ?
Tim : She was here , just like you are right now .
Ricky : Well , an educated guy like yourself knows enough not to mention my name , right ?
Tim : I did nt tell her about your little visit .
Ricky : Good . Smart . Now I need you to tell me about Sasha green . Her name shows up all over Phyllis file , and it sounds like the redhead was guilty as hell about her death .
Tim : You re not gon na get another word out of me . Get out .
Ricky : I m sorry , was that your commanding doctor s voice ? Because it did nt work , maybe because you re not a doc anymore .
Tim : Yes , but I know a sociopath when I see one .
Jack : Sorry about that .
Abby : You know , my dad lost a gazillion dollars to his kids . He had to go public , and while he was in jail protecting Nikki , he watched Adam sell his pride and joy . I think you could ease up a little bit .
Jack : Well , for what it s worth , that is the plan . When I initially bid on Beauty of Nature , I had all the cash on hand that I needed . Since I was cheated out of it , I have invested some of that money . It s a little tied up .
Abby : So , what , you re not liquid enough to pay the purchase price ?
Jack : I m just a little short , but since you are rolling in dough , I thought this might be a great investment for you . Victor s daughter in a prominent leadership position at Beauty of Nature-- what s not to love about that ?
Abby : ( Laughs ) I think my dad will find lots to not love about that .
Sharon : Sorry I ca nt waste more time on pointless chatter , Nikki . I have a beauty division to run .
Victor : Why do nt we go to the office , okay ?
Nikki : Oh , by all means .
Nikki : Ah . Your ex - husband . Hello , Nicholas .
Nick : Hey , Mom . Let me give you the short version . Phyllis and I are getting married today at Gloworm . Any chance you and Jack could make it ?
Nikki : Oh . Well , yes , of course . We would nt miss it . Now as far as the rest of the guest list , Faith and Noah s mother ...
Nick : Um , that would make some very , uh , some very interesting family photos . No .
Nikki : Very wise decision . We ll see you soon . Well , it s very fortunate that you re quite busy with work today , so you do nt have to worry about other distractions . Good - bye .
Nikki : Ah . Hello .
Sharon : Was that supposed to mean something ?
Victor : Oops . Sorry about that . Hello , Son .
Nick : Hey , Dad . Real quick , can you clear your afternoon ? I m marrying Phyllis today at Gloworm , and I d like you there .
Victor : I see .
Nick : This is , uh , an invitation for you only , though . It s not a plus - one .
Victor : Well , I think that may be a mistake , Son . Uh , you should reconsider that .
Nick : My wife does nt need to see my ex - wife at her wedding . Sharon will have to understand that it s not appropriate and that it s not happening .
Victor : Well , if that s the case , it might be that I can not clear my schedule .
Nick : You re my dad . I d like you there , but it s your call .
Sharon : Is it a meeting ?
Victor : Nicholas and Phyllis are getting married this afternoon .
Sharon : And I m not invited ?
Nick : Hey , so we got a minister , we got my parents and Jack .
Phyllis : Hey .
Avery : We have dresses !
Lauren : Yeah , and you , my dear friend , are gon na be the hottest of all the brides I have dressed lately .
Phyllis : ( Laughs ) Nice .
Nick : All right . I like playing dress - up .
Avery : Uh , you can be forcibly removed .
Lauren : Yeah . Have you seen my biceps ? Really , seriously .
Nick : Well , I mean , do nt you want me to--
Phyllis : Okay , later . Later .
Nick : Oh , all right , I ll go . Ill -- Ill see you at Gloworm .
Phyllis : Yeah , I ll see you at Gloworm . I ll be the hot bride .
Avery : Good - bye .
Nick : Yeah .
Lauren : Bye .
Nick : I mean , I could stay .
Phyllis : Yeah , I mean , you can go , too .
Lauren : Bye , seriously .
Avery : Good - bye , good - bye .
Nick : Oh , all right , bye .
Lauren : Okay , here we go !
Phyllis : Show me , show me !
Lauren : You will love this . It s so beautiful . This is for after . What do you think ?
Phyllis : Oh , oh ! Oh ! Oh , my God ! ( Gasps )
Victoria : Beauty of Nature is -- it s like , my-- my -- my kids , you know ? It s like my firstborn , actually . Of course I m gon na miss being a part of it .
Michael : Well , unfortunately , your firstborn is Victor s crown jewel .
Victoria : ( Sighs ) Look , I worked at Beauty of Nature the whole five minutes that Genevieve owned it , and Dad survived that just fine .
Michael : ( Chuckles ) This is Jack . Do yourself a favor-- talk to Victor first , because if he finds out after the fact , that will just send him off the rails .
Victoria : I know . Of course , you re right , you know ? But there s a chance that my even thinking about it will drive him nuts . I mean , for Jack to have me and my mom and Beauty of Nature-- there s only so much that Dad can take before he completely flips out .
Jack : In all likelihood , Victoria would be C.E.O. If you came on board , it would be honoring the company s roots ...
Abby : ( Sighs )
Jack : And ensuring a strong and profitable future . You know the younger demographic . You know social media . I need you .
Abby : And you need my big , fat wallet .
Jack : Abby , I can pay you that money in the next few months , or if you decide , you can stay invested in the company .
Abby : I mean , my accountant has been annoyed I ve just been letting the money sit .
Jack : Best investment you could possibly make-- great company , great family . You and Victoria are Abbotts , too , you know .
Abby : I m in .
Jack : Fantastic .
Abby : ( Chuckles ) I can make Dad understand this , right ?
Jack : No doubt in my mind , but we have to make this transfer happen soon . Why do nt we go to the office , huh ?
Nikki : Unh - unh , no office . We have a wedding to attend .
Nick : Dude . I was looking all over for you . You , uh , got any plans later ?
Noah : I was planning on making some music .
Nick : Oh , I m just getting married later . I kind of need a best man , but if you re booked , let me just scroll through my contacts , find somebody else .
Noah : Uh , seriously ? Yeah , yeah , I m -- I m down . Uh , hey , hey , do you want to come watch me drop some rings ?
Eden : Uh , I m sure your father wants to handle his own guest list .
Nick : Nah , you re on it now . What s one extra guest ?
Victor : I just want you to know that I m not very happy about the fact that Nicholas does nt want you at the wedding , but just this once , I ll respect his feelings , okay ?
Sharon : It s always going to be something , Victor . That s the reality . No one s ever going to accept that you and I are together .
Victor : But you know something ? Eventually , they re gon na have to get used to it , whether they like it or not , but this once , I understand Nicholas feelings about it , okay ? So ... that does nt mean that I would nt much rather go there with you by my side .
Phyllis : Okay .
Avery : All right , we have to haul it .
Lauren : ( Laughs ) Okay .
Avery : Uh , the nail salon is waiting , and Abby and Summer and even Faith .
Phyllis : Okay , um , you guys , why do nt you take some pictures for me ? Go ahead and take pictures .
Lauren : What-- you re not coming ?
Phyllis : Um , no , I-- it s been crazy-- good crazy , but just ... I - I need , uh , a minute for myself , right ?
Lauren : Okay , all right .
Avery : Okay .
Lauren : But do nt mess up your makeup .
Avery : Or your hair .
Phyllis : I wo nt . Thanks . Thank you . Yeah .
Avery : You were always so pretty it hurt .
Lauren : All right .
Phyllis : Thank you .
Lauren : Call us if you need us , all right ?
Avery : Okay .
Lauren : All right , Sweetness .
Phyllis : Group hug . ( Laughs )
Lauren : Okay , see you soon .
Phyllis : Thanks . I ll see you there ...
Lauren : All right .
Avery : Okay .
Phyllis : In just a second . ( Chuckles )
Phyllis : ( Exhales slowly )
Phyllis : Oh . Come on , Guys , I m fine .
Daisy : Congratulations .
Heather : Forget the open container of alcohol . In your gut , you feel that Craig s car crash was no accident .
Paul : ( Sighs ) Before I had confirmation of his death , I knew something was very , very wrong .
Heather : I trust your instincts . I do , but we need more to go on , and it s not like we do nt have access to official G.C.P.D. resources .
Paul : Yeah , right , but listen , about that-- I - I told you as your dad , not as an investigator ...
Heather : Right .
Paul : And I need to find out more , but I would like you to listen to me as -- as family and not as an attorney . Can you keep this to yourself ?
Daniel : Hey , Heather .
Heather : Hey .
Daniel : What are you doing back ?
Paul : Well , she is , um , back for good , and with the D.A. s office .
Daniel : Michael hired you . Congratulations .
Heather : Thanks , and look who s here . Lucy s so big now ...
Daniel : Yeah .
Heather : And she s with you .
Daniel : And Daisy . We re married .
Heather : Wow . That s news .
Daniel : It is news . It is a very long story that I would love to tell you , but we would definitely need a couple of drinks to do that , and right now , me and this little one-- we have a date for a wedding-- Mom and Nick .
Heather : Mm .
Paul : That s great . Give them my best .
Heather : Yeah , mine , too .
Daniel : Okay . I will , uh , see you later for that beer .
Heather : Okay .
Daniel : Come on .
Paul : ( Sighs heavily )
Heather : He thought that marrying Daisy was a good idea ? That s like thinking you can win a fight with a rattlesnake or a shark .
Paul : Or someone like Ricky .
Ricky : You have as much reason to hate Phyllis as I do .
Tim : But I do nt devote every moment of my life trying to take her down .
Ricky : No ... but you would , if you had the guts .
Tim : Get out . Get out before I go public about you stealing my files ... to the police and to Phyllis .
Ricky : Now that would be very poor judgment on your part .
Tim : We re done .
Ricky : Tim . Tim , Tim , Tim , Tim , Tim , Tim , Tim . Are you really gon na make this harder than it has to be ?
Jack : Well , you ready to pick up Katherine ? Hey , what s going on ? Is it the wedding , or is it someone else ? We both know you and Sharon got into it earlier .
Nikki : Oh , that . Well , I m relieved . Now I do nt have to pretend to care about her social climbing anymore . ( Sighs ) I ca nt believe that the men that I loved and trusted actually fell for her charms .
Jack : Are we talking about Victor ?
Nikki : And you , and Nicholas . Well , she s got her brass ring now , or should I say , her diamond - encrusted platinum--
Jack : In case you have nt noticed , Nicholas and I both got over her -- way over her .
Nikki : I doubt that Victor will have your wisdom in time , but at least she wo nt be at the wedding .
Jack : Does nt matter . Even if she came , no one would notice her . People are gon na try to figure out whether to stare at the bride or stare at the beautiful blonde next to me .
Nikki : ( Chuckles )
Jack : Thank you for asking me to escort you .
Nikki : Well , you may walk me down the aisle today , and I m going to meet you at the altar not very long from now .
Phyllis : What do you want ?
Daisy : Phyllis , please , I m trying , for Lucy s sake . Okay , well , I know we re not-- I know I m not invited to the wedding , but we re family , and this is to say ... I want you to be happy . I - I want us all to be happy , so ...
Phyllis : Great . Thank you . Got it .
Daisy : I have another gift for you .
Phyllis : Strings ?
Daisy : No , a real gift . It s something that will allow you to trust me , maybe even enough so that I could go with Daniel and Lucy to your wedding .
Phyllis : Okay , there it is . I knew it . I knew it .
Daisy : I want to tell you about Ricky .
Phyllis : I do nt want to hear about Ricky today . I should have slammed the door in your face , obviously . I do nt want to hear about him . I do nt want to hear you simper on about that freak on what s supposed to be the happiest day of my life .
Daisy : You ca nt stop being a bitch long enough for me to do you a favor . God , how could Nick even marry you , after he knows what you re like ? How could he have another baby with you ?
Phyllis : I m sorry , me ? You want to talk to me about having a kid ? You re a thug . You re nothing . You ve tormented and brutalized people I love , Daisy .
Daisy : I gave Daniel a daughter .
Phyllis : Oh , my God , I dont -- I-- you want to talk about how that daughter was conceived ? You want to go there with me ? Really ? Let s talk about that ! You want to tell your precious little girl the sweet story about how you put her father in a coma the night she was born ? ! You -- you used that kid ! You dangle her around like a carrot ! Is that what you want to talk about ? You re a loser . You re nothing . You have no soul . You re incapable of love , and no one cares about you . It breaks my heart that Lucy has you as a mother .
Daisy : You hate me so much , Phyllis , you hate me because you re me , only way older and not at all wiser . Okay , so maybe , yeah , I - I did nt have anyone loving me growing up , so I do nt know how to love anyone , but you re wrong about no one loving me now .
Phyllis : Yeah , just get out of my house . Get out--
Daisy : No , you listen to me .
Phyllis : Get out of my house .
Daisy : Lucy loves me . She loves me more than anything in this whole world !
Phyllis : Get-- God , get out ! My God !
Daisy : I will always have more than you , no matter how many replacement babies you try to crank out .
Phyllis : Get out . Get out !
Daisy : You are pathetic , Woman . Leave me alone !
Phyllis : Get out of my house .
Phyllis : Ohh . Ohh . ( Breathing heavily ) Aah ! My God . Oh , God ! ( Sobs ) Oh , my God .
Phyllis : Oh ! Oh , my God ! ( Screams ) Ow ! Oh , my God . ( Moans ) Oh ! Oh , my God ! Help ! ( Moaning ) ( Screams ) Oh . Oh , God . ( Breathing heavily ) Ohh ... ( Grunts ) ( Grunting ) ( Sobs ) ( Moaning ) Someone help me , please ! Someone help me ! Please ! Help ! ( Moaning )
Victoria : Ohh , Nick . You know , last - minute surprise weddings are the best .
Nick : I think even your husband would agree . He s gon na be sorry he missed this one .
Victoria : No , he wo nt , because I brought my laptop , and if he s in between meetings in L.A. , I plan on videoconferencing with him , so he can , you know , watch the whole thing .
Nick : Oh , look at that . You are such a nerd .
Victoria : I m not a nerd .
Nick : Oh , yeah , you are .
Victoria : No , I m not . ( Laughs )
Nick : Let s see it .
Abby : Hello .
Nick : Hey , it s my girls .
Victoria : Ooh .
Faith : Daddy !
Nick : Hey , Beautiful . Supergirl .
Summer : Hey .
Nick : Mwah ! I told you this wedding was a done deal .
Summer : Yeah . The Supergirl thing is not old or anything , but you get a pass on your wedding day . Check out Faith s nails .
Faith : Look .
Nick : Wow , that s so fancy .
Victoria : Ooh . ( Chuckles )
Nick : Beautiful .
Kay : Aha . Well , it s a glorious day , my friend , so , uh , glad to see you here .
Victor : I hear you re putting your ordination to good use .
Kay : Well , who would have thought I d ever be stuck being a popular officiant ?
Victor : Mm - hmm .
Nikki : They re lucky to have you .
Kay : ( Laughs )
Nikki : Victor .
Victor : Hi .
Jack : Could you give us a moment , please ?
Nikki : Oh , sure . Phyllis and Nicholas are probably ready to talk vows .
Jack : I just wanted to soothe your nerves . The cash from the sale of Beauty of Nature will be in your account before the judge s deadline .
Victor : Just remember , the big hand on the clock is moving ever closer to the deadline . Tick tock , tick tock .
Kay : Is Phyllis in the back ?
Nick : Uh , she s gon na be here any minute . Uh , once she does get here , we re just gon na go straight to the main event .
Kay : Well , my God , then we better get with it . Okay , um ...
Nick : Yeah .
Kay : All right , People . Uh , people , everybody , yeah , yeah , over there , too . Uh , we re just about to start , so , uh , find yourself a seat and , uh , a park it .
Nick : And park it .
Kay : And the bride will be here , uh , momentarily , okay ?
Nick : ( Snaps fingers ) You re up , Dude . Dad did nt bring his shiny plus - one . That is his wedding gift to me today .
Kay : Well , you just stand there and be your magnificent , handsome self ...
Nick : Mm .
Kay : And prepare yourself to see a vision of glorious womanhood .
Nick : ( Laughs )
Heather : Okay . I wo nt pull in any favors , and I wo nt have the G.C.P.D. open up a file . For now , I m just your daughter , a sounding board . If you want to talk to me about Ricky , I can listen .
Paul : Thanks . He s my son , and the thought of him being a danger ... who knows ? Maybe the whole thing is my fault . ( Sighs ) Well , let s get out of here .
Heather : Oh , hey . You re a good dad , okay ? And I m sorry I do nt say it more often .
Paul : Thanks .
Heather : ( Chuckles )
Paul : Hi , Ricky .
Ricky : Hi . We meet up again .
Heather : Hi .
Paul : What s up ?
Ricky : Um ... am I interrupting something ?
Heather : No , no , we re done , and we have somewhere to be .
Ricky : Gotcha . ( Chuckles ) It s a busy day for all of us .
Paul : You know , if I could go back and do things differently ...
Heather : Come on , okay ?
Sharon : Hey , congratulations .
Nick : Crashing a wedding-- that s classy . Do I need to escort you out ? Because you will not be here when my wife walks in .
Sharon : Nick , I m Victor s date . I m here with Victor .
Avery : Oh , Boy .
Lauren : Yeah .
Nick : ( Sighs ) Is Phyllis outside ?
Lauren : She s actually driving herself .
Avery : I thought she would be here by now .
Nick : She ll be here any second . This day is gon na be perfect for her .
Phyllis : ( Moaning ) Oh , God . Cant-- please . Ca nt anyone hear me ? ( Moans ) ( Sobs ) Oh , my God . Oh , the baby ! Oh , oh God ! Oh , no ! Oh , my-- oh , no ! No ! No ! ( Sobs ) Oh , please help me . Oh , the baby , the baby ! Help me , please ! No , help me ! Please , the baby ... ( Screaming ) ( Sobs )
Nikki : Nobody wants you here .
Sharon : Well , Victor does .
Daisy : Daniel , what are you doing here ? Should nt you be at your mom s wedding ?
Victor : Jack Abbott and Beauty of Nature . It d be a dreadful mistake , and I wo nt allow it .
### Summary:
| Avery joins Michael and Lauren for a celebratory dinner to celebrate his appointment as District Attorney . Victoria joins them to announce that Nick and Phyllis are getting married today at Gloworm . Phyllis and Nick come home and start to make the final arrangements for their wedding . Daniel asks Phyllis about his better half . Phyllis says that Daisy is not invited . Daniel tells Daisy that Phyllis and Nick are getting married today , but that she is not invited . Daisy refuses to let Lucy go to the wedding without her . Paul and Heather join Noah and Eden and find out that they are not roommates living across the hall from Ricky . Paul reveals to Heather that he is afraid of what Ricky will do to anyone . Ricky visits Tim and finds out that Phyllis paid Tim a visit earlier in the day . Sharon and Victor discuss the honor that she is about to be given and all the while she admires the necklace that Victor gave her . Their joy is short lived when they are joined by Jack and Nikki . Jack and Victor go of to the side to talk thus leaving Nikki and Sharon to talk or better yet to throw slurs at each other . Phyllis lets Nick know that she does nt want Daisy at her wedding . Daniel reveals to Daisy that Phyllis is pregnant . Lauren helps Avery to plan Phyllis quickie wedding . Victoria informs Michael that Jack asked her to work with him at Beauty of Nature . Nikki congratulates Sharon for sleeping her way through all the Newman men . Paul fills Heather in on Rachel s death and how Ricky could possibly be involved . Ricky questions Tim about the death of Sasha Green and Phyllis involvement , but Tim refuses to tell him anything and orders him out . Abby asks Jack to ease up on Victor concerning Beauty of Nature . Jack asks Abby to invest in Beauty of Nature , but she has her doubts . Nick calls Nikki to let her know that he and Phyllis are getting married today . Nick calls Victor to invite him to the wedding , but Sharon is not invited . Victor tells Sharon about the wedding to which she is not invited . Victoria helps Michael prepare the tables for the wedding . Abby reluctantly agrees to invest . Nikki lets Jack and Abby know that they have a wedding to attend . Nick asks Noah to be his best man . Phyllis prepares for her wedding but asks for some time alone . Phyllis is surprised when Daisy comes and tells her about Ricky . Phyllis does nt want to hear it which results in a huge argument that gives Phyllis abdominal pains . Everyone gathers for the wedding including Sharon who congratulates Nick , but he orders her out . Heather finds out that Daniel and Daisy are married . Daisy ignores Phyllis cries for help . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Theresa : You know , Tate is this close to crawling . And then it s Look out , world . How do you think Victor would feel about having corner cushions on the living room furniture ?
Brady : Victor would probably say something like , Well , we did nt have toilet lid locks when I was a kid .
Theresa : [ Laughs ] Yeah , but I mean look how we turned out , right ? You know , sometimes I wish that we could just swaddle our son in bubble wrap to protect him from the Xanders of this world . Look , Brady , I really ca nt thank you enough for putting that psychopath in jail .
Brady : I told you before . It s no big deal .
Theresa : No , but , Brady , wait . Listen , it is a big deal . Let me tell you why .
Nicole : Daniel .
Daniel : Hope I m not interrupting .
Nicole : No , I can put together my hard - hitting story on killer house cats in ten minutes . No . You know , I was just daydreaming . You know , about what I m gon na do with the money from my lawsuit . I know I donated Serena s and I do nt exactly have Xander s , but , hey , a girl can dream .
Daniel : Nicole , I figured you d be the first person to hear the news .
Nicole : Well , unless it involves gratuitous sex , violence , or alien abduction , it s not my department . What s the news ?
Daniel : Serena was murdered last night .
Nicole : Oh , my God . Well , do they know who did it ?
Daniel : No . They found her strangled in the park .
Nicole : Oh , my . Why do I feel so terrible ? And why do I feel like it s partly my fault ?
Kate : Sorry I m late . That business call took so long .
Clyde : Yeah , well , I suppose you think your time is more valuable than mine , do nt you ?
Kate : No . No , not at all .
Clyde : I m just -- I m so tired of you being late and so tired of your excuses . I think things have got ta change right now .
Marlena : [ Laughs ] Are we there yet ? Please say we re there .
John : We re here .
Marlena : Well , it s lovely . What is all this ?
John : The story of us .
Marlena : You did nt have to do this .
John : Yes , I did . Look , I know you wish I were nt going back to the ISA . But I m here to prove to you that you have always come first . Always have , always will . And I want this little trip down memory lane to remind you just how wonderful our life was and can be again . Does this remind you of anything ?
Marlena : Um ...
John : [ Laughs ] I know , I know . Just a generic restaurant table . I was nt taking in the scenery much that day , myself . I was too busy looking at you .
Marlena : Shenanigans . I was too busy staring down the barrel of a gun . And you saved my life .
John : I did nt know who I was or where I d come from . But the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I had my anchor . I had my purpose .
Marlena : I thought I was the one who was smitten .
John : Everything that I am now is because of you .
Marlena : [ Sighs ]
John : What ?
Marlena : Well , I just-- when I think of how we ve been tested , you know ? And I think that couples that survive that are together forever and yet we re ... being us against the world was so much easier than being us--
John : Against us .
Marlena : We lost the ability to trust each other . I just do nt understand how this time things could be different .
Theresa : I was watching Tate sleep and I just kept thinking once upon a time Xander was a sweet , innocent baby too . But someone taught him to treat women as objects who do nt deserve respect . And I told Tate that his dad is going to teach him to treasure women , to treat them like royalty . What you did for me yesterday-- it was beyond what I had any right to expect and I just hope someday that I can show you--
Brady : Whoa . You just do nt know when to quit , do you ?
Jennifer : Oh ! I m so sorry .
JJ : What s up ?
Kyle : Ready to start earning your raise ?
JJ : Absolutely .
Kyle : Good . I just got this new shipment of meth . Now you re gon na sample it , make sure it s worth the price .
Daniel : Why would you think Serena s death would be your fault ?
Nicole : Because I wished so hard for her to be punished for what she did to Eric and me . But she did nt deserve to die . I did nt want that .
Daniel : Of course you did nt . Honey , it s gon na be okay . Listen , it s not your--
Miles : Oh , man , I have got a hot story for you , doll .
Nicole : Really ?
Miles : Yeah . Okay , all right . I need you to interview your ex . You know , your hot-- I mean very photogenic-- ex priest .
Nicole : About what ?
Miles : The murder of that buxom redhead . What s her name ?
Nicole : Serena mason .
Miles : Yeah . Yeah .
Abe : Thank you for coming .
Justin : What s going on ?
Abe : Well , I just came from a very exciting city council meeting . [ Laughs ] Justin , there has been so much corruption and graft these past few months . The crime rate is up . There have been drug problems in areas of the city that used to be safe . You know what happened with Sonny . Which is why I need your help .
Justin : What can I do ?
Abe : Please . The mayor s cut funding to our department three years running . He did nt want to do any press on Serena mason s murder or devote extra resources to finding her killer . The city council members have been calling for his head , and he finally gave it to them .
Justin : He quit ? Now what ?
Abe : Well , in absence of another candidate I happened to be the lucky guy on the scene who was appointed to the office .
Justin : Congratulations .
Abe : [ Laughs ] Well , thank you . I think .
Justin : You were a great mayor . You should ve won the last election by a landslide .
Abe : I ve got my work cut out for me now . My first move was to fire the DA who should ve had Serena behind bars a month ago , in which case she might still be alive .
Justin : Yeah .
Abe : I need a DA who s driven . Who will go all out when we catch this killer . I want you .
Justin : I m honored . But I do nt have a lot of experience in this area , Abe .
Abe : You re smart , you re hard working , and you have a name that commands respect .
Justin : Hmm . You mean it scares the hell out of people ?
Abe : [ Laughs ] Well , that s not a bad thing . So what do you say ?
Justin : I am looking forward to nailing the bastard who stabbed my son . And getting this killer off the street .
Maggie : Hi .
Theresa : Hi , Maggie .
Maggie : What s wrong ?
Theresa : Nothing .
Maggie : Theresa , if you ever want to talk about Xander or ...
Theresa : I was just trying to thank Brady for saving me from being attacked and he took it as an opportunity to remind me , yet again , that he definitely did nt do it because he cares about me .
Maggie : I ll bet he did nt say it that way .
Theresa : He s never gon na love me , is he ?
Maggie : None of us can see the future , Theresa . And the first step in finding love is loving yourself .
Theresa : Can we just please skip the twelve - step stuff .
Maggie : Okay , it might sound trite , but it s true . I m talking about the real Theresa . The Theresa that you do nt show the world very often .
Theresa : Yeah , well-- you know what ? Brady s seen the real me . He knows how I feel about him . One time , Anne Milbauer spiked his drink--
Maggie : She what ?
Theresa : Well , anyway , I knocked it out of his hand because , Maggie , I would die if something happened to him .
Maggie : And then what happened ? Theresa : Well , we bonded for like a minute and a half . He was dating Melanie at the time--
Maggie : Oh , and you reverted back to scheming and manipulating .
Theresa : Look , Maggie , I m so sorry . Oh , God . I know you must miss your granddaughter a lot , and-- look , I did nt mean to drive her away . I -- exactly . I ... it s just that I m a mom now , and I really , really want to do things differently . I just -- I do nt know . I do nt know . I just-- it s like I ca nt help myself .
Maggie : And why do you think that is ?
Theresa : Because it s the only way I can get anyone to pay attention to me ?
Maggie : Or maybe because somewhere in there there s this little girl who s afraid of getting hurt .
JJ : Look , I m fine with selling the stuff . But I worked hard to get clean , and if I go back to using , I--
Kyle : JJ , I m not asking you to go out and get ripped . How do you expect me to trust you if you re not willing to quality check the product ?
JJ : How come you ca nt do it ?
Kyle : Because I m asking you to do it . And if you refuse I m gon na really start wondering what your deal is .
Jennifer : You gave Sonix that anonymous tip about JJ dealing drugs out of the Horton center .
Eve : Did you pull that accusation out of your tight little ass ? You know what I should do ? I should sue you--
Jennifer : Who else hates my son so much to spread such vicious , dangerous lies ? Now he s got a target on his back .
Eve : Oh , please . Everybody knows that JJ is a user . And if he s gone back to his criminal ways you know you ca nt blame me , but I m going to warn you . Once an addict , always an addict .
Eve : Everybody thinks that you are so sweet and innocent , do nt they ? Well , this is the second time you ve accused me and assaulted me .
Jennifer : You want to make it three ? You want to make it three times ? Because I have no problem with that .
Eve : Do nt mess with me . I could snap you like a wishbone .
Abe : What s going on here ?
Justin : Ladies , please .
Abe : Hey , everybody . Let s keep moving . Move back , all right ? What did she do this time ?
Eve : Are you kidding me ? She attacked me !
Jennifer : I do nt have time for this . I have to go repair the damage you ve done .
Abe : Jennifer !
Eve : Hello again .
Justin : Do you need to get something off your chest ?
Eve : Yeah , I do . But I want a drink first .
JJ : Look , man . I m doing you a favor here , okay ? Like , the last thing you need is a dealer using the product , shorting the customers .
Kyle : You would nt do that . Not if you want to live . But if you re not comfortable doing what I ask , that s fine . Gosh , needs to be cleaned again . Crazy . Do nt worry about it . I ll find someone else to do the job . And I wo nt be needing you anymore on the payroll .
JJ : Fine , I ll do it .
Kyle : My man .
Clyde : I think it s time for some rules in this relationship . I want to be the most important thing in your life . Not hawking lipstick or perfume or meddling in your kids lives .
Kate : Okay , so let me get this straight . Clyde Weston is the most important thing in my life .
Clyde : That s what I m getting at .
Kate : Oh , I see . But I do nt suppose you re going to stop running your trucking company or you re going to stop meddling in your children s lives . No . What is this , the 1960s ? Did I wander onto the set of mad men ? Is this the twilight zone ?
Clyde : Do you have a problem with me asking for due respect ?
Kate : I have with you acting like a chauvinistic jerk . Look , I ve had a lot of losers in my life . I ve been saddled with a lot of them . But I m really learning how to cut my losses . I liked your confidence in the beginning . I did . But your ego is way , way out of control . You need to find someone who s going to like being with a narcissist , because that certainly is nt me . Just consider yourself dumped .
Nicole : Miles , I will not knock on Eric s door with a Bundt cake and shove a microphone in his face . I will not exploit his grief .
Miles : Do I need to remind you that that is your job ? Who better , Nicole , than to capture that raw emotion , that pain . Come on , you know what buttons to push , so to speak , to kinda get him to spill his guts .
Nicole : I wo nt do it .
Miles : Oh , right . Right , right , right . You ve got moral objections . What was I thinking ? I mean , come on . We would nt want you to lower yourself , Nicole . I mean , come on--
Daniel : I do nt think I like where this conversation is going .
Miles : Then stay out of it .
Daniel : No , I m not going to stay out of it .
Miles : Yeah , stay out of it . All right , look . I am your boss .
Nicole : Give it to someone else .
Miles : That is not an option .
Nicole : Or what ? I m fired ?
Miles : Maybe .
Nicole : You ca nt fire me . Because I quit !
John : I ca nt just tell you how things are going to be different , Doc . But I sure hope you ll give me a chance to show you .
Marlena : You ll never guess what I found when I woke up this morning .
John : Well , I guess if I will never guess , I m not even gon na give it a shot .
Marlena : Oh . I suppose I ll have to tell you . On the pillow , right beside me , I found a perfect yellow rose .
John : The romance is never going to end , Doc . Do you remember what belle called us that morning ?
Marlena : The most married parents she had ever met .
John : Doc , I know that showing you I love you is about more than just bringing you flowers or strawberries and whipped cream . These last few years , when things got rough for us , I kept trying to tell myself that we just need space . Actually what I was doing was running away .
Marlena : And joining the ISA .
John : I m not going to use that excuse to disappear . I m in this for the long haul . And you ll have to do a hell of a lot to get rid of me this time .
Marlena : Who ever said I want to get rid of you ? How many more memories have you dug up ?
John : As many as it takes .
Marlena : I want this to work .
John : So do I. But ?
Marlena : But I m scared .
John : What are you scared of ?
Marlena : John , the years we spent together were the happiest years of my life . And they were also some of the most painful . We had nt even ended our honeymoon before I thought that I had lost you . If I open up my heart to you again , my whole heart , I run the risk of going through that pain all over again . But you know what ? Now it s even worse . Because in this job you ll be risking your life every single day .
John : So you do know what you re afraid of . You re afraid I m going to hurt you again .
Theresa : You know , I know you probably think that my mom and dad are great people , and you re wondering how they could raise a hellion like me . But the truth is my dad-- he was nt around a lot and my mom , well , she had her-- you know , she had her problems .
Maggie : That must have been very difficult for you .
Theresa : Well , I m not asking you to feel sorry for me , okay ? I learned how to take care of myself .
Maggie : Yes , you re a strong person .
Theresa : Yes .
Maggie : That does nt mean you ca nt be vulnerable , too . And there s nothing wrong with showing Brady that side of you .
Theresa : No . I d rather look like a witch than a pathetic , needy--
Maggie : Okay , fine . I hear you , okay ? Enough unsolicited advice . Okay , do you know where Brady is ?
Theresa : No . He just left .
Maggie : Okay , well maybe he s with John helping him sell Basic Black .
Theresa : What ? Wait , wait , Brady s dad is selling Basic Black ? Oh , God . There goes my chance .
Maggie : At what ?
Theresa : Can you keep a secret , Maggie ?
Maggie : Yeah .
Theresa : When I was little , I kind of always wanted to be a fashion designer . I wanted it so bad I used to beg my mom to play the family card to get my foot in the door . But she told me to stop doodling in class and study harder . Look what that got me .
Maggie : You do nt seem like the type to give up your dream that easily .
Theresa : You know what ? You re right . I m not . I could be independent . I could earn Brady s respect .
Maggie : Do nt forget self - respect .
Theresa : Maggie--
Maggie : You know what ? I bet that Brady could get you an internship with whoever ends up buying the company .
Theresa : Oh , no , I got ta shoot for something bigger . Way bigger .
Daniel : Tiger . Whoa . Sure you re not going to miss this job ?
Nicole : Ugh , not for a second . You know , you operate on people s brains . I turn brains into mush . You know , I asked myself if I could have the career of my dreams , what would it be ? And I realized I was never more fulfilled than when I ran titan .
Daniel : You want to go back to titan ?
Nicole : No . I do nt want to go back . I want to move forward . And I just heard that Basic Black is on the market .
Daniel : You want to work for--
Nicole : No , I do nt want to work for Basic Black . I wanna own it .
Kyle : What are you waiting for , JJ ? Hmm , Christmas ?
JJ : Dude , I m sorry , man . I just ca nt risk getting hooked .
Kyle : What , you think this is April fool s ? You think I m a fool , JJ ? Where s the wire ? Where s the wire ? You just failed , homeboy . You just failed your first and last test .
John : We really put it all on the line when we fall in love , do nt we , Doc ? Shenanigans is nt the place where it really started for us .
Marlena : New Orleans .
John : At Maison Blanche , I lost my memories , my identity , the first half of my life . But if that had nt happened , I would nt be who I am today . And I m grateful for that time . Because , without it , I would nt have you . When I whisked you away to propose to you , you were certain I was gon na take you to Ireland , were nt you ? Do you remember that ? But I chose new Orleans because our future always starts with our past .
Theresa : Listen , I m just saying , I do nt know why I did nt apply for a job at Basic Black a long time ago .
Brady : Well , I wish you d said something sooner , because my dad s selling the company .
Theresa : Yeah , I heard .
Brady : Look , maybe I can talk to the new buyer about getting you an entry- level position .
Theresa : I m not interested in an entry - level position .
Brady : All right , what are you looking for ?
Theresa : I d like to buy Basic Black .
Brady : Okay . Where do you think you re going to get the money for that ?
Theresa : I was hoping that you would front it to me .
Brady : Oh , God .
Theresa : Listen , I would pay you back with interest . I mean , I know the international branches have already been sold , but if Basic Black were to expand again--
Brady : You can not be serious about this .
Theresa : How much experience did you have before you became a mogul ?
Brady : The answer is no .
Theresa : Fine . You know what ? I m gon na find the cash somewhere else , and I do nt care what you think about me Brady , okay ? I will prove you wrong . I will make this happen .
Nicole : Wow , the asking price is pretty high for a rundown designer house . I do nt have the money .
Daniel : Well , I think we could talk to Victor , get him to cover what Xander owes you .
Nicole : We ?
Daniel : Well , me .
Nicole : I love that you re acting like this is your dream too .
Daniel : It is . My dream is to make you happy , okay ? But , with Xander s money , and what I could chip in , I do nt think it would still be enough .
Nicole : I do nt suppose I could un - donate-- [ Laughs ] I m just kidding . You know what ? I ll figure something out . I always do .
Daniel : You do .
Justin : That was nt supposed to be a shot .
Eve : I know .
Justin : Another ?
Eve : That is not necessary .
Justin : Oh , no . It s my turn . Sorry you re having a bad day .
Eve : Every day has been a bad day since I arrived here in Salem . And , I m sorry , I know that Jennifer is your ex - sister - in - law or whatever . But I m telling you right now , that woman is as crazy as her schizo mother . And people in this town-- they do nt know it , but someday she is going to cause a world of trouble .
Justin : Unlike you , who s never caused any trouble for anybody . Eve : [ Sighs ]
Kyle : I need you to come over . We have a little problem .
Clyde : I told you never to call me . And you are paid to deal with problems .
Kyle : Trust me . You re gon na want to handle this one on your own .
Clyde : All right . I ll be there .
Kyle : Sit your ass down .
JJ : It s my mom .
Kyle : Do nt even think about answering that .
Jennifer : JJ , it s me . You have nt been answering my texts , so I just thought I would call . Everything s fine here . And I just wanted to make sure that you re fine too . Love you , honey .
Anne : When are you going back to work ?
Theresa : Hopefully never .
Anne : Really ? So he did nt kick you out on your tuchas ?
Theresa : No . But it s going to be a lot of work to get him to stop hating me , let alone start liking me . Naggy Maggie thinks I should show him the real me .
Anne : That is the worst advice I ve ever heard .
Theresa : You know what ? I do nt need input about my love life from someone who s never had one .
Anne : I m sorry , what ? I beg your pardon ?
Theresa : Anyway , I found a whole nother way to get to Brady s heart , so--
Anne : As opposed to through his pants ?
Theresa : Yes , and that s where you come in .
Kate : The problem is men . Men are selfish , manipulative , and arrogant . No offense .
Roman : None taken .
Kate : God . I really need to take a nice , long break from dating .
Roman : You know what ? I think every man in Salem will be relieved to hear that .
Kate : Oh , shut up . You know , the truth is , I m bored . I m running a company in name only . I m not having fun anymore . Time to shake things up .
Marlena : Of course it was worth it . There was never a question in my mind .
John : The question is whether it s worth rolling the dice and trying it all over again . I ca nt promise smooth sailing , Doc . In fact , I can pretty much guarantee that s not gon na happen . But what I can promise you is my commitment to you will be unshakable . We had been married a lot of years-- we thought so , anyway-- before we had our first official wedding . You re bouquet had flowers for each of our children ... yours , mine , ours . You took your vows from the song of Solomon . Rise up my love , my fair one , and come away . For lo the winter is passed .
Marlena : Our bad times are over , and the good times are beginning . Now , I know that nobody can ever promise what the future will bring . But I will make you one solemn vow . I will love you , no matter what . Whether rain or drought , or sun or storm , whatever comes . I will laugh with you , weep with you , celebrate with you , and mourn with you . Whatever comes , I am yours , my love , until death part us .
John : And we ve cheated death how many times , Doc ? I am yours .
Marlena : It s blank .
John : This was our past . And it s been an amazing ride . This is our future . And I firmly believe the best is yet to be .
John : I d like to fill these pages together .
Marlena : I d like that too . And I know how I d like to start page one .
John : How ?
Anne : Yes , of course . Honey , I will do whatever I can to help . But , currently , the bank of Anne is overdrawn . So if you re looking for , you know , a new head of HR , the only perk I would ask for would be , like , a little company discount , or something .
Theresa : Anne , Basic Black does nt make wrap dresses .
Anne : [ Laughs ] How is it that you propose you re going to get this money to buy this business to then impress Brady with all of your , you know , refined business acumen and savvy ?
Theresa : I m going to get an investor .
Nicole : All I need is an investor to provide the rest of the funding .
Daniel : Well , Basic Black is a very attractive company . John s not going to have any trouble trying to find a buyer now that the word s out it s on the market .
Nicole : In other words , honey , the clock is ticking .
Eve : Well , enough about my problems . What about yours ?
Justin : I do nt have any complaints at the moment . Actually , I got a new job this morning . You re looking at the new DA .
Eve : Well , damn . Congratulations . Looks like you re a very important person for me to make friends with .
Justin : As long as you stay out of trouble .
Eve : Can we be friends anyway ? [ Laughs ] You know , I m really sorry about what happened between you and Adrian . She was a fool to let go of you .
Justin : Actually , I was the one who--
Eve : Was a very , very bad boy ?
Kyle : It s open .
Clyde : Oh , Lord . Too many drug dealers for one room .
### Summary:
| Daniel told Nicole about Serena s death . Nicole blamed herself for what happened to her . Theresa thought she smoothed things over with Brady , but he rejected her . Maggie tried to make Theresa feel better about Brady rejecting her , but it did nt work . Abe is the new mayor . His first act was to ask Justin to be the new D.A. Kyle wanted JJ to check the meth he got . JJ wondered why Kyle did nt do it . Kyle would be suspicious of JJ if he did nt test it . Jennifer and Eve argued because Eve gave the anonymous tip about JJ . Jennifer let Eve know that she put JJ in danger . Eve denied making the call . One thing led to another and they had a slapping match . Justin and Abe broke up the fight between Jennifer and Eve . Kyle was going to fire JJ until he decided to try the meth . Clyde wanted Kate to make changes in order for their relationship to work . Kate did nt like the way Clyde was treating her so she dumped him . Myles wanted Nicole to do a story on Serena . Nicole refused to do it , but Myles reminded her that he s her boss . Nicole decided that she did nt want to work at the station anymore so she quit . John romanced Marlena , but she was worried that he would leave her again once he was back in the ISA . Nicole decided to make a change in her life . She wanted to buy Basic Black . Kyle put a gun on JJ when he did nt take the drugs . Kyle let him know that he failed the test . John and Marlena continued to go down memory lane about their relationship . Theresa suddenly wanted to be a designer and she wanted to own Basic Black . Theresa asked Brady for help with the money . Brady refused to help Theresa . Nicole realized she did nt have enough money to buy Basic Black . Daniel offered to help her get the money . John promised to be committed to Marlena . Theresa and Nicole thought of ways to buy Basic Black . Clyde showed up at Kyle s place and saw JJ . Kyle hit him in the head with his gun . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kayla : I thought I made myself clear , Steve . You need to leave my mother alone .
Steve : Come on , Kayla . The hospital can get pretty lonely . I just thought Caroline could stand to see a friendly face .
Kayla : Meaning you ?
Steve : What s wrong with this face , baby ?
Kayla : The answer is no .
Steve : Why not ?
Kayla : Do you know how upset she was the last time you went in there ? I mean , the worst thing you can do is to indulge the idea that my mother s having visions of Bo . No . Uh - uh . I wo nt let you upset her like that again .
Stefano : Right . Thank you .
Andre : How s Chad ?
Stefano : Oh , the same .
Andre : I m sorry to hear that .
Stefano : What are you wearing anyway ? I mean , you look as if you re dressed up for a funeral .
Andre : That s because I am .
Gabi : Hi .
Sonny : Hi . Look who s here .
Gabi : I hope it s okay that I brought her . I ca nt promise that she s gon na sit still and be quiet , but I thought she should be here to say goodbye to her dad .
Sonny : She should be .
Gabi : And I hope it s not too upsetting to see everybody so sad .
Hope : How s Marlena doing ?
John : Trying to be strong for Sami .
Sami : Mom , I m thinking maybe you were right .
Marlena : About what , sweetie ?
Sami : I m thinking that I should ve had the nanny bring the kids , you know ?
Marlena : Oh , honey .
Roman : Sami , he s in a better place .
Sami : I know . Oh , dad .
Kate : Sami .
Sami : [ Sobs ] [ Sobs ]
Kate : Long time no see , partner .
Sami : What happened with that ? Go away for one year , and you just lose everything we worked so hard for .
Kate : I guess it was nt as much fun putting the screws to Stefano without you . Oh , Kate .
Lucas : The priest is ready to start .
Louis : Blessed are the peacemakers , for they shall be called children of God . Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness sake , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven . The word of the lord .
All : Thanks be to God .
Louis : At this time , I d like to invite anyone who might like to say a few words about William .
Marlena : When will was born , I was nt prepared to be a grandmother , and then he went ahead and made me a great - grandmother .
John : [ Chuckles ]
Marlena : I was surprised , as many of you were , when will decided to become a writer .
Steve : Wow .
Kayla : Excuse me .
Steve : You give me a lot of credit , sweetness . I mean , if I could control what people dream about , we d be rich .
Kayla : You know , I m not saying that you re making her dream about Bo . I suspect that it s a side effect from the drugs . I--
Steve : So then what s the problem ?
Kayla : For you to feed the delusion . To encourage her that these are visions she s having of Bo , I mean , do you understand that this woman is-- it s just so confusing for her . She s just reorienting herself back into reality , and--
Steve : Okay . Hello , dr . Brady . Excuse me . Maxine needs you in 357 .
Kayla : Okay , thank you . Uh - huh .
Kayla : [ Sighs ]
Steve : I m just gon na go in and say hello . I wo nt upset her .
Kayla : You better not , and listen , and we havent-- we have nt told her about will , so do nt say anything , all right ?
Steve : I wo nt .
Steve : Hey .
Caroline : Oh . Oh , Steve .
Steve : Wow . Well you look like you re ready to get out of here any day now .
Caroline : I hope so . I told you that Bo s in trouble .
Steve : Yeah , you did .
Caroline : Well what are you doing about it ?
Andre : And I thought we agreed that no one should know that I m here in Salem , but for heaven s sake , I just ca nt be lurking around this mansion for the rest of my life , and the advantage of venturing out to will Horton s funeral is that most the town s gon na be gathered in one place .
Stefano : We ll see .
Andre : Trust me , I m going to be charming and respectful . Mm . As I introduce myself once more into the ever - so - welcoming city of Salem .
Kate : I always hoped that one of my children would become a writer . Even though I believed some of them did have talent , of course , they chose to follow their own path , and then came will .
Lucas : Sami and I were kids ourselves when Will was born . We made a lot of mistakes . Sami and I used to fight all the time about everything and anything under the sun , and I think will was in high school . Something like that . And he must ve known I was upset . So he says , Hey , Dad , do you want to go play basketball ? So I thought , What the heck ? You know , I ll be a good dad , suck it up . Go shoot some hoops with him . And after about an hour , I felt a million times better , but I did nt know it . I think he had plans with his friend that night . He was supposed to go to a concert with T. He was supposed to go see green day , and they had backstage passes . Backstage passes to Green Day , and he did nt go because he knew that I needed him . He knew I needed him . He knew I was hurting , and that s who my son was . That s what kind of person he was . He was my best friend . And I do nt know how I m gon na go on without him .
Louis : Would anyone else like to speak ?
Abigail : I would , but I feel a little bit lightheaded right now . I do nt think I should stand up .
Ben : You okay ?
Abigail : Yeah , but-- you were-- will was gon na be your best man . Maybe you could say something for both of us .
Ben : Abigail , no . I ca nt .
Abigail : Ben , why ? My constipation and belly pain
Steve : I really wish I was out looking for Bo . I would do it in a heartbeat , but I just do nt have enough to go on yet .
Caroline : [ Sighs ]
Caroline : Let me try to give you more .
Steve : Okay . Anything you can remember . Anything at all .
Caroline : Okay . Walls were filthy .
Steve : Okay . Probably not in the U.S. Besides the walls , is there anything else you remember about the-- what the room looks like ?
Caroline : There s a sign . It said , Punta .
Steve : That s fantastic .
Caroline : The rest was in Spanish .
Steve : Well now we re getting somewhere .
Caroline : Punta Laguna .
Steve : Okay . That is fantastic , Caroline .
Caroline : Really ?
Steve : Is there anything else you can tell me ?
Caroline : I m sorry .
Steve : Well , no , no . Do nt be sorry . That s a solid lead for me to follow now .
Caroline : It is ?
Steve : Yes .
Caroline : Oh .
Steve : Hey , your memory is doing better than ever now , is nt it ?
Caroline : No . You think so ?
Steve : Yes . I bet you the next time I see you , you ll be home .
Caroline : And you ll be with Bo .
Steve : I sure hope so .
Caroline : Steve , please . Find my son .
Steve : I will do my very best .
Ben : I mean , will s family has gotten up to speak . I do nt feel like it s my place .
Abigail : Of course it is .
Sami : Will was a miracle baby . I think of all the times I held him . Those eyes . That big smile . It was the cutest smile a baby ever had . [ Chuckles ] And I did just about everything a loving parent should nt do . I lied , I schemed , I fought with his father endlessly , and will had every reason to turn out completely messed up , and he had his moments , but who does nt , right ? But I call him a miracle because he actually-- he turned out okay . I mean , more than okay . I do nt take any credit for how smart he was , how funny he was , how kind he was , how talented he was . No , he got that way all on his own . Maybe got a little bit from his dad . He had to grow up way too fast . It was nt fair to him . I think that s one of the reasons he was so independent and so stubborn . I know that he was going through a really rough time here , and I wish I could ve been there for him , and let it be all about him for once . Too many people sitting here today know what it is to lose a child . There is this hole in my heart that will never be filled , and-- [ Sniffles ] Will , I will love you to the moon and back forever . [ Sobs ] [ Sobs ]
Sonny : I do nt even know if I should be up here because I m the one who left , and if I d been here , then maybe things would ve been different . [ Sighs ] The last time I heard will s voice , he said he wanted to make things right , and I would give anything to have that chance . When we got engaged , I gave him this book called Maurice by E.M. Forster . For those of you who have nt read that book ... [ Sniffles ] It s about these two guys who were imperfect souls , but in the end , they come together to create something pretty close to perfection . Will and I got married , and we started a family with Arianna . That was the closest thing I ve ever had to perfection , and ever will have . I just hope that will knew that because in spite of everything that happened , I still loved him . I do love him . A piece of my heart s gon na be buried with him today . You know how people say do nt go to bed angry ? Well ... look at me , and know why . So tell your loved ones how much they mean to you . Always have forgiveness in your heart because if you wait too long , you might never get the chance .
Caroline : Ah . My favorite doctor daughter .
Kayla : How you doing ?
Caroline : Well I have nt been this energized in years . You do nt look so good . What s wrong ?
Kayla : I , um ... I was waiting until I thought maybe you could handle the news .
Caroline : What news ?
Kayla : It s , um ... it s Will . I do nt even know how to say this .
Caroline : What ?
Kayla : He s been murdered .
Caroline : [ Gasps ] Oh . Oh .
Kayla : Sorry .
Caroline : God .
Kayla : I m sorry .
Caroline : Oh . Oh , dear .
Kayla : I m sorry . I m sorry .
Caroline : No .
Sami : [ Sobs ] [ Sobs ] He was the best of us . [ Sobs ] [ Sobbing ]
Hope : Hey . Hey , honey .
Kayla : Oh , hi . Hi . Is the service over already ? I m so sorry that I missed it .
Hope : I know . I left a little early . I wanted to check on your mom before I went to work . Kay , I know you wanted to be there today , but Sami said it gave her peace of mind knowing you were staying with her grandma .
Kayla : Yeah . I , um ... I told my mom about will .
Hope : Oh , God , honey . I m so-- that d be so hard .
Kayla : You know , there have been so many times that I have told my patients family the worst possible news , but this is just beyond ...
Hope : I m so sorry .
Kayla : Oh . And you know what the worst part is ? I m just so afraid that she s gon na wake up tomorrow , and I m gon na have to tell her all over again .
Hope : I thought she was doing better .
Kayla : Well , I mean , she seems like she s doing better , but she s so insistent that these visions of Bo are real . I mean -- I mean , if she ca nt distinguish between reality and fantasy , then I ca nt really believe that she s getting better .
Steve : Joe . Hey man , I ve been trying to reach you . You did nt get any of my texts ?
Joey : Yeah , I figured-- I figured you were busy , and I was probably the last person you needed to hear from .
Steve : Oh , man , come on . You are always the first person I want to hear from . Okay ?
Joey : Okay . So how d the trip go ?
Steve : Well , I found the place where they were holding your uncle Bo captive .
Joey : Seriously ?
Steve : Yeah , and I came home because I had reason to believe that he d been killed .
Joey : What ?
Steve : But now I know I was misled .
Joey : Why ?
Steve : Well , your grandma has been having these dreams , these vivid dreams about Bo . I know it sounds crazy , man , but ...
Steve : I got to go check it out .
Joey : So you re leaving again .
Steve : I am , but hopefully I ll be bringing Bo home with me this time .
Sami : Hey , Sonny . Look , I just want to apologize about yesterday . I did nt say what you needed to hear . I could nt , and I just want you to know I m sorry about that . I was listening to what you said today , and that was really beautiful , and you have to know that I do nt want you to blame yourself for what happened to will , and he would nt want that either .
Sonny : Thank you . That means a lot .
Sami : Can I give her a big squeeze ?
Gabi : Of course .
Sami : Hey , sweetheart . Hey , how are you ? Can I give you a hug ? [ Sobs ]
Gabi : [ Chuckles sadly ]
Sami : I have to ask you to take her .
Gabi : Here , mama . Come here . Come here .
Sonny : Want to go get some air ?
Gabi : Yeah .
Eric : Excuse me . Hey . Are you okay ? It s okay . It s okay . Hey . You know , you were-- you are a great mom . I know you said you could never take credit for the person that Will turned out to be , and I m here to remind you that yes , you can .
Sami : Thank you for always saying the right thing .
Eric : I love you .
Sami : And I love you too .
Eric : You know , so about that letter that you got from EJ . Please tell me you took my advice for once and you re not gonna--
Sami : Eric , let me just tell you that if you got a letter from someone that you loved more than anything in the world , you would nt just be able to forget about it . It s just not possible .
Andre : Samantha . I d like to offer my deepest condolences .
Steve : I hope you understand why I have to leave again .
Joey : You think Grandma Caroline s psychic all of a sudden ? Seriously ?
Steve : Okay . I know how it sounds . I know it sounds crazy , but given where I ve been and what I ve seen , the things that she s saying , they re just uncanny , and I d rather believe your uncle Bo s alive than not .
Joey : Yeah , me too . You re never gon na stick around . It s always gon na be something else .
Steve : Joe . I would do anything for you . You know that ? And the same goes for your uncle Bo . He s the kind of friend who comes along once in a lifetime .
Joey : So mom s okay with you leaving again ?
Steve : I did nt tell her .
Joey : Well , that s a big mistake .
Kayla : Mom , I saw that you were pushing your call button . Is everything okay ? Are you alright ?
Caroline : How can I be okay when my son s out somewhere in some terrible danger ? I am not crazy .
Kayla : No , I never said that .
Caroline : Kayla , you have to understand . I can see Bo , and we have to bring him back . We have to bring him home .
Marlena : Tony .
Andre : Andre . Sorry to disappoint . Tony s still dead . Obviously I m still very much alive .
John : That s a damn shame .
Kate : How is this possible ?
Andre : I m a DiMera .
Abe : My wife was a DiMera , and she is really and truly dead , which is all your fault , you son of a bitch .
Andre : Yes , I m truly sorry about dear Alexandra .
Marlena : Really ?
Sami : You fell off of the roof of the TV station .
JJ : Mom , what s going on ?
Jennifer : I ll explain later .
Sami : You disconnected your own life support to frame my grandfather .
Andre : Are you all so stunned that I m back ?
Roman : You know what ? I m not sure how Stefano pulled it off , but I d have to thank him because now we can arrest you .
Andre : I m sorry to deflate your fondest hopes , but I have a pardon from the governor right here . Also the statute of limitations has run out in whatever this does nt cover .
John : Yeah , how d you get that ? Did you promise him eternal life or something ?
Andre : No . [ Chuckles ] No , I just expressed great remorse on any unpleasantness I may have caused .
Lucas : We re here to celebrate my son s life . What the hell are you doing here ?
Andre : Yes , your son was quite the trailblazer . He stood for tolerance and understanding , did he not ? In Will s honor , I d like to apologize to everyone I ve ever hurt . I ve been in a recovery facility for quite a while , and now that I ve had a chance to gain a little perspective of my past , I realize that I was , well , I suppose there s only one word for it , and that is that I was-- [ Sighs ] Insane .
Marlena : You were evil .
Andre : I m much better now , and surely you do nt doubt the power of a wonderful therapist , and surely you do nt begrudge me the chance to make peace with the good people of Salem .
Roman : Andre , make peace with this .
Steve : Did you ever hear the expression it s better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission ?
Joey : Neither one seems to work out very well for me .
Steve : I m just saying , your mom , she already thinks I m stirring up trouble by buying into your grandma s dreams . If I tell her I m leaving , it ll just upset her , but if I go , and I come back with Bo--
Joey : What if you go and you come back without uncle Bo ? You promised her you were gon na stay in Salem .
Steve : And I will , as soon as I ve done what I need to do .
Joey : Fine , but it s not like you re going to an amusement park . You might not come back . Do nt you think you at least owe it to her to say goodbye ?
Sami : Will is dead and you re not ?
Ben : Who is this ?
John : Well this is Andre DiMera , the insecure bastard who tried to frame me for his murder .
Roman : Yeah , one of his favorite tricks . Did it a dozen times , including to me . Read about the Salem stalker if you want to know more .
JJ : Wait a minute , this is the guy who made you think dad was dead ?
Andre : I know that my list of crimes are far too long to enumerate in one sitting , so a blanket apology will have to do .
Eric : Whoa , whoa , wait . Sami !
Eric : No , no . What , you think your blanket apology means anything ?
Andre : You re not a priest anymore . Who are you to judge ?
Sami : [ Grunting ]
Andre : Just so you know , I m trying to get past this awkward transition period to find some kind of civility .
Abe : Civility ?
Andre : So if any of you want to get in contact , you want to work on this , I m staying with my father .
Marlena : Your father ?
Andre : Yes , I received a letter from my mother several years ago with the news that Stefano was my biological father . [ Chuckles ] Now it all makes sense , does nt it ? No wonder I was so much like tony . He and I were so much alike .
Roman : You and tony were never alike .
Andre : Well , Tony s dead . EJ s dead , and sadly , Alexandra s dead , so I found it my duty to come back home because Chad is a wanted man . I needed to do my duty with my father . Speaking of which , I need to take care of the dear old man . Oh . I truly am sorry for your loss .
Steve : Kayla .
Kayla : If you are here to see my mother again , I swear--
Steve : No , no . I m here to see you , and to say goodbye because I promised someone that I would , but it does nt actually mean goodbye .
Kayla : Well what does it mean ?
Steve : This .
Stefano : Well ?
Andre : It went about as well as I expected . Oh , the beautiful thing is I m now free to go and do as I please .
Sami : EJ wanted me to destroy his father .
Eric : You ca nt think that you re gonna--
Sami : I have to . I do nt have a choice . Andre is back . I am not gon na let someone else get hurt . EJ left me that information to use it against Stefano , and I m going to .
Eric : Sami , this is dangerous .
Sami : You re not gon na change my mind . I m going to Switzerland .
Marlena : Why are you going to Switzerland ?
Sami : Mom , I do nt have time for questions right now . You re just gon na have to trust me on this . I know what I m doing .
Sonny : [ Sighs ]
Sonny : [ Sniffles ] [ Sighs ] [ Sobbing ]
### Summary:
| Kayla did nt want Steve to upset Caroline by talking to her about Bo . Steve thought that she could help him find out what happened to Bo . Everyone gathered for Will s funeral . Andre let Stefano know that he planned on going to the funeral . Marlena , Kate and Lucas spoke at the funeral first . Abby wanted Ben to speak about Will . Ben thought about killing Will , and told her that he could nt do it . Steve went to Caroline s room and she wanted to know if he was going to look for Bo . Caroline wanted to help Steve by giving him more info about her visions . Steve was happy with the information that Caroline gave him . Ben did nt feel like it was his place to speak at the funeral . Sami spoke at the funeral . Sonny spoke at Will s funeral too . Kayla checked on Caroline and told her about what happened to Will . Everyone had one last look at Will and put flowers on his casket . Kayla told Hope that she was worried about Caroline since she was having visions about Bo . Steve told Joe that he was going to find Bo . Sami let Sonny know that she did nt blame him for what happened with Will . Sami held Arianna and broke down . Andre showed up at the pub to offer his condolences . Steve explained to Joe why he believed Caroline s visions were real . Caroline told Kayla and Hope that Bo had to be brought back home . Andre let everyone at the funeral know that he was pardoned and that the statute of limitations was up on his crimes . Roman was so upset that he punched him . Joe thought Steve should say goodbye to Kayla before he leaves town . Everyone was upset when Andre wanted to apologize for what he did . Andre dropped the bomb that he was Stefano s biological son . Andre offered his condolences again before he left the pub . Steve told Kayla goodbye and kissed her . Sami was determined to go to Switzerland . Marlena wanted to know why she was going , but she would nt say . Sonny went to Will s gravesite and cried . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jack : Thank you .
Dr. Norton : Please , if you d all sit down .
Kendall : You found the problem with Spike s hearing , right ? How you can fix it ?
Dr. Norton : That s what I d like to discuss .
Joe : There is a great deal to talk about .
Zach : Come on .
Kendall : I -- I do nt need to sit .
Zach : Sit down .
Kendall : Ok .
Ryan : No , no , no . I m ok . I m ok . Come on , whatever it is , let s hear it , please .
Dr. Norton : I ve run all the tests -- some twice .
Joe : In a case such as this , we want to be absolutely sure .
Dr. Norton : Along with the radiographic X - ray examination and the color MRI , thanks to Mr. Slater s generosity , we were also able to conduct electronic promontory testing , as well as test Spike s auditory steady - state response and his auditory brain - stem response . The results were consistent each time . The hearing deficit in both ears is extensive .
Kendall : Extensive ? What does that mean ?
Dr. Norton : Your son has suffered profound hearing loss in both ears . I m sorry . He is deaf .
Ryan : Run the tests again .
Erica : There must be something --
Zach : If you say it s permanent , then --
Dr. Norton : Please , please , let me finish .
Kendall : See ? See ? I knew it , I knew it -- he s not really deaf .
Dr. Norton : Yes , he is deaf , but --
Ryan : You -- you guys are state - of - the - art as far as diagnosis , but there must be some sort of cutting - edge technology research going on , something like that ?
Dr. Norton : The damage to your son s auditory function is permanent , but --
Kendall : No , no , no , no --
Ryan : Ok , Kendall , just let him finish , let him finish .
Dr. Norton : But deaf children with your son s diagnosis can hear again .
Zach : How ?
Dr. Norton : With an implant .
Kendall : Ok , see ? I -- I told you -- he s not really deaf .
Zach : Honey , let him finish .
Kendall : No , my son is not deaf !
Zach : It ll be all right , we ll deal with what s ahead .
Kendall : No , I -- I want Spike out of here today . I -- I want to take him to specialists who can help him somewhere else . Somewhere in New York or Paris or Switzerland , where they can find him , and they can fix Spike .
Joe : Kendall , I m sorry , but Spike s not ready to be discharged .
Kendall : What are -- what are we supposed to do ? I m supposed to leave him here and -- and watch while you guys do nothing ? Just -- just watch my -- my son s conFusion day after day , wondering what the hell is wrong with him and wondering why he ca nt hear ?
Josh : But he can , Kendall , with surgery -- a cochlear implant .
Ryan : Whoa -- hold -- I -- I ve heard of those . I ve heard of those , but Spike is so young . He s so -- he s so small .
Dr. Norton : Actually , the younger the child , the better the outcome .
Kendall : No , no , no , I am getting my son the hell out of here .
Ryan : Kendall , Spike is not strong enough to leave the hospital , you know that .
Kendall : Ok , all right , you know what ? If they wo nt discharge him , we will carry him out of here ourselves . I will carry him .
Erica : Honey , Spike just needs a little more time to heal , and then we can discuss all --
Kendall : No , discussion is over , ok ? Spike needs help . He needs help , and he ca nt get it in this hospital , all right ? Now , we are wasting time to fix what is wrong with him .
Josh : Kendall , you heard what Dr. Norton said .
Erica : Yes , Dr. Norton said there is a surgery that can help Spike here .
Kendall : Ok , stop it , stop ! All of you , please stop . Stop talking to me , ok ? Stop trying to comfort me and give me advice . Stop telling me that we can sit back and watch Spike live with this . I ca nt . I ca nt . I wo nt , ok ? Ok , Spike -- Spike will hear again , all right ? Somewhere out there is a cure . I do nt care -- I do nt care what it costs , I do nt care what it takes , but Spike s hearing loss will be cured , all right ? Ok , we -- just that -- that it s not going to happen here , ok ? We need to take him somewhere else , because you ca nt do anything else for him . So can we please just get Spike out of here ? Please , can we take him ?
Zach : It s not possible .
Kendall : Yes , it is . Zach , it s possible , ok ? We make things possible -- that s the kind of people that we are , all right ? We do nt just sit back and watch , we make it work , and we make it happen . Please ? Please , please , please , please do this for me , please ?
Zach : Hey , hey , hey , I would do anything for you , but this could put Spike at risk .
Kendall : At risk ? At risk ? Zach , he s already -- he s more at risk here , he is broken ! Do you understand me ? My baby is broken , and they ca nt fix him , ok ? Please , please , we need to do this for him , please help me .
Zach : We ca nt move him , he s not ready . It could hurt him . You do nt want to do that . Calm down . Come on .
Jonathan : What can I do ? What can I -- what -- I wish to God I could do something . What can I do ? Ryan , what can I do , and I ll do it . Tell me -- tell me what I can do , and I ll do it . I ll do anything , it s done .
Ryan : I knew -- I knew that the odds were against us . But I -- I just thought that -- I -- I hoped , I -- I believed . I honestly , truly believed that this time that Spike would be --
Jack : Look , why do nt we take a few minutes , huh ?
Erica : Oh , no . No , I do nt think so .
Jack : I think it s important for us , ok ? We need to just take some time away from this -- even if it s just a few moments -- away from all of this .
Erica : Jack , there will never be away from all this . Kendall s son is deaf .
Jack : I know that , Erica . I know -- I know that .
Erica : And I understand exactly how she feels . She will not accept the fact that her little boy has to go through life being -- being different in any way .
Jack : All I was suggesting is that we talk about what s happening . Honey , at the very least , we ve always been able to talk , huh ?
Josh : Damn it . As soon as you get this message , you call me . Do nt do anything , do nt even breathe until you talk to me .
Annie : He will help Spike . We all will . And whatever you and Kendall and Zach decide , I m here for you .
Ryan : My son had to fight to get into this world . He had to fight to stay . He had to fight to survive the car crash , the surgery , the infection . I just thought that , um -- I just thought this time my son would catch a break .
Greenlee : Hi . I m Bianca Montgomery . I m Spike Lavery s aunt , Kendall Slater s sister . Um , they re expecting me ?
Nurse : Well , Mrs. Slater s in a conference with the doctors .
Greenlee : Ok , um , I -- I just really need to see them . Um , I love my sister and her little boy , and -- please ?
Nurse : Well , you know , apparently , there s been a problem with visitors , and so the family has asked to limit them .
Greenlee : But I am family . I m as family as it gets . Is there a list ? Could you check ? I m sure I m on it . Um , it s Bianca Montgomery . I live in Paris . They do nt know that I m here -- it s a surprise . I just -- I could nt stay away with everything they ve been going through , so --
Nurse : Ah -- here you are -- Bianca Montgomery .
Greenlee : Great .
Nurse : Typo -- sorry about that .
Greenlee : No --
Nurse : Your sister s in the conference room .
Greenlee : Ok . I ll go find her . Thank you .
Nurse : Ok .
Josh : Hey -- what are you doing here ? I just left you a message .
Greenlee : And I left you , what , seven ? Eight ?
Josh : Greenlee , you should not be here right now .
Greenlee : Josh , you could nt call me back -- once ? You promised you would keep me posted on Spike . Give me some news . How is he ? What s going on ? Is he better , is he going to be getting out of here ?
Josh : Yeah , well , I wish I could tell you some good news .
Greenlee : Is it true ?
Josh : There are people who can help .
Greenlee : Help ? Help with what ? What -- what exactly are we talking about ?
Josh : He s deaf , all right ? Spike is permanently deaf .
Ava : Do you really think I could be a movie star ?
Man : The biggest . The face of Fusion -- that s just the start . We pump up the layouts , get you some airtime , a few guest appearances --
Ava : Like on talk shows ?
Man : Yeah , why not ? Then you hit the club circuit , we grease some paparazzi palms -- boom -- Ava Benton , the new it girl .
Ava : And movie star .
Man : It could happen .
Ava : What is this ?
Man : This is how you make all your dreams come true .
Ava : But I think I ve already signed something like this .
Man : You sign with me , people are going to be saying , Lindsay who ?
Colby : Look at her work -- unbelievable .
Krystal : Yeah . Fifteen minutes of fame -- she thinks it s worth it -- hmm .
Colby : And you agree ?
Krystal : No , not now . But , you know , when I was her age --
Colby : Please , tell me you were not like her .
Krystal : Oh , come on , Colby , she did help Sean get out of a jam .
Colby : Yeah , you know , it s cool that she cleared Sean s record , but she s the one who framed him in the first place with those drugs . And the whole thing with the drug dealer -- J.R. was a true hero , and Ava s making it sound like she was some kind of superstar .
Krystal : Yeah . Well , she ll learn -- too much attention too soon , too fast can get you a whole mess of trouble .
Man : So here s what we do . We re going to fly you out to L.A. , do lunch --
Ava : Oh , my God , could we go to The Ivy -- I heard that s where Paris always eats .
Man : Whatever you want , because it s all going to be yours .
Ava : Oh , my -- movies ? Can you really make that happen ?
Man : Eventually -- if you leave all the business to me .
Ava : Ok , well , I do nt want to do any of those crappy , like , artsy indie movies , I want to do blockbusters .
Man : Uh - huh . You ever think about being a Bond girl ?
Ava : Me ?
Man : I mean , with that face , those legs -- come on ! I mean , the camera loves you ! I ve seen those Fusion ads .
Ava : Do you think those ads will get me on the red carpet ?
Man : No -- this will .
Zach : Hey --
Kendall : No , I -- I want to see Spike . Zach , I have to see him , please .
Zach : He s still out from the anesthesia .
Kendall : Ok , listen to me . There are some doctors -- and I m not talking about Dr. Norton -- but there are some doctors that -- they always have the easy way out . You know what I mean -- like -- like surgery is the only way ?
Zach : All right , we ll get other opinions .
Kendall : I m his mother , ok ? I would know . If sething was wrong -- really , really wrong with him , I would know .
Ryan : Good catch . Great arm . Those are things that I never heard from my dad that I really wanted Spike to hear from me .
Annie : And he will .
Ryan : Maybe . I mean , do you think -- do you think that this implant could really work ?
Annie : From what the doctors said -- and Joe seemed to agree .
Ryan : Yeah , but Kendall seems so sure that there s , you know , other things that we could be doing . Do you think there s other things ? I just want to make sure that we re doing the right thing .
Annie : Ryan , Ryan , Ryan , you just got some really heavy news . You do nt have to make any decisions today .
Ryan : I know , I know . I know , and I know I should be grateful . And I know that I should be grateful that he s here , and I know that I should send a thank - you and everything , but I ca nt . I just -- I have so much anger -- at Greenlee , at me , at God .
Annie : I know . I know . But in the meantime , you know , there are other ways you can communicate --
Ryan : Who cares , Annie ? My son is deaf ! He is deaf !
Ryan : I m sorry . I m sorry . I know that you re just trying to help , and I know you re just trying to make things better -- I know that . I think I just need to stay angry for a little while , ok ?
Zach : No .
Kendall : Zach -- listen to me , ok ? I never , ever dreamed of having chubby baby arms reach up to me , or having some kid call me Mommy . I never dreamed of that . Do you remember when I was pregnant with Spike ? For months , I did nt think about holding him or -- or kissing him or singing to him . And then somewhere , somehow along the way -- I do nt know how it happened -- I fell for him . I fell deeply -- deeply , passionately , madly in love with my son . I -- I talked to him , for God s sakes . I talked to him , and he talked back to me -- I mean , he fluttered , actually -- and I called him Spike . When I called him Spike , he had this little flutter , and -- and I knew he liked it -- that meant two baby thumbs up . I told him that I loved him every single day over and over again , and I know he heard me . I know he heard me . I m going to keep telling him that over and over . I will keep telling him that , and I know -- I know that someday soon my son will hear me again . He will .
Greenlee : Well , it -- it ca nt be permanent , it -- it ca nt .
Josh : There is another option .
Greenlee : What do you mean ?
Josh : It s called a cochlear implant -- they make an incision in the back of the head and they insert --
Greenlee : Oh , my God . No .
Josh : Listen , it s not as bad as it sounds .
Greenlee : Cutting a little boy s head open -- no . No , no , no , no , , there has to be another way .
Josh : Hey --
Greenlee : No , I -- I m sure I can do something .
Josh : Listen , this is where I say You ve done enough , and I get you out of here .
Greenlee : No , Josh , no . I have to go see Spike , I have to help him , and Kendall -- I have to see her . I have to help Kendall .
Josh : Greenlee , you need to leave .
Greenlee : Ok , I know it sounds crazy , but I just have this feeling that if I see Kendall , I can make her understand how much I love Spike .
Josh : Do you realize if anyone else heard this but me , you d be in a straitjacket right now ?
Greenlee : But I ca nt do nothing . I have to make this right !
Josh : Listen , you go crashing in there right now , it s not going to do any good , all right ? Kendall is a wreck . So is -- so is Ryan , so is -- so is Annie and Zach . All right , you go blowing in there right now -- I do nt care how sorry you are or how much you want to help -- all hell will break loose , and that is the last thing anyone needs right now , including you .
Greenlee : But I got to make this right , I got to make this right .
Jonathan : Get her out of here . You get her out of here right now , or I drag her out myself .
Erica : Uh -- you said you wanted to talk . There s nothing new to say , is there ? And now there s just this horrible silence .
Jack : Well , I think we ve meant too much to each other for too long to let it go at that .
Erica : Jack , we ve done loud , we ve done top - of - our - lungs loud . But this time -- what if -- I mean , we re each going in such different directions . I m doing what I need to do , and I know you re doing what you need to do , but somehow this time -- maybe it s not going to bring us back together . Maybe this time it s really pushing us apart . And what if this time there really is no more us ?
Jack : I do nt believe that could ever happen .
Erica : Jack , you re standing by your daughter when she s ripped my family apart .
Jack : You keep saying that . You keep saying your family , Erica . This is my family , too , and I am as devastated by this as you are . I just happen to believe -- no , I -- I know that we can get through this nightmare as a family .
Erica : Jack , people do wake up from nightmares . But Spike can never wake up from this .
Jonathan : Why did nt you just stay gone , huh ? My nephew -- a child , Greenlee , a baby child is deaf because of you .
Josh : Ok , back off , Jonathan .
Jonathan : Your sister can barely put one foot in front of the other right now because of this trash right here , and you re going to hold her hand through this ?
Josh : It s none of your business .
Jonathan : What the hell are you doing here ? Do you -- do you get some kind of perverse pleasure out of watching all of this ?
Josh : That s enough , Jon .
Greenlee : No .
Jonathan : You know what I recommend to you ? I recommend that you turn around , and you start walking , and you do nt stop until you hit the next state , because nobody wants you here -- not now , not ever .
Josh : Listen , do you realize how hard this is on her , too ?
Jonathan : How hard this is -- are you defending her ? Oh , wow . Spike s life s never going to be the same , Josh , and you know that . Ian ca nt breathe or eat without tubes and machines coming out of him . Children , Josh . Innocent , little baby children , whose lives are wrecked because of her . How can you do this to your sister ?
Josh : You know what ? I am 100 % on my sister s side .
Jonathan : Yeah ? Not from where I m standing , you re not . Because you defend your family . You do nt support the enemy !
Josh : Yeah , well , you do nt condemn them to hell , either .
Jonathan : Well , it works .
Kendall : Hey , sweet boy . Hey , honey . Mama s right here , ok ? I m right here .
Joe : Ok , let s move him . Excuse us . Thank you . Yeah .
Kendall : He s so still .
Joe : The anesthesia wo nt wear off for sometime . This would be an excellent time for all of you to get some rest , food , fresh air .
Ryan : I m not going anywhere , Joe .
Kendall : No , neither am I.
Joe : It s going to be several hours .
Kendall : No , I -- I need to be the first one that he sees when he opens his eyes .
Zach : Let s sit down for a while , come on .
Kendall : No , I -- I might fall asleep .
Zach : Ahem .
Joe : Not a bad idea .
Annie : Well , we ll wake you .
Kendall : No -- Spike needs to know . He needs to know , ok ? I ve let him down before .
Ryan : Kendall , that s not true .
Kendall : No , I need -- I need to see his eyes when he opens them , ok ? I need to hold his hand , and I need to kiss him and let him know that everything will be ok . I do nt know how I m going to tell him yet , but -- whew -- but he will know that he is safe and loved . So do nt tell me to take a nap , ok , or close my eyes or go for a walk -- I m not going anywhere .
Zach : But you have nt eaten , you have nt slept . Let s just get out of here for a minute .
Kendall : No , I m not going anywhere , ok , I m not .
Joe : Ok , I ll -- I ll check back in later on .
Zach : Ok , thank you . Hey -- Spike needs you , no doubt about that -- and Ian needs you , and I need you -- so you got to take care of yourself . And I know you always put other people first , but you got to keep up your strength .
Kendall : Zach -- Zach , listen to me , I m doing the best I can , ok ? I am doing -- this is the best that I can do .
Zach : Yes , you are . We could nt ask for a better , braver mom . Just do nt push yourself too hard .
Kendall : I m not going to lay down , I m not going to go for a walk , I m not going to take a nap . I am staying right here by Spike s side until we know how to fix him .
Ryan : Kendall , why do nt you go get something to eat , go get some fresh air . I ll watch Spike .
Kendall : I m not hungry -- ahem -- and there s air in here . You -- you go . You guys , go . All of you , go do whatever you want , but I m not leaving .
Annie : I -- I promised Emma I d call . I ll be just outside the building if anybody needs me . Oh -- and I ll check on Ian on my way out .
Zach : Thank you .
Annie : I ll be back .
Greenlee : Martini , double -- actually , make that two -- double , double .
Krystal : Huh . You expecting company , or you want to get carried out of here on a slab ?
Greenlee : Do you care ? I mean , I ve been so mean to your baby doll , I should just burn in wherever , right ? Hey -- do nt be shy with that liquor , ok ?
Krystal : Listen here , I ll keep my personal opinion to myself , but I do have a policy here . If you want to get tanked up , then you hand your car keys over to me first . This is my place --
Krystal : My rules .
Greenlee : All right , Krystal -- no problem . Feel better ?
Krystal : All over .
Greenlee : Colby -- when I ca nt remember my name , call me a cab .
Colby : I m not taking your money .
Greenlee : Please , call me a cab . So , where are those drinks ?
Kyle : Coming right up .
Greenlee : And you probably should start on the next round .
Krystal : You know what ? Maybe you ought to just take it easy there .
Greenlee : Easy ? Me -- the bitch that ate Pine Valley ? The one everyone loves to hate , and why not ? I mean , I -- uh --
Greenlee : I just destroy lives in one single swoop .
Krystal : Greenlee , what is it ?
Greenlee : Spike Lavery is deaf -- forever -- all thanks to fabulous me .
Krystal : Oh , my God .
Colby : Oh , no .
Ava : Can you believe I ever worked here ? Oh , my God -- so not me , right ?
Man : Definitely not .
Ava : But I do like coming back here just to remember the good times . It keeps me grounded , I think . Sweating over other people s dirty dishes , getting bootsy tips -- that life is so over .
Man : Nothing but champagne ahead .
Ava : I always knew I d be a star , I just had to be discovered .
Man : Hard to miss -- beautiful and brave . I mean , that whole hostage thing -- you could ve been killed , but the public is eating that up .
Ava : I know . You know , I put everything on the line for that -- my life , my career -- all to help the police put that gross dealer behind bars . When they asked for my help , I did nt think twice , I just went for it .
Man : Was nt there another guy involved , too ?
Ava : Oh , God , J.R. Chandler ? What a dork -- almost got us killed . If it was nt for me --
Colby : You know , you re such a liar !
Ava : Do you have a problem ?
Colby : Yeah , I m looking at her .
Ava : You are so jealous , are nt you ? I m sorry , honey , only one of us is a star in this room .
Colby : You are so full of it .
Ava : You know what ? I deserve this . I have been through hell .
Colby : Hell ? Have you talked to your friend Jonathan lately ?
Ava : We ve both been really busy .
Colby : Yeah , well , maybe you should catch up and see what hell really is . You know his nephew Spike ?
Ava : I know -- he s in the hospital , but he s going to be fine .
Colby : No , he s not . Spike Lavery is permanently deaf .
Zach : He knows . You did nt have to say the words . He feels how much you love him .
Kendall : You think so ?
Zach : I know so -- personal experience .
Greenlee : Oh -- hey , hi . You or you or you or you -- whoever s closer to the vodka , I m going to need another double .
Krystal : I m shutting you down .
Greenlee : No . Well , you would nt say no to this face , would you ? Come on , come on , come on --
Kyle : Yeah , I would .
Krystal : Listen , coffee or water -- your choice .
Greenlee : Well , you guys are a bunch of buzzkills ! We had a deal -- I drink until I ca nt say my name . I ca nt say my name -- Colby ? Colby ! Col -- hi , Colby . Do you still have that 50 ?
Colby : Yeah . You ready for a cab ?
Greenlee : No , because I can still say my name -- Greenlee Smythe Lavery du Pres . Greenlee the horrible , Greenlee the hated , Greenlee the --
Colby : Hammered .
Greenlee : No , not yet . I m still good to go , so , heavy on the vodka and short on the attitude .
Krystal : Sorry .
Greenlee : Please , please , please , please ?
Krystal : No . Listen --
Greenlee : How -- how are you going to keep this place running if the only word out of your mouth , Krystal , is No ?
Krystal : Water , straight up .
Greenlee : Oh , man . Thanks for nothing .
Man : You having some trouble ?
Greenlee : Story of my life , my friend .
Man : My name s Wheeler , friends call me Wheels .
Greenlee : Oh . Hello . Is that because you re wheely wheely cute ?
Wheeler : No , it s because I usually end up designated driver -- getting my tanked friends home .
Greenlee : Oh . Well , the bad news is I m not your friend . The good news is I m just a little bit tanked .
Wheeler : Then I m at your service -- one ride home . But how about one beer- chased tequila for the road ? You interested ?
Greenlee : Yes . I ve had worse offers -- much , much worse .
Annie : Hi , Ian . Your mommy and daddy wanted me to send you a kiss and tell you how much they love you . They ll be in here really soon to see you . Hi . The Slater baby -- how s he doing ?
Nurse : Oh , he s -- he s charmed all of us . Our miracle boy -- we expect big things from little Ian .
Annie : Huh -- big things . Did you hear that , Ian ? We all know you can do it . And you have a brother that you re just going to love . But he needs you to be strong and -- and healthy so you can help him , and he ll help you , too . We ll all help each other -- like a real family .
Zach : I ll get a round of coffee .
Ryan : Love one -- black , please ?
Zach : Kendall ?
Kendall : Yes , please .
Jonathan : Is there news ?
Zach : I m getting coffee -- you interested ?
Jonathan : No .
Jonathan : Hi . What are you doing here ?
Ava : Oh , well , this stuff is for you -- I mean , it s -- it s for Spike . I hope he likes balloons .
Jonathan : Yeah , of course , he does . I mean , who does nt ? And champagne -- yeah , that s , uh , his favorite year .
Ava : Oh . I m sorry . I -- I guess it s a bad idea . Whoops .
Jonathan : No , do nt say that . It s -- it s sweet of you .
Ava : Oh , wait , wait , wait , this is my favorite thing . Listen to this .
Ava : Is nt that cute ? Oh , God . Music for Spike ? Spike ca nt hear it , he s deaf . Wow , I am the world s biggest loser .
Jonathan : No , you re not . I m really glad you re here .
Greenlee : That went down like hot coals .
Wheeler : Hot s good .
Greenlee : Hot s good ?
Wheeler : Hot s the goal .
Greenlee : Hot s the goal ? Well , then hit me again , brother .
Wheeler : How about we continue this party back at my place ?
Greenlee : Oh . Sounds like a plan .
Jack : You know , I had hoped and prayed that if the news about Spike was nt good that we would come together as a family , not split off into two warring camps .
Erica : Spike and Ian , two innocent babies -- their lives are changed forever -- and my daughter s life is changed forever -- because of your daughter .
Jack : Yes . Do you think Greenlee is nt sorry ? Do you think she does nt wish that --
Erica : What , that she had not tried to make off with Spike ?
Jack : Ok , just , you know what ? Do nt keep turning everything into an argument .
Erica : Me ? Jack , you said that you would stand by Greenlee no matter what . But I do nt want to hear that Greenlee s sorry . We stood there together -- we stood there together in the boathouse , and we vowed that we would never , ever let our children do this to us again , that we would nt let them come between us and draw us apart -- I do nt know , Jack . Maybe -- maybe we ca nt survive this .
Jack : So maybe I should nt have asked Livia to delay our divorce .
Erica : I do nt know , I -- what difference does a piece of paper make if we re worlds apart ?
Ava : Dude , I m so sorry . I mean , I really -- I mean , how totally stupid of me was it to bring a musical toy to a deaf kid ? Oh , God -- I mean -- ugh , I m sorry . I m sorry .
Jonathan : Stop it , stop it , it s all right . I m -- it s really great of you to come .
Ava : Well , you know , I walked around the block three times . Hospitals , sick people -- what can I say , not really my thing .
Jonathan : Well , you re doing fine so far .
Ava : Seriously ?
Jonathan : Yeah .
Ava : The toy ? The champagne ? You can say it -- I blew it .
Greenlee : Whoo ! Viva tequila ! Ready to roll ?
Wheeler : Let s do it .
Greenlee : My amigo , one more for the road ?
Kyle : Look , Krystal said No more , so that s it .
Greenlee : That s it ? That s bull !
Wheeler : It s for me .
Greenlee : Yes , it is .
Singer : We ve got to learn to fly solo in order to survive , yeah I know you re thinking that your heart is breaking
Greenlee : Thank you .
Aidan : Ah --
Greenlee : Oh --
Aidan : I think you ve had enough , do nt you ?
Greenlee : Um , of you . I want more of this .
Singers : Uh - huh
Erica : I have to go .
Jack : Yeah , ok . I understand , I understand .
Erica : Kendall needs me .
Jack : I just wish that -- how about I come with you ?
Erica : I -- I need to speak to her alone .
Annie ( to Di ) : I have no choice . I have to go .
Jack : If there s anything I can do to make this better , to make this easier , let me know .
Kendall : You can put Greenlee in jail .
Greenlee : What are you doing here ?
Aidan : You still do nt get it , do you ?
Ryan : I asked you a question .
Zach : And I answered it . I took care of Greenlee . Trust me , she s gone .
### Summary:
| Kendall , Zach , Ryan , Annie , Jack , and Erica find out that Spike has permanent hearing loss , but the doctor suggests an alternate treatment . Kendall insists that her son is not deaf . Kendall suggests taking Spike to another clinic that will fix his hearing loss . The others try to talk Kendall down , but she still insists on taking Spike out of the hospital . Zach tries to make Kendall understand that they can not take Spike out of the hospital . Jonathan offers his help saying that he will do anything to help Spike . Jack tries to get Erica to leave the hospital . Leaving the room , Jack and Erica run into Josh . Josh makes a call and tells the person not to even breathe until they call him . Annie tries to console Ryan . Greenlee poses as Bianca to sneak her way in to see Spike and Kendall . Josh meets Greenlee in the hall and he tells her that Spike is deaf . A talent agent meets with Ava , and promises to make her a star . Krystal and Colby watch Ava meet with the talent agent . Greenlee wants to do something for Little Spike , when Jonathan walks up . Jonathan orders Josh to get her out of the hospital or he will drag her out by the hair of the head . Jonathan blames Greenlee for Spike being deaf . Josh tries his best to defend Greenlee to Jonathan . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jill : Forgive me . Forgive me . That was the one thing I did nt want to do . I did nt want to break down in front of all of you . Katherine only wanted us to be happy today . That s the one thing she wanted . She did nt want all this crying and carrying on . She wanted us to think of her with joy .
Cane : Katherine would nt mind .
Jill : No . I mind . I mind . I mind . I mind . Thank you , Baby . [ Smooches ] Okay . Okay .
Cane : [ Sighs ]
Jill : All right , Old Woman , you got the best of me there , okay ? But only for a moment . You are not -- I repeat , not -- making me crazy . You hear me ? Not today . I met Katherine Chancellor when I was 18 years old , and I was washing hair and doing rich women s nails in a beauty salon . It helped put my brothers through school . It did nt leave too much left over for me . Back in those days , I was hungry . And if you have nt been there , you wo nt understand the kind of hungry I was . And strangely enough , the two of us hit it off really good right from the beginning . When she d come in to the shop , I would always make sure that Mrs. Chancellor sat in my chair . She was a legend in Genoa City , even back then . She was rich and powerful and well connected and a horrible , horrible drunk . Eventually , she hired me to be her paid companion , and I got to tell you , the moment I stepped into that house ... oh , my God . It just changed my life . I looked at that estate , and , dear God , it was like something out of a movie . I never knew that people lived that way . I m sure up until the day she died , this woman thought that I went after her husband , Phillip . That was not the truth . Back in those days , she was married to the bottle , and her poor husband was desperately lonely , and little by little , we fell in love . And then I got pregnant with our son , and Phillip wanted to marry me . But first he had to convince Katherine to give him a divorce .
Kay : Do you think I could bear to live here without you after all the years that we have spent here together ? Do you ? You give me your damn list ? [ Sniffles ] I do nt want it . Okay , there . There . [ Sniffles ] It s yours -- all yours . The house , the grounds , everything . What else do you want , Phillip ? What else do you want ? Oh , I know . I know . You want me out of your life . [ Sniffles ] Well , who needs you ? If you want out so bloody much , you go ahead . You walk right out . Why should I care anymore , Phillip ? I am tired of begging . I am tired of bleeding , Phillip .
Jill : I thought that was the end of my relationship with Katherine , but little did I know it was just the beginning . Never in a million years would I have imagined the kind of impact that woman would have on me . She taught me so many things over the course of her lifetime , not the least of which was how to be very , very angry .
Jill : You had been drinking steadily for hours before you picked him up . You picked him up at the airport , you insisted that you drive him home , and you drove him off a cliff . Those are the facts ! Phillip was mortally injured , and you miraculously escaped almost unscathed . But what nobody knows -- what nobody knows -- is whether you drove off that cliff on purpose or not ! But I know , Katherine , and you know , do nt you ? ! Cause you d rather have seen him dead than with me !
Kay : Spending a lifetime with you would have killed Phillip .
Jill : So you took care of it yourself !
Jill : That was the woman that I knew back then . That was the woman that I never thought I could forgive . But you know something ? Life goes on . You live a little bit , you learn a little bit , and it turns out that when two people love the same person , very often , it can bring them together . And eventually , Katherine did make her peace with me , and I made it with her . But , boy , it did nt happen overnight .
Jill : You ve hit me for the last time , Katherine .
Kay : Lies -- your head is filled with lies , Jill . Phillip did nt love you ! He used you . He used you like a common whore !
Jill : You are pathetic !
Kay : [ Gasps ]
Jill : [ Gasps ] Aah ! Aah ! Aah ! Aah ! Aah ! Ohh ! Ugh ! Your house is full of rats !
Kay : Takes one to know one !
Jill : So , after a long and rocky road , Katherine came to tolerate me and love my son Phillip . And somehow , in our common love of the father and the son , we came to love one another .
Nikki : As mother and daughter , briefly .
Jill : Yes , the result of a bad DNA test -- but a beautiful six years that completely redefined our relationship .
Jack : Well , you did nt think it was so beautiful to begin with .
Jill : Right , Jack . I did nt , that s for sure .
Jill : Well , well , well . Fancy meeting you here .
Kay : The pleasure is all yours , Jill .
Jill : [ Laughs ] It s wonderful to see you have nt lost your sparkling wit in your old age .
Kay : I was nt trying to be funny .
Jill : You underestimate yourself , Katherine . Everything you do is a joke .
Jill : But you know what ? Eventually , I came to accept it , even to embrace it , and I learned to love that woman like a mother -- a mother I wanted to strangle a lot .
Jill : I ll kill you ! I will kill you ! I will kill you ! Oh , I hate you . Oh , no , you do nt !
Kay : Aaaaaah !
Jill : But remember when she was in danger , even when we thought she had perished ? That really brought home to me what it would mean if I lost her .
Amber : Clear Springs , when they rescued us .
Kevin : You raced to Mrs. C s side . You could nt get there fast enough .
Jill : Oh , Mother . Are you all right ?
Kay : Fine .
Jill : Yeah ?
Kay : I love you .
Jill : Why did you say that -- to make me cry ?
Kay : Whatever . [ Chuckles ] I just do nt think I say it often enough . [ Crying ] I love you . I love you , I love you , I love you .
Esther : Or the time we found her on the floor unconscious .
Jill : Are you faking ? Are you faking ? Cause you knew I would come over here . You knew I d find out about those poisonous lies that you ve been telling John Abbott about my birth mother not being my birth mother . Wake up ! Wake you , you little troublemaker !
Gina : You two gave a new meaning to the term Love - hate relationship .
Chloe : Remember when the two of you were locked up together in the bathroom ?
Lauren : After the explosion at the Athletic Club .
Jill : Mm - hmm .
Kay : Anybody hear me ? ! We re in here ! We re in a freaking bathroom !
Jill : Yeah , we re in the bathroom , and we ca nt stand the sight of each other !
Kay : Just take us out of our misery , please !
Jill : It s torture ! It s cruel and unusual !
Kay : Yes , she certainly is ! [ Chuckles ]
Jill : Please help me do something ! Send in the marines !
Kay : Oh , for God s sake . It s not a game show , Jill . They re not gon na send in 50 bachelors . What s the matter with you ? !
Jill : I guess our lives were destined to be entwined . You know , I do nt know what universal joke that was . I only know that it was true . And time after time , Katherine could rip my heart out , but nobody -- nobody -- could fill it up again like she could . And then that last night when she went up the stairs , she was really , really frail . But how could I know that would be the last time I would ever see her ? If I had known , I would have talked to her about love and about forgiveness and about how much she meant to me . [ Sighs deeply ] But I did nt know . She knew , though . She did nt want to hear any of that sentimental garbage from me , so she left me with a simple ...
Kay : Good night .
Jill : But , you know , somehow , I m at peace now because she s always gon na be with me -- always gon na be with me right here . [ Sighs ] I m gon na miss you , Katherine , more than you will ever know . We all will . None of our lives will ever , ever be the same without you .
Murphy : From Katherine . Katherine wants everyone here to participate in honoring her , and , again , she does nt want tears , only good thoughts . But -- but most of all , she wants us to remember these moments where we all got together and shared with each other her life and her connection to us .
Christine : Are you gon na open it ?
Todd : I d like to read one of Katherine s favorite poems . You can follow if you wish . It s called I ll live on . Do nt cry for me in sadness . Do nt weep for me in sorrow , for I will be beside you , as sure as comes tomorrow . My body is gone , but my spirit lives on , as does my love for you . Just as in life , I ll watch over you . I ll always be true . My blood lives on in my children . How I ve watched them grow up with pride . I ll live on within them , always by their side . I know my jokes were nt always funny and jobs were nt always done . Just try and always remember the good times , the days when we had fun .
Victoria : Thank you for being in our lives .
Todd : Reach out if you need me , for I will always be near .
Nick : I ll always remember you .
Todd : Just talk to me as if I m there .
Avery : Rest in peace .
Todd : I promise I ll hear , for I live on ...
Amber : [ Crying ] Save me a spot up there , will ya ?
Todd : ... Within your mind . We ll never be apart ...
Kevin : You ll always be in my heart , Mrs. C.
Todd : ... As long as you keep my memory ...
Michael : You ll be missed .
Todd : ... Deep within your heart .
Lauren : Thanks for all the incredible memories .
Todd : So lift up your hearts . Do nt be sad . My spirit has nt gone .
Brock : God bless you , Duchess .
Todd : While you re still there , so am I.
Gina : You re in the arms of the angels now , Babe .
Todd : I really will live on .
Danny : I ll still be calling on you for advice .
Nina : Sadness is but a wall between two gardens .
Lily : I m so proud to have known you .
Devon : I only wish we had more time .
Neil : My dear Katherine , every time I say the serenity prayer ... I will think of you .
Cane : I ll never forget your smile and your kindness .
Esther : [ Crying ]
Jack : Remember , you owe Dad that toast .
Paul : You did live until you died . Way to go , sweet thing .
Christine : You ve set an example for all of us .
Nikki : I ll always love you , Katherine .
Victor : I will always think about you and miss you terribly . God bless you .
Jill : Goodbye , my friend .
Chloe : Delia wrote this poem for Katherine . Being free . Being free means I can try on all of your rings and you wo nt get mad .
Chloe : Being free means drawing with chalk all over the driveway together . Being free means we can have ice cream , even after I ve brushed my teeth .
Chloe : Being free means I love you forever . By Cordelia Abbott .
Murphy : All right . There is one more surprise for all of you . Today is the dedication of Chancellor Park .
Murphy : Katherine s place , for now and for always .
Jill : Oh , bravo . That s great . [ Laughs ]
Victor : Happy to refresh your drink , Ms. Newman .
Nikki : Oh , yes . Thank you , Darling .
Jack : Well , hello , everyone .
Victor : Hello , Jack .
Lauren : Nice to see you here .
Jack : You , too . Lovely day for Katherine , was nt it ?
Victor : It was a very lovely day indeed .
Nikki : Thank you for not starting anything .
Victor : [ Chuckles ]
Neil : Hey , Buddy .
Devon : Hey .
Neil : You ve been very quiet since the end of the ceremony . You all right ?
Devon : You know , I , um -- I did nt think that this would hit me as hard as it has .
Lily : I know . It s been a tough day for everyone .
Neil : It sure has . Katherine touched a lot of lives .
Devon : Yeah , I m getting that .
Lily : Yeah . She was a special lady .
Neil : And very , very proud of you , son . She d want your life to be as vivid and passionate as hers .
Devon : Hmm . From what I ve heard today , that is asking a lot .
Avery : All right . So , how long are you gon na keep me in suspense ?
Nick : Hmm . What are you talking about ?
Avery : [ Chuckles ]
Nick : Oh , you mean my brilliant idea from earlier ?
Avery : Yes , Newman .
Nick : Well , I m thinking that , I mean , it s such a beautiful day . And I love this place . Do nt you think it d be the perfect spot for us to get married ?
Avery : Wow . You know , I , um -- yeah . I ca nt believe I did nt think of that . This is so much better than the places we chose .
Nick : Well , yes and no . I mean , the car wash -- that was soap all over you , nothing on underneath .
Avery : Okay , Newman . That is terrible . What would Katherine say ?
Nick : She would think it was hysterical .
Avery : Probably .
Nick : So , what do you say ? Would you like to get married to me in Chancellor Park ?
Avery : Yes . I would love to . [ Chuckles ]
Both : Hey .
Avery : Oh . Hi .
Victoria : Hi . What s got you two so ... happy ?
Nick : A little brainstorm I had .
Avery : Uh , Victoria , I think we have found the location for our wedding . Hello .
Victoria : Oh , yeah , yeah . Yeah ! Perfect ! Perfect .
Nick : It s perfect .
Avery : [ Chuckles ]
Christine : Okay . [ Chuckles ] What s going on ? What s that grin about ?
Paul : I just read Katherine s letter .
Christine : You did ? What did she say ?
Todd : Bad timing ?
Paul : No , not at all . In fact , you can help me with this .
Christine : With what ? What are you up to ?
Paul : Well , the timing with this might seem a bit strange , but today is about celebrating life , and Katherine s message to you in her letter was about learning to be more spontaneous , to live for the moment , to seize the day . Well , it s almost like she s up there nudging us to get on with this already .
Christine : Get on with it ? You re not making any sense .
Paul : Look , Todd , would you do me the favor and read this letter to her ?
Todd : Yeah . Paul ... what are you waiting for , you damn fool ? Marry her now .
Christine : [ Gasps ]
Paul : Chris ...
Christine : Oh . [ Chuckles ]
Paul : Chris , my sweet Chris ... will you marry me ?
Christine : [ Chuckles ]
Paul : Will you be my wife ?
Christine : Well , I --
Todd : Say yes !
Christine : I would love to marry you . Yes . Yes .
Jill : Ooh ! What did I miss ? What just went on here ?
Todd : Well , it appears that Katherine is matchmaking during her own memorial . Paul just proposed to Chris , and she has accepted .
Jill : Oh , my goodness ! Whoa !
Danny : Wait . You guys are getting married ?
Paul : Yeah .
Danny : Well ... I think it s great . Yeah . I mean ... you both are so good together , and I ve moved on , so I wish you both all the happiness in the world .
Paul : Thanks , Danny .
Christine : Thanks .
Jill : I just think it s fabulous ...
Christine : Thank you .
Jill : ... And just so in the spirit of the day . Congratulations , you two !
Paul : Thank you .
Christine : Thanks , Jill .
Jill : And what better way to end a day like this than with an actual coming together of two people in love ? We should turn this celebration into a wedding .
Christine : You mean here , now ?
Jill : Yes , I mean right now . I mean , look at that letter that Katherine left you -- Seize the moment ?
Paul : Well , in mine , she definitely said , Now .
Jill : Well , see , this is just too perfect . You ve got to do it . You have to .
Christine : I would nt want to hijack Katherine s service .
Jill : You would nt be hijacking it . You would be contributing to it .
Todd : I could nt agree more . And , uh , you know , the power vested in me .
Jill : Okay . Hey , everybody , Paul and Christine are getting married right here , right now .
Chloe : Are those for the bride ?
Lauren : Yes . I thought Christine would love them .
Chloe : Oh , that s genius . Ooh , you know what ?
Lauren : What ?
Chloe : I have samples of ribbons and lace in my car .
Lauren : You do ?
Chloe : Yes .
Lauren : Oh , please , lead the way .
Devon : Hey .
Amber : You know how to work the sound system , right ?
Devon : I m sure I can figure it out . Why ?
Amber : Well , weddings need music , and I happen to have the perfect wedding playlist .
Devon : Okay .
Gina : Chris , I have a great idea . Would you like to borrow my bracelet ?
Christine : What for ?
Gina : Would you like to borrow my bracelet ?
Christine : Absolutely . Thank you .
Gina : Good . Here .
Lily : Hi , there .
Christine : Hi .
Lily : Uh , I m sure that you could use a pen to sign that marriage license .
Gina : Does the ink in that pen happen to be blue ?
Lily : Actually , you know what ? It is , and Cane just bought it on his way here this morning , so new and blue . Yep . There you go .
Victoria : Hi . So , anyway , I was thinking , in case you decide to cry any happy tears , um , I bought this a long time ago at Penningroth s .
Christine : The antique store .
Victoria : Yeah . My mom loves this place -- for something old , unless that base has already been covered .
Christine : No . No . I would love to carry it . This means so much to me . Thank you .
Lily : You re welcome . Congratulations !
Christine : Thank you .
Nick : Looks like someone beat us to the punch . You still want to marry me here ?
Avery : Yes , I do .
Michael : That is excellent . That was the clerk of records . I should have an official Walworth County marriage license for you by the end of the day .
Paul : How many favors did you have to call in ?
Michael : Only three . It was my lucky day .
Paul : Well , I owe you one .
Michael : Eh .
Paul : Actually , I m gon na owe you two .
Michael : Anything you need . Name it .
Paul : Be my best man .
Nina : Yeah ?
Todd : Ready ?
Todd : We came here to celebrate the life of a woman that we all dearly loved , and , as I m sure she would have it , that celebration continues as Christine and Paul join their lives together in the bond of holy matrimony . Love is patient and kind . Love does not envy or boast . It is not arrogant or rude . It does not insist on its own way . It is not irritable or resentful . It does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with truth . Love bears all things , believes all things , hopes all things . Love never ends . I realize this is a bit impromptu , not to mention somewhat informal , but if either of you have something to say to one another in your own words ...
Paul : Well , I ll -- I ll -- I ll wing it if you will .
Christine : Go for it .
Paul : We are very lucky , you and I , that we have a second chance to prove that we are indeed soul mates .
Christine : Is that what you think we are ? Soul mates ?
Paul : I believe so .
Christine : I believe that , too . I believe in you . I believe in us with all my heart . And for the record , I m gon na get it right this time .
Paul : Me , too .
Todd : I do nt suppose you have rings ?
Paul : It s on my to - do list .
Todd : All right , then . If you ll repeat after me ...
Paul : It s all right , Big Brother . I got it from here . I , Paul , take you , Chris , to be my wedded wife , to have and to hold from this day forward , for better or for worse , for richer , for poorer , in sickness and in health , till death do us part .
Christine : And I , Christine , take you , Paul , to be my wedded husband , to have and to hold from this day forward , for better or for worse , for richer or for poorer , in sickness and in health , till death do us part .
Todd : Well , since Paul and Christine have consented together in marriage and witnessed the same before this company and given and pledged their faith to one another , by the power vested in me , I hereby pronounce you husband and wife . Those who God have joined together let no man put asunder . Go ahead . Kiss your bride .
Brock : Oh , congratulations , Paul . Wish you all the best .
Paul : Thanks , Brock . Appreciate it .
Jill : Oh , I know that Katherine would be as happy for you as I am , Cricket .
Christine : Thank you so much .
Jill : Cricket !
Christine : Thank you .
Jill : Congratulations .
Paul : Thank you . Thanks , Jill .
Jill : Oh , you re welcome . You look so beautiful , too .
Paul : So , I ve been meaning to ask you ... can you stay , or do you have to leave right away ? I d like to spend some time together .
Todd : Paul , I wish I could , but I got to get back to Michigan .
Paul : Oh , I m sorry to hear that . I , uh -- I miss our time together .
Todd : So do I. Well , it was an honor to marry you and Christine , and I m sure that Katherine would see this as a magnificent capper to a day of festivities , hmm ? She would ... she would love all of this . I love you , Brother .
Paul : I love you , too . Thanks , man .
Todd : Yeah . I want you to have this .
Paul : [ Chuckles ] Oh , wow .
Christine : Good .
Lauren : So , what do you feel like doing ? Do you want to go get some lunch or go back to the house ?
Jill : Would you understand if I told you that I m feeling really close to Katherine right now and I do nt want to leave here ?
Lauren : I totally understand . You know , this has been just an amazing celebration . You really did Kay proud .
Jill : Oh , thank you . Thank you .
Lauren : Okay , Sis . Love you .
Jill : See you later . Love you , too . Quite a morning , huh ?
Nikki : It was absolutely exquisite -- much more beautiful than I expected .
Jill : Yeah , I know what you mean .
Nikki : So ... what are you gon na do now ?
Jill : You know , Nikki [ Clears throat ] My dear friend Katherine did nt just leave me a letter . She left me a damn epic quest . I can not figure out what I m supposed to do or find .
Nikki : [ Chuckles ] She left a quest for me , too , and I know exactly what I m supposed to find . I just ... dont know if I m ready to face it .
Both : I wish she were here .
Jill : Mm , Katherine .
Kevin : Yeah , the whole day was perfect .
Chloe : It was .
Delia : Kevin !
Kevin : [ Gasps ] Monkey ! Hi ! Oh , I m so happy to see you . So , listen to this -- your mom read the poem that you wrote about Katherine , and it was so great . Everybody loved it so much .
Chloe : Did you have fun swimming with Mandy ?
Delia : Yeah .
Chloe : Why do nt you sound enthusiastic ? Mandy s your favorite babysitter .
Delia : I miss you .
Kevin : I miss you , too . I miss you a lot . Come here .
Cane : Hey , Murph , how you doing ? You okay ? You okay ?
Murphy : Oh , I know that Katherine was touched by all the love that was shown to her today , and ... I was , too .
Cane : Good .
Devon : Murphy , what happens now ? Did Katherine have anything else planned ?
Murphy : She did . The reading of her will .
Nick : Thank you for coming with me to Katherine s service . I realize you did nt know her too well .
Avery : It was very moving , seeing how much everyone loved her . And we found the spot where we re gon na get married .
Nick : How bout that ?
Avery : It really is perfect , and I ca nt believe we are getting married in less than a week .
Nick : So , you are not getting cold feet ?
Avery : Are you kidding ? I ca nt wait .
Billy : You know , what I ca nt really get over is how civil your father was , both to me and to Jack . You know , I was like , Who are you , and what did you do to Victor Newman ?
Victoria : Yeah , well , do nt get used to it . You know , Dad was on his best behavior , for Katherine s sake and for my mom s .
Billy : You mean he s not thrilled that we re back together ?
Victoria : Well , there s nothing that he can do to break us up , so it does nt matter if he is or if he is nt .
Billy : Well , I am glad to hear you say that .
Victoria : So , I wonder what we re gon na do with the rest of our day .
Billy : Well , I would like to hold you in my arms , think about what a lucky man I am , and how I am never going to take you for granted again . Come here .
Jack : Pop ? You still hanging around ? Heck of a service , was nt it ? Say hi to Katherine for me .
Victor : To you , my friend .
Christine : I ca nt believe we actually did that .
Paul : Any regrets , Mrs. Williams , diving in like that ?
Christine : Oh , not a one .
Paul : Well , then , let s go home .
Christine : [ Chuckles ] Great idea .
Paul : [ Chuckles ]
Christine : Home .
Jill : I think Madame Chancellor would be proud of us today .
Nikki : [ Chuckles ] Absolutely . Do you think she could imagine us getting along ?
Jill : [ Laughing ] Oh , God , no .
Jill : Although I think that this friendship may be a little short - lived .
Nikki : Are you seeing what I m seeing ?
Jill : She s there !
Nikki : She looks beautiful . She s beautiful .
Billy : Victor . I thought he was suspiciously pleasant at the memorial . What s he up to now ?
Jack : Doing everything in his power to make sure that Summer remains a Newman .
Adam : I m sorry about the timing , but I ca nt help the fact that my office was bugged .
### Summary:
| Jill manages to stop crying and pull herself together to tell everyone how she first met Katherine when she was eighteen years old and she later hired her to be her paid companion . Jill talks about how she met and fell in love with Katherine s husband Philip and how that led to her and Katherine s love / hate relationship with one another . Clips of Katherine and Jill s many arguments and adventures together are shown . Jill tells everyone that they eventually grew to love and accept each other , because Katherine loved Jill s son Philip as her own . Father Todd reads one of Katherine s favorite poems called I Will Live On while one by one her friends and family place a flower on her casket and say their goodbye to her . Paul gets a letter from Katherine , which he reads after the service , telling him to marry Christine now , so he asks her to marry him and she accepts his proposal . Jill suggests that they get married here right away , so all the guests put together the impromptu wedding , and Father Todd marries the happy couple . Danny and Nina wish Paul and Christine well , and it is a beautiful wedding ceremony . Avery likes Nick s idea of getting married at the newly - renamed Chancellor Park next week . Murphy and the Chancellor family are at the mansion after the service and wedding . Devon wonders what Katherine has planned next . Murphy tells him that next in Katherine s plans is the reading of her will . Jill and Nikki are still at the park talking and telling each other how Katherine would have been proud of them for planning such a lovely service . They talk about the letters Katherine left for them and how she left them both a quest to find , but Nikki is nt sure that she wants to find what Katherine told her . Jill and Nikki see Katherine standing by the flowers looking happy and beautiful then she disappears . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Holden : It s nice to hear you singing again . Okay , what do you say we just cancel Christmas this year ?
Luke / Faith : No !
Holden : All right . Well , we better get your stockings then , cause your Grandma s coming over , she s gon na want to help you put them up over there . So let s go . Come on .
Lucinda : Hey ! Mommy s home . Hi , Mommy .
Faith : Mommy !
Lily : I went to Rose s house to get the rest of the presents . She went all out , as usual . Got two for everybody .
Holden : Are you okay ?
Lily : Yeah . I m fine .
Holden : Good . I am very proud of you .
Lily : Really ?
Holden : Yeah , yeah , this is very tough , Christmas without Rose . But we can do it . As long as we stick together .
Lily : Yeah . I better get these gifts under the tree .
Jack : Are nt we doing gifts at home ?
Carly : Yeah , but this one is special .
Emily : I do nt like this , okay ? Every time Barbara goes anywhere near Will , something terrible happens .
Hal : Yeah , well , I do nt like it either . But I could nt say no .
Emily : All right , I got ta go pick up Daniel .
Hal : Oh , great . Leave all the fun stuff to me .
Emily : What kind of fun stuff ?
Hal : Explaining to Paul why Barbara is here .
Paul : You gon na tell me why ?
Hal : Was nt my idea . Your sister forced me into it .
Barbara : I am so glad that we re all together for Christmas .
Paul : Do nt . I do nt care if it s Christmas and New Year s and Valentine s Day all rolled up into one . Do nt you dare .
Barbara : Why do nt you come see what your brother s gotten for Christmas ?
Paul : Wow ! Look at all that stuff , huh ? Get this out of the way . You must be a real popular kid .
Will : Want to help me open them ?
Paul : I would love to . And I will , as soon as I ask your sister a question . Jennifer ?
Jennifer : What s that ?
Paul : Outside .
Jennifer : Oh , okay . Uh , you -- you go ahead . I ll catch up , okay ?
Paul : Hal said that it was your idea to bring Barbara here .
Jennifer : It was .
Paul : Why ?
Jennifer : Because I thought it would make will happy .
Paul : Barbara killed Rose .
Jennifer : Paul , this is not the night to think about that .
Paul : I m going to drop off my gifts and get out of here .
Jennifer : Do you know what that would do to him ? To Will ?
Paul : Yeah . He d blame me for ruining the evening .
Jennifer : And it would wipe the smile right off his face .
Paul : All right . Do I -- do I look merry ?
Jennifer : Do nt push it .
Paul : You re a good sister , Jennifer .
Jennifer : Well , I have good brothers .
Paul : All right , so I m in the store , right ? And this thing just starts calling out to me . Buy me for Will ! Buy me for Will ! Come on , open it up . Bet you ca nt guess what it is . Hurry up !
Jack : An empty bottle of perfume ?
Carly : Keep going .
Jack : Ledger books from Rosie s Roller Palace ? How did you get these ?
Carly : Lucinda Walsh . She thought I could put them to good use . There s more in there .
Jack : A printout from a credit card -- I do nt get it .
Carly : It s the case against Mitzi , Jack . I have everything you need to arrest Mitzi for killing Rose right here .
Jack : You know I did nt want you involved in that .
Carly : You knew that I could nt stay away .
Jack : In here . Now . Fine , I m listening .
Carly : Okay , well , here s what you need to know . First of all , Mitzi was cooking the books .
Jack : How do you know that ?
Carly : Paul .
Jack : There s a neutral party .
Carly : Would you just be quiet and let me finish . Rose found out that Mitzi was embezzling money .
Jack : Embezzling ?
Carly : Yeah . Yeah , Jack , embezzling . Sweet , innocent , little Mitzi was skimming from the top . And Rose was furious , of course , and threatened to turn her in . So on the morning of Rose s wedding , Mitzi came back to town and broke into Rose s house to search for the evidence .
Jack : There s no record .
Carly : Emily and I almost caught her ourselves . But she slipped away , and all we ended up catching was the smell of her perfume .
Jack : And how do you know it was hers ?
Carly : There was a bottle of it in her smock at the Roller Palace , Jack .
Jack : Circumstantial . Keep going .
Carly : Mitzi s recent credit card history . With the purchase of a train ticket on the morning of Rose s wedding .
Jack : How d you get this ?
Carly : I have my sources .
Jack : Henry Coleman ?
Carly : I m not at liberty to say .
Jack : Coleman .
Carly : It does nt matter , Jack . What s important here is that when Mitzi could nt find the books at Rose s house , she knew she was going to jail . So she went over to the church , and she poisoned Rose before Rose had a chance to turn her in .
Jack : Yeah , and this is your case ?
Carly : This is my case . And I know that it has holes in it , Jack . But Mitzi killed Rose , I know it .
Jack : Well , obviously , Mitzi knows more than she s telling us . For that reason -- and that reason alone -- I ll bring her in for questioning .
Carly : Thank you .
Jack : But I want to question you , too . You re sure this does nt have anything to do with your suspicions about Mitzi and me ?
Carly : No . Absolutely not . Mitzi killed my friend , and I want her to pay .
Jack : Okay . But your involvement in this stops here , Carly . You re way over your head . You do nt even realize it .
Carly : You could ask a little nicer , Jack .
Jack : I was nt asking .
Carly : Is there any -- any chance of you coming home early tonight ?
Jack : No , you know there is nt .
Carly : Meaning what ? Meaning I should keep quiet and just pretend I m enjoying Christmas Eve without my husband ?
Jack : That s not what I said .
Carly : It is what you said , Jack . You just did nt use those exact words .
Jack : Carly -- wait .
Carly : What ? What , Jack ? You want me to hang your stockin for ya ?
Jack : No , I ll take care of it .
Carly : Good thinking . We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Dusty : Hey , hey , hey . Hey , you guys are a great a capella troupe . [ Talking over each other ] I wanna show you something here . Over here , come here . Come on . Let s hurry up . Franco , come on . [ Talking over each other ] What I want to do is wish you guys a Merry Christmas . And we will hire you any time . You guys are quite a group .
Franco : Thank you .
Dusty : Very colorful .
Franco : Watch out for our CD , we ll be here all week .
Dusty : Thanks for gracin us with your presence .
Molly : What are you -- scrooge ?
Dusty : You planted a vial of poison in my hotel room . Do nt expect Santa Claus outta me , girl . Do nt .
Molly : But I already told you , Dusty . I did nt do it .
Dusty : Oh , yeah , why did Hal Munson say you did ?
Molly : He s a cop . He has his own agenda . I do nt know .
Dusty : I do nt buy it .
Molly : Got you a Christmas present .
Dusty : Why ?
Molly : Because we ve been through a lot together this year . Not all of it was great , but some of it was . And so I figured , in spite of everything , we should still celebrate Christmas .
Dusty : Let me see . [ Throws present across the room . ] The next time you think it m ht be fun to jerk me around ? Think again , Molly .
Bob : May I propose a toast ?
Kim : Please do .
Bob : To my son , who , through hard work and determination , has become one of the little people .
Chris : Its okay , Mom .
Bob : To my wife , who is everything .
Kim : Thank you , darling .
Bob : To my mother , who gets better as she gets older .
Nancy : I m getting older ? Why did nt anyone tell me ?
Kim : You know , this is a very special Christmas for us . Because our son is back home . And it looks like he s going to stay .
Bob : Yes , here , here .
Tish : Excuse me , Dr. Hughes , you re needed in the ICU .
Chris : I ll take care of it , Dad . It s the infant that was just admitted .
Bob : I ll go with you .
Nancy : Do nt worry about us . We were just getting ready to go .
Chris : Okay , I ll see you later .
Kim : All right , darling . All right , honey .
Kim : You know , Mom , this does nt sound very kind , but I am so grateful that Chris did nt get trapped into parenthood with Alison Stewart .
Nancy : You re just being realistic , dear . And you are not the only one who is grateful .
Aaron : These are for Luke , Faith , Natalie , you , Lily . The tags are all there . Merry Christmas , Holden .
Holden : Wait a minute . Why do nt you come inside ?
Aaron : I ca nt , I have -- I ve got some last - minute shopping to do . You understand .
Holden : Sure . How about in the morning ? Stop by . It ll be fun . We could all open presents together .
Aaron : I m sure it will be . But Alison and I -- we just want to hang out by ourselves .
Holden : Why ?
Aaron : Because that s what we want to do , Holden .
Holden : Look , meeting the responsibility of the baby is one thing . But for you guys to isolate yourselves from everyone , there s no reason for that .
Aaron : Not everyone . Just you .
Holden : What , are you still ticked off at me ? Because I did nt give your marriage my blessing ?
Aaron : I have a job , a home ; soon I ll have a family . And you re the one who thinks that I ca nt make it all work , but I can .
Holden : Look , man , I m not rooting against you , here --
Aaron : Yeah , but you could ve fooled me . Bye , Holden .
Aaron : Hey .
Alison : Aaron . Um , I m really sorry I did nt call you back . I ve just been really busy at work .
Aaron : Do nt worry about it . I know you could nt deal with that apartment .
Alison : Are you mad ?
Aaron : No . You -- you working right now ?
Alison : Well , I m here early .
Aaron : Good . Come on , then . There s something I ve got to show you .
Alison : A hint , please ?
Aaron : Hint ? But that s not fun . Come on .
Alison : Where am I ?
Aaron : You ll find out at three . Ready ? Three !
Alison : Wow , this place looks almost --
Aaron : Human ?
Alison : Yeah . What s behind there ?
Aaron : Oh . It s not exactly a nursery . But , hey , it s the best I can do .
Alison : Aaron , where did you get all this stuff ?
Aaron : Cleaned out the savings .
Alison : Aaron --
Aaron : Its okay , Ali . I ll build it back up . After the holidays , I m going to get a second job .
Alison : No , I do nt want you to do that .
Aaron : We re going to need money , Ali . And I want you to spend as much time with that baby as possible .
Alison : I did nt give the landlord those checks .
Aaron : Yeah , I know . I figured . So I took care of it . Look , I know you thought the place looked like a dump when you first saw it . So I tried to make it look nicer .
Alison : You did nt try . You did it .
Aaron : Yeah ? Yeah , I did . Check this out . Chair -- with arms . The lady at the store said it was the best kind -- you know , if you wanna -- you know what I mean ? The nursing -- the -- whatever you women do . I do nt know .
Alison : You ve really thought about all of this , have nt you ?
Aaron : Yeah . And the more I get used to the idea , the more excited I get . Oh , and check this out . Teddy bear with no buttons . No way a kid of mine is going to choke on some toy . Know what I m saying ?
Alison : No , Aaron , just please -- will you just stop , please ?
Aaron : What s the matter ? You feeling nauseous ?
Alison : No , um -- I do nt want to hurt you , Aaron . I know that you re gon na -- you re gon na hate me for this , but -- I have -- I have to -- you deserve -- this baby is nt yours .
Aaron : What ?
Alison : I did nt want to lie to you , but everything just kept getting worse and worse --
Aaron : What are you saying , Ali ?
Alison : This baby is Chris . But he does nt love me . He does nt even trust me . And -- god , this is so hard . I told you that it was yours when it was nt .
Aaron : No , no , no , no , no . What about the ultrasound ?
Alison : I switched the pictures . I was panicked , and I did nt know what else to do , and I was just afraid that Chris was gon na find out .
Aaron : But I made all these plans . I mean , I -- I bought all this stuff . You let me buy all this stuff . You let me change my life for a kid that s not mine ?
Alison : I m sorry . I m sorry .
Aaron : How long have you known this ?
Alison : Since the beginning . But Chris had to go to Philadelphia --
Aaron : Enough , Ali . I do nt even want to hear this any more .
Jack : I ve made a list , I ve checked it twice . Now , I ve come by to see if you re naughty or nice .
Lily : Mom , could you put her to sleep ?
Lucinda : Yes . It s okay . I know , I know , I know . Everything s all right .
Lily : Oh , my God . This is the ornament that Rose gave to Luke . I got ta glue it back together . I got ta --
Holden : Lily , stop . There are too many pieces .
Lily : I ll at least try to put it back together . Please .
Holden : Honey , you re going to cut yourself . Stand up .
Lily : I do nt care . Rose gave this to Luke .
Luke : It s okay . I have lots of things from Aunt Rose , Mom .
Lily : Yeah , but she s gone now , and everything -- ah ! Everything she left us is precious .
Lucinda : Hey . Hey , hey , hey . Come on , kids . This is the moment we ve been waiting for --
Luke : I want to stay with mom .
Lucinda : No , darling , Mom is -- Mom is fine . Lily . Mom is fine , is nt she ?
Lily : I m fine . I ll be up in a minute --
Lucinda : All right . We re gon na find that package . I ve hidden it for Mom . Come on .
Holden : Honey , honey , it s just an ornament . Do nt turn it into some symbolic thing . It does nt affect how you feel about Rose .
Lily : I wanted Luke to have this for the rest of his life . I wanted him to have something from his Aunt Rose for the rest of his life .
Holden : Luke knows that his Aunt Rose loved him . [ Doorbell rings ] And that s the best gift he could ever get .
Lucinda : I ve got it . Merry Christmas . Oh , Joe . Merry Christmas . Come on in . Come on in .
Joe : Thanks , Lucinda . I m sorry for barging in on Christmas Eve .
Holden : Hey , do nt be silly . You re always welcome here , Joe .
Joe : I wo nt take up too much of your time . But there s something I -- I want to tell you in person . I m going home tomorrow . And I m taking Rose with me .
Lily : You ca nt do that .
Joe : We got a family plot back there , Lily . She ll be right next to her mother .
Lily : But Oakdale was her home . She has family -- family here -- and friends .
Joe : She was also murdered here . She was murdered here . I wish she d never come .
Lily : I ca nt believe you would say that . How could you say that ?
Lucinda : Joe , you know , come and have a nice glass of red wine with me , okay ?
Joe : Yeah , sure .
Lucinda : We may not meet each other again for a while . Come one . Crack open a great bottle of merlot . Come on , Joe .
Lily : No , I ca nt let him take her back to New Jersey . I just ca nt do that . He just ca nt .
Holden : He s her father . We have to respect his wishes .
Lily : You do nt understand . Nobody understands .
Holden : Where are you going ?
Lily : I m goin to Rose s .
Holden : Lily , nothing s going to change . No matter how many times you go over there , Rose will still be gone .
Lily : No . Leave me alone .
Lucinda : Holden , Holden , hoyden , let her go .
Holden : You ve got to stop saying that . I am worried about her .
Lucinda : I m worried sick about her . But we know where she is . We know she s safe over there . She needs time . She needs time to get over the sorrow . So give her it . Give her time .
Don we now our gay apparel fa - la - la la - la - la la - la - la troll the ancient yuletide carol fa - la - la la - la - la la - la - la
Hal : Without a doubt the worst Christmas caroling I have ever heard .
Will : Paul , this is so awesome . It s just what I wanted .
Paul : Well , I m glad you like it . Merry Christmas .
Will : Merry Christmas .
Jennifer : Oh ! Oh , Paul , they re beautiful .
Paul : You like em ? Merry Christmas .
Jennifer : Thank you .
Barbara : I tell you , do you have the best big brother , or what ? You two do nt realize how lucky you are .
Paul : I got ta get going . Will , lemme know how that game turns out .
Barbara : Paul ! Paul . I have something for you .
Paul : Something lethal to put in my eggnog ? The only thing I have on my Christmas wish list is that I want the world to know who murdered Rose .
Molly : Well , if it is nt the world s worst bodyguard . You know , when your clients start dying , I think the smart thing to do is to leave town for good .
Crater : There s opportunity here , Ms. McKinnon . And I intend to cash in on it .
Molly : Oh , really . What kind of opportunity is that , Crater ?
Crater : I know what you did .
Barbara : You have no idea how much it meant to me to be here tonight with you .
Will : Me too .
Barbara : I love you two so much .
Will : Are you going straight home ?
Barbara : Yes , I d planned to . Why ?
Will : Well , cause , I kinda wanted to send you an e - mail .
Barbara : Oh , well , in that case , I m gon na be sitting right in front of my laptop . Okay , you guys . Okay . Merry Christmas .
Will : Merry Christmas .
Paul : Was nt that special . Heartwarming . A mother on Christmas , surrounded by all of her loving children .
Barbara : As it should be , Paul .
Paul : Nothing in this family is as it should be . I got ta give it to you , though . You got what you wanted .
Barbara : One night with my troubled 13-year - old ?
Paul : No , now you can live your life without Rose DAngelo in your way .
Barbara : All right . I guess I did get my way . And I m not ashamed to admit it . Merry Christmas , darling .
Molly : You re bluffing .
Crater : Am I ? I was there . I saw you .
Molly : That s impossible .
Crater : I ve got the evidence out in car . Just what the cops like to call incriminating .
Molly : What do you want ?
Crater : $ 100,000 in $ 100 bills . Bring it to Al s diner . You got one hour , and I ll turn the evidence over to you .
Molly : It s Christmas Eve . How do you expect me to raise that kind of cash ?
Crater : Hey , that s your problem . But if you do nt show with the money , I m going straight to the cops .
Joe : Lucinda Walsh just told me about Rose s insurance policy . You did it , did nt you ? You murdered my little girl !
Dusty : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Whoa , Mr. DAngelo , I do nt think --
Joe : Answer that ! Answer . Answer the question .
Dusty : Listen , I know you want someone to blame . So do I. If you -- I loved your daughter . You know that .
Joe : Yeah , but she did nt love you . So you killed her .
Dusty : You re looking for the guy who killed her . You re looking for the guy who pretended he loved her and then destroyed her at the wedding .
Joe : I know ! I know ! Paul s an easy target . But you got something to gain . Money makes people do crazy things .
Dusty : These are the insurance papers that says I m Rose s beneficiary . And I m now gon na sign them over to you . Which means the money s now yours .
Joe : Why ?
Dusty : Cause you re Rose s father . Why would I take your daughter s money ?
Joe : It s a lot of bucks . Could make your life a little easier .
Dusty : Not mine . It belongs to you . I want you to have it .
Molly : Hey , excuse me . I m Molly McKinnon . Do you remember me ? Has anybody stopped by looking for me ?
Waitress : No , I m sorry .
Molly : Oh , thanks . Jingle bells jingle bells jingle
Molly : Oh pick up . Come on , pick up . I want this to be over .
Cop : Take a seat over here .
Murray : Hey , can I get some coffee ?
Goldie : Oh , hot chocolate for me .
Cop : Do nt move .
Hal : Hey , what have you got on em ?
Cop : Loitering , disturbing the peace .
Murray : Disturbing it ? We were spreading it .
Goldie : That s Murray , our designated driver .
Frankie : And we were nt
### Summary:
| Aaron has a surprise . Alison fesses up . Barbara gets mommy time . Bob makes a toast to his family . Carly gets her back up when her husband has to work late again . Crater turns blackmailer . Dusty tosses his present to the wall . Hal is leery of having a suspect in his house . Holden and the kids seem to be having a good Christmas . Jack takes time off work to make up . Jennifer convinces a sibling to share in the family gathering . Joe is taking the body . Lily wants her twin s body . Mitzy will be brought in for questioning . Molly revisits her vandalism . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
A.J. : [ Grunts ] Who s there ? Ava . Oh , my God . It was Ava . Ava was there the night Connie died .
Ava : Please tell me that I ll see you again . I love you . I m sorry . I - I should not have said that to you .
Morgan : No . Hey , hey ... do nt take that back . I love you , too .
Ava : Hello , Morgan .
Robin : Mr. Cassadine , harassing me with phone calls is nt gon na make me decide any quicker . I have not decided if I m going to help you or not .
Victor : I m very disappointed , Dr. Scorpio - drake . [ Sighs ] The clock is ticking . You ve got to make a quick decision if you re going to save Jason .
Robin : I have nt forgotten .
Emma : Mommy ... who were you talking to ?
Spencer : Oh ! There you are , great - uncle victor ! I ve been looking for you all morning !
Victor : Oh , have you now ?
Spencer : I wanted to ask you a question .
Victor : Yes . What is it ?
Spencer : What were you doing at Emma s house ?
Victor : What ?
Nikolas : This is the entrance right here .
Britt : Yesterday , there was a loud crash that rattled the whole house , and it came from somewhere in the tunnels .
Contractor : Well , I m glad to help , but in an old house like this , it s probably just settling due to the cold .
Nikolas : Even so , we ve got young kids in the house , and I just want to make sure everything s all right down there .
Carly : Help ! Somebody help me ! Help !
Heather : Bingo ! Found it . I knew I d find you . Thank heavens you re alive . If you d died in this cave - in , I would nt be able to frame my son . Now all I have to do is finish you off and seal Franco s fate .
Carly : No !
Franco : I know I must sound like a complete lunatic , but I am your son . And I do need to find Carly . I do . I just need find out if she s okay . Please let me just stay here , just for a little while . Do nt tell anybody I m here . That s just something a father would do .
Nathan : D.A. Baldwin , it s Detective West . I need to speak to you . D.A. Baldwin , it s very important .
Franco : Please , j - just -- he ll get tired of knocking . He ll go away . Just ignore him .
Scott : I ca nt do that , Franco .
Nathan : Is everything all right in there ?
Morgan : What are you doing here ?
Ava : I heard this is where you might be .
Morgan : Ava , you have to go , okay . This is my dad s office now . If he catches you here , there s gon na be trouble .
Ava : I m willing to take that risk .
Morgan : I - I tried to explain to you the day you came to the house that I promised my dad I would stay away from you , Ava .
Ava : I know . But that s not really what you want . Is it ?
A.J. : Ava was in the elevator . What the hell was she doing in Connie s office that night ? [ Sighs ] [ Grunts ] Who s there ?
Ava : A.J. ? What have you done ?
A.J. : [ Exhales sharply ]
Robin : I was just talking to an old work friend of mine .
Emma : Then why did you sound so sad ?
Cameron : Hi , Emma ! Ready to go sledding ?
Emma : You bet .
Elizabeth : Hey , hey , make sure you stay where I can see you , okay ?
Emma : Okay .
Elizabeth : [ Chuckles ] Hi .
Robin : Hi . Cameron seems really excited .
Elizabeth : Oh , you do nt know the half of it . He s been going on and on all morning about his date with Emma .
Robin : Oh , it s a date now , huh ? Glad Patrick is nt here to hear that .
Elizabeth : Oh , Patrick would nt even be able to scare him off . He s only concerned about his competition for Emma s heart .
Emma : [ Giggles ] You really did that ?
Spencer : Great - uncle victor , I expect an answer .
Victor : Oh , Spencer , I do nt even know where this Emma girl that you re so taken with lives .
Spencer : But I saw you there . I was gon na give Emma that egg you gave me .
Victor : Oh , the Fabergé egg is very valuable . You already gave it away ?
Spencer : You said to give it to the girl of my dreams . But then I looked through the window and saw you talking to Emma s mom .
Victor : I see .
Spencer : And I was so surprised to see you there that I forgot to leave the egg . So what were you doing at Emma s house ?
Victor : [ Chuckles ] Oh , little Spencer . I want you to listen to me and listen very carefully . You are never to tell a soul that you saw me with Emma s mother .
Spencer : Why not ?
Nikolas : Tunnels are right through here . [ Chuckles ] How very , uh , Scooby - doo of you .
Britt : Funny . I always think of batman .
Nikolas : I appreciate you coming all the way out here to help us with this .
Contractor : Ah , do nt worry about it . I ll take a quick look , and I ll tell you if I see anything going on down there .
Nikolas : All right .
Carly : No !
Heather : Come on ! Will you please hold still ? These stab wounds , they have to be made with extreme precision if it appears that an expert like Franco killed you .
Carly : You do nt have to do this , Heather ! Please , you do nt have to do this !
Heather : I wish I could say I m sorry , Carly . I m just not .
Contractor : What the hell ?
Scott : I was on a very important phone call . So what is it that I can do for you , Detective West ?
Nathan : It s about the attempted murder of Nina Clay . I ve had her husband in lockdown for almost 48 hours . If your office does nt charge him , I m gon na have to cut him loose .
Scott : I m not gon na charge him without any new evidence .
Nathan : I have new evidence . I have a copy of Nina Clay s will . She was extremely wealthy . She left everything to Silas . He tried to kill his wife for the money .
Scott : Well , he was her husband . There s nothing unusual about that .
Nathan : We have a witness who filled the prescription for Dr. Clay that he wrote for himself for the liquid form of the antidepressant his wife was taking . It was Dr. Clay who found her unconscious on the floor .
Scott : Yeah , but it does nt mean that he put her there .
Nathan : Clay had means and opportunity . The will gives him motive . That s three out of three .
Scott : That s your opinion .
Nathan : You re the D.A. and this guy is dangerous . Help me put him behind bars , where he belongs .
Cameron : Let s take a picture .
Emma : Okay .
Emma : Race you to the top .
Cameron : Get a load of this , loser . [ Chuckles ]
Spencer : Why ca nt I tell anybody you were at Emma s house ?
Victor : Because it s a secret . And you do nt have to know why .
Spencer : I think I do .
Victor : Ca nt you keep this little secret for me ? I thought you and I were becoming fast friends . I gave you that Fabergé egg , did nt I ?
Spencer : That was cool . It s just that my father does nt like when I lie to him .
Victor : But it s not exactly lying if he does nt ask you about it , is it ? I mean ...
Victor : ... Do you tell him every detail of your day ?
Spencer : Having a good time at the park , are nt you ? That little townie !
Victor : What is it ?
Spencer : I ll make a deal with you , great - uncle victor . I ll keep your secret if you do something for me .
Elizabeth : It s better off that you re not at G.H. Right now . Are you okay ?
Robin : What ?
Elizabeth : You seem like you re someplace else .
Robin : Oh , I m sorry . I m just ... thinking about the future . You know , uh , I m in the mood for a hot chocolate . Maybe I should go pick some up for everyone .
Elizabeth : Okay , yeah . I ll go check on the kids .
Robin : Okay .
Elizabeth : Great . [ Gasps ] A.J.
A.J. : Elizabeth .
Elizabeth : W - what s wrong ?
Morgan : No , this is not what I want . Come on , Ava , I love you .
Ava : And I love you . We feel the same way about each other .
Morgan : And I - I wish I could be with you more than anything . But we ca nt . We got to get -- we got to get over each other .
Ava : Do you have any idea how rare it is to have this kind of connection with someone ? Should nt that count for something ?
Morgan : Yes , it does , but ...
Ava : But what ? It s the only thing that matters .
Morgan : Do you know how many times I had to stop myself from going to you ? With everything that s been going on , Ava , all I wanted was to be with the one person who truly understands me . But our families are at war , and as long as that s happening , I can never be with you .
Ava : You re with me now , Morgan . I m here right now .
Nathan : D.A. Baldwin , help me get this guy off the streets .
Scott : I m not gon na do that .
Nathan : Why not ?
Scott : Because there s too much reasonable doubt here . I m not comfortable with sending an innocent guy to prison . Sometimes you got to give people the benefit of the doubt , and that ... is what I m gon na do .
Nathan : All due respect , sir , I think you re making a mistake .
Scott : Well , it s my mistake to make , so I m gon na go with my instincts here .
Heather : Who the hell are you ? !
Carly : Please help me !
Contractor : Get away from her ! Get away !
Carly : I ca nt move my leg !
Heather : I m not gon na let anybody ruin this for me ! Not now !
Contractor : Oh ! What are you doing ? ! Are you crazy ? !
Molly : Dr. Scorpio - drake !
Robin : Hi .
Molly : Hi . Um , I do nt know if you remember me --
Robin : Of course I remember you , Molly . Wow . You ve grown up so much .
TJ : Molly , I think this little guy is jonesing for his cheese snacks . Can you help us out ?
Molly : Yeah , sure . Hi , Danny .
TJ : Hi . You re , uh , Robin Scorpio - drake , right ?
Robin : Yeah .
Molly : I m sorry . I forgot you guys never met . Um , Dr. Scorpio - drake , this is my boyfriend , TJ Ashford .
Robin : Hi . Nice to meet you . Um , both of you , please , call me Robin .
Molly : [ Chuckles ] And I m guessing you never met this little guy either . This ... is Danny Morgan .
Robin : Jason s son . Hi . [ Chuckles ]
Nikolas : You still looking for that brush ?
Britt : [ Sighs ] Yeah , it s not like me to misplace things .
Nikolas : It ll turn up .
Victor : Oh , I hope I m not interrupting , but young Spencer here was wondering if I could take him sledding in the park .
Nikolas : Uh , just the two of you ?
Victor : Well , yes . But he , uh -- well , I suppose there s gon na be some other classmates there .
Spencer : Dad , it s just the park . I just want to spend time with my great- uncle .
Victor : Yeah , he ll be in my good care . I promise .
Nikolas : No , no , it s not about that . It s just Britt and I were thinking about taking Ben to the park . What do you say ?
Britt : Yeah , sure .
Spencer : Awesome ! I ll get ready .
Victor : Oh , well , that s nice . Full family affair .
Britt : Yay . Family outing .
Nikolas : Thanks for bailing me out .
Britt : Yeah , of course , but what about the contractor ?
Nikolas : Nah . Staff is here . Alfred can answer any questions . Besides , the man s a professional . He s licensed to deal with whatever he finds . Yeah , how much trouble can he get into down there ?
Carly : Oh , God , no . No .
Heather : Well , that was inconvenient . Prince Nikolas must have sent him down here to investigate after the cave - in . Poor guy . You know , it s always the small - business owners that pay the price , is nt it ? But his is not the body that needs to be found tonight .
Nathan : I m gon na go on record as objecting to your decision , D.A. Baldwin .
Scott : Okay , whatever helps you sleep at night . Now , are we done here ?
Nathan : I guess we are . Hey . What s going on ?
Officer : Someone spotted Franco at the hotel . Commissioner Devane ordered a room - by - room search .
Scott : Well , good , good , good . We got a lead on that lunatic . Carry on , then .
Nathan : I ll come with you .
Franco : Well , look who lied for me . I mean , yeah , you called me a complete nut job , but you covered for me .
Scott : Yeah , I did . So do nt make a jackass out of me . Tell me how I can prove who took Carly .
Carly : [ Whimpers ] Please . Please , you do nt have to do this . You do nt . I mean , there has to be another way for you to teach Franco a lesson .
Heather : Please , will you stop with the whining ? This is almost over for you . What about me ? I still have to lug you out of here , dump your body someplace the dopy cops will find it . Oh , it s gon na be a long day .
Carly : Wait !
Heather : No ! We are way behind schedule . I m not waiting for anything else .
Carly : Are nt you worried about the hole in your plan ?
Heather : What hole ?
A.J. : Elizabeth , you re not gon na believe this . I ca nt even believe this . I just wish this would have happened sooner .
Elizabeth : Is everything okay ?
A.J. : I do nt know . I do nt know . But I remember something the night that Connie was murdered .
Elizabeth : What are you talking about ?
A.J. : I remember being at her office . There was somebody else there .
Elizabeth : Who ?
Morgan : No , Ava , stop . I - I ca nt . Okay , my dad sees you as the enemy . If he catches us together --
Ava : I know this seems like an impossible situation . But we could still be together . We could meet in secret .
Morgan : I want to , but I - I ca nt .
Ava : We can . We ve done it before . We can do it again . Until all of this dies out .
Morgan : I - I promised my dad , Ava . I - I hurt him so bad when I lied to him before . I ca nt -- I ca nt do that to him again .
Ava : Sonny would nt have to know .
Morgan : I d know . I would know , okay ? I ca nt see someone that is helping his enemies .
Ava : Morgan ! Please . There has to be a way .
Morgan : What if ... what if you -- what if you were nt the enemy ?
Ava : What ?
Morgan : What if you left Julian and you joined my father s side ?
A.J. : Elizabeth , you re never gon na believe this . I just remembered I was nt alone the night that Connie died . That has to mean something , right ?
Elizabeth : You ve been drinking again , have nt you ?
A.J. : Elizabeth , no .
Elizabeth : I can smell it on you .
A.J. : You re not understanding what I m telling you .
Nikolas : What s going on here ? Elizabeth , you all right ?
Elizabeth : Yeah . He s been drinking again , though .
Victor : I think , you know , we should go find your friends .
Spencer : Okay .
Victor : Okay .
A.J. : Listen to me . I know -- just wait . I know you have no reason to believe me .
Nikolas : Time to leave , A.J. Let s go .
A.J. : Fine . Fine . Okay . You know what ? I ll deal with this on my own , all right ? You ll see . You ll see .
Ava : You ca nt be serious . There is no way I can side with your family .
Morgan : Why not ? You come work for my father with me . We all take Julian down together .
Ava : Morgan , he s my brother .
Morgan : Who you barely knew until a few years ago . He does nt respect you , Ava . And he would turn on you in a second , and you know that .
Ava : He certainly has been more interested in winning over his new children than he has in his loyalty to me , especially recently .
Morgan : Then to hell with him .
Ava : I ca nt . I ca nt . I ca nt betray him .
Morgan : Ava , Ava , Ava , Ava . Please , please , do nt you get it ? If you help us bring him down , this war will be over . There will be nothing standing in the way of us being together .
Spencer : Emma , hi !
Emma : Hi , Spencer .
Victor : All right , Spencer . You play with your friends . I m gon na be sitting over there on the bench . I m gon na have a read , okay ?
Spencer : Okay . Thanks , cam , for telling me where you guys were .
Cameron : What are you doing here ?
Spencer : Oh , nothing . Just going to drop off Emma s valentine s day present . Here , Emma , this is for you .
Robin : So cute . Do you mind if I ...
Molly : Oh , yeah . Of course . Go say hi .
Robin : Hey .
Molly : Say hi .
Robin : Hi . How are you ? Oh , my goodness . [ Chuckles ] You know ... your daddy used to scowl just like that at me . Some people were intimidated , but not me . I liked it . Bet you re gon na be strong -- [ Grunts ]
Robin : Strong and brave as your dad , huh ? So cute .
TJ : I ca nt believe anyone ever thought Danny was nt Jason s son .
Robin : What ? What do you mean ?
Molly : [ Sighs ] Well , for a while , everyone thought that Danny s father was Franco .
Franco : All the proof you need is in Heather s padded cell . She wrote a note saying I will pay .
Scott : Right , the note was written in blood , and you found it in Heather s open grave . So the cops are probably analyzing it --
Franco : They can analyze it all they want . I know what I know . Heather took Carly .
Scott : Well , she s certainly proven over and over again that she s capable of all kinds of craziness . So I m gon na go to Miscavige , and I ll check on here there .
Franco : Great .
Scott : But in the meantime -- sorry -- but , you know , you ca nt stay here .
Franco : Come on , dad . It s -- it s cold out there . I m tired .
Scott : Somebody saw you come in here . It s just a question of time before they re going to find you .
Franco : Where are you going ?
Scott : All right , listen . Meet me at the park at the fountain , a few hours , okay ? Come on . Let s get out of here .
Franco : All right . Come on . Come on .
Franco : Ah ...
Scott : What ?
Franco : Thank you , dad .
Scott : Okay .
Franco : All right .
Scott : Well , so , uh , news on the fugitive here ?
Nathan : No , sir . But if you do nt mind , we d like to search your room . Just to be thorough .
Scott : Be my guest .
Victor : D.A. s psycho son still on the loose . Huh . Never a dull moment ... in Port Charles .
Heather : I ll thank you to take your hand off me , sir .
Victor : I m sorry . I did nt mean to disturb you
Heather : So , coming up behind a woman -- that usually works for you ? I ll tell you something , pal . I ve taken down men twice your size , so a word to the wise .
Victor : I ll consider myself forewarned .
Heather : Who are you ? What are you doing here ?
Victor : Victor Cassadine at your service . My great - nephew is master of this island . And you are ? Baldwin sired Franco with notorious criminal Heather grant Webber . Dear God .
Carly : You have nt been able to spot the hole in your own plan .
Heather : Oh , why do nt you just stop with the stalling tactics ?
Carly : Oh , I m not stalling . I m just pointing out a huge , huge mistake .
Heather : No , I think you re just trying to antagonize me now .
Carly : As the intended victim , should nt I point out the flaw in your plan to frame Franco for my murder ?
Heather : Oh , honey , I ve thought this thing through 12 ways to Sunday . I gave the cops the motive , the murder weapon , the plot , the fingerprints . I ve thought of everything .
Carly : Everything except for my time of death .
Ava : This is just happening so fast .
Morgan : It s the only solution .
Ava : Morgan , I m not gon na decide to betray my brother on a whim .
Morgan : It s not a whim ! It s not a whim . I know you . I know how he treats you . You may see yourself as an equal partner , Ava , but he does nt . He does nt even consider you a real Jerome .
Ava : If I leave , he ll kill me . He did nt think twice about taking out Vince when he thought he d flipped .
Morgan : Then my dad will protect you , just like he s protecting me .
Ava : And how can we be sure that Sonny will believe that I m actually changing sides ?
Morgan : Because he ll believe me , and I ll make him believe you . We ll do this together .
Ava : Yeah .
Morgan : Are you serious ? Yes , you mean -- do you mean that ?
Ava : Yeah . I mean , if it s the only way that we can be together , then it s what we have to do .
Morgan : Wait here . Okay , I m gon na go get my father . [ Sighs ]
Ava : Oh , God . Please do nt let this be a big mistake . [ Sighs ]
Elizabeth : I m fine . A.J. was nt trying to hurt me .
Nikolas : Are you sure ?
Elizabeth : He s just troubled . Yes , I m positive .
Nikolas : Okay .
Elizabeth : I should go . I m actually here with Robin and the kids .
Nikolas : Oh , I think Spencer came to , uh , see Cameron and Emma anyway , so can we join you ?
Elizabeth : Yeah . I would love that .
Nikolas : Okay . Come here , big guy . Let s go make some snowballs .
Britt : Oh - ho - ho - ho - ho ! [ Chuckles ] Hey , Elizabeth , can I ask you a quick question ?
Elizabeth : Go for it .
Britt : Nikolas uncle gave me this fabulous hairbrush for Ben , and it s a family heirloom , but it s seemed to have disappeared .
Elizabeth : That s sad . Really should keep a closer eye on something that important .
Britt : The thing is , it seemed to have disappeared right after you dropped off that prescription for Ben .
Elizabeth : Are you accusing me of stealing a hairbrush ?
Britt : I m simply just asking if you know what happened to it .
Elizabeth : You know , sometimes things get misplaced . I remember the Christmas before last I bought a DVD for Cameron , and it vanished out of the gift bag . Actually , you were there . But you did nt have anything to do with it , right ?
Molly : It s so sad that Jason never knew Danny was his son before he died .
Robin : Yeah . I knew Jason . He knew that in his heart , Danny was his son . The DNA just would have been icing on the cake . That s what I used to tell your dad . You know what that means ? You know what icing on the cake is ? It means better than the best . And that s what your dad was to me . Better than the best , just like he would have been to you .
TJ : I hate that this little guy is gon na grow up without a father .
Robin : I know . It s terrible .
TJ : I mean , I got a few more years with my dad , but I was still pretty young when he died .
Robin : I m so sorry .
TJ : No , I mean , it s just , never gets any easier , you know ? You always wonder , what if ? What if he was still alive ? How would things be different ?
Robin : Yeah . What if ?
Victor : Spencer , does this woman work for your father ?
Spencer : That s her .
Victor : This woman , Heather Webber .
Spencer : Yeah , she s the stable girl .
Emma : Stable person . We met her the other day .
Victor : All right , you stay here , children . I m gon na speak with your father , Spencer , okay ?
Emma : Why is your stable person in the paper ?
Franco : Hey , kids . How you doing ?
Spencer : That s the psycho !
Franco : Mind if I ask you a few questions about the woman that you saw ?
Heather : Now seems like the perfect time --
Carly : Think about it , Heather . The knife with Franco s prints and my blood on it was found weeks ago . It s only gon na take a simple autopsy to show that I died long after the police found the knife .
Heather : Okay . Okay . Let s say Franco did stab you then , but you survived . So he came back and finished the job today .
Carly : Except the papers said Franco was in custody . You kill me , you prove that he s innocent .
Heather : Oh ! Damn it ! You are right . I had this all planned out . It was supposed to go so smoothly , and it would have , if it were nt for Luke Spencer and those meddling kids .
Franco : Why are you so scared of me ?
Emma : It says here you re a bad man .
Franco : Oh . Yeah , it kind of does . But if -- if you keep reading , it says that she s a bad person , too , right ?
Elizabeth : I guess so . But she caught the chupacabra .
Franco : The chupacabra ? What , like the goat sucker ?
Emma : It was after the horses .
Cameron : At Spencer s house . We never saw it . That lady kept it covered up .
Spencer : But we heard it making noises .
Emma : It sounded like someone screaming .
Franco : She was at your house ? !
Spencer : She works in my stables . But she s not there anymore . My dad checked .
Franco : Okay , do you have any idea where she is now ?
Spencer : She might be in the catacombs . We heard something last night .
Franco : Oh , the -- the catacombs . Of course . Where is it exactly that you live ?
Cameron : There s , like , caves underneath his house .
Emma : It s on spoon island .
Franco : Oh . Wyndemere . Thanks , kids .
Scott : Hey ! Take me to Heather Webber s room . She ca nt be disturbed .
Strunk : She s too violent to have visitors .
Scott : I m not a visitor . District attorney . Take me to her now .
Ava : If Julian ever game a damn about me , that all changed when he discovered his long - lost offspring . Besides , he s reckless ... and unreliable . He s already made mistakes , and he ll make more . When the dust settles , Sonny will be the one standing , and the smart thing is to be standing right next to him . [ Chuckles ] Who are you kidding , Ava ? This is nt a business decision . You ... you love that boy . The last one you should ever love .
Ava : A.J. ? What does that lush want with me ?
Ava : A.J. , what are you doing here ?
A.J. : Well , you did nt take my call , so I had to track you down . This -- this office belongs to your brother , the mobster , right ? So , Ava , what have you been doing ?
Ava : Quite a bit , actually . In fact , now is probably not the best time for you to be here .
A.J. : Yeah , this ca nt wait .
Ava : I m waiting for Sonny . And I suppose you have nt heard , but this is his office now . And I m sure you do nt want to be here when he shows .
A.J. : Why would nt I want to see Sonny ?
Robin : Well , Danny is lucky to have such a great auntie .
Molly : Oh , thank you . It was really nice seeing you again , Robin .
Robin : You too . It was nice to meet you , TJ .
TJ : Same here .
Robin : Hey , buddy . What is that ? I just want you to know something -- that your daddy would be here for you if he could . Nothing would keep him away from you . [ Sighs ] So cute . Okay . Here you go .
Molly : Come on , baby . Hi , baby .
Robin : Bye .
Molly : Say , bye - bye . Say , bye - bye . Bye - bye .
Robin : Bye .
Molly : Bye .
Robin : Bye , Danny . [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] What , are you following me now ? Harassing me on the phone is nt good enough for you ?
Victor : What ? No , I assure you , I m not following you . I m here with family .
Robin : Wait . H - hold on . Since you re here , I might as well tell you now .
Victor : Tell me what ?
Robin : I m in .
Strunk : You re wasting your time , you know . She wo nt talk to anybody .
Scott : I guess you do nt read the newspapers . I ve got quite a history with -- open the door . Open up .
Scott : Heather ? Heather ? Oh , my -- what the hell ?
Emma : You wo nt believe who we saw ! We told him about the chupacabra !
Cameron : Mom , we saw that man from the paper .
Elizabeth : What man ?
Spencer : Dad , I think I talked to a criminal .
Nikolas : W - where s victor ?
Spencer : He said he was going to find you to tell you about the stable girl .
Nikolas : What stable girl ?
Emma : He seemed really upset .
Cameron : And so did the man who went after her .
Franco : Heather ! Carly !
Heather : How come nothing ever works out for me ? I plan and I plan . Congratulations . You bought yourself a few more minutes . At least enough time for me to think this through .
Carly : What are you doing ?
Heather : Well , I ve got to get rid of this guy . He s definitely not part of the plan . Besides , I do nt think you re going anywhere .
Carly : [ Grunts ] Got to get out of here . I have to get out of here . Come on . [ Grunts ] [ Grunts ]
Franco : Carly .
Carly : Franco .
### Summary:
| Molly introduces Robin to TJ and Danny . Robin observes how much Danny looks and acts like Jason . Molly tells her that Jason never knew that Danny was his biological son . Robin says Jason would nt have cared about DNA . TJ talks about losing his father at a young age . Robin decides to help Victor so that she can save Jason . Cameron sends Spencer a picture that he took of himself and Emma . Spencer tells Victor that he wo nt tell anyone that he saw him at Emma s house if he takes him to the park . Nikolas , Britt , and Ben join them . Spencer gives Emma his Faberge egg as a Valentine s Day present . Britt asks Elizabeth about the missing hairbrush that disappeared when Elizabeth was at Wyndemere . Elizabeth supposes it just disappeared , like the DVD that disappeared from her bag two years ago when Britt was at the nurses station . Scott denies Nathan West s request to press charges against Silas Clay because there is too much reasonable doubt . Nathan and two other cops narrowly miss seeing Franco in Scott s room . Scott tells Franco to meet him in the park in three hours . Scott goes to Miscavidge and demands to see Heather . Heather kills a contractor that Nikolas hired to assess the damage in the tunnels . Carly tells Heather that she has a huge hole in her plan . She says her time of death wo nt match the rest of the evidence that Heather planted . She says that if Heather kills her now , she will prove Franco innocent . Heather realizes that Carly is right and blames Luke Spencer and those kids for ruining her plans to kill Carly weeks ago . She leaves Carly alone under the debris to remove the contractor s body while she rethinks her plan . Victor sees Heather s picture in the newspaper in an article that describes her as a notorious criminal . He realizes that she is the same odd woman that he saw at Wyndemere . Spencer tells him that the woman in the picture is the stable girl . The kids tell Franco that the stable girl caught the chupacabra and that it sounded like a screaming person . Spencer says he thinks she is in the Spoon Island catacombs now . The kids tell Nikolas that Victor is looking for him and that they talked to the man in the newspaper about the stable girl . Nikolas says they do nt have a stable girl . Franco goes to Wyndemere and finds the passage to the catacombs wide open so he goes in and finds Carly trapped under debris . At Miscavidge , Scott is shocked when he sees the Heather decoy in straitjacketed in a padded cell . AJ remembers seeing Ava Jerome in Connie s office the night of Connie s murder . He sees Elizabeth in the park and tries to tell her , but she rebuffs him because he has been drinking . AJ says he will handle it on his own . Ava tells Morgan that there has to be a way for them to be together . He says the only way would be if she stopped being his father s enemy . He suggests that she come over to Sonny s side . She says Julian will kill her if she switches sides . Morgan insists that Sonny would protect her . She agrees to his plan . Morgan goes to tell Sonny about it . AJ finds Ava . She tells him that it is Sonny s office now and that he probably would nt want to run into Sonny . AJ wonders why she would think that . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brady : Thanks for meeting me .
Chloe : Yeah , so what does Nicole want now ?
Brady : She does nt know I m here . Just wanted the two of us to talk .
Chloe : Well , I do nt really see the point . Nicole lost the case , and Holly s mine now . If you really care about what s best for Holly , I think you should get Nicole to change her mind about appealing .
Brady : Well , that s -- that s never gon na happen , Chloe .
Chloe : Well , if you came here to change my mind , then that s never gon na happen . Holly is mine , and that s never gon na change .
Valerie : What do you mean , you re here to bury your father ? You were a little boy when Terrence died .
Eli : Terrence was nt my father . David banning was !
Valerie : Shh !
Julie : Valerie ? We re about to start the service .
Valerie : Oh .
Julie : I m sorry . I m Julie Williams . And you are ?
Chad : [ Grunts ] What a nice surprise .
Abigail : Mm - hmm .
Chad : Thought I d be waking up to a needle - wielding nurse .
Abigail : [ Chuckles ] I decided I wanted to be here when you woke up .
Chad : I m glad you came back . I do nt think we really got to resolve things .
Abigail : I think we resolved things . I mean , you told me that you kissed Gabi , and I said ... I understood . I m actually really glad you told me , Chad . I do nt want you to feel like you ca nt be honest with me . I m a lot stronger than I look .
Chad : I know you are .
Abigail : [ Laughs softly ] In that case , I kind of wanted to ask you something . I know that you -- you really meant it when you said that you were committed to our marriage .
Chad : I did .
Abigail : I also know that being trapped with Gabi has kind of brought up some old feelings . And so I guess my question is whether you think that we can actually put that behind us .
Eli : Hi , Ms. Williams . I m Eli Grant .
Valerie : Uh , this is my son , Julie . I did nt know he was coming .
Eli : You re David s mother , are nt you ?
Julie : Mm - hmm .
Eli : I m so sorry for your loss .
Julie : Thank you .
Eli : Do you mind if I stay ? [ Stammering ] I ... I do nt want to intrude on the family .
Julie : No , of course , please stay . I -- I think it ll help your mother .
Eli : Thank you .
Julie : I m sorry ... you look so familiar to me . Have we met before ?
Eli : I do nt think so .
Julie : Well , we better be getting in . Lord God , give me strength .
Eli : She seems like a very nice person to me .
Valerie : Let s just sit down .
Chad : I , um -- I know my feelings for Gabi are an issue , but I -- I know I can -- I can put it behind me , and I hope you can do the same .
Abigail : I know you guys were victims , and I know you want what s best for our family .
Chad : Better . Doctor said I should be discharged later this afternoon .
Abigail : That s good . Thomas is gon na be glad to have you home . So am I.
Chad : It just feels so nice to be warm . Never gon na take central heating for granted again .
Abigail : [ Chuckles ] I m never going to take peace for granted . Not after that pointless , stupid war .
Chad : Well , the battle might be over , but tensions are still high , so I need you to be careful , okay ? Ca nt have you getting involved like you and Gabi did last time .
Abigail : Leave it to the menfolk , huh ? May I remind you that it s the menfolk that kind of got us into this trouble in the first place ? So , sorry , I m not gon na just sit at home and knit while you guys go crazy again .
Chad : You know who you sound like ?
Abigail : No .
Chad : You . Boop . The you that I fell in love with .
Abigail : Gosh , that seems so long ago . We ve been through so much . I mean , Ive -- Ive put you through so much .
Chad : Just want to move past it . We have a second chance . That s all I care about .
Abigail : Me , too .
Brady : There is nothing anyone can say or do that s gon na make Nicole stop fighting to raise her own child .
Chloe : Without Daniel s stable influence , she is ...
Brady : Come on .
Chloe : Out of control !
Brady : Listen to me . Listen to me right now .
Chloe : No , listen--
Brady : No , you need--
Chloe : Listen to me . I know you find this hard to believe , but I feel sorry for Nicole . She brought this on herself . I told her time and time again what kind of man Deimos is . All she had to do was walk away .
Brady : I know , and guess what -- she has . She dumped him . It s over . That s what I ve been trying to tell you . So that man is no longer going to be an influence in Holly s life . So as a result , there s absolutely no reason for you to keep Nicole from her daughter now .
Julie : My son David . He was beautiful . He was whip - smart . He was ... passionate . Fearless .
Claire : I really wish I could have met David .
Claire : What did I say ?
Ciara : It s not your fault . She s just feeling guilty .
Claire : It s just hard to imagine anyone not getting along with Julie . Especially her own kid , you know .
Ciara : Yeah . Who understands families ?
Claire : Right . Listen , we re okay , are nt we ?
Ciara : Sure .
Claire : Hey .
Theo : You ready to go ?
Claire : Mm - hmm . Yeah , uh , Theo and I are gon na go see Chad at the hospital . Do you want to come ?
Ciara : Um , I think I should stay here , since my mom got sick and could nt come .
Claire : I hope she feels better .
Ciara : Yeah .
Claire : See you soon .
Theo : Call you later , okay ?
Abe : I ve heard so much about you . Are you here to help your mom move back to D.C. ?
Eli : Uh , no . Spur - of - the - moment type thing . A surprise .
Valerie : Yeah . Julie ? I just wanted to say , what you said about you and David ... you really did love each other . You did , and he knew it .
Julie : Thank you , sweetheart . You have a fine - looking son . You treasure him . Family s everything .
Valerie : Oh , yeah .
Abigail : Brought you some clothes to wear home .
Chad : Well , actually , I think I m only gon na wear hospital gowns from now on .
Abigail : [ Laughing ]
Chad : What s it , um-- what s it like outside ?
Abigail : It is cold . Yeah , I know . But I did bring you a sweater and your winter coat .
Chad : You think of everything . Cause I -- I m not really looking forward to any more cold .
Abigail : Yeah , you know , I was thinking about that , and I wondered what you may think about going on a second honeymoon ? With Thomas , of course .
Chad : Mmm , someplace warm , I hope ?
Abigail : Yeah , someplace hot .
Chad : Ah , pfff , I m on board .
Abigail : [ Laughing ]
Chad : Let s do it .
Abigail : Good , that s great , cause I got online last night , and I found a really great family - friendly resort . It s in Cancun .
Chad : Canc -- well , uh , Gabi said , um--
Abigail : Chad , it s okay . She s my friend , all right ? And I m -- it s not gon na drive me crazy if you tell me what she said .
Chad : Okay , she said that , uh , Cancun can be touristy , but if we want more of A ... feel , you know , feel Mexico , then we go to Cozumel .
Abigail : Good to know . So how about we go home and light a fire , and I crank up the heat , and we just sit there and look online for a little place in the sun ?
Chad : I m -- I m in .
Abigail : Okay . No Salem , no warring families , no DiMera Enterprises , none of it . Just you and me and Thomas and a lot of sunshine . Just us . [ Laughs softly ] Good ?
Chloe : Brady , how many times has Nicole dumped a guy before , and how long did it last ? We both know how needy she is . She was never what you would call a rock in the first place . And since Daniel died , she s a total hot mess .
Brady : Mm , hot mess . Was she a mess ... when she delivered your baby ? How about when she practically saved your life ? Was she a mess then ?
Chloe : Okay , I see where you re going with this , and yes , she has been there for me . She always has been . But this is nt a question of whether she s a good friend . It s a question whether she s a good mother . Now , she dumped Deimos because he bribed a judge . Now , to him , that s , like , jay - walking . I mean , the man has poisoned people , crippled people , kidnapped people . Nicole knew all about that , and she was fine with it .
Brady : All right . Just -- just talk to her . Talk to her , you ll realize that she dumped him , and it s over .
Chloe : Okay , well , then , who s next ? Remember what happened with EJ ? Seriously , she s the worst decision - maker of all time .
Brady : Really ? Oh , really ? Really ? How about -- how about like you ? How about like me ? Come on . What makes you think you can sit in judgment ? I mean , you can not guarantee that -- that Holly s gon na be better off with you than with Nicole . You ca nt . And I ll tell you something : This is clearly not about Deimos , is it ?
Chloe : You know what ? You are not Marlena . Stop shrinking me .
Brady : Are you lonely ? Are you lonely ? Chloe , I am . Since Theresa left , I , um ... I have my son , and that s ... that s wonderful , but it s not enough . I mean , I have friends and I have family , but hell , IM ... it just feels -- it feels to me like you re isolating everybody who cares about you , like Nicole , and like me . It does nt have to be that way . Look at me . Chloe , let me -- let me be here for you . You just have to let me in , okay ? I love you so much , that s why I bought
Chad : Will you , um , go see what s going on with the discharge papers ?
Abigail : Yeah , sure .
Chad : Claire , would you mind joining her ? I got to ...
Claire : Yeah , sure , no problem .
Chad : Have a seat . How you doing ? Huh ? A lot going on the last couple weeks .
Theo : Yeah , I m glad you re okay .
Chad : Me , too .
Theo : I ca nt believe Nonno was alive this whole time .
Chad : I know .
Theo : You think we ll ever hear from him again ?
Chad : I hope not .
Theo : [ Laughs ] What ?
Chad : I know . I m -- I m sorry . Look , I know how much you love him , but after everything he s put this family through ... I mean , he let you think he s dead . That s not right .
Theo : I guess .
Chad : You know , I just -- I think that our -- our family finally deserves some peace . We need it .
Theo : Yeah , I want that , too .
Chad : Which is why I m sorry to have to tell you this , but I m gon na need you to be really careful , okay ? Things with the Hernandez and the Kiriakis families are still really tense .
Theo : Well , Ciara s a Kiriakis , and she s my best friend .
Chad : Yeah .
Theo : Claire really is too . But uncle André said I should nt even see them .
Chad : Well , your uncle André is crazy . [ Both laugh ] I m not talking about Ciara and Claire . I m talking about Deimos and Dario . I m worried what they might do .
Theo : Right . Well , I m glad I do nt have to stop being friends with Ciara or Claire . You know , I really love them both . Not in the same way , though , cause that s -- that s ridiculous .
Chad : I do nt know .
Claire : It s just so weird . Cause the last time I saw Julie was at the wedding , and she was dancing and laughing ... oh , hey , look . Theo got this for me at the wedding for valentine s day .
Abigail : Oh , it s gorgeous .
Claire : Mm - hmm . Yeah , it s , um ... rose gold or gold rose or something . He said he wanted to get me flowers that would never die . He s sweet .
Abigail : He s pretty crazy about you , huh ?
Claire : Mm - hmm .
Abigail : What s the matter ?
Claire : Nothing . I just get the feeling that somebody else is trying to make moves on him . And I do nt like it .
Abigail : Yeah , um , I mean , nobody does , honey . But all you can really do is not worry about the other girl . Just got to make sure that Theo knows how much you love him .
Chloe : I do nt understand why you are so involved in all of this .
Brady : Come on , Nicole s my friend . You know that .
Chloe : I thought I was your friend , too .
Brady : Of course , you re my friend , too .
Chloe : Well , I was your wife , too . And you always put Nicole first .
Brady : Uh--
Chloe : Even all those years ago when she was chasing after you , trying to keep us apart .
Brady : But no one had to keep us apart , okay ? We blew up all on our own . We did that .
Chloe : Oh , my God , that s right , Nicole is blameless , as usual . I -- I do nt get it . You always give her the benefit of the doubt . It s like you ve got blinders on when it comes to her . Oh , my God , do nt tell me you are falling for her again .
Abigail : Chad , he s -- he s just getting over a cold .
Chad : I do nt care .
Abigail : You re at high risk . What am I gon na do if you get pneumonia ?
Chad : I dont -- I do nt care . I just -- I want--
Abigail : Ugh , okay . I m not gon na change your mind , am I ?
Chad : [ Murmuring ]
Abigail : Stop , okay . All right , all right . I ll go get him . You need anything else ?
Chad : No , once I have my son , it s ... I m good . I ll have everything .
Abigail : Be right back .
Valerie : How in god s name ... why would you think David is your father ?
Eli : When I applied to Quantico , the FBI wanted to know my whole life story . You know , and I realized that there was a lot that I did nt know , especially about my dad s side of the family .
Valerie : Because you were really young when Terrence died .
Eli : Something was off . Terrence was nt my real father , and do nt disrespect me and try to pretend otherwise .
Valerie : Okay , I wo nt .
Eli : I mean , at first , I was nt suspicious . I was just curious . So I did one of those ancestry DNA tests to find out more about where I came from . It came back that I was a quarter English and a quarter Irish , and it was nt black Irish either . Needless to say , that proved Terrence was nt my father . So I used FBI resources to find out who was , because clearly , I could nt trust you to be straight with me .
Valerie : Eli , Eli . I -- I thought -- I was trying--
Eli : I was waiting to have this conversation with you face to face .
Brady : There s nothing between Nicole and me except friendship . She just dumped my ... uncle , for God sakes . The only reason I m involved in this mess is because Deimos confided in me .
Chloe : Well , Deimos has nothing to do with this baby .
Brady : It felt -- felt personal to me because of what happened to my son . Theresa did nt give birth to Tate , but he is still our son , just like Holly is --is Nicole s daughter , Chloe .
Chloe : That s not what the judge said .
Brady : I can see I m gon na have a hard time changing your mind .
Chloe : That s right .
Brady : All right , well , do me one favor . Do nt go to Chicago , please . Give Maggie a chance to get to know her granddaughter .
Chloe : Actually , I m not going to Chicago .
Brady : That s good . That s good .
Chloe : I am moving to new York . I need to find a steady singing gig , and there s a lot more venues there , so parker , Holly , and I are gon na move in with my mom and dad . And we re gon na leave tonight .
JJ : Have you decided to take roman s job offer ?
Lani : I m not sure yet .
JJ : You know , if you did , we can go to the movies some time .
Lani : I hate the movies . People talk too much , and the popcorn is just way too overpriced .
JJ : All right , then , we can go snowboarding .
Lani : JJ , I m from Miami . The snow is not my friend .
JJ : Okay , well , then , maybe we can , uh -- we could try that new Italian restaurant .
Lani : Mmm , no carbs .
JJ : Okay , Lani , look . You can just say no . I m tough , you know . You re not gon na hurt my feelings .
Lani : Say no to what ?
JJ : I m trying to ask you out .
Lani : Oh .
Brady : You ca nt do that . [ Stammering ] You ca nt take Holly and Parker to New York . It s cruel , Chloe . Where Nicole -- where Maggie ca nt even see them ?
Chloe : I need to support my own family .
Brady : You--[Stammering ] I ll do it . Chloe , Ill -- let me be here for you . Let me get you a place to live . Ill -- Ill get a nanny for you , whatever you need .
Chloe : Really , now ? No , it s ... it s better this way . If Holly and I move to new York , then it ll be easier for Nicole to move on with her life .
Brady : How is Nicole supposed to move on with her life when she ca nt even see her daughter ?
Chloe : She ll find a way . She always does .
Brady : Chloe , look at me . Come on , hey , do nt do this . It s wrong ; do nt do it .
Chloe : You ca nt stop me . Bye , Brady . Look , I know you think that I am being heartless , but I really do care for Nicole , and I want her to be happy .
Valerie : David and I were in love . We were , and we were gon na get married . And then -- and then things just did nt work out . David was afraid of commitment . And -- and so -- and so we just moved on . When I left Salem , we were on good terms . And then later , he came to see me while I was in D.C. And I thought finally , finally we could be together and make it last . It was just more of the same . And as soon as we got close , he took off . I did nt even know I was pregnant until after he d gone .
Eli : Must ve been awful .
Valerie : No . No , Eli , it was the best thing that ever happened to me . You are my best thing . Do you have any idea how much I love you ?
Eli : No , I do nt . Because if you love me as much as you say you do , you would ve never kept me from knowing my father .
Valerie : [ Weeping ] Oh , baby .
Chad : Ah , he looks more and more like you every day .
Abigail : Yeah ?
Chad : Yeah .
Abigail : That s funny ; I think he looks like you .
Chad : [ Chuckles ]
Abigail : I gave him some cranberry juice yesterday . He made the same face that you make when I order salmon . Yeah , that s it .
Chad : Just really happy to be home .
Abigail : Yeah . Missed you . Just kept thinking about all the plans that we had for the future , and you know , I thought , God , they re gone . That s it . I m never gon na see him again .
Chad : Here I am .
Abigail : Yay .
Chad : Plans and the dreams do nt change . I love Thomas , and I love you .
Chloe : Thank you for meeting me , Maggie .
Maggie : I m just glad you wanted to talk . I heard that -- that the judge granted you custody .
Chloe : Yeah , I guess you re not gon na say congratulations .
Maggie : I just want what s best for my granddaughter .
Chloe : That s why I wanted you to hear it from me directly . I m taking Holly and parker with me to live in new York ... for good .
Maggie : [ Sighs emotionally ]
Lani : I had no idea you were interested in that way .
JJ : I know we got off to a really bad start in Miami .
Lani : You think ?
JJ : We ve been working together the past couple of weeks , and ... I really do like you , Lani .
Lani : Well , I m glad , considering we already had sex .
JJ : All right , well , maybe this is nt the traditional order of things , but ... I d like another chance for a do - over .
Lani : A date . Just a date . All right ?
JJ : All right . How about tonight ? If you re off carbs , maybe we can go out for sushi .
Lani : I love sushi . You know , that place on the river is always packed . Let me see if I can ... damn .
JJ : What ?
Lani : My cell phone s not here . I must ve dropped it back at the church .
JJ : Hope it s still there .
Lani : It better be . I will call you about tonight .
Valerie : I went back and forth about telling David about ... my pregnancy . And then I thought to myself , I did nt want to do this to my child -- have him feel the way I did -- hurt and disappointed and let down and rejected . David could nt commit , and there is no bigger commitment in the world than to a child .
Eli : But you did nt even give him a chance .
Valerie : He had already had a chance , and he failed miserably with his son Scotty . And then Terrence came into my life , and he accepted you as his own , and he was a good father to you , Eli .
Eli : But he was nt my father . My whole life you have lied and lied to me . I knew you were nt in new York all this time . I knew you were here in Salem . You know , but I thought maybe , just maybe , you were trying to find a way to tell the Hortons that I existed . But obviously , that was nt the case . You never wanted them to know about me .
Valerie : I just -- I just did nt want your heart broken .
Eli : Well , it is now .
Valerie : Why -- why did nt you say something to me sooner ? Eli , you never even let on that anything was wrong .
Eli : I guess I learn how to lie from you , huh ?
Valerie : I m sorry . I m so sorry . I m really sorry . So are you gon na tell them ?
Eli : What I do and what I do nt do is none of your damn business .
Valerie : Baby ... [ Sobbing ]
Abigail : Boy fell asleep as soon as I put him down . And now , it s your turn . Want me to bring you a sandwich ?
Chad : No , I m not hungry .
Abigail : I love you , too . I thought I lost you forever .
Chad : I m right here .
Abigail : Are you sure ?
Chad : I m sure .
Ciara : [ Exhales sharply ] One more time , as long as this time I do nt meet another Rory .
Theo : I wish Valerie was nt leaving town .
Claire : Yeah , I never thought I d hear you say that .
Theo : Well , my dad s really bummed out about it . You know , she seems pretty upset , too .
Claire : Yeah , was nt she , like , in love with David ? But that was a long time ago , though .
Theo : Well , I think it was more than that . She seemed really on edge . I wonder why .
Abe : Val ? What happened ? Is -- is everything all right with Eli ?
Valerie : I do nt think he s ever gon na forgive me . [ Weeping ]
Eli : Sorry I never got to know you . And now I ll never have the chance .
Chloe : Now , this is not about me cutting you out of your grandchildren s lives at all . You can visit whenever you want .
Maggie : But you are cutting Nicole out .
Chloe : Okay , I do nt want to have this conversation anymore . The judge ruled that I m Holly s mother . And I just want to do what s best for her .
Maggie : Well , if there s -- if there s anything that either of my grandchildren need , just-- you just say the word .
Chloe : Okay , thank you . Now , uh , we really have to go .
Maggie : Please ! Well , hello . Hello , hello . Grandma has to say good - bye . Grandma loves you very much . You know that , do nt you ? Oh , my . Oh .
Brady : Nicole , I need to talk to you about Chloe . Right away .
### Summary:
| Julie met Eli at the funeral . Abby wanted to know if she and Chad could put what he did with Gabi behind them . He said he could put his feelings behind him and hoped she could too . She said she could . Brady tried to talk Chloe into giving up Holly . He told her that Nicole dumped Deimos so there was no reason to keep Nicole from Holly . Julie told everyone at the funeral about her relationship with David . Abe met Eli at the funeral . Abby told Chad that they could take a trip together . Brady was upset with Chloe when she judged the kind of mother Nicole could be . Chloe did nt want Brady judging her . He wanted to be there for Chloe because she was alone . Theo went to see Chad . Chad wanted Theo to be careful because he did nt know what Eduardo and Deimos would do . Theo asked Chad if you could love two women the same . Claire told Abby that she was afraid that another woman was after Theo . Abby told her not to let the other woman win . Chloe reminded Brady that he was always defending Nicole even when they were married . Chloe thought that he was falling for Nicole . Valerie wanted to know why Eli thought David was his father . He told her that Terrence was nt his father . He said he did an ancestry test and found out that Terrence was nt his father . He blamed her for why he would never know his father . He wanted to know why she did nt tell him . Brady told Chloe that he did nt have feelings for Nicole . Chloe told him that she was going to New York . He offered to take care of her . She thought it would be easier for Nicole . Valerie told Eli about her relationship with David . Elli was upset that she did nt tell him about his father . Chloe let Maggie see Holly . Chloe told her that she was moving to New York . Eli thought Valerie lied to him all his life . She wanted to know why he did nt say anything sooner . He said he learned how to lie . She apologized to him . She asked if he s going to tell the Hortons . He would nt tell her . Eli went back to the church . Lani overheard him talking to David . Brady called Nicole to talk to her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lucinda : Kidnapped ? No , darling . I ca nt . I do nt want to be kidnapped today .
Sierra : Come on , Mother . You re always going from one crisis to the next . Come on , you need a break .
Lucinda : All right . Darlings , I -- I promise I ll fit in a day next week .
Lily : No . Today .
Lucinda : I ca nt . I have an appointment today .
Lily : Cancel it . You re Lucinda Walsh . You can do anything you want .
Lucinda : Tell that to the man upstairs . No , I ca nt . It s sweet of you to ask me , darling , but I really , I just ca nt . I ll take a rain check .
Sierra : Has something happened ?
Lucinda : No , no .
Lily : Because you ve been acting a little strange the last couple of days .
Lucinda : I do nt know , honey . Something s on my mind . That s all . It s nothing .
Sierra : You know , Mother , when you asked me to take over the domestic division , I did nt know how , you know , demanding it would be . I could use a break . So if I could use a break , then you could use a break .
Lucinda : Why do nt you take a break , darling ? If you need it , you should take it . Your daughter is in summer school and Williamstown is just lovely this time of the year .
Lily : What s this ?
Lucinda : It s just something legal . You know all the stuff you have to go through , Walter -- you know , all that . Eileen !
Sierra : You know , if it s about the Braxton merger , well , I d be happy to call Lord Peter .
Lucinda : No , I already spoke to him . I ve taken care of that . Eileen , thank you . Put that with my briefcase .
Eileen : The one you re taking on your trip ?
Lucinda : Yeah . Thank you .
Sierra : What trip ?
Lucinda : I m going to Chicago for an appointment .
Sierra : No , that s next week .
Lucinda : No , dear . No , it s today .
Sierra : Are you sure ? You know , I m going to call and check that out .
Lucinda : Do nt do that . You do nt have to . I rescheduled it myself .
Sierra : But I m supposed to be in on that meeting .
Lily : Are nt you going to a fundraiser tonight ?
Lucinda : Yes , dear . And I thought maybe you d be kind enough , you know , to go with your sister in my stead , all right ? And , Sierra , darling Sierra , you can sit in on the meeting next week , okay ? And I m late , so I have to go .
Jennifer : Do nt try to pretend like you re the only one who s got Craig s number . I know him pretty well . I dated his son .
Dusty : How did that go ?
Jennifer : That s not the point . Mike and I are very clear about what we want and what we do nt want . And for you to imply that we are somehow stupid or naive about --
Dusty : I did nt imply that . Mike s a great guy . But I got to tell you , this is way out of his league .
Jennifer : Are you implying that my husband is nt capable of protecting me ?
Dusty : From Craig ? No way .
Emily : You know what ? Whatever Carly needed , I m sure it can wait . Margaritas , thank you . You re amazing .
Paul : Well , I remembered . Here , sit down . What is it ? What s the matter ?
Emily : Nothing . Why ?
Paul : Is it Daniel ? It s your mom ? Is it Hal ?
Emily : Um , all of the above .
Paul : Emily , you can trust me , you know that . You can trust me . And you can tell me anything . We can always talk .
Emily : I do nt know how you re going to feel about me after I tell you this . But the call from Carly , it was nt for me . She wanted to talk to you . About Rosanna .
Carly : Rosanna does nt love you . She loves Paul .
Craig : Are you sure ? He let her down . She s a smart woman .
Carly : And she s wonderful .
Craig : Yeah .
Carly : And she s beautiful .
Craig : Yeah .
Carly : Why do nt you do the right thing ? Why do nt you think about someone other than yourself for once ? Why do nt you go out there and tell Rosanna that she deserves to have it all . Real love . True love , and not this marriage of convenience . [ Cell phone ringing ] Oh , that s Paul . Dammit , Craig ! You have no right .
Craig : Do you really think Rosanna Cabot is going to spend the rest of her life pining for Paul ?
Carly : I told her that I would like her to find someone who makes her happy .
Craig : Your sister is a grown woman . She knows what she wants and she knows she wants to marry me .
Carly : We ll see .
Craig : What s that supposed to mean ?
Carly : It means that there is still time . There is still time for Paul to track me down . There is still time for Rosanna to change her mind . And there is still time for you to get lost .
Craig : Nice .
Justice of peace : Sorry to interrupt , but has there been a change of plans ?
Craig : No , no , no . Not at all . Come on , Carly . We would nt want to keep your sister waiting . Come on .
Margo : Hey , is everything okay ?
Rosanna : Of course , I just dropped my bouquet .
Jack : She s got a little case of the jitters .
Rosanna : Well , it s perfectly natural , is nt it ? It s practically a tradition .
Jack : Along with second thoughts .
Margo : You know , if you want to take some time , think this over , Rosanna ?
Katie : Yeah , you know , we could come back a different day or not .
Tom : I m sure everyone would understand if you changed your mind .
Rosanna : No , of course not . Look , there s no need for concern . I m fine . Just where s my fiancé ?
Craig : Right here ! With our witness . Jack , I ll trade you .
Jack : You okay ?
Carly : I just ca nt believe that she s going to go through with this .
Justice of peace : Are we ready to begin ?
Craig : Absolutely .
Rosanna : Craig , I need to talk to you first .
Paul : I keep getting Carly s voicemail .
Emily : I m sorry . I should have told you right away . I know , I just thought it was Rosanna , you know , pulling her same tricks , doing whatever she can to get your attention . I m so sorry .
Paul : I m surprised after last night that Rosanna would even want to see me .
Emily : What about you ? [ Paul sighs ] Rosanna ?
Paul : I wanted to hurt her . Last night , I wanted to hurt her the way she hurt me when she left me . And I did . She was devastated . You could see it in her face . And I thought that that would make me feel great . You know , vindicated . But it did nt . I just -- I felt like a heel .
Emily : That s because you re a good person .
Paul : Yeah .
Emily : Go do what you have to do .
Paul : Will you be here when i get back ?
Emily : Yeah , I ll be here . You hurt him again , Rosanna , I ll claw your eyes out .
Nurse : Finished ?
Lucinda : You d think that in the age of the computer , you would have all this .
Nurse : We do . Who is picking you up after the procedure ?
Lucinda : My car is coming to pick me up .
Nurse : You should have a friend or relative with you .
Lucinda : I believe this is outpatient surgery .
Nurse : It is . But you ll be coming out from under anesthesia . You re going to want to have someone drive you home and make sure you get settled .
Lucinda : Oh . Okay . Okay .
Nurse : All right . Thank you .
Meg : So , why wo nt anybody tell me why you and Lily broke up ?
Holden : Maybe because it s none of your business .
Meg : You re my brother .
Holden : Maybe because you re dying to know .
Meg : So what ? Everybody else knows .
Holden : Maybe because you have been competing with my wife since Dusty Donovan picked her over you .
Meg : Your wife ?
Holden : Until the divorce is final , she s still my wife .
Meg : Look , it s never easy ending a marriage . But all I care about is that you re hurting . Josh and I split up .
Holden : Yeah . I heard about that . What happened there ?
Meg : You know what ? Finish your sandwich . I ll get that . Snyder residence .
Lucinda : Meg ?
Meg : Who s this ?
Lucinda : Oh , surely , surely you recognize my dacoit tones . It s Lucinda Walsh .
Meg : Mamma s not here .
Lucinda : I do nt want to talk to your Mother . I m calling to speak to you . I have a favor to ask of you . My assistant is out of town on an emergency and the hospital does nt want to release me later without a personage to take me home .
Meg : Well , what about one of your daughters ?
Lucinda : My daughters do nt know about this , and I ve explained that . My choice is you . Are you coming ? Meg ? Do you want me to write you a check ? Or buy you a present ? Take you out to lunch ?
Meg : All you have to do is ask . I ll be right there . Something s come up . I got ta go .
Holden : Everything okay ?
Meg : Yeah . Everything is just fine . We ll pick this up later ?
Holden : Sure .
Meg : Bye .
Dusty : Nothing against your husband , I like him very much .
Jennifer : You just do nt have any respect for him .
Dusty : Oh , I have total respect for him . He s not vicious , he s not ruthless . That s the problem . Craig is . You understand ?
Jennifer : Dusty , mike and I are well aware of how nasty Craig is . Look at what he did to my Mother .
Dusty : Mm . Busted up her marriage , took her money .
Jennifer : Exactly .
Dusty : That s not what I m talking about .
Jennifer : Well , then maybe you need to make yourself a little more clear .
Dusty : Craig just takes whatever he wants . I m not talking about theft or humiliation . He ll take a life if he has to .
Jennifer : Are you telling me that Craig has killed someone ? And that you know this for a fact ? You have proof . Dusty , why have nt you gone to the police ?
Dusty : Because I promised Lucy I would nt .
Jennifer : Lucy knows about this ?
Dusty : Lucy s one of the victims . One of the lucky ones , cause she survived .
Craig : Are you having second thoughts ?
Rosanna : Well , I m certainly wondering if I m doing the right thing .
Craig : Why ? Because other people say so ?
Rosanna : No , I would nt go that far .
Craig : Well , so , you -- you re family s unhappy . So is mine . They do nt think I m good enough for you . I do nt blame them . But the point is this is our marriage for our reasons . Nobody knows what we have . They do nt know what we ve lost . What it takes to get up every morning . Accept that loss . Start over every day . Okay ?
Rosanna : It s not easy .
Craig : No , it s not . And the only thing that helps is having someone who understands . I know you need that . I need that . I need you to marry me , share my new child , to help me be a better parent , be a better person , be better groomed . And in return , I will help you make a new beginning . So , what do you say ?
Rosanna : We made such a mess of it last time .
Craig : I made a mess . You were perfect . [ Craig chuckles ] We have nothing to lose . So , let s start over . Make each other happy .
Tom : What do you think the chances are that she s telling him to take a hike ?
Katie : She marries him and Mike and Jennifer are in for such a tough fight .
Margo : She marries him and she s in for a tough fight .
Jack : It s out of your hands , Carly .
Carly : I hope she s telling him she s changed her mind .
Jack : You ll soon find out .
Craig : Hey , people . Sit down . Come on , come on . We re having a wedding . Come on , sit down , please . Thank you . Sit down . Sit down .
Carly : Wait . Rosanna -- there s something I need to say .
Rosanna : That s okay , Carly . There s something that I should say first . If you do nt mind . As you all know , Craig and I have been married before . Twice . And failed at it rather spectacularly . But we re still friends . Good friends . And I think that means something very special . And we wanted all of you to be here because we love you , and we wish you joy and peace and prosperity and love . And we hope that you wish us the same . Okay .
Craig : Okay .
Rosanna : I think we re ready .
Justice of peace : At last . [ Rosanna chuckles ] Friends , family , we re gathered here to witness the marriage of Rosanna Cabot and Craig Montgomery .
Paul : Rosanna ?
Announcer : Coming up on As the World Turns .
Rosanna : With this ring , I thee we d .
Dusty : What happened ?
Jennifer : Craig married Rosanna . There s no stopping him now .
Justice of peace : Do you , Craig , take this woman to be your lawful wife ?
Craig : I do . With this ring , I thee we d . For the last time .
Rosanna : Boy , that s not too shabby , Mr. Montgomery .
Craig : It s just the beginning , Mrs. Montgomery .
Justice of peace : Do you , Rosanna , take this man to be your lawful husband ?
Rosanna : I do . But I do nt have a ring .
Craig : Oh , no . I still have mine .
Rosanna : Oh . [ Rosanna chuckles ] With this ring , I thee we d .
Justice of peace : By the authority vested in me , I pronounce you husband and wife .
Craig : What ? What s wrong ?
Rosanna : Nothing . I just had a strange feeling .
Craig : Remorse already ?
Rosanna : No . No , of course not .
Craig : We re gon na be happy . I know . You wo nt be sorry you did that .
Holden : Hello .
Nurse : I m sorry to disturb you , but I m looking for Lucinda Walsh s contact person .
Meg : I m right here .
Nurse : Oh . Sorry . She s right here .
Lily : Hi .
Holden : Hi .
Lily : How was your trip ?
Holden : It was good . What re you doing here ?
Lily : I m looking for someone to watch the girls , cause my mom was called away to Chicago last minute and she asked me to go to this fundraiser in her place tonight . So , could you watch the girls ?
Holden : Yeah , yeah , sure .
Lily : Thanks .
Holden : I just got a call from someone who was looking for Lucinda s contact person . I thought that they were looking for you , but you walked in the door .
Lily : Who was it ?
Holden : I did nt get a chance to ask . They suddenly said that she was here , and then they hung up .
Lily : It s not Sierra , because I was just with Sierra .
Holden : And your mom is on her way to Chicago ?
Lily : Yeah , she s en route , yeah .
Holden : I do nt know . Maybe it was nothing .
Lily : I ll give her a call .
Meg : They are a little backed up , but they will be with you in a few minutes .
Lucinda : If I ran my business the way these people run theirs , you know --
Meg : No one would get sick .
Lucinda : Right .
Meg : Right , yeah .
Lucinda : Hopefully . Hopefully .
Meg : So , are you gon na fill me in ? Are you and lily on the outs ?
Lucinda : Of course not .
Meg : So , what s the real reason you wo nt tell her , or Sierra .
Lucinda : I want my privacy . And I do nt want to be fussed over .
Meg : You know , you never were really good at letting other people take care of you .
Lucinda : I do nt need other people to take care of me .
Meg : Okay . Yep . No matter what hospital you go to , they always seem to put these at the same place . Here we go .
Lucinda : Hey , I m not cold .
Meg : No , no . You re scared . And that s okay .
Lucinda : Okay .
Nurse : They re ready for you now , Ms. Walsh . You can change into your gown .
Meg : Oh , that s stylish . You will be fine .
Lucinda : Of course . It s just a colossal waste of time .
Craig : There we go . I would like to propose a toast . To my once and present bride .
Tom : Here here .
Rosanna : Yes , and I d like to say thank you all for coming .
Craig : And I would like to thank you for your support . This is a fresh start for me and my beautiful wife . And with her help , I m going to be a better husband . A better brother , and God willing , a better father .
Dusty : Craig took a gamble and lost . The cops caught up to his phony adoption ordeal .
Jennifer : So that s why Rosanna lost Cabot .
Dusty : And Lucy , after that , refused to forgive him . That s why she was heading off to college for a clean slate .
Jennifer : I certainly would nt blame her .
Dusty : But Craig could nt let it go . So he decided the best thing to do was to have her kidnapped .
Jennifer : What ?
Dusty : To save her . To play hero . So she d call him Daddy again , forgive him , and they live happily ever after . But that s not the way it went down .
Craig : Last winter when I was abroad , I was painfully reminded that what matters most is the people you love . Your family , your friends . So I propose another toast , to you , who have supported me when maybe I have nt deserved it . Let me have it when I have . I owe you more than -- than I can say .
Dusty : I was there when the kidnapping went down . Luckily , I got to Lucy before Craig even had a chance to pull off his heroic rescue attempt .
Jennifer : Yeah , I would say that s lucky .
Dusty : Yes and no . The kidnappers that Craig hired wanted money , naturally . Craig does nt have money . Not real money . Not the kind of money to pay off a ransom on Lucinda Walsh s grandchild , you understand ? What does Craig do ? He decides to blow them off . This infuriates Don and Wade . They try to go after Lucy then on their own .
Jennifer : Well , you said that someone was killed .
Dusty : I found don , on a rooftop , bleeding hole in his chest . And he told me that Craig shot him before he died . And Craig was obviously prepared to blame me , cause he used my gun . He also shot Alan Drake . You remember Sierra s husband ? There was a second ransom made . Alan made the drop . Craig shows up . Next thing you know , Alan s dead . Wade is dead , and nobody knows whether Lucy is alive or not . Thank God , thank God , I found her in time . She so easily could have died because of Craig .
Craig : I m a very lucky guy . Despite all my mistakes , I m still here . For the moment . And more importantly , so , for better or worse , are all of you . So , I propose another toast to you . May you be as happy and as blessed as I am .
Dusty : Craig has no limits . He takes whatever he wants . He wants to be father to your child . You still think you and Mike can handle him on your own ?
Emily : Paul ? What happened ?
Paul : In a minute .
Jennifer : Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this information .
Dusty : I say we start where he lives , in his wallet .
Jennifer : Dusty , I know that you want to help . But Mike and I need to do this on our own .
Dusty : Did you hear anything I said ?
Jennifer : Yes , all of it . And I promise you that I will keep your secret for Lucy s sake , but I will tell Mike , okay ? So that he understands why we need to be very , very careful .
Jennifer : Paul ?
Paul : Are you sitting down ? Craig just married Rosanna .
Jennifer : What ?
Paul : Which means he s got power , influence , connections , money .
Jennifer : How could she do that ? I do nt understand .
Paul : The point is , they re a united front . Now that he s married , he can provide a home , an education , an army of lawyers .
Jennifer : Yeah , no , I get all that . I ve got to go . I ll call you later .
Dusty : What happened ?
Jennifer : Craig married Rosanna . There s no stopping him now .
Lucinda : I hate this . I mean , really , there s absolutely nothing wrong with my legs .
Meg : Well , you want to waltz down the Hallway with your fanny in the wind , that s your call . But , I d take the ride if I were you . Have you had outpatient surgery before ?
Lucinda : This is just a biopsy , darling . How difficult can it be ?
Meg : So you do nt have any questions .
Lucinda : Of course I have questions . I ve got lots of questions . I m just not getting many answers , that s all .
Meg : Okay , try me .
Lucinda : All right . Well , look . Come here . I know we have to justify the existence of the lab , the pathologists and everything , but I do nt understand why a competent oncologist ca nt just look at the damn cyst and then just tell me what he thinks .
Meg : Whether or not you have cancer ?
Lucinda : Yes .
Meg : The doctor will be able to give you her impressions . But if it is cancer , she wo nt be able to tell you what stage it s at until the pathologist takes a look . At that could take a few days .
Lucinda : Oh , yeah , the stages .
Meg : They have to culture the cell . And I know it ll be hard waiting , but you ll get through it .
Lucinda : I have done a little research , but I m really appreciative of a human voice . Thank you .
Meg : So , are you ready to give me your things ?
Lucinda : Oh , yeah . [ Lucinda laughs ] Okay . I am entrusting to you , and you re gon na be held accountable for my palm pilot and my phone and my specs . And also the scarf , cause I like it .
Meg : You re welcome .
Nurse : You ready ?
Lucinda : Yeah .
Meg : I ll be right here , Lucinda , when you re done .
Lucinda : I m fine . I m not a child .
Lily : My Mother was supposed to send Walter a document , and that s the meeting that Sierra and I walked in on , and she never sent any document . And Mary ca nt find her , and Dusty ca nt find her . And she s asked all three of us to cover for her at this fundraiser . She s turned off her cell phone and I ca nt find Claudia .
Holden : Maybe she does nt want to be reached . She does nt have a new boyfriend , does she ?
Lily : If she does , he s not doing his job , because she s very stressed out and she s very edgy . I do nt know , something is wrong , I just -- I can just just feel it .
Jennifer : How could Rosanna be so stupid ? She lost Cabot because of him . And to marry him ? ! Marry him again ? !
Dusty : Smart move on Craig s part . Sets him up with a power base , makes himself look like a family man .
Jennifer : Dusty , we have to stop him .
Dusty : We ? I thought I was out of bounds .
Jennifer : That was before Craig married Rosanna . Okay ? Now , I m gon na go tell Mike what s happened , okay ? He will understand . This is the only way .
Craig : How s my bride ? Hmm ?
Rosanna : Tired . And a little overwhelmed .
Craig : Ah , well , I did nt know whether to put my bags in the master room or the guest room .
Rosanna : Craig , this is a friendly arrangement .
Craig : Okay , okay . The guest room it is . A guy can dream , ca nt he ? Rosanna ? It was lovely .
Emily : It s so like them to use each other like that to get what they need . I mean , it s typical .
Paul : All right , Emily , just stop .
Emily : Now he s gon na go after your sister s baby . And Rosanna ? The only reason she married him was to stick it to you .
Paul : Stop .
Emily : I m sorry . They just make me so mad .
Paul : Okay . [ Emily sighs ] Why do nt we just call it a night , all right ? I mean , I m not -- I m not really in a festive mood .
Emily : I know , I m sorry . And I m sorry you had to walk in on all that .
Paul : No , at least I know . I think maybe I just need a little time alone .
Emily : Okay . I m gon na go .
Paul : You do nt mind ?
Emily : Whatever you need .
Minister : With this ring , I thee we d .
Paul : With this ring , I thee we d .
Minister : Rosanna ?
Rosanna : Paul , with this ring , I thee we d , and pledge to you my love .
Minister : Rosanna ?
Rosanna : Paul , with this ring , I thee we d , and pledge to you my love .
Announcer : On the next As the World Turns --
Lucinda : Everything went like clockwork , right ? I can go home , I can leave ?
Doctor : In a minute , Ms. Walsh . First , I have some news for you .
Gwen : We ca nt pretend that you re the father of the baby . I need to tell the truth . Starting with Casey .
Jack : Is this your dad ?
Carly : No . The more I look at this picture , the less it makes sense .
### Summary:
| Today , Lucinda continues to struggle with the news of her cancer . Meg is at the farm reuniting with her brother , Holden The phone rings ; it is Lucinda and she really needs Meg to give her a ride to the hospital .. Little does Lucinda know - a nurse is now calling the farm for contact info on Lucinda - which confuses Holden . He reports this call to Lily ! Back to the wedding of the year some sense into Rosanna - but the wedding begins . What no one knows is that Carly made a phone call before talking to Rosanna - to Paul ! He walked outside just in time to see them pronounced husband and wife , then slipped out unseen . We see him standing out of sight - tears streaming down his face . Paul goes home , poured a drink and phoned his sister to tell her the news , which is that Craig now has the considerable power of the Cabot name behind him . There s no stopping him now , fretted Jen , deciding then and there that she s ready to fight dirty |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nikolas : An area of concern ? Can you be more specific ? An ultrasound as a precautionary measure or is there something more serious here ?
Rebecca : Do I have cancer ?
Doctor : Let s just do the ultrasound , and then we ll see where we are , okay ?
Carly : I hope I m not barging in on a major pow - wow , except if it were , I d already be here . What s Jerry doing on your computer screen ?
Claudia : Yes , hi , thank you for taking my call . I was in such a hurry to leave the pharmacy that I did nt really pay attention to the instructions . What is the proper dosage again ? Only two at a time and never with alcohol . Right , great . Okay , thank you so much .
Ric : So I ll keep my ear to the ground and see if I can scope out any more dissidents , but I m thinking that once the men hear that you were one step ahead of medina and that he s no longer around , I hope they ll fall in line .
Sonny : You did good , Ric , giving me that heads up .
Ric : You still seem a little surprised . Is that because I knew about the ambush or I told you about it ?
Sonny : Maybe both . I mean , it does nt really matter because you proved yourself to me , and I accept you into the business . So that s good for a days work . Is nt it ?
Ric : Absolutely .
Jason : I need to talk to Sonny alone .
Sonny : Well , you can speak freely in front of Ric .
Jason : Since when ?
Sonny : Since my brother saved my life .
Robin : I ca nt believe this . I do nt know what is more outrageous . You blabbing to Carly about my personal life or her sending her nanny over here to teach me how to care of my kid .
Patrick : Robin , that is not at all what happened .
Robin : Do you think you could have asked me how I felt about Carly knowing that I m fighting postpartum depression ?
Patrick : You could have checked in with me before you took off to Rochester and left me wondering what the hell just happened .
Robin : So what is this then ? This is payback ? You wanted to spill your guts to Carly to get back at me ? Do you even get what a violation of privacy this is , what a betrayal of trust ?
Patrick : Robin , do you really want to talk about betrayal and trust right now ?
Robin : What s that supposed to mean ?
Patrick : I am not going to enable your condition or be in denial about it any longer .
Robin : I can not believe you went to Carly .
Patrick : Robin , it was a continuation of a conversation we had a while ago .
Robin : Excuse me ?
Patrick : And Carly was concerned about you .
Robin : You ve been whining to Carly about me this whole time ? That s great . I m sure she s been loving that . Finally , indisputable truth of my incompetence provided by my husband .
Patrick : Are you kidding me ? It s not always about you .
Robin : If you wanted to punish me , you could have come up with a more clever way .
Patrick : With all things considered , Robin , it s pretty damn tame compared to the punishment you ve me through .
Rebecca : I m sorry . I probably cut off the circulation in your hand .
Nikolas : No , no , it s fine . Do you mind if I ask you something that I ll admit is probably none of my business ?
Rebecca : You ve earned the right .
Nikolas : What prompted you to have the mammogram in the first place ? I mean , you re kind of young for that .
Rebecca : I had a routine physical and they found a lump .
Nikolas : Well , maybe it s just a cyst or something like that .
Rebecca : Yeah , I hope so .
Nikolas : Well , it s a good thing you re getting the ultrasound done right away . There s nothing worse than waiting .
Rebecca : Unless you re waiting alone . Could you -- would you mind waiting with me ?
Nikolas : Yeah , sure , as long as it takes .
Jason : Tell me you still know Ric ca nt be trusted .
Sonny : You know what ? It s a new day .
Jason : It s the same crap , Sonny . Something happens , Ric shows up , sucks up to you , plays the half - brother card , something happens again , and he moves on .
Ric : Do nt try to explain , Sonny . Jason has a limited capacity to grasp the complexities of human dynamics . It s not his fault . He has no context . Look , Jason , let me put it this way . People can change based on situational -- I m sorry . Am I losing you here ? Let me put it another way for you , okay ? Conditions change , right ? Anthony Zacchara is no longer part of the equation , and since nature abhors a vacuum , that space has got to get filled . A new order develops where one - time enemies can become allies .
Sonny : Let me fill you in . I had a meeting with one of , you know , Anthony s old lieutenants , okay ? It was a trap . They were going to waste me to make a run for their own territory . If it had nt been for Ric , you d be planning my funeral right now .
Jason : He could have set the whole thing up .
Sonny : No , I checked it out . By the way , Bruno Medina disappeared .
Jason : All right , I ll follow up .
Ric : No , no , it s okay . It s already been taken care of . I m sure Sonny could find something else for you to do . I ll be in touch .
Jason : Tell me you re not serious .
Sonny : You re right .
Carly : Okay , maybe you better tell me what s going on , and how is Jerry involved ?
Jax : It s complicated , like anything having to do with my brother . He lives literally to wreak havoc .
Carly : Literally ? Okay , now you re scaring me .
Olivia : Okay , I m going to make myself scarce . I m going to make sure that bid gets on your desk , and I got a meeting with the heads of maintenance , okay ?
Jax : Thank you .
Olivia : Yeah .
Jax : I received an email from Jerry with an attachment .
Carly : How is that possible ?
Jax : He s alive and apparently well . As I suspected all along , he faked his own death that night on the ship and for some reason he had to leave Port Charles . Of course , he did nt think about what faking his death would do to my mother . I opened my computer up , checked my email , and there s one from Jerry , like it was nothing , like he d gone out for milk .
Carly : Okay , I m going to need some guidance on this . Am I supposed to be happy about this or sorry ?
Jax : That s the sad part . I do nt even know .
Carly : All right , am I missing something obvious ? Why is Jerry picking now to let you know he s alive ?
Jax : Does it matter ?
Carly : Yeah , it matters . Jerry does nt do anything without a good reason . I want to hear that myself .
Jax : No , Carly . I do nt want you involved in anything to do with my brother . There s no need , okay .
Carly : What did he say ? Did he at least say he was sorry ?
Jax : Yes , of course he said he was sorry . Sorry is Jerry s best event when it comes to me . Of course , it s always after the fact . After he s caused as much damage as possible , or he needs me to bail him out . I ve had it up to here with him .
Carly : I can see that .
Jax : You were right about my brother all along . He s a sociopath .
Carly : He s your brother .
Jax : Biological mistake . Maybe he was adopted . That would make sense .
Carly : Okay , I ca nt believe I m saying this , but I believe that underneath all that self - absorption , Jerry really does love you .
Jax : Yes , but it never makes up for the pain he causes , does it ?
Carly : Okay , all right , let s look at the big picture here .
Jax : What ?
Carly : Jerry s alive . Think about what that s going to do to Jane . She is going to be so happy . She has been grieving for him every single day . She has nt stopped . And you know what ? Another thing , when there s life , there s hope , and I do nt want to see this --
Jax : Listen to us . No , no , no -- stop , stop , we re talking about Jerry . I do nt want to talk about Jerry , okay ? We just renewed our wedding vows . By some miracle , we found our way back to each other and that s all that matters , okay ? That is all that matters .
Carly : Okay .
Sonny : I m glad to know you got my back .
Jason : You do nt make it easy , you know , with Ric hanging around here all the time .
Sonny : I know who and what I m dealing with .
Jason : Okay . Then why is he still around ?
Sonny : You ever hear the expression , keep your friends close and your enemies even closer ? Ric hates me . You know that . For his lousy childhood , always has . That s a given . But there s something else going on . He had a good thing going when he worked for Anthony . Money , power , position . I come in the picture , he s got nothing . He s going to blame me like he always does . He s going to try to take me down , but at least this way I see him coming . I m not going to give him anything that can come back and bite us . You know I would nt do that .
Jason : It does nt feel right . You know , Ric could have set up the ambush to make himself look good . We ca nt prove that he did nt . With all due respect , do you think your head s in the right place ?
Sonny : My head s in the right place . I m not spiraling out of control .
Jason : Okay , I just think that you might have more invested in Michael s possible recovery than you anticipated . That can be distracting . It can be disappointing . If Ric s around here , he s going to take advantage of that , not to mention Claudia here . Who knows what s up ?
Sonny : Seriously , I m okay .
Jason : I d like to keep it that way .
Sonny : Ric stays for now .
Jason : Your call . Just keep him away from me .
Claudia : Hi , Jason . How are you doing ? It s good to talk to you , too . You really should teach him some manners .
Sonny : Jason hates Ric , but at least it s consistent , not like somebody else that I know . I m not going to name any names or anything .
Claudia : Okay , you know what ? Let me just be clear . I did not suggest that you bring Ric back into the organization because I think he s a great guy suddenly . I just think that we can utilize him until he becomes a problem .
Sonny : Then what ?
Claudia : Then we get rid of him . Or we sit back and wait and watch while someone else does it . Give it a week or two . There will be plenty of volunteers .
Sonny : All right , I m going to be gone the rest of the afternoon . Do me a favor ; do nt underestimate Ric , because he s like a cockroach . You ca nt get rid of him .
Nikolas : Excuse me , nurse .
Rebecca : Excuse me .
Robin : I do nt know what you want from me .
Patrick : Truth would be a great place to start .
Robin : I gave you the truth . I told you what happened in Rochester . I came home . I admitted I had a problem to you . I admitted it to myself . I thought that would make a difference .
Patrick : It would make a difference if followed through with it , Robin .
Robin : Maybe I would if you would stop judging me for 10 seconds or being so passive - aggressive by saying , oh , I support you , and then running off and telling the entire world what a crappy mother I am .
Patrick : I have never , ever said that to anyone . I asked Carly for input .
Robin : Carly , Carly , Carly , the woman who hates my guts .
Patrick : Carly had postpartum depression , okay ? I was thinking maybe she could give us some insight to try and keep our family together .
Robin : Right , insight . I do nt want any insight or advice from Carly , thank you very much . This is my problem . I will solve it .
Patrick : Great , plan on starting any time soon ?
Robin : You re doing it again . You know what ?
Patrick : Say hi to your friends in Rochester .
Monica : Hi , I hope nothing s wrong with Spencer .
Nikolas : No , no , no , no , he s just fine . I m here with Rebecca .
Monica : Is she sick ?
Nikolas : I really do nt know . I mean , a routine physical led to a mammogram , which led to an ultrasound where there was an area of concern . I do nt know .
Monica : I just got chills .
Nikolas : I know what you mean .
Monica : I mean , the coincidence .
Nikolas : If that s what it is .
Monica : What do you mean ?
Nikolas : Well , what are the chances ? Both Emily and her mother had breast cancer , and now here s Rebecca , who s basically Emily s twin , is --
Monica : No , do nt go there .
Nikolas : But what if we re missing something here ? You ve spent a lot of time with Emily s mother . Did she say anything that would hint at Emily having a sister ?
Rebecca : I m in radiology , too .
Radiologist : Mm - hmm .
Rebecca : I was hired at General Hospital right before the fire . That s why I know that an ultra - stenographer usually performs ultrasounds , not a radiologist . So why are you ?
Radiologist : Well , I m pretty backed up here with the overflow from General . The tech was nt available . I am .
Rebecca : Do you think something s wrong ?
Radiologist : I could nt say .
Rebecca : That dark spot -- what is it ?
Radiologist : Oh , please , Ms. Shaw , I need you to stay still . Thank you . We ll know where we stand soon enough .
Sonny : Your office said you were here .
Patrick : Yeah , come on in .
Sonny : Is it a bad time ?
Patrick : It s not a great time . What can I do for you ?
Sonny : I just wanted to talk to you about Michael , but if you ve got a lot going on , I get it .
Patrick : I was actually going to try and go to the Aftercare facility later on tonight for a follow - up , but I got to be honest , Sonny . I do nt expect any change .
Sonny : Yeah , well , I mean , I just was thinking -- I do nt know what I was thinking .
Patrick : Yeah , I understand .
Sonny : Looks like you can use a little of that , too , huh ?
Patrick : Yeah , that d be nice .
Sonny : What s wrong ? Can I help you with anything ?
Patrick : I m not supposed to discuss that with you because that would be passive - aggressive and a betrayal of trust .
Sonny : The other person being Robin ?
Patrick : Looks like Robin , sounds like Robin , but you know , honestly , I do nt recognize her .
Sonny : You lost me .
Patrick : Robin has postpartum depression , and it s destroying our family .
Jason : You okay ? Hey .
Robin : This is where I m supposed to say yes , right ? That I m in denial , or I m trying to act strong . Well , you know what ? I am sick of being in denial , and I do nt really feel that strong right now , so I ll just admit it . I am a failure as a wife , as a mother . I do nt understand why this is happening . I wanted to have a baby . I wanted to get married , so why has everything gone so wrong ?
Claudia : Sonny s not here . I m not expecting him back any time soon , so you re going to have to come lick his boots some other time .
Ric : Oh , now , is that any way to greet me ? Especially after that nice , accommodating message that you left on my voicemail . What s that you said ? Oh , that s right . I win , and I can have anything I want , huh ?
Ric : What do you got for me ?
Claudia : Nothing , nothing , I have nothing for you , Ric .
Ric : Well , your message seemed to intimate that you had incriminating evidence against Sonny .
Claudia : I thought I did , but I do nt . Maybe tomorrow .
Ric : Oh , Claudia , are you just trying to jerk me around and make me unhappy ? Because I may have to teach you a lesson .
Claudia : You know what ? Do nt do anything stupid . Ric , do you really think that he s going to just leave incriminating evidence for anyone to find , especially me ?
Ric : Not if you keep looking , you know . You got to think positively here and proactively here , Claudia . Lure him into compromising conversations , you know . Pillow - talk him out of some of the information . I do nt care . Whatever it takes to make me happy .
Claudia : I d rather eat dirt .
Ric : You know what ? Why do nt you take it easy , stop playing hard to get ? Come on , Claudia , we both know you ve been got . The only way out of this is for Sonny to find out your involvement in Michael s shooting . Is that what you want ?
Claudia : No , obviously not .
Ric : Good , then why do nt you take me to bed ?
Claudia : Fine , let s go , get it over with .
Nikolas : I know that your time at the La Mesa wellness center was a very traumatic time for you , and I hate asking you about it . But maybe it will help .
Monica : Oh , I do nt mind . I do nt mind if it will help . It s just hard to explain the bonds that form when you are looking at death . All those carefully constructed barriers -- they just become irrelevant , and you get real . You get real -- fast . Paige and I , we became such good friends so quickly . It was like we had known each other all of our lives . We talked about everything . There was nt any topic that was too insignificant or too great .
Nikolas : Including Emily ?
Monica : Especially Emily . When Paige found out she was terminal , she realized she was going to be leaving her daughter when a young woman really needed a mother the most . And she gave her to Alan and me because there was nt anybody else -- nobody . If Emily had had family , then Paige would have sent her there . And I would ve known about it .
Nikolas : I guess that s it then . All this -- Rebecca s phenomenal resemblance to Emily , the fact that she chose a medical career , the potential risk of breast cancer -- it s all a crazy coincidence then , I guess .
Monica : I guess . I mean , you know , her appearance has unnerved everybody , Nikolas .
Nikolas : Well , Rebecca s not Emily . We know that . She s just a woman facing a potential scary diagnosis all on her own .
Monica : My heart goes out to her because that exam room is really the loneliest place in the world .
Radiologist : Here you go .
Rebecca : I do nt suppose you could give me an E.T.A. on the ultrasound results ?
Radiologist : You re in the business , right ? You know the answer .
Robin : I do get that I m responsible for turning our lives upside down . But I also get that I have a disorder that compels me . So what came first , the chicken or the egg ? I do nt know .
Jason : What do you mean ?
Robin : Meaning that I may have postpartum depression , but those symptoms have been a part of my nature all along . I ve always set high expectations for myself . I ve always been an over - achiever . I do nt know . Maybe it s just an excuse for the truth , which is a lot simpler , which is -- what kind of monster looks at her little girl and does nt want to kiss her and hold her and love her ?
Jason : Hold on , Robin . You are not a monster .
Robin : That s up for debate . On the other hand , Patrick is the most sensitive man I ve ever met , in a very logical and sort of detached way . I know that sounds like a contradiction , but it s true . He saw it from the beginning . He tried to get me to open up , and I just felt judged . But that s in the past , right ? I mean , now I ve finally admitted that I have a problem . And I thought that we could work on this problem together , but instead he s just -- I do nt know . He s all about being vindicated or something . And I just end up feeling judged all over again .
Jason : I think that -- I mean , this has got to be hard on Patrick . It is absolute hell to see someone that you love sick , and you ca nt do anything about it .
Robin : Right , but would you go and make the problem worse ? Because that s exactly what Patrick did when he went blabbing his mouth all over town about it .
Patrick : So there we were . Robin in denial . Me tripping over myself to join her . Neither one of us doing anything constructive to try and help the problem .
Sonny : Maybe Robin was just waiting for the right time .
Patrick : Or the right stranger .
Sonny : What do you mean ? I do nt understand .
Patrick : A couple of nights ago , Sonny , we had plans to go out for dinner to our favorite restaurant . She d been wanting to go for weeks . I was held up a little bit at work , so I tried to get a hold of her to tell her . She was nt answering her phone . She was nt at the restaurant . It s not like Robin to go take off without her husband and baby , right ?
Sonny : Right .
Patrick : Well , that s exactly what she did . She ended up at some hotel in Rochester -- took on a whole new persona , named herself Nancy . No husband , no children , no problems .
Sonny : Sorry , does nt sound like Robin one bit .
Patrick : Yeah , she claims she hit rock bottom which is still yet to be seen . She did come home and admit that she needs help .
Sonny : Well , that s a good thing . I mean , I know a thing or two about denying a chemical imbalance . It took me a long time to face the fact that I was bipolar . But I tell you what , if you ask for help , that s a big step in the right direction .
Patrick : Yeah , except I m afraid it s all lip service because Robin s idea of treatment was inviting Lainey over for lunch .
Sonny : Lainey is a good psychiatrist . She treated me .
Patrick : She s a great doctor , but she s also one of Robin s best friends . Which is fine if she actually uses Lainey s services . Ten minutes into the conversation , Robin got up and took off , which led to my unforgivable transgression by going to someone who has been through postpartum to try to talk to her about it and try to find some insight .
Sonny : Are we talking about Carly ?
Patrick : Yes , Carly .
Sonny : You know that s not Robin s favorite person .
Patrick : Absolutely , but it s the only woman I know that can maybe give me some help here .
Sonny : Robin went off ?
Patrick : And so did I. And once again , I m the bad guy .
Claudia : Are you sure you want to do this ?
Ric : Why would nt I ?
Claudia : Because I think that you should just quit while you re ahead . Settle for what you ve got . Quit trying to chase the elusive , Ric . It s not going to make your brother be any other kind of brother . He s not going to be the one you want him to be .
Ric : Believe me ; I gave up that fantasy a long time ago .
Claudia : You finally have the access that you want . Enjoy it . Let that be enough . Come on , Ric . Using me to bring down your brother is never going to make him love you .
Ric : You re not listening . Okay , that s not what I m after here .
Claudia : Then what is the point ?
Ric : Claudia , you re smarter than this . I would ve thought you figured it out by now . I want everything . I want everything that Sonny has . I want his money . I want his power . I want his wife . And you know what ? I want you to make me a drink . Make sure it s the good stuff .
Claudia : Why do nt you make it yourself ?
Ric : Why do nt you pour it for me ? I d like it better .
Claudia : Okay .
Ric : Something about this seems very right . You jumping through hoops is going to make me happy .
Ric : Wow .
Claudia : Here you go . I hope you choke on it .
Ric : Oh , you re so sexy -- very , very sexy when you re pissed . You know that ?
Ric : Why do nt you go over there and take your clothes off . And do it real slow , like you like me .
Jason : I can see that this has been hell for you , and it s got to be the same for Patrick . Because I remember when Carly had postpartum , and I ll never forget the look on her face when she realized that she could not even touch her own baby . I would have done anything for her . But there was nothing I could do .
Robin : I know this must be really hard on Patrick . But telling Carly ? Come on . I know she s your best friend , but you know our history .
Jason : What does it matter ? Carly suffered from the same disorder as you . If she can give Patrick some advice that could help you both , why not take it ?
Robin : I do nt know . I just wish Patrick was more like you -- less morally superior and more supportive .
Jason : Well , I do nt know Patrick well , but I do know that he s a good doctor , and he s a good guy . And right now he may not be doing or saying everything right , but I m sure all he wants is for you to get better .
Sonny : As you know , I ve known Robin a long time . I know how she copes . I know the tools she uses . She s had to go through a lot in her life . The person she loved dying of AIDS , getting diagnosed herself , living with HIV -- through that she s had an incredible support system . But she has this stubborn , intense independent streak . She wants to do everything herself . She wants her own resources , and she has many .
Patrick : You definitely know my wife .
Sonny : Yeah , she s strong . She s reliable , responsible , but she s never let herself down until now . And here s what I m thinking , Patrick . I m thinking that maybe her system has failed her . Whatever she used in the past to get over a crisis is not working anymore . And the chemical imbalance makes her emotionally unstable . And I can tell you right now , I can understand what it s like to want to get away and be someone else for a minute .
Patrick : Yeah , I mean , that all sounds reasonable . So what do I do ?
Sonny : First and foremost , you got to take care of Emma . Whatever you and Robin are going through is going to make you guys stronger . Emma does nt really know what s going on . Maybe she just feels that her mother is not 100 % emotionally available . But you have to make up for that .
Patrick : Okay .
Sonny : Second of all , I think -- I know it s not easy . You got to make it okay-- you got to make it okay for Robin , you know . Give her the time and space she needs to deal with whatever she needs to deal with . Do nt second- guess her . Do nt doubt her . Have some faith . Personally , I think you re going to get through it .
Ric : For somebody who hates me , you sure were enthusiastic .
Ric : Feeling manipulated , are nt you ?
Claudia : Oh , I wonder why .
Ric : That s the only way I can get you to see reason , Claudia . You re so infatuated with being Sonny s wife . You ll be disillusioned soon enough . Then you ll come crawling back to me willingly .
Claudia : Do nt count on it .
Ric : Well , at least you ca nt kill me .
Claudia : What ?
Ric : I know how you think . A problem comes up for you , you kill it . But you ca nt do that to me .
Claudia : I would nt be so sure .
Ric : I m very sure . You ever heard the expression , in the event of my death .
Nikolas : What happened ?
Rebecca : Something s wrong . I have to be biopsied .
Patrick : I thought you might be here .
Robin : I m really sorry I blew up like that .
Patrick : Me , too . Robin , we need to be able to talk , you know ?
Robin : I ca nt -- not right now . I m all talked out . I m not trying to be mean or evasive . That s the truth . That s what you want , right ?
Patrick : You re talked out .
Robin : I m sorry . Jason was here . He s a good listener . I was able to get some things off my chest , and -- I am sorry . I m just done . I need to sit with what I m feeling .
Patrick : Robin , I m your husband . The talking should be between us .
Robin : I know , and I am honest to God doing the best I can right now .
Patrick : Okay . Well , when you do get there , I hope you can open up with me like you do with Jason , because I know there s more going on than what you ve told me .
Jax : Jerry should have gone to prison after he held half the town hostage . But he convinced me that he wanted to change his life , and I believed him . I covered for him , Michael . And that gave Jerry time to form alliances with people like Claudia Zacchara and Ian Devlin . My brother did nt pull the trigger , but he was part of the operation . It does nt matter that nobody knew that you were going to be there or that your father was the intended target . The unthinkable happened . And I have to own my share of the responsibility . I had a chance to come clean with your mother , but I did nt . I did nt say anything . I do nt think I m going to . See , we re back together . It s been a long time coming . She s really happy right now . I do nt want to sacrifice that . Because if Carly ever knew what I allowed Jerry to do , I m afraid that I d lose her forever .
Claudia : What s this nonsense about your death ?
Ric : There s a copy . I made a copy .
Claudia : Of what ?
Ric : Hmm ?
Claudia : Of what ?
Ric : [ Slurred speech ] The DVD . Jerry s DVD . In the event of my death , it ll be sent to Sonny . He ll know what you did to Michael .
Claudia : Who did you give it to ?
Ric : As if I m going to tell you ?
Claudia : You do nt dare go to sleep on me . Hey , Ric . Ric , where is that DVD ?
Sonny : Claudia ? Can I come in ?
### Summary:
| Nikolas is supportive when Rebecca s mammogram comes back abnormal . Nikolas is on pins and needles while more tests are run on Rebecca . Nikolas presses Monica about the possibility of Emily having a sister . Rebecca learns she needs a biopsy . Carly wonders why she sees Jerry on Jax s computer screen . Jax says he got an email from Jerry confirming that Jerry is alive . Carly wants to see the video attachment Jerry sent to Jax but Jax wo nt let her . Later , Jax visits Michael and takes responsibility for Jerry s actions . Jax says he wo nt hurt Carly by telling her what Jerry did . Ric gives Sonny inside information that saves his life so Sonny appears to trust Ric . Jason is skeptical of Ric . After Ric leaves , Sonny tells Jason he s only pretending to trust Ric . Things continue to be strained between Robin and Patrick . Robin is especially upset that Patrick confided in Carly . Sonny goes to see Patrick to discuss Michael but the two end up discussing Robin s condition . Patrick tells Sonny all about Robin s Rochester adventure . Meanwhile , Robin runs into Jason and ends up confiding her problems in him . Jason does his best to be supportive . Patrick finds Robin alone on the pier but she is nt interested in talking things out . Robin says she already talked things over with Jason . Patrick says Robin should be talking to him , not Jason . Ric again presses Claudia for incriminating evidence against Sonny . Claudia says she has no info but she agrees to take Ric upstairs to her bedroom . Claudia gives Ric a drink laced with her sleeping pills . Ric and Claudia have sex . Ric says if he dies , a copy of Jerry s DVD will be sent to Sonny . Ric passes out before Claudia can get any details about where the DVD is . Sonny comes knocking on Claudia s bedroom door . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Liam : Uh , yeah . Hey . No problem . Um ... I was the guy asking if flo fulton gave birth in your hospital on -- So , I checked with my boss , and , like I said , I ca nt give out that kind of patient information .
Liam : O - okay . Um ... could you -- could you just pass along the name and number I gave you to dr . Cortez and ask him or her to call me back ? That much , I can do .
Liam : Awesome . Th - thank you so much . I - I appreciate it .
Steffy : Someone wants their daddy .
Liam : Hey . There she is .
Steffy : There s daddy !
Liam : You come here !
Steffy : Ready ?
Liam : You come here ! [ Gasps ] Oh , flying baby ! Ohh ! You have a good nap ?
Flo : I understand that you care about douglas .
Hope : More than care . I mean , that little boy has touched my heart in a way that I did nt think was possible anymore . He s so open and vulnerable . But he s also confused . And he s trying to be this big boy in the face of this loss that he ca nt even begin to understand . And so I n-- I want to -- I - I mean , I have to help him and take care of him .
Flo : I get that . I -- I - I -- I really do . I just ... [ Gasps ] I just worry that you re not really examining all these choices that you re making , and how they re gon na affect you for the rest of your life . Leaving liam and marrying thomas ?
Hope : Liam and I had to be over so that he could be a father to those girls , and so that I could care for and protect douglas .
Douglas : Beth is alive . Beth is alive .
Thomas : [ Sighs ] How you doing , sport ?
Douglas : Okay .
Thomas : [ Sighs ] Listen , I , uh ... I got a little heated before , okay , and I m sorry about that .
Douglas : You got mad at me .
Thomas : Yeah . Well ... [ Snorts quietly ] I did nt mean to come down on you so hard . But it s just , you ca nt say what you think you heard , okay ? Not to anyone .
Douglas : Baby beth is alive .
Thomas : You ca nt say that . Those words can never come out of your mouth again .
Liam : It s kind of amazing if you think about it . You know , all the little pieces that had to fit perfectly into place for phoebe to come into our lives .
Steffy : Yeah . It just proves that she was meant to be here .
Liam : Yeah , like ... your mom had a colleague , who - whoever that is , who just happened to know a woman who could nt keep her baby at the same time that you were looking to adopt . And that woman turned out to be flo .
Steffy : Mm - hmm . Who turned out to be a logan .
Liam : Yes . It s fascinating how things work out , is nt it ?
Steffy : Yeah . Now you and I have this beautiful little girl . And flo has her family . If only beth had lived .
Liam : Yeah . Yeah . But ... she did nt , and ... nothing s been the same since .
Hope : I - I m not available to do publicity right now , but thomas forrester ... [ Cellphone chimes ] ... Is ready and happy to step in . Heh . All right . Thank you . You , as well . You okay ?
Flo : Uh ... oh , yeah . Yeah . I m just , um ... I m just worried about you .
Hope : Please do nt be .
Flo : Yeah . Well , you re my cousin . It comes with the territory .
Hope : [ Chuckles quitely ]
Flo : Look , I just ... I just want you to be happy . And I do nt know if you can be without liam . You two went through so much . And then to lose each other on top of all of that , it s just ... it s just not fair .
Hope : Fair . Wow . You know , I do nt even think I know what that word means anymore .
Flo : But marrying thomas ? I got to be honest , hope , i did nt think that you would actually end up going through with it .
Hope : Well , I did . For douglas . You know , thomas is an amazing , loving , devoted father , but douglas needs a mother , too .
Thomas : Look , I have worked very hard to make a life for the both of us with hope . And -- and you should be grateful for that . Not standing there defying me . I mean , you love hope , do nt you ?
Douglas : But I miss mommy .
Thomas : Mommy s gone . She s never coming back . Hope is your new mommy . She s my wife , okay ? She s your mom . And if you ever repeat what you think you heard --
Douglas : But I did hear it . You said phoebe is beth . Beth is alive . There s just no easy answers ...
Thomas : Okay , look , I - I do nt know what I could have said that you misheard , but it was nt that . I did nt say that , and you ca nt , either . All right ? Cause that -- that could hurt hope . And it could hurt your aunt steffy , too . You do nt want that , do you ? I did nt think so . Good . So , you ca nt repeat that . You ca nt say anything about -- about phoebe or beth or babies . Okay ? Not to anyone . Okay . I ll take that as a yes . Now , go back to your room , and you finish packing , okay ? And no more pouting , all right ? Be a big boy .
Thomas : [ Sighs ] Hey . How s it going ?
Hope : Fine . You ?
Thomas : Well , I am counting on getting a whole lot better . You know , once I , uh , have my brand - new wife all to myself . You excited about tonight ?
Hope : Thomas , I --
Thomas : I m gon na go drop douglas off at steffy s , and , uh , then I ll be right over there to forrester to pick you up .
Hope : Well , actually , why do nt I just call a car and I ll meet you there ? It ll give me an excuse to see phoebe .
Thomas : Okay . All right . Sounds good . All right . Bye .
Hope : Heh . It was thomas . He s planning a little staycation since , you know , we have nt been able to go on a honeymoon .
Flo : Are you ready for that ? Okay . Your silence kind of speaks volumes .
Hope : [ Sighs ] He s just trying to do something sweet . Thomas is my husband . He s , you know , whisking me away .
Flo : Because he wants to be with you . But ... kind of seems like the feeling is nt mutual . Uh , just please , hope ... just be careful with him , okay ?
Hope : I ve known thomas all my life . I mean , he s not gon na hurt me , if that s what you re implying .
Flo : He s just a really intense guy .
Hope : You do nt have to worry about me , okay ? I promise . I need to get going .
Flo : All right .
Hope : Bye .
Flo : Bye .
Thomas : Hey , douglas , you almost ready ? Hey , what s with the face ? You do nt look happy or excited . What do you always say about your aunt steffy ?
Douglas : She s the coolest .
Thomas : Right . And you love your cousins , too . Okay ? So -- so come on . Lose the mug . Let s see a smile .
Douglas : I like liam .
Thomas : Where d that come from ?
Douglas : Liam s nice to me .
Thomas : Okay . All right . Look , it s , uh ... it s a short trip , all right ? So you re gon na be a good boy while I m gone , all right , and listen to your aunt steffy . And remember what I told you -- you ca nt say anything about baby beth .
Liam : [ Laughs ] Did you -- did you see that ? She totally got my joke .
Steffy : I think that was gas .
Liam : It w-- it was not gas . She put -- you made all the connections , did nt you ? She heard the punch line , she knew it was funny , and she laughed .
Steffy : Wow . She did all that ? Huh .
Liam : Yeah . I m telling you , we have a couple of budding geniuses on our hands here .
Steffy : That , I agree with .
Liam : I know . Right ? Okay . You hold onto that .
Steffy : Is everything all right ?
Liam : Yeah . No , it s -- I m good . I m just , uh , waiting on a call . So ... wait . Before my little stand - up routine , you said that -- that douglas is staying over ?
Steffy : Uh , yeah . Thomas and hope did nt get to have a honeymoon , so he wanted to take her away , have a night alone with his bride .
Liam : Predator .
Steffy : Liam , stop !
Liam : What ?
Steffy : Hope and thomas are married , okay ? She made that choice . You just need to be supportive . Like , get over it .
Liam : I do not need to be supportive , do I ? No , I donT.
Hope : Hi .
Liam : Hi .
Steffy : Hi . Come on in .
Hope : Hi ! Oh , I was hoping phoebe would be awake . And look at her .
Zoe : I wish you would nt ghost me . I ve been trying to reach out .
Flo : No , I knew why you were calling . I just did nt want to hear it again .
Zoe : You were the one so determined to go to brooke s and tell hope the truth and stop the wedding . At least you texted saying that you did nt do it , but ... tell me what happened .
Flo : I did nt get there in time . And now my cousin is married to a maniac who will stop at nothing , including murder , to get what he wants . I hate feeling this way . I hate feeling so trapped and helpless . [ Sighs ] I used to be a good person , you know ? Not someone who just lied every single time she opened her mouth .
Zoe : You re still a good person , flo . A - and so am I. We just got caught up in this awful situation .
Flo : Yeah , thanks to your dad . I wish I d never met reese buckingham .
Zoe : Well , have you spoken to hope since the wedding ?
Flo : Yeah . She was just here . She just left . She went to go to steffy s to meet thomas and drop off douglas at some sleepover . Apparently thomas is taking her to a hotel room for some in - town honeymoon tonight . The idea of hope alone with that creep , isolated somewhere , just makes me really nervous .
Zoe : Well , thomas finally has what he s been wanting . Maybe he ll chill out . If he has nothing in his way to get to hope , then he ll have no reason to keep going off or threatening us . Maybe , if we all just [ Sighs ] Come to terms with this new reality , life can kind of go back to being normal .
Flo : That is not gon na happen . I can guarantee that .
Zoe : What are you talking about ?
Flo : Well , at the reception , when thomas saw that I was there , he pulled me aside -- I mean , he like literally pulled me aside , and he got super aggressive , and he told me to get out of there , and that the marriage was a done deal , and there s nothing I could do about it . And that made me mad , of course , and so I started taunting him a little bit about how phoebe went up to hope during the ceremony and called her mama , and then he got really upset , and he started yelling at me and told me to shut up . And I told him that I was done with all of this . And , zoe , he -- he got , like -- he got ... really scary . It s like -- it s like he turned and he got really dark and ... he told me that I was gon na keep this secret until the day that I die . Thomas forrester threatened my life , and he meant it . He is dangerous , zoe . I mean , you know what happened to emma . And now he is hope s husband .
Hope : How is it that she gets more beautiful every time I see her ?
Liam : Yeah .
Hope : Hi . [ Giggles ] Oh , my gosh . I think I almost see a little bit of you in there . I do nt know how .
Liam : What ?
Steffy : Right ? I noticed that , too .
Hope : Yeah .
Liam : Okay . Uh , do you want to hold her ?
Hope : Oh , absolutely .
Liam : Yeah ?
Hope : Hi !
Liam : Oh , there you go .
Hope : Oh ! Yeah ! Look at that smile .
Steffy : Yeah . Someone s happy to see you .
Hope : And I am happy to see her . [ Knock on door ] &
Thomas : Hey , guys .
Steffy : Hi !
Douglas : Hi , aunt steffy . Hi , liam .
Steffy : Hi , douglas !
Liam : Hey , dude .
Thomas : Hey . Oh , hi there . Hey , let me help .
Hope : Oh .
Thomas : Hi . Oh , look at you . You re getting so big . You re getting so big , are nt you ?
Hope : Oh , are you excited for your sleepover ?
Steffy : We re so happy to have you .
Liam : I know . Kelly and phoebe are gon na be psyched that you re spending the night .
Douglas : Can we go to the beach ?
Liam : Can we go to the beach ? Of course we can go to the beach .
Douglas : Where s kelly ?
Steffy : Uh , she s napping . But she ll be up soon .
Thomas : Oh , here .
Steffy : Hi ! Come to mama . Come to mama . Ohh ! Oh , she is getting so big .
Thomas : Hey . How s it going ?
Liam : [ Sighs ] Dude , why -- why are you asking me that ?
Thomas : I just know it must have been hard for you . You know , sitting there watching me and hope get married . She looked beautiful , did nt she ?
Liam : I swear to god , if you hurt hope ...
Thomas : Just the opposite . Actually , I got a night planned that ll hopefully leave her breathless .
Liam : You re disgusting .
Douglas : Was phoebe s name always phoebe ?
Steffy : Well , I named phoebe after I - I adopted her , right when she was born .
Hope : Why do you ask ? Humira patients , you inspire us .
Zoe : Go back . You said phoebe called hope mama ?
Flo : [ Sighs ] Okay , so , thomas had said his vows , and hope was about to say hers when , all of a sudden , everyone heard , mama ! Mama ! Mama ! And phoebe had managed to crawl up to hope , and was pulling on her dress while calling her mama .
Zoe : Oh , my god . I mean , that s crazy .
Flo : Is it , though ? I mean , really ? I - it s that crazy to think that a -- a child would recognize her own mother ?
Zoe : It had to be a fluke . I mean , how could she ?
Flo : Nature . That s what we re dealing with here , zoe . And it s bigger than we are . You know ... hope might find out that phoebe is really beth without any input from us .
Hope : [ Chuckles ] You re really fascinated by little baby phoebe today , are nt you , douglas ?
Liam : See ? No one is immune to her charm .
Thomas : Hey , uh , you know , she looks kind of tired . How long s she been up ?
Steffy : [ Inhales sharply ] Actually , a while . Yeah .
Thomas : Well , maybe we should put her back down . I mean , you do nt want her to be over stimulated before the sleepover even starts .
Steffy : Yeah , that s a good idea . You could help me .
Thomas : Uh --
Steffy : Come on . It ll be good for you . Let s go !
Hope : Here . Come hang with me . All right . Let s get your toys out , here . What do we got here ? This guy ?
Douglas : Yeah , this guy .
Hope : Keep playing , okay ?
Liam : You really love phoebe , do nt you ?
Hope : I do . There s just something about her . She gets to me . It s been that way since the first moment I laid eyes on her .
Liam : Yeah , me too . She s something special .
Hope : Mm .
Liam : So , you ... actually did it . You actually married that guy . [ Huffs ] That S ...
Hope : You know why .
Liam : I do nt care . I do nt want to picture you alone with him tonight , or any other night .
Hope : Liam --
Liam : You know what ? No . Wait , wait . Stop . Stop . Thomas is not a good person , okay ? Good people do not use their children as a battering ram against grieving mothers .
Hope : Liam , I know what I m doing .
Liam : Oh , do you ? Really ?
Hope : You know what ? I ca nt keep being drawn to steffy s child the way that i have been . That s why I married thomas -- so I could focus on douglas and be the mother that I need to be to him . The mother that I thought I was going to be to beth . Because that s the only thing i can do , because our daughter , our beth , is gone .
Douglas : No , she isnT.
Hope : What did you say ?
Douglas : Baby beth is nt gone .
Hope : Douglas , sweetie , what are you saying ?
Douglas : She s alive . Baby beth is alive . . . .
### Summary:
| Liam calls again to the same hospital where he thought Flo might have given birth . The lady says she checked with her boss and can still tell him that she can not give out that kind of information . Flo talks to Hope and says she can not help but think Hope is making decisions that is not only going to affect her life but those around her like Liam , Thomas and others for the rest of their lives . Flo says she just wants Hope to be happy and is worried about her . It s not fair . Hope says she does not even know what that means anymore . Douglas has a wonderful loving father but he needs a mother too . Thomas finds Douglas and says he was a little heated with him earlier and he did not mean to be . But it is very important that Douglas does not repeat what he thought he heard his dad say about Beth being alive . He must never say those words again . It would hurt Hope and Aunt Steffy too . So he wants him to scoot and pack his bag to spend the night with Steffy and the girls . Flo continues to worry about Thomas when Hope gets a phone call from him . He is anxious for her to come home to they can start their staycation and then he will drop off Douglas and be home . She suggests they just meet at Steffy s and she can see Phoebe too so he agrees with that . Douglas has a sad sack face and Thomas tells him it is only over night and even though he likes Liam he wo nt see much of him so just obey Steffy . And remember he is not to say a word about Baby Beth . Liam and Steffy get on the subject again of Flo and how things have a way of working out . Steffy mentions that Thomas is going to drop Douglas off so that Thomas and Hope can slip away overnight . Liam calls him a predator . Steffy says come on , they are married now so Liam needs to be supportive . Zoe comes to see Flo who she has been avoiding . She wants to know what happened at the wedding . Flo says she did not actually see the ceremony and Zoe wonders if Flo has spoken to Hope since . Flo says just briefly but Thomas is taking her to a hotel tonight just for one night of a honeymoon . Zoe says good then maybe things will get back to normal . Flo says not really . At the reception Thomas found her and became super aggressive and then dark and told her to take this secret to her grave . He threatened her and Zoe knows what happened with Emma . She relays about Phoebe at the wedding crawling up to Hope and calling her mama . So the truth could come out without any assistance from them . Thomas and Hope show up separately so Hope has a few minutes with Liam to hold Phoebe . Then Thomas arrives and Douglas hugs Hope . Steffy tells him they are glad he is going to have this sleepover . Thomas ca nt help but gloat to Liam that it must have been hard for Liam to see him actually marry Hope and now he is planning a night that will be beyond all others . Liam tells him he is disgusting . He then talks to Hope and says she actually married Thomas who has been using his kid as a battering ram . As they talk back and forth , Douglas is watching them and hears them say the word Beth and that she is not alive . Douglas immediately speaks up and says that is not true . Beth is alive . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lily : We have to prepare . We have to because it s coming .
Mariah : I m really worried and confused . If you ve changed your mind and you re not coming back , then i deserve to know .
Victoria : What does this rey person want ?
Sharon : He says he s a debt collector , and he s here because of J.T. S credit card .
Victoria : Just get him to talk . But do nt tell him anything . We need to stay one step ahead of him .
Sharon : Rey ! You re not going out there !
Rey : I got the prowler .
Mariah : Tessa , I -- I do nt understand . Why -- why did nt you just knock ? Why were you lurking out there like that ?
Rey : You know this person ?
Sharon : Yeah , we know tessa very well . Security called and said we had an intruder . Apparently that was you ?
Rey : I thought ... I was mistaken . Sorry , my bad .
Mariah : Hey , come here .
Sharon : Do you always carry a gun ?
Rey : Well , a lot of people do nt like it when debt collectors show up to their front doorstep , right ?
Sharon : It was a friendly dinner invitation . I find it odd that you brought a saturday night special to my home .
Rey : Well , my hotel room does nt have a safe , so I did nt feel comfortable leaving it there . I should get going . Thank you .
Mariah : Thank god you re okay .
Lily : So , is this literally my last free evening ? Does my sentence start right after the hearing tomorrow ?
Michael : I m afraid that s how it works .
Cane : But everything s still on the table , right ? I mean , prison is nt a done deal .
Michael : Correct .
Lily : So what else do I have to know ?
Michael : I doubt the judge will have any questions , but if he does , answer them sincerely and , dare I say it , briefly .
Lily : So I should nt even try to explain ?
Michael : Let me do the talking .
Lily : [ Sighs ]
Michael : [ Sighs ] Lily , listen to me . I believe you deserve leniency , and I m gon na do everything in my power to make sure you get it .
Cane : Michael , that s what we re counting on . You know that , right ? Hey . Are you okay ?
Lily : No .
Cane : Okay . Listen . Everything s gon na be easier after the hearing . This cloud of uncertainty will be gone , and , you know , you get your probation . Then we can pick up the pieces of our life and just move on , okay ?
Lily : Cane , I know that you re trying to put a brave face on , but I do nt need a pep talk right now . We ca nt assume that I ll get a light sentence .
Cane : Well , you just tell me what to do , and I ll do that .
Lily : I do nt know , starting now , you can give me a night that I can remember for the next 20 years if I have to .
Cane : I think I can do that . Yeah . Come here , love .
Devon : Hey .
Victoria : Hey .
Devon : Hi .
Victoria : I have nt seen you in a while . How are things going ?
Devon : [ Sighs ] Oh . I ve been better . But , um , I just ran into your dad upstairs , actually . He gave me some pretty good advice . With all that he s been through , he understands that forgiveness has its limits .
Victoria : Well , if he helped you , I m glad . Although , I can think of better sources for that kind of advice .
Devon : What he said really hit home because , you know , when you forgive people , you give them permission to hurt you again , or worse .
Victoria : Yeah , I get that . I do . But if we re talking about lily ...
Devon : We are talking about lily . It seems that s all anyone wants to talk about , is her and what s gon na happen to her to after her sentencing . What about hilary , though ? Am I supposed to just move on and forget that that future ever even existed ?
Victoria : No , devon , you re not and ...
Devon : I know .
Victoria : I know that she ll always be a big part of you . We re all really sorry for your loss .
Devon : Well , I appreciate you saying that , victoria , but all does nt include lily and her husband because their priority is just keeping her out of trouble .
Victoria : Self - preservation is a natural instinct , although that does nt excuse what cane did . But I can understand how they would be scared to come forward . I m just saying that I can see it from both sides .
Devon : I ca nt , and if that makes me less than objective , then so be it . I mean , to start , cane never should have had charlie and shauna keep quiet about lily running that red light . You do nt do that to kids . So I blame him for delaying justice . And I m not talking justice for me , I mean for hilary . I know there s a lot of people in this town who did nt like her , but there s a few of us who loved her . And for those who miss her now , we were never just gon na let that go . The truth was always gon na find its way out .
Mariah : Hey . Drink this .
Tessa : Thanks . When I saw that security guard had a gun , my mouth just went dry .
Sharon : Oh , he s not a guard . He -- he s just a guest . He s new in town .
Mariah : But he sure sprang into action . Dude was ready to take somebody out .
Tessa : After everything i went through , to get shot at by mistake , how lame would that have been ?
Mariah : Tessa , what have you been through ? What the hell has been going on while you were gone ? Additional sponsorship
Mariah : To canada ? Why did you go there ?
Tessa : Crystal needed a fresh start , a complete break with her past . So I got her a job , a new place to live , and a whole new identity .
Mariah : The last time we spoke on the phone , we got cut off , and I was -- I was terrified that something happened to you .
Tessa : It was nothing like that .
Mariah : So what was it ?
Tessa : I needed help to get crystal across the border , and i found some people who said that they could help me , but I never trusted them . And they walked in when I was talking to you , and my instincts told me to get off the phone so that they do nt know about you or try to drag you into this .
Mariah : I m so damn glad that you re okay . When I did nt hear from you for weeks , I had all these nightmare scenarios in my head .
Tessa : I m so sorry . I was just so super focused on getting crystal settled so i could get back to you , like i promised . So ... fill me in . What s been going on ?
Mariah : Well , for starters ...
Sharon : Hold on , I still have questions .
Victoria : [ Sighs ] You startled me .
Rey : I m sorry , your receptionist was nt there .
Victoria : I do nt understand why you re here .
Rey : I was just at sharonS. Maybe you knew that .
Victoria : No , I didnT. Why would I ?
Rey : She s very curious about what I do for work . I m not used to people being so interested about the ins and outs of debt collection .
Victoria : Well , we re not really used to people being evasive about what they do for a living .
Rey : And I realized that i went about this the wrong way .
Victoria : Oh , you think ?
Rey : I thought it would put everybody at ease if they did nt know my purpose for being here . Instead , it made everybody jumpy , especially you . You got a lot on your plate already . Long hours at work , company being hacked , two kids to take care of . You split with your ex ...
Victoria : I do nt see how that s any of your business .
Rey : I m just saying i understand where you re coming from . The last thing you needed was some stranger to show up asking a bunch of probing questions . I m sorry . If I made you feel uncomfortable , that was nt my intent .
Victoria : Well , I would say that it s pretty clear what your intentions were . You re here to put everyone at ease , as you say , so that you can get information out of us . Is that what you re doing here right now ? You re not here to apologize , are you ? You re on the clock .
Lily : I just want to remember every detail about this night -- the special dinner you ordered , I want to remember every flavor , every nuance .
Cane : Well , you wait till you see the menu . It has all your favorites , and there s even a special dessert .
Lily : Ooh , sounds amazing .
Cane : I hope so .
Lily : [ Chuckles ] Ah , that smile ... it s one of the first things i ever noticed about you .
Cane : So that s why you put up with me for all these years , huh ?
Lily : Oh , stop , you know i love the man in the gorgeous exterior .
Cane : Yes , I do .
Lily : [ Chuckles ]
Cane : Hey . Um , listen , I do nt want to you to misinterpret what you just saw , okay ? I do nt want you to think we re out celebrating or being insensitive to your pain . It s just , you know , with the sentencing coming up , I m trying to take her mind off everything , you know ?
Devon : You do nt have to explain anything to me . Do what you re doing .
Cane : Okay . Do you , um ... do you want to come and join us ?
Devon : Uh , I do nt think so . I do nt think that d be a good idea if you guys are trying to forget what s going on .
Cane : You know we ca nt forget what s going on . We ll never be able to forget that . You know that , right ?
Devon : Sure . Sure .
Cane : Okay . So , um ... you gon na use this against lily when you give your statement to the judge tomorrow at her sentencing ? I do nt want you to , you know , say she was out partying .
Devon : Yeah , I m gon na -- I m gon na talk to the judge about hilary and our child , and I m gon na tell him how the bottom dropped out of my world when they died , tragically and needlessly . You see how I did nt mention lily at all ?
Cane : I m so sorry .
Devon : You enjoy your time with your wife .
Sharon : Why did you leave your little sister there all alone ?
Tessa : Crystal s safe . I made sure of that .
Sharon : How ?
Tessa : I ca nt tell you the details . I hope you understand .
Sharon : Not really .
Mariah : I think that her sister is lucky to have her .
Tessa : Thanks .
Sharon : In the meantime , you let mariah suffer . Even if you were nt getting her texts or her voicemails , you had to know that she would be worried , and you should have done something to get word to her like , I do nt know , buy one of those prepaid phone cards or send a postcard -- something !
Tessa : You re right . And I m sorry .
Mariah : It was really hard not knowing what happened to you . Whether you were blowing me off or you were lying in a gutter bleeding .
Tessa : I -- I screwed up . I was just so preoccupied with crystal s situation .
Mariah : And , tessa , I was preoccupied with you .
Sharon : Not knowing whether you were safe did nt help matters . If you honestly care about my daughter s feelings ...
Tessa : I left my sister and came all the way back from canada just to be with her .
Sharon : Um , that s probably security calling to ask about our little intruder .
Mariah : Well , while you deal with them , I m gon na get tessa something to eat .
Sharon : This is sharon . Yes , I thought it would be you . Our intruder turned out to be tessa porter . You can stop combing the grounds now , yes . Everything s fine here .
Victoria : If you genuinely are here to apologize , I accept it .
Rey : I do nt want to leave things like this . Look , if you re worried that i might think you used J.T. S credit card ...
Victoria : What ? That s ridiculous . Why would that thought even cross your mind ?
Rey : Well , because it happens . Angry ex - wife comes across an old card , takes it for a spin .
Victoria : Well , in case you ve forgotten , J.T. S credit card was used to ship those stolen files right here to this office . And unless you re accusing me of hacking into my own family s company , some machiavellian maneuver or something like that ...
Rey : I am not saying that . I am not saying that . My job is to find out who used the credit card and then did nt pay the bill .
Victoria : Well , it had to have been J.T. He was on surveillance video footage at one of newman s warehouses . He found his way into the server , he downloaded everything . He had it shipped here and dumped on us to rattle me . There is no fraud , and you can stop pestering us all now .
Rey : That would tie it up really nicely with a bow . Except I have a source who claims J.T. Was nt the party who did all that .
Victoria : You have a source , huh ? You re talking about my sister abby . She does nt work here anymore . She does nt know J.T. As well as I do , and she has no idea how badly he wanted to hurt me .
Rey : Then let me ask you something . If you feel this guy s still a threat , out there on the loose , trying to hurt you ... what are you doing here late at night when you know anybody could walk in here and find you alone ? You got to know that s not safe . [ Cellphone rings ] You want to get that ?
Victoria : No , I m gon na call them back after you leave .
Sharon : Victoria , it s me . I m gon na make this quick . I just found out that rey carries a gun with him . How unnerving is that ? I invited him over here , and he brought the thing with him . I m thinking we should all keep our distance . The man could be dangerous .
Victoria : I think I have a solution that will make everybody happy . How much did J.T. Owe on the card ?
Rey : Why ?
Victoria : Well , that s what you re here for , to recover the funds for your employer . So why do nt I just write a check for the whole amount right now ?
Michael : Warm night .
Devon : Did you come up here just to tell me that ? Or to ask me to go easy on my sister tomorrow , like everybody else is ?
Michael : Mm . I know at least one person who has nt said that -- lily .
Devon : Well , why would she when she has you and cane to do it for her ?
Michael : [ Sighs ] Devon , stop . Please . We both know that s not who your sister is . She s not ducking responsibility . She came forward on her own . She pled guilty to very aggressive charges rather than fight them .
Devon : I know she did , because she has no defense .
Michael : Excuse me ? Have we met ? I was more than capable of launching an all- out attack on the appropriateness of those charges had my client authorized me to do so .
Devon : So it was lily s call .
Michael : I wo nt reveal privileged conversations , but ... it was obvious that would have led to a protracted legal battle . Been very damaging to your family . Do you really think she s the kind of person that would have let everyone go through that , would have let you go through that while you re in mourning ? Look ... maybe it would have been better if this had nt happened quite so fast . I mean , you re still in the process of dealing with this ...
Devon : All right , michael ...
Michael : ... You have nt had time ...
Devon : You re telling me how to mourn ? I would nt miss hilary any less weeks from now or months from now , all right ? She s the love of my life .
Michael : Well , tomorrow you ll have the chance to tell the court who hilary was and how you two felt about each other and what she would have wanted for you moving forward .
Devon : What she would have wanted . Did they teach you how to manipulate people like this in law school , or did you just pick it up along the way ? You re gon na tell me next that hilary would nt want me to cut myself off from the love and support of my family ?
Michael : Mm . Actually , I never -- I never thought of that . But evidently , you have .
Cane : What do you want to do now ? Do you want to go somewhere and get a night cap , or -- hey ! We could go dancing .
Lily : [ Chuckles ] Well , first , I want to know what devon said to you .
Cane : [ Sighs ] He s just in a lot of pain right now and he ca nt see past it . That s it .
Lily : That s what I would expect . Listen , if things turn out the way that we think they might , I do nt want the kids blaming him for it . So please make sure that does nt happen .
Cane : Okay , we can discuss this later , okay ? Right now , all I want to do is enjoy this evening with my beautiful wife . Come on .
Tessa : Mariah s just putting away the dishes .
Sharon : Okay .
Tessa : I know I ve thanked you a bunch for helping me get crystal out of the trafficking ring , but I wanted to thank you again , sharon . You are one of the kindest people I ve ever met , and it makes me so sad to realize that I ve lost your trust , and I hope that I can earn it back .
Sharon : I hope that you can understand why I d be wary , under the circumstances .
Mariah : Hey , tessa . Do you want to go into town and maybe get some coffee or something ?
Sharon : Um , your friend and i are having a conversation . I think we still have more to talk about .
Mariah : I agree , and we will , but I supported you when you told me that you and nick were getting back together , so , right now , I d really like you to do the same because tessa means a lot to me . And I do nt know where this relationship is going , but i want to find out .
Sharon : I just want you to be happy , sweetheart . I hope things work out exactly how you want them to .
Victoria : I need an amount .
Rey : That s -- that s not how this works .
Victoria : Oh , no ?
Rey : My job is nt to just recover the money , it s to get answers , and I am as frustrated as you are at how long it s taking .
Victoria : No doubt .
Rey : [ Sighs ] One thing is for certain . You know more than you re willing to admit . Otherwise , you would nt be so eager to make it all go away .
Victoria : You know , a minute ago , you -- you said you did nt think I was involved . So is this just more of you trying to put me at ease ?
Rey : No . It s the truth , victoria . My instincts tell me that you re a good person , but you re in way over your head , and it would be a mistake to try to handle this all on your own .
Victoria : I m sorry , rey , or whatever your name is . I do nt have any information for you . So you re gon na have to solve this mystery without my help .
Rey : Sure . It s not a problem .
Victoria : Good . That s excellent . So we re done here .
Rey : Yeah .
Victoria : [ Sighs ]
Rey : I found victoria in her office . Yeah . She bought it . The young and the restless will continue .
Sharon : Victoria , it s me . I m gon na make this quick . I just found out that rey carries a gun with him . How unnerving is that ? I invited him over here , and he brought the thing with him . I m thinking we should all keep our distance . The man could be dangerous . Be careful , okay ? Call me if you need to .
Victoria : [ Panting ] Nate . Hi . Um , it s victoria . Victoria newman . Hi . Uh , I m at my office , and , um ... I m sorry . Um , I do nt know , I think that maybe I m having some sort of reaction to ... something that I ate possibly , and I just -- my heart , it s pounding right now and I ca nt catch my breath . Yes , please . I m gon na wait right here for you , so .... could you please hurry , though ? Thank you .
Charlie : Oh , my god . How dorky are mom and dad taking pictures of their dinner ?
Mattie : I think it s sweet . They wanted to share their evening with us .
Charlie : Yeah . Well , dad s gon na be a wreck if mom has to leave .
Mattie : Yeah , he ll try to hide it , of course , for our sake . Kind of like what you ve been doing .
Charlie : What s that supposed to mean ?
Mattie : I know you miss shauna .
Charlie : Yeah , but ... trying to get back together would just be too much stress that mom does nt need right now .
Mattie : She s fine right now . Out on a hot date . And shauna just walked in .
Cane : You see that plane up there ?
Lily : Mm . Yeah .
Cane : Yeah ? Well , that flight is our flight , we re aboard it .
Lily : Ah , first class ?
Cane : Of course you re first class .
Lily : Kids or no kids ?
Cane : Well , that s up to you , is nt it ? But , uh , that flight can take you anywhere you want to go . Anywhere the world . So where would you like to go ?
Lily : Guess .
Cane : Paris it is .
Nate : Victoria , it s nate . You still with me ?
Victoria : You got here fast .
Nate : Of course I did . I live up the road . I ran all the way here .
Victoria : [ Panting ]
Victoria : You still having trouble breathing ?
Victoria : Yes . It s getting worse .
Nate : Okay , okay . Sit back , sit back .
Victoria : I just feel really dizzy . My chest hurts . I ca nt breathe .
Nate : Okay .
Victoria : What s happening ? Am I having a heart attack ?
Nate : You did the right thing by calling . I m here now . Everything s gon na be okay . Breathe . Deep breaths . There you go . Look at me . Look at me right here . Deep breaths . There you go . There we go .
Nate : Here you go . Here .
Victoria : [ Sighs ]
Nate : Drink up . There you go . Better ? All right . May I ?
Victoria : Yeah .
Nate : All right . All right , deep breath for me .
Victoria : [ Breaths deeply ]
Nate : There you go . One more . There you go . All right . Heart sounds fine . Looks like you ll be with us for a while yet .
Victoria : Thank you , nate . I mean it . If you had nt come when you did , then I ...
Nate : You re welcome . You re welcome .
Victoria : Um , when I had that reaction or whatever it was , I ... I do nt know , I felt terrified , actually , because I could nt breathe , and then I felt like i was suffocating , and I think that maybe ... I do nt know of any kind of allergies --
Nate : You had a panic attack . Shortness of breath , chest pains , the sweating , the dizziness , sense of impending doom -- all typical symptoms , most of which you had . And I reached out before because , well , I could sense something was troubling you in a major way .
Victoria : Well , I m a single mom with a very demanding job and a family with more drama than most , I think .
Nate : Yeah .
Victoria : There s no reason that that would trigger a full - blown panic attack .
Nate : And not that long ago , you were in an abusive relationship .
Victoria : But J.T. S gone . It s over .
Nate : I know . I know . Hey , I -- I read this study recently about how the brain stores memories . Fearful moments produce a much deeper imprint than happy ones , which leads to a more vivid and detailed recollection . So bad dreams , intrusive memories , it s all part of it .
Victoria : I just hate that he still controls me even though he s gone . I hate that . I ca nt get away from it . Sometimes , I can still feel him choking me . I feel panicky and I ca nt breathe , just like today . Is it ever gon na go away ? He shoved me against the wall , and he choked my neck , and i forgave him . How stupid is that ? If I would have just thrown him out , then everything would be different . Why did I take him back ? Why would I take him back ?
Nate : Come here . Come here .
Victoria : [ Sobbing ] I m sorry ! I m sorry !
Nate : No -- look , victoria , I would never judge --
Shauna : Look , do nt be mad at mattie . It was my idea to show up here .
Charlie : I just -- I thought you understood why we ca nt be together now .
Shauna : No , I -- I do . But we re gon na see each other at the sentencing . And it was gon na be super - weird if we had nt talked .
Charlie : Yeah , it s just -- this whole thing is so messed up , and there s nothing we can do about it .
Shauna : We can at least help each other through it , if you ll let me .
Charlie : Yeah . That ca nt be a bad idea .
Tessa : Thanks for the save back there .
Mariah : Sharon means well , but I could do without the hovering .
Tessa : She s not wrong . I should have been in better touch , plus , I completely get why she feels so protective of you . Your mom and I have that in common .
Mariah : There s more to it than sharon being overprotective . I mean , you have to understand , her whole life , she s had to deal with people who were trying to pull one over on her . And it s made her very good at picking up when somebody is nt giving the whole story .
Tessa : Somebody meaning me ?
Mariah : You were holding back about what happened in canada , were nt you ?
Tessa : Just some . Okay , okay . A lot , it s just -- in front of your mom ...
Mariah : No , it s okay . It s fine . I understand . But we re alone now , tessa . And I need you to tell me every detail about what happened .
Victoria : I freshened up .
Nate : Hey , no problem at all .
Victoria : Thank you for your time . I m gon na be sending you a check first thing tomorrow morning .
Nate : That s not necessary .
Victoria : Well , it is for me . And I trust the doctor - patient confidentiality applies to this discussion that we had this evening .
Nate : Absolutely . And listen , I -- it s evident that you do nt wish to continue this conversation with me , and that is okay . But for the sake of your health , please see a therapist .
Victoria : No , that wo nt be happening .
Nate : You wo nt even consider it ?
Victoria : Contrary to popular belief , talking about things does nt always help . In fact , sometimes , it just makes them much , much worse . I m sorry to burden you with my problems . It s not gon na happen again . Have a good night .
Tessa : It did nt end well with those guys who helped me smuggle crystal to canada .
Mariah : What happened ?
Tessa : After all was said and done , it came time to pay them , and they wanted $ 20,000 .
Mariah : What ? !
Tessa : So they let me come back to genoa city to try and find the cash somehow .
Mariah : They know that you re here ?
Tessa : Yep .
Mariah : What happens if you do nt come up with the money ?
Tessa : Well , they , uh , come after me , and , uh ...
Mariah : They come after you , and what ?
Tessa : I do nt know , and i do nt want to know . I mean , that s why I was so freaked out when that rey guy grabbed me .
Mariah : Oh , my god . What are you gon na do ? What -- I mean ... we have to figure something out .
Tessa : Hey . You know what ? We will . But not tonight . I m just so grateful to be back here with you , where I belong .
Shauna : Hey there .
Devon : Hey . Hey . How was your day ?
Shauna : Good . Yours ?
Devon : [ Sighs ] It was long . It was really long . I may just head straight to bed , if you do nt mind .
Shauna : Can we talk first ? Promise I wo nt keep you .
Devon : Yeah , no , of course . What s going on ?
Shauna : I think you should know charlie and I got back together .
Devon : Was he here ? Were you guys here alone together ?
Shauna : No , we know that s against the rules . We were at the coffee house .
Devon : Okay . Well , that s -- that s nice . As long as you guys were in public , I m fine with it . Did he ask you about what you re gon na say tomorrow at the hearing ?
Shauna : Did nt come up .
Devon : Good . That s good . I would nt want you to be influenced or given a hard time about what you re gon na say , you know ? Just speak from the heart .
Shauna : I know . It still makes me nervous thinking about it .
Devon : You know , you do nt have to speak at all if you do nt want to . It s completely your decision .
Shauna : No , I want to do it . But what if I say the wrong thing ? It feels like I d be letting hilary down .
Devon : You do nt have to worry about that , but I know how you feel . I ve had probably a dozen people come up to me and tell me what i should and should nt say . But the only voice that matters tomorrow is hilary s , and we just have to remember that .
Shauna : No one could do a better job than you . You knew her best .
Devon : It does nt make it any easier . She was a complicated person with a lot of levels to her , and , you know , she fought for everything she had in life , and I know she would nt want me to get steamrolled by my family . But , at the same time , she had a lot of compassion for people and a lot of heart .
Shauna : Yeah . I m proof of that .
Devon : Yeah , you are .
Shauna : So , do you know what you re gon na say ? How much blame you re gon na lay on charlie s mom ?
Lily : This night has been so perfect . How can I ever thank you ?
Cane : You already have .
Lily : [ Chuckles ] I tell you what I need , and then you make it happen . It s a great setup .
Cane : Mm .
Lily : Well , for me . It s kind of one - sided .
Cane : Well , if I was to go down the list and tell you how many times you ve been my rock , you know , it would take so long I think your feet might get sore .
Lily : I feel like I m dancing on clouds .
Cane : You know , everything I ve learned about being a good partner I learned from you . Tomorrow when we go in that courtroom , I have the faith that not only will we survive it , but we will come out the other side stronger . Okay ? Next week on the young and the restless ...
Billy : You re out of control if you think I m gon na risk all of this to be with you .
Summer : Risk is what you do , billy .
Phyllis : Summer thinks that she s phyllis jr . , But she has no idea what mommy is capable of .
Abby : I m done with you .
Jack : I ll have to find out who they are and which one of them is my father . In the matter of the state of wisconsin vs. Lily ashby , we re here to determine sentencing .
### Summary:
| Devon and Victoria talked about Lily s hearing . Victoria understood why Cane and Lily were afraid to come forward , but Devon said that the truth was always going to find its way out . Tessa told Mariah and Sharon that she set Crystal up with a new identity in Canada . She explained that she dropped out of contact because she was preoccupied with Crystal . Sharon took Tessa to task for failing to let Mariah know she was safe . Tessa said she hoped she could earn back Sharon s trust . Mariah asked Sharon to support her relationship with Tessa . Sharon said she just wanted Mariah to be happy . Tessa confided to Mariah that she owed $ 20,000 to the dangerous people who helped her smuggle Crystal over the border . Cane took Lily on a date so they could create happy memories before her sentencing . Devon saw them . Cane explained that he was trying to take Lily s mind off of things and that they did nt mean to be insensitive to Devon s situation . Cane invited Devon to join them , but he declined . Rey came to Victoria s office and talked to her about JT and his credit cards . Victoria offered to pay off JT s credit card bill so Rey could go on his way . Rey told her he had to finish his investigation . Rey accused Victoria of knowing more than she admitted . Rey called someone and told them that Victoria bought his story . Sharon warned Victoria that Rey had a gun and might be dangerous . Victoria had a panic attack , and she called Nate . Victoria broke down while talking about her feelings . Nate comforted her , but she pulled back and collected herself . Nate implored her to see a therapist , but she declined . Michael tried to persuade Devon to see Lily in a different light . Mattie encouraged Charlie to talk to Shauna . Shauna and Charlie agreed to help each other through the sentencing , and they kissed . Devon and Shauna talked about Hilary and the sentencing . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Reva : The detective wants to ask you some questions about Rafe .
Mallet : Why ?
Reva : Rafe is the one who shot you .
Daisy : Just tell the police it was an accident .
Detective : The gun was in your possession ? It was in your hands ?
Jeffrey : Yes . It was an accident .
Detective : We have the gun , and ONeill s prints are nt on it .
Jeffrey : I lied to the cops .
Reva : So you do nt really remember ?
Jeffrey : No .
Reva : Okay . Thank you .
Jeffrey : I m awake , you know ?
Reva : Yes , I know you re awake . And you re working , when you re supposed to be resting . Wait . Do you ... do you or do you not have a bullet hole in your chest ?
Jeffrey : The work is piling up , Reva .
Reva : Let it .
Jeffrey : I m gon na need those .
Reva : You need to rest . Have you eaten ?
Jeffrey : You know that the food in here tastes ...
Reva : Yes , I know it does . Ooh . Here , open up . Come on . Mm - hmm .
Jeffrey : That s pretty good .
Reva : See ? Is nt this better ? I mean , what could be better than sharing your berries with your fiancée , huh ?
Jeffrey : I ca nt think of a thing .
Reva : Good answer . Jeffrey ONeill , you are so important to me . And this whole thing has made that crystal clear .
Jeffrey : I ve been out that long , huh ?
Reva : Long enough .
Jeffrey : Long enough to miss the movie ?
Reva : No such luck .
Jeffrey : No ?
Reva : No , deal with it .
Frank : Ah , Mallet , do you recognize this ?
Mallet : Yeah , case reports .
Frank : You are correct . Absolutely correct . Now you see court written on the ...
Mallet : Yeah . Yeah , those were supposed to be filed with the court , and I never really got around to doing it .
Frank : No worries . And this right here is your order form for your new uniform .
Mallet : Right . That s right . Exactly . I ve got to get my ... basic blues .
Frank : Yup . Mallet , listen , if you want to do this later , you know , we can ...
Mallet : No , no , this is good . This is good , Frank . This is fine . I mean , I have to fill this out , right ?
Frank : Yeah . But you know , if you want , you can take two weeks off and come back , you know , then you can start , all right ?
Mallet : No , this is good , Frank . I want to do this today . I want to get back to the basics , I want to start over , and this is what I can do to make up for everything I did nt do when I was Chief . You know , I can take those by the courthouse .
Frank : No , that s all right . Why do nt we ... leave these for the new Chief .
Mallet : Yeah , the new Chief .
Frank : Right .
Mallet : Time to move on , right ?
Frank : Yeah , why do nt you ... why do nt you look at page number three there .
Mallet : Page three . Wow . What s that , Frank ?
Frank : That s your ... that s your new salary . That s your new level .
Mallet : Okay . All righty . Time to move on . New salary . I think I need to move into a cheaper place .
Olivia : Yeah , I m not trying to be negative . It s just you never know about people , you know , especially men .
Ava : Please , you do nt need to worry about me . It s fine .
Olivia : I m your mother . It s my job .
Ava : Yeah . Well , he cares about me . Maybe a little bit more about the baby , but it s fine . We re a package deal , right ?
Olivia : Not necessarily .
Ava : Do nt listen to anything she says . She s being a mean , nasty old grandma .
Olivia : Hello , that s evil .
Ava : The apple does nt fall far from the tree , right ?
Olivia : All right . Okay , we re both gimps . Why do nt you lay down and get some rest . Come on .
Ava : Mom ...
Olivia : Go on . Careful .
Ava : Okay .
Olivia : Scooch . So have you thought about any names for the baby ?
Ava : ( Laughs ) Well , I do nt have any boys names , but for a girl , I like Gabrielle .
Olivia : Gabby .
Ava : Gabrielle .
Olivia : Gabrielle . It s beautiful .
Bill : ( Laughs ) Okay . Why do we have to do this now ?
Dinah : It s Monday .
Bill : Yes , but I could just get dressed on Monday .
Dinah : It is your first day as C.E.O. I want everything to be pre - planned and perfect . Are you nervous ?
Bill : I m ... I m good . Thank you very much . Thank you . Thank you . Nervous ? No , not at all .
Dinah : Good .
Bill : I want to tell you something . We do look good , do nt we ?
Dinah : We look powerful .
Bill : We do .
Dinah : Yes , we do . You ready ?
Bill : I was born ready . And you ve got something in your hair .
Dinah : My hair s fine . Listen , tell me the truth . Do you feel like I forced this on you ?
Bill : Look , no way . I want this , okay ? You , me-- we ve turned the tables . And together , unstoppable . Right ?
Dinah : Yes .
Bill : What are you doing ?
Dinah : ( Laughs )
Bill : This is nt Oklahoma . Let s ... you want to dosey - do ? Come on , follow me . Let s take over the world .
Lizzie : Ahem !
Remy : Lizzie !
Lizzie : How s life at my house treating you ?
Remy : Get over it .
Lizzie : You know , Dinah and Bill might think that they re , like , king or queen or whatever they think , but I am going to gather my people ...
Remy : People . ( Laughs )
Lizzie : Yeah , I m going to gather my people , okay ? And I am going to ... I am ...
Remy : Wait , wait . Are you speaking English ? What are you even talking about , Lizzie ?
Lizzie : I am going to kick their ass ! You got that ?
Remy : Got it . Go for it .
Frank : Hey , buddy . You re awake .
Jeffrey : Ah , yes .
Frank : Well , good . Good , good , good . I thought you might be hungry , so I ... well , here s the paper , and I brought you something here . Here you go .
Jeffrey : What is it ?
Frank : It s a burrito . It travels a little better than a burger , so ... what are you doing with this ? This is one of my files .
Jeffrey : Yeah , well , we work on the same side , Frank .
Frank : Yeah , but , Jeffrey , this time you re the victim .
Jeffrey : You got any leads on Rafe ?
Frank : No . Nothing . But between the FBI and Interpol , I m sure it s just a matter of time . What did you tell them ?
Jeffrey : Well , I told them it was an accident . I grabbed the gun and startled Rafe .
Frank : You were wearing gloves ? Nice try .
Jeffrey : What do you mean , Nice try ? That s what happened .
Frank : Jeffrey .
Jeffrey : What ?
Frank : The evidence does nt support that . Your fingerprints were nt anywhere on that gun .
Jeffrey : ( Sighs ) He s just a kid , Frank . I think we need to shield him from this .
Frank : I agree . But unfortunately , he s not the only one we re going to have to protect if he s found .
Reva : Hey , Lizzie . Hey ! What are you doing , talking to yourself ? Are you okay ?
Lizzie : Yeah , everything s just peachy .
Reva : Are you sure ? Because I could have sworn you were talking to yourself ? What s up ?
Lizzie : I m going to kick Bill s butt . Could you help me ?
Reva : Really ? How do you intend to do that ?
Lizzie : I m not sure yet . I m sorting through a lot of ideas , but you could really be a big help .
Reva : I think I ll pass , thanks .
Lizzie : Suit yourself .
Mallet : Hey , Olivia .
Olivia : Hi .
Mallet : Hey , I wanted to let you know that I m actually moving out of the Beacon .
Olivia : When ?
Mallet : I guess as soon as I find a new place .
Olivia : Oh . It s kind of sudden . Is everything okay ?
Mallet : Yeah . Yeah , everything is good . I just want to make a new start . A mandatory one .
Olivia : I know the feeling . Good luck .
Mallet : Thank you .
Frank : Dinah ?
Dinah : Hey , Frank .
Frank : Hi . You okay ?
Dinah : Yeah . Holding it together , thank you .
Frank : Yeah , no worries . Are you headed over to the station ?
Dinah : No . Why ?
Frank : Well , no reason . I ve got to file these with the court , so ...
Dinah : It looks like a lot of them .
Frank : Yeah . Listen , can I ... can you just give me two minutes ? Can you walk over there with me ?
Dinah : Frank ...
Frank : Dinah , Mallet may need you right now .
Dinah : Frank , Mallet does nt want me in his life . He would like me gone .
Frank : Wow , so he was nt kidding about needing a fresh start , was he ? I mean , he has resigned from everything , from his job , from you , I mean ...
Dinah : What do you mean ? What do you mean his job ?
Frank : Mallet resigned as Chief . I m not here I m not my own I m looking right down on me my body I m lifeless I m a machine two minutes and counting it s passing give me back to me I m not ready give this chance to me I ll make them believe I see him I see it shine down on me the twilight sings as they sing got feeling back in this eyes open air in my chest breathes my flesh give me back to me I m not ready give this chance to me I ll make them believe give me guidance and help I know you know how give me strength of prayer so all you are will you feel it .
Reva : Hey , Frank .
Frank : Hey , Reva .
Reva : Is there any word on Rafe ?
Frank : Well , we need to bring him back in before anything bad happens . Well , sorry , I mean anything worse happens .
Reva : Can you do me a favor ? Just stay away from the hospital today . Do nt go see Jeffrey . I mean , you ca nt heal unless you can rest , right ? Ah , great . I should have known .
Frank : Well , Reva , if I did nt see him ...
Reva : I know , he would have dragged his butt down here . But can we work on getting him to stay put ?
Frank : Why are you here anyway ? Did you just swing by to pick up some files for him ?
Reva : No , no . His MP3 player . You know what else ? I have nt seen Harley around . Where is she ?
Frank : She ... she got called out of town . Yeah , something about a job opportunity , so ...
Reva : Nobody seems to be where they re supposed to be these days , do they ?
Ava : How did you get in here ?
Remy : Well , I sweet - talked the maid into loaning me a key .
Ava : Great . I feel really safe now .
Remy : I heard you re on bed rest .
Ava : Yeah , partial . Bill will be back any minute .
Remy : Sure he will . Well , I was trying to think what I could get to you kill time , you know , like books or music or crossword puzzles .
Ava : Oh !
Remy : I think you ll like it .
Ava : Not food ?
Remy : No . I got one , too .
Ava : Look at you !
Remy : Uh - huh . Uh - huh . We can do all types of cool stuff .
Ava : Oh , my gosh . How do you ... how do you ... ?
Remy : Well , right here , you just ... there you go .
Ava : You know , they have things like this now called cell phones . And you do nt even have to press ...
Remy : No , no . This is so much more fun , like if you re bored or Bill is being a tool , or you re in the mood for phone sex ...
Ava : What ?
Remy : Mm - hmm .
Ava : Walkie - talkie whoopee ? ( Laughter )
Remy : So you can be like this . You can be , like ... okay , Bill s being a tool ! Oh , Remy , I need you . Over . Mm - hmm .
Ava : Or it could be like , what are you wearing you big , sexy man ? Over .
Remy : See , you re so obsessed with taking my clothes off . I love it .
Ava : I ca nt hear you ! Over .
Remy : You re so obsessed with taking my clothes off . I love it . Over . ( Laughter )
Bill : There he is . Mr. Stormtrooper . Hey , how are you ?
Jeffrey : What is this ? Is this the new eccentric C.E.O. of Spaulding Enterprises ?
Bill : It s Lewis / Spaulding , is what it is . And I brought you a bunch of balloons , and I brought you a little of this . Remember this . It s a little exercise , a little hand - eye coordination , which ... here you go . Look at that . Look at that . I have nt been drinking . It s just this thing must be broken . I got it at the 99-cent shop . Anyway , you do nt even have to get out of bed . So , here you go .
Jeffrey : You came all the way down here to give me that ?
Bill : Um ... no . No . I came here because of , well , Ava . Yeah .
Jeffrey : To take care of me ?
Bill : Um ... no , to take care of her . Because , well , if I come down here , it makes her happy and she does nt stress the baby . No stress and everyone s happy . So , we re good , by the way . Can you tell ? Speaking of happy , you and Reva , huh ?
Jeffrey : Yeah .
Bill : Good .
Jeffrey : Perfect .
Bill : Nice .
Jeffrey : You and Lizzie ?
Bill : No , no , no , no . That s done . She hates me . Good riddance . Really . Do nt even ... I m all about Ava now , taking care of her , so ...
Jeffrey : Good .
Bill : Uh - huh .
Jeffrey : Do that .
Lizzie : Olivia . You must be very happy for Ava , the baby and everything .
Olivia : Mm - hmm . Every woman likes to learn she s going to be called Grandma .
Lizzie : A proud moment , I m sure .
Olivia : Yeah . Listen ... Ava has a lot to hope for , and she also has challenges . I just hope you wo nt cause her too much trouble .
Lizzie : Yeah . Ava s not on my radar .
Olivia : That s good . I mean , it makes sense because , you know , you must be all freaked out about Spaulding and the mansion and ...
Lizzie : That stuff is nt really going to be going on for much longer . I was upset ... very upset , but I m fine now . And I have a plan .
Olivia : A plan for what ?
Lizzie : To kick Bill s ass .
Olivia : Hmm .
Lizzie : All right . Bye .
Dinah : You lost ?
Mallet : Hilda told me I could find you out here . I ... I m gon na make some changes . I m moving out of my place . These are yours , some of your stuff .
Dinah : Thank you . Would you like to sit down ?
Mallet : I want to change my life , and I think I m going to go back to the start .
Dinah : I see .
Mallet : And I wanted to tell you ...
Dinah : That you resigned .
Mallet : Yes , I resigned .
Dinah : Yeah , I heard .
Mallet : You know , when things come crashing down , it sure is easy to see where your choices have taken you . Boy , I got off track . I got off track a long time ago .
Dinah : Where are you going to go ?
Mallet : I do nt know . I do nt know . I just want real change . That s the funny thing about change . I think deep down , it s not about a new job or a new town or a new relationship . I think it s in here . I think it s in here . That s going the wrong way . I just want to turn around . Just turn around and change direction . I got greedy . I got greedy and I cut in line , and ever since I found how I became Police Chief , I ve just been telling myself I did nt do anything wrong . That has to change . I do nt know , change direction and start climbing from wherever I am . Where I was to begin with . I think maybe I can get my life on track then , and maybe I can make things right .
Dinah : But you ca nt take responsibility for my mistakes . That s not right . You know , let me apologize , please . For causing you so much trouble . You re right . We make some choices in life . And some of them are mistakes . I m so sorry .
Mallet : Shh , shh , shh . Things happen for a reason , you know ? I do nt know . I do nt know where all of this is going to end . I just know right now this is what I need to do . And I need to do it alone . You okay ? Yeah ?
Olivia : So I heard you have nt been shot in over a week .
Jeffrey : Hi . Hey . What are you doing here ? What s wrong ?
Olivia : Nothing . A checkup . They re just being overly cautious . Slippers . I know it s kind of a wifely thing to do , a thorn in Reva s side , but I know how lying in bed with the thin blankets . Your feet get really cold .
Jeffrey : How s Ava ?
Olivia : She s glad .
Jeffrey : Glad ?
Olivia : Yeah . She s glad that you re okay , you know ? She s kind of gotten used to having you around and being able to rely on you . It s a comfort .
Jeffrey : These are really nice . You can tell her that I m going to be fine .
Olivia : I will . Congratulations on your wedding plans .
Jeffrey : Ah , you heard .
Olivia : Uh - huh . I guess I kind of primed the pump . It s going to be really awkward if Josh officiates the ceremony , though , do nt you think ?
Jeffrey : You just could nt help yourself , could you ?
Olivia : Sorry , I really ca nt .
Jeffrey : All right . Get out . I m supposed to be getting my rest .
Olivia : Okay . But just so you know , life is short and rest is highly overrated .
Lizzie : Congratulations .
Bill : Been looking for you .
Lizzie : Predictable .
Bill : I want to make sure you re okay .
Lizzie : That s weak . Does nt sound like a C.E.O. to me .
Bill : Well , I am one .
Lizzie : Should nt you be prepping for your first day ?
Bill : Do nt need prepping . Ready to go , day one .
Lizzie : Like that ? Good luck with that .
Bill : You see , now , luck is not what I need because I already have the job .
Lizzie : You do nt even get it .
Bill : Lizzie , now I did nt know you cared .
Lizzie : I do nt .
Bill : I had to do this .
Lizzie : I am going to destroy you .
Dinah [ German accent ] : And how are you feeling ?
Jeffrey : I m fine . I m a little bit tired . What are you doing ?
Dinah : ( Laughs ) I came to see how you are , to cheer you up .
Jeffrey : What else ?
Dinah : Nothing . I just feel like being a friend , you know , visiting .
Jeffrey : Uh - huh .
Dinah : I do nt really know why I m here .
Jeffrey : You looking for something ?
Dinah : Yes . Yes , I am looking for something . I think I m looking for myself , really .
Jeffrey : I thought you were busy with all these business affairs and acquisitions ?
Dinah : I am very busy . We are both very busy . Bill and I are taking over the world , yes . Bill has his thing , and I ... I m throwing a dinner .
Jeffrey : Yeah , I think I heard a little bit about your dinner plans before the accident , remember ?
Dinah : No , no , no . No , no , no , no . This , this is different . That was a plot , a machination , something else . This is dinner , just dinner . You ll get back to me . I know you will .
Jeffrey : Dinah .
Dinah : Jeffrey , I ve turned over a new leaf .
Jeffrey : Not again .
Dinah : Mm - hmm .
Mallet : Hey , Rem .
Remy : Hey .
Mallet : Hey , man , no hard feelings about not coming back to the force .
Remy : Oh , no . It s cool . It s cool .
Mallet : I resigned as Chief .
Remy : You did ?
Mallet : Yes , I did . Everybody s got to do what they ve got to do , what s right for them , right ?
Remy : Mm - hmm . That s right .
Mallet : Power is overrated .
Remy : ( Laughs )
Mallet : I learned that lesson .
Remy : Yeah . Yeah , well , welcome to the land of the little people . It s more fun over here .
Lizzie : Wake up , sleepyhead . There you go .
Jeffrey : Lizzie .
Lizzie : That s me . Oh , you poor thing . How are you feeling ?
Jeffrey : I m ... I m a little tired . I m fine .
Lizzie : That s amazing . I am so happy for you and Reva .
Jeffrey : Thanks . You are ?
Lizzie : Yes . Oh , and I want to add you to my legal team because I am going to kick Bill s ass , and you are nt going to want to miss that .
Jeffrey : Lizzie , I ca nt help you fight Bill .
Lizzie : Why not ?
Jeffrey : Well , because I m the District Attorney . That means I represent the district , not individuals . And ... well , Bill is now with my daughter , Ava . And it would seem that I ve been shot .
Lizzie : You think you could recommend someone ?
Ava : Hey . What a nice surprise . I did nt know you were going to be here . Those are beautiful .
Dinah : Oh , well , they re for you .
Ava : Thank you .
Dinah : I m making a sisterly call , just to see how you re feeling .
Ava : Oh , well that s nice of you . I m feeling good . I m feeling really good .
Dinah : Good .
Ava : How are you ?
Dinah : I m good , too . I m good , too . You know , I m kind of in a good mood . I m feeling that the future is bright , you know ? I mean , there is so much for all of us to be happy about . And I know that Bill is going to do good at his new job , and I m thinking that the whole family , little group thing , is very cool .
Ava : And I m here to do anything that I can to help . So please , let me know .
Dinah : Good . Good , I m glad . I m really glad . I m glad that Bill has someone to share his success with . That s good .
Bill : Do nt worry , I m on my way home to Ava right now . Okay ?
Olivia : Hey , wait . You re going to do right by my daughter , right ?
Bill : Of course I m going to do right by your daughter .
Olivia : You better .
Bill : Of course . Are we going to have to do this every day ? Is this going to be a ...
Olivia : I m getting better . And I can stand having you around . It s okay .
Bill : Am I so bad ? Do nt answer that . Do nt answer that . But look , no need to worry . I finally have everyone under control .
Olivia : Oh , is that right ? ( Laughs )
Bill : Yes .
Olivia : But you should nt do that .
Bill : What ?
Olivia : Be overly confident . That s when people screw up .
Bill : No , no , no , no . This is nt confidence . This is just , I really do have all me ducks in a row .
Olivia : All your ducks , huh ? Like Lizzie ? Quack , quack .
Bill : Okay . Well , you know what ? Lizzie and I are a non - issue . In fact , she hates me . And I do nt really ... we re done . Good riddance . Who cares , right ? Ava ...
Olivia : That s good to know , Bill . That s good to know .
Bill : Yeah . I m going to ... still fresh .
Mallet : You know , what s funny , Frank . I can say it now . I think all along I felt like I was failing at my job . That I wanted to do it well . It s just there are things I should have seen .
Frank : Well , you know what ? I felt that way every day as Police Chief .
Mallet : To new beginnings .
Frank : To new beginnings .
Reva : Geez . ( Laughs ) Who died ?
Jeffrey : Me , apparently . I know I was supposed to be resting .
Reva : Yes , yes , you were .
Jeffrey : I guess I m a really popular guy .
Reva : I do nt know . I mean , did they get the right room ? Look at all of this .
Jeffrey : Well , you got your wish , you know . I did nt have any time to work , and now I do nt have any room .
Reva : Oh , well , I m kind of glad for that , though . Because now can we talk about weddings , maybe ? Can we , huh ?
Jeffrey : Ah , yeah . Well , you know , I really want to get back on my feet first , you know , and take care of this Rafe situation before we move forward with the wedding .
Reva : Jeffrey , it s a good thing I love you because there are so many ups and downs one girl can take . Now you re getting cold feet ?
Jeffrey : Well , you know , Olivia gave me some slippers to keep my feet warm .
Reva : Oh , Olivia did ?
Lizzie : Nice one .
Remy : So how did your plan to topple Bill s new empire go today ?
Lizzie : Fabulously .
Ava : Waldo .
Dinah : No , no , better . Rudolph . Imagine ....
Ava : Thanks .
Dinah : Hello .
Bill : Supper time .
Dinah : That goodness . I m starving .
Ava : Me , too .
Bill : What you doing here , sis ?
Dinah : Well , I m here because it s a day to celebrate .
Bill : A day to celebrate it is . It is , it is . It s a very good day . And I stocked up on so much food here . I ve got Mexican , I ve got pizza . I ve got things I do nt even know what I ve got . But I ve got things that are unscented , no bacteria on them . Bread , cheese , and , of course , you ca nt have any meal ... without ice cream .
Dinah : Oh , you re so good , Billy boy .
Ava : Billy boy ?
Bill : Do nt call me Billy boy .
Dinah : Oh , okay . Should I call you C.E.O. ? Do you like that better ?
Bill : You may , yes . On Monday . Right now I just want to enjoy the company of my two favorite women .
Ava : I m just happy you re home .
Bill : Are you really ?
Ava : Uh - huh .
Dinah : I told your future is looking great .
Bill : Yeah , yeah , yeah . Let me tell you something ...
Dinah : What ?
Bill : Nothing can stop us now .
Dinah : Right . The Spaulding s are so yesterday .
Bill : They are so yesterday .
Ava : And we re so tomorrow , right .
Bill : We are so ... ( laughs ) . Exactly right . Exactly right .
Dinah : That s the spirit .
Ava : Hot dog !
Bill : Not hot dog . Ribs . What have we got in here ? ( Laughter )
Coming up on Guiding Light ...
Daisy : You swear you had nothing to do with this ?
Ashlee : This is obviously the work of a secret admirer .
Frank : I wish I could take credit for them , but it was nt me .
Ashlee : Maybe your mom s back , and this is the way she s saying she s sorry . Maybe you should go home and see her .
### Summary:
| Reva visits Jeffrey and cleans off his table of files . She tells him he needs his rest . She starts stuffing her mouth with grapes , then gives Jeffrey some . Mallet and Frank are talking new forms for uniforms when the investigation on the shooting is mentioned . Then Mallet sees on his orders a new salary . Frank reminds him new level of job , new salary . Ava and her mother are spending more time with each other as Ava is getting ready for a new trimester in her pregnancy . Bill is being fitted for new suits for the job . While Dinah looks on . Remy listens to Lizzie s tirade and cheers her on . Frank visits Jeffrey . Lizzie runs into Reva and tells her she is going to kicked some butt . Reva asks how . Remy gets 2 walkie talkies and gives one to Ava . Bill visits Jeffrey . Mallet and Dinah meet and she listens to Mallet as he talks . They hug . Olivia visits Jeffrey . Lizzie is alone in the park near the pond when Bill comes by . Lizzie sarcastically congratulates him . He tries to reason with her . She says forget it . When Dinah visits Jeffrey , he asks her if she is looking for something . She says yes , she wants dinner with him . Supposedly they were going to have dinner before he got shot . Mallet runs into Remy and says he feels little . Remy says welcome to the land of the Little People . Lizzie visits Jeffrey and she tells him the reason he is in the hospital . She is shocked . Dinah and Ava run into each other and small talk . It seems cheerful . Lizzie runs into Remy and he asks how her plan went to topple Bill . She answers back , Fabulous . He smiles . Bill has a meal with Dinah and Ava . He got takeout . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Alan : Well , well , well , look who s here .
Jonathan : Got something for you .
Alan : What s that ?
Lizzie : Okay , that is scary .
Jonathan : Sorry . I wanted to apologize for the way I ve been acting . I know I ve been making a bigger mess of things , and I hope you give me a chance to fix it .
Lizzie : Oh , thank you . That s so sweet .
Tammy : Excuse me . Miss Hunter .
Clerk : Yes .
Tammy : I m Tammy Winslow , a student at the university . I ve seen you in admission s office , and I realize you re busy .
Clerk : If this is a school matter , you need to address it at regular business hours .
Tammy : It ca nt wait that long . I ve been denied a place at school because of something I had absolutely nothing to do with .
Clerk : Ms. Winslow , you tried to pay your tuition with a bad check . Policy , but it s against the law .
Cassie : I really should go back to work .
Josh : Cassie . I was just going to say that when this day started , and when I received H.B. s medal , all I could think about is how much I could nt wait to share that with Reva . But as the days progressed , I m just really glad that we were able to share this moment together . And the truth is , I want to have a lot more of them . I know it s wrong , Cassie . But I have to have you .
Cassie : No !
Josh : Cassie , what s wrong ?
Reva : I could have sworn I turned off these lights before I left .
Billy : You did . But I m pretty handy with the light switch .
Reva : Oh , it s so good to see you .
Billy : It is a little disconcerting when you come to visit somebody in the hospital and their bed is empty .
Reva : Well , the good doctor let me out of my cage for a night .
Billy : Does that mean things are looking up ?
Reva : Well , until it is I m going to grab every minute of regular life that I can . I even went to a bar next to the clinic tonight . I kind of made Colin take me out . I set him up on a date .
Billy : A date ?
Reva : Oh , not with me . But I ll tell you something , I really ... I almost felt like myself again . You know , I laughed , and I got hit on . Go figure , huh ?
Billy : Reva , it sounds like you re really enjoying yourself . Or maybe you re just enjoying being away from Josh .
Reva : Billy , of course I want to go home to Joshua . I want to go home to everything that is in Springfield . But until I m cleared to go home , I m going to enjoy my life here at the clinic , as if it were Springfield .
Billy : Well , you should nt have any problem doing that .
Reva : I had a pretty good jump on it if I do say so myself . I drove a race car .
Billy : A race car ?
Reva : I did . I got that sucker almost to 200 miles per hour . I got to play matchmaker , I got kissed .
Billy : Wait , you got kissed by who ?
Reva : Colin at the bar .
Billy : Wait a minute ! I thought you said it was nt a date .
Reva : Well , it was nt a date . It was a moment . I ll tell you something , the moment I m really looking forward to is the moment that those lab results come in and I know I m moving in the right direction , instead of ... ( knock on the door )
Colin : Oh , I m sorry , I ll come back .
Reva : No , the hell you will are those you look awful . Are those my results ? Because if they re my results , I want to know what is going on now , quick . I want you to tell me now , quick .
Cassie : I ca nt keep doing this , Josh .
Josh : Doing what ?
Cassie : I ca nt ... well ... ( laughing ) for one thing , I ca nt keep wearing H.B. s medal . That s for sure . If anyone should be wearing it , it should be Reva .
Josh : Reva s not here .
Cassie : Yeah , well , a few minutes ago you were about to talk to her . So I m going to take a walk , and you can try her again .
Josh : Please do nt go ! Cassie . I m sorry . I just -- I feel like ... I feel like the dog that s been chasing that truck one time too many , and sooner or later , I m going to end up under the wheels .
Cassie : Meaning what ?
Josh : Meaning that I am done trying to figure out what s going on with Reva and Billy . They have their secrets , that s fine . They can keep them . I do nt care . I know that right now I m exactly where I want to be . And I m with someone who appreciates how important it is to me that my father is being honored now .
Cassie : I do .
Josh : I know . I feel like this was a confirmation for me , that the work that we ve been doing together on this project has been right , and it s been good . And I know that if H.B. were here right now , he would probably plant a big old kiss on you to say thank you for the work that you ve done . Or actually , knowing him , he would probably just kiss you because he would want to .
Cassie : Josh ...
Josh : I m sorry . I m really sorry .
Cassie : It s okay .
Josh : It s not okay , Cassie . It s not okay . I m just a little overwhelmed right now , and I m saying things that are embarrassing you , and I apologize .
Cassie : No , you re not .
Josh : Yes , I am .
Cassie : No , you re not . That s not it .
Josh : Then what is it ?
Cassie : H.B. would nt want us to celebrate like this , just the two of us and champagne and oysters .
Josh : You re right . It would nt be his style . He would much prefer to celebrate something like this with burgers and brew .
Cassie : Right . And people . Lots and lots of people , right ? So I think we should go and celebrate his way .
Josh : After you .
Tammy : I was set up by Alan Spaulding . I did nt forge a check .
Clerk : You re claiming one of the richest , most powerful men in the country personally arranged for your tuition check to bounce ?
Tammy : I ve never even been late with a payment to the university , let alone cut a check . I pay all of my charges at the bookstore and the co - op up front and on time , and I m a perfect student . I ve been on the Dean s list since my first semester . Look , look .
Clerk : When you defraud the university --
Tammy : You do nt believe me because Alan Spaulding just built the stupid baseball field at S.U. What are you doing ?
Clerk : No , you ca nt just leave . Stay away from me --
Tammy : I m sorry . I did nt mean --
Clerk : This was assault . These people are witnesses . I am calling the police .
Alan : Elizabeth , Elizabeth , listen , I am not going to leave you alone with this guy .
Lizzie : Jonathan is the baby s father , Granddad . Look , would nt it make more sense to find out what he is up to then let him sneak around behind our back ? Let me talk to him alone .
Alan : All right . Ten minutes , that s all .
Lizzie : All right .
Jonathan : Alan .
Alan : Yes ?
Jonathan : Put those in water . ( Laughing ) Hope I did nt upset that guy .
Lizzie : Why are you really here ?
Jonathan : Tammy said I should come and make nice with you because the two of us have a bagel in the toaster .
Lizzie : It s a bagel you do nt really care about , so do nt pretend you do .
Jonathan : You re right . The only thing in the world I do care about is Tammy , so ...
Lizzie : Please , spare me the love poem , okay .
Jonathan : You may think I d be the world s most dead - beatest dad , but Tammy is really into that kid , and she cares about you , too .
Lizzie : It was really sweet of her to offer to be my birth coach .
Jonathan : Yeah , yeah , it s definitely better her than me . Can you imagine if my face was the first thing that that little monkey saw ?
Lizzie : Talk about scarred . Scarred for life !
Jonathan : Yeah , look , I can fit into the picture in other ways . As far as this house goes , everybody is always talking about the baby , the baby , right ? It probably feels like they do nt even know you re here anymore . So you need somebody to look out for you , get your back . I ll do that . Let me do that . I can get your family off your case , and make Tammy happy at the same time . What s wrong with that ?
Lizzie : Okay . You are the most self - serving schemer I have ever met . ( Laughter ) Really .
Jonathan : Well , it takes one to know one now , mother .
Lizzie : ( Laughing ) Oh , does it really ? You re so weird .
Colin : I ca nt tell you what the results are yet .
Reva : It s that bad ?
Colin : No , no , no . I just -- I have nt --
Reva : Would you spit it out , please ?
Colin : I have nt seen them yet , the results .
Reva : Do nt try to protect me .
Billy : What are you stalling for ?
Reva : I mean , whatever the news is , the worst of the worst possible news I can handle , just tell me what it is .
Colin : I m not protecting you , I promise .
Reva : Then why are you dancing around the truth like this ? Your eyes are all red , you ca nt spit the words out ... what s -- oh , you re still drunk , is that it ? You re still drunk , well on your way to being hungover . ( Laughing )
Colin : And I really have nt seen your results yet ...
Reva : You had a better time tonight than I thought you did .
Billy : Well , I ll be , what kind of hospital is this ? The doctor gets drunk ? Doctor kisses patient ?
Colin : About that ...
Reva : Do nt apologize . That was good medicine when I needed some .
Billy : Good medicine .
Reva : Billy , would you relax . He is a better doctor than he is a kisser anyway .
Colin : Galsworthy .
Billy : What did you call me ?
Colin : Galsworthy , he is the lab tech . He just walked by with the results . I ll bet it s yours . I ll be right back .
Billy : So , he is really not a good kisser ? ( Laughing )
Reva : So it s mine , right ? Well ?
Colin : Removal of lymph nodes . Borders appeared clean ...
Reva : Doc , become line , in English , did the operation work or not ?
Colin : Yes , it worked .
Billy : It s good news ?
Colin : I would characterize it as promising .
Reva : That is good enough for me .
Clerk : The police will be here any minute . Officer , officer , that s her , right there . Arrest her .
Tammy : This is crazy . I did nt do anything .
Remy : Everyone just calm down .
Clerk : I ll calm down when you arrest her .
Tammy : I ll calm down when she apologizes to me . I do nt even know where this is coming from . I was just trying to clean up the problem , and she flipped out on me .
Lizzie : This is nt some scam you re working on to get your hands on all of that juicy Spaulding cash ?
Jonathan : No , I m not into milking the Spaulding cash cow .
Lizzie : Just here to please Tammy , huh ?
Jonathan : And make nice with you , yep .
Lizzie : What about the baby .
Jonathan : What about it ?
Lizzie : Has Tammy convinced you to lay a claim on her ?
Jonathan : What , and play daddy ? What , are you kidding me . Imagine me and you walking down Main Street pushing a stroller .
Lizzie : Like a scene from a horror film . People would be freaking out .
Jonathan : The semen spawn .
Alan : I think that is enough excitement for one night , Elizabeth . You need to get some rest .
Jonathan : No , she s cool .
Alan : The stress of a conversation with you is not good for the baby .
Jonathan : As far as I can tell , the only one cranking the pressure around here is you . I was just trying to help Lizzie blow off some steam .
Alan : Nobody asked you to .
Jonathan : Nobody had to . I have this thing about bullies . Never could stand them , never will .
Alan : Elizabeth , who do you think has you and the baby s best interest at heart ?
Lizzie : That s easy . I do . I m still not sure what you re selling , but it s okay because whatever it is , I m not buying . And I do nt like the bullying thing either . Stop it . Now , I m a little tired , so good night .
Alan : It s time for you to leave as well .
Jonathan : Now , is that any way to talk to family .
Alan : You re not family to me .
Jonathan : Well , I ve got a whole mess of genes floating around in that kid that says otherwise . That little bugger is like a pass key . I can get into Lizzie s life and into this place any time I want to .
Alan : That s pretty bold talk coming from someone who just lost their business , their credit cards , and if they re not careful , they could lose a lot more .
Jonathan : You want to throw around threats . I m done with that . See , I have nothing to lose .
Alan : Except Tammy .
Jonathan : You come after me and Tammy again , I m going to hit you where it hurts . I m not talking about the bank account . I m talking about Lizzie and the baby .
Stephanie Gatschet and Marcy Rylan , Inside The Light . Like me , Tammy is a fool , but in a good way . How much trouble she causes . I really like that . I think Tammy likes to see the best in everybody . I enjoy how much trouble she is . See Tammy and Lizzie , Wednesday , July 12 , Inside The Light .
Alan : You seem to really enjoy that cigar .
Jonathan : I enjoy making a stink , yeah .
Alan : You know , I admire your cool composure . It takes a lot of nerve to come into a man s home and challenge him .
Jonathan : Well , good . Glad we understand each other .
Alan : I can certainly understand your urge to fight for the woman you love .
Jonathan : I would use anyone or anything to make sure that Tammy was happy and safe .
Alan : You re starting to sound like a Spaulding .
Jonathan : Now I m insulted .
Alan : Let me ask you a question : How happy is Tammy going to be when you re going after another woman , especially a woman who s carrying your child ?
Jonathan : It s not a problem . I m just using Lizzie to get to you . You see , you closed down Outskirts , you cancelled my credit , you screwed up Tammy s tuition , and you threatened me with a whole lot more . I think total war is what you called it ? So , if you want to keep firing off shots , that s fine . I m going to fire off a few shots , too . And if Lizzie and that kid end up as collateral damage , oh , well .
Alan : You ll never win Elizabeth over . She hates you .
Jonathan : Oh ? Well , I got her to go to bed with me that one time , remember ? Why do nt you ask her how much she hated that ?
Lizzie : Roxy , we have got to talk . Jonathan is up to something . Yeah , I know , like that s something new . But , seriously , that guy would not bring me flowers unless he had a really good reason . He did say that getting along with me makes Tammy happy . But I just feel like there has got to be more to it than that . Whatever it was , it was kind of cool to see him stand up to granddad like that . Not that I need defending , but sometimes it s kind of nice . Roxy ? Roxy ? Roxy ! Sweetie , where are you ? Roxy ?
Dr. Baker : Lose something , or should I say someone ?
Lizzie : Roxy , come here , baby , come to mommy . Thank you .
Dr. Baker : I found her wandering down the hall , looking a little lost .
Lizzie : This place is kind of big . Sometimes she runs off and does nt know where she is headed .
Dr. Baker : That happens to the best of us sometimes . Do you prefer Lizzie or Elizabeth ?
Lizzie : Lizzie .
Dr. Baker : My name is Steven Baker , but Steve , please . I ve been looking forward to meeting you , Lizzie .
Lizzie : You have ? Well , this is me , and thanks for bringing Roxy back .
Dr. Baker : You really love your dog , do nt you ?
Lizzie : Of course I do , why ? Who are you ?
Dr. Baker : I could nt help noticing how concerned you were for her . You called her baby . Do you feel that way about your real baby , Lizzie ?
Lizzie : Look , I m sorry , I m really beat .
Dr. Baker : It s nothing to be ashamed of , Lizzie , feeling more affection for a pet than a child . A lot of my clients feel the same way .
Lizzie : Clients ?
Dr. Baker : Patients , if you prefer .
Lizzie : Oh , you re a shrink . Wow !
Dr. Baker : Lizzie , there s nothing to get upset about . Your grandfather thought you and I should get to know each other a little better .
Lizzie : Out , out , get out now .
Cassie : What is going on here ?
Clerk : This woman physically attacked me .
Tammy : She is flipping out over nothing .
Josh : This lady called the police --
Tammy : That stupid check was not my fault .
Cassie : What check ?
Clerk : The one she bounced .
Tammy : She is nuts .
Clerk : Be quiet .
Tammy : You be quiet .
Officer : Okay , okay .
Remy : I would like to get a statement from the accused .
Cassie : She is not a criminal .
Tammy : That s what I said .
Remy : Should nt you get a statement from me , first ?
Remy : Do nt worry , we ll get down to the bottom of this . Step this way , miss .
Tammy : I thought you were my friend . But no , you brought me over here to grill me .
Remy : If I were nt here , you would be headed downtown right now . So chill , okay ?
Remy : Tammy , what is up with this , passing bad checks and starting a fight ?
Tammy : I told you the stupid check was not my fault .
Remy : The point is , not that long ago the worst thing you did was return a library book a day late .
Tammy : Not that long ago , is that code for before I met Jonathan ? Jonathan has nothing to do with this . Okay , he is involved , but that s only because Alan Spaulding put him on his hit list .
Josh : Whoa , whoa , whoa , listen to me . It s going to be fine . Trust me . I have complete faith that Remy is going to do right by Tammy . He s one of the good guys .
Reva : ( Yelling ) We re good .
Could : Could you all celebrate a little more quietly ?
Reva : I m better .
Colin : I said it looks good .
Reva : It s a start , though , right ?
Colin : All I can tell you , Reva , is that right now it does nt appear that the cancer is spreading .
Billy : I call that major .
Reva : I call it a miracle . Not that I was giving up hope --
Colin : Reva , this is not over . There will be more tests and --
Reva : I know , I know . But at least it feels like I m taking , you know , some steps forward , instead of taking all these steps backwards .
Colin : Fair enough .
Reva : I wish you d gotten drunker . What about the experimental procedure ?
Colin : It is total recall with the stem cell rescue--
Reva : I know what it is . Do you think I m going to need it ?
Colin : I do nt want to rule it out , but as I say , at the moment , your condition looks encouraging .
Billy : Encouraging . From him , that s like you re golden .
Reva : I want to go right back out the door and I want to go out and celebrate .
Colin : No , I do nt think that s wise .
Reva : I do . Come on , what I m feeling right now , I want to get out of this place . This place is nt big enough for what s going through me right now . I want to go outside and count the stars and eat ice cream . Two big scoops . I want to bay at the moon .
Billy : I m your man . Let s go .
Reva : Come on , Doc , come on , my boys , let s go .
Dr. Baker : I understand you ve been feeling a little depressed lately .
Lizzie : Oh , depressed ? Let s see , I was just left standing at the altar by the man that I love . And I found out that the baby I m carrying is fathered by a psycho because of one stupid night together . What right do I have to be depressed ?
Alan : Well , I see you ve met Dr. Baker , Elizabeth .
Lizzie : He prefers Steve . This is so not what I need right now .
Alan : Elizabeth , you are pregnant , and you were on the rooftop of the hospital ...
Lizzie : That was not a call for help . It was nt . That was a stunt to get Coop to come rescue me so he remembers how much he loves me .
Dr. Baker : Delusion and depression often go hand - in- hand . What you did really was a cry for help , Lizzie .
Alan : The doctor is right . We think it is best if you stay here for a few days and work with Dr. Baker .
Dr. Baker : I am confident we can prevent this depression from spiraling into something much darker and more destructive to your baby .
Lizzie : You want to see darker and more destructive ? Because if you lock me up here for a couple of days , that s exactly what you re going to get .
Alan : It would be better to be treated here than someplace else .
Lizzie : You would nt send me to that place , the hospital that daddy went to .
Dr. Baker : We d hate to have to , Lizzie .
Alan : We re only thinking of the baby .
Lizzie : Oh , sure . Okay . Um , we do nt always agree on everything , but I know that you love me . So I ll do it .
Alan : That s my girl .
Dr. Baker : I see progress already . Let s let this girl have a good night sleep . We ll have our first session bright and early in the morning .
Alan : Absolutely . Sweet dreams , sweetheart . Sweet dreams .
Lizzie : Baby , we have got to get out of here .
Clerk : Officer , why is nt she in handcuffs ?
Remy : Maam , please , everything s under control . In fact , you can go home . We ll call for more information . I ll deal with Ms. Winslow .
Jonathan : Hey , man , you busting my girlfriend for being way too hot ?
Remy : It is a serious offense , but I ll let it slide this time .
Tammy : Thank you .
Remy : I ll see you around . Take it easy .
Jonathan : Easy . What was that about ?
Josh : Remy , hang on for a second .
Cassie : Could Tammy really be in trouble ?
Remy : Yeah , well , I do have to write a report , but I m going to say upon investigation , the charges proved to be unfounded .
Cassie : You re a good friend , Remy .
Remy : This I can take care of . One thing I ca nt fix is Jonathan .
Josh : You okay ?
Cassie : Yeah , I m fine . I m a little cold . I think I should head home .
Josh : The night is young . My jacket s inside . I ll get it for you .
Cassie : Um , Josh ...
Billy : Hey . What we ve got here is a lot better than that recycled stuff in the clinic .
Reva : Yup , that s for sure .
Colin : I should have brought the insect repellent .
Reva : What s a few mosquitoes , doc , we re alive .
Colin : Reva , honestly ...
Reva : Would you please tell Dr. Doom and Gloom , Billy that I am well enough to go home .
Billy : She certainly thinks she is .
Reva : What s up with that ? You re supposed to be my cheerleader . My diagnosis is officially encouraging , and I ll be even better once I get home to Joshua . Oh , I do nt believe it .
Colin : What ?
Reva : It s an ice cream vendor . Who says you do nt get what you wish for ? Cones all around ? My treat .
Colin : She is something .
Billy : Yeah . Look , she s still not herself . She tries to hide it , but I can see it .
Colin : That s not exactly the tone I expected to hear from her designated cheerleader .
Billy : Doc , it s just you and me . How do you see her ?
Colin : She s so determined to go home , she s almost made a believer out of me .
Billy : But you re not ?
Colin : She needs to stay at the clinic until we re sure .
Billy : She needs to stay , that s doable , but I m going to need your help . I m going to need your ... hold on a second . ( Cell phone rings ) Oh . Hello . Hello ? Cassie , is that you ?
Cassie : Yes , hi , Billy . I was trying to reach Reva . You obviously got to her first .
Billy : Oh , yeah , I m just visiting .
Cassie : Uh - huh . And where are you guys ?
Billy : Believe it or not we re in a park right now . But Reva s good . She s real good . I m taking real good care of her .
Cassie : That s good .
Billy : How s everything with you ?
Cassie : Yeah , I m missing my sister , and Josh is missing her , too . What city did you say that park was in ?
Billy : Sweetie , I ve got to go . I ll talk to you later , bye .
Cassie : Hello , Billy ? Hello .
Josh : Here you go .
Cassie : Ah ...
Josh : Who you talking to ?
Cassie : Well , I tried to call Reva , but , um ...
Josh : But what ?
Cassie : Billy answered the phone .
Josh : Billy s with Reva , that s lovely . He swore to me up and down he was just going to take her to the airport . So that means both of them are lying to me .
Cassie : I m sorry .
Josh : Do nt be sorry . It s not your fault , it s not your problem . We should nt let this mess up our celebration . H.B. would want us to celebrate , so we should do that . Come on , I ll buy you a drink .
Billy : I probably should nt have answered that .
Colin : How long do you and Reva think you can keep her stay at a cancer clinic from her own family .
Billy : That depends on whether or not she is at the clinic .
Colin : I m not following you .
Billy : Reva needs fresh air and a normal life just as much as she needs the treatment . With your permission , I was hoping I could put her up some place off the clinic s grounds and some place normal , and then I ll bring her in for treatment .
Colin : I suppose that is doable for now --
Billy : Whoa , whoa , for now , that s terrific . For now works .
Reva : Here we go . That s a long walk .
Billy : Well , look at you . You did nt get any on yourself .
Reva : Yeah , well ...
Colin : You know , I need that .
Reva : Yeah . You know , when I was waiting in line for these , I looked up at the stars , and I had the strongest feeling that Josh was so close by -- closer than he has been since my first prognosis , diagnosis , whatever , and I take that as a good sign .
Billy : Sweetie , you ve got more work to do here , but I m going to stay right here with you , okay ?
Reva : Colin said I could nt go home so fast , did nt he ? You should go home to Springfield , Billy .
Billy : No , maam . As long as you re here , I m here .
Bruno : The car is ready , Mr. Spaulding .
Alan : Thank you , Bruno , I ll be there in a minute . Bruno , shut the door . Is it true that you served time in prison for assault ?
Bruno : I was framed .
Alan : Fine , fine . Um , I may be needing your special talents . You know that young man that was just in here , Jonathan Randall ? He does nt frighten easily . You may have to teach him a lesson the hard way .
Tammy : Let s just go , okay .
Jonathan : Hold on , before we leave , tell me what happened in there .
Tammy : Nothing .
Jonathan : Then why was there a cop around ?
Tammy : There are always cops in there .
Jonathan : Well , Remy looked like he was working . Paid an awful lot of attention to you .
Tammy : Well , Remy likes me . And if that bothers you , then good .
Jonathan : Hey .
Tammy : Just keeping you on your toes .
Jonathan : Did nt you tell him that you are taken ?
Tammy : Hey , we re just kidding . Okay ?
Jonathan : You re the only one that I need .
Tammy : Did you steer clear of Alan , like I asked you to ?
Jonathan : Well , um ...
Tammy : Jonathan .
Jonathan : I just sent the guy a message .
Tammy : What s that supposed to mean ?
Jonathan : Relax , relax , it was with flowers . For Lizzie . It was -- I went over there and made a peace offering . I played nice , I smiled a lot .
Tammy : Are you serious ?
Jonathan : Uh - huh . You told me to go mano to mano with Alan , but play right in his hands , so I listened . I heard you . It was good advice , so I took a different path .
Tammy : Amazing .
Jonathan : Come here .
Tammy : You come here . ( Cell phone rings ) You going to answer it ?
Jonathan : No . That s Lizzie . I can call her back .
Tammy : What if it s about the baby ?
Jonathan : What ?
Lizzie : Are you ready for this , my granddad has me locked up in my room , and he sicced a shrink on me . He s actually insane .
Jonathan : You have to chill out .
Lizzie : I do nt think you understand what I m saying . I m locked in my room . I need you .
Jonathan : What are you calling me for ?
Lizzie : Look , I need someone who is not afraid of my grandfather . I saw the way you stood up to him . Please help me . You said that you would help me . You re the only one that can .
Buzz : I just want to hold you and never let you go .
Olivia : Buzz .
Buzz : I think I can handle you .
Olivia : I think you could .
Jonathan : Okay , I ll do you a favor just this once .
Tammy : He took all your money . You ll never get out of this .
### Summary:
| Jonathan visits Lizzie and sands up to Alan telling him that he will protect Tammy even if it means collateral damage with Lizzie and the baby . Alan tells his chauffeur , who has a record , that he might need his help to teach Jonathan a lesson . Alan has Lizzie locked in her room and arranges for a psychiatrist to treat her . Colin tells Reva he has good news about her labs . Billy arranges to help Reva off clinic grounds . Reva misses Josh . Josh realizes that he likes Cassie around . Cassie has visions of Josh kissing her . Tammy gets into trouble for writing a hot check for her college tuition and a lady at the college calls the police on her . Lizzie calls Jonathan and begs him to come rescue her for he is the only one who can stand up to her grandfather . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stitch : Hi . Dearly beloved , we are gathered here together in the sight of god to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony . Now , Abby and Ben are here with their friends , their family , to publicly declare their love for one another .
Phyllis : [ Gasps ]
Jack : Ash !
Abby : Oh , my god .
Stitch : Give her some room . Hey . Hey . Hey . Ash , ash , it s Ben . Can you hear me ? Ashley .
Ashley : Ben ?
Gil : Going somewhere , Billy ?
Billy : Gil , what -- what the hell are you doing here ?
Gil : You could nt duck my calls forever , Abbott . You owe me , and it s time to pay .
Billy : I m not avoiding you . I m just late for a wedding . We can do this . Just not now . Excuse me .
Gil : No , excuse me .
Billy : Hey , hey !
Gil : We re doing this now !
Ashley : What happened ?
Jack : Ashley , you fainted .
Ashley : [ Sighs ]
Abby : Mom , do you know where you are ?
Ashley : Honey , of course I know where I am .
Stitch : Okay , just -- just sit still for a second , all right ?
Ashley : I m not gon na stay on the ground . I do nt care how great the renovation is . I m okay . I m okay .
Abby : You ca nt just pop back up .
Victor : Nicholas , kindly call an ambulance .
Nick : I already did .
Ashley : Oh , please . No ! No , stop . You re all being ridiculous .
Jack : Ashley , you passed out . You need medical attention .
Dr. Neville : I m right here . And in my professional opinion , the woman forgets to eat . I ve seen it before at the lab . She has low blood sugar . We get her some of those canapés and some water , she ll be fine .
Ashley : Thank you . I m fine .
Stitch : Okay , no and no . Look , we can postpone .
Ashley : Mnh - mnh .
Stitch : Let s get you to an ER just as a precaution .
Ashley : Nope . Nope .
Abby : You ca nt pretend like nothing happened .
Ashley : Oh , something happened . I m so sorry . Look , look , I ran myself ragged planning this wedding . That s what happened . I m not going anywhere until the both of you say I do , and that s it . I m fine ! I m fine . Abby , will you have this man to be your husband ? Will you love him , comfort him , honor , and keep him in sickness and in health , forsaking all others , and be faithful to him as long as you both shall live ?
Abby : I will . Ben , will you have this woman to be your wife ? Will you love her , comfort her , honor , and keep her in sickness and in health , forsaking all others , and be faithful to her as long as you both shall live ?
Stitch : I will .
Abby : [ Chuckles ] The rings , please .
Stitch : My best man , the comedian .
Billy : You ll get your money , okay ? I m good for it ! You know that !
Gil : If you were good for it , I d have my money .
Billy : Gil , have I ever stiffed you before ?
Gil : You never made a $ 200,000 bet before .
Billy : Wait , how much ? 200 grand ? I -- maybe you mis-- maybe you misheard me .
Gil : See , I get the feeling you re not taking this very seriously .
Billy : I m taking it seriously . I am . Look , you re gon na get your money . You can charge me interest if you want !
Gil : Oh , the juice is running , but I do nt think you re gon na like my interest rates .
Billy : Okay , okay , can -- can -- can we just for -- there -- there we go . All right . Gil , I m an Abbott . We always pay our bills , okay ?
Gil : If your fancy family was planning on covering your bets , we d be doing shots in a bar right now .
Billy : My fancy family is actually upstairs right now in the middle of a wedding . If you ll just let me go and , you know , throw some rice , drink some champagne , I ll get you your money tomorrow . You ll have a fresh sack of cash for new year s .
Gil : [ Sighs ] See , here s the deal . I want my money because it s mine and I want it . But you do nt have it . So now we got to settle for door number two .
Billy : Look , Gil , I do nt -- oh , come on , man . Gil , look , it s -- this is just between us , man ! There s no need for this !
Gil : I was just trying to scare you , man . But you had to go and run . You forced my hand .
Billy : Look , Gil --
Abby : Oh . [ Chuckles ]
Stitch : Will it fit ?
Abby : It fits .
Abby : Honestly , I was nt sure that it would . This wedding , this romance , it has nt exactly been smooth and predictable . We re here . And we made it . And I am so proud to be your wife . When I first met you , um , you were stitch . [ Chuckles ] Super cute doctor who fixed my mom s ankle on thanksgiving . And then you were my bodyguard . Looking out for me . I think you might have called me high - maintenance or spoiled brat .
Nick : Nailed it .
Abby : But soon after that , I realized that I want to look out for you , too . And one of the scariest moments of my whole life was here in this building when I thought that I had lost you and my mom . But I look at this place [ Chuckles ] And I look at all of these beautiful people . We made it , and we are doing something crazy together . We re making an us , and I love us .
Stitch : [ Chuckles ]
Abby : We make no sense together at all , which is why I think we make perfect sense . And I loved you before . And now I love you more . And I always will .
Stitch : [ Chuckles ] You re better at this than me , so I , um , so I had to write -- I had to write mine out , my -- my vows . Of course , if I learned one thing about you , it s that -- it s kind of fun to be spontaneous , so here we go .
Stitch : Yeah .
Stitch : All right . Yes , I was -- I was your bodyguard , and you were this temper - tantrum little brat .
Abby : [ Laughs ]
Stitch : But you re the one who saved me . Everybody here , they all know that you got this spark , a spark so bright , you can probably see it from space . And you were there for me when my sister died . You knew when I needed to talk and when I needed to be quiet . I never thought I d depend on your fire and your quiet . I did nt think that someone could drive me so crazy and make me sane at the same time . [ Laughs ] [ Sighs ] I - I did nt think any of this was gon na happen or it was gon na come . So -- and , you know , I think I wrote a pretty good ending , but it s , uh , it s all over the floor right now , so ... I m just gon na say this . I love you , Abby Newman . And I will always love you for the rest of my life . Those who god has joined together , let no one put asunder . You are now husband and wife .
Abby : [ Laughs ]
Stitch : Oh , all right . You ready to catch a plane , start our honeymoon ?
Abby : What are you ? Some kind of barbarian ?
Stitch : What ?
Abby : Do nt you know how weddings work ? Toast - toast , hug - hug , cake - cake .
Stitch : [ Groans ]
Abby : We ca nt leave now .
Stitch : Why not ? Come on .
Traci : Uh - oh . Uh - oh .
Stitch : Yo .
Traci : Is he trying to steal you away ?
Stitch : Uh ... guilty . [ Laughs ]
Traci : Come on . You ve got to share for just a little while longer . You re gon na have her your whole life .
Stitch : That sounds pretty amazing .
Victor : May I have your attention , please ? As the father of the bride , I d like to say a few words . Today my beautiful daughter s beginning her marriage to a man I respect a great deal . Marriage is what you make of it , what you re imbued with . You need to have loyalty and respect , love . And fortunately for me , I ve been married to a lady who possesses all these qualities . In a marriage , one part of the couple sometimes puts in more than the other . Remember to forgive each other . And you , stitch , remember that you are a very lucky dude .
Stitch : I do .
Abby : [ Chuckles ]
Victor : Let us toast to the happy couple .
All : Cheers .
Dylan : Uh , can I have your attention ? I guess it s , uh , my turn . Stitch is a hero . I ve been in combat with this guy . [ Sighs ] And I ve seen with my own eyes him risk his life for somebody else . Now , he s done some , uh , pretty crazy things to protect other people . But he never did it for the medals , the attention , or even a thank you . He did it because that s just who he is . I m proud to be your best friend .
Stitch : Right back at you .
Dylan : He s a soldier . He s a doctor . And now the most heroic title of all -- husband .
Sharon : Because marriage is so dangerous ? Is that what you re saying ?
Dylan : No , that s not what I was saying ! I m just , you know , I mean --
Stitch : No , no , not at all . He s just saying I m his hero .
Dylan : That s right . Stitch , you saved the day again , buddy . Thank you .
Victoria : Hi , everyone . I know what a good man Ben is . And I know how well Abby and Ben work together . Somehow they figured it out . But that kindness and that love and that willingness to give , it ca nt end today . And if you can protect that love and if you can nurture that love ... if you can do the work ... if you can do the work ...
Chelsea : Then you can and will have the life that you two deserve together . So , to stitch and Abby .
All : To stitch and Abby .
Billy : [ Grunts ]
Gil : [ Laughs ] What is it with emojis ? Grown men sending smiley faces .
Billy : [ Wheezing ] [ Grunts , coughs ]
Gil : Okay . That should do it . What the hell ? I told you not the face !
Billy : [ Grunts ]
Gil : Sorry , Abbott . Bit of a miscommunication . But you got the point , right ?
Billy : [ Breathing heavily ]
Gil : Okay . See you tomorrow ... with my money .
Billy : [ Coughing ] [ Groans ]
Michael : Ladies and gentlemen , your attention , please ! I would like to present to you something also new . Dr. And Mrs. Benjamin Rayburn . Give it up !
Abby : [ Chuckles ]
Stitch : So , um , what are all these people doing here ? Should nt they be home ? Oh , no , wait . That s us .
Abby : People are watching us .
Stitch : Yeah ? Well , we did the toast - toast , hug - hug thing . Can we get out of here now ?
Abby : Oh , keep it up , husband . We ll be out of here before you know it .
Stitch : Yeah ?
Dr. Neville : So , did you , in fact , find something to eat ? Got to keep up your cover story .
Ashley : Excuse me ?
Dr. Neville : We re both liars . All that blood sugar nonsense . What have you got ? Oh , come on now , Ashley . Doctor - patient privilege and all that . You ca nt imagine some of the secrets I ve kept . I should get a medal . So , miss Abbott , what is ailing you , really ? Good talk .
Adam : What do you give it ?
Sage : Hmm ?
Adam : Six weeks ? Six months ?
Sage : Ugh . You are so deranged . That s your sister . She s in love .
Adam : She s in love . People get married for love anymore ?
Sage : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , right ? How bizarre . No one cheating , lying , pretending . Who would have thought ?
Adam : It s completely bizarre .
Sage : [ Laughs ]
Adam : But you and nick look good , though .
Sage : Yeah , I think we are .
Adam : Good .
Sage : How about you and Chelsea ?
Adam : There are no words .
Abby : Make a break for it ?
Stitch : Oh , yeah .
Summer : Hey , it s tradition time .
Abby : What ?
Summer : Yeah , it s another dance between the groom and the mother of the bride . It s sweet , you know ? Family bonding .
Abby : Mom might not feel up to it .
Summer : Stitch will do all the work . And he probably wo nt step on your feet .
Abby : [ Chuckles ]
Stitch : Well , uh , give the people what they want , huh ?
Ashley : Okay .
Stitch : Hey .
Ashley : Hi . Congratulations .
Stitch : You should , uh , you should come to the hospital and let me run some tests on you .
Ashley : Would you please stop ? Take a look around . You re at your wedding . Just stop being a doctor and be a husband . Okay ? You and Abby both deserve that , right ?
Abby : Wow , that was a great dance .
Ashley : Yeah . Now it s time to eat cake , right ?
Nikki : That was a lovely speech . Words to live by .
Victor : To ring in the new year . And you know I already live by those words . Last time you and I got married , I said this would be the last wedding . Cheers .
Nikki : Cheers .
Stitch : How about now ?
Abby : You want to bolt before the cake ?
Stitch : Ashley herself told me to be a husband . That s all I want to do .
Abby : I doubt she meant bail on all the guests .
Stitch : It s a new year s eve party now . No one s gon na miss us . Besides , I want to start 2016 alone with you . Come on .
Abby : [ Laughs ]
Victoria : Ah . No .
Dylan : What ?
Sharon : Hey .
Dylan : Hey .
Faith : Can I have sully s slice since he s not here ?
Nick : Oh .
Dylan : One - track mind .
Nick : Yeah .
Sharon : Well , I think we should let the bride and groom have some first .
Nick : The kid knows when she sees the good stuff .
Traci : Now all we need is the happy couple to take their positions . I ll be right back .
Jack : Abby ?
Dylan : Stitch ! Oh , sorry . Excuse me .
Jack : Abby !
Nick : You know what ? I think they may have skipped out on us .
Jack : Ashley , did , uh , did Abby say anything to you ?
Ashley : No . I did nt even get to say goodbye .
Stitch : The limo s waiting .
Abby : Everyone upstairs is probably wondering where we are .
Stitch : Yeah ? Do you want to go back up , explain to them that I m a husband with needs ?
Abby : Let s leave that part out . I should at least call my mom and wish her a happy new year .
Stitch : Hey , we can go back up . I mean it . Do the cake , the bouquet , all of it . What-- whatever makes you happy .
Abby : This . [ Chuckles ] You . The thought of starting 2016 alone together . That is what makes me happy . Now , get me out of here , husband .
Stitch : Hmm .
Abby : [ Laughs ]
Stitch : Let s go . Come on .
Dr. Neville : You know , objectively you re gorgeous . It s true . You re a stunning example of symmetry , genetics , bone structure . It s just remarkable . Somehow right this second , you look like ... hell .
Ashley : Well , how charming of you .
Dr. Neville : Charming was when I covered for you before . Now I m being honest . So should you . Tell me what s wrong , Ashley . Let me help you .
Ashley : You ca nt help me .
Jack : Ash ?
Dylan : I think we can , uh , take off now if it s good enough for the newlyweds .
Sharon : Do you -- you want to leave now ?
Dylan : Well , you know , we have our own little baby new year at home . Let s just go stare at him for an hour or two .
Sharon : I ca nt wait .
Sage : Looks like they re making a break for it . I do nt blame them . They have a lot to get home to .
Nick : You doing okay ?
Sage : I am now .
Victor : I hate to interrupt .
Nick : [ Sighs ]
Victor : Beautiful wedding , is nt it ?
Nick : Was .
Victor : This is a strong one built to last .
Sage : Well , it s tough to know that till you ve been through a rough patch .
Nick : Well , like Vick says , you know , if you put the work in , I think you can make anything happen .
Sage : Did , um , Nicholas tell you that he and faith moved into the penthouse ? It s really wonderful .
Victor : Really ? That so ?
Nick : Yep . Both your sons living in the same building . You can visit us at the same time . We ll save you a drive .
Victor : [ Laughs ] Yes .
Luca : I ve seen that look on my father s face . Convinced he owns the world and everyone in it .
Adam : Well , you know what they say . Pride goeth before the fall . The bigger they are , the harder they fall .
Luca : So our plan is still on ?
Adam : Well , hell yes , it s still on .
Luca : Good .
Adam : Have a good night .
Devon : You ready for 2016 ?
Hilary : Uh , makes me nervous , to be honest , but it ca nt be worse than 2015 , right ?
Devon : Way to set the bar low . Cheers .
Neil : You know , seeing Devon and Hilary get along , it does nt make me want a drink . It makes me want everything back the way it should be . I mean , it was never me that she wanted . She can recall those moments , but not the feelings . And what does that do , Nikki ? It leaves the three of us all in limbo . And I wish she would stop thinking that I could be her man .
Nikki : Yeah , well , the heart is nt that easy to control .
Neil : But it can be swayed . And you , my dear , can help make that happen .
Victoria : Billy never showed .
Phyllis : Did he stand you up ?
Victoria : Yes , actually . No . I - I told him that I would be too busy to be his date , but you think that he would at least show up for his niece .
Jack : I m afraid it s my fault , Victoria . Billy and I argued , and he ran off .
Victoria : You argued about what ?
Jack : Business , money . He -- he needed a loan .
Victoria : Oh , okay . Well , he did mention that he had some irons in the fire .
Jack : Well , I m afraid those irons are probably horses that did nt win .
Victoria : He s gambling again .
Phyllis : Nice way to soften that blow .
Jack : I m sorry , Victoria . Billy is off the rails again , and you and I both know the only person that can help Billy is Billy .
Victoria : You know , I think there are still a few people that have nt had any cake . Excuse me .
Phyllis : Now , why would you do that ? Why would you hang your brother out to dry ?
Jack : Victoria deserves to know what she s up against , what we re all up against with Billy .
Phyllis : Did you hear her voice ? She wanted to forgive him . You did not get off the pills on your own , if I recall .
Jack : No , I had help . But I wanted help . I wanted to get better . And once Billy does , I will be the first person to help get him into recovery , but I m not gon na lie for him , I m not gon na cover for him . I got other priorities right now .
Phyllis : That is lovely . What is more important than your brother ?
Jack : Right this minute , my sister , Ashley .
Ashley : [ Sobbing ] Useless . Just ... it s useless ! All completely ... useless ! !
Ashley : [ Sobs ]
Dr. Neville : 15 years of research was nt useless to Hilary Hamilton . It helped her . It will help other people . It could help you .
Ashley : [ Sniffles ]
Dr. Neville : For god s sake , miss Abbott , please tell me what s wrong with you . Somewhere in this mess may be a cure .
Ashley : [ Sighs ] Not for me .
Dr. Neville : You re nothing if not thorough . I m guessing you left the world of lip gloss and skin cream for a very personal reason . Fair enough . You said you wanted to do something that matters . Well , this matters . What I do matters . And what we can do together will matter . First , why do nt you tell me what exactly it is we re up against .
Ashley : I had an aneurysm several months ago .
Dr. Neville : Hmm .
Ashley : And the surgery went perfectly well . You know , until the part where the doctor found something .
Dr. Neville : Tumor ? So , who have you told ? Your daughter , your siblings , Ben Rayburn ?
Ashley : No . Nobody knows but you . And it s gon na stay that way .
Dr. Neville : Well , that s just it . It ca nt stay that way .
Ashley : Oh , it can . It can and it will , because I do not want my daughter Abby to know about this right now . I want her to be happily married and settled in , you know , before anything comes along and ruins it .
Dr. Neville : That is ... the stupidest thing I ve ever heard .
Ashley : I do nt give a damn what you think . This is my life , and that s how it s going to be .
Dr. Neville : Exactly . It s your life . Your life . It s something worth fighting for , is it not ? I mean , it s not some three hanky chick flick where the nobility suffer and die in silence . It s about you . Ashley Abbott . You re the one that s going to be settled in . You re the one that s going to be living the life that you deserve . I intend to see to it . And I ll do it whether you like it or not .
Abby : Hold on ! Hold on !
Stitch : No , just -- all right , hold on , just let me -- hold on one second .
Abby : Whoa .
Stitch : Aha !
Abby : [ Laughs ]
Stitch : Yeah . Look at that .
Abby : Well , you are a master of threshold crossing .
Stitch : Yeah , heroic maneuvering for my bride .
Abby : Oh , really ?
Stitch : Yeah .
Abby : [ Chuckles ]
Stitch : Still thinking about the reception , are nt you ?
Abby : Oh , well , my mom is probably furious .
Abby : Hey , Ashley wants you to be happy .
Abby : Well , then she got her wish .
Stitch : Yeah ?
Abby : Because I am insanely happy . We have a marriage , a forever , and a plane to catch . We should probably change . You know , you are on button duty for the next 60 years .
Stitch : Oh , my god . Like I died and went to heaven .
Abby : [ Laughs ]
Stitch : We , uh ... we still have time before the flight .
Abby : Enough time ? Happy new year . [ Laughs ] And if the sky should fall and tumble right down into the sea there will still be you and me and if everything you touch should turn to gold I - I - I would drink to you because all we really need all I really want from you is a simple love a simple love
Dylan : Ah !
Sharon : [ Chuckles ]
Dylan : Just checked on him . He s sound asleep . I do nt know . Maybe we should wake him up so he does nt miss the new year .
Sharon : No , do nt wake him up . He s gon na be awake before you know it . And besides , he ll have many more new years in his lifetime .
Dylan : Right , but he s gon na miss his chance to say goodbye to 2015 .
Sharon : It was a good year , was nt it ?
Dylan : Hmm . It was a great year . I finally got what I wanted and what I wished for . A family of my own . But 2016 is gon na be even better . Hold on . We need to start a countdown of our own .
Sharon : What ? Is it new year s now ?
Dylan : Does nt matter . It s our new year s . Come on . All right . All right . You ready ?
Sharon : Mm - hmm .
Both : 10 ...
Dylan : There you go . Good .
Both : 9 ... 8 ... 7 ...
All : 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ! Happy new year !
Victor : I love you , my baby .
Nikki : I love you , too .
Victor : Be right back .
Chelsea : How did we get here ?
Adam : Hmm . Hard work , a little bit of luck , and a whole lot of love .
Sage : To the new year .
Nick : To us .
Mariah : What the hell . [ Chuckles ]
Jack : Happy new year .
Phyllis : I love you , but you make me crazy .
Jack : Ditto .
Phyllis : Well , there you have it . Love and insanity . Happy new year .
Michael : Not to worry , ladies ! I m on my own tonight .
Michael : Oh , that s right !
Traci : Oh , no !
Michael : Pucker up ! Mwah ! Come here , you !
Victoria : Ah !
Michael : Mwah !
Michael : Happy new year !
Victoria : Happy new year .
Hilary : Happy new year , Devon . I hope this year treats you right .
Devon : You , too .
Neil : Thank you .
Billy : [ Coughing ] [ Grunts ] [ Coughs ] [ Grunts ] [ Coughs ]
Neil : Oh , that ? Yeah , that . Nikki s a dear friend . She was a huge help when I found out that you and Devon were in love . And you know something ? She helped me see that I had no other choice but to move on with my life , which I m doing . I was grateful to her . She s an incredible lady . Happy new year .
Devon : Sure . Hey . I saw all that , and I know what you re doing .
Neil : You want me to stop ?
Devon : Honestly ? No .
Neil : Happy new year .
Ashley : Hilary did nt have a tumor . You ca nt help me .
Dr. Neville : But what if I can ?
Ashley : You said yourself . This cure for Hilary was probably a fluke .
Dr. Neville : That was a misguided moment of modesty .
Ashley : Or maybe a misguided moment of honesty .
Dr. Neville : I found a solution for that patient . I ll have find one for you .
Ashley : But what if you ca nt ? !
Dr. Neville : Then you ll die . Your condition is , in theory , fatal . I just do nt buy it . In any case , what on earth do you stand to lose by letting me do what I do ?
Ashley : [ Sighs ] Look ... [ Voice breaking ] I do nt want to get my hopes up .
Dr. Neville : It has nothing to do with hope . This is hard work . This is the game -- research . It takes energy , it takes commitment , it takes time , it takes money , and it takes risk . So what ll be , cupcake ? Hmm ? I do nt need anybody in my lab who is nt up to the challenge . Are you in or you out ?
Ashley : [ Sighs ] [ Stomps foot ] Okay . Nobody can know about this .
Dr. Neville : Oh , well ...
Ashley : Not one person . You promise me . Promise me ?
Dr. Neville : Like I said , I am excellent with secrets . I ll clean up . Oh . Happy new year .
Abby : Now , that is a way to start the new year .
Stitch : Hmm .
Abby : Did we miss midnight ?
Stitch : Oh , gosh , we must have . Let s see here . Oh , no . Our flight . We got to go .
Abby : Oh , gosh , we ca nt miss it .
Stitch : [ Sighs ] Where s my pants ? [ Sighs ]
Abby : [ Chuckles ] Happy new year , dr . Rayburn .
Stitch : Well , happy new year , Mrs. Rayburn .
Abby : Oh !
Stitch : [ Chuckles ]
Billy : [ Groans ] [ Sighs ]
Noah : You serious ? Nice parking , jackass . [ Sighs ] Oh .
Marisa : Noah . Noah ! Oh , my god . Oh , my god . Billy ! Oh , god . Oh , you re okay . Yes . Yes , I need an ambulance . There s been a terrible accident . Please . Please hurry .
Paul : I want to find the drive who did this to Billy Abbott .
Victoria : Billy is in that room right now because of the choices that he made ! He did this to himself .
Jill : I know that you hate it when I get all emotional like this , so wake up and tell me to shut up .
### Summary:
| Abby and Ben s wedding begins just as Ashley falls to the floor . Ben rushes to her side . As Ashley comes to , everyone wants her to see a doctor , but she insists that the wedding go on as planned . Just as Billy is trying to get to Abby s wedding , Gil stops him in the underground garage and demands his money . Billy tries to tell him that he will get his money to him tomorrow but Gil will not hear of this . Billy starts to leave but one of Gil s associates stops him . The wedding ceremony resumes for Abby and Ben with them reciting their own vows . After the ceremony , Ben wants to leave immediately for the honeymoon , but Abby reminds him of all the other things that go on after the ceremony what with the toasts , the cutting of the wedding cake , etc . Traci joins them and tells them that they ca nt leave just yet . Victor , Dylan , and Victoria propose toasts to the happy couple . At a nearby table , Dr. Simon asks Ashley what is really wrong with her , but she refuses to talk about it and leaves the table . Summer coaxes her into dancing with Ben . Abby smiles as Ben starts to dance with Ashley . Back at the Jabot lab , Dr. Simon continues to pressure Ashley into telling him what is wrong . Ashley gives in and tells him that she has a tumor , but she does nt want anyone to know . Dr. Simon offers her his help but she refuses . Ben and Abby go to the hotel room to get ready to leave but end up making love instead . Gil s associate beats up Billy . Gil reminds the associate that he should nt have beat him in the face . Gil reminds Billy that he will be after his money tomorrow and leaves him to die . At home , Sharon is in bed and Dylan joins her . They celebrate the coming of the new year . Everyone celebrates the new year with a kiss . Hilary watches as Neil kisses Nikki . In the garage , Billy crawls along the floor trying to get help . Noah watches as Luca kisses Marisa . Noah leaves and upon getting in his car , he backs up and hits something , but he does nt stop to see what it is and just drives off . Marisa walks out and yells for Noah , but he just drives off . Marisa notices Billy lying on the floor and immediately goes to his side . She immediately calls an ambulance . Ashley agrees to let Dr. Simon help her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jonathan : Well , looks like your mother does nt really love you . Here . Consider this your last meal .
Lizzie : Honey , your father is never going to take you away from me ever again . I know you love him , okay ? I know you do . Some day you ll understand , sweetie . Granddad , is it over yet ?
Alan : No , not yet .
Lizzie : What do you mean not yet ? You promised .
Alan : Listen , Elizabeth , I will take care of Jonathan , but the plans have changed .
Lizzie : Why ? He s waiting in the churchyard right now . If he suspects anything ...
Alan : Would you please calm down ? What I want you to do is call Jonathan and tell him to meet you on the Old Mill Road .
Lizzie : Are you kidding me ? That s where Tammy ...
Alan : Do you want me to help you ?
Lizzie : Yes .
Alan : Then you re going to have to trust me .
Alan : Do you have the package ?
Man : What do we do with it ?
Alan : Just store it somewhere , and I ll pick it up when I m ready .
Jonathan : All right , come on .
Jonathan : Where the hell are you ?
Lizzie : Hey , we ca nt do the church .
Jonathan : Why not ?
Lizzie : My granddad , he s got someone following me . It s going to need to be like somewhere away from town , somewhere I could lose them .
Jonathan : Like ?
Lizzie : Like Old Mill Road . I m really sorry . I just ca nt think of anywhere else .
Jonathan : Half an hour .
Lizzie : Okay , good .
Jonathan : Lizzie , I m trusting you .
Alan : Never mind who I am . A murder was committed . A sheriff was murdered in Tourmaline , California . All you have to do is call out there and verify this information . But if you want to know where the murderer is , you will have one of your cars sent to the Old Mill Road in a half hour .
Maid : Mr. Spaulding , I heard there was an accident . Oh , my , it looks like someone deliberately smashed ...
Alan : Just clean it up . It s been a very stressful day , but things are on the upswing . What do you think ?
Maid : Oh , that s beautiful .
Alan : Well , nothing is too good for my Beth .
Maid : Mrs. Bauer ?
Alan : Beth Raines , the former and future Mrs. Alan Spaulding . Now , I want you to order another one of these horses for me .
Maid : Yes , sir .
Josh : Oh , I just blew your battle star out of the sky , my friend .
R.J. : Too bad that was my drone . Fooled you .
Josh : Your son just vaporized me .
R.J. : Mom , it s your turn . How about I go get some more popcorn ?
Josh : This game ... this game is great .
Cassie : Of course it s great . Everything is great because Will is nt here .
Jonathan : Hey .
Reva : What are you doing with Lizzie s dog ?
Jonathan : I kidnapped her .
Reva : Sometimes Jonathan likes to tell stories . You re serious ?
Jonathan : Lizzie took Sarah . I think Alan put her up to it .
Reva : Of course she did .
Jonathan : Now she wants to trade prisoners .
Reva : Your daughter for her dog .
Lizzie : Call it off , I ca nt do it . What s that ?
Alan : You see , Sarah , there is nothing that your granddad ca nt fix .
Lizzie : He means buy .
Alan : Fix , buy , sell , as long as I take care of Jonathan .
Lizzie : What does that mean ?
Alan : Prison . Three meals a day . He ll be able to learn a new trade , and in 25 years , when he comes out , he ll be a better man .
Lizzie : I need to talk to Bill .
Alan : If Bill cared anything about you , he would be here now .
Man : Go ahead , scream your head off . Bet that will hurt . What s he going to do to us ?
Bill : What , me ? I can make you boys very rich .
Alan : What do you think , Sarah ...
Lizzie : Maybe I should just leave her here so she can stay and play .
Alan : No , no , no . Jonathan must see her with you . We do nt want to tip him off in any way . Now , Sarah , you re going to take a little ride with your mommy , and when you come back , you can ride Victory all you want . Okay ?
Lizzie : Okay , sweetie .
Alan : You re going to go with mommy .
Lizzie : Granddad ...
Alan : Be strong , Elizabeth .
Lizzie : Mom .
Beth : Girls , do nt rush off . I ve got news .
Alan : Well , you finally came to your senses . Now my life can be complete .
Rick : Almost , almost . Say good - bye to your grandfather , Lizzie . He s going to jail .
Alan : Elizabeth , go and call the police and tell them that an escaped prisoner is in my home .
Rick : That s right , Alan . I actually found a judge that was nt on your payroll . So , here I am , free as a bird . What are you gon na do about it , big guy ?
Alan : You re a sad commentary to our legal system .
Rick : Read the charges ... bribary , conspiracy , giving false testimony . You re the one going to jail now .
Beth : You ll never change .
Alan : Beth , are you forgetting what he did to us ? Peyton was our daughter , and he kept that from us .
Beth : You played me while Rick was in jail . You were the new and improved Alan Spaulding-- patient , understanding , the perfect father .
Alan : And I will be the perfect father to Peyton because I love her . And I love you , Beth .
Beth : Do nt say it .
Alan : Even if it s true ?
Rick : Come on sweetheart , let s just get Peyton s things and get the hell out of here .
Alan : You touch one of her things and I ll make sure that you go back to jail .
Beth : Enough with the threats .
Rick : Not this time , Alan . You stay away from my family . You got that ?
Lizzie : I ca nt let this happen to you .
Bill : That s just a taste . Of course , you re going to need my bank card to get the rest . You re going to need my password , too .
Man : Give it .
Bill : I ll give it to you .
Bill : Whoo - hoo !
Reva : Let me go with you .
Jonathan : No .
Reva : Come on , you said it was a trap . You re going to need someone .
Jonathan : No . Reva , I ran away the last time . All it did was delay the inevitable . Today I m going to finish it .
Reva : I hate it when you go all cowboy .
Jonathan : Yeah , right . Hey , do nt let her tame you , kid .
Will : I just want to be like you .
Jonathan : Smart .
Reva : No , no , no . Sometimes even cowboys need to be careful .
Jonathan : All that matters is getting Sarah back .
Reva : Well , you know Alan . He s not going to rest until he ...
Jonathan : Alan has his own kid now .
Reva : That does nt matter because the more he gets , the more he wants .
Jonathan : I got it covered .
Reva : Well , honey , I think Roxie has to go outside to go pee - pee . Why do nt you take her out ?
Will : This is more fun .
Jonathan : She likes to play fetch with sticks . Doncha !
Will : Five bucks . Come on , Roxie
Jonathan : Go . Go get him !
Will : Come on , Roxie . Roxie ! Roxie !
Jonathan : He reminds me of me .
Reva : You do nt know the half of it .
Jonathan : What ? Oh ! Wow !
Reva : He s a very angry kid .
Jonathan : You think ?
Reva : Sometimes I wonder if you were just like him when you were his age .
Jonathan : I was cuter .
Reva : And just as dangerous , I ll bet .
Jonathan : He needs a dad .
Reva : You needed a mama .
Jonathan : Oh , stop .
Reva : I know I ca nt get back those years . I ca nt make up for the time I was nt there in your life , but I can help Will .
Jonathan : Well , good . You know I need to go get Sarah .
Reva : Just be careful , please . I ca nt lose you again .
Jonathan : You wo nt . You know , all of those years I was growing up and thinking about you ...
Reva : You never grew up . ( Laughter )
Jonathan : Okay . Well , then all of those years I was raising hell and acting like a juvenile ... ( laughter ) ... I , you know , I wanted to come back .
Reva : And make me pay ?
Jonathan : You take care of Will and make sure he comes back -- turns out better than me , okay ?
Reva : Just stay . Stay . He needs you . You can help him .
Jonathan : I ca nt . Can you go ask Will to bring Roxie in ?
Reva : Do nt leave .
Jonathan : I ve got to go .
Josh : Cassie , we re a family-- you and me and R.J. and Will .
Cassie : And Reva ?
Josh : Yes , and Reva . She s your sister . She s trying to help . We re all just trying to help .
Cassie : Well , it does nt feel like that . Sometimes I just feel all alone .
Josh : You re not . You re not .
Cassie : I just wish it was us together , you and me and R.J. and Will , and nobody else .
R.J. : Hey , guys , popcorn is ready . Mom , you okay ?
Cassie : Yeah , of course , sweetie . You guys go in and continue destroying battle stars .
Josh : Where are you going ?
Cassie : Have you been to the grocery store today ?
Josh : No .
Cassie : I did nt think so . Have fun .
R.J. : It s Will again , is nt it ?
Will : Your turn .
Reva : What ?
Will : You were thinking about Jonathan .
Reva : Oh , yeah , I guess maybe I was . You are very smart . And I was worried , but that s what mothers do . We worry .
Will : Why ?
Reva : Well , you know , Jonathan is ... he s trying very hard to be a good father , trying hard to be a good man .
Will : But people wo nt let him ?
Reva : That s right . And that s why I worry about him . And about you .
Will : Poison , P - O - I - S - O - N.
Reva : Very good . But it s a good thing you did nt taste it .
Will : Like this ?
Reva : Do nt do that . Will ... Will ? Come on .
Cassie : What are you doing with him ? Get your hands off of him .
Reva : Let me do this . Come here , sweetie . Come here .
Cassie : Is it out ?
Will : I was just playing .
Reva : He could have hurt himself , and he knew it .
Cassie : And you know what s best for everyone .
Reva : That s not what I said . We were having a nice game .
Cassie : Oh , until I showed up ?
Reva : Why are you doing this ? Cassie , why are you doing this ?
Cassie : You are the one who s hurting him . He was nt playing by your rules ... ? Why do nt you call Josh ?
Reva : Maybe I will . We are sisters , but you re making it very difficult for us to take care of this family .
Cassie : This family ? My family . This is my family . Will and Josh are mine .
Reva : We are from the same family . You insist on making this me versus you .
Cassie : You want everything I have . Not just your precious Joshua , now you want my children , too .
Reva : No , no . You re wrong .
Cassie : You know what is wrong , thinking you could help me with my son . I m taking him out for a little bit before he is choked by all of this love .
Alan : You picked the wrong time to get on my bad side .
Bill : Sorry , Alan .
Alan : What was that ?
Bill : These guys were under the impression to keep me on ice while you worked on Lizzie . Now you would nt do that , now would you Alan ?
Alan : I was merely trying to keep you out of harm s way just in case Jonathan became violent .
Bill : So you were trying to protect me ? That s very kind of you .
Alan : Elizabeth is very fond of you .
Bill : You sent your message , and now I m going to send mine . When it comes to Lizzie , it s hands off , Granddad . She s mine . I ve got the key .
Lizzie : Mommy will be right back , okay ?
Jonathan : Where s Sarah ?
Lizzie : She s in the car . Where s Roxie ?
Jonathan : Come here .
Lizzie : Come here .
Jonathan : We bonded .
Lizzie : Roxy , what are you doing ? Come to me .
Jonathan : What are you doing ? Why are you stalling ? So a sniper can take me out ? Maybe a truck will run me down .
Lizzie : If you thought your life was in danger , why in the world would you come out here ?
Jonathan : To get my daughter . Here , take your beast .
Jonathan : Hey ... hey , hey , what the hell ?
Lizzie : I m sorry .
Jonathan : Give me Sarah !
Lizzie : This is for you , okay ?
Jonathan : Come on , Lizzie , do it , do it ! Hit the gas , run me over ! Do it !
Lizzie : Jonathan , please , please . I do nt want to hurt you .
Jonathan : So you let the cops do it for you ? You set me up , did nt you ? ! Did nt you ? !
Lizzie : Sarah , please stop crying . Please stop crying . It was my granddad . He said you could be arrested for the murder of that sheriff .
Jonathan : Alan s idea , but you go along with it . Just like old times . Same road , same deal !
Lizzie : It s different now .
Jonathan : No , no . You re the same as Alan , but you are worse because you let him control you .
Lizzie : No , no , nobody controls me ! Not you , not my granddad and not Bill ...
Jonathan : He owns you and Sarah , and he will hold it over you for the rest of your life . What are you going to do , Lizzie , huh , when she grows up ? How are you going to tell her to stand up for herself , stand up to people like Alan , people who try to own her ? ( Baby crying ) What are you going to do ? Open the car !
Lizzie : Quick before I change my mind .
Jonathan : Hey , come here , kiddo .
Lizzie : Take her , hurry .
Jonathan : Just like old times .
Lizzie : Meet me in the churchyard .
Jonathan : What about the police , Lizzie ?
Lizzie : Go , go ! Now !
Josh : Reva ? Where s Will ?
Reva : Um , Will is with Cassie .
Josh : Wait a minute , wait a minute . What happened ? Did he throw one of his temper tantrums ?
Reva : No , no , that would be me right after Cassie accused me of choking her son .
Josh : She ...
Reva : Heimlich maneuver . Will swallowed a piece of the game and then she took him .
Josh : She took him ?
Reva : Yeah , she took him . She is his mother .
Josh : This is from Jonathan .
Reva : I have to find him .
Lizzie : Thank God you guys are here . He has my baby .
Officer : Jonathan Randall ? What kind of car was he driving ?
Lizzie : It happened so fast . He has her . He just kept saying that I was never going to see her again and that Canada was not that far away .
Officer : The road north is just a few miles .
Lizzie : Go . Go find her ! ( Crying )
Josh : Dear Reva : I still ca nt get used to saying Dear Mom . We said too many good - byes , so I ll keep this one short and sweet .
Jonathan : Coming home with Sarah was a calculated risk . I lost . This time I m going far away . Do nt try to find us . I thought we could live together , Lizzie , Sarah and me . But I was fooling myself . Lizzie s heart is in the right place , but there s always Alan . And he ll never stop until he has his own sick version of his family . I m not much , but I m Sarah s father and your son . You taught me to put my kid first , and that s what I m going to do . She will always love you , Mom , and so will I.
Lizzie : Jonathan ? Jonathan ?
Jonathan : If this a trick ...
Lizzie : No . Can I hold her ? Hi . Tell me something , what something so perfect , did to deserve us ?
Jonathan : Well , we did nt do that bad . Look how she turned out .
Lizzie : Did you know that your daddy was willing to risk everything for you ? Yeah . And so I think now it s my turn . I have to risk never seeing you again .
Jonathan : Um ...
Lizzie : Wherever you go and whatever you do , I want you to know that I love you . You protect her or I will hunt you down and kill you .
Jonathan : I believe you . Bye .
Lizzie : Bye .
Jonathan : Be good , all right ? ( Sarah crying )
Rick : Hey , what are you doing ?
Beth : Honey , are you sure we should have her out ?
Rick : Who is the doctor here in the family ? She already looks better since she left Alan s house .
Beth : Well , he s her father . There s nothing we can do about that .
Rick : Well , I m in the process of filing papers to be her legal guardian . He may have DNA on his side , but he forfeited that a while ago , starting with Phillip . Wait a minute , sweetheart . Tell me it s not just me . You do nt want him anywhere near our little girl ?
Beth : I just want what s best for our daughter .
Rick : Well , you ve already done that by leaving Alan and posting my bail .
Beth : Wait a minute . I did nt post your bail .
Rick : What do you mean ? Of course you did .
Beth : I thought ...
Rick : Well , then who did ?
Bill : Hey , where is he ?
Reva : Where is who ?
Bill : Jonathan . I know he thinks he s meeting Lizzie and taking off with Sarah .
Josh : Bill , who told you that ?
Bill : Alan . I do nt want Lizzie caught up in the middle of this .
Reva : What did Alan tell you ?
Bill : That he s setting Jonathan up for something that happened in California .
Josh : In California ?
Bill : You know what I m talking about , Reva ?
Reva : Yeah , I have a pretty good idea .
Josh : Maybe Lizzie doubled back to her house .
Bill : I can check , and then I can meet you , but where ?
Reva : Where it all began and ended .
Jonathan : There s no room for me and Sarah here . I tried . I got ta go . You know , she ll always have your pictures , and I will tell her how brave you were and how beautiful . And she will know how much I loved you , how much I still love you .
Alan : What happened , Elizabeth ? I had this all planned . What happened ?
Lizzie : I did the right thing .
Alan : Then where s your daughter ?
Lizzie : She s with her father .
Alan : Are you out of your mind ? ! You let Jonathan take her back again ? !
Lizzie : Sarah is my daughter , and it killed me to let him take her , but it was the only way that I could know for sure that she would nt grow up under this roof , being chained to you for the rest of her life .
Alan : You and your mother ! All I ever wanted was to have you and your children under the same roof .
Lizzie : Like little sheep .
Alan : I m not going to give up on Beth and Peyton , and I will find Jonathan and bring Sarah back .
Lizzie : No , you wo nt !
Alan : What s going to stop me ?
Lizzie : I know what you want more than anything . You want us living in this house with you ; you want us standing by your side so you can teach us to be better Spaulding s . I know that s what you want .
Alan : Yes , it is . But I ca nt have that now that Sarah is gone , Beth , Peyton ...
Lizzie : You can have it .
Alan : How ?
Lizzie : You and I just have to make a little deal . And here s the deal : Jonathan and Sarah get their freedom , and you get me .
Bill : Lizzie , what are you doing ?
Lizzie : Do nt try to stop me .
Bill : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Do you think I m really going to let you take off with Jonathan ?
Lizzie : Do nt do this now . They re gone , okay ? I let them go .
Bill : You what ?
Lizzie : Do nt ask me why , okay ? Just do nt say anything . Just hold me . ( Sobbing )
Bill : It s all right . It s all right .
Man : Are you Reva ?
Cassie : No , I m not Reva . I m her sister . Can I help you ?
Man : Sorry , I let myself in . I m here about the leak .
Cassie : There s a gas leak ? I m not leaving my son in this house .
Man : Relax , maam . It s the line outside . Tell your sister I m on it .
Will : Why did nt you want me in the house ?
Cassie : Well , because gas can be explosive , honey .
Will : Like people ?
Cassie : Yeah . It s okay to get angry . It s not okay to stay angry . Your Aunt Reva is my sister , and we argue . And Josh is my husband , and married people argue , too . But it does nt mean we do nt love each other . And when the argument is over , we re still family . I m going to go make us some tea for us and for Aunt Reva when she comes back . Lots of honey for you , right ?
Will : Lots .
Cassie : Uh - huh .
Rick : Are nt you required to give me a name ?
Officer : Just take your wife and kid and go home .
Beth : Rick , he s right . What does it matter ?
Rick : It matters to me because Alan is the only person who knows I was in here because he put me in there .
Beth : And what about Doris Wolfe ?
Rick : And neither one of those ingrates would have posted bail for me , would they ? Okay , you want the name ?
Rick : Yes , I would .
Officer : Here s the signature .
Beth : Rick ?
Rick : Oh , my God .
Beth : Who is it ?
Jonathan : Well , here s the deal : You look after home and ... I m going to hit the road . I ll look after Sarah , and she ll look after me . And ... I think we re going to be okay . I love you . This cut was anything but clean there s not a price too high no amount of words not said if someone could only take me far away from the ache that voids my soul ...
Reva : I know he was here . He had to have been here .
Josh : Reva . Far from here ...
Reva : Why could nt I just see him one last time ? Jonathan ! There s no way this fate could be part of a greater plan there s no God that would allow me to be hurting like I am ...
Jonathan : Bye , Mom ! What s my soul to do when there s no more of you ? It s been a sea of my regret and forget ...
Bill : Where are you right now ?
Lizzie : I m here .
Bill : Well , part of you . Why did nt you tell me ?
Lizzie : Because you would have tried to stop me .
Bill : You got that right .
Lizzie : And it would have been wrong for Sarah . And if I m being real honest , for me , too .
Bill : So Jonathan wins , huh ?
Lizzie : Nobody wins but Sarah . And that s all that matters .
Bill : I am taking you out tonight , okay ?
Lizzie : That sounds like just what I need .
Bill : Yeah . Go shower , okay ?
Lizzie : I forgot to tell you . There s a little catch . Sarah gets her freedom , but somebody has to pay the price . --To take her place . I know exactly how you feel , Rox .
Alan : Well , I ve been waiting for you .
Lizzie : I had to pack .
Alan : Good . Did you throw away the things you wo nt be needing anymore ?
Lizzie : Yes , Granddad .
Alan : Excellent . We can make a fresh start , Elizabeth , just you and me . Like old times , huh ?
### Summary:
| Alan is barking orders . Jonathan has to decide what to do about Sarah . Reva gets angry at Cassie again . Jonathan and Lizzie are out side , Lizzie in the car with Sarah , Jonathan out on the car hood arguing about Sarah . Reva goes to Josh to tell him of the latest thing Cassie has done . Cops come to the rescue of Lizzie . While Lizzie cries beside her car . Lizzie and Jonathan meet at the cemetery with little Sarah in tow . Jonathan goes to Tammy s grave . Lizzie goes home to tell her grandfather off . Alan says he ll find Jonathan and get Sarah . Lizzie says no . Lizzie put a deal out . Jonathan and Sarah have their freedom and she comes home . Rick and Beth try to find out who put Rick in Jail . Rick finds a signed document with Alan s signature . Jonathan tells Tammy he thinks they will be ok . He goes back to his car and drives off . Reva and Josh are walking and Josh spots the doll on the side of the rode . Reva starts to cry . Then they see Jonathan s car driving off . on the other side of the woods . Jonathan sees them and waves goodbye . Bill comforts Lizzie . Josh comforts Reva . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Mel : It s got everything you need to know , Lizzie , right down to the date of conception . Okay ?
Coop : Thank you very much , maam .
Mel : No , problem . Take care .
Coop : Yup . Lizzie ?
Lizzie : What ?
Coop : Whoa , I guess I m just surprised at how much information we can get so quickly . Can I see it ?
Lizzie : Oh , God , the baby !
Coop : Whoa , whoa . Take it easy .
Jonathan : I do nt even know what I m looking for . Hell , whatever Lizzie is making up about her pregnancy probably has nothing to do with me , right ? Right . So the quicker I find out , the quicker I can move on and put it out of my mind . Move on with Tammy . That s all I want . I do nt think I m asking for too much .
Ashlee : Hey , Nate . What are you looking for ? Maybe I can help you .
Cassie : I know it s a pain , but Mr. Lewis needs those numbers by noon at the latest on Monday because we need to turn them around and submit them to the state by 5 : 00 P.M.
Tammy : Mom ?
Cassie : Would that be a doable at your end ? Great . Thank you . Perfect . Bye . Hi .
Tammy : Oh . For a minute there , I thought you were ...
Cassie : Talking to myself ?
Tammy : Yeah .
Cassie : It s not . I ve just become completely high - tech and wireless ever since I began working on this project with Josh . It s amazing . You know , I can now officially do 17 things at once .
Tammy : Ooh . Well , I hope that one of those things might include coming to my parent / student dinner tonight .
Cassie : What parent / student dinner thing ? You did nt tell me about a parent / student dinner thing .
Tammy : I did nt ?
Cassie : No .
Tammy : Are you sure ? I could swear that I ... shoot . Well , it s tonight at Outskirts at 9 : 00 P.M.
Cassie : A parent / student dinner at Outskirts ?
Tammy : Why not ? More business for Jonathan . So can you make it ? Please .
Cassie : Well , look at that . Apparently I can . This thing is so cool , I m just going to put you in here right now .
Tammy : Well , great . Great . Mom , wear that new dress that we got , the one that we got together-- and those cute shoes , okay ? Are you listening ?
Cassie : Uh - huh .
Tammy : Because you never know who you might meet . The world is full of great , nice , eligible guys .
Cassie : Tammy Winslow , do you think I do nt know what you re doing here ? You know , I realize you re hoping if I meet a new man that I ll become so busy I do nt have time to keep tabs on you and Jonathan .
Reva : The stitches and the lump is gone , and that s it , no big deal .
Josh : George , that is great . Thank you so much . Give my love to your wife , okay ? Thank you , I appreciate it . Bye - bye . The governor is on board with our project . He has got a son serving overseas right now and he has agreed to lend his name to our fundraising efforts .
Reva : That is terrific . And I am so proud of you .
Josh : Proud of us , is what is you really mean , right ? Because I could nt possibly be doing any of this without you , Reva . Fulfilling my father s dream and having you by my side , life just does nt get much better than this .
Reva : No , it does nt .
Josh : And I promise you we ll have more fun collaborating on this project than we have since , well , conceiving Marah and Shayne .
Reva : I love you . And I love that you re so happy . It makes it all worthwhile .
Josh : Makes what worthwhile ?
Reva : Everything . Everything we ve had to do to get here . ( Cell phone rings )
Josh : Are you going to see who that is ?
Reva : Unavailable . Must be wrong number .
Josh : You re getting a lot of those lately ...
Reva : No , no , no . Oh , besides , you re going to have to answer that . ( Cell phone rings )
Josh : Yes , I am . Sorry about that . Hello ? Yeah , I do . I ll be right back . I have it in the other room . Just a second .
Reva : What do you want ?
Colin : Reva Lewis , please ?
Reva : Do nt you believe in leaving messages , Dr. McCabe ?
Colin : Mrs. Lewis ?
Reva : You know who the hell this is , and I know who you are too , because your name keeps popping up on my caller I.D. every ten minutes .
Colin : Okay , you need to come into my office ASAP so we can go over your treatment options . Time has gone by since ...
Reva : I ca nt talk to you right now .
Josh : So who was it ?
Reva : A telemarketer . Can you believe that they re calling cell phones now ?
Josh : Well , I hope you hung up on him ?
Reva : Actually , I told him that all that matters to me is my fantastic husband and making all of his dreams come true .
Josh : Okay , I think that s ... oh , thank you very much . I m just going to take care of a couple of things at the office and I ll be back as quick as I can .
Reva : Okay . Do nt rush . I ll be holding down the fort .
Josh : Okay .
Reva : I ca nt believe how excited you are about this project-- I mean , I can believe it , but I have nt seen you this excited about anything in a very long time .
Josh : I m so glad to be doing something important , something that will make a difference in people s lives . I mean , these soldiers that come home , they re so young , they ve made incredible sacrifices . You know what else I was thinking ?
Reva : What ?
Josh : Maybe Shayne will come home and help us with this . I mean , I was just thinking about what he went through to walk again after his accident .
Reva : I would love that . I miss my baby boy .
Josh : Yeah , me , too .
Reva : You know what else ?
Josh : What ?
Reva : Maybe Marah could come home to design the nurses uniforms .
Josh : Mara designing nurses uniforms . That s a scary thought , but that could work . That could work . It could be the ultimate Lewis family project .
Reva : Yep .
Josh : This is going to be a really good year , Reva . I know it . I can feel it in my heart . Okay , okay , what s that ? What s wrong ?
Reva : Nothing , nothing s wrong . It s just all so wonderful , and so are you .
Josh : That s a good thing .
Reva : Yeah .
Josh : Your phone , it s shimmying .
Reva : It s okay .
Josh : Wait , wait , wait . I ll be back as quick as I can .
Reva : Oh , okay . Bud ?
Josh : Yes ?
Reva : I love you .
Josh : I love you , too . ( Door shuts )
Reva : I told you , Dr. McCabe ...
Colin : When you get a direct call from me , it s because it s urgent .
Reva : And I m so honored . But as I said , I m busy . You took the lump out , and you said it has nt spread .
Colin : That s not the end of it .
Reva : A couple of more months . You know , just until things calm down . What s a couple more months ?
Colin : Well , it could be the difference between life and death . Look , Mrs. Lewis , this is the last call I m going to make . If you re not going to take responsibility for your own care , then I ll have done all I can do as your physician . You ll no longer be my patient or my responsibility .
Cassie : Do nt give me that stunned , I never thought of such a thing look .
Tammy : Fine , you win . All right , maybe I do want to keep you so busy you do nt have time to be my freaked - out , overprotective mom .
Cassie : Thanks .
Tammy : And I want you to start dating again , Mom . You deserve a guy treating you right and adoring you .
Cassie : Honey , you re in love . You want everybody else to be in love . I remember that feeling . It s beautiful . And it is also very annoying to everyone else .
Tammy : Too bad .
Cassie : And , you know , there is something else you should understand about this , honey . I had you when I was very , very young , right ? And I ve pretty much gone from one relationship to the next since then . And now for the first time in my life , I m not looking to do that . So the bottom line is I m good . You can back off .
Tammy : You sure ?
Cassie : Absolutely .
Tammy : Just you and your gadgets ?
Cassie : And R.J. , and visiting Will and helping Josh with the project . These are all things that really matter to me and things that challenge me and fulfill me .
Tammy : How very evolved of you .
Cassie : Thank you . And did I mention , keeping tabs on you and Jonathan and making your life a living hell ? Just kidding . Besides , what would I have to bug you guys about these days ? You guys seem very happy , and Jonathan even seems like the model citizen .
Jonathan : Ashlee , hey , I was looking for you .
Ashlee : Yeah , sure . I was wondering how I lost these .
Jonathan : Well , you left them on the table where we had had coffee , and I was going to give them back to you , but ...
Ashlee : Yeah , yeah , so you come to give them back to me , and you just walk in here and look through patient files . You ve been a bad boy , Nate . I could call the cops right now and have you arrested .
Jonathan : You could , but you wo nt . Because that is not cool .
Ashlee : Lizzie Spaulding again . What is your obsession with her ? And do nt deny it .
Jonathan : No , I do have a thing with Lizzie . Like a while back she pulled something really low on me , and now I m looking to get some dirt on her so I can pay her back .
Ashlee : Did you guys , like , go out or something ?
Jonathan : No . The girl is not my type . The chick is warped and totally mean . You saw how she blew you off the other day .
Ashlee : She had a good reason .
Jonathan : Ash , come on . Do nt cut her any slack . I ve seen the way she treats you . You do nt deserve that . When I pay her back , I ll be doing it for you , too . I just need something on her .
Ashlee : I have something .
Jonathan : You do ? What ?
Ashlee : I guess I can tell you if ...
Jonathan : If ?
Ashlee : First , can you do something for me ?
Jonathan : Yeah .
Ashlee : Great , great . Okay . So , um ... 9 : 00 P.M. , Main Street . Oh , oh , and wear a tux .
Jonathan : A tux ?
Ashlee : Yeah .
Jonathan : Why ?
Ashlee : You ll see when you get there . You re going to look so hot . I ca nt believe things are going to work out so well .
Lizzie : Oh !
Coop : What is it ? Is something wrong with the baby ?
Lizzie : I do nt know . I hope not .
Mel : Sit down here . Sit her down here . How intense is the pain , Lizzie ? Describe it to me . Is it short or what ?
Lizzie : I guess it s not that intense , really . It s kind of going away .
Coop : What ?
Lizzie : It s gone . Oh , my gosh . This is really embarrassing . I think that it s something I ate . I ate a really big lunch . You told me to eat for two , and so I had two of everything . I think I overdid it .
Mel : Was the pain in your abdomen , or was it a little higher ?
Lizzie : A little higher .
Mel : Okay . Then it probably was digestive . You just had a sonogram , and everything looks fine . But it does nt hurt to get another checkup if you want to . Okay ? I m on my way home , but I can arrange for another doctor to see you .
Lizzie : That would be great , Mel . Would you come with me ?
Coop : Yeah , sure , of course I will .
Mel : All right , well , I ll set it up . You guys meet me in the E.R. , okay ?
Lizzie : All right . Thank you for looking after me . I m so happy that you re the father of my baby .
Jonathan : Who the hell are you , letting that girl Ashlee tell you what to do ? Anything to keep Lizzie from Tammy , I guess .
Tammy : Hey , what are we doing tonight ? Hey , where are you guys ? Actually , more importantly , what are you doing right now ?
Jonathan : Sounds good to me .
Tammy : I just saw my mom .
Jonathan : Usually that has the opposite effect on you .
Tammy : I m just glad I have you , that s all . I just never want anything to come between us again .
Jonathan : It wo nt . It wo nt . I ll make sure of it .
Tammy : Hey , what s that ?
Lizzie : Thank you for being so great about all of this .
Coop : Well , I am the baby s father , and I care just as much as you do .
Lizzie : Would you hold me for a second ? I m just a little scared . I promise , I wo nt read anything into it .
Coop : Yeah , come here . Look , do nt worry , okay ? Everything is going to be fine .
Lizzie : Yeah . I do nt know how I d get through this without you .
Coop : Well , you re never gon na know because I m always gon na be here , for you and for our baby .
Lizzie : Yeah . Our baby .
Josh : I m just so happy I ran into you .
Cassie : Well , I got that . All right , could you possibly let me breathe now ?
Josh : Yes , I m sorry . I apologize .
Cassie : I m guessing from that hug and that smile that the trip to Cross Creek with Reva was a big success ?
Josh : It was a fantastic success . I mean , Reva was so jazzed when she saw the place restored to its former glory , and she was even more excited when she found out we got it away from Olivia .
Cassie : Really ?
Josh : Yeah .
Cassie : And what about the veterans project ?
Josh : She s totally onboard . She s helping me out with public relations , budgets , things like that .
Cassie : That is great . Oh , my gosh , I m so happy for you guys .
Josh : Thank you .
Cassie : Wow , so if Reva is going to be that involved , then you really do nt need me working on the project anymore .
Josh : Excuse me . I m sorry , what are you talking about here ? Of course I need you . In fact I would nt be doing anything if it were nt for you . And you have already given me a lot of great ideas .
Cassie : Yeah , well , Reva will have a lot of great ideas . In fact , I m sure she ll have better ones .
Josh : You know what I was thinking actually ? That you have experience in zoning regulations and variance applications , so you would be the logical person to find out what the regulations are in Oklahoma , and we re going to need a variance if we re going to do the back entrance into this complex .
Cassie : Josh , no . You re not listening to me . I told you , this has been an amazing experience collaborating with you , but my work is done here . I m out .
Reva : Did I hear you right ? Did you threaten to dump me as a patient ?
Colin : If you re here to discuss your treatment options rationally , then I have five minutes to spare . Otherwise you ll have to call my secretary to make an appointment .
Reva : I told you , I ll make an appointment when I m damn well ready to make an appointment .
Colin : Mrs. Lewis , in that case , have a nice evening .
Reva : Wait ! Get back here !
Colin : Is this better , more private for you ? I could book us a room somewhere .
Reva : You are incredible . You know that ? You re terrible on the phone , you re worse in person . Hanging around hospitals just makes me sick .
Colin : Most people would say the opposite .
Reva : And you re so arrogant .
Colin : I have a professional obligation to go over your treatment options with you , Mrs. Lewis . After that , if you prefer another oncologist , I ll recommend one to you-- very happily , believe me . Very happily , all right ? All right , now first off ...
Reva : Stop steam - rolling me . Is this how you get your kicks ? Harassing cancer victims ? Cancer . I ve got cancer .
Nicole Forester , Inside The Light .
Cassie : I would love for Cassie to be happy . I would love to see Cassie happy for more than just a couple of moments in her day . But for a couple days in a row or maybe a couple of weeks . I m psyched to be a part of a show that has lasted all these years and that everybody loves and I ca nt believe it . See Cassie on Wednesday , May 10 , Inside The Light .
Coop : Lizzie , if this is going to work , you have to stop doubting me .
Lizzie : You think I m doubting you ?
Coop : I m just saying I m not going to bail on you , okay ? I m here , I m not going anywhere . Maybe this is nt exactly how we planned ...
Lizzie : Yeah , it definitely is nt .
Coop : But you know what ? It s going to be fine . It s going to be more than fine . Lizzie , it s going to be absolutely amazing . To see my own flesh and blood come into this world , to see him or her learn to walk and talk . You know , it s like I m going to be the father . They re going to be dependent upon me . Whatever the child needs , I m going to be there , Lizzie . Right now , if it s , let s say , a little girl , I ll be at all of her dance recitals , and I ll take her to the father / daughter picnics . And if it s a little boy , I ll teach him how to play catch and try and teach him how to ride a bike .
Jonathan : When it s time for John - John s first tattoo , I m going to make sure they only use sterile needles on him and I m going to take him to get a custom motorcycle helmet so he does nt crack his little head when I take him on his first road trip .
Lizzie : Oh !
Coop : Lizzie , are you having another pain ?
Lizzie : Ah , no , no , I m fine . You know something ? You re right . I m never going to doubt you again , Coop , because now I know how really , really lucky our baby is that you re its father . You know what ? I feel so much better . Let s get out of here .
Coop : No . No , no , no . You re having the exam , Lizzie .
Lizzie : Oh , but why are they taking so long ? Look , it s a birthing class signup sheet .
Nurse : I m teaching this course . Are you and your husband expecting ?
Lizzie : Oh , he s not my husband .
Nurse : Boyfriend ?
Lizzie : He s just the father of my baby . Okay , wait I did nt mean just like it s not important , what I meant was ...
Coop : What she meant was we ll be taking the class , both of us .
Jonathan : You feel good .
Tammy : Mmm , you , too . What is that stuff ?
Jonathan : It s just .. I do nt know , somebody s tux or something . They left it here in the lost and found . You can make a contribution if you want .
Tammy : Contribution ?
Jonathan : Yeah , you could take off your shirt and put it in there . Or your pants . ( Laughs )
Tammy : Did you notice we re not alone ?
Jonathan : Let s get alone real quick then .
Cassie : I do nt know what I m going to do , Josh . The point is , it s called recharging your batteries and figuring stuff out .
Josh : What are you talking about ? You re not that deep .
Cassie : I m so that deep .
Josh : I want you to work for me , okay ? I need for you to work with me on this project .
Cassie : You do nt need me . You want me around because you want to keep an eye on me . You re afraid I m going to go into a post - Jeffrey , post - Beacon funk .
Josh : No , that s not true . I need you to work on this project because you re a very talented business woman and because I know you re already enthusiastic about this project . Think about it . Stop and think with me for a minute , okay ? Here it is : Imagine the first day we break ground . Imagine the first time we admit patients to this facility . We would be fulfilling my father s dream of helping thousands of servicemen and women . Now , do nt you want to look back on that one day and think to yourself , I was a part of making that happen ?
Cassie : Does anyone ever say no to you ?
Josh : Um , just my wife .
Colin : You ve admitted it , good .
Reva : Is that the biggest step ?
Colin : No . So let s talk treatment . The mass that I removed with the lumpectomy looks to be localized .
Reva : What do you mean looks to be ?
Colin : I took out some surrounding tissue and tested it , and it looks to be all clear , but you can never be sure . So the next step is radiation to eradicate any abnormal cells that might have moved beyond the area we removed . If they are still in your body ... Mrs. Lewis , are you hearing me ?
Reva : Reva .
Colin : I ll do some more tests on you before we start radiation to make sure nothing has changed in your condition .
Reva : Changed ?
Colin : That s probably not the case .
Reva : But if it is , could it be worse ? Are you going to have to pump me full of chemo ? Because that s worse than the cancer .
Colin : That s ridiculous .
Reva : No , you puke your guts out , you re in bed , you lose your hair , you ca nt take care of the people you love .
Colin : That s not necessarily true .
Reva : I ve seen what it does to people and their families .
Colin : Let s take things as they happen , Mrs. Lewis , okay ? Just one step at a time .
Reva : Easy for you to say . Okay , so , um , if I agree to the treatment , the radiation or whatever else , will I be cured ? Promise me I ll beat it .
Colin : I ca nt promise you that .
Tammy : Hey , where do you think you re going ?
Jonathan : I totally forgot that I have to do a family thing today .
Tammy : What family thing ?
Jonathan : Just with Reva . I ll come back as soon as I can .
Tammy : You better .
Jonathan : You do nt know how much I would rather just stay here with you than do what I have to do . But I m doing it for us .
Tammy : For us ?
Jonathan : Yeah , Reva ... you know , things have been like weird lately , so I figured we need a little mama bear / baby cub time .
Tammy : I guess you re right . I ll miss you , but say hi to Reva for me . I ll see you later . Hey , Jonathan , I could go with you ...
Reva : Boy , oh , boy , you have some bedside manner , doc . You know , lady , you re absolutely right , you could die . Not exactly the answer I wanted to hear .
Colin : You want me to lie or happy it up ? I could put it in a song for you .
Reva : Do you get punched a lot ?
Colin : I m just trying to be honest , Mrs. Lewis . Anything else would be a waste of your time and mine . If you re looking for a guarantee , a promise , I ca nt give you that . No doctor can . What I can give you is the best care possible . I m an excellent physician , Mrs. Lewis .
Reva : And so humble .
Colin : But you have to let me do my job . And , as I said , there is no time to waste . Did you hear me ?
Reva : Yeah . And thanks for everything . I ll be in touch .
Colin : You ll what ?
Reva : You ve done your job as a doctor . You fulfilled your obligation . You gave me the facts . You suggested a course of treatment . And I m opting to hold off .
Colin : Opting ? There is no opting in this situation , unless you consider living an optional condition .
Reva : And that s what I m doing , okay ? I m living . And if my days are numbered , I do nt want to count them lying in a bed or with my head stuck in a toilet .
Colin : Why are you doing this ? It makes no sense . You re a bright woman-- though clearly not bright enough to have had yearly mammograms the way you should have . Why did nt you , Reva ? What were you afraid of ? Finding yourself facing exactly this ? Well , welcome to reality . You re here now , exactly where you did nt want to be , and keeping your head stuck in the sand is not going to do you any good . It s only going to be making things worse .
Reva : Just because you saw my breasts on an operating table does nt mean you know all there is to know about me or my life . You do nt know squat , pal . My husband is the most wonderful man and he is working on this brand - new project , this huge , important project , his father s legacy , his legacy . He needs me by his side right now . He needs me whole and healthy , not some shadow of myself wearing a wig and barfing every two seconds . All the times I ve counted on him to be there for me , now finally for the first time ever he needs me . And Reva Shayne Lewis is not going to let him down . There is no way . I m not going to let that man not fulfill his dreams , not for a little ...
Colin : Cancer ?
Reva : I was going to say a little scare .
Colin : I ll make sure someone tells him that when you re gone .
Reva : Go to hell . And one more thing . You re fired .
Josh : Okay , yes , this is going to be one big giant family circus , and we re going to drive each other crazy because we re going to be working together , but it s going to be great . Besides , it s not about me or some other guy or your sister trying to help you out because you re in need . This is about us helping each other , or helping other people , in fact , people we do nt even know yet . If you want to do this , hey , I m trying to figure what life is all about thing , you ll have time for that .
Cassie : Are you making fun of me ?
Josh : No , not at all . But I promise you this , every morning at the office , we ll start the day this way : We ll all join in a circle , we ll hold hands , we ll breathe , we ll sing Kumbaya .
Cassie : Good thing you re not making fun of me . ( Cell phone rings )
Josh : Okay , okay . What do your business instincts tell you about this call ? Should I answer this call ? Should I not answer it ? I ll take that as a answer the call . Josh Lewis . Really ? I ll be right there . I have to go . So the question is this : Are you going to help me with the zoning thing and work with people you love in a positive , nurturing environment on a project that will change people s lives , or are you going to sit around in your house all day in some kind of pretzel position doing a yoga thing and eating , I do nt know , garbanzo beans or something like that ? Thank you so much . Bye .
Lizzie : I mean , I guess he or she will probably be okay . I mean , look at us . After my parents split , they had one bizarre marriage after another . You lost your mom and barely saw your dad . We turned out okay , right ? Well , you did .
Coop : Lizzie ...
Lizzie : No . A baby does nt need its parents to be together . It just needs to know that it s loved . Coop ?
Coop : You know what ? I ve got to make a phone call . I ll be right back .
Lizzie : Okay .
Coop : ( Sighs ) Ava , hey , it s Coop . I know we had plans to hang out tonight , but I m gon na have to bail on them . Something s come up . Look , I m really sorry about this . I , um ... you know what ? We ll talk later . Bye .
Lizzie : Date of conception . Oh , God . Why ca nt you be Coop s baby ? Why do you have to be Jonathan s ?
Ashlee : Wow , I knew you would clean up good , Nate . I was beginning to think you were a no - show . Look , look what I got you .
Jonathan : What s going on ?
Ashlee : Um , um ... wait . Hold still , let me get it on . Look , we ll match .
Jonathan : What is this ?
Ashlee : What do you think it is ? It s my senior prom . And I m here with the hottest guy in Springfield .
Jonathan : Your prom ? No . No way !
Ashlee : No , Nate , please do nt go . Hey Brianna , hey , Shawna , have you met my boyfriend ?
Jonathan : How old are you ?
Ashlee : I m legal . I m just a couple years younger than Lizzie .
Jonathan : Okay , Lizzie . Let s talk about that . You promised me if I put on this monkey suit , you d tell me the dirt you had on her .
Ashlee : I will . You just have to dance with me first . Here , come on . Where everyone will see .
Jonathan : No . No . I do not dance . No .
Ashlee : Oh , hey , Madison , cool party , right ? Just one dance , please .
Jonathan : I m sorry . Forget it . I ca nt . It s not worth it .
Ashlee : She s a liar , Nate .
Jonathan : I know .
Ashlee : She lied about my uncle s clinic . She never saw a doctor there .
Tammy : I think it s really cool the way you re standing by Lizzie . I mean , I know you never expected to find yourself in this situation , especially with a girl you re not even involved with anymore .
Coop : No , I am involved with Lizzie . I mean , we re connected for life now .
Tammy : I know . And that must be overwhelming . But from a girl who grew up without a father and watched my mom struggle to raise me all by herself , I know how much this will mean to Lizzie and her baby , that you re going to be in their lives .
Coop : It s just that everything has changed . I mean , everything . A few weeks back , I was all set , ready to go to Oxford . Everything was going really , really well with Ava and me , and now it s like ... now it s like I m this new guy . This guy with all these new problems . And ...
Tammy : So what are you thinking ?
Coop : Well , I m thinking I ca nt be two people at once . I m thinking that something has to give here . I have to face facts . I have to make a choice .
Reva : Well , look at you . All the comfort and support I will need while my stitches heal . I think I can deal with a little discomfort . Besides , you do nt work with my new dress .
Josh : Hey .
Reva : Hey .
Josh : Is that my big surprise , a shopping bag ?
Reva : Actually it s what s in the bag that is the surprise . I went shopping .
Josh : Ah , so much for work , I guess .
Reva : Well , I figured working hours are over in Oklahoma , and you know what they say about all work and no play , so ...
Josh : Very , very nice . What s the occasion ?
Reva : There is nt one . We do nt need an occasion . Not anymore .
Man : Very nice to meet you , Cassie .
Cassie : Likewise . You are so dead .
Lizzie : There is somebody here at the prom here that really does nt belong here .
Tammy : Is there trouble ? I ll be right there .
Lizzie : Boy , I hope she drives fast .
### Summary:
| At Main Street , Lizzie who has gotten proof of her date of conception from Mel doubles over in feigned pain when Coop attempts to look at her medical records . Jonathan breaks into Ashlee s uncle s clinic to find information on Lizzie and is caught by Ashlee who offers him information on Lizzie if meets her later , and tells him to wear a tux . Tammy tries to persuade Cassie to date again , but Cassie is happy with her life as it is . Reva avoids her doctor s phone calls , lying to Josh that he is a telemarketer . When Josh leaves , she goes off to meet her doctor to discuss treatment options and chew him out . Reva s doctor threatens to drop her when she says she needs more time to think about her options . He does nt feel Reva is taking her cancer seriously . Reva fires him . Jonathan meets Ashlee at her prom , when he wo nt dance with her ; she blurts out that Lizzie is a liar and never was examined at her uncles clinic . Coop tells Lizzie he ll be there for her and the baby and cancels his plans with Ava . Once Lizzie is alone , she acknowledges that her baby is Jonathans . Lizzie tears up the proof of conception . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Luis : Sheridan -- you know , we do nt have to let this thing with Beth come between us .
Sheridan : But it does , Luis , and there is no way around it .
Luis : I love you . I would do anything in the world to make you happy .
Sheridan : Except the one thing that I need -- your unconditional faith and trust .
Luis : Sheridan , I do trust you .
Sheridan : Just not as much as you do Beth .
Luis : Well , it s not even about Beth . It s about common sense , it s about my experience as a cop , it s about the D.N.A. test results that your friend analyzed -- everything points to Marty being Beth s son .
Sheridan : Except one thing . I keep telling you over and over that I know Marty is mine , he s ours , and the fact that you ca nt -- you wo nt believe me . I just do nt know how we re going to get past this , Luis . I do nt know if we even can .
Tabitha : Well , I m sure those two are kaput , sweet pea . Hmm . With all the chaos and mayhem I have thrown them over the years , nothing could be more devastating to their future together as a couple than the slow and fatal drumbeat tap , tapping out the rhythm of heartache and death . Ooh , yes , my little buttercup . All the king s horses and all the king s men ca nt put Sheridan and Luis together again .
Fancy : I wish I was staying at this hotel . The pool is fabulous .
Veronica : Yeah . But your room at the Capistrano is super .
Fancy : Oh -- do you want to come over to my hotel tonight ? I have an invitation to a private gambling party . It s for charity .
Veronica : Maybe . Do nt look now , but you - know - who is here .
Fancy : So he is .
Fancy : You must be following me .
Ned : Hardly . Looks like it s the other way around .
Fancy : I do nt think so . This is my friend Veronica s hotel .
Ned : Lucky for us peasants they let us visit as guests . Oh , thanks .
Woman : Mm - hmm .
Ned : And this is Sandra . This is the spoiled brat I was telling you about , the one who screwed up my poker game ? I m sorry , I do nt remember what your name is .
Fancy : Fancy . My name s Fancy .
Ned : Fits like a glove .
Sam : Kay , it s not that simple . I mean , your mother chose David over me .
Kay : Because she thinks he s her first husband .
Sam : He was her first husband .
Kay : Right . Right . What I meant was that she did nt leave , Dad , because she did nt love you anymore . She just felt like she had to honor her original wedding vows .
Sam : I could nt have done that .
Kay : What ?
Sam : If our situations had been reversed , if I d been the one with amnesia and learned that I was married before Grace , I would ve never left my family under any circumstances . I guess that s the difference between us .
Kay : So what you re saying is Mom did nt love any of us enough .
Sam : Hmm -- that s not what I meant . I ll just never understand how she was able to leave .
Kay : I hated Mom for so long I could nt even think straight by the time she was out the door . But now -- I do nt know .
Sam : You miss her ?
Kay : Sometimes . And I know her not being here is behind what s going on with Jessica .
Sam : Look , I do nt think bringing your mother back is going to be the answer . You know , it could make things worse . It could get Jessica s hopes up only to be dashed when your mother goes back to David .
Kay : So if you re not going to bring Mom back , does that mean that you re still holding out hope for you and Ivy ?
Rebecca : Oh , I feel like Martha without the poncho the night she got out of jail . Oh . It is over . Gwen , you win , Theresa loses , and it s in large part to your husband s brilliant lawyering .
Ivy : Hmm , I m proud of you , too , honey .
Ethan : Well , I almost did nt even show up to court in time .
Gwen : Yeah , but you did , and that s what matters . Honey , for that , I am going to be grateful to you for the rest of my life .
Ethan : No , no , no , you re my wife , and I told you I would do everything I could to get those charges dismissed .
Ivy : Yes , but custody of little Jane , too . I know it s early , but , oh , I think champagne is in order .
Rebecca : Oh , hear , hear . I ll do the honors .
Gwen : You do nt feel like celebrating , do you ?
Ethan : Honey , look , I am thrilled that you are back home , and I know that you love Jane very much --
Gwen : But you feel bad taking her away from Theresa .
Ethan : Honey , she s done some horrible things , but she is a devoted mother , and it s going to kill her to take Jane away from her .
Theresa : How could the judge take my daughter away from me ?
Pilar : Remember , it s only temporary , ok ?
Theresa : No , no , actually , it s not temporary , Mama . Gwen and Rebecca want it to be permanent . All they have to do is talk to the courts , get them to see that I am an unfit mother . They did it before with little Ethan , they ll do it again . They re not going to stop until I m crushed and broken .
Pilar : Do nt do this . Do nt get yourself all worked up , ok ? You only have a short time left with Jane .
Theresa : Right .
Pilar : Hey .
Theresa : They ll take Jane . And then they ll try to take little Ethan away from me , too . But you know what , Mama ? I m not going to allow it . I will kill them before they touch either one of my children . I will kill them .
Pilar : You do nt mean that , Theresa .
Theresa : Yeah , I do . I ll kill them before they touch my children .
Theresa : It s ok , baby .
Pilar : I m sorry . I m sorry , Theresa , I know that you re upset , but I can not -- I will not allow you to speak that way . Your outburst in court today -- it almost put you in jail .
Theresa : What do you expect , Mama ? I mean , you re the one who taught us that nothing is more important than children . Little Ethan and Jane are my life .
Pilar : And so they should be , mija . But you need to accept the judge s ruling here .
Theresa : And why do I have to accept it when I know that it s -- that it s going to be permanent ? They ll keep my children , not because they love them but because they want to punish me .
Pilar : Look , I know that Rebecca would do something like that , but Ivy --
Theresa : You know what ? I know you think that you feel close to Ivy , Mama , but when it comes to Ethan and Gwen , Ivy is just as bad as Rebecca . She ll do anything to make me suffer , anything .
Pilar : Theresa , por amor de dios , do nt you see that if you persist on fighting with any of them , it s only going to come back to hurt you ? You need to work to exercise all the self - control that you possess , mija , to prove that judge wrong . You need to show the court and the world that you could provide the stable home , a happier home for your children .
Theresa : Well , why is it on me , Mama ? Why me ? Why do nt they have to prove themselves fit to raise my children ? It s not fair , and I m not going to accept it . Because the day that I let anyone take the people I love away from me is the day that I roll over and die .
Ethan : Please do nt get me wrong . I am completely relieved , just as relieved as you are about the judge s ruling today .
Gwen : But instead of celebrating for me , you re worried about Theresa . Ethan , why are you so concerned about someone like her ? She is self - centered , completely vindictive . She s a horrible person .
Ethan : She is also a devoted mother .
Gwen : Well , you know what ? I would ve been , too , if she would ve given me the chance .
Ethan : Honey , I know that , I have no doubt about that in my mind . I just do nt know if taking Jane is going to be worth all the pain it s going to cause .
Gwen : Ethan , we are going to be the world s most wonderful , loving parents . Jane is going to have everything she could ever want !
Ethan : Honey , honey , you ca nt get too ahead of yourself here . We ve been granted temporary custody , temporary . Imagine how you re going to feel a few months down the line , a few weeks down the line when that custody order is revoked and Jane is right back with Theresa . I do nt want to see you get your heart broken .
Gwen : Ethan , are you really worried about my heart , or are you worried about Theresa s heart ?
Luis : You do nt mean that , Sheridan , not after everything that we ve overcome to be together ? Icebergs ? Bombs ? Each of us believing that the other person was dead ?
Sheridan : They were nothing compared to this .
Luis : How can you even say that ?
Sheridan : Because I believed in us . I knew that we were meant to be together . I knew that if we could just overcome any obstacle that was put in our path , we d be all right , that our love was strong enough , that we could triumph over any natural or unnatural disaster .
Luis : And now ?
Sheridan : Now it s much worse , because this is much more frightening , more threatening than anything that we have been through , because here you are right in front of me and I have never felt farther away from you .
Luis : Sheridan , come on --
Sheridan : It s true , Luis . It s just how I feel .
Luis : Sheridan , we can not let this come between us .
Tabitha : It already has , lover boy . Your heartache with Sheridan has only just begun . Whoo - hoo - hoo - hoo !
Luis : Now , if you think that I am just going to accept this , you are wrong . Sheridan , I love you , you are my life . I understand why you are so upset right now . You -- you ve put all your stock into believing that Marty is your son .
Sheridan : Look , I m not going to keep saying this . I know that Marty is my son !
Luis : Well , how ? Sheridan , everything proves that he is not . I mean , you do nt even have one iota of --
Sheridan : What , of proof ? The only proof that you should need is my word , but that obviously is nt good enough for you ! God .
Luis : Sheridan -- Sheridan , come on , this is the one thing that we disagree on .
Sheridan : This one thing means everything to me . And you re either with me on this or you re against me , and to me , it looks like you ve made your choice .
Ned : Did nt you get Sandra s joke ?
Fancy : I just did nt think it was funny . But if you want to hear something trés amusing , let me tell you about these two women who were in the lobby last night playing the slot machines .
Sandra : Forgive me . I m just dying of the heat . I ll just take a quick dip in the pool .
Ned : Do nt take too long .
Sandra : I wo nt . Be a love and order me a limonada while I m gone ?
Ned : You bet .
Fancy : If you could put your eyeballs back in their sockets , I was trying to tell you something funny .
Ned : Uh -- right . Yeah , I m sorry . What was it ?
Fancy : Never mind . You really are a huge disappointment .
Ned : I m sorry , what s that ?
Fancy : I saved your rear end with those poker people .
Ned : Hey , my rear end would nt have needed to be saved if you did nt cost me that last hand .
Fancy : I was under the impression you d forgiven me for that . Remember our kiss ?
Ned : Ah . Yes , the kiss .
Fancy : Mm - hmm . Shall we try for an encore ?
Fancy : Where are you going ?
Ned : To join Sandra . Look , no offense , but our first kiss was our last , all right ? I d rather not hang around with someone who thought it was all in a day s fun to rob me of my last chance to make money . Have a nice day .
Ned : What the hell s the matter with you ?
Fancy : You wanted to go for a swim . I did nt think you d mind getting wet . Now we re even .
Kay : Well , I mean , is nt it possible that you and Ivy could patch things up and get back together ?
Sam : I ca nt even answer that right now . I ca nt even think that far ahead . I ve learned the hard way that I have a lot of makeup work to do as a father first .
Kay : Well , I hope you re not blaming yourself for all the trouble Jessica s gotten into .
Sam : Well , who else is there ? Look , I m afraid I was like a lot of dads when your mother lived here . I left a large part of the parenting up to her , and when she left I -- I should ve realized that you girls needed me . And instead I was all wrapped up in my own hurt and loneliness . What happened to Jessica is my fault .
Jessica : Do nt blame yourself , Dad . It was Ivy who snatched up all your time .
Kay : It s weird , is nt it ? All those years I was the bad daughter , Jessica was the good one .
Sam : You know , I think when you were acting out , it was for the same reason Jessica s been lately -- you know , hurt feelings , fear of what s to come .
Kay : Well , I still think you re being way too hard on yourself .
Sam : Well , I do nt . I was so busy trying to make myself feel better after Grace left that I did nt see the signs . It suited me and my own selfish needs better to think that Jessica was getting along just fine . I let her down in a big way , and I let you down , too .
Kay : Do nt worry about me , Dad , I m ok .
Sam : Yeah , no thanks to me . And Noah . I mean , I know Ethan better than I know my other son , the one that was raised in this house . That s why Jessica s my -- my first priority right now .
Kay : But once , you know , she s back to her old self again and you do nt have to worry about her anymore , what about you and Ivy then ?
Sam : Who knows ? I mean , if Ivy s still out there and interested , maybe we ll have a shot . Who knows ?
Jessica : Over my pierced , tattooed body .
Theresa : No one s going to take her away from me , Mama . Not now , not when I just got her back . It s just not fair .
Pilar : It s the judge s ruling , Theresa . You ca nt disobey it .
Theresa : How could the judge grant custody to the woman who kidnapped my daughter in the first place , huh ?
Pilar : You seem to forget that custody was awarded to Ethan , and nobody disputes that he is the rightful father . Frankly , you know , I think that you should count your blessings , Theresa , that Gwen did nt have you thrown in jail today .
Theresa : Well , you know what ? She might as well have if she s going to steal my child . Oh , gosh , I m sorry . I m just -- I m not going to accept this . I m not going to hand over my daughter . No .
Pilar : Oh , good . So then you will be held in contempt of the court order and you will go to jail after all . How fair is that to your other child , to little Ethan ? Think , Theresa .
Theresa : Well , then -- then why do nt you tell me what I m supposed to do , Mama ?
Pilar : Something that you have a very difficult time doing . You need to accept the situation as it is -- at least for a while . Mira , Theresa , this situation that you re in --
Pilar : Oh -- was created by your own actions .
Theresa : So you re against me , too , huh ?
Pilar : No , mija , I m not against you . I m just pointing out to you that you pushed Ethan into a corner . Ok ? How many times did he beg you , how many times , please stop this battle with Gwen , but you did nt listen , and he said that if you did that , he would take Jane away from you . I m sorry , Theresa , but you have only yourself to blame for this .
Rebecca : To la tostada .
Ivy : You re drinking to Theresa ?
Rebecca : Yes -- to her demise . To her final comeuppance . May she cry so many of those crocodile tears that all her mascara runs into the ocean . Oh , Ethan ? Gwen ? You re missing all the fun !
Gwen : Well , if you re not going to celebrate our victory , I will .
Eve : I m not suggesting that you do nt love your wife . But , Ethan , one ca nt help but notice the tone of voice you use and the words that you use when you talk about her . Like responsibility , owing her , my duty as a husband .
Ethan : Well , that s because all of those things are true .
Eve : And on the other hand , you always talk about Theresa with just this enormous passion , even when you are angry with her . I m sorry , but it is obvious to see who has the most room in your heart .
Ivy : Hey . It s not the same without you in there . We want to toast your stunning performance in court .
Ethan : I m really not in the mood , Mother .
Ivy : Ethan , you just had an overwhelming victory against Theresa . Why are nt you happy about it ? Look , I told Gwen and Rebecca that the reason you were late for court today was because you were preparing a -- a wonderful defense for Gwen . That is the reason , is nt it ?
Ethan : What other reason would there be ?
Ivy : I do nt know , Ethan . Maybe you were nt sure what you wanted to do ? Maybe you considered not being there for Gwen ? Just tell me if I m close .
Ethan : All right . Yeah , Mother . I contemplated not showing up to court . I seriously contemplated not seeking custody of Jane .
Ivy : Oh , god , it s true .
Ethan : I still love her . I love Theresa .
Ivy : No . No .
Ethan : I did nt act on it , Mother . I knew I had a responsibility to Gwen and I meant it , but make no mistake , I still love Theresa .
Luis : You make our future together sound so doomed .
Sheridan : I do nt know how else to make it sound , when you obviously trust Beth more than you trust me . I thought that you knew me better than anyone .
Luis : I do , Sheridan .
Sheridan : Then why ca nt you believe me ? Why , when I tell you that I know with my heart and soul that Marty is my child ? Why ca nt you believe the most important truth in the world to me ? I just ca nt live with that .
Luis : Sheridan , we can work this out .
Sheridan : How ? How , when I plan on spending the rest of my life trying to prove that Marty is my child ? Luis , we are on two completely incompatible paths .
Luis : Yeah , only if you look at it that way .
Sheridan : There s no other way to look at it . I need your support right now . 100 % . And honestly , I ve never felt more alone than I do right now .
Luis : Sheridan --
Sheridan : I got to go .
Luis : Sheridan , please , not like this ? Please .
Sheridan : Why ? Why ? I ve already lost my beautiful baby boy , and now it looks like I m losing you , too . Maybe I already have .
Tabitha : Ooh ! Is nt this fun , sweet pea ? You play with your dollies , while Mommy plays with real - life people . Hmm ?
Sam : It s time for me to concentrate all my energies on being a good father right now . You know , as much as I ll miss Ivy , I have to put that part of my life on hold till I get my house in order .
Jessica : Not good enough , Dad . You still want her .
Kay : Well , just so you know , you do nt need to worry about me .
Sam : Ahem . I do nt , do I ? You know , while things were going downhill for Jessica , you managed to pull your act together . I m so proud of you .
Kay : Really ?
Sam : Yeah , I mean it . I wo nt lie to you , there were a couple times when I was afraid for you -- you know , you getting pregnant by Miguel , and you started having those fights with your mother over Charity .
Kay : Well , that s all in the past now , Dad . Miguel and Charity are both gone , and Mom is , too . It s just me and Maria now . The world does nt revolve around me anymore . It s all about what s best for her .
Sam : Now , when did you become wiser than your old man ?
Kay : I did nt .
Sam : I m afraid you did . You know , as scary as things got for you , you managed to rise to the challenge . You have become such a beautiful young woman , responsible , and I m so proud of you . I just hope that Jessica turns out just like you .
Kay : Well , only time will tell , but , you know , for now , you can focus your attention solely on her , because I m fine . And Ethan is old enough to take care of himself , and I m sure Noah s ok .
Sam : Noah . You know your sister s right . I probably would nt recognize him if he walked through that door .
Kay : He needs to come home and visit .
Sam : You know , I think it s time that I shot him an email and told him about Jessica . Maybe that ll bring him home .
Fancy : Hmm . I got him , Veronica . Let s see him try to ignore me now .
Veronica : I have never seen you so steamed over a guy .
Fancy : How dare he brush me off to be with little miss plain Jane .
Veronica : Oh , just because she s not covered in thousands of dollars on her half - naked bod like you -- oh , you ve got to admit she s kind of cute -- at least Ned thinks so .
Fancy : Oh , shut up . I m much cuter than she is , and he s over her now anyway . He ll be mine by nightfall .
Veronica : And if he is nt , what are you going to do to get his attention next time ? Clobber him over the head with a deck chair ?
Fancy : If I have to .
Fancy : But it looks like I wo nt . What did I tell you -- he wants me .
Fancy : Miss me ?
Ned : You might say that .
Fancy : I knew it . I knew that kiss got to you this morning . I m much more fun than what s - her - name .
Ned : Sandra . You know , I ca nt deny you re a real spitfire .
Fancy : You have no idea .
Ned : Really ? I d like to find out .
Fancy : Would you ?
Ned : Close your eyes .
Fancy : Here ? Now ?
Ned : Unless you re too shy .
Fancy : Me , shy ? I do nt think so . Oh ! My hair ! Oh , my god -- my sandals ! How dare you !
Ned : Next time you want to play poolside , be sure to dress more appropriately , Fancy .
Luis : Sheridan , do nt leave -- not like this ?
Sheridan : I ca nt be with you right now , Luis . Not if you ca nt trust me enough to believe me . I just -- I just need time alone to think .
Luis : Where , huh ? Where you going to go ?
Sheridan : I -- I do nt know , ok ? I -- I just do nt know .
Tabitha : Oh ! Well , I think we should turn the heat up a notch , my little rapscallion . How am I going to go about getting Sheridan over here for a visit ? I mean , it s not as if she s likely to just drop in on her own account , is it ?
Tabitha : Oh , Endora ! You are the clever one ! What a good idea , but I must say , I have nt used that sort of magic for a while now . Oh ! Well , thank you , Endora ! These should do the trick very nicely .
Theresa : So you re trying to tell me that you would rather Gwen raise your granddaughter than me ?
Pilar : No , that s not what I said . I m just pointing out that Ethan told you that if you did nt end this vendetta against Gwen , he would sue you for custody of Jane . I do nt believe that he would consider that for a moment if you had nt pushed him into a corner .
Theresa : No , actually , Mama , the odds were stacked against me from the beginning . I should ve known that I could nt get justice . Justice in Harmony is for the rich , Mama , not for people like you and me .
Ethan : I am torn between Gwen and Theresa . It s like I m living in some hell on earth that I ve created , it s my own doing .
Ivy : No , Ethan , no , it s not you . It s Theresa . She put some kind of spell on you . Her life has been dedicated to breaking up you and Gwen . She s a sociopath !
Ethan : Mother , Mother , I know there s no love in your heart for Theresa , but do nt call her names , all right ?
Ivy : Oh , please , that is the kindest one .
Ethan : You want to know the sad truth of it all , is that I fell in love with Theresa all by myself , and it was nt because she was manipulating me . That is why it s so hard to shake all these feelings I have for her loose , Mother .
Ivy : Do you love Gwen ? Are you going to stand by her ?
Ethan : Yes . I do , I do love Gwen . I care about her so much , she s so beautiful inside and out . What she did in court today ? My god , the generosity she showed Theresa ? And I know Theresa would never have done anything like that for her .
Ivy : So I really do nt understand . How can you be torn when it is so clear that Gwen is the better person ?
Ethan : That is a good question . But I ll tell you this -- the fact that I m so conflicted tells me that I love Theresa a lot more than I realized .
Sam : You must know that I am so proud of you .
Kay : It s a new feeling for me , but , yeah , I do . Thanks , Dad .
Sam : You know , Maria s so lucky to have you as a mother .
Kay : I hope so . I just hope I can give her everything she deserves .
Sam : Well , if anyone can , you can . You need anything from the store ?
Kay : No . I think I got everything I need to make your special little dinner .
Sam : Cool . Look , I ll pick up some dessert . Jessica still loves rocky road , right ?
Kay : Actually , I think she likes chocolate with peanut butter nowadays .
Sam : You see ? That s what I m talking about . As her father , I should know that . I ll be right back .
Jessica : Oh -- watch it !
Kay : How long have you been here ?
Jessica : Long enough .
Kay : Dad and I were having a private conversation .
Jessica : Oh , like you ve never eavesdropped in your life ? I learned how to do it from you .
Kay : Still --
Jessica : And just for the record , I m not buying this new - and - improved - Kay act like Dad is . You re still the same selfish brat you ve always been .
Kay : Whatever . Think what you want , ok ? The fact is Maria has made me grow up a lot faster than I ve wanted to , and you might want to try that sometime .
Jessica : Why should I when it s a lot more fun being young and hanging out ?
Kay : You lost your virginity to a stone - cold creep , Jessica , and you could ve died from all those drugs you were fooling around with .
Jessica : But I did nt , which must mean something .
Kay : It means you were lucky ! And I do nt even think you realize how scared Dad was , how much he loves you .
Jessica : Oh , spare me . Next you ll be telling me poison Ivy loves me , too .
Kay : Well , you know what ? She might not be the monster you make her out to be .
Jessica : Says who ? I hate her . If it were nt for her moving in on Dad , he and I would still be close the way we used to be .
Kay : You ca nt put that all on her .
Jessica : Oh , well , I do , and you ca nt change my mind . I d rather die than have Dad bring Ivy back into this house .
Kay : Well , if you were listening , he s not even thinking about that right now .
Jessica : I do nt ever want her back here , ever . And you can forget your little family dinner . I m going out .
Kay : Jessica , no , Dad wants you home .
Jessica : Ivy could nt stop me , and you ca nt either . Let go of me !
Kay : I know what you want to do -- you want to go out and hurt yourself some more . I wo nt let you break Dad s heart again , I just wo nt .
Jessica : Ugh !
Ned : You look wet .
Fancy : You creep . You jerk ! You -- god .
Ned : Hey , what s the matter ? You re the one who likes games so much . Now I think we re even . Oh -- oh --
Ned : You --
Fancy : Enjoy your swim .
Theresa : I do nt know why I was so surprised when the judge awarded temporary custody of my daughter to Ethan and Gwen . No Lopez - Fitzgerald stands a chance in a fair ruling .
Pilar : That s not true , Theresa . You were nt up against Judge Reilly today . Now , that s a judge who will take anything , do anything for a dollar . The judge s decision today was based on Ethan s defense , and what she saw in the courtroom .
Theresa : That does nt carry any weight with me , Mama .
Pilar : Then you will be held in contempt , Theresa .
Theresa : I do nt care . All I know is no one is taking my child away from me . Not Gwen , not Ethan , not anybody .
Ivy : Ethan , look , there was a time when it was just you and Gwen , and she was the love of your life .
Ethan : Till I met Theresa .
Ivy : And that is why you need to put some distance between you and Theresa . You need to put her behind you so you and Gwen can have the kind of life you always dreamed of , and then I guarantee you -- I guarantee the passion will return .
Ethan : How ? How can you guarantee that ?
Ivy : I just can .
Ethan : Mother , all those years you were married to Julian , did you ever forget about Sam ? Did being away from him ever dim your feelings for him , ever make you forget how you felt being around him , in his arms ?
Ivy : That is different .
Ethan : No , no , it s not different , Mother . As much as I have loved Gwen , it just has nt ever compared to the way I feel for Theresa . Sam is the love of your life , and I m afraid Theresa is mine .
Gwen : Every time I think about what we did , Mother , it makes me feel sick inside . I mean , this whole thing -- it haunts me every day .
Rebecca : My god , where did you get this conscience ? It must be from your father s side .
Gwen : If Ethan ever found out that we were the ones who tipped off the tabloids about his real paternity , he would never forgive me .
Rebecca : Well , he s not going to find out . Look , he blames Theresa , not us . Trust me , we are home free .
Tabitha : Ooh , you re so smart , Endora . This is the perfect way to get Sheridan over here for a visit .
Luis : I m losing the woman I love . I do nt even know how to stop it .
Tabitha : You ca nt , Luis . You ca nt , because you and Sheridan have created your own obstacles . And with a little help from yours truly , you will never overcome them .
Sheridan : I know . I know where I have to go .
Tabitha : Whoo - hoo ! Time to set another place for tea , my little witchling . You and I are having company !
Kay : If I have to hurt you to stop you , I will do it ! Got it ?
Tabitha : You look as if you ve seen a ghost .
Sheridan : No . A witch .
Fancy : Drop dead . I hope I never see you again .
Sandra : I wonder if that s the last we ve seen of her .
Ned : Ah , you never know .
### Summary:
| As Gwen , Rebecca , and Ivy celebrate their latest win over Theresa , Ethan was realizing he really does love Theresa more and is remorseful for his part in the whole mess . He confides in Ivy , who is dismayed and tries to talk some sense into him . Meanwhile , Theresa is at home with Pilar , swearing she will kill them before she lets anyone take her children from her . Nothing Pilar says sways her in the least . Sheridan and Luis continue their descent into a breakup , since he still refuses to concede that she might actually know what she s talking about . She leaves , telling him she wants to be alone , as Tabitha gleefully watches and pulls strings to get the distraught woman into her web . Sam decides calling Grace might not be a great idea since he ca nt be sure she would nt take off again , causing Jessica even more pain . He does decide he needs to spend more time on her and her problems , tho , and that means no Ivy , at least for the time being . Kay offers her support as Jessica listens in on their conversation , but once Sam is out of the room , Jess decides she is leaving , leaving Kay to tackle the situation herself . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stephanie : Well , I sent them over this morning by courier . Have they been executed ? Oh , thank you . That s a relief . Thank you . Thank you very much .
Ridge : I do nt know what you re so relieved about . If Nick can convince Taylor I murdered Shane , he s gon na have no problem at all convincing the police .
Stephanie : The police are not going to listen to him . He s their prime suspect .
Ridge : But he did nt do it . I did it -- and he knows that .
Nick : Forrester did this . I got ta prove it .
Taylor : Should nt you just leave that up to the police ?
Nick : I m not gon na wait for this Baker to reopen the investigation . I love you . We re having a child . I would like to be around for that and clear my name .
Taylor : It s nine months till the baby comes .
Nick : Well , I d like to spend that nine months with you , not in a courtroom with 12 people trying to decide my fate . I ve left messages for Ashley Abbott . Maybe she ll remember something from that night .
Taylor : But they still do nt know if Shane actually was killed the night that he was in Forrester Originals --
Nick : It s the last time anybody had contact with the man . It was late at night . There could have been some clean - up crews around . Maybe they heard something . Maybe they saw something , and if they did , I m gon na find out .
Stephanie : You ve got to get away from here as quickly as possible . Please . The plane s at the airport . It s fueled up . It s ready , waiting for you to go to Paris .
Ridge : Oh , that is not a good idea , mother .
Stephanie : I told -- I told Taylor you ve left .
Ridge : Why ?
Stephanie : Because if I had nt , she d still be looking for you .
Ridge : So , you tell another lie ? How many is that now ? How long before you ca nt keep any of them straight anymore ?
Stephanie : If you leave now , then you wo nt make a liar of me . Listen , if she finds out you re still here , it ll only make her more suspicious than she already is .
Nick : She ca nt do it . Stephanie can not cover for the dressmaker forever .
Taylor : She s doing a pretty good job right now .
Nick : Somewhere along the line he made a mistake . Someone saw him that night . One witness , that s what I need . Just one , and he ll be the one sitting in front of that judge .
Machine : You have one unheard message .
Nick : Hello , Ashley . It s Nick Marone calling . I realize you do nt want to get dragged into all of this but I did tell the cops about Ridge missing his date with you . Ca nt really be sure that they re gon na follow up on it , but if you can remember anything else , anything strange about Ridge s behavior last week , even if you do nt think it s important , please give me a call .
Stephanie : Oh , Ridge is fine , actually . It s just been a stressful evening .
Ashley : Yeah , I bet . You look a little worried .
Lt . Baker : Yes , I m Lieutenant Baker .
Ashley : Hi , Ashley Abbott .
Lt . Baker : I assume you know why I m here . I want to talk to you about Shane McGrath .
Ashley : Hi , it s me . I need to see you right away . Right away .
Ridge : Look , even if I do leave town , Nick s gon na just keep looking for evidence against me , anyway .
Stephanie : Let him look . He s not going to find anything that ties you to this . Let s just let the police handle this for now .
Rick : Ashley said she needed to see me about something .
Phoebe : Well , let s go . She s not here , and Constantine s waiting for us .
Rick : You re really excited about this , are nt you ?
Phoebe : You think it s immature ?
Rick : No , I think it s adorable . I love that you re so excited about something .
Ashley : Excuse me .
Rick : Hey .
Ashley : Hi , glad you re here .
Phoebe : Hi .
Rick : You sounded pretty serious on the phone .
Ashley : I know you do nt have much time --
Phoebe : I should call Constantine . Let him know we re on our way .
Rick : Okay , that s a good idea . What did you want to talk to me about ?
Ashley : Shane McGrath . I think I might know who killed him .
Ashley : I did nt know who else to talk to because I do nt know who I can trust .
Rick : You know something about Shane s death ?
Ashley : Yeah , I might .
Phoebe : Hey , I talked to someone at the studio who said they d give him the message . Okay , hang on . Phoebe , I m so sorry . I ca nt -- I ca nt go with you .
Phoebe : Why ?
Rick : Ashley , she really needs my help with something . But I ll catch up with you as soon as we re done . Okay ?
Phoebe : You wo nt be long ?
Rick : No . Not long at all , I promise . I love you .
Phoebe : I love you , too .
Rick : See ya . You might know who killed Shane McGrath ? Not Nick ?
Ashley : Ridge .
Ridge : If I leave town now , it s just gon na look like I m running .
Stephanie : Not to the police . They have no reason to be suspicious of you .
Ridge : But Nick is . Now Ashley , Taylor .
Stephanie : That s why I want you to go , because of Taylor . If she sees you and talks to you , she knows you so well , she ll know that you re hiding something .
Ridge : How long do you expect me to stay away , though ? I ca nt keep running forever .
Stephanie : I do nt expect you to do that . Please , just trust me . I ll handle Nick . He does nt know it yet , but he s about to be stopped dead in his tracks .
Taylor : I just ca nt even formulate an image in my mind of Ridge dumping Shane s dead body over your boat . I just ca nt . It does nt even seem possible . I was married to him , Nick . It just does nt seem like him .
Nick : Excuse me . Marone .
Stephanie : Nick , would you be kind enough to come to the house ? I d like to talk to you for a moment .
Nick : We re talking now .
Stephanie : Face to face .
Nick : I m on my way . That was Stephanie . She wants to talk .
Constantine : It s good there , man . Hey , Phoebe . Come on in .
Phoebe : Hi . That sounded great .
Constantine : Really ?
Phoebe : Yeah .
Constantine : Thank you . Just working on a few new tracks . So , you liked it ?
Phoebe : It s amazing . Why are you looking for new talent when you have so much of your own ?
Constantine : Thank you . Well , when you re starting a new label , you kind of need more than one artist , so that s exactly what I m doing . Where s Rick ?
Phoebe : He had something come up at work , but he s gon na try to make it back later .
Constantine : Oh , that s cool .
Phoebe : Are you sure it s not a problem ?
Constantine : Yeah , it s fine . Do you mind watching while we finish up ?
Phoebe : No . I mean , I can watch ?
Constantine : Yeah , of course . Make yourself right at home , little lady . Let s go again .
Rick : You think Ridge killed Shane McGrath ?
Ashley : I do nt know . I do nt know .
Rick : Have you been talking to Nick , because I know what he s been saying , Ashley .
Ashley : He s not putting any ideas in my head . If anything , it s the other way around .
Rick : What do you mean by that ?
Ashley : Look , I do nt want to say something that s gon na hurt Ridge . I care about him .
Rick : Ashley , look . You know that you can talk to me about anything . Anything that we say in here , it s not gon na leave this room , I promise .
Ashley : Okay , a couple of nights before Shane s body washed up on the beach , I was here in the lab working late .
Rick : Mm - hmm .
Ashley : Ridge and I were supposed to have a date . Now , according to Nick , Shane was here in the building that same night .
Rick : And you saw Shane here ?
Ashley : No , I did nt . But the point is , I never saw Ridge , either , because he stood me up . Stephanie said that it was a business emergency , but Ridge never bothered to call me and cancel . And I know this does nt sound very suspicious , but I m getting a vibe . Something s wrong .
Rick : Okay , did you ask Ridge if he saw Shane here at the office ?
Ashley : No . No , and now I m afraid of what his answer might be .
Engineer : Nice vocal . Best yet .
Constantine : Thanks . Felt pretty good . So , this is Phoebe Forrester . Phoebe , this is Todd . Todd is the sound mixer to the stars .
Todd : Hi .
Phoebe : Hi .
Todd : So , you re a friend of Constantine s ?
Phoebe : Well , we just met .
Constantine : I saw a video of her , and her -- friend , on the Internet .
Phoebe : It was karaoke .
Todd : Really ?
Phoebe : Yeah .
Constantine : Do nt let her modesty fool you . I saw some real talent on that video . And , I was so impressed I had to track her down and get her in the studio .
Todd : You could nt be in better hands , Phoebe . Constantine will take good care of you .
Ashley : I keep telling myself over and over again that it was nothing -- that I was right , Ridge just got cold feet about our date .
Rick : But you ca nt be sure .
Ashley : There s something else -- something that happened that night . I was here in the lab waiting on Ridge , and Stephanie was with me . And we heard something .
Rick : Like a -- like a gunshot ?
Ashley : Yeah , and -- yeah . But Stephanie said it was the freight elevator . Well , I ve used the freight elevator . It s not some clunky old thing .
Rick : No . No , it s not .
Ashley : So , I ca nt be sure what I heard that night . I do nt know for sure , but I do know that ever since then , Ridge and Stephanie have been acting really strangely .
Rick : Okay , hang on . So , so , what you re saying is , you think that Ridge shot Shane McGrath , right here in this office building ?
Taylor : Yes ?
Sheriff : Hi . I m looking for Dominick Marone .
Taylor : Um , he s not here .
Sheriff : This is where he lives ?
Taylor : Yes . I m his wife .
Sheriff : Can you sign for the receipt of this document ? Please give this to your husband as soon as he returns .
Taylor : Okay .
Nick : I do nt imagine it would feel so lonely to you in here if you had nt sent sonny - boy off to Paris .
Stephanie : I did nt realize I was lonely .
Nick : Well , I figured you had to be , if you wanted to talk to me .
Stephanie : Oh . Oh , I would think if anyone were anxious to talk , it d be you .
Nick : You invited me to stop by here .
Stephanie : So that you could say to me , to my face , the things that you ve been saying behind my back .
Nick : Is it getting a little hot in that kitchen for you , Stephanie ?
Stephanie : The way I look at it , this case is going to go to trial fairly soon , so I can understand why you d be planting seeds of reasonable doubt .
Nick : It s better than planting evidence , which is what you and sonny - boy did on my boat .
Stephanie : Is that what you have been saying to Taylor ? That Ridge and I set you up , and have framed you ?
Nick : Taylor -- that s why I was summoned .
Stephanie : How dare you do that -- tell her , accuse her ex - husband of murder , the father of her children ?
Nick : Well , the first three , anyway . That s right , Stephanie . I m going to be a dad , and I do plan on seeing my children grow up . So , any hopes you have of seeing me behind bars , forget it , cause it ai nt gon na happen .
Stephanie : It might -- sooner than you think .
Todd : All right . Good work , men .
Constantine : Thank you . I ll see you next time .
Todd : All right , I ll see later .
Phoebe : Bye . So , you live and work here ?
Constantine : Uh , yeah . Music is my life .
Phoebe : I hope you know , your label is gon na take off .
Constantine : Well , I m off to a good start . But if I want to succeed , I have to keep trying new things -- finding new talent .
Phoebe : Well , it must be hard competing with all the big record companies .
Constantine : Well , it s not easy , but you know , the recording industry is changing . You do nt really need a big distribution deal or marketing machines behind you . All you really kind of need is the buzz you generated .
Phoebe : It s got to take more than that . I mean , or else , most people would be stars , right ?
Constantine : Not everybody has what you have , Phoebe . I mean , all I saw was that one song , on the Internet , and I knew it . What I saw inspired me .
Ashley : I do nt know what to think . My head is just spinning .
Rick : When you say that Ridge and Stephanie have been acting strange --
Ashley : Yeah , jumpy and anxious . You have nt noticed that ?
Rick : I try not to spend a lot of time around those people .
Ashley : Well , I have nt been able to spend any time with either one of them at all . Every time Ridge makes plans with me , he cancels . I go into his office , and Stephanie runs out .
Rick : Okay , well Stephanie , with you , when you heard the noise --
Ashley : Yeah , I told you that , yes --
Rick : And Nick said that Shane was here at the office -- did you tell Nick about this noise ?
Ashley : No . No . Just you .
Rick : All right . Look , I know that Shane was here . Phoebe told me . And she said that he was very unhinged . If he and Ridge came together , it would end very badly , especially if one of them had a gun .
Ashley : Okay , but the thing is , okay , the thing is -- if it did happen in this building , it does nt explain the evidence on Nick s boat , does it ?
Rick : What if Nick was telling the truth ?
Ashley : No .
Rick : Yes . Ridge hates Nick , Ashley .
Ashley : Enough to frame him for murder ?
Rick : Yeah ! In Ridge s eyes , Nick took his family s company , and Nick came in between him and my mom --
Ashley : I can understand Ridge being overprotective of Phoebe , and maybe going too far , but what you re suggesting is --
Rick : What I m suggesting , is that Ridge dumped Shane s body off of nick s boat . It make sense .
Ashley : It s just -- it s just so gruesome .
Rick : It s so possible . All right , let s think about this again . Shane -- Shane is here , in the office . Ridge stands you up , he s nowhere to be found . You and Stephanie hear a noise . Sounds like a gunshot . Ever since Ridge and Stephanie are acting strange . I do nt think Nick is guilty . But Ridge -- Ridge could be .
Nick : When the truth comes out , it s going to be you and your golden boy who ll be gettin fitted for jumpsuits , not me .
Stephanie : Oh , have the police reopened the investigation ? I did nt know that . Have you told them your deep , dark , mysterious truth ? Did they listen ? No . And they re not going to . But Taylor has , and that is unacceptable to me .
Nick : I thought you were in Paris ?
Ridge : Nick , it s none of your damn business where and what I do .
Nick : Well , I m on to you , Forrester . And it wo nt be long before the cops are , too .
Stephanie : Oh . Are you expecting someone , Ridge ? There he is .
Officer 1 : Nick Marone ?
Nick : Yeah . What about it ?
Officer 1 : Are you concealing any weapons ?
Nick : What ?
Officer 1 : Weapons !
Nick : No .
Officer 2 : Nick Marone , you are under arrest .
Nick : What are you doing ?
Nick : Under -- under arrest ? For what ?
Officer 2 : For violating the restraining order Mrs. Forrester took out against you .
Nick : She invited me here !
Stephanie : Thank you , officers . I do nt know what we would ve done if you had nt got here in time .
Nick : You called them while I was on my way , did nt you ?
Stephanie : I m so relieved . I do nt know what he might ve done .
Nick : I know what you did . I m going to prove what you did , and you will go down for it ! You ll go down !
Ridge : A restraining order ?
### Summary:
| Nick bemoans to Taylor that she is having a child and he d like to be around for that so he is not going to wait for Baker to re - open the case . He s going to chase down all the facts . Stephanie ca nt get away with this covering up for Forrester . Despite his protests , Stephanie still wants Ridge to get out of town , go to Paris . Ashley begins to have doubts and concerns and tells Rick she thinks she knows who killed Shane . Rick tells Phoebe to go ahead without him to Constantine s ; he ll meet up with her later . Stephanie calls Nick to say she needs to talk to him face to face . She then tells Ridge that Nick will be blown out of the water . Phoebe is starstruck over hearing Constantine sing in the studio . He s pleased that she came alone and tells her to make herself at home . Ashley shocks Rick by telling her she thinks the killer is Ridge . She s getting vibes that something is wrong , but she does nt want to tell anyone until she is sure . She fills him in on all the suspicious facts that she knows . He believes it could have happened that Ridge did do it . Taylor signs for papers delivered to Nick . He confronts Stephanie who wants him to say to her face the things he has been saying to others . He assures her that she and sonny - boy are nt going to get away with this . He s going to be a daddy and declares that he is nt spending the rest of his days behind bars . When the truth comes out it will be her and her golden - boy who will be fitted for jumpsuits , not him . He spies Ridge before he leaves and then is promptly hauled off for coming over to Stephanie s , violating his restraining order . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
EJ : What , you don think the fact that Tony , my brother , your son , died in the last war with the Kiriakis family , you do nt think that s relevant ? Huh ?
Stefano : And his death was never avenged .
EJ : You put a bullet in Philip ! Is that not enough ?
Chad : Wait , what ?
Stefano : Just hold it a minute . Hold it a minute . Stop right there . This is what happened . The Kiriakises killed my son . And they got away with it . All right ? They believe in nothing but killing . Trying to make peace with them is something that does not work .
EJ : Right , because they re not rational or reserved like we are .
Stefano : This is not funny .
EJ : No , this is not funny . Listen , okay ? Listen to me . ? Think about what you heard . Think about what you re hearing . This wo nt stop . It wo nt stop . Now do nt start thinking that you can try and fix this from the inside out . It does nt work . I know . I ve been there . All right , do nt think you can mitigate this . Do nt think you can temper this . Do exactly what I told you . Get out of here , Chad . Get out of here . Get out of here . Run . Run now .
Stefano : Do you hear what you are saying to him ? He is family . He is a DiMera . And you re telling him to run away ?
EJ : While he still has aim chance .
Stefano : You defy everything that we stand for . We do not run away . We do not run . We are ...
EJ : Father ?
Stefano : We are DiMeras .
Will : Are you okay ?
Gabi : Yeah .
Will : Was I ?
Gabi : Were you ...
Will : Okay ?
Gabi : Yeah . Of course . It s all I wanted it to be .
Will : Gabi ... do nt lie to me .
Hope : Yeah , got it . Thanks . Thanks a lot . So Hernandez and the CSI team bagged a lot of stuff . And Hernandez found a fiber that he thinks may be from the shooter s clothes .
Bo : Great . Thanks--
Roman : What the hell are you two doing here ?
Brady : Is there any -- is there any news ?
Victor : I spoke to Melanie .
Brady : Where is she ?
Victor : She left . She was upset . Said they were using the paddles on Maggie . She was really scared . So am I.
Jennifer : What s wrong ? What happened ?
Brady : Nothing . Nothing .
Jennifer : What happened ?
Brady : Listen , we re waiting . She s gon na be fine . You know she s strong . She ll be fine .
Daniel : Come on , Maggie . Come on . Come on .
Nurse : It s been four minutes , Doctor .
Daniel : [ Muttering ] She can get through this . She s gon na make it .
Lexie : Daniel , you did everything you could .
Daniel : No , I can do more .
Lexie : Daniel .
Daniel : I can do more .
Lexie : Daniel , stop ! Stop !
Daniel : Mark the time of death .
Nurse : Shall I shut it down ?
Daniel : We re done .
Nurse : Time of death : 8 : 47 p.m. Wait .
Lexie : There s a fine v - fib .
Daniel : Come on , paddles , paddles , here we go , come on . Come on , charge it , charge it .
Nurse : Paddle charge .
Daniel : Come on , this is it , this is it . Everybody , clear . Come on .
Daniel : Thank you .
Lexie : [ Laughs ]
Daniel : Thank you .
Lexie : You did it . You did it .
Daniel : I think we just saw a miracle .
Abe : Yeah . Get back to me on that . Yeah .
Taylor : Hey .
Abe : What are you doing here ?
Taylor : I needed to talk to someone about Maggie s shooting . The hospital wo nt tell me anything , because I m not family , and Nicole wo nt pick up her phone .
Abe : Is that really why you re here ?
Taylor : Excuse me ?
Abe : Well , I thought maybe you d stopped by to see if we had arrested EJ yet .
Chad : Oh , my God . There s no pulse . Call 911 . What the hell are you doing ?
Bo : And a cheery good evening to you too .
Roman : All right , wait a minute . Let me get this straight . So the two of you together decided it was a good idea to come down here ? Do you know what the hell that means ? That means neither one of you has any sense .
Bo : Could you ratchet it down a bit ?
Hope : We needed to check out the crime scene before we question the DiMeras .
Roman : Oh , that gets better and better . This crime scene -- this is where Maggie Horton was shot , standing next to Victor . Maggie Horton is your aunt . Victor is your father . Just what part of conflict of interest do nt you guys understand ?
Bo : I do nt see the conflict of interest , Commissioner . We all want to put DiMeras away for as long as possible .
Hope : Exactly .
Roman : Yeah , and that we will do . But you two will read about it in the newspaper because you are not on this case .
Jennifer : She is my aunt . What are nt you telling me ?
Victor : Melanie told me they were using the paddles on Maggie .
Jennifer : What , her heart stopped ?
Daniel : Well , we got it started again .
Jennifer : Oh , thank God .
Daniel : Yea we removed the bullet and stopped the bleeding .
Victor : There s something else , is nt there ?
Lexie : I m afraid Maggie still is nt out of danger .
Jennifer : [ Softly ] Oh , D.
Chad : What the hell are you doing ? Call 911 .
EJ : [ Softly ] No .
Chad : You son of a bitch !
Kate : What s all the yelling about ?
Chad : He just collapsed , and I ca nt find a pulse .
Kate : Oh , my God .
Chad : I m gon na call 911 .
Kate : No , no , there s no time . He s in shock . I m gon na get his insulin .
Chad : What the hell s the matter with you ? He s your father .
EJ : Maybe the only thing that s going to stop him is divine intervention .
Chad : You know what , I m not arguing right and wrong with you . I m just telling you . If he does nt make it , it s like you killed him . And I m gon na make damn sure everyone knows it .
Gabi : Why do you think I m lying to you ?
Will : Because it s our first time . I know that it s not always perfect . [ Laughs ]
Gabi : Well , yeah , I was really nervous .
Will : Yeah , so was I. So please be honest with me . Okay ? Because I - I want to do better and be better .
Gabi : Will , you re my best friend . And you re the person that I trust the most in this world . It was perfect because you made it perfect .
Roman : Rafe is in charge of this investigation .
Bo : And after what the DiMeras did to him , he does nt have a conflict of interest ?
Roman : Everybody in Salem s got something against the DiMeras . But at least Rafe can be objective in dealing with the victim and the witness . So -- hey , whoa . Okay ? Now this being a crime scene here and you two have no reason to be here , I think you should just both go .
Bo : [ Sighs ]
Daniel : Well , due to Maggie s myasthenia gravis , she s now in a medically- induced coma . There s a possibility that she could me out of remission due to all the trauma , the blood loss .
Victor : Damn it , speak English !
Daniel : Maggie might not be able to breathe on her own .
Lexie : She s on a ventilator .
Victor : For how long ?
Lexie : We do nt know .
Taylor : Is that true ? Are the DiMeras involved in Maggie s shooting ?
Abe : I ca nt comment on an going investigation .
Taylor : Okay , EJ had everything to do with what happened to Maggie .
Abe : And you know that how ?
Taylor : Because I know EJ .
Kate : Anything ?
Chad : No , nothing .
Kate : [ Sighs ] My hands are shaking .
Chad : Give it to me . I ll do it . Come on . Wake up , Father . You ca nt leave me now . You ca nt do this . You ca nt do this to me . Now you ca nt leave me right now . Just wake up , please . I need you . Please .
Hope : Honestly , I don think it s true .
Bo : What are you talking about ?
Hope : Bo .
Bo : He shut down the investigation into the attack of that prostitute . He called off the search for Carly .
Hope : I know . Yeah , I know he did . He said that was because of budget cuts .
Bo : Well , you think he s going to admit that this promotion went to his head , and he s throwing his weight around ? And as far as being objective about the DiMeras , do you think he forgot about what EJ has done to Sami ? No , I do nt think so .
Hope : Okay , are you done ?
Bo : No , I m not .
Hope : You know what , you just need to take a breath .
Bo : [ Exhales ]
Hope : Just let it go . It s okay . I spoke to Rafe , and he said he had absolutely no problem with us assisting the investigation . It s okay .
Bo : Yeah , because he s not an idiot like my brother .
Hope : Oh , my gosh . I love how good you are at just letting go .
Bo : Mm - hmm .
Hope : Not .
Bo : Yet .
Hope : Listen , I wish Roman would give me a chance to tell him what I found out , but he did nt , and I really think we need to get moving on this as quickly as possible . Before Stefano has a chance to come up with an alibi .
Bo : [ Grunts ] You re right . We get to do one of my favorite things -- drop in on the DiMeras .
Hope : Well , let s go .
Victor : I want to see her .
Jennifer : Victor , you wait just a second . You are not going in there .
Daniel : Okay , before you two get into it , Maggie s not allowed any visitors at this time , so I think the best thing for everybody is just to go home and get some rest .
Victor : I m not going anywhere .
Brady : I ll stay with you .
Victor : I do nt need a babysitter .
Brady : Maybe it d be a good idea if we get through this together .
Victor : Brady , please . Just go home . Oh , Brady . There s something I want to say . I do nt want you doing anything . Do nt try and get revenge because of what they did to Maggie .
Brady : Really ?
Victor : I m the one that s responsible for this . I ll take care of it . You just do nothing .
Abe : You know EJ . Do you know all the things he s done ? To Sami and Rafe ? Nicole , Brady , Philip ? Please , tell me when you want me to stop .
Taylor : Okay , Abe , I know about EJ s past , but I also know him now , and he said he was nt going to seek revenge on Brady .
Abe : [ Laughs ] You know , the Greeks left one single guy , and he used beautiful words to persuade the Trojans to pull that big wooden horse through the gates .
Taylor : He s changed , Abe . You may not believe it , but I do .
Kate : Stefano . Stefano , wake up . Talk to me . It s ... it s Katerina . Talk to me , please . Please .
Stefano : Katerina .
Kate : [ Sighs ] Yes , Katerina . You scared the hell out of me .
Stefano : Oh . [ Sighs ] I m fine .
Chad : I still think we should take him to the hospital . I mean , what are we waiting for ?
Stefano : No , no .
Kate : Here . What ?
Stefano : I will stay right here .
Kate : What happened to you ? Did you skip your insulin ?
EJ : Maybe it was an attack of remorse .
Kate : What s that supposed to mean ?
EJ : It means that , when he ordered a hit that killed Maggie Horton , even he ca nt act like nothing happened .
Kate : Maggie s dead ?
EJ : As good as . Her life s in the hands of your friend Dr. Jonas .
Kate : What the hell is wrong with you ? Your father s ill . Why are you attacking him ?
Stefano : I m fine . I m fine . See ... I got sick because I ... I was so angry . Devastated really when I realized that my son was a weakling .
EJ : Eh .
Kate : Oh , that s enough . That -- that s enough . You re gon na upset yourself . And you , if you have nothing good to say , then just leave . Maggie -- I ... I warned her . I warned her that she was not cut out for this -- if she gets herself involved with Victor , nothing good will come of it .
Chad : Oh , come on . So now it s Maggie s fault ?
Stefano : No . No . It s Victor s fault . He set this whole thing in motion .
Chad : He was trying to restore peace . And , instead of listening to him , you try to kill him ?
Stefano : [ Grunts ]
Jennifer : So I think well-- we ll just store this stuff here for tonight , and then tomorrow morning I ll put it in Aunt Maggie s room .
Abigail : Yeah , okay .
Jennifer : You know , and then when she wakes up , she can rearrange it all . She ll love to do that . No word from Chad , huh ?
Abigail : Nope .
Jennifer : You re really worried about him , huh , sweetie ?
Abigail : He s living in the same house as the people Brady said shot Maggie . I know that he had nothing to do with it , but ... still , yeah , yeah , I m worried about him .
Jennifer : I know . I know you are .
Abigail : It s just ... I keep calling him . I left him a message , and he wo nt call me back . I know this sounds weird , but I just , I do nt know , I feel like he s avoiding me or something .
Jennifer : I think that this could be the best thing right now , number one , for your safety .
Abigail : No , no , the Kiriakises are nt gon na retaliate . Victor said not to .
Jennifer : Honey , when it comes to the Kiriakises and the DiMeras , there s a tendency for things to snowball .
Abigail : So what are you saying , mom ? They re gon na try and go after Chad then ? I mean , he has nt done anything wrong .
Jennifer : No , I m not saying that they would try to hurt him intentionally , but I do nt think that is the safest house for him to be in right now .
Abigail : Yeah , I know . That s why I need to talk to him , to tell him to get out of there .
Jennifer : It s okay . It s gon na be all right , sweetie . It s gon na be all right .
Daniel : You really think sitting here instead of sleeping is going to help Maggie ?
Victor : Yes .
Daniel : Always so easy to get you to back down . Well , do nt come to me for muscle relaxants when your back seizes up on you .
Victor : Daniel . In your heart , your instincts tell you that she s gon na recover , right ? It s temporary ? Damn it , lie to me .
Daniel : I would . If I thought there was a chance in hell you d buy it . Hey , Mel , it s your dad . Maggie made it through the surgery , but there are no visitors allowed , so why do nt you just , um , why do nt you get some rest ? And ... you can come see her tomorrow . Oh , God . This town .
Kate : Now is not the time .
Chad : Why ? Because he does nt feel good ? Maggie Horton could be dead , and this is nt the time ? I mean , God . Look at you people . You do nt care if Maggie lives or dies . You do nt care if your father dies . And you re a cold - blooded killer . I am sick of all of you !
EJ : Chad . Well , every family has its ups and downs , does nt it ?
Kate : [ Sighs ] I do nt want you going after him . He wo nt listen to you until he calms down , anyway .
EJ : How long do you think it s gon na take for him to calm down ? Long time . Get him out of this house . For his sake and for ours .
Stefano : Oh .
Bo : Hey , everybody .
Stefano : What the hell are you doing here ?
Bo : How s it going ? Well , we -- we would have used the doorbell , but your latest illegitimate -- what s his name ?
Hope : Chad .
Bo : Chad went flying out of here so quickly , he did nt close the door .
Hope : And since we re all such old friends ...
Stefano : Do nt try to be clever .
Bo : We re here on official business . And we can and are very willing to arrest anyone who does nt cooperate .
Kate : Okay , look , I know that you have a job to do , but this has been a very stressful evening for my family , and my husband is feeling ill .
Hope : Well , I m sure it has been . But this wo nt take long , Stefano .
Kate : Please . Could we do it another time ?
Stefano : No ! I said we re gon na do it right now . Here . What do you want to know ?
Brady : So I m not sure what s gon na happen , but we need to be ready for anything .
Dmitri : Yes , sir .
Brady : I do nt think the DiMeras are gon na try any more fake overtures . We may be looking at a direct strike here .
Dmitri : You know I d do anything for this family , your grandfather .
Brady : I know that .
Dmitri : So if we need to strike first , I d be happy to volunteer .
Brady : We re not there yet . Right now , I want you at the hospital . I want you to guard him like a hawk .
Dmitri : Right away .
Brady : And Dmitri . My grandfather gave me strict orders not to seek revenge for what happened tonight , but that does nt mean , if you see a DiMera take one step towards a family member of mine , that you ca nt be proactive .
Dmitri : I understand . I ll pass the word along to the others .
Nicole : I heard that . You re walking a fine line , are nt you ? Did nt Victor tell you not to do anything ?
Brady : He told me not to seek revenge . I m just talking about protection .
Jennifer : Come in . Hey . Any news ?
Daniel : No , no , not yet . I just checked on her , but she s -- she s sleeping comfortably .
Jennifer : Good .
Abigail : Okay , um , I m gon na go call a couple friends , but I do nt think I m coming home tonight . Melanie said that I could just stay in the nurses lounge , so ... I just do nt feel right about leaving Maggie right now .
Jennifer : That s fine . That s okay .
Abigail : Okay .
Both : Love you .
Abigail : Call you in the morning .
Jennifer : Okay , honey .
Abigail : Thank you again . You just keep saving people that I love , huh ?
Daniel : [ Laughs ] Yeah . [ Groans ]
Jennifer : Hey .
Daniel : You have a great daughter there .
Jennifer : She s something else , huh ?
Daniel : Mm - hmm .
Jennifer : You re something else too . Thank you for everything that you did tonight .
Daniel : Yeah , well , I just wish I could have done so much more . [ Sighs ]
Chad : Look , I got your messages . I m sorry I did nt call .
Abigail : It s okay . Look , I called because I just wanted to tell you that we re in this together . I m on your side . And I know this is hard on you too .
Chad : Yeah , well , what I m going through is nothing . I m just so sorry about Maggie . And another thing ... I do nt deserve you .
Abigail : Well , state the obvious , why do nt you ?
Chad : [ Laughs ] You know , you re the only person on the face of the planet that can make me smile tonight .
Abigail : I wish I was there . I wish I was with you , seeing that smile right now .
Hope : So , Mr. DiMera ... where were you when Maggie was shot ?
Kate : He was with me .
Stefano : No . I was not with Katherine no , we were nt together , sweetheart , all right ? I do nt want you to lie for me .
Hope : That was a smart move , Stefano . Very clever . Cause I checked the phone records . And it turns out that you were the one who made the 911 call for Maggie .
Stefano : Yes .
Hope : How thoughtful of you .
Stefano : And you ve come here to thank me , right ?
Hope : What were you doing on the pier at the exact time of the crime ?
Stefano : I was on another part of the pier .
Hope : How convenient .
Stefano : Yes , I was doing business , I heard a gunshot and a woman s scream , so naturally I went to help .
Hope : Naturally .
Stefano : Victor was nt worth very much at the moment .
Hope : Victor says otherwise .
Stefano : Well , I mean , under the circumstances , naturally he d say anything .
Bo : When we came in , things seemed a little tense between you and your father .
EJ : Well , he just had an attack . I mean , we were all very concerned .
Bo : That s what concerned looks like . I spoke to Brady earlier . He said that you called him and were looking for a truce . He now believes it was a ruse to get him out of the way so that Victor was free for this hit that Stefano set up .
EJ : Oh , come on , you re not seriously gon na take the word of some drunk as gospel truth , are you ?
Bo : No , not gospel . I do believe you called him and -- and you were sincere in this attempt at making peace . But your father used you and your attempt at detente to ambush Victor . And this is why you re angry with him .
EJ : Well , that is an interesting theory ... Commissioner or whatever it is you are .
Bo : Stefano DiMera once again tried to kill Victor Kiriakis , but this time an innocent , Maggie , got in the way .
EJ : Really ?
Bo : Really . And you had nothing to do with it .
EJ : If I m innocent , then why did you call me outside here for a little chat ?
Bo : To make a deal .
EJ : A deal ?
Bo : You tell me the truth about your father , and I give you immunity .
Daniel : [ Grumbles ]
Jennifer : You are completely exhausted .
Daniel : No , no , it s not that . It s just , you know , after surgery , all the adrenaline . Coming down kind of hits hard . That s all .
Jennifer : Yeah , I can imagine .
Daniel : Yeah .
Jennifer : So now probably would nt be a good time to ask something of you after the night you just had .
Daniel : Well , your night was nt exactly a walk on the beach . What do you want to ask me , hmm ?
Jennifer : Well , I wanted to ask you if we could be together . You and I. If we could just stick together .
Daniel : [ Sighs ] I was so hoping that s what you wanted . Cause I want exactly the same thing . [ Sighs ]
Jennifer : [ Giggles ]
Abigail : I want you to know something . If Maggie could talk right now , she d say that she did nt want you to blame yourself . She d want you to give yourself forgiveness .
Victor : One of our many differences . She s a lot more forgiving than I am .
Abigail : Okay . Then let me say this . You have to know that she would be so happy knowing you re not going after the DiMeras . No matter what you think about yourself , she thinks you re a really good person . That s why she loves you .
Nicole : Brady . Brady . Talk to me .
Brady : You know , when EJ said that he wanted peace , I agreed . And I meant it . I even felt sorry for beating him up . I even felt sorry for starting all this . But I ll tell you , Nicole , now Maggie -- Maggie s in that hospital room . Maggie . I do nt want peace anymore . I do nt want EJ or Stefano to take one more peaceful breath . I hate them .
EJ : If I m innocent , Bo , why would I need immunity ?
Bo : Since you walk on crimes that you do commit , I wo nt have an ethical problem with nailing you for a crime you did nt . So who do you think should go down for this ? You or your father ?
EJ : I m gon na go outside and get some fresh air . And I certainly hope you re gone by the time I get back .
Hope : Right . Okay , thank you for calling .
Kate : How s Maggie ?
Hope : She s in a coma . On a ventilator . They do nt know if she s gon na make it .
Stefano : Oh , God , I m sorry .
Hope : Do nt ! Do nt you dare offer your phony sympathy . How dare you . You did this to her , you son of a bitch . You bastard .
Bo : Hey , hey , hey .
Hope : You re gon na pay for this .
Bo : Hey , take it easy . Easy .
Stefano : How about if you just go , out of my house ?
Hope : How about you go to hell ? How about that ?
Chad : God , what is going on now ? Hey !
Will : I love you .
Gabi : I know .
Will : I want you to know ... I ll never hurt you .
Gabi : I know that too .
Nicole : Brady , I know how much you love Maggie . And I know this is killing you .
Brady : What has my family done . To her ?
Nicole : Brady , you did nt do this to her . The Di -- the DiMeras did . They did this .
Brady : You know , I ve been pushing you away lately , and I m sorry because I m --I m really glad that you re with me tonight .
Nicole : I m not going anywhere .
Brady : Good . Cause I - I need you . I need you .
Victor : I should never have let you back into my life . You d be safe now if I just walked away from you . But just know , no matter what , I love you .
Jennifer : What ?
Daniel : Uh , mm , I m gon na let you sleep .
Jennifer : No , no , I do nt want you to leave . Please .
EJ : All right , I see . Yeah , no , thanks for calling . Hey .
Taylor : Hey .
EJ : Just got an update about Maggie . It s not good .
Taylor : I know .
EJ : It should never have happened . Nothing should ever have happened to her .
Taylor : Is that what bothers you ? The wrong person went down ? It should have happened to other people .
EJ : That s not what I said . Not what I meant .
Taylor : Okay , well , let me-- let me -- let me not put words in your mouth and let me ask you something directly , all right ? When you told me that you were not gon na go after Brady for revenge , were you lying ? Did you have something to do with Maggie s shooting ?
Stefano : You protected a man that attacked you .
EJ : I nearly averted a war . But you took care of that , did nt you ? And now there is no hope for anybody . Brady s not gon na think that I was talking to him about peace . He thinks that I was meeting with him to set up some kind of ambush . Yeah . I lied . What happened to Maggie was my responsibility .
Stefano : Chad , it was nothing , but it s best if you stay out of this .
Hope : No , he ca nt stay out of it , not if he s a witness .
Stefano : He was not there .
Hope : Well , he could have witnessed something other than the shooting . Like the planning . And the fallout .
Stefano : You can not talk to him without a lawyer .
Bo : Do you need a lawyer , Chad ? Were you somehow involved ?
Chad : No , I had nothing to do with it .
Bo : But you do know what happened , right ? Do you know who shot Maggie Horton ?
EJ : It would be a lot better for you if you turned your back on this rancid family .
Chad : I did not sign up for this .
Stefano : None of us did .
Chad : There is something that I want to say . And it s about time I said it .
### Summary:
| At the DiMera mansion , Stefano was upset that EJ wanted Chad to walk away from the family . Stefano continued to yell until he collapsed . Chad told EJ that Stefano did nt have a pulse . Chad wanted EJ to call the police , but EJ hesitated . Kate showed up and saw Stefano unconscious . She went to get his insulin . Chad wanted to know what was EJ s problem . EJ thought things would be better if Stefano died . Stefano finally came to and Kate wanted to know what happened . EJ told her what happened to Maggie . Stefano told Kate that he got sick because he was upset with EJ . Stefano and EJ started arguing again . At the hotel , Will and Gabi made love for the first time . Bo and Hope showed up on the pier to find out what happened to Maggie . Roman did nt think Bo and Hope should work on the case . Roman thought it was a conflict of interest and he wanted them to leave . At the hospital , Daniel called Maggie s time of death . The nurse was about to turn off the monitor when Maggie s heart started beating again . Taylor found Abe at the police station and wanted answers about what happened to Maggie . Abe thought she wanted to know if EJ was arrested yet . Taylor wanted to know if the DiMeras were involved . Abe told Taylor about what EJ s done in the past . She refused to believe he did it . Daniel told everyone at the hospital what happened and that they got Maggie s heart started again . Victor knew that Daniel had something else to tell them . Daniel told them that Maggie was still in danger . Since Maggie has myasthenia gravis , she is in a medically induced coma and is on a ventilator . Victor wanted to see Maggie , but Jennifer would nt allow it . Daniel did nt want anyone to see her . Brady wanted to stay at the hospital with Victor , but Victor wanted him to leave . Victor did nt want Brady to get revenge for what happened to Maggie . Victor wanted to take care of things himself . Abby overheard their conversation . At the pub , Bo and Hope talked about Roman s action and how he keeps taking them off of cases . Hope mentioned the budget cuts , but Bo did nt believe that . Bo thought that Roman was letting his promotion get to his head . Bo did nt understand why he would take them off of the DiMera investigation after what EJ did to Sami . Hope wanted him to let it go because Rafe s letting them help with the investigation . Bo wanted to go see the DiMeras . Chad did nt understand what was going on with the DiMeras . Kate did nt seem to care about what happened to Maggie and EJ did nt seem to care about what happened to Stefano . Chad said he was sick of all of them . Bo and Hope arrived to talk to the DiMeras . Later on , EJ and Taylor talked about Maggie . For some reason , EJ took the blame for what happened to Maggie . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Liam : Who is this guy talking about your future ?
Amber : ( Sighs ) ( Stammers )
Liam : I know . It s in his hands-- what does that mean , Amber ?
Brooke : Mm . Paris will never be the same .
Ridge : It s too bad we had to come back .
Brooke : ( Giggles ) When are you gon na talk to Thomas ?
Ridge : Today .
Ridge : Maybe very soon . Come in . Hey , sweetheart .
Hope : Hi .
Brooke : Hi . So how s my beautiful daughter ?
Hope : Great .
Brooke : Yeah ?
Hope : How was Paris ?
Brooke : Oh . ( Sighs ) Ridge made a dream come true . ( Chuckles )
Hope : Why does nt that surprise me ?
Ridge : Everything okay around here ?
Hope : Yeah , for most of us .
Ridge : What about you ?
Hope : Amber had her first ultrasound .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Hope : Liam went with her to the hospital .
Brooke : Honey .
Hope : It s really happening . There is no denying it now . Liam is ... Liam s having a baby with Amber .
Liam : Amber , who is he , and what s going on here ? What does this guy have to do with your future ?
Amber : He s just a friend .
Liam : Oh , he s a friend ? Really ? He s a friend ?
Carl : Yeah , from the hospital .
Liam : What , are you a lab tech or something ?
Carl : Sure .
Amber : Yeah , exactly .
Amber : That s -- y - you know , it s probably the office .
Liam : I ll call back .
Amber : It s -- you know what ? You should really take it , because it s probably important .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Liam : Hey , it s Liam . Give me one second .
Amber : Do nt threaten me , Carl .
Carl : We had a deal .
Amber : We still do .
Carl : I held up my end by changing the paternity tests .
Amber : Keep it down . Liam is right in the other room .
Carl : Oh , yeah , the daddy of your baby , or so he thinks .
Amber : You ll get your money .
Carl : Yeah , that s what I keep telling my bill collectors , but they re asking me the same question I m asking you -- when ? It better be soon , Amber .
Katie : I just do nt know how to handle this , Bill .
Bill : Katie , I did nt kill Amber .
Katie : No , but you wanted to . You would have . And the bottom line is that , when she fell , you walked away . The only reason why she s still alive is because Steffy saved her .
Bill : I felt I could handle the situation with Amber .
Katie : Could you have just pretended that it was all an accident ? Or would the knowledge of what you had done eventually destroyed you and everything you love ? Could you really have lived with yourself because I do nt think so . Because the man I know , the man I love and still believe in has a conscience . If you had pushed Amber off that cliff , you would have thrown away everything that is decent and honorable and good in you . I mean , do nt you realize what was really at stake ? Everything you are , everything I love about you was standing on the edge of that cliff . You had so much to lose . Do nt you see how tragic it could have been ?
Bill : How tragic would it have been if Liam was killed when Amber blew up that trailer ?
Katie : ( Sighs )
Bill : What s missing from your scenario , Katie , is that I felt , as you did , that Amber tried to kill my son . For what , I ca nt be sure-- money , inheritance-- who knows how her warped mind works ? All I do know is that there are mobile home parks all over the world , and trailers do nt just blow up by themselves . Maybe if you put yourself in my shoes with the belief that my son s life was at risk , maybe then you could understand my desperate need to save him .
Hope : It still does nt seem real . Liam s actually gon na be a father .
Brooke : Honey , I know this is nt easy , but somehow , we re gon na have to help you deal with this .
Hope : I ve tried . I ve been trying . I have . I - I went to him , and I told him that it has to be over , you know ? We ca nt be together , but I still love him . God , I just wish that baby was anybody s but Liam s .
Amber : You will get paid when I have money . I do nt right now .
Carl : You re sure livin like you do what , Malibu beach house ?
Amber : How do you know about that ?
Carl : Name s ferret . Duh .
Amber : Well , you re just gon na have to give me more time .
Carl : Why , Amber ? That boy in there is sweet on you . Just go in there , give him a nudge , and hand him the checkbook . Remember , it s just me , you , and your mama that know the truth about this baby . It s not gon na last forever . I want my money . Now .
Amber : Okay , I m good to go .
Liam : Sure .
Amber : Let s leave .
Liam : All right .
Hope : I m going to see Amber .
Ridge : Hope , I think you should give this some more thought .
Hope : That s all I ve been doing . Now I m taking action . ( Sighs )
Thomas : Oh , hey .
Hope : Hi .
Thomas : Wow , she s on a mission .
Brooke : I m afraid she is .
Thomas : So , Dad , you wanted to talk to me ?
Ridge : Yes , I did . I ve made a decision , Thomas , an executive decision , from the office of the CEO , and this time , it s going to be carried out .
Katie : Bill , I understand that you were desperate , and -- and I understand and admire your love for your son , but you re a smart man . I have a hard time believing that killing someone was your only option
Bill : I had to act to save my son , Katie . That s who I am .
Katie : Yes , that s who you are . You are a man of action . You do nt have to consult with anyone . That works really well in business . You get to be king . But I am not one of your employees who just falls into line . If you ca nt trust me enough to share even your darkest thoughts , then -- then how can you expect me to trust you ?
Bill : Katie ...
Katie : ( Sighs )
Bill : I love you . I want you with me . Come home .
Katie : ( Sighs ) I love you , too , Bill , more than anything ... but I ca nt come home . I ca nt . I ... I need some time to work this out on my own it s overwhelming , and I need to be by myself . I m sorry . I have to go .
Tawny : Oh , Amber . My little girl s baby .
Amber : We do nt know what the sex is yet .
Tawny : Oh , I think it s a boy . Oh , and he looks like you .
Liam : Excuse me .
Amber : Sure . Hey , Mom , I ran into Carl at the hospital .
Tawny : Ferret ?
Amber : Yeah . He wants his money , and he s threatening to tell Liam if he does nt get it .
Tawny : ( Scoffs ) That little weasel .
Amber : And he s not gon na wait .
Tawny : Well , then neither can you .
Amber : What am I supposed to do ?
Tawny : Well , you got ta work Liam . Take it to the next level .
Amber : No , no , no I do nt want to pressure Liam . I - I do nt want to risk pushing him away . I do nt ... ( scoffs )
Tawny : ( Sighs ) Amber , the only risk here is in not giving Carl the big bucks . I mean , what if he tells Liam that this whole paternity test was -- was rigged ? I mean , we could end up back on the streets or -- or worse , in jail .
Amber : ( Sighs )
Tawny : Honey , Liam has got to start providing . Everything rides on that .
Amber : ( Sighs )
Thomas : Okay , so what s this executive decision you ve made about Taboo ?
Ridge : I m not going to cancel the line .
Thomas : Good . Thank you .
Ridge : But I am restructuring it .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Thomas : Restructuring ?
Ridge : I m making changes , Thomas . It s not going to be the same Taboo .
Amber : ( Sighs ) My mom left . She wanted us to have a chance to talk .
Liam : Amber--
Amber : No , you do nt have to say anything , Liam , okay ? I - I know how you feel . And look , all -- all I really care about right now is this . At least our-- our child is nt gon na be raised how I was with my mom in Furnace Creek . I - I never knew my dad . We were always struggling , always broke . You never really knew your dad either , did you ?
Liam : No , it s not gon na be like that for this baby . ( Sighs ) He ll have his father .
Amber : You do nt even know how much it means to me to hear you say that , cause I want our child to have every opportunity in life . I want it to feel loved and secure-- not the way I felt when I was growing up . And our child is gon na be amazing , Liam . It is . But it s up to us . Look , I know you do nt really know me , but I want you to . I want you to know me for the sake of our child , and I want you to trust that I am going to be the best mother to this child that I could be . And our little son or daughter is gon na make you so proud . I will see to that . And your dad is gon na be proud of his grandchild , too-- proud that he s a Spencer .
Liam : Yeah , we ll see .
Amber : You know , your dad is an exceptional man with a lot of really great qualities . No , I am not his favorite person right now .
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Amber : But I think you and I , we could bring something so special into his life . We could bring this into his life .
Steffy : She s staying on Nick s boat ?
Brooke : Thomas , I told you . I do nt know what changes your father means . He blindsided me with this , too .
Ridge : Sorry to keep you waiting . Opal needed fabric approval .
Thomas : All right , let s jut cut to it . You re making changes to Taboo how ?
Ridge : First , I want you to look me in the eye and tell me that you ll never countermand an order that comes out of this office ever again .
Thomas : I hear you , Dad .
Ridge : Thomas , I respect and admire what you ve done with the line . Your designs are solid . Your work is good . But do nt ever think that Taboo is the reason we re on the map .
Thomas : I never said that .
Ridge : Maybe not , but the way you ve been acting leads me to believe that you might think that , and if you do , you re wrong . Forrester Creations is not known for its men s line . We re a couture design house that caters to women . Taboo , Hope for the Future , our Cruise Line , they re all minor divisions that support our major couture collection .
Thomas : ( Scoffs ) All right , I see . It s minor .
Brooke : Thomas , it does nt mean that your line is nt important .
Thomas : Yeah , just not very important .
Ridge : Can the attitude , my son . It s not gon na fly in this building anymore .
Thomas : ( Sighs ) ( Clears throat ) All right , tell me about these changes . ( Sighs )
Ridge : We ve already spent too much money on the line . I m cutting the budget .
Bill : Hello ?
Steffy : Hey , Bill .
Bill : Steffy , what do you want ?
Steffy : I know where your wife is staying .
Bill : Where ?
Steffy : At the marina on her ex s boat .
Bill : Marone ?
Steffy : Yeah , I thought you should know .
Thomas : You re cutting my budget ?
Ridge : It is nt your budget . It s the company s budget . I feel the money can be better spent elsewhere .
Thomas : Dad , the money s been well - spent . Have you ve looked at our margins ?
Ridge : Look , Taboo lit a fire . No doubt about that . In my opinion , it just wo nt last .
Thomas : So what are you saying ? It s a fad ?
Ridge : It s a trend . Fashion is all about trends . You and Brooke created one , yes , and we profited handsomely . But now it s time to create the next big trend . That s what we do better than anyone else .
Thomas : So you are killing Taboo .
Brooke : He s not killing it , Thomas . Your father already said the line will continue .
Thomas : Yeah , we just wo nt have enough money to support it .
Brooke : We will support it , just not quite as lavishly . It s still gon na be a line that we re proud of-- your line , Thomas .
Thomas : No , our line , Brooke .
Ridge : Well , I m glad we ve settled this . I will e - mail you both the budget figures . I have a meeting .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) ( Sighs )
Brooke : It s not gon na be so bad .
Thomas : I hit a home run , Brooke , and they re making me stop at second base . It s not so bad ?
Liam : Look , Amber , I - I got ta go .
Amber : Oh , no , no , no , no , no . I m not pressuring you . I m not . I would never do that .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Amber : I want you to be happy . I want us to be happy together raising our little son or daughter . I know I kind of made a mess out of your life . Can you forgive me ?
Liam : ( Sighs )
Amber : Maybe it s too soon to ask . Okay .
Liam : ( Scoffs )
Amber : But all I have to say is this-- what a lucky little boy or girl to have you as a dad and me , I m gonna-- I m gon na be a great mom . And I m gon na try to make you so happy . See , you re giving this child something that you and I never had-- a father , someone who is there every day watching him grow and change , watching him take his first steps . I bet his first word will even be Daddy .
Liam : ( Scoffs )
Amber : ( Chuckles ) I have such dreams for our baby . And you , I mean , you re gon na be such a loving , wonderful father . You ll want to give yourself to this child . But first , you have to give yourself to me .
Hope : Liam ?
Liam : ( Sighs )
Hope : ( Sighs )
### Summary:
| Liam insists on knowing who this guy is who is saying he has Amber s future in his hands . She quickly explains that he is her lab technician . Carl threatens her later that she better have the money soon . Ridge tells Brooke that it is too bad they had to come back from Paris and yes he needs to talk to Thomas today . Hope comes in and reveals that it has finally set in that Liam is going to have a baby . She just wishes it was anybody s but his . Steffy spies / eavesdrops on Bill and Katie . Katie tells him that he had so much to lose . Everything she thought and loved about him was standing on the edge of that cliff . And if he ca nt trust her enough to tell him his darkest secrets , then she does nt know how he can expect her to trust him enough to come home . She says she needs more time to work this out on her own . Tawny advises Amber to take the plan to the next level . She has to get the money somehow from Liam to pay Carl to keep him quiet . Ridge tells Thomas that he is not going to tank the Taboo line , but he is making changes . It wo nt be the same . He also tells Thomas to can the attitude when he calls his Taboo line a minor part of their major couture line they have had for years . For Thomas to think otherwise would be a big mistake . Thomas goes ballistic when Ridge tells him that he is cutting Taboo s budget . It s time to create the next big trend . It is what Forrester does . Brooke tries to soften things . Thomas is very glum as he tells her that he hit a home run yet his dad is making him stop at second base . Amber pulls at the heart strings when she tells Liam she does not want her child to grow up like she did or as he did without a father . It means so much to her that he is here for her . She wants him to trust her that she is going to be the best mother to this child .and he and Bill Spencer will be really proud of her . He s giving this child something that neither of them ever had . She has such dreams for their baby . He s given himself to this child ; now he needs to give himself to her . She kisses him just as Hope walks through the door . Steffy follows Katie and realizes she is staying on Nick s boat . She calls Bill to let him know . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Tad : There s no bruises on your hand . Nice . Looks like you have nt punched anybody out lately .
Jake : No , but the day s still young , and you re starting to upset me .
Tad : Oh , come on . I m just asking .
Jake : I did nt do anything really bad . I hit the guy because he took off with my wife .
Tad : Your ex - wife .
Jake : Yeah , well , whatever ! I m cool now . I m cool .
Tad : Are you ?
Jake : Well , maybe I was nt , but I am now .
Tad : Ok , so enlighten me . What changed ?
Jake : I told Amanda everything . She knows the story . I told her how Cara took off , and how I felt afterwards . And it s fine . Everything is fine . In fact , since this Castillo guy s shown up , I felt as if I ve taken all my baggage , put it on a plane , and sent it back to Africa .
Tad : I need a judge s ruling on this one . You re telling me you told your current wife all about how your ex - wife broke your heart ?
Jake : She s great . Everything -- she s great . She now feels like she s the one that sutured my heart back together . My marriage is perfect . Never been more solid .
Griffin : Yeah , Castillo here .
Cara : Bad time ?
Griffin : What are you doing , Cara ?
Cara : What are you doing ? Why are you out of breath ?
Griffin : You know I m at the hospital . You should nt be calling here .
Cara : Well , I figured you would nt answer the phone if you could nt talk .
Griffin : Look , I ll call you later , ok ?
Voice on P.A. : Paging Dr. Battaglia . Call extension 198 . Dr. Battaglia , extension 198 .
Natalia : Hey , what s wrong ?
Brot : Rough night s sleep .
Natalia : Too much partying ?
Brot : No , not too much partying . Had to get a hotel room because my place is being repainted and just the fumes are just annoying .
Natalia : So room service , mint on your pillow . That does nt really sound so bad .
Brot : No , no , no , no . I ve never slept well in hotel rooms . Just way too impersonal .
Natalia : Hmm . You should stay with me .
J.R. : What are you doing ?
Annie : Ooh ! Oh ! Hello . Perfect mistletoe timing .
J.R. : What are you doing here ?
Annie : Well , I wanted to give you an early Christmas present this morning .
J.R. : Are we alone ?
Annie : Mm - hmm . Pam took Emma and A.J. ice - skating and Colby s at the library prepping for exams .
J.R. : Did nt you think of everything ?
Annie : Of course . I know we ca nt be seen together . And now I m going to do something for you . Go ahead . Open it . Merry Christmas !
J.R. : I had no idea you were such a great gift - wrapper .
Annie : Yeah , you re gon na like what s inside .
Annie : Ugh . They ll go away .
J.R. : It s probably Marissa .
Annie : Why would Marissa be here ?
J.R. : I m sorry . It s my fault . Yeah , she s a little bit early , but I do nt want to put her off .
Annie : What exactly is Marissa early for ?
J.R. : I m trying to keep the peace , so she ll drop the custody suit , remember ?
Annie : You re trying to keep the peace , not get back together .
J.R. : Which also means I ca nt risk her seeing you .
Annie : But --
J.R. : We ll finish this when I m done . We ll finish the unwrapping , too .
Annie : My dress . It s pretty .
J.R. : It s beautiful .
Marissa : Hello ?
J.R. : Marissa .
Marissa : I m sorry . I know I m kinda early .
J.R. : No , do nt be sorry . That way , we have more time to plan for our family Christmas .
Griffin : Morning .
Amanda : Morning .
Griffin : How are you ?
Amanda : Good . How are you ? What are you doing ?
Griffin : I m just grabbing a workout .
Tad : I m just really glad you left the drama behind you , you know ? I m proud of you .
Amanda : Yeah , Yacht Club . Definitely roasted chicken is the way to go .
Tad : And we re back . This could be a problem . All right , listen to me . She s talking to him . That s it . They re just talking . She got a couple tickets to the gun show . What s the big deal ? He s not that great .
Jake : Stop it .
Tad : Yeah , he is . You want a bagel ?
Jake : Hi , honey !
Amanda : Hi . Oh , bye .
Griffin : Bye .
Amanda : Hey , you .
Jake : Hi .
Amanda : Hi .
Jake : Hmm .
Tad : This is probably my cue to leave .
Amanda : You do nt have to go .
Jake : Yes , he does .
Amanda : We re done . Oh -- or not . Ok .
Amanda : Do nt you want to save this for later when we re alone tonight ?
Jake : Ca nt really help it . When I see you , I have to have you . Meet me in the linen closet .
Amanda : Oh . I thought all you had to have was your specialty blend of coffee . You left without it this morning .
Jake : My hazelnut mocha almond double half - caf low - percent milk frappuccino . This is the one ? Love you .
Amanda : Aww .
Jake : You know , you trump caffeine , though . You know that .
Amanda : Thank you , honey . I know , but thank you .
Jake : So what s up ? Why are you -- what s cooking ?
Amanda : Oh . I just stumbled by -- are you allowed to work out at the hospital ? Because once he saw me , I had to stop and chat , but can you get in trouble for doing that ?
Jake : If the physical therapy room is nt being used , why not brush up early on your beach body , right ?
Amanda : Well , there you go . I have to go because I m meeting a woman from the Miranda Center for breakfast .
Jake : Fantastic . That s good .
Amanda : Are you sure you re ok with me working there with Griffin ?
Jake : They re lucky to have you .
Amanda : Well , just know that I love you .
Jake : Yeah ? Ok . You ve been saying that a lot lately .
Amanda : You got a problem with it ?
Jake : No , I just do nt want you to feel like you have to say it just because all this stuff came up with my ex . You have nothing to worry about .
Natalia : You gon na get any work done or is today a total slack - off day ?
Brot : Hold on . Did I hear you right ?
Natalia : About what ?
Brot : About inviting me to stay with you .
Natalia : Wait a minute . You did nt think --
Brot : I do nt know what to think .
Natalia : Well , I meant -- I mean , I would nt have -- I meant you could sleep on my sofa in the living room . Until your place is finished , that s all .
Brot : Oh . Thank you . I would nt want to put you out .
Natalia : I do stay up all night reading , so you probably would nt get any sleep , you know ? It s probably better .
Jesse : Monroe , over here , now .
Brot : Yes , Chief ?
Jesse : Just read your report on the Hayward shooting . What were you thinking , letting Ryan leave the crime scene after the shooting ?
Brot : The guy almost died . He just wanted to see his kid .
Jesse : You can not afford to get sentimental on a case , Monroe .
Natalia : I would ve done the same thing , Chief .
Jesse : Did I ask for your opinion ?
Natalia : No . You were too busy making him feel like an idiot .
Jesse : You really need to remember who you re talking to , young lady .
Natalia : This is not fair . Who rained on your parade ?
Brot : They did more than rain .
Jesse : How s this for rain ? You re off patrol . You re off your case load . You re both assigned to the Hatch Hill Road stakeout . Rainy enough ?
Brot : The old abandoned warehouse ?
Jesse : Yeah , that s the one .
Natalia : You got ta be -- that place has been on surveillance for over a month . Whatever drug activity is there is over .
Jesse : We do nt know that for sure , do we ? So go . Both of you . Find out for sure . Now ! Take your umbrella . Might rain .
Jake : I was just wondering how much a gym membership costs . All right , well , all right . I ll call you back . Thanks .
Tad : No blood , no bruises . Excellent .
Jake : I m fine . I m not that type of guy . Amanda can talk to whoever she wants to talk to .
Tad : Try saying it without clenching your jaw .
Jake : Ok , I do nt like him in my hospital . No , I do nt , ok ?
Tad : That s your problem .
Jake : Did you come here to support me --
Tad : I m saying , no , seriously . You ve got a great life . You do . You got it made . You got a terrific wife , you got an amazing kid . You do nt need to sweat the fact you got an Adonis running around who s a lot younger and a lot bigger than you are .
Jake : All right , maybe I did nt deal with everything the way I should ve up to now .
Tad : What do you mean maybe ? Maybe ? Really ? Maybe ? You think ?
Jake : I should treat it like a wound . An old would . I should open it up , clean it all out , and then sew it back shut forever and that s it .
Tad : Ok , I ll bite . How do you intend to do this ?
Jake : I do nt know that part yet .
Nurse : Dr. Hubbard left these insurance forms for you . We ll need them by the end of the day . Do nt worry -- they only want every detail of your life .
Griffin : Every dirty , little secret .
Amanda : Oh . Annie . Hey . Are you here with someone ?
Annie : No . I just -- I -- no .
Amanda : You know , I m supposed to meet a woman from the Miranda Center .
Annie : Oh . Then I wo nt bother you .
Amanda : No , no . She just canceled , so come on . Do nt just stand there . Come over . Take a seat . Take your coat off .
Annie : I ca nt .
Amanda : Oh . Oh , I thought you just said you were nt with someone .
Annie : No , no , no , I can stay . I just -- I ca nt take my coat off .
Amanda : I m almost afraid to ask .
Annie : It was supposed to be a gift for J.R. , but he never got a chance to unwrap it because she showed up .
Amanda : She ?
Annie : She Marissa .
Amanda : Can you go back ? I feel like I missed something . Are you and J.R. --
Annie : We re together . For real this time . Almost .
Amanda : Almost ?
Annie : Well , we ca nt really go public because of the whole custody thing , and that s kind of why Marissa s at the mansion , which I get , but --
Amanda : Are you sure this is what you want ?
Annie : Yes . This is exactly what I want . J.R. and I just got back from this amazing trip to D.C.
Amanda : D.C. ? Is nt that where you guys first --
Annie : Yeah . And it was crazy . Not only were we in the same city , but we ended up in the same hotel in the exact same room . It s like fate brought us together or something . So we ve been a couple , quietly a couple ever since .
Amanda : Except for today , because he s with Marissa .
Annie : Yeah . But he s just talking to her . Amanda , I feel like this is really it this time .
Amanda : Why do I feel like you ve said that before ?
Annie : No . No . No . I am telling you , this is different . J.R. and I , we get each other . We re like the same person . It s like I m not trying to live up to this impossible ideal , you know ? I can just be me .
Amanda : Listen , if you re happy , then I am happy for you . But are you ok with the secrecy ?
Annie : Yeah . Yeah , it s kinda sexy , you know ? At least it s fine for now .
Amanda : Well , the custody battle with A.J. could drag on , you know ?
Annie : Well , J.R. is trying to fix this problem without fighting Marissa . He s trying to kind of win her over with his charm .
Amanda : Right , and that definitely would nt work if she knew you were back in the picture .
Annie : Well , exactly , which is why she ca nt know for a while . What ?
Amanda : I just hope that this is enough for you .
Annie : As long as I end up with J.R. , it is more than enough .
Amanda : All right .
Annie : J.R. said that he d call when he s finished with Marissa . Should just be a couple of minutes .
J.R. : I told Alberta that chocolate croissants are still your favorite . Right ?
Marissa : Yeah , they are .
J.R. : Is something wrong ?
Marissa : I agreed to come here to discuss how we could divide A.J. s time between us on Christmas Day . A family holiday is a whole different thing altogether .
J.R. : I guess when I was going through the ornaments , I got a little nostalgic . I wanted to show you something . You remember this ?
Marissa : How could I forget ? I helped A.J. make it .
J.R. : It never made it onto the Christmas tree , but I took it everywhere when I was sick . I even took it to chemo and hung it on the I.V. pole for good luck . It s hard to believe that something so fragile survived . It s hard to believe that I survived . I only did because of you .
Natalia : There s nothing to see . The dealers left weeks ago .
Brot : Your dad wanted us out here for a reason .
Natalia : Right , to punish us like 8-year - olds . I resent the hell out of it .
Brot : I resent how you jumped to my defense .
Natalia : I was just trying to help .
Brot : Did I ask for help ?
Natalia : Fine . Next time , you re on your own .
Brot : I ll be better off .
Natalia : What is up with you and my dad and this whole macho thing ?
Brot : I did nt say I did nt appreciate it .
Natalia : Drop it .
Brot : Here .
Natalia : I do nt want your damn coat .
Brot : Natalia , take the damn coat .
Natalia : No , you take -- oh ! Get off me .
Brot : Do you always have to lead with your fist ?
Jake : Ow !
Cara : Hold still .
Jake : You do nt give your patients any warning or something ?
Cara : I figure if I catch you by surprise , we d skip the tears .
Jake : Very funny , Nurse -- oh , Doctor . Sorry . Dr. Finn . Very funny . Do I strike you as a possible crybaby ?
Cara : Well , you d be surprised how many doctors ca nt take needles .
Jake : Ah . Well , I m not one of them . And is nt it nurses around here that usually administer all the shots ?
Cara : You re one of those .
Jake : One of -- one of what ? Who ?
Cara : Doctors who think that we should leave all the grunt work to nurses .
Jake : Oh , no , no . I m not . I m not . No , I m not .
Cara : No . Yeah . Right . So -- is this your first time out with DWB or --
Jake : It s my second . Yeah . You ?
Cara : Nope . Newbie . Actually just finished my residency .
Jake : Private practice does nt appeal to you ?
Cara : I do nt want to take a regular job with regular hours , regular work .
Jake : Because you re not a regular type of girl , right ?
Cara : Yeah . Do nt waste your time flirting with me , because I m here to work . You need all your shots for your trip .
Jake : Oh . Mother of God .
Amanda : So this guy who ends up saving Opal is the same guy who broke up Jake s marriage to his Doctors Without Borders wife .
Annie : Wow . Ok , so -- wait . This guy -- what did you say his name was again ?
Amanda : Griffin Castillo .
Annie : He stole a woman from Jake ? So he must be really --
Amanda : I did nt notice .
Annie : I did nt finish my question .
Amanda : Yes , ok , yes , he happens to be hot . Some would say very .
Annie : But you did nt notice ?
Amanda : That s what I said .
Annie : Ok , so this very hot homewrecking Dr. Castillo shows up in Pine Valley at Jake s hospital ?
Amanda : So he says .
Annie : What , you do nt believe him ? Why ? Is it because of that ex , Cara ?
Amanda : I do nt know , but that is part of the reason why I m volunteering at the Miranda Center , you know ? Griffin will be there working on all the expansions , and it will give me a chance to get the full story , you know ? To protect Jake .
Annie : Protect Jake . And --
Amanda : He said he d call , right ?
Annie : Oh , yeah . No , it s fine . It s gon na take a lot to convince Marissa to make peace , so I want J.R. to take as much time as he needs . Anyway , there are a few things I have to do . I ll talk to you soon . Good luck with everything and watch your back .
Amanda : Good luck to you , too .
Annie : Thank you .
Patrick : Can I get you anything else , Mrs. Martin ?
Amanda : Oh , no , that s all , Patrick . Thank you .
Patrick : Sure . Great .
Amanda : Well . I just ca nt get away from you , can I ?
Griffin : I can say the same about you .
Amanda : Are you hiding state secrets ?
Griffin : No , just filling out some paperwork , so I can officially treat patients at the hospital .
Amanda : Oh , so you re staying ?
Griffin : Not permanently , but as long as I m working at the center , I might as well put my O.R. skills to good use .
Griffin : Excuse me . Yeah , Castillo here . Yeah , I m treating Dr. Hayward . Uh- huh . What are you doing ?
Amanda : I thought you said that you do nt keep in touch with Cara anymore .
Griffin : Did you get my social security number , too ?
Amanda : If you guys are nt in touch anymore , how come she s your emergency contact ?
J.R. : Do you remember last year when Tad got that scrawny Charlie Brown Christmas tree ?
Marissa : Yeah . We all decorated it .
J.R. : Yeah . You said you d never done anything like that before .
Marissa : Yeah . And you went out and got us one , so I could decorate my own tree .
J.R. : I do nt think I ever appreciated Christmas as much . Not because I thought it would be my last . Because I had a family that I loved -- who loved me back . I meant what I said earlier -- I only survived because you were by my side .
Marissa : Ok , J.R. --
J.R. : No , I m serious . You barely knew me , but here you were taking on my cancer battle like it was yours . I ll never forget that .
Marissa : I loved you . I thought you loved me , too .
J.R. : I did .
Marissa : So about Christmas Day -- how do we split up A.J. s time ?
J.R. : You can have any part of the day you d like .
Marissa : You mean that ?
J.R. : I was hoping -- and I know that A.J. would like it -- if all 3 of us could spend a small part of Christmas together . I promise to be on my best behavior .
Marissa : Is nt this your best behavior ?
J.R. : It s a sample .
Marissa : How come I have trouble trusting it ?
J.R. : I guess I ve given you reason to .
Marissa : You guess ? Look , I do nt even know why I m here . We have a court date .
J.R. : That s some date . Hey , can we get some dinner afterwards ?
Marissa : I was so angry at you for what you put me through . But even more pissed at myself for letting you .
J.R. : That all sounds like it s past tense . That s a good thing .
Marissa : A.J. s going to love hanging that ornament .
J.R. : Does that mean that you re signing on to spend Christmas with the 3 of us ?
Marissa : I guess it would be good for A.J.
J.R. : Thank you . Thank you so much .
Natalia : Where s your coat ?
Brot : Is nt that a good question ?
Natalia : You did nt find it ?
Brot : What do you think ?
Natalia : Sorry .
Brot : You should be , because in this neighborhood , they probably stole it before it even hit the ground . That s not funny . Because I could ve saved it if you had nt jumped me .
Natalia : I was trying to save it , too .
Brot : No , instead you lost the only coat that I own , just in time for winter .
Natalia : Now who s leading with their fists ?
Brot : Me . That s it . I m tired of playing this game with you .
Natalia : What game ?
Brot : This game , Natalia . Is this who you really are ? One minute you re kissing me , the next minute you re beating me up . I really do nt want any part of it .
Natalia : No one asked you to want a part of it .
Brot : Oh , that s right . I guess I was the idiot to believe we had something good . Now I m tired of trying to make sense of what you do or what you do nt do . I ve been through enough hell in my life . The last thing I need is a woman that has no idea what she wants , and even if she did , she probably does nt have enough guts to go after it .
Natalia : Because I m scared . God . I ve tried not to be , but every time we get close , I feel this panic like my world is spinning out of control . And it --
Brot : You re shivering again .
Natalia : Yeah . That s the panic .
Brot : Look at me . Look at me . I will never hurt you .
Jake : Hi .
Cara : What s that for ?
Jake : I just figured anybody who s working as hard as you deserves a little pick - me - up .
Cara : Thanks .
Jake : You re welcome . And it s also a peace -- peace -- what do you call it ?
Cara : Offering ?
Jake : Yes , that s what it is .
Cara : It s black .
Jake : Yeah . I figured if you handle your coffee any way that you handle your needles , you re probably not that fussy a person . Am I right ?
Cara : A lucky guess .
Jake : Well , to a clean slate .
Cara : Oh . Ok .
Jake : Ok ? Cheers .
Cara : So what s it like over there ?
Jake : Well , based on my last stint , I would nt pretend to make any predictions about it , but if I had to describe it , I d say it s like living a full year every single day . Go moment to moment , crisis to crisis , but you feel alive for every single second of it .
Cara : Do nt you eventually collapse ?
Jake : Some do , yeah , but you get done what needs to be done , you know . Do nt get me wrong . I mean , it s not even like work . It s a rush . It s just something I feel like I was meant to do .
Cara : To be like right in the middle of the action -- not live such a safe and predictable life . That sounds amazing . To be able to help people who really need you .
Jake : Yeah . And , you know , they actually need doctors , too .
Cara : Oh , well , no . I ca nt go .
Jake : No ?
Cara : No .
Jake : Hmm . Why is that ?
Cara : I just ca nt , so --
Jake : Yeah . You like it here in your little tent . Ha ha . Just saying , you know , if you had said yes , I might ve said , well , I know some people that might be able to push your application up to the top of the -- and you could be in Southern Sudan within a month , but you did nt say yes , so I m not gon na be pushy about the whole thing , because you re happy here , so --
Cara : I m interested .
Jake : Yeah ? Really ?
Cara : Yeah .
Jake : Oh . All right . Well , we should see what we can do about that . Ok ? I m Jake , by the way .
Cara : Hi , Jake .
Griffin : So what if I see Cara ? It s not like we re married .
Amanda : You said something different before .
Griffin : Yeah , I did nt find it necessary to rub it in everybody s face .
Amanda : So better to lie to our faces ?
Griffin : What did Jake do when he saw me ? You know , I m lucky I still have my nice smile .
Amanda : Ok , so you were afraid that he might punch you again if he knew ?
Griffin : Who s saying anything about being afraid ?
Amanda : Well , then what ? You were trying to protect him ?
Griffin : Ok , here s the thing . Jake has a thing about me . I do nt care . Jake may have his feelings hurt . I do nt care . Jake may be pissed . I do nt care . As long as he stays away from me .
Amanda : And Cara ?
J.R. : Are nt you supposed to be at the office dealing with that problem you created ?
Annie : I dealt with it , but we re gon na need to discuss damage control strategy .
J.R. : It can wait .
Annie : No , it ca nt . And I m gon na need you to sign off on some paperwork before it can go through .
Marissa : I have to take this . Hey . I was hoping you d call today . Yeah , I ll be coming to see you very soon . Me , too . I have to go .
J.R. : Everything ok ?
Marissa : Yeah , fine .
J.R. : Old friend ?
Marissa : Listen , let s talk about Christmas later , ok ? I have to go .
J.R. : Marissa --
Brot : What s wrong now ?
Natalia : Zach . Zach Slater .
Brot : That s not exactly what I expected to hear , but ok . What about him ?
Natalia : He s a perfect example of what can happen when you get too close to someone . Within a split second , they can just be gone . It happened to Kendall . Happened to my mom . How do I know it s not gon na happen to me ?
Brot : Just because something happens to someone you know does nt mean it s gon na happen to you .
Natalia : What if it does ?
Brot : You know , if I ve learned anything over the past few years , it s you ca nt predict how life s gon na unfold . I had it all planned out when I came back from Iraq , how I was gon na live in a certain place , who I was gon na live with , how life would be . Then the explosion happened . And I ended up in flames . All my plans -- just gone .
Natalia : You made it out .
Brot : Yeah , not the way I thought I would . Everything changed . I had changed . The way I look at life , the way I live life , I mean , so different from before . And it s because I do nt focus on the future . I focus on today . For right now . And right now , I m with this unbelievable bright and beautiful woman who , even though she tries not to show it , I know she likes me a lot . A lot .
Natalia : I do .
Brot : Then let s go with that . [ Kissing ]
Griffin : I got a page about David Hayward ?
Nurse : Oh , it was nt from me .
Amanda : You re not getting out of this that easily .
Griffin : What , you followed me ? That s weird .
Amanda : I want to know the whole truth about you and Cara -- the part that you re not saying .
Griffin : There s nothing more to tell .
Amanda : I do nt believe you .
Griffin : Look , you re better off leaving this whole thing alone .
Amanda : What does that even mean ?
Griffin : It means you re already freaked out about this whole thing .
Amanda : No , I m not .
Griffin : Look , it s your husband s ex . I get it . Maybe he s told you some things about her . Maybe he has nt . Maybe me being here is bringing up all these things about Jake you did nt know he had going on .
Amanda : Ok , you know nothing about me .
Griffin : I know you re better off leaving this thing alone . You got a great family everybody wishes they d have . You got a solid marriage . What else do you need ?
Amanda : The truth .
Griffin : Cara s not here . She s not even close . She s an ocean away .
Jake : Hey . Did you get that page about Hayward ?
Griffin : You re the one who sent it ?
Jake : Mm - hmm . The irregularity in the heart turns out to be the monitor , not the patient .
Griffin : Glad to hear it .
Jake : Hi , honey .
Amanda : Hey .
Jake : How d the meeting go ?
Amanda : Oh , it got canceled .
Jake : Really ? This is kind of an honor , then , right ? Because this is twice in one day .
Amanda : Your break must be coming up , right ? You got plans ?
Jake : I do now . But there s a little something I have to do first , ok ? Should ve done it the day that Griffin arrived .
Amanda : Jake , please do not make another scene .
Jake : Ok . You do nt have to worry . Um -- I should ve done this sooner .
Griffin : Done what ?
Jake : Welcome to Pine Valley Hospital .
Brot : All right , all right . Stop , stop , stop . All right , you first . Come on . It s cold .
Natalia : I m just laughing about how we collided like some NFL linebacker .
Brot : Over a stupid coat .
Natalia : I know . Oh . But if that did nt happen , then neither would this .
Brot : You re worth freezing .
Natalia : Wait . One second .
Brot : Ahh . Phone call .
Natalia : It s my dad . Nothing to report , Chief .
Jesse : About earlier -- I m sorry .
Natalia : Did you just say I m sorry ?
Jesse : Yeah . Put this on speaker . I want Brot to hear this , ok ?
Brot : Yes , Chief .
Jesse : Listen , I know I came down a little hard on you a little earlier .
Natalia : You think ?
Jesse : Let s not get snarky , ok ? Listen , I m pulling you off the stakeout . McCarthy and Harris are going to take your place . Get back to the station . Finish what you were doing , all right ?
Brot : Sounds like we can head back to the station .
Natalia : You heard the man . Do nt you wanna go ?
Brot : Sure . Or -- I think we should stay here , keep an eye on the building till our replacements show up .
Natalia : All right . Works for me .
Annie : Where are you going ?
J.R. : Nowhere .
Annie : You wanna know who called Marissa . She seemed happy to hear from him , whoever it was .
J.R. : Yeah , I suppose she did .
Annie : Maybe she s found herself a new man . That would be great for us . If Marissa started dating , she ll be less pissed off when she finds out we re together .
J.R. : Why d you show back up ? I told you I d call you when I was finished .
Annie : You were taking a long time .
J.R. : No , I was making progress , and you showing up could ve knocked us back .
Marissa : Scott . Good . I was worried the guards would nt let you come to the phone again . Yeah , I was with J.R. , and I did nt want him to know I was talking to you . He d probably use it against me . I know you do , but I ll see you very soon . I promised I would help you . You have my word .
Jake : I gave it a lot of thought about the way that it ended with me and Cara , and I just want to say that as far as I m concerned , it s all in the past .
Griffin : That s good to know .
Jake : Truth of the matter is , you did me a favor . Because of you , I found out where I m supposed to be and who I m supposed to be with , so I wanna thank you . You all right ?
Amanda : I m fine . Actually , the reason that I came back was to give you this . [ Kiss ]
### Summary:
| Tad checks Jake for any more bruises on his hands from hitting Griffin . Jake lets Tad know that he was cool with Griffin and that he told Amanda everything about Cara . Tad can not believe his ears . At the station , Brot complains about the smell in his apartment from the place being painted . Natalia offers to let Brot stay with her for a few days . Jesse yells for Brot and reprimands him for letting Ryan leave the crime scene when Erica shot David . Annie surprises J.R. with an early Christmas present , herself gift - wrapped , but is taken aback when Marissa arrives , because J.R. did nt tell her about his meeting . J.R. reminds Annie that he is just trying to get Marissa to drop the custody suit against him by sweet - talking her . Amanda interrupts Griffin s workout at the hospital and admires his fit body . Tad and Jake see Amanda ogling Griffin . Amanda asks Jake if he is all right with her volunteering at the Miranda Center . Jake assures her that they will be lucky to have her . Jake checks on a club membership for Griffin . A nurse gives Griffin some forms to fill out for his position at Pine Valley Hospital . Annie and Amanda meet at Krystal s . Opening her trench coat , Annie shows her her Christmas present for J.R. , which he could nt open because Marissa interrupted . J.R. and Marissa discuss how they will split up Christmas Day , so that A.J. can spend it with both his parents . J.R. suggests that they spend part of Christmas together as a family . Marissa is surprised . Jake remembers when he met Cara . Amanda tells Annie about Griffin . While looking at his paperwork , Amanda is surprised to see that Griffin has listed Cara as his emergency contact . He assures her that Cara is an ocean away . Instead of waiting for J.R. s all - clear call , Annie interrupts him and Marissa . Marissa receives a call and leaves . J.R. becomes upset with Annie for interrupting his time with Marissa . Jake welcomes Griffin to Pine Valley Hospital . Marissa assures Scott that she will help him and see him very soon . Cara arrives in Pine Valley . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Dante : Thanks . Thank you . You should nt have .
Nathan : Yeah , so funny story . I went by the Metro Court this morning to pick up what was left of our wedding cake . Max says we got to freeze a slice and eat on our one - year anniversary and that is what they gave me .
Dante : [ Chuckles ] You should have been more careful with your cake .
Nathan : I should ve . I should ve . I talked to the manager , and he said that if I had any questions that I should talk to you . Something -- something you want to tell me , Dante ?
Dante : Yeah , so , after you and Maxie took off , uh , something went down with Lulu and Charlotte . And , uh , your wedding cake wound up being collateral damage .
Lulu : Mom ?
Laura : Hey .
Kevin : Hi .
Lulu : I m so sorry to interrupt .
Laura : It s okay . Is everything all right ?
Lulu : Not really . Um , it s not an emergency . Rocco and Dante are fine . I just , um ... I made a really big mistake . Do you mind if I join you ?
Laura : No . Come on .
Kevin : Oh , no . Of course .
Lulu : Thanks . Thank you . Sorry .
Laura : What s going on ?
Lulu : I told Charlotte that I m her mother , and now she hates me .
Nelle : Hm . You look so happy . Whether or not you deserve to be is questionable .
Michael : Hello ?
Nelle : [ Lightly gasps ] Sh--
Michael : Hey .
Nelle : Michael , you startled me .
Michael : Oh , sorry . I did nt mean to .
Nelle : Uh , it s okay . Come in .
Michael : Oh , I , uh ... I love this picture . I actually think I took it . New Year s a few years back . It was fun times .
Nelle : Well , your mom s not here . I m sorry you came all this way .
Michael : Oh , do nt be . Uh , you re the one I really wanted to see .
Carly : Sonny ? Sonny ? [ Sighs ]
Sonny : Carly , I did nt know you were coming by . Hey .
Carly : [ Voice breaking ] It s for Morgan .
Elizabeth : We could spend all day speculating whether Franco got kidnapped or whether he just ran away , but we do nt have enough to prove either theory . I think it s time to admit we need help .
Sam : Help from who ?
Elizabeth : I say we call the police ... and tell them everything we know .
Alexis : Come on , Alexis . One minute at a time . You can do this . [ Sighs ] I m not hallucinating , I m not having some fantasy . These are my memories , and they are real ! I killed Tom Baker ! [ Sighs ]
Carly : I do nt , um -- I do nt know why I m so surprised . Of course , he s still getting mail . I mean , just because we know he died does nt mean every organization knows . [ Sniffles , sighs ] I just have nt had to deal with this , because this was his permanent residence .
Sonny : Yeah , it gets difficult sometimes .
Carly : Would you ... ? I mean ... [ Sniffles ] I mean , it might be something we need to know .
Sonny : I ca nt .
Carly : I do nt think Morgan will mind . I just , um -- I ca nt bring myself to do it .
Sonny : Neither can I. I mean , here , look at this . I ca nt deal with them . I have Max ... put them in there and ...
Carly : You have nt opened any of them ?
Sonny : No . It s just , uh , because it makes me feel like I - Ive accepted his -- that he s gone , and I -- part of me does nt want to do that . But maybe -- maybe we can get through this together , you know ?
Nelle : What can I do for you , Michael ?
Michael : Well , uh ... here it is . I wanted to give you this , for when you decide to get back out there .
Nelle : That s so sweet . But ... why ?
Michael : Well , that , uh , pep talk you gave Josslyn . Um , she s still grieving for Morgan . Obviously , we all are , but -- and now she s at least making an effort with my dad .
Nelle : Good . Well , I mean , she listened to you just as much as she listened to me . Really , all I did was tell her your life motto -- you can keep finding people to blame or make the best of things as you move forward .
Michael : Hmm . You know , I really am awesome , are nt I ?
Nelle : [ Chuckles ]
Michael : You know , as long as we were preaching the Tao of Michael , I , uh ... I hope maybe you can take it to heart yourself .
Nelle : What does that mean ?
Michael : Well , those bad memories that you -- you vaguely mentioned , I - I hope that you can let them go and unburden yourself .
Sonny : Overdue library books .
Carly : I just want to see . [ Sighs ] You know , he was ... trying so hard to do better in school this time . I wish I could tell him how proud I was of him , you know , that he kept trying .
Sonny : [ Sighs ]
Sonny : What s that ?
Sonny : Pass to a music festival . Must have got it online .
Carly : Oh .
Sonny : [ Chuckles ]
Carly : Well , these are all from the same credit card company .
Sonny : You know what , I was going to call them and -- and tell them that ... Morgan passed away , but every time I think about doing it , I just put it off till tomorrow . You know that every time that I , uh ... go to call you or Kristina or Michael , that ... ... Morgan s name s still here . Should I delete it ?
Carly : I could nt do that .
Sonny : [ Exhales sharply ]
Carly : We re going to have to go through all of these . You know , we re going to have to , um , pay the balances and close the accounts . Oh , my God .
Sonny : What ?
Carly : Well , I mean , there are charges here for Morgan s books at PCU , but there s also a charge for $ 1,500 to a guitar store , there s a charge for $ 2,000 to the sporting goods store for sneakers , a $ 10,000 charge for a first- class ticket to Australia .
Sonny : When did he rack all that up ?
Carly : [ Sighs ] Look . Look at the six final charges . Each for a couple hundred dollars to a place called Check & call Gaming . [ Sighs ]
Sonny : I did nt know -- w - what ? He -- he was gambling still ?
Carly : God , he was sick . Sonny , he was sick and he was manic , and he was obviously hurting . He was trying so hard to fix himself . He needed our help , and I knew it ! Damn it ! I knew it . I knew something was wrong ! Why did nt I tell you ? Why did nt we save our boy ? [ Sighs ]
Alexis : [ Sighs ]
Sam : I do nt think it s a good idea we involve the police .
Kiki : I kind of have to agree . The police already think that Franco killed Tom Baker , so if we go to them and tell them that he s missing , they re just gon na assume that he s on the run .
Sam : Yeah . Why do nt you let me and Elizabeth handle this right now ? If we hear anything , we ll give you a call .
Kiki : Okay . Thank you . I ll do the same for you .
Sam : Thank you . Will you please keep your theories about my mother out of this ?
Elizabeth : I do nt want your mother in trouble either , okay ? But Kiki s right . If -- if they do nt have a viable suspect , the police will blame Franco , and they will never treat his disappearance like a real kidnapping case .
Sam : Okay , but this --
Elizabeth : Besides , whatever your mother did , I m sure it was in self defense .
Sam : This -- this is just your theories . This does nt mean anything . Elizabeth , please , I am begging you . Do not throw my mother under the bus .
Elizabeth : I m sorry , Sam .
Sam : Elizabeth ? ! Wait a minute .
Dillon : What was that ?
Kiki : Oh , um , everyone knows that Sam and Elizabeth , uh , do nt exactly get along , especially when the topic is Franco .
Dillon : Yeah .
Kiki : Yeah .
Dillon : I got to get back to Crimson . You want to come with ? At the very least , it might be a good distraction .
Kiki : Okay . Yeah , why not ? It s not like we re gon na find any clues sticking around here . Oh ! Okay . Let s go .
Michael : What are you thinking about ?
Nelle : About what you said ... about letting go of anger .
Michael : One second .
Nelle : What is it ?
Michael : Uh [ Sighs ] It s my Aunt Tracy . Apparently , she s upset over a business decision I made at ELQ . She wants to meet .
Nelle : Oh .
Michael : Apparently , to tear me a new one .
Nelle : You made a bad business decision ?
Michael : Uh , I ll split the difference . Bad for business , yes , but , uh , I think it was a good decision .
Nelle : I do nt understand .
Michael : Well , ELQ was in talks to buy a minority stake in a household product s company . Nothing sexy or glamorous , but they have a solid market share and steady profits .
Nelle : So , why not invest ?
Michael : Because I have a problem with their manufacturing standards . Their carbon footprint is off the charts . A - and I m not going to let other people get hurt because it gets me closer to what I want .
Sonny : Carly , I do nt know what you re talking -- look , we made sure that Morgan went to therapy , we checked to make sure he was taking his pills . We did nt know how -- how much he was hurting because he never told us .
Carly : I know that , okay ? My head knows that , but my ... my heart does nt . Oh , God . We should nt have done this , you know ? We should ve had somebody else open Morgan s mail , and they could ve told us what s important and what s not , okay ?
Sonny : Okay . If -- if you think that s best .
Carly : I do . I really do think that s best .
Sonny : Wait . Where are you going ?
Carly : I have to go to work .
Sonny : Ca nt Olivia take care of the day ?
Carly : Yes , she can . But , um , you know , uh , I need to go . I need to go . I love you .
Sonny : I love you , too .
Carly : I love you . And I know that , um -- I know grieving for Morgan apart was a mistake . I know we need each other . I do nt trust anybody more than I trust you .
Lulu : Mom , she ran away from me . She told me to leave her alone . She slammed the closet door so hard that the latch got stuck . The next time I saw her , she was in Valentin s arms . She would nt even look at me . She just kept hiding her face in his arm . I do nt need Valentin to poison Charlotte against me , because I can do that all by myself !
Kevin : Clearly , you and Charlotte have a long road ahead of you , but [ Sighs ] May I make a suggestion ?
Lulu : Of course .
Kevin : I think this is just the kind of situation that would benefit from family therapy .
Lulu : Family therapy ?
Kevin : I have some colleagues I d be happy to recommend to you .
Lulu : That s a good idea . Thank you . I know that Dante would be on board if he knew that it would help Charlotte .
Kevin : Actually , I was nt referring to you and Dante .
Dante : Why are you here ? Should nt you be on your honeymoon ?
Nathan : No , man . I just put together a surprise wedding . You think I got a surprise honeymoon , too ?
Dante : Point taken . But you just got married . You should at least spend one day as a couple with Maxie . So go . Get out of here before something comes up , all right ?
Elizabeth : Hi . Uh , can I speak with the two of you for a moment ?
Dante : What d I tell you ?
Nathan : Yeah . Uh , yeah , yeah . What s up ?
Elizabeth : It s about Franco .
Dante : Do you know where he is ? You know there s an arrest warrant out for him ?
Elizabeth : Yeah , I - I heard , but , no , I do nt know where he is .
Nathan : Okay , so , why do you need us ?
Elizabeth : You have the wrong suspect .
Dante : Hm .
Elizabeth : Franco did not kill Tom Baker .
Nathan : And how do you know this ?
Elizabeth : Franco figured out who the real killer is .
Nathan : So , if Franco has another suspect , why would nt he tell us ?
Elizabeth : [ Sighs ] Because ... this person is related to someone that he hurt very badly , and he does nt want to hurt them anymore .
Nathan : Franco happen to give you a name ?
Elizabeth : No , but I think I figured it out .
Dante : Who is it ? Elizabeth , you can tell us . We re not gon na go arrest someone on your say - so . We re going to conduct an investigation . Who do you think killed Tom ?
Elizabeth : Sam s mother . Alexis Davis .
Alexis : Hi .
Sam : Hi .
Alexis : Hey . What s up ?
Sam : I just came to warn you , Elizabeth and I were following up on a few leads about where Franco might be .
Alexis : And what ? Did you find anything ?
Sam : Nothing . No . And I think that scared Elizabeth . And I would nt be surprised if she s not already at the police station telling the cops everything she knows about you .
Alexis : Great !
Sam : Okay , Mom , if you have nt told me everything , now would be the time .
Alexis : Sam , I did nt do anything to Franco .
Sam : Look , I know that , but I think you could be the reason that someone else might do something to Franco .
Kiki : Just so that we re clear , us sharing a cheeseburger , this is not our first date .
Dillon : What ? Did you expect me to buy you your own entire meal ? I mean , what do you think I am , a Quartermaine ?
Kiki : [ Laughs ] Okay , this is not about the money . I would just like to see you put forth a little bit of effort for a change .
Dillon : Well , then , you re going to be very disappointed , because the idea that I had for our first date was taking you to a locked storage unit .
Kiki : Oh , my God . What a coincidence .
Dillon : The universe works in mysterious ways .
Kiki : Yeah . Well , thank you again .
Dillon : For what ?
Kiki : For getting me to stop being scared about Franco , even if it was just for a second .
Dillon : Sometimes all it takes is a second . Uh , you -- you got a little something .
Kiki : Hm ?
Dillon : No . It s -- it s right here .
Kiki : Carly , I --
Carly : Do nt mind me . I m just picking up some receipts that Olivia left for me . But you know , this is a four - star restaurant . It s not a malt shop . So , I d really appreciate you guys keeping your PDA to a minimum .
Dillon : You know , with all due respect , Mrs. Corinthos --
Kiki : No , Dillon , I had that one coming . But you know what , Carly ? I loved Morgan . He was my first love , and I will never forget him . And I am sorry that things got so bad at the end , and I am sorry that I could nt handle everything that was happening to him , and I am mostly sorry that he got hurt . You are his mother , and I hurt him . So , if you need to hate me , I understand .
Carly : I do nt hate you . I do nt like the way you ended things , but I guess , at the end , it was all just bad . Did you know that Morgan was gambling again ?
Kiki : No . I did nt know . I guess that s , um , what he was doing when he -- when he was studying .
Carly : It s difficult to see you move on ... ... when I do nt have that option . I m never gon na be able to fill the void that Morgan left in my heart . But I know he would want you to be happy . Somebody should be .
Dillon : Come here . It s okay .
Sonny : [ Exhales slowly ]
Nelle : You really think that s possible ? To let go of what you want just to look out for somebody else ?
Michael : [ Scoffs ] Well , I ll let you know soon enough . If enough of the board disagrees with what I did , they will try and oust me .
Nelle : Mm .
Michael : So , tell me , would you -- would you still be my friend if I m an unemployed millennial who has to move in with his parents ?
Nelle : [ Snickers ] Well , right now , you re just a badass who lives with his grandma , so ...
Michael : Uh , ouch . That -- that stings .
Carly : Hey , guys .
Michael : Hey .
Nelle : I was just dropping off the overtime statements from Nathan and Maxie s wedding , so ...
Carly : Okay , thanks , Nelle . I have it from here .
Michael : You okay , Mom ?
Carly : Yeah . I just -- I m dealing with some leftover business of your brother s , that s all .
Nelle : I ll give you both some privacy .
Carly : You know what , Nelle , um , can you wait ? I need you to do something for me .
Nelle : Yeah .
Dante : Let s get this straight . You think Alexis murdered Tom Baker ?
Elizabeth : I know it sounds crazy , but --
Nathan : No offense , but it kind of does . I mean , what possible motive could she have ?
Elizabeth : I do nt think Tom was ever rehabilitated in prison .
Dante : So , you think Tom attacked Alexis ?
Elizabeth : Honestly , I m not even sure she remembers .
Nathan : Why not ?
Elizabeth : That s a question you would have to ask Alexis . But if I m right about this , then Franco did nt run off to avoid your warrant .
Dante : So , you think Alexis made Franco disappear to cover her tracks ?
Elizabeth : No . But there is somebody in her life that would protect her at any cost .
Sam : Come on . Be honest , Mom . You must realize that Julian could ve done something to Franco .
Alexis : You think that I have nt thought about that ? I asked him point blank , and he said that he did not do anything .
Sam : Yeah . He also told you he was going to get out of the mob . He lied to you once . He ll do it again .
Alexis : Sam , I know that . I believe that he s telling the truth about this .
Sam : [ Scoffs ] Oh . No , wait . You trust him ?
Alexis : I did nt say that I trust him . I said that I believe him about this one thing . Do not look at me like that . I know him . After everything that has happened , I can now see right into his soul .
Sam : Do not tell me you re falling in love with him again .
Lulu : You want me to have family therapy sessions with Valentin ?
Kevin : It s only a suggestion .
Lulu : It s insane .
Laura : Lulu .
Kevin : No , no . It s all right I completely understand why the thought of going to therapy with Valentin would be ... unpleasant , to say the least , but I m trying to come at this from Charlotte s perspective . She loves and knows and trusts her father . She does nt know you yet . So while you and Valentin are trying to figure out how to co - parent --
Lulu : Oh ! No ! No , I m sorry , co - parenting is not the objective here . I am not going to settle for anything less than full custody .
Kevin : And I understand that s what you would want . But is that really what s best for Charlotte ?
Dante : You think Julian Jerome did something to make Franco disappear ?
Elizabeth : If Julian knew that Alexis killed Tom Baker , then maybe he made Franco disappear to take the heat off of Alexis , maybe to try to get her back .
Nathan : That s actually a pretty credible possibility .
Dante : I ll go talk to Alexis . You want to take Elizabeth s statement ?
Nathan : Yeah .
Elizabeth : Thanks .
Dante : Thanks , Elizabeth . Excuse me .
Elizabeth : We all know that Julian is capable of murder . Do you think he could ve had Franco killed ?
Nathan : I honestly do nt know . We will do everything in our power to find Franco for you .
Alexis : I am not in love with your father . That ship sailed . Actually , that ship was set on fire and pushed out to sea like a Viking funeral .
Sam : Mm - hmm , yeah , but he still lives here .
Alexis : You know why he lives here . He lives here because he has the ability to turn me in to the police for hitting him with my car while I was drunk and fleeing the scene . He also knows what happened with Tom Baker . And ...
Sam : And what ?
Alexis : He did help me get sober .
Sam : [ Chuckles ] Really ? Cause it does nt look that way to me .
Michael : I had no idea Morgan was gambling again .
Carly : Yep . Just so hard , you know ? There it was in black and white . I mean , the credit card statement , it was like an itemized list of every time I failed Morgan .
Michael : Mom . Mom , stop .
Carly : What ?
Michael : Look , Morgan died because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time . I know -- I know it s easy to feel guilty . We had no idea Morgan was gambling again , because he never told us . But , trust me , Morgan had the fiercest , most protective , most loving , most badass mom in the entire world .
Carly : [ Laughs ]
Michael : Trust me , because I - I have a lot of knowledge on the subject .
Carly : Thank you . [ Sighs ]
Michael : Look , if -- if it s too hard for you to go through Morgan s things , I - I can do it .
Carly : No , it s not gon na be any easier on you . That s why I had someone outside the family do it .
Laura : I do nt necessarily agree with Kevin , but I think you should hear him out .
Lulu : Okay . Kevin , I hear what you re saying . The most important thing for me is obviously that Charlotte is happy . So , if the courts rule in favor of me sharing custody with a known killer , then you are absolutely right . We will need lots and lots of therapy . But I do nt think it ll come to that . I m sorry . I should go .
Laura : Honey , do nt go away mad .
Kevin : I honestly did nt mean to upset you .
Lulu : I m not upset . It s just a sensitive topic , and you ve given me a lot to think about . I ll call you later .
Laura : [ Sighs ]
Kevin : [ Sighs ] Laura ... I m sorry . That was nt my place . I m not family , and I m certainly not Lulu s shrink .
Laura : No . Do nt apologize . It s good to hear the clinical side , even if it does sting a little bit . Although I have to say , I m surprised that you can be so impartial about a man who shot you .
Kevin : Trust me , I have nt forgotten .
Sam : Just be honest with me , Mom . Did you have a drink after I left ?
Alexis : I wanted to . I opened the bottle and poured myself a glass .
Sam : But you did nt drink it ?
Alexis : I stared at it . I swirled it around in the glass , sniffed it , and right when I was about to take a drink , I saw a picture of you and Kristina and Molly .
Sam : What ?
Alexis : And I know that I disappointed you , and now I m gon na have to tell Kristina and Molly , and I m gon na disappoint them . And I do nt want to do that anymore . And I know that I ve given you zero reason to believe anything I say .
Sam : But I do . I -- I believe you .
Alexis : Really ?
Sam : Uh - huh . Really .
Alexis : Sorry . This is a struggle . And , from what I hear from AA , it s going to be a struggle that s gon na last some time .
Sam : Okay , but we re here to help you . You ve got me , you ve got my sisters , and Jason and Diane . We could Skype Jax in Australia if we have to .
Alexis : Ugh .
Sam : What ?
Alexis : Jax , yeah . Well , last time he was here , when he came in for Morgan s funeral , I was drunk and I -- well , it did nt go well . So , I guess I owe him an apology , too .
Sam : No . It s -- Mom , do nt worry about it . He will forgive you like he always does . Oh , damn it . I think I left my phone at The Floating Rib .
Alexis : Well , go get it .
Sam : I could stay .
Alexis : I m fine . I m okay . So , I ve -- I ve got the hearing tonight .
Sam : Okay , okay . Um , do me a favor ? If there s a knock at the door , do nt answer it , because if Elizabeth did go to the police station , it could be the cops , and you re gon na need a lawyer .
Alexis : Well , maybe . Hopefully I ll be a lawyer by then .
Sam : I love you . I believe in you . You can do this !
Dillon : You okay ?
Kiki : Yeah , sure . I mean , going toe - to - toe with your dead ex s mom is like riding a bicycle . You never forget .
Dillon : Look , if you need some time alone , I can totally do it .
Kiki : No . No , that is not what I meant at all . Do you think Carly meant what she said about Morgan wanting me to be happy ?
Dillon : Yeah , I do . And I think that in time , Carly wants you to be happy , too . Just maybe not , like , right in her restaurant .
Kiki : Yeah . That was kind of tacky , was nt it ?
Dillon : My point is , everyone who knows you knows that you are a good person . You feeling better ?
Kiki : Yeah , I do . As nice as it feels to know that Morgan would want me to be happy , what s even more important is that ... ... I want to be happy . Honestly , Dillon . I m ready to be happy again .
Dillon : Yeah ?
Kiki : Yeah . And you make me happy .
Dillon : Wait . What did you just say about tacky behavior ?
Kiki : To hell with it .
Dillon : [ Chuckles ]
Kiki : Kiss me .
Carly : I , um ... I was at the restaurant , and I ran into Kiki and she was with Dillon . They were kissing . I do nt know . It just kind of , um , caught me off guard , you know ? I mean , I know life goes on , but wow .
Michael : Yeah , no , no , life goes on for you , too , Mom . I mean , that s -- that s -- that s what Morgan would want . You know , we honor the people we lost by living .
Carly : My God . I mean , someday you re gon na get it when you have kids . And you do nt have favorites at all , you do nt , but you , you re my first , and you re so wise beyond your years , Michael . You are . And , coming from me , how the hell did that happen ?
Michael : It s been a tough year , losing Sabrina and then Morgan . Yeah . [ Breathes shakily ] It s just given me a lot to think about . So , if Dillon makes Kiki happy , then you know what ? I m happy for her , because , uh , ever since New Year s , uh , Nelle and I have gotten really close . Yeah .
Carly : Really ? I thought you guys were just friends .
Michael : Yeah , I know . I thought so , too , but I do nt know . Things -- things have kind of had -- been a little more flirty and stuff . I do nt know . I feel like we re starting to build something else .
Sonny : So , what are you doing here , Nelle ?
Nelle : Uh , Carly asked me to sort through Morgan s mail ...
Sonny : Yeah ?
Nelle : ... So you do nt have to , settle his bills , just see what s important and what can be tossed .
Sonny : I m not comfortable with that .
Nelle : I can go .
Sonny : Yeah ?
Nelle : What would you -- what would you like me to tell Carly ? How would you like me to explain to her that you re not comfortable with me opening Morgan s mail ?
Sonny : [ Chuckles ] You got a little anger inside of you , do nt you ?
Nelle : You know , I have no idea what you re talking about .
Sonny : If you say so . But let me -- let me just say , I know -- I know a few things about rage ...
Nelle : Hmm .
Sonny : ... And I recognize it hiding behind that little smile of yours . So if it s not aimed at me , who s it aimed at ?
Dillon : Oh my gosh ! [ Chuckles ] Okay , we d better stop . We do nt want Carly to walk back in .
Kiki : Mm . Yeah . Thank you for being so understanding .
Dillon : Yeah . I mean , you would do the same for me , right ? You , uh -- you ready to get to work ?
Kiki : You still want me to come with you to Crimson ?
Dillon : Absolutely . Unpaid assistance is the very best kind .
Kiki : Oh , wow . You really know how to woo a woman .
Dillon : Come on . I have got a ton of material to sort through for this wedding issue . All of the couples sent in their personalized wedding photos , and some of them even sent in their very own squish names . Pretty terrible .
Kiki : Okay , then . But , this does nt count as our first date , either .
Dillon : Damn . Zero for two .
Carly : Michael , are you sure that you and Nelle are on the same page ?
Michael : Yeah , I think so . Why ?
Carly : Well , I do nt mean to discourage you or anything . I just think maybe you re misreading the situation .
Michael : Why ? What -- what do you know that I do nt ?
Carly : I have it on good authority that Nelle is unavailable .
Michael : Unavaila-- what does that -- what does that mean ? Is she studying to become a nun or something ?
Carly : No . She s not -- Nelle s involved with someone else .
Michael : Well , why did nt -- why did nt she tell me ?
Carly : She did nt tell you because Nelle s involved with a married man .
Nelle : Carly told me to collect the mail and bring it back to her office . Should I do that , or should I tell her that you would nt give it to me ?
Sonny : You should do whatever Carly told you to do .
Nelle : Okay . Then I ll be leaving now .
Sonny : You see that -- that look that you got in your eyes , huh ? I - I have the same thing going on inside when I see myself in the mirror . I ve been so consumed with anger that it nearly destroyed me .
Nelle : I do nt know why you re telling me this , cause I m not angry with anyone .
Sonny : Why , yes you are . And , you know what ? You may have your reasons . You may be right , maybe not . I do nt care . It does nt matter , because you have your own reason for doing it ... and feeling it . But , let me tell you something about anger . You keep feeding that anger ... ... it will consume everything else you care about .
Alexis : You can do this . You can do this . Think of your girls . One day at a time . You do it for them . And yourself .
Dante : Alexis ? Hey . I need to ask you some questions about Tom Baker .
Nathan : Thank you for your statement , Elizabeth . I promise I will keep you updated .
Elizabeth : Okay . Thank you .
Nathan : Look , um , Franco s got a really long criminal history , both before and after the tumor removal . So , if you do nt mind me asking , why are you so sure that he s innocent ?
Elizabeth : Because , despite everything he s done in his past , I have faith that he s really changed . And I know the truth always comes out .
Sam : [ Gasps ] Oh , thank God , no one took it . Yes . Ooh . Help . I ve been attacked and locked in a storage container . Please call Elizabeth Webber at 716 - 555 - 0122 . Franco .
Amy ( to Hayden ) : You and Dr. Finn are secretly a hot item .
Finn ( to Griffin ) : I need a favor .
Kiki : I m coming with you .
Sam : No , you re not .
Franco : I may be running out of time . Elizabeth ( to Seth ) If we work together , I think we can figure this out .
Dante ( to Alexis ) : Where were you the night of December 21st ?
### Summary:
| Elizabeth pays Dante and Nathan a visit at GCPD and is able to convince them that Alexis might be responsible for the murder of Tom Baker . Dante decides to look into it . While this is going on , Sam informs Alexis and notices the bottle that is open on her desk . Alexis promises that she is nt going to open it and will not let anyone in , later on when she is emptying the bottle outside though Dante shows up to ask her questions in regards to Tom Baker . Sam ends up finding a piece of paper on the ground at the Floating Rib that is a rescue letter from Franco Elsewhere , Lulu is dealing with the after math of telling Charlotte she is her mother . She goes to Laura to seek advice and Kevin ends up upsetting her with his own advice . Carly shows up at Sonny s and notices that there is mail addressed to Morgan . When she tells Sonny , he admits he has nt been able to read any of it . Carly and he try reading some of it and notice a credit card statement . Morgan was gambling . They can not handle this and Carly leaves . Meanwhile , at the Metro Court Kiki and Dillon are on a date but Kiki does nt want to call it a date . Carly shows up and is angry at her . Kiki confronts her though and they leave on a good note . In her office , Carly finds Michael and Nelle . She sends Nelle on a job . While alone Michael admits to having feelings for Nelle but Carly does nt think they are returned because Nelle is seeing a married man . Nelle shows up to Sonny s house to search through Morgan s mail . They have a confrontation and Sonny tells her that if she keeps feeding her anger , it will consume everything else she cares about . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Marlena : Oh , Paul . Hi .
John : Oh , hey . I know you . You re Paul Narita .
Paul : Yeah , I am . Who the hell are you ?
Sonny : Will ? Great news . My mom would love to take Ari tonight so we can celebrate New Year s .
Will : Cool !
Will : Hey . What emergency ? The roof ? No , I paid in full . Now it could cost twice as much ? Well , find out for sure and call me back tonight . I do nt care how late it is . Call me back .
Will : Sonny ... what s wrong
Paige : JJ ... what do you mean you re not good enough for me ? That s so not true .
JJ : No , it is true , Paige . When you were gone , um ... I did something ... something really bad .
Serena : This Nicole chick is still obviously obsessed with Eric .
Melanie : I did nt tell Eric . I did nt tell anybody .
Nicole : Really ?
Melanie : Whoa .
Nicole : Then how did Eric know I was in Serena s room that night ?
Melanie : I do nt know-- Dad .
Nicole : Daniel , I - I - I ... I thought you were going to be at the hospital for--
Daniel : Well , I m not ! And since I m here , why do nt you tell me what the hell you were doing in Serena Mason s hotel room ?
Nicole : Daniel , I do nt know what you heard--
Daniel : Oh , I heard everything .
Nicole : Everything ?
Daniel : Do you want to deny it right now ?
Nicole : No , I do nt want to deny it .
Daniel : And how do you-- how do you know about it ?
Melanie : Um , the , uh -- when we had pizza that night , I went to Serena s hotel room , and I saw Nicole there , but she asked me not to say anything .
Serena : Oh , my God , Nicole went through all of these ... which means she probably also went through the emails between Eric-- [ Sighs with relief ] Thank God she did nt look in there .
John : I m , uh--
Marlena : Paul , this is John Black . He s a very big baseball fan .
Paul : I m sorry . I didnt-- I did nt mean to be so rude .
John : Yeah . It s okay .
Marlena : I know you re , uh-- you re trying to keep your visit here in Salem under wraps , but ... you can sure trust John .
John : So how do the two of you know each other ?
Paul : We met at the hospital .
John : Uh -- oh , yeah , yeah . I heard you signed some autographs for the kids-- baseballs . That was really nice of you .
Marlena : How is your physical therapy going ?
Paul : Perfect . You ca nt tell ? I m a brand - new man . If you ll excuse me ...
John : Yeah , nice to meet you too . What s his problem ?
Marlena : Oh ... I really ca nt say .
Sonny : Just an issue with the new club . It s minor stuff .
Will : Well , it did nt sound so minor .
Sonny : I m gon na take care of it .
Will : Well , I hope taking care of it does nt mean investing more of your paycheck , because--
Sonny : No , no , no , no . Hey , I thought we talked about this . We re gon na celebrate tonight . We re not gon na argue .
Will : I m not wanting to argue or fight . I just ... I just want to know the truth .
Sonny : [ Sighs ] Will , the truth is ... I could lose everything tonight .
Paige : What do you mean ? I know you d never go back to dealing drugs .
JJ : No , no . It was nt drugs . It was ... it was nt anything illegal . No , the point is , is that I am no good for you . So we have to be done .
Paige : No , no ! I m not letting you walk away like this , okay ? JJ , I ca nt stand this . If you loved me-- I - I - if you love me , you ... you have to tell me what it is that you did .
JJ : Paige , it wo nt help to know the truth ... cause you re a wonderful person .
Paige : I m a wonderful person -- really ?
JJ : What I m try-- what I m trying to say is that it s not your fault . It s all on me . And I just ca nt be with you .
Paige : That s not a reason . Why are you breaking up with me , JJ ? You know , you keep saying you do nt deserve me , but I know one thing I do deserve , and that s the truth .
JJ : Trust me ... you do nt want to know .
Sonny : It might not be an issue at all . But if the roof does need to be repaired ... it could be in the neighborhood of $ 25,000 .
Sonny : On top of what you ve already invested , which is ... how much ?
Sonny : A lot ... everything , everything .
Will : Um , well , can you-- c - can you -- can you go and just pull the money out ?
Sonny : No , I ca nt take any money out . I spent everything . It s gone .
Sonny : You re not gon na take that , are you ?
Will : It s work . With the way things are going right now , I do nt think we can turn it down . [ Sighs ] Hi .
Paul : I ve been thinking . I want you to write the story about my career being ... over . Can you talk tonight ?
Serena : Hey .
Eric : Serena , I am so sorry . I knew I should have told you in person what Nicole did , but ... you must feel so violated . You do nt even know Nicole . She came into your room and went through your things . She apologized for something she was nt a bit sorry for .
Serena : There s only one thing I want to know about Nicole Walker .
Eric : What s that ?
Serena : Is that woman completely out of her mind ?
Nicole : Daniel , I - I can explain , if you--
Daniel : Oh , I ca nt wait to hear it . Did nt you say you were going to Carla s and Emily s New Year s party ?
Melanie : Yeah , yeah . No , I m gon na go , I just figured you would want to hear what--
Daniel : You know what ? Well , I can hear it later , cause you probably should get going ... now , because I need to talk to Nicole .
Melanie : Okay , okay .
Daniel : Now .
Nicole : Daniel , I m ... I m sorry you re so upset . But I swear , I - I did nt mean--
Daniel : No , of course you meant it . You think that I do nt know what this is about ? You are not over Eric , are you ? Let me get this straight ...
Will : I - I want to talk , but does it have to be tonight ? I mean , it s New Year s Eve .
Paul : I ve got nothing else to do . But if you have plans and you d rather I give this story to somebody else , just say the word .
Will : No . I can do tonight . I ll be right over .
Sonny : You re leaving ?
Will : I m sorry . But if I do nt go and do this , I ll lose the assignment . We need the paycheck . A - and I ve already worked so hard on -- on this piece .
Sonny : Yeah , I know .
Will : I really think it s gon na be huge . And I need this momentum for my career after taking the break and going to L.A. And ... Sonny , I promise I ll be home before midnight . And -- and then after we ring in the new year , we -- we can sit down . We ll talk about all--
Sonny : Just go . Just go .
Paige : I ca nt just walk away and accept that it s over without knowing why . After everything we ve been through together , I need to know why , okay ? Whether you think I can take it or not .
JJ : Paige ...
Paige : No , no . Okay , I know you still have feelings for me . And I do nt think you want this to end any more than I do .
JJ : Well , I ll tell you why it has to . You know , it s not rocket science . But maybe if it was , you probably would have figured it out . While you were gone ... I - I thought that we were done . So I hooked up with someone else .
Brady : Hey . You decided to go shopping after all .
Melanie : No , no , no . I m just passing through .
Brady : Okay , stop , stop , stop . What is wrong ? Did I do something to you ?
Melanie : No , no , I already told you . You have nt done anything .
Brady : Excuse me , then why are you so upset ?
Melanie : I m not upset . I m furious at your stupid friend Nicole .
Eric : Nicole is a very tenacious person ...
Serena : No kidding .
Eric : Who s also extremely resourceful .
Serena : [ Scoffs ] Tenacious and resourceful-- we should just give her a gold star .
Eric : I should have known she would nt give up so easily .
Serena : Because she loves you and she wants you back .
Eric : She s not that delusional .
Serena : So , if she ca nt have you , she does nt want anyone else to have you .
Eric : Our breakup was ugly for both of us . She knows what I gave up to be with her .
Serena : Your vocation .
Eric : I think it was her misguided way of trying to protect me .
Serena : From me ? [ Scoffs ] Eric , I think you may be a - a bit generous with your interpretations of your ex s motives .
Eric : Maybe I am . Look , if you want me to , I will call my aunt Hope who is a detective at the Salem P.D. , where you can file a formal complaint , cause obviously what Nicole did was not only out of line , but it was illegal . I ll support you 100 % , whatever you decide to do about it .
Nicole : Daniel , you could nt be more wrong . I am so over Eric .
Daniel : Mm - hmm .
Nicole : And the only reason I was in Serena s room was to make amends for what I did earlier .
Daniel : Yeah , and what exactly did you do earlier ?
Nicole : Well , it was a misunderstanding . Okay , some well - known journalist comes to town -- my professional curiosity got the best of me . So I started ... doing research .
Daniel : Out of professional curiosity ?
Nicole : Yes .
Daniel : Yeah ? It had nothing to do with the fact that she s Eric s ex ?
Nicole : Okay , you know what ? Eric was stalking me , by the way . He was looking over my shoulder , and he made some innocent internet search look like some kind of capital crime , okay ? But I took the high road . I did . I bought this woman an orchid , a woman that I barely know , and I brought it to her room .
Daniel : Hmm , and then just--
Nicole : And then I ... you know , I had a hard time figuring out what to write on the card . I mean , what do you write ? You know , I m -- I m sorry I had the audacity to -- to type in your name in a search engine ?
Daniel : Yeah . So you--
Nicole : So this bellhop-- he -- he -- he let me in the room so that I could ...
Daniel : So you could what ? Oh -- oh , take your time ? Take your time to write something more ?
Nicole : Yes .
Daniel : Oh !
Nicole : Exactly .
Daniel : Okay , okay . So -- so you went in the room , left the plant , oh , and the note and then you went right out ?
Nicole : Well , I -- it took me a little while to write the note .
Daniel : To snoop around some more ... see how much dirt you could dig up on her . Come on , Nicole ! Please , we both know why you checked her out and why you went through so much trouble to apologize . No , this has nothing to do with taking the high road , does it ? Answer me . Does it ?
Nicole : Do you blame me ... for being curious about this ... this woman ? I mean , would nt you be ? Do nt you think it s a coincidence that she made friends with your daughter in Europe after she had this past with Eric in Africa , which , by the way , he never talks about ?
Daniel : Nicole , stop . You can stop explaining .
Nicole : Thank you . Daniel , I just -- I want to start getting ready for the Mayor s Ball . I m really excited . I ...
Daniel : Good night , Nicole .
Nicole : What ?
Daniel : Happy New Year .
Brady : Let me guess . Is it about Serena Mason ?
Melanie : I ca nt believe I let that lying train wreck talk me into covering for her . I knew I could nt trust her , and now my dad s upset with me .
Brady : I m sorry .
Melanie : And Serena s my friend too , so I m supposed to just sit back and let Nicole hurt her and my dad ?
Brady : No , of course not .
Melanie : Well , then what am I supposed to do ? Because had I just told my dad the truth like I wanted to when I wanted to , then I would nt be sitting here wasting a New Year s resolution on Nicole Walker , who I hate !
Nicole : Daniel ... I understand that you re angry . And I do nt blame you .
Daniel : Wow . Lucky me , huh ?
Nicole : But it s New Year s . And I know you practically had to give blood to get those tickets to the Mayor s Ball . Can you just give me a chance here ?
Daniel : Give you -- I just did . I just did . And I did nt believe a word you said . Do you ?
Nicole : Yes .
Daniel : Do you , really ? You tell me you re over Eric , but it s plain to see that you re not .
Nicole : Daniel--
Daniel : And , sure , you ca nt help your feelings . But for you to lie to me again ?
Nicole : I m not lying to you !
Daniel : Oh , my--
Nicole : Can you please believe--
Daniel : No , for you to even say that , it means you are lying to yourself . I-- [ Groans ] Nicole . I ca nt do this . Maxine ? Hey , it s Daniel . Yeah , you can stop looking for somebody to cover the midnight shift . It just turns out that I can come in after all . Yeah . Yeah , I ll be in ASAP . Yep . Well , lock the door on your way out . Oh , and you can just snoop to your heart s content before you do , because there is nothing about Eric in this apartment that could just possibly pique your professional curiosity .
Nicole : Daniel , can you wait , please ? [ Cries softly ]
Serena : I will ... leave clear instructions with the front desk not to let Nicole in my room whatsoever . Ill -- Ill ... I ll get a new key , just in case . And hopefully , that ll be the end of it .
Eric : It will be . I ll make sure of it .
Serena : Okay . Then let s just forget this ever happened ... at least for tonight .
Eric : Are you sure ?
Serena : Yeah . As icky as it feels ... to have my privacy invaded like that and as angry as I am with Nicole ... you re probably right . She s in a lot of pain . She lost you . And I know from experience how hard that is . But I got through it . And so will she . Now , I learned a long time ago that if someone is trying to ruin your life , do not let them ruin your night . So enough about Nicole , okay ?
Eric : Okay .
Serena : This is our New Year s . And I intend to make it a memorable one .
Paul : That was quick .
Derrick : Compliments of the management . Happy New Year , sir .
Paul : Thank you , Derrick .
Derrick : Would you like me to come in and open the bottle for you ?
Paul : You re here .
Will : I - I am .
Paul : Thanks , Ill -- Ill take it from here , Derrick . Come on in . Let s get started , shall we ?
Paige : You ... I do nt believe you .
JJ : You wanted the truth . Now you have it .
Paige : Why ?
JJ : Look , it s not your fault , okay ? But after you basically broke up with me--
Paige : What ? No , I - I ... I know you were really upset when I told you that I might not be coming back to Salem , but I did not break up with you . You knew that it was nt my choice to stay in California . You knew that I wanted to be here with you .
JJ : Well , what , was I just supposed to wait forever ?
Paige : Forever ? It was only a couple of days .
JJ : You know what ? I - I ca nt talk about this right--
Paige : What ? No , you re not getting off that easy , JJ . Okay ? Before you go , I want to know who you did this with . Who was she ?
Paige : Do I know her ? Do I know the slut you slept with ? My God , I do . Of course I do .
JJ : I didnt -- I did nt say that .
Paige : Well , say something , damn it !
Rory : Oh , JJ , my man ! Hey , we just came here to stake out a spot for the fireworks . Hey , look who s back ! Are you , uh -- are you guys coming to the party ?
JJ : Yeah . Yeah , I am . But , uh , Paige was just leaving . Right , Paige ?
Paul : [ Sighs ] I mean , baseball s been my entire life . I have no idea what I m gon na do now .
Will : But you do nt have to leave the sport . You could be a sportscaster , a coach .
Paul : Look , I have had a great career over the last few years . But I m gon na be remembered for the tragedy of lost potential ... not for what I accomplished . In baseball , I m nothing without my arm , and ... now it s gone .
Will : But you re so much more than that . I mean , have you thought about going back to school ? You re still young .
Paul : You know , I was out walking today , and somebody recognized me . And at first , I was a little annoyed . And -- and then I started to realize that this is nt gon na happen much longer . I mean , how do you go from being Paul Narita , the guy with the billion - dollar arm ... to nobody ... to just plain old Paul ? I mean , without baseball , I do nt even know who that guy is .
Will : Well , maybe it s time for you to find out .
John : It s perfect . You know , I know that Narita does nt know where he s gon na land next year , but I ll tell you something . If it s with my Cubs , I think I m gon na have to tune out . [ Chuckles ]
Marlena : Mm - hmm .
John : Why am I talking about Paul Narita ?
Marlena : Why are you talking about Paul Narita ?
John : I do nt know . But I think if I ask Dr. Marlena Evans , she d probably say it s ... avoidance ... because I just ... ca nt put into ... doc , I have missed you more than I can even say .
Marlena : You do nt have to say it . That s how much I missed you too .
Brady : You re talking to a guy who eloped with a psycho ... who almost killed my dad . So , if he can forgive me , I do nt think you have anything to worry about with Daniel .
Melanie : I just hate disappointing him . And it bugs me that Nicole s his friend . She s always figuring out some way to get me in trouble with him .
Brady : I know you probably do nt want to hear this right now , but Nicole-- she s not that bad once you get to know her . Melanie , she s --
Melanie : Thank you so much for that .
Brady : Okay , all right . This is nt working . I know what I m gon na do . I m gon na go over there , and I m gon na buy two ... hot chocolates ... delicious hot chocolates , because chocolate makes everything better , right ?
Melanie : Yeah , for me .
Brady : I know that about you . I ll be back .
Melanie : Dad , Dad . Hi .
Daniel : Mel , hey .
Melanie : Hi , I feel so bad about what happened before . I - I know you wanted to talk to Nicole , so I let you , but I just thought maybe you would want to hear my side of--
Daniel : Okay , it s really not necessary .
Melanie : It s not -- why ?
Daniel : I should nt be upset with you . I asked you to stay out of my private life . I guess , in a way , that s exactly ... exactly what you did .
Melanie : Yeah . Yeah . No , uh -- well , uh , maybe that was nt a good idea , because now I know -- I thought you and Nicole were just friends , and you re going on a date now . I did nt know that .
Daniel : Well , I did nt tell you because I wanted to see how it went first . But now it s not going at all .
Melanie : I ca nt say I m -- I m -- I ca nt say I m not happy about that .
Daniel : Okay , you know what ? I got to get to the hospital . We ll talk later .
Melanie : Okay . Yeah -- wait , Dad . Happy New Year--
Brady : Hot chocolate . Hey . These smell great . What s wrong ?
Nicole : [ Chuckles ] And I thought this New Year s Eve was gon na be so special . Happy New Year .
Daniel : Happy New Year .
Nicole : You know what ? No , I m not gon na sit here and mope away the final hours of the old year . I should be with Daniel , ringing in the new . Voicemail . You know what , it s better . Face - to - face . That s what I need to do . I need to convince Daniel that I am over Eric . Yeah . Eric is the furthest thing from my mind .
Maxine : I thought you had plans .
Daniel : My plans changed .
Maxine : Well , I can keep looking for someone if you d like to ring in the New Year with your daughter .
Daniel : Can we stop talking about my personal life ? Let s just focus on doing our jobs and helping sick people ... shall we ?
Melanie : No , my dad wants me to stay out of his personal life . I get that -- I get that . I respect that , okay ? But just the idea of him dating Nicole -- I do nt want it to sound like I m happy he s unhappy -- I m not . It just -- but they re not right for each other .
Brady : Well , it sounds like you do nt have to worry about it anymore .
Melanie : Well , I do nt want him upset with me .
Brady : Daniel adores you . And if he s in a bad mood , do you really think it s all about you ? Hmm ?
Melanie : No .
Brady : Right .
Melanie : [ Laughs ] No . You re right . I m sorry I dumped all this on you .
Brady : Do nt be sorry , that s what friends are for . I hope I helped a -- a little .
Melanie : Ha . You did . You always do , though .
Brady : Yeah ? Cause it seems like you were pretty upset with me earlier .
Melanie : No , no .
Brady : Yeah , it seemed that way .
Melanie : No , no , no , I-- I already told you , I m just-- that -- that was ...
Brady : Okay . Okay . Then come with me .
Melanie : Why ?
Brady : Because we re gon na go start 2015 off right . Get your hot chocolate .
Melanie : Okay . Where are we going ?
Brady : Oh , I do nt know , just somewhere .
Caroline : Do you recognize this ? You were passing through Paris and you bought this as a birthday gift for me . It was you , was nt it ?
Eric : It -- it was . You know I -- I was nt the one intended to drink it .
Caroline : Well , I saved it for a special occasion . And I think that this is definitely that .
Eric : Well , let me do the honors .
Caroline : I run a bar . Right ? So I ...
Eric : Okay !
Caroline : I think I can handle it .
Eric : Indeed .
Caroline : I d like to give you an old Irish toast . May the blessed light shine on you . Light within and light without . May the sunlight shine on you and warm your heart so that it becomes like a great peak fire , and may the light shine out of the two eyes in you , like two candles in a house bidding a stranger to come in from the storm . Ow -- oh !
Serena : Oh , are you okay ?
Eric : Hey , let me see that . Let me see that -- I got it .
Caroline : No , no , no -- it s ...
Eric : Let me look at it .
Caroline : No , it s --
Eric : You know what , it s not that bad .
Caroline : My hand slipped . I ll just feel silly .
Eric : Go to the kitchen and we ll get the first aid kit .
Caroline : You do nt need to do that .
Eric : How many times have you done that for me ?
Caroline : All right .
Eric : Listen , I ll be back before the ball drops . I hope .
Serena : Okay , Ill -- Ill take care of the champagne . I hope I wo nt be drinking it alone .
Rory : Damn , JJ . That was cold . I mean , a couple of days ago , you were all Paige , Paige , Paige .
JJ : I do nt want to talk about it , okay ?
Rory : Okay . Well , the party ... it s over there .
JJ : So go party .
Rory : Dude , come on . It s New Year s Eve .
JJ : Dude , I said go get stoned ... and leave me the hell alone .
Will : You re not a nobody , Paul . And you never will be . But maybe if you stop trying to be Paul Narita all the time , if you let go of that pressure , you ll find that regular life , it s not so bad .
Paul : I hope you re right .
Will : Wow , how d it get so late -- it -- it s almost midnight .
Paul : Uh , well , uh ... we ca nt let this go to waste . Let s open it !
Sonny : 2012 . Get Will Horton to fall in love with me . 2014 ... marry the man I love .
Will : Paul , I -- I ca nt stay .
Paul : You leave now , and you are gon na ring in the New Year alone on University Boulevard . You came all the way out here . The least that I can do is give you a glass of champagne . These little angels build in softness .
John : Happy New Year , Doc .
Marlena : Happy New Year .
Sonny : Hey , what s the verdict ? Are you sure ? No , it s not your fault . Thanks for letting me know .
Sonny : Happy New Year , Will ... wherever you are .
Paul : To 2015 .
Will : 2015 .
Paul : Thank you for helping me see . It s gon na be a whole new beginning for me . Maybe for both of us .
Melanie : I did nt know you could see the fireworks from here .
Brady : Oh , yeah . Best view in town -- nobody knows it .
Brady : You know , 2015 s not off to such a bad start , is it ?
Melanie : Uh - uh .
Brady : You know , I can , um ... I can drive you back to the hospital so you can talk to your dad .
Melanie : That s very sweet . Thank you . For everything .
Brady : I m glad you re back . Happy New Year .
Daniel : You do nt want to go watch the fireworks ?
Maxine : Just doing my job and helping sick people .
Daniel : Okay , Maxine , I am sorry . I was in a lousy mood .
Maxine : No .
Daniel : And I should nt have taken it out on you . But I would like to start the new year off on a better note with some of this apple cider right here .
Maxine : You do nt have to do that , Dr. Jonas .
Daniel : Oh , but I do . For you , my lady . Here we go . To good friends and better judgment . Mmm ...
Man : Hey , babe .
Serena : Maybe next time .
Man : Wha -- what ?
Nicole : Ooh , gosh , I-- sorry , I ...
Serena : Happy New Year , Nicole .
Nicole : Serena . Uh ... Happy New Year . Well , I have somewhere to be , so--
Serena : No ! Nicole , you re not going anywhere .
### Summary:
| Sonny has problems with his club . JJ told Paige he did something bad while she was gone . Melanie told Nicole she did nt tell anyone about being in Serena s room . While they were talking , Daniel was there . Daniel wanted to know why Nicole was there . Sonny told Will he could lose the cub . Paige wanted JJ to tell her the truth . He did nt want to tell her the truth . Paul called Will while he was arguing with Sonny . Paul wanted Will to write a story on him . Daniel asked Nicole if she s over Eric . Paige demanded to know the truth . JJ said he hooked up with someone . Eric and Serena talked about Nicole breaking in her place . Nicole said she was over Eric , but Daniel did nt believe her . Nicole and Daniel started arguing . Daniel ended up kicking Nicole out of the apartment . Daniel canceled his date with Nicole . Serena was understanding about Nicole breaking in her apartment . Paige wanted to know who JJ was with when he cheated . Will interviewed Paul . When Daniel left , Nicole vowed to prove that she was over Eric . Will and Paul were about to kiss during the interview . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Devon : [ Sighs ]
Devon : [ Sighs ]
Devon : Okay ! I got it !
Neil : Hey . Well , I did nt expect to see you answer the door . How are you ?
Devon : Yeah , I m all right .
Neil : Yeah ? You look tired . It s good to see you up and running , though . It took you a year to answer the door , so my guess is that the nurse is not here . Uh , what s going on ? I brought you some breakfast .
Devon : I appreciate it . I m not hungry , though .
Neil : Well , then you can watch me eat while we talk . Look . Your favorite . Latte .
Devon : I m really not in the mood .
Neil : This is not gon na take long , man . I was just checking in on you about how your checkup went yesterday .
Devon : Yeah .
Neil : You re , uh , you re not here alone , are you ?
Devon : I got a clean bill of health , and so no more nurse .
Neil : Yeah ? That s good . Now , what about your wife ? I ca nt see her rushing off while you re here alone --
Devon : Hilary is gone cause I kicked her out last night .
Lily : Thank you .
Hilary : Lily , I need a favor .
Lily : Really ? Like I would ever help you while you re still lying to my brother and pretending ?
Hilary : I m not pretending anymore .
Lily : Oh , really ? You told him the truth ?
Hilary : I was planning to , but then he --
Lily : Hilary , I do nt have time for you .
Hilary : Well , make time ! Your brother needs you !
Lily : Why ? What happened to him ?
Hilary : He remembered everything -- our fight at the benefit , why he took off in that car , and he asked me to leave , and I --
Lily : Wait , this is great ! He s finally seen the light about his two - faced shrew of a wife .
Hilary : Fine . Think whatever you want about me , but can you please --
Lily : Wait , wait , wait , wait . Why are nt you defending yourself ? That s not like you .
Hilary : Because this is nt about me ! This is about Devon . And that s why I need your help .
Craig : Thank you . Sure .
Lauren : Oh , I hope I have nt been keeping you .
Craig : No , not at all . I m glad you could come on such short notice .
Lauren : Actually , I was going to call you because after careful thought and consultation , I think you are the perfect investor for Fenmore s . I wanted to welcome you to the Fenmore s family and tell you I can not wait to start working with you .
Craig : Uh , Lauren ?
Lauren : There something wrong ?
Craig : I m not gon na make the deal .
Phyllis : Thought I d find you here .
Jack : Oh . Well , you did nt have to do much guesswork . We have nt been divorced so long that you d forget that today is the day I work with my trainer .
Phyllis : Always a creature of habit , Jack .
Jack : Well , that s why it was so easy to find me . Look , I do nt have much time to talk . Have a good day .
Phyllis : Hold on a second . I have a question . I want to know , what were you doing with Gloria last night ?
Paul : All right , I do nt know if this is gon na help or not .
Christine : Hey . Any word ?
Paul : No , not since the last call .
Christine : Nothing ? I --
Paul : Dylan said he would call as soon as he made contact with Fisk .
Kevin : That was over 12 hours ago . At this point , I think it s reasonable to assume that something might have gone wrong .
Christine : Not necessarily .
Paul : You know , I m worried . What if Dylan s cover is blown ?
Phyllis : I guess you want to get home to that power protein smoothie Mrs. Martinez is whipping up for you , huh ?
Jack : My favorite part of the day . You re in my way .
Phyllis : Well , we can fix that if you just answered my question .
Jack : Could we just stop this game ?
Phyllis : When you stop being so evasive . That little tête - à - tête with Gloria , was that more meaningful than I thought ?
Jack : I ll use the other exit . You and I are no longer married . You no longer work for me . I do nt have to clear my movement with you . What I do is none of your business .
Phyllis : It s my business if you re making a play for Fenmore s and using Gloria to get the information .
Jack : Gee , I thought you had officially moved on from me and my company .
Phyllis : Oh , I have .
Jack : Then what was this thing with Ravi ? I thought you d given up your fight to keep us together .
Phyllis : Oh , I ve absolutely given up on that .
Jack : Then what was this with Ravi ?
Phyllis : That was not about us . That was about business .
Jack : If you say so .
Phyllis : Hey . That is so slick , the way you criticize me so you can avoid answering the question . Why are you being so evasive ? What is going on with you and Gloria ?
Jack : Okay , fine . We were on a date . There . Happy ?
Phyllis : [ Scoffs ] You and Gloria ? [ Laughs ] Okay , all right . Sure you were .
Gloria : Hello , lover . Ca nt believe you let this one get away . I mean , he s a real tiger . Rawr ! Hmm ?
Lauren : I do nt understand what changed your mind . Did you have second thoughts about the expansion plan ?
Craig : Not at all . You ve laid out an extremely solid business plan . I have no doubts Fenmore s resurgence will be immensely successful and make you and whomever you partner with a great deal of money .
Lauren : Well , now I m -- I m more confused than -- than ever . I mean , you re enthusiastic about my proposal . You think it s going to pay off . And yet you walk away ?
Craig : It all comes down to timing .
Lauren : Between today and yesterday ?
Craig : Actually , yes . After our meeting , I became aware of another investment opportunity .
Lauren : From one of my competitors ?
Craig : All I can ethically tell you at this point is that I had to act fast or risk losing out .
Lauren : Why do nt you do both ?
Craig : I would if I could . But as of this morning , all my money is now tied up in that other venture . And I m sure you ll find another financial partner quickly .
Lauren : Any recommendations ? I m kidding . I m kidding . I wish you well , Craig .
Craig : You , too , Lauren .
Devon : So Mariah was so busy apologizing for causing the accident that she did nt realize she was filling in all the blanks for me . And the more she kept on talking , the more I remembered actually what happened .
Neil : I m sorry you had to find out that way .
Devon : Yeah , I m sorry , too , dad .
Neil : You re angry at me .
Devon : You and Lily and Cane . You guys all could have told me when I woke up .
Neil : I understand , but you had just undergone severe trauma .
Devon : Yeah , I also had a wife who publicly humiliated one of my employees and then lied to me about it .
Neil : Why do nt you bring it down a little bit ?
Devon : I just found out that my dad and my sister , the people who are supposed to have my back , kept something like this from me .
Neil : Hey . Hey , hey . What is it ?
Devon : It s just a headache .
Neil : When was the last time you took your meds ?
Devon : I m off the meds . It s just a headache , though . It s fine .
Neil : Yeah , you were just hospitalized . Did you get any sleep last night ?
Devon : I m fine . I m fine .
Neil : I ll bet you have nt eaten , either . Sit down . Sit down . I m gon na get you something for your headache , all right ? Hey , kid . Here . Here you go . Here . All right , we re gon na have to get some food in you , too . You re still recuperating .
Devon : Yeah . Stitch said that I m --
Neil : When stitch signed off on you to go back to work , he was probably counting on that you would nt push yourself into a relapse , all right ? And as far as telling you all about that fight with Hilary , the doctors warned us not to put any additional stress on you , that you needed to take it slow , that you would remember things or should remember things on your own time .
Devon : Yeah , that s the same story that I got from Hilary , too . And I understand why she d want to hide the truth . But I think that my own family should do right by me .
Neil : Yeah . Well , we did what we thought was best considering your situation .
Devon : Is that right ?
Neil : Yeah .
Devon : You thought it was the best thing for me to go home and start playing house with a woman who was doing nothing but lying to me ?
Neil : Son ... I know exactly how you re feeling . Probably better than anyone . Are you forgetting ? I was married to her , too . She lied to me all the time .
Devon : No , I did nt forget at all . And I lied to you , too . So was this payback ?
Neil : Keeping silent was me loving you . That was me trying to take care of you .
Lily : Why do you want my help with Devon ? You think I m gon na say anything in your favor ?
Hilary : Of course not . But do you remember what the doctor said ? That when Devon s memory comes back , it could be a terrible shock . Well , I think that it was .
Lily : Wait , what happened ? Did he have a setback ? Is he okay ? Tell me what you did !
Hilary : I did nt do anything , okay ? Devon -- he remembered on his own , and he blew up . He was so furious . I tried to calm him down . I really did , Lily , but he just --
Lily : So where -- where is he ? Where is he ?
Hilary : He s at home , I - I - I guess .
Lily : You guess ?
Hilary : Well , we got into a fight last night . When he asked me to --
Lily : Wait , wait . This happened last night and you re just now telling me ? !
Hilary : Because I am still worried about him , okay ? [ Sighs ] You need to go . You --
Paul : Well , how hard is it ? I need it by today !
Christine : The deal with Fisk may not have gone down as planned . Maybe the shipment was delayed .
Paul : [ Sighs ] He would have let us know . He would have called back .
Christine : If he was alone . Paul , you have to remember this is his first undercover assignment , which means he s gon na be even more cautious , and there are always unexpected variables . You know that .
Paul : Yeah , I do .
Christine : Tell me . What did Dylan say when you spoke to him ?
Paul : [ Sighs ] He was confident . He was sure he was able to find the location of the shipment .
Christine : So no issues with Fisk or his second in command being suspicious ?
Paul : No . He said he was able to pass every test they threw at him . So , I mean , everything was a go . He made contact , and they were setting up the meeting with Fisk .
Christine : Okay , you ca nt get a better report than that . Now we just have to trust that Dylan is taking the necessary steps to be careful .
Paul : Maybe if it were still last night , I d agree with you . But not now . It s been too long . I mean , what ? No call , no nothing ?
Kevin : Chief !
Paul : No update ? What ?
Kevin : It s an audio file from Dylan .
Dylan : So , uh , let s get to the pier and finish this .
Christine : He s clueing us in .
Kevin : Yeah , but which pier ?
Dylan : Hey , I m gon na catch up with you after I get the shipment , all right ?
Paul : Come on , Dylan . Give us some details .
Fisk : Bring the car around .
Kevin : This is worthless .
Fisk : Take our friend Derek to pier 13 .
Christine : That s it .
Fisk : Shipment s on the Esmeralda . Registered in Panama .
Kevin : We got him .
Paul : Okay . I ll call Miami PD .
Christine : No , wait . Hold off on that .
Paul : Why ? We got to get him out of there .
Christine : I need to secure a federal judge and get a warrant .
Kevin : You re still worried .
Paul : When was that file uploaded ?
Kevin : Uh , last night .
Paul : Kevin , this does nt make any sense . He has nt been able to reach out to us by now ?
Kevin : Well , what if it s like Christine said ? Maybe he got the shipment but has nt had a chance to contact us without alerting the bad guys .
Paul : I would like to believe that , but I m not gon na take anything for granted . Find out where he was when he sent that file . And I need you to contact all the authorities . We need to get Dylan out of there . The feds , the police -- anybody you can think of -- the fire department , if we have to . We have to get him out of there before it s too late .
Kevin : Okay . [ Sighs ]
Gloria : Hmmm ! Looks like you had a good workout . All pumped up and strong .
Jack : Anything for you , babe .
Gloria : Yep .
Phyllis : [ Laughs ] Nope . There is no way that I believe for one second that you re sleeping with Gloria . You loathe her . And you can not stand him .
Gloria : People change .
Jack : Yes , they do . After awhile , I did nt even recognize you .
Gloria : So we re dating ?
Jack : She saw us together . What was I supposed to say ?
Gloria : I just find it interesting . That s what you thought of . Or that you think of me in that way .
Jack : Hold on , hold on .
Gloria : [ Laughs ]
Jack : I do nt . I was merely trying to preserve my shot at getting Fenmore s .
Gloria : I know , I know . Whatever you say . Babe . Got to go to yoga .
Jack : Hey . Everything all right ? Is there a problem with Devon ?
Hilary : He remembers everything that happened . New year s , the fight , why he got into that accident . [ Sighs deeply ]
Jack : You told him ?
Hilary : Um , actually , no . He found out before I could . And now he hates me . You were right , Jack . I should have told him the truth . [ Sighs ] And I tried . I really did . But he said he did nt want to know . So I kept quiet . And I made everything worse . As usual .
Lily : Hilary told me what happened . Hi .
Devon : Hilary told you ?
Lily : Yeah , do nt worry about that . But how are you holding up ?
Devon : Uh , physically I m fine . Neil even brought me some breakfast .
Lily : How are you otherwise ?
Devon : How do you think I m doing ? I kicked my wife out yesterday . I was tired of listening to her lies . And before you remind me how many times you told me this is the way my marriage would end , I d like it if you did nt do that .
Lily : No , I m not gon na do that . You re hurting . And that s what I care about .
Neil : Yeah . That s why we re here , son . We just want to help you , that s all .
Devon : I do appreciate that , but this is something that I m gon na have to get through on my own . We were talking about starting a family and planning our future . It just makes me think how did I even get to this place ?
Neil : And , uh , have you come up with an answer ?
Devon : I have , actually . And it s -- we just -- we started off wrong , you know ? She was your wife . We had an affair behind your back .
Lily : No , look , let s not dwell on that .
Devon : That s the truth . We hurt a lot of people when we did that , and it was all justified because she was the one . I thought she was the one . No matter how many times she showed me that the most important person to Hilary was Hilary , I stayed with her . And you know something ? She swears that she loves me . And maybe she believes that . But if that is the case , I just fail to understand how a person can put their own self - interest above everything and everybody else so damn often . I gave her so many second chances . I lost count . I do nt have to tell you guys . [ Sighs ] I just never thought that being married to the love of my life would make me less and not happy . What happened on New Year s Eve , me letting anger take over , driving like a crazy person , not thinking about anybody else on the road , people s lives I could have been putting in danger , that s not who I am . I do nt do stuff like that . That s not me . That s me with Hilary . My relationship with her has been destroying this family and me since the beginning . I - I wake up , I look in the mirror , I do nt even like the person I ve become . I - I should nt feel like that . That s not okay . This has to end .
Lily : You re making the right decision , Devon . This is a good thing . Right , dad ?
Neil : I m not so sure about that .
Devon : You re not sure , knowing what Hilary s done ?
Neil : Son , I m just thinking about you . You know , you re still healing . You ve been through a tremendous shock . You know , it s a lot to absorb .
Devon : So you re questioning whether I know what I want and how I feel ?
Neil : All I m saying is that I think you should give it some time before , you know , you make a final decision . You got to wait until you re 100 % . That s all .
Lily : Devon -- [ Chuckles ] Devon has given it time . We all have .
Neil : We should go .
Lily : Dad ?
Neil : No , what did I just say ? Why do nt we give this man some time to think about things in private , okay ?
Devon : Thanks for coming by , guys .
Lily : Yeah .
Devon : Love you .
Lily : Love you .
Neil : Bye , man .
Devon : Thanks .
Hilary : I was gon na be completely honest about everything that happened with Mariah , about our fight on new year s .
Jack : And what stopped you ?
Hilary : Devon , actually . He insisted that none of that mattered , that we needed to focus on our future . He was -- he was just so happy to be alive and to be with me .
Jack : And you did nt want to ruin that .
Hilary : I did nt want to lose him . Seeing him in that hospital bed , Jack --
Jack : I know . I know . [ Sighs ]
Hilary : But when I took him home ... things were better . They were better than they had ever been . We were just ... grateful . We were so grateful . And I started -- I started clinging to the hope that even if Devon remembered , it would nt matter . We would survive .
Jack : You still might .
Hilary : [ Sniffles ] You know , he wanted to have a baby . He wanted to start right away . And surprise . I wanted one , too . You ca nt miss something that you never knew that you really wanted , right ? Now I ve lost Devon and I ve ... I ve lost everything .
Phyllis : I could use one of those .
Lauren : Who ruined your day ?
Phyllis : Your mother - in - law .
Lauren : Yes . Yes , she can do that . What d she do this time ?
Phyllis : My ex - husband . Or so they d like me to believe .
Lauren : Oh , no . Jack and Gloria ? No . No ! No .
Kevin : Hey , chief , I was able to trace the ping from Dylan s audio . It came from a warehouse district in south Miami .
Paul : Okay , give me the address and I ll alert the locals .
Christine : I got a judge to issue a warrant . I ve alerted the feds down there . They re gon na bring Fisk in . Where s Paul ?
Kevin : He s in his office calling Miami pd .
Christine : What ? I told him to wait .
Kevin : Can you blame him for being worried ? If the shipment was where Fisk said it was in the audio , Dylan should have taken delivery and been in contact by now .
Paul : It s done . The locals are following Kevin s lead from his cell phone signal .
Christine : I really wish you would nt have done that . You may have just put Dylan s life in even more danger .
Phyllis : There is absolutely no way Jack would ever be with that woman . You should have seen them . The two of them were all over each other like a rash .
Lauren : Ugh . Glad I was spared that visual .
Phyllis : Yeah , you know , and he was making such a show that he was moving on with his life . I do nt know why I was so surprised that Gloria was Velcroed to him after what Michael told me .
Lauren : Right . He thinks she s on the hunt for husband number ... I ca nt even remember what number we re up to .
Phyllis : Oh , believe me , she wants to get her manicured claws back into that Abbott fortune .
Lauren : Hmm . And why does this bother you so much ?
Phyllis : That is a question what has driven me to drink here today .
Lauren : Really ? Finding any truth in the bloody Mary ?
Phyllis : It s not jealousy . I ... I am sad . I m sad . When I married him , he was a wonderful guy . And what Billy and I did , it changed him , and I hate that . But if he found a good and nice woman , I do nt think that would bother me because I want him happy . I just want him happy , even if he s not in my life .
Lauren : About that ... there s a chance he may not be .
Phyllis : Oh , no , there is absolutely no chance .
Lauren : Unless you have to work for him again .
Phyllis : Nope .
Lauren : Yep . Craig decided to pass .
Phyllis : What are you talking about ? I thought it was a done deal .
Lauren : Yeah . So did I. And then he just told me that he took another opportunity , which means we need another investor .
Phyllis : The only viable prospect on the table now is Jack .
Lauren : I m out of options . You know , if we re gon na keep going on this plan and we are gon na launch this new platform on time ... [ Sighs ] ... We need a major infusion of capital .
Phyllis : Okay , I hear you . Talk to me about all the reasons you did nt want to turn to Jack in the first place .
Lauren : Yeah . Well , I still have concerns . But under the circumstances , I owe it to my employees to at least hear him out .
Phyllis : I do nt like the idea of turning to Jack . But this is your company we re trying to save , and I want you to know I am standing right behind you .
Lauren : Thank you . Okay . You know what ? He talked a good game before . And let s just see if he can make me an offer I can live with . Okay .
Christine : The deal went down last night . Dylan informed us as it was happening . You have to let him ride this out .
Paul : You know , I am done taking chances with this . Fisk is a killer , and he wo nt hesitate to kill my son .
Christine : Yes , and we will prosecute and convict him with Dylan s help .
Paul : Chris , you have the evidence you need . I need to make sure Dylan s safe .
Christine : [ Scoffs ] You ve got to wait , Paul .
Paul : For what ? !
Christine : Due process . If the Miami cops go in there without a warrant , everything that Dylan has worked for will be worthless ! You ca nt do this ! You ca nt undermine him !
Paul : You know , I have done everything I can to follow your lead . But I ca nt do this anymore . I - I ... I have done everything to get the all - important conviction !
Christine : And this is important ! Dylan has sacrificed everything !
Paul : Well , he s not gon na sacrifice anymore ! I am the chief of police and Dylan s father ! And I m shutting the whole operation down !
Christine : [ Sighs ]
Lauren : Craig ? What are you doing here ?
Craig : Hi , Lauren . Phyllis summers , Craig Steele . Your plan for boosting Fenmore s web presence is extremely impressive .
Phyllis : Thank you .
Lauren : I m confused .
Craig : I told you I had another opportunity .
Lauren : Right . That you could nt disclose for ethical reasons .
Craig : Well , but since we ve run into each other here at Jabot , I guess the secret s out .
Phyllis : So your irresistible venture is with Jack ?
Craig : It was too good to pass up . If you re here to make your own deal , I hope it works out . Jack s a good guy . Ladies .
Lauren : [ Sighs ] Is that what you ve been doing ? Stealing my backers ? !
Jack : Hello , Lauren . Phyllis . Coffee ?
Lauren : I have been killing myself for weeks trying to get investors , and all the time you re going behind my back ? !
Jack : Offering them opportunities .
Lauren : So you would be the only option left to me . Wow , Jack . That s despicable !
Jack : That s determination , Lauren . And proof of just how much I want to be in business with you .
Lily : Why would you do that ? Why would you try to talk Devon out of ending things with Hilary ?
Neil : That s not what I was doing .
Lily : Yes , it was . I was there . I heard you . He s finally ready to be done with her , and then you had to encourage him to keep her in his life .
Neil : Hey , hey , hey . Because ending that marriage is not so simple .
Devon : There s nothing more important to me in this world than being a good husband to you and to being a man who s worthy of your faith . I promise to comfort you , to support you , and to make sure you know just how much I cherish you every single day that we are together . I pledge my love to you , Hilary , for always , in all ways .
Lauren : You are a devious man , Jack . But to have the temerity to frame your ruthless tactics as flattery ? ! What you did is sabotage !
Jack : Lauren , if your other investors were really interested in committing to Fenmore s , they would not have been so easily dissuaded , would they ?
Lauren : Well , that s just a very convenient rationalization .
Jack : More than any other partner you have been courting , I want to see this deal happen .
Phyllis : Why ?
Jack : This is between Lauren and me .
Phyllis : Why do nt you tell Lauren what you re really doing ?
Jack : You re making this adversarial when it need nt be .
Phyllis : Yeah , well , my friend thinks what you re trying to do is take over her business , and I know you well enough to think , to hope , there is more to it .
Jack : If I have been a bit heavy - handed , if I have given you the wrong impression , I genuinely , truly apologize . What I want , what I m truly after , is a collaboration between us .
Lauren : [ Scoffs ] Meaning you would be in charge .
Jack : No , I have no interest in running you out . In fact , this deal does not work unless you continue to run Fenmore . But somebody has to jump in and save your company or it s going to collapse .
Lauren : I am not gon na let that happen .
Jack : You ca nt stop that by yourself . Lauren , you are smart , you are driven , and you are determined to not only save your family company but to turn Fenmore s into something even bigger . That determination is something we have in common . No matter what the price .
Lauren : But that s where we differ . Losing a loyal employee is too high a price .
Phyllis : I understand how important this is to you . If it comes down to Jack or me ...
Lauren : Phyllis , I m not --
Jack : I have some idea of what Phyllis is working on . If she can deliver --
Phyllis : I always deliver .
Jack : If she can deliver , what she is working on , this platform , not only complements but enhances JabotGo . That is a win - win . Why would I balk at that ? Look , you get the funding you need to keep Fenmore s thriving . I get to expand Jabot beyond anything my father ever dreamed . What do you say ? We have a deal ?
Paul : Kevin ?
Kevin : No change that I can see . But maybe inside ?
Paul : Yeah , this is chief Williams . Anything else ? I understand .
Christine : What did they say ?
Paul : They searched the location . Dylan was nt there .
Kevin : Wait . But he had been , right ? Dylan would have found a way to leave us a clue that he d been in that warehouse last night .
Christine : Paul ?
Paul : [ Sighs ] There were signs of a struggle . And bullet casings and traces of blood . Oh , God , Chris .
Jack : Lauren , we went over all of this when we discussed the terms on the Michigan facility . You re stalling , inquiring about minor issues when you know this is the best offer you re gon na get for Fenmore s .
Lauren : All I know is what you ve told me .
Jack : And my word is nt enough ?
Lauren : You put everything that we discussed in writing , and then I ll give you my decision .
Jack : You still do nt trust me .
Lauren : [ Scoffs ] Given the way you maneuvered me into this position , honestly , do you blame me ?
Jack : All the terms , everything we agreed to in writing . You will have it . But it is merely a formality . You know what you need to do .
Lauren : I m gon na do what s best for my company .
Christine : I filled in the FBI -- what are you doing ?
Paul : I m going to Miami .
Christine : You ca nt -- you ca nt jeopardize this .
Paul : You know , Chris , right now I do nt give a damn about nailing Fisk . The only thing I care about is finding my son .
Christine : Just think about this . The Miami feds will get us answers quicker than anybody .
Paul : Well , then fine . When they do , they can call me .
Christine : No , Paul , just wait an hour ! They ll have arrested Fisk by then !
Paul : I m not gon na be a thousand miles away when my son could be needing me !
Kevin : That s the secure line .
Paul : Are you there ? Derek ? Can you hear me ? Derek ? Trace that location .
Christine : Be careful . Good luck .
Paul : I m gon na find my son .
Lily : I thought we were on the same page .
Neil : Well , we are . I agree that a clean break from Hilary is the healthiest thing for Devon .
Lily : Then why did nt you tell him that ?
Neil : Because Devon is not in the right frame of mind to deal with it , you know ? He s still recuperating .
Lily : Him making up with Hilary even temporarily will not help him recover faster .
Neil : You know , if that man ends his marriage now , I promise you he s gon na question that decision later . And what s gon na happen ? He s gon na blame his injury , or worse yet , he s gon na blame us . No , no , no , no , no . He needs to take time to decide what he wants . Otherwise he s gon na have a lot of doubts , and that s gon na send him right back to Hilary .
Devon : All right , now that you ve seen for yourself that I m okay , you can go . Next time , just ask one of my family members to fill you in .
Hilary : There s another reason why I needed to see you .
Devon : And what s that ? You gon na make some nice speech and change everything between us ?
Hilary : I m not here to beg for your forgiveness or make excuses , okay ? I know that there s no excuse for what I did . I broke your trust . I destroyed our marriage . And I just do nt want to hurt you anymore , Devon .
Devon : Cool . Leave .
Hilary : Well , I also wanted to let you know that I am not gon na fight you on the divorce . I think that it s the kindest thing that I can do . I love you , Devon . Enough to let you go .
Lily : I m getting the feeling that you re not happy about me modeling again .
Chelsea : Couples have trouble all the time . I m sure it can be fixed .
Hilary : Yeah , well , not this time . Scars are permanent .
Victoria : Reed ! What is going on ?
### Summary:
| Hilary tells Jack that she ruined her marriage because she did nt tell Devon the truth like he advised her to do . Hilary tells Jack that she never realized how much she wanted to have a child with Devon until they started planning to have a baby . Devon tells Lily and Neil that he wants to divorce Hilary , because he does nt recognize the man he has become since he married her . Hilary tells Devon that she will give him the divorce , because she loves him and the best thing she can do for him is let him go . Michael s friend Craig backs out of the deal with Lauren , because he gets a better deal from Jack . Lauren tells Jack she will consider his offer if he puts it in writing that she can still run the company and Phyllis can stay on as an employee . Paul worries that Dylan s cover is blown , but Kevin gets an audio file from Dylan showing that he made the deal with Fisk . Kevin later gets a call from Dylan on the secure phone line , but Dylan does nt respond when he calls him by his cover name Derek . Christine wants Paul to wait and let her get a warrant and do everything by the book so they can get a conviction for Fisk . Paul heads to Miami to find Dylan when he hears he was nt at the warehouse where Kevin traced the phone call . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT : Kind of gives you a whole different respect for these young ladies, doesn't it? Erica?
ERICA HILL, CNN ANCHOR : Indeed it does. Martin Savidge for us in Wisconsin today. Martin, thank you. Thanks all of you for joining us today on THE LEAD. Follow me @EricaRHill and tweet the show @TheLeadCNN. Our coverage continues right now.
WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST (voice-over) : Happening now, breaking news: tracking Dorian. The new forecast is showing Tropical Storm Dorian could become a hurricane as it hits Puerto Rico tomorrow. Could the storm continue on toward Florida with millions in its path? "Will it ever end?" President Trump tweets about the approaching storm, seemingly complaining about the possibility of having to support Puerto Rico, which is part of the United States, as he exaggerates the amount of federal aid approved for the island. Getting Trump's taxes: without giving names of major bank addresses, a congressional subpoena indicates it has Trump-related tax returns. Could the president's tax returns end up in the hands of House Democrats? And sweet deal: Russia's president visits a key U.S. ally and NATO member, sharing ice cream and laughing as he sells missiles and tries to sell fighter jets to Turkey. Is that friendship putting the alliance at risk? I'm Wolf Blitzer and you're in
THE SITUATION ROOM. UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over) : This is CNN breaking news.
BLITZER : Breaking news: the new forecast is just in for Tropical Storm Dorian. It could become a hurricane as it moves closer to Puerto Rico. Dorian is expected to batter the island late tomorrow and could threaten Florida as a hurricane. Puerto Rico is still recovering from Hurricane Maria, which killed some 3,000 people back in 2017. President Trump today tweeted, "Will it ever end?" as he cited the misleading amount of federal aid for Puerto Rico. Also breaking, in a court ruling, Deutsche Bank indicates it has Trump-related tax returns. It won't name them but that could mean those returns, possibly including the president's, could be delivered under subpoena to House Democrats. I'll speak with Congressman Ruben Gallego and our correspondents and analysts will have full coverage of the day's top stories. Let's go first straight to our meteorologist, Jennifer Gray in the CNN Weather Center. Jennifer, tell us first of all about the new forecast just in for Dorian.
JENNIFER GRAY, AMS METEOROLOGIST : The new forecast just came in a few moments ago, Wolf. And the changes are -- the changes basically saying that Puerto Rico could have more of a direct hit from this storm. Previously thinking it would be a little bit farther to the west, it looks like we could get more of a direct hit with Puerto Rico. Winds of 50 miles per hour right now. Gusts of 65. Still a little room for strengthening before it makes that impact with Puerto Rico. Conditions will continue to deteriorate throughout the day tomorrow, especially into the afternoon as this gets closer and expected to make landfall on Puerto Rico by the time we get -- get into tomorrow evening. We have hurricane watches in place around Puerto Rico and Hispaniola and it will be interesting to see the interaction with Puerto Rico as we get into tomorrow. It will have earlier landfall, previously thinking around 8:00 pm, now it is being pushed up to around 2:00 pm. So, of course, now is the time to prepare for the Puerto Rican residents, so 65-mile-per-hour winds, landfall. At 74 would be a hurricane. So still a little bit of strengthening possible and once this is on the north side of Puerto Rico, depending on what happens to it with that land interaction, it is going to enter some warm waters around the Bahamas. It is also going to have a little less wind shear. So we could see even more strengthening by the time it makes it to the southeast U.S. coast later in the weekend. Of course being a holiday weekend, a lot of people heading to the coast. And so this is going to be one to watch. The cone is very wide. This is the cone of uncertainty. So all interests across Florida and even the entire southeast United States need to be on the lookout with this storm as well as the Gulf of Mexico. Some of the models are hinting it will enter the Gulf of Mexico and that is well into next week. But you could never be too prepared for storms like this, Wolf. Of course we'll continue to monitor it for the next several days.
BLITZER : So it could hit anywhere from Miami all the way up to Jacksonville, is that what we're seeing?
GRAY : Well, the cone of uncertainty shows where -- the center of the storm could be anywhere from the Florida Keys up through portions of Georgia. But this is several, several days out so there is a lot of wiggle room with this cone. I wouldn't look at one particular area by any means. We have to look at a wide range across the southeast U.S.
BLITZER : We'll know more tomorrow and the next day. Jennifer, we'll stay in close touch with you. Now going to our correspondent Omar Jimenez on the scene for us in Puerto Rico. Omar, the island clearly is in a state of emergency already. What kind of preparations are underway?
OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over) : People are making as many preparations as they can, Wolf. We're in the town of Ponce, which is about 70 miles driving southwest of San Juan and some people still have not recovered from the effects of Hurricane Maria almost two years ago when it hit the island. And these are some of the conditions people are looking at. Now this home in particular was completely destroyed when Maria made landfall and they did not have enough money to rebuild. And believe it or not people still live here and now retreat back into the portion over my shoulder, that is where they've been pushed back into. And what I am walking on right now is essentially a tightrope. This is the foundation of the home. If I go to my right, I would fall through. If I went to my left, I would fall through. And the owners here say they were given money by FEMA in the aftermath of the storm but it wasn't enough. They say it was around $9,000 to repair this, which, as you could see, it was much more of a rebuilding effort is what it needed to have. We have reached out to FEMA about this particular case but we have yet to hear back. In regards to preparations overall, we spoke to the mayor and they are concerned about a few things. One, in regards to rainfall, that's because there is a mountainous region north of the city and while they do have certain measures in place to control some of the water flow, if those measures are overwhelmed or not maintained properly during the course of the Dorian event, that water could slip through and create a disaster for the town below. But as the mayor here told me, it is 78 mayors across the island of Puerto Rico. And even in the end, if aid is needed from both federal partners and beyond, they say in the beginning it is going to come down to them and to first responders to make sure people here are safe, no matter how Dorian ends up hitting the island.
BLITZER : Omar, thanks very much. Omar Jimenez on the scene in Puerto Rico. President Trump seems to be tracking the storm as he goes off track with a misleading claim about disaster relief for Puerto Rico. Let's go live to our White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins. Kaitlan, so what is the president saying?
KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT : Wolf, the president is getting some of the numbers wrong when he's talking about past storms. But now he's actually facing a literal storm while still dealing with the pushback and the blowback he's getting from the trip to France, a trip that the president returned from last night. Even though we're learning new details now about a dinner that happened during the trip, where the president had some sharp clashes with other world leaders over a contentious suggestion he made about Russia.
COLLINS (voice-over) : Tonight President Trump is back at the White House after leaving world leaders at the G7 summit, reeling from diplomatic whiplash. Behind closed doors, he's now bracing for a different kind of storm, this time a tropical one, tweeting, "Wow! Yet another big storm heading to Puerto Rico. Will it ever end?" Trump falsely claiming Congress approved $92 billion in disaster aid after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico two years ago. Congress approved roughly $40 billion in aid but Puerto Rico has received only a fraction of that. And the budget office estimates it could receive close to $90 billion over the next two decades. This as the president is facing blowback over a demand he made while in France.
TRUMP : I think it would be better to have Russia inside the tent than outside the tent.
COLLINS (voice-over) : Sources telling CNN tonight that, during a dinner at the summit, Trump pushed for Russia to be invited back to the G7. And other leaders, including German chancellor Angela Merkel and British prime minister Boris Johnson, pushed back, arguing Russia is only more anti-democratic since being expelled in 2014 for illegally annexing Crimea. Privately Trump blamed his predecessor, as he later did publicly.
TRUMP : It was a President Obama -- I'm not blaming him but a lot of bad things happened with President Putin and President Obama.
COLLINS (voice-over) : Today a group of top Democratic senators also warning the president that under no circumstance should President Putin be invited to participate in the G7 until the Russian government shows its willingness to behave responsibly both domestically and abroad. The lawmakers highlighting Russian interference in the U.S. election, the nerve agent attack on foreign soil and continued illegal occupation of territory that is not theirs. Trump is also facing pushback for the mixed messages he is sending in his ongoing trade war with China.
TRUMP : The way I negotiate, it has done very well for me over the years.
COLLINS (voice-over) : The president said he's confident his tactics will work. But some farmers are losing patience. According to the American Farm Bureau --
COLLINS (voice-over) : -- farm bankruptcy filings were up 13 percent this year. And loan delinquency rates are on the rise. In the meantime, after the G7 summit renewed hopes of U.S. talks with Iran ...
TRUMP : If the circumstances were correct, were right, I would certainly agree to that.
COLLINS (voice-over) : -- Iranian President Rouhani now says he won't sit down with Trump unless Washington lifts all economic sanctions against Iran.
TRUMP : Each country can have their own villa or their own bungalow.
COLLINS (voice-over) : And after pitching his golf property in Miami for the location of the next G7 summit, tonight Trump is tweeting, "No bedbugs at Doral. The radical left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located Doral National Miami was under consideration for the next G7, spread that false and nasty rumor. Not nice." The rumor may not be nice but it is also not new. A guest sued the club in 2016 after claiming he was bitten multiple times by bedbugs while staying in the Jack Nicklaus Villa, alleging in court documents that he woke up with welts, lumps and marks over much of his face, neck, arms and torso after sleeping at the president's property. The Trump Organization denied the allegation and settled the case in 2017 after Trump took office.
COLLINS : Now Wolf, back to the clashes at the G7, we're being told the president made the argument that Russia should be invited so then other countries could confront Vladimir Putin in person. Other leaders pushed back saying, no, it would give him too much legitimacy to be there. We're told the French president had to get involved to -- in order to keep the dinner from getting too heated, something that the next day the prime minister from Britain, Boris Johnson, praised him over, saying it was well played -- Wolf.
BLITZER : Kaitlan, thank you. Kaitlan Collins at the White House. More breaking news: in a new court filing, Deutsche Bank indicates it has Trump-related tax returns. They won't say whose but those returns could end up in the hands of House Democrats, who subpoenaed those documents. Our congressional reporter Lauren Fox is joining us. So what is the bank telling the court?
LAUREN FOX, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT : Well, today was that deadline for Deutsche Bank and Capital One to tell the court whether or not they have Trump tax returns pertinent to a subpoena that the House Democrats made this spring. What we learned today was Capital One does not have tax returns that would be pertinent to that subpoena. But Deutsche Bank said they do have tax returns related to the subpoena. However, they will not say publicly whose tax returns they have. It could be President Trump, it could be members of his family, it could be businesses and entities related to the Trump Organization. It is still unclear at this point what precisely they have. The information is under seal at this point. Whose tax return information they have, it is unclear whether a judge will order them to publicly disclose it. At this point, Deutsche Bank is arguing that they do not want to have to publicly disclose that information because of privacy concerns with past and future customers -- Wolf.
BLITZER : Very interesting indeed. Lauren Fox, thanks for that update. Joining us now, Democratic Congressman Ruben Gallego of Arizona, a member of the Armed Services Committee. Congressman, thank you for joining us. Let me begin with breaking news. Are you confident that lawmakers will be able eventually to obtain President Trump's tax returns from Deutsche Bank?
REP. RUBEN GALLEGO (D-AZ) : Look, I hope so. What we're seeing is a history of everybody that is involved in the Trump Organization, whether it is family or corporations, whether it is banks, that they are all stonewalling and the question is why are they stonewalling? What are they trying to hide? And hopefully we do get our way but we have a Secretary of the Treasury not abiding by the law and hopefully we have a Supreme Court that will abide by the law. But this is a problematic question, what is the Trump administration and Trump corporation trying to hide?
BLITZER : Let's see what happens on that front. Let's get to Tropical Storm Dorian, which could become a hurricane. Forecasters now saying the storm is tracking toward Puerto Rico, could hit Puerto Rico tomorrow. Could even become a hurricane before it makes landfall. Are you worried that Puerto Rico isn't prepared for yet another storm?
GALLEGO : I am worried. Look, the people of Puerto Rico are very resilient. They have been preparing since the last hurricane. And more importantly, I want the president to be prepared. I want FEMA to be prepared. I want NORTHCOM (ph) to be prepared. And I want the president to succeed this time. I want to see Puerto Rico secure and I want us to have whatever lifelines need to be sent to the island and hopefully this is a good story that comes out about how well the Trump administration did for Puerto Rico and not the debacle that occurred two years ago.
BLITZER : President Trump once again today cited a misleading dollar amount when he tweeted about aid to Puerto Rico earlier today. Are you confident that the president --
BLITZER : -- will sign another emergency aid bill to Puerto Rico if necessary?
GALLEGO : I think the president really has no choice. He may not want to sign emergency aid bill but we are going to make sure, especially Democratic-led caucus, House caucus, that we are going to roll that money in. So whenever there is other funding bills or whether there is other relief bills, we're going to make sure that Puerto Rico is not left behind. We've already left Puerto Rico behind for too many years and we've treated them as a colony. And we need to start treating them like first class citizens they are. And the president has no choice in that matter.
BLITZER : Let's talk about the fallout from President Trump's trip to the G7 summit in France, where he privately pressured other global leaders to reinstate Russia. Today a group of Democratic senators, as you just heard, wrote a letter to the president, expressing their strong opposition to the idea. How do you see it?
GALLEGO : Look, it is shameful. This is just another embarrassment on the world stage when you have the president of France actually defending the U.S. interest better than the president of the United States. This country, Russia, has been consistently interfering in our elections and still have not stopped. They're bad-willed actors, poisoning citizens in other countries, invading other sovereign countries. We cannot allow them to be treated as if they're some normal state. They're a pariah state and should be treated as such. And the president is not really fulfilling his role as a leader of the free world by trying to encourage the acceptance of this type of thuggish kind of foreign policy that Putin has.
BLITZER : What would Russia need to do, what would Putin need to do in order to earn a spot back in the G7 and let the G7 once again become the G8?
GALLEGO : There are many things but, number one, stop interfering in democratic elections in the United States and around the world. Number two, start withdrawing your troops from Crimea and stop engaging in the type of activities and type of warfare in the Ukraine and other parts of the world. Start allowing your U.S. citizens -- I'm sorry -- Russian citizens to have some modicum of freedom of speech. These are small little steps in addition to many other things that could go a long way to bringing Russia into the forefront as a modern country that is accepted on the world stage.
BLITZER : Congressman, thank you so much for joining us.
GALLEGO : Thank you for having me.
BLITZER : Up next, sources say the president's push to let Russia back into the G7 led to some rather sharp and bitter disagreements as the president dined with his counterparts. And a major bank addresses a congressional subpoena and indicates it has Trump-related tax returns. Could the president's tax returns end up in the hands of House Democrats?
### Summary:
| Tropical Storm Dorian Nears Puerto Rico; Trump Privately Clashed With G7 Leaders Over Reinviting Putin; Interview With Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) On Trump's Misleading Disaster Relief Statistics; Deutsche Bank Has Trump-Related Tax Returns; Sources: Trump Had Bitter Disagreements With World Leaders Over His Push To Readmit Russia To G7; Trump Asks "Will It Ever End?", Cites Misleading Federal Aid Amount As Storm Heads Toward Puerto Rico |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Liam : You met phoebe s birth mother ?
Hope : It s pretty crazy that she d be right there , behind the bar at bikini . It was ... it was almost like I was supposed to meet her .
Liam : That s weird .
Hope : Yeah . I mean , there I was , all of a sudden talking to the woman who gave birth to phoebe . It was like ... I do nt know , it s almost like everything that touches phoebe , it feels like ... coincidence ? Fate ?
Flo : Wyatt fuller ? God , it really is you .
Wyatt : Wow . Flo . You -- you look amazing . Um ... what are you -- what are you -- I did nt know you moved to L.A.
Flo : It s more like an extended stay , but how would you even know ? We have nt talked in years .
Wyatt : Right , um , and i can -- I can see what you re thinking .
Flo : I mean , you just left vegas . No word , no text , or e - mail . Nothing .
Wyatt : Yeah , I -- I d like to explain that .
Xander : Sally ... this is amazing !
Tiffany : Your own design house at spencer ?
Sally : I m not crazy about the name -- spencer fashions -- but , you know , I ca nt deny the opportunity .
Xander : It s fantastic . I mean , of course we ll miss you and wyatt around here , but , i mean , obviously you got to go !
Sally : Say that again .
Xander : Obviously you got to go , right ? [ Chuckles ]
Sally : What happened to your british accent ?
Tiffany : He and zoe are in a challenge to see who can lose their accent the most .
Sally : Why would you do that ?
Xander : Why not , right ? I mean , both of our dads are american . Plus , we want to fully embrace where we live now .
Zoe : [ British accent ] Sorry I m late , I just got hung up .
Xander : Oh ! You lose points ! The accent ?
Zoe : Yeah . Right .
Tiffany : Come on . You can do it , ca nt you ? Do nt let xander win .
Zoe : [ American accent ] Oh , well , trust me , he wonT.
Hope : Millions of people in L.A. , And phoebe s birth mother and I end up in the same place at the same time .
Liam : Yeah , that -- wait . How -- how did you find out she was phoebe s mother ?
Hope : Well , um ... apparently , flo and zoe know each other , and zoe came in and saw us talking and ... and she told me .
Liam : Zoe ?
Xander : Hey . You all right ?
Tiffany : I got to make a run for brooke . Good luck . We ll all be rooting for you .
Sally : Maybe not . I m about to be the competition . But I ll remember you said that .
Zoe : Okay , I have obviously missed something .
Sally : I m gon na let xander explain it to you . You seem like you could use a little privacy .
Zoe : Oh , no ! Do nt go . I m -- I m fine , really .
Xander : You do seem preoccupied .
Zoe : It s just that I saw someone at bikini -- the woman I m hoping I ll see the last of soon .
Flo : No explanation necessary . It was a lifetime ago .
Wyatt : Come on .
Flo : We were high school sweethearts . You left , I never heard from you again . That pretty much sums it up .
Wyatt : I know that , and i feel terrible about it .
Flo : Right .
Wyatt : I -- I swear . Look , I missed you . I thought about you a lot after I left . I never meant to hurt you , and i certainly did nt want to leave you . Just -- can you please -- just hear me out .
Liam : So , how does zoe ...
Hope : Thank you .
Liam : ... Know phoebe s birth mother ?
Hope : Modeling circle .
Liam : Flo is a model ?
Hope : Actually , I do nt know . I mean , she s pretty enough to be ... the connection is danny because he works at bikini , but he also models with zoe for intimates .
Liam : Okay , so -- so ... all the forrester models hang out at bikini , and that is where zoe and flo became friends .
Hope : Yes . I mean , that s how it seems , except ...
Liam : What ?
Hope : Never mind .
Liam : No , what . No , tell me . What ?
Hope : I do nt know , I guess it seemed like there was some tension between them , before zoe told me about flo .
Liam : I mean , I -- I guess that makes sense if zoe was just feeling out whether it was okay to tell you because , from the way steffy described it , the birth mother really wanted to keep things private .
Hope : Yeah . I mean , that makes sense . I just -- I have never seen zoe as intense before .
Zoe : So , you ll be leaving forrester ?
Sally : Yeah , effective pretty much immediately .
Zoe : Well , that s really sad . I mean , of course , I m thrilled for you . Having your own line again ...
Xander : As you should . You re a phenomenal designer .
Sally : Well , thank you . I am much better because of my time here at forrester . Really , it s been priceless , learning from legends like eric and ridge and working side - by - side with thorne and quinn ... I feel more prepared than ever to head up my own house . And you two -- you guys were awesome , the way you made all my designs come to life . Seriously , I think you guys have a really bright future ahead of you , professionally and personally . And , who knows , maybe we ll get to work together again someday .
Zoe : I hope so .
Xander : You re the best , sally .
Sally : Oh , I , uh -- I got to take this .
Xander : Hey , um , about before ... it s not like you to dislike someone so much that you want them to disappear , so ... what is it about flo ?
Wyatt : Oh , thanks .
Flo : I mean , I never really understood why you left . One day you were just gone , and I could nt figure out what I did wrong .
Wyatt : No , you did nt -- you did nt do anything . It was nt you .
Flo : Okay , well , you never told me that .
Wyatt : I -- I know . I should have .
Flo : But you didnT.
Wyatt : Because , um ... okay , my mom ... you remember her , right ?
Flo : Yeah .
Wyatt : Um , and her jewelry business and everything ? Well , I helped her out a lot with that . We were dealing with expensive stones , and it can get kind of tricky sometimes , um ... you know , people make claims , and , I mean , let s just say we had to leave vegas , uh , quickly ?
Flo : In the middle of the night with -- with no warning whatsoever ?
Wyatt : I know , I know , and I am so sorry about that . All right ? I -- I wanted to tell you , but i couldnT. I did nt want you to get involved in everything that was happening .
Flo : Is -- ,
Wyatt : She s A ... I mean , she S ... you know , she s better now .
Flo : Good , I m -- I m really glad to hear that .
Wyatt : Yeah . [ Chuckles ] I mean , I ve take it the years have been good to you , as well . You re ... as beautiful as ever .
Flo : And you are still the best - looking guy in the room . So , are you still working with your mom ?
Wyatt : No , uh , not anymore . No , I m -- there s been a lot of changes , major changes , in my life , the biggest being I ... I found my father , and I m working with him .
Flo : Wait , what ? You -- I thought -- I thought your father died when you were a baby .
Wyatt : Oh , I thought so , too , yeah . My mother and I had a lot of words about that when I found out she was lying to me .
Flo : Oh , my god , that s insane .
Wyatt : Mm - hmm . It s just -- I met him , and then I kind of realized why she was trying to shield me .
Flo : Why ?
Wyatt : He s , uh ... flawed , ruthless in business , likes to hide behind the explanation , or at least the excuse , of it was only business . I mean , his proverbial sword can cut personally , too , so , uh ...
Flo : Yeah .
Wyatt : All in all , I mean , things are -- things are ... good . Um , and I -- I changed my name .
Flo : So , wait , you re -- you re not wyatt fuller anymore ?
Wyatt : I mean , I kind of took his . It s wyatt spencer now .
Liam : So , what is flo like ?
Hope : Honestly , I was kind of put off by her at first -- before I knew who she was -- because she was so intense , and it kind of freaked me out a little . But once she told me she was phoebe s birth mother ... just the way she said it , i do nt know , there s something to her . There s this ... vulnerability , this sweetness .
Liam : So , all things considered , you liked her .
Hope : Yeah . I really did .
Liam : So did steffy . Well , it s official . I am now the last person to meet phoebe s birth mother . I got to be honest , I -- I really would like to meet the woman who brought that -- that angel into the world .
Sally : Sorry about that .
Zoe : So , I just have to ask . I mean , when I first got here , bill spencer was public enemy # 1 . I mean , he literally destroyed your business , left it rubble on the ground . So , how d you go from there to him backing you ?
Sally : Wyatt . Yeah , bill wanted his family reunited , and ... he wanted to make up for all the terrible things that he had done , so he asked wyatt to come back to spencer publications , and wyatt made funding and restarting my company a condition .
Zoe : Go , wyatt .
Xander : Yeah , that s pretty badass .
Sally : I know , he s so awesome . The kindest , most generous man I ve ever met . Seriously , every day , I just feel so lucky to be the woman that he loves .
Zoe : Well , I know the feeling .
Sally : You know what , wyatt and I are having hope and liam over for dinner tonight . You guys want to join us ?
Xander : Um , yeah . Yeah , yeah . That d be , uh --
Zoe : Uh , that s really sweet , but we have plans .
Xander : Oh , um , we do ?
Zoe : Trust me . We do .
Xander : Oh .
Sally : Okay , well , it sounds like your american accents have a long night ahead of you , but if you guys decide to change your mind or , you know , want to hang out after all , you know where we are .
Zoe : Well , look , I m really gon na miss having you around here .
Xander : Best of luck at spencer , okay ?
Sally : Man , I m still not used to the idea . My own fashion house again . All because of wyatt . I ca nt even begin to tell you guys how much I love that man .
Flo : Wyatt spencer .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] Uh , new name , same guy .
Flo : [ Giggles ] Meeting your dad must have been pretty epic .
Wyatt : You have no idea .
Flo : [ Laughs ] Do you like him ? I mean , that s kind of a weird question , but ...
Wyatt : No , that s -- that s not a weird question . Not -- not always . Um , you know , I love the guy . It s just -- you -- what about you ? I do nt see a ring on this finger .
Flo : No , I am not married .
Wyatt : Right . Kids ?
Flo : That did nt happen , either , no .
Wyatt : Well , um ...
Flo : Yeah , I ll -- I ll be with you in a second . This is , uh ...
Wyatt : Yeah , you got a full plate .
Flo : Yeah , I got to , um ... this was great , though . Running into you is exactly what I needed .
Wyatt : It has been a wonderful surprise for me , as well .
Flo : Yeah , I , uh .. I lost hope of ever seeing you again , you know , after you left . I called like a million times and never --
Wyatt : I -- I know . I m really sorry about that . Again . Seriously .
Flo : It s okay . It s okay . Um , it was just , uh ... there s something I , um ... I never got to tell you that i wanted to say .
Wyatt : Okay , uh , tell me what ?
Flo : That I loved you . And I wanted to give you something , too .
Xander : Is it a walk along the beach ?
Zoe : No .
Xander : Ooh ! Dinner at a fancy restaurant ?
Zoe : Unh - unh .
Xander : Does it involve other people ?
Zoe : Definitely not .
Xander : Do we have to dress a certain way ?
Zoe : Less is more .
Xander : Ooh , so clothing optional ?
Zoe : That s more like it .
Xander : I think I m getting the clue .
Zoe : [ Chuckles ] See ? You re so smart . And that s why I love you .
Xander : Oh , it s -- it s not because of my body ?
Zoe : Well , there s that .
Xander : [ Chuckles ] So , uh , are these plans taking place in the privacy of my home or yours ?
Zoe : Mine . It s closer . And the sooner we can do this ... ... and this ... ... and basically let our imaginations go wild ....
Xander : You make the best plans .
Zoe : [ Chuckles ]
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ]
Flo : Surprised ?
Wyatt : Uh , yeah . Yeah .
Flo : Figured if I did nt kiss you when I had the chance , you might just disappear again .
Wyatt : No , I mean , I -- I mean , I live in L.A. It s my -- it s my home . I m not going anywhere , really .
Flo : Well , I -- I might , um ... I might be heading back to vegas , so ...
Wyatt : What ?
Flo : I was considering staying , but , um , I only came out to help a friend , and things got complicated , but I do nt want to talk about that . I just want to -- I just want to talk and laugh and reminisce with you .
Wyatt : Okay .
Flo : Dinner ! Dinner . You were always hungry . You re probably hungry .
Wyatt : Well , some things never change , I guess .
Flo : That ...
Wyatt : What ?
Flo : Your laugh . It s been so long since I ve heard it .
Wyatt : Oh .
Flo : That , and your corny jokes .
Wyatt : What ? I m sorry , did you just call my jokes corny ?
Flo : I did , yeah .
Wyatt : My jokes are not corny , they are funny . People here would like them if i said some , thank you .
Flo : [ Giggles ] Oh , god , wyatt . I have missed you so much .
Wyatt : [ Laughs ] Oh . Um ... uh .... oh , there s , uh , something you should know . I m -- IM ... I m living with someone .
Flo : My heart just broke a little bit .
Wyatt : Come on , flo . I mean , it s been years since we ve seen each other .
Flo : I know , I know , I know , but you re just -- you re just hard to forget . I m not surprised that there s a woman . You re charming , handsome , successful ...
Wyatt : Not to mention my corny jokes , right ?
Flo : Yeah . Those , too .
Wyatt : Mm - hmm . Uh , well , my girlfriend sally and I are throwing a dinner party tonight . You should come by , right ?
Flo : I do nt think that s really a good idea . Besides , I m probably heading back to vegas tonight , anyway .
Wyatt : What ? What s the rush ? I mean , you want to get back to the desert , desert , and more desert ? It s just , you know , sand .
Flo : It S ... it s home .
Wyatt : Well , I mean , it does nt have to be , you know ? I mean , you could move here . I mean , if you want to . People -- people do it all the time .
Flo : And so relocation to L.A. Begins with dinner at your place ?
Wyatt : I mean , you should come and see , you know ? You could meet sally . I mean , I bet you guys would be good friends .
Flo : I highly doubt that . This , um , sally , she -- she makes you happy ?
Wyatt : Yeah . I mean , I d be even happier if i could convince you to come for dinner , hmm ? Okay , do nt commit to dinner . DonT. You could have , like -- come by for a drink . You know , you could meet my brother and everything . Oh ! I have two brothers now .
Flo : What ?
Wyatt : Yeah . One of them has a wife . You d probably like her . I mean , you should come by . I live literally right down the beach here . It s super close . Please . Come on . Huh ?
Flo : Okay , okay . Yes . I -- I will come for one drink .
Wyatt : Okay . One .
Liam : Uh , we should -- we should start getting ready .
Hope : For what ?
Liam : Wyatt and sally invited us to dinner , remember ?
Hope : Oh , uh , right . Um , I think I m gon na pass , but you should go .
Liam : What ? What ? No , no , no . No , no , no , no . I want you to come with me . We need to get out of the house . It ll be good for both of us .
Hope : Well , I really do nt think I m up for it , and , besides , I ve already gone out with katie today .
Liam : I know , and you need to build on that . Hope , we have to -- we have to try to move on with our lives .
Hope : I do nt think I can do it , I donT. I just -- it feels disloyal . Beth did nt get to go on with hers , and -- and moving on feels like letting her go .
Liam : There has to be a way to hold beth in your heart without letting it paralyze you .
Hope : I keep thinking about flo . To carry phoebe , to give birth to her , and then to have to let her go ... it must have been ... so , so difficult .
Wyatt : Okay . My address . No backing out allowed .
Flo : I will be there .
Wyatt : Okay . See you tonight ?
Flo : Tonight .
Wyatt : Perfect .
Flo : Excuse me .
### Summary:
| Liam finds it hard to believe when Hope tells him that she just met and was talking to the woman who gave birth to Phoebe , it feels like fate . She says Flo has a sweetness and vulnerability about her and she really likes her . Liam says he is the last to know her but he d really like to know the woman who brought this precious angel to them . Wyatt is surprised to run into Flo at the Bikini Bar . He comments he did not know she had moved to L.A. She says she did nt , more like just an extended stay for now . She mentions he just up and left Vegas with no e - mail or phone call . He says they were high school sweethearts and he feels badly for leaving so quickly but he hopes she will allow him to explain that . Liam wants to know how Zoe knows Phoebe s birth mom to be talking to her . Hope says all she knows is all the guys at Forrester s hang out at Bikini and they met there . Zoe tells Sally that she is thrilled for her although they will miss her at Forrester . Xander asks Zoe what is it about Flo that makes her want her to disappear and never see again . Wyatt tries to explain to Flo that in Vegas his mom had her jewelry business and things did not always go as planned with the gems . She s not in trouble but they had to leave quickly and he did not tell Flo should she get in trouble too . He says life is good now and he s made a lot of changes in his life , including his name which is Spencer now .. new name , but same guy . He wants to know more about her since she is not wearing a ring . She says no she never married . Before she has to slip off back to work at the bar she says she has to tell him that she loves him and has something to give him . She plants a big kiss on his lips , leaving him stunned . She says she has missed him and his corny jokes . He replies everyone loves his jokes . He tells her he lives super close to here and he and his live - in girlfriend are having a dinner party tonight and Flo is welcome to come . She is not sure that is a good idea but finally says yes . Meanwhile Liam tells Hope about the dinner and she says she does not think she is up to it . He tells her once again that there has to be a way that she can hold Beth close to her heart but not let it paralyze the rest of her life . |
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